Jul - DecDA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 10,1929 Rev. R. M. Hoyle Dies at Shelby. "Shelby, July t,—The Rev. R. M. ^oyle; 79. for 29 years a mem* berof the Western North CaroliDa cp'ofereoce of the Methodist Egis copal Church. South, di^ here early today at the home of his ton, Caleb Hoyler, Miss Swisher Kills Self. The third tragedy ifl the past; seventeen years occurred at the home of Mrs. Mary Swisher, near ShefiReld Saturday afternoon about 3:80 o'clock, when her daughter, Miss Sallie Swisher, aged 56 years, slipped out of the house, walked behind a small out-building and shot herself through the head with a' single-bar-, re! shotgun, death resulting instant- iy. Miss Swisher had been in bad health for some time and had re cently returned from a short stay at the State hospital. She had threaten ed to kill herself on several occasions, and the aged mother and brother had watched her constantly. Mrs, Swisher was on the front porch Sat urday when the daughter stepped into the house for a moment and slipped out the back door, carrying her brother's gun with her. Aj moment later the fate! shot was; heard. Miss Swisher placed thegun; stock on the ground,held the muzzle! to her throat and pushed the trigger | with a yard stick. No inquest was deemed necessary. The fiincra! and burial services were conducted at Hickory Grove Methodist church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock by Mr. L B. Ratledge. Miss Swisher is survived by her mother and two' brothers, Marshall and Floyd Swish er, About 17 years ago her oldest .brother, Romus was killed. Seven years ago her sister. Mrs, Roxie Parker, committed suicide by shoot ing herself in a like manner. It is said thac li people have committed suicide or been killed in that section of the county in the past 20 years. Cllngman Green '"i?" Greeu died at bisR^ida last Tuesday, fuueral and bur held Thursday at pas Church. Mr. Greeuuncle of Mrs. . R. I. J. W. and Ner of tv'|.S city and J.eu. ofR. I, Several from . • *• oevcr•®llended ihe (u^erit Bio - Obituaries - 7/10/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 5,16-0Charles FamilyCharlesand wifeChildren:John A. CharlesOthers Unknown9f?/MCfo<0John A. Charles - bom May 12,1835: died Novemberl^ 1879-and wife Susannah Bailey - born June 8,1842; died June 1.1923. Shelived on the adjoining property next to Tucker homeplace. She wasknown for her fringed two-seated carriage. She was buried in AdvanceMethodist Cemetery.Children: ^Fannie Charles (Smithdeal)Notie Charles (Taylor) - no childrenMaggie Charles (Cornatzer)Unknown SonMary Elizabeth "Betty" Charlesjyiary Elizabeth "Betty" Charles - bom December 10,1867 inDavie County, North Carolina. She was married on May 24,1887. Hermother Bailey stayed with them before Kathryn was born. There were tenchildren in the house at the time, g^y died on December 7.1958 and isburied in the Elbaville Cementary. She was a housewife and a Baptist, butlater joined Elbaville Methodist Church.and husband George Thomas Tucker - born April 17,1865 in Advance,North Carolina; died Jtfly 12.192g>find is buried in the Elbaville Cemetery.He was a farmer and a Methodist. "The Elbaville Cemetery was located atthe Elbaville Methodist Church. The Elbaville Community name camefrom the Ellis and Bailey families who were prominent in the community.See George Thomas TuckerJr DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 17,1929 George 1. Tucker Tass* es Suddenly. George T. Tucker, 64, of near Advance, died at bis home about 10 o'clock Friday morning follow ing an illness of little more than an hour. Death resulting from a stroke of paralysis while working in his tobacccTcrop. The deceased, who was a prom inent fanner, is survived by Sirs. Tucker; three brothers R. V. Tuck er, W. A. Tucker, and Dr. Tucker of Milton, and one sister, Mrs. £. B. Bailey; six SODS, Bailey, Charles, D. S., Alex, J. T. arid Frank Tucker; aud six daughters, Mrs. Addle Way Carter, Mrs. Carl Cook, Mrs. Crouse Jones, Mrs. Blanche Foster and Misses Katie aud Annie Tucker. Besides, a large nuiubei of grandchildren survive. The funeral and burial services were held at Elbaville H. P. church Sunday afternoon. Mr. Tucker had hundreds of friends through out Davie county who will be sad dened by the news of bis death. The Record extends sympathy to the bereaved wife and children. Mrs. Rufus Smith ' Mrs. Rufus- Smith died. at', her home in Claiksville township last Tuesday morning,, aged 52 years'. Death resulted from pajalysls. Mrs. Smith is survived byjher husband, four sons, and tbree da%hters. The body was laid to resUif Bethlehem graveyard Friday mOrningf, Rev. K. M Avett, of tbisjcity, conduct- iug the ritaeral services.' Bio - Obituaries - 7/17/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 31,1929 Laura Jane Holman Mrs Laura Jane Holmani aged88y widow of the late John B. Hol- uiao, prominient Iredell county citizen, and former member of- the NortU Catqlioa G«neM for many years, died in aville hospital Wedn^ay. The body was laid^to restBaptist church graveyard Thu^-day morning,'Rev. M. L. of the Mills Orphans Home atThomasville, preaching the funer al. Mr, Holman died 25 years ago. He was well known and. bad many friends in Davie county. Mickie Mooney w» M?'? ft' oK-year old sou of <^'ed Monday rwelve thirty o'clock. Poisott Jlluess of blood r«st in ft ^ body was laid to Thefunetulana W m a® « faii/o The grief-strick:bayp |L 'brothers and ' sister, in entire^ iiour qI ])er«av€roeiit» Clinton Cain ' Clinton Caip,,.colored, of Clarks ville township, was killed shortly before noon Sunday at the home of Dave Whitaker, Joe Cook white, of Winston*SaIem, is said to have killed Cain accidentally. Cook says the gun went off as he took it out of an automobile, the load of shot tearing one side of the Degree's bead off. Two or three men was near the car, but no one saw,, the gnn when it wse discharged. It is said that there had been no trouble between the two men. Cook is said to'have left the scene shortly after the shooting. No warrants I had been issued and no intjucst held I up to the time this was written. Bio - Obituaries - 7/31/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 7,1929 Mrs. Hendrix Dead. -1 Funeral services for Mrs. Ida Jane Hendrix, 56, of Cooleemee, who^passed away Tuesday,, wets' held at Cornatzer Thursday. Mrs. Hendrix was the wite of Milton Hendrix and was born Au gust 26 1872. "She was married to Mr. Hendrix on December 17, 1891. She was a member ot the Metho dist Church of Cooleemee. Surviving are her husband; seven children, Lonnie Hendrix,'of Cor- natxer; W C. Hendrix of Winston Thomas Hendrix, Mrs. Wiley Cor- uatxer; Mrs. Clyde Seamon, and Misses'Lillie and Willie May Hen drix, all of Cooleemee; her mother; two sisters and twelve grandchil- dten. Nathan Wellman Mr. Nathan Wellman, well- known farmer of the Oak Grove secMon, died Jnly 29th, and the body was laid to rest last Tuesday afternoou in Oak Grove graveyard. Mr. Wellman was 71 years of age, and died of* heart trouble. He is survived by his widow, two-brotbers and two sisters. The funeral ser vices were conducted at the church by his pastor, Rev. E. M. Avett. A large concourse of relatives aud friends were present. Mrs. Kate Holman Dead. Mrs. Kate Holman, one of this city's oldesl'^nd best beloved worn- -en, passed'away at her oome on South Main street at 1:30 o'clock Saturday morning, following, an illness of pneumonia, which devel oped from a. fall Mrs. Holman sustained three weeks ago. The funeral aud burial' services were held Sunday afternoon at three o'clock, her pastor, Rev. R. S. Howie, conducting the services. The body was laid to rest in Joppa* graveyard. Mrs. Holman is sur vived by .Her daughter, Mrs. Mollie Jones, aud one brother, Mr. fR. B." Henley, both of whom lived ..with her. lu the death of Mrs. Hoiman the town aud'community looses one of its best women; a kind, helpful . neighbor, a christiau character and one. whose life has'* been spent in doing good.; The aged brother and daughter have the sympathy of the entire town in this sad'tiour Nick Gaither [•.TV.nV colored, died aF Ibis home in Booetown last Tuesdayluight, following a long illness, aged laboul 65 years. , Bio - Obituaries - 8/7/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 14,1929 G. S, Anderson JPasaes. Mrj- G. S.-Anderson, laged;-farna- er.of near C.^ahaln, di^ last Wed nesday nigtit, foUowiag-^Uogeriijg illness of more, than five years.' The funeral and burial services, took place Friday morning at-;iq o'clock at Caiahalii gfaveya'id, Rev. B; M. Avett cdnductiog the services. Mr. Anderson is snrvty^ by two broth* eiSj Charles, of Turnersbnrg, and Buck, of Winston-Salem; and. two Ulsters, Mrs. Mary Bosch,'of Sails* bury,- and Miss Carey Anderson who Hved with the decease.. Baxter Foster Mr.. Baxter Foster died at his home near Fork Aug. 8'tb', of drop* sy, aged 49 years. Tbe body was laid to r^t .:Ang. ptb, at Fork Church, ,Reys.- H. T. Penry- and E I,..Turner conducting the funeral ser^ces. Mr, JPoster leaves bis mother, one brother and twqsisters. Frances Howard Mrs. Frances Howard,, of R 4. di^-' Friday Aug. 9tb,' aged 55 years, death.reso.itlng from cancer. The. funeral. hHd.at the home Sunday at 10 A*. M. ..conducted by- Rev.. B.-M. Avelt, . The body was laid to rest at Turrentin^ Mrs'.- Foster Is Survived by her husband and one sister. • ' ' Bio - Obituaries - 8/14/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA NORFOLK PILOT, 8/26/1929 C. C. Meroney Endsi Life. I Xorfotk. Va.. Aug. 36 -A naai whom the police believe tobeC. C.j 12I^oev« M Rateigb. N. C.. cou-l 'mined saietdc ia hU room at an 'Oceo Mear bold jresterdap after leaving a note saying that he was . "broken pbydeally and'tnentally:" • He bad swallowed eight poison tab /i lets and bad been dead for more - than 13 bours when bis body was I (found stretched across bis bed. ' I A note setting forth the cause 1 for Miidde was found lying on the idresser. and was signed **C. C. Me- I roner. Raleigb. N. C.'\ Papers found in the man's pockets bare tbe * same name.. Detective Leon Now> itakv. comer's investigator, last n night was attempting to get in toocta : with relatives of the dead. man. Employes of tbe hotel weitt to the room last night about r t o'clock f and opened tbe door, andfonndthe dead man lying across his bed. Detective Nowitzkv was called and " tbe note was later found lying on tbe dremr. A snit of clothes whteb ' wete lying across a chair were wet from nit water and DeteetiveNow>< itzky expre»ed the opinion that the man may have attempted to drown bimself yesterday morning or Saturday night and was unsue* cessfttl or ^e lost bis nerve The note, which was not address* ed to any particular person, said: "t thought I could overcome mv weakness and yet have n few niore yvars to live, but 1 am going brok* en physically aud mentally and X can not s*aod the idea of being a charge on anyone or snffering the agonies of the mind that X am un dergoing. "Xo one is to blame bnt myself for my life and condition and X can never get out of mv present coadi tioo. God, how 1 am snffering for what I have brought on mvsdf. my family and mv friends, lean never be normal agaio but X thought X could when I drstosme here. ••] wofflti leave a message loai one always be true to bis God and his fellowmcn by alu'ays doing tbe right thing. ,, "II tbcic is any property I leave it to my brother. BIHy Mereney. cl iHoeksnlle, K C. Cod Mess all imy people and friends who have """"•^C^rMBROKEV Detective Nowitaky an'Botteeed ttbat If tbe signature of tbe note can •be Identified • by a J mIdead man BO inquest will be held iasit will be deemed a ease of suldde. .He said efforts were being made to iiocate BiUv Sleronev, of Hoeksville. •Telegrams were sent to the roan .last night but no answers had been ireceiviw early this rooroure. Tbe body was taken to the Hotto* •mao'Browu Funeral bomeTweniy- i ninth and Granby streets.-'Nor- Ifdk Pilot. I Bio - Obituaries - 8/26/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 28,1929 Miss Helen Angell Pass- - es. Miss Helen Angel], daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Angeli, of MocksviUe, .R. 2, died at Long's Sanatorium, Statesmlle, shortly be fore seven o'clock Thursday even- ing. following an operation for ap pendicitis. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. H. T Penry and the body laid t.b rest in Baton's graveyard Saturday morn ing at 11 o'clock. Miss Angell was j6 years oi age, and is survived by her parents, several brothers and sisters. The grief-stricken family bave'the sympathy of a host of re latives and friends in the loss of their daughter. Maxlne Hawkins ManlDe> tbe little 8-year-old dau ghter of Mr, and Mrs, L, B. Haw kins, who lell and broke her arm on Aug.* lylh^. died at a Charlotte hospital Monday of last week. Gas poison developed, which resulted -in her -death,., The body was brought here and carried to Wilhes- boro Wednesday, where the little body was laid to rest. The grief- stricken parents have the sympathy of the community in this sad hour. C. C. Meroney News was receivJ^ "here early Mondhv/moriiihg: .tiling ;,the sa.d^ news of'-the" suicfde^f Mri, C. -C, Meroney, wfiicliipccfiri^'at-.-Nor-" folk, Ya., Sunday. The rlwdy /of Mr. n Meroney. is «acpected to arrive here today-M tomorrow for' butial- Cliftdii had tiiajby Ibiehds belewho will lie^ddfihediby-this newsV Bio — Obituaries - 8/28/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 4,1929 C."^C. Meroncy- Life. Norfolk, Va., Aug. 26 -A man wbom the police believe to^ C. C.Mercney, of Raleigh/N. 'C., com mitted .suicide in his room at an Ocen View hotel yesterday after leaving a note saying that he was ''broken physically aiKTinentally." He had swallowed eight poison tab lets and had been dead for more ihan 12 hours when his Ijody was found stretched across his bed..- A note setting forth the cause for suicide was tound lying on the dresser, and v/as signed "C. C. Me- ronev. Raleigh, N. C.** Papers found in the man's pockets bore the same name. Detective I/eon Now- itzky, corner's investigator, last night was.attempting to get in touch with relatives of the dead man. Employes of the hotel went to the room last night about 11 o'clock and opened the door, and found the dead man lying across' his bed. Detective Nowitzky was called aod the note was later found lying on the dresser. A suit of clothes which wete lying across a chair were wet from salt water and Detective Now itzky expressed the opinion that the man may have attempted to drown himself yesterday morning or Saturday night ^d was unsuc cessful or else lost nerve The note, which was not address ed to any particujar person,-said: 'T thought I could overcome mv weakness and yet have a few more years to live, but I am going brok en physically and mentally and I can not s'and the idea of being a chsfrge on anyone of suffering the agonies of the mind that I am un dergoing. "No one is to blame bat myself for my life and condition and I cap never get out Of my present coudi tioo. God, how 1 am suffering for what I>iave brought on myself, my family and inv friends I can never be normal again but I thought I ^uld when I first canie here. ' ^ • "1 would leave a message^ that one always be true to his God and his fellowmen by always doing the right thing. . n • .''If tbeie islauy property I leave it to my brother, Billy fil^ouey, of Mocksville', N C. God bless all iuy people and friends who have always stood by me," C-C; MERONEYJ» Detective Nowitzky anjouhced that if the signature of the note can | be identified by a relative of the dead man'DO-inquest will be bdd as it will tie deemed a case of.sufcide. •He said efforts were being made to locate Billy Meroney, of Mocksville. Telegran^ were sent-to "the -fhan last night but no answers had been received early this morning, body was taken to the Hollo- man-Brown Funeral home Twetity- ninth and Granby streets.—^Nor folk Pilot;:^ > ' Bio - Obituaries - 9/4/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 4,1929 Fimeral of Mr. Meronejr The b,ody of Mr. C. C Meroney^ ' who committed satdde at Virginia Beach Aug. 25th, arrived in this city iasx Tuesday and was laid to rsst.iu Rose c^dietery at 11 o'cloclc thatttoroing. Tfaeliascralseryico were conducted by Rev. £. P. Brad* ley at the home of Mrs. W.. R. Merosey* Mr. Me^oney wasa fpr- 'itner xerident of MocksvUle but' left •here'abont twenty years ago, inak- ing his home in Greenstoro for some time and later going to Raleigh where be held a-respoosiblebositiob with the corporation commission Mr. Merdney is survived by many relatives and friends. . ,He'.;Was a finevouogtnan add his death has . cad^ much;sorrow, to those;whb- knew.dnd loved biui. * . J. S. Haire Passes The entire town was shocked and saddened Sunday afternoon when a message was received here telling of the almo-st sudden death of Mis. J. S. Haue, which occurred at Long's Sanatorium. Statesville, a- bout eleven, o'clock. - Mr. Haire had gone to Statesville Sunday oiorning to bring Mrs. Haire home from the hospital, where she under went an appendicitis and tonsil operation a^out two weeks ago, Slic n-ns able to k up and around in the hospital. Shortly dfter Mr. Haire aVrired Mrs. Haire was tak en very ill and Jived but. a "few minutes'. The body was brought to the homeon Safisbury street Sun* day evening • The funeral serv^es were held at the Baptist church Monday afternoon at two o'clock. Rev, M. L. Barnes, of Cooleemee, and.Rev. E. M. Avett, of this city, condncting the services. Inter ment followed In Rose cemetery Mrs Haire'is survived byher.hUo band, two sous, and one daughter: her father, four brothers and one sister. In her death The town Ixsei one of its best women, a .^good neighbor and a consecrated chris- lianj the husband and children a kind and loving wife and mother. The bereaved family have the sym pathy of this entire community in this sad lioiir _ Bio - Obituaries - 9/4/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 5,1929 MIlS J. S. HAIBE DIED SUDDENLY Mra. Cora Bell Recce Halro, wife* of John S. Holrc, station a- gent her? (Hod rathca: suddenly at Long's Sanatorium .on Sunday, Sept, Ist, aged 35 years. The de ceased had been operated on for appendicitis "and was apparently greatly improved but "death re sulted from the formation of a blood clot." The family moved here about six years ago from Crutchfield, N. C. and had made many friends during their resi dence in this plac'e. Mrs. Halve was active* in t/n? work Of the Baptist Church and the Eastern Star, and was held ,in high es teem. Survlaing oje hor husband and three children, Herbert, Loui se and John, Jr.,another little wn, Paul, dying two years ago. Fu neral services, which wore large- ly attended, wore held at the Baptist Church on ^loddny after noon at 2, o'clock, by Rw. M. L- Barnes and Rev. E. M. Avctt. The lovely floral designs were carried by the Baptist Mission ary Society of which the deceased was -a faithful member. Inter ment took placo in the Rose Ccm^ = tcry. The pall bearers being; M. B. Stonoatreet, W, N. Crotts, 0. iB. Mooncy, S. C. Stoncstrwt, R. • M. Holthouser," John Lowami. iWo extend our sympathy to the j bca'envcd family. IN REMEMBERENCE op MR. WILLIAM SBAFORD (Contributed) On Sunday night, August 18, our community was saddened by both the young and older .people cv0rywh&vc when the id^th gel -came to the homo of "unclo Bill" and took lilm with them to join the Angel band over there. I He departed this life of soitow and pain, and gone to Jom that * fairer land where there will ho no .- .sad p-artlng, -no sorrow, nor pain, d 1 "Uncle Bill" was a flncr man, eiand was loved by everyone that if j-ltnftw him he was « loving father »1 «nd « dTv^trd-HrsbTOir"--- I He wJ8 a gi'oat lover of little 'children, he spent many happy hours mingling with the young people. A man that will be mm- ed in our community. "Uncle Bill" was a kind neigh bor, and had many friends he lov ed everybody. -He was always ready to offer a willing and help ing hand to those who w.ere in need, and to those who wore not. He was faithful to hia work ers and when the time of the call "aiicle BlU" was ready and will ing to go. Father wo miss thcft.fi'om our home, we miss thee from thy place n shadow o'er our life is cast; we miss the sunshine of thy face. Over in that blissful "Country, where the tree of life doth bloom} ho is singing with tho 'round that bright land shiivnig tliroiie. r .y» ss it- •id 1," ng of .vo ra of cct be a Ai w w di in n tt &( d tl b n n c -t: b 0 We miss thy kind, loving ana willing hands, thy nest care, our home is dark with out thee. We miss the every where. ,< Yet again we hope to meet thee, where no farewell tears are shed. Tho cross the "Nvorld my feet lay roam, I'll love you. Dad, till [fe sli'flll end, and call you, my [:ue friend. A good man gone but not for- [.otten. Bio - Obituaries - 9/5/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 11,1929 Death Claims R. M. Ferebee. Winston Journal, Sept. 7th. Richard Monroe Ferebee, 72, one of the Jjiest known independent to bacco buyers on the local market, passed away yesterday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock at a local hospital after a. critical illness of three days. He had been in declining health for two weeks. Born in Davie county, May 25, 1857, a SOD of the late Thomas and Katie Howell Ferebee, he came to this city forty years ago to mafee his home. He had been in the leaf tobacco business the greater part of his life and was known to tobacco warehousemen all over North Ca rolina and neighboring states. . Surviving are two sisters, Mrs, Lou Etcbison of Davie county, and Mrs. Fannle Naylor of Charleston, Te&as: two brothers, T. C. Fere bee of Davie county, and Philmore Fereliee, of'Yenioo, Texas, Bio - Obituaries - 9/11/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 19,1929 J. L. LEACH i , Hickory—J. Liith&r Lench, 60, j isecvctnry and trenau-rcr of the Hickory Steam Laundry, died ot ^ his honic hero Wed. night -after !ii short lilne'ss followi'ng- n atroko ',of apoplexy, The funeral service ■will-bo'hold Thursday morning ot the first Baptist Church and In- :terment. will took place in Onk- ■wood Ccmotury. Mr. Loach was a son of tlio latd David Leach and Mallnda Wnr- : von Loach of Davie County and .moved, to Hickory In 1000. Heid survived by his widow, live|GhIldren and three sisters ns fol-|lo\Vs: Mrs. M..D. Brown, MockS' 'vlllo; Mrs. W. p. Deberry, of Miami. Pla.,' and'Mrs; E. L. jQrady of Erwin, N. C. MILTON A WHITMAN DIES HERE Milton Aiby Whitman, aged. 77, died at tho Immo of his daughter, Mra. T. L- Poster, ofMocksvillc, on Sept. 16th., The doccnacd wu^ n native of iRownn, ond had been in deciinhig hcuith for about n yonr. Surviving are throe sons, S. O. Whitman, of Gastonln, M, C. Wldtmun, of Spencer, P, A, W'hlt- mnn, of Salisbury, two daughters Mrs. T. L. Foster, of lirocksville, Mrs. J-nmoa Penigar, of Salisbury, 24 grandchlldron and 0 great-•grnndcidldrcn. JPtuieral aorvilcca- wore conducted nt Bothci M. P. Church on Monday dftornoon nt 8 o'clock, by Rev. J. W. Brnxton. Tho pall-bearers.were:.W. H. Pos ter, G. L. Foster, C. A. Poster, W. M. Bowles, S. W. Carter, and G. C. Swicogood. The flowers were carried by Mrs, John J. Herillg, •Misses Martha Pcntngar, Pnnsy Copo, Evio McCuiloh, Margaret Lackey, Ruth Lakey wnd Paulino Lackey. Bio - Obituaries - 9/19/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 25,1929 BIfars. Mary G)ok Passes Mrs J. B. Cook died dt her home near Blackstboe, V4., on Saturday, Sept. aist, ay;ed'about *47 years, death resulting froth heart trouble. The body was laid to rest in Sandy Springs graveyard Monday.. Mter- noon at 4 o*ciook. Mrsi Cook is surviv^ by her husband and sevt^ eral chiidren, four brothers.and two sisters Mrs. Cook was Miss Mary Joyner bMore mardage and inoved fro# -Ired^l'^ta'"Virgiiiia ^several years - Bio - Obituaries - 9/25/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 26, 1929 M. A. Whitman MISS MAItY Wir^ON WALLS PASSICS AWAY,' •Mary W41smi Walls, younicwt (Inuyhler of J. W. Wnlla and tbo. lato Mnry tleboccn Wallij,. paasefl- 'n\wiy ./it hnr-.linmo at Unk Crpvoj' Sopt. 23r(l, iiged 18 yonri^, after-' an lllnoaa of over a ycM»ii*i- ''Tli& decc/iacd was n young . liidy /iof' fl wcofc uiisolfiahrporsonnllty,. and w'/iB uotod for -her thpughtfuhvcsa nf otiiorH. During hbr long gorlous: lllnofis Biie.Hhavvcd •gi'ont putlcnco and wria'hopoful of rfeuovnry.'unl' tll death' lic/ir.the- dnd.: - Fuiienal scrvicoh woro, hold'.at Oak Grove MefchSdlat Chprch,"bf' which aho-wius n inlthful'mombbr on'Tucfidny afternoon, at 3 o'clock Rev. is. M. Avett, ••the- pnator, of- ficintlng. Hho' docoasod' fw^na Itv sister of Mrs. Milton Waters of this place. MRS LAURA T. RUMMAGE DEAD Mrs. Laura Francos Rtimmage, wife of Arthur H. Rumrouge 'dlod at the home of her daughter, ^Irs. Claude Pryc, -Jn MockfviHo, ou Tuesday morning Sept. 24tli, aged 61'years .and' 6 months^ The de ceased had been in> ill health for some •time, and undcnvent ah'op eration'in diho'summer. She was a faithful member of Smith Grove ■'Methodist church, where the I'iint oral took place tWe^dncsday after- npon.nt 2 o'clock, with Rov. W. R. Waff- ofnci/itlng. Her death.brings great sorrow to her rclatlvc.s and friends, but be fore passing away she expressed her readiness to go. Survlsing areiior husband, one daughter, Mrs. Claude Fryo, and' ' four sons, Boono, William, Baxter land Rosa, all off IDavle Gounty,. ■ IN MEMORY OP FATHER M. A. Whltm/in, who was born Feb. the 22, 1862 and the angels bore him away Sunday at 1130 p. m. Sept.-the 16, age 77 years, 0months,'23 daya. , Ho la gonb but not forgotten Gentle Father kind and dear,Thou art ImTpy nt»v in heaven 15ul Oh how ^^UJ mlSH you here.U Avas hard to part with him _ Oh so .sad to .sec him diol Hut we'll try to moot him «ome; day. ' In that homo beyond the aky. He- ia gone .but not, forgotten Never will his "memory fade , Sweetest thoughts will never ling er * Around the grave' whore ho laid; Two faithful hantls are faded no'iv And cro.sflcd upon his breast His dear o.ldform la silent now And laid away to rest", I have a father up In heaven Toll oh tell mc if -you -know ■ Will that father know his ehlldrojvWhcji to glory they ahnll go. Will ho watch them from those AvindowsiAs they rome the far olf shoro Will ho know Avhen they hro com ing • ' Will lie moot tliom at tlic dooivPrIoiuU may .thli\k I'il soon.for got him ■ And my aching honrt bo healed But they little know the sorrow That's in my heart concealed. Thomas Asbury Frye l/-.T-ho'ma8VAsbufy ^ ngdd -OP': died at hls:-h6!ne' in'ftht' Farmlhg-^I ton comniuriity,'on-.Tuesday, .Scpt".124th. He- was the son-, of Ashley jPrye nnd' Clrtthia Cook Frye, andIs Rurviyed. by his wife, -and one jbrothcr, Jiimes.VV. Fryo, of Mock-svllle. FJtitiSrOj aervlcefl will be held at Yndkin "Valley BaptistChurch oh-Thursday mornlng.-atII o'clock by *Re'v. E. W. Turner, assisted •by'Roy. James Grocer '• Bio - Obituaries - 9/26/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 2,1929 Will Horn Mary Wilson Walls Mrs. A. H. Rummage Mrs,-A. H, Ruinuidge died at the borne of her daughter, Mrs. Claude Fry in/this city early last Tuesday tnorning, following an extended i^ess. The funeral and burial services were held at Smith Grove Wednesday,. Mrs^ Rum mage is survived by her' nusband, four sons and one daughter. The Record was saddenpd by the death of one of its good friends last week in the person of Mr. Will Horn, of East Bend, \>ibich oc* cnrred at uiiduight. Tubday,' fol- lowiDg a month's illness, aged 65 years. Ur, Honi.had many friends and a number of relatives iu Davie who will-he sor^y to' learn of his de'ath. A good man has b^n call ed to his reward, . -The funeral and burial services of Miss Mary Wilson Walls, who died at her home near Mocksville on Sept 23rd, were held at Oak Grove Methodist church last Tue/i- ^ay, her pastor, Rev E. M. Avelt, conducting the services. Miss Wall was iS years of age, and is]:, surviv ed by her parents, Mr. and Mis. John Waits, .and several brothers ilium Mr. L. H. Hefe Paw. mri 1( W St Us bonK tn Fork Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o'clQCl;, following a stroke or pa* ralysis, aged S4 years The -body was laid to rest in' Fork cemetery Sudday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, his pastor, Rey Mr,. Turner con ducting the funeral and burial ser vices. Mr. Hege is survived hy one daughter, Mrs. H. S-. Davis, who made her home with him. Mr. Hege was a Confederate " Veteran, a member of the Baptist church, and was held iu high esteem by a jarge circle of friends. A large con- i I course was.present at the burial to i pay their last respects to this • aged' citizen.' I Bio - Obituaries - 10/2/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 3,1929 m, LEWIS HE6E DEAD Mr.'vLew^s Hcge, aged 84 years died 'At :hla home In Fork Church last Saturday and wns burled in Fork Ccenelury Sunday evening at 4 o'clock. (Funeral services were comlucted by Rev. E. M. Turner. He is survived by a -daughter Mrff. H, S. Davis. Mr. Hege was a confcdornto soldier, a member of the Fork Baptist Church of which he was a loyal member. The endrer 'community extends deepest sympathy .to the bereaft. Bio - Obituaries - 10/3/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 9,1929 Mrs. ReavisDead. Mrs. Kaacy Eltnira Reavis. widow of VVilliaiit Reavls and daughter of the late William Whit* aker, died at lier home in Clarks- ville, October 2, aged 71. She. is survived by the followinpr sonsj J. p. Dana, a sod by a former mar* riage, of Mocksville; J. D. Reavis, W. h. Reavis aind T. C. Reavis; one sister, Mrs, 'Vance Troutraa'n; three brothers, Thomas Wb^taker, F. M. Whiiaker aud John Whit* aker, all of the same commauity. Funeral services were conducted at Bear Cteek Baptist church Tburs day afteruooD at-3:30 o^clock by Rev. James Groce. Marshall' friindle Dead. Relatives here received a message Saturday atmouQCing the death of Marshall C. Trundle, of Leesburg, Va., which occurred iu New Hav en, Conn., on Friday. The de ceased was the son of H. H. Trun dle, and the late Mrs. Sophy Clem ent Trundle, the latter a daughter of the well-known lawyer of a for mer generation, John- Marshal) Clement, of this city, He was 26 years of age, aud is survived by two aunts, Mesdames E.^L. Gaith- er and JuUa Heltman, and cue un cle, Walter Raleigh Clement, of this city. Mrs.'Julia Heitman and daughter, Miss Mary, and Miss lane Haden Gaicher attended the funeral which was held at ^LeeS- burg Monday. Sophia Rippy Mrs Sophia Rippy, 63 .died Sat urday tHoraidg ;at her -hom? near AUamahaw and the.ftiheral! was conducted froin.Bethiehem church Sunday afteaoooh-. by the pastor. Rev. W. A.-Neese, ^ • Bio - Obituaries - 10/9/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 10,1929 MARSHALL C. TRUNDLE, OP LEESBURjS, VA., DIES . IN NEW HAVEN, CONN. ItelatlveB. hare . were greatly shocked,;to recelye'.newB of the death, of Marshal] Clement Trun dle, agcd26, of Leesbufg, Virginia, which occured In.Nesv H'tiven .Conn., on Pridoy evening, Oct. 4th. . Hfe was ^ho soii of Horiitlo Hartley. Tnindle and the liite 'Mrs. SophyvClemerifc l^iindle. .ond was born in 'Salisbury, on;April. 24th, 1908i He was of gradnate' 0^ ' the. yirginlft RHllisary; In3tlt;Ute/:::;ah^^ tyns a-spliendld ;ybuttgi'mttn;v^ seasing many steidjniU'. andiw^SB mudK:; beloved. In hi's chlidhood ho.. frepuontly ' ylslted hia mothor'a. rolatlves hero wh&re he is hoppliy.-remembered. Ho was a member of- St. James Episcopal) Church) of LBaaburg.-For tho,past- two y^hrfi hd bod.beeh oilgaged In. business for-u Flttsburg firm, ini NMv H'dven, Cdhn;; following his: professlbn of mechdnical Englne-I ering. His mother, -who was oner of.' •Mocksvlllo'g; dbarly -bdibyed. la-i dies, 'died in 1017 and Js. burled in Lpeaburg, where blH fuiieral' will take place oh Monday .aftor- noon,-,be t.Mh. He; 1*8 survived by. hia father, step-mother,; nhd half- brother, three aunts, Mrs. E) L; Gaiher andMra! Julia C.' HQitmdn,- of Mocksville, Mrs. S. S. Liitz,. of Lc'oaburg) one uncle Walter ; r; ' Clement, * of this -place, a groat aunt, Mrs. J. M. Knox, .of Sails-' bury,: nnd •nin-e ilrst-couSincr .iiv4 ing horo and In-Siilisbnry. • •DEATH OP MR. JOHN C. !, BEAUCHAMP OTHER MOCK CHURCH NEWS Mr. John C. Beauchamp posaed • away last Thursday evening 'about 7 o'clock Oct. 8rd. He 'had been in declining health for some time. | But it was thotf^ht that his con dition was improvingr His death wasuncxpected at the time. Ho has been a -member pf Mock's M. E. Church for la number of years. He has been Steward of the. church and was always loyal. . { He leaves B children, S-^sonB,' Mr. Z. A. ond J. S. Benuchamp, 2 daughters, Mrs. L. B.Orroll and Mrs. W. S. Phelp^,. of this -place, -with la host of other rela tives and friends to mourn his ' departure. There is a place vacant whi-ch never can be dlled, but ^ye feel that our loss Is Hea.ven'a gain. 1<he family hna eiir sympathy in this sad hour. Bio - Obituaries -10/10/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 16,1929 James Hill, Mozelle Martin, and Lethla Young Urn ioy In Wtctk. James Hill and Mozelle' MartlD» colored, afe dead and Letbia Young and Nathaniel Foy, alsocoloied, are in the Twin City hospital as the result of a bad automobile wreck which occurred about 2:30 o'clock Monday morning on a curve just beyond Hunting Creek bridge, 8 miles west of Mocksville, on high* way 90. The negroes, who live in Winston Salem. were on their way home from a dance at Statesville, when the accident happened. They were all in one seal of a new Ford Ford roadster. The car mast have been traveling at terrific rate of speed when it left the faard'Surface road, jumped across a ditch, hit a large pine tree about sis feet above the ground, fell into another ditch and strnck an oak tree bouncing back to the side of the highway. The two negroes were thought to have been killed instantly. The car was a complete wreck. Sheriff Cope, Deputies Baton and Gregory and Coroner Ray Lagle went to the scene of the wreck when notified. So far as they could learn the ne groes were sober, and it is thought that fast driving was the cause of the smash. The dead bodies were carried to Winston'^alem abont seven o'clock. Lethia Yonug died after reach ing the hospital, and Foy's condit ion is critical. Ann White Ann White died Thursday ?[llln at the home of her nephew, George Merrell, near Fork, 2^78 years, following an exteud- illness. The body was laid to ^ Saturday afternoon at two ® in Fork graveyard. Bio - Obituaries —10/16/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 17,1929 James "Pete" Hill, Jr., Mozelle Martin, and Lethia Young AUTO ACCIDBNT^NEAR • . • MOCJtSVILLE TAKES LlViiSv^- T>VO WOMEN; ONE MAN; Twin City '^ntinel ' of tt .party of four-youfifr> Winaton'Saleni n^ocs' .yho at-:temjed d mldnlffht.dtance dtEi^tc-^- aville Sunday nlflrht. dm dond hdi. JJ*® " aorloua :Cortdi-lloji in Memorial Hdapltal;^ JaniM "Pete" Hllj. i i ^ol^' i^itzolle Mnrtlii; h- ibout 22, were Inatitintly 'l^lladl when Mie roadator.'hv whbh"party- Wna ridlnn^ -turned • over"11- bout 8Jx •■inllpB .;from- MbekeVille Pf/V t"®- : Mockiwllle^tatcsvllle-Hltfhway at 3 o^cldck Mdndar mornlriir. : ' rUthia Young,'24, died dt 9:2(>.B^o^tty mornlng, na : tbo msulfcof hijurlea ane'-sUa.talritfd in-th'e'wreck. Nnl-haniel -^y,' fqurtii:member of the group;, htne several'broken, ribit, a puncture lui% andothor liijurlee. Ueubt as to hlB i-e^ covery is expressed. .' v v"--.'-r ■ f vnpA vwocue JBeeh ■ to .Dnnco ; 'r"^' Inforidutlpn i.e. thai-: the'-, tiwo: ■'boys and two glrla went to Staled):Y*"o; Sunday alght ,to 'dttorid.'^thei; ^-^Ijich got undflp i wdjiN: dimidnight. They atortod .home h-:,botit 2' o^Ipck all fbur'Tldlh'ga now light roadater.f ._ At a sharp curyp' ndar. Huntina -'.Creek, thtf machlno in said to have \loft the- rpad. Parties who visited]the Bcono said that li uvldiVitly ;iwas traveling «t high apoed,.n»-II: v!Inirdod againat a pind 'tree, abmodistance--oiF the road, and'struek--:the tree ten feet above the ground' Paaacraby notified parties , ini-.Mockavltlo of thtf accident "and an',^fimbuliineo wna caliod:'frora^Wln-iaton-Salem, the dead- ain'd'^inJpreUheing brought;to. this bity fabout5 - o'clock. Epy ahC Hlb. YoUhg. man rwero: ti%ah vtb::thbiTho'BpiiUilv?iimmPdialely:; and ■jthpv.bo.diou.;^^.Hill aii'd thi Miirt.jh-,WQ»p pared fw. bbrtttl^^v-. .Cbrpncr:- tlon. Thejr- have npti yet' learned;:, however, who was drIVIhg the ilhri •Tho accident/thoy < boUovo, wiasduo cntlroly to fast '^riving, as - no indicatioiifi of whisky word found and oMcers who raiiahod' the scene before the negroes were .- moved said they smelled no whlsr vky dii anyof th'e peraoria. • Harvey Peeler HUNTER IS KUiLED i ; ' BY HIS OWN RIFLE • .Salisbury,. Get' 12.-^Hnrvoy Feeler, bualncas man of.Kahnapo- liB, Avaa instantly killed-.yesterday, afternoon,' while but .hunting on hla farm -near Salisbury by thodischarge Of a-gun, the load taking^ eifeot fb.'his 'head and enter ing unber-the'j-aw. - •; ^-Wben the .-body of .Mr; Peelerwas found. It waa lying .In .a smallcrook;-partiy":undor the .water andlilmbst Vihder n foot- log/.Tho atii^iposttibiv Is • that -he wak brbsnlng the-str^.Tn-on thip"foot, log andfell, in abinp. way.Ulecharaj.ng theguii. The death.faleoiuiHlb^.d .ac-> iCidental. • .V- DEATH OF flIRS ANN merbell white Mrs, Aniji 'Merrill White passed into the groat beyond on Friday morning nt six o'clock, Oct. 11, 1029, aged 71 years. She had boon In ■ declining health for sometime arid while almost totally blind wagable to go about until tivc weeks,I before.her death when she woa . 'stricken of paralysis at tho time,of her death shb was mtaki'tig her,' home with her nephew, .Mr, Geor- Jgo Mcrrell wiien tho end rnmc, { all waa -done for her that loving; hands could do, but the end was Inevatablot She was first -married to W. L. Merrell, to this union was horn one child both preceded her indeath m-nny years. She was n good •honestjivoman and was always glad to-have her friends and neigh bora visit her. She -was not church member but in 'her IpneH- ncss who can toir-about her com- menlcation and .splrltuwl vision. A friend Bio - Obituaries - 10/17/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 23,1929 Scott W. Rutledge ^0 BSacbine-Made Cas ket For Him. W. Rutledge. 79, who died Tboinasviile. Wednesday night. '®QQested before he died that he be boiled Id a home-made casket and Stanley May. 94 year old Bap- preacher of Yadkin coun^ con- his funeral service. Iflje body ^carried to Bethel church nearYadkinville, for interment jFriday and the wishes of Mr. kutledge were ®a>Tiedotttto the letter. He also ll^quested that the ninetieth PsaTni be read at his funeral by a son. Turn utiedge, of Martfnsville, Va., and jjohn D. Jones Passes. Mr. John D. Jones died at bis borne three miles east of Fork Thursday, following a two years illness of paralysis, aged about 75 years. Mr. Jones is survived bv one brother.'jake Jones, of FuUojj, five sons. Alex. George, Jake and John, of near Fork, and Robert, of Mcoresvtlle. Tbe funeral and bur ial services were beld at Comatzer Melhodisl church Friday afternoon at three o'clock. Rey^ Mr. Tbomp son, of Advance, conductinjg the services. A. H. McMaban Passes' iSaddenly. A. H. McMahan,. 76, died sud denly Friday afternoon about 1 o'clock at his home at Pino, from a heart attack. He was stricken while gathering apples in a tree and toppled to the ground. He died before aid could, be rendered. He. was born in Davle County, December 9, 1852 and spent hiseu- tire life in this county. Surviving are his widow; three ^ daughters, Mrs. Charles G. Wood- i.uff of Mocksville; Mrs. W. Taylor Miller of. Winston Salem and Mrs. T. W. Hoover of Indianapolis, Ind ; one son, W. H McMahan of Winston Salem; oue sister. Mrs. Bettie Rich of Mocksville aud one brother, F. R- McMaban of Davie county. • Tbe funeral was beld Sunday • 'afternoon at 3 o'clock at Wesley . Chapel Church, burial foUdwed in ' the church graveyard. Bio — Obituaries - 10/23/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 24,1929 A. H. McaIAHAN dead Tho Buddon d&nth of Aloxandor Hampton. McMahan,ono of- Davia County's moat highly. «3toomcd- clilzonsi -which occurcd at hia Home nonr Pino on'Friday, Oct. 19th, ivns a great shock to (his family and friends, fho funeral took place at Wealoy's Chapol on Sundoy - nftornooh! at 3 o'clock ndv. W. L." Dawson, pfllclhtlngj. and was nt^iitded by< a largo rcoh> coursQ of. rclntlvog and friends. The fdllowlng. tribute watf road ut hIa funornl; ; . Alpxnnddr .Hantpton McMohnn; was third child-born to ili -H,' McMahnn and Jane'S. Brock. -Ho. was horn:<pep,: pthi- 1862,.'ni\d kle- partod tills n llbe; October 1929, riged 7G years, 10 mpiitha ond 9 days.. His life was appoint ed to strenuous times, and to theso times' hd brought courngOf chnvactor, and Christian Piety. Ho was baptised "by Rev. .G, W, Fereboo, Au-guat, 18B8, joined Wcsloy's Chapel ot about 10 years of ago, andl sipce his mat urity has been one of'its oillcial rnnmbers.. He ..was.. Choiriator .there -before inktrumdnts werff known, ho was a member of tho building commlttoo. -when tho church v/os rebuilt early In the ^eighty's, has served-da Sunday sqhdol .'auporintcndont' fpr< many j years, and -was chairma'ii' of the fBodrd-of Stewarts. At the time of his death. /On November 20kh, 1878, he was united-in marriagd to Marthn- Jano Miilor, who preceded him in death. To this union, four :child-. ron -were born. He wnif later mar ried to -Mrs. Laura Roavia Cranflll .who was his companion during his romnining? years. .lie Is survived by -his widow and -his four chil-dren: Mrs. -C. 6. Woodruff, of Mocksvillo; 'Mi^. W, Tajder-'Millor, of Winst'on-Snlcm; Mr/r. T. W.- Hoover, 6f Indianoigo- Ha, Ind.; and W. H. McMahan, of. Winston-Snlem; thirteen grand children, one brother, F. R. Mc Mahan, .and one sister, Mrs. Bot tle C. Rich. From his youth and AS became ono' of- his energy and chnractor he bos been unfailing ly loynl to his family and to his church, and an ever ihelpful neighbor. JOHN D. JONES,. 7S, DIES AT HObnS OP SON ' John D. Jones, age 76, died at the home of his son, ' George Jones near Fork, oh Wednesday bet, 17th, 1029, after an Illness extending over two yQaifs7He was the ion of Samuel and Rcbccoa Miller Jones, of -IDavie County. Hi's wife' died 20 years ago, and ho 48 survived -liy flvo sons, Alex,-■George, Jake and John Jonea^ ellof the : Pork iC<^romUnity, Rofieirt.Jones, of Moorewilla,.28 grah^-! children, pnd one! ibrobher, JakeJones. The funeral''servicea weyeconducted . at Coruatxcr Methodj isf .Church on •Friday aftornoomOct. 19th,' -at 2 o'clock, by |ReYj Wi B."Thompson, f > Bio - Obituaries —10/24/1929 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA um;■ :. STANDARD^ CERTinCAte^6F^DEAair^J55*r:x!t,> »...«..—.»is«Ei's -ijaiM: " i i^d* O* OKATR ,? \X: t^tr..j!lk3td^RcglitradoB Dlttrlei N<"..., T«eniehlp_-^^£dj' City: «r VUUr* —Ittjittk'.^W;,?' < .TjfcA:.^roix KAK, "'^jj^' "■'"'»^ ■»^-« s;;s;^|^i<•) KMMeoc«. N*. I mt _ . • ' . 3" «(UauKi place of »bod«) . "^V# —,- -r— ^ L.^^- ■'«LMh ef rMU..*.. u ^ L. aoMWldeai »1** dty or 4«vk «sd »u5t..^LB.,rtc«,wM>.e.l«elty,rtomwWd,.a,c««Td v„. ,00a da Hotecin U.t.tf rffcrd,.hW.r w..WeHSOWAI. AKD STATISTICAL PABTICULAR9URLICAL CKBTnriCAn OF SKATB-'•A XT ■nftrtcd, wMowed, or dirpreed• nubMiA of a . 1<•#> WIf# ef ID J * ,6 Pete mt Birth (month, day, and year)' Aw re»ra Montha> ? 8 bj» Slftfle, Marrted, WJdowwi, ^ .i ^ , ' ; '<" 1» Pate of Death (month, day, and r«ar> ^ G .I _^RBBY OERTIPY, «Mtf ' x/tiWwdaA . ji*w^^'£SS^.l i«) ^lofTb Li- y Ji ij' /" ****** **"* "** «*—■—Z'.^ Jf'. 'Dar! ifLKsS.hao " »"« fcW atMrt^ _ r-iss: ^-^r/'Z'jrs OeeopAtioa ef dactaaad—i::: 1 I-- fliiMwnmi l i- ;:;1|~ Z!IZ~0&1■ ■■'.(b) General nature of Induatrr. fdrfattoa) ■ we..bualnaaa, or eatabUahment In ^ ...u . /?) I ri /JL^J *»Which employed (or employer) (wondVS7 •^KkWCq.._jtCr2tr4(o) Name of employer ' ' 1/ '' (durettqii) ^-XW. lae. '' "(doretioa) ^-XW. lae. ''9 Birthplaoe (city or town)18 Where waa diaenae contracted 'f''If not at place of de«thf__ ... • 1 ' '>23r23ca.u Maiden Name of Moth•State the ©lacaae Ca^v X>eeth. or fa deatha from fUmv]^.Buaee, atate (I) hleana and Nature of InJiuT', and (t) whether A*Lcldcntal, Bttlcldai, or HomlcldaL (See MreSTalde for addlt*^^(State OP country)jta«-^2ClL..i7.'V. Ir. 'fel -QQb\m 3? >CL (fi. n:o ^o 2 MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 31,1929 Leo Barnes Jack Brown ■jRck Brown, nn cldorly nncl high' ly rospocted colored ihaii of thia.plnco died nt Ida liomo hcro on' Sunday cvoning. The fuinornj ser- vicea wore conduotod at i)lics ae- cond Preabytorinn Cluirch, of which ho was n faithful member, on Tuesday, iifternoon. One of tho lurgoat crowda crvor aaaomblod nt'Ohurchlond g^ithor-ud tiiGre Sunday Oct. 27th when Mr. Leo 'Barnes wna burled. Mr. Barnes was cutting logs near Tyro last Friday when n dood tree fell on him atrlklng hln? on thehcod killing him inatontly tho fti- horal wna hold at Churchlnnd-Bap tfat Church of which he was a member conducted by his paator Rev. <j, H. Foster, Rev. Gordon,of Spencer, Rev. June Carter, of Waughtown and Bov. C. R. Plesa, of Tyro. He leaves a wife;and lit tle daughter, Fatliar and Mother three Brothers and one slsteri be side a host of relatives and fri ends. His remains was laid to rest "In Churchland ccmotary to a wait tho reasurcctio'n morn. Mr. Barnoflwas 32 years' and 19 diiya old.' Bio - Obituaries - 10/31/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 6,1929 Jack Brown Jack Brown, a well-known color- weefc foUowiuR ashort illness, aned Jiwjojears. Jack was born in wvie and spfflt all ot his life in and around Mocksville. He wasresp^ed bynot only his own race, but by all rhose who knew him. tie was a meniber of the Presby. tenanchnrcbandthefaueral was I'is pastor Tuesdayand the body laid lo rest in the local colored cemetery. Bio - Obituaries -11/6/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 13,1929 Dorman Anderson Litde Boy Dies. IVirman Atidenion, the seven year'old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ciiar- Itn S(>itr);eoti Anderson, of near Calabain, died at a Statesville hos* pitel last Tuesday niKht at t) o'clock death resiiliin}; from complications following; an ojNsratioii for intestinal oliBtrticlioii. The funeral and bur ial took place at Rocky Springs ditircli, Jredell county, Thursday iiioriiing at'io o'clock. Surviving arc the parents, one brother and one sister. The grief-stricken par ents have the Sympathy of the en tire comiiinnity in the loss of their little boy.^ "SulTer little chiidr^ to come unto me, and forbid tbem not, for of sncli is the kingdom of licavcu." Mrs. George Graves Mrs. QeorKe Graves died at her home on R. 4 Friday, following an extended illness, aged about 46 yeais. The bpdy was laid to rest at Pork Church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. J. W. Braxtou conducting the services. Mrs. Graves is survived by her husband several brothers and sisters. Belle Robertson ^Ts. Belle Robertson died at her ^ near Molman's last Friday at advanced age. The body was &!»,!? J®ppa graveyard % V ^ evening at one o'clock.^ Robertson is survived by cue . ®od two sisters. She was Cch of Union Chapel M. P. Bio - Obituaries - 11/13/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 14,1929 MRS. OSHIE GRAVBS//)]3AD . Mrs. Oshie Grayosi wid of (jco. Graves eamo to a quiet wd peaco> ful close Friday morni$» Nov. 8, at her homo where shtfRftd boon in ill health for ^ometime. Her death wss litl unexpected to those of UB wno (|ud <known of her aer- ious illpea|' Mrfl.jSraws was bom Oct. IBtb I'SSa, diedpov. 8th, 1929. Ago 46■yoar£fj/24idaya. She joined theBethes MjlP. Church at the ageof la/was married to Mr, GfcaveaDec.p, 1B50. Two children, SornhDue(/e aati Ahcel Clement «pr6-I octle/ her' to the beyond. She isHiunavod ijy her Hiiabnnd, Mr.Gaoj Graves, her mother Mrs. J. P. roster, three siatei's, and three|)MhcrB..M»% L. P.-"CJnrtnor, Mrs.S.fJ* iFostcr, of Alocjtsvillc. Mrs.Vij A. Wyatt, of .VVfnston-Siilcm. W. II. Foster, Mr. C. A. Pos-i|r, of Moclcsvllle, Uoule }J, Mr. V. K. Po.stor, of tliincs. Thc-sofll have the sinccrw sympathy of fi host of relative^ and friends^u.this limo of grivf. In her last afflielion and suirunng she seemed to fully roniiiso the comfortinggrace and mercy l)£ God in Illsforgiving love. SWo a3.siirod heriovod ones that kha was ready to go If it was Gof a Will. • The Funwal aeh'Icea wore held at Pork Daptlrt Qliurch. Rev. Turner the pastor of that' churchconducted the [Icrvices, Spocinl music was fuvniphed by a quartettand other Belec|ions by the choir The large congregation and the many beautiful floral offerings testified-sto the high esteem inwhieh-Mrs,-Graves was hold. May »tho. relatives so live that, by and,.by the family circle will be unbroken in heaven.Th^.^'Pall-bearors were: G. O, Graves;'J. K- Gravos, H. D. Graves L. M.'/Gr&veSi R. M. Graves, and R. Pi-Graves. The floral oiforingswcrc'cariflod by Mrs, Korr Gravea Mieaes. Barney Rubh Ornvea, •Mar garet (Daniel, Lucy Plott, Ellza- both, :.|la Plott, and Rvio Mc- Cullpugb. Bio - Obituaries -11/14/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 20,1929 Mrs. B. R.^ Badey Dead The funeral of Mrs. B. R. Bailey, of Advance, aged 49 years, was con- .dOwted last Wednesday morning from fhe home, followed by another service at the Advance Methodist church at II o'clock. The funeral and burial services were conducted by R^. B. R. Mason, of Greens boro, and S. B. Wilson, of High Point. The bodv was laid to rest in Shady Grove cemetery. Mrs. Bailey was bora in Davie cotmty and was a member of Ad vance Baptist cburch. She was ac tive in the Ladies' Aid Society. Snrviving are ber husband; three sons, B. R- Bailey Jr., Nathan G. Bailey, and Hay den C. Bailey; ore daughter, Vada Lee Bailey; her mother, one brother, T. H. Will- lams, of High Point, and two sisters Mrs Lizzie Mock, of High Point and Mrs Lelia Nail, of Cornatzer. Pallbearers were Ralph Jones. George H. Sbutt, Lee Sidden. Alec Vogler, John Taylor and Hiram Cornatzer. Flower 'bearers were LilUe Bserly Taylor, Ruth Rogers, SU Shermer, Grace Smithdeal, Bill Hendrix, Lib Grouse. Mpdell Orrell, G. L. Sigmon, Nannie Carter, Miss Belvin, Miss. Marsbburn, Kale Tucker. Miss Cappin, Miss Mc- Kellar. Samiiel B. Gromp Passes Samuel B. Crump, 55, of Salis bury idivd suddenly at his home Saturday night about 11145 o'clock. He lia I retired for the night only a short time before bis death, and was appareutly not ill, but a few niinutes later he was discovered dead. The funeral was conducted from the home Monday afcernoon at two o'clock and the body laid to rest in Chestnut Hill cemetery. In addition to his wife, the d^ ceased is survived by one son, Claud Crump, and a daughter Miss Kath leen. Two sister, Mrs. John Char les, of Jerusalem, aud Mrs. Minnie Fitch, of New York, also survive. Mr. Iji^es Passes. Mr. Marion Ijames, a well-known citizen of Cooleemee, died suddenly be a heart attack while at work at the Ervin coUon mills shortly after seven o'clock last Ttte.sday morning 74 ywrs. The body was car ried to Ijames X Roads Baptist cburch Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock where the funeral services were conducted by ,Rev. Virgil Swairn. of Winston-Salem, after which the body was laid to rest in the charch graveyard. Mr. Ijames Is survived by his widow, two sous, Messrs, Jerry and John Ijames, of Cooleemee, tbtee daughters. Mrs. Lizzie Strand, of Lexington; Mrs. Margaret Martin, of Charlotte, Mrs. Sallie Powell, of StatesviUe. One sister, Mrs. J. M. Sain,, of near Mocksville, survives. - De ceased vfShi a native of Calahaln Joseph McCiamroch tiwnshtp, and a consistent member of the Methodist church. The fun eral and -burial services were at tended by a large concourse of re-' latives and friends and the floral tributes were beautiful. The be reaved family have the sympath;^' of a boat of friends. Joseph HcClamrocb, a former of Davie county, died at his* in Concord Saturday, aged a- years. The fuueral and 1^1 services were held at Concord . Mr, MClatnroch is sur» by his widow aud 17 child- "^1 iwo brothers and five sisters. Bio - Obituaries -11/20/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 20,1929 Jesse Taylor Mr. Jesse Taylor,, aged about 80 Furs, diedat his home on R. i, Simday night. TJie body was laid Idlest at Union Chapd -Monday dltnioon at 4 o'clock. Mr. Toy* bis Survived by four SOBS flnd tiiKe daughters. Wesley Byerly \ Mr. Wesley Byerly died at bis XQe in Reedy Creek township, coiiuty Wednesday morn- ng. aged 95 years. Mr. Byerly ^ a Confederate Veteran, and ^ father of Dr. Byerly and Hiss iklorla Byerly, both of Cooleemee. Bio - Obituaries -11/20/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 21,1929 SAMUEL B. CRUMP DIES SUDDENLY AT HIS HOME SnmuGl B, Crunvp, died sudden* ; ly nt hia homo in Salisbury on I Saturday night about 11:45 o'- I clock. The deceased wa^ the aon of tho late Mr. and- Mrs. James ! CrnmpA and wos fbom- and xeared in Davle County in Davie County; Spending most of his life at the old Crump home on the^South Yad. kin River. Ho is survived by" his widow, ;vvho was., formerly MisB.' Alma Wiseman, oJ^ Joruaalem, one' daughter, 'Miss - l^nthleen Crurafi^ and one son, Claude Crump. Two:j slstors, Mrs. J. C. Charles, of near^ -Mocksvillc, ond Mrs. Minnie Fitcb'i of Now York, also survive. The/ funeral was held at the homo on Monday 'afternoon, Nov. 18th, Rev. J. A. J. Fnrrlngton oiiiclat- ing and the Interment took pliice ' at Chestnut Hill como'lry. Pall-"' bearc?0'*\vor&t-T7HPr-Hudronr^" A. Snyder, R, L. Mnuney, E. M.. Hobaon, J. C. Tatum and Charlie Thompson. :miSS SARAH E. WILLIAMS • DEAD M*-"? '•nr-'h 'j;. Williams, dnught er of-John Williams and Carolina Clifford Williams, died at ^her .heome ne.ar Concord church, on Nov. 12th, aged 68. She is surviv ed by-one 'brother, J. R. Williams of-Sali'cbiiry, and . a daughter,- MisisvAnnie Williams. The funeral was -held at. the. homo oh Thurs day ^afternoon at Blo'clook by Mr. T. I.. .Gaudell,- ancV the burial fol- iowed in thcr fatntly graveyard. Pall bearers were. John Williams, Early Wlllldms, Rufus Williams, WiiUe Williams, Robert Und^Dew- ey Williams. The flower girls were Misses Pauline Huneycutt, Berssle Wlllinmn', Ruby ond Tholma Wil liams, Mary Belle -Bcaslngeri Boo- trlco, Sttdio andMargery Wll- lidms, Grace •BarnCs, 'Mamie Help er, Maggie McClain, hind Rebecca Wililama. JESSIE J. TAYLOR, DIES •AT AGB OP 82 YEARS Jesae L Toylor, -aged-82 years, died at the .home Of Ijis.daughter Mrs, Will Jdneff,. ort^Nov, IBth, The deceased was the son of Os- .hprn' Toylor, of WHkee County, and-^ had lived-in Davle for the ipnst 60 years. His wife, Mary-Bak er Taylor, died 18 ybarh ago. The ifimorol aervicoff wero held at .Union Chanel by R. C. Goforth, on llflonday afternoon nt 4 o'clock. Surviving are four sons, C. A.; B. C. B. G. and Thomas Taylor ond throe daughters, Mra. Will Jones, Mp. Joaac Stcelmnn, and Mrs. •Minnie Taylor, all of this coun^. JOSEPH McCLAMROCK DIED AT HIS HOME IN CONCORD Joseph McClamrock, a former citizen of'Davle County, died nt his home in Concord on Nov. l({th aged 62. He was the father of 19 children, most of whom survive. Hie widow, flve sisters, and two brothers survive. -lie was a bro ther of Mrs. W. R. Moroney and Oscar McCinmrock, of Mocksvillo. J. M, IJAMES DIED AT HOME OF HIS SON Mr. J. M. Ijnmes, who made his , home with hia • son,' Mr. Jerry, Ijames, "died suddenly on last Tuesday morning about aeven o -1 clock, in the mill office building. I He was 74 years of age, and..had I been a resident of •Cooleemee for -tnnny years. He will be greatly missed by his many friends. He 'was a member-of tho Cooleemee Methodist iGhurch, Tho funeral was conducted Wed ticsdny at 8 p.,m., by hia pastor tho Reverend T. J.. Honck, of the Cooleemeo Methodist Chui*ch, at Ijnmes Cross Roads Church, -and interment was made in the •ceme tery there. Mr. IjnmeH la' flurvl.ve.d by hia Wife, two sons, three daughters and -a numbor of grandchildren, who have tho aympathy of the commubily. The flowora, presented in tokens of sympathy, -"were very 'beauti ful, and' indlcoted his populai'ity . among hia friends, Tho Entorprlae joint? his thousands of friends In i-Tctending our.- deepest sjrmpathy, to tho boi'cave.d famllj', ivnd roln- tives. Ruth Turner INFANT DIES Ruth THirper, 8 month old dau ghter of-Mf M. Turner arid Ruth Smoot Turner, died nt the homo of I'ts parent's nehr .Davlo Acad emy on 'Nov. 17th. Funeral ser vices were conducted at' Salem Mpthodlst church on Monday .nf- ^ terriobh .at. 2 .o'clock, Rev. 'A. G.i Xof-tln offlciating. / ' Bio - Obituaries - 11/21/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 21,1929 Notie Bailey ' Mffl. Notlo Bailey wife of B. R. Biilloy died thia rnornftig (Tuoa- dny) afc the Baptist HospUoli in Winston-Salem, Surviving are her husband, and four ehUdron, Vada Lee, B. B. Jr., Nnthnn and Haydcn. Mrs. Bniloy, a very good woman wJli be greatly missed in her com munity, Shu \v«s loved by every one. i We extend our heartfelt sympa thy to the bereaved family. Tlur funeral was conducted at iho MothodJst Church Weduesdoy morning at eleven o'clock."- Bio - Obituaries - 11/21/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 27,1929 Mrs. T. C. Sheets Dead Mrs. Thos G Sheets died at .'her home near Bixby Saturday' about 1 o'dock. p. in . following a short ill ness. aged 81 years. The body was laid to rest in Shady Grove c^eterv at Advance Monday morning at 11 o'clock, following'the funeral servi ces, which were held in the Advance Methodist church. V r i.. Sheets ^ is survived by her husband, an aged Confederate veteran; one daughter, Mrs. Annie Harp; seven sons. N. D, and J. H. ^eets, of the Twin City; I H. 0. Sheets, of Lewisville; L^-ej Sheets, of iUnggold. W: Va: Jack] t Sheets, of Palouse, Wa^ington; S. S.andM.C.Sheeb.,,,, one nrter. Miss «>Ot Dart,;26g^ N weaHmraachilaten ^extenas^Bpatl., to & i onesjn L 'an Bio - Obituaries -11/27/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 28,1929 Mrs. L M. Sheets Fiiftdrnt aorvlcea for M. Shccta, who died Sntiivdny, .'wore. coiuliiclod nt the Advance J[; E. Cluirch Monday morning n^ do-, vn.n o'clock. . ' Bio - Obituaries - 11/28/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 4,1929 Mr. T. A; Snutli Air. Thomas A. !Smith,. ag^'- 68 years, died November 30, .at the home of his^siste'r, Mrs."N.7;J^" Groce, at Farmi&gtoo, following an illness of. two months. ' The body was.lald.to rest in Bethlehem graveyard Sundayr Rev. A*. R. Bell ■conducting-the funeral and-hunalservio^. Mr. Smith is ^rvived by SIX brothers and -four sisters. -.. Mr.-Smlth spent--.hlany .-yeats l thewestijeCurpiiig to,l)avi<e.Iast Bio - Obituaries -12/4/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 11,1929 J. W. Cboley Passes. Mr. J W. Cooley, United States deputy marshal, of Courtney, Yad* kin county, died Frday morning in a Greensboro hospital, following a four days illness of pneumonia, aged about 52 years. Mr. Cooley was atteuding Federal court in Greensboro when stricken. He is suTvivpd by bis wife, and one brother who lives in Indiana, and a sister, Mrs. James Graver, who lives at Kannapolis. The body was laid to rest in the Courtney cemetery Sunday. Mr. Cooley bad many friends in Mocks- ville and Davie county, who were saddened by news of bis death. He had been deputy m'arsball for a- bout two years, and made a fine record. Mrs. Miller Passes. Fnneral services for Mrs. Nina Rosetta Sparks'Miller, 57, wife of I. H. Miller, of Wyo, who passed away Satnrday was held at the home at 1:15 o'clock Monday after noon and at f o'clock. Rev. Mr. Bell conducted the services. Burial I followed in the cbur^ graveyard. Bio - Obituaries -12/11/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 18,1929 W. S. Grec^ Dies Sud- . denb. Hie Record is sorry to learn of the death of Mr* W. S. Gr^n, of North Cople^^t which occarhd last Wed' oesday mpmins: aboat 10:80 o'clock. Mr.. Green was talkinsr to Sheriff Cope wbeq .the somoipnB came. He had beenjprbad .health for spme time* hot his sadden- death was a severe / shock to • bis' family and friends. The body, was carried to Sandy Creek ctnireh in Davidson county Friday morning and laid to r^t.' Mr. Greehissarvi.ved by his widow and elght..ichiidren. several brothers phd sisters. The Record extendsWmpatby' to .the bereaved family hoar.. Bio - Obituaries -12/18/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 19,1929 FUNERAL. OF WILLIAM GREENE Willinm S. Grconcl who passed nwny so audtiehly, .Decemben* li; ncAr his homo, in North Coolee- mee, wns hurled At Snndy Ci'eek church, Davidson County, last Friday, Decembetr 18. His death was a shock to the entire community, as he seemed to be jolly and onjoylng- good health. Ho was makbig plans for thcf future, when he was so siid' denly called dway. . , Surviving are his widow, Mrs.' Daisy Charles Greene, and five eons and four daughters: Jack Greene, of -Council, Bladen Coun ty; Brown, Charles, and George Greene, of Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Harvey Beeker, of Woodleaf; Mrs. Carl Gamipbell, of Washing ton. P. C.: Misses Mary, Elizabeth and Hdrdlng Greene, of North jCooleemoe. Three brothers and three sis- tors also survive: E. L. Greene, of Yadkin College; Tom Greene, Union County, S. C.; Jim Greene, Churchland; Mrs. J, B. Charles, Yadkin College; Mrs. F. B. Swicc- good. North Coolee; Mrs, Maude Owens, Churchland. Ho also leaves iivo small grnndohlldroni Mr. Greene was •born In David- aon Gounfy, and was 54 years old. He moved his family to North Cooleemeo, where he had been liv ing for -about 27 y %•*«», He was n member of thu Methodist church in Cooleemeo. Wo extend our deepest sym pathy to the bereaved family. ' Bio - Obituaries -12/19/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 25,1929 Ervin Garris Dies While Ri^g Bos. Statesville 'Daily, Dec. lyth. . Ervhi Garris, about 78 years of age died suddenly Bfonday afternoon on the Winsion-Salem bus, imme diately after he had flagged the driver at Cool Spring, and boarded the bus, going in the ofrection of I Mocksville. it is understood that the aged man, after getting in the big bus asked the driver the fare from^ Cool Spring to County iine and while reaching down in his pocket for the change-, collapsed and expired suddenly and unexpectedly. The bus driver was unable to get the dead passenger identified either at the Cool Spring station or at the County Dine station, according to report, and he therefore carried him on to MoCbsville where be turned the body over to^au under- taking establishment. Some time later the body was identified as that of Ervin Garris, a former resident of the Cool Spring community, who has lately resided -among his children. He had been a sufferer from heart troublfivfor some time, it is said. It was learn' ed that a son law, Adam Camp bell, lives at County Line, and a son, J. E Garris. lives in States' ville. Mrs. W. F. Clary The funeral and burial services of Mrs. W. 'F Clary were held at Bear Cre^' Baptist church last Wednesday mpining at it o'clock, Rev... William Brown cond^uctipg the B^'ees. "' Mrs. Clary died sod deniy Dec, i6th, at the home of hpr daughter, Mrs. H. L. Blackwelder, at Kannapolis, where she bad bepn making li^r home for the past two weeks. - Mrs. Clary was aboni 68 years of age. and is survived by 'seven children, three sons.dnd four daughters, besides many' relatiye.s. "Her death was unexpected aujj 5ms a. great shock to-her relailT^es and friends. . . Bio - Obituaries -12/25/1929 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA