Jul - DecDA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 4,1928 Mrs. Cord Reavis Mr. Isaac Ratledge Dies .Mr. Is'jac Ratledge, .92 years old, died Wednesday afternoon at 3:15 o'clock at his home in Chambers- burg to\vD.ship. The funeral .ser* I vice was held thi.s afternoon at 3*30 o'clock front Bethel cemetery. The service was conducted bv Rev. J. M. McKaughan, assisted by Rev. C S, Cash well. I Mr. Ratledge is survived by one son, Mr. J. H. Ratlege, with whom ■he made bis home, and also sever al nephews. May West ML^s May West, daughter of Mr. nud .Mrs. Lee West, who live ntat Ctiiter, died at Long's Sana- tofiuni, Siatesville, Wednesday "iglil, of appendicitis, aged 14 yfars. The funeral services were condacled by Rev. Mr. McSwain, "f Harmouy, and the body laid to 'tst iu Salem graveyard Thursday afternoon. - Mrs. Cord Reavis died at her home 111 this city Wednesday morn ing. following a stiort illi)e.ss. aged 30 years. The body 'was laid toI rest iu Eaton's Baptist churchyard 'Thursday morning at it o'clock. The Ctgeral services were conduct ed by Revs. C. S. Csshweil, of|C>tatesvl]le and W. B. Waff, of this Icily. Mrs. Reavis is survived by her husband and three small child- ren, the youngest being only a few days old. Mrs. Reavis is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Jordan, ofCana, R. 2. Bio — Obituaries -7/4/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 5,1928 Mrs. T. C Reavis ' Mrs. T. C. nenvia, of Mocksvlllo was buried nt the cemetery at Eaton's Church on last Thursday. PuiToral services were conducted by Rov. 0, S. Cftshwell. Bio — Obituaries —7/5/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 11,1928 J. W. Harris Mr, J, W. Harris died at his borne at Epbesus Mouday moruitijy at five o'clock, aped 8i years. The body was laid to rest at Wondlenf yesterday morning at x i o'clock, the funeral oeing conducted by Rev. Jobn Graham, of Chattanoo ga. Surviving is one sister, seven sons and two daughters. M. E. Bowles ^Ir. M. U. Bowles, of R. 4. died I Long's .Sauatoriuui, Statesville. Iiursdav, following an illness of Janctt, aged about 60 years. The was laid to rest in Oak Grove rarej-ard Friday afternoon. Mr. wvles is survived by'Uis widow "d a Dumber of childre^. Bio - Obituaries -7/11/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 12,1928 FUNERAL OP J, W. HARRIS The fun&rni of J, W. Harris, 81 ycava of ntio, who passed nwnjr July 9th at his home at Epheaus, I will be hold at 11 o'clock at Wood- I leaf Tuesday by Rev. John Gra- jham, of Chattanooyn, Tenn. I Surviving arc oiiu sl.stor, Mr.s. I Elisabeth Taylor of CoolceincL*, hsevcn sons, J. C. Ilarrl.s, of Kan- nn^iolKs. J. A. Harris, Knnnapolis, 'a. p. Harris, Ollh, G. W. Harris, Harmony, H, W. Harris. J. C. Har ris, and H. T. Harris, of Mocks- vllle route 4. Two dauffhtci'S, Mrs. G. T, Hcavoiier, of Durham, and Mrs. W. R. Moore, of Har mony. Bio - Obituaries -7/12/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 18,1928 Mr. McCuUoh Dead. Mr. Gosheo McCdllob died at his home on South Main street Sunday evening a- bcut 10 o'cloch. following an extended 111 " 0688. aged 75 years. The funeral services were bald yesterday, morning at 11 o'cloch and the body laid to f»st in FoA grave yard, Mr, McfiuIIoh is survived byvbie widow, tb^ sons and daughters; three brothere-aud one sister. Deceased was a good citizen and bis death brings sadoera irt a host of friends .In Mocksvilie and Davie county. Mary E. Yountz The funeral of Mrs. Mary E, Yountz. 23 who passed away at the honie of her father D. R. Beck new Center. J aly 1,. 1^28 was held P'Ckory Grove. Thursday at c hus^nd, 4 children, father and mother and several brothers and sisters. Mary G. Eidson ^littMarvG. Eidson. of Oliu, fi d Friday morning, aged 69 year?, was laid to rest Sunday Snow Creek church. Ut>. Eid.son is survived by her '"isbaud, one daughter and three ;Ois. among them our townsman, B Eidson. Mrs. B. F. Moore Btom'''- Moore died at her dav ^^'"'^'•ville township Fri- following an illness L "y i^^'o motiths, aged anout The body wa.s laid to Eijijir!! Grove graveyard hi»r * * o'clock, the uia/ «'*^8 conducted by her Bumgarner, of I* I Mrs. Moore is survived WBM,. one son and two1,1,.®''^' Mrs. Moore was a r-Ji^ed " will be 'sadlyLg Jj* commuoity in .which Bio - Obituaries -7/18/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 19,1928 John William Harris GOSIIEN AIcCULLOH DIED SUNDAY, JULY 16th! Qoshen McCulloh waa 'burn April 2, 1852. Depnrtqd this llfo Jaly 16. 1928, age 70 ycura, three months thirteen days. He IqaveSj a widow and nine children to mourn his death. I Hu waa married to Lnurn Frances Gobble December 0,1883. There was born to their union | twelve children. Ida, Fred nnd , Marshall preceded their father. J Nine of the children still sur- vlvo: Rosa Hodges of Lexington,' Bullln Granger of Wlnston^Salfam, i Bycrly Holton of Mocksvllle, Ed-j gar of Albemnrlc, Preston of Lex-1I' Ington, Veatal of Mocksvllle, Bent-; rice and Laura Voy of Lexington i arid Grace Angel of Winston- . Salem. Eighteen grand children, fourteen living and four dead. Ho made n profession of reli gion In hla middle llfo nnd lived n Christian life until death and he leaves a host of friends to mourn his death. The pall bearers wore: Fierce' Foster, B. p. Hendricks, Samdql Tuttorow, J. T. Dwlro, J, P. Dwlre and'P. L. Foster, i Airs, mary e. voNTii dead I The funeral of Mrs. Mary E. Ynnts. 23, who passed away at: the home of her father, D. R; Geek, near Center, July, 11,. was , held nt Hickory Grove, Thursday- nt 6 o'clock, p. m. She, loaves a husband, four. children, father^ and mother, and several brothorn.. I ami sisters. era:: Bio - Obituaries -7/19/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 25,1928 W. C WiUson Dead. Mr. W. C. WiUson died ai bis home near Jericho at 12:15 o'clock Thursday morniDg, toUowing a long iUbess of Bright's disease, aged 56 years. The body was laid to rest Friday morning at 11 o'clock in By- eriy's Chapel graveyard, the funer al services being couducted by Mr. J, W. Kurfres, of Wiii.ston-Salein. Mr. WiUson is survived by his widow, five sons and six daughters. Two brothers and one sister survive. Mr. WiUson was one of Davie couutv's biggest tobacco growers, and bad many friends throughout the couolv who were sorry to learn of his deajb. W. K. Clement Passes. The entire town was shocked Thursdav afterooon about 4:30 o'clock when the death of Col.' W. K. Clement, aged 64 was annouced. Col: Clement bad been in bad health for the past year or moie but bad been able to look after his office work until about a week ago. He died suddenly at his home on Salisburv street, while silling in a rocking chair The imme diate cause of his death was para lysis. He had suffered for some time from drop.<v and high blood pressure. The funeial services were held Saturday afternuou at 5 o'ciock at the home by Rev.s. W. B: Waff and E. P. Bradiej^', and the body was laid to rest in the Clement graveyard. Col. Clement was a member of the Baptist cbtircli. Surviving is the widow, seven sons and two daughters, viz: K. M. Clement, ol Ocala, Fla., Cecil and Glenn, of Lancaster, Pa.. W. G. with headquarters in Pekin. Ill ; Ballev. of Knoxrille. Phiiiip, and Mrs.'F. A. Duckett, of Raleigh. MiUun, ot Burlingion, ana Miss Patsv Clement, ol this city. Mr. Clement was for many years in the mercantile business at Fanii- iugion and latei was editor and iownei of tbe MockNville Courier. 'He was a Justice of the Peace,I Notary Public, and United Slates ICommissiooer at the time of bis death. He took an ac'ive interest ia politics, being ft slauuch demo crat and devoting much time to political matters. He was a dele gate-to the last Demoiraiic Stule Convention. Col Clement, as be was fatailiajy known by his many friends, will be sadly luiJ^d m the town and county. He spent all bis life id Davie. with the exception of a short residence in IMus- tonSftlem. For a number of years he lived on his farm in Jcru-^aler township. The ^i.or mil miss Col. Clement. While we i differed politicslly. yet the polooelLlwayi sllowed us the same privi lege he took. He stood lor wbehe believed was right, regardle^of couseqnences. Peace to bis ashes. Infant Daughter Granger Idti' 5*.monlhs.oId daughterand Mrs. Charlie Granger. '■ county, died at tbeIfaA?' Goshen McCullob, street Tuesday of lastTb.i';',an ifluessof colilis.ajfj , ^ was carried to Con- and laid to restFw , afternoon at 2 o'clock.lJ I i ^""cices were conducted by mtp Granger, tbefhe funeral % aVh' Gashen 'McCulajji I also taken ill ahid is ^ serious coadiiiott. Bio - Obituaries -7/25/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 26, 1928 illilSSSiliil ' (ooirtlnu0d'-ir^^ ithVi'l^medinU iri'oB'_\ViH■wton'^al6m;''•■'Mr^ ^'un'Ol'/• .Ghnrlcis RdaHji^llusoh.ol'^Gharlotte^^ Allori, of ;W]t\ntpn-Snlein/jri\: hncl,'.];Mi'ftv/Hiii'duii' ;tnoinon't;. l-fliija '.'11.;i|:Clcni"diVt;'or Srtl^.sbyry. iiml othovH.' Bio - Obituaries -7/26/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 26,1928 Will H. Davis Mr. Will H. DavlB of Advunce' died July 18, 1928. He had been In declining health for n couple] months nnd hla passing was a' great relief for hla auffering and i sorrows are now crowned with the smllea of the Father above.: Mr. Davis was til' years old and ' had been the barber here for many years. Hcv. W. B. Thomp-i son held the funBrnlj service at' the 'house at 2 o'clock and at the M. E. Church at 2!30. Pall bear ers were Messrs Dan Carter, Louie Marklanri, Charlie Taylor, 'Duggin Orrell, Clarence Mnrklnnd j and James Spry. Fifteen young ladies were Hower girls. j Bio - Obituaries -7/26/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 1,1928 Sanford A. Woodruff Meets Horrible Death. Mr. Sanford A. Woodruff, one of Davie county's oldest and best be-' loved citizens, was almost instant ly killed OB his' farm tbree miles nortfa-east of Mocksville shortly he- fore, five o'clock Friday afternoon. Mr. Woodruff was assisting in un* loading bay with a bay .fork, when the fork fell, two prongs entering bis chest and piercing his heart. - Mr. Woodruff spoke but a few words, death being almost iustaut. The funeral ser vices were held Sunday at 5 o'clock, at the Presbyterian church, of which chuich he had been a mem ber and an elder for many year.**. The body was laid to rest in Rose cemetery with Masonic honors. Mr. Woodruff was the oldest Ma son belODgiug to the local lodge. Surviving • Mr. Woodruff is his widow, two sons, C. G. Woodruff, of this city,, and £. H. Woodruff, of Gndsden, Ala. Mr. Woodroff moved to this city from Yadkiu county shortly after the Civil War, and was one of the county's best farmers and business men. In his death the church looses a faithful worker, the Masonic lodge it.s old est member, the wife and children a devoted husband and father, and the county one of her ontstandiog citizens. Mr. Woodruff's death has cast a gloom over this entire section. John and Chalmers Williams Two Brothers Die. John,Williams, 73, passed away Sunday afternoon at 2:35 o'clock at his home near Fork Sunday. Snr viving are bis widow who was Miss. Sarah Clark, four sons, C. V. Wil 1 Hams of Wiston Salem and L. F. Williams of Martinville, Va.; E. R. Williams, of Wlnston-Salem and F. E. Williams of Fork Church; four daughters, Mrs. S. B. Gar* wood and Miss Floy O. Williams, of Fork Church; Mrs. E. W. Turn er of Hamptonville and Mrs. K. L. Joues of Atlanta, Ga., and one brother, Chalmers Williams of Fork Church. Mr. Chalmers Williams, a bioth- er of Mr. J. R." Williams, died at his home near Fork early Monday moroing, aged 69^ years. He is survived by his widow and four sons. John Wilson 1^ Q Wisbod, who lives about Farmingtou, was cad Id bed last Thursday riic family summoned [ttCT Foster and Sheriff Cope, I *cni lo the home. The Coro- ® verdict was render- death lliflti { ° '^ftwral causes. Mr.|ra; cliiidf^^*^ J. B. McDanlel fh-J. B. McDaniel deid at Coo- Sunday morning after an led illness, aged about 64 Hje body was .laid to rest r v! graveyard Monday atjclcck. Mi-^ McDaniel is surviv- 11 liis widow and three • daugb* Bio - Obituaries -8/1/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 2,1928 S. A. WOODRUFF PASSES AWAY The entire county wris anddcti- C(14in(1 shocked by the traijic dontli of Sutifurd Anron WoodrufT. which occurred At Jiia home ncnr town' oil Friday nftcriloon, July 27th,) AS the result of Injuries rc'ccivod • by a hflytfork foiling on him. The | doccnscd was one of the most highly rcajiected citizens, and'-u successful farmer ©f Dnvie Coun-_ ly. and he will bo grtnlly missed.: I He was born ncnr JoncsvlUc on j (Oct. 21st, 18'17, the son of John WuodruIT and l^Irs. Amolfn Mur- I tin Woodruff. About the time of I the Civil War the family riiovcd" 'to 'Dnvic County, and the bonutl-j ful old home has ever since been 1 noted for its warm hoapllnllty.! iOn May 17th, 1877 Mr. Woodruff; :wns married to Miss Janio Gnilh* 'or, daughter of Ephraim Gaithcr, and Mrs. Snrnh Mali Johnston .Gnithcr,. and their married life of' D1 years was an ideal ono. lie is survived by his widow, and two fions,_Chnrlea , G. Woodruff,, jif; Mocksville, nud E.'tt.'Wdodruff, of, Gndsilen, Ala., nnd.oiglit grand* children.' The doconsod -was nn eldii' In the Prcsbytcvlan church,' and n loynr Mason, being one of the oldcat in this scclinn of the State. Tie was one of the prime fiictoi'a In tho Antiunl IMnaonic 'Picnic, having attended ovory k'lithcring with the cxceidfon of one. for tho past 40 yuars. His genial greeting an;l helpful aid will be andly missed at the com- j Ing Picnic. For many yocira Mr. Woodruff served on the county board of education, rciidorfrtg valuable aervico there. The fun eral sorvIcoA were conducted nt j the ,Pro.sbyterliin church on Sun- ! day afkci'iioon and was one of tho 1 most'largely nltonded over held here. Rev. E. P. Bradloy, pastor of the deceased, ofllclntod, nnd the choir sang "Nearer My God to Thou," and "Aaleop In Joaus," nnd, Mrs. John Lnrow and Mr. R. B. Sanfoid sang a duet, "Only In Josus." The pall-bonrcra, olBcl- ais of tho church, wore: J. B. Johnstonc, B. Q. Morris, R. D. Ponio, J. C. Sanford, Roy Holt- houser, John l/arow.. The bcnu- tlfni floral offerings wore carried by nlnreg of tho dcccnaed. The burial took place at tho Roao cemetery, where the Masons had charge, ii-slng thofr beautiful rit ual to honor their docoascd bro-, ther, whoso life was n living ox- ample of the high Ideals of thia fraternity. I Wc oxlend our deep sympathy' to tho beroavcd family. Among the many rotntivos and friends: from out-of-town who attended, the fanerali wei-e: Mr, nnd Mrs. E. H. Woodruff, of Gadsdon, Aln., Dr. and Mrs. 'It. C. Anderson, of Montrcnt, Mrs. Will Tlampton, of Atlanta, Rov. nnd Mrs. Walter E. Dodd, of- Stnntunsbui-g, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Jenkins and GnJther Jonklna, of Wlnstoii-Snlcm, Mr. I nnd Mrs. Will Shugnrt, and Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Woodruff, of Elkin, Mr. -and Mrs. Henry Kelly and fumily, of Taylor.svlllo, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Patterson, of Tnylorsvllle, Missca Mary ^and Rlvii Kelly, Chnrloa Robertson, of Salisbury, Mr. Loon Cash, Mr. nnd Mrs. Tom Cash, Mi*, and Mvs. B. U. Stcclmnn, E. E. Hiinl, Miss Graco Early, ITnrold ami Arch Early of Wlnsloii-Snlcm, Mr. and Mr.s. J. C. Slierrill nnd cliildrcn, and Mi'S. Herbert |lir<lHnli, of Sloorcflvillc, Mrs. Nannio Taylor, of Grc'Mi.-iiioi'o, aiiil a nundior of Masona from Wiiiston'Salem niul KIkln. Bio - Obituaries -8/2/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 8,1928 C. S. Cashwell AgedDeadi Claims BGnffiter. state^lle, Aug. 6.—Rev. C. S. Cwhwell. 72. widely known Baptist raiQiat^, died this afternoon at his nome here after an illness with kid ney poisoning of more than 2 weeks. Daring bis active ministery for 48 yeara Rev. Mr. CSasbwell had served Baptist churches in North .Carolina from the mountains to the seashore. He was pastor of two chuVches at the time of his death, the Oiamond Hill Baptist charch, in East States- ville, and Elatoo's church, in Davie county. Bio — Obituaries -8/8/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 9,1928 ItBV. C. S. CASHWBLL DEAD Frieiula here were distreaacd to Ipiirn of the death of Rev.. C. S. Cashwell, nged 1Z, well known Bapllat minister, which occurred at his homo in Stntesvllle on Aug. Gth. The dcceueed hnd been nc-1 live in the mintalry of his church for 48 yenrs, and wns nn outstnnd- ins gliarnctcr. Ho woe n nntivo <,f Rokcson county, nnd wns mar ried in 1884 to Miss Mnrthn Em ma Leary, of Carteret county.. About 40 years ago Mr. Cnshwell cnme to Mocksville, where ho lived for several years, being pastor of the Baptist church or Mocksville, Fork. Eaton's and Jerusalem. He held a second jiaatornte here in later years, nnd hud many friends throughout Davie county. He was the orga nizer of the Baptist Picnic which was held here for a number of yeiirs. At the time of his dcnth lie was pastor of the Diamond Hill iinptist church In .Statcsvillc, and Eaton's Church in DavIe ccunly. He is survived by his willow nnd five children; Rev. T. 1.. Cnshwell, of C?astonln. W. U. Ca.shwcll, of St. Pelerabiirg, Fla., Mian Mary Cnahwoll, of Stntofl- Villf, Mrs. T. H. Kelly, of Ashe- villt, and Mrs. B. S. Gulon, of Gaatonln. Quite a number of friends from here attended the funornl which was held on Tuca Uay afternoon in Slatosville. Bio - Obituaries -8/9/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 15,1928 John A. Lapish Mr. John A. LapLsb died at his home near ICappa on Monday, Aug. 6th, aged nearly 84 years. Mf. Lapish had beeu in bad health for a number of years. ^The body was laid to rest in Saletn grave* yard Aug. 7th. Funeral sevices were conducted by his pastor, Rev, ^E. M". Avett. Mr. Lapish is survived by his widow and two children, also one brother and (me sister. Mr.• Lapisb was a Con federate Veteran, having served four years in the Confederate army. Bio - Obituaries -8/15/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MQCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 22,1928 Mr. Charlie Campbdl Dies. Mr. Charlie Campbell 2i'year* old son of 2dr. and Mrls. J. B. Camp- beU, of near t^is city, died at Long's. Sanatorium, Statesville, Wednesday aftemooo at 2 d'.dock, where he bad been a patient for two weeks, following an operation Cor.appendicitis. Death resaulted frojd^ peritonitis. ^ .The body was brought to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Wednesday evening, and was laid to rest at Oak Grove Friday morsing at it o'clock. The funeral services were conducted by bis pastor. Rev. W. B. Waff, as- sisted by Rev. £. 3£. Avett. Mr. Campbell issurvived by his parents, two brothers, and four sisters Mr. Campbell was a member- of tbe Baptist church, and was a fine young man. His death brotight saduess to a host of relatives and friends in the town and county. Bio — Obituaries -8/22/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 23,1928 CHAULIE CAMPBELL DIES AT. LONG'S SANITOKIuai Mr.. Charlie Ciim]>bcll« 21 years old, sen of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. ' 'Campbell, diod August ISth, at Lung'fl Siiniturlum, whorq ho hud - been a patient for two week's, I death resulted from oppeiidicltis.' He was the youngest son." He was tt member of the Mocksvitle I Baptist chiirch,' joined at the age 'of 13, giving eight years df his j life to hlfl Snvlour, Surviving are his parents, two' ' brothers, Messrs W. W., and J." B. I Jr., Campbell, four slaters, Mrs.. S. C. Hutchins, Misses Laura and Ella Mae, Campbell of Mocksville, and -Mrs. J. 0. Pope of Statosvlllc, i besides a host of relatives and - friends. • Those out of town who attended.' the funeral-were Mr. and Mrs. John Troutmnn, Mr. Floyd Camp bell, Mrs. W. A. Hunter, Mrs. W. S. Chnpple, Mr. Norris Chappie, Mrs. lyortli Palyler" Mr. and Mrs. E» R- Brndy, Mrs. Howard G.antt, Mrs. F. L. Adkins, Mr. Kindlth Rinos,. Miss Margaret Dul^ Mr. Paul Pnlyler, nil of ■Statosville;*-Mr.-and'Mrs. H. E. 'Bye'rly andIL. E. Jr., of' Salisburyj' Mt.<iH Viola Allen, Mr. and Mrs. JamesBowle's.of Kannapolls, and maiiy others from dIfTorcnt places. Bio - Obituaries -8/23/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 1,1928 II MRS. A. W. ALLEN PASSED away at her home at I'ORK CHURCH FRIDAY Mrs. Jullji Ann Ailen, wife of Mr. Andrew Alloni passed away at'her home at Fork Church Fri day niffhl, faetwoGii 9 and 10 o' clock, Oct. 10, at the age of 81 years, 10 months and 19 dnya. She had been In falling health for some time, but was soriously sick only nbout 10 days; in spite of all that loving hands could do, Josus took her. She wus a kind wife and loving mother. She pro fessed 'faith In Christ and joined the Methodist church in 1888. She leaves to mourn her loss, o hus band tind 9 children; Mrs. J. M. Smith, of Dnvldson county; Mrs. T. W. Soiley, Redinnd; Mi's. J. W. Snin, Union Chapel; Mrs. C. L. Smith, Miss Esther Allen, Messrs J. G. and W. C. Allen, of Forki Church; Mr. J. W. Allom, Rowan j .county; Mr. B. W. Allpn. of Win-1 aton-Snkm. Sixty-one grand chUd-1 ren and nineteen grent-grnnd' children. A short service was hold at the home, Sunduy after-, noon at 2 o'clock, after which tho remains were carried to Mock's Church, whore funornl service was comlucted by her pastor, Rev. W. B. Thompson, and Rev. E. W, i-Tuimcr, of Fork Church. She was Inyed to rest In the cemotcry. | The pnll borrlcrs were her grand sons: Nonh Smith, Ilarloy Soiloy, 1 Qco. Sain, Charlie Smith, Roy! Snin, Vuclcn Allen. The flower, girls were her grand-dnughtcrH*; j .Mary Smith, Julia Suflc.v, hlngdn-1 lonu Allen, Esther Soflo}', Gladys {A lien,'-Puulino Soiley, Rnnsy Alien. 'and Jtilia Bognrr Tho floral tri- ' bulo.s were many and beautiful.' Bio - Obituaries —9/1/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 5,1928 Amanda Daniels Aunt Amanda Daniels an in mate of the count)' borne, died last Tuesday and the body was laid to rest at Center. She was 88 years of age, and bad been in the home for the past ten years. She Is sur vived bv one son, .Samuel Daniels and little granddaughter. Bio - Obituaries -9/5/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 13,1928 Mils. UAf'incb imowN niiAi) i\Ii-.s Iljurliv) JJmvn. of Cljirlw- vlllo Towiii^lilji, (Ifwl SuptDmln i- (». ;<]i(| 'WJis at Roar Cieek. Rlie was th« (Itauihlcr of Jamc.i Camplioll Jiiul wna f)I ycajv 11 nionth.s and days of aiff. The fuiuM'iil U'n."< coiiditctcd bv Uev. 31. V. Hrowu. MISS PEARL OROW{« DEAD Misg Pearl Brown, who had been a patient hi Salisbury hos pital for three weeks, died Sat urday niornhiff at 2:30, hnvlnfr developed pneumonia, Thursday, Funeral services were held Sun day at H p. m., in the home, and burial at Center. A large con gregation of sorrowing friend.i and relatives attended. Tlw? fami ly have the sympathy of the whole community. Bio - Obituaries -9/13/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 19,1928 Mrs. Byerly Enters Into Rest . Mrs. Elizabeth Hartley Bylerly,' 75. .wife of the late John F. Byerly, died Sept. 15th at her home at Ad- vance, following a three-weeks lll-r ness. .1 She was a native of Davidson connty and a member of the Me thodist Protestant church.: Her two sons, William J. Byer ly, president of the Farmers JtTa- tfonal Bank aud Trust company, of Winston-Salem, and also connected with banking institutions at Mount Airy and other towns Thomas J. Byerly, vice president of the Farm ers National Bank and Trust com pany survive. There are also five daughters, Mrs. C. M. Sheets and Mrs. Wi V. Poindexter, of Wins ton-Salem, and Mrs. C. J. Taylor- and Misses Girla and May Byeriy, of'Davie county. Bio - Obituaries -9/19/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 26,1928 Sadie Owen Sadie Owen, daughter of J. V. Owen..of Mocksville, died Friday. The funeral was held Saturday morning at it o^clock at Smith Grove Funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. L. Kirk. She is survived by her father and mother, two brothers and one sister. Amanda Collette Atnaiida Collette died at her [near Caaa Tuesday morniug. |U. T. Peury conducting the services. Surviving are ildreu, \V. S. Collette and |V. i. Boger. Bio - Obituaries —9/26/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 27,1928 MRS. SUSAN McDANlEL Mra, Suflnn Willlftms McDnnlerl, ftgo 87 years, died at the homo of her son, G. J3. McDanicl Sunday ufff'it, Sept. 16Hi, about 10:00. Hc»)Iiejilth hod boon very good fqr. one of hor age. She wna visiting her son, when she wos token, sud denly hnd dlc(l. within obout twenty rainutcfl. . She- W08 well ; known . In the. community nnd hnd a large circle of friend.^. She was n faithful member'of Dulin's.M, P.Churclu SliK.Ia HUi'vivud.l)y aj.x phildront J. B.» J. A., and N. .P. Mcbanlel, of High'Point, Mrs. Esther Plott, A. 8. and G. B. McDanicl, of thia community, thirty-.scvon grnnd- cliildl'cn and t)iirty>flvc • great grniuUchlldrcii. s. • Funeriil^services were conduct ed at Smith'Gi'ovo church, Tue.s- day, a. m., by Rev. J. W. Broxton, and the body was .laid to rest In tho ohui'ch cemetery* Bio - Obituaries —9/27/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 10,1928 G. G. Livengood Mr. G. G. Livengood-died'at his borne in Cooleemeb Saturday morn ing at 10 o*felock, following an ill ness of pneumonia. The funeral and burial services were held at Cooleeince Sunday . afternoon at 2130 o clock, and the body was laid to rest in Liberty graveyard. MLr. Livengood is survived by his wife and one little daughter. Bio - Obituaries -10/10/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October II, 1928 j LIVENfiOOl) •Coolooraeo Jaunuil. Mr, Livelihood whs born March-. n After n Hcvoro illncHH of aevtrai 16th, 1895. He joined Concord., weeks Mr. Gowcn Llvciiffood church at the ngc of ten years,, pnascd on to the larger life bc^- ' niul has been n fnltli(ul and con- yond, Saturday, October flth, lrf28. sistent. member. At the ngii of The- funeral service was couduot- eighteen has becahie n .steward.of ed in the .Methodist church/ of Concord cliurch, and nt one timb. which ho was a member, by tho was Supt. of Cnncord nnd .•leru- ttov. J. A. J. Porriagton, tho pas- »"icm churches nt the same time. W, nssislud by Dr. J. II, Barn- In oH of thcser positions of triist hardt, Presldintf Elder of .-the "»d responsibility ho was deeply Winston District, and tho Rev. N. consecriited, and faithful in tho C; Diincaiu Rector of the Episco- porferinniicc of his duties. » pal Church. The sorvlco was Dn May 2dtli, 1921 he was niar- slmplc, but Impressive. Some of Annie Coble, |of his favorite hymns were sung by •ybjniario, who. with a sweet llt- the choir, and tho regular ritual t'e daughter. Louise, survive him. service was said by the ministers ^be immcnso tifrong attending • pnrtlclpailng. Both, tho pastor, funeral, the many nora! Iri- rtnd tho Presiding Eider, made" butos, the expressions of* synipa-■brlof""tlfIk». Dr. •J]ai'niimt^8r-ea=~~ '{'1' I'' tlif family boro witness tology WAS nn imaffectod expression 'be wide oaleom in wliich thisof the higii csUom In which Mr# nian was held In the com-!Liveugood was hold In the com- muniiy. Of him .it may fniiy bojmuiiity -jind a tribute to his up- thai ho was clean in his life,'right life and faithful sorvlco la inithful to his dulio.s, a frlond tothe church. Couched in simpla bis fellow.mnn, nfrectionatt in lilaterms, sincere in tone, choico laa— borne, nnd loynl to his God, .gunge, his brief address was a. , | ^ light porpeiunl shine upongreat tribute to a good roam bim. Bio - Obituaries -10/11/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 24,1928 Bryant Daniel Mr. Bryant Daniel died at his home near Ephesos Tuesday of last week, aged 80 years. The fun eral was cohdacted by Rev, E. M. Avett Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock and the body laid to rest in Liberty graveyard. ,Mr. Daniel is survived by" one. brother, G. P. Daniel, two sons and two daughters and a number of grandchildren. Peace,to bis ashes. M». DeUa Campbeil ^ ' Passes. V Mrs. Delia Campbell, of County Line, died Mo'nday night at 8 o'clock at Long's Sanatoritttn, Where's she bad been under treat ment. The funeral service and in terment will be Wednesday morn ing at io;3Q o'clock at Society Bap tist church, nrar Cool Springs, Mrs. Campbell was the widow of the late*T. B. Campbell, of County Line. Surviviu'g afe three sisters, Mrs Bertha Roberts and Mrs R. A. Elam, of County Line, and Mrs. Annie £. Anderson, of Cala- bain, and Mrs. Annie E. Anderson, of Calahaln. Mrs". .Campbell was 72 years old.—Statesville Daily. Joe Holleman Joe Holleman, an inmate of the home, died early Saturday niiug, age about 76 years. The y woa laid to restinCbeiry Hill Saturday morning at 10ock. Surviving are three dangh- ^Dd two sons. Bio - Obituaries -10/24/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 25, 1928 Theodore Foster SiiuUi Grave sch&ol '.vns mntic Bad Inst Monday morning when news wns received of- the death of Thcoclorcf Foster, son of J. F, Foster, Mocksville route 4. Theo- doro wna n tnembor of the eighth grade class in high school. Funo- rnl services wore conducted from Advance Methodist churclj by Rev. Mr. Brnxtoii, pastor of Dulln's M. P. Church of which tho boy was a roombcr. The faculty and a large number of pupils attended tho funeral: The pall bearers were: Allen Craver, Ralph Smith, Erns- 'tUB Hcrplcr, Loyd Ilanellno, Wll- Inrd Howard and Thurmnn Foster, class mates of the deceased. The flower-girls wore: Gladys Dunn, Georgia Smith, Ella Grny Smith, Violet Potts, Magdalene Beauch- nmp and Lern Carter, also clnsa mates. Theodore was a good boy and wns loved by both toachora and pupils. . • • Mrs. Andrew Allen The funeral, service of Mrs. Andrew Allen wns held here Sun day -at 2:90 o'clock by her pastor, Mr. Thompson, assisted by Rev. Turner, Baptist pastor of Fork Church. COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, October 25, 1928 I Mr. C. B. DnnlQl, of routo d, died suddenly at his home lust -Tuwday afternoon about 9 o' clock. Mr. Daniel had been In . bnd health fov some time, but his death was unexpected, j. _ .The--funeral--6«:jrv5ce -wna" Ton- ductod at the home Wedncadny at 3 o'clock by Rev. E. M. Avctt and interment w«h mndo In tho I.ihcv- ty burying ground. We extend our deepest sympathy to the be reaved. I Ml*. Daniel was 81 yenva old and leaves two sons and two dnugh- tors. Bio - Obituaries -10/25/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 31,1928 Sandy Setzer Saody Seteer, .colored was fatally injured Saturday night at Dutcil- man creek bridge, on Route 65. Setzer and .Bad. JStctaisoQ weredriv- ing a Ford when a front tire blew out causing the car to • hit a wire fence, throwing the negroes a dis< tance of gbout 40 feet. Setzer died early Sunday morning. Btchison was also badly hurt. Bio - Obituaries -10/31/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 7,1928 Mrs^ C. fil. Mdoney Dedd shocked and«<i<Jened Sunday mbming when news came that Mis. C. B. ooney had . died at the Stokes Hospimi, Salisbury, at nine o'clock, following an operation. Mrs. Moon- ey had been in the hospiiaT three Weeks and her condition had not been considered serious. The fun eral was held at the Baptist church Monday-afternoon at 3 o'clock,Rev.W. B. Waff, her pastor, as- ^ted by Rev. Leary Cashwell, of Gastonia, and Rev. Mr. Hough, of New London, conducting,the services. The body was laid to rest in Rose cemetery in the presence of a large concodrse of lelatives and friends. Mrs, Mooney is survived by her husband, five soiis and one daughter; her father, four brothers and five sisters. In the death of Mrs. Mooney the town looses one of its best women—the husband and children a devoted wife and mother —the church a tireless, Christian worker. We are all saddened by the passing of this noble wcjnau. Bio - Obituaries -11/7/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 21,1928 Jacob F. Grouse, Sr. Ella Price Smith. From tbe S&lisbary Post. Few liave lived in Salisbury and made more firmly established them selves in the love, esteem and con fidence of the community than Mi^s Ella B. Smitb, who died here Fri day night. Miss Smith was con- bectedffiththe Wbitebsad-Stokes Sanatoaium for a number of years, during which time that institution held high place In the profession, exerted a wide influence and help ed many over a wide area, and to her was due in large measure the high order of service the institution was pijviledged to render. Since the hospital was taken over by • a large group of owners Miss Smith has served as manager, and her service was ever necessary to the going on of the hospital, the pro per functioning of the instatntion. Her place will be hard to fill. She will be missed, but sbe leaves as a memorial a life that was dedicated to good works. Sbe succeeded be cause sbe did that which she set out to do, and she did it in a magui- fioeot, a very helpful, way. Her life has ended but its in^uence lives on. Prominent M^chant Dead. Jacob F. Crouse, Sr., general manager of Huutlev-Hill Stockton Company, one of Winston-Salem*s most prominent, citizens and a well known figure in the retail furniture drde of the South, died Friday night at 8:27 at a Winston-Salem hospital following a . serious illness of only about two hours. Mr. Crouse was taken ill Thurs day while at his work, complaining of his fever and an intense pain in his left hip. He went to home and remained until ye^erday. Going to work yesterday nomiug with the aid of a pane, Mr. Cronse offer- no cpmplaiht. of his illness until late in the afterooon. About 4:30 he oonaulted a bone socialist, and an X-ray ezamioatlon reveled that be was suffering froth osteomyelitis septicaemia, a form of inflamation of the hone and marrow which re suits in blood poisohiug.- Bio — Obituaries -11/21/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA oo w a; o ISAIAH TEMPLE CRAVERLANIER1824-1856 i Haiah Temple Craver Lanier b. 1824^5 Davidson Co NI^jdT^Aug 1856^avie Co NC Charlotte POTTS b.cal830 Davie Co NC^1890sfDavidson Co NC / Res: Davie Co NC; Davidson Co NC - YaSEi^nege area; / ^ Bur: Perhaps, Fork Baptist Ch Cem Davie Co NC Isaiah's parents: /^ Craver Sarah TEMPLE Craver ^ Charlotte's parents: . /pji/D Jeremiah Potts Ann FOSTER Potts i ^ Isaiah & Charlotte's ch: known 1^3'*^ ^Agnes Elizabeth Lanier b. 1846/S. 16 Oct 1913^ . ^ ' m. , " James K, Hartley b.24 Apr 1840^^04 Aug 1921^ Res: Yadldn College Township Both buried: Yadkin College Meth Ch Cem Davidson Co NC 2. ^ Nancy Jane Lanier b.02 Jan 1848(d09 Sep 191?> iiL 08 May 1866 ————"" Hiram L. Koontz b.Ol Sep 1845 CoFMay 1922^ Res: Yadkin College Township ^ ^ Both buried: Yadkin College Meth Ch Cem Davidson Co NC ^2 Phillip Bodenheimer Lanier b. 20 Aug 1850(430 Novl 928 m.l'' 06 Jan 1869 vyt.T.W. Hartley. A G Hnngh TP^ ^ Sarah MICHAEL b.l2 Nov 1848 d. 01 Nov 1896 m.2'^ 01 Aug 1897 Ellen Eliza GOBBLE b. 01 ^un 1860^8 Dec 194 (Sarah & Ellen were cousins) Res: Yadkin College Township; Tyro Township; All buried: Shiloh Meth Ch Cem Davidson Co NC 4. ^ Andrew Jackson Lanier b.l852(£ 01 Mar 19^^ m. 24 Oct 1872 Sarah Jane WILSON b. 13 Jun 1854-^^ 01 Mavig32l> Res: Yadkin College Township Both Buried: Shiloh Meth Ch Cem Davidson Co NC vJ—ij: Rowan (Roan) Thomas Lanier b. 07 Feb 1854(al6 Mav 1 Sasf*} m. 1" 27 Mar 1873 Mary WALKER m.2°^ 14Mar 1878 Margaret Emma BROOKS b.Ol Nov 1858 Davidson Co NC Davie County Public Ubraiy Mocksville, NC MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 6,1928 Sarah Catherine and Raymond Lee Beck TWO DEAD IN SAME PARHltK The Grim Heaper made two. vlaila yeatei'dny to!.the homo. of. 0. L. Beolc, Will) resides on the ; Thoniasvillo , Rend -niiiemiles' from Winslon-^alciii, Mr. Beck's n mother,''Mrs. Sarah., Catherine! Beck, 08, piisBing away-at 8 a, nti: nn^l the death of his sen, Bay-, mohd Le^'Bcck,.'8,' occurrinif Jifc;' 3 o'clock yesterday, aflcl'noonj n . ' n Mrs. Bock, • who had -been ill.- for only; four days, w.ns. Dnvklson County, 1800, (liiUKhter.. of the. latd rar:'-. and i-nlah 'Williams;-' Shja; spent hdi\ontir'e. lifer In-pnyldsoh . County.-; She was. , a moniber-' of Enton Baptist church," . V • " Suvviving arcHwo sons, Gi Li Bock of.' Dnvidsbp Cotthty. and; Ray" .Bock of Winston-Sulcmj^ 8 ; daughtors, Mrs. Aiinib Owohs of Southmont; Mrs. Mlmilo Hanoline and Mrs. * Plorcnce n Bogor.;:; of Mo'cksyillo. ' 'i'; v .. . • Liltlu<Unym6ntlM]cck wns.b'orn'i in Winatou-SnIcm^ Jullo. 5,'1926; lie is aurvlvod'by his .pfti*onta'arid . ono brother, Briief Bnxley Bocki- Mrs. Bock was Miss Eva Illggfris prior to mnrrjngo.. i , Bio - Obituaries -12/6/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 12,1928 Martha E. Brown The fuiieral for Mrs. Martha E. Brown 63 years, who passed away at her home Dec. 7.^ was held at Rock Springs Baptist church Sun day moraing at it o»clock. Ser vices, were conducted by her former pastor Rev,'W. V. Brown. Her husband Daniel J. Brown survives. Interment was in the church grave yard. Bio — Obituaries -12/12/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 13,1928 Amanda Cresswell Mrs. Amanda CreasweU, widow of Gcorgd Crcaswell, died.'ut the home of her cousin, John'.Loflcr, on' Monday'liftornoon,- Dec. lOth; ngud.75 ychra, i^he "dccenaotr was a daughter of thc'luto Moses Wng- onerj' n woll-lcnown \! citizen of D'ftviec(^nty." .-SheAvna n mombe'r of-Llherty church, wJibIb the' in- tennent took place 'on' Tudsdny afternoon at'2, o'clock,;with ^hor Martha E. Brown s '.The'- funeral Tor Mm. Martha Brown, G'2, who passed away ■;at hdr home, December.7th, was,j,:iield at Rocky Springs,' Baptist■rhurch 'Sunday,, December 9th...Sefv'lcea -wore conducted by Rev. Bro\vh, hpr -former pastor. ■ •Jler. husband,' Darnel .1;-Brown, ..i:Survlvo8. Interment' wuo in the .cliurch graveyard. . • Bio - Obituaries -12/13/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 19,1928 Muy SbeekP^sMsl • li^. Mary Sb^k/iged 70vicars, I died at the home of her dangbter, 1 Mrs. b. G. Allen, in Winston-Sa lem last Tuesday morning. The body was brongbt to Macedonia Moravian cbntch. near Farniington Wednesday afternoon and laid to rest. The faneral sendees were conducted by' Revs. J. £. Hall, Walter Grabbs, Dr. ^Edmund Scbwarze .and Bishop Edward Rondtbaler, Mrs. Sheek was a na tive of this county and is survived by two daughters, Mrs. O. G. Al* len an^ Mrs. C. A. Bowden, of Winston-Salem. one son Frank, of the Twin-CSty. Three ^ters, Mrs. John Smith, Mrs. George West and Mrs. John Sparks, all of |Farmington, survive. Mrs. McClamroch Pass es. Mrs. Sarah McClamroch diedat the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. R.'Meroney in this city Wed nesday evening, Dec. rath, aged a- bont 7S years. Mrs. McClamroch Had been confined to ber room for the past month. The faneral and burial services were conducted at Oak Grove Methodist church Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock by her pastor, Rev. Et M. Avett. Mrs. McClamroch is-aa.rvived by eight children, three sons and five daugh ters, Oscar, of this city, Joseph, of Kaonapolis, Coley, of Asbeville, and Mrs. W. R. Meroney, of this city; Mrs. Rose Braugh, of Kansas City; Mrs. Mamie Nichols, of Greensboro, Mrs. O. G. Hulclieus. of Winston-5alem, and Mrs Essie Hodgson, oi Lexington, Neb. Three sisters, and two brothers survive, viz: Mesdames W. C. Den ny, L. G. Horn 'and iHenry Pea cock; R. L. Wilson, of this city, and William Wilson, of Cooleemee, Mrs. Coimatzer Passes Mrs. Jessie Colbatzer. 39, wife pf A. P. Comatzer, passes ^ay at the home,- at Kanes, N C., Friday at noon. Death followed an illness of several days with pneumonia. Mrs. Cpmatzer was bom ib* Da- vie connty Jannaiy 5. *^89, a daughter of the late William and Marie Walker..' She is survived by ber husbaod, by one son, William A Comatzer, and by three daughters, Julia M., Margaret L.. add Pansy E. Comat zer. ^he bodywas laid to rest at Shady .Grove Methodist Church, at Advance, where the funeral ser vices were conducted at 3 o'-clock Saturday afterooOn by the pastor. Rev. Thomj^n. - ' ' Mrs. Graham Passes. Mrs. Sarih Ann Graham, aged 78 passed away as her home in Parm- ington last week. The deceased was the dangbter of the late Charles.and Caroline Howell, of Dawie county. Mrs. Graham has been an active member of the Farmington Baptist church for more^ than 40 years. She is survived' by two sons Lee Graham, of Collansville. X^as and G. H. Graham, of Farmington; two brothers, Joe Howell, of Lydchburj^,. Va.. and John HowelJ, of Dai jab Texas; three sisters. Miss Jennie Howell. Mra. W, '. P. Furches, of Farmington and Mrs. Carrie Harris, of Concord. Nine grand-children and three great grand children.. She went about doing good, where- ever there was need she was there. She will be missed In the community, church and home. Even though we miss her we know, she did ^ot die. She laid the soul's fraifvesture by. . Bio - Obituaries -12/19/1928 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA