Jul - DecMOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 1,1926 DEATH OF CHilHLES R ; SWICiSGpOD . From The Ccoleempe, Journal. C. P. S\vice8ood dfed at bih home in North Coolieemee,- Tuob- ilay afternoon,. afc 8p.; m. Mr.' Swiccgpod. had" been V in poor health for seyeral years and had .bepn cpnfliied to his be'd for the past 6 months.'. ' . * n ! ' Ho'waa.'bora in-DavidBon couii-. ■ty, Noypmb'erVlS/-1861,. age. 64 yearB','^7^mo'nth^ and days,- He married Miss' ^Belie' -Greene, ofDavidson' . 'county i and; ntpved - to Rowan, County,-. near Cooleeinee,about'80 fears ago, • ■ Funeral a'ervieeB will be conduct^ ;'at; Cherry' Hill today - at1I;(^'''o'clock; 'by Rev.^.• M; • -7^. Bidenhdur, of' Kahnapolis andb^fial -will take-place - in the^mily plot,'in the .church grave yard,. ■ ■ He is.: .survived by* the widow and TO children, R. T.-Boyd Swice-gopd/'pf Ron'ndke, "Virginia; C. 0..and .G. G. Swicee^ood; of Ro>yuncounty: Mrs. J. RlVHpkc, Mrs. R.B! .Powell and Mrs,' -.iphn • Rigga,of j<annnpbli8]: h|iss G^ncb Swice- good, of Wnbps^aQV-^Ploi'^^^Paul and ;Hai*i7;:'at>j'(Dnie'. Thi-eo. having .in'opccdpdr.h.iip;-^ thhfl^ave;;. -■ *,■ V- -A , ' « , Mxy •' i awicogoodA bad- manyi friends.dn(;pavidpdn, RoSVah. andJjayip'cdUdtl^ He,will:b'e. ^.pa\-: jyAroiss^'d.'.'In this -*ppn^*PdPitSyi^ Bio - Obituaries - 7/1/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 7,1926 C. F. Swicegood C. F. Swicegood, a '-well known and- prominent citizdn of Coolee- mee died last Tuesday following an illne^ o.f several years, The^ fun eral and burial services were held Tbur^ay morning at Cnerry Hill I^utber^ cbCirch, in Jerusalem town ship. Mr. Swicegood is survived by bis wife and ten children.' Nancy Ann Carter The body of Mrs. Nancy Aun Carter, of Lexington, was brought her^ .Monday and buried in Fork cdimetery. She had been .a resid* ^tof this commtfsjty many,years ^go, yms a widow of the • late Ab- ratn Carter.jvas 68 years old, and leaves- one -daugbter Mrs.- Frc^. Harper, ohe sou John Cartet, one sister Hfrs: Elizabeth Hellard, who is. 82 years old. . n ^ ^ Bio - Obituaries - 7/7/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 15,1926 Annie Sue Dwlggins ■. The community was ahockod tohear theodeuth of little Annie Sue DvVlBfflna, daujjhtei-. of Mr.nnd Mrs. T.,W. Dwlgt'lna. She WHS tukeii alck* Friday nnd wascurried to the Snilabury hoapltnlSunday afternoon, Whcrtf she underwent nn operntlony for. appendicitis Sunday night and diedMonday afternoon. She was bornJune 27, 1917 and died July 12,1926. Although her life waa short she made many friends. She hada amile for everyone and truly We any, to know Annie Sue, wua to love her. 1 In the graveyard softly sfceplng, Where the fl owers bloom lies the oneWo love, so dearly in the silent, lonely grave. •You will nctei* be fofgolurh, 'noV- or. ■ ' ■ ■NeVer from the: .memory, fade; •Loving hearts shall HHgeV around The grave where .you-are laid.Her proaeiice lingora s.tijj "about the room, • . Her fodtstops echo 'yet i upon the • -..floor;. *Her plcasant amiie still.brightens, ^ all Ihe^glponi, • Though she has slipped out' cloaed'.the dppr. • • ; .A little lapse of time and .you,too, Shall go to see'again your dearest friend. ' She leaves to mo'urn her death; father, mother, one brother, grand parents, and a host of other re-, latives-and. friends. . ' . She was lai.d to rest in Center . cemetery Tuesday afternoon at "4 o'clock: 'The^pnU-behrers'.were, Messrs Cnlvln Walker. • of'.High point,'Allan Knootk of Cbolecmee, Loa. Pwlggins, Floyd. Tuttorotv,ti^ul Misses ' 'Kathtudtie'- Ijames;Rachel Anderson ■ Vli^rgoret Gnr-rett, Myi'tlo ah'd Annp Mae . And erson, Sadie;,Nannie; Mary Helen- Baimoycastle and .Mazie, Vanzaht were/the fl ower girls; : VjbltUe Aniilti Sue' Pwlggins 'Dead .. , Annio Suo-.Pwlggi.n8, O-ydarjold , doughier of Mr. and 'Ml*s'. Ti W... JDwigglna,' of near.'Center,'■died ■ /Monday evening from, an opern- 4jbn for nppendicliia oh' Sundaysight. • • • ' V''.The funeral apryic'e/was con- .ducted by Rev. AVelt and/ hiiriai' -vvas in vCenter-fPemctery'Tuesdny,affernpoh-af four o'clock. Bio - Obituaries - 7/15/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 21,1926 Annie Sue Dwiggins Aunie Sue, the g-year-old daugb ter of Mr. and Mrs. T "W. D*Wg- gins, hf 5, died at the. Salisbury hospital last Monday evening, fol- iQwiug ail operation for appendi citis. The little body was laid to rest aV Center Tuesday afternoon. Rev. E. M Avett, conducting tire funeral services. ^'SufiFer little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.*' The grief- sticken parents have the sympathy of .tlie entiro community in this hour ot sadness. Bio - Obituaries - 7/21/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 29,1926 Lennie McGee, Ester May Wilson, Elmer H. Treichel, Boyd Wagner and Louis Feurstein Five PerRonn KPIed in Automo bile Accident When Cfi{r OocH Down a Bank ' Clcvolandr July 25.—Five per- BonH were killed and another prob- obly fntnlly Injured when their (lutomoblie went over n 20ffoat embankment here cnrly ^odny. The victims were Clevoitrnd rcBldcnta. They iire; Miss l^on- nfo McGcc. 21:'Estcr IVIny Wilson, 17:rEImcr H. Trcichol, 86: Boyd Wnuncr, 24; Louis,Feurstein, 2C. n Joseph Llaly, 80 years old, was iinponsclous when the wrockajjc was discovered. He was taken to a hospital whore the doctors'snid hope for his recovery was silttht. BctAlla af the •accident were tinnvnllnblo 12 hours nficrwnrds. ndatives sold they did not know where the victims had been or whcro thoy were golnj;. • Bio - Obituaries - 7/29/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 4,1926 T. Bryan Ward Davie.Boy Drpwns. Badto, July 30.—T. Bryao Ward, aged 19, was drowned in the Bad in lake today-while in swimmlug with several other boys. They were swimming to a boat which was fastened to a barrel a- bout 45 yards from the bank.' -All the boys reached theboatex.* cept Ward.. As be got near the boat be cried for help. — The bottom .was dragged., wjtli hooks aud the body was found. Efforts made to resuscitate him failed, due to the (act thatv.Ue had baeh-iu. the water ati- hbur and 28 roiuntes. Ward had been employed bt Badin for the. eight months, coming here from Mock'sville, R. 2. He was a son of Mrs. Louise Ward, of.Mocksville, and a_brother, of Lounle B Ward, of Badtir. The bodV was brought to the home of Mrs. Ward Saturday and laid to rest in-Wesley Cb^'el grave yard at 3 oblock tbat^ftemoou. Bio - Obituaries - 8/4/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 5,1926 Bryan Ward riAVlE COUNTY nOY DROWN. ED IN UADIN LAKE. • The funeral of Bryan. who was drowned in the-lake .at Badlii Friday, was conducted from Wesley Chapel Churc!'. three mil^a from FarmlnKton, at H o'clock Sunday mornlnK^by Hev, G. .Itf. McKinney. Interment was.made in the church j^rav'eyord. -i-,. > B.ryan Ward was- a. brother. iof Cla'udius T.-Wardof-Buxton street Wlnston'Salemi ; ■Accordlhg;to;i)).e.'inforhiation received herei^fie^Wfta •Bwlmml^g with several, cpmpatti-btie, 'shbrtly before hobn ifridayand was attemptlns.'to BWlm to'-aboati moored in,Uie lake, ;about'forty.flve yards from-'rthe.-shoirpV;He becam.e exbauiste.d ^ndi-callMfor help, but befbre«iheVo'th;e^^^ could' reach': hini ■ He'' went^under; •His body was not 'reeoyered .u^l^ more than., an -hour, latbr^being used tprfdrag the /bottonLieit thb.lake. ' 'Mr. Ward was a native, of;Dayle';county and had been emplbyediilt: Badin for about four'mpntha.,He.>vna 19 years of age. He i^radi^at-ed from the. D'avie High- spHopllast spring and was to.ba.ve-.entp|^ ed college this fall. ..'He;^as amember ofr. Wesley Ohppej. Mbtho- diftt church.- - .i .';>■.- I The deccoscd. is .surViye^^I mother, . four . ai{»terS,; Mrs.^'-LolaCarter of Richmond,' V.a., Mjss Laura- Ward, Mjiss'; Eloise 'Wardand MrSr Zella Fereboc 'of-Da\;ie- 'county,' iin.d fa{ir, bfoihers,. Olaur idiua T. Whrd-bf-thls cityj.stecey^"Ward bf' Cpncbrd; LpnnieAyali^^'fr,fi itdih and Luther Wnrd of rDayj(e! county.. Bio - Obituaries - 8/5/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 11,1926 N. R. Richardson Aged Mioister Killed. Spencer, Aug. 6—Rev. N. R. Richardson, aged: 72. one of ihe oldest and most widely known' min- istere in the W^tern North Caro lina conference, met-death under the wheels of an automobile at Zipn Methodist chnrcfa, near New Loii' don, this afternoon. It - IS stated' the minister, who was assisting the pastor, Rev. F. J. Stowe, in a revival, had just arriv* ed on the grounds to preach, and in attempting, to walk across the road to the church, where a large congregation-was waiting for his sermon, was struck by an automo bile driven by 'ig. colored man. vv hile unconscious he was t nsbed to Salisbury in an ambulance, but died shortly before reaching the hospit^. Besides the widow, Rev. Mr. Richardson is survived by two daughters. Miss Mary Riwbardsou, of 'Salisbury school, and Mrs. W. H. Black, of Spartanburg, S. C.. and two sOns, Prof. Frank R.* Richardson, superintent of the Spencer schools, and MoTier Rich- ardson, of Rocky Mount. The funeral takes place at the late home of tl^ deceased at Mt. Pleasant Sunday at 2 p. m., and the body will"be laid to rest at Aibemarle. John Marsh Bailey John Maiab Bailey, a well known* citizen of Davie county, died last W^n^ay at the home of bis son,.,M. R. Bailey, at Blkin, following an illness, of heart troo Me. Mr. Bailey.'was 76' years of age^ and is survived by one brother M.- R. Bailey«q( Iredell coubty, and one sister, Mrs.-'John Rurfees,- of Rowan county-' "J'bree sous sur vive, VIZ: M. fe; l^ilev, of Elkiu; J. T. Bai|ey; of 'Winkoh-Salem, and -W. ^. Bailey, of hear Mbck- yille.- The'body was brought^to Davie county and laid to rest^at Center Friday morning at -'ii o'clock.. -The funeral'and' burial .services-were conducted; biy Revs. J. T. Sisk, J. A. J. FarrlngtcD and Rev. -Mr Reeves. *]Mf. Bailey' leaves many " rel attves and = friends in Davie.". He was postmaster at Cana. for more than-15 years. S. H. Smith S H .Smith:djed Tuesday nisrht at' the hdiDBe.bf n his! sistdr A Vfohrtaoh, .Euneril^ sprvicea, .Were held at Bethlehem .Ehuraday - at .elevOh o'eloek... '' * 14. . ' ' Mrs. PaniellBeiBid. ' Mrs. J. T. Pamell, of this city, died Saturday mornihg^ in a Wins ton hospital following i a long ill ness, aged ,^out 78 years. The body was laid to rest in Ijoppa ceme tery at 4 o'jdock. Funeral and burial ;senHces' weref. conducted by her pastor, Rev. Ri S.'.Howie. Mrs. PowelP is' snrviiied by three sons and' one daughteF,| viz: Hugh cmd D. A. Pamell; of Wihsion Sa- lem, C. S- Famell, of Qraham, and Mrs. Mprray Smith, o|' SMtsbury,. Mrsi .Parn^l bad lived in this city many years, moving | here from Virginia during the Civil war. She had many friends in Davie who will be saddened oy her death. . • Caleb Wilson Kurfees C'" KSrfeM dial ai thef ospital, MorgBptoo,.6t) Wed- Ss. aged atmut 72The body was. brought! to 'lie and laid to rest in.Cent- Thursday. Mr! Knr,' wd ^vie county:. ""»al€ of the State PrviiSil. 4° years: .'.He Bio - Obituaries - 8/11/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 12,1926 Mrs. ELIZA bailey .PARNEU nn ■•DEAD •' Mrs. . EHza ^Bollby. - Pnrno'll widow "of th'e jiitb Jolih Tillott'Par- Jiell, (Hod ill'' .ft, VViHstoh-Snlcnihosnltiil oil SntuWay,'August 7th,i after nil illnesa of severfti weeksThe decaaaed , wna • an excelleni woman, and greatly belovedShe was devoteil to her" fumUy,and had the reapect of the entire community. She^waa born ' inSurry county, Virgiriia. In 1849. and In girlhood joined tfi"b Methodist church.' 'After the Civil Warthe family,moved to Mocksville,one aiater, Mro. Thomds Meroneyand two brothera, J. A. Bailey andPhlneaa Baiiey all ndw..decea8ed,making their home-here. In 1872ahe wU'a married to John TiilettParnell, and to this-union wereborn aeven- children, four of whom survive. Her husband died aevo-ral years ago and since' then ahemade her home with her daughterMrs. Murray Smith, In Salisbury.'The funeral services were conducted at the Methodist churchhere by Rev. R. S. Howie, oii Sun day afternoon at 8 o'clock, andthe ihtei'mcnt followoU at,Joppafiometory. Thfc numerous: beautiful fl oral pfFerlng.s were carried-by the grnndchildreu pf the de-scnscrt. "Abide with Mo", and "TheOld Rugged. Cross" wore-siing.bythe choir and the ft rocksvilloQuartet sang "Rock of Ages." .Thenail-bearers were 5 J.-P. Hnnes, • V. Ai Atniiea,Roy Holthouaer, B. I. Smith, B. 0.Morris, Lonnib;;i^urfsea, MiltonCall. The aurvlvlng chiidren. aro Mrs.. Murray.Snilth, of SftlisburyjD. A. Parnell eiid.Hughes Pamelj', of Wlnston-Sftlem, niid Charles S. Parnell, of. Mebane. The Velativ- ea and friends.-from" odtrof-town. who nttqnded tiio funeral Tvore: Mr. ft iul Mrs. Jlurray Smith, Char les • Murray nnd . Emily Elissnboth' Smith, of SftMsbiiryj Mr. nud Mrs;Chnrlcg PnrucU, Charles "Jr.^ and Evelyn* .Parholl, of Mebane, Mr.and Mrs. llughos Parnell andSlary Louis!) Parnell,' Mr., »pndJIfs. D. A. PftrnoU, Tom Pnrnoll, Hn?el nnd NdtUv Sue Parnell," Mr. .and Mrs. Floyd Loving, Idrs. Wade King," and'son, Robert. Pav- iioU,.Mr, and Mrs. Chnrtcs Rom-iiigdr, • Miss. Elizabeth Romihger, and Sirs. Lnwaon, all of Winston- Snlom; Mr. and Mrs. Cflnt Dend- mon, Mr. and Mrs. Will Mo^an", Mr. and'Mrs. Gllnicr Miller,'Mr. 'and;' Mrs'.,;P,earl: Jonbil.-hll of.Sal.'Isb.ui-y'iWe^'t dxtertd - our deep'^sympn'tb"!' to' tbe^bereaved faniily .;/n . tliq(r,;V greats'lo3^.'"vA good woman hns'gono tdr/'f her reward. • /•.''':":,:-'sV'-- JOHN MARSH BAILEY DEAtI ■ Mr; Jdhn -Marah Baiiey died.at the home of his son,' M. R. Bailey^,at Blkin,- lagt 'Wednesday';nIghj^-':>after an .Illness of"heart _ trouble^.'.Mr. Bailey- was. one of ' Davle's'., leading citiWns and 'was seventy-l.' six years old.. He is'survived by.^. one brother, M. R. Bulley, of•ne'ar''^. Stntesville, one sisterj- Mrs. John',: Kurfecs, Rowan County and three . sons, M. R. Bailey, whom he waa- ' visiting at the tlme'ofhts dcotli, T.^J. Bnlley.'of Wlnat9n-Salom and W. B. Bailey pf this'county. The body was lald'Tc rest'at Center. Friday mornlnif at 'eleven o'nlpck. The funeral services. wore conducted by Rev. J.-T.-Slsk,, Roy. yJ. A. J. Enrringtoh and Roy. Mr. Reeves. '• • ' i : •; Sam Smith "A fl .ad death last;week was that of -Ml'.' Sam Smith, . who . (fied" Tuesday evening at 9:30 o'clock" at the. home.of his sister, Mrs. Rach el Johnson. He had'pneumonia and other complications. He was sick only one week and two days. Ho will be greatly missed from our community. He was u quiet, unassuming Christian with .strong faith in God—an honest, kind add faithful man. The funeral; was conducted at Bethlohem Thursday morning at 11 o'clock by Rev. McKlnney. He- is survived by one sister, Mrs. R. A. Johnson ond two brothers, Messrs Henry Smith and Wesley Smith. Bio - Obituaries - 8/12/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 12,1926 REV. N. n. mCHARDSON . IS KILLED BY A TRUCK Hod -Just Left Church tVhere .He Hn4 Been Helplnt; Conduct • Revivnl ' Snllfibury, Aiig, 6.—Rpv,- N., R. ^llchnvdson,. reUred nilnSstor • of the Western North Cnrolinn Me thodist cohfcrencb, wns killed this. _ nftcrn'oon by befhg struck by n truck driven by n negro man,.the nccldoiit' occurring at,Pinoy Me-' tlmdlst church of the Gold IIIll circuit, east of Snllabury.,' ' Jlr. Richardson had been iisalst- Ing F. J. Stowc in-n .fiorlqa of meetings at this church this week _ and-'this ^afternoon; after, prcacli- ring ho was golng.h'bmp,with one 'of;the menibers, 'A'lady driving the 'car stopped. foVr^me reaaoii just after leaving the chiivch and Mr,. Richardson got ,out of. the car.to look about, hs was his cus tom. It' la said he saw'a truck approaching and started across the road to get out of its p.ilh' thoi)' apparently changing ' his mind he retraced his steps In time to be struck by the truck, which was driven by a negro. An ambulance was summoned from Salisbury but Mr. Riphnrd- son died ion the way to a hospital In this city. He had suffered a cut in one limb ^it wjis apparent ly fatally Injured Internally. It is understood no blame attached to_the driver pf,the truck. The body will be taken to Mt. Pleasant and the funeral will he conducted from the Mothodjst church at that place Sunday aft ernoon, the Interment taking place at Albemarle. ' . ^ Surviving la the widow and four children, the children being Miss Merrle,.a teacher .in the Salisbury schools; Prof. B'. R., superintendent of' the Spencer schools; Mrs. H, B." Stack, of Spnrtanburg, and McTyre Ri6h- ardsoh, of Rocky Mount. Mr. Richardson was - 7^ years bid and was a superannunted min ister of the western North Caro lina , conference. He had been minister for 35 years'; serving a number of charges in the slate. Before entering the ministry he was a lawyer and ,'had practiced at Raleigh. HIh last regular pas torate was First Street church, at Albpmarle. S'ince wtlrin^r he hail Hvcjil at Albem'nrlo;' where ;hc own- oil a" hbriie. Bio - Obituaries - 8/12/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 19,1926 Mary Jane Hendrix Jlrs, .Mfiry Jiuiq Heiidnx, wif of thejntb NntlinnicI, Heiulrlx \vn born August 4,'l8D0 and peace fully passed away August 5, in2( age 7G years-nnri 1 day, She Jim been lii declining health for scve rnl years with a complication d tliscnsca and wifs laid To rest thi .following day. iii,. the cenietor: here, services being cohiiucted b.' 'her Jmstor/ Rev. E, • W. Turner assisted liy^Rcvs. J. F. Carter o; Wailghtowjr nhci Gray .Carter .oi Dnjiville, Vft., Jli'a.;Hendrix iiultei with Eork lJaptiflt cliurch at the ai^e.of. 21' years and lived a nobU clirlatinri life.' She. ieavoa sever children, . SfillJo, .Mollie. and; De- witt,' 'of the .home; " Eddie ' arid Louie of .this place, Mrs, G. A. Jones,of the Cpoleemec plahtntlon and Mr8.''Oth6"WilUnms of near AIndison; 13 grandchildren nhd l sister, JIra..Ann Cope, her hus band' died a number of years ago. We extend sympathy to the grief stricken fadilly. Those from out of. town who attended the funeral were Mcsdambs Lee. Walser, Frank Markland, Mlttle Foster, Tom Foster and Luther Crater of Winstoh-Snlem;-Meadamee F, M. Carter and Frank Foster of Mocks ville and Mrs. K. L. Cope, of Cool-' seipee. .. .Mr^, .Gray Sheets and family of "Virginia and Mrs. Ecles Davis and children of. Ty?p aj;§ " giiVats i of their parents, .Mr. and/Mrs. A'., M- .F9Btfer. . 4';, ' Mrs. E. D.' Cbpb is getting on nicely in a Wihston-Salem hpspi- Ul. where-she iB iakingireat^ ."..'Mr.' ahd Mrs. Arthur Foster Of Np^blk,' Va;, is spending several ^eeks with their pSrents; Ur. and Mrs. J.'R: Foster.',... Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jones blihe Cpbleemee plantation spent Sun day in the Twiii City. . Mr, ,J. R, Smith of Winston spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Beatrice Brewbnker.. Prof, R. H. Lankford'nnd fami ly of Harmony spent Sunday at Mr. J. C. Smith's; Mr. .and .Mrs. W. C, Thompson of Salisbury-spent Sunday.with relatives here. Mrs. J. 0: Smith spent last week end with her son, Mr, J. L. Smith of Augusta.'" Mi'fl.' Mamie Carter and daught- ojo pajpiiM puO'031 iCauw wo spending this week at Harmony. Mr. John Weaire of Waugh- town was a pleasant visitor here last week.. Misa'Ln'ura Dittvis of Harmony spent Sunday with Miss Mildred Carter. > Bethel Winfrey Mr.' Bethel WJnfrey' Mon-. day .morning at five o'clock after an'illness of dver a year. The funeral-whs- held Tuesday morn-, ing -at eleven "o'clock at Pinb; ' . Mr. Bethel wlU'bc greatly'miss ed In bur'hoihmunlty. ' Bio — Obituaries - 8/19/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 8,1926 Mrs. M. A. Foster Dciad Mrs. Milas A. Foster died at her home in Rph&us .early Wednesday uoroing follotyiog a tf70 weeks >11' ness," aged S4 years. •• The funeral and 'burial; seryic^ were held at Epesus Thursday aftempon at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Foster. is • survived by her husband and one daughter, Mrs. H. M; Harris. Decteased was a member of the Christian church She will be missed in ber cornmu- njly. Bio - Obituaries - 9/8/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 15,1926 Mel £. Takes Own-^Ltfe, Harmony. - Sept; " 9.—Mel " E. Grose, well known north IredeU farmer of the Sandy Springs sec tion...killed himself with a shotgun at about II o'clock this morning. iThe load entered Mr. Grose's body abont the heart and' death was evidently instantaneous. He had told his family that he was going banting in the hope of killing some squirrels. The people of the neigh borfaood believe the death a plain case of-suicide but no reason for the act could be learned.' It is said, however, that Mr: Grose bad been in'ill health for some time. ; The funeral services and ioter- pieut will take place some time Fri- 'dav at the Sandy Springs Baptist church and cemetery. Mr. Grose IS snrvived by his wife and several .bhildreu, Mrs: Ed Reuegar, Mrs. Ida Renegar. and Marshal, Char lie Carl and Rdbert Grose. * The community.has had .several similar tragic deaths within the last few years. Gueriiey Wright and a man nametf Renegar ended their lives in the same way Julius Hopkins Mr.'Xulins Hopkins died .at the home of his daughler. Mrs. A. 0. Beck* near Oak Grove, Saturday afternoon, aged abont 73 years, death resnltiiig from cancer. The funeral and- burial services were conducted by his pastor. Rev. E. M. Avett, at Oak Grove Metho dist cfiiirch Sttuday alteruoon in the presence of d host of relatives and friends. Mr. Hopkins is sur- viyed bv.one daughter, three broth ers and* one.st.<;ter. He was a good man and .-i^ill be missed In his com mnnty. Mr; Isiah Byerly Dead. Mr. Isiah Byerly. one of Davie county's oldest and best citizens, was found dead in bed early yester day morning at his home near Kappa. Mr. Byerly celebrated his 93rd birthday about a month ago. at which time, more than 400 re latives and friends were present. Mr. Bverh came to this cpunty many years ago from Davidson county:; He is-survived by three sons. W. A-1 J. W- Byerlyv of this county aud ttree daughters. -Mr. Byerly was appar ently in his usual health Monday evening when he retijed*. His death was not discovered until .a member of his son's family went to call him to breakfast Tuesday morning* . The body will be laid to rest in Byerly's Chapel graveyard but funeral ar rangements. had' not been made wh'efi this artide was written. Mr. Byerly was a good man and will be sadly missed. Bio - Obituaries - 9/15/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 16,1926 \l? n ^ wiifi' ' shockedJhls mohilntf, Sopt. U, 1026, M'lisii •It was learned that Isrilnh" .Byerly, one of Diivlo county's olcleat and" moat respected.cltizons.lmd pass- to the irront boydiul in the chrly houta of the morning. Mr. Byor- ly was in his usual ncaitli, WI^ he retired for the nfghi, he Ing returjied yesterday bvenlrig; » visit. He mn<ie hie Hom, j L t. -He was cpIUod to brenkfnat this miming andtailing to Answer, an Inveatlga- tion .was mede, when.it was found z n!l!L fi . passed away' ^gome time before, his body sHII being warm. of ii'a f?' years aitd 28 days rill boi-n near Yndkin, •Id ill's Aug.;te, 1833. Fifty years , ago he bought a farm on Hunting Oreek. this county, near Byerly's Chanel: whore, ho has led an. industrious fhl 1 surrounded,.by his childi-en. On Sept. Sth.i 1852 he was jinited in marriageto Miaa Mary Sourg of Davidson county, who prcceedod him to the- -.grave 10 years ago. To . this' union were born ten children,) lour of Avhom are now living, vlzV Messrs. J. W., w: .A. nnd C.' H.' MbDahltel.; 'i.. " 7;:r "^wwaiei.) _ polltlcfl Mr. Byerly'-Was a t .Jomocrat, tn .church nfflliatlonsI. ho; wn.s Methodist' Protestant, n man of strong convictions, he waff • honesty upright and .Just.'.- 'u ? cobb'ftatln the life ho. lived and this money, mad, pleha- ure loving gononition. He died 'S? n great, uhnadm-.-ing, Gbd .fearing man,'loved a2>i J respected by nil who know him.• Afl r gnzort upon'his placed face T thought of the life he hacl lived nnd of the death he had died.- At P^encc with all the world and with' I God. Ho passod into gentle •s umber hero to awalce In (he ifJorlous beyond with God and nil the blessed of all the ages. —By one who l^new him for 60 years and loved him, . . Julius L Hopkins Saturday, Sept.. 11, 1026, at his ilfhess.^with cancer. He ■wo.s'72. " """nber of fh'e M.■V fi hurch here}..he was-a^good greatly missed.in this community. Hb is aur- Of Bio - Obituaries - 9/16/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 22,1926 B. W. Leonard The foneral of B W. Leonard who died at hlfl bond in Wio^tton'Salein Tne^uJay, was held at Fqltou/M C. cbURb. Wad sesday alteroo^n at 3 o'clock, tje bad resided here for scnte years before moving naylRS-Io WlDRtao^SaleiR. and was behl i)^^|b.esteeiiFfay afft&bo kqaw ' 'man Of qaiet ad^stimiQg Christian dar ^ .hofWi • He was 49 yea^old, and'-is sativ .^jiiied by his widow. 4^o hrothecs, and: three sisterr. 7114 fimerol was in - cbatge of'Revs. J. C. Coroett. of Winstoii-^tem .Bnd.E K. Snow, pastor of Fultoo cbdrch \of which Miejleceased had been'a loen- TOr for 29 veaK • A Istga body.of Jaaiors atteo'-M th^ iuoeral and held their ser vice-at the Rtdve, six of then being bonoTBry pall-beaies. A good nan bas 1 ^ been caited to' bis reward. ^ Hubert Davis Hnbert Davisi: the so-yepr-old aud Mrs.^ilHam Davis ^litusalein townsbip. died Thurs- %&orniug, following atr. illness ?! ?iaeiinie. llie: -funeral- ;flnd ^ services were toeld Friday body laid to "rest in'.Con- Meihodist graveyard. •. Emma Graves 14-year-bld Gr»? ' Robert wT' Friilay .morning a bell, at the home of heri^se Grav&.. following chka?® with abscess (0 The body was laid BVkSr - morning at 11Jb Cnestniit- Grow 'grave-Jtrd'^rM '.Grove „ kmltL? P^fSWSili^V' ^asi "il-"! n ". V Bio - Obituaries - 9/22/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 23,1926 A. B. Jordan Wr. A/a Jordan.ted . homo, on Rt. 1, nfu n Jong Illness. Tl^e funeral «vices were held ot Eaton's 'chS Bio - Obituaries - 9/23/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 30,1926 JOHN SBAFOnD DEAD On . i;hc'28ji:h iiiiat.-'nt HIb home ncnr "Contev" chuich, "Umile". John Souford died In'hia 86tli year. MK Seafol'd/wiia a quiet, unaaauminff.man. A,very IndUa- trloua, hurd n working man. A good neighbor anTa good frlond. A large circle of frieiida ithd ac« quaintuncca wilt be grieved ' to loarn of hia/piia'aing,He leaves a widow and two children, Mias Dovie and Vf, Mqxey Senford, C; S. -Cl A good man has .gone. Peace to his ashes. . The remains were laid to rest nt Center, Wednesday niorning, at 11 o'clock. Bio - Obituaries - 9/30/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 6,1926 David Myers Former Dane Mfin Kill- ' = edv • < David Myers, 'a; former citizen of tbe Blbaviile section of Oavie coun ty, died early last Tuesday morn- iog in n a Winston-Salem hospital, death resulting frooi injuries re ceived the day before when an automobile hit him. Mr. Myers was 61 years of age. and was living with his son Grady Myers, in WiiistoQ-Saleni. The funeral and burial services were he-Id at Elba ville M. P. cfaurch Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mr. My ers is survived by his wife and two children. C. K. Krouse, who was driving the car that hit Mr. Myers, {vas arrested and is held on a charge ^f manslaughter. Mr. Myers ^adfiuany friends' and relatives tn Pavie who were saddened by news of bis death. Mr. John Seaford Dead Mr. Tobn Seaford died last Tues day tuorniug at his home nearCen ter, aged about 87 years. The burial services were held at Center Methodist church Wednesday morning. Mr. Seaford is survived by his wife and (me son. W. M. Seaford, Clerk of the Davie county Court, and one daug^iter. He was a Coufederate Veteran, and nad been in bad health for some time. Bio - Obituaries -10/6/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 7,1926 Francis Livengood l<k/i<aof hoi'Q ill 'aautfnc'jj: oii-fv.*■*:"7?t.liiyeiiBbbtlY;wiia • Infd wj vesf. horoWddneadayi. jRey; .Ei fif S;nQ\^cpn-diieled :'thejiurtpr«l PBrv^b; F'an-. cisii-Mae.IMybnaootUwna born Sept.-iith; -.iosif; /diC(U5ept> 28, ,1!)2C.;-ago .2' yoara 17 |8viverf-by h falfiW'anjJ mother and seven brotM^. -Clnvence, .John,Ciinrles. Od4)'. Juiiic, Fbafer andG-.'. W. JrifBvengopd.; The fl ow-era thati-^^oraled the'gmye were very wafl irub /Wp ; extend ourffreatM^ympathy^to the bereavi ed^i^eibv:;''- Bio — Obituaries - 10/7/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 13,1926 Burl and Ray Kluttz Brothers Buried Alive. Salisbnr^'. Oct. 7.—Two brcMi. ers, Borl aud Ray Kluuz, were iq, da/iiari^ alive in one of the verv few fatal accidents that have pened on the Rowan conniy nite belt in recent vears. These brothers and a third brother, Kluttz. all sons 6f Walker Klmiz of Faith, were worldnK a loct qnarrv near their home. They were probably 25 feet from the top of the ground and Lee had jnstleh the quarry for *b minute when a «de wall of dirt caved in. Burrs body was badly crushed and be must have died within a very short time. Ray, however, liv^ for some tinie and could heard calllug to the rescuing pany party for 15 minutes after the ac- ddent." Hugh Davis A Tribute of Ltve To Hugl^Diiy|s":who died Sep tember 17, Aged20 years. •' Th^eatb gngel vidted the home of Mr. Will Davis and took' ^ his trophy Hugh Davis. Hngh. Pavis V9BS a faithful member of Liberty Baraca Class. He will be sadly missed, for to know bim^ was to love biffl. ' Therefore, be It r&olved; First. That vm, the members-of the class, humbly bow to the dis- peosatfoo of Him who dpeth all things well, in taking our brother to tbelaod of everlasting life. Secoud. That io .the death of qur friend and brother, the class has lost end of its trust and most faithful members, and the family a 4evoted son and brother. Third. ' That we extend heart felt sympathy to the bereaved fam ily "^d feel that Hugh Is not dead but only fallen asleep to wake in tjhe realms of eternal day. Bio - Obituaries -10/13/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 20,1926 William M. Foote William M. Fcote, one of Smitb oldest citiTens, died Sun- of heart disease, aged ^178 years. The tunefal ser- ^ Were held Monday afternoon o'clock by Rev. C. M. in e body .laid to restGrove cemetery. Mr. le IS survived by his Wife and «ije sixers. Mrs. Walter Tavlor. Smith Giovc; Mrs Cap Sain, Calif Wilson, oflorula. Bio - Obituaries - 10/20/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 27,1926 John W. Collett Julius Haneline —wtvuauu» v>uiue i3'year-old son of f a«d Mrs,p. w. Haneline, of died Sautrdnynight a ah'ort iUne^-of ' sn nl- Ijid t ^>P^ys .wasSunday .aftehiodn 'at^ Chapel- Rev. J. T; Sisk cali fs g the funeral and Ihuria] John W. Collett, a well known jeweler of Concord, died suddenly at his home in that city last Mou* day night, death befog due to apo plexv. Fnoeral services'were held Wednesday afternoon and the in- termebt made in Oakwood ceme tery Mr. Collett was 57 years of age and a native of Davie coun ty, haviifg been born near Cana.. He was a son of ilfr.-and Mrs. Ben jamin Collett? He moved to Con cord a number of years ago. . Bio - Obituaries -10/27/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 28,1926 Raymond Haneline n n Raymoiul, the Id-ycui'^oUl Boti' of Mr, and Mrs. Gcdrgo Htinelhio 4iff(l^la5fc Saturday ovenlnff of ton- BoUtts. Tho funeral', .soryieos wore ;hold at. Unloli* Chapel Sun day aflurnobh, by nev.' J. T, Siak. Bio - Obituaries - 10/28/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 3,1926 Phillip Jones Meets Horrible Deafb. Mr. Phillip Jones, of near Tur- rentine, while rolliag .some logs Wednesday afternoon received fa tal injuries from which be died at 11 o'clock that night. Mr. Jones and W. £. Poplin were roiling logs when oue of the logs rolled back- jvard knocking Mrs. Jones down and breaking his thigh and injur ing him iaieriially. Deceased-was about 7.8 years of age, and is sur vived by his wife and nine child ren. five sons and four daughters. The funeral and -burial services were held at Fork Church Friday j at noon. Mr. Jones was a' mem ber of the Mocksyille :.Baptist| church. The aged ; widow a'nd. children have the sympathy .of the entire community. Bio - Obituaries -11/3/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 10,1926 I.. A.' f Clo^' died y,]i» home near Smitli Grove early ^ay-.xnomhij^, folIowioR -a illness of pneumonia,-aged 78 yrars. The body will be laid to rest t];is afternoon • at e o'clbole at Macedd. nia cbnrch, \ci which Mr. douse WM a hierober. .Surviving are two sisters and a host of' rdatives: add .f^en^ The Rec<M fps lost' .cn^ of-its best friends. ^ Elizabeth Williams Mis. Elizabeth Williams died at her home in Smith Grove Friday night, following a three weeks ill ness of'pne'umonia, aged 81 years. The funera^aDd bnrial tjopk place Sunday tnorning at Smitli Grove, R$v. C. M. McElinuey 'conducting the service.- \ Mrs. Williams is sur vived by one brother and one sister, also two half-broihers and two half- sisters. ' She was the widow of the late Sheriff Frank Williams, and was a. member of Smith Grove Methodist church. Bio - Obituaries - 11/10/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 11,1926 PROMINENT SMITH .GROVE WOMAN IS DEAD Mrs/Ellsnbeth Williams, 81, Died at Her Home, Advance Route 1 ' i . • ' . Mrs. Elizabeth Williams, 81, widow of W. P. Willlamp, passed jnway Friday iiiirht al; 11:16 o*- I clock at her home, Advance Rt. ' 1, after an I'lliicBS of aovcral! j months; Her condition had been critical for the past several days. She was born In this* county December 4,184^, the dnutflitQi'.of the late Mr. and Mrs.' Anderson : Smith. She.hud spent her entire life In Davie county and was a member of.the Smith Grove M.^. chu'rch for many years. She' was • a member of oiie of the begt know families of tho county ntid I had many friends. i 1 Surviving are one brother, John . W, Smith; two half brothers, Rufua and B. A. Smith, of Pavie; j one sister, Mrs. Mary Jane Jones .of^Indiana; two half sisters, Mrs. J.'^C. Smith, of Smith Grove, and Mrs, W. W.'Allen, of -Salisbury, pnd R;. E. • WlIHaihs, a nephew, who tiiade his hpme with her, and many i'neph'eWs and nieces, .The-.funeral' was held Sunday inorhlhg.at 10 p'^Jpck at the Smith Grdv.e MVE.''Church. .Rev. C. M. McKinti'ey, conducted the service, and burial took place - in the church.rgraveyard. Young Son Foster - .The'seven year old'son of Mr. and Mra. Giles Foster died last' Saturday morning and funeral and burial was held Sunday atj 8 p. m., after a few days illness of pneumonia but having fell and broke his leg a year ogo had been I an invalid since; he leaves to| tnoUrn his loss, • father, mother ! and several sisters. We extend! sympathy to the bereaved family.*' Bio - Obituaries - 11/11/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 17,1926 Wade Reavis Wade Reavis, who was badly in jired in an anto wreck near Oak rove three weeks ago, died early ji'edaesday morning, death result- Bgirom pnpntnonia. 'Mr. Reavis been able to be tip a little since injured and bis recovery was l^tKcted, until pneomopiadevelop- He was- about 23 years oC • The body was laid to rest at F^iidy Springs Friday. He is sur- ^ved by his parents and several Nibers and one sister. W. G. Foster, Jr. W.' 6. Foster. Jr. the seven year old eon of Mr. and Mrs W. G. Foster, died Nov. .6. and was laid to rest Sunday Nov. 7 at Fork cemetery. Rev. R. d. Foster, conduct ed the ^n'ecab Mrs. Wilson Walls Mrs. Wilson Walls an aKed woman of this community, died last Tuesday after ah iltnese of five months, was laid to'rest Wodnedayat FoHc cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 11/17/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY IVIGCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 18,1926 WADE REAVIS DEAD Wade. Reavis died-at hla hom« here last -Wednesday morning about 6{S0 o'clock; from nnou« monlo. Ho had never fully'-re- covered from ah automobile acci dent about three .weeks ago, in which he .was^ eecrctely injured^ He leaves h host of friends here whjo heard, of hie death with'much regret. EARL.CURLEB DlKa^T .— ^ •"Erirl- F; •Gurl^e,''i^^"fa5SvW;R '80h-:;Of/Ath>timlv-lDjUv^^^ MaUdb-,'Cui;|be;'f'd®^fc'f-Mflvo;mi!c.H,iuuih;||ffi Wcdnb3dny.'/hiKhf.^>^^^ a fto r. ^ 'hh.-11,1 ri ess ;40,f.yfeyefa , y of hospital for .s'o'rne^uij'frantl elnlmed him' W^n.e8j|ay.int Tho luneral. B^rvlc/fl woii at tho iiomcr'Saturd/^. at o clock, and> lni'e^meyt''.wus .1 private burylng:g.roip(l near . marle.'i\\ < In. additlqn.iij^^^tppar.ent ' vlvlng 'are;.aeji'«i Mri - line SumiheriK/ietfRU ' Eva Wa)ler^ofi»arbier: . Edith. Mab^tiRW Bcatrlce, C.urlet of In .1 •i pount>^:■V • C. . ,VA,' Clint, YapngPvl and GBne,UU,i|if;• Kowah''«iouh.w73 •■■■ .inlhsS^-i '. -Young .•,ho.me.-'hyv"J]i'/p.eclal nuMfiilMurreir aS®?"^ of ^lew' . .Mt^/CulHr' hBs'-maherei WhoXwl' regret to ifcrh.Vbf■«. • . vi*' • 1 • r) • s Wi '-t ..1 ¥*'■ '.V.»r-' m m Bio - Obituaries - 11/18/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 24,1926 Mr. H. (L SHroud Dea^ Mr> Qlenn Stroud died at bis bome near Conn^ Line early Mon> day morning, following • an illness of pneunumia, aged 64 years. Tfae funeral and buna] service will pro* bably'be beld ^me time today at Society Bapti^ church. 3Ir. Stroud was a member of Clarksbury Meth odist cburch. Deceased is survived by bis wife and five children, tbree sobs and two daughters. A good man has been railed to his reivard. Mamie Kurfees Mibs Mamie Kurfees died at her home '^ear Cleveland Thursday afternoon, aged 50 .years. The funeral'and biirial services were held at Center Methodist cburch Saturday'afternoon at 1.0'clock Mjss Kurfees is, survived by her mother, Mrs. John Kurfees. four brothers and one sister, besides a host of relatives and friends in Da- vie ^onty. Bio - Obituaries - 11/24/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 25,1926 Adeline Mock Mrs. Adeline Mock, widow of I. H.' Mock who preceded, to the grave -about one year ago, died last.Thurs.doy mprning, Nov. Idth lit live o'clock and was'. buried here FiHday afternoon. The fune ral'service was held by her pas tor,^ W. B. Thompson. She had been suflTering for sometime' from heni-t trouble and death was not unexpected. She was a faithful member of -Mock's M. E. church. She had been a loving wife, and mother, and loved by. all who knew her. Mrs. Mock was one of' the oldest women in our com munity. being 76 years, 6 months old. She is survived by one bro ther, eight . children, forty one grnndchit'dren, und four great grandchildren. We extend our sympathy to those bereaved. . Bio - Obituaries -11/25/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 8,1926 A. A. Anderson Confederate Vet- ; eran Passes., Mr-rtA.'X Arideraon, of CalaliBln. on.vpf Davie county's oldest citizens aw» yi.Saturda^ af teuton, ycars^^fhe funeral jll^e^vces were conducted byc; Rev. R'U. Avett Sunday afterntran at ^ Vc.Iock and the body laid to r^t.-'in to community bpriai ground at Cala> bain. Mr. Andersofrls aniyived by' his aged wife arid four children, three sons. Dr. R P and Z N And* eraon. of this city. W. N. Anderson, of Calahain, and one daughter, Mrs. Agnaa Cain, of Norfolk. Mr, Ander son wa« a Confederate spldier and served the ^uth well .durlner the* days that tri^ men's b:>u1's. Peace (o'.tbeash^ of veteran. Alex Langley Mr. Alex Langley, one or the oldest citi* zms of Farralagtoo died Wednesday 1st. Dec. was buried at HuntsvlUe cemetery on Thursday. Bio - Obituaries - 12/8/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 9,1926 W. C. McCUBBINS PASSF.D . AWAY DECERIBER 'e, 192C •. Mi% Willinm Columbus McCub- bins was born Mny 29, 1850, died December 5," 1926; Age 76 years, I 6 months and 6 days old. !• .He was formerly married to > Maf^urner Baity, to this union woa boi'ii one daughter, Norn. " . On January. 18,th, 1887 he was married to Mary Emnin.Fleming, totthls union were born four children, Maiy Lou, Pi-nnic, Archie and James. . ' • . , ; [ Ho leaves to mourii, n wife, onb daughter, .throe sons,'a number ,of. grnnclchildreni and* one. sister, Mrs; W. Ti Piclcl^^^^^ ' ;; A card of thnri^'s-jto our many neighborsand; 'fi'|onfls ;.V thinugh tjie, illhesa-. or ptir-.father; grnndT fntl^br^vand ' , • n " .pbllffen^fdrs■; wefp;; WillloinSteele, Mr.-.'WIlir;Ben3bn/^liypVly,'.!. Miy.•Albert' •' McDahlol,OscaivSteelef;'v; s / . Bio - Obituaries - 12/9/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 15,1926 Mrs. Gaither Wood T. W. Meachum ^auher Wood dt^ at her ft o north of' town on fmi resnltins:j™ a stroke of paralysis. The K <^arried to ^Concord, the h,?®'"]'?*!*® deceased Thurs-\ and laid to rest. Mrs. Wood her httsband and 1 telattves and friends. • Mr. T. W. Meachum, died at his home at Bixby early Saturday morning, aged about 6o years, death resulting from diabetes. The fiioeral and burial services Were hdd at Advance Sunday afternoon at 2 o*clock Mr. Meacham Is sur vived by Ifciis wife and two brothers. Bio — Obituaries - 12/15/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 16,1926 anil SundHy afiern'obnlat' S "6*c|obic 6y ' Rev. B. M. ,AvdtV The body was' laid io rest in the Cnfahaln ceme tery. He is survived by his oged wife and four children, three sons, Dr. R: P. and Z. -N. Andetfon, of Mocksville; 'W. N. Anderson, of Calahflln, and one daughter, Mrs. Agnes Cain, of New York City; one son. Dr. Ben Ander^oh, 'of, ! Dentoii, died about two /Mrs ago: I and four children, die.d In Infancy. | . "Uncle Ab;"' as he. was known to all, was amoi^ff' the fir'st'-of- the young men. of Calohaln .to -join the Confederate Army. Oh'April 8; 1861, he,resigned as teacher lii a school' near EaBt.'BenifX.dnd joined Cnpt, J. K. Cdhnhllys com pany at Yadklnvllle. A,few. days lathr he'^egan a'long and ragged march to'the-scene of thM.real war. After haying marched from Greensboro.to Danvilla|C6n? nally's company joined Co]. Kirk- land's regiment. ' ' .l , On July 22, 1861, .he. realiked what'war really was as he 'sbod like a roch wall, In- the midst] of the historic .battle of .Manasbs.- I .All around him' soldlfrs were fiil- ' Ing, hilt' he stood and roturind •the die. - . - u •' •At Winchester, Vn., on MhyM, 1862, he saw Col.. KIrkland. f^l wounded by ' a "yankey ' -buirrt. During the same battle he •flw' Lieutenant Col Pepper fair a»l was among the first to admlnlatw to the. death stricken hero. • a "Uncle Ab" was present whw Ihe four year struggle wai brought to n close at Appamatoxl He stood with tear fllbd -eyes and saw. bis "War Work General,-] General Robert E. Lee qulotljr] walk into a building at Appama- lox, Vn., just about noon oh an April day and surrender "his all from the clear old South." A fow, hours Inter Gen.'Lee siiid-'"good-; bye" to* his. soldiers, and-, they parted. ,."UhcIe.Ab" saw the last of the great .parting. • .When, he, returned to" Cslahftln, he began to teach school again. For a number-Of years* ho taught his neighbors, children and* was very much loved by his students. He was considered one of the best of the. ''long gone school ma.siers." Ho always snld that "I run the school iiistend -of let ting the children run it." For several years he was a pro minent merchant <id farmer. At one time he manufactured tobap- co whiph was sold all' over the South, In the .passing of "Uncle Ab," CnlahAln loses its oldest citizen. He was the youngest of a family of eleven and lived to be older than any of them. ' All of his, family had passed nwny beforq they were slx^-elght.. He'made h.is long years useful to' himself and others. • ' • , ' A good man has answered the' summons. " * ', i Noie-^Th.is' was;prepared upon the-request of Mrp. Agnes Cain, of. New* Work City, Bio — Obituaries - 12/16/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 22,1926 J. H. HOton Passes. "A preckms one from as bas ((aoe. A voice we loved is atiUe J. A piece is vscane la our bearts T^t 'oevef can ba filled" One of'the piiooeera of Davic eooot}*, Jamea EEsoison Biiton. passed to bis re- woid on TtnixBday, Dee. 7th at 11 o'cloch-. He was Tt yearaof afie at the time of bis death. Amaaofhlfih booor aod iace- gricy. oBd'laved-by all wbo boew him. he- will be inooTDed by aL Betfides bis wife- Ite-leavee the fi)UowiAg cbiidrent P«-E> and EL &1 IBtion, of Advance; W. 8.mitoOtOf Aibaosast J. X» Hilton, ofi Adzooa; Un. J. C. Walker, of Winston* Satenuand UtL LncUe'Smith, of Ad*i vaoce» Ibece are 25 grand cbildiea aodj S great granrtchflrtren. Also by one btotb- ; er John Biiton, td AdVance'and Uis. Arch Potts of Advance;. Hisk George Poos, of Advance. A RELATIVIL. Bio - Obituaries - 12/22/1926 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA