Jan - JunDA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 5,1921 ^irs. X j. Starr^te Deaid*/' » . ' • '-iMrs. J. J. Starrette, of Kappa, 'died Wednesday .moming,- Dec. 29th, at 5.o'clock, at an oivaneed n age. Mrs.'Starrette had been an f invalid for many ye^^ suffering trith tumor of the stomach. The funeral and burial services \7efe cbnducted by her pastor, R^. Mr. Sticldey, and the'bc^y laid to r^ at St Matthew's Lutheran church Thur^ay mbrnmlg at 40 o'doch. Mrs.* SCarrietteJs smbrived by her husband and ifour.;children, two sons and. two da^iters, namely; Mesdames Mamie ]^^r andlHake Campbdl, of Kap]^, W. T. Star- 2ette,'of Charlotte,, and jmnesStar- of Pennsylvania. In the death of Mrs. Starrette the com munity 1(^ one of itdbest women, [the ohUr^ one^' of its most loyal jmembei^ the husbmd and diild- iien akind and- loving wife* and mother. A mdther In Xsiad-.. has 1)een t£ai%lanfed. from jsarth to Bio - Obituaries - 1/5/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 12,1921 Twin Boys Boger of MK and fire. DaiU ton Boger of near Sheffldd died Jan. 3. HSin* adA pneomonia and yri^e boiled at Ro<& Spidng Baptist dmreii Jan. 4tb,'at 3 celock, thefonr eral stovioe bdng ca>ndacted by Rev. .Wflill,^ Harmony^ ney weraborp April 17,-1920 and were thrift ^ow ing ddHbnoi optii. jiist a Ibw days before thfir deaths. ; /n>e ;i^ark<i aide part ai^nt their d^tWwias Aey Ihr^ over 6iflbi'mion(fa&old|md iiotb dfed tbe wii^^jyt saibe 1M of disease end was liqS^^irled. in the 6ame'gaye.i * ...1 • . . Tfaes^patby of tberMmmonntj^ jwasgOBeroody-e^c^^to 'th^ be- teavied fiaii^ by .jsctlo^ and. thfir j^andassistaheei • j* Norman Burton Ifonnan Barton, of ne^'^ork Church, died on janoary ist, of pneumonia, aged 31. years. The ftmeral 'a^ burial 8ervi<ecs were conducted by Rev. H.'. T, Peniy, on January 3rd.. Deceased is snrr- vtved by bis wife, fath^ and two brotbeis. Bio — Obituaries -1/12/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 19,1921 H. Cleve Robertson Cleve Robertson' a ^Salisbtiry »ttng man who has been travdiiig p lesman died In a hotel at Elsston l^edncsday aftennxm of last week ?Md.the body was brought to Salis^ l^foriatei^ent;" Mt*'RdheitSQh , iabont 36' ye^ old and a:natiTO gMocksviUe. Twobio&eis) Cbdr^ ^ A< and Ross Robert»n,'';live In* %sb'uty an4 a sister . Miis. ?Adains in Greensboro^k^ Garolrna ^ichman. . ^ Bio - Obituaries - 1/19/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 26,1921 Joe Munday Death of Mr. John W. Pass. Yadkioville, Jan. 21.—Mr. John W. Pass, a prominent inercbant of this place, died at his home here this tnoming at five o'clock after an illness of three years, most of which time he has been confih^. to his room. A complication of diseases, beginning with stomach n trouble, caused bis death. He was 71 years of age and was bom' in Davie county, his father being, a promin ent farmer of that county. IredeD Man Victra. •'•Of Poison Statesvilie, Jan. i9<^Joe Mun- day, aged 60 years was found in a dying condition on the/W^ston post road, nine miles frOm States* ville. "yictrola Alezand^,; a color ed woman living nearby,., saw himfall from .the dog cart in * .w^ich he was riding shortly after he mass her house. ShmiSAlenand<^.i£dCoro ner S. h* Colvert and^utity Phy sician R. McElwee -Veri;. called in for the purpose of holdiijg ap in- quest, but upon e3camiuati<in of the dead' man it was deemed^ ^oecessy to hold an inquest, if h^o^the op; inion'of Dr. Mc^wee^^ii deatli was due to'ha^g dru^'>toN9'much poisoned whi|key. 'Vvy (little is known here of the dead.^Bm*s re latives^ though it is reported' that he had "a wife and several, children living near Mo^svillc, vrith^ whom he had not lived'.for a- number- of years. ' . Charles L. Weir .Charies;!/. Wierdied at his home near Fa'rmington last Wednesday of a complication of diseases, aged a- bout 70 years. The burial sesvices took place at Bethel church, near Mocksville, Thursday afternoon at one o'clock. Mr. Wier is survived by his wife ana three children. He was a citizen of Mocksville -many' years ago, and lived in a house which he built on the site now own ed by J. Xr..Sheek. Mr. "Wxer was well .known throughout the county and had many friends who will be sorry to learn of his death. Lizzie Ijames Mrs. Lisle Jjames. aged 89 years, died last Tburaday and was laid to rest at Hickory Grove church Friday morning at II'o'clock. She is sur vived by oneson, Mr. n John ijames, of Sheffield, and one daughter, Mra. Eenry 'Ratledge. of Mocksville. Charles Weir Mr, gte^rfage 71 died at his home ^i^ington last week, fjner^^d bvrla!.Cat Bethel Church near Mhaksyille -Mir. Weir leaves a hlsSwii^.daugbl^ and one son to morn hia'deWture . Joe Elam The b(^y of Joe Elam arrived from overseas last Saturday and waa bur^ ied at Glarkabury church Sunday morning.. He died ,of prieumonia Get. 30, 1918 -.Ilw : mcither. Mra. MnlileElaiii resldrs at Harmony. Bio - Obituaries - 1/26/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 26,1921 A. K. Murchison Rev. A. R. Murchison, for many years a resident of Pino, this coun ty, died Wednesday of last week at the Soldiers' Home in Raleigh, aged 76 years. The body was brought back to his old home and laid to rest at Wesley*s Chapel FH- day. He is survived by one son, Major William Murchison, of the U. S. Army. -Mr. Murchison was fior many years a local Methodist preacher in Davie and . has many fridnds throughout the county who will be saddened by the news of his death. • A good man has gone to his reward. Bio - Obituaries - 1/26/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 2,1921 A. M. Garwood A. M. Garwood Good Mao Gone. A. M. Garwood, of ForkCbttrch died suddenly last Wednesday at his home. He had been shoveling' some snow and fell over and expir ed. Mr. Qanvood was a sufferer ot heart disease for many years. He was about 75 years old, and is sur vived by his wife and five children, one sou and four daughters. Mr. Garwood was well known through out the county, aud has many friends who will be pained to learn of his death. The funeral and burial services were held at Fork Church Friday. A Pidnce in Israel Has Fallen. .-On January 26tb, 1921. Mr. A. U. 6arwoo.d died at his home at Fork, being 74 years old. He was married FebJ 13,1868 to Miss Mary Clark, who died Sept. 27; 1870. To this unton'was born one child. On Jan. 28.1872 he was inarri^ to Miss A- manda Foster. To this union was bom ris cbildrtui. Two are dead, but the compnioD of his last years aud five children mourn his Ids. At the death of his sister and her hus band Mr. Garwood took tbdr three small children and was a father in deed to them, sending the boys June and Gray Carter tbrous^ Wake Foi^ est and the Louisville Seminary. June Carter ia paator of the Baptast church at WaughtowD, and Gray is paator of the Baptist churcli at fiosama^y. Might we pause and ask yoo when Uiis. iofiuenee will cease. Mr. Garwood joined the church at Fork in young manhood and lived a consistant, Christian life. He Ims helped to build two church houses at Fork. He was a member of the Sunday school and whefi able waa al* ways there.' He was asked by a brptb^ in the church on the 24th to give something for the starving in China, and he handed him $5, and before his money got started to j China, his'SOul went back to God ' who gave it No calls came to him through his church to which he turned a deaf ear. The writer, as 'well as a host of relatives and friends will miss his presence aud iospira tlon in the church, in the commuii* ; and in the home. But while here ' with us he was able to build a bridge of influence over which many may walk by iaith from earth to God. In the presence of bis companion and childreit.and a host of relatives and friends he was quietly laid to rrat on I Jan. ^th at Fork, bis pastor. Rev. H. T. Penry conducting the funeral eervioes. To the bereaved ones we extenri our deepest sympathy. HISPASTOR. Bio - Obituaries - 2/2/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 9,1921 L. M. McClamroch McClamroch'di^ at the of his Mn C. 2 Wnisday iEg(^ag,and. ^body was'laid to at Oak re Friday. He isr.»^tyived by fe and several childt^ Mr. ?lamroch bad suffered from trouble for several years. • He years old at of ISS. jb. His pastor, .'Rev. FiUger^. fueled .thefoneral ser7ip^.L . '-A J. M. Hendrix A Good Man Gime. - |n tbed^th of Mr. J, M. Hen drix, of near Advance, who died Jan. 19th, at the age of 81 years- Davie county lok. one of' her best 'dtizens. Mr. Hendrix .was a Con federate soldier and is survived by 'two SODS. His body • was laid to rest in the family ^vegard on Jan. 22st. Many relatives and friends are left to inoum his''death. A good man has been called 'to bis re- waid. Bio - Obituaries - 2/9/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 16,1921 Frak C Brown Dead. - . Frank C. • Brown, of Wlnston- Salem, died Sunday night after an illness ot lo months, aged 63 years. The funeral and burial servi^ were held in Winston y^erday afternoon at 3 o'dock. ' Deceased was a native of Davie county. He was a son of William C. Brown and Ana P. Carter Brown, He is a brother of Mrs, W. Hi. JpeGrand, of this dty. Mr. Brown moved to Winston-Salem from Dayie coun ty in 1877, time has been contihuoudy in^the mercan tile business for 44 years. Mr. Brown issnrviyed by two. daugh ters and one sou, brothers and three sisters. Bio - Obituaries - 2/16/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 23,1921 Mrs. C. A. Bowden V Mw. C. A-. BoWdOT died at. her home Feb. j?. after a Jong aged 71 yrars... "niis 'giiod woman> leaves a hb^t oif freihds'aiid jelajdv^a: who have qur deepest sympet^r Puherol. and ' burfai at' Bethlehem Ch'iireh'.-. ' ;• F. M. Ellis p. hL. Ellis died last Tuesday, at; ^.home on Route. 4, following .a short illness, age about 68 yearn. The body was laM to rest at Tdr i^tine ]$aptistr - jdiurch Wednesday- aftei^bpn at 4 o'clock, fnaerai and. burial servi^ betb^ conducted'by 'Ri^. P^ty an^ Joho^iL ofMcwks- yiile. iSttmyiugjsaydfd .al dhitdi^' v a \ •; 3?; ^ Mrs. BowdeiL lMea Near Advance. Mrs. Nancy M. Bowden, after several weeks illness, -died Thnrs" day morning at her home near Ad vance ^ the age of yr'years. " She was a faitiif nl and honored member of the Bethlehem Church in Davie county- for a humbef of years. She is survived by foiir daughters, Mrs. j. H. Hartman, Mrs. Lettie Brown and Mrs. Lola'Bowden, of Advance, and Mrs. dharles IB.' Hatt]]^,'of -C^a; also five sons, Messrs. Chai- les.A, Robe^ and M. D. Bowden, of .V^nston-Salem, John, M. and Grover Bowden, of Advanced A short fnneral service was held at the home"at i o'clock Friday and the service proper was 'at the' Bethlehem church at 2.30 O'do^, conducted by Revs. Vestal and Vemer. Interment was in the church graveyard. % Bio - Obituaries - 2/23/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 2,1921 Clara Violet Jones OtaiHi^detJoa^f Advance Feb. mb 5.89' rJS^^^^^sarvived by Lp)e?itaCh'eKdimvmi^ Mrs !iS$ittthJ^>l&ahiei^«^^^^ .one iproper |^li:;;|^l88 Jon^.. was |[?gDbjW:b:^fy^9n*ftaa-Clara^^ wios't|p>yVdyhDd^r& by .every pn^ .^wh'b^ -.'She: -catne in contact, fit• bsr last, stage of aiekness l^'e^dfe'a smile and wonld speak a' llljDdwont 1»everyonearooM her. 3 pre?eice -here' .on ear.th,'.wili be |t{^?eacly Mi-B d by all who kriei^ her,: iMOJ-wp-air linow that God 'iieoded ' he fQijw.liisf)fi]riify*li&n^ &DdIfeohiGliraXvc^^^ wi.l most be done I^^T^rth^^it'is.in heaven r" BIrs. &ate FoMer Dea^ It is with. sadne« that The Re- cord\cbTonicles the death of Mrs. Kate Ft^er; wliich occurred .at her hotne' oh Route. 3 last Wedne^ay night about is o'clock. Mrs. Foster hadh^n suffering for some time with cancer and no-hope was 'enter tained for her recovery. She was 70 years of age at the time of her death,* and'lis.survived by one sou' and three da{igh*te». /l^e funeral and burial services were conducted Friday by her pastor, Rev. H. T; Penty,-assisted by Rev. JuneCart^ of Waughtown Baptist ch?ircb, and the body Idd to rest at Fork ceme tery.- A woman has been call- 'ed to reward. ^ Bio - Obituaries - 3/2/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 9,1921 Minerva Massey Mis. Minerva Massey, an aged, lady Bixby, \i'as found dead in her.barnyard Monday aftemoon., She is survived by several children: No particulars could be learned be fore going to jness. Bio - Obituaries - 3/9/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 16,1921 JIIKas'Beisie Cl^oent Dead. The ehtxre town was shocked Saturday moniing wh^' it wm leam^that Miss B^e Clement had stiSered a stroke of paralysis Thursday night. From" the firjit there was no hope for her recovery, but loving hands did everything possible for hc^ until the end came Sunday afternoon about • one o'clock, l^liss Clement was the bld-^ est daughter of Mr. J. L". Clement, and was 35 years of age.- She is survived by her father,two brothers Charlie of Atiaiita, and Norman of Jacksonville^ and three si^rs, Mrs. J. K. Shcek, of Greensboro, Mrs. Yancy, of Oxford, and fiiiss I/inda Gray of MocksviUe. Miss Clement W^s a consistent member of the Methodist church and was one of the town's best beloved women. She will he sadly missed by the en tire community, funer^ ser vices were conducted by her pastor Rev. W. Ir. Sheriil, asdsted by Rev. I#. M.Holloway at the home on Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock, and the body laid to rest in the Clement graveyard. The bweayed family have the sympathy of "our citi zens in this sad affliction. Infant Son Graves n An infant son of Mr. and -Mis. Robert Graves died last Monday night and was buried Tuesday. Bio - Obituaries - 3/16/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 23,1921 Infant Daughter Howard The.x8~mouthsT^ld . daughter 'W ' Mr. -rad^.Mrs^ D. C._ .Howard' of • South ^.Moicksyjill^p. .died - Iiriday^ Ihornihg. following an illn.es'of only a few hours. The funerjil,services ware hdd Saturday afternoon at; 3 o'clock md .the liftle body .laid to 7€Sf &k I . Ernest McCulloh The body of - Private Bmest McCulloh who was' kiUed in France on.Sdl>t. 29, 1918, 'lias' arrived at Hoboken, N. J. The body may ar rive here today Or tomorrow. No funeral arrangements have 3'et been made. ' Bio - Obituaries - 3/23/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 30,1921 Mrs. E. F^. Marl^ Dead. Mrs? E. F. Martin died Saturday morning at her home near Mocks- ville,. MIowing a long illn^s of cancer,.aged about 77 years. The funeral and burial serried were held at Bethel M, P. church Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clodc, Rev. C. H. Whitaker and Rev. Mr.. Austin her'present and foriiier pastors, conducting the services. Mk* Mar tin is survived by her husband and six children,* two .sons. - and four -daughters. A good woman has been called to her reward. F. L Berii^ Dead.' - ^ Mr. Felix "^rrler, of R. 4, died Sunday after a long- illnefflj aged about 72 years.. The funeral and burial service were bdd Monday at Concord Methodist church. Mr. Berrier is survived by his wife and several children. .. .He was a Confederate veteran. One by one the men who wore the gray are pass ing over., the-.river and-soon none will be left. Mr. Berrier was oneof Davie's best known citizens and iwiirbe iniss^ in bis section of the I bounty* Peace tohts»ashes. • of McCaUpb ^ Rest" The body of Priva^ Ernest . Mc- CuUob who was kill^ in France in 1918, arrived .heie Saturday and was carried to the hqme of hi? p^- ents on R 4;- The fuhertil and bur ial siBiyioes were held at Tnrrppfl**® Bapti^ chur^- Monday mormng,, Revs: Mr.' Johnson, If. M.- Hollo-, way, FijOV* Fry ft"d H, T. P^ry coadttcring the semc^.. A large concourse' of i^atives and,'fnenos were present to pay -their .last - re- . u«.r... Peace,.to hB-ashes.. Bio — Obituaries - 3/30/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 13,1921 filr. J. S. Swmg Dead. Mr. J. S. Swing of near Pino, died Friday afternoon at two o'clock a;ed 83 years. Mr. Swing had been ill for the past year or more. He is survived by his wife and one son J. H. Swing of Pino, and one daughter, Mrs. Virginia Grimes, of Cooleemee. The funeral ^d bnrial services were held Satuiday after noon at Kuo by Rev J. W. Vestal, of Fannington. Mr. Swing was a good man and will be missed in his section Peace to.bis ^hes. Mrs. Clyde James Our oqmmnnity was shocked and saddened by the.sodden death of Mrs. Clyde James, who passed Saturday afternoon leaving her husband, a lit* fcle 2-year-old daughter, and a baby son II days old. The funeral was held at the Farihington M £. cbnrch Sunday morning conducted by Rev. Vestal. Mrs James was before her marriage Miss Lila Brewbaker. Rev, W. R." Ketchie Dead. Rev. W. R. ketchie, of Kappa, died last^ Wednesday night about 11:30 odock, at the advanced age of 82 years. A short' serviqe was held at the home on Friday morn ing after which the body was car ried to China Grove and laid to rest Mr. Ketchie is survived by his xvife and three children, one son and two daughters. , He came'to this county about fifty years ago from Rowan, and was for many years an' active minister in^ the Lutheran Synod. He was one of the leading citizens of CalahMn township and will be mi^ed by a large drcle of friends and neighbors. Mrs. Clyde James Mrs. piyde^. James died at - her home near- Farmington Saturday afteenoon, following an illness of measles and other complications, aged about'30 years. The fufaeral and burial services were held at Farmington Sunday morning af xi o'dock by Rev. J. W. Vestal. .Mrs. James is survived by her husband and two children. V. R. Stlckley y®' Stiddey,V^jras pakor of ^ Mathew's ^^ran church on Roti^ x, died- kome on April' and. Mr. was in the ministry for than fifty years,'' and . had friends in Davie wh<> 3vill he learn of his d«iin. •. Eliza Anderson Mrs. Eliza Anderson, of Cala-; halu, died Satuiday, agad abodt 80 years. The burial took place Stm- day at the family burying ground. Mrs. Anderson is survived by sev eral sons and daughters. Bio - Obituaries - 4/13/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 20,1921 Z. C. Kurfees Samuel Cunningham ; . A'gell G^en De^. \ ^r; Samuel duanittgliam, of the Sheffield ^'ctiou, died Friday at the hojueofhis daughter, Mrs. John Clary. • ag^.about 80 years. The burial took place at Bear Credc l^urch*Saturday afternoon, ^ Miu Z. C.' kurfees di^ at his home on Rohte' i early Saturday morning followuig a long illness, aged 79 years. -The funeral serr rices weio conducted-at the home Sunday morning at. n ^'dock. by P. Turner, after which the • body was carried to Center and laid to rest. Mr. Kurfe^ is survived by his wife and five soim, via: D. G. and Rj W. Klurfe^,' 6t this county Claude; Wade ud. Robert Kurfees, of Texas. One brother and three sisters survive. . Mr. Kurfees was a Confederate soldier and* lost cue eye during the great struggle of He was a good citizen and will be^ly mi^d iu hb. communi ty. A host of relatives and friends mourn hbd^tb. 'He was remem ber of Jericho' dinrch. Peace to bb ashes.' Infant Daughter Anderson daughter of Mir. and IMuther Anderson ol ClarEs- ^,!^|)wnship, died Thursday and l^ttried Friday at Chestnut Bio - Obituaries - 4/20/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 27,1921 Body of-WiBlam LoWeiy Laid lo The body of "Private WiUiain Lt'Wery who was. killed in France in August, 1918, arrived here Sat urday monung and was car.i^ to the home of his ]^areuts Mr. and Mrs,. A. A. Lowery, Pino. The body was laid to rest at Wes ley's Chapel Sunday afternoon at two p*c1ocki with Junior Order hon* ors. -. The. funerel services were . conducted.by Revs. L. M. HoUo- way^ of Mocksville,' J. W. .Vestal, of Fonnipgton, and S. W. Hall, of V/inston-Salein.. ;0n account of the large and.ience, which .numbered tnorp thad one thousand, servi ces were held in>the church yard. Never before,hassuch a large crowd assemblecffd thischbrch. Rev. Mr. HoI[owa}f^paid a beautiful tribute ^ to the dead soldier boy who gave . his life for his country. ery was about 24 years of age at the time of bis death, andis surviv ed by his aged parents, four broth ers and four sisters, besides a host of r^tiv^ and friends.' The floral tribute was beautiful. /The F.arm- .. ington and Mocksville Council of the junior Ord^ had charge of the services. Dennis Foster ;; >^|The body of Deniis Foster, son 5"?! and Mrs. Frank Poster, < f jsi'^phesus, who was killed in'France' 19*8; arrived here last u^eek and, laid to rest Sunday .-.-in the: :i5?j[aUoujU Cemetery, at Salisbury.-. Mrs. J. W. Leach J. W. I,each, formerly of li .iSy's county but later of Salisbury ;;^^d at Iier home in that city 'early ^^^onday morning following ai stroke aged about 70 years.' to rest in' Chest- Hill cemetery yesterday after-. -^0011. Deceased is survived by her pisbaud four daughters'^ and one two sisters-and bne brotb^. Thos. J. Gartner Thos. J.'Cartnet; of Wbodleaf,^..^led Thursday, of pnettmouja, .aged 41 years, 'He is ^ryiv^ byips wife and five Chi^^ '. The and burial tOdk 'plade at aciuzen ox;aioc^^iiie about two years, arid h& many . kere.will be sorry to learn his death. ' Charlie Jordan Jordan was brought here ^ot.the largest bifryingsriiaver held in i)aipe; ^littly/- .IPear- ^^1® 1200 people-jatt^eded.- ' More '50 automobiles followed the .;^c.pntral procession-.—.Cobleemee April 22nd. '... Bio - Obituaries - 4/27/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 4,1921 Young Son Spry There was a sad acddrat near Cooleemee last Thursday. Two of Hiram Spry's $oiis went out in a fiddj and the oldest one had a gun on his shoulder. His little i i-year- old brother was walking behind him when the gun was accidentally disdbiarged, the load of shot enter ing the little boys thigh. He lived only about an hour. The funeral and burial services were held at Forth- Cooleemee Friday afternoon. Bio - Obituaries - 5/4/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 11,1921 Lula Wood Mrs." Wpodi • of | J^Ni^eitiitownship, 4ied[ Tlhii^y nlghti /oUowing an'.ii^ess ot'pnetiuoiua^ pte fniierar 4nd ^re hdd at'.Clieny Hiil Sunday f ondag by u H this dty. <1418.^1^^6 sttjryivr ^ by seveik^^chifdxeii^S^^l^rwi^ jpany relatives a^d'fflSjk^r . K Bio - Obituaries — 5/11/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 18,1921 Mrs. William Tutterow •' .WilHamr'Tntterpw di^ at her hpihe near Center Sunday night advanced age of 84 years. -The funeral ,and burial services wexe.hdd at Xjan^ X Roads Tues-- day moihing^ Mis/Tutterow is stnrvived by her. husband and one ddughler,- many relative, and . a hdist'of friends. . . Bio - Obituaries - 5/18/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 25,1921 Infant James The six weeks old baby of Ur. Clyde James was boned Monday: Services wbre held at. the M. E church. Ihemother died only a £sw weeks affo. Bio - Obituaries - 5/25/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 8,1921 ioiiQ Hagb Peebles KHes In Davie ^^ComTfy. _ ^ • . A message^^ has been received'li»e announcing the death of . John •Hugh Peebles, a Confederate veter an of Davie county. He was eigh ty-five years of age, and had been a patient sufferer for years, having been paralyzed over ten years ago. He was a gentlemen, of the old 'schodl, and one of the most read and' cultured'men in tlie state. I n He was a graduate of Old 'Trin ity collie and -with the exception ' of the time he wm' in the army Upent bis life quietly .upon the farm. jWhefn war broke out among tne [states he was among the. first to (volunteer-and went over the coun-. ty mal^g speech^ in behalf of the [cause. He was commissioned first lieutenant of. the Forty-second E. C., calvalry, Co, E. and was ^ater made captain, right. after. "which time he was'severely in the foot dnd 'placed upon the retired list. He was greatly reverenced and loved by all his. men, who affectionately entitled hiin Dad.. Captain Peebles' was bom Nov. II, 1837, jahd was married in 1864 to Miss Martha Harris, daughter of Col. W. G. Harris, of Catham county, to them was bora five children, .only two surviving^ J. G. Peebles, and ,dne daughter, Mrs.. XJ. S, Jordan, both of Davie coun ty, and a number of grandchildren. He was a kinsman of Judge Peebles who died a few y^rs agoi Inter ment was made' in 'the old family cemetery.—Charlofte Observer. Bio - Obituaries - 6/8/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 15,1921 Qei^t Dead, n ; Herbert.Client,* ag^ ^ years,died-Tbiii^y afternoon at 4:30 .o'cl<^ at.iitif.borne on Hortb'Main st:.eet, aften . ah Ulness' of .^veral months with diabetes.' Mr. Clement had beed confined to his ippiin only a'few days'prebeding his'deatli'.- He la .survivW.by 'tWo broihens,, W. IL Clement, of'McSiksville and L. H. Clement, of" Salisbury, /also two|ister3ldi^^u|^ The fuii'erdrs^^^^^^^Id Fid-. ' the Shenill.%.' ti, Hoiitdway; .^and^HV' V. Bra^^ey; after' whidi thb bbd'y was laid to rest inythe"-Clem^t . graveyard. Mr. ^^eht was yioer piu^dentof' B^kv.bf .pivi?,,. and was interested in a hduiber of mills and .factories in. North Can- lina. He^was one of the:.t0^^s b^t '^own cidzehs .and .'r^/Eie" mi^^ in' the. ^tossn, and f-obanfy; •Bo^of .^e. Iqc^ bani^ Albeit Reed 'Rlcbardson. . Albert Richardson, son of Jame? Richardson of Clarkaviile townahii) died at Cragmont Hospital Bla(^ Mountain Friday June 3rd, aged 25 veara. Tubercnlosis had got in ith work to BUch an extent that nothipg epuld .arrest its ravages. He only liv^,ftbotit seven hogts after reach* ing the hropitab Theremisina were hfbnght b^k and Monday morning after the .funeral servfces had been, conducted by hfs.pastor Rev. Brown oftheM.E church his body was laid to rest at New Union burial ground almost in sight of where. he had spent his young life in -the pre: Sj^^of a large crowd of relatives ^d frfrada. ! Bis. grave was covered witLfiowers bv loving hands; and all, that was mortal ofjiur young, friend now sleep beneath the sod friee from all care, suffering and psJn. . His re cord ahowh by bis discharge-was one to be proud of hefilledbia place and observed the rules of the authorities in^snch a dutifol manner, that thd record shbwa no'mark of criUciam I r disapproval. While at camp - he suffer^ with measles and pneumonia and it so inpaired hiahealth that he waa.anable to go with his comrudes oyers^; bnthe did his du^' no less than those' who. broke the Hinden berg line, he did his bit'and baa gone to his reward, no lest a martyr to .eicae thfm thosetwho fell on the front line of battle^ .and today * Be -'-sleeps on fame's e'terniat ..camping ground, thebiypnac o'fthe dead"-.a]id as the poet haa^Bo. apUy^d,.;'?! do not know, where Hall the s^, that.! haVe tried ^sow;: wrth greatest But I abali'-limdw meaning' of ea(di w^dDg. 'honr. bSpw, Sometime, .^mewh^e^'and we-chn wsdiVbisfath^, brothers anfi ^t^ . ftnd hiamo^deyoLted^mpil^ier -we- ^tend ;our deep^t °a^pat;hles«-no yrorda. we e^ < can {aajve'^^i-; -wohnd^ 'hearl^, or tfa&jpiace df the deptu t* 3otte^bhtrem.em]h^^^ ^"aome. dayd- tmmt lmdarkand:dr^ry.|:lDto liresom'e'ramroustHML'HiA'fntev^ the.cdffl|hdn fate^;bfAan,".'*Jiiay bis life.jbl devotion to hla' .lovi^:onefl;'fbe a^ben^ictidn;/mid 'yoji to filliyoiir place .in. Ijfe.ihusiic^h Ws^- •^h^ypu !wiU -help'^thera' lxi 'mi^e' Hfe^wprtlr living^.- Me^'bi^Jife/ atitfi Infant Shaw Tbe Unie five months old 1^^ of .vSte and Mia, Frank Shaw wh^' We spoke of some time e^ojelled 10^.'Monday evening and wre boried^e^ayiLt Sialain. Mrs. W. R. Mills Mis. W. R. Mills died at her home in Statesville Sunday. The funeral .and burial eerjnoes were held at tbree o'clock Monday after noon. • Mrs. Millsis the mother of Messrs. Ross and Charlie Mills and has^many friends in this city-wlio will be pained to learn of her death. Annie Hobson Mrs. Annie Hobson, of Cleveland died last Thursday night following, a general decline due to theiufinni-' ties of old age. The-body w^ brought to Dai^e county " Saturday' aud laid to rest in thp Hobson.buri al ground neiir, Jerusalem. -Four children survive, tvro sous and two daughters^ - -' . ' Bio - Obituaries - 6/15/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 22,1921 George F. Tyson 1^ George F. Tyson, at one time a Jahzen of MocksviUe, and owner C ^ ^8 store here, died in a^ iiE^boro hospital June 14th,. fol- g|Otting a month's illnesss, aged a- ^ 29 years. Dr. Tyson left here 't nine years ago. Bio - Obituaries - 6/22/1921 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA