Jul - DecMOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 1,1937 Mrs. Sudie Wllliamf Dead •Mra. Sudio Hale Williams, 58, .well-known resident of this plucc, passed nway nt Lowery Iloepital, '3AliBbury, on Muiiduy ufternooii, June 28, following an operation, her death resulting from heart failure. Mrs. Will iams was n native of oustcrn Carolina, and moved here from Carrboro about 11 years ago. Shu was first inarriud to Cliff Curqon, and after his death she married John Williams. She united with the Mocksvillo; Method^ist Church, and had made a iiumber of friends dur ing her residence here. She had; resided in the home of Mr. ond| Mrs. W. H. iLeGrnnd in reconft years. She had been in ill health for some time, but her death came as a shock to the communi ty. The funeral was conducted at Walker's Funeral Home on Wednesday morning at 10:30, with Rev. E. J. Harbison, pastor of the dccea.=!ed in charge, as sisted by Rev. E. W. Turner. Inteiinont was In Rose Ceme tery." There ar© no surviving reloiives. Mrs. Smithdeal Dead Mrs. Faiinle Charles Smlthdoal well-known woman, of Advahco, -hiid wife of Henry T. Smithdeai, ,passed av/ay at her homo , on 'June 2ard, aged 77. She was born on Nov. 29, 1860, and had spent most of her. life In the same community, where she was much beloved. She was a member of Sbndy Groyc Methodist Church. Sho is survived by her husband, 11 children, 29 grand children and seven grcnt-grnnd- chilflrnn. Tho sons and dnughtcrn are: J, P. Smithdo.al G. C. Smlthdoal, P. A. Smilhdonl and Mra. I.coiia Eaglo, of Winslon-Snlom, E. 0. Smith- deal, of Ronnoke, Va., Mrs. Snl- lie Stnubcr, of Spencer, Mi'S. Ruth 'Myers, of Reeds, Vestal Smithdeai, of near Morganton, Mrs. Grace Fram, of Atlanta, Ga., Mrs. Ethel Davis, of Ad vance, and G. C. Smithdeai, of High Point. Three sisters, Mrs. iBettle Tucker, Mrs. Maggie Coruatzer and Mrs. Notie Tay lor, all of. Advance, also survive. The funeral was held at Shady Grove Methodist Church, on Friday afternoon at 4 o'elock, with the pastor, Rov. A. A. Lyerly, in charge, assisted by Rev. R. V. Warnor and Rev. Walter Rathburn, Burial was in the church cemetery. Dr. C L. Sherrill Dies Suddenly Dr. Goite L. Sherrill, 49, of the H; F. Long Hospitol, States- vllle, and one of the beat-known physicjnnsjn this section of North Carolina, died suddenly of n heart attack, at his homo jon tho night of Juiio 24. Tie had just finished a long di.Hlnncc iBlcphone eoMvarantion, whon ho collapncd in a chnir, and died immediately. He was n nephew of Dr. TI. F. Long, and was well prepared for hi."» medical career, in wliich he was highly aucce.Hs- fiil Jlo aciwod in Prance during tlio World War. and on liia re turn became nSfloclftted with his undo,- Dr. Long, in the hoapltnl. Ho was active In the American Legion; and wos recently.^elected Bio - Obituaries — 7/1/1937 commonder of tho Wildcat Di vision, He is aurylved by his widow, .who was foi*meiiy Miss Mnry McLnin, three children, Henry, William and Marianna Slrerrf I ter -SitjjT- rill, of Cntawba, a sister, Mrs. R. R. Clinn, nf Anhaville, and a Imlf-brellier and a. Imlf-sister. 'The funeral was held at iliu liome on Saturday afternoon, and interment was in the city eoroo- tory. Rev. and Mrs. W. I. Howell, of naiiihit, Dr. arid Mrs. W. AI. .Long* and Mr. and Mrs. Galtber San ford attended, tho funoval. Dr. Sherriira dnath ls n distinct loss to the: medical profession of North Carolina. V . " DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 8,1937 Brown Infant Dead Franklin D. . -Brown, two- montliB old aon of Mr. and Mlra. Georiro W. Brown, of the Oak Grove coinmunity, passed away, onr,Mon'day, July 6. "The'fuheral was- hold' At Oak Grove Metho dist Chu.rch, on Tuesday .after noon at a" o'clock. Rev. E. W. Turner conducted the service, and burial was in the church (U'Avoyard. The mother • was formerly Miss Mary Summers. The parents and one sister, Helen,. sun-ivc. .The flowers" were carried by Marfiforet Potts, Sallle Sue "An- gell, Ollie. Mae Mosteller, Jonie Summers, Rebecca Summers, Mary Boger, Minnie Shouso, Rachel Shouse and .Mrs. Ellle Hosteller. ' v , . " SAMUEL GARTNER DEAD Saimior"I(6y; Gartner,' infant of Mrl'and.lirsi Elijah Cart-•"Jr, passed' away at tlieir home June 80, aged t\vo months and|8 (lays. The mother was fcrmer- -J^Iias-MHIlh>-MaB-Lee-^nnday.- parents and twp sisters aur-vive. The funeral 'was held at oetlusl hfcthodist . Protestant •^aiirch oh Thnradny afternoon p 31.10, with Rev. E. ^V; Tumor chnrgo. Interment was in the Church cemetery. The pollbcnr- ers were Helen Sparks, Billie "piirks, Wallace SparkPi and ^"uise h'ostor. The flowers wore by Poster,Nellio PC Sparks, -Elolao ' Mcftovlrle, McCm^jcIe, liTavflfarctsprinkle and Bottie Ann Turner; Bio - Obituaries - 7/8/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 15,1937 MBS. a M. I-OSTEB WUlis F. Taylor WilUfl Francis Taylor, . 72, paasod away at the County Homo, on July 7, after an illneas of two yean. He was the eon of {Wesley and l^d.la Taylor, of Davio. His .wife, Mrs. Emily A. Taylor, preceded Ikim in death about a year ago. The funeral was held at St. Matthews Luttibr- an Church on Thursday morning# with W. F, Stoncstrcct in charges Burial WAS in the church grave yard. Surviving are four daughr ters, Mrs. Unity Koontz, of.-Wi^ ton-Salem, Mrs. Lizzie Seamen, of Woodleaf, Mrs. .W. E. Keller, of Route d, Mrs., j. C. Shoaf, of iWdodleuf, 13 grandchildren, one. [brother, Roy Taylor, of Coblee^- mce, and , one slHter, Mrs.. iHall. Hendren, of Mooreaville. Fail- n bearers were Jlm-Scampn, Jesse Shoaf, Lloyd . Taylor, Jack*. Koontz. Buck Kellor and Cliff '. Cook. The flowers were carried by Alice Seamon, Aileen. Koontz, Lois Wilson, Nancy Wilson,. Francos. Ratiedgc, Gladys Foster and Dorothy .Smith. Mrs. Lena May Smith Foster, wife of G. M. Foster, of Smith Grove, poascd away nt her homo on July 7, aged 68. She is sur vived by her husband, one sister, Mrs. M. S. Foster, of Advanco, one brother, Ed Smith, of Davlo , -four daughters, Mrs. W. G. Spry, of Spencer, Mrs. S. R. Cornatzer, Mrs. G. W. Arms- worthy, of near Advance, Miss Margaret Foster, at home, two sons, Roy Foster ,at home, and Jasper Fostor, of Dallas, N. C. 6 grandchildren. The funeral was held at Smith Grove Methodist Ghtirch, where she was a mom- bcr, on Friday morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. H. G. Freeman, the pastor, was in chnrgo, and inter ment was in the church ceme tery. Those acting as pallbear ers were James Boyics, Gloland Foster, Wiley Reeding, Buck Hendrix, Charlie WUUnms and Ciydc Howard, The flower girls were Margaret Howard, Mamio Howard, Adelaide Bowdon', Eve lyn. Foster, Opal Poster, Nancy Robertson, Berntce Hanos, Mary Smith, Zelma Smith, Lillian Wiiliams, Uattlo Williams, Geor gia Smitii, Cordelia Smith, Mat- tic Sue Smith, Laura Lee How ards and Alma Gray Bowdcn. Bio - Obituaries - 7/15/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 21,1937 Cephas Lyon Johii ABrown. Jcbn Anderstm Brown« 67; died soddea- ly at bis bdoie tm Saliatmty stniet Mon day morninfi shortly before 3 o'clock. Mr. Brown hod been in bad beatth. for sonii^ time.' Secvivin^t is the widow, five sons. Mven dangbteis and one brother Fanerol sefvlcea will be. held at the. boioe tbis.afternooa. Tuesday, with Rev. J. H. Folgboin in charge, and the body will be laid to rest in Rose cemetery. . Mr. Brown moved to MoehsviJIe aboat three years ago ftoih Draper. He .was a native of Haywood cowty. and a mem bet of the Baptist dboich. The Reootd extettda sympathy to tha bereaved family. Negro Killed By Officer Cephas l.yon, colored abotti 80* was shot and almost instantly kUI^ by Deputy Bubert Caudle, at Cedar Creek colored Baptist church, near Farminston, Saturday nisht about 9 o'clock. Caudle was tryins to ar rest Lyon. who was drinking, at a colored picnic which was in progress. The n^ro hit the ofRcer on the bead,' and in the scuffle'the offlcer lost hiai biaek*iack. The negro grabbed Can-! die by the tbroat and was choking him, when Caudle pulled his pistol and Bred twice, the first shot miss-, ing the negro, and the second eateiy, ing bis left breast'. Lyon was brought to Dr. Long'a office hmre, bat was dead before reaching the ! doctor's office. An inquest was held I here Odonday afternoon, bat the re-| salt was not known aa this was writ ten. Glmda. Beal Fnneral services for Glenda Vic toria Beal, .'6-week-old infant daogbterof Mr and Mrs. Louie Beal, of Bixby, wbo died Tbuis* day, were conducted from'the home at io:.to o'docle Friday morning and from the Fork Baptist , chnrch at It o'clock.. .Rev; E.- W Turner w^incbargeof the services dmd interment was in the church grave yard. Bio — Obituaries — 7/21/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSViLLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, TKursday, July 22,1937 J. JBNiowit John AndiirBon' Brown, ' 67» native of Haywood county, died suddenly at his. home on Salia- bury Street on Monday morning, July 19. He had been in failing health, but his death came as a shock to his family. He was the son of William Brown and Eliza- both Willinmaoh Brown, of Hay- wood county, ixe was on employ ee of 'the Erwin Cotton Mills,' Coolccmcc, and moved here abodt three years ago. The funeral was held at the home on Tuesday af ternoon at 8:80, and interment I was in Rose Cemetery, Rev. A. T, Stoudenmire, of Cooleemee was' In charge. The surviving family consists of the widow, Mrs. Mol- lie Tr^ntham Brown, one bro ther, Joe Brown, of Lake Juna- tuaka, five sons, Roy Brown and Joseph Brown, of Kannapolls, C. B. Brown and Ciaude R.. -Brown, of Salisbury, W. G. Brown, of Swanannoa,. seven daiughters, Mrs. W. Wi Dayton, of Asheville, Mrs. Minnie Hcmbree, of Rock Hill, S. C., Mrs. J. P, Pltt,> of Buffalo, S. C., Mrs. E. F. George, of Kannapdlis, Mrs. C. F. Frank lin, of puffalo, S. C., Mrs. J. H. SIgmon.'of Draper, Miss Jimniie Brown,- Moehsvillo,' 24 " grand children and two great-grand children. pallbearers w,ere . Joe Brown, .Hoy Brown, W. G. nrrtv-rij 0. B. Brown, Ralph - Hembrce, Fred HombVee, Tho flowers were carried by Ruby Brooks, " Veva Mae Estas, Mrs. Doit Holthouser Mrs. Cecil Broivn, Mrs; BubsIc Grubb, Mrs^ Lucy Whttnkor, Miss Maude Kfiger, Mrs. Paul Hendrix,! Mrs. G. F. Winecbff and Missi Cornelia Heiidrlx. ' I Mrs. Mary Ball Passes Away 'Ura. Wity O'Nell Ball, 'iS,' Wife of' Willium F. 'Ball, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. J. Corn, in Cooleemee, on Thursday afternoon, July 15, while on a vieit. She was a na tive of Glarksville township, and 'a member, of Bear Creek Baptist Church. She la survived by her husband, two dnugbters, Mrs. C. J. Corn, Cooleemee, Mrs, Erwin Hellardi of San8bniy,_^thr^^^^ L. G. Bail, of Cooiecmee, -'B. S. Bali, of Concord, Kinley Ball, of Kan-nnpolia, -24 grandOhildron, 15 grcftt-grandcblldren, two bro thers, James O'Neil, of Davie, and Znck O'Neil. of China Grove. The funeral was held at Chest nut Oi'ovo Methodist Church on Saturday afternon at 3 o'clock, with Rev, E. W. Turner and Rev. James Groce. officiating. Burial was there, and tho pallbearers were Roy T. Hellard, Grady L. Hellard, 'Marvin W. Ball, Wil liam Q. Corn and William L. Hellard. The flowers were car ried by Beulah Mae 'Ball, Edith Ball, Virginia Leo Bail, Annie Bail, Dora Ball, Hattie Mae. Bail, Mr.s. T. T. Hellard, Mrs. G. L. Hellard and Mrs, M. W. Ball. Bio — Obituaries — 7/22/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 22,1937 Ceph Lyons Negro Killed By Deputy At Cedar Creek Church One iDavIe county Negru is dead and another is beinff held in the county jail here as a re suit oi assaults on two Davie county deputies and a near-riot at the annual home-comlnff.cele bration of the Cedar Creek color ed church near Parmington Sat urday night about 9:30 o'clock. Ceph Lyons, 2B-year-bld Parm ington township Negro, was fatally wounded when he at tempted to strangle Deputy Sheriff Hob Caudlo after the latter had broken his blackjack in an attempt to subdue his prisoner, according to reports. _JCU« -atniggl e-botween—-jE^oi and Deputy Caudle occurred while Deputy jb;. V. Miller was talcing another bad actor, Felix Frost, to the officer's automobile parked nearby. After being ar rested and subdued, Frost pick ed up a large ivck and started to throw at Deputy Miller, it was rcpoi'ioci. • While Miller was taking Froat to the car, Lyons started toward Deputy Ciaudlo, cu3.sing and mnlrihg threats as he advanced, it wna reported, Caudle • . "pulled his blackjack upd struck lliu ud- voncing Negro, biit the loaded end of the blackjack slipped from the handle and flew some distance away. The Negro grasped the officer around the throat and waa stran gling him when Caudle managed to draw his gun, and fire one' shot into the Negro's body' at close range. Lyons was placed in another automobile and thought to Mockavillc. On arrival he was examined by physicians who pro nounced him dead. pifcqinfT' 0**^ threats a group of Negroes cro^vdcd around Deputy Caudle ofter the shooting.' but wore dis persed when Deputy Miller rush ed back to Caudle's aid. At the preliminary, hearing, which was lield Monday ' after noon, Deputy Caudle was com pletely exonerated of the slioot- Ing. Frost is. being held in jail' on charges of disorderly "conduct, disturbing the pcdco nnd 'dfunk- enncsa,. . . .• '.. v..< ■!'r !;■••• Bio - Obituaries - 7/22/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 28,1937 Jolm KeUy Williaiiis^ John Kelly William.*}. 82. died raddeoly Tbursday- morniojc- at 8^5 o'clock at- the home of his sop. .R E. Williams at Smith Grove. StirvivlOK are two sous, R. ^ WilliamLtiof Oavie county and R7 P. Williams of Lexington; two daughters, Mrs. C F. Ward.of Smith Grove and Mrs. Minnie At kinson of Winston Salem; 18 grand* children and one great grand child The funeral was held Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Smith Grove Methodic Church. Rev. E. J. Harhinsou cSondncted the ser vices.' iptermeut followed in the cbnrcb graveyard. Horn Kflh Stovall. . Rabeit Hoco, colored, is In JaU and Booker Stovall Is dead* as the cesatt of a qwtoiell which look place between the two cotoiedmen Sanday afternoon In Jeru salem township. Rom says that Srovall was catalog Um. and that be shot'him with a sloile baireh ebotgun. Qom sur- leodeiedand was brought to MoeksviDe and lodged in jalL He wdl be given a hearing tfaia week. Bio - Obituaries - 7/28/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 29,1937 K. Williams Dies Suddenly John Kelly Willinms, 82, died nddenly :it 8:45 Thursday morn- July 22, At the home of hlH on. R. E. WnilnmA, at Smith trove. He was a son of the lato WilliamH and BUs^abcth i Williams. He la survived.by iro sons, 11. E. Williams, of hvie countyj and R. F, Wlll- iins, of Lexintfton, two daugh- its, Mrs. C." P. Ward, of Smith irove, and Mrs. Minnie A thin- on, uf Winstun-Suleni, 18 grund- hlldren, and one greu't-grand- I. lie was twice married, irst to Ida Smith, and his sec- nd wife being Jane Riley, who Jed several years*, ago. The anoral was held Friday nfter- oon at 3 o'clock at Smith Grove [ethodlstr Church. -Rev. E. J. larblsoii conducted the service, nlerment followed in the church (Dtstery. Those acting us pall- «arera were Johnson Atkinson, • T. Atkinson, Owen Ward, C. ard, Edwin Williams and 'Ellis illliama. The flower girls were llzabctli Ward, Kathleen Ward, oulae Ward, Doro|khy Williams, itz Williams, Girene Williams, 'dtle Foster and Magdalene wter. Mr, Williams was'tt well- wwii citizen of Davis, Bio - Obituaries - 7/29/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 4,1937 Vestal V. McCulloh Former Davie Blan Dead Vestal V! UcQtUob, 37. fotmes Davie eoanty ddzea. died at iba Botroo Memo- rial Hospital. Sahabtay. Thonday eveniog about «x o'docfc, trom iajories be receiv ed In a fall rrooi a pole about abc weelm . a^. He waa aa employee of the Doke | Power Co I sod Uved at RocbwelL He moved f^m Mncbsvilla to Rowan coanty dght years ago. i Tbe body, waa broodht to Mocbevrie Saturday luomind. wbeie (aneral amvlcps were conduoted from 'the Baptift diurcb at 11 o'doefc. with Rev. J. H. Folgboni In obarge. Tbe.body was carried to Foilt and laid to rest. He waa a member of tbe Uocksville Baptist church. SuTvivio^ is the widow and five chiM- ten. the mother, five sisters and two broth- ^Ur8.C. B. Grander. Winston-Salem; Mi^ J. I-. HoUoa, MncbsvlUv: Mia. B- ^ Mertin. Hendersonvilte; Mrs- Brady An ^1, Winston Salem; Mias Laura Vmsb McCuilob. TbofflOBvUlet E. G. McCoIIob. Alberoarle, and Pceston McCallob, Tl^m- asville* . Bio - Obituaries - 8/4/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 5,1937 V. V. McCuUoch I Thursday . The funerd) of Vestal V. Mc-| Cui^obh, '37,''former citizen of tfaia''place,'' wad conducted at the Ba'^tist" Church on Saturday mornlhi; 'aV'tl' o'clock, with Rev. J. H. Fuighum,' pastor of thej deceased, and- the pastor of the Reformed Church, of Rockwell,] officiating. A brief service was held'at ihe it'ome in Rockwell be fore coming here. The deceased was tho son of the late Goahcn McCitUocK and Mrs. Fannie' Gobble McCulloch, of Ditvie, and was well-known here. Burial took jjlace at Fork Church. The! deceased had,been a liiieinan for' the Duke Power Cumpahy' for' ynvft, nnrt wnu injiirod }»yi a - fall- from-a-pole-in-Juno.—Ho' went to a hospital for treatment and sccnicd improved, but Inter iind a relapse and died in a Salisbury hospital. He married Miss Mildred Howard, of Mocks- villc, who survives him with five children. They had been living in Rockwell in recent years. Other, surviving relatives are his mother, Mrs. Fannle McCulloch, five sisters, including Mrs. J. L. Holton of this place, and two brothers; We extend our deep sympathy to the bereaved fami ly. ALLEN INFANT DEAD Nancy Kathleen Alien, 1-ycar- old daughter of Loftin Allen and Mary Griffith Allen, died Thurs^ day night, July 2&, at their home at Muddy Greek station, Forsyth County. The parents are natives of. Davie County, and the funeral was held at Yodkln Valley Baptist Church on Satur day morning at 11 o'clock, and interment w.is there. Thts scvvlco was ill ti horgo of Rev. G, E. Brewer and Rev. Jo,ssc Robertson^ The parents and one shyster, Oor- iielin, survive. Pallbearers were Ethel Foster, Martha Robertson, Rowenn Foster and Elaine Rob ertson, Rowcim Fo.ster and eidson. The flower.s wore carried by nineteen little girls. Bio - Obituaries - 8/5/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 12,1937 AIRS. LAURA A, FREEMAN PASSED AWAY r- . .WMrs. Laura Ann Freeman, 68/ widow of the late Calvin man, died Saturday, even(^jk' August 7, at her honie on leaf, route 1. She was the ghler of Daniel Seamon and MaS' Pence Seasmon, of Dhvie couh^;; The funeral was held on Sund^ afternoon at 4 o'clock, at'Meeltr more ChrUtiton Church, lii R^^'; wan, with Rev. JSlam Kuykendj^i and Rev. W. L."~Reeve8, of Clei^V mona, officiating. Interment- waiil there. Surviving are twp Bonap L. M. Freeman and Radford mull, of near Wood leaf, n • ivl.6 daughters, Mrs. Neat ^Safrlet/ df Mocksvlile, route 4, and -.Miss .Jessie Freeman, at home, ei^nt grandchildren, one grcat-gitahd; child,on e brother, Thomas Sea- mon, of Woodleaf, and one aifiteK Mrs. Will Hill, of .Salisbury, .TH'p pallbearers were' . Jim Searip^;. Floyd Freeman, Dyerly Freemau/ Tommie Freeman, Luther man and W. S. Hill. .The/fidW^ girls were Misses Jeanette Daniel, Ivory Sain, Esther Ff^ man, Viola 'Freemaii, . Margprtt 'McDaniel, Maude Padgett; Dor^' thy Freeman, Frankie Faintilt and Faith Freeman. "A'-r Bio - Obituaries - 8/12/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Vill of Michael Clifford of Rowan County, IT-C. \ .Book-C., page 72, dated Receraber IC, 1784, Salisbury, H-CJ "Willed to ■'^Vife,rJlizabeth Clifford VtiCKo-il- O.L.noa.ct /-») '7^^ SC^ /6t t Man Is iDeac^"',p: n37—— v/ T.JHi W. Clifford, Brother OfMrs. J. S. Crim In This | r,, - City Dies at Siaiesville (Special to The Journal) pfStatesville, Aug. 15.—H. W. Clifford, 68, well known traveling salesman, prominent churchman pj ah(i manufacturer, died today at his home on Armfield street. He had been in declining health forthe past six years and had been I confined to bed for two weeks. -• ^ JI The funeral will be held Mon day - afternoon at 4 o'clock from • the First Baptist Church with thepastor, Rev. Frank C. Hawkins, iin charge. The body will be buried c p c • with Masonic honors in the family plot in Oakwood Cemetery. , Henderson Wiseman- Clifford was born in Davie county nearCana, a son of John W. and Louisa Wiseman Clifford. In his: early manhood he taught school _in Davie county for a number Qi). of years and later lived in Win- ston-Salem for some time coming to Statesville about 35 years ago. For 25 years he traveled for F.Im. Bohannon Tobacco Company ofIwinston-Salem, but retired about ij '[six years ago on account of de-I Mining health. He was interestedjin a'number of local manufactur-ling-enterprises.' He had been an ^jactive and influential member of the First Baptist Church here for 35 years and during his residencehere , bad be^ active in the Ma- sohic order,'• ■ "■fi!Mr.„Clifford is'survived by his widow, Mrs. Blanche Turner Clif ford,-and three -children, Alfred . TurnerClifford, of Statesville; I ' James Henderson Clifford; nf HighUr« Point,"':'and Mrs. Andrew P. Smith, I of'Morganton. He was a brother of^ the Jate .Judge. John Charles Clif-■{/. ford; of-Dunn. He is -survived by - two, brothers, J'' C., Clifford,, of— G^tdriiat^J"^es>^ Al -* Clifford,' of- / Cripple, Creek,V Cob, and a sister, U Mi^. ;'J7S. ;erim,i.of, Winston-Sa- So !Da n, Michel Clifford Son, Jacob Clifford Son, John Clifford "u« Rleanor V/istnian Rau. Sarah Hains ? L-au. Catharine rippms bau. Elizabeth Woods Sc-h '.f j^y ^99 Te> a3t.fii r., /'y zjz. e-y - Basil Gaither James Grey John Beaman - . 17 7^C.L )b-^ ofi- <1 . i. Davie County Public Library Mocksville, NC DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 18,1937 Thursa Fowler Killing At Cooleemee. Tbona Fowler, coloied, is and Viola Cteinent, colored is in Mocksvillo Jail charged with tnurdtf. A dance was in prodKSS 8t North Gotdeemeeiost Tbors- day night, In a poblie dance hall, when the killing occntred. The two women wete said to tie drinking, and the Fowler wo man hit the Ctement woman on the bead with a pint bottle of Hqoor, after which the Clement woman picked up a Pepsi Cola bottle and bit Fowler on the bead killing her almost iostanily. Viola els' ne^t will ba given a hearing before Re- mder Cope at Cooleemee. next Saturday morning. Melwn G. Hendrix. MeMo Gastoo Reodrlx. 76, well known Davie coonty diiseii, died suddenly of a heart attack Friday tnomlng near bis home, Comatzer. Except for a aligbt IndispositloD Tbais- day, Mr. Hendriz aoparsoiip was eajoying bis tiKual health this week. He went with W. A. Coroatzer to look at some cattle yesteidfl? and waa strlefcsn whiln jaway from home Mr. HefidHX W8S,|l0n in Dsvid Munty in 1662, the son of Mr and M a. N(nd« Hendriz. Ho lived In Davie connty, near Cornaizer tbrotuthont his entire life. • Sotvivoia Inciade foar daagbteis. Mrs. Uczie Cotnatzer. CoMeemee; Mia. Mary Jane Seainon.CooteemeejMrs. WUlle Mae Udniek and Miss Lizzie Reodrlx. of Cor ; natzen three sons. W.C Heodrix Wiostoor I Saleto; L 6. Hendrix. Oomatzer. T. C. Hendrix. Cooleemee; 17 gf80itebildfea;onw! sister. Mrs Mary Hdoser. and one brother,' Imae Hendrix tFhneiel services were held at Coroatzer Methodist chtm^ Sunday, efcemoon, om* ducted by Rds. A. A Lyerly. aod. the body IMd to rest in the chuteb oemeteiy. Mr. Beodr'Z was one of Osvte's best eltl* zeas end his death is tneoraed by p UrgehoR-of idatives and lidfiBds. Bio - Obituaries - 8/18/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 19,1937 Joseph F. Forrest Dea^ Johcph Franklin Forrest, 02, died at his home near Turreii- tlne's Baptist Church on Biindny morning, August 1&. He ^vas born in Stanly county, the son of Joseph Forrest and Bettie Ross Forrest, but came to Davie in early life. He whs a member of Turreniine'a Church. Sui*viv- ing are his wife, Mrs. Effie For rest, two sisters, Mrs. RoBert Miller, of Cooleemeci and Mrs. Eugene •Howard, of Albemorle, four daughters, Mrs. 'Dennis Ba«rney, Wln8ton*fialcm, Mrs. Aruthur Smoot,- route 4. -Mrs. John Itutts, Cooleemee, Mrs. Roy Sain, Winston-Salem, two sons, Boy and WiJiie Forrest, at home, nine grandchildren and one great-grandchlM, The fun.oval was held at Turrentine's Church on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'eloek, conducted by Rev. R. W. Turner, assisted by." liev.- J. L. Kirk. Interment waff in the church graveyard. A .short ser vice was held at the home. Pnll-^ bearers were S. B. Cook, Alec Noil, Ed Laglo, \y. B, Wilson, W. T. 'Spry and Ray Lagle. The flowers wore carried bjr Mes; dames A. 0. Nail, R. H. Lagle, S. B. Cook, ,Clinard Wagoner, Granviile Sprs% John Cook, Bes sie Page, Joe Howard, B. W. Turner, . A. K. Plott, G. W. Reavis, R. A. Church, P. W. Grant, M. A'. Chlldress, Ha Tay lor, Mack Deadmon and Mjss Maude Ratts. Melvin G. Hendrix Passes Away fri. Funeral services for Mr. Mel vin G. HcndrW/'were held Sun day afternoon at Cornatser Methodist church with Rev. A. A. LyerJy and Rev. Fletcher Howard, of Greensboro, conduct ing the services. Mr. Hendrix died suddenly Friday morning of a heart attack near his home at Cornatzer. He wac born in Davie I county in 1862 and had spent his entire life in this county. He Ivms a well-known and rcspect- I ed citizen and Will be missed In i his community. The ' surviving family consist of four daughters, Mrs. Lizzie Cornatzci*, Cooloc- mcc, Mr.s, Mary Seumoni Coolee mee. Miss Lizzie Hendrix and Mrs." WllUe Mae Messick, of Cor natzer. three sons, L. G. Hendrix, Cornatzer, T. C. Hondri.x, Coo leemee and W. C. Hendrix, Wlna- : ton-Snlom, also one ha'other and 1 sister and several grandchildren. 1 Bio — Obituaries - 8/19/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 25,1937 Mrs. Naylor Foster. Mrs. JenEfl Foster.. 57. wife of Naylor Foster, of Cenuiizer, died at Loweiy Hos pitnt. Salistioiy Satorday aftetnooa. deatb tentiliioil from blood poisoa. Mra. Foster is survived by her biisband. one daushter, Ura. J C Uowafd. of High Poloi; oa.3soa. R. R. Foster, »C bome; two siators. Mrs. J.. D. Foster, of Advaaoe, oad Mrs. Saltie. Braost^ of Cooteetnee: two btothera. J. R.' Baiteyl of Advance, and S. A. Bnlley. tifj Cooleemee. Foaetal setvlcea vera beld Monday afteniooo at Elbaviite M P. cbuicb, at 2 o'doclt, wfth Rev. A ALyer> ly in charge, and {be body laid to rest In thb cbtjicb cemetery' Mrs. Bsxier Byerly; Mis. Martha Gritres Byerly. 65. wife of Dr. A. B. Byerly. of CouH!einee;dtedac ber Iwme Saituday. loUowing a lend illness. Fiineral services were tvsEducred at the {Weetnee Vabodi^cbuich Meoday after- noon at 2 o'dodt. with Dr J. C. Leonard Id charse and ioterroent foHowed la ibe LeidDgtoo cemetery. Tbe haaband and several children t»rvivc. :— I J. F. Forrest. services tor ]c^ph F. Forrest. 62. tvho died at bis home near Tarrentme. on Ansr. i5tb, toere held a: Tut rent! ne Baptist church last Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, conducted bv Rav. E. W. Tomer, and the bodv laid to rest in the church cemetery. Mr. Forresr is* snrvived by his tvidow, four daughters, Mrs. Deu' nis Barney, Winkon Sslem; Mrs Arthur Smoot, Mocksviile, R. 4; Mrs. John Ratrs, Ccoleem^, and Mrs Roy Sain. WiDstoa''Salem. Mrs Robert Miller, Cooleemee. and I Mrs. Eugene Howard, Albemarie, also survive. Bio - Obituaries - 8/25/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 26,1937 Mrs. Jane B; Foster Dead l-ast rites for Mrs. Jonic tafley Foster, 57, who died in ii eilsbury hospitttl on August 21, f bicod poisoning, were held at 'Ibaville M, P. Church, on Mon- ay afternoon at 2 o'clock, and alerment was in the church raveyard. Rev. A. A. Lyerly, ev. E. W, Turner and Rev. Mr. idge officiated. The deceased 88 the wife of H. Naylor Fost- ff of Cornatzer,. and the daugh- V of the late J. Henry Bailey nd Amanda Lyons Bailey, of flvle. Shft is survived by her uabnnd, one daughter, Mrs. J.; Howard, of High Point, one ra, R, R. Foster, at home, three Tandchildren,'two sisters, Mrs.. D. Foster, of Advance, Mrs.! dlie Branson, of Cooleemee,' <^0brothers, J. R. Bailey, of Ad-' ^nce, and S. A, Bailey, of Coo- «3aeu. Those acting as pall- r«ni were-John Bailey, Frank jloy, Cicero !G(ailey, Clarence iiley, Ellis Foster and Bill wica, The flowers were car* by Jirs. Helen 'Jones, Mrs. ®«isc Potts, Misses Edna Bran 's, Uiiby Bailey, Hannah Jones, L. McDanioI, Vortic Sue ;"s, Georgia Ellis and Gertrude '^drlcks, ' Mrs. A. B. Byerly- Dies Sat., August 21 Mrs. Martha Sarah Grimes Byerly, 65, prominent Cooleemee resident, and wife of Dr. A. B, Byerly, died August 21, after an extended illness. She was the daughter of the late George Grimes and Sarah DeLapp Grimes, of Lexington, and was educated at Salem College. She was a life-long member of the Reformed Church of Lexington. She is survived by her husband, and five step-children, Dr. W. Q. Byerly, of Statcsville, Mrs. D. R. Hinkie, Winston-Salem, Dr. P. L. Byerly, Cooleemee, Dr. Ro bert Byerly, of Winston-Salem, and Mrs. Harvey Simmons, of ,Cap« Mont, Liberia. The funeral was held at the Cooleemee Methodist Church on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with iDr. J. C. Leonard, of Lexington, Rev. J. M. Barber and Rev. C. B. B. Robinson, of Cooleemee, of ficiating. Interment was In the Lexington cemetery. Nephews of the deceased acted as pallbear ers, these being W. G. Hlnkle, of Thomasville, D. R. Hinkie, Wins ton-Salem, "T. C. Hinklo, Paul H. Hlnkle, Cliff Hinkie and T. C. Hlnkle, Jr., all of Lexington. Bio - Obituaries - 8/26/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 2,1937 Frank McCulloh Pauei Away Frank 'McCulloh^ 38, died In Coolecmco Monday afternoon af ter a long lltnoaa. FuitornV Horvlces were held ffom the Liberty 'Mothodiat Church Ttioad'ay * afternoon at 8:30 o'clock conducted by the liov. Charlj28-(Morrison .and the •Kcv. J. I\V. Foa'ter. Intement followed in tho church cemetery. Ho was a member of tho Gay's Chapol Methodist church of Franklin township,. nnd tho son of Mr. and Mrs. W. McCulloh; of Franklin. Ho is survived by his widow and tho following children: Clarence, Margie, J. W., and De lano. oH also .leaves his, par ents. four brothers: J. L. Mc Culloh, of Cooleemee; Harold, of this county: James and Hugh McCulloh; three sistors: • Mrs. Grace Darnea, ' of [Davidson county: Mrs. Helen Shulen- berger, of Hickory; Mrs. Nellie Marshall, of Columbia, $. C. T. H. Walls Died Tuesday ■T. . H.arriaon . Wails,. . Duvie County citizen, died Tuesday night, August 81, in the Pork Ohii.roh community, ngoU 78. Ho was the son of Starling Walls and Martha Walls, of Davie. His wife died n number of years ago. He is survived by foursons, M. F. Walls, C. L. Waills, W. H. Walls, and P. E. Walls; all of Duvie, one daughter, Mrs. H. H. Lanier, of Mocksvllle, one brother, W. V. Walls, of this place, 31) grandchildren and 28.great-grandchildren. The fune ral was held . at Oak Grove Methodist Church, Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, with Rev. M. G. Ervin, pastor, in charge. The deceased had been in ill health for two years. Bio - Obituaries - 9/2/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 8,1937 Sarah Sheek Young Ifarrison WaD Harrtson Wall* 79* died at tbe home of his sou* W* H. Wall, ou jt* 3, last Tuesday ciBbi at 9 o'clock* following an illness of two yeats. Fnueral services were held at Oak Grove Methodist church Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock* with Rev. M. O. Ervin in charge. Mr. Wall IS snreived by four sons, M. P , C* T, W. H and P. £ Wall* alCof Mocksvllle; one daughter* Mrs. H. H I^snfer* of kocksvii:.ej 31 grandchildren, 28 great grandcl4 dren* a sd onehroth« er. W E Wall* of Pocksville. Blrs. Casper Sain. Mrs. Sallie Barns Sain. 7S* widow of Casper Sain, died Sunday morn ing at 7:30 o'elock at her home near Oak Grove Stewasbom Decmnber 27.1861* a dat^ter of Mr. and Mrs. David Surviving ate two sons. A* H. and W. A. Sain, both of tbe Oak Grove community; 12 grandchildren. funeral was held Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock at Oak Grove Methodist Oiurefa* Rev. W* J. S. Walker conducted the services. Btt< rial followed in tbe church grave yard. '%r'-Mrs. Kepneo's Passes. %otber Mrs* Queen ..Bess Kennen, of Farmlngtoo, and Geo. W. Sheek. of Winston Salem, left Thursday for Greenwood* Jnd,» to attend the funeral and burial ot their mother Mrs. Sarah Sheek Youug. who died at her home in that dty last Wed* day evening at the advanced age of 84 yeaf& The .funeral services were held at Gr^wood Methodist c^rcb- Saturday aftemeon 4it '*2 o^ock. Mrs, Yotmg • bad visited relatives in this section frequently* attd her fnends will be saddened by the news of her death. Mrs. Young is survived by her husband, four sons and four daughters. She' was an uotirlng church worker stnce early girlhood, and was an active member of the O. E. S Bio - Obituaries - 9/8/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE* NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 9,1937 ,Mr8.Ca8per Sain Dead MrB, Sallie Harris Sain, we11« known Davie woman, and widow of the late Gasper Sain, passed away on Sunday morning. Sept. 6. in her 76th year. She was the daughter ol the late Mr. and Mrs. David Harris, and was horn Dec. 27. 1B61. Surviving are two sons. A. H. Sain and W. A. Sain, of the Oak Orove section. 12 grandchildren and one greot*grandchild.- 'The fune ral wae held Tuesday morning at Onk Grove Methodist Ohurch. at 11 o'clock, with the paator. Rev. M. G. Ervin, and Rev. E. J. Harbison officiating. Burial was in the church graveyaird. The deceased held her member ship at Oak Grove. Pallbearers were Edgar Sain. Casper Sain. Roflcoe. Sain. Moody Chaf- fin. Lonnie '. Sain and Leo Sain. The flowers were in Sain. Elizabeth Sain. Hattie Sue Geneva Sain. Safah Wagoner. Helen Sain, Clara Sain. Hazel Snin. Elizaeth Sain,' Hattie Sue Smith.. Louise Smith -and Peggy Smlih; Bio - Obituaries — 9/9/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 22,1937 Rufus Foster Kills Has- kuid. Anotber killing ocRnred in Davie county TlTar^ay* wbeoRntb Fes ter, negro', so, killed ber husband, Rufus Poster. 23, at tbeir Jiome, near Liberty Methodist . cburbfa,- four mMea south of' MocksvUle. Foster and his wife - were engaged in a quarrel about 7 a. m., when the wife says her husband threat* ened to kill her. She went into an adjoining room; picked up a 22* rifle and.put a bullet through hei husband's head just above the left eye, killiog blm instantly. Sheriff Smoot went to the left eye, killing him instantly. Sheriff Smoot went to the scene of the killing and at rested Ruth Foster. She was given a hearing before Bsq P. R. Lea- gans Thursday morning at 10 o'doek, and placed nnder a ^1,000 bond for her appearance at the March term of Dade Superior com t. Failing to give bond, she was lodged in jail. Foster and bis wife were mabied about two years ago. and have one child. John R. MdJanaoch. John R. McCtamrocb. 61. wdl-known Davie eouniy fafinef, died at his botne near Oak Grave Xbtiisday evening ehortly before eight o'doek. Mr. UcClaaincb bad been ID for oeveial niontbo. and spent 88V«al weeks-111' a Siatesville hOiiHtal, foUowlng an dPefatiiuL FUnetal services were held at the bcnie Satutdny momiog at 11 odock, with Revs, and J. B Fttsgeialdincbsige. The body was laid to rest in Oak Grove Ueihodin ehtiich cemetery. Mr. Mcdamiock 18 snrvhred by bio widcwi five s^lKev. R. Q. McCiftairodi Gieensbotoi fMy McClnronch. Cena; Uovd BloClamiodi. Codeeiiiee: F. L and J. P. MeGIaimech, or Davle.and one dauftbter. MtSSilasel Medamraeh. at home. One bfother, A. U. Mcdsmrocb. of Pordand. Otegoo, and one slater. Mis. &> M. Brewer, of CSoa. satvlves A good man bso been called to.blc mwaid. The Reoord has lost atioefitod. Peace to bis ashes. WiOiaia T. Eatmi. Wmiani T. Eaton. 74. fonncr Davie Cotmty inan. trat for the past 40 years a resident of WihaUtn-Saleffl. ffied Saturday mondng in a Twm4Sty boapitaL FUncnl and botid took place at 4 ocloek, wltlt Dr. Refaili Heiring, pastor of jthe First Baptist ebor^. iaebaige. Sorvlvlag Mr. Eaton in his wife, four eons and one daaifiiter, two siatera,B^ Jennie Hal), of ^na« andBfra, J. H. Gib^. ^ -Ptoevillo. Kv. | j^An L Knrfees. John L. Kntfcts, 77. ^I known tobocco mmttfactufer fbir the past 34 years sopeiintendent of the L. Ash Tobacco Company died Wed* ucaday night at his hcme in States* viUe. hts death foOowhig a brief ilhKSS with comfdicatkiis. 2fr. Kurfees was a native of Davie county. Imt had been living In Statesvilte for 53 years. He bad been ragaged Id the hdmcco bust* ness all his life. His first uianiage was to Miss Josephine Bahy, ot Davie county, wbqdied in tgog. One son sur* vtvw this tiolou. Prank W. Slur* fees, of Chapel Hill, examiner for the North Carolloa insurance de partment, Rajelgh. For more than hall a century Mr.. Knrfees had been a member of the First Baptist Church, a regular attmidant and amive in church and Sunday sdtool up to his death. Thqfuttenlwas held Thursday aRemooo at 4 o'clode from the the First Baptist Church, with the' pastor. Rev. Frank C. Hawkins, in charge, luterment followed in Oakwood Cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 9/22/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 23,1937 Arch.Hii^*ycutt Bui^iira Sunday Alblimaric, Sept. 20. — Fun- oral rites for Arch Huneycutt, Stanly county', poet; laureate, philosopher land n commentator, were held .Sunday afternoon at the home'hear'Stanfield .with Dr. 0. D<' Whitloy off£cfatlni;, i and burial: wae- .ia. the cemetery at old Philadelphia church. Mr. Huneycutt died late * Saturday afternoon after a comparatively abort illneaa. n 'He wad 67 years old. A native of .this counfy and son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Bli HuneycuttV th.o -man' whose poetry was 80 familiar to thou sands of people, had always liv-| ed in the Stanfield community*. Here, in touch with the soil and closely attuned to n nature, he' fashioned poetry and prose ofi peculiar .interest..'to those who wore-reared in the" rural dis tricts. ThCso^ Po®W0" were carried in various nowspapera over a long period:, of. years, and wore featured.! Weekly by'a local pap er. A book of' hla tloems, pub lished Boyerai years' ago, was widely circulated., Surviving. are three sisters, Mrs. L. Wllliome, '.of Wnxhaw; Mrs. Robert Dry, .• of Oakboro, and .'Mra. L'eo W. Miineycutt, Of Stanfield. Six brothers,.of whom four are ministers, also survive, these being: Jap djunoycuit, of Stanfield and Attorney A. C. Huneycutt, of Albemnrle; Rev, T. B, Huneycutt, pastor of Gran ite Quarry Methodist church; Rev. T. F. Huneycutt. pnalor of Morgan* Memorial Presbyterian church near Stanfield; Rev. W. J. Huneycutt, poster of Lniircl Hill Presbyterian church near Laurlnburg, and Dr. Q. N. Huneycutt, pastor of Indian Trail Presbyterian church. MRS. JOHN SAIN > PASSES AWAY Funeral Beiwices ~ were ' held Tuesday afternoon for Mrs. John Sain who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. D. C. Sa- friet, Statcsville, Route on Sun day afternoon, Sept. 19. Mrs, Snin was the widow of the. late John Sain and had lived . In Mockavillo until recently, leav ing ihcro to make her home with her children. She was 64 years of age, and had been suffering with heart trouble and complica tions for some time. Funeral sorvicGS were held at' Smith Grove Methodist Chui'bh and in terment followed in the church cemetery there. She is survived by the follo'.vlng children: Mrs. D. C. Safrict, of Statesvillc, Rt.; Mrs. Barney Benson, of Wood- loaf; Mrs. Poul Grover, of Waph- ington, D. C.; Miss Laura Sain, of Winston: Gcorgq Snin, . of Virginia and Roy Sain, of Wlns- ton-Salom, several grandchil dren and brothers and sislers. J. R. McClamfock Dead John R. McClamrock, 61, well- known citizen of the Oak Grovo community, died on Thursday night, Sept. 16, after n lengthy illness. Ho was the son of John Mcptomrock Jnnd Caroling Gray McClamrock, of .Onvie, and was a member of Oak Grove church. He is Biiryivod by his wife, Mrs. Mary Hendron McClomrock, five sons. Rev. R. G. McClam rock, pastor of HiaU Memorial Church, Winston-Sulbm, Ray, P. L., and J. T. McClamrock, of tho home community, Lloyd Mc Clamrock, off Cooieomeo, one daughter. Miss llnzcl M-cCIum- rock, ot homo, eight grandchil dren,, one .bjj'other, A. M. Mc- (Clamroclc, of Portiond, Oregon, and a 'sister, Mrs, S. M. Brew er, of Onno. . The funcrol waa held at Oalc Grove Methodist Church, Satwfday morning at' 11 o'clock, with ' the pastor, ' Rev. M..G. ISrvln, in'charge, asBistod by Dy. iW* A. LambethV'of Wlns- fon-Salem, Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald and Rev. W: J. S. Walker. Bur ial wnfl in tho church grave yard. . Pallbearerswere .Hermon Brewer, Albert Hendren, John T. Hendren, Woddrow Angeil, Paul Eaton and John Whitakoi', The flowers 'werc carried by Misses Geneva Angoll, Margaret Potts, Almo Mjfcra, ?»Iorgarot McClamrock, Francos Leo Word, Ircn.e Angeil, Snllle Sue Angeil, Ruth Boger, Evelyn Hendren, | Mary Lofs Hendren, Inn Hond-' ren, Mesdamea Paul Eoton. Min nie Hendren, H. G. Brewer, Frank Bowles. Bio - Obituaries - 9/23/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 23,1937 Mrs. A. O. Foard i Passes Away ■RelK^fclvca • here - wero ' shpckdd' to loam - oil tho dodth of' ' Mra,' Minnio Downum Foard,^\vifQ ofArthur G. Foard, of" Loholr# which occurred ut a hospital thcro on Tuesday inorniii{r»' Sept. 21, following an operation for* tumor. She wna tho ' oldor daughter of Bev, and Mrs. J« M. Downum, of Lenoir, formerly of this place, and spent part of her childhood in Mocksvillo. She graduated at Davenport Collogo In. 1007, and was especially glft> cd In miiBlc. For many yeara I she was organist at the Motho-jdist Church In Lenoir, and wasI active in the musical circles hf ..'the town. She is survived by her husband, Arthur 'G. Foard, onp sons, A. G, Fonrd, Jr., and ono daughter. Miss Margaret Foard, her parents, Rev, and Mrs. J.. M. Downum, of. Lonolr, a sistor, Mrs. Charles Fostolle, of Bir mingham, Ala., and an aunt, Mrs. C. F. Mcroney, Sr., of this pI.nco, Mrs. R. L. Morrpw/ .of Raleigh, Mrs. R. S. McNeill And Mrs. C. F. Meronoy, Jr., went to Lonolr Sunday afternoon to sco their cousin, Mrs. Foard, who was still unconscious from tho operation. Tho funornl wna .held on Wednesday aftcmon at - 8.o'oloek, and interment wfiB;;...in: Buileviuw Cuinotei'y, Lcndir,'.'The- doath of this talented < young matron has brought sorrow to awide., circjifc of ( relatives and friends. Rufus Foster, Jr. Davie Negrc^ Held lit Murder Ruth Hairston Fo.ster, 19- year-old Negress of the • Foir- fipld section of Davie County, wna ordered held for the sup erior court by Magiatrnto F. R. Lcugans In a, preliminary hear-ing Thursday morning on a charge of murdering her hus band, Rufus .Foster, Jr. The alleged killing occurred about 7 o'clock Thursday morn ing shortly after Foster had're turned from his work nt Cooloc- mcc. A .22 calibre rifle was used, 'the ballot striking the -nian in the forehead and entering the broin. According to tho evidence given by Margaret Hnlrston, a sl.ster of) tho dcfondant,- and only othor .poraon in tho houso at the time of .tho fatni shoot ing, Foster and his wife wero in a heated argument, Foster ^v!os heard to h'nvc . rtkide threats against the life of Ruth Foster and soon thereafior tho wife fired the fatal shot. In default of boil In tho eum of ¥1,000, the woman was com mitted to jail. Bio — Obituaries — 9/23/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 29,1937 Mrs. Jdip Sain. Ian. John SaiQ died biat Uonday after* Boofl ettlM honeef herdaoiabter. Mxa. D. C. Sefrtt. eett StatesvIDe. Death fol* lowed as iDoeea of idx taoatlM. Ura.Sain auffered from a heart elloieot and coatpll* catloas. Ura. SalD. who W8» 84 yeara dd. woa a native of Da vie ooooty. She was Mias Uaiy JoMphloe Sanndeta, laior to her ' morrieds. danghter of the late Mr. ead Mra Reory Seimden. Her hosband died fievetal years adO; Sttrvivlod are two sons. Roy Saio. of Wtaoton Satem, and George i Sahx of Paris. Virginta; and foor .daogh ,' tets. Bfo. Barney Beosoo. of Woodleaf, . Mrs. PbdI Carter, of Washington. D. C..' , Mrs. Safrit. who Hves east of Statesville, and Miss Laura Saia.af Winaton-Salem. The fOaeral service was held Tuesday aftemooo froo Soifth Grove Methodist dmreh and intertneni followed in the charch cemetery. D. C. Howard Dies Suddenly. D. C. Howard. 65. died suddenly Friday evening, while loading some fruit in his antomotBle at the home of his slater. Miss Mary Howotd, near Tuirw^ Mr. Howard moved to 28 years ago from and since that time had operated a wac nmth gjp tidd at Ubefty MetSt Church Suntoy afwmoo^ ^ Rev. M, G. Ervla in charge, and the body tald to rest in the Mr. Howard is sorvived by and 11 cbildran. six sons and we daugbteia. vim Jadt,of Memphis:Clinard. Htgh Point; Zeuo. Washington; Carol. at home: Ho. Mildred HcCOIIob. Rockwell; Hbs. S. D. Arthur. BaltliiKwe; Misa ffafaza Bowaid. Kaiusapolis; Hisses MozeU and ^^ogfsy at home. Two dsteOi Hca. Jack tagle and Hiss Mary Hmoid. of R. 4. and ann bivthec; Eugene Howard of Albemarle sIsoiOtvlve. Mrs. R. L. Keller. Mrs. R. L. Keller. fO, died at her home nt^r Kappa Friday evening abont Oi o'dodc. following a wedi'o iUness. Fan* | etal ssrvlcea were conduoted by Rev. W. J. jS. Walkar. at Salem Methodist cburefaj Sunday morning at H o^tdsdt, and the^ body laid to rest in the chtneh oemeteiy. Mrs. Keller la BimWed by otiB8ao.Harvlo Kdler. of Davie Academy, and three grandsrms. Her hosband and one son LemoeJ.and a danghter. McKlnley Walker, preceded her in death. In the passing of this good woman, the entire coronnnuty fat which she hved for so many yeens has been saddened. She was lovrd by ell who bnew bet. The Keooid editor, who has known Mrs. Kriler snce he was a small boy. Joina her hosts of ficienda In extendmg sympathy to bereaved teUitlvea I who monm ber death. John L. Hunter Former Davie Han Passes.\ John L Hunrer, 87. former Davie coun tv citteen. detd In a Stniesvllle bosintal Friday. f<dlawing an Qlnesa of pneumonia. Mr. Hooter bad lived in StatcsWQe for 20 years. About three weeks ago ha was' knocked down by a truck wtaUe c^tag the street tn front of Us home, andsuffer* ed fractures of both legs Mr. Hooter was 0 son of the late Ml. and Mrs. W. H. Hunter, near Smith Grove. Snrvivlng is riie widow, three sooa and one slater. The body waa laid to rest In Oakwood cemetery, StatesviUa. Satatday efterooor. Bio — Obituaries - 9/29/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 30,1937 |D. C. How^d . Died Suddeaaly Last Friday DeWftt Clinton .Howard, well- known citizen of thia plnco, died suddenly Frldny evening, with a lionrt attack. He was tlio son of the Inte Mr. ,nn<l 'Mrs. [Mnrgnii Hownrtl, Df Davie County. lie is aui'vivcd by his wi(e, Mrs. Cora Rouse Howord, and the '.follow- Iilff t^hildront Jnok iHownrd.^of Memphis, Tenn.; Clinard How ard, of High Point; Zone How ard, of Washington,. D. C.; Car roll -Howard^ .ol'Saiencer; Mar shall and Thirsa Howard, of Kannapplis; Mrs. Mildred Mc- Culloh, of Rockwell r Mrs. S. D. Arthur, of Baltimore, Md.; Gil- mor, Mozel]e and Audrey How ard at hoihe. One brother, Eu gene 'Howard, of Atbomnrle, and I three sisiera, Mrs. Jack Laglo, of Mocksville, Mrs.' Sallio Bar nes, of Coolcemcc, and Miss Mary Howard, of Route 4, also .survive, t *A Short service was held ht the homo at 8 o'clock, Sunday ofternoori, v.'lth Rev.- J. II. Fulghum .in charge. The funeral was conducted at Liber ty at 8:80, with Rev. M. G. Er- vin and "Rev. -B. J. Harbison -in charge. Pallbearers wore Hedth- mun -Howard, Everett - Howard, Rev. F. E. Howard, Tom Lagle, Joe Howard and E. D. Lagle. The flowers were" carried ' by Mrs. 'R, W. Henry, .Elizabeth Hownrd, Mrs. D. M. Talbort, Mrs, Hcathman Howard, Mrs. F. R. Howard, Mrs." Rvorpkt How ard, Mrs. Shcek MllJer, Frances Foster, Ruby Miller, -Blanche Lagle, and Mrs. J, B. Ilarrison. Interment was In the family plot in the Liberty Methodist graveyard. | PROP. J. F. BROWER DEAD Prof. Jnmcn Plotcher Brdwor, 80, of Clcmmons, passed away in. a Winaton-Salciiv hoapUal. oii Friday,.Seijt. 24. Ho was a iiaUvo , of Chatham comity, and'was! well-known teacher for 54. years, . At one'time he was.hcad of tho . Formington' Acudotny. Uo wasii 'married .three timo.s, his third' wife l^Bihg tho former Miss An nie Euton,. nf Davie. The funeral was.held at Homo . .Moravian Church, Winato'n-Salom, :on' Sun day afternoon, .and burial was In .Moravlau Graveyard. Survivr; ing nVcl hid widow, one daugli-' ,tor and .two sons, . B^s.R. L.Keilei. , Passes Awa> Mrs. Nannie Smoot Keller ngod 70, widow, of R. L. Keller, passed away at her homo on Mocksville, Route 4, last Friday night at 0 o'clock. Sho was n mombcp, of Saicni Methodist Church.-Funeral services were held oh Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at- the Saiom Methodist cbuvch with Rev. W. J. S. Wnik- or in charge of the service and interment followed in the church cemetery. Mi'.s. Keller ig snvvivod by one son, E. M. Keller, of Rt. 4, end' three grandsons. Her liufi- buiid uiid one sun and one dau ghter preceded her in death. Active pollbcarors were: Atlas Smoot, Ted Daywalt, Carl Jones, Elmo Pnrncli, Carl Anderson, Evorette Koonts; Hqnornry pnll- b.oarcr^; Gi ' C. Smoot, iJ, L. Cavtncr, J. W. Daywalt, Art Smith, J. W. Click, Joe Henley, Grndy Cnrtnor. . Tho flower girls were: ' Misses Jlnchel Foster, Virginia Poster, pMae Smith, Mary Smith, Bertha Jones, Pauline Swicegoqd, Paul- {Jones, Paulino ".Swicegood, j Margaret ' Daywalt, .Paulino Carlnor, 'Zepla JKoontz,' • Bot- • tie Jean Koonts, Laura Gartner, i Elizabeth Cortner, EUzubclh jKonntz, Helen Poolo, Blandina Daywalt. Bio - Obituaries - 9/30/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 6,1937 Hazel Stewart (3uld M^ts fibnOile DeatL f Haz^l, tbe little 8-y.ear old daoRli* • lerof Ur. aod Mia. Nathan Stewart of Jeiuaaiem townshin, was killed tIl^nnday afteiooon aboitt $ o'clock on thk Codleeinee wbool grotmds, ' when ascbpol bos ran over taer body, • Tbe.btia was driven by J, W. Bver* ba^t, 16 yeaf'Old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Everhardt, of Jemsalem. 1^ b«d catried a load of ebll* dren to tbelr boniiiS, and bad retnm- ed to the school to get another load when tbe little slrl. fell or wis pnsbed under tbe bos, tbe rear wheel passioK over her body. A onmber of children were playing In the school yard. Medical aid was summoned, bot.tbe child was fatally Injnred, and lived onl/ abonf 45 minutes. No blame was attacbM to the young bus driver. Funeral aervices'were held at Bethel M. P. church on Saturday afternoon at a o'clock, and the body laid to rest 10 the church ceroeten • T^e bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire county In the d^h of the little child. Mth, Sanb P. ttareb, 77. died st the borne of her diwter, Mrs. BaIphGuter>icAdvinee, Saturday sftemoon. Fusefal servieea were eo^oeled by Rev. A.. A l^erly at Abvaoce Mclbcdist- cfaoreb Stmday aftmuooa atd Vcloek. and the body laid to rest in the dmrdi cemetery, Hra, Mareb is. Burvived by three Bom, twodfsgbtera. twoalstera and Iggrasdcfaildrai. lite Beeoid joins the many frlmtda oftbisEoad woman,, hi'extendiog aympatv to the bteeayed relatives, to low of this dw one.. | Sarah Peniand an Dies. Misa Sarah Pmd^, 101 years old, died Tuesday at b^ borne bear Osnd* ler, Bnueomte county,. She was one of North Gairollna'a oldest resldmita. and bad lived to Buncombe eoonty all bar Ufe-witb the exception of three yeare spmtt to the Weat. Miss Peniand was bom Febmaiy 2,1886. near Cendler. Sheama one of ISchildfmi. was tbe sevmitemitb to die. leaving Mra. BfMltba Boleombe, of Candles, as tha only surviving mem- bw of tbe immediate funUy- ' Miss Peelattd served as postmaster at Hanaony several decades ago be fore the post offiee was moved- to Cuidler. She wss a teacher to the old Newton Academy to AdievlUe 70 years ago. Bio - Obituaries -10/6/1937 DAViE COUNTY PUBLiC LIBRARY MGCKSVilLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 7,1937 Child Killed By School Bus Sept. 30 HAZEL STEWART DEATH IS ADJUDGED AN UNAVOID ABLE TRAGEDY Hnai?! Stpwnrt, 8, dniighter of Ml*, and Mrs, Nathan Stewart, farmer . who .Hvca between Greasy Corner and Pork cliiireh (lied tit fCooloemee Thursday iiflornoon abbut an hour after belni? hit> by a school bus which was preparing to load children to take them home from Jeru- aalcm consolidated school. The -accident took place at 3:3G p. m. and the driver of the bus was J. W. Evorhardt, 17,- son of Joe Evcrhardt,' who op erates a garage at Greasy cor ner. After an investigation by the Davlo county coroner he. termed the accident in his opinion as unavoidable and stated that an intiUGst would not be necessary, according to E. M. Junker, principal of the school. EXACT CAUSE .UNItNOWN The exact cause of death was not Icnown. There wore no marks on the body and the theory that n truck wheel ran over the child woB abandoned by Mr. Junker. It WAS his opinion that the child must hnvo been struck by the aide of tho bus, iknocked down at a point whcro the ground/was hard and perhaps suffered n concussion of the brain. The bos was in front of the school pei'parJng to .receive, tho children and could not have been moving more than a couple miles per hour, Mr. Junker stated, when K^Iic accident took place. Eager to got a good scat in the bus, the children have a habit of rushing to tho bus, it was stated, and it is thought that perhaps the child might have been struck in the rush. DOCTOR SUMMONED After the accident she was taken inside school and | when a doctor could not lo cated at -Cooleemce, one . was summoned from here. Mr. Junk er stated. 'When he arrived tho child was barely alive. Aside from the parents who moved to this section less than a year ago from High Point, the the child is survived by one small brother, four years old. The child was in tho third grade. Tho funeral of the unfortun ate little girl was held at Bethel Methodist Protestant Church, on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. M. 0. Ervin was in cnarge, and burial was in tho church cemetery. This trngody has cast a gloom over tho com munity.' JOHN W. BECK PASSES John W. Beck, well-known iDavic county citixon, died Wnd- nosdny morning, Oct. G, at his home in Ciurkrivillc tov.'nship, of heart dropsy, aged 71. Ho was the sun of Wilson Beck and Elizabeth Pcrcboo Beck. Ho is survived hjy his wife, I^lrs, Mar ietta Baity Beck, to whom he was married in* 181)1, five sons, John 11., William, Robert, and Roy Bock, ail of Mocksvliio, Route 2, Fink C. Beck, of India- nfn, four daughters, Mrs. Jess Waford, of Coolecmoe. Mrs. S. R. Latham, of Moctutvillc,, Mrs. Grady Lewis, of Winston-Salcm, Mrs. Elton Martin, of Mocks- villc, I'Oiitq 2, ninctoen grnnd- chiltlron. The funeral will take place at Boar Greek Baptist Church, Friday nftornqon, at 2 o'clock, avith Rov. James Groco in charge. Burial will be bo in the church graveyard. Bio - Obituaries -10/7/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, October 7,1937 Sarah Frances March ADVANCE WOMAN DIBS SATURDAY Mrs. Sni'nli Frnncos ^March* 77i (lied nt the homo of her dnuffh- tcr, Mrs. Ralph Carter nt Ad vance, at 8 o'clock Saturday af ternoon. She had bpoii in (Icclln- iag health for three yiiars but was critically ill for only tivo days. •' The body remained nt Voglei-'s Funeral Chapel until 2 o'clock Sunday when it was removed toi Advance M. E. Church to lie in state from 3 to 4 o'clock. The funeral was hold nt 4 o'clock with Rev. A. A. Lyerly and Rev. F. E. Howard In charge. Burial was In the church grave yard. Nephews were pallbearers — ,Iohn Cope, Andrew Cope, Doug- Ins Ellis, Albert Ellis, A. D. Stewart and William Ellis. The deceased was born at Fnrmlngton April 1, 18d0, the daughter of Caleb and Robjcccn Spry Ellis. Her husband, 0. M. I^ilurch, died in 1982. She spent) her entire life in Davie county. Sr.rvlvors include three sons, W. I.l„ C. C., and J. D. March, all of Winslon-Salcra; two dau ghters, Mrs. E. D. Williams, Wlnston-Snlcm, and Mrs. Ralph Carter, Advance; two sisters; Mrs. Tom Walker, Advance, and Mrs. George Steward, Winstou- Salem, and 12 grandchildren. GWYN HAHDING SHORE Gwyn Harding Shore, Yadkin County citizen, died at his home in Llb-erly township, Oct. 5, aged 63. Ho was the son o£ David Shore and Betiie Groce Shore. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Snlllc Miitcr Shore, two daughters. Misses Ruby and Lena Mae Shore, six eons, Leo, Herman, Roy, Fred, Houston and 'Tack Shore, all of Yadkin county, one sister, Mrs. Robert Plowman, of .Winston-Salem, one brother, G. D. Shore, of IKannapoIis, and one grand child. .The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon at 8 o'clock, at Turner's Craek Bap tist. Church, and interment was in the church cemetery. MRS. BETTIE FRYE .DEAD Mrs. Bettic Cope Frye, widow of the Into Franklin Frye, pass ed away nt her home at Advance Thursday afternoon, Sept. 30, agod 81. She was the daughter of Thomas i^opo and Mary J. Austin Cope, and was n member of Elbhville Methodist Protest ant Church. She is survived by Ifour sons, James Frye, of Ad- jvancc, Charlie and Will Frye, ! Win.ston-Salom, Geoi'ge Frye, of jMooresvillc, six daughters, Mrs, IJI. B. Baiicy, of Advance, Mrs. I Charles SIdden, of Forsyth, Mrs, ; Elsie Jarvia, Mrs. Jane Weaver I and Mrs. hiary Mcachum, all of Advance, Mrs. W. A, .Rlrike, of LowiBville, 86 grandchildren and nine' grcat-grandchlldrcn. The 'funeral was held at Elhavillo on Saturday afternoon at .with Rev. A. A. I^'orly in charge. Burial was there, and phllbear- ei's wore Frank Frye, Marvin ''T Bio - Obituaries -10/7/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 13,1937 Jo&n Willbm Km&Z Tolio W; Beck, died at bis home in ClarksviUe town^lp last Wedne^av morniiig, followiog an Illness of some time. - Fntteral. sejrvices wexe held at Bear Creek Baptist chnrcb Friday afiemoon at 2- o'clock, conducted hy Rev. James Grooe, and the body laid to rest in the chnrcb cemetery. Mr. B^ is survived by his widow. Maryetta Baity Beck, five sons. T H., William, Robert, Roy. air of Mocksville. R. a; Pink C , of Indiana; fonr danghters, Mrs. Jes se Wafford. Cooleemee; Mrs. S R. Latham. Mocksvilte; Mrs. Grady Lewis, Winstoti^atem, and Mrs. Elton Martin, Mocks^le, R. 2. Nineteen grandchildren also sur vive. Mr. Beck was a native of Davie countv. a son of Wilson and Elizabeth Perebee Beck. He was married in 1891 to Miss Maryette Baity, of Davie Connty, Mr -, and Mrs, Be^ spent their entire mar* ried life'lo the connty. Mrs. L S. Hendrtx. HiaLS. HendthL 74. died Satoiday nigbt at 10 o*dack at the homeof iwreea. G. L. Fottter, near Duihis, fCDowIng a weeVa flloess of pnettntooia. Funeral setvlees woe bdd at Smith Grove Methotfist dwich Monday afleraoon at 2.'S0 o'clock, with Rev. 6. B. Fenee. of Tottteeovllle. In cbaita and the body laid to rest in the ebnira oemetery* Btoi Reoi^badbeedamembenifOa&n'a Bi p. ehtndi for inaoy ream. Sorvivlog era four aona. J. FSrank Hend iiz.L. A. Hcod^ R. Q Beadtix. or R. 0. and T. S. Hendfis, of Smith Grovot and noe daughter. Hts, Gdose Baney. of R. S. Three brotb^ J F., W. T., and G. L. Foster, all of R. 3. and twelve groodchiM- ran. dko turvive. together with many le* l^ves and friends. • A good vraman has been called to her'rawaid. Mnu W. F. Bh^ers. Mrs. Emily Jane Myera. 70. died at bcr home nesr Redtand at 6 o'ctOcfc Satmday ni^t She bad been In dedialog heaPh for several yeaia. hot bad been crttieaUy id for only a few dayg, -The funeial was oondaeted at the home at 10:30 o'doek Monday momlpg and at Betblohem H. E. Church at tlo'dock The pastor. Rev. B> CL Froomeo. la charge of the smvhroa. Burlsl was In the'tduncb graveyard, ^e waa a member of Bethle. hem M. E. Church for many years. ' Sotvivoro iodiide Rie husband: two BODS Oliver sad Baha Myers, Adoaoee. Route IS twodaoghteta, MM. Ida Hash. Advauoe: Route 1, and Sirs. Adelia ONms, Thomas' vUIe; one tnotlun; Cbsilra Baanehaiop: four grandcbUdrcQ and twv great giaad- cbUdien. Bio - Obituaries -10/13/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 14,1937 Migs Elateie Hawkifis Deaid Misfl Hntiio /Hnwkins, wcll- knuwn BiU'lington Indy, paas^d ft way at Wiittfl Hospltftl, Durham, Sftturday nftcrnoon, Oci. 9, af ter an illness of four months. She u'as a native of Alnmanco county, and wns the dnughter of the luto Mr. and Mrs. F. W, liftwkins, of Burlington. She was a member of Front Street Bap tist Church, of Burlington, where the funeral wns hold on Mondny nftcrnoon, at 3 o'clock^ The servico wns in charge of the pastor, Rev, 11. I. Glass, as- aiste'rt by Rev. T. W. Perry, of Trinity .Methodist Church, Dur ham. Intermont followed in Pine Hill Cemetery. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Ilornor Clay ton, of Durham, anl Mrs. Annio Curl, of Burlington, and one brother, J. F. Hawkins, of Mocksville. Mr,-and Mrs. Haw kins were called to Durham the latter part of last week tpjy the critical illness of his sister. Miss Hawkins has visited here a number.of times, and her friends will regret to learn of her death. Mrs. Avery |. Hendrix Dead Mrs. Avcy Jane Foster Hen- drix, 74, well-known Duvio wo man and widow of tho late Spcncor llondrix, died at the home of iier brother, G. L, Post- or, near Cornutscr, on Saturday evening, Oct. 9. The deceased WA.s the daughter of William Foster and Martha Luird Foster, and was a member of Dulins Melhodi.Ht Protestant Church. She is survived by four sons, J. Frank Qlomlrix, Mocks vi lie merchant, L. A. Hendrlx, . T. S. Hendrix and R. C. Hendrlx, and one daughter, Mrs. George Bar ney, nil of Dftvie, and Ihrco brother.^, W. T. Foster, J. P. Foster and G. L. Foster, of this county. The lost rites were held on Monday afternoon, ft short service being at the home at 2 o'clock, Allowed by the funeral at Smith Grove Methodist Church, ot 2:30 with In- teiment in the church cemetery. The officiating ministors wore Rev, G. B. Ferree, of Porsyth county, Rev. Mr. Ridge and Rev. J, P. Pcgg, of Lexington, Rev. James Groco, of Cana, Rev-. E. W. Turner, of this place, and Rev. H. C. Freeman, of P.*»vmlng- ton. The pallbcnrors were Leo Ellis, Thurmond Foster, Robert Fo.stcr, Charlie Poster, Spurgcon Foster and William Poster. The flowers were carried by Ilazol Foster, Blanche Poster, Addle Mao Foster, Plos-sle Foster, Sal- liu Foator, Lcona Po.stor, Lucilo Foster, Ruth Po.ster, Laura Leo Foster, Gertrude Poster, Knther- Ino Foster, Rachel Poster, Julia Foster, Ruby Call, Honnnh Jones, Ethel Jone.s. Mrs. Emily Jane Beauchamp Myers Died Saturday Mrs. Emily Jane Beauchamp Myers, aged 79, died at her homo, Advance, Route 1* at 0. o clock last Saturday. She had been in ill-health for several years ljut had been critically ill for onl> a few days. The funeral was con ducted at the home Monday morning at 10 o'clock and at Bethlehem M. E. Church nt It o'clock, with the pastor. Rev. H. C Freeman in charge. BuiJai •fdllowcd in tlie church cemetery. Mrs. Myers was the dnughtoi John and Fmily Enkles Beauch amp. In 1884 fllie was to W. F. Myers. She spent her Qijtiro life in ii'® imincdinte vicinity of her birthplace. She was ft member of Bethlehem M. R. Church for many BECK FUNERAL HELD 'FRIDAY R. Church for mnn.v years. The surviving family I the husband, two sons, Ollvoi nnd .Puke Myers, Advance, /Rt.1 • two dftURhter.H, Mrs. Ida N".sh.Adtancc. Rt. 1; mul Crotts, Thomasvillo; one uio ther, Char!c.s Bdauclmnip;; f-omgrandchildren and two great grandchildren. Last rites for tho late John W. Beck, well-known citizen of CiarksvlllG township, who died Oct. G, were held at Boar Creek Baptist Church, on Friday after noon at 2 o'clock, with Rev. James Grocc officiating. Burial was in the church graveyard. Those acting as pallbearers were John 11. Beck, William Beck, Pink C. Bock, Robert Beck, Roy Beck, sons of the deceased, nnd Grndy Lewis. The flowers were in charge of Mamie Waffnrd, Margaret Wafford, Nellie Mac Beck, Bclvia Beck, Mary Belle Bock, Myrtle Beck, Emily Roll ins, .Leila Moore, Mrs Rambenu, Mrs, Carl Eaton, Mrs. Bankley, Mrs. Audrey Holton. The dcccaa- od was tho father of Mrs. S. R. Latham of this place. Bio - Obituaries -10/14/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 20,1937 Allen Brown Alten Brown, aged colored man of Modcsville, died at the coonty home Sunday. Allen was more than 80 years old, and was respect* ed by both white and black. He was an hon^t, taltblnl oM-fasblon- ed colored man of the school. Bio - Obituaries -10/20/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 27,1937 WiUiam M. Owens. nn •Wifilam M. Ovens. 7l'i died at lbs boaie of bto SOD. Joe Owieos. at Smhh Gtovo, Satorday evoolno, dsatb letolting fran' a . stroke of paialf^- fifr..Owca was ill a[few iMDia. rFoneral advices were eottdcctei bg Rev. W. J. S. Walker, at Smitb Grove gharA Jfondav nwening at 11 o*dock*juidtliebod]( laidto test fa ttte cbttrob eemet^. . . . - i <Ur. Oweas ta sarvived by bis- widow, two BOOB. Joe. of%IAGiove.andTikk'af g^SboQeld. 'Oi^litoQKr. Jobd OsraD^ ^.Ooolseatee. aiid cpb 19819, Mrs. Huae SObud. of WiBstoa-SOlen. survive.^ ... . iAnotbet;good ft^'oi Tbe Recotd edibv bas passed to tba great beyond. * -ll^f Ot^ a gpod'^n^ To cbe beteavtf ibkM we estend aynprothy* Bio - Obituaries — 10/27/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 28,1937 William M. Owen Dead William Mui'ion Owen, 71, died Satui'dtiy oveninif, Oct. 23, at the I home of his son, Joe Owen, at Smith Gi'ove. The deceased was the son o£ Richard Owen and Kathleen Granger Owen and had spent his entire life in the Smith Grove community. He had moved his membership to Smith Grove from Bethlehem Ohurch in re cent years. Surviving are his wid ow, Mrs. Emroo Ellis Owen, one brother, John Owen, of Coolec- mcc, one sister, Mrs. Ann Stroud of IWnston-Salcm, two sons, Joe Owen and I. -D. Owen, both of Onvio, and six grandchildren. The funeral and interment took place at Smith Grove Methodist Church on Monday morning a II with Rev. W. J. S. Walker In charge. The Junior, of which the deecascd was u member, had charge of the burial rites. The flowers were cn«*rled by Mrn. Snl- iic McGinnis, Mrs. Chnl Smith, Mi.'is Rosn Jones and Miss IJzora Smllli. Annie Fowler Fasaes Away Oct. 21 Mlaa Annie Fowler, widely- wown and beloved South River ^dy, died at her home on last ^'horsday evening, Oct. 21, afier 1 week's illnGss. She was the laughter of the late George W, fowler, and cnme pf a prominent family. She was a member of the "ifst Presbyterian Church, SoHs- |uty. Surviving are two sisters, Whitney Bridgers, of Tar- wo, and Miss Saroh Fowler, of «mlh River, and four brothers,'!■ B. Powler, of Charlotte, J. C.fowler, of Statesville, R. H. Fow- of Columbia, S. C., and C. P. •■owler, of South River. The fun-"^1 was oonductcd at the home'U Saturday • morning at 10'Clock, by Rev. C. J. Woodbridge,'• Ssiliabury, and burial was in^0 family plot .In Oaklawnpcmelory, Statesville. Relatives fom here who' attended the tt neral were Mrs. P. J. Johnson, Jack Allison, Mrs. Cecilaorria, jfr. E. H, Morris and ruf'^ ■'ohnson. Mlas Fowler hntllaited^ here a number of times, 00 will be- remembered for her disposition and gentle0wactor. The funeral was nt-ndeti by a large number of 'Olives and .friends. Virgil Dale Hamilton INFANT DIES Virgil D.tle Hamilton, one-year- old son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. nnmlllon, of Fork, died suddenly WodneHtlny morning, Oct. 27, nt () o'clock, of heart failure. Mrs. Hamilton was formerly Miss Lula Gi'ubb. Tho parents andtwo sisters. Ruby Gray and Bet-^tic Jean, survive. ! Bio - Obituaries - 10/28/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 3,1937 Virgil Hamilton Child Dns &ddeiily. -Viigil, thfl <me>yeiir-oId soq of- Mr. and Bfra. J. H flanflltra. of Pulton township, died stMldttnlf .last Wednesday morning. Funeral services were held oa Thursday morning at ll o'doekat Jefosalem Bap- dat church, conducted by Rev* E* W. ro^ ner. and the body laid to rest in the choteb cemetoy. Surviving asa the par- Itnia and two atoteia. Mrs. ^Ue Boyd* Ura. Sallie Beck Moyd. 91, died at her home in Gafahaln township, at 6:30 Friday morning:.'- She. waa the widow of John Henry Boyd. .'Tfaedeeeai^ was bom in Davie county, the daughter bf Andrew M. aitd Julia Thwnaa, Funeral aervieea were conducted Saturday afternoon at 3 o*doek at I jamea Gross Roads. ^ Sorvivore indnde one mater Mrs. Truss O'Neal. Moekaville. Route 4: ODp. brother. John Be^, Iredell county; two sons. W. S. liovd and J. W. Beck.' Davie connty; fonr dangb* tera, fiJra, W, H • Rmegar,' Mrs. Gaitbor Bracken, Mm. D R. Beck and Urs. J. C. White, of Davie conn ty: 59 grand-children and 60 great grandchild^^^ HaUbort Reid Fimera).^ Funeral services for Halhett 6. Rdd, 32.. who died Monday momfng at Wtndtoc-| Saleni, foBowiog an iBneis of pneumtmla. I were bdd at tbe borne of bla parents, fifr.' and Mrs. W. S. Reld, in East MocfcsvUIei Tuesday aftemoco at 3 o'oloek. and the body 1^ to teat in Rose cemeterv. Rev. W. C. Cooper ooudoeted the fnneral and boclal aetvlcear "** RSr. Reid ia survived by his pareotr, Mr, and Mrs W. S. Reid. of Uooka^e, and one brother, W. S. Rdd, Jr. of Satis- bury, TheRecoid extends sympathy to the bereaved faiBity in the death of this loved one. Bio - Obituaries - 11/3/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 4,1937 Boyd W. Orrell Davie Boy Dies At Honolnlu From \V-S Journal The body of Boyd W. Orrell, 35-ycnr-old' navul flior who was hilled by gRB fumes in midpacinc! :[enplniic oxerciaps Snturdny, will b,e brouirht to San Diego, Calif.,' for burial, thu navy informed rcl'i alivcH Tuesday night Orrell was a former Winaton-Snlom resident.' Official navy notice of Orrcll's denth was received by hia father,' Gtorgu Washington Orrell, of Advance. | The Navy Department tele- jfrnm to the older Orrell: The Navy Department cxcecd- ini;ly regrets to inform yon that jyoiir .son, Boyd Washington Or-' irell, aviation chief machinists iniQlc, United States Navy, attach-! ed to patrol squadron one at, it French Frigate Shoals on' October 81 at lo p. m. Probable^ CQiisc of dbatb was suffocation, by gasoline fumes. All efforts to rcauscitate him, failed. Hia wid ow, Mrs. Evelyn Orrell is escort-1 fog remains to San Diego, Calif.,' for burial and returning via the steamship Lurline sailing from 'Honolulu November 6 ana due to arrive qt Los Angeles, Calif., November 18. Further de-. tails of your son's death and the burial arrangements not now, hnown. Sincere sympathy is ex- leaded to you in the loss of your son". ' The message was signed by Adolphua Andrews, c'rilbf of the "fivig.itlon bureau in Washliig- toti. frrcll has been a filer for teovfc than 18 years and had won bigh commendation, fi*bm naval officers. He was married to Evelyn Marie Campbell in 1980 and they ^od one son, James, 6. Orrell was born at Advance, in Davie County, but moved with nis parents to Winston-Snleni when two years old. He lived nore Until he joined the navy in 1910. The flier also is survived by tnrce brothers, H. S. Orrell and S, A. Orreli, of Winston-Salom, i ""d F. S, Orrell, of Greensboro, 1 niid one sister, Mrs. James New- •'"an, of Greensboro. HAIiBERT G. IIEID DEAD Halbert Glenn Reid, well- known yoiiiig man, died on West End Boule\'nrd, hi Wfiiston- Sulcm, (Monday morning, Nov. 1, aged 82.'Hi3 death rcanltcd from a woeg's illness of flu ond ipiicumoni.'i. He . was the son of • VV. S. Reid and Mrs. Katie Moore Reid, of this place, formerly of Iredell. He was employed by the! Pnrt-Pak Company'-of Winston- Snlem. The parents and one bro ther, Sam Reid, of Sniisbury, sur vive, and also an aunt, Mrs. D. W. Granger, of this place. The funeral was.held.at the home of ;his parents,'.Mr. and Mrs. W. S. I Reid, on the -Lexington highway, Tuesday aftierncon, at 3 o'clock. Rev. W, C. Cooper officiated and interment, foilowed. in Rose Ceme-i tery.'. .| Active pallbearers were Gv.nyi Gardner,, attlph Gardner, Gerald Gardhei% Lin wood ellnsley. Lewis j Henaley, .Paul .^fenkins. Honorary- pallbearers , were Joe WoodrufL H. L. ^•langumi. ..E. H. Simmons, 0. L. Thoniasbn,'. 0. J. Conner, Z. Wilson' and .1. A, Bowles, all of ; Wlnston-Saloni, There were man.v bcautHul floral .tributes. We ex tend our deep'.sympathy to the 'lercavdd parents. Virgil Dale Hamilton INFANT PASSES AWAY ' . Virgil Dale Hamilton, one- year-old Son of Mr. and n Mrs', John-H. Hamilton, of Fork, pass ed awoy on Oct. !^, its dodth re<- sutting from heart failure. The . mother was formerly Miss Lula Grubb. The funeral was held at Jerusalem ^Baptist Church, on ' Thursdoy^^oming si 11 o'clock; with R^vi^-iiE-; W. Turner ih; charge; The little b.ody wais laid to rest in the church graveyard.- The parents and ' two". V^^ilstera, Ruby Gray and BetUe Jeai), vive. Paltbearers were*- Grubb. J. O. Grubb. T. W.lHamllU- ton and William W. Bailbrd.' Bio — Obituaries - 11/4/1937 MRS. SALLIE BOYD DEAD Mrs. Snllie Beck fGoyd, 91, I widow of the late JolAi Ilopry fOoyd, pn.s.'jed away at the home^ I of her daughter, Mrs. J. C. White, j I near Ijamcs* X Roads, on October. '29. She was the daughter of ! Andrew N. Beck and Julia T.| Beck. The. survivors are one sis ter, Mr.s. Tnrsa O'Ncfl, of mute 4, one brother, John Beck, of. Iredell. two sons, \V. S. Boyd and W. .Do3'd, of Davie, foiir daughters, Mrs. W. II. Renegar, of route 1, l.im. GalLher Bracken,* of Hnncslown. Mrs, D. R. Beck, and Mrs. J. C. White, of iDavic,! 60 grandchildren, 62 great-grand children and eight grcat-great- . grandchildren. The last rites for tthis well-known old lady * were :hcld nt Ijamcs- Baptist Church 'on Saturday afternoon nt 8 o'clock, with (lev. Air. McSwnim, paster of the church, in charge. Burial was In the church ceme tery. Pallbearers were Jack i Wright, J. R. Buckr Willie Boyd. Lem Whitei Carmon White and Ralph. Boyd. Twenty gmnd- dnughtera carried the flowers. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 10,1937 Boyd W. Orrell Native of Davk Dies ia Honduln. Twin City'SentiaeL Two years ago a eliief naval avio- tfoQ mate received bigb eommeoda* tion aiid praise when, in sea maneii- vers, be led a pursbing "enemy" squadroa.far away from their motb- er eihip. lost them and reUiitied to hia ship. So thorooghly was the mock wir maneaver carried oat Otat secnhmtr detachments bad to be sent to find the parsaing fliers, who were uotdtle to find their way back. Today that young man. Boyd W. Orreil, 89. a native of Oavie county. Uy dead in Honolalo* He was found daad ^tardav, Oct. SOih. in one of the seaplanes engaged in exercises at French Frigate Shoals 550 miles from Honolulu. Officers said d^tb probablv was due to suf focation from gas fomes. Air. Orreti was born in Advance, the son of Mr. and Airs George W. Qrreli. He moved to Winston-Salem when he was 2 years old In 1919 he joined the navy and was sent to the aviation mechanics school at C ;icagti. n From 'there he went to Mnrfoik. He was oat of the navy for two monihs. but again joined and was sent to Chicago for 2 years, then to the flying school at Fencaco- la. He was later in Bonolnla for two yeags, then on the Pacific Coast for a time and had juat recently re turned to Honolulu. Mr. Orrell was married in 1930 to Miss Evelyn Cancpbell, of San Diego. O^H. 'He has one son, James Orrell, 5 years old Mr. Orrell expected to finish out 20 years in the service and retire in 18 months, la addition to his wife and son and two brothers in Winston-Salem, be IS also survived by bis father, who lives at Advance; anotbOT brother at Greensboro, and a mster also living in Greensboro. The body Is being brought to San Dioiigo. where the funeral and bur ial will take place with milltarv hon ors some time this week. Bio - Obituaries - 11/10/1937 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSViLLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 17,1937 H. B. Ward H. Brace Ward, 56, died in the ofiBioe of Dr. D. E; Plnmtner io this city y^erday moraioK at 3 o'dock,' death resnlfclnff from a sirpke of paralyds | Mr. Ward and S M. Call were, *possnni banting al)out' a mile west of Sheffield Monday night abont 8 o'clock, when be wns stricken. Mr. Call harried to the hooie of Tf, M Richardson for help, and Mr. Ward was carried fiom the woods to Mr. Call's car, and brongbt to Dr, Plutnmer's office, where he re. mained nnconscinns nntii the end came at 3 o'clock. | Mr. Ward issurvived by bis wid. ow and two daughters, Mrs. Char lie Doby. of tbiS' city, and Mrs. | Horace Batler, of Rannapolis; bts^ father, M. C, Ward, Winston-Sat- em: three brother!^ Gradv Ward,^ Mocksville: J L. Ward, Clemmons; Frank Ward, Lanrej, Iowa, and three sifters, Mrs. Joba James, *i Farmington; Mrs. Engene Arm- brnster, Raleigh, and Mrs. Ernest Walker, Winston-Salem |i Faneral services will be condnct- ed Ibis afternoon at two o'clock at Jericho Chrb tian Cbarch, with bis pastor. Rev Elam Knykendall,' of CIemmon.«, in charge, and inter, ment will follow in tbs church ce metery. i Mr Ward had been with the Pare Oil Company here for the past 15 yars, and numbered bis friends by all who knew bim. His death has cast a gloom tbronghont the town and connty. The bereaved ones have toe sympathy of a host of frieads. The editor has lost a personal friend in the death of this good man. Peace to bis ashes. Claire Walker James Former Davie Lady Dies || Mrs. Claire Watkor Jamos, formwly of Facoiington. and a sister uf H. S. Waiktf. of this city, died euddaaly at ber home In Winston Saletu Thursday nKnt'tog abcut 9 o'doek She hod been in bad health for several nioatbs. Mis. James was the daogbter of hfr. and Frank Waiker. of Famiiiigton. She is survived by berjparents. ber husband, and I one daugbter. Four brothers. H- S. Walk* er. MocksvlUe; Kenneth Walker, Miami, Fla.;E P. Walker. Winston-Salem. and WUOb Walker, of Farmiogtoa. and four sistets. Mr8..W A. Tat let, Faimlngtcp, Mra. T. J. Swing, Mm. K. W. Swink ano Mrs. Mildred Pafker. all of WlosCoo*S8lem. also survive. Funerar services were held at Centen- ery Methodist diurcta, Winston Salem, Fri day afternoon et 3:30 o'clock, with ber pestor. Dr. 6. Ray Jordar. condoedng the servieea The body was laid to rest in Salem cemetery . Mrs. D. I. Reavis. I Fnoeni services for Mrs. Peroie C, Reavis, 77, who died in a Winston-Sdlem hospital Satorifay night, were beld at the' home of ber son Cari Reavis. In Winstoi • Sslen, UondAy tnorniod at lOo'dock. and at CotutDey Baptist cbureh at 11 o'clock, and the body hid to rest in the cbuicb ceroeteiy. Mrs.'Reavis Is enrvived by a number of° children, among them bting Mrs. C. L. Thompson, of UceksvUle. Bio - Obituaries -11/17/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSViLLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 18,1937 Captain Richar^;. W. Gowan Dies Captain Richard W. Gowan, 96< ycar^old Confedorntc veteran died t\i the home of hia daughter, Mrs. Mnyne Curtis in Ashcvillc, Oct. 2G^ lie was the son of Richard Wilson Gowan and Nancy Ches-Ihite Gowan. He was born and reared in Davio County and was ,n brother of the lute Simeon C. Go.wan. | Surviving arc one ' daughter, Mrs, Mnyne Curtis-, one son, W.! T. Gowan, of Cincinnati; three grandchildren, lilra. W. 0. Jor-| don, of Atlanta, Mrs. Evelyn Ed- words, of Knoxviilo, and Mrs. G. | R. .Mclntre, of Ashoville; and four great grandchildren. Also, three nieces, Mrs. J. H. R. Hwig- gens, Mrs. "W. J. S. Walker, ofi Dayle County and Mrs. Alice | Rlqimt, of. Spencer, N. C. Captnin Gownn served under Major Brown' in'Company K. 42nd division of th( North Carolina troops duHng th( War Between the States. He' also served og n member of the cit ' police department in Ashc- villu. Later he left AsheviHe for. Knpxv.Mlc, where he served on the 'pol|co department for mony , years. { lie returned to AshcviUe six 'years ago to make his homo with his daughter. lie was buried in Riverside Cemetery in Ashcvillc, N. C. n {.Bruce Ward Dies Suddenly Coniiu.7 as a great shock to ik cen.iniinity was the death of enry li.iico Ward, widely-known lizpii, \.luch occurred ut B A. Tuesday morning, following a: roke of paralysis, suffered acv- ral hours previously. Mr, Ward company with S. M. Call, had me 'possum hunting in the Mfield - neighborhood, and tout SolO he compiaincd of his (td. Mr. Call, with the assist- Btp of others, rushed the alrtck- anmii to Dr. D. E. Plummer's of- te here, where it \vas seen that e had a stroke of paralysis. The ffd cnme at 8 A. M., as wc have lentioned. Mr. Ward was the son of Mil- in C. Ward, and the late Mrs. JIlic Cutbrell Ward, of 'armington, and was a' highly cs- «med man. For a number of ears he hod resided in Mocks- iile, and was a salesman for the ^rol Company for many years, [c married Miss Margaret toncatr^et; of Davie, and she iirvivcs" him, with two daugh- us, Mrs. Theolene Doby, of (ockaviilc, Mrs. Horace Butler, t Konnhpolis, ond one grand- Wld, Other surviving relatives re his father, M. C. Ward, who ives in Winaton-Solem now, hrcc brothers, J. L. Ward, of Wsyth, Frank C, Ward, of Lau- di Iowa, and Grady N. Ward, M«cksvillo, and three si8ter.<«, Irs. J. G. James, of Farmingtoh, I'tt. E. P. Walker, of Winston- lalem, ond Mrs.. Eugene Arm- iniater, of Raleigh. The funeral fas held at Jericho Christian I^iorcli of which the deceased •raa a member, on Wednesday dternoon at 2 o'clock, with Eld- ^ Elnm Kuykendall, of Clem- "0119, in charge. Interment was the church graveyard. Mr. Ward will be grdatly miss ed throughout Davie County, fhero he had mony friends. I'sllbearers were S. M. Coll, C. J Smoot, R. F. Click, Hubert ^f^rter, Albert Boger, S. P. Bink- and G. L. Hammer. The lunoral was'largely attended, and die floral designs were numer- Oiia. MRS. ALICE GRIFFITH DEAD Mrs. Alice Smith Griffith, wife of Willie G., Griffith, died at their home near 'YaUkin Valley Baptist Church, Sunday at boon, .tgcd 41. She is siti'vived by her husband, four sons, Galther Grif fin, of. Miami, 'FKi., Frank Robert and Walter Griffith, at homo, and two daughters, Sallie and VIrginio Griffith, who also live at home. The funeral of this well-known woman wos- held «t Yndkin Valley Church, Monday afternoon at 3 o'clocIc,.,hnd in-j terment was In.ithe graveyard || there. Rev. D. C. CInnton, Bap tist minister, assisted by Rev. G. E. Brewer, pastor-'of Macedonia Moravian Church, officiated. The pnlJbearers were-J. C. Hcndrix, J. W. Douthit, W. G. Howell, El lis Howard, J. W. McKnight and Reid Hauser. Bio - Obituaries - 11/18/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 18,1937 MRS. E. E. iAMES ' DIES SUDDENLY Winston-Salem, Nov. 11. — Mra. Olalrc Walker Jamca, wife of Emory £. Jamca, well-known real estate broker, of Winaton- Salem, died suddenly at their home, 900 South n Hawthorne Road, last Thursday mprnlnff, Nov. 11, about 9:16 o'clock. Mrs. James was the daughter of Frank Walker and Emma Smith Walker, fomerly of Farmlngton, now of Winaton-Snlel. She was married, .to Mr. Jnmes. July 17, 1919, and since her marriage had resided in Winsto.n-Salem. She was . a ntember of Centenary M. E." Church, and waa active" in church work and in the Wo man's Club, before her health failed. She had been in 111 health for several years, and underwent n major operation last Juno. Re cently her condition had shown im])rovo)nent, but Thursday morning she had a heart attack, and paB.sed away immediately. Only the servant Avas at the home when Mra. James' death occur, red. Mrs. Jnmes had many rcln- tive.s and friends In l.lnvic Coun ty, who will regret her passing .away. She i.s survived by her husband and one. daughter, Em ma Lou, the father and mother, DEATH CLAIMS;'MRS. REAVISi Mrs. Pernio Conkfn Reavis, widow of the late D. l. Rcavls. passed away in a'^Winston-Salcm hospital. Saturday.'.higfatrNov. 14, .after a brief illness.-The sudden dc.ith of this beloved'-Iflidy ^ has brought sorrow'. to' itf'Wtde circle of relatives and -friends through out this section.''MfaV'Rca^ria was born in Bowling Grccrt;'Ky., Doc. 4, 18G0, and .was ihd 'daughter of Ranaome Conkin ahdAL'eitie Bo- villc Conkin. She lotcr"movcd to Indiana, and waa married to D. I. Reavis In. 1876. Mr'. • Renvis passed away in ,1918. Since then Mrs, Reavis has made her home with her children In Concord, Mockavlllc and Wlnston-Salem. .She bad been here with her dau ghter, Mrs. C. L. Thompson, un til Saturday, when she was car ried' to the hospital, She Is sur vived by five .daughters, Mrs. W, H. McMnhan, of - Wlnaton^Salcm, Mra. J. R. Bull, Greensboro, Mrs. H. S. Williams, Concord, Mra. C. L. Thompson, of this place, Mrs. A. B. Davis, Concord; three sons, Carl C. Reavis, Winaton*SaIcm, | W. H. Reavis, Sacramento, Culif., IL M. Reavis, Newport Nows,| Va., 20 grandchildren and •' * five great-grandchildren; ;The' funeral was held at Courfoey- Baptist Church, of which she was a mem ber, Monday morning'- at. 11 o'clock, with Rev. H. -B. Johnson, and Rev. A. C. Tippett officiatinir. Burial was in the--'church' cemc^ tery, and there were nuiherous flora] tributes.-Mrs; Reavis will be pleasantly remembered here, where she had made many friends. Those attending the funeral from here were Mr. and Mra. C. ^ Thompson, lObrothy ai^ unaries iiowe-Thompson," Rev;" E. M. Avetf, 'Mrs. George Wilkins, Dr. arid Mra. S. A. Harding, Felix Harding, Mcsdnmcs C. H. Tomllnson, Ollie Stockton, S. M. Call, J, T. Baity and Mrs. A. R. Tomlinson. Bio - Obituaries —11/18/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 24,1937 M. Columbus Howard Former Dame Man M. Columbtis Howard, former cit'zen aod native of tbe Dulin's section of Davie conoty, died at Fort Sandera. Hospital. Kooxville, Tenn , on Nov. lOtb, following an appendicitis operation. Fimcrai services were held at Pairview Bap> tist cburcb, Knoxville, on Not nth, with burial following lu Tin- dell cemetery, Knoxville. n Mr. Howard is iurvived by hu widow, Mrs. Dollv Howard; five brotherF, O I and C. C , Knox ville. Tenn . h B. Rash and Wal ter, of Salisbury; two sisters, Mrs. Bettle Moore, Charlotte; and Mrs Bertha WlU5aai.«», Salisbury. Mr. Howard moved from Davie ^unty to Knoxville many, years ago, bat has many friends and re latives in this section who will be sorry to learn of bts deatb. Iii% Salfie Ann Potts. MfS^SattiaA^a Radaon Potia. S8. died at the eonotir tntne Vednosday. Fnoerel■endcea von beU at F<nk Baptist ehoreliThofsday sftefoooo at 3 o'doek with Rev.R. M. Avett in (dtaige. Burial foDiwed IntbedHKdioejB^ny. ' . '■-rMlis Pcm;iB Boririved by bn bonbandand lime saJiA Edtl and John Radio^Advance: Wiin^ Hodeon. Wlnstoo^al*em' Threo dstenii,'-*Idn. Una Heodriz.Advance; Rath Failey, Wiostoa-Sal'eoi. and Mso-Lncy Wood Tlmberiaod. at* ibaarvive. / ■ Mrs. Phelps. Mn. EBa Bitbm Pbelp^Sl. a nttlye ofDavie county, died at a Wineton ealetnhospital Sanday. Mm. Phelpa moved fiom Davie to Wlostoo-SaletB Idyeanedo*bosband dl^ abom 6 yeara ego. SorvivInglsfoar sonaeod five dau^tese. Twobfoihers. Roland HUtcn. of Bixby. andGeig^o HBioo, of Poflooooth, Vav and three alsi'(Hrs.-Mn. Isaac Doon ond Mra. Lola 8u«hain of oesr Biaby. aed Mrs.Gertie t^MO, of demraons. also sttivive. ' Functal easvlcea were held at. Modi'aM. Kehoicb. near Advance, yesterday afcemoQii at 8 o'ctbdi, odnducted by Revs. J. Hntdiina and L. H. Fertson. and thebody laid to rest In the church .cemetery. Captain Richard W. Govran Dead. (^phain Bidiafd W. Gowan 98yean old Co&fedorata Veteran died atthe home of Ids ^Di^ter Mrs* May*meCartkin Afi^3viue. N. C.* .28tb. He was a son of Richard wil-eon Gowan and Nancy Owshlre Go-wan. He was bom and reared Inl^vle eoonty and waa a brother ofthe late Sh^ G. Gowan Sorviv-log are dmmditen Mrs. Mayme Car'tie; one rtin, W, T, Gowan. of Ctncl-nati; Ibreo granddiUdtw. Mrs W.a Jordon. of Atlanta, Mrs. Evelvn Edwai^. of E^pxviile. and Mrs. CR. Mclntire. of AshevUle; and foorgreat grand children. Also tiy^neieee. Mrs. J, B[. B. Dwigrfns. MrsW. d. B. Walker, of Davie eoontyand Mrs. Alice Bloont, of Spencer,N- C. , ^ ^ ,,- Captain Gowan served underjor Brown in Company K 42nd div>^OD of the North G^olina troopod nriog the war betwem the states. |Be also aerved as a menber ef the'city police department in .AsMviHe^Later he left AshevDIe for KnoxvilleTenn., whore ha served on the policedepartment for many yeara- He re-tamed to AshevUle six yeara ago to to make bia home with his daagfater.He was buried In Riverside ceme tery in Asbeville, N. C John W. Brown Passw. John W. Brown. 79. one of Mocfcsvitie'aoldest and bent known cltbeens. died suddenly at his home on Salisbury stroot at5 o'clock yesterday momioS* Mr. Brown had been soRerins from hoart tronlHo for several months. Funeral aervicea will ba held at theMethodist ebuich thia afternoon at o'clcck, coaduotcd by Rova. £.. U. Avett and a W. Cooper, and the body laid torest in Joppa cemetery. Mr, Brown la sosvived by two sisters, Mrs Piok Tamer; of R 4 and Ulna KateIiovn. of MockaviUe. Bio - Obituaries - 11/24/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 25,1937 John W, Brown Dies Tuesday John Wegley Brown, 78, well- known MockBvHIe citizen, passed away Tuesday movnlngt at B o'clock, at his homo on Salisbury Street, after an illness of several months. He v/as the son of the late'-Burton Brown and Uettie Bivina Brown, of 'Mocksville, and died in the home in which he was born. He Joined the Mocks- viile iMethodieti Church when a young boy, and bad a remark able record for Sundoy School attendance, not having missed over six times in fifty years. In his younger days he was a clerk in C. C. Banford's Store and Williams' and Anderson's store, later being connected with Hanea Choir and Table Company. He was a quiet, unassuming man, but had numbers of friends who will regret to learn of his death. 'He is Burviveii by two sis^rs, 'Mrs. Pinkncy Turner, of Mocks- ville, route 4, and Miss Kate Brown, of Moeksvillo, with whom he lived. The following nieces and nephews also survive: Miss Lillle Mcroney, of Mockaville, Mifls palsy Turner, of route 4, Mrs, J. C. Hodges, of Lexington, R. S. Meroncy, of Asheyillej and Brown Turner, of route 4. The funeral was hold at the Mocks- ville Methodist Church, Wednes day afternoon, Nov. 24, at 2:80, with Bev. E. M. Avelt, pastor of therdeceoaed, in charge, aqsisted by Rev, W. C. Cooper. Pallbearers were J. F. Hands, E. C. Sanford; W.. M, Waters, S. M Call, C H. Tomlinson. and iZ. N. Anderson. Burial took place-iii'-Joppa Cemo-. te'ry, near Mocksvillc, where < his parents and other relatives rest. We extend our deep sympathy to the bcrc.*ived family. • dauglit«"oriho late Holland Hudson and I Delia Hudson of Dnvlfl. ^County. The funeral was nonduc'ted ot Fork Church on Thursday afikcrnoon, at 8 o'clock, with Rev; E. M. Avett officiating. Burial • vvna |n the church .grave yard. The husband survives-,, with three-sons. Earl and John Hud- aon, of Advance, and Willard Hudson; of iWinston-Salem, and throe sisters, Mrs. Tina Hcndrix,' I of A.dva.nce, Mrs. Ruth Parley;-of MRS. .SALLIE A. POTTS DEAD and,. Mrs; :Lucy I wood, of Ttmberland, N. C. -.Mrs. Saflie Ann poits, wife of" wbre John Potts, passed av/ay "'"'near Slln o"ii' a Divcngood,Mocksvillc, Nov. C2. She was the JJ' . "JT" ^ ^ ^ L_ bert Caudle and Hnncs Yates. Bio - Obituaries -11/25/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 1,1937 I' Mris. Dairid Myers. Mrs.-Vletotia Cbtrs Uyera. 69. diisl at the l^ome of ber dooglaer. Mrs. J.R.BTeir>i er, at -WiosioQ^leiD. Sannday aft^ooo'. 6:18 o'dodi. I Bits, tfyos bad beoolodecUoingbealth ^ for tbe past year aod ber .cpiulitien vaa ■eiitieal for tbo stz weeks pcedcdlad bar death. ; Tbe foaeial was bdd at the hooM of , Mrs. Brewer at 2 o'clock add at Elbavitte M. P. Cbaicb. Davie county, at 3 o'dock Stm^y afteitMoo, Rev R- A- Hunter and Dt; EdiDaQdSdiw8iae were in charfle of the amices Burial fdlawed In tho cbtoeb flcaveyafd Mepbews were jtaUbeaiera. Mpa. Myers was the widowfof David Hyeis. wbo died September 28.182$ ^e was a ioember of EtbavUIe M. P. cboreb Davie Goantv. Survivma Indode one daogbter, Mrs. J. R. Brewer. Winston Salem; one ooo. G. & Hyers, Wiitttoii«SaleiDt two sisters. Mrs.T. L Emmets aod BIcaJCetbeflBeLanier,botb of Bfocksvilie; two biotbeia. J. K.Crotta, WiofitOD-SaleBi. and W. U. CRtits. jBfockayUle; aod seven gfaodcbildtea. Mrs. tula Ratts. ■ Mrs. I;ala-'Wagoner Rait«, *73. died at -'ber home in Cooleemec Wednesday afternoon. a t 4:30 o'dock, death being due to mfir- mities of age. ■ Funeral serviced were condncted by Revs. B W. Turner and J. W.Foster, at Turrentine ■ ^ptist dmrch Tbnrsday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and the body laid to rest in the chtirch remeteiy Mrs. Ra'ts in survived by six cbildren, two step<children. She was a mem* ber of Chnrchland Ba| tii>t church, Davidson county. i Bio - Obituaries -12/1/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 2,1937 Mi's. Victoria Myers Dead Walter Riddle Mrs. Victoria Crott^ Myers, 69, welV-known Wln^ton-^ilem ^wo- liian, passed a^vay at the home of itr daghtcr, Mrs. J, R. Brewer, In that . •hol^]5feDir|'rn IBfeclm health ofaboiit a year. Mrs. Myers was the wldow-'of'ili'o" ' lato - HDovld ^ers, who died in 1026. She was iha dtiughter of -Jacob Crotta. and' iophio Temples Crotts, and was torn In Davidson county. She iraa n member of Elbaville M. P. Churcli, where the funeral \v!as condtictcd on Sund.ay afternoon it 3 o'clock. Rev. U. A. -Hunter and Dr. Edmund Schwarzc were tbc ministers In charge of Ihe lervlcca, and nephews acted as pallbearers. The surviving fam ily consists of one daughter, Mrs. I. U. Brewer, one son, Cl. B. Ilycrs, both of- Winston-Sal cm, Itro sisters, Mrs. T. L. Summers md Mrs. Kathorlne Lanicr, both it Uockavilie, two brothers, J. K. Crotts, of Winston-Salcm, and . M. Crotth', of Mocksvillc, and leven grandchildren. Mrs. J. A. Wyatt Palsses Away Mrs. Luln Granger Wyatt, 65, highly esteemed Mocksvillo wo- Iman, and . wife of Alexander D. Wyatt,. passed away at' City Mciporlnl . Hospital, Winslon- Salem,. on Wednesday morning, December 1, at 6:60. Mrs. Wyatt had been subject to heart attacks for 8omie:'year8| but,.Recently had iioch In betMn'?Meditti.' On Vriilay night sh'o had h_jalL-an(L!lfcwwa» to tho-hospi tal,?'.andw.waa^PHt4a^t;.«M^>^^f^^ the end came in-, a few days. Snd wos the daughter of David W. Grniiger and Mrs., Josephine Held Granger, her father puss- Ing away several years ago. Mrs. Wyatt was greatly beloved, and was known for hor high, Christ- Ian c'Imruetcr and sweet dlspoai- tluii. She joined the Mocksvillc Methodist Church in early life, and was educated at Misses Eaton and Clement's well-known seminary in Mocksvillc. She is survived by her husband, A. D. Wyatt, her mother, Mrs. D. W. Granger, one son, Ray Wyatt, of Winston-Satem, one grandson, Andrew Wyatt, and a -brother Bio - Obituaries - 12/2/1937 . Dies Last Friday Walter Riddle, Jr., popular young Coolccmec man, died at Lowery's Hospital, Salisbury, af ter an illness of a few hours, Fri day afternoon, aged 25. Ho was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Riddle, of, Oooicemec, and for- I morly attended Catawbn College. | He was en employee of Erwin Cotton MIILs. His death .was a shock to the community, ns ho utleiulcd a dance on Tlmnksgiv- kivlng night, and nftcrwards was taken with a eungcnlivo chill. Hu became rapidly worse and was taken to the hospital, but his death occurred shortly nftcr- WHi'ds. Tho funeral was cunduclcrl at the Churcli of the Good Shep herd, at Coolecmoci an . Sundi^ afternoon, at 2 o'clock, with' (^e rector,.i-Rev..^C.^-J5j.4B,. RobinsoVir in charge. Memorial Park Cemetery,- Sails.-. bOry. 'PdllbearVvs*were'""^Bry^^ Sell, John Smith, Paul Buoc, Jnmcs Tillor, Bruce Thompson and James Benson. G. W. Granger, of Hickory. A short servlco will be hold at the home, Thursday afternon at 2:80. followed by the funeral at the Methodist Church-, at 3 o'clock, with the pastor. Rev. E. M. Avctt oiXlciatnig. Interment will fol low in the family plot at Rose Cemetery. Tho death of this good woman has saddened many hearts In this community, where she has spent -her useful life. The Enterprise joins the many friends of tho bereaved family in deep sympathy. Mrs. widow of the late Thomas'Rastsj '' Gonfoderato veierari, died at* her home in Cooleeraee, Wednesday, - November 2't. She was a native of Davidson county, and -was a member of Chiirchlnnd Baptist Church. Surviving arc 'the fol lowing children: John Ratts, of Coolcemcc, Mrs. W. L. Smith,-of . Routs 4, Miss Maude Ratta, Mrs. H. J. Blackwolder, Mrs. John Snydor and Mrs. Ray . SnydeW all of Cooleemee, two step-chll- dran, Heniv Ratts, of' Davidson county, and Mrs. Myrtle .Grubby of Salisbury, 25 grandchildren '■ and three great-grandchildren. The funeral was conducted at Turrentine's Baptist Chrch;, last I'huraday afternoon at 8 o'clock,with Rev. B. W. Turner, ; paator,.. in charge, assisted by Rev. J. W, Foster, of Cooleemee. Burial was , in the church cemetery. ■ ! DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 8,1937 W. C. Martin Bdoved Pbyucian Dead The entire to.wo was saddened Sondav morning when the death angel visited the honecf Dr. W. C. Ilartin and called him from a bed' of to a new and brighter borne. This wdl luovn and teloved citi-. 2eopa»edawsy shortly before ^ o^cloch, following a sis 'months ill-1 ness. He was a native of Yadkin coonty, btit moved to Uocksville, more than.40 years ago. He was* 7a years old. Funeral sorviott were held at the home Ifonday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, with Rev. | B Folghnro, bis pastor, io charge, assisted by Revs W. H. Dodd and E. W. Tomer. The body was laid to rest io Rose cemetery. The many beaotiftil noral tHh. ntes and the btihdreds of friends from Davte and adjoining oonottes, who were present to pay their last respects attested the bigh| esteem io which Dr. Mai^n was held. . Fallbearers were Dr. S A." Hard- ing. Dr. R. P. Anderson, Dr. S. B. Hall, R. B. Sanford, M. A. Hartman and J. F. Hanes. Dr Manin was a.trustee of the Mocksville Baptist church and was for many years taacher of the men's Bible class. He was pru dent of the Davie Conntv M^ical Society for 20 years and had been a member of ibe Davie Conaty Board of Health' since its orgnniza. tioii about 24 years ago. Dr Mai^n is shrviv^ by his wife; two daughters. Mis? Flossie Marian, a member of the Reynolds High School faculty, Wioston-Sal. em; Mrs C. A. Bnrms, of.Shelby; one son Dr. Lester P of Mocksvlllle; one brother, P. 1. Martin, of East Bend, and tour grandt^ilren. In the death of this good man the town and county los^ one ot its best known and most beloved citizens For nearly 30 years he went aboot the conoty relieving pain and sedETering before the Great Physician called bim to his reward. For more than 30 years be was not only OUT friend bnt our family phy<^ sician, and we sball miss bim mote than cold tvpe can enpress. We shall always cberisb the memory of this friend and phy^an He is at peace. iMn. Lnla Wyidt Dead. Mrs, Lola Grmtfer Wyatt, 61, who fen and broke bef to on Nov. 26(h, died in (Sty Hen^al Hospital, Winr Bt(H);*SaleiD, last We^eedajr morn ing at 5 o*clo4^ Fnnerat eervieee were h^ at the home in Sooth Moekkville Thnrsday afterncMtn at-^00 o'clock, and at the Methodist dinrch at 2:60 o'clock, with her pastor. Rev. E. H, Avett. coodnctnig the servieee. The body was laid to rest in Rose cemetery. Mrs Wvattte survived by her hns> band, A. D. Wyatt. one son, Ray Wyatt, of Winaton-Salero; her moth er, Mra. D. W. Grantrer of thiacity. and one brother. G. W. Granger, of We'mUre town waa aaddened by the death cf this beioved woman. To the beieaved family The • R^rd eztmda dem> ^ttpathy in tms hour of wdneea. Tillett Hendrix Former Da?ie Mao Dead TUIett Hendrix. farmer Davie cdnnty dtizcD, bot for 17 years a member of tbe WioatoD-Salem school facolty. died sad- denly at tba Skyiaod sdiool bnUdlog lion- day afcerooon of ao bead attack. ' U'. Hendrix was a brother of Mrs. T. L Cai • ddt of this dty; U P. and A. E, Beodrix of Advance, and LiUingioa lleodrix.' of Cocleemee. Funeral and boiial will take[place in Wiostco Salem today. Bio - Obituaries - 12/8/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 9,1937 I time. Hg was n t/rustce of tlio Muukavillu BupUat Church, niul n toachcr qI the Men's Bible Class for many years. He was proaident of the Davic County Medical So* ciety for 20 yeitrs, and a mem ber of the Davie County Board of Health since Its organization in 191S. His high standing as a physician was recognized all over'North Carolina, and his pa tients knew him as a kind and cheerful friend and a sound practitioner. He had the respect and confidence of oil who knexv him, and was beloved by all classes. In recent years Dr. Mar tin and his son, Dr. Lester P. Martin, another well-known phy sician, have been n.saociotcd to gether in their profession. He is survived by his wife, three chil dren, Miss Plossio Martin, head of the science department of the R .J, Reynolds High School, Wins- ton-Salera, Mrs. Charles A. Bur- rus, of Shelby, and Dr. Lester P. Martin, of Mockaville, four grandchildren, Lester Martin, Ji*., and. George Wilson Martin, of Mocksvillo, (Xharlcs Burrus, Jr., and Volma BHzabeth Burrus, of Shelby, and one brother, P. J. Martin, of East Bond. The funeral was conducted at the home on North Main Street, on Monday afternoon, Dec, fith, at 3:30, with Rev. H. H. Pulghum, pastor of ithe Baptist Church, in change. Dr. W. C. Martin Passes Away Dr. Wilson C. Martin, 72, prom inent physician and one of our most highly esteemed citizens, passed awny at his home, Sun day morning, Dec. Cth, at 6 o'clock, after an illness of six months. He was the son of Reps Martin and wife, Nancy Eliza beth Poindoxter Martin, and was born in Yadkin County, Morch 21. 1866. He attended high schools at Rockford and East Bend, his teacher belnig' the well- known' Professor T. S. Whitting- ion.'Hc .also reitd mo'diclno in an East .doctor's office,- and cdUght kchool for' two winters at tain. He graduated from the Col lege of Physicians and Surgconsi Baltimore, now afi'lllalod with the University of Maryland, March S, 18B8. He looaLed for tho practice of medicine at . Cniia, Davie County, June, 1888. He was married to Ml».s Prances C. Eaton on .July 24, 1889. Dr. Mar tin moved hia family to Mocks- vllle in 1895, and had been a leading physician hero since that Rev. E. W. Turner led in prayer, land high tributes to Dr. Martin 'were paid by Rev. W. H. Dodd, n former pastor of the deceased, and b^v Rev. Mr. Fulghum, The active pallbcarera were >Dr. R. P. AnderHon, Dr. S. A, Hording, Dr. S. B. Hall, M. A. Hartman, R. B. Sanford and .1. F. llanos. The following physicians were honorary pallhearers; Dr. W. L. Tatum, Dr. Frank B. Marsh, Dr. Whitchead McKcnzle, Dr. John Elliot, of Saliaburyi' Dr. J, W. Davis, of Slatesville, 'Dr. A. do T. ValU, Dr. R. L. WalhA-Dr. Ro bert Garvey,. and IDr. Fred Qar- vey, of WinstQp.-Salem, Dr. W. M. Longi of this place, Dr, A. B. (Continued on Back Page) ' JDK. W. a MARTIN PASSES AWAY CContlnued From Page 1) Bycrly, of Ccoleomee and Dr. G. W. Green, of Fork Church.. In terment took place at Rose Ceme tery, and Ithe plot was covered 4^ith many beautiful floral de signs. The hymn, "How Firm a Foundation", was sung at tho cemetery by Dr. R. P. Anderson, R. B. Sanford and Z. N, Ander son, and the benediction was pronounced b^ Rev. J. H. Ful ghum. A large gathering of re latives and friends ottended the funeral, among- those from out- of-town being Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Burrus, of Shelby, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Newman and Miss Hazel Baity, of. Wlnston-Salcm, .Mr. and Mrs. Wade Brown, of Boone, Mr. P. J. Martin, W. A. Martin, Bob Burchettc, Carl Mar tin, Miss Winnie Ward, of East Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Mar tin, Mr. and Mro. IiJrneat Martin, of Winston-Salem, Mrs. E. W. Tatum, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tatnmi, of Salisbury, Miss Rosa Tatum, of Coolcemee, Mrs. W. B. Fowler and Mrs. W. R. Rierson, of Pinnacle, Mrs. M. J, Hendrix, • Mrs. F, H. Bahnson and Charles Bahnson, of Farmington, 'Mr. and Mrs. Job Scott, Mrs. Bascom Fowler, of Winston-Salem, Mr. John Watson 'Moore, superintendent of the n Winaton-Salcm schools, Mr. C. R. Joyner, principal of the Rey- . nolda 'High School, Miss Adelaide . L. Fries, Miss May Green, Miss ! Grace Early, J. H. Early, all of . Winston-Salem, Miss Emma Grimes, o£ Cooleemee, Mrs. E. 1 Carr Choatc, Salisbury, and Mr. \ and Mrs. .Tack Palmer, of Shelby. , Dr. Martin will be greatly missed ; in Mocksvllle and Davie County, . and hia name will long b/e re- . membcred as one whose good i deeds live after him. The Entdr- . prise joins the many friends of the bereaved family in deep sym pathy. Bio - Obituaries -12/9/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 9,1937 LAST RITES FOR MRS, A. D .WYATT LfiBt riles for Mrs. Lula Grdng- er Wyatt, beloved Mockaville \v<h mnn, wife of A. D. Wyatt, were held at the Methodist Church on Thursday afternoon, Dec: 2, at 2:S0, with .the pastor, Rev. E. M. Avctt, in charge, assisted by Rev. James McClarty, pastor of Green Street Methodist Church, Wins- tun-Salem. Interment was in the family plot at Rose Cemeteiy, and thcro were numerous bcnutL ful floral trib.utcs in honor of this good woman. Mrs. Wyatt was 61 years of age, and had spent most of her life, in this community. The funeral was attended by many relatives . .and friends, among those from ">/n distance being Mr, and Mrs.-;'Ray Wyatt and son, Andrew Wyatt, \Rev. James McCliirty, Mrs. Hampton, Mrs. S. Hprdon, .Mrs^ HoMrt* n •Newsomf''" Mr?;;' Giirii^J! Foster, Mr. and Mrs, Vosa, nli of Winstoii'Snlem, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Granger, Mr. and Mrs. Dou- thlt Gra^igcr, of Hickory, iMiss Lulu Euuin, of Salisbury, Mrs. Charles Granger, Miss Myrtle Granger, Mr. and Mr.s. Lloyd Granger, nil of Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs. Will Burton and two sons, of Cleveland, Albert Bur ton, of High Point, Mr. and Mrs. Sniith, of Concord, Mr. and Mrs. Young, Mr. and Mrs, George Davis ,Mr. and * Mrs. Charlie Davis, of Glovcland, Miss Rim- mer, of Statcsvllle, Marvin Ronse, of Hemp, tN. C.^ Jordan and Will iam Rouse, of Konnnpolls. Tho pallbearers were Geonge Davis, Albert Burton, Hollowny Burton, Frank Stonestreet, Jordan House and Mr. Voss, TILLBT HBNDRIX DIES ; Tlllctt Hcndrix, for 17 years a member of the faculty of the ' Winstoif^Alem 'pu^blic schools, j principal of Skyland School since I the building was erected, died of ia heart attack at the school building nbont 1:IC o'clock Mon day ttftornoon.' Mr. Hendrix was a native of IDiivlc county, the son of Pinks- ton and Sarah Beck Hondrix. Ho spent tho past .17 years in Win- ston^nlem. He was a igruduaic I of Wako Forest Coilcgo, holdln'if I the dcgrcos of bncholor of arts .and bachelor of letters. He was a member of the Masonic order. Ho was also a mcmb/sr of First Bap tist Church. ..,.;immediule aur.vivprs inclnda tiifc window, ^vho prior to mar riage was Miss Janic Everhnrt; two daughlers, Mrs. T. W. Wil- cox and Mis.s Mabel Hcndrix; six son.s, Boyd T., Glenn E., Paul H., Mayer P., Rogor B. and Nelson L, Hcndrix, all of Wiuaton-Sttlern; one sister, Mrs. T. I, Caudcll, of this place, and four brothers, Lilllngton Hcndrix. of Cooloe- Jmoc; L, P. and'H. E. Hcndrix, of Advance, and 0. L. Hendrix, of Baltimore. Bio — Obituaries — 12/9/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 15,1937 Mrs/Sallie Smith Mrs. Sallie Hanea Smith, 73, died at her bnme at Smith Grove. Sandav momiDfr.at 11:30 o'clock. Sh6 «aa a member of the Smith Grove, U. E. Ghnrch, Sorvivore inHade fnor danRhtera; M'S. P. J* Wairnner, Advance. R. 1: Mrs. P. n. Howard. Ronte 8: Mre. E L. McCiamrocW, of Cooler* Dfep; and Mrs R. L Whitaker R 2. oneaister Ura. B*'ulah Wiiliaros. R 3; one brother, duho Haneo of liilsa. Oklahoma; tw» Bnnp, L P. Smith, nf MocksvilJe and D. D. ^ith. of R.-S. - Foneral aervicev were condaeted from the Smith Gn^ve M. E. CSiurdi Ti)*>8dny moraioff at 11 o'clock by Rev. R. C. Freeman and Rev, M, ..G Ervin. Intermeat was ia the ehorch Krav^ard. Miss Belle Strosd. - Misa Elizabeth Isabd Strood died S itorday mominir a* 8 o'clock at ht r homo in the Cool Spring: eommatiIty» after an illness of several months. n 'Miss Strodd was-the daogfater of the late UK and Ura. Giles Preston Strond. of Iredell cottnty. and was b?m December 15, 1866, Sarvivora are two sisters. Miss Uary Strond. |of Cool SpHna. and Mre. Josephine Garwood^ of Cooleemee. and a brotb- er.'Mr; J A, Strond, of the Cool Sprinsr communltv. Miss StroQd bad been a faitbfol mmnber of the Socft ty baptist |Cnurch since yirlbood and hud taojimt a class in the Sunday sehoi 1 for near* I ly fif »y years. , The funeral service waa held from Society Baptist ehureh 2 o'clock Son* d ly afternoon and interment f.iIIow- ed in the chord) eemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 12/15/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MGCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 16,1937 Mrs. Saiiie Smith Dies December 12' Mi'h. SftiUe Hanns SmUh; wol!- hnown and hulovcd Smith Grove woinon, tliftfl at lior home on 8un- jday morniiifj, Dec. IS, after n long lIlnfliiH, ngcd 78. She waa the wid* ow of the lute Palton J. Smith, and Iho dnu^fJitoi of Hhrrison H Hance and Nancy Williams Hanes, I of Da vie. She was a member of I Smith Grovo Mcthodlat Churoh. Surviving are two sons, Luke .F, Smith, of Mocksville, Dan Smith, of Smith Grove, four daughtorsi Mrs. J. P, Wagoner, of ■Advance,Mrs. P. H. Howard, of Mochsyille, route 8, Mrs. B. L. McGlaairockj.- of CooleomeGi Mrs. R, L,-Whltak-i or, of MockaWlle, route 2, 10 gramlchildtcii, and two greati grandchildren. A sister, Mrs. Scu*lah Whftnker, of Smith Grove, n. brother, John -Hancs, of Tulsa^ Okla., and a half-brother, G. C.. Hanes, of Smith Grove, also sur-> vIve, The funeral was held at Smith Ci'ovc Church, Tueadny- morning at'11 o'clock,.with the pastor, Kov. TI. C. Freeman," la. charge, assisted by Rev. M." G. Eiwin. Interment followed In thechurch cemetery, iand tl»e pjhHr bearers Avero Garland lIoAvard Charlie Williams, Glenn Craven,j Henry ,Smith, Arthur Laird and .Gconge Williams. r Bio - Obituaries — 12/16/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 22,1937 Thomas J. Ellis Passes. Thomas Jefferson Ellis, 78. one of Davie conn^'e best boov elthsens, passed away at hh home near Ad- v.ance. last Wednesday eveninsr at 7 o'clpck. He had been in bad health for several veara. but was able to be about until a short time before his death. Hr. Etlis was bom in Davie eonn* ty« a BOO of the late William J. and Dorothy J.<aw Ellis; He spent bis ife in the Advonee section and bad many friends thronebout the county. Mr, Ellis was a member of Mocks ville Lodge No. 134. A. P. & A.' M., and was laid to rest with Masonic honors. Mr Ellis was first married to Mka Mary Bt^bertson. His second mar riage was to Miss Mamie Poindexter, who survives. Other sorvivora are two sons. T, J. Etile, Jr.. Wadesboro and W. J. Elite, a student at Oak Ridge Institute; Ibree daughters. Mrs. P L Jones, of Detrojit; Mrs. Guy Shoaf. Tyro; and Mrs. Mildred Hege. Advance; two broibers. W; B El'is, Biaby, and B. L. Ellia, Ashe* V.I p; and one sister. Mrs, R. L. Ray mer. Anderson S, C. Funeral services were condncted at the home Friday afternoon at 2 o'clodt. Burial followed {n Elba- ville M. P. church eem^ery. Mr. Elite was one of The Record's first subscribers. We Miall rotes hte cheerful visits to our town and of fice. To the bereaved ones we es tmid deep sympathy In this sad hoar. filrs. N.T. Anderson.' Mrs. Lizzio Andenon. 66, wife of Nebun T. Aodersoo, died Ttioisday oight at her home at Catebato. Sho bad been sorioos- ly 111 wiU} pneomonla foe the ps&t three weeks. Foneral senrsM were held at Ceotei Hetbodisi cbon^. of ^ which she was a rasoiber. at 11 o'clock Satorday moraiaf, with her pastor. Rev. U. 0. Ecvli^ cffidat* i ig. The body was laid to rest lo the e Kirch cemetery in the presence of a ht^ Of sotrewltig relatives and friends. fiir^ Aodctson was a dscithtet of the late Mr. aiui Mrs. Pe«y Casey. She la aJtvived by her hosbaod. two dsoghters. Mrs. S. M. Jobnswa of Statesvilie; Mra. R. Dl Peeler, of Winston Sokm, and one soo, John Aodersoo. of Razettoo, Pa.; two afn- tets. Mrs. Mary Roadman, of St. Peieuh bug, Fls.. and Hra. Etaraa Pope* of Caoa; two brotbeie, P. R. Casey, of Winston Sa- leiD, and <X L. Casey, of tbis dty. The Record fotteads sympathy to tbe b laaved family lo tbe iteath of this be- lived wife and moiber. Bio - Obituaries — 12/22/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 23,1937 Mrs. Nelson Anderson Dead Mrs. /Ltzzlc Caacy Anderson^ wife of N'olson T. Andcrsoiu pf. Citliihaln, died at hci* home on )D'fic. 16,.'after a three wookfl' ill- .noBB vwith^rpiieumoniu,. ...c.aged, .66r She wns greatly beloved and ea- 'toomcd, and was widely known throughout this section. Mrs. Anderson avos tho daughter of' the lute Mr. end Mrs. Perry EJ Cnscyt of Duvic, and was a mem-j bur of C'eulcr Methodist Church. | The funeral was conducted ni| Center on Saturday morning, at ' U o'clock, with the pastor. Rev. M. G. Rrvin, assisted by Rev. E. M. Avelt. Qiiriul was in the church cemetery, and the palb bearers were Aubrey Smoot, Mart Godby, Duke Pope, John Pope, C,.JI. Tomlinaon and VV. N, An derson. The .surviving family consists of her husband, two dau ghters, Mra. Spencer M. Johnson, of StatoaviUo, Mrs, Roy D. Peeler, of Winston-Snlcm/ one son, John Anderson, of Hozolton, Pa., two sisters, Mrs. Mary Roadman, of 1st. Petersburg, Fin., and Mrs. I Emma Pope, of Cana, and two 1 broibei's, P. R, Casey, of Wlnstoii- Salcnii ond Oscar L. Casey, of mocksyille. The funeral was nt- ' tended by many relatives ond friouds, and there were numer ous beautiful floral dc.slgn8. Thomas J. Ellis Passes Away Thomaa Jefferson Rllis, mcnii bor of a prominent Davio County family, died last Wcdnesda^l evening. Dee. 15 nt 6:40 o'clbcic 'ot his homo at Advance. Ho was 73 years of age. •Mr. Ellis' had been in decllni: Ing health two.years. ! . He Avas born In Davle couhtyr n son of the late .William J,'and' Dorothy Law Ellis. He spent hik! life in the Advance section and was widely known throughout the county. . ' Mr. Ellis was a member of the Mocksvliio Masonic Lodge. • Mr. Ellis Avoa married first to; Miss Mary Robertson. -His second' wife, who WAR Rflss MamJaJ* Polndeter, survives. Other survi-i; vora arc two sons, T. J. Ellis, Jr.,'* of Wadosboro, and W. J. Ellis, of *. Oak Ridge; three daughters, Mrs., P. L. Jones, of Dotrolt; Mrs, L' Guy Shniif, of Tyrnj and -MrH. S; jL. Hcgc, of Advance; two broV.; thers, W. H. Eiiia, of Rixby, audi R. L. Ellis ,of Ashovillc; nnd. ^ sister, Mrs. R. L. Raymcr, oi^, Anderson, S. C.; and nine grands • Bio - Obituaries — 12/23/1937 I runcra] .Hcrvlces were con^" } ducted at tho homo Friday .aft^r- •noon' nt 2•o'clock. Burial was ,iu' jElbnvillc M. P. Church Cemetery, DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA