Jan - JunDA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 6,1937 Mrs. B. C. Ganent Mrs. Atrnie Allison Clenient, 44. died ai ber home in this dty last Tuesday night at 11:30 o'docV, death resulting 'rotn pneumonia. His. Clement had been an invalid for more than six years, having stiffer* ed serious spinal' ln|nrie8 in 1930. She bore ber suffering trith Cbrls- tian fortitude, and her ^deatb h^ cast a gloom of sadoess 'oyer the entire town. She was a daughter ol the late Mr. and Mrs. G. A NAl- lison, and had -been a recent *t)f Mocksvtlle tor nearly 30 years. *'■ Funeral services were held at the home Thursday morniog at 10:30 o'clock, conducted by ber pastor, Rev, E J. Harbison, and the- body laid to rest in Rose cemetery. Surviving are the husband, one son. 6 C.. Jr.. and one daughter,Ann; two brothers. Jack Allison, of Mocksville; and M. G. Allison, ot Wilming'on; four sisters, Mrs Helen Cnmphell, Win.ston Salem: Mrs. P. J. Johnson, Mrs. Clinard LeGrand and Miss Ofiie AlH^n, Mork.svi1te The many beautifnl floral tributes attested the bigh esteem in which this Well beloved lady was held To the bereaved hatband, the ctaildreo, brothers and sisters, The Record joins htindreds of friends in extend lag sympathy in this hour of sad* ness. Bio - Obituaries -1/6/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 6,1937 Ned Stewart (Hdest Davie Veteran h Dead. "Sergeant Ned" Stewart, Davie coonty'a ohiefit CnQfederate veteran died at his home near Fork Church late .Taeadav, at the age of 101, He bad been ill for eeveral weeks. I Sergeant Ned lived aiooe' at hU home ' since the death of bis wife 20 years ago I He was very active until witbin tbo past I year. Three years ago be surprised the ciontv game warden by percbsBtng hunt lag license. He bunted up aod down the Yadkin River with a single batrel shotgun be had owned for years and shot his own game until recently Mr. Stewrrtwasbom in DavIe corn'.y Augest a, 1895, o son of Samuel and Bet* tie HcDaniel StewarL Ha enlisted in Co. E. 42ad North Carolina Infantry &t the outbreak of tbe Civil War and served with the Bame outfit In tbe Confederate Army tbrougnoot tbe conflict. He waswounded several times, but serioosly only once At tbe Battle of Bcnnoda Hundreds, on May 25 to 30.1884. Sergeant Stewart was bit In tbe left leg. above the knee, by a piece of explosive shell which cracked and split the boae about six Incbea. He had snf* fered with tbe leg ever since. Tbe death of Sergeant Stewart leaves but three veterans of tbe Civil War in Da- vie eouoty, tbey being T. A. MUler, James Glasscflck and Hence Clemeot, who are all in their nioetJes. i Mr Stewart bad lived intfaesamebousei for more than 80 years, and since the death of his wife bad resided alone, do ing ius rooHng and housewoifc. He was married to Miss Elizabeth Potts of Farmlogton, on NovemberlS. 1569. She died in 1916. Tbey started housekeeping on the aame farm where be was residing at the time of bis death. Stuvlving are two daogbtns, Mrs. Leila Parks, Advance. R. 1. aod Mrs. Ida Pack, of the Fork community; one slater. Mrs. Roxie Haneline. of Cans; 13 graodehtldrea 21 great-grandchildren, nod two great- great-graodcblldreo. ; Funeral services were held Thursday afteroooo at 2 o'clock at the Forit Baptist Cbarch. Rev. E. W. Toraer conducted tbe services, after which the body was Isid to rest in tbe chnrch cemetery^ Sergeant Ned bas crossed over tbe river to rest under tbe shade of tbe trees with Stonewall Jackson. General Robert E. Lee and untold thoasands of those who wore tbe Gray. Peace to his ashes. Bio - Obituaries - 1/6/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 7,1937 Edward Slcwnrt, oldest o£ the four vcmaininff Coufedernie vo- terana In Davie, paaacd away at; his home near Fork Church on Deccmbor 29, his ngc being ca- timnlcc! nt 101 years. Ho was the sun of Sumucl Stewart and wife of Davie. Duvlng the Wnr UctwQon the Stales ]io took part in a number oC buttles, and was wounded. His wife, who wna Eevlie Potla, died years ago. Ho is Jiurvivcd by two djuig)itei-.s, Mrs. Leila Parka, of Advance, and Mrs. Ida I'ack, of Fork, one sister, Mrs. Roxic Hanclinc, of Ctina, V.i vraiutchildreii, 21 great- gnindchildrcn, and twn greal- BJ'eat-granilchhdrcn. The last rites were hold at Fork Uaplist j Clnirch on la.Ht Thursday after- I noon ut 2 o'clock, with Hev. E. W, ! Turner in clinvgc. Hiirial wa.s In ' the church cemetery. The pall- beurcrs were Miles Foster, Wal ter Karnoy, Arch Livengood, P. D. Jenkins, L. A. Hcndri.x ami W. It. Crnvcr. The flowers were carried by Mis-ses Lucy Leonard, Vivian Pack, Vcta Ree Pack, lona Pack and Louise Owens. Passes Away EDWARD STEWART Miss Margaret Myers Hies I Miss Margaret Myers, 80, aged j I woman of the Advance commun- : Ity, died on Monday evening, ! January d. She was Uie daugh- > tor of James Mycr-s and Sarah Shutt Myoi's, of Davie. She had been a member of Elbaville Me thodist Prob.jtant Church for~tt numbor of years. She is surviv ed by tlirue br;th6rs, C. C. Myers, of Advance, James Myors, of Thomnsvillc, and Charlie Myers, of Yndkinvilla. The funeral was hold at Elbaville on Wednesday ] jnorning at II o'clock, with Rov,- A. A. Lyerly, of Advatjce Circuit, .'officiating, and intoimcnt was in I 'the church cemetoiy. Mrs. Margaret Blake Dead Mrs. Margaret Jarvis Blake, widow of John Blake, naasod a- way at the home of her son, H. L. Blake, in Farmington, on Sun- day moi-ning, Jan. 8, aged about 100. She was the daughter of Bvuton Jnrvis nnd wife, and iwns a member of Parinlngton Baptist OliLirch. The surviving family con.slsts of one son. H. L. Blake. 11 grandchildren, 28 groat-grand- chiidrcn. Thn funeral was con ducted at Furmington Baptist Church by Rev. F. W. Turner and Rev. li. C. Freeman on Mon day morning at 11 o'clock, and burial was in the Fnrmington cemetery. Tliose acting-as pnll- bearers iwove Roy Blake, James Blnkc, Joe Biako, John iBlake, W. A. Blako nnd Clinton Bluko. Bio - Obituaries — 1/7/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 7,1937 Mrs. B. C. Clement Basses Away Mrs. Annio Luclcey Allison Olenicnt, 43, of Baxter Clogff Clement, paaaed away at their home on December 29, after a lonff illness. She was the daughter of tlie late Gustavo Al- phonao Allison and Henrie Mor-: ris Allison) and was born oh March SO, 1898. She* was edu- cstod at Martha Washington Seminary. Ahingdon, Vn, On May 24, 1017, she was united In marriage to Baxter Cleigg Cle ment, Jr., and two children were horn to this union,. Clegg and Anne* Clement Mrs. Clement was one of Mocksvllle'a most be loved young matrons, and was deeply devoted to her family and friends^ pearly, seven years ago ^e iifidva. severe fall, and had never bee.n able to walk slncd then. Throughbut the long. per iod of-Her' sWfbring she exhibit-; o.d great pn'itcRce and fortitude, hearing her oifliction \yith n beautiful 'ChHatlnn spirit Every thing that loving hands . and heaifs could do-for her was done, but the end came peaceful ly oa the last days of 19SG were ebbing. The funeral was con ducted nt the home on Thursday morning, Dec. dlj at 10:30, by Rev. E. J, Harbison, pastor of tho Methodist Church, of which Mrs. Clement had be^ a folth- lul member since early girlhood. R. B. Sanford sang "I Would Not Live Always," with Mrs. John Larew at the pkno, after which Mrs. Larew played Hnn- del's "Largo." The interment took place at Rose Cemetery, ond the family plot was covered with 0 beautiful profusion of floral designs. A number of relatives and friends from out-of-town, at tended the funeral. Tho surviv ing family consists of the hus band, B. C. Clement, two chil dren, CIcgg and Anne, four sis ters, Mrs. Heidn A. Campbell^ of Winston-Snlem, Mrs. P.. J. John son; Miss Osale Allison and Mi%; E. C. LeGrnnd, «11 of Mocksvile, two bvothevs, W. A, Allison, of Mockaville, and Morris Allison, of Wilmington. Those acting as pallbearers were J. K. Bheek, R. S. McNeill, John LeGrand, Sor- goniit Micchell, M .S. Moore, and C. R. Williams, and tlie honorary paljbeai'ers were Dr. L. P. Mar tin, Vcvnon Flyiit, Ancus Falne, Bill Ponry, and <Rogaii lloBemnn. We o.ytond our deep synipaiby to. the family in their great sorrow. Bio — Obituaries - 1/7/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 13,1937 Mrs. W> H. McQanon. ' Urs. Sarah Ann UeClanon. 88, widow of W. H. UeClanoD. Confed- otate veteran, passed away on the night of Janoary 6. was the dangfater of A^nry White and Re- beeea Jonea White, anil was a meoc- ber of Eatonh Baptist dior<di. Sar- vlving are two brothera: G. W. White of Yadkinconnty. and W.-L White of Urfeb* Mo., and one sister. Urr. Jane Cn^reu of Wyo. Faneral ser- vices were hdd at Wesley Chapel, at Pino, Thnrsday morning at 11 with Rev. fl 0. Freeman and Rev. Junes Groee in diarge. Interment followed in the ehn'rch eemetery. Mrs. Sanmei Glis. lira. Lola Cook Ellis. 52. wife of Samuel W. Eilie. of Binkleman, Neb. died at a StatesviUe hospital last ThnzHday mormng. fallowing a brief illness of fin and asthma. Mrs Ellis waa a native of Farmfngton towddifp. hat bad been fivfog in Nebraska lor many years. Mr. and Mte. Bllia and several children came tu Davie jest before Christmas to visit relative. Mrs. Ellis survived by her bos- band. three sons, Daniel, Bay and Glenn, all of Binkleman; fonr dangfa- tera. Mrs. Lewis Enfield of Stevens- jvU'le. Mont.; Mrs. Sallie Teeter, I Misses Bianehe and Uarjorie EIHs, of l^nkleman; her father, p. J. Cook. .WinBton.Salein; three sikers, Mrs. iCbarlie Holder, Mrs. Lee Cadi and Mrs. N. D Ragadale. all of Winstor.- ISalem. and one brother, Biyan Ccob, iof Advance. R. 1. I Ftmdral servicea were held at Ma» ^bnla Moravian dmrdi Fnday aftemotm at 8 o'clock, where die was a member. Seivicea were con-' ducked by Revs. G: E. Brewer. C. E.' GarkandH. C. Freeman. IThe body! was sent to Binkleman for burial, Ihe bereaved family have the ^ni- patby of a bo^t .of friends In the ideatii of this good woman. | M. WUdey Hmiry M. Wbitley, 16, died at'the bime of his parent^ Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Harris, near Eph^us. Thnrs-I day death resnltlng from plianmo- nia. Funeral services were held at| Woodleaf 'Saturday aftemiion at 2; o'dock. conducted bv Riv. Thetus' Pritehard and the body laid to rest in the cborch cemetery. Mr, Whitlmr ia anivived Iw his Btep-falher. H. M. Harris, bia'moth- er.-andtwo siaters.' The bereaved fsmily have the sympathy, of the eommnnity in this hoar of bereave ment. Mrs. Mary Alice Shntt. Mfs. Mary Alice Shttll, 75, widow of0« 1^ C..Shntt. died at her nome ID Advance Friday. She w^ a member of a leading Davie cohntv family. Funeral services were ^Id at Advance Baptist chnrch at p. m.. Sunday, conducted by Rev B. W. Turner, of Mpcksville. I and the bo47 in the church cemetery. Surviving are sis chil dren: Mrs. W. A. Leonard (^Ad vance. Mm. C. C- March or wins- tmi Sato, Mrs. O. B. Pdind^icter aird A. L> Shutt of Advance, Mrs Lee S^den of Greensboro, land George H« C. Shutt of Advance. T. |. Byerly of High Point; two sifsterB Mrs. iSarah Ann Hege ot Lesciratonj R. v.. and Mrs K. T. Hege of] Ad vaDceiii&'£- ' n J. Bii^ShiRt W88 one of Davle ooimt^A best- known and belfoved womeni'.at^ her death hoCs emt a gfoombver tlm entire eommnnity in which slm lived so long. . Her hn^ 1 band passed away about a year^o. To the bereaved family The R^rd mctcnda sympathy in the death of this good woman,. | Bio - Obituaries -1/13/1937 MissMarsaret Myers. Miss Margaret Myers,' 86, died Jan. 4th. at 6 o'dock at her home near Advance She was a daughter of James and Sarah Shntt Myers and was a member of Hlbaville M. P. Cbntcta. Surviving are three brothers. C. C. Myers, of Advance, James Myers of ThomasytHe, and Charlie Myers, of YadkiovUle. ^ The funeral was held at BlbavUle M. P. Church Wedn^ay morning at II o'dock. Rev. A. A Lycrly conducted the services. Burial fol lowed in the chnrch cemetery. Mrs. Margaret Make. Mrs. Margaret. Jarvis ' Blake, widow of John Blake, passed away January 3 at the home of her son. H. L. Blake, in Farmfngton. her age being estimated at about .100 SheMthedaughterof Bruton Jar vis and wife, end Wdd A tuember of Farniingtpn Baptist Chnidi Snr- viviag are one son,. H L. Blake; If grandchildreD. 33. great grand cbildredand five great ^eat grand diiIdrjmi.^:Tbe.]^t^<«i.TOre^^^^ at Pannington Baptist .Chhrch last li^on^y n^ridbg x i o''du;h.- with *Rev. :W. Tdruer in charge, and burial followed iu' the-Fafrntugton Cemetery. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 14,1937 Mrs. Gmrge Shutt Passes At Advance Hra-; Alien Byorly Shutt, of Advitnoc, piiiiuoct to her ctcvnni home, Frhlny moruinjf, Jnn, 8, IIKI? nl 11:20 o'clock, ngcd 76 .venrs.. She the dnughtor of the Info Mr, nnd Mrs. Hirnm Byerly, of Dnvie County nnd widow- of George H. C. Shutt, who pnBSed itny one yenr ngo Inst Christmas Day. Truly n splcn- 'did chrialloji character hns gone huine. She had been confined to hur home for ubout six weeks nnd to her bed about five duys. She hud a quiet, unnssumlng per sonality and w/i.^. ({rontiy devot* ed to her children nnd home. She bore her sufferinie <w{th pa tience und her grontcst desire wuis to Join hor loved ones in tho Groat Beyond. Her depar ture will bo one Inspiration to others to join her in tho homo prepared for tho children of God nnd where tho rncords of our everyday lives are recorded. Mrs. Shutt was a faithful member of the Advance Buptist church for many yenrs, A short service wan hold at the home und tho funeral proper at the Baptist Church at 2:«0 o'clock Sunday oftcrncon b£ the pastor liev. 1:1, W. Turner and Rev. A. A. Lyorly, pastor- of Advunco M. Iv. Church und Rev. P. E. Jfo- \vnrd. former pastor of M. E. Church. Pallbearers were Measiu Alex Vogicr, Emniett Koontz, Nathan I Bailey, Elmer Mcchum, George Essex ond A. M. Lovi^ace. The lelvo flowerbearers were nieces of Lite deieeaaad. Suiwivlng arc six children, •Mrs. W. A. iLoonard, Advaface, Mm. C. -C. March, Winston-Sal- em, Mrs. 0. B. Poindextcr, Ad- laace. Mi's. JUeo Siddon, Greens boro A. L. Shutt and G. H, C. Shutt, Jr., of Advance, one bro ther, T. J. Byorly, lUgh' Point, two aiatera, Mrs. Snmh Ann llego, Lexington, Mrs. P. T. Ilegtf of Advance and five grandchil dren. Mrs. Sarah A. Mccaanon Dead Mrs. Sarah Ann McCJanon, 88, widow of W. JL McClanon, Con federate veteran, died nt- Wyo, Davio County, on the evening of January 5. was the daugh ter of Asbupy White and Rebecca Junes White, and was a member of Eaton's Baptist Church. She is survived bijr two brothers, G. W, White, of Yadkin County, and W. L. White, of Urich, Mla- souri, and one s-iater, Mrs. Jane Cuthreli of. Wyo. The last rites were held at Wealcy Ohapel, ot Pino, on Thuradoy morning at II o'clock, with Rev. K. C. Freeman and Rev. James Groce officiat ing. Interment waa in the chuitJh graveyard, Pallbearers were B. C, tVhite, W- A, Alien, W, W. White, J. J. Allen and Tom White. Tho flowers wore carried by Meadamoa W. M. White, G, L, White, W. H. GUdefwell, T. E. Johnson, W. H. McBride, C. E. Miiholland, M. .E Shore, Emma Purr and iMias LilUon Ellen- burg. Mrs. S. W. Ellis Passes Away January 7th Mra. Lola Cook Ellis, 62, wife of Samuoi W. Ellis, of Binker- 01.10, Nebraska, passed away nt Loiigf'fi HoapUal, Statesvilie,' af ter a hricf illnoaa, on Jan. 7. Both Mr. and Mrs. Ellis form erly lived In the Yadkin Valley community, and cdmo of woll- known families. Mrs. Ellis wos a daughter of Onnicl J. Gook and Sarah Sparks Cook. The family hur, rc8idud\ in Kebraskn for 17 years, and were here on a visit to rclaUvcs. Tho deceased was a member of Macedonia Church in Dhvio. Surviving arc the hus- hnnd, Siimucl W. Ellis, her la- tlior, Daniel J. Cook. of. Wiiistoh' Salcm, tlii'co sons, Daniel VV., Ray nnd Glenn'Bills,"of fiinker- mun, four daughters, Mrs. Lewis Enficld, of Stevendvllle, Mont, Mrs. Snillo Teeter, Misses Blan che and Mnrjorie. Ellis, all of Biakcrman; three sisters,-" Mrs. Chnriio Holder, Mra. Leo Cash, Mra. N. D. Rngsdalc, all of Wins- 'lijn-Snlom, three brothers, John W. Cook, of Coolccmeo, Frank Oook, of Winston-Salom, Bryan Cook, of. Advance, and four grnndehildron. The funeral was conducted nt Mnccdonln Mnrn- vian Church on Friday after noon at 8 o'clock, with Rev. G. E. Brewer, Rev. C. E. Clark and Rev, H. C. Freeman officiating. The inturmeht took place at Binlcermah, Neb. Pallbearers wore J. W. Douthlt, John Shock, Will Grove, Frank Shock W. G. Howcli and E. C. Butncr. Tho flowers were In charge of Misses Pauline Cope Pearl Cope, Edno Howard nnd Gertio Wnikor. Bio - Obituaries - 1/14/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 20,1937 Mrs. MoUie E ToweQ. Mrs Mollte E. Towell. aged lady of Calabald* township, died at the home of faer'son Reid Towell, near County last Tuesday moru' ing, death t^^ulting from a stroke paralysis-wiirch she suffered several days previpas. Fntaeral services were held at So dety Baptist church Wednesday momingat.ii o'clock, conducted by her p^tor. Rev. T L. Younger, and the body laid to rest in the church-cemetery. Mrs, Towell is survived bv four sons, Tom and Reid Towell; of County Line; F. M& and Holland Towell, Seattle, Wash. Mrs. Towell had been a resident of Davie county for the past 40 years, moving to this county from Rowan. The children have the sympathy the community in the commnnity in the loss of the loss of their mother. • Mrs. Jl. LHockaday. Sarah Rpdna Hockaday, 75, oi Advance, .'Route i, widow of John L. Hockaday, died, at her home Saturday' after an illness of six months. Bom in Davie county December 12, 1861. she was the daughter .of Jonn and EUzahefh James Plott* She was a member of the Mace- donia Moravian church. Snrvivittg are four daughters, Mrs. Minnie Hauser, Marshalitowu, Iowa; MrsT'Rosa Riddle. Advance, Route' i; Mrs. Nannie McBride; Mocksville, ftoute 2, and Mrs. Al ma Smith, -^rmony, Ronte 2; two sons, W. 'H.< and Clarence Hock aday, Advutce. Route 1; three sisters. Mrs^ Marv £. Allen. Hocks- ville. Route 3; Mrs. 8. W. Bowden, Advance,' Route i; and Mrs Nancy Riddle, Advance, Rouie i; three brotheisl Alias PlotI, Alls Plott, Arkansas; A. EL Plott, Mocksville, and' Thomas Plott, Mocksville, Route 3." Fnueral services were held at the homeplace Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock and at Macedonia Mora vian church at 2:30 by tbe Rev. G. B Brewef [and the Rev. George Bruner. • Burial followed in the church grai^yard. Bio - Obituaries -1/20/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 21,1937 Mrs. W. F. McCulloch Dead Mrs. Loin Allen McCulloli, 52, wife of W. P. McCulloh. (Dovlo County coroner, passed nwny at Jomcs Wnlkor Hospital, Wllni- intflon, on Jan. 18, 'ivherc she had been a patient i'or somn time. She was .the daughter of the late .lohn Allen and Minerva Hauaor Allen of Pavie. She wus a mem* ber of Fork Baptist Church. 1'he aurvlvlnff family consists o£ her husband, W> F. McfCulloh, an adopted son, Bayroond McCulloh. a piater, Miaa Mary Allen, of Smith Grove, and two brothers, W. 'B. Allen, of I'outo S, and O. G. Allen, of Winston-^tem. .The funeral was conducted by Bev. B. W. Turner at • Pork Baptist Church, on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and burial was In tho church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries -1/21/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 21,1937 Virgil V. Lanier Hordant Fatallr bgored. Vit^ V. Laider, 69. Uindaerdtaotaod mattxeM maimfsctiuer ti near Lexidgtoo, xAo nlTettd • bcoken back when aimdt tar« aatoaoi^ idiUe walUog cnabigh^ WS7 BOtr Ut biKM eady Piidar . died Sat' DdsyltiaGttilottsba^^taL No chaise has bMn placed egalmt Qtarles A. M- flu* difm of. tte car. net^bor and flteadaof Laato. official itkvesdSatioii in- DO Ucaaoa hii pait. PtaaatdwM I>^ floai SbBoh M. P* Ckondi at 9 p. ta* Sunday. fldivMBfl ate BB invalid irife; daotfbter. BIib Cbteoea tatbam; foot biotbecs. y Fcontiab WQI aad Saimel-l^nlel'. of near Lndntftm and Find Laider, near Iilock8> vi&e; (bree lialf*bFOtIteis. Julias, Lawzeace aDdJtdneflliaialaeiOf neat Wdoonw; flmr riatais. Bba. tfamy Uicflad. Mm. Aitia Kmata and itefkotga Bailey, near Lbx> Ifl^ and Kn. Venal Bailey. Hockavine> iLP.a Mrs W. F. McCnQoh.. ' Mrs. Lola Allen McCnltoii, wife of Davie County Co*oner W. F. McCnIlob, died Jan i8tb in a hds^ pital at Wilmingtoin, where sbe bad been a patient for only two days. Mrs. McCall9b,age4 5a..^tbe daughter of the late lohn Allen and the late Minerva Hanser Allen.' Sbe was a resldenC of tbe Smith Grove commnnlty and a member of tbe Fork Baptist Chnicb. Surviving are the hnsband, W. F. McCnIloh; an adopted son, Ray mend McCulloh; one sidter. Miss Mary Allen, of Smith Grove; two brothers, W. B. Allen, of Davie connty, and O O. Allen, of Wins* ton Salem. The fnneral was. held at Fork Baptist Cbnrch Wednesday after noon at 2 o'clock, with Rev. B W. Turner, of MocksviUe. ofildating, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. Mr and Mrs. McCnlloh left for Wimngton on Jan. i6th, where they went In the hope thaL the climate would be benefidal to Mis. McCnlloh's health. She had been a snSerer from asthma for some time. To the bereaved family, The Re cord extends sympathy in this bonr of sadness. Mrs. George Steebnan. Mrs. Sallie Ann Steehnan, • mem ber of one of tbe most prominent fomUies of Yadkin connty, widow of . George Stedman, landowner and farmer, died at ber Yadkinvilie, R. 2, home Jan. iStb, of pbenmonia. She was 85 years of age. Mrs. Sleelman was born March 23, 1851, tfaedangbler of Charles Alexander and Sarah Ann North foyner.' Her entire life was passed in or near tbe home at which' sbe died. She was married April, 1871. to to Mr. Stedman, one of- Yadkin's bestknown * and most prosperous planters, dying May 31, 1930. Among snrvivois; Dangblers: Mrs. A. Shore, East Bend; Mrs. James C. Pilcher, Cana: Mrs A. SpUIman, Mocks dlle, R. 2\ Mrs. J. H. Shore, Cana, R. t; and-Mts. S. L, Shore,. Elk Chty, Okla. The son is Thomas A. Steelman, of Yadkinyille. Route 3. Fnneral services were conducted Thursday motoing from the home at 10:30 o*dock, and from the Enon Baptist cbnrch at zx o'dock, ^th Revs. B. T. Sims and V. M- Swdm eendneiitte the services. The body was laid to rest in the cbnrch ceme tery. Willie E. Hall WiUie B- Hall, 55, died at bis home in Eodc Hill, S. C., Tan. iStb. Pttneral and burial took place at n Rod: HiQ Weds^ay. Mr. Hall is survived by his widow, formerly Miss Ora Ratte, of Fork, a sister of Mis. Boone Stcnestreet, of Modesville, two sons and four danghieis. Also survivipg is tbe mother, three brothers 'and one sistier. Mr. Hall bad maiiy friends in Davie who wiQ be ^rry to leara of his death. He wu a naUve of Yadtdn county. • Mrs. M. B. Stonestreet, of. this dty; Mrs. James Hoyte and son, of Pork, attended the fnneral and bn rial of Mr Hai).' Bio - Obituaries —1/27/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 27,1937 BIrs. J. F. Jones. FoQCfal rit«s foT'Mis. J F. Jooe^ 58, nho died Biooday afternoon at ber in Hnnte'^vUle. was conducted Tnesdar afternoon at 2 o'clock at t fa e HnntviBville PieBbyn^tan ^nicfa, Rev..|oho W. Gri^^.p^or of tbecbnrcb.ooiidacted t^ irites Bits. Jones is'^itrnved fay Her fans- band; eigfat. cfaUdfen. One sister, BI^. Getnge McDanidf .of ; Mocks-. vlUe,.It..3, also survives. Bto.' JonM was a native oCJDavie coiintV, dat^bter of tfao ' tote. Mr. and Idis. JoW^Mts^,. of near OQirnatMr, ■; '!Mro rHcsl |d]^ moved to HtuteraviUe.'froiii.^Modc^ ^ie, alMint;i8's«sua.ia^,^^jonM was- sect^ foienu^ tb'eSontfaern 'Railifo^ lor many VearaTotfae bereiaii^ fomily ..l^^'Rer cord iotu many trkmls in • ^ten^ing s^p^fay. to tfae Idsa of wifOimotfaer (ui dster; Bfrs. Ellen Parks. Mrs. Ellen Parks, 73, died at ber fa ome near Woodleaf, last Tbnrs* day, deatfa resoltiog from dropsy Funeral services were faeld at Fork Bapti^ t^UTch Friday afternoon, conducted by Rev. June Carter, of Winstou^Salem, and the body laid to rest to the cfaurcb cemetery Surviving are one son and two daughters. Bfiss Nettie Eaton. UiBs Sarah N^e Eaton, TO-yeardd native el Davie county, foroier matron of Ifilla Hone at tbomasviUe. died of pneo- mooiaSoodavmoraiodatDavia Hospital. StatesvBIe. She was a danger of the late Ptdltlp and Sacatt Foichea Eatara. of Fauniodton tdwnsbtp Death came after an iUooss of oolyafewdaTB. Bfias Eaton was educated at TtKunaa* vlUe Female College. Xboaias^Be^ waa a memlwr of Eatoa'a Bapttst Choich In. bet cfaildbood and later in Ufa. of Farmingten Baptist Ctidrah at Parmlngton. Doiind tlifl lose yean of' htf life aha made tier botna with ber tistev, Mn. filJ* Heodrlx at Faniilngton. Among aorvhrore ara Urn. Hendiix and two other- sisters- Mia. W. fX Bfatdn and Mis. J. T. Baity, of HochsviOa Also surviving ara nnmber of nelces and neptiewa. Fooera) rites were beid at Baton's Bap- dat Cbofdi. Caoa. Tcesday.moming at 11o'dook. Kev. B. T. Peery officiating Ba- ilal followed In thedi'iuoh graveyard. - Abner Columbus Haire Father Of Local Man. Dies.' Abner Ckdntnbns HaIre, 76. of the Conrtnay commnnity di^ at the Yadklnville elinie Thntsday of pneo- monfa. Ibe fnneral was ndd at DeepCre^ Bapttet Cborch Friday morning at 10 o'clock with Rev. James Groce and Rev. GI^AIIgood in ebarge of the services, Mr. Haire was a native of Yadkin oonnty, the son of the late Stokes and Phodbe Fearrington Haire. Snrvivors Include bis widow, Mrs. Collie Haire; two sons J. S. Haire, depot agent at Mochsvllle. and Pant Holre, Courtney; two daugbters. BfissesOpal and Tbelma Haire. of Courtney, and deyen grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 1/27/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 28,1937 [owell Infant Funeral Abner C. Haiire Of Yadldn Dead Abner Columbus Hairn, well- ftnown citizen of iCourtnoy, Ynd- kfii County, passed away at the Yudlclnvillo Clinic, on January 21, ih(;cd 7G, Tnls dcdtl) rcaultliiK from, piicumofila,- He was the son ol Stokes I-Iali'e and Phoubc Pnr- riiiKton Ilnirc, of Yadkln. Tho laurvlviiiB' family consists of his widow, Mrs. Cirilic I'ctitt lluire, (two sons, J. S. ilaire, station a- :t;cnt of Mocksvillc, and 'Paul Ulairc, of Ccurtnoy, two dutight- *era. Misses Opnl and Tholmn llnire, of Courtney, and 11 grand* children. Tho last rites were held at Deep Greek iBnptist Churc'hi in. Yadkin, on Friday morning at 10 o'clock, wlicrc the deccosed was n member, with Rev. James Groce, Rev. J. H. Ful- ghiim and Rev. Glenn Allgood of- fk'Inling. ■Interment wa.s In tho church graveyard. Those acting a3_.pttllbcntera ..-.won*Dnther Goiigli, Delos Melton, Allen Hoots. iDicJmer Hoots, Charles Gwyn and G. L. Mnrklnnd, and the flowers were carried, by Miss Harriot Allgood, Mrs. Janio ^lyci-s, Mrs. Clarence Allgood and Mrs. Rny 'Mooro, D. M. Haneiine FassM Away Doctor Mitchell Hancllne, well- known Mocksvillc man, died onMonday, Jan. 26, a^' tho homo of his daughter,'Mrs, A. G; Campbell'' on South Main Street, •ngetl 70.He had been in declining hoaftn for sometime, but his death was caused by •pneumonia. Tho de- eunaod was tho son of Jacob Hanclinc and Salllo Call Hano- llne, of Davio. For -a number of .veurs he was janitor of the Davie County court house. The 'surviv ing family consists of his wife Mrs, Martha Armswort^y Hane- lino, throe dnughtei-s, Mrs.J. *W. "Byorjy, of' Route 4, Mrs. Waller <h. Coll and Mrs. A. G. Campbell, of 'Mbcks- ville, three sons. R. H. •Hanellne. W. R. ilahclinc and J. M. Hano- Jlnc, of this place, 13 grandchild ren and two grcnt-grandchildren. The funeral was conducted ot Un ion Chaiicl on Wednesday morn ing at 11 o'clock, with Rev. G. J> Harbison in charge, and inter ment wua there. We extend our- deep sympathy to tho family ;n.. their boi'cnvemcnt. Pa!lbcarQi*s.. were; Dcwis Godby, S. C. Cliuurd, Dave Jordan, Roy Armsworthy,. Charlie Hnnclinc and Ed Hane^ tine. lulcn Elizabeth Howell, infant Ighter of B. D. ' Ilowelj and|o Baity Howcli, of the Parm- in community, died on Jan-||agod 3 months. The funeral^ conducted nt Yndkin' ValleyHist Church on Tuesday of-\oon at 2 ;30, with 'Rev, 0. E.jwer officiating. Burial was the chmxh cemetery, and the yerS' were carried by Virginia •Baity, Eula Riddlo, <Bettio Jo Idle, Kathorino West, MitzieSgory and Peggy Montgumory. Butner Infant Dead I Carroll Fayedene Butner, t\vo-I months old son of Kenneth But- inor and Hoien Jones (Butner, of Cornatzer, •passed awny on Janu ary 24. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon nt 2 o'clock •nt Macedonia Moravian Clnirch, with tho pastor. Rev G. E. Bre^v'- er, In charge, and burial was in' the church graveyard. The pallbearers woro four little ^rls: Amogcno Bexmcltamp, Eva LeeButner, Geraldiiio Gregory and I Elln Mae Gregory, and the flow ers wore carried by Daphne Beauchamp, Dorothy JoUy, Peggy Jolly, Edith Gray Sheok, J, Gre gory, Tom Mitchell Gregory uiicl EJmor Allon, Jr. Bio — Obituaries - 1/28/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 28,1937 Mrs. Nellie Eaton Passes Away Miss Snrah Nettle Eatoiit bo* loved Uttvie County Indy, pnss&d. jftwny at DavJa Hospital, .Stntea- ville, on Snnday morning, Jan. Z4. lifter a -lirinf Illness of pnou' monia.- She wno a member of a prominent family, and wna the daughter of Phillip Eaton and Snrah Purches Baton, of Davie. Sho wae born on November 27, 18G6, and united with Eaton's Baptist Chxu'ch in early life. Sho Avas educated at Thomaavillc Fe male College, and for a number of years was matron at Mills' Home, Thomusville, where she was held in high esteem. In re cent years she bad made her homo With her sister, Mrs. M. J. Hend- rlx, at Formiii^on, and had mov ed her mcmbci'ship to Forming- ton Boiptist Ehurch, She was not. ed for her sweet, uiisolfi.vh traits, and.for her many acts of kindness She is Survived -by three slaters, Mrs. M. J. Hendrix o,f Farming- ton, Mr.i, W. '0. Mortin and Mrs. J. T. Baity, both of Mocksvllle, and by a nn'mbor of nieces and nopliows. .The funeral was con- dxicted at the- home of Mrs. J, T. Baity on Tuesday morning, at 11 oclock, with Rev. H. T, Penry, Kev. James Groce and J3!r. G, H. Durham officiating, •ilr, Peniy read the Scripture lesson. Rev. Mr, Groce led in prfiyerj'and Mr, Cyrus Howell, of Mills Home, paid a.high tribute to Miss Ea ton. Dr. C. H. Diirhnm, of Lum- borton, hod charge of the I'cst of the Service, and vend verses from Kovolatiop, and also appropriate poems and a briof memoir. He spoke of the Ilfo of service far others that Miss Eaton hod glod- ly lived, and of' her love for her church an for humanity. During the service Mrsv P. M. Hendricks played "Nearer My God to Thee," Rock of Ageu." and "Abide with Me." The intomcnb took place in the historic cemotci'y of lon's Baptist Church, at Cann, wl.ex'e many generations of the Eiiton famtiv are buried. Mrs. F. H. Bahnsen and Mrs, G. B. Madison, of -P.irmington. sang two duets at the grave, "I "Will Sing the Wondrous Story," and "The Sweet By and By." The pall- benrora were Dr. L. P. Martin, P. M. Ilchdrtx, Cyrus iHowell, J, C. Tatum, J. P. Newman, J. W. Hendrix and ' F. H. Bahnson. There were many beautiful floral designs. We extend our deep sympathy to the bereaved rela tives. Among the relatives from out-of.town who attended the funocal .wore: Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Durham, of Lumborton; Mr, and ! Mrs. J. iC. Tatum and Miss Kath-^ jerine Tatum, of Salisbury; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hendrix, Mr. and Mrs. .1. P. Newman, and Mr. and hlrs. J. S. Coletrane, all of Win- aton-Salem: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Giiloy, of Maiden; Mr. and >Mrn.' J. W. Hendrix and Miss Grace Hendrix, of Stntesviile, Mr. and Mns. P. M. Hendrix, of Loxiiig- :u|i: Miss Melvarinc Hendrix, of Hickory; Mr, and Mrs, Cyrus Ho- Avoll, Miss Sallio McCracken, Mr. C, C. McColn, all of Mills Home, Thomnaville, Misses Fiossic Mar tin and Maze! Baity, of the Wins- tuit-Salcm schools; Miss Rosa Tatum, Mrs. E, C. Tatum, Misses Victoria Bycriy and Janie Dula, of Cooleemce, Bio - Obituaries -1/28/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 3,1937 (^rtar. Skte^ C. Caster. 36, fied M Us bnne Dear Cbmataer Saturday. fcUowind sn ex* tended iUBesa. Fboetal eesvioes wete held Monday aftesnooa at 2 o'dock, at SmUb Gt09t U. E. chgidi. wHb J. P* Jan^tdUodwdO^ in ebainiB. The bedy was bid to rest In tbe drareb cena- teiy. BfnCattff isettMy^:by Us vM ow 8ndfivedtIIdicn. Us modier. three aitteis aodaix bt6ihefs. Jidiiis A Adams. Julina AlesandOT Adatns. 55, of Advance, Boote 1 passed away at bis borne PD F^ay, death resaltiDg frOm pbeomofiia. He id fittjrvif ed by adaoyhter, Aba.'.i>ocjc Candle, of Advance: three bnithera, Dalton Ad- aoas. of Yadhio; Tom Adams, of Pv C.; one^ster, Mrs;' Net^ Sizmore* of YadbiD, sotdfoor yrandchUdreo. The fttnerat • was condneUd at Yadkin Vall.i^ Baptist Oittreh, Son- day mohiioff at il-o'clock, and bo- rial followed Id the church cemetery. George RnssdL George Rttssell, aged 64, died at Advance Tuesday afternoon follow ing a long illness. Serious com' plications caused by astbma, re sulted in bis death. The deceased -was a native of Yadkio coopty. Snrviviog ate his wife,-the fonn- er Isabel Hampton, and one sister. Mrs. Gihy Spears,, of Winston Sa- lent.. Funeral services were condncted Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Elhaville M. P. Cbmcb. with Rev. A. A. Lverlv oSidatiog. En- rial followed in the church grave yard. D(^or M. IbmeliBe. ' Doctor Mitchell Hanetine, 76, died at the home of his daughter. fSrs R. G. Campbell.- on Sooth Main street on Mt^ay, fanu 26th, foUowlog an extended illness Fiiii- eral services -yrare conducted by Rev. £ J Harblnson Wednesday morning 11 o'clock, a t Union Chapel M. P. church, and the body laid to rest in chnrdi cemetery. Mr.. Haneline is srnrvived by bis widow, tbree datighters, Mrs. J. W. Byerly, of R. 4; Mrs W. I,. Call and Mrs R. O. Campbell, of MocksviUe, and tbree sons, Har rison,- Roland and Moody Hanc' line, all of Mocksv'ille.. Mr. Hane- line was a member of the Metho dist chnrcb, and gpent his entire life in Davie cotmty. Bio - Obituaries - 2/3/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 4,1937 Sidney center Dead Sidney Croaet Carter, 30, paaa- cd away at his home on Route 2, on Jan. 30, after on illncs.? of six months. Ho was 4ho son of William Cartor and Alice How ard Cnrtcr, or .Davie County, and WAR ft mcmhwr of the Methodist Church. He Is survived by 4tia widortv, Mrs. .resale Shumate Car- ier, his mother, Mrs. Alico B.' Carter, three daughters, Magdoi leno, Nellie Mae and Marie Car ter two sons, L. B. and Alice J. Carter, three sisters, Mrs. T. M Potts, Mrs. Stella Ellis and Mrs. Delia McDanlel, six brothers, P. L.. S. C., G, K., Grndy, Howard I and Zachary Carter, all living iP rites wereI held at Smith Grove Methodist Church on Monday nftcmoon at 1:4B, with Rev. J. p. Jarrett in cnarge, and Intement was In the Church graveyard. i Dr. $fofees Of Salisbury Dead Dr. Ernest Stokes, prominent surgeon of Salisbury, passed a- wny at his home on Fob. 1, after a "brief Illness of heart diaeaso. Ho was a native of Bnltlmoro,' and camo to Salisbury from Johns Hopkins Hospital, mai^ .voars ago. Ho and the late Dr. , JoKn Vniitchend cstabliahed. the ' Whltohcnd-Stokes Sanatorium iii Saliabury, JI.t is survived by his wife, foimejly Miss Robecca Marsh, and one daughter, Re becca Stokes. The funeral waa conducted at St. Luke's Episco pal; Chureh; Salisbur.v, of whichhe jwas an oFfieini, on Wednes-j day afternoon at 3 o'clock. Gi^orge Russell Dead Georgo Russell, citizen of the Ad^nce community, Davie coun ty, .passed afwny on Jan. 2fl, aged 84.; He was a native of Yndkin couhts', and was the son of Tho mas Russell and Maiy Tlutflcor. He Is survived by his fwife, for merly Miss Isaboi Hampton, of Yudkin, and. one sister, Mrs. Gra'dy Spoara, of Winaton-Snlem. The funera'l was hold Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at Elba- vllle M. P. Church, near Advance, with Rev. A. A. "Lycrly in charge. Intermcut was tlioro. JULIUS A. ADAMS DEAD I Julius Alexander Adams, 65, citizen of tho Advance commun ity, died of pneumonia on Jan. 29. Ho was (the son -of Zlmri ..Adams and .Matilda Hutchina I Adams, of Yadlcln County, His I wife, who was formerJy Ida Cook, died some years ago. •One j daughter, Mrs. Dock 'Caudle, of Advance, and a sister, Mrs. Net tie Sizomore, of Yndkin, three hrothors, Dnlton Adams, Wade Adam'3', of Yadkin, Tom Adams, of South. Carolina-, and four grandchildren are tho surviving relatives. The funeral waa con ducted by Hov. James Groce at Yadkin VaUey DaptiatiOHiurch, on Sunday morning at 11, and burial was in the church graveyard. Pallbearers -woro W. G. Howoll, J. l>, Sheok, J. W. McKnight, Grady' Riddle, Pink McKnight and J. W. Douthlt. Bio - Obituaries - 2/4/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 10,1937 Jesse Graves Eats Poison And Dies; Jesaa Grayes. aged eitizeo of Eph^ BUS, died at Lowery Hospital* ^is> bnry, ^tarday night* six boon after he had eaten some krant and domp- IfDga wbidi be had prepared for his eveolag meal. It Is'sud the'^ied man. who lived alone, ai^mitally got bold of a bag eontdmng aenate of lead* thinking it was floim* and mixed and cooked it with the krant Faneral services were con- dneted by Rev. M. A. Foster at Li berty Uethodfst chnrch Sunday afternoon, and the body laid to. rest in the ehnrch graveyard. Ur. Graves ia anrvived by one brother. Thomas, and two siatera, Mrs Frank Fostw, of near Jericho and Mrs. Rebecca Gabard, of Jernaatem, Georgo Woodward. Geow B. Woodward, 76. we!l-bnown StateavIUe citizen, died enddenly Sunday night while attending ser vices at the Western Avenne Baptist drarch in StatesvUie. Mr. Wood* ward Is sorvived by his widow, three ams and two dangbtms. Fimeral and burial services took place at StateavIUe Monday afternoon. Mr. Woodward'e foosfly resided CD their farm, near Bfoeknille, for several years. Mr. Woodward had many friends in Davie who will be sorry to leam of hia death* T» F. CMirtwright Thomas Lafayette Ca'rtwrigbt. 77, passed away Friday afternoon at hi9 home here. He was a native, of Yadkin conntv. He was a member of the Uocksville Baptist Ghoreb. Hia wife, who was Miss Caroline Hsynes prior to marrlsRe,'died 20 years ago. Sltreiinng are 6ve children Mrp. Ira Glllinland. of E&herville. lows; Tom Cartwrlght, of JLake Coma, Fla., Richard Cartwrigbt, Of Madi son; Mrs. R L, Frye, and OHn Cart- wriafat. .of Moekflviile* 11 grand- diildren and two greatpgrandcfaild- leii* Tbe faneral was held Sanity after noon at 2 o'cloek at the home of a son Olin Cartwrigfat, here. Rev. J. H. Falghom conducted the serv- licefl* Burial followed ia Joppa Cemelerr* James L Maitim James L* Martin, 76, died at his home near Smith Grove Thursday, death resnltiog from pneumonia. Faneral sendees were ' held at Smith Grove Methodist chnrcli Fri day, conducted by his pastor. Rev. |. H. Freeman, of Farmlngton. ' and the body laid to rest in the cbnrch cemetery. t Mr. Martin is;survived by one I daughter. Miss Clara Martin;-one ^sister, Mrs. Lee Clouse,. and cue ^brother, John Martin, all of the .Smith Grove oommuoity. Mr. I Marfin bad many friends tbrongb- out tbe county who will be sorry to leam of his death. Bio - Obituaries - 2/10/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 11,1937 James. L. Martifi Dead James Lnlthnm Martin, well- Irnown citizen of <the Smith Grove community, passed away on Feb. it aged 86, after a Z-days Illness of pneumonia. He was the son of Giles Martin and Hettle Well man Martin, of Davie. ITis wife, jwlio was formerly Ella May Smith died several years ago. The de- |cen.sed was a member of Smith j Grove Methodist Church, where the funeral was held Friday af- jternoon at 2:30, with iRev. II. 0. I Freeman and Rev. M. G, Ervin .urriciutlng. Interment was in the 'church graveyard. Surviving re latives are one daughter, Miss I Clara Martin, one sister, Mrs. Lee Clousc, and one brother, John Martin, all of Smith Grove. The family are old residents of Smith Grove ncishborhood. n S : niomas L. CratwrightDead Thomas LaFayotte Cartwrlght, formor citizen of Y-adldn county, passed away here on Feb. B, itfter jU lingering illness, in his 77th | year. Ho was the son of Thorn-i (as Carbwright and wife of Ya'd- ' Icin county, and was born on Fob. .8, I860. He first jhiived the jlloonvllle Hnptist'Church, later ' ..moving his mcmborsiiip to Cooiee-1 :meo, and at the time of his death'? being a membpr of flio Mocksvillo' " Biiptist Church. Ills wife, who- ' was formerly Caroline Hnynea, of fadkiii, died about 20 years ngo.lji^ The surviving family conaisla of J the following aons and daught-| ors: Mr. Ivn Gillinland, of Esher- I ville, Iowa, Tom Cartwright, of Lake Cornn, Fla,, Richard Cart- vvrlglit, of Miidison, Mrs, jR, L. i'Vy and Oliu Cartwright, " of Vt'ocksvillo, eleven "grandchildren . ind two great-grandchildren. The ti»i intUinornI was conducted' by Rc«f. J. H. Fulghum, pastor of the de^ censed, at the home of O-lin Cart, Wright, on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and Inteimient was in Joppa CQmctoiy. Mcmbci's of the J. 0, U. A. M, acted as iiall- boarers and imd chargo of' the service at the grave. The How- era wore carried by Mrs. W. F iStonostroot, Mrs. S. F. Binkloy,' Mrs. Rupert Roger and- Mrs. Os car Ryerly. Escar Levi Gough of Yailkin Boy Burled Sat g.. Escar Levi Gough, IG-yenr-old . boy of Coiir-tncy, Yndkiu Goun- , ty, pa.s«»od away at City Memorial' , Hospital, WInston-Salcm, on Feb.j . 6,' as the result of burns received • ^ when a can of. gasoline ONploded, I in attempting to start a wood- ^ -saw. He was the son of Miles . Gough and Nannie Grnnfiold Gough, of Courtney. The par ents and six brotHcrs, Robert, Bnrnoy, Howard, Roy, Dnnio] and Harold Gough, survive. The fun- oral was conducted by Rev, James *. Groco at Turner's Creek Baptist |{ Churcli, on Saturday afternoon ] at 2 o'clock, and interment waslj tlioro. The pallbearers werOji Thomas Ray Warren, Raymond !t Watkins, Snnford Holler, Elmer|h PoLUT, laam Watkins and Pauljl HutoMns. "I'ho flowor.s were injl I n V R ,charge of Ml.ssea Vcrmelio Gun ,ter, Pnniino Sales, Orpah Allen Refine Brown and Mdrgaret Wis hon. Bio - Obituaries - 2/11/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, John Plullip Green. John Poiltip Green, 76, one oi Davie coaaty's moat prominent and best beloved citizens, died at bis bome on North Main street last Wednesday afternoon shortly be* fore 4 o'clock, follornnff a short I <fti.essof heart tronble. Be was horn in Davie conuiv AtiKtist 6, i860, and spent his entire life in the eouaiy. He had been a resl* deat of Mocksville aboutjfo years, moving here from near Cana In early life he noited with Eaton's Baptist cbtircta. and was a conse crated and faithful woiker in .the church during his long and useful soinnrn here * Mr. Greeo was united in mar rtage to Mis-; Nancy E. Eatoot of Clarksville townshio, oh May 23, 1887 Thev moved to Mock^lle, and became a prominent pait of the religiou.s life of the town. Mr. Green was s leader in the 'business uctivities of the town and connty, and his integruy was known far atid vvjde - Although no children came to bless the bome, a nnmber t of young people found a home and 1 parental affection in this Christian 5 home. February 17,1937 Mr. and Mrs. Green were noted for their manv acts of benevolence, among these being the gift of a boys' dormitory at Mills Home, Tbornasville. Mrs. Green passed away October 17, 1936. Mr. Green was the last member of a CamiW of eight who reached maturity. The nearest relatives are a number of nieces and nephews, SOtue Uviog lo Missouri. Tlie fnucral was conducted at the First Baptist church, of which be had long been a deacon, on Fri day niorniog at 10:30 o'clock, the body Iviog in state in the cfanrcb liefore the last rites. Bis pastor. Rev. ]. H. Pulgbam. conducted the last rites, assisted by Superio- tendedt I G. Grcer. of Mill.a Bap tist Home,Tbornasville. and Rev. T*. G. Proctor, Chester, S. C. A large concourse of friends filled the eo- iire chnrch. many of them coming from adjoining counties. Inter ment followed iu the family plot at Rose cemetery. Tbe floral tributes were beautiful In the death of this well known Christian gentleman, the town and connty loses one of their most be loved citizens The entire- town was saddened by his death Be will be misled iu the home, the church and in the business life of tbe town He was the senior part ner of the firm of Foster & Green, cotton buyers and ginners, who have been in business here lor sev eral years. The editor of Tbe Record has lost a personal friend in tbe death of John Green, Peace to his ashse. . W. F. H. Ketclue. Mrs. Hannah Wilson Katebie. €8, died at her home near Davie Aca demy at 12 o'clock Satnrday (tight, following an illness of two year-or Fnneral services were held at Society Baptist church Monday morning at' U o'clock, etmdncted by Rev, W. L. McSwain, assisted b y Rev. Mr. Swicegood, and the body laid to rest in the diurch cemetery. Mrs. Ketchie is snrvived by her husband and one son, Dee Ketchie, of Iredell eounty; one brother, Jesse Wilson, of Galahain; three sisters. Mrs. Lizzie Richard, of High Point; Mrs, Bertha Ward, of Thomasvilie, and Mm. Ethel Poole, of Calahain, John A. Young. John A. Young. 80, died at tbe bome of his son. C. C. Young, at North Cooieemee, last Tuesday af* temoon. death resulting from tbe infirmities of age. Funeral servi ces were conducted by Rev. A. T. Stoudemire at Noe Creek Baptist church Wednesday afternoon and the body laid to test In the cburcb cemetery. Mr. Young is survived by two sons. C. C. Young, of Coo- leemee, and W. H Young, of Mor- gsnton. A number of daughters, nieces and nephews also survive. Mrs. Sosan FerebeC. Mrs. Seaan Amanda Fexebee, 78. hisbtv esteemed lady of tbe Cana comiBaBlty. passed'away at ber hooM early Monday mioalng. She was a daogbt^ of the lato Tbomasi 'Saia and Maiy J, Saiu, of Davie emmty add was mattied to W. 0. Ferr- bee la August 187S. Mr. Fer^ paned away abcnt 11 years ago. Mcmbeia of the family who survive Ir- slbde the following: four sons, John. F; JoeO^ and A. W.. of Cans. W. F, of BSocksyltle: four daughters. Mrs Henry ]!latL|^Mra. C. S. of Cot^eem^,. aoii^Sr^ N: H. Cfiilitle of Cana.' .Oi • bioiher jVRSaln..of ..Caua; four eistas. Mm: Annie Gregory, of Advance,BHsaRosa ftfltn of Cdfax, MIbs Kate Sain and Mrs. Sallle Lewis of Bmu^syltle. 8. C The deceased wasla hfeloag end faith* fol member of Wesley's Chapd Methodist church at Pino, and funeral and burial tcrvloes will be held there today with iho i pastor. Rev. H. C. Freeman Iu charge; | Bio - Obituaries - 2/17/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 18,1937 I John P. Gkeen Pa John 'Philip Oreen, 76, one^of MocRavlllo'a most prominent -nnd highly esteemed citizens, di/d at his homo on'-Iasf. Wednesdjty nf- ternoon, Feb. 10th. after a' brief illness, lie v/as the son of Jesse (It'ccn and Susiin Lopp 'Green, and was boru in Dnvic'^ County on August 6, 18G0. In Airly life he joined Eaton's Bapt^t Church, later moving his memborslilp to Ine Moeltaville Bnptisi Church, and the work of his ^^urch was evei* one of his chief inter^ta. Be was united in n^nrriagc to Miss Nancy ElizabetW Enton, of Bttvie, on itfay 23, 1887. They moved" to^ Aiocksvillc in 1899, and .looamo a protnlnent /part of "Lho religious life of thef town. Mr. Green 'was a leader fin the buai- ncas activitie.s of. lia town and eoimty, and hia iitpgrity wn^ known far and widb; Although there wero no children in the home, a number ofjyoung people found a home and ^flection li'eru. • Mr. and Mrs. Gredn -were noted for their many ncis of boncvol- enco, among these/boing the gift of a boys' dormitory at the Thom- ncvillo Baptist Onphnnagc. Mrs, Green passed awliy on October 17, lose, after a' life' of useful- * ncss an'd good clieer to others. Mr. Green was the Inat member of a family of pight who ronchcd maturity. Tne nearest relatives are a number of xilcccs and nep hews, "some living in this State, ind.othow in'.thiQ Middle West. • The funeral was conducted at the Kaptlflt Church, of .which he had been n doaoon for many years, o.u Friday morjiing at JO.*30, tlie body lying |n state la the church E'Cforo last rites. Rev. J. H. Ful- ghum, pastor of the church, was in chnYgc, assisted by Rev, T. Gilmer Proctor of Chester, S. C., a former pastor of this church, and Superintendent I, G, Greer, of" Thom.nsvlllo Baptist brphnn- ngo. 'The service was almost Identical as tlmt used at Mrs. Green's funeral about four months ago. High tribute to the decenaed was paid by Mr. Ful- ghum, Mr. Proctor and Mr. Grour, and the music was furnish ed by Mrs, D. L, Pnrdue, Mrs. J. F. Hawkin«<, C; D. Muoncy and itev. J, L Kirk, with Miss Loulao •Stroud, pianist, and by a quartet of gli'ls from the -Baptist Orphan age. There were many beautiful floral designs, among them being a large cross of calln lilies and earnatlons from the Baptist Church. The funeral wa.s Inrgo- ly attended, many coming from' other towns. Interment was in the family plot in Rose Conie- lory, the imllbearcrs being: Carl Raton, Claiido Green, Jesse Green, Floyd Naylor, Dewoy Martin and VJ. P. Foster. The home of Mr. and Mi^. Green was a center of Onristinn community' living, and this good couple will bo greatly missed in Mocksville and Diwle j County, i MRS. SUSAN FEKEllCEiPA'SSES . AWAY Mrs. Susan Sain Pcrebec, well- known resident of tlie Cuna com munity, and widow of- William C, Fcrcbcc. died Monday morn ing, Feb. 16, at her homo, agod 76. Hoi" parents were Thomas M. Sain and Mury J. Howcll Sain, of Davie. The. surviving family consists of four son.s, Joe, John. Flave "111111 A;' W,'Foreboo, all of Davlo County, four daugh ters Mrs. Flora Nail of Coolee- mec, Mrs. J. C. Nbwton, of South Carolina, Mrs. N, H, Collptto, of Cana, Mrs. C. S PoWoeae, of Cooleeihee, and 26 grqndchU<lf<)n. Ono brother, J. B. Sa^n, of.Cana, also survives, niid four sisters, Mlaa Rose Sain, of "Gullford coun ty, Mrs. Salllc' laiwia and Miss 'Kutc Snin, of South Gnroliiia, and Mrs. AnnlC'Grogory, of Furming- , ton, The funeral was conducted at Wesley Chapel, dt Pino, on /fuosdny nftornoon at 3 o'clock, v/ith Rev. H. C. Freeman, pttstor of the deceased, in charge. In terment was in the church ccmc- "•tcry, and the sons and aons-in- law were pallboarcra, na follows: 1j. p. Fcrcboo, J. G. Foreboo, W. F. Fcrcbcc and A. W. Ferecce, 11. A. Nail, C. S. DcWecse, N. *9H. Collettc and D. C. Newton. " Mra, Ferebce will be greatly mlaa- ,od In her family and community. Bio - Obituaries - 2/18/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 18,1937 MUS. HANNAH W. KETCHIK I DEAD ^ Mra. Hannnh Wilson Kctchlo, esteemed Dovle County womon and wlio of W. F, H, Ketchle, woJl-knqwn citizen .of the Ka-ppa community, passed away at her home at midiUKlit Saturday, after a Jong illness, aged 6G. She was the daughter of the lafe'George Tiiiimford Wilson and Martha Campbell Wilson, of Davic, and was a member of Society Bap tist Church. She is survived by lior husband, one son, Lee Kct- chie, of Iredell, three sisters, Mrs. J, M. Kickert, of High Point, Mrs. W. D. Ward, of Thoninsville, 'and Mrs. IS. D. Poole, oi Uavte, mid one brother, J. C. Wilson, of Davie. The funeral .was fion- ducted at Society Baptist Church, near the Iredell-Davie "line, on Monday mornbig at 11 o|clock, add interment was in the historic church graveyard. The pastor, KfeV. W. L. McSvvain, of Harmony, was in charge, assisted by Kcv. Olln G. Swicegood. Lutheran min ister, of 'Cleveland. The pall- biiurcrs were J. C. Wll^n, IS. C. iWilflon, .J. H, Henley j'oo"H. Kel ler, E. T. Kooiitz and Tom Koontz, Jr. The flowers wore carrmd by iMesdamos Mary Kuoniz, Maggie j Wilson, H. C. Jones, Bessie I)\vlg- gcns, Uebecca -Koontz, 1' rank Keller, Aubi-ey Smoot, Fred CnrU 'ner, Foster Thorn and Mrs. Emma Cartncr. Mrs. Ketchlc's doath will bo mourned by a wide circle of relatives and friends. Bio - Obituaries - 2/18/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 18,1937 Three Men Killed In Boiler Expjoaon Tuesday AMideiit Oixiijrs' ^ Near Advance Three mc«: were killed , and n • loiirth wria injured nbdufc 10 o'crlock Tuesdny tuo.rnlnjf when n atearn boiler on n trac^on enginb exploded at* the home' of J,. ppttsv A ahoi't diatnbce * out of Advance. ! "• 'The dead are Wiley Potts, 40; Isem Potts,'17, a nephew of the elder man; and Walter • Qlmin Jarvla;^ 24, ,all realdenta of , the ; noi{rhborho.od "whoro the accident occurred. 0. 'D. Zimtherninn' sus' tafned'mlnor fnjiiry.. riic men wbro all but blown to n bits in .the terrific explosion which, It ia bcliovcd, occurred when water' v.-'aa" pumped Into the bolldr after the 'Water-level had neen allowed to get too low. Several people were atanding about the traction englno when j tile laplohion occurred and It ia Iroflcardcd romarktible. that I others were not Burlcusty in jur:; n I ed • or .'kliltid by. the tremendous jbiost. • • ; . •'r,;;'.V I A large .crowd gathered; ahioUtV tho" wrecked muthlno' shortly ■'afi-vjtor the accident-and stated'that -tho, noise" iyas^hrard.. ..ipr-;.jhanyJ: • nViieii. ■' ' •' '''' ' • ' ' ? , I The boiler' had been- fiwd uf and bho crew waa preparing tc uci to the home of - Mr. Zimmer man to thresh Icapenoza. 'iHtort was no advance warning of tiu impending disaster, I Close Inspection showed thaithe firatjrent in .the walls-of the bjptler QocurreU near the .frontend. -Jihri'dehcc bf extensive cor rosion could be seen and it was obvious that this was the cause of the bVeak. Tho so-called steam chest,'on the top . of the bpileri held intact and remained fastened to the largest part of tho iwrecked shuil. . .. The force of the explosion was Almost incomprehensible. A large section of garden palings was picked up near the point of the blast and literally blown to splinters. Portions of the dead men'd hurled - to' great distances. Gearings off the engine proper-were hurled.about like leaves in tlve wind. .''The running gears of the tractor it self was stood on end by the crash, later falling across a small pickup truck which stood nearby, The walls of' the boilei', where no corrosion had occurredi were torn like thin pieces of 'impur, I' lucB .within the boiler were tangled like sewirig .threads, \y»n- dow pnncc o iloxcr. yhrcls i'ro'm.the Bcone'were ah'nttere'd. '-V • I A jinx, it 'seems*, has fdllowed . the community and ; several ^of'. the, persons conaocivl' with, "co'-• day's accident, . Twehtyf-olght years ago, Arch Potts,'"father of"j Wiley Potts, who was killed thismorning, and George Potts, Uts-j brother, were., blown . to pieces • in a similar boiler cxploaioii,'*".'Then, oh-July .3, 1935, the'tractor which 1 wont to pieces Tuesday, ran de'wn and killed John- Lindsay Ward, small son of IVIr, and Mrs. W. L, Ward, in tho sfcrtiG community, 'The freshing outfit belonged .(Contlhuod on, page 4) Bio - Obituaries - 2/18/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 18,1937 MORE ABOUT EXPLOSION (Continued from initfc 1) to Wiley Potta, one of the throe who were killed, nnd Arch Potts, Hon of the man of the same name killed 28 years ago. ! So far as is known there were only three surviving cJ'cwitncssca to the accident. Mr. Zimmei'mon nnd his son, William, \vent in to the field, which adjoins Shady j Grove School, to inquire about usq 'of the thresher. They had boon standing there for.about 16 min- 'tiles when the blast occurred. I They do not know why it happen- jed. The throe men were on the machine at the time and IsomjpoLta was presumably pumping ; water from a barrel into the I boiler's storage tank. Mr. Zim merman .'.thinks that possibly the young m^n was actually pumping 'water iiuo the boiler Itself, nnd that this caused the -blast. The c.Kplosion, iwhile terrific, did not make a great deal of noise. Mr. Zimmerman, found ot his home, by us, cannot Imagine how he .escaped* He was actually., standing between thresher hn^, the truck at the time. He thinks that possibly an ndvanclng blast, of steam preceded the wreckage which was blown up, and knock ed him to the ground. The stcan^ burned his ankles slightly and his, face was cut- by gravel. Largo" chunks of metal and sheets of iron . were hurled over his head hnto the field bcvond. His son, William, was hot scratched. He was standing n-' buut ten feet away, nnd survived u barrage of missiles. ' Both the Zimmcrmnns say the ; blast, which terrific, did not rnfike o loud report. 'This is -borne "out by S. "D. Cornatcor, who was passing along the highway about 80 .yards awny and saw the ox- ^|iio.sion. • The Zimmcrmans and Cornat-- zer took up the broken body of Isom Potts nnd carried It toTnc hospital. ! "It was terrible, terrible, ter rible," said Mr. Zimmerman, n.s he passed hi.s hand confusedly .jver his .fffcc. ' 'T don't know how It happened. 1 just felt the hot steam around my feet and 1 was knocked off my balance." ' Mrs. Zimmermnn was badly shaken. When her husband came in, it was just like seeing him come from the grave, for child ren from the school nearby hod run down and told her the Ihrusli- cr hud exploded and killed two people. She knew her husbdnd I and son were ui the field, and • thought they were both dead. Bio - Obituaries - 2/18/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 24,1937 Wiley Jones Potts, Isom Franklin Potts, Walter Glenn Jarvis Horrible Tragedy At Advance. Three men were killed and a fourth was injured about lo o'clock last Tuesday morning when a steam boiler on a traction engine e:c|ilod- ed at the home of £ j. Potts, near Advance. The dead are Wilev Potts. 40; Isem Potis. 17. a nephew of the elder man; and Walter Glenn Jar vis, 24, all residents of the ns2gl> borhood where the accident occur red O D Zimmerman sustained minor Injury. > The men were all but blown to bits in the terrific explosion which, it is believed, occnred when the water was pumped ip the boiler after the water lavel bad been al lowed to gel too low. Several people were standing a* bout the traction engine when the explosion occnred and it is regaid- ed as remarkable that others were not serionsly injured or killed by the tremendous blast. A large crowd gathered about the wrecked machine shortly after the accident and staled that the noise was heard for many miles. The boiler had tjcen fired up and the crew was preparing to go to the home of Mr. Zimmerman to thresh lespedeza There was no advance warning of the impending disaster. The force of the explosion was almost iocomprebeosible. A large section of garden palings was pick' ed up near the point of the ' blast and literally blown to splinters. The running gears of the tractor it selc was .stood on end by the crash, later falUng across a small pick-up truck which stood nearby. A ilox, it seems, has followed the community and severel of the persons connected with today's ac cident n Twenty eight years ago. Arch Potts, father of Wiley Pctts, who was killed this morning, and George Potts, his brother, were blown to pieces in a similar boiler explosion. Then, on July 3. 1935, the trac tor which went to piecca today, ran down and killed John Lindsay Ward, in the same community. The threshing outfit belonged to Wiley Potts, one of the three who were kilted, and Arch Potts, son of the man of the same name killed 28 years ago. Both the Zimmermans say the blast, which terrific, did not made a loud report. The Zimmermans and Cornatzer took np the broken body of Isom Potts and carried it to the hospital. Wiley Jones Potts was 42 years old. He was bom in Advance, and resided there all bis life. He was the son of A. A. sod Jane Hihoa Potts. For the past 10 years he has been in the sawmill busine*^. Survivors ioclnde bis wite; tbree sons, Wiley Sanford. Worth and Avalon Potts; one daughter, Helen Potts; five brothers. A E.. L. L, 8. F , L R., and Eugene Potts, all of Advance; two sisters, Mrs Hart* I nessSpty and Mrs. Rosa Spray,! also of Advance. Walter Gleen Jarvis was 26 years old and was Ixnti in the Advance cOmmnnity September 23, 1910, tbe son of Elser Rosa Fry Jarvis. He, had resided in Advance all his life, with the exception of two years.; which heopent in a CCC camp at j Marlon. He had been employed; by Mr. Potts tor some time. | SnrvivoTS include the parents and; one brother. John Frank Jarvis, of j Advance. ' > Isom Potts was 16 years old. He is also a native of Advance, and aod had resided there all his life He is survived by bis parents and j several brothers and sisters I Services were.held Wednesday 1 afternoon for Walter Glenn Jarvis. 26. from.fais home in Advance at 2 jo'(dock and from the Advance M. 'e. Church at 2:20 o'clock. Rev. A. A Lyerly conducted the ser mces and interment was in the chnrcfa graveyard. Thursday afternoon service-s for Wiley Jones Potts, 42 was held at 12 o'clock from the honie iu Ad vance, and at 2:45 o'clock from the jAscensioo Chapel. Rev C E B i'Robinson and Rev.' A A. Lyeily fhad charge of the ^|ervices and. in • terraent was in the' chnrch grave- • vard. Services forlceam Franklin Potts 16, the third.victim of the tragedy, were conducted Thursday morn ing at 10:30 a'clock from the Ad vance M. E. Church, with Rey. A. A. LverW officiating. Interment was in the cbnrcU graveyard Bio - Obituaries - 2/24/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 24,1937 Mrs. James Godbey. Mrs. Jsmes M. Godbey, 76. at bet home ttear County Line Thursday, death rssultiof; from heart trouble. Funeral servtt^ were held at Clerksbury Methodist church Sunday afternoon at 3 o' clock, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. Mrs. Godby is survived by two sons. Earle God* bey, editor oF the Greeosboro News aud Maurice Godbey, of Wiuston- Salem. One brother, John Weaver, of Ollti, survives. A good -woman has ^en call^ to her reward. Bio - Obituaries - 2/24/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 25,1937 Leoi& Cash, Leader, Passes A^ay^ [• 'Ijeoh n Caah,' the" "ffrantf. pld'.. »mnTi" of Masonry", • passed n\vny ill , Wiriston.;;Snlem . oii f Pcib. 22^ • aare(l.'70.' Ho"..wnt«.;.the;.' "Bon ;bf iVr. L." -ir, GiiHh ■^hd." \ SiM'hh . Ilolmnn Caflh, of Smith •Grpve,- 'Dnvio County. For many years. ho was, a teacher, Jatcr .bntor-, in/; thc'biiildlni' and loan -busl- ncas. Mr.'Cash was one of .North . Carolina's most'prpminont Masons, nnd. was hijrhly ostccmcdnil over the 'State. His wife, who, was Mies Frcnces Hartsell, diedn>1|}out '8'I years ago. Three sons niid two daughters,' and- severalbrothers ond sistcra survive. The.' lust rites were held mt Xonteh- aiv- Methodist Church, of-which he was a member, on Tuesday afternoon at 3:30, and Interment was in Salom Cemetery. Mr. Cash often .visited in - Dnvie ' where he had'scores of relatives and friends. Funeral Of Iceans F. Potis The funeml of Icenm Franklin Potts,. 10, one of tlio three victims of the boiler explosionat. Advance on Fob. • 10, . whs held at Advance MethodistCiiurcli on' last Thursdojr morn ing at 10:30, with the pnatui*, Key. A. A. Lycvly, in charge. The doc.onBod.'paasod- Uway* about flii'i'ty 'minuTes after "the * "c:: ' pio.Hlon, ■ while on route to n VVinstoji-Salero hospital, in. tinumbiulancc. Ho was the son of loio L> Potts ■ and Saliio OUnePotts, of tlko Advanc'o com* munity, and was n' ncphow of Wiley Potts, who was i'natantiy kiilod in the sumo, tragic acci dent. Surviving are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee L. Potts, and' the following brothers and .sisters: Luther, Wosloy and Julius Potts, Mrs. Elmer Smith, Misses Kathlion and Mildred Potts, all of the same vicinity. Interment, was in the church cemetery, and those acting as puiibcarers- were Tom .Talbort, Joe Talbert, Hubert Davis. Joe Glenn Carter, Hubert Bulloy, Haydon Bailey, Uscuv Polndextor, Jr., and L. "O. Maii'kland. Bio - Obituaries - 2/25/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 25,1937 4 Mrs* Clarence T. f Rogers Dead I Mrs. Mabel Snydcr Rogers, 301, \|ife of Clarence T. Rogers, of Wilmington, passed away atj|tnies Walker Memorial hospital, j i|^ that city, on Saturday morn- ipg, Pcb. (20, as 'tihe iresiilt of • iujurios) sustained In an aiilo- <5olIi^don three weeks ftgo. Mrs. .Rogers' 'back was broken in several places, and Bljo received other injuries in the accident. Her sad death has bi;ought sorrow to a large circle of^ relatives and friends. She I was the daughter of Mr. and MI'S. Henry B. Snydor, of Mocks- vllle, «nd w.ns born' on March 10 .h, 1902. She spent her early lifs in Mocksville and attended ih^ Mocksville Graded ' School. She was married on. August 12th, 1919 to Clarence T. Rogers, and they; m<i(l(0 the|r. home in" Wil mington since then, Mrs, Rogers waS" a member of St. James Me thodist Episcopal church, of Wilmington, and was much be- Idve'd, She is sui'vlvcd by her husband, 1 daughter, Jack Rogers her parents, Miv hud Mrs, Henry B. Snydor, and Iwo 'sistcra, Mrs. M. H. Wilcox. of Charlotte, and Mrsi Lcary Crnypn, of*. 'JVIocks- villtf. Mrs. Craven was called to her kistcr's bedside three weeks ago,|an(l. was" there] until, the oiu^ jJ^^r, 'and; :bli;if;..j^n>:dpr- '.ylslt-. cd their daughter during" her Hlncss, but Mr. Snyder-was un able to nttoiul the, funeral, due to an Btthck of' influenza. The funeral;was held at St. James Church on Sunday afternoon, I''ob. 21, at 3:30, - with 'Rev. Loon Malone and Rcv. W. R. Noqc offlcinlli^g. Interment was in the church -cemotcry,' and the grave -was . covered with many beautiful floral designs. Mrs. H. Snyder, Lcary Craven, and Mrs. W. II. Wilcox attended the funeral, and wore accompanied home by Mrs. Lcary Crnvon. AVo extend oiir deep sympathy ] lo" the bci'eaved family. CHARLIE M. MILLER DEAD Charlie Monrne Miller,^ well known farniei' of the I'lirming- lon community, died at his home Tuesday morning, aged 70. lie WJUH thu son of John MilJor < tind iMurgfti'd Allen Miller, of Davie County. He ia'survived by his widow, who was former ly Miss Lula Miller, one bro ther, F. T. Miller, of Farming- ton. four sons, Matthew Miller, of Dorsey, Iowa, Robert Miller, of Jessup, Md., Guy Miller, at homo, John Miller, of Baltimore, Md., three daughters, Mrs. E. C. Butnor, Mrs. M. F. James and Mrs. H. A. Lnshmit, all of Fnrmlngton, and several grand children. The funeral will be conducted at Bethlehem Metho dist Church on Thursday after noon, .It 2 o'clock, with the pastor, Rev. H. 'C. Freeman, In charge. Burial will bo in the cnurch cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 2/25/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 3,1937 I Ciiarlie M. MOla'. Mrs. Mabe) Rogers. Mrs. Mabd .Snyder Rogers^ daughter of Mr. attd Mrs. Henry B. 5iiider» of this city, .died in a Witmlngtdn hospital. Feb. aotfa, death resulting from injuries re* oeived id an automobile wrede some time ago. Mrsi Rogers was 35 years old. aud lived in Modcsvitte untit^ber marriage about *i8 yearn lssl^,^Ved'hy ber h^ band abd one dangliter. Miss Ma bel Rb^rs. ofiV-Wilmitigton; ber parentsj Mf* and Mrs. H- B. Solder of Mbcksviile; two slaters. His. M. i H. Wflcos. of Cbarlbtte, and Mrs. Leary Craven, also of Mochsvrlle* The Record extends symnatby to the bereaved, fsmily in the death of tbis'ioved one; Cfaajlte Monroe Miller. 70, well- known-kttbwu fanner of the Farm ington comjattnity. died at his home Tuesday momiug. He was the sou of John Miller and Margaret Allen Miller, of Davie county. ' He ts survived by his widow, who was formerly Miss Lula Miner, one brother. E T. Miller, of Fanuiag* ton; four sons, Matthew Miller, of Dorsev. Iowa; Robert Miller, of Jessup. Md ; Gny Miller, at borne; John MUler. of Baltimore. Md , 'throedaughters. Mrs E C. Butner, I Mrs. M. P. James and Mrs. H. A. Lashmit, all of Farmicgton. and several grandcbildren. ' The funeral was condneted at Bethlehem Methodist Church Thursday aftemooo, at 3 o'clock, with the {»8tor. Rev. H. 0. Free man, in charge. Borial followed in the cbmrcb cemetery. Mrs. Geo. L Woodward. Mrs. Geo. E. Woodward, 75. died at her home in Statesville la^ Tnes day night, death result log from a stroke of paralysis which she siif- fered several years ago. Her hns band, Geo. B. Woodward, died and' denly about tbrte weeks ago while attending services at the Western Avenne Ba^ist Church in States* ville. Mrs. -Wflt^^rd;, lived in Davie cotinty for several years, in the Caaa commotiliy. Funeral ^rvlcea were-held Wedne»3ay and the body 1^ to re^ in Oakwood Cemetery, Stateircille.' Leon Cash ProimiieBt MastHi Dead Letm Cash, 70. prominent Ma* son edocator of Winston Sa;em, passed away in that city on. Feb. 32Dd, follo^ng an extended illness Funeral and burial services took place on the 33rd. Mr. Cash was a native of Smith Grove, this conn ty, hat moved to Winston Salem some forty years ago. He was a school teacher for many years A number of children,- and several brothers survive- - Bio - Obituaries - 3/3/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 10,1937 A. J. Burrus Minuter IKm Mtdcenr, Miieb J.. BBmu, 78, npenonostad Hetkoditt itttefMer of Rotberfod .CoCndo, ^ Acd it.« bo^t^ heio SstBdnri.' • tocbMle bl^wldiow, tbefonoet■Moitlm Jano Mndnr. of Sony cdnaty, Ofwliidi;liawaiOBatlv8.niid-iM fiaQatriofichlldraffi ,'CbaflM A-.Bitimt, :er Sbdtv.JnmeoB ofRnthMfoOd Coll^f;'John-W.WasWoitoo. Btnnw «f GRemtxn*',Haoda'^fll Triy nod Rsib of Cooiiellr snvtoM woo at the ButbofoidCailp^ GfaiiieliatSpl m.' Sttndar.wl*h tmU-t rtOaknroM Oeoeta/ twre.R«tf. Mi^BaiiaBwaa ar.itdeat of tbindty.fot fwo yeaB^'abd'bra hnandio wao initdttiadby tbo oewi ofhiadea'tb. A good Cbiiitiaii boa beeoealM to Ido Eflwaid. i - CalTin Si^iinan. CfUvb M. Spillinan. 40, cittxen ofCpdleeinee. died Mday at noon at noon at Lowery*® Hoapital, '®li£"bory. Death came as a lesnlt ofpDeQinoiiia. Pooeral slices w®*® held Sunday. ;8 o'docb, at DojpCreek Baptist Cinrch"and borial tohiowd) in the' cbdrch eemete^l' 'He fa Horoived by hla mother; wife. Ure. L'zaSpiliman: two dangb't6r8.ilildred and Ethel Marie Sinll' ttan; three sons^ C. M. Spillman^ Jr» J A. Soillman; and L. F. Spillmana'l.of Cooleefnae;" fi ve br«.thers and tireesiatirA Rbti Jones. Mrs! Lanrapi»J;OTes,affe80. died at ber bbro FMday. Fdneral aeryiees iwere csuidgeted Satortfay. 8 o'olo^ at die Fork Bap- tiot Chnreb'/by-'ftev. J. L, Kirk.Barial foUowj^-ln the cbtmh ceme- •tery. i--.-. •Mrs. Joneaniatfaej^dqw of the latePhillip Jone^oCOayle county anddaoRhter of^^^^ud' and ^nah Smith Ellis, dsorof Davie county. Sarvivhurare five sons; Jake Jones of Hontaville GharHe, Willie. Spen* esr and Jack Jones, all of Davie county. Bio - Obituaries - 3/10/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Calvin M. Spilltnan Dead Cftlvin McKinlcy Spillmnn," 40, of. Coolecmee, died of pneumonia at Lowery Hospital, Salisbury, on March 5. Ho was n native of Yadkin County, and wnB .the son of R. O'. Splllmnn and Lucy Goii^h Spinmnn. lie ia survived by hiM wife, Mra. Lizzie Tut-1 tevow Spillman, five children, Mildred, Kthel Mnrie, C. M. Jr., 1 J. A, and L. F. Splllmnn, all at home, five brothera, T. L., W. H.,' Alphonso, Alien and Lloyd Spill- man, o'f CooJcemee, three sisters, Mra. Sallie Shermer, of •Winston-. Salcm, Misses Ida and Rnchcll Spilhnan, and the mother, 'Mrs. Lucy G. Spillman. The funeral was held at Deep Greek Baptist Church, in YndUln County on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, wltjj Rev. A. T. Stoudenmirc, of Cooloemce; and Rev. Glenn All- good, pastor at Dbcp Creek, of- ificintlnff. Burial %wi8 in the church graveyard and pallbcnr- crs \vc3-o L. D. Driver, John. ,Hancock, R. V. Alexander, G. M. Spry, Doll Nichols nnti Torn Cope. The flocwcra were carried by Misses Almedn Spry, Kntlior] ino Jnrvis, Helen Hbwoll, Ruby Spry, Helen I-Iuiisc, Margucritd Jordan, Ruby Smith, Hazel Mcs-' sick .and Kdim IlroaQ^:"!". Thursday, March 11,1937 Rev, A. J. iSuririBS Passes Away Rev. Andrew Jackaon Biirru.s, 6f Rutlierford College, highly eateemer.i retired Methodist mini.iter, died at a Hickory hospi tal on March 6, aged 7C. He hud been a patient there since September, when ho fell and broke Ids hip. He was born In .Siirry County on June 25th, 1860, and was the son of Lee Hammond 'Burrua and Rachel jWhitttkcr Burrua. Uc attended I public afid private schools, and taught school in Surry and Yftdkin counties. Ho was married to Miss Martha Jane Moaeloy, of Surry, on Dec. 28th, 1890. Rev. Mr. Burrua joined the Western North Carolina Confer ence, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, when in session in A.shcvlllo in 1891. He ^yas widely known and beloved in his pn.storales uiid served 18 cir cuits as follows: Forsyth, Wa- tuiigu, Jcffuraon, Yndldnville, Truutmau, Unionvlllc, Davic, WfTiUyorth Shelby; IMorgluitoh, dliffaitlc and Avondalo. Weaver-1 vilic and Saii^dy Mush. ACtor a long and faithful ininlatry ho was supurnnnuntcd in 1926, and retired to his home at Ruthcr- fnrcl Cullegc. The surviving "family conaiatc ot hla ■wlf'C, six <'hlJ(lrcn, Charles A. Burrus, of Shelby, James H. Burrua, ofr?iif>,ni.Pni-n rating,.; 'John W.. iBurriis, of W-nshington, D. ,C., 'Miss Rlnncho Burrua, of Greens boro College faculty, Miss Maud Burrus, of Troy, Mi.se Ruth Burrus, jof Conhelly Springs, in brother, II. C. Burrua of Moorea- ville. i. Laura Jones Dead Uncle Tom Neely Dead "Uncle" Tom Neoly, aged and) highly respected colored man of .Davie County, died on March 8, [after on illness of some mortha,[aged 84- iHo was buried on Wed- inceday near Liberty. Ha was, lone of the oldest colored men injthiQ section. Bio - Obituaries - 3/11/1937 Lniir.i Ellis Jones, high-fs^^ecled iDnvio County wo-ani'i^ul widow of. Plillip Jones, March C, at noon at hor daughter of Samuel El- Hannah Smith Ellis, ofI County. Surviving arc nu, Jnko Jones, of Hunt- I, Charlie, Willie Spencer ck Jones of Davie and daughters, Mrs. Emma Misses Charity and Rose of Davie, 23" grandchil- ad nine grentgrnndchll- Phe funeral was held at: Inptist .Church on Satur-' lurnon at 8 o'clock, with L. Kirk in chaise. Burial ithe church graveyard.! |llowing grandsons acted. 9bearers: W. R. FopllnJ EJones, Dewcy Jones, I flI .iujmu, Rulph Junes utid I |Poplin, The flowers were] fi DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA by Misses Eva McCul- fattie Heater, Helen Whit-uth Heliard, Annie Mc-j Mamie McCulloch- and . C. Logic. DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 17,1937 R. L. Shoaf . ' R- L. Shoafi'aKed abo;it 6Q.'dfed' at itbc countV b6ttie Thdnidai^, fal .'IpwIiiK a tone {linens, Puueral and •^rial.aervfcea took;Plaqe. Satprday ^afteraoon at 4 at -Shady :Gjwi» MtfihodNi chn^^ Ht* ia nnrhis-wife anti-^w^al.^iW J ^^.Wbb iiyo in. Modjcsiiile. ' I Rct. H. T. Peory. Fanera! .Berv(&:8 for Rev* 0* T. F«n^, 63, Baptist mimster, .who died atbfa home at Soathmoiit^ttnk day after 10 days' itloeas of poeo* OMDia, betd.at Sfonar Otovo Baptist cboireb of whieh'be bad bera pastor for more than 13 years, at Z o'clock Friday.- ¨ - FOneral serrleea were conducted by Rev. W. L. Wafford, pastor of Sbeeta Memorial Baptist cbnrcb, Leiiogton, assisted by Rev. Lewie B, 60nes, pastor of the First Baptist church Lezinflrton; E, D. Covlngcon, Moderator of Liberty Baptist A8> aoeiatlon and Trrasurer of Mills Bap* tist. Orphanage, iTboaiasvUle, and Rev B. P. Hnfi^euU, pastor of doeedonla Methodist dburd), near douthmont. More ihtto 600 relatlvee and friends wnre present to pay. tribotc to this faitbfal Christian worker, Tbemany beaatiful floral tributes attested Ibe high esteem in which this minister was bold. Many friends from Mocks* ville and Davie county were present for the funeral and burial eervlees. Rev. Mr. Pcnry was pastor of Stboer Grove and Hoilomysefaureh- es in Davidson enUA^ and Farmins- bm and Batons Raptist' churebea in Davie ebunty Surviving are his fadier. James B. Penry of FarminKton. his widow and four dtildren. John, Cnariie, H. T. Jr., and Virginia, and an ad.opted aon» Robert Penry, all of &titb* mont; a brother, A. C Penryof Br* win Tenn.. and three alst^' Mrs. Besris Craven of MocksvUteb Mrs. CM Sain of Lajunta. Colorado., and blra. Vietciry Roward of Booth jPaaa* dona, CaliL > "Jacob Sheets faeob Sheets, 65^ of Advauee, R i, died ^turday night at the, home ot hto daughter. Mrs G. A. Satterbeld, a t Winston Satem, where he was vidting when atrick- en. Poneral services were conducted by Rev. J. P. Church iTnesday afternoon at 2 o'dock at Fnhon Methodist church, and the body laid to rest ih the cbnrcb cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 3/17/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 18,1937 Jacoli Sheets, WedMatrch lai •. Jacob Shej^ta, well-kdtara,, fanner of the ^Advance-ebnm?||p^. ty» paaaed av/ay on n Satur^j^ night, March 13, at the home' of his daughter, Mrs. C. A.-Satter- field, of Winaton*Sutom, > aged 66. He had been in falling health for five years, but hla death fol lowed an illneaa of throe days. •He was horn in Davie County and was the son of the latd Mr. n hnd Mrs. Wesley Sheets. He I spent moat of his life in the Ad vance community, and was a I member of • Fulton Methodist I Church. His wife, who was Miss Tabltha James before marriage,■died li) years ago. He Is sur vived by four sons: :W. " W. Sheets, of Davie, J. H. and G. S. Sheets, of Hanes, C. R. Sheets, of WajTiesbcro, Va., three dau ghters, Mrs. C. A. Satterfield, ofWinston-Salem, Mrs. H. ,0. Phil lips and Miss Sallic Sheets, of Hanes, 22 grandchildren, and three sioters, Mi's. Luu Savney, Mrs, Minnie Jarvia, of ' Davie, and Mrs. Bank Ward, of Rowan. The funeral was held Tuesday iaftemon at 2 o'clock'at Fulton, with Rev. A. A. Lyorly and Rev. ■J, P. Crouch, officlfttlhg, and interment was in the , church graveyard. Pnllbnarcrs were Willie Bar ney, Wiley Bainey, John Sheets, Swan Sheets, Roy Jarvis , andj^rthur Jarvis. Tho flowers wore parried by . Mcsdnmoa- Lester^mcr, Elisa lIondri.v, Molly^11.- Bowles, iioAynril,^ *Wlltsohr*MT9sc.s 'Ma*rjr*^af vil; O'NaII Jnrvis, Bcttio Cornatzer,.Cnllid'. Mario. Jarvis, Ruby Sheets and Mnrgnrct Mnrklnnd. OiacUe WMd PaMet A'way ' Charlio Wood, 18, passed away at the' Davie County T. S. Cottage on March 11. He had been a patient at the cottage for abuuC a month.- - The deceased was tho son of -Mrs. Addle Jar- vis Wood and the late Neal Wood, of the Pork community.Surviving nvo the mother and one. sister. Miss Laurie Wood. Tho funeral was held at FTork .Baptist Church on Friday after noon at 3 o'clock, and burial was In the church gravojrard. Bio — Obituaries - 3/18/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 18,1937 Robert L. Lyon iilavi^ IHim lini Califoriiia Robert L. Lyon, •68, native of Advance, died nt hia homo Long Poach, Loa-y^atgeloa', 1 Cali- fornia, on -March 8,. from ' in- junea received ffom'-a fall from scaffoldinff. He bad been a car> pcnter and a building contract or. for nearly 40 yeara. He for merly lived in Drj'son City, N. C., but had been in Long Beach since 1080. He wad a member of Oconee Lodge, Ho. 427,. A. F. & A. M., of Bryson City. The deceased was the son of the late James Lyon and Ehnma Ellla. Lyon, of Davle County. He is aui*vlvcd by hia widow, Mi»,.. Elizo Carr Lyon,-and three sia- ters, Mrs.-M. A. Robertaoni Mra^ L. 0. Mavkland and iMiss*. . Pat n Lyon, all oif Advance.' The body arrived in.Duvie on Maruh 16, and was carried to the home of reiativea. The funeral was hel^ at Blbayille >M. E. Church on Wedneaday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with Ilev. A. A. lyerly in charge, and interment Was In. the church graveyard. .... .j Kev. Herbert T." Pcnry, 54, I'clUkiiown Baptist minister, ):iafl(>(i away at hia home at ioulhmont on March .11, after in iilnpsfl nf pnMiiwft'iii.i ftmf evviI,j;,;Peiirjr Dead iiatcd tun days. The funeral was leld ill Stoner -Grove Baptist ihtirch, of which he had -been >a.slor for over 12 years, on 'Vidny afternoon at 3 o'clock, ^nd interment was in the ccme- ery at Southmont. ^ Mr. ' Penry nis a native, of Davle County, jtd was the son of Jamea B. 'cnry and the late Mrs. Penry. ic was pastor of four churcheo |t the time of his death, Stoner Irovc and -Holloways* Ghurchea n Davidson Countyj and Paxro- ngton and Eaton's. . Baptist 'hutches in Dnvie. ' ilia first hargc was at Jersey in 1919, nd he moved from Farmington' e Suuthmont in 1923. He is laid to have been the senior )aBtor in continuous -service in jhe Liberty Baptist Association, le is survived by his father, 'ames B. Penry, of Farmington, da widow, who was formerly i"88 15dna "IVest, four children, Kn, Charles, K. T., Jr.i ' and yii'sinia. Penry and an adopted hn, Robert Pehry, all.of South- poat; a hrnther, -A. C. Penry, K Brwin, Tonn., and three ais- jers, Mrs, Beadid Craven, * of (lockflville; Mrs. -W. iCX Sain,- of l-nJuntai CoL* and Mrp. Howafd f ickery, 6f' "Papadena, lira, Craven acbnipanled'Ur.- and A, G. Penry. of 'Slrwin, to [he funeral -on.. Friday after- loon. Bio — Obituaries - 3/18/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 24,1937 911% Bettie Hodgson. Mrs.-6et^ Hodgson. 84. died at ^ home near.CpaoiT Line. Tbars lay mortimg, following an Illness of wo months. Funeral services were held at Clarksbnry Methodist chnrcta Friday morning at 11 o'clock condocted by Rev J G. Wiokler. and the body laid to rest in the cbnrch cemete^. ^ Mrs., Hodgson is survived by three sons, l,oiiico and Humphrey Hodg son. of Davie a>iioty. and Pearl Hodgson, of Icedetl conuty; two laughters. MisislMary Hodgson and Mrs. J. M. Strood, of Calabaln ownsbip Two sisters, Mrs. Delia Woodward, .-.of. Texas, and Mrs. Sattie Owihgs, of High Point; two brothers, A. R. Tomlinson, of MdcksviUe and Leonard Tomlinson of California, also survive. ; Rolwrl'L The f utieral of the late Robert L. Ljroo.-^former Davie man. who died at Long-Beach. Calif , on March 8. was held at Blbaville M. P. Chnrcta, Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, by Rev. A. A Lyertv, and bnrial was there: • The deceased was the SCO ot .the late: -J^es Lyon and Emma Ellis Lypn. of the Advance community" He bad been a <^r» penter;.aiDd contractor for 40 years His ddath ^esnlt^ from a fall from scaffolding^ .-He had lived in Call forpia since 1950 Bis widow, Mrs. Eliza CarrjUyon, and^ three sistem survive, v. Bio - Obituaries - 3/24/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MGCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, Thursday, March 25,1937 Bettie Hodgson Aged Woman V - V v.. ->• of County Line Dies Thursday Bettie Hodgson, 84, died at her home near County Line, Thursday morning, following an illness of two months. Funeral j services were held at Clarksbury: Jfethodist church Friday mom-| ihg.at 11 o'clock conducted by. I Rev. J. G. Winkler, and the body '.laid to rest in the church cieme-' jtery- . ! j Mrs. Hodgson is survived by I three sons, Louico and Humph-, irey Hodgson, of Da vie county, and Pearl Hodgson, of Iredell county: two ' daughters, Miss Mary Hodgson and Mrs, J. M. Strdud, of Calahaln township, two sisters, Mrs. Delia Wood- ,ward, of Texas, and Mrs. Sallie Owings of High Point: two brothers, A, R. Tomlinson, of Mocksville and Leonard T^nlin-1 son ,of California,. also survive. Robert L. Lyon Taken By Death The funeral of the late Robert L. Lyon, former Davie man, who died at Long Beach, Calif., on March 8, was held at Elba- ville M. P. Church, Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, by Rev. A. A. Lyerly, and burial was there. The deceased was the son of the late James Lyon and Emma Ellis Lyon, of the Ad- jvance community. He had been a carpenter and contractor for .40 years. His death resulted from a fall from scaffolding. He ;had lived in Cajlfomia ^ncej; 1930. His widow, Mrs. Eliza'; Can* Lyon, and three sisters j. survive. Infant Child Beck The. infant child of Mr. and Mrs." John Nelson Beck, of County Line, was buried at Hickory Grove Methodist Chxirch Sunday after noon at 3 o'clock with. Rev. A. C, Chaffm. in charge. The berwved family has our sympathy. Bio - Obituaries -3/25/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 31,1937 Mrs. Booe. Mrs M. L Booe, 66/wife .of. G. P. Booe, died at iier borne near Foote^dne Wednesday aftmoon, following an illness of more than two y^iSt Fnneral sereioes were.beM' at' Sandy .Springs Baptist chtircta' Fri day morning at to o'dock, conduct- ed by Revs. Dallas Renegar and James Grace;' and th<* body laid to rest in the cbnrch cemetery. ; Mis: Booe' is ^rvived by - ber bnsband and three idiildren.. two sons. C. H. Booe, of Yadkin; F. L. Booe, fiagerstown,' Ii|d , and one daugbter,.Mis G F; Winecoff; of Mdcksvill^ Mrs. Booe united with Forbnsb Baptist cbnrcba when a girl., and had lived a con^ant Gbrislira life tor fifty years. She was Miss Mot lie Speer, before marriage to Mr. Bode 48 yean ago To the bereaved family' The • R^rd extends aym* pathv In.tbis bonr of sadness Mri. V. M. Swaiin. Many Davieeotintypeonle will be saddened by tmws of the death of Mrs. .Carrie Sparks Swaim, wife of Rev. V. 'M. S^im, which occurred at a Winston Salem hospital Friday moinliig. Mrs. Swaltn was ^ years old, and been in declining health for many yeata . Funeral services were etmduet^ from SoutbSlde Bap tist dmrcb, WiustoB Salem, Sunday afternopp, at 3 o*dock and the body laid to rest at Salem cemetery. .Mr9.Swa!mis soryived by her husband, three sons, one datighter, one sister and three brothers. Tim editor of The Record eztiends to' this hdoved minister and family bi^deep^ sympathy in this hour of sa&usa. A go^ woman has. been call^ to that home where there is neither flliiess, sorrow nor suffering. Bio - Obituaries - 3/31/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 1,1937 J. E. Shaw, Of Macon, Dead Rev. aad Mrs. E. J.'Ilarblsoi .were cftllcd to Macon, N. C. Wgdnoftdny by the ilenth of Mrs. Harbison's oldest brother,' Jose ph Edward Shaw, 60, who passed away Tnoaiiny nmht with pnou- monin. He was n prominent elti- sen of Warren County, and ia survived by his .wife .and .flye suns, his ihothdr,' throe ' sisters and one brother. 'The many friends of Mrs. Harbison will sympathize with her in this sor row. Mr. and Mrs. -Harhison will return homo in a few days, and rlurini; .their absence Kalhor- inc Harbison will bo the suost of Snrah Foster. Mrs. Mary S. Booe Easses Mrs. Mary Speer nooo, ' 66, well-known Yadkiii County wo man and wife of George F. Booe, died at hnr home in.T)eftp Crftok| township on March 24, after a lontr illness; She Is survived by her husband, two sons, G. U. Bono, of YadWnville, and F. L. Booe, of Hagerstown, Ind., 'one daughter, Mrs. G. P. Wlnecoff, of Mocksviile, and nine grand children. The funeral was hold on Friday morning at 10 o'clock at Sandy Springs Baptist Church, in north Iredcli. with the pastor, Bcv. Dallas Renegaf, and Rev. James Greco, offlciat ing. Interment was in the church cemetery; the pallbearers tyere Wilson Stcelman, Daniel Steel- man, Howard Huichens, Law rence Reavls. Allen Reavls and Nelson Reavls, and the flowers were carried hy Frances and Au drey Booe. Mrs. Wieeee McGlans." rock Passes Mra. Margaret Bowles McOJamrock, widely known wo man and widow of. the late Recce -McClamrock, passed away at the home of ber daughter, Mrs. J. H. Angell, near Oak Grove, on Sunday evening at 6 o'clock, aged 83. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benja min Bowles, of Davle. The sur viving family consists of one sister, Mrs. Lelia Keller, of Davlo County, one brother, Leo nard Bowles, of Spencer, one daughter, Mra. J. H, Angell, 'and six grandchildren. The deceased bad linen a member at Eaton's Baptist Church for a number of yoors, and the funeral was held there on Tuesday morning at 11, wilii Rev^ James Groce in charge. Burial was in the ccroe-' tory of the church. The pallbear ers were W. F. Keller, Calvin' Suiifurd Kellev, T. 0. KuUer, Buck Keller, Charlie Angell and Tiidon Angell and the flowers were in charge of Mrs. J. L. Bailey, Mrs. W. P. Keller, Mra. Oscar'Keller,.Mrs. Marvin Kell er, Misses Rosa Keller, Hazel MoClamrdck .and Margaret Potts. Rov. R. G. McGlamrock' assisted in tho funeral service. Bio - Obituaries - 4/1/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 7,1937 Foster Livengood I Killed In Aato Wmk. I Foster Ltvengood. 19* was kill- ' cd almost instantly when a car he was driving left t^ road about one I mile south of Fork Sunday after' [ noon, about 4 o'clock. A young j man* who was in the car, revived slight injnries I Funeral services were held at .Fnlton Methodist chorch Monday, . afternoon at a o'clock, conducted oy Rev A. A. Lyertv, and the , body laid to rest in the chnrcb j cemetery 'i Mr. Livengood is snrvlved bv his •, father, George Livengood. and six ! brothers. Clorence. of High Point. G. W., Charles. John, Oilell and Jnnie. all of Davie county The bereaved family have thesvmpathy ot a host of friends in the death of this yonng man. Jacob S. Shntt Jacob Samuel Shntt. 67, died at his home in Advance, 'Tbunidny morning at to:3o o'clock. He had been in declining healtli for two vents and his condition had been serious for seven weeks He wag torn in Davie -crunty and spent entire life there ?Ie was a well known caruenier. He was married to Mto Mamie Harwood. who died in 1933 He was the son of John Wesley and Mahaley Tone Sidden Shntt. SniVivors include five daughters. Mii>8es Alma, Eva and Mamie Lee Shutt, all of Winsioo.SaIem. Mhs Zel'a Shntt, of Advance, and Mrs S. EL Snider, ot Denton; three sons. L. W. Shntt of Salisbnry. T. S. Shutt of Bahama, and B G. fihutt of Richmond, Va. • Poneral services were held at Ad vanoe Methodist chnrdi Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, with Revs. A. A. Lyttrly and W. M. Ratfabum officiating. The body was laid to rest in the church cemetery. Mrs Margaret McCIam- roch. Mrs. Margaret McClamroch. 84. died at the home of her danghter, Mr.s Henry Angell, Snndnv aftei noon. March 28, following a tenj days illness of flu. Funeral services were held at Eaton's Baptist church last Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock with Rev. Ralob Mt^lamrocb. of Winston Salem In charge assisted bv Revs James Groce and J. L. Kirk Mrs. McClamroch is survived by one daughter, Mrs, Henry Angell. of R. 3; one brother, Leonard Bowles, of Salisbury, and one sister, Mrs. Lelia Keller, of County Line, and dx grandchildren. , Mrs. Mo Clamroch was the widow of Reera McClamroch who died some 18 years ago. She was a member of Eaton's Baptist church, having united with j that church in early childhood. ' Mrs. S. N. Marlowe. Mrs. S. N. Marlowe, of Eagle Mills township, died Tuesday morn* ing at her home there, death foU lo^og pnenmooia and complies* tions. Funerol services were conducted Wedn^ay afternoon, from New Union Methodist church. Survivals indude six brothers, Messrs. Jonathon. William, Resin, ^nkuey and Nathan Trivette, all of Kamptoovllle Bio - Obituaries - 4/7/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 8,1937 ^vie Youth Killed I In CarWreck Sun. Foster Livengood A twiBic death Qccurred on the cslnBloii hlt'hwny, near Pork liiirch. on Sundny nfternoon, iicii Foator Livcnjfcod, 19, waa Manlly killed when his cur ifl the rood and turned • over, is companion, Johnny Coble, luapccl with a few acrntchcB. he youiiB man was the son of corKe U. Livengood and '• I^u oslor Livengood, of the Liberty ,mmunily. The parents survive, lib the following brothers, unic T^, G. W., Charles, John aid Odd! Livengood, at homo, All Clarence Livengood, of Ugh Point, Tho funeral was inducted by Rev. A. A. Lyerly i Fultuii Mothodist Church, on tuesday nflernon at 2 o'clock, nd burial was in the church J ntvcyard. Tho pollbearers were' inrutd Hamilton, Dvvlght . Scn- ord, Floyd Mundy, Tucker 'osier, Milton Taylor and By- un Mason. Tho flowers were in barge of Mtsaea Pauline Drlv- r, Iva Nichols, Pauliho Seaford, Iftdcllne Spry, Peggy Mason nd Willie Mason. Donald Ray Nesbit Cbild Drowns In Toilet A terrible tragedy happened Monday, March 29 at (Spencer when little 17 months old Donald Ray Nesbit, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Nesbit, nccldontly fell' Into n snrfiice toilet at the homo of-, his parents and was drowned. | The child had been missing for; twenty or thirty minutes before | he was found by n° neighbor who| \Yns assisting In tho search for, him. H. J. Janris Died Al^il 3 Hiram Jonathan Jarvla, farmer of the Advance community, pass ed away at Lowery Ilospital, Salisbury, on April 3, following an apor&tioti, 68. He wab tlioj son of Jonathan Jnrvis and wlfo. Surviving are his widow, Mra.l Notio Jones Jarvls, one brother,| Br^nt SJarvIa, one daughter, Mrs. G. W, Keeton, four eons, Ed Ralpli and Fred.-Jarvls, of-near" Advance, and Tom Jnrvis, of Qliayidaon County, 10 grandchil dren and 10 great-grandchildren.} The funeral was conducted by| Rev. A. A. Lyerly at Advance Methodist Church, on Mondoy^ afternoon at 2 o'clock, and inter-j ment was In the church grave yard. Pallbearers were A. L.| Shutt. G. H. Shutt, W. A. Leo nard, Willie R. MyoW, W. R. Craver and D. M. • Bailey. The flowers were carried . by Misses Caroline Lnnier, Earline Liven good. Mrs. Lester Young and Mrs. John Lanier,. Bio - Obituaries - 4/8/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 14,1937 Wiffiam H, Ckment Wiliiam He^enton Clement, 96, of Davie county's few remaining Confederate Veterans, died Wed nesday night at 6:30 o'clock at the home of bis dangbteir, Mrs, Char tes Jones, on R. 4. He had been in for several months. Mr. Clement was a son of Hepry and Rosanna Sain Clement ot Davie county. He was a member of .the Lutheran Cbnic^. He had been married twice. His 6rst wife. was Miss Paitbenla Lowery.; He 'was marriecl the second time to Miss Uary PhiUi^ Surviving are one son,' Diahney A. Clement, ot.-Oak Grove; two daaghiers, Hts. W. W. Harbin, of ModEsville, and Mrs. Charles Jones, 14 ^a^diildren and. eight great- grandtdiildren. , Fnneral servic^ were conducted by Rev. B* J- Harbinson, a^sted by Rev. J. H. Pnlgbtim, Friday mbrhiog at '11 o'clodt at the home of hb daughter, Mrs Charles Jones, and the body laid 'to rest in the Clement graveyard. This leaves ont two Confederate veterans living in Davie county, J L. Glasscock, of Calahaln. and P. Miller, of Mo^tsvUle. Bio - Obituaries - 4/14/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 15,1937 6. B. Taylor Bead Gua Bonjamin Taylor, 60, well*' known MoPKavllle maiij died at hia home on Wednesday after noon, after a brief illnesa vrlth pneumonia. He was the son of the late Jesse Taylor and Mary Taylor, of Davie County. He waa noted, for bis Industry, and had niimbers of * friends . throughout • this community -He is survived- by his-Wife; Mrs. Ehuna Wilson i Taylpr, one son, John.Taylor, of Mockavilloi three brothers, Bax* ter, Lum.and Tom Taylor, three sisters, Mrs. Ora Jenes, Mrs. Jessie Steelman spd Mrs. iMih* nie Taylpr, ,al] of Davie. Funeral arangemehta are; not epmplete, but the .service will probably be held at the home Thursday after- non At 2:80. Burial will be at Union .Chapel. We extend our sympathy to the bere.ived family. W. H, CLEMENT PASSES AWAY Wflllatn Henderson Clement, 96, woll-known Confcclornto voto- rnn of Davio County, passed away at tho home of hia daugh ter, Mrs, Chnrllc Jones, in Mocksvillo township, on Wodnos- dny evoning, April 7, aftor a long lllncBS. He was the son of Honry Clement and Rosnnna Snht Gle-' ipent, of Davie County. During the War Bclwoon the States ho .onllstorl In Company F., 42nd North Cnrolinn Rcgimont. Ho joined St. M'ttlhow's Luthornn I Church many ycar.H ago. Ho was Iwico miirriod, his first wife being Farthenia Lowory, by whom he had several children. His second marriage was to Mary Weaver Phillipa, of Davidson County, and she .also .precedjail him .in-death. numbeFibf; years^Ho atfondcd the' annual re* unions of the Confederate Vete rans. The funeral was held at the Jones home on Friday .morning, at .11 o'clock, with Rov. E.. J. Harbison th chdrge. Burial was in the Clement family graveyard near Mocksville. Tho pallbearers were R. M. Woodruff, S. J. Fost er; M. V. Clement, W. T; Spry,, E. C. Lagle'and K. M. Clement, j and the flowers were carried by Helen Clement, Dorothy'Clement, Edna Clement, Laura Gray Bow les,'Marie Baker and J. ll Cle ment, Jr. Tho surviving family consists of two daughters, Mrs. W. W." Harbin, of -Mocksville, Mrs. Klharlie Jones, . one- son, Dabney A. Clement, of Oak Grove, 14 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. This aged veteran was burled on the 72nd annivorsary, of General Lee's surrender at Appotmnattox. Bio - Obituaries - 4/15/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 21,1937 Mrs. T. J. Madison Mother of DavieTeadi- er Puses. Funeral services for Mrs. T, J Madison, 70, of Union Grove town sbip. Iredell connty. were held la^ Tuesday morning at *i o'clock from the Union Grove Methodist ' church, by the pastor, Rev. G. B. Perrelt, Rev, Grady White and Rev. Glenn Madlsoo. I Mrs. Madison died at her home in Union Grove on April iitb* Susviviog is tbe basband. one dangbter, Mrs R. P . Rash, of Union Grove; R. B. Madison, 0/ Winston Salem; C. W Madison, of Statesville, Graham Madison, of Farmlngton, and Rev. J. G. Madi* son, of High Point The entire facnlty of Fartnlngtoo consolidated school, of which Prof Madison Is principal, attended the funeral and burial services Tuesday. - . BenjainiB Gas Taylor. B. G. Taylor, 57, died at his home on South Main street Wed> nesday shortly afternoon, follow, ing a two weeka-itlness of pnetuno* nia. Funeral services were held at the ^nse Thufi^ay afternooa at 2:300*^0^, conducted by Revs, B. Harbison and W. 1. S. Walk* ier, and the body laid to rest in Union Chapel graveyard. BIr. Taylor is' survived by bis widow and one son, John Taylor, Of Bfocksrille; three brotbeis, Bax ter,. Columbus and Tom Taylor; three sisters, Mrs. Will Jones, Mrs. Minnie Taylor and Mrs. Dinks Steelraan, tin of Davie. Bio - Obituaries - 4/21/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 22,1937 Floyd William McCulloch Former Citizen Of Davie Killed In j South Cardliha • ncn«fort.-S: Floyd-waV inm McCulloch, of Ghni'loUc, woii killed and his brothor. Ksr- mlt, BcHotisly Injured In n kiwIo crossiiit; wreck al Lohcco, near hove early today. The injured man was taken to a hospital at Wnterboro. McCVilloch was idcntifSed throush hia autfimobnc drivers' license, which listed his resi dence ot 1819'StatcsviUe avenue. Charlotte. The two inen, in a pick-up truck, collided with a Seaboard train ahorlly boforo daylight. The brothers wore eogagcd in trucking produce from Florida to the Cowlina mark^ and North. The two young men lare sons of George W. MeOutloch, for merly of thla city but wow a resi dent of MockifVUlQ. Q^ibile here the Bonlor McCnllnch was a building contractor ^and has many friends who wTI regret to learn of hia Itareavement The sons resided at Charlotte. The father was called to Charlotte by a death messoge (early Tues day svornlng. 1 REV. E. F. TATUM DIES IN CHINA It will be of interest In Davio County to hear of the death of Rev. Kara Francis Tntum, wide ly-known IllapliHt ml8.sioimry to China, which occurred nt his ihomo at VanKchow, Kiangsu, on 'Murch 1, in his 78tli year. Ho Bio - Obituaries - 4/22/1937 Mra, Bessie Hubbard Dies Friday Night Mrs. Bessie Reavls Huhbart^ 114, of Courtney, .passed away at City Memorial Kos^ftal; Wins- ton-Salem, on f^iday nighti April 16. She was twice married, her first husband being . Thad Rcavia, and her second husband being R. 0. Hubbhrd, who snr. vivea. iShe waa the daughter of the late George 'Wilkina and Mrs. IBettid Wilkins, her mother also surviving. Besides her hua- band and mother, she is survived by four sisters, Mrs. Andrew Reavls, of Dnvie, Mrs. Ike Wish- on. Mrs. Grovur Myers and Mrs. T, N. Livongood, and one bro ther, Ed Wilkins, all of Yodkin County. The funeral was held at Oak Ridge Baptist Church, in Yadkin, on Sunday afternoon at 2:60, with Rov. Glenn Allgood in charge. Interment was in the church graveyard, and pallbear ers wore Thomas Fate,' Oscar Taylor, Thomas Livengood, ^crett Llvehgood, Clarence Reavls and Rufus E. Livengood. The flowers were curried by Mrs. A. A. Foindextor, Mrs. Thomas Pate, Miss Ella Liven good and Miss Grace Filcher. was a native of the Farmington community, and had been- con nected with the Southern Bap tist Missions li). China .• since 1888. Many of these years were Spent in Sbangh'ah- where he was professor of Bible Interpretation at Shanghai Baptist College, and also President of the University of Shanghai. He was bluried in the Foreign Ccmeteiy, Shunghiii, by the side of his first wife, on March 4, 1D37. The aorvico was conducted by *Dr. R. T. Bryan, the text being from Psalm 18:3.>: "Thy gentleness huUi made me great". The songs had been chosen by the deceased, and were "Saved by Grace", and "Day is Dying in the West". A large gathering of friends, Chinese .and foreigners, wore present to pay honor to Mr. Ta- turn's memory, and there were many floral offerings. Dr. Bryan In his sermon said: "God-given gontlonoss m.ido our brothor a great friend, a great helper, and a great co-laborer. These three "greats" made him a great miaalonary". Rov. Mr. Tatum is survived by his second wife, and a. daughter. Miss Joy Tatum, 'of yancliow, Kingsu, China. FUNERAL IS HELD B. : G. TAYLOR Last rites .for Benjamin Gus Taylor, well-konwn Mocksvillo man, who died of pneumonha April M, were held at the home on South Main Street on Thurs day afternoon nt 2:30. Rev. B. J. Harbison, Rev. W. J. S. Walker. Rev. J. H. Fulghum and ;Rev. W. C. Cooper topk- part la the service. They spoke of the industry and-. Jovial nature of the deceased, and expressed much sympathy to fcho family in their sorrow, Hia devotion to hie family was one of Mr. Taylor's outatendlng Gharactevistics. The service was> attended by a large number of relatives and friends'. Interment was at Union Chapel cemetery. Those acting as pall bearers were: E. -P. Poster, II. C. Meroney, -C. J. Angell, J. Frank HcnUrIx, M. V. Clement and C. G. Woodruff. The many floral tribute' were carried by Miss Julia Mae Brown, Mrs. Clyde Carter, -Mrs. Albert Corn- nt?er, Mrs. Snllia Owen, Mrs, IncB WilBon, Mina HutUa Littlu, Miss Louise Adams, Mrs. Paul Griibbs, -Mrs. Clco Ammons, Miss Martha Sliuuf, -Mrs. Frank Hen- dvix. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 28,1937 / Floyd Floyd William McCulloh Former Davie Mao KM William McCttlfob, of , Charloite, was killed and hta broth | er, Eertnit. seriouBly Injured in a g'ade crossing wreck at I«obeco, S. C, last Tuesday. I The injured man was taken to a hospital at Wallerboro * McCulloh was identified .through bis autoiDoblle drivers' license, whicb listed bis reddence at 1819 fltatesville avenne, Charlotte. The two men in a pick-up truck, collided with a Seaboard train short ly before daylight. The brothers were engaged in trucking produce from Florida to the Carolina markets and North, The'two yonng men are sons of George W. McCuitoch. formerly of Daoie county, but now of Char '|ctte. The sons resided at Char lotte. Bfiss Daby Hampton. Mifls Daisy Hampton. 66 died suddenly Tuesday at 1 o'clock, at the home of her aunt. Mrs S. A. Woodruff. ' She was a daughter of the late James Hampton and Sarah Eliza Gaither Hampton and had made her home with her aunt Mrs Woodruff, for mauv years. She was a member of the Uocksville Presbyterian ehnroh. She is survived by her aunt, Mrs S A. Woodruff, an uncle, Mrs. E. L. Gaither, both of this place, one sister, Mrs. Will Shugart. of fones* ville. a brother. Ephriam Hampton, and a half, sister, Mrs. Bemie An drews, of Louisville, Ky The deceased bad been in tailing health for a number of years.' n The fundral was condneted at the home on Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'dock, and interment follow ed in Rose cemetery. Revs. T- .H Futgbum and E. J. Harbison ccn- dncted the services. Charles H. Alleii. j Charles H. Allen. 72, died at bisj home near Cleveland, Rowan coun ty, Mondav night, Apnl I9tb, death resulting from pneumonia. I Funeral services were held at the home Wednesday morning at 10 o'dock, and the body brought to Smith Grove cemetery atsd laid to rest. Mr. Allen is survived by eight sons and two daughters, two broth ers. Gaston Allen, of near Smith Grove, and O. R. Allen, near Farm- Ington. Mr. Allen moved from near Oak Grove to the J. B. John- stone farm, near Clevdand, about 25 years ago. He was a native of Oavie. county, and had many frie'hds here who were s»ldened by his death. Mrs. Jane Johnson. Mra. ^ane Johnson, died Friday cFvenlngstthehome of her son. P, J. Jdtnson, on Maple avenue, death nsoldng from the iDfinnitfea of sgF. Mrs. Johnson was a native of Cald« well eoonty, and was a member of the Methodist ehnrch at Lmioir. Mrs. JobBsoD had- made her home here for some time with her son. - Blii. Johnson is eurvived by one son. P« J. Johnson, of Uochsviile: two j siateia, Mrs. Mattie Hoffman and: Mrs. Emma Gorpering. of Lenoir; three biothera Lynn and. Charley of Lmidr, and Pink, of Morganton. Pnneral aervlces were hdd at tbe^ Firet Methodist church, at Lenoir, Sunday af tehioon at 8:80 o'clock- j Record ext^ds empathy. fp\ the bereaved relalSyea in the death of this good woman. n' Bio - Obituaries — 4/28/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 29,1937 Mrs* Philip Johnson Passes Away ij. E. Sp^ks Fatally Injimd Jonas Edward Speaks, 58, of Yadkin county, died at the Tri- ,vctL hoapitul. Houstonvillc, oh jApi'il kG, as the result of Injuries I received in a frncus. At first it ;wu8 unknown who Is assailant jwas, but later Vestal Sparks, of ; Yadkin county, submitted, and Is 'now In jail at Yadkinvillc. Tho , cause of thq fight between the two men has not been revealed. The deceased was a native of Shiloh Church community, and was the son of the late Arghlo Speaks and Ollie Nicholson Speaks. His wife, who' was Baisy Howard, is dead, and sur viving arc two daughters, Mrs. Fred Hobertsnn, of Clommons, Mrs. Milton Plott, of Davie, thrco sons, Vivian Speaks, 'of Davie, Vinord Speaks, of Wins- ton-Salcm, J. E. Speaks, of Minnie Jarvia, of Loxington, and Mrs, Dolly Windsor, of Morgant- on. Tho-funeral was conducted at Smith Grovo •Methodist Church on Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock, with the pastor. Rev. H. G. Freeman, In charge, i Interment wna there. I Mrs. Jane Corpcning Johnson, highly estoemcd-widow of the late Captain Philip Jefferson Johnson, of Lonoir, paasod away at the home of her son, Philip J. Johnson, on Friday evening, April 23, aged SO. She whs the daughter of Andrew Jackson Corpening and Mary Kinctiid. Corpening, of Caldwcli County, and was born October 20, 1847. Her husband was a Confederato soldier, ?ind was captain of Company K., 85th 'North Caro lina Regiment. For the past two years Mrs. Johnson had made her homo hero with Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Johnson. She was af fectionately known to many, era "Mother Johnson", ond was loved by nil who knew her for hor sweet Christian character and high ideals. She w.i8 a member of tho First Methodist Church of Lon oir for many yoora. She la sur vived Hy one son, P. J. Johnson, of Mocksville. two sisters, Mrs. Mattie Hoffman and Miss Emma Corpening, of Lenoir, threo bro thers, Linn Corpening and Charles Corpening, of Lonoir, and Pink Corptming, of Morgan- ton, 0 grandchildren and 0 great grandchildren. .Tho. funeral was oon'ducted^at tho First Methodist Church; Lenoir, on Sunday af ternoon at S o'clock, %yith tho pastor, Rov. J. S. Hintt,' officiat ing, assisted by Rev. E. J. Har bison. Tho hymiiB sung wore "Jlow'ffnti V fbTindatidn''V- 'find^ "Asleep in JcBiis", and , Mrs. Floyd BiftckwcU sang ns n solo, "Crossing the iBav". Interment was in Botleview Cemetery, at Lcnok. Tho pallbearers were Louis Dysart, iRnlph Todd, Ed Allon, J. T. Ingrnm, 'Arthur Fonrd, and Claude Trlplctt. Tho many beniitifiil floral tributes were curried by Mrs. Buford Williams, Mrs. Maiulo Pitta. Mrs. J. T. Xngram, Mrs. Ed Tut- tle, Mrs. Ralph Tadd and -Miss May Prnetto. Those attending tho fiincrnl from hero were Mr. and Mrs. P.. J. Johnson, Guasib, Mario and Phyllis Johnson, Mrs. Jack Allison, Mrs. E. H.'Morris, Misses Ossto Allison and Mar- th.". Call. Wc sympathiso with the bereaved family in their loss. Billy Gray Starr FUNERAL FOR INFANT Billy Gray Starr, l-yoar-old child of Mr. and Mrs. George Starr, of Cornatzer, pnsaod nwny on Sunday morning, April 25. Tho mother was formerly Miss Florence Allen. The funeral was held at Cdrnntzer Molhodlnt Church on Monday afternoon ot 3 o'clock, with Rev. A! A. Byerly in charge. Intormcnt was in tho church cemetery. Tho parents, one brother, Horvey Loo Starr, and three sisters, aPuIinc, Mary and Annie Ruth Starr, survive. Pallbonrcrs were Billy Carter, W. A. Myers, Harold Myers ond Lindsy Fry, and tho flowers were carried by iDbrotliy Potts, Atheleuo n Carter, GladjJs .Carter ;ind Bertha Curler. MRS. J. N. JORDAN DEAD ■Mrs. Julia N. Jordan, OG, wife < of William Jordan, died nt her; homo near Mocksville, on the Stntosvillu rond, on Tuesday af ternoon, April 27. She was a na tive of Yadkin coiinly, and tho daughter of William WHkins and Jnno Myers Wilkins. The family moved to Dnvio fubout eight years ago. Shu is survived by her husband, one daughter, Mrs.Cora Koontz, of Dovie, two sons, R. C. Jordan and C. J. Jordnn, onu brother, George Wilkins, of Forsyth county, three Hiater.i, Mrs. .L'jii Moore, of Dniton, Mrs. 'Laney lliilcl»)na, of. Mnrtlnsvlllo,Vn., Mrs. Nannie Thomas, of i'oonvlllc, and 11 grnndchiidron. Tiie decea.Hod was n member of tho Christian Church. The lastrites wei'o hold nt Onk Ridge Church, in Yadkin eimnly, with W. F. Stonoatreetlin charge of tho borvicca. | Ervin T. Hillard BROTHER OF MOCKSVILLE LADY PASSES AWAY IN SALISBURY. . Salisbury, April 22. — Ervin T, Hillard diod at his home, 62 Hillstreet, lost night. The funeral will bo hold nt the Liberty church In DavJo county Saturday.. Tho widow and following children survive: Bay, Grody, tWilliam, Thomas, Ervin, Lonnio and Bruce. A brother, Lonnio, ofGroenvillc, N. C., and thrco sis ters also Hurvlvo: Mcsdnmca Boulnh Jenkins, Groonflboro;, Maggie Sparks, MoeksVillc, andi'Evu Ridcnhour, Coolcomoe. Bio - Obituaries - 4/29/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 29,1937 Carl Elliott and T. C. Russell Miss Daisy ilatii]pioii Funeiml Is Helfl The last vitos for Miss Dniay IFntnptnn, M'ho paa.sc(] on Ayrll 20, Wcr.-! hc!H at the hume of her mint, Mrs. S. A. Wooil- ^ruff, on V/odncsday afternoon at 3 o'cloc1{. Rev. J. II. Fulghum hod chni'ffG of, the service, as- aiated by Rov. E. J. Hnrbison, •in'the absence of• Hov. W. C, Cooper, pastor of the deceased Tribute was paid to the life of Mia? Daisy, her abpity, her ntl'ong tiea of friendahip, and her pntience ip her long illness; The hymns sung "were-"What a' friend V/o have in Josus", and- "Asleep in Jasua", Intormont' tvns in the family plot In Rose Oemetory. There were many boautiftil' flowers that spoke- of the high cstocm and love for the, deceased, felt by her •num-.. bors ot friends. The pallbearers i wore Tom Bailoy Woodruff,- Sanford Woodruff, R. M. Wood ruff, T. G, Woodruff, Kcrr M. X71omont and' Will Shugnvt. The' flowers were carried by -MiRses Willie Miller. Mary.KoIly, Elen-I nor .Woodruff, Mosdames T. B.' Woodruff, W. Oi . PnUerson, Es sie" -Byei'ly, W. H. -Dodd, J. Lee Dwlggcns and J. F. Hawkins. , Father Of Local Woman KiUed In Anto Wreck Curl Elliott and T. C. Russoll, both.of Oenlcn, wero kilted in- fltnntly and 11 persona were in jured, none seriously. In a truck- bus wreck near Chorlotte Tues day. n The bus, property of the Caro lina Conch Company, was en route from Grocnsboro to .Char lotte. The truck, loaded with blocks of grnnitci was the pro perty of-the Donton Stone Works- of Dcnton. ... The bodies of the dead men Avore mangled so that iudontlfi- cntion Was difficult. Telephone calls to the stone works con firmed tentative identifications c.stnb1iBhcd from dnciimcnts in tlio men's pockets. Mr. Iluascli was the fnlhor of Mrs. E. 0. Sexton, of Mockavillc. Ml*, and Mrs. Sexton recently moved here from Hickory, and arc connected with the Imperial Hosiery Mill.. They were called to Denlon on Tuesday. We sym-j pathl^e with Mrs, Sexton in huri Bio - Obituaries - 4/29/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 5,1937 jClyde Boger Setf. Cljrde Boger, 39, a resident of > MocksviUe, and an employee at 0(d- ':lette's garage» was fotmd -shot to ^ death in his car two miles sooth , of I Mochsville. 00 the side of the ^is bury high^ray about 10 o'clock ^Thursday momiog. 1} in the absence of Coroner W. P. II McCnlloh, Clerk of the Court Bart- t' man swore in Dr L. F> Bartio,^ ' county pbysiciao* as acting coroner. Dr. Martin went to the scene of the ' tragedy and viewed the body, after I which be summoned the foKowiog jurymen: W P. Stonesireet, S.IM. Call, G. M Hammer, H. B. Snider, E G .Hendricks and Vadeo Alien. The body was brought to ' the W?iher Poneral Home, after which the jury -met in the court house, and heard a number of wit n^. After hearing all the evid* ence the jury tendered a verdict that Mr. Boger came to his deatn from a bullet that be fired into bis head from a 22 calibre rifle. Mr. Boger nad suffered from heart trouble for some time. He , visited Dr. W. M. Long Wednes day morning, and wa^ advised to have his tonsils removed. He made a date with the doctor to have bis tonsils removed early Thursday tnoruing, but be left bis home* near Sauford's garage, Wednesday even ing about 7 o'clock, and went to Sheek's barber shop and pool room, where he spent a short while He got into bis car on .the square a- bottt 8 o'clock.Wednesday evening and was not seen again nntU his lifeless body was found in bfs- cat Thursday ffioming. Evidence showed that Mr Boger visited the Montgomery-Ward Store in Sails bury about 9 o'clock Thursday morning and bought the rifle and a box of cartridges, wbicb was found in bis car. Mr. Boger is survived by bis widow and a little 2 year - old danghter, of MocksviUe: bis parents Mr and Mrs. L. H. Boger, of near Dniins; three brothers, of New Jersey; Bruce, of Parmington, land Robert at home; three ^ters, ' Mrs.; Wilma Styers, of Georgia; I Mm, Bofone Rummage, of States* vine; and Miss.Melvai^ne Boger, at hottie. Pnneral sendee were, held at Eaton's Baptist church Saturday afternoon at 9 o'clock, conducted by.Rw. J H. Pttlghum, pastor of the Mocksvilte Baptist, church, and the .body laid to rest'in the church cemetery. Mr. Boger united with HMly Spripgs Baj^t church, near Houi^tiviiie, about 15 years ago The bereaved family , have the sympathy of the entire community in the death of this loved one. I - Mrs. J. N. Jmrdm Mis. Julia N Jordan. 66, wife of William lordan, died at her home uear MocksvlUe. Tuesday after noon, April 27. She was a native of Yadkin county. The family moved to Davle about eight years ago She is survived by her bos* band, one daughter, Mrs. Cora Koontz, of Davie, two sops, R C • Jordan and C. J Jordan.' Bio - Obituaries - 5/5/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 6,1937 Clyde S.Boger Gomtnits Suicide This community was shookod .on Thnrsday morning, April 29, to learn that Clyde Spencer Ooger. 29, had shot himself. The yount; man, who was a mechanic At Collette's Garage, had driven to Salisbury early that rooming and bought a new rifle, with wiiidh he ended his life. When found by a passer-by he was dead, seated slumped down in hlB car two miles below Mocks- viile. 'rhcrc were no footprints around the car, and the new 22 calibre rifle was between his knees. Deputy Sheriff. C. V, Jlillcr was called, and a coron> er's IiKiuest was held. .Dr. Lester Martin, wlio acted as coroner In the absence of Coroner W. F. McCtiiloch, pronounced it a case of suicide. The death occurred about 9:!10, it is thought. The de ceased wus the son' of' Mr. end Mrs. Lounic D. Boger, of bax'ie, his mother being former ly Miss Jennie Collette. He is eurvivcu by his parents, his wife, Mrs. Annie Lee Jones Boger, one child, Shirley Leo Boger, and the following brothers and sla ters: Floyd Boger, of Lakewood, N. J.I Bruce Boger, of'Farn\ing- toQ, Robert Boger, at fidtnc, Mrs. Beonc Rummage, of Statesville, Mrs. S. S. Styors,.of Macon, Ga., .^liss Mclvarine Boger, at home. The funeral waa conducted Rev. J. H. Ptilghiim nnd Rev. E. W. Turner, on Saturday after- Ron At 2 o'clock, at Eaton's Bap tist Church, and burial wos in the church cemetery. Pallbear- «.i were Arthur Smoot, J. Fi'unk liendrLx, 11, R. 'Hondri.Y, R.' C. Ilendrix, G. B. McDnnlci and B. C. Kurfccfl. The flowers were carried by Misses Marguerite Ilendrix, Ruin Hcndrix,- Ruby Carter, Audrey Carter, Luclie Foster, Ruth Fo.sler, Addie Mae Foster, AnJilo iHoward, Bculalf iioKcr, i.cona Uundrjx. Bio - Obituaries - 5/6/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 12,1937 V. M. Swaim A Sauted Mao.. In the death of Rev. V. M. Swaim, 77. of Winston Salem, which occured at the Baptist Hos pital in that city on last Tnesday ^rening, this entire section loses one of her most beloved and besthnowii Baptist ministers. ' During the past half century this beloved man has been- traveling the pathway that the lowly Nazarene traveled nearly two thousand years ago. His mis sion was to do good to his fellow* men, to visit the ^ck and suffering, to weep with those who wept and rqoice with those who rejoiced. Ko minister in thb section officiat ed at more fnnerala or performed more marriage ceremonies than Vtr* gil Swaim. Dnring his long and useful life be served as pastor of varions Baptist chtircbes in Iredell, Yadkin, Forsytb 'and other conn- lies. He was pastor of Sonihside Baptist chtircb, Winston Salem, for more than 20 years. In the death of this good man. The Re cord editor feels a great personal loss. For many years be was onr| friend. We shall not forget his', hearty handshake and pleasant smile. The entire dty of TK^os- ton Salem is saddened by his death. Josq^h H. Joseidk Henry Smith, 68. well- known former, died saddmily Sator (jay mondngat hiahome in Farming- ton towifflMp. Snrviving are hia widow. Mis. Martha Fedrdoth Smith: foor sons, Roy; Oddl, Joe^h and Kelly Smith; two daughters, Mrs. Panl Walker and Mrs. Lewis Miller; one brotber. Charlie Smith, of Forayth conntyl and one sister, BIhra. D. T. Smith, Of Davie. The funeral was held at Macedonia Moravian Chnrch Sunday afternoon at2o'dodt, with - the pastor, Rev. Mr. Brewer, -in charge, biterment followed in the church graveyard. Funeral services were held at Sontfaside Baptist chnroh Tbnrs day afternoon at 3 o'dObk, with Rev. N. C. Teague in charge, dan many of the Winston Salem pastors present The body was laid to rest in the Salem cemetery to rest be side bis wife, who passed away March 26th Virgil Swaim is at peace. He bsis left the. world of ^ sorrow and ttotible and joined the hosts of those who loved the Lord and have gone on before. Mrs. Lola PoweD. Mrs. Lula Mae Powell, 44, wife of Qyde Powell, died at her home oh Middleton avenue, Tonntatowo, Thursday afternoon at 4 o'dock. She was the daughter of James and Martha Jane Shsdriek Hedges and I was born in Davie county Jannaiy 11, j 1898. . Survivors fndo'de the husband; two eons. Odd) and William Powell; two ddighters. Eatberine and Oatie Powdl; one sister, Mrs. Daisy Barlow Winston-Salem, route 4. and four brothers, J. E., R. B. and :W.^ D* Howes, of Wiostott-Salem. and J. P. Hodges of Route 4. • Fnneral -services were conducted from the home Friday aftenom' et 1:15 o'clock and from Macedonia Mo ravian Church at 2:80 o'doek. Rev. J. P. Crouch and Rev. Dewey Hoi- toook had charge of the serdees and intermmit was in the •chordi grave yard. Pallbearers will be: S* E*, R. W«. W. D. and J. P. Hodges, and J. E. and Barlow. Bio - Obituaries - 5/12/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 13,1937 Josepti Henry Smith Dead A JoHcph Olcnry Smith, G3, woll'i known fiirmcr, dietl suddenly j. Sfiturdny iniornini; at his home j in'Pnrmington iownahlp. He yao!j the sou of Sumuol E. Smith and Mai'lha Ilodgcs Smith. Funeral HerviccH were held at the Mace*- donia Moravian Church on Sun day ajttcrnoon at 2 o'clock with the pastor, Rev. Mr. Brewer in charge. Interment was In the I church graveyard. Surviving • are his widow, Mrs. Martha Fair- cloth Smith; four sons, Key Odoll, Joseph and Kelly Smith; two daughters, Mrs. Paul Walk er and Mrs. Lewis Miller; nine grandchildren, all of th.e same community; one brother, •Char lie Smith. of Forsyih . county; and one sister, Mrs. D. T. Smith, of Davic County. . The pall beorera we're, Floyd Smith, Charlie Kiddle, ' A. J. Cope, Wm. McKiiiirht, John Cop'd and .Will Groce. The flowers were cnrrled b,Y Miasea • Elizn- boLh O'pe, Mni*y. Bolle Cope, Lil lian Smith, Dorothy' Ann Cope, Hazel Walker, Clara Lee Smith and- Mcadnmos Alvia York and C. W. Llvongood. Bio - Obituaries - 5/13/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 19,1937 Jas. ASm^. Mr; Jamas Aaanstoa Smith died Satorday momiog at 8:80 o'clock at bis home in ClarhsviUe townsldp. Mr. Smith's death resulted from a heart aUment after an illness of eiaht mdnths. n Mr. Smith was 64 years old a son of the late Wilhaiti ^ith. and Mary Shaw Smith, Bis father was origi* nally from Ireddl connty and his motter a native of Oavie. He was bom in bavie connty on December 13,1872 Mrs. Smith Bttrvivf>8 and one son and seven dauKhters They are Mr. J. Ct. Smith and Mrs. R. C. Smith, Harmony, R. 1; Misses Annie, Qraee, May, Belle, Olflfa and E/ouise Smith all at home. . . | The fnnet^f services were held, from (JnfoD-Uethodiat diarcb Son.! day afternoon a! 2:30 o'clock, con*' ducted by the pastor. Rev. Mr, Tal - bert X . I Bio - Obituaries - 5/19/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 20,1937 Pies Mniftday Mighty Captain CGplms Newton friGiula here and olaewhcre, IIo CJiri.sljnjn, 74, widely-Jaiown j was a member of the Baptist eitisson of this place, passed i Ciuirch and of the Mocksvillc away at .his home on North Main Street on Monday night, May 17, at ll:ao, after an ex- I tended illness. He was born In ;SutTy county, ami was the son of \\niliam Christian and Sarah Lewis 'Christian. For 86 years he served capably as superinten dent of the Caicdonia State Farm. He was first married to Miss Leiija llich, of Mocksviiio, and to this union 'were . born two chiidron, Mrs. E. W. Brokon- brough, of LynehbuVg," Va., and Cephha N. Christian, Jr.,- of Miami, Pla., both of whom .sur vive. Tile fh'Ht Mrs. Ctinallan tUod some years ago, *aiid his accDiul mnriiage wa.s to Mrs. fciii Hunt Vatra, of 'Moclcavillb, who nlap survives. -Cnptnin'j Chrifltlaii had, made hi.i home in Mocksvilie in recent «ycni^, .and iie \Vas liilghly esteemed .Iby .all Masonic Lodge. Surviving rela tives,! in addition to his wife, duughtcr and son, are three brothers, S. 'C. Christian and Wjll Christian, o€ Wcntficld, N. C., C.\W. Christian, of Hiiia- boro, Tex., three grandchtidron, and three step-.son.s, J. A. yi^itcs, of tho Phi-iippinc lalnnds, Or. Richard Vnte.s, oi! 'Douglas, Gp,, and Ilanca Yates, of MocksvlHo. Tiio; funeral was coiuluctod at the-home , on Thursday tnorniiig at 11 o'clock, with ' Rev. J. II, Fulghum, pastor of tho deecuafid and Rev. E, .1. Harbison officiat ing.'ijiirinl wak with * Masonic honors *ln Rose Ccmetely, lind the'many flowei-s wove in eharge of members of the Enfltarn. Star Ciiapter., Pallbearcra were .j, ,F, Hancs, Z.* N.. Anderson, jMarvin Waters, "J. C. D\viggens„ .. W. jC-, Meoi'o and T," J. Qnudell."• ex- who kne\y him. Jle .wi(i bp greht-: ,knd^4ou)^ • deBp^^;^^^ jy: nufl80d:;by <wdo:'cii;^l(tVof^tha^ MRS. W. R. CARTER PASSES AWAY As we go to press, we learn of tho death of- Mrs. W. R. Carter, of Fork Church, who died Wed nesday morning at her- home. Funeral service will be conduct ed at Pork Churcii Thursday afluriiuon at throe o'clock,, Mrs. Carter was formerly Miss Francea-Btwarti- oiater- of- Jacob Stewart, of tin:, place. Bio - Obituaries - 5/20/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 20,1937 J. B. Johiistolie Citizeii Dies Tues^ John Brovard Johnotone^ 69, one of Mockavjlle's most . highly- esteemed 'citizens, passed . ^ at his hemp on Tuesday.-moifnlng,■]^ay 18,'hi 2180, iifthr an illneiiA. eif several monthai' He ■ was j|l)orn in.. Rowan county on 'NhyV 28, 1867, and whs the son of JohnDickey Johiiatone Wd_^ Gtean'og Jetton- Johnstone. Re vvna n ro eiViber of n prominont faintly,- and- was widely known., Hp !.ht? teiidud .Davidson Coiloge ,V&nd.graduated' there in 1^1890..In ,^1990]he nioved to. i Mo&kp;yiile, -'findi?.woa a deader ip.. -the. • .ijjusine^,; religious and civlo life of ■ tho comninnlty. He - mhrriod Miss' Margaret Augusta " ..Knox,; . pf-= Clcyciand,' and to this union as born one son, Knox' •Johii-^'stone, 'mho is nom president of the Bank of. Davlo. • Mr.- Jolin-.stone. Who is now. president.':'66 Uylcrlon Church, and a teacherand aiiporlntpndent • of. the Sun' day School for many years. Ho was a member of Mocksvillo Masonic Lodge, serving as chairman of the Masonic Picnic commltteo for several yoars,an'd was also a mombor of .the; Davie County Boord, of .Educa tion. Ho is survived by Ills wife, his son, Knox Johnstono, hisdnughter-in-Gaw,' . Mrs, ^Kfiioic Johnstone, two grnndchlldrpn; < Cnrroli Johnstono and . JohnKnox.. Johnstone, of -Mocks.ville, and one sister, Mrs. W. .L. 'Whar-- ton, of (irconpbnr'j, i besides Hovcrnl niccqs and .nor hews. The funeraj whs-'-hold" hi-the hbmt? 6ri' iVedheaduy muriiiiif,' :• i ' 10:30j with.Rev. .W, C. Coopei*,' paalor of the ProHbylnriitn Church, in charge. Intcrmcht- was in tho family piot at Rpac Coipctory.- Pall bearers were R. |R. Snn> ford. .Tolin Lnvnw, J. P. Hnnng, E. C. I^Iorria, R. M. Woodruff and Marvin Waters.-...Tho death of. Mr. Johnstone Is. a great loss to Mocksvillc, where he had. numbers of friends. We .extend, our deep aympnthy. to 'tho btercavod family. Bio - Obituaries - 5/20/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 26,1937 John Columbus Bov4es John Golbmbas Bowles 82. passed away Saturday night at his'home in the Center cominunity. He was .'a 80D of the latu James and Jeroaba Jacobs Bowles.' -Survivors are the widow. Airs.* Sallie Burton Bowle.c; -five sons A. 1*.,'J. A., and tS, M. Bowies of Davje county; C C. Bowles of Walnut Cove and H. H. Bowles, of Kinston; six danghters, Urs. W. 1. Leach and Mrs. D. G. iTut erow of Oavte coup* ty; Mrs. H F Carter of Winsto'b* ^lem; Urs. G. R. Everhardt of Fork; Urs. D. W. Tiffin of Long Beach. Calif.; and Urs Isaac Webb of C)oleemee; three maters, Urs. Frances Godby of Mocksvijie and, Mrs. W. F. DWiggins of Mocksviile and Miss Cornelia Bowles of Center and 29'grand-children. Fuoeral services will be held at Jericho Christian church today, andi bnrial will follow in the church ceine-' toiy. Mrs. W. R. Carter. ; • Mrs. Pran<^ Stewart Carter, died n at ber'home .near Fork Cbhtcb^ Wednesday thoroiog at.4:30 o*cl<>ck aged S3. She was the. wife .of WiV liam R. Cd'rter, and a daughter^ of Henderson Stewart and 'Jane Pa.ck Stewart,' of Davie. ' She is survived by her husband, two- children^-- £. R. Carter, of Davidson, and Mrs. L'. J. Luper, of Fork, and seven grandchildrenand two brolbers; Attdrney Jacob Stew art, of aiocksville, and Luther Stewart, ot Salisbury . The last rites were held at Fork Baptist Church, of which M.ra. Car ter bad long been a -member, on I} Thursday 'aftemooh at, 3 o*clock, i with Rev. £ W. Turner in cbarge. The interment was in the church I cemetery. J. B. J^stoue Passes.' - Tofan B 'John^rone. 69;'one of'be most 'promineot citizens of Mocks yjile and. Davie county, died at bis home at.2:30 o'clock Tuesday moraldg. He had been in d^in- iog health for several months and hia condition bad betm ^ous for two weeks . .. . ' The deceased was born Novem ber .22, 1867,: in Rowau county, Mu of the late. John D. and Elea^ nor Jetton Johnstone. -He bad re Mded in Mo^sville for -42 years and was a^ graduate of David son College clfiss of 1 Sod. He a well known fumiture tuannfac turcr of Mocksville for a number of years, retiring last year. . He was a member'and an elder in .the Mbcksville Presbyterian Church and had been fdr ' many years, taking an active, part in church work. He was a m^ber ol the Winston. Lodge No 167, A. F and A. M'. and was known throughout the state. Survivors include bis wife, who was Miss Qnsste -Knox prior to marriage; one son, Enox Johnstone, of Mocksville; tWQ grandchildten, Carroll and Tobn Johnstone, ot Mocksville, and one sister, Mrs. Walter Wharf on, of Greep^iorou Funeral services were conducted from the home Wednesday morn ing at 10:30 bi^Rev.'W C; Cooper. Interment' followed in Rose Ceme tery. Masonic si^ces were held at the graveside. Bio - Obituaries - 5/26/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 26,1937 (>phas N. Christian Cephfl9 Newtoo Cbristiau, 74, died last Alopday night May 17. at his home, after an extended ill ness He was horn in Snrry cdnn- ty, and, was the son of William Christian and Sarah Lewis Chris tian. . For 36 years he was super intendent of the Caledonia state fann. , He was held in high 'esteeiO ; by all who knew him, and was a mem ber of 'the MocksvHle Baptist Chnrch. He was first married to Miss Lena Rich of Mocksville, and two children were born to them.: Mrs H. W. Brikenbrough and Ce phas N. Chrlstain, Jr., of Lynch- burgh, Va., and Miami, Fla. The first Mrs. Christian died some years ago, and bis second.marriage was to Mrs. Ida Hunt Yates, of Mocksville. who survives. Also snreiving ate, the two chil dren bv his first marriage; three grandchildren; n three brothers, S. C. Christian and Will Christian, of (Westfield N. C : C,'W. Christian., of Hillsboro; Texas, and three step [sons. J. A vYates, of Pbillippine .IsUttds;,. Dr. " Richard Yates, of i Douglas! Gal, Qdd Hanes Yates. of iMocksvllle^ . ' . I The fnneraliwas at the home on {Thursday mornining.at 11 o'clock, {with Rev. J. H Fulgbum.aud Rev. |l^ I. Harbinson ofiSdatlng. Bp {rial followed with.Masonic honors Uo Rose Cemeteiy. , * Bio - Obituaries - 5/26/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 27,1937 Mrs. W. R. Garter Passes Away Mrs. L»ui*a FrnnccB Stewnrt Ciirlur, 80, beloved Dnvic Cuunty womuii, died nt her home in the Tdi'lT^Iuii'ch comfiunilty' on Wcdne-sdny morning, Mny 10. She was the wife of William U. r.ni'tni', \vhi) siirvlvoa, and iliu daughter of. the late Henderson Stewart and Jane Pack Stewnrt. She was a member of Pork Bap tist 01101x11 for^a number of years. The surviving family consists of her husband, W. It. Cnrlor, one son, E. R. Cnrler, of Davidson, one daughter, Mrs. L. J. Lupcr, of Pork, seven grand children, and two brothers. At torney .Jacob Stewart, of Mocks vllle, and Luther Stewnrt, i of Salisbury. The funeral was con ducted at Pork Church on last Thursday afternoon nt 3 o'clock, with Rev. B. W..Turner and Rev. Mr. McCarter officiating.* Inter ment was in the church ceme tery. Those acting as pallbear ers worc O. L. Burns, A. N. liivcngood, W; G. .Poetcr,'' Alex Tuckoi'i L. P. Miller and J. L. Poster. The flowers were . in charge of MIsbgb Edna Lupcr, Ruth Foster, Dorcas Carter, Louise Poster,' Jnuucllnc Liven- good, Lucllc Carter, Mary® Noll .Toficsf Rosemary Llvengciod, ^ An-, nle Ituth Luper, Dorothy Beck and Dorothy Correll. Jf, C. Boles Dead John Colunihus "Boles, well- known Davio County farmer, pa.ssed away at his home in the Center community, Sunday morn ing, aged 85. lie was the son of James Boles and Jorusha Jacobs Boles. Suiwlvlng are his widow, Mrs. Sallie Burton Boles, five sons, A. L., J. A., and M, M. Bolea, of Duvle, C. 0. Boles, oi Walnut Cove, H. H. Bolea. of Klnston, six daughters, Mrs. W. I. Leach and Mrs. D. 0. T'utte- row, of/Davie, Mrs. H. F. Carter, of WIn'aton-Salem, Mrs. G. R. Bvorhnrdt, or Pork, Mrs. O. W. Tiffin, or Long Beach, Calif., and Mrs. Isaac -Webb, of Coolec- feo, 30 grandchildren, three sisters, Mrs, Frances Godby, of near |Mocksvllle, Mrs. W. P. Dy.'igsenei ef Mockavllle, and Miss Cornolia Boles, of near Ceul^r. The funeral wns. held nt Uie i '■ ir' •.»M Wnrlneaday morning atno o'clofk. with Rev. Cletus Prit- chiird, minister of the ChristianChurch, officiating. Interment wHfl.in the .Vcricho Church ccme-Lory. The following grandsonsacted as pullbenrcr.s; WalterLeach,. Clyde Leach,. D. G. Tiiltc- row, Jr., Avoi'y Boles, Alvin IJoles and J. C. Bolea. J. L. Glassc6Gk VeGeta»-Difc» James L, Glnsscock, highly es teemed Bavio County" Coiifudor- atc veteran, passed away at his home on Rout© 1, on Tiiesdny morning, in his 89th year. He wns the son of Thomas Glnss cock and Mary Anderson Glass- cock, of. Davle. During the. War Between the Stales, 'he "served as .a member of the Ninth Battalion, Junioi Jleservas. Me wasprobably the oldest Mason <in Davio, being a momHor of Mocksville Lodge, No. 134, and .his brothci' Musona had charge of the burial service. The surviving family consists of his wife, Mrs. Nancy Kurfocs Glnss cock, daughter of Cfllob Kurfoes, two sons, J. G. Glasscouk andM. E. GlasscocR.both of Rt. 1, *8 daughters, Mi'?.- W. II. 'Barney- Bio - Obituaries - 5/27/1937 castle, Mrs. J. G. Anderaom and« Mrs. J. E. Owings, all of Route,1, and n number of grand children; The funeiel was hold ,at the home on Thursday (today)at 2. p. m„ with Jobn^W/ . Kut'*foe's, of WlnMton-Sniom, officiut-iing, and interment wns in Un- , Ion Chapel cemetery. The death 'of Mr. Glnsscock Ic.aves only, one Confederate ' veteran In = Davic County, this being P. A.Miller, pf this place, who Is inI very feeble healtli. In 1930 thoro wore 22 Confederate veterans InDavle, but-,they have passed away rapidly. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 2,1937 James L. Glasscock - 3' —• 5^ 'rjamesi'L;^^^ estMbed. moniioK'ati-^is*jMine <6n .'Route •::x l^oi j;;bQe[;^~tbW .repiaiiiiDg'oli Mtidfets id i^as' t.be: soi of .; .^boin^ -Giasaci^ Ma^ Andebbd. Glasscock. ofj Davie. -i ■". He' -sieved jdudo'l; tbe ..war; be .twiMo tbe' stat'es as_a. ■meiii^r^.o tbe Niotb;;bbtaUon,, .Tubior'' ves. 'v • • ' ' ■ ■ ^■' 'He,is: stiiVi^. by bis wife, ; Mts Nmcv Eurfe^ GlasspM^, two^os J.-;. G~ Gla^cock.and Bl.. £• 'Glass cock, both .(bf i^ule tv- and^ 'tfara daughters, Mrs. . W. . H. barney casde, Mrs. i. J- G. •.; Aqdersfbo ■ aikMrs. J -k: pnins^ alt of Route, t : Fottitfa] ser^q^ were held: at t!b( home ' Wednesday - afternoon -at ■ 3 o'clock,' wjjh W. Kurfe^ .q'Winstqn-Sqlem', qffidating;- and thebody. laid; to- in. ijniqnCbapel I cemetery.-^ .The bemved wife and n chHjdren'have'; the avmpatby '.of a host of frieniis iq the death of this aged CqofMerate soldier and lonx' time^dzen.of Da^e connty. Glenn Beaachwp Drowns. Lester Glenn. Beauchamp, 24, of Advance, Route 1, was drovmed in Lasater's Lake, near : the Yadkin River, about 6 o'clock Sunday night*. In cfloipany with Herbert Shore, of Winstnn*Sa1em. Beauchamp was riding a pontood boat when the craft tamed over, precipitating the two men into te e water, Beauchamp cnnld not swim and drowned before help, could reach bim. Shore nar rowly escaped downing. Beau** champ's body was recovered, within a short time. The deceased was born September 6,1913, in Davie county, .the son of L. W, and Pearl Falrcloth Beau* champ.. He was married to Miss* Eqla Reneger in 1931. - He was a membbr of ^Mac^onia Moravian Cborcb.. 'Survivora • include brides the w:dowi one'son. -Lester, Jr., the cqotber. and onebrother. pllieB^u- ehamp. A short funeral servira was held at the home Tue^ay afternoon at 0:30 o'clock with the s^vtee proper following at Maeedphia Moravian Onurchat 4'o'clock, the-pastor Rev. C. C. Brewer in cbari^. t6*ment was in the cburcfa grave* oard'. ;.Lim Annswortby. Levi Rriuich Arinsworthy, well*k'opy^^p'iyie county farmer, diedWc^ne^ay mphiing at the hoinpofii-his' daughter. Mrs. S.. W.Ifarcbra, near Farmiugton; /at the age of 83.' Mrs. Fannie Thpmason ArmSworthy,' died some years ago. . He is snnHved by two dangbteiB,M^ W.'W. lurches of 'Panning ton and Mi^ T. .M,. MauoeV, of.Eannapoiis; font: griwdchildren;and one ^st^,>; Mr8. J. W, Foil ford, of Shellman, Ga. He was a menaberqf tbe.Pann.ingtpn- Metbo-dtsi .Cb'nrch,] v^th tbe Rev. H. C,Freeman iu'^harge.. Burial followied in the cbnrck'pemeteryi I Hr& Nancy Howard,. j-^ Mrs. Matf^ Howard, 88,.fndo^ of, Benjamin 3.-Howard, dlied Satu^ay ' at the homfi.of.bQrBon, J. 'H. How-Iaed near Mae^nia Qiarch.-She was a dan^ter' of the -latd ■'Anon and Saliie ifornell James and * waa.a iuember of BeUdehas .M.' £.' Cnn^, } Snrvlving are' two-sons,. *J. :H.. Howard,-ofAdyB^, Route 1; G...£r..I Howard, of Lexington: two iteugh-. tere' Mr8.-ABbniT Riddle, and Mre. John Riddli^ . of' Advance ftente -1;-and-.5T gr^jehfldra. ' y.). - The' funeral' wju' fa^ / Mo^ny afteradbn at 2:30 b'dodt at- Betide* • hem M. K (Niurdi,^ Rev. G. E Brew*'er condueting- the services.^ i^Burisl followed in\the^arch.gravo^di' Bio - Obituaries — 6/2/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 3,1937 Levi B. A^iliswprChy . Levi (Branch Arnisworthy). well-known Davie eitizoni * died on May at the home of ..his dauffhtei'i Mrs. S. W. FurehoH, near Farmlni^ton, hjred 82.... Ko WHS the Hoii of ' Wesley A vms- woi'thy and. Edna . 'MoClunfin Armsworthy of Davlc " County/ His wife, whone mnideii 'nnmo 'Wna FOnnlo Thompsoii, " dlbii- aevenil^ynnra ago. Ho. is sur vived by two daughters, Mrs. S. -W—Pu rchcsrrof-Parnthiglou, ■. ainP Mrs. T. M, ^'Liuuey, of Kr.nna- pdrfs, unil four grandchildren,, and one Hister, Mrs. J, W. Ful- ford, of Shellmnn, Ga. ■ The .de ceased was a member of ;. Far-. miii'Htdn Methodist ' Church, where the funeral whs held, on., iaat Thursday nfiorngon at 3:80with the pastor, Rev. H. C. Freeman) in chnrKo, Burial was.. In Fnrmington' Ce.'."40tery. .Active pallbearers were W. E. Tedder, T, M. Hutchcns, Ralph James, Wes Johnson, H. 0. Boger atid Kim McClamvock, and honorary pallbearers were G, L. West,. J. W. Davis P. H. Bnhnson, W. A, Taylor and W. K.. Blake. The flowers vwore carried by Mes- dnniue W. H. Brown, Paul Little ton, W. H. Eddlns, Paul Latham, Misses Nell Jnmer, Nell Hut- chonts, Elizabeth Tedder, Anna Elizabeth Cornntzer, Elizabeth James and Snlllo Ruth Rich. Mrs« Nancy Howard Passes Saturday Mrs. Nancy James Howard, 88, widely-known Davlc County wo man, passed away Saturday afternoon, at the home of hor son,. J. H. Ilow.ard, near Mocedoniu • Moravian Church*. She. was fhe (daughter of Anon James and jSallio Kcrnell dames, ond hadi been a member of Bethlehem Methodist .Church for many years. Surviving relatlycs are |two aons, J. II. Howard, Ad. vniice -route 1, George L. How-inrd,, Lc.x'ington, two daughters, Mrs. Aabury Riddle and Mrs. John Riddle, both of Advance, and C7 grandchildren. Th.e last rites wore conducted at Bethle hem qn Monday afternoon at 2:30, with the-pastor, Rev. H. C. Free'mnn, in charge, assisted Iiy Rev. G, E. Brewer. Interment was in the church graveyard. Pallbearers were George Riddle, Grudy Riddle. Robert Riddle, Al bert Howard, Ellis Howard and Roy Smith. The flower-girls wore •Misses Esther Riddle, Pauline Copo, Mary Howard, Pearl Cope, Edna Allen, Louise Allen, Jose phine 'West, Dorothy Butner, Helen Butner, Ruby, .Hauuer, Pauline Hausef, Georgia Rights, Ida Ellis,. Lucy Stewart, Virginia Howard, Cornelia Howard and Mrs. Paul Foster. Lester G. Beauchamp Prowns Swii. lEvenitig Lc.ster Glenn Bcuuchnmp, 2'1, of Advance, Ruutu 1, was drown ed in LasuLer's IjuIcc, npar. the Vndkin River, about G o'clock Sunday night. In company with ' Herbert ("Huck") Shore, of' winston-Sa- lem, Beauchamp* was riding a pontoon boat when the craft turned over, precipitating the two men Into the water, Beau- champ could not swim, and drowned before help could' reach him. Shore norrowly escaped drowning. Bcaucbamp's Ilody was recovered within a snort time. Sheriff Ernie G.. Shore made an investigation and stated tl^at the death obviously was anoc- dent. The deceased *was born ..Sep tember 0, 19J3, in Davie County, the .Hon of L. VV. and Pcnrl Fuir- cluth Beiinchnnip. He wa.n mar ried to Miss Eula Renigcr 1931. He was n brickmuaoii by trade and was employed by Walt er Lincback. He was .a member of Macedonia Moravian Church.' Survivors includo besides :the widow, one son, Lester,' Jr., the mother, and one brother, 0111c Beauchamp. Funeral services were con ducted at the home Tuesday af ternoon at ,3:80 o'clock and at the Macedonia Moravian Church at 4 o'clock, conducted fajy the pastor, Rev. G. E. Brewer and burial was In the church ceme tery. Pallbearers' were J. B. ,Co:(, Alvis Lee, EfJrd Lee, Roy, Willie and Robert Beauuhomp. Bio - Obituaries — 6/3/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 9,1937 G. fl. Graham Pas^ Gleanoa' Howell Grabara» 66, of Pfffynington, died at the Itaptistbos pitd, Win^xm-SaleiD, Saturday RtornlDg after an illneea of two weeks. He was a prominent and suecessful merehant of Fannlngtoii for a number of years. Ur, Grah^ was active in politics. havioflT held several coonty - offices. He served ss road supervise^ for Davfe county for two years, was a member of the board of eommissioD- era f6r two terms and for the past two yean be was tax snpervisor of Davfe county. He was a member of tbe Farming- ton Masonic Lodge and of the MccksvUle Jniuor Order Coandl, Survivors include his widow; four ehIldnai.Mi88l<eoiia Graham. Mrs. Elisabeth Wniard '^and James Bay Graham, of Parmlngtop. and Gflmer H. Graham, of Asbevitle.. and one grandson. Jdin Graham- Willard. One brother snrvives, Mr. Lee Gra ham. of Collinsville, Texas. Funeral smrvicea was held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at the Baptist cbnrcfawitfa Bev. E. W. Turner and Bev. H. G. Freeman in dmrge. sonid a host of frioida and relatives. Pall Bearers wme A. '^dllmon, L. L. Miller. D. D. Gregory. Button Seats, J.'Fra^ Hendrlx and G. C. Smoot L L HauL Mrs. Alice Rose Huot, 84. widow of B B Huut. former postmaster and mayor of Miocbs viile, and one of the city's best known, women, died Thursday afternoon at her home here. She had been ill ^ce ApdL Mrs. Hunt had spent her entire life at Mocksville. She w^ mar ried to Mr. Hunt ou February, 6. 1879 and be passed away in Match. 1926 Mr. Hunt was one time mayor and postmaster at Mocks ville. She had. been a member of Mocksville M. B .Cbnrcb since childhood. Oscar M. Hnnt, of Greensboro; Braest B* Hnnt. of Mocksville; Mrs.' C N. Christian and Mrs. Harley Graves, of .Mocksville; Ci cero H Hunt, of Columbus, Ohio; Miss Kopelia Hnnt, of Washing ton, D. C.; Mrs. Charles M. Las* ley, of Lewisville. and Hiss Julia Hnnt, ot Washington, D. C.; 10 grandchildren and one mstef. Mrs. Ida O Nail, of Mocksville. The funeral was held at the home Satnrday morning at xi o'clock. Rev. B. J. Hartnti^ conducted the services. Burial followed in the Rose Cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 6/9/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 10,1937 Mri. E. iL Runt losses Away Mra. .Alice Hose Hunt, *84, highly esteemed Mocks.yille lady, g]],l ^idow of. the late E. . E. Hant, died at her home on Thursday afternoon, Jun7'3, a)- ter a serious illness of' several tveeka. She was the daughter of Samuel Rose' and Mary E. Kelncs Rose, and was born in DAvidson 'County on January 27, IBCIi. Most* of her life was spent in Mocksville, . where she lyAS much beloved. In early glrl- hocil "she " Uecame-a-Tnerabe r n "of' Mocksville M. E, Church. She wna niurrlcd to Enos Eliah Hunt, of I/cjxlngton, on Feb. G, 1870, and eight children were born to this union, all of whom survive. Mr. Hunt, who died March 10, 1926, was a deputy collector of fnlernai revenue for two terms, while Grover Cleveland was President, and was postmaster of Mocksville for eight years, during the odministration of President Woodrow Wilson. He also nerved as mayor of Mocks* ville for several terms. Surviving are the following sons and dau- ghlei's: 0. M. Hunt, of Greens*, boro, Ernest £.. Hunt, Mrs. C. I^.j Christian and Mrs. Hnrley. Graves, all of Mocksville, Cicero 11, Hunt, of Columbus, Ohio,' Miss Kopelia Hunt, of Washing ton, D. C., Mrs. Chaiies M.I Lnsloy,' of Lewisvillc, Miss Julia I llwnt, of Washington, D. C., ten grnmlchildron, and one sister, Mrs. Ida G. Nail of Mocksvlilc. Mrs. Hunt was noted for her devotion to her family, and for her .sweet, cheerful (Unposltion. IVe offer our deep sympathy to the family In thoir great • loss.' The fiinoral was conducted at the home on North Main Street' on Saturday morning . at 11' o'cloPK, with Rev. E. J. Harbison, pastni- of the decoiiflod, in ohargo a-Mlatcd by Rev. A. C. .Swnfford, •»f .Salmliury. The .solGctlonH by the thoir were "How firm a fuiindnlion", "The sweet bye and hve", and "Shall we gather ut the river". Burial was in the ifamily plot in Rose Cemetery,' ond the active, pallbearers were: Abram Nail, J. P. Hancs, Mai'*- vin Waters, J. C. Dwlggens, Johii LcGrand and Rufus Brown. Honorary pallbearers were W. P. Martin, W. M. Howard, T, I." Camdcll, 0. L; Casey, P. G. Brown, illnmpton LeGrand, E. 0. Morrl-s, J. 'K. Shock, "T. A.' Stone, J- K, Meroncy, Dr; W. C. Martin, k. S. McNeili. The' many benuti- fnl flowers were . carried by Mesdamos J. K. Sheek, P. G. Brown, T. P.. Meroncy, E. C. Morris, .1. P. Ilnwkina, . T. A. SInno. J. 0. Young. Mia.seH Jnnie Mnrtin, " ijndn- Gray Clement, Cnvloii Rrown, Polly Dwiggens. Os.tie Allison, Lncile Martin, "'aali Gnither, WilHo Miller. Bio - Obituaries - 6/10/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 10,1937 G. H. Graham Died I Saturday^ June 5 ' Gnlonus Howell Graham, G6, well-known FJarmington mer chant, passed away at the Bap tist Hospital, Winston-Salem, on Saturday morning, June 6. after an JlliiGBs of two wcc'k'k. die ser ved two terms as. county com- missiouer, hud been county road supervisor, and for the past two years was tax supervisor of Davie County.- He was a member . of the Fnfmington lllasonic I Lodge, and of Mocksville J. 0. U. A. M. The surviving family consists of his widow, Mrs. Jettie James Graham, two sons, Gllmer H. Graham, of Ashevillc, and Hay G. Graham, of Farmington, two daughters, Miss Leona Gra ham and Mrs. Elizabeth WUlord, of .Farmington, one grandson, John Graham Willard, and one brother, Lee Graham, of Collins- villc, Texas. The funeral was bold at Fr.rmingtun Baptist Church on Sunday nftornoon at 2j30, wIth 'RevV E. 'W. Turner In charge, assisted by • Jtov. H. 0. Freeman. Burliil was. in thel Farmington Cemetery. The pali- bcnrors were C. C. Smoot, A. Spitlmnn,' L. L. Miller, D. D, Grogoiy, J. Frank Hondrlx and Durton Seats. The flowers were carried By Mesdnmoa Herman Wall, Harold Davl;i, Aubrey ^loorc, W. M. Taylor,- Morrison ITowell, Robert _ Furchos, Bon Smith, Thomas McLaughlin, J. F. Johnson, Liither Allen, Misses Elizabeth James, Nell James, Key Walker, Marjorio Gregory, Margaret Brock, Annie Lois Fiirches, Louise Fcnrson, Esther Wood, Elizabeth Decso and Eleanor Smoak. The funeral was largely nltcndcd, and there wore many floral tributes. Mr, Gra ham will he missed hV a wide circle of friends. The Maflone had charge of the service at the! gemotcfy. Bio - Obituaries - 6/10/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 16,1937 Sallie F. Sink Hrfl. SalKe P. of Ree^. Daviiison counlari h^danffih teiOi Misses Esdiei DOTothy^nk* H,- rccdved painfal inJorieB, and Edwatd .^iaiss. 21. of near Fork, is in a tiextngfam bos> tdtal. A8 a Ksolt of alad anto wreek ocearrod 684 feat west of the Yadldn Rivn bridgs 11 miUffl east of Mocksvilla,- in .Pnttoo township, Saiorday eveninir sbont nbieo'elodc Rocbuek Lanlor, a pssMngor In the Wiliiams ear, got hia leg eat and Rod R^ley. driver* of - the Williams car got bis left arm cat. Tbe* WillianiB car wOs going west, and * the Sink car waa going east, when the wreck- oceorred. lira Sink was rtished to ft Le^dngton bosidtal, but died shorts ly afi^ arriving there. Ber bead went tbroofldi tbo wind abWd, the crash occurred. Sheriff Smoot and Deputy Hoote of Hocksvill^ were near the eeene of the wreek when it oeenrred. Bad Bmlev. driver of the wniiaina ear. was broagfat to Hodcaville and lodged in diarg^ with mandani^ter. ' James M. ElUs. James H. Ellis. 54, former Mock^. villa idtizens-and native of Davie connty, dial in a Winston^em boa* pital Satordoy morning. Fonoral aerviees were heid in Winaton^em Stnklay afternoon and the body laid to Test in Salem cmno'.ery. Bfo. Ellia moved to the Twin City from Moekavilie abont 20 years ago. He'ia fflirvived by one son, Tommie Bills, of Oalifomia, and three Bisteca. Bio - Obituaries - 6/16/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 17,1937 ^vie Man Held For Auto Djeafii Of Shiloh \Vomsm Rail Bailey, 23, son of Deviit Bailey, of Mocksville, Route 3. is Bclnt; licld In jail here on a charKc of involuntary, man- iIiiHtrlitcr, growing out of the death of >lra. Mnrthn Wood Sink, ffi, uife of Gideon Sink, promin' en't Shiloh farmer, who was fatally injured Saturday night when the car was involved in a wllislon v.*ilii one allegedly driv en by Bailey. Sheriff C. C. Smoul alatcH Uiut m heading is fSln'ctoilT to -be^held_fot_. ..Galley, gpftii! llmu this week. Mrs. Sink was in a car report ed clnvon by her' daughter, Kachci. nad .was accomiuinied by fliiotlnir daughter, Doris. 'They Qfcro retiiraing, it is reported, from a trip to her farm In Davio. cuunt.v when the collinlon occitr- reil on Highway 64 on a curve about IfiO yards west of tho Ynd-' tin Itiver bridge. Mra. Sink was (Iimwii tii.rough the winshicld, hor throat lacerated, chest In- Jiircii uiul.Hcalii cut. Tho datrgh- ler driving suffered a broken arm, the other was painfully cut about ti)c face, while l^dwiird Williaiiis, a companion of Bailey am] the reported owner of tho car. had oiio our nlmoat cut off, ilumliler bruised and other in- jurk'K. All were carried to tlie Daviibiiii lluspilul, Lv.xiiigton, ahortly huiforc ten o'clock Sntur- dny night and Mrs. Sink died shortly after reaching there. IViliams rorrininod ns' a patient, sriiile the Misses Sink were dls- after first aid-treatment, Kobiick Laniciv Glen Ballcy and the driver. Had Ballcy , of Ibe fork Church . community, were in the Williams car .accord- "If I" •'^li'n'iff Smoot. Bniley is reported to have suffered pnln- fQl but not sorio.irs injuries: Lnnler received a .severe . giish m his leg and other lacerations, . I''iiiieriil Monday Kuneral sorvlccs for Mrs. Sink ^erc conducted at Reeds Baptist church at 2:50 Monday after- won by tho pastor, Roy; Hoyle Love, uiid Rev. 10, C. Roach, of Erlnngcr, a former pastor, .Surviving Mra. Sink,'n dnughtor 'f the late Addison Wood and 'Im. Mnrtha Lco.nard Wood, arc ;he agod mother;' husband, the [ollowlng children: Mrs. Andrew link, Winston-Salom, R.,'4; Jesse "ari Sink, Lexington, R. ..S; Mr.s. Ml Michael, Salisbury, • R, 2; Hi, Isabel Sink Johnson, VVlii- ikOn-Snlem, R. 4; Roy' Woodrow J|k. Miss Ida Sink, Mrs. J. W. '1, Masses Rachel and Doris, of Lexington, R. 3; three, bro- hers, Tom and Billio Wood, Lex-ngton, li. 3,.. and .. John Wood, wtliBviilc, R.'3,' and h sister, «3, Zeb Snider, Lexington, R. •A uon, Conrad Liitdsnv 'Sink, iia ti slsier Mra. Bob Pritts, are 'cad. James Elils Dead of this place, dIteU at n Winston^: n Salcm hospital on Junia i2.; Thp. funeral was hold Sunday after-; noon n at 2 o'clock at " Vogler'is ;• Funoral Chnpal, w'itK Rov. Cor-i* ' don Spnugh in charge. Burial was in Siilcm Cemetery., He .^aa ' the son. of tho Kate'Mr,'and..Mrs.; T. M. Ellis, mid.-iya'a a native of phvidson County.. ■; He.; is iflUK: "vived bi' -a apn',.Tdmmio Bio - Obituaries - 6/17/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 17,1937 Elizabeth Eller Whitman Former Pavie Citizen Pies Mrs. Elizabieth Eller Whit man, 80, widow of the late Na than A. Whitman, who formerly livod in Davie County, died on June 10th, at the home'of her daughter, Mrs. J. P. Penninger, in Salisbury. She was the daug)i° Icr of IB. Eller and Adolia Wll- helm Eller, of Rowan. Her hus band passed away in 1029. She is survived n by the following daughters and sons, Mrs, T. L. Fdstoi'; of Mochsville, route 8, Mrs. "C. A. Reed und Mrs. J. P. Pcnuingc'r, of Salisbury, S.' 0« Whitman, of China Grove, M. C. Whitman, of Spencer, and P. A. Whitman, of Salisbury, one bro- tehr, William Eller, 25 grand children arid 10 great-grand chiidrca. The funeral wna held nt Bethel Methodist Protestant Church on Friday morning at H, with Rev*. E. J. Harbison , in charge, us.sisfccd by Rev. Mr. Piiiillps. of Salisbury. Intennent was in the church cemetery. T|je pallbearers wore Fred Whit man, Dcarwood Whitman, Clyde Whitman, Frank Whitman, John and Woodrow Whitrhan. The flowers were carried b^ Misses Janie. Martin, Pearl Whitman, Vernell Perry, Ruth Morris, Mar gie Heilig, Dorothy Foster, Zet- tie iBecki 'Mnryj KAtherlne Pen ninger, Mrs. E. R, Shnw and Mrs. John Heilig. The following verses 'were written by a rela tive of the deceased: She Is gone, but not forgotten, Gentle Mother, kind and dear. Thou art happy now in heaven, But oh i how me miss you here. It wna herd to part with her, Ch i so sad to see. her die. But we'll, tfy to meet her some day • In pjat home beyond. the sky. Two faithful hands' .are folded, now; - 1 Knd crossed upon her breast; j |ler dear old fom is silent now, ^Vnd. lald away to. rest, ;; vj;i Bio - Obituaries - 6/17/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 23,1937 Sarah L Stroad. hitss Sarah Elizabeth Stroud, 76, died last Monday morning at one o'clock at the home of her broiher» Mr. D A. Strond, in Tumexsburg township, near the Iredell-Davie line.- Death followed a few days of-serious illness. . Miss Strond was a daughter of jthe late Mr. and Mrs. Pink Stroad. Snrviving are five brothers and two Jsisters; MeKrs..R. J.. G. R, Au gustus, P. S., and 'D. A. Stroad, Misses Louise and Minnie Stroud. The funeral service was held at Society Baptist church, of which Miss Stroud was a mensber, Tues day morning at ix o'clock, and in terment w^ in the church "cemc- tery.''^ Thelservlce was condncted by Revs. McSwain and f. O Winkler. An excellent Christian lady has been called to her reward. Shewill.be sadly-mi^ed in her cominnoity. John Comuins Harpe Jidm Corneiiotts Harpe, 6$, well fcnowD fhrmer, died at hts hoi&e in Clarksville township, Thursday aftex^ noon at 12:16 o'dof^. He had been' Id ill health for aeveral mondia. | • He was a son of Henry and Lucy Jane.Danner Harpe. Surviving are the widow, Mrs Dora Collette Harpe five sons, H. C. and J. E. Harpe of Winaton Salem; Tyrna, Joseidi and Elbert Harpe of the homeplace; one daagfater, Mrs, E* Burgess of the homeplace; nine grandcblldren: ona brother, Henry Hazpe of Whis- ton-Salem. • The funeral was held at Cross Roads Baptist Church Saturday momiog at 11 o'clock. Rev. E. W. Turner and Rev. James Groee eon- ducted the services. Burial followed in the church graveyard. In the death of Mr- Harpe, Davie eoonty lost one of her best b^oy^' bittzras. The editor bad known ttis good man for nearls^ |^irty years.' and numbered taim . Bfflpng hia belt friends. To the berraVed family we offer our heartfelt sympaUv- m ^ death of this husband..-and father., .We shall always remember hia^ hear ty-greeting longtime friend* Sbip^ ."r Vv " • ' Bio — Obituaries - 6/23/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 24,1937 John C Harpe Dies Thurs. June i7th John Cornelius Harpe, well* tcnown citizen, of Clairksville Lownship, died at his home on Thuraday, June 17, aged 66. He was the son of Henry Harpe and Lucy Jane Danner Harpe, of Yadkin County. The surviving family consists of his wife, Mrs. Dora Collette Harpe, five eons, H..C. and J. E. Harpe, of WJna- ton-Salem, Tyrusi Joseph •• and Elbert Harpe, at home, one dau ghter, Mrs. W.» E. Burgese, of the same community, one.bro ther, -Henry Harpe, and one ols- ter, Miss Amanda Harpe,* both of Winston-Salem, and nine grand children. •TheTuneral was con ducted atvPrpsa Roads Baptist Church, at Courtney, pn . Satur day morning at it o'dbck; with Rev. E. W. Turner and Rev. James Groce 'officiating. Inter ment was in the church ceme- tei^. Those acting as pallb.earers. were J, P. Ferebee, A. N. -Pere- bee, hi. M. Harris, li. S. Dunn; D. E. Dunn, and Giliper Collette. The. flowers -were- ^ carried* •' by Misses Colleen Collette,' Sarah Lou Gregory, Esther Reavis, Jane Perebee, Elizabeth Fercboe, Mildred Harpe, Martha Harpe, Doris Harpe, Lavada Harpe and Theda Shelton. Mrs. E. L; Reed Passes Away! The numbers of friends of Mrs.- R. P. Anderson will sym pathize with her in the death of her mother. Mrs. E. L. Reed, widow of the late B, L. Reed, which occurred nt her home at Tobaccoville, Porsyth County, on Monday morning, June 21. The deceased was a beloved and high ly esteemed resident of Porsyth all her life, and hud frequently visited here. She was the daugh ter of Jonathan Speaa and "Nancy Waller Speas, of Porsyth, and Was born on September 17, 1815. She was an active member of the Tobaccoville Methodist Pro testant-Church for- many years." She had been l.n failing health for the past five weeks. Mr.s. Reed will be pleasantly remem bered here, and her death will bring regret to a wide circle of i^latlvos ond friends. She Is survived by (wo daughters, Mrs.j R: P. Anderson, of Mocksville,! and Mrs. C. M. ^McKaughan, of! Winston-Salem, a bprother. Squire j Henry Speas, of Tobaccoville, and a half-brother, Jesse E. Speas, of ^he same community.' The funeral was held at Tobacco ville M. P. Church on Tuesday afternoon at 3:30, • with the pastor, Rev, G. B. Ferree, in charge, following a short . ser- .vice at the home. .Intermont -wAh-' in the' church graveyard. • Thje family requested- that no flowers be sent. Those acting' as pall- •ijearers were Charlie Watts, Walter. Speas, Luther Kearney, Vcrnon Reed, J. I. Speas and Norman C. Speas. We extend our deep sympathy to the bereaved family. Bio - Obituaries - 6/24/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 30,1937 Mn. (L -T. ftnityeal. Mrs. H. T. SmiUidesl, 77, we!i'- known residest of Advance, died Wednesday shortly after noon at her home following a serious ill ness of 10 days She stjccomhed to repeated b^rt attacks Mis. Smlthdeal was horn near Advance November 29, x86o, and spent praclicallv all of ber life In that commnnlty. She was Miss Panoie Charles before marriage^ She was a long>tiihe member of Shady Grove Methodist church. .. She is survived by n children, 29 grandchildren and seven gieat- grandchiidren. The sons, and daughters are J, P , C. C.. F. A, Smithdeal, Mrs. Leona Eagle, of Winston Sa- tem; E. O. Smithdeal. of Roanoke, Va.: Mrs. SalHe Stauber. of Spen cer; Mrs. Rnth Myers, of Rmds; Vestal Smithdeal, of Moi^otoo; Mrs. Grace Fram, of Atlanta. Ga.; Mrs. Ethel Davis, ot'Advance, and G. C. Smithdeal, of High Point.' Tbr^ surviving risters are Mrs. Bettie Tucker, Mrs. Maggie Cor naizer, and Mrs. Nettie Taylorv all of Advance. Funeral services were, held at the home at 3:30 Friday afternoon, and- at Shady Grove Methodist church at 4 o'clock, with her pas tor, Rev. A. A. Lyerly, iu charge. The body was laid to rest in' the cbnrch cemetery. A good woman has gone to her reward. Rev. L M. HoHoway. . Rev. I/. M. Hailoway, €3, died Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Earl-Bender, an adopted daughter, at Pollocksvilie, foUovring a- long illness. Funeral and bnxlal ser i^ces tqok place, in PoUocksyille ; His widow survives. - '9^. Holloway was pastor ot the Mbck^lle Bapti^ church for sew tsi^raiMfears, moving from here to ^Elraifabout 15 years ago. He bad inabyt frlrads in ..Mocksville .and Havte ^unty, "who wiU.be saddew ed by the news of bis death. Dr, Coite SherriU. Qr. Coite 1,. .SherriU, 49. a mem ber of the Long HospitM staff at Statesville, died- suddenty last Thursday night at 9:30 o'clock , at his home in that city,. Dr. Sher-. rill bad many friends b Davie county who were saddened by the news of his death. Surviving .is his widow, two sons and one daugh ter. Bio - Obituaries - 6/30/1937 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA