Jan - JunMOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 2,1936 f JHllSw W. F. KIGSR IPASSBS AWAY n • MRS. MARY M. MINOR DEAD Mra. Mary Howard Minor, well-known and esteemed Dovlc woman, and 'wife of \V. .Green Minor, passed nway'nt'her home near Bailey's Chapel on Tuesday morning at G oldloi^lr, aged 79. She was .the daugliter of Walker Howard ai^d gi^llio MeDnniel Ho- Avnrd of this county. 'Xhe su"- viving family coiisi.sts of her hus'liand, tliroo sislBi-s, Misses Jane and Sarah Howard, and Mrs. William Jones, all of Cor- nntzer, two sons, John Minor, of Winston-Salcm, and Charlie Min or, of Shady Grove township, three duughtova Mrs.. C, M. Sheets, Mrs, J. D. Rarives, of Fork Church, and Mrs. ,r. L. Stewart, of Crewc, Vri., and 30 grandchildren. The last rites were held at Fork Baptist Cluivch on Wcdnesuny afternoon at 2 o'clock, with Interment there. Rev. E. W. Turner and Rev. F. B. Howard officiated. {''Mrs. Cora Westmoreland'Kiger, ^6, wife of Wiley F. Klger, pass- ^ aWay at.' her home on Sails- Ibui^ dtreet,-on* Monday afternoon after an lllnoss of several weeks, A short .time ago sne suffered a .'stroke, «nd her condition had been serious uinco. On Sundaj; evening the.home caught on fife, but was soon extinguished, and It is not thought that she knew of it. Mrs. Kigcr moved here several years ago front Stokes counfy, and had nriado a number of friends who .will regret her passing away. She was a regular attondani at the Methodist Sun-, day School and church, and' took great interest in the misp^onary activities. She was ^ the daugh ter of Samuel Westmoreland and glncoy Sovago Westmoreland, of Btokos .county. " Surviving arc hot ll^usband, >fivc daughters, Mrs. J. fc. Jeffreys, of Danville, "Va., [Mrs. Edgar Jcffrc'ys, of Person 'county, Mrs. T. J. Dillard, of 'Glondnle, S. C., Misses Yelmn and Stncey' Kigor, and one son, David Kiger, of this place. Two brothers, Silas Wcstmorolond, of Finnaclo, and Cletus Westmore land, of New York, also survive, with her stepmother, Mra. Flor ida Westmorelandv of Goldsboro, a half-brother Vestal Weatmore- ' land, of that place,-and six half- slstors, • Mrsi- • J,. D, • Pfkc, • Misses Martha and Ann Westmoreland, of Goldsboro, Mrs, Allison Hook- or ,or King, Mrs. Robert May- berry, of New Jersey, and. Mrs. Dr. Hudson, of Hickory. The funeral wiis hold nt the Metho dist church hero on Wednesday morning at 10:30, with Rev. E. J, Harbison in chnrgo, followed by u service at Mount Plonsunt M. E. church, near Donnha, at 1:30. • n MRS. F. fi. STOCKTON PASSES IN GREENSBORO Mrs. Ollie Stockton received word Tuesday morning that her sister-in-law, Mrs. F. B. Stlkk- ton, of Greensboro, had- passed away Mondoy night Mrs. Stock ton had spent Christmas in Green sboro at the home of Mr. and Mra. F. E, Stockton, returning home on* I^iday. The deceased had a stroke about IS months ego, but was much improved, and was able to enjoy Christmas. On Friday she had another stroke, and her. condition then grew worse. Mrs. Stockton was for merly Miss Lizzie Byrd, of Fayettevillc, and was a beloved' end highly esteemed Grecnaboro: woman. ! Bio — Obituaries -1/2/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 8,1936 George Henry Clay Shutt A Friend Pas^s. It Is with sadness that we cbro oicle the death of our good friend George Henry Clay Shutt, ' who died at bis borne at Advance on Christmas night, Dec. a.Stb. follow ing a heart attack; Mr.- Shntt was 73 years old. and had spent bis -en rtire life at Advance The fnneral took place on Friday afternoon, Dec. aytb, at 2:30 o'clock at the Advance Methodist church, cbhdticted by Revs. F. E. Howard and E. W. Turner, and the body was laid to rest in Snadv Grove cvmetery. Mr. .Shntt issur vived by his widow and 6ve child- ren, one son. A L. Shutt, of Ad* vance; four daughters. Mrs W. A Leonard Mrs Maitie Poindexter, of Advance; Mrs C C. March, of Winston Salein. and Mrs. Lee Sid den. of'Greensboro. Five grand* children also survive. Ill the death of this good man the editor of The Record loses a gocd friend of long standing For more have known and c-njoved the friend ship of Mr.-Shutt in both business ond social relations. - He was one of the leading ci izeos in bis com* mtintty. and his death brought sad |n;.es to a htvil of relatives aid I frlcnd.s He was »u hmiMii man — the noblest work of God The editor join.s the hnndreds of friends ^ in extending deep .sympathy to tl e j bereaved widow and children in the I death of the husband and father. Mrs- Mary Mir.or. Mrs Marv Ann Minor. 7^ wife of W. G Minor. Advance, pasjud tt wdvTuesday morning at 6 o'clntk at the home. She had been serions Iv ill for the past 17 days. Snrvivingare the husband; three daughters; Mrs. Clegg Sheets, Mrs. J D. Barnes, of Davie couo'v, and Mrs, J. L StewartiOf Virginia; two sons. Charlie Minor of Davie county and John Minor of Winston Satem; 29 gniDdcbildren abd eight great* grandchildren. . Th;: funeral was held at Fork Church, Davie county, Thursday afternooo, at 2:30 o'clock. Baiial followed in the church graveyard; Mrs. Cora Kiger. Mrs. Cora Kiger, 45, wjfe of Wiley 8. Kiger, passed away at her home here Dec. 30, after an illness of one month. She was the dnugbter .of Sam W. Wesimorelaod and Siacey Savage Westmoreland and was a native of Stokes couoty. She had lived in Mocksville for several years. Surviving is her husband and five daughters, Mrs. J. C. Jeffreys, Dan ville, Va.; Mrs. fidgar.Jeffreys. Per- s >n county; Mis. T. J. Dillard, Glen- date, S. C., and Misses Velma and Staoey Kiger, of the home; one son, David Kiger, Bud two brothers, Silas Westmoreland, Pinnacle; and Clvtna WejUmnreland. Now York. Funeral i^rvices were held at the Mocksville Methodist Church Wednesday momiog at 10:30 and at the Mt. Pleasant M. E. Church, near Donnaha, in the atternoon at 1:30. Mrs. N. .A. Bowles. His N a. Bowles, 59. of R. 2. deid at Longs Hospital, StatesvlUe, EMdav night, shortly afte;' her ar* j rived there for ap appendicitis operation. Puneraf service; were held at Smith Grove M.-E,. church | Sunday morning at {1 o'clock, con ducted hv Rev. H. C; - Freeman, and the body laid to rest in the chnreh cemetery Mrs;. Bowles is survived by ber husband, one son, James, and several sisters. Bio — Obituaries —1/8/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 8,1936 Cd* John D. Hodges. The eotird county aaddened by the death of Colonel John' U. Elodgea» Sl-yearcid Confederate ve teran and educator, .who died at hia liome in Jara alem townahip Satur day ev^ing at 6 o'clock, fbliowiny a two days iitnesa of pneomonia. Gtl. Bndgea waa in town Tbardds* afternoon and called at The Recoil office. Desi^tfi the bad diay. with rain falling and the ground covered witii ice and snow, the Colonel ap> pearet in his uauol good health and Jovia] spirits Be remarked that he had been out alt night in much worse weather than that of Thursday. He returned home thai evening and was itricken with pneumoaUi Surviving are the widow and three daughters. Miss Mary Hodges and Mrs, George Elliott, of Brooklyn, N. Y,, and Mrs. Charles Bnardne, of Mew Jersev,' and one son, Paul Hodges, of Davie. One sister. Mrs. Gcem Davis, of R. 4. aUo Burvivea Funeral services were held at Con cord Methodist choreh Tuesday at 11:30 o'clock, conducted by bis pas •or. Rev. M. G Ervin, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. All the county c fflees at the court nouee were closed fr«>m 10 a. ro.. to 1:80 p. m„ Tnesday as a mark of re spect to Colonel Hodgea Colonel Hodges was the oldest ec gr^uate of Trinity Collefre. now^tli Dnhe University, and holds the rr cord Of having attend:^] more than GO commfn'^emeiitA at the Institu tion. Be was a former member of the facolty. Following his gradus- tlno frnm Trinity in 1873. he" entev- ^ Tale IJniverRity. re >eit ing his A. si degree there in 1874. During fajti! long lifeas'a tearher he sprved as! -ifad of schools at Raleigh. Rucking-; ham and New Bern. Be was 801'para nid whon he retired from the | field of educarinn. He served for] •nary re^ira as C mntv Superintend-! ent of E umBon in Davie, and also' 'Plight a number of years in this .muntv. The C ilonel w^e a member of the <tbff of General J. 8 Harris, of Cdh- onrd. commander of the Ciofeder* ate veterans of Nor^ Carolina. In the death of his aged Confed- •*'ate' veteran, Davie loites one of ler oldest and best beloved citi- sens. He has crossed over the river rn rest under the shade of the trees with Jackson. Lee. and hundri ds of itber brave sofdieis who wore the gray. Peace to his asho". Bio — Obituaries - 1/8/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 9,1936 Aged Davie Soldier And Educator Succumbs PASSES • ^ ^ "I iV « ' \ I / fx.* COL. J. D. HODGE3 COL. JOHN ll>. 51ODGES, 91, OLDEST TIIINITY COLLEGE ORADUATB, DIES RECORD -AS SCHOOL 1 TEACHER DUILLANT Colonel John D. Ilod'ges, 91, widely known ConfcdcratR vetor- a:i and Davio counJy odiu'.ahor, died lit hia home, ncnr Mock.i- villc last n Sntiii'dny cvcninK ut G.IO. A r.'aHve o£ Davio county, lio was one of the oldest jfratlunlea of Trinity ColIcBC niul had at tended over sixty commoncomcuta at Trinity and Duko University. Ills more than ninety years ol life were rich ones, full of vari ed experiences and reward's in tho lives of line men- and wo* men that came under his influ- unuc. '• Durltit' the War Between the: States CUilonc! lLod«cs rode with j Stuart and Hampton and partl- ciptued In moat of the urcnt bat-1 ties Including the Battle of G'et- lysiburg In which Lee's army was cngnKcd. Judge Walter ClarK, chief justice of North Carolina, iiv his hl.il.ory, "North Carolina ItKKitoontH 01-05" put this young Boldier's picture in one of the voiumcs and rct'crrcd to .nomo of his boyish performances on the buttleflclcl as wortliy of notice. )Vcnt lo iCoIlcgo . , At the close of the war, not- withslamliiig the utter ruin, pov erty and desolation of the South, young Hodges, under the Con stant urging of his widuwcdi mo-t thev, .went to Tyinity College In ,tho fj\ll of 'GO. In Juno of IBTG," ]iu jriiuluatcd at Trinity, lie was a college mate of the Into Sena tor Uvernutu and of Senator Sim- muns and remained a warm per sonal friend of iioth throughout his life. Colonel llodgea went to Yalo Univorsity aiul received his A. n. degree there in 1874. Prom Yale, he went to Monroe in North Carolina in 187B nnd established the first high school of. Union county. So well did the people of Monroe succeed under the loadcrahip of this on- Ihusiaatic young teacher that their school became famous throughout the state and grad uates were admitted to the regu lar classes of the university and colleges wihout examination? on presenting a iccrtificate from the Monroe principal. In 1876 Mr. Hodges was made editor in chief of the Chi Phi Fraternity quarter, national or gan of the fraternity. ,Two years later the Monroe principal .went to <Pnrls to at tend the Gjcpoaition. While in? Europe he toured Intci'ssting yee- tiona of the country, smv Glad- Rfone, and heard Bcacouefield ift , the British Parliament. Bio - Obituaries -1/9/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 9,1936 7aught -at Trinily ] In June 1880, ho was called hiii'io to his Alma Matev to be come a pi'ofoBsov of Greek and modern lahgunges. Curing his, long life hs teacher he Borvod as head of the schools in Eoclfing- ham, Knleigh nndi Now Born. He was (tnioug the ton men summon ed by Governor Aycock.to Ra leigh for a Konforence on the best raetbods to use iu tbo edu cation oF the masses. It was iiU'dcr' the influence of the AycocU movement for bettor public schools that Professor Hodges, who had established a Buc{ccssful private school near his ancestral home in Davie, was aouKbl to Borvo as county super intendent of public instruction. He was rohictant to give up to do so by the Davlc county board of education. At the boglnning of his inciini- bency there was not a decent public schoolhouBO in Davie coun ty. Even the town of Mookflvillc had only a shack built on the edge of the cemetery. Only a few of the toachera In the county de served ' a first-grade certificate, Ait the end of ten year's flor- vice as county super!utendont i?rdfe0Bor Hodges left the por- sonnel, equipment and morcalo of the teaching force vastly improv- . i • (Gontinued on (book page) AGED DAVIE SOLDIER AND EDUCATOR SUCCUMBS: (Continued from page 1) cd. A half dozen new and state- approved school buildings had taken the place of the old ones. A dozon or more public school libraries had been established. For sixteen consecutive years Professor fHodge was a secre tary of the board of education, Western North' Carolina Metho dist Conference. Quit at Eighty ) ■Professor Hodges was eighty years old when .he stopped' tea ching, but this retirement was in nome only as since that time ho has -supervised the work on his GOO-acro fahn, ably' osslstod by ilia .ocom'plished wife, who was Miss Snilie Thompson, before marriage. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Snilie Thompson Hodges, and three daughters, Miss Mary Hodges, of Brooklyn, Nmv York; Mrs. George Elliott, of Brooklyn, New York and Mrs. Charles Boardnc,'of New Jersey and one son, Fnul Hodges of the home place. , Colonel Hodges was n member of the staff of General J. Shake speare Harris, of Concord, who is commander of the Confederate Veterans in North Carolina. _0 — LAST RITES JIBLD FOR GEN. JOHN D. HODGE^ A large gathering of relatives and friends paid n final tribute of respect to • General John Daniel Hodges, 01, prominent Dnvlc County citizen, educator and Confederate veteran, when his last rites were held at Con cord, Methodist church, near his home, on- Tuesday morning, Jan. 7, at 11:30. The services at the church followed a brief service at the hotnu, in wliich Rev: M. C?. Ervin, pastor of the deceased and Di*. J. B. Craven, of Char lotte, took part, and a male quar tet rendered a sclcclion. The casket was covered with a largo UnRcd States flag and also th«. Stars fl iid Bars of. tho Confoder- ney, and snrropnding it was a beautiful profusion of floral designs. Messrs, %. N. Anderson, C.- H. Tomllnson, Dr. R. P. An derson and C. R. Mooncy sang''Albido with Me" ns an op(5ninghymn, Iholi''other selections . be-, | Ing "Beautiful Isle" and "Beyond llie Smiling niwl the Weeping," at tlic close. Rev. M. G. Ervin was assisted in t)ic service by Rev, F. E, Ho ward, of Advaaicc, Rov. E. J. llarbiKon and Rev. W, J. S. Walker, Rev, W. A. Ncwcll, of Salisbury, pnid a bigh tributo to the life and ideals of "Profes sor Hodges," as ho was so wide ly known. Rev. Mr. Ervin renda fine memoir, giving the high jlights In the life of this much- ea- I jtcomod and intclloctunl gon'tle-j| Bio - Obituaries -1/9/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 9,1936 man of tho old school, who has lived a life of courage and faith, fulness for nearly a" contuiy. Tho services at thci cemetery were in charge of the Masonic Order, with Dr. Lester Martin leading the impressive ritual. A company of U. S. Soldiers from Stiiteayille fired a salute over tho grave,' after which the bugler sounded/Taps" for this brave old soldier, and tho benediction was pronounced by Rev. E. M. Avott, of Cornelius, a former pastor, of the deceased. Pallbenrors were Charlie Thompson, George Thnmp son, Frank Thompsorii W. Henry Davis, J, H. Davis and \V. M, Davis, and tho flowers • wore in charge of the Davie Grays Chap ter, U. D. C., and were carried by Mrs. E. W. Crow, Mrs. L. M. Graves, Misses Ruth Graves, Janlc Mnrlin, Mury TTcitman, Mary Poord, Hattic Cbnllln, Mar-, joric Gi'cgoiy, Mcsttames iTohn' Thompson, Dan- Miller, J. H, L. J Rice, Hartley, Minnie T. Bryson. Gfcncrn] •Hodge.s was i.lhc aoii ol Joseph W. lIotlgoH niid Mary Click llortgcs, of Davie, and his mother was one of lI»o .organlr,crK of Concord MeHiodlst church, hiul hnr son was alwaya a .".launch supporter of its ivork. Ills Con-■federate record is well |{no\vn, a.sIs his fitt-c work as nn. educator, Ijotli nt Triuily College, and In a iiiimbcr of towns In North Car olina, as well as in his nativecounty of Davie. Ho wi\s also .de voted to his family, holiig happily mnrriod on .fim. 9th, IflOC toMrls.s Snllie Augustn Thomp.son,of Davie, who mourns hia loss, together with three daughters,•Mlaa Mary Hodges apd Mrs. George Eliot, of Brooklyn, N. Y.,Mrs. Charles Bordne, of RosuHo, N. J., one son, Paul Hodges, at home, and an aged sister Mrs. Snmanthn Davk, of the samo iommunlly. Among thoso from >ut-of-tQwn who attended tho"unonal were Mr. and MrSj j George IOilii»t and jv.ss ' JM:try Jlotlges, of Brooklyn, Mrs. Charles Bordne, of Roselio, N. J., Dr. .J. B. Craven and Rev. M. M. Jones, of CharJotto, Rev. W. A. Nowelj, of BalLshitry, Rev, K. M*. gVvett, of Cornelius, Mr. Jlonry Dwlre, Alumni Secretary of Duke University, and a host of otherfrlend.s. Tho aoldiorly, erect fi gure of General Hodges wlH be grcotly missed In our town and coun-ly, for ho was ofton a visit or in bur midst, and attended many gatherings in our county and State. Recently he was giventho title of Brigadier-General, on the staff of the late General W.A. Smith, of the North Cavclina Confederate Veterans. He wasevery inch a soldier in* his uni form, of Confederate gray, showing tho true spirit of the Old South, while deeply interested in*the welfare and- progress' of the New Southland. Wo extend ourdeep sypipathy to the bereaved family. Bio - Obituaries -1/9/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 9,1936 MUS. il. iW. BAITY DIES AT ^COUIITNEY [ Mi'8. Lelin Belle Lcnch Bnit/i B8, Avidow of J. W. BaU/i pnas- Cfl tiwny lit her homo neiir Court ney, on linn. 1, a year to thp tlay from the doalh of her hus band, Sho Avas n well-known ^ woman, and Avna the dtiughtcr .of Wilson ,T. Loach, and. the late .Mary Jniio' ljnn1e<f Leaqh.-^ Shd Jiid Rurvlvcd by hoi' ftitbor,'. AV* J.] Loach, of Salia.buryi thrco dau- Khtcrs, Mrs. P. L. Koontz, Mra. W. D, WostX of Advaiiice, Mrs. G. N. Poster, of Fork Church, and one son, E. F. Baity, of Davio, one 'bi'othcr, J. L. Leach, four slaters, Mrs. J. A. Jones, Mrs. W. D. Morgan, Mrs. J. C.i Downum and Mrs, A. L, Jarrell, all of Salisbury. The .funroral was held at Cross Roads Baptist church, at Courtney, on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with Rev. E. W. Turner of this city in charge, Those acting as pall- iboarers; wore P. -L. Koontz, G. N. Foster, W. D. West, J. L. Leach, W. M. Downum and Er nest McKnight, and the flowers were icorricd by Miss Ruby Smith and Mrs. W. M. Downum. ALPiXANDKII' L; TACKETTV (DEAD . . Ale.\nndor L. Tnukett, 87, life long rosUlcnt of the Cana com munity, passed away at his homo on> Sunday afternoon, lie was the son of Samuol Tneicott and Nancy Gibson Taclcotl, of Duvlc County. JH« Avifo, irno Avas Mary Baker, preceded him In death'a numlher of years ago. The fun- oral Avas conducted at Chestnut Grove' M. E, chunch on Tuesday afternoon at 2:30, Avlth Rev. Mr. Kcaton, of 'Wmston-Salem, in charge. No near relatives -sur- vWo. Pallbearers were'Paul Brewer, Wade Hutchdns, A. D. Richie, Melvin Richie, Paul Eaton, Jesse' Draughn, Lev! Bracken. Bio — Obituaries -1/9/1936 MUS. H. L. HUDSON DIES 'IN jFLompA I i n Relatives in Davie wore shock ed to learn of the death of Mrs. I H. L. Hudson, which occurred om! Sunday, Jan. 5th, at her home | in So'uth Miami, Fla., after an | illness of two days. Mrs. Hud son was formerly Miss Maude Smith, of Parmington, and Avaa the .doiighter of the late Enos G.' Smith and Mrs. Cordelia Smith,' of that place. Sho Avns Avell-i known and had many friends im .iliis icounty, biufc had resided, in Floridn for a number of years. Sho is survived by her husband, H. L. Smith, her mother, six bro- ithers, J. M. Smitb, of FaiTnlng- ton, W. P. Smith, of Salt Lake City; W. B. Smith, of Favming- iton; Zeb Smith, of Winstoh-Sal- cm;; Grady Smith, of Farming- ton*: liJ.irly Smith, of New Hill, N. C., and tivo sisters, Mrs. C. C. Williams, of Fnrmiuirton: and Mrs. J. L. Ward, of Tanglewood Farm, Winston-Snlera. Tho body arrived hero Wednesday morh- iiiff and Avas taken to tho home of her raothov, Mrs. Cordelia .Smith, in Parmington. The bui*- ial Avas conducted at, Bcthlohcm McthodUt church en Thursday morn-lng at 11 o'clock, Avlth, the pastor, Rev. H. C. Proomun, in .charge, nssiatod ,by Rov. J. B. Tnlbor, of Stntosv'iUe. MRS. iB. F. iSEAGLE {DEAD . Tlie many.friends of Mr. P. J. Johnson avUI symp'athlzo with him in the death .of his only slstor, Mrs. B. F. Sengle, highly estd'em- ' «d .H'ickory woman, Avhich' oc curred on* Saturday. Tho funor- hl was bold on Monday jrftornoqn, and Mr. and Mrs. Johnson nind thi-oo (luugMcrs, and Roy, E. J. •Harbison attended. Tho survlv- 'ing family conaiHis of Mr. Songl^ who is a 'Confederate vctornn, one soiv, B, F. Soagla,'- Jr., tho aged mother, Mrs. P. ,1. .luhnson^ I Sr., and one brother, -Mr. John- 'sort, of this place',' *Mf8.' Seagle ^ ihnd ylflited hero a number'■ of ;.times,-, nnd. la-; plonanntly, romom-. bercd,*..' •. - C ' -v- MRS. ELIZA J. HARPE DEAD Mrs. Eliza Johnson Harpo, 42, ■passed away at her home lyearYadUin 'Valley Bai>tl8t church, on Jan. 3. She waa tho Avlfe ofCal Harpo, and the doughtor of J, F. Johnaon and! Mrs. Annie Golden Johnaon, all. of whom aurviye. Other surviving rela tives Include four children, Mrs,Alice Crystal, of Spray, CarlHarpo, Misses Martha and MaryHarpe, of Davio, one gramlchilo, five brothers, John Johnson, ofElkin, Ernest, Walter,. Frank and.Raymond Johnson, of Dnvic, iavo sisters, Mrs. Ed Tcsh, of Clem- mons, and Miss Lillio Johnson,'ah home, llio funeral Avns hold at the* home .at 1 o'clock SundayafteiTWon, follpAved by sorvicos at 2 ;30 at Vadkln Valley chui-ch;.Avitli. Rev. D. C. 'Claulon,, Rev..James Oroc.e nnd Rev. J. T1 Mur ray in charge; Paltbearers wereW. A* rrowell, TToward-Scats, J.W. McKnight, ElUa IToward, Al bert Ellis and Alvis King, and^ iMiss i.oulso Elli.s and Mrs. Al-jvis King carried the flowers, I • DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 9,1936 MRS. J. a iPROST DIES IN LOUISVILLEl, KY, The followIii{r n<ottico wna sent ua by Mrs. Robert D. Rnnda, of Wn.shliiffloii, D. C.: Mrs. Mamie C. Frost, wlt'c of J. C, Fvoat, formerly of Davie county, N. C., died at her homo, SOB E. SI. Cnthcrino St., Louiavillo, Ky., on ^luir.sday,- Jan. 2. -Her final ill- a' faII wWch aiie' had on Oct. 18, 'which wiia complicated in Dccombor by dn attack of influcnKn. Mra.. Frost was ft native of GrnnviUc coun-ty, N. C., a daughter of William i Bullock Hunt and Agnos Bullock Hare. She ia survived by her Jutsbnnd, who is now 8(1 yoara of nKO. dniightora, Mlas Sue Hunt Frost and Mrs. Robert Dolafield Rands, and grandiehlldren, Miss Frances Rnnda, of Now York City, R. D. Randp, Jr.,' Phyllis Rands and Mary Audrey Rands, of Washington, D. 0. Funeral aeryicca were conducted at the homo by Dr. F. 'F. Gibson, pas', tor of Walnut Street Baptist Church, and sho was laid to rest with hor brotherand son" In beautiful Chve Hill Cemetery. JTho following tribute to Mrs. rVost, l^y Mrs. Rhnds, was read by Dr. Gibson at the funeral: "Oun Molh'er lived 'Pouragoously, ever faithful to duty, ever devoted and loyal to husband, children and friends. I'Shc was la hearer of bulrdons, giving of iier strength to aid 6Ur weakness. Her life wna the re sult of a fln-eb nlnnco between I idealism and common sense. She , appreciated beauty in form, line and color, but derived her grent- ' cat satisfaction from' Tuusic. With her own sweet gift of song she lulled us to sleep in infancy,, und soolliod- our bcnrtnchcs in subsequent years. Her letters to hor distant loved ones brought solace, strength «nd the joy of feeling that there was always some one who understood. She .wai'med us with hei' lovoi ehocr-r !od us with her apprecliution and ispurred us to attain through the stimulus of her encourngemcnt., She burned n torch oi the Hhriiio of etUvcfttion, .und stvugglod nCtex- its benefits for her children with unrelenting effort ami unboHev- n|ble sell-denial. Sho was a wo man nniong women and a Mother of whom hor daughters were vei*> proud. Her noble influence will live on and on in hor children and ill' hor children's children." Bio - Obituaries -1/9/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 15,1936 Mrs, Maude Hudsou, Mrs Uatid« Smith Htidfoo. 52, wife of H. L. Hudson, passed away at South Miami, Fla., fan 5th after a two day The body was taken to the home of Mrs. Hudson's mother, Mrs. Cordelia Smith, at Farmintttoa. Fiuieral service were hefd Thurs* day morning at 11 o'clock at Beth lehem Methodist Church, near Parmingion and interment followed in the church graveyard. Mis. Hudson was the daughter of Boos C. Smith and Mrs. Corde iia Smith and was a native of Farm ington. Surviving are the hnsband, mother, six brothers. J. M. Smith, ot Parmington; W. P Smith, of Salt Lake City, Utah; W. B Smith, of Parminston; Zeb Smith of Wins ton Salem; Grady Smith, of Farm ington, and Bariy Smhh, of . New Hili. N C ; two sisters, Mrs. C. C Wiliiams, of Parmington and Mrs. J. L. Ward, of Tangle wood Farm, WiostOD Salem. Ei^ene Snutb. Bngese, 3 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Shenill Smith, of near Dulio's died Wednesday morning, Jan. 8ih, following a week's illness of pneu monia. Fnnetal services w<^e con ducted by Rev.' H. C. Freeman at Bethlehem Mmbodist church Thurs day afternoon, at 2 o'clock,' and the body laid 10 rest in the church ceme tery.' The bereaved ^parents bave the sympathy of a host of triends in the death of their only child. Mr^. R«-A, E|^« Mrs. Ri A.«B^m, 72,'^ied Wed nesday morning at her. home near Cotmty Line,following a. long ill ness. Sbesnffer^astroke of para lysis last Attgtt^t and had btto con fined to* her.tMd since. Mrs Blam was. bom in.;;£.avie :cophty. the daughter of-Mr.'and Mrs. William Anderson, and-was manri^ to Mr Blam 51 years, ago.. ^Surviving is the husband and four daughters. One son, Clarence B. Biam, of this city also sunnyes. ■' -Funeral services.wer^.held at Society 'Bapti§.t- church /Tbursday aft^oonatyo^clopk, conducted by her pastor, Re:& Ut* McSwain, of Harmouy, assist^-by Rev. V. M. Swalm, of Wiiiston:Salem, and the body laid to rest in tbe cburch ceme tery. Mrs^EmmaK. ftmitb. Mrs.' BmmaJ'Katherine Smith, age 67, died ^Wednesday morningat 5:30 o'clock at ^er borne Ut Red' land. She been in good health until the time of her death, which came as a distinct' shock to her many friends. She was bo'rp in. Davie . connty, the daughter of the late John and Emily Tavlor.Waiker»'and was mar ried to SulHe R. Smitbi Sbe had spent her'entire Iffe' in Dayie. coun ty and was a member of Bethlehem 21. E Church. • 'Surviving are her-rhusband; six sous, Wal,ter^BDd;,'Willie .Smith of Alexandre, Ind.; -George Smith, of Homestead,-Fla ; Robert Smith, 'of Mccksville; Bail Smith, of Wins-toD-Salem; and Everett Smith, of^ Advance. Route i; four daughters. Mrs. Prank Smith, Mis OIlie Dunn, Miss Leona Smith, and Mrs. Lucy Williams, all of Advance,!Route i; three brothers, Charles IWalker, ot Alexandre. Ind.; John* Walker.' of Concord; aud Julia Walker, of Aiexwdre, Ind.; three sisters. Mrs. Nora Smith, of Harmony; Mre. pzzia .Plbtt," of Arkan-! <as; and Mrs, Nannie Booe, of Coo- leemee; 34 graudchiidreur and two great-graodchlldren. Fuueral services ;.were held at Bethlehem Methodist church Sat-arday»SE^ngpi^ cou ducted / C. jlj^^man.and, the'^bbdy ':Was5|i5id to in the church ce^f^r . .. ;-,r. ; Mrs. J. P. Ward. Funeral services fcr Mrs. Mary Elisabath Taylor Ward, 61, wife of James Pbiiman Ward, of Farmina- ton, who died Thursday morning, was conducted from the home of a daughter, Mrs. Fannie rempleton..atHanes, Saturday morning at 10:30 o'ctookand Crooi the Fairfield Metho dist Church, joat beyond High Point,at 12 o'clock ROOD. Rev. Mr. Tate condncted the services and intermentwas in the church graveyard. Bio - Obituaries -1/15/1936 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MCCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 15,1936 Mrs. M. R, Swicegood. Mrs Maxie R. Swicesood died at her borne near Jeri^'ho Friday at oooD, death resulting from a stroke of paralysis. Her sodden death was a shock to tbe entire commonity. Mrs. Swicesrood is survived by her bosband, her a^ed mother. Mrs Sal lie Turuer. one sister. Mina Daisy Tdrner, and one brother. Brown Ttarnar. all of the Jericho section, Foneral services were held at the home Sunday morniag at 11 o'clock, conducted by Rev. W. L. Reeves, and tbe body laid to rest in the fimi ly burial ground near the home. To the bereaved busbaod. mother, brother and sister, The Record ex* tends sympathy in this great be reavement Mrs. A.'G. tiiriMNr« I Mrs A O. Turner,died at her boioie in Coole^ee Wodn^ay| morntok fdUo\0ncf. au illness of some time. Funeral ser* i vices were held at the Cooleemee I Presbyterian church Friday morn* i«g at lo o'clock, ,co.idocted by Rev. J. W. Foster, and the body laid to rest In Chestnut Grove ceme tery. Mrs. Turner is survived by her husband and three sous, five sisters and th*'ee brothers, Bio - Obituaries —1/15/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, Januar>' 16,1936 RUBEllT It FOSTER PASSES lAWAY. MUS. A. C. TURNER DEAD Mra. Ruby Martin Turner, «0, wifo of A. G. Turner, af Coolnc- mcc, passed' away at Lonif'a Snivatorlum on Jan. 8th, She wuiv the dnughtor of John Martin and the Inte Mrs. Octavin Pruott Martin, formerly of Withes cottn. ty, her mothor'a death occurring a few weelis ago,. bu^iv- cd by her husband and three children, Alfred, Roy and Elma T'urncr, three brothers, Robert Martin, of Linwood, Joe btartln, Itilelgh, Isaac Martin, -. Mount Airy and five sisters, Mrs. S. G. McDanle) and Mrs. J. W. Turaer, of MocJc9vnie, MrB. Looko Sailcy, of Oavic, Mrs. Luther Cress, of Salisbury, and Miss Mary Mar tin, of this place. The fimcrat was hold at Chestnut chunch Friday muriilng at 11, with Rpv. J. W. Foster, of Cooiec mee, in charge. The floweis wore carried by Mrs. Rajmiond Lineborry.. Mrs. Lacy Sneed, Mlases Lois Parker, Ellen Spry, Bettlo llodgcn, Ida Sn'ced, Mary Hollard and Lolone Foster, and pallbonrers were hnrdt, W. H. Parker, Will Mc- Clannon, Clarence Creaaon, tio- mer Hodgen and L. B. ElHs. Fimoral services for Robert I. Poster, 83, well-known retired foi-mer In this county, were held Wednesday afternoon at 2:80 at Fork Baptist Church. Rev. R. G, Roalch and Rev, E. W. Turner conducted the seitvices and In- ^ torment was in tho church grnvu- yard, , •Mr. Foster died Monday night about 11:30 o'clock. He had beoi. seriously ill for one week. Ho was born in Davie county, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Foatei*, and spent his entli-e life in that section. He was a mem-1 bor of the Fork Baptist Church. Hila v/ifo, who was Miss Sarah Carv.*cc(l prior to marriage, dieo 17 years ago. Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. Lolie Owen, of Ailvnncc, route 2; Mrs. C. P. Koont?, of Lexington, route 2; Mrs. D. 0. Shuler, of Mdcksvlile, route 8; Mrs. J. C. Proctor, of Gerinnn»- ton, and Mrs. J. M. Llvengood,- of Mocksville, route 8; four sons, C. 11."Foster, of Holly, Colo.} C. M. Foster,: of LouiHville, Ky.j R. C. Foster, of Warsaw, and W. R, Poster, of Winston-Salem; 26I grandchildren; three brothers, I Frank Poster, of Lexington, ruutt 2; Mitchell Foster; J. R. Foster, I Mocksville i-oute 3, and three' sisiers, Mrs. Mbry Copo, of Ad- | vance, route 2; Mrs. Bella Pack, of Winaton'^lfllem and Mrai Mar tha Foster, 'of Mocksville. l MRS. M. R. iSWICEGOOD DIED SUDDENLY Relatives and friends through out Davic were greatly shocked by the sudden doatb of Mrs. Mai-y "Turner Swicegood, 46, wU'o of M. R. swicegood, which .6c- tcurrcd at their homo near Har- Idlson's Chapel ore Friday morn ing, tho cause being a hoant at- tiick. Tho doccnsed was a belov ed and esteemed woman, and Kor passing away has brought sor row to a wide circle of friends. She was tho driughter of., the . late Pinknoy Turnei* and ..Mrs: Snllic Bi'own Turner, -and. was la n member of Jericbo Church •idf- • Christ. She is survived by her husband, her mother, one, sister, [Miss Bnisy Turner, and one bro ther, Brown-I'll rner, of the snmo 'communlly: The funeral was 'hold at the home on Sunday • morning at H o'clock, with R®v. I W. L. Rocve.1, of Forsytb, hi •! charge, and the inlermont was I in the Turner family -comotcry. Mrs. Swicegood was a nioce of Miaa Kate" Brown and Johre Brown of this place. Bio - Obituaries -1/16/1936 .LAST RITES FOR >1US. HUDSON Last rites for Mrs. h, L, Hud son, of South Miami, Pla., were held at Bethlehem Methodist church on Thursday morning at 11 o'clock}, .with tho pastor, Rev. H. C. .Freeman, in charge, assist ed by Rov. J. B. Tabor, and- Rev. J, W. Willlama. The deceased was formerly Miss Maude Smith, of Pnrmington, but had resided In Florida since her marriage In 1021 Those acting as pallbear ers wore L. L. Smith, Cllntore Ward, Willie Tlaylor, Claude Dunn, Ralph James and Joe Wil liams, and the flowers were car ried by Mesdamcs. E. C. Smith, Zdb Smith, W. B. Smith, J. F. Johnson, J. A. Kimbrough, J. W. Williams and J. K. Jnmea. Mnr-. Hudson passed away on Jan. Gtb,. after a brief illness, her death- coming as a groat shock to her- family and friends. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY ALFOUD E. SMITH DEAD 2 Alfovd Eugene Smith, 2-year-- old son of Mr, and Mrs. Shcrrlll n Smith, of Smith GYovo passed, [ttwny on Jan. 8th, tho little boy' being the only child of thCbtf- cuitvcd piiieii.tB. Mrs, Smith vms formerly Miss Lucllo McDauIei. The funeral was hold at Bethle hem Methodist cluirch on Thurs* dny nftrnoon at 2 o'clock, with tho pastor, Rev. H. 0. Freeman* in charge. Intoimcret was in the chiincl) cemetery. Psllbenrors were John CarJ Dunn, Lawronco D'lmn, Virgil Smith and Jim Frank Whitakor, and the flow ers were In change of Mlsa Susi# Flott, MIbb Margaret Foster and Mrs. W. R, Foster. MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 22,1936 Robert 1. Foster. Fanera) ser^ces for .Robert I. Foster, 83. well-kDowo retired farm er in Davie coanty^ were held Wed> oesdav afternoon,-Iroia Fork .Eap list Church at 2:30 o'clock. Rev. R. G. Roach and Rev. E.-W. Tum- ner conducted the services and in terment followed in the church graveyard. Mr. Foster died Monday hlRbi a- bout 11:30 o'clock. He ^had. been seriously ill for one week. He was a member of . the Pork Baptist Church. His wife, died 17 years ago. Surviyiog are five daughters, Mrs. Lellie Owen, of Advance, routes; Mrs G F. Roonlz. of Lexington, route 2; SIts., D. O Sbouler, ot Mocksville, route .3; Mrs. J. C Proctor, of Gennanton; and Mrs. J. M Lirengood, of .Mocksville, roote 3; four .sons, C. H. Foster, of Holly, Colo ; C. M. Foster, of Louisville, Ky., R.. C. Poster, of Warsaw, and W'. R., Fos ter, of this ciiy; 26 grandchlldreu; three brothers, Frank Poster, of Lexington, ronte 2; Mitchell Fosterj In Memory of Mrs. Tempie Baggerly. On Wednesday April 24.1935. the death angel visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs Pearl Wnoten and took as its trophy "Aunt Temp," She had been in declining health for some- lime and Buffered great pain Will ing handsdid everything possible but Jesus knew best. She was one of the most loved women of this vicinity, and her death was a distinct shock to hnndreds o! friends and acquaintances I had known "Aunt Temp" eince a very small child. She seemed more like a relative than a friend, atid was a very frequent visitor in our home and we all lovt d her so much It Is SO lonesome without her. No one can take her '.ace In the home, church or °an> • .>ore. We miss her smiling face so mnch hot if we fui low in her footsteps and live a good life like she did, we'll meet her o- gain some sweet day where there is no tears and h>artacbes. "Annf Temp" was a consecrated Christian woman and verv active in church as . soeiatioDS. She was indeed a good woman and was always willing to help her neighbors in the hour of sickness or death. To know her was to love her. Bio - Obituaries -1/22/1936 of Mocksville, and J. R. Foster, of Mocksville. route 3, and three sis ters, Mrs Mary Cope of Advance, route 2; -Mrs. Delia Pack, of this city, and Mrs. Martha Foster, of Mocksville 1 shall never forget that sad day when I Sat by her beditide until the death angol took her home. It was early one morning. It was euddcn. ' ^-.was silent; > We shall always r^ tnember the.day. For seveatv-foor years she tolled, but at last her work was done and aureiy she was blessed. Sbefaught the fieht, h victory won, and entefnl into rvi-t. As the days go by, we are .reminded anew of the many thin^ she used to do She smiled, the laovhed and had her | (UD, until at last God called her John M. Markland.. I John M. Markland, 86. died at the home of his daughter,. Mrs, J, j C. Hrndrix, in Fannington town*' Ship, Sunday, . Funeral, services were held at Yadkin Valley Baptist church Monday, afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, and the body laid to rest in the chuirb cemetery, i iSurviviog relativeo ioc1ud6-'hne Markland. AdvSttoe. R..|i^4angh ters, Mrs. J. C. Hendri^-tand.Mrs Geo. Smith, of AdvanceriRVr"; Mrs, W. A. -Styors, of Aberdeen, and Mrs Will Martin, of County Line Mr. Markland had been in- failing h lalth for several yearS. He' will be sadly missed in bis-commuuity. home. It is a glorioua feeling and a lesson of sorrow and pain, then help us dear Jesus to be faithful to meet Aunt Temp" again, MONA HODGSON, Harmony. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 23,1936 •J. M. MARKLAND PASSES lAWAY J. Marion Markland, 8'3, highly, respected) Dnvic county citbcn, (lied Sunday moi'tiing, Jan. 19, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. C, Hondrix. near Yadkin Val ley church. He was the aoni of William Mnrliland and Suaan Arm.sworthy Mailkliiud, of Davie, His wife, whose niai'don name was Betsey Cook, passed away 'several years ago. Surviving are one son, J. M. Markland, of I Advance, four daughters, Mrs. J, C. Ilendrix, Mrs. W, A. Slyers, of Albcrdcen, Mrs. Will Martin, "of County Lino, Mr.s. George Stnith, of Advanico, ilG ffvand- childron-, IB great-grandehildrcn, one atep-daughter, Mrs. Bill Hoo- 'vor, of Welcome and a brother, Nat Markland, of Marshalltown, Iowa. The funeral was held at Yadkin Valley Baptist church, of 'which the deceased held long >boon n lending member, on Mon day oftornoon at 2:30, with Rev, 'James Gvoce in charge. Inter ment was In the church ceme tery, and..the palllbearers were I Will Howell, J. W. Douthit, J. W, iMtcKn-ight, J. D. Slieel^- C. A. 'Hall and Crady Riddle The flowers were carried by Misses j Joyce Slyers, Ozolle Miller, •Louise Miller, Mary Leslie Mark-; land. Ruby Miller, and Margaret Markland, granddaughlora of the deceased. Bio - Obituaries -1/23/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 29,1936 Columbos L Bowden. Colutnbus L. Bowden. 76, well snowD Davie county farmer, died j at the home of his son, L S Bow- jdsn. Advance, R i, Saturday nt^bt. Jan. 25th, following a stroke ol (paralysis. Mr. Bowden is survived bv three daughters, Mrs. O. R Allen, of near Farmington, Mrs J M. Smiih, of Smith Grove; Mrs Robert Snearlv, of Wvooing; four sons J. C. and W. P. Bowden, Doniihan, Nebraska; W. R. Bow den, West Haven, Conn., L S. Bowden, Advance, R. r. One brother, I. W, Bowden of Green wood, lod., also survives. Fuueral services will be held to day a t . Betblehem Melbodist clmrch, condticted by bit pastor. Rev. H C. Freeman, and the bodj will be laid to rest in the church cemetery. To the bereaved familv. The Re cord joins .hnndreds of friends in extending sympathy Mr. Bowden will be sadly missed in bis commu nity. William Ray. William Ray, aged Confederate veteran, died at the home of his nephew, A. D. Wyatt, In South Mooksville, at 10 o'clock Sunday morning, following a long illness. Funeral services were held .it Met- tOD Methodist church in Yancey county yesterday morning at if o'clock, and the bodv laid to- rest id Melton cemetery. Mr. Ray came to Mocksville several years ago to make bis home with Mr and Mrs Wyatt. So far as we cau learn, no immediate relatives relatives sur vive This leaves but seven Con federate Veterans living in Davie county. Charles A, OrrelL Charles Alexander Orrell, 61, passed away Wedm^av night at 8 0 clock at his heme'in Shady Grove township He bad been ill with angina pectoris for the past two years and his condition had been critical since Saturday. Mr, Orrell was bom in Davie county. February 1874. He was a member of Elbaville M. P. Church bear Advance, and Lexington Ma sonic Lodge. He was well known in the community iu which be re sided. Surviving are the . widow; two daughters,. Mrs Clara Feonell, of 1 Winston Salem. and Miss Mary Lit Kan Orrell, of Advance, R. x; cue son, Charles Orrell, Jr., of Wins ton-Salem, iwosis'ers, Mrs. Louella Koontz, of Davidson county ood Mrs. Annie May Broadway of this county. The funeral was held at the home Friday moruing at 10:30 o'clock and at Elbaville M P. church at 11 o'clock. Rev. R. L. Helbcox, and Rey. Mr. Howard - condncted the services. Burial followed in the church graveyard The qourt hotise was closed Fri day from ID p. m , to i p. m., out of respect to the memory ot Mr Orrell. who was elected Olerk of, the Court in. 1930. Mr. Orrelll served as Clerk but a few week.s, j rcslgoiag on account of his .bealth. | Bio - Obituaries —1/29/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 29,1936 G. S* Kimme^ Gene Saoford Kimmer, 64. died at his home in the Fork Cbttrcb community at 10:25 o'clock Satar day moroinK. He bad been in ill health for three mootb and fa is con dition bad beeu serious for a week He had resided in Davie county for fifty years He was a member of the Ascension Chapel Episcopal church and of the Jnoior Order United Americas Mechanics. Survivors include his wife, who was Miss Cora Thompson pior to their marriage in 1003; one daogh I ter. Mrs. Agnes Potts, of Davie j county; four brothers, Ed Kimmer, of Spencer, and CharleH. John and I William Kimmer, of Davie county. two sisters. Mrs .Dalton Hedrick, of Davie county, and Mrs. Will Wright, of Advance. Funeral services were held from >be home Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock and from the AKension Chapel Church at 3 o'clock, Rev. C. B Robinson conducted the ser vices and Interment f^Iowed in the giaveyatd of the chttrcb. with Junior Order services at the grave- sjde. Bio - Obituaries -1/29/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 30,1936 CHARLES A. ORRBLL PASSES AWAY Advance.—Thia communUy was saddened by the paaalnir of Mr. Charles A. Orrell on Wednesday night at eight o'clock at his home hero. He bad been ill with angina pcctoris for the past two years and suffered a stroke of paivilysis on Saturday. Hr. Orrell was born ln« this county Pcbriinry 10, 1874, a son of Ben nnd Gblia Orrell. He was a member of the Lexington Masonic Lodge and they hold a service at the' graveside. Surviving are the widow, formerly Miss Carrie Thompson, and two dolugbiters. Miss Mary Lillian Orroll, of Ad. vance, and Mrs. Clara Pennell, of Winston'Salcm, one son, Char, lea, Jr., of Winstoh-Salem, three grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs. Charlie Broadway, of Advance and'Mral Lovella Koontz, of Davidson county. Funeral ser vices were held at the Elbaville M. P. Church, of which he was a mcinibcr'Friday morning at 11 o'clock by the pastor. Rev. R. 'F. Hethcox and Rev. F,. E. Howard Members of the school faculty acted as pallbearers. COLUMBUS L. BOWDEN PASSES AWAY Columbus LcOrand Bowdcn, 76,. prominent Dayie citizen and retired farmer, died at the hom<i of his son, L. S. Bowdcn, Ad vance, Route 1, on* -Saturday evening, Jan. 26, after a week's illness of paralysis. He was the son of Caleb Bowden and Polly Etchlson Bowden, of Davie coun ty. Ho was Sunday School su perintendent for many years at Bethlehem Methodist Church, and also served as school com missioner. His wife, who was Miss Martha Jane Shook, passed uwuy several years ago. Hie surviving family consists of one broi&her, I. W. .Bowden, Green wood, ind.; tho following ichildxcii: Mrs. 0. R. Allen, of Farmington, J. C. Bowdcn^ Dona, than, Neb., Mrs. J. M. Smith, of Smith Grove, W. R. Bowden, West Haven, Neb., W. F.' Bow den, of Don-athan,' Neb., Mrs. Robert Snenrly, of GiUetto, Wyo., nnd L. S. Bowdcn, of Advance, Bio - Obituaries -1/30/1936 WILLIAM P. RAY, CON FEDERATE SOLDIER, DEAD William Preston "Ray, 89, 'hlgh- lyf esteemed' citizen of Caawell countyl and Confederate veteran, passed away at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. D, Wyatt, the form er his nephew, on Sunday morn ing, Jan. 2G. He was the son of Jordan Ray and Elinor Walker 'Ray,' of Caawell county, and was a salesman for n number of years. His wife, who was Miss Battle (Smith, died some years ago and since then Mr. Ray had made hia home with Mr, ; and Mrs. Wyatt. The deceas^ was a genial, courteous gentleman, and had made numbers of frieiids since eoming here to reside. Ho was a member of tbo Preabyter- iun Church at Milton, N. C. where the funeral was conducted on Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock, by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Claytor. besides 28 grandchildren and 8 gre^at-grandchlldnen, A short service was hold at the homo on Wednosdny afternoon at 1 o'clock, followe<l by the funeral at Beth lehem Church at 2, with inter ment In' the chureh cemetery, conducted by Rev, H. C. Free man, the pastor, assisted by Rev. C. M. McKihncy, of Rural Hall, andj Rev. M. O. Ervln. Pall-| bearers were M. D. Bowden, Z. j M. Bowden, John Bowden, Gro- ver 'Bowden, Robert Bowden and H. 1{. Bowden. * PAUL A.',RAKER DEAD Paul Artcmus Baker, 21, pass ed away on Jan, 27 at a States- •\ille hospital .after an appendi citis operation on Fri(Vay. He -WHS the son -of A. BI. Baker and Mrs. Mamie Evans Baker, of near Mociksvllle. The funeral was hold at Chestnut Crove Chiurch on Wedn-esdny morning at 10 o'clock, with Rev. E. W. Turner, in charge. The paronts, and the following brothers nnd sisters survive: Adam, Luther and Jake Baker, Miss Bessie Baker, all of Davie, Mrs. James Crouch, Mrs. Willis Whltnker, of Oak Grove, Mrs. Tom ElUo, of ElCentro, Caiiif., Mlflses Laura and Sarah Baker, at homo. MISS ERA BELL STANLEY DEAD Miss Era Bell Stanley, 24, dau. ghter. of Julius A. Stanley and Mrs. isossie Sutton Stanley, died at their home- in Glarkavillft township on Jan, 26. The funsral- was (Conducted at Bear Creek Baptist Church qn Mondoy after noon/ at 2:30, Svith Rev. James Qro(^ oXlicihting. The parehts and/four brothers, ICin, Will, Re-' land and Asbury Stanley, sur vive.' ' • ' •• ' J. ■' " DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 30,1936 DEATH CLAIMS W. S. DOUTHIT William Stephen Doiithlt. 61, | sup^idntomlcnt.of the jfnrm of S., Cloy WUlinma nnil momjbor of sjiio of Dnvlo county's moat pro- n minent fitmillca, pnaaod nwiiy ivt the auperintcndont'a roatdonce, nt 9:15 o'clock Tdcsdny raornln«. Ho had boon ill for one week with pneumonia. Mr. Doutliit was born Febru ary 28, 1884,- the aoii of William and Elizabeth Shcelc Douthit. He was married to Lola Swearing on December 27, 1907, and lived his entire life in Davle county. For n number of years he operated a mencahtlle. establishment _onj the Winaton-Saleni road, but for the past 12 fears had been superin tendent of Mr. Williams' farms. Ho was one of the best Imown men in the county. He was a member of the Yad- kln Valley Baptist Church. Survivors Include the widow; three daughters, Mrs. Ruth Hud- speth, of Winston-Salem, and Misses Mary Ada and Katherine Douthit; six sons, Vance, Frank lin, Joseph, n Bfohl, William and 'Webb Douthit; four sisters, Mrs, Ada Atkinson of Winston-Salem; •Mrs. J. G. Powell, of Mount Airy; Mrs. B. C. Tonguo and Mrs. L. Furehua, both of FarmlngLon; two brothers, Jake V/. Douthit, of Advonce, Route 1, and P. R. Douthit, of St. Frances, Kas., and one grandchiW, Funeral Rcrvlccs will be con ducted from the home sometime Thursday, G. SAMTORD KIMMER DEAD G. Snnford Kimiher, nKO OS, passed away at his home . near Fork, Saturday, January 26th, after an illness of scn^eral months. Mr. Kimmer is survived by his wideftv, Mrs. Cora Thompson Kimmer and one daughter, Mrs. Wiley Potts, of Advanjce, four grandchildren-, four brothers, Charlie, John, Will and Ed Kimmer, two sieters, Mrs. Will Rights and Mrs, Dalton Hend- ricks. Mr. Kimmer was a member of the Aaccnaion Episcopal Chnpol at Fork, a member of Lodge 173, Jr. 0. U. A. M. After a prayer in the home, the funeral seiwice was conducted in the chuifeh by the rector, the Rev, C. E. B. Robinson. Tiitei'-. ment was in the adjoining ceme tery. / : Alcilvc pallbearers w6re Dowey, Tom and Robert Kimmer, .Adam and "Henry Barnhnrdt and Holt Swift, nephews of -Mr. and Mrs. Kinimcr. Honorary pallbcaroi-s were Iho following 'mcnvbcrs of Lodge 178, Jr, 0, U. A, M-, Mr. Walter Crnver, Or, GVeent, Messrs. Hnnvey Gbbbl^e, J. C, Rntts, Louie Hendrix, George Jones and Dewitt Bailey, The' flower boys wore nephews of iMr. Kimmer, Foy, George, Jack, Fred and Jumcs KImnier, Homer- ami David HendrlcKs. Bio - Obituaries -1/30/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 30,1936 William Roberts, Age 56, Passes Away William Augustus Roberts, 66, one of Davie county's most hlghn> ly esteemed and prominent citi zens, died at his home in plarks- 'ville township, on- Tuesday-aftor^ noon, Jan. 28, after an illness of tivo. years. He come of a well- known family, and -was the- son of Isaac Roberts and Eroma £. Mnrtln Roberts. He was. fiducafc- cd in Richmond, Va., and In early life hold n position iir a rallro&d ofHce in Cincinnati, later being with. Alrmoiir and Company in St. Louis, Mo., and Chitcago. When his parents' health failed he came home to reside with them and became quite o factor in his comniiinity and county* Mr. Roberts was a staunch De- ^mocrat, but bad numbers -of fri- \ ends in the , opposition parly. IFor fourteen years he served 1 capably as chairman, df the Ddvie .county board of electionai He had the goml--wiil anc^ res pect of all classes, and was a brootdminded, generous' gentle man. He was a Methodist, being a member at Wesley's Chapel, and was also a member of CourU ney Mdsoxvic Ixidge. Two years jigo he hud a stroke of paralysis, but regained his strength to somo extent, until a few days ago when ho grew worse. The de ceased was never married, aiid Is survived 'by two slstor.s, Miss Mnmio. Roberts, with whom .he lived at the old homestead, Mrs. Nannie Hayes, of Pittsboro, and- c-iVebrbthci', Tsafvo Cwyn ■Roberrs,"'.' of Mocksvilie Route 2. Tho ilaat rites will bo heUl at ' Wesley's Chftpol on I'liuraday afternoon .M 2 o'clock, with the paatOi?,'Rov. II. C. Prcemnnj Iw charge, and interment will bo in the •church cemetery. Fnll'bcnrera will be Dr. S. A. Harding, Hurry Cllngman, W. M. Edwavd.8, Ro bert Davis, J. F. Fcrcbeo and A, M. Davis. We extend our deepsympathy to the borcaved family. Bio - Obituaries —1/30/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 5,1936 W. S. DouAit Wniiam Siephcu Douihit. 51. soDeriotendeut of the lam of S. Clay'WilliatDS passed awa.v at the saperioteodeot's resideace^ in Dayie Munty, at 9:15 .0*clock Tuesday moraitiK- * He bad been ill tor one week with pneumonia.. Mr. Douthit was married to Lbia Swearing on December 27, 1907^ and lived bis entire life in Davie coobty ' For a number year$ be operated a mercaattfe establiseroeot on the Mocksville road but for ti e past 12 years bad beensuperlotea''- ent ot ' Mr. WilllatDs' farm. He was a member of the Yadkio Val ley Baptist Cbnrch Snrtivors include the widowj tbrM daughters. Mrs. Ruth Hud- speib, of \Vioston*Saletn. and Miits* es Marv Ada and Katberine Douih it; si:c sons. Vance. Franklin,' joMpb, Pfobi, William and Webb Doutbii;. four sisters. Mrs Ada Atkinson, of Winston Saletn; Mrs. T. 6. Powell, of Mount Airy; Mrs. B. C Teagueand Mrs L Furches, both of FainitnKion; two brothers, Jake W. Douihit, of Advance, Route t, and F. R. Dotubir, of St. Fraucis. Kas. Funeral services were conducted froiu the borne ThurMlay afier- noou at 1:30 o'clock, and from the Yadkin Valley Baptist cburcfa at 2 o'clock. Rev. E W. Turner, of Mocksville; Rev Ed Brewer, Bish op J. .K, Pfohl and Rev. Virgil M Swaitn, of Wtustou Salem. conduc tei the services and interntenc. ful lowed in the ihnrch cemetery. William A* Roberts. William A. Roberts, 56. lor 14 years chairman of the county board of elections iu Davie county pass ^ .away at his home iu Clarksville towtt.Hhip Ttt^d'ay afteruooo.. ^ n giTC ■up'activodife atibiit-two" years -ago beranse of lit Heaith -and . at thai time resigued. as elections board cb'atrtn&p. He was the son. of Isaac Roberts and Emma Martin Robert's. He was a members o| the Masonic Lodge, and the Weslev Chapel Methodist church. He was never married Surviving are' two- sisters, Miss Mamie Roberts, of the liome 'pleee and Mrs. N. Hayes, of Pittstoro. one brother, Isaac Gwyn Roberts, of CIarhSville towtiship. ' Funeral servi;«s were held Th'ursdav'afiernooo at 2 o'clock at the. Weslev Chapel Methodist cburch with-tbe pastor, Rev. H C; Freeman, in charge.. -Pallbearers were Dr. S. A. Harding, Harry Ciingman. W M.^ Edwards. Robert Davis, J. S.* Ferrebw atrd A. M; Davis. ' . . • Paul Artemns Baker, • Paul Bakev. 21, passed away last Wednesday afternoon . at Long's hospital StatesviUe after an. appen dieittB operation. Funerat. services were held atChestnut Grove cb'nrch . in upperDavie county Wednesday morpingat' 10 o'clock. ; • Surviving are the father . and mother, three brother, three broth* ers, Adam. Luther and Jake of the borne; sTx eisters, 'Beside' of thehome; Mrs. Jatiies..Crouch.. M.ockis- viHe; Mrs' Willis WbuakVr, .OakGrove; Mrs. Toip.Ellis, of Califor nia. and L--(Ura and S rah Baker of the home Miss Era Staalyi,^. • Paueraraud bhrial serviced 'were held at Bear Creek Baptist ■ cb'Ur-ctaon Monday, Jan ..27th for Mira Era Stanley of. Clark^illo lowusKip..who died jan : aXih, She.-was a daughter of Cap Stanley aod is sur tdvdd by ber father apd 'a'. ti'timber bf'brothers : Charles bing, -~ Charles H. Loog.' 77, died sud: deoly-at his. home; at Oak Grove Wednesday, morning at 6 o'clock. Mr. Lotig had been in t»d healthand almbitt blind Fot.several .years.. Surviving is bis wife and one' sou.Wiliiam Long;o t •. K.4nnapolisPiiueral seiyices yrvns held at- OakGtove iMethodtst church:..Thurs^avmbrolpg'at 10 o'clockj Cotidbcted byRev. M', G Eivinii-and the bodiy laid, to rest ih the church cemetery. '•'Uncle Charlie'.', bad many friendsin ah<l.aronnd MOcksviile.who we.ie.saddepedby. his (p^th. * ?edce to his ashes- " . - "' ^ ^ Bio — Obituaries - 2/5/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 5,1936 Mrsi Ma^ vWardi Mary MJlvTWtW;. !(b^^ined .* F^t^fn feron--: n. anci wIfiB- of.'M.* e.." n away d^ief honict afieroohn i (r^n;li«art'dMije'aac^,^ Ujoeasjof I %;Jew dava;'"'' ^ n . Mrs •ti^aTit wasLrhV. J'atD.^.qi4tijrt!ll:;add^y^^ CdthreM^abd^wi^^ .a stntml^ i^SaSfir". ••?*-. nilsNoiiar? society. • iSnryivioB are her bbsbatid', and the fplIbwinK daughters and sons, Prank: ^ard,'of Lanrel. Iowa; H. B ..Ward, and Grady N.; Ward, of filock^illeaod j -I*.-'Ward, of near. Cte^moos; Mrs. Eaeene Armbnisto ef; Raleigh; Mrs. B. P Walker, o| Winsitpii Salem; Mrs. S. C. Jaines,' bf.Bafmipgton and one sister; Mrs, /. A. Linville,' of ^Winston Salein'' Funeral services .were held Thnra. day afiemooii 31-3:30 a'dock 'at PanninDtoa Methodist Chuirch with the pastor,'Rev. Ef. CT-Preeinan In charge. Interpieutv was in the churoh eemeiery. V " " Mrs. Wi]y|is Taylor* ? ; • Mrs Wllis't'ayior, 76,Vdied at the" hbcbe: of her !daiighter,':M^.- James; S^mbn,' -near ' .Wo^leaf, Ids! ^Tues^Jay". death igniting -.frdm piieiitnonia -M to.. Taylor bad '^oe. to visit her daughter'when. stHcken Fdnitihl servfotti .were held: af Sti .Viyitb)6ws.. Lnther£ih .■chnrch* "lastWedneitd.aV inbrning atji t .'p'<dook,-cqndncted by Mr:W vF< Sion^tiie^t.bf.Mofcksville.. and-.(he;b^v:;)aid: br^tihthe chtireh .eeiseteiiip.v-Mrs.Tavibir is survlvea. by her ■ husbandand;f.qdf dangbtera .'Mjfe/.* .Wiibi,-,:^.Eopau,';df Mocfc^llej Mrs,; Jnines"Seambn. of; hcaf' Wapdlea'f;; Mrai.;Shoaf,pf Rowan, q'nd _ ^ re'VMaivin'jRelleir, of'j qf ichb. Cine sisterj MfiM&ty : P^yie; al^b stif: Kieriiitt Bio - Obituaries - 2/5/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 6,1936 MRS. M. G. WARD PASSES AWAY Mrs. Mai-y LUly .Ward, 79, os- tucmetl Farmington womnn, and wife of M. O. Ward, died at their home on Jan. 29, a^ter u few (!ays' illness with heart disease. She wuo the daughter of James Cuthi'Qll and Nancy tiumes Cuth'^ rell, of Davie Gounty, and was an active member of Farmington Methodist church. <Sho was greatly beloved, and was deeply interested In the work of the Missionary Society. The surviv ing family consists of her hus band, four sons, Frank Ward, of Laurel, Iciwa, H. B. Ward and Grady N. -Ward, Jof Mocksvillc, J. 1j. Ward, of Clemmons, three daughters, Mrs. J. C. James, of Farmington, Mrs. Eugene Arm- brtistor, of Raleigh, iMrs. E. P. Walker, of Winaton-Salem, a number of grandchildren and greatgrandchildren, and one sis ter, Mrs. J. A. Linvllle, of Wln- ton-Salcm. The funeral was- hold at Farmington IMothodist church on Thursday afternoon at with the -pastor, Rev. H. C. Freeman, in ttrharge, assisted by Rev. C, -M. Mcp:<inncy, ' of Rural Hall, and.' Rev. M. 0. iErvin. . Interment was in the < !church cometory, and pallbearers were the ifollowing gruiidHuiis, .Leonard Ward; Ralph" "'Jaraos, Clarence James, Milton James, Norman Walker and Odoll James I and the floral tributes were car- : riod 'i)y -Misf^V^ JSloulnor .Whrd, Mary Nedl Ward, Mary Elizabeth M\i-mbruater, Margaret Ward« Nancy Walker, Louise Walker, Virginia'.Fut'chos, Mosdameg Wil- Ko Howard, H. C. Gregory, Ralph {James and Charlie Doby,..,,_ I r% KERMIT BATON DEAD Kevmit Eaton, 12, only child of Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Eaton, of hear Cana, passed away in "a SthtoBvi][ic hospitiiil on Jan. 29. TJio funeral was held at Chest- ifiit Grdvu filuiveh on Friday morning at H .o'clock, and In- t"rmont -was there. Rev, James .Grocc and Rev. J. II. P'ulghum officiated, and) the pallbearers were Eroadtis Eaton, Car? Eaton, I Hubert Eaton, 2cb Brinklcy, Mc- Kinlcy Smoot and Evorotto JSt- ,chison. Tho floral designa wore carried by Elizabeth Fcrobec, Louise Eaton, klary Null Eaton, Madclcne Smoot, Gladys Brink- lleyj Jaini.cq _Eaton, Carolyn Ea ton, Loon Eaton, Wayne Eh^oh. »T, (.A, Bladkwoldior, Jr., -Mb'bei 'Cnin, John Boytce Cain, Thomas 'Eaton and Gilbert Lee Boger. NEA-L WOOD DEAD Neal Wood, citizen of Fulfon To^vinship, passed away on Feb.i 2, aged 86. He was ttie son of Williom Wood and wife. Sur viving are his wife, Mrs. Addle Jarvig Wood, one son, Charlie Wood, and one daughter. Miss -Lnurio Wood, all of the same commuhity, Thc 'fuhornI "wha hold at Fork Baptist Church on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, wiUJii iRev. E. W. Turner. In charge. Pallbearers were Z. V. Burton, W. U. Ci'nvor, John Stcf v/art and William Edwards. Bio - Obituaries - 2/6/1936 CHARLIE H. LONG DIES SUDDENLY Charlie -Hainpton Long, well- known citizen of the Oak Grove ^community, passed away suddon- jly at his home on Wednesday morijing, Jan. 29, aged 77. He 'was a familiar figure on our streets, where he peddled fruit for a number of years, amiough ho was almost b()indi. Olften fear was e.\prcased that he might meet his 'death by being struck I by an automobile, bub wc ' are -glad he escaped that fate. He was a deeply relig-lous old man, and liked to ullend church bo^ viuoa. He is survived by his wiife, who ^va3 ftonncrly Rhoda Louise Sanders, one son, Willie Longjj, of /[Kannn(poli8, and grandchildren, another .son, Joe Long, dying several years ago. i The last rites wore held at Oak Grove Methodist church near his homo, on Thursday; morning at 10 o'clock, with Rev. M, G. Ervin, in (charge. The deceased was tho son of William Long and Lizzie Alien Long. MRS. WILLIS TAYLOR DEAD Mrs. Emily Seamon Taylor, 76, ,wife of Willis Taylor of the Jericho community passed away cn Jan. 26 at tho hoxpe of her daughter, .Mrs. J. R. Seamon, at Woodleaf. The deceased was a weII-kj»owii -womaij, • and wag • n member- of Jerioho Ghuiteh of Clirlst. She is survived by her husband, four daughters, Mrs. W. J. Koontz, of this place, Mrs. J. R. Seamon, of Woodienf, Mrs. Mv £. Keller, of Mocksvllle, Rt. 4, Mrs. J. 0. Shoaf, of .Rowan, 12 "liandehildrcj), two greatj-grand- -nUdv.enprjind one sister. Miss Mnrj^;.Stfiii|idn, of .Mockaville. The funord1?".W{ig conducted -by W..F^ Stohcati'bet at St. Mattliaw'a Lu theran church -^.'on fChjaratlay morning at 11 • o'clock, and the pallbearers were Bill Ratledge, John Seamon," Clnrowe Eller, George Bost, Kcritiit Beaver and Glenn -Best. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 12,1936 Stonewall Jackson KjmbalL Stooewall Jackson Kimbalt. 74. died recectlv at bis home near Rock Htll.S C Mr. EimbaU is survived by his widow and two cbildren, a SOD and da.nebier, and two brotbers D. J. Kimball. of StatesyiU.e, and J. R. Kimball.-of Macon. Ga. Mr Kimball lived in Mocksville when a young man. and bas. visited here on several ocosions in recent years. Ue bid luany Iriends throughont this section who were saddened by by the news of bis death. William Bivens Dead. Willie Btyens, 75. died at bis home near Epb^us W^nesday afternoon, fcISowiag a stroke of paralysis, wbicb he suffered on the prevtoos Saturday. Fnueral ser vices were held at Liberty. Metho dist church Friday afternoou' at 3 o|clock, conducted by Rev. M' G; Brviu. and- ibe body laid to rest in the church cemete'ry. Mr. 'Bivens- is survived by bis widow and OTe ohildi^^en, three SODS and two d^ugb- tera One brother, Walter Biveii.s, tpF-.Higb-Point; iqlso survives' Mr.- Biveps speut probtlc^lly nil his life in -'Davie . eouDtyV^,-srid'..had maay friends whb will sorr>; ih learn of bis death. ri" Mrs. Noah Brock Taken By Death. .The family lies of perhaps the oldest married couple in this aud snnoundiug communities were broken Saturday nigfat, when Mrs Noah Brock passed away at Culver hottpiral, Djrlinston, Indiana fob lowing an operation Mrs Brock, at the time of her death wa.s 88 vears of age. while her husbanti ulH celebrate his looin hir'fadnv in August, aud bad she lived until Aoril loth. the coup'e would have been married 70 year.«. Funeral sevice.s for the eldeily woman we.re held at the home near Darllugion Tuesday morning, with Rev A. L Miller of the' Meiho dist. church in charge. Mrs Emily Brock, e1de.Ht child of Richard and Salena Church was horn in North Carolina, becemher 31,'1847 and at the lime of hvr death was 88 years old On lanuary 25. 1936 she pas.>ied away at Culver hospital io Crawford-sville On April .10, 1866, she wa.s unit ed, in marriage to Noah Bf. Brock, and to this uuiou were horn four children, all of whom have preced ed her in death. - She was a member of the Potato Creek M. E. Gbarch, and although in iater.yeafs was uuable to attend, still her-love and interest in the woik of the church continued. She wa.s a devored Cbri-stian and tried to live bv the Golden Rule. So mmv times we have heard her say "Right is right, and wrong is wrong; draw a line betwien the two " Mother was a woman • of 'great courage in each trial of life both great and sm.ill, was alway.s look log fpr the silver lining. She was devoted to her home and family. She was very uoselSsh and was al ways tfyiug to make everyone with in her reach happy. Mother leaves t o mourn her lo^, her husband; a daughter in- law BIrs. Edith Brock; three-grand children Mrs Bdle Dowe and Mrs. Florence Parker of Grand Rapids Michigan, and Lee Painter of Dar lington; and two great' grandeliild- ren." Mr, atsd Mrs. Bro^k were natives of Davie county, but moved to In diana many years ago Mr. Brock, who Is oearing'his lopih birthday, bas many relatives in Davie who will sympathize with him in .the death of his aged wife He is an uncle of Mrs. Geo. Sheek and Mrs. J L. Sheek, of this'ctty, Mrs. D.i K. Fnrches, of near Farmington, and A. M. Eimbrough. of tbiscicy. Bio — Obituaries - 2/12/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 19,1936 Jobn F. GtdiWS. Mr, John Franklin Graves, aged 67 years, died Thursday morning at bis home near Mocksville, death resulting from injuries sustained when he fell from a wagon, together with compUcations. - He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. George Graves, of D.avie county and is survived by the following: His frife and six sons. They are: G. 0 . L M., R. F„ and fl D. Graves, all of Davie county; J. K. Graves, of Greens boro; and R. M. Graves, of Kerhers- ville. There are two brothers, Henry and George Graves, of Davie County who also survive. Mr. Graves was a member of the Mocksville Council Jr. O. U. A. M., fticn a member of the Hocksville Baptist church. The funeral services were held Friday aftemopn at 3 o'clock, from the Fork Baptist church, and inter ment followed in the church ceme* tery. Funeral services were conducted by Rev B. W. Turner, and the body was laid to rest with Junior Order honors by Mocksville Council No. 226. Mr. Graves had many frieuds in thissectioir who were sorry to learn of his death. The Record extends svmrwthv to the bereaved family. Obitnarjr. Mary Eteanor Turner Swicegood, daughter of Pinkney and Sarah L. Brown Tomer, was bom Jolv 8rd, 1881, near Moek8ville,-in which com- muni^ sba was residing at the time of sn^en and ontimelv death. wb!(^ occurred at noon Jan, lOtJi. 1938. FhnersI services were conduct* ed by W. L Reeves, at her home on Sunday. Jan. 12tb. Interment was in the Tamer family cemetery, at^ tended by a multitade of niends and rdative& > \ • She became a Christian when 17 years of a^ was strong In thefoith, grew in knowledge, added the Chris* ^an graces and liv^ a faithfal life through all of her days thence after spent on earth. She was brought up In the congregation of Jericho, near her home, and spent most of her tlmetbmu. Her Dstber was aa elder of this congregation for anamber of years. He was absolutely endowed with a profoaod intellect. He read ^tendvely, studied bis Bible mucb, taught school for years, lived one of the most elegant, exemplary lives until his death years ago. Her mqthm:, a most amiable, saintly wc- mai). still survives. Ber husband. Maxie Raymond Swicegood, to whom the was married on July 27, 1919, still aor^vos to grieve over bis sad loss. To tfaJa marriage one son, Max ie Raymond, waabora Jan. 20. 1926, and died Jan. 24. 1926. One mater, DaMeToraer, and one brother. Brown Tamer, ear ivo. God endowed Mary with a brilliant mind which she deUghted. in culdvatlng. From a diild she read, along wiUi her Bible, good books, and gathered knowiedge and wl^cm which was necessary to make her that osefnl, worthy bdttg which she was. This, comUned with ber loving, cbeerfol disposiiion, made her rrady to aym^i pathizeand lend a helping hand to' those in distress. She had a nteas-' ant smile and greeting for all, mani fested the spirit of benevolence to all who came her way, and waa nev er happier than when she fatly ao- eomplmed all that she felt was her duty, lake David, she was a "Sweet singer of the Spiritual larsl of God.*.' Her God-given talent, music, sing ing God's praises, die ealttvatsd and need as Qurist directed In these words. '*TeadiIng and admonishing one another In Paalma and .Bynua and Spiritoal songs," tCol. 8:16.) Such as Hiia David says, pieaaea God more than saedfices of an ox. (Psalm 69:80,8L) Besides Hils talent she was a gifted artiat. and made pic* tares after her own design. So thus her life was spent in filling the mis- don for wbieh God gave her these talents, eohsequentlv she has left a memorial worth while—to improve ybar talents and not bury them, as an example to all who were fortnr nate enough to ba associated-, with her. Soh^n described her in.tbfo "She looketb well to the ways of her housdudd. and ratethnot the bread offdlmiesa." <Prov.31'.27) Her hus band, a member of the Cfanreh, - Will miss her all the remainiiig' days of his life, but he certMnly will feel chat his life was made better andI happier by having eudi a noble com panion aa die prov^ to he to him. Our hearts are yeaning for the gen ial -wanDth of her sweet companion- ship and conatant devotion." She was. Indeed, a sunbeam to those whoI loycn her, Peering and brtgbteniDg aptheirway. Fond memories of her. can never . grow but will remain with us I vivid a$ poon-tide mti ob n bright sammerday, on down through the meander of time. Bio - Obituaries - 2/19/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 19,1936 C. D. Lefler. Charles D Lefler, 75, near Coo* leemee, died suddenly at his . hotne on Tuesday afternoon abont 2 o'clock. Funeral services were held from the Liberty Methodist cburoh ot which he was a member in his boy hood days, on Thursday at ii a. m. He had been a member of the Coo- leemee Methodist church for many years. The final rites were conducted by Rev. T. M. Barber, pastor of the Cooleemee Methodist church. Rev. E. M. Avett, of the Cornelius Methodist church; and Rev. M. G. Hrvin, pastor of the Liberty church Burial followed in the Liberty church cemetery. The widow, the former Miss Eva Swlcegood. and the following child ren survive; Mrs. K. T. Futrcll. of Greenville, N. C ; Mrs. Ollie Beale, of Greensboro; Mrs. Charles Gordon, of Spencer; Wade Lefler; of Newtoo; Or. Hugh T. Lefler, of Chapel Hill: and Miss Ruby Lefler, of Cooleemee. Mr. Lefler had been a magistrate for many years in addition to his numerous other dnties. Mrs. Mary M. Cope. Mrs Mary M. Cope. 8r, widow of Samuel J. Cope, died of pneu monia at her home at Fork, Thors day. Fu&eral tervices were 'held from the Fork Church at 2 o'clock Saturday. Surviving are two sons. T. M. and Wiley B. Cope, both of Mocksville, Route 3; three brothers, Frank Fos ter, of Lexington, Route 3; J. R. Foster, Mocl^ville, Route 3, and Mitch Foster, ot Missouri; two sisters, Mrs. Charles Pack. Winston Salem, and Mrs. Frank Foster, Mocksville, and two grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries — 2/19/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA SALISBURY POST, 2/23/1936 Mrs. McDaniel Passes Sunday At Home Of Son Mrs, Hecna McDnnlol, 73, Hied the 17 Li?th ^ McDaniel.iiLif^V Boundnn' Mrcct, after anIJness of only one day. . servJces wlil oe held atAe First Baptist church Tiicsdnv ifU^ncwn at 4 o*c}ock and will be conducted by Dr. Arch Crce with follow In Chestnut Kill^metery. Deacons of the church will act i« pallbearers. " Mrs. McDanic: was a native of Dnyle county but had resided In this city for approximately 50 years and was familiarly knoam to a large cir- c\e of friends here as "Ma Mac" She was the widow of the laic Charles McDaniel, who died in 1898 ^d had been a faithful number of yws^^^ church for the past 4g She Is survived by three sons, W Ciiarlcy McDaniel. 14 grandchildren and three ercaf- grandcliildrcn. ^ Bio - Obituaries - 2/23/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 26,1936 Ezra Ezra, infaot son of Mr. and Mis. Geo. Mock, of near Advance, died fast Tuesday afternoon, aged 3 days* Funeral services were held a t Mock's Chapel Wednesday after noon at 2 o'clock, and the little body laid to rest in the church ceme tery. Services were conducted bv • Rev. F. E. Howard. Snrvivlng Is the parents, 11 brothers and sisters. Mrs. J. M. CaO. Mrs. J. M. Call, 60, died Wed nesday at her home near Ctaerrv Hill Funeral services were held at Cherry Hill Lutheran church Friday morning at 11 o'clock, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. Mr. Call is survived by her husband and the following children: Mrs. D. A. Wilson, Welcome; Mis. Raymond Wilson Church* land; Mrs. Ray Williams, Coolee- mee. Hisses Mae and Frances Call, at home; O C., Spencer; V. L., Mocksville; Kelly Call, at home. The following sisters and brothers also survive; Mrs. S. G. Holder, Sallshttiry; n Mrs. W. A.. Heiioh, East Spencer; Mrs. ;J. A. Jovner, Henderson; Mrs. A. L Beck, Thomasville, J.S. Young,-Thomas- ville. Snllie Smilb. Snilie Raymond Smith, 73, of Advance, route i, died suddenly at his home at 7:30 o'clock Friday morning. He resided near Bethle hem Methodist Church, Davie county. Mr. Smith was taken sud denly ill about 1:30 o'clock Thurs day afternoon and bis death Friday morning was unexpected and came as a shock to friends and relatives. - The deceased was horn In Davie county, December 8, 1862 and had resided in that section all his life. He was one of the most prominent aotd widely known m^ in the conn . ty and was considered an outstand ing citizen. He was a member of the Betbele- hem M. E. Church His wife, who was Miss Emma Walker, prior to marriage, died January 8, thisvear. Survivors include six sons, Walt* er and WPlie Smith, of Alexandria, Indiana; George Smith of Home* stead, Fla.; Earl Smith, of Wins too*SaIem, Robert Smith, of Mocks ville and Everett Smith, of Ad* vance, route 1; font daughters, Mrs. Frank Smith; Mrs. OllieDunn Mrs. Lucy Williams and Mto Leona Smith all of Advance, route i; two sisters, Mrs. Willie Lee and Mis M. Foster, both of Davie county; 32 grandchildren, and two great*Ri'andcli ild ren. , Eunerar services were held at Bethleh6ih Methodist church Sun* day afiemoou at 2:30 o'clock, con ducted by Revs. H. C. Freemao and C. M McKinney, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. The Record extends heartfelt syra* patby to the sons and daughters In the death of their father. Just six weeks sgo the mother died suddenly which makes tbedeatb of Mr. Smith doubly sad. He was a good man and will besadly missed iu bis com* mnnity and throughout the county. Bio - Obituaries - 2/26/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 4,1936 Mfes MildreS Smith, ig, dangh* terof Mr.'and Mrs. Damiel Smith, died at her home near Smith Grove, on .Taesdar moming, February 25, death resulting from pneumoMa, Funeral services were held at Smith Grove Methodist church Wedoes. day afternoon at 3:30 o'do^, con* ducted by Revs. J. H. Freeman and M. G- Ervin, Burial followed in church cemetery. Miss Smith is survived by her parents, one brother, Chal, and one mster, Miss Zola, at home; The bereaved tami- iy .have the sympathy of the com munity in the death of their daugh* let. Mrs. Lttdnda C. L^ey. Eucinda Cuthrdl Lafcey, 86, passed away at her home near Caua, oh February. 23 She was the widow of Henry Lskey, .and*the daughter of Thomas Cuthfell and Jane Hill Cntbrell. The funeral was held at Wesley chapel bf wbich she was' a member, on .Tuesday morning at ti o'clock, with Rev. H. C. Freemen ia churge, and intertneht was there. A- daugh* ter, Mrs. W. A. .^len, and one brother, M. F. Cuthrell, of Coolee- mee, survive. • ^ Miss Meek Nedy. Miss Meek Neely, 98, a native of Calahain township, died at Eong's Hospital, Statesville, Monday morning, following a short. illness. Funeral services were held at the First Presbyterian church. States- villcj yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock, conducted-'Iby her pa9tor, Rev. Chass B. Raynal, and the body brought to. Davle and laid to rest in Byerly's Chapel cemete^. Miss Heely is.su^lyed by sis'neices and one nephew, many distent relatives and friends. Miss Neeiy spent most of her life in this cotinty, and was bom on the Ne^y farm, near Wrencher's fold, five miles southwest of Moeksville." Mrs. J. A. Oayraalt. Mrs. Lenora Payvault. wife of Mr, J. A. Dayvanlt nf the Cool Spring commnnity, died at the H. F. ItOyg Hospital Sunday Feb. 23, death following an illness of sever al weeks. ' , Mrs. Dayvault was bora in Davie county on December rg. 1868, the dangtater of Lytie antf Nellie Ga briel Fleming.- Snrviving are her husband; three sons, Mr. David Clarence Dayvanlt, of VirgUina, Va., Mr. James Everett Day^hlt. ot Graham, and Mr. Paul Daj^auU, of the Cool Spring community; also two daughters. Mrs: S E. Stroud, of Davie county, end. Mrs. R. Hi Crouch, of Cool Spritig. A brothm Mr I urney Fleming, of Ccoleemee, also survives, and a sister, Mrs. Robert Starrette, of Thomasville. Mrs Dayvault bad been a mem ber of Soctetv Baptist chnrch for a number of years. The funeral service was held last Wednesday afternoon at 2':3o iroih the Fifth Cregk Presbyterian church, conducted by Rev. Dr E. D. Brown and Rev. V/. -L. Mo* Swain. Interment was in Fittb Creek cemetery,:—Statesyille Daily Mrs. James CandelL Mrs. James Ca.udellr 75. ao in mate-of the cpunty home, died last Tnesday moridng, following an illness of pneumonia; -Funeral ser vice.s Were conduct^ by Rev. M. G. Et^u at Yadkin Valley Bap^t church woming at 10:30 o'clock, and the body laid to rest In the church cemetery- Mrs^ Caudell is survived by bechusbandi .four isons and four daughters. : Shaw. - .. Mrs.^I,ucy Shaw, 84. died at. the county home last Tocsdav molroing, death i^uUing from the infirmUiw of age. Funeral services were held at Salem Meiho^is^ - chur^ ne^ay afteruwjn at 1:30'o'clock, cond^ct^ by R'ev. -M, Gi .and ibe body l^d io rest jn pe ctauVcb . cemetery 1' Snrviviqjg: Is .tHr^-fibnsVmi^ 4 number, of-jlpg,': Mrs. Waters I ' Waters receiged a incs-^ Sanday aftei^n that bbj n cwtber. Mra? died 'St her ••oitic in Atlanta Sandav tnoiDlnir* Mr. Waters left Sanday eventoK for that city to attend the funeral and burial services. Sfra. Waters ^ y®*" M-age. odd badbecu lU for Mme time. • Bio - Obituaries - 3/4/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 11,1936 C. Hpuslpn hd^e jnearf" •Cortiatzeri- ;;M^diay, Man- follpwijrig a St^ok^<6f pa?alysisr Eanerdl seryli^yw.ere held' Pt Ci^i^aizef 'Methodist chpirch Wedo^dy afteriiobn at-2 .o'clbcki Rev, F. E; -H6ward,.arid the body laid to.rest in ibej Cornatzer cetne- te^-:.; ■/• •• Mr.-.Fry is. survived by.-his jwidow and two s.ons, Warner-.and Floyd, l^th of' hear Cdrbatzen Fry was a native of; pavie-r icdnuiyj, .baviDg-spent bis entire -life here. He .was a good citizen and WtU 'be sadly niiss^ in_bis'.Coojtntinity:"; ' Sanioel . . Samuel O. McDaniel,. 47', of Mpcksyille, died at I.ong's Hospi' tal,. Siatesville,- " early Thursday morhing; death "resulting from heart trouble. , -Funeral services,wfere held at Liberty - .Methodist church Friday afterhbbn' at:.3:3oo'clock, conducted by Rev. . A, ^T. Stuadeuiire, ;aDd the body-^laid--to rMt.fu .the church Jpemetery" yrtth P. .0. 8 of A houbrs, .. . .. " . Mr. McDaniel is survived by bib Widbbr and fi ve' cbildren,* one .soband four dahgbters; -five brothers and fi ve sisters also. snrvibe,. Mn McDaniel moved from Cobieem'ee to Mbcksville-about.three yeare ago. Collie Gain and Sylvia Chambers Two Ni^o Women Are Killed In WretE Two negro woinen from Stat^ ville were killed in an automobile wreck last Tuesday night about midnight on a curve in the heart of Cooleemee. The dead are Collie. Gain and.Sylvia-Cbamters. Another occupant - of the car, Tom M?Tee. of near Cooleemee was carried to a Salisbury hospital in a serious condition He bad a badly crushed shoulder and arms,, and severe head wounds, tjriah Gore- tou, of Salisbury, driver of the car, was lodged in Mocksville jail fol lowing-the accident. . The car leit .the roadway, mashr ing ihtpjhe front- of Oscar ByeriyTs bbme._- Bai^ters on the front porch were torn down and other, damage dgpe. The car overtfi'Tced after the Impact' The car belonged-to Miss Annette Stevenson, a nvrse at the Long Hospital, StBtesviller Corpor al Adams stated. Curetou got the car a't Salisbury Tuesday .aii'd was to take it to Miss Stevenson, but became associated with the' com- pabioD at Cooleemee and the -wre^ resulted. Bio - Obituaries - 3/11/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 12,1936 MISS ANNIE LAlltO BEAD Miss Annie'Laird^ a{;cd woman of the Cornatzer teommunlty, died 'nt her home on 'March 9, agodl 81. Tho funeral was held nt Cornatzer Methodist Church on Tuesdny afternoon with Ilev. F, E, Howard "in charge. Inter ment was in the church ccnic- jtory. A numiber of relatives sur- jvive. Bio - Obituaries - 3/12/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 18,1936 Namon Campbell Negro k Oled. Kamoo Campbell, aegrb/ aged a boat i8 years, of Iredell county, was killed Instantly about 2:30 on Monday morning when struck by a truck driven by C. J. Tones of Asfae* vilte. It appeared tbat Campbell who was on foot attempted to flag the truck and stepped into the higb> way directly in the path of the truck bo Bear Creek hill on the Statesville highway. Jones imme* diately reported the accident to the sheriff's office, and after an luvesti* gation it w^ decided the accident was unayoidable. and Mr. Jones was released Campbell was employed by W. W. Smith. Mrs. Sarah Ana Snutb. Miss Sarah Ann Smith, 89. of. the Smith Grove commnnity, pass ed awaySunday morning at the home of Mrs. C. W. Allen. The funeral was conducted at Bethlehem Methodist Church Sat urday aftemooD at 2:30 with t^e pastor, C. Freeman, in chatno. Surviving relatives are Mrs: C. W. Allen, Mrs. W. A.-^ Tones aud Mrs. Thos. Dunn, alt of Davle. Mrs. J. A. Grubb Mrs. J, A. Grubbs, 54, died FrU day night at her home nekr Salis bury. Mrs. Grubbs was. a' native of IJavje county, a daughter of the late Mr. aud Mrs. . Giles' Back. Four sons and a daughter suryiver A brother, J. C. Pack, of Jerusaletu' township, also, survives. Funeral and burial services took place at Calvary Baptist church Sunday alternbon; ^ Mrs.X. L. McClamrbch. Mrs. C. L. McCIamroch., 67, died at her home near Oak Grove .early Friday morning, death respiting from pneumonia. Funeral service were, held at Oak Grove Methodic church Sunday aftejupon . at ' 2 o'clock, with Rev. M. Gi Ervin in charge, and the bodyiaid to rest in the 'church cemetery. Mrs. Mc" Clamroch-is survived by her nus- band, one son Albert, and two daughters, Mrs. Losnie 'and Mrs. Rimbtough Whitaker,-all of Route 2. Two sisters, Mrs. Gus Granger, and Miss Kate. Dontbit, - both of Hickory, also survive. The Record extends sympathy to the bereaved family in the death. bT thb:. loved one. Ella Mae Koantz. . Ella May Koontz, 13 year-old daughterjof Mrs. W. J. Koontz, died at her home an'^ Wilkesborb street last Tuesday morning, following an illness of one day. Tbe little girl had bfeen an invalid all her life. Funeral servjjt&s were held at 2 o'dock Wednesday ^fter nocD at the .ho&e, conduct^ by W. F. Sionestreet, arid the body laid to rest. in Salem church ceipetery. . Surviving is the mother and a rinm.bier . o&' brothers and sistera,-:. . Miss Agaeis Miss. Agnes Laird, 8 Tidied at her ibome neai pulih's' Monday night- n of last week, death .resulting-frpm a" stroke of paralysis.;^. Fuuerel ser vices were held at Cotnatzer Melho^ dist church n Wednesd^y^ afternqoD at^ olclock, with .Rev. F. E.; .Ward in. charge.' Bufwl in thexburcb cemeteiy. is one Mb O: L.--Laira:, >ith whom decbased^Uved. MisslAWa^WPM'* . Miss Uflra CampbelU'S^, her home hear County Lioc -Satub^. day afternoon; death tbe infirmities rnr;services were cphdimted^by L. McSwain, v.at -Society Ba^ .chnS&\^nnday = a»ernopn .at ^ o'clock, and the.bod^ Gamp- the church -.^^rother; ship, ana a nnmow: v hephewsi4ai»Qng;Jb5®^H Bio — Obituaries - 3/18/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 19,1936 Naaman Campbell DEA-TH ON HIGHWAY A Oratrlc denlh occurred on the StotOBvillo highway, near .tie&r tCrodk, on Monday morning at 2 o'clock, when* a young* colored nuin, Naaman Campboll, 21, woa struck nnd^ instantly killed iby a transfer truck, ng he wng walk* ing along the highway. The vie- , tfm of aecidoht was in the employ of Wodo Smith, of this ^laco, nnd was a well-behaved and. •quiet person. MRS. BBRTIIA >YAL1.S DEAD Mrs. Bertha I. -Walls, widow of the late John W. Walls, passed away at her homo at Oak Grove on March 16, aged 41. The o»r- viving family cohalats of two sons, Elmo and John Wails, Jr., and ono daughter, Louise,Walls, and a step-daughter, Mrs. M.lton Waters of Motcksvillo. The fun eral was hold at the home of Mr. nnd.Mi'B. MiHon Watova on Tuea. day nfornitig at 11 o'clock, with Hov. M. G. ErvIn, In chnrgo, and the interment took place at Oak Grove cemetery. Pailbettrera were Fred Walls, Robert Wails, John Whitttker, Sam Waters,. Glenn Grubb and Roger McOlnmroch, and the flowcfi's wore carried by Mrs. Jndlc UmvloK^ Mrsv GHonn Grubb, Mrs. Will Walls, Misses. Sam Jlirvls, Georgia'Carter, Noia Bowies, Mary Whltukov, Irene Angoli and Rottn Rntts,' .. i -u- MISS SARAH A. SMITH DEAD Miss Sarah Ann Smih, better. known as "Aunt. Sarah," posaeft sway on Friday, Marcii 18, at* the home of Mrs. C. W. Allen, near Sinilh Grove, nged 89. The de ceased was tiio daughter of Tho mas A* Smith and Bcttio Bailey Smith. The funeral was held cm Saturday nCtcrnoon at 2.:S0, at Bolhiohom Mclhodist Church, with tlio piistor, liov. H. C. Froo. man, in charge. Surviving reln- tivOs are Mrs. C.. W. Alien, Mrs. W. A. Jones and Mrs. Thomas Dunn, of Advnncej Roiito 1.' PnlKb'eavers wero 0, B. Wil liams, Glonn . A'llen, VoiUo Allen, KemniL urcDnnie, Roy PhlllipH and Mnrvin Bates, and the flowers were carried by*. Mrs. Marvin 'Bntea, Mm. Roy Phillips and Miss /. Gene Al^n.- *' Bio — Obituaries - 3/19/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 1,1936 Rebecca Seamon *"21143 Rebecca Seamon, aged ladv of near Codleeisee Junction, died last Wedne^ay. Paneral"'' a n d bnrial services were beld at St. Matthews Lntberan church Thnrs day afternoon at 3 o'clock. Miss Seamon is survived by a number of Beices and nephews. 0 G. Holcbios Dead. O G Hntcbins, 60, died Friday afternoon at bis home in Winston*° Salem, loUowtng an extended ill ness. Mr Hntcbins was bom in Davie county, near Cana, hut left tbis county about 35 years ego, inov> ing to Rowan and later .to Winston* Salem. • He was a member of Mocksville Council 336, of the Jr. O U. A. M. Snrvlving is the wid ow, one daughter, Mrs. Howard Ijames. of Winston Salem,-and six sons. Three brot bers, C. S. H utcb- fns, of Cona, T. A. HutcJlnv, of near Oak Giove. and W. R. Hutch ins of near Cana, also survive. Funeral services were beld at Hast Fourth Srreet Baptist Church Wins- ton-Salera, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, conducted bv Revs V M.. Swalm, J. F. Carter, L. P* Stpbh aod A. C. Peeler, and the body brought to ClemmOdS and laid to test in the Baptist cbnrcb cemetery at 3 o'clock.^ .0. W. RidenhoBr - Oweu W Ridenhour, who., has been in .bad bealtb for the past sev ^ eral months, died at his home in North Cooleemee Friday, March 3? at 13:45 P' " survivgd bv bis wife and five children, four sons and one daughter; Bftli Clydd Er?via, Jack and Miss folinsfe ^eo hour. He is also snrvived by six- grandchildren and five brothers anq two"sisters; M.S. .Marion .^ellar , Mrs. JoeWyeii8.TrH Ridenbotur. J. jp, Ridenhoiir. George Ridenhourall of Davie county; Richard RWen- hour of ^banote. V®*'Ridenhour pf Salisbtiry. He WM s meinter.ofHi.el'iO:? of A. aod thelORMoedpiderdf Rad MM. .Tto fooeral.iiwlp cbaW of 'Je w oideisaod ?iascoo.4ocfedatUM y chot^'S.afajrday.M 3 P" J :W; Fdsferaod'jR^. M. G-.R'T'O Bio - Obituaries - 4/1/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 8,1936 J. CShoii. . V Gooleemee. April 8.—Fiim8ral.-&tid borial'services wei^held at AoAl^a' Uethodist Chori^ pi'W^n^ay fol ;J. 0/T7, <vbo passed away, here at the home of a soQ.jl^iralteir iihpaf following an exi^pded iUne^v Several riiUdreo and gi*ao^jdbild- Ven 'satvive. Ur.' Shoaf-^w^ W()11 lato^ here and in jerosalm toWh- ebip where he had fealded.for many yeara tmd :Wbs-a.highly''respreted dtizeil of tbe/coanfy; Frank M. Carter. Frank M. Carter. 59» well known lod beloved citizen of Mocksville. ijied at his home on Wilkesboro street Monday afternoon shortly ,f,er 4 o'clock. Mn Carter had iKen seriously m for the past sev era! weeks, but was reported to be sBgbily ittjprovcd wiihxo the pant fftr days. Surviving are bis his widow, Urs. Jannie Smith Carter, three sans, HLk Carter, of Winston Sal go; Hubert Carter, of Mocksville, and Fred Carter, of Danbnry; two broibeis. DeWitt Carter, Fork Crtek; Neal Carter, Tyro; three sisters, Mrs. Lee Walser, Winston- Salem; Miss Nora Carter, Fork Cbarcb, and Mrs. Charles Foster, o{ Fork Church. Funeral services will be., held at tbe home at 10 o'clock Wednesday taorniag and at the. Fork r-Baptlst Cimrcbatii with Revs. £, W. Tmoer, and K. J. Harbinson. The death of Mr. Carter is monrnied by (fteeoiire town and commfraitVi Bio - Obituaries - 4/8/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, April 9,1936 PIIANK M, carter passes AWAY Frank Michael Carter, highly ruHpcctccl citizen andi church load- ,or, passed away at his >home here on vMoiKtliiy afternoon,' April 0, nt 4 o'clock, oiged. 5D. He was if native of the Fork Church com munity, and wna the son of James C. Carter, and' 'Martha Hendrix Curler of Uuvie. T'.vclve years tjgo Mr, Carter and his family 'moved to Mocksville, where he hfiB been nctivo in civic nnd church nffuirfl. He wo® a form er cleric of tho Mocksville Bap- itiBt church, and nt the time of his death was supcrintemlont of tliu Sunday School. Ho is survl- I vcd; by Iris wlfie, -Mra. Jennie Smith Carter, three sons, Ilix Carter, of Wlnston-Salem, Hubert Carter, of Mocksville, Fred Cnr- 'tor, oiC' Danburyi two brothers,. DoWitt ICnrter, of "Fork Church, | iNeal Carter, of Tyro, throe aia- tera, Mrs. Lee Wnlser, of Wips-i ton-Sal em, MIss Nora Carter, of Fork Church, Mrs. Charles. Pos ter, of Fork Church, and several j?raml!chilclron. The funeral was' hold on Wednesday morning, a short sei'vieo boing conducted at tho home at lo o'clock, followed, by the funeral nnd interment at. Fork Baptist church. Rev. E. W. j Turner conducted the services, being assisted by Rev. E. J. Harbison, T. I. Caudell, nnd Rev. jilttno Carter, of 'Winston-Salera. 'Active paUbearera were S. G. 'Stonestreet, M. -B. Stonestreet, F. K. 'Benson. W. M. Crotta, T. M.; Hondrix, R. P. Martin, ond hon orary pnMibearors wei^' C. B. Moon«y, A. F. Cnmpboll, Dr. 3. B. Hall, Dr'. S. A. Harding, C, S. Amleroon, Floyd Naylor, T. L Coudell, F. A, Foster, J. P. Green and A. S. Ilordittg.; Wo extend our sympathy to the^ bereaved fomily. Bio - Obituaries — 4/9/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 15,1936 Mrs. A.B. Ricbardson. Mrs. A. B. Ricbardson, 74. died at her home near SheflSeld, Wed oesday afternoon at 6 o'clock, death resnlring from paralysis, Mrs. Richardson bad been seriously ill for a weelo. Funeral services were held at New Union Methodist church Fri day n}orniiig at ri o'clock. Rev. Turner Brown and Rev. Mr. Tal- hert. of Iredell county, officiating. Bnrial followed in the church ceme tery. Mrs. Ricbardson is survived by two sons. Willie and T. M. Rich ardson, both of near Sheffield, and four daughters. Mrs. Ed Gaither, of Winston Salem; Mrs. JetlteMay McDaniel Mrs, Ila Sherrill, and Mrs. Tom Johnson, all of Iredell. One brother. T. M. Smith, and two •sisters, Mrs. J, P. Dyson and Mrs. Grady Ijames, all of near Sheffield community, also survive. Id the death of this aged lad?, the entire community in which she spent ail of her life, is saddened. A good woman has been called to her reward. Charles Laogston Killed In Wreck. Charles Tangston, 25. of Jerusa lem, forestry employe on a project near Sootbero Pines, died Friday morntng, following injuries he xe- ceived in an automobile wreck Thursday night. Four other per sons were also injured. Mr. Langston i.s survided by his widow, who prior to her jnarriage last Christmas, was Miss Vauda Merrell, danghternf Mr and Mrs, George Merrell. of near Fork Mrs Langston is teaching at the Anderson school, near Calahaln. Other surviving relatives include the mother, Mrs. Allen Langston, of Jerusalem, four brothers and six sisters. Funeral services were held at Fork Baptist church Sunday after noon at 2:30 o'clock, with Rev. E. W. Turner and Rev. Mr. Mnmford in charge, and the body was laid to rest in the church cemetery. The bereaved widow, the aged mother, brothers and sisters, have the sympathy of the entere com- muoity in the death of this young man. Bio - Obituaries - 4/15/1936 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, April 16,1936 CHAKLES LANGSTON KILLED IN WKECK Charles Langston, 24, Davie County young man, was fatally injured in an automobile colli- son near Aberdeen on April 9, and died the following day in a hospital at Pindhurst. Tho de ceased was a forestry employe i-n tt 'WPA project, and was In a jcnv with two other men, who were seriously injured. The car collided with a car driven by W. 15. Genti-y, of Rhode Island, he .and' his wife also being Injured. Charles Langstoii was tho son of the late Allen Lnngaton nnd Mrs. Susie Clicki Lungslon, of <Davie County, and hu wna married I about four months ago to Miss Vaiula Rrerrelj, of Pork Church, licsidcs his mother and wife, the surviving relatives are four 'hro- tJiurs, Allen Langston, Wlnston- Salern. Joe Langston, Rrcvurd, Dallas Langslun, of Globo, Wil lie Lnngaton, VVinston-Salem, fivo sisters, Mrs. M. A. Andrews and Mrs. W. F. Crotts, Winston- Salem, Mrs. Odell Foster nnd Mrs. Ray Thomiison, of Pork, Mrs. E. X. Hctherly, Louksviilc, Mrs. W. E. Foster, Winston-Snl-. am, nnd Mrs. Gray Grubb, Route 4. The last riles were held at Fork Bnptiat Church on Sunday afternoon, and interment was in (he church cemetery. Tlioae in charge were Rev. E. W. Turner, Bio - Obituaries — 4/16/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 22,1936 MfSf "Jjojhii - . Sratf, at ' Snf ^ j "early< 4 .™P»nina, death.ri^ultiogirt^n-a stroke oT-pariilysis.'.-l , r;-.' _ FoneraF services were held at ^anningfon Methodist chtirch Frl day afternoon at 3 o'clock, with H. C;r-Fr6fedian.. and .M; 'G m!/ ? PPndoctiiiE " tb e servicesl.he body .w^ laid to. rest in Farm iii]gton cemetery. .1. - " •-V Mrs. Seats is sarviyed i>y 'her husbapd and. two sobs, Howard and C. B. Seats, of Farmlnjtton: one daughter, Mrs, W. S. Spi1iman.,of near Farmihgton. Two-'brothers Herbert and - Bmest Hauter, of Marsballtown. Iowa, and two sisters Mrs. Eqiest Thompson, of Wiriston- Salem, and Mrs."W. G. .Se^atb, of Parin^gtbn.'fllso survive. , Bio - Obituaries - 4/22/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, April 23,1936 MRS. JOHN H. SEATS HEAD Mrs. DcHh llnuacr Scnts, wife of John 11. Scuts, of Fnrmington, passed Rway at her home on April 10, aged 58. She was the datiglitcr of Ira T. Uausor and Mollio Brunt Hauscr, and was a member of Farmington Moliio- dist Church. She is survived by her husband, two sons, Howard Seats and C. B. Seats, and one daitigihtcr, Mrs. W. S. Spillman, nil Qf Farmlngton, 11 grandohlldrcn, two brothers, Uenbort llnuscr and* 1 Ernest Unuscr, of Murshalltown,! Iowa, and two siatcra, Mrs. W. j G. Seats, of Furmlngton, .and Mrs. • Ernest Thompson, of Winston-1 Snloin. The last rites were held at Farmington Methodist Church on Friday afternoon at 3 o'ulock>, I with the pastor, Rev. H. C. Free- j man, in charge, assisted by Rev, M. G. Ervin, a former pastor. Interment was in the nearby cometei'y. Those acting as pall- beux*era were C. F. Angell, W. P. Cornatzcr, 'D. D. Gregory, B. G. White, W. A. Allen and T. M. Hutchens, and the flowers wore carried by Misses Leila Loo Spill- . man, Ora E. Spillman, Frances Scats, 'Martha Harding, Evelyn i Caudle, Edith Hutchens, Ladeon Lakoy, May Angle, Nolda llutch- cn.s, Adeline Scots and Martha Harpo. Bio - Obituaries - 4/23/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 29,1936 Hetcher A Wagoner. pietchtr A Wagoner. 77. well known Itavie citizen, died at this home on Route 2, Tuesday night, April 2l8t. xu » He was &'member of tne oaptist Church. Hie wife,. Mrs. VicioriaReece-Wagoner, di^ a year ago. n Surviving are eight sons, A. A Wagoneri of Mockaville; P. J., of Advance; J. A., of High Poini; D J . of Homeraville, Ga; John and D. M , of Oavie; U, H., of Raonapolis.. and Carl Wagoner, of this place: three daughters. Mrs. C. V, Miller of Mockaville; Mrs. C. S. Uassey. of Bixbv. and Mrs B. L. 6ri£Sn, of Winston-Salem; one brother, T. B Wagoner, of Boonvllle. • The funeral was held at the home of the deceased on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with Rev. B. W. Turner officiating. Interment followed -at Rose Cemetery, Mockeviile. Lewis C. Crease. ' Lewis G. Grouse, 81. died at the home, of his daughter, Mra. T. P Bdley, near Advance early Friday mo.rning, following a long illness. Mr. Grouse is survived by one son. Luther Grouse, of Advance; five daughters. Mrs. T. P. Bailey and Mrs. Lindsay Watkins, of Advance; Mrs. Mary Lewis, Walnut Cove; Mrs. Arthur Croneb. Fireidburg; and Miss Delia Grouse, of Advance. One brother, William Grouse, of Forsyth codnty, survives. Funeral services were held at BP baville M. P. church Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock, with Rev. R. L. HetHCox officiating, and the body was laid to .r^ in the church ceme tery.- Mr.-Grouse bad lived in Davie county for m'ore than a half emitury, moving to near Advance from For- ayth eoun^. He was one of the county's best known and most be loved citizens. His dea^ has cast a pall of sorrow tbroogbout the coromunify in which be spent so many years of his life. Thomas Copley Thomas Coptey died at hia home at Cocleemee Tuesday of last weelct toUowiate a looa illness. Mr. Cop ley Is sarvived by bis widow, three soas and three dattRhtets. Poncral aerviceswere held at the Cooleemee Baptist charcb Thonidav aftcinooo at 3:30 o*eloebi coBduct^ by Rev. A. T. Stondeimire. and the body laid to test la tue North Cooleemee cemetery. V- -3fa -3 6 Bio - Obituaries - 4/29/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, April 30,1936 FLETCHER A. WAGONER DBJAD ' Fleticher A. Wagoner, <well- 'Unown citizen of the Farmtngton community, passed away at his home on Route 2. on the night of April 21, aged 77. He was the son of Jonathan Wagoner, of Yadhin County, but had resideu in 'O^vic for many years. His wife, Mrs. Victoria Reece Wago ner, died about a year ogo. The surviving family consists of eight sons: A. A. Wagoner, of Mocka- vlllo, P. J. Wagoner, of Advance, J. A. Wagoner, of High Point, D. J. Wagoner, of Homervilic, Ga., John Wagoner and H. M. Wago ner, ot 'Havie, D. H. Wagoner, of Kannapolis, Carl Wagoner, of Mochsville, three daughters, Mrs. C. y. Miller, of Mocksvillc, Mrs. C. S. Mttsaey, of Rixby, Mrs. Eif L. Griffin, of Winston-Sulcm, 17! grandchildren, one great-grand-{ child, and one brother, 'T. B. Wagoner of BoonviUe. The fun eral was conducted ut the home of the deceased on Friday after jnoon at 2 o'clock, by Rev. E. W. Turner, assiatedr by Rev. B. J. Harbison and -Rev. H. T. Penry. Interment was In the family plot at Rose Cemetery. The pall bearers were Sheek Miller, Grant Wagoner, E. L. McClamrbch, W. P, Coraptzer, Roland Lakey -and Weymouth Howard, and the flow ers were carried by Misses Louise •Miller, Rwby Miller, Hazel Wa goner, Evelyn Howard, Clyde Wagoner, Minnie Lee Howard, Geneva Angcll and Ruth Wago ner. Bio - Obituaries - 4/30/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 6,1936 Mrs, Bettie C. Rich... Mrs. Beltie C/ Hich, widow of .the late Samuel Chase Rich, died at the home of her daughter," Mrs. Frank H. Bahnson, at Farmingtoo Thursday morhing at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Rich was much lOved by a large circle of friends and loved ones and her passing will bring uni versal grief where she was known. She was the daughter of Harmtn H. and Jane Brock McMahan, ana was born May 22nd 1855. the year one of her Revolutionary ancestors died. She is survived by one broth er, F R. McMahari, of Davie coun ty. Also sui viving her are three children and a large number of grand children ami great grand children. She was the mother of Mrsi Frank Bahnson, of Farming ton, S. O Rich, of Wake Forest, and foe Hampton Rich, of Wins-' ton Salem. One son, Henry Grady Rich, preceded her in death nine years ago. The funeral services were held at Farmingtou Baptist church, of which she was a charter member, Friday at 11 o'clock.. Burial fol lowed in Eaton's church graveyard;' Revs. H. T. Penry, M. G. Ervin and H. C. Freeman conducting the services. D. C. Click. DeWitt Clinton Click. 77. died Fri day mornlDg at his home in Wood- leaf. He was a pcominent farmer in this county, a former railroad man, and one widely known and admired. Funeral services took place at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon at . bis home, andJ)urial followed in the Woodleaf cemetery. . He was a mem ber of the Methodist church. Mr, Click is survived by four daughters and three -sous., Four broUiers, Frank and Godfrey Click, of Mocksville; Will Click, of Goolee* mee. and Gbaries Click, of Woodleaf. One sister, Mrs; J. P. Barton, of Hickory. R. 6. 'also survives. Bio - Obituaries - 5/6/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, May 7,1936 i . immrr c. click dead . DeWitt Clinton Click, 77, well known nnd,. cstccmod Kowan County citizen, passc<l away on Friday niorniiiju, ApHl 2fl, at his liunm ul WouiiJuaf. Ho had foi-- inei'Iy Oueii a railroad man, and had many IrJonds and- acf|iiaint- aucOs. Uo was the sun of Mi- cliitel Click, of Duvie County, the I'aniily bciiiK nmoni^ llic pionucrs in this part of North Cnrolinn. Ills wife, Mrs. Mary Ncoly Crcn- aiinw Click, died in March, 1934. The survivini; family consists of eight children; Clarcnco and Frank Cllclc, of Woodloaf; Mrs< E, Page Yarburougli and Miss Pansy Click, of Danvtllo, Va., Earl" Click, of Lexington, Dabficy Click, of Washington, D. C., Mrs. Mabel Click Kurfcos, of Wihston- Salcm, Mr.s. llalph Moore, of Clc- volnnd, four bvothors, Frank Click and Godfrey Click, of Mock- svillc, Will Click, of Cooleomec, Charlie Click, of Woodlenf, one sister, Mrs. Sallie Hiirton, of Hickory, and six .grandchildren. The funeral was held at the homo on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, nnd burial followed in the ceniotory of the Woodleaf Methodist Church. Among those rWRS. IIETTIE .'C. men PASSES I AWAY attending the funeral were Mr. Godfrey Click, Mr. ond Mrs. Frank Click, Mrs. Miutora Rat- ledgc, Mrs. Fletcher Click, Mrs. V. E. Swaim, Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Pate, of Burlington, Miss Jessica McKeo. Mrs." Bottle C; Rirh, 82, widow of the late Samuel Chase Rich, passed away at the homo of her duuglitor, .l\trs. Frank Bahnson. in Parmington, on April 30, lier drath resulting from pneumonia. She- was well known nnd much beloved, and was a {cliartor membor of Fnnnlngton Baptist Church. Mr.s. Rich was the dau ghter of Harmon II. McMnlmn nnd Jane tU'ock McMnhan, both families being well kuowh in thi.s section of the State for gencrn- tloas. The snrvlving family coii- sl.sts of one daughter, Mrs. Frank Bahn.son, of FarmiiiiL^ion, two .sons, S. O. Rich, of Wake Forest, and J. Ilnmploii Rich, of Wlnslon- Snlcni, nnd a younger son, Henry Grndy Rich, died about nine yctn'A ago. A number of gisind- chlldron nnd aevcvnl grcat-grand- chlldrcii also anrvivo. Tlio last rites'wore hold at Favmlngton Baptist Cliurch on Friday, nnd were condiictod by Rev. 11. T. Penry, Rev. H. C. Freeman nnd Rnv. M. G. Ervin. Tlic inter-1 rnent took place in the historic j Bio — Obituaries — 5/7/1936 eemelory at Eaton's Baptist Church, There wore many beau tiful floral offerings, and the pallbearers were grandsons of the dnncnsnd, nsi follows: Frank Bahnson, Jr., Charlie Bahnson, Glmrlio Rich, Fred 'Rich, Samuel Rich and -'John Rich. Among those -from Mocksville who attended the funeral wore Dr. and Mrs. Lester Martin, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Green, Mr. Thomas RiclJ, -Mr. 11. T. Brcnognr, Mr. George Brynn, Rev. aiud Mrs, M. G, Ei'vin, Jack Ervin, Mi's, T. N. Chnilin, Miss ilnttie Ghaflln nnd William Chaflin. Mrs. Rich had frequently visited relatives hero, and she will ibo greatly missed ty her many I'clntivcs and fri- cnd.H. HILTON INFANT DIES Jamo.a Lemuel Hilton,' 2-yoar- cld .son of Phil Hilton and Mrs. Ellen Howard Hilton, died of ' bronchial pnoumonin on Monday | morning, at ihoir home near Red-1 lands, TIjc funerul. was held at Bethlehem Methodist Church on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, ivilh Rev. H. C. Freeman and Ucv. Mr. livewer in clian^oi The pureiits and the following bro- tlicr-4 ami .s'fder.s sundvo: X. A., i.aw IT 11 CO, Mary and IforLs Hil- ii-nj hnlf-broilicra, Uob'tih, Wil liam, Br.iicei Ralph and Lester Hiiiun,. and a halC-aislor, Mrs. | . EvclVii; : DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 13,1936 Mrs. T. M.;Williaiiis. /Mrsv Tbos. M; Williams, 28, died at faer borne at Red&nd last 'TueS' day aftersoon. Ftmeral services werecondtictedby Rev. H. C. Free- man Friday morning at 11 o'clock, at Betblem Metbodist church, and the body laid to rest in the (±orcb cemetery. Mrs. Williams is survived by her husband, several brothers and sisters. Bio - Obituaries - 5/13/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, May 14,1936 MHS. CORA A. WILLIAAIS DEAD Mrs. Cora Aillen Williams, wife of Log R. Williams, passed away at tlioir homo at Cornatzer on 'Tuesday morning, aged 57. She Uvas the daughter of the late jjohn Allen and Minerva Hauser •Allen, of Dnvle. Tho funeral will be held at the home at 2 o'clock and at Fork Baptist Church at 3 o'clock Thursdoy afternoon, with Rev. E. W. Turner In charge. In terment will be in tho chtfa'ch jcemetery. The surviving family •consists of her husband, one son, jCarl E. Williams, one daughter, IMi's. J. C. Jones, nn adopted son,) |JumoH Franklin Willinms, a step- ^Boti, Claude Wiiliams, all of Route 3, two brothers, W. D, Allen, of pavie, and 0. G. Alien, of Wiiis- ton-Snlom and two sisters Mrs. W. 'McCuIioch and Miss Cor- rJc Allen, of Dnvle. MISS LUOINDA B. HILL DEAD I Miss Luclnda Ellziilbeth Hill ■pas.sod away at the homo of her(brothor, John Hill, nt Cuuii, !un Tuesday orteniuon, aged 87. Tlic dooeuHcd was Uic d.au>ghior of David HIM and Mary Armsworthy .Hill, of Yadlcin County. Thejonly Hiirvlving menibor of hovI family Is her brother. The Inscj rites wore held nt Wesley's Chap-|o1 on Wodnosday nftoi'iioon at 210 clock, with the pastor, Rev. II.|c. Freeman, In charge, assisted I by Rev. Jim Groco. Interment was in tho church graveyard. REV. J. D. TAIJOll PASSES As we go to press word has come of the* death of Rev. J. B. Tnboi*, for 50 years n leading Me- thdrlist minister of tho Western North Carolina Conference which occurred In a Statcsville hospital on Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. iThe deceased retired ffom the ac tive ministry several years ago, iiiid was living in Stntcsvillo. Ho WAS the father of Mrs. B. C. Brock of Fnrinington, and at one time was pastor of tho FnvmingtonCircuit. lie is survivtVl by his wife, and several sons and dnu-gh- tera. Bio - Obituaries - 5/14/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 20,1936 L A. Sheek Confederate Veteran Dies. L. A. Sbeefc, 89# one of Davie county's oldest and best known citizens, died last Wednesday nigbt at the home of bis granddaugbter, Mrs.'Geo. F. Cornatzer, near Bis by. He had been critically ill for the past three weeks, Mr. Sheek joined the Confederate army, at the age of 17, and participated in some of tbe major battles of tfae civil war. He was a member of Kelly's Qompanv. 47th Regiment. He was member of Macedonia Moravian cburcb. Surviving.Mr. Sbeek are three sons, T, C. Sheek, of Iowa; J F. Sheek. of Smith Grove, and W. R. Sbeek, of Cooleemee: one daughter, Mrs. Mollie Fairclotb, of Hanes; one sister; Mrs, Mary Beati- cbamp, of this county; 17 grand cbildreit and 39 great grandchild' ren Funeral services were conducted at Macedonia church Friday morn' lug at 11 o'clock bv Rev. Bd Brew er, and the body was laid to rest in tbe church cemetery* With tbe death of Mr. Sheek there are but six surviving Con federate veterans left in Davie county. They range in age from 90 to 102 years. Mrs. C A. Williams. Mrs Cora Allen Williams, 57, wife of Lee R. Williams, of the Comatxer community, died Tues day moming She was the daugh* ter of tbe late John Allen, of Davie, and was a member of Cnraatzer Baptist church. Her husband sur vives, with one son, Carl E. Wil liams, a daughter, Mrs. C. Jones; an adopted son, James F Williams, a step son, Claude Williams, all of rente three; two brothers, W. D Allen, of ^vie, O .G, Allen, of Winston Salem; two sisters. Mrs. W. F. McCnlloh and Miss Carrie Allen, of Davie. The funeral was held at Fork Baptist church Thursday a/ternoon with a short service at the home at 3 o'clock. Rev. 'E. W. Tomer was in charge. t:.W : Statesviiie, May V3—RevJ-J. B - Tabor, 76, retii^ Metbodist^minis* tef,;di^ Tuesday* at'.the Davis hps- pftal "bfier week's^ illness ^with, pneumonia foUowibg influenza. / A native of Virginia he was active iu the tniiiistrv for 50 years, serving first in the Holston conference, .and forr.the past 45 years.in the Western North Caroilua coufe.^nce. He re - tired" in 1934,and bad-been residing In* Statewide since that time _Rey Mr. Tabor isSurviv^ by fiis wife, fobr daughters, Mrs B; "C. Bwk, of Farmingtpn; Misses Mat" gafet, Frances and Mary Loul% Tabor, at the honie, and two' sons, Richard Prazier Tabor, of Allen- town, Pa„ and Rev. J. B TaN>r, jr. o.f Macon county. He leaves also two brothers, W.. A. Tabor, of Bluefield. Va.. and Charles Ta^r. Tazwell county. Virginia. • ' .Thefuneral was held Wednesday aftefnoon at 3:36"o'clbck..at Broad Str'^t Metbodisi church, herei! con ducted by Rev. John..*W^ Hoyle, presiding elder of the State.4yijie district. Interment toHowi^ "in Oak wood cemetery... . .. Bio - Obituaries - 5/20/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, May 21,1936 L. A. SHEEK, CONFEDERATE VETERAN. DEAD Luvin A. Sheek, estaemed Davic County citizen and Confederate veteran, died at the home of his uranddaughter, Mrs." George F. Cornatzer, near Bixby, on Wed- uosUiiy night May 18, aged 89. ilc was tho aon of Richard Sheek and EnielinovR(ddle Shcek, ond was born in Davie County on April 5, 1847. ilc joined tho Confederotc Army at the age of 17, and took part in the battles of Bull Run and Gettysburg, among other contests. He was a member of Kelly's Company, 47th Keglmcnt. His wife, .-"who was I'urmerly Miss Celin Alien, pass ed awny on May 23, 1922. Mr. Slicck, who was known to many JUS "Uncle Lev," had been in de clining health for several j'enrs. He was the oldest member • of Macedonia Moravian •Church, the only church of this denomin ation in 'Dnvio County. He is survived by three sons: T. C. Slicek, of Iowa, J, S. Shock, of Smith Grove, and W. It. Sheek of Coolcemce, one ihiughter, Mrs. Mollle Faircloth, of Hancs, one sister, iMra. Mary Uuuuchamp, of DUvle, 17 grand children and SO great-grandchil dren. The last rites were con ducted on Friday morning, a short servico being held at the home, followed by the funeral at 11 o'clock at Macedonia, with the pastor, Rev. Ed Brewer, officiat ing. The intement was in the Moravian graveyard there-, and those acting as pallboarcrs Avorc: Joel Shock, Bcuuchamp Shock, Kobcrt Sheek, Thomas Sheek, Will Faircloth and .Frank Fair- clulh. "For Thy sweet sunshine nftor nights of rain, For Thy sweol bnlm of comfort after pain. For Thy sweet peace that ends a iongdrawn strife, For Thy sweot rest that ends n burdened life— We thank Thee, Lordl" (John Oxenham.) Bio - Obituaries - 5/21/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Wednesday, May 28,1936 niKS. l^EE M. ItAKEK DEAD Mrs. Loo M. Dakcr pnsaaU nwiiy Suiuluy inorniiitf, Mny 2.'\, nt licr hanic ill iCIat'hHviilc township, I'.'cccl 05. She wus the'(laughter of Thomus Trivctto nnd Martha Flynn Trivctte. Her death was sudden, being caused >by a heart attack. Surviving are her hus band, her pawnts, one .son, Fred Baker, five brothers, Terry Tri vctte, of Boonville, John F. Tri- yettc, of Yadkiii county, Bert, L. k., and Arthur Trivctte, ail of ' Davie, aoven sisters; Mrs. lieu- bin Lapish, of Mooksvillc, Mrs. rhnrlcs Renegar, of Yadkin coun ty, Mrs. Ho'nry Reavis, Mrs. Frank Jones, Mrs. Henry Stan ley, Mrs. Dan Smith, and -Miss Alma Trivette, ail of Davie. The funeral and interment took place at Liberty Baptist Church, near her home, on Monday afternoon lit 3 o'clock, with Rev. Mr. Crews in charge, Pnllbcarevs were ' Donald Reavis, Ilarloy Crews, | Hurley Booe, Lee Johnson, Reu- j bin Hnrri.s nnd Wade Booo, nnd | the llowcra were carried by Ora | Whitnkor, Bessie Buahet, Annie | Anderson, Josephine Drone and i Lttcy Reavis. MRS. IIHODA T. LONG DEAD Mrs. Uhodn T. Lang, 70," passed away at the home of her daugh ter-in-law, Mrs. Thomas B. Green fcii ouirytnvr**m'cfn<no' jat noon. She was the daughter ;of William Saumders and Nancy iSnundei'S, of Dnviev Her hus band, the late Charlie H. Long, died in January. One son, Willie Long, of ICannapolis, and six grandchildren survive. The fun eral was held at Onk Grove Me thodist church, of which slic wos n member, on Wednesday after noon at 3 o'clock, with the pas tor, Rev. M. 0. Ervin, in charge. MRS. EMMA S. GRIFFITH DEAD Mr.s. Emma Safrlet Griffith, widow of 1). Preston Griffith, (lied at the home of J. J. Grif fith, near Stilem Methodist Church ou Mny 2'4, aged 80. Thu deocused was the daughter of Daniel Safriet and Lucinda Onmp bell Sttfrlct, of Davie. Surviv ing relatives are two sisters, Mrs. W. T. Dnywnlt and Mrs. D. F. Prather, of the Salem commun ity, two brothers, Thomas Safriet, af -IUinois, and Ellis Safriet, of Jnckaonville, Fla., and six grnnd- chiMren. The funeral was held on Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock, at Society Baptist Church, in Ire- dell county, with Rev. 0. G. Swicegood, Lutheran minister, of Cleveland, and Rev. Mr. McS.wain, pastor of the church, officiating, Interment was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 5/28/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 3,1936 Mrs. S. D, Coniatzeh^ Ms& E^ie HesdrixCaroatzer. 42.otne^ Anvancei died to a Wnsion Safeia tal Sataiday oomind. followintf IJ, nytiaj S^e W08 carried to the oosiHim TO* day. and her deatii wasone^erted. Bto. Coroatzef was a naeoaber of toe Baptist ohutcbl Sartfi«log .i8-the bosband. .one brother. Jessie Headfix of near Mooks^e.and one staler, Mra.;Luther Spry, of Coor leetnee. ' ~ . j j i. Fnneral aervicea were* conducted by Revs; E. W. Tania. of Moctovino, and F.- E. Howard, of Adva'nce at the. Advance MettiodUt church Modday afternoon - at 2:3<lo'dock, and the body laid to rest, in the dnifdrcemetery. • W. P. Stroud Drops Dead. William P. Stroud. 72. of near County Line, didd suddenly last Tues day afternoon in front of the Davie Cafe in UockaviUe. Mr. Stroud bad just came down from his physician's office on the second floor of the San- ford bnildintr, when be was stricken with a heart attack, and died in a few moments. Mr. Stroud had been in bad health for several years. Mr. Stroud was a native of Iredell county, but moved -to Davie nearly a half century a^o. He was a son of the late Pinkney Stroud, of Iredell county. Surviving are his" wifet three sons aiid five daughters. They- are 6. K. Stroud, and Miss Lavorie Stroud. of High Point; L. M. and M. C. Strond. Mrs. Hugh Gartner,. Mrs. S W. Seamon* and Mrs. Graham Gregory, all of the County Line Com* mnnity; and Miss Jnlfa Stroud. at home, five ..brothers and three sis tors also survive. The funeral seryicra were held Thursday afternoon at 2:3D o'clock from the Sodety Baptist chnrch. and interment followed in the church cemetery. Revs. W. L. McSwain of Iredell county, and M G. Brvin, of MocksvlUc. conducted the ser vices. In the death of Mr. Strond the county has lost a gd^ citizeD. Hia death has brqjaght a^ne^' to a host of relatives and friends ttodugfa- out the county. Avery Angell Clement Infant Son Dies. -. Avery Angell Clement, 8-mobths- old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. G, Clement of Oak Grove, died Thursday night of heart tronble. • 'iPuneral services were held at 'Oak Grove Melodist church Friday .morning at 11'o'clock conducted by Rev. j. H. Fnlgham. and the little body laid to rest in the church cemetery. The parents and many relatives snivive.'' - • Mrs. Enima GriflitliV Funeral services for Mia. -£01104 Griffith, who died '.at her home near "Coudty Lioe .oa\ Mar :24ib; 'Were held at Sodety/Baptist. cbhVch^l^ Tuesday" mbfiiiDg;!- ■coiidpct^//-.b'yRev O O.'Swidegbdd'a^d'liLey^^. Mq^wain. and-.th^'b(ffiy\1md;^^^in the . chnrch/5lTa^®y?F^ -Griffi.thjwas.8o iyears. of j.iyalt nnd Mix- B./, F^^-Prath^/^Dayle; two brotWrs/^h^ "of lUtiioiSi and--;. Elton Dwight Black- • welder; Elton Dwikht Blackwelder. ^-year-old son of Mr. and MrxR. a. died at looft'a Hcsdial, 5Monday momlog at -egniting an illneea of threefrom pneumonia. Fuo^i 8«w . ^held at Ijames S'ifoS iimyePterday moming at II ^ tlie bereaved parents In this no nesSf' -- Bio - Obituaries - 6/3/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 3,1936 Mrs. Long Dies Snddenly Mrk Rboda Long, 75, died sud • denly last Tuesday at noou' at the home of her daughter in law, Mrs Thos H Green, on Sanford avenue death resulting from a heart attack Funeral services were held at Oak Grove Methodist Cnurch Wednes day afternoon at 3 o'dock, with Rev. M. G. Ervin to charge, and the body laid to rest in the church ceme tery. Mrs. Long is survived by one son, tV £. Long, of Kahnapolis. 1 Bio - Obituaries - 6/3/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 10,1936 Mrs. Georgia Markland. Mre Georgia Anna Marklaod, 82 pas^ away at h&t liome at 'Advance Tuesday after an illness of • six months. Mrs. Markland was born in Davteconnty Febrnary 26, 1854 a dangbter of George and. Matilda Barney Sidden, and she had spent her entire life in her native ranpty. She was a member of BlbaviUe M. Church. - -The deceased is survived by three d- ughters; Mrs. J. K. Branson of rbomasville, Mrs. £ £. Mason of Miami. Fla., Mrs R K. Wyait of Winston Satem; five sons: L. 0. and C. M.«Markland of Advance; M. G and J. I., Markland, of Winston- Salem, and R. F.. Markland of Nor folk, Va. Nineteen grandchildren also survi ve in addition to a brother W. .M Sidden of Newsome. The funeral was held Weddesday afternoon with a'brlef service at the home at 2 o'clock and at ElbaviDe M. £. Church at 2.:3oo'clock. n Rev. R. L. Hetbcock and Rev. ' F. G. Howard were in charge of the ser vices. Interment followed in the church graveyard Bio - Obituaries - 6/10/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 17,1936 Frank Tntterow Dead. Frank Tuuerow, 60. died at Wa home Dear IJacses X Roada Saturday, mondo^■following a lung illn^s of heart trdnbleMr. Tutterow la amvltfed by. Wa wltfow and one son. Lennie Tutterow. One bzoiber. Johnnie . Tuttmw. and two jfiateia'Ossie White, of near Cana, and Mr«fl attie Steveo«oni,of Wlnaton.Saieoi abo Miryive. Funeral aferwicea: were heidIjames X Roada Baptist chutcli Sunday inorning atl^tfc4ock..and. the body to ttc eboich Bio - Obituaries - 6/17/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 24,1936 P. J. Caadell Passes. P. J. Caudell, 65. for many years a resident of Davie connty, but later a resident of St. Paul N. C., died at a PayettevUle hospital Wed nesday night, following an esctended illness* Funeral services were held at Pork Dsptist' church Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery, Stirviving Mr. Candell is-his wife five sons and three daughters. Three brptbeisi T. 7. and William Caudell of Mccksville, and Charlie Candell, of Wglace, and one sister, Mrs. W. of tbig'cit^;'ialsa sarvire* Bio - Obituaries - 6/24/1936 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA