Jul - DecDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 4,1934 i :Wv ?5i ode .of rDSviecoubty^s ^owri 9 «^n^. and'a 'r^den^ of'^dna, di^ atihelBaptist Wf^ tan Saieid. last Tne^aypfteriidbOf .tdllowing a iird"^.- Mr" I .I?ayl6r.wa8..ljbni in Davia.andspent' his entire fifs; in :tbe "^countyl'I- many.-years he; was a farmer,- -:but for lbs past-2'5 yeire be <bad ' fen selling goods at Cdna. fte was.'an acliyd membfey Pf,Eaton's B^otjat cbnrcb. He had been living "With bis dangbter; at ! t^na. 'fpr many. years._. iStirviyin^-Mr.-Naylor is'one. s»n, J: A. Nay|dr,-of Winston _Sa .; lem, and one daugbterr Mrs. T. B- Cain, with whom he iived. Six grandchildren also survive. . -Funer^ al seryices were held atifiatob*^ Baptist cbnrcb Tbtu^ay afternoon at 4 o'dock/ conducted by- Rev." V. M. Swaim, .of Wlnsion-Salem. asnsted by Rev. H. T. Penrypast or of Eaton's cbnrcb.-' The body was laid 10 rest in the cbnrcb cem6 • •erv. in the death of Mr. ITaylor, Davie ^ounty has lost, one of her best and most beloved citisens.- i^C^Bdoie jV James . C. •Bboei :.'74,- of . T>a^e' wunt y; di^ suddenly F| iday- morn* ;4ng at th'e bpme of his son, Brancley ®0oe, in Wiqston-Satem.- ..' j. . He was'stricken.wlule.at work in ithe garden' and ^ was dead before ^*^dical aid ebuld.be su'tpmpned. Final rit^ were, beld at ' Ijam» .Croi^ RoadsvRaptist Ciiurcb Satttr* day afterhoon at 3fi"5 o'clock'. Rev. v. M.-Swiiip'and Rev. R. E. Adams were. in., charge.. -Interment was •made-in theschnrch cemetery; * V Mr..'.^Bboe was a'citizen of the '0larksvllle section'of Davie county. •'. [Surviying. are three' danghteis, Mrs. S. L. .Alexander, - Charlotte; 'MrS. C. S. Millei^ Sdi^iibnrv; Mrs. T. £. Wob^iey, Clemmons; two sdps Erantley Bdqe, of Winston Salem 'and Rev. M. F Bbbe, of LilUnglen; tWo brothers, C. -W* Booe, Winston-' Ralem, Route;, and R. L. Booe, of. MocksviUe; oqe half sister, Mrs.| Bettie Danner,. of: Caua, and "ten grandchildi^. ' ' L Eaton Pasm. ' T' Tboa.- L'Bat<Hi. S6. died-'at bis bone' io'i ^.Ctaikavllle township at 9 'o'cloch Moaday i < morninit. death resoUlag froio baatt "troi. j ble;. tdr. Baton is survived by his widow. ; three sons. Wade, of Fofbytb, Hubert and n ,Catl.-of Cooleeme^ and two daughters,' airs. A. W. Ferabee and Mrs. R. B Booe.i both of this .county:' Two broihers. Fraak! and Richard, of CiarhsvUie and two ^st^ '* Mrs. J. P, Green, of Hochsvllle, and Mrs. John Naylor. of Cona. Funeral and burial 'sisrvtees.'were held at'Chestnut Grove -Metbodlst cborob yeeterday, conducted by Rev. .V. H-Swaim. of Wlnstoo Salem. In ..Che death of Mr. Eaton,-Davie county loses one of her best bootilo cltiz.gfi9. Bio — Obituaries - 7/4/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 5,1934 THOMAS L. EATON, OF CANA, DEAD Thomos Lafuycttc Enton, well- known and highly respected Davic county citizen, passed awuy at His home near Cana on Monday morning, July 2, arter an lllncas of several months, aged 65. lie was the son of Jamcsi Eaton and j Elizabeth Fercbec Eaton, and was born and raised In Davie I county. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Loitisu St(>nc.Hlrcct j Eaton, three .son.s, Wade Eaton, •,uf Foraytl) county, ilubcrt atui I Carl ^EuCon, of ■Coulcumc;e, twoj daughters, Mrs. A. W. Fercbce and Airs. K. li. Booc, of the Cann • community, oloyun grandchildren, two brothcr.s, Richard Eaton and Frank Eaton, of Cana, and two sisters, Airs. J. P. Green, of this place, ai\d Airs. J. F, Naylor, of Cana. The last rites were held at Chestnut Grove •Methodist j 'church on Tuesday morning at! 11- o'clock; with Rev. V. M. Swaim and Rev. James Groce officiating. The pnilbearers were: Wade Ea ton, Hubert Eaton, Carl Eaton, Cuosar Eaton, R. B. Booc and A. W, Ferebce, llie floral tributes were carried by Xiouisc Eaton, Elizabeth Fercbec, Jane Pcrcboc, Alary Noll Enton, Jcanette Eaton, Bettio Sue Eatqn, Leon Eaton. W,nyiio Eaton, Hampton Eaton, Thomas Enton, Ruby Cullctto, Colleen Collctto, Glonna Collotto, Ada Ann Atkinson, Francos At kinson, Jniiico Eaton, Billy Enton, John Charles Eaton, Alary Nell Driver, Carolyn Eaton and Alary Ellzabuih Stoncsircet. JOHN W, LAMBETH OP THOAIASVILLB PASSES fl iayor For Eight Years Active in civic affairs, Air, Lambeth served as mayor for Thomasville, July O.-John W.Lambeth, Sr., 0(1, retired furni- T"', »»<', ""e lure inanufecturer uud iluiinclerend ,s,rmer wer ef '•Memaa- vine, died li. the Baptist liespl-tal, Wlnaten.salem, teday after a' long illness. """®-Hi•Mr. Lambeth, father of Con- gre.s.smnn J. Walter Lanibcth of s fratcrpal nfflliutions in-, eluded the Masonic order and the Elks. He also was a memberthe eighth North Carolina cy.s-.<>f the Thomasville Rotary Club. Inct, had been In ill health fur In addition to Cpngrosome mutilhs. He entered the ho.s- pltnl 0 month ago after his re turn from a trip through Pnlcs-Itine. Death came at Si'lC n. m. •As a young man Mr. Lnmboth entered business here and was highly aucccssful. For years he was head of tho Lambeth Furni ture-company which was sold in 1928 to the Kiiox InterostG, .ssman Lambeth, .he is survived Ihy a daughter, Mrs. T. Austin FItich, Mr. Lnmboth was chairman of the board of stewards of the Aluln Street Methodist church and tho fiincrnl will be conduct ed from It tomorrow at 4 p. m.by the Ilev. Dwlght Ware -and Dr. W. A. Lnmboth of lllgl\ point. Bio - Obituaries - 7/5/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 5,1934 JAMES C. nOOE DIKS SOD. DENLY IN WINSTON.SALEM Jnmca Cheshire HoDo, well- known moi'chiint nnd farmer of Clarksvlilc township, died sud denly (Pridny mornlnir, Juno 29, at the home of his. son, Brnntley Booe, in (\V1naton-Salom, whilo workinjf In thn'fforden. Ho was the son of John C. Booo nnd Rachel Baity Booe, of Dnvio county, nnd was 74 years of age at the time of his death. HIa wife . Mrai Emma C. Ijomes Booo, pre ceded him to the grave about six months ago, and since that time' he had spent moat of his time in. Wln^ton-Snlom. The surviving family consists of throe daught ers, .Mrs.* S. L. Alexander, of Cliarlotio, Mrs. 0. S. Miller, of Salisbury, Mrs. T. E. Woosley, of . Clommons, two sons, Brnnbloy Booe, of Winaton-^alem, nnd Rov. M. .F. Booe, of LilUngton, two brothers. C. W. Booo, of Forayth county, and R. L. Booo, of Mocksvillc, one. hnlP-sister, Mrs. Bettic Danncr, of Cnnn, and ten grnndchildron. A brief aor- .vice waa hold nt the homO' of h{a son, 1709 Grace streot, Wina- ion-Sntom, wUh Dr. S. H. Tem- ploton and Rev. D. H. Wilcox in charge, nnd'last rites were held nt Ijnmcs Cross Roads Baptist church on Spturdny afternoon, with Rov. V. M. Swnim, of Wina- ton-Snlom, and Rov. p. E. Adams officiating. Tlio deconaod had been a mombor of the Baptist church for over <10 years. Those acting na pallbcnrcva wove: Dr. W. Tj.' Grimes, Harry G. Sharp. \V. Bryan Booe, Dr. I. A. Booo, R, F, A'very, Bradley Welfare, T, A. Redmon and Vernon Flynt. The flowers wore carried by ,Sarah Alexander, Audrey White, Mavis Pooples, Rnehcl White, lijiai'y Owcna, Knthorino Glass- cock. Mary Glaascock, Mary Alo.x-" nndcr, Irene Bnrnoycastle,. Ophe lia Barnoycastlo, Kathorine Alex ander and Sarah Ruth Miller. The Interinent was in the church Bio - Obituaries - 7/5/1934 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 11,1934 Alice Wilson Giles Former Davie Woman Dead. News was received here Friday aoBoancing tbe deaib of Mrs. I- C. Giles, which occoured at her home in BirmiDgham, Ala., on Friday. Funeral and burial services wok place In that ci'.y Sunday. Mre. Giles, before marriage, was Miss Alice Wilson, daughier of the late Mr. and Mrs. Clint Wilson of near Jericho Mrs. Giles is survived by ber husband and several children. One brother, Robert G. Wilson, of Davie, survives. Mr. and .Mrs Giles moved to Alabama a pnmber of years ago. Her many friends io tbij section will be saddened by the news of ber death. Z. V. Tucker Z. V. Tucker. 74. died at bis home near Advance Saturday night, following a long iilnfess. Funeral and burial services were held Mon day afternoon at 3 o'clock at Shady Grove Methodist church," conduct ed by Rev. E W. Turner, of this city. Mr. Tucker is survived by several sons and daughters, and one brother" will Tucker, of Smith Giove.. Mrs. L. F. Waggoner Funeral and burial services for Mrs, L P. Waggoner, of Kanna nolis, were held at. Rock Spritigs Baptist Church* in Iredell county Thursday afternoon. : Mrs Wag goner is survived by her .husband, ibree daughicrs and one son Her fatheti C. T. W; Smith, lormerivof Calahaln. bm now o'f Woodleaf, also survives. "Ratr. P. A. tJnder- wo^. p^roi of the ,KaDnflpoHs Baptist church, conducted the ser- vices." ... • Bio — Obituaries - 7/11/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 12,1934 I'AUh H. HESTER, INFANT, I'aul Hajrdcn l^OBter, one-year SUM of^ fir'.; and Mrs. J. C. IJesier, died'-at their homo noni' Tiirrentlui/B ./Baptist oluirch on |Momiay morninfifj. the death being j aue lo colitis, fqllpwod by piieu-1 jaaaia. The fpnorhl was held ab «ni<»n <3lmpe},(biV: Tuesday aftor-Jioon at ft o'piotiijt wlth Rev. E. »"« Turner p'ffici'd|tdK.» Mra. Hea- ' lorraevly nn Misa Mafftfle Bio - Obituaries - 7/12/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 18,1934 Mrs. E. C. Clinard. ' Mrs E. Clinard died euddeblv at ber Home IB Leslogtoo earif Ssoday moniiBg. Her deatli was a eevcrs ohock (o ber Ua mediate family and inaDy ftieods through out this secrioo. Foneral services were held at Lexington Moi^ay afternoon at $ 'o'clock, and Cbo body carried to Winaton- Salem and laid to rest beside bet husband whA passed away several years ago. Mn*. dindid id ftufvlvfid by one dadgbter. Mrs. Braotley Fincb, of Lexington; one brother WilBaiB Brown, of Wlnston-Salem. and one sist^i Mrs W. H. LeGrand, of this c.ty. Mrs Ciioard was a native of Davie GOQDtyi but moved away many years ago. The bereaved ones bavelho sympathy of a shot of friends Edward A. Massey Bdwaid A hfassey. 64, died at bis home near H^tnony, oti July gtb. death. resnUiog from paralysis* Funeral services were held from the Harmony Baptist cbu-fch Wednes-1 day, morninj:, and* interment fol lowed in the Tririiiy Methodist j cbtircbcemethry; Massey jwss the father ol Mrs; R T. Lowery,' of County Line, Bio - Obituaries - 7/18/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 19,1934 MKS. K. C. CLINAllU PASSES SUDDENLY IN LEXINGTON ' Rira. Dcssio Brown Clinni'd, wi dow of E. C. Ciiniai'd, prominent Winston-Solem btisinesa man, (Uod suddenly of angina pcctoris nt the home of her daughter, Mrn. -Brontlcy H. Finch, in Lex ington, on Sunday moiTiing at- 6:15, nged 72. The news of het dhath cnmc <aa a great shock to her many relatives and friends here, as she had spent the past six weeks with her sister, Mrs. W. H. LeGfand, returning to Lex- I ington the^^previou.t Wediieadfly^ Shc^wns the daughter of the Into! Dr. •William C. Brown and Ann , Painc Cnrter Brown, of Davic county, and spent her childhood and girlhood nt the homestead near MocUsviiic. She was cducat-1 ed nt Snlem Academy and Col-' logo, and Pcaco Institute. She j was happily married to E. C. Cli- nard, of WInston-Snlem, and two daughters were bnrn to this iin-' Ion, Lottie dying In Infancy, and • the one daughter, Mrs. Finch, 1 surviving her flaronts. Mrs. Cli- nard was greatly beloved where ver she was known, and was not ed for her warm, generous heart and cheerful disposition. She was 1 faithful member of Calvary • Moravian Church in Winston- Salem. Mr. Clinard passed awny on Sept. 9th, 1927, and since that i time Mrs. Clinard had made her home in Lexington with her dau ghter, Mrs. Finch. I Her death hag brought great anrfixw to n wide circio of rela tives^ and friends, and flho will be greatly missed In Lexngton and Winaion-Suicm, as well ns in Mo(|ksvlllc whore she frequently visited'her sister, Mrs. UiGi-nnd. The surviving family consists of her' daughter, I^Irs, firnntloy H.. Finch, two grandaoim, Brnntley Finch, Jr., and Clinard Finch, of Tioxinglon, one sister, Mrs. W. II. LcOrnnd, of aiocksville, one bro-. ther, W.'C. Brown, of Winston- Snlcm, and n Imlf-brother, Paul i \V. Smilh. of Ilnrrl.ston, Ontario. Canada, as well as a luimbor of nieces and nephews. The last ritcs were conducted nt the Finch homo In Lexington on Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, by Dr. Edmund Schwam, pastor of Onl-. vary. Moravian Church, add the j interment was in the Moravian; Graveyard in Winston^nlepi. The Solem church band ployed acv-l oral of the beautiful old chorals at the grave, A profusion of beautiful flowora showed to some degree the love and esteem In which the deceasd was held. We • offer our deep sympathy to the bereaved ones. Bio - Obituaries - 7/19/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 25,1934 Infant Daughter Brown —^ vm uome couaty. , - er of Mr. and who live on <^'ed ^rly at the; hom^ h»a»d W.' ttac PfocloV. • The LcS Shilbh- •« Iredell Mrs;M. C Aaron. . Mnt ftt C, Aaron, 73. •died last Satur- day night at 11 .d'ctock at the homa . of her. daughter, Un. W R H^isQaat^.abbot Saliaborv. Foneral services were'held Mimday morolQg at 11 o'cloek at the Cherry Hill Lnuem cbareh in Oavia couaty cobdoct' eo by her pastor; Rev. Percy Flhxam. In • tenhent took place in the church came terv, - Mrs.'Aaron waa a oativejof Davle^oran'^ ty but bad resided in this' county fojt; a otimber of yeara. ' The dttcased Is* survi ved.by-threa child • roo..thpse.b8ing Mrs.. W. R. wbisnant and Mrs.. Aiao) WiUtamB of Rowao comity and Charley Aaron of Davia county, - She Is also survived by alx brothers and' one Mster are as fohows: W;>lf. fieek, .A. b.- Beck, D. E. BecK. Oavlecouoiy; F. £. Beet, Sollsbury; H. H. Bei^, J. B; Beck and Settle Hamilton, Da vie county. Bio - Obituaries - 7/25/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 1,1934 Henry Rhodes Davie KiU^r . Arthur Rbod^ Croltem^N^b is In jail ^thopt bond tbe.;niOiVder of .bis 'broiber- Senry, .DeaP>QMleenieeJ ' Rhodes is allied to; have fired a pistol at Isam Cotl^,''white ibap, hpt missed him ^and struck bis brother.. Ofl^rs iovestigallogt claim the two Negroes and white man bad ad argnment-ond were drinking at the lime. Arthur RhodM/Copleemee ne^ was l^d for the August term of Superior. Court, by Magistrate F. R. Leagans, ob Saturday, charged with the fatai.shobting of a brother, Heap'.J^hodes, on thp Tjatutn place In Jerusalein township on Tuesday night. Due-to the fact there was evidence.tending to- show- Arthuit acted in self defense be was. allow ed bail in the snnTof $.^oo. but be ing unable to give it, was remand ed to jail. * . • ' Xdhn Et^dv. . W. ^tchispn, B9, of Ciana paSwd, away Thoraday monloi at Baptist Hm- pital. WiDstoD-Salem. l&Bowiog abrief lllf hess.' Mra.EtcUsoDwaBstric)^\Sata^ at berliooe.raptdly..w^bnm^apii' oe^^tatiqg ap, pp^tloo,- f(i^w^',-by. to-^eatb.'*- ' , . Ett^son waaohepf tha ntsM acUve In cainmbi^ty SMrvloe aSd ia the, work of Batoa'a Chtticb^'of wbt^ she vraa a mem bar. tSbe was greatly belbvi^ by alt who knew her and Iter death -Moga gdef to fflenda ibrougbont tbis section of tha' stater ' Pcrtneiiy Miss Napa Caint.a-daogbter'Of Mcs. Js H, Cata/w^ sor^iveB, ab? yrais -nimcied to Mr. £tcfb1soo.^th which dniba. ■fodrihildrea wefe^glven. They,.survive,togetber With Bin-Eiehlsbo. Tbe'ohildrraareOr^l-Etcbi'son of Wiriston-Saletot'Ey-.IeretteEtcblsoD atCana;'WaltMand Miss Aoofe Utirie Etebison of Clevelaod. .OMo. Tbadaogbterwaspt ibe bodddejwhen tha' endcamft. ' ' • *Saivlvlogalsoara-two biothm.and thtdeaist^:. P. Bl Cain of Brooklyn', N. Y., J. B. Cain ofCana. Mrs.G.M. Klrkmao ofCfeena- boTO. Mrs. J. W. Rodweli and MIss'Effis Cain of Mcckaviile. Tbe funeral wascpndocted from Eaton'a <!barcb. Cana. Satpiday motnlng at 9 p'ctocb by Rev. V. BL' Swaim. of Winstoa-Salemas^stiog tbe pastor. Rev!- H. T. Penlry. In terment liUowed in the ebureh graveyard In the death of Mrs. 'Etehisoq. Bavie 'county losea one of. its beat bblpved women leader in chpreb woA, a devoted wife end mother and a kted ahd- .consldp^ halghbor.' Tlib Eqcodd cMitt ayopa^-6 thp fiai^v^ .ones dca.^ of- f ibfa.nbt^ woman-.-". *• i Mrs. MaryroeW dlod July. 22 nd .kther hpn^mKannapdlfs. ^Sfie w^ 77Tearsold, and the widow of TbonSas p. McClamrpck.. -She. .wm ^.a native. ofbdvle cpunty and. a.'daugbter^ofSdlomon and Mary Sepford Forttid past ' yeSrs she- resided. .lUKaonapoiis. : ' • ^ .Funeral services were held at. 3 o'clock Tuesday afttrnoou fromCeoler Methodist cht^rcb. Sbe!had-been'a member of .this church sinpegirlhood.' Burial'followed: in the ctiukch cetuetefy. .. • ';Mis. • McClamrock leaves four,daughters:' Mrs. C. 'W. Tutterbw,Mrs. Maggie A. . Baliner, "Mrs. p .. Allen and Miss BnlUy Belle Mc-Clamrocb. all of Kannapolis; apd five 90tos, .W« T. and Ajleb, ofKflnnapoiis; June: A j of Green'sbofoj'Calvin B.. of Coole'euiee.' and Ueqry H:; of Concord. She Is alsostti^yed by 25 grandchildren'.and seven great grandchildren. . George Cook George Cook, well-known citizen of the Yadkio "Valley sectiou. diedSunday morning, aged about 75 years. Surviving is his widow-and seven children Two brothers also survive. Funeral and burial ser* vices were held at Macedonia Moravian chuth yesterday motning at II o'clock. Charles L. Furches Cbories L. Porebes. a ositve ofParaiogtoo towosbip; died at bishosett Pttrtoa, S. C., one daylast-week. Mr.-Porehw movedfioo Oavie to Statesvllle manyTcare asg, later moving to Sontb rN«^iwa- Pttucral wiviecs wetebeld'at Foaton. S. C. latt Wed^day. Stttviving Mr. Pnrdies ismro sou Afid ooa dAttfthlsr* Ootbratber,-B. V: Porebes, of Statesville. raivi^ Bio - Obituaries - 8/1/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 2,1934 rtltk .f. W. ETCHISON PASSES " away • Mary Nnnn €aln Etchiaon, j-iff of J. W. Etchiaon, of Cann, ind highly eatecmed Davlo coun-y woman, died at the Baptist lospital In •Winaton-Salem on rhiiratlayi July 26, following an invra^ucy operation on Wodnes* lay. She waa the daughter of the late James H. Cain and Mrs. Cnin )( this place, and waa greatly iciovctl by a wide circle of re1a- jvcs and frien'da. She waa mar- ied to J. W. Etchiaon in Decem- ,er, 1897, and her huaband and he following sons and daughter urvive: J. 0. Etchiaon, of Wina- on-Salum, Everette Etchiaon, of :«»«. J. W. Etchiaon, Jr., and Annie Laurie Etchiaon, of ^icviilnihl, Ohio. She is ulao auv- iVcd by her mother, Mrs. J. H. ["siin, liiroe aiatera, Mrs. J. W. Itodwell and Miss Effie Cain, of ilnckKviile, Mra. G. M. Kirkmnn, ff Grconahoi-o, and two broEhcrs, P. Cain, of Cann, and P. B. aln. of New York. Mra. Etchiaon ra<t n member of Eutons Baptist burch since her girlhood, and riiH t'ionlly intcrestod in the work )f the church and dts historic . The lunorai waa held at 'aldits cliurch on Soturdny morn' UK ul 9 o'clock, with the pastor, !ev. II. T. Penry, of Sonthmont, itiid Kuv. V. M. Swaim, former | lajtior, of Winaton-Salem, offi* ialiiiK. The munic was In chiirgu f C. H. Mooncy and Mra. J, F. lawkins, and the pnllboarora a-rc: Hakcr lluntor and IWuItor jtonoHlixjot, of Winaton-Salem, K, U. Howard and Sunford liiii- huiiK, i)f Cunu, D. G. Grubba and' . \V. Wall, of Mocksville. Tho in- wnwnl waa In the church como- I'l'V. puss DAISY GWYNN HUNT DEAD •Miss Daisy Chvyan Hunt, daii- •itcr of iJiR ijite Gwyiin [ "'U and Hra. Mary Martin died at tho homo in Hunt-i^dle. Yjidkfn enmity, on Wed- csd;iy morning, August 1, nge^l ybe funeral .was conducted Tliurfulay morning at 11 '"«ck, at Huntavillo BnpUat J""-''!!, with Rov. M. G. Ervln In and the intbrment waa in p church cemetery. Tho agedf^lnur, who is an invalid, apr- '^C8. Mcr fniher was a promln- Pliysician in Yndkin dounty lunibor of years ago, and aho a mombor of a well-known | ''uly in this section. ' JESSE LEE CLEMENT,' ESTEEMED CITIZEN, PASSES AWAY Jesse Lea Clement, one *. of Hocksvillc'a moat bolpvod' nnd highly eatecmcd cItizoAs, died hia home on North Main street at noon, Wcdneaday, August .1, following a stroke of/apoplexy sevornl days ago, ugod 87. . Ho was the son of Jesse A. Clement and Mcllndn Nail Clement, his parents -being charter member jthe Mothidlst church in. Mocka- villo ivhcn it ,wns orgnnlzcfl over a century ago. When a .student at Clay Hill Seminary, of which hib brothor-in-Inw, Jacob Eaton, was 'principal, he enlisted us a soldier n In the Confcderalo Army, being 'a member of Company M., Iflth INortli Cnrolinn .Uegimont, -and I saw valiant Horvlce during the War Between the States. For a: number of years hu .enitaged i^'; buaincH.s in Lp.xiUgtoii, whored ha', ninrrioil MIs.s i,«lllc-Liii(lsny, who/ Bio - Obituaries - 8/2/1934 died In 1905. Seven chiUlruii were born to this union, a son, Lo'i, ■dying in infancy, and a dnuglitur, Misa Bessie Clomcnt dying scv>! oral years ago. IHr.,Clement mov-|0d hi.s family to Mockavillc aboutj38 yuars ago, and for a 'number I of ypara hij laas in the morcan- tilo biialnoHH-. Ho waa a falthfuJ member of the Mcthodiat church, .serving for many years on tho board of alownrda. He was a high-toned, Christian gentleman, and had many friends among' both white nnd .black. His erocL ■ soldierly bearing was a familiar sight here, and, he attended a number of Cohfcdorate reunions, going to Chattanooga the past June. The surviving family consists of the following sons and daughtors, Charles H. Clement,-, of Atlanta, Gn., Mrs." W. T. Yiu'i- ccy, of Oxford, Mra, J, K. Sheofc and Miss Linda Gray Cteniont, of MacltRvnie, nnd Norman Clement,. of Wilmington. Soyon grandchild ren alao survive. The last rites will be held at the Methodls,.' church on Thursday afternoon at; 3" o'clock, with tho pastor, RcV'wB. J, Harhlaon, ^ifficinting, hntl;« tho Interment -will be at the Clev mont family graveyard south Mocksville, '• DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 2,1934 Henry Rhodes mWilF, LEMUEL COOK DEAD {ItMu jre r,cmuol Cook, well- nnvvn fiivnior ot Advance, Ueulc , passed away on Sunday niorn- nK. 'luly 20, Xo'llowlnj,' a stroke <1 paralyals, a^cd 75. The do- eaaud wn.s the son or LcmuGl '(H>k and Susan Shock Cook, and im] apoiit his entire life in Dnvie ounly, where ho was highly re- jHicttid. Ilo was married twieo, its rirsl wife beintr Miss EMcn li'ard, the childran of this union jeinu Mrs. C. N. Ward, of iPoray- [h county, John Cook, of Home- Slcacl, Fla., Mrs. J. P. Griffith, f Dnvie, Mrs. S. B, Smith, oi Vinalon-Snlem, and Mrs. George Smith, of Homestead, Fla. His econd wife, who survives, was lies ^Pcnrl Poster, by whom he ad the following children: Cur ia Cook, of Advance, Mrs. J. W. >lifith, of Winston-Snlcm, Mrs. !'> I'. Hockodny, of Dnvie, and|lra. S. G. Shelton, of Dnvie. In |d(1ition to tho widow and the louR and daughters, Ihore arc 21 |randchildron. Tiio deceased was DAVIE NEGRO HELD IN BROTHER'S DEATH ncnibcr of Bclhlohom Motho- •sl church. Tho last rites wore ^id at Maecdoiiin Mernvinn Jupch on Tuesday morning at 11 ''thick, and woro conducted by Itv. M. G. Ervin, of Fnrmlng- and Rev. Edwin Browov, pns- ''f of Macedonia. Tho interment in the church graveyard, ht! iKiilhcnrers wore John Shook, '/ill Hcnvell, Will Marklaiid, J. C«po, Albert Howard and Tll- Walker. The flowers woro '^rried by Misses Edna Griffith, ilnry Griffith, Helen Griffith, Smith, Elizabeth Smith ^'clyn Smith, Margaret Mark- '^id, 4Mury Leslie Mnrklnnd, Mrs. wrBriret Allen. Arthur Rhodes, Cooleemce Negro, was ordered hold for tho August term of Davle superior court by Mnglstrnte ' F. R.' Len- gana Saturday on a charge of murder growing out of tho fatal shooting of his brother, Henry Rhodes, near Jerusalem, I'uosday. night of last week. The ovidencc tended- to show the two Negroes, accompanied by Isam Gurleo, a white man; had i been to Winston-Solem and upoii | their return got into an argu ment. Henry Rhodes, It was sold was in tho act of hitting Arthur with a largo rock when Arthur drew a revolver and shot him through the chest, death result ing the following (lay. On account of tho evidence, tending to show Arthur acted in I self-defensG to a certain extent' at least, ball was sot at $500, but tho defenduat was unable to give it. Bio - Obituaries - 8/2/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 8,1934 Jesse Lee Clement Aged Veteran Passed. | dement. 87. one of Mocks^Vmesoldosi and be« liown dtlzens died at Wb borne in tUs diy laat Wednesday at n^,.death lesulting from a stroke of iPar^slawhlchiiesQfllwed more than two | W«sek8 ago. He was tlte. last metDber ofiOne of Davle'e oldest and best known I I • Dutlbg the Qvil War be oniiated as a! young boy In (kmpany M, ISib-N. C. legl.' ment, and perfcrmad valiant service. Ho I made bis home for a nmnber of yearn, in' LexlDstOn. wbere bo inanied Mi«s LettieLindsay, who passed away in 1905. j Mf, Ctement for years Waa a mefcbani intbiaciiy, HewasaChHsUangeotlemaii- and attended inany Confederate reonibos 1 going to Chattanooga last June. • { The surviving chlltfreq are: Charles B.' Clement, of Atlanta. GaJt Mra, W- T. Van «qy. oi Oxford: Mra: J. K. Sbeek and Miss Linda Gray Cfement, of Mocksvllle. and : Norman dement, of Wilmington. The fu neral was held at tbo Uetbodist Cborcb on Tbut^ay .afternoon at 3 o'clock, with Rev. E. J Harbison, pastor of the deceased, in j charge, and the intetraeni followt^ ln"iEe i (dement graveyard. Dr. John W. RodwelL The entire town was saddened-Sunday morning when bbwa was received hero- , tbai Dr. John W. Rodwetl had died In a Cbarlotte'hospttal-at 6 o^ciook. Death' re sulted from kidney trouble- Tbo.body wae brought- hero Sunday morning, and ftme^ al services were held afthebomq Monday afterndon at four o'cio^ condncted by Revs. T. G. Proctor. G. R. Feiroa and E J, Hacbinson. and the body .laid to rest in Rose cementery. Dr. Rodwell is survived by hie. widow, throe sons and five !daugh- tero. viz; {John W. Jr. Jack and J. M Rod- well, all of. Mocksville: Mre- James Oiok- ecsoiu of Southern Pines; Mrs Dewey Caroy. of Payetleville: Mrs. George Wood, of .facksonyille. Fla.; Mrs. T. F. Mugpey and Miss Emily Rodwell. of-thiscity. "Dr. Rodwell wae 69 years of age, and had been pracUeIng medicine for about 40 years. He moved to Mocksvlile from (Tana about 30 -years ago He wae'a native of Warren county, and leaves tno brothers and three sistetii.ih tjiat county. Practi • calty everybody in the county knew Dr. RodwelL He was a big hearted man and did rnucb to alleviate thbsuffeirog of man kind wltboufbope of reward. He was o hind and loving husband and father, and will be sadly missed by^ the -entire town- ana county The Record extends sym pathy to the bereaved family and loved ones in this hour of sadness. Mrs. Reid Smith. Mrs. Reid Ki'mbrough Sailh, fis,' died at ber home in Dallas, Texas, last Wednesday afternoon, follow ing an extended'illnesp. Funeral and burial servicesi were -held at I Dallas, on Thursdav. -Surviving Mrs.^inlth is five brothers andi three sisters, viz: A. M. and C-. L.' Ritnbrougb, of'Davie county: Joe. Rimbrough, of Dnrham; P. R. Kimbrougb, of Atlanta and J.' A. Rimbrough. o f Winston - Salem. Mrs. J L. Sbeek and Mrs. Geo. W. Sbeek, of this city; Mrs, D K, Parches, o f Farmit>gtoD. Mrs. Smith moved from Cavte tp the west about 35 y^rs ago, and madei her last visit to relatives .Jbere a- i bout 25 years ago. She was a' daughter of the late Dr. M. D. i Kimbrotighr of Smith Grove. Her | husband died aboUt 20 years ago. Chas. Wi Alien. Chas. W. Alien. Si. well known farmer and dairyman qf the. Rediand oectiou. died at the baptist Hospital, Winston-Sa- lem. Sunday night, death following an ap- nendicltb operation. Mr. Alien is sur vived by his Widow and seven children, three sons oud four daughters. His fatb- |er. four sisters and th^ brothers also I survive, among them being Mrs. Lee 1 Craveo. of this city.- One brother. Floyd 1 Allen, and sister, lives in Iowa. Funeral. ; and burial services will be held at Bethle-' I bens Methodist church, but the day and I 'bbor bad not been set at this writing, a- •• waitiog word from Iowa. | Anderson Hunter Passes! Andersan HuoUr, 74, died at hisj home near Cana, Tfantsday night i at 10 o'clockrfollowine an extended' illness. Funeral and bttriat services | were held at Union Chapel M. P.! church Saturday, condncted by bis; oastor. Rev. G. B. Feiree. Mr." Hunter is survived by bis widow, and five children, three sons. Pani- of Statesville; Charles, of Kannapo | Its. and Melver, of Winston Salem; < two daughters, Mrs. Hattle Pierce, | oi near Cana, and Mrs. Pauline- Padgett, of Jennings. Mr. Hunter| was a good citizen and will be mis-; sed in bis communUy. j Mrs.. J. F..Braclifii. Mr?. J. P. Bracken. 88. died Sun day afternoon at. ber home near Woodleaf from, the infirmities of age. , . Funeral services took. place at 2 o'cioek Monday afternoon at Cheet- DQt Grove Methodist church, of which see was a member, with the pastor, the Rev. Fletcher Harry,- in charge, and burial took plaee in the; eburcb cemetery. • Three sons servlve. One brother,; Lum peacock, of Davie connty. and, one .sister, Mrs. Betty Head, of Goth leemee, also survive. -- . i Bio - Obituaries - 8/8/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 16,1934 9 MKS. REID SMITH, OP • TEXAS, PASSES AiyA'l Mrs, Siillio Brock Kimbrougl Smith, widow of 'Roid Smith p.'isscd away at her homo in Dal* las, Texas, on. Wedneadny, Aug S, aged 06. The news, of her death-has brought* sormvi'to a v;irle cJi'cie of'relfttiveV'niid. fri- ^'ti'.la'ln this eotiTity'whei'tif she Was born and raiacd.'she waa the daughter of the iate Dr. M. D. Kfmbrough and Mrs. SalUe Brock KimbruiigJi, and' spent her early life at Smith Grove, She married heid SmithI of Smith Grove, and they went to Texda between SB mid do years ago. Mn Smith-.died ir. December 1912. For- the past I'uiir and a half years Mrs. Smith lias been an invalid, but she i'orc her suffering and- hclplea- atss without complaint. One of lier siRtera.-Mrs. J. L. Sheek, risiied her'in Dallria about four .vfJira ago. There were no clilld- Kimiiroujii,' o7 Winitonialom, A.' >'mi surviving, tho relatives who Ri. Klmbrqugh, of this place, and, jemain being three sisters, Mrs. p. r. KImhrough, of Atlanta, Gf. U'urgc Sheek and Mrs. J. L. Another slqter, Mrs. John Sheek,' hheek. of this place, Mrs. Kjm- of Smith G*ove, died in 1888. i^i'ough Furclies, of Famlngton, Mrs. Smith will be remomborcd and fivo brothers, C. B. Kim- with . affection .by a number In nrough, of Smith. GVove, J. W. (Duvie,countv • • • . .. I Kimbrough,' of Durham, J. A. - : .' , CHARLIE WILSON ALLEN DIES iN HOSPITAL Ch.n*lio Wilson Allen, 51, well- known farmer of the Smith Grove community, dl(»d at the Baptist Hospital in'" Winston-Salem on •Monday morning, Aug. 13, fol lowing an operation for appcndi- oltla a week ago. The dcccasod was the son of W. Gaston Allen and the late Julia Bo-wdoiv Allen, of bftvie, and lived near Smith Grove consolidated school, llie surviving family" consists of his father, his wife, Mrs. Fannie Smith Allen, three sons, -fflonn, Ollio and Eugene Allen, three' -daughtera, ;MrB. Carl 'Williams, •Mrs. Polly Daniel and Miss Mild-^ red Allen, all of the same com munity, three brothers, W. W. Allen, of Salisbury, Floyd Allen, of Murahalltown, Iowa, W. K-} Allen, of Dnvie, four sisters, Mrs. W. B. Allen, of Davle, Mrs. G. L;' Craven, of MockRviHe, Mrs. Henry Sofloy, of Huntaville, Mrs. Vol- ma Andersoii, of Marshalltown, Iowa, and-two grandchildren. Tho last rites wore hold at Bethlehem' Methodist church on Wednesday afternoon, at 8 o'clock, with the' pastor, Uev./M.- G. Ervln, " offi-'.. elating, and tho intermprit was in the church gravpyard. Drothors Und bVothora-iri-law of' 'th'e. de ceased acted as pallbearers, and the fiornl tributes were carried by the aloeos. Tho plans for the funeral were held until a mc.s- sagc from a brother, Floyd Allen, of Iowa, came alat-ing that he would attend, Mr. Allen arriving hoix* on Wcdncuday. I Pallbearers were Elmer Allen, Will Allen, Richard Allen, Cle- land Craven, Leary Craven and James • Humphries, and the flow ers were carried by Misses Edith Smith, Mury Smith, Morgnrot Craven, Ruth Allen," Martha Loo Craven, Bobby Jean Allen, Eli zabeth Sofley, Nola Gray Allon, Minnie Carter, Mattie Sue Smith,* Mabel Allen, Relia Mae Hump hries, Audrey Sofley, Louise i Smith, Peggy Snilth and Juanita Smith. • • • • * • I Bio - Obituaries - 8/16/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 16,1934 , UK. JOHN WILUAM ROD WELL 1 PASSES AWAY Funeral Lnrjrely Attended Dv. John Wiliium Kodwell, pro minent and beloved Mocksville physician, pasned away at the Charlotte Sanatorium on Sunday nmrniiii;, August 12, nt 5:d0. af ter nil illness of several weeks, aged G8. The death of this be nevolent man has cast a gloom over the community in which ho has resided for over thirty years. He was born in Warren county on Nov. 19, 1865, and was the son of John William Rod well and Mary Fryor Rodwell. He graduat ed in 1805 from the College of Physicians and Surgeons, of Bal timore, Md., and cnine to Cana,| Duvio county, in June 1896 to^ .practice his' profcsaon. He was married on August 11, 1896, to Miss Quilla Emily Cnin, of Cana/ and they moved to Mocksville In 1903. The surviving family con- 'sists of his wife, five daughters,' Mrs. James *W. Dickcraon, 'of Southern Pines, Mrs. Deu'oy W. Casey, of Fayetteville, Mrs. Tho- inufl F. Meroney, uf Mocksvllln, Mrs. George D. Wood, of Jnek- souvlite, FIh., Miss Quilln ^ily Rodwol), of Mockavillp, and throe «ona, John William Rodwell, Jr., Jack Rodwell and John Henry uuawull, all ol" Mocksville, and one little sou died in early life. Four grandchildren also survive, IhcHO,being Clarice Rodwell Dick-, 'crson, James V/. Dickcraon, Jr.,i jLoui.Hc Rodwell -Meronoy and l.Thonuus F, "Meroncy, Jr., and the ■following sistora and brolherRj Mrs. Anna Rodwuli Uardncr, of Macon, N. C., Mrs. Boltie Rod- woll Hunter, of Gary, K. C., Mrs. R. D.. Fleming and Miss Rush Rodweli, of Littleton, N. C., Hugh Rodwell, of "Warren county, and Rominle-R. Rodwell/ of Norllna, N. C. ^ The last rites were held 'at. the ' home on INbrth Main street on.'iMonday afternoon at 4 o'clock,' 'and wore largely attended- by 'Tnany -sympaiBjining relalSyes and•friends. Rev. T. 6. Proctor, pastor 'of the Baptist church, officiated|asslslcd -by Rev, G. B..Ferree andIrcv. W. I. Howell. The interment I was in Rose Cemetery, and a I wealth of beautiful flowersI testified of the high ..regard in 'which Dr; Rodwell was held. The.liollbeorera /were-; ffolin IiefGrand, Dai. Lester Martin, Dr. S. B. Hall, Dv. S. A. Harding, Dr. E. Cnrr Choato and Dr. Speer Harding, and the honorary pallbearers were* Dr. W. C. .Martin, Dr. A. B. Byerly, of Coolcemee, and Dr. R. P. AndersoiL. •We B.xtciid our deep sympathy to the bnrenved family. Bio - Obituaries - 8/16/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 22,1934 G. C. Kimball Iredell Sheriff Killed C- Z:-'i giile. -xss scv. f ; = Er-tin'-'-' - Ralpa DaTis. r--:-; - i. Iferaisos-xsriT 'V • dspatT GT:oi7z := ' I." ' fatallr sajcdne = V- Tae oa:3s-a- siit i;; '' -cfe car isK-.;*y/.V. t. ofSiBTesrEre. z f.,5"=V- =. -kshizz »ie =i£~f T--: .. Daarii's. Vl . I// " Seers sarc^jz:^::: » h- '. - oesa srflsrttr? eSort :o' cszizrs :z j - • n •f% bn? cp 1-5 ]cddd tss=-. ■• -v.. _, • 1 It •• B. R. Bailey Passes. B j" :? It '.7 '■ -': " ° -- 'i i:i 7--*^ ii 'I ■-' ---i '•'■ '.i- raxicz ?v;i-z::z; zi Advssee, zUc z: i j t , pilaliztsSsir-'fiT z:-z- exitzzez i'z—i' :;bfid besz sbrt :z t-i • i of lbs tisii .anoBelr S=:rr:=Vt raaasc to z'zt zz-ft::-. iJTed os;v £ fix zz'zzi Sir. BsKst ;e :zzt :z C5. 2. 2- rsfir" and Harcsa Barlty :■ 3cd one ca-z'z'*' I. Wbiie. of S^s-.fcST.: e [z; -...7 %r. B B 5 t; (Fiicer&lserr:;*:irt=riii : ...Gro« MehafU: T V^i- eaOTXilag at 12 z'z'.zizc izzJaid to ras! 25 izs -zir;; :i':.Vtr Mr. Bailsy 7ii< a l ;i;.z.r :tr.:V-of AdrasK. zzi -ti : 77['-"7 faiiDsr and -;r7:zii; }£; ..1^ bersd bis frisrfj zy and bis sest-s bas ';;: -j;;; »o Its sstjre e:t:n:r- T 2^ :•has fast a c;-.?. t-i.-j-.-t. r-i-'f" aadjoinstbe 2-2=:=;—zti tt-i iogsyiapainy :s :ri 27e lef; Unin-. Sal lie Potts Miss Sallifi Pbtis, if, died at be: bosw is Lcsiogtoo «o Ang. tjtb Fooeral services were held at tbtFirst Baptist cburch in Lexiogtoi Wcdnesuy afierooon and bmngbi to Folk and Isid to rest. Miss Fotii is a native of Davie couoty, bui moved toDavi(Uon raaoy jearsago She is survived (our brotbertand tbree slaters. Jr -'J.'i' '3*/^ -3 ^ Bio - Obituaries - 8/22/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 23,1934 Haywood L Fisher MHS. 'F. J. CAUDEIX ATTENDS HltOTHKU'S FUNBUAL Mr. niul Mr.*?. T. J. Cnudell wuiil lo St. Paul last Wednesday, hoiiij,' called there by the death of Lhe lutter'a brother, Ilnywood I,. Fisher, which "occurred on Tutsdny uijshl. Auk. Id. The dc- ccnseil wnH a well-Un&wn and po pular youiiK man, and his untime ly death at the ago of 20 has liroughl Horrow to a wide circle of relatives and friends. lie had fifiived for two yehr.s in the Un ited States Nnvy, his acrviee be ing on the Pncific Coast. Several years ago his health became im-. paired, and last fall he wont to| i^ri/ona and New Mexico, in the hope that he would be benefited.' Ilia wife, whp was formerly Miss' Margaret Turner, of Cool Springs,' died in June, after a ' long ilU ncss. The funeral was held at St. Paul on Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, with Rev. M. P. Calhoun la charge, and the Masonic B,or- vicc was held nt the comelery. Uc la survived by 'his pijventB, Mr. and Mrs! G. T. FUher, of St. Paul, Oho brother, G. W, Flahcr, of E!i?nbethtown, five sisters, 3dra. D. A, McQueen, of Jnckson- villo, Pin., Mrar.tJ. P. Cnudell, of Ualeigh, Mrs. T. J. CaudoII, of Miicksvillo, Mrs, M. B. McMnnus, <»f Charlotte, arid Miss Ethel Fisher, of St. Paul. Miss Kathor- ine Turner, of Cool Springs, also allcndcd the funeral. Mrs, Cnu- deii remained at St- Pnul for scvunil days,, and then came by tvlnirloltc" wiioro Eleanor and Loninc Cnudell had been visiting illr. and Mrs. Walter Cnudell. Bio - Obituaries - 8/23/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 23,1934 UIIAXTON R. BAILEY, SR. DEAD Bra^ton R. Bailey, Sr., of A(N vanco, prominent Davie county citizen, died nt the Kownn Gem eral Hospital, Salisbury, on Sat urday night at 11:45, his death coming a few hours after he had entered the>hospital, lie had been in declining health for several years, and became seriously ill on Wednesday. He was born Sept. 3, 18&6, and was the sou of Rich mond Bailey and Eliza Foster Bailey, of Davie county. For many years he conducted a mer cantile business in Advance, anu served us county commissioner from 192G to 1930. Uc united with Shady Grove Methodist church whun n young man. He wiiH first married to MLss Delia Phclps, and there were no ehil- dron of this union. His second wife was Miss Notie V. Williams, who died in Nov. 1929. The sur viving family consists of three* sons, B. R. Bailey, Jr., Nathan G.'Bailey and Hnyden C. Bailey,! all of Advance, one daughter,! hjra. J. T. White, of Statcsvll]e,( and one brother, B. B. Bailey, of. Advance. The funeral -sorvicosi ^were hold nt the home on Tuos- I day morning at 10:30, and at Shady Grove church nt 11 o'clock, with Rev. B. K. Mason, Rev. A. A. J. Pnrringtbn, Rev. Mr. Jor-' dan and Rev. E. W. Turner, of ficiating Tho interment was in^ 'the churcii cemetery. The deccni-' cd wos n member of a q)ioneerj family of this section, being a dcsccudnnl of Samuel Bailey who moved, to. Rowan from Hnllfnx' county, V»., before th'c Rovolu-. lioiiury War. Bio - Obituaries - 8/23/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 29,1934 W. Y. WaisoD. - William Y Willsou, 75. well* known Davie county citizen, died at bis home two miles we«i of ilgeks- ville Thursday at noon, following an illness of seyjeral weeks. Funeral services were held at the home Fri" day morning at 11 :ao o'clock con ducted by Rev H. I. Hatbisoo« pastor of tbe Moctrsvilfe Methodist ebnrcb, and tbe body laid to rest in loppa gra\*evard. Mr Wilson was bom at Olin. Ircdell county, bnt came to Davic many vears ago. He wasforseveral years a gu.nrd at the itate penitentiary at Raleigh, and served as policeman and tax col lector for a number of years in this dty. Surviving Mr Willsonisone brother. OIlie, of Winston-Salem, several neices and nephews. Mr. Willsoo was a staunch democrat bnt \ good fnend of Tbe Record, and old us many times.that he wnnld take Tbe Record as long as he^iv^^^ Mrs. E. B. Smitli. Mrs. B. B. Smith, 47, died 0(1^ her borne in Winston Salem last Tuesday nlgbt, dcaib resnillngt from lubsrenlesls. Mrs. Smitlr-ls * raroived by ber bttsband and eight-1 children, five sons and three dangh*: ten. Four brotbera. Rav Foster, j of near Redland; OIlie Foster, of j Clinton. .Mo; Robert Foster, of I Soitb Grove, and John Foster, of i Homestead, Fla. also snndve.* Fnneral aitd burial services wen held at jBetblehem Methodist ebnrcli Friday, condnetcd bv Rev. M. 0. Brvin, of barmingion. Mrs. Smith was a native of tbe Redbnd «e£tion of this eottety, but moved to Winston Salem several rears ago.. The bereaved family and relatives ' have the' avrapathy of a host of . friends fo ibrir sad bereavement „ Bruce McSwain Brace MdSwran^- Rrtice MeSwain 48. died at bisa > y - 3 The information for Bruce McSwain (McSwaim) is from the Davie Record, August 29,1934. Unfortunately that issue is missing from the files. A. Bruce McSwain was located in the Cherry Hill Lutheran Church Cemetery Records. He was born October 3,1884 and died August 23,1934 according to those records. Bio - Obituaries - 8/29/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 30,1934 WILLIAM Y, WILSON PASSES •AWAY WlUlftm Yancoy Wilson, well- known Dnvie citizen and former cHicf-of-policc of Mocksville, died at the home of C. J. Aiigeil v/eat of town on Thursday afternoon, August 2a, after an illness of two months, aged 75. He was ■the son of Henry Wilson andSnIHe Jones Wilson of Davie[county. At one time he was a•guard at the State penitentiary in Raleigh, and served in other .IIKOBC., had aumUai-a or fi'i- C. J. Aiisel, H. A. Late B P.^'oHiIa «bo leBi'Ct to loitrn ol hU. iPooto''. J- ^ np,j|Joatlt. IIo waa a staunch iJcnio- unil J- M ale 'crat and took grout interest in tributes woro h»'>™ ™the work of his parly. The only, [•rancos Pooler. ioioeo roiiiBvo eurviving is onbl/]"!"'" , Inl" nrowii Irenolbrother, Ollie WiIao»i of Winston- | Allon, J"lin Mae Browi,Snloiti. The fiihovnl was held atj.Angell and ®the homo on Friday mornini: af dcccnncd11 rt '/rlnfk with Rev' E J. Har-. Major rj-nac Jones, a iialuo oiilson! rffio^otlllg. end H.e inter- I'tinoe Goow f fmeat was at Joppa- graveyard, who is buried at Joppn. Bio - Obituaries - 8/30/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 12,1934 Wes Bennett ^ the'couoty hS^TasrWednesday, -i He bad been an inmate of the home ^ for the past several years. Death ^ resulted frpm a stroke of paralysis. Bio - Obituaries - 9/12/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 19,1934 W. E Keanen Passes. WiQi&m E.Keooeo. 5$, CoiQoorof Davie ccFoncy for tbe past two yeais. died sud deoly St Keanea Crest. FariDinscoa* Saa dav evenlo? aboiit 7 o'clocir from a heart attack. Mr. Ksnoeo waa strickeo io Wicu- con-Selem co Samrdar. retonied to his home aad passed awajr Saoday aveoiag. The deceased Vas a native of Indlaoa- polis. Indiana and bad been in Davie a- boot IS years. He was an Interior deco rator and bad baslness acqoalotaoces in man? parts of the state. Mr. Kenoen bad been coroner of she connty.for abont two years, smved a nom- ber of years as a Justice of tbe Peace, was a Stewart io the Fanniodcon Metiio- dist chare*! aod Past W. &L of tbe Farm- in^itoa lodge of Blasons and a member of KosksviUe Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star Fooerat aod bctial services were held at Farmiogton .Methodist chorsh this D(»ning at 10 o'clock with Masonic honors. Revs. 6. Ervio. R.C. Gofoith and S. M. Needham conducted tbe funeral services. Surviving relatives include the widow, Mrs. Queen Bess Kenneo, aod one sister. Sirs. Annie Dancan. of Winston-Salem. In the death of Mr. Kennen. Davfe loses one of her best known citizens. The Re cord extends sympathy to the'bereaved ones. Elijah Gaither Elijah Gaither, well-koowo col- Icfred man of Mocksville. died at bis home in Booetowa Thursday morning, aged about 82 years. Sur viving is his widow, three sons and one daughter. He had lived in Mocksville all his life, and was a leader amotig the colored popula tion of the town. The bodv was laid to rest in the A M. E. church cemetery Saturday. Bio - Obituaries - 9/19/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 20,1934 W. E. KENKEN, DAVIE COUNTY CORONER, DIES SUDDENLY William Earl. Kenncn, well- known citiisen and coroner of Dovic county, passed nwny «ud- denly at Ills home In Farmin^ton on Sunday evening, Sept. 16, aged cn. lie had been'in 111 health for dome .time, but was thought to be improving, but an attack of angina poctoria proved fatal. He was a native of Versailles, In- iliiinn, and was the eon of Andrew Kcnneii and Elizabeth Spence 4Connciif By profession he was a contractor and Interior decorator. He was married to jMrs. Quoon Bc.sa Shore in 1014, and ihoy moved from Indianapolis to Fnr- mington In 1&17. Mr. Koniien sewed as worshipful master of Farmington Masonic Lodge ' for two terms, and was also a mem ber of Chapter 173, 0. B. S. He held his mcmbsrahip in the Farmington Methodist church, Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Queen Bess Kenncn, Republican national commltteewoman, and one sister, Mrs. Anna Duncan, of Wiiiston-Salem. The last rites were largely attended, and were held at Farmington Methodist church, on Weclnosday morning at ,10 olclock, with the pastor, Rev. M. G. Krvin, in charge, as sisted by Rev, R. C. Goforth, of •Wlnston-Salcm, and Rev. S. M. Necdham.'of Salisbury. The in terment was with.Masonic hon ors in the church ccmotoryi Pnll- |bcarera were A. A, 'Hollcmnn,. .Ralph James, .Tamos Binke, Ralph jWillard, J. H. Foster and Evnnj Lakoy. .There wore many beauti ful-floral tributes. Mr. Keiinon had made a number of friends' 'since coming to Davle county to make, his home, and he will bo missed in bis community. i Bio - Obituaries — 9/20/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 26,1934 Rev. Jolm F. Kirk Dead. Rev. JolmF. Kirk, a former pas tor- of the Mpcksville Methodist church, was fataliy'injur^ in- an automobile accident, at Greensboro last Wednesday afteraoon. Death followed the accident early Tburs day morning. Funeral services were held at College Park Place Methodist church, Greensboro, of which church he was pastor, at 11 o* clock Friday moroing, and burial followed in" the Albemarle cemetery at 3:30 o'clock-. Rev. Mr Kirk had many friends iu Mccksville and Davie connty who were sorry to learn of his untimely death.- He 'served as pastor of the Methodist church*here about 27 years ago. His first wdfe was killed bv an auto-' mobile in Greensboro about nine years ago. Jeff Bowles liide Boy Dies. Jeff, the 2 year-old son of Mr. sdMrs. James Bowles, of near Jencho, died Saturday night at Loag's Hospital, Statesville, fol- lo^Dg a week's illness of coliti^. Ftmeral and burial services took place at Jericho Sunday afternoon a! 4 o'clock. Surviving is the par- tau, two brothers and two sisters. The bereaved one have the sym pathy of a host of friends in the loss of their little boy. H. S. Stroud Ooi; Father Is Dead. H. S. Stroud, 81, died_at his home iu Statesville Sunday evening at 6:45 o'clpck, following an Illness of several years. His condition had been serious lor the past two weeks. Funeral services were held at the home Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by his pastor, Rev. B. E. Morris', of the Western ^Avenue Baptist church. The body was carried to Hickory and laid to rest by the side of' his wife who died eight years ago.. Surviving Mr. Stroud is one sou, C. F. Stroud, of Mocksville;. two daughters. Mrs. O". W. File, of .High Point, and Miss Mattie Stroud, of Statesville.' One sister, Mrs. C. D. Crouch of Statesville, also survives. Mr. Stroud wa.s a native of the County Line section of Davie coun ty, a son of the iate Mr. and Mrs. William Stroud. I:^e moved to Hickory about 47 years ago, and tor the piast 25 years had lived in Statesville. Our daddy has been taken from us but bis memory and the many trials and hardships be went tbrougfa for us during our childhood, will remain fresh in our memory so long as life shall last. Bio — Obituaries - 9/26/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 27,1934 CUSTAVE ALPIIONSO ALLISON DIES SUDDENLY i Moukavillc and the surround ing community were greatly shocked on Monday afternoon, Sept. 24, to hoar of the sudden doath of Giistave Alphonso Alli son, one of its best-known and widely popular citizens, which oc curred at his home on Mnpio Avenue at 4:30 us the result of a hourt attack. He had been in the service of the Southern Rail road for r>2 years, and was plan* ning to retire in the near future. Mr. Allison had served as station agent at .Thoinasvlllc, Mocksville, Woodlcnf. Coolccmco, Advimcu, and oilier places, his last.station being at Advance. He went to work «a uhmiiI on Moiulny morn ing. Inil on ids return home .that afternoon he complained of feel ing ill, and passed away before a physician could roach him. IIo was the son of T. A. Allison, and Bottle Luckcy Allison, and was born and reared In CJeveluud, Kownn county. On June 10th. 1887 he was married tu Miss Heiirio Morris, of Davic county, who died 28 years ago while the family were residing In Thomas- vllle. The surviving family con sists of five daughters mid two sons, as follows: Mrs. Helen A. Campbell, of Winstoii-Snlem, Mrs. Phil Johnson, Mrs. Clegg Clement Mrs. Clinard Le&rand, Miss Os- sie Allison, Jack Allison, all of . Mocksville, and Ruck Allison, of Wilmington, nine grandchildren, and ono sister-in-law, Mrs. Lizzie Allison, of Cleveland. Mr. Allison was noted for his devotion to his family, and possossud a most .genii}! niul generous disposition. Ho lind'• numbers of friends throughout the State who will ro- p^rut his suddcp> glassing away. jThc last rites were, hold at the homo on Wednesday morning at 10:30, with Rev. E. J. Ilarblsoh, pfl.Htor of the 'Mnthodpit church, of Avhicli the docensod was u mombor, offlehitlngi Rev. W. I. Ho well sang "I would not live always," which was also sung at Mr.s. Allison's funeral. The in terment was in Rose Cemetery, und the family plot was covered ^ }y{th bunutlful flowers as a Ivi-^ buto of the c.stoom in which Mr. 'Allison was held. Those acting ns pallbearers were: Henry Ilob- aon. Ed Hobaon, Cecil Morris, J. g. Hnlre. A. 1', Gvnnt and R. S. McNeill. The burial took place with Masonic honors. Wc offer our deep sympathy to the bercav-^ 'od family. ' A large concourse of relatives _ and friends from a distance as well a.s the surrounding commun ity attended the funeral, i JEFF DURANT ROWLE^, I INFANT, UDEAD • Jeff Durunt Bowles, two-year old son of James A. Bowles and Sntio Senmon Bowles of the Har- diaon community, died at Long's Sanatorium, Stnteaville, on Satur day evening. Sept, 22, at 7:45, of uDlIlis. The bi'irial took place at Jericho on Suiulay-afternoon at 4 o'clock, with Rev. W. F. Ruavls, of Winston-Sal cm, in charge. The parents, and four brothers and sisters, Avery, Virgil, Mildred and Ivey Noll, survive. The pnllbeav- ors were: Marsh Bowles, Howard Bowles, Charlie Seamon and Everett Sonnion, and the many beautiful flowera were carried by Arnold Garwood, Richard Seamon, I,ofB Wilson, Frances Wilson, Mabel Wilson, WilHe E, Green, Edna Bowles, Louise Green, I^is Vickera, Annie Lee Koontz, Doro thy Viekcrs. J. S. Green, Jr., Joe Wilson, Sarah Everhardt, Alice Howies, Vcrn Bowles, Pauline Driver, Thoimn Driver, Knthor- ine Everhardt, Katherine WliHley, Lolfl Whltley, Louiso Dyson, Loul- = Mfl Driver, Drew Owen, Helen Walker and Philip Stdhoatreet. H. S. STROUD, OP STATESVILLE* DEAD H. S. Stroud, Statcsville citizen, died at his home in that city on Sunday night, Sept. 28, after an illncsa of several weeks, aged 80. The deceased was a native of Ire- dcll county, but had resided in Hickory for many years, He is survived by unu sun, C. F. Sl'ruud, editor of the Davio Record, of this pinco, and two ' daughters, Miss ainttio Stroud, of Statcsville, and Mrs..p. >V. Pilo, of. High Point. The funeral was bold fmm the homo on Tuesday hftcrnoon at 2 o'clock, by Rev. B. E. Morris, pastor of tho Western Avoniio Baptist clniroh, and tho. burial^ was Ih. Oolcwootl Cemetery, Hick-1 or.v. REV. J. 'F^ KIRK MEETS tragic death J, F. Kirk, pastor of College Place Methodist church, Greens boro, were shocked to hear of his n fatal Injuries In an auloiiioblle col liaion in that city last week. Mr. 'Kirk was pastor of the Methodist Church here about twenty-five. {ycara ago, and be and his n I wife, who was formerly Miss 'Ida Rohs, endeared thitmselvea to 'a wide circle .of friends. Mrs.} 'Kirk died as the ;reauU'of being: Utruck by an automobile in Grcon- sboro several years ago. Mr. Kirk .was ono of the leading ministers of iJiO Western North Carolina Conference, and his place will be hfii'd to fill. His second Vvife. vlio was Miss Agnes Ell in wood,. of Greensboro, survives. Bio - Obituaries - 9/27/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 27,1934 If{OHfiny j t'AHHKSf AT fm Ham ' Afim fj(}ua sujyyji^i HrAffirt Mxetom f{xcr,«.t, Vn'r/rn kr,4 tf*-!* zeOr aeqrft/ at hb r/.Tir^ oa Haiixbiiry utretA f,n V/tdttfizAaj afUrflfion at 2:2h, aft«r an ex- tfenfle/J iilnttxM. xnfA-ft'K He 7.-as fiorn and rsar^jd In Davfe county, and ^aa the son of Kowan Ijarne.t.and 3fartha Jane f.'oon Ijames. On Dec. 22, 1802 he married to Miss f,ouise Cartner. of Davie county, '.vho survives him. For a number of years Mr. fjamcs ran an undortahfi:;: es tablishment in this Tilace, but in later years had been farrtTin;; un til his h^alih failed. He tva.i a member of the Methodist church, and of the following fraternal orders, Jr. 0. U. A. 51.; W. O. W.; and P. 0. s- of" A. He was "a de voted huitbnnd, futher and grand father, and a hind friend and neighbor, and he will be greatly missed. He bore bis long illness with Cbristiuii fortitude and rc- slgnntiori. The surviving family | consists of hi? wife, two sons,' Clyde Ijamcs, of DanvlllCi Vn#, and Herman Ijames, of VVlnslon- Salem, two dnughterB, Mrs. Frank I 5IiUer, of, Sdfisburj', and Miss Inez Ijames, of Mocksville, ton I grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs. W. G. Click and Mrs. W. C. Wil-| son. of DavIe county, and ono; 'brother. J. N. Ijames. of Mocks ville. Tlic funeral was hold at jlhe Methodist church on llSurs- day afternoon at 3 o'clock with .the pastor, Ilcv. E. J. Hnvbisoii, ;in charge, assisted by Itcv. W. J. S. Walker, of Center. The inlcr- .mcnt took plnco In Hose Ccme- tcr}-. Wu extend our deep aym- p'athy to the bereaved ones, Pnll-. n heavers wore U. F; Click, Howard Ijnmoa, Vo.Hlal Gartner, K. 0. Wilson, Ficd.C:.itnoi; niid W. M. Ciiiiiier. iiQphows of the doecased, and the many, beautiful, flowcvh were carried by JFlascs Lois Dun- .lol, Nell Holthouaer, Daisy Ilott- hoiiscr, Margaret Ulackwood, Ella Mae Nail, Louise Stroiul, Rebec ca Nail, Duke Shock, Martha Call, I Linda Gvny CloinciU, Jdllian Muoiiey, liutli llooc, Mrs. Flct- {ehor Click, Mrs. a F. Mcronoy, |.Jr., Mrs. A. U. flnmsey. Mrs, J, Frank Clement, MiSs Mary Mc- Guire. The Junior Order nttend- 'ed in a body and had charge of the services at the cemetery. A ' large gathering of rolnlives -and j friends from Davio and other i places attended the funeral. Bio - Obituaries - 9/27/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 3,1934 Robert Marion Ijamea. Robert Marion Ijames, 65. died at bis home on Salisonry street Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, following an illness of many months His death brought sadoess to the town and county, where he bad spent his entire lite., Mr. Ijaraes was a son of the late Rowan and Martha Ijames, of the Jericho communitv. Fnnerai services were held at the Methodist chnrch Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, 'Conducted by Rev E. J- Habison. his pastor, assisted by Rev. W. .1, S. Walker, of near Center, and the body laid to rest in the Rose cemetery with Jnnior Order honors. Mr. Ijames is survived by his widow, two sons, Clyde, of Dan* ville, Va , and Herman, of Wins toD-Salem: two daughters; Mrs. Frank Miller, of Salisburv, and Miss Inez Ijames, at home. One brother, J. N. IjamKS, of this cityi and two sisters, Mrs. G. W.* Click and Mrs. W. C. Willson, of R. 4i together with ten grandchildren, also survive. Mr. Ijames had been a resident of MccKsville for the'past thirty years. He was in the livery busi ness for several years, and spent some time in the undertaking.busi ness. For the past several .years he had been a salesman in different stores. Mr. Ijames was a kind and loving husband and father, a good friend and neighbor, and will be sadly missed in the town and com munity in which he lived for so long. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of all our people in their great sorrow. Bio - Obituaries —10/3/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, Octobers, 1934 G> A. Allison Passes. ^ Funeral services for Gustave Al- phODSO Allison 73. who died sad* denty at his home on Maple aveciie Monday afternoon of last week, were held at tbe home Wednesday morning in the presence of a host of relatives and friends who met to pay their last respects to his. mem* cry. Services were conducted by his pastor, Kev. E. J. Harbison, assisted by Rev. _W. I. Ho well, pastor of the Presbyterian church. The body was laid to rest in Rose cemetery, Vrith Masonic honors. Mr. Allison bad been a resident ot this city for more than a quarter of a century, and numbered bis friends by tbe score. For more than 50 years he had been in the Southern. Railroad service. At the time of his daatl^ he was agent at Advance. The*surviving family consists ot five daughters and two sons, Mrs Helen A. Campbell, of Winston* Salem. Mrs P. J. Johnson. Mrs. B. C. Clement, Mrs. Clinard Le Grand, Miss Ossie Allison and Jack AUison, all of this city, and M. G. Allison, of W*iImingtop, A num ber of grandcbildren also survive. Tbe sudden death of Mi*. Allison came as a distinct shock to his bnncSreds of friends throughout the town and county. He will be sad ly missed, and his cheerfnl greet ings to all will be beard, no more. The Record editor extends deep sympathy to the bereaved children, he having jnst passed Cbronglt tbe samesad experience. We'have lost a friend. Peace to his ashes. Bio - Obituaries - 10/3/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 17,1934 Thos. L; Vicker& Thos X. Vickers, 62, died at his home in Ncrtb Cdoleemee last Tues day. death resulting from a stroke of paralysis, which he suffered a bout three mouths ago.* Funeral services were held at the home at ihree o'clock Wedoesdav afternoon aud the body laid to rest in foppa graveyard. Surviving is the widow and three sons. Wade and Spencer Vickers, ol Cooleeihee aud Lonnie Vicketis, of Mooresville; one daugh ter, Mrs Frank Graves, of Mocks* vllle, R. 2. Two sisters, Mrs. Joe CreasoD. of Cooleemee, and Mrs Tom Brogdon. of Mocksville, R. 2; three brothers, W. T Vickers^ of Jeri^o; Charlie and Robert Vickers ot Alesander county. Bio — Obituaries - 10/17/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 18,1934 MRS. LAURA R. ANDERSON PASSES AWAY Mrs. Laurn Rcavls Anderson, widow of George L. Anderson, Rred at her home near Bear Creek church oil Wednesday', Oct. 10, aged 72. The deceosod was well* known in her community, and was the daughter of Samuel Rcavls and Prankie Owen Reavis. Her husband died about four years ago, and the surviving family con- slats of one sister, Mrs. Camilla Anderson, four sons, Walter, John 1 and Avery Anderson, of Route 2, | ond Luther Anderson,' of Nevada, { seventeen grandchildroh and one) great grandchild. The funornl I was held at Beer Creek Baptist church, of which she had been a member for about 30 years, on Thursday morning at 11 o'clock, with Rev, •ramcB Groce and A. H. Crews In charge, and Interment' .was in the church comotory. The) pallbearers were C. M. GlHean, B. F. Anderson, Hurley Crews, Dee shore, Fllmore Cranfill and Wade Jones, and the flowers' were carried by Misses Annie.' Josle and Mary Anderson, Hazel Anderson, L'leile Anderson, Nina Anderson, Ell'mbeth Glllcan, At*' pha Danncr, Delia Jones, Violet Danner and Mrs, Evelyn Shore. Bio - Obituaries - 10/18/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 24,1934 Charlie A Donthit. n Cbailie A. Dootbit, 69. passed aiway day' evening at his home near Dutcbtnan (Jreek'on the MochaviUe-Wtostoa Salm highway, foOowing an lUneae of sev^ The deceased was a native and n/e bnd n^dent of $^vie conoty, a son of the V* U, and- Margaret Latham DoutbJl He va) anmanied' Funml services was held at Oak Grove Methodist churdi Sunday momiofi at it o^lock with the pastor. Rev j. o. offlciatiPg. biermeiit was in the cbunh cemetery Robert Leary Foster ' Robert Leary Foster. 46. a Wiosioo-Salcm bestrtial tollowioa a IWR L ler was a hroihef o! 3i«. W. L Call of this city, and bad lived mWlnfttoo-Salem for many ycara,- Sarviviflft i* his widow and MvefalL brothers and sisters. •*-v I Bio - Obituaries - 10/24/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 25,1934 Richard M. Loyd LOCAL MAN IS SHOT TO DEATH IN BURKE COUNTY •Richard M. Loyd, 28, of this| county, was shot to death at a- filling station -two miles west of j Hickory In Burke County late Tuesday ofternoon by Rex Mar shall, 28, operatior of the filling station. The tragedy was said to have resulted from an argument between the two men. Loyd'a brain was pierced by a bullet from the .18-caIibre pistol. Loyd died before ho could be giv en medical attention. • Sheriff Fred W. ^ss,- of Burke countyi said Marshall surrender ed to Deputy Sheriff Gray John son, at Hildebrand, about two miles from the filling station, shortly after the shooting. Sheriff Ross said he was told 'that Loyd had been to a nursery nearby to get a truck load of shrubbery. < - For more than an hour tioyd hung around the filling station, Sheriff Rosa said he was inform ed. He said Marshall told him he ordered l^oyd to leave three times, but Loyd refused. Filially, Marshall said, he rea ched for his gun and Loyd pick ed up a hammer and jitarted to ward him. Marshall fired one time at Loyd, and the bullet^ crashed into his left temple, She riff Ross quoted Marshall as say-1 ing. Loyd wag taken to* a hospital but he whs dead before ho could, be given medical attention. ' Miii^lmll aaid he loft tho fUl'i ing stotion in charge of his wlfoj and went to Ilildobrand and sur-j I'rtndfti'ftfl to Demitv .Tohnwon. Tho deputy look hira to Morganton and lodged' him in the Burke county jail. Sheriff Rosa snld ho nnd Coro ner 10. A. KIrlcaoy, when inform ed of the shooting, bcgnii an in- voatlgutlon Immcdliitoly. lie hiiIcI Murshnll had boon charged with muVdor and was being held with out bond. •Coroner Kirkaoy will hold' a hearing aomolime today ot Mor ganton, the sheriff said. ' Marshall held a lease on the. filling station. He nnd his young| wife nnd baby ware residing inj the filling! station, going thero^ from Caldwell county about-sixj months ago. > Loyd resided in Winston-Salem ^ jfor many years, but had been {making his home here for the past two years. He hold a posi tion with the Davle Nursery. He^ was a .son of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Loyd, of 214 West Fifth street,' Winaton-Salem. I CHARLIE A. UOUTHIT DEAD- Chnrlie-Alexander Douthit, ci- ti'zen of* the Oak Grove section, passed away,at his homo on Main on Friday afternoon, Oct. 19, aged 69. Ho was the son of Wil liam Douthit and Margaret La tham Douthit. The deceased was unmarried, and the surviving family consists. of three sisters, Mrs. C. L. -McClamroeh, of near Mocksvilie, Miss Ki\to. Douthit, Of Newton, and Mrs. W. Gl Gmn- 'gQi% of Conovor. The funeral was held at Oak Grovo Methodist church on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, with Rev. W. J. S» Wal ker officiating. The pnllboarers were; L. L. Whitnker, Leo Whlta- kor, W. K- Whitnker, William Granger, D. J. McClamroch. and Tom Moroney, of Winston-Sulcm, and tho flowers wore carried by Misses Minnie McClamroch, Lil- lio McClamroch, Margaret Mc Clamroch, Agnes Whitnker, Dora Leonard, Blanche WhRaker, Doro thy Lee McClamroch, Prnnkio Whitnker, Katherine Granger, Virginia Meronejf and Gladys W-hitaker.- ^ Bio - Obituaries -10/25/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 31,1934 I Funeral For Ridiard Xoyd. Fun'e»'al aeh'ices- for Richard M. Lo\d,;28. ot oea.r Mocksville, who was fata.ly abot near diy afr^pon, ibe home of the father. I, S. Loyd W:inslOD Salem, nobii at 2:36 o'clock ^Jordan. Dr. Raymond. S^tb.a^oRev .W. F. Grabs condpoted tb^ services, imerineut was 10 Saiem Certet.ery.,..'^: . •. ' „Mr: Lovdr was shot at ^J»nR statiob about two miles west 01 Hickory.- fate Tuesday >afterDOon. )he vstajion.. . -.toyd n ^ medical .attention The deoe^sad was sbd cobfity.'Octbber J f» ■M Bio - Obituaries -10/31/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 7,1934 i Vance Walker VaiKje Walker;'-571" ^ho - lived bis half sister. Mrs. Will Sa at Couieemee. became tnen lallv deranged and killed hioiseli a- ^015-300'clock'Sunday afternoon. He got a. pi^ol': belonging to his Dtoiher, and shot three times at a son of Oscar Booe He bad threat ened, it is said, "to kill thrw. people before he died. Sheriff Smoot and Deputy James were ealhd, and goli to Cooleetnee in a-few. minutes. When they, arrived at th'6 Safley} home and'got on the porch, Mr | Walker; who was standing'la a' room Jiist inside the door from the porch, put the pistol to his head _ and fir^, the shot going all the! way through his head. He lived' about 30 minutes. Mr Walker had working in the cotton mill for some time. - He»is survived by three brothers and three Asters, be-' sides many relatives- and triends. No inquest was deemed necessary as.both officers Smoot 'and James saw him when he shot himself Bio - Obituaries - 11/7/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 8,1934 m. THOMAS MARTIN, OP PHILADELPHIA. DEAD Word hna been received hero by I'olatiyca of^the .death of Mr. Thoma.s Martin, of PhUadelphia, which, occurred in that city oii. Oct. 20. The deceased was the sou of the late W. P. Martin and Alra, Mary Martin, wild I'esidr.d in Mocksvillc many years ago,. His fiither built 'the reaidencp now owned by Mayor T. I,. Cau-i dell, and the family will be ro-j menvbcreU by sorhe of. our older citizens. Mrs. Mary Martin i.s new in hor nineties, and is living in .Camden, Nctv Jersey. The family are cousins of Misses I.elin and Notie Martin and W. P. Martin of . this plnoo. {MRS. T. R McCULLOH { DIES IN GREENSBORO Mrs. T. P. McCulloh, highly icsteomcd Greensboro resident,! and wife of Rev, T. F. McCulloh, j who formerly Avns pastor of tho Methodist Protestant churches ini Da vie county, passed away at their home on last Wednesday nf-| ternoon, after a long illncBs, ogcd I 61. She is survived by bcr bus-' band and six daughters. Tho funeral was held at Calvary Mo- thodist Pi-utcstant. church, of whicli she was a member, and the interment took plnoc at Ta bernacle church, south of Greens boro. The McCulloh family are pleasantly remembered here,' and their friends wiil sympathize with them in their bereavement. VANCE .WALKER KILLS SELF Vanw Walker, B7, who lived with hisValf'siatcrVMrS;" W'ill 3af- Icy at Cooloemee, became men tally deranged and killed himself about C;dO o'clock Sunday after noon, Ho got a pistol belonging to his brother, and shot three' times at (i son of Oscar Booe. He had threatened, it is said, to kill three people before he died. She-' riff Smoot and Deputy James were called, and got to Cooloemee in a few minutes. When they ar rived at the Snflcy homo .and got on the porch, Mr. Walker, who "was standing in a room just in-' side the door from the porcif, put tho pistdl to h's head and fired, the shot going all the way through his henil. He lived about-gO min utes. Mr. Walker had been work ing in tho cotton mill for some time. He is survived by 3 brothers and S sisters, besides many rela tives and friends. No inquest was deemed necessary as both offi cers s.aw him when ho .shot him self, MR. THOMAS THOMP.SON DEAD Relatives here received word on Sunday of the death of Mr.! Thomna Tlioriipaon, weli-known'j citizen of Davidson, and brother I of Mr. .T. H. Thompson of this, place, who passed, away at the home of his daughter in Dublin, | Vu., Hint day. Mr. Thompson and; S. M. Call left at once for Vir-| ginia to brihg the body to tho, old home at Davidson, where the, funeral was held Monday After noon, and the interment was In Elmwood Cemetery, Charlotte, llffs. ThOiiip.soji-aad-Mis3 .Mnrthl Call went to Davidson on Sunday| aftornoon, the former remaining;, over for the. funeral. Mr. Thomp-, son has viBlted relatives hero on. several occasions. Ho had been in^ ill health.for,Home.llme. Bio - Obituaries - 11/8/1934 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 14,1934 W. L Beanchamp, WiUiam Edward Be&uchatup. 71, passed away Thursday night at 9 o'clock at the home of bis daughter. Mrs Ethel Beaucbamp, Advaoce, Route 1. He had been in ill health for the past four years and bis con ditioo had been critical for one week. Death was not unexpected. He was born in Davie county, May 30, '1B63 a son of the late Mr and Mrs. john Beauchamp He spent h(s entire life in Oavie coun ty and nias well known. He was a n member of Shady Grove. Methodist Church, at Advance. . His wife, who was Misy Mollie Orreli prior 10 roan iage, passed an^v eight- yearaj ago and since that time he had been I making his home with hisdanghter i Mrs Ethel Beauchamp. of AdvanceJ of Davie cotintv. ! Puheral services were held at! BetblehemJIethodist cbnrch Sun I TOV.afternft'dil^al 2 o'clock conducted; ^V Rev. H- 'C!-'Freeman, aud the! hoiv laid 10 rest in the church gr-tvevard I Bio - Obituaries - 11/14/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 15,1934 MRS. MARIA JBLIZABETH KURFEES PASSES AWAY Mvi). Maria Ellisabeth Kdibt- Kui'fccs-, highly esteemed Dnvie county woman, and widow of Chaimus Z. Kurfeca, a Confcdci'« ntc vctormi, passed away at tht home of her son, R. W. Kurfees,. near Coolcemee, shortly' after midnigliL on Wednesdiiy morning, Nov. 14, aged 85. She was a mejn-, bci' of li woll-khbwii Diiviu'cduiU> ' family, and was the daughter: of John D. Keller and Robccca Leach Keller. For-about fifty years sliu had been a member, of Jericho Christian chiiKuh. she is survived by three sons, it. W. Kur'feori, of Cpolcomeu, D. C.. Kurfees, of Smith-Grove, and W. M. Kurfees, of IMnlnvlew, 7'exns, one brothori R. L. Keller, of Dnvlc. one sister, Miss Luln Keller, of Crewc, Vn.; nlnctcon grandchildren and seven gi'cat grnhdchildren. The last rites will be hold nt Center Me thodist church on Thursday af-" Icvnoon'nt 2i30, and the Intoment'^ will bo in tho church cemetery, i The officiating ministers will be Uov. G. W. Clay, of Catawbn, Rev.' Ji A. J. Fnrrington and Rev. Jj W. Foster, of Cooleeraee, and Rev.' W. G. ISrvln, of Lnvie Circuit. Bio - Obituaries - 11/15/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 21,1934 Maria n -Mrs." "Elizabeili. Kdrifess, 4, widow-of -the late Chalmers Zsicbarisb -Korte,' ^led- at .llie: •boiDe of ber Foh^.R. W. Kurfeesi j near Cooleemee, early last W^nes- day mpminj? Mrs. Kurfees- fell, and broke her bip. nearly fpnt 5'eam ago. and since that time, lias iiten cooBned. to ber bed ■- Funeral .services were held at CeU'ef Methodist church Thursday, afternoon at 2r3o o'clock., conduct^ ^d by Rev. ) W Clary, of Cata^y ba. aod the body laid to rest, in the cbtirch cemetery. . Mrs Kuifces had been a membef of . fericho Christian Church for the pa.st 50 years. j . Surviving are three sons, K. W l^urfeee with whom she made ■ her' home; D. C Kwrfee-«. otnear Smith Grove, and IVade Kurfees, of Plain View, Texas. Qoe broihes. R; L Keller, of Kappa, and one sister, Miss Lula Keller, of Crewe. Va., also aurvivc, together with , a num ber of grand":and great grandrbild- ren. Mrs Kurfees wa.s Miss Maria Keller, before marriage, and was a native of Davte county, haying spent her entire life in the county. The bereaved relatives have the sytnpathy of all their friends in the loss of their motber and sister. - Bio — Obituaries - 11/21/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA rO O- t V* \ . <^0 ELIZABETH TEMPLE CRAVER 1826 - 2925 Felix Miilerb.l2 Oct 1824(^^Mayl8^Gordoiiville VACSA m.30Junl844 Elizabeth Betsy' TEMPLE/CRAVER Lanier b. 14 Mar 1826 Davidson Co NC d.03 Feb 1925 Davidson Co NC Residence: Yadkin College Township Davidson County NC Bur: Felix; Gordonville VA; Elizabeth: Friendship Math Ch Cem; Felix's parents: Nicholas Miller Elizabeth LIVENGOOD Miller Elizabeth's parents: Craver Sarah TEMPLE Felix & Elizabeth's ch: nine 1. Jjf>\ yd /q 3/. ')Vi Levi Franklin Miller b.lONov 1845rd.06 Jan 1904 1867 -ta. 1OU / Phoebe Elizabeth WILSON b.Ol Jul 1850(^^ JunJ^920;) Res: Friendship Church Community Davidson Coimty NC Bur: Friendship Meth Ch Cem 2. ^ Crissy Jane Miller b.28 Dec 1848(^4 Mar 1931} m. 18 Jan 1877 (6 ch) ^ David King Cecil b.20 Feb 1851 d.l2 Jan 1923 Res: Lex. NC Bur: Lex. City Cem 3. Isaiah Boat' Mhler b.20 Jan 1850/d^l Noy 1934J m 16Mar 1880 ' Eliza Jane JAMES b.25 Dec 1848 ^728 I^cJgTo^ Res: Hwy 150 Reedy Creek Community "Davidson County NC Bur: Friendship Meth Ch Cem 4. Sarah Ann Miller b.22 May 185^dJ?2 Jul 189^ m. 23 Jul 1874 Davidson Co NC Yadkin College Tow^faip (nine ch) David Washington Shuler b.28 Aug 185Qjd.l7 Jan 193j) Res: Davidson Co NC; Davie Co NC; Bur: Concord Meth Ch Cem Davie Co NC EUen Frances Nfillerb.20 Oct 1855^10 Apr 1931^ m. 18 Nov 1879 Davidson Co NC James Rankin Caudle b.22 Jan 1858^07~h^ty 1930 Res: Greensboro NC Bur: Greenhill Cem Greensboro NC Delilah Miller b. 1 Bur 03v;e County Puf;'-3 S9-nr V MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 22,1934 JOHN A. LEFLER PASSES AWAY i John Anderson Lefler, well known Duvie cvunly citizen^ pass ed awoy at his home near Coolee- moe„ on .November lSth« aged 7G< He was the son of John->A.-Xef> ler and ;^araiii A. I^'cl^ X^l^ .of Davie. Hla iHfe; .who' was fonn- efiy' Mids Dor* A.' ShhrpV ! died several years ago, and the surviv ing' family consists of two daugh- terSi Mrs.- Addison Coble and'Hisa Lacey Lefler, of near Cooleemee, nine grandchildnen and. one bro ther, Charles D. Leflen.of Coolee- mee. The funeral was 'heldvit^l!*!- bsrty Methodist Church oh Woq* nesday morning at 4l- dtclock, and Interment was •ih^^'the .-.church cemetery. The. byfiCiatlng'''hilniB- 'tors were Rev.'E. M. Aveit. 'of 'Qornelius, Rev. M. G*. Ervln^ of Davie'Circuit, and Rev.-J. A;- J. I Harrington, of Cooleemee. ''' I ilhe pallbenrerd were. Messrs. Nelson Everhardt, W. M.' Munda/f D; C. Spryi J. W. Carter, C.'''L Kimmer and G. W. Everhardt* The flower * iglrta were Misses lAdaiaide Blanche Coble, Mary Shar^, aSdle, Elsie, Ruby and Lillian Alexander, Ruby Munday, I Mrs .Ray Smith, Mrs. Lawrence iMlller and Mrs. H. Cii Howard. . Bio - Obituaries - 11/22/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 28,1934 Mrs. Hemy Peacock. Funeral services for Mjs. Henry Peacock, 85; who 'died at her borne near this city on Satnrday evetfiug. were held at Oak Grove Methodist cbureb Sutfday'at ri a. m., con ducted'liy Revs M. G. Ervin and W. J. S. Walker. Her hiuband jatid ooe daughter. Mcs.^ Wbitaker. of Oak Grove; tWo brothers, R, L. Wilson, of this city, - and Williatp Wilson,, of Cooleemee, and one sis ter. Mrs. L G. Horn, of this city, snrvive. The body was laid lb rest in the cburch gra^evard.- . , John Anderson Lefler Davte Farmer Succdmbs John Anderson I^fler. 75, well known Da vie county, fartner, passed away at bis home tiear\iCo6Ieemee List 'Monday' aftemoob. '"' The son of John A. Lefler and Sarah I^che Lefler, be was a nati.ye of the rounty an bad been active in a DUliiber pf Davie connty affiaiis. Uis wifb,*who was Dora Sharp be fore her 'marnage, passed *arway sever^ years ago, . '' Surviving are two daughters Mm. Addison Coble and Misis Lacey Lef leir, both of uear Cooleemee, and one brother, Charles. D^ Lefler. . l^inie graudcbildreu also snrvive. Funeral services were 'held Wed oesday moibing at 11'o'clock at tb^ Liberty Methodist Church with Rev E M Averelt.jKev. M. G. Er- win anb Rev A. J _Farrlngtou a>. ministers Bio - Obituaries -11/28/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 29,1934 ISAAC JENKINS,-.OR Y AD KIN DEAD j Isaac Jenkins, Yadltin county £^itlzon, died at his homo neav Wyo on Wednesday evening, Nov. 2i; aged 75. Ho was.the aon of Jesse Jenkins and Elizabeth Hall Jenkins. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Sarah Bruiinon Jen kins. There ai'e no near relatives. jThe funeral wos held at Turner's j Creek Baptist church on Friday imorninff at 10 d'cidek, with Jlev. I James G'roee in charge. The pall bearers were R. R. Grubbs, A. J. jTise, Clarence Jenkins, Erwin ..TenkinK, .Baxter Stewart and I James Story, and the flowers wore carried by Miss Ruby King and Miss Ruby Lash. iVIUS. ANTOINEITE PE.ACOCK PASSES AWAY. Mrs. Mary Antoinelte Wilson Peacock, .welLknown Davic coun ty woman, and wife of W, H. !Peacock, paaaed "away at her home in-the Oak Grove commun ity on Saturday, Nov. 24, aged, 85. She was the daughter of Wil-! Ham W. Wilson and Mary Ches hire Wilson, and was born on August 4th, 1849. She was first married on Jan. 7th, 1869 to Gfeovgo W. Gnither, and five chil dren were born to this uiiion, only one daughter, Mrs. Charlio Whi- takcr, pf Onk Grove, surviving. | -Some time after the death of hef) first husiband she was. married to| \V. H. Peacock, who survives.' Tine'other surviving relatives nro twentj^foiir grandchildren, .41 grent-grandcliitdrcn, throe broth ers, R. L. Wilson, of Mocksville, W. Y. Wilson, of Gooleemce, and J. A. Wilson, of Little Rock, Ark., and one sister^ Mrs. L. G. Home, of Jlocksvilfe. The last rites wore held at Onk Grove Methodist .church, of which the deceased' had <heen a member j isliice her early life, the eervlces. (being conducted on Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock, -with the paa- tor. Rev. M. G. ErvJn, in charge,! assisted by Rev. W. J. S. Walker,' and interment was in the church cemetery. Ibe pallbearers were: John Campbell, W. W. Whitaker, A. H. Angell, John WhJtahcr, Ernest Sain and W. D. Angell, and the flowers' were In charge of Miss Flora Baker, Ella Mae Cnmpboli, Ethel Sain and Paulino Sain. Bio - Obituaries -11/29/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 5,1934 Hfirs P. J. Foster. Mrs. p. Foster,-82..died j»t ber home in Fulton township (^'naaay morning:, ioltowiog a .lon^ illness. Funeral service weie held' at the ^ome Monday afierooon at 2 o'clock conducted by Rev. M. F. Mumford- and the'body laid to rest in'tbe Fork eemetiery. Mrs, Foster is survived by a hdmbe.F of children. Ode brotlier, Jacob Stewart, of this city, and ode sister, Mrs.-' Will Carter.* of near Fork, a ^.ugbfer Mrs. F. B. Triyetfe, of this city, also-survive. A good woman has gone to ber re wardl Bio - Obituaries - 12/5/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 6,1934 MRS. SARAH E. STEWART j FOSTER DEAD Mrs. Snruri Elizabeth Stewart Foster, hi^chly cstcemod Davie county woman, and widow of the late Picas L. Poster, of Fork Church, died at liur home on Sun day afternoon, Dec. 2, after a lin gering illness, aged 82. She wab the daughter of Archibald H. Ste wart and .Jane Pack Stewart and.wfls born, Dec. 23. inariicd (>3 year,s ago to Mr. Foster, who passed away ten years ago. The deceased was a life long mcm'bcr of Fork Enptisi church. Th^* bUrvivlng faniily con- sUts of one son,- J. P. Foster, of Lynchburg. Va., seven daughters, Mrs. Tom Greene, of Waxhaw, Mrs. John Covroll, of Wiiiston- Salcm, Mrs. p. J, Roberts, of Albc- mnrlc, Mrs. (Fred B. Trivottc, oi Mocksville, formerly, of Wiiistoii- Snlcm, and Misses Louise, IRnggk and Bessie Foster, of the homo place. In addition she leaves two brothers, Attorney Jacob Stewart, of Mocksville, Luther Stewdi't, of Salisbury, one sister, Mrs. William Carter, of Fork Church, .3J_gcand- childron and 21 great-grondchild- ren. The fnuernl was hold at the lomo on Monda?/ afternoon at two o'clock, with, tho pastor, Rev. E, M. Mumfoi'd, udsiMed- by Rev. E. W. Turner, in charge, and the in-1 torment was in Pork Church ccme-. icry. The pallbenrcra wore Lester: Poster, Raymond Foster, Robert f Foster, Wade Morgan, Charles Hcndricks and John StC5vart, and ^ the flower-girls were Misses Eli • zabeth Foster, Bettio Davis, Bet-' ate Roberta, Margaret "Correll, Ell. znjiipth .Correll, oDrothy Correlli ' jCbrls Roberta, Edna Luper. SAMDEL ITaOMMER PASSES AWAY Samuel Plummer passed awa^ at the Davic 'County Home on Monday morning, Doc. .3, aged 82.^ The deceased was a nutivc of Al- leghany county, 'but had resided th Cooleemee for some time. The ■funeral was held at the home of 'relutivoa in Coolcemep, on Tucs- .day afternoon at 3 o'clock, and iii- tcr.mcnt followed in thp f.ihnrty graveyard. RoV. li. B. Murray, oi 'Eikin, was in chargq. The surviving family consists of six sons, Luther Pi'ummor, of Jenkins, Ky., ^onioy Fltiinmer, of Indiana, Ros- 'eqe. Plummer, of .Waverly, 0., Landon Plummer, of Shady Val ley, Tenn., Grant Plummer, ofBristol, Tenn., C. C. Plummer, of Salisbury, two daughters, Mrs. Dolly Rogers, and Mrs. VlrdicPhipps, of Bristol, Tenn., and one brother, Wilso Plummer, of Grant, _ Va. DEATH CLAIMS 0; N.j MARKLAND NEAR ADVANCI r7.»ovgo Nathaniel Marlcland, 76 well-known Davie count.v fanuer passed luvay yesterday afternoonat 6:45 o'clock at his home. Ad. yanoe Route 1. He had been'Mn■tieciining. health for two yearsj ..but no change had been npticcd recently lintil last Sunday -when ho suffered a stroke paralysis, .His condition had been, critical piuco -timf. timh nilrl death wna not Vinexpocted. . . ' " j'.,! lyas noi'n 111 Daylc county, January 6, .1859, a son' .of Jolih an<i.' uouiaii ■ C-iili ■ -MarKiuiiuii - ;-IIs rpent his- crivirq .iifc; -hear- - -the. place of iblrtK and whs well known Ihruughoul that community.lui d . been li • rhnnrbor of; ETliayRlcMethodist Church sihco ./early manhood, ' Mr. Markland had been married twice. His. first wife, ".who was Miss Susannah Livengoad,''pa.<i9Qd away twohty-fivo years ago. His second wlfo, who was Miss Dorh Burton died ten year!?, ago/ Soven children of Hic.first miirr rJage Survive. They are G. E.' ahn. J. L. Markland, of. Advance; J..M.'Markland, of Winston-Sulero';' Mrs. J. B. Sheriher, of pavio cbuij- ty, Mrs. C. Myers, of Advance; Mrs. A. F. Potts, of High Point, and Mrs, M. E. Koontz, of Lox*ington. ilio two children'of the second marriage who Survive art.George Markland, Jr. and Miss Mary Markland, of Advance Route 1. Other survivors include one .brother, Curtis Markland, of Ad vance; grandchildren and 0 groat-grandchildren. The funeral will bo held at the homo Friday morning at 10:30 o'clock and at Elbnvllle Mothodisl Church at 11 o'clock. Rev. G. .B, •Fervflo win conduct the servlcoa.,Burial will follow In the cliurch^ graveyard. engineer of old .97 DE.AD Spencer.—The man who forforty years sat at the throttle of- the famous old 97, immortalized'in the old Soiithcfh . sob-balVad,•/The Wreck of the Old Ninety- . i Mcveh," is ilcad. He was William A. Klzzluh; who. I died at his homo here after for-i tv-nliio years of railroading.. Tlu• 'career of the votoran Southern • J ..;v —embrtiffod Bi?r- - 'vice at the throttle of evefy pro--• -sidcntial special over the South,i crn since the days of MeKiulcy. Ho was 71 years old. He ostl-./ mated that he hauled more Clinni :,i.jO,OOti pas.snagcra and droveiinore than 2,000,000 miles with-'OUt over having a pa.sacnger in-7 .,!• K.iicvi. He hamlied the. hpccial funcr.nl train which hove.y the Ibody of JoffSrson Davis fromNow QrleonB to Richmond on't;iuay 30, ]893. Tri". i •1|| -During his long career Kizziah6,was never soriousiy injured, al-.I-1 though four engines turn«;'5 ..lyorll|wlth him aboard. in each luataaco0. n«' or injuring Ms. fircmap. •.if' He died at hia home hove yp3--~ Bio - Obituaries - 12/6/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 12,1934 "^iliddand.'4 . 75, well-knoWn t^ie fanni^V.^&8ed away Wednra- aftemcM>itot^5:45 o'clock at* hia botne, Adv{pi»:^nte' 1. Sa^ had b^ii-in de^rmitttr ii^lth for two yeitB. n . .' < • Ho waa b6ni<^;David ebtmty, Jan. uar7'j5,1859.:%^:bf John and Loo- Jsa-Gill BlamObd:-? Hoi bad boon a m e.di b e ^^pf-iElbavillO- Mi^odiat Gho^ Glncp.^ly manhood. - . I|r. Mdr^aQd. liad been mairied who was Misa Sgaannah Idy^nysobd, pareed 'awav tW04ty.&ve|t^ra a«o.- His second ^fd,^who Dora = Bnrtbn, > pMvten. y^ikBipjpK^^Vpdyai d^retfpf the first manriape R^yiVo. B. and J; 1. ^dswiee; J. r.Mi Marif- land;?of Winato'th^^lom; Mrs. J. ^motfeMr^A-Myeri of Advanw Pptts; of High Point, and 'dr Ett&iwtz, of. Lexiofl^m ^ ro di^Mpbf second 18^. ?^awhp «v.#e a'oQeprg8. Mart^ IVIark1and,r.jb|-. J^nce Ro^Wjlr>'«0.theF sii^ivhni .3tadr one .^V^Ok, Cartfs Mainland/ ' pr Adi^nee; Sl^'ifandchildren • andS arrea^grandchildiwJ '. v:. i Tifeiiioeral was hoM at the^ hbrnjel ^Friday: mniriiing at 10:S9.ofclixk: and at-Elbaville MetiuHllst CKbirch at ^ ' Vclock^-'^ftevj^i^i Ferreacufi^dpf ^■Vied, the Seii5Hi^.t^i^dinal rfblibw Robert Meyers IQlled Robert Meyers, Z7» son of Mrs.George^Mevers, of near Elbaville.was kilt^'Snndav night... about 7o'clock, when a Ford car .in whichhe aod a brother>were ridlug, turn ed ov'er on tbe'Fotk'Advance road, near, the home of C. W. Hall Abrother, Charlie,' Who was driving,was seriously injured: Funeral services wefe conductedby Ri»v. Mr. Hetbcoa, . Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock at ElbavilleM. P. chnrcb. and' the body laid to rest in the church graveyard Surviving is the mother, seven brothers and.three sisters. Funeral N. D. Roger. Funeral services for N. D. Boger. 75, who died at bis home in Wins toO'Salem Friday afternoon, were held -at Center Methodist church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'crock and the body laid to rest in the church graveyard Mr. Boger was a former resident of Davie county, moving to Wlnstou-Saleui about 15 years ago, • Donald Freeman • P®P.®ld. the three year old son of .<Mt and Mrs >Ed: Frwman. of ;Epbrsiis died eVth-Sunday biprD-'tug ihe ;home .of bis; paVeuis.death resnlting^ from injuri'(^-re-ceived Saturday -aftemoob .ait .40 dock, when he.-was rtin over- by an autom6bile'"dnyeii by Mfs. Belle Saunders,' of Cc^leeuiee.' The "lit.tie fellow was ^rrdssing the high-; way -when sti^ck by the car,. *t- funeral servic^ Were cdnducted; \it ^-'Ervin at .LibertyMetndist churchj:MoDday afternoonat three o^cldCk, and the body laid in the church graveyardSurviyiug IS the parents, thr5^brothers and four'sisters. .To the bereaved family The Record extends deep sympathy in ibis sad hour. S. W. Plummer S. W. Phimiaer. 8r. died ac the couotv borne on Dec. 3rd, after anextended illness, death restiltinf; from a strolce of paralvsls. Tbe body was carried to tbe bomc of bis sonun law. Z. 0»bome. at Coo].i ecmeer^FuDeral itervlccs were heldlast Tnesdav at tbe Cooleerae Bap.:tisicbureb Tuesday afternodn, con-idaetcd by the pastor, Rev. A. T > Sioud^mire. and the body laid toirest in Liberty cemetery. Ooelbrother aod eigby^il^o jtu^ve. j -/V -3V Bio - Obituaries -12/12/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 13,1934 Robert Lee Myers I'REGMAN iCHIF^D DIES IWOM AUTOMOBILE INJURIES n Donuld E. Freeman, three-ycnr- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Free- man, of Ephcsus, died Sunday morniiijj, Dec, 9th, at 4 o'clocX, as the result' of being run over by an nutomcibiio in front of the home-on Saturday afternoon, The accident was .said to bo unavoid able, as the cliild ran down. an embankment into the SniisTniry lilKhway of a car said to have been driven by Mrs. Belle Snun, dcKJf -of North C'?oJeemee.. T.)".". funeral- was heWat Liberty Mo. thodist Cbnrch on I\Ionday'after noon at :l o'clock, with the pas tor, Rev. M. U. Ervin, oiiiciaUng nssistuu »y- Mr. T. I. -Cauuel!, and the interment was in the church' graveyard.? The parents and th{ fnllowiiig sisters anH brothch survive, Flossie, ICnthcriiic, Jane Marie, Madison, Vance and Eddie Freeman. The mother was form erly Miss Lula Daniel, a sister of J. S. Daniel, of Mocksvillc. The pallbearers were John Beck, Ed win Correll, John Davis and Har. old Harris, and the flower girls were Misses Nannie *Beck, Ruth Davis, Louise Flnncy, Louise Cor rell, Mary Lou . Daniel, Virginia O'Neill and Louise Whitloy. lOUNQ MAN KILLED IN ' (AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT Robert Leo Myers, l^-year-old youth of the Elbayllle coramuijilty mot an instant death on Sunday evening, when the truck In which he was riding. turned" over near Elibavillo - church. With lilm..whe .Is brother, Eddie Myers, who •was seriously injured, and Is noSv n patient in the .Baptist Ilbapftah- Winston-Salem. 'Funoral aovvices were hold at Elbuvillo Methodist Trotcstant church on . Monday af ternoon at '4 O'cluck;* with l!iu-|Va5' tor. Rev. R. Uilothcox, Iti chargs The deceased was. the sbn of the. late -Gbnpofe V;. Myers,.-who .passed away six weeks ago, and Mrs. 'Lou burloii n Myers; In" "a'dilltion "to 'his mother the following' brothers and sisters survive: Harloy, Qdcll of Da vie, Richard, of T.cxinBton, Willie, Eddie, .Junlc and ' Ray Myers, of Dnvte, Mrs. Annie Ro ger, of Hnnostown, Mrs. William Bedford, of Lewisvillc, and Miss Ha Mao Myeys, of near Elbnvillc. Those acting' as palCbcurers were Major Bailey. John Frank Lewis John Bailey, Robe;'t Walier, Cecii Reberlaon and Waiter Mycrs« and the flowers were oorrlcd by Miss Ruth Shutt and Miss Pearl Bogoi*' Bio - Obituaries -12/13/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 26,1934 Mrs. Sarah Andiersoii Passes*. . M». Sarah Elizabeth Anderson. 63, of Winstob'SaleiD.' passed away Tbiirsday afternoon at 2:20 o'clock at the home of her daughter. Mis. C H. Tomlinson, io this city. I^rs.. Anderson was b'ornln Davie oonhty December 20.; 1.87 ij her death occnring on the anniversary of her birthday. She-was'reared in Davie. 'and ihoved to .V/inston- .Salem In 1921. ' - For the. past, eight weighs she bad been visiting her daughter here.' . 'Survivors include' two sons, *Ti W* Anderson, G. P;, C. L. and H. B. Anderson, all of Winston Saletn. four daughters, Mrsi C. H,. Tomlln- son, of Mocksyilie; Mrs.. E. H, Taylor, of .Winston.Salein; .Mrs, W. Ahder^n, of Cjalabaln. Mrs. C.' E. .Anderson, of WinstoncSaletu; thre.e brothers, W. F-, (j. P. and C. B.- PMry» of • Witijston Saletn; three'^tersi^M^. f. J,;^Clodfelt^r, of, Richmond i a • y • M Gtdiisv^bf'Dayion,^ Obi^ jdr^: Powell V \ ; ^IFuner^Vsecyiras- :tt3b'e'hi>me4n;.W^ r irday i'l fe.y Rev. R; G:"Go^9rth fthd R^ Bio - Obituaries - 12/26/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA wns. hbnuy e. andebson I'ASSES AWAY ^ Mrs. Surah Elizabeth Penry Andsraon. -highlyk esteemed Davie. county woman, and the widow of the lute Henry B. Anderson, pasa- od uwuy at the homo of her dau ghter, Mrs. C. H. I'omlinaon, in this place on Thursday afternoon, Dec. 20th, after an extended 111- ncaa, aged 03. Mrs. Anderson was rOorii i'fl~l3u\te~coxnity—on—Bccr |'20th, 1871, and her death oc- jcurrod on her birthday. She came ,of a well-known Dnvio emmty •family, and. was the daughter o't I Thomas Penry and Nancy Kur- foes Penry, the family heing 'closely related to the family of i Daniel Boone. Her husliand, jHonry E. AndeiMon, died sevcrai yeai-H ago In Winston-Snlom, fwhoro they had moved from Davie county In 1021. Mrs. An derson was beloved by all who 'know her, and her devotion tt her family and her kindness* to friends and nelghbnrs were mark ed characleriflticB of her useful life. She was a consistent mom-1 her of the Methodist church,} moving her memjborshlp to Burk- head Methodist church when she ' came to Winston-Salom to reside. A little over a year ago she had a stroke of paralysis, but had recovered to some degree, when she fell last summer* and froc-. turcd her hDp, Undi was ndve> well afterwards. For the past; MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 27,1934 eight weeks she had been at the" home of her daughter, Mrs. Tom- linson. The surviving family con sists of eight sons and daught ers; T. W. Anderson, a caiptain of the Winston-Salem police de partment, G. P., C. L, and H. B. Anilereon, of Winaton-Balemj' Mr-g,. G. 1^. Tomlinaon, of Mocks- i villa; Mm. Wi N. AndOi'SOh. of Davio; B, .H, Taylor, and Mrs, C. Ei^ttd^i'son, of Winifton- Snlcm; cigjite'bn grandchildren and DUO -crcat-pandChild; throe brothers, W, F.', .G*. iP., and C. B. Penry, of Winaton-Salcm.; three sisters, Mrs. J,' L. Glodfolter, of Uichmond, Emmn'Coins . of Dayton, Ofiio, and Mrs.' ,;E. S. '• Powell, of Davie. The last rites | were hold at the home, 2817 Bon ' Air Avenue, Winstoii-Snlem, Sdt-' urday morning at II. o'clock, and I the intement wa.s in ...Woodland . Cemetory by the side hua-' hand. The many beautiful flowers . worn a tribute of csteem^fpr this goo.d woman. The* servlcei^'were conducted by Rev, G. A. .Stamper, Rev. R. C. Goforth, Rev. 53. J. Harbison and Rcv.'"'W. J..S.*\Wnl- kop. The foilowing members of the police depaiiment acted as' pnUboarora: C. A. Tuttei'ow, J. R. Crutchfieid, U. G. Slmpspn, IV. S. Parker, E. T. Tucker and R. 0. Barlow. A number of ro- iativas and friends from and Pnvie county attended . the funeral. We extend our . .d.eep sympathy to the bereaved fam ily. A male quartette from Burkhond church sang, ."Jesus Dover of My . Soul," "Sometime, Somewhoro" Grow 01(1." and "We'll Never ARCHIBALD JOHNSON I i DIES AT THOMASVILLE ' \ « Thomasville.-—Ai*chibttld' John son, 76, for half a century a pro minent figure In the Baptist de nomination of the state and South and editor of Charity and Child ren, publication of the Mills Home, Baptist Orphanage here, died at 3:30 o'clock'this morning follmvlng a long illness. He had been in declining heoUh for the 'past 12 years, , •He was the father of Gerald W. Johnson, associate editor of the ' 'Baltimore E>venlhg Sun and for merly head of the department of -journallam at the.University of, North Carolina. -H| ayps a bi-otli- • •er of Dr. Livlngtoif Johnson, also a w'cll known figure of the South- ; crn Baptists, who (lioci three years , ago at his hnma in Ruiuigh. Mr. Johnson came to Thomas-, vlllc from Scotland eountv in 18D9 and became editor of Char ity and Children, n position ih which hlfl clarity and vigor of ex pression made tlint organ n res pected organ in North Carolina journalism despite the fact it was primurily a clnncU publication. In recent years because of 111 health Mr. Johnson conducted his 'editorial work lamely from his home,, and his writings have eon- tlnucci to be widely quoted throughout the counti*y. He was | devoted to the iiipbuilding of this jcomnrtunity and the state as a jwhole. j Survlivlng are the widaw, the foraier Miss Phirs McNeill, of Red Springs; one son, Gerald W. Johnson, of Baltimore; four dau ghters, Mrs. Charles F. Lambeth . and Miss Lois Johnson, of Tho- masvillo; Mrs. Ban W. Parhnm, of ^ Oxford, and Mrs. William Wcibb, J of Greenville, N. C.; a sister, Mrs. W. J. Musset, of Rlvcrton, and tan < grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Friday moxming at 11 o'clock nt the First Baptist Church here. The body will then bo taken to Spring III 11 Church in Scotland . county for Interment. Bio - Obituaries - 12/27/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 27,1934 VIRGIL E. SWAIM PASSES AWAY . { Virgil Edward Swnim, promin- oiit and highly oiiteezncd I^K>clc& vilic citir.cu, died at his homo horo on Wbdncadny, Dec. 26lh, at .6:45 p. in.,_nftor nn Illness of ' several .mdnth's^ligeil'" 07.—Ro- wn.s the son of W. P. Swalm and •Phoebo Eclch Swalm, of Forsyth . county, and was born and roftTOd 'in thnt foimty, Uiter'coming to Dayio to roaitlo, Ho is sui'vlvod W his wife, who was tormci4y Mlaa Laura Crenahaw, and pno "duughter, Mrs, K. Pate, of /Burlington. Mr. Swalni served as mayor of Mockavillc for a num ber of terms, and was a United ! States, ftAmmiasioncr at tho timo of his' death. He was a member qt tho Mocksville Methodist church, and was netivo in the Masonic Lodge. For a number of yonra' ho was eonnectod with . Snnford Motor Comipnny. Ho was woU-known throughout thin sec tion of the atale, and had many I'l'iendB. The fundvnl will be held ht the Methodiat church on Fri days afternoon p.t 2 . o'cock," and intcrniciiL ,>v'ill "bc In Rosv; DMitiC"! tery. Wa'o*tend our doop aympa- .,thy to, the ^eroayed^.f^anjily^ T Bio - Obituaries - 12/27/1934 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA