Jan - JunDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 8,1930 Wiltiaifl L.Canter. * n . N Faneral services for William E. Canter, 91, Confederate' veteran, who was found dead in bed at his home In Davie connty. near Blxby, Saturday mominfr, were held Uon- day afternoon from the fietblehem Methodist Church, Rev. Ur. HSell of Farmington conducted the serv ices and interment followed in the church graveyard. The deceased was born In Davie County, December 10, 1838.- He spent most of his life in Davie Goun- \y and served tbrougboot the Civil War as a Confederate Soldier. Surviving are one daughter, Miss Nancy Jane Canter, with whom he lived, and a number of g^dchilnren and great grandchildren. Fnner^ of Mr. D. S. Creason. - The faneral and burial services for D. S. Creason, wh'>se death resulted from an automobile-wreck Saturday evemng at Thomasville, were held at Libert Methodist chnrcb yesterday morning at 10 o'clock by Rev. W. B. Waff. A short service was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cranville McCultob, at nine-thirty o'clock Mr. Ci^on was 70 years of age. and is survived by. bis widow and nine children, five dangfaters and four sons; also two brothers and two sisters. Mr. Creason moved from Moeksville to- ToomasviJIe airaut tbreeyears ago. He was anatlve of Davie county, and bis death brought sorrow tarmany relatives aiui friends. John G. Sbeek Dead. John G. Sbeek, 78, passed away Dec 24tb, at bis home. Advance, Route I, after an il^ess of two weeks. He bad spent practically bis entire life on his plantation. He was born December 19. 1851, in Davie county, aud was a member of Macedonia Chnrcb. Survivors include four daughters. Mrs. H. C. IButner, and Mrs, P. Smitl^, of Davie county, Mis. Fan- uie Woosley, of Alamance county, and Mrs. R. W. Hunter, of Forsyth County; a brother, L. A. Sbeek, of Davie County; two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Douthit and Mrs. Mary Bbauchamp, both of Davie County. Funeral was conducted from the home and from Macedonia Church Dec. 36 by Rev. J. E. Hall and ' Rev. F. W. Grabs. Interment was in the Qburch graveyard. Bio - Obituaries -1/8/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 9,1930 Samuel "Dock" Creason AUTO ACCIDENT PROVES FATAL F Samuel "Dock'/ Ci-cnaoii, 70 died Sunday mornlnjr at 2:80. o'clock ^ at his home near T'homasvllle from injurlea sustainod Saturday! j aftc?rnoon at 3 o'clock in an au-' r tomobllo accident wt Thomasvllle' Death was attributed to internal , I injuries.- . . According to information, Mr. i Creason was riding in an auto-., mobile wlth.-Oeo^e Pitts when It . 'was struck by another car, Mr.' . Creason being thrown out of the;! car to the? pavoment. He was cor- {j riod to hla home, death rosult-(; ing early Sunday dornlng. .The drivers of 'both cars '• are being held by Davidson County author ities, it isf understood.; • A native of Davie County, Mr, . Creason was born on Octdber 18, 1869, a son of the late Samuel and Katie Hlilard Creason. He re sided at Thomasvllle for some time and had moved .to o. fann six miles from that city about one, ® month ago. .He wan a member of' ^ Mocksvllls Baptist Church. ' I .. Surviving are his'Widovi'; four .sons, Rev. W. A. Creaeon and R. W. Creason of this City; C. M. and H. H. Creoson, of MockflV>> vUle; flve daughters. Mrcr. W. C. Sale and Mrs. Guy Boger, of this city; BJrs. J. G. McCuIlough, of Mdcksvlllo, «n(l Misses Zeoln and! Mary Crcn-von rosiding at tho j homo; two brothers, C. T. nnd,®^ iTohn vy, Ci'coaon of Davie Coiin- j w ty; one sister, Mrs, Clara Ridon- liour of Davlo County aiui Sovon- I toon graiulchildrcm. j tho body^ wiia vemoYCf(^ ,from the homo to tho homo . of his J-dnughtor, Mrs. J. G. McCullough, 1 noiu* Mockavillo on tho.Snllabiyy • Iflghway. Tho funornl wns hold at Liberty Methodist Church nouv Mockavllle', Tuesday, at 10 o'clock, i Rev. W. A. .Wnir of Mockavillo [ j Rev. M. O. Alexander of Thomas-! vlllc and Rev. A. C. Loftln of ■■Mocksvillo conducted the sorv- I lco.s. Burial was In tho church gravoyard. ", Pali bearers were P. M. Carter, C. B. 'Mooney, T. M. Hondrlcka, T. I, Gaudbll, W. -H. Biviiia, and J. P. Green.—Wlnston-Snlom Jour nnl. William E. Canter Ol-YBAlb-OLD VETERAN FOUND DEAD IN BED William E. Cantor, 91, Confederate veteran was found dead in bed Sunday morning at his homoin Dn.yie County near Bixby. He had been in ill health for some time. Death was attributed to a,sudden heart attack. j. Mr. Cantor Avasr born in Davie | County, December 10^ 1888, a son of tho late Ajirnh and Edith CantCT'. Ho had .spent most of hla life In Dhvio Coiinty. Ho served throughout the Civil War as a Confcdcnitc soldier. . ' Surviving aro one daughter, Mis.'? Nancy iTwno Canter, with whom he KvesI; four grandchild- I ren.; twelve groat-grnndchlldrcnI and two great great grandchild- rtfn,' "i'ho funeral -was hel^ Monday , nftornooh at .2 o'clock at Bethle hem Methodist CHiuvcU. Rev. Mr. Bell of . Fannington conducted the sorvicea. Burial followed in tho church graveyard. Bio - Obituaries - 1/9/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 15,1930 Francis Smith G. F. Mitchell G. F. Mit%.heU. an aged Confed erate Veteran, died at the home of his sou in Statesville do Jao« 5th, aged 86 years. The body was laid to rest at Holly Springs graveyard Tuesday of last week. Mr. Mit chell was the father of Mrs. W. B. Smith, of near County l^ioe Mrs Smith is seriously ill at States ville hospital. Mr. Francis. died at his home nearHKedlaud Friday, aged 78 years. Mr. Smith bad oeeu In bad health for some time, - but his death sodden and ' unexpected. The body was laid to rest Saturday, afternoon at three o'clock' in 1)1^ Bethlehem graveyard, Rev.' Mr. Bell, ofFarmlugton; conducting the funeral and burial services. Mr>. Smith is survived by his wife and several children. Bio - Obituaries -1/15/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 22,1930 Susan Smith Susan Sroitb, wifeotMr. W.| E. Smith, died at a StateaviUU hba.; pitaj last Thur^ay. mowiing.' The bt^y was Wd to reat.^h New^ vDnlon ^aveyard Satordajr inoriiiDg._ at 11©♦ciock, Rot. Mr. BlpklOT. conduc^ing the funeral service. MrSi Smith 18 sdrvived by her huiaband, one sis ter and a. brother. A good womanhas been'calied to her rewflird. I Mr. P. P. Greeo Passes. I it is with sadness that The jte- icord chronicles the death of Mr. P I P. Green., w^ch occnned at a Wioston-Salem hospital last Tnes-Iday afternoon abont fonr o'clock, i following an illness of several weeks, aged 73 years. Mr;. Green bad spent all his life in Davi.e up to about two years ago. when he went to Winstoo-Salem to live With 1 his daughter. He was a member lof Bear Creek Church. Mr, GreenI is survived by one daughter, Hiss 'May Green, of Winston Saleni; one son. W. C- Green, of New .Mexico; one brother, J. P- Green, of this city, and two grandchildren. His wife di^ .nwriy fi ve years ago.. Funeral ^tvides were held 'at Yoglar's funeral .Chapel in Wins- ton.Salem ':|['httr^ay morning at 11 ! o'clock, and the body brought to Baton's Baptist church, where the ; funeral [proper was held at 1:30iVciock. 6r. John R, Jester,. Revs.|b H". Wilcox and V.. M. Swaim I conducting the funeral .servijces. 1 Interment follow^''in the church graveyard. • • .• Bio - Obituaries - 1/22/1930 Fimenil For Mrfc ' SmtlL The remains of Mrs. Tiney Smith whose death -occarred . Thesday at her home eight miles' notth of Mocksville, aRer cpnfinenient to her bed for four weeks.were laid.torcstWednesday<aiOtemooii at B^r Creek, church. .Mrs. Smith" was. the mother of Mr. J. H. TroutmaB, StatesvHle conttactor. . . Mr?. .Smith was 92 yea» of age. Her first hiisbaDd'-was Jacob Trout- man, of I^ell co'hnty, who. passd away eight years ago while a .resi dent of California. She leaves her second husband,-^ Smttb, of Davie cpnoty, and the. followingchildren: ittr. J Ji. Troutmah and Mrs. H N. Bowers, of Stotesville; Mr. B. CV Troutmair, Mr, William Trontman and Mrs. Maggie Koontz all of Davie.<x)untv. In the death of Mr. Green Day'ie co.nnty Ipo^.dne'of her. best known citizens-^a man who numbered bis friends by the hundreds, and one always baud a kind w,ord for those with whom.he come in contact. Greeti was a long-time ftiend of the editor and we^s.ball miss his month ly visits, to our. town. Peace to.his ashes. • ' "' James M. Godbe; D^d Stasesville, Jan. 19.—James Madi son Codbey, one of the oldest and most popular citizens of Iredell coun ty. died at two o^cloek this .after noon at bis home near Harmony in bis 84tb year. He bad been fli sev eral motitfas, yielding to infirmities of ^vancc^ ag^..'Funeral "and intermit will be coh-^daeted at 2 o'clc^ 'Tuesday afternoon at Glarksbn^ Methodist eburch near the Codbey home. Mr. Godbsy leaves his wife and two sons, Earle. Godbey, '; editor of the Greensboro Dally News, andMatirice Gt^bey. of Winston Salem, who were wi.th him when be died. He ^s a farmer, a school master and a trayelipg salesman, havingretired tb'bis.fprin,after many years on tbe'Toad. Mrs. Nathan Bailey Mrs. Nathan Bailey died .at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Carte^, near Fork, Isst Tbnrsday afternoon,' following'a lingering illneSs. She is survived- by her bnsband and three sons; her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Car ter, together with .five, brothers and- six sisters. Her husband, and one sister and one. biorber are also quite ill. The funeral and burial ser vices were held Friday afternoon at Elbaville. Rev. J. W. Turner and Rev. Mr. Hendry conducted [the services. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 22,1930 Margaret WillisIHrs. aiargaret Willis died at 2r borne in Lexiogtoo Thursday, ad WHS laid to rest in that city on riday. Mrs. Willis was a cousin !our townsman. W- M. Howard. Bio - Obituaries - 1/22/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA AVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 29,1930 Funeral Held For Mrs. Savannab Eaton. Cooleeniee, Jan. 23.*—Funeral services for Mrs. Savannah Eaton were conducted this morniDS at the Baptist Church here. • Interment followed at Liberty Church Cenie- tery on Highway 80, two miles north of here. Death claimed Mrs Eaton Tues day inght followiu]^ an extended illness,. with occasional rallies. Leading of the heart was thought to have been the catise of her de mise, Mrs. Eaton was abotit seven ty years of age and ban vspent tb^ greater part of her life in Davie |CountT, anda resident of Coolee- mee for mapy years. She lived I wth her ^n, W. G. Eaton, chief engineer of the Brwid Mills.! Mrs! Eaton was tbewidow of the 1 ite Savannah Etaon. Foiir daugh ters and fbnr sops' survive, with several grandchildren. U. A. Orriell pies Near Advance. , After an illness of two montl s, U. A. Qrrell passed av/ay at bis bojne near Advance Saturday night at 10 o'clpck. Mr. Orreit is snrylved by thre.e daughterst Mrs. D. C. Kurfees and Mrs. W. A. Ellis of Winston-Sa- lem; ^ Eight grandchildren also survive. ' ' .. Funeral service were conducted at Elbaville Methodist Protestant church Monday^- aftemoon at 21 o'clock. . ' : ' B. P. Ketcham Mr. B. P. Ketchatn. chief train dispatcher of the Southern Railway, died at bis home in Winston-Salem Thursday afternoon, following a three weeks illness of heart trouble, aged 66 years. Mr. Ketcham bad many friends in this section who were saddened by his death. The body was carried to Charlottesville, Va , ond laid - to rest 'Saturday. Surviving is his widow and one brother. N. L. Cranford . N. L. Cranford, aged 60, >f \V«t7s{0D-Saleni's prominent ns, died Thursday night at ome ill that city, death result- rom pueumoDia. Mr. Cran- ssiuvlvcdby his widow, bis er, ibree sisters and five broth- Bio - Obituaries -1/29/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 30,1930 Infant Son Avett INFANT SON DIES Tho Infant of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Avett/who died in Cooloemooi was laid to rest at Liberty Me* thodist Church on Tuesday after noon at'8 o'clock, Rev. E. M. Avott of Albemarlb and Rev, A. G. Lof- tln oiBciatinff. DEATH OP RICHARD A. ANDERSON Taken from Daily News, Tur- pin, Okla. Richard A. Anderson, a son of Abel and Biisfdieth Coon .fLnder- son, won born Feb. 23, 1851 In Davie County, of the Sl^itej of N. C. and passed away Thursday Doc. 26, 1620 at hia.home in Tttr- pin, Okla. at the agb -df 78 years, 10 months and 8 days. He w'os { stricken with paralysis a few I weeks before his death. , ' He graduated in medicine in • tho sfate of N. C. in 1876 and since that time has heen "an ac tive physician in tho community where he has lived and a trust worthy and honest citizen. Dr. Anderson left N. C. In early'manhood, locating in Texas where -he was united In marriage . to Miss Laura Dondy in 1890. To this union were born five children three of whom survive him. Hia wife and mother passed away in 1005. He later married, Mrs. Lil- lie Browning, of Hooker, Okla. who preceded him some two years ago. 'He leaves to mourn his death two sons and a daughter, Abo Ahdertfon, of Porryton, Tex as,- Walter M. Anderson, of Tur- pin, Okla., Mrs. -Roy Thomas, of Enid, Okla., and eight grandchild ren. In'N. C., Davie County, he ha^throe living brothera and one j nistcr, Gcp. F. Andersoh, Chas. ' Anderson, A. J. Anderson and Mrs. Robt. L. Booo.nDK Ander- ' son will bo missed by a large number of friends In this viclnlly. where he has lived.for the past •iwonty-aix years. I He was a member of the Bap tist Church. Funeral services | I wore oonductod at the Methodist ( Church, of Tui-pln, Okla. Intor- mbnt in Hooker .Cemetery where Masons had charge. • Mrs... Thomas sends this obitu ary and asks that it be published' In 'Davlo County papers. She' wishes lier N. C. friends and re-. latives to know she is expecting to vlflit thorn in near future. Her, husband has 'boon low with pnou-1 monia (dnce her father's dodth* , Mrs. James Maldrey The futioral services of Mrs. JnnioB Maldrey was held hero Sunday P. M., conducted by Rev. A. U. Boll. She was formally a > Miss Long, of this place.' Inter ment foilowod in the ccmotary I hero. Bio - Obituaries -1/30/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 5,1930 ObaiOii of Ridtitfd A. ; Erom Tnrpin' (Otda.) Daily/ ' Richard A*' Anderson,' a son !'oi At^l'aod Elizabeth Coop Anderson was born' Feb. 23. 1A51, in. Davit n tohdty, North Carolina aiud passed away Thotsdav^. Dec.'26.;i9w9, ai his home-at the a of 78 yrs. '/io months add 3 days' ■. He-gradnat^in medicine in t&e state of North ^ Carolina in i8?5, and' since' th&t time- has 'been an active. phVaician. in • the commnniiies whefe he haslived and a'trhstwort-fay and hon*, ^ citlzep.. 1^; Anderson lef^ North. Cainiiha In-^arly manhood,, locating in Texas, where' he was- united In marnage to iliss La'nra Dowdy* in J896 To this union were born five.children, .three of whom sur- ■vive him. This wife and mother passed - awpy • in 1905. He later married Miss' Lillie Browning, oi Hookier, Okla, who pi^eded him to the'grave some two years ago. He l^ves to monm his detih ' two sonsand adanghie': Abe Anderson, of Perrvtoh, Texas; Walter M. An derson, of Turplo,''Okla; Mrs. Roy Thomas, of Bnid, Okla., and'eight grand'childreitJ. In Davte conntv.' be bmi tbree^ biothers and one sister, viziv^o. F.. Anderson, Chas. ■F.- Andej^n, A. 'J.;'Anderson.^ and Mib Bobt. D, Bode., Dr. Ander I^n i^ii be missed l]^.n la^e nntn- c^fcbJ. •rnteVmentin cent* etery,' Masons teing in-charge. A. Hqw^ Pa^es. Mr. 9. A. Howiwd' didii Yat.- hishome in Harmdnii iast'F^iday, aged ^J'yeart; Tbe'-Bodywas' laid td rest in Liberty; |;faveyard Sundayafternpon at three'!i.<^cldclk..=.' Mr.Howard^ was a re^dent ci fJfdcks^ vUle for many veais,' nibving frdm hpre to nkin and-lal^ to Harmony. He was "a brotjie'r "of • Mrs. Jack Lagle and\D. C. ' Howard, both of this' city. • - . Mr& Williams Passes. Mrs. Ida Janp Williams di^ at herhome in Smith Grove Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, ^ed 63 years. Thebody'was laid to rest Monday after-iti the Smith' Groye 'cemeteit;Rev. A. R. Rell eondncdog the. fpn- eral and buriai services, assfsjted .by Rev A. G. LbfthT.' Mrs. Williams issnrvived by her husband, two aist'ers Mrs. Tom Call, of MockaviUe, andMrs..Saliie Spry, of Smith Grove.Death''followed a strclce of paralysis which' Mrs; - WilUaina snffered-re- cendy. • ^ Billie Ray Cornatzer BilUe Ray, little son of .Mr. andMrs. Ray Cornatzer, of SmithGrove, died of pneumonia Fridaymorning and. was laid to rest in-Smith Grove graveyard Saturday. C. A. Wood Rev. C, A. Wood, superintendentof the Methodist Cbtldrepfs Home, WinstoD-Satem, died at his home' in that city Friday afternoon, iol. lowing an illness of several monthsaged 66 ^ears. . Rev. Mr. Woodwas bora, in Sl^nogbai^ Chio9...fa^tcame witB his'parratsab tto co.hntry when three ye^ of Age.' ;ffis father was a misskmaTy to China. Bio - Obituaries - 2/5/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 5,1930 Clement Hardin • dement '. Heodren, of Elktn, an;^. 20 yeais, oommitt^ ..suicide Friday |>y snootin^'a bullet tbrougb hia^fa^d..' 'He.left a -note'to bis mother, .giving his reasons for.the ra&h. ' act.. He was a .^n of Judge Hendreh,' who is a patient in* 'a Northern boi^tal.' A brother and sister are al^ in hospitals ukiug' tieatment. George W. Stikeleather Mr, George W. Stikeleather, of' Olin, died s last * Tuesday,' at % tlje Davis Hospital, Statesville, aged 66 years. The body was laid to rest in Snow .CxMfcgraveyard Wedne^ day .-afternoon at three o'clock. Mtv, Stikeleatber is a brother of Hrs.' James Frost, of near Mock^ilie.-. * Bio - Obituaries — 2/5/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 12,1930 D^Ui Qaiins Mr. Fair* r-.-- n 'clath.' Jaines Edward Fairdotb/ Bsv widely knowo in Forsytb and Dayie counties, died'at his home in Wins- ton-Saleni, Idbnday afterhooQ. He had been in declining health three years and bis condition bad been, serious three weekis - . Mr. Pairclotb spent bis early life in old Salem, but for a number of yeais be*was' a resident of Davie country, being a prosperous farmer.^ Two years ago be returned to Wins* toU'Salem to make bis borne. Surviving, in addition to the widow, are two sons, H. E. Fair- cloth, of Winstbn-S^lem, and C. E. Fairclotb, of Advance, Davie conn-; ty; two daughters, Mrs. G W. Hall and Miss Grace I^trclbth; ttfro brothers, Frank Fairdoth.iof York, Pa., and Irvin Fairdotb of Ad vance; seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Funeral services were conduct ed at the home Tuesday at 3 o'clock by Dr. J. K. Pfobl. Interment was iu Moravian graveyard. S^nef M< Reavis Aft^er .an illness of three weeks, jSamiiel M. ReaVis. 76. passed, away I Wednesday, eyenmg at a local bos- Ipital., His conajtOD bad: been seii* 'ousa week.' ' Mn' Reavis . yras born in Davie County, March II. 185^, and mov ed to Winston Salem' twenty-seven years ago. He was a carpenter.— Twin City Sentinel! The b^y. was brought to Sbef- 6dd and laid to rest in New Union graveyard. ' * . • Funeral Prof. J.Mmair. Funeral serviced for Prof, John Minor. • who died suddenly last Wednesday no.'ning in bis .office In the school building in which he was teaching, seven miles from Mt. Airy., were held in'tbe Mocksvtlle Baptist church Thursday afternoon at two o'clock. The funeral ser vices were conducted by Rev. Cbas. H. Utley, of M.t, Aiiy. assisted by Key. W. B. Waff, of this city, and Rev'.- Mr. Turner, pastor of the Fork Baptist church. The'body was laid to rest in Fork cemetery," following the funeral" services. Prof. Minor was 57 years pf age, and was a native of Davie county. He moved to Mt. Airy from Mocks vtlle last August, and was supeiin- lendent of a rural school in Surry county. iSurviving is the widow, two daughters,' Misses Katbryn and Lavada, and one son, Thomas Woodrow. One bibiher, George, of Folk, and one sister, Mrs. G. Talbert, of Advance, survive. Tbe death of Prof. Minor was a shock to bis jnaoy n friends in and around Mocksville. He had been teaching for. many ye^s, and for a short while was editor of. The Mocksviile Courier. He was a member of tbe Baptist church. Tbe funeral and burial services were largely attended. and many beautiful fioral tribal^ covered the grave In the death of this good man, tbe state lopses a fine ednca- ior,*tbe church a good worker and the widow and children a loving husband and father. Tbe sympa ihy of all our peoble goes out to the bereaved family. DeWItt Danner Mr. DeWitt Danner died at his home at Nestor Wednesday night, of pneuibonia,- aged about 33 years. The body was laid to rest at Bear Creek Friday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Giant Pa-conducting tbe funeral and bnrial services. . Mr. Danner is sur vived, by his widow abd- two child- •reDi bis father and mother, three sisters and one brother. Mr. Dan ner'was u good man an<V will he mi^ed in bis commnnity. Bio - Obituaries - 2/12/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 12,1930 Myrtle Foster ,Miss l^yrtie Foster, daughter of Ifr. aud- Mtfl. Naylor .Foster, Of wear Cornatzer. died at .-thfefi o'clock ^ataVday .morioing, aged a* bout 21 years, the oody was laid to rest at ElbiaVille Sunday after noon at two.o'dock, funeral ser vices being.conducied by -Rev. W.MJ.'Rathbum.iassisted by Rev.S. B. "Wijison. Miss ;Foster is survivedby her parents, one brother and ooe.aster. . ' UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, 2/12/1930 •nielKjrtv ot F L. FVo«. Ot WiU; Htoii-Sdlem was iouttJ in the muni- cii«Uiakc near tlMl city KrWay. Hb ^va* i'.Mcte lumtniK and is^ thoti)$bt to H-.vc liniwned while • swiniinioa io * a duck. >if. Plntl wai a !»on of Mr. and Mrs .\. K.. Ploit. of near Tarretiiiue. this coo"- •V. asd i« sac viced by bis wtdow nndtwocoUdreuoi Wwistort Salem. his parents, five si>lers and four brothers, all liviu? in Davie county. Mr. Plott left Divie seven or eiRht years aRo and held a posiUon with the Southern Public Utilities Co..: at the time of bis death. He was ,3 years oJd. The body was laid; to rest in Oak Grove Rravevardtiabihtee o'clock^^j^y^l^J®^^®®^'^*^ \ Bio - Obituaries - 2/12/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 13,1930 Prof, John Mirior.:. Dies Suddenly In His Schoolroom Tho community wnsf slippkcd on * laflt'\ye(lnc8iluy, Fob, Bthil tbJIenrn" of Iho sudden dea^h" of John; Minor, which. occurred . while hoi', was teaching at thc.jSldorA -Con- solldnted School-iienr hit; .Airy,; The docoascd' had sulTored'froni> high Blood pressure', for■ BoVeral; ■years, his death resultingth Is. He^ was the • son of "* the -late' : Zdrrell and Amy Minpr, and horn noar. ;Pork * Church- oh Oct. 10th, 1872, ■being iii his 68th yedi*'^at the time of; his^ .'deiith. Ills, groat desire for dn education was"shown at an early age, and he. waa'always a ,dillgont : Btti'dbht.'. Ho. was one of the favorite pupils ofProf. J. T. Aldei-man at Pork Acar" domy, and thoir .friondship con-. - tinued throughout His; life. • Mr. -Minor-noAt-^ontored-Wake Fbroat College, where'he mode a'fine,re cord, gradudiing in the class .of189d. He was' ospcclnlly' proftcl-j.ent in languages, heihg master of 'six, and in his later llfo-one. of;.1 hitf favorite pastime's .W08,td*rpiid:;;jj.his Virgil. While 'in p'oll'bgd ^I was convbrled, and joined tho Bap ; tist Church there,- and was always a faithful member wherever homade his homo. lio was qu'iot and una8.suming in his manner,devoted to his fanjily, upright In hia life, and had the rospact.oj^ every community in'which he liv ed. Aftoi* hlff tyraduniion h'c taught in Iho schools of Davio and Yndkin for aoverni years, andprepared- many pupils for collcgo. On Doc. 26th. 1905 ho wna ninrriedto Miss Camilla C^ll, of Advanco and .to this union were;born, .six:children,, throo .of•">vhom,"Lueilb, John, and Lillian died in Infancy.For :abdut •..twelve years '.he;:was; • book-koopor for the Mocksvlllo • EtttorprJae Company, and In. 1916became .editor' of the Mocksyille Entorprise', being in this capacity.for aevoral yenrSi He lat^r toofW. ■ up teaching- again,' a calling for ; which he was highly qualified, andI at the tljno of h'a death was en tering upon his 20th year in this work. In September 1029, Mr. Minor moved his family to Mt. Airy, where ho had accepted the position of principal of the Eldora,I Cansolidaf'Cd School.' Thin is one of tho newest schools in Surry, County, and In tho fow months ; of Mr, Minor's leadership hadj.mftde groat.progress, having mndo! the hlghost daily average of any school in the county during-theI first scmestef*. Thus he faithfully carried en his chpnen prpfBSston- • until the last hoiir of his life,I having just led the chppol exor- (Continue^? on nnffe MORE ABOOT PROP. JOHN MINOR (Continued from Page 1) ciaes and worked an example 'for a pupil when tho end come.' Ashort service wair held at the homp In Mt. Airy on Thursday, Jan;-6thi by- Dr. 'Jacobs, pnstbr.'of tho First' Baptist Church, assisted' -by Rev; Millard Booe, of Haymoro Memorial Church. The body was thon brought to Mocksvtllo whore tho funeral service wna. conducted at -tha7Bai)t!3t-Church-at-2 •o'clock;^by -iho pastor, Rev. W, B. Waff, assisted by Rev. Charles tftley, of Mt. Airy, a 'schoolmate of the do- cea.S'ftd at Wake Forest. The hymns sung were "Nearer My God To Thoo," Aaloop In Jesus," and • "Some Day We'll TJndoystnnd." Alai'gc concpurso of sympathizing friends wrfs present both.at tho church and at Fork Church corac- tery Avherc the interment took place, the Odd Follows Lodge of Smith Grove being In chargo of the services thcro. Thospallboar- ors woro: J. F. Hnnes, J. B. John- stono, Jacob Stewart, B, I. Smith, T. I. Cnudoll, and T. M. .ttondrlx. Tho many bonutlful fl oral designs WQi-o carried by Misses Jessie Waff, Patsy Clomont, Annie Car-, ter, Inez Ijomcs, Laura Allen, and' Mrs. Frank- Huneycutt, Surviving are bis •widow and throo' childrenMiss Knthorine MinoLV.a.tenphorin. the Forsyth County schools,! Thomas and LaVada Minor, ofMt. Airy, ono' brother, GcorgO| Minor, of Fork -Church, .and one sister. Mrs. Roboeca Talbort.- of Advance. We extend our deepsympathy to tho -boreavod family | In their groat sorrow. Bio - Obituaries - 2/13/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 13,1930 MISS MYRTLE AMANDA POSTER DEAD M1s9 Myrtle Amnndn Poster, dnuffhtor, of H. N. Potftor niid Jnno Balloy Poator, died nt the homo of hor pnronla nonr Gornat-- .Ker on Fobrunry 8th, ngod 21 yonrs. The deccnsod wna a grad-' unto of Advnnco Higli School, and hor death Is mourhod by n wide circle of friends, The funeral aor. j vices were conducted at Elbaville - on Sunday afUiriiuon at 2 o'clock, by Rev, W. M. Rathburn, of Ad- ' vanco, assisted by Rev. S. 6. WIL son. Surviving arc tho bereaved pnrentff, one brother, Robert Fos ter, of* Dnvie county, and one sis- tter. Mrs. J. ,0, Howard, of High I Point The nnllbearers wore: C. J S, Bailey, C. W.- Foster, H. P. Foa- ; tor, P. W. Bailey, H. S. Jones, and W. N, Jones. Tho flowers were ' carried by Misses Ethel Ellis, Ro- ba Williamtf, Nell Bennett, and I Magelcno McCulIob John A. Peeler Mr. John. A. Feeler died nt Fnlth Saturday morning, Feb. 1, Mr, Pcolor was' an aged ditizen of Faith and one of the - best known and most highly veapceted mf^n of that section of the county Tho funeral took place ntShlloh llsformod church, at Faith," Stinr day afternoon at 2:80. o'clock. There wore acvovnl chltdrcn to mourn tho loss of their dour fn- thor, Hovernl grandchildren and sGvernl great grnndchildron. Bio - Obituaries - 2/13/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 19,1930 Fimera! ofIBKss Ev^elyn ' M^rtiiu Miss Evelyn Martin, ly-year^old daughter of Mr. T. L. Martin.' of Snmter, S. C., died early Wednes day morning, in. an Asheville hos pital,'Yolldwing an illness of two months. The body was brought to Mocksville.ahd laid to re^ ia ' Rose Cemetery Tborslay atterooon 'at fonr o'clock. Funeral services were held-in the Methodist church here at three o'clock. Rev. R. C. Goforth condncting the services. Miss Martin Is survived by her' father, Mr. Thos. E. Martin and three, sisters, all of Snmter, S. C. The bereaved father and sisi^ers have the sympathy of the entire commnolty in the death of their loved one who was called in the bloom of her girlhood.. Hioniiis Comatzer Dead I ^ n I Thomas Wathins Gomazerr 14, of Ad-^. vance. Route .1, died at a .Winoton-Salem hospital at S o'clock Friday morDing -Ha had been ill and eopbned to bisbed seven weeks. Thomas was.the son of Mr.' and Mte. H. P. Comatzer, a student- at Advance High School and sitended Mock's Metbo disti^'ir^. . Sui^voia include the ^.parents; three' brotheia, W. P. Comatzer. of uear Mocha' vlUe.. W. C. Ctmatzcr. of Greensboro, aod G 6. Comatzer. of Advance, Route J; five sisters, Mrs. -Ben R: Jones. Mrs. C. M. Bafty. Misses Laura, Beroice an-t Gladys Comat zer, all of Davie ct^nty. Funeral was conducted Suuday after nooo, from the home at '1:45 enid from Shady Grove Methodise church. Advance, at 2:3flr, by Rev. Ratbhorrie. Interment was in the church groveyard.- Wiiliam Walker Stroud Our Brother Is De^d. Mr. William Walker Stroud, aged S3 years, died at his home, 226 Gloria Avenue, Winston Salem, .'at 3:20 .o'clock Thursday morning, following an illness of s several months. Mr. Strond was able to look after his business nntil^ . Jan. 9thi when be became seriously ill and nuderwent an operation at the Twin City Hospital, He was re-, moved to his borae about eight days preceding bis death. Mr. Stroud moved to Winston- Salera from Staiesville in 1912, and for iuany years was owner of the Barber Photo Supply Co. He sold CD interest in his business to Mr. I,etily last fall, but remained in ao-1 live charge of the bosioess dntil! .stricken about a month ago. Mr. Stroud is survived by. his father, Mr. H. S. Stroud, of States- ville; two sisters, Mrs. O. W. File, of High Point, and Miss Mattie Strotid, of Statesville, aud. one brother, C. F. Stroud, of M'tos- ville.: . • I . The funeral-services were held at the Soutbside Baptist Chnrcb, . AViiiatpn-Salem. Saturday- moimih^! at 11.o'clock. Rev. Y. M. Swaim, his pastor, conducting ttac.seTVi(^, - after whtclh the l^y was carried to Hickory- and laid to rest beside a little son who .di^, in 1902. and lids . mother, Mrs., H. S.' Stroud, .who died in 1926, Mr. Stroud united with'the -fiap^ list church when a young man, and lived a Christian life. was a member of Southside Baptist church, and yas al^ a m.emter of the Odd Fellows and the Junior Order. He is at rest. The many beaii.tifui floral trib utes that covered the' grave attes ted the high esteem' in which Mr. Stroud was held by his friends in Vvinstop - Salem, Statesville: and Hickory. The loving wife, the aged father, the sisters and brother have lost a loved one whose ]>lace cannot be filled. While be has gone where there is' no mo^ sorrowing and snffering, his good deeds will live alter him and his memory will be ever revered by the loved ones who are left to mourn bis death. G. H. Austin Miaister .Drops Dead: ^Rev. G. H. Au^in died cuddesiy alioat ten o'clock Monday morning at his bofn& neat Holmao's, at an advanced age. Mr. Austiiiwasfor many years an active mtnister in tbd .M. P. Conferobce, and was pa^or of the Davie charge tbirty-cdd years a^. As tbia is wtittdU no funeral arrangemeata have been mad^' Mr. Aas- tin la survived by his widow and several brothers. A good man has gone to his reward. Bio - Obituaries - 2/19/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 19,1930 Mr. Nathan Bailey Dead Mr..Nathan Bailey* of.near. Fork, died at the Baptist bospttal in . Winston'SaleiD Friday morniDg at -six o'clock, following an illness of six weeks, aged 29 years. The funeral services .were held at Eiba> ville church Sunday atternoon at two. o'clock, conducted by keys. Mr, Henry and E. W. Turner. Air. Bailey is survived, by three Hule SODS, bis father, Kr. -Cbarlie Bailey, two. brothers and one sister. Mr. Bailey's wife, died; Jan 16th, following a long illness. The' be* reayed children,, the father, btptbers and'sister have the sympathy' .of a host of friends in this double tion. Mrs, Steelman Passes. After as illness of-one Week n Mrs Minnie Steelman. wife of B R. Steelman. passed away at he home in - Winston-Salem' Fridai morning at ,12*30 o'clock.'.Mrs Stedlman was 71 years old apd hat been in failing health for sometime The decea^ was bora and rear ed at Holmao'a Cross Roads, Oavu Co.iinty, and ^ot prautically al h^-life in .that vidnity, moving tt \i^,ston-Salemi witb her hustond in^C falti^f:.i9if4' Shedaughter qf- thelaie Isaac and J^y Ci;i^baw HoltnaD,.and was aviife* lo^g member of. the' Metb^jst chdfch. ' . Mrs. Steelman is survived by'hei' husband' and numerous nephews ' and nieces Ho children' suivive l"»r,. and she was the last survivor .of a-large Davie family. Funeral services were held at tbe home on Springdale Avenue Satur day at 12:30 in-the aftexnopn :and at .Mocksville Methodise church at 2 p. m. Iptermcut followed'.in Rose Cemetery. . ' Bio - Obituaries - 2/19/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 20,1930 NATHAN R. RAIbBY DIES • IN BAPTIST HOSPlTAr .Nathan ;; afc the .Baptist Hoapltiil in. Wiuai '" ton-Sal^, on -IFriday •. ihorninft.' Fobruniy < 14th,, after .an iillncas' of; •; ittix we'okfl. THa dqcenPbrr.SyaR the':; son of 'Oharlea <Bnlley, :pf/AdyAn-vj I CO, and thd late.dpra .Ziihmbrniani;-: IBoiley^ an'd 8pent;;nll.-of ;.lils.life••; ■.fn"tho Pork Churdh commuhlty;:'.! i;*. :V His- death ' Is .' pocullarly-;^'ainco ihiaiwifd tiiad abo.iitia.month ^; ago, leaving; three empH apha/.tho; [...Oldest vten ydnrA' old! '3110'. suryly^; j. ing relutiyea are his. father, thrpGi ':| ■sons, Franklin,;Goorgo and Nelson.;:(.Baitey,; two', .brothers,■. IJahn8ohj^;;lBailey, of Advnnp.e, .'and; ;-Tpnt';',,]pailoy, of Somihdraettj ;Pa:, ' one aister, Mm. AlbeH Carter;-of Advance. The funeral todlc place";;; on S.uhday ;afterdpoh,. Februaiy;:iICthi at BIbaylllq, Rev. E.. ItY* Tuw':;nori.'.nH8iBted 'by. IWyl-.Gi H,' Heii^";dry, of Lexington, clhciating.' Thpi ForkXlhutch.qunrtct sang "(Joing :•|T)own .the Valley," and the P. 'O/i; S. of A. had charge of-th'e-8er-;ivices at the grave; . ■ -1■ Tho -.pallboaror3,' who were -thd 'jsame at hie ^yifo•a funeral, wofe:';: Travis ^Jarter, Mitchell Carteri;;Albert Cartel', J." il. Rlchnrdkpn, ;;'-Dnhnso.a Bniley, and-J. A. Minor, jjTbo . fl owers were carried by. Mia-.jscs Annie Cnrtor and LcHn Cf.I tor, 'MoHdnmcs. Morrison . Curb .Travis Carter, 'and "joycC' Ceiri.. .)•■ I,:iiihaol. 1 MRS. U. R. STEELMAN, DIESAT HOME IN \VIN$TON-S.ALEM Mrs. Minnie Holman SteQlinhn, highly cirt;conied\lndy, and wife of ■B. R. Stcelman, of Wliiston-Snl- em, died' at ;hor homo . there on Fobrimry 14th, after being in iU'l health for same time, aged '08.She was the youngest daughterof the /liitel" Isaac ^Hplmaiv... aruliMalw.CrbnsHaw Holmnhi'and wiik-,born •and' reared : at* HPl^n'sV Cross Roads, Davle County)'where'''she spent mpst' of hef lifb. v.^He,Joined'the- Methodist Church 'Aib|. an early 'a'ge,. and was';always afaithful attendant ..upon Ita; .'soN'-vices. . .Shq Svas the last'irheifibpfj of ..u wbll-'known • family,'; bolhgrelated oh her mothPr^a dlde 'tp•William Cilmore Sima> the noted'South Carolina outhor. of .onte- •belluih days. '. . .In 1924 Mr. StePiman'p tbuslnesainterests caused them, to -^ove to Winaion-Salem, where they united,i with Centenary Methodist Church jThe funeral sorvicos worb con- j 1 ducted at the MockffvlUd.Metho-.j dist Church on- Saturday .after-npon,.February 16th, by her-pas tor, Dr. C. C. Weaver, assisted by1 Rev. R. C. Ooforth, Rev. A. ' G.I Loftin, and Rev. E. P. Bradley, i followed by Inlcr'niont In the RoaoComctory. PnUboarora . were T. | ' II. Cash, 'J. A. Bolick, of Winston- ■ Salom,-V. E. Swaim, 0. G. Wood-! ruff, 0. L. Thompson iiml W. E.'Boylos. - A Inrgo 'numbov of ycla-' tlvoff and .[friends ga,thoro(1 to, pay, tholr la8tHvil)iut.p; of' reapbot. .to this good i .woman,'; ninny eomlng.from .Winstph^alcmi Greonsborp;Statosvlllb, and ■ othor. plhcqsl ThqSunday schoV. class" of I'vyhichrehq had hoon a member attended In.a.body. She is survived; by her husband, and. nnmnrouH- liiecos and nophqavs. . . MR. W, W. STROUD DIED AT mS HOaiE IN TWIN-CITY Mr. and -Mrs. C. F. Str'bud and family; attended the funeral of Mr, Stroud's brother, W. W. Stroud, of Winaton-Snlem, which ■took place in Hickoi-y on Saturday afternoon. The dccoAscd was well known in Winston-Salom, having boon connected with The Barber Photo Supply Company for' tbo past fourteen yoni's. He is surviv ed by his widow, his father, H. S. Stroud, of Statcsville, two sisters niid one -brother. Bio - Obituaries - 2/20/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 20,1930 MISS JESSIE EVELYN MARTIN PASSES AWAY IN ASHEVILLE Miss Jcrralo Evolyn Mortin, 17- yoni'-old dnuffhtor of T, L. Mnrtln, of Stimptor, S .C., •and tho lato' JAvAq Entledgo Mni'tin, died in nn Ashevillo hospitol-on February 12t;h, of tor an illnoss of sovoral , months.. Tho family formorl/ re- I sidod horo, movinff to South Cnro:. ''linn, about olovon yonrs ago. Tho ^mothcr dicd n your a go, and was !'burled nt tho Qloao Cemetory :-\vhoro hor youngest daughter's re mains were interred on Thursday afternoon, Feb. 13thV The fun eral services' were held at thc| Mocksvlllo Methodist Church nt! 8 o'cloclc on Thursday afternoon, boing conducted by Rov. R. C. Oo- fdrth, aasiste<1 'by Rev. Mr. Forreo, of the M. P. .Church. Pnllbearors •wore: J, F. Haneia, J. F." Moore, 1*. I. Caudell, Z. N; Anderson, J. Lewis Carter, and L. S. Kurfeea. Tho'beoutiful flowers , wore car ried by Mesdnmes Ollle Stockton, J. Sheok, W. M.'Howard and Marvin Waters. ^ ' The deceased was a member of ■thellil. E. Church of Sum tor, niid whs n most lovable young girl, her sad death bringing sorrow to her many relatives and frieiida. Sheip survived by her-father,. and three sisters, Misses Notic and iMary Martin, of Sumtor, and Mrs.! i T, H* Weeks, of Chapin, S..' C. 1 Among the relatives attending j the funeral were T. L, Martin and daughters, of Sumter; Rev. and Mrs. T. II. Weeks, of Chapin', S. C., Mrs. I-Io'nry RaRodge, grandmoth? er of- the doconsed, Mrtf. .Abe Rat-: lodge, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest James and Hubert Gartner, of Winaton- Salcm, Mr, and Mrs; Frank Mar tin, of Hickory, Miss Elvn Gartner of High Point College, and Mlaa Luclle.Martin, of Spencer.' Bio — Obituaries — 2/20/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 26,1930 Funeral Mrs. G. W. 'Funeral services for Mrt. G. W. Baity wlio died at ber home in Har- tpany Feb. lylbT were held at the Huttiony Baptist church Wednes day, alter which the body was laid to rest in Holly Springs graveyard. Mrs. Baity was Miss Sallie Sprinkle .before-marriage;..and was for many yeala a "teacher .at the Thouiasville Baptist'orphanage. Surviving are her husband; one daughter, Mrs.^ William Sparrow, of Gastonia; two sons, "Prof. H. G. Baity of the Dni "versity of Northi Carolina and R. F. Baity, of Indiana; one sister, Mre- David Essie, of Courtney and three brothws, J. H. Sprinkle, of GreeuB- bo'rb, and W. G.'to Thomas Sprinr kle, ofyYddkinrcoonly^ Mr. J. ' B. ' Campbell . Passes.. Mr.'John B. Campbell, one of Davie county's best known citizens, d?ed in a Statesville hospital last Wednesday afternoon,. foUbwing an illness of some ^wo weeks, aged 67 y^ars. .Mr. Campbell had been in bad health .for ' the past several y.ears, but was able to be around ■nntil .stricken .suddenly while at Casey's ^ore. ' He was "carried .to the hospital on Feb. 13th, but con tinned to grow worse until death released him from his suffering.Surviving ' Mr.Campbell is his widow, sons. Walter and Jphn, of near this .city; foi|r. daughters,Mrs. Joiiii'Pope, of Statesyille; Mrs.. C. Hutchios, ot near HblmauV; Mrs. Marshall Koontz. of nearKappa,'and Buss Ella' May Camp bell, one brother. Mr. David Campbell, and one ^er Mi^ .:L^ura'Camph^l. of near .Kappa, survive." The body was Idid to rest ia..'OakGrove graveyard Thursday. afternoon at three b/cfock with Masonichpndrs.' "Funeral services were conducted by Rev, W. B. Waff, as sisted' by Rev. A. G. l,oftiu, anfl Rev. Mr. Morris, of StdtesvClle. }. : In the d^ath of Mr... Campbell the county- looses one of her,: -bestkoow^ citizens, the; yHdpw andchildren a kind and loving husband and fatb^. To the ber^ved ones The lletbrd extend^ sympathy in this hour of sadness. Mr. Robert Dahiel Dead The' bbdy of Mr. Robert M. Daniels, who died at bis home in High. Point last Tuesday, -wasbrought, to Oak Grove and laid torest Wedne^ay afternoon. Mr. Daniels was 56 years of .age, and death resulted from heart trouble. Surviving are .six childreu, four son%and two daujghiers. Miss.Mae Daniels, of High Point, ■ and Mrs. J ^D. Bowles of Mocksville. R. 2. Mr, Daniels moved from Davie a- bont ten years ago. '^-He was a Christian gentleman, a. loving hus band and kind, father. Peace -to bis ashes Alex Jackson Davie Man Riilei AlexJaehaon, aged 2S, of Jerasalem tdwdabip, died in a Cordele; (j&, hospital Saturday (rom injaclea ioflicted by" a Sdatbeni Railway train. ' Mr,, Jack'son said «he was walUn'g down the trkcka in froot of the usdn oqd dfd not.hear it ap proach,. ' . • ' , Miss LMena Sain. Dead. Lodeoa Sain. 23, died.at.ihe borneof her parents, Ur. and Mrs." P^adlt ^iD,|near Mocksville, Sui^ay morning "at 10 o'oioch, foUowing 'an llldesa of "three iqsoDtbs. The funeral services vrere coor| ducted at the home'Monday "afterooon at' 2^ o'clock hy Rev. R.^ C. Goforih. aft^F whicli the body was laid to rest infBhtheigraveyard. Misa Said ia sniped by; her parenta. one brot tier and ond sister, ^ be sides a host.of relatives and frienda.' . Bio - Obituaries - 2/26/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 26,1930 flSiss Katie Shatt Passes Mtsa Kattf Sbott, aged fid. died at her bcme at Advance' Satuiday 'evening '.at 7:43 o'cioek, fotkratng a hmg illness. Fan-i neral seryioes were randohted at ^bady' Grove UetbodiM churob Snnday afteti^'n' at 3 o'dobb by h^ -paaror.. Ray.- W.i.R Rathbttto. Iflt^ebt .foUowbd in^^. t^^ cboicb coooete^.' Sftiss Sbat(r:is sutyWed by one aiattf.Mro Fannte tinder, of roooa; ibtee bratbera, J. E B. •Sbutt,' gI H.- G. iSnntt and'.Ja.cob 'S. -Sbntt, ali^f Adyaoce. •; A gjwd |||BDidan bas'^en c'^tie^. to berrowald^/ 'iy-■" Miris. ^luta]ierJ]l^.a^>i - 1i^ Rnth Widtaker die^ at a High Point bjispital &roeday.;iialldwing;annm of 'two wee)^[age^;^9, yiearo. . Theb^y,was bronght f&;ibi^e' omnit^, Hop\ day. mornibg and'laid in Smith'Groveiee^^tety aVlj^n'clMk: tak-^ et.te wrvived ber.hiia- D * A' tO>>t*..LCkrr * v.". ;.v. •..■vy . Bio - Obituaries - 2/26/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 27,1930 ' John B. Campbell, Hii In the (luath of John Belt Campbell, ntfoci G6, 'whicli obcui'r- od at Lung's* Saimtorlurn In ^tutc- irvllle on Fob. IDth, Duvic Coun ty has lost ono of her most pro- minont and highly cstocmod ci tizens, whose place will be hard to illl. Ho was the son of the lute Willinni Campbell and Mary Daywault Campbell, and was born and reared in Davio County,, where he spent most of his life, with the exception of a few years in Texas. , On March 12th, 1891 he wos. married to Miss Alia Gatthor, of! Dxivie County, an^ to .this union wero born nine children, three sonEf having preceded their fa-| thcr to the grave. In Uddition to his -widow, the following children survive: Walter Campbell, J6hn B. Campbell, Jr., Miss Ella Mao Campbell, Mrs. Clyde, Hutchons, Mrs. Marshall Koontz, nil of Davie, and Mrs. John Pope, of ^ Stnteaville. One sister, Miss Laurn Campbell, and one brother, David T. Campbell, alao survive...Some years ago Mr. Campbell made a profession of religion, -and though he never united with any church, his life and attitude towards hi? fellowmen showed him to bo'a true Clirl.''tlaif. He was for sever al years the chairman of the Dnvlo County Domoci'.iiic Cpin- . mittoc, and had wide inflOcncc. Ho was also a loj'al Mason, mid took groat Interest In the Mnsenlc Picnics, serving on -many com- mittdcs, the hist iboing chairman of tho grounds pnd building com mittee, succeeding the into S. A, WoodrulT. In his home .life ho^wns at his best, hit? .devotion to" hls...^ Invalid wifo arifi children being very, great. For some time ho hnd- been suffering with dinbotoB, and •WAS carried to the hospital- about A week before his death whoro the o'hd came on Feb. 10th. Hundreds ' of people from thi^ nnd adjacent counties giithorod at Oak Grove Mothodlst Church on Thursday nifternoon, Fob. 20th, to pay their respect to this outstanding man. Tho services wore conducted by Rev. W. B. Waff, assisted by Rev. A. G. Loftin, and Rev. R. E. Mor ris, of Statosville' The hymns used wore "Asleep in .Jesus," "Abide with Mo," "Sometime we'll . Undorstand," -and a duet, "At Tho; End of' the Rood," sung by Miss ] Lillian Moonoy and C. B. Mooney The beautiful Masonic ritual was used at, the grave. The mony flor al designs wero in charge of Mesdames J. F. Hawkins, Ollie Stockton, Rosff Brady, Howard Cant, J. C. Brown, Misses Bessie Gnnt, Veatrice Jones, Sudie ^e Elam, Ruth Elam, Margaret Diotz Thirza Koontz, Verlie Koontz, Minnie Koontz, Addle Lnkey. We uxtenu pur heurtfolt sympathy to tho bereaved family. Among tho ^ out-of-town relatives and friends ' wore: Mr. and Mrs. John Pope, Mr. anri Mrs. Robs Brady, Mr.' and Mrs. John' Troutmnn, Mrs. John Ingram, Mrs. Howard Gnnt, Mrs. J. C. Brown, Mrs*. Maude Fraley, Mi's. R. D. Dietz, Mr, and Mrs. E. "W. Parlior, Thos. Joyce, Norris. Chappcl, W. - B. Thomas, Plody Campbell, Misses Margaret Dietz, Addie Lackey, Mabel Ghithcr, Bessie and Ghria- tinc Gant, nil of Statesville, Mr. and Mrs. H. E, Byerly, of 'Snl- Isbuiy, Miss Flora Mao Baker, qf Kannnpolls. . ' ' Bio - Obituaries - 2/27/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 27,1930 Miaa, Lpdcna. Snin/ dauier^itcr^pff J. Sairi iirid Mrff. Maty von Safh, -di^ atvhdr^pme^-^ MbqkWnid"on Fob. SWird/' nftor^ari^ illness of .bwoVinoiifclia. •She >Yns • born . on V Jijno-.Sdtlv/lObdjn.hoing-; in hoiv 24th yPiir" at thc itiiiie of. h6r .;deftlli; The doccaaed Uvhs -"a-: lovoiy young " giri,. ahdl her sad^ death Juat in Athdc*blooni'«.hF^^^^^ hasf .brought groat- B6rrp:^- .t<^'h devoted family, and'j widej birclp-' childhood .fihB.;.liucnme '.a.-hre^ben'' of the M. E.^Ohurch, and thrbiighV her ioifg. sickn'effa •bdro,-her>hlferf; i'ng -with iChriatinn. fortitude, 1027 she gnaduia.lcd from- North'; CdroUna' Collogb for -^Vompn, and/ hod taught school .for . the .'pastf threo years,- being .A.,mem]mr . d^^^ I the Woddlcaf facujjf^: this year^l • Funeral - sprviceH nybro conducted-. at the hbnfio.oh Moridny.a-ftcrnboir' Fob. 24th,.''iby;.her.''i)afftpr, Revi-. -R.. C. Goforth, • paslated by . Royl'/ G. B. ForrcO ancl Rovl J..W. Brax-!- ton, .of . Piirhain, and the;Inter-, mont t'ook .placorat Bethqi.'^, P. " cometory. The hymns, "AsiBopi.ih Jcsua" and H'Thlnk of the - Ilome Over .There," wel-o sung-by tho ; choir, and a-quartet', "Somotlnio n We'll Understand," ' \yn(f. sung by ; Z. N.- Andorsoii, C. II. Tomlihson; Misses Incc Ijnmcs and. Kntherino •Kurfeps. A. Inrgo/.concourse of. relative? and frionds, rhniiy from A diBtnncc, nttondcd,.the last.ritea tho WoodlGaf. achbbl. diamlo'slhg for the .occn8ibn>.ShD la survived,^ by hot, pnr^ts»; Mri/and /Prahk-Sain, bn'o'sistari/M^^ .Foator,.ojib'bripthcr^J;.-Fip'nn^ Jr., .hor. ifrnndpiii^ents, .IMr.'i ami: Mr?. J. M.^'Sa^ bc^idoa - othp'r^ near relatives. .WB - 'extend /;oijr. deepest syittimthy; ■fo' the .Borrow-»-. inig,ohea. V: • Th\pallbearoi'jB wore Dob. Titt-\terpw, Roy Bowdon, Alton .Ho-,ward, Pcto , Fldmihg, • Dr. 'Loator.-Martin, and Bn'rl Olick. Tho many bcnutiful flowers woro carriedby Misses Mary Rnnsdell, EvelynGVayott, Molrosc. Foster, Bonnie.ll^yiggins, Lucile, "Janio and RubyMartin, Mae'Kurfeea) Mary -kop-'kins, Jean Willtams, ClajrtleEoontz, Neli; Holthouser, Ed ward?, .Tossib Grldln/ of Salisbury - Margaret Noel, Mildred Oliver,and Mndelino-Popolahdl tbo jaSt 'three of Durham,'Mrs; S. 0; Hut-,';- chens, Mrs. John- McKnight," of •MobreevlllG, nnd M'ra, W. A. Rerr,;- of Groensboro. ■ „ Bio - Obituaries - 2/27/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 19,1930 William Denny Fostel*. William Denney Foster was bom May 17, 1846 acd departed this life March 14, iftSO.' Age S3 years, '9 months and 27 days. • Uncle Denivsy as he was affei^ tionately called.by his many-friends and acqnainlances, . joined. the Methodist church in young man* hood and remained an active and consistent member until 1913 when he aifiliated with Turrentine Baptist church. At the outbreak of the Oivil War Captain Foster was too yo^ung to go but volunteered and took the place of a brolber-in-Iaw until be became of military age when he served in his owns place, with distinction un til the termination of the war. February 28, 1867 be was united in tbe bonds of holy matrimony to Miss Margaret Veach. This union was blessed with eight children, five of whom survive; HJesdames J. F. Spry and J. H. Cooke,» of Cooleeinee, Mesdames L. F. Wago ner and J. P. Forrest, of Mocks- ville Route 4, and Mrs. J. H. Dead- mon, of Spencer. Mrs. Girayijr Burietd At Courtney SnWay, The funeral of Victoria Gtatyer, 53, wife of j* of Courtney,;whd'pa^d away Fri day, were held Saturday^, afternoon at Courtney Baptist Church. Rev. V: M; gwaim conducted the ser vices. ' Burial followed iii' Courtney- Cemetery. n . ; 43 grand-cblldreo and 46 great grand - children also remain to mourn his departure! Captain Parker by his upright living and consistent- Christian faith exerted an influence lor Igbod in the county and community in which he lived which will bear fruit many years after bis noble and kind heart is stilled. He served as a ]).ubltc servant jin some capacity practically all his Hie after reaching manhood. For' a- bout forty years he' was ilepuiy sheriff of Davie county, and was county ctifOuer for more than teu years. Captain - Poster was a public spirited citizen and was ever ready to lend his supnort to any institu tion or movement which. would make the community a berier place in which to live, and uplift niau- kind. Funeral services were held in Turrentine Baptist cTiurcb 'Sunday afternoon, with Rev.^M. L. Barnes, of Cooleemee and J. L. Kirk, of Mocksvllle, ofliciating.' Interment followed ioxthe church cemetary. k'UaUA'^. ) . Pack Passes. Dt home of lier daughter, Mrs. *2 • urton. near Advance, Sunday at fi ve o'clock. The ^as laid to rest in Fork grave- ^ Tuesday afternoon, Rev. 'E. • orner couducting the fuoVfll is survived by daugluers. Mrs. Z. V. Bur -.l,a€ar Advance; Mrs. G.. k. G ^^''Qstou-Salem, and ilire*' ' I^exiagtoh, also Bio - Obituaries - 3/19/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 19,1930 Made Browia Killed tp Wreck. , Winston-Salem, 'March •. i6.— Maxie D. Brown, Jr., 35 of Mochs- ville was instantly killed .this mom* ing about 2 o'clock 10 miles west of Chapel Hill on the BuriiOgtop highway when-the sedan in >which he was riding turned over pinning him beneath the-wreckage.' Robert S. McNeal and John ;L,hach. both, of Mocksville,. escap^jwitli mipor in* jures McNeal was driving. The three inen were returning to .their homes from Raleigh where they at* tended the lacksoh day dinner held Saturday night. An'Orange county coroner's jury exonerated Mr. McNeal of - blame in connection with the-.accideut... •Mr. Brown is well known thru- out the state, haying been a sales man for a packing- company. for many years. ' • Mr. McNeal is quoted asi saving that the sedan struck two pieces of cord wood tbat had been placed in the road. He declared that it was impossible, to ayoid stiikiug'the wood. The'entire town-was shocked ear- Iv Sunday morning whcp news.was received here that Maxie Brown had met death in an automobile wreck. The body was brohght to Mocksville Sunday afternoon 'and carried to the borne of Mr..Bro-wn'.s parents, where the funeral services were held Monday afteriioori^-at four o'clock, Rev. E.;M. Aveu, of Albemarle, conducting the •'servi ces. The body was laid to rest . in Rose cemetery with Masonic hon ors. Mr. Brown is survived by bis widow and one little daughter; - bis parents, Mr, and Mrs. M. D. Brown of this city; two brothers, P.: G and Rufu.s; five sisten>. M.rs..Chas. Green, of Lake Gity, S. C., Mrs. B. F. McMillan, of Lumyrtob; Mrs. Perry Ashe anci-Miss ClavtoD Brown, of this dty; and. Mi^ Kathryu Brown, who' ns \ teaching at Greensboro. The bereaved dnw have the sympathy of the* entire community in this hour of sadness.. UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, March 19,1930 atr. T. IS jesseat. 57. died ou bis beoe io Clemmoos late Wednta*- day aiRbt, Marcb istb. alter an ill*' oess of nore tbao two years. Mr. waa tMRi at JerqsalciB, fa yti taaved to Cletoeuvaa about*13 yeatai ajto, -Suryiyiag is the widow. . thtee dBasbtera. three sisters aodi two brothers, Russell Bes^t. ofi Jerttsalem a^ Ed Bessent. of Sails** bury. The body was laid/to rest PfUoy moRiiBR at lo o'clock io the hloravlaii graveyard at Clem** toons. Mr. Besseot had many ftieads io Davle wbo were sorry to leam of bis deatb.'> */ 7* fyso Bio - Obituaries - 3/19/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 20,1930 [axie D. Brown Instantly Killed As Oir Turns Over 'arty of Three Returning From Raieigh When Accident Happened; Funeral Attended By A- Crowd; Large Profusion of Flowers. j Mr. nnd Mrs. M, D. Brmyn, Sr., Imd RovcrAl brothers nnd sistors. TJic Injuries of Mr, .SlcNelll hnn irovcm to ,ho' vory painful and ho ^8 conOncd to hja bed this woolt iufforlnR from a -brokon rib nnd icvorol cuts about the body. Wo hope, however, that he will bo uit by the latter part of tho' Iwebk.—Editor. - , Winston-finlcm, March 17.— Inxic B. Brown, 35, woll knovn iravelinf salesman of Mocksvillc, as instantly killed yesterday ornihff about 2 o'clock-ten mllos cst of Chapel Hill on the Bur lington highway, when the soda-n n which .hCwnff riding with Rob- rt 8,. McNqUi chAirman of thff .avio County' Ddmoeratio Exocu- ive Committee, struck two plecoa if cordwood placed in the road nd turned over. Mr. Brown was rushed ibonoath the car. - Mr. Mo bil dnd -John Leach, managing, {tor of the Mocksvillo Entor- rlso, the third occupaut of the i ar, escaped with minor injuries.; ihe three men had attended the ackdon Bay Dinner at Raleigh nd were returning to their omcF at Mocksville. Mr. McNeil tntcd at the inquest held by the rnngo ^County Coroner that the . ordwood hnd been pliiced In the ead In such manner that' it was mpossiblo to avoid striking it. following the inquest, Mr. Mc- 'icil was cxoncTatod of all blnmo n voirncction with the necldoiit. Mr. Brown wax well known In his city, having hold n position ivith Armour and Company for anny years. Ho spcntmuch time lore and hnd many frlcrnds in this ily ns well as this ebctloii of the date which was the territory h<? raveled. Ho Is survived by his Lvidow; ono child; his parenUf, Tho wholor town nviia overchnd- lowcd with gloom on Sunday orning when tho sad news cnmo [of the fatal automobile accident which .Tcsultcd In tho instant doflth of Mnxio D. Brown, one of Macksvillc's most beloved young en. Thcr dcccnsod waff about 85 years of ago, tho,Bon of Mr. nnd Mi'fl. M. ID. Brotyn, Sr., and Wfts born and reared in Mocksvillo, wham ho had n host of friends. Ho wiis educated In the Mockffi vlllo High School, (and during tho world war spent some time in n tr.i!nlii(; unmp, Por the poot 18 years ho hod' been n successful trnvoling soleffinan for Awnour" and Comprfny, oif .Chicago, and was very Highly regarded by . his huiilMeaej j'iqsso.clatos. Trnvoling all over the ntdte, h& made liun- dreds of friends, many of .whom nttandcd -hla 'funQrnl, Ho nvoa married in December, 1020, to Hi.S3 Viola Horrisby, of ■Tcnnoff- aee. nnd to this union was born one daughter;. Rachel.- The de- c(in.sed was noted for his goqlaldiffposltlon and merry wit, aridhe will bo sadly mlaaod wherever he was known, -iTho funeral svrv- icea wore conducted at. the home of his parents on Monday nfter- ncon, March 17, at" 4 o'clock, being attended^ by . a >great throngof rolativoB and fricndff,* manycmning from Chai'lqte,; "VVlnaton-;Sakm, ^Ikin,. North Wilkeaboro,Hitkorj' and- other places. .. Rev.L. M. Aydtt," of Albemarle, a. per-8onn| frfcnd-pf tho doeenabn, bf-jiclatfid, asaiatod by Rev. W. B. WniiV.Rcv. R. C. Goforth and Rev.A. G. Loftlii, Two (beautifulsoiiga, "Load Kindly Light" and |h.'aiumber -Me, O Mighty One,."Wiire sung by tho Thornton quar- iot of Winston-SAlem. Mr, Avottn touching, tribute to hisjneuHrtiit fellowship with Mnxloih'own in-tho local Lions Club,nnei spoke of tho fi ne quulHIds-|net hft -poaffesed,. amppg these •'O'ng hia spirit of gonbrostty and-"is hatred of sham, The actlvo Pnllboarera wore: • Mcasrff. White,'•"ogden, Hlmes, .Zoller, WaltonJj'tj Pi'octw, mamliors of thc of-Tico force of the Winston-Bnlommancli of Xwnour & ^ompany.I no honorniy pnlllienrors wore: Meaarff. R. B. Sanford, . R. M. Holthouser, ' Dr. Lester Martin, P. J. Johnson, W. H. LeGrnnd, John LeCrand, J. F. Huncs, E. C. Greor, Forrester, -of 'North Wilkeaboro, Cecil Morris, GilbertKurfeoff, and Whitnker, of- Blkin,The (flowers wore carried by Mos- dames R. M, Hollihouser, CeicilMorris, Lester Mortin, L. Fee- xor, - R. S. McNeill, T. F. Mcra- ney, John LoGrand, Misses Jane Haydon Gaither, Hazel Baity, and Offslo Allison. Rarely, if ever,has -thoro been a greater profu- ffion of'beautifuT flowers at a fu neral..her.o, the love and esteemof many friends * bolng represented. by these sjlent tokens. The funeral services -wore concluded at the Rose .Ccfraotory with a songby tho quartet .nUf} the impvoa- sivo Masonic ritual which was led by Dr. Lester Martin. In' addi tion to being a loyal Mason, thej deceased was also a mcnvber of[the Lions Glubl He is survived ' by hia- widow, and littler daugh- tov, Rachol,' hja parents, two- brothers, Po.rcy G. Brown and, Rtifuff Brown, of Mocksville; andfive sisters, Mrs, Charles Groon,'of Lnko City, S. C.; Mrs. B. F.;McMillan, of Lumberton, Mrs.'Pori-y Aahe, of GVconsboro,, Mlffsos' Clayton and Knthryn Bro^vn, of this iplaco. -Wo oxtond:our dcoricBt sympathy to the ibc- j roaved family in their groat loss. Bio - Obituaries - 3/20/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 20,1930 WILLIAM DENNY FOSTEU •'■•""WllHom Donny/FVistei'waaijorn May 17, 1846 and dcpni*tod thia .lif& March 14, 1980. Affcd 88 years, 9 months and 27 days..Unlclo Denny as he was . affec- | tionately called by Rla many., frl-,ends and acquinintancos, joined I tho Methodist chtirah in young imanhood and remained an active' and conslBtont mdmbcr iintlh 1^018 when ho aflTillnted with Turr&n* tine Baptist'church. At itho outbrooik* of the Civil Wor Captain Foater avas to young to go but volunteered and took tho place of a -brother-in-law un til ho becamo of military ago whei^ he Hcrved in hla own placo, with distinction until the temihation of tho ^ar. Pebruftiy 28, 1867 ho was. unit ed in the bonds of holy matri mony to Mlfffl Margaret Veneh. This union <waa bleased with eight children, ilvo of whom aurvivoj Mesdames J. F. Spry and J. H. Cooko of Cooleomee, Mesdames LP. Wagoner and J. P. Porroat- oif Mooksvllle Route '4, and Mrs. J. H. Deadmon of Spencer. 48 grandchildren and 46 great grandchildren also- remain to mourn *his departure. ' • Captain Poster by his upright living , and consistent Christian•/Faith cxoitted an .influences for good in tho county and commun ity in which he lived which will bear fruit many years after his noblo and kind heart is stilled. Ho served as a public servant In capacity practically all his life after reachlnt^ manhood. Por a-bout .fifty years he? was deputy coronor for moro than twenty .flvo coronor for more than tweiuy. five years'.Captain Foster was a public fri>iiited citlsen and was overready to lend his support to any institution or movement which would ra nko tho community a bet ter place in .which to.live,.and uplift mankind. PunCral services wore hold at the .Tuvrontinc Baptist Church, Sunday aftornon, Rov. M. Luther Bariios and Rov. J. L. Kiiic wore in charge. Interment followed in the church cemetery. • "Dear fathei* we're vory sad be- cniiBo you'yo gone aWay,; But wo have tho assurance that. wo'Ij moot again aroroc clay." MRS. ELLA MAY PACK DEAD Mrs. Ellft May Pack, -aged, 76,died at the home of Aer daughter, ^Irs. Z'l V. Burton, near Advance,on Sunday afternoon, March 16th/ She is siirvlved by threo daiiglitr ora, Mrs, Z. V. Burton, Mrs. 6. H. Dlxon, of Winaton-Salem, and Mrs. Cr D Bland, of ^Lexington twelvo grandchlldron, and three groat-grandclilldren. Funeral sor-vlces \yer6 conducted at Pork Baptist Church on Tuesday, af ternoon at 2j30 by the pastor, Rov. E. W. Turner. ' Bio - Obituaries -3/20/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 26,1930 ^nQeral of Mrs^ Speaks Copleemee, March 22—Faneral '^rvices were bdd yesterday for Mrs."Daisy Speaks, followed by in-r. termeat i'o Smith Grove cefneters^- Mrs. Speaks f^a^jed. atrav' Friday . near Hamptonviite;'; V^dVin' cotin- tyf^i the'agec.bf 43 yeai^.. >sniall children VsnNive., Her f«.h- er, 'Mr. G^rge. Howard, al^ ' of Hamptotivi}le,: ;fwa' brothers' and' three, sisters remain'to iiioarn - loss .of ^ter ahd-datighferr yK': .;W.:H.. n Howard,- of CdblMmM; ^hpp How ard, of . Fannini^on:' Mrs.--' jobn ;.Sain, of CoorSpnngsi .Mrs.'/Cfaar- 'lie Robinson, .of Hamptbnyilie;.ajdd ^ Mrs.'Dora ■'Howard," .'of- ;iWwton'! ;Qa]em. / Funeral .servi^s'''were''' in'charge jbf Revs. F;llntoTe I^wreo.ceyahd' i|noie'-:Eato.n,;bf-J^ Bio - Obituaries - 3/26/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 27, 1930 i^ERAL SERVICES HELD , IFOR MRS. DAISY SPEAKS Punoral servlepe were held Fri day for Mrs. iDalsy Speaks follow ed hy Interment in Smith Grove ceraetary, V- . • Mrs.- SFeok's passed away Fri day hear- Hamptonvillo, Yodicln, county, at thcr ase of 48 years. Five small children, survive. Her"father; Mr. George Howardi alsb., of ■Ham^onville and twohroth'oTS, and throe BisterB to'inbuty] loss bf-Slster and daughter •They. are.-00 follows: W. H. Ho-|-ward of Oobleemee; Thee Howard • of Parmlngtoh, Mrs.-John' Sainof Cool Springs, Mi's. Charlie Bb-! blnaon of Hamptonvilld apd Mrs.Dora Howard of WinstDh^alem. Funoral sbrvicee were in charge of Bovei Filihore Lawrence and.'Ennib'-Euton of 'Hamp.tonville. Tho minrsiers paid glowing , tri bute to tlievupright life.and gon? . uine. Christian character "vVho has crossed, thb" river of death. ^ Bio - Obituaries — 3/27/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 2,1930 Mr. S;iW,^idwJen Sied h6nie near B«?tWebem chon^. Sat- tKday alternobn at .fpni' ^clock, iEoUowing.an of. sppie time, aged S6 years, > The tunerd and btirial servic^ were .he^ yest^ay afternoon at Bethlehem Meth^ist church, Iiev..\A. R. conawt- lag. the services,^; • Mr. Bowden^ is survive by his! widow and mne children, six sons and three daugh ters^ Two brothers, C.vL. Bowdep. of this county,-and Watt Bowden, of Indiraa,.spryive. Mr.. Bowden was. a "Confederate* Veteran.; and served during the war with honor to, himself and bis country. In his death,the-county loo^ one. of her best citizens, a man who*'will^ be sadly miised in his community. Peace to his asnes. . SiKjsher Mrs. Mary Swisher died .at'lfer home pter;-She^eld shortly-after midnight Friday^ following a stroke of'paralysis which she .sbSefed. 'a- bout two weeks agbV Mrs. Sivisher w^ abdutUE years of age, aipicf .is survived by. two sons^ Marshall, and Floyd, both of this county;, two. brothers, A. M. Strdud, of County Line, and H. S. Stroud. of States- viiie;-an<t one sister. Mr^ C;; i>. Crouch, also of Stafesville, The funeral and' burial 'services were conducted by Rev. A. G. Lofiiu, assisted by Latta B, • Ratledge, and the body laid to rest in HicVoty Grove churchyard Sunday morii ing at II o'clock. In the death of Mrs. Swisher, Davie county IqoUs one of her oldest and. best women — a woman Who was loved and re spected by all who knW her ;She was always doing good, and - hri memory will be held in high e-teeni by all those wi b whom she calnv in contact during her long sojonrn io tbis'countv. 'Mary hath Chosen that good pan which shall not 'be taken.away from her." Luke 10:42 Dalton Walls Mr. Dalton Walls,' aged about 45! years,;''aied at his.home near -Fork- Cbnrch Friday. The body was laid to rest in Pprk' graveyard Sat urday afternoon, Mr. Walls is! survived by several children, * two' brothers an^ one sister. Death re | suited from pellegra Mrs. Yancey Peacock Mrs. Yancey Peacock died at her home near Calabain last Wednes day, aged 78 years,. following a stroke of paralysis. The body was laid to rest in Society church graye ya^d Saturday afternoon, ' funerki services being conducted by-ReV. Mr. ^ McSwain. Mrs. Peacock is survived by five children, i.three sons, Walter, of Calahaln'; John, of New York City, and James, of Harmony; two daughters, Mrs. H. C. Hudsou, of Harmony, and Mrs D. M. Call, of Mocksville, R. 4. Bio - Obituaries - 4/2/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 3,1930 MRS.:BKaTIE PEACOCK DEAD; BURIED SATURDAY ^IR. DALTON VVAi.LS DIED FRIDAY MORNING ^ Mr. Dniton WnlJa, who htia boen sick for some time, pnssod awny I'Viday inornliig of Polagra. He lenvGB 5 children to mourn his lost?. Funeral and btiriaj were hold Saturday afternoon at the Fork Baptist Church. His'wife preceded him in death about a your ago. I Mr.^. Bottle Peacock, widow of Yanq^y peacock, died at the home of hoy son, Walter Peacock, on Marc^ 26. She had ^een a great eufforpr :for seveiial years, and had •been-paralyzed for some time ' Sho^was tthout '7{> years of-ago, . the ntoth'gr of seven chlldron, | five of whom are still living,-Mrs. Morga'ii !Qall, of • Liberty, Mrs. Hiimjjhrey '. llodgkon, of near Co'unt^;. Ei.ho, James Poacdck, of Harmony;]'John Lee Peacock, of Now York! and Walter Peacock, of Calphalji. She was bujded at Society- •Baptist Church/Saturday MafchiZS: " MI?S. MARY STROUD SWISHER : DIES AT AGE OF 81 n : Mrs.r* Mary • Stroud Swisher, widow |of- Mllas A. Swiuher, died at her Ihomc. on,. March 28, agod 81, haying suffwod a; stroke. of* paralyala,.'iwo weeks ago. .She.had-been a mcndior of So ciety Bjiptlst .Church for 60 years. Shfli ishsuiwived hy two sons, Ployd rSwIsher and Marahall Swisher iboth of -Calahaln, three grandchildren, two brothers and ronis ■Bister. She wbd buried at Zlon.M. E. Church, Sunday March'180, at 11 o'clpclc. funeral of MRS. J. W. SMITH The- funeral of Mrs. J. W. Smithwho passed away last Monday at 12 o'cloclc, at the home of her ncphcfw, Mr. T. S. Bans, of Lex ington, was conducted at SmithGrove Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 by her postor, Rev.. A. R. Boll. Her great nephews wore pnll-boarora, and her great nieces carried the flowers. Mrs. Smith was 82 yearsold and was the last'of h§r fnmlr.My/ shp loaves -to mourn' l^ei^ pass ing. two.pi.oceB;,MrsoWi A, .MDlpr,'•-pf'-.T-homagv^Ho/ * and" Mrs .••NodsOl of Loxlrigtoni'two neptfewij Mr. James T3ana, of Ronrioke, Va., and Mr, T. L. Bans with whom she mado hdr 'home- since the derath of her husband, who pasa- .;od away in" Novombor, 1027... MRS. J. p: safley dead Mrs. Rftchbr ■' Susan Safley, wife of J. P. Safley, died at the iiomc of her cluugh.ter, Mrs.Charlie Ausbon, on Mocks'^iUq Rou'te 4. Mlareh .Slst, -agod '67, years. Tho decohsod wad the daughter of EH Borne.s and Car oline McBride Barnes,, and was born and reni'ed iii -. Davidson County. She? is survivec! by -her husband, one son, T. H. Safley, of Salisbury, two daughters, Mrff. J. P. Motley, ffi Salisbury, andMrs. Charlie Ausbon, and two .Bislersi Mrs. C. .W, Young, of near MocksvHlo, and Mrs. Jessie Mark of High Point. Ibe funeral Ser vices were held at Churchla'nd, D.ivid.son County, on Wednesday2ncl, by Rev. B. F. 'Bnglo and llov. Mr. Williams. ' Bio - Obituaries - 4/3/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 9,1930 Last rites for .Geiarge W. ' Bobe, 88, of 874 North Liberty.. Street, who p'ass^ away Saturday momilig at a local h.ospitaL after- an illness of several iqontfas,- was iheld at- the ifome of his-daughter, -.Mrs. J. J. Mock, 142" North Liberty Street,' Sunday afternoon at 2:39. t>*c^cck. Dr. C,'C. Weaver aind Dr. J. 'l£. Pfohl conducted the ^rvioes.; In terments followed in; Jopt^ ceme tery near Mpcksville. ^rvices-at the grave 'were in charge of the M.asonic Lodge at Mocksvllle. . Mr. Bope served throughout '^he Civil War as a member of tbe'Tbir- teeuth North Carolina Regiment and in the cavalry. He was. said to'have been the first man'in Davie county to volunteer as a private. Bom neat Mocksville in an In diao fort on June 30, 1841, Mr> Booe spent bis early life in Davie county Bis grandparents came to this section from^ieidelberg, Ger many, in 1760. He was the oldest member of Winston Lod^e 167 . A. P. and A. M He was also a mem ber of Centenary Methodist chUrcb and the .Men's Bible' Class. He was.married to Miss Sallie Bessent^ who pa^nd away in 1S77. He later luairied Mis.s Oliyle Rights and she died in 1884. "Soiviving .are one sdn William H. Booe, and one daughter, Mrs. f. J. Mock, botb-of tbts cit\; one grandchild and one great-grand child.—Winston Journal. Mrs. Sarab Dailies. Fnneral services followed by in terment were held for Mrs. Sarah Daniels, better . known ^ Grandma* Danipls, at Augnsta * Methodist - .Church Sunday • afternoon. Rev. ^ R. C. Goforth,- Mocksi-illc .pastor,. I and Revl T. j. Houck, Cooleeniee- I pastor, . were, in charge of' the semces . " I Mrs Daniel died late. Friday af* -fer suffering for several weeks wtih:- . 'compl<catioO/Of ailirtm s - She was aliuDSC 78'years of age and was one of Dnvte Cbnnty.'s 'oldest and best loved woman'. Her h^band. Jonas Daniels, di^ several years ago. The following children snrvive; ijobu Daniels, of Wadesboro. W.' H. Daniels, of Cooleenii^. and Roy I and Miss Ella Daniels, of Augusta. Minnie Toweii Micote Towell died at her Calal^in ..-.townsbip la.st ^^ight, d^th resulriDg trouble; I Mrs. Towell ed^k .-* ageVand is surviv-bttsOand, two sist^, tuifciT Stroud and Miss Clem-both of Calahalo. The conducted ®®IHistpK Society ^ by Rev. Mr. Oakley,. tittrch o ^ in the•:7« gyaveyfl^d, . , Bio - Obituaries - 4/9/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 10,1930 I GEORGE W. BOOE, FORMER : DAVIB CITIZEN. DEAI> 'GoQVge W. Booe, 88, formerly a citizen .,bf* Davle County, who had .t4oh resident of Winston- Salbnc fox}, a nuitilbor of years, died it a hospital thcro on Sat-, .urdnylmorning, April .Bth, .after An cxf^nded illness. Funeral ser vices ivero'/'held at the home of his dA'd^htefsi Mrs. J. J. Mock, i by Dri: C. 'C. Weovor and Dr. J. i K.. Pfqhl, :bh-Sunday afternoon At 2:80, ahd the interment fol lowed Ut Jpppa-Graveyard, near Mock&;iiiilo,/thc Masonic Lodge of Moeksvillo being in charge of the i flervictt. A 'tribute of respect was -' also snado by Mr; John D. Hodges,' arho-'Wa&'iln the eame Company as the dood&sed (n tho Civil .War, and ic.VioWlthe sole survivor. Mr. Booe s^ryedtall through the War as a m^lmber of tho Thirteenth N. C., Regiment. Fifth N. C. Cal- yalryr'And .^as said to' havo 'been* the first m^an to volunteer as a private'from DaVio County. Ho was first married to MiSs SaJlio Buuseiil^ uf .MuckHvllle, who died in 1877. His socond wife was Olivlo Bights, who died,in 1664. .The deceased was o mombor of Cdntondry.'MbthodiBt Church, and WAS tho. oldest member :of Wins-, ton Lod^c 167 A. P. & A-;M. One daughtor, Mrs. J. J. Mobk, and ono son,'Wlillain ILBooe. ihoth of WInstoni'Snlem, iSUrvlyo,' ' • fBGB U ANDERSON , PASSES AWAY eorge L. Anderson, well-' vn farmer of the Bear Craek. Pch Community, died qt hlo 0 on April 2nd, ngod 81. He: the Kon of Ahol Anduruon and h Coon Anderson,' and Is ivcd by his widow, four sons, nnd Luther Anderson, Wtil- Andorspn, of "'Mocksyllle,. y Anderson,, of \V!instoniSnN two brothers, A.' J. Ander-'I and Charles L. Anderson, of htkln; nnd'one sietpr, M"' B- ;0oo. of Mocksvllle. Funeral ccB -;WQre conducted at Bear k Epptlat Church on Thurs- ^.fternoon, April 8rd, by Rcy. ^'Groce, Thft paUheareifl .!'J. .A. tlarrla, V. A. Ire- W. A. Bock, B. F. Ander- P- C. Frost, Zob BrlnUloy. flowers werci carried /by -A Delia Jones, BInhcho An- h, Anna Banner,' Eloa Dan- Althoii Dnhnpr, Lola Andori ' MRS. D. E. POWELL PASSESj AWAV, n ' Mrs. Minnie Parrott Powell, wife of D; B. Powell, died at her home near County Line, o'n April 2ml, aged 60 years. She waa the 1 daughter of Plnkney Horn and Elizabeth Owen Horn. In a'ddl- tion tO'her husband she Is sur-' .vivcd by two alslertf, Miss Cletn- j mic Horn and'Mrs.'Glonn Stroud. The funoral servtccs weraheld ot Society Baptist Church on Thqrs-. day afternoon, -Rov. W,.'L. Me- &>Yaln offlclAtingl Tho pallbearers ware: W. D. Pencock, Sam Koontz L. R. Powell, Joy Ratledge and S. W. Harbin. R. A. NEELY DIES IN TAMPA,'Florida Just 08 wd ffo to'.pwsB vyo.leor^ "thei'anj,; •iRlchn^'A.• Necly,* of tnls'^aca^ who wns; found donj in beA'iirj Tnfnpn, Florida,' on April 7t}il. .Nd ' ..particulars were given,'but the body Win be ahipped"'.'; lierc ntj once. He la survived by his wl-j dew, thrco dnughtora and four n sons, to whom we extend our deopost sympathy. A fully ac count will appear in our next is sue. I MRS. SARAH bANJEl^ I Cooleemen - Funeral sorvicn. .followed by intormorit: were •for Mrsi Sarah. D^^piole, botb! jJ«nowj,i,,afl Grandma''Daniels nt • Augusta -Mothodlst Church hiea! hero yesterday afternoon. RoV ft C. Goforth,. Modcsville, and Rov |T. J, Houck, Cooleomoe, wore ih I charge of the services;'. ' Mi'a.- Daniels died latff Fnldav after suffering for several iVcoh with cGm.pIicatloii of aflmontj She was almost 78 years of avc and was one of Davfc Couhty'g oldest and bost loved women.'Ilej.■husband Jonas Daniels, died sev.oral yeara ago., ,The fallowing children survive-John-Daniols.-of Wadesboro,-w!H. Daniels, of Coolcomcc, andRoy ^ ;MI8b Ella Dnnfeld. Minnie Horn Towel! I Mrs. Minnie Horn Towell diedI at her home, on March 2, After(•an illness of about seven days.She is survived by her husband and two slaters, Miss Clen-inlrc Horn of tho home place nearCalahaln and Mrk. E. M. Stroudof'near Society church. She wasa member of Clarksburg M. E. Church.She iwas buried • at Society Church, March 8rd. Bio - Obituaries - 4/10/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 16,1930 Fred B. Phifer Mrs. R. L. 60^ Passes :Mis. Rofa^ U. B^e; a^ed 63/ died- at; her. home n d.p • Salistory street Tbdrsdav morning at one o'clock, followmg an illness of somp time.. /I)eatb resulted .froin wieart ^rouble. • The funeral services were held at the Baptist church Fnday aftemoOQ at three o'clock. Rev. B. Waff, her-pastor, and Rev. V. M. Swaim, conducting'the services. Tne Jjody was laid to rest in Rose cemetery, ^rs. Booe is .survived by her husband, four sons,' Dr. n J.. Grady Booe, of Bridgeport, Gonn., BrastOP Booe, of Mocksyille, R. 2; W. Bryan Booe, of Winston-Sa- iem, and Dr. Isaac' Booe, .of t^n- co^. One daughter. Miss B£5e Booe, of this,city, survives, togeth er. with two brothers. A.. J. and C. F. Anderson, of Calahaln towc- sWpi M«. iioiie A .°fthe Baptist chatch. and.. .wai . h^. in high esteem by her many ttieoas.. in her death.lhis compniutTlpo^ one of iia W To the aged h«sba<.d...the sons, daaghter and brothers; The sympathy in-this sad hour. ^ Statesvillie Man Drowns j Salisbury; April /i —Drivin.g h^s atitomobile off the Fouitb. creek jbrtdjje'in Western Rowan coiintv, Fred B. Phifer, 55. of Stat^yille, was drowned today when he was pinned beneath the car: . Sheriff Ray Lyerly and Coroner C. F. Brown; ^ho investigated, the incident, declared it was a case 01 •snicide. Phifer was released' from the State . Hospital at Morganion about a week ago after having^, uo- dergone treatment for about three months. According to a boy wording in a field nearby, Phifer drove his car on to the bridge, stopp^ . it^ and got out, peering into the water. The boy told officers that the man gbp back into bis. automobile and drove it o'ff the .side.^f the bridge snto. the water. The ma- cpfne was submerged, only . the wheels being visible above the wa ter. An alarm was given and tie body was recovered about a half hour later. Pnifer Is.survived by a wife and one child. R. A- Neely. FiraeraL Funeral sei vices for Richajd- A. Neely, 55. wbodied in Tampa, Pla,, Tuesday of last .week, were held at [fie htime on North Main stieet Fri day aiternoon ' at 'four o'clock. jTbe fooeral semces-were conduct- •ed by Rev. F. Af. Avett,'. formerly of-this city btit now of -Albemarle. ' The- body was laid to rest in' Rose cemetery. Mr. Neely had been in Florida for some ^time.' He was found dead in bed in^his room in a Tamna hotel early Tuesday morn . ing. Sbrvivin'g -Mr. Neely is bis widow, three daifghterS and four sobs. :One brother; Robert'Neeb', of near Holman's,. survives. Bio - Obituaries - 4/16/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 17,1930 MRS. R. L. BOOE DEAD Mrs. LUIIg Tobitha Anderson Booo,..ivifo of Robert- L. Booo, died April 10, hero 'at her home after an illness of aoveral months, aged G8. years. Sho was the dau ghter of Abel Anderson and Sarah Coon Anderson, of Clarkavillc I I'ownship, this county, having liv ed in that vlcinify until three j and. one-half years ago* when thej family moved to irlocksville,' where' her hueban'd entered the tnercan- i tile business. She was married to! Mr. Booe April 11, 1889. Her fu-' neral was held on her diet marrU | ago anniypsary. To this union- were born five children. The! deceased Is survived ' by ' her husband, /one daughter, Miss: Elfle Booe,-. four sons, ^ R.'! Braxton Bo'oe ,and pr. Isaac Bode^. of Mookiavlllo; Bryati. Boos,-* ah Attorney of WlnSton-Saleni- and Dr. J. Grady Booe, of Bridgeport, Conn., two grandchildren, Joh'n- and Billy'Bobcr, of Bridgeport,. Conn, and brothers, Chnrlos F.. .Anderson, and A. J. Andwson, of Calahaln. . ' Another brother, George L. An- • doraoii died a week ago. The fu neral sorvlcoB were hold at th& Baptist Church, of* which she wos a faithful member, Friday after noon at a o'clock by Rev, V. hL Swalm, of Winston-Sslcm, asaist- dd by hoi'pastor, Rev. W. B. Waff.. A faithful wife, mothor,-neigh bor and frl(?nd has gone to he: rowar.d. Her entire life, was spent for the' bettennont' of - mankind. Thoro waa^ nothing ihat'gnvo hor more pledsuro than-to stretch her hand to tho.<io in distress and need. n Intormont yas at the Rose Come .tQry..Tho quartette, ccpiposed of Messrs. C," B. Moqney, Z. N. Ah- (lersbn, Ghas. H.^TomIIn8on and> E. P. Anderson sang "Beyond the Smiling, and the Weeping." Hor favorite song, "The Groat Physi cian Now Js Nigh," was sung by the choir. The'pnli bearers were Meaars. B. d*. Brock, '.T; C. Church, Roy T. Moore, Judge G. H. Hast ings, R. M. -Weaver and Wnd.b Hutchona. The many beautiful nbral offerings.-.were carried by MosdamofT A. F. Campbell, Fron- ties Campbell, M.. B. Stohestreet, J. M. Wall, Roscoo Stroud, J. P. Green, Harley Walker,. J. "T.-Bai ty. J. L.* Holton, W. B. Waff,.Wade Baton, Wiley Anderson and Misses Patsy Clement, Louise Stroud an(] Sarah Anderson. The out-of-town attendants, wore; Mr. Tom Anderson, Mr., and -Mrs. Rosa Andcnrson, Mrs. Too. Ipll. and Mrs. Dr. Plummer, 3f. Dentbn; Mrs., Hodges, Mrs. Bvans, Misses Mary Ellen AndoiV| ipn. niid Laura Voigh McCulIoh, i Mr, and Mrs. F. F. Loppi of Lex-| hgton;- Judge and Mrs. G. H, n Hastings, Mr. and B; Mc- Obrkle. l.Mlsses Essie and Louibe Wilkersbti, Mr. Fred Hutsbn, Miss thcile Hutson, Mrs. Louis'-Hill, 'Dn-and Mrs. Ghy Hasten, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Kestor, Mr, aiid (Mrs., B'rant^ey Booe, Miss Eva i Wall,; Dr. .and Mrs. Tcmploman, | and others of "Wlnston-Balera; Mr; J. H. and Miss Amy Heinzbrr ling, R* -M. and L. H. Andorsoh of' Statesvlile; 'Dr. • Henry Helnzer- t.lihg, of Ashbville, /pr. J. Grady iBooo, of' ConnGrcticntt and ninny "'other, relatives and friends from tht.<t ami surrounding bounties. Bio - Obituaries - 4/17/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 17,1930 RICHARD AUSTIN NBBtY " DEAD . 'V Rlcluml Aufltin Ncoly, ^ago 6(1, ' ii woll known citizen of this plnco, wiiii /ourui (loud Jn bod in u hotol in rampa Plofida, on tho morri- l ing'of April Bth.. He. had been. ' jmiTering from henrt troiiblo: and! hnd complninod of!not feeling woH. for'flovdral duya, but his .ccindi-'. tlon was not rogardetr porlpuo.,-: I The body. \yiiH foiintV'fully cln'd lying-ficroaB tho bod na if aaloep, Mr. Nceiy was the aon .of Solomon... Hall and Lydia Jlolman Ncoly of;. Holman's cross rpntia. and iff fl ur-' vivcd by_ hia widow, seven child-', ren, Mrs. R. W. Brothers, of •Born, Adam Ncely, of ICernbrs-. yillo, Arthpr Nculyj'of San Dloyo; • Cnl.,rMrs. jnok Gobble, Wobdrow,'. June and R. A. Neoly.-Jri,-all of . this placci nnd.,a'brothor, Robert - H. Nfblyl of this cbunty; • ^ .r. . The,body waa'shippod hero for- ,burial. The funoral ffei'vlces being,. conducted at the home Px-lday afr., ternoon at 4 o'clock-by,Rev. E.'i M. Avctt, :oC. Albcmarlo, 'aaljlated" by Re.Vt R. 'C. Goforth ..of; this place and interment followed 'St. the Rose'Cemetery. At , tlie close of the servlco Mr.. ' Avctt, n read. Tennyson's -.HiJroasing.'tho Bar." A quartetto composed of Mosars,:'' G.'H. iTomllnaon, .Z.'N; AnderSoh| ,C. B. Kfgoney, and Dr. R. Pi Aiii "dereon. sang the , ;"6ld . Rugged'., UrosH'.', ^hd •,"*'.'WJien : the -Jlbll.-ia':" Culled up Yondor." , ' ' .'. Th<y'pal,l behrcrs.wero hia sonVi, Adam and Woodrow. Neoly, R-.W.'': IJrothors, 'jack .Gobble, ■and. bvo- thorfl-in-Iuw..Jolin,aiici B.'I.'Smith^:. TIig flowei;3 wcro-.eiuTiod .by;Miseba ^alUc Hunterj Hit'rtl Raltyj',Linda GiAy .CIomQhi.'LilljjufMbo-i,';no)', Ethti Smith, Mcsdhmes TrAoStone, P. G. Brovvn'aiid'Jde'Haloy.,;,V Among^ the biit' of: tPwin/.peQploV nttondlng* th.ei'.rimerbl,'" Vvoro Sri'Mrt'-aiiid Mva;,Ri '"w. BiotHert, .ofj.'New •Berii, ; Adam.;Nfrty,' of ..Kcvherai,\ ecr, Mi'."-'findMrtviDi."AV^Partioll/,.' • ^.DteATH OF MRS, DRIVER -Mra./CaroHno Gaibhor Driver died at the home of her daughter Mra. S. -L. Foatorj near MockBvilleloBt Sunday and the funoral was conducted at hia home Monday aftornoon by Rev. M. Luthcrr Barnes, pastor of Coolcomco Bnp: tiflt .Church, A largo concourac of frlonds and rolativcs attended tho Korvicea. Interment was.mnde at Bethel church. Mrs." Driver was eighty .seven year.'? old at the time of her death and for some tlmo had not been able to walk, yet she seemed, to bo in good health otherwiao. In early life ahc united with tho Motliodiat Church, but Intbr in life united, with the Christian Church. She was a member of Jorichor Mrs. ^Driver was', nl- •ways regular in her attendance upon her church Borvlcea and' livod a consltent Christian life until her deathi ' Mrs. Driver was' marled' Jul.v 10; I8G7 and to thjH union were born eleven chlldi^en. Five- are still living,as follows: Musars'L. D. Driver, ,T. T. Driver, A. V. Driver and MeBdahios .T. M. Son- man, and S. L. Foster. Thoro are thirty -one gi'andchildren and'twenty six great grand children Ialso memboTS of the bereaved \ family. I• The bereaved -havo -the sym- j pnthy of a boat of friends and the flowers • indicated . t h o 1popularity of tho family. Th' j fl owers wrVr many and bt-nutlful. Bio - Obituaries - 4/17/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RiECORD, Wednesday, April 23,1930 Rev. W., U Is C laimed Rev.-W; li. Dawson, 66. who for noarly 40 years hw served va< ribos cbarii^ in the,Westeni Murtb Carolina c^areace' of the n Aletbo- dist Kpiscopal -cborchi. sonth; died Monday morning at 9:30 6';cloe(E at bis fesidenea in Greensboro atteinan il(n^of 'niDeippDths>-.Re wa^ aO' persinnoated at the li^t'^cohference gathering.at'High. Poipt m ^October- ' DaritigJiia'long and -usefoil .minis try, he flihit^Sa;:;elmp8t -a-Bc^ro 0^ .ehbrebes 0? cireolts 'and', at^ acted 'about the time the United Sfatea en tered .the world war as ev«mgelist for the co^ereneev V' : .. • Bio - Obituaries - 4/23/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 24,1930 REV; W. L. DAWSb'fti toEAD. ! n' ' r . Rev. W. L. DawsohV a Methodist winistor who. aorvod jkhe" Parm- Inffton circuit for the^^st t\^d yonra, died at hla' home^in'Orocn-' aboro on April Zlst/ ngod GC. Ho la Hurvlvod by his •wldo\Y, onnl Bun,- and flvc daughteM. Bio — Obituaries - 4/24/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 30,1930 Mrs. Garwood; Mrs. lizzie £J Garwood. 78,.died Tharsday moirning at tbe borne of herdaogbter, Mrs. DoraHasoo, at Stat^ille. Mrs.- Garwood fell several wee^ ago aii4 leg whi]^' visiting her son near Oak ForesL;' Stirviv!ng.is oi^daugbt^. Mrs. Dora .^a^n, ,of State^lle; one son,- 0^e GclTwpod,^'.jDf !^.,Oak; Forest; two'brothers of County Xuie and F.'H;iMa's6n, of Statesville, and four suteys, Mrs. Watt Turner and Mrs.' Pink Fli* master^ of Statfsvllle; Mrs/ Frank Stroud, of Oak Forest, add Mrs. Frank Crater, .of£[igh Point. The funeral service w^re held PHd^'y. at II o*fi1ock:at Society Baptist cbnrch by Rev.' Mr. McSwain and tbe body laid to'r^t in tbe cbnrch graveya^. Mrs. Csidter Pa88(ss> Mrs. Laura E* Confter. died last Tuesday afternoon at £er home at 'Catawba, death following a brief illness, "The funeral services :^ere held ' TbUr^ay afternoon . at the Catawba Methodist church. Mrs. Coulter was 76 years old, and is survived by tWo daughters -and three sobs. Mrs. 'H. W.. Harris, of this city, a .daughter of Mrs. Coulter, attended the funeral, bud fibriaXservices Thnraday. Sallie Martin hb'widow^f the * Martin, .died at. thener nephew, Mr. Morrison' in Clbrj^^^e .td^sbip ®^gbt,_^t:Ttbe .advanced resulting of age. Th'e S to rest in tbe Gobrt-morning at Puneial and bai|3l conducted "by Rev. " ^c^efFork. Mm. -. Met* consistent member of the and leaves' mauy^W ^ relatives to mbutu her. Bio - Obituaries - 4/30/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 1,1930. Sarah Howell Martin n^^e]g-n ere: Bio - Obituaries — 5/1/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ELIZABETH TEMPLE GRAVER 1826 - 2925 o Cr w~> rirFelix Miller b. 12 Oct 1824(d.29May 1864pordonvilIe VA CSA m. 30 Jim 1844 Elizabeth 'Betsy' TEMPLE/CRAVER Lanier b. 14 Mar 1826 Davidson Co NO d.03 Feb 1925 Davidson Co NC Residence: Yadkin College Township Davidson County NC Bur; Felix: Gordonville VA; Elizabeth: Friendship Meth Ch Cem; Felix's parents: Nicholas Miller Elizabeth LIVENGOOD Miller Elizabeth's parents: Craver Sarah TEMPLE Felix & Elizabeth's ch: nine 1. Levi Franklin NfiUerb. 10 Nov 1845^d.06 Jan 190^ m. 1867 -- Phoebe Elizabeth WILSON b.Ol Jul 1850(d.02 Jun 1920J Res: Friendship Church Community Davidson County NC Bur: Friendship Meth Ch Cem 2. Crissy Jane Miller b.28 Dec 1848(H.14 Mar 19313 m. 18 Jan 1877 (6 ch) David King Cecil b.20Feb 1851 d.l2 Jan 1923 Res: Lex. NC Bur: Lex. City Cem Isaiah 'Boat' Miller b.20 Jan 1850(^2l^oy 19345 m. 16 Mar 1880 " Eliza Jane JAMES b.25 Dec 1848 0.% I^cJ^j^ Res: Hwy 150 Reedy Creek Community Davidson County NC Bur: Friendship Meth Ch Cem 4. Sarah Ann Miller b.22 May 1853-j[L22 Jul ISgSl) m. 23 Jul 1874 Davidson Co NC Yadkin College Township (nine ch) David Washington Shuler b.28 Aug 185(Id.l7 Jan 193j) Res: Davidson Co NC; Davie Co NC; Bur: Concord Meth Ch Cera Davie Co NC Ellen Frances Miller b.20 Oct 1855(^10 Apr 193^ m. 18 Nov 1879 Davidson Co NC ^ James Rankin Caudle b.22 Jan ISSSf^B^May 193(^ Res: Greensboro NC Delilah Miller b.l85! Bun U3V\g CObn^ , Mock3viile, V { MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 8,1930 9 RITES FOR. MCDANIEL BABY H£|iD Gooloemoo, Moy 6.-—Funeral Borvices wero condndtod here Fri day for the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Wndb McDahlel, of Buke Street. The little life wos of very short duration as it liv ed only a day. Funeral services were conducted by Mr. and Mra McDaniol's p|i8tor« the .Rev. M.' L. Barnes. Interment was held in the local ceiheteiy in North Coo- ieemee, GEORGE PLOTT. Diisb " AT ^ATE HOdPITAB Georgo Plott, affed:2l»-^iQd at (the State Hospital, In .Monganl-.^ ton, on May lst,.havihg.tbMn. nn inmate there' for;the •'.post 4* or 6 years. The deceased .was the son 'of Mr.' and jMrsV.^mbrough Plott, of the T^rrentines. section. The iuneral was ..held.-.. at, Oak Grove Methodist .OHuxeH .On the. afternoon 'of -Moy" 2nd.,. Rev. J. L..Kirk officiating. . .. James Robert Strowd DEATH OF INFANT I James Robert, foo.r months-old son of Mr; W. Bruce StrotWd and Mae Evans Strcnyd,' dled.at the home' of tho paroiits on.May.6th. ' Funeral .services wore held at , Bociety. Baptist* Church Wednes- ! doy ot 11 o'clock. One brother ' and ope slato^* also auryivb.'. n * UTES JPOR MRS. W. li. OWENS HELD YESTERDAY Cooloen^oo, May .6—•Ftineral wvicoB followed »hy • interment Q the Greer's Chapel cemetery held yesterday for Mrs. W. '• Owens,' aged CO of ,ihto plade. ^ Mrs. Owens iiassc.d away early 'wndny morning" of pnedmonia 'pd A complicaHon of other tro- iblcs, ' . lleforc her marriage-toj Mr., ^^vonn she was a Miss Barber, hnvidson. county. The husband i I'd the fohowing children sur-: jve. Miss .Taylor, Ralph I'd Obimn of this, place, and, J''». NoIUfl* butnei', of Spencer.:^^olve children were born to F* and Mrs. .0\vehs,' eight - offiiich were twins, hut only live j R living'new.,j Mrs. Dwens ' WAS -a consistentjtwl notivo member of the Metbo- jiat chtircii of which she became 1 mcm.bor in girlhocdj and herI'o wna n help and inspirittlon jo' All who wore privileged iio ispw lior. Besides the Immediate joadly there are a number of dis-: • Boiit rolntlvos and n great host ['^''lends t® mourn hpV passing..I "unornl services were condup^ j jo by Rov. M. , Luther Barnes l^lor, of Gbblhemce B'npClst Ibiirch. . Bio - Obituaries - 5/8/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 14,1930 P. R. Rucker Mm Dies^bi Aato A liorrible accident purred a-' boat six o'do^ Saturday/evening on higliway No.-, gb. tbree.mil^ we§t of Mocksville ^ben. a Plv- montb coupe, driven by J(tr. P. R., -Rucker. a'protnineDl iain.bCT;^.™®^' of Maitldisvllle, .Va.,-plunged, off tbe higbwav.oii asbarp curve'and landed in tbe i^oods Ihi'itv fe,et be low the. roadway, resulting in fatal injuri^ .to .the ; driver.. Doctor Har.dl.ng froin Mocksville was call ed to fbe scene and^rendei^ first aid to tbe injur^ man; ^wno wm 'later carried tO a Statesville hpspi- tal, where he died -within 15 minutes after arrival, shortly. after eight o'dock. Mr. Rucker was 60 years of age. and is survived by bis nddow and son, Tbe car was bad ly .smashed'up.; Mr. Rucker. was thrown ten of fifteen feet from where the car landed, n Fred • Lanier was.tbe first person to arrive oni the scene It is not known just how the acddent happened. The car got off the concrete highway "on the right side of the road, and it is thought that it was golng at such a rapid rate that the dnver could not get it straightened .out on the sharp curve, causing if to plunge down the high embankment on th.e left ade of the road This is a dangerous curve .with no fenw on the side. J. O..MiirklahdTa^^.' jnlins O. Markland, -, 69, wdl known farmer-of Davie, p'a^ed a- way Wednesday morning at 11:30 o'clock at the home near Advance, after an Ulnessof severed .months. He bad been confined to bis^ fdr six weeks and his condition ..had been legarded as sen'onsi. several days. Death was not unexpected. - Mr. Markland was born in Davie Connty August 28, .i860, a son of tbe late MatAew and-Annie Zim merman Markland. He bad spent his entire life in Davie C.onnty. and was well known. , He bad been a member of £lba\dlle M. P;;. Chnrcb for many years. Surviving are the widow, who was Miss Georgia. A. Sidden prior to- marriage; five ^ns,;L. O .and C. M. Markla'nd of Advance^M. G. and J. O. Markland Jr., of Twin- City and. R. .,F. Markland . of," Nor folk. Va.-; three daughters. Mrs. J. K, Branson of Thomasville; Mrs. E.'B Mason of MiAmi, .pla ; and Mrs, R. K. Wyati of Winsion-Sal- em; one .si^er, Mrs: H. L. Poster of Advance and. nineteen grand children; ' A short service, washeld-at the home.Thursday afieruoon at 3 o' clock, followed by the. funeral prop er at ISIbaviUe at. p. Church at 3:30 o'blPck. Rev.. E. Myers of Spencer condncted the services. Bio - Obituaries - 5/14/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 15,1930 C. R. Rucker irginia M^. Killed In Auto Wreck Near Here Saturday C, It. Rucker, 00, lumber deal- [r of Mnrtlnaville, Vn., waa 'fn- ully injured when the automoblTe diich ho was. Uriviiiff, tpluhked' (own a thirty-foot embankment, hrcc miles wast of here on hijgrh- i'ny No. 00 just beyond Bear frcek shortly aYter 6 o'clockJaturday afternoon. . , ; J With • a -severe: fracture of .the (uil, an injured hip and l^pera?; pons about other parte .pf...i;1ie tody, Rucke'r.-'was .picked: up...and. Jurrlcil to ;U. hbapital at .States- |Utc, where he '.dted ' ab6u|; ton' linutes after being removed h)m the ambulance. . . The Martinsvilla man was .re' brning to his. home when the .ac- Ident oocurred,. He apparently Bst.control of his. coiipe, in nyhich L was riding aone, end t^- ma- jtinc croissed tho road.and,le.ap- j], down the .-high erolhfanlnhent- (uckcr wag thrown -about fiftoen lot from the wrecked'automobile. Bio - Obituaries - 5/15/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 22,1930 Mrs. Ellis Peacock Bio - Obituaries - 5/22/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 28,1930 Frank Wagoner Mr. Frank WaKOOer, aged 76 years, died last. Wednesday at the hoine of his dangbter, Mrs. Cfaas Barney, at Hanes, where he bad gone to visit a few days before be was striekeD. The .body was brbnght to Tanreiitioe Baptist church Thursday afternoon, where it was laid to rest beside his wife who died about a year ago. • The fuderal aod burial services were coiiducted ^by 'Rey: J. X. Kirk, of thfe city, assist^ Iv Rev. A. G. I/)itin, also-of Mocksville. Mr. Wagoner Is'.s'ufvived by three Messrs. X. -F.:--Wagoner, of R. 4 ; A. E. Wagoner, of Caita, R.'i.and J. S. Wagoner, of near Cnoleemee. Three daughters also survive, vik:' Mrs. Chas" Barney, of Hanes; 'Mrs. Henrv Brogden, of fi..4. end Mzs. Fearl Ellis, of Cooleemee Mr. "Wagoner had many ..friends who be sorrv to learn of bis death He was a good man. Mrs. A. A. Dv^gns Passes. /Mrs. A. A. Dwiggins died at Her Aome at Center Thursday evenmg, following a year's confinemen/ to her room renting from a bmken h<p, at the advanced age < £' B4 years. The body was laid to rest Friday afternoon in the C mtec graveyard, Rev. A. G. l.ortiu con: dncting the funeral services, £ isist- ed oy Rev. R. C. Goforth, Mrs. Dwiggins is survived by her uus« band and one son, J C. DwigMS, of Mocksville, and one daughtV, Mrs. J C. Oodbv, of R. 1. Oto sister, Mrs. J. L. Olasscpck, of near Hoiman's, also snrvives. Mrs, Dtwiggins was one of Davie's old est ladies ana bad many friends and relatives who were saddened by her death. Jftr. Crowe < '''^Funeral services for Mr, E..' W, Crowe, who di'ed early'Suhday morning,' were held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gleinent Mon^ day afternoon at three^'clo^, Rev. R. Q.jlC^forth conducting-the ser- vici^:'l^Tbe body was' daid to i^t in Rose Cemetery 'Mr. Crowe had been in bad health for a long while. Surviving is his widow and two children, Edwin Crowe, Jr„' and Afiss Jane Crowe. Several brothers and sisters suririve.. Mr. Crowe was a good man aod has gone to his reward. W. B. Smith Iredell Farmer' Takes Ufe. Statesville, May 23—W. B. Smith 55. prosperous Iredell Couotv far mer, took his own life earlV this morning at his home in Eagle Mills Township, 32 miles northeast of Statesville, by emptying the con*, tents of his single barrel shot gun into his head. | Coroner S. L. Parks and Sheriff Jesse X Sheirili w.ere called to the home for investigation and they found no inquest necessary since it was evident that the man had taken his own life III health wtut given as the cause of the act. Mr. Smith fired the fatal shot ibis morning white bis wife was out at the barn inilktng. On ber leturn ibe wife saw ber busKand Iving in a pool of blood in the kii- cbco with bi.a shot gun by bis nide. He lived for alibut 30 min utes after be was found. The fire arm was short barreled and the deceased had placed the mnzzie uudei his chin and pnlled the trig ger. bis entire foce being torn off. The funeral semce and interment took place Saturday afternoon at Macedonia Church, in bis native [county of Davi^ The deceased" iMves his widow, one son, William. 24 years of age. and four brothers and four sisters. C. A Smith, J. D. Smith, T. L Smitb and G^rgeSmith, and Miss es I/)nie and Xula Smitb. of the same community; Mrs. Kate Frye, of Farmington, and Mrs. Noah Craver, of Clemmons. ' Bio - Obituaries - 5/28/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 29,1930 Mrs. A. A. PWiggins • •'MrflJ'A.'iA. OWIggtttf.dlediJfhuw dayi-bveninflf •May\^d.',rat S'VbN clbck and iwdd;- bhrlqd ;W:.CenteV Friday 'tiftornoon air<our•'dfcjlb'cl& .Sha will be greatly. misdbdJn-^hlb eoinmunUy jyhbro ib.a . lived^ '&o:;-]bng« 'sKe'. •bQlng;-Y..b|ghty7fl^^ years- old. She had 'l&ebn ;.af. ffire^^^ sjuffbroi:. jtor some tlme-.i'wlifh.lndi** - gosllon, but bor "a&br'fi tion -kbpt her on her feet hlbst^q^' the. time until last August' ^vrhed. 'she foil and hurt her hip m b4df ly .that ahp-.had been Ih 'bbd ni'ost' of the.time since. . ' She 'boro her attl!orlhg|. with great patience even unto fh^'ond... Bio - Obituaries - 5/29/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 4,1930 iGeorge Stednian Passes Soddoily. George Steeltn^, 80. well ' known Mdent of Yadkin County, passed away at hia borne Saturday aftenu^n jat 12:45 o'cloek..- He was ill but a 'few boors. ' ^ Surviving are tbe widow, who was Hiss Sallie Ann Joyner; five daugh ters. Mrs. A. W. Shore, of East Bend; Blrs. John Pileher. of YadMn taknif; Mrs. Albhonso Sinliman. of Flannington. and Mrs. S. L. Shore of Elk City. Okla.; one son. T. A. Steelman, of Yadt^ county^ two Asters, Mrs. A. E Cornelius, of B«id»and Miss Rosa Stedmen, of Ysdkm County. Mrs. Bkabeth Potts. Funeral of- Mrs; Elizabeth Jane. Potts, 66, of Advance, was «lon- ducted Wednesday afternoon from the home and from Shady Grove Methodist Church by Rev. W. N. Ralbbum. Interment was in the church cemetery. Mrs. John Safriet Mrs. John Safriet died- at he; home in High Point Thursday oight, aged, about 45-yeais. Tbe body was laid to' rest Sunday in Society Baptist churchyard. Mrs Safriet is survived.by ber husband aud ^veral chlldreo. M^. Safriet and family* moved to High- Point from (bis county-about foii'r -years ago. •• j . L. L. West Pass» Mrs. Pattie West, 55, one of the best known wd most beloved wo men "of Davie county, passed -away Friday'morning at xc o'clock at ber home, Advance Route i, after a serious illness of one. month. She bad been ill since Octoter and coofined to'ber bed tbe past six months. Death was pot nnexp^-. ed. Mrs. West was bom in Davte connty, August 21, 1874, adaugh ternt the late. George and n SaIHe Hartman. She -was the wife oi Euther L. West, well known add prosperous Davie county farmer. For many years she had been a metbber of Macedonia Moravian ^urch and Was one of its most active workers. Surviving are the husband; two sons, C. B.'Bailey, who is in the United States Navy on tbe U. S. S. Memphis; and J. G. Bailey, of Baltimore; one brother, C. A. Hart- man, bf Farmington; and one sis ter, Mis. Betty Cornatzer, of Ad vance Route 1. The funeral was held at Mace donia Moravian Church Supday. afternoon. Rev. -James £. Hall bad charge of the set vices. Inter ment followed in.-the church gpraye' yard. Mary E. Smith Mrs. Mary B, Smith died at her home.in ClarksViUe township Sat urday aftemooD, aged--. 78 years.! The body was laid 19 rest Sunday at Bear Creek. '--^Mrs. Smith is sur-- vived bv three and two daugh ters; one sister and one brother and 17 grandchildren. i Bio - Obituaries - 6/4/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 5,1930 MRS. SAMUEL A.* SMITH DEAD Mra. Mdry Elkdbeth Dyson' Smith,-widow .of Samuol. A. Smith, diod suddenly at her home' near Conn, on May dlat, aged 77. Hor hushand dlod several years, ago, .and ch'e Is-survived by thirds sons, W. L., B. Q., dnd J. P.'Smith, ^11 living near Onnn, two' daughters, Mrs. D. A. Lowry, and Mrs. N. K. Stanley, of Cana, 17 grandchildren, and one great grandchild, one sister, Mrs. Tom Richardson, and one brother, B.. P. Dyson, of Harmony. Funeral service!) were hold, at Bear Creole Baptist Church' on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, ! Rev. M-^Clayton ofnclntinff. Pall-b'Mroi's wore: Clyde Nny- lor, Brondus Eaton, W. R. Jor dan, Jesse Driver, Floyd Dull, and 'Roy Bock. JOHN G. STIRLING . I OF WlNStON-^ALEM PASSES AWAY John Grettor Sterling, one of Winston-Salem's best known and most popular hews'papcrmeh, died> at his -home" on May Slst, after' n brief illness with; - hbart di-; seasc, age.d <48. 'The deceased i was born |n MocksvHlp, and was the son oof Richard ' pi' S^rltng and Joanna Grettor Sterling; and was a member of a family-that had been prominent in ' minis-' terial ond educational circles for genorations. His gran'dfathor. Prof. Richard Sterling, was a tea cher of unusual oibllity, and taught in Mochsville and'in other places for many years. JohiN Storlln'g wont to 'Winston-Solom when quite n young man,'and en tered the newspaper business, for which ho had a special talont. For yodrs' he was connected with the Twin-City Sentinel an'd, the ; Wester j). Sentinel, and since the: cbnsolidation' of the Journal dnd Sentinel hqs been one of the moat valued membdrs of that 'staiF. He iB 'tfuryivod by his" Avidovv,' wHo was Miss.Esljhor White, of Win's- tbn-Salom, one n dauighter, ''Miss Mary Sterling*^ a student at.N. C; C. W.^ 'dnd' one sister, Miss .Mnt-■tie. Sterling, -of Winston-Salem.' Rachel Johnson Mrs. Rachel Jphtison. n much loved and highly cdtecmed Iddy.died at. her honio here Saturdaya. m. aged 82 years. ' Mrs. Johnson will .be greatly missed ns she had a cheerful dhd•happy Hyord for everyoiio and was loved by all who knew her. She,i8 survived by two ions,^ GoorgoM. Johnson, of '.Chnttanooga, Tcnn.,' and John Frank 'Johnson,■of this ,pD.u:e, three daughters, Mrs. J. W. Williams, of Charlotte iMrs. J; 0.. Galowoy, of- Grlmos- {land and Miss Vada Johnson and seven grandchildren:' Funeral services were conducted Sunday nft.ernooh at.threei o'r clock by ..Rev. A> G... Loftin, of Mock3\*ine and Her pastor, Rev." A, R. Bell. ' Bio - Obituaries - 6/5/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 11,1930 Mrs, H. (I,%Q]ttd Oead . Mrs; -H. G.. Stroud•; died- at her home neac Couii^y Wne-Fiid^y af- terooon. aged ^ 67 years.Mrs, Siroiid had been iir for jsomev'lioid. SWis surviv^ By two daughters, Mrs. B.= W. Carttter;; of Ccoleemee; ati'd Mri J. R. Stroo^i of Tarners- burg; three sons; C. C. Strbud, of Ne.wport News, Va.,-David Stroud, .pf Philadelphia, and Rpbert Stroud. of County. Ifine. One* sister, Mrs. D. E Towell; of Mocksville,. R. • i, al^ survives; Thbi funeral end btirial Services were held" Sunday morning at Society Baptist church, conducted by Rev. A. D, Oakley. In the death of Mrs. Strdud the coiihiy loses one of its best wpnien." Her passing has brpnght sadness- to a host of friends and relativ^. She was a -member pf the Methodist church and lived a long and usefn! Christian life. * J. M. Smith Confederate Veteran Mr. J M. Smith died at bia home in Eafiie Mills towaahip, bodol count;. Moti- da; monitna at d:lS o'dcek. foUowdoa a stnAe (d paralyeta which he sufTered oa Ma; 30ih. at the advanced age of ss years. The body was lai** to rest in Roch Springs graveyard at 11 o'clocfc. Tuesday morolog. Revs. W. v. Brown and J. K, Binkley conducting the funeral and buria) aervioes. Mr. Smith is survived by four sons, W E. and E. H. and J, Moody Smith, of Harmony, R. 3. add C. M. Smith, 01 Salisbury; two daughters, Mrs. T. P. Mit*. chell,ofStatesvUle, aod urs. E.L. tapisb, of Kannapolis. One brother. C T. W. Smith, of Woadleaf, alsp survives, ur. Smith was a charter member of Roch Springs Baptist church and a deacon for many years, tie elm served faithfully and well in the Confederate army. In bis death, the oommuoit; looses one .of .its best citizens.- A gc«^ man has gone to bIsrewattL Peace to bi8-a^e8.v . - - Bio - Obituaries - 6/11/1930 Mrs. John L. Foster Passes. It is with sadness that The Record chronicles the death of Mrs. John L. Foster which occurred at her home at County Line early last' Wednes- dav mbming, foUowing a Jotig ilV ness. Mrs. Foster was 65 years of age and is survived by her husband, one datigbter. Miss Mary, who lived at Uome; three sotia, , Clay of Washington,. N. p,.. Jack, of Coun ty Line, and Roteit. Two asters, Mrs. ('ora Doaglas, of Elkth; and Mrs, M It. Lowery. of County Line, also survive. Funeral ser vices were, conducted at Salem Methodist church Thursday after noon at three .o'clock by Rev." A. O, I<oftln; of Mocksville. and the body laid to rest in church grave yard. Mrs. Fpstef was a consist ent member of the Methodist church and one of the county's best women Id her passing the husband, child ren and sisters lose one .who.se place cannot be filled; the church loses a faithful and consecrated worker and the neighbors a true and tried friend. The editor of The Record, eictends sympathy to the bereaved ones an<i feels chat in the death of this good woman he has lost one of his .best friefids-<-oDe he had known since bis. early child hood and one who had always spoken an encouraging word to bim on all occasions. Many times we have enjoj'ed the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs.' Foster in their homel and we shall always remember these occasions. The home, will not be the same again, but the good works wrought by the wife aod mother will live on and on and will be an inspiration to the loved ones, who are bit behind. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA o oo xr ri ■CZL v& i lA Lit cL Cb .af f O t o <2? V/> vO -4-21 o CO V V Si- tirtediSi fbis Honic^^'.5^ **f***yi?s|xioine^ witli. much retrref:- , ■■■ . ^y *he>i.Berhalter'fiiTia—T. t vaf' +1,1 S -L , '"9'^y wiJl reniafh iDanviijtf 11?^ *:^^PPea . from ';;a•witS^ch^r^r ''®^until •^•"'"« S ■iMn Ch^U^{,7^ * .'brother tS,o'clock.;* Death .warewid .Mti. B^na 'a^SfelThe o4er ■ was iSlfr. Sffietncfceiiiill whilo =t -«ij— t of Wmston^alem. He w5' S frt.'l.T' 'if''® ''®'l a Boat?-«rL75:att" '^«^®V.'® "ffif®^i 5f- ?^ees,:55, city police 'pitar®v-H Elizahtth ios-pirai uj^iday evenimr at ' 6 -'?h I bfo Death was caused hv I " Huthe^ .^uible. The officer was ^stn^em ill .while at police head-quarters last Sunday afternoon ■224 SwTT'^ His hSme,72 North Jaekson street. "Wlienhis eondition failed to improve hethe hos^felTuesday- evening. r.^r ^'^®a 'a'®® hori in Northto a^'w®®- f' » '®» ofto and Mre. J. B. Knrfeea. Hehad imd in Dan^Ile 25 yiara »nd-froi Veete7:w?X';iJ^e®i^V~antrhrMhtiy Wr,^ .and oneNpAh C»„1>® »'®t®»,»vin5- in-pJ^i?®,.^^^Vwai8. rembWd to theLra?'^Honie, where fu!5 ^ was ' hehi - ^ xteyVvX.yh'.. Shouse officiating. ^"-ne 12., \^3o Co. Puhu'C Lil DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 18,1930 John K. Kestier Former Davie MaoKSk Self. John K. Kestlef, 60, of Winstdn- Salem. took his life early Saturday momiug by firing a bullet iu. bis right temple, ; Mr. Kestier was bom is Davie .county but left here many years ago. Mr. Kestier is survived by bis widow, who' was Miss Charity Sain,'br Fork Church, before marriage; two daughters, one brother add one sister. Bad health was assigned as the cause of his rash act. The body was laid to rest in Fork cemetery Sunday afternoon at 'five o'clock, llev. V. M. Swaim. of VVinstoo-Salem, conducting the funeral and burial services.' 1 Mrs.'Seaford Passes. Mrs. J. P. Seaford, dged 59* died ' at her. home near Jericho last Tues*. day night, following an extended illnessi. The funeral services were held at the home Thursday morn ing conducted.by Rev. I. H. 'Big- gerStoiS and the body laid to rast in Center graveyard. Mrs. Seaford is survived by ber husband and one. brother, A. H. Tatterow. of Mocks- vtlle, R. 4. Link Kurfees. a half- brother, of Statesville, also survives. Mrs. Seaford was a good woman and will be miSsed in her commu nity; She was a memberof Jericho Christiao church. Bio - Obituaries - 6/18/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 19,1930 John Kesier A Inrge crowd attended tho'fSHS oralihorc Sunday nftornoon of Mr. John Keslor, who cotnmittod mir- cfde Saturday morning at , his home in' Winston-Sniem. Ilcv. V. M. Swnim oi: that city conducted tho.funoral services.. Mr..Keslor Whs roared at Fork and hah a wide circle of friends who regret hia passing. He loaves a widow who prior to mnrrloffe wfls Miss dhar- Ityjgain and seven children. n The floral ofForings 'were ' many and 'beautiful. ^ Wo extend' sympathy to the loved ones; ' Mrs'. 'Charlie'Sparka^and .littledaughter, orpoar h'erej ncco'mpari- ied by Mr. and Itos. MAvvIn Leo- i. nrtrd. of Tyro, spent Saturday ivnd .' Sunday iwlth rolatives near Roar- ^ Ing Bivor. '/ • L William Stroud DEATH OF AN HiiPANT William, tho two-yoar old son of..W. C.\Stroud and Mrs. Nonio Caudle Stroud,;died at tlie homo, of his parents on June 11th. The, body was laid to rest in tho Fnrm- ington comctci'y on Juno 12ti;» aftor flopvlcQS held nt tho Metho dist Church by the pastor, Rev. A. R. Dell. • . Bio - Obituaries - 6/19/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 25,1930 W. G. Howard Aged Citizen Passes. Hr. W. G. Howard, MocksviUe's oldest citizen, passed away at the home of bis daughter, 2|{rs. Will Owens, at 10:30 o'clock Sunday morning, following a short illness, aged nearly 93 years, . The funeral services were conducted at the home by.his pastor. Rev. R C. Goforth, at,four o'clock Monday afternoon, and the body laid to rd^t in Rose cemetery by the side of his wife, who died many years ago. Mr. Howard is survived by one daughter, Mrs..W. A. Owens, one grandson and two granddaughters. Mr, Howard was a native of Davie couniv and numbered his friends by the score. He was a good man and bis life should be an inspiration to all who knew bim. He is at rest. Mr. C. M. Godby Passes Mr. C. Godby, 73, died at bis home near County Line at 4 o'clock Saturday morning, following an extended illness. He suffered a stroke of paralysis several- years ago, and while able to be about be never regained fais' health. The funeral and. burial services were held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Salem Methodist church. Sur viving Mr. Godby is nts widow and eight children. Three sons, M. L., James" and. Frank, all of Calahain, and five daughters, Mrs. W. P. Stroud, of County Line; Mrs. Lewis Namce, of Roanoke, Va.; Mrs. Lutber Walker hnd Mrs. j: Lee Cartner, ol County Line; MrSw Ro bert Campb'*]], of Rowan countv, and Mrs. C. S. Latham, ol Wins- tbn Salem. Two brothers, James and Nelson, both of Rowan, two sisters, Mrs. Bock Creason, of Tbomasvllle, and Mns. Frank Ever- hardt, of Jerusalem, also survive Mr. Godby.was a native of Bavie county, a large land owner and bad many friends throughout the coun ty, He joined Pleasant View Bap tist cbnrch about three' years ago. Id his passing his widow and child ren have lost a kind husband and father^ the \ community a good ueighl^r. Peace to his ashes. Mr. L Q, Baker Passes. The entire.towft was sadaeued whea' It was learned that Mr. Langatbh Qolncv Tki i his home in Si* g«y ftt 5:20 o-doch Monday aftemooa.Mr. Baker bad been in bad health for the ye^ and gradaally grew worseunui the endcaiae, HevmBhorainCaW-weU cooo^ but came to this s^Uoa in 1880. airf was united la maxrieae to Ao^st of t^t year to Mlsa Nannie James,of Yad^^^e Mr.. Baher united with Fatmtogtoni.'to18S0. and after uioviDg m this city he ""hed with the Methodise choich here in 1892. Mr. Baker is dicvived by bis wife, ^e l^her. Edward Baker, and sister. Miss Lou Baker, both of Concord. The funerai was held at the home Toesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock by his pastor. Rev. R. C> Goforth, after which the' body was laid to rest to Rose cemetery. In the passlog of Mr, Baker MocksviOe has iost one of her best dtizeas—a inan whom every one liked. He will be sadly missed. The aited widow, brother end sister, have the sympathy of the entire ooininuntty. Frank M. Leslie Confederate Veteran Pies. Mr. Frank M. Leslie, of Reasell- ville. Ala. died at 2:45u'clock Thurs day afternoon at bis home, after a, long illness. He was eonaeipus to the last and passed away peacefully Mr. Lesie was born in Mocksville N. C.. November 6, 1844, and was conseguently in his 86th year. He married Miss Rhoda Reed, In Tub- i cumbia. in 1997. SheBcrvivM. *' 1 Mr. Leslie had lived Jn .Russell^lle: a number of veara and had made many friends in this sections He was a gallant Confederate soldier' and took part in severdi battles, the Battles of thb WildO'rnoOB ainoiig them. He wag a mehober of the Methodist churcb. Bio - Obituaries — 6/25/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 26,1930 IWJJJJAM GILES »HO.WA«D, MOCKSVlLLlirs OLDEST CITESEN^ it*ASSES AWAY ^Villinm Giles Hcnvafd, oldest 'and Iiifflily esteemed citizen 'of Jockaville, died at. the homo of is daughter, 'Mrs. Sullie 6wed,. [on Sundoy moriiin^, June\S12, 'af-' ter sin lllhesfl of jeveral weeks, aged 92. Ho was the son' of Kor ^rt Howard and JIfatllda.. €aH floward, and V.as born Nov. 2Gth, [887. Oh April 9th, 1859 he was married to; Miss Amanda Griffin, ind to this union viare born three aughtoriET, Mary/ who died • in nfoncy, Mrs.'MaA8ie Ijomea, who assed sway in 1019, and Mrs; Hie Owen, who-lived to comfort ind care for him in his deelining rears. His wife died 12 years ago. Ur. Howard/served in the Da vie County Home Guards during the Civil War, being.'rejected from active service because of rhouma-. tiant. Ho spent nil of his life in Hocksville, and his life was char. I aclerized by thrift and energy, j taking a speclol pride in his fine garden swhlch * ho worked until feeble health prevented him. Ho vrill be greatly miased by his many friends. .In ndltlon to his daughter, Mrs. O-wfens, three raiidchildron survive, Miss Rose ifownrd Owen,, of Mocksyille, Mrs. H. 0. Lane, of Qicnlyn, Va., nd John Howard IJamos, of Winalon^Salem. Tho funeral sor- vlcos were hold at the home of Mrs. Owen on Monday .aftemo9n, by Rev. R. C. .'Goforth, pastor oi the deceased, and the Interment was at the Rose Cemetery. The pnilbonrDra were • Drr^R," -P; XA'n^' dcrson, Marvin Waters, J. L. Cle ment, S. M.- Call,- Robert Smith, 0. L. Hall, of Winston-Salem. We [extend our deep syirripatby t'o the bereaved family. I.ANKSTON QUiNCY BAKER DEAD l..ankston Qnincy Baker, well- known and highly .respected citi zen of Modkaville;' died.. dt his Ihome on Monday afternoon, June §23, aged.77 years;. Ho was a native of Cnldwcll !Coi)nty,'but had made hia home in Mocksville for the pa.st forty years, where he ful- loivcd his prnfeSflion nf' carpen ter and skilled cabinet maker. Mr. Baker was of a genial disjiosition and had .many frlentla here who will miss him.' He was married to Bias Nnnhio E.. JSnies at Yadkln- villc in .August, 1880^ and.their life together of almpst fif^ years wn.<i one of bappinej^a. and ..con geniality," Hp, join^'/fho' Mdtho-; dist ChuTch act ;PAri<iington- in October 1890, during the pastor ate of Rev.-P. L. Orpomci r'emov- lag his memrborship to tho^ Mocks-: vIIIg Methodist dhurch in 1892.. He had been In ill health for sev eral years, bu't bore.his siiffdr; ing with . ChristiAn' fortitude'. Gront sympathy is felt for the bereaved wido>y, .who also la In poor health. Ohe'^brother, Edyyard" Haker, and one sister, Miss Lou Bakor, hofch of. Concord, also stir-, ^'(vc. The last riles wore held at tkc home on Tuesday afferncbn," Rev. R. C. Goforth, and .tho 'Huinl took .place at-. the "Rdac Ccinotory. - Frank M. Leslie T'ormer mocksville man IRES IN RUSSELLVILLE, ALA. kfr. Frank M. Leslie, - of Rus- SL'livllle, Ala., died at 2!4B o'clock Tbiirsdny afternoon at his- home, afier n long lllnoas. He was con- wiftUR to the'last and passed aavny iWifcsfHlly. . n < ' Mr. Leslie was.born.at Mooks- .vllle, North Carolina, November % 1844, and was cpnsequontly in MMa 80th yonV. He marrjecl'Miss ^boda iRood, in TuAcjintbiin, .jin 1897. Sho survives. Mr. Lofliio^had lived in RuotfoH- a number of years and had in.iuy frio'ndB in this section. Ho a gnllnnt Confeclcrnto abldior took part in sovovni battles, Rnttio. of the Wiideimessamong thcmi tie )vas a.member of Methodist'cluirch, . MRS, B. B. VANZANT PIBAD As Aye go to press we learn of the death of Mrs. G. E. Vanznnt, widow of tho Into T.SV. VanZnnt, at the homo of hdr son, T. A. Van- Zant, near Center Tuesday night at-9 jSO. ..I'l'.'' -The funeral was conducted at Center on Wednesday dvening'at 4 o'clock by Roy. J. N. Bindloy, of Hnrmoiry; ' lAterment was in tho Center cemetery. • The deceased was-in her 84th year and had been an invalid for the past eleven years. Sho leaves five- children, Chas. L. Woolen, of Oklahoma, Mrs. P. P. Kirk and Mrs..J. Leo Norman, of East Bond, Mrs. 'J. Frank Hcn- drlx, of Mocksville, and Mr. T. A. VanZnnt, of..Centcr, to mourn her departure. '•?. Bio - Obituaries - 6/26/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 26,1930 CALVIN AIONROE G0D13Y DEAD Cnlvin Monroe Godby, promin ent farmer of Davle County, died nt his homo near "County Lino on June 21,, at the age of 73. He was. the son of Edward.Orodby and I Elizoiboth Tutterow Godby, and yag:born and reared iii.i^is coun ty/ The 'Surviving family nne his wife who was formerly Mfss Elvl- ,ra OaitHer, three sons, M. L., J." 'JSi, and C» * F. Godby, of County Line, bIx'.daughters; Mrs. W. P. 6iroud, .pf Center,' Mrs. L. Z. Naiico,' of; Roa'tiohe, "Vs., Mrs. J.' L. Gartner, .W[ra. Qv L. TValkcr, ot Davle, Mrs.'Robert C^mpfbell, of: Rowan, Mrs. Cinude' Latham'., of Wlnstbh-Salein, 46 grandchildren and. 5 .great-grandchlld-ren. Two •brothers; jahies Godby, of Rowan, and Nelson Godby, of Thomas*' yil]e,.and three sisters, Mrs. Cro'a'- son, of Thomaaville, Mrs. Prank Everhardt,. of Cooleemoe, and Mrs. jpe-Parker, of Center, also survive. The funeral, serviees •were held at Salem ' Methodist Church- on Sunday afternoon, with Rov. A. G. Loftin, assisted by Rev. L. T. Youner, ofllclating. Grandsons of the 'deceased acted as pallobearers, and the grand daughters carried the ilowere. J. D. Goins Dieid Home In Cooleemee Tues. Aftemoon Special, to Enterprise ' In the death of. Mr. J. D. Goins Cooleeme and Dnvio . County has sustained tbe loBs of an outstand ing citizen, a good -neighbor, and friend, the Church loses n loyal and faithful memfbdr, arid the mill a valued and competent oiB- cial. Por ipany years he has been recorder for Jerusalo.ni To\vn' ship. . .. ' . Mr. Coins was. stricken down, with paralysis about t^vo months ago, and for-the most of the time ho. has been |n an uneonscious^ condition,^ passing away .Tuesday afternoon nt ono thirty o'clock. Tie .was born jn Cnswell County and reared in Alnnmnce county, coming to'Cooleemee 27' years ago, and for many years he boa been, the ovevsoor of the wonvo roojn in the Envin Cotton Mills Company.. He was hold in High esteem by all of tbe ofllcials of the milVand was a. sincere frjend to all the opprntlypa. On. the last- doy'pi ,hifif 'bundrodfl of thosewho • haVc'" known;'hIm' for so many years come to show their respect and esteem for a loyal friend. TKe*mHl suspcridod work on Wodncsdny as a mark of rccpcct. . In 1901 ho was married to Misir Dicie Riddle "wHo aur^lvds him, to mourn the Ipss of. n .beloved companion. One brother survives. Punernl services wore conduct ed "Wednesday morning nt. nine o'clock in-The Good Shepherd Church, of which* he .hod long been n loynl and faithful mem ber, the service being ennductod by the Rev. N. 0. Duncan, nstfist- dd by Archdeacon Havdin, of aniisbury. The floral oflferingfif were profuse, attesting^to tho af- .fectionate regard 'Iri \v<hiicli Ho was hold in the community. The body was tuken to Burlington for interment. , '•'The golden evening brightens In the west, Son, soon to faithful ..warriors Cometh rest" Swoot li^ the cnlm of Paradise' the West.. . .. AUeluio. Bio - Obituaries - 6/26/1930 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA