Jan - JunDA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 3,1951 - Page 4 Mary F, Tarnet' Mur rraiujf«4 CoolHunfP, diHd It* R«iwati Mfin'tftui H«upttHl W *• n(*itdav fniluwintf u it*rii'0 iHn *«i« tn tit q. dttv • V SarvMog .^0 one son J* W. Tttrnei; ono b0lf hfothor^ C* if. Tufner of Winston 8o> lem, one helf slster« Mre William Rlddlngo ofSiilnio..Oro« thfea grandfdilldren end twogmat-grandelilldren I ruRcral servlcfla were held at Cooleemea Baptist Cburoti at 3:3(1 p. ID.« Tbuirsday. OIBeinii g were Rev. G.- L Royater; Rev. A. T. Stottdeomlfe and Rev. G. N. Spry. Intemmot waa in Liberty Cbotcb cevetory Bio - Obituaries - 1/3/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 4,1951 - Page 1 Mrs. Faifcloih, Advance, Eoute 2 Un. Cora UcCorkle Valrcloth, 89, died at 4:3S pA Sunday at the reeideoce of to daughter, Bfra. C. W. Wall, Advance, Route 3, with whom aha made her home. She had been in declining health for 10 yean and aeriouily ill for two weaka. Mn. Valrcloth waa bom June 30, 1861, in Davie County, the daughter of Matthew and Lucy Ann Chaffin McCorkle. Se lived in Davie County raoat of her life and lived for aeveral yeara in Winaton-Salem. She waa a mem ber of the Home Moravian church. Her huaband, J. E. Fair- colth, a farmer, died 22 yeara ago. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. C. W, Hall and Miss Grace Faircolth of Advance, Route 2; two sons, C. E. Faircloth of Ad vance and H. E. Faircloth of Winston'Salcm; seven grandchil dren, II great • grandchildren, and one great-great grandchild. Mrs. Jess HaiArisc, 70, of Moeksville Mrs. Nettie Atwood Hendrix. 7, wife of Jess Hendrix of Mocks- ville, died Saturday afternoon at her home. She suffered a atroke of paralysis five years ago and a second atroka 10 days aga A native of Yadkin County, Mrs. Hendrix was a daughter of Joaeph and Nancy Allgood At wood. She had lived In Mocks- viUe since her marriage in 1908 SurvivcTi include her husband, three brothers, Will Atwood of Wlnston-Salem and Arthur and James Atwood of Thomasvillc; two sisters, Mrs E. E. Wilson of High Point and Mrs. Floreitce Schuler of Moeksville. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Monday at Turrentine Bap tist Church, of which Mrs. Hen drix was a life - long member. Burial was In the church cmie- tery. Anwld Eay Gartner, 41, Dies of Wreck Injuries Arnold Ray Gartner, 41, of Woodleaf, Route 1, died January 2 in a StatesviUe hospital from injuries received in an automobJIa wreck which oceured on C^iit- nlaa day in Davie County. The car JUt which 1^, C^ner waa traveling alone, overtnrW in the vidnity of County Lint, Hiwhway H frooi Uocka- vUIa A. M . ■.»'? ii j »• ~ Bio - Obituaries - 1/4/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 4,1951 - Page 6 Mary Frances Turner, 77, of Cooleemee Mary Frances Turner, 77, a native of Cooleemee, died in Ro' wan Memorial Hospital at 18:40 a.m. Dee. 27. following a serious illness of one day. She was a daughter of William and Mary Griffin Turner who died several years ago. Surviving are one son. J. W. Turner; one half brother, C. H. Turner nf Wimtun • Salem, one half sister, Mrs. William Rld- dings of Salem, Ore., three grandchildren and two great- grandchildren! Funeral services were held at Cooleemee Baptist Church at 9:30 p.m. Dec. 36, with the body lying in state.SO. minutM prior. O^clat- we^ the Bev. 6. L. Roysltf, Ibt R«v; :A, T. C.;: N.' Bpw.. latawawn wM' to iatesty Outfcb Bio - Obituaries — 1/4/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 10,1951 - Page 4 Paul Carter Dies ^ Paul Carteri Winston-Salcm, R. 3» died Dec. 30th in a Winston- ' Sftlom hospital of injuries received in a Christmus e*c wreck which had already claimed two lives. His wife, Mrs. Evelyn Hubbard Carter, and Sgc. Carl E. Jonesi of Lexington,'were killed Instantly in the crash on the Old Watkcrtown Road. Mr. Carter, who was employed by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., was a native of Davic County, a son of Mr. and Mrs S. C. Carter, of Advance, Route 2, who sur* vivc. Other survivors include sev en brothers, Aaron, Billy, Clar ence and Colman Carter, of Ad vance, R, 2; Ernest Carter, Rich mond, Va.; Allie Carter, South- mont, and Frank Carter, Lexing ton; one sister, Mrs. Geo Jones, Mocksvillc, Route 3. Funeral services were held at the home of the parents on Ad vance, Route 2, at 1 p. m., Jan, 1, and at Cornntzer Baptist Church at 1:30 p. m. Burial was at the Crews Methodist Church ceme tery, where his wife was buried* Rev. B. A. Carrol, Rev. James H. Groce, and Rev. T. G. Madison, were the ofiiciating ministers. Mrs. Ada Smith Funeral services for Mrs. Ada B. Smith. 85, who died Dec. 31st, at the home, Advance, Route 1, were held at the Bethlehem Methodist Church at 2:30 p. m. last Tuesday* Rev. John Oakley and Rev. Geo. Bruncr ofliciated, Buri.il was In the church ccmctcrv. Mrs. Smith was a life long resi dent of the Beth chcm Methodist Church community, and was the widow of Charlie H* Smith, She had been in bad health for some time and setiously III three weeks. Surviving arc two sons, Glenn and O. H. Smith, of Advance, R» 1; two daughters, Mrs, C. S. Dunn and Mrs. Sam Beauchamp, of Ad vance, Route 1; 17 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren. Mrs. Jess Hendrix Mrs. Nettie Atwood Hendrix,.' 70, wife of Jesse Hendrix, died at her home in this city on Dec. 30. She had been ill for Severn! years. Survivors include her husband, three brothers, Will Atwood, of Wlnstpn-Salem and Arthur and JamcsLAtwood, of Thomasvillc; two sisters, Mrs. E. E. Wilsoni of High Point, and Mrs. Florence Schulcr, of near Mocksvillc. Funeral services were, held at 2 p. m. Jan*. Ist, ot Turrentinc. Bap tist Cburcl), of which she was a member. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 1/10/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 10,1951 - Page 4 Mrs, Cora Fair- cloth Funcm! services for Mrs. Cora McCorkIc Falrcloth, 89, who died Dec. 31, at her home; Advance, Route 2, were conducted at 2 p. m., Tuesday et Voglcr*s Chapel by Bishop j. K. Pfohl and Dr. Gord< on Spaugh. .Burinl was in the Moravian Graveyard. Bio - Obituaries — 1/10/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Sjl/PS..; n |n ,• .. who .3i^ at'her home in' Wiii-v; Cston-Salem Saturday at the age of 88",^ ^VfBs a.*pioneer newspaper woman in, iNorth Carolina. Fifty-eight years ago Jshe was founder,.editor and publisher , 1 of a weekly newspaper in Yadkin^ I County. . She named it The'.Yadkin I Ripple. And it is still being published • I under that name. f Although Mrs. Hall had not been en- n gaged in newspaper work for a long j time, she never lost her interest in it ; or her editorial habit of thinking on public questions. She retained strong convictions and the courage to express them. She was the widow of the late Rev. 9. W. Hall. He was a'staunch Baptist and Republican. But she was an equally staunch Methodist and Democrat. Long before columnists came into such wide popular favor in .American newspapers, Mrs. Hall was a well- known columnist in Northwestern : North Carolina. She wrote under the pen name of "Meddlesome Mat." Her ' column was always original and never dull. Mrs. Hall was never a member of the ^ staff of The Journal, but she made a distinct contribution to the progress of ;,[ tWffAiiew^^ap^d y e^s.£She gave 'five of heir six^sons 'tS the "sawice' nf The Jourital—thr^'-iS pur news departmrat, one in"o^ cifg .ciUatioh:-depattinentj: 'and;:one;iii ^ouS'mecham'cal department. One of he^ sons, the late Johnson Hall, rose to th^ position of City Editor, and- was'abljS assisted by .his brother, Avaldn HaIl;S wha later became Solicitor of the Sev-S enteenth Judici^ District with head-S quarters at Yadkinville. ^ Mrs. Hall will be held in loving M memory by a wide circle of friends 3 for her winsome personality, never{- failing sense of humor, exceptional in- telligence and sound philosophy • of ^ life—^life that she met with a smile, even if sometimes it was a .smile through tears. In writing the history of the North Carolina press, the historians of the future should not overlook Mrs. Mattle^^i Johnson Hall. She was probably first woman in the State to be a newl^" paper founder, owner, editor, publisfi^ er and columnist — all at the sam'e^ time. And they should not forge^? either, the contributions she made the advancement of the ^Commori^''*? wealth in her time, not toe least which was as a mother of seveiCQJ^f children—a daughter and six so^ Bio - Obituaries -1/14/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MPs: AfATTT3? Imov^^^ Wm^on-S^emMttw. AlATTIE /r^rement from-ithe- miriiistSHc tt '-Ti "'-'aA r*C rl o'11 3<><." ~- Bom in JonesHlIe on,:J^!nC[l,'• O* xXClJJ^ OO^i.. 1863,.Mx5. Hall'was-the^dau^^ •'•■•>of J. Hiram and'Susan■"Hi'^Pom-- Wyr TT :T| years ago.:;jr:vjq4;6?-f;VI T*G H €1 I I 5<M." ~- Bom in Jonesville on, :J^!:;>Il,i'XiO# XXCtJ-i^ OO^i.. 1863,.Mx5. Hall'was-the^dau^^^ __ •^•■•>of J. Hiram and'Susan■*H"*P6m-- IH rf^l*mian» Y o rl I^TfT: dexter_ Johnson. She spenfe-herX ?JXXlJ.Vyl. X ctf IK I-1 ■ early life in East ,B^d, and.-had • llived . in. Winston^al"enivfoHi33publislier, Dies^lS.wi/nSSPSiM'on archi:ie Mattie Johnson HaU.totmder of the Yadkin Ripple andItfiaaw of the Rev. S. W. Hall, died vT?^^r®-'c' [Mr. HaU:-M ,:l89rit^ Bio - Obituaries - 1/14/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA S A Pioneer INewsp ..who Hi^ at'her home in ."Wiii-' Sstoh-Salem Saturday at, the age of 88;; a.*pioneer newspaper woman -in f North Carolina. Fifty-eight years ago Ishe was founder,.editor and publisher , I of a weekly newspaper in Yadkin ' I County.; She named it The Tadkin I Ripple. And it is still being published .j under that name. 1 Although Mrs. Hall had not been en- • gaged in newspaper work for a long j time, she never lost her interest in it • or her editorial habit of thinking on public questions. She retained' strong convictions and. the courage to express them. She was the widow of the late Rev. 9. W. Hall. He was a' staunch Baptist and Republican. But she was an equally staunch Methodist and Democrat. Long before columnists came into such wide popular favor in American newspapers, Mrs. Hall was a well- known columnist in Northwestern North Carolina. She wrote under the pen name of "Meddlesome Mat." Her • column was always original and never duU. Mrs. Hall was never a member of the; staff of The Journal, but she made a distinct contribution to the progress of J thisvnewspaper^.VdUrml^ . years.; She gave-five of her 'A soiis the-service hf The Joufna^thfee; i® .our news department,, one hi'our ciiffl ciUationv.depaftoentf; 'and::pn^, hi ouSmechanical department. One of he^S sons, the late Johnson Hall, rose to thmE position of City .Editor, and-was abl^B assisted by -his brother, Avalon who later became Solicitor of the Sev^ enteenth Judicial District with head-^ quarters at Yadkinville.Mrs.' Hall will be held in loving-^ memory by a wide circle of friends M for her winsome personality, never failing sense of humor, exceptional in- telligence and sound philosophy • of g lif®—life that she met with a smile, even if sometimes it was a smile through tears. In writing the history of the North Carolina press, the historians of the • future should not overlook Mrs. Matfij^i^. Johnson' Hail. She was probably tfefirst woman in the State to be a nev^-V'j paper founder, owner, editor, publi^i^^J ! er and columnist — all at the s&rne^ ] time. And they should not forget 1 either, the contributions she made th";^a the advancement of the Commoi£i-y^L^ wealth in her time, not the least which was as a mother of seveiCBa^tt ! children—a daughter and six so^ ^ DAVIE CO. PUELfC l;3RAPY mocksville, nc o . MRS.MATTIEjpJj:,-:'.-.-;:-. Mrs. ilall, 88, Former Yadkin pR^lisher, Dies fcvii&s. Mattie Johnson Hall', Itounder of the Yadkin Ripple and feviaaW of the Rev. S. W. Hall, died pffrffi'p.m. yesterday at her home, toST^est End Boulevard. She was 088 ydars old. Hall founded the' Yadkin Yadkin County . weekly mey^aper, more than 50 years pg(^8he was editor of that paper ^^>.^out three years, and pub- BiisdieB for many years after that. • I'^yfoneer Newspaper Woman I^MKwas considered one of "the | pioneer newspaperwomen. Critically ill since Tuesday, Mrs. iHaH^ad been in-ill health for ^el^t^ears. . • .s -. ^ p;.. .Heg.husb and, the Rev. Mr. Hall, [jRas;»^baptist minister who served several churches 'in 'Northwest Carolina for many years. He- was also principal of several schools in this section of the State; and was connected with Mills Home. Or phanage at Thoiriasville for some years; The Rev.' Mr. T^'U and.Mi^t^-Han moved to 'Winston-Salent-afte^'Ms 2 ^ > O- S. —< Srt ce " 5-2. ='• n •J. 9., M •. rr• ^ a. ^ 2. CU CO w Si *5' « -a 1 < c 2ft w o 2 00 » -2. 3 ^?• O 3^.^ S ^ S M , 2, CO 2 ft 9. « U »- ELP 3* -O 3 . - -Sr • fij..'SL-o 3-'^ r ?» ft . 5t-^ • ft, ft- f -ft-- ft. O' d o s Mp 2, n o- " = ^ Li s- ft M ft CL = 3 ■iig -CO- -•fv- •; 3 ."• r- oo'2*Hd'oo 5 » «?•ft. ^ » ."O'. o ? *3 3^ >-4 CO 9-Si. 3"f o3 ft ft. ' . C ft 1 V>5^ "1 i-r • *1 o2 Io|f:' 5" = S--- Q 3CO- a, — v., TT-t- Bom in Jonesville 'on;;Jan!n^l,1863,. M^. Hall wa5:th^daughi»of J. Hiram and Susan^Hi'^Ppin.-dexter..- Johnson. "^She ^ sp«ifc^:,?herearly life in East .Bend; aii^ ha^d lived , in . Winstoh-Salem.^i.foi^-33 ycoTS* ' . f I : .J'. v ' She .was' married; to- the^Eey.Mr.' Hall'''pn-Marc^l5,:;.l8?rit^.Mrs?HaU was^a^memberdfp^- tenary Methodist Church.Sunriving >:are\?'one:' --;<ia"ughtCT,MiSs- Mattiei^ue«£alL^|«Wip^Saleray'threeiijsdn^Jam.e^iBtoBffi'o£r:^i9SiMtoa-Stieife^:imibitdEb^^4df-Tadkmyil^-^^C^^^i^aAdvahce:;i2''OTahdchRc&''^'2ni£aix.j DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 17,1951 - Page 5 Mrs.,MaryCreason , Mety Cressnn, 68* died In a Wina j ton-Ssfem boapttel Friday* I Bom in DavieCounty* she was a dai^* : ter<^ Mr* and Mrs* Samuel Godbey* She I lived In thia couniy unlll 6 yeora atfo* wben aha went to Wlnaton Satefo to ilvo with her ehlldren. Sufvlvind are Ave deiiAhtera* Mra* W* C* Sale. Mra Guy Boger and Mrs. K. t. Leonard* of Wh^oo^tetn: Mm. OranvUle McCutloudb* Moehavllle* R* 4, and Mfs. Mnry Ollnard: Roral HaB, R. 1; two aona, 0. M. Creaion* Gtundy* Va.» and Hnbait Creaion* Slier Olty: one slater. Mra. Etta Delay* CrawCordivllle. Ind.; one brother* Cbarile Godbey. of CRevelaod; 29 grand eblldren and 26 great-gfandidilldren. Fbneral aervlcaa were held at 2:30 p. m. Sunday at Liberty Methodist Church With ber pestnr* Rev* G. W. Finb ofllclatlog* and the body laid to rest In the cburcb ce- meter?. Bio - Obituaries - 1/17/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERl'RISE, Thursday, January 18, 1951 - Page 6 W. L. GAITHER, 65, RITES HELD FRIDAY Funeral services for William Loulco Gaither, 65, who died at his home, Mocksvllle, Route 1, were held at 2 p.m. Friday at Now Union Methodist .Church neor the Davle-Ircdell County line. Mr. Galther died at his home of a heart attack Wednesday af ternoon. He had been til several weeks. Among survivors in addition to the widow are five sons, Ernest Goither of Route I, Mockaville. Clay and Kelly Goither of the home, Leo Galther of High Point, Lester Galther of Statesvilte; two daughters, Mrs. Louise Morlson of Galax, Va., and Mrs. Howard Elkins of Greensbcro, and a sis ter, Mrs. Annie Gaithcp of Salls- l\ury. MRS. WOMACK PASSES FRIDAY Mrs. Fannie Coon Womacfc, ,92, died at a Salisbury hospital at 6:30 a.m. Saturday of injuries sustained in a fall Friday at her home on Mocksville, Route 2. Mrs. Womack had been in good health until the time of the acci dent. She was married to H. B. Wom ack, farmer of Davic County, who died several years ago. Surviving ore a daughter, Mrs. Bessie Womack Keslcr of the home; two sons, W. F. Womock and K. B. Womack of Birming ham, Ala.; one brother; Charlie Coon of Mocksville, Route 2; six grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Monday at Union Chapel Methodist Church.,The Rev. W, C. Anderson and the Ruv. F. R. Loflin were in charge. Burial was in'the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 1/18/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LiBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 18,1951 - Page 8 MRS. HALL, FORMER PUBUSHER, PASSES IN WINSTON Funeral services for Mrt. MatUe Johnson Hall, who died Satur day at 6 p.m. at her homa in Wlnston-Salem, alter having been in ill health for eight yetra^ and critically ill since last Tiiaadajr, were conducted Monday at 1:M p.m. at the home, and at 1:)0 at East Bend Baptist churdi. Dr. Douglas Rights, the Rev. Har- wood Myers and Santford Uar* tin officiated. Mrs. Hall was one of the State's pioneer newspaper women, she founded the Yadkin Ripple, more than 50 years ago. She was edit or of thc_Yadkin,RippIc.for_abput three years, and publisher for many years after that. Born in JoncsvUlc.on Jan. 11, 1863, Mrs. Hall waT^the daugh ter of J. Hiram and Susan H. Poindcxter Johnson. She spent her early life in East Bend, and had lived in Winston-Salem gS years. She was marled to the Rev. 8. W. Hall on March 10, 1001. Mrs. Hall was a member of Centctnary Methodist Church. Surviving are one daughter, Miss Mattie Sue Hall of Winstoo- Salcm three sons, James F. HaR of Winston-Salem, Avaloa K. Hall of Yadklnviltc and C. W. HaU of Advance; 12 grainddUldren and six great-granddiildrcn; and a number of nieces and'nephewi. PaUbeorort were the foUowiag grandsons: Jock L, Johnson, Lock- siey, Thomas K., Samuel K. and William Hall, Fardue W. Preston and Jerry K. Green. Burial was in the diurdi eecne- tery." Bio - Obituaries - 1/18/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 24,1951 - Page 5 Pritchard Cain Funeral services for Pritchard Beamcr Cain> 79» ,of Etienville, R Y., native of DavlcCounty and a lormer resident of Mocksville, were held at 260 p. m»» Thursday at Eaton's Baptist Church by Rev. Wade Hutchins. Burial was in the church cemeterv* Surviving are his wife, the for mer Miss Agnes Anderson; two sons Louis Cain of New York City and Albert Cain of Ellen' vlllc; one sister, Mrs. W. Rod- well Sr., of Mocksvillc, one broth er, I. B. Cain of Caiia; and three grandchildren. Andrew Lee Sain ^ Funeral services for Andrew Lee Sain, 57, of Winston-Salem held at 4 p. m., Tuesday at North Winston Baptist Church by Rev. J. Ml Hayes and Rev. G. E. Brewer. Mr. Sain died at his home at 5:30 a. m., Jan. 15 after an illness of five weeks. Bom Jan. 7,1894, in Mocksville. he was a son of Wiley E. and Sarah Elizabeth Smith Sain. He hod lived in Winston-Salcm for the past 40 years. Surviving arc o«ie son, Maurice Lee Sain, of Wmston-Satem; one on brother, W, C. Sain of Phoe nix, Ariz.i two sisters, Mrs. J. L. McDaniels and Mrs. K. L. Cobler of Winston'Salcm./ Mrs. J. F. Garwood Mrs. J. F. Garwood, 80, died un expectedly Jan. 13th at her home in Coolcemec following a heart at tack. She bccamcill white working at her husband's grocery store in Coolcemec and died 30 minutes later. Mrs. Garwood, the former Miss Georgia Benson, was born in Row an County but has lived in ^Coo lcemec for 48 years Survivors in clude her husband, J. F. Gar wood, Cooleemee mermant; three sisters, Mrs. A. B. Goblc of Coo lcemec, Mrs. Charlie Cartncr of Woodlcaf and Mrs. J. F. Henley of Aibcmarlc, and two half sisters and two half brothers. Funeral services were held af 3' p. m., Jan. 14th at Cooleemee Bap* tist Church, and burial was at Fork Church tn Davie County, i Mrs,H.B, Vfoinack \ Mrs. Fannie Coon Womack, 93, I died at a Salisbury hospital, Jan. 13th of injuries sustained in a fall at her home on Mocksvillc, R. 2« Surviving arc a daughter, Mrs.j Bessie Womack Kesler of the home; two sons, W. F. Womack and K. B. Womack of Birmlng-j ham, Ala.; one brother, Charlie' Coon of Mocksville, Route 2; six grandchildren and seven great-' grandchildren. i Funeral services were held at 2 p. m., Jan. 15th at Union Chapel Methodist Church, Rev. William Anderson and Rev* Foster Loftin were in charge. Burial was in the church cemetery. | Bio - Obituaries - 1/24/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 24,1951 I Vefernn Die^ i j/. In. the death of Mrs! Maltie HallJ 1 which occurred rccentliij ton-SaleiT)/. hiforth Cafoliha«Idsti one of her veteran .-T.hfcWApa^eif women. Mrs • Hall waV^ yeiirs ,oId. She foutided^TW^jy^^ I Ripple 58 years {ago, ;ih iCedi&ci ) that paper fOr several fei • sKfe '.was a fluent writer, arid[| ifef a'rtK ; cles In various newSpapc rs^ j widely read. Mrs/ ^is the'i 1 mother of Attorney Av^al m' Hall/1 I of YadKinvillg, who Istbrlhing^^^ I law office here, ahd th^n Other-df. I Chas. W. HalK of Adv^, DAVIE record! Bio - Obituaries - 1/24/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 25, 1951 - Page 3 William Houston Beck Rites Held Tuesday Wflllam Houston Beck, M, re tired farmer, died at 7:25 p.m. Sunday at his home In the Jeru salem Baptist Church commun ity, Mocksville Route 4. He had been in declining health two months and seriously ill one week. Mr. Beck was a son of Henry and Amanda Baity Beck. Surviving are three sons, C. W. and G. R Beck, both of Mocks- vllte Route 4, and C. C. Beck of Greensboro; one dsughter, hSra. Sam Coble of MocksvjUe, Route 4; 14 grandchildren; eight great grandchildren: and three broth ers. D. E, H. R. and J. B. Beck, all of Mocktville, Route 4. Ftmerol services were held at 3 p.m. Tuesday iftemoon at Jer usalem Baptist Church. The Rev. E. Turner and the Rev. V. L. Andrews officiated. Burial was in the church cemetery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thui-sday, January 25, 1951 - Page 10 L. M. FURCHES PASSES MONDAY Funeral! services wore hold Wednesday for L. M. Furchcs, 77. ol the Fnrmlngton Baptist Church at 2 p.m. Mr. Furchcs died at the home of his son, S. L. Furchcs of Clcinmons on Mon day. Interment was in the ceme tery at Yudkin Volley Baptist Church. Ho had been In declining health for five years, but died unex pectedly. Born Nov. 17, 1873, In Farm- ington, he was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Furchcs. He spent his entire life there. For the past 10 years, he hud divided his time among his children. Ho was a member of Forming- ton Baptist Church. On Oct. 30, 1805. he was married to Mattic Elizabeth Douthit, who died June 0, 1041. Surviving ore five sons, S. !«. and J. Frank Furchcs of Clem- mons, T. J. Furchcs of Tobocco- villc, A. D. Furchcs of Winaton- Sniom, and D. L. Furchcs of the U. S. Army; one daughter, Miss Martlia F. Furchcs of Shelby; 10 grandchildren; three great-grand children; and one brother, D. K. Furchcs of Mocksvillc, Route 2. Funeral Services Held For Mrs. Smith, 71 FuncrnL services for Mrs. Lc- norn Walker Smith 71, of Mocks- ville. Route 1. life-long resident of Davic County, who died Sun day, were held at 3 p.m. Tues day nt Macedonia Moravian church. The Rev. J. C. Bruncr officiated. Burial • was in the church cemetery. Surviving are one son. Willie W. Smith of Harmony; three brothers, Claude and Julius Wul- kcr botl> of Orostc.s, Ind., and John Walker of Concord; two sis ters, Mrs. Nannie Booc of Cool- ccince, and Mrs. Elizabeth Flott of California; throe half brothers, Siman Waikcr of Advance, Sid ney Walker of Union City, Term., and Richard Walker of Baltimore, Md.; and Ihreu hulf sisters, Mrs. Hattic Safelcy of Coolccmce, Miss Dora Wallkor of Winston-Salem, and Mrs. Rosa Cook of Advance; and seven grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 1/25/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 31,1951 - Page 5 L, M. Parches L. M. Furctieai 77, retired farm er, died Jan. 22, at tlic home of his son, S. L. Furchcs ol Ctcm* mons. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs, Louis A. Furches. For the past 10 years, he had divided his time a- mone the children He was a member of Farming' ton Baptist Church.' On'Oct. 30. 1895, he was married to Mattic Elizabeth Douthlt, who died June 9,1941. Surviving are hvc sons, one daughter, 10 grandchildren; three great - grand • children; and one brother, D. TC Furchcs, of Mocks* ville. Route 2. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m., Wednesday at Farmington Baptist Church, with Rev. Lowell Renegar and Dr. Ralph Herring officiating, and the body laid to rest in Farmington cemetery. Mrs, Lenora Smith Mrs. Lenora M, Smith, 71, died Jan. 21st« at her home on Route I, where she had been a iifc*long resident. Surviving arc one son, three brothers, two sisters, three half brothers, two half sisters, scv« en grandchildren* Funeral scrvl* ces were held last Tuesday at 2 p. m. at Macedonia Moravian Church with burial in thechurch cemetery. Bio - Obituaries — 1/31/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, Februarj' 1,1951 - Page 5 John Neely White, 75, of Cana,Route 1 John Neely White. 75).of Cana; Route i, Yadkin County;.died'at a Winston>Sa]cm hospital at 3< a.m. Sunday o( a heart, ailment. Mr. White, a retired farmor, was born In Yodkln- County; a son of James and Martha Moore White. Surviving ore the widow,. Mrs. Mory Coolc White; (our. sons. C. M. White, of Winston-Salcm, Charlie and. Albert white, both of Cano, Route 1. and W; R. White of North Wilkesboro;. two daughters, Mrs.. Evola Harris of Mocksvillc, Route 1, and Mrs. Herman WUIard of Cona, Route 1; 20 grandchildren;, three great grandchildren; and one brother, W. 5. White of Winston-Salcm. Funeral I services were held at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday at Mount Olive Methodist Church in Yad- kin County. The Rev. John Oak ley, the Rev. James H. Grocc and the Rev. R. E. Adams offi- clntod. Burlul wus (a tlic church cemetery. Miss Jennie C. Haneline 93, of Fork Community Miss Jennie C. Hancltnc, 93, life-long resident of the Fork community of Davic County, died at 4:40 p.m. Sunday at her home. Miss Haneline was the last sur viving member of her family and was 0 daughter of Nathan and SalHc Foster Haneline. Her only survivors are nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held at 3 p.m. Tuesday at Fork Baptist church. The Rev. L. M. Tencry officiated. Btirial was in the church cemetery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, Februar>' I, I95I - Page 7 Funeral Services Held For Mrs. Eva Lash, 31 Funeral services for Mrs. Eva Lcxie Lash, 31, who died at her homo at' Cana Sunday following 0 serious illness of three days, and who had been in ill health for the past six months, were conducted Tuesday afternoon at 2 p.m. at Wyo Methodist Church. The Rev. Jimmic Groce and the Rev. John Oakley officiated. Mrs. Lash was bom In Yadkin County on Sept. 12, 1019, daugh ter of James and Verbic .Brown. She married Jan. 8, 1038 to Shir ley Lash. Mrs. Lash had lived in the Cana Community all of her life and was a member of the Wyo Methodist church. She is survived by her hus band; three children, Bobby, Nan cy and Carroll Jean Lash, all of the home; (our brothers, John and Mock Brown of Joncsvllle, and James and William Brown of High Point; seven sisters, Mrs. Watt Hayes, Mrs. Lawrence Wil- kins ,ond Mrs. Ervin Stcclman, alt of Boonvlllc, Mrs. W. G. Ven- ablo and Mrsi. Bud Williams of High Point and Mrs. Edward Mill er and Mrs. Hubert Combs of Winston-Salem. Burial was in the church ceme tcry at Wyo Methodist Church. Bio - Obituaries - 2/I/195I DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 1,1951 - Page 7 H. T. TUCKER, 55, ADVANCE. ROUTE 1 Funeral services for Hillary T. Tucker, 8S, of Advance, Route I, were held at the home at 2 p.m. Monday and at Bethlehem Methodist Church at 2:31}, •The Rev. J. G. Brunor and tho Rev. Mr. Roberts were in charge. Burial was In the church grave' yard. Mr. Tucker died Saturday. He had been in ill health for the past six months, critically ill for the past week. Son of Dan and Rhoda Ann James Tucker, he was born in OavioCounty..April 17,.1095..He spent most of his life in this county, and was a member of the Mocksvillc American Legion Post. On Dee. 10, 1017, he was mar ried to ElHe Riddle who sur vives, with two daughters, Mrs. Guy CornaUer of Advanuo, Rt. 1, and Miss Jean Tucker of the home; four sons, Clint Tucker of the home, and Joseph, Thurmond and Rosccc Tucker, all of Ad vance, Route 1; three brothers, John Tucker of Indianapolis, Ind., Larry Tucker of Lcwisvillo and A. C. Tucker of Advance, Route 1; and three sisters, Mrs. Floyd Smith, Mrs. H, H. Hilton and Mrs. F. £. WiUiard, all of Ad vance, Route ]; and six grand children. Bio - Obituaries - 2/1/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 7,1951 - Page 1 h. L Tucker Panofal: services for Hillary T. Tucker, 55, of near Hedland, were held at the home at 2 p. m., on Monday of last week, and at 2:30 at Bethlehem Methodist Church. Rev. J. G. Bruncr and Rev. Bruce Roberts odiciatcd, and the body was laid to rest in the church cemetery, with full military hon< ors, with members of the Ray Da« vis Pjst, V. F. W., of Davie Coun ty, in charge. Mr. Tucker served overseas in World Wad, and lost a leg while In service. Mr. Tucker died Jan. 27, in a Winsron-Salcm hospUaU He had been in bad health for six months and critically ill for one week. He was married to Miss Ellic Riddle, who survives, with two daughters, Mrs. Ouy^matzer,of Advance, R. I, and Miss Jean Tucker, of the home; four sons. Clint Tucker, of the home, and loscph, Thurmond ond Roscoe Tucker, all of Advance, Route 1; three brothers, John Tucker, of Indianapolis, Ind., Larry Tucker, ol Lcwisvillc and A. C. Tucker, Advance, R. 1; three sisters, Mrs. Floyd Smith, Mrs. H. H. Hilton and Mrs. F. E. Wlllard, all of Ad vance, Route 1, and six\ grand children. DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 7, 1951 - Page 4 Lawrence E. Hutchens \Horrihle TragedyI Our town ivas shocked Sunday morning when news wns received that Lawrence E. Hutchens, 28, • popular y.mnK Mocksvillc attor-' I *ncv had lost his life In an nuto . wreck ncnr Wiaston-Siilcm about, 7 o*clock Sunday morning. His ' car skidded off the highway and ' turned over three times. He was i dead when his body was discov ered. Puncml services will be held today (Tuesdayy at the Yndkln vlllc Baptist Church. Surviving are the mother, Mrs. Rubv Hutchens. and one brother, Junior Hutchens, both of Yad- kinvillc. Mr. Hu.chcns came here a year ago from Yndkinvilic and opuited a law oflicc. He made hundreds of iricnds hcie who wore sacjdcn ed by news of his death. He was a member of the Baptist Church and a fine young man. We shall miss him s.dly hs was our friend. Miss J. Haneline Miss Jennie C. Haneline. 93, a life-long resident of the Fork com munity, died Jan. 28, at her home. Miss bhtncHnc was the last sur viving member of her fatnliy and. was a daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. Nathan Haneiine. Only surviv ors are nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held last Tuesday at 3 p. m., at Fork Bap tist Church, with Rev. L. M. Ten- cry officiating, and the body laid to rest In the church cemetery. Mrs. Jessie McGlammery Mrs. Jessie Chaffin McGlainery, 75, died ut her huino in Greens boro lose Tuesday, following a long illuess. Mrs. McClammcry was a native of iliis city, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Challin. Fol lowing the death of iter husband many years ago, she moved .o Gr.:en8buro. Surviving arc two sons, Andrew and tiiliv Brock, of Grcensboru; three sisters, Mrs. joe Kunbrough, Pensocola, l^n.; Mrs. Bruce Crav on, Trinity, and Mrs. S. O. Kieh, of Raleigh. Funeral services were held at Greensboro Thursday morning at IL o'clock, and the body brought to tills city and laid to rest In I Rose cemetery. ' Mrs. McGlammcry had mrtny friends in Davle County who were saddened by news of her death Bio - Obituaries - 2/7/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 7,1951 — Page 5 Col. William G. Murchisott The entire town was shocked Thundav naorning when It was U*arncd that Col. William G. Mur- chUon, 77» retired Army ofiicer, had passed oway suddenly at his home near Pino, of a heart attack at Z a. m. Thursday. Colonel Murchison was bom In Davie County, a son of Roy. and Mrs^ A. K. Murchison. He entered the army In 1896 and served in the Spanlsh-Ameri* can War, the Philippine Insurrec tion and World War 1. Most of his service was in the infantry and the Adjutant General's Depart ment. He retired in 1937 with the rank of colonel. Surviving arc the wife, the for mer Miss Lydia Taynton, of Con- ana^ three sons, Kenneth Murchi son, of the home; Dr. John T. Murchison, dean of the Chcmis try Department at Arlington State Teachers College, Arlington, Tex- I as, and William G. Murchison, Jr., of Tulsa, Oklahoma; and one daughter, Mrs. C W. Johnson, of San Francisco, California. A full military funeii^ was held { at 3 p. m. yesterday at Arlington 1 National Ccmetcrv In Washing-1 con,D. d. I In the death of Colonel Mur- ^ chlson, Davic County ^as lost one of her best known and most be-, ovcd citizens—a man whose place will be hard to fill. Wc shall miss his friendly visits m our ofiliccand his cheerful Brcctings. For nearly half a century we have known Col. Murchison, and counted him our friend. To the bereaved fam ily wc extend heartfelt sympathy in this great bereavement. Bio — Obituaries — 2/7/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY WIOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 8,1951 - Page 1 COl. MURCHISON DIES SUDDENLY Colonel William Gaither Mur- chison, 77, retired Army offi cer, died suddenly at his home in the Pino Community around 2 a.m. last Thursday, Feb. 1. Funeral servicca with full mili tary honors were held in the Artinston Notional Cemetety at 3 p.m. on Tuesday of this week. Colonel Murchison was born in Davic County on March 23, 1073, son of the Into Rev. Abner K. Murchison ond Mary Elizabeth Gaither. He entered the army in 1696, sehring in the Spanish-American War, PhtUlpinc Insurrection, ond World War I. His service was with tho Infantry and the Adjutant Gcncrars Department. He retired from tho army in 1937 with the rank of Colonel. The survivors include his wife, tho former Lydia Taynton of Can ada; three sons. Kenneth of the home; Dr. John T. Murchison of Arlington, Texas, head of the Chemistry Department of the Ar- Ingtun State College; and Will iam G. Murchison, Jr.. of Tulsa, Oklahoma. One daughter, Mrs. C. W. Johnson of San Francisco, California. Since his retirement from the Armyt Colonel Murchison had been living on his farm on Route 2, Mocksvillc. He was an active member of the Mocksville Rotary Club. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 8,1951 - Page 4 Mrs. A. C. SkimMor Passes In Texas Funeral services were held at Corpus Christ!, Tens, on Jan. P. for Mrs. A. C. SklnDer, 41. Mn. Sklner died Jan. 7 at her home in Texas after having been in declining health for the past year* seriou.dy ill since Doe. 23. was formerly Dorothy Kocringtoa» daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Norrington of Anderson, Ind., and a niece of Mrs. Queen Bess Keim* cn of Formington, with whom she had lived since childhood until her marriage in 1037. Mr.s Skinner attended Form ington High School and was grad uated from the Mocksville High School. She attended Solem Ck>U- cgc and Indiana Central Uni versity. She was a graduate of W.C.U.N.C., ' Greensboro, and taught five years in Farmington Elementary school Surviving are her husband, A. C. Skinner, two step sons and OMe step-daughter, all of Corpus Chris- ti, and two brothers of New Al bany, Indiana. Bio — Obituaries — 2/8/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 8,1951 - Page 5 C. E. Faircloth, Retired Mail Carrier, bin Clarence Edward Falrcloth, 71, retired rural moil carrier of Ad vance, died at his home at 2.18 a. m. Sunday. He had been critically, ill for three months and in declining health for three ycors. Mr. Faircloth was born July 12, 1879, in Davic County, the son of James Edword Faircloth and Cora McCorktc Faircloth. He lived In Duvle, County his en tire life end was o member of the Advance Methodist .Church. He was olso o member of the Mn.mnic Lodge. Survivors ore his wife. Mrs. Betty Smitfr* Foircloth; two daughters, Mrs. j. C. Carter ond Miss Pansy Faircloth of Win- ston-Salcm; two. sons, W. C. Faircloth of Winston-Salcih and Robert Faircloth of Reldsville; one brother, H. E; Faircloth of Winston-Salem: .tnd two sisters Mrs. W. C. Hall and Miss Grace Faircloth of Advance. Funeral services wctv held si 2:30 p .m. Monday at' Advance Methodist Church. The Rev. R. I. Starling and the Rev. Bob Vor- ncr officiated. Burial wu in the church cemetery. The Masons were in charge of graveside services and served m pailbcarors. Bio - Obituaries -2/8/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 8,1951 - Page 1 Tragic Auto Accident Claima Life Of Lawrence E. Hutchens Sill /P"" mfm LAWRENCE E. HUTCHINS Bora la Yadfcln Attorney Hutchins was born in Yodkin County July 29. 1923. son of Robort L. and Ruby WooL on Hutchins. Ho wu oducnted in the schools at Yadkinvllle and was graduated from University of North Carolina with a B.S. degree. Fololwing hia graduation from the Uninversity of North (GantJjuied m Pagt 1) Accident Occurs Near Winston-Salem; Enroute To Home in Yadkin Lawrence Edgnr Hutchens, 28, prominent young attorney of MocksviUc, was killed corly Sun* day morning when his car wreck- ed on Robin Huod Road, about 12 miles out of the city of Winston- Salem. Mr. Hutchens was en- • route to his home in Yadkinvllle after leaving o friend, Jack Kelly, in Winston-Salem. They hod attended a March of Dimes dance in Lexington. The 1949 Chevrolet, in which Mr., Hutchens was travelling alone at the time of the accident, turned over twice. The State Highway Patrol reported that ap parently it was out of control for about 40 feet. Patrolman E. L. Smith said Mr. Hutchens' car touched the right shoulder of the roe<k skidded back across the highway, nicked the left shoulder, went into an other skid, and then started roIL ing. The officer said the car appar ently was traveling "pretty fast** But he didn't think Mr. Hutch ens had gone to sleep. 8kM Marks "The skid marks indicate he was awake and trying to fight the car back Into the road," he said. Mr. Hutchens' body was found beside the wrecked cor by Joe H. Parker of Yadkinville, who was on his way to work in Wln- ston-Salcm. That was ot 7:20 a. m. Mr. Hutchens opporcntly hod been dead fur oumc time. His wrist watch had bccil ripped from his arm and loy 180 feet from where the car slopped. Its works were torn from the case, but was still running several hours later. Bio — Obituaries - 2/8/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 8,1951 - Page 8 MOBB ABOUT Lawrence E. Hutchens Carolina he served during World War II as a lieutenant in the U. 8. Navy. Fololwing his discharge he entered Duke University school of Law, were he graduated in 1949 with an LL.D., and returned to his home here in Yadkinville. He opened law oflccs in Mocks- ville last January and immediately became octlve in civic affairs of this community. Ho aided in the organization of the Davie County Young democratic Ciub and was elected prosidcnt. He was a mem ber of 'the Mocksville Junior Chombcr of Commerce and the local American Legion Post. Active In Polltlai Maintaining his home in Yad kinville and his law offices in Mocksville, Mr. Hutchens was ac tive in politics in both counties. Last May ho was elected chairman of the Yadkin County Executive Commtttec. He was olso attor ney for the Yadkin Vnlley Tele phone Membership Corporotion. He is survived by his mother and one brother, Robert L. Hutch ens, Jr., of Yadkinville. Flineral services wore held at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday In the Yadkin ville Baptist Church of which he was a member. The Rev. E. W. McMurray ondthe' Rev. J. P. Da vis officiated. Active pallbearers were L. F. William's, Jack Kelly. H. W. Mock- te, Jr.. Woodruw Wilson, M. H. Murray and George Hendrtx. Honorary pallbearers were mem bers of - the Yadkin and Davie Couty Bar Associations. Burial was In the Harmony Grove Cemetery. Bio - Obituaries — 2/8/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 14,1951 - Page 4 Mrs. A. C. Skinner I Mrs. A. C. Skinner, 4I» a ntccc of Mrs. Qucon Dcss Kcnncn, of . Fnrininuton, died nt her homo at f Corpus Chrlsti, Tcxns, on Ian. 28, . foilowlnR a long illness. FuoomI . services were held in that city on; • Inn. 30th. Mrs. Skinner was be*' . fore marriage Miss Dorothea Nor* . ringtoni of Anderson, Ind. She • lived with hcrnunt, Mrs. Kcnncn, (or many years. She graduated from Mocksvillc High School, and attended Snicni CoDuge, Indiana Central University, ond graduated at W. C., U. N. C., Greensboro. She was a member of the Farm* Ington school faculty for several jycoTS. Mrs. Skinner had many friends In Farmlngton and Mocks* ville who were saddened by news of her death. C. E. Eaircloth Cfarence E Falrcloth, 71, re tired rural mail carri..r of Advance, died at his home on Feb. 4th. He had been crtticallv ill for three months and in declining health for thrac veiirs. He lived In Davie County his entire life and was a member of the Masonic Lodge. Survivors arc his wife, two daughters, Mrs. J. C. Carter and Miss Pansy Falrcloth of Winston* Salcm, two sons, \V. C. Fnlreloth of Winston-Salcin and Robert Falrcloth of Reldsville; one broth er, H. E. Faircloth of Winston* S.-ilcm; and two sisters, Mrs. C. W. Hall and Miss Grace Falrcloth of Advance. Funeral servlccH were held ni 2:30 p. m., on Monday of Jasr week a c Advance Methodist Church, with Rev. R. I. Starling and Rev. Bob Vnrner in charge, and the bodv laid to rest in the church ccmeterv with Masonic honors. Bio - Obituaries - 2/14/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 15,1951 - Page 1 ADVANCE MAN HANGS SELF PquI Campbell, 28, colored, of Advance, Route 2, was /uund dancjlilng from a tree near his homo Monday morning. The death woa pronounced os o clear cose of suicide by County Cor- oncnr O. V. Oreend. Campbell, a rock-lath contract or, hod been missing from home since Sunday. His wife and fom- ily deported for church around 10 a.m. Sunday morning. They did hot return until lote that af ternoon. Campt)cll ^os reported OS missing to the Sheriffs de partment Sunday night. Sheriff G. Alex Tucker, Deputy Ransom Cook, ond others seorched for the missing mon by use of flashlight. With the coming of daylight, the t>ody was found in o wooded area near Campbell's home by a 14- year-old boy who directed Sher iff Tucker and Cook to the scene early Monday morning. Campbell had climbed a tree, tied the rope around his neek, ond around a limb estimated to be 14 feet off the ground, ond jumped. His feet wore about four feet off the ground. Ko reason could be offered for the oct As far as it is known, Campbell made no statement or left any note giving reason for this action. Bio - Obituaries - 2/15/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 21,1951 — Page 4 y\filliam Cope William Clarence Cope, 48. of Linwood. Route 1, died Feb. 12th in a Salisbury hospital. Born In Davic County Jan. 8, 1903, he was the son of Mrs. Leila Myers Cope who survives, and Jake Cope. In addition to his I mother, he is survived by his wife, Mrs. Salllc Craver Cope; three step.hildrcn, etsht brothers and • three sisters. Funvral services were conduct* ttd at 11 a., m., Wednesdat at Chiirchland Primitive Baptist Church bv Elder I. A. Flaci; and the Rev. John PIcss. Burial was Jn the church cemetery. Frank Poteet, J. Prnnklin Poteet, 88. retired farmer, diad Thursday at his home near Cool Spriucs. He Is survived by his wife, the iormcr Mrs. Mollic Jones, ot Mocksvllle. Funem! services were held at the Filch Creek Presbyterian Church Friday at 3 p. m., and the body laid to rest in the church ceme*' tcry with Masonic honors. Bio - Obituaries - 2/21/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 22,1951 - Page 1 Miss Margaret R. Bell Passes Away Wednesday 'Mtffl Mtfffarai Rutherford Bell, retired school teacher, pasMd awajr In the Rowan Me> morial Hospital i(<Kind 11 a.m. Wednesday mornlnff. She had been seriowily HI since Febru* ary 13. She was the daufhter of the late Dr. Marshall T. Bell and Ellia Martin Dell of Mocks- vllle. Snrvlvors Include one sister, Mrs. Maxcey L. John of Lanr- tnihurt, N. C.; foar alcceo, and OM nephew. At press time, fwieral: ar-. ffanfenento were Ineonplete. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 22,1951 - Page 4 Funeral services were held at the North Coolccmce Baptist Church at 3:30 p, m. Tuesday. Rev. Charles S. Youn{; and Rev. J. H. Gross conducted the funeral services. Burial fotlovvcd in the Liberty Methodist Church ceme tery, Rt. 4, Mocksviilc. In addition to the widow, ho is survived by six sons, James and Sherman of Coolccmcc, J. P. and Baxter of Rl, 4, MocksviUc, Tur ner of the home and Baxter Greg ory of the United States Air Force in Japan; four daughters, Mrs. L. C. Dcdmon, Rt. 4, Mocks- villu; Mrs. Claudo Thompson of Cooloemce; Mrs. Tom Thompson of Hillsboro;* Mrs. Roy Evcrhort of Hnncs, N. C.; two brothers. Wiley Gregory of Grecnfeboro and Pink Gregory of North Wilkcsboro: one sister, Miss Mondy Gregory of Greensboro; 19 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. M. H. Gregory, 72 Passes Away M. H. Gregory, 72, of the Pincy Ridge section, Rt. 4, Mocksvlilo, died at Rowan Memorial Hos pital In Salisbury at 1:45 a. m.. Sundoy, following a heart attack Saturday afternoon. . He Was bom In Wilkcs County '.n Februory. l'878. the son of the | late Thomas and Sollic Shoppard Gregory. He wos married to Miss Hnttic Copley in 1699. He made his home In the Plncy Ridge sec tion of Davic County the past 37 years and worked ot the Irwin Cotton Mills In Coolccmcc until his heoUh foiled recently. He had bccn> in fairly good health until stricken with the heart attack Saturday. Bio - Obituaries - 2/22/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 22,1951 - Page 5 J. Franklin Pot^t Retired Farmer, Dies J. Franklin Potcct, 88, retired farmer, died Thursday at his home in the Cool Spring community. He had been III for three weeks. Mr. Potcet was a Mason and was a member of Fifth Creek Presbyterian Church. He is survived by his wife, the former Mrs. Mollie Holman Jones of Davie County. His first wife the former Miss Minnie Mcacham, died in 1940. Funeral services were conduc' ted at 3 p.m., Friday at,Fifth Greek-Presbyterian-Churchr-Bur- ial, with Masonic honors was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries — 2/22/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 1,1951 - Page 3 99-YEAR.OLD WOMAN DIES Miss Martha Jnnc Glasscock, 00, one of Davio County's oldest women, died at 3:30 p.m. Sun day at thchomc of a sister, Mrs. James H. Brown, Mocksville, R. 2. Miss Glasscock had been in de clining health for several years. Her condition was critical for three weeks. She was born In Davic County July 28, 1851, daughter of Thorn- OS B. and Mary Ellen Anderson Glasscock. Survivlngs ore two sisters, Mrs. Jnmcs H. Brown and Miss Cor nelia Glasscock, both of the home. Funeral services wore held at 2 p.m. Tuesdcy at Union Chapel Methodist Church. The Rev. W. A. Anderson and the Rev. H. D. Jcsup officiated. Burial was In the church cemetery. MRS, J. S. DANIEL RITES HELD MONDAY Mrs. Thirza McCullough Daniel, Gl, died at her home, 326 South Main Street, Mocksville, at 2 p. m. Saturday. She had been in declining health for some time but died unexpectedly. Born in Davic County May 14, 1886, she wos a daughter 6f the late Cicoi'o and Alice Lewder Mc Cullough. She was morrlcd Dec. ,3 1012, Co John S. Daniel, who died Oct. 23, 1041. She was a member of Liberty Methodist Church. Surviving arc seven sons, Har old Daniel of Winston • Salcm, John, Fronk, Fred and Douglas Daniel of the home ,nnd Bill and Jack Daniel of Mocksville; three daughters, Mrs. Lucicn Eaton of Albcmorlc, Mrs. Robert Caldwell of WInnsboro, S. C., and Mrs. Donald Riddle of Advance, Route 1: two brothers, C. C. and G. G. McCullough of Mocksville, Route 4; four grandchildren and a num ber of nieces and nephews. Funeral services were conduct ed at Liberty Methodist Church at 2 p.m. Monday by the Rev. A. J. Cox, the Rev. G. W. Fink and the Rev, J. P. Davis. Burial was in the church cemetery. Pallbearers were Joe Davis, Ervin Davis, Benny Daniel, Bob by McCullough, Bill McCullough and Lowery McCullough. Cathy Gail Whitaker Funeral Held Monday Cathy Gail Whittakcr, two- month-old daughter of Charlie ond Eloiso Moose Whlttaker, Mocksville, Route 1, died in a Winston-Salom hospital Saturday where she had been a patient for two weeks. Services were held ot 2 p.m. Monday at Liberty Baptist Church, with the pastor, the Rev. Tommio Luffman officiating. Survivors include the parents, one brother, the maternal grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. T| M. Moose, Harmony,. Route 2, and the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Steve WhUtokcr of Mocksville, Route 2. Bio - Obituaries - 3/1/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 1,1951 - Page 3 John C. Jones, 80, Passes Saturday John C. Jonea, 80. of Mocks* vlllo, Route 1. died at 3:20 p.m. Saturday at his home. He hod been in poor health for two years but had been seriously ill for only two days. l!c was the son of Ellsha and Lydia Wood Jones. , Surviving are his wife, the former Miss Betty Beck; four sons, Sanford Jones of Ohio, Prank Jones of Mocksvilc, Route % 2, Tom Jones of East Bend, ond Sherman Jones of Mocksville; five daughters, Mrs. B. L. Reid of Greenville, S. C., Mrs. Sonny Cranfill of Mocksville, Mrs. Dall as Cronfill and Mrs. Lester Booo of Mocksville, Route 2, and Miss Annie Jones of Kannnpolls; three brothers, G. K. Jonc.s of Mocks* villc, Route 1. Henry Jones of Leakavilic ond N. C. Jones of Thomasvllle; 23 grandchildren and 14 grcot-grondchiidrcn. Funeral services were conduct* ed at 11 a.m. Monday at Chestnut Grove Methodist Church by the Rev. James H. Groce and the Rev. William Anderson. Burial was In the church cemetery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 1, 1951 - Page 4 Mrs. Nancy Etta Branch. Passes In Morganton Mrs. Nancy Etta Branch, 60, wife of Baldus Branch, died Fri* day morning at her- home, 419 Bethel road, Morgantonv following un illness of abuut six months. Mrs. Branch was a native of Ire- dell county. Funeral services were held at 9 p.m. Sunday at th» First Res* byterian church. Dutlal was ia Forest Hill cemetefp. n In addition to dier husband Mrs. Branch is aorvived by two daughters and oM.soa, Bl J. Branch of ModtsviUa; 14 grand- children and 11 great-graeddtil* dran. Mrs. Sam Barney, 42, of Coolemee Mrs. San\ Barney, 42, died of a cerebral livmorrage ot her home, 13 Vndkin Street, Coulee- mee, at 4 p.m. Thursday follow- Ing an Illness of six weeks. She was born in Yodkin Coun ty Jan. 13, 1909, a daughter of the late I. S. and Alice Fryc Melton, and was married to Mr. Barney on Sept. 23, 1923. She hud lived in Coolccmcc 28 years. Surviving the the husband; one son, Fred Bnrncy of the homo; two daughters, Betty Sue Bar ney of the home and Mrs. Dili Shoaf of Coolccmcc: three broth ers, Venn Melton of Winston-Sa* Icm anil Richard and Will Mel ton of Advance; two sisters, Mrs. B. T. Stout ond Mrs. W. T. Stout of Winston-Salcm, and a number of nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held ot the Church of God in North Cool- eemce at 2 p.m. Saturday. Ser vices were conducted by Mrs. Fred Davis of Landis. Burial was in Woodland Cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 3/1/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 7,1951 — Page 4 ' Miss Jane Glassciock Miss Martha lane Glnsscock, 99 one of Davie County's oldest 'women, died at 3:30 p. m.« Feb. 2S, at the home of a sister, Mrs. James H. Brown, Mocksvillc, R. 2. Miss Glasscock had been In dc* dining health for several years, Her condition was critical 'for three weeks I She was born In Davie County July 28, 1831, daughter of Thomas B. and Mary Ellen Anderson Glnsscock. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. James H. Brown and Miss Cor* nclia Glasscock, both of the home. Funeral services were held at 2 \ p. m., Tuesday at Union Chapel Methodist Church. Rev. WllUnm* Anderson and Rev. H. D. Tcssup | ofEciatcd. Burial was 1 n t h c church cemetery. i Bio - Obituaries — 3/7/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 8,1951 - Page 1 Miss Julia Foalar Pastes Away Tuesday Mitf Julia Poiter, dau^ter of the late Jay and Nola Gibaoo Foatar, -pimd away Tueaday mortUnff. March 9, at City Hoo- pltal, Winston-Salem. She hod been ill for a month. V Funeral' services will be held Thursday at 3 p.m. at the Salem Methodist Church In Davie Coun ty . Miss Foster was a member of the Mocksvillc Baptist Church and resided at the old ^Foster ances tral home, Mocksvillc, Route 1. She is survived by two broth ers, Berry Jay Foster, Jr., of the home and Dr. John W. Foster of Winston-Salem; one sister, Mrs. Frank Stroud, Jr., of Mocksville; and three nieces, Mrs. Eugene Slate, Nola and Elizabeth Foster all of Winston-Salem. Bio - Obituaries - 3/8/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 14,1951 — Page 4 Miss Julia Foster This cndre comnninicv was sad dened last Tuesday by tlic death of Miss Julia Foster, of Mocks- vilic, Route !, which occurred at a Winston-Salem hospitai nt 9:00 o'clock Tuesday morning. She had been ill for the past month. Miss Foster was a daiighrcr of the late Berry Jay and Nola Gib son Foster. She nttcndcd Mitch ell College and the Nortli Caro lina College for Women ot Greens* boro. Miss Poster was a member of the Mock^vlKc Baptist Church, the Order of the Eastern Star at Mocksvillc, and Camel Shrine No. 5, Winston-Saiem. Surviving arc two brothers, Dr. John W, Foster, of Winston-Sai em, and Bcrr^' Jay Foster, of the home; a sister, Mrs. Frank Stroud, Jr.,'of Mockfivilie, and three niec es, Mrs. Htigene Sinrc and Noln > and Elizabeth Fosccr, all of Wins- ton-Salem, and nn aunt, Mrs. Fan ny Foster Koontz, of Mocksvillo, Route I. I Ful^Sl^t services were conduct ed «tt 3 p. m. Tiuirsdny at Salem Methodist Church with Rev. M. G. Ecvin and Rev. J. F. Duvla of ficiating, and the budv laid to rest in the church ceim tery. | The death of this Christian lady has brought sadness to the entire community where she s^'^cnt u long and useful life. She will be, sadly missed. The many beuut!- fu! floral tributes which covered thegfitve, attested the high re'ecm In which she was held. Mrs, Sallie Burton Mrs. Sally Click Burton, 87, of Hickory, Route 4, died at the home She had been in dcclin-' Ing health for the last four years. Bom In Davie county, the decc.ia- ed, a daughter of the late Michael and Millie Snyder Click, is sur vived by her husband, James Fass Burton, three daughters, three sons, 12 grandchildren and eight ' great grandchildren. Funeral scr- j vices were conducted in the chapel ' of thc-Hickorv Fuucral home at 2 ' p'nrk cemetery near Hickory, Mr. o'clock Wednesday afternoon, nnd Mrs. Burton were Married In Burial was In Catawba Memorial Dovlc County, Dec. 12, 1689. Bio - Obituaries - 3/14/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 15,1951 - Page 8 Mrs. Peacock Dies Sunday Mrs. Will P. Peacock died ot 1:40 Sunday afternoon at her holnc at County Line, Davic coun ty. She had been in failine.health for acveral montha and hod been criticoUy ill since Saturday morn- Mrs. Peacock was born Janu- ary 21, 1874, the former Mary Alice West, daughter of John West and Mrs. Rebecca Dayvault West of Davie County. She was marri^ to W. F. Peacock 45 years ago and they had made their home in the County Lino community since. Surviving arc her husband, two children, R. L. Peacock of East Spencer ond Mrs. Hoy McDanict of Mocksviilc, Rt. 1. Two brothers , and one sister, Leo West ond C. M. West of Rt. i; Mocksviilc ond Mrs. R. P. Wil- tioms of Cleveland, Rt. I. There ore eight grandchildren. Mrs. Peacock wos a life-long member ot the Salcm Methodist church and funeral: services were held from that church at 11 a.m. Tuesday morning with the Rev. Waugh Jessup and Rev. G. W. Fink in charge. Interment was In the church • cemetery. Bio — Obituaries -3/15/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 21,1951 - Page 4 Mrs, Wfill Peacock Mrs. Alice Peacock, 74. wife of Will F. Peacock of Cou.ity Line, died March lUh ac her home after an illness of one day. Surviving arc her husband; one sottt R. L. Peacock of Spencer; a daughter, Mrs. Ray McDanicls of Mocksvillc, Route <;cwo brothers and one sister. Funeral services were UAd at 11 a. m., last Tuesday at Snicm Methodist Church. Mrs. W. £ Watt Mrs, Cora IJamcs Wall, 80, died at 12:25 a. m., March 12 ac the home of n daughter, Mrs. F. R. Bcauchamp, Advance. Route 1. She had been ill for some time and in serious condition about two weeks. Mrs. Wall was the daughter of J. B. and Mary Coon Ijamcs and was a native of Mocksville. She was the widow of W. E. Wall. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. R. P. Boger of Mocksville, Mrs. T. L. Baker, of Mocksville, Mrs. F. R. Be.iuchamp, Advance, Route I, and Mrs. R. 3. Shcek, .Winston-S.ilem, and two sons, C. W. Wall of Advance and R. • Waif of Clemmons. Funeral services were held at 3 ■p. m., Tuesday at Oak '"irovcMethodist Church with Rev. W. Turner and Rev. H. D.i jegsup officlat'n.:. Burial'was In • tlie church cemetery. DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 21, 1951 - Page 5 y. A. Swicegood V. A. Swiccgood, 52, well-known citizen of Jerusalem Township, died at Rowan Memorial Hospital early Friday morning, following along illness. Mr. Swicegood held a position with Young Novelty Co., in this city, until nU health failed. He had many friends in this city who were saddened byhis death. Surviving are the wife, five sons and three daughters* Three of the sons are in. the Armed Forces. Two brothers, one sister and aev eral grandchildren also survive. Funeral services were held Sat urday at 3 p. m., at Concord Me thodist Church with Rev. George W. Fink officiating, and the body laid to rest in the Calvary Baptist Church cemetery, near Salisbury, To the bemaved family The ReJcord extends heartfelt sympathy in tills great bereavement. ■■■■ , • Bio - Obituaries -3/21/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 22,1951 - Page 2 V. A. SWICEGOOD DIES IN HOSPITAL Vun A Swicegood, 52, o( Route 4, Mocksville, died Friday inorn-| Ing ot 8:15 a.m. at Rowan Mem>! orial Hospital after a critical ill-[ nc8S of four weeks. He had been' in declining health for two years.' Mr. Swlcegood was a farmer and he had also engaged In tex tile work. A member of Concord 5fcthodlst Church In Davle Coun ty, he was a member of the stew ards ot the church and ot the building committee. Until his health failed he was a member of the Council of Youth Fellow ship, Surviving are his widow, the former Miss Annie Gullctt of Ro wan County; five sons, Van 3. Swlcegood) Jr., stationed In Aus tralia with the U. S. Army, Floyd and Hubert Swlcegood, with Ihe U. S. Army in Washington, D. C., James Swlcegood of Wlnston-Sa- lem and Joe Swicegood td the home, three daughters, Mrs. Johnnie D. Davis of Mocksville, Mrs. Hubert L. Foster of Coolee- {mec, and Fayo Swlcegood of the I home, six grandchildren, six I brothers, M. R. Swicegood aaxd J. ' L. Swicegood of Mocksville, L. F. ' Swlcegood, K. A. Swiccfood, Samuel Swlcegood, and C. B. Swicegood all of Statesvillo. and one sister, Mrs. Sam Barnhardt of Lexington. Funeral services were held at a o'clock Sunday afternoon at Concord Methodist Church. Ser vices were conducted by the p;,3- tor, Rev. G. W. Fink, assisted by Rev. Clyde W. Fogner. Interment was In Calvnry BapttstChurch Ui I Rowan County. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, March 22,1951 - Page 3 MRS. SHAW DIES AT 75 Mrs. Ccnith Dyson Shnw, 75, wlfo of Morion Shaw of Har mony, Route 2, died at her home Friday after an illness of several years. She had been seriously ill 2:30 p.m. Sunday. The Rev. J. G. Allgood, the Rev. J. M. Blnklcy and the Rev. Roy Grant offlcited. Burial Was In the Rocky Springs Cemetery. Surviving are her husband, Marion Shaw; and eight children R, E. Shaw of Winston-Salcm, for two weeks. She was the daughter ot Alvln and Martha Dyson of Davie County, but she hod lived most of her life in the Rocky Springs community. Funeral services were held at Rocky Springs Baptist Church at Mrs. J. J. Ovcrcosh, AustiniShaw and Glen ^haw of Hormony, Mrs. A. J. Simon of -Harmony, Route 2, Aivin Shaw of tl)c home, Mrs. Herman Show of Houstonville, and Mrs. H. A. Shaw of Statesvillo, two brothers, Noah Dyson of Mocksville and Bob Dyson of Montana; a sister, Miss Jeanne Dyson; 23 grandchildren and two gccat-grandchitdrcn. Bio - Obituaries - 3/22/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, March 22,1951 - Page 7 Mrs. W. E. Wall ^ Passes Monday Mrs. Cora Lcc Ijamcs Wall. 80, died at 12:25 Monday, March 12, at the home of a daughter, Mrs. P. , R. Beauchamp, Route 1, Advance. She had been 111 for some time, seriously ill for two weeks. Mrs. Woll was the daughter of J. B. and Mary Coon Ijames, a native of Mocksville, and the wid* ow of the late W. E, Wall. Survivors are four doughters, Mis. R. p. Bogcr of Mocksville; Mrs. T. L. Bokcr of Winston-Sa- lem; -Mrs. F. R. Beauchamp of Advance and Mrs. R. B. Shook of Wiiiston<Salem: two sons, C. W.j Wall of Advance, and J. R. Wall' of Clemmons. Funeral services were held at S p4n. Tuesday ot Oak Grove Methodist Chxirch of which she was a member. The Rev. George Bruner and the Rev. Mr. Jessup cobducted the lervice. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 3/22/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 28,1951 - Page 4 r, W. Graham ; Thomas William Graham, 74. retired lumber dealer, died Wed nesday at his home on Mocksvillc, Route 2. A native of Virginia, he hadI lived here the past 19 years. Surviving arc his wife, the form- jcr Norma Graham of the home; one daugiiter. Miss Louise Gra ham of the home; one sister, Mrs Demnris Lowrancc of Tolliver. Funeral scrvleei were held at 2 p. m., Friday at Valley HomcBap* cist Church, near Boone. Burial was in the church ceme tery* ' M.F.Nichoh • M. F. NicholH, 74i retired farm er, died suddenly at his home on Route 3, ue 4:30 p. m. Tliursdny- He had been In hilling health for the past four years. He died of a heart attack suffered while walk ing in his yard. Mr. NIcluJs ivft.4 a native of this county, and wna n member .of Union Chapel Metho dist Church. Survlvinc arc the wife, one son, Roy Nichols, of Route 3; three daiighcers, Mrs. VV. B. Builev and Mrs, W. 1- McClamrock, of U. 3, and Mrs. M. R. Raker, Advance, i R, I; one sister, Mrs. H. H. Mor- l4ensen, Orlando, FIn.t nine grand children, three tireiit-gmndchiidfen Funeral services were held at 3 p, m. Soturduv nc Union phnpcl Methodise Church, with Rev. W. C. Andereon ofHclatlng, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery.' ' . Bio - Obituaries - 3/28/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 29, 1951 - Page 2 M. F. NICHOLS RETIRED FARMER M. P. Nichols, 73, retired form er, died unexpectedly at his home on MocksvlUc Route 3, at 4:30 p. m. Thursday. He had been in failing health for the post four years. He died of a heart attack suffered while walking on the lawn of his home. Mr. Nichols, a native of Davie County, was the son of Benjomio and Ann Latham Nichols. He was married Feb. 3,1897, to Lula Boger, also of Davie County^ Ue was a member of the Union Chap el Methodist Church near Mocks- ville. Survivors Include the wife, one son, Roy Nichols of Mocksvillo, Route 3; three daughters, Mrs. W.'b. Bailey and Mrs. W. L. Mc- Clamrock of Mocksvllle, Route 3, and Mrs. M. R. Baker of Ad vance, Route 1; one sister, Mrs. H. H. Mortenson of Orlando,, Fla., nine grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Funeral; services were held at 3 p.m. Saturday at Union Chapel Methodist Church. Burial was in ; the church cemetery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 29, 1951 - Page 3 T. W. Graham^ 74, Mocksville, Route 2 Thomas William Grahom, 74, retired lumber dealer, died at 12:30 a.m. Wednesdoy at his home on Route 2, Mocksville. A native of Virginia, he had lived here the past 19 years. He was a son of DaoU^ aaA SiBle Jones Grahamu Surviving aer ^ wifit; the former Normot Gtaham;. okc daughter, Miss Louisa Graftn of the honie; one sister^ Mrs. Dkmacis Lowroncc of ToUiver; one grand- daughter. Funeral acrvlces were ReM at 2 p.m. Friday at Valley Home Baptist Church, near Boons.. Bup« ial was in the church cemetery.' MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 29,1951 - Page 6 G. B. FOSTER RITES SUNDAY G. B. Fosetcr of 1426 East Twenty-Fourth St., Winston-Sa- lem, machinist with R. J. Rey nolds Tobacco Company for the past 19 years, died at 12:30 p.m. Saturday at his home. He had been in declining health for four years and se riously ill for five weeks. Mr. Foster was born May 28, 1886, in Mocksvillo, the son of Albert ond Alice Lconord Fos ter. He spent his early life In Dovic County, moving to Win ston-Salcm in 1910. A member of Centenary Meth odist Church, Mr. Foster also belonged to the Men's Bible Class. He was married In 1916 to Bessie H. Hampton, who survives. Survivors Include the widow, two daughters, Miss Mildred Foster of Winston - Salcm, ond Mrs. Dcwcy Queen of Falls Church, Va.; one grandson; five brothers, Samuel L., E. P. ond Crulg A. Foster, all of Mpcks- ville, W. B. and J. E. Foster of Winston-Snlcm: and two sisters, Mrs. C. C. Poolc of Lexington and Mrs', W. G. Suin of Mocks ville. Funerol services were held at 4 p.m. Sunday at Voglcr's Chapel. Dr. Mork Depp and the Rev. H. P. Myers, Jr., officiated. Burial was in Forsylh Mcmoriol Park and nephews were pallbcorers. Bio - Obituaries - 3/29/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 4,1951 - Page 4 H'. S. Hendricks William Stevens Hendricks, 76, retired furniture worker, died at 7:30 0. m., March 26th, at his home here. Surviving 'ar<i the wife, Mrs. Mary Lou Jones Headrlckt: Itvo sons, Paul Hendricks of Mocks* ^lle, Duke Hendricks ofGcorsia. R. G. Hendricks of LcxlnBton, S. T. Hendricks of Charlotci^ and Frank Hciidrlcks of the U. S. "Army, Korea; twodauRhtcrs, Mrs. 0. T. lonca and Mrs. Troy Van-I Zandt. ol Wlnsron'Salem: two' 'brothers. John Hendricks of Advance, Route I; and Q. M. Hendricks of Hamlet; 13 grand*, children and one grcaograndchild. I Puiteral services were conducted at the home at Z p. m., Wednes day by the Rev. A. J. Cox. Burial was in th. Rose Cemetcrv> i DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 4,1951 - Page 5 ! G. B. Foster '0..D. Foster of Winston*Salem, I died at his home, March Z4th. ' I Mr. Foster was bom May Zdth. ' 1666. in Mocksville, the son *-of Albert and Alice Leonard Foster. He spent his early life it\ Davie Countv, moving to Wlnston-Sa* lem In 1910. ... 1 Surviyors ineludc the widow, two daughter, Miss Mildren Fost* er of Winston-Salem and Mrs. Dcwcy Queen of Falls Church, Va., five brothers; Samuel L., E. P., and Cralg A. Foster, allvof Mockavllle, W. B. and J. E. Foster of Winiton*Salem; and two sisters, Mrs^ & C. Poofe of Lexington and Mrs. W. G. Sain of Mocksville. Funeral services were held at 4 p. m., March 25th, at VoelePi Ch^l. Dr* Mark Depp and Rev. H. P. Myers, Jr.. officiated. Bu* rial* was in Forayth Memorial park. Bio - Obituaries - 4/4/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 5,1951 - Page 8 Rev. D. A. deUejr Dies In Elldn The Rev. Dtnict Attcn Oakley/ 80, paitor of Oakytew Methodilat Chtireb, High Foinf^ died early Sunday morning at Hugh Chat* ham Blemorial Hdgpltai at BIkln. Surviving m the widow, the farmer Bliii Beple Speaeer; two daughtera, Ifiaa Clarenee Oak* ley of Elkia and Mlaa Raehel Oakley of ISgh Foint; five aona^ Paul and Cbartai Oakley of Le* aoir, gamea Oakley of Heverly, N. J., the Rev. Robert Oakley of High Point, and the Rev. John Oakl^ of Farmington; aeven grandchildren and three hrotherai Fhneral servicea were held at 2:30 pjn. Monday at Oakview Methodiat church, High Point. Burial waa In Oakwood Ceme tery. Bio — Obituaries - 4/5/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 11,1951 - Page 4 Mrs. G, T Sprinkle Mrs« Miiitiu C. Spt'inkhr, 76, of Yadkinville. Route 3, died ot 3:45' p. m., Tuesdiiv, nt the homo of her Jauuhcer, Mrs. N. F. Holdeit, In Winston'Salein. She hiui been in 111 health fur a year, serious for three weeks. Mrs. Sprinkle was burn In D.avlc County on Feb. 23, 1876. Most of her life spent In Yndkin Coun* tv, where she was a member uf Cro^ Ronds D'ptist Church. On Jan. 20, 1901, .she wns nmr* fled to GcufKC T. S|)rlnkle. Mc survives. Otiicr survivors Include three daughters, Mrs. Holden of WinS' con'Salem, Mrs. M. D. Martin of Mocksvltle aiul Mrs. Clyde Shore of Yadkinville; one son, John T. Sprinkle of Snllsbury; 12 gr.and- children and one grea.'grandchild; and three sisters, Mrs. N.C. Cran* fill and Mrs. Frank Martin of Yod' kinvillc. Route 3, and Mnt. lohn B. Hampton of Brooks Cross Roads. Funeral services were held at 2:30 p. m., Thursilay at Cross Roads Baptist Churclt. Rev. A. C. Cheshire. Rev. R. B. Adams and Rev. W. N. Brookslrirc ofH- elated. Burial wa.s in the church cemetery. C. h. Summers Curtis Hobfion SiimmerN, 5 j of Mocksville died of pneumonia at i2 noon Wednesday at Ms home. He had been III for only n few days. Born in Dnvic County In i999 he was thcson of Thomas L Sum* mcrs aitd the lare Liizulia Crntts Summers. Mc lived in Mocks* ville his entire l-fe atid was an cm- ployeec of Mocksville Motor Co, Survivl «g are the father and two sist rs, Mrs. Paul Htndrick of Mocksville and Mrs. Mlllnrd Har* man of Mocksville. Funeral services were conduct* ed at 3:30 p. m., Thursday at Walker Fiincmi Home bvRi v A. 1* Cox* Burled W5»s ii) Smith Grove Cemetery. Mrs. Robertson Mrs. Maggie Robertson, 77, died nt her home In Advance Thurs day of pneumonia. Surviving arc three sons, A. D. and W. H. Robertson. Adv.ancc, and R. L. Robertson, of Mocks ville, Route 3; two daughters, Mrs. Susie Thomas, PfafFcown, R. I, and Mrs. Nettle Tucker, Advance, Funeral services were held at 3 p. m.i Saturday at Advance Me* chodlst Church, with Rev. I. R. Starling and Kcv. Oscar HarU- men officiating, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 4/11/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 11,1951 - Page 4 Mrs, H. C. Sprinkle Mrs. H. C. Sprinkle, 76, one of Mocksville's best known and be* loved women, died unexpeccedlv flt her home on Salisbury streec Sunday morning ac 11 o'clock, fob lowinc a three day Illness. Her death brought sadness to a host of friends chrouahout this entire community. Surviving are the husband, Rev. H. C. Sprinkle; three sons, Thos. W. Sprinkle, of High Poinr; Dr. Henry Sprinkle, New York City, ond William V. Sprinkle, Durham; two brothers, William Call, Seb ma, N. C., and S. M. Call, of this city; two sisters, Mrs. James H. Thompson and Miss Martha Call, oft^dscky. j Funqral services were held at 4 p. m., Monday at the hom^i with ^ her pastor, Rev. A. I. Cox ofliciac- j log, and the body laid to rest in Rose cemetery. Mrs. Sprinkle wos a native of Mocksviile, a daughter of the late Mr. and MiS. S. M. Call, und a member of die Methodist Church. To the bereaved family The Re cord extends deep sympathy In the passing of this good woman. She will be .sadly missed. The j community has been blessed by her long and useful life. Bio - Obituaries - 4/11/l 951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 12,1951 - Page 3 Mn. Robertson Dies In Advance Mra. Maggie Cozens Robertson, 77, of Advance died Thursday of pneumonia. She had been ill for several years. Born in Advance Dec. 27, 1^74, she was.the daughter of W. W. Cozens and Mattie Jane Spears Cozens. She had lived there all of her life. She was married to Thomas Robertson, former of Advance, kho died several years ago. Surviving are three sons. An* derson D. and William Henry Robertson of Advance and Rob ert Lee Robertson of Mocksville, Route 3; two daughters, Mrs. Sus ie R. Thonui of Pfalftown, Rt. 1, and Mrs. Nettie R. Tucker of Advance; several grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2:30 p.m. Saturday ot the home and at 3 p.m. at Advance Metho dist Church. The Rev. R. J. Star ling, pastor of the church, and Rev. Oscar Hardmon of Winston- Salcm, conducted the service. Burial was in the church ceme tery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 12,1951 - Page 4 Mrs. Winslow Dnun Dies In Claremont .. Mrs. Wlnslow Drum. 79, died Sunday evening at her home in the Balls Creek section, Clare mont, Route 1. Funeral sorvleos were Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. at Mountain Vjew Methodist church on the Bails Creek' charge. Born January 30, 1872, the daughter of the late Asbury Mace and Polly Bollinger Mace of Burke county. "TVIrs. Drum is survived by her husband, four sons,, three daugh ters, including Mrs. M. H. Murr ay of Mocksville; -one brother, and 21 grandchildren. , • j Final Rites Held For Mrs. Sprinkle f^ineral services for Mrs. Mattie C. Sprinkle of Route 3, Yadkln- vUle, who died Tuesday at the home of her daugliter Mrs. N. F. Holden, on South Main Street in Winston-Salcm, were conducted Thursday at Cross Roads Baptist Church. The Rev. A. C. Cheshire, the Rev. R. E. Adams and the Rev. N. ^ookshire officiated. Burial .wi/s. ini^^e church cemetery. '• Mrs.''''Sprinkle, althou^ born in Oavie County, had spent the most of her life lii Yadkin Coun ty, where she was a member of Cross Roads Baptist Church. Survivors are her husband, George T. Sprinkle, three daugh ters,, Mrs. Hotdcn of Winston- Salcm, Mrs. M. D. Martin of Mocksville, and Mrs. Clyde Shore of Yadkinvillc; a son, John T. Sprinkle of Salisbury; 12 grand children and one grobt-grand- child; and three sisters, Mrs. N. C. Cranfill and Mrs. Frank Mar tin of Route 3, Yodkinvillc, and Mrs. John B. Hampton of Brooks Cross Roads. Pallbearers were Francis Mar tin, Harold Martin, Paul Barron, Mervin Barron, Clyde Essie and William Essie. Bio - Obituaries - 4/12/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 12,1951 - Page 7 Final Rites Thursday For C. H. Summers Curtis Hobson Summers, 51, of Mocksvillc died of pneumonia at 12 noon Wednesday at his home. He hod been ill for only a few days. Born in Dovic County in 1899 he was the son of Thomas L. Summers and the late Luzella Crotts Summers. He lived in Uocksville his. entire life and was an employee of l^ocksvillc Motor Comj>any. Surviving the the father and two sisters, Mrs. Paul Hendricks of Mocksville and Mrs. Millard Harmon of Mocksville. fWiera) services were conduct* ed at 3:30 p.m. Thursday at Walk er Funeral Home by the Rev. A. J. Cox. Burial was in Smith Grove Methodist Church Cemetery. Palibearers were Atlas Smoot, Evcrette Dwiggins, Grant Wag oner, Sam Waters, James Owens and Judd Bailey. | Bio - Obituaries - 4/12/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 12,1951 - Page 8 Lonnie Gray Call Dies In Charlotte Lonnic Gray Call, 34, of Chor* lottc, native of Davlc County, died at 7:40 p.m. Sunday In a Charlotte hospital. He was the son of W. E. ond Bessie Horn Campbell of Mocks- ville. He spent most of his life in Davie County, moving to Charlotte about a year ago. Surviving in addition to the .parents are the widow, Mrs. Hazel Sheek Call; two sons and three daughters of the home; two half brothers Everett Horn of Newport News, Va., and Har ry Lee Call of Mocksville; and two half sisters, Misses Alice and •19 Alw C«n 9l Moeksville, A brief lervlee was held at the home in Charlotte at 11 a.m., following which funeral services were conducted at 2 p.m. at the Mocksville. Baptist church. The Rev. J. P. Davis, pastor of the church, officiated. Burial was in Rose Cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 4/12/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 18,1951 - Page 4 Sam E. Cartner Samuel Elijah Cartner, 45, died in the Baptise Itospita!- in Wins- ton-Salcm, April Mr. Cartner bmlce his Icjt some *5 months .«go.and for six month's | he was underVhospital treatment; in Salisbury. Ho returned homcl and obout-lQ cjoy^ agq.entered the ^ Baptist hoipltal rh Winaton-Saicm for some special treatment. He was sou of J. W. Cartner ofMocksville and the late Mrs.' Cartner. He was engaged In farm* ing. In addition to his father, he is survived by his wife. • the former. Miss Willie Munday. b v .two daughters. Misses Louise and .Ca- rotyn Cartner. at fho home; two brothers and one sister^ Hubert Cartner of Winstpn'Salem, Glenn Cartner, of Concord, Mrs. W. L. W. L Davis, of Kannapofls. Funeral services were-held at II ' o'clock Wednesday morning from Bethel Methodist church, and in* cermcnt was in-the church ccmc' tcry. Rev. William Anderson and Rev. Foster Lbftin conducted'.thc. service. ' *- • Lonnk Gray Call Lonnie Gray Call, 34, of Cliaf lotte, native of Davle County, died at 7t40.p.tm;.^^pril 6th, in a Cliaf' lotte hospital. ' I He was the soh'O'f W^ETCall and Bessie. Horn GatApbelV.df vlllc. He spent most of his life in Davie Countv..mo!ring to Char lotte about a yeaf'ag'd. Surviving in addition to the par ents arc the widow, Mrs. Hazel Sheck Call; two sons and 'three duughivrs of the humc; twu half brother, Everetr Horn ofNewport News Vn., and Harry Lee Call, of Mocksvlllc, and two half sisters. Misses Alice and Jo Ann. Call of Mocksvjlllc.^ n A briel service vias hHd a< the home,in Charlotte at 11 a. m.,. Tuesday and the hody brought Co the First Baptist Church in Mocks- vlllc. Funer8l;0<(Hrlces were conduct: ed at the cliiirch at 2 p. nu, by Rev. |. P. Davjs. Burial, was ,in R'isc C^'mcterv. Bio — Obituaries — 4/18/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 19,1951 - Page 6 S. E. GARTNER, 46, DIES IN HOSPITAL Samuel Elijah Gartner, 46, Da- vie County farmer, died Monday at a Winston-Salem hospital. He suffered a broken leg 15 months ago, from which he nev er recovered. He entered the hospital 18 days ago for special treatment His death came un expectedly following a heart at- ladt. Mr. Gartner, a native of Davie County, was a son of J. W. Cart" ner and the late Mrs. MoUie Martin Gartner. In aditlon to his father, he is survived by his wife, the former Miis Willie Munday; two daughters, Misses Louise and Carolyn Gartner of the home; two brothers and one isster, Hubert Gartner of Winston-Salcm, Glenn H. Gartner of Concord and Mrs. W. L. Davis of Kannapolis. Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. last Wednesday at Bethel Methodist Church near Mocks- viUe. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 19,1951 - Page 8 Mrs. Leia Ridenhour Dies Monday At Home Mrs. Lola Jane Ridenhour, 70, widow of G. A. Ridenhour, died at 1 p.m. Monday at her home, Mocksville, Route 3, alter an ill ness of one year. Surviving arc two sons, Clar ence L. Ridenhour of Winston- Salem and Wade Ridenhour of Wake Forest; one daughter, Mrs. Robert Snider of Mocksville; and three sisters. • IHmeral services were held Wednesday alternoon at the Lib erty Methodist Church. Bio - Obituaries - 4/19/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 25,1951 - Page 4 Mrs. S. B. Hall Mrs. Valera lustice Hall, 56, wife of Siacy B. Hall, local drug ^8t, died at 5 o'clock Friday mom- Ing at a Salisbury hospital, follow* log a^short llJnASj. She had been a resident of Mocksyllle 22 years. Surviving are the parents, her husband, one son, Robert Hall, of Mocksvillcj a granddaughter, two sl.tters, Mrs. Herbert Fender, Flor ence, Ala., and Miss Edna Justice, Candler; five brothers, T. T. Jus* ticc, Pnscagoula, Miss.; Gordon G. Justice, Aberdeen, Wash.; Fred Justice. Tonawanda, N. Y.; Mark Justice. MandcviUc, La., and Watt Justice, Condlcr. Funeral services were held at Mocksville Baptist Church at 3:30 p. m. Saturday, with her pastor. Rev. J. P. Davis officiating, assist ed by Rev. E W, Turner and Rev. A. J. Cox, and the body laid to rest in Rose cemetery. The death of Mrs. Hall was a severe shock to her many friends throughout this community. To the bereaved family The Record Joins a host of friends in extend ing sincere sympathy in this great bereavement. Wrs. Ridenhour Mrs. Lcla Jane Ridenhour, 70 years old, dtod suddenly April 16th, at her home in die Smith's Grove section. The funeral ser vices were held at 3 o'clock Wed nesday afternoon from Liberty Methodist church, and interment was in the church cemetcrv. Mrs. RidenhouPs husband Oeofge A. Ridenhour. died In June 1945. She is survived by three children: Mrs. Robert Snid er at the home. Wake H. Riden hour of Wako Forest atid Clarence L. Ridenhour of Winston-Salem. There are three sisters surviving. Mrs. L C. Deadmon, Mrs. C C. McCullough and Mrs. J. S« Wag ner all of Mocksville, route 4. Tlicre are 24 grandchildren. George Minor Gee. W. Minor, 78, died at hts home ncfar Fork Thursday. Hehod. been In bad health three years. Surviving arc the wife, seven Bons^ two daughters and 19 grand children. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m., Saturday at Fork Baptist Churchy with Rev.' E W. Tun»cr, Rev. J. M. Haves, and Rev. Mr. Tcnncry officiating, and the body laid tp.rcst In the church cemetery. John R. Brown Funeral services for John R. Brown, 83, who died Thursday at I the County Home, were held at Rocky Springs Baptist Church at 2:30 p. m. Saturday. Rev. J. G. Allgood officiated, and the body laid CO rest in the church ceme- • eery. Pour nlccM survive. | Bio - Obituaries - 4/25/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 25, 1951 — Page 4 John M. Poplin John M. PopUn, 59. well-known citizen of Route 3, died nr Row* on Memorial Koapitnl Insc Wed* needav evening nt 8:10 o'clock, following a two day lllncsa. Death resulted from a heart attack. Surviving arc the wife, one ion, Oscar four dnughteri, Mrs. Thomas Turrentine, Mrs. M D, Hcthcock, Misses Kathleen and Marie Puplln, all of Route 3} two brothers, Ed Poplin, of Route 3, and James Poplin, of Roanoke, Va.. and one sister, Mrs. Spcnccr Summers, of Route 3. Funeral services were held at 3 p. m., Pridflv at Detliel Methodise Church of which he was a metn* ber with Rev. William Andcnon, Rev. Foster Loflin and Rev. P. A. Wright ofnciaiinQ, and the foody laid CO rest in the church ccrne* lery. Mr. Poplin was born in Davie County, where he spenc his- en* eire life, He has opernced o ihoo repair shop in Mocksvidc since early manhood. ' John Poplin had many friends throughout (his entire sectioni who were saddened bv his de.it.i. The Record extends sympnthv to the bereaved ones in this sad hour. Bio — Obituaries - 4/25/I95I DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 26,1951 - Page 1 Final Rites For John M. Poplin,59 services for John Mc- Corklc Poplin, 59, of Mocksvillc, Poutc 3. owner and operator of the Poplin Shoe Shop here, were held nt 3 p.m. Friday at.Bethel Methodist Church. The Rev.. Mr. Anderson, the Rev. Mr. "Whight and the Rev. F. -RT^iofltn-officralcdT-BuriohwasTW the church cemetery. Pollbearers were AUon Howard, Abe How ard, Jim Frank Sain, Arnlc Fos ter, Norman Lcnch and Henry Sparks. Mr. Poplin died nl 8:25 p. m. April 18 ht a Salisbury hospital after a brief illness. Ho was born In Dnvic County^ son of James and Carolyn Gen tle Poplin. Ho was well known here in business circles. ROBERT p. IRELAND PASSES SUDDENLY Funeral .services for Robert P. Ireland, 05, farmer of Mocksvillc, Route 2, were held at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday nt Liberty Baptist Church by the Rev. T. M. Luff- man. Burial was in the church ceme tery. Pallbearers" were Dallas Hutchens, Doward ^cnvis, Eskcr Shinnutt, W. L. Wnllnco, Roy Gi'ucc and Blalno Green. Mr. Ireland died unexpectedly Monday at his home. So nof William and Elizabeth lrcluhd',nio*Tpchrius in the Clarksvillc community. Surviving arc the widow, Mrs. Lola Summers Poplin; four daugh ters, Misses Knthcrinc and Mario Poplin of the homo, Mrs. M. D. Hatchcock and Mrs. Tom Turrcn- tinc of Mocksvillc, Route 3; one son, Oscar Leo Poplin of Mocks- vUlo, Route 3; two brothers, Ed 'PupirnnifMutitsviiiu:RDtiiTf-3;'ana Jim Poplin of Roanoke, Va. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Emma Banner Ireland; two i^sons, James Ireland of Lexing- iton, Route 2, .and Paul Ireland i of Mocksvillc, Route 2; one daughter, Mrs. Walter Myers of Mocksvillc, Route 2; two sisters, Mr.s. Ethel Brow nof MocksviUc, Route 2, and Mrs. Cary Groce of Mocksvillc; two brothers, Char lie Ireland and J. Ireland of MocksviUc. Route 2; four grand children; and several nieces and nepliews. Bio - Obituaries - 4/26/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 26, 1951 - Page 1 Mrs. W. F. Martin Dies At Home Mrs. Minnie Wall Martin, 71, wife of W. F. Martin, died at her home in Mocksville, Tuesday morning, April 24, nt 9 a.m., after an illness of several months. She was critically ill for eight weeks. Mrs. Martin was born in Orangc- burg, S. C„ on Aug. 11, 1080, the daughter of the late Montrovilo and Sara Sain Wall. She lived in Orangcburg until her marr iage on July 20, 1003. In oddltion to her husband, Mrs. Martin is survived by one son, Walter E. Martin of Sumtcr, S. C..and Mocksville; three daugh- tors, Mrs. P. W. Donnelly of Snlis- bury, Miss Janic Martin and Mrs. W. L. Moore of Mocksville; two sisters, Mrs. J. L. Post of Tow.son, Md., and Ui\ W. E. Tillct of Con- garie, S. C.; 3 grandchildren and .several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will bo con ducted by the Rev. W. A. Andor- son and the Rev. A. J. Co.x Thurs day afternoon at 3 p.m. at Bethel Methodist Church, of which Mrs. Martin was a member. Interment will bo in the church coinelory. Bio - Obituaries - 4/26/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 26,1951 - Page 1 FUNERAL SERVICES HELD SATURDAY. FOR MRS. HALL Mrs. Valeria Justice llnll, 56, wiCc of Stacy B. Hull, local drugg ist. died ut 5 p.m. Friday ut n Salisbury Hospital, following o short jUncKS. Mrs. Hull was born ol Cand- lor i Buncombe County on Jan. 10, 1893. Ihc daughter of Robert V. and Clara Morgan Justice. She hod bee na resident of MOCksvllIc for 22 years. Surviving are her parents, her iiusband; a son, Robert B. Hall of Mocksvillc; a granddaughter; two sisters, Mrs. Herbert Poi\- dcr of Florence, Ala., and Mis.s Ednti Justice of Candler; five brothers, T. T. justice of Pas- cagoula, Miss., Gbrdon G. Ju^r , t. I • • * tico of Aberdeen, Wash., Fred Justice of Tonawanda, N.. Y., jMork Justice of ^Mandcville, La., und Watt justice of Candler. Funeral, sorvipcs were conduct* cd at. MocksvlUe-Baptist church at 3:30 p.m. Saturday by the Re.v. J. P. Dav)s, the Rev. E. W. Turn er and the ilcv. A. J. Cox. Burial was in Rose Cemetery. Pallbearers were Spurgcon An derson, R. P. Martin, Charles Porthing, Floyd Naylor, Robert Dwiggins and Graham Madison. Bio - Obituaries - 4/26/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, April 26,1951 - Page 3 G. W. Minor, 78, Passes Friday George W. Minor, 78, farmer, died athis home, Advance, Route 1, Fork DapUst Church commun ity, at 12 noon April 19. He had been in declining health for three years, but died unexpect edly. Born March 25, 1869, in Davie Countyi he was tho son of Zcr- roll and Amy Hendrlx Minor. He was a member ot Fork Baptist Church. On Dec. 27, 1899, he was mar rled to Miss Betty Zimmerman, who survives, with two daugh tors, Mrs. C. V. Williams of Wlnston-Saletn, and Mrs. D, E. Whitehcad of Ramscur; seven sons, M. C. Minor of Mount Airy, T. J. Minor of Advance, Route 1, M. J. Minor of Charlotte and G. Y., L. G., S. R., and K, O. Minor of Winston-Salem; and 19 grandchildren. Funeral services were hold ot Folk Baptist Church at 2 p.m. Friday by tho Uov. Mr. Tinnory, the Rev. E. W. Turner and the Rev. J. M. Hayes. Pallbearers wore Louis Zimm- ormon, James Zimmcrmon, El mer Zimmerman, John Tnlbcrl, Sam Tnlbort, and Jim Sullivan, uU nephews, Otlicr nephews wcro honorary pallboavora. Bio - Obituaries - 4/26/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, April 26,1951 Mrs. Hall, 56, Of Mocksville .Mr.-. M.-iKt;. lij.M, "Hi, v.it".- Ill' s-i.cv I;. I... lc;iJ <1 i ilii il ,|i ."i p. ii!. (•'nil.iy ,'it a !<:ili.:|iii|-y jiitiii, a .-hurl ill- 11 -Mi :. Ffall -.v.'i.H (!i>ili :il Cajitl- N'l* III i;-.i?ii tiiiili.' t'liiiMly <Mi .Jiiliiiary II', jlu- 'iiiiifl.- It'i- ('[ ll'il'-'ri 'i . .'iiiij I'lara .M'l .i'.ili .1.1^ I 11 1-. sJ.i' ir.ii iii'i'ii l ii I' .11 1! I. • ii'l • ;-'.'li an i.i-i- piii'i-ii' , liiT il'.i:-I.iaiiil a -nil. it'ili'/it SI. Il ;.:i 1.1 rr.iiiiliyui|lii'T; u-.n -iat i i -.. .Mr-. li.riK-r I'vi,..r 1 1..r- -.•lav. .-Mil., nail I'Mni .lii 'i' i' lil' iiv- In-.. 1 Mn r.--. 'I'. T. .I ii.-'.i-'ii nl" I'.i -^- . .If-iilii. .\5:.- I.. '.;:-r>li'ii .lii -- li.'i- -.V ,Miar(li-i i., Vi'n-a.. i'ln-i .l-.l -ri r ri.riii-.'. a'.itln. ^ .\|:i I I i :' .. .1 .Mill |.:i.. : l.ii 'Ai.ll .|i|.:ii i' "f I l-.l. iliT. I'll fi'l ill i"!-.'!!-!-:. v. I ll' l lill- iliirli il .it .Mm U itir Uii.p'i-: I'Iiiii-i 'm I'.t nllJl 1-. al. Si'.liir- liay l.y it.-' U.■^. f Unvin till l:r\. r. w, I'lirii'l' .llfl !]..• U-'V. I, I 'lH;. i:i-ri:ii I'.a.'. • ti K - ri-ii t '1 • |';,,||l i .-jp 1 1 I ■ I -.- i-yur.'i-ii-i Ai . ■ I . i ' 1' - r..i ■! 1m-. I"! 1 N-''- i f i I ■ I I-. i- -ill .1! ' 1 : :• rill-' .'-1 nil ■ •, fico!'!!',! Minor, 78, l)ie.s Tliiirsdav .! .-.i I I 'l 1 1 - .•!l I. . !: .1 . .M 1 1 1 ■ 1 -iri'l John M. Poplin, 59, Dies Wednesday -fohii M. Poplin, rj1>, wull- Idiim'ii uillicci) of MocltSviUo, Huiitc J{| ill. Uo^Viiii Jle- nu'riol ilospitiil Iri-sl Weilnc.s- i!:iy cvoniiij; at F}:10 o'clock, fii||iiwlii4( il two <l:»y lllnc.sis. Death Tc.-iultcil from n heart iillaeL Hui'viviiiir ui'o 111-' wife, run: i=on, O.iL'iir Lcci fvui daiiKh- lei'.-i, Mr.^. TlxiinaH 'i'urren- tiiK'i Mrs, M. D. llfilhoock, .Mis.sc.s Kiitlilueu anil Mariri l'<>|il:ii, all of lloiitc •(; Moehs- vilic: t'lVo biTilliiirs, Kil Pop lin. of iioiile Timl Jaiai'.-i Paplsii, of UoHUokc, Vu., ami lino ;ii .riir, Mr.-i. .Sjiciiecr Sum mers, ui' Himlo I'tiimral .Mervice.5 were hcW III •'! p, m-, Frithi.',' at JJetliel Methuilisi Cliureli of wiiieh hi! was a niemhci' with Pev. tVillliini Ajulcr.soii, Kcv. Pos* ter ixifllit iiiul I'cv. F. A. U'riuhl offieSulirir. ami lite liiidy lahl lo I'ei.t in the elitircli .'omolery. .Mr. Poplin Whs liOrn ill ihwio (.'mmty, '.vhc're he .speiil Isi.s entire life, ilo lias nperal- !i| n kIioi! repair .-iluip in .Muoksviliu luuco 'larly niHU- lood. Rites Held {■or H. F. Bowden, 69 llenry I-' ii s HiaviUm , ilii'il .it lii.-i iiuiiii- i.'i .M'j-.'!-. .ilimii a. III. .s.iiaii.y I leii.i'Ui.v illm r. i. No '.vn.- l-nrii iKl. I'.t. ill I).i-. ie ('iiuhly. l|.■r .-;;( III I !•: '■! iii< l ire, jj.' a s'lii .S. W. mill .Il .'irtmi.ii !li.-'.'.'ili II. Hi- •liiil.'.riinti iin-l I'l rtii. r iii. yi'ar- iifi', v.'i.-'.'i l i- i lii -.'-ii llt'iviil to .Morlii-viiji . Ill; a mi'inljcr of Smilh tlrnvr Ihoili.-'l (!hm'ch. nil Ocl. i:!, lifll, Mr. <!oil jmirrii'il .''Its,' .Miitlie nor, wlio .-fiirvivi". '■■1'.; -ill!-.-' nlU-r I Mi'J. ill ' V. :i. Ill 11 :■ ;i • ;i li; ! i ;iThl - .Ml -1 Uiiw- liiii-1 <l;hi-r survj'.urs i u i 1 ii li i- tlin''* ilaiiy'li'.i-is, Mrs. I.'.'olyn ||oii]ier, Wtn.-tl-ii'ii-Siiloni, a li >1 Mv.h. p. H. Hid'liii aii.l .Mv.-'. r. I'. Seats, leUll ol' .Morh-.viLli . Hii.iti- .'I: sewn nrmiilchil'lrei:; his. slepini'':i«'i'. ^Irs. S- - Uov.Tlen, .^<iv:irn-i': ami t'"-" hriillK'i'N (irail.'. Ilowileii. Siirr.-i im-rri''1il. ami It- H. I>iiv. lii-ii. Iiiuivillf, Viiit iv. II .lisU'r.-i. Ml';-. Iloinili ."•Hllitil "1 -Xdvaiu anil -Mr-.-. Ila.xil Snii!.:'! "I' '.Vii: - Inr. ■ ;hilei!l. l-'iiii-ral :;i'i-\v.'.-i'- .I.-:- III. .Mai-nhaiia .Mi-i '..in ' Inn-'li a*. p. ai. .M--inl:iy. i i'inlmi- l.y iiiiil On Iti-v. .1. Ill lA-v. : il ■•.-.I-I ill till' • i .r-l. .1. I '. r.i|i.-ii. i'l nail ill-Ill.. .1. '• iO'-a.-i . w. v.. 11 ,. I .. 1 •• in •.• . r- ■ llM. 1,1.1.-;: i! ni.i .-I I Bio - Obituaries - 4/26/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, April 26,1951 Mary Ella Smith Simpson Mother Of Former Cooleeniee Woman Dies In Concord t-'niii'r.il si-rvicL'H I'ljj' .Mrs. ..M:ijy I'IIji Sjiiilti 8ii>i|i.sMii. tf l, V. klitv.' nt S<-|liMtci Shii|K-|i:ii). iiKvltiri' III" Mrn. Wiiller ("Jriu-iu' fnrt(i«'r)y of (.'onleC'liicc diett 'rm-Hil.iy ill ilii' CDjicorrl X«rs- iii;' llijiii! ill tVinfonI, N'. of llir infiniiiticH of nco. will '•r ivMiiliK'lod 'nun.-idi.y iiflir- it'iiTi ill :5 itV!«iirt: fniDi ilio (Viili'iik- I'lcHli.vii'ifiiii ohiiroh ill Ctli'sU-r colilily. Tlir riiiiiisur. Iho Ui^v. T. K. (irii-r, .lifl Ijo in cl;.ni/o of llio n ..TVin !. 'I'ho ktidy, »i')iU-|i ii; :.l li;. I ri'ii'n Fiiiioi'iil liM.'iii! in t'lir^li-r, will Ijo tiiki'i) In IIh' rlmi\'li ;il I o'l'look on 'riiurs' ijiiy, will-re i< will nniiiiiii uii- III llie liniir nf ihi! M'jeiri!. The iiiti.Tmi III will fnlltiiv in I he Ivpii^ei'iiiil ceinohii'y ii; Winii.-ihiiiii. Mi'.-i. Simfirfnn IV.i;: iUI.-ilivv of Kiiiifielii nniiiiy, Ja-iii}: :i <liiiU!hloi' nf *Jii* liiti' Williiuii A Sinilii :i.n«l I lie l;ile iMr:% Mitryniv* .Mi-rnliy f^inilli. N]:" I".i-.s i ili.ieii|i-i| ill ilie .-tfllonl.-; <il' J*:iii'fii-lil cniiiily. i'l-kir i.> yoiiijf to ilw <'nii- i nril N'msiiiy iionie. .Mim. ^iim)»- ::o,-i hiul niiuie In-r lioriK' with Iff oiii, T, Ktiwiird H.ini|"i0.ti of Uii.iihuijr, Jlnu-ii.. 1. Mrs. Martin, 70, .\|i 1. Sini|i.^nii is .e,irvivi.\i I'V fniir liuujriKt-rii: ^li';^ WVii- ler T. <:iv.,-5i:; nf Arli:i-/io!i, ; .Mrr. [Jolieri [.. Irniiu! of Toinfl, X. .1,; .ill'.--. (;i-nrj.rn fi. Ilnllir I-!' rii'.'.usi;i i ll.inl. .S". .niii rli.-ii-iii- .-V.j '..'ill . i".. i ; IliUtM "-111 . T. K-i.-. iO'il :-"il5l|i.-:iili of Uiihliiji i'. Il'iiile I; l.e.^lii.- i.hi- Vi--i.-inil- ll"K- I■'ihirniii.-i. ;ii il Kivh'. il. Siiii|-"Oil ilf .\i-'.-.- 11 l U-.iii"!, I 'l 1-r. !ii;--iiii(-r> II ; 1--'. n I-i-"-;.l-i.i .iniji-lii . '••■i. <i:ii- -inii- rIII'-r-jii■ I;.>'•. .^!i l-!;-.i'I-.! II. ;- |II !l:""ll -l-.ll-.i i -'i-fllll.'.'. .Mr., .•-iiiii'.-"!! !•; il;-.! lioM l:li liil'i'l "it thiil Ijliito h "if tlio .-ni.iil. I'.iiiiil"'. Mi'.s. .Minnie Will, .Mnitifi. 70. ivifi* of U'. F. -Mmtill, diril 111 her iin.'iie oil Norlh .M.ifn Sireel, JIfn'lrs%-i||e, here ot !' -•1.* III. •.'■-"-^"oi'ihi)* • >' -I- il 1" oils! ilhie:-:2 ill' Ml-iVHlVill IJIinilil.i. i^lie w;n evtliejilly lit for ;ili>.ii)| ei'/ii'. v.-i'iili:'. liovii ill Oriiiiyehnri-r, H. I!.. .\-.|0||."'l II, 1!^."0l, .she tt ':is ll'U! r.niirliler of Ihe liile Alotilse- vilUi iiiiil finriih Kliii.iiliotli Sriln \V:-.ll. She wiis tiiaeriiiil July ;;ii. nyi-'i, to 31r. .Miii'lin, iiinl innei-il lo MoeliAvllle. .Mr.;. Miiniii Wii.s :i innnitier OS licriiiil MelhoiliHl Clmrrh. .Mni-k-ivilte, lirnitc! Jk Survlvini! oi'e the hnskiiKli mil.! Sim, Walter Iv. Marlin of .MiM-k.-ivillii finil SuiiiU'i', S. C'.; three (liLiij|;]iioi'!i, Mrii. Paul Ihiiiiielly of Sali.^ilim'y, Miss ■Jiiiiii! Martin of the home iind Mr;;-. L. Moore Jr. of Miii-k.-ivi]k'; tw<> .si.sior.-t, J. li. Uasn of Towson, Mil., iiiiit Mrs. W. K. Tillcy nf Fin;- yaiee, ."S, C.; 'hn't.' yr;iiiil- eiiLluioii; iind .sevenil siu'ee.; iiiKl ne|ilH'\v.;. Fiiner.-il .-lerviees wtiv helil ill. p. in. Thill'.': I lay al. iteltiel .Melhoiliiil riniri h h.v ll.e II<-v. A. <"n.\ Jiiul llie lie'.'. iV. .\. .•\n<ti'V.-<-i>n. IJnrial wim in Ilic I Imri'li eeniftt-ry. Robert P. Irelaii(j, .Near Moclisville iLrj i-"inii r.ij -1 ri i-.- for I:"iIk-i-i I'. Iii l.iinl. fiiinii'i' nf .i|>"i li."'.i!|i'. iJout".' 'i. Wi ll- In-Ill .1' :!:::0 p. m. \l'riln«'-;<l!iy .0 l .ili'-r'y lh;pll::l rlilireh h.; 1 .11' Ki".. T. .'I. I.ii rf-'fiiiii, ]):i-• I..I'. •.v.'i.- ill t5n' ♦ liiri't L II • 'I ' I"; IMi'i.i! I , : 1" e I" - 1 I I '.v ;. I' li . : : - w. }.-. K: . . iilnini .'I . 1 . il-i il I • M',' -..I', .il ill-' li-:ll.'-. ;-i.!i i!' u i."! F.l;:-:-.- Ii. I II Jr-'|: II.'. ill- "(n-l I III:: ell- lii" till ill till- <'liiil-;-villi.' < i -ii.iimiiiiy. J-'.ir'.'l'. ini-: i.i".' hi-; '.vIlV-. .'•Ir.-. Sunriii. Ihiiiiie) li ihii'iiS: IWv" .-na.-. .I.llll",',-" li'rhilKl of ' hi-xiiielcii, IJoiile y. :inil l'iu:l ' Ireliii'd i"l" .Mi-i k.svtjh-, ]'n-.i",t' i; iiIji! iliinj'l.lt'i'. .Mrs. WuHee • .Myei'.- of .Mnrk,-;'. ille. itmite J: lui.i .'"isler.':, Mrs. Mlliel Itvown of .\|ill'li;:'"i!li'. Ui'llll iiail Mr-'. Ciiiy limee nf .Morh.<- '.lllr; I'.M- J-.'o'.tu'i Fi'iiii'j-." 1; I hii.il .mil .1. Iirli'.ml of •M".; I: •'.'illi . It-nil I 'i ; foiiv I r.iliii -liM-il'"- 1 ; ;.i ,il I . 1- y .'i | l.ii .-I ■ ■ . Bio — Obituaries — 4/26/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 2,1951 - Page 4 H. F. Bowden Henrv Fries Bowden* 69« died ^ 'at his home In this eitv April 22, following nlong illness. He was' born in Davl^ County* where he spent his entire life. He was a son of Mr* and Mrs. S. W. Bow' den* and was a dairyman and far* mer on Route 2 until he retired and moved to Mocksville four years ago. Ho was a member of Smith Grove Methodist Church. On Oct. 13* 1911* Mr. Bowden married Miss Matcic Burner* who sundvc^. Other survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Evelyn Hoopcri Winston-Salcm; Mrs. R. R. Red den and Mrs. Robah Smith* both c of Mocksville. R. 3; seven grand- t children; his stepmother, Mrs. S. W. Bowden, Advance, R. 1, dnd two brothers* Grady Bowden, of e SummcrBcId, and R. S« Bowden. s Danville, Va. Robert Ireland FuncrnI services for Robert P. Ireland, 65, a farmer on Route 2, Mocksville, were held at 2:30 p. m., last Tuesday at Liberty Bap' tisr Church, with Rev. T. M. Luff; man ofHclating. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. Ireland .died April 23* at his home, j Surviving arc his wife* Mrs. Em ma Ireland; two sons, one daugh ter* two sisters* two brothers and (four grandchildren. Funeral services were held on Monday of last week at 2:30 p. m. at Macedonia Moravian Chiirch, with Rev. J. G. Bruncr and Rev. J. P. Davis officlnting, and the body laid to rest In the church cemetery.' Mr. Bowden had many friends in this city an I throughout the county who were saddened by his death. To the bcicaved family The Record extends sincere sym pathy in this sad hour. Geo. G. Poole Geo. G. Poolc, 75. of Salisbury, famiHarlv" known by thousands as "Lord SaUsbui^',"on account of his fantastic wearing apparel, died at the Mocksville Nursing Home at 11: 0 p. m. Thursday. He had been a patient here since FebrU' arr. Funeral and burial s.'rvices took place at Salisbury Saturday. A great character has been called ro ihat bourne from which no traveler returns. Bio — Obituaries — 5/2/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 2,1951 - Page 4 Mrs. Crenshaw Mrs, G« A. Crenshawi 11, died at her home on South Main itrecc at 3 o'clock Thursday morninB, following an illness of six months. Surviving arc the husband and two sonSf C. R. CrcnshnWi of this dtVi and H. W. Crenshaw, of Ron* nokc, Va.; one brother, three sis^ tors and one grandson. Funeral services were held nc the homd at 2:30 p. m. Friday with Rev. A. J. Cox officiating, and the body laid to rest in Rose cemetery. . Mr. and Mrs. Crenshaw moved to Mocksville about four years ago, and made many friends who were saddened by the death of this good woman. The Record extends sincere sympathy to the bereaved husband and sons in this gre.at bereatTment. Mrs. W. F. Martin' Mrs. Minnie Wall Martin, 70, wife of W. F. Mnrtin, died at her home in this ciiv last Tuesday morning,'following n long illness. Surviving arc the husband; one son, Walter E, Martin, Sumtcr, S. C.; three daughters, Mrs. Paul Doniteilyi Snilsburv; Miss Janlo Martin, of the home, and Mrs. W, L. Moore, of this cUy; uvo sisters, and three grandchildren. Funeral services wete held at 3 p. m. Thursday at Bethel Metho dist Church, with Rev. A. J. Cox and Rev- William Anderson offi ciating, and the body laid ro njsc in tlie church cemetery. Bio — Obituaries — 5/2/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 3,1951 - Page 1 George Grace Poole XORD SALISBURY' I DIES IN LOCAL NURSING HOME The man who lived to make people Inugh, George Grace Foole, more fnmiUarly known at "Lord Salisbury." died last Thursday night at the MocksvlUc Nursing Home on Wilkcsboro Street. ' His family acceded to his wish to lie in state for two days at the Peeler l^mcral Home in Sal* isbury. At U o.m. Saturday he went intestate, clad in a loud gray suit with white pin stripe, yellow sports shirt and full blue tie. The casket was of two col ors, a rich wine—symbolic of joy _ symbolic of the life of George Grace Poole. The inside of the cosket was eggshell. Lord Salisbury left an admon ishment for those who come to SCO him: "Como not in sorrow. 'CO0K uL lilU t WOnclTOus raiment. Smile and turn away." U was reported more than 10,000 came by to see him during these two days. After lying in state for 48 hours the funeral rites for the man who made the undisputed claim to the title of the "X^oudcst Dressed Critter ih Christendom" was held at 11 a.m. Monday at Peelers Funeral Chapel. The services were conducted by the Rev. P. D. Brown of Salis bury, ossifitcd by the Rev. Vance Daniels of King's Mountain. Bur ial was in the Chestnut Hill Ceme tery. Two years ago he prepared his epitaph and gave it to a reporter on the Salisbury Post The text was: "George Grace Poole. Bom July 25, 1875. Died . Boys have a good time, but watch your step. Be as good as 3|ou can be cause life on this earth is very short." After being a familiar figure around Salisbury for many years^ Lord Salisbury came to the Mocks- ville Nursing Home early this year. He was 75 years old. Bio - Obituaries - 5/3/1951 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 3,1951 - Page 3 Mrs. G. A. Crenshaw Passes Thursday Mrs. Goorgta Wampler Cren shaw, 77, died about 3 a.m. Thurs day at her borne here after a six month illness. She was bom in Smythc Coun ty, Va., Nov. 13, 1873. She was a daughter of the late Steven A. and Margaret Boyd Wampler. She taught school in Smythc County for 20 years. Mrs. Cronshow married Gray Allen Crenshaw March 7, 1900. ' They lived In Virginia until 1946, when they moved here. Survivors include her husband; two sons, C. R. Crenshaw, Mocks- ville, ond Henry W. Crenshaw, Roanoke, Va.; a brother, J. Al bert Wampler, Lexington; three sisters, Mrs, C. A. Hicks and Mrs. Mnrgnvet Davidson, both of Quany, Va., and Mrs. F. M. Wor- ley, Saitvillc, Va., and one grand- •child. FiinpraT services wore conduct ed at 2:30 p.m. Friday at the home by the Rev. A. J. Cox and the Rev. J. P. Davis] Burial was in Rose cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 5/3/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 9,1951 - Page 4 J. H, Dwiggins . John H. Dwitigins, 90, died at his home near Center Thursday at noon followini; a tew hours ' ill- . ncss. He wos a lifc'long mstdcnt . Davie County. I. Surviving arc five sons, L, R.,j I. M., R. T» and J. Lee Dwigains, ? ,of Winston'Salem, and Lonnic M. I Dwiseins, of this city; one dauch- tcr, Mrs. H. S« Walker, Winston* ® Salcm; 11 crandchildrcn and four i) grcot-Rrandchildrcn; one brother, li W»F. Dwiggins, of Mocksvillc, and one sister, Mrs. James Pow ell, of Route 1. Funeral services were held at 4 p, m., Friday at Center Methodist Church with Rev. G. W. Fink. Rev. William Anderson and Rev. O. L. Ruth officiating, and the r. body laid to rest in the. church '. cemetery. Pallbearers were Mar* r shall Dwiggins, William Powell,IGradv Cartncr, Fred Walker and Albert and Sanders McAllister. W. J. Overcash Graveside services for William J. Overcash, 79, of Route 4, were held at Liberty Methodist Church cemetery Friday at 3 p. m., with Rev. G. W. Fink officiating. Mr. Overcash died in a Camp Butncr hospital Thursday. Surviving arc the wife and one daughter. Bio - Obituaries - 5/9/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 10,1951 - Page 6 J. H. Dwiggfins, Age 90, Of Center John H. Dwiggins, 90, retired farmer, died at his home In the Center Church community at 12:> 15 p.m. Thursday following a few hours of serious illness. He bad been In declining health for a year. Mr. Dwiggins, a llfcdong resi dent of the Center Church section, was the son of James and Sarah Leach Dwiggins. Surviving ore five sons. L. R. J. M., R. T., and J. Lee Dwigg ins of Winston-Salcm and L. M. Dwiggins of Mocksvillo: one daughter. Mrs. H. S. Walker of Mocksviilc; U grandchildren; four great - grandchildren; one brother, W. L. Dwiggins of Mocks- viltc; and one sister, Mrs. James Powell of Mocksvillo, Roulc 1. Funeral; services were held at 4 p.m. Friday at Center Metho dist Church wltli the Rev. G. W., Fink, the Rev. Wlllintn Andorjjon and the Hov. O. L. Rutli In charge. Burial was in the churcli ceme tery. Pallbearers wore Marshall Dwiggins William Powell, Grndy Gartner, Fred Walker and Albert and Sanders McAllister. Final Rites Friday For W. J. Overcash, Age 79 William Joseph Overcash, 19, of Mocksvillc, Route 4, died in a hospital Qt Camp Dutner Thurs day morning after an Extended illness. He was the son of Thomas and Jane Fryc Overcash. Surviving aro his wife and one daughter, Mrs. Lizzie Griffin of Mocksville, Route 4. Graveside services were con ducted at 3 p.m. Friday at the Liberty Methodist Church cem etery. The Rev, G. W, Fink of ficiated. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 10,1951 - Page 8 Dr. Edward L. Evans Rites Held Wednesday Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon ot 3 p.m. at the Second Presbyterian church for Dr. Edward L. Evans, 09, who died at his homo Saturday after noon after a long Illness. Rev. R. A. Massey had charge of the service and interment was in the church cemetery. Mosonic rites were conducted at the grovcside service. Mr. Evans was born in Durham May 10, 18B3. In 1037 he moved to Mocksvillc after hovlng prac ticed Chiropody Intlcw York for 25 years. In Mocksville he was employed at the Hanea Chair it Furniture Company. I He was married in 1917 to Miss I Amanda Pctticord, who survives him. At the time of his death he was worshipful master of Corin- thlon Masonic Lodge No. 17. antf wns ti 32nd degree Mason. Dr. Evans wns active in all phases of church work and had taught a Sunday School class at tho Prison Camp for the past eight years. Pallbearers wore B. T. Will iams, Ilcrbcrt Crawford. Nat Dal- ton, Odell Drown, Roy Halrston, and Clyde Studcvnnt. Bio - Obituaries — 5/10/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 16,1951 — Page 4 Sammy Watts Dies of Polio Sammy Watis, 4-ycar>old son of- Mr. and Mrs. George Watts* olj Norfolk, Va., died Tuesday nlghtj^ of polio. Funeral and burial ser vices took place at Norfolk Thurs day morning. Those from here attending the funeral were W. E, j Smith and daughter, Miss Ooro- a thy, and sons Grant and George!' Smith. Mrs. Watts was a former' Iresidcnt of Davle County, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E, Smith, of Route ]. C. G. Lanktord Funeral services for C. G. Lank- ford, 28, of Wlnston-Salcm, form erly of near Red/and, were held at Bethlehem Methodist Church at 3;30 p. m. Friday, with Rev. E. T. Sims and Rev. Bruce Roberts bfii^cing, and the body laid <0 Vest in the church cemetery. Mr. Lankford was killed In a trailer- '•truck wreck in South Carolina on May 8. Surviving are the wife and three children. Edward Evans Dr. Edward Evans, 68, well- known colored citizen of Mocks- ville, died May 5ch, at his home on Lejcingcon street, following a long Illness. Funeral services were held at the Second Presbyterian Church on Wednesdiiy afternoon, with Rev. Robert Masscy, h i s pastor officiating. The body was (aid to rest with Masonic honors in the Presbyterian cemetery* Surviving is the wife. Bio - Obituaries - 5/16/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Mrs. John F. Martin, Mocksville, Route 2 Mrs. John P. Mnrtin, 50, o( Mocksvillcc. Route 2, died uncx* pcctcdly nt 4 p.m. Sunday at a > Salisbury Hospital. She had been in declining health for the past 10 years. Born April 19, 1901, in Yadkin County, Mrs. Martin was the 11 daughter of Joe and Bell Myers > Allgood. She was married Sept. 20, 1020 to John F. Mnrtin, Mrs. Martin had lived in the Mocksville community nil her life and was a member of the Cross Roads Boptist Church, ^ MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 17,1951 - Page 1 Surviving the the husband, the mother, five daughters, Mrs. Clyde Stcclmon of Kannnpolis, Mrs. WH* liom Hilton of High Point, Mrs. Jack Barnes of Maracay, Vents zucla, Mrs. R. P. Martin, Jr., ot Mocksville and Miss Mary MarUn of the home; three sons Itofcr Mortin of Kannapolla, Fred Mar tin of Brunswick, Q&„ and Paul Mortin of the homo; one brother, Howard Allgood of High Point: three sisters, Mrs. Hugh Latham of Mocksville, Mrs. Poul Todd of Wlnston-Snlcm ond Mrs. Wllllnm Selfilcr of High Point; two half- sisters. Mrs. H. C. Dinklns of High Point ond Mrs."Grovor wisnon oi Lewlsville; and six grandchild ren. The body will remain at^fackic and Hinshaw FuncrntiHomc until funeral arrangements are made ponding the arrival of the daugh ter from Venezuela. |samuel'Ray*Watts11 ons OP pouo Samuel Ray Wattle age 4, youngest eon of Mr 4U)d Mrs. George Watta of Norfolk, Va., died May 8 following an attack of infantile paralysis. Mr*. Watta is the former Eva Mae Smith of Mocksville, Route 2. .11 MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 17,1951 - Pages 1 & 8 G. C. Lankford Former Davie Resident Loses Life In Accident A former Davie County resi dent, G. C. Lankford; met his death lost week In South Caro lina when his truck plunged in to a lake. Lankford, driving a Roadway Express Truck, was on his way from Atlanta to Winston-Salem when his big tractor - trailer crashed into the railing of a bridge near Greenwood, 8. C knocked off 200 feet of tiding and lost its troctor.' The tractor was hauled up later from 30 feet of water, but the body was not recovered until about 1 p.m., when a sheriffs deputy found It with a dragline. (CMliaaeg m Pago I) MORE ABOITT Former Davie Resident The accident occurcd around 10:30 p.m. May 8, j Several sources roporlcd that Mr. Lankford wos believed to| have been killed when the truck | hit the bridge, before he fell into the water. Gruydon Cornell Lankford, age 20, was living In Winston-Salcm. He wos bom in Wilko.-; County, son of R. T. and Luln Ellcdgc Lonkford. Ho spent his eorly lite in Wllkos ond Davie Coun ties and was educated ot the Smith Grove School ond Mocks ville High School. Bio - Obituaries - 5/17/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 17,1951 - Page 4 Mrs. Hilton, 43, Advance, Route 1 Mrs. EUcn Howard Hilton, 43, of the Mock's Methodist Church community, Advance, Route 1, died une.xpectedly at 6:15 p. ni. Sunday at a Winston-Salcm hos pital. She had been ill for two weeks. Born Sept. 24, 1007 In Davic County, she was the daughter of J. H. and Martha Rebecca A)- Ion Howard. She lived all her life in Davie County and was o member of the Bethlehem Meth- odHt Church. Surviving arc the husband, Phillip E. Hilton; three sons, X. A. and Lawrence HlUon of Winston - Salcm and Eddie Hil ton of the home; four daugh ters, Mrs.4Mary Myers and Mrs. Dorifi Mock of Advance, Route 1, Miss Patsy Hilton and Miss Jessie Hilton of tiic home; five stepsons, Robah and Ralph Hil ton of Washington, Bruce and Lester Hilton of Davio County, and William Hilton of Hender son; one stepdaughter, Mrs. Ev elyn Smith of Mocksvillc; and three grandchildren. 'I'lie body was taken to Uie huinu Monday aftcrl funeral soi^^ic] sccond^fu^Pij at the Bctl Church at 3 the ciiurch cet Bio - Obituaries — 5/17/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 23,1951 - Page 4 Mrs. John Martin Mrs* John Marcm. S0» o( near Counncv. dM May 13ih» nta Sal- isburv hospiut. She had been in declining hcalch for the past ten years Surviving are (he husband, five daughcere, among thcin Mrs* ItP* Martin, Jr., of this city, three eons, one brother and three sisters. Funeral and buriai services were held at Courtney Baptist Church Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock . with Rev. A* C Cheshire and Rev. El W. Turner, of this cltv, and the bodv laid to rest in the church cemetery. Mrs. l^illiams Mrs. Knthryn Williams, 75,died in the Mocksville Nursing Home Monday, May I4ih, Mrs. Williams was a native of South Carolina, but had made her home with a daughter in Statesvllle until she come here about a month ago. Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church in North Augusta, S. C, Wednesday, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. One son, a sister and one brother survives. Mrs. Ellen Hilton Mrs, Ellen Hilton, 43, of the Mock's Methodist Church com munity, died unexpectedly at 0:15 p, m., May 13 at a Wlnston-Salcm | hospital. She had been ill for two! weeks. i Survivors arc the husband, Phillip E. Hilton: three sons, tour daughters, one stepdaughter, three grandchildren. Funeral services were held at Setblehcm Methodist Church at 3 D. m., May 15th Burial was in the church cemetery, ' A. £ H'flgner Alfred Eugene Wagner, 65, of Mocksville, Route 2, died unex* pectedlyofa heart attack about 4:30 p. m., Wednesday while driv ing n truck on the Mocksville Yadkinville Highway. He was connected with die Rural Electrification Assoclan here for (he past five years. He re tired March i9 because of poor health. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. WilUc Mae Williams Wagner; two sons, Odell Wagner of Mocks vlllc and Harding F. Wagner of Taylorsville, one daughter, Mrs. Will Furches of Mocksville, Route 2; two brothers, Louie and J* S. Wagoiter of Mocksville, Route 4: two sisters, Mrs. Louis Ellis of Cooleemec and Mrs. Charlie Barn ey of Hanes; six'grandchildren; and several neiccs and nephews. Funeral services were conduct ed at Turrentine Baptist Church. Mocksville, at 2:30 p. m., Fridav by Rev. F. R. Loflln. Rev. Wa^l Hutchins and Rev. William And erson. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio — Obituaries — 5/23/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 24,1951 - Page 3 SANFORD JONES, 5&, FORMERLY OF DA VIE Sanford Jones. 58. former na tive ol Davic County, died sudden ly nt his home in Ironton, Ohio, with a heart attack on May 13. Ho was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Jones of Mocksvlllc, Rt. 2. Hs is survived by his wife ond six children; five sisters, Mrs. Sonny Cranfiil of Mocksvlllc, Mrs. Lester Booc of MocksvUlc, Routo 2, Mrs. Culbcrt Thomas of Kanno- polis, and Mrs. Maude Held of Grccnvilic, S. C.; three brothers, Sherman Jones of Mocksvillc, Frank Jones of Routo 2, ond Tim Jones of East Bend. Rtnoffil services were conduct- i cd Tupsdny. May IS. at his homo in Ohio. A. E. WAGNER, 65, AT WHEEL OF TRUCK Alfred Eugene Wogncr, 05, of Mocksvlllc, Routo 2, died unex pectedly of a heart ottack about 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 10, while driving a truck down tho MocksvlUc-Yadklnvlllc Highway. Ho was concctcd with the Ru ral Electrification Association for the past five years. He retired March IS because of poor healti\. Son of the late Franklin and Sa rah Jnnc McCullough Wagner, he was born In Davic County, Feb. 12, 188G. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Willio Mac WiUlnms Wogner; two sons, Odell Wogner of Mocks- vllle and Harding F. Wagner of Tuyiorsvillc; one daughter, Mrs. Will Furchcs of Mocksvillc, Route 2; two brotltcrs, Louie and J. C. (Bud) Wagner of Mocksvillc, Route 4; two sisters, Mrs. Louis Ellis of Coolccmcc and Mrs. Char lie Barney of Hancs; six grand children; ond several nieces and nephews. Funeral services wore conduct ed ot Turrcntlne Baptist Church, Mocksvillc, Route 4, nt 2:30 p.m. May 18, by the Rev. F. R. Loftin, the Rev. Wade Hutchcns and the ; Rev. William Anderson, Burial was in tho church cemetery. Nephews were pallbearers. Bio - Obituaries — 5/24/1951 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 7^ % $ o MRS. W. F. STEED RED SPRINGS. May 27.—Airs, Ada Belts Steed, 90, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. B. Ashley, near Red Springs this morning. She was the widow of W. F. Steed of Maxton and daughtw of the late J. J. Befls and Ann Hill Belts of Asheboro, Mrs.,' Steed was a charter member of the a. PaiA's Methodist church of Maxton. i^neral services will be held at the home of Mri. Ashley, with whom she had lived for il years, Mon day afternoon at 3 o'clock conducted by her pastor. Rev. H. G. Cuthrell. assisted by Rev. G. S. Eubanks, pastor of the I Trinity Methodist church of Red Springs. I Interment will be in the Maxton ceme tery. She is survived by her daughter, a sister, four grandchildren, and a great- grandson. ^. . vo <r cQ DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 30,1951 - Page 4 Mrs. Cheshier Mrs. W. L. CheshicTf 66# ft na tive of (his county# but who has lived in Harmony and Sallsburv tor the past 30 years# died at Row an Memorial Hospital last Wed* nesday. Funeral and burial ser vices were held at Harmony Me thodise Church at 3 p# m. Friday. Among the survivors are one sis ter# Mrs* B. F. Tutterow# of near Center; three brothers, T. A. and H. F. Blackwclder# of Mocksville, and W. L, Blackwclder# of High Point. Her husband died several years ago. Bio - Obituaries - 5/30/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 31,1951 - Page 3 Filial Rites Held Friday For Mrs. W. L. Cheshier Mrs. W. L. Cheshier, 66, died at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday in Rowan Memorial Hospital at Salisbury, following a few days* illness. Mrs. Cheshier lived in Harmony for 25 or 30 years, but had made her home in Salisbury for the past three years. The body was taken to her former home in Harmony. Funeral services were conducted at Har mony Methodist Church at 3 p.m. Friday by the Rev. M. L. Fisher and the Rev. E. V. Cullu. Burial was in the Harmony Cemetery. Mrs. Cheshier was born in Da- vie County, a daughter of Y. W. Blackwcldcr and Mrs. Molly Blackwclder. She Is survived by three daugh- tors, Mrs. Bill Cheshier o£ Har mony, Mrs. Ethel Turner of Greensboro and Mrs. R. S. Lowe of Salisbury: one sister, Mrs. B. F. Tultcrow of MocksvlUc; and three brothers, L. W. Blackwcl dcr of High Point and T. A. and H. F. Blackwelder of Moeksvillc. Her husband ^ied scveroi years ago. Bio — Obituaries — 5/31/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 6,1951 — Page 4 Fred Blackwood Fred Blackwood, 43. was drown ed in the Yadkin River Friday night about 10 o'clock, when a bjat he and two companions were fishing from, turned over* Funeral services were held Sun day at 3 p. m., at Coolccmcc Me thodise Church, with Rev. F. H. Shinn, Rev. G. L. Roystct and Rev. J. W. Klein ofiiciatinR, and the body laid to rest in Rowati Memorial Park, at Franklin. Surviving nrc the wife, two sons and two daughters, two brothers aud three sisters. Capt. Harlman A message was received here Saturday afternoon saving that Capt. Guy Harcm.in, 69, a native! of Farmington, died suddenly at 1 p. m. Saturday at Miami, F(a. Among the survivors arc the wife, one brother,.George Hartman, of this city, and two sisters. Bio - Obituaries - 6/6/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 7,1951 - Page 1 Fe.BlACKWOOD DROWNS IN RIVER The Yadkin River cloimcd the life lost Fridoy night oC Fred Biackwood, 41, of Coolccmec. He pump station in the Big River, tributary to the Yadkin in Davio County, about 10 p.m. and his body wos recovered n short time later. . Mr. Biaekwood was in a boat with A. M. Stout and James W. Snider of Dovio County. They wcro gigging for frogs when the boat overturned. A boat containing J. C. Leab, M. C. Beaver and Jerry Shank, all of Solisbury, was neorby. They heard the cries for assistance and went ao the site where ,the boat had overturned. They were able to help Stojat and- Snider, but Biaekwood had already gone ua> der and hia body was recovered shortly thereafter. Funeral services were conduct ed Sunday at the Cooleemee Methodist Church. Rev.. F. H. Shinn, Rev. O. L. Royster and Rev. J. W. Klein officiated. Bur ial followed In the Rowan Memor ial Park Cemetery. Mr. Biaekwood was assistant overseer in the Erwin Mills Co., where he had been employed for the past 27 year*. He waa bonl in Bavie County on August 22, 1907, son of the late D, O. Biaekwood and Mary Cartner Biaekwood. He is survived by his wife, the former Miss Elllln Burg; two sons, Flake of the home and l. Fred L. Biaekwood, Jr., of Cool eemee;' two daughters, Betty Sue Biaekwood of the home and Mrs. Floyd Foster of Cooleemee; two e brothers, Roy Biaekwood of t Cooleemee and Carl Biaekwood of' 'Weodieal;~thrce"sister8,'' Mrs: . Walton Bogcr of Cooleemee, Mrs. y T. H. Grooms of Rocky Mount y| and Mrs. T. C. Mcdlwaine of Le- I noir; and- one granddiild. CAPTAIN HARTMAN. ' HONORED veteran] BURIED WEDNESDAY Captain Guy LaFayctto Hart* man, 68, Davio County native and holder of the Congressional Med al of Honor, was buried with full military honors at 1 p.m. Wednesday at the National Cem etery at Arlington, Va, Captain Hartman died Satur day afternoon en route to a Lakeland, Fla., hospital from his home nt Miami Beadi. He served with the Army in France and Germany during World War I and was honored both the^ FVench and United States Governments. He retired in 1995. Since then he has made his home in Flor ida. Surviving are his wife, a daugh ter, Mrs. W. T. Carpenter of Rtt|berfordion; two sisters, Mrs. WiUiam Scholtes of Winston- Salem and Bilni. Nell H. Lashl^ of fhrmington; a brother, George A. Hartman of Mockaville, and three grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 6/7/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 13,1951 - Page 4 Mrs, R,D, Jenkins Funeral services for Mrs. R. D. Jenkins, 65. of this city, who died at Rowan Memorial Hospital on June 2nd, followirig a month's ill ness, were held at the Methodist Church at 3 p. m., Monday of lasi week, with Rev. A. j. Cox officl' aCtng, and the body laid to rest in Rose cemetery. Surviving are the husband, two sons and one dau- gStcr, one brother, one sister and three grandchildren. John B, Holloway iohn.B. Hollowiiy, of Binghani street, died Friday night nc Rowan Mcmorinl Hospital. Survivtne arc the wife, three sons, Elmer and Ralph, of Mocks- ville; Sam, of Jackson, Tenn.; tu n daughters, Mrs. foseph MoreHeld, Mocksville; Mrs. Edward Phelps, Housconville; one brother and two sisters. Funeral services were held at 3 p. m, Sunday at Fairvlcw Baptise (Church. Surrv county, with Rev. George Lomax ofBciarlng, and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. Bio — Obituaries — 6/13/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 14,1951 - Page 1 Walter T. Presnell WRECK INJURIES FATAL TO YOUTH Walter T. Prcsncll, 19, of Rt. 4, MocksviUe, who was Injured In an automobile accident about midnight Wednesday, June 6, died Thursday, ''June 7, at the Rowan Memorial Hospital. The acctdcnt occurcd on the Woodlcaf-Barber Rood. His com panion, William David Brown, also of Mocksvillc, Rt. 4, remains In a serious condition at the hos pital. The Investigating highway'pa trolman said the car, traveling at a high rate of speed, turned over three times. The vehicle rolled about 250 feet after it turned over the first time. Prcsncll was thrown 75 feet from the wrecked '42 model Ford. No other vehicle was Involved In the accident. Due to the un conscious condition of the two men, investigating officers could not immediately determine which of the two boys were at the wheel. An employee of the Dixie Fur- % niture Company of Lexington. Presnell is survived by his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Wes ley Prcsncll of Route 4. Mocks villc; seven brothers, Forest B. of Mountain Park. Earl, Clifford, Junior and Ray, oil of the home, Edward of Route 2, Winston-Sa- Icm and .Dan of Mocksvillo, Rt. I; throe sisters, Mrs. Nornntjm Recce of Bccch Crock and Mrs. James Head and Mrs. James Lang ford of Coolccmcc. Funeral services were hold • Saturday at the Bccch Valley Baptist Church of Beech Creek. The rites were conducted by Rev. Ed Farthing. Burial was In the Harmony Ccmolcry. Bio - Obituaries - 6/14/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 14,1951 - Page 1 Mrs. R. D. W. Connon Former Davie Native, Dies In Her Sleep. Mrs. Robert D. W. Connor, 71, widow of Dr. Connor, disting uished University of North Caro lina historian and former United States Archivist, died in her sleep of a cerebral hemorragc at Myrtle OcAch, S. C., Sunday night. Mrs. Connor left Chapel Hill Sunday morning with Mrs. Stan- Icy Dicks for n vb«it.at the bench cottage of Mrs. William B. Drokc of Raleigh. Funerol services were held Wcdncsdoy at the Chapel Hill Episcopal Church. Burial was in the Chapel Hill Cemetery. Survivors Include Mrs. J. Frank Clement and Mrs. Edward W. Crow of Mccksvillc, sisters; ond two brothers, P. Frank Hones, Wolkcrtown, and Spcnccr B. Hanes, Winston-Salcm. A popular resident of Chapel ; Hill for many years, Mrs. Conn-'; or was the former Miss Sadie j Hancs of Mocksvillc, where shci i was born Oct. 28, 1879. . I She graduated from the Wom-; an'a College in Greensboro In the' class of 1698, and in 1002 she married Dr. Connor, then a fell-! ow teacher in Winston • Sa]cm.| From Winston-Salcm she moved to Oxford and then to Wilming ton whore Dr. Connor was osso- ciiitcd with the schuuls. From 1904 to 1D21 Mrs. Conn- or lived in Rnloi whore Dr. Connor had organized the State Historical Commission of which he wos (he first secretary. The Connors moved to Chnpcl Hill inj 1021 when he was appointed Kenan Professor of History and. later Burton Crnigc Professor of. History and Jurisprudence. { Long a leader in social activ ities in Chapel Hill, Mrs. Con or was also popular in Washing ton, D. C., during their sojurn there from 1934 to 1941, when Dr. Connor was United States Ar* chivist. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 14,1951 - Page 3 John B. Holloway Rites Held Sunday Funeral services were held Sun day for John B. Hotioway, 50, of •Mncksvillcrwho-died'Irra -Sails"- bury hospital, at 11 p.m. Friday after having been critically ill for one wcelc. Rev. George Lomax conducted the service at the Pleasant View Bapitist Church and interment was In the church cemetery. Born June 28, 1900, in Surry County, he wos the son of Manuel and' Ann Harris Holloway. He lived in Surry County most of his life, moving to Davie County seven years ago. Ho was employ ed by Hanea Chair and Novelty Company^ Surviving are his wife, the for- rner Miss Phoebe Hanes;' three sons, Elmer Holloway and Ralphi Holloway, both of Mocksville,! and Sam Holloway of Jackson,' Tenn.; two daughters, Mrs. Jo-j scph Morefield of Mocksville, and Mrs. Edward Felts of Hampton- ville; one brother, Frank Hollo way of Pilot Mountain; two sist ers, Mrs. Hattle Powell of Browiw Summit and Mrs. Lonnle Trlp- Ictt of Thurmond: six grandchil dren and a number of nieces and nephews. Bio - Obituaries - 6/14/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 14,1951 - Page 4 WrR. Carter, 83, Advance, Route 2 William Radford Carter. QJ, of( Rt. 2, Advance, died at 5:30 p.in.1 Sunday nt Rowan Memorial Hos-| pital. j Born Dec. 10, 1867, in Oavie County, he was the son of Ab- ram and Emily Hcndrix Carter. He was a farmer in the Fork sec tion. He was a member of (he Fork Baptist Church for 46 years. Mr. Carter was married twice. His first wife, Mrs. Laura Fran cos Stewart Carter, died in 1937. She was the mother of a sur viving son, Ernest, of Rt. 3, Mocksvillc, and a daughter, Mrs. Lindsay Lupcr of Rt. 2, Advance. He was married again In 1937 to Mrs. Henry Rattz, who also sur vives. Othur survivors include a brother, Joe, of Mocksvillc, and a sister, Mrs. Frances Siddcn of Rt. 2, Adv.incc. seven grandchildren and eight grcat-grandchildrcn. Fbnerol services v/erc held at the Fork Baptist church at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday with the Rev. L. {M. Toncry and Rev. Wade Hut- I hhons in charge. Burial was in I the church cemetery. Mrs. J. Frank Forrest, Mocksville, Route 4 Mrs. Effic Jane, Forrest, 76. of Mocksvillc, Route 4, died about 10 a.m. Sunday at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Roy Sayne, 1517 South Hawthorne Road, Winston- Salcm. Mrs. Forrest had lived with her daughter approximately six months before her death. She was born in Davic County May 17, 1675, and was a daugh ter of the late Williom D,. and Margaret Vcach Foster. She married J. Frank Forcrst Feb. 6, 1900. Ho died Aug. 15, 1937. Survivors include two sons, Joe and Willie Forrest, both of Mocksville, Route 4; four daugh- JiJa»-Mrfl.-lahn-HflU7, Mrs, D- F- Barney ond Mrs. Sayne, both of Winston-Salcm; two sisters, Mrs. L. F. Waggoner, Mocksvillc, Route 4, and Mrs. H. M. Dcadmon, Franklin; 12 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. The body was returned to Mrs. Sayne's home where short (un*l era) services were conducted at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, with other services being conducted at 3 p.m at Turrcntine Baptist Church, Mocksvillc, Route 4, by the Rev. E. F. Eagle and the Rev. E. W. Turner. Burial was in the church cem etery. Bio - Obituaries - 6/14/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 14,1951 - Page 4 ADVANCE NATIVE DIES IN HOSPITAL Charlie Lewis Hege, 60, of Ad->; Vance, died Monday^ night at Da* vis Hospital, Statcsville, at 9:15 o'clock. Born March 11, 1891 in Davle County, he was the son of Alex and Sarah Mock Hege. He lived in Advance alt of his life, and was a farmer. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Ella Smith Hege; three sons, Charlie, Jr., of Advance, Clint L., of Norllno, Bobby C., of the home; three daughters, Mrs. W. N. Jones of Rt. 3, Mocksville, Mrs. C. T. Hupp, Jr., of Mocksville, ond Sarah, of the home; two brothers, John D., of Salisbury. Will, of Wlnston-Salem; a sister, Mrs. J. F. Martin, of Dunn; five grand- children. Funeral services were ^eld at the home Wednesday at 3:30. This was followed by a longer service at 4 at the Fulton Methodist Church with the Rev. J. L. SUr- ting and Rev. George Bruner in charge. Burial was In the church cemetery. Bio — Obituaries — 6/14/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 20,1951 - Page 4 drs, J. F, Forrest b/its, Effie Jane Forrest. 76. i/c(i!uvilie, Route 4, died June 30ch, at the home of a daughteri Mrs. Roy Sayne, Wlnston'Salcm. She was born in Davie County May 17i 1875 and was a dauBhccr of thejaee William D. a .d Mar garet Veach Foster. She married J. Frank Forrest Feb. 6, 1900. He died Aug. 15. 1937. I Survivors include two sons', Joe and Willie Forrest, both of Mocks-! vUle, Route 4; four daughters, Mrs.' Arthur Smoot and Mrs. John Ratts, both of Mocksvlllu. Route 4, and Mrs. D. F. Barney and Mrs. i Sayne both of Winstun-Saiem; two sisters, Mrs. L. F. Waggoner, Mocksvllle» Route 4t and Mrs. H.| M. Deadmon, Franklin, \Z grand children) and 11 great-grandchild sen. Funeral services were conduct, ed Tuesday, at3 p. m.« at Turrcn* tine Baptist Church, by Rev. E. W« Turner. Burtal was in the church cemetery. C. L Hege Charlie IauIs Hege, 60, fanner of Advance, died June ,11th In a Stacesville hospital. He had been 111 one week. « He was bom in Advance, and lived there all his life. He was married in i9i2 to Miss Ella Smith who survives. i Other survivors are; three sons. Charlie Louis Hege, ]r,, of Ad vance, Clint L. Hege of Norlina, and Bobby C. Hege of thc^home. three daughters, Mrs. W, N. .Tones Jr., of Mocksvllle. Route 3. Mrs. Charles T. Hupp, Jr., of Mocks- ville and Miss Sarah Hege of the home; two brothers. John D. Hcgc of Salisbury and Wiiliam Hege of Winston-Salem; one sister, Mrs. J. F. Marten of Dunn. Funeral services were held Wed. ncsdav at 3:30 p. m., at the home and at 4 p. m., at Fulton Metho dist Church bv Rev. J. L. Starling and Rev. George Bruner. D. £. Seamon D. E. Seamon, a native of Davic County, who has been living in Jacksonville. Fla,. died In chat cltv on June 6th. Funerlal and burial service took place In lacksonvillc on June 9th. Surviving are tho wife and one daughter, of Jack sonville two brothers, W. S. Sea. mon. or near County Line, and Walter Seamon, of Rowan coun- tv; two sisters, Mrs. Carrie Ebhart. of Kannapolis, and Mrs. Richard Hood, of near Salisburv. |Mr$. Ernest Lapish i Mr«. Kroest tapiih, 79. died Friday at the home of her dasghtef. Mre. Cart Bo lter. at FsrmlnSton. fnltowlng a long 111- ors«. Her ha«band died two years ago. I Survivtns. in addition to h«r daugtit r, ere three ions. William, of Route 3; JobM. or Winatnn.Salem, and Charles, of the Ihnmn: tbVessUters. Mri. Witl Boger and Mra Esfle McDanlel. of Advance, and Mra. Soot Andersoo. of High PoIdl Funeral services were held at Ceater Methodlet Church Sundav aflemooD at 9 o'clock, with R«v, Geo. Braoer. Rev Clar ence Shore, and Rev. Tborman Howell of ficiating. and the body laid to rest In ibr diurob cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 6/20/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 20,1951 — Page 5 H'. R, Carter ^ William Radford Carter, 83, died June 10 at a Salisbury hospi* tnl a^er having been in. declining health for some time but serious- ly ill for only a few hourOi Bom Dec* 19, 1867, In the Fork Church community o f Davic County, he was the son of Abram and Emily Hendrix Carter. He was a liredonR resident of that community and had been a mem ber of Fork Baptist Church for 45 years* Surviving arc his wife; one son Bmest Carter of Mocksvillc* Route 3; one daughter Mrs. Lindsay Lu per of Advance. Route 2; one brother, Joe Carter of Mocksvillc; one sister, Mrs. Prances Siddcn of Advance, Route 2; seven grand children. eight great-grandchild ren, several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were conduct ed at 2:30 p. m., at Fork Baptist Church by Rev* L. M. Tennery and Rev. Wade Hutchins. Burial was in tne church cemetery* il^rs. Sadie Connor Mrs. Robert D. W. Connor, 71, widow of Dr. Connor; distinguish ed University of North Carolina historian and former United Stat es Archivist, died in her sleep of a cerebral hemorhage at Myrtle Beach, S* C., Sunday night June 10th. Funeral services were held Wed nesday at the Chapel Hill Episco pal Church. Burial was in the Chape! Hill cemetery. Survitors Include Mrs. T. Frank Clement and Mrs. E. W. Crow of Mocksvillc, sisters; and two brothers P. Frank Hancs, Walker- town. and Spencer B. Hanes Winston-Salem. A popular resident of 'Chapel Hill for many years. Mrs. Connor was the former Miss Sadie Hancs of Mocksvillc where she was born Oct. 28. 1879. William A. Plott William A. Plott, 89. a native of Davie County, but who has been living in California for about .43 years, died In Ontario, Calif., May 30th. Fiincral and burial took place June Ist at Ontario. Surviv ing are two sons, Wiley Plottj Route 3. and Roy Plott, of Cana, R. X; two . sisters, Mrs. Clarisia Bowdcn, and Mrs. John .^^ddle, of Advance. R. 1, and onebrother Tom Plott, of R. 3. Bio - Obituaries - 6/20/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 20,1951 - Page 4 ihs. J. F. Forrest tAts, Effie Jane Forrest. 76, Moiiksville, Route 4» died June 30ch, at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Roy Sayne, Wlnston-Salcm. She was born in Davie County May I7i 1875 and wos a daughrer of thejate SVililam D. a .d Mar garet Veach Foster. She married J. Frank Forrest Feb. 6, 1900. He died Aug. 15, 1937. I Survivors include two sons', Joe tad Willie Forrest, both of Mocks-! tUle, Route 4; four daughters, Mrs.' Arthur Smcot and Mrs. John Ram, both of Mocksviile, Route 4, and Mrs. D. F. Barney and Mrs,! Sayne both of Winstun-Saiem; two sisters, Mrs. L. F. Waggoner, Mocksviile, Route 4i and Mrs. H.l M. Deadmon, Franklin, 12 grand- chlldfeni and 11 greac-grandchild rcn. Funeral services were conduct ed Tuesday, at 3 p. tn., at Turrcn- tine Baptist Church, by Rev. B* W* Turner, Bunal was in the church cexnetery. C. L Hege Charlie Louis Hege, 60, farmer of Advance, died June .11 th In a StatesviKc hospital. He had been III one week. « He \vns bom in Advance, and lived there all his life. He was married in i9»2 to Miss Ella Smith who survives. i Other survivors are: three sons, Charlie Louis Hcgc, Jr., of Ad vance. Clint L. Hege of Norlina, and Bobby C. Hege of the'^homc. three daughters, Mrs. W. N. Jones Jr., of Mocksviile, Route 3, Mrs. Charles T. Hupp, Jr., of Mocks viile and Miss Sarah Hege of the home; two brothers. John D. Hcgc of Salisbury and William Hege of Winston-Salcm; one sister, Mrs. J. F. Marton of Dunn, Funeral services were held Wed. nesdav at 3:30 p, m., at the home and at 4 p. m„ at Fulton Metho dist Church bv Rev. J. L. Starling and Rev. George Bruner. D, £. Seaman D. B. Seamon, a native of Davic County, who has been living in Jacksonville, Fla., died in that citr on June 6th. Funcrial andburUl service took place in lacksonvlllc on June 9th. Surviving are the wife and one daughter, of Jack- aonvillej two brothers, W. S. Sea- mon, of near County Line, and Walter Seamon, of Rowan coun- tv; two sisters, Mrs. Carrie Ebhait. of Kannapotis, and Mrs. Richard Hood, of near Sallsburv. \Mrs. Ernest Lapish I Mrs. Ernest Lapish, 70. died Friday at the home of her daaghier. Mra. Carl Bo* der. ot Formlntfton, fflllowlnit a long lit- opss. Her hoibond dUd two years aga I Syrvtvtns. In addition to har dstight r. ore three ions, William, of Route 3; John, of WlnatoA-Salatn. and Charles, of the I bnme: three sisters. Mrs. Will Boger and Mra Essie McDsnlel, of Advance, aod Mra. Soot Anderuo. of High Polat Funeral eervlces were held at Center Methodist Church Sundsv efloraeon et 9 o'clock, with Rsv. Geo, Braner, Rev Clar ence Shore, and Rev. Tborroan Howell of- flclailng, end the body laid to rest In the! cburob cametenr. Bio — Obituaries - 6/20/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 20,1951 ~ Page 5 Vf , R, Carter ^ William Radford Carter, 83. died June 10 at a Sallaburv hospl* tal after having been In. declining health for some time but serious- Iv ill for nnlv a few hours* Bom Dec. 19, 1867, in i^c Fork Church community o f Davlc County, he was the son of Abram and Emily Hcndrlx Carter. He was a liredong resident of that communiev and had been a mem ber of Fork Baptist Church for 45 years. Surviving arc his wife; one son Ernest Carter of Mocksville. Route 3; one daughter Mrs. Lindsay Lu per of Advance. Route 2; one brother, Joe Carter of Mocksville; one sister, Mrs. Frances Sidden of Advance, Route 2; seven grand children, eight great-grandchild ren, several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were conduct ed at 2;30 p, m., at Fork Baptist Church by Rev. L. M. Tennerv and Rev. Wade Hutchins. Burial was in tne church cemetery. il^rs, Sadie Connor Mrs. Robert D. W. Connor, 71, widow of Dr. Connor; distinguish ed Unlvcrsltv of North Carolina historian and former United Stat es Archivist, died in her sleep of a cerebral hemorhage at Myrtle Beach, S. C., Sunday night June lOtlV. Funeral services were held Wcd- nesdav at the Chapel Hill Episco pal church. Burial was in the Chape! Hill ccmcrcry. Survicors include Mrs. J. Frank Clement and Mrs. E. W. Crow of Mocksville, sisters; and two brochers P. Frank Hanes, Walker- town. and Spencer B. Hanes Winston-Salcm. A popular resident of 'Chapel Hill for many years, Mrs. Connor was the former Miss Sadie Hanes of Mocksville where she was bom Oct. 28. 1879. William A. Plott William A, Plott, 89, a native of Davie County, but who has beenliving in California for about ,43 years, died In Ontario, Calif., May 30th. Fiiocral and burial rook place June Ist at Ontario. Survlv^Ing are two sons, Wiley Plott, of Route 3, and Roy Plott, of Cana, R. I; two . sisters, Mrs. Clarisia Dowden, and Mrs. John .Riddle, of Advance, R. 1, and onebrothet Tom Plott, of R. 3- Bio - Obituaries - 6/20/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 21,1951 - Page 6 Mrs. Lapish Rites ' Are Held Sunday Funeral scrvicss for Mrs. Albu Ii'cnio May XtipUh,'70, who died ut her daughter's home in Farm- Ington Friday morning, were held there at 2:45 p.m. Sunday ond at 3:30 p.m. In Center Methodist Church. Officiating were the Rev. Clar ence Shore, the Rev. Thomas HowoU and the Rev. J. G. Bruncr. Pnlihcarcrs were J. W. Bogo^, Tom Bogor, Floyd Leach, Brady Lcach, Charles Anderson and Milton Anderson. Mrs. Lapish was born in 1872, a duuglttor of Zenith Wilson and Mar>''BcU'y Hondrl.x Lcnch. Her husband, Ernest Lnpisli. died two years nga. Surviving in addition to her daughter, are three sons, Will- jam Lapish of Mocksville, Route 3, Charles Lapish of the home, John David Lopish of Winston- Salcm; three sisters. Mrs. Will Boger of Advance, Mrs. Essie Mc Donald of Advance and Mrs. Spot Anderson of High Point. Bio - Obituaries - 6/21/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 27, 1951 - Page 4 Dr, T, r. Watkins Dr. Thos. T. Watkins. 82, died his home at CIcmmons Thurs day momingi death resulting from a stroke. He had been in declin ing health for several years. Dr. Watkins practiced medicine at Advance for 24 years, and was Dgvie County coroner for several years. He moved to CIcmmons in 1928. Funeral services wcrc^ held at 2t30 p; m. Satu.day at CIcmmons Baptist Churchf and the body laid to rcse in the church ccmccerv. Surviving arc two dnughccrSt a iiater and one brother. Dr. Watkins had many friends in Davie County who were sad dened by news ol his death* Mrs, Julia Martin Mrs. Julia Ann Martin, 61. died at her home in Coolcemce Tues day nighc. She had been ill for some time. Surviving ate four sons, three daughters, a brother, a sister. 1! grandchildren; and several nelccs and nephews. Funeral services were he d at 4 p. m.» Friday at North Coolecmee Baptist Church. Rev. 0. S. Young and Rev. J. H. Grocc were in charge of the services. Burial was in Liberty Methodist Church' cemetery. Dies at 102 John McCrorv Martfn, 102, Da- vie County's oldest citizen, died last Wednesday at the home of a niece. Miss Cl.ira Martin, near Smith Grove. Mr. Martin was born April 14, 1849, and spent his entire life in Davic Connty. He was 12 years old at the outbreak of the war be tween the States. Mr. Martin was court crier for about 20 years for the superior courts of this county, and was one of the county's leading Re publicans He was a farmer and carpenter until he lost his sight a- bouv 12 years ago. He made his home with his niece for the past 30 years. Mr. Martin was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Giles Martin. He was married to Miss Emma Williams, who died in 1919. During early manhood Mr. Mar tin united with Smith Grove Me thodist Church, and served as a steward tor many years* tie was active in church work until strick en with blindness. Surviving arc three nieces, Miss Clara Martin, of DavIc; Mrs. £. C. Hamrick and Mrs. M. B. Dull, of Winston-Salem; a foster daughter, Mrs. )* B. Cundid, of Hanes; and a foster son, Frank Walker, of Thomasvilie. Funeral services were held at Smith Grove Methodist Church at 2:30 p. m. Friday, with Rev. Bruce Roberts* Rev. Geo.ge Brun- cr and Rev. John Oakley olHciat- ing, and the body laid to rest in the church cemeterv. The death of this aged citizen has brought sadness to a host of friends in the community where he spent a long and useful life of more than tOO years. Bio - Obituaries - 6/27/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MGCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 28,1951 - Page 3 'MrsvMartin, 61,- Dies Tuesday Mrs. JuUa Ann Martin, 61, died at her home in Coolcemce, Tuesday night, June 19. She had been ill for some time. She was the daughter of the late William and Fannle Walls Blalock, and was born May 30, 1890, in Davte County. For the post 27 years, she had been employed in Erwin Mills at Coolcemce.' She was married to Jess A. Martin, who died in 1923. Surviving arc four sons. Grimes and Ruben Martin, both of the homOi^Lpyvrence ^Martin of_ Dur-_^ ham and William A. Martin of Mocksvllle; three daughters, Mrs. Mamie Martin of Coolcemee, Mrs. Dorothy Oraughon of Mocksvllle and Mrs. Annie Lcc Burgess of Coolcemee; a brother, W. B. Bla lock of Coolcemee; a sister, Mrs. Ninn B. Canada of Salisbury; IL grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services wore held at 4 p.m., Friday at North Coolee- mee Baptist Church. The Rev. C. S. Young and the Rev. J. G. Groce were In charge of the ser vices. Burial was In Liberty Meth odist Church cemetery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 28,1951 - Page 4 Oldest Davie Resident, John M. Martin, Dies at Age 102 John McCrory Martin, 102, Da- vie County's oldest resident, died June 20 at the home of o niccc, Miss Clara Martin of Mocksvilic, Route 3. I Mr. Martin was born April 14, 1840, in Davie County. He was too young by u year or two to ficrve in the War Between the States. '• For many years, he was court crier for scsions of circuit courts here .and served under sovoral sheriffs. In the Smith Grove Community, where he lived most of his life, he was outstanding lor nia political ociivrrtCSt HC was a staunch Republican. A carpenter and farmer, he was active until 12 years ago, when he became blind. He hod made his home with his niece for the past 30 years. Mr. Martin was a son of the late Giles and Mahetabte Well- man Martin. He married Miss Emma Williams, who died on Dec. 29, 1019. During early manhood,. Mr. Martin Joined Smith Grove Meth odist Church. He served as stew ard there for a number of years, was a member of the Men's Bible class and remained active in church affairs until he became blind. Surviving are three nieces. Miss Clara Martin, Mrs. E. C. Hammrlck and Mrs. M. B. Dull, both of Winston-Salem; a foster daughter, Mrs. J. B. Cundiff of Hanes; and a foster son, Frank Walker of Thomasvite. Funeral services were held at Smith Grove Methodist Church at 2:30 p.m. Friday. The Rev. Bruce Roberts, the Rev. George Bruncr and the Rev. John Oak ley wore in charge of the ser vices. Burial was in the church cemetcry.N Bio — Obituaries — 6/28/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 28,1951 - Page 4 DAVIE MAN FOUND DEAD James Rufus Graves, 71, of Mocks* viUe, Route 2, was found dead in his barn early Monday. He was found hanging from a rafter in his bam at 1 a.m., by C. F. Leach, huibaHT of Graves' niece. Leach had waked up short, ly after 12:30 a.m., and became n worried when he found Graves e missing from the house. A search was started and the man. was found in the barn. Dr. W. M. Long said Graves died of strangulation. Graves had farmed in his native Davie County all his life and had been in poor health for the past two'months. Surviving are Mrs. Bowles and seven nieces and nephews. He was bom Aug. 0,1079, son of George and, Elizafaeth White Graves, he was living with Mrs. Mamie Bowles ,a half sister, at the time of his death. Funeral services were held at 2:30 p.m., Tuesday at Chestnut Grove Methodist Church, Mocks* ville, Route 2. The Rev. William Anderson officiated. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 28,1951 - Page 5 Mrs. Mary C. Smith Morganton, Route 4 Mrs. Mary C. Smith, 82, of Route 4, Morgonlon, died Tues day morning at her liomc after au illness of approximately two years. She was tl^e mother of Miss Ruth Smith, manager of the Wal lace Store in this city. Funerdt. services were held at a home church, near Morganton, at 2 p.m., Wednesday. Mrs, T. L. Swicegood, Age 7G, of Coolecniec Mrs. Gertrude Duln Swlcegood, 70, wife' of Tlmmas Leo Swlce good, died at Coolccmcc. She had been in declining health for sev eral years. Mrs. Siwcegood was born In Dnvic County Nov. 4.1874, daugh ter of Sidney A. and Janic Foster Dula. She spent her entire life in Davlc County. SuK'ivlng arc the husband;; I three sisters, Mrs. R. L. Swink of ' Coolccmcc, Misses Minnie and Janie Dula of the home. Funomli services were held at 4 p.m. at Coolccmcc Methodist Church. The Rev. Mr. Shinn of ficiated. Burial was in Salisbury Memorial Park. Pallbearers were William Gales, Robert Hoylo, L. D. Driver, Paul Booc, Frank Seders and Fred HcIIard. Bio - Obituaries — 6/28/1951 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA