Jul - DecMOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 4,1957 - Page 2 SAAIUKL DAVIS ntV. 16 1 FiinarAl services for SnmucI Dn-! via Fry. 70. were hold Frldny at (he Folton Mctiiodist Church.' The Rev. H. C. Cllncird oniclntcd. Burial was In the church ccnie- lery. Mr. 'Fry died Wednesday nlBht nt hU home. He WAS,bom Nov. 27, 1880, son! of Ocorcc and RoKnnnn Slinvcr* Fire.- He married Miss Amanda Wnllcr Dec. 15. 1024. Survlvins are his wife, two daughters, Mrs. J. R. Ryan, and' Mr.s. E. H. Joynes, both' of Ad- i vnrice. Route n sister. Mrs. U'llA HendriM of Lc.^instoU; and a Bi-unddnuehtcr. I Bio - Obituaries - 7/4/1957 DA VIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 11,1957 - Page 8 THOMAS n. uinni:. 77 P(inci-nl xci vlcv.'s Toi-Thonmfl Dn« vltl lUchlc. 77, of Mnck.svlIIp, III. A. CiUm roiiiiinuiliy. vvei-c lield Sunriny nl Ihc KiUon'5 Bapltst Church. The Rev. Wncte Hulcheiin niul the Rev. Jnnie.s Oroce oincln* led. Burial was In Ihe ciniruh ceniotcry* Ah*. Richie, n retired fnriuur. died July 5lii ni IUh tioiuc. lie Imd bun ill Kcvvrni nionliui nnd In HurlutiA condition two wceka. He wii.s burn Aiut. 11. 1070. In Diiviv County, son of W. M. nnd Lnurlu tloou Ulchlu. Survlvinu tire hl.s wife. Mrs. riura White Hichle: three dnuith- lers, Mi'j. Clayton Oroce of Mock.t- vlllc. Houie &. Mrs. lluuh Ornves of Mocksvlllc. Ruutu -1. nnd Mrs. Clyde nuKcr of ^^ock^vllle, Route U; three :iun.t. Mvtvin Itlvlilu uf Chln.a Orove, Henry Hichle of Advanve, Route 2. nnd Chnrlie Richie of Bii.<c«et. Vii.: ti brother. A. D. Richie of Mocksvlllc; nnd a sister, ^frs. J. U. Cullettu of M.iekKvUle, lluutc &: t!4 urnnd* t-lillclrcn mul n luinibcr of circnt* unindchlldrcn. Bio — Obituaries - 7/11/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 18,1957 - Page 4 l)U. U. V. CHAWFOlU). 77 Funeral a?i-\'lcc5 for Dr. B. P. Crawford. reilrc<l Lenolr dni'^c- l»t, were held Monday nf'.crnoon nl Ihs Orccr Funeral Moiuc Clrnn* cl. Dr. Crawforrl died at n hu!-- liKnl Suiulny iiP.cr nn cxlcudrd lllnca.^. Dr. Crawford operated a dnw . biorc in Mockaviil'} itround iiO>3&| ycnra nico. For mony ycara he opcr.alvd ihC; Crawford Drut: Store in Lenoir iit^d had nl»o been n dru?i;lst in Marion. He wax a former mem* I bcr of the North Cnroltn.i Ho;ise floF Rtprescntnlives and .a past I! prc.sldcnt of the Ur.olr Chninbcr of Coimncrcc. Kc wna a member' of tlic HIbriicn Masonic Lodpc and the 'First Baptist Clturch of Lc* nolr. He received his education in the Marlon schools. Weaver Col lege and tiic University of North Carolina. ISurvlvlnv arc his wife, two sons. Fi'nnk Crawford of Charlotte and James B. Crawford ol Hlah Point: two dnuehtcr.s. Mrs. J. Ben Btlui oi Lcnoir and Mrs. John DiiUcr n( Ocrnmny: three brothers, two sisters, eight urandciUldrcn and two grcnl'ernndclnldrcn. MRS. II. W. GREGORY. 112 Funeral .sciwlccs for Mrs. Mar garet Allen Gregory, 82. were held Wednesday aflcntoon at the Ynd- kin Valley Baptist Church. Tl)e Rev. Ahis Clicshlrc oinclatcd. Bur ial was In the church efinctcry. Nfrs. Gregory died at her home MockviUc. RU S. on July IS. She was born Dec. 0. 1875. In Davic County, daughter of Wil liam and Margaret White. 81ie was married to Iteni7 Walton Gregory in 1B06. Snrvlvlng arc her husband: two daughter. Mrs. S. B. Smith of Advance. Route i. and Mrs. C. 8. Carter of Moeksville. Route 5: a son, 11. D. Gregory of Advance. Rnuic 1: two brotiicrs, Joe Allen of ^(ucksvt)lc. Route 5. and Berrlc Allen of 'hfocksvlllc. Route 5: two half brothers. Branch Allen of Cunrtncy. and Jim Allen of Moeksville. Route S: three sisters. Mra. Ada Athan and Mrs. Nannlo Sain, boll: of Moeksville, Rou6! 3 and ^tra. Bcrllc Wldte of Moeks ville. Route 2: two half sisters, .Mrs. Haltie Shore of Yadkinvlllc. Route 2. and Mis. C. E. MJllhoun of Coolccmcc: 10 srandchlldrcn, and 15 gixat-grendchildren. SAMUEL K. HUNTER. 87 Funeral scrvlcra for Sanmcl K. • Net) lluntcr. .17. retired farincr of Mocksvlllu. R.-uUo 2. Cnntt com- muniiy. were hcKI Sunday at the Clicatmil Grove Methodist Clunxi). Tlic Rev. D. D. Hrooms ami the Rev. James Grocc .imcint-ed. Bur- l.-il was in tlic churcli crmrtrr.v. Mr. Hunter lived iu tlic Cann cninnnmlly. He died July 12 nl tlie Lynn Haven Rest Home In .Ninck.svtilc. lie had bren In de clining henith for several months. He was l)orn Aug. 27. IBTl. in Dnvic Caimty, son ui Wiillam and Martha Booc Hunter. He marr ied Miss Minnie Fosier who died in 1020. 1 .Surviving arc five dnughlcrt. .>frs. Grndy Re,u'l.i of Moeksville. Hi. 5, Mrs. Henry Smith of MocUs- vlUe. Mrs. Dorscy Johnson of H.ar- mony. Mrs. Jacob Lanlcr of Mock.s- ' vlUc. Rt. 3. and Mrs. Marshall Goodwin of State.avillc. Rt. 3: a sister, ^[rs. John Ratlcdge of Mock.<?vnic, Route 2: 18 grandchil dren and nine trreat-grandclilldrcn, WilliamT. baywfiC WnHamniomMDaYW«'«. 8fcof| Aie Dsvle AetderoT communlft. • retired ftrmer. dtod at 6:20 p. to., Tuesdsy at. Lynn Havejs iUst. Home. tiiU cliy. H« b^Vnl declining hetlA sevcrtl mdnil^ He wttlwrain Divle CouiftT)'. son of Alford ind Mellnne Beck, Dayrth. He married Miss MbUld Beck In 1897 SurvlvlDf are his wife four sorf); James Daywatt of Moeksville^ Raute 1. Dewev Daywalr o f Hl«b| Point, Arthur Daywaltof thf home, and Wilbuf DayvaU of Cooleemee. a brother. Gtorge .Diywalt o! Moeksville, Route 1; tUter, Elmer McDanlel of States- vilte Route 5; ei^t artnd-chlld- ten, and rwc graat-granddhildren. Funerals ervlces were conduct I td at 5 p. j*».. Thursday at 8t.| Matthew's Lutheran Church . by die Rev. C. F. McComHtiie Rev. Mr. R. M. Rlmmer the Rev, Uppard. Burial was In Jhoj Aureh cemtterv-7*^ ^ Bio - Obituaries - 7/18/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 25,1957 Vea^' ntxitet WilHom (&t) 46 of Modovllle.' 1(H)$ p. SundaV at bb home. Hehadbeen in . decUnlng bealtfa foit Mvexal vcaxB and serioualy ;iU fbrSOdays. ' . Hewsabom April 2, 1911. inf Itowan County, aon of Wmiam Maiy Crabb Vesch. He w» ftBetlied merchant. 'SttcyMng'yBte hb modiert Mta. Maty ."VSeath of Cooleemce;. hb crifetVtwo danghten. Ibsics Poster and Mfs.jdf. Hesdriz, boib o f Meebyllle. fiiMite 4; ibrec sons L«ier...Vieaa\ of MocktfriDe. Route 4. Boaetti? andlohnny Veacb. both of -the home; two btodiets, Dewcy Veadi of Coolcemee and BImet Veadi of MockavOle. Route 4; two tbteiB, Mta. FUul Tavlot and Mta. J. E- natitob both of Modnrille Routt 4jand.aae half abter, Mta. Coy Dmham of Roaring River, and five granichildren- Foneial aeryieea werecoftducted at 4 p. m.. Tuesday at Llbetty Metkodbt Churdt by rite Rev. R. O. McCiamtock and riie' Rcv. G. W. Fink. Burial was in rite dtinds eemetety. Bio - Obituaries - 7/25/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 8,1957 - Page 3 .MRS. il. A. DOWENS. 93 Funeral services (or Mrs. Mnry Polly Dowcns, 02, o( Mocksvlllc. Rl. 3. were held Mond.ty flftcrnoon nt the hc'inc nnd nt. the Cornntzcr Methodist Church.. The Rev. D. D. Broomc, the Rev. WlUlnm .'\ndcr- son, the Rev J. K. Oroce nnd the Rev. B. A. Corroll omcin'.cd. B^r- lit) was In the church ceiucivn\ n • Mrs. nowcns died at hsr hcine Snturdny nficr n long illness. She wns born March 4, 1803. In Davic County, dauslUcr of Qcorge H. and Agnes Chnnlln McD.tnlcl. She vvas married -In 1880 to Rich ard Abncr Dowcns. who died in 1033. Mi's. Dowcns was a member of Cornatzcr Mothodlst Church. Surviving arc a son, Albert Dowcns of the liomc; two daugh ters. Mrs. L. P. Howard of Mocks- vUlc, Route 3. and Mrs. Buck Howard of Winston - 8.1)0111, Rt. 3; 14 prnndchildrcn and 17 great grandchildren.. MIIS. C. S. Mli.LKIl. 8.1 Funeral services for Mrs. Ruth Booo Miller. 03. of Salisbury wore iicld last Saturday. Interment wns In the ClicEiiuit Hiil Cemetery of that city. Mrs. Miller died Friday morn ing at the Rowan Memorial Hos pital. 8I10 had been in declining hcaltli for about two months and ficrlously Hi for three weeks. She wa.s born Sept. 8, 1801, in Divvlc County, the d.tugiucr of the Into J. C. and Emma IJamcs Dooc. She received her education, in the Dnvic County Schools and a bu.si- ncss college. She was n member of the'Flr.st Motiiodlst Ciiurcli. the Piillatiicn Cla«s of (he church, and the aii.^dl- I Inry of tc Mnnhlnist Lodge. She was active In nil church work. She is HUi-vlvcd by licr widower. Chnrlee S. Miller, to whom siie was married Jan. 3, 1014; ithree sons. Charles S. Miller, ilr., Tampa Pitt., Dr. William K. Miller, Ra cine, Wl.s.. and Oene Miller, Fny- cttcvliU: one d.iughier, Mrs. F. C. Prndlcion, Rocksville, Md. Two brothers, t-hc Rev. Mlllni-d F. Docs, Loulsvlllo, Ky., Brnnk- Icy C. Booc, Winston-Snlcm. two sisters, Mrs. T. E. Woesley, Clcm- mons. Mrs. S. I. Ale.s'nndcr. Char lotte: nnd ai.s Rrnndchildrcn. ^(ISS .\ANCV llAiI.EY. 83 Puncca! sendees for Miss Nancy BcHc Dftilcy. 83. of Mocksvillc, Rt. 1. were held Fridoy morning nt the Eaton Funeral Home in Mock.M-tllo. The Rev. Robert 0,ik- Icy olilcinted. Burinl wns in the Center Methodist Cluircli eemo- tcry. Miss Ballcy died Juiy 31 at the Lynn Hnven Rest Home. She hnd been In declining health for ecv- crni years nnd seriously HI for 30 days. She wns bom Dee. 21, 1874. In Dnvie County, daughter of Henry and Nancy Lowcrj* Bnlley. She is survived by one sisters. Mi.'s Mary Bailey of the home. Miss Pauline Wyalt Miss Sarah Pauline W?art. 36, of Mocksvllle, Route 3. died at &30 a. to, Friday at Davic Coun ty Hcspltal. She had been to de. dining health two ycare -and was seriously 111 two months. . 1' She was bom Jan. 26, 1921, In ' Davie County, dau^ter of Valeria j Gatwood and L. C. Wyatt. Surviving ore her broAei, Gene Wvatt of Modwville. Rou«3 and itwo sisters. Mis. Worth Uttle of lAlbemorle and Mrs. Phil Edwards Denver, Colo • Funeral servicer wert condue- j ted at 4:30 p m- Saturday .at Pork Baptist Church by the Rev. A. M; Kfaer. the Rev. John ZuneiE,d the Rev. O. Kelly Whltaker- arial was la Ae ehutdi cemetery Mrs. W. W. Harbin Mrs. Sallie Clement Herbln 82 • oFSouth Main Street, MocksvUle, ^dow of W. W. Hnrb in. died at 12:10 p. m.. Tuesday at dietDav^e County Hotpltnl. She had been In dedlng health aeyeral znonths and was seriously ill two weeks. She was bom May 13, 1875. in Davle Couotv, daughter of Hend-^ enon and Pothana Lowety Cle ment. She was bom in Davie County daughter of Henderson and Po- diena Qetnont. Her musband died March 20, 1952. Sorvfa^tog are-three daughters, [Mrt. ia&es C Warren and Mis* jPred Jones of Mocksville and Mrs, black Foster "of Salisbury; nltm jgranddiUdren and 12 greatitrand- tcldldr^- , ^ Funeral services were conducted let 2 p..qim Tbursday at the home |by ^e Rev. J. P, Davis and the {Rrv. Mr.' Newton. Burial was in 'ClementCemetery, Bio - Obituaries - 8/8/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 15,1957 - Page 1 Tractor Accident Proves Fatal To John H. Eidson John H. (Hub* Eldxon, 60. of Dnvic Couiily vvns killed Fi-ldny ni his home in Fort Lniidcrdnlc, P).i. Mr. Eidson wna killed when n trnctor' he wns opeintlnc in his ornnec Rrovcs ovcrlni-ncd nnd crushed hlin -to dcnth. The nccidcnl occurred nl about 3 p.m. last Fi-ld.i}-. ni)|>ro.slinntcU' five inllts vvc.st of Nob HID Ranch on Orlffln Road, near Fort Lau- dcrdalc. Mr. EUlson owned tho Wncico Groves fruit alow, 428 N. Federal HIchwny. It was reported that Mr. Eidson wns trylngto reinovo a small atuinp near an ornnso tree. Ho wns being nsslstcd by an employee who had fastened n chain around tho .<tump, . The employee said that Mr. Eld ^on on the tractor pulled once wUhsul success and backed up to •try.again. As ho Jerked nt the stump, the front wheels of the tractor rose into the nlr. The cm- ploycc said he yelled nt hinr. but apparently Mr. Eidson couldn't disengage the clutch In time nnd the tractor cnmc bnck over him. The employee ra n for help, but iMr. Eidson wns dead before It I could arrive. According to the. employee, work in tlic srovc.s would have been completed In u couple of weeks. He Is survived by his wife. Utc former AUcc ilotum of Movka* vllloi and a- daughter by n pre vious mnrriagc, Mi-s. Mary Kltstlcr of'Chovloitc. Funeral services were held bi Flurlda. Monday. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 15,1957 - Page 3 MRS. MONNIE HICKS. 75 Funeral services for Mrs. Mon- nie Poster Hicks. 75, of Mocks- vDIc. Rt. 5. Farinlngton commun ity, will be held at U n.m. Thurs day at the Wesley Chnpel Metho dist Church. Burial will be In the church ceinclory. Mrs. Hicks died Monday night nt n Morgnnton hospitnl. She wns bom Mny 10. 1882, In D.ivle County, dnughter of Robert Franklin nnd Maiv Frances Arm strong Foster. Surviving -nre n brother, D. C. Poster of Knnnnpolls, nnd two sisters. Mrs. W. L. DIxon of Rt. S. Mocksvlllc nnd Mrs. Pearl Cook cf Rt. 1. Advance. MRS. F. W. WILLARD. 31 Funsral services for Mrs. Mary Irene Hnll Wlllnrd. 31. wife of Fred W.' Wlllnrd, will be conduct ed at 4 p.m. Tlutrsday at the Bethlehem Methodist Church by the Rev, Wodc Rogers and the Rev. George Brunei'. Burial wUl tin In tlie church criueleiy. Mr.s. Wlllard died nt 3:43 p.m. Tuesday ni her home. Bhe wns born April 2. luau. m Spaitn, dnughter of Percy and Phoebe Sturglll Hnll. Sui-vlvlng nre her husband, four sons, Fred, Jr., Mclvin Benn, Lar ry Lee nnd Allvln M. WUlnrd, all of the home: her mother of Crumplcr: and n brother. Benn Hall of Ci-umpler. ams. D. c. s.triTii, 40 Funeral services for Mrs. B. C. iJod Smith, 40. of RoldsvlDo Rt. 0. were held at the Fnlrvlew. Bap tist Church, Tuesday. Mrs. Smltl^ died In the Annie Penn Memorial Hospitnl Mondny nftcr nn Illness of two weeks. She wns the foiiner Helen Tut- tciow of Davitf County. Ftirvlvlng nre her husband; hoi' mother, Mra. Corey Tuttcrow of Mocksvlllc; three 'brothers. Julius Paul nnd Duke Tutcrow of Mocks- vllle;.sl.>c sisters, Mrs. Doris Ber ry,'Mis. BcD liuUglm'and Mj-a. Alva Howoi'd. nil of MocfcsvlUe. Mrs. Bessie Sparks of Winston- Snlcm, Mrs. Edith Lcoeh of Thomnsvlllc. Mrs. Evn Dcadmon of New Jersey. ^ Bio - Obituaries - 8/15/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 15,1957 - Page 3 James Frank Plol James Frank Plott, 51. died hb home at 12*52 p* m He-1— been in declining health for ftram years. He waa bom Mav 28. 1906, son of Kim and Emmn Riddle FZott in Davie Cooncy, He had Hoed !n^ WinBton*S8lem for die past*; years. He was a welhknown ftinnc^ land was of the Baptise foltb. He married Susie Summers, who «u» vivcs. Other survivors Indudd ditee sons, one daurfiecr. twoigtanddiildren.cwobtoth»rs. foost sisters. Bio - Obituaries - 8/15/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 22,1957 - Page 4 w. j. on Fiincm) Kcrvlccs for Wllllnm J. MlUcr. SO. of MockavlDc. Hoiitc t, will be hcl<i ni. 2 p.m. Thurodny nl (he Dulohmiin's Crrck C?htii'eh. The Ucv. Robby Rldw nnd (lie Rev. Dntino Lnnnston will ofnclfttc. Burinl will be In the Ub> criy Church coinciery. Mr. MIUci* died Aue. 30 In the Davic County Hospital. He had been ill only one hour after a heart attack. gHeVoTbom July 1. 1001. In Townes County, Oeoi'Rin. son of Law.son nnd Zonlc Presley Mill er. He moved to Dnvlc County a number of years aro and had been employed at Envin Mills in Coolccmcc for 23 years. Surviving arc his wife, the for me r MLss Coy Lawrence: four daughters. Mrs. Edna Anacl of Mocksvlllo. Route 4. Mrs. Myrtlcc Barnes of Mocksvlllc. Route 9, Mr.i. Lnthcl Combs of Advance. Route 2. and Mrs. Tcxola Tucker yt Mocksvlllc, Route 4; t>vo sons. Doyle J. Miller nnd Plctus R. Miller, both of Mocksvlllc. Route t: 13 arnndchtldrcn: his mother of Hendcrsonvlllc: three broth ers. Ray Miller of Greenville. S. C.. Frank Miller of Inman. S. C.. nnd Tom ^^^lcr of Hen- <l:rsonvlllc; three slstor.<i, Mi's. R. O, Morris of Oak Rldgc, Tcnn., Mrs. Fnnnlc Atkins of Inman, S. C.. nnd Mrs .bfinnlc Woods of Presley, On. Bio - Obituaries - 8/22/1957 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 29, 1957 - Page 2 l»U. ItOiiKUT KING. Dr. R:bcrl Klnji. rotlrctl Pr«.<l)y- Lcr!.in mhiUlnr who hnd fonnci'ly h:M n p.ii'.srntc In MoekHVllIc, tied bit Thursday nt the Piwhy- urlnn Hc-npUnl In Knn.vvilU-. Tcnn. lie was 78. Dr. K!n:{ bcnuii his cuit'cr of ncfti'ly 50 ycfti'.H ol llu* Fli-st Pres byterian Clnti'ch <U. S.I in Klnits- .ic:-!. Tenn. ! Stii'vlvora Inchulo his widow: u ion. Ritbei'l Klnts. dr.. or Oui'hatn: two dnuRhters. Mix- d. A. Maw- lilnn'v. dr. .of N^mv York City, and Mrs. 0. d. Blochcr of When- tun. ni. F(ini?rid servlcea wcro held .at the First Prcsbytet'lnii Church in doltnson City. Tenn.. with itrnve- side service sat Hollywood Cetne- tcD*. Richmond, Va. DWioirr Ai.LRitn Allrcd, .sun of Joe All- red of Shefricld. died nl the Dn- vlc Ccunly Hcipliiil Wednesday mornhm. FuncrnI servlce.s will bo held nl d p.m.. Tluu-Jidny. nt the Pilitrhn Church In Shcltlcld. Burial will be in the New Union Cemetery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 29, 1957 - Page 4 Martha Giement Killed By Auto A 10-ycnr-old Dnvic County «lrl was fatally Injured last Wcd-j ncsdny nlpht when struck by n ciii' alter sho stni-tcd across U. S. 151 and heallntcd when she raw the oneomlns irrrtchlnc. | MIS.S kfnrthn Lcc .Clement. 18. daughter of A. C. and Vh'BlntA Ainrcll Clement of Mocksvlllc. Route 2. died At B:1S p.m. After being taken to Dovic County Hos- pUaI. State Highway. Patrolman A. W. Cox said M1.SS Clement was hit by n ear driven-by Mrs. Olcnnn Ilcndrlx. 24, of Smith Grove about 7:20 p.m. lie R.-dd the. girl was croAilng the hluhwny in fi-ont of her home. | She saw the ear before ahc rcach«l 4>ho center and had Alnrtcd back to the aide from which she atnrtcd when she was j hit. He said she was carried about 113 feet from the point of Im pact. . . . I MI.sh clement suiTetxd a rup tured heart and other chest and pelvis Injuries. . . Mirs Clement wa.s liorn June 13. 1041. Surviving are her |)Arcut8: two brothers and Ihrco sisters, Avei-y lit. and John Mnrahnll Clement and Miss Ma/.el. Christine, and Jennie Clement, all of the homc,> and ihi-cc Rrundparcnts. Mr. and Mt-s. C. J. AiiKcU of Mockavlllc, and Mrs. A. C. Clement of Mocks- vlllc. Route. 2. Funeral sci-vlcc.s were held Fri day afternoon nt the Oak Orovc Methodist Church. The Rev. Rob ert Onklcy oUlclnied. Burial tvns In the church cemetery. Pallbearers were Michael Ah- koll. Jimmy Atwood, J. T. Smith, Jr.. JCcnny Walker, Dulllc Daniels and Richard Cox. Bio - Obituaries - 8/29/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, August 29, 1957 Bob Smoot Bab Smoot. a reSpectod co)-f bred utizen of the town diedj 'i Wednesday after a longr ilH , ««« nr? I Bio - Obituaries - 8/29/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 5,1957 - Page 2 MIIS. J. OSCAR TAVt.OR. B4 nincrnl spcvIcca for Mr.s. Snrn MoltftH Tnylor, 04. of NfocksvRlc, Route 2. Cflnn community, were held Mondny cvt tite Union Chnpel Mcthociist Clnuxh. The Rev. D. D. Oroome and tlie Rev. Jlimnle Oroce olllclntcd. Uiiilnl wn.s In the chui-ch ceiuet^ry. M-.t. Tnylor died Aim. 31 ill her home. Shu lind been In decUnlim heiillh for Kuvernl months. Sliu WHS born Dec, 2. tU03. In YAdkln County, (liiimhtcr of John mid Snrn R^nvls ncynold.s. . Shu Is survived by her hus* bnnd. J, 0.scnr Tnylor; two .sons, Clyde Tnylor of .NTocksvlllc. Route 3. nnd Roy Tnylor of Mncksvllle, Route 2; two sisters. Mrs. Ocorue Hnncllne of Winston • Snicm nnd Mrs. J. J. Wootcn of Hnnnony, Route 1: two brothers. Mnylon ReynoUh of Wlnston-Snlctn. nnd Joe Reynolds of Yndklnvllle. MRS. W. C. COOKB. 42* Funcrnl scrvlce.s for Mrs. Min- nio Lee Cooke. 4 2. wife of WII11inn C. Cookc. were held nt 4 p.m.. Sundny nt the Dunch FtuiernI Home In Stntcsvlile. The Rev. Orndy White oinclnted. Burlnl wiis In the Onkwood Cemetery. Mr.s. Cookc died Aim. 30 nt the Bnptlst Ho.spltnl in Wlnston-Sn* luni lifter uiuloi'KOlnR iin opcrntlon two dnys cnrller. SurvlvliiR nro her hiinbnnd: four dnuRlUcrs, Mlise.s Mne, ClAudln Leo, Mildred nnd Bnrbnrn Ann Cooke. nil of the home; n broth er. Wnlter Slliim of atiilcsvlUc: nnd n si.ster. Mns. CInrcncc Dnn* IcLson of Dcs ^^olncs. town. DON ;ilfCII.\f:ii CI.BAUY Ornve.Hldc services for Don Ml* chnel Clccnry. Infnnt son of Dm-* ncll nnd Pnltrlcln Uulln Clcnry of Mocksvllle. Route 1. were held Mondny iit tilie Liberty Holiness Church. Rev. Din Wnlkcr of- ficinlcd. The Infnnt died Sept. 1 nt the Dnvls Ho.spUnl In Slnlr.svlllc. fiurvlvluK iiiH: the pnrcnts nnd grnndpnreiils, the Rev. nnd Mrs. W. C. Qtilin of Rnmscur, nnd Mis. ARnc.s Clenry of Mocksvllle, Rt. 1. Bio - Obituaries - 9/5/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 12,1957 T. McClamrock Passes ' Funeral services for Auhuxi Tb'omas McClamrock, Sr., 38 of WlnstoivSal m. Route 2, were eoodttctcd at3;30 p. mnTueedav at tIia>OaIc:Grove Mbthodist ChuTch) in Davte'Councy. Rev. Ro^ 66t Oddey and Ctyda Bwknesi o£Edai»d».- Burial was 1 n cbvis^'CdBctexv. mrqcf 'an late Mrs. Mary Baftce-McQlm'- co&ofdie Oak Olrove cotamu^ nityt-wetehespcnchis eartv life. SocvivlnR are his wifet Mrs. Ill* Ban Aduns McClamtoc^ one son pnd tm> dtnghteiSi hla fodiM,fbur btotheta and five sistera. Mn McClamrock a mechanic at ibe R. )• Reynolds Tobacco Co., Pactnry died Sundav in Wfnsioo«SaIem hosmtal. Bio - Obituaries - 9/12/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 19,1957-Page 6 S. n. DAStKI.. 75 Puncrnl services for Sllns Diillv Daniel. 7.5, or the CoucortI Church Ccininunlty. Mocksvlllc. Rt. > 4. were held Monday nflcrnoon at the Concord Methodist Church. The Kcv. R. 0. McClanu'Ock and the Rev. O. W. Pink ulllelfttcri. Burial \vn.s in the church ccinc- lo-y. Mr. Daniel died at II p.m.. SaU urday after a .serious tlln'.>.v] of ten days. He was born Jan. 8. 1884, In OnviP County, the son of Ainoa and Mary Leonard D.anlcl. He wa.s superintendent of the Sunday School at Concord Mctli* odlsl Church for more than 30 yeAr.s and was a member of the Junior Order, fie wa.s a retired farmer. Survlvlim arc his wife, Mrs. Amtic Maiitln Daniel: five dauKh- tors. Mrs. James D. Softer of Mcck.svllle, Rout? I: Mr.H. Everett Sramon and Mr.i. J. N. Tultcrow, both of Mocksvllle, Route 4, Mrs. John Walker of Mock.HvUle. iindj Mrs. Dud Po.stvr of Cuoiocinec: three .sons. Rnyinond ami 8nm Daniel, both of Mock.HVll)c, Rout? 4. and Eu.slncc Daniel of Salis bury, Route 1: a sister, Mrs. R. H. Ijialc of Mocksvllle. Route 4: a half .sister. Mm. Howard Joscy of Dnnvlllc. Vn.; and 10 i;rand- chlldrpn. Li:i: II. oi{iti:i.i.. 74 Ftmcrnl .scrvlce.s for Lcc B. Or- rcll, 74, of Advance, Route I. were held Sunday at the home and at Mocks MclhocJIsi Cluu-oli. The Rev. J. B. Flt'/ccraUl and the Rev. H. C. Cllnnid oniclnled. Bur ial W(i.s lu the churcit cemotery. Mr. Orrell died Sept. 11 In 0 Winston n Salcin ho.spltal. Bio — Obituaries — 9/19/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBUC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 26,1957 - Page 4 Jnscnli C. nO | PtinctMl sri'vivus for Joseph < Cleveland Ma,i5c.v, 6fl. of Advance. I Rculc 2, were held Friday nfler-; U03U at the Advance Mcthodbl| Church. The Rev. J. B. PU/«rraUl j and Iho Rev, C. E. Crawford of* I (icKitcd. BuHal u*na In tiic church | ccinelciy. i Mr. Ma?acy died Scpl. 18. al nj Winston - Sal m hasplinl aficr a serious illness of ten days. Snrvhlni: arc thu widow: two .•;3n.n, J. C. Nt;iascy. Jr.. of the hoiit' and John O. ^F.twey of Rapid C.'iy, 8. D.: two dauKhicrs. Mr.v J. A. Cook of Mocksvllle, Rl. d. and Mr.t. J. G. Prnnvll of Lcnolr: .«cvnn Bi'niulchlldi'tn: one brother. Pink Masscy of Advance. Rt. 2. and one sister. Mrs. C, C. Spry of Adv*ance, Rt. 2. I MhH Willie V. Alkcn. 58 I Funeral scrvic s were held Sun* ! day ml the Urevnrd MoMiodl.si Church in Ucrvard for Miss Willie Viola Aikon. 50. second Kvadc teacher at th? Mocksvllle .school. MLS.S Alkcn died around 8:30 n.in. Frid.sy niovnlnB while on duly at the school. Supt. and Mrs. CurtU Piicc nt- luhdcd the fuhcral scrvlcc.s. rep* re.seiillnit the Davic County Hoard of E<luen<tlon. MIm Alk'ti was born Apv1l 12, 1001, In Henderson County. dauKh- trr of wnV'.nn and Miiry Jatte ISMpinnn Alkcn. She was a antd- fi'Oe of Urcvard CsUrRC and East ern Carolina Tcchcrs Colktte. j ' She had inuuht In the cl ancn- | tary achaol ait Drovard for 18 years j and In the Hickory school for sly. yc':'s before cjinlna to M'jcks*! vine. { Sinvlvlntt Include tlirtc broth- c'-s. E. L. Alken of Hickory. L. M. and C. P. Alken of Ai'lievllle: two .slii'i-s. Mrs C. L. Ncwlniul, wife of the lendlnp ph.vslolnn of Brc* v.trd M)d Mr.<. Fr.tnk Laurcn.s, It* 'brnrl-an for the clcincnlnry schools |ol Greensboro. I WIIUum II. Call. Ill Fun «ral s irvlo^a for WDIloin |ll-m-y Call. 01. of Sclm.i were||l);ld Filday afl'-rnnon at (he Edttcsuin Methodist Church at Srlina. Builal was In the Oi*cnc* lawn Ccmelerj' in Grcehsboro. Mr. Call died Sept. 10 in the D,avle County lEo.spltol after aj serious illn'js of five wcek.s. Mr. Call was born In D.ivic County In 1870. son of S. M. and Salllo Van Eaton Call. He was retired as man.iBcr of the South ern CoM.an and Oil Mill .it Sclina. He lind made his home at S:lma ' for 50 years, comlnc here two years atto to make his hcinc with a slMw. Mrs. J. H. Thompson. In Mocksvllle. SurvivluR arc one brother. S. M. Call of Mocksx'tlle: and two sinters, Mrs. Thainiison and Miss Mair.h.i Call of MccksvlUc. Bio — Obituaries - 9/26/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 2,1957 Clarence Lee Keaton I B MWOBarWWIWm RENCELEE J TON i al servlees for dorexw 48, formal, of em waaeocdneto^sttia hia mother at 2:18 wm 7, and at the Dhloa SB Church at 2:80 ]ub. . James B. O^niBe . C. BS. Afihh7« leaton dled-Tnesd^ ton hospital after an 'Ivo yearn. . • IS bom !ii Da>^ Coora -12,1914, son of sSr Minnie JQng^eatoii mat his eadlsr.Iilia in ity and wentto Winston^ 11928. He was a meqber in Hood.Boad 'Baptist and served in Vbs Ana aril 1940; to Msr^lSdlJ as marriedk-Maieb HlsaPeudAsU^.' snrvived b7ltmvdfe'<tf te; one^da^tten Ldgh Keanm: of^'tBs tne'son, Sanrad Bobert of the home; his motha mons,*Route It t»b sld» d five brothel Bio - Obituaries - 10/2/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 3,1957 - Page 3 Mrn. Aiinlc 70 Ftiiici'fll 3 I'vlce.s fni' Mrs. Annlv Mnora. nc9iJlcs...70. of Altxniitlrln, Vh.. WL'iv held Sunday nt tiie Chc.Mnnt Oruvc Mcthod!.st Church. 'tIu' Uev. D. U. ni'ooinc olllclatcd. liiirlal wa.i in ihc church coma-l jury. ! i Mi-s. People."!, who formerly ro-' sUtud in CInrksvtllc Tcwnshli).! died Friday In o Palls Church, Va. I rest hcnie. ' Mrs. Pco])lc8 wns the widow ofi Alfnrd D. Poople.n, who died In 6he wtiA born Nov. S, 1880. In Dnvio Counly. dnuuhlur of Jake nnd Sarah Edwards Moore. She spent her entire life In the Cl.nrks* vlllo Township before movinii to Alc.saiidrla four years oko. Surviving arc iwu diumhtcrs. Mr.f. Fnye McCorinlci: of Dalll- inure. Md.. and Mrs. Sarah Lou Uryson of Alc.xaudrla; a urand- child; three .sistur.H. Mrs. Charles M. mnekwcldcr of ^lock-ivllle and Mia. Jolin M. Madia and MUs Jennie Mooru. both of Lancn.sicr. IS. C., and a brother, Ray T. Moore I of YadklnvlUc. Bio - Obituaries -10/3/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 10,1957 - Page 5 Ml>» .Mliiiile t.. flfl Miss Minnie Loiiisu Oula. 00, o( CeoUtincr died nl l):30 n.m. Mon* (Iny nt hei- homo. She had been in dccllninu hcnilh for some tims. Miss Diiln wnx born in D.ivle County Sent. 4. 1802. dnuuhtcr ot Sidney A. nnd Jnne Poster Dub. Sh? hnd been cmployi^d nt the J. N. Ledford Dopni-tmcnt Store nt Coolscmcc until her hcnith fnilcd. PuncrnI services were held nt I p.m. Tuesday nt the Coolccmee Methodist Church. The Rev. PhilUp Olbbs oincbted. Durlnl was In Joppn Cimetery. Wllllnm i:. rnplhi, 7H FiinsrnI service.^ for NVItllniivEd- Wflrd Poplin. 78. of Mocksvlllc. nt. 3. retired fnrmer. were held Snturdny nrternoon nl the Bethel Methodist Church by the Rev. D. \ D. Drootne. Biirbl was In thci church ccmcUry. Mr. I'oplln died at 0:30 p.m.,' Oct. 3. nt his home. He hnd bconi In dsellnini; hc.nlth scverni yvnrs. | He wns barn Mny 13. 1879, In i Dnvic County, son of Jnmcs nnd Caroline Gentle Poplin. Survivlntr nro n son. Philip Poplln of Cnmden. S. C.. n strand- son, and n sister. Mrs. C. S. Sum' Imcrs of MockavlUs. Itt. 3. Mrs. A. I'. Ilcndrix. 70 i Funeral servlcc.s for Mrs. Ullle Hendrl.\. 70. of Advance, were held Manday nftsrnoon nt the Advnnce Methodl.Ht Church. The Rev J. U. PUr.se;-nld nnd the Rev. C. E. CrAWford oinclAied. Dm-bl was In the church cemetery. Mrs. Hendrlx died Oct. 5 M the Lynn Hiurn Rest Hume. She hAd been ssrUuxly ill 12 dny.s. { Mrs. Ilcndrix wns born Juno' 10. 1881, In Dnvlc Cautny. dntnch-| tcr of Tliomns nnd Betty Smith-- dcnl RJberl.son. | She w(x mnrrlcd to Alc.xnndcr PInkston Kcndrlx who died Dec. I 0, 1040. I Su'-vlvlUK nro two daushters. Mrs. Charlie Cornntzer nnd Mrs. Steve Mnrklflttd. both of Advnnce. nnd scxcn ornndchlldren. Mrs. Georee M. Hcitnls Mrs. Dctty An Dennis. 03, died, nl 7 p.m. Monday nt lite home of n dnuKhtcr, Mr.s. Dcnl linmcs.: MncUsvtlle, Rt. I. She had been in fftllin« hcnith for sovdr.tl yenrs btil death wns unexpected. Her hujb.-ntd, Ocoroc M. Den nis. died 12 years nito and site had been makhtit her home with Mrs. IJamcs since then. She wns born June 5. 1874, In Rowan County, the dnuBhicr of Mr. and Mrs. John Orahum. ! 1 Survlvlni: arc two sons. O. R. I Dennis of Advance and E. H. D:n-. Inis of Norfolk. Va.; two dauyihlcrs, Mrs. Ijatncs mid Mrs. Fred Mur- j phy of Mockslvllci clBht prnnd- childvcn and three itrcat-Brnnd-i I \vcd:i:s:lay nrternoon at the' children. n I .Funcml services were held Liberty Methodist Church. Burial :was In the churelt cemotcry. ' Bio - Obituaries - 10/10/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 10/16/1957 ^ / MocksviUe Attorney's Wife Dies UOCKSVIUB. OcL 15 — Mrs. ' Beka Brewster Grant, 75^ wife of ^ J(td(e Toner Grant of North CT" Main Street, died at 9 pn. to- dar at Baptist Bospital, Winston- Satca, attcr a serioos Qlness of] eso wteh. Mrs. Grant was bora at Ba- Idgh Nov. 5. 1891, daajbter of{ 3cia and Delia Porter Brewster.j She had resided la UodtsvOe (eri 80 years. She was tnanled to Mr. Grant b 1S08. Be b one of Mecksvllb's r best hnowa attoners and was re- ceatly elected Jadge c( the Davle Coofity Bceeittor's Coort, Surviving are the hosbaad: sb • danahters. Mrs. C M. Littleton of WQabgtw. Mrs. G. W. Yoke- ley of 3848 Beynolds Road. Wla- stas-Salen. Mrs. W. M. AUen of '.Beldsvflle. Mrs. Anno Mason and ' Mrs. W. M. WQson et Mecksvfile. "nad Miss Margaret Gcaat of Dor' , ham; two soss,.A. T. Giant Jr. **'0( Hodtsvllln 81^ V. A. Grant M ... Camdca, S. &;-13 grasdchlldrta ' and two great^ndehOdrca. It-'- Si Bio - Obituaries -10/16/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 17, 1957 - Page 1 Man Found Dead In Wyo Section A 35 ycRr old nmn from Wln- Rton-SRlcni WAR found dead in the Wj-o Comnmnitj* of Davle County Friday night, but nn nutoi>5y Snl- urdny nt the Baptist Hodpltnl In Winston . Saloin, revealed no foul >>lny. Ocontc Moore was found dead at iO p.tn. Friday on the kitchen floor of fl two-room block houso occupied by Dorothy.BogRS. 23, and licr aUtcr. Nnncy,,l6. The Houm is onmed by Ella Toinlln. a Ncirro of Wliialon . Snlcm and Is rent ed by the Borks. Sheriff Ben Boylcs atlU the two young women told him that Moore had been drlnklns and foil'out of a car at their home around 8 p.m. They can-led iilm into the house and went n store In For- aytli Cuuiity, thoy told Uic ohcrlff. When they returned around 10 p.m. they found Moore dead and went to a nclRlibor who notified Sheriff Boyles, who Investigated ih'o death with Deputy- Otto Ri- dcnhour. A coroner's Jui-y, with Dr. M. S. Andsraon n.i nctliur cor oner. viewed the bady and thought clroumstnncea worvnntcd nn flU- lop.sy. Those serving on U)e cor oner's jury wore Roy W. CoUcttc, RtutscU Mcnsccr, Joe O. Spr)-. Roy Wan'cn. O. E. BcHvcr iiiid CIllTord Reavls. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Tliiirstlay, October 17,1957 - Page 4 The autopsy " report from the Bnpllxt HosplLiI riiwloscd no foul play bul ihc exact cause of death not definitely dotortnlncd. Moore was a native of Shelby. The body was taken there Satur day night, and (unoniti Bcrvtccs were held Sunday. Mils. W. (IRANGKR, TO Puncrnl aciwlccs for Mrs. Minnie Aencs Onngcr. 70. of lllkpi-y. Route 1. wci-c Itcld Sun day afternoon nt the Itlghlnnd Baptist Chui-ch In Hickory. Bur ial wn.-^ In the c.ila\vb.i Mrmorlsl Park Cemetery. ' Mrs. Or.mKcr died Tlmr.^dny nt her licmc following nscricus Ill ness .*>f ihrcc weeks. Mi-s. Orniiger was the former Minnie Acnc.s Dcuth'.t. bom Oct. 2. IflTd in Davle Conniy. n rinugh- icr of the late William M. and Margaret Latham' potithlt. Mr.«. Ornngcr had been married twice. Her first hu?b.and. Will iam C. Mcrottcy. to whom she was married Oct. 10, 1808. died In loot. Her second hasbnnd was Augiistus W. Orangcr. Tlicy were ntarrlcd Oct. It. 1003. and he died June 24. 1033. Survivors Include five daugh ters. Mrs. John L. Recce. Sr., Mrs. T. M. Kuykcndnll and Mrs. R. O, Jones of Iflckorj-. and Mrs. Dew- ey Bcrir and Mrs. W. V. Wll- jhclm of Stalcsvllle: Utrcc sons. IW. R. nitd D. D. Orangcr of Rt. 2, Ccnovcr, and Tliomns A. Mcron-1 cy of Hlckorj-j one sister. Miss Kntc T. Doulhlt of the home: 30 grandchildren and 21 gj-cat.gmnd- | children. Bio - Obituaries - 10/17/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 17,1957 - Page 5 Mrs. A, T. Grant, 75, Dies Tuesday Night Mrs. Iluhn nrcwsur Ornnt. 7ft. wife of Juditc 'I'tirucr Oranl of' Noi'th Mniu SLvru. (U.d .n U i>.m. | Tu:5.:l.^.v i\t IJ-ipllPl i WlnsioivE'jl.ni, nftir « .s;rJor.*' Illness of one wcrl;. Mt'.'i. Orflnt wns liuni nL n.t- Irluh Nov. S. lUUl. (!nu»l>lrr n( Jciin nnd Delln Purler Bww.'Ur. She lind resided In MucksvU].> for SO .veu-.M. 1 She wttu married tj Mr. Orunt In Ifioa. He Is c'le cf Mucksvlllv's bol kncwn n'.lornws himI was rr- cdUly elecLrd Judue of the Oiwle County Crlmlnnl Cotirt. I Survlvhm arc Ihe l-.»isbnnd: six I djiiiuhvrj, Mrs. C. M. MitlJicn' of Wllinlnulon, Mi.s. O, W. Yoke- ley of aiHU Keynolds Ro.nd. Win- .U:n-S.ilun. Mr.H. W. M. Alien of Rcklsvllle, Mr.s. Anne Mason and Mr.H. W. M. Wllsnn of Mocksvillo. land Ml.ss Mar|iiirr< Clr.aiU of Dur- ham: two soiu, A. T. Orant Jr. of Moclu«vlllc nnti W. A. Oranl of 'Camdcii. S. C. IS Ki-.andchlldrcn .uud two yreut-ifrnndchtldren. i Funoral Services will be held Tluirnlny inurnlnii at U a.m. at the home. The Rev. n. M. Avcltc and the Rev. C. D. Nrwtsn will ofIlcl.ttv. Burial will be at Rose Cemetery. Mcmbcr.s of the D.avlc Bar As- .scclatlcn will .serve a.s |)allbcar.s. Tluy will Inc'iido Lo.sicr P. Mar tin. Jr.. Ororize Martin. Claude Hlchs. Peter W. llair-ston. D. C. Bi-cck, nnd John T. Brock. Bio - Obituaries -10/17/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 17,1957 - Page 7 h. L,\NCA8TKIl, 5S A. LtvnenAtcr, n S3 ycfli- ol<l Wliunoii - Salcm mnn. xhol hntnscK to dc»th Insl Thursclny tnii cluni]) of Uu.Hhrx ncni- tlic Police Pistol Club. Gni'licf lie wns seen Di-im; pncLlc:!. roiind.s on tbc club flt-lnit t-nni(C. Tlic dcntli n-na niled n Mtlclde. Mr. Lnncn.stci- wnn mnn-led to the fonnci' Helen Walker, dautth- i:r of Mr. and Mre. Hnrlcy Walker fcnnerly of MnckAvlllc. Lflncn.Nlcr llv^d with his wife nt (too Sciilli Liberty Street. He iuiirrk'd •twice. MI;a Revn Mc- Dnnlcl. whont he iitniTlcd Sept. 19. 1020, died July 24, iOOl. He married Miss Helen Walker. M-ay 10. 1004. He WAS n member of Calvary Moravian Churcli. the .Salom Masonic Loduc and the ;Wlnslon Clmpler of Arch Masons. He WAS born Sept; 10. 1004. Inj 'ForsyHj CcmUy, sen of M. L. and ;Detty Lewis LMicnstcr. He npcnl 'his entire lire In the county. Surviving Is his wife: a duuiih- ?lfr. Mrs. Edward Carter of 3300 ;slocklon Street: a m-andchitd; hLs •parent.H of 1010 Academy Sti-cct: In brother. Luther Lnncastcr. of 1.1017 Acndrmy Street, and n sls> •l?r, Mrs. Rcbcrt Tomllnson of Do- •Harry. Florida. MUS. M. K. ALI.fvN. 70 ' 1 Puncml servlcc.s'for Mrs. Trln- luur O.uit Slier Allen. 70. of Ashe. Jboro. wcro held Wednesday oftcr- moon nt the . First .Methodist loiiurch In thai city. The Rev. |H:irold Orocc olUclutcd. Burial *wns 111 >ihe Floral Onrdcn ifnrk tccmelery In High Point. \ She was the mother of Raymond •Slier of Tliomnsvillc. formcly of iMocksvlllc. ' Ah'.A. Allen, died Oct. J4th at tho •A»luboro Rest Home. ! She had been In dccllntnR llunliih several years nnd scrlotis- <ly 111 two inunlh.s. • She w.^A born Oc.t 10. 1080, In I<hv Oelluemannc Church com- '.munily nr<tr Orccnsbnro. dauith- • ti'i- of Jnnics Henry ami AblKnu Oordon O.mt. nnd had lived In ;AHlnboro since 1030. 'She w.as n member of the First iB.tplIsi Clnirch of Aahcboro. l.utKhl In the Oullford County Kchoul .sysUm nnd had been a housemother nl the Chrlslhm Or- plmmiua nt Elon Colleire. *• She wn.H twice m.trrjcd.'first to Richard R. Silci*. who died April 3. I01B. In December, l(l34. she I tn.a.s in.-u'rlc<I to M. B. Allen who '.Uled m June. 1093. Cvr. lvhis arc two flon.s, Rnjf- mend Slier of Thoimisvllle nnd nichard Slier of Asheboro: three 'stciidflufhlers, Mrs. U.iymand Ai red. Mr.A. Gsnc Kcnrns nnd Mrs, Kirby Com. nil of Ashrboro; two brothvr.-i. Waller dnnt of Orertus- .boro. Route 2. and Henry O.int of Rulilmore, Md.; three mund- elUldrun. six .stcp-srnndchlldren. Funeral services for Miss Lnurn .Lec Nailey McCan of Qrooklnnd. ;N. Y., wrro held Snlurd.ty at •Duthany Clnirch here. She w.as *a native of this county and ut* ;t.''nd8d tin public .sclicol itere be fore inovinK to Reynoldn. Blsh< !op N. M. John^cn of Wln.slon- .Snlein otilciatcd. Burial was in •Rcth.nny Cemetciy. Bio - Obituaries - 10/17/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 24, 1957 - Page 1 Services Ileici For Wndc VVyritt (It WAS A rceont SnlurdAy Atlor- noon. Wndc Wynti. choir director nt Iho • Fdi-Ic DAptUl Church for nround 30 ycnrs, tclcpticncd pnst- or A. M. KUcr io chnuKc n koiir to be snnc nt the Sunday service. The sonir Mr. Wyntt switched O W.1S "Ali Is Well In My Soul". A short time Inter Ihnt evening )>e wns .slrlckrn whh n henrt ntlnck. At services held Tuesday nflor- noon, this song wns one his three fuvcrttcs sung. Wndc Wyntl wns widely known nnd well liked, He wns nhvnys nctlvc In tils church, connnunlty and was ahvn.va willing to d? anything he could to help c'.lwrs. The chinch nt Fork could hold only n pnrt of his many friends Tuesday. A large number ol flornl Pieces nlso were tributes to the! esteem In which he wns held.) | Wnrte H. Wynlt. Sr.. 63. of Mpcksvlllc. Rmitc 3. died nt 3:36 n.m., Mondny nt the Dnvlc Coun ty Hotpitnl nfler n serious lUnc.vi sf 10 (lavs. Mr. Wyolt wns n member of the Dnvle County School Bonrd nnd a former Dnvlc register of deeds. He WAS barn Juno 30, 1U01. n son of John M. nnd S.illy Dallcy Wynlt. He wns maiTlcd »r. .Miii.ist. 1027. to Miss Pcni'l Crnvcr. ffe was n member of Fork Bnptlst Church. ! where he was n deacon nnd choir , dicctor. He Is survived by his widow nnd maihcr: two sons. Wa:le H. Wy.Ht. ] Jr.. and Johnny Wyall. b-Jth cfl Meeksvir.e. Rente 3: three tl.muh. tCM. Mr.v Leslie Blackwcldcr of, Mocksvlllr. Route 5, and Misses Emily Aiid Shirley Wyntt of the ham;: three brothers. Pr.mk Wynlt of Mpck.svJlle. Route 3. nnd W. A. and r; I\. Wyntt of Win- rlontSnlosn: two sister.-*. Mrs. B. R. WKIInms of Wlnston-Snlcnt nnd Mrs. T. P. Orlffln of Mocksvllle.. Route 3. Ftinsral services were conducted At 3:30 p.m.. Tujsdny At the Pnrk Hnpikst Church by the Rev. A. M. KLscr nnd the Rev. Wndc Hutch- cns. Burial wa.s In the church cem etery. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 24, 1957 - Page 2 Mr.s. lIiiiTy llowcll Mrs. Hnrry HowcU of Rnlciirh. whu had bctn visiting her broth er Sam S. Short for the p.ist two months dl.d I.t-ii week in Dnvlu County Heniital. In n(I:lltlon to her brother she is survived by five Harry nnd Philip, of Nor folk. Va.. P-.ink nnd Lognn Howcll of Cliiirlctte. Murray Howcll of Rnlctgh: one sister. Mrji. Betty Springer of Wlnston-Salcm. Puna eral scn-lcrs were held nt Christ Church in Rnlcigh nnd burlnl w.is in Oakwcod Crmclcry. Bio - Obituaries - 10/24/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 24, 1957 - Page 5 Mrs. Miimic ElUnticlli nowlcA it Mi'H. Miimlc CiSzAbcU) Baniux. < 00. of Mockxvlltc Ul. n. pnxsed < nvvny nl 12:10 n.m.. Wodiicsdny{• •)t Ihp Lynn H.tvcn Ntii-slnn {(on)a|i In MocUsvllle whui-i) xho lind been,! n |:;.tlcnt since Fi-ldny. She iind b2(n in (tcchnlng hcnUh Tor scvvv. ni .vcnr.H nml xci-lously 11 for five i dnys. Mi-n, Dowica wna boi-n Scplcm- Usr 8. 1888. the dnuxlUcr of Iho 1.nlc John W. nnd Elizabeth White Ui'iicl'.en. Stii'vlvora Inclndc tn'a sons: Iiu-> bcrt Oowlca of NTockavlUc Rl. S nnd WlUavd Bowles of Advnnco Rt 2: two <Uiiit())tui'9. Mrs. Annie Celnno of Oximrd. Cnllfornln und MraT* cl* F^^lencir of MocksvUle Rl 5.: two hnU-biothcj-s. WlUls Drncken of CIctnmons nnd Dnvld Bracken of MockavUIc Rl. S: U Im-andchlldrcn nnd S-io-cni vrond- chlldrrn. Punernl services will be held Thnrsdny nfternooji nt the Chest* nut* Drove M:-thodist Church nt 3:30 p.m. The body will lie In stntc for 30 inlnulca prior to the ssrvlco. The Rev. P. R. Loflln will lofflcrntc. Bnrlnl will be In the church cemclcry- Bio - Obituaries - 10/24/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October31,1957-Page 1 •oves To Mrs. Dsrcns HiiL-vrcl Div/ls. 5D\ of Sftllsbui-y. Rouif "l., dUd' t.M'ly Mondny nl n SMliiiury )iqjpl;nl fiom Jnjurijs .sulfcrcd 'Suf)d:\y .vl*,.n b*t eor.i'r3l cf licr cw. Hlgluvny.PritrolmiviV T. J. UnriBCtt reported thtvL Mrs. Dnvls w" ck-fd h:r .ei\r on ,N,.C. Hlgh- wny BCl. nboul'ssVcn^inUfa cpst ;r M.'Oltsvir.c. ShqVww Mic c:ir M tho lUino, sold. The car s'-vr-rvrd' off ll;a hlghr •.vn.v en'.1 curve .nnd overturned !n Ui8 woeds. . Mrs.' Dnvls w.m i hrewn out of the.'cm'. m •She. vvns born Jim, 5. 1808, In- 7:w.m County, the datigirWr'df T. Frank and Svisan Wnllon Hll* Uard. She ,wns cinp'oyed by bnn^ •.!n Mills tvt Sallpbuix ;r" •, - She was first inavrltd to; Wnrr L. Wlnsbw, who dlcd In ipSOc. ;h5 Irter married, n Mr. Dnvjs.- • ) Surviving ore three sons, Wnt;- rrn H. Wlnalow of Stewnrt. Flti.; Wlnford A. Wlntlow.'of'arecns- bcro nnd Luther H. Wlnslqw .'cf High Point: IQ 3rantlchlldixn:.3l>t tUters. Mrs. O. H. Wennt of High Po!:-r.. Rculo 4. Mrs. Cnhl-.Lchr, Mid Mrs. C. R. li^rertcn. both of High Point. Rente 5. Mrs. John. C,. Eurten of Snllsb.ury; Routc l, Mrs. Joe II. Ilsge, Sr., of Lexliiglon andMrs C. S. Keller of . High Eolni.j ReuiQ 4.; n , "v.'' Funeral ssrvtcM wore conduct-, d nt II a.in: Wednesday ftt St. acci'K: Eplacoiwl Churcli. ;Weod-: ■:af. by^the Rev. -J.CL.,Martin.3url.ai:Wna In SL^Andrevy's ,Qcm• ,. icryv.'v,. Bio - Obituaries -10/31/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 31,1957 - Page 3 I O. A. CAltTCR. 90 Funeral jsci-vlccs Xoi* O. Aibct-t Cnrlcr, 50, of Advance, Route 2. tVQre iicld Suiidny flftcrnoon at the lEibRvUlc Methodist Chui-ch, The Rev J. B. FUztfol-ald and the I Rev. Ed Fll7:ucrold olllclatCd. Biu-- lal Rvna In the chinch ccihetery- I ^Ir. Cni>tei- died nt his home FrU dny nftci- suITciing n hcnrt nttnchiThuradrij' nlpht. Ml', Cni'lei' vvns born Feb. 10, , IQOB, In Dnvte County, n xon of Osoi'dc A. nnd Notlu Foster Cnr* tcr. He was a f.H'mcr. ' Ke wflA married (o the formcr SalUe Biillcy, who survives. I Other survivors nre n son. Al* vln M. Carter of Minncnpolls; six daughters, Mrs. OrrcU KooiUv. of Lcxinston. Route 4, Mrs. Tom . Brlumnn of Winston . Snlem, Mrs. I Fred Uvnch of Wlnstcu . Salem, Mrs. Dcnnid Evcrhnrdt of Lc.xing« ten. Mrs. Herman Miller of Ad* vnnca nnd MUs CIro Carter of the )hcme: six grandchildren; two n brslhcrs. Mitchell Carter )0r High jPoInl nnd O.-F. Carter of Fork; I and seven sisters. Mrs. John Ml- I nor of Advance. 'Mrs. Olln Bam* •}}n:dt of Advance, Mrs. J. N. Richardson cf Pork, Miss Annie Carter cf Pork, Mrs. Walter Sow ers of L:.\lngion. Mj-s. Orcen I! Hswnrd of Lexington - nnd Mrs. {Brnnt LewU of Mlnncniiolis. MRS. W. II. C. LYERLY. 83 . Funeral .services for Mrs. W. H. C. Lyerb'. the former Lottie Ko1s*l houscr of Salisbury. Rt. 6, were' hold Sunday nl ihu Christiana i Lutheran Church nt Ornnitc Cjuarry, Show ns the mother of Leo loverly nnd Mi-a. John Taylor, of Aroeksvllle. Mrs. Lycrly died Friday morning' at her home. She had been In declining health for three years ^ nnd serlcusly 111 for two months. A native of Rowan County, she was n daughter of O. M. nnd Martha Kluttz Holshouscr. She was educ.ited In tlic Rowan Coun ty public .schools. Mr.s, Lyerly was n member of Christiana Lutheran Church In Oranltc Quarry nnd n life mem ber of the Woman's Missionary SecUty 'Survl/ors Include five sons, Lswis M. Lycrly of Chicago, III., n. Lee Lycrly of Mooksvlile, Floyd W. •Ly'crlj* of Wilmington, Howard M. Lycrly of ■Newportj News. Vn., nnd Harry C. Lyerly) of SnlU'bury. Route 5: threedaughters,, Mrs. J. M.^ Holsjiouser ■of Bnllsbiiry. >Route^5. Mrs, Eu-1grnc Harris of the home nnd Mis. | John Taylor of •Mocksville; four brcthers, Lewis, Arch nnd Elbert Holshouscr. nil of SallsbuiY, Route 6, and Moses Holshouscr of Snllibury. Route I, nnd a sister, Mrs. R. Lee Ti'ttxtcr of Salisbury. Route 5. MRS. MATTI12 JASIKS. 78 , Fuupr.nl .services for Mrs. Mntlle' Largley James. 7fl, of Mcoksvllle. | Rt. 9, wci'c hrid Thursday nc the Huntsvlllc Methodist Chu:ch. Tlte Rev, Fr.mk Jelfers oniclnted. Bur. Inl w.ia In the ciuirclt cemetery. Mrs. James dUd Oct. 33 at the Lynn Harm Rest Home. She had been In declining health .sevetwl mri'.lhs. iMrs. Jnmss was born In YadklnCounty. April 20. 1H70. daughtrr, of Alexander nnd N-mcy Brew-baker Langloy. { S«i:-vlvlng nro one son. AlonzoCtvay Lanclty of Moekivllle,! Rcii's 9; ens gnindchlld; one sis ter. Mlss'Molllc L.tn8lcy of Mooks- >vllle, Route 5; nnd one brother. I Pslc Lnugley of Wlnston-Salelm.l Bio — Obituaries - 10/31/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 31,1957 - Page 3 tvLIJAII R. WKiailT. 78 Funerftl ari'vlces for ElUfth Ru- brn WrJBht, 75. of Advance, Rt. I, wsre h2ld -Saturday afternoon all the Yfidkln Valley Baptlit Church | The Rtv. A\vii Cheahlre and ths Rev. Jnines Groce ofllclnted. Bur ial was !n the church ccmelcry. Mr. Wrlsht died ni the Davle County Hsspltnl on Oct. 9i ehcit-1 ly after, zufferlnB a heart attack At his home. I He WAS ft retired cmihoyec of Ttirnor-WhUe Casket Company In] Winston-Salcm. I He WAS 'barn May 3. 18B3. in radeli County, son of Amos and j Margarrt Powell Wrlirttt. He was married in 1011 to Miss Kate Hunter. eurvlvlmrTfrc'thc-wldownhrcc- sons, H. A. and T. A. Wright, both of Advance, Route 1, and O. J. Wright of ClnclnnntH, Ohio; three daughters, Mrs. T. L. East- orland of Charlotte, ^rr5. Clyde Wllklns of Wh^<ften . Snlsm, and Mrs, Mario WlllarU of Advance, Route 1. two brothers. Sam Wright of Eldorado, lowa, and Prank. Wright of Bemsnt, 111.; a .sister, Mrs. Will Richardson of llAyihcny, Route 1; U gi-ahdchll- drcn and one crcnt«srandchlld. H. and borls WhUaker Wall, Jr., of Mocksvllle. were l^eld Saturday oftcmccn at the Oak Grove MMh- odlst Church. The Rev. Rdbert paklcy ofUclOited. burial w.is in n the church cemetery. CURTIS OliNi; WALL | Funeral services for Curtis Gene Wall, 4 monllut old son of WlUlasn I The infant died Friday at the Davle County Hospital. ' He had betn 111 for only two hours. Survivors also Include two brothers, Roger Dale Wall' and BlUy H. Wall of the home: the paternal carndimrents, Mr. and Mr.s. W. H. Wall, Sr., of Mocks- ville; and the maiterlal grand- pamus, Mr. and-Mrs. Jolm Whll- ftkcr of MocksvUle. Route 3. The child was born June 17, 1087, In OikVle Cumily. Minnie Bowles I Mockavllle, Oct 23 — Mrs. Mamie Bracken Bowlea, 69, of Moi^ville, Route 6, Chestnut Grove community, died at 12:05. a.m. today at the Lynn Haven Rert Home. She had been ill twb yeara and seriously III one weck.i Mrs. Bowles was bom Sept. 8, 1888, In Davle County, daughter I of John W. and BIteabeth White Bracken. She spent her entire life in Davle County. Surviving are two sons, Hu- • bert Bowles of Mockaville, Route i 6, and Wilford Bowles of Ad- 'vance, Route 2; two daughters, Mrs. Annie Celano of Oxnard, CaUf., and Mrs. C. F. Leach of Mockaville, Route B; 14 grand children and two half brothers, Willie Bracken of Clemmens and David Bracken of Mockaville. 1 Funeral services were con ducted at 8:80 p^m. Thursday, at ChestnutGrove Methodist Church by ll^e Rev. F. R. Loflin. Burial was in the church come- iery. ,, Pallbearers were Jimmy Bowles, Donny Bowles, Ray Blake, Charles Culler, John Wal- tace end William Graves. jn.Ai. fan Bio - Obituaries - 10/31/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 7, 1957 - Page 5 miA. V. s. cokkkMm 07 } smI s-.i'vlcc» for Mrs. Vunnlu S:a:n3n Coi-n.-U. 07. of Cuoiccnu's.' were held Snturdny n( the Wood Unf Mi'Lhodtnl Church. The Ucv. 11. W.' Sellers nnd the Rev, Mr. Snldrr ohiclated. Ourlnl woa Id thu church ccin:,Lery. Mrs. Con'iill died Thiirsd.-iy DttsiR ot ihe Ijoine of i\ d.itii.'hlRr, Mrs. lleur.v Urecdlove. lu S.-ill.S' bury. She wns born Morch 14. tooo. In Ko\nn County, n d.-tuuhlcr of Thcinos nnd Mnry Jnns sriott. Scnnion. i She wns n iMlrcd le.Ktlle I worker. Survivlnti nrc four dnughtcrs. Mrs. Herbert Fried of Richmond. iVn.. Mr.s. WUUnrn IJames of Mocksvlllc. Route 4, Mrs. Floyd 'cr.n-en of S.nUsbury nnd Mr.i. Drcclore; four soirs. P.tuI. Hcw- nrd n>rJ Woodrow Corrrll of Cool- w'mcc nnd WlUlnm Corrcll of SnlLsbury: two brcthi'r.s, Jim S:a- inon of Woodlcnf nnd John Sen- mon of S.illsbury: nnd two .shiers, MI.SS Be.s.slc Sunmon of Woodlcnf nnd Mr.s. Fdwnrd Scnmcn of St. Paul. SNMUKI. II. FM'NN. »l i ! Funeral .Hon-lces for Smnucl Henry Plynn. «l. of Mocliivill?. Rl. 5. were held Sniurdny nfter- noon ftl the Union ChniiH Mclho- dht Church. The Rev. D. D. Urooins unicinlid. Burl.il w.us lu the church ccnielcry. Mr. Plynn dlrd Friday inornhvj, :n nn Irrtlell c.-iunty rest li.':me. I H? wns born Mny II. UlTC. In | Yndkln Connly. son of Wllllnm i nnd M.-n-y Ann Phllliiis Flynn. ' He w.ss n retired l.trmvr nnd' hnd .Hiiom mssi of 1:U life In Ditvle, County. SurvlvlUK nre n sister. Mrs. John TrlvcUu of H.\rmony. Uuuie 1 nnd n number of nlvces undj txphews. ] \V. S. nOGIlR. 31 i Willlnm Shervlll DoRsr, 31. of] WInsJcn • Sftlem. n d.ilry fnrmcr. j rt'.td nl B:30 p.m.. Friday nt his; hcm.\ Me hnd been .seriously III | sl.N months. | Mr. Bolter wns born M»y G, j lUJO. In Onvle County, son of J.; L. nnd Miunic Bummers Bolter. H.^j .•'Prnt mo.sl of his life In D.ivic i County nenr Cnu.i and wns edu-l cnVd in the P.trmh'.jtcn schools.] He h.ad lived nl Wlnstcn . Sntem i . .shtce July. [iDnvle County.-Mrs.-E. T. Camp He nnrrlcd Mls.s Jenn Orrell ucll cf Winston n Sniem. Mrs.' July 0. I0ft4. ' D.i's Rcece of 21U HcdK.-cock) Hc-iv n.s n member of E.tton'A Avtituc nnd Mr.s. Enrl C. Morlcle i Bn|-'.l«t Church. | nud Mr.s. H. C. Smith, both of. Survlvlna ars hU wife: a sjn i Uurhnnton: nnd nix brothers,! nnd daUBbter. Rickey and Miss} n. c,. C.' H.. J. W.. H. S. nnd Gnll Bcitcr. b:th of the home: his mother of Dnvl? Cctmty; five sisters. M-.S. C. R. Hunter of ItDward Baiter, nil of D.wle Coun. ty .and J. D. BoKcr.of Win.ston> Isnkm. Route 4. Bio - Obituaries - 11/7/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 7,1957 - Page 5 OSC.XU M!I.TOX IlltNT Oscar MlUon Himl. 7". native (if Mockslvllc, (ni*<l Sunday ni hH li:uu' >n Hickory. Ml*. Hunt was born In Mocks- vllU- D.c. 123. 1370. son of Mr. and Mrs. IS. F.. Hun'.. He wa.H married to Miss Loul.sc Mllncr of •rhcnwvlJlc, Snrvtv-lUK arc three .sous. MDlcu Hunt of Soutli America. Ernest Mur.: of Daytona Biach. Pla.. nitil Janus Hunt of the N.ivy at Nor- fotl:, Vn.: cue dnur.htcr. Mrs. Lu- I? Snlnks of Columbus. Ohio: tvvo brullu'ii#. Eiitf.st Hum of Mocks- ville and C. H. Hunt of Columbus, Ohlu: five «l.<crs, Mrs. C, N. ICbrtstlan and Mrs. Hnrley Orftvc.s|7.onc. of Mucksvlllc. Mlas Ko|)cU.i HiiiU )of Nfir York City, Miu. Charlos iLnshlcy of Lcwisvlllc and Mra. lO.M'.ncit J. wnilnm.s of the C.sna) , j or of the First Pr'-'hytcrlan Church Pnncml services were held nt j of Hickory, conduetInK the service II n.m,. Mondn.v nt Slmlfoi'd'sj there and In Orcen.sboro where Mv, ^ncrni Home In H.ckory vrlilij Hunt was toured In OrcenhlH the Rev. Pivd R. Stair, Jr.. jias-iCemelftT. Bio - Obituaries - 11/7/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 14,1957 - Page 4 Mrs. Stella Rose Rnmscui*. coU i otxd. wUo of John Rnn^scuc, who | survives, <is>i>lrcd nl Dnvic County llosplltil Sund&y nipht. nflcr a lonR s))cl1 of Illness. The body Is bclns prepnvcd for burlnl nt the Morrison • Sun-dlvnul Puncrnl Kcinc nnd will rcninln there un* 111 the dny of the funcrni which ; has not been nniioimcudi MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 14,1957 - Page 5 I OI.Lti: T. DOMXI^S, 04 | I Funcro) services for Olllc T. Bowles. 04. of Mocksvillc, Route 6, were held Sunday nt the Union' Chnpel McMiodit't Church. The' Rev. D. O. Drooine nnd the Rev. nnbcrt Oakley oillclntcd. Burlnl wns In the chm-ch cejuetcry. ' Air. Bowles died Fridny nlkht | ,nt ihs D.'wlc County Haspltnl. He had Uscn 111 sevcrni months. | He wns born Sept. 14. 1862. In Onvie County, n son of John nnd • MAi'snrot SlonestrcEt Bowles. He wns n retired fnnncr. • Mr. Bowles fii'st married Luln Holinnii who died Mnrch 1. 1040. I His second wife wns the former Mrs. Flossie Bell Benin who sur« vlves. Bio - Obituaries - 11/14/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 14,1957 - Page 6 Dr. Fred Anderson, Former Davic Native, Takes Own Life Funpral sci-vlci'.s wvi'L' held Sun- (Iny iirternoon fur Dr. John F'red Anderson. 71. of Wlo.sloo-Sideni. lie wii.s n ronner onlivc of Dnvic Cuiinly iiiiU n brotlur to Mr.s. Z. J.N. AuduamuoC-AJuclav.lUu i. Dr. AndiM-Hun. knou'ii lo the bii!«ebnn world n.>i "S|)ll null An* derxon" mid lo WhiHlon-Snlcin ok n dcntl.Hi mid .spurt.Hiiuiii. look hl-n own life wtlh o fihohnin nt, lil.n home Friilny. Coroner V. M, hnim Fold Dr. Anderflou ohot himself through Ihu ohesi In on ni)Hliilrii bedroom nl hl.s home. A bnllcr. Jnme.s Nesnillh. snld ho hciird the shol nboiii IO:<ir> mm. ^rrK, Andvrson hnd left the huuse lo (to te the bnnk. Dr. Anderson wcis dood on tirrlvnl nl the hosnllnl. Dr. Andur.son hnd been In 111 hcnltih for two yciir.s. Ho retired from hl.s dcnlnl prnc- llcc In 19-III. He hnd toni! been nn nvid bnsc- bnll fun iind nn iicllvc hunter nnd (Ishcrmnn, The hlKhlikht of Dr. Ander- .son's aportUiK cnrecr. liowccr. wns bcLwocn 1010 nnd 1018. when he wn.s n member of the New Yoi^ Olnnts piichlnu stnff commnnd* by John McOmw. }*{(cite.s No-imU-r Durlmt his school dnys nt Onk mdgu Mlltlnry InHllliito nnd Dn- vldson College the yonng Dr. An* dcrson s|>eia vncnllons nnd free Kmc on the bnsebnil field. In the summer of 1000, whet) he was plnylnii for n minor lenuuu Dnrl* jhfklon, 5. C.. tonm. Ihuc lub locked in comb.-it wlUt Ocorkv* lown, S. C. Dr. Anderson, then Jtusl n rlRhl* hnndcr wli- hn uood curve ball, pitched n not • hli. no . run Rnmc. And lo ndd to his credit, the Dni'llHRion first bnsomnn never linndlcd the ball In piny. In 1007 — while n sUidcnt nl Dnvld.son Dr. Andorson bcRnn work on the "spit bnll" stylo mndc fnmous by the New York Ynn- kecR' Jnck Che.sbro. In 1000 Dr. Aiulcr.snn ttrndunted from the Un- iver.slty of Mnrylnnd n.s n dcnll.st. bul he delayed hlo work lo piny bnll for Wilson In the old Enst* ern Cnrolinn LcnRUc. StRiied hy Red Sox Within n few weeks he hnd been slRned by the Boston Red Sox. After seven ycnrs of ihrowinR "spU bulls" for the Red Sox. Dr. Anderson .switched to the Olnnts. The b.-isebnll career finally come to n hnli In 1010, when he wns cnltcd to thp Army ns n dentist. With the Glnms he was used prlmnrlly n.s u relief pitcher. In 1010. his rinst .venr there, the club won UO cunsccutlvu ttnincs. which Is .slin n record today. Dr. Andcr- .san pulled four of Lhasn ttamc.s out of the lire. The fuIluwluR yenr lie saw iic* tluu In a World Serlea unmu nualnHl the ChlciiRn White Sox. The OlaiUs lo.st the Rnme. but one While Sox mlly. Dr. Anderson bcRnn lii.s prlvnte dviUal work nl Slntcsvllle. He spent a .short >tlme nt Chnrlotle nnd come to Winston - Snium In lOdO lu enter prnutlco with Dr, IMiln Ifortun. Severn! ycnr.s Inter he opened hb own olllcc In the Pnllcn Bulld- liiK. Inter iuovIuk to the Nlssen liulldlnR. He was n member of Cenlennry Mit'liodlht Church nnd n former member of the Twin City Club and the Porsyih County Club. He was n Mn.son niid n Shrlnor. He wns born Dee, II, 1A8G, son of Dr. John nnd Juhn Blnekwell Andcnson. The elder Dr, Ander son was n phy.slclnn. Dr. Anderson spent hLs enrly life In Davie County nnd at Slnlcsvlllc. He ntlcndcd n privnie school at Boong before gOlHR to Onk RldRC. Tlic scmlpro nnd inU nor Icnguc basebnll he idnyed dur. liiR those days helped pny for hU .schoolliiR. lie mniricd Clementine Tlsoi June SB. 1031. She survives. nloiiK with Dr. Anderson's sl.stcr. Mi-s. Zol Anderson of Moek.svtllc. and acvcrnl nieces nnd nephews. Bio - Obituaries - 11/14/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 21, 1957 - Page 4 Joliii U;inb<nir, 1!7 8bi'vlcc.H far Mi-h. John UiMniL'iii-, 21. of MockAVlIlc, lU. I. Avci'c held lii.si wuek ill tliv PIncA' Oruvc A.M.12. Zion Cluircli In Ii'cdrll Cuniily, Inlcrincnl wiiA In (lie church ccinctri'}'- I Surviving lire ihc luixUnnd. ronr Hiinill cliihlrvn: the imnmhi. Mr.' nnd Mrs. W. V. Rase, nil o( 111. I. Motihsvlllc: nnd five bi'Qlhct'x nitd livo kIsIci'h. Bio - Obituaries - 11/21/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 28,1957 - Page 5 I .ii:ss r. iiHNniiix. ! I*'unpral RPi-vtcM for .li-cs Pnmk. .Ilii Hcnctvlx. TO. uf Mnck.«v!Ili^. lU, wore hcl<l Tuo.srtny uru-v jnonit 111 tile Tui-roiUlno C4iiptl!ii. jClmi-ch. The Ilov. 13. P. KaHlo. cllic Rev. Ruborl Onkloy. niul the llU'V. Kiii'ohl Pui-kei*. arriclntoil. Iltirlnl w.t.i In the chui-ch ccino- lov.v. Ml*. Hcndrl.x died Nov. 124 ul n Mcr»iuUon hnHpliol. Mr. Ilfiidvlx. It retired rnriMur. wn.s bnrn In D.nvle CuinU.v Mnvch '27. tllHT, aon of Sniniiol iind Prflnnie P.n-ksr lleudrlx. He vvoh innrt'ivd In MI».h Nelilu Ai-wtHtd. Situ died Doc. :<0. '10.71. Surviving nre Kovcrnl nlvcen |niid lirphswH. MItS. I'UANK if. ttilOtVN' Mrs. Rowonn Wcnnl Brown. 74. wife of Prnnk H. Brown of Ri. 4. Hnrdlson CImpe) cosniniinUy. (I!:d In Miule.v Haipltiil PlliK. MKhlonn. Nov. 12. wlhle vbltlntt it dnnuhtcr. Mrs. WnUle Miilner. Piinrrnl .lervlcca wore held Snl- itrdiiy mornlnx. Ncv, H) nt linrdl- Kr.h Melhodlsl Chureh Ity Rev. Rcberl Onkley nnd Uov. R. M. Av;'.i. Bnrlnl wiis In ihc church ccmi'tfr.v. •Mrs. nrown Is sui'vlvod by lior lunbnnd, P. fl. Drown. Rt. 4: ti dnukbler. Mrs. Wnlde Mnlncr. of Film. Mich.; five uiMndcblldrsn: n sl.^ler. Mrs. D. P. Ford of Mocks* vlltu. Tiio3i.\.s A. an Pmnn-nS' ssrvlcM for Thomnd Andersan B.irnes. ao. uf Coutoe- tnee wore held Wednesday nt the North Coulccinec Ciiiirch oT Ood. 'I'he Rev. Moyd Uo«cr nnd iho R:v. Lc.vd H, Wnltcr.s olllclatorl. Durinl wns In the Aincrtcnn LeiUon Mcinoi-l.nl IMrk in NoiUi coulee-' in.*e. Mr. Diirne.s riled iine.Nt)eolcd)y nt 1'J;:I0 |).in., Nov. 2.7. with n lienil ntlnck. ■Mr. B.trncs. n retired Brwin Mill worker, ivn.*! born July II, 1877. .soti of Dnvid nnd Snrab Porter Unrnes. He innrrlcd Ml.v* Dnlsy wlUlnins who nurlvcs. Also aurvlvin2 nre four sons, Ornvor nnd OlU Dnrncs of Cooler, niee. Tointny Dnrncs of 'Demon, nnd John Dnrne.H of Sinlesvlile: six dauklUcrs. Mrs. Joe Me- Cniry, Mrs. Roberl llcnd. Mr.n. C. L. Iloplcr. nnd Mrs. Floyd beonnrd of CaDlceiusc; Mrs. T. W. Torrencc of Snilsbtuy nnd Mrs. CbnrlcA Leonard of Klllcen. Tcsns: SS grnndcblldrcn: 18 8ren*t - Knindchlldren: four broth ers. John A nnd Milton Dnrnc.s of 'MocksylUc, Route 4. James Barms of Lc.xluKlun and Ceor»c B.arnc.s of KnnnnpoUs. (icrnnon n-l 2:30 p.m. nt ths Lib-' 'my Mrthoril.st church. The Rev.' iR. G. McCl.iinrocU nnd the Ucv.' 'O. W. Fnk nn.d Uic Rev. E. M.I Avert will olllclntrd. Durinl will 'br In the Tmrentlnc Dnpilst iciuireh cemetery. ■j Mrs. LokIc died Nov. 2U m tlie', Diivie County HuHpltnl. MRS. K. C. l..\rfLE. 04 Fuucntl sendees for ND'.s. Alice Poitcr Lnsle. (14. of Mock.HvlUs.Rt. 2. Will bo hold Tluirsrt.7y af-j She IV.1S bnrn Feb. 35. 1H03. In Gavle County, n dnunbtcr of ThC'inns P. nnd Mnntaret Foster. Siirvlvlnu nre hm- husbnnd. E.I C. iJtiilc: n dauRbier. Mrs. Thorn-, a< Nnncc of Mock-svllle, Route 3; i two sons, Tommy Laitic niut John Lnttle of MocUhvIIIv, Rt. 3: rour urnndchlldren; two sisters. Mrs. Huyh PosUr nnd Mrs. R. D. Poolc of Mocksvllle: and it brother. Jnme.H Fo.ner of Mocksvtllc. . I MIP4. P.KItT P. C.\in'ER. 71 Fuuenrl services for Mr.t. Mar- tlin Ann Cnrtcr, 71, of Advance. Rt. I, Yndkin Valley couui}unUy. were held Sunday afternoon nt Ihe Yftdkln Vallry Baptist Church. The Rev. Alvla Chi.shlre nnd thn Rev. j. D, Fliaucrnld oinclnled, Durinl wan In ihv church ceme tery. Mrs. C.irtcr died Nov. 22 itt the hcme nf n dnttahtcr Mi-.h. Frniik Tilnuporittim of Advance. Rt. I. She hnd been In decllnlmi heitUh scvcriil moulhs. Mrs. CiuHev won born Jan. It. IHHO, lit Drivie County, n dninrhter of WlUirm A. nnd Polly Amnndn Hockiidny. She wns mnrrled to Dert P. Carter In 1817. He survives. Also surviving nre tlu'cc dnutfh- icrs. Mis. ZUnmcrmait nnd Mrs. Chnrlott.' Wcnlhcrmnn both of Ad vance. Ul. I. nttd Mrs. Mmtdn- lene Dr.icken of Moctuvlile. 111. Q; n son. Lnwrencc Cnrler of the liuitt?; n brother. J. L. Riddle of Advnttce. Rl. I: nnd seven nrnnd- chlldrett. Bio — Obituaries — 11/28/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 5, 1957 - Page 4 Mrs. Carrie Zlmntsrinan Kosler,! 82. wife of J. R. Foslrr of Mock- .svlUc, Rsulc 3. (lied nl 2:40 ii.in. Tuesday at Lynu Hnvru Ur.st Hcnu: at Macksviilu. Mj>. Fc.slcr wn.n born In Dnvic Ccunly Oct. 27, 1875. ilauphUM' of i Jolin and Plto:b3 Z'.nunuriuau. Sliv was n member of Pork 13a|)-1 tl.sl Church. ' 'Surrlvl<!h'< bi'.ildc.i her )iu.tbiitt(l, j <(\rc four son.^ Odcli niid Gllmcr: I Fester of Mock.svlilo. Route 3. IDcwey Foaler of Lcxlmttou. Route' ,3, niul A. V. Foster of Norfolk.' Vn.: three d.ithslttcrs. Mrs. Jake j Allen and Mrs. J. Fratik Wyali of 'Mook-svllle. Route 3, and Mrs. Luunie Oudbec uf Mliuiil. Flu.: 21 praiidchlldren and 10 preai-pvnudn clUldruiK nnd a sister. Mrs. Cera I Fry of tVluslott-Salcm. Route 4. . ATI..\» O. TUUMtU, t5:t I I-lmcihl servkfs for Alba O. i : TuVucr. 01. of Cooi'cumoo woi-e j hrhi Friday nl the Norlh Cooler- j inec Church of God. The Rev. n I Floyd 13oper and the Rev. Olcuj Wc.aihcrby. and llio Rev. Majjple i DavLs olllci.alcd. Dtiriul vvu.s in i tChc:>Miui Grove McthjOdisi church cemetery. Mr. T\irnrr died Insl Tuesday at the Dnvic Cutmtv Mosi>itnl after ^uffcliul! a heart attack. '• ^tr. Ttirner was a retired tex- il!c cmnloyoe. He wax born Oct. ,22. IBM. ; He married twice. Hl.s flr^i I wife, the former Miss Ruby Mnr- liu. died In 1030. Hl.s aecond wife, the former Mrs. Eli/nbeth Spill- man. K\n'vlvc»i. Olhur survivors are thrru sons, j Alfixd Turner of Duriiam, Ray i Turner of Orccnsboru and Dnxierl Turner of the Air Force, .station-. ed at Lincoln. Neb.: two step-1 dnuphtcrs. Mrs. Orecn i3rown of Moorc.<>vlllc nnd Mra. O. C. Swlce- { pood cf Woodlcnf and a stepson.' Jolin SplUmnn. of Mocksviilc. Ri. 4. i MRS. MARV J. UEAAfON. KO Fimcrnl services for Mrs. Maty Juhn.son Dcnmon. 80. were hekl Saturday nftcrnoou nl the Huul.s- vlllc Dapitst Cimrcli. Tltc Rev. J. . AUpood nnd the Rev, Jimmy Orocc oniclulcd. Duri.al was In the church cemetery. Mrs. Rcnmoii died unc.v]}cctcdly Nov. 2il at 4hc home of o nclph- bnr. .Xfrs. Deninon had been liviup at the home of her son In law nnd dnuitiucr, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lofton McBrldc. She wn.s born July 11. 1877, dnuuiUcr of Andy nnd NcUic Mar- stmll John.son. Survivlns arc Uvo daughters, Mrs. Grace Spry of Advance nnd Mrs. McBrldo; n son. Cecil Bca- mnjt of >Mock.sviitc, Route .1: 151 grandchildren nnd n brother. J. H. Johnson of High Point. | Bio — Obituaries — 12/5/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 5,1957 - Page 4 WIU«IAAI T. ;V£Yi:itS, 8) Funcrnl services for WlUlnin T. Myers. 07, of MocksvUlc. Rl. 3, ^vc^c held Sunday fl ricrnoon nl Uic Bi.Nt}y Presbyterian Church. Tlic Rev. J. A. Posler and the Rev. E. D. VIscr. onic- Intcd. Masonic Rravcsldc rites were hold hi iho church ceme tery. Mr. Myers died Friday at a Mock.svll1o Nursing Rome. 1-lc had been in declining health .sev en years and seriously iU six weeks. Mr. Myers wn.s born Jan. 'i. )870 in Dnvle County, n son of Henry J. and Martiin Massey Myers. He was married Mamie Ro ger Nfycrs in ISO*!. She died in 1038.. . • " . • / . Mr. Myers was n-icnriJontcr. He was Bixby po.stmnster from IflOl- 1014. I He was a charter member and a deacon of the Blxby Prc.sby- terlnn Citurch. Surviving arc two sons. Rny P. and J. C. Myers of Advance. Rt. i: four daughters. Mrs. Mason C. Martin of Winston - Salctn. Mrs. C. E. Hilton of O.xford. R-t. 1. Mrs. Snlllc Nlvciu of Mocksvlllc, Ri. 3. nnl Mrs. James Everhart of Winston . Salcin: n brother. Ocorgu Myei^ of Winston- Snlcin: two sisters. Mrs. John Sp.iugh of Haw River and Mrs. Ida S.impson of Charlotte: 23 grnndchlldren: .Hid three grcat-grnndchlldrcn. Bio — Obituaries - 12/5/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 12,1957 - Page 6 Hits. J. B. joyni:r J. R. Joyucr'<ilcd Siuuliiy inontln^' ai ]icr homo hi Lcxint;- toil nricr H iihorl lltncsa. PunsN n\ sci'vlc:s were held ni II A.iii.. TuoadMy h.1 St. Luko's LuUicrfui CInirch p.l Tyro, nurlnl followed In Forcal lllll Mcuiorirtl PAi'k.' lit hrslnyton, .fivyjior, iho fornior I'curl Koonh'.. Is A coii5li) of Mr. and Mivs. ciiiu<lo Tiiumpsuti ami i-peiil It (ircat. (Iciil of tliiio here wiUi them the past two years. Bio — Obituaries - 12/12/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 19,1957 - Page 2 JOIIX .1. WAUn F*uiu*r:0 sorvlc.-.H for John J»- >ci>h Wurd. -n. wore held Wed* iiesd;)y ni the home of hLs shtcr j Mrs. LiiclUe Hnues. of Advance,? HI. I. The Rev. Normnn Byerly cfHcSatcd. Dvirlal was In the Por- syih Msiuoiiitl Park. Mr. Ward died m S:45 p.iii., Sunday at RaUlirh. He had .nuf- fcrcd a heart utiack some time URO. Mr. Ward was bom in Davic Ccumy Feb. 25. lOlO, n son of Jnnie.H PhlUnan and MaiT Isabcll Taylor Ward. Ho married MUs 'NcIUo Plvicu in 10;i2. i S»nvivln« arc his wife, who I now hvc.H in Whwion - Salein: .hiR fnlHer: two brothprs. J. P. (Ward of Ronnilu.s. Mich., and P. P. Ward of Huiuinaton Park. Calif.: and five sl-siens. Mrs. P.m* ny Templeion of Hnnnony. Mr.s. LuclUc Hane.R of Advance. Rl. 1. j.Ml.ss S.irah Ward of Harmony. Mr.t. OcUi Crayer of Winston- S:»h'm. Route 1. and Mr.s. Annie ArKU.s of Wlnston-Salvm. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 19,1957 - Page 4 MR?. in.VINA I'. CAIIDI.K. Tft Puncral services for Mrs. El- jvhm Prcvette Caudle. 75. of Rl. .2, Mock.svlllc. were held Tuesday I at the A.sbury Mrlhodlsl Church Im Vadklh County. The Rev. • Loyd W.illcr.s aitd the Rev. Mr. flelllc oUlclaied. Burial was In ihr church cemetery. Mrs. Caudle died Saluday ntulit at the Dnvlc County Hospital. 6he was born July 27. 1B82. a datiithicr of Moses and Mary Cast Prcvcllc, Survlvlnir arc a dnuKhter. Mrs. Henry Wood of Mock.svUlc. Route 12: two sLslcrs. Mrs. John Dur- ihnm of cooleemuc and Mrs. _ i Charlie Borcv of MocUsvlUc.' Route 4; five brothers. B. P. and. j Noah Prcvette of Le.siuKton. I iLsonder Prevotte of Salisbury.' iBcneher Prevetic of.DnnvUlc, Va.i land E. P. Prsvciie of Harmony.' -Route I: a Krandchild: and n |}tt'c.it-Rrondchlld. | WIM.l.VM It. UATI.RDOi:, (IH 1' Puncral .service .s for Wllll.tm, Ralph Ratledtiu. 08, were held Monday at the ChnMnui Grove Methodist Church. Mr. Ratl^dite died Doc. 14 at the Dnvlc Couuiy Ho.spUnl where had been a patient for 11 wcck^. Hr l.s survived by his wife, Mrs. Ll/v.le Anderson Ratlcriue: his molhei'. Mrs. Julia R.atled(R': three dauuhtcrs. Mrs. Huuh Ed- wartU of Harmony, Mrs. Dewey Beck of Mock.svlllc. Route 2. and Mrs. A. C. Kurfces of MocksvUlo. Route 5; a son. H. Clyde Rnt- Icdgc of Mucksvlllc. Route 3: three sl-Rlcra. Mr.s., Leila Ornvc.H. and Mrs. Ruoin Ludd of Wtn.slon-Sn- lem and Mr.s . Roy Dlson of MncksvUlo: four brothers. J. Fred RatladRc of GuUfurd CoUcye. Dew- _iV RnllndHO of China Orovo. Ichnrlle and Duke Ratledye. both |ol Mock.svlllc. 18 yrnndchUdrcn. and two grcnt-BraiulchlUlrcn. Bio - Obituaries - 12/19/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tuesday, December 24,1957 - Page 7 MISS i:uNA si:A.'>roNK. 04 rinivi-nl for Miss Ednn SemnuiiJ. 04. of Mock<ivnic. lU. *4, wore lieirt Saturday nt lbs St. M.TtlhcAVH Liuherun Chuj-ch. Tha Rev. Bobby RIdtjo and the Rev, Chnr:cs McCcnib^ olllclnled. Bur- Inl was In the church coinciery. Mhs Scainoiic died Dsc. 10 nt the Lynn Hnvcn Nursint; Home. Slic lihd been ill three woeks. She -was bont M.\y 14. 1803, In Diivlo County, n dniKrhter of Jolm Renry nnd Knye Dyson Sunniono. Survlvlhi; (irc .sis h.ilf bvolhcrs. Robert Senmonu of Snllsbury, AtoivAU Sonmons of Woodlcnf. Route 1. Oeortrc Scninone of | Chn.se. Vn.. nnd Lewis. John nnd > J. - C. Scnmonu, oil of Mocks-1 vlUe. Route 4. and two hnlf sis-i Mochnvillo, Route 2. nnd ^Tr8. lcr.s. Mrs. Atvin Senmon.s oflvioln Hunnuycutt of Hlnh Point Bio - Obituaries - 12/24/1957 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA