Jul - DecDA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 7,1966 - Page 2 WlfXrAAf TltOMAS DWIQGIN8 ' Funeral son'iccs for William Tltomas (Siokesi Dwigglns, 72, of Moc((s\'iIle. Rl. 2. were conducted Thursday morning at Eaton's Chap> el by the Rev. Ralph Eomes, Rev.' Bunny Benntcn and Rev. J. G. Alt*) good. Burial was In Center Method* ist Church Cemetery. Mr. Du'lgglns died early Tuesday morning at Oavic County Hospital He was bom October 2, 1893 In Da* vie County, the son of W. F. and Bell Boles Dwigglns. He was a ve> Icran of World Wor L Surviving ore his wife. Mrs. Sah lie Shore Dwigglns, a brother, M. L. Dwigglns of MoclcBVille and a sister, Mrs. Blanche Smith of Mocksvllle. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 7,1966 - Page 3 DONALD JOHNSON Funeral Services for Donald Thomos Johnson, one day old son of Qiarlle and Letha Pope Jcrimson of Mocfcsville, were held Tuesday morning at Eaton's Funeral Rmne. ftirlal was In Rose Cemetery. Donold died Monday morning at Dovlo County Ho^ltaL Surviving are his parents; three brothers, Steve, Terty and llmmy Johnson of the home; and his grand* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pope ond Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johnson of Mocksvllle. Bio - Obituaries - 7/7/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LiBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, July 7,1966 m ^ ■t Ctavit horn ki OTVie OPlk% te V. r. Md Mb Mm Mvhrlng Mllli wlii, Mm.^ MHi ftim IMMw « Me, M. Xw rNwMlM ^ ■odMme: M a sMr. M. Mnte Mitth of Mdorrffle. Ubt funeral wm at 1 P. IC- MMM at MM FumndWmm. Mrkd i«f6 In Oaolar Miiflmilft iOum^ fliBaiHiry, Mrs Mari soi MOCKSVUXC - Mr*. Aimi« Lou GmiUw Richardfon. Q. BamuMjr. Route L <UeS We<I>j needey at DvHe Coontj Hoa- pitaL She was bora ia Da vie Count? to Thoroas and Craw- ley Wilkerstm Gaitber. SurvivLig are a daughter. ' Yrs. James Ratied|e tlock<' ville. Route 1; Ihxee fisters. Mrs. G. M. Meador of Lexmg- I ton. Mrs. J. L Shores of i Danville. Va.; and Mra. Guy' V. Wilkerson of Weshingtoa ; North Carolina: and four brO' ; thers. Johnny Gaither of Statesville. Cl>de Gailher of Danville and Allen and Guy Gaither of Barmooy. Route 1. a,w«r « oaouoay. ^ ^ I Methodist Chur^ Burial wSI-l The ftaneral will be at II be in the chiucfa cetnetoy. Bio - Obituaries - 7/7/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA l--' George C. Cartmell [}' JIOCKSVUiE _ The funeral XT Casey Cartmell 18 3 Main Street, will be at ® Funeral In £? ® in Kowan|County^1o Graydon S. and S •ily Rodwell Cartmell. He wasemployed 4y Hefner's Snd"" ' Surviving are his mother- two fiMe of the home;and his grandparents Mrs. J. w. tfrs^EthJ^r w Moeksville *andMrs. Ethel C. Heniy of Kofeomo, iwe ( f F- imc o^ S9 cr O- 0 1 o G® 7-9Tl%6i c 1 CD a D Z r c; / O liJ g s J—q g U1 1C" ^ -X DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 14,1966 - Page 4 Car Rams Motorcycle On North Main Street Sasey Cartneeil Died In Wreck !Casey Oartniell Died In Wreck Casey Rodwctl CarLmcll, 18, of 830 North Main Street in Mocksvliic was killed at 7:30 p. m. Thursday evening when the molorcyclc he was riding was struck from behind by on outomoblic. The accident happened on North Main Street in front of Eaton's Fun eral Home. Mocksviliu Policeman Jim Smith Mid the car which struck Cartmcii iwos driven by Bobby Ray I«aird, ■18, of Mocksviilc Rt. 3. Smith said Laird apparently was traveling at a nigh rate of speed. Smith, assisted by Mocksvillo Chief of Police Joe Foster and Stato Sighway Patrolman R. L. Hanson invesUgalcd tho accident. OHIccrs said that Cartmcii was heading towards town following a PGQ Chevrolet being oporalcd byiienry Dulin. Laird, driving a 1937 ;^icVroIet apparently traveling at a feigh rate of speed, came up frombehind. Laird applied brakes, sjid jj-feet before striking thio" jnolbr- jyclc In the rear. Upon hitting the motorcycle, CartmcU was knocked bfl onto tho Iruidc lid of (he Dulin ear. He fell back into the highway and it is os&umcd the Laird car passed over Ids body. The Laird car pushed the motorcycle 148-fcct into the back end of the Dulin car with the result that the motorcycle became imbedded in the front end of the Laird car. Carlmcli was first rushed to the Davic County Hcspitai and then on to the Baptist Hospital, lie was dead on arrival. Laird was charged with man slaughter, driving under the in- fiiicncc, and speeding. Damage to 'Dulin's car was csll* mated at $100; to the Liaird car 9100: and $300 to Uic motorcycle. Casey CaHmeil was iwm In Ro wan County to Gruydnn S. and Eniiiy Rodwcll CartmcU. He was employed at lieffncr's Land of Pood. Funeral services were held Sat urday aflci-noon al Eaton's Chapel. The Rev. Gilbert Miller orflciatcd. Internment was in Rose Cemetery. Surviving arc his mother; two brOTliersrCraydcn- S; -and ;lohn-Ed- win Cartmell of the home; and his I grandparents, Mrs. J. W. Rodwcll,; Sr. of Mocksviiie and Mrs. Ethel : C. Henry of Kokmo. Indiana. FUNERALS MRS. ANNIE G. RICHARDSON Funeral services for Mrs. Annie Lou Gaither Richardson, 62, of Harmony. Rl. l, were hold Fri day moi-ning, July 8. at It o'ciodt nt Now Union Mclhodlst Church. Burial was in the church cemetery, Mrs. Richardson died Thursday al Davic County Hospllai. She was bom In Davic County to Thomas and Crnwicy Wilkcrson Gailhcr. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. James L. Ratlcdgc of Mocksviilc. Ri. 1; three sisters, Mrs. G. M. Mcador of Lexington, Mrs. J. L. Shores of Danville, Va.. ond Mrs. Guy V. Wilkcrson -of Washington, N. C: and four brothers, Johnny Gaither of Slalcsviilc, Clyde Gaith er of Donriilc, Va., and Allen and Guy Gailhcr of Harmony, RL 1. CASEY R. CARTMELL Bio - Obituaries - 7/14/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, July 14,1966 Lewis A. Kiger Local Woman's Brother Dies YADKINVILLE — Lewis A, Kiger, 69, a retired farmer of East Bend, Rt. 2, died at 9:30 a.m. Sunday at his home. He was born in Yadkin County to Tandy and Sarah Eilen Head Kiger and was a mambcr of Huntsville Baptist Church. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Mary Jane Hester Kiger; four sons, Franklin L. Kiger of 2021 Leight Street, Winslon-Salem, Ray P. Kiger of Clcmmons, Rt. i 2, Louis E. and Curtis A. Kiger of the home, three daughters, Mrs. Mary E. Fulp of Winston- I Salem, Mrs. Annie May Royall of Yadkinville and Mrs. Linda Faye Outen of East Bend, Rt 2; a brother, Bryant Kiger of Mocksviilc, Rt. 5; and a sister, Mrs. Mollie Hancock of Mocks- ville, Rt. 5. The funeral was at 3 p.m. i Tue.sday at E n o n Baptist i Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. , Cartmeli Rites MOCKSVILLE — Funeral services were held Saturday at 3 p.m. for George Casey Cartmeli, 18, of North Main Street. Burial was in Rose Cemetery. The youth died Thursday night after being struck by a car while riding a motorcycle. A native of Rowan County, the youth was bom March 9. 1948 and was the son of Gray- don S. and Emily Rodwell Cartmeli. Survivors include the mother, two brothers, Graydon S. Jr. and John Edwin Cartmeli, both of the home; maternal grandmother, Mrs. J. W. Rod- well of McKrksvllle; paternal grandmother, Mrs. Ethel C. Henry of Kokomo, Xnd. Maurice Long Killed In California Maurice "Al'* Long, nephew of Mrs. Delia Byerly (decoat* cd) wa.s killed in an auto u* cident in San Diego, CalUoJrnU on July 10. He is survived by tiif mother, Mary Long of ^ Petersburg, noHda, also Idi wife. Lee. a daughter, son and grandchild. He is a cousin of Mrs. Daywalt, Mrs. ChloU Wyrklb Heathmon and Clyde of COOlMlSMi Bio - Obituaries - 7/14/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 21,1966 - Page 2 MISS SALLY B. HUNTER FUoeral services for Miss Sally B. Hunter. 87. of Salcm. Virginia, were held Thursday anemoon at two o'clock at Concord Pred)yterian Church in Charlotte County. Va. Burial was In the church cemetery. Miss Hunter died Tuesday mom> Ing at a local ho^ital. She lau^t In the Mocksville Schools for ap* proximately twenty yeors. Survivors Include two brothers: Ambrose B. Hunter of Red House, Va. and Prank Jennings Hunter of Blueflold. West Virginia. JABiES WAYNE PELTS Funeral services for Jomes Wayne Fehs* 5 year old son of Bobby and Ola Mae Hutchens FcUs. of Mocks ville. iRt. 2, were held Monday af ternoon at 3 o'clodc at Rock Spring Baptist Church In Davie County. Burial was in the church cemetery. James died Saturday evening at the Baptist Hospital in Winton-Sol* em, Prellmlnaiy Indications ore he died from an overdose of darvon. a synthetic pain*Idlllng drug. i)r. W. M. Kelsey at the hoqiltal said a sample of the child's blood is being sent for anabr^ to the firm thot manufacturers the drug; Survivors arc his parents: a ^ ter. Ola Jean Felts of Uic home; his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Alonsa Hutchens of Yadklnvlllc. Rt. I. and Mr .and Mrs. Coy Felts of Mocksville. RL 2. JESSE LEE CARTNER. JR. Funeral services for Jesse Lee Gartner. Jr. 43. of Mocksville. RL 1. were held Saturday. July 10. at 11 a. m. Burial was in Salem Meth odist Church Cemetery. Mr. Cartner died Thursday at Bavle County Hospital after a heart attack at his home Monday. He was bora In Davie County to Jesse Lee and Margaret Godbey Cartner. He was a member of Salom Meth odist Church and was employed by Burlington MiDs at Coolecmce. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Dorothy Cook Cartner; two sons, Dennis Craig and John Clifford Cartner of (he home; a brother. Claude Gartner of Mocksville. Rt. i; and three sisters. Mrs. Mary B. Morrison of Mocksvlllo. Rl. I. Mrs. MelWn Trolman of Stalesville and Mrs. Glenn Carajdiell of Harmony, ftl. 1. BRUCE W. COOLEY I Bruce Watson Cooley. 59. of Mocksville, a former Burlington re- jsldent. died Sunday morning In a Durham hospUa) folionlng several years of falling health and two months of ciiilcal illness. He was a native of Galax. Va.. and son of the late Charles Martin and Mrs. wnilo Bloir Cooley. He was a veteran (d World War II, having served with the U. S. Navy In the Pacific theatre and was act ive In the groceiy business In Bur lington many years. He worked with Byrd's Food Stores and later operated his own groceiy store. Survlvug are his wife. Mrs. Mo^ tha Anne PerriSh Cooley of the home; two sisters. Miss Jo Cooley of BiMksvlDe and Mrs. H. M. Bry ant of Ashore; and two brothers. L. D. Cooley of CharlotlesvlUe, Va.. . and H. L. Cooley cd Roxboro. Final riles were coaducted at ' Rich & Thompson Chapel In Burling ton Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock fay the Rev. Goylc Alexander, patdor of Trinity Methodist Church. & the Rev. Jade Monory. Burial was In (he VetersAB Section of pine Hin Cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 7/21/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, July 21,1966 Bio — Obituaries - 7/21/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 28, 1966 - Page 4 W. D. McCsnn Jr. Funeral services for William Dvviglil McCann Jr.. 41. of Norfolk, Va. u-crc held Thursday at 2 p. m. at Liberty Baplist Church. Burtal was in the church ccmclery. Citr. McCann died at his home Sunday of a heart alleck. He was employed by Tidewater Construe- Uon Company in Norfolk- Va. He was bom in Forsylh County to W. D. and Ranier Warren McCann. Surviving arc his wife. Mrs. Ruth NNIritekcr McCann; his parents of Lansing Street. Win^on-Salem; and three daughters. Mrs. Peggy Wilson and Misses Linda McCann ond Don- na McCann, all of Norfolk. ADOLPHUS B. RATLEDGE 'Funeral services for Adolphus fi. Rallcdgc, 92, of Davic Avenue Ex tension were held Wednesday at 11 a. m. at Bunch Funeral Home Sta- Icsvillc. Burial was in Oakwood ccmclery. Mr. Rallodgc died Monday at 3:15 p. m. at Davic County Hospital. He was bom in Davie County to Daniel R. ond Martha Heath Rat- ledge. lie was a farmer ond rural mail carrier. He never married. Surviving is a brother' the Rev. A. P. Rallcdgc of Thomosville. COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, July 28,1966 W.D.IIkCui,Jr. Passed Away Mocksvine-^Wiiliam DwighS MrCann, Jr., 41, o-f Norfolk, Vau, died at his home Sun day of s heart attack. He was a resdent of N(»folk for 13 years. He was employed by lldewater Constructioii Co. He was bom in Forsyth County to W. D. and Raxiier Warren McCann. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ruth Whitaker McCann; his parents ot Tansing Street, Winston - Salem; and three daughters, Mrs. Peggy Wil son and Misses Linda Mc Cann and Donna McCann, all of Norfolk. The funeral was at 2 P.M. Thursday at Liberty Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 7/28/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 4,1966 - Page 2 mus. n. a. boobr Funeral services (or Mrs, ChaU lie Blankenshlp» 82, of Mocksi'llle. widow of N. A. Boger, wore kctd at 4 p. m. Friday al Union Chapel Me* thodlst Church. Burial was In ihs church cemetery. Mrs. Boger died Wcdnesilay at Paltorsnn Rest Home in Spencer. Surviving is a daughlcr, Mrs. Sam Boger of Konnapolis. MRS. T. P. RICIIARB80N Funeral services for Mrs. Nancy Deck Richardson. 88, of Mocksville, Rt. 2, widow of T. P. Richardson, were held Tuesday morning at 11 o'ctock al Now Union Methodist Church. Burial was in the <^ureh cemelcry. Mrs. Richardson died Sunday at 8:30 p. m. at Lynn Haven Nursing Home. She was born In Davlc Ooun* ly to Lindsay and Mandy Smiih Beck. She was o meniber ot New Union Methodist Church. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. R. B. TUtlerow of Mocksv-lile, RL •2; a sister. Mrs. R. P. James of Mocksvitic. Rt. 1, and one brother., Snow Beck of Harmony. RL 1. Bio - Obituaries — 8/4/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 11,1966 - Page 5 Btrry Millar b KIBii (N dyalr Oany Cronfltl 'Miltet*. 22. ol Mocksvnie Rt. R. won one of two molorcyclisis kitted Sottirday when their cycles collide beadon during a practice ran at the dd AshevUle- Hendorsonvllle Airport. Ted Tbomos Ithades, 22, of Ardcn also died in the crosh^ (Deputy Cberlff dlorold Crisp said the two cvcllsis were practicing be« fore g(dng into competition In the Snudty Mnintoin rally sponsored on another ntnwoy by the Piedmont Horiey Dovidson motorcycle dealers. fioth Rhodes and iMiiler had their heads down and were apparently travelling at high speed. Rhodes was knocked 82 feet from the point of impact and Miller was thrown 53 f^eet. •Dr. James R. 'Wilson, ffenderson county coroner, ruled the deaths the hesuH of contributory negligence. :Crisp said the southwest runway w^re the collision occurred is 227 (eOl wide. {(filler was employed by the Rrts> py Krcmc CO. He Was a graduate of Davle County High School, and at<> tended Umestone College at Caffney. S. C. He wadxtrn In Yadkln County to R. K. and Cleo Cranfill Miller. Re was a mendier of Courtney Rap- tlst Churdi. Surviving are his parents of Mocks- vll!e, Rt. 8; his grandmother of Mocksville. 5; two brothers. Iteltb Miller of WlnstonRalem and Gray Miller of Greendioro; and a sister. Mrs. Carol Hopper of Oaffaey. S. C^ The funeral Was held (Monday at Yedkinville Baptist Qiurch. Bu^ lal was in Courtney Baptist Church Cem^ery. Bio — Obituaries - 8/11/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 18,1966 - Page 7 nonruT lkk i»iwj Kimorol scrvicos lor Hfiborl Ixc niinn. 43. of AtU'nnco. 111. I. ucrc liolit MitSHl.'iy n( 2 |>. n;. >i> ICnIon's nwnH. Ilttrini was in Bc'Shlohrm MvlistKlbl Church wmclcrj*. Mr. Dtmn wroi riiiinil ilcad .at 4 p. i«. Siiliinlny .ii bis ho-.uc. Hr, Kiunris Khtlo, Davic Mcilicnl Vs* tiniiitcr. snhl dc.illi was apparcully Iroro naiiirni cuscs. Mr. Dunn v..as hnm in l)n\!c County to Isaac ami TInra ticltou Dunn. Do vva.<; cin|ilo}'c(l l>y Dnvin Mills. Sur\lvln{t arc his father of Aih vniuv. nt. 2: a sister. Mrs. J.inios Mayhcw of Ailv.anrc. III. 2: anil luUr brrlhcrs. \V. J. nml Watson Dunn of Advance, nt. I. .^m Dunn of Sinilli n.'iid. Ind.. ami llinrlle Dunn uf Winslun-Salnn. II. r. .SIIMETS I Funeral sen Ires lor Ilciny Carll .Shoes. (13. of rhiladolfihln. Pn.. and a former ro.cidcn( of Davio County, vcre lield Sunday :il Fork naplist Chinch at .1 p. m. iiy the Rev. Rny Young and Dr. CicUis Foster, Inter- inent ivas In Ihe church cemctco*. kir. Sheets died Friday In the ri:ihu1e1ph!a General Ilospilal. lie urns hnm in Davlc County, the son ol George and Carrie Nance Sheds, and iv.as a graduate of cnnirohland High Seltool. Davidson County. lie had lived in PhihaiUlphia for 12 years where he was on employ* ee of the Sheralon Hotel. lie was a member of Fork Da|i* list Ctnirch. Survivors inelude one sislor. Mrs. M. J. Lyerh' of .Salisbuo*; Iwo brothers. Gray Slicds of Mueksvillc and George £. Slicels of Winston* Salem. ROnRIlT U lh\NKS Funeral !tcr\-lcr.s for Robert L. ll.nnhs. 12). a retired Roaring Gap cnrelahcr. were held Tuesday mor* iilug a! II o'clock at Cherry l^tno I'nian Raplist Church. Rurlal was In liic cimrch ccmdery. lie was bora in Allegltany County In Dr. Hugh and M.irlha Slurgltl Hanks. Surviving arc Uro sons. Arthur D. lUmks of Slntcsvillc. Karl Hanks of Mnrksvillc: Iwo daughters. Mrs. i Ima Smith and Mrs. Fayc DIcvlns uf Glade Valley and a brolher. A. H. Hanks of Siunmcrfivkl. cral West Clnpel in Charlotlc. Gra veside ser\iec8 and burial was a| Onkwood rrmeter}' in Stntesvillc. Mr. Cluer died at bis home Tiics^ ' day cwning. lie was bom Mao ! in. i!^, In Iretlcll County. He wa^ a Wiirld War II vclifran. EDD JUNIOR CLOER | Funeral services for Edd Junior' Clocr. 43. of 2740 Kcnhm Drive.'- Mr. Cloor was employed by St.a^ iniHinl D.irlier Shoii In (liarlotio and w.is a former rrsidonl of Mocks* vtllo. Survivors biclude his wife. Mrs. l^tuUc Lulfinnn Clocr; Iwu slep* soms. Dennis Humble d Ihe homo and RIII llunihic of Lackland Air Force R.1SC. Texas; a sister. Mrs. Charlotte, were held lluirsday, Aug-I* ' list It. at 2 p. m. at MeKwcn Fun- '• ' J.ucl!ie Jt^rel^li* ^ Tpmlnmnt and Voiir luilf-hrolhrrs. V.'<C Moose, Menroe Mnom;, Floyd Moose ond Lonnic Moose, all of SInlcsviUo. Bio - Obituaries - 8/18/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, August 18,1966 William Larry Poplin FMverLoeal Uiy'9 Hishii Passed Away William Larry Poplin, 57, of 511 E. Cemetery Street, Salsbury died Friday at Ro wan Memorial HospltaL He was bom in Rowan County to Thomas and Ellen Poplin. He was employed at the Veterans Administratioo Hospital Surviving are his wife, Ethel Scott Poplin; two sons, Robert William and Victor Poplin of Salisbury; three daughters, Mrs. Wade Crews of (Winston - Sakm, Mrs. 9otty Joe Brady and Mre. lUward Ackermann of Spen cer; and a Miss Lola Poplin of Spencer. -Ihe foneral was at 2 P.U. Tuesday at Summersett Mem orial CbapeL Burial was in the National Cemetery. Thomas Landis Mattison liMYevOM Bsysltdy bRsMvered SALISBURY -A »-year-oW Rowin County boy drowned about 10 A. M. Monday ato he and several other child ren went swimming in the South Yadkin River, accord ing to Rowan County officers. victim was Thomas Lan dis Mattison, son of J. B. and Katie Mattison of Salisbury. Route 1. just off U. S. 601 near the South Yadkin River bridge between Salisbury and Mocksville. Ihe site of the drowniiv was more than half a mile west of the bride, where res rue squads later set up headquarters for a fnistrmting iaeatrdt Sheriffs Deputy R. J. Shaw «aid the Mattison boy was the youngest of a group of Negro cfaildro) from two neighboring famili^ who made the forbidden mile tr^ from home to the river. Tht I ?ld^ of the group was 14. Davie County Rescue Squad and deputies spent aU day TuMday dragging the swift, murky watCTs, By mid- aftemoon. the river, already swollen by rains, had risen alwut two feet more. Wfdne^ay afternoon be tween 4 and S P. M. the Btt- cue Squad brought in a Ui^- er b^at and stirred up the water and the body of the youth came to the top sear the South Yadkin Bivei bridge. Bio - Obituaries - 8/18/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, August 18,1966 ftLinilM •iltliriay Robert Lee Dunn, 42. ctfj Route U Ath'SAoe, died Sat- onlajr aftonoon at his home. Death was unexpected. A native oC Davie County, he was born July 12. 1S24, the son of Isaac Dunn and the late Tinea Helton Dunn. Survivors include one sis* ter, Mrs. James Uayhew of Route 2, Advance; four bro thers. W. J. and Watson Dunn of Route 1, Advance, Sam Dunn of South Bend, Ind.. and Charlie Dunn of Wins- ion - Salen. Funo-al aei^ices were con ducted Mcmday at 2 P. M. in Raton's Finaeral H<tfne vhh | burial in Bethlebeffi Cemetc-I nr. j Jimmy Beauchamp MOCKSVILLE-Jinuny GO- pin Beauchamp. 90. of Ad vance. Rt. 1, died Wednesday •t Lynn flavei Nursing Home. He was a retired farmer Md a member of Macadonia Itoavian Chunch. He was bom in Davie County to Joel E. and Mar>' S h e e k Beauchamp. Surviving are two sons. Joel and Curtis Beauchamp of Ad vance. Rl three daughters, Mrs. Arthur Laird and Hrs- Jesse Laird of Advance. Rt 1, and Mrs. H. G. Biliings. Jr. of Winston-Salem; and three brothers. Major. Fordie and Sam Beauchamp of Advance. Rt. L Hie funeral will be at 2 P. H. Friday at Macackaiia Mcwavian Church. Burial wUl be in the church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 8/18/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 25,1966 - Page 5 JA.MRS FRANK 11RNDR1X . ' Funeral services for Jantes Prank ilcitdrlx. or Mncksvillc fU. a. were comtuclcd at 2 p. m. Sunday nt Knlons Chapel by llic Rev. Paul, llnrl ami Rev. J. W. Vestal. Burial i was In Smith Grove MuthoiiistChurch. I Mr. Ilcndrix dknl Friday morning "0! TSiTiMBme. He wasTjom inUa^Ho County December 11. 1900 to Craw* ford and Naimlc Green Hendrlx. lie Is survived by his wife. Annie Marshall Hendrt.v: two soiis, •fames' G. and Charles D. Ileudrtx, Mocks* ' vllle. Rt. 3: two brothers, George, G. and Robert J. Hendrlx. Mocks* vllle. Rt. 3: one sister. Mrs. Hal Messlck. WInston-Salcm. MRS. JOHN MARSHAL!. HORN Funeral services for Mrs. Sallle Call Horn. 79. were held Monday aflemora at 3 p. m. at Eatoss Chapel. Burial was In Rose Ccmc- lery. Mrs. Hem, widow of John Mor- riisll Horn, died Saturday at Lynn Haven Nursing Home. She was bom in iDavIe County to Giles and Sarah Saundcrs Call. Sun'lving ore a daughter, Mrs. • Clyde Young of Moeksvllle. a graniL d.nughler. Lu Young of Mocksvltle: and n sister. Mrs. John Minor of Gnrcnriraro. I pin I ft fti I JlMhn' BEAUaiARIR Funeral services for Jimmy Gil* Beouchamp. 99. of Advance, RL I. wore held Friday at 2 p. m. ot '^Tn^ySfiH mwiwh gtwlnlI was In the church cemetery. Mr. Beauchamp died Wednesday at Lynn Haven Nursing Honte. Ha ' was a retired farmer and 0 member 'of Macedonia Moravton Church. He I was bom In Davle County to Joel E. and .Mao* Shock Beauchamp. Surviving ore two sons, Joel and Curtis Beauchamp of Advance, Rt. 1; three doiighlers, Mrs. Arthur Laird and Mrs. Jesse Laird of Ad vance. HI. 1, and Mrs. II. G. Billings of Wlnslon-^lem: end three broth ers. Major, Fordio and Sam Beau champ of Advance, lU. 1, ROBERT CLBVE SMIHI Funeral services for Rbbert Cleve Smith, 73. a retired fanner of Modes* vilie. Rl. 1. were held Wednesday at 4 p. m. ot (Liberty Pilgrim Hell* noss Church. Burial was In the church cemetery. ■Mr. Smith died Monday at Davis Hospital in Stalesvllle. He was bom In Davle Oounly to Robert and Emma Galfher Smith. Surdving are his wife. Mrs. Zclma Smith; a son. James R. Smith of Moeksvllle, Rl. I: a foslcr daughlcr. Miss Barbara Ann Qoforth of the home; Iwo dslers, Mrs. Noah IJamcS and Miss Ftosdc Smith of Moeks vllle. Rl. 1; ond two brothers. Grady Smith of SlolesvlUe ond Crawford Smith of Lexington. Bio - Obituaries - 8/25/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MGCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, August 25,1966 4 dM : wain Hiindag mm bora la to Oiici I CidL rto Tounf ol ] i Giimrfiogii 9|# frwiiril ipwiy At toW VM to to t FJH. It CbitoA AwMlnmtoDa 'u. -v-rJ lo-. Bio — Obituaries - 8/25/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA to Q, -I S 7;:- ^l^^i^GFeensboro^aliy^frwi)'' ^^='FrIday, August 26, 196'6' IliiTiiM |.308 _^^p^;oj^.'("St'^rret^ pro- I died Thursday at Moses - Cone i^Hospital. Graveside service will(be 4 p.m. today in Green Hill Cemetery. sT'-St'^;:.'.."-." She was bom ffigsfiBgras ^ ^d graduated I North Carolina I turned immedi- -" pnSugh.utFITZGELLD ••her career, she was active in I professional organizations at local, state and national levels.' i; She had been aiile^member of /'^the National Ediica^n Assoc- I'^iation, a member-of .ihe.rA.me'rit ';^can Academy__. of, Politicsil .1; Science, and of the National • Council of "Wonieh of"the'"tS»te'd ' .'States. .. She was one of the 12'founders of Eta State, i)elta Kappa Gamma, in 1934 and' was the third state president in 1938-UO. She held..the. jank„of,.iull_prp- Jessqr^'Jor 24 years at -'Woihan's College and jetjredM._.^950 with the rank prpfessorf'einerf&^Of ^. j^|g|a4 -• n She IS surviyed^j^by .a _sf^^ Miss-: Mara^"" Fitzgerad''■dfT-^elibme.:,-•'S Miss Rua'J-itzgerald, 81, of. ISOS S^ Aycq6k::St., died ;early, {this moming-Vat . Moses Ccme.: Hospital. She had been in de-I dining health for 16 years and ' seriously ill for one weel^, ;■ . ' • -/Graveside-service will be, at Co. Public LMiseriheimer.'of. Presbyterian■ -Church' of. the CoyenantiyM|^LQW|j g h) ■ •^•wdiich die op ; '*•iiciating,^e""body wiU be ere-. V-- MissTitzgerald v^as. ;a "rertired professor of education atUNC-G. -She "was' active in"many-phases of education:; and did much' for . education in North Carolina.' Her only survivor is her sis- -ter, Miss Mary . Fitzgerald, •she'made her'' with " whom home. "i^U. ^^4.-C-cri. (sC 9-' lb - /ftt ^1 f'homei:,- o- sUl ci^ bo DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 1,1966, Page 1 Jf'ive Die In Two Davie County WrecR^ Five persons were killed in two near identical head-on collisions near Mccksville Friday afternoon. The first occurred around 1:55 p. m. Just outside of Mccksville on US 158 East, near the entrance to Lake Hideaway. Dying of injuries sustained in this wieck were: —^Mrs. Caroiyn Sinitli Daniel, 30, of North Main Street. Mocksvllle Elg^t-months pre gnant, she underwent emergincy operations at Baptist Hospital, Winston-Salem Her unbom child was delivered dead and Mrs. Daniel dice early Saturday morning. ^ Mrs. J. T. Smith, Sr., 51, of Mccksville, Rt. 1. died at 6:30 a. m. Sunday at the Baptist Hospital. She suffered internal injuries and both legs were broken. Tlic second accident occurred around 2:43 p. m on ! US 601, one-mile south of Mocksville. Killed in the acci- I dent were: i —Charles Evans Simms, 40, and his wife, Dora Huff- m'an Simms, cf Elkview, West Virginia. They were dead on aiTivai at the Davie County Hospital. —Mrs. Edna Cora Dugan, 62, of Qastonia. Mrs. Dug- an died Sunday around 1 p. m. of biternal injuries. . The Injured Injured bi Ibc accident on US 1S8 were: Edward Lee Bowles, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bowles of Mocksville, Rt. 2. A patient in Ihe Forsylh Memorial Hospital with t badly crushed leg and foot. Has undergone surgery twice. Hubert Clay McCiamrock. 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. (Buddy) McCiamrock, a patient at (ho Baptist Hospital with serious bead injuries. John MeDanicI. Jr., 14. son of Mr. and Mrs. John McDonlel of Mocks ville, Rt. 2, a patient at the Davie County Hospital. Wiiiiam P. ^mmcrs, 13, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Summers of Mocksville RL 2. admiited to the Davlo Couniy H<»pital for treatment and released Saturday. Curtis Daniel, age 4. and Tandrea Daniel, age 5. children of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Daniel, patients at (he DavJc County Hospital. Marit Smith, age 7. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Smith, jr. of Mocksville Rt. 1. was treated at Ao bospilal and released. Injured in the accident on US OU wore: Regis Hubert Dugan, 29. of Gastonia, driver of the 19(>5 Mustang. Ad mitted to Davie Couniy Hospital with Internal injuries. Steven Simms, ago 10, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Evans Simms cf Eikvicw, West Virginia, admitted to Dovic Couniy Hospital and releas ed Saturday. His grandparents and Uncle came and took the little boy home. Bio - Obituaries - 9/1/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 1,1966, Page 1 Acctdeat On US 158 Al 1:55 p. m. Friday two cars collided hcadon US 1S8» a quarter or a mile cast of Mocfcsvillo, al the cnlroRco (o Lake Hideaway, Mrs. Carolyn Smith Daniel was driving a 1955 Pontiac and was heading cast. Passengers in this car included her mother, Mrs. J. T. Smill). Sr., of Mocksvillo Rl. 1; the children of Mrs. Daniel, Curtis, ago 4, and Tandrca. age 5; and Mark Smith, ago 7, a ncphow of Mrs. Daniel and grandson of Mrs. Smith. Edward Leo Bowles, 22. was driving a 1961 Chevrolet and was heading west. In this car were three boys ho was carrying to freshmon football practice al the Davle High School. They were: William F. Summers, IS; John N. McDaniol, Jr., 14; and Hubcrl Clay McCtam* rock, 14, ali of Mocksvillc Rt. 2. It was raining at the lime. State Highway Patrolman K. N. Bolick said that his investigation showed that the Bowles car skidded in a slight curve Into the left lane and struck hcadon the car driven by Mrs. Daniel. Both cars were virtually demol* ishcd with damages to the fronts of both vehicles being estimated at 52,700 to Mrs. Daniel's car and $880 to Bowles car. The injuried were carried by tlirec ambulances to the Davic CouH' ty Hospital. Mrs. Daniel, Mrs. Smith, Ed Bowles, and Clay Mc- Ciamrock were transferred to other hospitals. Accident On US 601 The second accident occurred 50 minutes later at 2:45 p. m. on Highway 601, one mile south of Mocksvillc. Patrolman Randall Bcane said that Charles Evans Simms was driv ving a 1065 Buick north on the highway. The vehicle was occupied by bis wife and their iO>ycar-old son. A 1005 Mustang convertible be* ing driven south, ond approaching the Simms car. was operated by Regis Dugan of Gastonla. and oc cupied by the woman identified as hii wire. Patrolman Beano said the 51ust* ange ran off the highway and oolo (he right shoulder, came hack onto the bi^way 'o the left side* cross> cd back to (be right Mulder, then back across the highway into the left lane and struck the Simnu car hcad-en. Both curs were virtually dcmo> lishcd with the front ends of both cars literally shattered. Damages were estimated al $1,080 to each vehicle. The Simms family apparently had been im vacaiiou. Ilie shattered; vcdUcic contained a large card board box 'which had been- lliled with a various assortment of sea- shells. which were scattered all over the wreckage. Dead on the front scat of the Simms car was a small, brown Chihuahua. The bloody dog appa^ cntly had boon hurled Into the dash compartmonl in the impoct and was hilled. A shattered thermos jtig was blood splattered. Numerous and suiidiy pieces of toys and games were scattered throughout the cor. apparently to keep the boy occupied during the return trip to West Virginia. Charges arc pending further ii>- vcsligation in both collisions. Assisting the patrolmen al the wreck sites were Rowan County Itatrolmnn, Davic County Rescue Squad, Davie County ShcrifPs De partment and Mocksville police. Despite the efforts massive traf fic Jams developed. Bio — Obituaries - 9/1/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 1, 1966, Page 1 MRS. CAROLYN SftOTlt DAMEL Funeral services lor Mrs. Carolyn Smith Oaniol. 30, of Mucksvlilo \vcrc held Sunday afternoon al Eat on's Chapel. The Rev. Fred Banws. the Rev. Gary Bulla and the Rev. Paul Aldrlch orflcialcd. Burial u-as In the Lil>crty Pilgram Holiness Church cemetery. Mrs. Daniel. Ihc wife of Douglas Daniel, died Friday night after doc tors had i>crformcd emergency sur gery in an allcmpl to save her un. l)orn child follosving serious injur ies in a wreck Friday aftcraoon. The child did not live. She was born In Davic County to Johnny T. and Virginia Allrcd Smith. Services Are Held For After graduating from the .Mocksvillc Mrc nniffflac T>9nioI High School, she attended PfciffcrMrs, uniiRias uanici SVilmorc. Kentucky..I the University Carolina, 1950-38>. She received on dc- groc lo she the in Durham: 1961 to ^0 the Es- ICS lillls School in Chaiwl 1964-63 she taught at the William U. Davlc School in Davic; and 1965-66. taught al the Mocksvlllo Elcmcn- lary School. was a member of the First Baptist Church In Mocksvilie whore she directed the choir. Surviving arc her hu&hand. a daughter. Tandrea of t)»e home; a son. Curtis; her fatlvcr; und u broth- 1 cr. J. T. Smith. Jr, of Mocksvilie atllS. CAROLYN SlrtlTll DANlED Rt. I. Mrs. Edna Boggs Dugan Is Killed In Wreck Mrs. Edna Boggs Dugan, &I, ol I fiu.<ituni3, formerly of East Spencer, (lied Sunday around 1 p. m. of In juries suffered In a wreck near >iacksviilc, Friday. Funeral services >vcrc hold Wcd- iif'Sday afternoon al East Sj^nccr Church of Uod. Buria! was in the City Memorial Pork. Mrs. Dugan was born in Davio <;ounly to C. P. and Cora Wafinor Buiney. She was a member of the Kusl Spencer Church of CocL Suivivlng arc her husband; a son. itoiicrl Lester Splllman of Muc-ks- villu. nt. 4: two daughters, 5frs. N. n. Uikderuoud of Salisbury and Mn. W. A. Myers of CharioUc; five bniihcrs. Tom J.. Hubert, Haydon, Fiijvtl F. and L. P. Barney of Win- yioii-Sulcin; and two sisters, Mrs. c ii Cuuk of Guffncy S. C.. and .Mrs, IV S. New of Woodruff. S, C. Bio - Obitiiai'ies - 9/1/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 1, 1966, Page I and 5 Mrs. J. T. Smith, Sr. Is Accident Victim Mrs. Vlrslnla Dare Allrcd SnUth K^ineral services for Mrs. Vir- gliiio Dare Allred Smith. 53. o( Mocksville ni. 3 were hold Tuesday morning at the Liberty Pilgrim Holi ness Church. Burial was in the church ccmclei-y. I Mrs. Smith died at 6:30 a. m. Sun day nwrnlng at the Baptist Hospital of injuries sustained In a wreck Fri day afternoon. She suffered internal Injuries and both legs wore broken.: Mrs. Smith was the wife of John-j I nic T. Smith. She was bom In Davlc | County to Stanley and Rusic Hull: Oranl .MIrcd. She was a member of' Liberty Pilgrim Holiness Church. Surviving are her husband; onuj son. J. T. Smith Jr. of the home: seven brothers, the Hav. Paul All-1 rod of Kannapulis. the Rev. Wiilio j S. .Alired uf tMdtmirc. S. C., tiu- (CofiUaucd 00 FItra] I I MORB ABOUT Is Accident Victim Rev. Jomp.s G. Allrcd, and .Sam All rcd of Giccnsboro, Joe Allrcd of Mocksville. ni. t. RvcitII Allrctl of Chester, S. C., and nolicrl Allrcd nf Memplil.s, Ti'nn.; and iwn sisters. Mm. Rdith Allrcd Allinc nf Wa<hlng' ton. R C.. and Mrs. ni.ml.vs Allied Myers or Holly.c. DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 1,1966, Page 2 Ysutli Killed In Saturday Wraek A young Coolccmeo boy was killed and four other persons Injured, one seriously, in a shattering head-on collision In Kannapolis Saturday night. Killed was Edward Lee KIbllngcr, 10. of 4(1 Wall SLrcel, Coolcemee. who was dead on arrival at 8:03 p. m. Saturday at Cabarrua Memor ial Hospital. Cabarrus County Cor- died of a massive skull fracture. Injured were Mrs. Dorothy Mae Kibllnger, 38. of 40 Watt St., Coolcc. mee. mother of Edward; and three persons In the second car. including Wullllam Bullnrd, IB, of Concord: Alma Ruth Mlscnhoimer, 13, of Kan- ^ napolls and Ronnie IliU, is, of Rt. 3, Kannapolis. Stale Highway Patrolman E. B. Wood sold the collision Mcurrcd about 7:43 p. m. Saturday on High- woy 29 In front of Clark's Store shopping center complex. | The patrolman said -Mrs. Klblln>| ger was driving a 1980 Ford aod ocupled by Edward and two young girls about six an dclght years old, when she attempted to make a leR lurn from the south-bound lane ap parently to cross over into the shop ping ccntor complex. Her car was hit nearly hcnd-on by| a north-bound 1000 Plymouth driven | by Bullord and occupied by the' other two teenagers. I ' Mrs. Kibllnger received extensive loccrations and bruises and was to have been admitted to Cabarrus Me morial Hospital. Ttic two young girls In he rear escaped injury. Bullord receive dvorlous f.tl Bullord received various facial ond body lacerations and was (o be admillcd to the same ho.<H)lta1. ' Alma Misenheimer received what was described as serious iacerallons' of the face ond neck suffered wheni she apparcnily was hurled against the windshield. The Hill youth received multiple bruises and he was released aftor receiving emergency trcatmenL Patrolman Wood said both cars were demolished In the colllBlnn. The Impact knocked Mrs. Klblin- gcr's car around nnd it slopped In the cross-ovcr. Bullnrd'a car stop ped In the shopplnf center parking lot. No charge was filed pending com pletion of lira Inpcstlgation. Bio - Obituaries -9/1/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA .dLiL Robert Caapbeu BiedTiosiay Uocksville — Robert too CampbeU. 72. of Rt Advance, died ot 6:15 A. Tuesday at Davk County H' pUal. A retired fanner, he bora in IredeU County, J 6, 1804 to the late Pink an Bnuna Freezeiand Cam Survivors include the wi dow, the fonnek Beulah F ter; three daufhters, Mra. vjn Foster of Rt 1, Advan ikn Henry Mayberry, both Huntei»viller two stepdav ters, Mrs. George Curlee Saliabury, Bin. Charlie W Horn* of Kt S, MocksviU three stepsons, Rm^ M lough of LesingUm, Jam and Garland lieOHllough. bo of Atlanta. Qa,; kid one ther, Allen raiii|<k\l of l^mera] semiQii were TInuaday at t KK. at hebam UathodM Churab the Rev. Paul ^nd Reverend Noratft Ttt^ rbd «pvs in thaefeurch I Bio - Obituaries — 9/1/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, September 1,1966 Mrs. SMtk, 5t Wreck Vktin ICrs. Virginia Dare AUred Smith, S2, of Bt 2, Mocka- vlUe, died Sunday morning in a Winston - Salem bos-i pital of iniuries suffered tn a Friday afternoon auto acci dent Ihe accident earlier claim ed the life of Mrs. Smith's daughter and unborn child, Mra Carolyn Daniel A native of Davie County, Mrs. Smith was the daughter of Stanley and Bosie Holt Grant Allred She was a mem ber of Liberty Pilgrim HoU<' ness Church. Surviving are her bus. ohe son, T. Smith, Ur. of the home; seven broth- iets, the Rev. Paul AUred of iRannapolis, the Rev. WUUe S,. AUred of Whitmore, South Carolina, the Rev. James G. Allred, and Sam AUred of Greensboro, . Joe AUred of Mocksvilie. Route 1, Everett AUx^ of Chester, South Car olina. and Robert Allred ot Memphis, Tenn.; and two sis ters, Mrs. Edith Allred Altine of Washington. D. C.; and Mrs Gladys Allred Myers o| Holly. S. C. The funeral was at 11 AIL IVesday at Liberty Pilgrim Holiness Church. Burial wat in the cemetery. AUi^ of Chester, South Car- '2 EDDIB KIBUNGKE olina, and Robert Allred ot ■■"Iff JLIJMemphis, Tenn.; and two sis- l|||BA WSSF ll|Mlers, Mr*. Edith Allred Altine WffW of Washington. D. C.; and Mrs Gladys Allred Myers o| "III V*ll M^ ^ ChiM Is KitM Ihe funeral was at 11 AIL Tuesday at Liberty Pilgrim _ _ , _Holiness Church. Burial wat ||| AmMammf in the cemetery. ■■ Edna Boggs Dugan I Ffraer Bivie Wsmui Met Of fijirws COOLEEMEE *— " Fttner^j services for Edward Lee Kib-; linger Jr. 9, were held at 4 P.M. Tuesday at the Coolee- mee Baptist Church. Burial was in the Legkm Memorial ParL The Kihlfaiger boy. aao oK Mr: . and li>& Edward Led BSblinger of Cocde»»ee, diet Saturday of injuries reeehre? m an auto accident on U. S Its at Kannapolis. Six bthei persona were hurt in th< wreck. Young Kiblinger was bnn in Rowan Ccunty to Edwan! Lee and Dorothy Mae EUb Kiblinger. Surviving are the narentsi two sisters, Sheila and Ange-lia Kiblin^ of the bomei and the grandparents, Mr. ancMrs. Lewis ^Us of Coolee' mee and P. P. Kiblinger ot HoeksvUk, Route L Mrs. Edna Boggs Dugan. 59, of Qastonia. formerly ofSpencer, died Sunday of in-puries sufferod In a wreck nar Mpcks%'llle Friday. She and her husband. Begis Hubert Dugan. were hospitoi. ked afi«" the collision on U. S. 901. Duimn was still in ser ious ccmditioD at Davle Coun^ Hospital at Mocksvlllc. Two persons in the other ear were killed — Mr. and Mm. Charles C. Sims of Elkvisw, W, Va. Their l^yeeMfld son.Stephen &ins. was admitted to the hoapital. Mrs. Dugan eras born in Davie County to C. P. and Cora Wagner Barney. She was a member of the East , iCtmvdi-af'Cod. ^ Survtving art kV-lElhMiA' a son. Robert Leate: f^tllman of MoAsville. Rt. 4; two dau ghters, Mrs. N. R. Underwood of Salisbury and Mrs. W. A. Myers of Oiralotte; five bra- tbers. Tom J. Hubot, Haj^ien. nqyd F. and L. P. Barney of Wlnstim-Salem: andtarn. Mm. « H. Oodk of Od| ney, S. C, and Mrs. P. S. Nemt of Woodruff, S. C. The fiuneral was at 8 p. m, Wednesday at East Spencer Church of God filial was ia Chy Memorial Park. Bio — Obituaries — 9/1/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILIE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, September 1,1966 fMI F. laifi UOCKBVUAX'-VmaXWm- fwt Barpe, M, a fcriihw af Mockwine. Bt 1. diad at 2:90 p. act Monday at Davla Comity HiMipttal. % was bom ki Davie Oaunty to S. W. and Batty OaUetta Harpa. Borvlvinc aia hk wifa; Bmo daui^ters, Mia. Carol Hbim of BlocksvOle, Rt 1. Mi« Hil da Harpe and Min Jaanette Harpa of the faema; one son, larry Harpe of Hia Ivtta; five alalera, Mrs. W. O. Htftirtan. Mn. H. O. Kate and ifea. R. B. Riidtt of WiBiton BalwiL Mrs. P. K IBIrtar of Iadi|Mm- cmse, Mo., Mra. C. U Wertz of Ft Laiaderdale, Ha.; tair tvo- Umn, Burton, M. W. and Wil- aon C. ^ipe. aU of Wtnston- BMaai ai^ Joe C. Haipe of MocfcsvUle. Rt, 2 taiml waa M 4 p. m. Waduoday at BMQii*a Ckapel. BwW was in Ca9ar M^- Bio — Obituaries - 9/1/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 8,1966, Page 3 DOCK WALL Funeral services (or Dock Wall, 50. (ormcr of Advance, nt. 2, wore held Tuesday at 4 p. m, at Oak Grove Mclliodist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. Woli died at his home Sun* day at 8:30 p. m. Surviving ore his wife, Ella May Taylor Wall; two sons, Clement Wayne and George Dale Wall, both of the home; three sisters, Mrs. noger McClomrock of Mocksvtlle, •Rt. 2. Mrs. John Frank Jones oi Mocksvilic. Rt. 3, and Mrs. John Whitakcr of Salid)ury. SHARON DENISE SMITII Funeral services for 3*dDy*oId Sharon Dcnisc Smith were conduct* ed Tuesday oi 0 a. m. at St. Fran cis Cattwllc Church. Burial was In Cornatzcr BepLlsl Church Cemetery. SliD died Monday at Rowon Mc* morial llospllal in Salisbury. Surviving arc her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Smith of Mocks vilic. lit. 3. two brothers, Michael and Phillip Smith, both of the home; grondparenls, Mr. and Mrs. John Cifllhcr of Mocksvilic, and .Mr. and Mrs. Grey Smith of MocksviUe, Rt. 3, WILLIAM R. MERONRY Funeral services for Wllliaro R. Meroiiey, SO. of Asheboro, were held FVldoy at 2 p. m. at Pugh Funeral Rome Chapel. Mr. Meroncy was dead on orrivali Thursday ol Randolph llospito} of* | ler a heart attack. He was a for mer resident of Mocksvilic. | Survivors ore his wife, the former I Mar>- Groy: a daushler. Miss Carol*, yn Moroncy of the homo. j COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, September 8, 1966 Dock Wall, 58 Of Advuce Passed Away MOCKSVnXK . Doc Wall, 58, of BL 3, Advance, died at his home at 8:30 P. H. Sunday. He was a fanner. He is survived by his wi* dow, Mrs. EUa Mae Taylor Wall; two aons, Clemetit Wayne and George Dale, of the home; three sisters, Mrs. Rocer McClamrock of RL 3, MocksviUe. Mrs. John Frank Jcmei of Route 3, MocksviUe, Mrs. Jolm Whittaker of Salis- ! Rites were "ftieeday at 4 p. M. at the Grove Me- itbodist Churd) with the Rev. jRalph Eanes in diarge. Buri- ial was in the church wme- Sharon Denise Smith iavieCoiity ^ lifaat Dies MOCKVILLE - Sharon X>»- niee Smi th, three-day-oki of Bobby and Blaiwe Gfaither Smith of Rt 8, MocksviUe, died at 8:30 P. M. Sonday at Bowan Memorial Hoi^utal Zn additkm to the paienla, the infant is survived by twe brotfa«a, Midaael and Phil lip &nith of the home; the frandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Giather of MocksHBe^ and Mr and Mrs. Gray SnMfc of Route 3, MocksviUe. Graveside aervkes were oewi ducted at 10 A. M TuMiv at OcRietaeff Bap^ Ctamfc Bio — Obituaries - 9/8/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 15, 1966, Page 3 I Puncrat services for Mrs. Jeule I Mac Lonicr Crover. 57, of Winston* Snlem. were lield Sunday ol 2:30 p. m, nl Vogii'i's Oiuprl. Huriu] was in the Oakbwn Memorial Gardens. •Mrs. CravtT dliil Friday ofler* nooi) al hor lionic aflcr an Illness of nine years. Slio was born in Dovlc County to Harrison II. and Mory Wall Lonlor. Surviving arc her husband; a daufihtor, Mrs. Peggy Hortlcy of WInslon-Salcm. fit. 5; fivo sisters, Mrs. Mary Iluy Drouno and Mrs. Nadinc Kucniz of Mocksvlllc. Mrs. 'Ednn Strelmaii of -girst-Bend, Mrr.- Jiianlta WDIloms of Stovali and Mrs. John D. Graver of Winston* Suiem; and four brothers, John Lon* ler of NuW|>ort News, Vo., Lnnnic Lnnicr ui ll!ct;ury. I3ui) l.nnicr nl Mocksvlllc ond Henry Lanier o( WlnsloiMSotcm. R. G. WALKER. SR. F^incrnl services for Itoy Collhor Walker Sr., were conduclwl Friday lit 4 p. m. oL Voglcrs Chapel In Wini(ton*Salom, by the Rev. J. Cal* vin Barnes ond Iho Rev. Victor Murchlson. Burial was in the Morovlan Groveyord. Mr. Walker wos dead on arrival al 2;15 p. m. Wednesdoy al Pursyth Mcmorlol Hospital. He was born In Dovie County to Jasso and Emily Jane Hondrix Wnlkcr. He movdl lo Wlniton-Salcm St) years ngo. He wos sheriff of Dovio County In obout 1920 ami ol io was chief of police In Mocksvlllc for 0 number of years. Ho operated Wolkor's Crocciy on West SIxlh Street from liHl until he retired in lOTiS. He was o member of Colvory Moravian Church. Surviving oro his wife, Mrs. Jonc Riddle Walker; a son. Roy Gollhor Walker, Jr. of Wlnslon-Salcm; a daughter, Mrs. Pansy W. Mooncy of Occoquan. Vo.; and a brother. Cliarlle P. Walker of Lexington. COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, September 15,1966 Mrs. Mirtii RestoPs WHs Passd Rwiy Mrss MarsMxet HamUn (y ST. ol CItiKliRd I wife of lh« Rev. Jtdi Lev) llertin. former rector of Osrist Church. Clcv^ond. died Wedneedijr mMiUng. ^le was dead on arrival at Row* an Memorial HoajMtal. Mra. Martin was bora rrh SS. 1199 in Winston . Salecn. the daughter ot Julius and Pewcll iDobaon Neelp. 8hc was educated in the Winston. Bio — Obituaries - 9/15/1966 Salcca achooh and at Salam ottaftw She wia a mwithar ot Christ Church. In additioo to her huAattd she leaves a son. Jolm IX Martia ol Charlotte; a dauMt ler. Iba. Ruth Hamlin Drp*; moo of vnnaton * Salem; two steton. M^ Mildred VauMui of WlaMon » 6atem and Mrs. Frances PartHdce of K)nox> vUla, IVKiii.: three grandchU*. bacL Lewis Alexander CuthreU, of 1999 nth St. NR. Wii>. afon « SaWwv native of Oavte OouMty, ^ed Mondajr at Kate BKUum Hosgutal Bara May X im. In Da^ vk County, he was the aon of the late Alaxaadar and Mm CxRhreU Ihr a niabar of he wea a iMntr In MocktviUe wtsare he lived with a dau^ tor. Mr. Cuthrali was a mamhar of the House of Prayer for All Peoola. Survivors inetude two sons. Botart CuthrMI of ML QU« •ad R a r I i • Cuthrell «f Oraansboro; four dau9h« fota, Miw Mary C Anderaaa of WSnsloa . Salaea Mm 8a* rah Jane Lyons of HarcacMy. Mra Rmma Davis of fniiiM' ton. Mra RIvie Davis ot tiochiviUe; and ooe hrothar, Bahart Machins of Winston* Funara) aarvket ara Incoin* The body is at Milch* oil fair funarai Sarrkn. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, September 15,1966 Ralph Bobbitt Martin imiwrsfLo^ WMMiBiet I Lextafton Ralph but Martin, 45, ot LcxingtOdt dM at 10 P. M. Tuesday the Baptist Hospital, WB# ton - Salem after a inriBui illnea o( two months. Sunrlvors Include thej^l^l dow, Mrs. Hazel Kiger |tp^! tin; thrae aons. Gene Mir! tin ^ Puksacola, Fla.. I^mli and Rogert Martin, both ol Lexinfton; two daughlars, Mrs. Charles Leonard and Mrs. David Langeley. teth of Lttdagtoai; four siatc^ ■» Ml S^Mi. Ml, «( AdftasMt.nL 2. V. teMb AM IMMr at MnpiM PiMdtai ap MiMtnn iSakm. Mhe had 1MB 0 to' aboid tosae zDoato. Sbft mm banc M Dai'idaah Coustx So Atea iM Jmmdm Fiwm ItoimnHi Sui liidiig mot bmr fautoM four aoMb AAda toe SMtfa flf MoctoMk. tt. A and «B-iia»» IMflas V asd D. SMM <d Adiniim. 0L 2: toM dtodfednnL Mn. Oa. vid fisMiMt M B* 2; toaa AbMsMil Mrs. Da vid Bftaitort mt idsiiinr„ Bl L Mn. Terfc Btfrafi ef tos- Boadr fltog Bad Mrs. Bod PBiitia mt Kssseeawak, BoiAe 1; tie* sdMccs, Mrs. mu. Trim Kea*7 Knawftr m f i saag ton bM ito. Vstor flpaer of ViBfUeiB - SaiMB; am4 t broQbers. Aks and OdaB ti. veaeM «d MuiitiiHIi Bh A and in toftaapaod mt tos- BL S. The fiBwiial was at 2 P. M. Thuradftjr sS ffkh BapMB Cburch. llBrial aras la IIm BUCLIBR COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, September 22,1966 ' (tted caxir neB#! I TiMt taodr 1* 9t MitctellJ iFftir ftewnl Uamm ^ m 1 bwy. He b eunrivd bgr Me Mrs. VcrneU MuwAoa tliar. Ed ^MuvtU M Tovk. ft hftU-brotte; Mee^ntl ftf gtaltk tw» ftMm. iS MfaWCM and IMft. Mi of M Bio - Obituaries - 9/22/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, September 29,1966, Page 2 I 6PENCER B. 9IANES JIU j Funeral services for Spencer B. -Planes Jr. 63. en executive vice president of R. J. Reynolds Tobac co Co. and a resident of Winston- Solem. were held Wednesday at 4 p. m. at SI. Paul's Episcopal Church by the rector, the Rev. E. Dudley Colhoun. Burial was in Solem ce metery. Mr. Ifancs wos born In Mocksvlllc on Dee. 12. 1P12, to Claire I.x)ck- hart Hancs and the laic Spencer Dooc Uanes. He Is a pcyhow of Mrs. Prank Clement and Mrs. E. W. Crow of Mocksvillo. Survivors include his wife Mrs. Lyell Glenn Hones; three dauKhlers. Margaret, SUiort and Lyell Hanes; and a son, Siwnccr Glenn Ilancs, all of the home; his mother who lives at 1614 Hyde Avenue, Wir.slon-Sal- cm: and a sister, Mrs. Thomas B Pullin, 767 Ooklown Avenue, Wlns- ton-Salcm. 6A.M BEAUaiAAIP Funernl services for Sam Bcaueh- ;smp, 70, of Advance, Rt. I, were eonducted at 3 p. m. Sundoy at Sclhlchcm Methodist Church by the Rev. Paul Heart and the Rev. Tay lor Loftln. Burial was In Ihc church n ?cmctery. He was born In Davic Counly, Occcmber 12. isr9 to Joel M. and \1nry Shock Bcauchamp. He was a retired farmer and a member of Bethlehem Methodist Church. Surviving arc his wife, Flossie Smith Bcauchamp of the home: a daughter, Mrs. Cecil Carter of Pf" fflown; a son, Elmer B. Beauchamp It Anv.ince, HI. l; ond tsvo broth- •rs. Major Tleauchrmp ond Fordle Ivouchomp. both of Advance, Rt. I. COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, September 29,1966 Miss Nancy Ohimbers 8AUSSURY - Miss Nancy Sue Chambers, 19, of in^toc. Route 9, died at 7:S0 P. M. Saturday in Rowan Me morial Hospital following 8 months lUness. She was born in Modo- vUle to W. M. and Lizzie l€ii- ton Chambers. She was a member of Green Needle Bap tist Church in Davidson Coun ty. Surviving are her father; two aiitere, Mrs. Richard Yar. borough of Salisbury. Route 1, and hlrs. Sam Gabard of I^on. The funeral was at 8 P.M. Tuesday at Green Needle I Baptist Church. Burial was I in the Churchiand Cemetery. I Sw BtaichMp It 1, JUhmM MOCKSVILLC - Sam Beeu- champ, 78. of Rl 1. Advance. |Um1 at tHS a. M. Priday n Oevie County HospitaL Born Drrrmber 12, 1889 in l>a%ie County, be was the ton of the late Joe) M. and Maiy Sheets Beauchamp. Re was a retired faitoer end a member of Bethkbcm Methodist Church. Survivors include the wid ow, Mrs. FIosm Smith Beau. |Riamp^ one daughter, Mrs. Cecil Carter of Ptafttown of son, Elmer E. Beauchamp of Rt. I. Advance, six grandcfaQ- dren; three great-grandchild- ren; two brothers. Major and Fosdae Beauchamp, both of R. I, Advance. Funeral aenices were con ducted Sunday at 8 PJL «l Bethlehem Methodist Oturch by the Rev. Paul &it and the Rev. Taylor Loftin. Buri al was in the church ce- nwtery. Bio - Obituaries — 9/29/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, September 29,1966 My Let SMI SALISBURY — Gmtr Leoi Shoftt W. of Wootef Rocvdj dM >-esterday at Rowan Mcfn-1 oriai Ho^itaL Ha had been in < declimng health for 12 yean, i He was bora in Rowan Coun* 1y to E. OdeU and Lattie My-' ers Slhoal. Until his health failed he was a master mec^ j ank at the Cannon BAills Sal-; isbury plant. He was a mem-' i . , . - .i SuiAhing are^hij wU^Mn,' Ji'-sffiTS.-Si.-'s: ■s.-sssTi.parents: three hrolhen O. E.; i ^ SaUrfairy, m. FrMsy at 1m SBhJv I« MOCKSVILLE — Geoi^e Therman Bailey, 31 of Ad vance, Kt. 2, was killed in an automobile accident at 4 p. m. Tuesday at Spartanbiu-£. &. C. He was bom in Davie Coun ty Ic Note and Mary Jane Wid- lor Bailey. He was a painter. Surviving are five aisteca, Mrs. Rolrert Yokley of Wins- ton-Salem, Mrs. JNorman Ver- non of Pine Hall, Mrs. Peggy Gatewood. of Danville, Va^ Mrs. Joe Henry Myers of Ad vance, Ht. 2. and Mrs. Jessie James of Welcome; and two brothers. Jack Bailey of Yoit- kers. N. Y.. and X«ewis James Bailey of New York- The funeral was at 4 p. nu Thursday at Eattons ChigMl Burial was in Fork Chutift cemet«*y. Bio - Obituaries - 9/29/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA —? O <5— - ffi ' C 3 - o ij - ..j m 3 o > - Q-(A ^ . O OR ' T t£j " > O L 0 0 Journal and Sentinel jO - ^ LL Mrs. Lillard; Former Elkia Board Member ELKIN — Mrs. Marion Kelly Lillard, 85, of 105 Gwyn Ave nue, widow of Thomas Mason Lillard, died yesterday at Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital She was bom in.Davie Coim- ty to Thomas Lemuel and Dhor- bun Mattie Sterling Kelly. She came to Elkin in 1901 and was the first woman to work in the office at Chatham Manufactur ing Co» She was secretary to the late Hugh G. Chatham. She also served on the Elkin City School Board and was elected Woman of the Year by the El kin Jimior Woman's. Club in, 1951. V ^ Surviving are two daughters,: Mrs. Van Dillon Jr. and' Mrs. John Sagar of Elkin; a sister, Mrs. James H. Townsend of Red Springs; and a brother, R; Sterling Kelly; of Erwin. ,■ - • The funeri will be at "2:30p.m. Monday at the First Methodist Church. Burial will be inHollywood Cemetery. The family asks that memorials be inade to the donor's favorite, chmity.,' l-ilici rd , w i^t j-. e DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 6,1966, Page 2 MRS. PETE FORREST Mrs. Garland (Pete) Forrest, 44. a retired employe of Ballard Mills In Louisville. Kentucky, died Frl> day. She was the former Margaret Albcria Fischer and the wife of Garland F." (Pete) Forrest form* erly of Davlc County, She wos 0 member of the St. Thcrese Catholic Church ond the St. Monica Sodality. Funeral services were conducted Mondny. Burial was in the St. Mich ael Cemetery. i SAMUEL FRANtOIN BINKLEY | Punerol services for Somucl i Franklin Binktcy, 8.1. a retired cniNl omobilc salesman, were held Mon day afternoon at 2 p. m. at Futon's Chapel. Burial was In Jericho Cliureh of Clirlst ccmutciy. Mr. Binklcy died Saturdoy night at Dovic County Ifospllal. Ue wos bom In Forsyth Cwmty to \VllUam and Clarissfl Tesh Btnk* ley. Surviving are two daushlcrs, Mrs. J. F. Mlckman ol Graham and' Mrs. K. A. Frazlcr of Portsmouth, Ohio; four sons. Marvin Blnloy of Nashville, Tcnn., James Binkley ,of Montgomery, Alabama, Harold Bin- kley of Cleveland and Samuel F. BInkley Jr. of Tampn, Fla,; and one sister, Mrs. N. A. Burton ol Clovclonil, ni. 1. HARVEY HARTMAN DULL Funeral services for iHor^cy Hortman 'Dull. 47, of 1S2 Motor Road, \Vinston-Salem, were cod* ducted Sunday aflcmoon at 3 p. nu at Woodland Baptist Church. Burial was In Forsylh Memoriol Paric. Mr. Dull was found dead at home Friday. Dr. W. Vrecland, county coroner, ruled the death a suicide, ITo was bom in Davlc County on October 29, 1918 to Charlie Watson and Connie Spach Dull. He spent his eorly life in the county. He had lived In Winslon-Salem the past 15 years. -He had been cm- ployed at iiancs Hosiery for the past IB years. He was a member of Forest Hills Baptist Church. He was married (o Miss Alice Plott on March 4, 1939, who sur vives. Othor survivors Include two daughicrs, Mrs. Paul T. Myers of I 2&S -Elm Drive and Mrs. Donald A. Hutchens of Winslon-Salem, RL 1; two grondsons; five brdhcrs, Floyd, Lulhor and Charlie of Mocksvillej Rl. 5: and Wddc end William Dull of Mocksvilic; four sisters. Mrs; Hubert -Boger and Mrs, Howell Reavls of Mocksvitlc, Rl. 2. Mrs. Albert Boger of Mocksvitle and Mrs. Glenn Jones of Advance. Bl. 1. COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, October 6,1966 Mrs. 1. trecM Lexington — Mn. Daisy Cliarics Greene, Sft, died Sat urday at the home ci a dan^ ter, Mtsl Harvey TVrtrr, at Wedoame. She was born in Davidm Couidy to L. P. and Cfntttia Toiaig diaries. Surviving an three sons, Jack Green Caiotina Beach. George L. and Oiarks IC Greene of Washington, D. C.; three daughters, Mrs. Harvey Bc^er of Wetrnsne. Mre llaxv^ Q. Onhman of SfrmB^ and Mm. MU- liain Cusick of ChiHiim. Md.; and a sister, Mrs. Con Bnak.- of l^siiighai, Boote Ul The funeral was at 2 PJL Monday at Center McthodBM Church . Burial was in the Sandy Creek Cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 10/6/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, October 6,1966 S.F.Nikl^ lelinl Aril J.ILP(iRl,e2 MesWUk SalMMi Kei Wtridm FieM MocksvUIe-Samuel Frank lin Binkley, 85, of liocks- ville, retired automobile salea- man, died at 9:20 P. IC. Sat urday at I^vie County Hos- pitaL He was bom in Forsyth County to William and Clarl-^ ssa Tesh BinUey. j Surviving are two daugh-1 tera, lira. J. F. Hickman of Graham and Mra. K, A. Ft«- zier of Portamouth, (Mdo; 4 Sana, Manrin Binkley of Haab- ville, l^enn., Jamec Binkley of Idootgomery, Ala^ Harold Binkley of Cl^eland and Sa- imuel F. Binkley Jr^ of Tampa !Fia.: and one sifter, lira. N. A- Buxtoo d devefamd, Rt »• The funeral was at 3 PJl!Monday at £atoo*f CbapeL Burial was in Jericho CSbiudi of Ghriai MBMlm i Joseph Arthur Perrell. 62, a farmer in the WoodteaC community, was fouird dead about 9 P. M. Friday und^ a tractor in a field cm his fann. The incident is being in- veWigated. His |soq, Wflhe Perrell. who found him, said it was not determined whe ther the tractor overtun^ and be was in the acci dent, or if Perrell suffered a heart attack and the accident followed. Perrell had be^ mowing the 5eld in late afternoon, members of tt^ family said, when his aife and dau^ter left for Salisbury. He was not at home when they returned during the evening and a search was made. It to<A l some tis» to locate him be-1 cause be bad mowed in num erous places during the day. An ambulance was caH^ and Perrell was rushed to Rowan Memorial Hospital about 10 P. IL and pronounc ed dead on arrivaL He was bom in Rowan Cotmty to David C and Eli zabeth Price PerrelL He was a member of the United Pres byterian Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Vetra Sheets Perrell; two soxu W. R. Perrell of Woodleaf RL 1. and Joseph Larry Perrell of the home; three daugh ters, Mrs. Norman R. Owen of Salisbury, Mrs. Frank P. Hartley of Wilkesboro, and Miss Gloria S. Perrell of the Itume: a brother, Raymond C. Perrell of Woodleaf, Rt 1; two sisters, Mrs. Wade Pinkston of Woodleaf, Rt. 1, and Mrs. Thermon Myers of Salisbury, Rt 6. The funeral was at 4 PJf. Sunday at United Presbyteri an Cburdi. Burial was in the church cemeetery. Bio — Obituaries — 10/6/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 13,1966, Page 6 MRS. LENA J. GALLOWAY Mrs. Lena Johnson Galloway of Greenville, N. C. and widow of James C. Galloway,'died Tuesday, October 4, at Pitt County Hospital. Mrs. Galloway was bom In Farm* Ington, the dau^ter of Mr. and Mrs. James &L Johnson. She attended Davenport Coltcgo and Greensboro College. For sever* al years she taught school In the mibllc schools of North Carolina. Her last teaching Job was In Green* vflie. Throughout her life, she was an active member of the Methodst Church and for many years served as pianist In tho church. She was a member of the Jarvis Memorial Me* thodlst Church in Greenvlllo. a member of the Woman's Society of Ourlstain Service, The King's Daughters and Eastern Star. Surviving are a son,.J. Clarence Galloway of Greenville: a brother. George M. Johnson of Macon, Ga.; two Sisters, Mrs. J. W. Williams and Miss Vada Johnson of Farming* ton; a grandson, James Nelson Gall* oway. who at present Is serving In the U. S. Navy aboard a ship near I Saigon. MRS. THOMAS L. POOLE I Funeral services fOr Mrs. Addle Jacobs Poole. 85. of Mocksvillo Rt. ^ 4, widow of Thomas L. Poole. were theld Friday afternoon al 2 p. m. at Eatons Chapel. Burial was in i Franklin Presbyterlon Church Com* etcry. Mrs. Poole died Wednesday night al Davie County Hospital. She was bom In Dovic County to George and Jane Lentz Jacobs. Surviving are a son, J. L. Poole of Mocksville, Rt. 4; two daughters, Mrs. E. Delia Baysinger of Mocks* ville, Rt. 4, and Mrs. Anna Hayes of Dearborn, Mich.; and two broth* ers, Charlie Jac(d» of Cooleemce, ond Will Jacobs of Salisburj'. JOHN L. 8NEAD Funeral sendees for John L. Snead. 61, of Cooleemce. were held Wednesday at 3:30 p. m. at tho First Baptist Church In Cooleemee. Burial was In Rowan Memorial Park cemetery. Mr. Snead died Sunday night at Davie County Hospital. He was bom In Alexander County to the late John Rowe ond Cora Gregory | Snead. | Survivors Included the widow, Al* ma Hcllard Snead; two sons. Cralgi and John Lucy Snead, Jr.. both of Cooleemce; tvro sisters, Mrs. Tom Paige and Mrs. Kthcl Scott, both of Rt. 4. Saliriiury; two half*br<gb* ers. Clarence Mcssick of Rt. 3. Mooresvllle ond Glenn Messick of Rt. 1, Advance. MRS. FRANK WHITE Funeral services for Mrs. Pearl While, 80. of Rt. 2, Harmony, were held Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. at Rock Springs Baptist Church in Ircdell County. Burial was in tho church cemetery. Mrs. While was the widow of Frank White. She died Monday at Lowrnnce lloqiilal in Mooresrille. She was bcm In Iredcll County to John Mason and Moliie Woolcti Ma* son. Surrivlng arc five dughters. Mrs. Mur\']n Bouo of Kannapolis. Mrs. R. C. Myers of Concord, Mrs. W. g. Arthurs of Wilmington, Mrs. George Myers of Greensburg. Ind., and Mrs. L. C* TrivcUe of UsRnoay, Bio — Obituaries — 10/13/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, October 13,1966 ^ 5 iMf tmi f ykf for Lftcy SMttd, •!. orCiiiilnii^ vcre held on W«dMitfiFw 3:90 R If. by the Rev, Cb«| Burchette at the Ftiil RrIMM Chuicfa. Burial vat la VSm, Iferoorial Park. «Cr. Saead died Soaiday 9:90 R M. at Davie OOMHV Hoipital. He was bora hi exander County to tile Mi John Rove aiid Con Qieff* cry Snead, Sonrivon tndudt the M* dov, Abaa H^laid SmMI* tVMO tons, Craig Socad of OoM eemee, and S-Bgt John Iv Saead, Jr, of tha U. & Aoigr in Ganaay. tvo a«tM% Tom Rife and Mr*. Mhtl Scott, both of Route 4, MeeM viUe, two half • btefh*k» ClarcDce Ifcssick of % Hooreavilie, and Olaofi IM* sk^ of Route 1, Advaee*^ Mri.T.LrMk MOCKSVILLE -Mr*. Ad- die Jacobs Poole, 86, of Modcsville, RL 4. widow of 71)omas L. Poole, died Wed nesday nitht in Etavie County Hospital. She was born in Davie County to George and Jane Lent* Jacoba Surviving are a son, J. L. Poole of 'Mocksville, Rt. 4; two daughters, Mrs. E. Delia Baytinger of Mocksville, Rt. 4, and Mrs. Anna Hayes of I^arborn, Michigan; and two brothers, Charlie Jacobs of Cooleemce. end Will JMobs of SalUlniry. The funeral was at 2 P.M. Friday at Batons ChapeL Bu rial was in fVanklin Presby terian Church Cemeteiy. Bio - Obituaries - 10/13/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 20,1966, Page 2 RICHARD EVERHARDT FUneral services for Richard R. Everhardt, GO, of Cootccmcc, were held Sunday at 3:30 p. m. at CooU ecmce Methodist Church. Burial was in Rowan Memorial Park. Mr. Evcrhardt died of a heart attack Friday at his service station at the Cboleemee Shopping Center. He was bom in Davie County to George W. and Solty Kimmer Evor- hardt. He owned and operated a Philiips GO service station. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Vir ginia Carter Everhardt; a daught er, Mrs. Alien Snipes of Cooleemce, tbice grandchildren; two brothers, Dcwey Bverhardl of Mooresville and Nelson Evcrhardt of Charlotte: and two sister, Mrs. Mary Scaford and Mrs. L. R. Dwiggins of Mocks- vilio, RU L WALLACE D. BENSON Funeral services for Wallace Boyd Benson, '41, of Mochsville, Rt. 4, were held Sunday at 2 p. m. at COoteemee First Baptist Church. Burial was In Coolecmeo Legion Memorial Park. Mr. Benson died Friday morning of a heart attack In the Veterans Administration Hospital at Sali& bury. He was bom in Davie County to Kimbrough and Belle Thomoson Benson. He was a retired salesman and a member of Moeksville Bap tist Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mild- ra Gregory Benson; a daughter, Virginia Leo Benson of the home; a son, Wallace B. Benson, Jr. of the home; tliree sisters. Mrs. Howard McLamb of Dunn, Mrs. Floyd Nay- lor end Mrs. Lester Keller of Mocksvilie; and three brothers. Harold B. and John Green Benson of Moeksville and William II. Ben son of Charlotte. MRS. JESSIE CARTER Funeral services for Mrs. Jessie Mae Shumate Carter, 62, of Salis bury. RL 1, were held Sunday at 4:30 p. m. at Franklin Presbyterian Churdi. Burial was in Rowan Me morial Oemeteiy. Mrs. Carter died Friday In Bo- wan Memorial Hospital, Salisbury. She was born in Piltsylvania Coun ty. Va. to L. M. and Carrie Owen Shumate. Supviving arc her father of Dan ville. Va., four daughters. Mrs. Roy Whitaker of Moeksville, Rt. 3; Mrs. Luther Chandler of Moeksville, Rt. 4, Mrs. Paul Curlee of Sallrinuy and Mrs. Robert L. Fiye of Salisbury; three sons. Lee F. Carter of FL Bragg. Buck Carter of Advance. RL 2. and Pcarlie Lee Carter 4r. of Salisbuy. Rt. l; two sisters, Mrs. J. A. Hanks and Mrs. Harry L. Hancock of Danville. Va.; two brothers. Earl Shumate of Harris- burg, pa., and George S. Shumate of Danviile. Va.; four stepdaught ers, Mrs. John M. Crews of Ad vance. Rt. 2, Mrs. Ruth Gregory of Charlotte, Mrs. Richard Harrison of Lcxingion and Mrs. Douglas Williams of Lexington; and three stepsons. Clyde S. Carter of No^ folk. Va., Wcholos Carter of Now Orleans, La. and Lawrence Carter of Grecnrtjoro. HARLEY p. GRAVES Graveside services were held for Harl^ P. Graves, 82, of Salirt)ury Street, at 2 p. m. Sunday at Rose Cemetery. Mr. Graves died Thursday at his home. He was a retired farmer and mail carrier. He was born in Davie County to Henry and Mary Pcna- tune Graves. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Mary Hunt Graves; and a son. Hariey P. Graves, Jr. of Rocky Mount, N. C. MRS. RDCELL ItOUtAN Funeral eorvices for Mrs. Rucoll ilolmon. 44. of Moeksville, were held Tuesdoy at 2p.m. at St. Johns AME 2ion CImrch. Burial was in the churdi cemetery. Mrs. Jfolman died Sunday after a brief Illness at N. C. Memorial Hospital In Chapel HIH. She was o member of St. Johns AME Zion Church and was a nat ive of Davie Ccunly. Surviving are a son, Rlehnrd Car son of Moeksville: her mother, Mrs. Jettlc Holmon of Moeksville :and a brother, Waiter Holnmn of Mocks- vlile. Bio - Obituaries -10/20/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 20, 1966, Page 2 GWIN WABD Gwin Ward of Marshalltown, Towa (formerly of Dado County) ' died Sunday nlghl at his homo. Funeral services were held Wed* nesday. He was married lo the former Rene Gralngcr of Farmlngton. He is survived by three sons and one daughter. 'Mr. Ward was a brolhcr'ln-law of Mrs. Lnnnle Ktirfees. RIKE 0. WILSON Funeral services for RIke 0. Wil son. 71, of Mocks\'il!c. Rt. 1, were held Tuesday nt 2:30 p.m. at Eaton's Chapel. BnrinI was in the Jericho Church of Christ Cemetery. Mr. Wilson died Sundny morning at Lynn Haven Nursing tfome. He was a retired former. Surviving aro his wife. Mrs. Mary hour of Winslon-Solcm: Iw step- row Wilson of Mocksville: and four W. -Wilson* a son. Joe Wilson of sons, Waller Uach of Orlando, Fla.. sisters, Mrs. J. W. Smith, Mrs. E. North Wllk'caboro: a daughter, Mrs. and Clyde Leach of Miami, Flo.; H. Brown and Miss Edrlc Wilson of Frances Clements of Hlalcah, Fla.; throe brothers, Jim and Clint Wll- MockaviUe, Rt. 4. and Mrs. Flake a slcpdaughlcr, Mrs. Hazel Spain- son of Mocksville, Rt. 4, and Wood- Thomas of Harmony. COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, October 20,1966 R. M. Dockery R M Dockery. age died Wednesday at l^vis Hospital. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at First Bap tist Church in North Willtea- boro, and burial will follow at Mt. Pleasant. Mr. Dockery was unmarri ed, but lived here about three )-ears in 1945 with his niece, Mrs. Cmma Rae Spry. Other survivors include one sister and several nieces and oep- hew*s. Bio — Obituaries - 10/20/1966 ILLHOM Grady Lee Hillard. 58, of Morlan Park Boad. Salis bury, died at 6:10 Wednesday monaing at the Rowan Mano rial HoapitnL He bad been in deeUni&g health for sevoel months and aeriouriy ill for three weeks. A mti\-e of Davie County, be was bom June 8, 1908, son of the late Er\-in T. and Mary Ball Hillard. He was educa ted in the IMvie County schools. Mr. Hillard was a grocer. He belonged to Southside Baptist Church where he had aerved as a deacon. I Sur\-ivors include his wife,' the foraraer Oma Burton, whom he married on December 22, 1926; one son. Grady Hillard Jr. of Augusta. Ga.; six broth ers. Ray T. and William L. Hillard, both of Salisbury, Thomas T. Hillard of Balti more, Md.. £r\-in E. Hillard of Spencer. Lonnie E Hillard i of Rockwell Rt. 2. and Bruce I H. HUlard of Salisbury. Koute 15; and two grandrhiidreti. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, October 20,1966 Walbml. Bmsm MDCKSVILLE - Wallftce Boyd Benson, 41. of Mocks- viUe, Rl. 4, died Friday mcn-n. ing of a heart attack in the Veterans Administration Hos pital at Salisbury. He was bom in Davie Coun ty to Kimbrough and Belle ^omason Benson. He was a retired salesman and a mem ber of Mocksvil|e BapU^t iChurd). Surviving are his wife, Mrs. > Mildra Greofory Boison; %\ daughter, Virginia Lee Ben-' son of the hoatt; a son. Wall-; ace B. Benson, Jr. of the. home three sisters, Mrs. How-: ard McLamb of Dunn, Mrs.' Floyd Naylor and Mrs. Les ter Keller of Mocksville; and three brothers, Harold B. and John Green Benson of Mocksville and William H. Benson of Charlotte. The funera^ was at 2 P.M. Sunday at Cooleemee First Baptist Church. Burial was in Cooleemee Legion Memori al Park. ' IkM ' tvMfeiril Richard R. fcverhardt, M. of Cooleemee died of a heart attack Friday at his ierviee I station at the tCouieenwie Shopping Center. He was bom in Davie Coun ty to Oearge W. and Bally Kimmer Sverhardt, He owned and operated a niillips 66 service station, I Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Virginia Benson Cverhardt; a daughter, Mrs. Allen Snipes of Cooleemee, two brothers, Dewey Evarhardt of Moores- \dlle and Nelson Everhardt of Charlotte; /and tsro sisters, Mrs. Mary Seaford and Mrs. L. R Dwiggins of Mocksville, RL 1. The funeral was at 3:30 P M. Sunday at Cooleemee Methodist ' Church.. Burial was in Rowan Memorial Park. { Mn-Jtisie Skimie MOCKSVILLE .- Mrs. Jes sie Mse Shumate Carter, 62.' of Saliibury, Rt. J. died Fri day in Rowan Memorial Uos- pit il. She was bom in Pittsyl- vania County, Va., to L. M. and Carrie Owen Shumate, i Sur\-iving ve her father of Danville, Va.: four daugh-i I tcrs. Mrs. Roy WhitaJter of i Mocksviiie. Route 3: Mrs. Lu ther C.iandler of Mocksville. Route 1, Mr;. PuUl Curlee of Salisbury and Mrs. Robert L Frye of Salisbury; three sons. Lee F. Carter of Ft. Bragg, Buck Carter of Ad vance, Rt. 2, and Pearlie Lee Carter Jr., of Salisbury, Rt. 1; two sisters. Mrs. J. A. Hanks and Mrs. Harry L. Hancock of Danville, Va.; two brothers. Earl Shumate of Bio - Obituaries -10/20/1966 , Harrisburg, Pa.; and George j S. Shumate of Danville, Va.; j four stepdaughters. Mrs. John M. Crews of Advance, Rt, 2, Mrs. Ruth Gregory of Char lotte, Mrs. Richard Harrison of Lexington and Mrs. Doug las Williams of Lexington; and three stepsons. Clyde S. Carter of Norfolk. Va., Nich ols Carter of New Orleans. La. and Lawrence Carter of Greensboro. The funeral wa,< at 4:30 P. M. Sunday at Franklin Presbyterian Church. Burial was in Rowan Memorial Co , metery. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 27,1966, Page 1 Garwood Dies Of Rifle Shot Giles Frank Garwood. 60. of Oooleemee died Tuesday at Baptist j Hospital in Wlnston^lem from! wounds recdvcd when his J22 cali*! ber rifle accidentally, disdiargedi Monday night Membom of his famiiy ^ wood kept the gun' loaded wih pellets in the doset Monday night he went for the gun to scare off some dogs in his yard. He dropped the gun and it discharged, and the pellets struck him in the head, they said. Mr. Garwood was bom in Davie County lb Thomas and Joseidtine Stroud Garwood and was a mem> ber d First BaplM Church. He was payroll supervisor at Erwin Mills. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Be^ tie Seamen Garwood; two sons, Ar> noM Garwood of Oooleemee and Bill Garwood of KIngsport, Tcnn.; a daughter, Mrs. B. R. Walker of Mocksvlile; tfiree brothers, Sherrfll Garwood of WaynesviUe; Roy Ga^ wood of Moeksville Rt 4; and Floyd Gaiwood of Cooleemeo; a sister. Mrs. Ben Eveihardt of Mocksviile. Rt 4. Ihe funeral will be at 3:S0 p. m. Thursday at First Baptist Church. Burial will be in Rowan Memorial Park. The body is at Eaton's Chap el. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 27,1966, Page 4 JOHN DAVID (BUCK) SHORE . Funeral services for John David (Buck) Shore, of Rt. 8, Salisbury, were held Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. at Oooleemee Preri^erian Church by tte Rev. Samuel McKay, pastor. Burial was in Rowan Memorial Park. Mr. Shore was dead on arrival at Rowan Memorial Hospital Mon day at 3:0 p. m. Death resulted from a heart attack. Bom Dec. 1928, in Davie County, he was the son of Woodrow J. and Maiy Reeves Shore of Cool eemeo. Edueatcd In Davie and Rowan County sriuMls, he had been part- owner of John's Auto Repair Se^ vice, 120 East Liberty St. In Salis bury for eight years. He was a veteran of World War n, a member of Harold B. Jarretl American Legion Post, and Post 8008 VFW. He was vice-commander of the Sons of the American Legion and was a member of the Independ ent Garage Owners Association. Survivors, in adiUlion to his par ents, include the wldmv, Mrs. Doris Cruse Shore whom he married Nov. 20, IMS; two sons, John David Shdder, Jf. and Dean Marlow Shore, lM)tb of the home; two bn^ers. Norman Pelo and Thomas R. Shore, both of Cooleemeo: two sisters, Mrs. Ccleen Smith of Rt. 1, Wood- leaf, Mrs. Nancy Durham of Rt. 4, Mocksvilie; three half-sisters. Mrs. Rattle Sharpe of Rt. 2. Harmony, Mrs. Francis Oooke of Hlfidi Point and Mrs. Esther WiUiamson of China Grove. Bio - Obituaries —10/27/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, October 27, 1966, Page 5 JAMKS ATATTimW DHEWKR 1 Jamps M.nill'.cw Bfp^vcr, 2 year nld son of .lames 11, ami Gnyle' ropl'ii Hi ewer of lira Ardmoro noart. \v:n!^'im'Salem, died at n a. s^-nril rtl. Fr»t,:y at Carllst It.isttjt;.!. \W While, 82. wife Ot had U-II sick Sim-e Sumlay morn- I'- .Vo:ksvll'o. HI. 5. <,.g^ lied Monday nl r> p.m. nl Lula Cotv- Ho wa.* horn In F-irjyDi Cn-nly. "fd »oo's Memorial Hospilat 8l Niivvpiher fi. He had lived all 'radklnvlllo. his life in Iho (Irill'ilh Daptist She was born in Davte County to Church comnnndty. lit* was .a ni;m- Wlnflcld and Belly Dixon Smith, bcr of Grl/rith Dupiisl Cluircli. Surviving are Ihe husband: throe i'uriving In addliiiiv lu (he pnr- <ons. Hcmun ft. Smilh of BasssU, cnis arc Iho RtandpaunilA, Mr. and Vn.. Glll>crt and Elmo SmKh of Mrs. Hcnr>' T, POfkn uf M'»rksvillo, Mook.svi|tc, Rl. n; one daujihler. Mr. and Mrs. .lumos «Kd» Urinvei pjcd Adian of Mockr.'llle, Rt. iif Wimlwi-Srleisi end ihc groaJ 3. and Ihrro brolhcfs- Philmore and Sjamlnmllior. Mrs. J. E. Id.inj^lon cilfun WTille of Mot-ksvUlc, Rl. 5. pf .MuJ;5\:!!e. It!, tl. ami Tom \Yhilc of Conlcemes. C. .SCOTT Fi:ne;al im'icvrf for John C. Seotl. *1, of Mo'.kiviitj. HI. I. were held , '«Vcdne.< l;iy ai 2 20 p.m. a'. Ihe J!aln« vitlu AMS ZIon Chnivh. Curial was n Ihi.' chin-cli crnK'ler}*. Mr. Si'oll died Saturday nijjhl al Davie Cciinly t.'aspilal a.':er a long lines.':. -Kc was a lifelong rcsidcnl of Dn\do Counly and was n member of Mainvillc AME ZIoii Church. Surviving are Ills wife. Mrs, Clo- ^ rcrca Senil: foMr itaughlcr, Mrs, I Margaret Lyon, Mrs. llesUn* Hunter .nml Mrs. Gladys Hnse of .Vocks- villc .nnri Mis. Vjdlie 1.''nch of Wins- toivKalem: four sons, .luhn, Frank. l.i'S'cr ar.d naronre .St-idt of Wins- oa-raJom: a htollicr, llift'ard SvnII .if M<u;l;;ivlt!e: at;d three sisters- .Mrs. h-a Ei)vo of Waliml Cave. .Mrs. Klirnbc'.h rprnnlnR of Xvw Jcrtcy nnd Mrs. Xeln Hairston of Phlta- Mph.ia. Fa. COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, October 27,1966 Funeral services for Giles Frank Garwood, 60. of Cool- eemee, were held at 3:30 P.BL Thursday at First Baptist Church. Burial was in Rowan Memorial Park, Mr. Garwood died l^iesday at Baptist Hoa- pltar in 'Winston Salem from wounds received when his .23 caliber rifle accident-1 ally discharged Monday night. Members of his family said that be kept the fun loaded with pellets in the closet. Monday night he went for the gun to scare off some dogs in his yard. He dropped the gun nnd it discharged, and the peilets struck him in ihe head. Mr. Garwood was i bom in Davie County, to Thomas and JMephine Stroud GarwnnH and was a in«n>b«r of First Baptist Church. He was payroll sivervisor at Er- win Mill. I Cyies 'Fmnk. Garwood Frank Garwood Rites Held Thurs. ! Surviving are. his wife, Mrs. 'Bertie Seemmi Garwood, two sons. Arnold Garwood of Cool- eemee. and Bill Garwood of Kingsport, Tenn.; a daughter, Mrs. Linda Walker ot Mocks- ville, three brothers; ^mOl Garwood of WaynesviUe, Roy Garwood of Route 4, Mocks- viUe, and Floyd Garwood of Cooleemee, and a sister, Mra. Bleo Rverhardi of MockaviUo. Route 4, and five fwmriicWM -Tas-JLiiaase Bio - Obituaries - 10/27/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, October 27, 1966 iMC I SAUBBURT - Ma Dvvid IShore, 9. of Third Straet 'tenfion, Salhfbury, St B, dM jliMM ^ * Mrt iSlock. He bm in Hnvie Countr to Woodnw J. Md Marr Boevea Shore. He ores peit-oeroer ot John't Auto So- pair Service. Survivftng ere bk perente el Cinlwmiir; his erile, Ifrt. Der is Cruse Shore: two soni, John D. Jr., end Deen Uer- |ow Shore of the home; two AUn. I Net Bio — Obituaries — 10/27/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Novembers, 1966, Page 1 Gary McDaniel Killed In Wreok GARY McDANlEL Gary Es^crettc McDaniel, 21, oi Advance Rt. 2 was killed end a companion injured at 12:15 a. m. Thursday when their car sped oR N. C. 801, cut back across the rood, overturned and bounced high into a tree. This was Davle's eleventh highway fatollly of 1966. Tlic crash occurred about Iwo- milcs north of Fork on N. C. 601. MoOanlcl was killed instantly, when he was thrown from the car some distance onto the highway. His companion, Joe William Bailey, 23. also of Advance RL 2. was thrown' from the car and landed on some soft ground and was not loo seri ously Injured.' Bailey, a passanger. was admitted to the Davlc County Hospital. hfcDanlel was employed at the West Salem Barber Shop in Wins- ton-Salcm. State Hlgbvay Patrolman John PUtman said that McDaniel war driving a 1965 Ponliac GTO and I was going south oil NC 601 at a high rate of speed when he lost control ! in a cun-f. The car cut back ocrosr I the rood, overturned and bounced around 20-fccl Into a tree, cutting ofl I two iimbs. Mr. McDaniel was born In Davic County on Scpl. 17. 1045.to Everetlr Leo and Mildred Lookablll McDan iel. Surviving in addition to hU par* ents of Advonco. Rl. 2, are his wifo. Mrs. Ruth Jordan McDaniel of the home: his grunldparenls, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Lookabill of Mocksviile and Mrs. Ira hlcDanlel of Mocks* villa, nt. 3. The funeral was conducted Frldoy at Eaton's Funeral Homo Chopol at Mocksviile by the Rev. Craflon Cockrcil. Burial was In Fork Epis* , copal Church cemetery in Davie ' Counly. Man Is Killed By Car On 601 James Cicero Goss, 78, of Mocks viile, Rt. 4. was killed at 6:45 p. m. Monday on D. S. South about a mile from Mocksviile. He was struck Iv en automobile while walking on the road. Patrolman Kenneth N. Bolick made no charges against the driv er, Joseph Blake Gregory, 16, of Mocksviile, Rt. 4. BoUdt said scraral people rcpoil ed Goss walking In the road shortly before the accident. Bolick also said that, he had warned, Goss against walking In the road many times in the past. . . Mr. ;Goss Waa-.i^rcd. from ike U. S. Army and had lived near Mocksviile for about 18 years.. . Sum'ivlng are his wife, Mrs. Lois Walker Goss: and two brothers, Nathaniel. Green Goss of Lexington, and Ray Goss of Danviile. Va. . The body Is at Eaton's Funeral Home pending arrangements. Bio — Obituaries — 11/3/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 3,1966, Page 2 '<^rgik K^Ily "Squlrrd** Payne ol OMwemee was bt^d over to So* p^r Court on Tuesday *on the diSl^e of murder. ' SPS^ W;B8 chavod with mui^r t^ de^ of Reniy Austin, Sr., dlf «r tfoeksvUte. AdUIn Sted Sun- d^y at the fiaptlst ilosHtal of dun* wound received Sathrday night i^r 'Uttle Korea" in the Booe* t^ secUoh. •pfllcers sold Austin end Payne bad been quarrellhg at the Austin tu^ in Booetown. Payne is 19; charged with shooting Austin dicing the quarrel. Bdth are Ne* 'Surviving are his wlfo; six daugb* t^ hhrs. Mary Whltesett Mrs. Sdrieh Rom. Misses iHazel and Mahal Austin of Jersq^ City. N. J.. Mi^ Cathrlne Smith of New York Oly and Mrs. Addeenna Rivm of Oiemsboro: four sons. Cecil Austin c$ Mocfcsvflle. James Austin of Jer* ^ sey City, N. J.. Henry Austin, Jr. of ' Jhthacia', Ldng Island, N. Y., and oe Louis Austin of Buiham; a half brother. Salidy Scott of Mo<ksvllte; aqd a sister. Mrs. Addle Smoot of fif^ksville. • fUiteral was held Wednesday at Millnvllle AME Zion Church. Sfarlal was In the church cemetery. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 3,1966, Page 6 MRS. PRARb POOTE flOWELL Funeral services for Mrs. Pearl Footo Hcpvcll were cotidueted Frt day at (ho United MetropollUan Bnptlsl Churdi in Wlnslon^lem, by the Rov. J. D. Ballard. Dr. K. R. Williams and the' Rev. W. J. Tatum. Internment was In the Ev* ergrccn cemetny. Mrs. Foote died Tuesday at Fo^ sytb Menoorial Hoqtltal in Winston* Salem. She was born In Davle County and was the daughter M the late Leo and AlUe Griffin Focte. Survivors Include four children. Mrs. Annie Twltt of Old Fort, Mrs. Arllne H. Johnson and Miss Cleo Howell of Wlnston-Salmn: a son. James B. Howell. Jr. of Winston* Salem: three sisters, Mrs. Gertrude Howell, Mrs. Ethel Howell, end Mrs. Alice Fowler of Mocksville: two brothers, George and Rhodwell Foote of MocksvlUe and two grand* ddldrmi; WAIABR B. WmSNANT Funeral services for Waller Bhine Whisnant, 80, of Mocksvine, Rt. 4, were held at 2 p. m. Sunday at EM* on's Chapel Burial was to Jenus* alem Baptist Church cemetery.- Mr. Whisnant died Friday at Da* -vie County Homltal Ro was a member of Jerusalem Baptist Church and was a retired gardener for Boxwood Farm. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Mae Bedc Whisnant; three sons. E. M. Whisnant of SalUbuiy, Eugene Whisnant of Los Angeles. Calif., and the Rev. B. R. Whisnant of Old Fort; two brothers, J. E. Whisnant qf D^ry, Fla., and R. L. Whisnant of Charlotte; and a sister, Mrs. Maty Bcyd Dldcson of Raleigh. SAMUEL A. OARWOOD FYmeral services fbr Sanniel And* ermn Garwtxtd, 73; of SO Tttiman Street, Wlnstoi^Salero. won hMd Monday at 3 p. m. at Hayworth* MlUer ChapM by the Rev. Sinclair and Dr. E. Perry Mobley. Bur* lal was Forsyth Manorial Park. Mr. Garwood died Sunday at Bap* list Hospital He was bom to Davle County to Samuel E. and Sam Bambart Gar* wood. He was a horse tt^her. Sorvhdng are his udfe, Mrs. Mam* le Cope Garwood; four daughters, Bilrs. RlUa Vogler o! Oemmons, RL 1, Mrs. Lucille King of Winston* Salem, Mrs. Elolse Tesh of Wtoston* Salem and Mrs. B^ty Mock of Wln^nSalem; a son. Samuel Ga^ wood Jr. 0^ Lexington and three sisters, Mrs. T. J. Foster of Griffith Roaif, Mrs. C. L. Wyntt of Modes* •Rt: ft. and Mrs. Paul Bailey of Advance, RL 2. Bio - Obituaries - 11/3/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, November 3,1966 James Cicero Goss MWE MM nun IT CM MOCKSVUJ^. Junes Ci cero Goss, 78, of MocksviUe, ^ute 4, was killed «t 6:45 E. H. Tuesday on U. S. 6011 ■tauth, about a mile Iromllodisville. He was struck byIn automobile while walkingIn the road. Patrolman Kenneth N. Bo wk made no charges against fbe driver, Joeeph Blake Gre- 16, of MocksviUe, Boute Bolick said several pecgde Hported Goss walking in the fbad shortly before the Mci- wnL Bolick also said that he tied warned Goss against talking in the road many times in the past Mr. Goss was retired from the U. & Array and had lived near Uocksville for about 18 yean. Surviving are his wife, Hie. jols Walker Goss; and two irothers, Nathaniel Green Sou of Lexington, and Ray 1 >088 of Danville, Va. Funeral services will be Md Friday at 11:00 AM. at Baton's Funeral Home Cha pel Buml will be in the National Cemetery in Salis bury. W. R. WhisHt Died Friday Walter Rhine Whisnant, 80, of Rt , Mocksville, Fri day morning in Davie Hospi tal. A native of York, South Carolina, he was bom Nov. 20, 1885, the son of the late I Julius and Mattie F. Whis nant He was a member of Jerusalem Batist Church and a retired gardner of Boxwood Lodge. Survivors iiudude the widow Mrs, Mae Beck Whisnant,^ three sons, E. M. Whisnant of Salisbury, Eugene Whisnant of Los Angeles, and the Rever end B. R. Whisimnft of Old Fort; two brother^ J. £. Whis-; nant of DeBerry. Fla.. and R L Whisnant of Charlotte; one sister, Mrs. Boyd Dixon of Raleigh: seven grandchild-} ren and eight great ^and-{ children. Funeral services were con ducted Sunday at 2 P.M. in Eaton's Funeral ChapaL Burial was in Jerusalem Chur^ ce-' metery. The Rev. Bobf^ Hil- lard and the Reverend Jack i ft JohnacB wiU olfidal^ Bio — Obituaries —11/3/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 10,1966, Page 5 WALTEll ED^VIN McPOUO!.E Walter Edwin MoDcKigic. husband of ilic fornicr. Miss AlicD tea, Ton^ resident of Mocksvlllc, died Sat* urdny, November 5, 194a at the age of to. Mr. McDougle, resident member of (ho Methodist Home. Chnrlolle since 1959. was bom in Srioln County. Ohio but lived most of his lifo in Dtock Mountain where he wDs offiilaled with the Post Of* fice imllt his rolircmcnl. Mr. Mc* Doiigic is survived by his wife: two daughters. Mrs. Witiord S. Potrow of Charlotte and Mrs. Steve Honey of Knoxvltle. Tennessee along with (iilrlecn gi-niidchltdren and twenty* one grcal-grandchlidrcn. He was a member of the -First Methodist Church, Chariolle. Funeral services were held in the Chapel oi Harry and Bryant at 9:30 a. m. Monday. November 7th. with Dr. Eugene Fencock, pastor of (he First Me thodist Church, and the Rev. T. S. Hoffman, chaplain of the Methodist Home ofllcIaUng. The graVeslde service was held in the Tabernacle Cemetery, Block Mountain, ot 1:30 p. m. Monday. MRS. MILTON WATERS Mrs. Kathcrlne Wall Waters, S8, of North Main Street, Mocksville. wi dow of Milton Waters, died at 12:15 p. m. Tuesdoy at Fron Ray Rest Home. She was bom In Davic County to John W, and Isabelle Miiie Wail. "SKc'was Onefhber of'Oolr-Orore Methodist Church. Surviving ore three sons, John M. Wotcrs of Seoltie, Wash.. Will- lam W. Waters of Mocksvlile and Robert E. Waters of Greensboro: i a brother John W. Wall of Greens-i boro: ond a sister. Mrs. Louise W.j Frenetle of Little Rock, Ark. The funeral will be at 2 p. m. Thursday at Oak Grove Methodist [ Church Burial wlU be In the Rose Cemetery. The body Is at Eolon's Funeral Home ond will be ploced in the church at 1:30 p. m. WILLIAM A. DUNN William Alexander Dunn, 83, of Advance Rt. 1, died at 1:45 p. m. Tuesday at his home. He ^^ras bom in Davie County to NOab and Loulza Foster Dunn and was a retired farmer. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Don* nlo Violo Williams Dunn; four daughters. Mrs. PouUne Wood of Windsor, Va., Mrs. Vida Wafford and hlrs. Margie Graver of Lexing ton, Mrs. Edna Ray IHclton of Clearwatcr, Flo.; fivo sons, Eimer Dunn of Clcmmons, Holioway Dunn ' of Sheroton, Mo., Bill Dunn of Ad vance, Rt. 1, Joseph Dunn of Clcm mons. Rt 2, W. A. Dunn Jr. of Wlnston^olem: ond a brother, Is- acc Dunn of Advance; Rt. L JAAIES A. WARD 'Funeral- services for James Ar nold Word, 58, ot Salisbury. Rt 4. wcro held Sunday at 2:30 p. m. ot Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Burial was In Macedonia Moravian Church Graveyard. Mr. Ward died Friday at the Vet erans Administration Hospital ot Sali^ury. Sunvlvlng are two brothers, Ray Ward of Solisbury, Rt. 4, and J. W- ■Ward of Woodicaf; three sisters. Mrs. Cecil Yarborough end Mrs. Dynum Murray of Burlington and Mrs, Ed Howard of Mocksvlllc; a half-sister, Mrs. W. lA. Klortiltn of Mocksville: and tWo iuif>bH)lheri, Morgan Ward and C; S. Sheets bf Salisbury. E. lU RlDDt£ Funeral services for Britest RAlbh Riddle. 63, of Advance. Rt. 1. were held Sunday afternoon at Macedonia ■Moravian Church. Burial woi in the church cemetery. Mr. Riddle died unexpectedly at his home coriy Fridoy morning. Hb was bom in Dovic County on November- 20^ 1903 to Henry and ^ma Miller Riddle. Ke'fiod Ilvfrd all :his life In the Vodkin Valley community. Mr. Riddle was o member of Macedonia Moravian Church. He was employed at iBinghom and Parks Lumber Company for a num* ber of years, retiring in February. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Katie Seats Riddle: five daughters, Mrs. Lester Parks, Mrs. Albert Comnl- zcr, Mrs. Tommy Lorvg, and Mrs. Jerry Davis, all of Advance, Rt. 1. ond Mrs. Leonard Coiletto of Mocks- vliic; a son. Thomas H. Riddle of Advance, Rt. 1; a sister, Mrs. R. G. Walker of Winston-Salem; twobrothers. Willis and Wesley ^ddle of Advance. Rt. i; end seven grand children. Bio - Obituaries - 11/10/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 10,1966, Page 5 I GERALD R. JAMI^ ' Funcrol services for Gerald Ross James 71, of MocksvlUe, Rt, 2, ytere conducted Monday at S p. m. at Eaton's Funeral Home. Burial wu In Farmlngton Community Ceni^ tery. Air. Ross died at 10 p. m. 8attu>. day at his home. He wos'b^ In Davle County to Wlillam FrankUn and Elizabeth Kelly James and was a retired painter. . Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Sue I H. James; two sons;. Gerald Eu« ' gene and Bobby G. James of Wins' ton<GaIem; end two daughters, hire. Bay J. Reeves of Winston-Salem and' Mrs. Waller E. Jones of Oar^ land, texos. COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, November 10,1966 William A. Dm MOCKSVTLXE- - WiUiMn AlexaiuSer Dunn, 89, of Ad* vance Rt. 1, died at 1:46 P.M. Tuesday at his home. He was bom in David County to Noah and Loulza Foster Dunn and was a re tired farmer. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Um MIHiIB Donnie Viola Williams Dunn; Iraiwa IfllllVn four daughtres, Mrs. Pauline Wood of Windsor. Va.. Mrs. UlalAM Vida Wafford and Mrs. Mar- Ww9twr9 gie Craver of Lexington, Mrs. Edna Ray Helton of Clear- MOCKSVTLLE water. FU.; five sons. Elmer therine Wall Wa Dunn of Ciemmons, HoUoway North Main Sin Dunn of Sheraton, Mo., Bill ville, widow of 1 Dunn of Advance, Route 1, ters, died at 12 Joseph Dunn of Ciemmons, Rt. Tuesday at Frar 2. W. A. Dunn. Jr. of Wins- Home, ton - Salem; and a brother, She was bom Isaac Dunn of Advance, Rt. County to John 1 1. belle Mille Wait Funeral services will be held member of Oak i Thursday at 4 P. M. at Beth- odlst Church, i lehem Methodist Church by Surviving are the Rev. Paul Hart Jo^ W. Waters MOCKSVim: - Mrs. Ka tharine Wall Waters, 50. ol North Main Street, Mocks-] ville, widow of Milton Wat-I ters, died at 12:15 P. Ml Tuesday at Fran Kay Beet Home. I She was bom in Davie County to John W. and Isa- belle Mille Wait She was a , member of Oak Grove Meth- ^ odlst Church. i Surviving are three a<Hts, j John W. Waters of Seattle, WashteglMf, mOlaatf W« Waters of GTeenrttoro; a bro ther John W. Wall of Greens boro; and a sister, Mrs. Louiae W. Frenette of Little Rock. Ark. *nie funeral was at 2 P.M. Thursday at Oak Grove Me thodist Church- Burial was in the Rose Cemetery. Bio — Obituaries - 11/10/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, November 10,1966 mill I ni in I ij Mfciyw i m 'hw i J.JLM 0flMte4 Junei Arnold Ward, 08, of Rt 4, SaUabury. dlad al thai Veterans HoapUal at f pm. Friday after am illBHB «( kw He was a famer and a yeit- en, Bay Wart of Bt 4 ialli^l binry and J. W. W«d of! Woodleal: three ilateii» lta.j OoeU Taibrottgh, Ibe. BFaaaa MWrey, both of Burttagtoa, Ifra. B8 Hoarard of lasoki- viUe: oae half*ilaler. Ifri. W. M. HhftUfi of MowviBe; and two half^brotfaera, Morgan Wart and C & Shaeta, both of SatUboiy* Funeral aervioei were con ducted Sunday at 8:00 pjn. at Baton*e rhapel in Mockiville by tte Rev. Banha Mulls. Bur ial was In Manedrmla Mora vian Ceimteyy. Bio - Obituaries -11/10/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 17,1966, Page 5 ivros. SAMUEL BAITY Mrs. Elizabeth \Vhlte Baity, 48, ofi Yadkinville, Bt. 2, wife of Samuel Baity, died Tuesday at Davic County Hospital. She had been In declining health for several years. She wos bom In Yadkin Oounty to Philmore and Addie Dl.xon White and was a member of Turner's Creek Baptist Church. She was env ployed by Lula Conrad Hoots Me morial Hospital as a nurses' aide. Surviving are her husband; her parents of Vadkinvillc, Bt. 2; a son. Donald Bally of fioonvlllc, Rt. 2: three brolhcrs, Paul and Tommy While of Mocksvlllc. Rt. 5, and Mill* ard While of LowlsvlIIc, Rt. i; and t\vo sisters, Mrs. W. E. CMaro of • Cicmmons and Mrs. Edward Hut* chins of Mocksvllle, Rt. 2 The funeral will be at 2:30* p.m. Thursday at Turner's Crock Baptist' Church, Burial will be In the church! cemetery. The body is at Mackie*. Hinshaw^Gcntry Funeral Home. J. F. LEACH Funeral services for John Frank Leach, Sr.. 70, of Rt. 7, Salisbury, were held ot 2:30 p. m. Saturday el Lyerly Funeral Home Chapel by I the Rev. Charles Page and the Rev. ' C. C. Murray. Burial was in Rowan Memorial Park. Pallbearer^ were Paiil Allen. C. F. Leach, Norman Leoch, Grady Flowers, Lee Hopkins and Ed^Stln* C6. Mr. Lcach was a native of Dovie County. He was born April I2, 1896, to Perry E. and Julia Leach. He was educated In the Davle County schools. A retired printer, he was a mem ber of the First Methodist Church. He was a veteran of World War 1, having served with the U. S. Army and belonged to Rowan Barracks No. 494. Survivors include his wife, the former Ida Jenkins, whom be mar ried on Oct. 1919; one son, J. Frank Loach, 'jr. of Salisbury; t«'o daughters, Mrs. Gideon 0. Miller and Mrs. George $tiiicy, both of Rt. 7, Salisbury; one brother. Will Leach of MaHlnsvllIc.' Va.; one sister, Mrs. Lonnie Hopkins of Mar- tinsvillo, Va.; three grandchildren: and one great-grandchild. COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, November 17,1966 Rosie Keller Of Mocksville MCXTKSVTLLE - Miss Rosie D. KeUer died at 7:30 P.M. Tkiesday at her hon^ on Cen ter St, ModcsviUe, ^ m heart' 'attadc: Eteughter of the late Alex ander and Lela Bowles Kell er, was bom in Devie County. She betcmged to Center Me thodist Church. Survivors indude four bro thers, W. F. and Oscar Kell er, both of Mocksville, SL 1, and W. L. Keller of High Point, one sister, Mrs. N. M. Beck Cooleemee. Funeral services were con ducted Thursday at 3 PM. at Eaton's Funeral Chapel by the Rev. Benny Bear den and the Rev. Roble Svans. Burial was in Center Methodist Church Cemetery. J-F.Leiel, ^ 70,OftMte7 Jkshn Frank Leadi, Sr., TIL oi BL 7, Salisbury, died OB Hitiraday, November 10th a| Bowaa ICemorial Ho^iitaL Bi had been serioudy 111 fti one day but death was eapeeted. J A native Davie Couatoeg he was bom April 12, IMSS son of Perry E. and AdM Leach. He was educated IdS the Davie County acdmoht,^ A retired pricrter, he waa m nMBilMfi d the First Mfitfan m dirt Cbuith. He was a whtj eran of World War 1, haF<^ ing ttfved with the H, |iy Anny, and bdoaged to an Barrwdcs Mo. 4M. Sorvivon iartude his the former Ida Jenkina, wfacna be married on Octoher 1010; one aon, J. FraaiB Leach, Jr.. of 629 W. Cottdl SL; two daughters, Mrs. O0> dean C. Miller and Mnk George Stilley, both at 9L 7, SaltrtMiy; oaa brpther, HM" Leach oi MartinsvOM^ 'Vini one sister, l&s. Lnwue fchM of Martinsvilk^ Ya.; 0 | grandfhlVtcen; and ooa j i Bio — Obituaries — 11/17/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, November 17,1966 ■rt.r.1. KALWBimY isJcaion PDtu. 91, ni au 9m\Flther StrMt, widow at Wlm» •nt Rowan Potu, diiid Mlar•t Kmas jBofft Koiot W,Spencer. | Sb* wot )bom in tevi*;Count3^ Mid wei a mMnbef; of Firet Baptist Cimroh of Balifimry. Burvlvinf are five eons, Jemat A, PotU of XIanviUe, Va., Virgil W. Potia of Hy. attsvUle. Md.. Vemon V.Foita of Waabingt^ D. C., nnd Aaymond ic. mu of .Edgewatar. Md.; ti»at daugh-I lers. Mrs. Roy frilU of Ar« lington, Va.. Mrs. BMia Cau« bit Watkini of Rorida and Mri. Hoy Lee WUUama. with whom Mn. PotU lived. ' The funeral was at 8 PJf. Monday at SumniMeett Me* 'morial Oiapal. to'ial wu in Ciiasinut HiU Ogmaltry. Bio - Obituaries -11/17/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, November 24,1966, Page 5 ti Mlis hoste Ketter Funeral sen'tces for Miss llosle t>» Keller of Cenier fiiret, Nvcre held ^rsdoy al 3 p.fn. at Eaton'fl Fa* nerot Chopel by the Rev. Benale Beordon end the Rev. Roble Evans. Burial was In the Center Methodist Churdi cemetery. Miss Keller died at 7:30 p.m. Tuos* day at her home of a heart attack. She was the daughter of the late Alexander and l<cla Bowles Iteller and was born In Bavie County. She was a member of Center Methodist Church. ' Survivors Include four broUiers, AV. IP. and Oscar Keller, both of MocksvlUe. M. E. Keller of 3U. 1. Mocksvllle. and W. L. K^Ier of High Point; one sister, Mrs N. M. Bedc of Ceoleemee. , A W. PItelps f\inora1 services for Arthur Wse* man Phelps, 80, of Rt. l, Cleveland, were held Sunday at 3 pjn. at the Corinth Church ^ Christ of Rowan County. Burial was In the clntrcfa cemetery. Mr. -Phelps, a retired fanner, died Friday at Davis Hospital In States* ^Ue, whore he had been a patient pfor one df^ following a heart at* . He was bom In aJavte County, Oe* idler M. 1883. and was the son of the late A. W. and Sara Safley Phelps. .. Survivors are his wife, former f^el Seamon, seven sons, Fred and CecU. of Sallsbuiy, Walter, John A., and Wllllaro C, all of Cooleemee, Odell of Clevdand, J. B.. of Reck* wen, Md.: one doubter, Mrs. ^eiyn Solder of RL 1, develand* three brothers, Gilbert of Mt. Flea^ 'ant; Lee and Raymond of Rt 4, l^odcsvillo; five sisters, Mrs. Maude ^O^ls of Woodleal, Mrs. Taylor Can, Mrs. Grace Woolen, Mrs. T. R. Burton and Mrs. Stella MeCIam* ^rodc, an of Rt. 4, Mocksvnie; 17 "irandchndrBn; and dx great gnrnd* .^bBdren. Jesoe B. Bed: -SoFluneral services for Jesse Soone Bed;, 63, of Rt. 1, Sallsl^. were held Ho^ay at 2:60 pjn. at Sum* mersetl Memorial Ctu^l. The Rev. wnilam M. Johnson; Sr. and tha Rev. fW. fra Warren officiated. Bur- ^ial was to the Jerusalem Baptist' piEflrch cemetoylfiii I^to'Cninty* ^ Mr. Seek died SMurday nl^ at Rowan Memorial HospltaL Be had been in declining heatlh for six months and seriously HI for four weeks. Be was bom September 6, 1883 In Davte County aid was the son of the late Henry and Amanda Batty Bedc. Be was educated in Ibe Davie County Sdtcola and had retired from farming in Davle. BO was a member of Coolednee Episcopal Church and attended Jemsa^ Banttst Churdi. . Bis first wife died June 19, 1913. and his sectmd wife, whom he ma^ lied In 0968, died last Easter. . Be Is durvlved by three sens. Vestal Beck and'Gllmer Bedt of Rt a, Salldntiy and Grimes Beck of SUdimond, Va.. alx daughters; Mrs. Houston Ghoaf of Wadilngton, D. €., Mrs. Edmund Swicegood of ]Uch- mend, Va., Mrs. Robert J. Black* wdder of Sallshuty. Mrs. James Barnhardt of RL 3. Mocksvllle and Mrs. T. F. RIdenhour and Mrs. C. R. RIdenhour Jr. both of Rt 8; IB grandchildren and 14 great grand* ^dren. P Mn. BlandM llanes caemetit Funeral services were bdd for Mrs. Blandie Hanes Clement, 73, of North Main Streot, Saturd^ at 3 p.m. at First MeUiodlsi Churdi. The Rev. Gilbert Miller conducted the service. Slurtal wns In Rom Cemetery. She died Thursday at the home of a daughter, Mrs. 2. V. Kendrlck of Charlotte. She was a former school tQadier and Davle County Itbrarian. She was the daughter of the late Phllltp and Sarah Clement Hanes. Surviving are her daughter; two grandchildren, ard a sister, Mrs. Mary Hanes Crow of Moeksvilc. IklRS. CHARLES BOGEB Fbneral mrvtces for Mrs. Amanda Elizabeth Roger, M, of Mcdtsvtlle; RL 3, were held Ihursday at 4 p. m. at Eaton's Chapel. Burial wos In Bethel Methodist Church cemoteiy. Mrs. Boger died Tuesday night at homo. She was bora In Davle County (o Henry and Jane Ballsy Miller. Surviving are three deugbters, Mrs. Roy White, Mrs. Theodore Brown end Mrs. Wobdrow of MocksvlUe, Rt 8; and three aonit Charles Boger of China Grove, Cla^ ence Boger of Kaanapolls and Grady Boger of Mocksvine. Rt 3. . Bio - Obituaries - 11/24/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, November 24,1966 A. W. Phdps Retired Famer Arthur Wiseman Phelps, SO, retired farmer of RL 1, Cleve land, died at 3:53 A. M. Fri day at the Davis Hospital at StatesviUe where he had been a patient for one day follow ing a heart attack. Born in Davie. County, Oct. 11, he was the son of the late A. W. and Sara Sal- ley Phelps. Survivors are his wife, for mer Ethel Seamon, seven sons Fr«i and Cecil, of Salisbury, Walter; John A, and William C., all of Cooleemee, Odell, of Cleveland, J. B. of Rock well, Md., one daughter, Mrs, Evelyn Snider of Route 1, Cleveland; three brothers Gil bert, of Mt. Pleasant Lee and Raymond, of Rt 4, Mocks- Iville; five sisters, Mrs. Maude ! Nichols of Woodleaf, Mrs. i Taylw Call, Mrs. Grace Woot- : en, Mrs. T. R' Burton and Mrs Stella McClamrodc, all erf Rt 4, MocksvUle; 17 gramkhild- ren; and six great-grandchild- ,rcn. Mr. Pheips was a znemb«' of Corinth Church of Christ of Rowan County where fu neral services wen conduct-1 ed at 3 P. M. Sunday. Burhdi was in the church cemetery. I IBSSE B. JesseB-Beck Bt1,Sallsbiry Jesse Boone Beck. 83, of Route 1. Salisbury, died Sat urday night at at Row an Memorial HospitaL He had been in declining health for six months and seriously ill for four wedlcs. He was bom Sept 8, 1883 in Darie Comity and was the son of the late Henry and Amanda Baity Beck. He ; was educated in the Davie County Schools and had re tired from farming in Davie. He was a member (rf Coolee mee Episcopal Church. His firsi wife died June 19, 1948. and his second wif^ whom he married in 1958, died last Easter. Mr. Beck is survived by three sons. Vestal Beck and Gilmer Beck of Route 1, Sal isbury and Grimes Beck of Hichmcmd. Va.; six daughters Mrs. Houston Slmaf of Wash ington, D. C., Mrs. Edmund Swicegood of Richmtrnd, Va.; Mrs. Robert J. Blackwelder of ; Salisbury, Mrs. Jamlea Bom- ; haitit of Route 3. MocksviUe i and Mrs. T. F. Ridenhour and Mrs. C. R. Ridenhour Jr., both of Route 8; 18 gmMichtl- dren and 14 grMtgMMkfaihl- nm , TTtf funeral was OMKluctad at Aimmmett Mwnorial Cha- pti Monday aftmuwa at 3:- 80.TheBev.WUUcnU. John son and the ^v. W. In Warm officiated Burial wm in ^ Jen»alem Saiiiitt CBnrit in HK^a ODuilik < Bio - Obituaries - 11/24/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, November 24,1966 MR-llpeit DmUkiiiiii Mo^sviUe — Mc& Wnnffte Hanw Qemait Miuctti Maio ^ died at the home of her daughto', BIrs. Hamm C3m- ^ Koidkidc. in Cliailatle at 6 P. BL Nov. 17. She was the rtaughtfr of Fldlb^ and Sara fScDsait and the wife the late J. Fkank Clwuent She was a fanner sdtooi teachs and Davie County lAnoian. Surviving are dan^ tov 8®cs. Kendifrif «t CtaX' iMte^ md oaa sister, Mrs. Crowe (d Moclesviiie. Funeral services were held Saturday at 2 P. B1 at, the UotfcsviHe First 'Bia&Ddisl Chordi fay . the Bev. INlfaect Beiner. Burkl was In Bose Cemeiwy* Bio - Obituaries -11/24/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 1,1966, Page 5 ^ MRS. ClIRSTRR HATCHER Funeral service for Mrs. Coltccn Bollcy Hoichcr, 41, of Atwoter. CoUromla. a iMccksvlUc ttoUvc. were held ^iniay al 3 p. m. al Fork Bopllst Church. Burial was In the churd) cemetery. Mrs. Hatcher died Tuesday In an Alwaler Hospital. She was born In Davie County to C. 0. (Ned> and Ila Aron Bollcy. Surviving arc her husband, Col. Chester Holcher of the U. S. Army In Alwater; a sister, Mrs. Robert Swcenson of Winston^lem; two brothers, Bobby Ballcy of Advance, Rl. 2, and BUIjn Bailey of ModcsvlUe, RL 3: and two sons, Cralg and Chris Hatcher of the home. GILBERT MARTm jF^ineral services for Gilbert Mhrt- In Sparks, 43. of MUcon. Georgia, formerly of MoeksvDIe, Rt. 3, were hold Saturday at 3 p. m. el Baton's | Chapel, ^rial was In Bethel Melh* odlii Church Cemetery. Mr. Sparks was found dead In his 1^ Thursday outsldo the Macon| Ky limits, Coroner Paul Comer of ^ones County, Go., said that Sparks bad 0 cut over his right eye, anoth er on the back of his head and an other on the lower part of his stom ach. jSpark's blood hod a high al cohol content, he said. The coroner sold Indications were that death was from natural causes. He said the Injuries could have be<m caused In a fight or a foil, but that they appeared to have no connection with the death. Comer sold Sparks parked his car beride the road about midnight ond IdTl the engine running. The engine was still running whoi the body was found about 7:43 a. m. Thipsday. MRS. A. e. CRANFtU< Funeral services for Mrs. Dora Jordan Cranflll. 60, of MocKSvllte, Rl. 2, were held Tuesd^' at 2 ' p. m. at Batons Baptist Church. I Burial was In the church cemetery. I Mrs. Cnanfin died Sunday nigbi hi 'Davic County llospllol. j She was born In DavIc Oeunty to Alcxoiulcr atld Emma Stanley Jordan. Sunivlng are her huSband, And rew E. Cranflll; three daughters, Mrs. DoroMty Dyson of Moeksvllle. RL 3, Mrs. Mary Lou Poster of Moeksvllle, RL 4, and Miss Nell • Cranflll of the home; a son. Stacy' Cranflll of Moeksvllle, RL 2; a sister, Mrs. tLoVa Gregcf^ of Mockwille, RL 1; and (wo bralbcn^ Henry Jordan of \Trginla and Joe Jordim cf Mocksvlllo, RL 2. Re was bom In Dovie County to •Henry and Maggie Lee Hcllard ^arks. Ho moved to Macon about six years ogo. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Bes sie Zusak l^rks of Moeksvllle, RL 3; his feUiOT of Moeksvllle, RL 3; two stms, John Spariis of Fort .Bragg and James Spotia of the home; a daughter. Miss Susan Sporks of the .•homo; four brothers,. William paries ifej -Wlnstdn-Satcm. T. J. Ptosvine. Rl. 3. Bobb/^Spbrid bT MRS. EFFIE BINGllAH Mrs. Effle Blnghom, 83, of Farm er, died Thursday aCloracpn In .a Randoljdi County {Hospital from wounds she had received :the day before when her clothing caught fire as she was putting wood In a flreplacc In her liome. , , Surviving ore four sons, Donald: BIngham of Advance,.Fred^4 Hal' Bbigham of Clemmons and Wayie BIngham cf Rockwell; a dBpghter.l Mrs. E. W.- Auman of Mnll^; two sisters, Mrs. Ullie Plunlmer of Themasville. Itt. 2, and Mb Mam ie Wright of High Point; and a brother, W. A. Johnson of Donton. Mrs. BIngham was burled Sun day. MocksvUIc. RL 3. ond Donald Sparfcs- of Moeksvtlte; and four sisters, Mrs. Helen Yokley. Mrs. Doris MoDan-j lei ond Mrs. Betty Jo Bowens of Moeksvllle, Rl. 3, and Mrs.'Emily Bunins of Winston-Salcm. MRS. MARY DICKERSON SMTTn Mrs. Mary DIckersoa Smith, of Clark Mreet, Jersey (3ly. N. J. wife 'of Wendol Smith died al home ot 7 a. .m. Sunday morobig. ^ was born in Dbvic Couigy to Mr. and Mrs. Qcorgo W. Mltehell of the Redtand community. She had lived In Jersey City thirty sev en years. lolernmenl fook place In Jersey C'/y. n . * Bio — Obituaries - 12/1/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, December 1,1966 Mrs. Hatcher Davie Native MOCKSVILIiE -- Mrs. Co- leen Bailey Hatcher, 41, of "Atwaler, Calif., died Novem ber 22 at S P. M. after being sick with the flu. Bom in Davie County Oct. 21, 1829, she was the daugh ter of C. O. (Ned) and Ua Aaron Bailey, Rt. 3, Mocks- ville. She is survived by her hus band, Lt. CoL Chester Hatch er; two sons, Craige and Chris of the home: ons sister, Mrs. Robert ^vmson of Wlnston- Salem; two brothers, Bobby Bailey of Advance, Rt 3, and Billy of Rt. 3, Mockaville.. JXineral services were con ducted Sunday at 3 P. M. at Fork B^;itist Church with the Rev. Roy Young officiating. Burial was in Fork Baptist Canatery* Tamara ReneeGrubbs ChiM,2,Diesli fall FroB Gir 1 - •- •• MOCKSVILLE - Tamara Renee Grubbs, 2, (teughter of Hr. and Mrs. J. P. Grubbs ot Mocksville, Rt. 3, was thrown, from a car and killed in an automobile accident about 4:- 50 P. M. Wednesday. The accident occurred on U. S. 64, about 6 miles east of MockWiile. Patrolman J. W. Pittman. said a car driven by Mrs.! Johnsie Gobble Grulhs, the child's mother, collided with' 8 Merchants Distributors Inc truck driven by Jerry Dean Lowman, 26, of Hickory. Pittman said the Grubbs; car turned onto the highway as the trtick approached. The truck, Pittman said, ran off the road into a ditch to avoid; the car, but the rear wheel of the truck struck the right rear of the car. Pittman estimated damage to the car at |500 and to the truck at $1,000. No charges were filed, pen ding further invesUgatioiL The child's body is at Ea ton -Funeral Home. O. M. Spartcs Davie Native Mocksville- Gilbert Utitbi Sparks, 45. of Maoon. Gil, died Thursday. He was the son of Henry and Maggie Hellard Sparks of Rt. 3, Mocksville. He is survived by his fath er; his wife, Bessie Zuzak; two sons, John Sparks of the U. S. Army of Ft. Bregg and James Sparks of the home; ' one daughter. Miss Susan ; Sparks of the home; four bro thers. William of Rt. 11, Win- j ston-Saleai, P. J. and Donald I of Mocksville; four sisters, I Mrs. Helen Yokcly, Mrs. Da- ris McDaniel, Mrs. Betty Jo Bowens, all of Rt. 3, Mocks ville, and Mrs. Emily Bul- Jins of Winston-Salem. Funeral services were con ducted at 9 P. M. Saturday at Eaton's Funeral Home Cha pel. Burial was in Bethel: Methodist Church Cemetery! with the Rev. G. M. James i officiating. i Bio — Obituaries - 12/1/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 8,1966, Page 1 Two-Year-Old Killed In Wreck I A lwo>year«old child was instant* ly killed when she was thrown rrom the rear seat of a car in a lwo*vchicle eoliislon November 30lh on US 64 Eosl. 0*miles east of ftlodtsviUe at the Intersectloo of the No Creek Road, lite accident occurred around 4:80 p.m. Taroara Renee Grubbs. daufibter of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Grubbs of Moeksville Rl. 3. was killed Instant* J>* The child was a pasenscr in the back seat of a ISGO Ponliac driven by her mother. Mrs. Johnste Gob* bio Gruldis, as. of Mocksvlltc ill. a. A sister. al»ut 14. was In Ike front seal. Elate lUiitivray Patmbnan Juhn PJltmaii said liul Mrs. lintbbs sti^ |ied l»r car on the No Creek Road end Iben attempted to make a left lore onto US 61. •Pairobnao Piunian saiJ lhai Jer* ly Dean iootnan. 'J6. of Mickor>'. driver of a im Ford truck, was drivloo ihe vehicle wosi on the high way. Re apidted the truck brakes as the car pulled into the blgbway In inal el bis veUtic. Patrolman PllUnan said liial ap parently the left front of the truck bumper caught Ihe rifihl front of iho car. The Impact apjtarentty caused Ihe child in the back seal to bo thrown Ihruuflh Ihe.window in the back door. <Tbe glass In this door was broken out.) The lefl rear of the truck Ibcn swung around and hit Ihe right rear of the car. The truck overUirned off the high way In a ditch. The child's death was the 13th highway faiailty in Davie County 'his year. Damages incurred were estimot- sd at rijJOO to the truck and USD. o (he car.. Survirers include Ibe parents, 'ohn p. and Jnhnsie Gntldts; a sis ter Doiiita (irtdiis id the iioine: a 'roiber. Sephen Gruttbs of the bunte, Ihe iirjleriiai grandiiaither. Mrs. Ida flee Gobble of Rl. 10. bex- 'ngion: and the paternal grand mother. Mrs. Myrtle Grubbs of Rt. 3. Moeksville. Funeral services were conduct ed at 3 p.m. Friday at Fork Rap- list Otureh by the Rev. Roy Young and the Rev. Deli Suggs, ^ial wss ilLltHLGlMltdLCg^ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 8,1966, Page 4 j>. W. snoAP • Sflmerel services for Daniel Wofa- Bier Shnnf. 19. of Ooolecmce. were held Sunday oi 2 p. m. at Goton's Piineral Chapel, Rev. Robert Frost conducted the services. Bu^ lol was In South River Methodist Church cetnclery. Mr. Shoat died Friday morning at his home. A retired tocUte,worker, he was born in Dovidson County to John Henry and Mary Carver Shoof. SurvK'ing arc the wife, .the form er Miss Maggie Swink: four daught- ore. Mrs. Lloi'd H. Taylor of Cool- eemce. Mrs. <Howard Reed of Thomasville. Mrs. John Muiph of WoOdioor. and Bdra Edword Free man of Rome. N. Y.. one son, Lcray Sheaf of Mocksvitie, Rt. 4: two brothers, Rome Sioaf of Moeksville. Rt. 4. and Roy Sheaf of Soiisbury: two Bikers, Mrs. Fink Foster of Lexington, and Mrs. W4R>ur Creason of Moeksville, Rt 4. KATHBV DIANNE LACKEY ■Funeral services for Kothcy Dion- ne Lackey, it, of Stalesvlitc, Rt. l.were held Fri^ at Chestmit GroveBai^ Churdh In Ircdcil County. Burloi was In the chiiroh ccmriciy. SiRss Lackey died Wodncsdoy at tredell Memorial Hospital in States- viUe after a brief illness. Surviving ore her porents, Mr. and Mrs. Conway Lackey: a sister, Wdcey Lackey of the home; o brother Perry Ladccy the home; and gramnrerilSf Mr. and - hirk. Bonnie Ballon of Huntersvillc. - FRANK DBPARLK Frank Deparle, CO, of Key West Florida died Wodncsdoy in o hos pital Uiere. tie was bom in Horlford, Conn, ami was a relired chief physician in ihe U. 8. Novy. He was marrleil to Ihe former Virginia Hoyte of Moeksville who survives. Funeroi services were conducted Sunday at 3:30 p. m. at Eaton's Funeral Chepci. Burial was in Fbrk Eplsctpal Church ccmclcry. Bio - Obituaries -12/8/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thui-sday, December 8, 1966, Page 4 cnooKs iNPA>rr runcml services for the Infant snn, of .Terry nnd Siivo Morris Bronks of Mocksvlllc, Rl. 4. were heirt Tucsdny at 3 p. m. at I!alon's Funernl Home. Burial was In Dulclmnn's Creek Bapllst Church ccmelerj*. Suin-ivlng .nrc the parents; o brother. Jorrj- Brooks of the home; and (he gramlparcnls, Mrs. Ruby Morris Bnrncs of Mncks\-ille. RU 3, and Mr. and Mrs. Rotdc Bioitks of Mucksville, Rl. 4. CtlARLTE RAUL WALKER FUncrol services for Cliorlie Paul Wolkcr, 03. of 501 Adorns Street. • Lexington, were held Frido.v at 4 p. m. at Ihc Second United Churd) of Christ with Dr. A. Odeil Leonard offlclallng. Burial u-as In Le.xington Clly Cemetery. Mr. Walker dic<l Wcdne.scloy, after suffering a heart attack. lie was born In Davie County. August 3. 1B83 and 'Was the son of the late Jesse and Emily Jane Hcndrlcks Walker. Surviving ore seven daughters; Mrs. Willbm Tjomos, Mrs. Willie Mcdiln. Mrs. Glenn Burkhart. Mrs. I Brooks Hnmillon, Mrs. J. W. Mor« j pills, Jr.. Mrs. Sylvester Derrier, oil of Lexington and Mrs. Alvin Mason of Troy. COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, Decembers, 1966 FrakDeiMrfo MOCKSVILLE Fnok De. parle. 60. of Key West. Fla., died Wednesday in Davie hos- IMtal. He was bom in Hartford, Coiia. and was a retired chief physician in the U. S. Navy. Survi\-ors include his wile Mrs. Virginia Hoyle Deparie. a Mocksville native. funeral was at 8:30 P.- M. Sandsy at Eaton's Funeral ChapeL Burial was in Fbric Epi^psl Church cemetefy. Brooks hfnt MOCKSVnXE " The ki- fliht son of Jerry and SUva Moiris Brooks of MocksviUe Boute i, died at 1:^ P. M. MLonday at Rowan Memorial liosi^tal in Salisbury. Die cnlld was premature. 'Surviving are the parents; a brother, Jprry Brwks of the home; and the grandpar ents, Mrs. Ruby Morris Barnes of MocksvilU, Route 8, and' Mr. and Mrs. Robie Brooks of ModuvUle, Route 4. Die funeral was at 8 P.M. Tuesday at Baton's Funeral Bocne. Burial wu in Dutch man's Creek Bep4ist Cbuirii cemetery. i DauelW.Slioaf{ MOCKSVILLE - Daniel! Webster Shoaf. 79, of Coolee- mee. died Friday at home. He was a retired employe of Erwin Mills. He was bom in Davidson County to John Henry and Mary Craver Shoaf Maggie Swink Shoaf; four daughters. Mrs. Lloyd H. Tay lor of Cooleemee, Mrs. How ard Reed of Thomasvine, Mrs. John Murphy of Woodleaf and Mrs . Edward Freeman of Rome, New York; a son, Lee Roy Shoaf of Mocksvilie, Rt. 4, two brothers, Rome of MocksviUe, Route 4, and Ray Shoaf of SaUsbury: and two sisters. Mrs. Pink Poster of LexinftM and Mrs. Wilburn Creasoo of MocksviUe, Route 4. The funeral was at 8 P.M. Sunday at Batoru Chapel. Bu rial was in South River Meth odist Church eenetery. m wiimm YADKINVILLE - Bdd WU- kins, 80, of Yadklnville. Rt. 8, died at 6:U P. M. Sat urday at Lula Conrad Hoots Memorial HoepitaL lie was bom in Yadkin County to George and Sarah Reavu Wilkins and was a mennhpr of South Oak Ridge Baptist Church. Surviving are his arife. Mrs. Susie Jane Bciadte Wilkins: three daugbtna, Mrs. Richard Darlington oi YadkinviUe, Mrs. W. A. Ccaner Jr. and Mrs. Harold Bobbitt of Yad kinviUe. RL . 8; three scmk. Bio - Obituaries - 12/8/1966 Oiady WUkiw of BoonviUe, Howard Wilkins of Cooleemee and Carl E. Wilkins of Kern- ersviUe; and four sisters, Mrs. Andrew Reevis of Yadkin viUe. RL 5; Mrs. 1. A Wishon and Mrs. Grover Myers oi YadkinviUe. Rt 8, and Mrs. Nealie Livengood oi Winston- Salem. The funeral was at 8 P.M. Monday at Couth Oak Ridge Baptist Church. Burial was in the diurch cemetery. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 15,1966, Page 5 Mns. i>isAni. sfttrrti potts i Funeral .services Tnr Mrs. IVarl rmlU) Pelts, to. Miiekirvlllc. HI. .1.1 were held Kundny at n |>. m. at Eatbn's Chapel. Httrlol vims In Wcs< Icy Methodist Church cemetery. 'Mrs. \Vhl:c died Saturday at the Lynn Haven Nursing Home. She was bom In l).tvie County to Willlcni Gordon vtind Fl'suibcih SUilHt. Itcr husband. \V. T. Ptdls dUd In ttoo. Surviving is a sister. Mrs. .1. ! G. Allen cT Mochsvillc. Rt. .1; two stepdaughters, Mrs. Burlle Boger or Mochsvillc, Rt. 2, Mrs. Mlllnrd I Boger of Mcchsv l}te. Rl> 4; two , strpsons, Charlie Potts of Mocks* j villc. Rt. 3. and Prank Potts of Mocksvllle, Rt. 1. HOWARD V. SAFI£Y Funeral services for Howard V. Safley. St. nf Rl. 8. Salisbury, were I Iteld Friday <d 2:20 p. m. at {.ycrU' Funeral Cho|x>l by the Rev. J. D. Whisnnnt. iwstor of Calvary Church, and the Rev. J. R. Dawklns. pastor of Main Street Methodist Chureh. Mr. Safley died Thursday at Ro* wan Mcmnrlal Itoqittal. Ho had liccn in declining health for three years and seriously ill for wcelis. He was born Jamiory 23. lOlS. In Hnvie County ond was educated In the l>aviu County schools. Mr. Saf* Icy was a member of Calvory Bop* list Churcli. lie is survived by his wife, the fotmer Frances Maudlin; one sop. Hcwnrd Lynn Safley df the home; one daughter. Mrs. Bcbby bees. Rt. 8, Salbbnry and one grandchild. He was the brother of Mrs. Lucille Hobcrtson of Mocksvllle. CHARLIE E. DRINDLG Funeral services for Charlie Ed* word Brindlc. 04. of Duko Street, wore held ot 2 p. m. Wednesday ol Advoncc Methodist Church. Burial was in the church comctcry. die was born in Davie County to William and Dora Orcll Brindlc and wos n mvmber of Advance Melh* odisi Church. He was a rellrcd Er* win Mill employee. Surviving ore his wife, Mrs. Mary tdrlnlyrc Brindlc; 0 son. Charlie Brindlc .tr. of Coolccmce; two brothers. AIcc Drindle of Morits* vllle, Rt. 4. and F. U Brindlc of Kannapolls: and two sisters. Mrs. Lu Smith of Sa1lri)ury and Mrs. Recto Hcnson of Lexington. CHARLKS DUUN. SR* Funcro) services for Charles L. DuHn. Sr.. 70. of 1012 acmont ' Street, were held Wednesday at 11 a. m. at St. John's Mt£ SUon Church. Buriol wos in HdUonaL cemetery, Salisbury. Mr. Dulln died at the Dovle County Hospital, Sundoy morning. • Sunvlvlng are his wife. Mrs. Alma Dulln; a daughter, Miss Ah^ nic Laura Dulln of Woodmere. N., v.; ond two sons, Walter and Charles Dulln Jr. of Mocksvllle. BILLY DGLORRT MrCOY Billy Dcibert McCoy, SS. a textile worker of Mocksvllle. Rt. 4. vvas found deed In his bed nl home yesterday morning. His death was ruled to be of no* turni causes by the Davie County coroner. He was 0 native of Warrior. Ala* boma and hod lived in Mocksvllle since lost May* Surviving ore his wife. Mrs. Bob ble Jcon McCoy of Worrlor; his mother, Mrs. Viola Doss MeCpy ot Warrior: 0 brother, Marie MeCoy of liong Dole. Cotif., and a ririer, Mrs. Charles Slcelc of Ctevelond. The body wos token to Warrior, Ala. for burial. Bio - Obituaries - 12/15/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, December 15,1966 KIKe D. MeCoy q; Bllli Mn.Pi>lb,80, e.E.BriiHll6,64 e DeR>ert McCoy, 36, textile worker of Route 4, MockBville, died unexpectedly at 5:30 A. M. Saturday at his home. Death was attributed to a heart attack. He was a native of Warrl* or, Ala., bom SafHember 21, li^O, to Mrs. Viola Duss Mc Coy and the late Andrew J. McCoy. He had worked In the , Erwin Mills in Cooleemee since last Miay. In addition to his mother, he is survived by his wife, Bobbie Jean McCoy, both ot Warrior, Ala.; one brother, Mac McCoy of Longdale. CnL; and one sister, Mrs. Charles • Skeeie, Rt 2, Cleveland. Funeral services were held at 2 P. M. Tuesday at the Hughes Funeral Rome Chapel I with burial in the Warrior Cemetery, I MOCK5V1LLE - Mrs. Pearl Smith Potts, 80, of Route 3. Mocksville, died at 7:20 AjM. I Saturday, at a local nursing home. A native of Davie County, she was a daughter of the late William Qordon and Eli zabeth Smith. Her husband was W. T. Potts who died in 1960. Survivors include two step daughters, Mrs. Hurley Boger, of Route 2, Mocksville, and Mrs. Millard Boger of Rt. 4, Mocksville; a sister, Mrs. J. G. Alien of Route 3, Mocks ville. Funeral services were con ducted at 3 P.M. Sunday at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. J. G. Fitzgerald j and the Rev. Joe Phillips. Bu rial waj in Wesley Methodist Church Cemetery. Charlie Edward Brindle, 04, Duke Street, Cooleemee, died at 8:30 A. M, Monday at his home after a lingering Ulnese. Bom in Davie County, De cember 27, 1901, be was the son of the late William T. and Dora Orell Brindle. He was a retired employe of Er- wio Mills. He is survived by his wife, Mary Molntyre Brindle; one son, Charlie Edward, Jr. of Cooleemee; two brothers, Alex and F. L. Brindle of Kanna- polls; two sisters, Mrs. Louei Smith of Salisbury and Mrs. Reece Henson of Lexington. Funeral services were heldi Wednesday at 2 P, M. at Ad-| vanra Methodist Church by; the Rev. Carl Hair and the | Rev. Mr. McKay. I Burial was in the church cemetery. Carrie Rodgers Stilwell l«l Mm ipUBBDHY — Un, Carrie pn &Uw*U, BS, fomm-ly bbrtauy, wtte of Georfe Aid at 6:20 ajot Mky at tfaa Lyimhaven i! name at UocksvUle. IjS was born in Rowan Ugr to gobn C and Mar- I Rodgm. Mm wa« a bar oJ Ccbm Manorial wditt Choreb. Drvtviag are Iwr hotbaad; Morray R. Stilwell of OreeifeRboTO; O. Frank Stil* weU of iMt MU, Ga., BarM C. Stilwell oi Hickory andT Everett R StUweU of Balis-j bury; six daughters. Mrs. Vlr* fla Smith of Concord, Mrs. Margaret Jordan of Coolee mee, Mrs. Lewis Merrill of Aberdeen, llri. B. D. Shot and Mrs. Kathlctn Fesperman and Mrs. Lox fUtdde of Salisbury: a slater. Mrs. J. B. Kridet of Salisbury. The funeral was at 3 |>m. Thuraday at Cobum Memorial Methodist Church. Burial was in Chestnut Hill Cemet«.ry. Bio - Obituaries - 12/15/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, December 15,1966 Mn. WibM, in. Of Dim Cowty MBS. MAGGIE WILSON COOL6CME - Mrs. Maggie Wilson, 101, of Jerusalem Avenua, Cooleemee, died at 11 a.m. Saturday at her home. She had been ill for several weeks. Daughter of the late Leo and Leandu Click, she was bom July 6, 1865, in Davle County. She was a member of New Bethel Baptist Church . in Davie County. She is survived by two . daughters, Miss Mary Lou Wilson and Hn. Leola Walker . both of Cool^mee, 12 grand- cfoUdren and 30 great-grand children. Funeral services were coni^ d^ted at 3 P. M. Tuesday at New Bethel B^lst Church by the Rev. W. M. Adams. Burial was in New B^el Cametary, Bio - Obituaries - 12/15/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA TWIN CITY SENTINEL, Tuesday, December 20, 1966 C. N; Bboef f Davie Natives Clyde Nelson Booc, about 65 lied early today at tbe borne d 1 sister, Urs. Mary 0. Hairstonrl213 N. Cherry Street. He was a native of Davte lij^unty and lived in Washington, s'l). C. 2S years before comiog ' to Whuton-Salem two years ago. tie was a member of Metropoli tan Baptist Church in Washing ton. Surviving are two daughteit^' Mrs. Avis B. Monroe and Mif, Vivian B. Johnson; and twb sons, Earl and Andrew Booe, all of Washington; three ststei^: Mrs. Halrston, and Mrs. Inez Schley of Wlnston-Salem and Mrs. Willie Barkley of Plain- field, N.J.; an seven grandchil dren. Funeral arrangements are in complete. The body la at How* ard-BoUnaon Fonetal Hooie. 11. - -/9C.t Bio - Obituaries — 12/20/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 22, 1966, Page 6 CLYDE F. I'ERI>ER \ F\inerol scrvlcM for Clyde Flake Peeler m, r>oo South Ellis Slrccl.| Salk'-iury, were held Saturday at 3 p. m. a! Lycrly Funeral Chapel, j nuilul was In SainI Luke's United Church el Chrlsl cemetery. He died at his homo Frlda.v morninR. He was Ixirn In Rcwnn Couuty (u Luther A. and Mary Frick Peeler and was a tiishl foreman for Standard Oil Company. He vss n mi-n/jcr of Saint Luke's United Church of Chrl-sl. SurvivinR are his wife, Mrs. Vcrlic Ellcr Peeler: n son, Bill B. Peeler of SnlUbury; (wo daught* crs, Mrs. Ronald Wcnsil of Sails' bury nnd Mrs. II. L. B:ikcr cf HI. 6, S.iUt-bury: a brother, Lcroy PecL or of Salir^ry, Rt. 5; (luce sisters, Mrs. B. L. Ilolshuuscr Sr. and Mrs. C. A. Sink of Salisbury. Rl. 5 and Mrs. C. B. Chambers of Atlanta, Ga. CDARLE W. tRELAND Funeral services for Charlie W. Ireland. 114. of Yadkinvillc, Rl. 3. were held Saturday nt 2:30 p. m. at Sandy Springs Baptist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. Ireland, a retired farmer, died Thursday at Lynn Haven Nursing Home. He was the son of Mr. ami Mrs. Wiliinm Ireland and spent most of his life in Dnvic County. He was a member of Liberty BsplisL Church in Davic County. Surviving arc o daughter, Mrs. Lccitnrd Huyiics of Vadkinville. RL 3; a brother. .lay Ireland of MockS' villc. Rt. 5; and a sister. Mrs. Bthcl Brown of Mocksvlllc. Rl. 3. iMRS. R. A. COON Funeral services for Mrs. Notic Martin Coon, 88, of North Main Street, widow of^ Robert Anderson Coon, were held Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. at Rclhcl Methodist Church. Burial tras in the church ccniictcry. ■Mrs. Coon died Monday morning nt Davic Counl>' Hoq)lla!. She was burn in Pavic County to lillijah and Miwcrva Williams and was a member of Bethel Mellt' oilist Church. Surviving arc two stepdaughters, Mr.s. Albert Bcckcr nnd Mrs. David O^vcn of Bt Peso. Texas. U. Lee Lyerly, 68, Dies Here Tuesday ill ROBERT LEE LYERLY Robert Lee Lycrly, 63. of 7lt Sal isbury Street died at A p. m. Tues day in the Davic County Hospital. He had been in declining health for throe years. ' He wos born In Rowan County to I W. H. C. and Lottie HotshcuscriI Lycrly. He had been manager ofj the Duke Power Co. office here for32 y:urs. He was a member o(^ Chrlstlona Ltilhcran Churdi at Granite Quarry. j Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Corajwilljicc Lycrly; a sun, Robert W. I.: erly of MoeksvUlc; three broth* I ' '. Howard M. lycrly uf Nctt7>ort r .ws. Va.. Floyd l.ycrly of Wil- ju ngtoit and Louis I.yerly uf A^hC' vitle: and tliivo^siMers. Mrs. Keul' :ih Pnrker of * Knnnai>olls. Mrs. Ci "a Taylor of .Mackwlllc and .Mrs. Pi .-ml Harris i>f Chicago. 111. I'tJiieral arningcments were Jn- coiltplele at press time. Bio - Obituaries - 12/22/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, December 22,1966, Page 3 Son Of Davie iWoman Killed In Accident James Robert Lottdetinllk, 18. a freshman at (he Unlveralty of Geo* rgla was killed the automobile • In wbid) he was passenger hit a ' tree early Saturday moralng in At* lanta. Geoitfa. He Is the son of James A, and Katherlne Forebee Loudermltk of j Altonla, Georgia and the grtmdson of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Ferebee of Mocksvllle Rt. 1. ' Funeral services were held Sun* day afternoon and was attended by' relaUves from Davle County. In addition to his parents and grandparents, he Is survived by one slsler. Kay. COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, December 22,1966 Ifaiiatt tt9 iyertr* 601 Stmrnrr Bims, MmMBs, am ft .6 E It ttesdiy bi the Dpife Ooaatw Bomm is Kb had heoi in anftftiinai hcaltti fear the pa^ fhfCbfPaiaihBtdMi wasim- i lih was bom ApsK iff^'lMhrth-Bbno CkranlF and >wasSaiNoaf6attfa w.. ,iuid Isillfe Kpavboeser l4ylL , Kb win ctfaastal in fits Sown ilwiiwlii ' ShOiotrfa mmI fttf O Mm wwmm 60 Ibiikh Pemtr Qwnpamr In Kihttwflla and ttc & C ARM flguini fiyawiitlnnu Sh #19 • nCnber at Ghihli. fUmirfi o( OfBw Bite #Dsi«|r CBd Mocfcnille i4adi#' idi' Ay sBd mc Be ie eBwtiBd bar hto sHfich tba - yvrt'ff* Com Wofftprr wbun ha awifod Drcwnbrr 9,1m ana m, Boben 19I1* ham ItpertF at 606 Socdh hipiftrm Bowaid II. EtpaslF of Kewpwt Hwm Vo« Rofd Ipert# ot W3n6ctoaL and Eowb IpisiF af Kadk Moon* efiwj Cuae fkfffiy Ifty Bob* m Kufcir at fgatmopolf^ Mis. Com Ustor 'ai Mhdoi* rfrfM Rmeral sarvtes were km Huifsday at 240 P. M. at bp the Bm. L. FkanMfti Dor* m, naatef, and tba Bee.d. C. wSlilliDVDw BCRQp py W|kw jffffffpl wBs in tbn If fSm in the cliufch aeam> with Mawntr giawcride tttm wnitucfcd bp Imdavflle Mia tti Bio - Obituaries - 12/22/1966 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MGCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA g: o O' er. oi <ri vO Jr Jl 0 oi Pag( • vN ti -'AL'^te, 4. 4 Darte R' "tired «■«[at Jwme. • '*"'' ywterdaj |to®jota"c"?n? CotatyI Bowles, and Soe&vi^^SaX'rSI Roberta Bowlers|FJa.; three soL«f Washington! '!^''" R»«"aaI Bowles of 'Rla. a! M«fa- w4o!r^^|S,-M"-Graoethree b r o t H rT' 7* ^•'Ss c t;bi^HotvioM a"? « " a.m.Chapeh BSiaMl°\j^cho Chnr^^ orch^L-'ce^! BQ^ i ^ c I ' . L CO CD I" -O [K