Jan - JunDAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 5,1961 - Page 5 Adolphttt B. Oobbto. M Funeral services for Adolphua B. Gobble. Ui of coDleemee, who died l>*rlday. Dec. 30. nl Dovlo Ccunty Hospital, were held Buti- dsy. Jan. l. at 2 pjn. at the Ctolccmce Baptist Church by the Rev. Charles P. Burohidt, Jr. Btu^al was In Fork Boptlst chtireh cemateiy. He hid been In declining health six years and seriously 111 about five days. H? was born Jan. 14. 1870. in Davidson County to Hiram and litne Bwlcegobd OcbWe. He moved to Oavte County at an early age. Ho W4S employed by Brwin Mills In CocJeenice aitd retired in 1944. He was a member of Coolee* mee Baptist Church. Mr. Qebble was maiTled to Mt» Maggie Bcnspn who died In 1982. fioMvlnR are two sons. Gra ham 0(U)bIc of Cooleemee and John B. Gabble of Salisbury: two daiightera. Mrs. H. R. Eaton of ModcsvlUa and Mrs. Prank S^dars ct Coaleemee: eight grand- ehildi-en and 14 great-grandchil dren. Mrs. C. S. Allen, 70 ■Funeral servlees for 8^ Jennie Lc-ach Allen. 70. of Route S, ^are ccnducicd.Mcnday. Jan. 2, at 3 p.m. at Cak Grove Meth:di:H Church by the Rev. George Au- mon end the Rov. Robert Oak ley. Burial was In the ehiuxh fcmitery. Members of the Young Men's Class cf Oak G-rove Meth odist chui-eh were the pallbeareis. Mrs. Allen, wife of C. 8. Allen, died at 2:13 Saturday at Da vie GauR'ty Hcspltal. She had been in d:clinlng health several months and eerhusly ill one week. She wos bom Nov. 4, 1890, to E. P. and, Jolta Handrix LcacH. She had 11^ in Davle County her ontU-e lite. Ghe was a member of Oak Grove Methodist Church. Surviving In addition to her husband are a son. Paul Allen, of NiocksvlUe. m. 3: a daughter, Mrs. L. M. StroUd of MooksVUIe. Rt. 1: seven grandldiildren and four grtat - grahdohlldren: a aister. Mn. P. Ho^s of MarUAB^ vinoi Va.; and three brothers, W. X. Leaoh of Orlando. Pla.« C. G. Lrach of Stovall and J. F. ZjeaCh of Salisbury, Bt. 7. Ulllan Smoet Keonia Mi's. Lillian Sinoot Koonta. .87. of Rt. 4. lyfooksvHle. died at 7:20 B.m. Mizndoy at hsr home. She was bom Jan. 19. 1873, In Davis County, lihc daughter of Scott and Sally Anderson Smoot. She was a member of Satem Methodist OhurGi. She married Jchn H. BicbAtt Who died In 1984. She is Bui-vlved by a sister, Mrs. Ruth Turner of Rt. 1, Mocks- ville. Funrral sarvlees wore held Tuesiay at 9 p.m. at the Salem Methodist Church with the Rev. Oeerge Aumon and the Rev. Gectge Fink In charge. Bm'ial was in the church cemetery. Bio — Obituaries - 1/5/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 5,1961 - Page 5 ttn. i. P. Dyntiit IB Funeral eirvlczs for Mrs. F. Dyson. 95. of McekevlIIe arere held Wednerday aftemson at the New Union .l^thodlst Church Burial was In t>.3 church cemetery. Mrs. Dyson died Tuesday at her home. Shs was bom July 1. 189B. In mdett County to Ur. and ttra. WUUam Bmith. sate fonnerly lived on Harmony. Rt. I, and had lived ut Idoekavtlle for IB yean. Bumvlni are two aons. C. 8. and 8. T. Dyson, both of Winston* Bolem: (wo dauihters. Mrs. Clar ence tUckordson and Mrs. J. R. Calthcr. both of MoekavUle: IB srrandehlldren and 10 great-grand children: and two sisters. Mrs. B;aile dmith or Hal'inony. Rt. 1. and Mrs. Orady I. James of B^ooksvilte, Rt 1. Miss SalUe Taylor The funeral for Miss Bailie B. 'Taylor, 73. of MIscksvlQe. Rt Smith Orcve ccmaninlty* ^ dueled Wednesday oB the anve Methodist choroh by Uw R>sv. Dwight Mashbtln. BurUji^,; was In the Ohureh eemebsry. i Miss Taylor died Monday Eh &' hospiul at Butntr. 1;' 0-' h- DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 5,1961 - Page 3 Thomas r. Baaaon, BO | Thomas Snnbrough Benson. BD. died at Davle County Hospital Friday, Doo. 30. after bemg ser iously 111 five days. Bo had been dlaobled for 90 years. Funeral strvloes were held Sunn day at 4 pjn. at First Baptist Church by the Rev. J. P. Davis. Dho Rov. Wade Rulohlns.' and the Rev. Alvls Cheshire, ^rlal was m Ross cemetery. Nephews serv ed as pallbeaiiera. as was bom May 2F. MR), in Davle County to Stlmbrough and Bell Thomasaon Benson. Burvlvlng are three sisters, Bfirs. Floyd Noytw wRh whom he lived, Mrs. Lester Keller of MoeHsvlUe and BJTs. Howard M^mb of Dunn: end four brothers, John O. Benson of Modesvllle. Harold Behson of MOeksvllIo, Rt. 2, Wol- laee Benson of Oremsboro, and BUI Benson of Charlotte. Bio - Obituaries -1/5/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA m DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 12,1961 - Page 4 Claude W. Thompson | Dies at Home Wednesday ; Ho WBO born Dec. 16. 188T to WUliam Orahom and AlberUne Sink Thompson In Rowan Coun- ty. In 1910 he wa« married to MUa Mae Steole. who died In 2912. To this union was bom a daughter, who died In infancy. In 1914. he married Miss Sue Swicegoddt who survives along with two daughters. Mrs. Leon ard Caldwell of Lexington and Mra. w. M. Ketchle. Jr. of Balls- buiT. and one adopted son. Oeor- go: six grandchildren. Mr. Thompson was a member ol the Rirst Methodist Church of MocksviUe; the Mocksville Masonic Lodge and the Order of the Baslern Star. He worked for ttie State High way Department for 13 years be fore entering the service with V. S. Sou Conservation Service, re tiring three years ago. THOsipSON Funeral services for Cloude W. Thompson. 73, will be held Thursday afternoon at 3 p4n. at bis home. 321 SallsbuiT St.. Mocksville. Burial will bo in the Oakwood Cemtery in Btatesvine. Mr. Thompson died at 7:18 a. ID.. Wednesday, at his home. DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 12,1961 - Page 5 Mn. J. F. O'Neal, 58 'Funeral servlcM for Mts. StcUa Tulterow O'Neal. 65. of the Cen ter Church community of Mbcks- vlUe, wife of John Frank O'Neal, were held last Prldoy. Mrs. O'NcbI, died at her home. She had un- dpi-yonc aurgiiy obcut a month ago and had returned home rc- ctntly. She apparently wbj making a axtlr/flctory recovery untU she sulTorcd n heart attack. She was born Dee. 22, 1906. In D.ivlc County to Hcm-y F. and Elisabeth Arlington Tu>tterow. MK's, OT^eal was an active mamber of Centei- Methodist Church and of the Womb's So ciety of Christian Service at the church.' She was also a member of the Center Homn Demonstration Club. Surviving ore a son, Pfc. John H. O'NcflJ. in the U. S. Army in Germany: a stcpsc-n, Pfc. Wil liam F. O'Neal, also In the Army in Germany; four sisters. Mrs. W. O. Murphy nnd Mrs. "Ji B. Green, bcth cf Mbcksvllle, Rt 4: and Mm. Ed Walker and Mrs. Martin Latham, both of Mocks- •vllle, Rt. I. 5trs. Thomas Towrll. 74 Punt-ral jcnicos for Mrs. Dora Ellsab:th Tcwell. 74. of Harmony. Rt. I. wife cf Thcmas T. Tawell, were hold Jon. 4 at the Scck-ly Baptist Church, Tlie Rev. L. T. Younger nn.l the Rev. Caldwell Heodersun cfflclatEd Burial was In the church cemetery. Mrs. Ti'v.il died Jan. 1 at the Davis Ko!])H.al in Slatcsvllle. She had bc:r in derllniug health for SRveral inor'hs and bad been n patient for three weeks. She wii botn Jan. 30. 1S8S. In Dtvk' County to Richard and Belt Grey Ratl;dgc. | She was a. member, of the So* 1 ciety Baptist diurch. | Mi'. Tcwell iun'Jvea. Bio - Obituaries — 1/12/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, January 12,1961 - Page 1 Claude W. Thompson FUner&l Mrvlces for Ooud* W. Thompson, 73, were Jiefd Thuraday afteciMon «t 3 P. U. el ills home, 331 S&Uebury St, Mockiville. EHiiiel In ihe Oikwood Conelcty In Stateavillf. Mr. Thdminon died a( 7:15 «. Wedon^y, et hli bonw. He wu born Dec. 16,1897 to VVilllani Gmha-m snd Albertln* SUd( Thompson In Row*n County, la 1910 he vrat nitr* ricd to Mii« Mae Sieele, who died in 1912. Tb Ihit unktn was bom a daughter, wtm d ed In infancy, in 19H hf married hlist Sue Swicogood, who survives aloni! with two daughters, Mrs. Leonard Caldwel] oi Ucxing' ton und Mrs. W. M. Ketchie, Jr^ of SaUsbury. and nw a- dopied son. Ooorge; six grand- ch4.d.-cn, hlr. Thompson was a mem. twr of Uw First Methodist Church of Mochsville: the Mockxvllle Masonic Lodge and the Order of the Eaateni Star. He worked for the State Highway Department for 13 yaart before orttering the ser* vtce with U. S, Soil Chimrtva- tlon Service, retiring three yean ago. Bio - Obituaries - 1/12/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 19,1961 - Page 4 Mra. WllllmA Hatley Funeral services for Mrs. Min nie Boscr Hurley. 56. who died Sunday nighV In High Point Mc. morl.i) Hospitol. were hoM Tues day afternoon at 2:30 at Kooncs Funeral Howe by Dr. B. w. Pricc. dr. iSurlal n-as In Oaklown Cemetery near WInston-Salent. VEn. Huiioy wos tho mother of Mrs. Roy Cortner. Pine Street, and a slater of Miu. B. B. Boll, Sanford Avc^ Mrs. Charlie Btuitos. Rt. 4, T. H. Bogcs* of Route 1, and Mrs. Howard Sbroud of Route 4, Statesvllle. and Mrs. c. H. stroud of Route 1. Harmony. Her hus band. iKntliam MdKbiley Hurley, also survives. Also surviving arc two Btepdaughtens. Mrs. Blllle Riddle of Oocalur. Oa., and Mrs. W. Oarlty of Columbus. Ga.: and one stepson. M. ^neer Hurley of Houston, Texas. MVS. HuHoy had been in de clining health five years. She was a native of Davlo Ooitnty and moved to High Point 30 years ogo from Ircdell County. She was a member of Green Street BeipUst Chwch and was I employed by Adaim-Mlllts corp. Wade C. Cornaiscr. 60 Funeral servleeB for Wade C. 'Red) Oomatscr, 60 year old Oiaensboro clothier and olvle leader since the 1020*8. were held last Thursday at Forbls and DicK Memoilal Chapel In Greensboro with the Rev. W. E. "Wisaeman. pastor of the Fiiat Congregational Christian Church, ofUciatlng. Bur- James R. Unvllle. 62 { Punorol services for James i Ralph Unvllle. 62. of Mocksvlltc.l iol was In Forest Lawn Cemetery. Ml*. Coriulzer dUd in the Piedmont Memorial Hospital fol- lowlnr. .several months of dcolln- i Inx hrallh. ; 11; wns a forine]- 0".v;n»bnro [ City raiincilninn. u Ir.irliT in (*{<• ^ tnbll.»ihlng ihr Oi'cciu.lK>ro Cere-; bral P.ilsy Schoal and Ccnl r.il j CnroIIn.n Oonvalewcnt Center and wns nctlve in a host uf aivciut- boro civic, fmlci-uni unti v:i4.>rnn'& orannlsollons. A native of llhivlc County, ho went to Oi-ecnsbai'o In the early 1030*8. working for n shoe store and a dvpartmeni store beloic going Into business for himself. He was n vcloron ot World War 1, a member of the First Con- 9i'ca,-ttiannl Clirlstlnn Church, former president of the Oivcns- tmro Exchange club, a Scottish RIto Mlason and Shrlnor. Ho was pa.it-prviidenl of the Oixc-nsboro Merchants Association, a mem- tier of the Elks Club and was niiin- od lOOf "Man PI the Yvm * by the ^"ev'.iibcro Erchnngo Club Survlv.na are his t1at«r<ii -^r, Mta. Leonard Lasck of Orevns- boro; n son, Wade C. ComatKcr. Jr.. of Mooksvillc, a cerebral pal sy victim; 4W0 blathers. W. P. Comotzer of Parmington, and Glenn O. ^omatzcr of Advance: three sisters. Mia. M, R. Janes of < Advance. Mi*s. C. N. Baity of Lew-1 Isvlllc. Mrs. W. M, Holmes of Route 6. wore held Mbndoy after noon at the Mount OUvo Metho dist Churoh In Wyo by the Rev. Bcimlo fiearden. Burial was in the churoh cemetery. Mr. Llnvllle died In a doctor's ofllce In Yadklnville Saturday. He wn« born May 29. 1603, lo Bcniamln P. Llnvllle and Minnlo Wliitc Llnvllle. He wos a tai*mvr mill hod spent his entlru life in thi* Wyo community. On Pt-b. 35. 1928, he married Miss Nannie Thompson, wno sur vives. Also surviving are three tons, Hugh Lhivlilc of YadklnviUc, Rt. 1, ond Frank and Ray UnvlUo of tho home: throe brothers. John LinvlHo of Detroit. Mich.. Thtic- dorc Llnvllle of Portsmouth. Va.. and Robert Llnvllle of Winston- Salom: four slsteia. Mrs. Gertie amltli of Mocksviuc. Rt. A. Mrs. Mattlile Allied of St. Louis. Mn.. MI'S. Edlih Gordon of Hompton- vlllc, and Mrs. Hattle Sonxo ot Detroit: and three grandchildren. Audubon. N. J. Bio - Obituaries -1/19/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 26,1961 - Page 2 Mn«. Temple Crcnsoni B7 Funeral services for Mrs. Tem ple McDoniols Creoscn. 87. of Rt. 4, MbckavUlo, were held Wednes- d.ny afternoon at the Liliorty Metlicdlst Oiurch. The Rev. R. 0. McClamrock and the Rev. El- our Sellers ofllelated. Burial waa In the church cemetery. Mrs, Creaaon died Monday marninff at the home of a daugh ter. Mrs. O. A. Sltoaf. She had been 111 far several months. She was born Nov. 3, 1873. In Oavie Ccunty. the daughter of Al fred and Salllo Williams McOan- 1;1. Her husband. James 6. Croa- son. died In 1958. iSurvtvUtg arc two daughters, Mrs. Shoaf. of Rt. 4, MoclssvlUc, and Mrs. C.trl Blsckwood of Rt. 1. Woodleaf: one brother. Albert of Clovoland: 15 grandchildren; nrd 33 grcai-grandchlldrcn. MR8. DKliLA KOONTZ. 78 Pnnrral sm'Iccs for Mrs. Delia Crtunvr Koonia. 76. of Mocks- villc. Rt. 1. were held Mondoy nl the Jericho Church of Cltrlst. The Rev. Harold Simmons offi ciated. Burial was in the ehureh cemetery. Mrs. Koonts died Sunday at Itrr home. She had been In de clining health several monMis. She was iiorn In Iredell Coun ty, to Wesley and Mary Galllu'r Cbrtiier. She married E. C. Koontr. He thrd July 0. 1059. I Mrs Koont/. was a member of ji-rteho Ciuireh of Christ. Sui-vlvlna hrr are two daugh- t«rs. MI'S. Austin Renegar of yudkinville. Rt. 3, and Mrs. Paul Poster lywlicyins of Mocksvllle, .Rt. 1: two bisters. Mrs. W. R. ' Kli Corkte of Muvksvtllc and Mrs. ' W. C. Uialiam of Katutapolls: i three brothers, L. P. Gartner of Wroksville. L. R. Cariner of Wiii- : i.ton-6alcro and R. li. Canner of sKonnapolls; and three grand- I children. Bio - Obituaries -1/26/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 2^1961 - Page 2 Mrs. Jl. M. Ifartman i Fimm] services for Mrs. Mary Ei:-/.sbcth (Molly) HsrtJnan. 83. 'T Adivner. Bt. 1. widow of J. H. B.nrlman, wrrc held Tucsdny nf' ;t ruijon al the Arvan-'e Melhn- dlr.i Church, r.ie Rev. Flctcltcr Andrcwii. • tiie ?l4'V. \V. E. P!t<- goriilrl Slid the Kev. C. B. CroV' ford ollU'latcd Uu:ial was in li.c church cemetery* Mrs. Horimon died Simday af- lemoon at the Savlc County Hospital. She had been In declln* ins health two years and crit ically 111 six weeks. Mrs. Haitman was born in Davle County to Alexander and Maria Hartman Bowden. •She was a lifelong resident of Oavie County and a member of Advance Mbthodlst Church. Her husband died In 1921. Surviving arc a son. OrayHarl- mnu of Advance. Rt. 1: a daugh ter. Mrs. Arthur Shult oi Advnnee Rt. 1: three brothers. J. M. and Orover Bowden. both of Advance. Rt. 1. and R. O. Bowden of Notth jSlxatfcu-dlload.. Wlnaton - Salem; three slaters. Misses Lcttlc and Lsla Bowden. both of Advance. Ft. 1. and Mi's. C. E. Hartman of YadklnvUlc. Route 2: three grund- children: and two great-grand- chilorcn. Mrs. I.ata Jones, 71 . Funeral services for Mi's. Lula Hcndrlx Jones of Llnwood. Rt. 1, were held Friday afternoon at the homo and at Fork Baptist Church. The Rev. A. M. Riser, the Rev. J. O. Walton and the Rev. W. H. Hutchlns oniclatsd. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mrs. Jones died Wednesday at the Lexington Memorial Hospital. Show as bom Nov. 17, 1880. In Davidson County, the daughter of Nathaniel and Mlary Oorwood Kendtix. She is survived by her husband. O. A. Jones, and seven daughters. Mrs. Avery Transou of the home. Mrs. James Uvoi- good of Route I, Llnwood. Mrs. Calvin Barnes of Rt. I, Llnwood. Mrs. Allen Beck of Rt. 1.'Un- wood. Mrs. Paul Evcrhardt of Lexington. Mi's. Claroncc Weaver of Rt. 4. Lexington. Mrs. Olenn Everhardi of Rt. 0. Lexington; tivo sons. Frank, of Rt. I. Lln wood, ond Roy. of Rt. 4. Lexing ton; two bn^ers. L. A. Hen- drlx of Lexington and E. N. of Advance: one sister. Mrs. R. "K. Williams of Rt. 5. Lextngton: 18 erendehlldrcn and one great grandchild. Bio - Obituaries - 2/2/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 2^1961 - Page 2 Adolphus G. Gobble, 62 Pun:ral services for Adolphus Graham Gobble, 62. of GMlceinee were held Friday oftemocn at the Csolecmec Baptist Church. The Rev. Charles Burchette and the R:v. Midlton Oarothers officiated. Buiial was in the Unity Presby terian Cemetery at WoodJeaf. Mr. Gabble died Wednesday niaming at his home foUowlns a hsarl attack. He had suffered a heart attack three weeks ago and had just returned home from the hospital. He was bcm in .Rawan County ta A. B. and Maiiie Benson Gabble. He had livivd in Coolec« ni:p for 50 years. ' Hs was a mcmb^ of Cooleemec First Baptist Clmrch. aatd was active in nil church work. He had been a Sunday School (earli er for a number cj years. He was also a ScDutnv^^ter far several years. He was^%nptoycd by ErtrlnMilU. Inc.y^' Afr. QI^Io married .Ruth Th:mp^^. who survives. Al^ll^rvivlng are a daughter. Mr^laudc Roberts of Salisbury:^rother. John Gobble of Salis bury: two sisters. Mrs. Prank Scdars of Oooleemee and Mrs. | |H. R, Eaton of Mocksvillc: and] . tliree grandchildren. ' blaiy Kelly. 84 j Miss Mary Kelly, 84, of 437 West innes StrecU Salisbury'.! died last Tuesday afternoon at( her home. Slic had been In fall-; hi8 health for three years andf seriously ill for one month. i A native of I>avle County, she- was bom on the Kelly Farm ne:tr{ Coolecmce on March 17. 1876.' daughter of James A. Kelly and Mary Elirabelh Austin Kelly. She: nticnded Mocksvillc schools and Greensboro Normal, where site majored In business adminlsira tion. M«s Kelly did offire work for Dr. J. E. Stckcs for several 1 years and was later emploivdi for quite some time in the frciehl depot office. Shu was a member of First Methodisi Chuivli. where she wus ai'Uvu in women's work until her liealth failed. For some time she Has a teacher in the Sunday school of the church. Survivors arc one brother. Htnry T. Kelly of TUyluiMilk:! and one sister. Miss Elv.i Kelly; or liie home: and several nuves juiiti ncplicws. I Funeral services were cunriitcU, ;id Thuisday at II aon. at the siiinmtixcti Funeral Chapel ml S.iJr.sb{iiy, by lite Rev, Harold • Uabimon. lutstur of Fiist Mcth*' lubiat Ciuirch. Ilun.r| wus in Uiej 'inmily plot in Joppa Cemetery |['itvar MoeksviUe. i Bio - Obituaries - 2/2/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 9^1961 - Page 6 O. II. MOTLEY O. U. Motley. 82. of MoekKvllIc. Ki. 4. (liod at 8:38 a.in. MoAdny at Otivlc Cotimy Hospital, He had bran In declining health sev eral months. Mr. Motley u-on l)sin in Dnvie Coiiniy In 1878. to Ho.^Altlus and America Sharp Motley. He was a retired farater. He hod been mar ried twice. His fir.st wife. Uie for mer MIsv Essie Broadumy, died In 1920, His second maiTlnRe was to Llia Belle Spry. Surviving arc Uie wife: four sons. J. E. Motley of Cleveland. Ohio, W. W. Motley of Fuyettc- vllle. SPC. T. W. Moticy of Char- lotto and W. M, C. Motley of tlic Army at Hartsvllle. Ala.; three daUBhters. Mrs. Thelma Mauldln of Mocksxillc. Rt, 4. Mrs. Alma Anderson of Clemmons. Rt. 1. and Mrs. Wllma Singleton of Salisbury; 14 grandchildren; seven grcat-gmndehlldren: three i stcp-chlldren: one sister. Mrs. T. A. Doby of Salisbury. Rl. 4, nnd| one brother. J. P. Motley of Sal isbury. Rt. 8. The funeral vva.5 conducted at II ojn. Wednesday at No Creek Baptbit Church by Elders P. R. Moore. W. W. Poua and D. D. Broadway. Burial a-as in the church ccmctcD'. Grandsons served as pallbeara. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 9,1961 - Page 3 MRS. M. A. BASStNGER. 86 Funeral services for Mm. Mary E-sthcr nac«^lngcr. 83. of Salis bury. Rl. 2. were held Monday oftcrnoon at 3 pjn. at the St. Mnrk'.*; Lutheran Church In Ro- aan County. Tlte Rev. Karl Park sfflelated. Burial was In Uie church ccmclcry. Mrs. Bassinger died Satui-dny mornUiK at her home In the St. Mark's Lutheran Church Com munity of Rowan County. S h • had been In 111 health for the post Utrcc weeks. Bom Sept. 1. 1876. in Cobarrus County, she was the daughter of the late EUum H. and Mary Cook Suther. She was cducotcd in the Rowan Count4^ schools and was a member of St. Mark's Lutheran Church. Her husband Mlcliacl A. Bas singer. died Feb. 6, 1961. She Is survived by one daugh-i ter. Mrs. Ralph Deal, of China' Bassinger of Bassinger of Mocksvllle. L. M. Kaimapolls. J. R. ufluiniiei—of Ruule 1. Ohhm- Grove. Glenn Bassinger of Route a. Salisbury, and Ray Bassinger of the home; six yrandchlldieii: four great - grandchlldi'cn. Bio - Obituaries - 2/9/1961 MRS. J. R. DAVIS. 98 Ftmcral services for Mrs. Dora Alice Hauser DavU. 98, of Bast Bend, RL 2. were held Tuesday afternoon at the Pleasant Hill Methodist Church. The Rev. R. E. Adams and tlio Rev. Tim Bryant officiated. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mrs. Davis died Sunday morn ing at her home. She had been in declining health for five montlis and In serious condition for a week. She was bom In FVirsyth Coun- ^ to Clark and Laura Spcas Hauser. She was a member of Mount Pleasant Methodist Church. Surviving in addition to her husband ore Uiree sons, Paul V. Davis of East Bend. RL 2. and Raymond and Arale Davis, both of Pfafftown: four grandchil dren: and nine great-grandchil dren. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 16^1961 - Page 5 r», W. AlcC'ltimroch, 91 Fiim-iMl forviri's for Clporijo W. MrClnmrork, 91. n iVtlrrd fnrmrr of ^tnc!^sv^llp. Rl, 2. wcrp held PrlUny nftpntcaii at the Oak Orove Mplhodl«t Chtirrli. Thi» Rev, J. B. Flly.'s Mill tiiid Chi» Rev. ficoM'.e Aiiiiuii olllviatcil. Uiiiial ih Iho church crmciery. Mi-. McCInnn'.xk died Wedne.c- dn.v nlidit nt IiIk home. He had b«uu m Ui h'nl.'l3 20 dnys. Mr. MrCI:inir.?rk wni; bnru Nov. 19. I8cn. hi Dnvlc County lo Tliotiiaa nnd M.ny Roeers Mc- Oanmick. lie WAX II incfiiber of Oak Orovc Midhodixi Church and Uic Junior Order of United American Mc« chantvx. His ftrsi luariiar.e wax to Mary Ennes. who died In 1027. His second nmrrlaRc wos lo Mhet Belly Howard, who surfives. Also surviving are four sons. L. H., T. C.. W L. and R M McChimrock. nil of Modcivilic. Rl 3; ftvtf dnitghlcrs. Mrs. W. L. Sunimors. Mrs. Albcrl Bowles ond Mrs. J. C Caiialdy, oil of Msck-svllie, Rl. 2. Mrs. R. B. Hen- drix of Cicmmons and Mrs. C. O. Mt-Uaiti.'l 01 Mosksvlilc. Ru 3: 19 Brahdchlld.*-cn and IS srcaUnrand- children. MRS. W. W. CAMPBELL. 68 L Funeral services for Mrs. Bcs> Isle Rorti Campbell. 68. of Mocks- vUlc. RU 3. wife of W. \V. Camp bell. were held Friday aflemoon. Mrs. Campbell died February Sill nl her home after o hcarl oUock. She was born In Davic Counly to John and Emma Summers Horn. Siii'vivlnu In addition lo hcr husband arc n son. Everett Horn of Newport News, Vo.; Uirce sis ters. Mrs. W. A. Sain of Mocks- vnie. Rl. 3. Mrs. W. H. Black- wood of Winston-Snlem and Mrs. PIo)'d Young of Carolina Beach; a broUier. Walter B. Horn of Winston . Salem: seven grandchildi-en and four prcat- - groiideliUdrcnr ft C. A. BOON. 09 iFunerol scrviceii for Cornelius Anthony Boon. 69. of Mocksvllle. Route 4. Boxwood Farm, were held Sntui*day afternoon at the Mocksvllle Presbyterian Church. The Rev. W. F Long ofllclatcd. Burial was hi tlie Rowan Memor ial Park. Mr. Boon n Dutch horticultur ist who became on Aanerlcan citi zen 36 years ago. died nt 0:53 pjn. Thursdoy at the Itowan Me morial Hospital. He suffered a heart attack. A£r. Boon was bom in Qanda. Holland, to Bostlan and Nelge Boon. He cam* to New England from RoUerdani and later came Eou.'h. For about lO years he was In charge cf Edison Nursery near Mocksviltt-, a branch of n dcJphla Him. For the past 25 ycaus hs hod bctn associated with Boxwood P^rni and Lodge. own<.tt by Mrs. W.ilici' H. Wjcdso::. He was iK)ok< keeper f-.w the farm and ..vcr.ill innimg.'r of Uie lodge, with special attention lo landscapjig and fievirulture. Two years ago Mr. Boon vl.siicd relatives in Holland. His wife Oeardinu Kapteyn Boon, died in 1937. Mr. Boon was a uKmber of MocksvHl* Presbyierian Church. Surviving aiv a son. Cornelius Anthony Boon. J.. of Atlanua. 0.x.: and three g.'andrhlldien. John tV. rowlrr. 74 John Wellington Fowler. 74. of Statcsvllle c:cd at 5:15 p.m. Fii- I day at hU hrine after a heart at- laek. H.» was born in tridcll County lo James Wesley Powlir and Delia Harmon Fowler. Ho at tended Prof. J. H. Hill's Acad- cf.v. Mr. Fowler owned and op- crated Fowler's Gulf Service on Davl* Avenue until he retired. He wan a member of the First Asfoclatc Refoiiurd Presbytciion Churtth. Survivinis are Ihn-e xi.uers. Mtss He*?: Fowlvr of the home. Miss H.tlt;- F.iwlcr "Of Lenolr Khync Callrgo »|. Hickory, ond Mrs. Gi'aiu G. Danlrl of Mocks- vlU'-: .tiid a brother, Kveivite R Fowler at Eiu.ut. Flo. Tlu» fun. nil was voiidiicted at 4 p.m. Sjiiird.iy at his home by th;« 11; V. R*..bv:! J, Mafhbum. Burial \v,.."4 in Oukwood Cemet.-vy. Bio - Obituaries - 2/16/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 23^1961 - Page 5 MRS. A. D. HOWARD. C3 FuneroJ sei-vlccs for Mrs. Vlr- Poster Howard. 03. of Clem- mons were held Sotuitlay at the Bethlehem MeMrodJst Church in Davie County. Tlie Rev. Dwlght Mashburn and the Rev. Otis C Clampltt officiated. Burial was In the church cemetery. Mrs. Hcward died Friday at the city Ho.spital In Winston- Sftlem. She had been in 111 heolth three weeks and seriously in for five days. Mrs. Howaj-d was bom In Da- vie County to John A. and Mary Martin Soficy. She spent her early life In DavIe County, but had lived at Clemmons lor 33 years. She was a member of Bclh]c> hem Methodist Church In Davle County. She was twice married. Henry liCoii Posu-r. her firat husband, died in 1B45. She was married In 1048 to Arthur B. Howard, who survives. Also surviving are two daugh' ters. Mrs. Linda White of Clem mons and Mrs. Margaret Ooblc of WInston-Salcm, Rt. a; two sons. Robert A. Foster of Clem mons and Alvln O. Poster of Ad vance, Rt. I: seven Brandchll-J dren; five sister. Mrs. Helen Mll-I ler and Mi-s. Ethel Cook, both of Advance. Mrs. Marie Cllngman of Huntsvillc. Mrs. Lola Etichcr- sen of Cnna ond Mrs. Llazle Smith of Wknsion-Salum. Rt. 0: four broUiers, Frank and Henry Soficy. boll) of Huntsvillc, and J. M. and Lockie Soficy. botn of Advance, Rt. i: two 6tcpdQUgh-| ters, Mi-s. Sadie Mcssick of| Mocksvillo, Rt. 3. and Mrs. Mary Stewart of Clemmons: two step- fcoits. J. P. Howard of Mocksvlllc and A. C. Howoi'd of Atlanta. Oa. H'Dllani B. Battedge. 04 Funeral services for William Br>-ant Ratlrdge, C4. of Route 4. Mockjrvllle. were held Tuesday. Mr. R.illvd4r dird Monday at! the BaiHUI in Winston- Snicin. had bo;n siv-lously ill a week. Ho was born In Uavlc Couiuy to J. F. and Sarah Jane Casuy Railcdge. Mr. Untlvdae was an'employee : of the D.ivie County Malntenancu D?pArlmein. N. C, Highway Di-- paritinuu. He was twice inarraHt. His llrst wlfL'. the foniiL'i' Miss Eva Lakty, d'ed. and he late:- married MUs Oraee McUani.l. who survives Also nMvhjjj: are three dsu/h- ir-rs, Mrs. Bob Harrts and Mre. Orvdii' BUvins. both of Winston- Sjlt-in. and Mrs. Erviii Wilson of Moi-ksvllli-: ihrtv suns. J. W. Rjllvdve cf Whiston-Saleni, Jim- line Rutk'dicv '^-iih the U. 6. A* my at JaeksanviUt. Ark-. .Hiid j E:'.l I. it.nhdiiv t)l tlic hO;'!!; { /'ixi'.: i^r.mdv'hildrc n and :v. great . nrandrhildrt'u; a iisivr. i Mr.-. E. K. Kooiua of Mocksville, Kt I: two brothers. £. T. Rat- ledge of Woodleuf. Rt. 1 and D. C. Ratledge of Mocluvilte, Rl- I. Bio — Obituaries — 2/23/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA i Mm. M«n(ora Battcdee I Fimcral ssrvlcaa for Mn. Amelia '.Mentsra Ratlcdge of N:rih Main ! Street of Mocksv'.Ue were held Mimday afieriKon at the First Methodist Church. Tltc Rev. C. B. Newtou officiated. Burial was In the Rose Cemetery. Mrs. Railedge died Batiirday nlnht at the Davle County Hos- pltrl of n hcast attack. Mrs. Raledge was bom in Pavie County to Prank and Linda Ratledgf Click and was a llfe- lona resident of the Moeksville conununlty. She was f'rsi nurried to Frank jRiitlrdee. who died In 1915. and ilaiir m.'^rrlrd Jamt- iliitledgc ,\vlu d->d In 1950. I Sur\ivini! are two sl.Me:s. M»s- J. L J>3n6hton of Mocksvillv uml Mrs. M. C. Bverhardt of 8tat:s* vllle: and a brother. Jo))n Chck of KemertvUle. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 23^961 - Page 5 Van Frost, 80, Dies Of Severe Burns Vangellst Frost, 80. of Moeks ville. Ri. 1, a reUred Methodist Negro minister, died at tite Win- aton-Balem Kate Bitting Rey nolds HcspUol. Friday from burns suffered in a fire at his home. Thursday. Frost was burning some trash near his home when his pants caught on fire. He tried to put cut the fire .but It spread to some dry gross and outbuildings. He ran into the bathroom of the house and tiled to put out the firo with water. The room caught on fire. Ran to Truck Frost then ran to his truck and managed to sound the horn to at tract the attention of neighbors. Tlie Center Fire Dept. answered the rail, and Frost was brought to the WInston-Satem hotpUnl Uto Thursday lUght. He was bad ly burned. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Annie Murdoch of Moeks- vlllc and Mrs. Agnes Hampton of Wlnslon-Salem: a son. Clarence Frost of Salisbury. Rt. 6; a sis ter, Mrs. Lessie Uarace cf Mocks- vUte. Rt. 2: cJglit grandchildren, and 10 grcai-grandelilldrcn. The funeral was conducted Tuesday afternoon at the St John's Church In Moeksville. Bio - Obituaries - 2/23/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, February 23^1961 - Page 1 William B. Ratledge WliH&nt Hrjani M of MockflVitlf. Rl. k. diKil Morxlay at Bapltdt HospltaL Wtiuton-SalciB. lie had been wnoiwly i!l b week. He WBi bom In Dai'ie Coun* ty to J. r. and Sarah Jane Caaey Ratlodse. Mr. Railedge wdi an em- p]o>-r lit the Oavle County .Maintenance Dept., North Ca rolina Hi^way DctMrtmecit. Hp H-at iw.ce married. His Itrsl wife, tbe tormrr Mias Eva Lackey, died, and he later marrtei] Mtu Grace McDan' In], who curs'ivct. A]*o lunivine are three daughters. Mrs. Bob HBiris and Mrs. Orville nies'ios, both of WUutoikSBlem and Mrs. Ervln Wilson nf ModAvlUe; three ftoni, J. W. flatlcdge of U^in«ion>Sa>rni, J.ii)m.e Rat- ledge with the If. 5. Army nt Jiirkninville. Ark. and iilarl L. Ralleilite cif the home; sev en grar.ili'hiiditir. ^ird fir«» great • gnindchilirrii: a sifter, Mrs. E EL Kootttz of MurV-'. vilk. Route I; tiva proihers, E. T. Hutkdge of Woodleaf. Route I. and t>. C. flaliedge of MocKevtlle. Rt. 4. Funeral wrvirvj were diicled Thursday at • W PM. at Center Meiliodiat Cltutch by the Rnv. Genrge Aiiman, itio Rin \Vii!!h Iko »1 dhd the Rev. n:«m!rt S;mnoni. I'.u- Hal WU5 :t: the cliunrh conie- ter>. Neiihrwi wpte psUls-ar- crs. and tncmltr;* :)f ilu if.ite htsltHHy clvfM;1rKini 'rt 'v rv orary* ((4liL«.irer«. Mrs. Connell, Woodleaf, Dies Ml*. Uiln Loo Connell, 67, vsjlc of L- M. Connell .i{ Wood, leaf. d.o<l Tuesday ut I P.M. nt hot home fotliiwing nn IliftCBs of several monthv. Mrs. Connell vsaa horn in Rimdotph County, daughlor of the Ute Robert atui Nora Parrish Loach. She w-ns mar ried in 11109 to Mr. l\uinell, who smvtv«, Olhcr survivors Include two eunot. Oiln Connell i>nd Carl Connell. Imth of Woodlcuf; one dnughler, Mrg. Eva Poss of \V'(*xlleal; two brothers. John Leach of Gold Hilt ard Coss I.each of Citina Grove, oiu- sister. Mrs. W, B. Little of Salisbury: 16 grandchildren; and 15 great-smndchildren. Funeral services vsete held Ttmraday at 4 P. M. at Need- more BaplUt Church. Oltlci- ating .Ministers were the Rev. L. D. Scruggi. the Rev. Wade James nnd the Rev, Clyde Scille. Burial was In the church cemetery. Mrs. Amelia Ratledge Mr*. -MiiiMrj Bitl- Icdgc of N .Main Stivot, Moc- ksville. died Saturoay ntght at the Davie County Hoipltal of a hcBTl attack. Mrs. Ratledge was bom m Davic County to EVank and Linda Hatkdgc Click and was a lifelong rwidrni of ihs hfoc- kiville communtly. She wjij first married to Frank Hatlcdgr. who died in 1915. and later married James Ratledge, who died in 1950. Surviving are two iUlcrt. Mrs. J, L Doughton of Mocks- vUle and Mrs. M. C Everliart of Statesvlllv; ami a brother, John Click of Kerrtersvlllc The funeral was conducted at 2 p.m. Monday at the First MrthodUi Church by Ibe Rev. C. B. Newton. Burial was in Rose Cemelery Nephews weie pallbearers. Bio - Obituaries - 2/23/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA V© vo \A > A ^ A o I ,0 OA 196/ r i^ent of Mbctsviile, died at 11:30siaeni ui — v ' nesctav at, a" SalfeljUry 1p|S^3OT.eisbi iMUJBell was laom in Mocks- i viile," a' daughter of Dr. - MarshallLAbmas and Eliza Martin Bell. • I 'She is survived bv -'tie sister,Mt8,Maxdy "L. ToTin of LaflBiiiQ Qq PjihUf^ ! i.br3ry \ turs* i,^u ^ The funeral services were held • ^ at .the home at 11 a. rti., Thurday. 1 Dr. H. C. Sprinkle officiated. Bur- ial was in Toppa Ceinefety. n Pallbearers were Gaither ban- ford. Rufus Sanford, Jr., HughLarew, Nick Mando. Roy Feezor and C. F. Merooey.l'* Lg • A ? 4 I BAVIE RFr;oi> A DAVic^ PUBLIC UBRA-R-'<' DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 2,1961 - Page 6 Mrk. Clyde C. Ilerk. i>0 * r^jno-al ffivlcrb for Mr% Bcuie Sraford B rk. 69. of Mocksnllr,. lU. 4. vUc zt Cl>df C. BiTk. hdd Monday afu-nioon at ihe J»'iu«.ilcm n;u)ti»i Chuixli Thoj Rrv. E. W. Si'lhra .ind il» • Hrv.| Bfibby Hillavd olfulatcd. i;ur.al| was in 111.* BajitiM ctmriiiy .i; Fork. I M'.'-'.. Ui'ck dird tfaiuiday iiu'in., ii:j :il 4:jO a.m. 8hr born In D.a",c C\>i;iuv (0 and Ji(nJ;A Sraf -sA. Sinijviiii: in iiddiinn <-) n< lliiabind .irt' iho kiktn . Mr?.. Burton v<t Ad\.in(v, Rt i' .lul, Mrb. C. W. Ucck ui M'JbkkitlU-.i Rt. 4: and a broUicr, Wlloy Sea* ford of Advance. Rt. 3. HUGH C1.EMRNT. 84 Funeral sci*vlcea for Huuh Cle* mcnt. 84, a native of Mccksvillc. who died February 13. wci-c held on Wcdnesdny, Fcbiuai-y 15 at fIcllomon-Brown Funeral Home In Norfolk. Vn.. with burial In Forest Uiini Cemetery there. Mr. Clement, a retired avalat- ant.mannMer of the former Vir- Rlnian Railway, died In a Nor folk Hcspltnl. He had been re tired frcm tlie railroad 19 years. Ho W.IS ih: son of Wl);y A. and Conicha P.irki r Clement and the widower of Mary Cherry Clem ent. He had resided In Norfolk 50 years. He wsu; ii pit.t brand patron of the Order of the Eki.«tcrn Star of I Virymia .-^ml Ka.s a member of f Its Elr.rabcth Chuptrr 45 and uf j/ttloiKic LiKli-e !£. AFA:AM. He ittiA 0 member of Frifiiutbon Ktroet BapiiM Clmreh. j Biirvni-..s nirludnuj a n isiir. i.Mr.<. Kennrili P. Chapman of I Norfolk. Mih'. .Mir>' Heiiman of .Mo.-ksvillr wa.s a euusin of Hie dt'cenai'd. COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, March 2,1961 Vt/, L Wallev DiGs At Home V'.'i l liinii l..iltnri' W'lilldi', 7ii, •0 -.iif.i .IT 0:1.':, A. -M. .<iltlli<l!|> ;i1 Ihu lll>mi.* Jit. 1«r ii'iijs of im; lieiilUi. ill' ti-irii April i:,. isivl hi Jh".v;iii I'l.iifiiy, Jhf snn <,1 tl, mill Shiiiii M'li \V;iili*r, !!<• u loljiivl -'imn'-i ;i(ii| a M.-mfn-r <if .Si. I. ilci's l.i|il(i.-i,iii ('hiiicli. Uimr I'liphit. He IS •-•.IIVIM.-.I l.y JlVni sotii, Fi'il'irrt Hnay. .if the jvitiK', I dioi'i', Krinii-jj, nil III Wuwlli'at, VVlJJIiiiii el Sail i.iiirrzn, f.'ilif.: six iliHij'l,. U'js. Mi.s, ChiJiloy ItrtiJjCy of (■|i;v<itan'l. .Mf;i ('iinni<l Cuinii. I'l l! .li lt Mr.s, c'lJvin Mull. Ii-ilti iif Ilioltovy, Mrs. KitcI Slim* of ."SaUslniry. Mri. ftilrs I'aiiilor oI Id. 5. .S.ilishory. Mi.v H!i::h ni.-iifiit .•! WoikI- I'mJ: p'II jii iiiKMillilii-ii ;iii<l so- vi*n rsi'at.i*ra,i>!t;|ijMriM}; ;i i'lMlln',.; M, 'f, of SlJili-svill.:-, 'I', .1., I'f .Ml. (Jvut-jje,I'f Woiuilonr; luiir !-Uk'i'#y .Ml -. '1'. c.*. I'cokr, SaiislHii> , >5i-. 'IViai ikUtU iif vilh*. .Mrs. I5i,ili .Maiifl of fi'iilia (iiTivc. .Mrs. liijl.i-il Waul n.' tici'on Hrlw, S. ff. fiiiiiral xfiv.cos ivrre hoJiJ at •! )>. .M. .n at, I.iilu'"s t.'huiTji WiJii J/n. tk-v. filenn A. V<mH, pasloi, Jn (SioirjiL*. JlitfJa} waii l» llio I'liuiiJi lornoteii. Mrs. C. C. Beck .Sk.N n,.i-k. t'l. 'i.r.l al •loU a.III. ."xal i uulaj .,1 (|T 1 lni;,:r loj |tt. -I. M'-'k-viUr. Ml. Hix'k Jiail hi'i II .ji ilC' ^ rii'allh yt'.'irx. Shi* was. Ivitn Novriiil*-,' n* ly.iJ in C'oiinij. to tCillhiiii .iii'J UnU'i'Ca Itoj.ilrix .^ln- wai. iii.ori.cl in Cijde <• H.vk. K.'ii- 1- >i*.i;vivi-it tw- hir iiii-- h.-iiwl: !w., xi>!frs. .Mi'- May Ihirtoii -.if Hi, "I, A'l". asir-f, .M.^. IV \V Ih-rh .,1 Ml. 1, M'a.Ji wiiii', oj-.i lirnnn'i , 'A'il. ■ of hoijlo 2. AihMin-i'. F.iru'i.sl M': viiv" uorr hi'M Moii-lay al 2 P. M m tin: .I«'iu..lik'tii IkipPst fiiUiiti JiyUti- Her, i:, W. .Sf-n.-rs anil tin' Fti-v. It.'>ril>y lldlnnl liu- 1 III wii.s III rln! Fork f.'iniu-l, riTin-N'iy. Nnpheivs w.-to p.'ijf. Ih'JJ< i». Bio - Obituaries — 3/2/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 9,1961 - Page 6 Mr]i. T. M. Bh^mter. 83 Flinrral services far Mrs. Min nie C.tlon Shcimcr. 83, of Ad vance, widow of Tandy M. Sher- nicr, wrre held Monday afternoon 01 the Advance Mrthodlst Church. The Rev, C. B. Crawford and the Rev. Firtsher Andrews ofllCatcd-. Burial WAS in the Advance Bap- I at Church cemetary. Mrs. Shermer dl:d Bnturdoy afternoon at her home. She had been In declining health for sev eral years and seriously Jll thirty days. Mi's. termer wos bom in Davle County to Alfred and Mary Bailey Cdton. Hei* husband died last July. Surviving are six daushtcrb.. Mrs. H. A. Reynolds of Roanoko. Va.. Mrs. F. C. Agncw of North- port. N. v., Mrs. E. W. Parson of New Carlisle, Ind» Mrs. J. L. Voglcr and Mrs. Julia Patton of Advance, and Mrs. E. C. Mor rison of WlUcesboro; three sons. E, M. Shermer of the home. X. A. Shetiner of Rlclunmtd, Va., and Jerome Shermer of Columbia. S. C..: IB grandchildren; and 11 Breai-grandchildrcn. F. M. May. 88 Funeral seiwices for Francis Marion May. 88. of MocksvUle. wei'e held Saturday afternoon at the Bear Creek Baptist Church. The Rev. W. C. Barklcy and tlie Rev. Charles Burkett ofTlclated. Burial was in the Hickory Orove Cemetery. i Mr. May died Thursday after-1 noon at the Davle County Hos-| pltal. He had been in declining! health for several years and set lously 111 for two months. Born In Davle County Sept. 17. t 1872. he was the son of the laic Martin and Margaret VHiltlock May. Mr. May was employed by the Erwln Mills for several years. He later worked for the Sralth- Dnlgglns lAimbar Co. in Mocks- ville. He was married twice. His first wife, the former SaIHe Gadbey. died July 14. 1023. H's second wife, the former Annie Tutteisw, died May 13. 1047. Survivors In clude one daughter, Mrs. w. P. Owens of Cooleemee: one sister. Mrs. Temple Peacock of New Lisbon, Ind.: five grandclilldren; three great-grandchildren. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 9,1961 - Page 7 W. A. LUCKEY, 84 ■William Augustus (Uncle Bunk) Luckcy, 84 year old lifelong resi dent of .Cleveland, died Sunday morning in a Staiesvtllc hospital. Mr. Luckey. who was unmar ried. was the son of the late W. A. an^ Mary Jane Luckcy. At Ivis rcUrcmcDt a few years ago, Mr. Luckey had spent 40 years with thn Southern Rallrs.*.d as an -8cn;>-cp.:ra4:or. He was a lifelong member of thr Cleveland Prcs b y te r I an Church and for 50 years was a number of tlie Scotch - Ireland Masonic Lodge. Ne is survived by a sister. Miss Mary Luckcy cf the home. Funeral services, conduoted by Rev. Fred Harmon, were held Monday aftcrnon at the home. Burial followed in tlie Cleveland cenletcry. Mr. Luckcy was a cousin of Mrs. P. J. Johnson. hRss Ossie Alli son and Mrs. Margoret A. Le- Grand. Bio - Obituaries - 3/9/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, March 9,1961 Page - 1 Mrs. T. M. Shermer Mrs. Mtntile CaU>n Sher> fner. 83, uf A<tvancc, widow of Tiirdy .M. ShemuT. dn-d kt 2 I'M Saturday ai brr borne. Sbe had been in declining; health lor aevcrnl years and leriouily U1 for 30 days- Mr*, Shrnncr was born in Davie County to Ailred and Mary BaUcy Caton. Iter hutband died l>is'. July Sun'iVlns are lix dauitht«r>, Mn. H. A. ReynoliU of Rni. noke. Va., Mr*. F. C. of Northport, N.Y. Mr*. K. W Parian of New Carlisle. Ind.. Mra. J. L. Vogier and Mn. Julia l^tton of Ad* Vance, and Mf», E. C. Mor rison of Wilkesboro: three ions. E. M. Shenner of the home, X. A. Shenncr ul Rtchmond. Vs.. and Jei-ome Shprmor of Coluntbiu, S, C. 16 erandchiidrcn: and tl great- Brandchildren. The futteral Was held Mon day at V;30 P.M. Bt the Ad. vance Melhod'uil Church by the Hev C. F. Crawford and tlio Rev, Fletcher Andrew*. Tlurial Was in the Advance Baptlit Church Crmelery, Mabel Leonard Dies WmSTON SALEM - Mrs. Mabel I.ener Leonard. SB. for merly of Winrton-Salcm, died Tuesday morning at U o'clock al ihc hranc uf a sister, Mr*. George Williams, at Rl 4. MucksviUe. She hod been tn declining health for a number of years and was seriously Ul since Saturday. She was bom Jan. 19, I8S3, in Dnvic County, daughter of Ute late Frank and Clara Gray Lefter. She spent her early life near MocluvlUc and was educated in the Davie Coun ty schools. For a« number of years she taught school in adjoining counties. She wa* married April 22. 1933. to C J Leon* ani, who died May 24. 1952. She was a member of Central TcrriKo Methodist Church In Winslon-Salcm. Surviving arc two ulsters, Mrs George WilliAms iif Rt. 4. Mocksvillc and Mr*. L. C. Link of Winston-Salem. Mrs. Mitchell Soots Mis Kute Whitiock Soots, 68, of M<x;k.-(vi11v, Ht. 4, wife uf Mitchell Souts. died al 6:90 p.m. Tuesday at Dnvie County Hospital. She had been iieri ously ill the pait four days. She was bom in Davie County to Tom Whliioek artd Mary Jane Head Whitiock. She worked for Erwin Mills 46 years and retired in 1957. Mr*. SoolM was a member of First Baptist Church uf Cooleenice. Surviving in addition to her husband are four daughters, Mrs. Charles Owens of Coolce- mee, Mrs. S- F. Foster and Mr*. Rubrrl McUanlel of Mocksvilte, Rt. 4, and Miss Mpry Souts of (he home; b son, Floyd Soots of the home; 10 grandfhUdrrn; Rve great grnndchildrrn; a brother, John Whitiock uf Mockiville, Rt. 3; and four sisters, Mr* Alcz Gullet and Mrs. Rcid Dogcr of MMksvilic, Rt. 4. Mrs. Lc« Wilson of Cornelius, and Mrs. Jake Bowens of Winaton- Salrm. Funeral services were held Tliurtday at 3.<I0 p.m. at the Fimt Baptist Church with Rev. Cliarlen A. Burchctte, Jr. officiating. Burial was In the Liberty Church cemetery. F. M. May Dies At 88 Francis Marion May ,88. of Mocksvillc died Thursday March 2 at the Davie (Y)un. ty lleMplial, Mr, May had been in declining hrallh for several year* and seriously III for two months. noil] in Davie County Sep- lembor 17. IS72, he was the son of the lute Martin and Margaret Whitiock Moy. Mr. May was, employed by the Erwin Mills for several years. He later worked for the Smith-Dwlggliis Lumber (*o. in Mocksvilk. He was married twice. His first wife, the farmer Salllc Gudbcy, died July 14. 1923. Mis second wife, the former Annie Tutierow. died May 13. 1947. Survivor* include nno dauehtor, Mr* \V. F. Owens of Coolecmee; one sis ter. Mrs. Temple Peacock of New LJibon, Ind.; five grand children; three great-grand- children Funeral service* were held Saturdoy at 3 P. M. at Bear Creek Doplist Church. The flev. W. C. Barklcy and the Rev Cl'.arle* Burcheiie offl. c.Ated. Burial was In Hick ory Cnive Cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 3/9/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, March 9,1961 Page -1 Booe, 85 Found Dead Wiltinni Guton, Boot. 8i, of Yodkinville, Rt 3, Mn found dead Wednesday at hii home. Dr. W. M. Long, acting Davie County coroner, ruied that Mr. Booe died from na tural causes. lie was bom in Davie Coun ty to Billy and Louise Reavia Booe. He was a retired far mer. His wife, the formrr Miu Rachael Comer, died Ln 1940. SurvlvUig art two daughim. The funeral wiU be con. Mrs. Dave Whitakrr of Muck- ducted at 2:30 p.R). Friday at Kville. Rl. 3, and Mrs France* the South Oak Ridge Baptist Roberston of Ocean Side. Church by the R«v Frank Calif.; five sons, John f, and WUaon, the Rev. Albert Brae. William H. Booe. both, of ken and the Rev. Tommy MockxvlUe Rt. 5, Mars'in Booe Lofikaan. Burial will be In of Kannapohs. Racford Booe the church cemetery, of High f^int and Wade Booe PoBbcarcn will be Roy of Siatesville; a brother. Mar- Cuter, Gra^ Smw, sh Booe of Yadkinvifle. Rt. 3; Reavis, James Bracks^ Leon- 17 grandchildren; 13 great- ard Booea JAd Junior Stael- gndnrhtidren; and two great- man. great grand children. Bio - Obituaries - 3/9/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 16,1961 - Page 5 Mabel Lconordt OB Funeral ser^'teee for Mrs. Ma- bol Lcflsr Leonard. 68. of Win^ eton-Satem were held Friday. Mrs. Leonord died March 8Ui at 8 a.m. at the home of n sister. Mrs. Qeorsc Wllllnms of Route 4. MocksvlUe. She had been in decllnlnB health for a number of yean and was seriously 111 since Saldrday. She was bom Jan. 18. 189.1. In Oavle County. dauBbtsr of the late Prank and Clara Gray Lefler. She spent her early life near ModcnvUle and was educated in the Oavle County Schools. For a number of yean she tausht school in adjolnubc coun ties. She was married April 38. 1833 40 G. J. Leonard, who died May 34. 1953. She was a mcinbsr of CeMral Terrace Methodist Churdi In Wlnston-Salem. Charlie G. Leach. 78 Funeral services for Charlie G. Leach. 72. of Stovall and a na tive of Oavle County were held Sunday afternoon at the Siovall Baptlct Church. The Rev. Curtis Knowtes and the Rev. P. D. Mld- gett officiated. Burial was In the Stovall Cemetery. Mr. Leaeh died March 11th at the Oranvllle Hospital. A former native of MeeksvUIe. hSr. Leach had resided in Qran- vUIe County for 30 years and was employed by H. B. Williams Lumber Co. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mary Emory Leoch: four sons. MSarvln, of Hl^ Point. William. Merman and C. P. Leach of ModssvlUe: a stepson, Denny Ow ens of Hendnson; three daugh ters. Mrs. Orady FTowers of ModcsvlUe, Mrs. Hoyle Harris of Woodleaf and Mrs. C. C. Welbom of KemersvlUe; a stepdaughter. Mrs. WllUe Adeocic of Oxford; two brothers. W. X. Loach of Mar- tlnsviUe, Va., and J. F. Leach of Salisbury: a sister, Mis. L. p. Hopkins of imartinsvino. 17 grandchildren: and five great grandchildren. Oliver M. WhHe, 89 •Funeral services for Clivor M. •Wihlte^ 58 of Sefortng. Fla.. a foraner grocer In Wlnston-Salem. were held Saturday ai the Man ual Funeral Hmne in Wlnston- Salem. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim White who formerly lived In die Obnter Conununlty. Mrs. MlteheU Sooto. 69 Funeral services for Mrs. Kate WZiltloek Soots. 69. were held Thursday. Mrs, Soots, ttie wife of Mitchell Soots, died March 7 at the X>avle County Hospital. She had been seriously 111 the past four days. She was bom In Dovle County to Tom Whltlodc and Mary June Head Whltlock. She worked for Brwln Mills 48 years and retired In 1057. Mrs. Soots was a member of First Baptist Church of Coolee- mee. Surviving In addition -to hw husband are four daughters. Mrs. Chsriea Owens of Cooleemec, Mrs. a F. Foster and Uta. Robert MoDsnlel of MocksvUle. Rt 4. and Miss Mary Scots of the home: a son. Floyd Soots of the home: 10 grandchildren: five great • grand children: a brother, John Whit- lock of Mtoticsvllle. Rt. 3; and four sisters. Mrs. Alex Guild; and Mrs. Rold Boger of BAooksvllte. Rt. 4. Mrs. Lee Wilson of Comelius and M!rs. Jake Bowens of Wlnston- Salem. W. O. Booe. 86 Fuaeral services for WTIU^ Gaston Booe, BS. of YodkinviUe. Rt. 3. were held Friday after noon at the South Oak Ridge Baptist Churoh. The Rev. Frank Wilson, the Rev. Albert Bracksn and the Rev. Tom Luffman offic iated. Burial was In the church cemetery. •Mr. Booe was found dead Wed nesday at hts home. Dr. W. M. Long, acting Davle County Cor oner. ruled that Mr. Booe died from natural causes. He was born in I>avle County to BUly and Louise Reavls Booe. He was a retired farmer. •His wife, the former Miss Ra chel Comer, died in 1940. Survlv^ ^ two dau^ters. Mrs. ia^Hii^talier of Morics- vllel. Rt:- \ and Mrs. Frances Robertson of Ocean Side. Calif: five sons. John nL. and William H. Booe. both of MCoksvllte, Rt. 5. Marvin Booe of Kannapolls. Raeford Booe of High Point and Wade Booe of State^llle: a bro ther, Marsh Booe of YadklnvUle. Rt. 3: 17 grandchildren: 13 great grandchildren; and two great- great-grandchUdi'en. Bio - Obituaries - 3/16/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, March 23,1961 - Page 2 Mrs. C. J. Howard. Funcml services tor Mrs. Rn- rhcl snundcra Howard, 72. of Rl. 3. MoeksvUle. wife of C. J, How ard. were held Sunday at the '•mltli Grave Methodist Church. TJto Rev. Gwlsht Mashbum and the Rpv. Wade Ronera ofndaled., Burial was In the Ohurch ceme-, tcry. Mrs. Howard died Friday nlgliti at her home. Mrs. Howard was boiii In XMvle County to Henry and Mallndal Revis Saunders. She spent hetj entire life in Davie County. Sttrvlvlns are her husband: three daughters. Mrs. Kennlt Smith of Modcsvilie. Mis. J. C. earner of MoclcsviUe, Rt. 3. and Mrs. Robah Noll of Mocksvilie. Rt. 3; eight grandchildren: one brother. Marvin Saunders of MMksvlIle. Rt. 3: and one sister. Mrs. ESlen smith of MocksvUle. Janle Dula, 70 Funeral services for Miss Janle Dula. 70, Of Cooteemee. were held Saturday afternoon at fiho Cool- cemee Methodist Church; The Rev. Joe T. Melton officiated. Bur ial waa (n the Joppa Cemetery nefla> ModcsvUle. Mlsa Dula died Friday morning at the Haven Rest Home in Lex ington. She had been seriously 111 for several months. > Brnn In Davle County. August S. 1880. she was the datighter of the late Sidney A. and Jane Fost er Dula. She had lived In Ooolee* mee most of her life. She was a member of Cooteemee First Mbth- odlst Church. She leaves no Immediate sitr- vivors. Charlie 8. Laplsh. 88 (Funeral services for CBiarlle Sanford Laplsh. 58, of Durham, formerly of ModtsvUle. were held Monday afternoon at the Center Methodist Church. The Rev. George Auman and the Rev. Cameron Dodson officiated. Burial wea In the church cemetery. Mr. Laplsh died Saturday at the Watts Hospital at Durham. He was a former resident of MOcksvlIle. Surviving are three sons. C. L. tap'eh of Pennsylvania, James O, Laplsh of MoctcsvUIe, Rt. 6 and Harold Laplsh of MiotiiBvUle. Rt. i: two daughters. Mrs. William Slohardeoa cf MocksvUle. Rt. 1. ;nd Mrsi-*Howard PbacoOk of MtoeksvlUs. Rt. 1; two brothers, fclui' Laplsh of Winston-Salem ind William B. Laplsh of Lex ington; a sister, Mrs. Carl Roger MocksvUle, Rt. 3 and M grand shUdren. Bio - Obituaries — 3/23/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 6,1961 - Page 5 Kw M. Clement. 93 Punernl gjrvlcM for Korr Mll'.cr Clement. 73. of Mockxvllic were held Wcdncsdfly aflomson. Mr. Clement died Monday it f) <p.m. at lite Baptist Hospital In Wlnstan«Salcm. Ke had l}ccn In declining hcalt^i txro monilis and sci'ionsly U1 two weeks. He wns born In AitecksvUIft to William and Molllc Miller Clement. Surviving arc his wife. Mrs. Eula Miller Clement: a son, Kcrr M. Clement. Jr.. of 705 Wocdcw.st Sli'eot. Winston • Salem; three I daughters, Mrs. Robert C. Meeks of Rocky Mount. M'rs. Kmcst Minor of 2227 Queen Street. Wln- ston-Salem .and Mrs. L. W. Dixon of St. PetersbiU'g. Fla.: three grandcltildrcn: two brothem. Cecil Clement of Lancestei', Pa., and Phillip A. Clement of Ralcieh: 2 sisters. Mrs. A. F. Duckcit of Long Island, New York; and Miss Patsey Clement of Raleigh. Mrs. W. 8. Hcndrichs, 80 Puneml services for Mrs, Mhry (Lou Hendrlcks, 86. of Mbcksvillc, •widow of W. S. Hendrlcks, were held Wednesday aftci-noon. April 6. at Fli-st Methodist Church at 3:30 p.m. The Rev. C; B. Newton and the Rev. D. B. Robinson of Lexington officiated. Burial was in Rose Cemetery. Mrs. Hendrldcs died Monday at Lynn Haven Nui-sing Home at Macksvllle. She had been seriously ill four weeks. She was born In Davlc County to Thomas L. and Julia Scmmcrs Jones. Mr. Hcndilcks died in 1951. She was a member of Oullns Methodist Church. Surviving arc five sons: W. Paul Hendrlcks of Miacksville: Duke Hendrioks of Elbcrton, Oa.: Olenn Hendrlcks of Lexington: Sherman Hendrlcks of Derlta: and Frank Hendrlcks of WAyncsvlilc: two daughters, Mrs. Bertha Jones and Mrs. Mamie Vanzant, both of WInston-Salcm: a sister. Mrs. No- tie Jarvis of Mocksvllle. Rt. 3: 16 grandchildren and 16 great- granddhldren. Mn. 3. P. Weatherman, OS Funeral sei-vices for Mrs. Alveta niley WcaUierman, 68. of Route 1, Mocksvllle, wife of John P. Weatherman, were held Tuesday afternoon at the Liberty Baptist Church. The Rev. J. A. Bracken, the Rev. E. K. Woolen and the j'.He*; ®. P, Caudl^.p^ciated. Bur- ''ikWvai in the chuH^ 'cefclei-y. Mrs. Weatherman died Simday at the Davie County Hospital. She was the daughter of Charles and Nancy Woody Tllley. Suniving are the husband: two sons, Clyde Weotehrman of Ad vance, Rt. 1. arid Paul G. Weath erman of Mocksvllle. Rt. 5; four daughters. Mrs. James York of Mocksvllle, Rt. 2. MiTs. Duard Reavls of MIocksviDe. Rt. 6, Mia. Albert Bracken of Mocksvllle. Rt. 1. and Mrs. E. C. James of Wlnstcn-Salcm: 18 grandchildren: live brothers. H. Q, Tllley of Stfftcsvllle, Arthur Tllley of Greensboro, and Jeff, Ed. and Dewcy TlUey of Kannapolis, and two sisters. Mrs. J. M". Olvens of Statesvllle. and Mre. Tom Harkncas of TaylorsvUle. John C. Hodges, 85 John c. Hodges, 85. of I/Cxlng- ton. died at 4 pjn. Monday at Lexington Memoilal Hospital af ter a long Illness. Mr. Hsdgcs was bom In Karnctt County In 187S to John Cornelius and Johnie Layton Hodges. He was a member of the Lexington Masonic Lodge and a past patron of the Order of the Eastern Star. He W08 a member of the Plret Methodist Church and the John Wesley Class. He was also a sergeant In the National Guard for den years. Mr. Hodges was employed by Un'ted Furniture Co. for 35 years, retiring in 1948. He was married twice, first to Miss Ida Stcclc who died in 1025: and to Miss Sophie M'croney of Mocksvllle In 1933. Suivlvlng are his wife, three brothers, Ed Hodges of Lakelnnd. Fla., Nell Hodges of RaUIgh and Charlie Hodgrs of Greensboro, and one sister. Mia. Ophelia Ste vens of Benson. The funeral was conducted at 4 pm.. Tuesday nt Piedmont Funeral Home Chapel by the Rsv. Phillip Shore and the Rev. Ralph Taylor. Burial was In Lexington CUy Cemeterj'. Mrs. c. W. Wllilams. 89 Funeral services for Mrs. Lula Mury Coon Wiliiams, 89. widow of C. W. Wlil ams. were held Tuos- day morning at the Cleveland Baptist Church In Rowan County. Burial was In the Cleveland Cent- riery. Mrs. Williams dltd at 11 a.m. Punduy at the home of a daugh- irr. Mrs. L. P, C.iJhlon. of Troul- mtn, where she had made her imm; f.r three years. Surviving are sewn daughters. Mrs. Caslilon. Mrs. T. M. Harris of Norwood. Mrs. W. 8. t^liltfleld of Fort h^'ers. Fla., OoJ. Sarah Williams. U. 8. Army Nuree Corps Iretlrcd). and Miss waidrcd Williams of El Paso, Texas, Mj-s. D. L. Bell of Fairfax, Va.. and Cmdr. Ruth VAllliams of the U. S. Navy Nurse Coips, Cheri-y Point; four sons, J. J. Wijlams of Cleve land. C. E. Williams of Madison, Ncal Williams of Stokcsdale. and S. L. Williams of Greensboro; one stepson, O. O, Williams of Stokes •dale: one stepdaughter, Mrs. T. O. Stimpson of Fnrmvllle. Va.; 78 grandchildren; 26 great-grand- children: five great-great-grand- childrcn; four step-grandchildren; five step Ri'eat grandchildren: one brother. M. B. Coon of Clarks burg, Ark., and five sisters. Mrs. H. B. Taylor. Misses Neallc and Ollie Ooen of Greenville. Texas, Mrs. Mattie Creasey of Graham, Texas, and Mrs. Maggie Woliacu of Midland; Texas. Bio - Obituaries - 4/6/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 13,1961 - Page 5 Jofcph 0. Hnnet Joseph a. Kanes. of Winston- 8alem« a.reth'Od Southern Rail way employee, died at 1 asn- Saturday at City Rospltal. He had been in declining health for sev eral years. Mr. Hanes was born In Davto County to WllUam P. and Sarah Jones Hanes. He worked with the railroad 43 years before rcl'ring in 1043. He moved to Winston- Salem from AShevllle upon reUre- ment. •He attended Ardmors Baptist Church. Mr. Hanes married the former Jeanette Wilson In 1914. She survives. Also surviving are se- eral nieces and nephews. The funeral was conducted at 3 p.m. Monday at Wall Olade Hill Chapel by the Rev. J. W. Angell. Bur'al wos in Forsyth Memorial Park. H. E. SHAW, 61 H. E. IHub) Shaw. 61. of Win- ston-Salcm. a former resident of Oran'te Quarry, died tmexpeotod- ly lost night aboard a train trav eling from Wadesboro to Wln- ston-Balcm. Mr. Shaw was a con . ductor on the train. Funeral services were conducted at a Wlnston-Salem funeral home at 2 o'clock Tuesday Burial was in Moeksville. Mr. Shaw is survived by his wife, the former Op^ Banuner of lijBodcsvUle. Mn. M. 8. Caudle, 41 Mrs. Virginia Broadway Caudle. 41. wife of M Sidney Caudle, died unexpectedly at l:SO Friday mondng at her home about two miles south of MSocksvlUe on Highway 601. Her death was at tributed to a heart attack. Bom September 3.1619 In Da- vie County, she was the daughter of the late Daniel and BUen Tut- terow Broadway. She married My. Caudle ten years ago. In addition to her hus band. she leaves one brother. Les ter Broadway of Salisbury; two sisters, Mbrs. Ervin Perguson of Rocky Mount. Va.. ond Mrs. Vaughn Joins of Annapolis. Mtn. Caudle was a mnnber of Liberty Methodist Church near Moeksville where funerar*servlces were held Sunday. The Rev. R. J. MoClamrock officiated. Burial was In the church cemetery. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 13,1961 - Page 4 Mibi Harvey Krisabeeh* 98 Funeral eenrtees for Mn. Lucy M. Relsabeck, 78. of Green btoun- tain. Iowa, were held In that elty. Mrs. Helnbeok. wife of Har. vev RbtBabeek. died on Friday, April 1. Mrs. Helidietie wae bom in FarmlnBton Towndhlp of Oavle Cjounky, tBo daughter of dohn and Hester Ann Young ttanee. Survlvittg are the husband two sons: Kenneth Hdsabeek Robert Helsabedc. both of Zttwiu and one sister. Mlsa Bettte Hanes of Femlngton. att^ Bio - Obituaries - 4/13/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 20,1961 - Page 2 Bin. Clarence Gbartea Mrs. Edna Trlvette CHfirles, 44. of KtooksvlUe. Rt. 1, wife of ence ChaHes. died at 11 ajn. Tuesday at ZTavle county Hospi tal. had,ben oerlously 111 one week. She wpa bom in Darle County to Thomas F. and Martha l^ynn Trivette. surviving are her husbond: six daughters. Mrs. Qalther Writaker of BlOcksvlUe, Rt. 2. Bfisses Bfar; tdui Lee'>Ttivette. Shirley Trivette. Miary Alice Charles. Alice Faye Charles and Debbie Chat'les. all of the home: a son, Billy Ray IVivette of the home* five broth- en. Burton Trtvtite of Mocks- vine. Rt. 5. and Arthur Trivette ef MocksvlUe. Rt. 4. John and Terry Trivette. both of Boonville. and Linnie Bkirr Trlvetto of Har mony; flve sisters. BIrs. C. C. Fatne of McCksvUle. Route B. Mrs. Bryant Turner of Mtodcsville. Bfirs. Betty Belle Reavis and Mrs. Bnuna Jean Renaar, both of Yadklnville and Bto. R. J. Jones of Mocksvtlle. Rt. *2. I The funeral will bo conducted at 3 pan. Thursday at Union Chapel Blbthodlst Church by the Rov. O. M. Dodson and Dr. Wil liam Long. Burial wUl be In the crureh cemetery. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 20,1961 - Page 1 A. A. Fowler Local Man's Father Passes in Florida Mr. and BCrs. Frank Fowler left Tuesday for Spartanburg. S. C., to attend the funeral of Mr. Fow ler's father. A. A. Fowler, who passed away Sunday In Miami, Fla. Death was caused by Injuritt sustained in an automobile acci dent which occurred on Dee. 25. The funeral was held Wednes day afternoon In Flory Funeral Home in Spartanburg. Five chil dren survive. Bio - Obituaries - 4/20/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 20,1961 - Page 5 Billy Eugene UtwU Funeral Bervtees for Billy Bu» gene Lewis. 0 year old oon of carl J. and llirBtret Beatnon Lewis of the Center community, wero Iteid at 3 pm. Saturday at St. Matthews Lutheran Church by the Bev. Boyce Whltener and the Rev. W. B. Rimer. Burial was In the church cemetery. Silly died at 2:40 pm. Thurs day. April 13th. at Davio County HMPltal about four hours after be'iiB admitted. His death was attributed to pneuntonla. Ke was bom In Statesvllle. Surviving in addition to his parents are three brothers and one siller. Ed Ray. Lyiut. Steven and Unda Lewis, all of the home: his srandparenti. Mrs. Bfinnle Leul6 of Mochst'iUe. Bi. 5 and Mtr- and Mrs. J. A. Beamon. BioOks- vUle. Route 4. • COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, April 20,1961 - Page 1 William Caleb Downum Mrs. Glarenee Charles Bin, Edna IVtvette Chariet, 44, or Route 1. wife of C9arenee Chariea. died at 11 A. M. TuKdoy at Oavto county Hospital. She tuui been sertoculy ill one week. was bom In Davie County to Thomss F. and Mar- tbo Plynn TVlveiie, Surviving hot husband; abt daugbtors, Mis. Oaltker Whltakor of MoekivUle, Route 2; Misses Martha Lm Ttriveite Shirley Trtvctte, Mary Alice Charles. AUeo Phya Charles and D^te Charles, oil of the hotn'e; a son, Billy Ray Trh-ette of the home; five bfoUt^ Burton Trivette of Modnvthc. Route 5, and Ar thur Trivette of MocktvUle. Route 4.' John and ITeriy Trivette. both of SoenvQle. and Ltnnle Karr TMvetto of Harmony: Eve ^en. Mrs. a c. OE Mddcsvuie. Rt 5, Mrs. Bryant lUtner of Modmvillo, Mrs. Betty Belle Rcavis end Mm. Emma Jean Reneger, both of YodhinvlUe. and Mm. R. J. Jones of Modts* vUle, Route 3. funeral was conducted at 3 P. H Thursday 01 UnlOtt Chapel MetbodUt dinrth by the Rev. C M. Oodson and t>r. wnilam U>ng. Buitol was in Ute etutrdii cemetery. Loeai Man's Father Dies William Caleb Downum. 78, or 1£^ Olonwood Avenue. Sallsbtiiy. died Tuesday night at 0:15 at his home. He hod been in declining health for four yean and seriously ill for the past week. A native of Rod< Hill. S. C.. he was bom June 6, 1882, son of the late Jtdm F. and Mary Suther Dowmtih. He waa edumted' in the Charlotte city acftools. Fbr rorty.eight years Mr. Downum waa emplf^red at the Cone MPh In SaUfilkiiy« He retired In 1955. He was a monber of Cbburo Memorial Oitirch and the Som and Dau^ters of Liberty No. S5. Survivors Indudo his wife. Mrs. Bertha Leach Downum, udtom he married.en March 7, 1812: one son. Wtmoni F. Downum of QNdMBhee: two daughlom, Mrs. Roniv T. Simpson of SaUohury and Mm. J. B. SiniHOil of Route 3, siulnbuiy: two riate^ Mm. J. C. Ellenhufg and Mrs. J J. Ovomtan of SalUbuty; four granddilldran. F\meiQl ficrvfces were con ducted Ttemiday oftenuNm at 4 oVdocic at the Summersett Ftmaral Ctii^ by tho Rev. HdroM piuiior of 00* Iwrn Me^^ol Methodist (^fch. Ruriol was tn Rowan Memorial Foric. Bio - Obituaries - 4/20/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 27,196I - Page 4 S, 0> Markland Dies Of Kajuries Stephen Oaks Mailtland. 42, of Advance end MookavUle. injured in a WHO accident April 9 at Advance, died about d ajn. liW- day at Baptist Hospital In Win* ston-SalettL Mainland has been oreeeivins treatment at the hospital for h*ad Injuries since the accident State Highway Patrolman R. c. Blalock said a car in which Marldand was traveling alone -kidded on wet pavement on High way 801 and hit a poiked car ttring a heavy rain. No one else was Injured. Ihe accident occurred about 4:48 pm. on April 8th some SCO yards fnwi Advance Ohrlll. which ^'arkland operated. Mr. Mhxkland was bom in Oavie Obunty to lioule and Sally '* lie Lyon Markland. Surviving are his wife, the ftrmer Miss MUiy Hendrt^: a son, Connie McuMand ot the hmne: a daughter. Pom Marklattd of the home: four brothers, Wfl* Hem. B. J. and Paul MhrklOnd of Advencet Ht. 8. and Henry l», Misrtland of MOdDSViUe: and two sh(UM, Mn. P. lb Bioonta of MkMksvUlo. Xtt. 6 and Mrs. John OrreU of Advance, Rt. 1. Ihe funeral was conducted ot 2 psn. Sutttny at EtbavUle Math* church by the iRev. Alvln Latham and the Rev. Ed Ptts- tcerald. Burial was in the church ?smeteiy. John O. Hodgns. 88 Puneral services for John C. Hodges, 86. of Lexington, were held recently ot the Flednumt Funeral Home of thst dty. Sfr. Hodges was bom in Bamett County in 1875 to John Oemelius and Johnle Leyton Hodges. He was a member ot the Lexington Maaonle Lodge ami a past pelron of tiie Order of Che Bostem Star. He was a member of the First Methodist Church and the John Wbsley Qass. He was a sergeant in the National Guard for ten ^ars. I He was enployed by cnied :homlture CO. for 28 years, re* ilr^ in 1984. Be was married to Miss Soi&le Memrey in 1928. Surviving are his wife: three brothers, Ed Hodges of Lakdand, Pla., Nell Hodges of Relelgh and Charlie Hodges C>t Oj^eensborer. ami one slstm'. m. Ophelia; Ste-i vens of BensogLniU'^ ^ Bio - Obituaries - 4/27/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 27,1961 - Page 4 ]>, SL anwei 92 Rmoai sMvteQS for Sfirs. Ua Jahe MOftldo Groce, 72, of Rt. 5, MocSEsvlUe, widow of Daniel m;. Cirocet were held TUday after- non at the tfouirt OUve Metho dist Church. Ittie Rev. BUI Btan- ley and the Rev. Beimle iBearden officiated. Btirfal was In the dulroh oemetwy. Mka. Oroce died 93iuieday at her homd. She had been In de- ^ year and sor- loueiy 01 nine days. Mrs, Groce was bom In Davle County to James and MhSffle Wldttii MbBxlde. - I9ie was^a. m^ber of Mtount OUVe Methodist Church. She had qoent her life In the HuntsvOIe community. Surviving are a daughter Mrs. Dora Voik of ModesvUle. Ht 5: six amis, Robert Itee Groce, MU- ler James wma end Looluley Hall Qrooe, bU of Mocksvllle, Rt. 6, and David Groce of Vhdklii- Route 8: 21 grandchildren, three great grandchildren; two brotbera Chaxtle BAoBrlde of oodleemee and VVBU MdBrlde of MocksvUIe, Rt. B; and two sis ters, Mbs. Fannle MCBride of TadklnvUle and Birs. Daisy, Plow man of Yadklnvllle, Rt. 2. Mre. Emms HCNedy, S9 Funeral serviees for MTs. Brma Lee MoNeely, B9. of Mt. DUa. Rt. 1. were held Tuesday at the First Bspffst Church. ODr. T. O. Smith, the Rev. O. M Btodo and the Rev. Donald ptmderburice offic iated. Burial was in ttie Willow Valley Cemetery. Mrs. MoNeely died Sunday at the Lowraneo Hospital. She was a native of Yorit County, 8. Ch and wes bom im Sept. 1, 1801. She was the daughter of John C. and Harriet Hedgepetb Warren. siw was maxnod to Hugh L. MONeely, who survives. Also stir- vivlng are three dautdderst Mrs. C. A. Cherry of Rt 1, Bit. UUa: Bire. J. o. Compton of Route 3. MooresvUIe; and Bhre. Carl Bas- ainger of BieoresvlUe. Two sisters Bfrs. J. W. Daney of LeKlngton: Vena Bfae Wonen of Butler. Two brotliers. James C. Whrren of BfiooksvlUe and UU Warren of Ohlcago, JU. Four giandehUdien. Bio - Obituaries - 4/27/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 27,1961 - Page 6 BoUqf Booe Is Killed In Wreck Bobby C. Booe. 28. of Route 3. Moekflville. Blxby community, wos k'lled Inetuntly about 3 n.m. Sunday nomlng ibroe and one- half miles north of MccksvlIIe on U. 8, 601 when the car ho was drtvlng eradhed into the rear of another automobile. Jerry Milton Crews. ID. of Ad vance. nt. 1. who was riding in the Booe car. suffered serious hrad Injuries. He was treated at Oav'e county Hospital and then taken to Baptist Hospital at Wln- ston-Solem. State Highway Patrolnum R. C. Blalook said the Booe car ran into the rear of an automobile operated Gary I. Chaffin, ID. of MocksvlUe. Rt. 1. The Booe car ran off the left side of the high way and turned over several times. Chaffln'O car went off the side of the highway and overtumed. Chaffln was a patient at Davie Couh^ Hospital under ^»erva- tlon unto Tuestby. Patrolman Blalock said he was continuing his investigation. Mr. Booe was bom in Yadkln County to Joe hnd Kathleen Moser Booe. HO was a fumlture worker. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Juanlta Kartene MbBtide Booe: two sons, Perry and Reginald Booe of the home: two daughtera. Ajnlta Kay and Kaney Kathleen l^oe. aU of the home: his par ents, of MoeksvlUe, Rt 3: two brothers. Tony and Joe M. Booe of Mocksville Rt. 3: and one sis ter. bHss Judy Booo of Mocks ville. Rt. 3. The funeral was conducted at 3^p.in. Tuesday at Fulton Meth odist Church by the Rev. AlvJn Latham. Burial was in ((he church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 4/27/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 11,1961 - Page 6 Rites Held For S. Wade Furches n \ ''T s ' mm 8. WADE FITRCKES ; Pi'ttPral lervIcM lor 8. Wade Furches. 67, of Mocksvllle. Route 3. wcro held Sunday afternoon ati the FonnlnRton Baptist Church. The Rev. Clarence Shore, the Rev. J. W. Vestal and the Rev. Marvin Gold ofTiclatcd. Burial was In ne Farmlngton Cemetery with ^avssldc Masonic Rites. M-.-. Furches. a member of tlic OavU County Board of Education, d'cd at 7:30 am. Saturday morn' ins at the Rowan Memorial Has- oUal In Salisbury. He had been 111 ten days. He was a dairy farmer and was bom In Davle County to Samuel B. and Bell Tatum Furches. Mr. Furches was a member of the Farmlngton Mosonlc Lodge and Ih? Pino CommunUy Orange. In 1923. he married XDss Ella Grey Arniworthy. who survives. Also surviving Is a ntepmother, Mrs. Ada Purches. Miama. Pla.; wo sons. S. Wade 'Parches. Jr. of King and Robert Grey Furches of North Wllkcsboro; two daughters Vt'S. John B. Blaylock. of New Bern and Mrs. Joseph B. Smith >f Mocicsvllle. Rt. 2: three broth ers. Frank P. Furcses of Salis bury. Ezi-a T. Purches of Draper and John c. Furches of Miami, Fla., and e'ght grandchlidron. Pallbearers were Cecil Leagans. Wade Groce. J. W. Seats. Luther West. Joe Langston. and Fletcher Rcavla. Tlic members of the Divlc Ccunty Board of Education and county school principals wei'e hon orary pallbearers. Bio - Obituaries — 4/27/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 4,1961 - Page 4 Mrs. lvla boob Funeral servlees for Mrs. Camilla Button Booe. 84.* of Route 5. who died Iliureday, April 27, at 10:80 pjn. at Davte Countsr Moqiltal, were hdd Bat- orday at Bear Greek Boptlet Ghureh liy the Rev. w. G. Bark- ley. Burial was In the efaureh cemetery. . Mrs. Bobe was bom la Davle County to Roiry and l^sabeth Hatchet Button. Burvlvlnff are five eons, Jack Booe, Lester Booe, Jimmy Booe and Clyde Booe of MoeksvOle, Rt. 5. and Joe Booe of Mocks- vllle. Rt. 3: four daughters, Mrs. J. Ireland and Mrs. Roy Jarvls of YadktnvlUe. Rt. 8. Mrs. H. B. Wooten of Yadkinville, Rt. 3, aifd Mrs. W. M. Whltaksr. of Mocks- jVllle. Rt 8: two stepsons. Oscar iBooe of Cooleemee and* B. W. Booe of Concord; 34 grandchil dren; and 44 great-grandcfatl- dren. DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 4,1961 - Page 5 . Kdiy A. Bwlcegood, 64 Funeral' services for Rdly An drew Swieegbod, 64, of Cleveland, Rt. 8, were heM Monday, at the No Creole Frtmltlva BaptM Church. Elder Wesley Skgg end Blder P. R. Bfloore officiated. Bttridl was in the chuttdi ceme tery. Mr. Bwlcegood died Bunday at the Zreddl Memorial Hospital in StatesvUls. H6 had bem 111 for two* days. ' Be was b<wn in Davle County to CharUe B. and Mlattle Youna Bwleegooh. * Mr. Bwio^mod .was a farmnr and a anembar of No Credc Mm 'Nve Baptist Chtn^ " He was mhrrtbd tb Mtfs Btrila WBUams- ln 1B19. Bhe survives. Also survtvtog are five sons, Paul BWteegdod of Cleveland. Rt 8..wyatt Bwlcegood of Winston- Baaem. Lawgrenoe, Qwloegood of Cleveland, Rt 9, ReU fiwieegobd of Ohsrlottei and BlUy Bwlcegood it BtatesvtUe, Rt 8: a daughtdr, Mrs. WUbum McOoelel of Wood- leaf, Rt 1; two brothsn, M. R. Bwlcegood of Mocksvtile, Rt 4, and Lonnle Bwlcegood of BtatM- vllle. Rt 1; a sister, Mjrs. BMn Barnhardt of Leklngtdn, Rt. 6: and CharUe Bwleegood, both of BtatesvUle, Rt 1. Bio - Obituaries - 5/4/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, May 4,1961 Wesley C. Allen WtoJcj- n«^trlan4 AH'n. ffli, of Advance. Itijuu- 1, du-<i at 3.3U a.m. Wt-di^xlav at Davur County He had been in ctevlin:njt health about • >eiu ind tfHouily Ul w^fnU muntha. He w«a bom tn Divie COuiv t>- to Semue! A. ind Mery Ann Cunnin^m AUen. He apeni his entire Ute in Dovie County. He wei « retired far* mer attd carpenter. He wu a member u( Mace« (keiJi Mcrav Church. HU Kite, the former Miaa Flora Fheipa. aunivea. Also 5urvutne are a aoii. Clarrttce Allen ot Advatice. Rt. 1: four dauihtm, Mn. Frank Long ef Winaton-Selem, SJra. Eiuabrtn ^ague of Advance, ill I. Mri. IfuMBrd Sain of Mockavilir. Rt. 3, and Mra. LiieUi* HscKi of the home; eight grandrhlldrca and (ko givjt.Srandchildren, a brother George Allen of Advance. Rt. and a ««tpr. Mn Ada fitnraid of MuckaviJle. The funeral wa« cotkductrd at 1 f M. Th«r*djy at Red- lattd* fVntecuatai e*hurch t>>' the Rev. Pdul A Jocra and Iho Rev I- A, Tcitv:L Burial m the chu.'vh cfTOtery Nef^ewt »*ix pftlibeareia. Mrs, Lula Booe Mm. LuJa Catnilla Suiton Booe. fti of Mockaville, Rt y died at 10;M P. M. Thur*- da> In the Oavjc Cbunty Hoa. pital She had been in declitiing health aevera) months and u- rioualy 111 t>vo Htxka. Mr^, Booie wai bom tn Da. Vie County to Henry and Eli« rabeth Hatchet Sutton, StirvBing are five none. Jack Booc. Letter Booe. Jimmy Booe and Clyde Booc of Mixktviik. Rt. 5, iind Jon Booc of Moduv.ile. Route tt. fLKii diiiithten. Mrs J, Ireland and Mrs. Roy Jatvlj of Yad- kitivllle, Rt. ■). Mrs. H. B Woolen of Yndktnvlllc. Route- 2. and Mn. W. M. Whltakct of Mocksvtlle. Rt. 5; two step- I0n!i. Oitcsr Rooe of Coolec- mec and S. W, Booe of Con. coird: M trandchildrrn; and -H cre&ijirandchildten. The funeral was conducird at 2 P. M. at Bear Creek Baptiai Church by the Rev W, C. Rarkley Burfal was in the church cemetery Gratid- S0C15 were pallhcarera. Bio - Obituaries - 5/4/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 11,1961 - Page 2 IbB. O. C* Meadows. 87 Funeia) eervlcos for Mrs. Ne* vads Haynes Meadows. 87. of Rt. 7. Harmony, wife of Charlie C. Meadows, were held Tuesday at the Sandy Springs Baptist Chur^. The Rev. Ralph BOgan and the Rev. Wade Rutcheiu of- flehded. Mrs. Meadows died lost Thurs- dty. She was found dead in the yard of her hone by her husband when he etrlved home from work. Dr. J. M. Robertson saM her death resulted from natural caus es. Mrs. Meadows was bom to Luke and Polly Renegar Haynes. K^r tnuband Is employod by the Davte Eteetrlo Mnnbershtp Oor- poratloa at Mooksville. I Surviving In additl<m to her husband are two daughtera. Mrs. Polly Wagner of Taylorsvfile and . Bdrs. Peggy Jenkins of Oallfomia. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 11,1961 - Page 4 Brother of Local Man b Killed Horace Hermon. 46. brother of MiUard Hamum of Sarbury St.. was kttled Friday. May 8. In an oooldent In Son Xhcgo. California. petaJts of the tragedy wrre not known except that Harmon and a friend had just stepped off a curb Into e crossiunlk and both were struck by an oncoming ve hicle. l^meral serticrs will be held Thunsdiy. klay 11. at 4 pm. at Bundt Funeral llonte by the Rev. 0. B* Willie. Burial will be in Oakwood Comrcory with full mil* itary honors. He was a retired cldef petty officer in the U. 8. Navy. He Is survived by his wife; four children, pjvld. kbcltarl, Susan and Betty Jane Harmon, all of Kanras City: five brothers, fhis- irr T. Harmon. Fred Harmon. PaVd Harmon and James P. Harmon, of SiaiesviUc: MUlard Harmon of Mocksvllle: two six- ieia. Mra. Paul Dayrault of Hi. 1. Btatesvllle and Mrs. Paul B. WiliOB Of 8tak»vlUe. Bio - Obituaries - 5/11/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May II, 1961 - Page 3 MarshuU Ray Sallo* SO Funeral acrvlcca for MIi\r-M\»ll Roy Ballcy. 80. of Elkin wnx' hrld Sunday at Che hcmc. Dr. J. 6, Mlatt and the Rev. J. H. Bren« del] offJclaLcd. Buidal was in Lhc Hollywood Cemetery. Mr. BftJIey. n former native of D.^vle County, died at lila home Friday after an lllncas of four days. He Ivid been in declining healtih three years. He was born In DrvIc County to John M JUid Emily Anderson Bailey. Hf was aupcrlnlcndcnt of tho Eikln Furniture Co. for 47 years, retiring In 1854. He was a member of Ute Fli'st Methodist C^urcli. He was also a member of the Elkln Masonic Lodge 464. li)c Piedmont Com- mandcry of Winston . Solent and Oasis Temple of Charlotte. H s first wiht. the former Miss Follie WhiUi-ker. died hi "1927: His second wlfs. lite former Mrs. Hoby Jo.strr Evans, suivlvca. Also surviving arc two sons. Dwight Bailey of Greensboro and Glenn W. Bailey of Elkin: two daughters, Mrs. Max If. Boylcs of Elkln and kb-s. Whiter E. Ellis of Norfolk. Va., a stepsoit, Edward O. Evans of Jone.svillc: two bicpdaughtera. Mrs. Walter M. Elmorc of Wlitston^Solem and Mrs. William E. Freed of Joncs> vlilc: six gntndchlldren and eight groat • gmttdehildrcn:; a bro* tlier. William Beale Bailey of Rt. 2. Mockiivlllc. Wesley C. Allrn. 08 Funeral services for Wesley Cleveland Allen. OB. of Advance itt. 1. were held Thursday af ternoon ot the Rcdlond Pente costal Church. Tito Rev. C. J. Pardue. the Rev. Paul A. Jones and the Rev. L. A. Terrell offi ciated. Bural was in the church cemetery. Mr. Allen died at 3:22 a.m. May 3rd at the Davie County Hospital. He had been In declin ing health about a year and seriously 111 several months. He was born In Davie Cotmty to eamwl A.-aitd Mary Ann Cun- nUtgliam Allen. He spent his on- lire lite In Davie County. He was a retired fanner and carpenter. He WAS a member of Macedon ia Momvinn Church. His wife, the former MIfs Flora Phclps. survives. Also surviving are a son, Clar ence Allen of Advance, Rt. 1; four dnughters. Mrs. Frank Long of Wln.ston-Snlem, Mrs. Elizabeth Pcngue of Advance. Rt. 1. Mrs. Howard Sain of Mocksvlllc. Rt. 3. and Mrs. Eslellc Hicks of the home; eight yrondchlldren and two s rca t-grandchtldrcn: a brother. George Allen of Ad vance. Rt. 1; and a sister, Mrs. Ada Howurd of Mocksvlllc. Harry L. Spencer, 80 Harry Leo Spencer, 80. of CrossvUlc. Tcnst.. died at 8 pan. Monday at the Lynn Haven Rest Hcmc at Mocksvllle. He had been In declining health for several years and seriously ill a month. He was born In Crossvlile, l^nn.. to William Taylor and Sa rah Parsons spencer. He was o retired farmer. His wife, the fomw Miss Laui-a EltsftiKth-QUftHs.-dlcd 4r.-18k8- - Surviving are a son. W. T. Spcn CCT of Mock^lle: u daughter, Mrs, Joseph Stnub of Crojoivllle: five graudchildi'cn: a slRler, Mrs. Loon BHstow Of CroBsvlllc. Bio - Obituaries - 5/11/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 18,1961 - Page 4 G. L. Steele, 62 Funeral services for Qarvlo Lewis Steels. 6a-yeai>old turner at Harmony Rt. 1. were held, Prldey morning at the Tabor| Presbyterian Church. Burial was In the ehuroh cemetery. Mr. Stede died May 10th In' the Baptist Hospital as a result of Injuries he reoelved In an automobile wreck, which occur* red May OQi near MoclcsvlUe on UjB. Highway 64. He la survived by one son. David Lewis Steel of Route 4. MooksvOle; two daughters. Mrs. Jasper Peacock of BtatevUle and Mrs. Dewey WtlUams of Route 4. fitatesville: three toothers, JOhn P. and Oumle Steete of Route 1. {Hamony. and Renla Stede of Route 1. MocksvlUe: six sisters. iMrs. D. L. Beck and Mrs. M. O. Ghvder of Route 4. StatesvUle. and Mrs. T. L. Mayberry. Miss towmft Bteele. Miss WlUle Mae Bteele and Miss Llssle Stede. aU of Route 1. Harmony; and one halfdster. Mrs. Lena Sharpe of Route 9. Haxmimy: eight grand- ehUdren. Cap Gullet, 77 Funeral services for Cap Gul let, 77 of Cooleemee. Liberty Road, were hdd Sunday attar- neon at the North Co<fleemee Baptlet Church. The Rev. Clyde Botde offlelated. Burial wae in the Liberty Cemetery. Mr. Gullet died Friday at his home after a heart attack. Be had been In dedlning health several months. He VMS bom in Davle County to Alfred and Mary Oto>e Gullet. He waa a retired texttte emiAoye and had worked for Brwln Mills. Inc., for 86 years. His wife, the fmmer Mlse Bm- Uy Myers, survives. Also surviving are a foster daughter. Mrs. Robert Davis of MOeksvaie; a foster sister. Sam Eaton of Buffalo, N. Y.; a half toother. Alex GuBet of Modta- vUle. 4; and three grandchil dren. The funeral wUl be conducted at 8 pm. Sunday at Nortii Cod- leotnee Bcdttlst Chureh by the Rev. Clyde Settle. Burial win be In Liberty Oemotery. Bio - Obituaries - 5/18/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 25,1961 - Page 4 Mrs. Q. F. Tbronebarr Funeral servlees for Mrs. UlUe T. Dironeburff. 6b. moQwr of MJrs. J. Vemon Miller of Route 2. MocKsvllle. were held on Sunday, May 21, at 3 pjn. at Western Avenue Baptist Church by the Rev. Paul Wonders. Mrs. Throneburs, of StatesviUe. died at 8:20 ajn. Saturday In Ire> dell Memorial Hospital. She had been'In deellnlitK health six months and seriously U1 three weeks. She was bom in Catawba County to Henry Burton Throne- burs and Mary Frye Throneburg. She was married in 1897. surviving are her husband: two sons. X^wls T. 'Hironeburg of StatesviUe and Howard T. Throne burg of Newton, Route 1; four daughters, Mrs. M^ L. MoDoug- ald of StatesvUle, Miss Barbara Throneburg of Columbia, S. Ch Mka. BSiUer and' Mrs. c. V. Far- reU of Ghdffin, Oa.: 1.3 grand- jfftflfTr"- -"nfuadltt- drent a brother, McKlnley Throne burg of Newton, Rt. 1. and two sisters, Mhs. J. L. Fulbrlght of Wilmington, N; C., and Mrs. Sue Treate of San Jose, Calif. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 25,1961 - Page 3 Whltako* Infant Funeral servlees for fCathte Marline Whitaker, S-month . old daughter of Bruce and Janice Harris Whitaker of the Liberty Church community was conduct ed ivlday. May 19, at 2:80 pjn. at Liberty Baptist Church by the Rev. Albert Bracken. Burial was in the chur^ cemetery. The child was found dead at her home Thursday morning. Her death was attributed to natural Surviving In addition to her .Bruce and: a alBter, Sher ry both of the home. Bio — Obituaries - 5/25/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, May 25,1961 Kathle Whitaker Kulfiie \^"h!lakcr, tlaliKlilcr IJrlK'l' .laiuK- JI.kjIs WliiliiUvr ••■I Uu' l.il".'Uy Criiirch eorn- .Mitc-ksvillo, lioule fi. w.i,'. |<(U:ul dciid at I«:r MwiHf Tiiw^ilay fiioitiiiiK. Ift'i' death \v<i- .iitr.liutoil to tiitlural csm* 5uisiviii^ III ii(liriii>:i u* hci* ji.ilruts art' u brollmr, JJrut'c Wlii'akcr, .Ir.. and a NslOr, Sh'.'irii WhifiiJa.')', bolii of Iho liiina'. 'J'Hi' hififial wn.s lAUiductt'd 111 I'lK) 1*. M. at LI. ix'rty llaptkl <rhurch by Albfii Uradten. JhirJal •iMi.s ill liif diurcb cemt'lory. Bio - Obituaries - 5/25/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 1,1961 - Page 4 Wltlio K. Otrtner. 90 Funeral seivteea for WOUo R. CUrtnor. 99. of* MbeksvUIo wero held WMUu»day morning at the South Mver Methodist Ohureh. Burial was in the church ceme tery, Mr. Cartner died at 12:20 pm. lAmday at the Broughton Hos* pltal in MOrgantoa where he had been a patient for the past two and a half years. Mr. Cartaer was b<nn in Davie Oobnty to T. W. and Virginia Brown Gartner. Re married MTa. Annie 1m Rarper who died in 1036. .Surviving are two brothers, Olenn cartner and Jesse l«e Gartner, both of MocksvUte. Bt. It Before entering the hospital, Hfi*. Gartner resided at the Meth odist Home at cSraarlotte. G. D. [BCD] FSBBLBS. 8S Funeral services for Glearo Brewery (Budi Peebles. 66, of Advance,.a retired farmer, were held Wednesday afternoon at the Advance Methodist Church. The Rev. !F9etoher Andrews and 22r. ExceUe Roeelle offlclaed. Burial witji Masonlo rites were In the I church cemetery. Mr. Peebles died at 4:26 pm. .Monday at the Davle County Hospital. He had been IQ a weOk. Ml'. Peebles was bonr in Davie County to Hathaniel and Jennie I Lowe Peebles. Be epent his life in the county and was a member 'of Advance Methodist Church. He was a Mason and waa'aotlve !ln community affairs. His wife, Bally Sue Bills Peeb les, died In. 1853. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Nathan O. Bailey of Balti more. Md.,.Mr8. James W. Bean of High Point and Mrs. Ralph c. Ratledge of Advance; a 8<m. Wi ley EUis Peebles of Advanoo; thre** grandchildren: and two great grandchildren. Mrs. Henry T. Kelly Mrs. Hcmy T. Kelly, 77. of TayloravUle died Thursday morn ing at a TaylorsvOie hospital. She had been in in health for sometime. She was born May 6. 1882 in MocksvUle, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win Woodruff. She was a member of the Presbyter ian Church in Taylorsvllle. ^e is survived by her hus band: two sons, William Henry, of Bunn. and John A., of Elldn: three daughters. Mrs. Elizabeth Watts and Mrs. L. Waverly Moose, both of Tayloravllto, and Mrs. Phil Jackson of' Moores- vUle: 12 grandchildren: three great-grgndchUdren. Funeral services were held Sat. urday at 11 a. m. at the Taylors vine Church. Bio - Obituaries - 6/1/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 8,1961 - Page 6 JOIIN L. HAUSBR Settle Uauser and son. Gene, attended fitneml sendees for Mr. Kbu^''8 brothre, John L. IPstel Kauser In Marshalltown. Iowa, Thursday, June 1. Mr. Hauser died May 39 at a Nurslna home where he had lived for 13 months. He waa born Jan. 23. 1833, at Farflngton to Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hauser. In 1918 ho was marr ied to Minnie Hockaday and they moved to Iowa where he farmed until 1925. He was then employed by the Minneapolis and St. Louis Railroad until his vellrement in 1945. Survivors Include four sons. John. James, and Raymond, all of Mar^aUtown: Robert of Los Alamos. How Mexico: one dauah- ter, Mrs. Clark Richardson of Des Molnes: 12 grandchildren} 2 brothers. Settle Hauser of Ad vance, and James Hauser of State Center. Iowa: one sister. Mrs. Emma Mitchell of MarshaUtown: one half brother. Turner Hauser of East Bend: one half sister. Mrs Hell Blackburn of Washington. D. C.: and, his step-mother. Mrs. P. W. Martin of YadkinvlUe. Bio - Obituaries - 6/8/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 15,1961 - Page 2 Mr*. MRRirif MttliiN. 7U Funoral wrvices for Mr*. Mni?- nir Snlinon* Mitlli*. 70. of Mticks:- \illc. HI. 1. worr held ln«l Tlun**- rtnj' ftl the Wtnthrop Friends Church. The Rev, Mr*. E. O. Key. the Rev. E. K. Wcolen. nml the Rev. Caldu'cll Henderson offic ial rd. Biirlol was In the rhurt-h eemelor>'. Mrs. Muni.s died rrrontl.v nt the Dnvl* Hospital after nil Illness of three weeks. She was bom In Ircdcll County, to Mr. ond Mrs. Joseph Camp bell. Mrs. Mullis was married twice, to Pctos Salmons, who died in 1928: and to J. W. Mullis. who died In 105b. Survivors Include one son. Robert C. Sniinona of Mocksvillc: one brother. J. A. Cnmpbell nf Stntesvilte.- one sister. Xfrs. Mnry Bverhnrt of Hlah Point: three itmndchltdren and three urcttt- grandchildren. Cecil P. Clement. 70 Funeral services for Cecil Franklin Clement. 70. of Lnncos- ter. Pn.. formerly of Mocksvllle. were held last Tliursday morning at the Arllnaton National Ceme tery In Arllneton. Va.. with nilll- lary honors. Mr. Clement died Mny SUi in a hospital In Lancaster. Pa., from a iicart attack. He had bi*cii 111 onb' a week. He served In the Navy for nine ycors durlnir World War I. He was bom In Mocl*.svnie. the son of Wllliniii and Mollio Miller Clement. Sunivlng ore his wife. Mrs. Cecelia Frost Clement: two sons. Cecil Fmnklln Clemon». Jr., of Colorado Springs. Colorado and WiUiam Kerr CIcmeitc II of Am bler. Pa.: six grandchildren. One brotltcr. Phillip A. Clement ol Raleigh: two sisters. Miss Patsy Clement of Rnlclgh and Mrs. A. P, Ducketl of Long fslund, N. Y. Bio — Obituaries — 6/15/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 22,1961 - Page 4 James Albert Attdersan, 80 Funeral servtees tor James Al bert lAbt Anderson, 80. of Rt. 1. Mocksville, were held Tuesflay morning at the Clartabury Metho dist Church. The Rev. W. L. Uar- key olTlclated. Burial was In the church cemetery. Mr. Anderson died Sunday morning at the Davis Hospital in StatesvlUe after a serious ill ness of one week. Mr. Anderson wos bom in Davic County to Bragg and Annie An derson. He was a merchant In the Mocksville, Rt. 1. commun-, Ity. I Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Emma Brown Anderson: one daughter. MTs. Mildred Gartner of StatesvlUe. Rt. 4; two sons.! Lawrence Anderson of Elkton. Md.. and OecU Anderson of Hew- burgh, N. Y.; 16 erandchUreni three great - granchitdren; and three sisters. Mrs. Martha Bamcycastle of ihCocksvllle. Rt. 1. Mrs. Bertha Harbin of Stateville. Rt. 4 and Mrs. C. H. Anderson of Winston-Salem. Rt. 4. W* llobart Hoots, 68 Funeral services for William Hobart Hoots. 63. of Wlnslon- Salem. were held Tuesday after noon at the Hawthorne Road Baptist Church by the Rev. W. H. Spradlln. Jr.. and the Rev. Roy V. Young. Burial was In Joppa Cemetery at Mocksville. Mr. Hoots, a former resident of Mocksville and former Deputy Sheriff and contractor here, died Sunday at Uie Baptist Hospital. Re had been in 111 health a week, but death was unexpected. He was bom In Yadkin County to WUUam Henry and Mhry At- wood Hoots. Mr. Hoots was a former rcsi-. dent of Mocksville, and moved to Wlnston-Salem in 1656. He was a campus policeman at Wakei Forest College at the time of his I death. He was a member of Hawthorne Road Baptist Church and a mem ber of the Patriotte Order Sons of America. Washington Camp No. 52. On Dec. 24. 1616. he married Miss Grace Foster, who survives. Also surviving are three daugh- tes. Mrs. Wallace Wright of the home. Mrs. Kathlyn Reavls of Wtnston-Salem and Mrs. Ray mond HiU of StatesvlUe. Rt. 2: two sons. W. If. Hoots. Jr.. of Winston - Salem and Vemon O. Hoots of the home: a brother. H. A. Hoots of Winston-Salem: and seven grandchildren. I Mrs. T. F. Bailey. 75 I Funeral services for Mrs. Clara ! Bailey. 75. of Advance. Rt. l, were held Friday at tlie Blba- vlUe Methodist Church. The Rov. Alvin Latham, the Rev. F. L. Andrews and the Rev. C. B. Crawford ofCtelated. MI'S. Bailey died June 14 at the Davte County Hospital. She had been in declining health a month and critleaUy lU several days. She was bom In Davie County to Lewis and Elisabeth Hedge Grouse. She spent her life In the Ad vance community and was a life long member of Elbavlllc Meth odist Church. She belonged to the Woman's Society of ChrisUnn Service. Her husband died July 28. 1844. Surviving arc a daughter. Mrs. J. Ralph Slagle of Mnrlctla. Ga.: two sons. W. A. and Hubert Bail ey of Advance. Rt. 1: five grand children: three sisters. Mrs. Delia Lanler. Mrs. Ei*ma Crouch and Mm. Mary Angel of Wlnston-Sn- Icm; and a brother. L. N. Crouw of Advance. Bio - Obituaries - 6/22/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 22,1961 - Page 4 Mrs. J. 8. Bmerson, 78 Mrs. Bessie Bnvm Emerson, ane 78. widow of the late John S. Bmerson. passed away at Mercy Hospital In Charlotte on Sunday morning. June 18. at 2:4S a.mH after a critical illness of 17 days. Funeral services were conduct ed on Tuesday afternoon in the Cooleemee Metliodlst Church by the pastor, the Rev. Joe Melton, and a former pastor. Rev. F. H. Shiim. Burial was in the plot at the Center Cemetery. Mrs. Bmerson had spent most of her life In Bavle County and was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jesse Brown. In late years she had made her home with a son. Craig A. Em erson of Charlotte, ond a daugh ter. MTs. Floyd Bailey of Hun- tersvllle. She is survived by four chil dren: Craig A. Emerson of Char lotte: Mrs. Floyd Bnlloy of Hun- tcrsviiic: Armlttc Bmerson of Saniord. Fin. and Mrs. Nell Q.-issman of Huntersville: ana 3 urandchlidren. Surviving sisters are Mrs. John P. Evorhardt of Cooleemee: Mrs. John L. Harper of Winston-Sa- 1cm nnd Mtss Blanche Brown •ifi Mocksvlllc. A bother. W. D. Brown, of Mocksvlllc. Rt. 4. Bio - Obituaries - 6/22/1961 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA