New Jerusalem ApostolicNew Jerusalem Apostolic Compiled Information from the Collection of the Martin-Wall History Room of the Davie County Public Library Mocksville, North Carolina G."v\vxa«.v\e. - \'to*rEfl0t»ooiMK)AT\OMi6L - KJtuJ XtauS^Len /\po5TOuCB2 School IDayAgdlnA SuccessThe 4th successful Back to SchoolEmpowerment Day, a part of theoutreach program of New Jerusalem jApostolic Church, was held this year !at the Davie High School gymnasium on Saturday, Aug. 16. |Approximately 500 people at- Itended with more than 300 studentsreceiving school supplies."Get ready, Get set, Succeed!" isthe motto for the initiative."It was also used as a clarion callto the many volunteers, businesses,churches and organizations in theDavie County Community to helpprovide school supplies for Davie County students," said AngeliaIjames, volunteer. "In addition, theempowerment's purpose is to provide a platform to motivate, inspire,and educate'.students on how to besuccessful in the upcoming schoolyear."Gladys Scott, a retired educatorand supporter of the initiative sinceits inception, served as the emcee.\^th a performance by the B2SchoolCommunity Choir singing Mary,Mary's "Go Get your Blessing" andJonathan Nelson's "Strong Finish,Strong Faith" the atmosphere wasset for inspiration and motivation.Students were greeted by administrators from each school level inthe county.Dr. Cinde Rinn, Comatzer El-ementary's principal, epcouragedstudents with some wisdom fix)ra Dr.Seuss: "The farther you go in school,the farther you will go in life." She^tressed the importance of readingand stated statistics showing thatstudents who have continued a discipline of reading 20 minutes a nightsignificantly increases their chanceto be in the 90 percent range at end-of-grade testing.The second administrator to speakwas Alicia Holman from Ellis Middle School. She urged students tocome to school with pride. Students,she said, should prepare daily forclass, respect staff and peers, interact and become a part of the schoolculture, and finally, they should enjoy school.Davie High's new principal,Doyle Nicholson, said high schoolstudents should get involved in extracurriculum activities, seek leadership opportunities, be disciplined,stay caught up on school Work andreach put to teachers. He encouragedparents to be involved and stay informed by taking advantage of theparent portal which provides parentswith up to date progress of studentsperformance in class.The guest speaker was WXII television traffic anchor, Busta Brown.He started by engaging the crowd |to finish a quote by Steve from thechildren's cartoon Blue's Clues,"You can do anything that you wantto...dol" His message was simple,yet motivational: "The word ofthe day was, 'wow'! When you dosomething fantastic it makes peoplesay, wow, he added. Showing up forclass, paying attention, taking notesare things that command a wow.Young women dressing and carryingthemselves appropriately, guys being polite and respectful, are thingsthat incite a wow. When one modelsgood character and bring glory toGod, it invokes a wow.He talked about the wows thatLeBron James gets when he makesan awesome shot, or the wow thatPresident Obama got when he became the first African-Americanpresident. In the same way, studentscan command a wow by doing theright thing. Brown said. He endedby telling students, "You are a superstar...starting today do something tomake somebody say, 'wow'."The program concluded with students receiving school supplies andenjoying a hotdog lunch in the cafeteria.Those students still in need ofschool supplies may go on-line at'wwwMofomx}rg to register, or call751-1361 to pick up supplies at 291Campbell Road, Mocksville.O§mook!ZHWSOsSc«n0XpHtr1f>00K)Oav\e Countyl^ocKsville, e.(LOeNio*^»Ki*\T\/\L - Ki Eui Te (LuS ~DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Aug. 18,2016 - 1Free, Supply Filled Backpacks To Be Given Away SaturdayFree bookbags .filled withschool supplies will be givento children at the annual Back2 School Empowerment Dayfrom noon-4 p.m. Saturday,Aug. 20 at Davie High Schpolon Salisbury Road in Mocks-ville.As part of the "Get Ready,Get Set, Succeed!" effort bythe Keys of Faith OutreachMission of New Jerusalem Apostolic Church in Mocksville,the Back 2 School mission is"to advance and advocate thecommon good for all DavieCounty students; to provide aplatfonn to communicate" information that will empower,inspire, motivate and equipstudents to succeed in the upcoming school year."Parents can register theirchildren (who must be presentto receive a bookbag) at thedoor, or in advance at wwwJco-fom.org.liWariMe county PuDiic ^HaitcvAES- 1 M"rER.0t?oOn> MPiTidKJrtL- lOt.\JO ytft-U-S ALLl^A Apo^tolicI . ■'DAVm COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursda^^, Sept. 1,2016 - D1' ' „ • - iThe 6th triumphant Back 2School Empowerment Day Eventwas held again this year at the Da-vie High School gymnasium onSaturday, Aug. 20."Get Ready, Get Set, To Succeed!'.' is the motto for the initiative to.proyide a platform to motivate, inspire, and educate studentson how to be successful in theupcoming school year as well- asequip them with what is necessary ^- a book bag filled with supplies.Tamela Tatum served as theemcee. Dr. Marion Franks, CedarGroye Baptist Church, gave theinvocation..Stadehtis were greeted by administrators firom each schoollevel; Sam Brown, CooleemeeElementary School assistant principal; Mary Foster^ North DavieMiddle School principal; andDoyle. Nicholson, Davie HighSchool principal. Also present were Barb^a Owens, Davie County Board of Educationniember and Dr. Darrin Hartness,siipermtjendent of Davie CountySchoolsThelBack 2 School Empowerment Day was entertained byMa Mary, a pastor and Christianschool principal from Charlotte.She gave the students three rulesto be successful in school: 1)don't speak without permission;2) don't get out of your seat without permission; and 3) respect therights of,others.She then engaged the studentswith the sorig, "Watch me; wMpwatch me nae nae." She said:"The' whip, means you are going towhip the math, science and socialstudies. The nae nae means no noto trouble ."Members of the conununityincluding the DC, Cruisers, Cityof Mocksville Police Deparl^entand the Davie County Sheriff's'Department representative; Cpl.Jones, Officer Hefner, and'DeputyGaht distributed bobkbags.The comoniunity ; collabora.tionended with the mission being accomplished. The children enjoyedplaying in bounce houses; theprogram concluded with studentsreceiving book bags filled withschool supplies, sno-cones and ahotdog lunch fipm the concessionstand. As' of to date more than 400book bags have been distributedand needs are still being met.bags- will bb1 A ' ' 1 • "Mocksvrtle, Ni- C V\ua<iHfc5- f^Ott^orMlMATlo - N ^eP-aS APOSTOUIC.BIO - DAVEE COUNTY ENTEM^IUSE RECORD, Thursday, Sept. 7,2017UiThe 7th Successful-Back2 School .;,3ippowermentDay avm hel(^ this yeju-^ atthe' Central Davie/Clyde >Studevent Gymnasium' on :. Saturday, Aug. 19./: ; '. "This year there, was anoveiwhelming request forassistance with over 500pre-registrants via website(ww.to/om.org) and over100 registrations on site atthe day of the event," saidAngelia Ijames, one of theorganizers,Keys of. Faith OutreachMinistry, is the official outreach fimction of New Je-:rusalem Apostolic Church.The mission is. to enhancethe quality of life by addressing ffie religious, socio-economic, , promotingthe prevention of cnieltyto children, educational,recreational and vocationalneeds of the community asa source of he^ng, restoration and ernpowemoritthrough programs, servicesand activities.The Back 2 School program is the base program.The Back 2 School Eritpowermerit Day would notbe possible Without' thecollaboration of churches,busiiiesses, qrgaiiizations,individuals and our devotedvoluriteers. "Together with .teamwork, we make thedream work." •"Get.. Ready, Get. Set,To Succeed!!' is the mottofor the initiative. Duringprevious events there wasa program format presented to provide a platform tomotivate, inspire, and educate students on how to besuccessful in the upcomingschool year as well as equip. them with what is necessary - a book bag filled withsupplies. Due to the highrequest for assistance thisyear, it was decided to allocate the resources to focuson meeting the greater needof the. students.The community collabp-.ration ended with more than550' students receiving freebook bags filled with schoolsupplies, a hptdpg and water. forbo6k ii;bags aae still beingmade.&WI6NC CuutdCHES- ^tdVtSPkUnPcsTetidDAVIE^OUNTY ENTCRPRISE RECORD,, Thursday, Sept. 6,2018 - D3Back 2 School Initiative gives out 550 filled bookbagsBefore the doors ooened !'Before the doors openedfor this year's Back toSchool Empowermentat Central Davie/ClydeStudevant gymnasium,people were lined up withanticipation of receivingfree bookbags filled withschool supplies.This marks the eighthyear that the Back toSchool Empowerment Initiative has distributed bookbags to famihes in the community.Keeping in alignmentwith,the motto "Get ready,n Get Set, to Succeed," andit's mission to encourage,motivate and inspire students to succeed in education, the initiative provideseducational materials thmwill help get students off toa great school year.Volunteers from churches, organizations, and clubsmet to pack bookbagsin the fellowship hall ofNew Jerusalem ApostolicChurch. The DC Cruiserscar club was responsiblefor transporting the bookbags to and from the gym.Members also assisted withdistributing the book bagsat the event.Additional volunteerswere on site to registerand give out a total of 550bookbags. Free books, hot-dogs and water were provided for those who registered.It was one of the highestdishibutions of bookbagsto students. This is indicative of the continual _andgrowing needs that still exist within the conununity,sakd volunteer, AngeliaIjames.-Families with multiplechildren are sometimeschallenged to provideschool supplies for all ofthem. This initiative notonly helps to lighten theload of parents but alsograndparents raising theirgrandchildren on a fixedincome are able to benefitfrom the bookbags. Somefamilies with income insecurities said that freeschool supplies, would allow them to spend moneyoh otheir school necessities.A cross section of the community benefited from thisinitiative and all expressedsincere appreciation," shesaid."Our belief is that wemust be the change thatwe want to see. If we wantour children to be preparedthen it behooves us to havefaith in God that cast the vision. We believe, thereforewe receive what we needthrough the hearts of thoseGod uses to equip our children with what they heedvto begin a new school yearwith success.": Pastor Nettye IjamesBarber, who leads the initiative said: "The desirewas placed in my heart byGod to invest in the children of our community.I'm most grateful that Godimpressed upon the heartsof others in our communityto partner with us to makethis dreani a reality."^0 dwUftCrtES- /6Ki KL - vii UEft-ULSlM-E APCSTCUICo .- DAVIE COPWY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thu^ay, Jan. 17,201?Nettye-ljames Barber to becommissioned on SaturdayNew Jerusalem Apostolic Church will observe the apostolic commissioning of Pastor Nettye-ljames Barber byApostle Bishop Derek Kelly, chief celebrant, on Saturday,Jan. 19 at noon at First Baptist Church, 412 N. Main St.,Mocksville. ; dnuLRcHtS-DAVIE CpUNTy ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 16,2019 -13Pastoral anniversarycelebration May 16-19Apostle Nettye Ijames-Barber's 19th pastoral anniversary at New Jerusalem Apostolic Church, 291 Martin LutherKing Jr. Road, Mocksville, wiU be held May 16-19. ,On Thursday at 7:30 p.m., (he speaker will be" ApostleBradley Taylor of Outreach Christian Ministries in Salis-bury; at 7:30 p.m^ Friday, the speaker will, be Bishop Myron Dawson ofThe Kingdom Covenant Church in Greensboro; and the Sunday service at 3 p.m. will be by'BishopDerek D. Kelly of New Faith Full Gospel Fellowship'Cen-ter in Lexington. ^ -oQV Clw\lfi.CHTS*" 10 pi,T 3"c.<VVJ.SAL€i/^ AP05*T^>UVCDAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Sept. 19,2019 -1C/Students get a good start thanks to communityBefore the doors opened r"-t ,—v ^^^ ttt.—for this year's Back to ilSliMllpW "Scho^ lEmpowerment 1;.Before the doors openedfor this year's Back toSchool Empowerment atCentral Davie/Clyde Stude-lvant gymnasium, peoplewere lined up with anticipation to receive free book-bags full of school supplies.This year marks the ninthyear that the Back to SchoolEmpowerment Initiativehas distributed bookbags tofamilies in Davie.In alignment with itsmantra, "Get Ready, GetSet, to Succeed" and its mission to encourage, motivateand inspire students to succeed in education, the initiative provides educationalmaterials to help studentsoff to a great school year. •Prior to the event, volunteers such as churches,organizations, clubs and individuals met to pack book-bags in the fellowship hallof New Jerusalem ApostolicChurch. The DC Cruisers,a local car club, were responsible for transporting-JSHotdogs and sno-conesthe bookbags to and frortithe gym, as well assisted indistributing.the bookbags atthe event. Volunteers werealso on site to register andgive out over 400 bookbags.Half of the recipients pre-registered online.In addition tp receiving book bags filled withschool supplies, sno-cones,hotdogs and water was provided.* .••"MlaipKlMIIIH.added to the excitement as students filled the Clyde Studevent gymnasium at Central Davie.This was the first timethat all bookbags were givenout to students. "This is indicative of the continual andgrowing needs that still exist within our community,"said Nettye Ijames-Barber,organizer. "Families withmultiple children are sometimes challenged to provideschool supplies for all ofthem. This initiative helpslighten that load. Grandparents on a fixed income wereable to provide grandchildren with the supplies theyneeded. Some families withincome insecurities said thatfree school supplies wouldallow them to spend moneyon other school necessities.A cross section of the community benefited from thisinitiative and all expressedsincere appreciation."We want to extend aspecial thank you to theDavie County Schools Superintendent Jeff Wallacefor coming by to encourageand thank the volunteers fortheir service."Our belief is that wemust be the change that wewant to see. If we want ourchildren to be prepared thenit would be relevant to create the change we want tosee by being proactive inequipping them with whatthey need to begin a newschool year on a positivenote," Baiber said."It was a desire that wasplaced in my heart by Godto invest into the childrenof our community. I'm mostgrateful that God impressedupon the hearts of others inour community to partnerwith us to make this dreama reality."couw C. HiX c i-U 0 - 1 Ki tt I-J f V"'' A T \ <5 M i- - M t^*..' "Ai. Rvl ^ r I ( fK^C^'^-LB8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursday, Aug. 27,2020O^ •?«» T«Ta?!::««•■ •'?? •"■•%.^. • . ■• ,- >s5i1C.S'ic ^w«sr'-v..These volunteers helped distribute some 350 sets of school supplies for students in Davie County Schools.Back to School initiative celebrates 10th yearThe year 2020 conimem-orates 10 years that The'Back to School Empowerment Initiative {B2SE) hasbeen giving out school supplies to Davie students.This year, many familiesarc reeling from the impactof the Covid-19 pandemicwhich has had unprecedented economic devastation onthose already struggling toprovide the bare necessitiestor their tamilies, said Pastor Nettye IJames-Barber. afounding member.Due to the many disruptions, restrictions and uncertainties surrounding activities and public gatheringsamid lhe-19 pandemic, itwas appearing as though theB2SEmpowermcnt eventwould have to be canceled.However. Ijames-Barber,the initiative's visionaryand a woman of pmyer andfervent faith, prayed andasked God for provision anddirection. She couldn't restwith the thought of not do-ins anything for the Davieyouth, especially this year.Donations began comingin and preparations began;the Covid-19 pandemicdidn't discourage, nor stopvolunteers. They willinglymasked up and socially distanced to pack 500 bags withschool supplies for elementary. middle and high schoolstudents. The B2SE boarddecided to host an outdoordrive through school supplypick up m order to complywith COVID-19 protocoland still be able to safelygive back to students andfamilies.Under threatening cloudsthat yielded a light drizzle, volunteers met on thegrounds of New JenisalemApostolic Church at 8 a.m.on Saturday, Aug. 15 to prepare for the day's events.Barber prayed aloud andasked God to hold backthe rain until the day's mission was accomplished. Ofcourse, the rain delayed.Volunteers, with glovesand masks, then preparedO^ oo c-"en. ^^ %-^ C"6; C ?' ^ i'n-'fi'" i>-.t.\ 1 n; £ \>.> "s ti^.i • ?'I I M A PvO''-Tou tto work in their assignedgroups.At the entrance, withChristopher Arroy! servingas an interpreter, the lirstgroup greeted each car andtook an order for the number of bags and grade levels.;To facilitate the flow of cars, jthe next pair of volunteerscalled out the orders: thethird group collected the order stickers, lilled the ordersand handed the supplies tothe designated person ineach car.A tent for voter registration was set up where thefinal group gave out snacksand bottled water at the exit.At least 350 sets ofschool supplies were givenout. The remaining schoolsupply bags were loaded upand distributed throughoutDavie County including theCooleemee Shopping Center area plus local apartmcnicomplexes to students without transportation.Superintendent of Da-vie County Schools, JeffWallace, stopped by toshow support; he greetedand thanked the B2SE volunteers and Pastor NcttycIjames-Barbcr. "This pandemic touches everybody.Our kids are going to respond how we respond.You're putting legs on loveand that makes a huge difference." Wallace said.IPastor Nettye Ijames-Barber listens as DavieSchools Superintendent Jeff Wallace thanks thegroup for their donations.B8-OAVrE COUNTYENT™sEKECOKn,Thur.^^^^^W.Volunteers Greg Mashore, Yvette Mashore and Candis Bailey are readyto serve.^awe Co^lijl<^ryJustus Tatum and Antwan Sutton hand out supplies. lONAl N ti)J 3tnu5AL f\p6^:irLtfB8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Aug. 27,2020BACK 2 SCHOOL.V. •- v'l' •Thank You!Vehicles line up for the drive-through event at New Jerusalem Apostolic Church.The Back 2 School Empowerment Initiative was held onSaturday, August 15, 2020We would like to thank the volunteers and the followingcontributors for helping make The B2SE a success. Youhelped to make a difference in the lives of over 500 students.<'hiiri-lii's Vedtir (trova Hiiplist ( hun hNew ncllu'i liiiplisi Clmnli.\ew Jtrusttlem^ipo^lolk- Oiiirc liTiusini'sscs C & O I'xprcw ICiilcrpmes Inc.Food l.ioiiMti& Me Acccssorifs()r)>aiii/:iti(in<. Hela Mii ChupterofADK SorontyCoriiifliiiiii LodfiC tiI7Piivie Couiily i\'AACI* H5475IndivUluals AiwitynwtisMs. .lewico BiiileyMs. Cheryl BarkerBee. Andrew Brown,V/v. Fteanor BrownMr. andMr.s. Richard CarterMr. and Mrs. Tim DaltoiiSecond I'reshyicriiin ChnrehShiloh Baptist ChurchTown oJMochsvilleB.C. Consirncihn Company, LLCDavie Retired School PersonnelMocksritle I.ions C liihMs. Carole PhnntyMs. .Sandy haiman.Ms. \:.alee .SlochlonMr. and Mrs. Clyde ScottMrs. Tantela TafinnMrs. Sharon ililliainsDavie County Public LibraryMocksville, NC hJtvKi JtH-U^SALtAPc>3*T^tC)10 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPMSE RECORD, Thursday, July 29,2021After 12 years of outreach to the Davie Countystudents, the Back 2 SchoolEmpowerment ProgramCommittee has met to decide how to best be of service during this pandemicand atmosphere of uncer-tainty.Free school supplies, water and snacks were givenout during a drive-thru atNew Jerusalem ApostolicChurch on last year.Upon receiving feedbackfrom Superintendent JeffWallace and learning thatteacher closet at UnitedWay is almost depleted, thecommittee decided to reachout to individual schoolsto help meet their specificneeds.The first selected schoolis Cooleemee Elementary."Our mission is to enhance the quality of life byaddressing the educationalneeds of our children; thestrategy may have changedbut the impact remains thesame," said Angelia Ijames."We are requesting thecontinued support and collaboration from our localbusinesses, churches, andindividuals to make thishappen. We are greaterwhen we work together fora common cause. Help us tomake our community bet-,ter," she said,.