Jul - DecCOOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, July 1,1970 Leslw Reynolds OFMocksvitie BfOCIOSVlUfLetter Gray Dfvte CoaUy. ibB loo oTScn. gtojbrt^B^ Brnddt of taa itebie Afcnogeroi^HbTO a meotar «f Vn^Ctapel Itelted Bfetbodbt Qrodi, tajyivlna are tvo Ai^arfc Itea tove&olifa flE a^ Un. Bicfaard WtosnliHtf oEBL l; BtefenrOlB; Asyo^ of Btkin: five £ten, itogn «r RL s.MpctovUle, lilt. Jobnoy and Mis. Ahrin BidtudiaoL aB mari Ai&tr Va^ifld two gaodcbadrea Mr. Dyson, ..IBKBBWIM8- sssjrai Hb w 18 VDsraMt otSraa flOBlK vDQHB^L Bejt tnrvind fay Ida «fM fga, Bearia tad te Irdfa PoKabelfaMRoiitel. ' rjlOree toot, Saiy mslaDBaleniJMai^ SSj^ gjiea of ScylgMafl^ llgiattMUttenaodflfttptat' &lltril, 74r OfMddcsville WrasnULB ~ Iba 8^ at tiia Mfav.tl. dWiB •n five listen, jiikfaei, afft c. N. AArs. Yovng, 82, . Mrs. Haney H. Young, tte tonaer Amanda Foster. 82. of lUthBtaaA Va.. a former residcQi Roantn Ooosty, (fied at iijpi.iB Sunday tea Biniwqnd hdnftsL _ Mrs. Young eras born fnDavieOttmty, a rfDj^ifrr of tte tate Pom Maraball aod Mary pattiectae Yoaog Poster. Bar fattsbaad Asd to Wff.^Sorvivon taraide two dnrghTffft, Mn. Browa Pane and Mm. Lao Jarvia of Bidi> memi; oat htitdtier. Mta. RoM WUlalar of Bofwan SSfCTnWfro Ma fOOf DMI* Bio - Obituaries - 7/1/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 8 - DAVIB COUNTY ENTERPRISB RECORD, THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1970 W. M. Dyson, 6$ Washington Marvin Dyson, 66, of Route 1, Mocksvllle died Saturday mor^ng at 4:40 ajn. at Baptist Hospital In Wlnston- Salem. He was bom on Aug. lo, 1904, in Davie County to the late D, P. and Martha Marlow Dyson. He was an employee of Statesville Plywood Co. and a memt)er of New Union United Methodist Church. He is survived by his wife Ode Cossell Dyson; two daughters, Mrs. Nellie Reavls and Mrs. Irish Potts both of Route 2, Harmony; three sons, Henry Dyson of Winston-Salem, Marvin Dyson Jr. and Wayne Dyson both of Route 1, Mocksvllle: two brothers, William T. Dyson of Greensboro and Thomas Mundsey Dyson of Rt. 1, Mocksvllle: 15 grand children and one great grandchild. Puneral services were held Monday at the New Union Methodist Church. Burial was In the church cemetery. The Rev. F. C. Shoaf and Rev. Carry Bullough officiated the ceremony. MRS. JAMES A. SMITH Mrs. Stella Carmlchael Smith, 74, of Mocksvllle, Rt. 3, widow of James A. Smith, died Monday at High Point Memorial Hospital. The funeral was held Wed nesday at Smith Grove United Meth(^st Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. She was bom in Surry County to Jasper and Sarah Culler Carmlchael and was a member of Smith Grove United Methodist Church. Surviving are five sisters. Misses Rose and Alice Car mlchael, Mrs. C. N. Paris and Mrs. R. E. Williams of lUgh Point and Mrs. Roy N. Saris of Orange, Calif., and four brothers, G. E.. T. N., W. J. and H. J. Carml^acl of High Point. LESTER G. REYNOLDS Funeral services for Lester Gray Reynolds, 49, of Route 5, Mocksvllle, were held Thur sday, Juno 25th, at Union Chapel United Methodist Church. Burial was in (he church cranetery. He died Tuesday, June 23rd, at Broughton Hospital In Morganlon. He was bom in Davle County to Alonzo and Gladys ^ger Reynolds. Ho was a member of Union Chapel United Methodist Church. Surviving are his mother; two dau^ters, Mrs. Steve Smith of Mocksvllle and Mrs. Richard Wlsenhunt of Mocksvllle, Rt. 2; two sons, Lonnle Grav Reynolds of the Marines and Roy Let Rynolds of Elkin; five sisters, Mrs. Geroge Morgan of Mocksvllle, Rt.3, Mrs. Johnnie Rummage, Mrs. Harold Reeves and Mrs. Alvin Richardson of Mocksvllle, Rt. 5, and Mrs. Darrell Smith of Mocksvllle; and five brothers, Arthur C, Reynolds of Stanleyville, . Johnnie Reynolds of Winston- Salem, Jake Reynolds of Florida, Harley Reynolds of Norfolk, Va., and J. B, Reynolds of Salisbury. Bio - Obituaries - 7/2/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 2,1970 Montgomery a*»«t f p. m. Swday InESify Mim^oinwy" Graham, a.head-on-colUsion on U. S. 64 47 about one mile Hospital in Aahebim. ,The Graham lamtly.'who hdd .>.-Mprt , of 920 Magnolia Mreoi, mratcH'Saleini wife of fVank . C. Graham was hdd Tuesday at Parmlngton •' CommunUy Oem^y in Davie Oranty. Mrs. Grham was fdUed and her huab^d and daughter were west of Asheboro. A sen, ^c, was not hurt. Graham and the daughtor, Lou £inlly Graham, were admitted to the Randolph lgomefy/»?^<^rtf^ moved to V^too'Salem from*'' i GreravUle a few weeks ago,* M^i^attrehaftSreenTO? was .reluming from Qrescenl •SurylWhg'i»ai8p/t?-ariti liBl| Beach when (he accident oc- ctirred. / tgdnery of WUftdD'Salein'dfil i The driver of the other w, V ?5 ^Knir»,.ri^ | Robert Upchurch, his wife, mS!Mary Holt U^ichurdi. and hbv M^.'®dahdr5g^%nad|p mmher, Hr& M^-Upchurdi' \<96h>mon6, im,x!U9tSB^ ^Freeze of:Gre&triioro and fififaw^e also injureu, iHre&XBapei wi:vxBeuBiiw£v auu mre V^ur^ was In seriod['&^ Eaitabrih Gibsod..of>OK« IttiIj'! ditlon. ' sjc!: Md.v*- and. a. tMer, Robert Mrs. Graham urns , born Bio - Obituaries - 7/2/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, July 8,1970 Shaver Funeral F&eral services for Mrs. PmMse Danids Sham, 92* cf Rt 9. SafidNBy, me i con- ducted at 4 pan. Monday at dtt Rev. WHfiain Dingus. Mrs. Slaver was wn*"* in an 'automobite aodtot Friday af- tirnoML Burial was in Rowan Me morial Park. Mrs. Shaver was bom Ctet 23, 1017, in Dcivio Ooonty, the daughter the late Warn and Blai^BivinsDiai^s. Sbewasa member of Cooleanee Unitad Methodist Church. Surviving are hg hashand, E. E. (Bill) Shavg; a dai^itg. Bliss Paula Shavg of the hmne; a son, Billy Shavg of Woodleaf; three sisters, Mrs. Paul Tht- terow of Rt 4, MocksvOle, Mrs. Bruce Jos^ of Greensboro, and Mrs. Kenneth Hoover of Salldwiy; aod a 8tq»-father, Floyd Daniel of Codteemee. lite body wQl xonaln at Eaton's Funeral Home in Modtsville until arrangmngits are completed. ArdiiePotfs Of AAodcsvilie HOCKSVIUE - ArcUeEd- of Rt 2, Ad- vanee^ died Friday afternoon at tbeDavfeGbnnlyHoqttat Hie was bom Jtdy 4, ms, hi Onvie Oomly fliesaD 01 ttw lalie Ardite and Jane Polls. HO was a retired Ctemer and a member of the Advance United Snrvivinft are hte wife. Mrs. Alioe Wood Polls; four daugh ters, Ifrs. CfoverPh^ps, Mrs. Johnny Allen, and Mrs. Doris Ckvyn, an of Rt 2, Advanee^ and Mrs. Nell Pooie of Rt. i« Advance; three sons, ViiKii, Bil ly JoeLsittd Gilbert Ray Potts, an of Rt SjAdvaoee; two Ms^ ters, Mrs. Hatteros npiy and Mrs. Rosa 8^. both of Rt 1, Advance; three DralfaerB,S.F., Lonnie, and E. G. Potts, aU of Advance; and nine uand* cfaiMren. AArs. Foster, Yodkin^lle Rd. MO(aCSVlLI£ — Mrs. Son DesdmoD FoMer of YcdktDvaie Road iHed Fridiy at flm Dnvie CooniylioipitaL A native of Davie GbimW, was tte dangbtcr ofRTli. and DnieelUi B«frierDeadmon.aie was a member of Ttimettiie Baidiatauxrcit Sitrvlviiu are Robert L. Foatar; a son. Dr. Bob M. Fostm of fifbduynie; lour alslerB, Un. Eva Graves, el Rt 4.BfodtavSle, BIis. Rntfi Baker of Rt 5, MoMDWille; Mrs. Kate mnsoii of adtabmy. and MrsTotoe Hraser of Salem; two bretbera, Fbto of Ormaod Boaeb, F1a.| and M. C. Pradi^^ Moeitavilte; and three chddrea. Bio — Obituaries - 7/8/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Divit * WWW^m, m :• mS.^'W.f.lHXpN: ; r:y • i-r-^ '*3,** ' ' MOCKSVnXE Mrs. Nora dFoster^JJixon, ^ of Mpcksville, vwidow- ^ of-.-Wt-Li' J)ixon, died Monday at Lynn'Haven Nursing Home. The funeral will be at^ ^).m.-.Xhuraday at Wesley Chapel United^Methpdist Churchy Btirial Will ""be in the. ;church cemntery.^ •■She was.bgrn in pavie "County to FranMin ^d Mary FrancesBeauchamp Foster. She was a member of Wesley ChapelUnited.Methodist Church. "Survimg" are four daughters, Mrs. Robert Pavis, Mrs. C. S. Ptdl and' Mrs. J. C. CoUette of'' Mocksville, Rt. 5, and Mrs. Hen ry VanHoy of Winston-Salem;two sons, Royiand^oward Dix-on of ModS^e.'Xi: 5; and asister, Mrs. Fearl Cook of Win ston-Salem..:. , .i' The body is at Eaton's Fu neral Home. 7-^- ( ? 7 ^ ■<- O r— C~ 0^ r- \ VA ■V. -Ct \ V c % V X p> • \ -.y U. DAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVlLLEi NC DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, JULY 9,1970 - Page 1 Cbj/d KiHeid In Fal)^ From Car Gina Beniee Od>onie,age 2, daughter of John Harold and Imcaene mUips Osbonte of filocKsvilte dlra Tuesday of injuries at the Forayth Memorial Hr^ital of injuries received earlier vriien she fdl <mt of a car. Details of the . accident were not known at . press time early Tuesday and funeral arrangements were poiding. Surviving are ho- parents; four slstm , Unda, Jeannie, Tina, and Aliene Osbome of the the home. Her grandfather, Lillard Osbome of Oreston. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, JULY 9,1970 - 3B Mrs. Pauline Daniels Shaver Killed In Head-On Collision ' Mrs. Pauline Danl^ Shaver of Salislntry Rl. 9, former resident of Codeemee, was IdUed FViday morning around 11:45 a. m. in a head-on-collision of two cars on the Byrd Road in Rowan County, Just north of Myers Crossroads. ' hqjured in the wreck were Mrs. Shaver'a daughter, 16< year-old Paula Daniels Shaver, and Johnny Monroe Myers, 23, of Rt. 9 Saiisbioy; Myers and Miss Shaver wore transferred to the Baptist &spi(al after receiving emergency first aid treatment at the Rowan Memorial Hospital.'Myers was unconscious and crltteal. State Highway Patrolman T. L. Payne invewgated the ac cident which occurred on a straight and unobstructed porUon of the road, and under ideal weatho' condiUons. He said both cars Involved were two-door 1988 Plymouths, boUi black vinyl tops over gold. Patrdman Pearce said that the Myers vdilde was going south towards Salisbury when it began skidding, went left of center and smashed beadon into the northbound car driven by aiaver. . Patrolman Pearce said he e^mated Miss Shaver was d^ing about 45 to 80 miles per hour, and he estimated the lid ol thO Myei'h Vdiide at about 55 miles pa* hour. The resulting head-on coUisira demoUdied the cars, leaving the interiors of both shambles of twisted metal, jagged; and broken glass, and blood. Interior of the car occupied by the two women also was littered vrith grocerles-4)ottled drinks, bread, lettuce, cheese, cookies, lemons and other sundry items. Funeral se, vices for Mrs. ' Shavo* were hdd Monday af ternoon at the Cooleemee Methodist Chttcfa. The Rev. William Dingus officiated. Burial was in Rowan Memorial Park. Bio — Obituaries - 7/9/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, JULY 9,1970 - 3B MRS. ROBERT L. FOSTER Mrs. Sue Deadmon Foster of MoeksviBe, wife of Robert L. Foster, died FIrlday at Davie County H(»pitaK The lunoral was held Sunday at Eaton's Funeral Cbapd. Burial was In Turrantine Baptist Chuch Cemetery. aie was bom in Davie County to H. M. and Drucdla Berrler DosdmonShe was a meipber of Turrentlne ^pUsl Church. Survlving^ore hor husband; a son. Dr. Bob M. Foster of Mocksvflle; fottr sisters, Mrs. Eva Craves of Mocksvtlle, Rt. 2. Mrs. Ruth Baker of MocksviUe, Rl. 5. Mrs. Kate Utompson of Salisbury and Mrs. May Hauser of Winston- Salon; and two brothos, Fdlx Deadmon of Ortnond Bead), Fla.. and M. C. Deadmon of MocksviUe. ARCHIE E. POTTS Ardiie Edward Potts, 76, of Advance, Rt. 2, died ^day at Davie County Hoqdtal. The funo-al was held Sunday at Advance United Methodist Church. Burial was In the church cemetery. He was bora in Davie County to Ardiie and Jane Hilton Potts. He was a retired farmer. . Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Alice Wood Potts; four daughters, Mrs. Grover Phelps, Mrs. Johnny AUen, Mrs. Dons Gwyn and Mrs. Ndi Poole of Advance; three sons, Vi^, BUly Joe and Gilbert Ray Potts of Advance; two sisters. Mrs. Hatteras Frye and BArs. Rosa Firye of Advance; and Utree brothers, S. F., Lonnie and Ei G. Potts of Advance. JOHN EDWARD DEADMON Memorial services were hdd Tuesday at the National Cemetery, Londuma Paric, Md., for Jdin Edward Deadmon who died Wednesday in Washington. The son of Martin F. and.. Mary Sowers Deadmon of MbcksvOle, he was educated at Spencer High Sdiool and the tkdversity of Not^ Carolina. He was a veteran of 20 years of naval ^vice. In addition to his son and two daughto's, he Is survived by three i^crs, Mrs. W. N. Sdiultz of Wlnston-^em, Aba. C. P. Dedmon of Salisbury and Mrs. A. D. Qralg of Spracer. Bio - Obituaries - 7/9/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, July 15,1970 Mrs. Dixon, 89, OfModcsviHe MQCBVILUE - Mn. N« QM ttim BL t. "MCtovflh. Msduf At te VCMfevw Kanriig Bhm. FMMffAl MTVtott ««« SMAMDMttanteAltU. At Omhgr^ftMr.^AA Aid tki Eat. VUte MaI was At Mn. Dbtm m ben Dec. il. im. In OAfiA ri—Hi. tin dtijAnr of tin lAlt FkiMdln AH MAry FtADon BAAvdEuH fiQAMr. " Surviviof Aft fflur dHMMm, ate RHtft davIa ate c. 8. Ml, and ate J. C. Ceflntln, aOaf Rt 8, aiAdBnilirSMit. BAnry VAAboy nf WiaftoB* IUhb; two AOH, Roy and Boii^ Otatoo, both M RL S, Panri CoQl^ oMrLiSSJmi AArs. Wilitord Of AAodcsville MOCKSVILLE - Mn. Etta sni^s^icss:: Ra9h Nvtef Hnna. ate WilMfd wna ban SapLa UU, ia OavM OowlyTte dMifte of tba lAlA IteM AAd M WAS A naoter «r ML ObVt Uniiad MUbtdlii Chunk Hat bwbaad, Jabn 8. WUMtepneSaher IB death. ate a&na llAihate j3Si Gina Renee Osborne and Falls From Auto, Is Killed HOCSSVILLK - A UrofMT. old ehfld toppled from the CoBi&'i AutoBMfaUe and wm QIm RABte Otborne, t, datijitiir <1 John and Emnn Merae wm bejund whoa aha Ml ftaoi ttie family^ cat Bbaat AooaTuaadAy. The Canfly ropartadhr was ^ laavfiihalr naMsaea m "euta t, HAcksyte when Iha vaMcM 11» IbJurad cMM WM nahad to Davla OeiBity BoapltAl by Ihi pAraato. B»imlnad at thegphAl. thachttdM iHhad W^SST"-^'- the cWU diad m route to the WlastDBBalam hoHhal. M was ban ateith ii, mi, biDavta Ootmiy. .Also Bunrmjif ara faar r"7*p*nnea OsbanA ol,aadlHannoadWtBiafdQf BLlModovUla.Croaton. Bio — Obituaries — 7/15/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISI-: RECORD. THURSDAY. JULY 16, 1970 NORA FOSTER DDCON In - order to share some treasured knowledge eon* cemlng a person that passed week, the Is- sub mitted: the portion of truth from the Holy Bible reads In Psalms 145:4 as follows: One generation shall praise They works, to another, and shall declare Thy mi^to acts. The family of W. L. Dixon settled In die Pino Community not too far removed ttom a crossroads that is still referred to as *'FOur Comes." Prior to this as^ation, Nora Foster Dixon was bom to Franklin and Mary Frances Beauehomp Foster. The lattCT was known by the people of Fours Comers and rarmlngton as "Aunt Fannie Foster." This much loved person was a. sister to the motha* of Charlie Froter and Mrs. Nina Smith, also a close relative - to the Beauchamp family that now Uvesat Route i, Advance. In days gone by, good health permittM Nora Foster Dixon to . attend the Beauchamp. Reunion whldi Is hdd on the Ist Sunday in Semptembor at the home of M. K. Beaudiamp. b the year o? 1906, Nora Fasts' Dhum- was united in marriage to W. L. Dbum. They estaUlsned a home in the Pino Community-and Mr. Dixon engaged in farming for a Uvelioaod for his family and to be of service to his fellowman. ' & made a floe type of fUr- idture, Ad rq>air work on wagons', and often made caskAs . for n^ghboring fano^es, whei < needed, without cost. A number I of his haid made items are in the old Farmington School house. Mr. Dixon was a ' steward in Wesley Chapel Idethp^ Chuidi. He wall^ • many miles tkrot^ the neigh borhood coUe^ing ftmds for the churdi. He was educated to be !^*a teadier, hut felt his duty to other causes. Mr. Dixon passed away in , 1950. During tfae'past 20 years, the ddhomeplaceiias been kqu • in tact, and Now Foster Dixoii, as the mother of the home, has hdd a contintud interest In the affairs of her children. The names of the children are; Mrs. Robort Davis, Mrs. C. S. Dull, Mis. J. C. Ct^tte and Mrs. Hairy VanHoy; and, Roy and Noword Dixon. Mrs. Pearl Cook was her sister. i ADAM L. NEELY Adam L. Neely of Kansas City, Mo., . a native of ' BlocksvlUe, Aed last weAc. At his request, his body was committed to Kansas City medical Center for meAou research. He resided In New Bern and at. Cl^ry Point for four years during World War H. Survivors are: 3 sisters, Mrs. R. Willis Brothers of New Bern, Mrs. Bess Donlln of New York CSty, and Mrs. June Baker of Rahsey, N. J.: and. 3 brothors, Arthur H.Kectyof Oak Harbor, WatA., Woodrow W. Neely of St. Lbula, Mo. and Richard A. NeAy of Atlanta, Georgia. MRS. JOHN S. WILLIARD .Mrs. Etta wmiard, 88, of MocksvlUe. Rt. 5, widow of John S. WHliaro, Ara Thursday at Haven Nursing Home. " The funeral was held Sunday at Baton's Chapel. Burial was In Wesley Chapel United MAhodlst Church cemetery. Ate was bom in Davie Cbunty to Thomas and Radiael Me- Manhan Redmond and was a member of Mt. Olive Ihiltcd MOhoAst Oiurcfa. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Mattie Jaehning of Wah* peton, N. D.; and two sons, Flefdier WnUard of Advance, Rt.l, and Harmond WHliard of MocksvlUe, Rt. S. MRS. CBABLB8 C. MILROLBN COOLEEMEE — Mrs. Bottle Ug<m MilhAen, 76, of Coolee- mee, widow of .Charles E. Mflholen, Aed yesterday in Baptist HosAtal in Wmston- Salem. The funeral wUl be at 2 p.ni. Thursday at Cooleemce United. Molhodisl Church. Bo^l wlU be in Legion Memorial Park at Ccoleemee. Sbe was bom in Halifax County to Edwa^ and Fannie. Owens Iiigon.' She was a member of Cooleemee United Methodist Church. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Robert Lowder of Cooleemee, Mrs. Lynn Smith* of Norfolk, Va., and Mrs. O. B. Klutz of China Grove; two sons, Oiarles E. Mflholen of Rich mond, Va., and David. B.< Mllholen of Cooleomeo; three sisters, Mrs. J. C. Compton^of S(^ Boston, Va., Mrs, Frank Bdmcndson of Clover, Va., and MrsMOndal' Wllbnm^of Scots- bi^,c'Va.;i'ajld- three '.brotberaT H. B. Ufi<m of Scottsburg. and A. L. and D. E; Ugon of Lynehburg, Va. Bio — Obituaries - 7/16/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, July 22,1970 tte iKtt ifiSiBiied, fiTfr In tifipllt linL MIPHgwi; a jnentar ^ CopleOTee AiAlii ^SaimiSi^ mm a «q||ig^ afsbwin l^b. mm tegbieie^lto. atot If fSootolHiiQi^ Mnu 89^ If ¥A^aiiilus. 4Sr. 9. ViBk, «Df 0ini9 IS* OwifiiSDittB; J. C CpigpAoo if 8#^ Vm, iSii. fteilc Bdnwiif if tmmt, Va., aaf llta K»iiite8 vmrnrn^stm^ and iLS.i4^af SQiiftii^Va*,a^ E . i4sm. Mil If l^^nddmigi Va. Mrs.Oinaves tfOOimiiS — Ita. En Igtyyua, Tij af Et. iiijfHEitikii IBflf iPtnHffy at 10:80 ailL at the Basle OfB5P*y fffrfji fijil AiesaHiii^i9llec.88^ IMiy to OtoFto €ai«to, toe 4toftott ^ df toe leto E. 10. iomI Bnaecibi rftki^ Otoa <Snsee» toef to Jtoiitaiy If toieyear. ^BmMagm a eoto Ear Giaveaelftt*Itototoflto; a totoar fayiiter, llni. 4aiie pp^aptojBflUgj^^ wm 8, ilodtoi^. Itona. Kale 'Pfffufifffffi 4f fiiHtifinry, and 9^' Btoe* Ikiw fleepper ef iBlpelaD^ nji' Salon; Ive jtoellioa, Pelli and if. C. Bednten ^ Bfoetondlle; tone fmid* cfdldiw and tour gnat*l«in,lNMiafn;ii too Sm* Bio - Obituaries - 7/22/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 6 • DA VIE COUNTY HNTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. JULY 23. 1970 An active member of the Chcrrydale Baptist Oiurch in Arlington, Va., she taught music in (he Washington Qly School system and was a French hornisl in the Watergate Sumphony, the National Galiery Orchestra and the National Tliealrc Orchestra. Miss Choale was a Sunday School teacher and an orchestra teacher in the Lafayette, Hurst, and John Eaton schools. Before this, she played with the Louisville Symphony and the Wichita Symphony under the direction of Durcn Dalley. She danced the National Music Camp wand was a staff member in previous years. She was also a member of the Friday morning Music Club, the Musicians Union and the Erika Thlmey Dance Gub. In addition to her parents, she is survived by a brother, Joe Choate of Atlanta, Ga., and two sisters, Mrs. Frank E. Hen- dricks of Waynesvtllc and Miss Jane Dickey Oioate of Mem phis, Tenn. • Funeral services were con ducted Monday at (he home of ho* parents by the Rev. Harry, ;L"f\ McFarland and the Rev. " : Victor Cole. Burial was at Gly Memorial Park. MRS. OTHA GRAVES -t r' M rS.Vi.^V•v.'.. MISS ANNA CHOATE Miss Anna Reeves Oioatc of Washington. D. C., daughter of Dr. and Mrs. E. Carr Choate of Salisbury, died Sunday at 3:45 a. m. at Davis Hospital in Stalesville. She was a victim of cancer. hVss Choale and her family were former residents of Mocksvillc. A graduole of Boydcn High Sdiool. Miss Choale earned her BA and MA degrees from the University of Micliigan. She was also a graduate of Washington BlUc SCoUege. • Mrs. Eva Berrlcr Dedmon Graves. 74, of Rt. 4, Mocksville, died Sunday at 10:30 p. m. at Davie County Hospital. She was born Dec. 2S, 1895, in Davie County, the doubter of the late H. M. and Drucella Barter Elcdmon. Her husband, Olha Graves, died in January of his year. Surviving are a son, Kerr Graves of Rt. 4, Mocksvillc; a foster daughter, Mrs. Jane ^own of Winston-Salem; three Asters, Mrs. Rulli Baker of Rt. 5, Mrs. Kale Thompson of Salisbury, and Mrs. Mae Hauser of Winston- Saicm: two brothers, Felix Dedmon uf Ormond Beach, Florida, and M. C. Dedmon of Mocksvillc; three grand children; and four great grandchildren. Graveside services were conduclcd Tuesday at 3 p. m. at Rose Cemetery in Mocksvillc. MRS. LAWRENCE COUCH MRS. INEZ M. WEAVER MOCKSVILLE — Mrs. Inoz; MayJor Weaver, 6 7, of! Mocksvliie died Monday at Davie County Ho^itql. The funeral will be at 11 a.m. Thursday at Eaton's Funeral < Chapel. Burial will be in Ealoa Baptist Church cemetery. She was born In Davie County to J. P. and Susan Eaton Maylor and was a member of Mocksvliie Baptist Church. Surviving . -are t w o step* daughteri, Mrs. P, G. Pearson of Milwaukee, Wis., and Mrs. Tom Margidonna of Orange Park, Fla.; three stepsons, Cecil C. Weaver of Slier City, Herbert K. Weaver of Rich mond, Vs., and George B. Weaver of Stalesville; two fillers, Mrs. E. M. Valenllne of Durtism and -Mrs. Velmer Bowles of Woodlcaf; and three brothers. Clyde Mayior of Mocksvilte. Rt. 5. Ftoyn iMaylor of Mocksvillc and .M a nt i o Jfiyior of MorksvUk, Rt, 2, Bio - Obituaries - 7/23/1970 W. A. SHELTON William Aster ShcUon, 79, of Rt. 2, Mocksvillc, died Wed nesday evening, July ISlh, at his home. Funeral services were con duclcd Saturday at 11 a.m. at Courtney Baptist Church by the Rev. M. T. Gales and (he Rev. Benny Bcardcn. Burial was at the church cemetery. Mr. Shcllon was bom Aug. 14, 1890, in Davie County, the son of Che late Hancs and Edna Dlxon Helton. A retired farmer, he was a member of Courtney Baptist Church. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Thcda Rcavis of RL.2, Mocksvillc; two sisters, Mrs. A. D. Richie, of Mocksvilte and Mrs. George Lnymon of Rt. 5, Mocksvillc; and three brothers, Dr. L. R. SlicUon of Winston- Salcm and Joe and Smool ShcUon, both of Rt. S, Mocksville. Mrs. Marilyn Couch, 40, wife of Lawrence Couch, formerly of Coolccmcc and Mocksville, died Friday, July lOlli, at 3:45 a.m. in the Riverside Hospital In Columbus, Ohio, following six weeks of foiling health. She was born July 26,1929, in Portland, Maine, (he daughter of Merrill and Jva Wing Morse and had resided In Springfield, Ohio for the past 16 years. Mrs. Couch was employed as a leader's aide at McKingloy School. She was a graduate of Portland Higli School, Maine, and a member of the First Baptist Church of Portland, Maine. Survivors include her husband, Lawrence; one dau^ter, Vicky; two sons, Jamtt and Kevin, all of 319 S. Grcenmoiml Avc., Springfield; h«- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Morse of Portland, Maine; three sisters, Mrs. John Platl of Mechanicslown, Ohio, Mrs. Eugene MacKenzic of Portland, Maine, and, Mrs. Allen White of Wimwooski. Vermont; one brother, Merrill, Jr.. of Portland, Maine; her grandmother, Mrs. William Wing of Cumberland Center, Maine, and several nieces and nephews. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA <SVlli Area & State 0. F. FOSTER ] I MOCKSVULE — OIlie Floydi ' Foster, 86, of North Main Street; died yesterday at Davie County Hospital. The funeral will be at 4 p.m. today at Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Burial will be in-Oak G,r^>ie .United Methodist Church CeTnetefy. » n He "was bom in Davie County to R. M. and Ella Smith Foster. He was a member of Oak Grove United'-^ethodist Church and was a retired fumture worker. Surviving are a son, Ernie Foster., of Mocksville; a sister, Mrs. Sva Brewer of Winston- Salem; and two brothers, Albert ,S Foster of Danville, Va., and Eeon Foster of Mocksville, Rt. 2. Ur' $• 7-. nio QAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE^ NO COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, July 29,1970 Andy KhoK VPT \JdWWWWi illlul, «lili fhfflfltiii! ipVMiiotMMid tit Hit. OilMtei^ Eagt; «i4 flglit Mei% Mfet. Mutit nwininmL mm Km Bait tod IQn ilKot KM; Mtti <Bl VtBMtUitk IK« Ite ^ESeSBeiol lllillKHlwMu_— Uw«^Ba«^ ^ IBM BWHii w of CtevilMid^ •ndlllfen BwBte Kkm «t Miir YoifeCily. ftinn R/nertd FIbbnI iflrflCM tar Ainold imteBi^•t 4 pjn, ai SBW Ctam Iqr ttM Kit. lattirB - - aadteBsf. MbwrnweCL O. Rt SKU^Mtt QdMR^ nA 1 Ita. ]tan*i Snitaqr MoQI tan dl tto taltttaiy Moott Mn.my« A»89Y<Mrs ataMto Ktaor «t tadnuft •af'ihf'BStiiitaar&s^te"' ItelNmi AiMN^glg aratas Ann Wortii NBrivtB OelBtottiOet tar» lOpi^^iSn&elliBini el tta IwM Ita tasAwnLBD A. Mnottatataia^ aaAmA B. Bun of Codiweu aoA —--. SSSPSi&VBBSt: •&., XijidE^^Qfm WW Bio - Obituaries - 7/29/1970 Sotafll dtttail 'JSSmimSBm malMliNMl DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 4 » DAVIE COIWTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. JULY 30. 1970 FRANK HONEYCUTT The funotil of Frank (Red) HonoyeuU, 76, of MoeksvUlQ, a rotifM barber, was cradueted at- 3 p. m. Saturday at Eaton's Funeral Ghapd by the Rev. Charles Bullock. Burid was in Rora Conetery. Blr. Honeycutt, a veteran of World War I, dM Wcdnesday.at Davie Cbunly Ho^ltal. He was bora In Iredell Oounty to Jdin. and Fronie Loflin Honeyctdl. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Blandie Hammer Honeycutt; a daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Dwigglns of Charlotte; a son. Robert F. Honeycutt of Greienvllle, S. C.; two sistors, Mrs. Flake NOiil and Mrs. Elmer ' McCanlin of MooresvOIe; and a lirother, P. A. Honeycutt of Landls. MRS. JOHN MYERS Mrs. Hannah Carolioe Myers, 91, of Mocksvllle, Rt. 4, wi^w John Nbrers. died Sunday, July 26, at Davie. County Ho^tal.' The funeral was hdd Tuesday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel, ^lal was in Oak Grove United Methodist Church Cem^ary. She was bmm In Davie County to J. W. and Ellxa Kurfees Summers. Surviving are- . three daughtora, Mrs. Jeannle Mc> Oamrodc, Miss Sadie Myers and .Miss Alma Myers of MocksvUle, Route 4; two sons, Jfdin Henry Myers of Mocksvllle, Rt. 4 and Tom Mycn of Welcome: and two sisters, Mrs. Julia Bowles of MocksvUle and Mrs. John Poplin of.. . BfodtsySIe, Rt. 2. ' O.F.FOSTBR Ollie Floyd Foster, 88, at North Main Street died Saturday, July 89, at 4 p. m. at Davie (^unty Hospital. The funeral was l^d at 4 p. m. at Eaton's Funeral Chapd. Burial was in Oak Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery. He was born in Davie Oounty to R. M. and ESla Smith Foster. He was a membv.of Oak Grove United Methodist Church and was a retired furniture worker. Surviving are a son, Ernie FUster of MocksvUle; a sister, Mrs. Eva Brewo* of Winston* Salem; and two brothers, Albert S. Foster of DanvUle, Va., and Leon Foster of Moeksvilio, Rt. 2. S.H.HEPLER Samuri Harrison Hqilor, 60, of Rt. 3, Mocksvllle, died Sunday, Jtdy 26th at the Davie Oounty Hospital. Funeral services were con ducted Wednesday at 8 p. m. at Cornatzer UnitM Methodist Church by Uie Rev. Ar^ Payne, the Rev. Carl Lane, and ttie Rev. Benny Beardcn. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. Kepler was bora Jan. 17; 1910, In Darie County, the son of the late David and Phisle Sanders Hepler.' He was a retired farmer. SurvlviM are his wife, Mrs. Geneva Eosto' Keplar; four sons, Edward, Jesse, and Samuel R. Kefder, all of Route 3, Mocksvllle; and James hMet&er of Rt. 1, Rockwdl; a sisttf,' Mrs. W. L. Myos of Rt. 2, Advance: and two Inothers, Charles Hepler of Rt. 3, - MbcksvUle and Thomas Heplw ofCfonmona. Bio - Obituaries - 7/30/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, August 5,1970 Davie Motive tmtSrn monin Of Cooleeiiiee Mn. Aliee C. Martia, 8S. tt NoribCtaoleenteedMnMayin A nallve of Davie Ooiiiibf, i4ia ms a OBomber of New MM BuMttdnndi* AmAviBg are five scam, llo> race £<nrter nt PliiladUj^a, Pa. AKoibo Foader «f OaUand, GsMf*. aad EMur. and Jauwr Fowlo*. all af Cool- omoe; and linir daiq^ten, Mis. liHB Young. Bbs. Asatee Jones, aiM Mrs. IndBo Jones, all of miiMonCatan, and lbs. Vifginia Wlllianffi of OddaiMl, Jdssie iM <Sattiiar.«B^ «f SOS Gbtw iUL, WtanldBMni. a natiiie «f Ikavia Qm^. 4M Ttraraday at Btyndoa Me> BMitei Ounttal in WaMoO'Sa* iKBietalliielt, lie ma bota Mte % isn, tbe COD af the iBle Bodie aatf ChriSier. Ito was a aBenAer af 8L MeecaV BapUM €birdi in WlnsioiiAalim. SorvMtt are hto wife, Mis. CbilMiweettlier; atiter.Mis. B. T. Winiams af Maeksvllle; and ftiir Isallms, llMnia aidl ftank tSMIfaer, hae af Macto- vOa, MaiihaDGiitlMr af BaBI- man^ |OL. i»d ChaiBe Gatther Bio - Obituaries - 8/5/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, August 5,1970 Mrs. Hudson Of Advance lbs. OpRKlia GaraiBudsai. 71. of Rt. 1, ASvanoe. died Friday at 11:10 p.iD. at ItO' A aativaflf IbivieGqnriy, dte waaiiiedBngUtrofflieiatedioi aad ESa BelL Sdo- ealBd in Davie Oounty scteob. die ww a monto of Hate AMBlgenClmrdi. SbrvMitt are ber iMnOiatia. WObun Ibilnley nidMn; two eons. R. Jf. Ibtdeen ef laA^oo aid JTamea W. Hudni or Ibe honie: three teoghlers. Mrs. Helen Hoover, lbs. Rnih Long, ami Mrs. Viohi WBean. idl of Lndngton; a teother. Willie ibb m Winstonedan; three ebdas. lbs. Grace Qeniee nf Winetmi'Salem, Mrs. Oosie Sedt of BfoeksvOfa^ aad lbs. (Rile Fraat of Oenmiflns; and SCTcngiandehiidren. HhsScBiifB awWestMeroh 6:11 ajn. fad ut anatteit brUdaya. A ttiiive of Davie Goialy, die ma ttie of ttw iaieVpain Sn^d Ueloay Rrtem Wvalt. ^ was edn- eated in toe Davie Connte Bdnols and allaiM AnpMa Aademy in Davie Omiily. She pw a msaher of Studufe ^ .. wew hwdttfte a Iwofltor, Qnds L Wratt widi whoa she made har mae; med aevaeal Bio - Obituaries - 8/5/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 6 • DAVIU COUNTY BNTGRPRtSE RECORD, THURSDAY. AUGUST 6,1970 AIRS. WILLIAM M. HUDSON Mrs. Cornelius Gcren liud< son, 71. of Advance, BL I, wife of William McKbiley Hudson, died FViday at home, lite funeral was held at 2 p.in. "Diesday at Main Street Al^ Zhm Cnurd) in Oavie Ooiudy. Burial was in the church cemetery. Slw was bom in Davie County to Jim and Bhm Woodntff HaU. Surviving are her husband; three daugMers, ]lfIr8. 'Hdeo Hoover, Mrs. Ruth Lmg and Mrs. Vbla Wilson of Lexbigtra; two sons. R. J. and James W. Ihtdsoo of Lexington; three ^ers, Mrs. Grace Il^es of Winston-Salem. Mrs. Ossle Scott of Mo^ville end Aba. OGie Florst of Gemmints: and a brother. Willie of Winston* 8alem. JESSIE LB6GA1THBR * Jessie Lee Gaither, 69, of 3622 Carver Road died Thursday at Reyndds Memorial Hospital. He was born in Davie Cbunty. He was a member of St. Ste|d«ns Baptist Churdi and was a retired em|doyee of S. M. MtilUns Co. Surviving are his wife, Blrs. Christine Gaither; a dat^ter, Mrs. Eva Cook of S32 Ansonla IRreet; a sister, Mrs. Lillian Williams of fifocksviUe; and four farothos, Marshall Gaither of Baltimore. Md., Frank and Thomas GaltW of MocksvlUe and Charies Gaither of Chieago, ni. Bio - Obituaries - 8/6/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MGCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 4 - DAVIC CX)UKTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 12. (970 MRS. Hra^RYB. BARNES Mn. Geneva Blalock Batnea. 88. ta Woodlear, Bt i, Mtddow of Henry B. Barros. died Tbur* sday at bar home. The funeral was hdd Sunday at Cbokonee Baptist Church. Burial was in 01^ Atonorial Park at Salisbury. She was bom In Davle Oaunty to WOliom and Amanda Jane Blalock. She was a monber id Cooleemee First' Baptist Churdi. Surviving are fbtB* dan^tera, Bfrs. Katnerina Yarhro of Davenport. Fla.. Mrs: EUsabetb Ovmash <d the home, Mrs. Janie Wise end fihrs, Rosa Myersof SaUshury.Rt. 9; a son, Raymond D. Barnes of Engiewood. Cslifimtia; and a dster. Mrs. C. M. McFarlond of HhrtsvOle, S. 0. WILI4AH GRADY UAM6S IWUIam Grady Uames, 78. of MockaviUe, Rt. 1. med FVliiay at Davie County Koqpital. The ftmeral was hdd Snndav at Eaton's Oiapo, Burial was* In Center Unued Methodist Church Cemetery. He was born in Davie Cotmty to Frank and Amy Gartner. Uames. Be was a monber of C^er United Methodist Church and' was.' a *• retired fUrntturewcritec'. • '•. f Sorvivins ai« Ms wifd.- BSrs'.' Sarah ^nin. IJames; a dau^iter, Mrs. Wesi^ fiuBon of. LexiQgtoo: two sons. Gharlea F. f^es of .Paseagoida. IRsa.. and YSUiam G. Ijames Jr. of the home; four sisters. Mta. M. Walker cuid Mrs. zebRudiet IBgh Point. Mrs. Odtts Tutterow of Winstfrn^Salem and Birs. Rali^ N. HcVey of McLean- sviln. COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, August 12,1970 AArs. Barnes Of Wbodleaf WOODIEAP — IfrB. Geneva Biitock Banea died Hmnday at her home en Rt. 1. Woodleat lirs. Barnes VBS the widoar of H. E. BamcB. Sto was bom In Da^ Coimly Oct. #, 168S. Amanda Blalock. She Is snrvlved by four dau^^. Bba. KMhcrhm Ya^of Davenport. Fla.. Mrs. Qixaheth Overeash of the borne, and hfn. JisnteWideaml Bosa htyeraef Rt. S^SbUb-b^; one son, Baymi^ D. Barnes of loglewood, Galif.; and me sistm*. Mm. C. M BScEBrland (rfKarteviUe, S.C. The hmeral was held Sunday at Oodleemee BmUst Cbinmfa. Burial was in uty Btanoiial Psrk at SelisiNiry. William Ijames, Rt. 1, AAo^ville MOCKSVlLLE — William Grady IJames. 72. of Bt i. ftiockivi]^ iFirMay'' hi DaWeOounty Hoq^al. He was bom fn Davie County to Ftank and Amy Gartner & ames. He waa a member tf Center United Methodist Chttreh. He was a retired up^ iurSwdShZisSdiiw, Mrs. Sarah Ettum uames. One daughter, Mn. We^ Inmon of lenrtqgton; two Sana, OiarlaF. IJames of Hascagoula, Miss, and WQUam G. IJimies Jr. of the hoatm hwr ststers, Mn. Fred B1 Walker and Mn. W. Zeh Btnh, each of ^ Pohit. Mrs. Odtts lUtterow of WinstonGa- 1cm and BSra. Ralph N. BkEey efUdjeansville. Bio - Obituaries - 8/12/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVlLLE. NORTH CAROLINA WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 8/17/1970 OtAttLBS IL tokUNSON j MOCKSVUXE - Charic a I Sr? Modorfllel! D»*'o OotwtyffiospUaL Tho fooeral viQ bo at' 1 "J"; Ealoa'i CbapcL I oe in Rose Cmetetj. ! , »" hpra b Oa*ie Couai* : ^bcUi AadmooTpimlnsoa and was a meraber! ' Uethodlst i • retired & . manager tor Sanford; Motor Co. here. ^ . are hb wifc. Mrs. Si'® Andersen Tomflnion: andUro loni, Cortan and Cole XomUiHoo or MocluvUle. cJa uy.rx.'^ k L f 'f 7 'f<}y a' Bio - Obituaries - 8/17/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, August 19,1970 Charles Tomllnson, Father Of Enterprise Editor Dies MOCKSVnXE - Charles H. Tomllnson, 77, of BtocksviUe, died Sunday morning in the DavieCounly Hospitalhere. Mr. Tomlinson was the fhther of Gordon Tomlinson, editor of the Davie County Enterprise- Record. Bom in Davie County Oct. 3, 1892, Mr. Tomlinson was theson of the late A. R. and Elisabeth Anderson Tomlinson. He was a member of the Mocksville Ma sonic Lodge No. 134, serving two terms as lodge master. He was recently dtM by the lodge for bis service in coaching 109 members to mtccessful degree achievement in masonic work. He was a monber and former choir director of First United Methodist Church, and was the first chief of the Mocksville Volunteer Fire Department which was organized in the early 1020's. He was a veteran of World War I, and fbr 30 years was parts manager for Sanford Motor Co. Survivors indude his wife, BIrs. Vida Anderson Tomlin son; and two sens, Gordon and Cde Tomlinson of BfoduyiUe. William A^ller. ih. 4, AAocksville MOCKSVILLE - William Henry Miller, 81, of Rt. 4, Mocksville, died Thursday eve ning at Veteran's Hospital in Salisbury. Surviving are his wife, Rosa Salley MiUer; one sen, Jesse Safl^ of Rt 4, Mocksville; live sisters, Mrs. Sara Miller of Cleveland, Mrs. Bdle Jenkins of Katuiapolis, and Mrs. Zella Cole, Mrs. Nancy Treadway, and Mrs. Mayfidd Lewder, all of Albemarle; and one brotha*, Barlo Miller el Kannapdis. Man Fires Into Home Girl, 3, Shot To Deafh MOCSSVtLLB - A three- yoardd ghl was diot tat dm in tat of a window at btr tannw^ apparalbr dnendng an atgumananiflng adidts. BeWil dwiHng ouwuied Saturdsy rfgh*, but dfffjtiw of Uie tragedy have not been rdessed by the Davte8taerrEroD«artittcnt ffiHed was Rttaaulene Ed wards of Rt 1, Hannfloy. Her funeral was condueledTtiesI fnorning at Eaton's Funeral Heemim burial til IbeUberty Pilgrim tftf Qlfflfth Ofmfr idenlity of tfae asnikai im not been disdeeed by die stacrifTs dcpartmeut, but an tai- vesdgBdon and a searcfa to ttae man is underway. His hfendtyiggtiently is kn^ to autbor- Cgraier Boi Rtahards said the airl died instandv. The afwaihnt, whohadbefB drinking, demanded that the girTs mother, Lena Mae Ed wards, rwnf* out of her house and bring ho* children. The refused ana tumed off The ttssadaiit then shot into the house, striking tfae three- year-old who was'standing. dtaecdy tai fhnt of the darkened wittdow. Two dtdOs unre found. At toast one of the blasts ripped dwoogb die window and into the tontture. The child is survived by her mottles' and a sister. Miss Gtonda Edwards of the faflme. Bio - Obituaries - 8/19/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 4 - DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1970 CHARLES H. TOMLINSON Funeral services for Charles H. Tomllnson, 77, of MocksvlUe were held Monday aflernoon at Eaton's -Chapel The Rev. James A. iUlcn officiated. Burial with full Masonic Riles was in Rose Cemeta-y. Mr: Tomllnson died Sunday morning at the Davie County Hospital. He had been seriously 01 for some time. He was bom in Davie County on October 3,1892 to A. R. and Elizabeth Anderson Tomllnson. He was a veteran of World War t serving overseas with the American Expenditionary Force. During World War II be served as a member of the Davie County Board of Selec- live Service. Mr. Tomllnson helped to organize and served as the fimt chief of the Mocksville . Volunteer Firo Department in the early 1920's. With the ex ception of a few years during the 193Q's, he serv^ as Chief of the Mocksville VFD until his retirement in 1960. He was manager of the parts department of Sanford Motor Company for more thon 30 years. He was a devoted member of MMksviile Masonic Lodge No. 134, serving two terms as master: He was recently honored by this lodge with a citation ond plaque denoting his service in hdping more than 109 to successfiuly adiieve their Masonic d^rees. • He was a member of the First Methodist Church of Mocksvflle and was a former choir directo*-: of that chiirch, Survivir^'arblhis'wlfo, Mrel.^4 Viola AhderMn'^Tbmlibsbn' of, the horne'r twd'sons/'Gordon* Tomllnson^and Henry Cole''^ TomUnson, both of Mocksville r at^ three paiDdchUdren. A Goodbye To His Dad By Sue Short ovIilindPn^ *"7 lo rilt In on |j,u taik "• of menj- ielenli. 11^(0"dTlo 1*1^97 "me or the muile still on ril t i®."® M.lhodljt Church of sfoc^n, "hi ^1"! l/nlle<l t ir.s i.ld "he cooW * which for many yean and led th. " 1 fhe ehoir violin "ccompanlmenno ih^l.L '• ^ ">< • -Uc helped orgaX he ' iht (own ind wai * faifiiiiA n ® DcpBrlmcn( for ..He worhed pany. ^ Sanford Motor Conj. home nn.l "r ""r fodo add Jobi ot Mlnejiiirockie»enil*e.r,7» ! "leroled member,hard road, he cJI™h«i t I"® had a mlnat/on for which he Ifeuoch deter-dltflntu llmei wiu, » b.ttie^e „r't°I.! eouldn'i win. Probably reallted he P«"tagoar way .lofie'na.theynJ'eS'l?— ) WILLIAM MILLER^ 61 William Henry MQIer, 61, Rt. 4, Mocksvitle, died Thur sday evening at Veteran's Hoq)ilal In Salisbury. He was bom in Rowan County .on March 6,1909 to the late Mr. andlMrs.Ivey Miller. He was a retired employee of Thompson Veneer Plant, a member of the North Main Street Church of Christ, and a vetvan of World War Two. Surviving are his wife, Rosa Safley MUlcr; one son, Jesse Safley of Rt. 4, Mocksvillo; five sisters, Mrs. . Sara Miller of Ceveland, Mrs. Belle Jenkins of Kannapolls, and Mrs.- Zella Cole, Mrs. Nancy Treadway. and Mrs. Mayfleld Inwder, ail of.Albemarie; and one brother. Carle Miller of Kannapolls,. Funoral services were con ducted Sunday at Baton's Funeral Chapel by Clin'ord Shaver. Burial followed In Rowan Memorial Park. SANDRA BROADWAY Sandra Christine Broadway, age 3, daughter of Roy Phillip and Shirley Tise Broadway of Lexington, Route 9, formerly of Route 4, Mocksville, died FViday morning, August 14th, at Lexington Memorial Hospital of latural causes. The funeral was held at 2 p.m. Saturday at Piedmont Ftmeral Chapel in Lexington. Burial was in Churchland cemetery. Surviving are her parents; a sister, Miss Cynthia Broadwav of the home; ond, her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Use of Route 4, Mocksville: Inez Broadway of Routc&, Lexington; and, Earl Broadway of Florida. Bio - Obituaries - 8/20/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 6 • DAVIB COUNTY BNieRPRISB RECORD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1970 WALTER 0. ADMAN Waller 0. Airnian, 68; of Seagrove, died Ttiesday at the Randolph Menorlal Ho^ttal In AsbetNTO after an tllness of three years. He. was bora In Randtdph Cbunty to the late Harris and Pearl Richardson Auman and was a member of the Seagrove United M^odist Churdi. He owned and operated Seagrove Motor company until • his retirement in 1962. The funeral was held Thur sday at Seagrove United Methodist (%u^ with In terment In the church cemeiary. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Edna Tlr^don Auman; one daughter, Mrs. Martha A. Ridmour of MochsvQIe: two sons, W. C. Aitman, Jr. and James Laor Auman both of Seagrove; one sister, Mrs. Mamie IQdd of Asheboro; one half-brother. Dale Voncannon of Lexington; four granddilldren and two great-granddiildrmi. Mrs.Whlfe^ Poyie Native ' ' Mrs. OthdiaWiUiams Whiter 28, of 62 Remington Place, New RodMRe, N.Y., died this mom- lag at l2tOS at While View Bnii Nurshtg Hdne. She had been in fbrfiveyesrs.' • A nattveofDavle County, she was bmi 23, S9tt, daugli- ter of Otis and Mary Hoseh .WilHsms. • «81ie wuedueated.ln ttieDavie • c£iege of Durham witti the dsn of 1661 - .ShewisempIflycd8san;e(Be-. M linearch teamman.- .\Mii White bdonged to New. ' BelM Baptiit Churdi In Davie. County and Maeedonla Rsptlst Ctarch in Mt Vetnon, N.Y. , - ! Survivors indude her hus band;-Mdvyn V^tte of New : ROdidle, N.Y.; her j^enta, Mr; aid Otis WW^ of ModksvUle; and two aliters, - MisaNovdIaWflHsmBindMri. Annette.-Whttt^ both of New Rod;dl^N.Y.' vTFlmersl.serrlces win be coo- diieted'.llutridiy at 2 p.m. at New-Brad Church In; IhWlef^iilylWtheRev.W.M. = Ada^^^Bsraif wia he in the diiiwbcraetety. Bio - Obituaries - 8/27/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE CX)UNTY RNTERPRISH RI;CORD. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 3, 1970 C.J.ANGELL Funeral services for CashwelJ Jones Angcll, Sr.. 76, of Route 5, Country Lane, were hold Thursday, August 27th at 4 p.ni. at Blaise Baptist Church by the ' Rev. Alvis Cheshire. Burial was 1x1 (he Joppa cemetery. Dr. J. W. Angell of Winston- Salcm assisted in the service. Mr. Angell died early Wed nesday, August 26th, at his home after a short illness. He was bom in Davie County on December 22,1893, son of the late W. B. and Maggie Gaithcr AngcII. He had lived In Mocksvlllc his entire life. rOWEU L. VVILKINS JR. | MOCK.SVILLE — The Rev. I Powell L. Wilkins Jr.. 38, of; Mocksville, Itl. 3 died yesterday I at Davie Couniy Hospital, ofi natural causes. The funeral willj be at 3 p.m. Thursday at Smith | Grove United Methodist Church.' Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery in SlalesvIlte. He was born In Slalesvllle to Lahmon and Opal Porto r He operated the Angell Jcwciery and Appliance Co. in Mocksvlllc forever SOyears and was affiliated with the AngcH Poultry, C and C Poultry and Davie Couniy Egg Producers and Uic Country l..ano Estates. He. was a charier member of (he Blaise Baptist Church, member of the Mocksville Moose Lodge, and charter member of Junior Order of America. He Is survived by his widow, Clona Landrclh Angcti, of the home; one son, Cashwdl Jones Axigcl! Jr. of Rt. 5. Mocksville; five daughters, Mrs. Ruby Purvis of MocksvHIe, Mrs. Virginia Clement of R.t. 2, Mocksville, Mys. Bobbie Robispn of Winslon-Salcm, Mrs. Billy' Horton and Mrs. Betty Carter of Rl. S, Mocksville; three brothers, W. Dennie Angell of Kannapolis, Brady L. Angell and Tildcn Angeil of Rt. 2, Mocksville; one sister, Mrs. 'Tremi Mcssick of Rt. 2, Mocksville;-16 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren.. MRS. SARAH CHAFPIN Mc- BRIDE Mrs. Sarah Chaffin McBride, age 61, of Emporia, Vir^nla, died August 2Sth, 1970, in a local bospital after a long illness. Mrs. McBride . was bom in Mocksville, North Carolina, She was a dedicated English teacher for 27 years, having taught in Goldsboro, North . Carolina, and the Mecklenburg and Grcensvtllc. County School Systems in Virginia. She Is survived by her hustond, Marceitus D. Mc Bride. Jr; two daughters, Mrs. Thomas W. Short of Purdy, \%ginia, Miss Sara Neli Mc Bride of Victoria, Va.; four sisters, Mrs. James J. Nossar of Charlotte, N. 0., Mrs. Paul Humphreys, Raleigh. N. C., Mrs. Louise Lynch, Salisbury, N. C.; Miss Emma Chaffin, Durham, N. C., two brothers, William Chaffin, Durham, NM C., Holland Oiaffln, Mocksville, N. C., three grandchildren, Tommy, KImbcrly and Karen aorl of Purdy, Virginia. Funcr services were held Thursday, August 27, at 2:00 p.m. at Echols Funeral Home, Emporia vdth interment in Emporia Cemetery. Dullns-Smlth Grove United Methodist charge. He was educated at MlichoSl College, Lenoir Rhyne College end Duke University and he was a veteran of the Korean Wbt Surviving arc bis wife, Mrs. Miriam Ervln Wllklns; two daughters, Deborah Eileen and Nancy Victoria Wilkins "of the home; his mother of Slalesvllle; and his grandmother. Mrs. Maggie Joynor Wilkins of .Stoteavllfe. HERMAN C. IJAMES Herman Cl^g (Izzyl Uan^cS' 66, of SOl Maple Avenue, for merly of Winslon-Salem, died Sunday at the Mcdlcenler in Winston-Salem. The funeral was held Tuesday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Burial was In Forsyth Memorial Park in Winston-Salem. He was bom In Davie County to R. M. and Louise Cartner Ijamcs. He was the retired owner and operator of the Snack Spot in Winston-Saicm. Surviving are his wife, Airs. Clora Swaim Ijames; two daughters, Mrs. ^ton Belts of Durham and Mrs. Albert Arrington of Winston-Salem; a stepdaughter, Mrs. B. S. Holl Jr. of V^nston-Salem; a step son.-Alvin A. Thomas of Win ston-Salem; and a sister, Mrs Ftank Miller of Salisbury. ERNEST A. Graham Ernest A. Graham, 56, of 202 Cain Street, Spencer, who was an employee at Heritage Furniture Company, died early Saturday morning, August 29th, at Rowan Memorial Hospital. Funeral services were hdd at 3 p.m. Sunday, August 30th, at St. Luke's Lutheran Church in Bear Poplar. Burial was In the church cemetery. He was born in Rowan County to Arthur C. and Claudie Hegler Graham. He was a member of St. Luke's Lutheran Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Margaret Beck Graham; a daughter, Mrs. Ernestine Norton of Rockwell; a son, Ted A. Grahom of the home; his mother of Cleveland, Rt. 1; four sisters, Mrs. Robert Miller of Mooresviile, Mrs. John SUkdeather of StatesvUle, Mrs. Boyd Avcock of Homestead, Fla., and Mrs: Pete Couchell of Charlotte; and five brothers, ' James A., Carl H., Leonard 0., and Paul E. Graham of Geveland and Bubert H. Graham of Troutman. . .1. *. Bio — Obituaries - 9/3/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA •'• Sofley^;JJiUer"-,60, :-'Rt.:-i;7'widovrof, C^5®*wBn^ Vdre'd-jj <rf ;• ::^iiiatuia^^<®aL<-u-s"e .4, yesterday; a'l '';Dayie '','C6lm'ty. ;• Hospital; The fimeral;?-\^-. ;v.'4 -••■ .p.in.tii-Saturday .7. at ] -Eatim's'>;F.mieral ;;chapel.Burial'l-^U, .be.^iii'Redlaiid Pentecbstal-.^Ifiiess' ^ChurchrCemetery-J She was bom in Davi.Q^iin^', to -Joto A., and Mary/Martin"Sofley and was" "^a -inenibe^-bf, Redland vlPenlecostal iHoUness ;Church. She was "a retiredempkiyeT of -the r^Hanes'; v,Cor-, poration 'in ■WinstOn-Saleirtv'yf SuTvivrh^ are a' ^n, ''Herman 'Miller 'of Advance, Rt. 1;" fpiui: sisters," Mrs. Ethel .Coot'^f 'Advance, Rt.- 1, • Mr^/'Lola' •Etichson of Mocksvilleii, Rt/;2,.Mrs. Marie •■.■■Clingmani;5i:6 f 1Mocksville, Rt.- 5," and?5r'-]^s^!Elizabeth Smith. oPltWii^ton"??Salem, Rt. 9; and 1th i*e e|brothers, Jesse M.'Soffeiy-Sr. ofi Advance, Rt. 1, -'Hehiy anra Frank Sofley of Mocksville, S- • bi/"- ■?- Cu /z. -71Q ^-0^ I'f ?o Co.tub„o.... .yi^WodaWlle, H. C. OAVIt Cu. PUBLIC UBfV\Ry MOCK&VlLLMi m COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, September 9,1970 Alfred Turner, 48, Davie Native Dies Mrs. AAiller Of Mocksville Alfred F. Turner. 4t, of Meadowbrook Drive, Durfaen, a Davie Counly native, died Friday at 9 p.m. at Walls Hospital in Dunum. Funeral services were coo- ducied Sunday at 3 p.m. at Mt. Hermon Baptist Church In Durham. Burial followed at the church cemetery. The body remained at the Hali-Wynne Funeral home until placed in the church before the aervices. Mr. Turner, a veteran of World War 11. was sUUoned at Pearl Harbor when it was at tacked. He received the Purple Heart for his service during the war. Surviving are las wife, Bin. Mildred OtapeU Turner, f<r- meriy of Cooleemee: a aon. Blike Turner M the home; a daughttf, Miss Susan Turner of the home; and two brotfaen, Ray Turner of Greensboro and Baxter Turner of Salisbury. Mrs. Benson, 61, Dies Suddenly Mrs. George Sidoey Benson Sr.. 61. of Rt 1. Woodtaaf, died suddenly Sunday morning in Rowan Btanorial Hospital. Funeral services were coo- dncted Tuesday at 4 o'clock ki Unity Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Mairolm Bollock. Bur ial was in the church cemetery. Blemarials may be made to the Unity Presbyterian Church forest misskn fund Bin. Beeaon was As fcrawr Mte Ldia Ftomiim. daogMto sf the late NMhan N. sodBsatoa BCcKlmwy Fleming. She was bom to Rowan County (B March a, 1909. She attandad Rawan ciouDty sdMois, tha Farm Uia School and Catawba Collage and was a Csrmar aehosl toa» ar. 9>e was a member ^'bie Unity Pretbytertao Church, the women of the Church and the Cooleemee Senior adzens Qcb. She wai married June r, 19M to George Sidney Benson Sr.. who survives. Bio - Obituaries - 9/9/1970 Other sunrrvon todnde two sons, Oeorye 6. Benson Jr. of Rt 9, Salhfi^. and NaBuo N. a stnd^ at N. C. State 1Mveni9: aMdaoMtter. Mrs. ChufsB (Masiha) Graham of Dghasn; ihraa bcediara. Roitert IM Plemiae, Heodwam Plera iag sad Jmriv Ftemiog. caeh of Weadl^; fifviiitor*. Mrs. Ro- SSMS BM ad Mrs. VirgtoU TM^ef W««fid, Mrs. OMvhi Wead of Fort Plerca, Fla.. Mrs. Babsrt MrllHwret of Fagtts- vOa and Bta. Ettiahsifa manef Potomac, Bid. BIoaDVILLE — Mrs. Baton SeUsy Iflltor. iS, el St. l. Ad- vaaea, diad Thvwdsy la th* DartoCtaiBty Hcapkal. Sba was bora ftog. 19, ItU. in Davto Ctomty, tha daughtor of tha lata Jonii A. and Mary BUrtia SMlay. Bar buabaad,(3a^^ BOisr, prsfitott bar to SurvtvtBg art a ana, Hsnnaa Bfiltor of W. I, Advanos; Im atotora, Mrs. Bthal M of Bt 1, Advanos, Ifas. Ida Mctrfnanii of Rt. 1, ItoekavUto, BIra, Maria /sti»ipwni» of Rt 6. MoekavOto, andlira. Biiabatb toxdib of Itt, 9, Wlaaian-SatoB; and thraa brothars. Jesaa BL Bsftoy of Rt 1, Advaaea, sad RHry and VVaak gaflay. both of m. I. MaatevUto. AVs. Lou Gullett Succumbs At 87 Mrs. Lou Zsna Oullett, IT, of 116 Wast Bank St.. StUstary, dtsd Saturday mornina to Row an Btomorial HosptUl. 8ha sras diawt^ofJ.W.Oultott. She was bom on Novsmbar 9, ma in Davto OsoBty to tha lata Samoal and Mary Howard, Mrs. GMtott was a mwnbv of Turrmtins Bapttot Chtwch of Maeksvilto. tovivtog art two daughton, BIra. of OoSm and Bfas. Myrtto Hanunatt of CUna Cheva; one aon, V. L. GuDatl Sr. of Salisbury; ana hilf-sfsiir. Mn.NinaCuudaof Ballstawy; and one half-brolh- m, Brack Itowanl of Iteka- vUto. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECO^. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 10,1970 MRS. CARLYLE MILLER Mrs. Helen Sofley Miller, 60, or Advance, Rl. 1. widow of Cariyle Miller, died of natural causes yesterday at Dovie County Hospital. The funeral was held ' Saturday at Elalon's Funeral Chas>el. Burial was in Redland Pentecostal Holiness Church Cemetery. She was bom in Davle County to John A. and Mary Martin Sofley and was a member of Roland Penecostal Holiness Chur^. She was o retired employe of the Hancs Cor- poration of in Wlnston*Salcm. Surviving are a son, Herman Miller of Advance, Rt. 1; four Asters, Mrs. Ethel Cook of Advance, Rt. 1, Mrs. Lola Elichson of Mocksville, Rt. 2, Mrs. Marie Clingman of Mocksville, Rt. 5, and Mrs. EHIzabeth Smith of Winston- Salem, Rt. 9; and three brothers, Jesse M. SoOcy Sr. of Advance, Rt. I, Henry and Frank Sofley of Mocksville, Rt. 5. Bio - Obituaries - 9/10/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, September 16,1970 Marvin D. Peoples Of Joyner Street Dies At Age 86 WOCKSVll-LB - Wflfvlo n,iVe Pecnlw. 86.a)od SunSay at Davlc Ocmy "TtomVS?, Coualy. M'. the late Monroe " Pcoplw. Kc^as a wnrVpf and A ^5? •.S Owve UnUcd Mctlwdist include one d.nuBV Iff. MfB. Elhd 4. MocksvUlc; Peoples of SalislJury and 1 E Lourn brvlhcrs. Utnmc ,i,«pl«,t»llorRt. 2.M«cksvHle. /Ars, Oinkins^ Da vie Native putienil !iCTvici;s tor Mra Miirv WhiikKiV Vinklns. ni. o Diivii' CiiiiiMy. "* 1 MotKliiy al 1.«il!l ' \Uir.i«t i-illliiNinl"' i^nson f j.,-s Kuncrol services f(r • yi .,i p hWnc'V Dviwnti- ' *04'inh^ wct'c ami bnriJil was 'TS&rr' m; Paul Cainpl)t'll and AdleneSw - si"y nllllii "I marl ill llusp'ial- Bill Messick Of Mocksville ill.' Ill* was iKirn I" ('< uTiiy i>cc. «. I 'S sur^w i.y w '^ir si "ifrs. MlHS Ma'-enrcL ^,i WitiMoivHalvin. Mis. Jay J Wiiiltnaiii Mrs.iiirfaVy®! i -Mm, Mvrllo Mcssick. 111 ^ MiiiiL-M* Ind.: iwahalMa'oll''-'^'^' )„d. and awrlic SlW'itk W ;ii Kaion PuiH'cnl ll«ino. Bio - Obituaries — 9/16/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIK COUNTY BNTERPRISG RECORD, THURSDAY. SEPTEMDER 17. 1970 . 9 MARVIN DUKE PEOPLES Marvin Duke Peoples, 88, of Cooleemee died Sunday at Davie Ootinly Hondtal. Tliefttneral wasMd Tuesday at Eatm'sChapd. Burial was In ChcBtnut Grove United Methodist Church cemetery. He was bom In Davle County to Monroe and Loidse Peoples. He was a memb^ of Chestnut Grove United Methodist Church and was a retired textile' woritor. Sundvlng are a daughler, Bfrs. Ethel Hampton of Mocksvnie, Rt. 4; two sons, Arthur Peoj^ of Salisbury and Floyd Peoples of Cooleemee} a rtster, Mrs. Laura Eaton' of Mocksvllle, Rt. 8; and two brothers, Lennle and John Peoples of BfoccksviUe, Rt. 2. Rev. Roscoe B. Fidier, pastor of Cooleemee Presbyterian Churdi officiated. BILLMBSSIOC - Funeral services for Bill Messlck, 66, of Route 4, Mbcksvilie, were hdd Satur day, September I2tfa, at liberty United Methodist. Church. Burial was In Rowan Memorial Park. Mr. Messlck was dead on arrival at Davle COunty Hoi^ital Thursday, September 10. • He was boro ln Davle County Dec. 21, 1909, son of the late Henry C. and Delia Creed Bdesslck. He Is survived Iw his wife, Mre. Sadie Howard Mesrtck: one sister, Mrs. Sherrlll Mwndny of Rt. 4, Mocksvllle; live half-sisters, Miss BAargaret Messlck and Bbs. Gladys Flynn <rf Winston-Salem^ BSrs. Wayne Wadman; Mrs. Sarah lioyd and BOss .M^e Mesrtdc, an of fifuncle,1nd.; two haU-brothers,, Rob^ Mesrtdt of Knl^ttown, bd. -and Charlie BfOssick of OLIVER C. HOWARD Oliver C. Howard, 79, of 101 Seventh Street, Lexington died Sunday moml^ In thie Haven Nursing and Convalescent Center near Lexington after bdng In declining h^tb for six years and serlo^y 01 for two months. He was bom In Davle County on January 19, 1691 to Victor and Ida Qrolts Howard. He was a monber of the Smith Grove UiUted Methodist Chui^. Funeral services were held Wednesday at the Old Vemon Primitive Baptist Church. The Rev. C. FVank Penninger and the Rov. Troy York oflloiated. Mr. Howard Is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Ann Money Howard of the home and four dau^ters: Mrs. Oddl Tesh of Wlnston-Salem; Mrs. Odell Leonard of Lexington; Mrs. Henry Burton of Lexington, Rt. 3; end Mrs. A. W. Glascoe of Wlnstn-Selem, Rt. 10., one son, Arnold V Howard of Winston- Salem; 12grandchildren and 6- great grand chlldroi and one brother, Charlie Howard of Vfinston-Salom. Bio - Obituaries - 9/17/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, September 23,1970 IP. <3h«$0iL dfT Swfliy ^ M ftiWBt Am tot II, iliab in iMe Cma^s Ife Cbtto toi«toi to MBit to~5r jpJiL - wmCtoto jlUUSS ^ 'flZfllllBini ^pl (ttiB toMtoeilSE toew liifi Ito* ttorl. KBisaiihiisdiiyiAaiidMMt uUSIOBvwH'VKShHP^bBSKB* flunaia (iBndoH «aD'te lidd «t 4 |m wHinato at Ann- IMBHWll fPPP- toM to to tox. tosoii 8. ii#an1f|juttter rf tottqp ilmftoiiBii^^ to «lfl to to toiyitoiii toito touto eemetco^ In Ctomty. Uto toN*y ton Mtoiii to to iipmft stoiftotototoiitototo tonto tol to to to tons to Ml*. Jto CanitoQ, fit n. OfModcnnb aCBta. Iti IMS, ha «H Ow aM «f Ma awf ateeatad la Pwia Cbupy^aMMMflia* Ifr, dMOMftaBaaa aNasbwaf BBdr mtStk g-'" IM »»«—■*— JIBD^BDQBb jtoDBntti to m Btoiipj toi0fitoto# ita. ffiitoto finito to to» iMMA WiitofiXtowftoM nainl sondaHi «fll ka aon- toielto fiteito to 4 ojn. to Bev. Jto X totoiL Bnlil •IDbaiadiaAiiMkaaManr. na bate «fll Mnate at IDt-cbte MdW'fftaDCnd SeralseoDtO fbMid la-tea abuHli tM htm prfar to tea teacHl acr- viea. Bio — Obituaries — 9/23/1970 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 12 - DAVIB COUNTY UNTBRPRISB RBCORD» THURSDAY, SBPTEMBBR 24, 1970 M. T.JONES Funeral Borvlces for Melvln niomoa Jones, 80, of 8733 Talt Terrace, Nnfolki Va., were conducted at Voglers Main Street Chopd In Wmston-Salem at 1 p. m. Sunday, September 20, by Mr. Oaroice TUeker and the Rev, W. C. Anderson. A second service was held Monday at the Hotlman-Brown Funeral Home at Baysido. Va. Burial was held In Woodlawn Memorial Gardens In Norf<dk. Mr. Jones died Saturday, September 19, at 7:30 a. m. at the Medlcenter in Vnoston* Salem. He had been In sertousy Ql since February. ' He was bom in Davio County on AprQ 13,1920to Oliver Brown and wUle Fhdps Jones. He spent his early life In Advance and served as a chief petty officer In the Navy during World War U. He had been a controbnan for the power plant at LUtle Oredc Am^bious Base In norfolk, Va., until he became 111. . Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Chanes R. Jwmings of Virginia Beach, Va., two sons, Curtis M. Jones of Virginia Beach and Brian M. Jones of Fort Wayne, Ind.; two grand* dilldreni his parents, both of Advance: three sistm, Mrs. Joe Rdch of Orland, Fla., Mrs. Wayne Monk of Fairfax, Va., and Mrs. Edward H. Pterce of VL^lnla Beedi. RAYMOND W. MICHAEL Raymond Wehster Michael, 87, of Advance, Rt. 2 died of a heart attack Thursday at Davia County Hospital. The funeral was held at Bethlehem United Methodist Churdi. Burial was In the church cemetery. He was born in Davidson County to Albert and OUle Fisher Midiael; He was a member of Bethldtmn.United Methodist Church and was a owner and operator of MIchad's Trucking CO. Surviving aro his wife, Mrs. Gladys Brauchamo Michael; of Lexington; six sisters, Mrs. Ben fiails and Mrs. Joe King of Advance, Rt. 1, and Mrs. Archie Masaicup, Mrs. Edward Carter, Mrs. George Dowel! and Mrs. Wade Mwrriman of Wlnston^Salom; and four .brothors, Clyde Hlchad of Qonmons, A. N. Michael of Winston'SBlem, A. C. ' MIchoel of Mobllo, Ala. and Jdm B. Bllchael of Easley, 8. C. R. P. CHARLES Robert P. Charles, pf Davie County, dled,ot 2 a. m. Tuesday at On VA Hospital In SallslMiry. Born September 2, 1878, In DavIo County. Mb Chories was a son of the late John N. and Sallie Bessent Charles. Me spent Ids early life In Oregon and Canada and returned to Davle K years ago. He was a vderan of the Spanish American War, Boxr Rebellion, PhllllDines Insurredion and World War I. He is stawlved a number of nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held Wednesday at Summersett Memorial Chapd, comhtcted by the Rev. Varnoa B. MoDanlel. pastor of 'Staliings Memorial Baptist Church, wuial was in Jerusalem Baptist Church cdttetdy In Davie Cotm^. n Bio — Obituaries - 9/24/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA TWIN CITY SENTINEL, 9/26/1970 Crjt-iv- i- HOCKSVlLIiE^^SSis.'* Uaggie ^Joqes-.Dwisgins, 86| •-vQla^.Bti-kar .9rid9Vi<o^^|^iEU&^ pniggbis, «ed . jresterday . ^ Iw Haven Httrs^ Bbma.' f,] 1V fihe vas bom in Davie Ooimty >10 . Vi Coe and Waltiwhi Batty iJonesp i . t "< 1 ^ttrvivlng are'two dau^ters; 2^ San Tzesndl and Mrs* rS'allas 3ioore Jr., both of fMo^sville, Rt 1; two sons, L. I Conrad Dwig^ of UocksvUle, 9L 1 andiCliDard F. Dwlggiiia of fVioston<Salemi two alsto^ 'Mrs. Bertha*' Brown- and Jas:. j J; Xi. J^, bodk of Moc!csvQte, iRt 5; and a foster brother, jTom: Jones of East Bead. The fimeral will be hdd at 4 p4n. Sunday at .Eaton's Fa- ttoal ^ne Oiapel. Burial ^ ^ In .Center United Method Otureh Cemetei^. The fomily will be at the fu* sera! home from 7 to 9 p.m. today. 7i«vu ScsLj Bio - Obituaries - 9/26/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, 9/27/1970 Kainlngi. ^ «limetdW<lfe§n5 p<6*'"toflayat 2atOQ*8 S^neril: QiapeL\Bitrial will wubiCeniS, IfaHcd . •StaB iras beni ill 2)avle (?doiits to W. Coe-'aaft IteHa&vBalter' Jaatt. Sherwaa =<a,'ixzi^|)er.(^ Center "Dtaifta ;.GbDidi^ } t« Surviving are two dan^t^ {Bto. Daa Fresnell' and - 3In. Pattas Jloore Jr. of Hodcat^, Ri 1: 'Moa,'. CMnard P; Dwiggms^ <Wtai8to&4dIam' aM- hBfodcsvili^-^R&'l; t«oHtisten;< Mas. Bertba Brdvm aod Mrs. J.' li. Jolly <a MockOTflle. Rt 5; ' and a tostor brother, TSom Scstis Bast-Bend; Ar- ^ • 'Jouvft-M^U •SfePh LV-/9^e> Bio - Obituaries - 9/27/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE — Mrs. AddieElizabeth McCullough Syice-good, 76, of Mocfcsville, 3, widow. of . Grover Swicegood, died at 5:30 am Home Haven Nursing ¨ bom in Davie Coiintv . he and Emma LeonardMcCullough. She was a member Churcii - Methodist airvfvfag are a daughter,, u Fi:. • Cope . Of isai :s. ' c Roadi._,Winston-1&alem ;> a-son, James Swicegood [ Of Mpcksville, . Rt. 4; five' Smndcliildren and six great grandchildren; and four sisters, Mifses vAnnie. Sadie and EvaMcCuhough, all of Mocksville, 4 and Mrs. W. A. Foster of Salisbury. The funeral, will be conducted at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel by the Ray* J- C. Lane and the Rev.Bill Creason. Burial will be in the Turrentine Baptist Church Cemetery near Mocksville. The family will be at the ^neral home from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday. ^ r >, • C i i y SIlWIE CO. PUBUC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NO 10 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1,1970 MRS. J. A. HARTMAN Mrs. Ruth Bulner Harlman, 72. of Advajtco. wife of J. A. Harbnan, died ^iday al Rowan Manorial Hospital at Salisbthy. Ihe (uttoral was hdd Sunday at Advance' United Methodist Church. . ^ . She was bom in Davio Ootmty to W. F. and Addle Lee Butner and was a member of Advance United Methodist Church. She was a retired schooUeachw. ^irviving are her husband; two daughters, hOss Caitdyn Hartman of the home and Bdrs. El^e Vogler (d Advance; a son, W. B. Hartman of Wlnsloo- Salem; two idslers, Miss Soidiia Butner of Advance, Rt. 1, and Mrs. H. F. Bowden of Mocksville; and a brother, EnHOt Butner of Advance, Rl. L MRS. ABBIE SWICBGOOD Funeral services for Blrs. Abbie Elisabeth McCuUough Swiceftood, 76, of Route 3, were held Wednesday, September aoth, at 2 p. m. at Batim's Fungal Chapel by the Rev. J.' C. Lane aim the Rev. Bill Creason. Burial was in Turrentine Baptist Qiurch cem^e^. Mrs. ^cegood died Monday at 5:30 a. m. at I^nn Haven Nur^g Home. Bern In Davle County June 4, 1S94, she was a dau^ter of-lhe late Charlie and Emma Leonard McCuUough. She was Ute widow of Grover Swicegood, and was a member of Uborty United Methodist Church. Survivors Include one dat^er,.Mrs. C. J. Cbpe of Winst«i-^an; one son, James Swicegood of Rt. 4, ModcsvUIe; four sistav. Miss Annie Mc** Cuilough, Miss Sadie Mc> CuUough and Miss Eva Mc* Cuilough all of Rt. 4, MochsvlUe; and Mrs. WA. Foster of Salisbury; Hve grandchildrm and six great*. grandchUdren. MRS. TAYLOR CALL, 82 Mils. Cora Mae Call, 82, of Rt. 4, Mocksville, died at 12:45 a jn. Thursday at Lynn Raven Nursing Home hero. 9ie was bom in Davie County April 1. 1888, deleter of the late iUfl-ea W. and Sarah' James SaRey Pheips, Funeral services were hdd Saturday at Liberty United H^odiM Churdi whore Mrs. Call hdd her monberddp. GmducUiig the rites wore Rev. J. C. Lane and the Rev. Ralidi McGamrock. Burial in the church conetery. Survivors Include her husband, Taylor Call; two daughters, BSrs. Seth McDanid of MocksWUe and Mrs. JoseNi Janow^ of Fayetlevllle; five sons, Ral|di, Oscar and Charles Coll of Mocksville; Gr^am Call of Burlington and CSarence Call of Rt. 8 Salisbury; four sisters, Mrs. Martha Mc* Clanirock. Mrs, T. R. Burton and Mrs. Grace Wootoi of Mocksville, and Mrs. Blaude rachols of Rl. 1, Woodleaf; theree brothers, Gilbert, Raymond and Lee Pheips, all of MocksvUle; 25 . grand children and four great grandchildren. Bio - Obituaries - 10/1/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA TWIN CITY SENTINEL, 10/7/1970 Ribelm's Rites Held "s »««• =■fit «' et_^* t, ^ . ^she was bom u ^fr..w two weeks tejdn^oa^^ children and' « Howard Sp^^' Ra»»'^cral was held otBm««?^SL?^ Tradfag !■!• ' k" • S' U-; 7* c? I -f- y jV-h (' -Yi ^ T / ? 7^ Bio - Obituaries - 10/7/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 12 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8,1970 MRS.INAMORmSON Ina MorrisoD, 57, of Hannony, Rl. 1, died Monday at her home following a long illness. She was bom In Iredell County. She was a member of Chestnut Grove Baptist Church. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Carrie Alexander of Harmony and Miss Linda Morrison of the home; three sons, Waford Rosby of Har mony, Clyde Chambers of Statesvllle and Charles Morrison of the U. S. Army; her mother, Mrs. EUla Rosby of Harmony; two sisters, Mrs. Beaulah Dalton of Harmony and Mrs. Llllie Lucky of Troutman; and ♦wn brothers.Walter Rosby of Stotcsvlllc and Wiibert Rosby of Harmony. MRS. EVA BREWER Funeral services for Mrs.Eva Mae Foster Brewer, 71, of 1829 W. Academy Street, Wlnston-Salcm, were heldFriday, October 2nd at 12:30 p.m. at Voglers Main Street Chapel. Burial was In Smith Grove United Methodist Churchcemetery. In Davie County-Mrs. Brewer, widow of Harry Lee Brewer, died at 12:05 a.m.Wednesday, September 30, atForsjrth Memorial Hospital.She had t>een s^iously ill since Monday.She was born in Davie County on Dec. 8, 1898, 1o RichardMonroe and EUa Sophia ^ith Foster, She spent her early life there. She came to Winston- Salem in 192S. Mrs. Brewer was a memberof Parkway United Church of Christ,'*the Golden Age Gub andthe Ladies Auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 1134. She was employed at Efirds Department Store for a number of years. Surviving are a son, Robert Brewer of Norfolk, Va.; and two brothers, Leon Foster of Far- mington and Albert Foster of Danville, Va. Bio - Obituaries - 10/8/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIK COUNTY l-NThRPRIBE RRCORD. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 15, 1970 . 9 ' COZAOT ' Funeral services for Annie Gelee Cozart, 7, dau^ter of Mr. and Mrs. (Garlic Cozart of Mumford Drive, Mocksville, were held Friday,' October 9th, nr'4''p'jn7''at"Ealon's' Funwal Home Chapel.' Rev. Charles Bullock officiated. Burial was in Rose Cemetery. The child died Wednesday morning at Baptist Hospital in Winslon-Salem. She was bom October 19th, 19C2, in Davie County. Survivors include the parents; two sisters, Mrs. Janet Webb of Mocksville, and Miss Katherine Cozart of the home; two brothers, S^gt. Dale Cozart of McGuire Air Force Base, N.J., David Cozart of the home; parcrnal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Avery Cozart of Mocksville; maternal grand mother, Mrs. Annie Davis, ol Mocksville. MRS. ISAAC A. WHITE Mrs. Minnie Belle White, 64,. of Mocksville, Rt. 5. widow (tf Isaac A. White, di^ Friday, Oclobor 9, at (he Medlcenter in Winston-^lem. The funeral was held at 3 p. m. Sunday at Mount Olive United Methodist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. She was bom In Yadkin County to Noah and Ruth Baity Dixon. She was a member of Mount Olive United Methodist Church. There ore no immediate survivors. MCODISEVEREnT McOdls Everett, 46, of Mocksville, Rl. l, died of natural causes Saturday at Davic County Hospital. The funeral was held Sunday at Ealon's Funeral Qiapel. Burial wos In Jericho Church of Girisl Cemetery, He was bom in Beaufort County to Leslie J. and Laura B. Everett. He was o member of Athens Church of Clirisl and was a retired employe of Western Electric Co. In Win- si on-Salcm. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Peggy Green Everett; a son, Joe Mack Everett of Mocksville; his molher of Piiietown; (wo sisters, Mrs. Vero Boyd of Mocksville, Rt. 1. and Mrs. Bonnie L. Eborn of Washington, N. C.; and five brolhers, Mayhew and Glenn Evcrell of Pinelown, Rt. 1, Irvln Everett of Bath, Rt. 1. Elarl Everett of Roanoke Rapids and Eldridge Rverelt of Jackson. Bio - Obituaries - 10/15/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 2 . DAVIH COUNTY ENTERPRISB RECORD, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1970 MRS. MYRTLE DUNN . Mrs. Myrtle K. Long Dunn, 27, of Advance, Route 1, died at &;30.p. m. Sunday at Davie County Hospital. - She was born in Yadkin County April 14,1943, daughter of Clayton R. and Vera Whitaker Long of Cherokee. Funeral services were held Tuesday at Yadkin Valley Baptist Church where Mrs. Dunn held her membership. Burial was in the church cemetery. In edition to her parents, Mrs. Dunn Is survived by her husband, James Dunn; a daughter, Lisa Lynn Duim, and a son, Levan Dunn, both of the home; two brothers, James Long of Yadkinvllle and Bobby Long of Orlando, Florida. Bio - Obituaries - 10/22/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RUCORD, TUMR«5nAV. OCTOBER 29,1970.7B HAL 0. BOGER Hal C. Boger, 5C, of Rl. 3, Mocksvllle, died Wednesday evening, Oclobcr 21sl, at Veteran's Hospital, Salisbury... Funeral services were con. daughters, Mrs. n Nancy ducted Saturday at Eaton's Fcllsaler of Joppa Town, Md; Funeral Chapel, Burial was in and- Mrs. FVanccs Hllbour of Union Chapel United Methodist Fair Bluff; two sons, Franklin Cemetery. Boger of Mocksville and Jlmihy A retired employee of Dixie Boger of Rt. 3, Mocksville; two Furniture Company, he was • sisters, Mrs. Mary Motley of born In Davle County on March • Salisbury and Mrs. Nell S, 1914 to the late Jessie and Robertson of Cary; two Rena Hcplcr Boger. brothers, Reld Boger of Survivore include the widow, Sallsburyand- John C. Boger of Charlotte Miller Boger; two Kunlsvillc, Ala. Bio - Obituaries - 10/29/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, November 4,1970 iMdNeeley Rineral Snr^ces Fungal services for Mrs. Mai7 Vddte (J. S.) McKedy, 7S of AdidiQro, Ibrm^ of Cod- eemee, werelidd Monday, No- venber 1, at fhe First Presby terian Cborcli, Mooresville. Burial followed to toe l^ow Valley OeiAOlery. Mrs. MdNec3y died Sunday mondng in an Ato^bord bospi- tal afle^ sofiferli^ a beart at- MislTuttnpow OFAAodtsvilte IfOCSSVILlS - Ueb. Itadw Bassett luttecowt 9i, of ttt. I, Modtovtoob dMto I^^Staven Nursing Hotne ISednSiday nlgtal. Slip was boni in Davie flnioty. jm iflM Sbe was toe wndw ol Hhtom W. TUt- loov. Survivors Include three drndhtritn, Mn. Of Bqyd <gid IhB. Rqdia Fqstar of Modks- vdte and lire. Msrgiiet Fox of Shamtile^Cto.; |Uesato»|Ner> eiie Tuitefow of new Beonvd, Mass., and ii. B. Wterow or Modksvill^ one biutoer, Blalr BassMi of Greensbero; 19 gtsaatohlMien, is^eatgrand- dtBdroi and one graal-ffeat • -grandddld. Bio - Obituaries -11/4/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA V -1. n ^JOHN w. UAME]^ . ^ / ' John w, ^.Cameron Avenue, died Octobe' at.: Forsyth Memoff^ following a one-mobtfe; .fulness.. '• .ri , . :w^ :MnS,aucc»t.a€^:30 p.m. Monday. at< - •^morial; Zion r* y,; the Rev. JX. Hunt. •^I'v^as in ^v, • _ liariife. was bord i^ril 7T T ™ J^amCounty.to the late ..fiintf^i-Maude. Nichols 1' ^^^d lived in Wui'S^i s^n-Saleni w.M years. Hewa^j®df^roler 'Memorial' V ^oni4a[i|m^h:;;^he^^ hei was a rriAinl^iln^-o.:.. .'5. » Xl Uol ? Arthur Jarr iScholM^0)i5n2i5&^ He was a menib^^ of the Five W Club and the 503 Prince HaUAfflhation. He whs a tetired einployee of R.X Rieynolds Tobacca Company, Plant K. ^ Surviving are ona sist^, Mrs. Ijames Clemment;" one ». Josepli^W. Ijames bothof . Mbcksville; and/ several P ^ ® r r e 1 a-jr i v e srmnnr I ii iW m n n n i _ ' j|- 4- - l?7f? § S o O , r :d £ ^ . ^ O ^ ^ £ UJ o C7~ l -<\ Ck 8 • DAVIH (XJUNTY l-NTI-RPRISI" Ri:CX)RIJ. THURSDAY. NOVHMBHR .s. I«>70 CLIFTON PBEBLGS JR. B5 Cliflon Peebles Jr., 83, of 1203 Eye Street SB, Ws^n^n, D. C., formerly ofWlnston-Salem, died Saturday In Washington. He was a native of Advance and bad lived In Washington 30 years. He was a membor of Mount Sinai AMB 21on Cburcb of Advance. Surviving are bis wife, Mlrs. Viola Peebles; a daughter, Mrs. Charlotte Proctor of Washington; two sons, Leroy Peebles of Washlngtra and aiflon L. Peebles m of the U. S. Army,' Ft. Bragg; his father, Qifton L. Ponies Sr. of Ad< vance; three sisters. Miss Charlotte PecMes of Brooklyn, N. y.. Mrs. Riilh P. Diilin of Advance and Mrs. PaMcia Carson of .io*ks7ille; two brothers, f. V. tables of Ad- vance and Otis U. Pediles of Brooklyn; and six grand- childra. Hie body wlU be bron^t to Hooper Funeral Home lat& this • week where funeral arrangements will be made. MRS. DAISY TUTTBROW Mrs. Daisy Bassett Tutterow, 84, of Modcsvillo, Rt. I, widow (d Thomas W. Tuttorow, died Oct. 2Bth, at Lynn Haven Nursing Rome. The Atneral was l^d Friday at-Eton's- Funeral Cbopel. Burial was in Center United . Methodist" Church cemetery. She was bom in Davie Oounty■to Danid and Edna James; Bassett. ^ >" Surviving are three':daughters, Mrs. Ora Boyd and* Mrs. Floella. Foster ■ of ModcsvOle. Rt. 1, and Mrs.Margaret Fox of ChamMee, Ga.; two sons, Everett Tut terow of New Bedford, Mass., and J. B. Tutterow of Mocksvllle, Rt. I; and a brother, Blalr Bassett of Greensboro. Bio - Obituaries - 11/5/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA » (5~1 MRS; :}bHN BOGER - jS<;tM6CKSVlLLE ~ Mrs. Ma^e "ISuminers.- Bbger^ ~ 867 oT Moc^s^e,' n Rt." % n widow! of JohUvBoger, died o^esterday at Da^v County Hospital The .iunei^, WiU >e at 2 p.m. Friday atEdtonrBaptist.Church. Burihl : wili he in the church cemetery. I^e was bom in Davie County to «;^^^nfiesld . and Nellie Sain Suo]fnie7S.'She was a member of Eaton Baptist Church. n Surviving are five daughters, , Mrs.. Nellie Hunter of! Mocksville, Rt. 2, Mrs. Pauline Campbell and: Mrs. Ethel Reece . of Winston-Salem; and -Mrs. ! Juanita Smith and Mrs. Mai^ Moride of Burlington; and six; sons, Hubert. C., James and. Howard Boger of Mocksville, Rt. 2, Clyde 'Roger of Mctc^ville, Rt. 3, Duke Boger, of Winston-Salem., Rt. 4 and Herman Boger of Advance, Rt 2; and two half sisters, Mrs. Hazel Brown and Mrs. Sadie Peoples of Mocksville, Rt. 2. The body is at Eaton's Funeral Home, y" 0 Cu. ^ L (?7c^ c \ > a: < ct m o kJ z: o uf CD Z>> Q.CO d u o o 2 UJ > < o <2 8 . DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 12, 1970 MRS. RAYFORD McDOWELL BIrs. Julie White McDowdl, about 88. of Mocksviile. Rl. 3, widow of Rayford McDowell, died at her home. She was born in Alexander Cbunty to Albert and Anno White. Surviving are three daughters. Mrs. Edna Morrison and Mrs. Alice Galther of MocksvUle and Miss Vivian McDowell of Patta>son. N. J.: three sons, Louie Alexander of PattVson. Oamis Alexander of Charlotte and Sloney Alexander of MoctevOIo: a sistor, Mrs. Susan Piwker of New York City; anda brother. Mace White of Statesvflle. TERRYDALEHANES Terry Date Hanes. Intint son of Ralj^ and Bevorly Diane Sbi^ Hanes of Advance, Route 1. died of natural causea November 4th at Baptist Ho^ital in WmstoU'Salan. A ^aveside service was hdd Satiny at Glenn View Baptist Church at Koitersville. atrviving are his parents; a brother, JelArey Scott Hanes of the home; and his grand' parents, Mr. end Mrs. Gflmer Sapp of KamersviUe and Mr. and BIrs. Bill Hanes of Advance, Route 1. MRS. JOHN ROGER Mrs. Mamie Summers Roger, 86, of BfocksvUle, Rt. 2. widow of John Roger, died Nov. 4th at Davie Oounty Hoqiital. The funeral was held Friday at Eaton. Baptist Oiurch. Burial was in the church cemetery. She was bom in Davie Cbunty to Winfield and NeUie Sain Summers. She was a member uf Eaton Baptist Church. Surviving are Hve daughtoa. Mrs. Nellie Hunter of Mbcltsville. Rt. 2, Bfrs. Pauline Campbdl and Blrs. Elhd Reece of Winston; and BSrs. Juanlta Smith and Bto. Mary Moricle of BurUngton; and six sons. Rdbert 0. James and Howard Roger of MocksvUle, Rt. 2, Clyde Boger of MocksvUle, Rl. 3, Duke Roger of Winston-Salem, Rt. 4 and Ha>man Roger of Advance. Rt. 2; and two half dsters, Mrs. Hazd Brown and Mrs. Sadie Peoples of BiocksvUIe. Rt. 2. HODGE PHtFBR. 67 Hod^ Pfifer, 67, of 8 Hickory Street, Cooleemee, died at 7 pjn. Nov. 4th at Rowan Memorial Hospital after scvo'at mmiths of declining healUi. Rcum S(^t. 29. 1903, in Rowan County he was the son of the late Champ and Ollie Phifer. He was educated in the Rowan Oounty sdiools, and was a retlr^ employee of Burlington Industries. He was a member of Mt. Vomon Presbyterian Church. . Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Mamie Knox Phifer; one son, Hodge Phifer Jr. of Statesvttlo; a stcp'son, John Jolmson of Philadelphia, Pa; two daughters, Blrs. Blary L. Potts of Jamaica, Long Island, N. Y. and BI& Ludlle Riifer of the home; a step'daughter. Mrs. Annie Williams of Baltimoro, Md.; his step* mother, Bli^ Bertha Phifer; four brothers, Arthur and Allen Phifer of Salisbury, Ralph Phifer of Homestead, Pa« and Ddb^ Phifer of Greensboro; two sisters. Miss Eva Phifer of Woodleaf and Miss MarUia Woods of Jamica, N. Y.:. and nine grandchildren. BEN B. WILSON Ben Brvin WUson, 40. of MocksvUle, Rt. 1. died of natural causes Nov. 4th at Broughton Hospital at Morganton. He was bom in IredeU County to Andrew and Dora P. VUlson. He was a member of Piney C^ve AME Zion Church. Surviving are his parents of mocksvuie, tO. I; five sisters. Mrs. Novella Robinson of Baltimore, Bid., Blrs. Fannie White, Blrs. Mary WUson and Blrs. Ceola Wilson of MocksvUle. Mrs. Octavia Qonent of Cooleemee; and two brothers. BlaUias' WUson and Robert Turner of Baltimore. Bio - Obituaries - 11/12/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, November 18,1970 AArs. Sechresi CXModoMiOe WKSSVIIXB —^ AimCMtoSMitfCrt,9l,«rBt4 jicd Siarfay ai ^wSSmSSS^KiCtaa^ JMu iMi dMtfiltr of flu MoBtef and Soflde Shulei CkoliB;. Sgwiyata fnctado bar bus bioid, VSBm T. MbcsI; fivf TrnltTTiminffrrtrfiiiiiiiiiiIMgdoligw Rt 4* Moeisvfllo; and oDodb tor, Hrs. fictfilwr BackofRL 4 G.W. Handine, DovieNcithfe MOCKSVniX — George WiwSBmOI/lsOU ISHOKtllDBli 83^ 8B Bist IMiW; diod' Tbroadoy is boddl Mcnorial BanibiI)avieOoiaily,06L Iffg ISO* bo Vi8 ttiO OQO 9 Qooibo Kintoou;^ ofid Mivy Af? ifycfs Hitnrltna He was a member of lAdon •Cbapol Httitod Itofliodlsl Qhbp^ qd arriiiod tomer of F^p^Siylli Ocnidy. Survivors btdude three dansbtos, Mrs. AnnioRigoof SuttimviIle..Mi$. Genova Hean and Mrs. Iteiees Beomoi^ bolb of WinstmiGBlBm; toir soos. William Clyde Hanettne of SMtesvlIle. Ma K. Hudhio of Rt. 7, Statesville, BaHey Handine M Rt 1, HOmoyM jPtdl^ Hrndtne of WMon- Selem; one brethnr, Mn Bd HaneBne of WintOftSakin; Ml arandddldnen mid- 10. m^t* ^andcbadran and four step- grandddMieo. W.L Ward, 74, Of 10.2, Advance HOCKSl^^I4J£ - Wtllian Levin Ward, 74, of Rt 2, Ad- vanoe. d^ la Veterans Ad ministration Ho^tal Ir SalMory Thursday night Bom inDavteOn^, Nov. SO, 1890, be was the sgn of the late Cba^ D. and Dora Ward. He was the iQBibaiid of Blary Waik&s Ward, who survives. Survives in addltiai to the widow indude one daughter. Bfis. R. P. Brewer of Qem- mons; three sons, Charlie T. Ward off Qeminons, WIIUam L. Ward Jr. and Daniel H. Ward, berth <rt Advance: Bio - Obituaries -11/18/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIB COUNTY HNTHRPRISG RECORD. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 19,1970 • 9 W. L. WARD WlUiam Levin Ward. 74. of Rl. 2,; AdvanM, died In Veterans Administration Hospital In S^bury Thursday night. Born in- Davie County, Nov. 20, 189&, he was the son of the late Charles D. and Dora Ward. He was the husband of Mary Watkins Ward, who survives...- Funeral services were con ducted Saturday at Eaton Fdneral Cha^ by the Rev. C. B.'Crawford. Burial , was in .Advance United Methodist Church Cemetery. ::Siurvivore in addition to the widow include one' dauthter, Mk. R. p. Brewer of Oem- mons; three sons. Charlie T. Ward of Cfeminons. William L. Wand 'Jr. and David H. Ward, both of Advance: seven sisters. Mrs. Ben Mock of Advance. Mrs. Jdtn Raker of Lexington. Mi^. Cary Hayes of Vli^la Beach. Va.. Miss Inex Wara of Charlotte. Miss Lucy Ward: of Wa^ngton, D.C.. Mrs. Daisy Gudger of-Winston-Salem, and Mj^s^.. Lizzie .Hehdren of. Charlotte; and . one brother. Cj^rlic W^i-IOVWard of Lnurajdontana. ];GEORGB W. HANEUNE !^rge Washington Hanellne. ; 83,-. of 208 Eastslde Drive. Statesville,-died Thursday at . Ii^dl Memorial Hospital at Statesville. -Tlie ; funeral was held . Saturday at Union Chapel United Methodist Church. - Burial was in the church cmetery.. He was bom in Davie County to Geo^e Kimbrougb and Mary Ann Myers Hanelitte. He was a .membCT of Union Church and retired farmer In Porsyth County. Surviving are three daughters. Mrs. Annie Page of Statesville. Mrs. Geneva Bean and Mrs. Frances Beamon of WInston-Salero; four sons, William Clyde Hanolihe of Statesville. Johnny K. Handine of - ^tesidlle,. Rt. 7, Bailey Hanellne of Harmony. Rt. 1. and PMllip Hanellne of Winston- Salem : and a brother, John Ed Hanellne of WInston-Salem. MRS. WILLIAM P. SECHREST Mrs. Mary Ann Crotts Scchresl, 84. of MocksviUe. Rl. 4. wife of William P. Sechrest, died Sunday at Davie County Ho^llal. The funm'al was held Tuesday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Concord United Methodist Churdi cemetery. She was bora in Davie County to Robert and Sophie Shuler Omts. Surviving are her husband; five daughters. Mrs. CSarenco Brogdon and Mrs. James Garwpod of MocksviUe. Rt.4, Mrs. John McDaniel of Charlotte, Mrs. Walter Bevins of Cooleemee and Mrs. Clyde Yarborough of Lexbigtm; two sons. Bob Sdirest of the liome and Junior Sechrest of MocksviUe, Rl. 4; and a. sister, Mrs. ' Fletcher Beck of MocksviUe, Rl. 4. MRS. J.S. SAIN Mrs. Mary Rebecca AUen Sain, 98, of Mocl^yiUe, Rt. 8, widow of Sain.rdied - Saturday at Davie County Hospital. The funeral was held Monday at Baton's • Funeral Chapd. Burial was in Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church cemetery. She was bora in Davie County to WUliam and Mary White Allen. Sie was a member of Wesley Chape! United Methodist Churdi. Surviving are four sons, W. A. and T. E. Sain of LowlsviUe, Rt. 1, Dewey Sain of MocksviUe, Rt. 3. and Allra Sain of Ddand. Florida; two sisters, Mrs. hurt White of MocksviUe. Rt. 2, and Mrs. Vetrice Mllhollan of Cooleemee; and three brothers, Joe AUen of MocksvUlo. Rt. 4, Jim Allen of MocksviUe, Rl. 2, and Branch Alien of MocksviUe. RT. 5. Bio - Obituaries -11/19/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBUC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ' HOC^V^LE — Mrs. Annie Stroud Gaither, 75, • of Mocksville',,.. Rt. 2, widow of W. X? -Gaither, died Thur^ay^ at Davie Gounty Hospital ;^ej funeral will be at 2 p.m. Suhiday* at New Union United Methbmst^ C!hurch. Biirial .^vlll be iiflihe church cemeteryi ' She was tern in Iredell- County to..pabiel and Nannie Holmes Stroud.' Surviving are .two daughters, I Mrs. Howard Elkins .of Greensboro., and Mrs. Lucille Morrison of Galax, Va.; .,six sons, Leo Gaither. of j Greensboro, Lester Gaithe^. of Mooresville, Earnest Gaithetf of. StatesviUe, • Kelly Gaither . of Mocksville, Clay Gaitli^. of • Winston-Salem and Billie .^Gaither of. the home; two 'sisters, Mrs., Sam Current of Asheboro ;i^d Mrs. Lewis Galligher dfuHamptonville; and! a brother, Clarence Stroud of Harmony. \ Ihe body is at Eaiton's Funeral Home. ' (/- i"? k'" ^ ^ « if- 2-/ - I 97^' Hi BO O 3 2 >5 . ci) \ e ■> <5^ m j 2 w o 8 D <^S COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Tuesday, November 24,1970 AAra. Hendrix Of Wo(»clleof Mn. LBriUe Baire Hmdrii, 87, flf RL 1, Woodleif, dl3 Itoea^ al Baj^ lioqital ia WlBm^aloB. Bora In iradcQ Oonnly, tho wif tftt'diiiBbtflr of Ibn. McBiiiWi Tiylflr and liie lale FIMABaira. wo mwo n fMfflbfif of Mood* mora BnpUti Cbtnrcb ioi a ratlradomitloyeorBrwlnllQto. Sitrvivora tadudo tlie bwk tend. Iteuny 0. lieBdrta; one diwtor, lira FteOli Wanfir ofSiilidiiiry; tvoaaaSfTonuny Jr. and Jamei, tedi of Rt l Woodteaf, tef mottiomtditop* fathor; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd taykr of ttt. I, WoodM; tear iiiteri, Mra. OUa Flyon of CUna Orove, Ittra. Mm 8tQI- of RRv. Ton bd TiQdor id ttto bono, four braltera, the Rev. Cbd Rbbeof ihomaivllle, Fterd Jr.andLeo* tor Tii$^, bothdWoowf and Rraier LeoTayior dlandle. R. A. GaHher Of Harmony maassmiiBt - mm AUfm Gdtter, te, of Rt i. Rarnony, dtel Hturaday at Davie OQWiy Koa^ bM Rb waa tera In oavie Oouttiy At«.jLmaonQflhelato Tom and Orawt^ WiUdiia Qaltber. Re waa a retired aawrolll operatiMr. Sarvtvors iodiide bla wife, Mrs. Rate Radi Gaitber; one daia^to', Mn. Loroy Qyson of ModBViUe; mm son, Calvin Gaitber of Harmony: tbree datcn. Mra. Juulne Shore of Oanviile, Va. and Mra. GeorRa Meadowa cd UadnM and lire. Guy Wilkiiiaon of Wadilngtoci, N.C.; one Itrolber. Clyde Gaitber of BanvUte: and four grandchildren. AArs, GaHher Of AAocksvilla macssmiS'-Un.M^ Imtde Goiinty Voattal. awtMltnoMMONM tBctade i»a■* w w*T~ I mra mpfara Bonne Miiwi Xmia lii« - l-Mwffl* Morvim <i Mi, iht aooa. 7^ Gaitber of Cbeoi"aboro. Jteilm GR^ ^i, Erned M of _ „ „ and Billy Miller bonet t«radipi, Mra m oumflt of Aibdioro and Mft. Uevia Qaitter of Bammeiwmm owbroMrt Ctavenee of Bio - Obituaries —11/24/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 4 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 25. 1970 ROBERT A GAITHER Robert Allen Gaithcr, 69, of Harmony, Rt. 1, died yesterday Ql Davie County HospKal. The funeral was held Saturday at New Union United Methodist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. He was born In Davie County -to Tom and Crawley WDklns Gaither. He was a retired.^' sawmill operator. Surviving are his wife, silre.'.f' Kate Hash Gaithcr; a daughter,'.' Mrs. Leroy Dyson of MocksvUle, Rt. 1; a son, Calvin Gaithcr of Harmony, Rt. 1; three sisters, Mrs. Justin Siore of Danville, Va., Mr s George Meadows of Lexington end Mrs. Guy WUkerson of Washington; and a brother, Gyde Gaither of Danville, Va. MRS.W.L. GAITHER Mrs. Annie Stroud Gaither, 75, of Rt. 2, Mocksvllle, died Thursday at Davie County Hospllai. She was born in Iredell County Jan. 17, 1895, daughter of the late Daniel and Nannie Holmes Stroud. She was (he widow of W. L. Gaithcr. Funeral services were held Sunday at New Union Methodist Church, and burial was in the church cemetery. Survivors Include two daughters, Mrs. Howard Eliins of Greensboro and Mrs. Lucille Morrison of Galax, Va.; six sons, Leo Gaithcr of Green* sboro, Lester Gaithcr of Moorcsvilie, Ernest Gaither of Stalcsvillo, Kelly . Gaither of Mocksvllle, Gay Gaither of Winslon*Salcm and Billy Gaithcr of the home; two sisters, Mrs. Sam Current of Asheboro and Mrs. Lewis Gaither of Hamlitonvillc; one brother, Garcnce Stroud of Mocksv'ilic; 20 grandchildren and two-great grandchildren. - .. P.D.BBOWN = • n - • • • i Paul Davis Brown, 62, of Harmony, Route i, died FYlday al Davis Hospital at Slalesviile. Hie funeal was held Sunday at Zion Baptist Church at Union Grove. Burial was in the church cemetery. • He was bom in Yadkin County (0 Ebert and Adeline WhItlocK Brown. He was a member of Zion Baptist Church and was owner and operator of Brown's Nursery. Surviving are hU wife, Mrs. Mabel Cooper Brown; two daughters, Mrs. Robert Greene of Charlollc and Miss Linda Brown of Gastonia; a sister, Mrs. Calvin Barneycastlo of Mocksvllle; and a brother, G. C. ' Brown of Winston*Salem. MRS. CLYDE E.SCOTT, JR. . Mrs. Eveiyn Gcmcnt Scott, 26. of Mill Street, wife of Gyde E. Scott, Jr., died of natural causes Saturday before she was ' taken to Davie County Hospital. The funeral was held Tuesday al Main View AME Zion Church. Burial was In the church cemetery. She was born in Davie County to William and Beatrice Gement. She was a member of Cedar Grove Baptist Church. . Surviving are her husband; a son, Gyde E. Scott II of the home; her parents of MocksviJlc, Rt. 1; and tw brothers, William R. and James E. Clement of ■^Mocksvillc, Route 1. Bio - Obituaries - 11/25/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, December 2,1970 AAiss l^evette Of Hormony iNHMr. aM ttlniit. m fgOBIHHiFVR'HK w*■■I Itotta IMidka SmiMm iMfe* ter IMatt', B. V. Pwiwlte, tai Mcv■olhtr: iMir alitm IM> iiwyggfiMiiivn asA lliNL Wirthfftr;tar Pnvilteal LCI>id90ins Of iModovHIe Ite liit fi» V)faidi ani liMBliwOMyDiwgik #6 vfiMiafGi laittlRRHriwwHi*Smvoiii^^ IBii Wlicli^ ... .. HBOipai mna i» anci^iue; a totiw* CteMBW Dwwtoa olwlMiiawtaitifi Bio - Obituaries - 12/2/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA r-| ^ KirnvifgM n ..i..iiM».»aii.M>..i.»j..j.. ■" ■« • V ^-w.y.V.WW.-jV.v.-.'Cty^iiiiiiHlliiil ■-{ fSiiH■» ^-ft « J S'if-j Captain Truelove I ' By ROSCOE BROWN FISHER I - ■ '"Hie doctor was in and said he couldn't last long," theI anxious words on the other end of the line informed me. "CanI you come? "she pleaded. It was Mickey Hillard's voice.I When I arrived at the hospital, most of the family was thwe.I One beside the bed. Another alone in a comer. Ibe othersI waiting.. .and watching the quickened breathing of 81 year-old\ John Captain Triielove. I -'niirtyminutesintheroomofadyingman! . ; Ibese are moipents no one explains; an agemg life at the: end of the road, the crossing-over hour, die stopping-off place.I .out there into the uhknown, the step beyond, the hope of sI tomorrow. Mr. Truelove had hung to life for weeks in an s ; unconscious world.. .somewhere between mortaU^ and immor- a= tality. IThe breathing is less often. Only a few grains left in the hour-1glass.Soraeonesays,"He'sgone!" - IThen to the home to tell Grandmother. IArriving at the modest country home, we found the!I grandmother, Mrs. Truelove, herself 82, seated in her rocker at |1 the foot of a simple bed. When told her husband was gone, she 1I cried out betweai sobs, "I want to go too." We've lived together §s foreiyears." ; |I -Itwas then that I became suddenly aware ofasmaller-than-aI average bassinet beside the plain bed. "He's three days old," 8I the mother of the infant said, as she sat up in bed. ' ; Ii The half-audible anguish of the great-grandmother's sobsI failed to awaken the three-day-old great-grand^n of John i Captain Truelove.I Iwaitedbeforetheangrysilenceinthefarmhouseroom.Myg thoughts drifted back to the hospital. Ei^ty-one year-olda Truelove asleep, also. The final sleep. Four generations apart.I .worlds apart — Truelove and bis great-grandson, these two.g .1 gathered the smaU hand in mine. . mew, soft, young,I innocent, unused — the tiny hand of Robert Lee West ii^inningI life three days' before great-grandaddy surrender^ his. ^d 5 life goes ottl .I •; Back in the automobile and on piir way to Cobleemee, Tg muttered, "J<^ Captain Truelove — that's an odd name. WhyI the'Captain'? "••.■vfi-.-.Vv"'I "None of the family ever knew for sure," soniirone'I answaed. "Truelove was not Papa's r^ name. He was bom in ;S Viiginia and adopted by Billy Truelove, a Mocksville police-; g man, long since passed away.!'" . ' • rI ;. "John Captain?" I inquir^ again.: ,, II ' -7;"0h yes, we thou^t it odd alM,'but you ^hewas thesbh of ■ |I the "Captain of the, great Titanic,-so they named him .Tnhn :i CaptainTtuelove.,;!^?^;.'' ■ J. G.;.Tryelpye^gJ^- Of Mocksville 5 • MOCKSVILLE r- John Cap--lain Truelove, 81, of Rt. 4,'- Mocksville, died Wednesday at payie County Hospital.Born in Davie County Sept. I, 1889, he was a member of Liber ty Methodist Phurch, and ajretired textile employe. . - 'Survivors include his wife, -Mrs. Louezine Creason .Tmel-' , ove; two daughters, Mrs. Stella' Hellerd of Cooleemee, Mrs.^jPauline West of Mocksville; twbl sons,:^Robert L. Truelove of^-Dalton'Ga. and Frank Truelove I ofBaltimore.Md. " Cooleemee Jouirol, WechesdayToea^ (97p-|5 CO. PUBUG UBPARYIJIOCKSVIUE,, NC bav'ie Co. Pu&iic Mocksi^le, N. C. 8. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 3,1970 LENDSBVC.DWIGGINS Undscy Conrad Ow{gg!n8,41, of Mocluville, Route 1, died Thursday at the Veterans Adminialrotion Hospital at Otcen. The funeral was held Sunday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Center United Methodist Church cemetery. He was bom in Davie Ctounty to Frank and Maggie Dwlgglns. Surviving are a dau^ter, Miss Patricia Dwiggins of MocksvUIe; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Prcsndl and Mrs. Louise Moore of MocksvUIe, Rt. 1; and a brother, Ginard Dwiggins of Winston•Salem. J. C. TRULOVE John Captain Trulove, 81, died Nov. 28th at Davle County Hospital. The funeral was held Thur- sd^ at Eaton's Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Uberty United Methodist Church cemetery. He was boro in Davie County. He was a member of Liberty United Methodist Church and was a retired textile worker. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Louezine Creason lYulovc; two daughters, Mrs. Stella Hellard of Cooieemee and-Mrs. Pauline West of MocksvUIe; and two sons, Robert L. Trulove of Dalton, Ga., and Ftank lYulove of Baltimore, Md, MISS BERTHA PREVETTE Miss Bertha Prevett, 63, formerly of Rt. 1, Harmony, died .Thursday at Lexington Memorial Hosjutal. Funeral services were Saturday at Eaton's Funeral tfome Chapel, conducted by the Rev. Troy Vaughn, the Rev. Cook, the Rev. Albert Bracken. Burial was In Uberty Wesleyan Church cemetery. Bom in Davie County, Nov. 30, 1907, daughter of of E. W. I^vettc and the late Martha TVogdon Prevette. Survivors include her father E. W. Prevotle, and step* mother; four sisters, Mrs. Lillian Parks of Lcxin^on,'Mrs. Flossie Turner of HamptonvUle, Mrs. Irene Tallcy of Charlotte and Mrs. Ellzatelh Taliey of Harmony; four brothers, Joseph ond Alvin Prevette of lAndiB, Wilburn .Prevette of MocksvUIe and E. B. Prevette of Harmony. Bio — Obituaries — 12/3/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, December 9,1970 AArs. Christie 0( AAoores^lle Lenny Tutterow OiMocksMlle Modtsvitte — Leaniy Rittsril 7l« of MockBviOe died at the Davie County Ho^tal on Saturday at i:SO pM. Born Pelniary 27, 1829 to Davie Gouiily lie was the smi of the late Frank and Lucratia While Tutterow. He was an eiii|d(^ of the N. C. Highway ConunisslQn before he retired BSrs. Garrie Bigteaia Christie, 99« died at Rowan Memfffia H^tal Bionday mofiitag. Born Blarcb 14, 1871, in lineoto Ooimty, she was the daughter of the late Bff. and Bta. WllUam Btotard. Survivors include one daughter. BIrs. James F. Gathey of Biomavilto; one sifiler, BIrs. Sahane Pratt of Davidscm; three grandchlldrei, one of whidi is Mrs. Craig Snead of Cooleemee. and four great grandchildren. Funeral sendee wm hdd at 2:80 'Dffisday at Gavin Ftmeral Home, Blooresville hy the Rev. FVank Grice, and the Rev. Dwigbt Barker, total followed to Fairview United BIdliodist Church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries -12/9/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA lOB - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 10. 1970 Mn. Emmcr HeUard Funeral services tor Mrs. Emmer Smith KcIIard, 85, were held Saturday, December Slh, at 2 pjD. at TurrcnUoe Baptist Church by the Rev. Ardla Payne and the Rev. Bill Creason. Burial was in (he church ccmclcry. Mrs. Mcllard, widow of Joe HcUard, died Thursday, December 3rd at her home on Route 3, Mocksville. Born in Davle County Jan 22, 1885, ^e was the daughter of (ho late Frank ond Sarah Nail Smith. She was a member of Bethel United Methodist Church. Survivors Include four sons, Wade, Charlie and Rubin Kcliardof Mocksville and Hoyd Kollard of Lexington. LENNY TUTTBROW, 71 Lennv Russell Tulterow, 71, of Mocksville died at the Davie Oiunly Hospital on Satu^y at 1:30 p. m. Bom February 27, 1899 In Davle County he was the son of the late Frank and Lucretia White Tutterow. He was an employee of the N. C. Highway Commission before he retired. Funeral services were held Monday at the Ijames Cross Roads Baptist Church where he was a member. Burial was held in the church cemetery. BRUCE GAITHER Bruce Junior Galther, 33, of 723 N. Sawyer Street Chicago, ni., was dead Saturday of natural ca\ises when he was taken to Irodell Memorial Hospital at Stat^ville. The body is at Morrison' Sludevent Funeral Home pending arrangements. He was born in Wllkcs County to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Galther Sr. He was visiting his parents at Harmony, Rt.- 1, when he became ill. He had lived in Chicago 11 years. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Alice Gaither; three dau^tcrs. Stephanie, Grammer and Ihnja Galther of Ihe home; two sons, Bruce galther III and Tcrell Gaither of the home; his parents; three sisters. Mrs. Fairlleace Prude and Mrs. Mary Redinon of Harmony, Rt. 1, and Mrs. Jessie Kinzer of Mocksville, Rt. r, a brother, Willie Gaither of Mocksville, Rt. 1; and his grandmother Mrs. Bella Sales of BoonviUc. VERNON LESTER WELCH Vernon Lester Welch, 45, of Mocksville, Rt. 5, diedola heart attack Friday at his home. The funeral was held Monday at Baltimore United Methodist Church. Burial was In the diurch cemetery. He was bom In Yadkin County to L. W. and CcHa Norman of Baity's Tobacco Basket Shop. Survlng arc his wife, Mrs. Ruth Davle Wdch of Ker* ncrsville; two daughters, Mrs. Laverne Garis of Winston* Salem, Mrs. Nancy Pinnix of Kerncrsvlllc; a stepdaughter, Mrs. Shelby Woodruff of WinstoH'Solem; his father of Mocksville, Rt. 5; two sisters, Mrs. Nnrman Whitman of Pfofflovih and Mrs. Gene Wliilc of Lcwisvillc; and three brothers, Ralph Welch of Ad vance, Colcman Welch of Winslon-Salem and Odcll Welch of Joncsvllle. Bio - Obituaries - 12/10/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, December 16,1970 Troy Turner in (^r-Trudc Collision MOOCSVILLE - A 66-^r- (dd Mocksville man nms killed in a car^rtidc caQi^ea Satur day aftmrneon at the inter- secttoi of Highway US 64 and a ruFBl paved road two inUes west of het^ aooordiiig to die. state led in the accident was Irving Thrnv Sr. of Rt i, a passoigo* in a car drlvei hy ClydeLewis. Patndman R. P. Hahn said that Lewis was traveling west on US 64 when it coQidM with the rear aid of a tnid^ driven hy Ernest L. Maidn. The body wiU ronain at Mor- rison-Studevant Funeral Hnne undl hmeral arrangonents are oomid^od. Mr. Turner was bom in Ire- ddl Gnmty. the son td Burgess' and Ctoi Russdl Itmo'. Surviving are three sons. Av- ery and Turner Jr., bothof Brooklyn. N. Y., and Charles Turner Syracuse, N. V.; and asiste'i Mr8.WiiieRoseoflU.l, BfoAsville. J.N. POrker Of CooleemM COOLBBUBB - JM NewmaB PulMr, 61, of Fnn- Rdy Ran ibna, BSoekivillo, m filQiidBy at Davie Cotnly Ko^pttaUSckiviUe. Bori in Rowan Cottoly April SB, lBB6i hi waa the BOB of dm late Ttravla and Lucendia Bringle Fariter. He waa a larired paiplQya of Bnria BIISi. FuxMBial aervicoi ware 'hrid a^t 11 a.m. WadiRiilto at Coriaemoe Mieepal Gmiadiwhoa Mr. firiw hild Idi mdmbershlp. Bitea were oondurted by the Rev. 'Din McGnklll.andlRirial ««« In Vtew Cein^^, Btet Siu^vora incln^ one daugto, Bin. Bdna Blae Henilw of HouMoo, Ita.; two ■OBS, C. Paifctf of BidhVa., and John AwryPPfierofaBevmoctiLa.; and^ alster. Mrs. Dora Coopa ofAlboBBrie. A^ss Foster, Davie Native BANDLBMAN — Bflss Maggie Geimra Fosta, 69, of lOl Randdpb St. Ranmeaaan, diedunexpectedly &tttday in Ran- dolpbHoqtital.Bora in Davie Gntnly, shehad lived in this iwmmi^iiy rinceiass.SSie is survived by one half-rister. Mrs. R. L. Whitaker, Rt. Sallshury; several nbm Bidnqihews and raie greai-great- greatniece. BHss FoOer was a monber ofTrinity Baptist Church in Churchinnd. Walter D. McDaniel Davie County Native CKes IHOMASVIUe - wets D.MeDanid, 68. of Route 5, llto-masville. dted at (Siy MemorialHoinital FViday miMag altar abndlllneaB.Bora April 99, 1606, In Da^ Cbunty. he was the son <d the late WiUiam FVankUn and Pa tricia Harris McDanid. Re was an employe of Columbia Pand Go. Among die survivors are hiswidow, Mrs. Gladys Reece Md^tantd, of the hmo» hitursons. Daiald McBitbtd ot the home. Walter BSdpanid Jr.,Bobby G. McDeabl and William FVankUn McPatdd all of Route 5, Thmnasville; a brother, Gouge IteDanld of Rmite 1. KenersviUe. Bio - Obituaries - 12/16/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Wednesday, December 16,1970 \Mrs, Hendrix Davie Native MOCKSVILLE Mrs. Emma Hudsni Hendrix, 70, of Winston-Salem, died there Wednesday night at Baptist Hospital. B<nii tn Davte County Bfarcb 16. 1900, daui^ter of Hdland and Ddia Mddpnid Hudson. Survivors inolude one daugb* ter, Mrs. Pauline Wilcox of Modssville; three aims, Buch Hendrix of ModmvUle. Brady L Hendrix of Dry Fmrfc, Va. and Garland W. Hendrix cd Winston- Salon; two sisters, Mrs. Mag gie Ruth Fraley of Winston- Salem and Mrs. Lucy Guln of Carthage. F.D. PoindiRxter Of Mocksville MOCKSVlLLe-Frank Don ald Poindextgr, 76, of Rt. S, tied at 6:45 pjn. Sattpday at Uda Cterad i Ho^M in Yadldnvflle. Bom in Yadkin Onmty, he was a son of (holate Ihoiaas A. and Betty Ppindexter. He was a veteran of World War l, and a modiant in the Hunt- sville Community for BOyears. Survivors inelude his wife, Mrs. Laura SpUlman Poindex- ter; a daughur, Ihrs. Grover BfoFherson of Salisbury; a son, SVank Donald Prindester Jr. of pfofkBvitle; a sister, tos. Ruth Tbwnsend td Scoleiy B.C.; and a brother, John Poindexter of East Bend. Bio - Obituaries - 12/16/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 8 - UAVIE COUNTS' ENTERPRISH RECORD, TttUI^DAV, DECEMBER 17.1970 JOE N.PARKER • Joe Newman Parker, 84, of the Fran Ray Rest Home at Mpcksville, formerly of Qxileemec, died Monday at the Dawe County Hospital. The funeral was held Wed' nesday at the Episcopal Church of Cooleemee. Burial was in the Dan View Cemetery at Eden. He was bom in Rowan.Counly to Travis and Uicindla Bringte Parker. He was a member of the Episcopal Church of Cooleemee and was a retired employee of Erwln Mills. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Edna Mae Hinsley of Houston, Texas; two sons, Henry C. Parker of Richmond, Va., and John A. Parker of Shreveport, La.,; and a sister, Mrs. Dora Cooper of Albcmarle. P.D. P01NDEXTER,75 Frank Donald Polndexlor, 75, of Rt. 6, Mocksville, died at 6:45 p. m. Saturday at Lula Conrad Hoots Hospital in Yadkinville. Born In Yadkln county, he was a son of the late Thomas A. and Betty Long Poindexter. He was a veteran of World War 1, and a merchant in the Hunt- sville Community for SO years. , Ssrviyots include his wife, Mrs. Laura Spillman Poin dexter; a daughter, Mrs. Grover McPherson of Salisbury; a son, Frank Donald Poindexter Jr., of Mocksville; a sister, Mrs. Ruth Townsend of Society Hill, S. C.; and a brother, John Poindexter of East Bend. Funeral services were held Monday at Hunstsville Baptist Church, with burial In the churrii cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 12/17/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Monday, December 21,1970 AAiss Daniel, 7B, Of AAocksville MOCRSVILbE - UiSB A. Daniels 18. of St 4. BfoekivltIe,died Thuradajrat Uavea Nunittg Home. Bon Jttiy so, 1891. bi Davie OouBly.idiewMtlmdao^teraf Ibe late B^ant and Sally Mcftitloti^ Daniel. 8ie was a retiiedteictllewoiter. Sie is survived fay <me bnaih ar, less Danid of Bfodmvfile. J. B. Sharpe Of AAocks^lle MOCKSVILLE lames Bryan Sharpe, 74, of Rt 1. ModaviUe. died Wednesday at BapUsr HOspHal in Vitastcm-Sa' lem. Born in Alexander Goitnty OA. 80, 1898, Rfr. Aorpe was the son of the late Firadmn and Uanha Jdinston Sharpe. Re was a rdlred farmar. Survivors Include Is wife. Sirs. Lds Woodward Shwpe; two dsu^uas. BIrs. Orm Hcf- fow of Mocksville and BIrs. Davis Ollbtft of Wlimtpn-Sa* Ian; one dist^. BSrs. Kanch Morrison of HIddenite; one brother, Lester Sharpe of Statesville; and five grand' cfa^m. Bio - Obituaries - 12/21/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22,1970 JAMES B. SHARPS James Bryan Siarpe, 74, of Mocksviile, Route 1, died Wednesday, December 16th at Baptist Hospital In B^ton- Salem. The funeral was hdd FHday at 11 a. m. at Baton's Chapel. Burial-w^ln Rose Cem^ery: He was bom In Almtandv County to FVanklln and Marlha Johnson Sharpe. He was- a retired farmer. Surviving ate his wife, Mrs. Lola Woodward Sharpe; two daughters, BArs. Oren Heffoer of Mocksviile and Mrs.' Davis (Rlbert of. Winston*Salem: a sister, Mrs.' Uanche fiRnrtson of Hlddenite; and a brother, Lesto* Sharpe of Statesville. MISS EMMA A. DANIEL Miss Emma A. Danlds, 78, of Mocksviile, Rt. 4, died Thur* sday at Lynn Havoi Nur^big Rome. The funeral was held Saturday at Llbery United Methodist Church. Burial was in the diurcb cannery. She was bom in Davie County to Bryant and Sallle ..Mc- puling'Danids. Sbe was a retiredtextile worker'and was a member, of Llbery United Methodist Church. • Surviving is a brother, Jess Danids.of Mocksviile, Rt. 4. MRS. OlARLES E. HARTMAN Mrs. t&mille Bowdm Hart- man, 85, of .YaddnVnie, Rt. 2, widow of Charles E. Hartman, died Thursday at her home.. •' The funeral.. was held Saturday at Huntsville Ihtlted Method^ Churdi. Burial was in Porpyth Memorial Park in Wlhston^em. ate was bora in Davie County to 0. A. and Nancy Hartman Bowdoi. aie was a memb^* of Huntsville United Metbo^st Churd). Surviving ore two daughters, Mrs. Thomas W. Holden of the Bast Bend, RL 2; a sister Bffiss LetUe Bowden of Advance; and two brothers, Grover C. Bowden of' Advance and Robort 0. Bowden'of URnston^Salein-^''"^ Bio - Obituaries - 12/22/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSViLLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31.1970 - 3 ioBimyA.oooK MOCKSVIU^B ^ Cook, a. of Uodaville, Rt 9. Wfts doM wbea be was ttken to Davle Cctmty Hoapital yeitofday. The ftmeral win be at 2 p,in. Iltanday at Tonetloe Baptm Chureb. Btnrfal «U1 be fa (he dittrcb eemetery. He was b^ ia Yadklo Cotmty (0 Sd B. and Connie Cook. Be bad been pmptayed at Uerltaie Funiitare Co. Sarminn are bis wife, Mrs. Zoofse UasMy Cook; two daogbtars, Mrs. BUlio Gailber o! ModcsviUe, Rt. 4. and Miss Blary Mallsaa Cocdc of IBgb Feint; two sou, Eajene Cooki of the borne and Robert W. OiMik of MocksvUle, Rt. S; two sisters, Mrs. Elsie Beck and Mrs. Virginia Broadway of MocksvUle, Rt. 4; two brothers. Ransom Cook of Salitbnry and Oscar Cook of MocksvUle. Rt. 9. ne iMdy is at Baton's Home. 4 - .^AVIB COUN^ ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31.1970 GEORGE M. J(»NSON, 90 George M. Johnson, 90, son of James M. Johnson rassed away in Valdo^ Ga. Dee.. ISI^. Rites were held in Maoon. Re was the son of the first elected marar of.filodisville.. Blr.. Jdmson was bom in Davle Ooonty, N. C., but had lived in Macon most of his life., Re was a mmnber of VlneviUe United MMhodist Church and was with Brock Candy Co. for 53 ymrs. Survivors Includea daughter, Mrs. C R. Carter, Baltimore, Bid.; twosmiStthe Rev. Thomas R. Jblmson of Valdosta and MaJ. Gen George M. Johnson Jr^ commandor of Dnker AFB, OUa.; two aiders, Birs. Rerbert Nicholson of Knoxville,' Tenn., ai^ Mrs. J. ty. WUhuns of Flsrmlngton, N. 0.; and ei^t granddiUdrm. BIRS. PEARLPREVETTB, 79 Blrs. Pearl Johnson Prevettc, 79, of Route. 4, 'HocksdOe, widow of Gsston R. Frwette, died Thursday in Davie County HosidtM. Bfrs. iPrevette was bora in WDkes Cou^ 8c^. 24, 1691, daughter of toe late James A. and Nancy BlattilsJdmson. She waaaihonher of Lewis Baptist Churd). Survtvora include six sons, 1J<^, K. D., Eari and James Prevette* of BfocksvUle, Arvfl Prevette of Coolemnee and Dewey Prevette of North WUkesixMn): three'daughters, Mrs. Charles Souther and Mrs. Bfergaret Brown of BfocksvUle and Mrs.Jack Pheiffer of Woodleaf; one brottier, Ernest Jidmsm of TnUEesborb: three . slstos, filrs. Cora McDanid of Roarli^ River, Blrs. Julia In- score of Ckerasboro and Bfrs. Ede-Henderson of WUkesboro; . WILLIE DAVm BROWN _ WUlie David (Jack) Brown,* 42, of BfocksvUle, RL 4, (Bed SaturdfQf of natural causes at Eorsyth Menorlal Hospital in Winston-Salen.- The funeral was hdd Tuesday at Uberty United Blethodlst Churdi'cemd^. He was born in Davie County to W. D. and Frozza Qrlmes Brown. He was ia member of Liberty United Methodist aurdi and wasan emidoyee of Hoitage Fundture Co. ' Surviving are his wife, Bfos. Sue Hartley Brown; a dat^ter. Miss Pemda Brown of. the home; a son,. Lewis David Erown of BfocksvUle, Rt. 4; two sisters,' Biro. FVoroa .CoMe and Blrs. C.-'R. Tutterow of MocksvUle, Rt. 4; and three brotbera, W. H.. Brown 'of■iWihMcm^Salem, and W. C. and Robert G. Brown of BfocksvUle,' ■Rt. 4.. • Bio - Obituaries -12/31/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 4 ^^AVIB COUOTY EMTERFRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, DBCBMBBR 31.1970 HI^ PEARL M. CARTER aSss aOldred' Cair^, S3, of Copleanee died Simday. of natia^ causes at bar bome. The ftmaral was hdd Itesday at BSarrisoii*Stiidevaiit.Ftmeral Chapdhere. Burial waslnN^ Jerusalem Holiness ^urdi conetory. . Surviving are vm sisters, Mrs. Virginia Mackey of Mocksvlile, Rt. 8, and Mrs. EU^ L. Payne of Oodeemee; three brothas, i^phonso Carter of Greensboro, diaries Carter of Newark, N. J., and Wl^ (bn^ Carter d'Cboleonee; sod hCT stepmotbv, n Urs. Carter of Cooleemee. STACY C. HARKEY Eunerid services for Stacy C. Rarkey, 60, former county>■ residdit vdm 'was making Ushome b Bidlalantlci Florida,were hdd IVesday, December89, at Brownlle Funeral Home .b Mdboume,'Slorida. • Rev. Dan Wade ofindated. Burial was in Florida Memorial Gardns.Hark^ died Deconber '28tb. He was born b Davle CountyMay 8Stb, 1910. He was aretired' policeman having worked unth the U. S. PaikFdloeb Washington, D.C. He was a monber of the Pdlce Association of Wadibgton. He was a member of First Baidlst Church of bdialatttte. Survivars bdude 'hb wife, Bfirs. Violet R. Harkey of b<dialantlc; fotnr sons, Robert E.HSrfc^ of Chesapeake, Vs., Edward C. Denese of In- ^Balantlc,.Dimald 6. Denese of.Heumbuig, Germany, and,Sbey L. Kmy, Jt, of Bdt-sville, Md.; a daudtter, Bfirs. fbtherbe Files of tndialantte: ten granddtttdren; hb father,-L. R. Harkey of MocksdUe; two dsters, Uts. B. W. Skinner of Hdboume Beadi. Fla. and Mrs. John C. Maddox' of Salttake City, Utah; end, 1 brother,WHBam T. Harkey of RockviOe, BM. • Bio - Obituaries — 12/31/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 4 ' .IpAVIE COUN^ ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31. 1970 Final Rites Are Held Sunday For A. R. (Shorty) York Aaron Ransom (Shorty) York, 45, of MocksvUle, 3, died Christmas night of a gunshot wound at his home. Mr. York, operator of Shorty York and Son BP Service In MocksvUle and a popular NASCAR stock car driver, was rushed by ambulance to the Davle Cotmly Hospital around 7 pjn. Deconber 2Sth but was drad on anival. Dr. Ben Richards, Davle County Coroner, ruled the death a suicide. He said that Mr. York was Aot in the head with a .25. callbtf pistol. Mr. York was bom in Porsyth County to Aaron R. and Ma^e Miltrainey York. He b^an operating a service station in Mocksville, at the comer of WUkesboro and Caliber Streets, around 1950. He drove In (he first NASCAR stock car race at the Bowman Gray Stadium in Win* ston Salem in 1949 and was stUi active in this sport. His record of 25<year8 of active auto racing with NASCAR still stands. Well known personalities in the auto racing field served as pallbearss Sunday afternoon for the funeral hdd at Eaton's n Chapel. These Included: Glenn Wood of Stuart, \nrglnte; Ken Ru^ of Point; Slim Romtnger of aemmons; Max Bcrrler of Wlnston-Salem; Bubba Beck of Lexington; Pee Wee Jones of Qemmons. Honorary pallbearers In* dud^ Joe Hawkins, a NASCAR official of Wlnston-Salem; Butch Hutchens of Winston* Salem, who owned many of the cars raced by York; Mitchell Edwards of Wlnston-Salem; Pail Waitm of Hl^ Point; John White of Wlnslon-Salem; James Myers of MocksvUle; T. L. Neal, Leon Lambeth of Wm^on* Salem; Rufua Crumbier of Raleigh; Richard Chlldrcss of Wlnston-Salem; James Call of Wlnston-Salem; Jimmy Lewdlen High Point Paul Ring of t^nslon-Salem; and, Carrol) Foster of MocksvUle. "Ihe Rev. James A. AUct, minister of the First United Churd] of MocksvUle, officiated at (he funeral. Burial was in Rose Cemetery. Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. Louise Waller York of the home; a daughter, Mrs. Joe Bailey of MocksvUle, Rt. 3; a son, A. R. York III of MocksvlUe Rt.'3; two brothers, Herman York of Sewaren, New Jersey; fourslsters: Mrs.MaryStahl of Caifton, N. J.; Mrs. Jenny Pravata of Old Bridge, N. J.; Mrs. Marie Stolarcyzk of Newark, N. 'J.; Mrs. Ruby Montoya of Old Bridge, N. J., two granddiildren: Anthony Aaron BaUey and Jody Annette BaUey. Bio - Obituaries - 12/31/1970 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA