Ijames Cross RoadsIjames Cross Roads Baptist Church Compiled Information from the Collection of the Martin-Wall History Room of the Davie County Public Library Mocksville, North Carolina ^ Table of Contents History of Ijames Cross Roads 4-14 Baptist Church Building Ijames Cross Roads 16-17 Baptist Church Photo of Ijames Cross Roads 19-20 Baptist Church Cemetery Records 22 - 28 Events and Newspaper Articles 30-43 Q. «c o ai XTj «A O O c r» Hr 5^ cQ Davie County Public Library ^ Mocksville, North Carolina X o d X A History of Ijames Cross Roads Baptist Church Pages 4-14 to o O Oil v-> O c; O to »»> £ >- to c (Si, Davie County Public Library u) Mocksville, North Carolina X 'j d •O ^ 'r / . I diiudCHtS-KosIJAMES CROSS ROAD BAPTIST CHORCH))This is a record of Ijaraes Cross Road BaptistChaarch,. Mocksville, W, C., as tcld by PAr. B. F. White,a member of the church. Mr, White was 80 years of agewhen he related this to Mrs, Nancy Ijames, He remembered distinctly how the church was started, Mr,White died on October 29, I960,It seems his brother, Mr. Jake Whiije had" beenattending church over at ^ton Baptist Church atCana, Some of the members at Eaton were interested instarting a Sunday School here at Ijames Cross Road.With the help of different families in the community,they built a brush arbor, Mr,. Richard Eaton would ridehis old white horse every Sunday in the summertime andhold Sunday School-, He was.-the first Sunday SchoolSuperintendent, ' .Rev. Stallings was the pastor at Eaton Church, Hishome was in Spencer, N. C^ ' Once a month he would comeover and have preaching se3?^?ices for the community;.Mr, M, C, Ijames of. Ijames community gave a tractof land to build a. church,. Different ones gave lumberand work and completed, the church in 1898, . Bfeny hadprofessed and joined, at the brush..arbor• They werebaptized at GlasscpcJcs.Fprd on Bear Creek a.short distance from the; arbpr., . . . . -Rev, S. Di#'Sweim,. of Mocksville, N,.C,.was thefirst pastor .to be. called. The church was officiallyorganized by Rev, J,.N, Stallings and the Rev, T, M,Caudle in September 1897, The.Church.Constitution,Covenant and Articles of Faith.were drawn up at this ..time. ,A record of.this is in the first hook of minutes.(This is the first record of minutes in the book.)On Saturday, Bfoy 20, 1899 the Church wasassembled in.conference and Brother Isaac. ..Ratledge and.J, P, Dwiggins were ordainedas deacons of.the church.Rev, Swaim, Mod,J, 0, Foster, Church Clerk(The next minutes were recorded September 29, 1901.)i^esent Pastor and Brethren, sermon byPastor, from first verses of 14th chapterDAVIE CO.VuBLlC UBRARVn MOCK^.ViLLE, NCof Gospel of St.-John. After whichchurch assembled in conference. Doorsopened fro reception of members. CharlieBooe from Bear Greek, James L. Chaffinand wife, R. C, Chaffin from Rocky Springwere received by letter into our church,■j, P. Chaffin, M. A. Chaffin, J, M. Beckand Wife, Alice Beck, were received ascandidates for baptism. The church gavethose received ..by letter, the right handof fellowship and those for baptism the"right han<d;5 of welcome. Adjourned in order,BenediCtlibn by the Pastor,V. M. Swaim, Mod,Lum Chaffin, Church ClerkOn January 10, 1902- Rev, V, M, Swaim was called toserve indefinitely as Pastor, A,.C, Chaffin elected toserve as Church Clerk, John B. Eatledge, Sexton; J, L,Chaffin,' Treasurer; George W. Booe-.and H, H. PowellSpiritual Committee; Bfeirshall Chaffin, Charlie Booe,William Tutterow, Finance Committee. Adjourned in oraorder. Benediction hy Pastor.Pastors that have served a.re. as follows;Rev, S, D^* Swaim-. , , •• « •1899Rev. V, M. Swaim', , , ,• • f19Q2Rev, C. C, C^shwell , •19C6Rev, B, F. Rollins,- , ^1907■ !"Rev., Wa Iter Wilson. , ^• ^ •1911JRev. W, V. Brown, , , ,1912|Rev. D. W. Littleton, ,.• • «1913.'Rev, B, F, Rollins, *, ,« # •1915Rev. W, V, Erown, » , •• . . # •1924Rev, J. C-, Yates. , , .• • P193C .•iRey, W, V. Brown, . , ,• • * •1932 -1936Rev* W, L, McSwaim, • •J'eb,1937 -Dec, 1941ReV. L, V, Bradley, Jr,.•Apr.1942 -1943Rev. E, 6, Hicks. , • •,Cct,1943 -Dec, 1943. Re-^, W. H-, Hutohins , ,•Feb.1944 -1947Re-vif., W* 0, Barkley, , ,•1947 -June 1957Rev, J, H, McDaniel, Jr,Cct.1957 -PresentCuring; the pastorate of Rev. W, H, Hutchins therewere n o minutes recorded during his ministry.Curing the summer of 1948 under the supervision of C..HuRrwg5'(bPiP T «ST-J Cfnew^oto i' discussed to build awith this money. The members haiL^^^anrand^o^®®'^.,'dad as much of the work as Doqq-iM= S ?and tiine to get- the church Parted Thr^M®'®committee consisted of John White 'm f pt', F. White, and Milton Tu^w. |he ®-foundation.were laid on October 8, 19SOn Jms 25, 1950. the foUowiAg were ordainedj anIT e! GSscnok®'"°''' John White, Milton Tutterow,' met a^^S^Soh ITsoM ® of people' Mr. W. F. StoZlSt wafffeLnSVofas auctioneer, J, v Potts >.nnffK+ +u to actbenches for #350,00,' Mr M E ria^^ l^ua-^ing andstove for $7,00. The moiiths n-p f°° bought thbOn tercel W5I fSf that time,address was deliveref bv R^r dedicated. Thethe First Baptist Church St^tesville h'""c '^^heL"^« several ministei's nP n+Tn=-« a - t.' There weretook partT?L"s:^iL' ' S w:^e'°?:r^f:T\°"'this-church present. The ih^tor IZ v rn was in- charge.of .the service! ' *July 1952 the trustees were given in«5+mirt-n■to see about a well foP the church This ^a*edlately and a good water supply is in serv-ipad a .result of this action taken by the^h^^employed and a beautiful bl^ket ^ company wasresult of this actiof tot^hfch^ch^oofc^'''r iour cemetery is still covered witra blanket. On June 2, 1957, Rev. f!resignation which was accepted A comm?++iato see about securing s no™ no + conmittee was namedr £sr„-Hr£i vvT ■Ti«+«v «'-'"•'« <J-i. nocKy springs Church: Rev WadpHutchins, Rev# Crawford* i?ot7 PonAin j nwere some of them. On Septeiiber^fS957 I' iJr. of Winston^alem came on trial! L Oct^bf; 6^195?'iPAVIE CO. PUBLiC• . MOCKSVILLEy, Ma) )he was called to be our pastor for one year. A-fthechurch's request to his home church, Urban StreetBaptist Church in ^^inston—Salem, fex'dained him as aBaptist Minister on October 27., 1957, Many of themembers .attended this seryice which was very impressive#On. July 20, 195,8 the church voted to have all tVie"basement floors covered with water proof material, Afirm in^Winston-Salem did the work that added much tothe appearance of the basement#On August 17, 1958j at the regular"conference thechurch called Rev,' MoUaniiel to be our pastor for anotheryear. During the month of September 195$ the'deacons ■ •met with the church clerk and pastor to revise the '• churdh roll, so the letter to the Association would be "complete# 9!? Active and 49 inactive membelrs wereentered in a. new church book#The church had been renting a house in the CenterCoiqcmnity for .our pastor# At the church conference onI|.ovember 16, 1958 a committee was named to find a suit**.arpie.site and begin plans at once for a parsonage. D#SV Tutterow, John White, T. A. Blackwelder, Jr. werenamed. A special conference was called February 8,1959 to see if the congregation would accept the Runterhouse just above the church. The Kunter family of^ three bous and one girl all living in Statesville felt. ^\ like they wanted to do something foir^ our church since^btgiir hcfme place when they were small# Theyoffe^^.to the house, put in bath and' hot water'and let the .church use it for their parsonage" as longas they wanted it# Everyone voted to accept this mostgenerous offer# In JunO of 1959 the .pastor and' hisfamily movied into the remodeled house.Following this history Is an up to daiiiiiroll pf allthe present members of our church# »\"•D 4. ; i f ! ifi 0 I r i I S ! '/4 i o - lt^^&>^£y ~2<4^ U.:f^9f^ tc S^ZSi^ ^ eA-,...La^ 5-f_:^^ »--t^Z£ a-^C<3 f <-ioc^ J»^!^<-»-v.<j^e:ty ^,^2X3 £i!r^ ^ Sr*~*> djLelJUJ) ■^f'"''^^ >1 c:x-'c-i-,jg f^A<LAj' 0, O-yi, tfe G^iaaac^. yU/c^^ ^ "'!^ \V S - 9x2<i^ <5^ ^_a.,vi-J2, ^2-1.^ (0^, ^o Jloa^yut (sLa^ f^-<SjiP.£^ '^' o, (L ^(Z ^ CAcAyyy^ i 0 -(^ iq a S. . l/. 'M. s^d-Uzuv. isto Vo,®:^ Awu. skcuiz^i^ .._^xco C^- cJZ,^ /»t ^ i^r ■ 1-1-^ y->_^ ■' ;2^ _ yf <3^^ eX-cW-e^c^ }Uaa, 13- If ol • <w<x<,w». ,24^f^>x^ sg ■Sfm ri s ^ o o ' sLU "= > § 1 I /9// idcAj Cof I ^<5Uvx.. /7/^ — f /fy? d^ HyUa^ Cic>t.^jZe^ /f/r -?-?^_ /i-vf;2 ^ r : ^ s- -'"'• 9'.':- /t^ ^ - /f j ;t - ^ ^ /■^ '7- '7(.3. f, ,3. 7=^22^ '•— ■ - Ch^ 11 /# /, <f, ^ -2S±:r^ I ' I V"> i I « : ;! tri I <A ! O • ci iu , i «/> 'i ^ '! ii ; <4: : ^ 'H ! I ^ ' v>» W 3; : *j ci i 3: cJ Pa/123^4- ^^W'rHx' /^//— 19^S i a. £ ^M/L^ ^ J2 d Uavie Co. r u •»»' j , N, C. ^ I- O! ii? ? >Q- CO 0 o P 2 Uil S I ! % G,Wcivcx^0-rn Z^/OSS/^ fj)^ X . ^n■nr^-'> ^ I i < scW Mf't . I ^ F 5fisvie County Public LibraryMooKivilte, NO «. Od <L <J .c<y'l^ 7> . A^c. ?n^, (U viUe^ ~Ij^ j iy — '^ / .i^-X ^J^rxyUt^. 4cJL^ sl-,.^ -tA^ vo^WV ^ 0C:a^ ^cIZaTa^A' 0/ vt^ ^ ^ ^ /~y\A'y\_,cAjCco "^JT ^ iw D, .s..j:22rr^r J^/ f^- P^. -~^c.jX/ir7 7.v ^ ''sXv^'r? '^Z IjL^ • :::jz''izr,. ^r sft,; • ' z/P. 'Awa-oL-^ <Azv <??T^i--vt»c4^ 0/V,^/- i/-i__ ^ _ •O (JXuv^/-- " ^ JLe.a^e^ ^ tH^ »u ^ l-JUc^ f-f ol ^Ze ,si <L "'^ ::: ■rJ 5 Davie County Public Libraiy d 10 Mocksville, NC 3-^. 6~- ><f// O'^caJ C. I/O. ^ /'7J3 (fei-v/ J3n.,tx^ ^ . ^Sv A/?, 'zo. /^ / «5 €JL2^(...r: j2. '?-yl»y\^. lAy. y. zj-x^^, ^ ^ ,y 9 _/f5.. ^.cf. -1^^ -J^ / 3"-V^ y.<. n ' 5yc.. /j ^•7y-f '. /id-2.. 3;, , cT. y^ ^// '^' ,«- ^ a^/, ^ ^ T-;yU >1-// (^ t-t-^ - "'" -"t . x-x..,cx ■« o . .Oci /^ Uu- c-^t-^- d «: t->2^ Co Ca o d tJ y '2> I c^ap«7?.^ j.,,.- Jto. 0.x. *40''^ls ^IlOk ul £ <3: H )- vn <3: d7^ vo UJ X u oi I 1 / Davie 1 "-Mocksville, H. ^'■ Davie County PubVic Library Mocksville, NC cJ (^y^.,y/6Xj2^ i'/y 9 ;: ^uUL. |r£ .' -^V jZ-T- cJ / v?-^. Q.^>t^. -^sV -■rJi^X^Q.thn/ %<^ ^ ^ lU-^ ^-^O-^-^J^L .v3?ii^-««-<2-s9?-Z-lZ^< ' ■ (7 ^ -r-^ • ISf ^ ^ ^X-', cS VA 0 S i. * j //I . n <r'rf\ /•/i; ; ^ f^]0{-%Z ' y . n '''^' ^ ^iy 'n Q,ui''^i, ir{~ (V-&.)(). 0. ' / . -.. . ^ 6iycic^c/.ic/. Q^e^, //^ /Pd/f., j '' ;? //^^ i I. Jv " ' ' tM-^ 7^^- ^ / - /? i'-i' ' ui-> •' /i A ^ -3.>'irt Cyp./c^ n J y >-1-^ - y'^ ^ Ctucl n '-^>>^/.i tf. Prr^.^,4:'f.^i-./r-f'>^^ «"' /I' y^_,yc-.ty .4^/5 ^-^•-''-4'-'-^<7 rt' y'^jo-rr'-r. - ^/-.Vr /3-(r-'.?7^. '^ / ^ / t:- '/,'^'° n '"^ ti/\.,c J . .iMSW.-i.:^;aMlBtaR«W:>-•u. - •v.._.;u-«#_:^utiL4..Lt*w«-ti>i«Wi.iV««».li; •MWMn-VitiKFliM' 4r» O •O O) 0 Gi -Xj vn 01 H <s: H j- v> p ) Ui O oi. XL) A&.S,. ¥ " > ^ 9 i I - 9- Zf.. /a. ^4i4. / (yppuU/ ■■•, . v^. ■•■ ^ynA^i-7^. .wee J: »., ^ "m . ■ -;- :L :-' '^ vM.:*'.« ' .'vc V< ,//.:':,:m ■jtT "'' ' • '■/ 7/: Lff ,. , j-Cj 'V 7 V < p; 79 7> .Das^id County Public Library ^itooHsville, NC IH Building Ijames Cross Roads Baptist Church Pages 16 - 17 Ca a. o Ci:; 0 d O L K) 1 >- V2 >- i w J- u d Davie County Public Library Mocksvllle, North Carolina C -m3.f-?^D,vm CO. POBUC UBRARVWlOCKSVllLE. NO55P^3 S^ViO'yTlH rr\-cj.yvu.^ jC f^^^rg-i^ .■&■ -.■A--. ^*v— • • •"BRARyMOCKSVILLEi NQThe new Ijames X Roadtf Bap^tist Church will be dedicated ott^Sunday, March 2; at 2:00 p. m:;^Rev. James Potter, pastor of First aBaptist Church, Statesvilte, will ?preach the dedicatory sermon. Allare invited. This church building;cost about $40,000.Idavie record^9-1,7- I fri- Photo of Ijames Cross Roads Baptist Church ^ Pages 19-20 O < k'S in O c£ \r> Ui z. c: H H I t- in h- o. <£ ca I in a % a Davie County Public Library Mocksville, North Carolina ft a I Cl^aacHcS ^ ST'ixAnt-S Cross RoiWmaij—iLw JBL'tli!i'!ai|iliaBgg^>»teW..-*»i<„'t- ^.. '^-.MsiibiY .....>irt««LZZ^ulmmNlfninHiftnUriiiiimi titX BP1 -i'nETBS .;:■,?leiGO.IEiSJ-mmmIJAMES' CROSS ROADS BAPTIST CHURCHThe Ijames' Cross Roads Baptist Church was organized in September, 1897. The original church has been replaced by a new brickbuilding, which was dedicated March 2, 1952.s: Oo So w^ «52S: "O-<» C/)<igc nine Cemetery Records Pages 22-28 VJ C3t <& o ei u> vr> O CL xj \o Uf £ <£ H H t" p Ou X. O X ' TCJ Davie County Public Library Mocksville, North Carolina 3.\ 1 DAVIE COUNTY CEMETERIES A ^VSS VOLUME I Cemeteries A - K Compiled by the DAVIE COUNTY HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Mocksville, North Carolina HOWARD FAMILY CEMETERY Travel Highway 801 from Advance; turn right on Bailey's Chapel Road. Cemetery will be on the left. .• -a Surname Howard Howard Surname Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Beck Beck Blackwelder Blackwelder Blackwelder Blackwelder Blackwelder Black\velder Blackwelder Blackwelder Blackwelder (liven Name Andrew Son of C. and Polly Howard Elizabeth Daughter of C. and Polly Howard Birth Date April 24,1832 J. 11,1824 Death Date 4? 1834 February 1835 UAMES BAPTIST CHURCH CEMETERY Travel Highway 64 west from Mocksville to ShefReld Road; turn right Church is on the right, on comer of Ijames Church Road and Sheffield Road. Given Name Elmer Gray Husband of Nan(y Glasscock Allen Nancy Glasscock Wife of Elmer Gray Allen CarlE. Claytie V. Ini^t Twins of J. C. and Sarah Anderson John C. Minnie L. Daughter of J. C. and S. E. Anderson Sarah L. Alma Kiramer Wife of Roland Pinkney Beck Married August 10,1957 David Richmond Richmond Conner/Connie Aged 77 (?) Funeral Marker only Roland Pinkn^ Husband of Alma Kimmer Beck Sarah Euphesene Boyd Bradley Son of Harding and Louise Blackwelder Charlie J. Eliza E. Blackwelder Wife of Thomas A. Blackwelder, Sr. Elton Dwight Son of C. J. and Estette Blackwelder Estelle C. Eula M. Frank A. Son of J. A. and L. M. Blackwelder James Leonard Husband of Lillian Boger Blackwelder John Allen Birth Date Julys, 1932 March 12,1934 June 4,1928 June 15,1928 February 23, 1925 August 21,1899 March 4,1924 August 1,1900 November 16,1908 July 25,1883 December 29, 1886 September 16,1908 September 6,1881 April 1, 1964 March 20, 1910 1890 March 18,1933 January 20,1912 June 5, 1922 June 12,1909 January 26,1912 December 8,1876 Death Date No date given December 11,1996 February 23, 1964 No date given February 23, 1925 December 28, 1973 March 4,1924 December 6,1974 No date given January 11,1956 Date unreadable No date given April 26, 1952 April 3,1964 December 11, 1991 1969 June 1,1936 No date given March 2,1990 December 31,1919 February 28,1973 2 3 Q ^ o Lillian Boger Wife of James Leonard Blackwelder LulaM.Ratledge Mattie Sue Wife of Thomas A. Blackwelder, Jr. Ruth Daughter of J. A. and L. M. Blackwelder Thomas A, Jr. Thomas A, Sr. William H. Ida Booe D. M. Emma Ijames Wife of J. C. Booe Married March 2,1887 G. W. J. C. Husband of Emma Ijames Booe Nancy G., Aged 77 years, 10 months, 20 days Sister of George Booe Sallie W. Ratledge Wife of D. M. Booe Infant Daughter of M. D. Jr., and Joan Booie Betty Boger Wife of John W. Boyd Infant Son of J. W. and B. M. Boyd John Henry Husband of Sallie Beck Boyd John W. Husband of Betty Boger Boyd Laura A. Wife of W. S. Boyd Mary Etta Wife of W. S. Boyd OlaM. OraT. Sally Beck Wife of John Heniy Boyd W. S. William Harper North Carolina Pfc., Hq 2 Bn 5 Fid Aitv Bemice Daughter of N. L. and Pagie Bracken Linnie Boyd Wife of William G. Bracken Thomas G. William G. Husband of Linnie Boyd Bracken Christopher David Son of John and Karen Budd Oscar Conrad Sgt., U.S. Army World War II, Korea Rachel White February 15,1909 October 11,1875 December 19,1921 August 11,1959 No date given September 21, 1896 September 27,1919 November 4,1922 1889 February 25,1913 1869 January 20, 1868 July 16,1862 April 22,1842 September 9,1839 March 24,1839 April 30,1873 March 4,1961 January 13,1922 May 28, 1848 1912 March 1,1909 September 1,1846 December 2,1870 September 11,1903 June 15,1877 May 31,1904 January 1,1870 July 5, 1994 February 7,1921 June 23, 1962 1965 October 20,1985 1940 October 11,1907 December 22, 1933 June 25,1915 June 29,1934 February 14,1917 September 22, 1904 No date given January 15,1922 May 21,1932 September 14, 1879 November 17,1963 September 15,1876 December 19, 1909 1942 June 20,1996 October 29,1937 September 29, 1954 August 3,1967 February 1,1959 April 9,1914 July 11,1961 September 29,1996 November 10,1987 No date given ^ "G O J Abner L. Abner Columbus Ordained Minister Abner Morgan Annie Shaw Wife of Abner Columbus Chaffin Cellia A. Wright Claudia Jo Clouse Faye Smith Hazel Blackwelder Inez Ijames Wife of Stacy H. Chaffin J. Bunyon James L. James P. Mabel Duo Marshall A Nina Bell Daughter of M. A. and S. E. Chaffin 13 years, 6 months, 13 days Ora Mae Sain Rachel Cornelia Richardson Robert Moody Stacy Hanes Age 78 years, 7 months, 28 days Pvt., U.S. Army, World War I Susie E. Peoples Elizabeth Age 86 years, 11 months, 28 days MaryT. Almedia Martin Belle Belk Charlie L. Infant Daughter of C. L. and Belle Clary James Wesley MaiyE. Pearl P. William M Carl Monroe Clyde Delia Husband of Flora Tutterow Cleaiy Flora Tutterow Wife of Clyde Delia Cleary Married November 22,1937 Frank A James H. James Philmore "Jim" Lena C. Robbie Robert Smith Son of Bobbie Cleaiy Silas M. North Carolina Tec 4 66 Armd. Regt., Second Armored Division June 2,1858 January 17,1880 December 25, 1937 December 21,1879 June 24,1878 August 21,1864 August 28, 1936 March 8,1909 July 19, 1901 November 12,1908 November 10,1849 September 23, 1873 January 2,1900 April 15,1876 June 20,1905 July 8,1910 August 25, 1848 January 24,1908 September 27, 1895 May 29,1881 October 23, 1826 December 15,1840 August 11,1879 1874 1872 March 9,1916 January 19,1874 August 5,1846 March 18, 1882 July 10,1845 May 21,1946 November 22, 1916 May 8,1919 August 10,1886 January 12,1914 February 28,1892 April 12, 1912 March 1,1894 May 27,1915 May 19,1922 April 5,1945 July 11,1949 No date given November 9,1955 November 16,1938 August 4,1945 June 28.1985 July 9,1993 April 25, 1994 March 14, 1996 September 7,1921 June 11,1949 July 16.1990 April 2, 1922 January 2,1919 No date given November 3,1928 October 10,1996 May 17,1975 December 17,1956 October 15,1913 March 28, 1966 October 16,1915 March 22,1926 September 5,1932 May 21, 1946 November 1,1990 No date given April 26,1949 March 27, 1983 January 16,1948 April 21, 1995 July 11,1942 May 16,1942 January 23,1950 Draughn Draughn Draughn Draughn Draughn Glascock Glascock Glasscock Glasscock Gobble Gobble Gobble Gobble Gobble Gobble Gobble Holland Ijames liames Bertie Mae Kimmer Wife of Lester Draughn Beverly Hartsell Wife of Wayne Martin Draughn, Sr. Married November 25,1983 James Everette Lelia Ann Burton Wife of James E. Draughn Lester Martin Wayne Martin, Sr. Husband of Beverly Hartsell Draughn Annie Belle Allen James Grover Katy Ellen Rollins Marshall Everette, Sr. Audrey White Cloyce W. Felix V. Flossie Lanier Jerld Son of W. V. and F. M. Gobble OttisLee Willis Vestle Sarah Louise Daughter of J. S. and Rachel Holland BiUy Son of E. D. and N. F. Ijames Elias Denton Virginia Pvt., 156 Infantry Infant Son of E. D. and N. F. Ijames Infant Daughter of M. C. and N. E. Ijames Joseph M. M.C. Husband of Nannie E. Powell Ijames Margaret M. Margrette Aim Mary Frances Dennis Tutterow Nannie E. Powell Wife of M. C. Ijames Naomi W. Robert Shelds Walter L. William L. Son of J. M. and M. M. Ijames AnnBoyd Bobby Gentry Edward Walter Evelyn Church Emma J. Beck John F. David Wilson TEC 5, U.S. Army, World War II Pauline Renegar Aveiy P. July 8,1924 April 3,1952 November 12,1928 October 30, 1931 April 5,1926 May 22,1945 May 18,1891 November 9,1890 October 28,1901 August 3,1896 June 14,1915 April 19, I9I3 August 10,1910 September 10, 1889 May 2,1928 July 21, 1914 September 23,1886 February 8, 1933 August 26,1929 March 25, 1896 November 26, 1939 September 28, 1906 August 23, 1855 March 10,1860 August 13, 1848 November 16,1846 January 21,1907 August 2, 1869 January 31,1909 March 2, 1850 August 12,1908 June 26, 1880 May 22, 1943 July 25. 1936 March 15,1922 September 19,1940 May 11, 1884 September 3, 1883 Decembers, 1914 March 28,1911 . September 24,1911 No date given No date given December 1,1972 No date given December 18,1972 February 2, 1996 April 8, 1954 January 1,1974 March2,1996 . ^07- No date given IbJvV^^' ' October 24,1993 August 15, 1990 June 5, 1988 March 17,1974 May 4. 1928 No date given March 25, 1969 February 10, 1933 August 28, 1929 May 16.1969 No date given No date given November 12,1929 September 20,1935 December 17,1904 June 6, 1925 May 12,1974 June 25, 1936 November 2,1995 September 27,1925 May 20,1993 May 5,1919 No date given September 29,1994 July 8, 1988 No date given May 10,1955 August 6,1942 August 20, 1982 No date given July 27,1978 i; July 31,1882 Januaiy 11,1915 December 8,1966 Fred Holdan Freddie Lee Infant Son of Kenneth and Virginia Lanier Maggie B. Maiy Jane Wayne Harold F. Shelby L. Dwight Eugene Infant Son of Baxter and Zula Meadows Jane Lafayette Glascock John Eugene AlonzoLee Susie B. Tallie Leander Foiden Martham Chaffin Wife of W. H. Ratledge William H. Rebecca Jane Boyd Wm. Heniy Carmon Son of R. W. and L. E. Richardson Edith Faye Daughter of R. W. and L. E. Richardson Leroy Lettie Elnora Boyd Robert Walter Son of R- W. and L. E. Richardson Robert Westley Elma Booie Wife of M. D. Royal Ellen E. Kimmer Renia Adolphxis Annie Renegar Bobby Gene Son of Dewey S. and Ina Belle Tutterow Carrie J. Smith Dewey Sampson Donald W. Son of D. R. and Esther Tutterow Frank Ina Belle JohnN. Linnie Russell Lucretia White Patricia Jean Susana Wife of W. D. Tutterow William D., Sr. Aaron R. Agnes S. Alberta A. Latham B.F. Betty Ann Daughter of W. C. and J. E. White April 28, 1953 No date given No date given Lamer Lanier Lanier November 18,1912 May 27, 1898 October 5,1942 1933 1940 March 22, 1943 No date given August 29, 1936 No date given 1996 No date given No date given Lamer Lanier Lanier Lapish Lapish Meadows March 12,1883 April 28, 1878 September 5,1903 February 14,1877 December 16,1909 April 16, 1892 February 16,1851 January 23,1975 May 2,1942 May 26,1985 December 3,1948 No date given September 24, 1972 Januaiy 29,1902 Owings Owings Peoples Peoples Peoples Prevelte Ratledge September 11,1923 July 13, 1954 June 28, 1942 April 16,1928 October 2,1840 February 11,1873 Januaiy 25,1869 April 12,1928 Ratledge Renegar Renegar Richardson July 15,1935March 21,1935Richardson June 19,1929 August 16,1897 April 27,1922 December 25, 1974 June 10,1988 July 16,1922 Richardson Richardson Richardson August 28, 1888 1900 October 10,1954 1943 Richardson Royal July 7,1912 November 7,1913 October 13, 1908 March 18,1935 February 13,1991 September 15,1973 August 7,1974 Januaiy 5,1939 Steele Steele Tutterow Tutterow Tutterow Tutterow Tutterow April 24, 1978 November 6,1960 July 13,1938 September 12,1880 April 7,1898 December 1,1935 June 13, 1936 May 28, 1968 November 28,1938 December 5,1970 September 29, 1956 Decembers, 1941 May 16,1921 October 9,1876 June 7,1901 December 14,1877 February 27, 1899 May 13,1872 October 25, 1941 August 24, 1846 Tutterow Tutterow Tutterow Tutterow Tutterow Tutterow Tutterow 1922 September 9,1995 March 21,1990 October 9, 1993 October 29,1960 December 11,1937 Tutterow White White White White White 1846 March 3,1911 February 20,1911 November 23, 1909 Januaiy 29, 1879 December 19,1934 Carl Eugene Don Ray Husband of Grace Smith White Grace Smith Wife of Don Ray White Married November 26, 1966 James W. "Buddy" Joseph Clark Lemuel Leon Linda Daughter of J. W. and Manie White Lucretia Boyd Lura A- N. C. Wife of B. F. White Nannie Arizona Sallie Sue Infant Daughter of W. C. and J. E. White Samuel Leon, Jr. V. Jurl Jennifer Daughter of Dr. Joe and Sherry Woodward Jill Marie Infant daughter of Dr. Joe and Sherry Woodward December 22, 1954 December 10,1939 February 5,1946 January 8,1906 May?, 1874 January 22, 1904 June 24, 1947 February 3, 1885 January 30,1916 September 26,1878 August 31, 1909 September 6,1932 July 21.1956 July 10,1905 January 11,1985 January 11,1985 March 20, 1984 April 8,1987 No date given December 22, 1979 May 10,1946 January 11,1969 June 24, 1947 March 30, 1975 No date given March 10,1928 January 8,1972 No date given May 27,1993 February 29, 1924 June 25, 1992 No date given h UAMES FAMILY CEMETERY § ^ Travel Highway 64 west of Mocksville, turn right on Sheffield Road. ^ _®Graveyard is on Stacey ChafBn farm, in tlie woods, near Ijames Cross Roads Church. •i:r § -g Given Name Beal Aged 88 years, 4 months, 28 days Family records give date of birth 1765. Elisabeth A. Aged 89 years, 10 months, 28 days Elizabeth Wife of Beal Ijames Aged 78 years ' James Franklin Son of Wm. J. and Sally Ijames John Alexander Son of William Ijames Margaret Nancy Elizabeth Robert Pinkney Sally Baity Ag^ 30 years, 4 months, 2 days William Jackson William L. Infant son of Beal and B. G. Ijames Birth Date February 8,1767 February 22, 1831 October 15,1842 May 2, 1864 June 1,1860 December 11,1884 October 4,1887 June 22,1817 May 28, 1822 No date given Death Date July 6, 1855 January 20, 1921 June 25, 1848 No date given No date given No date given No dale given No date given October 24,1847 July 19,1863 February 10,1840 Events and Newspaper Articles Pages 30-43 « O Vi O ci tJ ai £ Vi H > H- Vy P Q. c ^ Davie County Public Library ^ Mocksville, North Carolina ?: xj i-Nj'/.- 'i » *N vs:-Xt,Wi.r^j- n ~i\: • •f'!^ NEW IJAMES CROSS ROADS BAPTIST CHURCH TO BE DEDICATED SUNDAY ^ ^ ^ , j Z^" j Dedication Services^ x. u The church members, friends Scheduled For 2 P.M. and neighbors raised a total of I Dedication services for the new foundation and ^^les Cross Roads Baptist' construct the basement. After jrch wiU be held Sunday, others joined in donating to MTarch 2, at 2 p.m.* The Rev .Mr. building fund. These people Potter of StatesvUle wiU deliver former members now the dedicaUon sermon. ' ®*^or cities; relatives The liames Cross Roads Bap-, l^""ed in the cemetery; tist nhurnh ^nfoc ^®se who just enjoy giving The church members, friends and neighbors raised a total of I tist Church dates back to 1897. . In September oi that year the Baptist Church waa founded in that locality. church building was sold for $350. However, removal was not The first church was little more until the new church than four walls, heated by a wood couJd be completed. stove in the center. Painted wood-The new church, only recently I^ . 'AJIV, AACW VUUi.Uli, XJlliy leutfiikiyen bench^ea aiould seat a capacity completed, is an impressive brick, of 160. One of the first pastors „ j, ^clued at approx- , was a Bev. Mr. Stallings. The old i^ctely $40,000. imnute hook gives little informa- ^he naw church consists of two lion concerning the early days,There are ten Sunday The original building, with, School rooms in the basement. It some renovations and repairs jg heated by a hot air furnace, continued to serve the Baptists^ and is completely equipped with of Ijames Crosg Roads down; new and modern furniture, through the years. Most of the work on this new . In 1948, Rev. W. C. Barkley of: building was accomplished by "JiSa^tman became pastor of this church members, friends an^ I ^h. Under the supervision of neighbors of that community. ; Rev. Mr. Barkley a committee was The Rev. Mr. Barkley still I formed to consider the erection serves the church as pastor. John of a more modern edifice. This' White is the Superintendent of committee was composed of John Sunday School which has an en- White, M. E. Gla^scock and B. F. rollment of 145 members. .White. I L:"'^, k^jicatic.TIOX; .4 -1 , --t.»ortAO^S:N MdGi^-I ' ' \ n nnn -^^. it I. ;a . nn ■^■ ■ :'!:v>';rveF...... :.v - ;■v JJAiSlS ■ CHCSS jic4:33_ EAFl'is^it'-' • ■ ' ■■ • • ■ ' ■ '•• * ■ .- ' i ■ ' - . •'" ';' ■ . ■; ' ' ■ ■■ .s-.i' •• • s" ■ ■" ■-'i'I ■ ^ ••;<'-■*' 4-('t'-'"''.''*'-' •'■*■ ' •' ■'"'•? ■ u --WV^ ■■ " * •-■ ■' ■■ ""*-•>♦•SERVICijS . -S;.1 ?® llornirig -WEJ^ip -ervice"I I I " " ' ^ i- 1m^-"psp»ip--' . " • :i" :>v^^A4\(lpcks»aier; .xPo^ains. \ > ^ , .!,». ^ -. • • 77:Libraty -, ■; .-;.o-■•■■■"i,.. j;-- t -<■■■■.• ■. ®len' ~j-'vO^--S«i^Ais.;;«M j.;: ITancy. ;Glas s c bck v . - :.' . .. "• • ■ ^ \ ■ '^:' ' ',: '''y ■■■[ , -' \ f". j' "% V'' . ^March 2,.1952 at '2 ?. M, JH * I "'P H ' ^ ' I IP !,"!■' VryWTTf^?f^Tv»iprr''»*" 'A'*JH """' i-'lwTfT* "V '." • " r';• • TvW>. ~•'.' i ' ' ■W^7: • ^'mmmmmmmtllfK9(f{ . ,•.;'/>■,t-..'|.?h: 1- 'ft';'''':;-'"":--•• -••'• . ■ ,.S;KiSi v',V •', .f,";gj|^7 '"^'i' <^2w=|USf f 'J ^>7 Fn.imMetiAv** iTmm 01 j : Mr. Myers is from Cool- , i eemep and completed 3I years at {^ruitland BibleI Institute.' Homecoming {1; will 'also . Be, observed ' ENTERPRISE-RECORD Urtvit CO. PUBLIC UBRARY MOCKSVILLEI, WQ j ' I ^ ' CLc/re-Kf5 -^ V - 3.—(^-7^1 e «ar- c/ «^.'^The congregation of Ijames BaptistChurch have accepted the Rev. KeanetbHyde as full time pastor, as of Sunday,'May 31. He has been In the ministry lortwenty-Hve years; and has pastoredchurches In Florida. Georgia and NorthCarolina. He received bis educaUon atNorman College, Norman Park,Georgia and Wake Forest University atWift8ton.Salem, N. C. Mr. Hyde ismarried to the former .Mary Morris ofHigh Point. N. c., and they have four'children.:'>ie Co. Public Librsr}Mocksvlfle, N. C. C~KurcT*c G-o^r-y^DAVIE CO. PUBLiC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NC3"4^a=94^1)Co^james BaptistI itas New Pastorrrzri:-; Tbe Rev.-Larry-StephenHuroer -was caUed to Ijames^Baptist Church en July 4, 1976ns pastor.~Mr; Turner Was bornNovember 21.1951 at EUdn N.C. and is ttie 8(m of Bir. and Mrs.I -Thurmond Turner of State: Road, N. C.^4iis wife, &e former Vickie L.Fair, is die daughter of Sir. andJUrs. Uoyd Fair of I^kdand,; .Fla.Mr. Turner graduated fromi -•irurin Hgh School In June, 1970;:^~GardDer-Wd)b College, in May,] 1974 with Bachelor of Science in- Psychology and minor in NewTestament Greek; finished: .Southeastern ..Baptistr Theological Seminary in July: ~T976 with Master fi ReligiousEducation.' .V He was licensed to the' "'zninistry tm July 22, 1970 bytfmiM Pleasant Baptist Church,"1"State Road, N. C. and ordainedJtme 13, 1976 by same.LIn faigh school, be was -amember of Beta and VICAtHubs. At Gardner-Webb, hewas Resident . ..Director,Alliancp, R. S. D.,I.-honor roll student, Who's Who,; and Psycbolt^ Club. During..bis formal .education be .held^ j_positk«s as Associate Pastor"r- ' - Youth Director of variousdavie CO. PUBLIC^OCKSVlLLEj: rfiurtbes.'Mr. Turner will be the, ape^«- ior the revival at• -Ijames Baptist Gluirch vrtiich; begin oo Simday, August 22\ -at. 7:30 and aoutinue eachavemng . &rough August .-29.There will be special singing-iaadi evening. - - ?.Acv. Larry Stephen TurnerDavie Co. Public LiOfar,.v.. DAVIE CqU^^YE|ST^IU3E RECORD, Thureday, Feb.lO, 1994 ^htiivh Has Birthday Partycr'^ •> Ijames Baptist Church held'its an- dents of the Davie County Group .;nual chutchwld^ bi^day party on Home Md the Milling Manor Group^un^y, Jan. 30. ' / Home and members of the Davie , -i .i fellow- County AssociaUon for Retarded Citi- ' »'^Wp hall following the morning wor- zens. During,the party, members and^ ';»ship service. Tables were decorat^,. gueste sang "Happy Birthday" to " ;j.to represent each of the 12 hibntiy^:' Naomi Ijames, one of the church's : and members were asked to sit at tha oldest active members. Mrs. Ijames ^;table designated for the month in turned 85 the following day.; which they were bom. Each table h^ The party followed a fifth Sunday r -a birthday cake as ranterpiece. program featuring a puppet show and j Special guests included the resi- special music. " K/\ —C O > D "o C\vuira)ves))^Mite Barnhardt .> < . Mr. Marsh still attends services every Sun-^^e Cbunty Enterprise Record ^ ^ _ ^y. even though he can't hear or see very well.n --V - '" fi^ '. "He still senses the feeling of the worship. UA^ - games Baptist Chjtrch s^ i hour. He understands the importance of what's^-long celebration of its lOOth aniuversary- . happening." said the pastor, the Rev. Ben Mull.Sii^ ma unique way. >..1 think it's apleasuiethatOod would wantMembers honored a man who has been nie to be here," Glasscock said.^iijng the church since that first year -V -V -0,6 church, known as Ijames Crossroadshfe* Glasscock. Sunday was Marsh ;. Baptist until a few years ago. has been havingDay andaportiaitpfthe^urch'si^t&^J^niam^towasimv^rrf.fedield toads for 100 years.CP"It started right about here as a bnish arbormeeting." said Annie Belle Ingram. "A manfrom Eaton's (Baptist) rode horseback everySimday and held Sunday School imder thebrush arbor."To my knowledge, this community did nothave a church. Several who made a professionoffaith in the brush arbor were baptized in BearCreek Ford." she said.A couple of years later, the Ijames familydonated land and the first church building waserected. It was used until 1950. when a newbuilding went up. It has been re-modeled andadded onto several times, including a recentrenovation of the sanctuary."Thischurch means everything. It'sthemainforce in our community," said Jane Tutterow."Our community wouldn't be a communitywithout the church.""People look to this church in a lot of ways,spiritual help, financial help." Mull said. "Thisis a helping church in every sense of the word.We reach out to meet the needs of our comniu-nity."And members reach out to mMt the riekls ofthechurch. Youcan find JM'^bbleandbthmthere just about any day, Quiring contrimmingshnrbbery, wl^verhe^6Tiedon^;"Our church has that w^^'welOTm^^lowship," Mull said. "Eveaybody is alheifnfier^of the Ijames family. ;,iPlease ^ iQ^esrP^ C55oPw'Is.«3.wsJSCD*Ws?oo'i-a .=r^ =8- O 5 o g- §•t o a == S _.& eo A .(A -xo n..S 5 ^? 3 a P S-.gstigQ. ON s 3•OS §.>•■§53 B3 8' B ^8 I =8 g.a- -^ i' S i"a b ~§••0 S- «=>•^ gg-l a S-2-« r 812. g § ''T? S. g. 3S.*<y|l15.00 O g.3^ s n. SS M -Imi8r |8to n sr^ C/i ftV o a 3J"8 s- 8 "•§ I e jla 3 s <»si|i•8 i's.Ifl^fl? 8 iSapIf3 < S' 5|Sg 3- 3- 85:« - E•, 5 xo rto S2. es-if B;if~ E. S 3 c af S 18 »S- »3*00af p^'gK-s i;fi "2 *<as &■ 200 _<» ?g» 3.O M3 so §g g-wa « §"NI§ I»g JS "S«> "1 g3.58.ST ft^ a i-«. a «5 5 .aHi-o- S- =»•I i|pii!|8q" .5 ^R rtft w'35 f?r -T*^ cS-o Ig S.JQ. e,>3a B orIfl8^2i § I<§0.3.ls|O c *B -• fIzi^ a5= af S.IfI 3S. s§•1a ®w n5n€o3B sr 3ifl^<S'tCo"■'1noroexe ■NO !i DA Vie county enterprise record, Aug. 8,1996 -irfT ' n • 'james has had B Marshall Glasscock and the church he attends regularly are the same age -100 years old. "i ' m\:. u-:% I- f: ;:i5 V I; ■■• ' ittiiI"-- - * -■■ • ■ i'-iirr-^-^'- The Rev • 'r.-l- ■ 3 —^Members gathered to talk about Ijames Baptist included, from left: front, Jane Tutterow, Marshall Glasscock, Clyde Glasscock, Annie Belle Ingram; second row, Sharon McDanlel! Marsha Tutterow, Jackie Adams, Harvey Adams; in back, Wendy White, Judy Gobble Joe Gobble, the Rev. Ben Mull. ^vie County Public Library DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Oct. 19,2000 -5 mm ···¨: Sis -iw HM -3?Ti>r Janie Neely, Assistant Director of Davie County Library holds a dedicated copy of the At The Crossroads presented to her by the book committee. Pictured left to right: (standing) Creola Rogers, Annie Ingram and Jane Tutterow (both seated) and Amber Boger, and Marsha Alexander. _ photo by Robin Fergusson New Book Tells About Local Church's History By Jackie Edwards Davie County Enterprise Record The Davie County Library has a new book that tells the history of Ijames Baptist Church. ztrT/te Cross roads WO Years ofHistory af Ijames Baptist Church. The book was com piled and written by a committee of six women from the church; Annie W. Ingram;Jane G. Tutterow, Marsha G. Alexander, Amber B. Boger, Pamela R. Bracken, and Creola G. Rogers. The book was started in 1997, the church's centennial year anniversary. "There is some discrepency about the centennial year • 1896 or 1897," said Creola Rogers. The book was initially written about the history about the church. But as the project went on the com mittee incorporated stories about the people and their memories about Ijames Baptist Church. Present and former members each made contributions to the book. The church currently has 296 members on their role. Church member Mike Branham gave the winning entry for naming the book. "We don't know of any other church in Davie County that has done this," said committee member Annie Ingram. There were 500 copies printed and each sells for $25 each. "We're not making a profit. This is not a fundraiser," said Rogers. A copy of the book was dedicated to the church on August 13. Janie Neely. Davie County Library Assis tant Director, accepted a dedicated copy for the library on October 12 to be placed in the Manin Wall History Room. "We hope others will be inspired by it," said Rogers as she prouldy held a copy of the finished book. Davie County Public Library Mock^le, NO DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Dec^, 2004 - r f t Ijames Ladies Have Christmas Party The Ijames Baptist Church Adult Ladies Christmas pany was held in the fellowship hall on Dec. 3. A covered-dish with food was brought by each member. Nancy C. White welcomed members and guests, and thanked Regina L. Loopcr and Shelby Lapish for the decora tions. Annie Belle Ingram read the Christmas story and had prayer. After the meal, Brenda Glassock, Helen Ratiedge, Creola Rogers. Virginia Lanier and Jane Tutterow read legends of Christmas past and present. Payton Blackley drew names for door prizes. Games of bingo were played. faWe County Public Library ^ocksviiie, HC C'kurck^ 'J^'jO/vps ^£>05 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD,Thursday, Oct. 21,2010 r Frying fish on Friday night are Bonita Snyder, Robin Ellis, Darretl Peacock, Robert Rogers, Doug White, and Myrtle Stroud. ^ ; ' , . . . . Pictured are most of the members of Ijames Church Adult 2 Sunday Schooi Cia^, Vauda Ellis, Creola Rogers. Bonita Snyder, Myrtle Stroud, Pat Peacock, and Vick- who recently wentio Hatteras Island. ; . r . i ie Brewer play a friendly game of Scrabble. . : . 1 %•"TTT ■'7® ''firiSc'.". fKlaire Allen reads scard before opening a gift (left). At center, great-granddad Leroy DyMn enjoys the festivities witti Wanda Sutphln. At right, Klaire is ass^ted byjijr[girlfriendswhile her'mother, Alisa, watches; • ••■ ^ f "" ■ '' ■' -'I t-' -" fiaWetounty Public Library'woc/(sWl/e. wc C.HaKct\eS- G)^Pti5T~ 5-rC2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Aug. 16,2018In Our ChurchesSanctuary dedication,homecoming at ijamesThe Ijames Baptist Church sanctuary dedication and annual homecoming service and meal will be Sunday, Aug.19. Sunday School begins at 9:45; Worship service at 11and the covered dish homecoming meal wUl take place inthe fellowship hall after service. All are invited.) (^V\aaCV\ES-^#\PTl5T ^ J. 3-d P-OSS R-OAOS ^) )BIO - DAVBE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 29,2021Sheffield-CalahalnCorrespondent)_r-f=On Sunday, April 18, TJ.Woodfin was ordained as adeacon at Ijames Baptist.His wife, Amy AlexanderWoodfin and daughter, Lilaas well as his parents werepresent for the ordination.S\