Fork BaptistFork Baptist Church Compiled Information from the Collection of the Martin-Wall History Room of the Davie County Public Library Mocksville, North Carolina c; o k H Table of Contents Letter to Flossie Martin 4-8 Fork Baptist Church 1956 - 1957 10-11 History of Fork Baptist Church 13-15 Deeds 17-24 Ministers 26-30 Bulletins 32-38 Cemetery Directory 40-59 Newspaper Articles 61-87 w s o fSi X. c/ Davie County Public Library Mocksville, North Carolina Letter to Flossie Martin Pages 4-8 yt o cs I Davie County Public Library lu Mocksviiie, North Carolina ac O CJ. d CJ pubVic LibJSQf jidod^svilte. I®' -f A?- /'J^ f J^. '~~?yi ^ 25Z<2=z-^ /7 - —yC/lr /> y— y}JU>-^jtjf7 /-/ f n ^^k<£Zk^ 6'_ J . 1 Y /i;— yyr^ —<dC^i;=i!=s.<^Z:£L ^ , . / • /I / ^ - ^^ 2]^2_=tL.3 —. yy^/l^r^-— ^ W/A^ ^1 - J. , .^ —!z2z^=cZ^fc ...Z:^- J'^. /f f ^ /;: r -g -^-<4^ 2^i=Zd 2il^=^ ~7^ l2=iLcf . fj Z" ^2:^ ^ tQ^. /^ ^'jj-cy/Ti^jp^ // r /• y yt-c^— 122u^^ o- —^^2L_. ^4' fcZ . c::2^- ^/-g^—^yZ^/^c. ^L- y^iiLAy —(pCt-c^j , 1. '- ^ . /I Z^^=22^ ZZr-^ TZl/yy. g Z2<^^^7^.x ,. ylz^i..a.^/i/^/ <^^<2.^—^24^'^^■e— ' . U> ■' 0Xr03t:U^l^.-jdi^^-2-Jl=L. ..JC^ *~^ ^.1 /TTT —SF-yo-p^ -TfU-^i-^vL. Dc^ls County Public Ubrafy Mocksville, NO u eL 0 u- 1 »•» <n *•" «C cQ t VD u> ac ct =» s: <J asg. f'T-g'c. ' «£«^—y/^y S?!jf-^ -.<&3C&=£«i -/ y) <^2=21":;^.^;=:^ QAdA<i^ (E>jX,^u2L^i2JZ~. Z^J^S . f I^jf X2J~^ ^ Y/Af^A ^ - "■ - . 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County Public Ubraiy Mocksviile, NC -r -y ■r^..«<»-ag=r=:i=SL '^(h ^ ^ 7 - ^ ^ Fork Baptist Church 1956 -1957 Pages 10-11 W- I t- ta. <C <o Davie County Public Library Mocksville, North Carolina UJ a: o % <J \ V/» 1 Fork Baotlat Church 1936"37 Following are highlights of activities at Fork Baptist Church during the church year of 3956-57 that are not r corded in the Church letter: On October 7> ^93^» ihe new church Officers were elected and also the budget for the new church year was adopted. The total hmount of such budget was $80X6.00, an all time high for Fork. On December 2, 1956, the Church authorized the Church Trustees to execute a Loan with the Mocksville Building Loan Co. for $20p00, such money to supplement the Building SVind. Immediately after the workhip services on December 9, 1956, a brief ground breaking service was held, for the new educational wing. Participating in the service were the Pastor, Deacons, Building and Finance Committees, the Builder and the Heads of the Church Departments. A picture of the service was taken and was later published the the Mocksville Bnterprise and the Biblical Recorder. On Monday night, December 24, 1956, the Church presented a very interesting Christmas Program. After the program, the Young Peoples'Department of the Training Union sponsored a Christmas Carol Sing in the homes of the "shut-ins'* In January 1957» the Church observed the January %ble Study Week, ^'or five nights our Pastor taught the book, The Gospel According to Paul by Clifton J• Alien. On February 10, 1957, Junie Livengood was ordained as a Deacon. On February 17, 1957, P.M. was elected Church Historian. This was the first time th'tt R member had been elected to this office. The Church also voted to contribute $10 per month to the Baptist Hour Program. On this date, the Church further voted to rebind the old Minute Books. On March 17, 1957, the Church instructed, P.M. Johnson, the Church Historian to publish the manuscript titled A Concise History of Fork Baptist Church by Wilson F. Merrell. In March the Church observed "Alcohol Education Week, sponsored by the Training Union. The Beginner through the Adult Departments participated in the Study. On May 19, 1957, the Church voted to install a lighting rod system on the old structure of Church Building. Also on this date, it was decided that the insurance coverage on the Church be increased by $20,000. In cooperation with the Davie County Soil Conservation Department, on May 26, 1957, the general theme of the worship service related to **Soll Stewardship" On Sunday ni^t, June 9, 1957, the Vacation Bible School Commencement was held. After the worship Program, each department gave a brief program. * Handiwork and workbooks wore on display after the Commencement Program. The HAXs and the Pastor were at the Fruitlsnd In- titute during the first week in July. During the second week in July Mr. Don Hinshaw, a student at the New Orleans Seminary, taught a Ohoirnglchool. o davie CO priRi ir* , MOuKbMLLE, Nc \b In July, the book A Concise History of ^ork Baptist Church by Wilson JJerrell, was made av-.ilable. The book was published by the Clay Printing Company, Winston-^^alem, N.C. It is a hard back, cloth bound edition. The Church authorized the Finance Committee to give one of these books free to any person contributing to the Building B\ind. The Church decided to sell the book at the publisher's price of $2.00. Not only does the book cover the history of the Church from it's organization year of 1793, tut the Wsto^ includes a record of preorganization events. The History ends with the year of ^929- At this time P.M. Johnson, the Church Historian, is preparing a manuscript of the Church History since the year of 1929• Beginning on Sunday, July 21, 1937, a revivlal was held. Rev. Gerald Naylor, Pastor of the Cooleemee did the Preaching. Mr. Don Hinshaw assisted the Music i^irector in the Music Program during the week. On August 11, 1937, a Homecoming Service was held. Rev. A.C. Carter of Danville, Va. preached the Sermon. His subject was "Our Sacred Task". His Scripture text was: 11 Timothy 4:1-8. This was the same scripture used in his ordination service, at Fork Baptist Church forty-four years ago. In September, a new bulletin Board was constructed in front of the Church and also the ground around the new educational Building was landscaplid and grass sown. Also during the Church year, a new porch was added to the-Pastoriiim and cement walks laid at the Pastorium. The size of the new educational V/ing is 72' x 43'. There are three floors including the basement. The basement will include space for the "Eoung Adult Department of thp Sunday School and also the Kitchen. The first floor includes space for the Beginner and Nuse^ Departments, the Pastor's study and the Library. The iecond floor will include space for the Intermediate and Junior Departments. The building program has progressed very rapidly during the past year. At the close of the Church year, only the finishing work remained to be done. P.M. Johnson, Church Historian. Fork Baptist Church. October 8, 1957 * u cL zS DAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY rviOCAjVilLE,, NO History of Fork Baptist Church Pages 13-15 >! O Davie County Public Library Mocksviile, North Carolina u' ■X u tzt X V3l HISTORY OF FORK BAPTIST CHURCH In June 1793, a group of Christians met on the site of our present church building and organized themselves into a Baptist Church. They chose as a name for the new feliowship, Forks of the Yadkin Meetinghouse. The name was subsequently changed to Fork Baptist Meetinghouse, and later to Fork Baptist Church. The first Pastor was Rev. Benjamin Buckner. He lived a short distance south of the church site. On August 24 - 27, 1793, the Yadkin Baptist Association met with the Batons Meetinghouse located in what then was Rowan County and is now Davie County. At this session, Forks of the Yadkin Meetinghouse was admitted as a member of this association. In 1815, Rev. Buckner resigned as pastor and moved to the state of Georgia. His pastorate was for a period of 22 years. On September 15,1815, Rev. Joseph Pickler came as pastor. During his ministry there was a split in the church membership over the question of missions. Through the able leadership of Rev. Pickler, the majority of the members remained loyal to mission causes. The church clerk at that time was anti-mission and when he left the church fellowship with a number of others, he carried with him all of the church records kept up to that time. The records were never recovered. On May 24,1840, the church was saddened by the death of their beloved pastor who had so faithfully served them for a period of 25 years. From May 1840 through October 1852, 5 different pastorates served the church. In April 1852, C.W. Bessent, a member of the church, was ordained as a minister. In September 1852, he was asked to serve as supply pastor until a new pastor was called. In May 1853, he was elected as Pastor. Under Rev. Bessent's leadership, a new church building was constructed. The building committee composed of Benjamin Merrell, Rev. Bessent, and William Wyatt was appointed in November 1858. The building was completed for use in May 1862. By January 1863, the construction was complete in every respect. Today there is a pen and ink drawing of this building hanging near the library. The artist is one of our members, Glenda Hendrix Beard. Rev. Bessent resigned in September 1866, ending a pastorate of 14 years. In March 1869, the first Sunday School was organized. In the beginning there were three superintendents. They were Benjamin Merrell, A.H. Stewart, and William Foster. In 1879, the church completed the Fork Academy Building. Prof. C.A. Rominger, a Wake Forest College graduate, was chosen as the first principal. On July 30, 1893, the centennial services were held. Program participants were: Prof. John T. Alderman, Attorney Jacob Stewart, Rev. J.A. Spaight, Rev. T.S. Sprinkle, and Rev. C.S. Cashwell. In 1907, the church building that was completed during the church year 1862 -1863 was torn down and a new building was constructed. Also an arbor was built during 1907. While the new church building was being constructed, services were held in the Academy Building. The first church training organization was established in 1913. It was known then as the BYPU. J.R. Foster was the first director. In 1917, the church held the first homecoming. The 2nd Sunday in August was selected as the time for annual celebration and they have continued on that day since that year. In 1924, the first WMU was organized. Mrs. Blanche Burton was elected president. Mrs. Burton was the Church Clerk in 1926 when her home was destroyed by fire. The church minutes for the period beginning January 1,1917 through April 24,1926 were destroyed by the fire. Oavie County Pud::-:: LiDiai>2 ... Wawiu w ; \ ^ MocksvtilS, ^1 In 1929, the church authorized Prof. Wilson F. Merrell to write a history of the church. He completed his manuscript. A Concise History of Fork Baptist Church, in 1930 and on October 22,1930 read this history to the church. He died on June 21,1931 before the publication of the manuscript. Subsequent to this death the manuscript became lost and was later found by Mrs. Charles Utiey, the wife of a former pastor. The church instructed Mr. Johnson to publish the manuscript In 1957. In 1931, construction on the new Sunday School rooms was started. The two small rooms in the back of the sanctuary were torn away and a two story addition was constructed. The construction was finished In 1937. The long construction period was attributable to the state of the economy during these Depression Years. In 1948, a pastorium was completed. In 1949, Rev. Lonnie Fleming was called as our first full-time pastor. During the pastorate of Rev. A.M. Kiser, the church appointed P.M. Johnson as the first church historian in 1957. In 1958, the East educational wing of the church was completed. The first brotherhood was organized in 1958 with P.M. Johnson as the first president. In 1964, the church finished remodeling the old educational rooms In the back of the sanctuary and brick walls \were constructed around this section and the sanctuary. Rev. Del Suggs was pastor then. Rev. Roy Young was called as pastor in 1965. During his tenure, Rev. Young led two mission groups on trips to the midwest. The church recorded its highest Sunday School attendance on record averaging in the 270's during this time period. In 1966, Mr. Robert Lee Seaford completed 40 years as Sunday School Director. Rev. Yates King Wilkinson, Jr. was called as pastor in 1973. He began his work on March 26,1973. In July 1973, he led a group of 37 members on a mission trip to Elyria. Ohio. The first award was made from the Melissa Merrell Scholarship Fund in 1974. The recipient was Roger Cope, a student at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, N.C. In 1976, our country observed the 2aoth year of our independence. The church wanted to do something special for this celebration. A committee was appointed to bring this about. The committee decided to publish our first church directory. Subsequently, other directories were published in 1982 and 1990. Rev. Wilkinson finished his work as pastor of our church on March 22,1981. Rev. Gordon L. Joyner began his pastorate on August 30,1981. He came from the Highlands Baptist Church, Hope Mills, N.C. On February 20, 1983, the church authorized P.M. Johnson to compile and publish the booklet, Fork Baptist Church Cemeterv Directory. The cemetery was established In October 1849. This publication contains a record of burial through April 1983. On March 16, 1986, the church accepted a recommendation from the Long Range Pianning Committee to purchase a transportation vehicle for church use. On February 8, 1967, the church ^ accepted three additional recommendations of this committee. First, that the church appoint a special building committee for the construction of new additions to our church building. Secondly, that the ' church conduct a religious census. Thirdly, that a study be made of a special report prepared by the committee with respect to safety measures that the church should take to avoid lawsuits that might be K brought against the church by persons alleging injuries due to negiigence on the part of the church « personnel. Early in the year of 1990, Rev. Gordon Joyner gave notice that he intended to resign at the end of 12 the year. A search committee was appointed. On November 18,1990, the committee recommended 5 that Rev. Kenneth R. Evans of Morehead City, N.C. be called as pastor. He was, at that time, pastor of a rJ X ■d 78700 MOCkSVii:?. the Bogue Banks Baptist Church, Atlantic Beach, N.C. The recommendation was accepted He beas his work as pastor on January 20,1991. k ^ ucyc M ^ voted to award a contract to WIshon and Carter Builders, YadkinvilliN C. for the construction of new additions to the church building. These included new offices, librar fellowship hall, and a rough-in of a second story floor space over the office area. On August 18.1991. Karen Wilson Pruette was called as Minister of Youth. The new additions to the church building were dedicated on Sunday. May 17,1992. Throughout the year of 1992, the History Committee was making plans and putting plans in fore for our Bicentennial Year in 1993. One of the plans was the publication of this directory. Members of thi committee are as follows: Peggy Rummage, Chairperson P.M. Johnson Seth Carter Ann Barnhardt jane Jones Morrison Carter Sam Sheets Ryan Foster Gladys Lowe Jean Evans Carter assisted the committee in preparing the directory for publication. The names of our pastors with their years 1793-1815 Rev. Benjamin Buckner 1815-1840 Rev. Joseph Pickler 1840 -1841 Rev. Barton Roby 1841 -1843 William H. Hammer 1844 -1849 Rev. William Turner 1849 -1851 Rev. Thomas Miller 1851 -1853 Rev. Richard Jacks 1853 -1866 Rev. C.W. Bessent 1866 -1869 Rev. John W. Cornish 1869 -1870 Rev. John Redwine 1870 -1885 Rev. William Turner 1885 -1888 Rev. C.E. Gower 1888-1890 Dr. J.N. Stallings 1890 -1891 Rev. C.S. Caswell 1891 -1893 Rev. John Redwine 1893 -1896 Rev. S.F. Conrad 1896 -1898 Rev. S.J. Beeker 1899 -1900 Rev. J.M. Bennett, Jr. 1901 -1903 Rev. Charles H. Utiey 1904 n 1,908 Rev. E.L. Westonns of service follows: 1908-1912 1912-1915 1916 1917 1918-1919 1920-1922 1923 1924-1932 1932-1935 1936-1938 1938-1948 1949 1949-1952 1952-1961 1962-1965 1965-1972 1973-1981 1981 -1990 1991 - Rev. W.R. Davis Rev. S.W. Hall Rev. W.H. Dodd Dr. B.C. Ingram Rev. W.L. Barrs Rev. H.T. Penry Rev. W.L. Barrs Rev. E.W. Turner Rev. E.F. Mumford Rev. E.W. Turner Rev. H.W. Hutchens Rev. Lonnie Fleming Rev. L.M. Tenery Rev. A.M. Kiser Rev. Del Suggs Rev. Roy Young Rev. Yates K. Wilkinson Rev. Gordon L. Joyner Rev. Kenneth R. Evans There have been eleven members ordained to the gospel ministry. Their names and year of ordination follow: > 1841 William H. Hamer 1889 George L. Merrell 1913 Gray Carter J B. Newton 1922 Robert Cletus Foster 1BRQ ^ - B.K. Mason 1973 Roger Cope1869 John Redwine .1913 June Carter During the 200 years of our history there is a record of baptisms for 149 of those years. There is either a church, or an associational, record for these years in the amount of 1.702. P.M. Johnson, Member History Committee Member, History Committee Deeds Pages 17-24 at > i/» Davie County Public Library U) X 4i.' x xj Mocksviiie, North Carolina /feTSZ. dttW^^ i/AelC C^£ fie/7^ee e e fif fi7//^ fi/e^ T^ertef^ .y0////e/c L ^£i fie / /1 fi/-~ — re/'eeA Of-tefif^ ^ei'eT^c.fit V^ £-fi7errJ^ -X - ■f-f/- '» -' t? ^ /'^ir 7y'7jt.^^'^r~7 c^^- *- ^7^7) r-, j, _ 7 ^,./5 f"-'' ■ ' ' . >, •f ■ j/ -f/j ;! ■ ■■!ii.1 ■ ' ■■:J1 7j^/r ^ ' :' * |r . / / I " . ■■'^^/p/-'. 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Jr/ij^ ^ ^ci/a^^, 0 \ ai c^ o h K O <£ ^ ^ n N , v-^. ■> ■- • ' "^ •- V ^ ,-) v\ ■■o-v*j^ ■_ ., w:. . ■■'s- -•• - • ;; r> . - X ,-. V ^ ■ ■' • "^ ■ S^*^'•>••■ " ^ .-. ■> i «p w £ O ci 6 ■c cJ Davie County Public Library Mocksvilley NC 1^ M y 4J^t/:^ca^ p/ A-^yC ^^ccP^Zy^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Am^j n I £^'y^ ys-./yy^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ p.^^SdU-Sa-'t^y'^^CZc. ^ 0ay}^0^d ^ c ^ ^ ^ a^ yjC>^yy.^ ^ ^ lulyZ^ oS a^ OyyiX py0^ay ^-^,^ m'> . /W0Z^aylyiy^ - - - n ^ "'V - -V 5.i^y/ee / e-y ' <■' ' n» J3 '■^?5 JD "^ 56I'lorr' <-^ § o C^Ci STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA^DAVTE COUNTY. Tlifr^eM^tf^of tho foMgoiiig/<Ui^t<i<i^...Tas thla day duly proven before me, S^^rior court in and for,tbe county aforesaid, by tUe oath and examination of tlie subscribinf wit ness thereto. Let the aame^itii tills cirtiflcate be registered. c. i C. •. s . •. -I,-- Public Library^ocksville, NC (Jty ^ d. o U- t l- \n k- o. a: cQ \r> Ui X u d si i <U Davie County Public UbfMf Mocksvilleg NQ^ .,. ' 1 >r^ sP' y^j0 ^/!L< ^Xj:? (z y t ZtUuufp ■^19 O^t y /^uz^Lcf^Cy /p\, 1-0 -V t) -7^- FORM 21 i;i—WARRANTY DEED la^nr. j.iaS)3L. Printed and lor aale by Edwards A BroiiEbton Co., Raleigb NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY THIS DEED, made this /.(& day of , A.D. 19 A^, hy 'kk:jh^<!n of County and Slate of. fof the first part . I yt/\/C£x^ County and State of. of the second part: WiTNESSETH, That said. V .in. finmnA^raiixifi of.. in consideration of [...^^iAJtO..^Dollars, to...^lS2i^.p^hy...^.A...^^^^^^ the receipt of which is hereby achnoioledged, ha ft bargained and sold, and by these presents do..^^.^ grant, bargain, sell and convey to said.. heirs and as.dgns, a certain tract or parcel of land in County, Slate of.. D. e-: , adjoining the lands of.^-A...."^. ..and others, and bounded as follows, viz.: \l 3<^ ^-r "^ssssf Li KC brarv C^\yC^i yCc^9s^, i3 1— r ' e> U — ^ : \1 •a ' ^ W A R R A N T Y D E E D T O y r ; ; ^ C o n s i d e r a t i o n . . D a t e d — d a y o f . ' i > " F i l e d f o r r e g i s . i h s i e - . > ' o n V i e . . 2 a t h J d a y o f . . 1 9 3 i C : - n A ^ " > i - T a t . — 1 2 . : J L Q — o ' c l o c k , a n d r e g i s - - . t e r e d i n t h e o f f i c e o f t h e R e g i s t e r o f D e e d s f o r • D a v i e C o u n t y , N . 0 . , t h i s 2 0 d a y o f 1 9 9 4 a t X 2 l X 0 . o ' c l o c k . . . . . ^ . * . . . M i n B o o k . . X l . ^ . o f D e e d s , o n y a g e . . . S 7 3 , e t c . R e g i s t e r o f D e e d s . v c v . " " z g j ; ; ' : ; " C o u n t y . ■ I P - ' : F o r m — 2 1 1 H — i o m - c - 2 0 - 2 8 A s s i s t a n t / ' i & C 9 • : 3 o j O • » 3 a D - r = O o O S g > O Ministers Pages 26 - 30 Qi O U- \r' H* o. <C cD Davie County Public Library ^ Mocksville, North Carolina 3^5 • fl • ^y i I -^- \ <l D d BiosraphioS^M^eh;t^'eT%nTy li^ ^^tpry of the Liberty Association, page 68, . i ' "^JLUgJ-CtjJ*JLJUva.j. «-vw - Liberty Association, j»ase 68, ■? Hev, V/illlaro Henly 9s|mnex was hoxp ip;;Alhemarlp ooiinty, Va.Hovemher 8,1808,'hi? laeath ooouijxoa ^lept.6, |8%, ana he was therefore in hlsi; 88t;h,-year at the time of | blS| ^eath. ■ Jlt what time he| perclsea faith in Christ pr joinea the ohuroh is not knpm.Ut the time pf his oraination to the eos- ^ 3,el ministry he was a member of Fprk ohuroji, Dovie county, K.O. - I _ - Twj Bo-r*-hnn Rob.V tO 3It aS R Q j S 4.!CO o !=5 :2r„ By' CD PeterThis church Inylte^ elders■ ' ■ i ,il ■J ■/I .r ■ ,Ov/en and Barton RoLy to sit as 0 g a pres])ytery to :exap,lne Mr.l^amner to hlS; qi^alificatlons f , ^ the ereat work to which he felt a a;^vine oall.His gx^alificationsapuearing to the satisfaction of I the presbytery he was solemnly . set apart on the 3oth aay of June I84I,The first text from which he ever aiscoursea wa-s;-! speak as unto wise men,3uage ye what X say," After his oraination he servea Fork church 1841-1844;hpea-s ; _ ' X fi oaas 1843; Abbptf's Creek, ^844-1845j^arapn,I869-I877,inc^s slve. ' As his time was not all eitgagea in the ;minlstx-y,he workea at his traae, .that.of saaaie ana harness making. He was an hop^ workman. It is believea that he never palmea off a piece of sfioa- 1 : - t ' : dy worlc in his li^e# lie was a man of robust charactey.His opportunities for an ea- ucation were quite limitea.Haa he :^een an eaucafea man^ he v;ouia have been an intellectual giant.Few men of l^s aavantages we,e his- equal in the knowleage of the Bible, -e aelightea in aispuss- ^ing laaotty questions in theology.He fearea to measure sv,oras^wi .man.3ome: of his brethren thought him to be hyper- alArenis^ cin his Views on the aoctrine of election; thie was probably be- ^ . cause they aia not unaerstana it p he aia. ' ■ :Dayie Co. Public Library ■ i"" b r < »^ ^ J ^.il^ ■ . m' tA .-Il-u a I T.; ■ Mocksviile,;N. C. r- . . - r- — r ■« .e . l . - o >1 tK 0 . .» c ; ♦i P o o tf . 4D -t l *P p. €<= » * - P i- i . P «} ^ B O !- « . .1 3 * P P f- ^ -! « - ja •o «+ tj * -® << j «D « P ® JD P p. :h O P p < ® 15 ® O I P' p*0 1 p +5 p a P P H-P P =. o -P c+O W p €p p p p. tr o p -- -. - - ■ - -^ ^ P -p i « I- * - p —- t i - ~V i K CO C4 - __ o ^ o "H _« o —" O -T P *" - p -p tr P C+ P H- fx O P P ■p P - tr P o H ^c r p t H> to <- » • P !R P- p P P 4- ^ H-P P P W v; »- b H- O ct P c+ P O p pi P Xf p c+ ct P P -< O X *c p* o •c J p c+ 4- ^ c+ p «t —P :- = + ^ ■ o* o P o I- ' ® -= 4 - ^ P P p f- 1 . P P- o -• o P o* p < - I- * -n g g- It r n i t B l a ■! ■i M w i i U V f mV p -> ^ o p -. ® „ p p ct P A ch P*P"P :0 4- ' pi -8 P -P . O -i r . p ^p . P p'® -P «+p .. . t i p c+ ■- - p - "t P P li t - o ; p P ■ : P T: r ; , - s i - ^ ~ — , -- r v - "4 ^ ^T ' -s rV i i ii i a a i p P* P P ., . . w O ^ ._ 4 3 ' . . ._ _ , CO P P "o " ~ ^ p 'B •4 - i "j j . p ■ P* N . . 1- ^ p «+ P* P ct G .. . — +X .p i M o p P _p ff . e+ P- P*J ^ . . . . ■- * . . . , . . .. .w . . 1. . . ■f l u n i r^ n r r r r i A i i - f i DA V I E CO . PU B L I C LI B R A R Y MO C K S V I L L E , NO (I h U i ^ C h C ' 3 - FA I ^ K - a c+ p w P cf o P cf B B P : fi B B B p cf p a t - p B B cf ta cf ;- • p cf to p \ B ® cf ♦P B p to P [- - -, . ■ a ' a P « O H !- • -P cf p « .« « B cf P P ^- B P p ♦- b p B k - ■< e B P to P P f- * a P* o P O B to P P to =- - ■ .- - -n ■ B -f j oO CU - i T'L-L tt "S ' -o o 4- »A CO ID V; i- ^ . -a ■ H- -c + rP ' cf -D* ID O to iH - P: - 3 1^B a to P B B B to o P o B B p cf B B to fi B ♦3 P C O P P ;p ID B cf « to P B B a B B o p, a 0 ID P P o a *a P B -p 'B - >1 B p a p O O *- •P' -t s ' f- ^B J ^ tr of tJ * tr o js g fl , H B^ c+ B p) B P sg O fj 2- p B t: r O O • (D ID p j: : tj * -c f - ;| _ J - O tr W £ _ ^ ' < ® ♦» P* f3 13 ID ® ^ O H. ^ B cf cf p O P O p* ^ . -- 3 P O CD ♦p ID jP _ -J i _c f _P » B #- » g ID p* cf pi ID B B 't f « O cf o c+ P* '> * P t* O p. P «« ^ - -i - f * —J - * ID *i ® ^ rt „ o to ~~ p -p ' B ^ ^ ® ' o ^ P B ,o o p p- H- to »- k ~ !- • -• to <+ p ■ . ^ ^ *p B >j . -> j -i p xn B P -H l- » >i -o <+ p* ® p fi >* „B -B ® O ID B to O cf ID -p -p -p >* O —p i —O ^ ID xf B ID o to p P to to P ^ cf to OB B O * O p ^ pa o f- ' a o J H. ^ ID P cf .< O f- ' O - p to ~P cf p f- i * fc J ^ -p -4 3 ID -t o ® -P _ . JD 0 • B ^ B B to f- b to f- f c to O to p B a B J- i -J ® .. p . -B to cf << ! ^ a I- * * . B - to ^ - p B O ID •P : ID . ^ P ^ f| to to B P* -I D - -^ 1 B O O H P . to •^ " 1 "M I S P* =V 5 B cf O -O -S -P B to B -P p _: P cf _J W -. J ? P . . - _ '" B ' p . "p -t o • O o ef Pi -o * ■* < ID -B -B -H pi P to to -B * H- —— c f „a - B Si f l —- P —p i 0 P p -> • O cf —H * B —^ P . P- to cf to cf O •P ^ 4- » -P P P to - -B -o ® *0 P p cf S B -- B —t o — -— « • p to cf O to o O w ft cf -P .f P to B P P P ef : -t o to to DA V I E CO . PU B L I C Ui P l A f ^ f MO C K S V I L L E r NO - fo ft ft V S T - fo l i l C g p c+p- H p o c+ c+ p- p* -P p £) < } -o to P t- * P- P P P P* O P «1 - P s CD * P ^ tr o 38 p O a o ft o ct P pi P* P-P p. P o p P <+ P p- B +i P p & p cr (g ) 2 O «+ cf P- ■g -p f *P to P . to P OR } to P- P el - P o v; -. P p P O g c+O to o p to "f t to -H to p d" p- 1 p p p o o p* P .« to -3 e cr < tu -t o -O p ♦a to -o p p • P P C3 r * < to -P • > p t] R ) -g tr P P p ^p ♦a to .. . P A - - P P*p OJ } jy o P o* —to cr cf p P << 5 O P to p C Ot } p vr Pi c+ «d 6 y to to P o ♦J . P p •• • -p p P c< - P p P - , fi o "P - M. P P P P P y &CR } .. t o -P - P P p to .. p ■ ■ P -i J pi -1 = ^ P to to —a » -j - f c p P P 09 to y g g ft g ft 6 ft g DA V I E CO . PU B L I C LI B I W R Y MO C K S V I L L E , NC • V \ \ ^ Whexi tU© last d©y ^aae, Ayrl?. .6, I8j39^ i^a hi^ajaoiiipaptpn, I^ad dp^vpn to Npw prip^4^iiPi ^h©^© )i^ ^ad p|r^ao3i^4, thijPty- throe y;e^6# It iif.as pj stpriny ,dayt ! ^^ ^pld ja, shprt a©ryio,e. On the v/^y home hO; fSjlJ. Ih .^d e|2pired«l He went tp he with Him w^pm he had ep pftpn pre,ache,d to other©, •»Blp8epd are thp dpadi that dj.p in. tjxe ! ! 1 , 1 1 ' I i i li !: t i' " 1 1 ii i' i '' i !: I i ; ^ n S OQ o : ^ ^ • ^ LU ! —I -1 ) OQ -J ! ? ^0- cn ! n PI °g bb! ' I Is I ! ; I ! '• i i t ; ; M Davie Co. Public Librarjf . , M Mocksvijle,!:(>I..C. f; I ' S ; ' . : ' ' i i ' ' - • ImU zc> Bulletins Pages 32-38 ad O » ir v> P flu <C , Davie County Public Library ^ Mocksville, North Carolina X i 3\ Fo r k Ba p t i s t Ch u r c h MO C K S V I L L E , NO R T H CA R O L I N A HW Y . 64 EA S T - RO U T E 3, BO X 23 5 - MO C K S V I L L E , NC 27 0 2 8 ir f N [- 1 WE L C O M E TO GO D ' S HO U S E To th o s e wh o ar e we a r y an d ne e d re s t ; to al l wh o ar e lo n e l y an d ne e d fr ie n d s ; to al l wh o nw u m an d ne e d co m f o r t ; to al l wh o si n an d ne e d a Sa v i o r ; an d to al l wh o wi l l co m e an d wo r s h i p - th i s Ch u r c h op e n s wi d e it s do o r s an d sa y s , in th e na m e of ou r Lo r d , Ch r i s t Je s u s , "W E L C O M E " ^ . ■. v- V Da v l e G o W M i i c L i t Mo a k s v l l i e ^ N@ C. V \ u a C H G S -C > A f T \ S T -F o d K . I' O R K BA I ' T I S r Cl I U R G t l SU N D A Y , Ju n e 27 , 19 9 3 "2 ( f 0 YE A R S - TO U C H I N G LI V E S FO R JE S U S " Mo t i i l i t g Wo r s h i p Ke u i i e l h R. Ev a n s f) r . Ro y Sm i l l i 20 0 t h Bi r t h J a v 1 lo . ' l s Pa s t o r Gu e s t Sp e a k e r Ca l l to Wo r s h i p *C a I I to Wo r s h i p fV e Ne e d " ♦I n v o c a t i o n Re g i n a l d Se a F o r d ♦ I ly n i n H. I 75 " '7 i . r So Sw e e t to Tr u s t hi Je s t t s " ♦W e l c o m e d An n o u n c e m e n t s Pa s t o r Re c o g n i t i o n of tl i e Hi s t o r y Co m m i t t e e / D i g n i t a r i e s Sp e c i a l Mu s i c Se r v i c e Mc h d y Ad u l t Ch o i r Sl i a i i i i g ^ ♦o n T e r t o f y ll v t o j j ^3 9 1 "S t a n d Vp , St a n d Vp / b r Je s u s " ^ ♦O f T c i t o r y Pl a y e r OI T e t i i i g ♦ "G o d Is So Go o d " ri o c l a n i a t i o n "r i a c k to th e Fu t u r e " Pa s t o r Sp e c i a l Mu s i c " l OU C I l I N G Id V E S FO R JE S U S " Ad u l t Ch o i r In t r o d u c t i o n of Gu e s t Sp e a k e r Mo r n i n g Me s s a g e Dr . Sm i t h ♦ I ly m r i of ln v i ! a l i o n / / ' / 7 5 "l l c t o r y in Je s u s " ♦I l e n e d i c t i o n *< ^ - h o r u s *J ! o w Gr e a t Th o u Ar t " Fr e d Wi l s o n Mu s i c Di r e c t o r No r a Sm i t h Or g a n i s t Je n n y Yo s t Pi a n i s t Je a n n a Jo n e s El e c . K e y b o a r d s Ka r e n Pr u e t t e Yo u t h Mi n i s t e r (i l a d y s K o w e Se c r e t a r y Da v i e co u n t y Pu d u c uD r a r y Mo c k s v i l i e , NO WE L C O M E , GU E S T SP E A K E R A wa r m we l c o m e to Dr . Ro y Sm i t h , Ex e c . Di r . - T r e a s . of f th e Ba p t i s t St a t e Co n v e n t i o n , as he co m e s to sp e a k to us on th i s ve r y im p o r t a n t oc c a s i o n . Dr . Sm i t h is a na t i v e of Fr a n k l i n , NC an d is ma r r i e d to th e fo r m e r , Do r i s El i z a b e t h Fe a r c e . Th e y ha v e th r e e ch i l d r e n an d fi v e gr a n d c h i l d r e n . He wa s ed u c a t e d at Fr a n k l i n Hi g h sc h o o l , B. A . - Wa k e Fo r e s t , B. D . - So u t h e a s t e r n Ba p t i s t Th e o l o g i c a l Se m i n a r y , Wa k e Fo r e s t , Ho n o r a r y Dr . of Di v i n i t y De g r e e fr o m Ca m p b e l l Un i v . , Gr a d u a t e st u d i e s - N. C . St a t e Un i v . , Em o r y Un i v . , an d S. E . Ba p t i s t Th e o l o g i c a l Se m i n a r y . Dr . Sm i t h ha s se r v e d in ma n y ar e a s at th e Ba p t i s t St a t e Co n v e n t i o n . He ha s wr i t t e n fo r Ro y a l Se r v i c e , Ch u r c h Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n , Se a r c h , an d Co n t e m p o ma g a z i n e s . We ar e ve r y ha p p y to ha v e Dr . Sm i t h as ou r gu e s t sp e a k e r to he l p wi t h ou r "a O O t h Bi r t h d a y Ce l e b r a t i o n . " We l c o m e , Ka t h y Yo u n g Ka t h y wi l l sh a r e he r te s t i m o n y in so n g at 2: 0 0 to d a y . Re a r e d in th e ch u r c h , sh e be g a n si n g i n g as a yo u n g ch i l d , si n g i n g fo r ch u r c h se r v i c e s , me e t i n g s an d ci v i c gr o u p s th r o u g h o u t Co l o r a d o . Sh e is ma r r i e d to Re v . R Vi n c e n t Yo u n g , pa s t o r of Co u r t n e y Ba p t i s t Ch u r c h an d th e y ha v e th r e e ch i l d r e n , Sh a w n , Sh a n n o n an d Sh a l e n e . Fo r th e pa s t si x ye a r s sh e ha s se r v e d as Mi n i s t e r of Mu s i c at Co u r t n e y Ba p t i s t , ta u g h t pr i v a t e pi a n o & vo i c e le s s o n s , an d ha s ta u g h t at We s t Ya d k i n Sc h o o l . A ve r y sp e c i a l we l c o m e to Ka t h y as sh e co m e s to sh a r e in ou t "2 0 0 t h An n i v e r s a r y Ce l e b r a t i o n " th i s af t e r n o o n . SP E C I A L WE L C O M E A ve r y sp e c i a l we l c o m e to al l wh o vi s i t wi t h us on th i s sp e c i a l "2 0 0 t h An n i v e r s a r y Ce l e b r a t i o n . Yo u ar e ou r ho n o r e d gu e s t s an d we in v i t e yo u to co m e ba c k an y t i m e yo u ca u an d wo r s h i p wi t h us . TH E BI R T H D A Y OF TH E CH U R C H (v ^ W A gi a n t TH A N K YO U to al l th e VB S te a c h e r s , he l p e r s , an d yv o r k e r s . It is tr u l y yv o n d e r f u l to ha v e so ma n y pe o p l e yv i l l i n g to gi v e of th e i r ti m e , he a r t s , an d ta l e n t s in or d e r to to u c h yo u n g li v e s fo r Je s u s . (T h a n k s al s o to th e st u d e n t s fo r co m i n g . ) Sa v ! e c O T P t y P w ' ' ' - c ' - ' ' ^ ^ ^ ' ^ Ki n c k s v i ' l e , NC fo U Y - Ar r U C A T I O N ME L I S S A ME R R E L L SC l l O L A R S l l l P rt J N D FO R K nA P T I S T CI t U R C I I Nn m f c of Ap f t h c A n f ! AH d r e s s : Co l l c f t t / i n s f . At t e n d i n g : Wl i n t ye a r at co l l e g e ; (C i r c l e on e ) Fr e s h m a n , So p h o m o r e , Ju n i o r , Se n i o r , Ma s t o r , Do c t o r a t e Ag e ; ^ Pa r e n t ' s Na m e ; Ad d i t i o n a l Co m m e n t s ; Re t u r n to : Mr s . iJ b Lt v c n g n o d Rt . 4. Ro t 42 4 1 Le s l n g t o n , NC 27 2 9 i Ih e Me l i s s a Me r r e l l Co m m i t t e e re q u e s t s th e s e to be tu r n e d In by Ju l y 15 t h , aS th e U. S . Go v e r n m e n t re q u i r e s Sc h o l a r s h i p s be us e d on tu l t l o r t or be re p o r t e d as sn l a r y l Th i s gi v e s us ti m e to me e t Ar i d Aw i r d th e Sc h o l a r s h i p aS tu i t i o n Is us u a l l y pa y a b l e In ea r l y Au g u s t . Th a n h s ! Li b Ll v e n g o o d Ch a i r p e r s o n ' M. M . Sc h . Fu n d Co p i e s of fo r m ar e av a i l a b l e In of l l c e . NU R S E R Y W O R K E R S r. Sa r a h & Ro b e r t S. 11 . B i l l & Pe g g y S. CH I L D R E N ' S SE R M O N Ju n e 27 - Cl a r a Ma e Ju l y 4 - No n e Ju n e 27 - Ju l y 4 - Ch o i r GR E E T E R S Ju n e 27 - Ro b e r t H. Ju l y 4 - St e v e / R e g i n a l d NU R S E R Y WO R K E R S -J u l v 4 I. Ke n n e t h & Fr a n c e s R. II . D o n n i e & Li n d a D. ^ OA K HA V E N RE S T HO M E Ju n e 27 -P e g g y R. Ju l y 4 - Li b / G l o r i a . SP E C I A L MU S I C (N O Ev e n i n g Sv c . ) (N O Ev e n i n g Sv c . ) DE A C O N OF WE E K Ju n e 27 - Re g i n a l d d Ju l y 4 - Mi k e M. •L i b e r t y is de a r l y bo u g h t , co n t i n u a l l y pa i d fo r an d di f f i c u l t to ke e p . /S Ou r ch u r c h ' s on n i v e r s o r y wy '— —I 10 : 3 0 Be l l ri n g s to cl o s e S, S . 10 : 4 5 Mo r n i n g Wo r s h i p - Dr , Ro y Sm i t h "2 0 0 t h An n i v . Ce l e b r a t i o n " Co v e r e d di s h lu n c h in fe l l o w s h i p ha l l Af t e r n o o n "s a n g i n g ' f e a t u r i n g : Ka t h y Yo u n g NO Ev e n i n g Se r v i c e s (n e x t bu s . co n f Ju l y 25 ) 28 - 7: 0 0 Vi s i t a t i o n CO M I N G IN JU L Y JU L Y Ju l y 4 - In d e p e n d e n c e Da y ! Co m m u n i o n De b t Re t i r e m e n t Su n d a y NO Ev e n i n g Se r v i c e s Ju l y 5 - Ch u r c h Of c . cl o s e d Ou t r e a c h Ci r c l e NO Mt g . in Jn l v Ju l y 10 - Ha p p y Bi r t h d a y ! Mr . Ol i n Ba r i i h a r d f Ju l y 11 - De a c o n Ba l l o t s av a i l a b l e 5: 3 0 De a c o n s Mt g . 6: 3 0 Yo u t h Co u n c i l Mi n i s t r y Ju l y 12 - 5: 3 0 Bi b l e St u d y Ci r . me e t at th e ch u r c h to go to Ro n a l d Mc D o n a l d Ho u s e . Ju l y 13 - 2: 0 0 Pr a y e r Ci r c l e 7: 3 0 Cu r r e n t Mi s s i o n s Ju l y 18 - De a c o n El e c t i o n ( 4 to se r v e 3 ye a r s an d 1 to se r v e 1) Ju l y 28 - 11 : 3 0 Fi f t y Pl u s Lu n c h e o n Ha p p y "5 3 " An n i v . Dw i g h t & Fr a n c e s Sh u l e r Ju l y 29 - Ca r o w i n d s tr i p Ju l y 12 - Ju l y 13 - Ju l y 18 - Ju l y 28 - ir , UD i o i j •G o — no t kn o w i n g wh e r e ; br i n g — no t kn o w i n g wh a t ; th e pa t h is lo n g , th e wa y un k n o w n ; th e Ch r i s t i a n kn o w s no t ho w to ar r i v e th e r e by hi m s e l f . —R u s s i a n fa i r y ta l e C. H ^ A . C . H 6 5 " Te l l o f S o d ' s T SA L V A T I O N IN AP P R E C I A T I O N We gr a t e f u l l y ap p r e c i a t e th e Hi s t o r y Co m m i t t e e fo r al l th e pr a y e r s an d pl a n n i n g in br i n g i n g ab o u t th e "2 0 0 t h An n i v e r s a r y Ce l e b r a t i o n " th i s ye a r . Me m b e r s of th i s co m m i t t e e ar e : Pe g g y Ru m m a g e ^ Ch a i r p e r s o n , P, M . Jo h n s o n , Sa m Sh e e t s , Ry a n Fo s t e r , Pa s t o r Ev a n s , An n Ea r n h a r d t , Se t h Ca r t e r , Ja n e Jo n e s , an d Gl a d y s Lo w e . We gr e a t l y ap p r e c i a t e al l wh o ha v e as s i s t e d th i s co m m i t t e e in an y wa y . Th a n k s to Bo n n i e Go o d i n an d Ti n y He n d r i x j f b r de c o r a t i n g th e fe l l o w s h i p ha l l , so be a u t i f u l l y , fo r th i s ce l e b r a t i o n ! AB O U T TH E SO N G "T O U C H I N G LI V E S FO R JE S U S " A ve r y sp e c i a l TH A N K S to on e of ou r ow n me m b e r s , Ji m m y Ba i l e y , fo r wr i t i n g th i s so n g fo r ou r ce l e b r a t i o n . It is a ve r y ^ ap p r o p r i a t e so n g fo r ou r an n i v e r s a r y . Th a n k s to Je n n y Yo s t , ou r pi a n i s t , fo r wr i t i n g th e mu s i c to th i s so n g . TH A N K S : To al l wh o ha v e su n g du r i n g th e mo n t h of Ju n e an d to al l wh o wi l l be si n g i n g du r i n g th e se r v i c e to d a y . We ap p r e c i a t e ea c h of yo u . •N e v e r lo o k do w n on ot h e r s ; on l y Go d si t s th a t hi g h . ^ i A TT E N T I O N YO U T H Th i s su m m e r ou r Yo u t h Mi n i s t e r , Ka r e n Pr u e t t e , wi l l be at th e c. n n e . ch u r c h in he r of f i c e , on Th u r s d a y af t e r n o o n s , fr o m 1: 0 0 to 4: 0 0 . If yo u ne e d to se e he r , ju s t dr o p by . (L r t U l C l C H E 5 - IN SY M P A T H Y Ou r Ch r i s t i a n Sy m p a t h y is ex p r e s s e d to th e fa m i l y of Mr s . Ma r t h a Pa g e , wh o di e d on Mo n d a y . Mr s . Pa g e wa s th e si s t e r of El i z a b e t h Ru s h i n g . An d to th e fa m i l y of Mr s . Pe a r l Ha m r i c k , Al i c e Wi l s o n ' s au n t , wh o di e d Mo n d a y ni g h t . Th e pr a y e r s of al l th e pe o p l e , at Fo r k ar e wi t h th e s e fa m i l i e s du r i n g th e i r be r e a v e m e n t . HI S T O R I C A L NO T E 18 8 6 Th e Un i t e d St a t e s re c e i v e d a gi f t , fr o m Fr a n c e , of th e St a t u e of Li b e r t y . Pr e s . Gr o v e r Cl e v e l a n d ma r r i e d Fr a n c e s Fo l s o m in th e Bl u e Ro o m of th e Wh i t e Ho u s e . AT FO R K BA P T I S T CH I T R C H Br o . W. F . Me r r e l l - A. M . Ga r w o o d - Na t h a n i e l He n d r i x - W. D . Ma s o n - H. M . Fo s t e r an d Ro b e r t I. Fo s t e r we r e or d a i n e d as de a c o n s in Ju n e 18 8 6 . WE L C O M E NE W ME M B E R ! A wa r m Fo r k we l c o m e to Bi l l Da v i s , He l e n ' s hu s b a n d , wh o co m e s vi a le t t e r fr o m Ma r s h a l l Ba p t i s t Ch u r c h , Wi n s t o n - Sa l e m . We ar e ve r y gl a d Bi l l ha s ma d e th e de c i s i o n to be c o m e a me m b e r he r e . CO N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! ! ! To Mr . Ol i n Ba m h a r d t fo r be i n g th e ol d e s t fa t h e r la s t Su n d a y . We ar e ve r y th a n k f u l fo r al l yo u r fa i t h f u l ye a r s of se r v i c e at Fo r k . To Ch i p Wo o d fo r be i n g th e fa t h e r wi t h th e yo u n g e s t ch i l d . To al l th e fa t h e r s fo r th e i r ma n y pl a c e s in le a d e r s h i p th r u th e ye a r s . CH U R C H PR I N T S Pr i n t s ar e av a i l a b l e in th e ch u r c h of l i c e . Th e s e ar e th e pr i n t s of th e pi c t u r e s lo c a t e d in th e fo y e r . Ch e c k s sh o u l d be ma d e to Gl e n d a Be a r d . Tw o pr i n t s ar e $1 0 . 0 0 ea c h an d th e la r g e r (p r e s e n t bu i l d i n g ) is $2 0 . 0 0 . Pl e a s e se e Gl a d y s . CO V E R E D DI S H MJ N C I I IN EE L L O W S l l i P HA L L 2: 0 0 AF T E R N O O N SO N G SE R V I C E Fe i l l i i r i n g : Mr s . Ka l l i y Yo i i i i g il l th e sa i i c t u A r y 1 mi i S | C Si i y u n b ) (h e L o i d PR A V E i l R E O l l E S i S K. O . Mi n o r - Ba p t i s t Ho s p . Ki t t y Fe t t e - tl o s p . in Ly n c l i h u r g , Va . Ar c i i i e Mi c h a e l - Ba p t . (B i l l y Bu r k e Ba i l e y ' s bi o - i n - l a w ) AT HO M E : Ji m m y Ba r n e y , Ma t t h e w Po w e r s , Pe g g y He g e , l ip Jo n e s Ev e l y n Wy a t t , Fr e d Jo n e s , Dr . Pa r r i s h , Ma r y Lo i s Jo n e s , Mr s . Lu c i l l e El l i s , Ro b e r t Le e Se a f o r d , La r r y Jo n e s (P i i n . , Wm . R. Da v i e ) , Mr s . Pe a r l Wy a t t , Va u d a Mi n o r , Lo u i s e St e e l m a n Wa d e Wy a t t , An n a Gu l l e t , Ra b b i t Wa l s e r t I I t I l^ t 14 1 I t I I M l M I I I 14 1 I I I I I H I4 M I I 14 1 4 11 H I I SP E C I A L TH A N K S To Ro b e r t He n d r i x fo r ke e p i n g th e sh r u b b e r y wa t e r e d . An d fo r It i m i n g li m b s at th e pa r s o n a g e . Fo r oy h e r s we do n ' t , pl e a s e kn o w th a t yo u r wo r k is ap p r e c i a t e d so mu c h ! I Fa i l l i f u l n e s s Is a cf i i a l i t y of Ch r i s l l a n i l y If th e r e Is an y si n g l e qu n l U y t te t n e m b c r In th e re l i g i o u s li f e of my pa r e n t s . It Is th e i r fa i t h f u l n e s s . 1 ca n ' t re m e m b e r a Su n d a y In my ch i l d h o o d wh e n ei t h e r on e as k e d , "S l i a t I we go to ch u r c h to d a y ? " Il i l s wa s no t a qu e s t i o n to th e m . Su n d a y me a n t go i n g to ch u r c h as su r e l y as Mo n d a y me a n t go i n g to wo r k , ll i e sa m e se n s e of fa i t h f u l n e s s wa s wo v e n al l th r o u g h th e i r li v e s . It me a n t pa y i n g th e i r bi l l s , vo t i n g on el e c t i o n da y , be i n g at wo r k on ti m e , an d be i n g a fr i e n d an d a ne i g h b o r wh o co u l d be co u n t e d on . —J . El l s w o r t h Ka l a s C- H u i a c H e s - t! ) A P T \ 5 T - OQ OU R CH U R C H MI N I S T E R I N G OU R CH U R C H WO R S H I P P I N G Mo r n i n g d' m Ev e n i n g OU R CH U R C H TE A C H I N G Su n d a y Sc h o o l Oa k Ha v e n Re s t Ho m e OU R CH U R C H TR A I N I N G Di s c i p l e s h i p Tr a i n i n g Yo u t h Fe l l o w s h i p Ch i l d r e n ' s Ch u r c h & Mu s i c OU R CH U R C H AT PR A Y E R Pr a y e r Se r v i c e ' We d n e s d a y , 7. 0 0 P. M . OU R CH U R C H MU S I C MI N I S T R Y Ju n i o r Ch o i r We d n e s d a y , 7. 3 0 P. M . Ad u l t Ch o i r We d n e s d a y , 7: 5 0 P. M . OU R MI S S I O N MI N I S T R Y Mi s s i o n Fr i e n d s We d n e s d a y , 7: 0 0 P. M . Ac t e e n s We d n e s d a y , 7: 0 0 P. M . We d n e s d a y , 7: 0 0 P. M . We d n e s d a y , 7: 0 0 P. M . Ou t r e a c h Ci r c l e Mo n d a y , 7: 0 0 P. M . Bi b l e St u d y Se c o n d Mo n d a y , 7: 0 0 P. M . Pr a y e r Ci r c l e Se c o n d Tu e s d a y , 2: 0 0 P. M . Cu r r e n t Mi s s i o n s Se c o n d Tu e s d a y of Ea c h Mo n t h , 7. 3 0 P. M . Ba p t i s t Wo m e n Fi r s t We d n e s d a y , 7: 0 0 P. M . Ba p t i s t Me n Fi r s t We d n e s d a y , 7. 0 0 P. M . OU R CH U R C H SE R V I N G De a c o n ' s Me e t i n g Se c o n d Su n d a y , 5: 3 0 P. M . OU R CH U R C H OB S E R V I N G TH E LO R D ' S SU P P E R Fi r s t Su n d a y of Ea c h Qu a r t e r , ^ ^ o ^ V (J a n u a r y , Ap r i l , Ju l y an d Oc t o b e r ) ll - ^ O A. M . TE L E P H O N E S : CH U R C H - (9 1 9 ) 99 8 ^ 3 0 6 - PA R S O N A G E (9 1 9 ) 99 8 - 2 5 9 0 PA S T O R ' S ST U D Y (9 1 9 ) 99 8 - 6 0 0 3 Cemetery Directory Pages 40 - 59 aH 0 » k- *" c. Davie County Public Library sr> Mocksville, North Carolina w s; 1 FORK BAPTIST CHURCH CEMETERY DIRECTORY PAPTist f yi.,^ -ORCi« Compiled by Paul Monroe Johnson Church Historian Published 1983 HISTORY OF FORK BAPTIST CHURCH CEMETERY The Fork Baptist Church was organized in 1793. The church is located 7 miles east of Mccksvllle, N.C. on Highway 64. At the October, 1849 business conference of the Fork Baptist Meeting House, the church voted to establish a "graveyard". The first burial at the cemetery site was Iren A. Hobbs who died July 27,1846. This burial took place prior to the official establishment date of the cemetery. In March, 1857, B.S. Merrell was asked by the church to secure additional land for the "graveyard". He and Conrad Hendrix j4» were appointed as a committee to ascertain the cost of an "Iron gate" for the "graveyard". «i . ^ o In I860, this "graveyard" was enlarged by a gift of one-half acre of land by Dr. Milton Hobbs, a local community physician. B.S. Merrell presented the deed to the Trustees. The minutes of this conference read In part "the church gave Dr. Hobbs £ g ^ hearty vote of thanks". iy'S 'j3 In June, 1869, B.S. Merrell, William Foster and Dr. Milton Hobbs were appointed as a committee to erect arj Iron gate tc the "graveyard". On January 21, 1873, a committee was appointed for the purpose of buying a lot south of the church and east of the "graveyard". A.H. Stewart agreed to sell this lot at a price of $20 per acre with the understanding that he would donate one- half acre to the church. During 1912, a committee was appointed to obtain funds to be used for enclosing the "graveyard". This committee wa? relieved from duty In November 1913. G.A. Sheets, W.A. Sain and D.M. Bailey were appointed as a new committee. The new committee was Instructed to measure the "graveyard" and determine the cost of enclosing It. This committee later reporter that they had $370 in cash and "subscriptions" to be used for this project. The church instructed the committee to purchas( another acre of land and proceed to enlcose the "graveyard" with a "substantial fence". The "Iron fence" was completed no later than the end of 1915. On April 25,1926, the home of the church clerk was destroyed by fire. The church records for the period beginning January 1,1917 through April 24,1926 were burned In this fire. In August, 1932, the Cemetery Committee was Instructed by the church to use their own judgment In the expenditure o money from the Cemetery Fund. In August, 1936, the church decided that burial plots would be priced by the Deacon and sold to those who planned buria at this cemetery. On January 17,1937, Mr. D.M. Bailey reported that he had received $15.00 on burial plots. On April 17, 1937, the Building Committee was authorized to borrow from the Cemetery Fund, provided such money wa needed for the finishing of the Sunday School rooms. On March 19,1938, the following members were elected asacommlttee to Investigate the possibility of building a road t< the cemetery: J.C. Barnhardt, Zeb Burton and Dewitt Bailey. On April 16,1938, the committee recommended that the road be built through the cemetery and that the ground be clears and leveled for this purpose. No further progress was made on the building of the road until March 16, 1940. At that time, a new committee was ap pointed composed of J.R. Foster, G.A. Sheets and D.M. Bailey. In April, 1940, Mr. Sheets reported that the road would lead from the highway Into the cemetery. Soon thereafter, the roa was completed. m / During the years of the 1940's and 50's, Mr. Jeff Davis always had an outstanding interest in the cemeteiV. He spent much of his time soliciting money for the maintenance fund. On December 18,1966, the Cemetery Committee was authorized to plot the new section bordering the road on the east side of the property. On July 28,1968, the following rules for the operation of the cemetery were adopted by the church: CARE AND MAINTENANCE: 1. No more curbing around graves. 2. All foot stones be placed even with the ground. 3. Money from the William's estate be used toward the cost of lining up grave markers, removing curbing and grassing the cemetery. 4. Work to begin on the oldest section (the section to the left of the road that goes through the cemetery and lies between the road and the new part) as soon as possible after the first check is received from the estate. 5. Flowers, both real and artificial, be removed fropi the cemetery as soon as they begin to fade. RESERVING OF PLOTS: 1. Church members to pay one-half of the total cost price of $20.00 when the lot is reserved and the balance when the lot is used. 2. Non-church members to pay the entire amount of $50.00 when the lot Is reserved. 3. All income from the lots to be recorded separately as public and private record. 4. No lot will be reserved or considered reserved until this has been done. GOALS: 1. That the entire cemetery be re-worked; lining up markers, removing all curbing and grassing and placing all foot markers even with the ground. 2. Those who reserve lots will place markers at the corners of their lot. During the year of 1968, the cemetery was surveyed, monuments aligned, curbing removed and the ground seeded. The plots were recorded In a bound plot book. On September 19,1971, the church decided to black-top the roadway through the cemetery. The pavement was to be 10 feet wide, a 4-inch base with 1 inch of black-top. The paving was done by L.A. Reynolds Co., Winston-Salem, N.C. at a cost of $1,842.50. The cost was paid from the Cemetery Fund. On September 20,1981, a decision was made by the Church that the driveway within the cemetery be paved at a cost of $8,190. The paving consisted of\two coats of tar and gravel. The cost of such paving was made from the Cemetery Fund. The Cemetery Committee on January 1,1983 was composed of the following: John M. Bailey, Chairman Clyde Jones Junie Livengood r Kenneth Carter Cr Paul Monroe Johnson, Church Historian Fork Baptist Church The initial reading of the markers in the cemetery for the compilation of this publication was begun by Mr. Johnson, Morrison Carter, Tommy Bailey and members of the Youth Fellowship on March 8, 1970. The work was continued to com pletion by Mr. Johnson and his wifeWyona Merrell Johnson. A listing of those buried is on the following pages. i£c i-y K ^ '.'P L <'/i(-'/^ y y^v ■^T^//.r:'»^ /c L /:i-y-<y c cc /locyyi-ci ' /^<rr- //,.c /if.cyi/nx^c r/- , /P^c^^/Zt'oe ^ ^c yPi f. cy^''i y^^ij O ^ y'y.'~L^^ Ji//^i:P 7- cCj) ^-C-C tP ^ ^.'y^r CC-T. Pl^.- j _ _ e^? £ P'^/e^ypCe^^ .^Co ^PZ^pzjO , /of € /^O c:y y-c.ypC<L^y:!^, ^ ■ ''<i/ ■ ' CZ^. i.C.e. ^o /X c Jti^.c ^:C C'i. cXfc-C. //t £tX X. yfi-u c /AX i::?,'^^-^. c> Pycyy^c X. diP^^P-T-yPT^cX. cyf-^ O-^c-^yV' yp-PizxA-n. &<P Le^X <- Sy/tyiy-P. /y —^ (/"^-AX-yCPS'— ((fV Ap< < J-y-y^ / t^y ce^L- (LJ / lyLyt//^ //c/AyUJ^n^ .y'l ^r/}X:j^ p/y/^ '. PP ^ <a-2' C-A ^■'AyA , //e-/-p/yc /^'/^ 'jL<Z^''(l'trXy./(,ayc^ ^,_ aA / (^ o/r '^OyC^/Xc/A - -^(^P ^^^Ao-d-yyiS TpCX/ ■/t)A\ )f(^s///&y^ /.oyi/":/t4^ . .; ,,^.. ^ ., . /-^i Mv A"rx-^^c.^ / ^'AyX"cTy-y ' jL ^ ^ 'py ^ylAX^ CP>^£ yny^/y\Afye/>y-yA^^ ^ ir,f ey^yt^ A// \.yy'^A^^^Xcyyiy-fyyy/~~ \/'^^ - - k- Circa 1860 County PuDiic Lit)iar>Mocksville, NC Allen, Carrie E., Born 1887, died 1981. Allen, John A., Born November 14, 1848, died January 14, 1929. Allen, Lula A. McCullough, Born 1885, died 1937. Allen, Minerva A., Born September 8, 1852, died March 26, 1920, age 67 yrs., 6mos., 18days. "Gone but not forgotten." Anderson, Martha M., Born August 31,1864, died August 27,1933, wife of Dr. C.F. Anderson. Bailey, Albert, Born December 28, 1862, died November 26, 1871, son of 8. and E. Bailey. Bailey, Albert Baxter, Born January 16, 1916, died June 27, 1940. Bailey, Anna Opal, Born February 14,1910, died October 28, 1930. Bailey, Benjamin Barney, Born June 9, 1819, died May 23, 1886. ^ Bailey, Berry, Born 1837, died 1904. Bailey, Bonson, Born October 20, 1897, died May 20, 1965, husband of Josle T. Bailey. "In God we trust." Bailey, C.M., Born August 25,1921, died February 6,1981. Bailey, Carl Nelson, Born September 8, 1920, died February 12, 1972. Bailey, Clarence Clark, Born August 11,1902, died January 4,1979. Bailey, Claude Odell "Ned", Born September 11, 1902, died Oc tober 10, 1981. Bailey, Cletta Waller, Born January 15,1909, died August 12,1977. Bailey, Coleman, Born July 28,1862, died April 12,1931. Bailey, Debbie Lee, Died November 26, 1946, age 2 yrs., 9 mos., 16 days. "Asleep In Jesus." Bailey, D.M., Born February 4, 1876, died November 21, 1959, husband of Mary LIvengood Bailey. "On that bright Immortal shore we shall meet to part no more." Bailey, Edward C., Born April 10,1935, died April 15, 1935, son of T.R. and Vann Bailey. Bailey, Emily, Died November 26,1880, age 51 yrs., wife of Sanford Bailey. Bailey, Frances Louise, Born December 27, 1924, died June 7, 1925, daughter of R.G. and Ester Bailey. "Budded on earth to bloom In Heaven." Bailey, G.F., Born April 13,1958, died January 3,1898. Bailey, Glenn, Born March 14,1907, died January 19,1946. Bailey, Graham Reuben, Born June 27, 1907, died July 28, 1980. Bailey, J. Cread, Born July 29, 1893, died September 16, 1943, A.E.F. 1918 - 1919. Bailey, James Olln [PFC], Born June 24, 1909,' Killed In acflon Anoma, New Guinea, August 8, 1944. Bailey, John B., Born May 20,1865, died December 23,1954. Bailey, John B., Born October 2, 1865, died September 11, 1953. Bailey, June A., Born 1880, died 1948. Bailey, Lou A. Caudell, Born March 12, 1876, died July 22, 1917, wife of Luther C. Bailey. Bailey, Luther C., Born May 10,1873, died May 26,1953, husband of Lou A. Caudell Bailey. Bailey, Mary J., Born October 15, 1871, died March 25,1959, wife of S.A. Bailey & J.P. Burton. "In God we trust." Bailey, Mary LIvengood, Born May 30, 1887, died July 22, 1941, wife of D.M. Bailey. "On that bright Immortal shore, we shall meet to part no more." Bailey, Mary Waller, Born April 25, 1911, died January 31, 1956, wife of Noah A. Bailey. "In memory of a loving mother." Bailey, MIttie Hendrix, Born October 2, 1865, died September 11, 1953. Bailey, Noah B. [Note], Born November 7,1877, died June 7,1956. "Gone but not forgotten." Bailey, OssleR. Pack, Born June 11,1880, died December 15,1927, wife of Noah B. Bailey. Bailey, Paul Clyde, Died March 29,1969, age 57 yrs. Bailey, R.C., Born July 20, 1858, died January 8, 1896, son of Sanford & Emily Bailey. Bailey, Samuel A., Born September 29, 1860, died May 10, 1901, husband of Mary J. Bailey. "In God we trust." Bailey, Samuel L., Born June 28, 1891, died November 16, 1932. Bailey, Samuel Nelson, Born March 8,1921, died January 17,1980. Bailey, Sanford, Died February 1,1872, age about 52 yrs., husband of Emily Bailey. Bailey, Sarah C., Born 1844, died 1921, wife of Berry Bailey. Bailey, Sarah E. Foster, Born February 9, 1897, died June 12, 1977, wife of Samuel L. Bailey. Bailey, Thelma Garwood, Born April 15, 1908, died June 27, 1980. Bailey, Ubert Baxter, Born January 16, 1916, died June 27, 1940, son of Noah B. Bailey. Bailey, Wiley S., Born June 17,1872, died April 11,1904. Bailey, Zaila Mills, Born July 4,1906, died January 25,1982. Baity, James D., Born August 7,1831, died January 7,1901. "He Is not dead buy sleepeth." Baity, Joseph Albin, Born October 11, 1881, age about 6 yrs. "Come to me." Baity, Leonard, Born October 3,1873, died 1976. "In Heaven." Baity, Lula May, Born May 6,1883, age about 6 yrs. "Gone to be an Angel." Baity, Margaret Hendricks, Born 1798, date of death unknown, wife of William Henry. Baity, Mary Ida, Born April 10, 1879, died November 20, 1950, daughter of James D. and Sarah Sossoman Baity. "For Christ Is my hope." r m4 v% v> IT <J X" <J Baity, Sarah C., Born November 22, 1841, died January 3, 1908, wife of James D. Baity. "Though lost to sight, to memory dear." Baity, William Henry, Born 1799, died 1883, husband of Margaret Hendrlcks Baity. Barnes, Amanda, Born October 17, 1860, died May 1, 1888, age 27 yrs., 7 mos., 14 days, wife of S.L. Barnes. "A tender mother and faithful friend, trusting in Jesus she passed over the river." Barney, Benjamin, Born June 9, 1819, died May 23, 1888. "Gone but not forgotten." Barney, Mary, Born April 6, 1837, died September 9, 1906. "Gone but not forgotten." Bamhardt, Bessie Hendrlx, Born March 6,1884, died April 9, 1970, wife of James C. Barnhardt. Bamhardt, Charlie E., Born November 22, 1862, died August 11, 1894. "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God." Barnhardt, Dermont R., Born October 29, 1912, died May 8, 1929. "Gone but not forgotten." Bamhardt, James 0., Born May 19, 1885, died January 23, 1957. Bamhardt, Mary Levy, Born January 18, 1910, died July 22, 1950. Beal, Glenda v.. Born May 28,1937, died July 15, 1937, daughter of Louie and Viola Beal. Beane, Ardenis, Born September 9, 1889, died August 1, 1955, husband of Liilith Mae Beane. Beane, Lllllth Mae, Born September 30, 1894, died November 5, 1972, age 78 yrs., 1 mo., 5 days. Beck, A.V., Born July 29, 1863, died January 30, 1923, wife of G.C. Beck. Beck, Betty Seaford, Born November 16, 1891, died February 25, 1961. Beck, C.C., Born August 14,1857, died June 22, 1920, husband of A.V. Beck. Beck, Floyd P., Born 1897, died 1939. Benson, Aley A. Tarrh, Born September 25, 1851, died April 20, 1891, wife of F.G. Benson. "In Loving Remembrance of our Mother." Benson, Emma B., Born 1862, died 1948, wife of Stokes B. Benson. Benson, Felix G., Born December 10, 1846, died December 30, 1930, husband of Aley A. Tarrh Benson. "In Loving Remembrance of our Father; At Rest." Benson, Stokes B., Born 1865, died 1931, husband of Emma B. Benson. Bland, Cecil W., Born August 12,1912, died April 11,1975. Bland, Grover B., Born June 19, 1884, died March 25, 1942, husband of Sarah P. Park Bland. Blaylock, Effle C., Born 1884, died 1954. Blaylock, Mary L., Born 1872, died 1932. Boles, Otis C., Born October 25, 1919, died June 26, 1977. "Our Father which art in heaven." MS Boles, Sharon Elols, Born December 30, 1945, died February 2£ 1946, daughter of Otis and Lillian Boles. Bowles, John Charles, Born June 23, 1918, died March 16, 1971 Bowles, Troy Lee, Bom January 1,1939, died January 4,1939. Brinegar, Elizabeth, Born 1827, died 1904, wife of Hampto Brinegar. Brinegar, Hampton, Born 1816, died 1899, husband of Elizabeth V Brinegar. Brown, George Luther, Born January 11,1945, died March 8, 1945 son of R.L. & Ruby Brown. "Asleep in Jesus." Brown, Mary Ruth, Born February 22, 1943, died March 25, 1945 daughter of R.L. & Ruby Brown. Buchanan, Tom W., Born February 16,1908, died October 23,1962 husband of Mary J. Buchanan. Burton, Bertha Sain, Born January 5,1893, died September 8, 1959 wife of Lucian Ector Burton. Burton, Blanche C. Pack, Bom February 10, 1889, died April 23 1963, wife of Zeb Vance Burton, "into thy hands I commend m spirit. Luke XXIII:46." Burton, Bobble Lucian, Born September 18, 1926, died Decembe 16, 1963. Burton, Elizabeth Marie, Born August 26, 1914, died November 11 1935. Burton, H. Norman, Born September 2,1889, died January 2, 1921 "Gone but not forgotten." Burton, James PInkston, Born March 20, 1860, died June 4, 1947 husband of LeIia P. Burton. "We have fought a good fight, we havi finished our course, we have kept the faith." Burton, Leila Peoples, Born November 26,1857, died April 7, 1905 wife of James P. Burton. "We have fought a good fight, we havi finished our course, we have kept the faith." Burton, Lucian Ector, Born April 10, 1893, died March 25, 1960 husband of Bertha S. Burton. Burton, Zeb Vance, Born August 12,1891, died December 13, 1955 husband of Blanche 0. Pack Burton. "Into thy hands I commend m' spirit. Luke XXIII:46." Byerly, Blanche Sain, Born 1897, died 1981. Byerly, Fred Lee, Born March 9,1908, died March 18,1962. Byerly, Glenn Edward, Born February 8, 1923, died July 27, 1923 "Sleep my little one sleep, while angels guard thee." Byerly, Paul William, Born October 12,1924, died August 14, 1977 Bylerly, Jennie E. Mason, Born July 16, 1870, died March 7, 1945 wife of Nathaniel G. Byleriy. Bylerly, Nathaniel G., Born June 22, 1865, died July 13, 1936 "Rock of Ages." Call, Elizabeth, Born May 2, 1835, died February 12, 1922, wife o David Call. Call, Mollle, Born June 29,1865, died March 23, 1881, daughter o Henry Gail. .v.. counQ.7- Call, Nancy, Born 1837, died 1877, erected by her niece, Eliza Sheets. Carter, Abraham H., Born December 27, 1841, died June 26, 1918. "Dearest Father thou has left us, here thy loss we deeply feel, but this God that hath bereaved us. He can all our sorrow heal." Carter, Annie M., Born March 1,1884, died August 19,1942. Carter, Annie R., Born October 12. 1896, died August 6, 1962. "Those who knew her loved her well." Carter, Bobby Jene, Born December 14, 1939, died December 14, 1939. "Budded on earth to bloom In Heaven." Carter, Charles, Born May 24,1960, died May 12,1939. Carter, Clarence R., Born September 2,1918, died January 6, 1975. Carter, DevltteS., Born May 29,1875, died November 22,1941. Carter, Ellen M., Born October 9,1860, died April 28,1890, wife of G.L. Carter. "Gone but not forgotten." Carter, Essie E., Born September 28,1887, died June13,1889. Carter, Eva Mae, Born June 27, 1909, died February 5,1973, wife of 'Buster* Carter. "Beyond the Sunset." Carter, Floyd F., Born September 4, 1902, died February 12, 1972. Carter, Frank M., Born 1876, died 1936, husband of Jennie S. Carter. Carter, Frank P., Born July 8,1897, died February 19,1933. Carter, George A., Born August 2, 1970, died April 20, 1947, husband of Notle Belle Foster Carter. "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord." Carter, George L., Born May 2, 1861, died August 26, 1892, husband of Ellen M. Carter. "Gone but not forgotten." Carter, Harry, Born 1902, died 1920, son of Frank M. and Jennie S. Carter. Carter, Infant, daughter of Victor and Viola W. Carter, died January 29, 1928. Carter, James C., Born October 26," 1848, died December 26, 1928, husband of Martha Hendrix Carter. Carter, James Lewis, Born August 18,1878, died October 18, 1931. Carter, Jennie S., Born 1876, died 1961-, wife of Frank M. Carter. Carter, JohnW., Born January 24,1863, died May 9,1915. Carter, Johnny, Born December 20,1894, died November 20, 1895, age 11 mos. "At rest with Jesus." Carter, L. Morrison, Born June 2,1908, died May 7, 1933. "We will meet again." Carter, Laura Frances Stewart, Born May 20, 1854, died May 19, 1937, wife of W.R. Carter. "Resting in hope of a glorious resurrection." Carter, Martha Hendrix, Born July 31,1851, died January 11, 1925, wife of James C. Carter, Mary F., Born March 25,1868, died February 19,1944, wife of John W. Carter. Mi Carter, Matilda Foster, Born June 13,1865, died June 4.1901. Carter, Nancy Ann, Born June 6,1858, died June 27,1926, daughter of C.W. and Temperance Johnson Carter. Carter, Nora, Born September 6,1881, died February 4,1941. Carter, Notle Belle Foster, Born December 11, 1876, died July 29, 1931, wile of George A. Carter. "Blessed are the dead that die In the Lord." Carter, Rosa A., Born January 14. 1861, died November 1, 1927. "Having finished life's duty, she now sweetly rests." Carter, Sammy, Born October 10, 1917, died October 11, 1917. "Budded on earth to bloom in heaven." Carter, Sarah Ann, Died March 25,1896, age about 60 yrs. Carter, Tossle Sain, Born November 23,1873, died September 17, 1908, wife of J. Lewis Carter. Carter, Victor Wallace, Born February 17,1896, died June 26, 1967. "Rest In Peace." Carter, William H., Born August 26, 1882, died October 13, 1960. Carter, William R., Born December 19, 1867, died June 10, 1931, husband of Laura Frances S. Carter. "Resting in hope of a glorious Resurrection." Caudell, Francis M., Born August 11, 1835, died October 4, 1898, age 63 yrs., 1 mo., 23 days. "At rest, his trials are past, his work is done, he fought his fight the victory won." Caudell, J.H., Born October 11,1866, died Apni 20, 1907. "O thou who direct the mourners tear, how dark their world would be, did we not know our Father dear, was only called to Thee." Caudell, JaneS., Born February 26,1846, died April 27,1908. Caudell, Jessie Ida Hendrix, Born June 9, 1877, died February 25, 1949, wife of Thomas Ishmaei Caudell. Caudell, Liza, Born August 30, 1872, died November 12, 1898. "Mother, thou hast from us flown to the regions far above, we to thee erect this stone consecrated by our love." Caudell, Nolle May, Born March 6,1873, died January 4, 1941, wife of Piess J. Caudell. Caudell, Paul J., Sr., Born February 7,1907, died October 29,1945. Caudell, Pless J., Born January 11, 1871, died June 18, 1936, husband of Notle May Caudell. Caudell, Thomas Ishmaei, Born June 3,1873, died October 5, 1959, husband of Jessie Ida Hendrix Caudell. Caudell, W. Fay, Born October 25,1900, died March 18,1975. Caudell, Walter Ray, Born 1896, died 1983. Caudell, William H., Born August 26,1882, died October 13, 1960. Chaplin, Alec, Born November 2,1824, died May 21,1913. Chaplin, Eliza, Born May 22, 1849, died September 2, 1935, daughter of Aiec & Mary Ann Chapiln. Chaplin, Mary Ann, Born Aprii 1, 1826, died May 5, 1892, wife of Alec Chapiln. . .v\(ari it 0. k Ti 0.1 > j' xi O: Ci? ri; X xJ Clark, Margaret Stoklnger Wyatt, Born January 15, 1810, died February 1900. Clark Wllliani C., Born March 10,1812, died February 28,1893. Clonlz, Jasper R., Born April 26,1931, died July 21,1960. Cook, David Sanders, Born June 11, 1889, died January 24, 1938, age 48 yrs., 7 mos., 13 days, "i cannot say, and i wiii not say, that he is dead, he is just away." Cope, Ada, Died February 9, 1907, age 3 yrs., daughter of G.L. & M.E. Cope. Cope, C.J. [Cap], Born June 4,1882, died April 22,1964. "What we keep in memory is ours unchanged forever. He was a Mason." Cope, Dennle R., Born September 2,1914, died November 26,1931, son of W.B. & Effie Cope. Cope Dennle 8., Died April 5,1910, age 20 yrs., 5 mos.,' 6 days, son of S.J. & Mary Cope. Cope, E.D., Born November 12, 1887, died January 5, 1958. "We will cling to the Old Rugged Cross." Cope, Effle H., Born September 8, 1885, died October 20, 1967, wife of Wiley B. Cope. Cope, Elizabeth C., Born January 2,1845, died June 17,1924, wife of P.J. Cope. "Oh dear mother how we loved you, oh how hard to give you up. But an angei came down for you and carried you from our flock." Cope, Elizabeth [Laura Ann], Born January 5, 1853, died January 15, 1932, wife of Enoch Cope. "We will cling to the Old Rugged Cross as did those that have gone before." Cope, Elizabeth Redwine, Born November 27,1824, died December 23,1898, wife of Enoch Cope. "A precious one from us has gone, a voice we loved is stilled, a place is vacant in our home which never can be filled." Cope, Enoch, Born August 8, 1850, died February 19, 1916, husband of Elizabeth Cope. "We will cling to the Old Rugged Cross as did those that have gone before." Cope, Ethel Langston Thompson, Born June 4,1899, died March 6, 1983. Cope, Godfrey L., Born April 16, 1860, died September 26, 1936. Cope, Jacob C., Born April 8, 1877, died December 21, 1939. "I hope to see my pilot face to face when i have crossed the bar." Cope, Junle M., Born October 22,1885, died June 28,1975. Cope, Leila M., Born March 26,1879, died February 8,1953, wife of Jacob C. Cope, "i hope to see my pilot face to face when I have crossed the bar." Cope, Llla M. Carter, Born June 16,1892, died May 8,1972, wife of Junie M. Cope. Cope, Mary C. Foster, Born January 22, 1855, died February 13, 1936, wife of Samuel J. Cope. Cope, Mary Eliza Jarvis, Born January 28,1876, died March 6, 1943, wife of N. Jasper Cope. Cope, Mary Eliza Myers, Born March 4, 1861, died February 13, 1942, wife of Godfrey L. Cope. TjTT Cope, Mary Nolley, Born December 15, 1889, died November 30 1970, wife of E.D. Cope. "We will cling to the old rugged cross. Cope, Mickey Wayllne, Born November 2, 1946, died November 4 1946, daughter of O.R. and Carol Cope. Cope, N. Jasper, Born September 5,1872, died February 26, 1945 husband of Mary Eliza J. Cope. Cope, P.J., Born January 13, 1842, died October 29, 1916. '7 devoted husband, a tender loving father is gone, to us is stilled, « place in our house which can never be filled." Cope, Rebecca Pratt, Born April 5, 1891, died December 19, 1973 Cope, Renan W., Born September 17, 1917, died December 16 1928, son of J.M. and Lila Cope. "Asleep in Jesus." Cope, Samuel, Born March 1, 1876, died August 11, 1921. "I wii arise and go to Jesus, He will embrace me in His arms." Cope, Samuel J., Born April 29, 1852, died August 31, 1932 husband of Mary Foster Cope. Cope, W.L., Died June 5,1883, age 1 yr., 8 mos., son of G.L. an( M.E. Cope. Cope, Wiley B., Born January 20,1887, died January 20,1975. Comatzer, Shelba Jean, Died April 16, 1938. Correll, George Allen, Born April 9,1911, died April 6,1973. Davis, Achsan, Born August 31,1818, died February 22,1897, wife of L.J. Davis. Davis, Carolyn L., Born December 10. 1941, died September 1 1942, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Davis. Davis, Daniel V., Born March 2, 1842, died November 25, 1921 husband of Sarah C. Davis. Davis, E.J., Born Decembers, 1857, died Decembers, 1905. Davis, Eunice C., Born August 13,1841, died July 17,1923, wife o Andy Sain. "She was the sunshine of our home." Davis, George Wyatt, Born August 29,1913, died October 12,1951 son of Jess and Saliie Davis. Davis, Jess M., Born February 10, 1871, died October 29, 1963 husband of Sailie Everhardt Davis. Davis, John Vance, Born February 15,1873, died July 14,1952. Davis, Joseph J., Born June 12, 1875, died December 4, 1921, ag« 46 yrs., 5 mos., 22 days. "A honest man is the noblest work o God." Dayls, L.J., Born June 4,1816, died November 17,1904, husband o Achsan Davis. Davis, Lula Williams, Born July 28,1869, died July 29,1958, wife o David Reid Davis. Davis, Maude Williams, Born September 6,1885, died April 8,1965 wife of William Henry Davis. Davis, Moyer Jennings, Born March 4, 1909, died November 16 1923, son of Jess and Sailis Davis. Davis, Sallle Everhardt, Born December 29, 1882, died May 11 1979. Davlsi Sarah C., Born July 24, 1849, died March 23, 1933, wife of Daniei V. Davis. Davis, William E., Born 1901, died 1979. Davis, William Henry, Born Juiy 22, 1880, died May 26, 1960, husband of Maude W. Davis. Oeadmon, Cecil L.. Born July 27, 1894, died November 24, 1894, son of Thomas J.G. Deadmon. Deadmon, Thomas J.G., Born May 3,1858, died May 31,1896. Doby, Manuel 8., Born Juiy 29, 1877, died November 5. 1941, husband of Tishie Sain Doby. Doby, Mary Hues, Born Juiy 20,1859, died October 27,1936. "Gone but not forgotten." Doby, TIshleSaIn, Born August 24,1874, died March 16, 1949, wife of Manuel S. Dwire, Annie Foster, Born August 9,1880, died Aprii 13,1974. Dwire, Jess L., Born October 13,1878, died December 5,1958. DwIre, Pies W., Born Aprii 25,1870, died August 5,1953. Everhardl, Benjamin Emest, Born Aprii 30. 1899, died October 31. 1977, children: Gray, Frank, Shelby. Everhart, Daniel K., Born August 3, 1891. died January 24, 1968. Everhart, George A., Born August 17, 1861. died August 9, 1951, husband of Semmie 0. Hendrix Everhart. Everhart, Semmie C. Hendrix, Born October 16,1861, died October 26, 1944, wife of George A. Everhart. Foster, Settle E. Davis, Died March 30. 1935. age 82 yrs., wife of Henry L. Foster. "We will meet again." Foster, C. jCap] Holt, Rev., Born September 17,1887, died June 6, 1979, married May 28, 1927. Foster, Candls, Born December 22,1821, died December 21,1910, age 88 yrs., 11 mos., 29 days, wife of Samuel Foster. Foster, Carr, Age about 60 yrs. "We will meet again." Foster, Carrie Zimmerman, Born October 27,1875, died December 3, 1957, wife of J. Rynard Foster. Foster, Charles Anderson, Born December 4, 1888, died October 19, 1976. Foster, Colman, Born March 5, 1822, died July 23, 1903. husband of Minerva Foster. "Rest sweet rest. Our Father and Mother, Amiable and beloved ones farewell: Not on this perishing stone but in the book of life and In the hearts of their afflicted friends is their worth recorded." Foster, Daniel J., North Carolina, PVT 167 INV 42 DIV., Birthdate unknown, died October 19, 1932. Foster, Elizabeth Carter, Born December 16, 1835, died March 10, 1920, wife of John Foster. "Her toils are past, her world is done, she fought the fight, the victory won." Foster, Emma E., Born November 2, 1880, died October 26, 1862, daughter of A.M. and S.C. Foster, age 1 yr., 11 mos., 24 days. Foster, Emma L., Born 1866, died 1928, daughter of Coleman and Minerva Foster. Foster, Fanny, Died September 7, 1908, age about 71 years. "Beloved and adored." Biemlng. David Gumey, Born January 8, ,871, died June 29,1952. Feeler. Frank A.. Born Augue, 20,1861, died March 26,1941, Fleming, Junle Odell, Born June 5, 1915, died February 12, 1928, son of David Gurney and Ozzie. "Gone but not forgotten. Fleming, Ozzle McDanlel, Born April 19, 1884, died June 23, 1967. Forrest, L.J., Born July 18,1864, died Aprii 7, 1879, age 14 yrs., 8 mos., 19 days. Foster, A.N., Born March 16,1847," died February 29,1920. "Asleep in Jesus is blessed sleep, from which none ever wake to weep. Foster, Addle Beulah, Born May 28, 1890, died January 19, 1929. Foster, Alex, Born May 12,1900, died May 29,1912, son of J.R. and S.C. Foster. "Asleep in Jesus." Foster, Andrew M., Born November 20,1862, died March 17, 1946. Foster, Arthur, Born August 31,1884, died Juiy 2,1913. Foster, Azarlah March, Born May 27, 1838, died July 17, 1904, husband of Sarah 0. Foster. Foster, B.R., Born March 10,1870, died June 28,1879. Foster, Barney Dale, Jr., Born June 15, 1979, died June 16, 1979. Foster, Baxter L., Born October 24,1879, died August 8,1929. Foster, Benjamin, Died Juiy 4, 1853, age 16 days, son of Samuel and C. Foster. Foster, H. Mitchell, Born March 19, 1852, died June 20, 1915, age 63 yrs., 3 mos., 1 day. "The pains of death are past, labor arid sorrow ceased and life's long warfare closed at last, his soul m peace." Foster, Hannah, Born October 26, 1856, died August 7, 1888, wife of H.M. Foster. "She is not dead but sleeping." Foster, Henry J., Born August 3, 1850, died September 29, 1853. Foster, Henry L., Born September 28, 1850, died October 2, 1901, husband of Betty E. Davis Foster. "We will meet again." Foster, Hiram, Born June 10, 1842, died March 5, 1862, son of Tilman and Frances Foster, age 19 yrs., 8 mos., 23 days. Foster, Infant, Born and died September 3, 1911, son of J.R. and S.C. Foster. "Asleep in Jesus." « Foster, Infant, Born and died 1916, son of J.R. and S.C. Foster. "Asleep in Jesus." Foster, J.H., Born December 28,1874, died March 23,1912, age 3< yrs. 2 mos., 25 days. "A precious one from us is gone, a voice w« loved is stilled, a place is vacant in our home, which never can b( filled, God in His wisdom has recalled the bloom His love ha< given, and though the body moulder's here, the soul is safe ii Heaven." Foster, James, Born October 15,1791, died October 25. 1867, so of R. and R. Foster, age 73 yrs., 10 days. pUDV;0 (jlodsNWe, h Ip" In <i4 <21 I ij V* o Jf Foster, Jesse Rynard, Born November 24, 1872, died January 4, 1959, husband of Carrie Zimmerman Foster. Foster, John E., Died March 16,1862, age 23 yrs., 8 mos., 16 days, son of James and Sarah Foster. Foster, John E., Born 1862, died 1917, husband of Mary E. Foster. "God gave. He took. He will restore. He doeth ail things well. Foster, John G., Born February 3, 1825, died March 10, 1912, husband of Rhoda Foster. "At rest." Foster, John W., Born Aprii 3, 1868, died January 2,1920. 'He was the sunshine of our home." Foster, Julia Ann, Born May 12,1867, died January 4,1944. Foster, Laura Carter, Born August 4,1883, died May 14,1975. Foster, Lillle E., Born August 4,1890, died June 17,1969. Foster, Lou Ella, Born September 12, 1883, died January 3, 1966. Foster, Lou M., Born March 16,1845, died December 9, 1912. "We will meet again." Foster, Louisa, Died June 27,1903, age 71 years. Foster, Madge Lee, Born March 8,1931, died February 2,1976. Foster, Maggie J., Born August 20, 1877, died May 22, 1878, daughter of A.N. and E. Foster. "Suffer the iittie children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of Heaven." Foster, Maggie May, Born March 8,1879, died March 13,1957. Foster, Martha A., Born July 23, 1858, died March 2, 1950.Wlfe of Frank A. Foster, Martha A., Born March 25,1850, wife of Wiliiam Foster. Foster, Martha M. Laird, Born June 27,1843, died August 4, 1896, wife of Wiliiam H. Foster. "In His will is our peace." Foster, Mary A., Born June 6, 1843, died August 27, 1883, age 40 yrs., wife of H.C. Foster. Foster, Mary Ann, Born May 5,1829, died December 19,1919. Foster, Mary E., Born 1866, died 195!9, wife of John E. Foster. "God gave. He took. He will restore. He doeth ail things weil." Foster, Matilda, Born August 16,1816, died October 4,1865, age 69 yrs., 1 mo., 18 days. Foster, Minerva, Born October 31,1828, died March 20, 1895, wife of Coleman Foster. "Rest sweet rest, our Father and Mother, amiable and beloved ones farewell; Not on this perishing stone but in the book of life and in the hearts of their afflicted friends is their worth recorded." Foster, Mitchell Odell, Born August 23, 1907, died November 25, 1975. Foster, MIttle G., Born Aprii 22, 1874, died October 15, 1957, wife of John W. Foster. Foster, Nora L., Born November 14,1878, died September 26, 1904, wife of L.R. Williams. "A Loving Mother, their children: Graydon, born October 31, 1902, died March 27,1905, infant son, born 1899. Foster, Obadlah, Born February 16,1848, died January 3,1911. Foster, Pleasant Lee, Born December 4, 1848, died April 17, 1924. Foster, Pleasant S., Born June 13, 1881, died March 13, 1882, son of H.M. and H. Foster. "Gone but not forgotten." Foster, R.R., Born March 18,1873, died June 28,1873, son of H.C. and M.A. Foster. Foster, Rhoda S., Born March 15, 1826, died November 18, 1900, wife of J.G. Foster, age 74 yrs. "Beloved I send my message and you shall prepare the way before me." Foster, Richard, Born August 21,1820, died June 10,1901. Foster, Robert I., Born March 17, 1852, died January 13, 1936, husband of Sarah C. Foster. Foster, Rosa A., Born January 14, 1861, died November 1, 1927. "Having finished life's duty, she now sweetly rests." Foster, Ruth, Born April 20,1887, died October 24,1959. Foster, S. Glenn, Born March 14,1905, died March 2,1981. Foster, S. Kate Davis, Born October 11, 1851, died February 23, 1921, wife of Obadlah Foster. Foster, Sallle L., Born July 28,1892, died January 6,1955. Foster, Sallle Rea, Born March 6, 1917, died September 5, 1919, daughter of Giles and Saliie Foster. "She was too good, too gently and fair to dwell in this cold world of care." Foster, Sarah, Born August 23,1802, died February 9, 1879, age 76 yrs., 5 mos., 17 days, wife of James Foster. Foster, Sarah C., Born October 8, 1857, died December 6, 1921, wife of Robert I. Foster. Foster, Sarah Caroline, Born October 6, 1839, died January 24, 1914, wife of Azariah M. Foster. Foster, Sarah Stewart, Born December 23, 1851, died December 2, 1934, wife of P.L. Foster. Foster, Samuel, Born April 29,1820, died October 18,1905, age 85 yrs., 5 mos., 19days, husband of Candis Foster. Foster, Samuel L., Died March 12, 1862, age 21 yrs., 11 mos., 12 days, son of James and Sarah Foster. Foster, Samuel L., Born June 18, 1891, died November 16, 1932, husband of Sarah. Foster, Stephen L., Born August 2,1894, died May 30,1932. Foster, Susan E., Born April 26, 1840, died October 12, 1857, daughter of Tilman and Frances Foster. Foster, Tllmon, Born May 18,1800, died March 19,1854. Foster, Tllmon Sam, Born October 14,1886, died January 22, 1958. Foster, W.G., Jr., Born August 22, 1919, died November 6, 1926, son of W.G. and Saiile Foster. "Weep not. Father and Mother, for I am waiting in glory for Thee." Foster, W. Giles, Born September 15, 1884, died December 24, 1968. Foster, W.L., Born 1849, died 1924. "At Rest." Foster, William, Born Aprii 30, 1806, died January 2, 1897, age 90 yrs., 8 mos., 7 days. Foster, William, Born August 8,1849, died April lS, of Martha A. Foster. "My Saviour died upon the cross, I hope to meet Him." Foster, William H., Born October 4, 1831. died March 31, 1900, husband of Martha M. Laird Foster. "In His will is our peace. Freeman, A. Lou Ella Parks, Born January 29. 1901, died January 1, 1932 wife of Luther C. Freeman. "Here lies one who in this life was a kind mother, a true wife. She was by many virtues biest, and piety among the the blest." Frye, George Ira, Born July 10.1901, died April 17,1962. Frye, Norma Jean, Born October 20,1931, died December 20,1935, daughter of G.l. and Beatrice Frye. "Budded on earth to bloom in heaven." Garwood, A. Milton, Born August 13,1846, died January 26, 1921, husband of Amanda L. Garwood, Amanda C„ Born January 2, 1837, died OecemtDer 3, 1910, age 73 yrs., 11 mos.. 1 day, wife of J.M. Garwood. Rest Mother rest in quiet sleep while friends in sorrow o'er thee weep. Garwood, Amanda L. Foster, Born August 13, 1846, died June 5, 1926, wife of Milton Garwood. Garwood, Amanda M. Foster, Born June 2, 1836, died November 26,1901, age 65 yrs., 5 mos., 24 days, wife of W.F. Garwood. Our Mother." Garwood, Angelina, Born August 18, 1824, died February 14, 1905, wife of Nathaniel Garwood, age 80 yrs., 6 mos., 1 day. To the sacred memory of our FAther and Mother who will rest in a Savior s love, sleep blessed sleep." Garwood, EllaB., Born Decembers, 1836, died December 21, 1896, daughter of A.M. and A.L. Garwood. "Our darling Ella B." Garwood, Frank, Died October 23, 1882, age 25 yrs., 4 mos., 10 days. Garwood, Fred, Born August 31, 1894, died August 7, 1948, husband of Annie Messick Garwood. Garwood, Georgia L. Benson, Born January 22,1871, died January 13, 1951, wife of Jesse F. Garwood. "On that bright immortal shore, we shall meet to part n^ more." Garwood, Gurla, Born September 13, 1889, died October 11, 1889. Garwood, Hannah, Born December 12,1812, died October 19,1866, age 53 yrs., 10 mos., 17 days. Garwood, Infant, Born September 14, 1868, daughter of N.A. Garwood. Garwood, Infant, Born May 22, 1885, daughter of A.M. and A.L. Garwood. Garwood, James, Born August 9,1905, died May 21 ''929. Just in the morning of his day, in love and youth he died. Garwood, James M., Died October 30, 1905, age 69 yrs., 1 ^ days, husband of Amanda C. Garwood. "May we rest in peace. Garwood, James N., Died October 1871, age 8 mos. Garwood, Jesse F., Born November 25, 1864, died June 19, 1956, husband of Georgie L. Benson Garwood.^ "On that bright immortal shore, we shall meet to part no more. 56 Garwood, Josephine, Born 1871, died 1941, wife of W. Thomas Garwood. "Resting in hope of a glorious resurrection." Garwood, Llllle Octavia Williams, Born October 10, 1877, died August 23, 1959, wife of Spurgeon B. Garwood. Garwood, Mary A., Born May 28, 1848, died September 27, 1870, age 22 yrs., 29 days, wife of A.M. Garwood. Garwood, Mellsa L., Died October 1826, age 2 mos., daughter of J.M. and A.G. Garwood. Garwood, N. Clark, Born February 9, 1914, died April 2, 1914, son of S.B. and Liliie Garwood. Garwood, Nathaniel, Born April 27, 1818, died July 7, 1870, age 52 yrs., 2 mos., 10 days, husband of Angeiine Garwood. Garwood, Nora, Died August 9,1877, age 17 yrs., 8 mos.. 17 days. "Asleep in Jesus peaceful rest whose making is supremely blest. Garwood, Patty Elizabeth, Born 1917, died 1919. "Our Loved One." Garwood, Rebecca, Died 1874, age 70 yrs., wife of Samuel Gar wood. "Resting till resurrection morn." Garwood, S.B., Jr., Born November 23, 1919, died February 18, 1920, son of S.B. and Liliie Garwood. Garwood, Samuel E., Born March 21, 1864, died October 25, 1936, husband of Sarah E. Garwood, Samuel F., Died August 1872, age 69 yrs. "Gone but no forgotten." Garwood, Sarah E., Born October 2, 1865, died June 26, 1939, wifi of Samuel E. Garwood, Spurgeon B., Born June 16, 1881, died May 3, 1948 husband of Liliie Octavia Garwood. Garwood, W.F., Born November 15, 1835, died August 23, 1872 age 36 yrs., 9 mos., 8 days, husband of Amanda M. Foster Gai wood. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." Garwood, W. Thomas, Born 1867, died 1940, husband ofJosephin Garwood. "Resting in hope of a glorious resurrection." Gobble, Adolphus B., Born January 14, 1875, died December 3' 1960, husband of Maggie B. Gobble. Gobble, Maggie B., Born June 15,1887, died March 5,1952, wife n Adolphus B. Gobble. Graves, Amanda E., Born July 22,1829, died February 7,1910. Graves, Clement, Born October 2,1913, died June 20,1924. Dea loves a shining mark." israves, George, Born April 23, 1862, died February 29, 1952. "I has gone to the mansions of rest." Graves, George, Sr., Born April 23, 1830, died January 16, 19( Graves, Herman, Born December 16,1893, died September 9,19( Graves, John F., Born June 9,1866, died February 13,1936. Graves, Oshia Foster, Born October 15, 1883, died November 1929. Graves, Peter, Born May 28,1860, died February 25,1868, son of and A. Graves. k £ <p is p g Graves, Sally Shirlene, Born April 6, 1952, died April 16, 1952, daughter of H.D. and Bessie Graves. "Budded on earth to bloom in heaven." Graves, Sarah Duette, Born October 1909, died October 1909. "Sleep on sweet babe and take thy rest." Graves, Sarah E., Born October 18,1866, died March 20,1940. Green, Infant, Born February 1, 1886, died March 8, 1886, infant son of A.C. and T.M. Green. "An Angel." Green, Temple M., Born May 24, 1864, died March 20, 1886, daughter of A.G. Green. "Only crossed the river of death, to that beautiful summer land." Grubb, Martha J. Redwine, Born February 14, 1852, died Sep tember 5, 1935. Grubb, Sarah Jane Call, Born October 10, 1860, died January 3, 1942. Grubbs, Tamara Renee, Born December 8,1963,' died November 30, 1966, daughter of J.P. and Johnsie Grubbs. Hamilton, John L., Born June 17,1861, died August 20,1939. Hamilton, Sarah E., Born Februarys, 1967, died April 19,1943. Hanllne, Charlie C., Died June 8, 1886, age 1 yr., son of J.H. and R.A. Haniine. "Safe in the arms of Jesus." Haneline, Jennie, Born November 11,1857, died January 28, 1951. Haneiine, Nathan, Birth unknown, died January 28, 1889. Haneline, Saliie, Born July 18, 1813, died January 12, 1912, age 98 yrs. Harb, Catherine M., Born 1894, died 1940, wife of Fred J. Harb. Harb, Fred J., Born 1892, died 1965, husband of Catherine M. Harb, place of birth: Mazraant-Ei Shoul, Lebanon. Hatcher, Coieen Bailey, Born August 21, 1925, died November 22, 1966. "Always." Hauser, Jack Kennon, Born June 17, 1927, died January 23, 1976, RFC US Army World War li. Head, Annie B., Born Octobers, 1895, died January 24,1891. Head, Annie W., Born August 15,1900, died May 11, 1964, wife of Ellis L. Head. Head, Ellis L„ Born February 20,1897, died January 1968, husband of Annie W. Head. Head, Walter B., Born August 9,1890, died June 18,1970. "Beyond the sunset." Head, Walter Carson, Born Decembers, 1917, died December 26, 1969, son of Walter B. Head. "Precious Memories." Hege, Ame R., Born August 30, 1842, died June 26, 1923, wife of L.M. Hege. Hege, L.M., Born December 8, 1845, died September 28, 1929, husband of Ame R. Hege. Hellerd, Elizabeth Johnson, Born May 25,1845, died June 9, 1929. raan'W Hellerd, John W., Born May 27, 1846, died June 24, 1882, age 36 yrs., 28 days. "A loved one from us has gone, a voice beloved is stiii, a vacant place in our home, that never can be filled." Henderson, John R., Born in North Scotland June 18, 1823, died March 21,1860, age 36 yrs., 9 mos., 3days. Hendricks, Born 1871, died 1875, child of Nte. Hendricks. Hendricks, Bessie, Born July 31, 1914, died October 28, 1915, daughter of R.G. and B.V. Hendricks. "Safe in the arms of Jesus." Hendricks, Ellen T., Born December 14, 1853, died June 28, 1876, wife of Nat'l Hendricks, age 22 yrs., 6 mos., 14 days. Hendricks, Francis N., Born October 14, 1851, died June 6, 1923, wife of Samuel Hendricks. "Faithful to her trust, even unto death." Hendricks, Mary Elizabeth, Died Novembers, 1969, age 86 yrs. Hendricks, Moliie Merreli, Born January 30,1883, died November 9, 1969, daughter of Professor Wilson F. Merreli and wife of D.H. Hendricks. Hendricks, Rebecca, Born January 25, 1846, died December 30, 1870, age 24 yrs., 9 mos., 5 days, wife of Nath'l Hendricks. Hendricks, William C., Born May 28,1876, died July 14, 1876, son of Nte. Hendricks. Hendrix, A.E., Jr., Born October 21,1926, died November 7, 1976. Hendrix, Addle KImmer, Born March 20, 1891, died September 13, 1950, wife of Daiton Hendrix. Hendrix, Atta E., Born July 2,1890, died May 9,1966. Hendrix, Biddle Wilson, Born November 27, 1886, died October 26, 1976. Hendrix, Casper Giles, Died January 18,1970, age 76 yrs. Hendrix, Charlie Anderson, Born December 15, 1892, died April 8, 1974. Hendrix, Charlie M.Y., Bom May 5,1888, died June 9, 1889, age 1 yr., 1 mo., 3 days, son of N. and M.J. Hendrix. "Budded on earth to bloom in heaven." Hendrix, Conrad, Born August 7, 1811, died February 29, 1884, husband of Sarah Hendrix. Hendrix, Daniel, Born March 30, 1822, died August 11, 1869, husband of Sarah Hendrix. Hendrix, Dewitt P., Born January 28,1878, died April 17,1943. Hendrix, Elizabeth Jane, Born September 3, 1831, died July 22, 191J, age 79 yrs., 9 mos., 19 days. "No pains, no griefs, no anxious tear^ can reach our loved one sleeping here." Hendrix, Emma Tinny Hudson, Died December 9,1970, age 70 yrs. Hendrix, Frances N., Born October 14, 1851, died June 6, 1923, wife of Samuel Hendrix. Hendrix, Houser Bickett, Born May 9, 1916, died September 9, 1979, Sgt. US Army World War II. Hendrix, Issac Daiton, Bom February 28, 1894, died March 25, 1972, age 78 yrs. Hendrix, John H., Born November 22, 1825, died August 7, 1876. "Even so Father, for so it seemed good in Thy sight. Matt. IX:26." SA Hendrlx. Laura Ann BaH,. Born May 7, 1861, died April 7, 1915, Wife of W.A. Hendrlx. Hendrlx, Leila Fry. Born March 17,1887, died April 30,1974. 1 I D Rnrn Aofil 4. 1886, died September 1, 1951,Hendrlx, Lemuel P.. Born April ^,100 . husband of Lottie C. Woodward Hendrix. Hendrlx, Lewis T., Born 1892, died 1964, husband of Sadie F. Hendrix. Hendrlx, Lllllngton, Died January 13,1973, age 90 yrs. Hendrix, Lottie C. Woodard Bom 24,1944, wife of Lemuel P. Hendrix. It snaii oe wbi. fear God." Hendrlx, Louis Anderson, Born January 25,1885, died Seplember 29, 1965. Henddx, Louise N., Born 1922, died 1966. "Gone but not forgo.- ten." Henddx, Mary Ellzabelh, Born April 8 1858, died July 25, 1869, daugfiter of Daniel and Sarah Hendrix. * A iR(yn filed August 5,1926, age 76Hendrlx, Mary J., Born August 4,1850, die yrs., 1 day, wife of N.A. Hendrix. Henddx, Mildred, Born and May 2,1863, infant daughter of Daniel and Sarah Hendrix. Henddx, Myrile Sain, Born December 6, 1897, died January 16, 1976. Henddx, N.A., Born October 19, 1844, died November 11, 1898, husband of Mary J. Henddx, Nancy Carol, Born July 24,1953, infant daughter of David and Edna Hendrix. "A bud to bloom in heaven. reach our loved ones sleeping here. Henddx, PeterW., Born December 14,1918, died January 14,1980, S/Sgt. US Army World War 11. Henddx, Pinkston, Born Noverdber 10,1846, died May 17, 1926, husband of Sarah A. Beck Hendrik. Henddx, Sadie P., Born 1895, died 1978, wife of Lewis T. Hendrlx. Henddx, Sarah, Born September 10, 1826, died August 11, 1869, wife of Daniel Hendrix. Hobbs, Anna B., Born August 4,1850, died June22,1852. Hobbs, Elizabeth, Died Iday 17,1908, wife of Dr. Hobbs. "Mother Is gone but not forgotten." Hobbs, Iran A. Born November 19,1810, died July 27,1846, age 35 yrs., 8 mos., 8 days. Hobbs, Julius, Died February 6,1902, age 36 yrs. Hobbs, Lewis, Born November 24,1848, died October 2,1850. Hobbs, Milton, Dr., Born January 2,1807, died December 23,1887. Holman, Annie E. Thompson, Bom September 2,1877, died May 31, 1931, wife of H.C. Holman. Howard, Bill Erwin, Born May 13, 1909, died December 15, 1980. Howard, Essie Emma, Born April 25,1891, died January 23,1902, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Howard. Howard George E.. Born August 27,1889, died December 28.1966, husband of Bertha McDanlel. "We will meet again. Howard, H.G., Died December 4,1899, age76 yrs. Howard, J.M., Born January 7 1857, died January 10, 1922, husband of Sallie Bailey Howard. Howard, June R., Rev., Born 1878, died 1932, husband of Mollle J. Howard. Howard, Mollle J., Born 1877, died 1946, wife of Rev. June R. Howard. Howard, sallie Bailey, Born July 23,1856, died June 25,1935, wifr of J.M. Howard. Howard. Sarah, Died February 29, 1899, age 73 yrs., wife of H.G Howard. ^ u ciion Rnrn 1857 died 1941. "Loving RemerrHoward, Sarah Ellen, Born loor, brance." Howard, Susan Jane, Born 1853, died 1942. "Loving Remen brance." A oi iR'hP rliad Aoril 30,1905. We truHoward, W.A., Born August 21,1852, dieo aprn our loss Is His gain." r? osArr. mR7 riipd 1939 husband of Nina Z. HoyI^'argrHemorHewnrrere.Hedoetha^ Hovie Nina Z., Born 1878, died 1965,He look. He will restore. He doeth all thrngs well. V/ Ol 0 U. t ^ I f' <s: cD' 1 ^ Iuj ' X I o < d' :S X. vCJ Hendrlx, Sarah, Born May 14, 1815, died July 15, 1882, wife o Conrad Hendrix. Hendrlx,,Sarah A. Beck, Born April 22,1860, died August 31,1931, wife of* Pinkston Hendrix. Hendrlx, Sarah E., Born January 25,1843, died April 29,1912. Hinkle, Jessie A., Born September 19, 1874. died April 15, 1937. Hinkle, P.R. IPInkl, Born June 6,1877, died April 16,1961. Henry, Jessie Anna Cope, Born June 7, 1874, died February 1, 1963, wife of Thomas F. Henry. Henry, Thomas F., Born September 14, 1857, died February 8, 1931, wife of Jessie Anna Cope. Husser, Gerard Kenneth, Born September 26,1907, died NovemI .24, 1968. Husser, Sarah Elizabeth Hendrlx, Born July 31,1911, died Aug 8, 1980. James Candace E., Born February 9, 1878, died June 23, 1! wife of Thomas E. James. "Gone but not forgotten. James, Colman Samuel Born Wrli*rusTveVhV:::mandTehr sweetly called him to yo shining shore." Oavie couniy PuDi'c Jarvis, Alice Garwood, Born July 1,1862, died November 14, 1955, wife of Nathan Jarvis. Jarvis, Amanda M., Died January 18,1898, age 65 yrs., 6 mos., 13 days, wife of G. Jarvis. Jarvis, Clarence M., Born November 13,1885, died March 23, 1954. "Beioved; Asleep in Jesus." Jarvis, Giles, Born October 10, 1827, died January 25, 1879, age 51 yrs., 8 mos., 15 days. Jarvis, Henry G., Born January 29,1881, died March 8,1954. Jarvis, Lula Dare Sherrili, Born Marck 12, 1898, died August 20, 1941. "My Dariing; Asleep in Jesus." Jarvis, Maud A., Born April 10,1887, died February 11,1932. Jarvis, Nathan, Born March 26, 1858, died January 17, 1944, husband of Alice G. Jarvis. Jarvis, W.H., Born 1887, died June 5, 1970. - Jarvis, William A., Born March 30,1913, died January 25,1937. Jenkins, Bobby Joe, Born March 28, 1931, infant son of C.G. and Margaret Jenkins. Jenkins, Mattle Plowman, Born July 5,1887, died January 18,1965, wife of Piesant Adoiphus. "To them we trust a place is given among the saints with Christ in Heaven." Jenkins, Piesant Adoiphus, Born May 21, 1882, died Juiy 2, 1943, husband of Mattie Plowman Jenkins. "To them we trust a piace is given among the saints with Christ in Heaven." Johnson, Arlenar Blanche Baity, Born June 18,1886, died July 14, 1968, daughter of James D. and Sarah Sossoman Baity. "Christ My Savior." Jones, Born Juiy 2, 1960, infant son of Ray and Euia Mae Jones. Jones, Alex Lillington, Born March 9, 1885, died September 11, 1951, husband of Hannah Bertha Foster Jones. "My trust is in God." Jonds, Marie Barhnardt, Born July 30, 1918, died February 10, 1983', wife of Clyde Jones. Jones, P.S., Born Juiy 21, 1847, died Cctober 28, 1926. "Absent, not dead." Jones, Paul Lee, Born February 10,1908, died May 28,1910. "Sleep in Jesus." Jones Phillip S., Born May 7,1894, died Cctober 27,1976. Jones, Rosa R., Born July 26,1886, died 1981. Kerr, Dewey Hudson, Born September 17,1902, died June 24,1905, son of G.E. and Norsie Hudson Kerr. Kerr, Robert Franklin, Born July 17, 1849, died January 24, 1906, son of James and Melinda Kerr. Kimmer, Ellen, Born Cctober 15, 1853, died September 15, 1932. Koontz, Lula M. Crotts, Born August 22, 1895, died November 4, 1956, wife of H.L. Koontz. Koontz, Ninna B., Born December14,1872, died April 2, 1952, wife of Taylor F. Koontz, Sr. Koontz, Taylor F., Sr., Born June 28, 1876, died February 14, 1958, husband of Ninna B. Koontz. Lagie, William, Born September 20,1802, died September 20,1879. "There are no partings in heaven." Laird, Levi, Born 1821, died 1874, husband of Susanna F. Laird, Co. E 42 N.C. i.N.F. Confederate State of America. Laird, Susanna Foster, Born June 16, 1820, died August 7, 1901, wife of Levi Laird. Langston, Charles C., Born 1911, died 1936. Leagle, Matilda, Died February 7,1892, age 51 yrs., 4 days, wife of William Leagie. Leonard, Wade Harrison, Sr., Born June 24,1911, died January 19, 1983. u. d? » Aft U* X o d a: O Jones, Charity H., Born December 6,1893, died July 22,1972. Jones, George A., Born Cctober 6,1.886, died June 18,1961. Jones, George Radford, Born July 4, 1915, died June 29,1916, son of G.A. and Lula Jones, age 11 mos., 25 days. "At rest with Jesus, our little dariing." Jones, Gray, Born November 21, 1927, died February 8, 1928, son of A.L. and H.G. Jones. Jones, Hannah Bertha Foster, Born May 8, 1888, died April 15, 1956, wife of Alex Lillington Jones. "My trust is in God." Jones, Jacob .W., Born May 12, 1857, died August 7, 1931. "Although he sleeps, his memory doth live and cheering comfort to his mourners give." Jones, John Paul, Born June 20,1924, died January 23,1953. Jones, Laura v.. Born April 13,1836, died December 5,1937. "Gone but not forgotten." Jones, Lula Hendrix, Born November 17, 1889, died January 25, 1961. Offlfte county WicL MocKsv\«e "C Livengood, Annie, Born December 20, 1860, died February 10, 1945. Livengood, Bessie E., Born 1888, died 1963. Livengood, Dorcas Lauretta, Born Juiy 1, 1921, died March 21, 1922, daughter of J.M. and Annie Livengood. Livengood, Earnest W., Sr., Born March 17,1889, died Cctober 15, 1969, husband of Mary Myers Livengood. Livengood, George R., Born 1880, died 1953. Livengood, James A., Born May 22, 1859, died August 26, 1918. Livengood, James Milton, Born September 12, 1895, died November 16, 1968, husband of Annie Foster Livengood. Livengood, James P., Born August 8,1914, died December 1,1979, husband of Daryl Giles Livengood. Livengood, Jessie E., Born Cctober 2, 1884, died March 22, 1963. "The Angel Band was not complete, she's gone to fill the vacant seat." Livengood, Mary Myers, Born November 22, 1898, died April 9, 1964, wife of Ernest W. Livengood, Sr. ^3 !■ 2 ft h 2 H t( H d H y< H ai H It rbTs^Tson o.Tm: anrinrruv^nfool'^'' Earth to bloom in Heaven. Llvengood. Rad Odell. Born December16, 1911, died August 25,1980, husband of Martha L. Livengoo '9rTet;s''ca,ied''rofon\°To°st°eU^^^^^ Luper, Sarah Marshall. Born January 3, 1937, died February 2, 1972. (^.1 u«»h Rnrn Hecsmber 13, 1862, Infant daughterMartin, Susan Elizabeth, Born Decemoer .of P.R. and Mary A. Martin, died of small pox. Masen, Grief. Died June 16,1892, age 56 yrs., husband of Jane Virginia. Mason. Jane Virginia. Died December 15. 1901. age 93. wife of Grief.ryt.rsT-s.rr.'is-s.';: Mason. rs";agf7"Ci-.®i?d1;s.'« the Baptist Church and joined at an eariy ag . I— o. <Si H hi H ar Ht 86 re Hi SI Hi ht H( He wi He Co He wi' He Hli Hii Mason. Louvnla Fountain. Died February 20,1883, age 37 yrs. Mason. Saiile A.. Born 1851. died 1896. Mason. Wiiiiam Dennis. Died February 28.1912. age 88 yrs. Masse,. A.E.. daughter of N. and S. Massey. born December 3, 1873, died January 1, 1874. Massey. N.J.. Born August 19.1842, died NovemberlS, 1878. Masse,. Wiiiiam A.. Born April 12.1851. died December 29.1912. "Gone but not forgotten." Christians. Farewell beloved ones. McCuUoch, Rachel E. t's^ they ^lived'^Chrlstlans'.wife of J.W. McCulloch. 'They died as they iiveo Farewell beloved ones." i- Dnrn filed 1946 wife of Goshed McCulloh.McCulloh, Fanny, Born 1865, diea la'ro, wm He I9f He 19G McCuiioh. Fred. Born 1886. died 1887. son of Qoshen and Fanny McCulloh. McCuiioh. Goshen. Born 1852. died 1928. husband of Fanny McCulloh. McCuiioh. ids J.. Born 1888. died 1902. daughter of Goshen and Fanny McCulloh. McCuiioh. Morshaii. Born 1895.Fanny McCuiioh. {l/lOCkSViHe, McCulloh, Vestal, Born 1900, died 1937. McDaniei. America. Born May 8 1M3 died April 8. 1914. age 80yrs., 11 mos., 8days, wife of G.W. McDaniei. forgotten." McDaniei G W.. Born June 19. 1842. died April 8, 1919. age 78"s 9 mos., 19days, husband of America McDamel. McDaniei. Isaac Ray. Born February 18, 1908, died December 2, 1935. McDaniei, Robert Lee, Born May 25,1885, died November 10,1938,husband of Angline McDaniei. Merreii. B.S., Born February 14,1820, died April 12,1900. Merreii. Clara Gertrude. Born October 14,1893. di^ May 15,189-daughter of Professor W.F. and Saliie E. M Merreii. Eiiaabeth. Died July 8,1878. age about 58 yrs. Merreii. Elmer Oscar. Born May 5. 1881. died December 8. 190son of Professor Wilson F. Merreii. Merreii. Melissa Ann. Born ^-h 2J. 1970 May 15, 191daughter of Wilson F. and Elizabeth H. Merreii. Merreii, Saiile E.. Born July 8,1861, died A jst 8, 1917, ageyrs., 28 days, wife of Professor W.F. Merreii. Merreii. Saiile Hendrix Born Octctjer 18, 1889, died August1968, wife of George Edgar Merreii, Sr. Merreii. W.L.. Born January 10. 1853. died January 18. IS"Those who knew him best loved him most. Merreii. Wilson F.. Professor. Born November 29.1850. died J21, 1931, husband of Saliie E. Merreii. Minor. Amy Hendricks. Born January 5. 1842. died February 1918. Minor. Betty Z.. Born December 27. 1878. died August 19. 1 Wife of George Minor. Minor. Edward. Born August 27.1924. died August 30.1924. s. J.A. and Hannah Minor. Minor. Frank Anderson. Born July 11,1918. died July 18.1917 of J.A. and Hannah Minor. Minor. George W,. Born March 25. 1873, died April 19, husband of Betty Z. Minor. Minor. James Thomas. Born April 9.1928. died December 10. Minor. John Anderson. Born August 28 18^. died FebmsI960, married December 24. 1911. husoano Minor. Lewis Grant. Born May 3.1908. died June 18,1989. Minor. Martha. Bom January 20. 1812. died July 8. 1898. yrs., 5 mos., 18 days. Rnrn iune13 1856, died December 31,19vMinor, Mary Ann, Born June is- 100 , of Washington Green Minor. Minor. Mar, Opal. Born done « ;91«, died September 21daughter of J.A. and Hannah Minor. Qi iS ir vn Jr* o <£ I Ui X V- ■cs a X Minor, Thomas Jefferson, Born August 28, 1900, died March 12, 1975. Minor, Washington Green, Born May 3, 1850, died October 31, 1940, husband of Mary Ann Minor. Minor, Zerreil, Died June 20, 1902, age 66 yrs., 2 mos., 12 days, husband of Amy Hendricks Minor. Mitcheli, Margaret Katherine Baity, Born December 15, 1875, died January 23,1963, wife of Zebulon Wiliiam Mitcheli and daughter pf James D. and Sarah Sossoman Baity. "Christ is all in all." Moore, Grahm Dixon, Born December 20, 1883, died January 7, 1952. "The Lord is my Shepherd." Morris, Bennie Joseph, Born July 23, 1922, died March 22, 1965, North Carolina RFC Co. E 137 Infantry, World War il BSM-PH. Motley, Horatio, Died March 19,1883, age 85 yrs., 7 mos. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord for their works shall follow them." Motley, M.A., Born August 12,1829, died January 15,1982. Motley, M.M., Born August 31,1829, died October 17,1881. Motley, Mary 0., Born April 8,1840, died September 2,1863, age 23 yrs;, 4 mos., 24 days. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." Motley, Nancy P., Died November 20, 1878, age 75 yrs., wife of Horatio Motley. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord for their works follow them." Motley, William C.A., Born June 15, 1844, died July 29, 1863, age 19 yrs., 1 mo., 14 days, "i know in whom i have believed." Myers, Henry J., Born January 4, 1839, died September 20, 1925, husband of Manarvia Myers. "An honest man is the noblest work of God." Myers, Jacob A., Born 1892, died 1955, husband of Jennie E. Myers. Myers, Jefferson Franklin, Born November 5, 1901, died February 10, 1980. Myers, Kenneth Lee, Born May 9, 1961, died May 10, 1961, son of G.L. and Margaret Myers. "Of such i&.the Kingdom of Heaven." Myers, Linda Gail, Born January 27, 1953, died January 28, 1953, daughter of W.T. and Bernice Myers. Myers, Louia Mae, Born December 25, 1884, died February 28, 1964, wife of Jefferson Franklin Myers. Myers, Manarvia, Born August 6,1850, died March 28,1924, wife of H.J. Myers. "God gave. He took. He will restore. He doeth all things well." Myers, W.M. Thomas, Jr., Born January 3, 1956, died January 4, 1956, son of W.T. and Bernice Myers. Myers, William Thomas, Born December 20, 1920, died August 21, 1955. Nichols, Bettie Williams, Born 1897, died September 21, 1969, age 72 yrs. Orrender, Bettie, Born July 26,1892, died December 20,1968. Orrender, Estelle, Born October 25, 1895, died August 6, 1904, daughter of W.C. and 8.A. Orrender. Orrender, Gaston, Born September 18, 1889, died July 24, 1906, son of W.C. and S.A. Orrender. Orrender, Mattie E., Born May 4, 1886, died September 15, 1908. "There was an angel band in Heaven that was not complete, so God took our daughter to fill the vacant seat." Orrender, Leola May, Born September 9, 1901, died October 16, 1943. Orrender, Sue Anna Call, Born April 21, 1862, died June 24, 1944. Orrender, William, Born March 1,1808, died June 19,1879, age 71 yrs., 3 mos., 18 days. "Here thou canst no longer stay to cheer us with thy love, we hope to meet thee again in yon bright world above." Orrender, William 0., Born October 12, 1846, died November 4, 1932. Overcash, Wanda Llvengood, Born March 3,1951, died August 23, 1973. Owens, Hilary Harris, Born May 15, 1872, died February 28, 1949. Owens, Leila Jane Garwood, Born November 21, 1879, died June 15, 1946. Owens, Paul Reginald, Born January 28, 1908, died January 15, 1968. "Their children Gaye - Lynne." Pack, Died September 25, 1886, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Pack. Pack, Austin F., Born June 19, 1856, died December 29, 1913, husband of Ellen A. Pack. "Sweetly Sleeping." Pack, Delia L., Born February 12, 1863, died September 6, 1938. Pack, Ellen A., Born May 4, 1857, died March 16, 1930, wife of Austin F. Pack. Pack, Ida M. Stewart, Born January 28,1868, died January 2, 1956, wife of William H. Pack, LewisC., Born February 5,1861, died October18,1935. Pack, Luna May, Born July 4,1882, died January 12,1884. Pack, Melissa L., Born April 7, 1874, died November 9, 1894. "A precious one from us has gone, a voice we love is stilled, a place is vacant in our home which never can be fiiled." Pack, William H., Born December 28,1847, died February 10,1927, husband of Ida M. Stewart. Parks, Charlie F., Born June 15, 1861, died December 27, 1928, husband of Lula E. Stewart Parks. "They came to raise our hearts to Heavqn," they go to call us there." Parks, Earle Ray, Born May 23,1897, died August 4,1954. "Asleep in Jesus." Parks, Lula E. Stewart, Born June 22, 1866, died January 12, 1952, wife of Charlie F. Parks. "They came to raise our hearts to Heaven, they go to call us there." Parks, M.E., Born January 2, 1888, died June 4, 1888, daughter of L. Parks. Parks, Tabbltha, Born May 15, 1824, died January 2, 1858, wife of William Parks. pi\n\\CvaMieCoumV.:,"OaJie ' Lli tei 1 LI' I ds I Eg I Li I 1S i Li 1£ I f as I jjf- sg^r 3 t -c: j*: 3 o y 1 I- a f H 1 81 rg H S H h I H ql C- u. )H y w ir*H o. Hi ca i HI H( X U 19 Of H( X 19 Peeler, Mary E. Laird, Born September 30,1863, died September 3, 1925, wife of William Alfred Peeler. Peeler, William Alfred, Born June 30, 1864, died December 15, 1936. PInkston, James, Born March 20,1860, died June 4,1947, husband of Lolla PInkston. "We have fought a good fight, we have finished our course, we have kept the faith." PInkston, Lolla Peoples, Born November 26, 1857, died April 7, 1905, wife of James PInkston. "We have fought a good fight, we have finished our course, we have kept the faith." Potts, Adella C. Hendrix, Born April 21, 1856, died May 1, 1931, wife of D.F. Potts. Potts, Alice M., Born June 12, 1868, died July 1, 1917. "Weep not love ones for me for i am waiting in glory for thee." - Potts, D.F., Born May 24,1866, died Sept6mber18,1945, husband of Adeiia C. Hendrix. Potts, Delia M., Born Decembers, 1884, died June28,1975. Potts, Eda Ann, Died June 18,1917, age 79 yrs., 6 mos., 20 days, wife of Newberry Potts. "Gone but not forgotten." Potts, Eddie Lewis, Born January 29,1896, died Novembers, 1963, husband of Myrtle H. Potts. Potts, Emily, Born October 15, 1850, died January 3, 1928. "Gone but not forgotten." Potts, Ester, Born November 12,1882, died May 2,1927. "Gone but not forgotten." Potts, Harvey H., Born July 2, 1906, died March 20, 1972, North Carolina PFC U.S. Army, World War 11. Potts, Ida M., Born December 7, 1886, died September 11, 1969. Potts, Isaac L., Born July 3,1884, died October 19,1958. "There are no partings in Heaven." Potts, Itha McDanlel, Born November 5, 1901, died February 10, 1980. Potts, James F., Born 1870, died 1964. Potts, Joseph S., Born January 10,1831, died July 2, 1859, age 28 yrs., 5 mos., 22 days, son of William and Comfort Potts. Potts, Mary J., Died June 19,1914; age 72 yrs., 5 mos., 9 days, wife of Hiram Potts. "Hope." Potts, Minnie 0., Born 1875, died 1953. Potts, Myrtle Hartley, Born September 19,1895, died May 11,1962, wife of Eddie Lewis Potts. Potts, Newberry, Born November 28, 1843, died July 19, 1920, husband of Eda Ann Potts, age 76 yrs., 7 mos., 27 days. "Children weep not, prepare ye the way of the Lord." Potts, Roy J., Born December19,1901, died May 25,1903. Asieep in Jesus." Potts, Rufus, Born February 12,1880, died June 25,1947. Potts, Sallle, Born September 24, 1874, died August 13, 1936, daughter of Hiram and Mary J. Potts. "Gone but not forgotten. Potts, W.H., Born August 2,1864, died February 22,1925. Proctor, Adella Stewart, Born August 17, 1854, died Decembei 1943, wife of W.H. Proctor. Proctor, W.H., Born January 20, 1860, died November 6, 19 husband of Odeiia Stewart Proctor. Rattz, Aim Eliza, Born May 29,1856, died April 14,1940. Rattz, Elizabeth, Born January 22, 1826, died July 21,1821, wif Hiram G. Rattz. "Gone but not forgotten." Rattz, F.P., Born August 24, 1853, died December 29, 15 husband of Mary J. Rattz, Henry H., Born May 27,1861, died July 10,1931. Rattz, Hiram G., Born March 27, 1823, died March 31, T husband of Eiizabeth Rattz. "Gone but not forgotten." Rattz, James Clement, Born December 21,1893, died Decembei 1975. Rattz, Mary J., Born February 6, 1856, died February 20,1905, of F.P. Ratz. Rattz, Prudy Garwood, Born October 13,1890, died June 14, 1 Redwine, John F., Rev., Born December 30, 1827, died Decer 16, 1896, husband of Elizabeth Redwine. Redwine, Elizabeth, Born March 20, 1828, died July 15, 1895, of Rev. John F. Redwine. Redwine, William T., Born July 4,1858, died July 10,1872. Rice, Thema Merreii, Born June 3,1910, died November 29, 1 daughter of T.A. and May Merrell Rice. Richandson, Chessle A. Carter, Born July 7, 1901, died Ma; 1971, married July 12,1919, wife of J.N. Richardson, Sr. RIdenhour, Born March 11, 1929, infant son of C.W. and Ridenhour. RIdenhour, Joseph in/In, Born March 1, 1945, died March 2, son of R.W. and Vioia Ridenhour. "Sleep well son, you will n forgotten." Ridenhour, Nora May, Born December 7, 1926, died Decembt 1926. "Gone to be an angel." Ridenhour, Viola Jenkins, Born January 20, 1905, died Apr 1969, age 64 yrs., wife of Russeil W. Ridenhour, daughter of Jenkins and Mattie Plowman Jenkins. Rights, Llille J. Kimmer, Born July 9, 1879, died October 4, ¤ wife of Wiiliam T. Rights. Rights, Wiiliam T., Born April 21,1878, died June 8,1955, hui of Lillie J. Kimmer Rights. Robertson, Henry H., Born August 30, 1926, died March 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Robertson. Sain, John A., Born July 6,1843, died May 23,1919, age 75 ; mos., 17 days. Sain, Margareta, Born February 1, 1844, died April 28, 1910, i yrs., 2 mos., 27 days. "She is not dead but sleepeth." Sain, Saiiie Mason, Born July 13,1872, died July 25,1945. 51 Sain, William A., Bom May 13,1868, died June 29,1959. Seaford, Dwight Clifford, Born March 19,1916, died November 24, 1967. .to Seaford, Fred A., Born 1917, died 1945. o ^aford, Lucille A., Born November 30, 1915, died November 16, o 1921, daughter of W.D. and 8.F. Seaford. "Our loved one." ^•"^eaford, Luther, Born July 27, 1881, died February 4, 1938,f^usband of Daisy Seaford. ;^eaford, Minnie Belle Hamilton, Born June 13, 1895, died January ^ 14, 1974. 3 Seaford, Sarah Jelia, Born December 25, 1880, died October 30, 1960, wife of William Dennis Seaford. Seaford, Susan R., Born October 4, 1854, died December 30, 1930, wife of William A. Seaford, Tony Jackson, Born December 20, 1888, died February 1, 1959. "At Rest." Seaford, Wiley C., Born 1886, died 1961, husband of Nannie E. Seaford. Seaford, William A., Born March 1, 1855, died August 19, 1929, husband of Susan R. Seaford, William Dennis, Born July 31, 1876, died May 19, 1960. i Shank, Jessie Erwin, Born December 30, 1917, died October 30, 1979, wife of Lloyd Dewitt Shank. ! Sheets, Born and died March 1,1892, infant son of G.W. and S.W. Sheets. Sheets, Boyd Kermit, Born March 2,1910, died July 1,1910, son of H.J. and Ciaudie Sheets. Sheets, Clegg, Born August 25, 1875, died December 3, 1936, ' husband of Sallie Minor Sheets McMahon. "In loving remem brance." Sheets, G. Ambrose, Born March 19, 1874, died February 8, 1960, husband of Lou Ella N. Sheets. "I know that my redeemer llveth." Sheets, George W., Born February 22, 1839, died February 23, 1915, husband of Susan M. Sheets. "Our Father has gone to a mansion to rest, to the glorious land by the Deity blest." Sheets, Henry Cariie, Born February 9,1901, died August 11, 1966. "Asleep in Jesus." Sheets, Hugh A., Born November 14, 1869, died November 29, 1907, husband of Sallie S. Qi 0 A- 1 <o t -o Sheets, Lou Ella Nance, Born October 1^ 1878, died June 23, 1959, wife of G. Ambrose Sheets. "I know that my redeemer liveth." Sheets, Noah I., Bom November 19,1876, died April 27,1935. Sheets, Sallie S., Born Augusts, 1879, died February18,1947, wife of Hugh A. Sheets, Susan M., Born May 22,1844, died October 20, 1907, wife of G.W. Sheets. "Father let thy grace be given that we may meet in Heaven." Sheets, William D., Born July 2,1869, died May 20, 1871, son of G.W. and S.M. Sheets. Sheets, William D., Born July 2, 1869, died May 20, 1871, son of G.W. and S.M. Sheets. Shoemaker, Champ Clark, Born 1908, died 1931, soldier USA 29th Infantry. Shuler, Dimple, Born July 7, 1912, died September 27, 1913, daughter of D.D. and Mittle Shuler. Shuler, Florence Atwood, Born March 29, 1891, died February 1, 1958, wife of D.W. Shuler. Shuler, W.C. [Will], Born March 4, 1884. died September 28, 1963. Sldden, George W., Born 1862, died 1942, husband of Sarah F. Sidden. Sldden, Sarah F., Born 1869, died 1953, wife of George W. Sldden. SIgmon, Vertle Bailey, Born June 8,1889, died May 31,1973. Smith, John Blair, Born November 25, 1830, died June 8, 1914, husband of Pantha Hlx Smith. Smith, John W., Born October 19,1902, died October 23,1973. Smith, John Wesley, Jr., Born June 9,1932, died October 28,1967, North Carolina GPL HQ SP TRPS COMD. "Thy will be done." Smith, Mabel L., Born October 3, 1906, died September 13, 1966, wife of John W. Smith, Martha Joan, Born January 10, 1938, died March 1, 1938, daughter of Joseph L. and Wilma Smith. "A little bud of love to bloom with God above." Smith, Pantha Hlx, Born June 7,1842, died August 7,1919, wife of John Blair. Splllman, Lucy C., Born October 13, 1918, died October 28, 1918. "Not lost but gone before." Sparks, Mary M., Died April 18,1912, age 80 yrs. "She Is not dead but sleepeth." Spry Joe Glen, Born Octobers, 1923, died May 11,1981. Stafford, Leo Washington, Born August 16,1860, died February 1, 1941, husband of Mary M. Stafford. "At Rest." Stafford, Luke A., Born November 30, 1892, died March 24, 1923. "Gone but not forgotten." Stafford, Mary Minerva, Born December 29, 1883, died April 20, 1964, wife of Lee Washington Stafford. "At Rest." Stafford, Nancy M. Foster, Born January 12, 1861, died June 1, 1934, wife of Leo W. Stafford. « Stafford, W.I., Born August 30,1886, died August 22,1921. Stewart, Born August 22,1874, infant son of E.D. and E.S. Stewart. Stewart, A.H., Born August 11,1819, died March 19,1905, husband of Jane Stewart. "I know my redeemer llveth." Stewart, Carthas, Born 1854, died 1880, wife of F.L. Stewart. "At Rest." Stewart, E.D., Born August 6, 1835, died December 29, 1936, husband of Elizabeth Stewart. Stewart, E.S., Born June 8,1870, died June 14,1925. ^ I V t ^ 1 ( ^ I 1- I \ I- cT fp S ^ to SIS30 s r u "> c. M Stewart, Elizabeth, Born November 16, 1835, died November 23, 1919, age 84 yrs., 7 days, wife of Ed Stewart. Stewart. Jane, Born July 31, 1818, died August 21, 1906, wife of A.H. "She hath done what she couid." Stewart, Mildred V., Born Septembers, 1881, died July 8,1905. "At Rest." Stewart, W.H., Born June 23. J856, died April 29, 1912. "Dear Father, not dead but sleepeth." Stewart, Wiley T., Born February 15, 1909, died June 4, 1911. "Suffer little children to come unto me." Stroud, Infants of H.L. and Magdalene Stroud. Son - born January 5, 1956, daughter - born June 13, 1958. Stroud. Tommy Lee, Born July 6. 1954, died August 19. 1968, son of Herman and Magdalene Stroud. Swicegood, C.B., Born June 30. 1869, died January 17, 1911, husband of Mattie C. Swicegood. "Gone but not forgotten. Swicegood, J.A., Born December 28,^ 1845, died January 17, 1911. "Thy trials ended, thy rest is won." Swicegood, MattieC., Born December15,1870, died July 31, 1905, wife of C.B. Swicegood. "Gone but not forgotten. Swift, Lummie, Born December 29, 1872. died June 24, 1914, age 41 yrs., 5 mos., 25 days, wife of Phillip Benton Swift. Swift, Philiip Benton, Born October 1, 1862, died July 25, 1929, husband of Lummie Swift. Thomas. Sarah E., Born February 22,1836, died October 16,1907. Thomas, Sidney Albert, Born August 23, 1926, died May 7, 1982. Thompson, Henry A., Born July 25, 1846, died October 9, 1920, husband of Mildred Hobbs Thompson. Thompson, Miidred Hobbs, Born March 4, 1842, died August 19, 1924, wife of Henry A. Thompson. Thompson, Ray A., Born June 28,1900, died September 11,1958. Thompson, Sarah E., Born February 22, 1836, died October 16, 1907. Turner, Blanche Reavis, Born April 7,1896, died April M, 1969, wife of John Westly Turner. "There shall be no night there. Turner, Esca W., Rev., Born August 23,1874, died March 27,1959, husband of Minnie W. Turner. "John 14." Turner, Hazel, Born February 14. 1909, died February 9, 1949. "Asleep in Jesus." Turrier, John Westly, Born April 14, 1876, died March 1^, 1953, husband of Blanche Reavis Turner. "There shall be no night there. Turner, John Uba, Died March 25, 1972, age 67, son of Rev. E.W. and Minnie Turner. Turner, Minnie Williams, Born January 11, 1875, died Aprii 15, I 1966, wife of Rev. Esca W. Turner. 1 Van Eaton, Charlie P., Born September 14,1865, died February 20, 1923, husband of Victoria T. Van Eaton, Frankie, Bom May 22, 1889, died August 1 189: daughter of W.F. and J.A. Van Eaton. "Ere sin could blight sorrow fadeth came with friendly care, the opening bud to Heave conveyed and bade it blossom. Van Eaton, Victoria T., Born October 10,1870, died June 28, 194 wife of Charlie T. Van Eaton, W.F., Born October 23, 1858. died May 9, 1888, age yrs., 1 mo., 16 days. Walker, Chas G., Born 1904, died 1962. Wall, Alice Frances Owens, Born October 8, 1877, died Decemt I960, wife of John Cicero Wall. Wall, John Cicero, Born March 22,1877, died September 19, 19i Walls, Bessie Walker, Born August 18,1885, died October 26,19 wife of Samuel O. Wails. Walls, Clemenllne, Born October 6,1843, died Novemby 9,19 wife of W.A. Walls. "She has gone to the mansions of rest. Walls, Dalton, This inscription was all that was found on a pi rock. Walls, Franklin Everett, Born October 1,1931 . died March 12, IS son of Roy E. Walis. "Gone but not forgotten." Walls, Lester Walker, Born September 21, 1911, died October 1831, kiiied by auto. "Gone but not forgotten. God gave. He tc He wiil restore. He doeth all things well. Walls, Samuel Oscar, Born April 3, 1879, died August 25, 1 husband of Bessie Walker Walls. Walls, Susan, This inscription was all that was found on a [ rock. Walls, Wilson A., Born February 23, 1842, died February 12, 1 "Gone but not forgotten." Williams, A.R., Born February 14,1851, died August 20,1924. trails ended, thy rest is now." Williams, Amanda E., Born December 24, ^844, died May I V wife of D.M. Williams. "God gave. He took. He will reston doeth all things well." Williams, Betty W. Nichols, Born 1897, died 1969. Williams, Chalmus, Born August 3, 1858, died Juiy 30, husband of Fannie Wiliiams. Williams, Claude Franklin, Born April 9, 1900. died Janua 1982. Williams, Cora E. Allen, Born June 11. 1878, died May 12, ' wife of Lee Roy Williams. Williams, Cora Hendrix, Born October 28, 1879, died Mar 1951, wife of Otho Wiliiams. Williams, Cyrus Glllam, Born Cabarrus County August 9, died Davie County August 12, 1908. Williams, Daniel Wl., Born May 16, 1841, died May 13. husband of Amanda E. Williams. "God gave. He took, t restore. He doeth ail things well." Williams, Daniel Robert, Born October 12,1881, died Juiy C "Cur ioved one." 5^ r 'gL o ik. k ' t- V> : St CJ Williams, Elizabeth, Born January 18,1829, died April 17,1881, age 52 yrs., 2 mos., 19 days, wife of J.R. Williams, daughter of R. and M. Foster. "She was a kind and affectionate wife. The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord, Job." Williams, Fannle E., Born March 25, 1859, died January 8, 1929. Williams, Jacob N., Born 1869, died 1952. Williams, James P., Born April 23, 1807, died December 18, 1872, age 52 yrs., 2 mos., 25 days, son of Tommy and F. Williams. Williams, John Radford, Born September 14, 1854, died July 29, 1928, husband of Sarah P. Clark Williams. Williams, John Rufus, Born Cabarrus County December 21, 1828, died Davie County July 31, 1915. Williams, Lee Roy, Born February 22, 1879, died March 30, 1959, husband of Cora L Allen Williams. Williams, Louis M., Born December 19, 1872, died April 12, 1927, husband of Nota Belle G. Williams. Williams, Lueiia, Born 1896, died 1971. Williams, Marget L., Born February 5, 1927, died April 29, 1957, daughter of W.A. and B.B. Williams. "At Rest." Williams, Mary, daughter of J.R. and E.M. Williams, 4 yrs. old. Williams, Mary J., Born March 9, 1868, wife of A.R. Williams. "Father let thou grace be given that me may meet In Heaven." Williams, Mildred Myers, Born 1863, died 1951. . Williams, NoraL. Foster, Born November14,1878, died September 26, 1904, wife of L.R. Williams. Williams, Nota Belle Garwood, Born September 4, 1876, died September 11, 1967, wife of Louis M. Williams. Williams, Notie Minor, Born July 6, 1896, died January 17, 1972, wife of Cary V. Williams. Williams, Otho, Born July 25,1887, died December 22,1968. Williams, Radford, Born September 22, 1882, died November 22, 1887, son of Chaimus and Fannie Williams. Williams, Sarah Prascovia Clark, Born March 25, 1852, died January 8, 1940, wife of John Radford Williams. Williams, Wilmer, Born October 20, 1909, died October 21, 1909, daughter of F.E. and N.A. Williams. "Asleep In Jesus." Wilson, Elizabeth A., Died November 30,1912, age 76 yrs., wife of W.W. Wilson. Wood, Born September 26,1919, died September 28, 1919, infant daughter of W.H. and B.L. Wood. Wood, Charles A., Born September 21, 1923, died August 7,1943. Wood, Mildred Van Eaton, Born July 11, 1899, died February 16, 1969, wife of John Wood, daughter of Charlie F. and Victoria Van Eaton. Wyatt, Infant born and died April 23, 1890, child of J.N. and S.E. Wyatt. Wyatt, D.G., Born February 4, 1814, died December 1, 1891, husband of Mary A. Wyatt. Wyatt, Dora E., Born September 28, 1886, died August 17, 1899, daughter of J.W. and E. Wyatt. "The child of our love and affection, we have laid to her long, last rest. When God made his choice It was cast on the treasure we prized the best." Wyatt, Guria Foster, Born July 10, 1905, died September 8, 1972, married December 24,1925, wife of John Frank Wyatt. Wyatt, Hiram A., Born November 9,1837, died August 4,1858, age 20 yrs., 8 mos., 25 days, son of Wliilam and Susan Wyatt. Wyatt, John Frank, Born Aprii 15,1902, died May 22,1978. Wyatt, John W., Born June 24, 1865, died September 17, 1938, husband of Sallie E. Baliey. Wyatt, Lewis Caesor, Born March 31, 1898, died October 7, 1955. Wyatt, Mamie Markiand, Born November 23, 1896, died November 8, 1982, wife of "Rad" Kerr Wyatt. Wyatt, Mary A., Born October 10, 1813, died September, 3, 1890, wife of D.G. Wyatt, age 76 yrs., 10 mos., 23 days. Wyatt, Meioney Brinegar, Born November 17,1851, died March 22, 1934, wife of W.H. Wyatt. "Our Mother." Wyatt, Rad Kerr, Born Aprii 27, 1896, died May 22,1959, N.C. PVT Co C 324 infantry World War I, husband of Mamie Markiand Wyatt. Wyatt, Ruth Lee Foster, Born December 17, 1893, died October 9, 1977, husband William Albert Wyatt. Wyatt, Sallie, Born April 8, 1868, died May 16, 1960, wife of John W. Wyatt. Wyatt, Sarah Pauline, Born January 26,1921, died August 2, 1957. Wyatt, Susan, Born May 2, 1806, died February 22, 1863 of smail pox, age 57 yrs., 2 mos., 10 days, wife of W. Wyatt and daughter of John and Elizabeth Cope. Wyatt, W.H., Born May 30,1833, died February 20, 1905, husband of Meioney Brinegar Wyatt. "Our Father gone but not forgotten." Wyatt, Wade Hampton, Sr., Born June 30,1904, died October 21, 1957. Wyatt, William, Born February 4,1802, died July 27,1867. Wyatt, William S., Born September 20,1888, died January 20, 1890, son of J.W. and S.E. Wyatt. Newspaper Articles Pages 61-87 ct i£ i I— j Davie County Public Library JJ Mocksvliie, North Carolina § J 60 r\ocHSvj»LLe Ao^ust \L, \ ^H (> ' V) MERREU. MEMORIAE LIBRARY Will BEESIABUSHE0BYE0RK6R0UP At the suggestion of Floyd Curter of Wlnston-Salenat inein- bers of the Porlc homecoming committee decided at their an nual meeting last Sunday to es tablish a memorial library for the late W. F. Merrell. Mr. Mer- rell taught at the old Fork ac ademy and later in the public schools and is a revered figure of -the community. The project will he known as the Merrell Manorial Ubrary and the committee was authorized to raise $400 is a beginning and report back to the officers of the homecoming. - T. L Caudell, president of the homecoming, appointed the fol lowing members of the com mittee: Mr. carter, chairman J. R. Foster. Fork; Mrs. Golden Koontz, Reeds; Rev. Cletus Fos ter, Spray; Mrs. Lhmet Potts, Clemmons. The homecoming attracted a large crowd. Thomas Hendrix of pork was master of ceremonies S- O \ "O Davie County Public Mocksvllle, NO -J ^ IL o °° "■<■ ">' »' " «>« to t pl.oe. In'^ - ■■ - ■■ - -•- •• " - (Enterprise Photo).The Fork Baptist Church Site Of Preaching 1768 Church Records Show h" ^^ ■ Reestablishment in 1793 By GORDON XOMUNSON The Fork Church was perhaps the first "meeting place" in the "Forks of the Yadkin' with the bare exception of Shallow Fords. According to' Professor J. T. Alderman, as early as 1768, thej . Baptists had preaching on a| beautiful hilltop under the inag-:i ' nificient oaks. At first it was 15common ground for all denom-j! inations, but Professor Alderman i?reports that nearly everyone feltjj more kindly to the Baptist and the T others soon retired from the I Rev. John Meglamre, a minist er of the Kehukee Association, was appointed to preach at the Fork Meeting House, Oct. 3, 1774. This appointment of a preacher at Fork meeting house is the earliest known record. There is -nothing to indicate how long the meeting house had been standing, nor whether there was an organiz ed congregation. The old meeting house was built of logs, and cov ered part of the same ground that the present church occupies. Mr. Alderman thinks that preaching began at the Fork Meet ing House as early as 1768. It seems certain that the meeting Davie County Public Libraty Mocksv^lld, NC 9 -S , /•? 5- more about Fork Baptist Church this be true, then Fork Baptist Church would date back as the oldest church in the county, air though it's life was not contin uous. est chur& in Davie County, al though tie first "meeting place" probably [was Fork.. Yadkin Association for 15 years. | The death of Mr. Merrell pre-| Professor Alderman reports that the church at Fork went down during the period of political up heaval rod strife which paralyz ed churches everywhere at toe closb dfitoe: Revolution. Re-established June, 1793 The church at Fork was es- tablshed or re-establshed in Jime, 1793. It is from this date of or ganization that the present church history dates. The fact of organ ization of toe Dutchman's Creek or Eaton's Baptist Church in 1792 generally lends to them the official recognition as toe oldest church in Davie County. There is no doubt as a continuous church organization, Eaton's is toe ,pW- vented toe completion of this his- . tory. The manuscript was obtain-1 From iU very earliest begmn-' grandson, Wayne Merr-- ing the ^urch has retained its ^^6 late' original name, Fork. The name is u utley for completion, i either defived from the fact the ^ utley is reported to have church is only a few miles from history and filed the conflvMce of the Yadkin and ^ .^^g p^jest Coll- Little Yakkin, or Souto River j (ori^allS all the ^rritory be- Terrell manuscript is in-!th^ rivet, ^ „„ Ote history o! Fork miies Wiwn „ toe Forks of the Yadkin), or teom toe fact that _ 1from aTiorUost sotttomehts ot SpUt Over Miss»os I Fork. Hvo pubiic roods hove coo- to 18»3. tooro wos a spUt inFork, five puDUc roaos nave V.WOO-1 . „„j ♦>,»'verged at itoo point whori too to o church over nusstom and to e,. . , .Baptist State Convention. Thelchurch is ^atod. ' dturch ciork at that time was a The late Wilson F. Merrell named WiUiam Thompson,^wrote a concise history of the ^jjosj^ed with the anti-missibnar-j Fork Church from 1793 down to carried away the records. 1930. Mr. Merrell was reared in ^j^g church saying the church"; that area and served-toe church never see them again. All. for many years as ai deacon subsequent efforts to get them Sunday School Superintendent He was also clerk of the South Mr. Merrell secured his j; data from several original som-:ces, all recognized as autoenic. | The second reason: On April 25, j 1926, to e home of the actingchurch clerk burned, and the rec- j ords of the church from Jan. 1, ■ 1917, to April 24, 1926. went up in smoke. In May, 1793, the Jersey Church \eceived a request from Fork Church to send elders "to at tend with them the constitution." This request was granted and Rev. Thomas Durham, Abraham Lewis, and John Hollis were ap pointed. h I In August ^toe Yadkin Assertion met at iEatoi^ Church Rev. - John Gano as Moderator, The Fork Church was received into the association at this time.Delegates to this session from' Fork Church were: Rev. Behja-fmin Buckner, pastor, and EUjto Owing. Fork Church had 45 mem bers at that time. Rev. Benjamin Buckner wasI the first pastor and served toe! Fork Church for 22 years. He was ! a tailor by trade and emigrated : to Georgia in 1815. ' :;The Rev. Joseph Pickler sue ceeded Mr. Buckner and served 25 years, until his death on May 24, 1840.^.During the pastorate of Mr v/> I O d d ^3 Da'is County Public MocJfsWII#, Nc 0 ^, n s j [OCKSVILLE (N. C.) ENTERPRISE THl Pickler, certain Baptist leaders recognizing the need for greater cooperation among the Baptist churches of the state organized the Baptist State Convention in 1830. The question of missions was the topic of discussion of that day. It reached Fork Church. Ifee people were divided. According to the Merrell man uscript, Mr. Picker attended the State Convention and when he returned threw "his wliole soul into the mission work and' preach ed with unwonted liberty." From the beginning of 1833 un til August of that year, the lines were clearly drawn between the :wo factions. About one-third of the members of Fork Church, led by one Thomas Phillips, an ex eluded member of one of the churches of the Liberty Associa tion, became so violent and dis orderly that it was a frightful day in - conference. Bandyings and epithets and milignant ac cusations echoed through the house dedicated to the service of| God," states an article compiled by Charles H. Utley. The minority group tore them selves away from the conference and were cut off as disorderly members. It was with this group that 'William Thompson, the clerk, left and took with him the orig inal church register and refused to let the church have it Those favoring the missions re mained loyal to the church and were re-enrolled showing a mem bership of six men and 29 women. On Oct. 20, 1906, the church by an unanimous vote decided to build a new house. The present building was dedicated the First Sunday in August, 1911. In 1930, eight Simday Schol rooms were added by building across the South end of the main building. The Fork Missionary Baptist Church was built in 1860 on the same spot that the present church now stands. This building was used imtil '1907, when construction was begim on the present build ing. The cemetary was established by Fork at the October meeting I in 1849. I From 1846-1857 a camp meet-j ing was held in the Fork Grove, ^ but was discontinued in 1837 by^ a vote of the church. ' | The first Sunday School was orgeuiized by the church in 1869. List of Pastors A list of the pastors serving this church is as follows. . Benjamin Buckner, 1793-1815. Joseph Pickler, 1815-1840. ' Barton Dobey, a few months., W. H. Hammer, 1841-184^. Windsor, a few months. Rev. "William Turner, 1844-1849. Rev. Thomas A^er, 1849-1851. Richard Jacks, 1851-1852. . C. W. Bessent, 1852-1866. John Redwine, 1866-1868. William Turner, 1870-1885. C. E. Gower, 1885-1888. J. N. Stallings, DJ}., 1888-1891. J. B. Newton, 1892 S. F. Conrad. 1893-1896. S. J. Beeker, 1897-1898." J. M. Bennett, 1899-1900. Chas. H. UUey, 1901-1903. R. D. Haymore, 1904- E. L. Weston, 1905-1907. W. R. Davis. 1908-1911. S. W. Hall, 1912-1914. L. W. BaUard. 1915 W. H. Dodd. 1916. B. C. Ingraham, 1917- W. L. Barrs, 1918-1919. H. T. Penry, 1920-1922. W. L. Barrs, 1923- E. W. Turner. 1924-1931. u> S o cJ K Uw P . ( i - H o S - " ^ ^r l - C M T Cc . ' > ^ ' » ty y Cv t , - x -■ - • - r' / ' , • )- S •» • V ^ i jW u . a f c - " H " i » ^ ' ^ ^ ' ' ' | *" .r i v ^ v - % Y ^ .• . . . j ^^ B ^ i l ^ ■ ^ ■■ : ■ jf c a a i » v * r i i J t < . . v < - - — • - i « - . « . . v i ., . • ^ V ^ ■' i . iv ^v - i jr v) - " »« t 4 • .- u - ; - . . ' .. . .r « K ^1 1 1 K ^r k Ba p t i s t Ho l d Gr o u m - i vi y vs s * - ? . , JP O R K BA P T I S T HA V E GR O U I 0 B R E A K I N < ! 3 - ' I— T h e of B c i a l gr o u n d b r e a t i n g _ ce f r e r a o t i y fo r th e K ' I ne w an n e x fo r th e Fo r k Ba p t i s t Gh u r c h - w a s he l < f ^ - - • la s t - Su n d a y - mo m l n g . c ^ So r n ^ o^ th e : of f l c i & i s ^ r - " ta k i n g pa r t la th e pr o g r a m j ma y fj e se w i ' a h Q v 4 : j . . l . I Th o n i a s He n d r l x , me m b ' C r of th e Bo a r d of De a - - ^ I co n s an d a me m b e r of th e bu U d i i t g co m m i t t e e ^ ' • Ne d - B a i l e y , bu i l d i n g fo r e m a n •■ R, . L. Se a f b r d ; : Su n d a y " ' Sr f i T O l : - S u p t . an d Ch a i f m a r i " . of ; th e " • Bu i l d i n g Cq r i W l t t e e r Re v . ' A. M. Kl s e r r p a s t o r ; ?• ; • W: - J b n h s d S ^ ' B T t J - Di r e c t o r ? ^ Bi i d d y : ; fo s t e i * , an d . 'W a d e , , . W y a t ^ C Q - c h a i r i n e i i - o l ^ th f t : ' fi n a n c e co m m i t t c q . _. . . . -- 1 - !' " Gr o u n d " " ' - ^ Bf e a k i h g " "c e r O T o n y fo r " th e ne w - an n e x i ta ' th e Fo r k Ba p t k t Ch u r ^ , . w a s he l d - S u n d a y ' mo r n f n g ar o u n d , 11 : 4 5 aJ U i v " ' . Af t e r a br i e f me s s d g e ^ o n "W h a t Ma k e a A Ch u r c l l Pr o s p e r a u s , " by th e - p a s t o r ; th e t Re v ; - A. Mv " Ki s e r , : 'i h e e o n g r e g a t U f r f ' a d j o u r n e d ^ t r o th e ] .s i t e of th e ne w ar m e x - o n th e ea s t ' si d e " of " tl i C ~ p r e s e n 6 - 'e d u e k t i o n a r wi n g p -_ - • - r " , " '- •. -' Th e gr o u n d r - br e a k i n g pr o ^ a m co n s i s t e d of , th e re a d i n g of sc r i p tu r e ' by R. - L i .S e a f o r d , .S u n d a y Sc h d o K S u p e r i n t c h d e n t an d ch a i r ma n of , th e bu i l d i n g co m m i t t e e ; th e .d e d i c a t o r y pr a y e r by th e pa s - f to r , fo l l o w e d , by th e sy m b o l i c , tu r n - 1 .I p ^ p f , sh b y c ^ of . ea f t i i by th e j le a d e r s of ai l ph a s e d of th e ch u r c h • pr o g r a m , an d a be n d l c t i o n by P. i M. .J o h n s o n , BT U " - Di r e c t o r . ' Th e ' ne w wi n g wi l l be a pa r t of th e lo n k - r a n g e ' fe m o d e i i n g ,• an d ' bu i l d i n g pr o g r a m wh i c h ha s be e n un d e r t a k e n by th e ch u r c h . Th e s& n c t u ^ y wa s re m o d e l e d an d ne w ' : fu r n i t u r e ^ or g a n , " et c . . . pu r c h a s e d j i In 19 5 2 un d e r th e .l e a d e r s h i p , of f f i th e . Re v . , . L. . M. , Te n e r y , - w h b : wa ^ th e pa s t o r at th a t . ti m e . . ; .- / J Th e th r e e st o r y ed u c a t i o n a l pl a n t * wi l l be of br i c k co n s t r u c t i o n ah d | H • wi l l c o n ^ l n th e li b r a r y , as s e m b l i e s ^ I an d 'c r a s s t b o m s ' " fo r th e ' hu r s e f i ^ ' th r o u g h th e in t e r m e d i a t e " de p a r t ^ ni e h t s on " th e ' fi r s t s an d " \ ^ c o n ( # f fl o o r s . Th e " gr o u n d fl o o r wm pf o - ^ vi d e th e he a t i n g pl a n t , ki t c h e m - i re c r e a t i o n an d as s e m b l y ro o m an d i [ cl a s s r o o m s , fo f an , ad u l t , de p a r t s i I me n t . j I . Th e ol d - . e d u c a t l o r i ^ . pl a n t wi l E j be us e d by th e yo u n g pe o p l e ^ an d j ad u l t , . d e p a r t m e n t s . . . . . .. ! . i — Th e ne w - an n e x - wi l l - be - ^ va l u e d ^ at ap p r o x i m a t e l y $6 5 , 0 0 0 > wh e t r f co m p l e t e d s - V - - a Th e bu i l d i n g co m m i t t e e co m p ' o s e ^ of R. L. Se a f o r d , Ch a l r - z ma n ; P. M. Jo h n s o n , Mr s . -R . M. - * Jo h n s o n , Th o m a s He n d r i x an d ^ Mr s . C. P. Ba m h a r d t . . / -I / t - 13 - - I 9f ( . DA V I E CO . PU B L I C LI B R A R Y MO C K S V I L L E , , nc Shown here are some of the 243 people who were present at Sunday school on December 0, lOSO, when Fork Church. Kouto 3, Blocksvllle, held ground-breaking services immediately foUowing the morning worship serrlces, Pictnred in the foreground, left to right, are those who participated in the service; Thomas Hendrb:, member of the building committee; Ned Bailey, building foreman; R. L. Seaford, Sunday school superintendent and chair man of building committee; Rev. A. M, Kiscr, pastor; P. JI. Johnson. Training Union director and member of building com- " mittee; Buddie Foster, Lawrence Graver, and Wade Wyatt, mem- ^.fcbers of the finance conunittee: Mrs. Joe Smith, AVBIXJ president; P- M. Johnson, clerk and member of the building committee. ;5j^Anbiher member of the building committee, Mrs. C. F. Bamhordt, -..'t-^iamotrphowndn the picture. '• a bri r message 6n ".WKat Makes a Chupcii Prosperous," %- . 13- ifiy the pastor led the congregation to the site of the new annex, east of the present educational wing. R. L. Seaford read an appro- priote passage of Scripture. The pastor led in the dedicatory prayer, after wliich there was the symbolic turning of earth by loaders in all phases of the church's program. P. M. Johnson pronounced the benediction. The new wing will be a part of the long-range remodeling and building program undertaken by this church of the South Tadkin Association. The three-story educational plant wUl be of brick construction and will contain the Ijbrapy, na-MmhUoa, and class rooms for the Nursery through Intermediate departments on the first and second floors. The ground floor will bouse the heating plant, kitchen, recreation and assembly room, and classrooms for the Adult Department. The new annex will be valued at ap proximately $65,000 when completed. Biblical Rbcobdbb * Vn MocksV'ille, NC I Rev. D. Ro Suggs I To Pastor at Fork Pi RiCV. DELANO R. SUGGS The Rev. Delano Rudolph Suggs has assumed his duties as pastor of the Pork Baptist Church. Mr. Suggs and family moved ! into the church parsonage on Jan. I 2 and preached this past Suirday.. i Ke succeeds the Rev. A. M. Kiser 1 j who resigned on July 1, 1961. to!n accept the pastorate at the First j Baptist Church in Oakboro, N. 0. | Jarl Pcston. Chaplain of the | N:rth Carolina Baptist Hospital, V.'lnston-dalem. has served as hi- C:'iim pastor sines July 1. Mr. Suggs was born on Dec. 19, 19S'2, in Harnett County. Hej graduated from Gresnsboro Sen I*- : Icr High School and attended ^ "•.Vhsaton College, Wheaton. 111.!. • He graduated from Wake Foreso'' Co-lpgp in June of 1959 and at- • tcnd'.d the Southeastern Baptist i T'ae(jlogical Seininai*y. He has •servcrl a.s pastor of the Pleasant GardEn Baptist Church in Pleas- . ant Garden for the past six years. He is married to the former Martha Lan Pierce [19541. They jhave thi'se childi'en: Daniel Ru-_. ; dolph IDannyl six years; Diana' ! Del. age four; and Mai'k Hintpn, born on Dec. 23, 1961. 0»i8 County public Ubrarv MochsviMe, BcLFid.sf mym^^QUNTY I ^ n Pm^iiECQRf) i '■ ■■■ -. <; ^.r ;ii 'MW-.J . -^t ::H fprK ft ^pti^t Cl^urcji B«|It In 1911i7^T.T • :'. -v.-:!::A. ^ :•■!<•■; 5: .!;■..<<:# ■ -j-Wl-V:*: ■ •'JX v^v.. :xxvvXvx .ft- il' Homecoming Set For August 12tli At Fork Baptist REV. EDWIN L. SMITHW'ICK ' H:rmecoming will be held at Pork Baptiit Church on Sunday, Aug. 12. The Rev. Edwin L. Smlthwick will be the guest speaker at the morning worship service. He is pastor of SouUiside Baptist Church in Greensboro. Jimmy Bailey will give the wel come addi-ess'; Mrs. Cora Minor WhUehead, a former member of the church, will speak briefljj: Mrs. Xtonald Smith made all prep- aritions for the annual event: Miss Jane Graver will be .soloist] for the occasion. Following the, mo.ning service, dinner will be' ;erved on the grounds. At 1:30 p.m., a memorial ser-' vice wUl be held after which a [ r.-cjvam of music will be present-! fd by the choirs and singers of Ihr' rhurih and from other churches [ Dm to the afte:noon service,' llip regnlnr meeting of The! Training Union will not be held. | "ha R-v. Dei Sugg is pastor of' the church. ( Davie County Public Libraiy Mocksville, NC Page Four THURSDAY. MAY 13. 196S D'AVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE-REC^D THE FORK BAPTIST CHURCH ... has made a decided change In the physical structure of the building during the past decade as may be seen in comparing the two pictures. The church at the left was erected in 1907. On Nov. 21, 19ST, the three- story east wing of the building was started and was completed In June of 1958 at cost of ?45,000 including furniture. On July 19, 1963, the second stage of the building program was started and was completed Feb. 20, 1964, at cast, including furniture and bap tistry of $31,690. On June 11. 1964, work was started on the sanctuary and was completed around the latter part of March. 1965. The cost of this ^hase. Including rug for the sanctuary and office furniture, was $24,393. This makes a total expenditure for the past seven years at the Fork Baptist Church ol $101,088. Three Stage Building Program Is Completed— Fork Baptist Church To Hold Dedicatory Service This Siinday What many historians believe to be one of the oMcsl churdies in West- o-n North Carolina will hold a spec ial dedicatory service for a newly renovated sanctuary on Sunday. The For4{ Baptist Church, located on U. S. 64 East of Mocksville, will have a special '11 'am. service fol lowed by an c^en house program with refreshments from 2 to 4 p.m. Sun day afternoon. Former pastOTS will be special 'guests with the Rev. A. M. Kiser preaching the decKcatory service at 11 a.m. The 'Rev. Del Suggs is the pres ort pastor of the church. Church History It is beHeved that the Fork Bap- ttst Church was first organized some time between '1769 and 1772 and thereafter disbanded because of the (Rm-olutionary War and the Indian uprisings. In the summer of 1793 the church (was reorganized and at the Fifth Annual Session of the Yadkin Bajrtist Association meeting at Batons Bap tist Church that year, was admitted to the Association. In 1798. the tenth annual session <rf the Yadkin Baptist Association met with Fork and on Supday, Sept. 22, 1798, 'there were three sermons prea ched by the 'Rev. William Megreos, the 'Rev. George Pope and the Rev. William Dodson. The first pastor of the church was the Rev. Benjamin Buckner. He sen'ed until 1315, at which time he moved to the State of Georgia. Setrtember 13. 1915, is the first airthentic date showing the Rev. Jo seph Pickler as the second pastor. He was elected moderator of the Yadkin Baptist .Association in 1825 and thereafter continued in this po sition through 1837. The 'Rev. .Mr. 'Pickler died on May 24, 1840, after serving for 23 years as pastor of the Fork Baptist Church. In 'July, il840. the Rev. Barton' Roby became pastor ond served througli February, 1841. In March, 1841. the Rev. William Davis County Public Library Mocksville, NO THURSDAY, MAY_13, 1965 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE-RECORD y- \r a. cC? H. Hammer, a former deacon, was called as pastor. IHe was ordained in July, 11841, and served as pastor imtil 'Decend>er, dMS. The Rev. iWilUam Turner assumed the pastoral duties at the regular monthly seirvice in October, 1844. The (Rev. (Richard Jacks became pastor in September, 1851. In '1853, the Rev. Calton W. Bessent became pastor. Building Constructed <In November, 1858, Benjamin -Mer rell, the Rev. Mr. Bessent and Wil liam .Wyatt were appointed as a building committee to look aft^ the construction of a new building. This new building extended east and -west, with the west end covering a part of the site of the first log building. The building was finished in 1862. The (Rev. John W. Cimish became pastor dn September, 1866. Benjamin S. Merrell (was elected superintendent of the first Sunday School organized in March, 1868. In July, 1869, the Rev. Jdtat F. Redwine became pastor and served until January, 1897, at whicb time the Rev. William Turner began a second [^storate. lit was around this time that the Fork Baptist Church withdrew from the Yadkin Baptist Asodation and joined other chuoches in the formia^ tion of the South Yaifidn Baptist Asociation. The Rev. C. F. Gower became pastor lin ^lil, 1885, and continued to serve until Dr. J. N. Stallings was called on January 21, 1888. Dr. Stall ings served until September, 1690, at which time the Rev. C. S. Caldwell became pastor. (In February, 1891, the Rev. John F. Redwine returned as Supply Pastor. On the second Sunday in Fdmiary, 1889, the church ordained J. S. New ton who served as paSboc durii^ the years 1892-93. The Rev. S. F. Conrad became pastor on January 21,189(3. Centermlal Observance On July 30, 1893, a Centennial Ob servance was held. FoUorwing is the program in part: "Farly (Baptist In Oavie County- Prof. John T. Aldenman of Reids- ville, N. C." "Baptist Progress for the Last 100 Years — Jacob Stewart, MocksviUe, and the Rev. J. A. Spai^t of Ashe- vllle." 'Baptist Sunday School — T. S. Spninkle, Winston, N. C." "What Fork Church Ought To Be •In 100 Years—the Rev. C. S. Cashwell of Mocksville. The 'Rev. S. P. Bedcer was pastor 1696(1898: the Rev. J. M. Bennett '1699-1900; the Rev. Charles H. Ut- ley 1901-1903. The Rev. R. D. K^mrrore and the Rev. O. J. Martin were interim pas tors in 1904. The Rev. E. L. Weston became pastor in October, il904. The old church building was torn down in the spring of 1907. Services were held in the Academy until the new building was constructed. The first services in this new building were hdd on the first Sunday in August, 1907, wdtb the Rev. Mr. Weston preaching the first sermon. This new building was 40, x 60' with an anteroom in front 14' x 14' adn a tower over it 70-feet hi^. There were two Sunday School rooms in the back with a Gothic Alcove bet ween the doors to these rooms for die pulpit. Total cost was $735.65. Ihe new building was decided on the fii^ Sunday in August 1911. The Rev. W. R. Davis became pastor in January, 1908. On February .12, 1912 the Rev. S. W. Hall became pastor. In June 1913, two brothers , . . June and G;ay Carter . . . iwere ordained. On July 19, 1913, the first Baptist" Young People's Union was organized end J. R. Foster was appointed Director. In 1961 the 'Rev. W. H. Dodd was pastor; 1917, the Rev. B. C. Ingram; 1918-1919, the Rev. W. L. Batts; 1920-1922, the Rev. H. T. Pemy; 1923, the Rev. W. L. Barrs. First Romecoming On ttre second Sunday in August 1917, the first homecoimng was hdd and thereafter became an annusd event. The Rev. E. W. Turner became pastor in 1924 and served until 193L In 1931, new Sunday School rooms were constructed. In -1932 the Rev. E. F. Mumford became past<H- and served through 1935. In 1936, the Rev. E. W. Turner returned as pastor and served until May 1938. The Rev. Wade Hutchens became pastor in 1938. In January 1939 the budget system of diuroh financing was adipted. On S^tember 12, 1943 the chm^ started plans for a hdf- time pastor. On October 14, 1945, plai^ were started for a full-tii»e pastor. On October 14, 1945, plans were started for a Pastorium, and construction was begun the fcdlowinf year. It was dedicated on Septonber 12, 1948. ' Full-Tlme Pastors On February 13, 1949, the Rev. L. A. Fleming became the first fall- time pastor and served until Septem ber. On October 16, 1949, the Rev. L. M. Tenery became pastor. During 'Mr. Tenery's pastorate, the sanctuary was remodeled and new pews and pulpit furniture Installed. On November 30, 1952, the Rev! A. M. Kiser became pr^tor. Durii^ 1957-58. a three-story ed ucational budding was amstructed and in 1958, the Sunday Schocd was departmentafeed. The first BroBi- erhood was organized in 1959. Mr. Riser resigned in June 1961 to acc^ another pastorate and the Rev. Carl E. Poston became interin pastor. On Octor 22. 1961 the Rev. Del Sug^ became pastor. It was under his leadership that the old education al building and sanctuary has been remodeled. Dwis County Public Library Mocksville, NO U) r o s.II n M -MOC ; ^nt, s. r*. &ev. Bel SuggisTV> n y -; pReferiTS'b^Seminary ~; —1*"^ •'*' f^'-i t i ' |;y^;yy5HE;:Rt^. bel -suggs . flevi^d. S^^,;)5Jastgr:^ :&e, , ^orkiBaptist VJChurch :for.;;&e . n |tli^e:i-nd-(rae4ia^-^eare;'i3as Testgio- ;re(i t6"-farthCT';.te ;T5t3udy -'al/fiie "sem- n S liiai^':3Mr7^Bb^gl 'preacii ' his ' pinajl '^enTHm -dHirtdi xm, Sun- 0jday;iik),nnimg ■af'"lil;a. 'to. • '•'; &outhe^t^'-''®aip1M "M||W^e ;F£>i^% edmpl^ life "sotvpiary ..work.",]^6wiig'the'-cw^poQ biaS:'wo^,^e'pia^ io:.go|%ie^eid 1of-■(3^TOC£3-f^^^t» Car«l..^d wiJl pfob^y ipend .ooe or tvbil^fear^ at tire S^tist ifospitsd:---^—4l^ito.^g^iasieein-paiior^ Fd^;jjsBce jamiaiy^^Biiting' 1m t.li^toraite ife'. ^second ipd ^nJ, [ of prognm;were' 'p.^Scnptetedr-:"^^';-,^1|i ->:Prior;;to -be<»ih^ pastor at_ F-oit, 'jlJ®. -Suggs as .p^tor for. six?i^i-and .'years at Peasant -Gar- . ^eiis'in "GaiMordriScwnty.. —; ■;5- ,2"rj--iMrs. Sug^-has i)een" a .nurse at I^\dejpouDty Ho^t^ for tire i4'pak .tJ^eenaDd-diiehaif ye^. '"!Sre: iapd their thr^ phildren; Damy, age \^S; -:I>iaina, 7;-apd Mark, ^e.3;'.|«^'arompany 'Mr. Sings' to.tireir if>ew"hOTne,ni W-^e Forest. r BEV. ,;R0yt|^2^UNG,S eep^ tire ,^pasi)G^^ ^the ^drk iist' ,iChu^.''^"Hey^siicic^is"^ fiemlBary' (to' .li^itilTer^'ias 'djudy.. '^23 Mr:"Yoiimig^as plicated af SIars" Southfwestem S^oitnaiy■ |Est'lIoispii6a~l3i^& -•-Mir, j^oung-saived - eastern-ipQit^of^wtii -{J^olioa .-for] and one^i^ years, before com- " . 5!o..to Ae ^wthorne BajptM Chin^"_ an.-ihe_J'idot_^Iountain...^i^ciatio![i. which Ire served for ei^t years. •1381 -be -resigned -^ -4)astdir- i Haw^onne .-Bapdst '■Oiui^-.and to B^'er, -on "a-'pioneer mission where he' establi^ed Nca&4,^en .Fii^ SouSiern'lBapi^ "Cln^^''"j of-Benver.^-iHe began his w<ffk in bnA I borne, .built .iiwo .biuldin^"with ' , padtylfor &mday Bdbod • tor. RMon^p :-{tf-^.ySar^y ?Sciiobl i reached an enrollment -jrf jover md ^urch men-A^a'iShtp 'nf" 600. jHe .bad.ia kandergfflTten sdiool iwith."an ~enrol'hireDt -of ;^0. ^^-5Ses fhurcb was ninfch in baptisms in the ^Ocferado _ Convention jjbe^ear, he'iwas there. Ail itfn's took pia^" pdfiiod trf four, yeans. Oavie county Puduo uDfai>Mocksviile, NC Ch u r c h No f ^ S f Vx : ; y^ r - ' ' ,. _ By VI B T I E ST R O I H ? ! : :- . ; 1 .^ : .: . . u . - l ^ Sl t f t Ri U f l i n a Re p o r t t r ^ . . Am o n g th e . lo c a l ch u r c h e s he l p i n g , su p p o r t th e Yp u n i _ in - th e i r pi O h e ^ wo r t e w^ e Ha w t h o r n e . Ro a d , ' Be c h ^ A' ^ o m e r Ci t r Ba p » pt o W t f Mi n e r a l Sp r i n g Md Fo r e a ly we n t to ^ Co I o r a d O i t d do . p i o h e e c mi s s i o i C wo r k , . ^ y . 6 , a j ^ . : , . . f ¥ 9 u ? . ® 5 H 5 F ce p t e d ac in th e ar e a . ' ' : . . ' . v- " ' " , . • -. i \ j' Th e s Re ^ an d Mr s ; Ro y V- iT o u n g , fo r m e r l y wR l ^ - ' -• ti e m r n e f l . a Xe q r Ag ( ^ Ha ^ o r h e Ro a d Ba p t i s t Ch i i r c R he r ^ ar e no w se r v i n g ; Ae t a a i l v th f e Yo i n e s re t ^ fr o m : th e i i Go l o r a ;- . at Fo r k . B ^ t i ^ ^ u r c h .i ^ p ^ y i ^ Cp ^ on . H i g h y r a y 6^ , ^^ wo r k IM ^ , ^ e p t ^ b e K ' . ' le R be c a u s ^ : we fe l t ou r w SI X mi l e s fr o m M^ k s ^ ^ e i - v > - - • " 't . i' '] » ou t t h e x ^ . w a ® f m i s h e i ! ' ^ jf i r s . Yo u n g s m d . "W e ha d go ? •■ e, su c c e e t t th e -R e ^ D e l Su g g ^ w b o ha s - . re t i ^ i e ^ r th a - ww l c " es t a b l i s h e d ' ar i i i th e "c h u r c h ' - o n T i t a fe e t as j ta So u t h e a s t e r n Ba p t i s t Th e o l o g i c a l Se m m a r y at Wa & e . r. Fo r e s t , fo r ; ad d i t i o n a F tr a i r i i n ^ - ^ . - r — - - ^ . <X ^ . Y o u n g a se r v e d ^ at ^w t h o r n e Ro a ( ^ fo r - a l m o s t ^ ei g h t ye a r s i - te n th e - . w p r k es ^ an d th e ch u r ^ ' ^ o m it s fe e t an i we fe l t ^ oW ' pa r t ^ o f th e ly o r k wa s fi n i s h e d r ^ f - ^ .. _ Si n c e ' l ^ i r re t i i r n th e Yo u n g s li v e j & v ^ t S ^ t h e i r so r 9- Du r i n g th e i r ye a r s he r e th e ch u r c h "g a v e th e cp u p X e 5 a tr i p we s t Th e y de c i d e d to We it vi s i t i n g Ba p t i r t mi s ^ ; si o n wo r k in th e Un i t e ^ St a t e ^ st a r t i n g - t h e i r to W W: . ^ i. - L o u i s i a n a t r . st o p p i n g : 0 ^ in £ Te z a a ^ Mi s s Q i u i E l a n d ( ^ : f i n a l i ^ . , . De n v e r , Co l o . ' . ; R. * =' . ' > r "V " :. y i. i . , . . "W h i l e in Co l o r a d n . t h e y . s a w ! a gr e a t . n e e d . f W r n i s s i p B L l . I wo r k e r s "W h e n th e y ca m e ho m e th e ne e d "l a y he a v y ^ . \ on ou r he a i ^ " ' Mr s . . ' Y o u n g re c a l l e d ^ ye s t e r d a y by te l i ^ : ■ i ph o n e ; (H ^ hi i s b w d wa s ho t at hp i n e ) Fo r tw o or th r e e " ; ye a r s th e y th o u g h t ab p u t J i t . ja n d . , t a l k e d „ a b o u t it wi t f C ^ I ot h e r pe o p l e ' " ; . - 4 t "^ f e a l l y ' d i f f e r e n f " ch u r c h e d sa i d th ^ - ^ ^o u l d he l f ^ " : sp o n s o r - ou r wo r k th e r e , " ^s i . . Yo u n g sa i d , "a n d - th e : Ho m e Mi s s i o n Bo a r d of th e ^ u t h e r n E^ p t i s t - C o n v e n t i b W ^ sa i d , th e y ' d he l p i i " V • - -4 h ^ On c e "w e de c i d e d . we _ ^ w o u l d go - W 1 8 6 1 p ^ sh e ad d e ^ > "d o o r s st a r t e d ' o p e n i n g ^ ' ^ On l y . Ti c o Ot K e r Fa m i U i m s . . _ "H : J in De n v e r th e r e - we r e - on l y tw o ot h e r - fa m i l i e s b^ ^ ^ th e Re v . * Ro y - V , . - " 5 f o u h g Jr . 7 wh d ^ is a pa s t o r -" a t Mw i Hi l t Th e " se n i o r mi n i s t e r ha d - se v e r a l " of f e r s ' fr o m ch u r c h ^ , hi s wi f e ex p l a i n e d "b u t he u di d n ' t fe e l ca l l e ^ to th e m . We we r e , bo t h wo n d e r i n g if we sh o u l d n ' t go ba c ^ B in t o pi o n e e r mi s s i o i r ; wo r k ^ ^ . ^ " " 'W h e n T t h e ca l l ca m e " So m Fb r S ^ ' s K e co n t i h u i e d i "h ^ hu s b a n d fe l t le d to _ to is ca R . " _ ■ . .7 _ ^ _ ^ . _ Yo u n g a na t i v e o£ As h e v i U e , is ma r r i e d to th e if o ^ me r Ha c K ^ ^ Wf l e s , da u ^ f e r ' of Mf s r Ek s k m h WH e s r oj WI n s t o h > S a i e i m ; Th e y hk v e th r e e ot h i e r r c h i l d r e i i : Sh a r b i i 16 ^ . Sh i r l e y , 15 r an d l U c h a r d . l f c L . 'i L - 1 .4 1 : 4 In ad & t i o n to hi s lo c a l pa s t o r a t e "^ u h g ha s se r v e d in Ha y w o o d ' ; Cb i i n i S ^ " a n d - J ® e ea s t e r n ^ pa r l ^ b f th b sf a t i Yo u n g is a gr a d u a t e ' of . Ma r s Hi l F Co l l e g e , an d a; ^ te n d e d Wa k e Fo r e ^ - C o l l e g e ^ So u ^ w e i i e m Ba p t i s t "H i ^ ol b g i c ^ Se m i n a r y at Fi ^ "W o r t h , Te ^ , ^d th e Sc h m ] ■ of Pa s t o r a l Ca r e aC ^ p t i ^ ' Hp s p i t a L "4 / 7 ,4 - - - 4 4 ■ i" - ; j- . ; -i -r - . T .U J si d e s , th e . Yo u n g s , wh o . we r e So u t h e r n . Ba p t i s t & . . ^ f A t . * * * a j . ^ ^ we ju s t {S t a r t e d kn o c k i n g on do o r s , as k i n g pe o p l e ta co m f f ^ to ch u r c h ^ : Yo u n g sa i d - . . . . . .v . . . .- . j ^ Fo r th e fi r s t ye a r th e y , me t in th e i r ho m e ^ Th e y ha d I 89 me m b e r s wh e n th e fi r s t bu i l d i n g wa s bu i l t th a t of H ^ ' ^ ci a l l y be g a n th e No r t h Gl e n n Fi r s t So u t h e r n Ba p t i s t Ch u r c h - — '" w e ha d to pu t 'S o u t h e m ! = in th e t i t l e , ' * ^ Mr s c ^ Yo u n g ex p l a i n e d . / .- v lj Be f o r e th e y le f t ' th e co n g r e g a t i i D n ha d b^ t a te i n i ^ 1 po r a r y sa n c t u a r y an d tw o ed u c a t i o n a l bu i l d i n g s . Su n d ^ * 4 sc h o o l fa c i l i t i e s wo u l d pr o v i d e fo r 60 0 st u d e n t s ov e i ^ l 50 0 en r o l l e d . Th e at t e n d a n c e at wo r s h i p wa s ab o u t 45 ( ^ me m b e r s . - >J An d "w e ha d th e on l y st a t e li c e n s e d ki n d e r g a r t e n fb t " ^ fi v ^ y e a r - o l d s , " Mr s . Yo u n g sa i d . Ab o u t 27 0 we r e eh - ^ ro l l e d m th a t de p a r t m e n t L DA V I E CO . PU B L I C UB R A S y IV I O C K S V I L L E ^ NO C/ i u. e e - Fo e k - n - ti p re c o r d ; TH U ^ b ^ ^ ^ R m s; I9 7 3 i i ^ Mi i n i s ^ ^ -- R i ^ - Y a t e ^ Ki n g ^ Wi l k j i i s c a r i r i - Bp l i t e a s Ba i p t i s t Oi u r c l r ; So u t t e ~ Jk be g a n hi s ra in i s t ^ at Po r t e fm ; \n r g i n i a wh e r e he ha c t i Ba p t i $ ^ t Ch u r c h oi r - Su n d a Y » : : se r v e d si n c e No v e n i b a * l 9 6 9 T H ^ v | Ap r i l ^ l l .J • is a fc m n e r sc h o o l (^ a c h e r an ( ^ . Wi l k ^ o n l a b ^ . ^ pr i n d p a l h a v i n g b^ ei n p l 6 y e < f i l ^ hC ^ ^ wf e lu i 3 rf Ca r W ' " it t Li h c o l n ' Co u n t y , " Ir e d e l L t j . Ya n § n i 3 l f ag f f an c T Ki m Co u l R y an d " Mo n t g o m e r y f An i f e a ^ . T , 'w e r e ho n o r ^ at . ^ , Cg i i n t y ^ fo t r ,1 0 - y e a r s v He ^ is f e Fe i y B y s S i p ^ D i n n e r - ii * f FW s ^ t t x r ap ' m e m b ^ " of th ^ re c i ^ l ^ B v b a i r im m ^ ( M | ^ j i 3 ^ ; Rt i r R a i r iu u t r in a c t i v e ; ii ^ fo l I ^ ' W i ^ t h e ' s e m c e s ^ t ^ ^ ^ ^ l ^ <? ^ ia f f a i r a ; ^ Hi s : h( A b i e s ar ^ Bo r ^ ' i i i Li n c o l n Cc « ^ t y » l^ ^ g^ e n u i g ^ go U an d fi s h i n g ; , ; Wi l k f f i a c ^ it ' ' g r a c m - TO e ne ^ ih i n i s ^ - a t Fo r k " ^ Un c o i n i O r t y H i g l H - S( ^ b ^ ^ li s t e d . - i n t lt e w e l H s f r : : j ' ' N o t t ] t e ^V ( d m an # "W h o ^ Li . Am e r i c a u Ed i i c a t i b u V •- ^t ^ i l m v g r s i ^ w k B ^, K L ' CM i i ' p i Pi r e c j o i K bu r i n a i ) tw c de g r S i S ^ . co m p l e ^ su r a i ^ ^ ' c ^ ^ . re t p ^ m e n i s fo r tl f e ' Ma s t » : ^ ' Cb h c w # A s s ^ i a u b l i a l ' ^ ;b i ^ m t X i 4 ^ De g p ^ i X c i ^ f r b r a ^ la n e - ^ R ^ So j i t b e ' a ^ t e r '- » ~ B a p t i s t c V i r g i n i i a ; w i% ac t i v ^ u -T h e b l p g i c a ^ Se n U t t a t j ^ - : ^ ^ ii ^ as M c l a t i p n ^ wb r l p Ka y i h i ;J a a u a i r y p f . 19 7 3 an d wi l l . i e b ^ y ^ . . se n s e d , oi t t va i t e u s ; co n w i i t t e e b hi s d€ ^ r e c ; i u pH h i b ye a i r ^ : ' , ^ "D i i ^ Re i ^ Ep b e ^ , tt ne w in e m b c a ^ w t ^ i ^ ^ • or d a i n e d In t o F t^ - Go s p e l ; . ad c t e d to th e ch u r c h ; ^ of tf a e ^ i Mi n i s t i y in r ~ ; y a n u a t ^ 19 7 ( ] i by ba j ^ m ' : - re po r t e d ' R e v f ^ V O t e h s ^ : , EN T E R F R . S L - kE C O R D if - t" - I Re e e i v e s ^ Ya t e s Ki n g Wi l k i n s O n ; ; . * J r t o f i f ; :. Mo c k s y i l l b , . N, ' C. , ha s i co n t i : pl e t j ^ th e re q u i r e m e n t s f( ^ gr a d ^ f i o s _ fr o m Sq u t h e a s t o n i , Ba p & t : Ih e b l b g i c i a l : Se m i i u ^ ; ' He wi R b e aw a r d e d th e : Ma s t ^ i" of T^ ^ v d t y ' de g r e e at th e se m i f f a r j E - L co m m e n c e m e n t . , f ex e r c i s e s on Ma y . 23 , ; .; f Ya t e s Ki n g , di e so n of Bf c an d r ^ tm n Ya f i r a r/ Wi l k i n s b n " ^ wf i o ^ |- li v e at Sa l e n i Ro a d ^ Li n c o l n h H T ^ - KN . C H s a g r a d u a t e ' b f L i n c o I n t o n r ' 'i j I Hi g h . Sc h o o l - an d Wa k e Fo r e s t - ^ ; ^ 1 Un i v e r s i t y wh e r e He re e d v e d a ; ~, v (. B a c h e l o r oi ! . A r t s an d Ap - i . '' i pa l a c h i a n - St a t e r .T e a c h e r s - , Co l l e g e , wh e r e he . re c e i v e d % I Ma s t e r of Ar t s . He ha s se r v e d ; as ' pa s t o r of Ep h e s u s - Ba p t i s t _ . ^ Qi i u t h in So u t h Hi l ^ Va . an d ' i i ^ ho w pa s t o r of - Fo r k Ba p t i s t . Ch u ^ i Mo c k s v i l l e , N; Gs — I- vY a t e s Ki n g - i s . ma r r i e d to tb e - r fo r m e r Ne l d e La w i n g of Li n - . co l n t o n , i iT h e j f c : _ ha y e ^ l tw ^ ^ da u ^ t e r s , Ki m i ^ r l y S^ ^ s , of . ag e ' a n d Ca r o l , s; y e j u s . . \ - ^ ) OA V I E CO . PU B U G UB R A R Y mo c k s v i l l e . NO -DAVIi: COHN IA KN rERPRISK RECORD, IHURSDAY, M:iv 1990 Fork Baptist Church members break ground for addition. Fork Baptist Plans New Fellowship Hall, Office Young and old broke ground Feb. 18 al Fork Baptist Church for the new fellowship hall and pastor/secretary offices. The addition should be com pleted in the fall and is expected to cost approximately $350,000. On hand for the ceremonies were Mrs. Josie Merrell. the oldest member, and two of the youngest of members. Michael Colby Scaford. who was 4 days old at (he time, and Patrick Riley Shore, age 3 months. They are sons of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Scaford and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Shore, respectively. Also, members of the building committee attended, including Reginald Scaford, Fred Wilson. Tiny Hcndrix. Wyona Johnson. Sarah Scaford. and Pastor Gordon I,. Joyncr. OWOE CO. POBtlC DAVtK COUNIV ENTKRPRCSK RECORD, THURSDAY, Jim. 24, 1991- Fork Baptist Gets Pastor The members .n,.,,.!, .members at Men's D;iy, Evans Evans was born on Gel. 27. 1949 m Wilson. He is married lo Calhcrine (Cathy) and tlicy have three children: Jennifer. Benjamin and Caleb. Mrs Evans is a pniduatc of Methodist Col lege and is a ccrtiHcd K-9 teacher Evans is a 1972 gradnate of Methodist C oilegc with a bachelor s degree in chemistry, and Southeastern Thcologiea! Seminary in 1985 with a master of divinity degree. He was ordained on June 10 College Park Baptist Church. Greensboro. He has .served as pastor from 1984-1988 to a congregation of .775 .Sloncr's Grove. Liberty AsscKiation. Lc.xinpion. He is paslo'r (since 1988) to 1.70 members at Bogiic Banks, Atlantic Association. •Atlantic Bc.acli, "As a minister of (he go.spcl. I place higli priority on preaching and leaching God's word." Evans said. "My personal ministry and the ministry of die church f.vuscs on car rying the message of love and the ho|K- of Jesus Christ lo a lost ami hur ling world." His denominational activities in clude serving the Atlantic A.s,socialion as president of the pastor's con ference and on the ntissions commit- lee. While in the Lilx-rlv Ass<K-iation he also .served on the nomination emnniiticc of H. "elected as one«>1 the Outstanding Young Men of America". He is certified in domestic violence prevention, covommi marriage, miisicrlifc and team ministry His hobbies include golf, gardening reading, and ba.scball. The Evans family will be living in the church parsonage on Route 7 Mix-ksvilic. All former members and people in the Fork Comiiuinityarc in- vilc< to come and worship. Fork Bapt.,s. Church is located approx imatcly six miles cast of M.xksville <"1 U..S. 64. OAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NC Biblical Recorder VOL.158, NO. 26 AUGUST 1,1992 DEDICATION—Fork church, Mocksville, South Yadkin association, dedicated Its new additions (above) with a recent service and cornerstone laying. The event Included a responsive reading, comments from the building contractor and church building committee, the depositing of the cornerstone box, the laying of the cornerstone and a prayer of dedication. Kenneth R. Evans Is Fork church pastor. BIBLICAL RECORDER QAVIE CO. PUBUC UBKARY MOCKSVnJLE, WO -DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, Jan. 14, 1993 Fork Baptist Church's anniversary celebration is based on the theme "touching lives for Jesus." Fork Baptist Plans Events Celebrating 200th Anniversary Organized in 1793, Fjrk BaptisI Church will celebrate its 200th an niversary during 1993. The theme for the year will be: "200 Years: Touching Lives For Jesus." The main events begin with Bap- . list Men's Day on Jan. 24 with guest si«aker, the Rev. Cleve Wilkie of Kinston. Wilkie is a retired pastor. He has spoken during previous revivals and attended a world mis sionary's conference at Fork. Feb. 14 will be WMU Focus Day with Nancy Curtiss as guest speaker. Curtiss is the executive director of , North Carolina W.M.U. A spring revival will be conducted March 21-24, with former pastors as guest speakers. Sunday morning's speaker will be the Rev. Roy Young; Sunday evening, the Rev. A.M. Kiser; Monday evening, the Rev. Roy Young; Tuesday evening, the Rev. Yates Wilkinson; and Wednes day evening, the Rev. Gordon Joyner. Coming on May 23 to speak will be Dr. Darrell Robinson, vice presi dent of evangelism for the home mis sions board. June 27th, nearest date to original established date, the speaker will be Dr. Roy Smith, executive director- treasurer of N.C. State Convention. Many other special events are planned through the remainder of the year. Fork Baptist Church is located ap proximately six miles east of Mocksville on U.S. 64. The pastor is the Rev. Ken Evans. oftvie CO. puBuc wMie MOCKSVlCCa ^ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, March 4, 1993- Fork Baptist Plans 200th Anniversary Revival March 21-March 24 has been set A niirceru i.mII k- ri • ....March 21-March 24 has been .set A nursery will be provided lifor the 200th anniversary revival at Fork Bapti.st Church. The services will begin at the 11 a.m. worship service and each even ing at 7:30. at each service. Former pastors will be guest speakers: the Rev. Roy Young, Sun day morning and Monday evening; the Rev. A.M. Kiser, Sunday even ing; the Rev. Yates Wilkinson, Tues day evening; and the Rev. Gordon Joyner, Wednesday evening. TTic Rev. Riser and Mrs. Kiser are living in Cherryville. He served as pastor from 1952-1961. The Rev. Young and Mrs. Young ve at East Bend. He served from 1965-1972. The Rev. and Mrs. Wilkinson live at King. He served from 1973-1981. The Rev. and Mrs. Joyner presetit- ly are living at Nashville, N.C. He served from 1981-1990. The present pastor is the Rev. Ken Evans. Fork Baptist Chuich is located approximately six miles east of Mocksville. Tlte theme for the year is "200 Years: Touching Lives for Jesus." • . Davie County Public Library Mocksville, NO a y a 7-? Smith speaks at Fork church bicentennial MOCKSVILLE—Wilh (he theme "200 Years: Touching Lives For Jesus," Fork church, Mocksville. celebrated its bicentennial birth day on June 27 as a part of its year-long celebration. Roy J. Smith, Baptist State Con vention executive director-treasur er, was the guesi speaker for the morning worship service. Smith challenged the people to retell the history and heritage of the church while keeping their eyes on Jesus and remaining involved in spread ing the gospel, according to a church news release. Ken Evans, Fork church pastor, spoke during the service about what church life may be like in the year 2093. Evans also was so loist for a song written for the bi centennial titled "Touching Lives For Jesus." Performed by the church choir, the song was written Hail Hi Fork church's first church building HAPPY BIRTHDAY—Padicipaling in the Fork church bicentennial were (I tor) former pastors Roy Young and A. M. KIser, present pastor Ken Evans, and Roy J. Smith, Baptist State Convention executive-director treasurer. by Fork church member Jimmy Bailey and composed by church pianist Jenny Yost. Following worship a lunch was held in the church fellowship hall. An afternoon service featured Kathy Young in concert. Young is minister of music at Courtney church, Yadkinviiie, and the wile of Courtney pastor Vincent Young. Among those who attended the festivities were former Fork pas tors A. M. Kiser and Roy Young. As part of the extended celebra tion, the church held homecoming services on August 8 with Gene Hager, retired Soulh Yadkin asso ciation director, as guest speaker. The church will celebrate its bi centennial throughout the year wilii such events as a September 12 service in which James Dra per, president of Southern Baptist Convention's Sunday School Board, will be present and a November 21 address by Don Kammerdien- er, Foreign Mission Board vice president. The church will host a session of South Yadkin associa tion's annual meeting October 18. August 14,1993 Biblical Recorder Davie County Public Ubraty Mocksville, NC DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Sept. 30,1993 n Fork Baptist Receives Largest Settiement Ever From Davie Civii Jury By Lynn Hall Davie County Enterprise Record A Davie County civil court jury last week awarded the largest settlement ever in the county's history to Fork Baptist Chutrh, sotne $556,000, and congregation members hope the judgment will serve as a means to pietect other churches and groups from unethi cal companies. The case involved a contract Fork Baptist had signed with Temple Construction Co. of Greenville, S.C. to build an addi tion to the church. The negotia tions for that contract began in the spring of 1989, and were con cluded in December of that year. Attorney for the church. Hank Van Hoy, said the congregation had learned about Temple because the company had done work for another church in the community. He said throughout the negotiat ing process. Temple's agent, Terrance Lane, represented the company as able to meet all the requirements for the project. "During that period. Lane even attended a service at Fork where he witnesses about his own faith and beliefs." Please See Jury • Page 4 Jury Awards Settlement To Fork Baptist Church; From Construction Co. o Continued From Page 1 The church paid Temple $25,500 inilially and by early 1990, nothing had been done at the site, other than a construction office of sorts placed at the location. "The Davit Inspections Department quickly realized that Temple was not a licensed contractor and voided the building permit." Van Hoy said that when Temple had applied for the building permit, they'd left off the name of the builder, "pcr-haps hoping to get by with this." Under state statute, any project in ex cess of $45,000 requires that the gen eral con-tractor be licensed. "Lane told church members later that he intended to try and get his li cense, but that just means he knew all along that he was violating the law. " He said Lane also told the church and in all this time the cost had increased, and instead of $358,000 to build the addi-tion, it would now cost them more than $400,000. In this same time period, the state board which licenses general contrac tors, started an action against Temple becau.sc they weren't licen^. The church asked for their money back, and Temple refused. The church also asked if they could use the plans that Temple had been planning to u.se, and they said no on that as well. "This left the church with no choice but to take legal action," Van Hoy said. Because Temple was not licensed, this meant, he said, that the contract was illegal and unenforceable. Van Hoy said he never thought Temple had acase, but theirattomeys first attempted to say that the contract referenced a document called general conditions, which stated there can be no litigation, but allows for arbitration. "The church never saw these general conditions and the court held that this was not part of I tlie contract." Van Hoy said Temple I appealed, but lo.st there as well. "At that point their attomcys pulled out of ■. the case." In the trial brief, the church had sought action for breech of contract, '■ Van Hoy said the church addition' was built by Wishon and Carter, and' because of delays, increases in materi- alscosts and the fact that new plans had , to be done, the building costs rose by'., $42,000. That plus the $25,500 the church had already paid Temple, put^ the damages at approximately $67,000 for breach of contract "The measure of damages for fraud is done differently," the attorney ex-.. plained. "The difference is looking at_ what you could have reasonably ex- • pected the project to cost, and we thought Temple low balled us to get. ■ the contract, so we fi gured $370,000 • was a more accurate number." The $30,000 difference in $370,000 and $400.000plusthe$25.500alreadypaid. makes$56,000andthat'8whatthejury' found as compensory damages for" fraud. Under unfair trade practices. Van Hoy cited concealing the fact that the. company wasn't licensed. "In fraud . you are entitled to punitive damages, and in this area the jury looks at bad' acts, rather than actual damages suf fered by the church. And in looking at this side of it, the jury felt 10 times the' damage to the church was a fair puni tive judgement. Other bad acts,included the fact that even while the state board had taken action against Temple, the company was still advertising in publications such as the Biblical Recorder. "I think the jury was also angry that he was' praying on the religious emotions of the congregation to win their trust." Van Hoy said they congregation' won't know for a while if they'll col lect anything, "but they felt this was important to deter unlicensed contrac tors from taking advantage of other unsuspecting groups or churches." rj 3 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Oct. 28,1993 Davis County Public Library MocMe, NC Dressing For The Day Members of Fork Baptist Church, in keeping with their year long celebration of the church's 200th anniversary, dressed up in costumes members would have worn 200 years ago, when members of the regional Baptist association met at the church last week.• Photos by Mike Barnhardt — • ^ ^ I ^ji ^ ^ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday^ Sept. 1,1994 these Fork Baptist young people and chaperones spent a ;^eek on mission in upstate New York. i)o Mission Work This summer, eight yoiith and four i^ults from liie Fork Baptist Church ^ulh group. FYl, spent a week doing ^^issions in the Buffalo, N.Y. area. The group worked through a pro-■•^am called"YouihonMlssion. Youth Tin Mission provided meals and housing at Houghlon College in West Sen-*^a, N. Y. Tlie ^up from Fork worked■,^iih Gowanda Baptist Chapel, a small'■jjjission church which is a part of the..^ntier Baptist Association in Wesl- New York. ^ The youth spent their week doing..puppet shows, leaching approximately children and youth in Backyard Bible Club, and doing surveys in the area. During the trip, the group also Went to a minor league baseball game and to Niagara Falls. Each person who wa.s a part of this mission group relumed home with memories of the kids whose lives they touched in New York. The members of the mission group were: Pastor Ken Evans; Youth Minis ter Karen Pruette; Chaperones, Don Foster and Jenny Ledford; and youth: Ryan Foster, Derek Foster, SethCarter, Jason Sheets, Aaron Elwood, Amanda Ledford. Sidra Ledford. and Tansey Kidd. Davie county Publi^iW MocksvillSi NC «.» V DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Oct. 10,1996 Fork Baptist Plans Revival Fork Baptist Church will be hold ing revival services beginning Sunday, Oct. 13 t^ugh Wednesday, Oct. 15. Church in Mebane. ^ Farmerreceived iWl 'W his doctorate of Farmer education in administration with spe cialty in leadership in 1993 from Campbell University in Buies Creek. Hehas served aspresidentoflhe Pastor's Conference of the Raleigh Associa tion, moderator and vice moderator of the Atlantic and Mt Zion Associations and as a state worker for Backyard Bible Clubs and Vacation Bible Schools. "I have enjoyed being used of God to help people to first come to Christ and then to help people to grow and mature in their faith," Farmer sid. n DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 13, 2001 Fork Church, Year Unknown Jimmy Carter found this postcard photograph of Fork Church in a box of old family photos and thought It was interesting. The only wording was "Lexington Street, Fork Church, NC". He's not sure when the photograph was made, or who the people or stores are. Anyone with information on this photo can call the Enterprise Record at 751-2120. Old photographs of Davie people and places are welcome. Bring them by the newspaper office on South Main Street in Mocksville, across from the county courthouse. Davie County Public Ufaraiy Mocksv'j/le, NC DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Thursday, May IS. 2003 I Fork Baptist Bible School 1954 This photograph shows those at tending Bible School at Fork Bap tist Church in 1954. The Enterprise Record welcomes old photographs of Davie people and places. Bring them by the newspaper office on South Main Street, across from the court house in downtown Mocksville. I'tmi n n n Qavlt County Pufelic UbrsHf Mocl^sv^!©, NC DAV.E COUNTY ENTERPH.SE RECORD. Th„„Ra.v. May 22,2003 Fork Church, 1910 The adult men's class at Fork Baptist Church is shown in this photo graph, circa 1910. The teacher was Dr. Speas. George L. Merrell is on the front row, seventh from left. The class at one time had 107 mem bers. They met at the Fork Baptist Academy Building a short distance west of the church. The Enteprise Record wel comes old photographs of Oavie people and places. Bring them by the newspaper office on South f^ain Street across from the court house in Mocksville. Davia Coun^ Pybfic library Mooks^te, NC