Additonal Obituaries - 1931Mo/^ j^ooKb ijnsi W.. K. Clement Dead. Dai-ioUi lui:,,, odifi'ilh K. Clement died Salisbury street stiortlv*'/V/aiier noou Friday, following an ex tended illness, aged 66 years. For the past two week.s her death had been momentarily: exacted. The funeral services were conducted Sat urday afternoon at two o'clock at tbe-honie by her pastor. Rev. W. B. Waffj^. of the .Baptist church, as sisted by Rev. R. C.( Goforth, past or of the lyietbodist church. Fol lowing the funeral services the body was laid to rest by the side of her husband in Clement graveyard. Ulrs. Clement is survived by seven sons, K. M. and Hl'ilton Clement, of this city; C. F. and Glenn Clement, of Lancaster, Pa W. G Clement, of Chicago; Bailey Clement, of At lanta, and Phillip Clement, of Ral eigh; and two daughters, Mrs. A. F. Duckett, of Raleigh, and Miss Palsy Cement of this city. Mrs. Clement is also survived by several brothers and sisters. To the be reaved family and telatives The Record joins their hundreds of iriends in expressing sympathy iu the loss of a loving mother and friend. * DAVIE RECORD .c. "ii.a. I f I W or recwwd tell-; death \of: Mass Laura her ;ihpmfc an\J ^seyj^ ,... -,-- Cauip^llf with her^reirtsrmdvej^^ to Illinois from, near Jericho, this'cot»h^vJ^hbuti54^^Pare^ Qf the' famiiy there i^hbw. but one lett Miis^ Marietta. Campbell, wlao is uearly^Ss years of age.^ .. DAVIE RECORD if - 1 /?3 it DAVfE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE,. NG my. /9^l I Mrs. Anderson Passessw I Nell AndersoD, aged aLysars died at (he home of CO Pnldaughfer, Mra. A. Hendnx. 11 ^ , , R- 4. Thursday at noon. followiLi iViOCkSVllli" "hort .lloess. The funeral sel^i Vices were conducted bv Rev. The.,' 'us Putchard. assisted by Ree. A ! 7,n Loftin. at Center Methodist 1 ' n c church Fridiv afternoon at two! °h a '"'d in thechurch graveyard. Mrs. Ander- S : - survtved by three sons. W. R . _j 2 ; three daughters, a^frs. J. tv vr d thirty grand-chil-g dren ajid several great grand-chil- g, O aren survive I RECORD 6^ 13- )^Si 0 r O n c /4tsj::}^y5 0 -J fy\. ^ s)i • ^ /i-Sh O^iKtis (4<^^ j A+I/Q's u s />». Sff^cru-a CU.r'^i /yi - CI 1» ^ SioA.A fyt cK.*' C^^sj, K. c y/h c 11« / ^ (^0 T» \ - ^ I (fojoE ml ^ N'O. 20Rev; E. p. 3r^diey, Beloved R^«3« Away clUze'n T,°'S"''J°" • •■"""'li'i^izen |«t Tburaday, if«y 2fith £.,pr>^p:L\ r.«.srsS >n Rfchniortd V« anj Tfio » *» ^ "pcond pRBiontftjSr .5. «ood tSrSSr bean #i£^ !? ""*1 fOUBty h'iSS:S-".S'a N. r Tmrncp^y"JUNE 4, 1931 DAWE CO. PUCLfc i.IBRARY MOCKsvaj.:-, Mr Bradley possessed a fJne in. hll j i combintd yyjehhis integrity and /allhfaJuaM torfuty. made Mm a minlat^i' aftdcltjzen who woa held n-hJth is.teem wherever he waa knowiv. r.-5-. ® l*® aa Daxfe■• ••II. .lur-nntindsnt Educstion. and did much for the Iml prnvement of the achooU in the RiXJ" «fff> he re-, signed owlrg („ ni h'-alth WuIJFiadom and advice wcij? TaJyejJ,i " ^5,1 ot ttie Preir^-»lan Churrh. and he »■« stnbxtelerk and treasurer of: fltjna.fon-Salom Presbytery Ifnee " rtgforrrinfion Rcven years ajro. He L" ®hrvlved bv bis wife and twodiiiijrhterH. Misstfq 'Finnic Gf«-gory BrnHIey and .lane ValiTr TnM^ A Queen'srnliejre A beloved nttie son.Edw.ird Pe«rha|. jr.. died elx yeara a?n. 7Vo .sisters. Mrs. JohnR. Mnrnson. pf Str»tesville. andM-s.,J.-in.o Bradley, of Gaffney.• t.. nil,) one brother.-John PRnidlev. of Wheatlands. Wyom- iiiff, al^n survive.The funeral aervices were heldOn '"riday afternoon at (be Prea-b.ytcr:an Church, from whose puJ-mt h" hnd delivered so manvstronfT Oo.spei .sermons. Dr E n^ro.vn, or SfntoKville. and Rev."R. If Stone, of .Teffersoij. hoth iconffnucd on paye .3) " idmiied from najre t)•v^ ')i iids '|f the dcceasec^ '' l i-i-'i' of the eimpJe and im--tvireH. The church wasI ' > ith many eympathizinp►I'd friends, and- thenn« .iin^, ^.pye j, NMiaM'i,,- and "Safe in the fn- ■: .Icsus." The folinwing «''• tl deacon,, acted as pn"- -M^flrs, E. L. Gaither." I "de. R. n. Sanford. J. C.'•'d it. M. Kollhoitser and' 'istonc. Reaiitifit) fiow-i"'-" in profusion, and the''rnrers were: Misse.s C- •''].• '^"ni,- ,ind JloJon-r. Jane. Mildred and Woodruff, Clauiiay ''aiihne Hnniel. Uavden • V-|yffinin Adams. Willie"' --iNie Hunter. VirKium_ Violet- Allison. Rmilv '• "''inie Moore. Katherine .Mesdame.? T. B. Wood-b'l x- Johnstone. GecII Mor-i' .V, Holthouser. 0, (?. Pan- ^i o a r f i - a L c , - S> i O - le i v/ - cl 6 S S i ^ < M i d e a t h , v o f , , ' h i a ^ ^ ^ ^ Fr a n c t i ^ ' ^ ^ f i a r i e a ; ' Cr t n f n < ^ ^ • ^ ^ p ^ ^ ^ vo ; te ui l i ^ l ^ b ^ . d i e d j i b ^ be f o r e . I ^h e j ^ ' d d i ^ e ^ e d r - si s t e r ' of ^J d b n ' S N / l e b a f ie s i 8i i d ; i i i ^ , ^ p e n t ia V s t J o f ^ i e in Da j f i ^ e p u D j ^ ^ i M d ^ n g ; to "r Sa l i s - bt ^ i a ^ & ^ ^ e a f s fl gq i j ' / T se i ^ o s ^ i i J ^ ' h e l d . ' a V Ba p M t ^ $ l 6 u r e i i ^ 1 ) n ' l a d t l- W e d n e s - ^' V i f d C. ' Cs v ^ C a f u t e L i U i a r y mc k s v i l l e , M. c. i- Da v i e Co u n t y Pu b l i c Li b r a i y Mo c k s v i l l f i , NC i - J)f^V/E AECOED AiigJ^ ^"s-^Th'omas { N^IBrqckV ?!,-one of Mount Airy's jgioneeriUobacco men and long a prbminentvfigure, in thecity's busi- ne^nife, died early this morning at-*hls'home;on.North Main street. His death, "which followed a stroke of^aralysis'two weeks ago, came ai^er.n.a : rprolbiiged -period ^ of ill health that forced him to git^e up active business about four years ago. Mr. Brock was born on Dccem- iber 14.1860. In Davie county, the [son "of "William F. atid Martha ^FerebeeV Brock. Educated in the fpublic schools ofhis native countv, ihe^ became connected while ayoung_ man with the R. J. Reynolds To bacco company, and continued to! represent that companv on various | markets untii his health forced him! .aoV-S' jxw ^ QAVIE CO, PUBLIC LiBRARy mocksville, no '