Additional Obituary - 1902Vie /ten oei> 3 ^lk.^9ne;aoT^a •:?9-r<t rea t m en t ? ••.■-M ^ a .larKe--lMaidS¥s: ^^5gSd.!?^l>^Siaie: :S&ate^^ inSjj^gromahisdistrict, .ahdjw'as a:' DAViE RECGF^D Prank.Hairston died in the^^^ospital'at.Baltitnore last Tuesday ^^eyenmgipf-pneumoniaiv He was., a hiTiJesident ot .Davie^county^ and hadi^gone to- Baltimore for treatment•He iwa^^n' pfi.;^etej~.W^^^ .Hairs ton,: who;owH^'a.large.Janded es-tatrin^his^Su^ have been residing at hS'^old 'home . - ^to the State- Senate" in'* i89§;:''from K .Cthis district,: and;-, was ,.abouf•;38 */'^Vears old ^ ^ "t^V:i(ws«3'cars..oiS4 .,v^ DAVIE RECUt<u OAV/E CO. PURI ,r , .r. WOCKSWLU. NC