MocMISC1_0016st has blurt- administra- in history. nd upon the st it go soon ow boasting Irior to the e prosperity socked clean r — Opat or Pro- lnds on top in ext year, the irg to bust a ►r something's et.ter," writes J in all, the is not popular i1r hunters to white house id some semb- judging f rom J the election anong 'em is irections from --1 after 'em reputation of r, easy-going, However, h6 weakness for �hts and ocean nuch gall and oop it up for a campaign, see the cam- mmering - --and wrote us and ron't be wholly less bunk and fight. And you t has less bull that the Hard - edition of the 11 attention to Dere ignorance wise." Y, the monkey his tail a pea- rnyone say who rding is going tting over into s boat. ►e been running two years now, ouraged, includ- io wants a piece t t'.'lis late hour ing to get it. story: In 1912 >ed one another, finally fizzled, find their gov- zd and pie all repeats itself. If you think ye mess, then by o the rest? We 3. P., with these send us the sub - )u the "spiel." Page 3.) 1 EDITORIAL STINGERS. • night before. Let the 40 years pass, Continued from page 2 cienceeandrowth as it does, minutes, hours, days and Sa . pg years and the mother is reconciled to Now, since- Harding has turned the changes. turtle on World policies as put forth Our last month's sermon had to theologian, and his family has not One of our most cherished points in the 1920 campaign, we look for � for evolution is the fact that persons do with G1RE�ATION. We now add � been honored with such important per- , many of his 1920 minnows though o_ sonages from our grandfathers down and plants always grow forward, nev- they will have grown into big healthy that we believe creation is still g er backward. You have seen vegeta- suckersing on—that a continual and gradual to the third and fourth generations. by 1924, to gest caught in the i chap a in persons and things is evi- We are only a layman in the organon tion wither for want of rain, you have G. O. P. net as usual. � g p ,,, g of thought. However, our personal Seen limbs of persons cease to grow ° !Bence thereof ---that mans mentality1 from arae paralysis, but satisfaction for the conclusions that � P Y � you have never Lots of limberjigs who fell for and intelligence will grow on and seen anything or anybody grow back - Harding in 1920 have been heard to on, becoming better and better, great- ' we have arrived at rests in the fact that in the past many things of worth ward as it grew forward. When you say h--1 since then. Now, if they er• and grander, through the ages. , true feel that way about it we can Yea creation is still going on. The were hidden for ages and ages from exhibit a watermelon that has grown Y Y ' backward from the size of one's head excuse them, as an honest confes- master Mechanic is still hold of the the supposedly "wise and prudent" sion is good for the soul. ,elm and now men as sons of a father, and later revealed unto babes, to the size of your thumb and then g to the bloom again we'll say evolu- -- must aid in the work, standing by to You may ask us, what do we evo- ' THE HORNET doesn't hate a re- 1 remove the Specks of error and lutionists know that you don't know, ,tion is a bum proposition and there publican, we hate republicanism; we ' p or how did we obtain this mental is nothing in it. Thin, if the small wrong as bets of dirt and straw that don't hate a hypocrite, we hate hypo- g he product in the making. In- superiority over you ? We have no things that we observe plants, trees, mars t p g animals and persons grow forward, crisy; we don't hate the superstitious,, stead of a tower of Babel ,man is mental superitory over the average ' we rate superstition; nor do we ex- i ,b ildin a towerof Knowledge, in- man, and what we have learned may- why cant we realize that mentality, aatly hate a liar, we hate the lies he � u g g ' � morality, justice and knowledge -- bricks and mortar. man is be known by any man of ordinary stead ofintelligence. . i the spiritual world—is growing for - tells. using bricks of facts, leaving swap- g e, The secret is simple, T ° we have knocked at the door of knowl- , �j aid . Why cant we broaden our In ye olden days there were Can- ped ignorance for intelligence, bull- minds sufficient to see the entire world rites, Girgashites, Per izzitesJebus S anites Ben •aminites Amerites, Hit- headedness for brains, folly for faith edge, and it has been opened (some -1 3 ' - and foolishness for futurity. We are what), We have sought and found. l as a tiny seed just sprouting forth , out here in ethereal space? • Whereas we were blind we now See; ' You and I may observe the growth th iter, Hivites and so on. In these lays ;now able, and it becomes us, to sep- � • M , was naked we are now better cloth- Y g ' there are Hardingites, Hughesiites, I arate -the bricks of falsehood from t of a plant notice the different stages Coolid •cites Soorahites Taftites, the bricks of facts, discarding the ed with the truth; was down in the ' g ' ' former forever and lacing the latter marshes and mire of ignorance, we from the germination of the seed to Lodgites, Johnsonites, Hooverbllghts, placing • are now secure on the banks of satin- the ripened fruit. In relation to the bum Ikes and plum sights, in the Eternal Tower where they plant we are external, we are not a o -- --- will remain forever, faction and basking in the sunlight part of it, and thereby we are able When the millionarie sugar profit- In the realm of mind and matter of a greater intelligence. Y eers make a haul about all that is What is evolution? Evolution is to see its gradual growth to per- ' nothing stands still, The earth re -lection. But in relation to the growth done about it is - a parade or two in the science of growth whether of a solves the moon moves millions of of the world you and I are down in protest by the women, but when a planets and suns in space change world or a watermelon. Evoluk.ion poor guy hauls a ham, something he p is the laws of nature, and the laws (Continued on Page 4.) regularly and orderly in their r espee- may actually and badly need, he's � of nature GodlEvolution are s laws. vuon five orbits. Our earth and all that Pocket Knife Free hauled into court and handed 18 is a part thereof is continually chang _ is Gods plan in operation, His plan . months, and soon forgotten, in Man is a art of the earth and °f growing a world, and nothing can • ,, We are offering a nice 0 g p grow without gradual and continual transparent handled One congressman declares that a the substance thereof, therefore, man - change. Growth is the law of prog novelty knife free toy Rural Credit bill would give the farm- changes his body- changes his mind a club of 20 subseri ti changes and everything pertaining to re--;, and the evolution of thought has p ers too much credit. He seems to g g P just begun. ons to the Hornet at think, then, that the men who till man changes, 25 cents each, making ill and the Ther is a common saying that The word, evolution, shocks some the soil would soil the t e Y g hinds, yet it is the science of change, �`: $5.00 .in all. This niea worst of this matter is that there are `time changes," but this is a delusion. from the old to the new, from bad to ` t{ ` knife contains the pic- ' too many of the big -bug ilk who are Time does not change, only substance better, from what is out o tures of the late can - just like this congressional Bilk. changes. Time is not "the evolver grown t_ a didates COX and RO'�O- U of all things." Time is a great end- what is taking its place. Through SEVELT on one side A Washington citizen has spent two out the ages the controversies of men less expanse during which things of the handle, and we years engraving a portrait of Mr, have raged around the question of Harding on the Bead of a pin. That evolve. Time is one of the three things whether things should be changed or will place the club rai � - doesn't strike one as a articularly ! that had no creator—space and God left as they are. The historical fact = $ers name and address P are the other two. that changes v occurred on opposite side of the happy way to compliment the press-- In the realm of thought the science c g have o u d handle. dent, probably a political brother of all down the path of time should af- .n of change and growth is a most ford food for thought to the o on- A nice present, a real his, as everybody has felt pins sticking beautiful study. In every age, all e f evolution.PP knife, serviceable and then since the president, whose plc- T nts o I down the corridors of time, there have The magnificence f the universe o. k* in --every partim.. ture is on the pin, arrived there, g e o e been a few men who have climbed lar, easily obl alined. _ o teaches us that God, through evolution The Railroads are the hungriest this scientific mountain and • reached performs wonders, which some of the Get one and keep it bunch of dollar eaters in all Anieri- a point of vantage from which they more enthusiastic call miracles. The as a souvenir of the ca. The hang around the seat of could see the beauties of Gods nature 1920 campaign. Y g evolution of a watermelon in six weeks government at Washington with their in operation, His plan of action, the Simply address g g from a mere bloom to a full grown, tear -jugs tilted upon their jowls all Creator's way of growing a world. ripened, red-meated melon is miracle THE HORNET, the time. These Wall Street sons of There is only one path—the path of enough for us, but to grow a water- Mockaville, No, Car. Ham seem to think that the national truth ----that leads up this mountain, melon in ten minutes is too big a treasury is their feed trough and and it doesn't go by the city's pool miracle and is contrary to God's latus. created b law for the specific purpose room or around by the corner drug In all our stud we have not been Y P store. The fuel that carries one over Y Fletcher sFatmingo ro ectin railroad stock which able to convinc oursel h God f protecting g s this stir is not the gas that one buys violates f that after all is usually anything up to p violates his own sacred laws. In Is a monthly farm journal that is at filling stations—that too often leads 3,000 per cent, all the accounts recorded of breaks different. It deals in a free-lance U to death and distruction—but it is in the laws of nature, we'd much mariner with the political social Here is the difference between a the "midnight oil" that we burn, not rather think somebody is mistaken economical and moralhases of rural poor man and a rich one. If the rich for days and weeks, but for months than to think that God has violated P life as well as the problems of pro - man has been making a couple mil- and years, his own laws, duction. lions per year, and happens to fall I In championing the science of truth, In reference to the law of change you will like FARMING. On back to a million and a half per an- e p an -' the writer has done so after years of and growth, you and i were once new year, $1.00; four years to one ad - num, why, he howls like a wolf. But, study. We have read and studied all born babies, later prattling babes, dress,2.00 • in clubs if the poor devil has been making branches of thought; we have read then 5 year old kids 10 15 20 and $ of 4 o r more 75 per year and there comes ad- 50c each for one year. Address: $ P Y anything and everything, including so on. This change was so gradual versity, and it usually comes, and the Bible, religions, creeds, moral that father and mother were not dis- FLETCHER'S FARMING, takes away the paltry $75, he just precepts and polyhedral powers—and tressed. Should a year old baby Hondo, Texas. accepts it for his usual portion 'and the answer to all is—evolution—Mr. change over night to a 40 -year-old P. S. you can have both FLETCH- hies away to his humble home, without W. J. Bryan to the contrary, not- . man the mother next morning, be- er's FARMING and THE HORNET raising h-•-1 or the price of sugar and withstanding, holding the 40 year product would one year for only $1.00 by aekiug for ssWWOU. The writer is not a scientist ora mourn for her year-old babe of the is. AddMe either papa. 4.