MocMISC1_0008n A REPUBLICAN PRAYER j Our wonderful Warren dear old SUBSCRIPTION BLANK. political pomegranate; thou who in j THE HORN ET - 199-0 was popular among 10 millions ► Dear ear Mocksville, N. ( :_ or t.iare, most of whom are now darn � Editor, . be - Sol -le; �.�e; they soot -heads and sallow= ` Find enelusrd �_ __ ____ -__ for which send THE HORNET one year to each name and address given be - f �.��ed sinners, come to thea in Joint, low. It is understood that this club will apply toward any premium that .THE HORNET is offering for sub- cFssion of both .branches of our burn ` scribers. Send receipt for this club and amount of remittance, pai--ty to ask for relief which we ara i Yours truly, gi-eatly In need of at this time, �--------------------------------- Post Office When we spear of two branches. of our political pumpkin, we mean --------------------------------------- State the former Progressives; the Teddy- ------------------------------- ._Club Ralsor. it -s of Ball Mooses; on the one hand,; and our old gang of standpatters 'AME POST OFFICE - ST. OR R. F. D. i STATE ach aE Senator Lodge, "Uncle Joe" — — - ---- _ ---- -- - - -- ---- I _`_ Cannon and hard eggs of that ilk rri the other hand, and it was theca two factions that tied tails together in 19210 in order- to bri3ag about your election and the consequent attain- anent of pie which; by the sway; we - - _- _, _ __ _ _ _. - -- - , _--_-------- _____------------------------ -- -- ------ --- - - - - - - ------ should be getting a good deal more freely at this time. Pies Pie is our name; Slid oh, Hors- --------_-________-_ crra ble Leader, king of all us pie- _ _____ __------__•�-------_--_ -___ hungr°y culprits, we come to thee in --------- - - - - _ _ _--_----_ ai;tple humility to obtain this pie and ___-. r_ _ _ .___, __.a_ . �_____ _____--------- ----- ------_______-- sorfle political plums. Even as a nig- ger's _ _ __r___ __�-��__�.----------m--------------------------------- ------_____ foot flatteneth itself in the mud _ _ _ _ --_____. -- o flatteneth we upon our G• O. P: ---------- ______-------------------------- ---- --- tummies before thee. The derr�ocr-ats THE HORNET say thou art kicking thy campaign ( Gaol, art not presiding at the pie up the ladder to better things it rounses aroi. nd and eating t p 1 g` hey 9 1.20 ; counter with any great degree of lets in the doused G. O. P. gang who rl,s is THE HORNS i, tts�- � o�� s even as a southern color°ed bio- dignity. On this point we are ex- think that the upper ten are the ones hottest democratic papi-r ;Iii a'! thei` swalloweth, watermelon seeds. i ceedingly' disappointed. We are good to legislate for, and that the conUnon America:" They Say thy whisperings republicans, and thou ahouldest know herd were made to support y g.. around! P it is small but will ge� lai - _- it. We don't want to be anything PP this Find so«jideth like the escaping steam . � of one sidedness. er; it is hot and will neve,. g'e� except a republican. We dont know a cracked boiler froin r7 : and that shy � ;_�••�• a,n- cooler • it is a, stainer as t how to be anything else. Wed rath- That this gang of Harding ineum- s fr2o���r1 �vitlleretli Republican coullten- ; well as a stinger; it is yet. a,_,-, er carry a torch in a republican pa - sires likt� unto the August sun with= _ bents will in time become the ou - infant; but sleeps by itself ; z g � rade than to own a township in Hea- wants," and if you don't believe what last but largest, it is the tcl�� ri`et}i cabbage leaf, and Dear old ven. We'd rather wear a G. O. P. g Og of Re- u blicaiiisirt _ if thou dost' we say, dust wait and see what you scope through which to see the p �_ � tin rooster in our hat than to own -r�t�t �-�1e11d tl��. �va��s a bit and give :.is may; these things to come to pass rascality, rottenness and da�iilj- ;_ • , v.-ittle on a thousand hills. in no far distant da liiCji'C ��1r lvr f1 riE' (�iil'1!E'lX 1f �ti�r !�t`o1! t y nable properties of .Republic Tri - Now, in conclusion, Dear Leader, That in some future age when wool ism, believe wrist the •Democrats say: t .we shall look for a change in the i1V r confess, Mighty Master, that grows on Mr. Harding's head and It is the thing and �;rily ti�iiiY' I've �r•r about as sorry a lot of siii- I early future --a . Xchange •that will ; Daugherty's out of the cabinet, by of all larger good thins ir, ciie i - . bring us the political fruits of our Ned the country will wish that they g' r�er��:rti ever wore tlri roosters iii the -Jr sea of Democratic journalis-r.1. I iriar,�lled in a torch light pro- labors in the G. O. P. vineyard.Thou, ! had listened to what we Democrats It is our= ``forte" to sting grunt,1hats'. - g p Master Harding, art the keeper of said. s "ession and soaked tkeit` carcasses i and growl; bite and fight tc-_� I -,- t l; red lickei•, hilt in 1�i` U we e1z= I our G. O. P. grape farm, and we want That. all republicans of the common Democracy. Its temperature is trzistrd o«i° �Glitic�al and economical you to get busy. With eyes single herd should join us Democrats and not far beyond the normal and 1.1, -- poll _ _ and ears itching for news of the say a word turn over a new leaf, fortunes with thee _ we looped forward 3' still a heating. It pr�eache I to the good old days when we could 1kind desired, we close. Amen, start out a new way; listen, Mr. Re- Den;ccratic gospel so plain that # :o illd uu. befoi� e he 'e i publican, you'd better do what we g .� the tat PiTELL THE REPUBLICANS the wayfaring Republican l eounte-16. Since thou didst win the say. though a fool, need not continue , victci: Ii 1920 as easy as letting• a i OUR CAMPAIGN SPECIAL. i�1 his course. qui=ty dal lean oii one's sllotilder the i 'That it is time the were doin 1' ' y g The October Please look p over this ca ° mere mention of thy naive caused all something that they promised the b r issue of THE HORN - Please I if it is what you wants take it. us Pik' seekers to shout for joy. Even country they would do, else they might ET will be our ,CAMPAIGN SPEICI.A`I, If you are a Demoerat, you Will ( as the smell of itch grease seattereth ! just as well pack their official grip of which we expect to print several %,vQi1t it. a Sunday School class, so did we 3 -and ",get from here." thousand extra copies. This CAM- --, are _ .\ � ttii�ik trivia ���ould disperse Democrats ' That a word to the wise is usually F'AIGN �SPECIAI, will contain many � e ��e determined to di..t�il � � sufficient but some time a stuffed of our hottest and best sayings of from Washington. 1Vethought thou 1 , . gu-]� THE HORNET as tris j_ the campaign. r� 1 would preside at the pie counter with t club is more accelerating and effective The rice of ouzo CAMPAIGN hottest babe that ova., ever fol- p pied within Democrat arms, great dignity, and tier limed hoped to to the republicans of this country, or SPECIAL be ori hand at 4 � er�y nieal .�v'e dream- ; that is what Roosevelt said about them will be lc per copy for 10 We propose to send THE ed of the thiie when thou would raise � once. or more copies all to one address or HORNET for 30c, in clubs of t}i_� tiligei• at. as and we would ��vag That Judging from recent republi- 2c per copy for 10 or more copies to four or more, and ?5c: in -Iu�►s viii• eoa,t-tails withmuch waggery; can primaries it is time they were names and addresses you may furn- of 16 or more. when thou wouldst be our boss and mending their fences, else all their ish. ' Send as a club at once. It f � e would be thy bossees; when thou !"insurgents" of 1908 and 1912 Bull .Send foY a quantity and see the .. vou cannot send a club stub- � 70ulcl take 2nufl and we would i Mouses will escape from their polfur fly. Order naw --right now,iti- � Address, THE HORNET, s�_rilJe yourself. If you a.i°E - I- 1 sneeze; when thou ��vould eat oni021s � cal bainyard again. ready it subscriber, send :345c_ I and our br=eath would 11E strong; when j That since a majority of republicans f Mocksville, N. C. —0— for your Democratic friend. thou would appoint a lugger to of- ' are now repudiating Hardingsm hot! It is claimed by educators that =ice now and then and we would smell dog spilism and hash gisnl the ver � social functions leave the mind empty. AL all times, and for fill p -_i - !likewise: best thin o 11 � y . poses; address _ g for a faces and factions , This is an improvement on the theory i We are wagging our coat -mails we ,I of dissatisfaction d � ' to o is to come ,that conversational freedom fills the THE HORNET are sneezing-; our breath is strong ' to old Democracy's mourner's bench ;mind with all sorts of things that Nlecksvilles N. C. With onions we smell like niggers in a trot, ought not to be there.--"OVashingtoa appointed to office but thou Dear Th - FP , at every time this country stars ; star. 0 W