12-DecemberE)S. T a l. thest.x-k o fM e ^ >f Messrs. B,,r^“ *'“'‘ - l t s a ! e w a n „ ? a ^ 1 of the hjjjh ■e these past 35 ® ice. or will u e e d o n ^ " ake ail vantage of tt, " ' ■ ^ I W o w ST o w ; ^ ' JVC our fneiMs. : TO AU. TM« W<H(Ltt. I ijr.- ^ y J j, ^ r»r3<;?a:*^aisiijr^^ |iou T w ill, d a rk gmnti, k 1 a r d p ray mixtni, isied ro u n d cut. Spit >; r.o. K P i’Ji. i: ?L'.L-r., ell's Fine Siiiic of | iirsteils, i'aac-y v'he.io V Melimis. (.'haiee , iloiilile brf.;sreJ tie. h-iuilsomely tain ,sily SIO-OO, but at ale ;:v GO AT ee.oo. !’s Overaats f'KOJI ^2.25 T'P. Icre. pin laid, [\erv lin ts , lu d ts to I. itud ieres. iie;;t lluri*, ‘and I aiiv- jpsK iF ^rioejtria illars. (’iifrs. Scarfs, .. at prices that defy ED & Cl X . c . N. of : ar-^<-r<’ v.Vn-h"; N S BOX CAM'; N .S V i c i K H O K S ; Calf liued: j 6 * 2 .7 5 . $3.00. * 2 .5 0 . ^2.7r>, .•jii.W. J)ri-;s- .'I.VD CIIILDK s iio r,'^ i l < I-;XTS TO SCi.50. ;« ci-:xr,-< t o sii.sO' I. ?'K\V HfIAI*r>^- OE STORI?, ]\V iN Sl'()X , X . C. : . Y & c B i m y 72 i ! Faccy Piecf^l |»r.SK HAXIJHOMB' Li-IOOM SOJ \:>. l) KXTKA liEI''’ |:ici>; TI1.\T \V}LL ASTOSlf^M [faill to jjive rtfe a netvl of anj-thiii? i” * furniture |i.r. U K T O v o t rB W. WfilBHT. x a i j r h i ' I ' ' -H T he D avie R ecord . Iv o l, MOCKS'VILLE, N. C., -VSTEDNESDAT, DECEMBER 6, 1899.NO. 36. iOW IS THE TIME. s p e c i a l I K D U O E M E y r S T O B U Y E R S T O B B D U C E O U B P R E S E N T S T O C K . I You «i>l ® Dollar at our Store sometbiug wonder- (jl, for ve have dropped the prices Down I DOWN !! DOWN !!! It iriil y” “ •00 *' o'®>' 0 “ >^ assortment. It will give your •jj J least an d your thoughts food for satisfactiou, a u d will sh o w rill »c «*>■ '"■*y *^0 procure ju st w h a t y ou w an t an d need, for a I iiiding outlay. W e keep u p th e Q u ality . W e keep d o w n the Price. rc ofcr .VOU a ,r jotioEs, Table ,c » ft* ?■■■>=" *^*1= irtfurtoo'^s: ■ chiUrtn's Undervests, 5c. 8c, 10c, 15c. each. Ljdk's Fleece-Jinjd Undervyesta, 15c, 25c and SOc each. M;n's Undcrshirta, 15c, 2‘)C. 40c. SOc. 73c. j^jic'8 Union Suits, Flcece-Uued. 25c aad 30c each. G R E A T B A R G A I N S I N S H O E S . U c k if ^ fcK’ sizes 2t. 3. ard 4s that we ia r e too m anvof. -irsd have m ude I tprift Wu "n the dollar to m ake them 50 . O n ly a smdll lot. Com e quick ', ofcr .VOU a rare opportunity to S A V E M O N E Y on vour Shoes, Under- ‘ »as, Table and Glassware, Kitchen Furniture, 'I'iuware. etc. Here fc« prices that will m ake you think you have been payine too m uch In the Asylum Cases the Judge Gave H is Assent to the Doctrine iu llok c V. Henderson—Cliaut;c of Miud Quite ICecent. L e x , ia Morning Post. lu reccDt yeare in this country , OB the dollar to m ake their, fo. On ly a small lot. Com e quiet: inutterings of anarohv h av e been ;;ct a rape bar-ain. Also offer M en 's H eavy , heard. T h e y h av e b<^u generallyCi.n/iTi. T.a.'j* or P-'intr--1-00 a n.iir: Children s - 1 ® 1 to a rcckless class, an d to CTdzy ciies of irresponsible The Davie Record, PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. E . H . M O R R I S , E ditor. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION : O n e copy, O n e Year, - . - O n e copy. Six Months, - . - O n e copy, Three Months - - - Sl.OO 50 25 MOCKSVILLE, N. C., DEC. 6, ISilB. J U D G E C L A R K R E V I E W E D . a:.,.u:!rtc.-i for X m as T,\vs of all kind.j. ili.<i;la.va iririror iJlun '>, riiro. of Dolls. Ttiys aiid I-'a'.'cy ^Soo^i^ (>1‘ :l11 ' ri.'c-; al! the sloro. t'orr.t- ai’tT U'*;!: .Thenicr vot: ...... N'l‘ '.r.j!;!..!!: t.-'t.how ;^.)oda. i%e<.p<-ct riiiiv N o w , for the iij-.sl time in this i.ouiitry 's iiistiirv, it (list im tly ema- '! lu’.'.ei irom tbe.juuii;iiil 'neiieh. U u c upon nothing else. T h e ouly ques­ tion was, are tliese cases like H o k e VS. Keiidei-son? T h e authority of H o k e vs. H en d erso n no lawyer or .jud^e disputed, a n d no.iudge, per­ haps, w as so vigorous in his loyalty to au d in his laudation ot that great case, as w as Ju d g e C lark. T h e court, .Judge C lark concurring, characterized the opinion ot C hief Justice Uiiftiu as “ .ijreat.” N o w J u d g e C lark says h e is astonished tl'at an y bo d y , since Ju d g e Clark got to be a .growu u p m a n , should have regarded it as authority! In these very eases, cases w hic h arei quite .voung a n d quite recent, but are old enough to ante-date the last election, the sam e Ju d g e Clark with Ihe rest of the court .'ays: “ It is settled bej o nd question that a p u b ­ lic oHice is property au d is a vested right.” T h is sam e J u d g e Clark, spKikiiig since the last election, u ow s;iys that a pii\)lic otRie is not property, an d is not a vested right, an d in uncounted pages h e rai's a u d rants at those w ho se judicial opinions d o uot conform to the vic­ issitudes oJ’political paitie.s. Afrain siiid tlic lonrt: “ It is settled be- Y ’lnd nnestiiin, ihat S I X D I 3 I O C R A T S W H O W I L L j N O T V O T E F O F T H E j A M E N I J M K N T . ! KEWMAIJ & 420 Liberty St., WIN-STON, N. C. Frdiiklin’s Old Stand ol't !ic j-idges of the higliect court ■ 'ly contract between the State jot' a great State openly, liagKiutlyi a n d recklessly Hies the U a g of lav. - lessness, of resistance to constitu- 3R. F . G - C H E E K e y e s p e c i a l i s t . fl;c .laccbi' Clothing Store. WlV TOX. N. C. Faraitara! I l f " Z 'o -i XL'33CL Fi'.rJ!l3re of auy Kiod |rr WILL PAY YOU TO SEE F. Euntlcy’s Stack, ----HE 8ELL8------ Trussses! and the holder.” And Judge Clark said so, too. Now he says that the office does tional authority, of revolution, of! not exist; by coutrai.-t, and charac- destruction toallorder andall la-.v, jterizis the mere suggestion as a and of a relapse . to that condition s.if-eviilent ab urdity, and tries to If you are in need of a TRUSS of barbarism to express which there pr,,ve it b\ pi.ing up page after it will pay vou to have a Perfecl yord- ^ p;,ge of print to be paid for by Ike lAnarciiy. In orderly anil law -, people, and palpalily prepared lor l^t. Dlv. “V. O. TilOMPSOxi h as! jroverued ci:iP!Ki;i>ities, tl.e aaar-1 propaganda. had forty veais' e .perienee in ]''hisi.-who iitlianpl 1 .) iu pi-ac-, And now for the climax in this it! e tiie ir d fS ii'iiciive I’oi.lrines iirej .-u ik ’-lI l of .judicial law lessi'css ! SI Etlitor of the Asheville (iazette: D e a r S ir— I h av e alwa.ys been a consistent Dem ocrat, bnt I h av e at last realized the fact that the Dem- ocKitic party in this State will not legislate in favor of the com m o n ceople. T h e proposed constitu­ tional am en dm ent will disfranchise thousands of w hite m e n in this State, a n d I shall do all in m y p ow er to secure its defeat. I take this opportunity of announcing in the futni-e I shall vote the straight Kepnbliciin tv k et, a n d I h av e live sons w h o will do likewise. T here are m a n y Dem ocrats on Spring tireek w h o will vote against the proposed am en dm ent. Y o u r paper is doing a great w o rk a n d I feel sure that ihe people will sustain y o u . Kespei^tfiiily, T . L . P l k .m m o s s , Spring Creek, N . C ., N o v . 21-99. T h e above sho-.i s t hat the leven is w o rkin g. M ’ ith a free ballot a u d a fair count, the a m tn d m en t w ould piibiic oiiice| be overwhelm ingly defeiited. T h e honest yeom anry are a w a k e n in g , an d the Sim m o ns Kegttlator crowd | will hear som ething drop at the next election. R e m e m b e r ! THE COMFORT. Wiite to us or Come to see Us w h e n in tow n, or give us a S P E C I A L V I S I T , it will p ay you — ^you’ll fiud w h a t you w an t here. N o t only one, but a B I G A S S O R T M E N T to "hoose from, a n d the P R I C E S A V E Q U O T E W I L L O P E N Y O U B E Y E S to the tact that Y 'o u have been P .v y is g too much fob youb G O O D S . T o prove this call on us. Shoes. Shoes. I CAPES. JACKETS Etc. Ladies and Misses’ Calf Shoes, 91.00; Ladies.; M e n ’s and Misses’ whole- stock lihoes, $1.00 and $1.25. Ladies’ soft Kangaroo Kid Shoes, neat and stylish, worth $2 .00, our price $1.25. Ladies’ and m en's hand-welt Shoes, m ade by the best makers, $1.»S, worth -1=2.7o. Bov*a and Misses’ good servicealeb Shoes, 50c and 75c per pair. Childs’ Jackets— all sizes, 75c to $3.00 each. Ladies’ Jackets. $2.50 and upt Ladies’ Capes oOc and up; Ladies heavy Underwear. 15c and up. M en's heavy Fleece-lined Under­ wear, 40c and up. Ladies’ .Skirts, 75c and upwards. Ladies’ Waists 25c and upwards. We guarantee to save you at least 25 per cent, a b a v " iriioiW. o n yeais A d ju s tin g TrusH 's. U'.- wili I'ei-- soji:illy fit y o u at ilie O id Reliable T H O M P S O N D R U G S T O R F , Winston ■\ H a t t e r o f ITuccrtiiiuty. A stcr.y is going the rounds that an old church niemlier died, of whose goodness there w as som e doubt, b u t w h o w as regarded as a pillar b y his pastor, w h o poste<l on ft ciiurch w in d o w a notice iu these Or. M. ni: to tile prison or io the i’.ang-j J,,,ige Clark says that the Supreme j juiij,son departed iuaa. i'he !r;.t:4e ol Illinois so dealt I Court has no p o ’■er to declare an ! j-m, jjg.jYen at i-'W this a m ’’ and with them some ye^rs ago. This|a-.;tof Assembly to be unconstitu-1 t,je u„. man these; ,—John-! l!S T C L A :i3 F U R N I T U R E A T I !l! lijit r:!!s. jtM's alwiTS Complet#. 4.*G Hnd 42.S T rad e Street, W I n S T ^ N , N . C . i V ■ '■ 7 T ^:E 1 -:T TO ■ ir,.. M / I lO U , i l . u . . THE mmj. Cxin.cr Oppofita N e w Postoffice. W I N S T O N , N O R T H C A R O L I N A MCDOWELL&ROGERS Winston’s Cheap Clothiers, passing upon I ty, arrogating to - B U Y E R S F O R - him sclf this u n -1 M O C K S V IL T ^E , N . C. Dr. B. K Anderson, ---D E N T I S T .--- OlSce: First Door South of D r. Kimbroug^h 8. M o c ;:S « L I.E . N . C. » 3 S 0 r . > X i h o p b e 2 i e s $ £ • Institute, * Eooiviilo, N. C. -S ALT. O N ^ I 3 i l 0 s ? N . T h e .Iew f.i.- r . h>T< £ Nice Lin e of W atclies, ie«Iry inrt Silver W a r e , Specia- aiid Eye Glafcses, etc. F inej done while you wait a n d j [all.r iasuroil for oue year. Prices <) nit the times. Voms for business, B R O W N . T h e J k w e i .f.b . !Lil)»rty Street. N e x t door to Kolierfiithegun m a n . P h y s i c i a n A N D SUBGEON. US see. ---^------------ 1 J u d g e C lark distinctly says th a t: questionable power— a p ow er w hic h Y a d k l J l O B c e , First door South of Hotel Davie, fjje S u p rem e Court has “ acted un- ; no constitutional lawyer in tliis Re- T X a l l o t r ,constitutionally;” that it has “ ex- public has denied since the first] V a l l e y ceeded the powers confided to it;” few yeara after the creation of tliisi ----- that it has “ violated four separate governm ent. T im e a n d again h a s ',, , . - ^ . j-.v „ ; sections of the Bill of R ig h ts;” that i,e joined in deciding acts of As-P it has n; t merely rendered an “ er-! ;<emblies to be unconslitntional. A t .roneouS ju d g m en t, w h ic h if it w ere (lie s:iinc term, iu llSi>7, w h e n he that, w o uld h av e to be obe.yed, b ut i Mas preaching u p H o k e vs. Heu- that it has gone bey on d its juris- uerson an d sotting aside the asylum diction a n d has violated the limits| legislation as being under the case-'^ la** " “ i' ■ p ut upou it by the coi^titution,’’ i uuconstitutional, he heUl that the ,,',,”5^^ Kevem ie A ct w as nnccnstitutiona! a u d voi<l in s.) far as it violated the constifntional equation. A ;n i n o w h e sa.yfi that in hjs ju d i: cial'action, extendiiig through his 3 - THREE MAMMOTH STORES.<1 0 I have the ajj-jcy 1 j : i^e Columbia Pb.jnograph Co., a’i'O c.ai-ry in s.ock at ali timei! a uice lot of Grapho- phon.;s ana Rt;cords. A Gra;ihophoi!e Like T.'jisi Get for S5.00. So that its decree is null and void and “gives no protection to anyone who acts under it.” H e r e is the highest court of the State, determ ining a case over the subject matter of w hich it has juris- I diction. T h e court has determ ined i it. F o u r of the ju d g e s concur iu that determ ination. T h e lifth has a right to say a n d does sjiy that the deieruiination is erroneous, that the conrt has erred, that it has beyond liis jiiri.siliction au d has m istaken the law , that it should violated the limits p rt upon h im have decided the other w a y . In by the cxmstitution,” an d has beeu this contention the dissenting ju d g e j rendering decree., w hich w ere null m a y o r m a y not be right. B u t it; am i void a u d w hich g ave “ no pro- I Want Your Eg^gs, CHICKENS. P O T A T O E S , 0 K I 0 N 3 A N D O T H E R T A R U P R O D U C E . I £{li:2t Xirket Fneet 'Will lie Paid Call on m « w h e n Y O U C O M E T O T O W N . L w«U Selected S t o c k o f Groca- ries A l w a y s O n H a n :’ - You™ to Serve, D . M . M I L L E R , Salisbnry, N orth Carolina. T h e Music Sj.OO per dozen. *3.00 half- dozen. W h e n you vi.nit W inston call in at the “ Big- W a t c h ,” and see these wonderf -j1 talkin.j machines, and any­ thing: in the Jew'elry line. F R E D . N . D A Y , J e w e le r . D O N ’T W .4 .I T A M l X l iT i3 . G o o d W a t c h e s A b s o l u t e l y f r e e . W e w ant your nam e for P A S T I M E , a brig^ht, clean, illustrated story and tumorous paper for the family circle, 16 large pages, only 75c a year; on trial 4 months, 10c. W e give a nickle silver watch to each subscriber, a neat medium-sized watch, guaranteed for oue year. W ill keep time for m any years as accurately as a SICO watch. A n d for a little work we give Gol'i watches. Bicycles, sewing machines. Guns, etc. Sam ples and particuiar.-. free. Send us your address to-day If you do no more, and a “ ’ , Vou can ^et something i We will surprise you. ; wait a m inatc, send now “ , a stamps for trial subscription : and present, or 28 stamps for ’A-atcli paravor.v school. Uses the most eliicient m ethods in edncation. P re ­ pares bo,ys an d girls for college and I fits them for business a n d life. O n e | of the liest to infuse with e n e r g y ,; boys a u d girls to the j duties of life. Represented this; year in a h-.dt dozen leading col­ leges a u d universities. 20 S stu­ dents from three Htates last year. Nortii Carolii^a Students this fallcial'action, extending tUrougn m s 'i .'V r ........V ' judicial career, h e i a s been d oin g a R th c .w ay trom the C aldw el Uiie that w hic h he h a d no htwful. rightBertie to d o; that he Las been “ acting on the ea^t. ■ fcxiwises unccnkiiulionallv;” that he, u n d er only W O per term ot hve oath, Las “ exceeded the powor.^ C om petent teachers, firin courided t o h im ;” that he has “ gone ‘oro«Rhnc.ss in all m id tins leading room and excellent literary societies. S tu ­ dents can enter at a n y tim e and liud suitable classes. f)iir ciitalogue teils of the location, life, a im . an d to a boy or .girl to here. Sp ring term open Ja n u a ry .S, I9(M). T h e of the school has been mayor may u o l uc ngui,. jjui. n ; anti voiii auii « mcii n^^.- the ju d g m e n t of the court is nut to ■ tection to those w h o acted und er " hat it m eans be obeyed, then w e h av e au eu d ol 1 th em .” attend school governm ent by law . T h e red h a n d j I[h « this m an no friend, no gnat- " i " of revolution a u d anarchy has got pian, no prochien a n d w h o can or its grip upon us, a n d the only law jg capable of SJiviug h im from him- v .............. «------. - is___ i'.seU7 i iind/r the pre.sf,nt m anJigemeut. it 1 ..V . 1 1 I -----------------I has been broadening its field and T h a r f e s h a l l t l l c w h o ^ T ilK death of Vice Presid ent: raising its standard until n o w it A n d he shall keep who c an .” H o b art leaves Secrelarv H a v iu stands anioiijG: the foremost (»f N orth ^ \nd thereisa iud<--eof the State’s ‘i‘-e <><' siicccssiim to the presidency ; Carolina prepar.ttory schawls. Its i^hest court invitinir resistance to '» event o f the death of the ■ repnlaliou is m ore than local. Y o n ^ ighest court, in\iting r^istaiice to ^ pie,,Rel with onr thorongh | ^ 3 W E S E L L F O R L E S .S , B E C A U S E W E B U Y C H E A P E K T H A N S 3 I A L L D E A L E R S . S O M E S P E C I A L S : 300 Suits at $3 50, $500 aad $6 50, W O R T H «!5.00 T O » » .0 0 . 5 0 0 S U I T S !?T.50 t o .910.00, W O R T H Sill .00 T O $ 1 5 .0 0 . 150 Overcoats, $2.50 to |6.50, wotih $3.75 to $10,00. 20 0 O V E R C O A T S , S 7 .5 0 t o «si2.,i0. W o r t h $ 3 0 .0 0 to $1 8 .0 0 . I f yon h av e bought of us you k n o w us; if yon h av en ’t yon should try us, a n d letirn yonr saving. f iR E .\ T V a l u e s in H a ts, Shirts, Ties, a n d U n d e rw e a r . D o n 't F o r g e t th s P la c e w h e n Y o u C o m e to W i n s t o n ..® highest its decrees, is defendant is not b o u n d to obey it. | P u b lic D e b t . H e m a y shoot d o w n the mai’shul ol | W a sh in g to n , D e c . 1 .— ^The debt j ________________________________________________ the court, or the sheriff wiih the i sji,tcment to-day show s a deereiise i Judge Hunt’s Consumption jndicii.l writ in his h a n d s; a n d , if j £„v the m onth o f D ecem b er of oveij (j^a. liiere be m eauiut; iu words em a- ; six an d a half m iilhm s. Thetreas- ; ,'i ntiier r. medi-s L, ----... S a j s h e , this decree i P'<5'«i‘leut. I “ uo protection to a n y one w h o .--------- ets u n d e r it.” JSo, it follows, t h e : ■'’** « H a l f 3 efeudant is not b o u n d to obey il .! Pnhlie w o rk a n d I’.ttnictive location. S en d ! M illions O f f th e for .'lU-page illustrated catalogne. I .■Address R . B . H O R N , PriuciDai, i Boonville. N . C . RAiLW AY. ' Louisvill K y. recently scheaiing to tie.'trny, tiiej ury receipts have sh o w n iu tho last; 50 centTper boitjy.'’ ................... ..................................... i For sale by C. C!. Sanford. lesistan.ve to the court’s decree is: istrongly invited. ^ iinti paper ^ihilc tho watche-. ar-.- ;;oir.a j I'Ouctnsior. is irrc.sistible th a t v io len t | .si.\- o r seven y ea rs. !f-ee. The PASTIM !-; i’ub. '• t m E , . . STAND.VRD K.ULWAY OFTHE Sf>'iJTU. Tho Direct Line to all Point*. t o .4 S , |A!.ifoi:n i .\. pl-OltiDA, Ll L.% and ;X)ET0 RTCO. ilr'ct'v Fiifit Kqui|- Inent on ail rinough and L"- p-'l Tntins. fuHm an Slecpin-; Cars cnall Night f isins. Fast an d Safe iScheduleS. A IC E R O G ER GIVEN AW AY. W lia t a b o u t that Stove you p ro m ised to b u y tais fall ? I car-load, although our Stove sales have Travel by tiie Southern anti you are assured a Safe, Coin- rortable aad an Exitedttlom «Fouroey. , Juiigc Cli'.rk has disco^e^ert that I ju d g es like Rufiin, D an iel a u d G:is- I t<m w ere wi'uiig io their decision in ; H o k e vs. H en d erso n . So they m ay h av e been. Ju d g e s are not infalli­ ble. B u t tbe general concensus of the legal m in d of to d a y is that iu all qualities w h ic h go to m a k e great lawyere a n d gieat judjtcs, th e s e , m e u w ere inlinitely superior to I W e still h av e left tnore t’lan a som e of those w h o have saia'ce-.led i been im m ense for the past 60 days, tn em . B u t wiicn d id .indp.e Cl.ir!" * discijver tlnit H o k e w a s not goo<l law i 1 is “ matter of astonishm ent, that I after 1S 6 5 a n y oue could be found j ^ to I^fore the courts th^at H o k e h y .January 1st., a n d to d o this w e will 1V 8 . H e n d erso n w as an au th o n tv i n ! > R e m i n g t o n S f a ^ e B a r r e l B r e e c h I ” M atter o f aston-__A - i lihment! • It is nudeniable tbat. L o a d i n g G-uzi, - | thoughtful a n d conservative m en , O th ers - - . - $ 4 .u 0 , « 6 .0 0 , considering his ofticial position, are o bo fS n W -S are fiouM to close out tills lot ol stoves i q , ^ GLASCOCK & SONS, give a nice $1.50 rocker free L o a d e d Shells, SHe a b o x . S h o t, 7c. p er p o u n d , ppiv to Ti,-i. » . I Prim ers, 12 c . a b o s . O t h e r G o o d s E q u ally L o w . F . M . R O B E E T S ,mation, or address ' ^ •Y^'^’on , f . It. d a r b y , ( / ' i ' / - C .P ..& T . A.A..hevUleN.C. p oT E T O iaa T O A S S W a Q B B T I 0H 8 . 8. G m O H . M. CDIP. TURK 6. P. k. ^ A S H I K S T O N . D . C . 4 4 5 Liberty Street, " W I N S T O N , N . C . F I N B S T O C K E O B S A L E . A n y person deeirlng t» buy a Jack or Jenuy. or J e u iv »r ®ther fine •tock, will do well callIo n T . A . B B r N T . i.'^ruiington, N. c. astonished at J u d g e C lark . It is a ; consolation to h av e it from his o w n 1 pen that h e is astoni.'ihed at him - ' self. A sto n ished, he says, that for the last thirty-live years a u y oue, law yer o r lay m an , should agree .vith Gaston a n d RiifPiu. A n d he is astonished -at him self I W h y t i O u l y a y ear or so ago, this sa m e ' J u d g e C lark concurred in deciding i three im porfaBt cjuses involving thej eoDtrol o f tbe m y ln n is o f tbe Stale, j a n d bis decision w as based n p o n ! U o k e vs. Hendersoii a u d literally w ith every Stove w e sell for the next T E N da.ys. N o w d o n ’t wait, but com e a n d get one, for after ten days w e will stop g iv m g the R o ck er w ith Stove. Just received 4 car loads of cheap and msdinin fnmitnre a n d w e can save >7)u 2 5 p er cent. C o m e atul see us au d w e will sell y o u . \ I G H E ^ N ^ B O R O , m . C .. FOTTNDEBS AND MACHINISTS. . Ifannfactnrers o f T u r b in e W a t e r W h e e ls , T h e ( ' A R O L I N A C O O K I S T O V E , H ea tin g titoves. Coal Grates, Country H o llo w W a r e i Plo w s, P lo w Ciisiings a n d F e e d Cutters. i S P E C I A L C A S T I N G S O F A N Y D E S C E I I > T I O N . ! Kiery Article Manufacturedby Us Guaranteed in Every Eesjeo ' E . H . M O R R I S , A g e n t. at M O C K S V I L L E . N . C . I HOllSf ^'EXTRA L IIOTKL, SAII Stoiiaemire & Company, J.SBURV, X. C Recoj ^l.ilii pays for the [);H»‘r :iud 'J, tickets.Presents I'-J. In eeleeting b Sewing Machine, pick OBt the one that rnns the lightest, sews the faeteBt. makes the least noise is most durable, will not break the threail i! rnn backword, will not pnck- er th 8 lightest fabrics, has patent cpool wire, antomatio tention release b»U bearing, etc. THE WHEELER & WiLSON possesses all the above points of «n- periority over any other make. Costs nothing to examine one. F o rfa le b y E . J. BOW EN W iii 8ton« N. C. BiGBiTILEWiTHEllEa Laree Force Encountered by General Methuen at Modder River. TEN HOURS’ STEADY FIGHTING. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. Itartificially digests thefood p d aids m tu r e in strengthening and recon­ structing th e exhausted digestive or­ gans. I t is th e latest discovered digest- l o t and tonic. N o other preparation can approach it in efficiency. I t in­ stantly relieves and perm aiw ntly cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, H eartburn F latulence, Sour Stom ach, N ausea SickH eadache,G astralgia,C tam ps,ana all other resultsofim perfectdigestiO D . Prcporce by E. C. DeWitt aCo.. Cl,lcag<> C. C. Sanford, , . T R Y TH E - . “ NEW HOME "SEWINBMAGHINE. General Metlinen C«ll« Iho Battle the Hardest and Mont Trvins: Flj;ht in tho Annaleoftbe Brltlsli Armj^AnolIier DivUlon ofthe Second Army Cori»t to Be Mobilised—The Ofllcial Dicpatcb. L oxdon (By Cablo>.—The War Office has received the following from Goaeral Duller: “Cape Towa—General Hethuea reports: ‘Modder Biver—RecoQooltred at 5 a. m. enemy’s position on Btver Modder and found them strongly intrenched and con* cealed. Ko meanii ot outflRnkiner them. Fall actioa commenced with artillery, mounted. Infantry and cavalry at 5.30. Guards on rt(;ht. Ninth Brigade on left^ Attacked po.s{tlonin widely extended form­ ation at 6.30, and, supported by the artil­ lery, found itself in front of the whole Boer force, 8000 strong, with two large guns, tour Kruops, ote. “ ‘TheNavai Brigade rendered great as­ sistance from the railway. *• ’After desperate, hard flghting, which lasted ten hours, our men, without water or food and in the burning sun, made the enemy quit his position. « ‘Generai Poie-Carow was successful in getting a email party across the rivet, gal­ lantly assisted by 300 suppers. ‘I speak In terms of high praise of the conduct of .all who wero oagaged in one of the hardest and most trying flglits in the annals of the Britiali Army. If 1 can men- cion one arm particularly, it is two bat­ teries of nrtiilery.’” Lord Wolsaley has made an important anncuncement. Speaking at a h^nquet of the iScottish Corporation, he said that yet PHlLiDELPHlA’SBIGFIBE Nearly $2,000,000 Worth of Basi- ness Property Destroyed. THE NEWS EPITOMIZED. W atliincton Items. ■faced DEATH FOOilS. LOSSES COVERED BY INSURANCE. Ttro Fires OccvrreA at One Tlme~I.lp- pincott Publlsliincr Ci^inpany and De­ partment Stores Were the Chief Losers ^Central ISuslness Block in Phlladel* phla Nearly Sained. P hiladelphu (Spoclai).—Nearly S2,000,- OOO worth of property was destroyed by two flres in the heart of the business section of the city a few days ago. Tho greater of the two flres started in the big department store ot Partridge & BIchardsou, at the southeast corner of Eighth and Filbert etroocs, the ceacie oi thtj snoppmg distriuci at 6.30 a. m., and before the flames were under control tbey spread to adjoining property and caused a loss of about $1,700,- 000. While this fire was in progress and spreading another fire brokeout four blocks away, on the fourth floor of No. 419 Mar­ ket street. The loss at this flre is esti­ mated at $110,000. The losses at tbe two flres are more than covered by insurance. Tho Eighth street flre was an ugly one for tbe Ureman to handle. Eighth street and Filbert street are narrow thorough­ fares. Tliere was a strong wind blowing at the time, and the iiremen had great diillculty in preventing the flumes from getting a foothold on the opposite side.-! of these streets. It took four hours to get the flames under control. Tbe flri« started in the basement of Par­ tridge & Richardson’s store from an elec­ tric spark, and soon tho entire Imllding was a mass of flames. The two stores to tho south of Partridge & lUchardson’s were 8 con burned out. and then the flnmes at­ tacked the big uuiidingof the J. B. Llppin* WRITE FOR CIRGUURS;:'^‘‘f » Sewinr HachiDcs we manufactnre and their paces before you purchue any other. TIE lEW H IE U W IU MIGIIIE CO., OMAIfOB, M ASS. »Unloo8«aaa«,V.T. CUosco.nL StIonla,Ko, 8ftDFrsadsee.CM. FOR SALE BV_________________ Free tnltk». We give one or more ftee acbol- srships in every county in tte U. S. Write os.ups S u a ra n im a tt Under reasonabU conditions. . . . Win accept notes for tnitton orcan depoat money in hank until poatkm is secured. Car fare paid. No vacatiott. En> ter at any time. Openforboth i. (jheapboaitL ” " ” Ulastrsled___ ________ CBtakne.Address J. P. Drauohozt, Pres't, at dther puce. D r a u K h o n ’s P r a c t i c a l —. ^ B u s i n e s s _ Hashville, Tenn., d * 3avannih, Ga., ^ Galveston, Tex., Texarkana, Tex. BMkkeepli«, Siiocthaiid, TypewrltiaK, etc.The most thorough, practical and progressive schools of the kind in the world, and the bek pairouized ones in the South. Indors^ bj- bank­ ers, merchant-s ministers and others. Four we»5 in bookkeeping with ns are equal to twelve weeks by tbe old plan, j. F. Draughon, Present, is aalbor of Draughon's New System of Bookkeeping, *'i>oable Entry Mads Sa^.’* Hecae stody. We have rrepared, for home study, books on bookkeeping, penmanship and shorthand. Write for pnce list “Home Study.” Extract. **Paor. D&aughon*—I learned book- Iceepinifat home from jyonr books, while holdin; a position as Volunteers to Manila. NARROW ESCAPE OF 400 SOLDIERS Bear-.\dmlral Frederick BodgArs, PrAsl- dent of tbe Naval Inspection Board, has ; %/.,,«o-a nf thp ThlrlV-iirStinformed thfl Navy Department that the i T em ble VOyage 01 TRB corrected official speed of the battleship j Kentucky on her trial trip was X6.807 knots an hour. This is regarded as an escullont showing. The son of Captain Grlilley, who com­ manded the Olympia at Jlaniia, will be ap­ pointed a lieutenant ot Marines. The President and Admiral Dewey will pay his expenses while studying for examination. The War Department received an official report on the condition of the transport Manauense, showing that tho vf>ssel w <ls in good condition and well provisioned when she sailed from San Francisco. Contracts for six 3j00 ton cruisers have been awarded by the Navy Department. The British Ambassador has informed the Secretary of Stato that a state of war has actually existed since tho 11 th of Oi?* tober between England and tbe South Afrloan Bepubllc and the Orange Free State. A bill to Increase the pay of letter car­ riers will be Introduced in the House early in tho session. The letter carriers want $1200 pflr annum. The War Department is experimenting with wireless telegraphy for the signal service. The army la not depende.it on Marconi for instruments, having developed a system of its own. The President and members of tho Cab­ inet have cancelled all their social engage­ ments for tho present, ond will observo a period or mourning for the death of Vice- Presldont Hobart. It was announced that the LamoinePoint site has been selected by B(>ar-A.dmiral Bradford for tho Frenchman’s Bay coalint; Btation. authorized by iho Government. The property embraces thirty acres oi land, having a wnter front of 150 rods. It is six miles from Bar Harbor by water, and admirably adapted for the purpose for which it is intended. Our Adopted Islnnds. American pallors and marines captured the port of Vigiin, P. I., and will hold it until relieved by troops. Not a ease of small-pox or yellow fever exists in tho Island ot Porto Bico. The plague ot locusts, which threaten ed tho province ot Plnar del Bio, Cuba, for sometime, seems to havo passed. An American relief committee has just distributed machetes and ho^s to 403 fami­ lies in Havana Province. Cuba. T. F. Lansing has been appointed Min­ ister ot Finause ot Hawaii, to succeed S. M. Damon, whose resignation was sent from Homo, Italy. 3Iinister ot Financo Dwvernino has been ordered to furidah Governor-Gen«ral , Brooke, of Cuba, with accurate statistics j in regard to mortgages and incumbrances on the island and the money allowed for exponses. Aguinaldo’s three-year-old son was cap- tured by American troops. wl:h Buencn>a- ino, who was kuon^n as “the brains ot the insurrection.” Civil Governoc Nunez, of Havana, has Issued an official notice to all newspapers, reminding tho publishers that, nndor the law, the editors of journals counselling disturbances are liable to be prosecuted. Governor Nunez declares that he will see to It thc.t the law Is enforced. B B ITISH A RTILIiEBY G O IN G IN TO 4.CT10N. another division of the Second Army Corps would be mobilized at onco for ser­ vice in South Africa. It seems clear, there­ fore, that the War Office does not look lor a speedy collapse of the Boers. me from yonr books, while holding night telegraph operator.”—C Is. L. Bookk*jper for Gerber pidft1.EPFIXOWEU.. Bookln^iper Wholesale Grocers. South Chicago, III iMetUiou ihts paper tviun ???!■. THOR’S ling 13 of Cor. Toylor’s e Letters, tr» all who will jwid 80 cents for three monl i ’s trlril subscription to 77r- llhixtrated t '.yuth a:itiA q f, Nashville. Tenr. £ach IcUcr is w d! niuslraltti. ‘ 'iTjcy arc ailar<^*il to I'ndo Sim . PnnticlsiiK, Brys, Oirls. Bfi'hclwrs, llnimisprii. t ilidirrs, Ktehrrmpii. Sothr-rs-in-Uw, NMrtsu. D, Snrrthesrls Trsrlifrs.Tbi-y ara conwd^red tlip bt-st work that hms ever cocnc frtnn C»ov. Taylor’s gri£t«l pta. His rvptita. tion as a T.’rUrr, A.tmcnst, ora/or, and CMier!a:tier is as wide as the v.-orld itself. ^ Tie lilustrclrd Tonih m:J A": Is a ccinlm^nth'y jcrmial. 10lo«2 pajr'-s, tlcvoti-d to KT, An%B.vn HKs »;v Sea vixd La;.*;', llcaiOR, Bior.u.\?!!v, Trav};l?, Scism-r, and penerel JnfarniatioTi. Dcjwrtn’rn;*; U'futon' E cold watch, ria;;, <27 Mcycle by alittle vork for us. Simple copies free. Address Ihe Vou* ‘isnrt Ape rub. C*»., >ssliril!e.Tcaa. A NEW TBIFI.C: AI.LIAKCE. The Speeches of Joseph Chamberlain and Ambassador Choate in England. . L okdos (By Cable).—Joseph Chamber­ lain, the Secretary of State for tbe Col­ onies, (n a speech at a luncheon at Leices­ ter. said that he was deeply gratified that the foreign relations of Great Britain were 30 satisfactory,- and ho asserfef that the country owed a debt of gratitude to Lord Salisbury for the great improvement ot Great Britain’s position. It was especially gratifying, he pointed out, to note the trlendly relations existing between the An- i:lo-Saxon branches, saying the the under- itanding between the United States and Great Britain was Indeed a guarantee of the peace of the world. A new triple alliance between the Teu­ tonic race and the two great branches of :he Anglo-Saxons would, said the Secretary lor the Colonies, be a potent influence In the future of the world. The speaker ex­ plained that be used the word “alliance,” out, he added, it mattered little whether ;hey had an alliauce committed to paper )T nn “understanding” which existed in [he minds of the statesmen of the respec­ tive countries. The Thanksgiving banquet of tho Amerl- »an Society at the Hotel Cecil was a genuinely homellLo family gathering of :he Americans In London. Three hundred <uests were present. A toast to I’resident SIcKlnley was proposed by Justice Blgha-n. The principal speech was deliverod by Ambassador Choate. It-; moat important 'eature was a sympathetic allusion to the Irlendship between Great Britain, Ger­ many and th« United States, lu the coarse >f his speech he said he thought the key- iote of th-» occasion was: “Let England ind America clasp hands across the sea ind the poace of the world would be abso- utely secure.” Mr. Choate also said that tho supreme Uiterest in America was the preservation peac» with all countries on the face of :he earth. None so strongly urged that ipon them as their grt^at generals of com- norciul rivalry, of the vigorous competi- :ion in which the American peoph) were Engaged. It might be thought by some that this rivalry was incou$isteut with a df^slre for ihe pre.aervation ot pence.but it was not fo. Syhich were tno three great nations? Who were tho grout comtnorclal rivals ot the world? Tney wero England. Germany and the United Staler. They had all in this lircctio? one uim. one intetc.nt, and a quarrel hetwoen any twc would be fatal to thu Intereiits of all. THROUGH SLEEPERS, I ^ O X V I L L E r m o X e w y q r K . ViAUfRflVX«tiRflL B rid g e . iK3B£xa®Ga (y e a ® , KORi^LK TO COLUMBUS. CLOSE CONSECmNS T o m B m & m iO t .rtOANOKE.VA. BAYOMBONC SURRSMDSRS. Btjs Filipino Force CapitnlAtes tu Lien- tenant m'onroe. (By Cable).—General Conon sur­ rendered eight hundred officers and men, with rifles, several American and seventy f^panlsh prisoners, and the garrison at Bayombong, Province of Nuova Vizcaya, to Lieutenant Monroe, with fltty men ot the Fourth Cavalry cott Publishing Company in Filbert street, east of the burning department store. The building was completely ruined. A num­ ber of business houses adjoining Llppln- cott’s and Partridge k Bichardson were either entirely destroyed or badly dam­ aged. The second flre was discovered at 7.30 a. m. in the four story building at No. 419 Market street, occupied by several manu­ facturers and wholesale dealers. Tbe entire building was burned out, as was also the adjoining building, No. 417. The estimated loss is 9110,OtfO. The loss on the building is Mtimated at $40,000. . ^VM^twoi*tiioa»and penons am throws out ot employment by the flres, but tbe proprietors of other department stores of­ fer temporary employment to all of Par­ tridge A Blobardson’s nlnt) hundred em- ployes at the salaries they received from the burned out firm. HIGHER WAGES FOR COTTON HANDS. Fall Blver AIllls Oecidn to Grant a Ten Per Cent. Increase. "‘ F a l l B iv e b , Mass. (Special).—Orders ..................................... , .- 1 « 1 t ________A .sixty-foot dead whale went ashore at were Issued InstructlDe, the agent of the pioaauro Beach, Princess Anna County, Va. Ilomestlc. A new Industrial Home for Negro Waifs was opened at Columbia,^. C., with twenty* five children and four teachers, under the direction ot the Bev. Mr. Carroll, a colored chaplain. The bodies of tho Maine d?ad that were buried at Key West, Pia., will be allowed to remain there. H. J. Jones. Mrs. Jones and Henry Clark were killed an.l Georgia MilliKeu was in­ jured mortally while driving in a carriage across a railroad track In Houston, Texas. The two first named bad just been married andweri^on tholr way to take a train tor Mlneola on tholr wedding tour.. Arnold Tuchschmidt, cashier of the CTnited State.s Internal Bevenue oIB:e, at St. Louis, Mo., was arrested on a charge of embezzling $7000 In Government bonds. The dead body of John Cremeans, with a bullet hoio in tho hend, was found iu bed In^ils home a t Glenwooi, OMo. Cremeans was aged and woalthy. His young wife cannot be found. The toial coinage at tbe mint nt Phila­ delphia during November was $3,046,070, which represents 19,415,210 separate coins. Charles Coghlan, the actor and author died at Qiilveston, Tex., from acute gas­ tritis. He had been ill for a month. In a brick-lined »ravo at Mount Ollvoc Coinetery, Elizabeth. N. J.. the body of Diana, wifo ot William Costello, the gypsy king, was burled. Fall Blver Iron Works Cotton Mills In this city to post notices of a ten per cent, ad­ vance In wages, to take effect immediately. The Iron Works Mills nra controlled by M. C. D. Borden, of New York City. Tho plant is the largest in the city, innlmling four mills with 2CU,000 spindles. It gives omploymeut to nearly 3,000 hands. All the cotton manufacmrors of this city represented iu the Full Jtlver A«sonlntlon, following the examph^ oi Mr. IJoruen, of the Fall Biver Iron Works, decided that they would grant an advance of ten per cent, iu wages. The mill owners hud in­ tended to make an increase ot o ly five per cent. The nr»>ociatlon includes about thirty-six corporations, operating more than aevemy-flve mills. Iu all, about 28,0C0 hands will benefit by the advance. SERIOUS REAR-END COLLISION; SIs Persons Killed and Many Injured at Paterson, N. J. P a t b k so :*. N. j. (Special).—A serious ac­ cident occurred on tbe Delaware, Lacka­ wanna and Western nailroad within 100 yards of tho Barclay street station here. It was a reur-end collision between two passenger trains, and, according to the railroad company, was due to disobedience of orders on the part ot a flagman and au engineer. Sis lives were lost and twenty- two Injured men and women, most ot whom wero taUeu to the hospitals in tlJ ls c ity . Others, not so badly liurt, were sent to Hoboken. The list of the dead is as follows: Alex­ ander Craig, ot Scr-intou, Ponu.. business manager of the Scranton Tribune;E»therS. Craig, wife of Alexander; their two daugh- i ters Esther and Jcs.sie, aged fifteen years and eleven years respectively; Mr.n. May Bert Boe. of Ithaca, N. Y., and Walter .Tacob Walbrouck, nineteen years old, of New York City. Both trains in the accident were late. Train No. 6 , the Manhattan Special from BuiTaIo, was due here at 6.55 p. m. Train No. 110 from Pittsburg was due here at 7.28 o'clock. Theaccidciutoceurrodat7.il. •15.000 in an Old Bandbez. Mrs. Munson Cook, aged seventy years, died at Theresa, N. Y., a tow days ago* Her apartments have been examined, and in an old dust-covered bandbox fn n corner of an annsed room was found |il5,000, which had been secreted for over thirty :«ars. Annual Internal Bevenne Beport* The report of the Commissioner ot In­ ternal Bevenue, Issued at Washington, shows aggregate receipts of $273,494,573 during the last fiscal year, au Increase of over $102,000,000. Many changes in tbe law are recommended. Boer-Brltish War Note*. Great Britain has ordered out another divisiou of its army for service ia South Africa. Over thirly-flve thousand British rein- foruements have been landed in South ATrloa. Boer prisoners at Oranse report that the number of ik>ers killed at Belmont is be­ lieved to be 110, aad at Gras Pan, 400. F. iKnight, correspondent of the London Morniiug Post, who was wounded at the battle M Belmont, has bad his right arm a^pui •Anoth^oaTal contingent from the Brit­ ish ilr^t^nssi cruiser 'lerrible, wUh two i 7-iueh WAS 9«tt: to tbe Croat from Terms of U r. Hobart’fl Will. The will of Vice-President Garret A. Ho­ bart was filed in the Pas°aic County Surro­ gate's oiBce at Paterson, N. J., the docu­ ment being banded to Surrogate Charles M. King. The value ot the estate Is not gtven, but it is undorstood to be about $2 .- 500,000. Of the estate Mrs. Jennie Hobart the widow, receives $1 ,000 ,00 ) outright to do with It whatever she wishes. After a number ot bequests ure paid the remainder ot tbe estate is to l>e divided equally be« tween Mrs. Hobart and the son. Garret A. Hobart. At the death of Mrs. Hobart the boy receives everything. Three Killed at Grade Crossing. The Penn.syivania Bailroad train crashed into Cherby’s stage, running from Hazl^ ton to Harwood, at Cranberry Crossing' Penn., kiiliog three nassengers. Tbey wer^ Miss Davidson ot Grafton, West Ya.; Mi^» Emma Goeddecke of Butler Valley, and Mi33 Belsel of fiarwood, Ponn. To Bedoee force in Caba. As the result of a conference between Secretary Boot and Brlgadier-Geu^ra> Leonard Wood at W osbia^on. the Flfteent i Ipfautry and one trooo each frotu'. lb cavalry regimeuts now in Cuba will bo* CO taiarn to tbs Doltud ytatisa. The belief obtalus on the beash that the whnle came in collision with a steamor, was killed and drifted ashore. He will projably bo “tried out” by the beachors to obtain oil. Suit bns b»aa brought by tho heirs of Mrs. Nanc:y E. Taylor, of Thornport. Oiilo, against Dr. .T. F. BalJnria tor 910,000 dam- ai;e.5. tho nHogatioa being that Bildwm caused the death of .Mrs. Taylor. Mrs. Tay­ lor died from blo-^d poisoning. Judge Charles Turnur, ro'ereo in back- rQ|i:ey in tho Federal Court for North Ala- ba na. die I suddenly nt Dlrminglium from a paralytic stroke, which camH on wnlle ho Wi49 ong.iged in playing golf. He had over­ exerted himself during the game. Colonel George K. Davis, fornser Director General of tho World’s Fair, died nt his homo in Chicago after a short illness. C:>1. onel Davis had been a suffeter from liearl disease for years, and death was duo pri­ marily to this act. An epidemic of smallpox has broken cut in Xentucky. Tiiero are 500 cases m outi town. The battleship Kentucky left Bostoa for the builders’ ynni at Newport News, Va., to receive her finishing touches. Secret Service Agent Hazen has arrested Charles E. Scott and Frank Scott,brothers, nt San Frauei.ssco, Cal., on charges of coun- The Transport ainnnnense Sprang {k te ak In 3 Ild-Orean—Pnmps Gave Ont and £ugineB CoIlapBed-For Twelvt* Uay# the Soldiers Balled Her W ilh Buckets •»In Total Darkness at Night. Ma>'ila (By Cable).—Tho transpori Ma- nauensc, with Lieutonant-Coionel Webb Havos and threo companies of the Thirty- first Infantry on board, has arrived bufe. She narrowly escaped disaster. Tho of­ ficers and soldiers were for eleven days bailing with buckets. The steamor was unseaworthy, undermanned and short of provisions. Her engiucs broko down and Bbe rolled three days in a typhoon. The Manauense is thirty-three days from San Francisco. When she ancliored in tho bay here there were several feet of water la her hold, and four hiindretl grimy, greasy, hungry, oxhaiiSted soldiers and sailors had been passing buckets of water since November 17, night and day. First AsMstnnt Engineer Dunleavywa.^ Tinder arrest, and, according to Colonel Haves’s official report, tho chief engineer would also have been under arrest if thero Iiad been any one to replace him. The Colonel’s report also declares that the captain of tho vessel told him that tiie only thing which brought them through was the fact that the men were green­ horns and failed to realize their danger, while experienced seamen would have de­ serted the ship and taken to tbe boats in mid-ocean. The Manauense Is a chartered ship, flying tho British flag. She started from Sau Frartcisco accompanied by the transport Peking, which carried the remainder of the regiment, and encountered heaTV sea» to Honolulu, without accident. After starting, It developed that she was undermanned, and soldiers had to be de­ tailed to act as firemen, coal passers and waiters, and to do other work. Baforo reaching Honolulu, tho crow concluded that the ship was not .ftafe, and the majority agreed to desert. Though they were close­ ly watched, many of the crow succeeded In getting away, and the Manauense left Honolulu with less than halt her crew. The captain of the transport, on Novem­ ber 17, told Colonel Hayes that the vessel had sprung a leak, and an investigation resulted in flnding several feet of water In her hold. The steam pumps were tried, but failed to work, and there were no hand pumps on board. However, forty-six buckets wero found, others were impro­ vised, and the soldiers not employed in working the ship were organized iuto five Bhittd, and. stripped and forming lines, they began bailing, tho officers working with the men, passing tho buckets, which, wero sent up to the deck by a windlass. The balling continued until the ship aa -; ohored here. The same day tbe leak was discovered the machinery collapsed and the electric lighting plant and evaporating, distilllag and refrigerating apparatus failed to work. There were no lamps, and the few candles found were exhausted after a few days. During the last week ot the passage the Manauense was In utter darkness at night. She had been rolling in heavy seas all the way. but on November 22 she encountered a typhoon and pitched and toseed alarm­ ingly. The water rose rapidly.and the bailing force was doubled. The firemen could only feed the flres by being lifted on the shoulders ot other men, through water waist deep. j The typhoon lasted two days and a half and In the midst ot It the engines stopped. The officers then held a council and found that there were 420 persons on board, with lifeboat accommodations for 213. The heat was intense until the typhoon passed. Throughout therem a’^derof the voyage the engines of the Manaoeuso failed fre­ quently, and the ship \i;ould roll for a few hours while the engines were' being im­ paired. Then the steamer would proceed- again fora few hours. The meat and vegetables rotted because ot the failure , ot the refrigerators, and were thrown overboard. After the storm the water supplied to the ship at Honolulu had to be used for tho boilers, and there was little or none for drinking. In fact. It is asserted that during the last week of tho voyage the men lived almost entirely on whiskey, beer and hardtack. The oflicers and soldt*»rs wore utterlv ex­ hausted when they reached Manila. They declare tho engineers wero grossly incom­ petent. The officers also say that tho be­ havior of the troops was beyond praise. For days they worked in tho dark.suf- fccating hold, with water sometimes up to their shoulders and planks washing about in a manner dangerous to life and limb. The officers took the lead in bailing and encouraged the men. Thj regiment will proceed to Zamboanga on the Poking to garrison several ports oa the island of Mindanao. j MEDAL OF HONOa FOR COL SELL The President Orders Its Prefentatlon For Dlstlnffiiishfld Galluntrj. Washikgtos. D. C. (Special).—Tho Pres- *deut has directed that a Congressional medal of honor be presented to Colonel J. Franklin Bell, Thirty-sixth United States Volunteer Infantry, for most distinguished gallantry in action September 9, 18M, near Porac, Luzon, P. I. In this case Colonel Bell, seeing that a number of insurgents were about to escape from his scouts, whs were pursuit g them rode rapidly forward alone, lutorcepted them, and. though at least 100 yards in ad­ vance of bis own men, scattered the inaur. gents, captured a Captain Jind two pri­ vates, and finally brought about tho «ar- recderotthe entire party, all in the face of a flre from a concealed eneujy. Colonel Bell is a ttativo.ot Kentucky, and lertmtlus. Tu«*y arc said to bo from the was appointed to the Military Acadumv in East. : IS74, graduating In 1873.East. _________ Forolen. The Colo'iibian revolutiou is spreading. European nations may levy a preferential tarld a^iUnst the Uuite.l States in Chinese ports unless the “open-door” policy is idopte i iu the P lillppines. Br.izU will endeavor to make commercial :ro.itles with European countrlos. T)>a Austrian Government ha& asked th>' BMOUsrath for an extra cre^H ot $3,000,000. $2,OOO.OOJ ot which is destined for the army and ei,OJO,OOa for the uoTi*. The request is said to be due to Emperor William’.‘t rep­ resentation that the iiaval power of the Triple AlUanee is c^paratlveiy weak. Senor Jose Audclde, the Venezuelan ■Min­ ister to the UuitM States, cable 1 his Gor- eniment frona/Taris his resignation. It was acceptei A dispaiclufeceived at Berlin from Pekin announces tta t an imperial decree bos been issued appj^ting Li Hung Chang Minister of Comi9 e ru m e n t h a s n o in te n tio n o t d isso lv in g th e Diet, a s it is c o n v in c e 1 tlia t th e Canal bill Will b e 'p a s s e d in its new fo rm . SlpThomas LIpton was one of the speak­ ers at tho annual dinuur ot the Temple Yacht Club in Loudon. “I got a fair and square licking,” said be, “bat there is no ground for discouragement.** A number of Mussulmans bare been •xiled to Turkish Arabia for complicitv In a plot to assassinate the Sultan of Turkey. Tho Admiral Apraxlne, a Busslau war­ ship. went as tore on the Island ot Hogn- land in the Gulf of Finland. Tliere h a s b e e n s p ir ite d flg h tin g b e tw e e n b a n d s ot Yaqui In d ia n s and d eta o h m en ti* of Government troops near Cooovlte and Potum, State of Sonora. Mexico, nn<i th e r e w e re a n u m b e r of c a s u a ltie s on b o tl sid e s. Tbe Indians f''U g h t in guerllln style and d id not m a k e d e te rm in e d s ta n d s . The Globe ot Toronto announces tbatth* Oniario Governmeut has promulgated ai> or-ler in Couneil making it a coaditioa o all future patents for copper or nicke laodd in the provlnoa that neither tbe ort nor the matte can be expotto^. . Colonel Ball Defeats Fillplnog. (By Cable).-Colonel Bell has de­ feated and .scattered the brigades of Gan- eral Alejnndrino and General San Mi»aei Tiie engagement took place on the sum*, mit of a mountain, the ln.surgonts being so conlldent of the impregnubilitv of thair' position that they hud their tamlllBs with The Americans captured nil the eaomv><. munitions and artillery. ^ ISmperor TVilliam Leave* KiigJam], The German Emperor and Empress re- embarked on thelryacht nt Port Victoria ■vnd snlled'from E inland for Holland. * GIrla Flee From Smallpox. There was great excitement a few days ago at the Girl’s Seminary, Ohio Wesleyan ^ Delaware, Ohio, where abont I t^omtnorce 300 girls board and room. One of the The T'^gebiatt, of Berlin says tbe Gov- ........ '■■■* .............. --------- she is suffering from an nttaot ot smnllpoi, tbure was s scntterlng tMhoiM rb«re were SBventjr-llveof the studenliS?; «t the uoon meal, and all those who MnM have Kone home. Tho patient h « hZ!? Isolate from her college associates a ^ i . “ohdltlon. Thealnr“ hM J«»Tlly. howBTor, oa tho aolioge M om n Control. BarpeF • Biotfc,— Tho entire tnslness of Harper * Brothl.. In New T ort City has been taken over h the State Trust Comp’tay under a «age to J. P. Morgan * o i.. for »8*aSS«- I here ate also nnseciired credltniV’? ^ ’ t2,000.(l00: Colonel a. B. M. H nr?« appointed agent to conduct the fciu"! D.«(h Hydtophoblfc T I' lor two daj,Towph Gibbs, aged tbirty-tiro. of -win!. >a|e. Penn., died Iq the Chestw n i r i c h i r o n o r e . AB im p o r ta n r ^ r a l DUcovery n-de In Johnston County. A n u n l i m i t e d deposit of iron ore has been discovered “ rhe^d'epM ^ Is ono mile and a hilf from Wilson’s Mill. ^ Johnston coun- [ y % r i s o«-ned br Mr. G. W . W .lson of W ilson’s Mills. ThB ore Is already being mined and h a u M by wagons to Wllson'a Mills tor ,.1 \ carload a day is being shipped to the furnjice of the Empira Sted and Iron Com pany at Greens- W ilson, tho ow ner of liie new ly discovered iron land, w as in Haleigh Tuesday, having oam e here for the Diirpose o! inducing the Southern R ail­ way to run a track from the N orth Carolina road a t W ilson’s Mills to his property. That th e road will be built there is little doubt. Experts from severs! iron concerns have been to Mr. Wilson’s land, and they declare that the ore is present in inexhaustible quantities and th.it the ore runs from 48 to 55 per cent, of matallic iron. A n expert from th? Empire Steel and Iron Company went to Wilson's Mill Tuesday. H.i re ported that there was no question ss to the presence of the ore in great quantities, and that it is all rigiit. Mr. Wilson has already had many tempting offers to sell his valuable property, but he positively dpcliaes. Ho says he does not care to sell, but will work the ore and sell it to the furnaces. Mr. Pickett, the president o! the Empire Steel and Iron Company, recently visited Mr. Wilson s farm and offered to purchase. H e intimated also that he would ) » willing to put a furnace down at the property, but fcr the present he wants tho ore de­ livered at Greensboro. State N ew sN o tes. Col. Francis A . Macon, of Hender­ son, the quartermaster general of the State Guard, has received the invoice for the ordnance stores which were or­ dered from the war department for the First North Carolina regiment. State Guard. Cel. Macon ordered five hun­ dred rifles for this regiment ».’hen tbe order was put in tor ordnance stcre-i, and he is puzzled to know why the in­ voice was not also received for the rifles. The invoice calls for 558 '/lank- ets and as many haversacks, canteens and other equipment of the kind. As soon as the equipment arrives Col; M a ­ con will begin distributing am ong the companies of the First Regiment. North Carolina’s copper mines, says an exchanga, attract some attention now. Recent reports have been sent out regarding those in Row an county. Some very rich finds have been made. Some experts have examined the Gold Hill copper mines, and pronounce that they are "the best in the world." The miners are giving: high endorsement a to the outlook, and it is prophesied that Rowan m ay yet become one ot the greatest prodKing ccpper .dis­ tricts In the world. T he North Caro­ lina copper differs from tho famous Lake Superior copper in that it is much more easily mined and is nearly always found in a natural flux. Three new cases are reported in the outbreak of smallpox at the Terra Cotta works, four miles west ot tho city. All of the c.ise3 are of a miid form and several of the patients are convalescent. The county physician has charge of the cases. There is no need of tear; the city is protected. One of the new cases Is an operative at the Terra Cotta works who left there yes­ terday and went to Jamostovvn and broke out with the disease thia morn­ ing. The county physician went to Jamestown this afternocn and will bring the patient back to Terra Cotta. X.he other two cases are just beyond Terra Cotta.— Greensboro Telegram. People from the eastern part* of ihf- State .say there is an unusually liiige number of ducks in the sound waters this season and the hunting is veiy fine. A twelve-ycar-olci boy has been scJt from R utherford county to the ysni- tentiary for four ^'earo. He drew bolts from a railroad track for vhe pur­ pose of w recking a train. The large new pump at the monazite mine of tlis Cinipbeli Monazite com- pariy was broken -Saturday night at 9:30 o’clock and work was delayed ;»;• two days. They got everything ia running order late Saturday afternoou and are hustling now. This company will work about thirty hands ia a shore while as soon a.s the machinery i.s all '.n operation.— Shelby Star. RAM’S HORN I sit , can . • "rhe saloon is our m.;, to commit suicide. The ■ effect or your I young people-., - J marred by your ue»l? people at home. ® K Munificent Gift 10" ^ ^ I Hospits], The St. Vinceut’s llosni,I folk, which wustea-[,tip:* lire, is the recipient donations tu help t.^bii.lj' institution. Amon- th, ' wa find the uien°oi' Steam Packiog Co., “{ 1 Line,” which eoniiJa’uT h', 1 to Iho -Unildicg Hospital the sum of j.jr spirit of generusUT ii,'!, 1 ited itsel! among b\.vet.i ^11 portation compunu-j, J icent donutioDB i, Line” will aid largdj erection of the now St. Vincent’s Home at the calamity that nnfotij.' the institution will be jj,' 'iated. T h e .lltiT M U ti L The responsiliiiity of ii¥.| life under any circucs:^] mendous. Juslifiablp kill in self-defence, kj adm ire the wonilcr'ul an Arraenian wiio prefc-rJl rath er than live wiili hands. It was (luring tijl m assacres in .\rmenii. i J the Rev. George H. Htji: ployed in one of tljc rails'! H e was standing on the ji; the mob approacl»eil. a i ' the m an to he a faihtful ed him a pistol, saying; rage, take this and It is good for six ol He r j A rm enian took the weapc;! tor a moment, then h-crl w ith a groan. "I can"tjo;J "I had rather die tliaj - der." In less than tea e a bruised and bleeding c::J fiends had started on tie 5 other Ticti m .___ Not QnallQed to Benedict—I have abot: J to Mexico for the summ^:. ^ W hy. th at’s the iiottes;; face ot the earth. m e; but you’re not mond Dispatch. S O U T H E R N RiCl Cendon^ed St'heJn> ofp! InEirwvXoT.ft'jl: Korthbuaad. Vei N'o. liXti.35. : iJailT.DailT s Lv. Atfantn.CT : liic^ •• AtUnia-ET Ittri ** Noreross..9 ;v) a . • •• Buford.....10 Hi n - M •• GainesvUK-Ij; It a i 5 4 •* I.ula .........lucH:i ComtfUx...!1 iii ^ “ V.x. Airy...11 ;--fi Lv. Toccia.__ii.v^a •* W’min.«er.r» ;.:ci “ Senroa..........I-.* •* CentraJ......1 <•! I “ Gr«>fnville.■J >-i “ S'prr’burg.lisT?) •* Gaffu.'v....4 r "I i-- “ blaflt-sbary . King’:? ** GastonitJ...1 5 ^;. . . News items. The British and Germnu Am’oassa- dors w ere conferring with. Secretary Hay on the negotiaticss concerning Samoa. Bowdoin College Chapter ot the Zeta Psi Fraternity will build a $15,- 000 fraternity building at Brunswick, Emperor William and Empress Au- Flusbing, Holland, cn their w ay homo susta Victoria of .Germany arrived at from England. The President has appointed ex- Representative JoslaU Patterson, of ^ttnessee, a member of the Shiloh Park Battlefield Commission, vice the late Colonel Robert F. Looney, of Memphis, Tenn. Chairman Charles A . Shieren, of the N ew York Commerce Commission, be­ lieve that the retention of N e w York’s g r ^ a trade depends on the widening KoA deepening of the Erie Canal. The tug W eym an ran down and sank a rowboat at Savannah, Ga., and Isaac Butler and George'BrowTi were dnro-n- ed. Permission has been refused for the coffee-laden ship J. W . Taylor, from ^ t o s with cases ot bubonic plague to dock at N e w York. ’ The Brttish steamer Merrimac srtich im Quebec for Lriverpool on October 27, has not reached that port. The Standard Oil Company’s sunk­ en steamer Maverick waa raised it H a l l ^ . N . S., on Thursday, but im- acdlately sank oealo. eliflriotti*..! Ar. «re’nsb!)roj Lv. (ire'nsliort* •- Ar. Norfolh .. . .... Ar. Droivi’.V..■ 11 Ar. Eiohmoud.. Ar. 'Wliingtnn.' •• B’nior** P. h' - Ph’ilfh.aj.'i.l- New\<jrk,| ........ 1 EcutliLouiid.S ‘\ >’■>■ DatSv L t. N.y..F:i.K. •* Ph’t:t?’.ph:a. ** I-’»;t:;aorr.. ** Wash'ton.. ]'i *'r. :i .t u '-I'- Lv. lllfhnnmii.. Lv. UaiiviUc.. .1 L7. Xoifoll;....; , Ar. C’rr»*'uslK>ro' . . ' Ar. ^h:iriolt«‘.. liM'’, Lv f:5:i.-i:cn:a... B lacksburg I I . : . ’ “ .11 •. ■{> *• Spj.r‘hurs, “ CtT.tr&l.... ** ........ **■ W 'lu’.iistcr. *• Torcoa....... “ Mt. Airy... ** C ornelia...“ Lula......... *' Gainc«Tilli', “ Buford.- I“ Xorrrof!.-'. I Ar. Atlanta.KT!“ Atlant.-».CT 4 l=>u 4 -• 4 'T, _ • t*. VI .. B etw een Lnla^'1 i»o. 11.! I E.X. IX o.l3.l?T .\^‘-'^ ' Sun. iD.'iily., 8 lOp! 11 OSaLv .i-A. ■ I b#4p‘ n «‘.8 , •• M---."'. I - 8 50p! 11 52 r| “ Harc:--:J 12 30p:Ar..A>»^--‘ : Xott* close c«.>na< ' mam line tnuns. . *‘A" a. m. -P” p- in- 1 Chesape.ike Line between Norfollc :‘iul p*-- ‘± Nos. 27 and f?|Southwestern Vp>tjni;^r Puhman »lCH}pinc<'i»r^. New Orle^d, >*iaMontuomer}-, :mdal!:-»‘ M Uemphia, vift TVasiir.»-> p. ■ miughara. Al*» IOB8KHVAT1GS JYolk. Firstcla-s.-^ tween Washinsfft-u Wf .7 ;1 *erve all ineals e:i ington M«mutty<. ft tonrLst«!ceping‘'»rj2; Washington and ^ v.TPailman drawinc-n^^,; ,’4 Qreeosboro and Norfolk forOLU 1',"*.^^, .y | New. 35 and iiC-'I •oiid beiwc«n Vrj-hw**' . via Soutberu L. & N. K. -kL, iH-in.: . ; ■ ftndeoachoH, throu.-a / ^ Bengersj of all ^ aieeping cars l.H‘t'v<f3 i • leans, viu Athuitft tween Charlotip meals ea ^ o s .U .|l between Ricluiwr.a *y., ^ ▼iilo. aoathbounJ >‘**' K os. a n il Vi. FKANK3.GAKN’0V ^ ! | Third V-P. & W. A. TUBE. Cr. K A.. Wa r o a d s ^n o t ^ [TI,plcl<»>« Be.tlnnlni;. JL , of good " “ds conve IJho W est had a m ost au l^ n n in -^ . TIJO "■“* *TbantioB held at M ilw.ukJ t than iiuudred deiegad P i 4 forerunner ot thol this convention show-s . l„ on the subject w hich is l Ihetio of increased agitatio lo w s th at tb e w heelm en 1 r.rtin !; the farm ers to tud F, under the movement « Uils lies »n im portant q u i 4 As m any ot t | ■nt c o n v e n tio n s w ill io ilo w P I f this one its developraed tn lia r interest, and, it cio-sl ■ tciU prove oE absorbiug I every stuileut of indubtr J I ’lrat, it mn.st l>o k n o | ■convention was m ade up f 1 (1,0 class u]ion which d lot the country i.irgely fra im o rs havo m aintain L inen have bad only a seltt I ftskinS for good, smod the w heelm en have not 4 Ih n t in Oefeucc. they j i I n t the fact th a t a b etterm j tn try highw.ays m eans an I f , of the farm ers’ cDudiliJ L- have been slow in accel statem ent, b u t G ovorl I sounded the keynote o l i his address of w elcom eJ Irhe subject ot Roo.l ro a d ! £ to every m an, w heth erl ft,JO town or conntry. f "vbich in tho la.=t fen- yd an-iikened in tho snhl ■ fiom ises well for . ■ The whole progrcs.s oi T the earliest iieriod to A as been so related to L ■of highw ays tiint ono w on! Ircllects that the last gen* Ih is centnry did not n. lancem ent iu this directI n t is another evidence I | r is com ing to study cioJ lannfactnrer has long <1F Idnco the co.st of imttiu.d ■ on tho m arket.” I ^ __ I I'ro b U add, the Eor.d (.•ommisal Jferscy, says:—“TiiL* stal Isev IS builuiu}^ ai)OUtj iail3. TUurc are over miacadam roadn built l^ty and municipal aiil. makmg 125 milea. wluchl to coustriiot trm ile, accoraiuK to J Jh; aud repaii'-^ are accoiT bage of tho roads, rnd r to SlOO a mile per year.j ■a are intensely populJ fthat we have now aboiJ JroadB applied for aliq Ikruction, aud new rc.id By coming in for my appi lei^dct on proparty valJ V is very marked. In I I on account of the low • the property valu as yet muck iucr^ :evei- the roads go they i J for carting tho prodJ Ibafc most of the farme| , petitioners for the i no new methods beinj* jad construction. Thf I and telford system is i J . There has beou son] I to use the steel track j p wagons, but as yet nJ I done in that directioa ption of experimental sil ent parts of the counUV Sliown la FJicure*. [condition of roads Btates, taken as u whol Wly be shown in iigurl kake inquirie.^ of a h J ■in as many localities as I akes each of them to | fcrops to town, how far 1 fhat his time and that] 5 worth, we cuu readilj at it co.sts <iU an a; si I a load of crops,*’ sayl “If the numbor of tlT be sufficiently increasJ Id over the entire coaul| lill pretty nearly shtiw i In au average iu ihe| |States to haul load let. If with each ini^il |erlain the weiglit of til figure out how luuou iti pounds, or i\ ton, tol 5 crops, and if the iiniul I the number of miles : haul we can eadiiv hauling the crop.s 1 |res a unit whicli cuu rrith the same unit. Id, by similar inq’iivic ^ countries.” i N'et^rark of Frep I’lUo khole central aeatioii Inow covercd by:: iicj Ikes and graded gr.;vc Imers can rca::li their Ison ol the year. Xorll las made wonderful sf 1 few years iu buil-Vmd Ivel roads. Tha casr •: i lioally frea of,poor roJ I County alouQ there §63 of as good roads t the Mississippi secfcil jotable pike iu the natl ■ Kational roal runnii pgton to St. Louis—pi width of the State anl posier community into t| I It is apropos that thi Jade in 1900, for it 1 |f about 100 years of ^m eat, in which roa i greatest factor. Imp«irtunt LeciAlJ year under the pro\l ^hie-Armatroug law tha fNew York State appl for highway imprf I has been no appropriJ ►nd the good roads sil [o get to work soon if I |e done. The law proif ■pervisors of a county i ^to the Stato engineer, 1 gate theimprovementil omit plana and cstiuiJ ■ supervisors. I£ the siJ V npon having the imp fate engineer mn.st ad« ■ iU e L eague otA m orirJ * a s been seeking to enli pomobiliats, in its fn d it is hoped thatsonl Bislation wiUbepushcl Itnter. ' ■ recently Ito ^ iO a fcot ot wire. uii? UoS<J" made 1 !> • >■'30 arive^ ■'* is our nati linnut Kuioicje. . | e effect of your I ■k praple-s meotin| l-r'i»l lo a by your iieglf^ *»: T e a t home. oi ^ i n i f i c e n t Q ^ o '^ ;;;^ Hospital, 't le St. ^ xneent'a ilospiM I Tvbich wus rocentlr dZ' " I IS ihe recipieut ^t.o n n to K-lp ro b u iU ^ N tutlOD. AmoDiT th« Dl IW k .cg Co., - r , , ’• comiJHuy ha le i.uiUiDg iV n d of .-s. I t I'iUI the enm of SDoo.oii • t OI geuerosUT !,,« I nmoug siTeral of |!l Jution coiapauies, aua e J ! ■t dot:utic.n. a« i, m a J e C * r . "'*! " '‘5 I'fgely in a ■tioij of the now huild=iJ. I \ lUceiil’B Home at X„T: ItM lainily th at unfortaast liu h titu tio u w ill be soa,e,| Ot I The Alteraativ^ lie responsibility of I under any circumstant?] Idous. Justifiable as it | iu self-defence, we kirc the woniiorful self^ .\rmenian who preferred her than live with Wood, Ids. It was during the i f Facres in Armenia, a w- I Rev. George H . HepworthJ l.-ed in one of the railKa;, Iw as standing on the plstSt I m ob a?proacl*ed. A Tarkj I m an to be a faihtful sen 1 a pistol, saying: take this and defeaj j ; good for six of the rasci nian took the weapon, k a moment, then handed | ! a groan. "I can"t do it,"| I hac rather die than coi In less than ten i „ Lruisf>d and bleeding corp^ lids had started on the t per victim. Not Qualified to Jadc«| Benedict— I have about d I Mexico for the summer. ^ y , that’s the hottest phal of tlie earth. Bem but you're not bnd Dispatch. l E O U T H E R N R A M C<Ttl^Ti*»d of Pas« t i Xot. J9. ISB. ' Ve». i rthboond. Xo. 1:2. Xo. 3S.1 :ijaiiy. Daily Vo. ;*;j. No.«-,*; Du-.lv LV.uj; r-' tfia L--. b!fr.*-:.:c.. 1 C ..............a. 13.! ST.\T:0N3 ;j hun. D aily.,_________ t mj) n :r.a •• May’*' I fc &II. il i'4a\ “_*.• .Jjp 12 :wi»:Ar. AibeB- ■ ^ SnU- ruOUC I x,a.nJ'r.f;trains. I ‘ A s m. -P ’!!. »n. ^ jjl I (•’ <•s3.w^kr‘ Line K< r%-.- uJl ir.faiH e» Pujinjjia druwiDC-r^^,. ci<^ horfoll: for ao and f i I bud**-.; K'-iu;*--.-Yof al! clai»s*i»- •-••-io fuii JielW'Jca ♦ voU-■ vai Atlanta twMfa CUarJutie *in«* aU iKeHlscarouK-p ^ Nos. u. a.i. .S4 ^ *d ^ Ko8. Uiiud 1-^. , jM 1 V, of Ri'O'i ''”tho ^Vest had a mosl. aus- L rtution held at Milwuikec, sis hundred dele.qates '^15 a forei'iuner of those 'iiiis cDuvention show.-! au 1- , nil the fnbject which is not ^‘“iictic of iu'jrcased agitation, "Lff, Ibatthe whoelmen are I riiu" the farmcr.i to tucir " niider the movement for ■ U lii‘»I ■.iimic.i. As many of the r '"t coaveiitions will follow in T ^f this oi>“ “ 'i devcloiJ>ucnt.s L !-ili.ir interest, aud, if closely ' «ill absorbiug lu- ,v.rv stu.h'ut of indu!,tri.a ii must I»c kno\vn . i.,nre:.lioa wa.s made up of ■ ,i,e class ui'.ou which the tbJ cGUiitry largely de- VsiiUiTS lisve maintained l-eluicu have had ouly a aclflsh f „ asliio! .'-r Boo.i, smooth 1 ll the ivbeelmeuhave not de- f Init in dcfe-acc, they havo L a t the faet ‘ i':’-'- ■' bettermeut taotrvliiab'va.vs means ati im- ’ he f;u-uiers’ oonaition.Icut of the r bsve ftatenieut. slow* ia accept- biit Go\ernor NOT S ELLIN G AT A LOSS OUR COCDS NO LONGER ON FOREIGN BARGAIN C0UNT£.'?3. Iu WilBon Tnriff Tiinofs the Domesllc 3Iaimtact:<rer TThr CompcUod to tx - port Wltliout Profit. He iR Now Worlt- inc OverUtne to Fill llouie Order*. Tlie sale to foreign consumers of American manufactured products at a lower price than American consumers arerequii’edtopayisone of the princi­ pal counts iu the indictment wliicli Free-Traders bring against the Ameri­ can policy of Protection. Indeed,this, togetlior witli the claim that trusts are fostered and promoted by Protection is almost the only ground of attack remaining for the Free-Traders. . The splendid facts of a revived domestic trade, of a WGuderfulIy enlarged ex­ port trade, and of a general coudition ct uuprccedeuted prosperity growing out of the restoration of a Protective Tarift; these great facts are so patent and so indisputable that the Free* Trader of to-day is reduced to tlie ex­ tremity of opposing Protection on two pretests only, .that of responsibility for trusts, aud tliat of enabling our mauufacturera to make big profits ou the goods they sell at home while sell­ ing the same class of goods to foreign­ ers at mueli lower prices. The first of these' indictments— that relating to the trusts— is easily dis- r keynote of it | posed oi by the proof that trusts thrive L ai'nlffss of welcome, he i in Free-Trade Great iJritaiu fully as i-Tte snbit'ct of cjood roads is T ‘ to '^^ether he lie tor.-ii nr country. The . iu the last few years 1 o subject L , well for the [ ‘ xLo. progress of the , tli<? oanit’5‘1 period to the ; ijfts boeu go related to the couditions, no longer looking for a foreign outlet for surplus production without profitor at a loss. Foreigners continue to buy our goods iu con­ stantly increasing quantities, but they are paying current market prices for them. These are not tho bargain counter times of “ Cleveland and tariff reform.” They are the flush times of M cKinley, protection aud pros­ perity. FOOLISH American PREFERENCES. Predilection For Articles of Forelgu M ake. T he American Economist has printed several articles recently re­ garding the wonderful development in the manufacture of w’ooleus in the United States. A n interesting inci­ dent illustrating the development in this line came to band a few days ago, and is as follows: The cashier in one of tho prominent woolen commission houses in N e w York does not always consume the class of goods which he represents. H o employes a high toned Broadway tailor, and recently ordered bis winter overcoat. H e wore it to the office the other day, w hen one of the salesmen accosted bim and said: “ W h y , I thought you always wore foreign goods?” H e said, “ I do. I obtained this from .Tohu Bull, No. — — Broadway.” “ W h y ,” said the sales­ man, “ don’t you know that we sell these very goods out of this store, aud they are m ade at our mill in Hhode Island?” The cashier was very augry, aud was about to dem aud au explanation from the tailor, wheu the buyer of the jobbing house which had handled these goods happened to call. H e ex- plniued the matter something like W a n ted efichSouttiern Stat». Kxpcrlence not abeoiuiely nei.eesary ror parUcular# addretn I’ocaliontiia lobacco Works Co., Bedford U;y. A correspondent points out that President K rueser’s ultim atum Is the nrst that has ever been received by G reat Britain. Dow Are T ear Kldaers f Dlef Pills cure a» kidney UJs. Saro.pie ifw«. AW. S.trllug Kcmetly Co..CUicaso or N. V. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad will have 62 new compound consolldat- eu freight locomotives by the last of Januarj'. Fifty were ordered in Sep­ tember from tho Baldwin Locorhotlve Works, and the orCsr has just been a u ^ e n te d by 12 more. These loco­ motives. when completed, will repre­ sent the highest type of heavy freight power. Each package of P utsasi F adeless D i » colors more goods thaa any otunr dye and colors ^tiem better too. Sold by aU It is ascertained, on scientific data, th at the air resistance to a railw ay rain of average weigh moving 60 miles an hour Is 11,374 pounds—nearly six tons. BdoeateToor Botrels W ith Casearete. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10b. 25c. UC.C.C.£ail« druggists retund money. well as ;u Protected America, and that the most powerful of all our domestic trusts are those which are not iu the ler.?t degree aftected or benefited by a Protective Tariff. , ^ ____ The assertion lhatfrotecliou lays an I tijis: “ D o n ’t you know that'these unjust burden iinou our own people , Broadway tailors won’t uso domestio by compelling them to pay higher 1 goods? Well, they are using them, pi-ices than foreigners pay for goods? | ana thev are using your goods, and I produced in this country proves to be ! gold that piece of cloth to that tailor at a xjrofit of $1.25 a yard, but if he had known ii; was domestic goods I could never have solditto him at all.” It is ft sad commentary that a de­ ception has to be used to introduce American goods to American tailors for the consumption of Americans who pay for the same with good,hard- earned American dollars; but, as in — . - the case of cut glass and many other 3 n.U, the Kor.d Comiaissicuer ! goods which they are unable to sup- competitive articles, it is hoped that r Jerfcv, says:— “ The state of i ply m sumcieut volume to meet the do- ;r^,lleets that tlio last geuer.a- ] quite iii the nature of u boomer.'ing. t tbis ct'utni’V did not make To begin with, the assertion is at pres- P ‘ *1 •- fslse and promises to remain false ......... . , for some tim a to come. It is down- coaiiug to study closely, right absurdity \ j suppose that, with Bivfluiflclurer bus long done, | our n>:Iis and factories ruuniug over- reilace tlie cost of putting his ; time in order to catch up with orders *e oa the warkct.” for goods, our manufacturers are ------- j sacrificing any pari: of their profits in v.ttson u*>;»4i Trobifm. . order to sell abroad at reduced priccs A nother blue grotto, like that on the Island of Capri, has been discovered on the shore of the prt>montory of Skl- nari, on the Ionian Island Zante. The entrance is from the sea, and Is larger than In the Capri grotto, but the in­ terior is smaller. Fishing boats can make their way in when the w ater is calm. icrsev 1? building about iOO lamias. Tacre are over 1,000 If wacsuani road-; built by the L^QtT and municipal aid. W o riiiaiius 12 "> miles, which are E us to constrii'.'t .5i|000 to mestic demand. American business m en don't do business that way.' _ Pertinent information bearing upon this point is at hand in tho shajje of a report just i)ut out by the Treasury Bureau of Statistics, whose energetic per mile, according to width j chief, M r. Austin, has just made a tour >tli; and repairs are according of observation to the manufacturing centers of N e w England and the Hid- 800U reach the stage whero our goods are considered by consum­ ers to be preferable to anything else made iu the world. ^ O T T O N Son*tTol)accoSi>itaiid SmolieToBrlire Away, To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag- notic, lull of lile, nerve and vigor, take Ko-To* Bic, the wonde^•vor^cr, that niPics wealt men strong. AU drugclBts, SOs or Si. Cureguarao* teed BooIUct and sample tree. AOrtrcss Sterling Ketocdy Ca^ Ckica^o or New Voik. A retired Mississippi steam boat cap­ tain intends to make his will by talk­ ing into a phonograph, and having the receiving cylinder preserved so that In case of contest it can be produced In court. SBDSBSOSSQ ^*'ords of P ratae F rom a B anker, Mr. Chcft. E. Currier, of tho Atlanta National DAnlr. Id Tory careful with hU wordi. not only la anane!<’rlngr. but In his poDTentsUon gcBerally. 8«> Buffered much from lodlKMtlon. ao<i wrltei: , -I hKve used Tyw r’a Dy*pej>tt* Remedy In nt- tt*>(sof acu'e lndli{»»tloa. and have alweya found It B> elve InvtMiKauttuuit relief. I consider Ic a DiedlclQfl of hl{;b o:«rIc. C. E CCftRtea.'* PMce fO cents a bott'c. at aH druroWs; or for prlCf. extirfs^ pr.l»i. by Tyner Diapepala Bemecy LO.. a >iltcheil .- c.. Atlanta, ua. A fire extinguisher which may easily be made and kept stored in bottles ready for use consists of three pounds of salt and one and one-half pounds of sai ammoniac, dissolved in a gal­ lon of water. To Cure COQStlpatton ForoT^r* Talie CJiscarets Candy Cathartic. lOoorSSc. U C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund mosey. —Marriage is sometimes the refrigerator of love. So. 4£. ViTAT.TTTlow, '’ebilititel or exhausted cured hv Dr Kliny’s Inv.norat!n{{ i'ouio. Fuke $1 trial botttu for:J vorks’trejitment. Dr. •' lino, Ld., m Arch S l. Phi .nde.phia. Fouudea 1871. After pby-lciaus lu'd cjven me v.p, I w.aa ta\cdby Pipos i wr<*.—l{.\i-pn J£i>i£:c. Wil­ liamsport Pa., X(A'. ISiW. |‘ni»seof the roads, rnaniug to SiOO a mile per year. The (ids are iuteusely popular, so 0 that we have now about 300 Jof roads applied for ahead of Inftrndioii, auJ new roads are Intly coming in for my approval. [e efest on property values in tlaces is very marked. In other Cs, oa account of the low prices |ance, the property valuation t been as yet much increased; fcerever the roads go they are so |ble for carting the produce to t that most of the farmers are linR petitioners for tho roads, fare no new methods being tried ; road construction. The old lam and telford system is almost There has been soiue dis- ts to nse the steel track for the e of wagons, bat as yet nothing Q doae iu that direction with :eptioa of experimental stations feri'Ut parts of the country.” Shown In Fit;urei. : coaditiou of roads in the d States, taken as a whole, can fi'^arly be sbown in figures. If u make iuquirie.4 of a hundred s ic as many localities as to how takes each of them to haul a f frops to town, how far ho hauls hi.> time and th at of his kre wcrtli, we can readily ascer- Viiat it co.-ts Oh an average to a load of crops,’’ says O tto “If the number of these in- ifb e sttllicieatly increased and lUd over the entire country the 1 Till p.'-elty nearly show w hat it J on aa average iu th e whole Instates to han! r. load of crops Iriet. If with each inquiry wo Iscerfaiu the weight of th e load, |t: iigaro out hov,- much it costs a ■el pouads, or a ton, to m arket [es2 crops, and if the inquiry also po the uG iaber of m ile s comprifi- icli haul we can easily figuro tiie |>f hauling the crops u ton a mile. |?ive3 a unit which cau be com- witb the same unit, sim ilarly letl, by similar inquiries made |itr ccuD trics.” A N'etWDtk of I'rcr Pikeii. e whole ccatral section of Indi- - 5 co’v covercd by a network of | ■pikes and graded gravel roads. Waraiers can r(.ach their markets leason oi tUe year. Northern In- lliaa nsalc wonderful strides ia I't fe;r years in building graded Jiavel roads. The eastern eection pclically free of poor roads, la County alone there arc over piles of an good roads as cau be ^ in the ^ILssissippi section. The I notable pike iu the nation— the National road running from fJinjjton to .St. Louis— passes the e wulth of the State and divides pooRier community into two equal It is apropos that ihe display cjade in 1900, for it marks the lof about 100 years of Indiana’s fopmeat, iu which roads have I tiie greatest factor. die States. M r. Austin concludes that if the places included in his visit are fairly representative of the conditions generally existing among manufactur­ ing establishments throughout the country, as they undoubtedly are, there cau be no occasion for complaint that mills and m en are lacking em^ ployment. M r. Austin visted the cot­ ton, woolen, worsted, silk, fiber, car-_ pet, print goods, rubber, boot and shoe, hat, pottery aud watch and clock manufacturing establishments, and in no case did he find a lack of orders for tho manufacturers or of employment for m en and wom en desiring employ­ ment. O u tho contrary the great cot­ ton, woolen, silk and other textile mills arc ruuning ou full time and over­ time, while the manufacturers of rub­ ber goods, boots and shoes, clothing and pottery reported tbeir orders far in excess of their capacity to fill with . promptness. i “ Ou r chief diflDcuUy,” said the t manager of a great manuractoiy of t rubber clothing, “ is to get a sufficient number of employes and sufficient machinery to meet our orders. The crude rubber we cau get, though the importations of that arc increasing rapic:Iy, and the i)rice advancing be- 'cauae of the increased demand; but the costly machiuery and the skilled labor which are to do the work are not easily had. W e maintain con­ stantly a school for tho instruction of youug men and women in the Hues of work required iu our factory, aud yet with the conbtant reduction of our force by the demands r.i>on it from other mills of this character, wo ai*o ghcrt of hands and unable to keep up with our orders.” A n illustrotion of the activity of the manufacturers in other lines is found Culture” is the name o f a valu­ able illustrat- ed pam phlet which should be in the hands o f every planter vs^ho raises C o tto n . T h e book is sent F ree . Seed nams and address to GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. A M A N B A R G A IN - H U N T E R . Sam Jones on Proaperlty. Sam Jones, the picturesque ex­ porter occasionallT stops his talks on religion long enough to speak a little on worldly affairs. A few days ago ho was preaching in a.town iu Georgia and, dipping into politics, got off the following: The biggest fool in the world is the one who stands up and argues against Kot Agreeable as the ProTlder for a Household. W h e n the man becomes a bargaln- hunter he goes about it with masculine seriousness, hunts bargains by level and rule, and there is nothing feml- nlce that cau equal him, sa}'s the New York Times. There Is one man In New York who never buys anything at the regular market price. Just now he is wearing a straw hat that cost 35 cents. That really is a bargain in bar­ gains, though he has limited himself to 50 cents for a straw' hat and $1 for the soft felt hats he wears in winter. He also rejoices in a suit that cost $7.50, and the man who orders his clothes at the shop where there is only **one price" says he cannot see much difleir- ence between the bargain suit and his own, where there are. two figures in the dollar mark. But then a bargain always looks better on the other man. The woman who knows says that a bargain-hunting m an is never a bar­ gain as a husband. The bargain habit in the woman is only a bit of fcminin> ity emphasized, but the bargain spirit l>«‘Afneii Cnnnot 'Be Cnred hr local apjmcatlons. as they cannot reaoh Va« diaeaeod portfoo of the car. 1* only one way to cJire deafness, and that Is by constlty. faonal reiaoilIoR. D af nes.i is cauMfti by aa n- fl^ ed condjtlon of tte mucous Hn»n«of the Bastacshiau lube. When tUii» tul»e gets in- n->mM you have h rumblinff sound or imper- f ^ t henriug, and when it la e: tiroly dosed Deafness i* the rwault. and unless the Inflam- matioa can be taken out and this tube re- normal condition, hearlaif will be destroy-dfor-Ter. ^tinecaaes outof tonare caussd by catarrh, wbiob isnotbln/f b-utan ia. flamed c ondition of the mucous surfaces. VS o wUl give One Hand- ed DoUnra for onv ease of Deafnes • (caustd by catarrh) that can- not be cured by Hall's Catarrli ;.ure. Send for ciroulartj. frw. “ . F. J. CitBSEY * Co., Tolcda O DrufffriEtP. 73c. KallN F:unily PUls are the bcf»t. 1 he Soutlieru 1 obucco Joiiruul, Winston, X. C.. of which Mr. II. E. Harman Is editor aud owner, oc‘cupic.s a piaee«>fits own in Southern Trade Journolis'x. Pul>- llsbcd at Winston, xbe borne of tandard chowiuK tobacco#, with competent oorre- spondeuts at every place hnndJiug tobfeeeo, it keeps right up-to-date with all ibere Is in the tobacco world. Durinjc this year it has issued ibreu sppcial edilions; Easter o .itioQ, Export Trade edition and Chri.-»tm&s Num- her—tlie last beinfr jest out and tbe bnnd- somest of ail. .If you handle tobacco you need tho Journal. T r u t h ! There’s nothing so bad for a cough as coughing. There’s nothing so good for a cough as A yer’s Cherry Pectoral. Tlie 2 5 cent size is just riglit for in ordintry, everydiy cold. T he 5 0 cent size is better for tte cough of bronchitis, croup, grip, and hoarseness. T he dcUir size is the best for chronic cooghs, as in consum ption, chronic bron­ chitis, asthma, etc. G R E E N S B O R O , M .C . Fsr til, trnlmcnt of THE KOnPHIIiE 9ii otlier Dnw iodicloin IRio T»blaKO Habit, KsiwExhiustia W RITE US FOR i Oil I l f ill i f W . P L A N T C H E R R Y T R E E S . In some towns of Germany tho tele- I phone is introduced by tobacconists as { an additional attraction to customers. | Anyone who buys a cigar may. if he 1 desires, speak over the tobacconist’s Instrument. A R T E I t S l N K Ever use it? You ehould. rhe A m o s O w en s Fam ous B!ack Heart Cherry is the Best For Fruit and Shade. There is no tree on the market today producing a more beautiful t-hade than Ihe Owens Cherry. They produco a tree from 50 to 80 feet high, with long jpreadiug branches, making a deueo growth and a benatitul shaped tree* (V'hich would be well worth the p!aiiting for ornamental purposes alone. Thirty- jix towns in O., S. C ., Va. andG a., have planted them in qaantities on their streets. The tree attains its growth rapidly, soon getting up out of reach of stuck, !tnd requires bnt little attention, and its life is iudefinite. Six trees sent prepaid for SI cash with order, .-id- dresa Pr. Bright, care box COT, Char­ lotte, N . C. The Old Bay Line. The popularity of the Old Bay Line of Steamers from Norfolk to Balti­ more never grows lees, but every one going that way wants to go apain. First class steamers, good meals, good DH^ht's rest. Their beautiful new fold­ er, jast issued, giving winter sched­ ules, can be had for the asking- A d ­ dress, W m . B andaii L, Old Bay Line, Baltimore, M d. Hew He Got Home Ouly. A characteristic story Is being told of Sir itedvers Buller, says the New York Press. As ever>’body knows, he has been kept much on foreign serv­ ice. On returning to England on one occasion after having especially distin­ guished himself, an audience with the Queen was granted to him. He was received graciously by H er Majesty, who rem arked: "I am sorry. Sir Red- vcrs, th at I have not se«u zZ yop.** The blunt soldier reolied: That’s not-mr^n'«ui, m a’am.” Sir Red- vers got home duty for a while after that. It is likely that the Russian expedi­ tion to Spitzbergen will have to be postponed a year on account of un­ usual accumulation of ice around the islands. facta. I was talting to one of 'those | |n the tnau means a strong character- old free silver Soons a few days ago i-’ tjc which Is not asreeahle in any one and called his attention to the great prosperity which has come upon our country, mills and shops aud miues running ou full time, and I aaid truly who is the provider for a household. There is a P. S. to this story, which has come in at the eleventh hour, and which goes to show that m an as a class I3 a recognized bargain hunter. These "Tlic Country’s Pride. T h e improved condition of the also purchased a number of other small things, his entire bill amounting ! to 75 cents. Thereupon the clerk in j the shop, w’hich undoubtedly caters to ; J.UC *>»;« i the man bargain hunter, presentedworkingmen IS more important to tnis ; country than any amount of foreign - trade. W h e n foreign trade can ba obtained only by lengthening the doy , , , or lessening the wages of American ; in 3 statem ent ir^de by D r. U ilsou, | better get along, the head of tho Philadelphia Comcier- | ;t H igh .paid labor is the ' cial >.Iuseams, and also the director of coautry, and any proteo the export exposition: “ O ur chief protect th at ii fUflicnltv ,-71 thi, tiTeliminarv work of having.— G anton’s ilaga' him, in consideration of his extensive purchases, with a card numbered around the side for punches, entitling bim to have his shoes blacked fifty times in that establishment, v/ithout charge. Did ever a tea store offer a I woman so large a premium as this? A c t s g e n t l y o n t h e K id n e y s , L iv e r ! AND B o w els I r ,E A N S E S T H E J y S T E M I . . . ^ E F F E C T U A L l A ' i '» UAl. w permanently iCIAL 8 VT THE GENUINE-MAN'r O By @ f? R N IA lT G 5 Y R V F(§ . SAVE YOUR S T A R TIN TAGS “ Star” tin tags (showing small stars printed on nnder eide' of tag), “ Horse Shoe,” “ J. T .,” “ Good L u c k ,” “ Cross B o w ,” and “ D rn m m o nd” Natural Loaf Tin Tags are of equal valae in securing presents mentioned below, and may be assorted. £ v e r y m a n , w o m an a n d c h ild c a n fin d s o m e th in g o n th e lis t th a t th e y w o u ld lik e to h a v e , a u d c a n h a v e F R X S X S : TAOB. , TAOS. 1 Mafch Box..............................................s» 1 « Hcok, 8-day, Calemlar, Therinom- 2 Kn'/e, one blade. Kood steel.............. 2» _ etor. Baromerer.......................... B ScUsors. 4J<im0iO3............................... 26 24 Hun rase, leather, no better 500 4 Child’s Pot, Knife. Furl: and Spoon 2i 25 Kovidver. -utomatic, fionbie action. 6 Salt Mill P«pp«rSel,oni*t*ai'h,fiuad- ^ Jtt or 33 t-aHber............................... MO rnple on white ircU l.............. 25 ! Tool »et. uoi playthiuBa.bat r«*al C Frenoh «ri»r Wood Pip«.....................26 ‘ tooN............................................. 6jO 7 Baa>r, hollow •'round, fine Kuyllsh 27 Toijet H«t. decorated iwrceUlix. steal * ....................' W Terjrhaailsom*?.................................. »Oo siButtc-r Ksifc, triple pU.te, best ? N^». 4.3:5 or 39 ra l. (iiinlltr . . 60 W atdi.sterlla;! ?ilv«T,full j«*v***I»*d low 9 Sujiar Sheli! tni.le pliite. hMi quai.. WJ; »> Dn*w Suit l*-4:hor, haiidsume 10 S'lTmp Tl»x. sterllns s^llver............... 7'» _ and durable . ...... ......................1000 11 Knife. two blad«^.. 75 ! 31 SewioK Mac hine, tlmt cla>H. with W Knt.Mier Knife. "Kt;«u Ku:t«r,” »-iu i ^allattachm eufs..^..... ......... ....1500bia,x,. .7 5 -32 Kevolver, ColtV. blued 13 Shear)^."*'*ket.n kut\er.'''»j-Iuc^ « i .........•,..................................'???14 Nnt Set. Oiairkw and Pirt-*. silver ; » «lfle. Co«t .............................. Ko . -ll t»ullar iVS^-sUbura'. rosewocd. »a- 13 Ba-«B tt»ii.‘**AKiotfr»iViou.'' b.-.t i ....................................................... Itf Alanu Clork. nickel .................... i .T5 Mandolin, v.'rv l.and-i-imB................2iWU i; SixGflnnitielto«v?a’Teasj>.>.^!i..l>esf KepMtini; Shot Uua. iii^Hd ...................................... I**' “MO18 Wa'cli, nickel.Steuiwhjdand.set.. . ‘-.'(•’•‘r.e ................................ W Carvers, uo«»d >*teel. bui-khoin U7 BeiniTi tton. (U>iil>!f-b»rr.»!. na:u- hanulPs .................................................*-it»! merSliot Oun, I'.'or IS{{aujje.........3000 2« S ii Ormilne ltoy,;*rs* Tablt Sv'ooi.s. ^ .->< lli.-vi-K stamlard ni:»ke. ladic* or l»Mt pJa**^ Rijodf................................• ^'eiits .......................................................... 52»-W 21 Sill o»,:l..KiHv.,ai..lK,.rli,. bti' k- .. . , .5 slv.t Ou,,. llr.„i„„rur.. ,u,:ibl»tar- Tt \. ............................M W ■ 11* M k-U: 15'^ liK'li UlvJ-.MvW hornhnnai«i................................USU22 Six i{i>a«*r»‘Kt:U'.-. aad Fork-«.be:*t plat;-d gcA-d-*.........WJ THE ABOVE OFFEP. EXPtftSS KO/smE:} 33ni, 1900. C n a x io l S U ntioa I Halii " Hla-" Tin T«s« ii, Smr tin ta j"'.vitS liu siii'II opB C /ial H O llL o ; prlnte.l •.» n:. Jprsideof ta-:'. or * nnt for )>re^enl». ------=: :.at will he f-.r in C.\SH on lh>> i « l twority.futsj'er hundred, if recfivt-d br ».n «»n liefi>r» Uh rli l<t. l»<i. rs^BE.\lt IX llial n dime's worth of S T A R P L U G T O B A C C O will la.>>tlotiGer and aJrwrd m -r.' i*!vjn;iri* j:m:i a dim';% wortii of any „m .rb:»n.i. m a k e T H E T E S T ! Send lags !o C O \T IX E X T .4 .I. T O B ,H '€ '» SI. Louis. Mo. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ i f ★ '4 r »o«lilnc Iininirtimt L.eitUtloil. [Jt year under the provisions ot nigbie-irmstroug law the Legisla- lnriA*"^ ^ork State appropriated 1.000 for highway improvement, p has been no appropriation this 1 . anil the good roads supporters f >» set to work soon if anything J De ilDne. The law provides that VQpervisors of a eountv must first ■/ to the State engineer, who mast |s ij!ate the improvements solicited imiimil plans and estimate of cost pe supervisors. If the snpervisor..< 116 upon having the improvement m, ®"K'“ <^er must advertise for Abe Leagueof American W heel- 1 “as iJoon seekiug to enlist th e aid [atoioobilista iu its good roads '■epeu that some import- pgislation will be pushed through I »mter. rceenlly was OraT7n l>“ U' C703 ffsl of difficulty in the ptelimiaary work of the eiiKjsitioii,” taid ho, “ was iu the fact that the uianufactnrers ot the country were so busy that many of them could not find time and tho nec­ essary force of employes with which to prepare exhibits satisfactory to theaiselves, while in m any other cases our reriuests for eihibits were met with the statement tliat since they are now months liehind with their orders the display of their products would merely add to their temporary embar­ rassment V>y briuging thorn a slill greater exce.^s of orders oTcr theii capacity of production. In ihe gx'eat iron and steel manufactariag indus­ tries we found that m any of the es- tab’ishments had from six to eighteen months’ orders ahead, aud that they were working to Iheir fullest capacil.v and unable to increase their prcdael without an incr«ase in machiuery, which, of coui'se, cannot be made in a moment.” In the iron and steel industry the figures of our osports . show that th( eitremo activity of manufactnrcrs e“ - tends not aloue to the home market, but to that .supplied by other parts ol the world. A still further evidence which oui fm-eign commerce figures show of thi activity of our mannfactnrers is founc in the rapid increase in tho importa tion of materials nsed by manufac turers., Does this look as thonch our maun ractnrers were engaged in snpplving foreign consumers at cnt rates? They are, of course, doing nothing of the sort. There was time— the free trade tariff time of 1893-1897— when American exporterb were sending abroad considerable quantities of do­ mestio manufactures at a very amall profit, sometimes at a loss, for they needed the money with which to pay wages and keep tbeir mills and fac­ tories in operation. M a n y of them, liowever, were U' able to continue pro­ ducing and were forced to shut down altogether. B u t we are no longer doio^ btisiDcss ^oder free trftde tariff zine, November, 1899. Forelc« Trnst#. That there are trusts not fathcriva by a protective tariff is shoivu by statistic.-! from Eaglaud, France uud fipimanv T he Board ot Trade of ----- BiriSngham , England, is now invcs- I J>r.Buir,nr.>c.reDy.t^p.>a. Tr,al.:^firsf. tigating the shipping trust, which it - ” camp tias is claimed is working serious injury on the right b^nk. of t o British industry.— Tacoma (W ash.) A sM tion /DrBull’sN c o u g h 'W r u r K. GcttheKcntiinc. IUfuse.«:ubstitutes. A X i s S U R E ^ roa 5 *usy*u otwaast^ pbhc soe. fisccrnt. aeiN E S , BOiLEBS AND SAW MILLS, ; AN1> K£PA11CS FOR S.4LMC. Ttriatle Ttrliie. Bubbit, Saw T*>eth and I'jleit, Shaftina:. Pullejfi, IteltlnsT, Injectors, , PipeR, VHlved and Flttlnse. ||AVi: YOU A |A GRIPPE COLDS XLS,MSikk.,r 5tate^y.»^^;. c ir MO, you w atit n CAKL.ANS: STOVK »o nsake you happj'.If they are aot 5 Id i>v y^ur leadmi . rnerch.'int. wiit»-to SHEPHERD SUPPLY CO., «'H.lISI,I!S'rO>, s. <•.. - - STATE A G E N T S F O R - Ledger. Food iu Russia. In some parts of Rus.sia the only food for the people consists at present o! acorns, leaves and the soft bark trees. of -i-l= has been ?™ced P art oi: the walls, gates and fJw er, are% tlll standlnB. and many nteasfls and weapons have been dus UP xt is believed that^the camp w'as erected in the time of Nero. T. e B eit. PiNEviLLE. N. C.. Jan. 1, 1899. I have used i a Kikg's Wild Chkbbi akd Tab for Coughs aud colds and cnu gay it is thtf best thing 1 havo ever tried When taken by directions will cure iu a very short lime. Ea.-y to talte and quick to take effect.-^ H. Robinson. Sold aud guarante^ by Bra* WELL*Duns Co., Charlotte, and all medi- jine dealera, 2 5 o . ___________ A plan o found a colony In Cuba, with the twin purposes of raising fruit for United States m arkets and of es­ tablishing a w inter resor, will oe recommended soon. •_______ Beamtr Is Blood Deep. riM n Mftnd tnASGB a clean skin. iWENS CHERRY TREES I nest r r u lt mill Shade Treo in | ! M 'orld. I.arge*»t Tre«‘ an d | lilt. Sl buy« « deUvervda pre- ; IddroM , iJ u . B ItlG H 'r, rare 7, i:iiiA U i,o 'm c, X. C. By writing at once for the remarkable offer of the South's great­ est institution ot Practical Business Tratniug, Tlie 6a.-Ala. Business College, • D on*tD eIa>yI M A C O N , O A . irities from tbe body. , - uunish pimple«,jMUa. blotches, blackhcads. and thst siddy bilious complejaon b,'takin? Caiicareta,—beauty for ten « n ti. drug­ gists, satiifactiqn guaranteed, 10c, <'V:, SOC. Fifteen cents seems to be a pretty steep price to pay for one banana: yet th a t Is the price charged In Boston for bananas of the red co or ot the first quality, while these of the s ^ n d qual­ ity are sold for five cents. The r ason given for the high prices for th« red bananas Is th a t great dam age was j“ r t 5 the crops in Cuba by the war, m d th a t the banana output has suf- terefl like evervtM ng se. Evapyonilo His Trade. The recent death of Mme, Aubernon de Nervine in Paris recalls a reply once made to her by Dumas fils,- who did not enjoy a .certain kind ot llon- IsinB relates the Chicago News. At a dinner at Mme. Aubernon’a one evenlne he sat next to a certain Gen­ eral, who was disconcerted hy Dumas' ' ler. you not tell the General w itty stories?" asked the hostess. In a whisper. „ .“Mon Dieu, Madame,’ replied Du­ m as In his most ingenuous way, •everyone to his trade—I was w aiting tor him to flro oft a cannon!" An Innocent Grille. Governor Roosevelt Is alwaya slad 5 t a laugh. A short time ago he em­ ployed an opportunity and paid tor It. The Incident happened while he was visiting Cornell University during a convention. The students, glad of a chance to display their enthusiasm, entertained the Governor at one of the fraternity houses, relates the Youth's Companion. Ju st as he was about to leave one of his state said to him: “Governor, the bos's have the foun­ dation ot a capital library, and I think they would appreciate a copy of your 'Rough Riders.’ ” "AU right, boys,” said tho Governor, heartily. “I'll be glad to send you a cony with my compliments. The book would be but a small return for your hospitality.'' .... Whereupon one of the students broke In excitedly: “That’s so. Governor, I ve read it. The m en-ot-w ar of the a irew of about 225 men. of which 174 were oarsmen working on three d ec^. T M speed ot these vessels was about six miles an hour in fair weather. T TrA N TED —»«atlsman or ladj' to rep rt^ n t u» Tf In this viein.ty, ftavinK wide. aL-qnaiutanre with property owners aud people wUn incai:^. ii vou cau 5 o<mI refereiK^o tliere is rcarly Jnoome. A’o experienin* or in.>«ey reqnJ^d. in- formation address, ii.E.ItioisB , 10 Wall St., N. Y. Biliousness «»lh«¥e iiaed yourvalaaW c CASJ?.%- B ET S and find them perfect. Couldn i do without them. I have used them for so uo Lime for iadigestion andbiliousness and am now com plctely cured, llecommend them, to every one. Once tried, you will never be witnout them In S e faSilyi" Enw. A Mabx, Albony, N. Y. CANDY CATHARTIC Pl^Viant. Palatable. Potent. Taste. G<^. ,Do GooCt^Icf.'rSickeih Weaken, or Qrtpe, 10c. 25c, fiOa ... C U R E C O N S T I P A T I O N . ...SterllBr C—pMy. Chtea«8. tr—i. K»w Totfc. Sn lo - T O - s ic A 1.50 L FA i X r BK BSO F I GALVANIZED GORtllGES. ETD.' TIMBiRUNO^^X^H WANTED. Poplar, O ak, A sh, Chestnut, Hickory, M aple, W ainut, Pina and Hem lock, Within ten miles of railroad. Noth'n" le^ than £0i> aero tracts consodered. 8eud desrrtjirioa a d price tt» J . H. I.KHXAHI>, 74 Coi tiaudt »t.» NewVark SUTLER’S CARBOLATE OF IODINE. A su aran lced Core I'or Catarrh*. C onaiim ptlon and H ay F ever. All r D rn se u t". 81.00. w . H .sm rrH & CO.,'Buftaln* N. Y ., E^r.-pn.______ hisW DiaCOVERY-.eiw Qitieic relief and cores wt-rrt ’B.Tw Zi rtd 10 A ny' i.eatmB!.t WTfC. r. B. K. OR«i % I'S ftOBf. Box B AtI.aU. Ofc. DROPSY #111 EAB • I Vortnnf^ in stocfcr invest fS to9 I U rUil « l ]*li’Oands*t siioohfi't 91'<>'nre: ufe a.sa tank. Eosd S Co.. 131 B. St.. PhUa„ Pa. I ITTKN TIO N U f.»clUt 'ted It you laentlfm 1A 1 ......................................................i thi$paperwbttUTviitingadverti>er8.So.49 and R estorer. P.rjce $1 -0 0 , Tlie Datie Record, J td c te v ille , N . C . B> B. H. StdllrftSJ W niTOh ANI> P C B M SH E B . _ .E n ^eS eD XT THE POST OFFICE AT 1?. C., AS SECOSD CLASS sil'fiiai, May itfriJ, 1899. ' MiE6 Sarah Bailey Dead. | Jericho News Notes, i A few montfaa ago four or five of i D. C. Kurfees spent Tbanksgiv-' ■ Moeksville’s young ladies left home i ing day with J. C. Dwiggens. j to tintertiie Stale >'ormal a( Greens i Several of onr yonng people vis- i boro, lull of life aud happy anil iu : Cooleemee last Thuisdaj'. igood healtb, with a bright life of | farmers carried usefulness betore them. ! corn to Harmonv last Thursday. I No one thought at the time when thev boarded the train with happy lOClt KOTlS AKi) mCTOEHTS. r wil! i«y frWhi two to three dol- iars per c'ofil fof roand oak timber deliyeitfci id Mot-ksville. See me f tf ii/slfnctidhs in r^ard to cut­ ting. (J; L. AVilliams. Mf. T. Brown &hd fainily, of Winstdn, visited relatives in town lust wwk. Conference rtturSi^ kU thtc*» of the M<ithudist preachers to their feppective charges in this county. fa<sra and loving good-byes, that the Reaper would soon claim oue of the fairest. Miss Sarah Bailey, the eldest daughter of Mr. aud Mi's. T. B. Bailey, died of typhoid fever ou last Wednesday, aud h«*r remains were brought home ou Thursday, and on Friday were laid to rest in the Bailey buryiug ground. A large coucourse ol sympathizing I'rieuds of the family attended the burial. The sympathy ol the entire commuoity goes out to the afflicted family in their great loss. Misi Evelyu, the ouly daughter B. Bailey, is A nnrnber of Mocksville p^ple with fever at Greens- ■killed h<^ Monday. The Editor killed three that weighed pounds. Tlioe. Diiun, wlio has beeii dodg­ ing ooilM for sevei'al termis, wks Lidged In jail a few days ago by Sheriff She«k. R. ]}< Saiiford, who holds a job with the .Southern Chemical Works of Winstsii-Siilem, visited his pa rents last *iSck. lier paieuts. Mr. \V, C. W’illson and family, near Kappa, visited li. L. Walker on Sunday. Mrs. Della Little and children visited relatives in Iiedell county Saturday and Sunday. Wade Kurfees, who has been working for his brother uear Coo­ leemee, is at home now. There will be a sale of personal property at the residence of the late J.P. Kurfees on Det:ember 12th. Mrs. Earle Kurfees and little Gilbert visited their aunt, Mrs. Amanda Arstin, of Mocksville. on Saturday and Sunday. Success to The E ecoed and its ! many readers. L u c y . Frank C. Brown, Wholesale and Ketail Dealer in G E N E R A L m e r c h a n d i s e . Be?t COMPLFTE LINE OF DBY GOODS. Stock cf Sho£S in the State. Go to Williams & Anderson’s for vour .Shoes and Hats.The Prize G^m. We were in Wiustou Saturday and purchased of Bobeits, the gun man, a breech-loading Eemington j NOTICE. HEADQUAETEBE) fo e g eo ceeies . IX OTHER WORDS I HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. I Will be glad to have you call. Yours Truly, F n ,A N K C. B H O W N , Corner Fourth and Main Streets, - - - WINSTON, N. C. C R A N F O R D S ] TMs Big Sale Causes Talk, t o ‘is uo ordinary occasion. We’re selling the stock of v!?'| I to v V Fine Suits and Overcoats we pnrcha^ of Mi} B ri & Co. at CO cents on the dollar of the wholesale niaaM,^ ‘ It se«ms needless to enter into a discussion of the hiffh „ excellence embraced in the Bnrgntider stock, for the.v hav ‘ leatiin" exponents of the Tailors’ art in Baltimore these past^ and have amassed a fortune of more than W,OOO.Oti«.o«. or bov whether he needs a suit or overcoat at once, or win nw' Tfew Months hence, will fii^ it prudent to take a,iva«5, magnificeut opportunity. The telegram reprodnccd below sw cluBively what bargains we are in a position to give our frieu,], SeiiMer’s Bargains Racliet Store. I’argains rjcrji *“ t h e WESTERg TELECRAgH SI,000 orncES m Ai«Ric»."!^ aSL & SE RV>CE to a ll the w»m 1 I I I . l i notice is hereby friT.;n to all per- - ticket, or ¥1 aud get ran EBtX}KD jongi,a,ii,„ claims against said estate , 1 • .1 T> J 01-e year and two sickets. We are 1 to present them to the undersiirned M n 'l « 0 > 5 ||'n Q f r t n O !3 f , tiQ fi I S S i H Q . I,- t I. .roina- to mibiish t h e n u m b e r o f i for payment on or before the 4th dav uU W C U U U w •*>««; *1. A. Owvn.s, r,f this place, has w puinan luc uiuiic^i ui. jj^g ^r this notice will i w signed his positioB as engineer at tl*“t Suu on l^ecem-; j., ^ rj-covcry. l*r 20th, aud the fort jnale holder; ............................... r e c e d e d ft---------- Tn ^G au d set his g u n for tlie Ciiristm as: payment, prices paid for all kinds I holifhivs December, isns. CP at W illiam s & 1 R O B E R T L . C A IN , A d m ’rroaice at ttiiiiams a. -------------------of Elva F. Cain,c:ec.;uscd. resig t.he tank near Idols, Forsyth couu- iy. Mr. .lack Idol is his sucocssor. ifighest fOHiitry prbdt AnJerMii’s. P. F. Collier’s agent was in town Monday delivering books. They are fiile book#, cobsisting of 60 voi- umes of history by tlte best au- Ihojfst Tjidies Cloaks cheap at Williams 4 Anderson’s. Mr. J. H. West, of Calahain tii'vuship.«ome time ago lost $27.27 ■niiiie plowing in wheal. He has Hevcr found it. Quite a loas. May he yet find tt. A g.Kid U-iSe Hosiery and Gloves at Williams & Anderson’s. All persons iniKb e i to said estate of the right ticket can come around | are requested to maki: i-^mediatc E. L . G A r i’H E R , A.ttorney. TAX NOTiCi Advance News Notes- J. M. Summers was iu town this week. He is loo’iiug well. Miss Anna Eobertsou, who has ■ I will meet the Tax-Payers of Davie .1 fow d'lvs WP sire p-hul Countv at the following times anu oeen tick a ie« aajs, ^\e are giau , collect the Taxes for 180U: to say is linprot ng. i jjoctsville during the month o Mrs. H. B. Allen and children : November, made a visit to Cooleemee last S;it-1 County Line. Mondaj-, December 4, urday and returned Sunday ; ^8*!; -n ^ ;, gecember 4,1 p. C. C, Faircloth and H. N. Fos- m. to .1 p. m. ter have just retnrued from a trip Nestor. Tuesday, Decembers, 10 a. | across the niountaius. They have i S' , i ! some fine cabbage and applet. | 1 Johu Fritt«. of Cooleemee, was ‘ Farmington, Wednesday, December; visiting friends iu this place Sun-j 6,10 a.m. to 2 p.m. „ , i ■i t n - u idav aidMoudav. He reports lots ^ Smith Grove Thursdaj, December: Tie.;. Wu^'rTit. Winst'on’'^^ur- ^ on at Cooleem-ie. | Advance, Tuekay. December 12, 12 ^ .fey atld the store waa crowdedj Wednesday, Decem- Milt cnstomeis. Thev believe jn ■ Public school at Dulii s. He is a ^ , p. m. the use of printer’s' ink, and its j Augusta, (Berrier's Store.) Thurs-; lf-riin<r I in saving he will give satisfaction, da^. December 14,10 a. m. to 12 m. | ■ ^ i On account of the wrecK on the - Thursday, Decembers A good bne of men’s underwear 3.1 Williams & Anderson’s. Oor friend, John Feezor, ob­ served Thanki^iving day by gc - ting marrkfd. He has much to be thankful having won the heart and hand of Mifs Bessie Charles, liai-c'htCf of our <i?d friend, J. N. I’harleS) of Jerusalem. Men’s *nd Boy’s Hats and Caps chw.p at Wiiliams & Audetson’s. It Iftnk abant t»'o days to get the l irs'C 20 horse power boiler and eii^'ine for the fnfniture factory to its place. Work is progressing tir.ely, and they hope to get to l!^an^lfacturI^g early in the Bcw' jei!f. If yo-a wish to save your hard-earned specia in Y iiU k V\ i;il. 1- V' u will c. itn-iM fi> -sue US. AVe will show you how it can be done to your entire satisfaction. Here are a lew itei.is that shows which way tlie wind blows: Bjy’s suits from 51.23 up. .—- flea’s suits from :f2.93 up A G-oocl M a o k in t o s h O v erc o a t O I C L Y 5-1-35. A heavy do’.ible sole Broaian, W!>rth onr price OS cents. I.adieo ileavy winter shoe^i, regular q'lality, onz-price9iic. Men and IjaUies fine shoes, worth -isl.2o, oiir price t.'Sc. Capes from S9c. up. Th?. b 3 st an f. lo w e s t price lina o f M il l im r y in th a city- GIVE US A CALL and let us SHOW YOU SOME GEN UINE UARGALNS- Siouler's RacM Store. Fine Union Twill. with a red and jjriiv single breasted rtiuuii cnt. i did value $4 ,50. OUR PRICE *23,1 R. B. CRA¥/FORD & CO., uu aw.ouiH, Ol cuc 11uu luc ^ „ ni ! railroad uear Dutchman’s creek j gheffleld, Friday, December 13, 10 last Saturday, two trains 1 lid over : a. m. to 12 m. i at this place Saturday night and Mocksville, Saturday, December 10,! ' all day i S U U U dJ. j Sec. ."iT. Ch. 7.12. Law s 1891): T axes, A n d r e w S herm an h a d the mis- ■ for .School fund must be turned over j fortune to get his leg broken o n e ! by the Sheriff not tater than Dec. ] night last w eeK while opossum i ^ f a ™ i hunliag. K e is getting along very J. L . S H E E K , well, w e are glad to say. ! jjov. 1, ’99. Sheriff D.-ivie County. Some uuknowu party on hist: Thursday night duriug the enter-1 laiuiueut by the Ladies’ Aid So-1 HARDW ARE D EA LER S , Gentlemen’s Fiue SniaJ Btriped Worsteds, Fauev 0|T and Gray Meltons. (j,J single and double bresiiifil Fine goods handsoaely i Worth easily $10.00, but i| gacrif.ce sale THEY GO AT Men’s Oifid FROM VP. I Sign of.............. Llou and Anvil.Winston, N. C. Bojs’' S ilt;- ,« i DR. W- C. MARTIN _______ _____ ______ Gives special attention to diseases cietv, at the academy, cut and dis-1 *^**2 Eye, Ear, Noie and Throat, tigu'i^d the organ. No one knows I —The Bight Place, to Buy Tour- ligured uie orpn x>o one Knows: - ^eeth extracted by the paiu- who did this devilment, aud It will l«s "proc.-is. Offlce at residence in uot be g.H»d C)r him to be caught up with, for there is a law to pro- i tect property. j There was great talk about the North Mocksville. i ^ Leave M ock’ ^lile:!! ! 0:00 p m ISI.0.-S at « AuuersoD-i. j . Cotmty <'ontwissioners were in • crease to the school fnnds —s<mi»-1 Mocksville................ 7:15 a m ■ ^^essioll .Monday ^ routine business ! thing tliat would do the poor chil-1 Leave Mocksviile!. . . . . . . . . . 11:.30 a m i ti-ar«5!ii!t<Sd. They made *, contract j drem f Davie county .some good. |------- ------- IGook Stoyes, Guns i Farminf Implements. S o i j S u N D - D ^ n f e ^ l 'S ? Sunday. I Leave Mocksville................ 1:00pm; 0 0 1 ^ 3 1 . T O S S 3 J B 3 T J But uow, the same crowd think it | MocksvUls Produce Market.the erection of a pest house on il.e county larin, to be in readi UCS.S for use in case of an enter- gcnc.v. ; mHiiiiuuuiw. vioou uouesu men oi, per bu F;x)m Tuesday^ Dec. 12, tOkFridav j what do .vou tliink Oats, perba.............................- - * •'’ - ’ ^ • |ot one of that stripe! We don’t Peas, per bu............................ ink the gooil people of our conn-: Bacon per pound.................... M<<cksvi)le, prepared to do any and j '•J' " , j Hams! . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . flit Wi<dS of dental work. Dr. Her-1 _ ol-ICK. loh is wtH kiiowTi Several Lots 'Union Cassimere, black grouud with ne.tt, gray pin check and wine colored o^ er-plaid, single-brei.sted. 5 to 14, very nobby. Worth $1.25. 0X;R PRICE 60 CENTS. Boys’ Double Breasteil .Suits, made from all wool Cheviots and Cassimei-es; there arc 25 styles to select trom, uizes 7 to 16 years, aud regular §3 value. OITR PRICE «il..50. Boys’ AU Wool Ca.«simeres, black ground, with dark gray ne:it check and pure silk mixtai-e. double breasted, 9 to 1.5, made and trimm;d iu A1 style. Worth any­ where 8.5. OUE PRICE S2.05. Boys’ Overcoats ■ right to hold an election tor ti e;Corrected by Williams & Anderson, j •-! amendment—something that will! ■ i disfrauchise. Good honest men of .............................■ t -I i P I Davie county, what do you think the 1.5th, Dr. P.'E. Horton, dentist, ;-a.i !.6 found at Hotel Swic^ood in; ‘hink the gowl people of our conn- __ : Iki . t 4-,. ,,.,11 ,4. here, and those desiring wofk will fiadhim reason­ able aad («)iiibl«. A prettj incident occurred at the White House this week. Presi- ^ „ I dent McKinley, Admiral De.vev, Par,*?. GaoAs. Dress Gooda, Out-; and J. P. V. Grid lev, a son of the tiny;;, ctc:, cliftap at Williams & i late Capt. Gridlcy, who commai,d- Aiii.Pic,in« ’edihe Oiympia at the battle of Butter...................................... Spring Chickens...................... 8-10 ly lal 12i! 6 7 I Manila b£j', being the -actors. Ad­ miral Dewey carried young Grid- ley to see the preaideut for the purpose of asking an appointment in the navy for him. Theyoun. mau being too old to go to Anuaj-1 olis, a lieutenant’s commission iu' the inarineti was the position de­ sired. The admiral «as explain­ ing Lhat the young man lac':e-i means to vay his expenses while .studying for t he examination, when the president interrnpted him by saying: “You and I, admiral, will pay his expenses while preparing for au examinatiou for the liiaiiue corps. If he fails in the first ex- Aadei-son’s. Mr. J. S. SwiiSg, of Pino, sent us a bottle of fresh slrawbeiries just gatheivJ front hij ^.srdeu on De­ cember 2nd. IMvie is coming to tne frrnt, fresh ttraw'joiTies in De- <-,:-Diber. D-->i'’t forget T'iE Peto1!»’s free gift 0iIcI•^i: A No. 20 <'.;u-.)UYteiCook Stove, uSei: of Furniture (;Jpteo«5), a (iood .Scv. iug Machine, a ('hatfa- lioo;^^ < hilled Plow, and a Rem­ ington Bi'oeeh-loadiug Shotgun. One dollar pays for a year's sub­ scription aud two tickets; 50 cents six i:;:)!iths and oue ticket. 'n;n wnstitntional amendment l>“f-.'!t the Georgia legislature re- cuivi 'l .1 crnshing defeat last week. Oiuy tiii ee Democrats voted for it. The (iofhcl-Simmons methods are .. P'T/Iilar iu Georgia. Lookout, I;:vr .' i.iiuKSw, t!iei« is walking ahwid ()!’ yoti. Want«;—'t>w) or three loads of good slmcksi Will pay esaih. i:. II. Morrisv • Peven <-a*K loadfcA Vi itb coal were wrecked th* Wotksville riad i^tnrday e'^emn^n a cnt this side gocts pays for 6 monthssubscrip- m D.uch!.!:£^ cWJck, a spread rail i tion to th e EiicORD ami m.u get a the .snpp-,.SRl cause. P-iss*Ugers; ticket and an opportunity at «ue of and mail on the evening tiain were the fi\e free iriits tran«e.Tul. Thetl-ack waSrioted i ^ Smiday evening, and trains alrel T now making regnlaHnns. It was!- ’ ^--Ex fortunate that no loilie National Hctel, REFURNISHED. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. R A T E S , $ 1 . 0 0 P S B D A T . J, fr. IlAMSEY, 1’rop’r. Main St. SALI3RURY, N. C. Don’t Suffer, The l^luctr0 i>0ise C’ores all dis.-^ase.-s without the u=-e cf Tiedicine. A pure Oxygci trcatiQLnt. ■jy ab.sorpiioa. It c*u*c‘J ev^cry- “Uiug’ els*; fails. It is nt;ed.:rt inerery \ Lamily, for it will rclicvj every w-.:ak-1 ■less or ailnient, to the :no-it pcfil-jtcui ,:hronfC'flisaasc; and withoft the j of a ffrain of rae.licine. Thonsanils.> | nT«oplc all over the Uniced Staves I from private citizens to La-vyera, doc j tors, preachers, Supreme .la'ljes Edi ‘.ors. eic.. eve 1 crowned head-s of E ■amiaation I will {?ive bim another rope have given written testimonial^: cbaucc, but I am sure he will be of thise facts. Book of testimonials, ready for ^.vaminatiou when he is matter of great interest with i appointed.” As Admiral Dewey ?ricc of instrjme-.ts sen^free. Every | and young <^idley were leaving the White Ilouie, the admiral stopped and told the story to sev­ eral newspaper nuen, adding: “Now, let the people know what sort of a president they hav«.” “And what sort of au admiral, too,” said oue ‘ of the newspaper men. family should have an Elsctropoise:' - ^ ' - it saves money, induces health. Send \ uGOuS yoiir address at once and see wh people say who have thoroughly tesi ed lc8 merits. Agent? wanted. Thi Electhopoise Co., 013 4th Street. Louisville. Ky. C A L L B R O S . Ten Per Cent. Furniture Men, | I('.8 West Fifiii St., W I N S T O N , N . C- Want your trade aud will give you bargains in all Styles of Bctl-Room Sets, Odd Dressers. Dining Tables, Beds, Wa.shstands, Lounges, Couches and all things to be found in an Up To Date FURNITURE HOUSE. S0H3 KEW and BS.iDTIfUL DBJKN3 ia DISHES, CEAMBER-SEIS and LAJIP3, 'W': also have a Beautiful Line ot Pictures and Friim^s. The New England and Needham Pianos, and the Old Reliable Estey Organs aud the Nee^lham Org-ans are sold by us. aud need uo recommendation, as thev are so Well Known. old far Cash or P-asy Payments. FROM $1 UP. LINE of Shirts,, Collars, Cuffs. l-tGi Underwear, etc., etc., at prices thstitl competition.full N. L. CHANFORD & WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Oak Front. No. -i43 Trade St. Two Doors N. of Farmers' 5 n EN’l EN'l IN’S BOX CALF: 'S VICI SliOS] Calf lined;:! ^^..■io, S2.r.i. t"''| e2.!io, s f ADIES’ AM) Cliiq , SHOES 60 CENTS TO i 60 CEN'l>i TO Ji'I A LL NEW .«HAPS| t h e RKGUL VR SiIOE STOKE. Corner 4th and Liberty Sts., WINSTON. X ' ________ HEEIY & CSI Greensboro Nurseries, GREENSBORO, N. C., was hurt, Blackburn, chairman of though the laillfoaid Snlferedvinlte Democratic State a loiw by aniidctot^ The fnrniblre fi«!tor>- '•rants yonr «a’{ rimlxir. f»se ad. of O.L,. Wil- li.im.s. Stf \tt. WiUiaiuB if yon campaign cbttunittee, last night, for the firet Herd of Registered Po- For all kinds of Frnit, Shade and Ornamental Trees*. Vines and Plants. I am the Intro­ ducer of the famous GREENS­ BORO and CON NET’S South- Gariy Peach. Bepnblican nominee tor governor, i and the remainder of the Republl- ' «Blt tiet^^t, had been elected and any (RiTc tjMlier for sate. KiKiid l-^ive certificates of elec- Other enternnii* are bound to f jJ-; lion ftom A e State boara of elec- li.-n . I.W'ij ke^jho ball jBaciAg:. LAND CHINA and Mammoth Black Hogs, One of the finest li«rd» in the South. \V<itie for priees. Joas A. Yockg, .Prop’r. • Come to our place and if j’on are not treated right call no more, but if we treat you right, call again. OltGAIfS FEOM $25.00 PIANOS C A L L B R O T H E x ^ S Manufacturers’ Agents, UF. FE,OM 0190 UP. WINSTON. Branch House: • K. C. MARTINSVILLE, VA. Cm Always Give LowHt Pricei (h SreiTthiie ia <liir too. Just Received! Pailor Suits, Mirrors, Faicy E \ ERYTHING TO MAKE A HOU.SE HAXD'^O)!^] BED-EGCM SI AND E X T II A 1 AT PRICES THAT \VILL asto-''’'! Don’t faill to give ii"*j in need of an.vllii"? ] Furniture I T W I L L B E T O YOl - ;sVG. W. ItftOiag Fan»ita«! DeUer and Undertater, SAI-I?i^'^' fcl, 1- Santa C l ITII.L n a f o u n 'o A b ig stock Toys,! 1 cent I ) Building Bio B ides, Cup Pi.Ht.>ls Tree O rnam ents, 8nn4 Horns, Toy Watches;! old and young for Chi fouud at our store| f.jrget our F IV K A X ll Vlso a large stock U j'md Uuucr»e;.r of all f„r li e i ■ iida.vs, yoij ,,g We wil; save voa i us for your SantJ N e w i It-’D Lib !rty St:-oet. . liv . Fr.inklin':< old ; I F. G- C H ;YE SP C lA L l ovci Jacobs* Oioi'iil WIKSTOS. V. J Tarnitur | i "ST o u l 33-1 F urniture o f any jwiLL PAY YOU |F. Huntley’s -HK SELLS- '-CLAS.S FURNIT iKijit jriees, sto;k alwsyj I 426 and 428 Trade 1 WIKSTt)N, N. •w h ; YOt; GO WinstoiiJ —CALL ON—1 lO W N . T he It Te a Nice Line ofl tlry and Silver Waf I and Eye Gla.sses. I kiriiig done Trhile yo| r insured for one yc bit the times. iTours for business,I BROWN. TheI |Lil)erty Street. N ( Rol>ert‘» the gun "W^snt Tourl ^CKENS, POTATC ONIONS AND lARil PRODUCE. |li;li63t Hirtet Prieti Call on me wlj i YOU COME TO rsll S«l8ot«d Stod ri88 Always On | Your* to Serve, D. M. Ml Sali»burv, North! RA! fK . - . STANDARD R a I OFTHHSOUTUI phe Direct Line to| r^AS, kUFORNI.V. tO R ID A , T ba a n d p o r t o I ll-ict'y F is t (if pnt on ail I'rains. klman Sleeping CaJ ^ins. Fast and .Sal Trav.ll by the [ you are iwsiireil fort;H>ln .m l an Joarnsy. . ly Ticket A;ent| bles, RatcR and Gel J maiiou. or ai| |L. VERNON. 1 T. P. A. Charlotte. N. C. JTROUBU T0 ABS7 I 8. SAHKOH, f. P. i Ota ■■ la. W. A. TVSK '-C - - r-^.; ' R D ^ 5es Talk. >on 8ach va1„ . >11 ordinary occi* “"/’I « i or Messrs .e wholesale n,aa„“'’ ssion of the hieh <-k. for thev have Itimore these past bl,000.000.00 , lat ODce, or will ae*5'^'H produced below |top.eourfnena,**' -^caraer:;: ZRAPRl HE D avie R ecord . b e : M O C K S V I L L E , N . C ., W E D N E S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 1 3 , 1 8 9 9 .NO. 37. Saata Clans Headquarters, Tlie Davie Record, PUBLISHED EVERY WBUJNESDAY. • I'uioa Twill, dart ■ red and J brrasted rcnud cm Jiue .%0. OUR PRICE $2.20. Ii’emeu's Fine SniUjjJ l.l Worsteds, Fauey Cce I Gray Meltons. ( lioi»| I lud double breanteil i I p:- HXlfi. liancisoacly easily $10.00, but jt J tee sale I THEY GO AT $6.W. k s Oyen r i : o M *2.2.5 T-p. issiiiiore, Iray !'in |r-plaiil, verv riv^. II .Suits, hots -'.i-.il I sty'.c-.s t.'i |oir.s,aud T'r.-.y !:c:it Inai'iO and brtii :tuv- «jS < 'ollars. Cnffs. FcirS, j etc., at prices that defy | O E D & 0 p X. ('. | “irs X. of Farmers’Wa r ; KX’.S BOX CALF; 1 I j;x-.s VICI SHOES; Calf lined; 3« ??..50, S2.7.5. e.".00-l S2..50, SJ.-."., ¥3-«l-] .'vDrivS' AND CHIL Si'lOI'S 00 CEN-TS TO *3.3« l 6 0 TO «3.Wl > i ; \ v .«h a p R>- .Siiniv .STORE, Its.. 'W I X S T O X . X . <’• ’!EiY_&_C£t ' Is ivs d ! L , , .l r .f i F o u x i > AS UStTAL, a t o u r s t o r e t h is s b a s o s . E. H. MORRIS, liUIltor. A ' IS,' m f Fiffl HorsK ir.4XiJ.sa.MM lEED-ECCM Sr A.\D ex tr a be |r i*i;icis t h a t w ill ASTONISSJ Jiii't faill to give inC®' in need of anytliinS ' Furniture ■^Vir.L BE TO YOl'P* |G. W. tertal;er, .SAIJSBt'^^J IJIO stock Tnys, UoII Carria.!».=i, Dolls all kinds, frnra. 1 cent 10 ^ti.OO; liockiiig Horses, Hobby Horses, Kuildiug Blocks, Picture Books, Iron To.vs, Air (iti) I’islols and Caps; Baby Itattlers, Christmas Oriianients, Sunday Scb<M.l .Supplies, Aibiinix, Drums, lldriis, Tov Watches; in fa/U, everyhiug you want to suit 11 aliil vouiis for Christmas gifts or Sunday Schools, Ciin at our store at the bwii: pricjs in tie cily. Dou’t f,.rgc-l oiir F IV i: A X n T I5 X -C E X T C O U X T E K S . TEKMS OP StTBSCItlPTION : One copy. One Year, - - - Sl.tX) Oue copy, Six Months. - . O n e copy. Three Months - - i')0 MOCKSVILLE, N C ., DEC. 1.1, lSt!S». DISTURBERS OF THE PUB­ LIC PEACE. j Our Supreme Court and Its De- : faniers. The Biblical Recorder says: “There uae been au effort to cre­ ate a Bensalioi] about the decisions ol the Supreme (’ourt of North Carolina in the case of Abbott vs. Beddingtield for the office of rail- ro!i<l couimiiisioncr, and other simi­ lar wises. The court has decided, following the Hoke Henderson pre- ceilent, ,aj;aiu.st tne appointee of the liist leijislature iu every in­ stance. The decision may be wrong, but it is supported by ihe weight of half a ceutnr.v C'f opinion in our Supreme (’onrt; all parties have pi-olited by it; and, therefore, it is Next to the man behind the pul-1 beconiiug to ctiiirge the present pit, whose »ork is love and whofe ! " itli partisauship, the evi- words are of Christ, is the man thai | deuce a^^aiiist them being no strong- iiolds the Fal)er and undeitakes t< : 'liuu that ajr.iiust their predeces- sliape the intliieDce of a newspaper jsors. di.s.scuting opinion would Th« mau who reads a paper per- upen to such criticism, but IIS f> r .vi'ur Santa Claus aud make the child cn ha; py. Newman & King, Lit. -rt.v -^troet, WIXSTOX, X. C. ,iV. I. ^'r-wiklin s old .stuud.] \rjrjKi^A C H E E KIR. F. G I e YE SP C IALSST. o ,j. Ja-;o'n' 'JiO'.'"-ins .-More. WIN'STOV. V. (’. Trussses f mits it to more or less intluence his opinions, for good or evil, just as ; the eapric« or character of the edi- I tor may lie inclined. I If tlie editor perverts . the col­ umns of his paper into a vehicle for the transinissiou of his personal spiie, or makes of it a sluice-gate ! through which must flow his ! venom aud malice, tiieu he destro\ S' i {his paper ! ste:id of 1 comes a veritable viper throng! j whose crnel fangs filters the poison j of hate, euvyaiiU malice: reacLiu. it is not becoming to make even this.” The Recorder might have added that wiieu the present Supreme t'ourt, basing ilsaction on the Hoke vs. Henderson dejisiou, two years ago decided a number of office con­ test cases a<rainst the appointees of the lesislatnre of 1SS7, tlie dccis- 1 ins \ie.e applauded by tho very er’s high purpose, and in-papei's that are now r au agencv f.ir good, it be-1 tlie.Suprenie Court bcjause a veritable viper throng!, i .‘■“ P®‘’'s the Hoke-Henderson prineiple. The State would indeed have Just ojiiise for shame if its.Su If you are in uee<l of « TRU&s j its readers'it blisters and burns! <-'ouit followcil the e.xampk •’ .................................. .. these narrow partisans and sus-.. ^ „ - J their higher impulses, creates dis i”\It will pay you to have a rerfecl j taineU lloke-Henderson Fit. DR. V. O. THOMPSOX has;bind men iu had forty years’ experience in ^ hood. Atrocious Le^<«lation. I. A. H arris in Asheville Gazette. From a moral standpoint how can any man iu Xorth Carolina vote for the so-called constitutional amendment 1 How can any Chris­ tian be in favor of the election law piwsed by the last legislature 1 Is it not class legislation of the deep­ est die! Does it not discriminate between the town people and the country people ! Mr. Webster says the word “demiKsracy” means that all the people ai-e entitled to have a part in the government, and does not the present North Carolina elec- tiou law place everything from the elec.tion of the state boards to coun­ ty boards, registrars, judges of elec­ tions and school teachers in the hands of the Simmons legislature i Let the county school boards, the school committeeinen and the school teachers answer the.se questions. Under the present elei^tion law the legislature holds the power against all oppon<“uta, whoever they may be ca'.le<l, to couut out all pi«>- ple who hold diiferent views from theirs and countiii theirown party. It has been decided long since that all the people do not think alike, then I would ask all thinking peo­ ple, regardless of party, to consider wjll wliat fairness there is in an election law framed THE COMFORT. HOLIDAY GOODS. Do yoiu- holiday buying as early as possible. It is to your interest to do so. Firstly, }'ou get a better selection and do not have to take the “leavings.” Secondly, you can take your time selecting and do not have to be rnshed at the last moment. This season we have made extra preparations for you and the little folks. You will find here an aggre­ gation of holiday gifts and toys that cannot be found elsewhere, and last, but not least, we’ve attached such low figures to ’em, that we anticipate an early buying aud speedy ssile. If you think it just a little I too early for you, we invite you to onr stores anyhow-. See our display, ' theu you will be in a better position to know what you want. HERE THEY ARE: Gifts and toys for the little folks. Dolls—China and bii _ _______ up to oOc each; jointed dolls, 10c up to *1 00 each; dressed dolls, oc up to ___ each; French dolls 25c up to 8150 each. All sizes, colors, ages and conditions; in fact, we have a regular doll world. Toys—Child’s wash sets, I5c to 50c set; child’s china dishes, 10c to $1 50 set; music boxes, 25c and50c; musical zitters, 25c and 50c; musical tube phones, 2iic and50c; tenpins, 10c up to50c set; roam­ ing toys, 10c up to 50c each; iron toys. 10c up to .tOc each: rouf^h rider set, 25c; and set; soldier suits, 25c and 50c set, and hundreds of other toys for the children. Gifts for the larger folks. Pretty albums, at 10c, 1.5c, and 3.jc; prettier albums, at 35c, 50c, 7.5c, and $1 00; prettiest albums, at $1 25, *150, and $2 00; toilet sets, 50c, 75c, up to $2 00 set: manicure sets, 50c up to $2 50 set; shaving sets, 50c up to $1 50 set; travelers’ sets, 25c up to $1 50 set; ladies* work boxes, 25c up to 32' set; ladies’ handkerchief and tie boxes, 25c up to 91 00; men’s handkercb .nd tie boxes, 2.5c up to -*1 set; men’s collar and cuff boxes, S5c up to $1 50^ . h, and many others which space will not permit mentioning. Coats a^a capes. We' have too many, and have cut the price on all, to close them out quickly. Ten dollar jackets, broadcloth or beaver, now t8 00; :kets, kersey or astrikan, now 6 00; six dollar jackets, kersey lue head doUs, Sc >tl50 eight dollar jacl . . .or astrikan. now 4 50; four dollar jackets, kersey or astrikan, now 2 75; capes 50c up to 4 00. In cloth; capes. 1 30 up to 10 00 in plush. Shoes. Misses’ kid solid shoes, 98c pair; bo,ys’ and youths’ solid ne: t shoes, 9Sc pair; boys’ box calf shoes, sizes 2 to 5J,’l 50; men’s box calf shoes, to overcome j three soles, 1 98; men’s tan, three sole shoes, 1 98; ladies’ kid dress shoes, 98c; Fu rn itu r i '. Adjusting Trusses. He will Per-! communityt * " ■ I’liuf' u film All t\/i <*11. —_____ ...... when it the common brother- i certain party aud rejected; lose the prerogatives of popular ' it when ii beciiuie objectionable to; govpniment we the common people that party. Perhaps a score of become the servants of unprinci- one class iu favor of another. Is Hadics’kangaroo dress shoes, 125; ladies’band sewed shoes, I 98. Buy your this democracy 1 , shoes here and save 25 per cent on them. My countrymen, the question is before you. Our liberties iu ^’orth (laiolina are at stake, and if by fraud or any other unfair means we | TH£ COMFOHTi Headquarters for Gilts and Holiday Presents of all kinds. CORSEK OPPOSITE PO.STOFFK'B. WlKSTON, X. C. I ' .r ^r --------k, it^at such a characteV ever be eii-iPiaised the .Su-1 pled political masters. j sonally lit you at the Old KelwDlej ^ : preiiie Court tor adoyliugtiie Ilokc The lutCQtum disclosed in this 'S'axj- n e e d Famitur* of »ny Kind WI! T. PAY YOU TO SEE F. Hnntley’s Stock, ----HK SELL.S— - I rstcl.a.ss pu rx itur e a t Ki'it friees. sto;k jlwin Complets. 426 ind t:’S Trade Street, WfK.STOX, X. C. THOMI’SOX DRUG STORE, Winston, X. C. conditions may restrict or restrain ' Heiideis.m j riuciple inlS9,, election law ir plain. It rests with them from Ihc exercise r{ their! the Supreme Court the common people to rise upas YOU GO TO Winston, N. C., -C.^LL OX— BROWN. The Jewklfr. Jbif« 1 Xict Line of Wstches, |*«!ry anil Silver Ware, Specia- 1 inrt Eye 01a.sBes, etc. Fine tmiriui: don? while yon wait and lllr insiire'l for one year. Price* liait tor times. Toars for business, It U O W X . T h e J e w k i .k b . ! Lil*rty Street. Xeit door to Roljffi'stheg.in man. vicious aud malicious i„Hinatious "f,Pfr- one man and vote this Simmons | tisan and unworthy motives be- madiuie down in North Carolina , lause they sustain the same prin- We appeal to the while people of j poisonous fiu"S into " lieu it injures the the State to staml by the teachings P.YSICIAK AND SURGEON. i ^ny ^ho may ^sturb or irritate political party. Once.Fir.tdoorSouthofHotelDaTie,'*!*^"' or cross the shadow M C D O W E L L & R O G E R S Winston’s Cheap Clothiers, Dr. M. D : tor awhile, yet like serpents hissing; . K im D rO U gfll, I in the grass, they are ever read.\ ™ I to strike their poisonous fangs into .M O C K S V IL L E , X . C. : their hate. Tiie industrial of the kite .Seiator Vance, who was Ijup of; We do not think we have ever seen alwa.vs on tiie side of the plain : a more pitible exhibitiou of parti- people of Xort.h Carolina. Patrick interest of com-I Heury .said once, “Give me liberty Sr. B. E. Anderson, ------DENTIST.------ Office: First Door South of Dr. Kimbrough’s. M o c k s \i l l e , N . C. XllC lIlliUDI 1 l«tl lUiClCOt- : . , . 1 1 . . • . , ., ,, i munities have been deadened, and i. so.ue arc actnally qnes ion-; or give me death.’.... . « iiirr fliA rwrtif fii 4 U O .. .v. ^ i v ------4- ----! znniijiic? uH> c ueeii ucduciitsxi, tiuu I . ,, • i. .t .1 j, . I the hands of its highest a n d b e s t i nght ol the Supieme Court ^ i people, like the hand of au lisau, > “ ''f "f Hie leg.sla urej kiudiv turned against e:ich j I .. . r. . . ° I rea.soTnu!? the legislature should beare kiudly turned against each j . , . other by the iiigeuius, ungeiierons i rea.souiu and vicious utterances of such char -BUYERS FOB- C hrisL s t m a s I have a fine lol of goods suitabli ! for holiday gifts. | allowed to ignore the constitution am! impotent iu au atmosphere ol ■ , i . , THE DAVIB RECORD $1 PER YE.VR; 50crs. SIX MOXTHS; i 2dtTS. T1II!EB MONTHS. 1 impotent iu au atmosphere i ■ disti-ust j Peculiar as it may seem, every I agency that would combat these conditions or seeK to secure co- ■iperation and concert of actiou is isually feared br fought, pulftic Institute •* PAnnTrHl* \BoonvQl), N. C. V/tnt Your Eggs, mCKEN'.S, POTATOES, CN’IOXii AXD f'THEU IFAKM P20I)UCE. I Ii;k«3l Hirltet Priwi Will b« P«d Csll on me when YOU COME TO TOWX. Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Fine Chi ia, Cut Glass, Silver No elties, Gold Pens, Canes an 1 Umbrellas, and many other novelties lor those who want something neat and up fcj-date for a little money. Whei. you vinit om city, c:ill and see my I store whether you wish to buj' or j not. FRED. X. D .\Y , Jeweler. At the Big Watch, 'WlNSTOK, N. C. when pos.sible, and privately, :il- • ways by ti:ese intolerant disturbers J of the public peace. I Harmony and co-operation if ; -vhat every community ueeds, and j every agency that would bring it i ' about shouM be fostered and en coarsiged.—W inston Journal. e to disfranchise Yadkin ail who possessies-sthau iioOO vorthj V allC V of properly, no oue should <iues-1 » lion the con.stitutiouality of the --------------------- meiis.irc. The writer is not a law- Represents a high type of the pre- ,yer, but if law is i'ouuil on sound paratory school. 'Uses the most reason, we thiuk sucii doctrines eTicieut methods in education. Pre- too aosurd for furthc " cou.sidera- pares boys and girls for c.ollege and tion.—progressive Fanner. litg them for business and life. One ------------» ------- of the best to infuse with energy, i Section Force l>ou(»led. to wake up boys and girU to the j That the Seaboard is expecting We Represented thisj , If put on its through trains iu the ‘I"™." 1 near future is evideuced bv a gen- “"<1 «»iversities. 20b stu-; cral order issued recently, doub- the sei'tiou force <m the Raleigh Carolina Students this fall ! Viprnst'i Air 1 ine all the way from tue Caldwell line nal contains so much truth that i • on the west to Jones and Bertie coniitie.s on the east. Expenses The above clipped from the Jour ] ■'».? we give it space. Such characten j i„^.],„iea four men to a given tcrri- :illnded to iire too common iu oiirjtory; now this force has been in­ state. They misrepresent, abuse j creiiseJ to eight men. an<l villify every one who does not ■ aveni.ge only $40 per term of five mouths, (.’ompetent teachers, firm discipline, thoroughness in al! thij"s. Good reading . room and 3 - THREE MAMMOTH STORES. - 3 WE SELIi FOE LE.SS, BECAUSE WE BUY CHBAPBK TII.\X SMALL DEALERS. S0!M B SPBCIJLLS : 300 Saits at $350, $500 and $650, WORTH $5.00 TO »9.00. 500 SUITS «7..50 TO ?T0.00, WORTH »11.0« TO tlS.M. 150 Ov«rco»t8, $2.50 t« ».50, worth W.Tfi t« »10,00. 200 OVERCOATS, $7.50 to «12.50. Worth $30.00 to $1«.**. If you have bought of us you know tm; if yon haren’t yom should try ns, and learn yonr saving. GREAT V a lu e s in Hats, Shirts, Ti«, and Underww. iSS" Don't Forget the Place ^hea You Come to Winaton. -ft the every important question the.v dis- j BUSS, and when exposed they an-1 swer back in low, vile billingsgate. | ioc. ^We give''a ni’ckie I No question befor2 the people ever! l>i)S'T W.AIT A .MINUTE. G o o d W a t c h e s A b s o l u t e l y f r e e . We want your name for PASTIME, a bright, clean, illustrated stoi-y ami I Huinorous pap?r for the family circle, i IS large pajes. only 75c a year; or i trial 4 niDcths, 10c. We give a nit 1 silver watch to each subscriber, a neat I medium-sized watch, guaranteed for I I oue year. Will keep time for many I. wsll Ssleot^d St0.5k of Q-roce-1 years as accurately as a JlOO watcS. I And for a little work we give Gol<i I watchsM, Bicyclcs, sewing machines. iGans, etc. Samples and particulars ifrec. Send us your address to-day if ! voii do no more, and see how easily j mouthed you can get something nice you want.!. We will surprise you. Please don’t wait a minute, send now. Better en- " close 5 stamps for trial subscription and present, or 28 stamps for watch and paper while the watches are going free. Tile PASTIME Pub. Company, TK).!isTme. Kv. The oriler is made for the pur- ^.... ...... ......, reauiufi room anu gree with them ou almost all qnes-, new trains e.xcellent liteiary swieties. btu , tioiis. They stir up strife amongi,re put iu operatiou.-.ilorning j people. They misrepresent; P.«t j find sintableehisses. Our catalogue;1 tells of the locsition, life, aim. and i what it means to a boy or girl to :itteud school here. Spring term ries Always On Hin;’. Toara to Serve, I*. M. MILLER, Salisbury, North 'Gridina. TH AVc Fear it Is. Is the Xe.ys and Observer in fa-! ,viU opeu January S, iflOoT The i ir of putting the illiterate chil 'progress of the school has been ■ ■ ' 1 dreu of poor white men below the, rapid, and for the past six years,, arises but that there aie t o ‘ ' > | educated negro to keep, as Demo | undrr the present mauagemeut. it i iind «ich aud all of us shonld be i ,.,.^{8 pretend, the ign >rant negro | i,ee-,i broadening its field and i accorded the right to express our: from voting, but in reality to t^teu' ,,,j8ing jts st:indar:l until now it j views without being denounced,; in power a political ring so firmly i j,tji„(if,anioug the foremost of North j -jli-iaml nnil Kl-iiidered bv these vile i " i" responsible to p,.ej>ar.^tory schools. It's jabased ami «!'»» ‘ere.l t» tde.se Mie, j.,..;.,- „f the citi/.ens for its ^ reputation is more than local. You ! underlings. ! will be pleased with our thorough i RAILW AY. hiE . - . ■ST.’.VDARD RAIIAVAY 0.’^ run .SOUTH. Toi> Direct !.iuc to all Points. KXAS, AUKOUXIA. fi.op.in.\, V'Ba AKI) POUTO RICO. s trirtiy F i s t ( I h m K q i i i p . 't 0 |: ail 'I'htoiigh and L >- I'rains. nlln:an Sleeping Cars on all Night Fast »nd Safe SciiedulcS. L o a d i n g G u n , Others I.«aded Shells, 35e a box. Sh->t, 7c. per pound. Primers, 12c. a box. ’’ Afents for Time Ta- other Goods liqnally Trav .,1 by tlie Southern Und are assured a Safe, Coiii- r.>rt;iblf* iia<i a u Kxi»c<UtiouM bici. Uitcs and’ Ccneral lufor- fflaUoii, or ad.lrcss • F. u . D A K B Y , CUarlotte'. X . C. A s L v H li; jflb. SOTROUBL* TO m m QOE8TIOUS. «AM8.6AiraOK, P. t (Jen ■ w, V tVRK 8 p. V is the Dane of the present day.! Away with such characters! ! Not a Crime in Their E.yes. | “\re know nothing of the details I of the Kentucky election law,’' I Mays the Atlanta Constitution. Thisi is an adniissHin we are sorry to see.: Every first class newspaper should i be thoroughly informed concerning | every grade of crime.—Washington | Post. Unt the Post must remember that | the average machine Democnit ofj the Goeliei stripe iu Kentucky and ] of the .Simmons stripe in North ; Carolina, does not consider pei.jnry | land stealing votes a crime if the! i result of it is tD give an office to a 1 hungry Democratic office seeker. There are som h extrem e types of these Democrats, like Waddell, of; t Wilmington, who do not (lonsider ! bloodshed aud murder a crime pro- i R a m i n g t o n Sln^o Barrel B r o o c h jvided,it will give th em offices like T .n a d in e Gun. - $6.50 i m ayors’ jo b s.— C aucasian. W.rjO, 16.00 Tiie Record— Sl.O O ii .year. Tiie Record— ^T.OO a ye.ir. T h e U c w r d — Sl.OO a ye;ir. ! pleased ^ work and attractive location. Send ; i for 50-page illustrated catalogue.' I Address R. B. HORN, Princinal, j ; Boonville. N. C. i Dissolution Sale. Opposed to the Aiucndmejit. i 0. A. McHone and II. B. Holi- field, of Mars Hill, who have been life long Democrats, called at the Gazette office yesterday and volun- F . M . ROBERTS, jleei-ed the information that they 44.-. Liberty Street, 'should vote against the coiistitn- WINSTON, N. C. itionalameuduient. They sai<l tb**y ____________________; kuew of very many other Demo- _______ fi'sio (fTOCK FOB SALE. who were oppoted to tho K. CDLP. I Anyperson desiring to buy a Jack ! measure. “ We willfighttheamend- T-.f orJctiny, or Jenny colu, or other fine ^entail the way from Genesis to ] ^tock, will do well to tell o n --- , KevelatioD,” Said M r . M « H o B 6 .- i Some members of the firm of House, Stodemire & Co,, will j withdraw January 1st. Iu order to take up their shares, oul' stock must be rcduced at I A great sacrifice!; Our Siiniple rooms, including two warenouse-'i, are jam full, ! aud to turn this immense stock into cish iu such a short tiiuo | ineiins to j Almost (Jive Away! Now Listen! To meet those memliers who are going to withdraw, means we must meet theai with the cash. So, if you have some .| cash, come get your part of this large stook. Listen! We Will Give You a Swe At 20 per eent. below cost, and remember, our stoves were bought before the great rise. Get your Ijeds, chairs, dressers aud anything wo have ii) stock at your o>vu price. We mp.t turn it into money by January 1st, liWO. Large lot of china closets, t'ook <!;«es, and ladies’ desks to go just anyway for cash. Respectfully, G. T. GLASCOCK & SOUS, G R E E N S B O R O , M - C - . FOTTNDERS AND MACHINISTS. Manufactnrere of Turbine TiVater Wheeto, The OABOLnfA COOK STOVE, Heating Stoves. Coal Gratee, Conntry Hollow Ware Plows, Plow Castings and Feed Cntteii. SPECIAL OASTIITGS OF ANY DBSCiOPnO>'. 8®* Every Article Mannfatrtnredby Us Qn*r»nt«ed In Brery E. H. MOEKIS, Agent. at M0CK8VILLB. IT. C. T . A . W R U N T , N*. «Asbtjville Gazette.C -u tril H * ts Hoase, Stondemlro & Company,! p e r ,o * * d " ;00 pays for the ifii 2 tiv.vts.Presents TAR HEEL NOTES. In Mleoting a Sewing 3Iaehinc, pick out tbe one that riios the lightest, sews the fnBtcet, makes the least noise is most durable, will not break tbe Cotton buyers are hard put to it to ! gst any cotton- Most of the little the ! farmers bring to marfcet is taken di­ rect by the home infills, wiich pay- more for it as they can afford to do. I As rapidly as possible the home mills are dispensing with middle men and nov.' spin more than the State produces Some mills have established gins and gin the cotton free of charge or toll All this marks industrial development, and is a diroct gain to the farmer, rough as it may be to the regular buyers, who are doing but a tithe of the business ^vhich has characterized past AS A TRUST ANTIDOTE. FREE TRADE W O R S E THA N A W O R T H ­ LESS REMEDY. thread if run backward, will not pnek- | years. er th 9 lighteet labries, has j >j-],e state's production ot new cotton s p o o l w ire , a u to m a tic te n t i o n r e le a s e b a ll I w a r in p , e tc . THE WHEELER & WILSON p o s s e s s e s a ll th o a b o v e p o i n t s o f s n - p e r i o r i t y over a n y o tb t- r make. C /O sts a o t h m g t o e x a m in e o n e . F or sale by E . -T. B O W E^, ■ \V inR ton, A . C . ranges frcm 400.000 to 500,000 bales an­ nually. Assuming that the present crop'Avill amount to the figures first ii:imed, ihe price at vrhich it is now .celling -vvill enable the farmers to re­ ceive in the neighborhood of §15,000,- 000 for their crop. A s a rule manufac- tnriid cotton, on an average, is v.’orth ?30 more than a hale in its raw state, it will be seen that the industry i.-3 really ^vorth this year about S35.000,- 000 to iho people cf Xorth Carolina. There arc also bi-prcducts of cotton, sr.ch as oil, cotton .‘^ecd meal, etc., T.'hich give additicrial value to the t crop. One of the most careful and prudentDigests w hat yos! eat. . „ . , , ItartiaciaUydlBeststhefoodandaids fr.rniers m Cnmoerland count.v says N ature In strengthening and recon- ------------~ — ” btructing tlie exliau^tcd digestive or* tha: he had made more clear money this year on tobacco than he had iiwde gans. I t is th e lat.e.st<;|3C0Tered digest- ; cultivation by any other agri- profii H e does not hope for a future in doe.s see his way to good a good living, and will in- PreparcdS>y E.C. DcWitt&Co..CI}Jcago —----- 0 . 0 . Sanford. . . TH Y TH E . , ‘KEWHOE” SEW!flO M M L H f l i I shinpEd lo Cliarlotte -whi ' ufactured into .sulphuric There is in Gaston county a nulphur mine Avhich is not generally known, that gives employment to some fifty men. The mine in operation at this time 32o feet ileep with variou.-> drifts running fiom the shaft 500 feet. There Is considerable machinery at this mine. The ore is hault-'d to tlie railroad aud here it i:^ man- .sulphuric acid and the residue into a comniorcial ferriMzer, which is also made at Charlotte. It has llie reputation of being a good fertil­ izer for certuiii J::nd^ of soil. A smelter which v.'ill handle 100 tons of ore a day is nearly completed at the Cranberry iron mine. The oiitput of the mine is now about 3oO tons a day. The smelter will chcck to some ex- Tent the shipments of ore to Tennes­ see. The product of the mine is all contracted for twelve months ahead. There is an epidemic amongst cattle in Berlie county. Mr. Spruill, chair- WDlTCCnDPIDMIUO«»'-<>"'i"gth.= dif. 1 "f commit- nnllbrUijuinUULJinu/ereBt 8t>*ies of ; gioners. 4ias lost over thirty head, and • n good many other persons have loit from two to twelve head. All of these . cattle aro very poor in flesh and ScMTing Machines we manufacture and their prices before you purchase aoy other. TIE NEW HOME SEWlHfi MUHINE CO., OJ£AJfGE, MASS. DaUas, Texas.ScnFnuicisco.Coi. FOR SALE BV AUauta,o*. i of which the range is full. * ‘ ^ . 1 On KridaN night of last week theFree tuition. We give cce or more free schol-! arships in every county in tltc U. S. Write us. ; Store room of tiie Watauga hotel com- iPositions.,, wasSuaranieod Under reasonable 'candiiiott: i "■■''‘S' “t i'dowinK Ror;k. was destroyed orcandeposu moneymLank , _ .r, ,unUl {xjsition i-s bccured. Car by fire. D. C. Morrov.’ was arrested fare paid. Ko vacation. Ea- teratanvUnni. Opcnforboth seses. Cheaf bc.-ird. 5endfor and tried for the burning before ilr. _________________iUu5trated catai ~~fc. ‘ ‘ Swccden. was found guilty, and Address J. F. Drj»t7ghok, Prcs’t. at citier place. \ iu default of bend is now in jail to O r a U g H o n ’S J7j 9 ' -spring term of court. F V a c t i c a ! * * * . . motlel for the Vance statue for B t t s i n e s s » * . I^J’-lcigh will be ready for January, Nashville, Tenn., d * Galveston, T ex.,. state :mu- Savannah, Ga., ^ Tasarkana, Tex. i f"*' i>™gres.=ed very a-__________; Flowly. Tlie roof is not on.Bockke^ne,The most 'ritlaff, eto.---------and procre.^itucschools of the kind lu the world, and the besi ^<r 9t<{>«foucsiu the South. Indorsed tn* bank­ers, inerdiauts. niiiiLsters aud oUicr>:. Pour weeks is bookkeepios witlt txs are eqital to twelve weeks by the old plan. J. P. Draugboti, President, is author of Dnmghon’s New System ofJtockkeeping, *‘Do*ible Cntiy Made Easy.’* ItaOM ^dy. We have prepared, for home books on bookkeeping. penmac.ship and abOTthand. Write for pnce Ust “Home Study.” extract. •'PaoF. Dkaugbok—I learned book' keeping; at home from 5-our books, while holdi a position an night telegraph operator.’’-C l^PPiwowBLL, Bookk«jper for Gerber ^ ‘ ' .Wholesale Grocers. South^icago. Ill iAfeHi:on tkxs paper tehem 60V. TAYLDR'S F«-lim5ie^t:mev.eofrcrFRFF.21S!! ^aJ'Ookof ,oopugM.con. intt LOVE LETTERS. V*'""'? TaylorvJ OA J , U ittn , to all Wh„ win nionih’s trial sul.scrtptu^u 'v ' Nushvin.slVtirt.JiMh tetter is ^x-t•U IlluslKiU-d. Tlio-.- an* a.ldr.-.«i-d to Vocle r;»m!rians, BarliHora. DramutTH. t iddlcrs, risiit^cifa, M«ther-.-ln.|,aw, Flowly. The roof is not on. The old folks are waiting for you Christma.% so is the Scalioard Air Line. One and one-third fares round trip. Tickets gcofl for two wcek.«, if pur­ chased December 22nd. The corporation commission meets on Wednesday. It will consider mat­ ters of interest regarding the Museum, among otber things. There i.s a sppecial demand for a now aud accurate railroad map of North Carolina, none having been sued by Clerk Brown, of the corpora­ tion commission, since-1897. H e says he -will prepare one early next year. H e has sent requests to the various corrections and the lat- j ' ”• J • p .wiu cMienttnrtr ;— information as to the exact routes iSMwidea*tJiov.-nrldits-lf. ' « n. ,^ a sPKiimoiiihlv ! There are now three places in this H umok, Bior,KAwiv. 'irjAvj.u^ Stizxo:, and State, Prof. Masscy, of the A. & M.. gmeral informatjon. l>t*parfa:i.‘nl.s: TV.wr.vV. L , , ’ . .ciadr.a>s, jiejpers\ At:!hr.r.^\ Kwrried^^ Dox^ \ Collego, says, which are badly infected ' San -Tose scale ou fruit trees. These places are Tarboro, Faison and Thrloy'*tandA^*iAijjlco.^^ivsKbvuic,Tpnu.'’“ ! Southern Pines. So far as is now ___________ ______ ____ _ . known the scale is not found in the ' State west of Raleigh. On the 12th instant the leigslative I ' joint committee to inspect the books, ! voucheri?, etc.. of the State Treasurer ' and Auditor will meet. It is com- : posed of Senators M. H . .Justice and • W . 0. Fields and Representatives ; Moore, ‘Wrenn aud Stabbs. ' The State charters the Robesonville Tobacco Warehouse; capital $10,000. TH RO U G .H S L E ;E P E R S , KNOXyJLLErpiKEWYOF Negro Burnett a t Stake. Mayesville. Ky.. Special.— Richavd Coleman, colored, the confessed mur­ derer of Mr.=!. .lame.^ Lashbrook, v, ife ! of hi.s employer, expiated his crime in daylight Wednesday at the handi of s. icofa, consisting of thousands of citi- sens, by burning at the stake, after suffering indes^ribabie tortui’e. The dreadful spectaclo occurred ou the peaceful cnoket grounds on tho out­ skirts of the city. The crime for v,*hich he pa.id tlio penalty was one of i'r.o fost revolting ever committed in this ^ t io n . iT J S ix a Q a ivjgql c L o s E c o m m jm M s W . B . B E V I L L j G B m a l Biss. *g»iTt. . ROANGKEVA. Cuban'Census Coinp!ef-eJ. V.'3 .<hing;on, D. C.. Special.— Gen­ eral Singer has made the irapoitsnt aunounccmcnt that the Cuban census has been completed. H e is at present at Matanzas and the news oE the end ol the work is contained la a cable- grgm from that place received by Seci'-lary Root. The dispatch show? that the censns w'as finished on No- veinfcer SOtb. thfi cxact date' fixed by the ovtginal order from Secretary Root. His te:;t work is at census sf Pcrto r.ico. Scatliine Dcnnnciation of tlie l>raSB »n‘l Nostrums WIiIcSi Cabilenlto Would I'rescrlbo For n Patient Who Neoils So Such Trcatmont. Perhaps the ablest and most com­ plete answer yet given to the Have- meyer Iree trade contention that ‘ the cns‘toms tariff is the mother of trnsts” is that which is to be found in the paper contributed by D r. Samuel Adams Eobinson to the proceedings of the Chicago Trust Conference of September, 1899. This paper anb- mitted in behalf ot the Americau poliey of protection to Americau labor and industry is in no sense an apology for or a defense of tbat policy. D i‘- Eobinson would as soon tbm k of apologizing for the Apostles’ Creed or the Sermon on the Mount. H e takes tbe offensive, not the dcfensivt'— lio\v elTectively a reading of his very forci­ ble paper will show. 'Xhs tone assnmed by Dr. Eobinson is indicated iu the title of bis contri­ bution, “ Free Trade as a Trust Anti­ dote.” Believiug as be does that freo trade is to a country sucb as ours a calamity and a curse, tbe wi'iter loses no time in defining bis attitiule of vigorous attack upon tbat doctrine which scans «o well- as a theory and proves so atrociously destructive in practice. With a well-aimed sliaft of irony he begins by puncturing the pretention that free traders are ene­ mies of trusts, and be shows beyond question that it is not the trusts, bub the protective tariff, tbat they wish to destroy. The ccrtain efiect of the destruction of now competition through the re­ moval of Protection,the only guaranty of unrestricted domestic couipotition, is convincingly pointed out by Dr. Eobinson. H e emphasizes tho fact that competition is the only mcnaco which the trust has lo fear, aud that to destroy that competition would be to play into the hands of trusts. It would inevitably lead, first, to a sweeping reduction of the American standard o^ living, aud, second, to tho formation of tlio international trust— a trust composed of wage payers against Vvhom the v.*age earners of America would be yov.-erless iu tlio absence ol^ tiie advantage which they i novr possess by reason of the Protcc- ! tive Tariff. i Tho facts as to tin plate— that, in practical oper.'itiou.theosteusiblc duty of cents a pound is reduced to about half a cent per pound, aud that while American makers wore advanc­ ing the price seventy-seven cents a bos the Welsh makers put up thoir Xirice a box— these and other relevant facts are cited by Dr. PiObiu- Hon to show that the American Tin Plato Trust has not yet been convicted of the crime of arbitrarily advancing prices to a point not justified by the large increases that havo taken l)lac3 in the cost of material, wages, etc., and that of freetra^e Great Brit­ ain the advance has been double that putin force iu protected America. H e also shows that, whereas Americau tin jilate workers have been granted an I advauco of per cent, over the wages they received under the Wilson law, the tin x>late w'orkers of Wales have been compelled to submit to al«) j per cent, reduction of their wages. I The concluding portion of Dr. liob* j inson’s article bristles with points well ! put. O n the question of tariff aud i wages he says : “ Tho question of the effect of a pro- ’ tective tariff upon wages has been in- I jected into this discussion somewhat I gratuitously ou the part of tho enemies j o! protection; somewhat nuwi.soly, ' too, it must appear, for no one, i be- ' lieve, claims that a reduction iu wages has yet beeu put in force by ihe trusts. The fact is that in the general advance of wages, estimated at 15 per cent, for the entire country, which has taken place in connection with the phenom ­ enal prosperity following the restora­ tion of the policy of pi'otcction to American labor and industry, trusi; wage payers have thus far shown no ; disposition to shirk their sh.'ire. So 1 we must conclude that the tree trade j claim that wages are not affected by j tarifiB is a proposition ou general prin- • ciples intended to discredit protection and not aimed at the trusts. Here again the American free trader stands solitary and alone, a gloomy Napoleou ou an ecouomic St. Helena. His for­ eign fellows long ago abandoned the conteutiou. There is at present scarcely a shade of difference among European manufacturers as to thetruo I .jftuse of their inability to compete , with America iu tho world’s markets. I W ith common acccrd they say it is tho i result of the high wages paid Ameri- I can workingmen, and that the ostab- ; lishment aud maintenauce of the Am- : ericau standard of wages has been I made possible oniy by the operation of the protective principle. The Am- I crican wage earner iias lately Imd an i object lesson along the line of tariffs ! and v;agos. The lesson -lasted for ! years, and he is not likely to forget it.” T he case against free tr.'ide as an antidote for trusts is pungently ! summed uj) as rollows; j “ The freo trade advocate of the rc- ; uioval of protection as a trust antidote I finds himself upon tho. horns of a di- ' lemma.^ Either we need protection to hold the home market against outside ' competition, or w p do not need i)vo- I tectioi? a’ld can get along equally well without if— better, our free trade friends tel! us. If.we do not need pro- tection, its removal would be value­ less as a trust antidote. If wc do need i protection iu order to maintain onr hold up-jn a market with a consuming capacity estimated at iiiue billious yearly, then the removal of protcetiou would v.’ork such havoc* with our ODnntry’s prosperity as tho gloomiest ] of peasiiuists would find it well nigh impassible to adequately foreshadow. ; I am not j. pessimist, f am a protec- j tionist, a very different thing now and j always. Protectionists iu the past i have known how to confront a danger with a defense. Tliey will know how to meet tho trust question at tho proper tjme aud in the proper way. 1 They have never failed in an erner- ; gcucy;tboy will not fail now. A rem­ edy will be forthconiiiig w'heuever tho pathological moment arrives. W e all remetabar the practitioner who could cure but ono disease, and who always threw the patient into a fit, and then prescribed for the fit. History does not. however, record that 1^ y/as in- vSribiy snccessiui m onri>ig t K nt- The stage of fits has reaoliei, though some o£ the qnacks would have us think otherwise. Then, antidote is an old and a well-known one. It -was tried in 1892 and we all know how it worked. D o we want any more o£ it? I thiuk not.’ OESSGOTOFFKETil The Boers Blew Up ft Culvert oi» tlic il.an- road and Temporarily Stoppcil Coui. munlctttlon %Vltli the Moddcr lUver— President Steyn Goes t» the Front— Capo Colony UutcU Rnslilti:; to Ariiiji. W H A T T H E Y S I G N IF Y . True Mcaninc or tho Oemooriitlc UBfoalB in tUe Xovoi«l»ur Kleclions., \mong right thinking and fair minded people there is aud can bo but one conclusion formed fto to the true significance of tho elections ol November, 1839-nam ely that the country is in cordial accord with the national adminiatration in matters of national policy. This conclusion is well espresssd by the N e w York Evening Post, as follows: “ .Utiiough no Federal ofBcials wore chosen yesterday, except in four Con- -rrcssioual districts to till vacancies in the House ot Itepresentatives, a na­ tional aspect was given to the cam­ paign in so m any States that tho re­ sult may be accepted as a verdict of the country on the McICinlej' Admin- istr.atisn, and oapecially on its policy of esii-'-.usion. Tho judgment of tho naopie w.is so clearly e.Kprsssed that .110 room ia le!t for doubt as to the at­ titude of tho iiatiou.’’ This, coming from a newspaper noto'.l for its hostiliiy to .llepublieau (loctriues and measures, and especial­ ly uotocl for its bitter ant:^g^uislu to­ ward the policy ot I’resident M c K in ­ ley in refei-encc to the actinironient of new territory for tho expansiun of American trade and infltieuce, is an nulooked for recognition ot the plaiu meaning of the verdict jast rendered by the Americau ijcople. It is recog­ nition of tho fact that tho vo'.ers of this country have condemned Bryan- ism and. indorsed JlcKinleyism. There can be no doubt ot it. s The fact that so conclusive a vcrdict has beeu rendered in an “ off year,'’ when tiie sn:oessfnl party was de- Ijrived of the advantage ot contesting the issue on national lines, is at once a compliment of Avhich President M c ­ Kinley may well and donbtless docs feel proud, aud an as.siirance that the hearts and minds ot the people are in thorough sympathy with au aduiiuss- tratio'u that has jiriiven itself to be au American administration iu the broad­ est, deepest, grandest sense of the word. ST A N D PO il^T O F TW O A CES. ! THE NEWS EPITOMIZED. iriM liin e to n 'Ite m ii. —-------------- i Concress will not e.-ctond tUo pownrs ot 1 Iho ’ n to rsta te C om m urce C om m iaslou ul A Fnrcs Which Got Behind His Armv I ihfs session. ' I ores ; Tho Senate conlirmed the noni,nation o. Driven Off After a Fl£CnN Elilmltootto be secretary ot war. S C R A P S O F -NEWS FR01\1 A F R IC A .! B etL en .Tannary 1 and 15 the Post Offlce UHpartraeut means to establish a system ot hou 9o-to-honse lelterreKlstratian in ono Imnaru.iot the inrsest cities in tho eoaii- trv nulcrtU fl new .system liouse-hoMon miVpav the letter carrier the reBiimr re"'i=tn;(eo ot eight cents and receive from him the usual receipt. iienro^untnlive Bingham ntPonn.syivania introiiiiced in the House a joint resoiationmakii.K au ap p ro p riatio n to moc-t theo.-c- reiises incident to the romov.'ii from France to tliH Didtod Stales ottherem am s of John Paul .[iiues. the naval iiero. and for their «AM-s HORN LoNDOX (13y Cable). — Conimunicatioa with Slodder Kiviir, wliich \>as interrupted by Boer raider?, has beeu promptly re- opoued. A messaKS to this effect has Ijoou | intenuQntVn the ArllugtOQ Xatioaal Ceaae roceivcJ Irom General Forestier-Wulkerby i tory. the War OITice. ' A.lrairai Bnwov will walk at tiie^he.ia or The croHse, can not be cr.-diu;! u, Strife boils iu) ... ... who stirs it. tiie .araiv aud navy at the White House re- rtAjuion O'J year's Day. instead of ^.Jiiorul 3 rile.«. Ueoauso he ranks with a f.:U General o£ Ihe :trmy. wlnlo M«le.s. beink' nnly :i Major-Gwneral, ranks with a Kear- Aclmiral. Jfr Corlis.?, ot Miohigan, will ii;troiliioe ill'tliii House a l.llt proviilllig for the con­ struction. by the (iovornmelit, of a cabin frain the coast to Manila, byway of Honolulu and Guam. I'oprnsoatative Dick, ot Ohio, said that lie r-ivorcii hohllni,' the fi jpublieuu Xational Convention ia Sew York City, and prohahly vci;eil 3fr. Uaaaa’s sent.ineat. Oiir .A«loj»tc«l Pre-icient JIcKinley’s messase to Oon- !Te'S lies hece recelve-I by Cuoaus or nil classOH with much satisiae;' — Eelmont w.is strengthened as soon as tbe presence oE a IBoer commando was reported, an-l a battalion oi infantry witii two Runs. Jiud a cuv/ilry rejitaionc inovjd out to meet the Froa Stater.s. At the sama tlm j a battalion oi! iiif:;a- try and a b:itt»ry of floM artillery wero d;?j5>:itchctl IroRi .MoiMer Iliver, aii'l tho two foreo.s approached from opposite sides oa 1000 Boers with one Kun, under Coin- luanclant Prins J^oo,. The burglieri .seam to havo made little resistauce aud snft’erml :i .smalllos.s, tlieir yamo belufj, of uourio. to do us Pinch (lam:iMi:o at as little cost to tliem.“eives as [)05Stble. T!ie Uriti.sh lost fourteen wouadeil airt one killed, and oiie wonuded Boer was made prisoner. Tbe iiiterrnptioa to Lonl Jletluiea’s Mae of commuDicatloas oacucred near tlie ^..................... ................... seene of his seeond i>attle. A railway ; |,jis i,coo a mutiny ot native police } likely to ‘ulvert was blown up aud tlie tele- j,. jowns of t!ie island of Negros, _ _ . . - _ •___...r.l l.ll In.l I i UG kl Ij ; I’l. prapli wir**s wfru cut by a j>arty of raiiiers from tho Free State froulier, possibly from Jacohsdal. and heavy llrinK was lie.ird further north. The facility with which tbe raiders’ work had been done, wliea the distance under proteetlon of tlie troops fu ehar;;o of the communieatiors from Orange Uivt-r is only lifty-flve miles, does not auger well lor Oeneral Walker’s peace of mind when tiiw Ion? march through tlie Tree State to Pretoria is nndertakeu. General Sir j»edv«r.=? Duller, cominaDilor of tbe British forces iu HoutU Africa. is» en­ couraging voluuteerin;; throughout Cap^ Besiiles the South African anil r. I. An American ofileer was killed It is o.‘itlmated that 120,000 Spaniards re^5i.lcnt in <Juha will vote for a fro»i and indepeodent Cuba, while JJO.OO) decline to forswear their allegiance to Spain. Tho Hawaiian sugar crop is «stimated at iiSO.OOO tons, valued at over S22,500,000_ Contraots have been made for eonnect- • Dg all the islands of the Hawaiian group by wireless telegraphy. Governor Leary’s force on tho Island oC Guam iri to be aagmeated by three oflleers and eighty marines, It is poor i-hiij-;: th at is too h in! iv Tho obf-ilit.'it 1-i It takes-: things. The roa! re gc:tc-n up. An impure locks its dcoi- Eternal life way of perpei.i:-;--; Tho coward front before . The mud , doe.^ not incn/-. :: W hen you h;iv< no liuve uny The knowled;’^ r,f (•,. the first real knov.li.,|;rV., The strengthening oi H„, importance chan iu leD^iht- 1 l.v Freak Vartn!. Fanners liiili: ’ i.laee j:rraed guards about its plantations : in Pinar <lol P.io, Cuba, fearing an out- Colony. Brabant’s lloree, each snO strong, tiie Cape Town, PortEU:;abetb.Uiteupage. lirah^ni!?- -.....- ^ . town, King William's Town aiul Worcr.sl-ei* ( break of dlsafiectca Cubans. Volunteers aud tiu« Cape Jtounted IJiltij.a are now in the lieM. A largo niimh-’r of men are olTeriiig themselves as roc-riiit strange prudin-ts including ioiiir:;u. rabbits and I'ruu'. liin-.i^r-l The Havana Commercial Company will i Hjn-nsouy. 1'.;w 1..^.. rFiinr.la fih-'Mif- i^s nl.antfdlon.'? ' JlClVS (h'VOtetl lu * I’lic Years You've l.ivecl Makes a Differ- <mco la the Outlook. “ Did you ever notice,*' asked the Dlder member of the group, looking in­ to the gas log at the club, ‘•or, rather, have you no* always noticed tbe mark­ edly different effect upon the mind ?xerted by the coming of the Septem­ ber equin-.t and that of March? The arrival of the fall equinox seems to fill tho whole human tribe with gloom; that of tho spring with impatient joy. I contend that these cftects are uni­ versal and that their causes are pecu­ liarly simple. Of course. I am talking about latitudes approximating our own. Iu the decline of the year, as the sun is rushing south, as the leaves are growing gray and wrinkled, as tho days wane and the nights wax, when no longer one can comfortably sit out of doors, the arrival of the raw September days which arc chilled and dampenetV, fills the sensitive soul with anticipatory dread. These herahls of ihe .‘jtiffeaing year, about to be laid on its slab, like a corpse in a morgue, give warning not only that the melancholy days are come, but that the long northern win­ ter, chill, desolate and forbidding, will soon begin. It is different in middle March. Then tbe patter of the drop­ ping rain holds out a promise. The song birds are seeking summer homes again. The reviving grass and the ten­ der moi.nds which burgeon upon the sap-thrilled branches of the awaken­ ing trees speak the incensed language of life and love. The restored brooks babble that they have thrown off their shackles. Daily the sun burns more ardently upon all the pulses of the stirring earth. The air is full ol promise. JIan feels hope again, and divine thrills, born he knov.-.s not why^ move the deeper fountains of his heart.*’ The talker paused aud thos? who listened looked duly impressed by the depth and poetic bcuuty of his sentiment. That Is, they did until an idol-breaking youth of -0, who hopes to captain his eleven this year, a nidc thing of brawn and blood,broke in yith a characteristically phrased objection: “Say, major,” said he, ■*that*s al! guff don’t you know. Winter’s the time of all the year. Then’s when a real man really has real joy. Didn’t y<m ever skate ten miles on crinkly ice. with your best girl, hand in hand, or drive her behind tinkling sleighbells to the time-beating fact of a fast trotter, and drive with one hand at that? What's the matter with old Thanksgivin.j; day. and the game on tho gridiron it brings, or. with merry Christmas or glad New Tear’s? Look at the balls and the op­ eras and the dinners and the dear lit­ tle dances. Say. major, you're dead wrong. All these September heralds of melancholy you've talked about are heralds of fun. H o w about it. fellows’?” The major looked long and longingly tipon the young m an’s glowing face. His voice shook a little as he put his wrinkled hand upon the junior’s shoul­ der. ‘’It’s all in the point of view, my son.” he said. “ ’Once I was yoimg. and now am I old,’ said the xiebrew of vrisdom.’” Tiw aunounoL-meiit 13 inaiie in a special , g llnsistrate O’iCelley liad Ilispateli .rom IMoemfontein that President . .,vranathv witli the Boers. Stein, ot the Orango Freo State, has joinM tho Boer forces at tbe Modder Ilivor. Ills appearance, it is aOdPtl. caused groat ea- tliii.siasm amons; tbe lioers^. It is reported that at a meeting in tho Boor camp the Free State J3oers protosted that it was a waste of tiiae to continue the lloniKRtic:. .........................„ .............. „ .................. n Mieral Joubert. the commander of the | Tiic Boer cau.se in the northoasterji nart ! Boer forces inve.sting Ladysmith, wlio is | of Capo Colony i.= apparently ;:rowiuj,'\vi(.h jndi.^pose.l. arrived at Volk-^nist. Burin'.: , grca: rapiility. Local farmers aro Hocking his aU«e:ice Commaudant St:tialkburgor i^ to the Uoer laagers, tlie townspi'Dplc. in i la fiuproinii commau>i. Yolhsrust is 113 ir.nny )nstance.s, Wf.leominj' tho invaders tniles north o'Ladysm ith, with every doraonstraiion of joy. The re- j |s ex.iitcd iiy tho Lord Lienten- : ported Boor .snecesses have m aje aa im- , remnviug Conner O'lColiey ! I froD) tho ^layo Magistrucv. In public j .......... , ■ ' ex­ pressed sympathy with the Boers. Tiio ClilDcso Ambassador to Great Britain . has announced that be has buen empow- i Bred to remove exi^tintr''obstacles to unre- I Mtricted traile between bis country and ! Englani!, Crermany and America. ______________________________________ The Governor of the I'roviocH of Shau. slego of Ladysmith and expressed a desiro Tang, CbLnn. has be^n ilisinissod in cou- to return to defend their homes. 'J’ho sequence of his inability to deal with antl- Boers endeavored to spoil tlio searchlight missionary troubles. siBoalllns bclwoeii Liiilysmtth and Frare ; a bill has been Introduced into the Cham- by flashing tholr own searehlluhts. ij,rs ol Deputies at Paris, to loster French Tho Telegrapli’s correspondent at Frere . mnuonco In South America. S 'i V d Thorro"S w hoU iriS itom ^h on ^ The Canadian duty on lead ores rennol December .5. Thorrold said that it was i la the Cnlted States has been modided. only during the last fortnight that the Thu Tonlon squadron, now at S-nyrna, shops in Ladysmith had beeu clostid. The i bas licen ordered to return to FraDCe. military authorities had commandeered all ■ Tho Xortbern Squadron has been ordered the eatables, and liad arranged tliat to provision for three months and be in meat and bread .>^hould be sold at readiness !or eventualities, a Hied price. Clroeeries eonirt not be pur- i A large lied et silica ot a line riualitv has ' eliasecl. Tho last tin ot milk was sold iTor been .liseovi>rod at Dayton, Oreea Coiintv. three-shilliniis. Eggs were six shlllinBs a ■ Wis. Thn value ol the product Is from s is : dozen. Liquors and ilelicacies were sear-3 e. ‘ to a ton. The eattlewere running to bone. IndilTcr- I a lirooklvn hirvK-iveone ot tho Brook- i ►cuc-.j ot the i;uavd rails) a judirmeat lor I ^15.000. J J ~ The National Corinell of the Grand Army of tl;«> ilo'tublic decided that the r.e^t ro- union wiii b:: '..aid during the last week oC ' August. 190a, ia Chicago. i . . . 1 T>ctcctives in.S ow York <;ity arrested i Pretoria, General .fouiert recHotly pro- • Kdwanl Buruz. of Scarsdale, suspected of ‘ Angora Sniii.-m -h ‘ 5^25 apiece. iMiriM-.' lii,. has raised ihn-*- iSi.'i; ! e m marki'i'i, i A iiiiic away .1 ' the only om* in 1 ;... iiulusiry is .] . . • vats. Tlur orSui;-.;! ; . I (Jeruiany. Xathau :■ sixt.v acres, in'av \ v . -- : bo expects to ra'i-;.' . . v; ; Tbe moat is ri!;!;!. |V,. i .great demand aiiii I are sold as p« i<. Ft.;; I bats are imub*. There .are six 1-iu "uiii.’: i'-- i (liana, where ih'* lli'!.' ..n ■ raised b.v the thi)iN.nnik I .soil for fn»Mi sl.:.M ut I i M ark Beegt*r has a larci [y I I farm in Si. .h>sep!i tWn.T.uj ’ Poles have au i-nonnf.i;-- j farm ou thu .Mi*-li:t:a:i-IuJ!i2j A spetiai dispateb from Capo Town .an­ nounces tbattiinBritishguuboat PartrlJee has captured the British.<;teamer3liishfMm. Captain Johnstone, which left Xe\v Yori: City for Aig(>a Bav. laden with Hour for the Transvaal. The <^*urgo was landed at Capo Town aud tho .ship was reioascil. According to a speeial «Hspatch Irom S O U T H E R N RAiK- Condensed Sf5j«-Iii!i' 'i-'FJ':-::?!'! LiEfr.-.’tN.v.:.: Korthbuuiii!. X»’. I'-.' N”. L:i: posed an oxchnngo of prisoners, e.speeiaily Lady Sarah Uil^ou /or a Boer woman taken jtrisoner at Mafeklii;;. I.ady Sarah is nn uuut <>f Wiu-:lon (.'Uurehill and tlie wiio of Cuptaiu G. f. Wilson, of the liovnl Horse Guards. This wa«> the IJr.'t tlelln'it*' nows that she was a prisoner. When last heard from she had left Mafeking on hor.se- back with her maid us her sole companiou. It is aunouuced that I^Injor Elliott, com- mnudiDp* in the native territories ot (irt- qualand East, Is arming tbe natives by im­ perial authority, with u view of nssistln.i; tbe defeusivo foree.=». Hpjirti From at Wa-smi.notox, 1 1 . C. (Special).—Mr. tbe murder Of Postma.stur Herbert D . Fol- ■ lows, oJ Scarsdale. Jf. Y. He confessed. Tlio Bank of Cornell, at Cornell, III., wa*; robbed u few day.=» ago aud jsSOOO sind innny , valuable paperii were secured. The ro'u- ' bery was committed by seven men. Two ‘ . of the robbers wero captured aud they gavo ■ their names as James K'junedy and Thomas , OXeary. ! . Tho arrangement by whieh tho American . • Bell Telephone Company transfers its as- | ^sctstothu .Vmericaa-TelepUone »nd Tele- ; graph Company will make New York iu- ■ ■ stead of Boston the ceotre of the vast Bell ' xelf?pb«>ne aystem. provision train loaded with salt pork for the British Army in Africa was wrecked Lv. AtJxmtn.CT •• Atlanta. ** ^>«»rcr*>.'^.. “ >iufor<l. “ (Taine.svill*- “ Lu.a..,. •• Mt. Air>. Ia'. .*■ W’Miinvter. “ S»*aeca. . “ tVntra!---- ** - (^recnviHi*. .spar’hurt:. “ C4afTn«-v.. *♦ Blatrksburir “ King’s Mt.. Charloitt*. 10 lV> :i lu :;);i lu ;s a !1 11 n 5-Ja Viri W; i Si' :i :.7 p ■44 IV I, •; J v}* ftiv’p Ar. «rc’u8b<»r.i| I* »•; ^ . Lv. C+re’nsl>oro • Ar. N orfoit. ' i •cri-ia has brok»n liis lonR .slleneo anj in a I and fourtcou ears were demoll.shcil ut K-a- i Ar. DonTillo .ill iV,. 11 sr.; eable message received at the Htate I>m- ■ ilworth. III. . , parcuunt dateil Tret-iria, lie announces • t pi,:!. ................................... that he will sail via Naples, tor the United : States. Thisl.san ia-lieation tbat he has i scnim which v:il. show the pres- teeelved the dcpartmtnl'.s telHtjratri grant- ! ®^^«ber00 i0sis. iog his a\>pUcalio:» for leave of abfen*:*.'. Io w a l-’iirtiiKts tt» lioer.'*. H<>i..sti:in', Iowa (SpodaO.—William aud Daniel Davis. pro.’Spcrous farmers, liave »old thoir property and will izn to South A.rriea. Tlietr father Is a large* tarm»*r j-it West Barkley. (,'ap«» I'oloay, and lias sent for tlieru to jolu tho Boor for<?e'*. S2.c00.000 FOR W iU euer t LITTLE CaiPPLES • Thi' Prairio of 'he r/utod Stato.s Xavy •>aned from tb*? Brooklyn Xavy Yard for Havre, Frauce, with tisi' llrst shipment of . e.':!iil}lt5 of this G orjraaieat at the Paris ; Lirpoi-UIon ol ri\5Uit6d in the de.'xtli of . Uuury <;unnju«hani started in the house I owned by C‘)i;ningham. The bouse was •situnlcd OP. fiercer street, about a mile from Priueetoa, X, J,, n;iar tho Prineetoa batllGlJeiil, aud Ava> a Bfvolutiouirv land- toark. 1 Ar. Richmond..’ fitOa i Ar. W'hington.! ..... B’moreP.K:......... “ l-h’dclphin.|.......... . - Nex%-Vork. .........r! in ‘t* stM ;! V ts. Soutlibonnd. Xo. o.‘). .''•‘i.’-• - Daily Daily : Lv. N.Y..Pa.K. Ph'delphia. “ Paltimore.. *• "Wash’ton •> ‘il a •1 ir.n . . . ^ ^anufaoturer .5 of paper in the Unitedrt.. iSnUtiH Hoiue. au.i | State.-, will make no furU er foreiKu shi,^ .M-hool >eav 1 iiiiH(i<‘l)>hi:i. j ')m cp tso f paper uutll the draught in this I Lv. Danville.G O -’i Pa'f.ADKLPHi.^ fspeelai).—Potei A. 11. Wideoer, the rnillionain'! trasrioa owuor ba« announeeil that he has purchased thirty-six acre.« laud tn fiO-'aa. a.suburW. on which he jotnnds to build and 4?udi>rr a home, hospital and .‘♦chool for eripph>i{ chiidreo. at a co.st of ), paper ^ country f.s relieved. Lv. Norft>:k. . I. Ar. Grc'nsboix*', V,’ilU a ia l-'oroicn. TIarhi*rson, a:?jd sixtv-seveu year.-, of PhiJnd.dphia. while walkin:; to m-'- honie fell down a railroad ♦»mbank- uent into a ‘^mali .stream, wliich was ...................................................... over. Ifarhorson’s head went Thu announcoment wa.s madu In a lRtt**r , the tee, which formed a collar from Mr. Wi.lener to Mayor As^hbcid-.;. his neck ana stran^^hsd him to death. lnstituUon''l8 tVm The home is to be a place ‘where they c:,„ . trative decrees i„ ens^ “r™ ri?a n " ^ receive sneh nie.lica and siir«ical atten- obstruction was re.'OTiniiMiae f b • ^001^ tlon as will cure or allay their deformitli.^ niitte.- •-e.nnii.nui.,1 ,i com- and whore they can r.!ceiv.-not onlyji Lv. (•'rc’n.'iboroj 7 ’. 11' Ar. ‘,'harlotte.. m Wip Lv Gastonia. . 10 A'.‘v *• Kings lit..I “ Kltti'kNbiirsl 11 Ml. “ <To£Enoy... ' 11 40 p “ Sr-^r'hur^:. Vi-Xr. “ (vreeuviJJo. “ IVatr.ar. “ K'ca<-f,a__“ Wmin.stcr. ” Tocwa......Mt. A iry ... “ Lula . . .. “ (v»i::e,svUlo “ Bun.rd. .. Xorcr«>s.».eral education, but an ..-aacation'juM iu noi.i, a.l\ ite- reeeivod at Constanti- * Ar. Atlanta.ETstructlou iu snch. industrial r»iM>rt that iho Kurds hav.- ................... assist them towanl ^*el^-suI»porc.■ The institution will he* Wideoer Industrial Homn Uh<i.ir.e» kao™ .1 , t‘i. ! 1 Turkish for CrippiuT i-' '" “ “r " '" Armenian vil- drcH r?i'''* i'"i "i’ . ""'SsacriuK three bun- ured uf tho Inhabitants. 1 :i 3 u:>: 4 1.5 ;< __ AUanta.i r_ ___ B etw een L ula nad^'^ tx . \o .ij. Sun. ;Daily. .Spider Crab Kioven F«<it I.onff. Little Miss MufHt m ight have b«-cn excused foi' running away if it I'ad beeu a Japanese spbler crab th at htid sat down beside her ou the momordbJe day when' she was eating her curda and whey. Fror*i tl.o Id tip sucV a crab measurcss over eleven feet. Xts body is small, being but 14x11 incbo.';. but it has the regulation num ber of ten arm s or Jegs, which measure from two to five feet cach in length, and are from three to eig’at inches in diam ­ eter. The crab is yellow and not handsome in appearance. A specimen of this crustaceous anim al has just been received at Rutgers collegp. where It will be added to the collec­ tion in the museum of the institution. —-------- _______ gnrri-son.s. * ^ Ilarracl;. at lo rl I),iU,«,„, E„f„e,|. i /=''Y'-'™™''nt is i xpected.to I Pnllli Cbi‘<up©akt* St«';.'. t • ’ " betw roji Xr.rf«.lk a n d M o s. ::t a a il S o u ih w e s t« * rn V*‘.sti!.;i: I -_ \ P u l lm a n sk*<’p i:i« ’»*:.rs 1 N e w O r le a n s , v ia W jir^inns.'- I riaiiH I'nr S ,m o a . . -I. ■. , ----. hjston Mona.-iy— G a r l i e n ie® T u u a r a n t i n e a t a jo u ri.s ts ie o p in » ry u v w iliri» - i . i r a n s t soete a new loc.tMr... Worth Seeing:. j “Billy, your w ife is a very stylish ■ dresser.” • i •‘St3’Iish? W ait till you so6 our cook.” w ju K ..--------u a a e . w n e c in l S lv i, w o r t s Aa u'S i *“ r te lo n - and ship-;,:p„irt„“” “““^ . ''’wi r*; Th, Post ot Birmingham, KnKla'oJ c i S 'o H ^ a ? Lon *“ '" “te SamTua’ the property. at Mexico City, jiexTco. FLbraaJ? noZat?o“ “ “ ‘" “ S “ mgs^a.'-’“" ‘ The^Casewas ils- S ta m a lle rs e lf to U .aU i. M o . . 'd i e r a ? th« ■>' Stanbiiry, M r , T. ^ s t e p m o t h e r = tw atton“ Sho '« < ^ e d W a3 liin g t« » n a:«d S^aii K r.i;i •• Puilman d r a w i n K T t 'o m ! Grvensboro aud Norf*'-" Norfolk for Om) P<u.nt » Nos. 36 a n d r n it» ii solid biuweeu W;ishini:t":i via Southern Kailwn,.'. . L. & N. H. R., beiuR ; a n d c o iic h p s . ih r o u ir h s e n g c r s o f aU class. B le e p in g c a r s b c tW M * n > ‘:'; •. , i le a n s , v ia A tl a n t a a n l • - . t^ v c e n C h a r lo tte a n d i s e r y e a ll m e a ls e n r u a tr . ^ N o a . 11, a s . 84 a n d l-‘- I ^ ’- ^tw cen Kchmonil uud ^ 1 jlUc. southbound Jfos. H 9 Nos 34 and 12 . , w I PRANK 8 .aANN 0 >\ i i l Third y-P. & (ion. ilgr- J 'J l _<T. P. A., \v<mhingl«»u- t^OUTS FILIPINO] L (,in in a M ou:Uaiit Pa ] Inflicts H eavy Loss. I Ledyard KiUctl in an r|iri.*t| 1 , Caaaeil by F«l«« Ituporls f (’in.ureent Vlctorle^.. L y Csble).-There wa« consi r in Manila wheu. news was f _ General Voudk's small fol i l safely iu Vigan, provinc-ej £,3 insiety had Ijeen felt r ■uD-: and the Karrison at \ i.d ^ tnown that Oonernl Tino ll J.,.g5 ive body ot !asur;,'eut,. op I ’inomatle a s!aad iu the moj f b e t w u e n X a r v a .^ in .an i « i» n a t u r a l .s tr e n u 'th o f t h o p J f c .- m e n ie « l »>y tr r u .* I u ‘?« a n d ^ ■ n ld it l a s te d Uv.) h o u r s , l o u n u - h a d t h r e e .■ o in ..ar.if.= L i o a r l l i t a f . i n t r y . a m l e r i . l ' i i t l I lio lie r t f . tw o t r o | L l C a v .ilr.v . I 'a p t a i n ^■■ li.r. •VI.S r f i u lo r .* e il.i ijr i::: ;th H : i l . I lilip r i : . !1 in - . > v i:h .1 b a t l a 'I f v t h l r . l . r o .il.- t o V i- :.: l i n n s e n d e d t i n . :l:;n t b y r :. Im tiuu the ..MM-i'v. who f,lc'a.C.»‘'-'"!'al au-l tijJnur.tW of aminiuittioa m FIlipbuH .Mjir.loy.^l a n out* Amorioan was • I. in t h e i.-d a n d N .'g m - o 5k -e o f J.-i < \> r ! a :a o U t ■! ^ m a i r AmiM -{>*an e a r n sM ir«-tl lal.-:e r.-p o rC ^ <u in s in L u :c o n :;n .l f a u a y . I -1V6 p o lic e m e n la .N- l a r a u 'd w itii rin e-^ . l..Mlvar.l,Eho.Vnii*r!'Ti;. i n .«on o f - h ‘ p r '‘S‘id*M it .> fl l u t r a l r .a lS r o a d a n .I a i poll Hi.* Cbniuc-* f»r [ Arr Vi-ry .'5H;rSit. i.v . B.C. (Siu-ei.:! . -T::- loward v.'iiich Agniiiai-!.. ■nl i«.‘^ai'l to I'f' n*lrcatitsu’J ■tain lastur'>’-^, irom 1!: ssouthca^t «»r Vi:;;i:i. .. 10 Aguinaldo'ri whiT.’.’ibl Lkates tl at h.* i»as U*‘i ^tUwanl for I!m* llr.-.t tin. ■ ||.,‘llcd to rotra;-e his ; Jntti. ,living to regain his fn \ «tiI •'Provinv*«‘ '>»?. clian>‘f.> i>r| Jsiit, ]>ircC'lK- i:; his iiif fo{ij,i.leraM.* .\:n Ti.-ari [ to the w.-slv;ar.l <,‘1 t’lat || force, au'l to the «-a~r . I almo-t impa-sa!.!'* :u ■ Jcruiig iif'hinil ''Ii* . •'•i:-’ ' in his rear. a:ivl hi.- fri War }>jM.arlm<-td ihlil fcitialdo has litrle .-l.ii:' • smithv/ard. Th«->-h| A:;uinal‘U> i.- hi'llfv.l hij c.tcort of tlin*:* hiiii- with him. in whi^-li -*a| ■icsuro hlx r “r~'Oi;il «• D3T IN A MILL Fli^El I and nny-f^evca Cnipl Ll in H liurnins Fartor>, i’onn. I'Specijii.*.—I'irc [siery mill of the NoUle .V 1 btroye'l the plant, and cd lone person, be.sides injtl kber employes of thecom f ^ed corp.sB was recoveredl recognized as that of L i pght years ohi. Of the J i who wero iujured. thij girls—were .neriou^ly , psp injured were .>«nv«-nl ^urt internally, while sil 1 fractured l«j?-9 or anklc^ nlned fracturo.s of tin- bad faces and hands i .:| jer of thn fifiv-.^t'vou ha^l I jraeil. limbs l>rai~ed, or i huihliDgwa-i -i Sar;,'o| hre, and n»*:irly <i(K) j c |y»‘<l, most ot’ them lirls. Tliern ir. • fmpjoycs in th‘* witivl.-\’.*- lir«* e-fc-apHi. untj* b win«lov,--slli?.. riif ;;ir!| j>cri*ens befon- th»*y <-.,i > the grounil. <*aused by ihi* |»o loss Is e.«tin:at»*il ::L irhich there is an p S C R O P S IN K A N S j Q P r o d u c e d T h U ' v\U ]:«‘c’o r< lii. . i.S p e c in l) .— T h e o r o p iSJts B o a r d O f A g r l e u l t i J J n n l r e t u r n s o f i h e S t a t e - l u e t s a.-s fo llo w .* : I w h e a t y ie l.l m n o u n iH 1 1 s. T h -j y ie ld o f t- o r n i Exceptiug time • ^ ^ h e l s ; th i.s j.- th * - l a r g e - je h ;is y e t p r o d u t? e c i. a > | f i o a n y p r e c e d i n g e r o p l e c m b i n e d h o n n * v a lu o ■ — w h e a t, -.•orn a u d ■ • r .-4 t o t a l I n c r c j w e <-v ■ th e p a m e e r o j ,s o f v i:- |K I L L E p I.N r.O L L IS IC Ittr «alida. <.«1 .. iFailiiie to <;«-t p i . ( • S p e e i a l ) .- A r e a r - e J eil b e tw e e n tw o j a . - l I D e n v e r a n d !{{.> ( i r a n d l p h s e v e n l e r s o n s w e r ^ [ 1 several «/th«r.s wrr- « accident h«pi>. nfa U'out Six mile.- east vl I |:ire C. K. O?.good. DenJ . Denver; Pet*-r IJarne-l J Picrce. I» ;.v:rl Forfar. Grano .ruaelln»| fccrlin, t>hin. Tin \ ui | l ) a u s h t e r I J u r n c d to min Tiioraasi;:i.i her '■v t w o rrt b u r n « :ii t o d e a t i , | i l r . 'r h o n ia .s . w h o iiv . ^ «.*ity.lj;jii b e e a l" ir z :i n J V v a n l . a n d j u s t a f l m l p a y I r o m tm * h o u - * ; f. J ^ e n h o r e t u r u e d h.« f o l * d U, tbf name*^. Th-l l . l h a t tJ ie - h i l d w o n t i |i i l e n t a l l y f e ii i n t o i;i • 1 in? th e I I h e y f e ll i n t o tin * T 'tii i u s t e « l . ■•Ueil by ix I-,., J l'd In a hi-:, at a j f| ll'!mf„teail. I., I, . i*ars oi.l, ...I,a *>f | p l against tb*- point .. fl'-Tcol h i s r iijl it t.-.n [ h r a h i . 11 .. ... ■ to r tl„, city of Clel > u n c i l o [ < 'le v ,;l a u d . o | l i r c h a s o a i . a t r o t bio.-. I t r a c k l n s c r i m i n a l s . I p p o n .M iss M a s ^ i e I I J IS Was t l i e causa o l tin . .* K lU e d I n E i p l o . i o t r w o r k s o t J a m e s I l o v r n , l> e n n „ w e r e w r.-, tiV * '® ® "■ere kill! > I n j u r e d . T h R r e w e r e l o e c u r r l n i ; i t t h o I e i p l o s i o a f o l l o w ! I ? m e n t i r e 11J ■aerand SchwagerweJ f ‘•'e explosion o l ■ was at work i n tho I k i l l e d . “ s e v e J Jftlng In other partsl pi escaped serious iol p A M ’S H O R N ' ' P » E SI-ASTsT B g FILIPINOS, I Iiot au bc-si. ^•o tiv ■Ss'f ‘>(is M t:ing ® '“ 8 '■-oy t ■■’■‘‘"•v siai-erltr' T s m io to ovny ;,e!.Vt I -o is a woi-.i that ■,-’ I pin- 101- iKioranco; '' - Ji rossfo i-reatPd bv It l>c- c-rortUcU to I imii.-. i.|, ,3 uuipi;,,' I - it. of.en I Door ih:!rit'- in • ”■ I so .,1 • ;- ' ^.nt -,H i..t.r.g our.elves I'v. *0!0 i.iP oiioaiv. ' ^ I -t ::irrr-.tse ihe speed *1 you have no aim - • lur- e any ’ .inovle.lgo Of the Savb-J l' ■ '‘'™ ' -»«-'ioilge Of sf“ -! lst:eapiheuir.K of life j J I’a r . ^ ^ n its lensthesi^j Freak Farms. "i‘ liiiliaiia are j.' |.r..;h!.-I^ il„.s,. „ |ii:c ir;;u-:Mr;. ..kinik;' t.l IroK-:. li.nu,,;, fl:irm„n.v. l',„.sy «i>'il to mI:i1 |-:l >-M<. Si>ni<. y.'il ;'.;r;isr3 :•• ' 'ii'.'iiiL' Ih,' last tJ :iv.:iy i< ;i j in r.!.' 1- "iitiT i rii.- ..i-uir.nl ^v-h.s .1 >: 'V.T ; n- r:;hb;t' ;i< r.-s. i;,-nv Waria^l,. x j | I- :< ; . rai-si' .-i;- I;:, at I’iliM. . thi- ;),■!■<; I.!' :i:a:<l aiNi s.'.'uu of iii^r 1.! as Fr.Tj the hri-'] Vf |iv :ir«' >ix 1 -iu' skiiuU fr.rnut , w hriv *ih*^ lhil.‘ ;mimai<| liy 111 ** thoiwrin'l:^. Tbeir jir si.nti To aitiece. 1 rk has :i lariri' I in S i . Coinny. ancj 1 liavt* an .‘iioi'mou:: I ou iln- Mi<-h:cau-la(Jia2al . ) U T i : e r n R A it m i L K ". - r N-'V. Vfe«. No,lS.I| ■•.honsiil. X*\ Iu- N‘'\ til .'.v.l:- iJ^iiy. rm 1. , ,T j 'i-i u-a 4 ,1-i R rl '• .V a 1 i/jj, ■.« :.J M JO o:*H ':\i? ij!o :j>uii« u •J ioh '.irfii j,v;... [• A:r;..‘-i.Hi: f:-iU 1 n::r'-:e-.li Mm 4 15 p -■"il;.vf; • ;::4J o *i2l'....!■ k..rr :'ur;:..:j :.:p f, li].: ,-*n> v..A 'in I.*. 4j }1 L .i i-i p .. t.'.p r yi'i- ■—'iir.....-1f " . 'fl :.-p » i»r-'....|] hr • j:fCh*r..j i‘ r.-v.jy 4. *'i li: • 'r.-'Oxjr*-11 <ap......iJ Lrf ±^ Li 3' ■■Jl 5Cr f, u'i:i 0 (va I) 4 -:z we. l‘> If. a 1' 4 n |il>l;unii 1 . I*. •.• . i':-. i:. '■■-j'hia. -.nii'j’f.. J.. I- I n t'hiM.i' vcs. : Or.jly < ^'■’Pr — ; .... t r, 22 a ■ n :r..n, lu TTiTiTi II uo;> •j *j~i ' 'T i^v .I 5 Ija nr.r,''f< ,1I» •.K'V y a « ' HUTai K n c j : r . -.r-r ii :o I-11. i.’i a 11 40 p 10 r.bR ii iT.k 11 r-sa 1 .r<''-l'r, I.*"-1 r> u u ::up a !;wi> ' vir.-tf ■ 1 •> 'Si :i 1 •J li-pl .''• A ny. 1 ' 'M;- ,,a .. 11 :•} Mp! ■I.-:■ • i i; nJil 1 "4 .v»;,' low ;{ 5.^; B etw een I/u la and A , ." No IJ. HTATiUNS. NJ*. I;n. D^i.ly. ____. — I 'I, n i;-.r I.v .l-u!“.„ jj95I 11 ;.*i;i • M.-VSVlll- l^'P '• Hnri:i»»uy, «*3? ■ 1« A r.A .h .t:--I-T ‘n ft ........H ;:5. -p-p. m. ‘ ii" . • -:/i \ .-<iiJ.uJ ' I '» r;-:ri- vjri T .-.TtM-.-y. :n»i.-r.s » . Also . ■ I T»:nroUt'bf-^ p j ■ ' li \\ M iiiji;?loa and;|1! e;i ‘ jsiJ II uad Sun ^ r ^ J f 1:,::.I. drUVV!!Ji;T.K>Tt. Hi • : '•1/on. am i N ‘*rfoit- m Irfo ll: !• ro i.i.■v'-. .^'i »a-l :!T—I'nitoa ■ id i-jv.-i-u v;u>hin;;:on S. H. H.. 1/eijiK i*oiuP««^f-h33^ ■*v-:n« <-;.rs >«'« J.goOf ■ in-. Via At:an!:i an d I ■ i .a i lrirJ,,t1.: and All,i»'»- » V . alJ ll.eal^ cn roat**- „ IJ , b i und 1 -* -^ Hlv. f.-ii Uicliiuoml ttiid ■j> . wju; jl»'»and Nos. n *»* ;« ;m 1 12, T ■tf kA.VKF.<JANNO>'. n S « 5 Irinra V P. & <Tt*n. J 'x iiP *.A TI JIK, I in a M ountain Pas3 J . |;,flicls Heavy Loss, , ,b !''i.-'n ic re w,is i-onsiil- -.iJMil:! 1V1..M1 u^w s w as ri- l ' i',(.;i.T-l V '■, f’.iro:y " / .'iixirty I'fpu felt for -!‘rr'Sou a t V i^an ‘t.'i.nva C im e raiT iao liad I .-iv I'O'I.'' o fiasu r-eu lso p iT - ;1 ^:aa*l in tlif' nioilli- ‘ N,irv:i,!aa au-A San :„r il sirc a ^ th nf tlii! pasi- '■>■ liru.-Si.'S aa l I'it- i ’ '-‘.i,t ::v.i lioiir?. f". iiu'l llirro <'* ' iTir^Ji'rv. sjii.ler Lj.nir«*n- ■•"i-‘ -r: 1 - 1 "’*^ tfi’"!'-'’ : r .1... ir • >i-u:i.J'?rc-.u.Tniti ' - « r. i!ii''r>-i-.t tfi« Ilicu: f'- -VT '■ !■ "•■• I'ritlalJyu ( '‘VViiiri. ' ‘ r->,it.MO ViKan. L > „ L ,.,,l,..lili.’ iU h! by.-M ar^- * i:i.' V.-ho Ifl-. ;'r. .-.-r.u ri:!-’:* aiiM_ ' .'\1 .11 u'.r.Tin'.ustion in t!>'‘ •r : i u rli!. .“ jr./.V :.-ri-:iu v;av'-.>-'-.Ttv>utIy , f . ,, t.: f .irlata .iMlr'-.- r.'['"rt-» of ii’.Mir- I jiis.l :';iu:iy. Tlu-ro ' /; •• •■'*■1 »a No:4ro.'s, uui- J ,!y;.r,{,l!i-AnK‘r:*‘r5!i .>f(5,*.T l''l,’l. n ■•!’ li*” uf till* ami a i-oi'iiiar L „•» Hi- C5i;:iuts of Ar. '*•*■> ','.C. .-T :;:• town 4 • AtC'Unaiilu wll!i M'.,!-; C-ii-i t-> tr-'o ‘;i«-ii; ■'{•om flffy*llv*‘ IVir,!::!!’:!'- "• Vj^au. If lliis t , ' \Tbi*r«>al'otU*» i.-i.a-.-i t' a: ....... bi'a.lL-.l f'T t!i*' tin'.v* Jiud I'-rX’i t - 'su‘\->c-io- tr'vcC ‘ slroiij;-'II-cUail<*i’.< of *U1*“ • “ I-:.-.;;-- in In^ liti- of • A.'; T..M!i forof at ; ■ \v-«:v,-;ir-l of tljar p<ri-iL . i - .J i!>c* ■•;>: <>• IJav- • ••. :i!'>;.nta:n ly,I 'I'ir'I 'vitJi f'olOTU‘1 ■• • '-•• at. i !il> Ifo at ini - I:'- V;:r « rii.Mal.- ••■lan-* • of *■'- V T.m-l-v<t rluince x ■ i- 5>v*'.:cve<l l.» ' *-r I'lre-* Ijusiclred l ine \vliL*Ii'’asf ho liy !ii* : “r-'i;a: •“'•ar.t* in |lC5T in a VILL FIRE. I ao'l i:i«i«loyc(* H Kuriiins Krtftory. 1. IV-cu. ..'r 'c c ia iI - 'ir c in la e uiill "f tay NOiile »V l(irttroye.l the i-Iant. aad caused lo t out* i-'rsoi:. 1-e«i'lL*s injurin" ^ olUer .'Xiilovr— o( the comi.anv. triiel tru? recovered from 13:1 ! !i- tliilt of Louis« ..oirrht ynur.-! rh\. Ol tbe Hfty- ^oaswho wen* iLirty— ltlipsp'iajur«ril w.Tt‘ .<evea wUo Ir l:u;t iiii*eriiu‘.iy. \7iul*.* sixt»?en Iroai fra.-iurej or anLie?. A Tijtainel of tl»e arais, lyiial fa^es au‘1 iiaod.s l-'.irnoil. fciier o' nftv-M'Vou Inii han-ls ■lar::'-’. S.rni—il. or otbvr- p!:ii-iiL? w.j' I large four- biur.-. aiii i;<*;iriy »liW i'Cr^r.n> :r. .5; ;h(-m beiat: I'U'iris. T.i-r" i- • ___• fxi ; --vv.« t-, l-ore-'ii* in i':- v;:ii.l:*u>. ■2* iir-* '••-•a}--. u'.Tt* st*<Min'lv |tb'^ Tii- liad --(■nrs.- I.efyr- tt-tl.-cr'-.M:!!. i,y ih:* «v:;i;i.i.ion of •‘5{iij;;itHil a t ahonC i'll whi-ji: tlior*^ i> an i!!-i;ram.*e of I W ISER TH A N T H E PRO FESSO R . ^ Colored Woman Who Knows Some- thins Aboat Fossils. A scientific gentleman of Washing­ ton. who is greatly interested in fos­ sil remains, recently received a very fine specimen, purporting to be of the Devonian or some other old period. H e was delighted, and he called in all his friends to decide on what manner of thing the animal was dt^ring its lifetime. They were not able to de­ cide. aud they were on the point of appealing to some of the government geologists. The great trouble was that the specimen had no head, and the absence of that member combined to make a mystery of the missing link variety. Meanv/hile the skeleton was kept carefully guarded in e- cabinet es­ pecially made for it. On^ day, after a short absence from the city, the sci­ entist opened the cabinet find found that the fossil had been provided with a head, [-fe was delighted. W hen he niade inquiries his son told him that the friend who had sent him the trunk had found the head and forwarded it to him while he w^as away. The pro­ fessor called in his friends, and they decidcd i'lat the head fitted perfeotlj-. and that it belonged to the fossil. W hen ihns equipped it looked for all the v,-orld like one of the dogs one wouM imagine the cave men to have kep: as tneir peU. The profes.^or felt that ho ought to v/rite a treatise on the canines of the paleozoic ages. An old colored v.-oman who takes care of the oiTice oanie in one day and saw th6 fossil, with its recent addition. She went up to it and deliberately knocked the head off with her duster. “ I'oh de I.av.'d's ?,'.ke. pnfTe^sah!*’ she exolaim- eu. ‘ wha: yo’ doin' u-id a ol’ chicken carcass on yo* skell'ngton?” On miu- ute investigation the professor found thai the oid woman was correct; but he does not speak to his son no?/.— Washington Post. I t Cures Ail Skin Erupiions. Totterine is tbe name. Sold at druggists for TiOe. a box, or prepaid direct from.T. T. IShuptrine,Savannah, Ga. John H . .Pahlen of Lexington, Miss., vrites: “ Knolosed lind Sl.OO for 2 boxes of Tntteriiie. IVIy fathei’s hand was cured by it, ami 1 tako pleasure iu reeoinmending it.” I'uzzled. From the Chicaso Trib-une: -I (-an’t quite ma!;e out th:;: Enjlish neighbor or niiae.” said I'ncie Allen Sparks. "H e v,-as at church the other Sunday, aud joined lustily in sinking wh?n the pi-eacher gave out 'America.’ Lut 1 no­ ticed that ihe wo,-ii.-i be sung were 'God Save the Queen.' 1 don't know v,^ether he did it to give tho effect of an A n ­ glo-American allianco or whether it was just a pieco ot'his English bull- hpadeJness." - Vi $40B>- wrarln; at ^ _ for th« romarkabln ofTisr of lUo Soarirs prcat- eat iustItii-:lon of P.M-'tJcal Du^inoss Training. The Ga.-Ala. Business College, D o n 't D e la y ! M A C O N , G A ^ SiJS caops IN KANSAS. a rrnducetl Tliiii Year ltrpnlc« AM lU'fonlii. iKac. ’Sf,e>ia!).—Ta-* •'roj* ?iullo. ur.5.i» iJoaru <*t A^ricalture for pfiniil rK;;rr.sr.f theStHt#*’* apri- fct-r wiii-.'it yi-l-J lo 42.- Til-yif',.1 ot i-orn ij« 225.- L'helv r.S'-cptil;- tiiAC of IHH'J n l-asiiH;.-i tiii, |. t!i.- largest [t3tf la- yet |.r,:,.!airi'a. anil <i\- ■ lae aay fin'pHiiine c-rop i)v •*!.- f ociuljiae.*. hon;f vaJmi of tli« Li-xi’-ut. -oTii and oat.-—i.s r .1 lotai iiiiTcusie ov*ir the ''!ite.=aa!i! criii.s of ^1:!,:i=l,‘i-’l. Reserve Lcil Ko Dead toWiors. A r.un*b»»r of bc*fori-* leav- Injr f‘.r «h«- t'ajii* w^-ri* onu-rtaineU to a fan-wc-H supr»‘;' ih-.* other'evening by their fellow-work.TS.* s?ay.*? ib.e Dundee Journa). '■rCow, boys.” said tlie Thair- niar'. aft»*r an apjiropriato- spe*»ch. ‘•trpat wh«l is m: ih«! lahle as you would :he Bot't-s." As thv feast ended on<* nf th.* re.«ervv*ti5 v;as observed by the cnuirm an sto-.ving aw ay a bnttk- of \vh!Kk**y in hi.'« pocket. ••What’s that ilat-in.’ Tam" shouiod the I'huirrnan. prood-humorcd- Iv. ••Oh." n ‘pli»*d T^iin. tn the great aniusf»ni-ni of all. ''rrn only obeyin' ■.rd-r.^. Y p tel!t us to treat the supper . US v.ould th*- noors. and. y ken. w hat \Vf ilinnt* kiH \vt» tak* |H-isonp|-a.'‘ The T^ju-n Cour.c:! of Iliehmond, Eng­ land. has been m j-ad irg against par­ rots. It seenis that certain of the«e . bird .4 hav»- been disturbing ihp s!um- ber*; of the town clerk, aiid an a d?r- man. So the music of nature has i).cn hushed by a penalty of'40 shi lins', .^ n tire Iy . riNEVii.i.K. N. C.. May 18. 1 «»». I had a very had «-ougb and eold: use I i|uilu a nuu ber of but got no re­ lief entii I used Du. King's Wilt> (hiF.auf and ■Tai:. Oae l'*oltlo «Mirely i-ur»*d me. D . I’oTD. Sold ami fuuraut-fd by UfKWKL.1 , & Dt:x>' ( o.. (;hariottu..N. aud all 3Iedi<-ine ■ dealers, The av.Tage duration of life in Ch>- OHiro has l»‘on :^r.*:itly incrc»ased in the last :» year.<. rosulthis in the savins i of lives. I'i-o'-i Mire for ConMiniption ha*» saved nio 1 niaiiv .i doctor’- bill. .-i. K. Hakijv, Hopkius i-'iarl*. Hilltujort* M<L. X It is nut generaliy known th a t clip­ pings from inascuHiie lieads of hair are used for inaklns strainers lhr«»ugh I w hich rfirups ar<* «*lariHed. ruTN'AM F adele^h DviiS are fast to ‘ •DDlight. ^asbiog and rubbing. Sold by ' all drugi^l'ts. * Thci Gersoppa 'Falls, on the Shara- 1 vatt: river, in South K anara, India. I ar»* larger and more magnificent than ' N iagara. The w ater makes a clear , irnp of 830 feet. There istuore C»t?»-rb In this scctiou of the coantrj* than ajl other diseases put tOffctaer, I *nduntil tbclast few* years was stiptwsod w b- • Incurable. For a Kreat manf ynars dccteK pronoaDc«Ml it a. locs.1 dLsease and prescribed local rumeiUet. nntL by ron-rtftutly falling ,to cure with local treatuinnt, proaounced it m- ' curable. Science has proven oat^rrh to ^ a constttiitioaal disease aud therefore rMtiirescoustitutlonaltreatnienf.H»U*s 0 ^iThC ure, jnauufacturcd by )^. J. rb 'iu ey i Co., Toledo. Oblo. is tbc onlv constitutional cure on tbe market It is taken internally indosea from lOdropbtoateaspoonful. It acts directly on tho blood and mucoaa surfacea of the system, killed :n r.OLLisiON. jNVur >;ir»la, l»y J FHiiliig lo (Jt-r Nitfiml. l^ol. A rear-enil c I- iw fl l.vnvcfii tw -1 j-assenjrer |!:-I'cnv(.ran.i Ui-. <;r.inde llail- 't.di .-cv-ja ;fT.=o!iS were killed let! ‘■•v‘jrai wer* severciv !iii|.j.rned at Eng- r- ai.oin .nix iniJ. .- ..-St or Snitda. T *; rn c. i:. penver: U. p . I'f-DVrr: ivi* r iJariie?, Deo- i'ien-!-. Ii-nver, Mrs. ‘ r ; “ r. O r.-.r.ii .f u a c lio n ; \ . 11. | ’> ■ aTii _f>2 unkn'.^^»a '• I>.tti£b{*.r lo Oeulli. i.-uli!. Tiiomn-..:i.l her five.ycar- ItT Y< r.* b ;rf.Ti! t.-. .ifsnth at 7- ^r. 'Ilioijia'. '.vlto ilves in th^ J \.i;rn l.'jmiii;:brii?h ■ ii^y.irl after noon ije f aciiy ir..:;. t!j.' l -n.^ofora f>!;\- ■ m.-i. Ii<. r. turi:.'.i he found his in II,.. Jianie-^. Tbo dvliijc piMiiJit tl.c .•hiiil w,.nt out to I l^riitiiily f.*|j into tin* names:. r ..r tuo .-liil.l .,iid Y- f.-i' iijto 1 \U‘ names i J tvOli .J by ;i it. a li:-:, .'iiuir ut u table al L. l„ nol.''rl I '., >'»:i of Jamer^IIj.. „[ :i 1 1 riuJjt utaipie and r SI - .\u d a fuw h o u r s City „r Cleveland. t'Coum.ii ,,i ru-y.Aiim \. Ohio, hiw f I-»r<rh:tsft a],:iir of bloodbouud.'j ["* trarjkuiij ,.ria,ii,atj. The re- iHt ^ Haul) and J tlio decision *■ KHlei to Explosion. works ol James H. Miller, J^vlonrn. Pecn.. wrecked by ” i M M - " S ■ COUCH SYRUP P « y were S d ‘“ se';"en'"i?Le? ' Cures C w u p sn d Whooping-Cougti ■workiDR In otuer ot tuo i UnexceUed for Consumptives. Gives i »11 €9ca,,ed injury ex- !I J / l„frjP^;ifCt,f.^^iUausnfss. Tnal.pojorie. They oifer one himdred dollars for any case ' it Xuils to cure. Send for circalars i^d testu mooials. Addr«rdsF.J. CHi:scT&Co..Tolcdo. O. Sold by Dniejciats--. 7i5c. ^ ^ Hall’b ramify Pills are the best. Attention is called to tbe very nse'ul arti­ cles coctnioed Id tbt« promium list of the (Jon- llnenta! Tobaeco Co.'s aJvertisement of their Stari’lag Tobacco iu another column of this . pa|ior. It will pay to have the •'.Star” tin i tatc.^i anrl fio take advaiiHyre of Ihe be t list ever is.“U»?d by tho Sta Tot)aefU5._ V'lTAi.iTV low. HobilitsU* J or exhausted cured bv Dr Kline’s InviBoratins I'ouic FJ«e . trial hf;tt!o for 2 Meeks’treatm ent T)r. rvline, ' Ld.. SOI Arch S t, Phi adelphLa; Founded 1871. ' The nrst of California*s exhibits for , the P aris Exj>osition has Iwen shliipea I f r o m S a n Francisco to ■Washington. 1 This first installm ent from CalKornia ! w elshed about 2,500 pounds. EVOLU'nON OF THF BROILERS, . Formerly Confined to a Season, They May Now Be Bought the Year Round. The heu commouly stops laying dur­ ing at least a part of tbo winter, and begins laying ugain in January and coutiuucs to l»y until early spring, when, naturally, if sho wero not dis- turbed, she would begin to sit ou her oggs and hatch out chickens. W h en these chickens come lo be big‘enough lo weigh from a pound to a pound and a half each, dressed, they are called bvoiler.^. and ns .such the young, tender and delicious chickens are sold. Tiie chicken, of course, remains at a suita­ ble size for broiling only a compara­ tively short time, aud when it gets too big for that it become a spring chicken, still young and excellent, but to l)e roasted, or cooked in some other mon- ner than on the gridiron, being now too ]»ig for broiling. ith chickens hatched ont by hens, and. with tho great majority of hens sitting along at about the same time, broilers came into market during a cer­ tain time of tho year, just as vegeta­ bles formerly did, before w e began aet- ting them from the Sonih, and from under ghiss. There were some broiJers scattered along before or aftt'r. but most of them came into market iu the late spring and early summer. Years ago. and uot so very many, elvher, twenty years or so. there was ;i i)retty well delined broiler season, lasting a month or six w«‘eks. Then came cold storage, and by that means the broiler season was extended two or three months or more. Some part at least of the surplus broilers, that would otherwise have been i)erniirted lo grow into spring chickens, were killed aud I>ut aw ay in the cold storag(» houses to be dr.iwn ou a» roiiuired. and eo the broiler season, or th<* period in which broilers could be procured, was mate­ rially lengthened. Then came what is known as the hot house broiler, an ineubator-hatched chicken, raised In a brooder. W iih cold storage the natural broiler season had been prolonged: with incubators it was anticinaiod. and linally it was length­ ened iiuleliiiitely. There are now, scat­ tered in various ]»nrts of ilie coui’try. hundrf.ls of p:>uliry farms, using in­ cubators. tlini are di*voicd ?«)lcly io tlie projluclion ol’ broih'r cliu-keus for the market, .^oino of Them irjrge estab­ lishments. one in a western State turn­ ing out l?>0.uu() broilers In a year. Tho broiler farms have tln*ir seasons of greatest producli(»n. but there are inori» »>r less lujthous.‘ broilers, raised at all s«-asi.ns. so that if is possiolo nowa­ days to buy fri'.-sli broilers every day in the year.—X e w York Sun. Advertising in the Orient. f<ome of the similies used by Orien­ tal advertisers arc reiuarkabh*. Here are one or two specimens which have recently appeared in irlastern news- newspapers: “ Good disi)aiclied as ex­ peditiously as a eannou ball.” “Par­ cels done up wilh as m-.ien care as that bestowed on her husband by a loving wife.'* "i^iper tough as elophont's hide.’’ "The print of our bojiks is clear as crystal: the iimiter elegant as a slughig girl.” ••Customers treated as politely as l>y tiu* rival steamship eoin- panle.s.” “ Silks and sal ms suiot)ih as a lady’s cheek, aud colored like the rainbow.” A gitation against poisonous insredi- ents used in pottery has drawn cut an order frtim the B iit'sh Officer of Works, th at all articles supplied under contrac: to the Public D epartm ent’, the Hous? »»C P arliam eT it a r d Ih o r y a l pa.ac3S shall bo made wilh leadless glaz.-. W anted T ito tfavcllii|rsal<’sn;en in ea«*iiSoutbera State. «.*>■> jini! oxpenst-s. Kxp«-rleiu-»* not ohpolumly neofbsarr. r or parilculnrs att*lr«»ef« I'ocalxontaa Tobacco W orks Co.. Bedfoid tity , Va. islSI ________ Q 'a E E M S m O R O , N . C . ;sr tiffi treatment of THE US'JGfi, OPiUH, UOHPHIKE ani ettcrCnrpAfldlcl’eRS. Tha fCbtcccOflabit.NenfaEx.teusl'a ' V/RITE US FOR- { i i i VESTIBULED LIM ITED TRAINS. O N T H E Kidneys , liver' AND Bowels' GleaNSI EFFEGTUALiys O V E R C O M E S fiABITUAS- Double Daily Service to All Points, N orth, S outh, S o u th east and S outhw est. Train" No. 3S leaves Charlotte at 5 a. m., for Wilminsto^j. Soinhern Pines, Raleigh, Ports.»uDuih. Norfolk and Old Point Ccm fcrt. Rr.camoud, W ashingion, Baltimore, Phiiadelphi.'r and New York. Also for Chester. Greenwood, Athens aE'd A tlanta, coanecting ac A tlanta with all lines diverging to the South, Southeast and Southwest. Sleeping car from H qnros bcth North -and Scnth. At-PortsmouCh ecnaecUaas ;ire ,m 2 dG w ith the Bay Line for Bslticiore, Phila- delphiia and Nev.* York: w ith tho N. y . p. and N. fo-r Philadelphia and New York; w lri tiiie Old Dominion Line for New Y’ork; v.-ith the Nor!o!k & W ash­ ington Boat fcr W ashingion, and wiih M. & M. T. Co‘s.. steam ers fcr Boston and Providence. Those desiring speed, safc'iy and oomfort purchr.se their tickets vit. the Seaboard Air Ijine. Train No. -102 leaves Charlotte at 8:20 p. m !' Through' sleeping car tc Portsm outh. Pas.sengers cn this train connect atMonrue wvJa sleeping ear for W ashington, where connections • are made for Baltim oie. Philadelphia and New York. Co?.,neetion also made at Monroe for Athens, A tlanta and all points South, Southeast and Southwest. Train No. 403 ler>ves Charlotte at 8:10 a. ra., for Lincolnton, Shelby aad T?iither(ordtoij. Special Christm as privileges to Cc'l- lege sttidents by the Seaboard Air Line. Tickets good for ihrse weeks ii bought December Ifjili, at one and onc^ third fares for the round trip. Tickets on sale D ecem ber'i.'th to 21st. inclu­ sive, good until ^..]a:niary 4th, inclu­ sive. T Chri.sfmas :s the tim e for. coming to­ gether. Go home l y . the -S.eabaa.rd A ir Line. One and ono-thiril fares for the rdund trip. P E R M A N E N T ^ : ^ ^ nCIAL B V y - T H E 'Q E N l/ l N E - M A N ’F ’D • B Y O Stiiden-ts go home by. the Seaboard Air Line, and get your certificates signed by the superintendent, principal or pre,sident of your institution. F O R S lE S ooo,(}()o fiA irn v : CABBAGE PLANTS! ' Followinc V»r5ot.*fts; It KNlJEli.^ON SU CKSSION. KAHLY Sl'UlXCJ, liAK(JE TYPE W A K E K1E M \ F.\ E A R LY J K KY NV A K E- FIELU**DA'Nls'HH.\LI)Hh.AlV’AL'GlTSTA EARLY .TKUCKER Planin f;rowii m tbo open air, and wiU. withstind estn-nm c. >‘d weather without inju'-y. K*rlc- «l.iHi per lOW. .’>,U00tol0'UUirSl.2.>t:«^r 2U»0. iO.OUUnud ovfr$1.1M per HJOU. Scud al onleX' to Wiu. C. ItEII.A TV, Koni eily or UEUAiY ai.d TU\\ LEfiJ, YOUNG'S c. Ser.l your n.iuir u,r.d r.ddress'on 1 postal, and we wj’d smd you our i5(>-^5 i if ra?- illustrated i.daliv.rue free. ® p ________- ® <ii SVJKCHESTER REPEATiNG ARMS CO. I ® 17G V«inchcstar 6v«ntie Kev» t!av*n, Conn.§. svif-'ivfviviv, ;i -V' * s<? M y M o t h e r H a d C o n s u m p t i o n “My mother -wjs troubled ■witb consumption for many yews. At l>st she was given up'to die. A neighbor tola her not to give up but try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. She did so and was speedily cured, and is now in the enjoyment of good health." D. P. Jolly, Feb. 2 , i 8 gg. A v o ca.N .Y . C u r e s H a r d C o u g h s No matter ho-w hard your cough io Of how long you have had it, Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral is the best thing you could possibly take. But it’s too risky to wait until you have consumption, for sometimes it’s impossible to cure this disease. If you arc ccrughing today, don’t wait until tomorrow, but get a bottle of Cherry Pec­ toral at once and be relieved. It strengthens weak lungs. Threo steca: 2.5c., cnonjjb foran ordinaT7 cold; SOc., lUBt rlBbt for Jisthi^broncbltla, liKirsenesa, wboopiug-cougb, hard coWs; 0I.OU. most ecoiinmtual for chronic cusca and to kcup on baud. ^ V NEW DISCOVi^KYiffivee Fr««,. It. H. a. OSEE«'« 80»£. B. AtUmU. 0». Ch o i c e vegetables will always find a ready market—^but only that farmer can raise them who has studied the great secret how to ob­ tain both quality and quantity by the judicious use of well- balanced fertilizers. No fertil­ izer for Vegetables can produce a large yield unless it contains at least 8% Potash. Send for our books, which furnish full info:-*Tiation. \\'e send them free of charge. GERM.\X K.^LI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., Kew Yorlc. ^ ____ CARNEGIE SHOES Will Wear Like Steel. 50,000 pairs sold the past season. Not a single complaint. Men’s $2.50—Boy’s $1.75. It’s Economy to Demand Them, riade by J.K .O -R R S H O E eO .^ _____ ..... a r> %.ATLANTA, GA. y i-s s E ? |g ^ f “ uTdn’i Want a Bull Ooo. One day a little son of the Rev. T. V Gardiner was playing w ith some bovs who had a cart, and they wanted a dog to draw it, relates the Scottish American. “Paiia says we m ust pray ^or w hat we want." said the m inister’s son, and he knelt, dow n.and said, "O Lord send us a dog to draw our cart.” In a ’little while a big one came alon^; ih at frightened them, and they began to cry A secc»nd time the boy knelt, but this time he prayed, “O Lord, we don't want a bull dogl"______ Electricity is suggested as a substi­ tute for the guillotine in France. Uewey’s Adapiability. Admiral l»ewey is a reniarkalde il- lustration of the adaptability .-jf men of our racc to the conditions :ind cir- <rumstauces th at unexpectedly sur­ round and meet them. IJi; shows the ability of our leaders to eope su (m*»«s - fully 'vlih new and broad rcspoiisibili- lies. B ut w ilh this nniural tendency ofhis American blood and tralning.auil the inspiration whleh he received ironj birth aud early childhood in A\*rnu)nr, there are <’ertaln indispensable latent qualities such as eonsuiuniale leader­ ship, i*xerut5vi‘ safiaelty. iudomitable courage, strengih of convicliou, which wt!i*e only fully bior.ght out by the bat­ tle of Manila, and the eari?s that pre- teded and lolWwed lhat «*ngage»K‘Ut. Long before, to his large eireh* of l*rie«ds In naval political :md business <*!riles. lu? had shown qualities »>f di* plonuie.v. urbanit.v. diseriiiiluation auil self posst*sslon whi<*h, put lo their lull test in the .Manila eanipaiKU. i;i-ovcil to the cnioi'geui-y.-Ilai-pcr'ii Tvf.icrn'Seine [AVE YOU A HOME?HI I If Ko, yoli-wauf a GARLANDI I KTOVIC to m«ke jrvu liapp)'.If they Are not *»uld, uy yi-tir ’eadiDK incrt-uant. >Ytite to SHEPHERD SUPPLY CO., <;HABtl-:$TO!V, H. — STATE AGENTS FOR — AI.SO .Tf A M JPA C T U nE R SO r ^ GALVAHIZED CORNICES. ETC. Pl2asur5 Was 0 .ic-S:d3 d. Mandell Creighton, the Bishop of Lon­ don, has a horror of lending his favor­ ite books, savs a London correspond- e n t.. The Bl.s'hop is a tjiarm lng w it as well as a great scholar. A feliow- clergyman once visited the Bishop and took a fancy to an old edition of Shakesi.i.-are. He brrowed tht vol- ’ ume. and did not think to return it for ■several months. Finally the m inister returned it with a letter saying: My D ear Bishop: - . - .vI have great joy In returning the volume you loaned me. The Bishop answered: My D ear Brother: All the joy is mine. 42 MIIMtJTES:i4 SECONBS ^ H E reason we can sel! the best at only a dollar or so IQ more than cheap work is because we make so many VS) oi them. We averaged last ye&^r a ccmplete buggy every 42 rainutosand 14 ssecnds. $1.00 per )ob profit al that rate counts. Why pay big proiits when the bo»t is in reach of you ? Sea our * (e n t or w rits diraet. R O C I ^ H I L I b ROC k T i Iu S x . SAVE YOURSTAR TIN TAGS “ Star” tin tags (showing small stars printed ou uuder side, of tag), “ H orseShoe,” “ G o o d L n c k ,” “ rrossK ow ,” aud * ‘ !Drnmmoiid ’* Natural Tjeaf Tin Tags are of equal value in secaring presents meutioued below, aud may be assorted. Every man, woman and child eau lind something ou the list tbat they would like to have, and cun have F R X S S S I TAftrS. • T.\Oa.1 M»tcJi r-*T...................................... £*. ; 2 * floik. '^day. C»W 2 Ku'ff, •luel.lade. Koodhteel........... 21 •'U'c. lUrojrie^*-^ !l S.-i...s.)rs,4!«im.liB<....................... a I il 4 Child’.-* Set. Kriff**, Fork and Sihxhi 25 , Kevolvni', xun.ii . 6 salt »ml Pepi»er.Set.oii«‘i-aiTh.MUa(l- i ^ or XH rahix'r.. , nn)lt*ijlut« on wbitM uietul........... M A, Jonl Svt. iic»l R I'reii.-li Mriar W4xkI Pii>e. ‘ - - a& ★ ★ i ( quit n I'rciifli Itriar W<xhI Pii>e.................' tooi^..........................7 lUzor, bulluw irroamt. tl:i» K«}?li»h j 27 •I'nili-- s.*: dvi.- . Steel.............”................................ SO' ^ y.-ryh;MHlw.m.-. . S Butter Kulfi,,, trilJa lilnte. I«.t | S j:.wrim"irai liUl., No,4. . . ' quality «») ■ 2!M*ftt<-h. .Hr»-fliiit; stlver.fiill j**ffi-led llWJ 9 Su;;arSbeVl!Vni>VeplHte' best qual.. m ' M Suit li-ather. hamb-oiu». lu Srami> Box.-.tfrHnc ^dver............. :» aa.l duniWe ...........................11 KnJf*‘."K»f*-n KtiHor.” tw.. 75 ' "1 Sfwhm Marliim-, llr>: .-Lis-i,12 Kiiile' “Kee;! Kutter.” «-iii blade -................................. I.*: Shear-*, ••Keeii[Kutter,”8-iucii.. About J ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ •til attwrhsi- ...................................... .■a i:«voIver, 3X-fali»ie.*. Jjln»*d 1.1 ,'ilipars ••Ke«iiKuttcr."S-iucli....... :5 ! ....................................J™H XaiSrt,Oiai-lJiTa!iil«rl.-ks, silver j 7 1 Me, 0.>lt ». IMif.t. . . liU.1 ..........A ...................................... go "1 <*uitar t\\uslil»urut. ru?-ewood. in- 15 nswo U!iii.-.JLH».--iadou.” best qiial.lW Jaul ..................................................... 2003le Ctork. ....................... I-W i Ma:itl->tin. vorv )iaii«l.s >iue.............3000 Win.-liMter It-iH-itin;,' aUnt C.nti.^ IS Wa?eb. niikel .ueiii winil aud set., itw 12'iaii;;e................................................. I'J Carvers, ^oud steel, bufkborn baud':-!*........................................’it20 S«r UMitiliie Kitceri’ T»ble SiX)Oii»,p](it«*d ...........................2:21 Six eacb. KniTCH and i’orks, back- 37 l.Vinins'ton, double-barrel, ham* uierSbotOim . luw rl2('aiinn ........SOW 38 Bii-yrl«, Ktaiiitard .make. IwUtM or «i-sits....................................................25M . _I ■ ■ oin I s# Shot (»mi, KPDiiusto!!, do!ibJ<* bar-liombaudies................................»o ^ ‘Moa22 Six Mi-b.GenulDft Rogers'KaiTJ.^ i rt.. lia.iime.le^....... and Forks, best plated goods...........500 I <0 Reginii ltu.-4ic Box, 15.'^ inf’.t THE MBOVE OFFEB S yP tR E S NOVEMBER 3 0 th. 190D. ' Tin Tags (that is. Star tin 11 ?;* wi__ . „ „on und^T «lde of tap), ar^ >int for pre*^nU, but vrill bppaidfor in C.WH ou thehasis tf tweiitvi e?;L=iyar or befon» Ma>«-b Int. l»w. Special N o tic e !Btara printed hundred, if ryceivptl br ifs L dinipN \Tor:h ofS3f~ltllAU IN MIND Chat STAR PLUG TOBACCO will last longer and afl'ord msrc pleasure tbau a dims’a «vurth of any Olherbraud. M A K E ! T H E T E S T ! Send tags to CO X TiX EX TA I. TOB^VCCO CO., SI. Lout;. Mo. ‘k ★ ★ 'k ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ^ ^ ^ E R I S I N K AXTKNTION is fariutited It you mention this pap^rtvhun^vri tins adverti&cra. SO C&a't be beat. L'iarHt F rn it an d SbaAc T ree In tlic ■World. I<ars««t Trco au& F ru it. *1 buyi« C dcllYered, pre-Invest $10 to 8100 aud ! B oy i;07rfilA K I.O TX l-;, N.$ I GO for S 10 **La C rcola” ila lr R eatorer Porfct^t Drcisln* and Restorer Trice $1.0 0 , Tlie Dafle Record, itteKsviUe, N. O. e!. tt. MOHR1S, KoITOB X'Kiy PnBI.iSHER. I A Baltimore lawyer has written 1 With cottoa scoriDg a gaiD of 2} an exhaustive article on the; cents « pownd over last year’ft price lamondnient. TLe Democratic juUi-1 (au addition of some #100,000,000 ietary of North t^ilina has j in w^lth ttf the South), th« fate of: ■ ■ hausted itself. Brer Sinimons, we i the calamityite is indeed prtiUil.— j Frank C. Brown, ijcRANFO RDs _______________ ____ ___ ^ tim aM ou yonr trail, even if your track iTimes-Merenry is a little cold. ' j Wholemle and Betail Dealer in Enter£d Xt the <*ost office at 'MOCKSViL,t,fc N. C., jsSBCOltD CLASS : MJiTTtii, UAf iS^TB, lOT. LOCAt Alfc rttKDHftiS. FttomTu«day,Deb,I2, toFfidaj- WiH ^ ,thei 5th,D r.^ .i. Horton, d«itist, I can be fonnd at Uote< Swic<*p)od ifi I Moctsville, prepai«d W do any and I all kinds of dental wdrlj. Hr. Hof- I ton is w«lf known hert!, and those For #*1#, an' pdell typewmer, jjBinng woilc wiil fifid him rttisofl- «heap,. il the pbittoffice. ; apj reliable. Go to^V illi^s & Atfdtf^«^S| , and see their lifie of glassware. . Ejt„ent» of P«lagogy and Another entefpfise ift Spokctf m; Civil Govcfrnnienf. I will endorse for MocksviII«f. M<rre atbtet ft j no certificates, but all must come later on. and take the examidatious alike. House, Storfdrtnire & iiti. aft I will hold private^ exarai.jalioiiS selling all kii.ds of fui-iiitui^'at ti* ! t‘"*e to time, for thow who lowest matKin. 11'®'' * “ J®* secnreil ceWihcat^S , ■ . ‘ from me. C. M. Sheets, connty MTOksTille iSK«ltfn^ »« “ <!«'♦* superintendent public instrnctioU. s railroad centft. Fifteen trains _______ passed through list WeUu«»day, Wanted-Two or thrte loads of| ,G E i .^ E l i A L M K H C H A X O I S E . The K<teord—?1.00 a year. -----------o— Clirlstnns and New Year Holiday Excursion Tickets to llicliiuoud, Va., WuHhlnctonj D. C., and aU Points Nolttolk and Western Bs'. Tickets on sale Dec. 22nd to 2.>th, and Dec. .10th to Jan. liiti good for re­ turn passage .Tan. 4th, 1900. W. B< BEVILL, Gen. Pass, Ajft., Roanoke, Va. co :jp l p t b l is r o f dk y goods . S to c k c f S h o ^ s in th e UE.\DQUAETEKa FOIl GB0CBEIK3. State. Hnat'i CottKtmption xnd Bronchits Cure. It surpatsnei all other remedies " 9umDtion, Broachitis. Tcr. It curei known for Consumption, Broachitis. Croup and Disordered Liv when all else fdils! IS OTHER WOKD3 I HAVE A COMl’LETE LI^TE OP GEXBUAL MEBCHAKDISB. I Will be glad to hare you call. Yours Truly, PRANK C. BaOWjT, Corner Fourth aud JVIain Streets, - - WINSTON", N. C. Tffls Big Sale Canses Tali. And the ofteJi question: ‘-How can yon giTe »nch I *X-eiWi- W«c«i.ldu’tKiTe them on ordiiury '“ *s k no ordinary ocrawon- We’re sellinj the ,tnck of m.'H i Bov,’F i n e Stills ahd Overcoats we purchased of llewrs. i Bros. « C O. at GO cents on the dollar of the wholesale i iNist It needless to enter into a <Hsv;nmion of the higb ,t H of eicelleace embraced iu the Uurgiillder stock, for Ibey bav.iTi leading exp'>ueuts of the Tailors’ art in Baltim.ore thest pa,t and h^.e auia»ie<l a fortune of more than $l,000.00u.oo. K, or lK)V wlittlicr be needs a suit or overcoat at once, or will n^,' ^ Tfew Months heuce, will find it pnuledt to take advantaT;^ magnificent opportunity. The telejfram reproducetl bflow jiT “ clusively what bargains we are in a position to give our '* If your drug-fist __does not keep it, send direct to Judgethe'Georffc E. Hunt, Lexington, N. C. j Price 50 cents per bottle. 1 For lale by C. C. Sanford. |;Adranc0 News Notes. Don’t bny yoa*'stoyeS befo^ yotf i t. O. Baitv, Who has charge of examine- th<f stock, for at a Mock’s School, was in sacrificif, at Honw, fetoudemire &; j, „ ggt^dav. VoJs.- I * * ^ I L. A. Bailey killed a hog one|Sev. Mr jdrf^urtn ^ w^^^^ last week that weighed 578 who have beeu absent front home: who u next t ------ ever sihc^ have re-;P"“"'*®- j ijaving qualified as admin - tnrned. I Andrew Sherman, who got his | H latrator of Elra F. Cam, deceased, „ ' . vxi • 1 ileg broken someliine ago, we areiIf yon Want 1.^ 5 cha.M, dreas-; ■ ets, or aiiy Other iiiiW of furniture, lie sure and nee Hoitsef, Sto*teufire | ^ . ...................................... & Co. ' Mrs. W, A. Leouard was ft si c-, plead in bar of their recovery. • Columbus Blyers was j a U pernons indebted to said estate NOTICE. notice is hereby jfiven to all per- , sons having claims against naid estate I to present them to the undersij^ncd Tte A pj» p.rty tot togi™. ;“'iE s s t w ."s «s :a S s W e rt R acM Store. MR. SCHODLER has just returned from bis fourth trip to the Xort)<ern markets this season. This has been the most successful trip of his life. He has jammed aVl packed our stores with qimntities aud quantities of goods bnuffht at auction, at sheriff’s sales, and from manufacturers that were ovei"sto(!ked and had to unload in order to raise reidy Ciish. The great bulk of tliese S‘> «ls will be wild f >r than C03t of production. We ciisi only hint at a lew ite-.iis at this time. You will have to visit our .stores, see the jjuud!', and get prices to fully •“ vgfisrgsaiB’ tmXQ& vsajetasA vss coax?^ „> o om en m to »u. n« cJTTRl* 1, ^TMO*. TTtCKKItT. ^ C Anyonecontemplatingattendi.igi^^i^‘-,,^^‘7 „” ,7 p " “ i„tVer^^^^^^^^^ appreciate their cat value. lvi«a<*%ABu n .tn OnV'A m nnA t.* _ . _ __^ . . . . I I __A 1<v4- ^i business college, can save money, ^ tie, and Mr. i , i Thompson was the unfortu-1 roBERT TAX NOTICE. f December, 1899. _______L. CAIN, Adm'r inate gentleman who got the cap; of Elva F. Cain,dcci:aMcd. If you want a cheap stove, read ’ for being, the sorriest. Stir up.' E. L. GAITHER, Attorney. House, stoudemife & Co.’s ad. in i boys, and learn to use the needle thTs.is!>u9 aiHl go to Salisbury and: if yon want to stand a hand with gel it.- ' the fair sex. In our nCit issue, Dec. 30th, the | S lick. dumber of ticket which draws the | ~ ^ lietningtou breech-loading shotgun |J^ cho News Notes. ♦iff be’published. j tVrtton picking is about over. Read our ad., then eo’ne right on I 1{. C. Willson visited Cooleemee to Salisbury and bay what you • Sunday, need in our line and save money. House. Stoademire & Co. I will meettheTax-Payersof DaTie County at the folio wiujf times and places' to collect the T;ixc« for I8!)9: MociHTille during the month of i November. Countv Line, Monday, December 4, i 1S99, 10.00 a. m. to 12 m. i Calahaln, Monday, December J, 1 p. i I m. to 3 p. m. } Chapel Sunday night.to North Carolina from the West. M.-R. Chaffin & Son, agents of! I will pav fi-om two to three dol- . farsper i^d for round oak timber delit^ed in Jlocksville. See me i “ * for tuSlrnctiohj ih i-egard to cut- j Miss Lula C. Greene visited Miss ting- O. L. Williams. : Bessie Foster, of Ephesns, last The number that gets The B ec- ! ““if"'"'"''- OED p^ize gnu «ill be published in ' ‘S't- ■ j Dabiiev and John B. Bailey made j Nestor, Tuesday, Decimber 5, 10 a. | „ , ^ „ ,. , „ J Cooleemee la.,t Fri-1 J* - 5 j „ j Mrs. Joseph Hoskins, of Smith 1 iky. I to 3 p. m. ! Grove, died last Saturday. Mr. i ,1 I FarminRton. Wednesday, December | 6, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. ' Smith Grove, Tburaday, December : 7,10 a. m. to 2 p. m. ! Q. ^ c, j Advance, Tuesday, December 12, 12 jSiuging at this place next Sun- !„». to 4 p. m. Comei Fork Church, Wednesday, Decem> ^ ber 13, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. j Augusta, (Berrier'a Store.) Thur#* Mr. Boifilftn Prather has moved dav, December 14.10 a. m. to 12 m. Jerusal-jm, Thursday, December 14, 1 p. m. to 3 p. m. Sheffield, Friday, December 15, 10 a. m. to 12 m. Mocksville, Saturday, December 16, all day Sec. 57. Ch. 732, 1890; Taxes for School fund must be turned over by the Sheriff not later than Dec. 3ist, of each year. Please remember this and be prompt in paynient. J. L SHEEK, Not. 1. *99. Shcrlil Davie County. Clothing;—A bigf lot of men’s and boys' clothmjr, bought a‘ an auction .sale, that are worth nearly double ihe monej' asked. Men’s sL-itw $2.4S, «::.98, !53.48, 83.98, $4.4S, $4.9S on up to $12.00. Boys’ s”its 80 cei;U u:j. Men’s Mackintosh overcoats $1.25 up. Boy.s* overcoal.^ 98 cents up. Shoes—Ladies’ shoes from 09 cents up. Men s sho-i-s f*rom 95 conVK up. ChiMreu's Shoe.s from 19 cents up. A complete line of sh-jen. fioiu the cheapL^st to the best, at prices that can’t be beaten. Hats, Caps, &o.—Men's ai'd Boyd' Hats fio.n 24 o :ii1h up. Mens S2.0C sample hats only 95 cents. Men’s aud boya* cap« xro:n 9 c :nt-i iv>. 100 Dozen men’s uiilaundried white shirts. houffhL from a ::innuf^c- turer who was compelled lo rai-je son;c ready casli. lie got ilie casU—yo.. gcz the p rO iit. Th;:se 5hirc:< ai*j male iroui jr'>ocl ii'-iliiy niupU'j. rcinforc-.. back and front, felled s-janis, fiap over back bi’Aton hole. A t-bii-t '.Iiai ca I'l be duplicated for less than 50 cents; our prio^, as lo:i»' ai i.hi:y last, two fo/ 75 ccuts. Not over four to a castom,ir. A tuU Hue of Chriscmas ^r^odti jiist opened up. Come to see us. r .J l ^?U.££is a ---------—S L s j Sc . ______________________________________ gB,Ey|^|KI3B2KmZ<SItSSE3®2e.lB!Ba^^ Fine tiuicn Twill, (j,rt liU ll b Setoiiler‘3 RacM Store. [.UCY.the i^ e of IXS;. iiOth. 'fhose who i send or bring US .50 ccnt« will get i the pisper si.\ mouths and a tie1:et. i Tlis Prize Gun. - ... _. ! We were iu Winston Satnrdar Sehonler, ^ewmau & King, The pnrchased of Roberts, the gun Gjmfort, aud Day, the jeweler,! breeeh-loadiug Pemiiii^ou liave «.n.ething Lew to say to you . go”-ent8 and Ret in this issue. , Rec-ord six months aud one Dou't forget those stove* at 20 ticket, or $1 and g« The Becoed per cent, less than cost, at Honse, ■ Je**’ »“d two sickets. We are Stoudetnire & C'o.’8. igoiug to publish the number of i« T» TT 1 -iticltet that gets this gun ouDecem- J. A. Holder, of Advance, paid : aud get his gun for the Christntas As a pleasant eall last Thui^ay; hotidays. aud renewed his siili»‘fipt!on toj ------ »----------- The itB<:bRU. Our list continues ! Busiuess Flue, to grow. I drummer who travels for a Brazil uuts. English walnuts, I liardware til m was in the city the almonds, raisins, etc., at VVilliams' other day and says business is fine, ft Andersons. ' <ifany of the towns he has visit- T 1 » I » h* ®ays mercbauts do not have t e u ~ e‘Lwfrd to T lii^ J lU ^Jordan, of Jerusalem. j ask him to call at mght. Other ,^e must again call the attention DR. •W. C. MARTIN GIres special attention to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Sp**ctaclcs fitted by the aid of retino- Rcopy. Teeth extracted by the pain- IcM process. Ofilcs at residence in North Mock»villc. R. B. CRAWFGRD k CO., HARDWARE DEALERS, Winston, N. C. with a red »nd gr?,.- sinpfle breasiert ro-iijri .J (iid VRli’.e ;'iO. OUR Pl;lCK Oentkmen’s Fine SuilmJ striped Vv'orsteiU, Fincj lit aud Gray Miltons, ifc tingle and double breMl,.| u Fine goods haDiliomely Worth eiiiily SiO.OO, bet «| saciifce sale TilP'Y GO J r 1 - H - l Mea’b 0 "'»i| FKO.M fc.;,) 11-, Bojs’ Sig n cr.............. Lion uud .'VuvU. -----rT^Q Right Plac 3 to Buy Tom- irriv a l »nd Beparturi of T rains: South Bound —Daily except Sunday. Leave MocksYlUe................ 1:00pm j LcaTc MocksTille................6:00 p nil N orth Bound , ! Leave MockHville................7:13 a mi Leave Mocksviile ..................a n. ! Cooi StOTes, Guns i Farmiag Implements. Sevei-al Lots Uuion Caasimere, black groiind with neat, gray pin check aud wine colored over-plaid, single-breasted. 5 to 1-4, very nobby. "Worth $1.25. OUR PKICE 60 CENTS. Boys’ Double Breasted Suits, made from all wool Cheviots and Cassimeres; there are 25 styles to selec t from, sizes 7 to 1C years, aud regular 93 value. OVK PKICE $1.50. Boys’ All Wool C'assimeres, black ground, with dark gray neat check and pure silk mixture, double breasted, 9 to 15, made and trimm.;d iu A1 style. Worth any­ where «5. OUE PRICE »2.9r>. G O :iy C 3 L T O S E ! £ 3 T Jc i- MocksviUe Produce Market. Corrected by William:* ic Anderson. Cora, per bu................................. 40-4i Wheat, per bu ............................. "j Oatii, per bu............................ 3S Peas, per bu Bacon p« pound..................... 8-1' , Wesiern................... I ask him drummers he meets tell him the same thing aud that busines.*) is of t!uf correspondents to the im-1 very brisk. He handles plows and JioMarice of getting the lettera to 118 j says his house has a hard time ] Butter . . .................................................. I2i i tooner. Nothing that leaclies ns I keeping ahead of orders.—Salis- i »prmg Chickens...................... 6 ■ j *ftet MolSday night caii get in. We j bury Sun. go to press; Tuesday afternoon. Bacon, Hams. Eggs.15 i V AMI lie ill with TKAvi i.i. tn-eive of A Rcmarkal>le Staowlnp. The' Baleigh Post has published in full the record of incorporations in Korth Carolina for the past three years. It finds that in 1897 .ind 1898 the total capital of the uew companies was iil6,r28,920. In the present year, the record extending over only eleven months, there have b^en incorporated 194 com­ panies with a capital of :Jfi,795,780, with the privilege of increasing their capital to over twenty mil­ lions of dollars. Nearly ali these companies are home industries and most of them are already well under way. The old State makes a re­ markable showing for 189!).—Char­ lotte News. Jfttt'sf underwear cheap, at Wil­ liam’s & Andejeson’s. Miss Kvelvn Bailey is critically ill and not exDtiBted t*».live. Mrs. T. B. Bailey i f ' • typhoid fever[- rt,. the Normal stu .ii:.'ior>',iave died up to the presenters'?" Candy — pUiin and fancy— at williams & Anderson’s. The' schedule has cbai«g«d. ^fiiin ^ing north arrives herB at ll:i>Oa. m. A big line of f^hristmas toys at Williams & Anderson’s. The distillery warehouse of C. L. MctHamroch, with one barrel of whiskey (-47 galloiis;, was burned fast Friday night, thought to have been by incendiaries.* He had just; tax paid four barrels ou the 6th, or{ it would have lieen quite a loss. Mr. McCiauiroch will rebuild at oncc. House, Stoudemire & Co. have a new ad. in this issue. They are oUeting guotlh at a saurifice, and it ■will pay you to examine their stock I>efoie pnl^'hasing what yon need. J . D. May, of Calahaln, is aw a rd s the contract fur carrying -the mail fitun Nisstor to MocksviUe.! set two tickets. If you owe us any- Tlie routes ftom Salisbury B,,d I’^Wng, this must be paid Iwfore you r'lorslunH entitled to a ticket. We makeCle\ eland to MocksviUe are award-1 thi, change for two reasons: 1st, to to L. H. Hansberger, of Sedalia.' give those who are not able to take Mo. : the paper one year and pay ua one . . • dollar, an opportunity for uO cents to Do*’ t ibl^ct Tub KbcOKD S free j ^et the paper G montos and an oppor« Ipft oiTen: A No. 20 CaroliBaCook! tunity at one of these free ^ifts. 2d, 8 love,«SetofFnmiture(3 pieceB),i^* may be able to dUtribute Booga thilKd Floa^ and a Sem* fair to all. Those who have taken Bmeh-loeding Shotf^. tickets can return th'em and get theh: On* dflltef pevs for »Tear's snb- ‘•‘'T >>a»® ??»• &u a anttg and me tiek*! new ter^ oae. National Hotel, I REFURNISHED. UNDER NEW | MANAGEMENT. B A T E S , $ 1 .0 0 P E R D A T . J . il. R ausey , Pi-opV. Main St. SALISBURY, N. C. F H E E GIFTS. In order to give our 50 Cettt subscri­ bers an opportunity at eur free gifts, we have decided to withdraw the bu^- gr and bicycle offer and substituted No. 7 cook, stove complete, and a nice 3-piece oak set of furniture, respect* ively. AU who have subscribed under the first offer will be entitled to an­ other ticket, or, if they prefer, we will take up their tickets and refund their money. All who pay us 50 cents cash for 6 months’ subscription will gret a ticket; all wno pa^ us one dollar will C A L L B R O S . Ten Per Cent. Furniture STen 108 NVcs* Fif.h St., W I N S T O N . N - C- Want j'wur trade aud will give you bargains in all Styles of BeJ-Room Sets, Odd Dressers, Dining Tables, Beds', Washstands, Lounges, Couches and all things to be found iu an Up To Date FURNITURE IICU3E. SOlO 'NSW tii BUUTIFUL DS2I3NS in CISESS, CEAHBiR-SnS and LAMPS, Wa also have a Beautiful Lino ot Pictures and Fi-ames. The New England and Necdhaai Pianos, and the Old Reliable Estey Organs and the Nee^lham Orga-.is aie gold by us. ami need no recomiaendatioii, as they sie so Well Known. it siTel money, induces health. *Send ! Ail Goads 'lold f=jr Cash or - asy Paymaats. 3’our address at once and see what ^ people say who have thoroughly test- j Come to our place and if you are not treated ri^bt <Jall Louisville, Ky. OEGAJfS EEOH *25.00 UP. Boys’ Overcoats FROM $1 VP. Dou’t SulTer, The B^ectropoUe 1 Oixres all dissasen without the use ci • medi:ine. A pure Oxypen treatment, by ab-jorption. It cures where every -1 thin? else fails. It is needed in every j family, for it will relieve every weak- i ness or ailment, to the mo^t per^isLcni chronic di 8ea.-ie; and without the use of a ^ a in of medicine. Thousands oi paopTe all over the United States, from private citizens to Lawyers, doc­ tors, preachers, Supreme Judg^es £di- ^ tors, etc., even crowned heads of Eu- i rop'.' have given written testinioniab: ‘ of the e facts. Book of testimonials, and m atter of great interest with price of instruments sent free. Every •f-a « 1 1 I'INE of Shirts, t'ollam, Cuffs. SeitfJ *®“ I U l l Underwear, etc., etc., at prices tlntili^| competition. !?. L . C E A N F O R D &C WINSTON-.SALEM. N. C Trade St, . Tyo-Doora y. of Fanners' 'fa n EN’S BOX CAI.F; EN'S VICl SHOES; Calf liuBl; 3il $2.rt0, 92.7.1: »0i.| •2.50, » 2 .w .« [ L ADIE.S’ AND (UlUl «HOItS 60 CENTS TO B'^l 60 CEN'IM TO J’>| Greensboro Nurseries, GREENSBORO, N. C., For all kiiul.H of Frnit, Shade and Oruameutal Trees. Vines aud Plants. I am the Intro- dneer of the famous UREENS- i BORO and f^OSNET’S South-! eru Early Peach. Greensboro Herd of I{egistere<l PO­ LAND CHINA and Mammoth Black Hogi. One of the finest herds in the South. Write for pricea. tfonx A. Yotsro, ’h ^ L L N EW SHAl'l? THi, iii'.GUL \R SHOE STOP.!?, Corner 4th and Liberty Sts., WINSTON, 5. f mELY & en’i' P IA K G S C A L L B R O T H E R S Manufacturers’ Agents, WINSTON. . . N. C. Branch House: MARTINSVILLE, VA. Cia iln yt Qtr» towert PtieM Qb XnxTthlse is O n ii:*< J a s t R e o slve d ! Parlor Suits, Mtoors, Fancy Fiff EVEKYTIIING TO SIa KK A IIOI'SE II\\l).>i)MC BED-ROOM SI AND EXTRA t"' / ' AT riiiriis THAT V ,:l Asroy^’ Don't faill tc firr iMf‘ I in need of an.tUi'”# Fumitiiie I IT V.'ILL BE TO YOCK G. w . m e i.Ua8 rniBituie Eesl .-ea Vc>itr.kc», ! VOL- 1- Santa AVU-I- BK FOUN-i BIG stoc.k T(| 1 <-ent to BuiUliug Kifles, Cap Pi.stol| Tree Oriianieuts, I Horus, Toy Watcl old auil young for lie found at our sti furget oui- FIVE A Also a large stock and UuderH eiir o for the hdlitlays, IIS. We w .i. save y J see us for yoiir .sJ N e w i j 4 i20 Liib^rtv -'trof't I [IV. h. Ffaiikiiii ^ oij I r . G- C H e y e s p e c i a i [ce over Jacobs’ Gioi WINSTON, N.j F u ra itu i K ' ^ o x x x | F .f a i t a i - • ' V. n : . r -'.> F. - - - UK r-CLAsa 1 light price;, s'oct a'wa 426 and 4i'S Trade WINSTON, N. .‘-ril -1 V' . ; —:v.’ ■ : _ N ;iO V T v , ive a \ir? ■ in*; slry 'iTl Si! er ’V and Kye in-SA-.es iiriu<r lone T.'r.ile ;; i r ;na-!red f.ir <i;:e yr bit the times. |Tonr 3 for bii»ines.s. BKO h’N. T -----.. Street, -'r KoViert\st!!ei.; \.i ; W a n t Y cvj* CKENS, POT.;\TO| ONION.S AND PU O D rcE . igiHi Ibfliet Pricss Call on me 'irh| frOU COME TO Jell Selected S to; Iries Aa-ways On Vours to Serve, D. M. M il ISalisbury, North RA TANDARD r a ii I p THE SOUTH. • Direct Line to all 3RNIA. ftlDA, L AND PORTO p y F iist CliisJ on ail Throng Irain-’. Sleeping Cars q I- Past ic -1 sjofe j travel by tha .«oJ jou are a,ssar,;d al f rta>Me t-.n<I an J lourney. T ■0 Ticket Asen fJ > Kates and Generl ■ nation, or addrJ tTONON, p j r * • A. oT Vlotte, N. c. y toahswerT C S. CABNOlf, k Gin Man, S. p. |ASmNG-TON.I i S:- D ' S j les Talk. fcs the Mock Of Mt?’ '^ p of iitgtrs. UaiJ!^ 6 wholesale n,»notS^«.on of the high ,u„> tk. forthej- huT*iJ'"‘ Imor* thewpa« 3 7»l Jl,OOO.OOU.OO. KTer^*^, It oner, or will ne,a 'N l o take advanta»„“i“ “ lodnced Wow *Uo,/ |o pve our frieud.. Lggn/V EES |ruicn Twill, dark jjn red »nd gny m;'. prra^led roiiiiil ;'.0. Ouli rifclCK 52.1*0, !em eu’« F in e S u itto fi (\V onstetl», F ancy Cb.. Jray Meltons. Choia"] •Dd double brcAnUd _ oodB h*ud»omely tailj, easily $10.00, but »t | Ic sale IIFV GO AT i« h 'i 0 > w ta yiiOM VP. t im ere, y piu f plairL, v ery Suits, Idts and jtyles w am, aud linierfs, la.v ueat liixlurF, ^de and jih auy- its M'ollare. Cuffs, Eejrfri Kc., at prices that <l«fy RD &0( ll. X. o. Ira y . of Fariners’ !EN-S BOX CALF; \ i:n s v ic i SHOES; Calf liued; 3 rH »2,.'-.0, f-i.TS: «3.(K). *2.7r>, *3.00. I ADIK^' AXD CHILWJ 60 CEXTS TO »3-S«' 60 cK'rrs TO S'-^‘ J.L KEW BHAFIS- Isiioi; STom?, L.. AVIKI^TON, 5. f’- p fJ IY & CETl T he D avie R ecord . VOL-MOCKSVILLE, N. C., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1899.NO. 88. r Santa Claus Headguaiters, AS USUAL, BE FOi;Xl> AT OCR STOKE THIS SEASON. FIVE AND TKJi-CKST COUNT KKS. ;ilsii a l.irge Stock la d ie s’, Cliildren’b, am i M e n 's Shoes, ami I'uilerwear of all kiiidH. When in VVinsi<>n shopping for t h e liiilidays, you will isiiss it if you fail ............ to see .« We wil. siVe you ai least '£ p it cent, ou v"- - ’ i:. C o in e to AliltJ stock Toys, Doll ('arriages, Dolls all kinds, from 1 t«nt to .^(’>.00: Itoi-king Horses, Jlobhy Iloi-des, Bnildin.^ Biwtks, Pietitre liooks, liiiu Toys, Air liiilfS, Cap Pistols and Caps; JJaby Battlers, Christinas Tri-tf Ornanieuts, .Sunday School Supplies, Albums, Drums, Uoriis, Tov Watches; in fact, e. ery*hinx yo’'< old ai.ll yoaug f-«" Ciinstmas ;riRs or Sr.uda.v Schools, can !«■ foiimi at our stoi'e at the iowsst prices in ihi a'.- Don’t Ij f„/S«t oiii- L ^ see us for your iiiuta Claus and make tbf ciiilJien !ia;:py I Newman & King, k 4^0 ljib?rty ^'trect, WINSTON, N. C. ‘j fU'. i<- Ffouicliu s oil! -stiind.J )R. F- G- C H E E K eye SP B C IA L IST . icc over Jacobs’ Cloihing Store, WIMSTOV, X. C. Faraiture! I f ‘Y 'o u - H x e o d - TERMS OF SUBSCBIPTION : One copy, One Y ear, - - - Sl.OO O n e copy, Six Months, - . - .’>0 O n e copy. Three M o n th s. . . 25 Tru sss e s If you are in ueed of a TRUSS it will pay you to have a Perffct Fit. DR. V. O. THOMPSON has had forty years’ experience in I Adjusting Trus&»8. He will Per- I soaally fit you at the Old Keliablc THOMPSON DSITG STOP.3, ■.Vii’stoB, 1' C. Tie Dane Record, PDBUSHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. E. H. MORRIS, Editor. M O C K SV ILI.E, K , C ., D E C . 2 0 , IS O S . THE P O S T W I L L P L E A S E A N S W E R . F Kaitai ■ ,1) - Kiel TO iBr. M, D. Eim'orougt,; p. F. Hui'r’sy's Stock,P h v s i c i a .'.' The Washington correspondent of the Pt»t reports Oiugre&smau Linney as in lachrymose state over the i)ossibility that registrars under the election kw will arbitrarily deny persons entitled to register the exerci»e of that privilege. The Congressman from the Eighth may potsess his soul iu peace. He may recollect that the registrars will be Democrats, and that tlie object of the law is to assure the proper reg- istratiou of those entitled to vote, AND TO PREVENT THOSE MEMBERS <JF THE CONGBESSMAS’S PABTY FROM REGISTERING AVHO ARE NOT F.NTITI.ED TO DO SO. It is this lat­ ter lhat wrenches the conscience of the CXmgressman more than any fear that Democratic registrars will stretch their powers to any such absurd length as he is pleased to suggest. The law is all right for honest folks. It wil' not be abused by the officers appointed there­ under. Let the picturesque tJon- /ressman trom thfc Brushes unite '.viih his fellow clti7.eus iu seeing :hat -jnly men honcsfly entitled to do so are registered under the law. Iiiofu.iig j:*ost. The above copied from the Post S ;Qnds very well until you road that cl.iuse which says “and to I prevei)!. those members of the Con- That Iiiiquitoiu Constitutional Auieudmeut. R. A. Cobb in Times-Mercury. Of all the infamous methods that the Democrats have resorted to, to get possession of the State and county offices, the proposed consti­ tutional amendment and election law caps the clinia.x; but we are glad to know that the oflice-seeking gang in the party have gone so far and are willing to resort to such diabolical methods that the honest .veom.inr.v of their party are getting disgusted and say they cannot fol­ low them. Ah evideuct of this, permit me to give in substance a couveifiation between the writer and two leading Democrats of Burke county last week. One of them a leading merchant who has accumu­ lated large means, the other a well to do larmer, and stands high iu Democratic councils, and both started in the liumble walks of life, and being old friends, we held a sort of a confidential experience meeting on the amendment. The writer Wiis asked his reasons far opposing it, which we give unre­ served, and was sanctioned by the trio. In turn they gave their rea­ sons by stating that the measure discriminated between the fortu­ nate white man and the unfortu­ nate, which according to their views of Democracy, this is un- Demotaatic, and they were not willing to fasten a law upon their nnfortiinate fellow creatures, who from their poverty were not able to pay their taxes and obtain an edu­ cation, and for these and other rea­ sons the.v were opposed to the amendment. Mr. Editor, I am persuaded that many of your readers can recall and when elected if you cau’t do better than your competitor, and ^ the balance of that brainy ’99 Leg- j islature did, my advice would be for you to stay at home. T hat Constitutional A m endm ent. That great and only body of law­ makers for North Carolina have at last met agiiin, with the express purpose of trying to disfranchise the pool white man and negroes of this State. Will the great and good people of Xorth Carolina stand by with their arms foldetl and see soch a law passed, or will they once again declare for freedom and jus­ tice, as they have of yoret Does the great mass of voting men believe in taxation without representation! Surely not. Would this country ol ours h« a land of the free to allow such proceedings! Certainly not. If the poor white man who cannot read and write, nor repeat the constitution of the United States backward, be made to pay taxes, should he not be al­ lowed to vote, also 1 Or have we lost our independence which was fonght for in ’76, and which onr ancestors bled and died for? Would there not be at least three white meu disfranchised to one n^ro? This amendment would disfran­ chise the poor hard-working far­ mer who, by the sweat of bis brow, toils for his children and is notable to read and write, while the rich man, who lives in comfort and lux­ ury and who has graduated in some high college, v,-alks up and casts his vote for the man he desires to be elected, while the poor illiterate white man stai ds back and is not allowecl the privilege of casting his vote. And yet this is the land of THE COMFORT. HOLIDAY GOODS. Do your holiday buying as early as possible. It is to your iotertet to do SO. Firstly, you get a better selection and do not have to take the “leavings.” S^ndly, you can take your time selecting and do not have to be rushed at the last moment. Tliis season we have made extra preparations for you and the little folks. You will find here >n aggre­ gation of holiday gifts and toys that cannot be found elsewhere, and last, but not least, we’ve attached such low figures to ’em, that w« anticipate an early buying and speedy sale. If you think it jnst a little too early for you, we invite you to our stores anyhow. See onr display, then you will be in a better position to know what you want. HERE THEY ABE.: Gifts and toys for tlie little folks. Dolls— China and bisque head dolls, 5c up to uOc each; jointed dolls, 10c up to tl 00 each; dresaed dolls, 5c up to I I 50 each; French dolls 25c up to tl 50 each. All sizea, colon, agea and conditiona; in fact, we have a regular doll world. Toys—Child’s wash sets, 13c to 50c get; child's china- dishes, 10c to $1 50 set; music boxes. 23c and.50c; musical sitters, 2.x: and DOc; musical tube phones, 2oc and 30c; tenpins, 10c up to 50c set; roam- ing toys, 10c up to 50c each; iron toys, 10c up to 50c each; rough rider set, 25c and 50c set; soldier suits, 25c and 50c set, and hnndredi of other toys for the children. Gifts for the larfrer folks. Pretty albums, at 10c, liSc, and 25c; prettier albums, at 3.tc , iiOc, 75c, and »1 00; prettiest albums, at *1 2.5, »1 50, and «2 00; toilet sets, 50c, 75c, up to $2 00 set; manicure sets, 50c up to $2 50 set; afiaving sets, 50c up to $150 set; travelers'sets, 25c up to ( 1 50 set; ladies’ work boxes, 23c up to $2 00 set; ladies’ handkerchief and tic boxes, 25c up to $1 00; m en's handkerchief and tie boxes, 23c up to $1 set; m en's collar and cuff boxes, 2Sc up to » 1 50 each, and m any others which space will not permit mentioning. Coats and capes. W e have too m any, and have cut the price on all, to close them out quicklv. Ten dollar jackets, broadcloth or beaver, now $8 00; eight dollar jackets, tersey or astrikan, now 6 00; six dollar jackets, kersey or astrikan, now 4 50: four dollar jackets, kersey or astrikan, now 2 75; capes 50c up to 4 00, in cloth; capes. 1 50 up to 10 00 in plush. s W s . Misses’ kid solid shoes, 98c pair; boys’ and youths' solid^ neat shoes, 98c pair; boys’ box calf shoes, sizes 2 to .'H, 1 50; m en ’s box calf sho n , three soles, 1 98: m en's tan, three sole shoes. 1 98; ladies’ kid drjeas shoes, 98c; ladies' kangar'io dress shoes, 1 2->; ladies' hand sewed shoes, L 88. B u y your shoes here and save 25 per cent on them. ■ ^ THE COMFORT. Headquarters for Gifts an d H o lid ay Presejits of all n ^ d s . - C O H N E R OPPOSITE P O S T O F F U 'E . W IN S T O N ,' K . C , the time before the war when this hEijT (.I.A.S3 AT liii tght 7;:ce.-, ?‘o i s’wsys C9Di7!e*<. 426 and -i.'S Trade Street, WIXSTOy, S. C. aristocratic crow d lookeil upou a poor white laboring niau as un- , , , . . . Jt'orthy of a n y consideration so- , rirsi eoorSou;i!r.;HotelDavie, igre-ss'jiau’s party from regmtenr.p | or at the ballot bcx, and the .N'nc’-CSVJLLE Is. C. I " b o are not eiiliiicfl to d o so .” i saiiie effort wa.s m a d e n ow a n d by ................. ' W L v not prevent those of the ■ ihe sam e m eu atid their pjslcrity Post’s'party from registering who incorporate into the constitu-l i i . B . K . A : a d e r s G a , -----DE5TT1ST.------ OfiSce; First D oot Snutli of Dr. KimbiTouffL's. M0C.'»SVTL LE. N. O. -fL V) -sr I L:, T v 1 e n - -J... I’1:0 lo \ o f .-'.i.'i fsU iliiblO ciiis. liare a * ip#'- Irelr.r *!t! Sii er 'V au.'i F.ytf GhMe:: .)*»ne v-'Kile Illy I f.»r <.;:e y^rr. |bmt tl:« times. loan fcr business. BIJOh'?;. r ?Li:-erly Streel. Xf* :t • Ro!?eri'stiiei.f \;i man t’c. ] i’se M afiii Vrk'ts Want Yciir v pCKESS, POTATOiiS, OXIOX.S AXD OTIIKIl FARM PKOOrcE. j Ejin. Kaiket PricsB Will bf Paid Call on me when TOU COME TO TOWN. 'A'at. l’.es, Te'relry, Dianv'.n ir, Mije t hina, tut Gl-ass, Silver Xo.cities, Gold Pens, Caues anl Vmbrel'.aK, and many other novelties for thiise who want something neit an<l up- to-date for a little moi ey. When %ou visit ou. city, c.ill iiu.l see m. “iLTe ^fjic!^cr /ov wish to or IV t . ■ - ' -T : . -I. i A.; W in's "j .<. .V. ( . UOS'T W.\JT A JIUfUIE. • G ood W A rcurs ABS0Lti7a.Y fr e e . W e '.raii'i your n am e tor P A S T I M E a bri.?h:, clean, illustratca sLory aa ’j h-ain!irous paper for ths family circle. 10 large pages, only 7oc a year; o.', iria! 4 months, 10c. W e give a nicklt silrer watch to eac}is;:b^criber, anea": I me-’ ium-sized watch, g-uaranteeri for ■ „ „ „ , I one year. W ill keep time for m anv ■well Selected S t 0 3 k of G-rooe- i years as accurately as a tl(X) watch. A n d for a little work we give Goli watches. Bicycles, sewing machine.^. Guns, etc. Sam ples and partic.iars free. Seu.i us yo.ir address to-day i: you do no more, and see h o w easily you can get .something nice you wain. W e will :iurprise you. Please dou'i wait a mio'iti;, send now. Better en­ close 5 s ^ m p s for trial subscription \ T T ^ U T T ^ 'K T and present, or 2 >! stamps for wasc-- I r P iiilM and paper while the watcnes are goirs ' U i . U i t i l free. T h e P A S T I M E Pub. Com pany. Louisville, K y . lies Always On Han;’. Yours to Serve, D. M. MILLER, Salisbury, Xorth :arolina. RAILWAY. I * ^ 0 h "jrr.fi ! ), Paccy Pit liior.sK i i .a N 'u s o MB. lED-EOOK SI a x d K X T B A THAT W5I.L a STON*"”] In’!. I'-ill t.; fii-f Klf*' in need it{ anytli'***^ Fumitiije B E T O Y O r B >5'^ [. W. WMCB’’'! |E . - . STAN'DARD RAILWAY OF THE SOUTH. |i>e Dii-ect Line to all Points. SA8, UFORNU. OKIDA, and PORTO RICO. I'ct'y Fit St Cliiss Equip, fit on ail Through and Ln- r *. BeaiingtoaSln^e Barrel Breech rcan Sleeping Cars onall Night Loading Gun, - $6.50 Fast i d Safe Schedules.. .... £4.50, 16 00 IravM bT the Southern and . Ixjaded Shelia, 3oe a box. vOU as.s(ire<i a Safo. fvOiTi«' i Expeditious! Shot, <c. per pound. Primers, 12c. a box. All Other Goods Equally Low. F . M . ROBERTS, 445 Liberty Street, WINSTON, N. C. are not entitled to do so, also! Why cut out the ra8<;als in one parly and lea\ e them iu the other? The Post can’t defend that law and honpblly say it was passed for the jiurpast; of {r?’ iu 2 to every one li^i.iv.'iiy riUilied, ;i right to vote at ti;c iicx.': eiocU'in. >Tow, lir. Post, if you are in favor of giving to t’oual property an educational qual. iiication to deprive the poor white men of their privilege to vote. The gentlemen above referred to are re­ minded of this, hence their oppo­ sition to the ameudment, as at that time iLcy and their fathers be­ longed to the poor class, and they knew it would eli'ect their less for­ tunate fellow beiugK. It’s the same old fight over agsiiu that was fought every one h-.nesilv entitled to reg-•’ • ° ment opposing each other. Withister unaer the law of 1S99, the right to do so, tell us if you wil! aid us in counting those votes as i-ast, aud not join the Simmons crov.-d in throwing out the votes of the po<ir illiterate white men who, not being able to read the laliel on the boxes, places his ballot in the wrong box? Now, Mr. Post, are you iu favor of that part of the law •< hich forbids a friend who can this slight dilt'ercnce, then it was the slave holdiug landed aristoc­ racy against the poor white labor­ ing class. Now it’s the otl'spring of the slave-holdiug landed aris­ tocracy who have eat up all their dadies left them, and ate to > proud to work (H’s office now or perish), against the laboring class. Of course, the Democrats are liopiug to force this miserable sufl'- i-age upon the people by going up aud down the State hollowing nig- ^'erl nigger! employing a lot of r^ the better lass of Democrats are disgiuited with such barbarianiem aswasprac- ticed duriug the last campaign and the nigger vrill not be in it this time; it will be the office-hold­ ing and oBice-seeking Democrats agivinst the white laboring class. Brother (,'lick, I know yon are a modest man, seeking uot your own, j progress of the school has been aud I do uot wish to beuudersio id rapid, and for the past six years, as suggestiug to our friends iu your senatorial district. I know will do what is right, but it strikes me from the hard work tl’at yon have done for the people’s cause, and still doing, you should have another chance for (Senator in that district. If yon had receive.l your Hues, you would have been elected before, and if nomiuated next year everything points to your election. •fourn sy. for Tim- Ta- T e«. Rates and General infor­ mation, or addresfi I VERNOX, p. R. d a r b y , Eh,^otte,N.c. toasswee qtobtighs. ^ s. GiWtOK, M. CIILP. ■ iGn Mm. faS. Mtn. 1 R. P. 1. ^AgHJN&TON. D. C. f i n e s t o c k f o b s a l e . A n y nerson deairine to buy a Jack r Je n iy , or Jenny colU, or other fine ock, w iU do w e U to call o n ______ or stock.T . A . B R D N T , Farm ington, n. c. read, from showing his less fortu- ite neighbor the proper box iu shirts from South Carolina and get hich to dep<«<it his ballot tu order | "“S "P riot;^ V 'but, thauk G j> , e-.<n * ‘ “that It miiy be counted? Now, Mr. | Post, do you endorse the bold and unrighteous deception your party is ai tempting, in saying to the poor white man who cannot read or write, “that yoar rights are uot to be iuterfered with,” and then pass an election law which virtually dis- I'ranchises every ignorant voter by requiring him to place his ballot in he proper box, when you know he cannot do so ■without assistance? In conclusion, dear Post, we have tried so hanl to get some you iutel ligeut Democratic editors to eluci­ date some of the glaring inconsist­ encies of this law, which you are so feebly attempting to defend. Now, if you will convince me that this law is going lo give to every man in North Carolina the right to vote who is honestly entitled to do so, and that under its provisions all those votes w'ill be honestly coun - ed as cast, I will endorse it and say it’s a good law. 'Will yon please tell us who deposits the ballots in the box under your 1899 law, the judges or the voter? If the voter deposits his own ballot, please tell Its if every man, white and black, who cannot read, is not virtua'ly disfranchised by the operation of sections 23 and 29 of yonr honest election law. Now, be fair and an­ swer these questions specifically, and make it so plain that all can understand. Don’t leave the most ignorant longer in doubt. We arc as much opposed to rascality in one party as another. If we are wrong in our construction of this 1899 law, we want to be corrected. We have no desire or inclination to deceive the people. Help ns to a proper understanding of your law and we will thank yon profoundly. North State, why do you slumber and sleep while the enemy is near? Hickory, N. O. c. r. c. The Durham Herald (Dem.) says; “We blame the negro for sticking to the Republican party throngh thick and thin, but the majority of us exercise no better judgment and continue to vote as our fathers did regardless of plat­ forms or conditions. Yadkin Valley Institute, ^ Boonville, H. C. Represents a high type of the pre­ paratory school. Uses the most efficient methoos in education. Pre­ pares boys and girls for college and fits them for business and life. One of the best to infuse with energy, to wake up boys and girls to the duties of life. Represented this year iu a halt dozen leading col­ leges aud universities. 208 stu­ dents from three States last year. North C.arolina Students this fall all the flay from the Caldwell line on the west to Jones and Bertie counties on the east. Expenses average only ?40 per term of five mouths. Competent teachers, firm discipline, thoroughness iu all thijgs. Good reading room and excellent literary societies. Stu­ dents can enter at any time and find siiitable cksses. Our catalogue tells of the location, life, aim. and what it means to a boy or girl tu attend school here. Spring term will open January 8, 1900. The m gdow ell &ro q ers > -■ Winston’s Cheap Clotlae^, -BUYEUa FOR- 3 -T H E E B MAMMOTH STORES.- 3 WE SELL FOR LESS, BECAUSK WE BUY CUKAPBB TH.AN SMALL 'DnALEIW. BOMB SP E C IA L S : 300 Suits at $3 50, $500 and $650, WORTH S3.0» TO W.OO. 500 SUITS ?7.50 TO »10.00, WORTH tll.OO TO 150 Orercoiti, $2.50 t» W.50, wartk »3.7» ta $18,09. 200 OVERCOATS, $7.50 to *12..">0. Worth »2ft.00 to If you have bought of us you know us; if you haven’t yoti should try us, and learn your saving. GEBAT V a l u e s in Hats, Shirts, Ti««, and Underwear. W Don't Ff'rgst the Place when You Come to undr r the present inatiageraent.it tlsey has lieen broadening its field ant’, raising its standard until now it stands among the foremost of North Carolina prepar.atory school*. Its reputation is more than local. You >'’ill Ite pleased with our thorough work aud atti-active location. Sent, for ."iO-pi.ge illustrated catalogue Address R. B. HORN, I'rincipal, Boonville. N. C. D issolution 5ale. Some membei-s of the firm of House, Stodemire Cfc Co., will withd-J'w January 1 j'. In o der to take up their shares, our stu k must be reduced at *’ A great sacrifice! Our sample rooms, including two warehouses, are jam full, and to turn this immense stock into cash in such a short time means to Almost Give Away! Now Listen! To meet those members who are going to withdraw, means we must meet them with the cash. So, 11" you have some cash, come get your part of this large stock. Listen! We Will Giye Yon a StOYe At 20 iier cent, below costj aud remember, our stoves were bongbt before ^he great rise. Get your beds, chairs, dressers and anything .ve have in stock at your Own price. We mp,t turn it into money by January 1st, 1900. Large lot of china closets, i-K)ok cases, and ladles’ desks to go just anyway for cash. Respectfully, House, Stoiemire & Compajiy, At Central Hotel, SALISBTjBY, K. C. G. T. GLASCOCK & SONS, G R E E K S B O E O , N . C . . FOiniDEBS AND MACHINISTS. Mannfictnrers of Tnrbine Water Wheels, The CABOLK^ COOK STOVE, Heating Stoves. Coal Grates, Conntry Hollow W»re Plows, Plow Castings and Peed Cutter*. SPECIAL CASTINGS OF ANT DBSCIOPTION. Every Article M a n u fa c ta re J b y U s Guaranteed in Every B«jwt. E. H.MOBBIS, 4Lgent. at MOCKSVILLE. K. C. Record p«per and 3 tickets. Presents - . A In pelc-etinft a Sewing Muchine, pick ont the OOP that runs the lighteBt. sews the fnstest, mskeo tho least noiee 18 ino>.t durable, will not bre»k ttio threod if ron backward, will not pack­ er tha lightoBt fabrics, bas patent spool wire, nutomBtio tention releaao ball bearing, etc. THE WHEELER & WiSON poBBC'-fies all tho ubovo poiuts of bu- periority o>er any other make. Coeta nothing to exftmine one. For eale by E- B O W E N , WlLStOD, N . C. H R i s r n A s . 5ieie!eif^ Tho little folks are looking for Santa Claus each meal; Tlioy ever hear the SQUsic of his toy-laden wheel. They love tbo cUimnoy corner when tlie eveninfT sbndowB tall. For there’s where alf the stockings hang—tlio very best ofalll. They’re jest the sweetest children now that erer you have knowD, A.nd all the world is brighter for those dear ways ol their owq« They love the chimney corner—for there’s where Santa comes, . And he’s bringing them their rattles, and all tbeir dolls and drums. K E S X A L C H E E R . n^^ap on more woodi—the wind is chili; But let it wbistld as it will, We’Jl ketp our Christmas jnerry still. Each nge has deemed the newborn year The Attest time for festal cheer. . * T R Y TH E . . ‘NEW ROME ”SEWIKB MINE. WRITEFOROIBCUliilSSWS ^w ing Machines we maoufaclure and their prices before you purchase any other. TBENEWKOHESEWINBHIGHINEGO.. O^BAyOE, MASS, aUntoo&iaare,N.Y. Chicago. ilL St. Lools, Ho, Dallas, Texas. San FrunciKCO, Col. AtlaaU,G4. FOR SALE BV Free tnition. Wc give one or more free scbol* aisfcips iu every couaty in the U. & Write us. Will accept nolesfortuition orcan dejxJat money in bank until positic-n is secured. Car fare paid. No vacation. En- !Posiiions,*, Suaranteed Under reasoKable conditions: . . .ter at any time. Opcnforbotli seres. Chaap beard. 5endfor 'free illustrated catalogue. Aodress J. F. D&aughox, Pres t, at either place. O r a u s h o n ’s P p a c t i c a U . . . . B u s i n e s s Hashyille, Tenn., d » Galveston, Tex., Savannah, Ga.. ^ Texarkana, Tex. Bw*keeplng, Shorthand. Typewiitiae. •fr.The most Ouirough. . fradiail and progressive schools of the kind tn the world, and the best ^o/TMtsafones in the South. Indorsed bank­ ers, meniants ministers and others. Four weeks in bookkeeping witi us are equal to weeks by the old plan. J. F. Draughon, President, is anthor of Draughon's New System of BocJclceepmg, “Double Eniiy Made Ea^.” s ^ y . We have prepared, for home •tad)', books on txwkkeeping, penmansUp and ahoithand. Write for pnce Est “Bome Stody ** ict. “PaoF. Draughon—I learned book- gat home from your boots, while' ' i ------» n as n if^ t telegraph operatorIjBFTOOVTELl., Bookkeeper for G«ber .Wholesale Grocery South Chicago. Ill {Mertum ihxs paper when M][l T*lW R’S f K S S “ ^»FREE nionth's trial subscrijilion . WUPr TODcn, CanditiUM, STT»etli#arts, Tesrhers.' w c o n s id r ^ the best w ork th at h as ever come from Gov. Taylor’s gifted pen. His repata- tloa as a Tvnfer, bttmcrist, orator^ and eulerlcwcr<«:> « Turner, enmcnst, oi is as wide as the world itself. The l l l ^ r c ^ 2'outk and A_<reIs a fiomlmonthlr 30amal,16to82 pages, «levotttl to Fiction, Port-WfjAlJVCJTUKES BY S fA AND LjlND, WlT AND.BiocnAniv, *^Avia.s, Science, smd inff^mation. Departments: iromcn's. KncmMge Jiox, hi»h-grade iUaslratcdlllcraryjoumalcf national circulation publishcil iu the Soutlu Make « TOld watch, diamond rinf:, or bicycle by doine a Uttfc W .C for u£^ Sample cople* free."" Addi^ The\o«i <and AgftPrl>.r-»., >n<tbTtlle,Teno. ^HtM^uuAHVflLLEljg" T H R O U G H S L E E P E R S . K n o x v i l l e X e w y o r K . V JA l^ V ’XATtJRflLBRIDGE: ILQOa®, Norfolk TO COLUMBUS. C L O S E C O m C U O N S W.B.BEVILI . .ROANOK V Dyspeps'% Cure Digests w hat you eat. Itartificially digests th e food and aids K atu re in strengthening and recon* fitructingthe exbau-'it'^d digestive or­ gans. I t is th e la test discovered digest- a n t and tonic. N o other preparation can approach it in eificiency. I t in­ stan tly relieves and perm anently cures D yspepsia, Indio^estion, H eartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stom ach, Nausea, Sick H eadache,G astralgia,Cram ps,and allo th erresu ltso f im perfectdigestion. prepared by E. C. DeWItt & Co^ Chicago C . 0 . S a n fo r d . m \B h E little M ax found o u t aboat the weakness of the flesh aud the will- i u g u e s s of the spirit at about the same time that his first r e a l disap- pointmeuts came to him, and im m e­ diately after his first attempt to commit the virtue of sel^-sacrifice. M ax was six years old. His dog *^Jack” was au amiable creature, and had endeared himself very much to his master. Jack had to get in the way of a truck, and Jack died. The hope of M a x’s heart was the fact that when he, too, died, — which because of the death of Jack he then hoped would be very soou,— he would meet Jack in heaven. Somebody— some unimaginative person— told M a x that dogs did uot go to heaven, that they hud no pouls. That was M a x ’s first great disappointmeut. T he second wns like unto it. T he same somebody— one of those bothersome bodies wl o put shoes and stockings on little boys on rainy days in the summer, aud make them wear uncomfortable clothes when they go iu swimming— told M a x the whole story of Santa Claus. M a x took his sonowful heart to his mother’s knee, and, hoping against hope, told her what he had iieard, and when it was all over he felt bet­ ter, for iu place of the beautiful story he had lost she had told him another. In the long, coo] grass down near the water’s edge, he thought of the new story, and the more he thought of it the better he liked it. “ If Dot was to fall in that water there,” he said half aloud, as he sat np and looked out over the dancing wavelets of tho lake, “ I ’d dive in after her. Maybe I ’d be drowned,”— he hesitated for a moment and shud> dered— “ but what of that? I ’d be self-sacrificing. Sappof>ia’ I was drowned; anyhow, tliey’d put me in the parlor, aad everybody would cry and say I was a good boy, and had given up m y life for Dot. A n d I would give it up for her, that I would.” Whei-eupon M a x began to think of such terrible things that might hap­ pen to his sister Dot, who was only four years old, and of still more ter­ rible things that might happen to him, if he should try to sacrilice himself for her, that pretty soon he began to feel a little weak in the kuees, and it b.egan to got cold dowu in the grass, and the little boy decided to whistle and go to see the pigs. While he was poking them in the ribs. M ax had au idea. It saddenly occtirred to him that there was no flense in his making it a matter of life and death jast to sacrifice himself. His mother had told him ibat men and: women gjive gifts to their little children at Christmas to make them happy, and that sel -denial aud self- sacrifice were the true essence of the Christmas spirit. M a x had a little fortune stored away in hia bank. This fortune be decided to .sp en d to m ake D o t h a p p j. ^^ull of this idea, he ran to his mother. H er consent was a matter of course, aud M a x arranged the pre­ liminaries. VDot,” he said that night, as they la y in their cribs, “ how do yon like Chri^inases?” eyes grow big. She remem- b e ^ d ' the dolls of the past winter, and the lights of the Christmas tree, and M ax thanked his stars that he had thought of such a grand Bchome, when the very idea of it made Dot so happy, “ .Well,” said he, w hen she had told h im .^ the strongest term s how very m uch she liked Christm ases, *^ou just w atch out day after to-morfow, and hang up your stocking to-morrow, and yoaUl see tn o th er Christm as. T hai’s w hat*’ Dot suggested that it was auminer> time. Bat M ax said that was allright, that Kris Eringle was coming in a haj-wigon, and that the reindeer had been turned into mules with great long ears. Dot fell asleep with wou- derfal thpngbte of reindeer turnediQ- to mhles with long ears, and M ax sighed,'' remembering his own fond fancies about Kris Kringle, and how he, to9i had been happy once. T he Boit day was full ot work for the little boy. First, he had to keep Dot’s thbnghts keyed ap to the most intense pitch, for the little girl could not get over her donbts about the reindeer and tho snow. Then he had to consult the bank. H e found there was jnst sixty-six cents in it. In the first excitement ot hia desire to sacrifice himself hb had decided to spend every cent he had; bat now, on second thoughts, he concluded that half of his fortune would buy enough things to fill his sister’s stocking, and then ho wonld still have a little money left. Finally, he compromised on twenty-five cents for Dot, aud with just a little feeling that he was not as generous as ho should be, he went down into the village to make his purchases. H e bought a large orange for the toe of the atocking, and an apple to go B y W A R R E X M c V E I O M . nest, and then a lot of cnnrty and kisses, and then a banana to peep out of the top. W ith his purchases tucked nnder his coat, ho stole home, and though Dot was fast asleep in the nursery, taking her afternoon nap, M a x had all the-fun aud mystery of stealing cau­ tiously into the house through the rear cellar door. M a x held it at arm’s length and looked at it again with increasing pleasure, and thought what a wonderfully fine banana it wasi to be sure. Then it occurred to him that ‘*0N THE FLOOR IiAY THE LITTXE TOT o r A HUMAN BEING, CRYING AS IP HIS HEART WOUIiD BREAK.” H e tiptoed upstairs, and hid his things in the darkest corner of the and good and temptin garret, and then, with much impa- ' ---«« tience, he waited for night. Night came, and the little girl was tucked away in her bed. The mother and father had gone out for the even­ ing, and M a x had the whole house to himself. So, after Dot was fast asleep^ he got ont of his crib and went up in­ to the garret for the good things he had bought that day. Then he tiptoed down to the nursery agaiu, and, after looking ut his sister to m ake sure that she was fast asleep, he began to fill her stocking. This done, he eat dowu near the Dot wouldn’t m ind a bit if he took half of it. H e could tell her all r.bouti it in the morning. She always gave him half of everything she had, and beside.s, hadn’t he bought all those things for her? and even if ho ate the whole bauana there would bo plenty of fruit left for her. So he ato the w'hole of it, aud then, half ashamed of himself, he hid tho skin ^lnder the chair and took another look at his sis­ ter to make sure that she had not seen him. A n d still the stocking looked so full that M ax thought if he could only have one candy, or one of the kisses, he would be supremely happy; and so ke took one ont and tested it, and it was so good that he ate another and an­ other--- Until, all of a sudden, before he half knew what he had done, the door flew open, and there stood his father and mother. And on tbo floor lay the little tot of a hum an being, crying as if his heart would break, for the stocking hung flat and empty, aud M ax h ai begun to realize that all of his self*sacrifice had been in vain; |i0 U S E |1 0 L D J^y\S Q p O W | ! SIJ^GE Ly\5J TOAST. Here’S to Christmas time in Ouba, where ft*s nlooty in tho shade; Ht'ro's to Ohrlstmus !n Alaska, near where Santa’s toys are made; Here’s to Christmas In Hawaii and in Porto Rico, too; Here’s to Christmas in Manila, with our soldier boys in bine; Hwre's to Uocle Sammy’s Ohrlstmas, thouRh we quarrel o’er its size: Here's to Christmas, merry Christmas, where’er the old Uag fliesl night-lamp, and contemplated his work. T he stocking really did look very beautiful. T he orange ana th® apple m ade big lumps at tho toe, and one end of tho banana peeped ont at the top of the stocking, very inviting and nice. M a x decided to sit up and hear what his mother had to say about his work. H e knew that she would take him ou her lap and kiss him, and call him a good little boy, andmaybe, bethought, she wonld cry a little. M a x always liked it when his mother cried over him. It made him feel queer and nice. The minutes crept along, and still the little boy sat iu the dim light watohingthe stocking,listening to Dot that he was nothing but a selfish, t4ioughtless little boy. and that his sister. Dot, would have nothing but disappointed tears for him in the morning.— St. Nicholas. “h e sat down kear the night -lamp , AND CONTEMPLATED HIS WOBK.” breathing lazily in her sleep, and thinking of what a good boy he bad been, and how nice it was to sacrifice yourself for another’s happiness. A nd then all of a sudden it oc­ curred to him that there was nothing in'the world that he liked better than bananas. The oue he had bought for Dot was the very best one iu the mar­ ket, thick and rich and yellow. M ax hadn’t tasted a banaiia in a month, and the more he looked at the tempt­ ing banana in Dot’s stocking the more he yearned for just one bite of it. M a x arose and went over to the stocking. H e bad made up his mind jnst to take it out and smell it, and then to put it back where it had been. S astaC lans—“ Heavenn? H ere] _______________ been r^ady for ten m inutes and I t sm elled i s r j good indeed, and ‘ find m j m ittener* Itrin eln s in tito Boar'a H ead. r E C U B E among the few Christ­ mas 7iand3 of “ Merry Enc;- land,” which ' V *. /;?v seem never to have fallen un­ der the special ban of puritanic proscription, were the “ baron of beef” consisting of two ^ sirloins (a barou being, as au old writer tells us, “ twice the dignity of ft knight” ), and thaf lordly dish, pl*ec- ious in tho eyes and fragrant in the nostrils of otir fathers— the lK>ar’s bead. That worthy old chronicler, Dug- dale, describing ancient Christmas customs, says: “ Service in tho cTinrch ended, the gentlemen presently repair into the hall to breakfast with brawn, mustard and Malmsey. At dinner, at the first coarse, is served a fair and large boar’s head upon a silver platter, with minstrelsy.” A later writer tells as tbat “ Am ong the earliest books.'published in England was a collection of carols prepared to be sung as an accompaniment to the grand entree of the boar’s head.” B R IT ISH LOSS W A S GREA T. The Kishland Erir'i= Fails to Orivs IhB Ene­ my From l!s Poiilion— The British Are Now Iniiexhing Ttiemsslvos. C hristinas 0 » y W aa U nkuow n. Christmas D a y was unknown to Clement of Alexandria,and only adopt­ ed at Antioch from Rom e in 376 A . D . , according to Chrysostom. T he Romali festival coincided with the old dieii natalis luvicti Solis. aeltiug Absent'Miadea* The I.ondon .war office has received the following dispatch from General Methuen, dated Tuesday, December 12 : “ Our artiilen' shelled a strong posi­ tion held by the enemy in a long, Iiigh kopje from 4 until dusk Sunday. The Hi«’-hland brigade attacked at daybreak on Monday the south end of the kopje. The aitack was properly timed, but fail­ ed The guards were ordered to pro­ tect the Highlands’ right and rear. Ih e cavalry and mounted infantry, with a howitzer artillery battery, attacked the enemy on the left and the guards on the right, supported by field artillery and howitzer artillery. “They shelled the position from day­ break. and at 1:15 I sent the Gordons to support the Highland brigade. The troops held their own in front of the enemy's intrcncliments until dusk, -the position extending, including the kopjc, for a distance of six miles toward the Modder river. To-day I am holding my position and intrenching myself. I had to face at least i 2 ,coo men. Our loss was great. “ As the Bo{.t^ occupied ihcir trench­ es s:rongly tliis morning I retired in perfcct order here, where I am in se­ curity. " I have gathered from.some of the prisoners and irom our men with the ambulances, who talked with the Boers, that the enemy's losses were terrible, some corps being completely wiped out. The Boers have been most kind to my wounded.” The W a r Office Saturday received a dispatcli announcing that General Bul- Icr has met with a serious reverse, los- injr 1 1 guns. General Bullcr was attempting to cross the Tugela river. Finding it im­ possible to elYect his object, he ordered a retirement in order to avoid greater losses. Since the days of the Indian mutiny England has not been confronted with so paiiiful ;ind anxious a situation. Plainly General Culler’s advance is par­ alyzed’ f<^r the moment as completely as Lord Mcthui-n's and General Gatacre’s. The depn'ssion over the defeat of Great Britain’s trusted and idolized commanrler is all the greater, as. dur­ ing the last hours, there had been re­ ports of the relief of Ladysmith. Fri­ day the W a r Office allowed it to be un­ derstood that the position of affairs in Natal was entirely satisfactory. The re­ action is all the more pronounced on this account. The London war office publishes the following dispatch front Gen. Foresiier- Walker at Cape To w n: “ Gatacre reports: Deeply regret to in­ form you thut I met with a serious re­ verse in the aitack on Stormbcrg. I v/as misled as to the eneniy s position by the guides and found impracticable ground. The war olViee ha.s received the follow­ ing dispatch from Cape T o w n dated Sat­ urday night: “The po.siilon of the enemy in Storm- berg district last night was the follow- ing: "A t Stormberg, six laaffcrs, at D o r­ drecht, 800 men; 23 miles south o£ Sterkstrooin, 220 men. “ The railway bridge at Modder river was completed December 7 . Methuen reports that he made a demonstration up the line of the railway at daylight with artillery. The enemy did not respond. Methuen is receiving the remainder of his reinforcements and supplies. H e has e-itablislied detached oosts on his line of communication. The Times publishes the following dispatch from ';SloUeno: “ Gen. Gatacre attempted to assault the Boer position at Stormberg at dawn to­ day (Sunrlay). The guides led us wrong and v/e were surprised while in fours and after .t very trying night march. Our rctiremciu was cffcclcd in excellent or- dcr, there beiuR no hurry even at the most critical time. The Northumber- lands and Iri.'h rifics behaved as if on review day. I fe:ir onr losses are heavy. One of our guns we had to abandon.” It is hardly too much to regard Gen. Gatacre’s repulse near Stormberg as the most serious defeat British arms have yet sustained in the whole campaign. Already the official advances show that .2 men were killed. 9 officers and ir men were wounded and 0 ofKcer.-t and 596 men are missing. But it is evident that the worst is not yet known. The pro­ portion nf wounded and killed is so small, when compared w’ith the missing — who are undoubtedly pri.soners in the hands of the Boers— that the supplemen­ tary list «»f casualties is awaited with se­ rious misgiving. It is also feared that there were seri­ ous losses of guns and equipment. The most serious aspect of the afrair is the effect it is likely to have on tlie Dutch in Cape Colony, who have been wavering as to whether to throw in their lot with the Boers. Hosts of the north­ ern farmers are now likely to join the rebellion. The defeat is also serious be­ cause it will delay the function of Gen. Gatacre and Gen. French at Naauw- poort.' The plan was lor their combined forces t-^ relieve the pressure on Lord ^letliuen's column. The disclosure oi such a strong force at Stormberg was quite unexpected. Doubtless Gen. Gatacre was the victim of treacherous guides. But the result points also to the absence of proper cav­ alry scouting. The war office has received the fol­ lowing from General Foreslier-Walkcr: "Cape Town, Dec. 11 .— Gatacre re­ ports as follows: The idea to attack Stormberg seemed to promise certain success, but the distance was underesti­ mated by myself and the local guides A policeman took us round some miles* and consequently we were marching from 9:30 p. m. till 4 a. m., and were landed in an impossible position. I do not consider the error intentional. The British transport Sicigan i- aground near the U s.Palm as, Canary t i ^ " ' ^ condU In the fighting at Modder river Sun­ day Gen. Cronjc maintained his dost U on and captured fifty British soldiers The I.pcrs captured three British m ns in the cnCTgemcnt with Gen. GataCTc"! forces at btormberg. •‘^icre s It will take t\vo months to repair the bridge over the Modder river which the Boer.s have destroyed. The lilr.slish transport Raoidin • = : ! „ f J - " ' butif-ri^riu ’I Gen. Fiinston has arrived at Manila. “ Q u o Vadis is being produced on the ^''Wogus silver .dollars are being cir­ culated in Western Pennsylvania. Governor Davis will not allow the Spanish flag on public buildings in Por- '"Twentv-five Irish-American young men h a « left Cleveland. 0 ., to fight with the Boers. The Edgewood Institute for the deal and dumb, near Pittsburg Pa., was de- stroved by hre last Thursday. a ' counterfeiter who disposed of spurious nickels to newsboys, was cap- tiired in Pittsburg last Thursday. Betthor Lanish and F.ila Mcugel, ot Tarentum, near Pittsburg. Pa., were run down and killed by an express tram last Thursday. The Republican National Committee has decided that Secretary of \var. Root, will be McKinley’s running mate next year. , , . Five cars of bottled beer leit Cincin­ nati Thursday for a saloonkeeper at Manila who says his ilcmand is eight cars a week. Governor Poyiiter. ot Nebraska, has appointed ex-Senator Allen to fill the vacancy caused by the death ot Sena­ tor-elect Has'ward. President Faunce, of Brown Univer- sitv. announces a $J 5-000 gilt to the in­ stitution from cx-Mayor Chester W ard Kinsley, of Cainbndge, :.lass. Irving Shaw, 14 .'ears of age, was convicted at Saratoga, N . V , of mur­ dering his playmate. Jesse Blanche, and sentenced to life imprisonment. Louis A . Gourdain, of New' York, was sentenced to <nic year in the peni­ tentiary for engaging ni banking with­ out permission of the superintendent of banks. _ William S. Taylor was inaugurated as governor of Kentucky at noon Tues­ day. The crowd was much smaller than in past years, due to the December blizzard. There are unconfirmed rumors cur­ rent in Vienna that the government has resigned or is about to resign, on ac­ count of the persistent Czech obstruc­ tion. John O . Donner, superintendent oi the American Sugar Refining Company and the great expert in his business, die<l Wednesday on the eve of his de­ parture for Europe. Large orders in connection with the construction of the Shan-Tung railroad have reached Germany, am ong them or­ ders for 65,000 tons <»f rails, 24 locomo­ tives and 700 cars. At a Republican jollification at Ir­ vine, Kv., Edward Park.*;, the town mar­ shal. was killed by Fred Ashcroft and Charles Wallace, negro, and the latter was fatally injuretl. A committee of Philadelphia Friends have begun the shipment of 35,000 pounds of supplies for the Doukhobors, or Russian Quakers in Canada, who are reported in distress. A rise in the waters of the Ohio river made it possible to move 32 ,000,000 bushels of coal w’hich was awaiting shipment at Pittsburg for Cincinnati and Mississippi river points. Paul Blackman director of affairs un­ der Commissioner-General Peck for the Paris Exposition, confessed insolvency at Chicago and asked to be discharged of debts aggregating S51 .126 . Wliiie four men undertook to force an entrance to the Deep River Savings Bank at Deep River. Conn., Harry D . Tyler, the watchman, fired a shotgun and instantly killed one of them. In a freight wreck on the Penn.nylva- nia railroad Wednesday between Plains- horo and Princeton, N . J., Engineer Spiegler, Fireman Henicker and Brakeman Zogbaum were killed. John Reymerhoffer, Austrian consul at Galveston, Tex., died stuldenly on Broadway. N ew York. Wednesday. H e was on a visit with his wife lo the city to visit his two daughters, who reside there. The United States Supreme Court has decided against the clainiants for $3 ,- 062.000 datuages to the La Abra M in­ ing Company, claimed to iiavc resulted from the action of the Mexican govern­ ment. Joseph R . McFee, social superintend- of the Salvation army, is about to es­ tablish in Baltimore a poor man’s hotel similar to those operated by the Salva­ tionists in N e w York, Chicago and San Francisco. PROFESSOR ROBS A GRAVE. -______P L A T i ■ ora to oppress hia ' : You can not urav feel with thoKi. N o man is wrong wltii imiHinjj" ''-''a., Ambition jim,!,., h’;,., always land right, , You can not a fire by the < :ae:;li;“ 5 God's harrow.s i f ' ~ " J runners of lli.< h u v '''"’J Prayer wiihoui prattle. V/hi^ky as as mas:er. " ’ ' The atheist chy in moral l.iv.-. ‘ ' The mc--t corjir.”-. •- these or’ the Personal tacoiria v • pc-!itical demc: The man vho ., will u:-ually "Ct They only fuvi who •Aill to;i iVr . The only dari: af the heart aud i;;.. Should Have Dici! at Ws,f. “ M any," phi’sieian wliu aiTimi;..:ii:„iTf ill* on St. Heli-na. ^ J that I ou.cfiit t.j luvr* .1 Others Kiio that uiiuin'- u. | cd me— that Water!..., b-y career ol’ arms for.nrr. j:-, I ion is that 1 »*uuh( t.* I Waterloo, iiiTha?:^;; U smiles of fortinii* w.-n- ;• experienml hm | ward; hitherto i ic^i i, . ed. I on"ht lo liave .i , ; ' But the mi.^foniii,. i.. ;! iiijin seeks dcaili v. it. M en wt n- !:!i!nl .i;.,.. fore, behind, ev-'ryv.;, . • w as no bullet i*.)r ni.\" O n anoiher e«r.’i.-i'.:i i J ■‘H a d 1 at Mjk. iv.-1 left behind !»!•> a r. puiri-; qucror without a ] ball ousht tk» havf ; tliofo, where.^s a ; dies in mi>;i‘ortun<'. liN i.--| lessened. Then 1 Ii:;.! cheek. X o d(*r.bi :ifi.rv.r zeu and Baiuzen. \utli;iar| emits and W'ithoni < lished m y reput:ui«m. aitj J paign of IS U , whh force, did not lei>t'n."->v| World. S O U T H E R N Ccndeass'l dangerous position, Privalicns at L dysmith. The followmg dispatch nn« __ ceivedlrom the Boer laagerne^r"!:^.!': i:' i s s & s * •hat men and"‘ho7sesin Tadyfnith'*” '^ indictcd on the chiro-o i ’ • l>'^en Pellcd his s t c n l ^ X to “ P ' per month ot his salary, $i.6oo in Says He Had Permission From !he Dead Girl’s Mo'hcr. Dr. Oliver T . Osborne, professor ol materia medica and therapeutics in Yale medical school, and also a practicing physician connected with Yale dispen­ sary, was arrested Thursday morning on a charge alleging unlawful disinter­ ment of a body. The warrant was is­ sued at the request of the coroncr. The body of Bessie Van Lew, a 13 - 3'ear-old colored girl who was buried in the ^\^stville cemetery, was removed trom the grave and taken to an under­ taker s morgue. Dr. Osborne claims that he had permission from the mother of the girl to perform an autopsv pn> vidiuf? the other members of the fam.ly would not know of it. The doctor was released on bail.__________ Beef Poisoned in a Rafrigerator. According to a letttcr received at H e ­ lena, Mont., .200 of the 1.300 men of the Ihirty-fifth regiment were poisoned While eii route to Manila on the trans­ ports Rio de Janiero and Sikh by eat­ ing fresh beef supplied at Honolulu. Une man, a private, whose name is not given, died from the cfFects of eating the meat, despite the heroic efforts of the surgeons. The writer of the letter, a lieutenant m the r^iment,_ attributes the poison- ng to a faulty reirigerator plant, where­ by some of the acids used in making ic« came in contact with the meat, which to the eye and taste was annarently i first-class condition. M any narrow es­ capes are reported. Exlens'vs Swindler Jjilsd. Osmer W . Roper, of Newark N T with misuse o f’ti; g r S e r S a V t e U l r s '^ t d T c a '? ^ that he operated the Realty Corporation Company of New Jersey, th» RealtJ a a is z s i& 'S S ? ward m o n e y _u ^ o n _a l!e ^ iT o ln ? /°"- Killed in a Foreign Land. a s s k J - 'J dered The killing, as reported was^ol a particularly aggravated tyne and *i • act, together with the promin o t h e r s «o an°! re/i|^r^'ng''{rWasWn,^oJ!7^^^ ^•th peace P roposal ?rom P r « ^ " ^ Kroger, for the state d e p S ^ ^ " t . ' Kurtliboaud. N«1. ’>2. \ - j L/a;l . I_________I _ Lv. Atlr-nta.CXi 7:<\ AtlamuK'i “ Kori-ro.’ttJ.. ___ ** Girlu-.'sville " l.uia ....... “ Cornelia....“ i^l.Airy... Lv. 'iocv a......** Wmbisier. “ Scneea....... “ Ceuiral___ ** t-vjeenriiic. ** t*pr.r’bnr;C.« G-uSney.... •• Bia-.-lirbar'e: Ki-jR-sMt.. “ Gustonia. “ Cliarlotte.. Ar. Gre'nsijoro ij ..*1 •• Ju 11 31 » n o.;«, IJ 14*;: - ''i'' ;• -2:.p I.V. Gre’n-sboro . Ar. 2«orfo:l;. Ar. Danville... 11 n Ar. Richmond.. Ar. W’hiu^iton.!....... •* B'lnor® P. 1.1........... “ Ph'delphin. “ Kew\ork. Southbound. X«’. cO. ' i.'u.ly Oiily Lv.N .Y ..Pii.K . *• Ph’ti<!)phia. “ PaiUnioie.. ** 'VVujh’t'.'u.. Lv. Richcjoiitl i-£ '■■■- i. .1 II \bii : K Hi 11; 1 Lv. Daiivil!o... j Lr. Norfolk....!.., Ar. ttre'uaborn ... Lv. Mre’ij.sboro A r. C iuirio tie.Lv <-iasitoaja..-Kiatr's iir............ bia-ksburtf. 11 :.l' “ (raffEcy.... Sijar'ljiirp . “ (Tr».'onrtlie.“ Central __t^eaeoa...... “ ■^"juinster. *• Toccoa..... “ Mt. Airy... ** Coraeiia... “ Lula ......... “ G-aincsville•• Buford. .. “ Norcrosii. Ar. Atlanta,ET *• Atlanta.cr 11 41.; V: 1 4 l.'.a 4 U.a. .■j li*;. FoTTirBx. &un. B etw eou Lula 8 lOp 8 60p9 SOp Xo. 13.' STATIU.N^ D n i l y . !____________^ 11 OSa'Lv. i11 in. a! “ AIiy>vilV ' 11 52 a •• Hn.ttv ny,12 aOplAr. Atht^r.- ‘-■ Note close conaecvioa • main Uno trains. “A” a.m . ‘‘P” p. m. Chesapeake Line Strsnu'r^ -'.I betwwm Norfolk and f^Nos. W and :7.|Southwestern Vcs'ib.i;- Pullman sletpia:? ean* la*? 1 New Orleans, via Wu'. ';j Montgomery, and alsti bt-t'- ^ , I ilemphis, via Wa» Jningnnm. Altio cU'Wint I OBSKfl%-AT10S l?AUSl ‘ \ork- Firstcln.s.} th' . ,tween ■WaHhiu^<m ana .* -£ j servo all ineujs an rua *'- ' i ington Monaaya, atourisT sieepingcar 1 Warfimgton and San PullmandrttWiiiK-.^*ui a-'-' , Greeasboro and Norio.£. \- Norfolk for Old Poi.NT * C-. Kos. as and U)—U n i t e . solid between “T; |via Sotithem Raiiwa: j L. & N. H. R., being ;and eoachos, thrtiutfh . sengorsof allclttsses*. sleephip cars between r leans, via Atlanta ami - I t^veen C’harlotte an<i I seryeall mealH en routo- ., Nos. 11, Its, U4 and . between Richmond ▼iUe. southbound Nos. V- " Nos.34andU. PKANKS.GANNOX, i j l Third V-P. * Geu. ■ •_ VT. P. A.. WaaTi^ngton. ^OWERED r-.ioTi::cTiafj.l I S oT ln riiitn r r o d J p'*'’'* o f -Mr. .M cK iiilel tMOeveiit >•.! ■ * ,j„cts 3Iui>y rviilUoun. t,",-!!'' r>ia?>'“ ''‘>. I'epvoducl issas 'of the Iron J .|‘ .\incricau r.iit!iority | 1 11 ho fcund useful iu traoil Ipiic.s to tho l,r| Si / i S S -S § 1)3 rouiot)ibe’*eri i iiat in 1 | _<.‘ii' fiovereii by th-.; uia''if J i:.) tiuphitcpr.Mliiirii.l Jtat-is. S tarting at .-M. lorei'^n droj au‘l iroiii :u;it jl rapidW uniil lu isl i':l.$-3.o0, tiir: to p lig u r e .1 lA u ie r ie a n t i n p r o l I d in to a c U v e e x i s t L i u f 11 e y p r o t e c t i v e ta rili* o f I l) e h e a r .I f r o m , a u d w i t l l i r i a b i y a t i e n d i n i j t h o sf l i e u t oi :fcuew i u i l n s t r y u l l a s oE p r o tc i'lio u - - u tiiu i'T ■ n e iu th o p r i e o o f im n c L [elH h p liite f e ll f r o m .- j l ) to a b ‘--x a c t h e f lioinf doiaentie. Liu jd a tl ■ cuutrolliug factor, au<f pegiuning w ith a t of tho do'ue.stie a rtiele.l lise v.-iiou Iho domesti»'f lui ded by a protective I \s le rs of the .‘iituatinu'J try, ])rie 93 of Aiuj?rien lily declined until the 1 P ', w heuthe low pniul,] la s reuehtid. At thi- lAiuerieaucon.^nnier.M, \ 1 Vt'ore imyin*.; preei.^e’ v |Iioy ha I paid for Wi-i.sl ;i,i>so;ice ot protocti 'l;i ji'i with iu r<>s} L*ly iueroa'^eU eo;U of |a;r‘-*s, tia p!i*te j>vi- [ ttivn. reaehing 7 t iho fail o€ thi« leei^t?i.<M. Bat it wl pat tho ri.'-'i; tlu* eil pt cfirrio<l li.v.sb-ick f W e i of isyi to iSU 1.1 hmer oi tin plate nty-tivd cents per )>oJ JdiclS'Jl, when the fJ ■ a s l u a a t e r o f t h e .‘^ ittT p a u c o m p e t i t i o n h a d n | f I r o u t a s a r e e u l t |ari£ ^ faat remains io be| t glance nt tlio high ^ till plate [:aid bv pi^rs prior to tlio e;itii; ! iii'lnstry in on.roirul Ian iiapre.HsiveeontraJ Ise ot priees tuat havl |i tUo tiiae n hea A m i |oilncor.s were ablo t| potion. Taken as u ' l>g in tho )ji-eaent ad\l JllU!;, as beioi-e st.ile.lC Inecs iu cost of m al ladyaiicas in the w a J Vorkers, it is for.ndl bus of doll.^irs havel P=;ii protoeiiou tn iiil P'! plate from is:)i til pill:; of tlie ;ul p p t at homo and j .1 labor iu tl.- teeiaDly sunli n lieli wa i;iana iailelil |8 wasEce.led iu ov| |n plale ijtiosLiou ^ e r in which tho rJ “ -'felviuley and / Jn o bcd tbo liuancss i ■woplo la indicated b 4 1^7 Cuuinlrollfcil Paives. Ii, eollee.if hia reporl, reports fio M ■neit ;ui,I eom iilied. 'I luvestisaiion imll |» E banking r-aoiiroT owth in uuuiber of J hicii is nnpar.illele.fl p ;O rv of the w orld,] J 1“ the past ten v e l Crs^m i.ssa to i| . that tUo iai-rease I uon-ou-era is mncl ", in the nuu| J taat the average I'ld n a l or corp..raL, | “ "0 d; th.at the rati ■ y in has decreased; t l |t ludividr.al dei.i),»l a u d l f- of lo J li" bnt| “ espros.stUe Ui,„i ■ “ 'in -- e i i 'o v e j J liH te d S i a t - .. ^ ^ . best In the grea lies l3 not what is q I what is universal.J p M ’S HORN “ a];cs Psa'^ii®^ rr- t - ' ‘’om.'”'' “»tl t v V ^ y yuioul-'’^ | l \ '\ » The'f,^^ \y-> ^ i-oi'd tjv ' ^ njCQ ' opprcjB hiia^*^'' 5‘ou , ^ j« .‘»t.rc*>«- f,„ I wirh im punii?. •:ion .innips hso-v ,. = lan<! T;ght. “ '’“t | .-n . B ot rak-ulato n ,,,, Iby ifce cracuiing it |i- harrow s cf paia “■I h of lli>s ;.a, vcst-t o J' i,ra<t;ce"''' l.-ky as mciiifiao \>:t':\ ’ I ;nhc^st ia ;he anonv [< -.loni; hiv. • < I r.iC't c'oniagiou * he-jit. • nl ilic-otraey -3 u-n:c; rr.cy. ■-■•;•' to ro ;.;lly ^'ct tM ri'. cv.ly fir.(i rc«t :o :h .! to il lo r toiilH. claT^pov.:.:,- • hcu:t :ii)(l lift’. Have Died at Waic--^j_| |i!iy.’‘ N;!pi/li‘iiu oiii-o ( of Uip„ ouiihx t.J iiavo lo * K'.iM tljji: fonun.* u^i}, -tL;il W:Ufr!.K) kul , * »>r :i\ Ills forovor. ih:ii 1 o n -h l to lo;>. p ‘rliaps :i litilr* » (►1 foi’Tuiu* v.-on* :u 1*UT ivvir-i IiiT lu'rio 1 h-.ul b v» tni;rhi 40 liavf .l.t-.l ; III;-.- m.snu-uiii. }>. • iJw H h ir.osT li>- I t'h-ii \\\ ri* kiilf'd arounO. i [ t*vi‘iy\viu'iv. btn i . nrJl- r f-.ir nu-*.*' I :ninh> r C'.i*n?i{iTj ho i i d: ‘d a t .Mosj ovr 1 ; 'iiiiiil I’!*' :i !*cpin;!;ioii a I'.r -.viThi.iu :i in y I -pvlit lit lu iw i)ut an i-nuJ v.iu-rt*:is v:iK‘\\ a :ni<fortuut\ liis i 'J'lu-n 1 h;:<l No doubt afioiT.-ard, j I-Iaiuzt'ii. witli n il; |< an<] Tviihoiu cavnlry. I r my roputaTion. aud iU | of 1-<14. w ith SI did not lessen."-Nev I 3 U T IIE R N RAr-V © « > ( • -c«’ > .-h -r* ;p s . -- ill ,.1. Nn. 12. X- L-. XX 3 ;cya;iy. L'Li.v, s jlI • .v.i. ; Is» o.,a;............; :«•ji-.r- .f ...... : J-j :>y[ C " K-t-'.' I ;i ^ . - : ! 1 -^ r-.'.M -s i5r i!->4pi •»-'l' -:v'usb<jrM ^ i ’• -J 1 'V.''jjTv'n .... IT'irvr.;*-.11 •2.:n! 1! 5='T; ••• 1:»; wa, 1 - hllir nn. 1 ........ C, ■■■■ }* ....10 I ai 1.4 13 ••• Lu«.l;r;oi; id . IMMa N". iM- V is . 1 , • ■ jiia. 1 'It*.. . • • ,:i.. Vi. iA- !\ r S i 3 11 lo r. i t P t : . : 1.1 M - ij-|. ^ ■ ; II .^i' ; t‘. v.j;: .5 : .. , -• -.ft.' V. ji.r, ;lr. /.;ry., liuf-.rL K s t is q 1 2u:i 5, sisn; a £ = ;- p «I 4 jjJ ;i;ir < ;i,ai J '-P iini‘»r4. ; 4.V>:i'......... $ :s t £k t s f .s -i-«A-::.Ti:.-..e:' r, Ilia'- ~ Betw een I.nla 0= ^ lr-:!‘' >:o.l:i. STATIONS J iii;. Diiiy. ______ . . K I..-, 11 (i.-n l.v L.11U ■ e II ./ li' ■■ MnJ^vlHc . I t ijp, a 62 a " H»j>nony, I I .. ip' IJ .Vjp Ar. , -P - p. m . "S- i ■ I n-aiK-.-ik'- Line Stcuroew « I -uoSen': .1 ^ • TIO.sCA | \ ‘ - a S' VI-;i:! ''cnevs • I^... ............ rfoik- \. l< >. j'.. It., nf'inif •I..! coac^..«. Ihro-aah >: k nr«;n« «.f ali ciiissce. ' .,1.1: cars b-.-twuCl. A>;u.la aail .-.•ii (k arlo tl.! arol A tt» dll inciUs cn route. 1 und 1' ,und No«. n J P L A T E . "r-r-:; LOW ERED AS r ' ';.. Of : .’.OTECTION. I No Tin I'lat** rrn < Im - i I'’*’'' ■'■' .. r. Hr. .McUiiilt*.'*" jr . . f. M*''*- ■ ___ . ........ FIFTY- SIXHT CONGRESS. I ,srr. llin.Triit Niin — • ■ ' M.iM- jlilllo iif. r ' rcpl'cdiiced . 1 '•■’’■,•:.!« ot tac Iron Age, ] ■ '.I,....;,'"'.! iiuthorily ou 1 ., i'.'-' uivl iiPefal ill tiaciuq | ■ ' 'Ivx" 1 ■•' ’ pi-es- __ i / ! THE EXPERIMENT FARM. House. F IF T H DAY. . . The H ouse Friday adople<l a spcciai order for the consideration o* roncy bill bcgfinniuc Monday. cral debate will continue until Fridav, on Saturday amendments may i>c oi- fercd under tlie five-n\inute rule, and on the following M onday the vote wul be taken. The Democrats. Populist« and Silveritos presented a solid front against the adojuion of the rc.soliitions and every Republican voted for it. The debate on the currency bdl was re.-iumed Tuesday. Because of the pres­ sure for time, three night sessions were ordered during the week. Gen. vonor, of Ohio, argued in favor of the {Told stand.ird. H e reviewed the Demo­ cratic predictions in the last campaign, , j)rophesyir.g no relief, but contmuea , falling prices—lo-cent corn. 25 -cent : wheat. 3 -cent cotton and general dis- I tress—untU free silver came. anO then ' dc'cribe<l how prosperity followed I Kinley's election and the restoration of ' confidence. I T E N T H D.-VY. j The ctirrency debate in tlie H<^se : lusted until 10:30 Wednesday «ig1u. The j House adopted a resolution tor a holi- ! day recess from Wednesday. December -JO. to Wednesday, January Mr. Lacey (la.) in supporting the i currei’cy bill said he was asioun<lcd to hear .Mr. Dc.Xrmond docUirc that the ^ i. • t Republican triiinii.h of 'gO was v.on by | "se canvass, that being less ex- ; the !Hircli3se o: Detnocmtic voie.<. ! pensive than gia?s. One man there ha3 i "Does ihc gentleman conten<l that j three and a half acres of lettucc under ' McKijdvy could he;.e won without Uie | canvass: another -has three acrps and ■ k " tv \k ) f I n:nny others ha,ve smHer aniounts. w o n iicriiap s v.itii ilio aid o t j “ A m ^ n n a m e d D a w so n n e a r C o n e to s I tlio.'O whom the j^entk'i^an d.'nominates j not only has a large acreage in lettueo, rcirakM U ;m l D L-m ocr:i!s." "' i'-''''’ ; l>ut lie a ls o h a s o n h a a fl 1.500 b iiT z is of second crop Irish potatoes which M r . M assey Thinks it Should bo fn Edgecombe. Prof. w . F. Massey, ot the A . anil M . College, li55 retnrriKl to Raleigh from the eastern part of the SUtfi, where he has l»en with Prof. B. W . Kilgore, State Cieaiist, suleetius a place for an experiment farm. They examined a number of places, but no site has yet b ^ n definitely chos­ en. Prof. Massey thiniis, howc-ver, that the farm 'vi'iill be located in Edffoconi be county, on tie Plymouth railrcat!, near Onnetoe, about nine miles from Tar- barn. H e left Prof. Kilgore there making a closer and more thorough ex- amination of the soil. “ The farmers in that section,” con­ tinued Prof. Ma.<=aey, “ are just csining money. They are making it on truck, principally lettuce and potatoes. Tiie lettuce they are raising is very anc in­ deed and they are retting sood prico lOT it. It only talres C3 heads to make a ban-el of it ana they get 55 a barrel. Some of them raise it under ,?Ia«s and some of them under car.var.?. It can b-rst be riiised under glass, but most ot 8 S i ■ .‘.r*»•" .iia t iu lS i)0 , i , . • -vo-v I '.-v tho d ia ^ ru iu , r. i’lth o ■ , • J:>turri'iu per I ■ -veir’- I'.laii* dropped : r. A that point - .lUiil lu 1S03 it ;;r.' to}> l^icure. E j i . Ajlr;.-.; ! ii:: proiliic- ‘ ^ 'jw ■'i.'-- or.isieiio e iiy ! :'.e r v ^ ''1890, ; V '•.'iiri iV.- ... :-.ud w ith th e j .1 ^ -T stable [ .tui oi itiic-TT i.iilnstry u iu le r , ... proU-.‘iiuU—u u u ie lv , a ! ir. i rl.-o OI im ported • iitun 5?5.50 a ‘ jO ;.:: :: m tbeclose . .'i'w iiu idatG be- : c.iuiro’iUw/ fa.'tor, aud our I. ^virli sbovrs i'. i.iVue i’.j'^r?iie article. Did tf ri'O u'-'Mi liu* dninestie pro- l-.iiiisliivl i-T:i { iMli'filive tariff, of tb * ‘•ituitinu? O u y,.,;T. iKv;i’^ American tiu \'a'v until the latter - -.Toeiitle l--vvi'oiul, .92.75 ro:.*L-'.u this tim e, .•i..-f.if;:ucf-v..-n;uers. iinde>' . re yrvjii ;• i.vcci.sely oiie- ; . .r ;i.:iin i I iV-r W el.sh tm .•••' prc'f^oHon. ; i:: ••.•I'l ' K \ iu re si^ o n so i;: -''.i- ' 1 lu-t of loftte- \ iin pric3s took Ir'i rtji-ijini; >;K7.'3 per : ilio Vil this Toar, Xbe i'a t it will bti ,:aM[ • i* tlie current \-2 --i ! }• - ••:-.so'ick to the e'.-vtlof i ',^1 to Tlae '.'■iitv o: lia plate is to-day i.vr-iivf* cents per )*ox less •liiil'iJl, when the foreign \ f!-< luastt-’- o! the situation coiijj^etiii m had not jcfc a ref nit of the relariX 5r? fad reuains to be con- I A ilaiicft ut tlie nigh range |.‘'r lia l aid by Ameri- w ^,ilrr to t'40 e.stablish- ill scttry in on^onrn coun- mi ivi'conirast w*itU i;;? <>l prices li^at have pre- e tbi) li-ue when Americau |iiVvin.jCTi vreie ablo to cou- Tiikf;!! as u whole, •; iu tuc jjreaeut advanced f a. o.-.'oro stated, froia ia cost of m aterials f.^.i'ivaii'*53 ill the wages of I - ‘-‘'i i’ is found th at |i ! '':s of ilol’Ars buve bee.i '•J=! protvciiou to the cou- ‘ b’; i,la^e fium 3-S31 to dale, tlip many ;ui Ilio us r.t hoai; nwd j^aid cut p;aii l.V'nr in I j- hho.^^e ot « diairrain as '■ •i :r :i iadeb^ed to -•7e v.Ms rc e.'f'd iu order to plats {ii-.<jsl(ou as clear J.it. liiUVl .il>. ...... Lacey. *'i'nt they were ne t bought or seared.” Mr. I)cnton (M o .) said he stood with the Democratic and P»>pulist j»arties in i;evcr tiidini' o]»po»ition to extending the powers of Xational banks. Mr. Fox. (Miss.) argued that the en­ actment of the pending bill would in­ crease the value of all obligations, pub­ lic and private. Mr. Pierce (Tenn.) read from a spccch of ^^r. McKinley when a candi­ date in 't;6. declaring that there was no purpose to v.-ithdraw the greenbacks from eirculatitm, an<! then challenged the other si’de to deny that the pending bill would in eflect imt)onn*I and retire tbe grevMiback.s. H e denominaied Gro­ ver Cleveland the ;ir.'h enemy of silver fire very fine for seed. Then he haa cabbage and other truck, on all of wliich he makes money. “ H-e told me that this past season, in a^ldition to his agricultural produ<:t3 he fattened 600 fine cattle for baef. He is now buying up all the bseve? he can get. His case is the caso of many < til­ ers in this section on a smaller scale. These people are making monoy aud it ■will not be long berore they will be making much more than they are new, for theirs is a great section and it ia rapidly developing. State News Notes. anti of liie l^cnioeratic party. *'He per- j \ erted th.* ])rinciplcs of his party.” said | :\Ir. j ‘ier.v. -and -.rostitnied men high . Spring Vale Cotton Jflll plant in .ts c;,u :k-:Is with pro.ni.^cs oi ik -Ii and ^ E l.K V F N T U DAY. The <lebate on the currency bill in ilic Iiun<c Tinirsday was tame and pro- ,<aic. Mr. Sibley (Dent.. Penn.), who has pubiich' annor.nced liis changre of viev/s on the money ijuesiion. made no speech. Tbongh favoring many ibinjjs in tlie bill he stated he would vote against it because of the parts be di.s- approves. Mr. Thayer, a Massachu­ setts Democrat, was the only member of the opposition who made a speech for the bill. ADD SEXATF. I ' I’ro;.i,f.ritv. fr'J’JHi- in T.Iiich the rcbtored ■ t ot '•.'•r.,-Ki»;ley aud protec- TiOiieiu l the iiuanecK of the p p«op!eis indicated by a re- li'SUfe.l by Cjm nU oiltr of the J iJawe-:. 1 1 collectinaj tbe into hi.s report Ufarly ‘“U'fl aii-jc.nupiied. T he re- indicate a J " biinkiajT y.*soarcea, and |rii-on-a( 111 number o[ deposit 1 j-aica js nnparulleletl iu the I liiHtoj-y of the v;orld. I t is };«st ten years de- T iiiereased iu num . '•.|0S,;»7i iu to iy ,i5 3 .- r • . laat the increase iu the f ■ »Jorr«AVfci-8 is much less I -i'eas-* ia the num ber of sivera:?e depo.'jit I '-'i'-u:*. <);• Ci^rporation liHS 'hat the rate of iII- , •'.^■’'.ha''d.xreusod: that the P '^1 Dxhvidi-.ai deposits has "!-T‘;;.H!i,4b2 ia is s j r .;■■■■■•' '<■ '3:'; and (h atiu I . 1.1 .,r i„aus U:.s to S5,- |! iv i,„| it takes „[ pros- t is best In the great poets ptrles Is not nhat is national is universal.— i«DS- Senate. In the Senate Monday. Mr. Mason addressed the Senate for an hour and 2 S minutes on a resolution expressing sympathy for the Boer.s. A t its conclu­ sion Mr. Lodjje, after expressing the wish tha: M r. M ason mijrht have deliv­ ered his address in the Briti.-h Parlia­ ment, said tliere was a wide gulf be­ tween private opinion and public of­ ficial expression. The executive de­ partm ent of the Government, he said, had assumed a neutral attitude toward the South African war. The passage of this resoUuion by the Senate would change immediately that attitude. “ If we arc to depart from the position oi neutrality.” said Mr. Lodge. **it ought to be a subject of most serious consid­ eration.” lie moved, therefore, that the re«oluti(m i)c sent to the Committee on I'orei^^n Relations, and it was so or­ dered. N IX T H D .\Y . Whether yX^iuiral Dev;ey, acting for the I'nited States Government, formal­ ly or intonnally recognized the Philip­ pine Republic at Manila is a question wliich .Mr. Pettigrew, of South D a ­ kota, desires the N'avy Department to answer. H e introduced a resohition Tuesday, directing the Secretary of the Navy to supply the Senate with infor­ mation on the subjcct, but Mr. Chan­ dler, of N ew Hampshire, objected to its immediate consideration. T E N T H DAY. Senator Lodge. W ednesday, introduc­ ed a bill to provide for telegraphic com­ munication between the United States of America, the Hawaiian Islands, Guam, the Philippine Islands, Japan and China, and to prom ote commerce. It authorizes the postma.'.ter general to contract with an Amcri'*an Cable Com­ pany for tlie paym ent by the United States of not exceeding $400,000 a year for 30 years for the electrical transm is­ sion of official messages of the United States to Honoluiiu Guatn,^ Manila, H ong K ong and some point in Japan. The cable must be in operation by Jan­ uary I. 1503 . The bill further provides for a duplicate line of cable, in order that there .^hall be no interruption of communicaiion. Tiie am ounts received by the cable company from the United States shall be used only for repairs and renewals of cables, ctc. The company mu«t at all times be capable of fulfiiling it.=? contract or forfeit the payments by the United States, and if the company fail to transm it the governm ent mes­ sages during a period of two years, the governm ent obligation shall cease. Af­ ter 20 t'car.s governm ent messages shall be transm itted at half rates forever. In case of war the govem raent may take possession of the lines and stations of the company. . A t the beginning or the session of the Senate. Mr. Gallinger (N . C.) pre­ sented a bill for the codification of the pension laws. It is proposed that the commission shall consist-of jurists and members of the G. A. R- _ E L E V E N T H D .\Y . The Senate Thursday by a decisive vote and practically without discussion, laid on the table the Pettigrew resolu­ tion of inquiry as to whether or not U nited States forces had recognized the Filipino insurgents’ flag and had turn­ ed over the Spanish soldiers to the in­ surgents. It agreed to the house reso­ lution to recess from Decem ber 20 to January 3 , and agreed to meet to-m or­ row ti- rcceivc reports on the composi­ tion f'i its committees for this Con­ gress. >*ot Kaw an Issae. T he tariff is not now an issne, b n t nobody can tell w hat th e D em ocrats will do before next eleotiou. Tu.;re are at p resent strong indications of attem pt to force tUe tariCf to tb e front by taltiu;; down th e tru st issue on the lines laid down by B ryan, aurt it th at is done tb e testim ony o t M r. G race ..>9 to th e beneticial effects of protectiou will be interesting—F indlay (0 .) Jef­ fersonian^_____________________ There are S.'iO.OOO men In the world who sain a livelihood chieflv by nsh- ins. nmiclns an annual ra td of f22;i wortb of fish for eacl- man. Pcrfcct Torturet «olonsM »nat- ‘‘ perfect '.otture. Asthma Ln™ t “y ™'”'® Is popularly 7,^! ■ ““'’s™ broDchiiia Di-nrly uiwavs ,be disease. Dr. KIuk ’s Wild Clierry niidtur relievo almosi iustnijllv. It oi"'“S iliB >ui.e.< niKl makes 1 jlUng eui.y. Given Ijelweuu it leLaiieiwiheiute viiiaaii.i fluaiu eflfijts a pfrmaneni eure. Hvkwell & Dn.vN Co., .7,““ C., nnu ail a^aleissell i:. 25c,Huurimtefd. ' ^ .'K cigarette smoker sends into the nr about 4.000,c:x),cro particles of dust at every pull, according to Dr. Atkin’s investigations. It rrq-ilrpR no pxpfirjcnee to dye with Pux- KAM J‘adele 88 Li: a. Siuii'ly bollitj;; your gouii' ill uir- djo isali tbttt’a necoesary. Sold ty u.l t!ru;:siaia. Tno cnani js tra t occ'ar in w^ine are due to living: organisms. Wi^'es con­ tain many microbes—some of them dead, but most of them able to sit up and lock cheerful. Slow Arc T our Hldneya f BV kidneylUs. Bam.p.c ircc. ttofrint: itrsnaaj Co.. CbicaRO or K. Y. An Austrian mill makes 000,000 matches annually. 2,500,000,- BdQcateToar Bowels TTltli Citscarets. Cnndy Catliartic, cure consilpatioa forever. 10c,2i»c. UC.C.C. fail* druggists refund moaey. The Mohammc-dai? students at Cam- brit^.rro University have JTormed an as- pnel.'»tu)n which meets for prayer and the study of the Koran. P ' Beantr Is Blood Deep; Clean blood means a clean skin. beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar­ tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im* Euritiea from the body. Ucgin to-day to anish pimples, boils, blotciies, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by takinp Casearets,—beauty for ten cents. All drug- gistsj sati:3factioQ guaranteed, iOe, 25c, 50c. It is proposed to expend $3.000,OCO in chanjting a New York cable to elec­ tricity. W jintcil Two traTcllngfftlPsmou In earhSonihem Ktite. g.*! I and exT>eiis- s. Kxperlcnro not aha^luiply uocesaatT. For r.<J.ire>» 1 ccohoaCaaTobacco \YorksCo.. Bodloid t Ity, Va. Electrical pow'er can be profitably transm itted 80 miles and used as steam is u s e d ._____________^______ Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smol^e Yosr IJfe Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be c:ag- netlc. full of life, nerve a::d vljor, take Ko-To* Bac, the vondcr-worker, that mr.kcs weak men strong. All drugsisls, COo or 51. Cure guaran­ teed. Booklet anti samnle free. At’.tlress Sterling Ilometly Ca« Ciiica£;o or New Voclb The Pyram ids are to be eleetricaHy lighted by a 25,000 electrical horse­ power plant. AttODtion is culled to tho rtry u»e'ul artl- ele.s eoutaitifed iu i he premium list of the Con- tlnetital Tobacco Co.’s u iverils ment of tl:flr Star I'hiff Toliaeco in aaotber column of thi.s paper. It will pay to -ave the “Star” tiu ta^'sj an . so tali«) advautai;e of the tje t Hit ever issued by tile Stu To :ic(*o. Vvhile New Ter!: Courts have ruled j that automobiles can enter Central P ark tlie Park Board insists that they shall not. / Us It •' I tsve used Ayer’s: Hsi- Vigor for a great mzny ycirs and it hns been very satsfactory to me m every T?sy. I have rccommeaded it to a great c-zzy of my friends'and tiey bave sil been perfectly satisied xrA it. ’ — Mrs. A. Edwards, Saa Fran­ cisco, Cal., Feb. 9, 1899. G E ’ E E N S B i D S S . Q , Fsrtha of THE U^’JC Oi lUiB, M0R?H:HE ant ct:-.er Drcg Aoiilctfcn:. TTis Tstbajcc Kcrve ExhsusU* W KiTE US FCR ei i i l i iP K IK . Special Christm as privileges to Col­ lege students by the Seaboard Air Line. Tickets good for three weeks if bought December 15th, at one and gu‘- third fare.? for the round trip. Tickets on sale December i")th to 2 ls t,, inclu­ sive, good until January 4th, inclu­ sive. O T A S H gives color, flavor and firmness to all fruits. No good fru it can be P otash. — ... . . . iUl liUU t'litb I t.^nuii1‘ertihzers containingf at least cureistha.my po>itivoci^ tiiome .ichI fr:it«rnJty. Cj 8 to io?u of Potash will give best results on all fruits. Write for our pamphlets, which ought to be in everj^ farmer’s library. They are sent free. To Caro Constipation Forovor* Take (.liisearets c^iuulv t:j;iliarti& lOcorKiC. If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund oiooey. At Jam aica, Iu. I., the crowded con­ dition of .school bulldins-s has forced the authorities to open :i schooli'comraised without te m p o ran i^ i^ a to m ._______ SlOO ICou'urd. $100, Tho renders of this pap »r will bo pleased to lenrn ihat thore is a: least oue droadeil dis­ease thut 'C!vn''et\HS bceu ub.<* to cure in all itsatnges. andthatl Cntarrh. UHll sCJitdrrli /.— ------------------•'‘••■-curenow known %> .. CaC;ir:li httin : aco:i- stitucio lal disease, requires a eonstitutifvnal tri'atiuent. H hU's Catrt h (.ture Is uiKtjn int«r- nally, HctinK dlre<-tlv itpon thu blood aud luii- cous surfaces of tho system, tlwrcby destro. ini;tbo found itiOD of thudiseaso, andifivlDC the patient strenirth by bui'diDKUptliocon- siit tion and assisting nature in doiu(? its work. !’ho proprietor': have so mu'“h faitb in itseu-ativo .>ower s hat they offer One Hua- dred Dollftrs foruny cast* that it l»il5-to cure. Send furllatoftotiir.onlal!-. Address F. .1. HE.MiV& Co., 4oledo,0 . . F5o!d by in-uggists, Toe. Hal.’a Family Pills ar^the b o ^ ViTAUiTY ovv, 'ebllit-t«» ‘ oreshaufeted cured b\ Ur Klinv’- Iu%' aorntiiij; ionic Fuke trial j_otti«T for 2 « et ks’: reatmentx I»r. lioe. Ld., tOl Arch St.» Pht aduiphiu. Founded 1^1. N. C. There are seven thousand spin- ' dies, capitalized a t $175,000. H ick''ry people will build the mill and own most of tbe stock. The Southern Railway has about de­ cided to build a track from W ilson’s Mills out to the Wilson iron mine, in Johnston couQt.v, to facilitate the ship­ ment of ore. The track -will be two m iles long. The mine has been examined by ex­ perts, including the State Geologist, ajid all pronounce It a flue iron de­ posit. In fact it Is said to contain about 60 per cent, pure iron. The mine is owned by Mr. .Tames Wilson and he is hard at work taking Out the ore. H© is hindered in the work, however, by the tact that he has to haul the ore two miles in wa.?oa3 to the railroad. It is sent to tlie furn­ ace at Greensboro. The Smithfield Dispensary on Dc- I cen’ber 1st h.id cleared $1,130’ profits since it commer.ced business on .luly 1st. On f-e whole this institudon has been very successful— Smithfield Her­ ald. A company composed of Nortliorn geTitlemen— the same company that is operating at the Narrows— is negotiat­ ing for the purcliasing of the magnili- cent Grassy Islands water power, saya the Wadesboro Massenger. The sa.w mill and wood shop ot Mr. W . C. Michael at Gilisajiville, burned Friday nisht. between eleven and 12 o’clock, resulting in a loss of about four thousand doUais. partially covered by insurance. Several thousand feet ol dry lumber were tronsumed. Nothins is known as to tiie origin of tbe fire. The December Bulletin of the Depart­ ment of Agriculture is now being pre. pared. It will be issued from tha press the latter part of this week. It is devoted to bo special subjcct, as wera the Bulletins for October and Novem ­ ber. It will have a -n'umber of articles of faifcrest to farmers generally. M any of the students ot the various Echools here are already going horio for the Christmas holidays. J. T. Couch, o? Durham, father and administrator of Linwood Couch, Iiaa instituted suit for $20,000 agiinst the North Carolina Railroad. Linwood Couch, w ho -was in the employ oi tha railroad company, was killed at Funs- ton, a station between Durham and University, on September 19th. He was a hrakeman, and while chaining a car, whose drawhead had pulled out, was crushed to death. It is clainicd by the plaintitE that his son’s death was caused by negligence at the com­ pany. The suit hai3 just been entered in Orange county, and will come up at the next term of court. The 10-year-old child of Mr. John F. Ijeeper, bitten by a mad dog, died in great agony cn Friday. D ynam ite on Track, Concord, N . C., Special.-Saturday morning as K r. John Moore, oi this place, was walking along the railroad track just above the Buffalo Mill, h<* found two sticks ol dynamJto, pinned and capped, fastened to one of the rails, so that it would have been ex­ ploded by a train passing over it It is to be hoped that the villiaix w ho placed it there will soon be poiintel out ajjd receive the full penalty ot the! law for the dastardly act The State applied for a re-heaiins ol the railroad tax ease and Judge Simcn- ton first set December 19th as the time of hearing the argument. H e has now postponed the hearing until December 27th. Some folks believe that since the supreme court held tiiat the legis­ lature did give the Oorporationi Com ­ mission authority to assess the rail­ roads for taxation Judge Simonton may change hifi decision. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New Yo.k. Tw o negroes are banged for murder at Vai^dosta, Ga. In rcmcite parts of Sco'lanil the o’<l Covc'nantel’.'s' love for lo g ervici's cn Ibe bare hillside sti.l lingers. . t D.ng- w? i a rec*--:;t communion serv.cs in the open air iast^d from 10 a. ni. unt.l 4 p. m. \vlthuut exhau^UnK the staym i power or the coiiBres:ition. H . II G u ek ’s Hoxs , f A tlanta. G a.. are th e only siici-e.«srul i.n ’ii.sy S pecialists in tho w orld. See lieir liherul olT*‘r in advettiso- nicnt ia an other eolutou of th is )>aper. Inm Dtireiy cured ol bcmorrhu^o ofhiugs by Pi.-so’s Cure for 4 ousumi.tiou.- Loni.'-t: L in mas, IJethany, llo.. JaunaryS. lt?;)4. That's always the way with our Hair Vigor. When per­ sons use it they «re always so highly pleased with it that they tell their friends about it. If your hsir is short, too thin, splits at the ends, is rough, or is falling out, our Hair Vigor will perfectly satisfy you. If your hair is just a little gray, or perfectly white, Ayer’s Hair Vigor will bring back to it ill the dirk, rich color it had years and years ago.il.N a bottle. AU dnalsts. Write the Doctor If yon do not ohtiin all tho henefti -you desire from the use of tho Vigor, write the Doctor al)OUt it. He %viIlteU you just the right thing to do, aud will sc-.dyon his lKK)k on Che Hair and Scalp if ;ou request it. Address, Dr. J. C. A yer , Lowell, 3I:is.s. T H E SXrarSET CEIITBAL S P E C IA l A U ew F ast T rain from N ew O rleans to Denison, Texas. A fast service was recently inaugu­ rated by the SoutheriT Pacilic Company from New' Orleans to central and Northern Texas uolnts. No change of cars between New Orleans and dfslinatSon. Pala-.lal recUnins chair cars New Orleans lo Denison, via Houston. Hcarne, Corsicana and Sherman. This is the only line withou: an omnibus transfer and only one change cf car .=5 ro Texas. _ , _ •■^ho Palace Tourist Sleeping Cars oper­ ated throuffh North Carolina. South Car­olina and Gcorpia every Tue.<day. Thur.s- day and Saturday aUord the travelUig public tbe bes-t service and no change of cars to Califoruir. points. P.irtles sroinc to T»xas or California wHl consult their intercuts by writing Mr. W. R. Fapan. travel’np yass’nger accnt. Southern Paolfic ComT-any. No. 10 Kim­ ball House. AtUnta. Oa.. before closing arrangements for a western trip. A Weed Careen. It is rem arkable how many really beautiful flowers arc discarded be- can.<5e ordinnrily they are ohi.ssed as weeds. A woman who had plenty of land and a tiiste for experim eutlug made a ‘‘weed garden” this year which is a great success. She doesn’t know the mimes of all tho outcasts she has gathered in, but she noticed last year all tho wild things that grew and flow­ ered neglected by the wayside, and transplanteS those th at appealed to h“r m ost strongly. “The main reason,” she urges, “that they attract so little notice -when grow­ ing Wild Is th a t they are not massed aud arranged as we place cultivated flowers to get the best effect. Now, th at is w hat I have done. A wild flower, or a weed, as it l.^ scornfully termed, flm t is too fragile to be thoughi much of will maice a delicate, feathery m ass w'hlcli will be vastly adm ired w hen planted together by the score or more." E ven such a despised thing as the common ragweed is w orthy of adm ira­ tion if you happen to looU at it aright, and it Is finely effective as foliage for cut flowers. This w'eed gardener has provided for a succession of blossoms from violets and dandelions to golden rod and late fall grasses, and nothing has repaid the gardener’s efforts w ith I)etter re- .sults than these absolutely free flow- <ar« —Boston Ilcrakl. Sharp Re ort of Gus Thomas. M aurice Barrymore’s wit is far- famed, but a neat little \vitticism at his expense, hitherto unrecorded, was A u­ gustus Tliomas’ laconic criticism of one of Barrymore’s plays, says the New York “W orld.” ..................... The celebrated playwright had been mercilessly pickiiiK flaws in the actor’s drama until the good-natured “Barry winced. ................... “Oh, come, Gus!" he interrupted, “don't be quite so hard if it’s not an ‘Alabama.’ Just remember that I wrote "D id you, Barry?” retorted Thomas. “Then you m ust have loafed.” __As the French government will not provide lodgings for any of the sov­ ereigns who may visit the-great exhi­ bition of 1900 , arrangements to that end are being made by the representa­ tives of the various countries interest­ ed. It is not yet definitely known whether the Czar and Czarina will make the journey to Pans, but a house has already been purchased for them m the Champs Elysees. ________ ^ J I R T I R 'S I M K Is food for thought —Many of tlie women of India, and c<pocir.lly tho'c of C:i'=il!:ncre. arc bcai‘- tiful. In a typical liintk«o beauty tl'.e sisin is just tlark cno\!i;ii lo fii't-* rich, sbit appearance to fl’.e complexion, the features are regular, the eyvs mild and black and shaded by lons- si!ken lashob, the hanr?s and feet arc small and cltt- gantiy formed. Students 50 home by the Sc::l;orv:d Air Line, and gei ycur eertiflcates signed by t!n> suporinfcendent, principal or president of your inslUution. —The Ma-<r;-.rhiisct‘s i;i?.tc Board ot Health ha.-i 0 -.jn'Icd about c>u'.'c.c'‘0 during the \y.:M 16 y.ar.s. dariny v.hicii time it has ccllci-tcd anil examined about 110,000 s 7>e<.imcns oi samples t>! food and tirug?-. hus conducted about 1.400 pro-iccutiuns Jigaiiist offenders, and secured the inlliction of lines • amounting 10 ^.?3.coo. Christm:i3 is the time for coming to­ gether. Go homo by the Seaboard A ir Line. OrvT and oae*-tiiird fares for the round trip. HeidelbRrg students do their best to enliven the town. In four w e.ks 111 July. 102 studc'nts v.ero air.’sted for disorderly eonilaet. which '^n several occasions am our.tid to a n.chnicil riot, in which a dozen or mote s.udenxs were engaged. Cot the benefit ol the cheap Christ­ mas rates and two weeks tickets by the Seaboard A ir Line. Tbe old folks are waiting for‘ you Chriijtmns. so i<i the Seaboard A i; Line. Oiio and one-tbird fares round trip. Tickets good for two weeks, if pnrebahod Beecmber 22 nd. —India has over 6 .000,000 girl-wives whose ages range from 5 to 9 j-cars; 170,000 widows not yet 9 years 01 age. A c t s g e n t l y o n t h e K i d n e y s , LiVEiSi J A M D B o w e l s ; riEANSES THE 5ySTEM . ' ^ E F F E C T U A L L Y OVERCOMES “iiuAi. permanently BUT the genuine-man’fo by @UI?RN!A|TG,Sy RVP(2. roB 5AU3f*u cr.yc6i5T5k pjact sot fuMnu. A’ TTK!VtT<>!V i< facllit-cedif yon mention thispsperwhoR writtDtf.'idveriiHcr^So. 51 YOUR STAR m TASS “ Star” tin tags (showing small stars printed on under side of tag), “ Horse Shoe,” “ J, T .,” “ Good L u c k ,” “ Cross B o w ,” and “ D ru m m o n d ” Natural Leaf Tiu Tags are of equal value iu securing presents mentioned below, aud may be assorted. Every man, woman Jind child can find something on the list that they would like to have, and can have *JAQ4. 1 M«tm BOI..............................................25 J5 Kn fs, one hl.ide, good .•«teel.............. ft S<'i'^uri,^'i:iui*Iies.......................... S->4 Cldld's Set. Knife. Tork and Siv)ou 2i 5 Sa't anJ Pojuwr Set.oneeai-h, quad-niplp pln*i* on whit*, metal............ M « Frfuiib Briar Wootl I'lpo.....................257 llftzi.r. Uolli)w »ruan<l, ttno English Steel.............................................. W 8 Hiifr T Knife. trii>ln i<la:e, bp.st «innlitr................................................... 9 Siiysr Sliell. tT*le plan*. l»^t (laaL.m Sntnip Bor. utrrliiiR ^ilv^•r............. T«»11 Kuif-. "K.-.*u Kt.cter.” tw>. W#.l.*j«.. 75 1S5 Hntfl»or Knift', “Kwii Kuttwr,” ^-lii M;i<le......................'...............................75 Sh<*Hrs. -Keea KiUter.” Min-!i........ 75 14 NiU Set, (:itti‘l;erai:iUl*ieis. silver jilitod..................................................... 1*0 15 iJRsp L'.'in.“As-«nclu*ion.” bs3t qnnl.lou 11} AlnimClnck. iii.-k.'l........................... 150 17 six (-ionuin** TU>;.iers' TensptKins, l>Mt 1 l»le:l S‘*otls....................................... !*»« 1^ Wa'« t^. iiicliel, stem w nd nn«l .. 200 la Ca.-ver.*}. fjaod steel, huekbora huiidlesj.........................................2410 20 Six G»*niiin8 lioeers' Tahle S|h»oi.s. : 39 Birv.-lis srandtrd niako, ladies l>eat pla‘»d aoods ................................iwO . -'viitB.....................................................2500 23 Six Mch.UenninA llimers'KtiiTi>s j n 1, liAimutrU. ..................................3000 ■ad ForSs, best plat-Ml j^ood.-*............VXJ , 40 Mcgiaa Musi-^ Uo«, 135< hich Di-«..oooo THE ABOVE OFFER EXPWcS fiOVEM3£R 30m. 1900. -------„.................«n«Unot o-tol f ‘jr 7>rr-««t», ofiwcuiycentBper TAOS.33 Clock. S^l.iy, Calendar. Tlierniom- etpr, B.in»im^‘er................................. Si Gun rzs^, ]Mi ijor, no ber!er made. iOO 25 R«'\olver. ^mtoaiutic, doaoio attluu, :s2 or:»i-aHlwr....................................6 J0 25 Tool Set. no; p’aytljlii'ri. but realtiM.jH..................................................... 630 27 TnUat So‘- .Ie.v>ratm\ i»>rcelaln.Ti'ry haiitlKoiuw.........................v. SS l{emiat{tan Itiftc No.-l, 2'<«r ;w-af. ’•W 29 \Vatfh.s{erli»i; .«dv**r.full j«*woIisl liwo 150 Dress Sait Ca.so, Jfatiier, hamlsoiaoand durabh'................................1000 .';l Se^'iiiu Machine, limt cliun. withaU attaclini*-ntH..................................1500^2 llevolver, C..U’s, ;w-ruliber. blue.l sh*el......................................................1500 s:j ItiflL*. Coifs. IH-sllot, aJtT.ll’fOr....-IjkW (iuitar (Waslilwjni), rosewood, in­ laid.......................................................21)00 U5 Mandolin, vury lmudi« >me...............2000 3»j Winfhwiter lli*i.etvt<ns Shot Gun. 13 ....................................... :17 ItPininston. d<mblo-birrfll, liain- m erShot Uiin, 10 or 13”ango ........2000 --------------------------- but iriU !•€» palit for In ...hundred, if r*M-eiv<.Hl by u»on --r >M‘for»* Ma vh l.-*f. 19.m. f3rj}J2Ai£ IN that ii dinle^H worth of STAR PLUG TOBACCO will !n<«t toneer and ntturd m-re plcaMnre thun a dime’s worth of any othcri,:.nd. |V | A K E T H E T E S T ! «end lags to G O \’ r i \ ’E \ 'T 4 L T O B A C C O C O ., SI. Louis, Ma. MOilPIII.\K HAIltTi> I'MIEU T llO.\lK-.-A M.KS> Y. DK MtKH* n • .. I Mi —One of the m ost wonderk! farms in the world is situated in Canada. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that every­ thing is worked by clcctricity. Two waterfalls within the bounds of the farm, sonic 60 feet and 180 feet high, furnish the motive power, a central power house being erected near, and the current is transmitted by wires to every avaihhie place on the farm. CU.RES I.A GRIPPE COLDS ................... atatesviljc^.-*; Cures n Cousjh o r Cold at oace. Conquers Croup without fail. Is the best for Brcucljilis, G rir^. | Hoarscn«.s. ■Whoopiisjr-LouKh. and f for the cure of Consumption. M olbcrspraiseit. Doctorsprcscnbeit. Small doses; qnick. surere&ults. i Thom psDn ’ 8 Eya W a i» FO R S A LEg 1,000,000 HARnT 'O I-K X -A IK ORIIWX 'CABBAGE PLANTS! Followiti" Variet'e.=: ElliXUEBSDN ..^U - .'K.-iSIOX, K.'.Kl.YSPRlXH.l.AKGE TYPE W 'K E H E M l.K x !;a 111.V.IERSEV \VAI<E- FIF.Ll>.••UAXlsHHALI)Hl•.AU.” Al■GU?iTA EA K l Y TRXrcKKU P lanla Eroivn In th.; npRn air, and will withstand excruroe c • d wcHt-tT without inju y. Hric • i.SJ per lOOiX 3,U«) to 10IHJU S1.25 wr IU«. 10,«XI and o\vril.l» perKXX). tend »I. order to \Vm. C. GEK.\'l i. rrr. eilv «l GEKAiY aud TOWLhS, YOUNG S ISL \N o. b. sJ. H AVE YOU A HOME? ir KO9 yon w ant n G.4RliA>'D STOVI:: to make jou lia|ipy.If tliey are not »■ Id i.y y ;ur leading morchaut. Witte t«> SHEPHERDSliPPLY CO, < 1KAKI.KSTON, S. C., — STATE AGENTS FOR — Acquainted With David Harum. Rev. Dr. A. L. Frisbie, of Des i Moines, la., was in Syracuse recently, says the ‘’Post Standard.” Dr. Frisbie is an old Onondaga county, boy, his youth having been passed in Otisco. H e mentioned read­ ing “David H arum ” with keen enjoy ment, having had some acquaintance with the title character. “W hen I was a student at H om er Academy, a good many years ago,” he said, “David H arum kept a livery sta­ ble, and I sometimes hired a horse and sleigh of him take a girl to a party. I I did not then recognize Dave as a philosopher—perhaps he didn't himself —but only as a sharp hand at a bargain. But as he stands in Mr. W cstcott's book he is a character unique in litera­ ture and very interesting.” Cook county (III.-). Justice* of Peacc talk of organizing. the —The Premier of New Zealand has offered to find employment for any man in that territory who will bind himself to marry inside of six months. C O N S T IP A T IO N “I hare KOBO 1-4 day* at a time wltkont • movement ol* the buwelv* not belag able to mo7e them except br aslne hot water lolecdoaa, Cbroale coastipation for seven years placed me In this terrible condition: durtOR tbat time I did er* ery thing I beard of but ncTcr found any reUef: Ench wasmycase anUl 1 began nsiog CASCABBl^ 1 now bare from oue to three passages a day, aad if 1 was rlcli 1 would give 5100.00 for each moTement; It is such a relief. ’ Avlmeu L. Hunt,liSD Bussell St.. Detroit, Mlcb. CANDY CATHARTICCATriAKTIC Pleasant, Palatable. Potenu Taste Good, So Good, Never SIctcen, Weakeo. or Gripe. 10c, 20c. SOc. ... C U R E C O N S T I P A T I O N . ... BOrU«SeMi7CMpu7,l'UM(0,SaMml,Stw\Qtk. SS :TIA1VIj V.%CTlJREBSOP 6ALVANIZED CORNICES, ETC. rANF^vapo'r^tirs, v m k e t t l e s , ENGINES, BOILEBS AND SAW HILIS, A3ijy KEPAIKS FOK SAME. Bristle Twine, Babbit, .«^aw Teetb and Ftles, Shaftins, Pnlleya, Beltliie, Injsctora, Pipes, ValTen and Fittinc>- lOJMRDlRONlRKS&SUPPLy CO, ____________AUGt^STA. GA.____________ V DI^COVsRY;sirMI Qoiek rriiKf <vnd onr*4 runa2n;5^B55[5/t«5!^u'Swi*nalOd*y. Free. »r. H. H. oaiTiw a ao«b. Bos b. atitata. a*. ••La C reole" H air R estorer !• a I*erfect nresslo* ana Restorer Priee •1.00. M i _ The Daflp Recorfl, X oolH T jU e, N . n . By E. B . MOBB18. E oitob and P ubushwl E h m eto a t thk post office a t Mocksviuje. N. C., as sboond class JCATXEK, MAV 12th, ISSN. >ni<^. ,M, B«ily, clerk »t the pprt.o 8ii«'toaiclc- The doctor w ys he ii< threatened with pneumonia. Don’t buy yonr stoves before yon examine tbe stock, for tinle at a Hacrilioe, at Uouie, iitoudeiuire & Co.'s, License to wed: Alfred ISiden- hour to UisB Maggie Spriy, of Jeru- salem; U. F. Salley to Uiss Bena Cortner. Ed. Morris Hohaon, of Jerusalem, County Treasurer K. B. Vagler | was in town Monday and subscribed was in town Monday. i for the R bcoed and got two of the For sale, «n Odell typewriter, | P” * cheap, a t the postoffioe. | A negro was shot at Cooleemee ^1.— ^ .* w ii Sunday within 100 yards of the Bd- liam s & Andeeson s. ^ iDOil YOTES m nosan. A big line of Christmas toys st W illiams & Anderson’s. Candy— plain and fancy— at IVilliams & Anderson’s. W . H . Parne!l, of Winston, |ria- ited-ielativeB in town Supday. 6 o to W illian <8 & Anderson’s and see their line of glassware. Bob Biesecker, of Advance, paid us a call Monday while in town. Our friend, W . D. Foster was in town Monday with a load of Xmas turkeys. Brazil nuts, English walnuts, almonds, raisins, etc., at Williams & Andeiaons. W anted—Two or three loads of The B eookd will be published Xmas week if it is able to get its paper. W e wish all of our readers a merry Xmas and a happy and prosperoDS new year and hope they will aid us in extending the circu­ lation of the paper. On last W ednesday night Duke Smith, brakeman on the Southern railway, while unconpliug cars at Barber’s Junction, was thrown down and got hit hand cut and otherwise bruised up, though not seriously we aie glad to say. want to call the attention of our subscribers to tbe X mark on their papers this and next week. This X mark is to remind you that . , , , you are in arrears, or that your good shncks. W ill pay « « h . !i,bscription expired January 1 st, Ji. il. Blorns. I and we want yon to renew or pay B. £ . Biclmrdson and Miss Mag-1 up, for it takes money to run a gie Biircloth were m arried giuce j paper. Ticket Xo. 45C gets T h e K ec' •‘W hat lesson do we loarn from the story of Jonah and the whalef” u k e d the Sunday School teacuer; of a small pupil. “That it’s al­ ways safest to remain on dry laud,” replied the liltle fellow. F B E E G IFTS. In order to give our 50 cent subscri- berii an opportunity at our free gifts, we have decided to withdraw the bujj- g j and bicycle offer and substitute a No. 7 cook Ktove complete, and a nice S-piece oak set of furniture, respect­ ively. All who have subscribed under th-j first ollcr will be entitled to an­ other ticket, or, if they prefer, we wjll take up their ticksts and refund their monejr. All who pay us 50 cents cash for 6 months’ subscription will ?et a ticket; all wno pay us one dollar will get two tickets. If you owe us any­ thing, this must be paid before you are entitled to a ticket. W e m ake this change for two reasons: 1 st, to eive those who are not able to take the paper one year and pay us one dollar, an opportunity for 50 cents to iper 6 months and Frank C. Brown, AVholcrale a n d Eetail D ealer in G EW EllA l. M KRCIIANOISE. -------o- State. COMPLFTE LINK O F DBY GOODS. Stock Gf ShQSS in the HEADQUARTERS FOB GROCERIES. IX OTHEE A\"OEDS I H A V E A COM PLETE LIN E OF GBXBKAL M ERCHANDISE. I W ill be glad to have you call. Yonrs Truly, F a A M K f^ilfyTo^nro^fThrr^^^^^^^^^^ corner Fourth and JIaiu Streets, T hat we m ay be able to distribute G. B R O W iS r, AVINSTOX, X. C. j C R A N F . TMs Biff Sale Causes Tal, A n d the often asked qnestion; ‘- How can you »jve easily ausw ered. W e coulrlu't Rive them on ordinary this 'is no oi-dinary ocraHion. 'W e ’re selliug the B o y n ’ i’iiie Overcoats w e purchased of Bros. & C o . at 6 0 cents on the dollar of the whi.lcsaij” ’ ! cost. It ae«m s needless to enter into a discuB.-ii.jn oi y oi e-tcelleuce em braced in the B u ig n n d e r stock, fur thev S' leading exponents o f the Tailors’ art in Baltimore tlie4 '' ^ a n d h a r e am assed a fortune of m ore than $l,ouu.ftoii or boy, w hether he needs a suit or overcoat at once, ur win ''1 a few m onths iience, will fiud it prm lent to take niagoificeut opportunity. T h e telegram reproiIiK o:i T l clusively w b at bargains w e are in a position to jive our i these presents in a m uch shorter time. R ead this carcfully and see that it is fair to all. Those who have taken tickets can return them and get their money, le.ss the time they have (rot­ ten the paper, or yon get another ticket* ffiving you two chanccH when you now have one. ____________ CHRISTMAS HOIilDAT TRAINS. Norfolk & Western Railway Co. S c W e r’s Raclet Store. MR. SCHOOLER has jnst returue.1 from his foiirlh trip to t!ie N orthern m arkets this season. T h is has been the most successful trip of liis life. H e has ja m m e d a n d p ack ed our stores w ith quantities a n d quantities of goods Iw u g ht at auction, at sheriff’s sales, a n d from m anufactnrers that w ere overstooked a n d h a d to unload in order to raise ready cash. T h e great b u lk of these goods will be sold for las than cost of production. W e can only liint at a few items at this time. '' I'fieiui, ‘ T m W K S T B H K jm p a r T B ^ C R A PH com * Roanoke, V a ., Dec. 7. 1899. Trains Noa. 27 and 28. between Ha- fferrnown and S hen an do ah; Nos. 31 ; . . i . • i. i* n and 32, between Roanoke and Win- Y o u will b av e to visit our storas, see the "oodfcf, a n d get prices to fully 8ton-Salem, and Nos. .35 and 38, be-, . . ,tween Lynchburg and D urham , w ill ! appreciate their gieat A .line. Tfi our hist issue. House, Stondemire & Co. are selling all kinds of fui-niture at the lowest margin. Mr, Pharr, of Mootsville, was in town Monday and Tuesday on insu­ rance business. Don’t forget those stoves a t 20 per (%nt. less than cost, at House, Htoadeuiire & Co.’a. •J. T. Parnell, of Moeksville, oed’h prize gun. Anyone holding this ticket can, by presenting it to the editor, get tbe gun. All those holding tickets will please take care of them, as there are tour other prizes yet to be awarded. Save your tickets until all the prizes are awarded. Don’t forget T h e B e o o k d ’s tree gift offers: A Ko. 20 CarolinaCook . Move, aSet of Furniture (3 pieces), i-iie I ! hog last Thursday that , Good Sewing Machine, a t^hatta- -irfl pounds. [nooga Chilled Plow, and a Kein- Misses Alma and W illie Haw- «ngton Breeeh-loading Shotgun. be run on Sunday, Decem ber 24th. J A M E S C. C A S S E L L . Gen. Supt. W . B . B E V I L L , Gen. Pass. Ajft. Christmas and N e w Y ear Holiday Ex cursion Tickets to Richm ond, Va. Washington, D . C , and all points on* Norfolk and W estern Rail way. Tickets on sale Dec. 22nd to 2.')th, and Dec. 33th to Jan. 1st. good for re- turn passage Jan. 4vh. 1900. W . B . B E V I L L , Gen. Pana. Agt., Roanoke. V a . k iu 8 , o f W in s to u , v is ite d f r ie u d s in M ocksville last week. 3Ir. BucKwalter, of Pennsylvania, is in town, stopping with \V. A. UnlKn, quail hunting. B. K. Bailey, of Advance, killed three hogs which weighed 1332 lbs. A n average of 444 each. One dollar pays for a year's sub scription and two tickets; 5U cents Six months and one ticket. Jndgt Hint’s Consimiption and Bronchits Cure. It surpasHes all other remedies known for Consumption, Bronchitis, Croup and Dlaordered Liver. It cures when all else fails I If your drug-g-isi does not k,£ep it, send direct to Judj^e ! Georffe E . Hunt, Lexiu|fton, N . C. ;, Price r>0 centa per bottle. For sale by C. C. Sanford. ClotliliifiT— A big lot of .Tien’s and boy«»’ clothing, bought at an auctioc sale, that are worth nearly double the m oney asked. M e n ’s suits $1.95. ei48, *2.98, 83.43, $3.08, $4.48, $4.98 on up to $12.00. Boys’ suits 80 cent 3 up. M en's Mackintosh ovcrcoats $1.25 up. Boj’s’ overcoats !)8 cents up. Sho es— Ladies’ shoes from GI> cents up. M en 's shoes from 95 centa up. Children’H Shoes from 19 cents up. A complete line of shoes, from the cheapest to the best, at prices that can't be beaten. H u ts, C ap s. & c . — M en's and Boys’ Hats from 24 cents up. M e n ’s $2.0C sample hats only 95 cents. M e n ’s and boys’ caps from 9 ccnts up. l O O l>ozeu m en's unlaundried while shirts, bought from a m anufac­ turer who was compelled to raise some ready cash. H e got the cash— you get the profit. These shirts are m ade from good quality muslin, reinforced back and front, felled scams, flap over back button-hole. A shirt that can ’t be duplicated for le:»s than 50 cents; our price, as long as they last, two for 75 cents. Not over four to a customer. A lull lluu of Christmas goods just opened up. Com e to see us. -1 -Schouler‘s RacM Store. NOTICPJ.W e bear that a petition has l>eeii j gotten up for the establishmeni of a | post office at CVmleeiuee. W e are ‘ ^ glad to hear it, but just m ark our i H Istrator of Elva F. Caiu, deceased. F A V I N G Q U A L I F I E D A S A D M IN - prediction and see if ijonie hungry,: ** notice in hereby given to all per- Duke Smith, who was hurt on l l>eniocrat don’t try to get the of- i for payment on or before the 4th dav the railroad about a week ago left fiee. They don’t want an office,! of December, 1900, or thia notice will Monday night to resume his run.but are so patriotic they can’t help i in bar of their recovery. I / yonw ant a e h e a p sto v e ,« a d \ The <H=n.mble they made over All person, indebted, to ,aid estate House. Stoudemire & Co.’s ad. in i wmmittee jobs is enough to this issue and go get it. to Salisbury and'isbow how the wind blows. It’s funny, isn’t itt We received a request from theIf yon want beds, chairs, dress- , . ^ ^ ere, or any other kind of furniture, I »>“« “« « Salisbury to dw- be sure and see House, Stoudemire 1 tribute a report of the wperinten- jt dent of health for Kowan couutv are requested to m ake immediate p:wm ent. This 4th day of December, 1809. R O B E R T L . C,’A 1N . A d m ’r of Elva F . Caiu, deceased. E. L. G A I T H E R , Attorney. . B. CRAWFORD & CO., HARDW ARE D EA LER S , Winston, N. C. r Fiiie Union Twill. lUrk^ with a red »ml single breasted ri)«urt em' did value ^ .'>0. OUR I’RK'KKa l Geutlem en's Hiif Suj;,,| striped Worsteiis, Faiicv i and Gray ilaUona. ctj single and Uuiiblo 1ii«lVi,iJ F in e goods Imudsonnly; W o r t h easily $10.00, U J sacrifice sale T IIK Y GO AT j Men’s G y « FUOM UP, j SQ3^jai)BfS£i:EaBaCSQ Several S ig n o f ................. L io n u n d .\uvil. D R. W . C. M A R TIN Gives npccial attention to diseaHes of the Eye, Ear, Nose aad Throat. Sp'ctaclcs lltted by the aid of retino- scopy. Teeth extracted by the pain-' less process. Office at residence in North Mocksville. Arrival u d Dtparton of Tnins: "o r T H B o u n d — D aily except Sundaj. Leave Mocksville ................... 1:00 p m Leave MocWsville................... li:00 p m __________ N o r t e B o u n d . . „ J - quarantine, so there is no danger to! .................. mxyiUe, Ta., and Mr. Perot, of j anyone visiting the city at th is!?^ 'l!! Philadelphia, are stopping w ith;tim e. W . A . Griffin on a quail hunt. & Co. J . K. Ijames, of Mocksville, killed a hawk last week with a rock that measured 3 feet 4 inches from tip «o lip. W ho can best i t! Bead onr ad., then come right on fo Salisbury and buy what you need in our line and save money. House. Stoudemire & Co. Mr. E. W . Buckwalter, of Phoe- county with reference to the small pox in that town. Beports have been spread which are caleulatetl to make people from tbe country afraid to go to Salisbury. Dr. Crump says all persons having the disease are in the pest horse situ­ ate one mile from the city limits, and all persons who have lieeu di­ rectly exposed are under strict —Tiie Right Placs to Bay x ox-’r- Cook Stoves, Guas i Parainf toplemeEts. O O Is d lllj T O X Jj? This is to certify that I opened the envelope containing G u n Priie Ticket i and found that N u m b e r 4 0 0 drew the gun. F . M . J O H N S O N . W orkmen are putting the roof on one section of the cotton mill at Cooleemee; the brick-work is near­ ly completed on the other section. Mrs. iT. B. Bailey, we are glad to know, IS improving. Miss Evy- lin’s conpition has not improved, we are sorry to note. She is still at Greensboro. j Mocksville Produce Market. I Corrected by Williams & Ander ;on. i C. M. Sheets was authorized by tbe Board to visit tlie schools, examine the teachers and to look after the school inter- Mr. M. L. Barr, our printer for “ eems neccs- B oard of E ducation. The County Board of Education ; Corn^ per bit................................... (old boaid) mod Oouuty Superin- ! W h ea t, per bn ............................... tendent, C. M. Sheets, met in acall i ................................. “ TK "K.unj;! 1 !!! i!!!!!!! 8-i'61The following business was tran- i Bacon, W estern 7 ' sacted. i H a m s ................................................ l» j The maximnm salary of Istgrade I .................................................. 1“ i p **-:Spring chickeW s.v....;.:;:;"; ; County Supt., ■nccess. He was a gentleman and a good printer. Christmas is nearly here. Those who wish to buy toys and good things for the little ones, will lind all (iey want at reasonable prices at ^'illianis & Anderson’s. A tiny feather, dropped from the wing of love into the k p o f mother­ hood on Dec. 6th, makes Mr. and Mrs. Pon Baity very bright indeed. A F eiend . House, Stoudemire & C!o. have a new ad. in this issue. Thev are offering goods at a sacrifice, and it will pay you to examint their stock liefore purchasing what yon need. Register of Deeds B. O. Morris reo'iests us to say to tbe Confeder­ ate pe-.i’ioners that tie wariants have beeu received, and those en­ titled to pecsions can call and get ■their money. / Our new printer, Mr. Geo. D Cureton, of Charlotte, N. C., came in on the 11:50 train Monday. We hope bis connection with the H koqkd will be pleasant and aatis- lactory to ail concerned. examine teachers on 1 of Pedagogy and I will endorse J but all must oome ke the examinations alike. 1 will b<rid private examinaUons from time to time, for thtae who have not as yet secnreil certifinttes from me. C, M. Sheets, oouuty ablic instruction, i Chairman of the Township Trus­ tees of each Township meet at the Court House the second Monday in January, laoo. T. X. Choffin, I>. L. Lowery, ‘J . S. Lyon, Co. Board of Ed. (\ M. Sheets. Co. Supt. Pub'. In. C ana Item s. Our people have beeu killing their hogs. M. J. F. W^ood killed two hogs last week tjiat weighed 864. Mrs. M. L. Snider, of Jerico,'is visiting her daughter, Mis. J. B. McClamrock. ^ lam rocks wagon ‘ thia morning for 'M r.J . E. started to Wl Xmas goods. The Cana Literary Society meets Friday night at the Academy. There wUl be preaching at Ea tons chnrch Sunday at 11 o’clock Misses Mollie Casey and Etta Clodfetta, of Calahaln. are visiting Mrs. E. D. C. Pops. Mr. C. W. Lowery went toSalis- bury this -week on business. People are- bnsy preparing for Xmaa and tbe ehildrcn are longing for Santa Clans to oome with hia candy and other presents. I will olose for fear of the waste basket. Socovs to the B kcobd and itt many readen. B. Dee. 18,1899. National Hotel, ! REFUEXISIIED. UXDUR NEW j MAXAGBMEXT. ! RATES, $1.00 PSR DAT. 1 J. H. R ausby, 1‘rop’r. Main St. SALISBURY, X. C. C A L L B R O S . Ten Per Cent. Furniture lEen.. Lots TJuiou (^assimere. black ground with neat, sray pin check and wine colored over-plaid, single-breasted. 5 to 14, very nobiiy. Worth S^I.25. OUK PKIOE 60 CEXl'S. Bo.vb’ Double Brea.stcd Suits, i made from all wool (’beviots and Cas.siiLeres; there are 25 styles to ^ select from, sizet) 7 to 1(; yeai-s, aud regular WS value. CUE PKICE $! .50. Boys’ AH \\'(X)1 Cassinieres. b’.aci; groiind, -.Titli dark gray i.e;:.! .-!lieck and pure Kiik niixtuie, double breasted, 9 ti; ::5, made ami Iriniir.id iu A1 style. Worth .».u , - where i{>5. O V R P R I C E « 2 .9 5 . Boys’ O ^ rc iS FROM §1 UP. Shirts, Ci.lliii-s, (UiiTs, SfsifJ ^ 1 i i i i Uiiaer-.vear, etc., etc., at j.rioe.> tLs' iirl competition. I N . L . 0 E A H F 0 E D & 3 OA- Vn K i 8 v' est F if l h S t. WIN.STOX-.SALEM. X. C. '‘■ia Trade St. Two Doors N. of Fsr -ipr*' Wi?; EX’S BOX CAI.F: EX'S VI( I I Calf liiW.' Dou’t Suffer, The Eiectropoise Cures all dUsases without tl'e use cf medicine. A pure Oxyg’en treaLment. , by absorption. It cures where every- : thin^ else fails. It is needed in every i family, for it will relieve everj- weat- i ness or ailment, to the most persistent i chronic disease; and without the use ' of a grain of medicine. Thousands of psople all over the United States, from private citizens to Lawyers, doc­ tors, preachers, Suprem e Judges Edi­ tors. etc., even crowned heads of E u ­ rope have fiven written testimonisls of these facts. Book of testimonials, and matter of great interest with W I N S T O N , N . C- W ant your trade and will give you bargains in all Styles of Bed-Room Sets, Odd Dressers, Dining Tables, Beds, W ashstands, Lounges, Conches and all things to be found in ajj U p To Date FU H X ITU EE HOUSE. SOIE MEW and BEAUnrBL DESKHS in DISHES, CHAKBEE-SETS and LAMPS, W» also have a Beautiful Line ot Pictures and Frames. Tbe Xew England and Xeedhaai Pianos, and the Old Reliable Estey Organs and the Needham Organs are sold by us. and n e ^ uo recommendation, as they are so W ell Known. ♦2.50, 32.75. ♦2.50, f'j.rr,, iJ.Cv I ADIJ jH’ a n d I SHOES 60 CEXT.S TO «.S.| 60 CEXTH TO I LL X EW SIIAPK?. price of instruments sent free. Every ‘ it saves money, induces health.°*Sc”nd I Ail Goods Jioid far Casli or Rasy Paymsnts.4. ^ » __.3 ___ _I__i ^ The Becord—91.oe a fear. your address at once and see what people say who have thoroughly test­ ed its merits. Agents wanted. T h e E l e o t b o p o is e C o ., 513 4th street, Louisville, K y . Greensboro Ktirseries, GEBE!;SBOF.O, X. C., For all kinds of Fruit, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Vines and Plants. I am the Intro- dnoer of the famous GBEEXS- BOEO and COS NET’S South­ ern Early Peach. Greensboro H erd of Registered PO­ LAND CHINA and Mammoth BUtck Hogs. One of the tinest herds in the South. W'rite for prices. JoiUt A, Y O tso, Prop’r. Come to our place and if you are not treated right call, no more, but if we treat you right, call again. ORGANS FEOM 825.00 ITF. PIAKOS FROM $190 UP. C A L L B R O T H E R S M anufacturers’ Agents, W'DTSTOX. . . N. V. Branch Honse: MART1K8VILLE, VA. TU E K i.G t;L A E SH O E STORE, Corner 4th -and Liberty Hts., W IXSTOX, N. r, ______________________ N E E L Y & ’C B U^ Just Received! Parlor Suite, M ir o , p^t(y m E V E liY x m S O TO K A K E „ 0 U S S BED-EOCH 'fl A X I) KXTl . AX PElCiVS t h a t w il l Can Always Give Lowest FricM On Bvtrytiiag in Our Line. i.’t in I - A S T t • teafling Fnrniture D « ii Is. ■ a n d Cude>.taTcer, - S A L IS B r ilV ' I r o i -1 . Saaia ^VILL b e POUXi A BIG stock T(j 1 ceut to U u i U i n " Bidefl, Cap P lstoJ T ree Orii-i'ucafs, ^ H o rn s, T o y old J u J yoiiag fori Vk! foJlid o'--r »‘| fur^ci i.':r s u ii Ur-tif-r-iia--- c;l for tbf. hcl;dr.yr. I cii. V« • ees for -cvr iiiv. > R . F . G - C H e y e S?F .C I a | fe-e o re r Ji-c sb i' C :c| WT>TftX-Oi?^ Fa fs itii rarait2r3 0f:ia y | ■ WILL PAY YOI F . E u n t l e y ’j ------HB 8 E L I r-CLA«3 FDRX| t X ijt f.'-'wr, 3ts.;k 426 and t:?8 Tr.vJe W INSTON^ ■ W r ^ i TOC c l ■ iL o O K j a O W N . T h e ave a Xice Line |rtlry uni Silver Wl and Sye <iUs.«’caf liriag done xhile; I lTi8Krc.l fir O t the timeA. Yonrs for bn?ln BSOWN. Th| I Liberty Street. Robert’s the gun W ant Yo; JCKEX8, POTAT ONIONS AK3 pAEJI PRODUCEJ I BiEkwt Karktt ?r Call on me YOU OOME TO I 1 S elaoted B toj rias Alwaye I Yonrs to Serve, 3 . M. 'M Siilisar.ry, Kort.i s t a n d a r d K<! [ O F T n E a o u T i i l p e Diraci Line to| SAS, UPO F.XIA. OBIDA, BA AND PORT «*t»y F i St < ll nt on all Throu I 'l‘r»in*. > Sleeping C-- Flaat and Sa^ Trarelby the) yoaareaH.snro<r fortable ;i„a an Jo arirey . . *7 to Ticket Aeend Hates and GeS toatioo, or ail r V E R K O N , LT-V. A. ’ irlotte, N. c. • TBU TOASSV ^ 8. «Airaos, f- * 6ea Mm. *• IBM S I uses Taft. k n y o u {rive such ^ , p on ordiuarv- „ ’“t»i [elliug th es t^fc f - ' ™ « th e h , “^IstjK-k. for they ■-altiuiore these pasi ■u «i,iioo.ooo.oo I'•sl I^ l at once, er w in *'?■ I>i to take a t l v a u l ^ J | e p io .H u .e .i l^i,;,». o | | « * t o g i v e o .,r f n e u t ''* i r:s»3LftCKij!ia5j*so^ le I'liion Twill, dark, a red a u d g ^ v ' Virt-ftsled r«mu<i cut line 5 0 . Ol'R PRICE «2.20. iilemeirs Fine Suj.j |-:1 Worsteds. Fauey (irav Jlaltuuij. ; ami iluable bieastod i j gootis liaudsomtly Ib easily SlO.OO, bat «1 ^ sale I TilKY GO AT *6.00. [en’s Overaiti FKOM 8i>.2,-. Il>, jKSKt RiKisarji |iS . Suits. ..its aud tyle.« ti) aud '.y j,e.it ;ilu;e, ;:e an;{ •I; .xu . - I (JuiTs, .Scarfs. >:.. .; ; rioeii tual ueiy l i D & 01 X. N'. >f Far >)pr«' ^Van BOX CALF; iKV-;^ VKI Sfi<;r;i; Cilf ? £ ! S-’..Vi. 32.75. JS.flO. «J.50, ?L-.75, s;!.CO. |Ai']];S- A.VIJ CHI SilOKS 60 < ,vv:x.s TO *3.50. 60 < EVTS TO *3.50. l.L .'('E\V SHAPIS. lilOK STORK, WIN-.STO.V, r. pLY & CEUTB-I t v e d ! Faity Plei\| f>I'SK iIAXD.SO-'fE. - E O C M v * ’lT3! 2 XTi .'. l.'iH ;.'? t h a t w il l D avie R ecord ro x -1 -MOC3BBVILLE, N . C., W E D N E 3D A T , D E C E M B E R 27, X899. -4- NO. SM. Saata Clans Headparters, I \s\hl. AS TJ3ITAL, b e POUMJ a t OUtt STOKE THIS SEASOS. A big Rfock Tov», D.iII Carriages, Dolls all kiuils, from ] cent to lyi.tKl; Hurfiee, Hobli.v Buiitiin.!,' Picture liooka, Iron Toys, Air Riilea Cap Pi-ilols aud Cap*; B»by Rattlew, Christman Tfs.- Jrruxcnls, dumiay Seh'xjl .Supplies, Albnxf, Drums, U m u A ra TnT-cri'T cousrT.s*?. 11 ;.!co 11 >.rf;€ !!t<«lr 5»5'!;w-, Cbilorcu’fi, and Men's Gbo», 1 3 ■,'i’u cf «!i kitd.!. Wlit-n in V.'t-.-.filoi Ktoppin;; It ^ VI The Davie Recorcl, KJBU3BED EViatY WEBNESUAY. G. H. UOimiS, Editor. Pritchard’s Besolutiou on Th* Auiendmeat. _______________________________j TEItttS OP SCB3CB1PTI0N I j One copy, One Year, • - - $1.00 j One copy, Six Mentha. - . - .Vi i One copy, Three Months - - - 2f. I M0CK8V1I.LK, N. C., DEC. 27, 18»9. H e w n i s f i & K i n g :, I I'’ ^r-', ^.;cr^vstvoct.•«’5>>vro:.%:^.c. " | i W, .''-.r 'S cU JKt'... I I ^ -. - ,.■ —.~i|| II Mf iM~i III < ■ ii>iM I 'nr n I iiiictrn'iiH~iTW-rti—inir F> G- C H E E K H;YE Srr-C IA L iST . |',j;o =ru c\s'.hi-c Stoi-e, \7''TrvT0F. K. C. i’n iasseB 'f I T o - ^ a . r r L e e d - ramlt -ra of nay XiaJ I !T WU.L Pi 7 i’''C TO SEE ?. E u a tle y ’® 'ita c k , ----HB SELUS------ FI.aT CLASS FDE5ITCBK AX I i' ttiifrikr., sttoc ilnijs CsKjli^s. 426 and f?8 Tr,vie Street, Wi:C.ST(JTI, Jf. C. •sv^ r-T in rT yoc GO -ro l ! i S w n ,H . C .,| - C.VLL C K — I 3 R 0 W N . T h e .I e w k l f r . If you r.re ia ijssii of a TRUSS -t will pt;/ yor. to isve s Ferfect Fit. DR. Y. O. THOMi^JN hafi Ijsd forty yea,rx’ esparieaoe iu Adiustiug- Tramee. He will Per- Mnaliy fit you the Old Heiiable TH0MP30H DKl'G STOEE, tVinstoo, N. C. Br. M. D. Kimbrougli, P arS IC IA N AND SUKOBOK. OacL, Krst door South of Hotel Darit!, MOCKSVII,LE, N. C. Br. B. E. .iiidersoii, -------DBSTIST.------ OBce: Firat Door South of Dr. Kinibro'.!gh's. Mocksvili^e, N. C. r f^ k r istn ia s :i:*-;,*?aESEKX3. I have a fine lot of ^oodB anitable h.T» a Kice Line of Watehcs, pft*. ?i!r«r Ware, Hpe«ia- ^ , »il Eve GkRfCS. efc. Fine «-:riue Jone x/.jle yoa vra!; End ; p^a-nonds, F.ne <-h;na, i3v lnsi;re.l fir one yessr. Prices Rla*s, Silver ^iovelties, |o«it the timw. ” > Canes and Toars for bnslaeas, ™ re.ias, ESOWN. The jK'srBi.EJt. many other novelties for those S Liberty Street. Seit door to want sometbiu" neat and up- Robert'Kthc j;uu man. 11 Want Yonr Eggs, mCKKSS. POTATOES, 0X1ON3 AKD OTHER I FAEa PUO D C C E. I E:kc‘. Haritt ?ricu WOl U Call on me when TOC COME TO TOW N. I. well Se’9eted S to e i of G roce­ ries A lw iys On. E anr’. Tours to Ser.'e, D. M. k il l e r , E-.H::)r,rv, I'7'rt.h ijarohnfi. RAILW AY. to-date for a litUe money. When yon rieit oqi city, call and see my etcre whether you wish to bny or net. FBG D. K. DAY. Jew eler, At the BIb Watch, Winston , N. C. DOKTT W AIT A MINUTE. G O O D W a t c h e s ab so i.o tei.y fb e e . W e w an t your n am e lor P A S T I M E , a brijhi, clean, illuatrated ptory and humoroas paper for toe family circlc, 16 large paee*. on!y 75c a year; oa trial 4 iaon-.5s, iOc. W e [rive a alckic sliver w atca to cacfc subscriber, a neat mediun-siEed •watch, faarantced for oce year. W I U keep viaie for roaay yean as acCi;r.^te:y a* a *100 watch. A n d fj.- a litile w o ii we gi»e Gold vatciie-’, Bicycitts, sawing c;achinc», Guns, tic. SampicK and p*rtictilani fr^£. S in i u« yciir addreiw to-day if vo '2 do no more, aiid «ee ho w easily rou can get ^otnetiiing nict: you want. %Vc wiii surprise you. Plcaso don't wait a 2 iia'.".te, scud now. Better tc- cii>-e 5 stamps for trial »ubfx:ription a a d prcseai, or 28 stataps for vfalcli an d paper while the watches are going; free. T h e P A S T I M E P u b. Com pany, < Loui«Tiltc, K y . ETASDAP-DEAILWAT O F T n u ao u T ri. I Tc9 Direct, Line to tl! Poiata. piA B , |ALIFOr.KlA. MIDA, C B A A \ D PORTO EICO. Strieflj- Fi Ht ri;i*y, Kqiiij-. on ail Throuifli and L I'rsiin*. ilaan Sleeping Oto on all jriBht and Safe. Bchedokia. the Sonthnm and r?.f^Kr “"'•“••od a Safe, Com- I. oraUdrciyi F.R. DARBY, i w «8w n QincsnoKs. |« « U iH l,O S , HCOIP. A nother M isrepreB antation. Mr. Linney, the Bepre«entative of the eighth district of th*» State, is a s'cutieman who has the ability, jrtcnuircd by long experience, to tfira around so quickly as to locate the, seat of his trousers in Iront. It c^hoitld not oo'asion any Enrprixe, therefore, that after declaring him- « lf la«t year a bi-meti^llist, he »i:p- prrtK tbie year a bill which declares for tbe single gold standard. Mr. Atv.’gter. the RcpreseniatiTe of tb« fotirtb di'itrict, in his speech in the U()-c>Ee Thursday seemed lo treat tLese joint circuinsiauees as matter for wouder, bat it is not. A man who has done many of the things that Mr. Linney has done, the last being a published statement over hie own name that negro Bibiiop Petty ill the equal of any man in ilatlilenbnrg count}', can do any­ thing.—(Jharlotte Observer. The Oh.wr’/er i.s coa«!dere<l by inipsrtial aea of all psrties—one of tb« fairest Domoeratic papers edited in the Etate, yet its partizan- bias 13 so great, it once and awhile falls from grace, and commits the ■ame kind of sins that are so often, and without excuse, committed by the Democratic papers. The Ob­ server has knowingly, or through inadrertance, misrepreseuted Mr. Linney in the above article. Mr. Linney wrote a letter to the WilLesboro Journal which ap­ peared in that paper Dec. 1st, in which he used this language, with reference to an editorial which ap pea red in that paper at a former date, in defense of the people of Wilkes county. Xow—read Mr. linney’s own words and judge for yourself: “That was a heavy blow yon gave the Observer when yon intimate that Wilkes had produced a half- breed—Bishop Petty—who pos­ sessed as much intelligence as any man in'3Iecklenbiu-g.” Can any fair, impartial, un-bi- assed man place any such conatrnc' lion upon Mr. Linney’s language as the Observer does, in the above paragraph t Mr. Linney does not say a word about Bishop Petty be ing the equal of any man in Meek leubui^ or any other county. He only refers to what the Journal had said of Bi3liop Petty in its reply to a sling at Wilkes. It’s the Jour­ nal’s language and not Mr. Lin­ ney*. Why can’t yon Democratic pa- pen once and a while tell the truth about Bepnblicans, without twist­ ing yonr quotations out of all recog­ nizable shapet There are a lot of good honest men in the Eepublican party, regardless of the abuse and maledictions rained down upon their beads by a malicious intoler ant Dtmocratic press. When a Republican leaves bis party and join* your ranks be is a patriot, hero and statesnuin. On the other hand, let a man leave the Democratic parly and join the He- publican party, and at once the vi­ als of yonr wiatb aretnrnel loose «nd you heap npan him vile, slan­ derous absise. Like the Jews ot old; nothing good ronld be seen in a Gentile. Such methods have seen their day. The people will no longer be ruled and governed by the bigotx--d, intolerant demasogats- ism of men who resort to bitter iu- vcciive, vile miBrepresentation of their poiitical antagonisls. Away with such wen and such methods— lets lead the great common people by addrcMing their sense of justice, their reason and common aeuse. The tiape set by I be Simmons crowd to catch the illiterate white men, have been located and the people :ire awake. Bem in^!toB Single B arrol B resch O u a, - $6-50 Otljei* . • • • $4.50, $6.00 Loaded Shells, 35c a bo*. Bbut, 7c. p w pound. Prim erf, 12c. a bos. All O ther Good* B qntlly to # , if . M . RO B B ET3, 445 Libeifty Street, W rSSTO X , N . C. National Ccmvention to ilest at Pbiladelpbiav WaBhington, D«c. 16.—Tba Be pnblican National Committee after hearing arguments by representa­ tives of New York, Philadelphia, Chicago and St., Lonia, this after­ noon decided that tee next Bepnb licah National Convention will be held in Philadelphia. Jane ^ was fixed upon as the date. Phibdel- pkia won on the secopd ballit, re- wlvmg 26 votes to 24 for Chh^o. Gazette Bureau, W ashiu^oii, Dec. 20. The DemcK!r.itic preKs of North Carolina seemed to be wrought up to a high pitch over the step taken by Senator Pritchard to secure a little application of the constitution of the ilnited Slates to the locality ill which these papers operate. These papers fear that the resol J- tiou introduced by the Seaator will not be cunsideretl germane to some­ thing or Homebody and that »ou!S- thing unpi-«c«-deuted will be done. It may be of paBsiug intereat to those nervous journalists that Sen- atoi-s atewart, Beveridge and other leading men ot the senate are of the opinion that the resolatiou is altogether in ord»-r and they will support it on the lloor of tUe sen­ ate. A few days ago when the proposed Payne resolution, looking to ti'.c restriction of tlie .<joathern repitsentation in national conven- tiou.'i \7att sc-Et to the quiet recesses of a piftcon hole through the infln ence of southeru Republicans it was urged by induential opponents that the santhern elctitians were a mst ter for congresaional attention. Men of national reputation everywhere are glad that the s-.ibject is reueir- iug attention from auch a high and pro})er sourt^e. The resolution deals with a ques­ tion that affects the people of the United States, and therefore Sena­ tor Pritchard will press the matter to a vote at the earliest pobsible momen:. “If the leaders of tha Democratic party,” :said Senator Pritchard to me yesterday, “are sincere in their professions with regard to the colored man I cannot understand why it is they do not propose to abrogate the fourteenth and'Hfteenth amendment of thecon- stitutiou of the United States. If ther>e amendments were out of the way the Democrats could then de­ prive the colored man of his voce without coming in contlict with the constitution, and the fact that they do not propose to abrogate these piovisiong is clear proof to my mind that they propose to disfranchise the poor illiterate white people as well as the colored people oi North Carolina.” Some of onr Dsmooratic friendj are very colicitous about Senator Pritchards resolution. They pre^ tend to be in favor of the majority ruling, yet they have passed an election law with which they pro­ pose to force through an nuconsti tutional amendment which will vir> tually nallify majority-rule in thi* •State as it has done in South C&ro- olina and Louisiana. We are hear­ tily in favor of congress taking standing by the great common peo­ ple in their fight for their rights and liberties'. Xiemcmber the Gold- den Buie. A F usionist Compellert to L eave W ilm ington Th« Second Tim e. WILMISOTON, N. C., Deo. 20.— C. P. LocVxoy. who was expelled from this city dnring the momora- ble r.ice trouble of November, 1898, has been iu the city for the past week Slid wae waited on by citizen committee during the lr.st 48 hours aud advised that it would be wixc for him to leave at onec, and that too before tomorrow (Tuesday) momii'g. In compliance with t hese instructions, he left for Washing­ ton on the northbound train to night. Luckey was candidate fur judge of the .Sixth district On the fusion ticket in 189S and was city attorney under the old city goveru- ment regime, which was overthrown Novenii>er liith. Lockey w;is not banished immediately after the riot as were a naml>er of bis swsoci- ates, but was waited on b.v a com­ mittee and asked how long it wonld take him to wind np bis busine.-« here. He replied, probably 30 days, and was given the time he asked. This ':ou.dderatiou was ac­ corded him be-fiii!<e he hail not made himself so odious as many of his asuc-v-i'isefl had. l.ockey’s iriends here claim that he woaltl not have returned to Wilmington bad ho not beeu assured by cerraiu prominent Democrats that the animo<>ity against him was spent and no ob­ jection would be raised to his pres­ ence here. If the above does not digcIo!w a disgraceful state of afTaira in thi» State, we are no judge. In free North Carolina a man is made to leave his home, his property and h's business and seek a home else­ where, and yet we boast of onr love of right, justice and freedom. These thiugb have got to stop some where or somebody is going to bi’ hurt. The people are not going to tamely submit to such wrongs al- w.iys. Instead of heralding soob things abroad as something to be proud of, it should be a matter of shame. THE COMFORT. HOLIDAY GOOD3- Do your holiday buying as early aa ]xn«ible. It is to yonr iot-preet to do so. Firstly, you get a Ijetter seleotiun ao d do not have to take the “leavings.” Secondly, yon can take yov.r lijtie selecting and do not have to be rushed at the last moment. This seaKon we have made e:;t'.'ft preparations for you aud the little folks. You will lind here an aggre­ gation of holiday gifts and toys that <amiot be found elsewhere, and last, but not least, we've attached such low Ugnres to ’em, that we anticipate an early buying and .speedy sale. If you think it just a little to9 early for yon, we invite ymi to onr stores anyhow. SeeourdiipUy, theu you will be in a better position to kuow what you want. HEBE THEY AKZ: G itti and toys for the little folka. Dolla— China and bisqcc head dolls, Sc up to 5i>c each; joiaicd dolla, 10c up to 51 00 each; dressed dolls, 5c up to »1 5» each; Pi-ench dolls 2-jc up to 81 50 each. Al! .lizes, colon, a^es and conditions; iu fact, we have a regular doll world. Toys—Child’ii wa»h sets, 15c to 50c set; child's china di.she.<, luc to tl 00 set; music boxc.=>,2Gc and50c; musical litters, 23c aud 50.-.; musical tube phones,2-jc and 56c; tenpins, 10c up to50c let; roam* ing toy.^, 10c up to jiV c.ich; iroa toys. 10c up to 5'Oc cach; rouffh rider set, JSe and 5'.)c set; soldier S£it.-i, 2oc aud 50c set, aud hundreds of other tOTs for the children. Gift.* for the larger folks. Pretty albums, at 10c, 15c. and S5c; prettier albuir.s, at 25c, 50c, '.'ic, and M 00; prettiest alnuaiB, at ^123, $150. and $2 (V); shaving boxes, - - __ ..___^_____, men's handkerchief and tie boxes, 25o up to *1 set; m en’s collar and cuff boxes, V c up to il 50 each, aud laaay others -which .space will not permit mentioning. Cijats and cape*i._ have too m any, aud have cut the price oa all, ta Yadkia Valley institute, ^ Jooavilie, N. C. Rfepretentii a high type of the pr* paratory' school. Uses the im*t eflicient meth;Kls in education. Pre­ pares boys and girls for college am: tits them for business and life. Oui of the best to infuse with energy, ____ __ ___ ____„ to wake u? boys and'girls to the some action in order to guarantee duties of life. Eepre.sented thi> to us a Bepublican form of govean- ment. Like Senator Pritchari!, many of ub wonder why they have not made an effort to eliminate the negjo by the repeal of the 1-1 and 1& amendments. They don’t want the negro retired, be serves their purpose. Richmond Pearson, who control* the infamons Asheville Gazette, wants to run for Governor next year on the Eepublican ticket.— tells of the l<x»tion, rile, aim. and year in a halt dozen leading col leges and nniversities. 208 stu dents from tiireo States last year North Carolina Students this fall all the way ironi the Caldwell line on the west to Jones and Bertie counties on the east. Expenses average only $-10 per term of live months. Competent teachers, firm discipliue, thoroughness iu all thiogs. Good reading room and excellent literary societies. Stu­ dents can enter at any time and find suitable classes. Onr catalogue what it means to a boy or girl to attend scho^jl here. Spring term Wilkesboro Chronicle. According to Bob Deal and a few _, . . 1. 0P«“ January 8, 1900. Th*olhera m this State, every one who ' bee„ does not endorse Bimmons Demo- ] rapid, and for the past six years, cracy ifc inlamous. A great many! undrr the present management, it people are b^Inning to think that i has been broadening its field and thereHre. ^ many things not j sltogetfcer good, pure, nice and of preparatory schootn. Its ^ood report connected with latter 1 reputation i« more than Ioc»l. You day r>einocra«y In thia State. You will be pleased with onr tborongh are cot making any friends or votes ^ork and attractive location. Send or !.» > » » • Deal. The AiheviUe Gazette wjBoonville. N. C. D issolution Sale. Some member* of the firm of floase, 3todemire & Co., will withd-»w January 1 *t. In o der to take up their shares, our stu- k must be reduced at A great sacrifice! Our sample rooms, inclnding two warehouses, are jam full, and to turn this immense stock into cash in auch a short time means to Almost Crive Away! Now Listen! To meet those members who are going to withdraw, means we must meet them with the cash. So, if you have wrne cash, come get your part of this large stook. Listen! We Will Giye Yon a StoYe At 20 per cent, below coBt, and remember, onr stoves were bought before the great rise. Get your beds, chairs, dressers and anything we have in stock at your own price. We m; 6t turn it into money by January 1st, 1900. Large lot of china closets, W)ok oases, and ladies’ desks to go just anyway for ea*h. BespectfnUy, House, StoMemire & C o ip y , At OeatTsJ Hotja, SALiSBTTBY, X. C. - ,capc» 50c up tu 4 00, in cioth; capes. 150 up to 10 00 in pluah. SuJcs. Irid yolM dho^Ht, 08c pali; aud youths’ aolld neat h o : 9-^ prtir; box calf shoes, aiz&H % tu 50; m en ’s hox calf shoesi, tiiice 3oU:-j, 1 i)8 ; m sn ’H tan, three :*ole rfhoes. 1 ladic?’ kid dress ahoe.'i, M e ; lad:::a’ k a n ja n o shoes, 1 2’»; ladieH- band sewed shoes, 1 &8, Buy your 3u ji 3 here aud save 25 per ccnt on them. TEE COIIFOET. Headquarters for Ciits and Holiday Presents of all kinds. CoESKK OPFOaiTE PoOTOrytCE. WlSSTON, N, 0. M c D O W E L L I R O G E R S Winaton’s Cheap Clothiers, ---------BUTEBS FOB— ] - THREE MAMMOTH STORES. - ! W EI SELL FOK L5iSS, BECAUSE W E BUT C H *A PB » TH A N SMALL DSALEE 8 . S O M B S P B C lX I iS i 3001 Saits at $350, $5 CO and $650, W OSTH $5.00 TO *9.00. 500 SUITS 87.50 TO 810.00, WOETH $ll.e» TO ttl.W . 158 Orirmtt, W.M U werti U.75 to 200 OVEECOATS, 07.50 to # W orth ?20.00 to 818.M. If you hare bought of n* yon know ds; if yon harea’t yen should try ns, and learn ycf.r mtving. GEEAT V A L V ra in Hats, Shirts, Tins, and Underwear. D on't FoTEst the P;ao* w hen Y ou Come to Wir.Bton. 6. T. GLASCOCK & SONS, Gr.s:NPSOSO, m . c .. FOTJOEES MUi FACEIKISTS. >!a ri-'iictiirers r.f Turbine V.'ater Wheels, The CAEOLINA COOK liTOi i , Etriting HUncs. t <>sl Crates, Country Hollow Ware i'loiis, i’low C-;st:ngs ami Feef! Cutters. BPEt^lAL CASTINGS OF A5'S DESCEIPTTON. W Every Article Miianfafttireilby Us Gnarautced in livery E. II. MOEEL^, Agent. at MOCKSVILLE. N. C. 0 1 • g p) 0 1 n fRecord paper and 3 tickets. Presents In MlectiDg B SewiDg M achine, pick a n t the one th at rnne the hgfateet, eewB the faetest, makes the least noiae j( m ost dorable. will not break the thread if run backward, will not puck­ er the lightest fabricn, has patent ■pool wire, antom atio tention release IwU bearing, etc. THE WHEELER & WILSON possesses all the above points of an- periority o»er any other make. Costs nothins to examine onr. F or sale by E . J. BOW EN, WiustoD, N. C. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. ItarOficlallydigeststhefoodandaids Kature in strengttieiiing and recon* etnictii^ the exhau3ted digestive or- c^Ds. Itistbelatestdiscovereddig^t* ant and tonic. No other preparation can ai^iroaoh It in efficiency. I t In* etantly relieves and permanently cores Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea gickHeadache,Gastralgia,Cramps,and all other results of i m perfectdlgestion. Pv«por«d by E. C. DeWitt aCo.. Cbleog» C. C. Sanford. . ^ T R Y TH E • * "REWIIOME” SEWiHOIUOHIIIL I ahOwtnKthedif- MacfaiVei we~rajinufa^re a ii the^ pnees before yoa purchase any other. nEIEVHIESEflMMeillEeO.. OBAirOB,MA8S. «nafoo8qaan,».7. C3itoa«o.IIL flt.lMds.lCo 8uiFraa<dB00,CBt. ▲tlsnU, Ga. FOR SALE av Preetnltloa. W« give one or more free schol- ttships in every county in the U. S. Write n& Will accept soles for toition orcac deposit money in notil position is eccured. Car fare {wd. No vacation. En> teratanytime. Openforbotb Chsapboard. “ 3*otiiions„, Suaranteotl Vnd^ reasonable tonOUions THE PROBLEM OF THE DAY-.HOW OLD ARE WE? Wben Does tbe 19tb Century End? Old 1899—‘1 am the most Important year that ever lived. I mark the close of the most remarkable century in the world's history.” Young 1900—“Hold on, old fellow! I am coming and the nineteenth century will not be over until I have lived 365 days.” A BAY STATE BANK FAILS. Reooeiver For the Globa National, of Boston, Appointed. Action Taken by Controller DawesoDlree* tors and Stockliolclera Likely to lx>se HeavUy. nlust™ted—Address J. F. D kadgbtoh, PrS’t J ^ d S S 'i ^ S D r a u i j h o n ’ s P r a c t i c a l ^ . B u s i n e s s ^ Nashville, Tenn., A Galveston, Tex., Savannah, Ga.. ^ Texarkana, Tex. sAools of the kind m tbe world, and the desi fatromzed ones in the Soath. Indorsed by bank- ys,^ merchants, minuets and others. Pour weeks in bookkeeping with as are equal to ty d ve weeks by the old plan. J. F. Dtanghon. r te ^ n t, is^author of Dranghon’s New System «f Bockkeepmg, "Doable Sotxy Hade £a^.» Ito e ita d y . We have prepared, forliome a position as night tekgreph operator.”— t o ^ o wBLL, Bookkeeper for Gerber « gtit» .WholealeGroeers, SotUhChicago. HI jMenlioneAis paptrwhtnwriiiti^,) f SuelOVE LETTERS, >» oroir. T.,ior’« V ‘‘•‘d Age. NashvUlc.^mn. Urammers, tiddlers, Kishpnuen.Hothen-liiJaw, SporUmen, Undicatps, SirMthfirtg, TcadienJm-y are conaidmd the test work t&l has ever trora Gov. ■Kiylor’t gifted pen. HU repnl*. tionas a liumori.-i, orator, and entertaiuais w wide as the world itsdf. oiienama I f '« » semimonthly^arnal, Ifl to 82 pa^cs, dfsvrotcd to F iction. I*oet- WrrANT>J^O R , BiocKAPiii*, T ravels, Scibxce, and D<?partments: Homru’r - ^V rtlir u P«“usnca m tnc Swiitli. Wake r»?u bicycle by doing afor Snnple copips free. Addres The \ on >apd>.gftPnt,. fo., Kashrtlle, Ten#. ■1 Ml T H R O U G H S L E E P E R S , KNQXyiLLEr^ X ew YORK V iflIi^Y ,f"X flT tJR flL B r i d g e . ) m M m , WORFDLK TP COLUMBUS C L O S E C O N N E C m m Iff. B. BEVILL,GaieidIlB8. ; .ROANOKE.VA.; Washinotok, D. C. (Special).—The Con :roller of the Currency has announced that thu Globe National Rank ct Boston has closed ita doors by order ot the Con troUer and that Special Examiner Daniel &. Wing has been placed in charge of the •nstitatlon as temporary receiver. The Slobe Bank had a capital of #1,000,000 and ita downfall was oaosed by losses snstalned In the recent failnre ot the Broadway Na* tlonal Bank of the same city and by the leetine in value of oopper stooics. In oon- aeotlOQ with bis action the Controller said: 'Some time ago Hr. Wing, who Is one of :be experts employed in tbe system of ipeolal bank ezaalnations recently in- sugurate J, discovered a serious condition >f affairs in the Globe National Bank, vhloh be immediately brought to tbe attention of the Controller, and under bis direction, to the directors of the sank. The directors very laudably agreed and undertook to maice good tbe ioubtful and bad assets found, and have greatly Improved tbecondltlon of tbe bank )lnce that time. They aUo delivered to tbe Controller a written guarantee that they would remove tbe doubtful assets. Becent failures in Boston have lessened the (ralue ot the unperformed portion ot tbe ccuurantee and involved «be solvency ot :ue bank. “In view of tbe fact that to allow the bank to remain cpon longer will result in lojastlce to nnsecured creditors, now that the condition of Insolvency is found to ex­ ist. it becomes my duty under the law to appoint a receiver. A considerable cash div­ idend can be paid to creditors at once. The sonditloa ot the bank was discovered by Bpecial Examiner Wlog ia time to secure lueb action on the part of tbe directors as will probably prevent tbe failure from in* HiotlQg heavy losses upon tbe depositors, but the directors and stockholders will lose heavily.*' SarprJse Ezproased at Boaton. Boston (Speolal).^The news that a re« SRiverbad been appointed for the Globe National Bank has taken the city bv sur­ prise. Only a few days ago it was officially stated that tbe Cle «rtog House Committee had certificates signed to a large amount. This is the second Boston bank to go un- Ser within a week, the Broadway National having gone into a receiver’s hands soon after the Squire failure, in which it was in* volved. BROOKE’S CABINET IS OUT. General Wood Accepts tteslenationa of tUe Caban MinUters. H avana, Cuba (By Cable).—The four members ot the Cabinet appointed by Gen­ eral Brooke, Senors Capote, Secretary of Government; Desverniae, Secretary.of Fi­ nance; Lnnuza, Secretary of Justice, and Saenz Yanez, Secretary of Public Works, formally tendered their resiguatlons and G ^eral Wood promptly accepted them. General Wood, accompanied by Generals Chaffee and Ludlow and his aides, visited the carcel and inspected the quarters of the prisoners. His conclusions are un­ known. The purpose of his visit was pre­ sumably to prepare himselt for u recon- «truction of the whole system ot justice, lor which tbe Cubans are clamoring. Clomency SeCated f Klcht Karderera* The Board of Pardons ia executive ses­ sion at Harrisburg, Penn., refused to pardon William Penn Bowman, Wilkes Bnrre; Wiilinm Patterson and William Wasco, Allegheny; Edward Cross! oger, Northumberland; Thomas Brennan, Potts- vllle; John Weber, PhUiidelpbiu; Cornollas Shew and James j. Eugan, Susquehanna. All are under seuteuoe of deatU lor mur­ der. TO STAMP OUT POLYGAMY. Many Constitutional Amendments Proposed by Congressmen. Great Interest Displayed in the Roberts Case W ill Z.ead Coueress to Take Definite Action. Tiettm of Unfortunate Specnlatlon. A victim ot speculation, having lost nearly $100,000 in the recent crash in tbe stock market, Cantalu Louis Bchnerberirer. cashier ot the Baltimore Postofflce, proini- nent in politics and treasurer of the Youni; Men 8 Bepubllcan Club at Baltimore, Md.. th?bedd**'^ by shooting himself iu W ar Fever In KuRiand. recent reverses to British arms In South Africa have stirred the nation into a per­ fect fever of enthusiasm for the vicorou^ prosecution of tbe war. and the women seem to vie with the men in military fervor. Xewa of the Toilers. The nnlon clgarmakers of Tampa, Pla have enforced a demand that oiiear fac- wee? acrubbed and cleaned once a Point. Ind.. has decided that a non-union workman, dis- ?6dJSi\S'liw* naloQ, hla S "rlo a has prwUrally n T ? ” at Antwerp.Hoi and. Belief committees are being 6r- M t orworlC ' “***“ vhotte a l i ^ y 000 cotton-mlll aperatiyes In tho H ottt “ ““ adv»nooot w araand that the advance in the Soath * tbe^total op to 160.000. WAsniKOTON, D. C. (Special).—The in­ tention ot Congress to do something to stamp out polygamy absolutely is more and more forcibly expressed every day, owing to interest attracted to tbe mutter by tbe progress of the Boberts ease. There have been numerous proposltiotis for constitutional amendments on the sub­ ject, the latest and one ot the most far-> reaching having been proposed in the House byBoprettentatlveSh&troth, of Colo­ rado. It is for a Ooastltutional Aonend- ment which provides as follows: “Section 1. Neither polygamy nor po­ lygamous cohabitation shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to its Jurisdiction. “Section 2. Polygamouscohabltation, or polygamy, whether practised within the bounds ot a State or a Territory of the United States, shall be treated as a crime against tbe peace and dignity ot this re­ public. ‘Mectlon 3. No person shall be Senator or Representative in Congress, an elector, or President or ViOB-Presidant or hold any otfices of honor or emolument, whether civil or military, under the United Siates or under any State, or Territory there jf, or be permitted to vote at aay election tor any of said officers in either dtute or Ier> itory, who shall be found guilty ot polyg­ amy or polygamous cohabltutlou; but Con* gress may, by a vote of two-thirds ot each House, remove such disability in any spe« ciiic case. “Section 4. The Congress shall hove pow« er to enforce the provisions ol this article by appropriate legislation.'* REMOVAL OF MAINE’S DEAD. Placed lo New Coffins and Taken Aboard the Battleship Texas. H avana, Cuba (By Cable).—The removal of the dead of the Maine was not accom* panied by any ceremonies over the bodies. Newly coffined, they wera placed in the mortuary chapel of the cemetery until all was completed. At 10 o’clock at night twenty wagons formed a mournlal proces­ sion, carrying 151 coffins to the Maculna Wharf, passing through nnirequented streets. The bodies reached the wharf at 11.89 o’clock under a strong guard from the battleship Texas, were placed aboard two .'iteam lighters before davlight, and were taken to the warship at 6 a. m. Ail the recnuina were thorouguiy disinfected. Persons wuo were desirous ot pbotograpb- ing the proceedings at the cemetery were not allowed to do so. The work was con. ducted quietly and decorously, under the directiou of Father ChidwicR. The old coffius were carried awuyaud burned. JAMES D. TAYLOR A SUICIDE. W asner Falace Car Odlclal Kills Biniself in WasUinfftou. Washihqton, D. C. (Special).—James Duane Taylor, Secretary and Treasurer oC the Wagner Palace Car Company and a son-in-law of the founder ot tho company, committed suicide at the Grafton Hotel, in this city, bycutcicg his throat with a razor. Mr. Taylor was suffering from some nervous affection caused uy illness, and the fatal act was coinmitt-ad apparently on the Impulse of the momont. Death was almost instanlanoous. He was sixty-two yoiirs old. Tbe razor with whicU be cut bis throat bad just been used by iiis physician, Dr. Leo, who, utter using It, put it ou a dress­ ing case uud left the room. During Uis brief absence Mr. Taylor seized tue piada and ended his life. Masked Bobbers Use Insult to Gee Sloney. Five masked burglars broke into tue home of Andrew Lockwood, near Bells Tunnell, Penn., a few days aeo. He was about to retire witb tiia wiie. Sue is sev­ enty-three years old aud tie is seveniy-six. They bad >11875 secreted ia a clocues uuest, the money beiug tue savings of miuuy years. The burglars tied tue oid uiau to a chair and assaulted him, hoping lo maice uim confess where the mouey was. He reiused, whereupou they stripped uis wife tu tue waist. H'earful tunc sue wuuid be suujuuted te greater iudiguitien, Lo icwuod revduied the nidiug place, wueceupou lUe ded witb tbe money. Crotloc Notes. Tacoma, Wasu., has twenty-two miles ot cycle paths wituiu tue city limits. The latest meaus of di!«posiag of the bell bicycle is piacuig it ou cue pedal. ^BbTtbe Soudan camp ligu o. 18DJ uleycle^ w en utiiisMd as tue mucor pu.v«riu pro- -vlding eiootrioity ior worttiug tue teie* sraph wires. Ad English toarij«t does not voice the aentimeut ot a u. ^<>rlty ot wJHei.uea lu this country wheu ue sa/s tuai tue ragj lor aoetyieue lamps is ou cue waue. Bioyole mauutacinrers aud dealers an* conttdent ol cue uou^mued popuiar.tyu. thebioy- le. Uepuc»s iro-u ta« v/^c ua i the £aac show luat tne £actor»es uro rau- 4ilagpfttoU time. m . WOOD AT Americans and Cubani N ew Govemor-T alute the era). HE FORMALLY TAKW COMMAND. Steamer Arrlvad , Classes Welcoi f General Wood** Havana •• All r Governor* General—Cuban Comment Fa­ vorably Oa His Aypolntment. H avana (By Cable).—The welcome given Hajor-General Wood, the new Governor* General of Cuba, on entering Havana, was. according to all the old residents, witbou' parallel in tbe history of tbe island. Th< elaborate display of bunting in the barboi and tbe multitude ot boats and band: stowed that the hastily formed Beception C >mmittee haddone excellent work. More­ over, there was a heartiness in tbe cheer­ ing that was quite onusuaL General Wood arrived here at daybreak on the steamer Mexico, Captain McIntosh. The steamer was gayly decorated with flags. From Cabanas Fortress a Majoi General’s salute of thirteen guns was Ared, and the Cubans from the Punta fired a Gov- ernor-General’s salute of twenty-one guns by tbe explosion ot petards. Civil Governor Nunez was tbe first man. after the pilot, to board the Mexico. He was accompanied by Commissioner of Cus­ toms Bliss, Generals Chaffee, Blohards and Humphreys, Mayor La Coste, a deputatiou from the courts and from every depart­ ment of Government. Every launch in the harbor, barges and rowboats were hired and decorated with bunting. Even a big ferryboat, with a band, was pressed Into service. Three bauds played during the hour which General Wood remained on tbe Mexico after her arrival. Then he boarded a launch supplied by the Entertainment Committee, while a salute of twenty-one rockets, each having American or Cuban flags attached, was flreJ. Much enthusiasm wa» manifested on every side. Tery beautiful was the dltiplay made by tbe procession ot launches which escorted the new Governor-General to the shore. Many ot the launches towed large and gay­ ly decorated boats. A large crowd received General Wood at Machlna Wharf, and upon landing there he was greeted with hearty cheers. He woi theu driven to the Hotel lugiaterra. During the morning there was a con­ stant stream ot callers at the hotel. Cue of tbe first callers was Senor Qaoaeda, Spe­ cial Commissioner of Cuba at WiLshlDgton, who arrived on the steamer Mascotte at the same time tho new Governor-General arrived on the Mexico. No reception was given to General Wood on shore, as the committe t thought that to do this might show a want of proper re­ spect for General Brooke, the retiring Gov­ ernor General. At noon General Wood, with Lieutenant Brooks, his aide, went to th*^ palace and called on General Brooke. The latter pre­ sented the members of the Cabinet and the officers of bis staff. He then turned his office over to General Wood. When told of the deatli of General Law- tou General Wood was deeply affected, and for several minutes was unable to oonvei.»e. Tbe local papers devote considerable space to the reception, declaring that Gen­ eral Wood is tbe most acceptable man who couid have been appointed to bring Cuba out of her difficulties and Info a quiet har­ bor. OYSTEIS DESTIOYED. CUSTOMS FRAUDS IN HAVANA* Ten Chlaf Appraiser* Arrested by Secret Service Men. H avana (By Gable).~A sensation wan eaused in Havana by thd arrest ot ten ot the Chief Appraisers ot the Custom House itaff, on the charge ot being in collusion with m-iny Havana morchants to swindle the Government out ot large sums. It is as-*erted that the fraud has been practiced for two weeks at least, and prob­ ably for a longer period, aud It is believed that thousands ot dollars have been cor­ ruptly diverted. Colonel Bliss obtained evidence enongh {o warrant the arrests, and, as he believes, to Insure conviction. The swindle wn.s ac­ complished by a classification ot articles nnder which valuable goods went Into Clieap classes. Those under arrest are Alberto Colla, Jalio Me.sa, Jose Lasa, Francldco Lopez, Enrique Vueltas, Eorlquo Huertas, Juan Chacon, Enrique Cubas, Pedro Chacon aud ilugel Corugedo. SAMOAN TREATIES REPORTED. Senate Committee, Despite Bacon*a Oppo> altloo. AcU Favorably. Washinotok, D. C. (Special).—The Son­ ata Committee on Foreign Belatlons au­ thorized a favorable report upon the two treaties negotiated with Great Britain and Germany for tbe dissolution of the tripar­ tite agreement for the control of the Sa­ moan Islaods. Senator Bacon, one of tho new Demo­ cratic members ot the committee, was tbe only opponent ot the treaty, aud he did Tiot »eek to delay the reportinu of It to the Sen­ ate. His opposition was directed toward acquisition by this country of the Island ot fatulla, and was based npon the con­ tention that the consent of tbe islanders eli^'uld be first secured. Hs was met on this proposition with the statement that the natives were noth­ ing more than wandering tribes*. and with tbn areumeut that the United S ates could not afford to forego the opportmiitv to secnrj com pete control of Pago Pago Harbor, which this treaty furnishes. Punishment Awaits Samoans. BEBI.TN (By Cable).—Advices received here irom Apia, Samoa, say asiiKht distur­ bance has occurred at the village of Vcat- vauu owing to depredations upon the prop- **rty of three chiefs who were expelind for refusing to pay the poll tax imposed bv the Consuls of the Dreldbuod. Tiie Consuls have demanded that the guilty partle.<i be «ent to Apia for punishment, which has been prom sed. Ffi^ct of Rural Free Mnll DeliTery. Sixiy post offices In Carroll County,lIary- jnnd, have been ordered abolished by the Post Office Department a^ Washiogton In consequence of the establishment thero of the WHjiimiiifiier wasjon free delivery. All are offices of the fourth clii.-^s. The Dew 9-rvice not ouly brio«s a f.mrth-cJass post office to tbe «toor of nearly every p^iroit ot the old offi«.*es, but iilso provides true Jellvery and a hous«-to-hou:4e registry and money order t>ystem. Ooveramentto Investigate the Dam* age In Our Eastern Waters. The serious sltuatlaa ot aSairs as to oysters In Pamlico sound will at­ tract wide attention, not only In this State, but Virginia and Mairland, too, as these States iiave luocured many oysters from this State, nearly all, ot course, from Pamlico sound; which is tiie great breeding ground. Not only have oysters beaji taken tor direct sale and for canning, but also the small ones for planting. The Investigation of the extent of the oyster destruction by thla year’s storms 4s of the highest importance to m any thousand of peo­ ple, oyater-takers and oyster-eaters alike. A great m any people m ake a living mainly by oysterlng. These are now doing nothing, as oysters cannot be found. There are shells by the mil­ lion, but empty, save tor sand or mud. The government will settd the Flsh- hawk, whfch has for sefveral montlis been at Beaufort, to Pamlico sound. But the vessel, though drawing only S 1-2 feet of water, can’t get from Beaufort Into Pamlico sound, nor can she get Into that sound through any of the inlets, for at Ocraooke Inlet there is only 8 feet of water on tJie most favoring tides. Therefore she must go to Norfolk and thence pass through the Albemarle and Chesa­ peake canal into the sounds. Ordin­ arily her passage througih that canal would cost $400, tor tolls and towage, but the canal people ■will charge only the actual ooet ot vetire for the tow­ ing tug, so anxious are they that the Fishhawk shall see what is the trouble with the oysters. TOSCaOOLOrFICERS. State Superinlendent^ Mebane Gives Important Decisioo. ALL FORMER CONTEACTS STAND. w ill Recognize New Boards When no Contest Occurs—Oia CestlHcates are Valid. State News Notes. The resemblance between Roberts, the polygamist, and Senator Pritch­ ard, of North Carolina ia remarkable. They might be twin brothers. Both are of the same build, have the same cast of features, wear mustaches trim­ med alike and their curly hair might be duplicate wigs. Senator Pritchard occupied a seat on the floor of the house Monday after the Senate had adjounied, and if he la d walked up to the Speaker's desk to be sworn in, as Roberts did, no one would have known the BitCerence. Col. Kenan has placed in the Su­ preme Court building at Raleigh, In a large frame, portraits of the nine chief justices ot the court, these be­ ing: Taylor, 1812; Henderson, 1829; Buffln 1833; Nash, 1852; Pearson, 1858; Smith, 1878; Merrimon, 1339; Shepherd, 1S92; Falrcloth, 1895. There are also portraits of tho eight chief justices of the United States Supremo Court. A movement is on foot to hold In Wilmington a fitting celebration of General Robert E. Lee’s birthday, Jan- ury 19th, the Cape Fear Chapter Iteughters of the Confederacy aod Cape Fear Cam p United Confederate Veterans to unite In the arrangement of an appropriate programme. IHIss aielissa Rowland, an old lady about 80 years old, w ho lived two miles from Durham, Is dead. Although owning more than one nundred acres of land, she denied herself every lux­ ury and comfort to sucih an extent as to frequently entail suerlng upon her­ self. Since her burial the legatees in rummaging around found $100 in tbe toe of an old stocking; $17 In a chest, and $17 more in an old trunk lining. They have not yet given up the search, and do not know but what they may find hundreds of thousands ot dollars. Wilson has organized a Confederate camp with L . D . Killette commander; W . P. Wooten. Lt. Cc^mmander, and John R. Moore, secreta:^. T he Lumberton Telephonei Company files articles of 'incorporation with the Secretary of State. The incorporators, each of whom taices 10 shares ol stock, are Caldwell and Carlyle, A . B. Wihite. Q. T . Williams, B. K . Proctor, Jr., and A. W . M«L.eon of Lumberton. and E . G. Johnson, ot St. Paals. The capital stock ot the company is $3,- 000. C. E . Wilson, 'Democrat, of Person, writes that he will not lay any claim to the office of county superintendent of education, and that the old fusion superintendent is still acting. Robert li. ProlBtt has been appointed postmaster at Triplett. At a wedding In the Olethodist church at Louisburg a young lady of Raleigh, who was a bridesmaid, was in Immd-ncnt danger. Some ot the decorat’ons of the church caught fire and falling, ignited her dress. The Pointed by the Legislature will be re- sklrt of the latter was destroyed. The sarded as the legal board ot school dl- preacher, with very marked self- ■’“ tora as heretofore, pos ession, continued the ceremony, i , 4 " ***? boards as ’de- State SuperlilBnident of Publle In­ struction Uebane recently issued the following letter to school officials de­ fining the course he will follow ae to county school boards, teachers and townshJp committ*es under the Su­ preme Court’s decision: To Public SchoW Officials; ■Dear Sirs:— I send you the following, official letter as to the recent decision of the Supreme Court in regard to the School Board Cases: F IR S T A S T O S C H O O L B O A R D S . I wish to call your attciDtion In tlij first place to the statement bo often sent out Irom thus office; namely, that I would recognize the school officials appointed by the Legislature of 189S, until the courts ordered otherwise. Ac­ cording to the opinion of the Attor­ ney Genraal, the Supreme Court pass­ ed upon the following points, to-wit; 1st "It held that the County Board of Education, now the Board of Sohoo'i Di 3«ctors, created under the Act ot 1897, was not abolished by Chapter 732 of the Acts of 1899.” 2nd. ‘"Phat the county commdssjon- eis, the clerk and register of deeds had, under the old law, the authority neces­ sary and by direct Implication to fill vacancies in tihe Board of Educatloiit now the Board of School Directors.” 3rd. ‘‘That the old Board of Educa.- tlon, now the Board of School Direc­ tors, Is a continuing body, at all times qualified to perform the responsible duties imposed upom it” 4th. “That the old Board of Educa­ tion, now called the County Board of School Directors, are not functl officio, but still have power to perform the duties prescribed in the Act of 1899.” 5th. ‘‘That vacancies tn the Board ot Education, or School Directors occur­ ring since the passage ot the Act ot 1899 are eo ii3stanti filled by the ap­ pointees under that act” I quote again from the Attorney General as follows: “ It now becomes your duty, under the decision of the Supreme Court In the school cases, to give effect only to Section 6. Chapter 108, Acts of 1897, and to recognize the officers therein named and tihose elect­ ed by them, but in every other respect to go forward with the great seSiool work under the Act of 1899.” Again he says: "T h e acts of a de facto pub­ lic officer are valid, so far as they oon- oem the public or third persons, who have an interest In the things done.” The followiing questions were sub­ mitted to the Attorney Generai: First-Where the county boards en­ tered on tbeir record a prot<>st bi;fure turning the office over to the board appointed by tbe Legislature, but en­ tered no suit In tbe courts to test their legal rights, which Is the legal board here? Second— W here the county board did not enter a protest on the record book, but merely made a verbal protest and withdrew, leaving the school affairs in the 'hands of the board appointed by the Legislature, which is the legal board here? Third— Where nv. protest at all was made, and where the old board did not even appear at the office and the Su­ pervisor turned over the record, books, etc., to the board appointed by the Legislature, which is the legal board here? In reply to these questions the At­ torney General gives the general rule of law as follows: “A discontinuance of the exercise of official functions ji obedience to a statute which Is after­ ward declared unconstitutional during tho continuance of the term, will not effect an abandonm ent” Again ihe says; "I do not think the old boards can be taken to have aban­ doned their offices, even If no protest of amy nature whatever was entered, unless you should find as a llact that such a refusal or neglect to perform the duties was wilful.” According to this ruling It becomes my duty to recognize the old boards in every county where said hoards re­ quest recognition and desire to act, and in all cases where the old board’s do not care to resume the duties of the County School Board, the boards ap- letter, clear the Suwrim 1 T o t h e T e a c f e s I Dear TeMhep,!’' • clipping from i your county in -I*'’*' >. aanounees aaUon on I W .„ L ’'‘>1 kul states; certificate, but aminationaifw “ “ Ply with tw^J? ber posiiion, etc.” I wish to Bay to . eis Who have Sir. W a l t ^ * ^ J time of the ^ u r t . and have said Cox m ficates are good t„r ‘ date of thdriss*. " ' J Ihaveadvis«iouiu, 1 from time to time ‘in that mtificat^s i s s t ^ aoeor,lance with ti, aregco<lforoneveaf^'| their issue, and i „ then anil main it I propose t.-> th-n„. as ladies and gentle4 .^J for any mau or set ot 1 dnve teachers alwut liiij If Mr. Davis will ij™ j vouchei-s, lot Wm lature which meets i. pass a special act aad„' treasurer to pay you 5 1 remedy in the courts t;! * ficial to do his duty, _ I write tihils as a you and also in resi.Cif lettw-s received troa ] which 1 ihave not bwn on account of official Vcurs vry J Keward (or Lllm ,! James I., on Marcs 1 'I letters patent under tliJ J John Stowe (London's authorizing him to patent of James I. 3’!!-^ collect the voluntary f j the people. The let;(5'j “ Whereas, our loTic|'J Stowe (a very aged a'dtl ■ber of our city of and forty years hatj charge, and with ncifcl -jury means o! mainH-J seneral good, as w!l ( 1 o? the present age), k~-| lished diverse neces;i^l chronicles; and, thcr*.l couragement to fae !ik.T royal inclination beta j:J our letters patent onfeJ of England, dated Jimsj by authorizing him lo pJ our loving subjects contributions and K af John Stowe died on .lir;j was buried in the iKnsi J Andrew Undershift, jipT ment, erected iy his rq be seen SO U TH ERN RA! Condensed Soh<^la> of h In ElScct XuT.i'.v Korthbound. Xo.12. Lv. Atlanta,CT “ Atlania.El ** Norcross*• Buford___ ** Gaint^rillt- “ liuia.... ** Cornelia.... ** Mt. Airy... Lv. Tocc- a ...... •• W ’m inster. ** Seneca....... ** Central.....*• Greenvhle. “ fepar’burg. “ Gaflnev.... ** Biack-xbarg •• King’s Ml. Gastonia. ** Charloue.. Ar. Gre’nsboro Lv. Gre’nsboro Ar. Korfo;k.. Ar. Danville.. Ar. Richmond. Advance In Trice of Stoves. An advance of a full twenty-flve per cent, in the price of stoves and ranges has been decided on by the Association of Stove Manufacturers in session at Chicago. Tho advance will take effect January 1. It is claimed the advance was made neces- .sary by the increased prices of Iron and steel. _____________________ Japan Signs The Ha^ue Convention. Tho Japanese envoy at The Hague, Hol­ land, on behalf ot the Mikado, has signed all the conventions ot the International Peace Conference. Dewey Wants Chinese Admitted* Admlrai Dewey bas renewed bis reqnest that the Chinese who served with bim during the battTe of Manila Bay be given tne right to enter the United States free of restrictions, lu a letter to Secrutary Long, Which bos been forwarded to Congress tor couBlderatiou. Pay Tribate to Lawton. Tributes to the memory of General Liw- ton, who waa killed by a Filipino sharp* ahooter at San Mateo, have been paid i*y tbe Preslilent aad Secretaries Bo.>t and Long at Washingtou, and a movement to raise a fund loc t u e Geueral’a family iias been iMrtdd, w:ithout a break, though, the fire caused a big sensation. S. L. Hart, of Edgecombe, who died last week, was a n»ember of the joint legislative committee on the Vance statue. ___________ Ladysmith in Good Condition, Lcnrton, by Cable.— The Daily Mail Fays: “ W e ujiderstand that news 'has arrived from General White to <the ef­ fect that Ladysmith is well equipped with food and ammTinit’on and can hold out much longer than has been estimated. The troops are desciibed as in good spirits and anxious to fight Kltchner Sails. Alexandria, by Cable.— ^Lord Kllch- ener has arrived from Cairo and went on board the Briitish second class cnilFer Iris, which immediately sailed for Malta. A Blf!: Christmas Qlft. At the request of Senator M. A. Han­ na, the Little OonsolidateJ Street Railroad of which he is president, will distribute $5,000 among employes Sat­ urday night as a Chriatmas gift The Senaitor, In a telegram to the directors ays he wants to shoTv their coin?any’a 'appreciation of the manly course tak­ en by its employes durtng the' late strike on the Big Consolidated Iqa when thefv refused to go out, ^ unceitatfi. • Is this the beginning «f the e&ar asked the casual churchgoer, as th. minister seemed to approach a peior., ation. “I don’t know," wbippsred tha » » ular attendant. “It may be oah th" u id of the ^e^lnnlnlr.”—PnoU OnlT.l<uU BUief. Professor-' Now, Mr. DooUttu have you learned about yonr tODle J? diamond r- Mr. DoolltUe--n,gJ ^ womu believe. It harmonise, with her complexion." —j g ! ~ ^ Weekly. ’'"‘w facto officers in accordance with the general school law of 1899 are valid AS T O C Q U N T Y S U PE R IN T B N - ■ D E N ’TS The Attorney General says: “ Super­ intendents elected by the new board, ia those counties where the old board re­ tired under your advice, are the legal ones.” TOe Township Trustees and their of­ ficial duties are not affected in any way by the desclsion ot the Supreme ^-OUPt. The IMstrict Oomm-ittoesa and their extracts with teacihers are not touch­ ed by this decision. accordance Tilth the general school law by the TOunty snperlEtendent who was elected board of directors ar» K?ss.S;®^“ ' ta £2iort the school system will o . r u « H o n r > “ At. W’hinjfion. •* B’moroP.u ** 1-h’deiphin. “ I>«w\ork. TnJ it/aily. Ciiij I f 8.’- Ju.l iisjj; . 10 . . . lo M3 10 .'Ss 11 'J)i lia'al 11 5.SI 35. ‘iJiJ If 4 3ip 4v3p 5 uJp 9b‘x Us: I Sonthbonnd. Lv. N.Y..Pn.K. ** Ph’delphin, ** Baiiinioie. ** Waah'ton. Lv. Richmond.. Lv. DanviJJe... Lv. NojfoJk.... Ar. Gre’nalxjro L t . Gre’nsboro Ar. Charlotte. Lv C-fastonia.. Kiait'sMt.. bja-ksbnrg ** Gaffuey.,, *• Sparburj:. GreenviiiC. *• Central....&eaeea__ “ 5r’®*n8ter. ** Toccoa..... " S'- *iry-Comeiia...'* L’lla.......... ** Guinesrilio ** Bnford...,** Norcross. At. AtiantaJ?r ** Atlantn.Cr tM.M X«». SO. Du.ly 11 !dc| I."' iJWi lv iJn y-’l ii’i.i •• li; ulsl 1 1 ■' ■2-^a; !-'| ■-i i'-a; J ' 5 lur. * 5 !.• Between Ln’a^l So. IL Ex. Sun. may arise, relktlTO to "Shts o{'certain individual oflice “ N O tnown. ^ t l o n ot( the publiceonfuiicm”in the op- aay that earnestly self. The ti_ of pubKc sacred that a not if this He sc; Pttr] ed. •Of and cau As J * * ’"® '* “ Oreavoid confusion than my- muat come when the work be regarded so of sucfh grave Importance ‘^sfuil political ixtrtv wm to tamper with i t s ^ ^ V [me ^ e r comes, then t h l ^ f<» ^ilh tiefor which they ware establlsh- ^lay in Isau C i^en-ed to in this teSL- u i Ton™ ■ 0 . a tfc»toUowlng Xo. 13.1 stat:v'‘- D.iily.; llOonLv. 11 bf'al “ M 11 62a •* Hj.ni- 12 aup Ar. - >oio clo-u eon..ieo.ioa-']ina.n lino irains. “A” a. m. “P" p. rn. Chesapenke Line *' - betweea IJJorto.kaii l Nos. 37 and bt— , 1 Somhwesiej n \ w ik.*-'*l^im an sieeuiniffars New Orleans, via ''-M Monttjomery, and aso Memptjis.viamingr.am. Also Obskrvatio.s Caiw !>•Yolk Firs;clas.s tficri’;-:! ti» et*n W aMhin^ton ant — •erve aU meois en rou ,rl tagton Moa.ays, atourima eoiingonr'nll-ra Washington and San Puumau drawuiiT-i •■wa* Greensboro and Norfo-t Norfolk for Old | Nog. U5 andafi— cl ■olii^betvreen Wa8i.i-’»i;i>» ^1 via Bonthem Baiiway.L. & N. B. it, being and coaches, throu.'h 'V -ii ■eagers of aU cla&=tM. weeping cars betwcvo J^na. via Atltaita aaJ tween Charlotte ami ■erve all meals en roJt<$- Noa. H, as, 84 and M ^oen Eichmonii aJrf :i|gUe. aonthboniui No* Noa.84andl2. •!GANNON.^ l| Third V-P. St oen. Mp- (f^A. TOBKi ^ JP. Ap WaahingtoOiJ>] I -gg specialty ia particaM lie for farmers living at a d I fflgikot. The product is I Intrsted and a big basket 1 L e periods in the year wil K g sm u ih a sa load of hi tch mor® easily taken td tlvBtttage 0'»er retail milk I it tbe product need not ba ,rket every day. A sw lnalns TrooBh. , trough or feed box shov tration is suitable for e it^ line. It •“ ordinary W 8 held in place by a stoul end. These bars are b f des of the pen. Either len bars may ba used. " f e e d b o x yOB FOWLS J is not in nse it is tuJ the wall, out ot the y led there. The adrari I trough is that it is outL Kheu it is desired to oleaA lad any acoumulation ofl Kood, to become ofTen* Id by i t —Iniianapolis Feodinc New Com. corn is not a good f or any animals. G r| J fed to Roodadvanta" Lrn ouIypaitiaUy dry iJ [tock, unless it bas bfiel t is near or quite at th J [nalion. Those who hi iiat way repQrt that it I le-snlts as it does wlicnl toked or scalded. ButF i want soaked corn. is a gristmill in Jrerj one who knows miJ Ing grain knows that sJ oru does not grlud wel| [slosa up and refuses The beu’s gizzard i.J i game way, aud iudij; »rtain result, as indil less of the bowels, diar| jera,” which is about |of improper food poory filthy surroundings FattenlMc I.ambs. jhree or four weeks aftl linto the feed lot it will IheeBfeot of good feeditf liU be going on daringl 1 inside, bat it will notl Itside. Tho fattening 1 internally, and tho |of gain externally will I tail. Tho stages ofl (ent will then be obj ddle of the baokf the i ihe parse and tbe brca lambs do not fatten atJ |with the same eveuuei )tell when a lamb is ho exfloiiue all these ifierent people have I 7 examination. If a Iff have a groove ranij aloncf the backboiJ sr.s. If the hind qua pveloped, the lamb 1 : effects it may have| Itelymost lambs do no Value of Kape. lowing of rape as a f,, md iiogs soems likely I Jon in farming in nl I So far as we have s » pe, all parties seem t(f 1 with tbe results, auil Dually as good as 1 Ifor pasturing, besil ^ilyaud quickly grJ ■ the seed is small, 1 Tn cents ,■> pound at ^ It two and a half pou4 Jforauacre. Notonll Ivalaable of itself, b | pte for clover pasturq W e clover to bo cut I L which will increase i y farms for dairy p i o for the raisiugoryol peve clover or alfalfaj flover 8(>eciea, as grel 119 the best feed for f fad in Ne,v England j Je to be n.sed as a pJ ■ tho care necessary fl Sr yonng stock on ral Boating, is not muq I required when tu rl llover field. Rape al Ndaolieapanddesirf r fowls that ara c< j-Americaii CnUi^nto Pfk Tour JPoullrjr c.rJ f I® one thing many J I do not deem impd pnltitig their stock o |h attractive couditioi ijs'og aud packing. [ “ f study demaud-l Irelully aud lollow 1 ■ selling agents it wo| lEhom. I nearly all the [ to 1?'** ®'Perieuce(l f erall^v paclted in tliJ fanner, but arouJ “^'fPerswho do I ■mands of trade, do ' I . ‘““ae who do ' ■ •oferior quality is I P premium, just beo| 1 ^ an attractive u Cfy® a buyer will | » e and want to loofcl y o n f I , ‘ ‘I*® “ oat attract! pare those he picks| M “ f«qaently „verJ l ^ w 'r s a r i pays bav© f for t h e i;i I ' ^ " “ .R e l d a n l i ■propagation of fj ■ « decorative p l ^> foresta ia , according tol fs^"S 5S -> 3 lear the SnpeitaL.?*'^ | o the T e a o S ”^ 4 ^ r 3 I Dear Teadhers.lffW lI f ipplng from a paL'*'« d ■our county Sn ^ S '.:-P a l ■nnounces a1 f Uon on le r tif ic a te , b u t all Im nation aJSke. •' comply with thJB ler poslUon, etc.” '* I I wash to Bay to I P who have stood^j,****!td e r Mr. W a l t ^ J im c of the d edsi< S '^T fourt, and have r e ^ Inom said Cox in ac^*^ ' leneraJ schmd law oMm ■cates a « good for 0^ ■ a ti' o f t h f i r issu e ’ 1 I have advised quiu>, Irom time to Ume sinL’l^ Jhat ^tificates issuca ■wordance with tlhe eIZ * ! ■heir i..sue. and 1 ae^® f Ihen and mean it no^ I propose to see that y „J Is !aitie.s and gentlemen H ■or any m an or sot of' 1 ■rive teachers about Ukee * I If Mr. Davfcs will not «J |ouch€i-B. le t him do so j uture which meets in j,,?! Jass a special act and orfc J ■reasnrer to pay you. f femedy in the courts to m. ■rial ta do his duty. ^ I 1 write tJiis as a matt«* Irou and also in responaf letters received from ^ khich I Jiave not been ahk lin account of official Yours very C. H ._ Sup. 1 Kewikrd for LlUnirj I Jam es I., on March 8 i» letters patent under the t. fohn Stowe (London’s greatl authorizing him to tatent of James I. autho: lollect the voluntary ( In e people. The lettots i J'W hereas, our loving K tow e (a very aged a:;,!, T e r of our city of Loudi ■ind torty years hath to I ’.jarge. and w ith neglect e l;tr y m eans of maintenaiK Ireneral good, as well o!» |>r the pre.sent age), comply lish e d diverse necessair I |?hroni:-les; and, therefore, j I . aragem ent to the litc, I loya! inclination been p i jr.ur letters patent under oml ' England, dated Marcli 8.g t y authorizing him to coUf l)u r Icving subjects their ] V(/ntri'3utions and kind llo h n .Stowe died on April i | ■was b Jried in the parish c l.\n d rew Cndershaft, wherei jm en t, erected hy his iridm,j ■ be se€u SOUTHERN RA 5=4rft># Oeadensed SchMoIe of F In Elect S ot. 19. la. I 1 Vw.I Nvrthbooocl. Xo. 12 . N‘n.;i8. uailv-.DaiJr . At:anta.CT r5;ailiite;<— 1 W} tl 2 4ii>t *• A;lanTa.ET 8 ’• >.orcross -1> bJiil.. •• huJord- -10 a . *• fTaintrfivillv lo *• Lu.a.. .10 -Ji\ •• Comeiia....11 IS a . “ V t.A iry...il doa . Lv. T«»-?c a......11 5. a •' W'minster.12 blm . " g.-ne«a. ... •• Ctruira:......I i> jp •* Gi-»*nriJ!e.2 b4p “ >pir'burg.U3Tp “ <TalTnev..-4 •-'i-p •• biiK-k^'birg 4 oap Klig’s ill..5 UJl •' Ga-;oaia-3 2:.p. •• Charlotte.. Ar. <^r«?’n 6bt>ro Lv. lire n^boro .Ar. >;«»rfo.k...... Ar. iJajiville...11 ■Ar. Ri'hinond-.j ('. OU:ij Ar. W binpioa.K-nnr**P.r. “ i-h'd^jnhift. - N« .v\orli. Eoarhboaod.No. Sj. U:-.ly Lv. N.Y..Pn K.ii 16 a H ’oe:i)hin.s > a “ f£;Unioie..ri a •* Vntib'i-m..11 15a Lv. Richmond..Ii'Olu L.V. U;.nv::je.-.C U. t> Lr. >* .ifoik.. Ar <T e'nslxiro Lr. G:e'ns1x)ro 7 -.iV Ar. •;liJirio;te.,IJ W1 Lv f'tttonia...ly-4'Jr 1 •• K;ijr’sMt.. I •* b u ksbnrg ' “ <4iff;:ey...11 iCv 1 5".*r'i>urp-U U!a •* (^R<-nvi:.e 1 Sfti *' (Vatrai•• S • r<-rta '2 '-Sa Vnsin»t«.*r•• .. ."a 25 a ‘‘ itT. /»iry... ““ L";a . . ." i 'i i a *' (tainesvii;*4 ;-ja •• t-.ford.4 ;»1 r. 5 2f> n Ar.f> luu r> U'3 ■^Br- ■fi4' 6 li'i. 64G‘ 7U!i ■glfr 10 4. • D.tiiy-r 6 U , fSJlj- IJ <jpl - 5 1^ lD5s» 1 U'»1 liw 15)1 8 K E etaro o i Xo. 13.1 STA TiO >= 51 D u ly .; ___ .iJ,3 ry’-r.tfU i '^ ,10,-of * » ', , ^ fluecialtv is particnU rly do- fa faimers'liring at a r tet Tlie product is highly ana big basket of eggs '!„erioJ9 in the year will bring f im n ? h a s » load of hay and ^ h more easily taken to town, p f ta^'' retail milk raising product need not be taken ‘rtet every day. 4 s< ri"e '« t T ro n e li. , ,„„b pr feed box shown in the ,;.n°is suitable for either fowls l a. It is the ordinary V-shaps, J Mil These bars are bolted to „r the pen. Either iron or n bsr^ may be used. W h e n the J rtr.ii BOX Fon fo w ls. UTjuotii* Ufe it is turned up <>“ t o£ the way, and I ,1 thsre. The advantage of r,troc!!!i I ihta it i’ ^ clean o at tho 1 ijl ao.v accumulation of slopped 1 1 »3. become offensive, is L^j |,j it. _ IuJianapolis Nows, rr.-<linir s e » Com. " T ■,( forn is uot a good food for I;., or auv animals. Green corn Ite feJ to advanta.se, but the Itjra oal.^ i'aitislly dry is bad for Istoi’k. n'lii-’s* soaked Viiis near or quite at the point of Iji'j'ion. Those who have tried Ithit irav report that it gives as l,f;nlts'a3 it does when ground iKjkeJ or scalded. But the hens T iailt soakc.l corn. T he hen’s Jird is a gristmill in miniature, Krerr ono who knows m uch about ijis'^'^raiu knows that soft or nn- Iwru lioes uot grind well. T he 1 c!o^5 nil an.l refuses tc do its t Tlie ben's .cizzard is affected Jiie fsme nav. aud indigestion is leertaia result, as indicated by ieaessof the bowels, diarrhoea and lole.-a." 'rbicU is about as often a litof improper food poorly digested lof filthy snrronndings as of any h 1.; II o in fc .> p, 11 ;2a| " laa;” J J . .. ,,_ I2 N'< <• cIo-K! oou^ec.ioa C..I n lirc» iraiaji. -A -u m. -p -p . m. .jji fli. <t7.er.ke Line S'< . jmd Lisiif-..u.-r.vsu:u N W I'ui.i iftn * ■' K»-w <^rl»‘aiiH VT*M-.nttromc-i-j-.andii-w W ^ il«'rupnih, via pcii jmuR-.am. Also _ y ..:k Firstciau.-* tb o r « J ^ ^ twf..DWashmKton»n«‘t B* rv.-all uj*^.s iDRHdj Mou. ay», Wk8]imgion and San ri I P u.iinauaraw uitf;i*^“'J 1 «ree:.Hboroand>iorr«'*™.._ I N orfolk for OLD P0X>i.^.a;e<l N<.«. as snd < eo.id l)**'ween Waahiu** » i >'itt rtouihern . L. & K. H. it. being and •:<jacho«. ihromf n I eenccrs of ail classe^ al«*<‘L>iD2 cam betwc*® > w ^tn W « . via Alltota twaem <.*barlotte I mervi aJ) meals enKc*. 11 , -AS, a* and 1- ^ beiwe«i Bichmw^ * y ^ Tiile. Bocthboond r«o»* j Noa. M and L*i. „ J.H K Iim K S .G A N N 0 3 J. T.jj Tfcird V P. & ti€B* W - W. A. TURK, I'Ate^nliie Lambs. It e c r fu n r weeks after a Iamb jtinto tbe feed lot it will begia to k the effect of good feeding. Some Jvil! be goiag on daring this time inside, bat it will not show on ataide. Tbe fattening process s iDternallj, and the first indi- Id of gain externally will be foond le tail. Tbo stages of the de- bmeot will tben be observed at piiddle of the back, the neck, the [. tbepnrse and tbe breast. Some- Is lambs do uot fatten at all these s vith the same eveuaess, and in |r to tell when a lamb is fat, it is :r to exaoiiue nil these locations. I different people have difTerent lof eiaoiiuutiou. If a lamb is fat lill hsTe a groove raaniug from Itail aloQ-; tbe backbone to the lldeia. If the hind qaarters are I developed, the lamb will pass, Ver effects it may have; bat un- jnateljmost Iambs do uot develop ■there. Value of Itape. ■e aowine of rape as a pastare for b ind flogs seems likely to work a hticQ ID farming iu m any see* So far as we have seen reports ^QEe,all {jarties seem to be m ach vitbtbc rcsaUs, and it seems I equally as good as clover or It for pastnriug, besides being letsilyand quickly grown. T he jof the seed is small, being but jtten cents 3 pound at wholesale, Ittitwoaad a balf poands are re- |d for an acre. Not only will this ■nsralaable of itself, bnt being a Ttute for clover pastarage, it will I more clover to be cat and cured PJ, which will increase the ability farms for dairy production, fc'so for tbe rai^iug of young stock. Hiereclover_or alfalfa, which is P clover si.ecies, as green feed or 'Jt 19 the best feed for those par* '. and in XcA-England it is too ‘We to ut used as a pasture for _ The care necessary iu turning i or yoan; stosk oa rape, to pre- |i»ioating, is not much greater T9 refjoli-ed vbou turning them ^clorerfteld. Rape always has I ouoi] a cheap snd desirable green ^or f^wla conflaed to I*—Awcricnu Onltivator, |P ack V.air |*„ui,ry C a rc lu llr. tre is one tbio^ many snippers of ^d(i not fUem important and ^ patting their slock oa the mar-- pau attractive coudition both as ffcssiijg packing. If they PoQiy stuily demands of trade ■ Cirela:iy.tu,i foIlo;v the advice »i. selhujj ^5eats it would be bet- ■^ tbfui. Inl'f ‘ '*6 poultry is P "y old experienced men and puerully pacitei in the best pos- I around holiday fepm'i not comply r tfaJe. do not fare as L wbo do. P oultry of lu a lity is frequently r a premmm, just because it was t “^'■■“ctive m anner. A lor7 „„i“ come intoI '““k at a few 1 tlinl’“S" I*,® ^ ^ ’’t^^ttractive appear- lot T hey overlook quality llie^i ,li ^ “>arket; som e of 1 Tear n r ® “*®" l*l*aT8 doing as O o-e.w hen ?hey ■"■nd mni-. f ® * i ®®“ *® ( o .”_ p ,® L ^'*®*'' *>>''d8 thanT “ ^iiild and Fireside. • «M 3rduistoB aU ehn88 of tlM T trginU eiparlm ent a t i U ^ T ho hoiticD ltim Bts ol th at i t a t m b are been m aU og extended tests along these lines and find th a t the seeds of snoh trees as th e silver m aple and other species w hich ripen seed early shonid be gathered and sown at once. T hey can be planted in the same m an­ ner and grow as rapidly as peas. Seeds w hich ripen late in tke fall should be sown iu antum n and then taken up and planted in spring. N uts like w al­ nuts can be planted several bushels in a heap an d th en taken up and planted in row s in spring w ith perfect success. I t is usually praoticsi to p lan t n u t seeds w here th e trees are to stand if nothing interferes w ith their grow th thereafter. O u rich soil they grow w ith great rapidity. All forest tree seedlings should be grown on a mellow soil, so as to en­ courage th e developm ent ot strong root system s. T hey should be tran s­ planted into nursery rows at th e end of th e first or second year. Slow grow ing p lants like oaks shonld re ­ m ain tw o years in seeding beds, w hila th e m ore rapid growing varieties should be planted when only a year old. M ost forest trees do best w hen set out from five to eight feet tall. T he tu lip poplar tree does very well if noj perm itted to stand in the n u rs­ ery too long. A t th e end of th e first year it ■ should be transplanted to its perm anent location. The following list cf trees are grown w ith com para­ tive ease from seed; Black w alnut, bur oak, hackberry, honey locust, boxel- der. green ash and pecan. Aboot Cutttne Wood. E very farm er who plans to do a large season’s w ork cannot overlook the im portance of having his year’s supply of fuel on hand and ready for use not later than A pril 1. W ith som e it is not a very hard task, for in m any localities w here tim ber is scarce coal is largely used for heating and cil for cooking purposes. D uring the past ten years a num ber of different kinds of trees have been dying, and th e farm er who owns ten or m ore acres of hard wood tim ber finds th at the dead trees accum ulate in spite ot the tact th a t th e quantity ot fuel is lareer each year as the quality de­ teriorates. Som e farm ers were wise and sold off th e varieties th a t w ere subject to decay and avoided a loss from th is source. O thers, how ever, w ere in hopes th a t they would be able to use th e diseased trees for fuel be­ fore they becam e w orthless. H ere is w here they m ade a m istake. And this is why we see so m any old dead trees in the woods. These are in METHOD OP SPlITTDja STOVEWOOD. som e oases so rotten around th e ou t­ side close to th e bark, th e sap wood, th a t it requires som e skill to ^ l i t a block into stove wood- w ithout break­ ing a good m any sticks in two. T ha illustratiou show s h o v one snccessfttl wood cu tter does th e w ork and seem s to be very sim ple. A t a, the block is sp lit through th e center, m aking tw o halves. T he lines running from th e outside- to th e h eart are w here it should be again split to m ake slabs like b . T he cross m arks on end of slab b tell th eir own story. In sp lit­ ting off tbe outside slabs from b, al­ ways strike far enough tow ard th e h eart to get a section of sound tim ber w ith it. I t you fail to do this it w ill break like c, and m uch of th e block will be w asted.— A m erican A gricul­ turist. Tbe N atoral and 4rll&clal Dsiry Cow. T hose who plead for nature’s way in handling and f.eeding th e dairy cow frequently ru n directly counter to the best practice of advanced dairym en, says E . P . S m ith, in Am erican C ulti­ vator. T he reason for this is quite obvious if w e stop to consider w hat th e dairy cow is to-day. W e cannot consider h er a natural product any m ore th an we can classify th e hot- hons^a plants w ith tb e w ild grow ths ot th e fields aud woods from which they originally sprang. They are purely artificial products ot the m odern m ethod 4 t develOfiin.c; certain organ­ ism s for.com tnercial parposes. The ideal dairy cow is th a s a m achine, highly de.veloped for th e sole purpose ot giving' great quantities of rich m ilk. N o othei; consideration is technically given'to h er except in so far as it affects this one purpose. W e tre at h er w ell and trv to conserve h er strength and health, not from hum anitarian reasons, bu t because it is necessary th a t her health shall be good in order th a t she can give the greatest amontiliwf m ilk. T hat seems a cold-blooded’way to state the fact, b n t it is nevertheless true, and it is also tru e th a t m any have an^ afTeotion for th e ir line dairy cows. B ut the trutii'ulness ot the statem ent th a t the cow is an artificial m ilking m achine is no t lessened one jo t by this. V iew ed th u s as a m ilking m achine the dairy cow m ust be studied and treated as such. I t we can find m ethods of improvin.g upon nature’s way it is to our interest to do so, and it is foolish to reason th a t nature is always rig h t, and th a t we cannot be far w rong if we follow her. N ature, from th e point of view of m an’s mod­ ern needs, is very often im pertective and defective, and we constantly have to go ju st counter to h er in order to achieve w hat we desire. T he dairy cows being artificial products, th e calves m ust be taken aw ay from them a t an early age and train ed to m ake th e sam e sort of m a­ chine. T be cow would bring up her calf in th e old lyay, and by the tim e th a t th e anim al reached m aturity she w ould lose m any of th e points so valuable to-day in tho dairy cow. W e feed th e calf on good food so th a t she w ill develop rapidly and intensify the qualities th a t h er m other is noted for. T he effort is constantly m ade to m ake th e calf do b etter th a n her m other, an d to accom plish th is we reso rt to all sorts of artificial m ethods of feed­ ing an d keeping. T he p resent system of feeding «od breeding is th e result o f y ea rso f eip eiim en t and test, and as we go ahead we m ake new disoov- eriss and im provem ents. T o go back to th e old way of nature’s m ethods w ould be to abandon bo-ne of the best discoveries of th e age, and re- dnoe th e «TK»ge milk g r f U j. GOOD BOADS NOm W hai It Coat# to H svl Frodac«. •‘T he condition of roads in the U nited States, taken as a whole, can m ost clearly be show n in figures. If we can m ake inqairies of a hundred farm ers, in as m any localities, as to how long it takes them to haul a load of crops to tow n, how far he hauls it, and w hat his tim e and th a t of h is team are w orth, w e oau readily ascertain w hat it costs on an average to m arket a load of crops,” says O tto D orner, C hairm an of th e H ighw ay Im prove­ m ent €k)mmi((ed of th e L eagae of A m erican W heelm en. “ If th e num ber of theee inquiries be sufficiently increased, and extended over th e entire oounti^, th e result will p retty nearly show w hat it costs on an average in th e w hole U nited S tates to haul a load of crops to mar- ket. ^ If w ith each inquiry we also as* certaiu th e w eight of the load, we can figure ou t how m uch it costs p er 10 0 pounds, or p er ton,to m arket all these crops, aud if th e inquiry also include th e num ber of m iles com prising each haul, we can easily figure th e cost of hauling these crops p er ton p er mile. T his gives a u n it w hich can be com­ pared w ith th e sam e u n it, sim ilarly obtained, by sim ilar inquiries m ade in o& er eonnties. “ A n inquiry of this kind was m ade in N ovem ber, 1895, by th e U nited S tates D epartm ent of A griculture, through its office of road inquiry. Ten thousand circulars w ere sent out to farm ers in all parts of th e U nited States asking for inform ation in these varions particulars. B eplies w ere re­ ceived from over 1,200 Counties dis­ tributed throughout th e U nited Stated, and the results w ere carefully com­ piled. T he w eight of loads hauled varied betw een an average of 2,409 pounds in th e prairie States and an average o t 1,397 pounds in th e cotton States, th e average w eight of farm leads for the w hole country being 2 ,0 0 2 pounds, or practically a ton. The average length of haul was found to be 1 2 1 - 1 0 m iles, varying be­ tw een 5 9-10 m iles in the E astern States and 23 3-10 m iles in the Pacific and m ountain S tates. The average cost of m arketing a ton of crops in th e U nited Statas was found to be $3.02.■ I t was as high as $3.12 iu th e Pacific Coast and m ountain States, due to long hauls, and as low as $1.87 in th e N orthern and E astern States, w hich are m ore densely settled, and w here railroads are num erous and hauls are shorter. T he average cost of hauling a ton a distance of one m ile w as 25 cents, it being 22 cents in th e prairie aud Pacific C oast and m ountain States, and rising as high as 32 cents in th e E astern States. “ T he n et grand resu lt of all these inquiries and com putations showed very clearly, and as nearly as hum an intelligence can, th a t it cost th e farm ­ ers of th e U nited S tates, on th e aver­ age, in tim e, labor and energy, figur­ ing th e value of team s, w agons aud m en a t w hat they can reasonably be hired for, tw enty-five eents every tim e a ton of th eir crops w as hauled a m ils nearer to m arket, or briefly, th a t it costs tw enty-five cents p er ton p er m ile to m ove crops in th e U nited S tates.” _________ Enforo. Pi«B.nt Koad Xawb. T he increasing strength ot th e m ovem ent for good roads is bringing to light m any forgotten facts, and it is encouraging to find th a t roads need not, perhaps, be qnite so bad as they are in m ost places, even u nder the p resent inadequate and radically bad m ethods th a t generally obtain. I t appears th a t in som e S tates, a t least, road officers can be held responsible, and com pelled to get th e best results th c t are possible under th e law. Judge M onks, of th e Indiana S u­ prem e C ourt, has given his opinion th a t road supervisors can be com­ pelled to keep th e roads in th eir dis­ tricts in good condition, aud m ay be fined for failure to do so; Judge W oodw ard instructed the L uzerne C ounty (P enn.) G rand J u ry th a t it is th e ir duty to m ake retu rn of roads know n to be bad, aud th a t th e courts will com pel th e supervisors to do their part, and now Ju d g e W right, at the opening of th e session of th e Suprem e C ourt a t Borne, N. Y ., calls th e a t­ tention of th e G rand Ju ry to th e road question, and th e duties of road com­ m issioners and patbm asters. EspM t to Introduce Bill.. T here are tw enty-tw o S tate divis­ ions of th e League of A m erican W heelm en w hich expect to introdnca “ good roads” bills in th eir L egisla­ tures this w inter. In several others there w ill be bills calling for the building o t cycle paths. T he N ational H ighw ay Im provem ent Com m ittee ot th e league is w orking in conjunction w ith th e S tate divisions to secure the passage of these bills. T lie A n U -B n t A s tta tlo n in B rief. I t is claim ed th a t th e im provem ent ot th e roads in A llegheny County, P en n ., has increased th e value of farm property about thirty-five p er cent. H ave you tried w ide tires? The w ider th e tires th e li ghter th e draft. D on’t save tbo horses by w alking, but ride aud le t th e -wagon becom e tired. In the fall th e entire road shonld be gone over to sea th a t all gutters aud bridges are free, th a t th e road may not be w ashed out by w inter storm s and spring rains. Tho L . A. W. is beginning to re ­ ceive applications for m em bership from antom obilists, who are as m uch interested in th e cause ot good roads as th e wheelm en «n d farm ers. T he application to th e road w ork of th e business rules w hich govern every progressive farm er in th e conduct of his farm , w ith th e w ork done under th e supervision of a responsible m an, w ill accom plish w onders. _ A distinguished Canadian eivil en­ gineer, attached to th e D epartm ent ol A griculture of O ntario, has . oalcu- lated th e direct financial loss daily in O ntario from poor roads and he shows th a t th e province could afibrd to spend S 8 UOO ou every m ile of public U gh- w«y- ■______________ The P art of Wlsdoui. ” • A Conneotiont farm er who is a large grow er of tnrnip*. an d w ho has suf Ifered heaTily through th e pilfering propensities oi tho vUlagera, thii year planted a special p a rt ot th( place, and p u t « p ■ notice, “Yon art requested to steal o u t of th is p art oi th# field.” the news epitomized . W asliincton lt«mii. Tbe Ttesldent nominated Caotain ^ o rg e W. MelvIlJe to be Olilef ot the Bo- reau or Bteam Engineerins w'».h rank of i*ear*Aam!ral. «reatlDK s commission ot five to United States has been passed by the Sen- Treasury ruled Sampson was not en- titled to a Kear-Admlral's pay while aetlDg lowed h i^ and reduced the amouat ai- The President has commuted to lm> prtsonment for twenty years tbe capital sentences imposed by court-martial upon four American soldiers, members of a regiment, In tho PhUipplnes, lor attacks upon native women. Department has been Informed tnat the Government troops of Yenesuela nave defeated tbe forces under General nermandez and that peace is at hand. The marriage of Kobert Bromley, bon- ^^‘^ry attache of the British Embnss>v, and the dauffbter of Lord PHuoeefote, tbe British Ambapsttdor, will take place on February 22, Washington’s Birthday. Captain Jewell, who took the Brooklyn from this country to Manila, hns been re- j Jieved at his own request from the com­ mand, and ordered to return to the United place to Captain C. M. rbOEDus Id commaud of tbe Bruoklyn. The Brooklyn arrived at Manila a few nays ago, winning easily tbe loug rao» froDi thi.s country whiob sbe bad been run­ ning with the New Orleans. O a r A d opted Itliu iils. I jOuIs Ullan hns been arrested In Ha­ vana, Cuba, with a counterfeltlog outnt in bis possn^sion. He bad bank paper enough to tiave flooded the Island. Nestor Pocce de Leon, a lineal descend­ ant of Ponce de Leon, discoverer of Plor- ida, and until recently a lawyer la New York City, died In Havana, Cuba. The sugar crop In tbe Hawaiian Islands this season amounts to 282,807 tons, which 1s one of tbe largest In years. Scattered bands of Macabebes which have b(>eu operating in tbe north of the Luzon Province are f.elng collected with the in­ tention olsendlng them back to Manila, ns there is oiucb slcknes<3 among them, and they are unfit for further mountain work, American operations continue to be prosecuted with vigor In Luzon. Two Spanish ships, from Cadiz and Bar­ celona respectively, arrived at ]^avana^ Cuba, witli one thousand emigrants. Mr. Cf'Uley, who was at one time private secretary of Captain Oberlin M. Carter, bus been placed under arrest at Havana, Cuba, by order of Secretary Hoot. Only seven ports of Luzon besides Manila are In tho possei^ston ot American troops to-day. TJiese are Sublg Bay, Iba, Lin- gayan, Dagupan, Cavite, Viganand Aparrl. Letters have been found among the rebel archives at Muiilla giving outlines of a plan to obtain nrtns and atDiaiinltlon from the Americans to use against them after­ ward. Lieutenant Chadwick, with thirty Mac- abebe.-?, visited tbe mountain town o'" Pam- posa, P. I., aud received tbe surrender of a company ot inburgeots, including three officers, with their arms and ammucitlou. iJoineMCte. Governor JIurphy. of Arizona, expressed coniidecce that tbe Territory would be ad­ mitted to Statehood this winter. Alfred Taylor bad his arm, shoulder and collar bone removed In a Philadelphia hos­ pital, Butvlved the operation aud is at work. The municipal election at Meriden, ConD.,resnltedln tbe choice of E.E. West for Mayor by a majority of 894 over the Republican candldaie, W. A. Kelsey. For tbe other city cilices the Bepubllcaas were Buccessful. President H. C. Simmons, of Fargo Col­ lege, at Fargo, N. D., while standing In a bookstore, dropped dead from heart dis­ ease. The deceased had been a prominent figure 1l congregational work in the North­ west. The Alabama Supreme Conrt has decided tbat pool selliog ii» Illegal In that State. Tbe decision may stop racing there. The death of Winslow Robinson from a pistol shot wound at bis home In Staple­ ton, S. 1., Is regarded by tbe police as due to suicide. The family uttribute;^ it to ac­ cident. In New York City, the Church ot the Messiah’s congregation applauded tiie Rev. Dr. Minot J. Savage when l>e urged that Americans should stand by England should occa«>ion require. Children of New Jersey towns have be-»n eating “brandy drops,” and one was found In a street intoxicated. The Woman’s Chrl-tinn Temperance Union has com­ menced a crusade against the candy deal­ ers. Fire completely destroyed the pchool annex building of St. Micii'iel’s Orpiian Asylum in PHtt>burg, Penn. Loss, $100,000; insurance, $50,000. Booker T. Washlogton has received a letter from John D. Bockefelltr agreeing to give $10,000 to the Tuskegne Normal and Industrial Institute at Tuskegee, Ala. Members of tbe Anc ent O rler of Hiber­ nians at St. Lf*uIsHo., have proposed a plan to raise $1,000,000 to aid the Boers against England. Chief of Polir’e Murphy, of Farge, Minn, was shot by a burgiar named Collins, whom be attempted to arrest at Noonbfad. Murphy also fired a slioc whlcb bit Collins. Murphy is expected to die. Colllas will live. The Eov. J. T. Sunderland, D. D., form­ erly pastor of Unitarian churches in Ann Arbor. Mich., and Aakland, Cal.. has ac­ cepted a call to Ihe Highgate Unitarian Church. London, England, tbo cliurch of which tho late Kev. Dr. Speare was pastor^ F o re te n . EmoProrWIllfum is said to exhibit the keeue.st per.-.onal concern legmdlng the war in South Africa, especially the late of tbe British troops. Tbe bark Alexander Lawrence, from Ship Island, for Montevideo, Ch le, arrived at her destlootion, having lost three men by berl-berl on tho voyage. Spain has d**clded to continue payments of iotere>t to Ainericnus under the treaty Of W34. although tbe legal obligation has ceased. Tho sentrie.s have been doubled nt the E-'quimalt naval station in British Colum­ bia The big guns uje now «ou3tautly ruanned and exieusive defeusive improve­ ments ure under way. The new South W'ales Assembly passed a bill au:horizing H»e Issue of Treasury bills to the amount of •t20,00U,0 '0. i.ccordin« to an E-s^en (G*-rmanv) news- paper tho Knipps aro workhiir djty and on a Britisu order for 25,000 shrapnel sneits. Tbe island of Mozambique, Portuguese South Afr ca. wus swept by a terrlKo cy­ clone, which did Immense damage, destroy­ ing many bouses in Mozambique. The draft of a bill introduced bv M. Ed­ mond Lockrov,which provides $100,000,000 forstrspgtheuing the French navy and ar­ senals. has oeeu distributed in the Cham­ ber of Deputies. President Zeiaya, of Nicaragua, has ap­ pointed Senor feruiindo Sanchez Minister of Foreign AlTnlrs, and Senor Lugo Minis­ ter of Public iDStructioo. It Is rumored In Rome, Italy, that Klog Menelik of Abvsslnia is restless, and claims part of the Soudan, being probably en­ couraged by tbe r.usslans and Freuch. Two offers to raise regiments In the United States tor service lu Sooth Africa have bo(in rooolvod by the Cauadlao Mlmu- ter ot Militia, i. dispatch from the Boer headquarters outside Ladysmith, South Africa, says timt an American named Harry Spanner was killed there, and that he was burled with foil military honors. Edmund Morris, genera! inspeetor of the Ontario Bank, died suddenly Irom heart fallnre in Toronto, Ont. His son Is an offi­ cer in General Buller*s army in South Africa. Owing to a disagreement with tbe Sul­ tan Mahmoud Facba, his brother-lo-law, has fled Irom Constantloople. He escaped on a French steamer, taking with blm bis , two sons and bis w ^'sjew els. H o w Kew» mu Trarel. “ W hile on a visit to the south re­ cently I obtained a box of yonr Tet- terine, recom m ended for all skin dis­ eases. I find it to be a^lnarvelously good thing. I wish to get some more, and would like to establish an agency here for its sale. Please let me know th e price of ono dozen boxes. W. 0. MoOall, G ranville, O hio.” A t drug­ gists or by mail for 50c. from J , T, Shoptrine, Savanuah, Ga. Do{ Racial io Easlud. Dog racing is popular among the working classes of the north of Eng­ land, and meetings are also held fre­ quently in and around London. A few years ago an attempt was made to im­ prove the sport, and tbe patronage of tbe Prince and Princess of Wales was secured for one racing meeting, but no good came from the movement. Until cheating has been made an impossi­ bility instead of a simple matter, dog racing will not interest sportsmen. IiaG rIpp K nocked O ut! Uy wife had nn attack of La Grippe in February, 1890. which left her with a uack- ing cough. After having tried several dif­ ferent remedies with no resnlt. finally decid­ ed to try Dr. Kln-’s Wild Cherry ai»d T*r; three buttlesalTectint; a cure. Jo-. R. H utch- IKSON. B lbwell a D unH Co., ChKrlotte, N. C., ana all dealers sell ic. 25c. No cure no pay. Since May 15 last the township clerk at Holly, Mich., has issued orders for bounty on 1,109 sparrows. AU goods are alike to P utnam FiLDKLXss D tss.os they color all fibers at one bulling. Sold bjr ail druggists. At Wheeling, W . Va., 2,500 tons of coal per day and 2,000 tons of coke, are handled. Piflo’s Cure for Consumntlon relieves the most nb.otinat*' cnushs.- Rt)V. D Boc (mux_- LSB, Lexington, Mu., Eebruary 24, 1694. TBH SUN SET CEN TBA li SPECIAL ▲ N ew F ast T rain from N ew O rleans to Denison, Texas. A fast service was recently inaugu­ rated by tho Southern Pacific Company from New Orleans to central and Northern Texas points. No change of cars betwoen New Orleans and destination. Palatial reclining chair cars New Orleans to Denison, via Houston, Hearne. Corsicana and Shermaji. This 1.^ tho only line without an omnibus transfer and only one change cf cara to Texas.The Palace Tourist Sleeping Cars oper­ ated through North Carolina. South Car­ olina and Georcla every Tuesday. Thurs­ day and Saturday afford the traveling public the best service and no chango of cars to Californlc. points. Parties going to Texas or California will consult their interests by writing Mr. W. R. Fagan, traveling passenger agent. Southern Pacific Company, No. 10 Kim­ ball House. Atlrnta. Ga.. before closing arrangements for a western tirip. A y e r s 2 0 th Century M manac (Not the ordinaiy kind ) A handsome ye>r-book filed whli beautiful illustrations, and a complete calendar. It is sold on ill news-stands for 5 cents, and it’s worth five times that amount. It is a reliable-chronology of the progress of the 19th century and a prophecy of whit may be expected in the 20th. Here ure a few of the great men who have written for It: Secretary Wilson, on Agriculture Sen. Chauncey M. Depew. on Politics Russell Sage, on Finance Thomas Edison, , ** Electnaty Gen. Merritt, f : “ Land W ^ r e Adml Hichbom, 3 “ Naval Warfare “A l” Smith, ^ “ Sports You will enjoy reading it now. and it will be a book of reference for you through the years to come. Sixty-four pages, printed on ivory inish pper. If yoor news-dealer cannot sup­ ply you with it, cot out this ad. and send it with three one-cent stamps and receive this elegant book free. Address ]. C Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. GREI Fsrtll. trutaiot of TKE UguOK, WUVHRE •_ <lteIIn{«ailIclii)M.Th,TMiceoHailt,KimE«lia^ WRITE US FOR i l i M M i-m n A T ttluable B ailroad Guide.-- The carrentnumber o Watts’ OiSclal BaiW way Guide, published at Atlanta, is one ol tbe most complete numbers of this valuablv publication yet recelved,cuntaining 220 page« represeoting the local and through condenioi schedules rallr(>adi> In the Southern St^ci^ with an up-to-date Railway map coverius tht . territo y. It is au indispensable pub icat oa In ho bands of the traveler, while tbe hotei hiformatiou and other items of reference a n ol much importaace to tbe tourist and in tht business olSoe. It Is well worth the price al 2Sc., sent post paid. Special Christm as privileges to Co^ lege students by tbe Seaboard Air Line. Tickets good for three weeks il bought December 15th, at one and one- third fares for tlj© round trip. Tickets on sale D ecem bv iS th to 21st, inclu­ sive, good until’ Ja n u £ ^ 4th. inclu­ sive. — Through the work of the Colored W om en’s League, of Washington, si« kindergartens nave been started in tha negro public schools, a normal kindep* garten and a day nursery. c ARTER^SIHK Grow up with it. Christm as Is the tim e for coming to­ gether. Go home by tbe Seaboard A ir Line. One and one-third fares fo* tho round trip. — ^The Frcnch postoffice departmenl has excluded mourning envelopes from the mails for the reason that they caa be opened without much chance of db- tcction. Get the benefit of the cheap Christ­ mas rates and two weeks tickets by tha Seaboard A ir Line. The League of American Wheelmen is beginning to receive applications for membership from the owners ol automobiles', who are as much inter­ ested in the cause of good roads as the wheelmen and farm ers. Students go home by the Seaboard Air Line, and get your certificates signed by the superintendent, principal or president of your institution. —Of the 6 o,ooo population oi Pales­ tine, 43,0 0 0 are Hebrews, 9,0 0 0 art Christians and 8,0 0 0 are Mohamedan^ who, although numerically m the nu- nority, are in authority. FOR DOCTORS AND LIVEBY S PECIAL BUGGIES with loog bodies and drawers under seat, Steel or Rubber Tires. Fancy Buggies with sUck seats. Buggies with Wirt Wheels, Foeumatic Tires sod BaU-Beariog Azlea for everybody. SCK OUft aOKHT 0» WKITI OIBKCT. R o a c H m . ^ T » s s c FOR SALE;5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 H A R nY OPKN-AIR OKOW n CABBAGE P^A NTSI FolloTrlnjf Vnrietips: HENDERSON SU ^ CESSION, KAKLY SPRINH, LARGE TYPr WAKEF1KLD.EX BaRLYJERSEY W aKI F1KL1V*DaNISHKALDH»--AD.’*AL'GUSTw EARLY TRUCKER Plants grown in thb open ttir, and will withstand extreme o >id weather without injury. Pricn »LSO per 10Q& 6,0U0tol00(W$l,S5per. ____ ____ perlUUa bendali order-to Wm. C.GERAT?. forneilr ot GEHAiY and 1UWLE4 YOUNG'S I 6‘l 4ANii. a. a OPIUM MOIiriill\K HABIT>T ltOME-eA.KLE 8H V. DR. .MEEKi-:R I" .. ClltrAGlK ITTK.NTION U fAolllt ted If yon menUnn \ tbl•pap*■rwtlenwritinKadvertt^ers.So. 62 Attention is eolled to tbe very use ul arti­ cled contained in the premium list of the Con- tineutal Tobacco Co.'s a ivurtis m«nt of tb^ir Star Plug Tuuacco in another column of this pa|>er. It will pay to HVe the **Star” tin tairs an 1 so Uke adraatai:« of tbe be t list ever issued by the Sta To > ‘acco. How’s This r We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for aay case of C'ltarrh that oaanot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CilEKsr & Co^ Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, havekaowrn F. J. Che­ney for the last 15 yeai^ and believe him par- fectly honorable lu all business transactloov and financially able to carry out any obliga- Uon made by their firm.W est He Tbitax, Wholesale Druggists,Toleda^ Ohio.W alding, Kinnan & M arvih, \Vholesale Drugeist^ Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act> ing directly upon tbe blood and mucous sur> faces of the svstem. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c. per botUe. Sold by all Druggists^ Ib ^'s Family PUls are the W b ★ ★ D k B h I I s ^ . Tha best remedy for w O U & n ConsnmptioA. Cures C a . w . T « Coughs,Colds,Grippe, 9 V r U D Bronchitis, H o a r s e - • ness. Asthma, Whooping- H ave you a home? ir you w an t n G.%Bl.A9iD ftTOVU to m ake yoD bappy., _ If they are not s Id t.y y ar leading merchant, wilte to SHEPHERDSUPPLYCO., rRA RI.ESTO !«,S.<;. -STATE AGENTS FOR- jn y o m A N irA C T u n E n sO F ___ GtLVtltlZEO CORNIGES. ETC. N o crop can grow with" out P o ta sh . Every blade of Grass, every grain of Com, all Fruits and Vegetables must have it. If enough is supplied you can count on a full crop— if too little, the growth will be •• scrubby.” Send for our boc^ tellins all about composition of fertUuen best adapted for aU crops. Tbey cost you OWPMAV KALI WORKS.93 Nassau St.,New Yodt. SAVE YOUR S T A R TIN TAGS ‘•S ta r’* tin tags (showing small stars printed on nnder side of tag), “ H o r s e S h o e ,“ J .T .,” “ G oodL uck,” “ C rossB ow ,” and “ D rum m ond*’ N atural Loaf Tin Tags are of equal value in securing presents m entioned below, and may be assorted. Every mau, woman and child can find som ething on the list th a t they would Uke to have, and can have F R S S E S S ★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★ ★ -k _____________________________________________ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ TA6». 1 Match Box..............................................Sb S En fe. one blade, cood Bteel.............. 2> S Srif>8ora.4)iinches ............................... 4-ChiId'> Set. Knife. Fork and Kpoon 2i I Salt and Pepper Bet.oaeeanh, qu&d- raple plate on white utetal.............. M « French Briar Wood Pii*.....................85 7 Bazur, bolluw croand, fine EugllAh 5iteel............................................... 60 S Butter Kolfe, triple plate, beat QTuUtr................................................... W • Sugar ^heil. tn rl« plate, bw t qnaj.. «0 10 8 'am p B»x. s^erliag silver................ >0 11 Knife, "Keen Kufter." two b lad ^ .. 76 13 Bntciier Knife, “Keen Katter,’* S-in blade.......................................................“<6 13 Sheam. ‘'Kpeii Kntter.” W nc»........ 16 14 Nut Set. Oxaciter aud 6 Picas, sU'ver pliited..................................................... 80 15 Bane |{all."A 3 «(<cia'ioQ,'’ be8t ouaKlou 16 Alarm Clock, nl'-Wel...........................liO 17 Six GeniilaeBogers’Teaspoons, best vUted goods..................................... l&i IR Wa'ch, oiciiel. Rtem wind and set.. 200 19 Carrem, good atedl. bnckhom iiandlen...............................................200 SO Six Oennine Rot;ers’ Table S{>oons, >)eat pia^scl rikhIs ................................S60 31 Six ea^h. Knives aod ForkA, buck- hom haarties ......................................250 S2 Six eKch, Genuine Bocers’ Koives Mild Forlra, tieat plated goods...........500 TAOS. 33 Clock, S ^ y , Oalendar, Thermom­ eter, Borome-er................................ 600 34 Onn rase, leathe", no better made. 600 36 Hevolver. 'iniomatic, duuLtle action, 33 ur 38 caliber ....................................600 26 Tool Set. nut playthings, but rttal tools..................................................... 650 S7 Toilet Het decorated porcelain, very hamlsome..................................800 28 Remington RifleNo.4.tUor 32cal. 800 29 Watch. M^erUng Kilver.full jeweitid 1000 30 DreMiHmt4!ase, leather, haudsome and dnm ble ................................... 1000 31 8 <‘wiiut Mochino, flrs: clua, Avith allattacbmeotB ................................1500 33 Bevolver, Colt's. 8SH»llber. blued Steel......................................................150033 Rifle, Uolt’e.1 ^ h o t. 22-i;aU:>er.......1500 34 Graitar (Wa.'thbnm), rosewood, in­ laid........................................................WOO ....2 0003& Mandolin, very handsome.... 36 Winchester Repeating Shot Gun, 12 K*ase.......................................2000 37 Remington, double-birrel. ham- liier Snot Onn, 10 or 12 gauge ........SOOO 38 BicTcle, standanl make, Udiea or gents ....................................................2500 39 ShotG nn. Reminaton, doable bar- ro), faammerl&iH..................................3000 40 Regina Box. 16,>< inch Disc..6000 THE MBOIfJz OFFER EXPIRES 3Qw. 1900. Hfar tio tagH with no sm-'U ■,a^^rtof(^>of^ for presents. lebasis of tvontycentsper Cnor>:>il lln fir» A l Plain Star ” Tin Tags <*liat l<s 8 HOpQCiai nonce! s^sra printed on nnaersnde of tag), I S bnt wlU hs pa!d for in C.’ASH on tb< hondred, if received by ua on " C 7 3 E A R IN AUND th a t a dimc*n w o rib o f STAR PLUG TOBACCO w ill last lo n .« r nnd airo rd m re p leiu n re tlian a dim e*, w orth o r anT m a k e T H E T E S T ! end lags Is C O X n \ E \ T , l ( . T O B .4 C C O C O .. SI. Louis Mo. ★ ★ ★ ★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★ i f i f★ I N C M E S T E R j , Factory Loaded 5hotgun Shells. “ L eader ” loaded with Smokeless powder and “ New ? Rival ” loaded with Black powder. Superior to all other brands for UNIFORMITY, RELIABILITY AND STRONG 5H00TINQ QUALITIES. ; Winchester Shells are for sale by all dealers. Insist upon: having them when you buy and you will get the best. GRIPPE*^ C O LD S GOOD SHOES Are cheaper than doctors’ bilU. School Shoes < Should be Durable and Procurable. ROB SOY and CRACK PROOF Are all solid and at reasonable prices. They do wear. Ask , for these brands. IVlade by ■ a.K.O*R-R S H O E e O . A T IJiN lA , OA. S S L Tig Daifie Record, Mt>clCBTiU«. X. O. Hr u. u. u oiiiaa, Si>lTOa JJ.-J PCI<LH.aiM. RKTSIIEt. AT THE POST OrMCII AT N . C.. *1* SKTO-SilCI^ASS I..ATTEK, ilA« iSiiOfloaS. V " ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ w -;ai< a c n j 4H9 isciossTg. fo r ffllf. au OJell typcw rirtr, rUtsiii, ut till! piwtofrice. iintlerwcar cheap, at Wil- Au(le<»ou'8 < Wg Jiuo of Cbfistmas toys at \i illiauis a Auderauu-s. 5Ir. .T< Fi Hiiues, uf WiustoU, iji uikiuj; uiM XiUiUi witk bin luulb- fr . Bay Clement, of tbe A. & M. CoUt;;'c U vuiiliii;; bis parents tUii; vvviL. MisB Jtiiirtie t'lemtoll ic tu rn * ! tiiim G rw s u i^ ra K euiale Culle$^ l> itu rd a} \ ^m zil nntd, Kii;;]i«b valnnts, wliiionds. raihius, eu;.) at Williams * Atuk'frnliK. Waiit*",!— ut three lo*ds of ^ikaI iiimcKS. V\'iii pay CiJSb. k . a . JJoiri*. J. II. ifctily, Kilesm&n of tbe R. J . l{e\uuiuii 'iVibawo is viiiit- lug bis niotlsrr this week. If you waut a cheap p:< re, rpad House. St<rt»!t*mire & Co.’s ad. iu this issue aud go to Salisbury and *;ct it. M r. 0 . L . M eC lam roch s n d fam i l.v a in ie o \e r fnm i W iu sU n SlitDr- (Itiy a u d a re v isitiut; relativ es in tixe ouuuty. Mr. O. B. Eaton, hooK keeper for the B. F. Hanes Tob« co Co., is Visiting relatives iu town, together %itb hiUi wife aud cbildn;!]. .Ia«. Coley, J r , who has been ■wurkinfr «u i;«; ue»' coi ou miil at Aval":i, touie iu Saturdiy Dight to Kj.'Tmi XnuiK uith bis pa.cuts. noi:«fo. Stondemire S Co. have a new sui. in ibis issue. They are •ilffriDK RO'kIs at a sat-rifce, and it Till fay .vou lo r.\aniin(. tlieir stock Wfort* pni-cbsisiu;; u'hal you ueed. ,T<thti Haues, colore:'', of this killed :i h c ^ last veek that vei*bwl P42 aud 3C4; total P»» loB. Jotia is a tbiitly hard w oiki:^ tKSJi—we ueed Biure li> hiai. JJ. 1'. Knlmon, of ifoorsville, for- 1o*riy «r this wmiily, jKiid usa viS' it Mondity. and NiitiKcribi'd for tbe Kucuiui. luirnest 1« workins in a <x>ttou mill, sud he left for Mour>,- Tille ou tbe Monday eveuiuf>s train. Eev. E. Ti’.rner, prindpal of th r Ttup Hill iu^litutc «as luiiteil in iKirriai^e to SlisR Miuuie Wii li«ms at tbe residun'.« of the bri<ici titber, J. I{. Williauis, Jr., Humi:i> m uniiuaal 11 <i’cl(x:k. H tv.C .M . fcVqie olSciatiu^. O u r frien d , ^ W . M ac'kie, a t C a u J y — plain a u d fa n c y — at Wilhiuus. & ^vutiersou’s. Oo to Willian.8 & Anderson’* afld htr tbeir Uue of glawware. House, ytuudemire & C^. arc selliug all kinds uf luriiilure at wue lowest margiu. Kiubard Auderson, of tbe A. ami M. College is visiliug his Sister Mm, Z. N. Audersoa. W. P. Ktchison, who has becu teacliiug Rubool at Klleutou, 8. C.. in at home uu a visit. Don’t forget these stoves at 20 per cent, less than cost, at House, Stoudeuiire & Co.’s, Tf yon want beds, chairs, dress era, or any other kind of lUru;ture, be sure aud see House, Stuudeuiire &Co. Don’t bny yonr stoves before yon examine the stock, for sale at s sacrifice, at House, Stoudemire & Co.’s. General Jjt«-ton, one of tbf bravest of the crave U. S. army olTircra was killed near Manilla a few days ago. •Eead bur ad,, then come risbtoi; to Salisbury and bay what you need in our line and save oiouey. House. Stondtmire & Co. John G. Sterling, formerly priH- ter for the Kktobp, now on CSty Daily, is spending Xmas here with relatives and friends. This is to certify that I opened the envelope containinf G u n Prize Ticket and found that K a m lie r 4 0 9 drew the gun. F . M . J O H N S O N . ChrlBtmaa is nearly here. Those who wish to buy toys and good tbin^ for tbe little ones, will find all they want at reasonable prices at Williams & Anderson’s. I will examine teachers on White!8 Elements of Pedagogy and Civil Government. I will endorse DO certificates, but all must come and take tbe examinations alike. X will bold private examinations from time to time, tor those who have not as yet securerl certificates from ine. C. M. Sheets, county saperintcudcnt public iustraction Hr. A. 0. Xeeley, of the Teony son, Neely Co., Publishers, of New York, was iu town kmt week and spent the night with tbe Editor. Arthur and 1 used to rollic togeth­ er when boys—and it waw a great pleasure to have him with us. He uu a visit to his uiiiiutvu wuo re with his inotber, Mrs. M. A :-f«*Iey near Bower, Forsyth conn ,y. Ue is a g<xHl Ixiy aod we wis: .•e aud Frank much snccees. FIKE STOCK »X>K SALE. A d j p*r.on desiring lo buy a Jack or J t u a w o r Jcuiij cuiiiii oruihcriim: «tock.KaiJowellto«llu«^,^,^_ Farmiafftou, H- «> F r a t ^ C . B r o w n , 1 A l p F C > H D § 1 " VTholawIe and Betall Dealer ia | '| FBEE GIFTS. la^order to give our 60 ccut subscri­ ber# au opportuuitv at our free wc have decided to withdraw the bujf- ifv aud bicycle offer and uubdtltutc a No. 7 coolc siovc complete, and a mCe i-piect: oak set of furniture, respect­ ively. A 11 who have »ub!#cribed under (.ht* Iir«t offer will be entiilcfd toau- other tickec,or. IX tUttv p rcf^, cake up their tickaii and refund their m o n e A l l who pay us 50 cent* ca^ii for ti 'monthii’ Bub^rijjuon will j;ct a uicket; all wno pav u«* one dohar wiL fet two ticket*. If you owe uu aay- chinff. this must be p^id before yoi- are entitled to a ucicet. W e m ake thU change for two rvatfona: l:ii, to '■ive those who are not able to taki: The paper one year and pay uh one iollar, an opportunity for 50 Cents to fet the paper 6 monliw and an oppor- ;unity at one of these free jifts.^ -a, That we m ay be able to diwtribatL* heae prescnta in a m uch shorter time. Read thla carcfully and aee thakt it i . ■air to all. Tho.<e who have lakci. ackets can return them and get then jioney, lew the time they have ifot -en the paper, or you ffet anothe; icket, ffiviuiryou twochaaccn whex. you now hare one. _______________ VTholawIe and Eetall Dealer ia G E W E f t A l, M liR C llA N O lS E . Kiss Evelyn Bailey Bead. Miss Fvelyu, the youngest an july daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. 1 B. liailey, died of typhoid fever :it the State Xoniial ou Wedtie^da; tbe 19th. This is a pc(^aUitrly suv ^jse. Miss ijurah, the oldest dangi; ;t'r having died about two week- ^tgo. Iu Miss Kveiyit’suciitb Mr. au:. Mrs. Ituile,.' are left alone, and child lei«. No one but tbixie whohavi had to pu:is through such ordeal. «.e post ..nice in Yadkinville, is I f »»***"-? 'j*!* anUsorized to take snl«eriptions to “j™'/ “ tie UEtxjKD, so am- of onr patrous 7.'“’ »vmpaf hy of iu Tiidkiu ein 1 aud overth^‘qn^d ^ “» pro quo” to him aud it wUl dS as »“^ e.r great afiiictioiK well as t« ourselves.Tbe corpse of Miss Evelyn Fcarhcd Mocksville at 12 o’clock AVe want to call the attention of last Thursday aud the remains w ere Be?t C02IPLFTB LIXl? OF DRY GOODS. Stock of Shoes in the State. HEADQUAETEBa FOB GB0CEEIE8. IS OTHEB WOED3 I HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF OENEKAL MEHCHANDBE. I WUl be glad to hare yon caU. Tonrs Truly, F A A N K G. B R O W N , Corner Fourth and Main Streets, And the e^,il. rtec-..) ,ui, u :.o ori;i»ry Boy.’ Fsu8 -3-i** auu Ovi. ^ , * C o . a t GO cents v u en’l>r;-v;:eii hi I b« sii>ci:, u-.r p, ^“5:^ of •x e e n e n t* w - w ^ in Baltim,-:re ft 4 -' ^ •^rw l,ei.U rr be = sv.it or at ; :i ^ fM i’noiiths henoe. will «nJ » pru.leat to u>.. , oiTOortnnitr. The telefr-vra wpw.b- V;l..... . WIXSTOX, N. C. CHRISTHA3 EOLEiY TRUK3. Norfollc Sc W e ile r a Itailway Co. Koanoke, V i ., Dec. 7, im . Trains Noa. 27 and M , betwet;n H a ­ gerstown and Shenando:>h : No». 31 and 32, between Roanoke and W in -ston-Salem, and Nos. 35 and 3«, be twcen Lynchburg and Durham , wiU be run on Sunday, Decem ber 24tl>. J A M E S C. C A S S E L L , G en . Supt. W . B . B E V I L L , G en . Past. A rt. C hristm n and N e w Y e a r Holiday E i cursion Tickets to Richm ond, V a . Washlnirton, D . C , and all points on Norfolk and W estern Railway. Tickets on sale Dec. 22nd to 25th, and Dec. 30th to Jan. 1st, Rood for re­ turn passage Jan. 4th, 1S60. W . B . B E V I L L , G en . Pass. Agt., Roanoke, V a . Juiga EuBt't Couunption ud Brocchiti Cun. It surpasses all other remedies known for Consumption, Bronchitis, Croup aad Diimrdercd Livtr. li cure- when all else falls I If your dr-ugj(H'. ioes Kot kee^ It, send direct to Jud; George S c W e r’s Racket Store. KR. gOHODLIR has ju st returned from his fonrtb trip to the Korthera markets vhis season. This has been the most successful trip of his life. H e has Jammed and packed our stores with quantities and quantities ot goods bought at auction, a t sheriff’s sales, and from maDUfacturers that were overstocked and had to unload in order to raise ready cash. The great bulk of these goods will be sold for Iks thin eest of prodnclioB. W e cas only hint a t a few items at this lime. Yon will have to visit our stores, see the goods, and get prices to folly appreciate their great value. ClothlnK— A big lot of m en’s and boys’ clothing, bought at an auction sale, that are worth nearly double the m in ey aaked. M e n ’s suits »1.95, » '.4S, *2.98, *3.48, *3.98, *4.48, S4.S8 on up to tiS.OO. Boys’ suit. 80 cents up. M e n ’s Mackintosh overcoats *1.25 up. Boys’ overcoats 98 c e n U up. S h o es— Ladies’ shoes from 69 cents up. M e n ’* shoe* from 95 cent* up, Children’s Shoes from 19 cents up. A complete line of shoes, from the cheapest to the best, at prices that can ’t be beaten. H a t s , C a p s, « c . — M e n > ard Boys’ H at* from 21 cents up. M e n ’s M.OC SiiT'-le hats only 95 cents. M e n ’s and boy»’ caps from 3 cents up. l O O l>ozeu m en ’s unlaundrled white shirts, bought from a m anufic turer who was compelled to raise some rea ly cash. E e got the casli—yo. gei the profit. Thet-i ihirts arc m ade frc m good qualitymusUn, reinforce back and front, felled scams, flap prer lacii butioa-hols, A shire thit can' hi duplicated for less than 50 cents; our pries, a* long aa they iiist, two fo: 75 cents. Not over four to a customer, A ftUl lln* of Christmas goods just open-! up. Conjs to see u*. k e ^ it, send direct to Jud?.c E. Hunt, Lexington, N . O Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by C. C. i. Sanford. JiO TICS. H Sdioiile:‘s RacM Store. n.- JVo - U o v j ‘■TTo'S’ ciJi yo-.- .- . iu '' " i . e tb«m uu i.-Oi;___ i.'.-itf vse ' ti'.e dj-llitr erf tV.e SDfer iato s.i'isi'.jw iu i; u< t:,.. magoiaceut opportunity cltlsively w hat bargain* w, ■XI VMlKn(r I .Tsosjig a cospj T « Ti<5 ^ _________________ Fin« Union Twill, djri with a rod and ^ J ■iug;l« bn^sstaf! ron::;; ks. did 54 GO. CUr-.PSKS r,; -. G”litl?n!eri’.i Viz? c:- ): *lrips<l vVorsl(‘:3s, ?sr..jy at;d Cri’-7 Jffltons. I'V, g!3t:W anti double Fice g.^tKis hiiti.-i.':in:6l7 ti'J Worth tsa-xily #10.00, bcl a| sscrjtcfl sale T H K Y C O AT I wy»-- m gaggsstaaig&E-i A V T K G Q U A L I F I E D A S .\ D M IS intratorof Elra P .C ain , d<ccaned I notice is hereby ifiTcn to all per ons having claiaui a^ain.:t«iid estate o preaent (bctu to che a.^uctaf^ne or parm eat on or before the <<vh U ; >f December, IWO, or vhia notice wii ?e plead in bar of their recorery. A U persons indebted to said cstat '.re re'^tue^ted to m ake iutfiuedla. • tvBsent. TU :* 4th f??y of D «ceabrr. \m . R O B E R T L . C A IN . A d m ’r of Elra F. Cain,di*ce&i»rJ. 5. L . G A IT H K i:, Attorney. DE. -W. C. MARTIN Gives special attentton to dL^ea»e. >f the Eye, Ear, No-!c aad Tbroa* >p'’ciaclff!i fitted by the aid of retino c.wy. Teeth extracted by the paiu .o s proccBS. O X c e at rcsideacc iz \*'»i h MockisvHlc. irrin ’. K i Sey£rtur« »f Tniai: • OCTH B o c j .'d — D ally cit-epi Hundaj -i;aT« Mock.vllle ................... n i; ■ciTc iiockuville ................... N oetzl D ot;so. ^.care MocksTllle ................... 7:15 a a !j C3vc Mocknrille ..................ll;.'jUaK. Mocksvilie Produce Market. our suUsc-ribera tothcX mark on laid to rest in ‘be burial Urrccted by William, & AnJ*r.o= ^cir papers this nnd next week, ground at 3:30 o’clock Thursday > R. B. CRAWFORD & C). r sign «f.............. U on an ! .Vbv U.Winston, N. C. ----Th« Bight Plans to Buy Tocr- Cook Stoyes, (liias i Fam sf MBleieiiit a T O 3 !" c r s . This X mark is to remind you that evening, you are in arrears, or that your Kubecxiption expires Jaccary 1st, aud we want yon to teitcv or pay up, for it takes mutiey to mn a paper. Jlr. .1. B. Jolitti^cm, of thia place va* united iu murrir.ge to Miss 'iiUBie Kuox, of Cleveland, last Thuisday. They left on the even­ ing traiu for ail extended bridal loi'r of Xortliera cities. Our con-' Jericho Kews Kotes. r Mr. MtCarvey Kurfees, of Ix>uis- vlUc, Ky., c.uiie jback to his old home last Thursday to s|iend Xmas with his friends and relatives. C. S. lirown, and son, Milton, wept to Harmony Hill last Tiiu« day, retumiug Friday evening. Luther Leach carried a load of KTatulatioas and best wishes for a j Winston the first of last 1 »nfr, happy uud prosperous vuvage: through life. " | Miss ?Beu1ah Allen’s sabacrit;- Ticket Ko. gets Tnn Rfc i p”- " , c W last • IBD’S prize guu. Anyom. holding ^ The newly married couple, Mr.\ this ticket can, by prcseiiting it lo t. liiA W iitfir 'irvkf H ia sTiiik A ltthe Editor, get the guu. AU those =>"d Mrs. Frank Saftley moved iu Iiolding tickets will pleaine takeioni vocinity the past week. «w» lif them, as there are fonr other prizes yet to be awarded. t?aveyour tickets until all the prizes are awarded. Ml. Jofeph ('liiTord, .who left thU country iu 1.SSS), and who now resides in Hro-vn <»uuty, Kansas, arrined iu Mockm ille last Thnra- day on his way to liis old home. r. Ciillord says Kiinsas is a flue . 'at* and a jnx)d farming conntrv, lr.it says everythiug is migiity home *^i*“ds. lika arouud here. ' Mish Mattie Alleu, who is teach­ ing school at the Strouds school bouse, came houte last Friday to spend Xuiits with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. U. M. Allen. Jess* Brown made another to the mountains last week. trip Miiw Lizzie Le^h left Tuesday of last week for Littleton, Halifax county, to visit rclaUves anJ '1 J: Don’t forget Thb B bookd’8 free i:ift oflTers: A Xo. 20 Carolina Cook Htoye, »r-:et of Furniture i'3 pieces), a Gooti Sowing Machine, a Ohatta- <. hilled Plow, and a Bem- tngtou lireech-loading Shotgun, •'re dollar pays for a veal's sab- Knlption and two tickets; 60 cents »ix month* and one ticket. Wc do not know whether firing thewrannon crackers disturbs Mrs. T. B.'Bwleyi who ia quite sick or not^ bat tbe piesumptiou is that do, and as the boys are so ia- oamiiderate we do think the paienta ahoutd bare interdicted it. We Mrs. Msmie Walker purchased a new sewing machine last week. -Master Maxie Brown, of Mocks- ville, visited bitigtHndmuther,Mn<i. Green Le.tcb, last week. Pfeter Stoneatrwt went to Cleve­ land last Sunday to meet his Bro., C. C. Stonestreet, of Concord, who was on his way to spend Xmiis with bis p treuls, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Stonestreet. Miss Minnie Catledge, who has been sneiiding scbbol at Cool Springs, i* spending tbe holidays at home. Mr. and Mis. Chill ITenley, of Curr, prr bu .................................. 40-i. .Vlicat, per bu .............................. •Jiif, per bu .................................. Pe-«, per bu .................................. S.t-.-on per pound ......................... 3.icun, We.Hlern........................... H a m s ................................................ '-S i'a......................................................^Juiter................................................... -'ming Chlckciii........................... ?-■ Katioaal Hotel, REFVRXianED. U!;d e ?u hi :v MAXAOEME'rr. SATE3. Cl.OO P3R DAY. J. il. Kamsky, ProTj’r. Main 3t. SALI3RUKY, K. C. n<Aiee a great many towns have Kappa, visited their aunt, Mrs. )>|«^ a l^Dse tax upon the sale -X a^e Booe, last Sunday. r; - f of Ore works, and a severe pemilty upon tbuse who engage in explod isig these dangerous fire craccets 4- n. Sot until MockHviilei Ih .vis- . Jid by a fire, wUl out peAptopnt' ,. stop to U. Wishing all a ‘•meiry" Xaias and a prosperous Xew Year. “Lucy.” • The S«bCNnl—f 1.00 a year. l.'o u ’t SufToT, T l»» E a o ftro p o S v Cures all diuanea T,-ithontl.li,r uiir. zn-sdlcliiir. A pure 0 2 ;ygea trc-irao'* bT ibv;>rpliun. It crires wb-irc tT c: thirijf elie falh . It ia nce:l jd in tvcv fam ily, for it will relierc tvery we'.; . L)e«s or alim ent, to the mnit psraists:. chronic *dbica:4e; and without ta* n™ of a grain of medirine. Tho'.ina .. ?»ople all oTer the Uoitcd State from priT ateciiU vr.jto Lawyi;r.<. doc tors, preachers, S-apreme J^;.jge., K ;i tors, etc., even crowned heads of Iv op^ have giveu written !citin]0 :ii:t' '>t these facts. Book of tcstiinonial'- ind m atter of great interest w l.i iirlce of in«triimerit» icnt free. Eret- tam lly should h ire an Elecirojiulsc !t H»Tt« m oii'y, induces health. ."Jcrt jrtiur address i t oiscc and see wh.i: p-.-oplc say who have thoro'-nlily tc<' -:d it!< rierits. A jeuto wanted. T k ’ i:i,EC!Ti:oro;sB Co., 513 4>b Strtei I.oui8 TiUe, K y. Grcenaljoro Hurssrifis, GBEEXSBOKO, X. C., For al! kinds of Krnit, Phsd* and Oruameutsil Trees, Vine;- and Platita. I am the Intru dncer of the famous GREENS BORO and CONXET’S South em Early P«ach. Greensboro ITerd nf B^rffterwl P.i >LAXD CHIXA and MatnmotL Bhick Hogg. OneoftheSnnt fc*!rd» in the South. Write fur prices. J oes A, I'octa, Prop’r. F iiraitu re Mer., n:8 "wt Hf-h St., W I N S T O N , N. C- Vt'aut yoi:r ’ride scd wiil give yoa i'argtic* ic all EtvlcK cf led-Ecom Eels, Odd Dreosen, Lining Tables, !'«!», T.'s*l.Htatd», Locnge*, f^ouches and all thing* to 1 fc fct:rd ic a’j Fp To Dato FUIOflTimH HO’uSU. 33H2 KIT? M>! IMTIFCL DJSIGKS i:: KSH^S, CHiH2r;?,-Sm cri ;>ASf?g. W« also have a Beautiful Lin« ot I'iiitr.rea aud Framw. The Xow Ennland aud Xeedbaai Pistaon, and the Oid Kelikble Es'.ey Orn»ni( snd tha Xre'ihiun Orjrins sre (fold by u*.»nd reed .no rccomtaecMtior., as risy ara so Veil Kuowa. A.1 D asils field fsr Gssfe er .F--£3 y PayssR:6t.a, C('Bie lo cnr plsre s.nd if you are aiji ri;^t. call ro ti.)re, but if we trait you right, a;ll ajAic,. , iEGAWS i’EOM; m m ¥.?■. P i M e s n o n 2 i s o u p . :ALL BROTHERS M ailuiacturcis’ Agents, WIXSTOX. . . K. C, ?>rf nidi ilditte; ilARTIXSVILIJ;, VA. & B llwl^ Bin IgiirMt PricM liMjiJBt ia ter La*. lea’s OTfKai 'J} FROM i :.;;: VF. tis»£J»S3Rffl!nMS8?’-!¥^v^" lEfST.' BS?EaS£S.'S!:i?a:.'AVS-.y-‘ Several I>ot» Union C«»*imere, black ground with nwt, gray pin cb«.-k and wliifl colored over-plaitl, •Ingle-breasted. 5 to 14, very nobby. Worth 91.25. OUR PRICE 60 CEXTS. Boys’ Donble Breasted Bnit*, i!!ade from all wool Cheviot* and t a*simeres; there are 2S *tylea to nelcct trom, sizes 7 to 16 year*, and icgular W value. OT7R PRICE n.50. Boys’ All Wool Cassimeroi, black gronnd, with dark gray neat check and pure silk mixture, ilonble brNwtfd, 9 to 1&, made and trimm«d in A l atyla. Worth any­ where 9S. OUR PRICE »2.95. Boys’ Oyercoats FROM »1 UP. 'ssii'fitsii-fassiTimsmxiRsxa^asmmmsxsma^^^ -a f I if.hlrt*, C u lla n , Cu ?, P«f ■ * ® * i 1 . 1 1 1 *le-i ete-, a t p rice bat'-'': eom p etitis.il. ¥ . I ,. C l A H F O E B fed WIXSTOX-SALEM. X. C. ^ fc Nft. 443 Trade St. Two Dbon^ X. of Kar^<*rf>.’ V K '; VrAi li I m o i.i so c:5;T-ri‘. EO CSIiTc; Co: THB BEGUIi •r 4tli a d . bar ■> n > yjoa s^on'n.. 'Cf JL. !It A.?’j I Ju s t I i'anor bms, MirreB, Fascj KV;.RYrH.IlSGTOKAKB\ HOr3H .” >■ VP-- ■. B m m m AXD rr^T? A AT P5;iC3;S ' TKAT WILIi 1 Dim't !»tU ro in need of anytiiirs ^ 17 G. W. ?crnitj^ Dialer aai va<iertiiicr, F-AT T?E''3' t-sM- Ssata C | POU!fn A big *K>ck 1 oent'A tt'.;iMiiig Bi" Biftei, Okp Pisf'l* ■ Xree Orttaments, ISui^ Horis. Toy Walcb^ oU ani woug Wr ^ fl>ujld jH«ur StorJ forget FIVE AX^ Also • largo utock II and Underwear of al fcr Uic holidays, yol u*. We will aive y«iu I tee u* foi your .Saiitl N e w i It. '»■* ***•* j [r. F. G CH J e y e s p k c i a l I |ce arer Clo'.hij wixsrox. X. (j F u r n i t u n Cf “2 ^ 0 -0 . TxJ Fiuailcre of any Kj WILL PAY y o u F . H u n t l e y ’s ---H E SELI.S- - 5T - C L A S S F U E I U T I 439 and 428 Trat?e .Slj W I X S T O X , X . you GO ' Wlnstoii, - C A L L O N - lu O ’.=5rN. T ni Jsi lave » l?i<?c I.iue of lalry aud rtilvrr W ar I *U’i Kye filaases. f>iui; il'ine «rhile yonl , i« » -rw i f jc <!:is yi’^ f fei» ti.^ time*. |Tottr!! f.» baslneaii, BROW N. T nv:, |l.ll'erty Street. X c i Robert’s the gnu m l Want Your fCKEXS. POT.VTOI OSIOX3 AXD k.EM PKODUCK. Bijitit M»rtst Prim Call on me whe| lYOU OOME TO IX |r*U Selected Stock | rtes Always On 1 I Tour* to Serve, D. M. M1I.I Salisbury, Xorth RAIL |aTA xi)\rvD R A i:.| IOF ruK SOUTH. 1 Direvt X.iiif to:»'.l| fcAS, MFORXIA. PIUDA, H ANT) i>o.^wTo nil Fi »t • Pt •». it'ii 'i'li.iir, !-l Il’r.-iir.v. au .Slwr.inrf Ci:rs < ». Past aad S:ifc jT .-a T f'lh y I y a r c i l J I C ;»nablo x n ! ..)i p J I uoiirnAv. P ^ •,tU te « aiid G en crtl I ®atlom , 6 r aitdrcl :e,N.r. A, TO ilSWEE C 8,6i!ra03l. |> * Itsn Mu. I t . a. nrai R. p.