11-NovemberI [My Pieces [u a x d s o m e f O O M s u i x g EXTKA b e d s , L v t w i l l a s t o n is h to J to give me a call, |l o fam th iu g l i t u r e L in e , 3F. T O Y O V R IX XE [. WRIEHT, S A L IS B U I I Y , X. c l Hoe Dr for laud that is fntj Car Load on hand,! r;;ll aull examiue tie] |lA K D W A H E . at k CO’S.. fV 'IN S T C I^ . ir.c .l L I . B R O S Ircr Ge^it. rinnitnre! IN S T O N N-Gl ;.:ra bargains in all Ic.'.'iTS, DiuiiiJt Tables, li-lies :iiiil all tliiiigsB I x i i r i i E iio rs i:. IE?. CHAM3I>3:::3 r-^ ’ |>; ricf.ires and Frames, j I,! Pianos, and the Old I I X w lham Or<:.’.n5 Ml lii/r^iUilion. as they aresij |vn. o : ^ - a s y P a y n I-,' i;-.<-. treated ri.^-tt (dj li.l. call ULTiit. u r . F IO M Si 89 T he D avie R e c o r d . li. 1- M OCKSVILLE, IT. C. WBDSTESDAT, NOVEMBER 1, 1899.31. ( O W I S T H E T I M E . j jpkciai. ix d u c e m e x ts t o b u y e r s t o r e d u c e OUR PRESENT STOCK. ffill liiici the work of a Dollar at oiir Store something ivonder- h(ir we liavo dropped the iwices Down ! DOW N ! ! DONVX !!! will rA^ assortment. It will <?lve your - -I iVasi ;ni(i your thoughts food for satisfaction, aud will show w:iy to pntt'iire just w hat you want and need, fo ra We keep up the Quality. AVe keep down tlie Price. fo^’er vou :i rare opportunity to SAVE MONEY on vour Shoes, Under” :ind i-Massware. Kitchen Furniture, Tinware, etc. Here I ihat will make yon think you have been paj'ing- too much lir'fooJ?' L.-'ijronV rndervests, 5c, 8c. 10c, 15c. each. tVoce-lined Uadervye:«ts, loc. 25c and 50c each. .n’-L'niii^’rj'liirts. l,">c. 2">c. 40c. "»0c. Toe. .jJvL'nion Saits. Fleece-liucd. 25c and 550c each. GREAT BARGAINS IN SHOES. 1 1 1 Pm?- I juir. nice S.imlaj' Shoes. Lace or Cong-., i.oo a pair: Children’s I l'‘=r pair and ui). Com e to see us and save money on your I.;!: _ IKm'i torjret our .') and KIc Counters. The}' are loaded with T’ralLio# of uiofal articles fjr your nickle. j . ,rL- Ik-ajiuiarters for X m as Toys of all kinds. W ill disnlava larg er ever before, of Dolls. Toys and Fancy Gobd.s of all t licap prico-^ all throujjh the store. Come and look’ whether 3"cu (,5j.v jr not. No trouble to ;jhow goods. Kcsoectfullv, HEW5IAU & K im . I 4V I.il'i'rty AVIN::>TON, N. C. Fraukliii's Old Stand H E E KL F ' G - o [y e S P I'C IA L IS T . 0?i* T r u s s s e s ! If you are iu need of a TRUSS ,.r Clothin.? Store, JO“ to have a Perfect Fit. DR. V. O. THOMPSON lia>s V.r-.'T.)N'. X . V. _________________________iiad forty yeai-s’ e.-pcrieiice iu J Adjusting Trusses. He will Per- ^ ! soually nt you at the Old Eeliable The Davie Record, PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. K. H . 310KR1S, Editor. TERMS OP SUBSCniPTION: One copy, O ne Y ear, - - - $1.00 One copy, Six M onths, - . - 50 One copy, T hree M onths . - - 25 M ocksville, N . C„ N ovem ber 1. 'Y 'a CL x x e e t i | ' .liiv Kind THO.MPSOX DRUG STORE, X. C. t-?* '• •Tra.’" - M 3 0 m r e F .3ii[ibrta5gL % -V I'.'rsLdiorSoulhofllolelDavie ____Hi- S E L L S ---- i M O C K S V IL l^ E . N . C.I _____________________ i^T CL.'.S- I 'r i i N i T r i t K A T vr;c5£. s;c:k arfiy: Cospkte. ; i'j't ui’-l 4-V- Trade .Sireet, ^ViX-TOX. X. ('. W i 5 : Z ! : ; ^ T vor c. • -o Br. S. B. Anderson, ------DEXTIST.------ O d c e : First Door South of Drs. McGuire &-Kir.ih)-jii^^h. MOLKSV.ILI.V, N. ‘'. G r a p l i c p h o i i e s S 5 Ir..y U-•-1"-^'I V !i ^ I h ave tb-j ag-encj-for th e Colum bia !>' t ‘J'j-* 5 i n V t i . rh o au s'rap h Co., aail carry in stock -i.'ALL OX— tiO Y /I>r. T he .JKWi-LrR. tv? a ';ic<‘ l.i;;c of W a t c h e s ,! fcry;in.| s^iivcr W a r e , (ipccia-1 land Kve (U u ss». etc. I'iiie: r.!iiii:r il-rae v.'iiilo yo;i v.’ait an d I I'sr </!ie year. JM cc s! 1:4'll:l' liiLics. { |Yo:irs I'nr li::sine.5S, !i!;0V\ X . T h e J i a v i x e k . Il.i’iei'ly S;:-i'et. N ex t dot)r to a t all tim es a nice lot of G rapho- rlio-i;;s an a R ecords. A G raphoi)hone L ike T his C ut for Sv>.00. W a n t Y o u r E f g s , '(.■KEX.-^, POTATOES, «XiO :vS A X I ) O T H E R [AR.'.i !\':0!.)T-('E. '3:j-;a; Mirhel Pricss Will be Paid f :ill oa me when VOr (.(.lilE TO TOW X. ell Selected Stock of G-roco- -*63 Always On Hau!’- i'ii:rs l<i ,‘^erve, I>. M. M ILLER, .‘■ali-M)i;rv. North Carolina. THF.QU3H S IS E P E R S , T he Miibic -^-i.OO p er dozen. .^3.00 half- 'o>;en. W hen you vis^it V /iustoa call in a t th e ‘*B1^ ^Y atch.*’ and see these w onderful laiking" niachincs, andau}*- in th e Jew elry line. X^’K I jD . Ts . I> A Y , JeAvoler. n££T^saas im m f e f ' - * W e left Mocksville Sunday even­ ing for the State of Y adkin. W e landed at Cros.s Roads Church that night, and partook of the generous hospitality of oiir friend, D. I. lieavis, Fsq. M r. Eeavis is a m er­ chant, tobacco manufact-irer, farm ­ er and fruit grower, of whom Yad­ kin has cause to be proud. He hafi oue of the finsst peiir orchards we ever saw, and the frnit cannot be excelled. H e raised 75 bushels this year, and we can bear testi- timony as to the delicious flavor of the Keifer, grown in old Yadkin. Our friend tells us that he sold his crop at from SI .2.5 to §1.50 per bnshel. W hat he is doing can be done by others, and is but another argum ent in fiivor of diversifying crops as well sis manufacturing. W e have a great country, aud its future po.ssibilities can only be measured by the genius of a, tree people unham pered by bad and vicious legislation. May its graat pos-sibilities unfold a.s the years roll by; may its wealth increase, and may the peace, contentment and happiness of the entire people of the State grow and develope in as great or greater ratio than its wealth. May th fir love for free l-jm expand and m 3uUl a scutiinent of universal good will toward each other and all mankind. W e must go on. for we have now leached Y’adkinville, the county -eat. A goodly crowd was assem- dled at court. Judge Robinson pre­ siding. W e were quite nnwell but iuet many friends, andadded many new names to T h e E ecord ’s snb- I scrijition list. It was our pleasure to make a few broken rem arks at the noon recess. A ud while we may nol have done as much as our friend Nelson, of the Ripple, gives iis crcdit for doing, we at least told the people on which side of the question -re were, and where we would be found during the coming campaign, battling for human lib­ erty and freedom, the rights of the great common people of Xorth Car­ olina. W e were too sick to do our be.st, but we trust we gave our friends the enemy, an idea of the burial of the amendment and elec­ tion law lu old Yadkin at the next election. May it be done decently and in order, and to the satisfac­ tion of those who love their coun­ try and their State better than their party. AVhere are you, Bro. Ripple ? 1 A re you for or against the people I in this fight ? A nother B rave Soldier Gone. The Statesville Mascot. R em ington Single B arr3l B reech L oading G-nn, - $8.50 O thers - - - - §4.50, $6.00 Loaded Shells, 3.;c a box. Shot, 7c. per pound. Prim ers, 12c. a box. All O ther Hoods I‘>iually Low. F . M . HOBERTS, 4ir, LilXirty Street, AVmSTON, X. C. -5-' '-iU’J S-jli« .j J.J-J fSnFSlKToQoiUM ^m . \^I^O S E C O N h W n G M S W H E A T A N C & R A SS CH.OPS. Allison & Addison’s —H IG H GRADE— P IR T ILEIR S . g u a n o , •Oii fiA VOCK"’ MIXTUK.';, ■‘15. P .“ i'O TA SH M IXTURE, AOID PHOSPHATE. W e especially recomm end the “ Mc- Gavock y.lxture.” It is extensively used in Vir^rinia anrl its use on thj c’-0 p .3 has ffiven great .satisfaction in i N o ^Ji Carolina for the last two years. For sale by A.ifents s-enerallj f ^ O A N O K E .V A '. 15ra.nch A^irgiuia-Carolina C!h?tnical Yesterday evening about 5 o’clock D r. George M. ISingham, of Davie county died suddenly at the Sol­ dier’s Home, near this city. He was sitting on the porch of the Home when the summons came. Xo one was with him . But soon his room-mate, Dr. W illiams, came along and seeing him with head hung down, apparently asleep, put his hand ou his shoulder to awaken him. Then it was discovered that he vas dead. Dr. Bingham was 75 years old, and duringthe war served gallantly in the Sixteenth North Carolina cavalry. H e entered the Home lasi April. He was a brother of Dr. James E. Bingliam, of Siilisbury. The funeral will be held from Ihe Home this afternoon at 3:30 o’clock, and the veterans aud oth- era iu tlie city are iu>’ited toattend. The burial will be in the Confeder­ ate cemetery. The above is copied from the Xews and Observer of the 26th, and it is with siiicere regret that we are called upon to •chronicle the deiith. of Dr. Bingham. W e had known him from our youth tip, and we always had the highest regard for him . H e was tor a num ber of years clerk of Davie superior court, also deputy clerk. H e was a faith­ ful, honestoffieial, and for honesty, integrity of chanicter and faithfal- uess iu tlie performance of duty, no oue stood higher. A good sol­ dier, a good man gone. P^;Ce to hisM bes. > ' ., The Republican claim that the proposed constitutional amendment will disfranchise ignorant white men is thoroughly uncandid and intend­ ed to deceive the people. Under the son and grandson claube of the proposed amendment every white man in Xorth Carolina, unless it be the ignorant foreigner or igno­ rant descendant of a foreigner, will be allowed to vote, be he ever so ignorant aud poor. It is true that the voter mnst first pay his poll tax, or be e.xempted from paying it by the proper authorities, before he can vote. W e believe this is right. The sound, healthy man who refu­ ses to pay a poll tax, after being protected in his life, liberty and propertj' by the law, should not be allowed a voice in the govern­ ment of his countr,y. The consti tutioual amendment is intended to stop the ignorant negroes from vo­ ting and still perm it the ignorant white man to vote, and jf its pro­ visions are not broad enough to accomplish this object, a way will be found to do it. The Democratic party lirst gave universal suli'rage to the white manhood of North Carolina, aud it will never favor anything which takes it away. Our Republican office holding friends see that the amendment will silence tliat dark arm j' of voters—the ig­ norant negroes—whom they have been accustomed to leading to the polls like sheep to the shambles for many years, aud hence their frenzied opposition. If we believed the administration of the proposed amendment w o u ld disfranchise white men, wo would oppose it with as much \ Igor as :iny Repub­ lican now opposes it; but. s.eeiiig no such danger, we heartily shj,' port it, seeing in it au opp.irtunity to forever rid the Sta le of a large part of the vicious negi-o vote- If is aimed at negroes aud not white men.—Statesville JIascot. W e believe the Mascot has got­ ten itself into a hole, and we pro­ pose to provp it. Bepublieaus, so far as we know, do not claim thai the amendment will disfranchise all illiterate white men, unless the courts hold section 5 uncoustitn- tional, which we believe it will. The poll tax clanse will get learned and unlearned alike. The Mascot says: “ If we believed the adm inis­ tration of the proposed amendment would disfranchise white men, we would oppose it with as much vig­ or as an.y Republican now opposes it.” Now, Mr. Mascot, does it not disfranchise all wli.'te men who can­ not rend aud write any section of the constitution of Xorth Carolina after 1908, provided the.v have not registered on or before the 1st ot December, lOOS ? Xow, in all can­ dor, wil! not every white man who cannot read aud wiife who applies for registration after December 1st, 1908, be disfranchised by the ad- miuistratiou of this amendment? If the editor of T iik R ecokd knows himself, and “ he believes he do,” he has no desire to m isrcpicsent this or any other question. W e would like to hear from some of our Democratic friends ou tliat beautiful elec­ tion law of ISOO. W ill not it in its operations, /^ ic tly following the letter of the law, and the spirit of its makers, disfranchise thou­ sands of white voters ? If a man cannot read, be he white or black, can he reiisouably be expeeted to put his ballots in the right box, and if he gets them in the wrong box is he not virtually disfran­ chised by tlie operation of section 29 1 Brother Mascot, if the above is not true, prove it to me, and I will give my readers the benefit of your elucidation of its mysteries, which lie hidden and concealed beneath its unh:illowed designs. Turn the light upon this election law. if there be a light that will penetrate its da rk and unholy de­ signs. P ut us in the way that we may lead our friends, the great common people, in the paths of truth, right and Justice. Shed your effulgent i"ays all around aliuut us, for the good of our fellow man. Lead us, gently lead its. so that we fall nof in a snare, a trap set by designing men. to perpetuate party bossism and machine rule in fairest Carolina, “ the land of the free, the home of the brave.” We want, n'e need Dcmo<!ratic light on this election law. Let’s have ic quick. ---- ------ A Pittsburg company has received the contract to build a new floating dry dock lit Havana. It is to be 360 x90 feet, and will be capable of docking a vessel of 5,000 tons. The cost is estimated at $7.’i0,000. gub.scribe foi T h e D avie B ecobd . The N ebraska Situation. O maha , N eb ., October 24. To the People’s P arty Voters: As a member of the National Committee of the People’s party, I consider it my sacred duty to keep the voters of the party informed T3garding matters that vitally con cern its future. I have known for some tim e that a conspiracy has been hatched in this state to de­ stroy the independence of the Peo­ ple’s party, and now have the ab­ solute proofs. Populists must decide whether they are willing to be delivered and merged into the Democratic party, a party of corruption and stnpid opposition. In Nebraska, especi­ ally, the Democratic party is hang­ ing like a leech to the People’s party. In the South we all know that its supremacy is due solely to the suppression of a free ballot. Not content with selecting Popu­ list office-holders, the corrupt Dem­ ocratic machine of this state wholly and absolutely dictated the plat­ form of our last state convention. D. C lem D ev er . The above clearly shows the ob- jectg and intents of the Democratic party. Butler and the leaders of the Populists in this State were abused and denounced by the Dem­ ocratic speakers and papers. Last year the m ajority of the Populists went over to the Democratic party, aud their organization is about gone. As soon as the Democratic party completely disrupts the Pop­ ulist party it will repudiate all of doctrines, and hunt up other issues to fool the people. And they don’t want pie either. T h e B ig h t to V o te. L ou isvili .e , K y ,, Oct, 24.—The Post to-day prints an interview with Senator Lindsay, in which he says: ‘•The real question in Ketucky ii, whether the people are to have t ie right in 1900 to decide for themselves K entucky’s position on nttional issues. The right of a Kentnckian to vote as he pleases and have his vote counted as he casts it is far more im portant to him than the settlement of any na­ tional issues. Responsibility lor t \e defeat of the Democrats will be with those whi organized and con­ trolled the Louiiville convention.” Ex-Governor Brown is confined to his bed, and it is greatly feared that he will l)e incapacitated from active service for the rest of the campaign. A t a non-partisan mass jmeeting, composed of 500 of Louisville’s rep­ resentative citizens, to-d.iy, notice was served on municipal officials that any attem pt on the part of the city adm inistration to use police in securing an unfair election would result in violence. Senator Lindsay but voices the sentiment of thousands of voters in North Carolina. V irtually the same conditions exist in this State, only worse, for we have an election law if anything worse thaj^ the ''-''■ibel law of Kentuii.T ich the Simmons & t ’6., wish to force an unjust constitutional amendment down the throats of a free, liberty- loving people. Freemen, liberty- loving Xorth Carolinians, read the above and see 'w hat is coming to pass in a nearby State. Violence is threatened against the nsurpers of the rights and liberties of the people. A re we ready, are we wil­ ling for a like condition in our be­ loved State? God forbid; may the Democratic party' realize the true situation and refrain from its un­ holy undertaking before it is too late. M utterings can be heard now —peace, prosperity and happiness are with us, and the future seems bright, save and except the cloud riiised by an unscrupulous set of demagogues, bent upon perpetua- ating machine rule, and ruin in this State. _________ The ]>opulists and republicans are generally distres.sed for fear the constitutional amendment will dis­ franchise the ignorant white man, but we beg to assure them that the ignorant white man will not be in­ terfered with 80 long as he is wil­ ling to vote the Democratic ticket. —Durham H erald. The above is an honest confes­ sion, and we will add to it by say­ ing that if the negro will vote the Democratic ticket he will be eared foi by the enemy of law, order and justice. Some of our Democratic friends have been making some very broafl assertions about what they are going to do. W e ad\'ise them to call a halt, for we are de. termined to assert our rights nnder the law and constitution. ‘•If this be treason. mftke.Bie most of it.V S t o v e s ! S t o v e s . TW O CAELOADS OF COOK STOVES AT L ISS THAH COST, TO CLOSE THEM OUT. W e are going out of the Stove Business, and will sell mny Stove in the lot of 185 for ju st what it cost us. Now, if yon want a Stove, come at once, as they will not lait long at OtJK PRICES. 42 SOLD LAST W EEK I Pwiiitiiie'! Fiirnitiffe! Pornitiire! W E SELL FUEN ITUEB OF ALL KINDS CHBAPBB than any House in North Carolina. NOW DON’T PAY BIG, FANCY PEICESf BUT COME and see os, as we will save yon 25 per cent. YOUES TEULY, House, SWemire & Company, CEFTEAL HOTEL, SALISBUEY, N. C. T H E C O M F O R T . ■ W lJM ST O liT , 3<r- c- A sk your friends and your neighbors about lU, they will toll you we are the LEADERS in our line. It’S tie Quality ol Our Goods that makes us trade—and backed with extreme low prices, it’l Quo wonder—the people come to us and get better values tluui elsewhere. If you want Sboes, Hats, Ladie’s and GMldren’s COATS AND CAPES, UNDERW EAR, BED GOODS, In fact anything that goes to make up a first-clasB store. Coma to US, our word for it, you’ll not regret it. LADIE’S CLOTH CAPES .................. P L U S H C A P E S ................... “ JACKETS ............................. “ . SKIRTS ................................ “ TRIMMED HATS .............. ..............50c up to 15.00 ...............M.50 to HO.OO ... (2.00 to *8.00 ... 7Sc to *5.00 ... SOc to «3.00 Shoes: The best made for Men, Ladies and Children, at Priees that will astonish you. Don’t fail to call on us when in town. T h e C o m f o r t , SHOERS AND FUENISHEBS, Corner Opposite W achovia National Bank. BeU Phone No. t214, WINSTON, N. C. M c D O W E L L & R O Q B R S , W i n s t o n ’s C h e a p C l o t h i e r s , ----------BUY"EES FOE ---------- M AfflOTH STORES. 3 W E SELL FOE LESS, BECAUSE W E BUY CHKAPEB THAN SMALL DEALERS. S O M E S P E C I A L S : :00 Suits at $350, $500 and $650, W ORTH $5.00 TO «9.00. 500 SUITS $7.50 TO $10.00, W OETH $11.00 TO $15.00. 150 Overcoits, |2.50 to J6.50, worth |3.75 to $10,00. 200 OVERCOATS, $7.50 to $12.50. W orth $20.00 to $18.00. If you have bought of us yon know us; if you haven’t you should try us, and learn your saving. GEBAT V a l u e s in H ats, Shirts, Ties, and Underwear. 6T D on't F orget th e Place w hen Y ou Com e to W inston- . 0 S t a n d a r d S h o e s , — ZIEGLER BROTHER’S M A K E— TH E BEST SHOFS For LADIES, MISSES and CHILDBBN ON EARTH. Fall Styles Now Ready. TH E BFG U LA E SHOE STOBE, Comer 4th and Liberty Sta., W INSTON, N. C. N E E L T & C B T J T E . G e t a R e c o r d P r e s e n t . S . ONE rO IjL A B PA TS PO B TH E BA PEB A. T w k E T . H - M Gills IIpn l U SDtfflta. . O ne 350 Bock Hill Baggy, Ooe SewiDg Machioe. O n e S 2 u .V « d titte ]iic ;o le . (Ijndy’s or Gent’s.) O ne $7 Chattanooga I’low. C m SG.OO R e m in g to n (b ie e cb lo ad in g ) S h o t G n n . B r in g o r sen d n s $ 1.0 0 a n y p a y fo r i y c a t ’s e a b sc rip tio a to th e DAVIE RECORD an d g e t a tick et, an d y o n w ill h ave an o p p o rtu n ity a t one o f th ese fre e gifto . O ld su b ae rib e rs b y p a y io g ^ h a t th e ? o w e QB, if in a rre a rs, an d $ 1.0 0 fo r i yearn s Bubscription, w ill g e t a tic k e t T ic k e ts w ill b e m ailed to th o se a t a d istaD ce. A d d ress, DAVIE - RECORD, M O C K S V I L L E , N . C. • I q pelocting a S e w in g jM achine, p ick onfc th e o n e th a t rn n s th e lig h test, fiews th e fastest, m akes th e le ast n oise is m o st d u rab le , w ill n o t b re ak th e th re a d if ru n b ack w ard , w ill n o t p u ck ­ e r th e lig h te st fa b ric s, h as p ate n t sp o o l w'ire, au to m atic teD tlon release b a ll b e a rin g , etc. THE WHEELER & WILSON poBsesses all th e ab o ve p o in ts o f su ­ p e rio rity o v e r a n y o th er m ake. C o sts so th io g to exam in e one. For sale by II. J. B O W E N , Winston, N , C. . . T R Y TH E . - ‘ NEW HOME” SEWING M&GillNE. WRITE FOB CIRCUURS Sew ing M achines w e maDufacture and th eir pnces before you purchase aoy other. THE NEW HOKE SEWIIUMUHINEeO., OBANGEf IFASS, » ITnloa Sqa&re, H. Y. Cblcaso, III. St. Loois, )To. Texas. F n iQ i^ sc j,A tl& n taj Ga. Fon SALE BV Free taltion. We pve one or more free schol- atships in every county in the U. S. Write us. S ^ o sitio T iS f S u ea ra n teo d Under reasonablt conditions.... WtU accept notes for tuilion oreaudepMt moneyinbank until pssuion is secured. Car fare pidd. No -\’acation. En­ ter at any time. Open forlx>th seses. Chiiapbcard. Sendfor . ^ Hlustrated cataliAddress T. P. D ratjguox , Pres% at cither O f a u g t i o n ’s P r - a e t i e a U ... .' B u s i n e s s . . . . Nashville, Tenn., ^ Salveston, Tex., Savannah, Ga.,Texarkana, Tex. ^ ools U. uic ^lua in me worltL and the ia l J>a/ron,r«iones m-tlie South. Indorsed Iw bant- IIS, merchants, nnnistcrs and others. Four boottMpmff with ns are eqnal to ^ d v e weeks by the old plan. T, F. Di^ehon jranleat, is.aathor of nSmjhon’s of BocUceeping, “OoubleCntiy Made Ea^.** 3 . 1 for home penmanship and I'” '* “Home Study."* v™ ° r learned bile-while holdi^a position as nieht'teleeraph opwtor {^MetUum this paper m/un writing,) LOVE LEHERS.spni? «.««♦ / It. ieltprs, to all who will ■ gifted pen. His reputa- S ea and L axd. W tr and flenenl infrtrmntinn ’ «lc. C aatioiu • gold — ...fitlk. woril for n*. SamJ d rine. oe bicycle b r <wo»» zor s HmT«i-1u4A,« jouma._ouuitu Make Co., >uhrUto.T«u. BBITIffl P i P m W S . r ii 2 F orm ation o 'a “ M en ac'n a’' fly - In e S quadron. NAVAL RESERVES CALLED OU T. The Admiralty** l*reparationK For F a rth e r Com plications ^ KumorM of Earopfian Interrentlon«»Deren<e< of G ibraltar V eins Stren;;thene(I~Ensr> land Prepared Fur Any Kmer;;eticy. Lokdon* (By Cable).—Tlie o.'cteu* ot til's Britlsli naval preparations cuuses a strou*^ revival ot tlie ramors of serloa^ forcigu compUcatioas. It Ls learned tbat wiietUer or not Great Britalusnrioiislyfe.irs Uas-iiau or French iig^rassioo. tUe ua%*ul ptdpar.i- tious Uave baea under consitleratloa for several moatbs, and it was the A'lmiraUy’a inteatioa to put them in force soon tin war witU tbe Traasraal was (tuolared* deeiniug it ne^ossury to iuer^.-ise tbo a?tivi> strength o( tbe aivy iu orJsr to iusiic j tb ) large fleet o* tMUiports against ev^ry poa- .<;ible contingency. Wbetber later (leveloii* meats havu truusformed the A'in:)traUy’:! precautionary measures into prep;ir.ttiou-i for a naval Uonoastratloii i(ei:as3lcato<l by European hostility is tlio quesCioi of tiia hour, and it I:; us much u mystery to many Uigb naval officers as to the piibiio. The exact condition of affairs consi.-^csoL ordering tho Naval lioserves to he Inrc.idi- ness to rejoin their sbtp^ at twenty-four hours’ notice, while all the eruisersi of tbo reserve elass Jiave beou notifldd to be re:itiy to sail in tbo same tixe Ihnlt. These ves­ sels, tbouffb at the docliyard?, are uever out of commissioD, and aro always sup­ posed to be ready for Iniraediate iiumninjr. In addition to tbeso preparutioos, work on tbe uncompieteci vessels being hur­ ried day and night. TUesipecinl uttenCioa being paid to tlie cruisors is tukeu by many naval authorities to indioate that Great Britain intends to form a meaaeing flying .<}quadrou, using tbe term “iuenac* ing” teeause the naval force at sea now is ample to convoy the transports and i.s thoroughly capable ot preventing any ia> terference in Houtb African waters. Wiiiie tbe British ofllr^ials do no: conceal tlieir knowlnJgB of Uerfuan, rrencli and Ilussian antagonism and their irritation thereat, they do not give the slig itest bin: that European hostility will crystalliJsa in­ to any probable overt act. But the beltei that Great Britain is ou the verge of a crisis, or even a conflict far greater than l^iatin the rransvaal, ha? many supporters, enough the lacic of all ofncial coulirmatiou favors the conservative views that tbe re- markable military and naval activity is due to a desire to take thorough precau- tfons which, though ominous, have at present no special bearing upon Great Britain’s European relations. Tbe Neues Wlener-Tagblatt, of Berlin, publishes a telegram from the Transvaal Legation at Brussels announcing that Dr. Leyds baa received formal assurances that Franco and Bussia will not permit Great Britain to annex tbe Transvaal or tne Orange Free State. This is discredited, however, as it is pointed out that evon it this were the intention of the powers men­ tioned they would not allow their hands to be shown prematurely through tbe medium of Dr. Loyds. The Bussian newspapers may be somo- what responsible for the general impres* Sion in regard to European intervention, the St. Petersburg Bn^skija advocating that Great Britlan be brought to her senses by 6 naval demonstration iu South Africa, iu Which France would take the lead. New and stringent orders have been promulgated with reference to the de­ fenses of Gibraltar. The privilege English* men have hitherto bad ot entering tho gate witbout a pas^ is temporarily sus­ pended. Nobody is allowed to enter or to inspect the batterie.«. For months sappers and miner.-? have been engaged in eonslructing new and powerful batteries, and the garrlsoa will be augmented. Itodm C laim 100,000 M en. BnrRSELS (By Cable).—The agency of the Transvaal Government has i.c.sued u state­ ment regarding tbe number ot Boers iu the Held. It says there are now 100,000 men under arms. This force is made up of 35,000 ragulars. 35.000 Orango Free State troops, 8000 Natal Boer?, 8000 Bechuana- laod Boers, 4C00 Germans, (5000 Dutch Bel­ gians, 2000 Irish, 600 Americans auj GOOD miscellaneous troops. T o 'n 'a tc h th e U ritU lt .Slilp«. L okdojt (By Cable).—Dispatches from tlie Continent to Tbe Dail> Mail sny rhat the French fleet has received instructions to watch the movements of the British Mediterranean Squadron, and ibat tho Italian fleet is under orders to cor.centrato in tbe Bay of Spezia. Protection to l>riti«iii Property. P betobia . (By Cable).—A proclamation issued by the Transvaal Government guar- ULtcies protoctiun to British property. MEW JE R S E Y HONORS SA M PSO N ' Governor VoorheeA I’rexenls » Strord to ' the Kenr-A«lmiral. TnEXTON% N« J. (Special).—New Jersey’s token of appreciation of the service.'? ot Bear-Admiral William l^^a/fapson iu the Spanisb-American War, a beautiful jewelle<L sword, costing $2000. was pttSHnrted t<l that ofilcer in tbe Assembly chamber ot thdl 3tato House. Tbo sword lay on tho folds of a .sill: rear- ndmiral’s flag, presented to tho Hear-Ad­ miral earlier in the day by tbe you-ig women pupii.s o* the State Normal School. llear-Admlral Sampson, with bi.s wifo by his side, was .sitting ue:ir hv, surrounded by nearly nil tbe ofllciMS of.his ileet. I’liey were all present excoi)tlng 8ear-.\.dmiral Migginson, Captain Kvans and Bear-Ad- lairal Schley. The As-embiy <*hamber and galleries wore filled with people from vari­ ous parts of tbe State. Many letters of regret were reeeivad and n few were read. Admiral Dowey sent a brief telegratn of regret. A tremendous cheer broke out when tbe message from him was thhcI. Governor Yoorbees tlellvcjred tho presen­ tation address. Ilear-Admiral Sampsoti was vislviy ail'ected by tbo Governor’s ad­ dress, and his response was delivered in low tones. After tbe prftsentatfon a rw-eeptioa rras held in tbe Exeentive Chumber. wher» Kear-Admiral Sampijou shook bands with liundreds of people. r H E V A N D E R B I L T W I L L llfred, Residuary Legatee— Only $1,500,000 for Cornelius. F o rm er C ive« H i* B ro th er > 'e a rlr »C.- 000,000 to M ak e B l« S h are K qual to llie Yonnger CliUdren’s. New Yobk CiTv (SpeciaU.—Alfred G Wynne Vanderbilt, seeoad living son ol the late Cornelius Vanderbilt, Is made residuary legatee under his father’s will, wblle to tbe eldoat living son, Cornelius, is left only 5500.000 absolutely and .^1,000,000 in trust. Alfred has, boWevor, itdded nearly six millions to his <ider brother’s share so a? lo put blm on au equality with his younger sister and Lis younger brother. Tbe estate Is now estimated at something over 000,000, of whieh between 1-40 ,000,000 and jioO.OOO.OOO will go lo Alfred; at present, the income only of the present residue; but half, absolutely, when be is thirty years old, and tbe other bait, absolutely, when lie Is thlrty-flve. ALFBEU nwy.SNE V.\NI»£EPrLT. (Hols now the head of the family.) By tbe terms of the will Cornedus Vanderbilt, the eldest son, whose marriairo with Grace Wilson created u breach be­ tween him and his father, gets only the two bequests mentioned. Ooe of lliese, the *5(>0,000 given absolutely, is part o' a ♦5,000.000,000 fund left by tbe late W. H. Vanderbilt, over which the late Cornelius bad the power of appointment. As to tbe trust fund of <il,000,000. Cornelius is to re­ ceive the income only. Cornelius receives none of tbe family heirlooms. Tho modal Congress gavo to Commodore Vanderbilt goes to Alfred, to bo transm itted to bis eldest son, and so on down the -lino of eldest sons. Tbe will practically estab­ lishes Alfred as tbe eldest son. The brothers and sisters do not all fare alike, l)ut the sum which Cornelius will re­ ceive from bis brother i$i ]iut at $5,875,000. According to tbo will threo of tbe other four children receive bequests either out­ right or in trust which amount to ^5,^75,- 000 moro tlian Corne'ius receives by tbo Will. Mrs. Gertrude Whitney takes a mil­ lion more under a codicil. Bequests to friends amount to 9:615,009; $200,000 goes to Senator Depew, $100,000 to W. K. Vanderbilt and «50,000 each to E. V. W. liosslter, the Kev. Dr. Greer, ot St. Bartholomew’s Cnurcli, and Jolin Hone. To St. Bartholomew’s Cburch iiOO.OOO i.4 given, of which -^200,000 is for a now build­ ing. To the Y. M. C. A., for tbo benellt of railroad men, 6100,000 is given. To various other institutions Is bequeathed ^-320.000. IMMIGRATION IS CROWING. P o ivderly W ou ld A pply IScstrlclion^ to Oui* N ow PofsesB lous. WASiriKGTOs, D. C. (Special).—la his annual report Commissioner-General Pow- derly, ot the Immigration Bureau, gives tbe total arrivals for tbo year ended June aO, 1899, os 311,715. an increase over tho precodiog year of 82,416, or tblr:y-slx per cent. Ot thi» total arrivals Europe supplied 207,349, A^ia 8072, Africa 51, and all other countries .5343, Tho distribution as to aex was 195,277 males and 11(5.43^ females; as to age43,983 were under fourteen; 24^,187 from fourteen to forty-flve, and 19,545 of forty- five years or older. As to illiteracy 0,413 could neither rend nor write, and 102j could read hut were unable to write. As to amount of money brought 39,071 had each $30 or over, and 174.613 baa each less than $30. I With regard lo the islands now hehl undor military authority na a result of |the war with Spain the opinion is ipressed that the prompt exteuslou ot tbu immigration laws to them by order of the Secretary of War will avoid many embar- rassment«. LIQUOR LAW NULLIFIED. C ou rt U ecisioii ITpsets O m iclnl P ractices In V ogue F o r Vcar.t. L e w i .^tok , Jte. (Special).-A decision made by Judge llitcliell, ot Auburn, is to be used by tbo liquor dealers of Lewiston iu bringing suit against the state for many thousands ot dollar.^. One retailer !ia«» begun proceedings to recover $i5000 for liquors cousigaed to liim, but seized undor tbe prolilbitiou laws whilo In possession of u railroail comijany. Judge Hltcholl rules tbat such seizures "O In violation of tiio Interstate Co:n- xial ■«^.>jtw. N ow York lawyers aro making lveriy’:n^^^■^sumnbW i:i behalf ot whoie- ■;^M;CSin iffafolty. Tbo ruling ha£. upset olllclal practice.*; which iiave beeu In vbpue for year^ ati will completely cban^o tbo methods c. Uquor-lnw violatora. S ib e rian G old Fiel«l« to IKe T hrow n Open.- The Bussian Government has announced that the gold fields ot Siberia wlil be thrown open by public sale next Februiry. Chlckasaw .1 £nroUc(V Tbe Dawes Commission has completed its enrollment ot tho Chickasaw Iudlan«j la tbe Indian Territory. Tlio enrollment shows 18,000 Indians ami i003 freedmoD, the latter being slaves and de.sicendants ot slaves brought to the territory from the South by the Indians. FOURTEEN BURN'ED TO DEATH. I>iphtL.eria Cloneti ScUuolx. The public sehdols of Trinceton N. J , were closed on Wednesday for two woelcs because ot tho anpeartac,) iu various f*arts ot the town of MORE MURDERS IM KENTUCKY, j Manchester Conrt Judce Steyi at Honu,' Pearine Aaiasafnation. L okbox , Ky. fSpecI.1).—Tom -Whllamore and Dan Parker were ambnshed on Hors* Creek, en route to Clay County Circuit Court. The Joraer was klUed and the lat- ter injared. Bob Trayta Iras lillled at Hamlel. ClroDlt Judge ETerBole, f.ailng nssassl- nation, did not ro to Mnncliester, and the delay*d. Orlfflns hM vni S ritlS " S T * " '" * ‘“'S® numberp, “ "ueliester is crowded, and the situation looks grav,. Tw o F am ilie s ipecl O ut by n F lro in a F iiriitini; l>lfilr]ct in A lahatiia. Monii.E, Ala. (Specir.1).—News leachcd here a few days ago that ;ourteen persons bad been burned to death at a place known nsFalre.s. in Bildwia County, thirty miles from Mobile. Some time during the night the dwellings of Harry Goodlow a»id Sam­ uel Smithson w«ro UucueJ and all Ihe oc­ cupants eretnatod. The Goodloiv family consisted of father, mother and six children. There were six persons in the Smithson hou^e—iiusband.' wife, threo childreu au<l u sister ol Mr. S*nlthsoo. Pine trees surrounding the housescauRht fire from the iliimos and i)revente.l the neighbors from reuduring assistance. N utal U nder S la rllu l l..afr. Martitil law ha<* boaa proclaiaiedthrougU- out Natal. South Africa. Pogtnffice ClerkA (VnnC itlore 3Ionoy« PostoMce clerUs bavo for some timd been agitating fov a reclas^lllcation. by which they will be enabled to recol'vo salaries us high n.’i tliose paid to Mtter carriers. They have secured Ujo support of Assistant Po.'tmaiter-General Heath at Washington, who will mnkea rp.commenda- tion to that elTect in bis annual report. P la n n in g n C able to Ke«v Ponsessiaii*. PIhus for a PaelUe cable line under cou- troloftbe United States, to extend from San Francisco to Sfrlnll-i, b / way o: Hawaii. Wakn island and Guam, are being teamed by oillclals lu Washlugtou. I H E N E W S E P I T O M I Z E D . '%Vn»hineton Jtemii. Professor Worcester, of rhllipplne. DommlSHlon. calls slofies 6t Amerlcaa ioldlers’ inhumanity incredlble'falsehoods. Tbe StateDepartment h.asb«en inforaied by Jllnlster Brldgmau at La Pa:! that Pando was elected President ot Bolivia. Charle.<t D. Sigshee. ot thn battleship Te.vns, which has been ordered out of com- mlfision. has been usslgne.l to duty as Chief of the Office of Naval .'ntelUgence. 3Ir. Sewell has informed the State De­ partment that H. E. Cooper, at present Attorney-flenernl of liHwatl. lnu» been ap­ pointed Siinister ot Finance ad interim. The Forty-eighth Volaoteer Infantry, Kow on duty at Fort Thomas. Ky., has been ordered to proceed to San Francisco pre­ paratory to embarking for tho Philippine Islands. Brljradier-General Funston telegraphed to the War Department ids formal accept- anco of the President’s offer to retain him in Volunteer service jls a Brlgndler-Gen- erai. President ircKiuley has issued a procla­ mation extending tlu« beneilts of tbe Inter­ national Copyright law to Costa Rican publications. Secretary Long has as.slgned Admlrnl Dewey to special dutyal the Navy Depart­ ment. It was aunounced at ihe Stat«< Depart­ ment that negotiation'^ for a revision ot the Treaty of Berlin are in progrc.ss between the three Powers interested iu the goveru- ment of Samoa. William P. Lord, former Governor of Oregon, lias heHn 2ipi>olnf;ed Envoy Extra­ ordinary and Miiiistor ricnipDtentlary t'j tbe Argentine llepublic. Georgia Honors Lieutenant ISrumby. Georgia has paid tribute to her ranking hero ot the Spanish-Amerlcan war. Flag Lleatenant Thomas S. Brumby ot tbe Olympia, by tho proscntaLioa ot a hand­ some sword 1q reooguitiou of his uote- worthy service? at Manila. Governor Cand- ler presented tliesword to tbe LiMUlenaut at Atluuta. The parade, made up of troops frum Aiubuma, South Uarolina, Norcu Ciirolina and Georgia and G. A. B. veLer^i os, was reviewed by Governor C.iuJler and Lleuteuaut Brumb3% t B arcelona U nder S tate o f t$ip?e. A sta te o t siege bas been pro Jlaiiuea in th e Provlaco o t Barcelona, Spain. O iir A dopted I«lAthiK. ftnner.U ’ Davis, MiUtary-Go\’/‘ruor Porto iUco. reports that tbo natives will uever be capable ot suir-governmunt. Shivery in the Philippines is to Im abol­ ished a^ soon as the military situation will justify it. A commiflBion will be sent to Bome bv Ihe insurgent Filipino Cougre.ss to complain of the frJars lu the rhillppine<«. Malahon and other towns havo requested :\Iiijor-Gencral Otis at Manila to garrison the towns, because the Insurgents are liv­ ing off tho people. General Blanco’s four hundred Mae- abebos :iro returning to Manila from the Ladrooes. It Is believed they are desirous of «nterlng the American army and com­ pleting a regiment of Macabcbes. Amodico-logal depariment has been opened in Manila to tho public under the direction ot Senor Coso Padilla. It re* ceives tho poor free ot charge and is a godsend to these people. The Insurgent Colonel Kosario, Aguinal- do's brotUer-lu-law, who was wounded at Novaletu, Is dead. Goveroor^cneral Davi.4 has Issuol nn order against gambling and expressing bis determination to stop the praetlee tbrougb- out Porto Bicj. I)»ine«tic. Eli Ilall, one ot thA founder.i'ol the Grec* ley colony, died at Greeley, Col. He went across the plains With Horace Greeley in 1870. He was born in Erie County, N. Y., In 1S32. Charics Xolson, Kiohnrd Stone, and Al­ vin Forsterlson wore killed by an explosion of dynamite In the Cundy Mine at Iron Slountain, Mich. Tbe accident was caused by carelesiuess. Successful tests of Afnrconl’s Wireless telegraph have beeu made between the warships Now York and Massachusetts. Walter L. Farnsworth, who has several aliases, confessed .-It Chicago. III., to hav­ ing been married to forty-two women. Ho was arrested as a bigamist. Bishop Henry C. Pott ir, of JIfew York City, sailed from San Francisco tor H odo- lulu and tho Pbilip[iine.? on the steamer Gaelic. He goes in his <»fTiclal cap.aclty In behalf of the Protestant Episcopal Cburch of America. O. W. Uopkin-!. a stockman, and Deputy Marshal Fox engaged in a duel with six- shooters iu n saloon at El Beno, Okla­ homa, with the rcsnlt that both were killed. Fox had attempted to arrest Hopkins, who was drunk. The decapitated body ot a tonrteen-vear- oUi girl named Baago was found on Sheep Island, U'iar OaMaud. Cal. Her mother, who had separated frosn her husband, is missing. It is said that tho mother is in­ sane. William J. Bryan closed hi? three days’ tour in tlie interest ot the Democratic State ticket in Ohio. Lewis Cbarotohas, a Greek, ha? cati.cod nervous people of Topeka, Kau.. no end ot worry by allowing ii Htoam peanut whistle to sing away from , roornmg till n’ght lu front of his i>lace ot business. He went to jail a few days ago for tho third time be cause of this nuisance, but he Insisted on leaving his steam kettle running at full speed. Henry Ludovice, seventy year» old. .a well-known farmer in Middlesex County, N. J., committed fiuleldi) by hnnglug him­ self from a rafter in a woodshed iu the rear ot his honso at West Dunellen. He hail beeu iu ill-health for some time. Flvn men wore swept from a narrow toot- walk on the Brjokiyn Elovated Bailroad by a i>assenger whose body projected from the steps ot a train. Ooe was killed and an- otiier may die. Vni'eitrn. Great Britain has ordered 500D more m^n to South Africa. Tho Eighteenth Hussar.j. wlio chased the Boors after tho bati.le at Glencoe, are now prisoners at Pretoria, South African I?c:.ubllc. In .*in iQterviojv at Krus.?els, Belgium, Dr. Leyd.*?. tho Transvaal agent, snld the Boer.-> would light until tho la^t man was killed. Tney profer to die ratbur tlian to como un­ der tho sway ol tbo British. TIio bridge.? on’llio Cartagena and Mag­ dalena Bailroad, an American corporation,' have been biown up with dyuamitd by tbu insurgents iu Colombia. Tho death ot General Symons from tho woiiiiu received at tbo battle ot Glencoe, in Natnl, was auaounc'jJ in tbo House ot Commons, I,oudou. I’urther dLonatche:^ re!-*tlv3 to t!ie en- gagemeut dt itietfonteiu. ia 'Satal, testify to tbe accuracy ot tho lioar ri flo llriug. Jtussltt Is reported lo bo working to se- *Miro a naval station on tho Pacjllc between Vladlvostock and Lalo Tung. The Angio-Egypllan expedition has been ordered lo relux-n to Omdurnan, the Kbal- ifa hiiving fled iroui his position ut To»>el- Glr. T.'ifl Public Prosccutor nt Paris has abandoned tho charges In the lloyallst ecm.spiniey ea.«c.^ against ilM. Monl-jourt, Pa^erai «nd Girard, but upholds those aualost MM. Bufl’et, Guerin, Deroulede, Count-Sobraa-i’ontuvc.^, and olevoaother.-jl Tb« iirjtish steamer Zurich foundered on the cuttst of Norway, the outira crow, sev­ enteen in number, porbhing, tho oiptuin alone being saved. President Steyn. ot tbe Orange Free Stale, hu.s Utued a proclamation anne.'ciug Becbu.iuiilaua and Grlqualaud West to tho Froo State. Michael Davitt, N lUonalist member for South Mayo, aunuuacoil in the House of Commons. London, that be intended to resign us a protest against tho war. Tho London County Council has adopted tlio coQiluit .system ol eloctrit; street cars on the projected large extensions. This is tb 1 llrst time an Eeglisli coriioration lia^ adopted thi.s mctiiu i, os'ei-bead wires being in uso throogbout the Uuitod Kingdom There was rioting at Wsetin, Moravia, betweeu tho GermaQS and Czechs. The ;;endarmes flred on the rioters, kllllug two and wounding .seventeen. Forty-tbreo Government and naval ot- flcials havo been arrnsted in Russia for misappropriating funds. Several o£ those accused have committed suicide. The Indian mail train collided with a freight train nearSchoerboek, a suburb of Brassol.3, Belgium, tbcee saloon carriages bein'; dumoUshed. Eighteen passengers Were injured, ut noao fatally. AiJli-Serailic riots broke out at IlillO'i. chnu, Jloravia. Jewisii hou'^oi wore stone I and stores pillaged. T ie geudarme-t charged tbe ri jter.4, killing three person and injuring several others. T.»e military floallyxestored order. A N oO F F E R f r o m C A N A D A . proposal For a Permanent Alaskan Boundary Settlement ir illin c to C oiiceile U je a a n d gkaffuay in B e ta rn F o r P y ra m id IlR rb o r—A rb i­ tra tio n W ith » C o n d itio n A ttac h ed . tosD os (By C able).-It is now possible to give authoritatively Canada’s final pro­ position for a permanent settlement ot the Alaska dispute, it is very different Irom her former demands, and wna delifered to the United Stales Ambassador, J oseph H . Choate, by the Canadian Minister o( 3In- rlne .ind Fisheries, Sir Louis Henry Davies. I t IS as follows: . . . - That tho boundr.ry line be arbitrated upon terras similar to those Imposed by the United States and Great Britain over Venezuela, particularly those provisions making fltty years’ occupancy by either side conclusive evidence ot title, occupancy ot less than that period to be taken as equity allowed under ioteroational latv. That, as a condition precedent to and ab­ solutely pieliminary to arbitration. Ska* guny and Dyea would be conceded to the United States without further olainx it Canada received Pyramid Harbor. In other words, Canada gives up much or the disputed gold country iu return for a seaport, but stipulates that she must get the latter before sho agrees to arbltrato the boundary ilne. It is said on good authority that Can­ ada’s new position was greatly influenoed by imperial pressure, and it can be stated deflnltely that Mr. Chamberlain advised the concession of a.** much as po.ssible lu order to gain a port of entry free frotn United States control, with the professe«l reason that commercial advantages would accrue therefrom. But It Is said that the ulterior motive Is to increase British naval strength by making Pyramid Harbor a strong naval station. Begardlng tlio probable action of the United States In the.'io altered conditions, British ofBclal opinion Is that the Unlte<l States, having been granted Dyoa and Sbaguuy, cannot refuse to accept the identical form ot arbitration they com­ pelled Eogiand to lake toward Venezuela. This course Is contingent upon the United States deciding that the old Bering coun- try Is moro valuablo than Pyramid Harbor. THE JIKBING SiiA CL.4I9ES. X:us»la Consents to Submit Tlieni to .4r* bllration. liOSDOx (By Cable).—Bu.^sia has at last agreed to submit to arbitration the United States claims resulting from tbe seizure of sealers in the Bering Sea, which havo been pending for about eight years. A protocol between tbe two Governments has been drawn up, aud the final formalities are ex­ pected to be concluded sometime iu No­ vember. Busslu’s agreement to arbitrate the cliiims is a sonrce ot great satlsfaetlon to the United States Ambassador to Russia, Charlemagne Tower. He said: • **The relations between Bus.sla and the ,United States- were never more close or friendly than to-day; The ’ only dltference existing between the two nations is now sirre ot settlement on lines similar to the Venezuela arbitration.’* O rigin ot the ISering Sea Claim s. WASunsoTOX, D. C. (Special).—The Ber­ ing Sea claims against Bussia originated In tbe seizure by tho Bussian authorities olT the coast of Siberia of three American seal­ ing vessels, and the damages ciuimcd ag­ gregate about $150,000. The vessels were the James Hamilton Lewis, the Cape Horn Pigeon aud the C. H. White. In each case tho Iarge.et Item of tbo claim is on account ot tbe sufferings ot the American ofllctrs and crews while under arrest. JAIL FOR KISSING A GIRL Y ale F re sliin a u a n d S w eeth e» rt H av e A S ad T iiu« In N ew H aven. New H ave :;, Conn. (Special).—Slepheii 0. Lawrence, a Yale freabman, was sen­ tenced to fifteen days’ Imprisonment for kissing pretty May Carroll, and she was sentenced to jail for tho same period for being kissed. Tho freshman and Miss Carroll had been to the theatre in tho evening. After the show they wont to a Church street oafc and had some vanilla ico cream. Lawrence helped tbe girl to pat ou her cloak. His cheek accIdeot&Uy brushed against hers and then ho kissed her. Patrolman Harry Wlnchell. who was lurking in the vicinity to suppress crime, sprang out and seized tbom. He carried them off to tbe station house. : Judge Dow heard the ease the next morning. He thumped his desk indignant­ ly when tho patrolman told the t-wful facts and then Imposed a sentence. Tho defendant’s connscl gave notice of appeal, and they were released on ball. Lawrence is the first Yale undergraduate ever sentenced to jail. They are arrested quite frequently, but invariably escape with a flne or u dabbing. Edwin G. Dow, New Haven's anti-kisslng Judge, is a veteran ot tho Civil War, a man Of severe mion and almost puritanical ways. H o was once commander of the lo­ cal G. A.B. post. Hehas be-«u Judge of the City Court for two years. ThU Is tbe first kissing case he has ever tried. Up to this tlmo the police bavo not made a nractlcu of watching people In the street, to see if they surreptitiously kissed each other. FAMINE STRIKES 30,000.000. A rea o f 350,000 3IU e» Ito p o rte d to B e ARecied in India. SiMiLA, ludla (By Cable).—At a meeting of tho Supremo Council of India, C. M. Bivaz said that the famlne-affeoted area comprised 100,000 miles ot British territory and 250,000 mllos of the territory of native States, each section containing upward of 15,0 0,000 people. Tho situation In tho central provinces, aud particularly in Be- rar, Guzorat, Noith Deccan, Southeast and Central Punjab, Caroda, Indore and Bni- piitaua, wasdi.stiuctly grave. Bivazsnid he thought the extreme limit of high prices had already beeu reached and that the food supplies from Nurraa aud Bengal would prove sufQclont. Th's would jusllfy tho Government in abstain* ing fro.Ti the importutlou of foreign grain or from otherwise interfering with trade Ho osiimated that tho direct reliof would cost 1,500,000 rupec.^, in additi-va lo loans until March, and snld that a (j, *-:tor of a million peojJlo wsro already rocidvlng as­ sistance. The Viceroy, Lor.l Curion, .said he hope.I that the experienco ho was sbortVy to ealn in visiting tbo principal areas ot distress would enable 1dm to reader usetal aid aod to enter more closely into the joys andsor- rows of tho Inill an }»eopIe. F a ta l IV reck o n th e W aba«Ii. A bad wreck occurred on tho Waba^li Road about four miles from Wabash, Ind. by which oiio man was killed and one futall’v injured. Engineer Mosher, a new man WHO was learning the road, was instantly killed. Engineer isickle jumoed and w^caped wItU a sprained ankle/ Fireman BloomQeld sustained probably fatal in juries. Brakeman Beyuolds was also badk* aurt. T h e Iiia u rre c tlo n in C olom bia. The Insurrection in tbe United State* of Colombia na? become geuoral. Pooiu In the Coal Region. The in«:»-trlal sUuation in central Pan., ‘•ylvauia contluues to re.olve it2 f fj? ” h« question of how near the railroads ioii ot the prortuc:. Theeoal miue,., oS a -'ous, limestono quarrl«snnd manuticiiir I h 'T . f ? ' eo au tZ “ k,“ f- ‘ h f , A 'ie K h a n ie s a r e b e in i; w o ric e d o t " e lira t a t i a h o r s u p p l y , a i , a t h e n r o l • ■^t IS brtiig m ariceted up to the lim it ranjportiition aceom m odations. ThN lie caso lu every line of trade. “ M orniun AotlTlty tn Briioklyn. The UorinoQs are proselytlne in i^a with undlminiabed eaer^. ^ T h a n k s g i v i n g d a y n «i m e d T hursday, Noyember 30, Set by President McKinley. _ ._„ual proelam allon the Presl To HI* An»“»* dent Som e lleasoiM W Jiy th e Peopl® SUoQld Itejo lce . -„ „ ,x a io S , D. C. (Speeiiil).-TUe Preil dent h a s Issued the following Thauksglv. Ine proolaniatlon: ••A national custom dear to the hearts ot the p e o p le calls lor the setting apart ot 011.3 davln each year o«»slon of special eneral thanlc8gi''ins to Almighty God (or the b le s s in g s of the precedinK year. Thi.s . observance acquires with time a ril”l«rBtslsniUcnncB. It enrichiM domeitlj tenderer tamily root the absent ehlidren to glad reunion with ''’."IslSTm has this nation had grm tcr c.mse fnr nrotound thankssiviiiR. So «ruat i,™tllenco has Invaded ourshore.i. l.ibaral emoloyment walls upon labor. Almudaiit ^roos h a v e rewarded the efforts o[ tho hus- k»„ im«n Increased comtort.s have come the home. Thu National lluances h.-ive J.B.U strengthened and public credit has SeeS "ustaTned and made llrmer. In all branches ot Industry and liadu there has heon an unequaled desreo ot prosperity, while there has been n steady g.iiu In the m o ra l and educatlonnl growth ot our.\a- Uonal character. Chureies and schools have flourished. -‘Americau patriotism has baen exalted. Those engaged iu maintaining the honor ot tbe nag with such siKuul suaces.K have been in a large degree^ spared from dl^^as- tp r and disejise. Au houorablo peace ha^ b e e n ratified with a foreign natiop.wilh which we were at war. aud we are now on friendly relations with every -»u trust which we have assumed tor the people of Cuba has bean faithfully ad­ vanced. There has beeu marked progre-n.s toward tu« restoration ot healthy indu&- trlai conditions, and under wise sanitary roeulatlons the island has enjoyed unusual exemption from the .scourge ot fever. “The hurricane which swent over o«r Dew possession of Porto Bico', destroying the homes and property of the inhabltauts, called forth the instant .sympathy of the people ot the United States,who were swift to respond with generous aid to the aulTer- While the insurrection still continues in the Island ot Luzon, bu.siness is resuming its activity, aud oouftdence ia the good purposes ol the United Stales is bolng rap­ idly established throughout the archipei* ago.“For these reasons and countless oth.'rs. I. Willl.am McKinley, President ot the United State.*, do hereby name Thursday, the thirtieth day of November next, as a dayof general thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed as such by all our people on this continent aud in our newly acquired islands, as well as by those who may be at sea or sojourning in foreign lands; and I advise that on this day religious exercises shall be conducted iu the churches or me^t- iug-places of all deuomiuations, in order that, lathe social features ot the day, it? real sfeulScance-may not be iMt sight of, but fervent prayers may be olTared to the Most High for a continuance o* the Divine guidance, without which man’s efforcft are vain, and for Divluo consolation to tho.se whose kindred and friends have sacrificed their lives for country. “Irecommend also tbat on this day. far as may be found practicable, laborshall cease from its«accustomed toil anil charity abound toward the sick, the needy and the poor. “In witness whereof I have .«»et my hand and caused the seal of the ITalted States to be affixed. Willi .\.3i McK ixlev.” DEWEY NOW HAS HIS HOUSE. D eed is Jtecordeii an d th e L a st P a jn ic n * o f K x p en ses Is 3fa<le. WAsnixoTox, D. C. (Special).—By a ileod o* conveyauce handed to him by tbo for­ mer owner of the property, AdmlralDewey camo into legal possn.sslon ot the hoa<«e at 1717 Bhode Island aveuao, pres'«nte<l by contributors to the Dewey Home Fund. ADjriKAL jjew f .y ’s n ew H03rr. Tbe house is fully furnished and cost isoO.OOO. I: mocts tbe Admiral’s wishes In every respect. The ground floor of the house consist.^ of a large drawlug-rooin, li­ brary aud dinlDg-room. Upstairs there are a..hall roo:o, fitted up a-« a “den’’: a reading-room, th« Admiral’.s bedroom un<l au extra chamber. Thft third floor is given up entirely to chambers. Tho house cou- tahis seventeen rooms aud fourbath rooms. Tho Admiral has obtained ]ieimissIou from the proprietor of the Everett to lato with him to liis new home the honsiskeepor, ch.'imbermaid and man servant who imv«* .•served him tor years, and he has engaged for cook the daughter ol' uls old eoolc, Iraiuod iu her mother's way.a. C no.t O a tlu o k F o r C i'ap« in C nb:\. El Tabaco, ot H.avana, says tbat the ttuuiber of seed plols of tobacco sown is so great ti>at even if half the crop fails thero will still be salllcient to turn the wliolo island Into a tobacco field. It also say.s the sugar districts o£ the Islan i iiru waiting for help from the baaks and foreign syndicates »u order to recoustru'Jt them. A C urious A sso rtm en t. "I could stock a museum w'itli queer things I have found in our books,” eaid a librai’lan. “Those articles in­ clude all kinds of bills—grocery bills, sas bills anfl every variety of bill un­ der the sun; hairpins and hair orna­ m ents of every design and m aterial; love letters galore, locks of hair, bits of lace, dress sam ples aud w atch chain charm s; pen and ink, pencil, crayon and w ater color sketches; money or­ ders and postage stam ps, and I have also a dried hum an ear, which I found in a book on surgery, borrowed by a medical student probably, as they carry all sorts of uncanny things about with them. Photographs, too, ugure largely in my collection. I once found an in- 3T?rance policy in a book, but it was Quickly claim ed. Tlie hustling adver­ tiser cannot let even library books alone. Somebody is an agent for a certain patent medicine. H e takes out half a dozen books, no t to read them , hut-sim ply to insert a circular.’* In till. never he sm,. h may m ake, ®«tl T o the C hris,W , I le a d to larsw la^y. The hnv was a L G o d s way. !„„ d ra w them '“' I ligion yon ,„jy ; J piopeller i, j, churns mu „f ih, T h e salciin u Ij v I becaUKi. it stf.i-s capital. Originaliiy blaze, 1 eccentrii-ity niiis ™ old rut. '*■ Daniel m„u1,1 his religious u.-incipk. 1 king bow to hi., religj^l Daniel was in tnij.,.! dea expk'i-ieni-p. ^ Preaching for the kind »f preafjingiTl The spider in the; T the sinms.m .iv p^tj" boy into his v.’pi,. ' A word to the niv, your indulgenc e rust'■ brother's rniu. «-Jl> l-.-t ill Tht^J Tbe BritisU missing as !ir«iU; of ik. coo, Eland.il:ii5t-» aal ' t he Boers Jipiiroximiit-M Of tbo ottl.‘er.-i H j wcuaded. or tb-m-a,i,t were woundol .-i-ii Hussars, liar.* una.ia;. <ii« «*f .VitierioiJ ThoBritUU GoTcraaj-., accepted the offrrnr ii;/ iu Englan.l to .‘iini,.., which has been Ivat siu Hritish (ioveruiniiiji 1.,-: ' port rompany a, a im. ■ Sjuth AfriiNUi water.-. *" Tcsar. , ThcKiv.ii.K. M.rri-,-. Vernon. Texis, f tested his ijin.Ti'o.i::,; Xor which li*) lail iii/ j poisoning ol Uh >vii . The motive f.ir i!i» y-'./ himself ot :i )>r-*tty. I ill orde.r In n.arrv :t T roops <)r.lei'.*ai«Jif. S ecretary «•>. \V;ir!:. ba.s or.lercil :i . ;• .• tro o p s to X;i - I. M , )‘O nler, to ui>l in w as tlie .■■full'* "i iiii* :• A m erican I Frenchm en uro ; bull lijrbts. A Imii: m odate 10 ,()<)<i |ten|;c i.l coD stnu'teJ at ! ParLsiaus .slsoiiM ^-yA custom s to thee\ten:':| ing glove.s ou till- l:s: SO U TH ER N R.q CoDdense/l Seh«dole of P In Effe<'r i N o r t h b o u n d .I I)ail.« !v| Lv. Atlanta. C.T. •• Atlanta. E.T. ** ?vorcrosa__ “ Buford........ *• Uainesvifie.. Lula ............ •* O o n ie lla ------- Ar. Mt. Airy .... L v . Toccoo ........•• Westmln-ter “ Seneca ........ '* Central ...... •* Greenville.. ** Spartanburg. “ Gaftnevs ...... ** BlacksDurg.. - K in g ’s M t ... *• G jia to n ia .... Lv. Charlotte... A r . G re e n s b o ro .‘)0 3]1X| . »3Ja lil uaualO'fia _ jiua>i ;::l |I0:9B :fcl 'ir.’5a 3<| :iUja _ 1153a 3;l 1231m ■luwp i H'j p . ' :'S4p iif ol*7p i' _ • -lA ip I ' •'I ^tf:p ‘ :>i'5p Lv . Greensboro.. Ar.Norfolk ........ Ar. Dmiville ...... U A r .W a s b in ^ t o a .- l ............. “ B a ltc iV P U R - i ............ “ P h i la d e lp h ia . ........... W ;! •• U evrY orfc...! . .. BC? S o n t h b o u n d . :N»>. nvTTTTrrFTr^ TT7T“ . “ P h iJ a d e lp h ili. i a W a • • ■ “ B u U im o r c .- ..! 2-! 3 . - | •• W u tq \in g T o n . . ; i l IS : L v .R i c h i n o m l .. . I 2 01n n : . | Lv. Danville.......I p Lv. Norfolk! I’At Greensboro.. Lv. Greonsboro.. I 7 -I r Ar. Charlotte.... I low) l Lv. Gastonia......'10 W v- “ King’s Mr....!...... “ Blr^k.shurg ..j!l ai ** Greenville.... ** Central........... *' Seneca........... *• Westminster.“ Toccoa .......... ** Mt. Airy“ Cornelia......... “ L u la .................. “ Gainesvilio. . ** Buford........... ** Norcross ....... Ar. Atlanta, E.T Ar. Atlanta, C. T. 12 L'J a:. 1 1 '£>a ■ 3 ^ ’3 17 :t. ■4 os'a 4 -M a -• 4 jfl r>.- 5 ‘ii a . 0 10 a 5 W a Jy p. m.•'}n\ betw*een Norfolk and Nos.37andJi8—Daiiv. western Vestibulo J Sleeping cars bet^veen leans, vjaWashin<t«)n ‘ ■*e ^ ^ ^ d rLso betwwn viaWa9hincrtoa.AtlRnt8 elegant PULLMAN TION CARS betweea First class thoroughfare* ingtonand Atlanta. en route. Pullman drsw^f” . ■ bctwften Greensborr. nnu • ,1 nation atNorfoik ffrOi^VM Nos, 85 and 3J5— J nms solid ’.jetweea Wiwihi'^L leans, via Southern and L. & N. R. R., beink* ■ car and coaches, throuu’i , ra.ssengers of all cl.-i.-!.--*^ • ■ room sleeping cars New Orleans. vi» Atlanta between Charlotte Pullman Drawing Bocm d" I ^tw een Atlanta and L ^a'jhiagton each tonrist «lp#“nir.c car n*i!l r- ■ Waahingioa and Sim rrsn’-^-i Duxing cars serve all Nos. 11,3J, 34 an«l l-’-'X'f ’ I between R ic h m o n d v '. I sonthbound Nos. II aatl ' I S4 and 12 .ik f r a n k s . GANNON". TWrdV-P. .iGen. Mgf- -Washiagton, D. C. W. A. TUBE, Qen'lPott. Ag’t., ^ ■ . y > ^ g to D , D^ & p E O A P S N O T E S. [ J5clm » B e tt.r Koa<U. couvention in M ilw aukee rpose of cliscassiug the proh er roads in W iscoDsiu oiiii. fresh tl*® relations oostain to fity and national aoTelopm* •T v earo n r farm ers lose tl j'f ilollars ou aoconnt of the t lays anil m ishaps to which 1 jiM ted iu hanling prodncc t over bad roods ; and if i Xlf ot the m oney which is .•*1 I t in repairing wagons and prem aturely broken down of bad roads could be spent ng public highw ays, m u d onble w hich now er.i.sts wc rcouie. Unuev present co the evils arising from bail ri _ parts of th e country are s rainy w eather it is wholly lie to them , w hile evei feather they are so defe avel over them is .ittended la (lisadvantages. •e are m any tluuga -wuicli cj ;eil w ith greater iiunuuity lii^rbways aud wise st.ite- n em ploy itself to no bette J than in devising ways ior im proving public higir, . it is uofc extravagant tn blic highw ays ^nstuin the I to com m unity at )od vessels and arteries su lUEan body; and if defe; ei- are accom panied witli lilts, it is uo m ore than i.« tformer. O ther things intioual prosperity aud uiii ,ment depend largely ■ails. _ re.asou w hy Rom e eii]oy^^.; ide pow er anriuj? tho da sara was th a t she devoted h such tliligence to th e I those m agnificent higi •emain to-tlay the m arvel ■ sartb. She recoguized th t road.s w ere th e great cho w hich h er com mercial as to circulate anil th a t h prosperity depenJetl !i pr roads. P erhaps if . herself w ith equal dill ed reform.^ ia other dire k h t be to-day w here shi b centuries aj'o. Jig h te d iceu iu every ni In try are at length wakii Im portauce of Rood' road hK everythiug in tlk ir pc 3 the country that** <?ood , constructed before ua til cau b 0 m arked^/ Han to the interests of the • a« well as in justice to \ of the farmer.s who are \ im m ediately alVected. it lost im portance th a t good be made th e burden of th jideratiou iu every State 1 interest will be felt in the couveutiou iu Milw lot only because of tht t i)romisb*fl to accompl ite, but also becau.=?e fects which it w ill like ; other S tates.— A tlant: l e t W c :ith e r i:oad.« N eetb- kps never does th e n ads manife.sk itselt so » nm uuity of farm ers as em pt to carry ou a co eruriae, such as a creai be factory. So long rem ains at hom e on h | I m akes no ditYereuce r his roads be sm ooth as I kh and stony as a m l | r w hether they be h a | |lvO the E nglish hi.ghv u, or soft aud sticky ii| la b o n t the pig‘J5 pen. pnly w hen it com es to J jBpecially if it is w ith aT lh a t th e condition of tl bts any ligure. And Im ore im portant tha lavm ers are obligetl to Tory each day in the y> |iilk. In m ost of the has ouly of lato b tf Industry, but its calls m ore loudly tli construction of road: ible the cream ery pa their m ilk w ithout r horses, w henever the in nnfavorablo turn reads are ueedud, uut Inever be a com pletrt " p them. o r a t o r y F o r Ito ad M ute r a recent act of th e Ml I Assem bly, the l l i s a | ■of the M aryland 'i collectin'c iuformali| Ibe p resent coudi'. I of m aintenances of t bs, and aro testin;.; iu t | Itho rocks from uU po |e in order to learn t J ues for road purpo.sesj I t Iio .\nU-i:«L Aiiituti... |d load m akes a light |d a.sphaU is beius em B thehighw ay.sof Kc> > ior B akerstiold. The 5 th a t tho cxDcrimoii'. Iful. com m iasioner of [ry pathm aater is ausw l I to perform his d u tiesl all who aie guilty of | |» h o ald be punished. * nieans ot com m unic| pg m ore aud m ore pe to dnirym eu, bu t tcl pke. F arm ers sh o u ld l pendent upon the w’e a | je a rth alone a very ^ be m ade, provided 1 locatiou, drainage a l ^ e , together w ith that l^surface as sm ooth an( y* by rolling, be str H arber. S ecretary of A ssooiatiou, deplored w hich Illiuois is gett >00,000 raise-.l every rpo&es, a larger fund by alm ost auy Sta * favmer.s to study t I organize. ’ears as the resu lt o ^ttou, th a t it costs u S tates ju st about thr t to m arket our farm iQ Eaiopean couutrie Ids have been built. 1 e able to m ake th J Streat as our<. RAM’S Norn I T'v^ . 50 lU Jin tho mathpni-ui '"*•|ver be make. fl'o the Christies. , 1 l*<l to larser £ ■ . H J I f t« gi'cater gain ■ I he law ivas a tp„ f ' I s 'vay, i,„t Chrt^.'*' l a w them home '' ' ■ W hen you hea. fc:on. you ,„a^- I. lopeller is lu rn s out of the ' ■ file siicou is 1^. • it steal. lo rip in a lity 1,lazes a . 1 I Daniel would not bow, r >-f';sions principijf ■ ng bow to his religion ■ Daniel w as in traini„.J i n experience, a iP reai-hing for o ra t" ri^ l e kiiiil of preaching S i l l'lie spider in the „ * le Slums.ni ay entire J b y in to h is v.*eb. I A word to the mryi, l)ur indulgoncf* xna\ ■•crhor's ritin. «J:> I.UH i„ ■Tbo British i,>.«se.i inkjiiji ■ issint: as a resnl: ol tfc I .', Elaodsluijta aal ij:!l ■lo IS jers approi-iinatecoj.,'; I f the om^-er.s l-i ■c'jDdeJ. OltUemeusj ' ■ere wonnjel .mi beiij!; |assnrs, li ar- mis-ing. ~ <.ilt «|- Aiiierir*^^ J The British Governmej!> ■.vejited the olt-r of tlieL lEagian.l to eiuh. tje |l;icu has l,M„ ,ri,j * ^tish (.overuii'.uuc hv luaii fcrt Company aj a !iOii;iuTn |.‘Uth .\fr:oau waters. Ti'sas 'linUifr 1« I lT.»-i:jv..i. K. M ,.risoa^ lerii. a, Tei is, t-T wi.'-a;.;A his Irwbi.-li h-< I,ai l tlie'f.j’jf o f h is kvif.- iu (|4 ■ i i e m o ti v o f.-.r t l i - [. l i m s e l f o l u i» r * tty . am ia-,;«'3■•. ..r <f I 'T'j.uau jJl Tro:ii>i ‘>r«leiv«i ro MciitiiJ I s-‘,ret.iry V.'.irKi,: X:i - •. I '.r .S T , ; J .l in p w .- r i.a ,- :ije r.-cij'* o; I FreJU'liuir'ii are taking i li^rhts. A luill riagj • 10.(5iMJ pe(»j:le lu s| I' ;it Kn^uicn, a ‘.iri^ians >ht»uij dt-fer io| to the <‘xtcnt ofrti ; ^'loves ou the halls’iiial S O U T H E R N RAILI poD<1«a%«<1 S elm dole of 1 la Egect Jtmellth 1 N 'ortliboand. No*18jXo-»| j Daily A tlanta. C. T. A tlin ta .E -T . X-,rcross...... Buford.. .. •rainf-jville... Lula.............. < ’orueiiJi........ Mr. A iry . . . T occoa ............Wt-sitoiO'Ter S<»n*»ra......... ('entral ........ (ireenv-llle.. - Si«r:aaburg. lToffa«r}«..... Biack.<»t)ure.. K ing's M t ---- <4:»~tnnia........ t ’h ar^ o ttc ___ . (yrt-<-ujfboro TSOallStOE. 8 5J a! lUip »3U a :.. 10(6 3., 1IU35 a i iiOos a t 1125 a ti:^.ra ...153 a 3D jl 231nj ... 2Mp 413P • 2 S4 p 6 £ P.-l SSTp fiWP* 4-Aip. «4lP_ 4bSp TtfiV.i 50Hp...5:i5 p .. 6S0p 8 » ? _ 9 52 p liH. M I Lv. (Tref»nsboro..... I Ar.Norfolk ........ lAr. l»an?^;eI A r. kicltjooDd ... I 600 a I ....lOla^ No. M No- ^ l>ailv. nily I A r. Washin r ton.. “ B;»;tc:VPUR. “ P b ila d < ;ip h i3 . - y*fV~York... Southbound. I n r r r r ^ n r E •• P i i i i o d e l p h i i . *• E h llj m o r t '.. L v . . I I-v. Duiiville . Lv. >:<.rfon:~ , I Ar <ir<cuh!joro TTTT^ *iS ;11 J5 a W «i J2 Olnn U ^ r L'» p ■ $ j woo 1',’ SS111 411 lilO&l :i St p]“S3. 11 w P,!»"3 I I.v (.th f-a-boroI Ar. (!hunoti*.' . , J„v.<iartjnui .. •• Iv-.iiy s ilT “ J-..; 'k.sirj.'g , '■ <%;iffu«-vs .. . J “ .Spartru^burg. 12 a'11^3 •* (^i-fcnvihe...., 1 lio “ <.;^*r.tral..........I..............•-•i *• .........' 2 2i »• “ \Ve-5tminst»T............• •,.j“ T*>cc«>a......... 3 17 a. 2UII “ Mt. Airy __-.i...........i- ■:/:“ »'^njelia....... ..........isjj, L u a ..............■ 4 03 n SlJ “ ^Taint-srilJe. ., 4^0 a 3**^ “ l{ti:*jrd..........: 4 jS “ Norcros.^ .. ,: 5 25 I Ar. Atlaina. R.T.I G 10 ! Ar. Atlant.^ <\ T.' 5 10____ -A" a. in. ••P” p. ra. , <;b'.-s:ip»-ak*> Line Steamertj bf'TWiK u nud Ea.tiiB .N ./**. .^r an<i ly •.'' I V’cstibuJ<; Limit«J«'^ ,I l>«.'tween I k ans. \-:a WaeliiniTton, J I rrv. and a'.'v) U'tw«“en viaWasliinfffoa.Atlaiita andwg fK-{rur.t PC LLM A N TfOX «;aI{.S bctwf^ea Atlanwa Fir;<t^lasM h<'roupKfarecoscP J iRKtojj and Atlanta. • II P;;UM ianilrawinf‘j( | :^-l \v« « n «r»>«nsboro niid M-Mion aiNorfo.k forOuU Xos. a5 and 3G-UnJt» , runs sjJid ’.letweea ■ via .Soarhi.Ta tiMd L. A: N. R. R.. beinj? <^?STrar afid coach*iS, througn »I jih-Mfugcrs of all ^-las^<*^ — rcKim tflccpiug cars New Urleans.A-i* A tlanta l»otwc*'»a C iiarlotte and }'i3!lm«n D raw ing Boo*". l-otw<-2n A tlanta and - gi \Va>}.-u;fion rach tonn.st Kt»f*>ir:R car tn.l N' a-ij>ing;»^.i and Sjm Lsnin^ cuth s«:rve all iMivi^-n KSimoudand touthlMiund Kos. 11 5:4 and 12 j% FliANK S. GANNOK. Thitxl V-P. ^ Gen. Jlpr-’ W aj^ington. D. C- ^ « W . A . T U R K , ^ B tO « eu !Paaa. A c 't., ^ Weahioct^, fi. & ^ ROADS NOTEJ |,e in Slilnoakee for Lnvo!<o o! .liscnsBiugthe problem P.„er !..»<).■= iu Wisconsiu oBipka- T frp ^ v , t b e v i t a l r e l a t i o u s w h i c h i:. bi-ii'vnTS sustain to national L'eritTan'l’ '»>‘''»'»> :„i v vear onr farm ers lose tUou- oi '.loilars tiu aeconnt of tbe eml- I aei-iys t° "-biob tbey libiectc.l iu hauling produce to over lull roads; and if only Ita ifo f the money w hich is .speut Tailv in repairing wagons and ve- s iireuialurely broken ilowu be- hail roads could be spent in li.iug public higliways, much of ItroiiWe which now esists would Ivercouie. Under present condi- L the evils arising from bad roads l ,’,DT piirts the country are such |'iu “ raiu.v w eather it is wholly im- lilrle to ■li'e them , w hile even in B weallier they are so defective Jiravel cvertbem is attended with Ijf„ld .lisadvantages. Tjere an’ many things which can bo jrteJ " itu greater impunity than ■t‘> hifiliways aud wise statesman- I can ciaph’y itself to no better ad- thau iu dcvi!!ina ways aud ts (or iiu|irovingpublic highways, igij it is not extravagant to say fpublic highways sustain the same lion to the community at large Iblooil vessels and arteries sustain l e uuu'.aii body; and if defects in 1-ilter are accompanied with seri- ^esnlts, it is no more than is tiile [iJ former. (Jtber things being 1 national prosperity aud national lopaeiii .lepend largely npo.i IjrMfiin why Eom e enjoyed siicu loiue power dnring tbe days ot fxiars was that she devoted her- tilh snch diligence to the build- If tUo«i! maguiacent highways ^ remain to-day tbe marvel ot the IL earth. She recognized the fact ter roads were tbe great channels Ii>Ii whioh ber commercial life- ■ Vas to circulate and tbat ber na­ il prosperity depended largely ¥ her roads. Perhaps if sbe bad Jtiiii herself with equal diligence leiJeil reforms iu other directions Tight be to-day where she was ^a centuries ago. [i-si?hted men in every part of Lnnlry are at length w-aking up t inroortauce of good,' roads and Joinj; everything in tllcir power to Ince the country ibat‘ good roads I be constructed before national less cau be m arked#/.Hence, in. fce to the interests of tbe whole •ry !s well as in justice to tbe iu- Its of the, farmers who are direct- |(I immediately affected, it is of Itraosi importance tbat good roads Jil be made the burden of thought- limsideratijn in every State in the [ch interest will be felt in tbe JO’ I :: tbe eoaventiou in Milwaukee, not only because of tbe good i it nvomises to accomplish iu Ktate, bnt also because of the 1 effects n-hicb it will likely pro- lin other States.— Atlanta Con- lisn. I t^\-=tl»er i:oad.« Xeedcil. thaps never does the need of ■ roads inaaifesfc itselt so strongly foinniuniiy of farmers as where ■attempt to cany ou a co-opera- futerprisc, such as a creamery or leese factory. So long as the fcr remains at hom e on bis own I ii ma!:cs no difference to him ter Ms roads be smootU as asplialt fojli and stony as a motiutain or whether tbey be hard and j like the English highways of jdam, or soft aud sticky like tbe kd about tne pig's pen. s only when it comes to going to L especi.'illy if it is witb a load of I, that the condition of tbe bigb- 1 cats any lignre. A n d it be- more important than ever ! farmers are obliged to drive to Imcry each d.ay in tbe year with 1 milji. In most of the States has only of late become iv iuGnstry, but its coutinneO calls more loudly than ever i construction of roads -which hnaljle the creamerj patrons to br their mi!k without weariuf' iciriior.>ies, wheasvcr the weather aa nDfavorablo turn. W et ler reads are needed, and dairy- lirj never be a complete sueces.s |ut them. a b o ra to r y F n r l l c i a d 3 ia te r ia lf > . fer a recent act of the Maryland i Assembly, the Highw ay Di- of the 5laryiand (Jeological ? is collectiufc information con- k? (Ue present condition and Jwis of maintenances of the State |a p , and are testing iu their lab- r tiiR rocks from all portions of late in order to learn their rela- Uluos for road purposes. AFTEI TBE TELEPHONE COMPANIES. S tate T reasurer W orth Goes Foi T heir D elinquent Taxes. State Treasurer Wortb is out gun­ ning for the small telephone corn^- nies. There are something like a hun- <ired in the State, and the revenue act levies on them a tax ot 2 per cent, on their gross receipts. But of the companies have not paid this tax. and that's w iy the State s Tr^s- uror .vesterday issued a circulau- let­ ter to the sheriffs of the stotc calling their attention lo sectioa 62 of the rc7- enue act of 1899 (which, by the way is the same as it has been for the past ton y«ars), and adding: •‘1 have the names of «ome compa­ nies vhich have not complied with the requirements of this act. but which are evidently subject to the U x imposed thereby. To the proper officexs of the companies 1 have to eay it is made my duty to collect this tax, and 1 ^ un- dea- bond to properly perform the du­ ties of treasurer. 1 therefore must in­ sist that immediate paymen. of all taxes due under this section since the organization, or beginning of work on your line or exchange, up to close of quarter ended September 30, 1899. snail be properly remitted with certified ac- fKjunt of same to this department at once, and that hereafter remittances and reports shall be made promntly at the close of each quarter, as provided in tho section imposing the tax.” This section (62) of the revenue act referred to is as follows: “ Every express company, and every telegraph or telephone company doing busineifs in this State, yhall pay a tax of two percentum in its gross re­ ceipts within the State. The superin­ tendent, general manager cr other chief officer of every such company shall mtake return under oath to the treasur. ei* of the State within ten days after the first day of January, April, Ji’ly, and October, of the amount of gross re­ ceipts of rae company for the quarter onding on the last day of the month immediately preceding, ajid pay to the treafeureo* the tax herein imposed at the time of making such return. It shall be the duty of each sheriff to re­ port to the treasurer any such com­ pany -doing business in his county. In case of default of such return and pay­ ment of tax the company shall pay a penalty of one thousand dollars, to be collected by the sheriff as the treasurer of the State shall designate, by distress or otherwise. Provided, no county or corporation shall be allowed to impose any additional tax, license or fee, ex­ cept ad valorem tax.” TAR HEEL NOTES. N ew C ctnpanies. The Apalachia Tanic Acid Co. has , jeen incorporated with a capital stock 3f $25,000, by J. B . McCoy, W m . H . Purbee, H . M . McCoy, J. B . Thomas ind others, for tbe manufacture of ' Ckaic acid'and of dyes for coloring cloth. S. M . McEwen, of Jefferson, has pur. chased 11,000 acres of timehr land in Swain and Graham I'ounties and will erect saw mills for developing th*i property. At Concord, the Lippard and Shealy Manufacturing Ca. will change its name to the Lippard Yarn AliU. At Concord, the large 500-loom addi­ tion erected by the Odell Manufactur­ ing Co., to be known as Mill No. 5, and operating 100 looms, has begun operations, and 200 additional looms will be placed at once. J. G . Fousee and John B. Lening have formed the Elise Lum ber Co.. and will erect large lumber mill at Elise. The company recently reported as to be organized with a capital stock of $2o,000 for the erection of a mill will be known as the Elizabeth City Knit­ ting Mills, with W . C . Glover, presi­ dent; W . T . Old, vice president; D . B. Bradford, secrtary-trcasurer. A company has been orgfenized with a capital stock of $25,000, for the pur­ chase and development of a slate quar­ ry at Ether. The Roland Lumber Co.. of Balti­ more. Md., George W . Jones, business manager, will erect lumber mill near Faison, with capacity for cutting 75,- 000 feet per day, and a kiln that will dry full t:;p-iclty of the mill. The Greensboro Ice and Coal Co. will install a new ice plant with daily capacity of 50 tons. A . D . Reynolds, of Bristol. Tenn., has commenced the development of his magnetic iron ore lands in Mitchell county, under direction of B . F . Chil- der?. At Newbern the Carolina Canning Co has been organized with D . B . Hackburn president and William Dnnn secretary and treasurer, for the estab­ lishment of a canning factory with ca­ pacity of 10,000 can.s per day. Reelsboro Barrel Co., J. B . Reel, manager, will engage in the manufac­ ture cf laths. Reldsville is now installing electric light plant, both street and incandes­ cent. in connection with its water works system. Quick Justice. Near Lumbertoa Thursday night, as a young white lady, her sister and small brother were going from cliurcn. £ld. Blount, a negro, made an assault upon the young lady about a mile from town. H e tore her clothing from her trying to pull her into the woods. She escaped but he pursued and caught her a secoQd time. H e then attempted to assault the younger sister who easily outran him. Finally they got so near their home that he left them. H e was arrested befo-re midnight Judge Bat­ tle suspended the Williamson murder trial. The grand jury found a true bill against the negro Blount, and he w'as put on trial, convicted of assault and sejirenced to fifteen yars in the peni­ tentiary before one o’clock Friday. The sheriff carried Blount to the peni­ tentiary in the evning, in loss than 30 hour.^ from the time the crime was committed. H e is now under the walls cf the pen. N O R T H S T A T E N O T E S . Th« .\n ti-ltiit A ;:ita tio n . Joo.l ioad makes a light load, laid csphalt is being employed to Jle the highways of Kern County, liieav Balierslield. T he indica- |ire that tbe exneriment will be Isful. r y commiasioner of highways |try p.'vthmaster is answerable if |s to ))erform his duties proper- ^ all v/lio are guilty of criminal li sUoald be punished, ler means ot communication are fciu" more and more essential, Vne to dairymen, but to all far- piike. Farmers should be mad® Jepeiiileut upon the weather. |u earlii alone a very passable p n Le made, provided the prin- I of locatiou, drainage and shape Piice, together with that ot keep- le surface as smooth and line uo by rolling, bo strictly ad- I to. ^ Hurber, Secretary of the lu- r® As.sociation, deplored thepoor |s which Illinois is getting from I.OOD.OOO raised every year for turpoaes, a larger fund than is I by almost any State. She ■ the fai-mers to study the ques- p d organize. ppears as the result of careful |;?alion, that it coatfl us in the ^ h>ti>tes just about three times pa to market our farm crups aa mj:.aropean countries, where oads have been built. Farmers able to make their loads T|,“ ®«^“ Breata8 our», owing The State auditor says some counties in sending in their tax reports make an error as to the poll tax and the educa­ tional fund. The constitution pro­ vides that three-quartei’fs of all the poll tax collected, which i-5 not special, shall be applied to the eduoational fund, and so when $2, the constitution­ al limit, is collectcd, $1.50 ought to go to that fund. Some counties make a report of all the property listed for taxation, but when they report this as divided between the T^iaitcs and blacks the aggregate of the two does not tally with the total for all. Efforts are be­ ing made to CLfrect this error. Senator Pritchard's son is appointcl a battalion adjutant in the Forty-ninth regiment (colcred). which is now being ir.cbilized at Cam p Thomas and which soon gees to the Philipnines. Sparks, the circus man, says the $100 a day tax which he is required to pay is prohibitory and that he wdll leave the State. A telegram from Murphy states that R . L . King has surreaidered to officers of Cherokee county. King, who is a son-in-law of Dr. Candler, of Dillsboro, is charged with having murdered Wesley Price, also of Dillsboro, several weeks ago. H e was released on $5,000 bond. Mr. S. R . Carrington has purchased the old Durham soap works and will establi^ a soap factory at an early date. A two-story brick building will be erected on Red Cross street and portion of it used for the soap factory and the rem'ainder as a cigar factory. The contract for this building will be lec at once. T'he Greecsbcro Supply Company, which has just been oi^anized for tho puTpose of handling as jobbers and maaufacturera’ agents, all kinds of wood wcrking and -textile machinery, bcilcrs, engines, saw mill supplies, oils, etc.. will commence business on N o ­ vember 1st. This company is compos­ ed of W . J. Young, of W^inston-Salem, N . D . Young, of Pilot Mountain, and S . J. Lindau, of Greensboro. The new railroad mileage in this State this year will be considerably more than double that built last year. Bcaijamin F . Jones has been appoint­ ed postmaster at Polkville, Clerela.id county. Mr. John G . Gurley, proprietor of "T h e hotel de Gurley," at Smlthfieid, is dead. Mr. F . A . Fetter has been promoted from a position in the S . A . L . freight depot in Durham to the position of agent at Littleton. H e will take charge November 1. The Durham papers praiai. him warmly. W . T . Winston, of Aulander, Bertie county, has been forced to resign as county commissioner because he “has Imbibed the Mormon doctrine and haj been attempting to live up to it.” say-s the Roanoke-Ohowan Times. The Southern Cotton Spinners’ Asso ciatioo ‘has been called to meet ii Charlotte November 2. H ie cabinet meeting lasted mac’ Jonger than usual and was devoted t a discussion of- millitary and nav plans tor the Philippines and the-trea with the Sultan o t fiulu. State N ew s. There are now no colorcd troops la North Carolina. There was one com­ pany at Charlotte, but when^ it was mustered out of the regular army at the close of the Spanish-American war it was not reinstated in the State Guard. This was done in conformity to the following, from an act passed by the last legislature entitled, “ A n act to establish and provide for the militia and for the support and maintenance of the State Guard.” Section 1. That section 2 be amended to read as fol­ lows: That the v. hite and colored mil­ itia shall be separately enrolled, but shall never be compelled to serve in tbe samo organization; provided, that no organization of colored troops shall be permitted while white troops are available, and that when permitted to be organized, colored troi^ps shall be under the command of white officers.” This clearly shuts out any colored companies from tho State guard. The Stnte is to be well represented at the Paris exposition, according to a Raleigh correspondent. Most of th<i expense of the exhibit will be borne by the ITnited States, w:hich assigns space to the State. But as an earnest of Its zeal in the matter, the board of agriculture today appropriated $2,500 lo supplement the United St.tites gov­ ernment appropriation, and to have the State wpU represented. It is the expectation that there will be a fine di.=play. T . K. Bruner, the board's secretary, will gather the collection. H e will go to Western North Carolina in a few days, as the- T'nlted Stales government’s agent to complete its collection of apples. » The improvements ou the main build­ ing at the blind institution here have been completed and the bttilding is now occupied.— Raleigh News aud O b ­ server. East Durham was visited by a disas­ trous fire Monday morning in which JS.OOO went up in smoUe. It was partly covered by Insurance. The tax valuation of property in Ca­ tawba county increased this year over that of last year $271,992. The total valuation of this year, $S,0G9.46C. The school tax this year, including the county’s portion of the special appro­ priation, will be close to $11,000. President Mvlver furnishe.s Ihe fol­ lowing interesting statistics: Of the first 426 students enrolled at the State Normal and Industrial College 142 are members of the Methodist Episcopal :.hurch, 122 of tho Presbyterian church, 39 cf the Episcopal church. 14 of the ■Christian c5urch. 11 of the Pi&testant Methodist church, 5 of the Lutheran ihurch. e::e is a member cf the Friends church, I o£ the German Reformed church, 1 of the Advent church, 1 of 'ho .Jewish church; 391 total member- r.hip. Of t.’nc 35 noii-church membci“3 : prefer the Friends church, 6 the Pres- vfori^n. 11 the Baptist, aud 16 th'i • ••■»' - ' 'V.'v.ii.sboro Patrict. H lg i Point hap decided ag;Un=t i.?£u- ing bonds for water works. Perhaps tbe youngest engineer in the Union is K ing McEntire, of Gr*»eh Hill Rutherford county, who fires and runs the engine while his father manages the saw and shingle mills. King is not yet seven years old, and does his work well. Hi.s brother, aged nine years, bales the shingles, doing a man's work, neatly and expeditiously. The industrial parade of the opening day of Winston-Salem's caraival, on Monday, was fine, virlth about tiiirty !loats in the line, some of them show­ ing great taste and skill In execution. The two little Waldensian boys who ?trayed e-^ay from home at Valdese, Burke county, last August, have been ’.ocated in South Carolina, where a :ind hearted farmer has taken charge of them and has become so attached to the little fellows that lie does not want to give them up. H e writes to the father that the larger boy is at school and that both are well and hap­ py, and It is probable that he will be allowed to keep them for the present. He Proved th e Exception. "Ifs {lot so difficult to do two tiiin^m at once.” j-emarked the fjicetioiis jailer. •‘And keep It upV** asked th»' prlsoiwT. -Ves: keep it pp for years.” *-For instnnceV' said tin* prisont>r lii- ^l^lrin.^;ly. ••Well, you tan do rlglit wlillr you'yo doing time.” answered tho jailor. Furtuuatcly for the jaih'r then* wen* bars between.the prisoner and lilni.— Chicago Post. Why Do You Scratch? W h en yon can cure yourself for fifty cents? All skin diseases,such as tetter, salt rheum, ringworm, eczemn, etc., can be surely cured by au ointment called Tetterine. A ny number of tes­ timonials shown for the asking. Noth­ ing else is as good. Unless your drug­ gist ims it. send .'iOc. iu stamps to the mauufacturer, J. T. Shuptrine, vannah. Ga., for u box ])ostpaid. The Tribute VVa> Genuine. I-'uward Tprry. the actor, tells of a pretty incident that occurred during a «>ur in Australia, says the Detroit Free Press. "Do you know what 1 con.sider uu- most glowing tribute I ever ro- veiycd? The compliment came from a There was a crowded house, an intent audleuc.'e, and humor had for the inslant given place to pathos. You might have heard a pin drop, and I felt the tension of tho house was at break­ ing point. The intense silence was nroken by a childish vnico—a ghi's— who. turning to her parent, asked in a broken voice: ‘Mother, is it real?’ ” WAIT A MINIiTE» S e c our A kch I or write d irect Don’t b e in too big a Iiurry I If you can get th a b e st a t only e dollar or so m ore, why not take it? It will be cheaper in the end. e 6 ^ H iL L H .'c . Tor tin tmtmMt of THE LI^CB, OriUM, •KCim'iE v i . ottisr Omp Aadictisns. The Tebbscco HcbH, Nsrve Exhsu^tici WRITE US FOF? § L Peualty of AbRcnt-.Wnciediieg«. A wealthy but absent-minded resi­ dent of McPherson, Kan., recently bought a safe In which to V.eep his valuables and being unable to remem­ ber tbe combination scribbled it on the plastering of a near-by wall. Subse­ quently he ordered a calclmiiier to p:.it a new coat on the wall. The mpm- orandum was obliterated and It be­ came necessary to have the safe blown r,oen._____________ B rain W orkers anti Professional Men. ‘•I have for a long time been subject to mo.«t severe aitackf* of Headncho and never found relief except from Lee’s Headache nud ^en^algia Kemedy which always cures. -.r. L, Aw. ••Westche.ster. N. Y.” «hol**sale by Bcuweli. * Dc.nx Co.,rhar- lotte. X. (.'. lietall by all Medicine dealer . 2ot*nnd r;Oc. Cne Falltagoi Women. “Of coursi*.” h<' said iiujuh'iiigly, •*sbi‘ has a good cdn<'allon?" “Hcsl In the W(irld,” auswcn*d his wife. "Spent three yi*ars at a llnlsh- lug school ju<*t before she luadi* lier society debui.” “I wonder w hat kind of gram um r they used.” hi* went ou. ••I ni sure 1 «lon‘t know. W hy?” iiolhing much. It's evident that >:oino t»r these girls’ schools m ust use n gram m ar that gives n<»tbing but diishcs a.s punctiKitlon m arks and I am mildly < urious to see one."—Chicago Post. That is the best part of beauty which a picture cannot express.—Bacon. *^Duiy Feed Man and Steed.'" Feed your nerves, also, on pure blood if you ‘a.'Ou/rf ha.'ve them strong. Men and *women *who are ner*vous Are so beCAUse their ner^oes are starved. W hen they make their blood rich and pure ^ ith Hood's Sarsaparilla, their ner*vousness disappears because the ner^ves are properly fed. tuple. “ I wonder if it can be true that one can light a fire with ice?” said the maid with the spectacles. •'If you hadn’t forbidden me to mention tho subject I might recur to the love I have for you,” said the youth v/ith the red ow! tie and striped collar.— Indi:inap- oli.s Journal. A V a n ie il. 'I’h’*) tnivelliij: saleanjeji in each SotUheni nifttK. S!.‘0,ft.i!in‘.l«'spont»CR l’nnnuncntposition. Ksi)erJt»nce noi ab«-jlut»‘]ynefe5i«nry. Arfdres-s rerrless 'rMi.-.'f'*!) Won m Co., Uedtord City, Vii. T b e r o y a l « te e r p a r k a t C o p e n h a j r e n c o v e i':; 4 .200 a e i'o .s. Jlow ’ft T h is? \V*» oflferOne Hundred Dollar?i Rew»rd for ail V cn. » of CRtarrh that can not be enrt-d by H a l l’rt i:«t\rrh Cure. , , F . .1 .1 .HEN-RY & C o .. I 'r o p s .. r o lc d o . O . W e , tb e u u d e r* ig n e d , h a v e k n o w u F , J . Clhener for i be last Jii year?, and believe him oerfeuHvhonorableln all busiuess tr4nsac- &..US an'd flnancially able to rarry out any obilKation made bvthe r firm. ^ Wekt iir TuuAX, W h o le s a le Draggists, T o ­ le d o . O h io . , W.M.niNG. Kinsan * Mauvin. W ^ h o le sa lel»rutfK»stF.T«ledo. O h io . Ilair.-* Catarrh Care Ih taken internally, netinjr directly upon the blocd ann mucous surfaces of the system. Price. 7iic. per bottle. Seld bv all I iruijKlsti Testimonials free. Huirs F a m il y F i l l s a r e th e Fiiidle’ys l-:>c SalTe t^iircN Sore eyes in 3 days; chronic eases in 30 dnyjj, or money hack. All druegL?ts, or by mail. 2oc. jier box. J. 1’. Havtkb, Dceutur, Texas. Piso’s ruroisa wonderiulCoiiRb medicine, airs. W. Tickeut. Van Siclen and Blake Aves., Brooklyn. N. Y„ Oct. 26, ISW. B e t t e r G o o d s r o r I .e s 8 It lo n fy We can save yu» money, no matter where ■you live. We would not De spending ncaily a miUioo dollars a year it we eoQld not land goods at your station cbtaper tban yon can buy them foreucwberc. You will never know bow much you can save until you w ^ see our iTee Braks. O u r 304 paf;c C ata- “ tells you about every­ thin? you buy, quotes wholesale pricea to cod- Burners on over luo.OOO difTurenti articles, and has over I0 ,n0i) different iUuatratlous. Our Lllliiigriixilietl Catalogtu! hIi«»vv!> C’ur- ^ pets, K II g s , A r t CwMft 30c »o J3.00 s<iiii,ri-». .-. Povtlc-rrs aiul Loice C-urtuiiiK in tUrir r«*«il colon, so by looking; at tlie^^e colored pliiteH.you van 14)11 exactly how these goods will luck ou your flour or at your windoiv. <*«rpt*t.sse\V“ «'!il frets liniiif'ftiriiiNli- o«l free and freight Bajgy Harnss, f4.20 ’’ oS?‘*kla,l„.tn-Oriler C lo th in g C atalo g u e w ith sanipleK o f clo th a tta c h e d , ott'erH Hulbt a n ti o v erco ats from «5.to5 to iCiO.OO. (S e n te . 0.1> .) K xpres- p u itl o n flo tliliit; ev ery w h ere. \V« utHO Issue u sp e c ia l C'utaloi^ue o f P ian o s, O rgans, S ew lni; S fachiiies an ti Itlry eles. A postal eartl whi bring you any of our Catalogues, one of which costs us 69c. If we were not almost certain of your order, we would not t)e mailing free such expensive literature. Which Rook do you want? Address this way: W .4 N 1 K I I A U E M S lo r .-u r l o t t u i i I ■ to o k ; Is l-e{rtnB a ( Zc. <ind rutiA to IK*.: 1 fig u r e s tb e m tb s a n d :f<tthB !r..n i w)*' lo TOO [ l<oundi?: a t-1 CO ) c o k o r < n iy ll'c . !t se iln ] lik e *'hc t cak t-B :’' te iu is l lb c i n l. / !ei> o r I tb e B i b l e L a o k ] ii|r < < ‘u»K . J t le a o l.e e iU n I ' J ) ll) le b y lIliiM r a tlo r 8 :H ire n i» n iu k in -4 iit'n i I «4.LH) to 810.10 i-e r C ay. W rite lo -.la y .' J. 1.. « ((».. AttautM, <>a- Tommy Atkias’ Bisclp:{.i:. Tommy Alkins. more c<!M*c-htl!y r.;i‘ Irishmen that name. m:i:iagi*s iiftt Jj to v.-ork iu a liiile humor in tion v.'ith di.sclpline. T!u» lio.val l:iui.<* kllltu Fusilh'rs wore luarchinu' t!u*ir muslvoiry camp and baltcj’i for ihc night at the littl;* town of Kc-*h. 'I’hc surgeon captain aitnchcil i*> the rcgi- m eut for the m.-.uvh preferred to ill the hotel. ai;d his tent ’ wa.-; not piii.'hid. Ftnir luen were told off iior.t morning, however. a«‘u)rding to * tom. to strike the dotrtor’s teiu. aud. marchhig to the spot wh«*re it shnuhl lie. found SI vacancy. ’’Where* does the doctor stay. anywayV” asked tin* old soldier of the party, and ho was told that the doetor had s^lepi at the hotel. W hen the surgeon captain eame out of the hotel he found tiu* ohl soldier and the three other mt>n v.’aiiiug out­ side. and asked them w hat they w ant­ ed. ’’Pai-ty to strike the dtKtt»;-'s lt4it.” replied llu* ohl soldii*r, la<-(»ni- eall.v. Wheth(*r the I'our gallant Fusili­ ers had intended to pull down the ho- tel as soon as the dtjcttn* w as out of It did not transpire, for they were sent oit .‘It once to their loinpany.—Loiulou Telegraph. A Misnomer. “W hat are you laughing ai’f ’ s-aid some one. as ihc grocery <*!erk hung ui> the receiver. -A t Mrs. Newblood. Sin* has Just telephoned for a i>ound of Tt o’clock tea.”—l>etrolt Fre<* Press. TI.KETS CCOD TOR TKiRTV DAtS. A Cheap E.xcursion Irp to Was&i.i;rtoii, Baliimi'e tr Philadelpli:a. by ibe Scr- board .41r I iat. You can buy Ol’ nay Se.ibo:ird Air U ne Agent ti-keta to the Fliinulolphia Export E.xpc?ition at the rate of one aud one-third fares far the rauad trip. You can step ever at or Eftlttmore. going or ccmiag. Your ticket v.iU ba good for thirty (3‘.)) days frcn* date t f purca:;^^. oaly It must be ureil r.n cr b-'*'orj ’‘.." 'nr "V 2nd. You car go bv Xcrf.-jlk zLti :\.r.:iczU ■ in^ £team.sh:p liaf?. o;- all r-:' Millions rf dollars have <■, \:0CX9 ie|j:£!ipi!i t; ouiu.rir, . uo tloa. aa cd. cation !:• itself. Ticket^ cn ?a!e Tuc.W:»y a-; I day of (ach wc^k :;ntil and *n Tuesday. Ncv?nib r 23rd. •li pair (From tbe B uockto.n Times, Oct. 10, 1899.) Brockton's prosp*‘rIty Lsso closoly alllM to the prosfierlty of tbe shce industry tbat it will, no doubt, prove n matter of interest 1 o a large number of peoplo lo learn tbe actual average earning capacity of each lodivldual employed in the making of tho world-famed Brockton sboe. Forillu.stration: At the fac­ tory of tbe W. L. Douglass Shoe con-.pany tbe pay roll fortheweek endingHupt. SO,exclud­ ing superiDtendont, foreman, sulosoiau and all cleiical help, shows the average earnings . of tho emplnyos, large aad small, tobe^lo.iii j per week. Thia was not an extraordinary ' week. It was the customary F«y tq I\ The ai:2 ount e.arncd per week, hcwever, does not always tell the story of prosperity. Tbe number of weeks employed cach year is tbe determining factor In tbe wage earners’ prosperity. The Douglass factor)* has been closed but ono W’eok this year, and that for tbo usual summer stock takinpc, and it will be closed but threo days the la'.ter | art of De­ cember, This would make but nine days out of tbe year tbat the faclory is closed, which is surely as Htuady worU asthcmostindustri- ; ous shoemaker could desire. • Owing to increased buslne£.°, another addi- j tio& is to be made to tbo Douglass factory. ; It will be 100 feet long, 40 feet wide, and live > stories high. It will bo ready for occupancy ' early iu December. This aildition Incrca.ne's ' thecapc2lly55{H)rcent. TheW. L.Dongtass Shoo campaoy has- the largest tactory iu the world, producing au advettiHed Hue 93.50 and $3.00 shoes. Mr. Douglass says lhat the prospect for Buccefsful busioess for Brockton manufac- | tnrerswJis nevers so good as now. and lhat collections are better thau for years. ; yourself! covered with pim ples? itrhv? Tf’ your face Tour skin rough and blotchy’? It’s your liver! Ayer’s Pills are I’vcr pills. They cure constipation, biliousness, and dyspepsia. 25c. All druggists. Dcsth.^ from Foot Lindlcj. 'Hie ('liinese saying i.s. ”Ko:- uf bound feet there has l.vui u wh-de kang. <»r l»lg ptnh. I’ull of tt*ars,” and they say that one girl out ten dies of fooi binding tir of its after t-H’ect.s. W h e n I ( lu o le tl th i* ; Tu il:- l i n l i - i t m o t h e r s u p « * r io r ;it H a n k o w . u iit> h a s f o r y e a r s b e e n h e a d o f liu * < iirS S c lin o l a n t i F t m n d l i n g K s i a b l l s l i j u t u . t h e r e , s h e s a i d , w i t h t e a r s in h e r ry » « s: ” <>li! n o . HO. t h a t m a y lie t r u e o f ti i e e o .-is t ♦ o w n s .’* I t h o u g i i i s h e w u .s .g o in g t o s a y i t w o u l d In* a g r o s s e .^ a g g e r a t i o i i in C e .ir tr a l C h i n a : h u t t o lu y h - '- r o r sIh » W e n t o n : ’’I t u r n m r e h*‘r : - : a i > r e — m o r e ! ” — h i l l n i a r e ( ’h i n a . Less than two per cent, ci all the men iu Americ.i own “ full dres:4 yuits.” and fully seven-eighths of our Am er­ ican families have their r-inner.^ at noon.— Edward IJok. THE GEO. B. HISS OIL CO. X ^JB R IC A T iN C HIGH- I SPECIALTIES, GRADE ■ Ready-M I.\cd ■ P aints, Etc. CHARLOTTE, N. C. I A R IS E TO 1 ■ «»i ill II ; x.iv.t uao BUCKINGHAM’S DYE D r . B n l £ s ' 1 ^ The best remedy foi- Consumption. Cures ^ ^ . Coughs,Colds,Grippo, 9 V ^ U D Bronchitis, tloarsc- • ne.<w. A s th m a , W lio o p itig - c o u g h . C ro u p . S m a ll d o s e s ; q u ic k , s u r e r e s u lts Dr^JiiUtsPiUscuieConitipalioH, TriahzoJ'ur^ GORE YOUR HORSE of spavin, Curb, Splint, Capped H o ck , Sore Tendons, Cuts, Kicks, Bruises, etc., by using S L O A N ’ S U N i M E N T AUoan invaluable remedy for man. When taken internally it cures Cr.'imps and Colic. It is the best antiseptic knou'H. E v e ry b o tlie 5s w a rran lc d . Fol«1 bv lic.'ders a n d d ru jf^ ists g e n erally , f a m ily s iz f , 23 c. Ilo rs c siz e, 50c. a n d $ i.o o . P^par&J by EARL S. SLOAN, Boston, Mass A Mother Stork's Devotion. Among many stories of the affection of dum b creatures for their young, this from a Oerinan paper is peculiarly pa­ thetic; ” At Neuendorf the lightning struck the gable end of a barn where for years a pair of storks had built their nest. The llames soon eaught the nest in which Uie helpless brood wa-? piteously scrcamlng. The mother stork now protecting spread out her wing over the yonng ones, with whom she was burned alive, although she might have saved herself easily by f Ight.’ —Christian Herald. We Rgoin offer the cleanest seed wheat on the market, aad from pro‘jably tbe largest crop yield in the State, if not tho Uuitetl States. We had 855 acres in wheat this year, and the crop averaged 20 busheb per acre. AVhere we bad a good stand, not winter killed, we had overiO bushels } er re. Ouo hundred bushels ol our wheat will coutal'n leas cockle seed tban oue bobhel of ordinary seed wheat. Piice ^1.16 per bushel on cars at Oharlottr^ Baga bold two bushels and are ne.w*<^ charge for bags. Term-: C a sh ^ -^ l LA GRIPPE»x> C O L D S S t a t e ^ v i j l ^ c I and ^fhUkm: EaMlicored at bo-jie W —OPIUM „ ioi%s,4«^r SL W. X . DOUGLAS $ 3 & 3 . 5 0 S H O E S ^ ^ '§ 1 •***A N N O U N C E —T H A T - I R i i i i eiiCK Is the COMING HOG! F or full psrtfctil.irsand t'es rip'ion, eddress, JO HN A. YOUNG, Pidpfieia,-, Cr.’easbjro Nursir cs. Gree:]si)jr'i, \ C. flae neit issue for further InfnrmjitJoa. L IIT ’TIS NEWS. L I w an t o w ear Onr Red Seal Shoes Bailt for servicM. Hough: for >i)hi by leatiin? ni< rchact-. f«J:- '>:i • :jpi:;t^ and uet the be^t M»at ^ I' J . K. O rr Siioe Co., «A. m " “cniRSJNs , . \fron:543up Buy direct from tho maoufacturor. SuUa'ao* tion guararjtt'i'd, Addrcs-s PM. P. MQLLER, ilKOtifaciurcr, lla7crst(.iYn. • -Md Worth S4to $6 compared with other makes. Iudor»«‘d bv «>Ter 1 /)00,000 w earers. Thr ffrttuine fiave W. T., D ouglas’ nam e a n d p rict .stam ped o n boU om . T ake' ino sn b su tu te claim ed to i: as g o od. V’o u r dealer [should kM D th em — if, n o t, w e w ill send a pair o n receip t of price. S tate kin d o f eatlicr. size, a n d w idth, plain o r 'c ap to e. C atalogue C tree. W. L D0UGU3 SHOE CO., Bnicktiui, Mist, m DR, aOFFEH'S fi A! 1 ’e e t h i n / |i ^(T iieiilillg F0Si!lifS.)JJii.A A H a y ilr r iia tio n .A ld s D iJ e s tio n , . ;»*2 u ’att's the HoweU.StreuKlb- t*na th« I’biU!. Mak**» T w tblnj: Easy. TEE'XHIXA lJe!ievt*H the .............................< f A.Ni’ .(ii:. I f Rot k e p t by d n :;;cltta lall Cur.t*3 to w r m C s i N K T h e b e s t f n k m a d e , b u t n o d e a r e r t h a n th e p o o r e s t. SERVE RESTORER , tnerfintMj'acr-. ,b.n V N E W D IS C O V iR Y '.p lv M D w€ O » Y «;aick r«:t«f and euros w. rst OI- •.«<» lO d ay s’ tiMimentWrTe. sos^- Boz n. *tuaw . gi^. Costs only 25 Cents. Ask your DrBgist for It. C. 1. MOFFETT, M. D„ St. Louis, Mo. oi iM M M T ' ' g u a r a u i e e d < l i r e f o r < » i a r r : i . < o n - Da. KUIlE «_r8 WT 1 • HnyFever. .%I1 dni-clNlit, S l .0 0 W .fl.S IIlT fl& G 0 - B u l f , : - . N Y .. co o >*. A' T T K N T i f t .N I* f.i(M » it.tfil if y<*-i n ie til th i s p a p - r w h e n w r i tin g a d v e r t l* e ry . St». :n r >-tir n e w h n c o i CIM M .Vr- .M .\S K i.u S S ; a ll b o u n d I n f J o t l i : n o ••tr.TAli.” K.’sc lu - siv e r ig h t o f te r r ito r y ; O tT T J ir r liK E . J . 1.. .M C1101.S & CO.. A tlnutii. On. A F ra n k S urgeon. Dr. Colles, an eminent surgeon of Dublin, who died in 1S43, was remark­ able for hia plain dealing with himself. In his fee book he had many sach can­ did entries as the following: “ For giving Inellectual advice for deafness, one guinea. For attempting to draw i out the stump of a tooth, one guinea. 1 For telling him that he was no more ill than I was, one guinea. For noth­ ing that I know of except that he probably thought he did not pay me enough last time, one guinea. I N G M E S T E R u ^ i ‘F a cto ry Loaded Sh o tg u n Sh ells. 1“ Leader ” loaded with Smokeless powder and “ N ew ? I Rival ” loaded with Black powder. Superior to a!l^ I other brands for UNIFORMITY, RELIABILITY AND STRONG SHOOTING QUALITIES.! Winchester Shells are for sale by all dealers. Insist upon| having them when you buy and you will get the best. T® care, or money refunded by yonr merchant, bo why not try it? rrlce 60c. / I The Da™ Record, M ooksville, N. O. By E. H. MOBKIS, E n to b and P ublisher. Entered at the POat-OIIlce at Mocks- Tllle, N. C., as Second Class Matter, tear 12ttt, 1899. IF re e G if t s . In order to give our 50 cent subscri­ bers an opportunity at our free gifts, we have decided to withdraw the bug- gy and bicycle otEer and substitute a No. 7 cook stove complete, and a nice 3-piece oak set of furniture, respect­ ively. All who have subscribed under the first offer will be entitled to an­ other tieket, or, if they prefer, we will take up their ticksts and refund their money. All who pay us 50 cents cash for 6 months* Subscription will get a ticket; all wno pay us one dollar will get two tickets. If you owe us any­ thing, this must be paid before you are entitled to a ticket. W e m ake this change for two reasons: 1st, to ifive those who are not able to take the paper one year and pay us one dollar, an opportunity for 50 cents to pet the paper 6 months and an oppor­ tunity at one of these free gifts. 21, That we m ay be able to distribute these presents in a m uch shorter time. Read this carefully and see that it is fair to alli Those who have taken tickets Can retam them and get their money, less the time they have got­ ten the paper, or you get another ticket, giving you two chances when you now have one. Advance News Notes. W . C. 'WTiite & Co., are now in their new store and are doing a good business. O. M. M art* is building a new house for John H. Hartm an. Look out ladies, for John is a bachelor. There was a rnnaway scrape in town Saturday night. Kilby Wood’s team became frightened in front of Hartman & Jones’ store, and ran in front of W . C. W hite & Co’s store and struck a large oak tree, damaging the wagon and harness, but fortunately the horse was not injured. Mrs. Elizabeth W hite is visiting her son, W . C. W hite, at this place. A good many of our people at­ tended the Winston-Salem horse show last week, and report a nice time. Mr. Lnther M. Smith and wife are in town to-day. M r. Smith is one of Davie’s best farmers. B. E. Bailey has thi-ee of the finest hogs I have seen this fall. I th itk they will tip the beam at 1700 pounds at killing time. T. M. Sherman and Miss Minnie Caton were married in this place Sunday night, F . M. Williams, Esq., ofiBeiating. Sam Bailey, of Fork Church, was in town to-day on business. Mr. Bailey is a clever fellow, and we are always glad to see him. Arrival and Departure of Trains: S o u t h BouNO-^Daily except Simday. Leave Mocksville ................... 1:00 p m Leave Mocksville ................... 6:00 p m N o r t h B o u n d . Leave Mocksville ................... 7:15 a m Leave Mocksville ..................11:30 a m Corrected W eek ly by Williams Corn, per bu .................................. W h ea t, per bu .............................. Oats, per b u .................................. Peas, per bu .................................. Bacon per pound......................... Bacon, W estern ........................... H a m s ................................................ Eggs............................................... Butter .............................................. Spring Chickens........................... L O C A L N O T E S A N D IN C ID E N T S . E. C. Sanford spent last Sunday in Bfflith Grove. Mias M attie Sterling is visiting friends in W inston. E. L. Gaither, Esq., attended court at Yadkinville last week. A good line Hosiery and Gloves «t W illiams & Anderson’s. Miss Blva Kelly visited friends Bnd relatives in W inston last week. Men’s and Boy’s H ats and Caps Cheap at W illiams & Anderson’s. M r. W . K . Clement and family, spent Sunday with Mrs. M attie Clement. The Misses W alters, of Moores- ville, attended Union meeKng here last week. W e have had a touch of fall weather. The mercury was near 60 on Monday. Mrs. W . B. Ellis qualified as ad­ m inistratrix of W . E . Ellis, dec’d. on last Friday. T oa will find a big line Shoes at rock bottom prices at W iL L IA S IS & A k d e e s o s ’s . Miss W illie Hawkins, of W in- Bton-Salem, is visiting Miss Leotto- la Taylor this week. T. J . Ellis, Esq.. of Elteville, was in town last shakipg hands with his friends. Highest prices paid for all kinds country produce at W i l l i a m s & A s d e b s o n ’s. George Freezor, Esq., of t^Is place, carriei some ^cattle to^V iaaton fair week. Mrs. E. H . Morris ana children visited her father’s family last week, near Bower, in Forsyth county. Pants Goods. Dress Goods, Oat- tings, &c., cheap at W iL L IA J IS & A n d e k s o s ’s. Messrs. Frost, Lindsay and Hol­ man were the gnests of Mrs. M at­ tie Clement during the Uimion meeting last week. Miss Anne P. Grant haS her fall stock of Millinery, and will be glad to have all of her friends and patrons call on her. She will treat you right. Mr. P . S. Early noti&es the pub­ lic in this issue that no hunting W ll be allowed on his lands, ex­ cept by permission from him. Eev. Mr. Shinn, pastor of the Mooresville Baptist church, attend­ ed the Association here last week, and made a very interesting talk at one of the sessions. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson, of Hillsville, Va., Mr. Allen Gunter and daughters and Miss Edwards, of Surry county. If. C.. \isited the iamUy of L. G, Gaither, Esq., the past weeK. A marriage license was issued t» M r, Jno. Trivett and Miss May FU dU, of this county, on the 2tith. Also, on the 27th, to Mr. T. M. fihermer and Miss Minnie L. Caton, of Advance. The Bev. Dr. StalUngs, of Salis- buryj occupied the pulpit at the Baptist church S u n ^ y morning. The sermon was certainly excellent, fcnd was heard by a large and ap­ preciative congregation. Kev. T. A . Boone and wife left for their home after spending a w w k in the town and county among friends. M r. Boone preached some very able sermous in the Methodist ehnrch at Uiis place the past week. H e is well and favorably known in tite oonnty, and his many fH ^d s weloomed him to their nddat, wid « Jih fo riim yean of nwM - Miss Nannie W est has been vis­ iting in Advance. J. P. Garwood, of Yadkin Cil- lege, is risiting his father, David Garwood, this week. There will lie preaching at the Methodist chcrch here ue.xt Sun­ day morning at 11 o’clock. The Advance High School is in a very piosperous condition. It now has 65 pupils. Miss Vic Pickier, who has been attending Advance High i^cho J, left last week to open her school al Augusta. H . T. Bmilhdeal, of this place, attended Quarterly meeting at Smith Grove last Saturday. Hon. W . A . Bailey was one of the managers ol the W inston fair last week, and took an active part. S l i c k . ---- County Superintendent C. M. Sheets, requests iis to state that a public examination for white teach- esr will be held at Mocksville C. H ., on Thursday and Friday, No­ vember 9 and 10; and for colored teachers Saturday, Ifovember 11. Jeriobo N ew s N otes. Sirs. Selina Helper, of Bailey, risited Mrs. Earle Kurfees lately. Some of our farmers have finish­ ed sowing wheat, and are gather­ ing corn. Quite a number of our people at­ tended the W inston fair. AVilburn Stonestreet has bought a fine bird dog. Guess he will be ready to hunt birds soon. Mrs. Z. C. Kurfees lias been sick this week. Misses Bertha Linville and Sadie Brown visited Miss Dizzie Gianger. near Oooleemee, Saturday and Sun­ day last. Mra. Bebecca Keller is on the sick list. Jliss Lula Greene, who has been suffering with toothache and neu ralgia, 1 am glad to say, is better. • - Daisy Turner spent a few days in l\Iocksuille last week with her grandfathei^ Mr. B. Brown. ___________' • L u c y . To have the advantaJ^■<.,^^your fellow-man and yet to rCsi.Tja yourself from using it is the sure token that you are the possessor of a magnanimous spirit. N O T I C E ! No hunting birds, rabbits and other game, will be allowed on my lands, unless by j)ermission direct f>'om the undei-sigued. B e s p e c tfu llj% ‘ P . S . E a r l y . Oct. 30, 1S99. Lieutenant Settle, the recruiting officer here, received a telegram yesterday from the W ar Depart­ ment, instructing him to discontin­ ue enlistments for the Fony-uinth Kegiment. This completes the or­ ganization of the volunteer r ^ - ments, the Forty-ninth being the last one to be filled. Lieutenant Settle ^ ill continue to recruit for the' regular army. Recruits are wanted for the Philippines, Cuba and Porto Eico.—^Raleigh Post cf the 29th. T A X N O T I C E . I will meet the Tax-Payers of Davie County at the following- times and places to collect the Taxes for 1899: Mocksville during the m onth of November. County Line^ Monday, Decem ber 4, 1899,10.00 a. m . to 12 m . Calahaln, Monday, Decem ber 4, 1 p. m . to 3 p. m . Nestor, Tuesday, Decem ber 6, 10 a. m . to 12 m . Cana, Tuesday, Decem ber 5 ,1 p. m . to 3 p. m . Fanning'ton, W ednesday, Decem ber 6.10 a. m, to 2 p. m. Smith Grove, Thursday, Decem ber 7.10 a. m . to 2 p. m. Advance, Tuesday, Decem ber 12, 12 m . to 4 p. m. Fork ^ u r c h , Wednesday, Decem ­ ber 13,10 a. m . to 2 p. m . Augusta, (Berrier’s Store,) Thurs- dav, Decem ber 14.10 a. m . to 12 m . Jerusalem, Thursday, Decem ber 14, 1 p. m . to 3 p. m. Sheffield, ^ id a y , Decem ber 15, 10 a. m . to 12 m. Mocksville, Saturday, Decem ber 16. all day Sec. 57, O l 7 ^ , Law s 1899: Taxes fox' School fund m ust be turned over the Sheriff not later than Dec. w t, of ^chyear.\Pleaae remember thiir ^ ^ jHTomptXa garm ent D R. W . a M A RTIN Gives spccial attention to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Sp<*ctacles fitted by the aid of retino- scopy. Teeth extracted by the pain­ less process. Office at residence in North Mocksville. Mocks\'ille Produce Market. Bros. 50 75 30 60 8-10 7i 12 12 12i 6 7 FINE STOCK FOR SALrE. A n y person desiring to buy a Jack or Jenny, or Jenny colts, or other fine stock, will do well to call on T . A . B R U N T , Farmington, N. C. Corner F ourth a n d M a in Streets, Judge Hunt’s Consumption and Bronchits Cure. It surpasses all other remedies known for Consumption, Bronchitis, Croup and Disordered Liver. It cures when all else fails! If your druggist ;s not keep it, send direct to Judge, orge E . Hunt, Lexington, N . C. Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by C. C. Sanford.__________ D on't Suffer, TJie Eleetropoise Cures all dissases without the usecf medicine. A pure Oxygen treatment, by absorption. It cwres where every­ thing else fails. It is needed in every family, for it will relieve every weak­ ness or ailment, to the most persistent c lo n ic -disease; and without the use of a grain of medicine. Thousands of psople all over the United States, from private citizens to Lawyers, doc­ tors, preachers, Suprem e Judges Edi­ tors. etc., even crowned heads of Eu­ rope have given written testimonials of those facts. Book of testimonials, and matter of great interest with price of instruments sent free. E^ery family should have an Electropoise; it saves money, induces health. Send your address at once and see what people say who have thoroughly test­ ed its merits. Agents wanted. T h e E l e c t r o p o i s e C o ., 513 4th street, Louisville, K y . National Hotel, EEFUBXISHED. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. F r a n k C . B r o w n , Whol&sale and Eetail Dealer in G E N E R A L M E R C H A N D IS E . COMPLFTE LIN E OF DBY GOODS. Be?t Stock of Shoes in the State. HEADQUABTEKb FOB GEOCEBIES. IN OTHBE W OEDS I H A V E A COMPLETE LIN E OF GENBEAL MEECHANDISB. I W ill be glad to have you call. Yonrs Truly, F R A N K C . B R O W N , W INSTOIf, IT. C. Sclioiiler’s Racket Store, THE LEADING BABGAIN HOUSE IN WINSTON-SALEM. The place to go when in need of anything in the DRY GOODS LINE. Prices are scaled down to the very lowest notch to do a legitimate business. Hundreds and hundreds of things bought in Job Lots and at Auction, sold at less than cost of production. W e carry a ful' line of D R E SS G O O DS, N O T IO X S, D O M E ST IC S. S H E E T Ix \G Carpets, W all Paper, Capes and Jackets, Corsets from 25c up. Millinery, Trunks, Men’s Furnishings, Men’s and Boy’s Clothing, Men’s and Boy’s H ats. The Best Line of Pants Goo<ls and Suitings in the city. 'We would call attention to two grades, our 2.'>c. aud 33ie. grades of Pauls Goods, worth at least one third more. O U R T .TM TT. O F SH O E S IS C O M PLETE IN A L L G R A D ES, from the Cheapest to the finest. The Best W oman’s aud Men’s ?1.00 Shoe in the city. K9*Call to 868 Us and let ns show you some of Our Bargains.10a f^ C H ()U l,K l.'S liA C K K T S T O U E . Just Received! Parlor Suits, ffim s , Fancy pieces _ EVBBYTHING TO M A K E A HOUSE HANDSOME ’ X ................B E D -R O O M SIIITS AND e x t r a beds A T PEICES THAT WILL Yor Don’t faill to give u,c a call t],, in need of auyilii,,^, ia ' Furniture Line, I T W I L L B E T O Y O r ilIX T E l,j,| G. W. WniGHT, Leading Furniture Dealer and U ndertaker, SALISHrilY, x ,, R A T E S , $ 1 . 0 0 P E R D A Y . J. H . EA-MSEy, Prop’r. Main St. SALISRUBY, N. C. ffreensboro Nurseries, g e e e n s b o e o , n . c .. For all kinds of i'ruit. Shade and Ornamental Trees. Vines and Plants. I am the Intro­ ducer of the famous GREENS­ BORO and CONNET’S South­ ern Early Peach. GREENSBORO HERD OF REGISTERS!) PO­ LAND CHINA and Mammotli Black Hogs. One of the finest herds in the South. W rite for prices, J ohn A. Y oung ,. Prop’r. DON’T W AIT A MINUTii. G o o d W a t c h e s A b s o l u t e l y f k e i ^ W e want your nam e for P A S T IJ fE , a bright, clean, illustrated story and humorous paper for the family circle, '.^^ium-sized w-atch, guaxanteed for oue year. W ill keep time (for m any years as accurately as a SlOO watch. A n d for a little work we give Gold watches, Bicycles, sewing machines. Guns, etc. Samples and particulars free. Send us j'our address to-day if you do no more, and see h o w easily you can get something nice you want. W e will surprise you. Please don't wait a minute, send now. Better en­ close 5 stamps for trial subscription and present, or 28 stamps for watch and paper while the watches are going free. The P A S T I M E Pub. Com pany, Louisville, K y. SOUTHERN RAILW AY. T H E , .. STANDARD RAILW AY OF THE SOUTH. The Direct Line to all Points. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA. FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strict'y Fiist Class Equip­ ment on ail Through and Lu- cal 'rrain.s. Pullm an Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains. Fast and Safe schedules. Travel by the Sotithem and you are as.sureil a Safe, Com­ fortable aud an Xlspeditious Joarii^y. Apply to Ticket. Agents for Tim e T a ­ bles, Rates and General Infor­ mation, or address K . L . V E R N O N , P . R . D A R R - f, T . P . A . 0 . P . & T . A . Charlotte, N . C. Asheville N .C , KOISOUBLE TOAHSWER-QUESnOSS. FR&SK S. GiiniOK, K. On;iF, 3dT. r. i t o Xan. , Traf. Kui. W . A. T D 2I, 6. P. A. C L O T H I N Q ! There is a Difference ----------BETW EEN ---------- Bufin? New ClotMng . AND- Baying Old ClotMi. \ W hen we went North to buy our clothiug, we went with the ex- pecu^ion of purchasing goods of snch a class as would adm it of us loolafig a customer square in the face when making a sale. W e toll! the manufacturers Are wonkln’t have any jobs, auotiou goods or old stuff—would not have them at any price ! W e told them plainly lha( not a singW.garmenc made prior to August 15th would be taken—that we wanted nothing but the newest stock. W e got what we wanted, and remember there’s not a suit in our house that’s one month old. In uuying from this store you’ll get the newe.st effects in lit, style and colors. Such clothes are worth more than old clothes—but at our place you pay .le'^s for the new clothes than you’ve been paying for old clothes, au(Lmark you, / These Prices Satisfy. / /BOY’S SUITS. ^cveral Lots Union Casimcre. black ground with neat gray pin check aud 'wiue-colored over-plaid, sinjjlc breast­ ed, 5 to 14, very uobby, worth $1,25, only................................................ 75 cts. Two-ffiece Short Pants Suits. All wool Oasimere, dark blue ground with (lark green stripe, also have black stripe of pure worsted, line metalic plaid. A winner, double-breasted, 0 to 14, worth $3.00...........................$2.25 All-Wool Casimcre, black ^o u n d , with olive green ground and pure silk m ixture, double-breasted, 0 to 15. A record m aker at $4.00, our price $3.10 Extra fine 20 ounce, blue satin diag­ onal worsted, double-breasted suit, faced to the buttonhole. A beauty at $6.00, our price................................. ^ .5 0 Children's Vestee Suita, good qual­ ity, .3 to 8, from ..............$1.15 to $3.00 BOY’S 0^^3RC0AT3 FROM $2.25 TO $7.50. MEX’S OVERCOATS FROM §3.00 TO $20.00. FULL LIX E of GE^'T'S FURXISHINGS at Rock bottom prices K . L C R A N F a iU ) & ( » . W INSTON-SALEM, N. C. OAK FRONT. No. 443 Trade St., 2 doors north of Farmer’s Warehouse. J . B . C A R T L A N D , ^ ^ -----SUCCESSOR TO----- H, H. Cartland, G r e e x L s ' b o i ’o . C . M JiN 'S SUITS. Fine Union Twill, dark ground, vrfth a red and gray mi.\-ture, single breart- ed round cut, the old orijfinal. Good value W.OO, our price .....................$2.50 W o o l Casimerc, dark ^ o u n d , with large herring- bone strips and olive over stripe, single-breasted sack suits, French faced, hijr value at $7.00 $4.uO Extra Heavj' All W o o l Keraev Suit, dark ground with gray stripe satin pipe facings. Will wear well and are unequaled garments for dress or busi­ ness occasions. A positive stunner at S'lO.OO, but v.-e sell them a t ..........Sti.7o M en's Fine Fancy Worsted, some of the finest on the m arket, imported and domestic fabrics in the new est! and most correct designs, superbl3' tailored suits and possessingf all the g-ood pictures of high art clothing: sure to please the mo^t fashionable dressers. Y o ur attention is invited to these extraordinary values: Suits that are worth from *12.00 to 820.00 our prices, S7.50, *9, $12.50, $15, $19.00. Tliis Space Belongs to E, B . O E A W F O E D & 00, General Dealers in Hardware, It, w i r r ^ T O N , 3sr. o . C A L I B R G J I T e n P e r C e n t. Furniture IS 108 We.st Fifiii St., W IN S T O N N'C] Want your trade and Avill give jnu b;!rsc'!;.s in .-.il Styles of Bed-Eoom Sets, Odd Dres.sers, Dinin;; Tai'l''. Beds, AViishstancls, Lounges, Couches and all tlun"?W : be found in an Tp To Date FUItNITUIlE Iiorsi:. S0M3 NEW and BEiTJTim DSSISN3 m DI33S3, CHAKBSR-SETS ;ni We also have a Beautiful Lino ot Pictures aud Framfs. The New En"land and Needham Pianos, and tiu' OH Eeliable Estey Orgiins and the Needham Ornuns are | sold by us. and need no recommendation, as tlifv are si W ell Known. Ml Doofls Cas5i or P>asy Faynisj Come to onr place and if yon are not treated rijjht wD no more, but if v.-e treat you right, call again. OEGAFS FEOM 825.00 UP. P I A H O S F R O M S 1 8 D M C A L L B R O T H E R S M anufacturers’ Agents, W INSTON, . . N . C. Branch House: M A ETIX SV ILIiE, V A . ) Can Always Give Lowest Prices Oil EverytMag in Our Line. A FTJLL LnSTE O F CLOTHS A N D CA SIM EK ES ----A L W A Y S O N H A N D .---- ---------o*--------- A PULL CORPS ot the BEST EXPgRIMOED WORKMEN. J®* W rite for Samples and Measuring Blanks. Satisfaction G naranteed.“®a E . H . M O R R IS , Agent. - - Call and see samples and learn prices. G. T. GLASCOCK & SONS, GREENSBORO. N . C .. POTINDEES AND MACHINISTS. Mannfactnrers of Turbine W ater W heels, The CABOLINA COOK STOVli), Heating Stoves. Coal Grates, Country Hollow W are Plows, Plow CastingB aud Feed Cutters. SPECIAL CASTINGS O F A NY DESGEIPTION. W S lve^ A rticle Mannfiiotnrea t y IJs Q oarante^_in BocniMit A.L INDUCEMENT,S OUB PKESi:> Ind the w o rk oi a Dollar | ] have d ro pp ed the price PAY ' it and'jo u r thoughts foi y way to procui-e just lay. W e keep up the tjl ,u a rare opportunity to 3 Table and Glassware, Kil ces tl>at will m ake j'ou r J»s Undervests, 5c, 8c. 1( iFieece-lincd Uadervyest^i Inder.-ihirts, Iw , 2oc, 40c, n lUflioa Suits, Plfccce-llned G E E A T B^VRGAl ’CK si7.es 21, 3, ard 4s that ^n the dollar to m ake the rare barg'aiu. Also offer Jen's Sunday Shoc- is, 2i>c per pair and uji. Don’t iorffet our 5 and of useful arLiclcs for eadquarters for X m a s ^ ^on than ever before, c prices all through Ih ■ not. N o trouble lo shoij 1 '] tberty St., W IX.5T0.'|g - c h e e k SPECIALIST. facobs’ Clothing- KtoreJ STON. N. C. b i t ’d r e ! o i x x i-© o < 3 . are of any K ind PAY y O l' TO S ir:i| j m t l s y ’s S to c I I E S E L L S --- ^ FUKNITUKB a | IS, stock ilwiys CompleleJ (423 T r a d e Street, STOV, X. C. t w s m i . sT Y U G O T O ijsto n , N . Cl :;a l l o n — T he .JjC’iVDLi'K.I ice L in e of tl^ilver W are, ISpe,- e (ilnKses, rtc. i i, ne while you v,ait al [ t o r trie ear. I'lif |n;es. 1 busines.s, )V v N , T}Ie Je w ei il Street. X e x t ilour f ,'s the g u n nia:i. t Y o u r E g g s P O T A T O I C S , A N D O T i r i 'R l !O I> U C E , rket Prices Will be OH me when MIE TO I oted S to ck oi G rc ■ways O n Hanc’. 0 yerve, D . M . i l l L L E I l , I ry. N o rth varoll!; ERH' 'r;r W .I R.\ ILV .'A il : s(yuT ir. :-t I.iue toall T. iiJ I.\. D PORTO KK'O. I ’’i ■. -I : >■ i li' i .(il leepin" m;iU ast aa.l .■-.■inf si <>y tu . S).n- ., IV s 11'.- ‘>lv3 an • AgMT-.ti :-?or T'i ^1*1 ( viou, o».' CNj F. K. iW C. i*. T0A53WER . if, I i ’Jaa. Ti'l [. ■■'n’-s q, i r:. t | I [cy Pieces, fAXDSOME fOTHL S U I T S p T R A b e d s [^T WILL a sto x ish to t l> Rive me a call l>f anything in the pture Line, I TO YOUU IXTEUEsj WniEHT, • M .i s n r R v , X . e 3 t o p & C O . iware. Etc. L I . i d R O ' 'Qt Kr Cent. Fiirnitiu’3 Mei :t O xN n . g : !■: Jr<. ]>i:iiDrc X t U « . n:i(l :ill tiun^~ lo Z.V^3Za-3ST3 and IcHiros and Frames. aijrl tlie OM ■ lliaai Or^aiis are lii.in. .iS iLcy are so ‘ ■'■asy : tri-:i;o:l call ..11 m m c i s o TiT.| ilO CK SV ILLE, K. C. W EDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1899.82; (W I S T H E T I M E . • VL IXDTJCEMEXTS TO BUYERS TO EEDUCE CUE PKESEXT STOCK. find tliP 'ifo rk o f a D o lla r a t o n r S t o r e s o m e th in g w o n d e r- c liave dropped the prices Down ! DOW N !! D OW N!!! 1 p\Y .v«<> to over our assortment. It will give your li-t and 'Oiir llioughts food for Kitisfaction, and will show LiV wav (o procure ,i«st what you want and need, for a Ljay. V e kwp up the Quality. W e keep down the Price. I .J a rare opportunity to SAVE MONEY on your Shoes, Under- l;' TaliK' .inJ tilassware, Kitchcu Furniture, Tinware, etc. Htre tbat will make you think you have been paying too much each. i'nioa Suits, Fleece-lined, 25c and 50c each. G K E A T B A R G A U r s IN S H O E S , n fca- 3. ard 4s that we have too n a u y of, and have made h- on the Ji'Har to m ake them go. Only a small lot. Come quick la rare barif.im. Also offer M en a H eavy, all leather Plow Shoes. I \ka'= aic’ banday Shoes. Lace or Cong^., 1.00 a pair; Children’s i''; P^-'" “ 3 and save money on vour . wrcct our o and 10c Counters. They are loaded witli P of usef.ll articles for your nickle. NEISTMAN & KUJGr. Iiroerty St., WIN.^TON, N. C. Franklin’s Old Stand f, G- CHEEK [SPECIALIST. r Jacobs' Clolhingr Store, tix>TO-:, y . c. [■nitura! !" o a . r L e s d . Ji'.arc of r.uy K in d , fay lO r TO SEE Iinitlsy's stock, -111-; SELLS------ Lass f u iin it u e e a t | stjck il's’iys Complete, li'.l 4.'.^ Trafie Street, I v'TOX. N. C. Trus-'ses ! v / 3 i i o - , > r V U liO TOM f!j:iiU v U U j V fJ 1 -CAI-L OX- . T h e .JEV.'tLi'K. |Xii-e Line of Wat-.-lie."!,! 1.1 Wiver W a r e . Specia-1 lEyr <;i-.is?es. i-tc-. F i n e ’ .vhik- .viiu v.ait an d ^ |".l lor </.e ;. ear. Prices ] li:!^e.«. I foi lm.?irics.s, |?.0V\ X. Tiik jKWELKn- Streer. Xext do<jr to ‘ri'sii:?;r;in m an. If you are in need of a TRUSS it Mil! pay you to have a Perfect P it. DB. Y. O. THOilPSON has had forty yeare’ experience in A djusiing Trusses. lie will Per­ sonally lit yon at the Old Reliable TUOiiPSO^^ DRUG STORE, iViuston, N. C. KcGnirs & Eimbrougli, PH Y SiaA N S AMD StTRGSONS. Ofil 'c. yi'-st .ioorSo'itli of Hotel Davie M0CK3TILLE, N. C. Dr. S. E. Anderson, -------DENTIST.------ Ofllce: First Door South of Drs. McGuire*Kimbrough. M o c k s ’.i l i -j:, X . C. Tlie DaTie Record, PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. E . H . 5 I O R R I S , Editor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : One copy. One Year, - - . $i.oo One copy, Six Months, - . - 50 One copy. Three Months - - - 25 M ocksviUe, N . C.. N ovem ber 1- SENATOR D ANIEL ON THE P H IL IPPIN E S. |S5 Grapliopkoiigs I have tbi: a^rency for the Columbia . Pheaograpji Co., aud carrj' in stocli ; at all timts a r.ice lot of Granlio- phones aad llccorUs. A Graphophouc Like This Cut for 45.00. Yc-iir Eggs, KS, POTATOE.S, 110 AXD OTUEP. iPKODn’E. iMiiei Pass \7iil be Paid bU »)u me when CUMl- TO TOWN, plocted Stoik of Groos- jAl^vajs On. Hanr'. 1 lo !<frve, 1). M. MILLEP-, North Oarolina. T he Music ..<->.00 per dozen. S.3.00 half- ' dbzi;a. W h e n you visit Yv'inston cal. in at the ‘‘iJiff AYatch.” and see the-;;; . wonieilul talking-machines, andany- tbiu'j ii' the .Jewelry line. ' FKKO. N. n.ilY , Jew eler. i i -J*' “ The Philippines are no-w as much a part of the United States as that street,” said Senator Dan­ iel, pointing through the ivindow to the street. “ They were made such by the treaty ne;;otiated -\vith Spain by tne commissioners of the United States, and ratifieil by the United States Senate. I opposed the ratificixtion of that treaty, but I have not publicly criticised it since, as I felt I could hardly do po. Mr. Bryan was in W ashing­ ton while the treaty was under con­ sideration, and urged all the Dem­ ocratic Senators to vote for it. However, he has since been very prououueed in his pol-'cy towards the Philippines. “ I do not think now', and did not think when the treaty of peace was iinder consideration, that it was wise for ustoanne.xthe P hilip­ pines. The inhabitants of the islands form an olla podrida such as we do n^t care to have iu our country. B ut they are annexed now. The proper view^ of the sol­ dier and the citizens is that we m ust not retire nnder fire. W e are there, and m ust make the best of it. —Eiehmond Dispatch. The above languagj of Senator Daniel, a Democrat from Virginia, shows that the Senator is an Ameri- C.II1 and v. liile he opposetl tlie treaty he now believes in standing by the Go\ernment. llr. .iJryan look it upon himself to go to W ashington and urge Demoemtic senators to vote for this treaty, and now he is i flying over the country making speeches from the re ar end of a car iu opposition to the government policy. H e is a shining light of consistency to say the least of it, e.specially is it so in a man Avho aspires to the presidency of a great nation. H is position reminds us of the expression‘‘now I see it, now I don’t. The people of this coan- trj' can not be fooled all the time by these place hunters, Mr. Bt-y- an Iwlieves iu Goebel is.n, and of course would endorse Simmons & Go’s. Goebel law for North Caro- ii!ia. H e will bear watching. A slatesman and patroit does not be­ lieve in walking rough shod over (he people. a n -o t h s r "' F a l s e h o o d auiN liO W N Jlr. Editor. . Please allow me space in The DAVlE KECOKD to Say that a few days ago 'a g ro u n d l^ falseh«>d p-ablished in one ol the •'reat schemer Democrat papers a- S-.«nst me, stating that I was m ta- vor uf the conslitumil amendmeut. Pepublican Victories. The latest election returns show that the Eepablie-ins have carried Mass. New York. New Jersy. Ohio. South Dakota and Ken tncky. The blue grass State has repiJakid Goedbeliamanddishonest partizan election law. Simmons and his N. C. Gobel law will be at­ tended to next August. May the manhood of N. C. assert its self aud forever releg.ite these place hunting Demiigoguesto the solitudes of pri­ vate life, where their greatness wil be “ an honored unwept and un- snng’’ to the glory of N. C. and its future greiitness. Down with the tyrants aud despoilers of N. C. fair name. LIBERTY AND FllEEDOM . RAILW AY. |- >' 1 -'i T;!) I-; AIL V.'AY - .-VXJTU. Line io all P.jinls. R esiinE ton S i^sle B arrel B reech LoaiUng Gvia, - $6 50 Others - - . - S4.50, S6.00 ' Loadeii Shells, 35c a box. Kl.ot, 7c. per po-.ind. Primei-f?, 12o. a box. All Other Goods Equ.'illy Lotv’. jr. . OiiERTS, tl.5 j.ib-srty Street, W INSTON, N. C. But let not Eome think that a change of policy with regard to the Piiilippines will prevent tbe over, throw of iguor-inceaud superstition in those Islands. The natives have caught the spirit of liberty, aud are now’ opposing the United States to secure I heir independence and lib erties. W hen this country shall re turn to tie principles of Ihe Decla­ ration of American Independence and the thejry that all political power is derive froui the consent of the Goverued, aud consedes to those Islands tlieir inalienable rights, as will be done, they will not bow to the reli.gio-js tyranny ol Eome. Many of them will see that religious liberty is the mother of civil freedom, and throw off tne yoke of priest craft and bccomc free indeed. The above was clipped from the Salisbury Tri’th taken from Dr. Stallings paper the Index. The Eflitor of T he K eoobd is not a reli.gious man in the sense of be­ longing to any church, b'.it he be­ lieves in the religion of humanity rcligeous, civil and political free. (]o:n, with these, we are compelled to accord to all men their rights and liberties., unhampered by re- ligeons or political intolerance. W here these exist, and are lived up to right, justice, msroy and ti)lerance prc> ail.s, we are not a Uoniaa catholic but are ot the o- piniou that some of the best men our country h.os produced beUmged to that churcU and we are oppose to dragging a mans religion into politics. Onr forefathera many of them left Europe on account of re- ligeous persecution, and some rf the same k iu l of fanatics are to be foiind in this country t^-day, we are ol (lie opinion that men -niio h'lve autl profess true cliristian religion, are heart and smil agtv.usi this so call religeons intolerance, and men v.-ho are true lovers i.. right and justice can but coudenm political intolerance. It is adm it­ ted on all sides tnat the Philip- pii.es ate unlitted lor (jelf govern­ ment by ro^ison of their ignorance yet these fanatics are using their tongue and i;en Eg.anst the just anthority of their own government. United States. It is enough to make a mule laugh to iiciir these Demo W ill X. Coley Editor of the Or­ phans friends who is travelling in the interest of his paper paid ns a pleasant call this -week- The Or­ phan asj'lum is a noble institution and those who in anywise contrib­ ute to its support and maintainance, u t show the spirit which should actuate and control all who believe in contributing for the fartherless ones, many a noble boy and girl is rescued frum a life of shame and poverty and placed in a posi­ tion to make noble men and 'vomen May he have great success in his work in this behalf. to talk about w hat shall be done then. Let as do right and be right and the future w'ill take care of its self, we do not believe in doing evil, that good may possibly follow we cannot possibly get our consent to sink our conscience for the pub­ lic good, for that i“ contrary to what we have been taught to be­ lieve was right. If onr Democratic friends would changa their tactics and would spend a little time in explaining the righteousness of a fair partizan election law. the people w ojld listen’ and possibly learu a little from those wise So- lons who wish to rule and shape the destinies of a free people. W e hope our Iriends will over look any and all short comings in our paper this week. Our new' printer Mr. Jones did not reach Mocksville till Monday night. He then had all the type to distribute and set up all reading m atter and change many of our ads. th f UECOliD is hear to stay until it gets ready to quit, and its not ready yet by any means. ro f thecoustltuuai ameuumem. am uie j-est Si ff.iut to say emphatically that | talking and writing about' •Your Defense Pleas. W hydonotthem anagersofthe Sim­ mons vote stealing machine answer the Gazette’s arguments instead ol vilifying its editor! Let them de­ fend their election law. If any man of them can do it we will pub­ lish such defetse. W e have de- nounnced it as a scheme of fraud, Ihe device of a baud of conspirators to rob citizens of their rights ofsuf- fi-age aud to ins j e dishonest elec­ tions for the benefit of the men that devised it. Let them exhibit one reason iu support of it that will ap­ peal to an honest man. lusieaU. of attacking the Gazette as a paper that has “ sold its con victions for gold and which is serv­ ing the Republicivn party while pos-mg a deiuociatic paper,” let the:n destroy intlueace the tiazette may possess to injure tiiem bj' bringing one fact to prove that (heir election law is not devised to deprive every honest citizen of North Carolina of his political free­ dom. No man w ho is not a tool and a fello-.v conspirator of the Simmons ring of politicians could cast a vole and have it counted nn­ der the .Simmons law, if the rinj aho.se to deny him that right. W e have replied to the charge that we have bartered onr convic- “ onsaud are posing ns a demo­ cratic papei by calling attentiou to the fact that the Gazette frequently declared that under thh standpd of democracy set up by F. M. Sim­ mons in his schemes to disfranchise honest voters by fraud we are not a democratic paper' and we cannot be bought or browbeaten into line with such democracy. Not .one word has ever appeared in the Gazette in endorsing of the dishon Simmons’ election law. Not t h i s i s a n o th e i'o u e of their big lies g ,,y e v iim ea t3 derive their just just like they have been telling ,,y„ssnt of the ever since t h e i r existance. I a_mj po^^^^^ and then iu their next which m t U o w ^ e d to ^ rrm e n d m c . t governed” aud then in then w the consiifcution aud hope the breaUi art actually endor^iu: Almighty will spara my Ule it no Idigcr, to vote and figat against such a rotten and arrogant set as were in the last Legislature, who tried lo take all the liberties and will off the poor class of whites aud ne- grw s. In onr State I hope the Democratic partj' may soon lealize -lA. advocating measure! ueorive taor.san-Js of North Caro- li./ians of raeir consent in governing this sfcite- [f the iUiterate white man iu S . C. is not aap-iljle of par ticioalingin it.s gjverumeat, why so ni'.ch symathy tor the senii i U t sea- Tiie 'North riurioii Liuj asi Dur do ■ 1) m n o lu c o . !'■ • : ^- F,<|tii;- i ■ iii-.i.iuli and L " I'ti-. !I ■i'-Oiii'; Cars mall Niglit; InisI a;;.! iSafe si.-hednles. j Wy me. ;tl«l | 1 j S ife, Coui- - : -ia 1 an i-:xi>.!(litioiIS P'l-’-:-;- Aj?;;-.tF for T’-je Ta.- lufur^ nia.i(,i;, 0.- ai.-!re?» F, U. DARCY, J- A . C. I*. &T. A I'JUu, r. .-.nUeviUc s .c . WflEAT AJID G-BASS ■ & A d d i s o r — fllG H GRADE— T H E COM FORT. W r i t e t o u s o r d o m e t o s e e U s when in town, or give uS a SPECIAL VISIT, it will pay yon—yim’ find w hat yon want here. Not only one, but a BIG ASSOETMEKT to choose from, and the PEICB8 W E QUOTE W ILL O PIW YOUB BYES to the fact that Y ou have been P aying too HncH toub GOODS. To prove this call on us. Shoes. Shoes. Ladies and Misses’ (ialf Shoes, Sl.OO; Ladies,, Man’s and Misses’ whole- stock shoes, $1,00 and *1.25. Ladies’ soit Kangaroo Kid Shoes, neat and stylish, worth *2,00, our price *1,25, Ladies’ and men's hand-welt Shoes, made by the best makers, *1,98, worth $2.75, Boy’s and Misses’ good servlcealeb Shoes, 50c and 75c per pair. GAPES. JACStiTSttii. Childs’ Jackets—all alxes, 160 to 13,00 each. Ladies’ Jacket^, K.50 asd op! Ladies’ Capes 50c and up; Ijodlea heavy Underwear, IScasdup. Men’s heavy Fleece-lined Under­ wear, 40c and up. Ladies’ Skirts, 75c ahlj upwards. Ladies’ Waists 25c and upwards. W e guarantee to save you at least 25 per cent, on above guodsi T U I G O M F I I M . ' Corner Opposite Kew Postoffice. WINSTON, N O B TS CAltOLIKA i M c D Q W E L L & R O Q E I ® , W i n s t o n ’s C h e a p C l o t h i e r s , -BUYEES FOB- 3 MAMMOTH STORES. 8 W E SELL FOR LESS, BECAUSE W B BUY CHBAPSB THAJf SMALL DEALBBS. SOME B P S C I A L S : 300 Suits at $350, $500 and $6 SO, W ORTH $5;00 TO 39.00. 500 SUITS $7.50 TO $10.00, W OBTH $11.00 'TO tlS.OO; 150 Overcoits, »2.50 to $6.50, worth |3.76 io «0,M. 200 OVEECOATS, $7.50 to $1^.50. W orth $20;00 to $18.80: If you have bought of us yon know ns; if yon haven’t yon should try us, and learn your saving. GKEAT VALUES in Hats, Shirta; Tira, and Underwear; D on’t F orget the Place w hen Y ou Come to 'WJnit(m- - tt ’,RS. “ STAS BTIAND” GUANO, •‘:-.Ic-GAVOGK” MIXTURE, •‘B. P .” POTASH M IX'iUK E ACID PHOSPHATE. V7- especiaUy recommend the “ Mo- •avJck .Mi-xt:-?.--'’ I t .^ extensively ■ ed in Virjiuia and its use on the 'DUS b.a=! y-ivcii ?feat eJttisfacJon in Orth Carolina for the last two years. Per Kale bv Agents generally is TO OuESTIOES, 1 throughout the State |£.£iKOH, . A*. CDii>. i S e n d for Circulars. , en ’i-s. Tiaf. Haa. ALLISON & ADDISpJ?* - T O f r. i. Ci.Wnu.-,al d . c / - K>;ha.opa. ^ a. - ■ • -V - . . ■■ a credt niJiu as . at the nead of our goveiru.iieut, j j u’e o.ic we have liberty, p eije an'i prji- prjlesse l cju^w.c-I... peritv throughout our laud. Truly, T. S. D ale . Yadkin College, 5 . C. The above letter, from our frieul T S Da'e, explains itseli, and shows to what extre.ruli<» the ene­ my have resorted in oi-.lei lo de- cieve the people by the Gobel aim- mons election law crowd p .W in s to deprive thouK-.n^ of t h e S e of their political rights in this S'ate bv moans of an unjitet election law and a “ ''^^^^“ “ “The onstltuuonal ^ eath k u o ll has sounded. Let us -> our dutv and N t ' p trait oi-s from power will hurl j,!i 1 iu p iir ,Lcacy over Lets be one wore has ever appeared in the Gazette in advocaoy of the uncon­ stitutional Louisiana stiffrage amendment. W e supported the', white supremsy” issue until w-e tliscovered it was a fraud. We deuouucedit wheu we discovered that it was nothiug more than a device lo advance the scheme of an organization of umprincipled poli­ ticians, who followed its fraudulent use with a seconed installment of villainy, to make the supremacy this issue had giveu them perman­ ent. by pas.sing a law th jt gave theintue e.tclasive control of elea- tious Then we ceased to be a sup- porcer of “ Democratic’' doctrines North Carolina. This was the Gazette’s crime; putiishmeiib has been slander vilUlcation from these men it denounced and from the news- -oapers whose opinions they control, iu is gl-inder and villilication we an oidetice that our oar th e ! Philippine question. L.eis lie ‘ | iu fa.’or of h-jnest elections pati-i >dc utterances I j , „ .I i-;,r the defense of the rights that belong to citizens under the coustitutiom of the btate and the nation have borne some Iruit. spired by ..m .co u iitry m ay itev ero eu i the rigul, but right or .vron- :ny eouu- try ” It.i our duty to suiud by our govern'-aent iu its fnliUment of its international obligations, loo’.ting to CongreiS for final settlement of all these ve.-dng questions President McKinley is dipchargmg m s duty S ^iT Sicfexecitiveofhisgov- Sum ent, and as good citizens we should sustain the right when the philippinos ha\ e submitted to th e , fe-r.al authority of these United States, it: then be time enough! S t a n d a r d S h o e s , -----ZIEGLElt BROTHEE’S M A K E— t e E BEST SHOPS For L A D ip* and CHILDBEK |allp€iyl8S Now Ready. . ‘ THE RFGTJLAR SKOE STORE, Corner 4tih and Liberty Sts;, W lN^TOK; N. t); ' ISIEELY & CBUTti^ G e t a R e c o r d P r e s e n t . s a . ONE DOLLATl PAYS FOK TH E PA PER A l I D 2 TICKST; K O TtC r\ Tne men responsible for the meiisures we have ctenonnced must resort to something besides person- j ill villilication if they desire the favor of public opinion, fney m u s t first of all defend their elec­ tion law. . ..V ,' bscribe for T h e DAvaE S ecobd . | By virtne of an ordet made by A; T. Grant, Clerk of Snperiof Court, I will sell at the Conrt House door in the town of Mocks- vUle. on the 4th day of Decfember; 1899, the following real estate, ad­ joining the lands of Lewis Harper; et al and bounded as.foHo-ws: To wit: Beginning at a Stone Lewis Harpers corner, thence W ; 20 poles and 15 links to a stotie in Potts line, thence S. 70“ W est 24 poles and L to a ^one in Fottd Une, thence B 16° K 20 poles and 20 links to a stone, to th e beginlug containing 2 acres and 105 polea more or less. Terms of Sal*, $26.00 cash, balance on six months time w ith bond and appioved at 6 per cent interest from of sale, title reserved till jnrichaao money is paid: This 19tS day ot October 1899. _ .. Tfios. N. C h a ffin , Adm r. of G. H . Lippanl dec’d. T. B. Bailey, Attorney; . .s In e le c t in g a S e w in g S f«ch in p , p ick o u t tb e one tb a t rn o s ih e lieb test, MWB tb e faxtest, m ak es tb e Ica«t noiee is mo-t d iirsi'Ip . w ill n o t b re a k t< e th read if ■’•■n h sck w ard , w ill n ot p a c k ­ e r tb s lig b te ct fn b rics, h as p ate n t sp o o l w ire, an to m atic ten tion re le asa b a ll b e a rin g , etc. THE WHEELER & WiLSOH poBBOSBes all tbo above points of su­ periority over any other make. Cost« sotbiog to exam iue od9. For sale by B J. B O W E N , W m stoo, N. C. ’ . ^ t h y t h e . . “ NEW HOME” SEWINBHilGHiNL WHITE FOB C IH C U U R S g S ? « “S Sew ing M achines w e m anufacture and their prices before you purchase any other. TIEIEWH9HESEWIHQMGHINEG0., O S j UTGE, jt ^s s . »VtaouSuaMM,M.Y. C3iieaffo,ia St. Lool*. Mo. 8eaPrAnd»eo,OU. FOn SALE BV ____ Pnc taltkw. We give one or more free schol- asahips in ever; county in the U. S. W rite os. Will accept notesfortuitioa crcandepoat noneyinbonk until poadon is securcd. Car fare paid. l«'o vacation. En* ter at any time. Open for both L Oiupboard. 5eadfor Ulustrmted ------------ S u a ra n t^ e d Under Ttttvmable tmtHHons. . . . I ' Address J. P. DaAVOBOH, Pres't, at di O r a u ^ H o n ’s F V a c tlc a l ------ B u s i n e s s ^ Ntshfille, Tenn., d » Gilveaton, Tex., Savannib, Ga., ^ Texarkana, Tex. is the South. Indo reed by bank* ers, mcrdiaots, mim&ters and othets. Four weeks in bookkeeping with vs are equal to twalveweeksby tbe eld plan. T. F. z>tangbon, PreaUeet, is antbor of Dranghon's New System cf BocUcei^x^ ‘‘Double SnttyM ade E a^." Itaow $tadf* We have prepared, for home stady. books on bookkeeping, penmanship and shorthand. Write for pnce ^ "Home Study.** extract. "PROF. Z>aAVOHOK—I learned book- Iceeplaj; at borne from your books, while holdiu aposiCun as ulgM telegraph operator.”—C R I.EFFXKGWBU., Bookl« !pcr for Gerber ^ fkif* .Wbolesale Grocers, South Chicago, IU iMmisou Out papar vhat writing,) SO U T H E R N R A ILW AY. A R T S T U D E N T M U R D E R E D Body of Frederick Ha-cly, Jr., Tiekecl Up at Keyport, N. J. U e a i Crn^heil in and a Slone Tied A«^nn(l tbe n 'aist—LUtle p o u b t T hat Kua* b e rr Prom pted the Crime. 9«YiedmU o f P«« In Sffect June lltha 1809. Sorihbeasd.N «.t« itaur Atlanta, C.T. Atlanta, S.T. ** Noreroas...... - Btiford......... - Gainesvilla.. - Lnla„..........." Oomf>iiA...... ** WestminMer •• Central ...... 6r««u<• GreroviHg*.._** Snanaai^rs. — «■ ' . _ ' Gsffnejf*.......___leTB..** Blacksftore.. « KinK’sMt...,“ Oastonw ...... I/r. Chariot te.... Ar.Gn^miburo 76(1 a B6J a 9S0 Iu3} a m ss a 11 25 a ll&i a 1153 1281U. 140^ If Sip 837 4'JO4iBi61M 3;:& p 6a> IiT. Oroensboro. Ar.Morfoik.. . A t. PanTiilo ....... Ar. Bihhiiiond ... ll*.S_p '60U Ar.Washirfton . " Baltni'oPKR “ Philadelphia “ ItowXork.. Southbonad. “ PhiJadeJphia. “ Paitimore.... “* Waa.\ing» <m, Lv. ItiehmondT! I^. Danville. I jv. NorfolU”" Ax 6r««;n!iboro.. hr. Greensboro Ar. Chariot >«___L t . Gastonia.....“ knic'» Jit.... •* B j: ik s b u r g .. '* G ftffo fiv s .... : t e n : ? :" Central.......... • f e e n e c *............. ** W e s itn in s te r.** Toecoa......... • Mt. Airy ...... • Cornelia........ “ Luia............. •• GaisesriUa. B u f o r d .......... Vas. Nf>. S8 Utotir. 12 00 m lUO p 2 22 p 2 42 p SW p 8 0 p i is p 6SS p6 rj p 0 4S p7 le p p s'is ’p p 10 47 p - t y i 8 Ex. 8«». 4 » p B8»p 6Sip f 08p 7 ^3p Bli)p 8 ^ p 840p • <6p * a< a 643 8 OJ ]<J la a l:>43 t.Ml y». 35 Duilr. U l3a ‘j£U a i t i a II la a 1-2 Olnn }Q3 p 7 24 p Iu tx) p »10-a 1)10 07 ii ii p io’is11 46 p IJ 58l;2 2i) ajll 34 1 s a isa o No. 37 l>ailT. 4 bii p 0 55 p it p 10 4T> p 11 UJ p 5&) a $S5 It 228 a 8 17 406 480 4 j 6 a625 a ........ A 10 al 4 35 a 10 al 8 P im p 2'ii’ 800 S 18 rM .ui Na. S8 l*ally. 11 60 p 12 60 a 189 a 2 29 a 8U a s is '*4 20 a 4 6457 25 a7 42 a8 Oa a828 a 923 ■ 1S06 p New Yobk City (Special).-TUe bo-!y ot Freilerick Har*ly, Jr., a youoj? art st-.drtut, th u son of A wuiiUbypbosphate mine owQHr of Mount F.easant, Tenn., was found float, intf in Birikaa Bay, near Koysport, N. J., by a flsbermaD. 'Xiie body was Ideutilla l bytheyouDg maa’d fattier, wlio, with tbo aid of innny detectives, bad been seuruhiuK for days for trice of Ills son. T le youiii; man had been misdiug tfroin UU uu*ir.liiit;- bouse on tbH Sliore &o»d, near N-nnty- >*ixtb street, Fort H unlUou, «lno • Sun I ly, Octobk)r22. Tue (loUco are ooiiUdeut tmit tUey bavo imotber Kwat marJer uivdter/ to d»al with. jLLtaclie-i to tho yoiintf man’s body, when foiin-l, w.ts a .stoiio tliHt bad Uee>i u-el u ua ituu’iur for a row »oat. It li-id oeoa ileil to the i>o.ly by a j»Ie..*o of ro. e four foat loii;?. A.'I aat«»j)9y dovrtlopo I tlid faec tli it dHjiiii b id biaimaii4o I iiv'a terrliic blo.v Oil t'le tonple, w.ile I cu n el a rupturrt ot the br.iiii. Tun m in wia dea t, tiio piiy- siiitans doclaro I, uufort) tli‘> bo lv wi>» thrown into tae wat«r. J2»*dryibiutf of valuo had beoa taknn fro a Hie yuiint; man’s clotiiiu;; WiiOQ tU>) bo<Iy wa^ lomid, andaoiiieoftlia pockets hud btsuu turuei wrong sid« oat. Every clrcu'uatanffc points to murder and rubbery, and subsuqaniit dev«il0 (f meats pruveJ ajroost couclu-Ivoly Ibat me young art student met bis <ieaib on tint lonelyshore road t<kirtiDg t!ie waters uf the b:iy on tlie Loiii; l*tland eidu, iind tliir< teen milu.H »way irom wlieru the body wufi discovered. ^1ie crime was commUt<?<l after 11:15 o’clock on Sunday October 22, anil it is beliuviU in the viciniiy of tbe igot of Ninety-ninth street, almost directly oppo­ site tUe rMsi leiicu of Albert Johnson, tbe street railway ma:*u!ite. TUe boily is beileve.i to bave boen lowe.l or rowed in a sinull boat across to tbo New ifersey sbore, a dlstauuc of tbirieuu inlleH. ru e murderers if roobory was tbeir mo­ tive:*, got comparatively littln for Ibylr paia'i, only about if2) oe S3J, untl a gold watCM, givon llie viotim wben ho was a lit­ tle «>oy by bi.« gratidfatiior. TUe iiew.*^ of tlm tinding of tho body stirred tbe Urooklyn police to an energetic display. DrttoctivuA were ouut at oucu to Fore Hainllton, but tbe most important di:i- covery of tbo clay was made by u woman, &lUs Annie Q^orgo, daugliter of tlie lute Henry George, w.io live.4 oa tho SUoro Boad, near Ninety-nlntU street. Tuts was thu flodiug of seveu card^, flvu engrave I with tho name of young Hardv, lying scattered about tUe ground on a steep declivity le:nliug from the Shore Bond dowr to the water’s edge dlrectlv opposite tin home of Albert Johnson. One of tbe cardf was crumpled aud bore tbe marks of blood) Qngerx. Yonng Hardy disappeared aud leuly on tbe utght before he was to take up hl.-i wotk at the A,rt Studeuts’League In ttis city, and his relatives !>ay time suicide l-i out of the qae'itioa. fle came North early In October and went to Fort ilainiitoa bi- naase his clium, T. Coleman Ward, of Birmingham, Ala., was boording ili-!<re ir Ninety-sixth street with £. C. Moxnain also a Southerner. Hardy’s mother an^ two «>lsters sailed for Europe on OotoiiRr 14 The boy’s father and graudfatber bellevt that tbe young man was killed for hb watch and whac money he carried. Tue; say he bad everything to live for. T*iej and tbe boy’s grandmother are heart­ broken. FUNSTON AND HIS M-'N WELCOMED. Cr >wd o f 50,000 in T apetca G reets th t jrig h tltts T w euU eth K ausa* ite g lw e u t. Topbe4, Kao. (Special).^Fifty thousanc pergoDS came to Topeka to welcome Gea arnl Funston and tbe Twentieth Kansiu Regiment. The special trains arrived late in the afternoon, and at sunset Colonel Uetcalf turned over the tattered and torn Sags of the regiment to Governor Stan­ ley, and General Fuustou received from Qeneral Hu isoa th.;: <S)100U sword presented by thu people of K lusas. In a bhor.; speech uf aoceijcdnce. General funston said he preditfte I tiiat in one fear’s time tbo islaud uf Luzon will be as iciet as Mas.9aohusuit<i. “1 returu to .ilanlla,” said be, “and. un- .ess I get sick or dlsauled. I will not ra- curn until the war is over.” In tho eveuing an elaborate supper was lerved. FORCED H»S PARDON. Dlever Convict WMi:<a O ut of the Texas Penitentiary ITuinole^teU. AUST12T, Tex. (Special),~Investigatlon 9y Goveroor Sayt'rs and tbe State peai- lentlary officials shews tbat the es^pe ot George Isaacs, a ilfe convict, from tbe tthsk penitentiary by means ot u torge 1 pardon, wai one ot tlie most temartcabtela :hecri>nliial annaln of tite State. Isaacs W'llked out of the pri.-'On f^ates on September aud the prison official!* sup- p6s3d ihat hU pardon was legal until a few day>-a*{o, witea, by mere cimnc€, the kttentiun oC'S'Mhiruor S iyer.5 w.i4 call>«.l to ihe f.ict that -m. y-.:-* at large, and olaimed to have \ine I. Admiral Uewey'i St,. I l>iuly lICOp 7S7 a 12o.^m 112 p 1U3 p 203p S24p 815p laOp 532 p S4S p 6U0p 68 0 p 712p 71rtp 7 88 p 828 p 840 p 915 p p 10 to p O 900 pfir •>. 17 Km. Hq .» euia 68U • «:i»a «57 a 72J ■ 748a 8« a aSZJ a ‘•A” o.m. ••P” p.m. “M” noon- “N” alglit.' _ Cben)«nke Line Steamers in daily Mrricf 'ber^MU ho. toik nnd fca timore. Noa.a;andah-Dany. WasliingtoaaadSontb w«Hi#rn Vf»ttlm.e Umited. Throogh Pollma* and New OrJSIT** 'j* W a^gton, AtlaTjta and Montgom ery^nd alw> hetwren New Yoi* and Vemphi« vteWatiilngioa,AllanteandBltmingham. A.M L.J4JiAiti OOoSBVA ITON CAIW betweei Athunaand New York PW«t-la»« 1 boronghfare meches betifm Waah ingumand Atiaiita. Umingoars aexraall m«M • M ronie. Pmimautiratring-room aleeuiar<!ar«between GrranslKm* and norfo k. Ckmw cm* »«tion nl Korfo k f«'r0LDP0lNTC0Ml-0’*T Nos. Jto and »i-Vnlted 8tat«a Fast Idau rnas soiid iio'waen Was.^icgton and Naw Or leans via Sombera Bai way. A. A W. P. B. li and L. 48 N. A. it., liehig comnoeed of baggacs car and cuaem^ ihnmsjh wiihoot change fur psmentrers of ail cias-VM. PuJlnaa drawing rmnn K.eei>intr 4«r>c between New York an I (mcouiA. »ii AtluniaaadliontcoBie*Tau . ^tween Otariot.e and bii-mingham. Aia>< ^llm an Dmning doom Bnffet sleepinaCsK K 'I w m d Aliai. a rad Asheville. N .C U aTin, ^axlnnginn each iS esday and Friday, a ............... run throngh batw«>«*uwashinjj .^lu l^iuiKmneldoo wit hunt ahaaga l>mm;<^K <4ur.«ialJ im-a loorouie.JJoa. 11,3J. .•« an i 1:!—^TreaTT'frteemBK ear londfuid phnrlo tc.Ti. Uanvlxbeiwe«m Uifi sou0ili.miij Nos. I) ..ad 3i. aorchboasd Hot M aari i:; f r a n k s. HANNON, i.K.CaU'!' TrafflcWaAhiugtoa. U. ii. WaaUngtoa. Ou' * «• H. HAKD WIOK.« pfiMH. AirV, Aw’tU ^^i'li'aM .A g'l,. , Voduutgluo, O.G. UBS. am<DBaD bizbh . (Daoghter of Mew. Wasiilngton UoLenn, wiio^ engagement to Aimiral J)*jwey has been announced by t* Admiral.) ^orto ItteoU Sitnllmrjr Ctemlitlon. Dr. George J. Grolt, Secretary of the Saperlnr Board ot Hnaith of Porto R'co, has written to the J^tato Bonni of H-nlth at Albany, N. Y., that no yellow fever or smalliiox now exists in the Island, nod t'm t eleht bandred thousand vaooin»tton«i M.t%*e bepn mad«*. Alabama Negr<> Lynebed. Andrew Slo^s, a oegro, was taken from Jail nt Conrtland, Ala., by a mob and hanged t« a tree on ttio oataklrt<« of the town. He was arrested a o*» «r te o(>s.at- taoklQgUrs. £. W. BuaT’^ near Moulton Pxom lneat Faople. Henri Bochefort has fought more than 200 dneN. Dr. JamesoQ has gooetoflght agatosl the BoHr.<<. General Qomf^ Intends to write a history of the Coban revolntioiiary warfare froa 18C8 to last year. Lord Rosebery has been elected r»*el-or o* Gias.'ow IJMivi*ri«itv b* 829 votes to 61v Tuten cast for Lord Kelvin. FrasMent Hndley, utYale, will not rela^ his pabllu writing on account of his ait- bompllon ot hi^ new dulle.-*. Prince Fretlerlck Anga«tn«, of Ravonv, while hnniing a few days ago, fell from lib bot»e aad fruolurod U lsskall, I H E N E W S E P I T O M I Z E D . Waaliiticron Item*. The Trensary surplns of about $3,000,OOi* forthellrsc quarier of ll»e current rihea* year was mote tlian «loubl«-d during tlm montii of Oi:to>i.T. Tim pnrjdus for the four months ended October 3i was iT.OlO,- 012. Chief Examiner Sorveo, of tho Civil Service O:i-ntnl.sslon. Iu his autpial rejiort, suv.h4'?,508 persons were examined for en- tran -e to the Oovermueut tt^rvlee. Not, quite seventv-llve per cent, of the caudl- datc 2> passed. A colonial b ireiiu wilt bo established in conneeiiou with tne War Departinont. Ptesident McKinley appointed Colonel Metcalfe, who .‘^ueceedcd G«n**ral Fun^tnix 111 conimnnd of the Twentieth Kansas V«d. nnfeert*, a Brigadl«*r General of volunteers by brevet for gallaiilry iu action at tbe luinga lUver. Tho r<»port of General GPorgeW. Dnvj«, 311 Itary Governor ot Porto liico, wus made public. Captain M. N. Dyer, who wns seiect<*d to succeed Ke-ir-.idmiriil Croin\?oll as coin- niiitidant of tlie Havana naval station, has ii.Hked to be ex-u.sed from oxcepllng the ap- |vointiue*'t. HU request is l>:i«ad on 111 health. Ills wish wa-'i uceedad to. O u r A dopted lalftndt. Tho transport ZeahiDilla, with t!ie Twon - ly-filntli Volunteer Kcgimout on board, ha? arrived nt Manila. Tho Rrttlsh i«tt*amer Lebann, of Ilona Kong, 500 tons, wltli a prize crew from the United States gunboat Castiiie on board, nrrlved at Jranlla. Siio wts captured while runrlog tiio blockade of Zamboanga, Filipino insur*tents aro reported grcatlv de-noruUzed by General Young's rapl<l ad­ vance northward in Luzon; on Negros W- uud conditlon.s nro reported more peaceful tban In twenty years. Oovernor-Getieral Brooke at Havana has reeeived a petition, signed by a nutnber of Cuban far nerjs. ui^jiug protection agalusi ArneriCHU corn. James Ander.<on King, Minister of tho Interior of the IlHtvaliuu Inlands, died of apoplexy while bathing. Tlie Hawaiian I-lantl.-are h iving trouble fr*)in ilie tnllnx ot C'iine:»e. Miny of tlm itnmigrants are seeWing ad'ulttauce to the Unite I .Stiites vIji Ilonolulii. The ol'jact of G irioral Oiis’s next oam- palgn woiil'l he, it I*: said, to gain posses­ sion of tho eiitj’-e Hue of the railron'i. General Olis bus informed the in.^nrgenl'-' tlia*: no H'-gotialIons are necr-Msarv over tlie r'lleaso of S;>a;>isli (iriKOtiers who nro ill. Thev will be gladly WHieomedntlUo Amorl* oau lines and cared for. ItncnttNtic. Tilo Norway ('to.) Savings UanV, which has beeo closed two months, will rc.sum'' shortly. The Philadelphia Mint coined ovoc 23,- 000,uOO ple<‘cs of money during Oo'tobcr. An explosion ot flour du»t In the ^^ow l^igland milU, at Olileago, resulted in th” death of three jinrsonn aud the de.4tructlon Of t200,0<H) wortii of property. Tbe dead arc: Jos)pii B. Do.;tor, l>.'irn fore nan; Fi'anklin M. ft u h o u , proprietor, aad Henry Hilton, bookkeeper. In an icebox at t^e Morgao in New Vork Citv, a live c'liM wan found a'n'>ng the dead. Tlie chil I’.-i pareats were Italians. The Chic tg<) police roscuo I Q uler Oowle fron a -nob wuicU was bs-jlegiug bis O ik Park C iurch. In a liurrlel drive across the country nnar O ea'ia. N^b., to keep an appointment, C douHl W. j. Bryan’.s e irrlaore wa<» over­ turned nnd the ocjupauts were thrown out and somewhat Injured. The S'latnrock, accomnanlol by the Bti'am yac'it Ect'i, starto I fro n New York Harbor on her homeward voyage. The' United States tran<toort City ot Puebla Jirrlved nt San Francisco, twenty- Beven days from Manila, bearing sick and dtscharged soldiers. Seveu enlisted meu died on tho way. The new battleMiIn Kentucky bad a trial trip oulsido the Virginia Capes, in a s:ron*; wind nnd heavy sea, and withstood all le.^ts iu n satlsrnotory manner. The sew Russian cruiser Varlag wa<> Iflunched witli religious ceremonies at Crumps* ^hlpyard. in Phiiadolphlti. Mrs. EllTiaheth Eidwell, ot AU*xandrIa, Va.. whose age wai« fully 100, Is d'.*a'l. Shi* vividly re(>,*)UHd the ndvunco of tue British on Washington in 1812. Tlie Georgia Honf^e ha.«» rejected a bill prohtbbing tlio use of railroad passes by Stato olTicial.«. George Hermann, a former of North Slephfutown, N. Y., w<fnt to tbo bome of )irs. Bhoda'Horion, Hiso of Stephentown. An I'firainent ensued between Hermnns, Mri>. Horton ami her daughter, Eii^a Jane, and finally Hermans shot botli women, killing t"em. Hermans then Aliot himself twice, bnt will live. Jealousy is the cause of the crime. Hermuus has a wife and six eblldren. B. B. Jennings, Treasurer of the Broad Way cable Hoe ot St. Louss. Mo., wa>‘ robbed while on n car in t!>at cil v ot #1043 In cash and 148,750 in otieoks. The thieves escaped. Former Countv Treasurer Frank F. Par­ ker, ot Nevada. Mo.. found guilty ot em­ bezzlement ot$26 000 of county funds, has been sentenced to three years nnd six monthn In the penitentiary. In a flg’it at Providence, R. I., WlUIa n H. Walls IcHlcl Elward Piitierson, u rela- tivH wiio>a he Win visiting. P.itterso!) w.as ehoked to death. Both meu had been drinking. Ottmar Mergenthaler, the Inventor of the linotype lypo'setting machine, died of con- ^m pllon In Bilii'n<>r'. H j was boru in on May 10, 18.j 4. AnehTiratotat tlio Low-iU bleae’«orv in L)well, H-is-*,, h»l4 u few days ‘ago, k-liUm- Johu O’Srlex au'l serlnii'ily'injiirliig R, J. Gargau nnd E Isvard McCl'JUglirv. Asqnadof 100 sailors and marines lefi Boston bound for New York Citv. fteir tlmate de-iiiniitio’i beia<; tiio P 'ilip HnM Isl­ and**. TIih innrineH. flftv-sis In irom'-Hi Will be tnk«tii to Cavite on the Unite Sta'es ship BuiTilo. T lo sal'ocs will j;o di­ rect ovcriaud to Siu Frauclsco. Koratdn. Italy nnd Germany have ngrec.1 to renew tli-*Ir alllanc''. In a collls oa near Tho'nars, France, t« emt>|oye^ of the railroal compauy wer killed and llfteeu Itijnred. Bich gold deposits h'lva been di>4<>overe' on tite northwesteru shore oC tho 0!£uotsL Sea, Siberia. M. de^VItte, Russian Mlnlslorof Finance Informed oredit Instltullons that ltu<isia’ financial con iltlou was better tliuu that o France or Great Britain. Mr. Smith, nn Amerinan engineer, nn<' Oth«r members of an engineMrlng part» working at Maduica F ills, in NicarigU' iinder the direction ot the United State Canal Commlssioo, were drowued duriag r Kecant floo«* The i*tiegiap1i lines to Bogota, c iplial o Co'omida, Imve been eat by the .nsnrgenk General Castro, leader of the Vrtit»>anH|ii revolution, has roraialiy bloekad'ed Pan Caheiio, the only port no; occuplei by hi forees. Tho launching ot British (Ir-t-ola haitle<>blp Venernble at' Cnn'tm n.E fil i'i was ncco npnMied bv* {•c-^ies ol Quii'niii) e thu'iiasm. Tue ciirls’eolag was porfor e • h. \ln*. Jo'^ei'hCh imherl'iln (‘‘orinerlv .'t' Eo llfiolt, of WashingtoM), who wa< ncco i paoied by her husbaud. They received ; great ovation. T h e U ritis h lo s s e s u*^ t o b n t 'n e t ln<^bi I I n g t h e di-n*»t«* iit T ,* lv * l il h iu S i u l Africa we- • • • • i «• • CyeUnc NotM* A brake !• to be Introlaeel whleh acts & the rear wheel by pressure of t'te aaddle. A bicycle geared to 241 will be sent totU*- ?arl9 Exposition. Tue front ppro^ket eon kins sixty teetli and tbe rearaprock }t sev- nteen teeth. A eom pnny has b aea form ed n t T o r ntn ^ n t., to tak e o ver th e rig h ts n nd buslne- »( fo u r larg e bieycle coucerus doing buai aess in C anada. Acflonllng to an English antliorliy, t- rheeling courier has »eeu wt worciu i rrnnsvaal war. an I it l-« id ilu t wi: he.'<> :*ie hixtorv ef rh-t affair U eiosH.l ihe pit ;iOfi ot tlm oyi;le lu llit ii y oper i io i» v% he mueii more clearly approjiato I in'i t pre«etit. lOST 111 PHILIPPINES P relim iiiary R ep o rt o t th s C om m is­ sion lO th o P resid en t. INDEPENDENCE NlVER PROMISED T he C om m ission D eclares W a r M ast He C on tin u ed U ntil th o In su rg e n ts Aro S ub d u ed —O ur W lthilr.»vral F ro m th e Isln n tls 'W ould AIe.iu Atiai'Cliy. th a V realdenL’s C om m <a»louers l> eclare. ■\VASHiJtGTOS, D. a. (Special).—la ac- cordaucu with tbe uutlcrslauding reacbeJ at a coufereuce at tbe White Hou^e, thu Phillpidne C«>minis:>iou has subtolLted to ttie President tlie preliminary report which it had prumiscd to pret'uru. The report apptar:» to be a uvuipact sa:n' mury of coudltioas ou tho islauds us thu commlsisioa left thoji; of the bistunca' eveuts which preceded the Spaulsti war and iod to tie orlgt lal rillpluo lusurroc tlou; of tbe excimugoi between Admiral Dewey aud the other American co niuand* erti aud me iu.^urgeutb; thu breakiug uuc uud progress o( tUe presuut iusurrecitou, and, Ilnady, a statemwut of the capaoiiy of tue Ftlipiuo.s for self-govcru'ueuc. A uoiable fealtire of the report Is a me.no- rnndum by A lmlral Dewey oxplauatory of bis relations witu Agulnaldo. T u e iiie in o r a n d u - n is a s fo l.o w i!: “Ou April 21, ISOi, tno following cipher disjpatcu was romnved at Hong lioag Iroai Mr. E. Sponcer Pratt. Uulted Slates Cou- Dul-Gcueral at Siugapure: ‘.Agulualdo, iu- Bjrgeiit lea ler,liore. Will co.ne HougKon^, jirr.ingo with Coniiuodoro for goucral co- operation of iusur^uuts iu Mauila, it de- bire.l. T«legr.tph I'ratC.’ “Ou tho ijauto day Commoilore Dcwoy telegraphed .Mr. IVait: *i’.3ll Agulual lo come 300U as po?siuie,’ tiie nece^ity f it iiaslo U(diig duo to tUe lact thal the .sqiiad- fou had beea noulle l by tlie Uoug l£ »ng (aoV'Tiiiuent to leave tao^e waiters uy thu fo.l')rt’icig day. “ T iio s iip ia d r o n lo f t H o a g K o n g o u th e in o r u in g o f th e h , a u d .U irs B ly o u tiio 2 7 tii. A j j u i n n d o d l d n o t le a ^ ’e d ia g .ip i^ re iiiitU tli e 2St;U , a n d s o d l.l u o t a r r i v e lu H o n g K o iig tu tit u e t o U u v e a c o u f u te u u e viiui m e U o u i iio - io r a . “It had been uponed to th.i Coinmodoru as early as ^atcu 1, hy the Uuliuil States CuusUi ut Manila aud otiior.-<, ;Uat tUe l''ill- pluos hnd bt'Okt'U out iuto iusurre.:liou ugalnsl the Spauisu autaority in ciie vleiu- ity Of Mauila, aud ou Marcu <10 Mr. ^V^ill- iams bad telegrapu, ‘rivo tiiouaand reoels armed iu cauip ucar city. Loyal lo us iu case of war/ “ Upou tiie arrival of tlio squadron at .Manila it was found tliat there was no in* surrectiou lo speak of, aud It was accord* lugly decided to allow Agulualdo to cojic to Cavite ou board thu McUuUoch. “He arrived with thirteou ot his staff on May ii), uud imuiediaiely cauieon board the Olympia to cull ou the commander-iu- oliiof, after whleu hu was allowed to laud at (javite aud organize au army. Tuls was douo with thu purpose ot atreugtheulug the Uulted Status forces and weakenlug thodeof the euem . “ No alliance of auy kluJ was eatored in­ to wltit Agulualdo, uor w.is auy pro.nldeof Indepeudeiiue made to him, thou or at any otner time.*’ The report 'ells iu substance how the Filipinos attacked the Spani-<h and bow Geueral Aauersou arrived and Aguiuahlo •It his reciuest moved fro m Cavite to Ba- coor. Tne commission blames Agninaldo en­ tirely for the rebelllou, aud says: “Deploratle as war Is, tbe oue in which we are now eugaged was unavoidable by us. We were attacked by a bold, adven­ turous aud oukhusiaatlo army. No alter­ native was ieft to us, except ignoinlnous retreat. Wnatuverthe future ofthePnillp* [ilues may be tuere is no course open to us ■low except the prosecat'ou of thu war uu- 111 the iusar.ionts are reduced to aub- ulsslou.” The • ilorts at oonclllatlon with Aguln> ildo and his various commisslon<} are set forth in detail. Tuesecomuilr‘sloners were issurod of tho leuellceut purposes of thu Jiilted Stales and the iVeaideui’s rtutdl- le s s to graut the Filipino people a s large a Treasure ot hone rule and as ample Ub- •!rty as cou«iSkeut with the euds of govern- nent, “subject ouly to the recogultlou ot Ine sovereignty of the United 8tnte.s—a point which, beiug establlshe I, the oom- mission Invariably refused even to dls- JUSS.*' 'riie commission adds that nothing came )t the negotiations and that co belter proof could bo lurulshed that the primary )bjecl of Aguiualdo’s s.ruf^ilu Is not, as is preteude.l, the liberty oi the Filipino peo­ ples, but thu continuance of his own arbi­ trary and despotic power. Regarding the capacity ot the Filipinos for self-government the report says: “ Tbe Filipinos are not a nation bat a variegated asseinblnge of diftereut tribes and peoples, and their loyalty is still of the tribal type. As to their general In­ tellectual uapacUies, the commission Is disposed to rate them high. But except­ ing In a limited number ut persons tnoso 3apauUIeH have not beeu developed by ed* aciii ion or experience. The mas.ses of tbe people are uuelucated, *‘Siiould our power by any fatality bo wltndniwn tbe commission believe that tli«i Uovernnient ot the Philippines would Hpe>{dlly lapi»e Into unarciiy, wUleit would excuse, If it did uot ijece.‘>sUatu, the later- ventlou of othor powers uud the evoutful illvi-<{ou ot the Islands among them. “ *Ve cannot from any point of view o.s- ^ape the ro'<poa*4l<>itity of government wiilcb our .sovereignty ontiills, and the ro ntnlsslou is Hlroiigiy persiia led that the I*-rfonna ice of our national duty will •rove the greatest bIcSHinx to the peoploc* of tlie Philippine Island-?.” Tlie Com ui-sloimrs ilistnl^s t!»o reports of the desecrating of churches, the mur- I'erlng of prlsouers, clc., with the ns- eriion that tiiey arc {.'lad to express he belief tbat a war was never more -unauely conducted, adding: “If •hnrciies were oceiiide I It was only as a •illlt iry n ce.'*sity, and frequently at er lelr use a^ forts by the insurgents baa lade It neuessary to trilii our nrtlllerv ipou them .’ Tue report extols tho • aiue ail I ric'iness of the lslau<U and their ‘om'nandhig geoi;rap ilcat position, and .?onclude.s: “ Waeu petco an I prosperity 'mil have been e.stablNUe<l throug'ioat tliH irchlpelago, when educ itlon ultall have •ecome genHr.i*, then, la the langiiago of a e-i llDg Filipino, bis people will, under our .Alliance, ‘become more Amcricau thau -he Atnericaus thetnselvei.’” Trie report Is signed by J. G. Schurmnn, <leorgH Dewuy, Cuarles Douby and Deau 0. Worcester. K itlin a ro o f A lask a’s Go’d O utpnta The estimated gol 1 ontpnt tro a Atlio, \laska, for the year was 91,239,0.IJ. S ir T h o m tu Sai1«il Ftar IS nclaia^ Sir Thomas Lh^ton jiailed for England ou .Se American £lne Steamship St. Lints roin New York City. The pl**r wasorowda I rith thu friends of the poimlar (ris'i knight nd they «lie**rol eut tii-dastlcI'ly ns t-ie leaner pullf.l o t into the strea.u au i tarted ou the long voyage homo. K ills Ills W ife n nd T hen Ifim ^ eir. Andrew H. Patterson, a railroal decee- Ive ill the ninployot the Illinois Ceotral Jo-npanv, at <^hlcai{o, shot ae-lkHlel hU rife, and theu killed nl n-elf. Jealous* m tho cuuja o' tUo tfajjoJy. M a la In sa n e b y Cro««-tiis«tlnnln*r« Mrs. EfRe Bay, the mother ot ftve a nal! ‘htl Iren, was arriigaed in a inluor court -c Whetdliig, W. y t., u fo.v d lys ago a.4 de« end'Autlt a ci-'e iuvoWiu^ a n-ilgajjc- • ooii quarrel ot b-tt little l.n»orcauc<). A ■^vero er.»-«.s*qii stloning is a ltd to Uave s* * ■reyed upon iier mini lUat It beean • ■‘range I. tfhe wa-t la'X‘m to tUo onuty iM, a violent maniac. She had alta.upte > i Choke herbaiiy, au Infant of b-it a few lOntha ot age, autl repeate lly ende ivorn I • get out Of liHC roj a and go to the river, vsaeiitiy with the laceutlou ot committlug ■uinidM. JUDGE SIMONTON’S DECISION. H ands D ow n an O pinion in th e RiUl- road Cases. Judge Sinionton’B opinion in the tax assessm ent case, in wliich lia CT-ants an injunction against th e cor­ poration commissicu, Auditca: aaa T r e a s u r e r to prevent the levied for 1899 from being collected on fcne Southern SeabDard A ir Lina. At­ lantic Coast Line and A tlantic and N orth C arolina railroads, and directs th at She assessm ent ot 1897 raall stand, is a long one, m aiiing five newspaper columns. The . allesation by the railroads was th a t In m alting the ass.e3 smcnt, the corporaton com­ mission had exceeded iU pow er; th at the mode o t assessm ent was so dif­ ferent from th at as to other property as to there being egual protection ot ;aw; th at there is system atic under­ valuation of property ot'ier tihan ra il­ road property and th at rallroau property is valued higher than tta t of individuals. The questions raised are Federal questions, under the fourteenth am endm ent. Each case de­ pends upon the construction and ap­ plication of tho II. S. constitution. If the staltittes under which tihe cor­ poration commission acts conflic. with the ITnited States CDnstitution, then the commission and Stalte oUl- eers. acticg under its proceeding, may be enjoined. The question as to whether the commission has power to levy asses.s- ment on tlie property ot railroads is decided negatively. The act ot 1S91, creating 'the railroad commission, gave it no power to levy assess- mcsts That act was effective iu April, while the machinery act ot 1S31, which gave power to the com­ mission to assess, was ratified in March. It therefore amended the commis.sion act. It would be an anomaly if tho amending act should precede' the act amended. The legis­ lature of 1899, in creating tho cor­ poration commission, declared that It should perform all duties and exer­ cise the powers imposed upon the railroad commission by chapter 32, acts ot 1S91. but that chapter con­ fers no power to assess. Chapter 687, acts ot 1S97, authorizes the rail­ road commission, corpopation com­ mission, or such Ijoard as shall suc­ ceed to their duties, to assess prop­ erty which has escaped taxation. This act recognizcs the existence ot the railroad commission and its powers and leaves to intei’ene^ entirely the idea tbat one is substituted for the other. It no other act crea,tes the corporation commission into a board of appraisement and assbssment ot railroad property, this act cannot do so by indirection. It must 1)6 borne In mind that the legislation now under discussion is not remedial legislation. In conclusion the Judge says that on the whole the conclusion cannot bo resisted that either intentionally or accidentally' the corporation com­ mission was not clothed with the power of appraising and assessing railroad property, and that its at­ tempted action, herein complained of, is without authority of law. Saturday Clerll of Court Riddick received Judge Simonton’s opinion in the-above case. The proposed as­ sessm ent would increase - the rail­ roads’ assessm ent $9,000,000. It Is construed here th a t the decision means an Injunction granted until a hearing. The clerk sent the opinion (12 pages) to a printer, so as to have It ready Monday morning. It is to be regretted, that this con­ clusion renders unnecessary the dis- cU'SSron of the merits of the case, presented so ably and fully by coun­ sel on both sides. The conclusion reached, while It stops the hand ot the court, now simply postpones the decision on the grave questions un­ derlying the case. This postpone­ ment, however, will not operate ta excuse the complainants from the payment of taxea. The provisions of the revenue act ot 1897 are in full force and taxes therein provlde-i must be paid. State News Notes. Sales of gold mining property in the John's river gold fields in Burite and Caldwell countica within tho past two weeks aggregate about J15,- 000. Besides the sales already com­ pleted, a number cf tracts are held under option. Walter Brem has ne­ gotiated the sales for a Virgiaia mining company. The amount of apples placed on tho North Wllkesboro market Is enor­ mous. The price paid is from 20 oents to 45 cents onjy for the finest of apples. The Atitorjiey General decidcs that SpaTks circus is by law to pay 550 tax to the State and S50 to the coun­ ty for each day it performs. The owner of the circus says he caainot pay this tax and v/ill leave the State. State Auditor Ayer says the re­ turns from the counties show a grati­ fying increase ot taxable values this year. These figures v/ill not appear in this year’s report, but in that ot 1900. So tar the returns are in from 57 counties and these show an increase in the value ot retd and per­ sonal property over 189S of J9,833,- 000. The quadrenniial assessment is made this year and the increase is due perhaps, the Auditor thinks, to good work by the assessors in some ciiunties. Every one of the 67 coun­ ties shows an Increase, ranging from $1,000 to over $1,006,000. Mecklen­ burg leads, with $1,200,000, Increase. OtJher counties showing the- largest increase so far reported are Bun­ combe $596,000, Forsyth $549,000. Rowan $538,000, Beaufort $468,000. T he terrific windstorm, which pre- vai’.led along the coat, struck Raleigh. * nuro>'<-.- ot trees and fences were llown down while signs and awnings were injured no little. The wind at­ tained a velocity of over forty miles an hour. Stone is being takem from a quarry near Hillsboro to fuimish the ballast for the North CaroXDi railroad be­ tween thi.3 city and GoUshoro. T h h read will also be equipped with hc-ivler rails doring the comine winter.— Grecasbopo Telegpa»n. Messrs. Stokes Penland and J. h . Hyam s, who have recently moved to Llnvllle ^ I s , Burke county, ars making extensive Improvements there. They intend to m ake thi> place a summer resort. It has an elevation ot 3,700 feet, and Is wlthlr a half-mile of Linville Falls a.nd or Llnvllle Cave. By the way, this cavt h3s recently been explored for mor> I'li'sn a mile, and Its extent Is still ? matter of guess-work. It is holbwer- S n , limestone cllfTs unde- H um pback’ Mountain, In MoDowor cottaty. End there are many sUlactltf and staglamitea. -acutp OUR iNCPiEASED EXPOETS ONE O F PRO - ■ T E C i IV c p o l i c y . will. Expandlne Kiport Alanx W ^ UitK« 1“ t<‘o I’ur- of KorelBO Mnl.rlal. . U ..d iu D„me.llc Jl«Dar»clure.. O ne of the results ofthe restoration of the protective policy which free “ ! fiud great diificulty in explain- tiader marked increase in the ^nmuioilities forms the mn]or por- o n T e increase of Ss8.00u.000 in ke imports lor the iiist eight months ‘,7 , 099 09 compared with the corre- 1 . W oeriocl of 1898. While the iSnorts of the eight months ending rifh ingnst are eightj-eight millions larger than the very low imports ot t h e corresponding months of ast year Lports for the eight months exoeeil L about twelve millions the phennm- *.n«liv biffb fignresoftlie same months Uat vear It i« probable tbat the ex- portJof the calendar year 1J39 will be fhe largest of any calendar year in onr history wbile the imports, though m uch above last year are more thau thirty miilons below those of the eor- re ponding months ot 1897. Jt will b e C m e m b e r e d that the first six .months of 1897 were nnder the opera­ tion ot the Wilson-Gormau tree trade **In the growth of both imports and exports the mauufacturers of the country have had an important part. Indeed tho increase in exports is al­ most solely dne ‘I*® growth ot ex­ portation of mauufactnres, but for which the exports of tho year wonld fall below those of last year. As to the increase in imports, it is divided between materials for loauutaclnres and tropical food-staifa which wo are u n a b l e to supply from home produc­ tion. T he exDoriation ot mannfactures in the eight months ending with Aagnst is 315,000,000 greater thau in tho cor- repponding months ot last year, au increase of twenty-tno per cent. Dariug the eight month.i of 1899 tho export of manufactnres has averaged more thau *1,000,000 per day. includ­ ing Sundays and holidays, the total for the 213 days being $216,228,916, while in the same months ot last year tbe total export of manufactures was 1201,444,608. O f this increase in ex­ ports ot mannfactures, iron aud steel forms the largest export item, tha total value of iron and steel and their mannfaotures exported in the eight months ended with August being$6S,- 008,071, against $32,923,082 in tha correspondine mouths ot last year. Cotton mannfactures also show m gratifying increase, the exports ot the eight months of 1899 being $16,- 861,022, against $12,877,088, in tha corresponding months of last year, while the exports ot refined or mann- factnred mineral oil amount to $35.- 744,586, against $3I,3S3,637 in the eorrespondiug months of last year. .Tn importations tho increase is largely in articles nsed iu mauutae- turiug aud the classes of food-stuffs not lirodneed in tho (Jnited States in snf- ficient qnautities to meet local require­ ments. Most of these, whether m a­ terial for the manufacturers or food- I stnffd, are the product ot tropical or ' anb-tropical regions. Crude rubber ; shows an increase from $17,496,291 iu the eight months of last year to $22.- 971.396 in the same period of 1899; aunjaaufactared vegetable fibers, ia- olndiug hem p, sisal and jute, in­ creased from $11,939,146 to $14,377.- 758. raw silk from $17,010,942 to f23,- 8.59.914. hides and skins from $27,- 748,081 to $32,600,820, while raw cot­ ton, nnmannfacturetl tobacco, lumber and chemicals used in manntactorin;; also showed an increase. In food­ stuffs, cacao increased from 32,54.5,410 to *3,874,522, coffee from $38,748,443 to $11,632,301, frnits and nuts from $8,814,233 to $12,363,612, anil sngar from $53,974,078 to $76,385,210. I Tbe following table shows tha in- crpaae in importations iu the princi­ pal articles of foreign production used in mannfoc.uriu^; Eteht Eight months, monihs, Atticioit. 1803. isas. Bnw colton .................S'S.r.t'l.lll S4,0:H,S20 ToUncoo........................6.133.213 V.SIa.SOl Filwrs............................1I.9S9.14S U,37?,75i In.lln rubber ...............17.41S.4 H 22.35 ).3H Baw ulllc......................1CC:19 211 23 452.S(« H.a»3 iiail stiu s .........27.7-iS (IS4 3'2.Gtl0.s20 Olwmicals..................2S,G!>3,13J 23,093,055 The following shows the increase iu imporl'tioa of piincipa! articles o£ foodstalEi: EiRllt EiRht inotti hs, Tnonitis, Arllclos. ISOS. 1890. Rpifu...........................?l,r.8S,947 ifl,!!7J.flG7 OilMo (ciu.le)........... 2.GW.410 .1H74.52J •fen ............................. 0,1,'30,015 fl.797 liKi PnilUan.l uuts ......... 8,S112»! 12 353.61(1 Codon............................3H.74').H8 4l.U3i,30 Suirar............................W,074,b7i 76,S3,,2iU •l«a, deoreusu. Witst Ail,‘ 5fof.eaii^nro? There is prosperity in tho conutry. bnt unfortnuately it is confiued to the men w ith money. Those w ithout it have seldom , as a whole, been worse ofif. Even if they are em ployed the cost of living is great, so dispropor- tloned to tho scale ot wages paid th at they find it alm ost im possible to make ends m eet. These men begin to aux- ■only ask w bat is to become of them .— M cLeansboro Ximes. W o aro sorry to hear th at the labor­ ing mau of M cLeansboro are ia snch a oondition. H ere in Benton they bave work and seem happy aud cun- tented. In fact, it IS h ard to get hands when you \tant-som ethio{riIone. T his same rep o rt com es "from aTmqst every locality in th e State, and we can 't sea What ;s tb e m atter w ith M cLeansboro. ^ e am n o lin e d to think th at the only thinar th e m atter is th a t B rother ^an iels iieedn a dose of paregoric. Possibly he is vexed at having to cliange a five or ten dollar bill every lim e a farm er pays his subscription.— Benton (III.) Bepnblican. Spesrins with "Bolx.** Did you ever take a cork, stick hrough it a horseshoe nail, pnt on tho op of the cork two or three feathers, tie a long string around the cork and -hen spear for apples or potatoes? Just try It some time, and gee how pro- aciently and how straight yon can learn to throw the bob in a short time. The cork keeps the horaeshoo naU in W lthontallpplns and the feathera M rn to guUi Um bob tlirou(li tlw air. governm ent- rcv- SPleaau, Confoaiutg excessivc brut.iurf";’? t, and ignoraut coutL,? attention to the for September been so lar^rg fu.i will show a surplus the first quarter ot tli, Possibly cur reader,, ’• at the eud of July the fiscal year ",„',‘ World to fa s k C ,i» “ 'le exhibition of ment hnauces or the version ot factsm a long time. Ww, was totaketheJ„|y,,,5 ' that as a moiitblvuv.,, ’ figure out auasofemui;:* fiscal year a deHcitof n,i 000.000. At that ,i“"' to our Ignorant conif. July deficits alway, f which the Government i,, make in the openiu- l,/,'.: business year. Alsu° ,ve - * Democratic oroau.whiol,;" enemy of tbe Diu„:L , tho most ardent cbnm4„ aldo. that the July sboiin- ality a very fine one, m n’ that n-onth was saaliaf well for the future The September fi,lire.,,I,,. w e were right or uot, auj tu so emohatic a lessnu hoping that even psptr, or ignorant as the Worl.l in mind when discnssit. Federal revenue.s ami ot government aud According to the Wotl.l ' have had tor Septemliet i > more thau 88,000,000, uf quarter just cndiug a iWcij than $25,000,000. Tli« I hit the World in thepitot are that Ke shall hare for j. a surplus ot 87,000,000, asl' first quarter a surplus ol Need anything mor» hj York Press. ■“II I , « WlfecLUi,-' Uncle Sam — “ Whal's Ii little boy?" Little Boy— “ I ’m loclin:] father and mother. Nobc m e who they are.” U n d o Sam — “ Never iii-l boy. In yonr case it ini r. question ot parentaqeam'- cipline and restraint. Wt'Ij yon all right." Clear EnonrS. The laboring men win^'i Brjaoism shonld take mb J tioa this fact: Wheurr« | previcas tour througU t they could go ami liear I losing auy time wliaieTiJ jobs they didn't Lave. ' iudoBtrioiisly i»ieliiw«l day laborer will have to’-: his job or miss ibe 8|'ert'a son is clear eiioiitfii.-' Journal. ___________________ I f y o u n g w o m e n , in g th e m .s e lv e s o u t in r.^ r i e s o n b ic y c le s , w o u lil in j liftlt a f e w re c o n lK fir i- j m o th e r.') t h e r e w o u ld bef"' d i s c u u t e u t e d o ld tuniils. 80V. m L O R ’S f s s q L O V E L E n E R S .K 'iJ ' send 80 cents for ihr»^ moiit;. i -' l to T/zi' IlituilraUJ2 'outh -• I Ii.ich liitter U well illuslniuil. Tr* I to Uncle .Sam, Piiiltlcians, J lirnmnipr^, Fiddle: m, Flshpn'*''^ Spurtsmeu, t'undkatcs,Tlii y arc coticidorpa the If.-t \ comfi from Guv. Xaylor's 1tionas a 7vr/n-r, AumcrLi, cw;. --" UasujdeasthcworlditsiU'. T/.'e Illustralr-.i I'cvMt end A ' - j ioumil, l(itoo2 pajrt'S, t-vvot’.-"--1 RV, ADV2?fTL’KICS 1*V SfA Huaiou, BiooRAfiiv, Tkavi:.'. H m neral Information. PcjurC'J Childr.-n*g^ Jlflptrs', AttH^orf', etc. Only hiijh- prail.; iltustr.!:.- ’ nationrtl circulation puMUhcd '•y- a ^olJ watch, diamond rin^', or ' little work for us. Simple ccc The VoB' I anil .Age Fob. Co., M ^folktoi I O S E C O B so INTO WA [Avenue Was Left Open I the United States. |N£ COMMISSION REPOR s H istory of th e Troubla dds from th e O utbreak! jn aldo Insurrection Agsil glards to th e Present TIi] W B b E V IL U G q «!^1 OANOH D. C., Special.— In rith the understanding roa conference at the W i Philippine commission I to the President tho rrell t which it had prora;s:il ’he report appears to " mmary ot conditions ou I the commission left thJ -orical events which I Spanish war and led tnl lipno insurrection: ut I between Admiral D el er -\merican commanil |7urgents; the breaking T £3 of the prcsert Insurl finally, a statement ot I the Filipinos for skU-sJ notable feature ot th^I memorandum by A d n f iplonntory ot his rolail Im iSon tells briefly hoj the task entrusted to I temcnts from all classel janila as to the capibilff iip-nos for selt goveninJ and customs o£ the .HiJ 1C e.itabiishment ot m uJ lents in many town.s.l , is to be included ini ;. Turning to the historf the cpmmissiou atial ll-'tance to the divers rJ had preceded that of _QVement they declare I M sense an attempt to I ICC. hut solely to ohtaiJ tolerable abuses. To .nt they quote from id iciamation, issued at j •port then tells ot thd which ended b.v Spain I iiinaldo and his foiiad egan in 180G, and w.isj the treaty ot Biac-N'a-r ions of the treaty were I out; Sp.’.nish abuses bl Janila alone more iharj executed. Hence, spo irred, though they pjsl like the strength ol| ivement. then tells how G eneral B to M anila as g o v | ;his juncture and war i Spain and the U | istlne sought to aecuri the Filipinos to dJ ist America, promising J but the Filipinos did Then came the 1st of I itrticiion of the Spatiishl with the resulting lo j Spain. Then in June On this point the con 'he foilowing momorail ect was furnished the [ Admiral Dewey: •il ::4. 1898, the follcj ,.tch was received at Mr. E. Spencer P ratt, 1 insul general a t S inga| ;u, insujgent leader. ;o Honff Kong and arJ lore for general co-o| irgents a t M anila if d el p R A 'r bame day Commooore I Iphed Mr. Pratt-: |o come as oon as poiisj ’ for haste being due i Ke squadron had been I ■ Hong Kong governmcl 1 w aters tihc followini;| |n left Hong Kong he 25lh and Mirs Kay laldo did not leave pe i€th, and so did nd ng Kong in time to h] Vlih the adm iral, u l o the cotnmodorr larch 1st, by the 1 at M anila and other \ had broken out into i Inst the Spanish a u t| »y of Manila, and un ; ^lilam s had telegral pnd rebels arm ed in " LoyaJ to us in t 1 the arrival of the _ lla it was found therJ Bon to speak of and il ■decided to allow A gul T aviie on boad the [rived with thirteen o l 20th. and tm m edl ird the Olympia to c | |Uer-in-chief, by \vh*| ^ to land at Cavite ail ny. This was done fj jBirengthening tho and weakening th l |o alliance of any k in l T with Agulnaldo. noa I of Independenci! m J I at any other time.’ 1 Sion’s report then rJ n;« now historical. l | l^how the PilipmoM aitT pnd how General And |A;,'uinaIdo. at his rA Cavite bo Bacoor. SaJ “Now for the liritl I or national im lepenj sued a proclam atliol ok t.he responRibillJ ■ to his people, on behl •vem m ent. although 1 T In private converl r * , cabinet f pral Dewey nor any “d made him such pro l nen stai-es th at A gul ^ a c k the A m ericansf fcu but wJ FK of arm s and am i |h a t point on there I |lo n between the F tjl r*can troops. “Then says the reportl Beers of the PiUrrind 'With a view to Opel “P ^iard s, nor w asf J any kind. |w aa any preconcertJ combined movcmq ta le s troops and F iJ Spaniards.- Referenl iJdo s dem and tnatl and ta k l ■Spanlatda. The lat J T to confirm the stall ped to get possess.on I Americans. ^ of the hostile inte, pos Was found in til popular clubs.” 1 j-sned a local militia I •?5i. Congrel In 1! “ m ak iJ in evpry shop In pat a conaiderabie eil wished lident McKinley a r« ^ ‘iPinos (al , ^““^^rence was d if i a^sn ? ^*'^^iPPine3)l I f^ ™ be asked hJ LbU S, SovernmeJ Polish. But all th J S preparing to r w 4 Jw Hh Asuhiaiao 03 I b v E R N M E N T R-w , ' I «-ow.i;r7r^ I <^onroan.l. Fr„4°r.?‘’'« ■e risk ot appc»ri„ ''•■ r o l)rut.iUtT ? ® to u | “ to tlic G o v L-u ^ - Ite m b e r. The “L I 'a r g e th at the I *>«• a snrplus of §7 nnV"^ I qnarter of the ,7 ,“^ I of m ore than S2 000|l> lT o n r ,e a d e « ;» l>J>J of July, tijg If I year, we took ih„ ^ |o for the most ,, ' to n ot f-tnpulitj ahontr luanceaorthemost “ ‘ I cf facts which we h,', ' h Ig tim c . W'hatla k e the J u ly , l a m ontbIyaveia„e’ ‘!^.» I n t ami solemnly u L ? ' < lo tho excessive eip'.? | h e Government is „ ™ th e opening uioct? > 9 year. Also, we Iratico rR an which is, ■ o£ th e Dingley tirisl 1 st avdent cbam piott^^J Jhat the Jn ly b h o .i„g “I f ■ very fine one. as tba d- ■ onth W.13 sm aller than jj | r m any years and tliat (.3 I r the future. ^ Isep tem b er figures J J-e rip;lit or not. aud therl ■ obatic a lesaou tliat,’ t th at even papers bo » b ran t as the W orld mar J i . l w hen discussing rh.l | l revenues and oilier ' l-crnm eut aud ailiainL„ Im S to the World, I n d for September a d .d tihan S8.000.000, anj ( 3 ^ luft ending a deScU ai li!5.000,000. The (ac„; 1 V\ orld in the pit of He it lit »-e s!iall have for Sm llus of 87,000,000, and i lia rte r a surplus of $2 0 la n y tb in g m ore be saiili iTres.?. lockia? Nobody c ever minJ, I Icie S am — “ W hal’« the ] boy?” |tlc Bo y — “ I ’m ■ and mother. Iho they are.” S a m — “ Ni In your case it isn't M lion ot parentage as of lie and restraint. W (‘ |>ll light." Cl^ar Eiioath. lie laboring m en who sUl! I [nism should take iutotr |tl.isfact: W b e u K r i lious tear tbroagU tliii n could go and hear liBd | g any time whatever !■ T they 'liduH bave. N'oH Istrioiisly iuclinml i llaborer -vill h»ve to “ Ut |job or 1UJS8 ibe 6i'e**cb IS clear euoutjh.-r lu a l.______________ I young w om en, instead rfj Jth«‘iuselves out in lo u l.it'Vfles, "wonhl ^*7 ^ 0 few reeonlB f*rW p^ • r;-! lh»*re \voal<l ^>6 f ('Uiemed old muuls. I :;y f'jn O A F E D IN IM S i f O R F O L K T O l \CWSECOA X o m F R O M i p . B E V I L t C e n a J ’ R O A N O K tfl fcE D IN T O W A R . fAvemie Was Left Open to ite United Stales. ,|S'e1 o }I.HISSION r e p o r t s . 5te History of th e Trouble In sods irom the O utbreak ol In jio Insurrection A gainst aiards to the P resent Tim e. . ri 7 r,! r, //.i r r r f Z , tie-■•orM ilsclf. '' . ■rntf.i y. tdh cudIOlo-55 p:i;m 5. <^evotcUtor^ v;.vr- Kiii 1.V Sea. and . Bv> .JtAl'HV, TRAVE'-S,J^I '.i Dt-iarusc^ I'r/'V . ih!fcr.\ A n ilo n \J -^ i.i VL-^ich. diatcojiri rinj, or bj fx^orkJ. rus. :*'inpie cops |cv ion tt.i\d Aee l ob. Co.» I lia^on, D. C.. S pecial.-In ac- I ths understanding reach- |m conference at the W lutc PhiliPI>‘”e commission has to the PresiJent the prelim- t» rt prom :s:d to 1 The report appears to bo a L„-nmar>- of candiUons on the /.= tlie commission left them ; Ihi-torical which prc- I , o„,ii:e1i war and led to the 1 rinn'no insurrection: of tho between Admiral Dewe.v f'^-'ipr American commanders insnrgents: the breaking oat * ' ° if the present insurrfcc- ® jcallv. a stati-.ment ot the l' U ttie Filipiios for salf-sovc- [ i notable feature ot the re- ‘memorandum by Admiral ■ cpVnitwy ot bis relations t e r i o n tells b r ^ how it £ i tlie task entrusted to 1>, rS-i'isfats from all classes of . .'M'la as to the capibil:tic3 tii’iiinoi for self-government, Jr.- -nj customs of the people. V.he”c;iaW:sbment of munici- | , ‘ ,jls in many towns. All l i r” i-" to be included In the f-r: Turning to the history ot t commission attaciirs r,i'-='nce to the divers rebsj- I'fh 'nail p-.ecedcd th at ot 1S96. T, Qcvemcnt tliey declare that t ED =--nse an attem pt to w:n but solely to obtain le- TVjtcieraKe abuses. To susta n tbey quote from aa in- Jn'^rc'iaiiiation, issued at tb= t -eport then tells of the m- , ;;hic!i ended by Spai.i buy- ..raialdo a=d his followers. J in 1S3C. and was tsr- Ibr the treaty ot Biac-Xa-Ea.te. li^oa-- of the treaty were nev- I'oiit; Sp.'.nisb abuses begM ,c Manila alone more iJian 200 U esecuteii. Hence, sporad.c Curred. though they possess- , jig like the strength of the ,i Imoveaent. li-.n then tells how General An- ■an'e ta Manila as governor t this juncture and war broke it..-. STiain and the U.ilted llnsnstine sought- to secure the Tct the Filipinos to defend lain.st America, promising them fr. but the Filipinos did not ji’ Then came the 1st of May El'.slruc--ioc ot the Spanish fleet wi;h the nssultins loss of ItV Spain. Then In June Agui- e. On this point the commis- -The following memorandum libject ivas furnished the com- ly Admiral Dewey: Ipnl 24. 18»8, the following tpatch was received at H ors ini ilr. E. Spencer Pratt, Unii- I consul gtneral at Singapore: lioo. insuigent leader, here. _e to Hong Kong and arrange tmodc^’e for general co-opera- isurRfents at Manila if desired. PRATT.'* esame day Commouore DiW- jraphed Mr. Pratt: -Tell 0 10 come as oon as possible,” bity for haste being due to the [ the s<guadron had been noti- ke Hong Kong government to bse waters ihe following day. [dron leit Hong Kong on the (f the 25lh and Mirs Bay of the iiinaldo did not leave S.nga- 1 ibe :Cth. and so did not ar- ^ocg Kong in time to have a Aiih the admiral. It had the commodore as 1 March 1st, by the United ilat Manila and others, that s had broken out into insur- the Spanish authority ^niiy of Manila, and on March I Williams had telegraph d: lusand rebels armed in camp ■city. Loyal to us in case of p o the arrival of the squad- p ila ii was found there was ^tion CO speak and it was By decided to allow A^uinaldo lo Cavi-rt on boad the McCul- larrived with thirteen of his ^ay 2vth, and immedia!el> loard the Olympia to call on kapder-in-chief. by whom he ■eti to land at Caviio and or- ■arn:y. Tr.I.s was done for the sirengthenlnff the Unii-ed fees a;.d weakening those of J. *N'o alliance of any kind was ho ttiih Aguinaldo. nor was Jis*- of icdependencc' made to lor 21 any o:hc-r time.’ ” Iraspsion's report then rapidly ■V5n;s DOW hiscorical. It tells how the Filipinos attacked ■n and how General Anderson Asuina’ido. at his request. Cavite i>o Bacoor. Says the |n: -Xow for the first time Gea of naiinnal indeper-denoe. 1 issued a proclamatiion, in l icok the responsibility of ■•t to his people, on behalf of government, although ha ad- f y in private conversation Xbers of his cabinet that pniral Dewey nor any other Tad made him such promise.'^ J tnen .states that Aguinaldo ■ attack the Americans when r at Paranaque, but was de- l*ack of arms and am muni- f! Poi.it on there was a [J^ciion between the Fnipinos T ^'‘‘can troops. “There wero says the report, “be- ■officer^s of the Filipinos and ’ a view to operating Spaniards, nor was there ' of any kind. • • • • waa any preconcerted op- ■any combined movement by 1 butes troops and Filipinos f Spaniards.” Reference it P ‘" f Jo's demand th at he be I iMt Manila and take the Spanlaids. The latter de- r “ ■“ oonflrm the'statem ent 1, ? POEseaa.on of ti.e r u ■*^“'ericans. Fur- iice of the hostile Intentions •P.nos was found In the oi- In, '.- clubs," which mlllUa to at- I **'e *dlpino Congress are I S ueli as the malting o: I " shop In Manila, fc “ “•Iderable element f;”“ Wished to ad- a request Tar?, fldplno. (at tbll [f„ eonference was dlscuss- fa l Philippines). The bis de- Eovernment he m SS. ® ““ “I thii th ®»d it was Cnd!; * ,‘S““ « the lack of n. w arrivt^*7,'“ ’ intentions, purposes and Filipino people. This brings the stoi^y up to the outbreak on the evening ot the 4th of Pebru.-iry, with the au-ack iilioii the American troops follonir.e ina iction of the Nebraska •‘sentinel. T.lr. coirntission, in concluding this chapter, says: ‘’Dcplorablft as war is. the one m which wc are now engaged was un- a\o:dable by us. W e were attacked hj a bold, adventurous and enthusiastic army. No alternative was left to us, except ignominous retreat. U is not to be conceived of that any American would have sanctioned the surrender of M anila to the insurgents. Our obliga- ticnv to other nations and to the friend­ ly Filipinos and to ourselvca and to our naK demanded that force should be met by force. W hatever the future of the Philippines m ay be, there is no courae open to us now except the prosecution of the w ar until the Insurgents ai'e re­ duced to submission. The commission |3 ot the opinion that there has been no time sinc-e the destruction of the Span­ ish squadron by Admiral Dewey when It was possible to withdraw ocr forccs from the islands, either W ith honoi to ourselves or safety to the Inhabitants. Tho conimission then takes up the condition of the country at the time of their arrival, comparing It "'Ith the cci.dilions existing at tne time they left, a short time ago. A vivid picture is given of the anarchy existing among th^ Inhabitants in and about* Manila during the early spring. The report then speaks of the issuance of the com­ mission's proclam ation and the good affect it had on public sentiment. The nai'I”es, accustomed to Spanish prom- ist^. urged upon the commission that acts, Instead of promises, should be given them. As result native law coAiris were established and this greatly aided in the restoration of public confidence. The* flow of population soon began to sei toward the city. Natives who had tied from their homes returned. As shewing the l.m itcd scope of the rebel- lioi;, the commission staled: "We learn­ ed that the strongest an:i-AmerIcan feeling was confined to the Tagalo provinces, namely, Manila, Caviie. L.a- guna. liatangas. Morong. Bulucan. Xueva Ecija, Principe. Infanta and Zcir.bales. It waa strongest in the first six named and hard.y existed in the last fcur. The populaiion of these provincts is estim ated to be about 1.500.000, but it should not- be supposed that even in lh€ six provinces immediately adjacent to M anila the people were united in variab.y rtiused even to discuss*” The commission adds that nothing came uf tho n€got!al‘or.s, as Aguinaldo> emis­ saries v;ere without power and merely came, anil came ai:ain. Cor information. The report sums up the result of tho33 I'ruiUes!? exchang 2s as follows: ‘No better proof couJd be furnifiied that- »ne prnnary object of his struggle is nol. as in prf^teiided, the liberty of the V:\i‘ pino reoplcis. but tho continuance of his (Aguina'dn's) own arbitrary and des­ potic power. In any event, the Ameri­ can people may consider that no ef­ fort was omitted by the conimission to secure a p< aceful end of the struggle, but the opportunities they offered and urged were all neglected. If not indesl spurned.” The chapter devoted to “Capacity for Pclf-Goverument” Is the result, the re­ port states, of diligent inquiry for sev­ eral iron tbs. in the course of which a great rum ber of wJinesew were ei.- am ined. of all shades of political tbwUght ar.d varieties of occupation, trib'i and locality. The most strikln;; and perhaps the most significant' fact In thf entire situation is the multiplici­ ty of triofs Inhabiting the archlpelagj, the clivtifiity of ihelr languages (which are muiusll> unintelligible) and tne niultlf.^rious php.^es of civillzatiun, ranging all tho way, from the h.ghest to the lowesr. As to this the vepcrt sa.va: “Th.- Filipinos are not a natl)n. bui- a variegated assem blageof different trllMss and peoples, and their loyalty is still of the tribal tvnp ” tHioir intelUcival :apaciMes, tlic com- mls.«ion f.ays: “As to general intellectual capacities of the Filipinos the commission is <Ls- pcsed (o rate them.high. B ut .excepting ill a limited num ber of persons, these capacities have not been developed by education or experience. The m^ssos of the peopleareuneducated. That Intel- l€gent public opinion on which popular SOV*triimont rests does not exist in the P«iilipi)*nes. and It cannot exist until education has elevated the masses, broackiicd their Intellectual horiz.n a:.d d'Stiplined their fac:,;iiy of judgip.eni. Aud even then the power of seif-gjv- erum ent cannot be assum ed without ci.nylUerable previous uaining and ex- reriencc under the guidance and tuta- lege cf an enlighi-enod and liberal sov- ercign power. For the bald fact is that the Filipinos have never had any e.\ perience in governing thoTnp^lves."' I Thf report shows that this inability t-ji self-governm ent is due to the old thei*- opposition to us. Even there, j Spanish rosime, which gave the Fili- there was a strong consoivative ele- ’ little or no part In govornin.T ment, consisting of people with wealth tbem&elves. A fter reviewing tb s Span- ___. . . . . . ® ^ - . _____.. u t i a \-crtc.m nnTvi m v. ...^ ...,and inl-oia;.ence. opposed to the war.” L’nder the head, “The Rebeliion Not a N ational Movement,” the report treats on the rebellion outside of the province of Luzon, where, it is stated, the uprising was viewed at fiist with indifference and lat«r with fear. Throughout the archipelago at large there w m trouble only at those points ery of the insurgent “government' ifb syf.tem, the commission sum s up on this point: “This is all the training in self-sovernm ent which the inhab:ta:Us the Philippine Islands ha’.e enjc’-r.d, Thoir lack of eviica;ion and politica* o.pc.'icrce, combined with their racla: and linguistic diversities, disqualify them in spite of their m ental gifts and domestic virtues, to undertake the task of govcrnins the archipelago at the Acci'ptcd. ®2ss—“So Tom had the impudeccc to kiss ycu last night.” Tess—“Yes, but he came around today to explain. ’ He said: T m forry if I hurt yot:. I ad­ m it I’m only an apology for a man, but I love you. and that was the only way I could tell" you.** Bsas—“The Idea! W ell?” T€SS~“Well, I accept­ ed the apologj-.”—Catholic Standard. served only for plundering the people urdf'r the pretext of levying “w ar con- tributions.**whllemany of thelnsurgents officials were rapidly accum ulating' w ealth. It is staled that the insurgent adm inistration throughout the Interior was worse than in the days of Spanish m isrule: In m any provinces there w’a r absolute anarchy and from all sides came petitions for protection and help. As to the state of affairs when the commission left, tho report says fields were being planted and the people, pro­ tected by our troops, were enjoying peace, security and a degree of partici­ pation in their own government pre- \icusly unknown in the history of the Philippines. The chapter devoted to “Estublishm ent of Municipal Govern- nients’* gives in detail the efforts In th at direction. There w^ere many difli- culties encountered. The tow i^ of Bacoor and Im us were selected for ex- perim enu and after talks with the local “head men” a local form of govern­ m ent wa3 established. Encouiaged by the result, work was continued in Las Plr.as. w*ith sim ilar good results. A t the request of General Lawton, who had been assigned to this work by G^n- er.'il Ciis. the commission prepared a siniple scheme of municipal government sim ilar enough to the old syst-em to be comprehensible to the natives, but giv­ ing them ilberties which they had never k«*fc^re erjoyed. This scheme was adopt­ ed, and gave general satisfaction. Gov- errm ents were organized with more 8at:8factorj' results in Pandance. Santa Ana. San Felipe. Merl, San Pedro and Mache!, while a slightly different sys­ tem wa.s put into effect In Malabon. Polo, Obando, M eycauya. Tang and Malolos. The commission sums up the situation a t the tim e of their departure as follows. “W hen we left M anila a large volume of business was beins done, .and * the streets were so crowded as to be hard­ ly safe. The native population was quiet and orderly and all fear of an up­ rising had long since passed. An eifl- cient corps of native policemen was on duty. A system of public schools, in w^hlch English taught, had been fatality be withdrawn, the commission believes thut the governm ent of the I'hlhijplnes would speedily lapse Into anarchy, which would excuse, if It did not n?cessitat6,.the intervention of oth­ er powers, and the eventual division ' / the islands am ong them. Only throygh- Amorlcat! occupation, therefore, is th« ide^of a free, eelf-governing and unit-* ed" Phihppine conunonw e^th, at all con­ ceivable. And the indispensable need from the Filipino point of view of main­ taining American sovereignty over the airhipeiago Is recognized by all intelli­ gent B*lLplnos and even by those Insur­ gents who desire an American protec­ torate. The latter, it is true, would take tho revenues and leave us the re- spcLsibilities. Nevertheless, they recog­ nize the indubitable fact that the Fili- pir.oF cannot stand alone. Thus the w elfare of the Filipinos coincides with the dictates of national honor, in for­ bidding our auaziuonment of the archi* pele..go. W e cannot from any point cf view escape the responsibilities of gov- enim ent which our sovereignty entails, and the commission strongly per- svoded that the performance of our ua- t'lc-nal duty wUl prove the greatest ble&sing to the peoples of the Philippine Islands.” One of the closing chapters of the re­ port is devoted to a tribute? to “our soldiers and sailors in the war.” The commission says th at the presence of Admiral Dewey as a member of this body makes it unfitting to dwell on its personal achievem ents, but he joins in the eulogy of his comrades. The com­ mission witnessed some of the many brave dc^eds of our soldiers, and they declare th a t all the skill, courage, and a patient endurance can do. has been done* in the Philippines. They dismiss ' the repo; IS of the desst^ratlon of churches, the m urdering of prisoners and the com m itting of unmentionable crin49*«nd*say they are glad to express the belief that a w ar was never more humanely conducted. The commission givos a general view of .he value of the islands, their riches In agricultural and forest prcducis. their m ineral wealth, and their com­ m anding geographical position. They state that the Philippine Islands should ;oboiars were in attendance. In the Tagalo province of Luzon, where the anti-A m erican feeling had -si'—n gircngest, public sentim ent had greatly changed as evidenced by the fact that the m ilitary governor of Bataiigas had oKored to surrendei his troops and his prc-vinoe if we would only send a small force there. The Bicolas, in southern Luzon, had risen aganlst their Tagalo ai-.cestors. The M acabebes \ver<> clam­ oring for an opportunity to fight in cur ranks, and native soldiers and scouta wcie already serving under General Luwton. Stories of the corruption of insuigect officers were becoming daily m rie common, and the disintegration of the enemy’s forces was steadily pro- greEhing. The hope of assls&ance from oul&ido sources seemed to be all that held them together." H aving given so much attention to the island of Luzon, the commission then taiices up in detail the conditioAs In the other islands. On this point it is stated ibat the rebellion is essentially Tagalo and tha»t when it ends in Luzon, it mufit end throughout the archipelago. Special attention is given to the island of Negros, aa this seemed a field well adapted to the extension of aj» Ameri­ can system . Here the natives had adopted a local form of governm ent, in­ cluding Congress, and had raised the American flag. They believed them- ielves capable of m anaging their own tfs'airs and asked for a battalion A Prominent 1‘Iiysieian. pr. C. I. 8 . Cawthou, of Andalussia. Ala.. writcR: “ I find Tetteriue to be fiupenor to any reme/ly known to mo lor the care of Eczema and other stub- liorn forms of skiu disea-es.” If tliert were only mauyother.s an honest as Dr. O. how mncb mankiud would be bleHswl by this truly wonderful auU dole for ail itching eruptions. SOc. u box at drugeiatfl or bv mail from J. T. Sbuptriae, tiavanuah, Ga. A gontlrman in L uT v '.le. TTy.. makes a pet of a large white gander, which is devoted to its owner and accompanies Mm on his wa'ks. If annroached tv a Hirane-er the gander flutters to his mapter. squ«iwking for prot'-rtion. and is comforted as one might comfort a dog. Q JA L liY AND NEW 3. Fame an<1 Kxc«>llence <lr« 'nat«*nnliiiiig ITuctorit lu ^ucReKKfal UevelopinRnt* OSE OF THE I.HI’OICI ANT FUNCTIONS o r illG a -C L \’*8 NU VV!ir.li‘l::it:i. You Can*t Catch, the . Wind in a Net." HeSket can you cure cslirrh by lo a t upphcaiiOKs. It is A constitutional disease, snd is ^ re d by Hood’s Sarsaparilla be- CAuse U is A consiiiaiojn^l remedy* It expels from the Blood the impurity <uihich causes ihe disease. And rebuilds iiid repairs ihe inflamed membranes. Lumka. ShakRipesre, among his many allu- ;Iciis to the sweetness, the inncceuce, snd ib« helplessness of the lamb, only once cites it as an article ofjo-od. I < '• lisldor. Dr. Ki»K« I'liill & Fover Tonic'tlie beat moCi'-li.o aia'.le. V!. L. Fib ee, Pineviijc, N. C, D‘>ot*.rs prescribe Kitgs—They know wliats U U K \Y E xx & 1 U :n s C o .. ( b a r lr .tie , N . C . ^ Old by all iiiedii;iuo dtaiers. £0c or 3 foi 1^1.25 guuranived. Pera*8 Volunteer Fire L^dd'Cft. I 7« Peru there are volunteer tire com­ panies in nearly all the cities similar to those w e used to have in the United States before the day.s of paid organi- 'zatiou. and they are called **bom- barderos.” PeTKAK FADILF8R Tt* prfiluces the ia {Hat and br KtJte>i v«iu» of auy kaowa dye ktttff. Sold bj all di ug^i&ta. At Fo’.kstone, England, an under­ taker rode a bicycle on the handlebar of which was strapped a cofhn con­ taining a chr.d. W ottls ol i>'ttmoufi MtsKion W orker. S ir J o h n F . B a r o l« r. » e H k n o w n .itla u tc tn » n . s iiffo rM froiD d y a p e iisl'k . U o •ajri*:-‘Ailauta, Ua., J u.iary *3. Dr. i txas. O. Tyner: ilavliiijustfd TyQar’# Dyspepsin itfm- I'dy for yi*a a in ray tfcml.y 1 Kindly i.UU to -\tUs1 alrendy b«i«n cald lu Ub nraSsv. Wtihout HXCHptl >u itl« the fliiesi lemeJyohtbo market. • ud notblui w.»uM luiusom-' to bo with ut it. Jno. K. BAmci.AV.” 50o u alld uifpi-*ta i>fSo X i-irptico, expri Bs by Tyner llys (lep.'fc Remedy Co.,45 M.^-]lull .Atlanta, <ia Scotland seems a etrarjro place tn find a statue of Abrab«m Llnco’n, and yet there is one there. It adorns a m-'n- ument cr-'cted In o’d Caltr.n burvin.c grounl. r'^inburi^b. to the memory nl the Scottish Americans who fought In the American civ'l To prnaftMlugtntcresliii:; pha-ieAOf s.:leQ- tillo -iiiu fCouomlo proi>iein«, liit;:>*oiAHs oewsr ;t|)uri( fruqaeutlv Kive liironiiaLiiiii of as g-.eat valuM iu their a.iv«‘rt!slugfolurr.us AX IU tiiosH (btvotei) to the pu>>lit*mlon ot tho priiicipHl evout.s of the duy, uad wh«a tho rameof II product is extended beyond Its uaturnl ilmitts into forHii'n lands, utid a liirs;e demand eroaieci tlirou;:hout Oi-eat Britain nod her C'oloniHs and thn prlnei Mil seu.ports aod nltied of Europe, Asia and Afrlt’a, it beeomen a ideasant duty to note tlie fact and to toll of the poiuts of exc>e|. ieiiceoD wlneli so gre’U ai^ucee.HS in based. Vf» refer to the now world famed iaxatlvo romHdy, S rup of FIuh, tho prodn«l the California Fisf^yrupGomiKiny. T.hH meriis of this well known e.'t<'elleiit liix^tfVe WHr>^ llrftt niaile known to the world i^irough tne mHilieai jonrnals and neW!«t:»ipotij of the Unlie.l Siale.«; and i.i ouo of Itso dlstliu't aulilevHments of tiie pre?«s. It is now w 11 known that Syrup of Flu-^ i:^ aa ethical proprietary remody, approved by tlie most etiiiuKnt phyxician t^vdrywliere, becau»*‘ it is Him pie and effective, y«^ pleusaat lo tho taste and HCOMpt.ibie to thH .system, and not only prompt iu its beneJlclal effeet.s, but ali^o w'loliy fr***» fro:n any unplea.‘*ant a»ter-effeotH. It In frecpiHiitly reterred to uj* tlie remedy of tWe hKultliy. bujuus • it i.s uSHd by pnopio who enjoy good health and who live well na l .fet*! well and are well informed on nil ^uhjeots geaeraily, inciud- Imu laxative-*. Iu order to get its beneHcial cffect!*, ii is neei‘RH:iry to the genuine Syrut» of Fig?*, which Is mau. ^icturts.. by tne California FlgSyrnp Co. ouiy. Czarina .Mix bas bccome a golfer, and will introduce the game at the Russian court.___________ Hew Are Yonr Eldney* t Dr. Hobbs' Sparairiis PniscurcaU hfdney lUs. Sam> pie free. Add. SterUuB Ueai(;ay Cu-.Cbicutso or N. Y. Women a:e the suit of Ibeeaitb. Keoiem- ber Lot’s wlff. P M S i Doesyourbeadache? Painbackof your eyes? Bad taste in yourir.outh? li’s your liverl Ayers Pills are liver pills. They cure constipation, headache, dyspepsia, and all liver complaints. 25c. All drupgists. M .C . r«r tba troalment tf TIIS LlOUaR, OPIUU, HOR^KINE si clher Orsz Aa^ctlaas. ThsTofabaccs Habit. NervsExhauetifli W R IT E US FO R fiiif l l i i i i ■ TICKETS GOOD tOR TUISfY BAYS. Want ytinr Tnmist:icho or Uuard a beautUul Of ilrli 1>1n<‘tc'? Tiien uao B U C K IN G H AM ’S D Y E U i r stn r~S. OF rWDcaijTB. OW P. P. H«LC A CO. WWtJ*. H. M. A new far<'e eottedy I.'« called tioD.*' It ought to ia'ko. iSdncacoTonr Eowela With C.-i8eareu. CaniJy C athartic, ccre constipatioa forever. lOu.SSc. U C .C .C .fail,drurR lstsreliuidaioacy. 8oro« men ar»» boru great, but the furnace man ncqnires his. ^ l s ; l i S r s \-------------------- ,------------------ CC V Chires all Throttt nnd Luii^ /Vficcttons. Q m m SY R U P Cetthcjrvuuiuf. Refusesub^tltulcs, I S S W R E ^ Z)r. Butt's Pills Dysprpsia, Trial, sofarSfim A Cheap EKursiofl Trp lo Washinetoo. Balt mo t or I’biiaJ.'lphla, by the Ser- bjjrd Air l tne. You can buy of any Scnbnard Air Line Agent, tickets to the Plii;adelphia •Export EspotlUon nt the rate of one aaa one-third fares for the round trip. You can step over at W asbiagton or Baltimcre. going or coming. Your ticket will hc^ good for thirty (30) days frcm -laio cf purchass, only it must be used on zr befora Dccemiv^r :1nd. You csji go by Nuvfc’.k and ccancct- icg steamship lines, or ail rail. Millions o£ dollars aavo bc 2 n sivnt -'sodsa irix’^r.pui itiouiunta uo aou. an education in itself. TicVeta ou sale Tut'sday and TUurs- flay of each week until and inciuding Tue.vtlnr. November 23rd. 1S99. To <‘uro Cuiiiiii|i:itton rorove»« Take Civscurets Cuuuy Cuiliartia JOo or 250. \t C. C. C. fail to cure. drucu»tii3 refund ciunsf It doesn’t uiko blooming idiot. a buianist to d:£Covcr a On Sunday, during church hours, To­ ronto street cars m ust not run past churches at a spsed exceeding four miles per hour. His Occupation. A rather good stoiy la toM a t tlie ex­ panse of the Rev. W. W. Moir, rector of St. Eustace church, relates th--* ••AdlronQjick.'' It hi 3lr. Moii'a custom to tako the offertory ovary Sunday ti» i'ome one of the hotels and receive a check therefor. The hotels are glad cf the small change, and It Is more ct-nveni'int to send a check to tba eci- I'ry t''an a qu'^ntliy of small change. This week ?J.oir was cour-tinc out Mjn-o aoo Biin- 'bo s:lv.;r and I lls at one o? the lirg r I.inim.-nt'foi' tiio 1 isc'yrari’anil have novof ' hotels whUc the clerk was makmg oul botoro found its equal r'tir man or Iwast Iti^ ‘ the check. Ho observed a sm'^ll boy iri*od esoeiuHliv for snrains and bruises oq > watching him with es'l.Ient curiosity, horfo-^imaliimiievi.rvvituoutit. Iliavure- .-n’ell. my boy. w hat is if'" said tlu- c »niin«iulBd iL tu Kev-ral a-d il hjis ni*v.T c.,.-,,,! !n hJ-i ii-n^l Irfnri-frtilud t . irive satlsf:iL-tiori. D > • t,t bti af.-.tid I - «Vi,«lo adviirtiw if t o hiKhiy. lor it will ‘ '-V "ay . Oh. nothing, sir, said the wneieallotherrfnie.dfs fail. ! boy. and glancing again at the p;le. of s^i’v. r and n:i.*ko!s on the counter, “on*y Amherst has a cour?e In modern gjv- 1 ernm'i-nts and their ad’^iin'stration. [ Rivi u PJLBK, .M iriow P. 0., Ahu, ’ July2;th, XS». ; DR.E.4.-T, S. StA v.v. B ‘pfon, Mnss.: |T)ei«r Sir - 1 h ivi* u<ed y *ur Ner\'o and Bnno Wnntcd. Two trftveltap {wilof:r.eu In FJirb Southern Mate. S O.OOanilest'O-nsrts IVrmauoulp08ltl«>u. Kxpcrt**ii«o not a» sr.Iutoly net-epvary. dflroBs Peerless Tobacco Wor. «• o., liediord Liiy, N a. Scotland seems a strange place to find a statue of Abrahnm LlncoJn, and yet there is one there. It adorns a m-^n- ument erected In old Calton bur%’ing ground. Ff’inbureh. to the memory of the Scottiah Americans who fought In the American civil war. are you the gentleman w hat runs the H*ot-machine down stairs?” of the E a st M anila is already con* nected by new steam ship lines wi’h A ustralia. India and Japau and she wII! betrome the natural term inus of m any other lines when a ship canal connects the A tlantic and the Pacific. It cannot be doubted that commerce will greatly increase end the United State? will obtain a large share in this incro- I ment, Manila, with the Immunity tliai It haa so far enjoyed from th at terribli- pesl. the bubonic plagnie. should be come a distributing centre for China Siam, the S traits Settlem ents. Tonquin 4^nnam and AuBtralia. Tlie report con eludes: “Our c6ntrol m eans to the Inhabitant.* of the I'hillpdnes internal neace an** order, a guarantee againot> foreign ar?- giession and against the dlsmembei- ment of their country, commercial anu industrial prosperity and as large, a share of altairs of governm ent as they shall prove fit to take. W hen peace and prosperity shall hav« been estab­ lished throughout the archipeioffo, when education shall have become general, then, in the language of a leading Fili­ pino, his people will, under our guid- aocfc, ‘become more American than the Americans ihemselvea.’ ” The report Is signed by J. G. Schur- znan, George Dewey, Charles Denby and Dean C. W orcester. Tho yonng m an who w onid sncceed _____ ___ ;u life m ust have great coniideuce in trcops to hold In check a m ountainous i,ig own ability to achieve suocesH, band of fanatics. The batalllon w m foundation stone, and with- to Ill-feeling am ong their own offlclais. Ko up, or w ill topple, ^ h e m en wuo The Am ericans rem ained popular. A t have achieved re.sult8 in iu e nave tb-i recuest of General Otis, a new and who believed in tbem selvts; sin.plified schem e of governm ent for tae men of lartro hope and of optim istic can in full control, waa put Into opera- lory. Coniidence m ust alw ays pre tlon. n brought about satisfaction anu cede action. A yoang m an can n ev ir public crder Is better In the Island to- accom plish anything in th e w orld till ‘‘‘^2 oY the >*« “ thoroughly convinced th a t he r.S w i fo“rm of Kovemment. and tho .can. P e s s i m i s t s have never done any success of the American control, tho thing except to p u t stnm bhng-blocafr ccmmlfyi.'-n *-aye; “The flat failure of i,| ytbers’ way. I t is the che rful. this attem pt to establish an indepenr* b, p efu lm an . Ihe m an w ho behave* duel “ « ^ ! T ^ ” nd‘er^ ?e* ^ o ;t* “te that the w orld is «P-o*ing brightei v c r a b l e circum stances, m akes it appar- and better, th a t la of ent that here, as well as in the lesft fa- world, not Ihe m an who fears laim re vored provinces, a large am ount of lalks failure, thinks h is w oik will b American control is at p r^e n t a b ^ - ^ m lure T he very attitu d e or ha: lla M L T /S u b l'lfa ii” ' ^ I itnal coudition of one’s m ind has . The efforts at conciliation with Sfeat deal to do w ith h is sncct s-. /.gum aldo and his various commtMluns 3ireani cui.not rise higher than an- set Jortb In detail. These oommia- li,uutain, and to achieve great sui cet Slone were assured of the beneHcent j n,„gt continnally dw ell m th pi-. posei of the United States and the ” Cresidenfs readiness to grant the Fili­ pino lec-ple as large a m easure of home ■ ule *r.a as am ple liberty aa consistent tvltb the enns of govem m ent, "suojei;* .inly to the recognition of the sovcralin- cr of the United States, a point which, t.'lait M tabashed. the connnJ»sion In- atm o sp lie re o f h ig u idea.i^. H e m tit th iu k u p w a rd , w o rk n> w a rd , o r b re a -h n h 'c h u oaL S elf-tinit to th# ftrrt •ecr»t o t tne- ceu.—Em erson. Rn'dm-.**** is far lo«s onmmon amou^ re«l-hefl<^C'fl pern’" than their darUer-halrftd neighbors. - Tb*? ordi­ nary crop on the he*:*d of a red-headod person is about 23.200 hairs. f H E G E 0 7 B T I l ^ S ^ 0 1 L C O ; — UBRICATING S P E C IA L T IB S ,I UBRICATING S P E C IA L T R e a d y M lx e d P a in ts. E tc. C H A R L O IT E . N . t . Kesiieertnliy y,mr>., (sisiiuii) iinv.A Bn MDaitrsoN. ! NOTH.—T o a n y o n e w o w ill s»*rul tU o lr n a m e a*Kl a d d r f s s to D r. S lo in . h u w ill s c a d ! ih e in h i s b o o k .‘T r ^ m ^ ^ o t i tlio_._.orsu,*’ Iro n . i The M olterO rg m a t The P hiladelphia K x v o k I i I o u . Til? musical ft a urH.’< of tho Exposition were exceptionaily ul racttve ia-t week, in the \uduorIum coD«'«ctsby the Datnro.«*v:h Ort'heslra wi*re Ould dnrlng tht* afti‘rnoi>u and evening, a:id oa b.> h occasioua nil th>^ srate lu the g t*at bail were occupied bv lovers of g od music. In addition tu this there was no orgna re­ cital iu th<t AudU«rium immediately alier tba coacluxioa of ibe atturuoou coocurt. Tbiit wad iu m vny respeeto one ot the moat notable perfonnanceA of the kind evnr KiT^n in this cltv. The organi!*t wns Clarence i^ddy;'Wiiose rrfputt 1 a as an organist is >«ec- oud to nt.ae lu tbts world. F<>r over an hour more than SMO musio lover.i lUinoed to tho i olayioi: of a mooter on one of the greatest ' isusicaUiastruments thut baa ever bet*u con- »tructed ia the United' States. This wa« the aow famoan organ coDstructed by M.P. M"i* ler, of Hagerstown. Md.. which fince iWo o(>eQiog of the SxpoMtloa bus bad a place oa the Htage of the Auditoriatn aud lia<« dur- luKtht" period been pla.ed by some o( tho saost promiueut orgaaUts iu the oouatry* S I o ’3 I!i'.T.»i*i1> T h e r e a d e r * o f tills ^ p e r w ill b e n le a ^ e d t o i ie a r n t h a t t h e r e I s a t lo a s t o n e d r e a d e i ld is e a } ^ t h a t B c ie ac e h i a b e e n a b lo tr» c u r e i n a ll its t h e t'ilr p o a l5 5 * e"?u re “ a o ^ ^ ^ *te ! I.-, a la r « « n a tiv e b la c k H o g w e ig h l« ^ fro m a io d lc a l I’ra te rn ltv * . a ta r r h b e in it a c o c a f .t M - [ 3 0 0 to .5 0 0 ll.,-.. a t 12 m o n ih r i o ld . L u lir e l y 1 ilo n a l o ise a s e . r e q u ir e s a c o n s t i t u t i o n ^ tr e a t - fp e o f m m ."skin dlsfa-*e.«», a u d iu l« c t, I b a v « ' m e a t. H a l l ’s i a t a r r h t a r e i s t a k e a i a t c m a l l .v . t ^ o w n o n o o f th iy b r e e d to Im d ifjo a sw l.. 9 9___av .. A nn Mtimritftf . i l T . . . . . . T H E M A M M O T H B LA C K HOG B eanty Is Biooa u — »» Vtinnii tnMm a clcan skin. purities from inc ooay. baaiah pixnplea, bods, blotches, blackheada, and that sicWy bilious complexion by takiar Ca*taret«,-beauty for ten wnU. Ali satisfaction guaranteed, 10c« Sdc* wo* It lakes an artist to draw four aces in t [>oker game^__________ CMi*t Tobacte &pU aad Ernuke toor IJfe Away. To Quit tobacco easily and forever, be mar neUe. full of life, aervo and rlsor, take Ko-To* Sac. the wonder-worl'cr, that mr«kes weak nca strong. AU drcgffisl8,(0eorCl. Cureeuaran* tccd. BooUlct and sample free. AOdresa 8t«rllBg Bemetly Ca. Chicaso or New York. E x n m p lo * "I wonder if it con be true th at one can light a Are with ice?” said the maid with the spectacles. "If you hadn’t forbidden me to m ention the subject I m ight recur to tho love I have for you,” said the youth with the red owl tie and striped collar.—Indianap­ olis Journal. C O L U M B I A . S T A T E F A I R W EEK BEGSNNINQ NOV. 6TH, See the STOVE EXHIBIT — OF - S H E P H E R D S U P P L Y C O ., STATE AGENTS FOR X tiB E B SO P QALVANIZED CORNICE! A Gnphic Drtcr plloii. The editor of the first American news- naner published in Cuba recently re­ turned from H avana. To a friend he told an am using story of his trials at gathering a com petent staff of news- saner w riters about him. This is a s ^ im e n of Cuban "reporting” th a t he eztalbited, among other choice exam­ ples, says "Collier's W eekly." "A m an kl led a dog belonging to an­ other man. The son of the man whose doE was killed proceeded to whip the n im who killed the dog of the m an he was the son of. The man who was the son of the m an whose dog was killed w as arrested on complaint of the man whose doE the man who w as assaulted bad killed." A c t s g e n t l y o n t h e K id n e y s , L iv e r A N D B o w e l s C leanses t h e ^y stem I actiag directly o-n the blood and mucous Hnr- I fat-c3 of the systen). thereby dwtroymjf the , foundation of the dlsea.se, and glviag the^pa- i tient strength by bnUdinvr up the coMtitntioa ' aud asaistlni; n:.:cre in dome its wortt- J proprietors have 30 ir.ncU fa th io its c ^ ta \ e i powers that they «»tlcr One H undr^ :^lln» i for aav case that It falls vj cun*, bend for iisi O' testimonials. Address F. J. ' HESEY & ' o., Tole:IO, O. Sold by Dmegist.^. 7fc. ^ ^Hall's Family Pills arv the be.-L O V E R C O M E S Fits lersiMaraUyeared. Noataornervoa*- rr>n« ter flrntd«y*j*u-f of I>t. KUne a tireatt NerveR#ato»er.$2 trialbi>ttleandtroatiae free b h .K b . ku ne . Ltd..«il Archdt.t*aiia.t*a. ia any way. Write for testiniocials, J O H S A . Y O U N G , P R O P R IE T O R , G r e e iis b o r o N u r s e r je s , ; GREENSBORO. N.C. BUT the 6ENUINE - m a n t d 6y ( A U R R N I A f f G - S y R V P ( S rOB 6AU ORU«Gi:.T& PRlU SOe. PUUHLL A DOU BLE-BARRELED CA NN O N. I cennot t-peak toohi|:hly of IMso si un) , ConHumutio « rs FttjkNK Aloaas, SiiU .^i St. New Y-rk. Oc. T O S G H O O L |h^ : _ uv-<. T-.iltl..nlnt~ aU UK-. |^^B^BV51TUATtO.HSGUARflHT&EDlover iJ l’.eralni:i m t.nil .-.1111111 • r.-inici- tyini Iwrltcnt. 'J&4 sluiteotH but year frtim 1 hlalAt. ■ ‘^titvrar >.t-ad f<n <‘»t:iiu'^uv. AUtlru'A, ueii'*'‘0I STiiAYER S BUSU4ESS CgfGe. -x M I L L S , L A G R I P P E * ^ C O .............................. S t a t c * ^ Almost as ingenious a weapon as tho celebrated gun which was intendeij..tid- fire a bullet around a cor^Btrf/ Ys the double-barreletl cannojusp^’the only one in the world’[;7 -,dt*oribed by tie A ttena (Ga4 Bariner! The cannon belonged to the itlltebell Thunderbolts, a company of old men 'organized here inl8C3 purely for home defense. One of the company, Mr. John Gilieland, invented this cannon, and had it cast a t the Athens foundry. A fifty-foot chain, w ith th e ends a t­ tached to tw o cannon balls, w as the charge, and th e Idea of th e inventor w as th a t w hen th e balls cam e o u t of th e m uzzle of the cannon they w ould have a tendency to diverge, draw th e chain ta u t and m ow dow n an en tire com pany. T he T hunderbolts took the cannon o u t in to th e country n ear A thens one day to te st it. I t w as properly charged, and w as touched oft w ith g reat cerem ony. One o f th e balls got o u t a little ahead of th e o ther, and then th e m ischief w as to pay. I t had a kind of circular m otion, and plow ed up ab o u t a q u a rte r of an acre of ground, th e m em bers of tho com pany in th e m eantim e sc atterin g in all directions to keep from being h it by th e flying chain. T he old cannon w as never used a fte r th a t except a t an occasional dem ocratic jubilee, w hen charges o t pow der w ould be fired. A bout five years ago it d'.s- appeared. R ecently it tu rn ed up in a Junkshop, and the city p ro m p ts bought it. an d w il m o«nt It n e a r th e C onfederate m onum enL Y ellow stone P a rk geysers a rc slow ly playing out. c CANE E v a p o r a io r s , BOlLCi: K E T T L E S , M T I K ’S I L’m 'I uy milli^ii. >ure proof of U*-iiua.liy. ' B L O O D •*CASCJkll£T» do a'il claimed for tlr.nd aro s.trul7 w«ja(lerfHi m(>oicine. lhaT<»i!iien t /,vrSsbc-d fur smetllclnu |>leasaulto tAkeard atlaKC > Jltiav.: rouail it in Ca>K\trtit5. S<nf.>u l&klctf Tbcra. iny . O, DI'MI'I h-»8bet-n i*<iiiJI^J i.'fl •t.n j ieil’.r h.; • -fr- * 'uruvi-o wonooriuijv aii't 1 ti'ci iniici) better in every i g 1waj.' Miitf..SAU.iE f. i5i.i.iu«s.I.uttfei2.Tv:jti. . CANDY I CATHARTIC AND SAW MiLLS, sA^i I-;. Brtstlu Tiriie*. Ita1>bit. and Slittftinu, l*uH«*> «,BeltIuar, Ifii CtorHC" ripeK, VhI vi*- and I'ittiti:r.<i. : I U M CO.. c;.\. TRADE MAAK AICJS7Z9CD ... CURE CO NSTIPA TIO N. ... Ce»yuy. Clil««w. Yorfc. gtf NO-TO-BAG i S a i S V i S S a M .- f f J '- W . L . D O U Q L A S S3 & 3 .5 0 SHOES [i.'J,'Oe". Worth S*r to S6 connoarsd, with otner makes. Indi>r-«'«1 !>v livrt’1 ,U0»,UU0 w T7tr 0THj.-.';;r • Uouzia^’ naiiii .*.;;.l ■-rxt iSlAnipM f.ii iKittom. Jna pu:'Si:tuie claitwetl :-» b*.,•< coo:l. Vyir •hoiild I'cep them--'. noi. wc ui!i Mti(i a tw; ot) r.'cuipt III price..kin.l of tiaihcr. at'd width, p!ata or ca;» loz. (.'itilopis C free. W. L OOUGUS SfiOt CC„ eracltte, Masj. CURE YOUR HORSE of Spavin, Curb, Splint, Capped I1<kfc, Sore Tendons, Cuts, Kicks, Bruises, etc., by usingSLOAN’SLINIMENT AIro an tnvnbiable remedy for man. When taken Inlcinally It cuics Cramps and Colic. It is the iesi antiseptic kuovi'm. Every bollle is wamnled. by dealers and dniKiristtt fscncraUy. Family aiae, 95c. Ilorwatze, 50c. and $1.00. I P ^ fld by EARl S. SLOAN, Boslea, Mn« Tor onr new liuso (JlM'l T-MAa nooics;nil bound iay oth; no •*«nn»b.’* I*xclu- flvo nulit ct territory ; OUXKl V I'itaS. J. L, .MCUtfLSX CU., Allauci, Ga. I^IITLER ’ S H ARB O LATE O J | W A E u n ru m rrd C ure ro r C » ;o rrIi, € oii- .••m pt oi. IlaiF cv ^i; All druxel>(s. t l 00 W. « . SMITHi CO- B..(t.. .N Y- . . ■■ n D / \ O e V -BWDIitCuVI qoickr«u*randcure4wc.rA B4rI*ft*9t.ui«.DialeaodlOdaya t.eatmaoi Free. i»r. H. H. saBM'a soflf- flox s. atuata. e». * I n CAD C I VonuDM in vtooka; inTMt S& to S iU rU n 9 1 41ooand Cloo anxataafeas a bank. Beed k Co.. 120 & &th St.. Pidla.. BEAT WITHOUT COST IJ ..7 ;;: fun .ed if boC tat.*facCn{tr. UaraeC St . Fill t .>.,Fa. l T h o m p M B 't | y > W it it C A L E S M E N W A h l E D t V Ucrerr* M ood Tubarru (*• .1» .Cr<*rui>t>aro. • .ti ITTEW TIONV f.«cmt ted If tou meaUo* \ thUpapfrwheuwritincadTerti>cra.a»o.4r Plantation T o c u r e , o r m o u e y r e f u n d e d b y y o u r m c r c l i a u t , s o w b y n o t t r y i t ? t ' r i w 6 0 c . The Daiie Record, MbekBTille, N. C. ^ E. B . MORRIS, S dITOB Airo PCBL.I3HEB. E n te rs at the Post-Oflice at Mocks- Ville, N. C., 4b Second Claas Matter, taay 12th, 1899; BVee Gltts. Hi order to give our 50 cent subscri- Send or bring ua $1.00 and get THE SECXJSD 12 months and 2 tickets for the free gifts. Look at the Comforts new ad in this issite. D. D. Schoaler invites your at­ tention to some rare bargains in this weeks keisosd . A good line of men’s underwear at W illiam s &■ A kdeeson’s. Some of onr subscribers are com­ ing in ami getting the additional ticket under our new offer, those -I*" nOt notify US »y and bicycle offer aod substitute a ' to the couti-»ry will get theirs by So. 7 cook tto?e complete, and a nice mail, these free gifts are valuable S-piece oak set of furniture, respect- iiesides you get the paper for the Ively. All who have subscribed under c„hsrni)tion orieethe first oiler will be entitled toan- 1 ®““SOripilon price, vther ticket, or, if they prefer, wc will take up tteir tickets and refund their BODCJ. All who pay us 50 cents cash lor * Bonths’ subscription will g-et a tickct; all who pay us one dollar will get two tickets. If you owe us any- tUae, tkie must be paid before you are entitled to a ticket. We make tMs cbani'e for two reasons: 1st, to five those who are not able to take th* paper one year and pay us one Aollar, an opportunity for 50 cents to ^et the paper 6 months and an oppor- taait; at one of these free gifts. 2d, l ^ t *« may be able to distribute Hie»e present* in a much shorter time. Rtsii Uiii! carefully and see that it is fair U3 ail. Those who have taken tickcu can return them and get their teoncy, less the time they have got­ ten ^ paper, or you get another ^cket, fi»ing you two chances when )»u w m have one. KOTES AND INCIDENTS. Bae Korfolk & W estern B. H. hod other advertisements on first page iaaide. Go t« W illiams & Anderson’s for yoor ahoes and Hats. Jack-froBt put in his work F ri­ day night and it reminds the Edi­ tor of approaching winter a;id the wood promised us. A. good'line Hosiery and Gloves k t WiUiams & Anderson’s. D r. Jnq. Cain brought the Editor a very fine pig Monday. The Dr. and we are on a race. Look out for 1900. Now is the time to "buy a stove cheap of House, StrondmireandCo. ,1 Mr. H snry Lagle lost his feed l)arn‘ with contents on Sunday night, cause of fire not known. I t was a total loss. W e are alway sorry to hava to chronicle suclis Head carfully the neif ad of House, Stoudemire aud Co. furni­ ture dealeis at Salisbury If. C. House, >Stoudemire and Co. offer a free Eocker for the next lOdays to every one who buys a stove. House, Stoudemire aud Co. have overe teu thousand dollars worth of goods on hand which they offer you at low prices. House, Stoudemire and Co. of S;ilisbury bought iheir goods at 33 per cent below regular prices and can sell eheapcr than any house in the State. Go and buy a stove of House^ Stroudemire and Co. and get a nice Eocker. Ephesus CuUings Highest prices paid for all lunds country produce at WILLI.VMS & A ndeesos ’s . Mr. J .T . Moore and Miss Mary Powell of Calahan were majried last week our congratulations. Pants Goods. Dress Goods, Gut­ tings, &c., cheap at WlLUAMS & ANDEESOX’S. County Comissioners in session Monday, routine business. If yon want cheap furniture call on House, Stoudemire aud Co. Sal- , isbnry N. C. Sam B. Bailey who has been handling the yardstick for some­ tim e at Williams and Andersons accepted a place at the depot and will also learn to telegraphy. Ssim is a clever boy and ■n'ill no doubt ^ BUC<^ in his new on ' —, j&tt- SSffl"' * vember Com shucking is the order of the day now. Mr. G. P. Foster and others will start on a trip to the mountains to­ day. Our Public school will open Monday, Ifovember 13th. Prof. O. C. W all principal. H . A. Howard is domiciled in his new shop. D. H. Deadmpa will move to our “ Berg” in the near future. Mr. and Mr. J. Lee Kurfess and little son, Gilbert, visited at II. A. Foster’s Sunday. Mr. T. M. Hendrix, who is at tending school atChurchland, visi­ ted his parents M r. and Mrs. G. W. Hendrix, Saturday and Sunday. Madam rum or reports that we are to have a wedding soon. “ W id e A w ake .” A dvajice N ew s N otes. JUrs. Elizabeth AThite, who has been visiting her son, W'. C. W hite, returned to her home near Hol­ man’s last Sunday. Bons Bailev w-as in town to-day. Mr. Bailey is looting v. ell, and we are glad to see him out agair. Mrs. Conrad, of Winston-Salem, was the guest of ilrs. B. E. Bailey Saturday. Franklin Cooper, of Coolemee, was in town Saturday and Sunday visiting friends aud relatives. Mr. Cooi>er is as lively as ever. Mrs. W . L. Call is visiting her sister Mrs. Stella Doty, near Clem- mousville. S l i c k , jy&tt Miss Anne P. Grant^ias her fall ttick of Millinery, and will be glad to have all of her friends and patrons call on her. She will treat yon right. Fresh pork has made its eppear- anoe on the streets. SOcts pays for 6 monthssubscrip- tion to THE KKCOBD and you get a ticket and au opportunity at one of the five free gifts. Ladies Cloaks cheap at W lL L IA S I.5 & A k j EISSCK ’ S Any one wanting notices with Which to post their land can get them by calling on E. H . Morris, 5 for Scents. Thos Eenigar caught a carp 28 inches long 17i inches around, that weighed 10! lb. his fise-ship was caught in Mr. Milton Ellis mill pond on H unting creek. So Mr. .T. C. W hite w^rites us. Send us a piece biother W hite next time we would like to sample it. K en’s and Boy’s Hats and Caps cheap at Williams & Anderson’s. Our friend j . P. Green has open­ ed up a new store near the depot aud would be pleased to have his fnesds come around when they want anything in his line. Misses, Ladies and Men’s over­ shoes at W ltilAMS & ANDEBSON’s . Examine our free gift offer SOcst . pays for six months subscription and gives yon an opportunity a t County Superintendent C. M. Sheets, requests us to state that a public examination for white teach- UsL^TiV;uei-J)eld at Mocksville 0. Th’S?*”” and Friday, Ko- 9 a n d l3 s and for colored teachers Saturd i^^Xovember 11. Mr. Jacksijn who is working with Messrs. W illiard and Hampton at Cooleemee Mills, gave us a call yesterday on his way to Spartan­ burg S. C. M r. Jackson is suffering with rheumatism and has gone home to rest up. He says the dam will be complete this week. W e are inform that M. O. Davis Esq. has sold his tract of land to the cotton mill Co. W ill H arbin is at home on the sick list. W e also have to apologize to our friends for being Ute thii week in getting the papeiefcnt. W e have ialwred under mai\^ dilficultiej but we are here. We hope to be on tim e ucxt week. F O Il s a l e . A Productive little farm for sale .50 odd acres. Lies wtll. W ater location, improvements good. Se­ lect fruit; well timbered. Pine and Oak forest. Price only three liun- dredandniuetf-fivedollais, [4S395.] Title unquestionable, waranted and defended. Would take horse, har­ ness and buggy in the trade. Ly­ ing 3 miles North of county Seat, Mocksville, on Wilkesboro road. Object, imigratiou; seeing is be­ lieving. Eespectfiill, A. S. W omack . Mocksville, Davie Co. If. C., Xov. 8th 1898. DR. W . C. M A RTIN Gives special attention to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Spectacles fitted by the aid of retino- scopy. Teeth extracted by the pain­ less process. Office at residence in North Mocksville. Anival and Dsparlore of Trains; S o u t h B o u n d — D aily except Sunday. Leave Mocksville ................... 1:00 p m Leave Mocksville ................... 6:00 p m N o r t h B o u n d . Leave Mocksville ................... 7:15 a m Leave Mocksviile ...................11:30 a m F r a n k C. B r o w n , Whole.sale and Eetail Dealer in G E . \ " E R A ) . M E R C I I A N O I S E . COMPLFTE LIXK OF D.KY GOODS. B e ? t H t o c k c l S l i o s s i n t h e S t a c t . HBADQUAETEIte FOR GE0CEETE3. IN OTHEK WOEDS I HA V E A COMPLETE LINE OF GEJTEEAL MERCHAJfDISE. I W ill be glad to have you call. Yours Truly, F R A N K G. B H O W IT , Corner Fourth and Main Streets, - - - W1NST05T, N. C. Sclioaler’s B a r g a i n s „ To beat th(Bargains isna. RacM Store M o eksfille P r o d u c e M a rk e t. Corrected Weekl}' by Williams Bros. Corn, per bu ................................ 50 Wheat, per bu............................. Vi Oats, per bu .................................. 30 Peas, per bu.................................. 6C Bacon per pound....................... 8-10 Bacon, Western ......................... 7j Hams............................................. 12 ...................................................... 12 Butter.............................................. 12 J Spring- Chickens........................... 6 7 FIN E STOCK FOR SALE. A n y person desiring’ to buy a Jack or Jenny, or Jenn 5' colts, or other line utock, will do well to call on T . A . B R U N T , Farming’ton, N. c. Jndge Hant’s Gonsuin];jlion and Bronciiits Cure. It surpasses all other remedies known for ConsumpLion, Bronchitis^ Croup a-id Disordered Liver. It cures •’h»=‘n n]\ else fail.s! If yo\ir drufrg-I.^i do^9 no*: keep it, send direct to Judg-e ■Ixeorg-a E . Uun,t, I-exin£ftou, N . G. If you wish to save your hard i E A E K E D g p e c ia i n YO U R VVintiT ■turchascs, y ii will c.>meiii to see U>. W e will show you how it can be done to your entire satisfaction. Here are a few items that shows which way the wind blows: Boy’s suits from 81.25 up. .—. Jlen^s sails from :32.9S up. A Good M ackintosh Overcoat O N L T.$ 1.25. A heavy double-sjle Br.)gaa, wortU 81.3.^, our price 9S cents. Ladies Heavy winter shoes, regular dl.25 quality, our price 93a. Men aud Ladies fiue shoes, worth ^1.25, our price 9Sc. Capes From 39 j . up. ’te Best m LoTOt Price, L ie o! ity. GIVE u s A CALL and let us SHOW YOU SOME GENUINE B-'mGAIlvS. S C H O U L K L ’S i j A C K E i For .sale by i per C. C. Sanford. K O T U E l In order not to ofiend acyc® e7^ ^ hereby revoke all premits written or i^gFi; verbal to hunt on my lacd. The law will be strictly enforced from this day “ He that laughs last laughs loudest” . Eespectfully. P. S. E arly . Nov. 7th,' 1899. See Cranford and Co’s, new ad. in this issue. They have purchased a large lot of clothing at 60cts on the Dollar which will arrive this week. In the mean time any one wanting bargains in the clothing line will do well to examine their stock. Look outfor their slaughter prices next week. TAX NOTICE. I will meet the Tax-Payers of Davie County at the following times and places to collect the Taxes for 1S99: Mocksville during the month of November. County Line, Monday, December 4, 1899, 10.00 a. m. to 12 m. Calaiialn, Monday, December 4,1 p. m. to 3 p. m. Nestor, Tuesday, December 5, 10 a. m. to 12 m. Cana, Tuesday, December 5,1 p. m. to 3 p. m. Farmington, Wednesday, December 6.10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Smith Grove, Thursday, December 7.10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Advance, Tuesday, December 12, 12 m. to 4 p. m. Fork Church, Wednesday, Decem­ ber 13,10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Augusta, (Berrier’s Store,) Thurs- dav, December 14,10 a. m. to 12 m. Jerusalem, Thursday, December 14, 1 p. m. to 3 p. m. Sheffield, Friday, December 15, 10 a. m. to 12 m. Mocksville, Saturday, December 16, Sec. 57, Ch. 732, Laws 1899: Taxes one of the following F ree^ts. School fund must be turned over One no 7 cook stove one S e w in ffj^ ,^ ^ Sheriff not later than Dec. nuvcl^e, one « t Oak fn rn itn 4 ,rS S ’ one Chattanoogha plow, and bi Steech loading shot gun. m pa; J. L. SHEEK, Nov. 1. W. Shsfiff Davie County. Don’t Suffer, The Eloctropoise. Cures all dissases v.'ithout the use cf medicine. A pare Os^'gen treatment, by absorptio.i. It cures where every­ thing- else fail.3. It is aeeded in every family, for it will relieve every weak­ ness or ailment, to the most persistent chronic 'disease; and without the use of a ^ a i n of medicine. Thousands i paople all over the United Statu- from private citizens to Lawyers, doc­ tors, preachers, Supreme .ludfes i'Mi- lors. etc., even crowneci heads nf 1' ;- rope have given written testimono-l.s of these facts. Book of •ie'ititEo:i:a!".. and matter of great inter'.isi; ■.it,; price of instrurieits sent free. Er;:ry family should have an Electropoise: it saves money, induces h.':all.h. Send yoar address at once aud see •>»hal people say who have thoroughly test­ ed its merits. Agents wanted. T h e E l e o t r o p o i s e C o ., 513 4th Street, Louisville, K y. K atioaal Ilctel, 'V^W SHBD. UXDEE NE^V MANAGTEJtENT. R A T E S, $1.00 P E H U > ^ .- J. H . EA-MSEY, Prop’r. Main St. SALISEUEY, N. C. 3 -r e e n s b o r o N u r s e r i e s , GEEENSBOEO, N. 0., For all kinds of Fruit, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Vines aud Plants. I am the Intro­ ducer of the fiimous GEEEX.-3- BOEO and COSNET’S Soulh- ern Early Peach. CRBfflSEORO HERD OP RE8ISTERED PO­ LAND CHINA and Mammoth Black Hogs. One of the finest herds in the South. W rite for prices, J ohn A. Y ou .vg , Prop’r. DON’T W AIT A MINLT'E. Good W atches Absolutely free . We want your name for PASTIME, a bright, clean, illustrated storv and silver watch to each subscriber, a neat medium-sized watch, guaranteed for one year. Will keep time for many years as accurately as a $100 watch. And for a little work we g:ve Gold watches. Bicycles, sewing mnchlnes. Guns,' etc. Samples and parciculajrs free. Send us your address to-day if 3'Ou do no more, aud see how easily you can get something; nice you want. We will surprhie you. Please don’t wait a minute, send now. Better en­ close 5 stamps for trial subscription and present, or 28 stamps for watch er while the watches are goin, PASTIME Pub. Compan>” When our buyer went Xorth, ],e oilered certain manufactur ers COcon the dollar for the remainder of their wiuter stock, and on last Friday they telegraphed their acceptance. This clothing amounts in value to a good many thousaud dollars, aud will all arrive this week. We c.xpeet to place thceiitire lot before ■••lir customers at retail prife.s, aud liiey v, i!l l:c le?'? thau what other people pay at wholesale. M . lu O E A N f O I B & C O , No. 443 Trade SIi-cet, W iuston-Sakni, K. C. :i doors North of Fai - mcra Warehouse. ROCKia GIVEN AW AY -•O -O — W hat i.h,!.L :j'l’fO'.'S y-.-i pr.;:aiciei io buy this Pali? V.'e have loft more t ;an :i iJ:u' load, alluouyu cui' Stuve sales 5ia". e immenFC for the prist 80 days. WH H3M1 Tfl tljT'ihlsLOf d . • S T U ¥ S - b y J a a . U l e r r r e e w nn I v e r j StDV3 sell fo r th e ^ Ne-ti Just Ueceived! Pailor Suite, M iriS , F m y Pieces, EVLBYTHIXG t o M AKE A HOUSE HANDSOME B E 2 - E 0 0 M S U I T S AND EXTEA BPD;, AT PKICK? TflA T V,'ILT ' iSil V.v fi’.l to UL ouli-. Ueu in need of anythiUp- in tie F u i 'i d t u r e L i n e , I T W f I .L B C T O Y O U R XIsTEr.ilST G. w. w im , Leading Furniture Dealer and TTn.lertaker, SALISEUEY, N. c. Tliis Space Belongs to O R A W F O I D & 00, Gessial Dealers in narfiwaie, Etc. W Il'T T u I T I'r. o . G A B R O Tt'.i?. F e r C e n t. iTow don’t wait, but corae and I get- one, for alter 10 days "ne 'vrill stop giving tbe Rocker with Bfc>. JUST EHCEIVe’d 4 CAIl LOAD3 of Oa.ll.VP i.N-3 I J JlU -I ,:i'y { tlT U ilB i)t)d we can save you -5 per ceut. ( ^ J X J ) oee Us And W m V ill Sell You, House, StoMealre & Cim iiEj, CEFTEAL IIOTET,,SALISBURY, N. C. F'i8 Fir-Ii ,si.. W I N S T O N N - C Wiui! iiade ai;d iUl fi c ;“ i'; u btjlcr) I'f r'e<M!i.ori; -'l-!; . L-iiii;:;,; licJs, Loii!i.:^,es, (\/i!'.:Lu.s and a!l tiiiii^:* to be fouiid in an U p To D ate rU H N ITU H iJ IIOU.SK. SOS SEW and ESiUTIFCL DBirKS h DISSLS, CII:SLVi>..s:i3 sra r ;n i 'V;- iiiJ.i havo ^’i- oer, :l'; ; Si'nl'i' - »1‘: r.--•..n-I.^ Ji.- \\7eil ” u i l i l t v C a s ! i ~ - ; t ' ]:u § J u L Cor.ii-ill‘I u i mill if you are uot treais;! right ciill 1,0 t::ore, bat ii v.e tri-.;l you riglil, cuil ag;ii>.. - m m 0 2 5 . 0 0 u ? . P I A l f O S F E O S I S 1 G 9 U P . C A L L B R O T H P : R S JIaai'.facturors’ Agents, WIN&TON, . . N. C. Branch IIou^c: jIARTI'rSVILLE, V A . Cai ilrrayj Give Lowest Piiees Oa in Oar L'rr, J . E . C A R TLA N D , -----SrCCESSOR TO----- H. I I C l^ x*eexL sT D O x*o . T T . G . A FU L L T.TTvTV. OF CLOTHS AND CA3ILS _____ALWAYS ON HAND.------ ---------o ---------- :e s 3 A FULL CORPS of ths B;5T EXPSSIISC3D jK3“ W rite for Samples, and Mcasu'^ing-Elanks. Satisfaction Giiarantce,'l."Sa E . H . M O H R IS , Agent. - - Call^and see oamples anti Ic-.-uru price.?. G. T. 6LAS00CK & SONS, G R E iH ^^B oao. M , c . . E o u N D S E S A I D W u im n m m . Manufacturers of Turbine W ater W heels, The ('A EO LIX A COOK STOVE, Heating Stoves, t oal Grates, Country IIc.Ilow W are Plows, Plow Castings aud Peed Cuttere. SPECIAL GASTINaS OF ANY DESCEIPTION. r Every Article Manufactured by Us Guaranteed in Every Respect: E. H. M OEEIa, Agent. ' MOCK&VILLE. N . C, | - 1 - .- '.'-I ........... i W I S ^b c ia l in d u c e m e x J O U lt P E I liil find thfe work of a d J . ire have dropped the ] till P.A.Y you to look ovd I feast and your thought li easy way to procure jj r outlay. W e keep up t l you a rare opportunitl Itions, Table and Glass-vaJ w prices that will m a k e f goods: lldren’a Undervests, 5c, tie's Fleece-lined UndervJ f i ’a Undershirts, 15c, 2ic, 1 die’s UnioQ Suits, Fleece-1 G R E A T B A iT Ve a few sizes 2i, 3, ard 4:1 . 40c oa the dollar to mak nt a rare bargain, Al<o ir. M e n ’s nice Sunday S | Ii kinds, 25c per pair and I I — Don't forget our 5 I I'lues of useful articles | Ire Headquarters for X n Is season than ever befoij Cheap prices all througa Vuyornot. No trouble tq SO Liberty St., W IN S F . G - C H E ] [e S P F .C I A L I S ' Ivcr Jacobs’ Clothing IwiX.STON, X. C. furniture !| " S T o n a x e e lurnitiire of any K ind | n .L PA Y YO ’’ TO u U i . t l o y 'i i "- ' j I(.:;,A,;:S I'i'iC V iT i i,: ioe3, slooi. dhray , I and 428 Tnide Stree |W I5!STON, N. C. 'W S I . 'E ] [Si YOU GO TO - *1 fi.M.l, Q.N - )V /N . Till-. I a Kice Line of V. J [ ami Silver W'.no, Eye Glasses, etc.l ug done while you w{^ bure<i for one j ear, the times, u^s fi)i busiiiesii, BROWN. TiiK .J.KV crty Street. Nc:.t [tohert'sthegun IT a n t Y o u r ^ENS, POTATOES,! UNIONS AND OTlj |3 f PEODUCK. at Market Priccs W in | I Call on me when [)U COME TO TO\^ I Selected S tock o f| es A lw ays On fu rs to Serve, » . M. m ill J klisbury, North CaiJ (THERN MV p.Nl)AKD RAILW "t h e so u t h . I Direct Line to all I s , 3HNIA. pDA, J a n d POETO Hit f y (.tn.Ks I Oil jiil T hrouirh■ 4 O p Sleeping Car* o ij FiW taU dSate H fruvelby the!Soiit| K l “i*'.'’ ‘“ ■"•••ed a sJ ^rtable a-j.i uu Ex] Jo'irncy. 1 '\-;'T,ts f„r| „ f? Genefall mation, or addi J ^ O N , V rp-Iotte, N. C; flB lE TO an sw er' t S. ^ Sen Mail. ! W . 4 . TBI* G. P. ai FAgHttiOTOK, B leces, ME. SUITS I tsfds S il VO' oaU '. Leu li;; ill the iL iae, |r INTEr.iasT. k T , k v , X . c . 0 0 , Etc. R O S . 1f:Ue I. ! N - C ; .. ;;i i:; .;.v, to I. ir.-iiu. 2’.d '.:n s , '■'i- err. .! I-Vi.t «ai V -- MOOKBVILLE, X. C. W EDNESDAY, STOVESIBEE l6, 1899.Ko. 33. f o W I S T H E T I M E . PBClAt IXDUCEMBNTS TO BUYERS TO BEDUCB OUK PBEBEIfT STOCK. 11 fin'l tbfe work of a Dollar at onr Store something womler- . tfe lia' C dropped the pricw Down ! D O \V \!! D O W X !!!r «■« Iffill 5'®“ assortment. It will give yoar la feast and your thoughts food for satisfaction, and will show I au easy " “V to procure just w hat you want and need, for a logoulkv- " ’e keep up the Quality. W e keep down the Price. ..........r Shoes, Under- itfui* ________ _____I ___*a.re. ctc. Here K j,‘“^ ’ices liat will m ake you think you haVe been payinjf too m uch Ihildren's Cndervests, Sc, 8c, 10c, 15c. each-. irL 's Flcece-lined Undervyests. 15c, 25c and 50c each. UnJerahifts, 15c, i5c, 40c. 50c, “5c. iie's Saits, Fleece-lined, 25c and 50c each. GREAT BAIWAINS IN SHOES. lavc » have too m any of, and have m ade “ 41); oa ilie dollar to m ake them go. O nly a small lot. O m e quick ■vast a rare barffain. Also offer M e n ’s H ea v y , all leather Plow Shoes, Kair. M..-11't nice Sunday Shoes. Lace or Cou|f., 1.00 a pair; C'liiUreu’s I'lltinds. i'lC per pair and up. Cam e to see us and save money on your lill _ Don't forget our S and 10c Counters. T h ey are loaded with lvalues of useful articles for your nickle. The Da™ Record, PUBU3HGD EVERY WEDNESDAY. E. H. MORRIS, Edit<;r. TERMS OP scbscriptio K : One copy, One Year. - - - $1.00 One copy, Six Months, - . - 50 One copy, Three Months - . « 25 Mocksvilla, N. C., November 15- THE CONSTITUTIOX. L are Hoa'lquarters for Xmas Toys of all kinds. Will display a larger tion of the U nited States, the than «ver before, of Dolls. To\*s an»l of all ......-------------1.7 ------ j _ Are we in favor of the constitu­ tion, and of constitutional law? T h e R ecord has no hesitancy in answering most em phatically, yes. The constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land, and no State law or coll'stitn- tion can nnllify this snpreme law. Whenev er a law' enacted by a Sfcite comes in conflict w ith the constitn- desire a perpetual lien oil the offi­ ces in this State. A ll the goodness vonchsafed co mau, according to the idea of a few, is concentred in the crowd who are willing to tecri- fice the liberties of the people in order to place the government in the hands of a few political schemers. Goebel tried this same scheme in Kentucky, and the hon­ est yeomanry of the State hurled them from power, and the prospect is good for a like result in North Carolina. Slay justice and right prevail against the world, the flesh and the devi'. Ilji, season than «ver before, of Dolls, Toys and Fancy Goods of all I Che= P prices all through the store. Come and look whether jou obuj ornot. So trouble to show goods. Respectfullv, N E W 3 I A N & E D I G . 1430 Libert.V St., W iyS tO N , S’. C. F ranklin’s Old Stand F . G - C H E E K ly E S P F - C I A L I S T . I over Jacobs’ Clothing Store, WI.V.'TON', K. O. rniture! " I T o u . X L e e d . I Fnrnitiire of any K ind In iJ, PA'- YO’’ TO SEE . . : b y T r u s s s e s ! If yon Hre in need of a TRU-SS it will pay you to have a Perfect F it. DR. V. O. THOMPSOK has had forty years’ . experience in A djusting Trusses. He will Per­ sonally fit you at the Old Reliable THOMPSON DRUG bTORB, Winston. N. C. H cG uire & Sim brougli. PHYSl.OIArrS AND SunGiViNS. O '^Ir' i .loorScat.hof j')c>!l :-svir,T.);, ? c. 11 ■(uviT i. a n AX --------------- - - ligaL; '*;, UasiCii'. |J6 and 4-'S Tr.ide Street, WIKSTOX. X. C. B t .1 . - W 'S I E i T YOU i;o TO is . ^ i r ia e r s G n , -------D E iiT lST.------ OHce: First Door South of Ets. McGuire & Kimbrough. Mocks%iw.e, N. C. Wiiisiw 05 G r a p k o p h o i i e s $5 '• yJtc courts should at once declare it null and void, for w ithout such a course, it’s only a question of tim e before chaos and anarchy will reign snprem e. W e Should and must bear true allegiance to the general government, and all laws coming in conflict with said supreme law should be brushed aside. O ur Democratic friends are very solicitous about the filth section of the proposed an’endment being de­ clared unconstitutional by the courts, and arc trying very hard to shift the burden and responsibility Upon the Ecpublic,ans. W e can very well shonlder the responsi bflity of being in favor of law, order and justice. According to I tl'C Ceniocmtic contention a few ! months past, tl’cre was no danger iDt^eC'HUis iii'crfering w ith sec- ilioii li'-e. Tlicir hrairey lawyer!^ I hiivc alread.v docitled that it v, as jo. k. Then why so much to s:;y about its beiug unconstitutional now. and then try to shift the re­ sponsibility upon the Republicans for want of legal knowledge of your wise scions? W ho passed so many go<Hl, wise and conslitntional laws at its Isuit se.«ion! The thief in .YNi Tin-. Ke a \ice iJne of WatcSics. Irv ar.il Silver W.iie, Sper^iJi* Jnil E.ve Gliis.'-cs, etc. Fine triuf: dune while you wait and liiisiired fur one year. Prii-es it the times. |t»u(s fo! biisiiicfs, liROWX. Ti.K jKWKi.ES. |at»rty Street. Next doer So Kuher'.sthecun man. ---------------------------------------- I ; I Ur.i-f - he a-eucy for the Columt.ia | jnsiauce lias been iotated. and Pho.iCj’iaph C:iuij c.'irrj' lu ?jiOv tC; n.u all tiijics u nkx- lor o£ Gj ;iplio- i it ’s too lute fov nhonttb aiiii Iti-ooras. Like This Cat i'or IW a n t Y o u r E g g s , pKENS, POTATOES, ONION'S AXD OTHER KM PRODUCE, ijlist Harket Pricts Wiil he Paid Call on me when COME TO TOW N. I Selected Stock of Grooe- Iries Always On H aar'. |Tours to .Serve, I). M. MILLERj |S*li5bury, North CaroUtia. r i i RAILW AY. : The Music So.OO per dozen. S.'i.OO half- ■ do7.cn. When you visit Wicston call I in at the “Big W atch.” .md see these ' wonderful talking machines, and any­ thing ir. Shi .Jewelry line. F IIE D . X. DAY, Jew eler. ai'bo-1 n 's too lute im- him to join in the chase, yelling at the top of his voice, -‘stop t l i i c f I t is yon, my friends, w ho are endorsing the ille­ gal, unrighteous metTiods of your own Legislature, and no amount of such rot as you are indulging in at this time, will deceive the great common people, nor will it save you from the wrath of their righteous indignation. Let your Legislature, a t its session next June, repent of its many sins, and repeal an nn- jiist, dishonest, pnrtizan election law, and substitute therefol- an houest one. Come out like men and patriots, and say that you had rather be right than to hold a few offices, for the record yon have made so fat clearly shows that your hungry pie-hnnters are will- WASHINOTON LETTEBt. FROM OUR REGCLAR CORRESPONDENT. W ashington, ?Tov. 10, lf99. President M cKinley and the members of his cabinet held an im­ promptu jollification over the mag­ nificent endorsement of the foreign and domestic jx)liey of the adm in­ istration by the voters in the State elections. In every Stale w^hei'6 the campaign was sqnai'ely made on national issues, the Republicans were victorious. The Democratic success in M aryland had no sig- nificence whatever, M n g merely another proof of the maxim that “ a house divided a,"ainst itself cannot stand.” President McKinley was not surprised at the size of Judge Nash’s plurality in Ohio, as he told Senator Clark, of Wyoming, several weeks ago that It would probably be between 60,000 and 70,000. and made the same preflic- tion to Senator Pritchard, of Xofth Carolina, the day before election. Secretary Gage is especially pleitsed at the largely increased Republi­ can majorities in Iowa, where the platform eame out flat-footed for the single go’d standard, and in Massarhusetts, where Atkinson and other “ little Americans” have been trying So hard to create a senti­ ment against President M cKinley’s I^hilippine policy. Secretary Gage said; “ The Republican party ought to congratulate itself on the result in all directions. I am pleiiscd with the big Republican victory in Massachusetts. Thac State has been the hotbed of the anti-expansionisls; and It is good to see Massachusetts give such a victory to the auti-Aguin,aldoists.” Secretary Gage showed his delight with the re.=iult in Iowa l).v sending the following telegram to Governor Shaw: “ Please accept heitrty con■ gratulalions upon tie increased sound nioney majority in your State upon plaVfo.in de. laring for the gold sta.nd»rd find calling upon Congress to pul it into law .’' Prominent llnpii ijlicans in Wash- ingtou expreHsod themselves as fol­ lows on the elections: United States Land Commissioner Her- inaun: “ The result in Ohio is mote significent than the result in any >ther State. The fi.i'ht was largely upon an endorsement of the admin- istintion and the policy involved in war issncs. It points with an T H E C O M F O R T . Write to us or Come to see ITS when in towBi or give as a SPECIAL VISIT, it will pay you—yon’tl find w'hatyon want here. Not only one, but a.B IG ASSORTMENT t<J -;ho«se‘ from, and the PRICES W E QUOTE W ILL OPEN YOUH EYES to the fact that Y ou h .\v e b e e n P a y i n g t o (3 m u c h fo b touU I3O0DS. To prove this call on us. W e do not want any man’s pat­ ronage nnless he wants to give it to us. This article is not written to beg any one to patronize us, but we do want to c,ill to the memory of our Republican friends how they ncglect Republican enterprises and patronize Democratic industries. Take the nenspaper for instance. W e have two Democratic papers here in a conuty that gives a thous­ and republican majority! And these papers get a good per o«nt of their support from Republicans who give their patronage to a Dem oci-atic paper in preference to a Republiciiu paper. Democrats will not do so. They always support their own institutions lii-st, and by doing so they have bnilt np a press in the State that is a jwtent power lor Democracy, and the Republi­ cans have given them liberal aid. Take the Democi-atic psvpers out of the Democratic party and they would have the worst disorganized thing on earth. W e doubt if they would be able to hold a conven­ tion, much less carry an eleclion. If the Republicans had enough newspapers. North Carolina wonld be one of the stronge.st Republican States in the Union. A nd we have enough Republieins to support strong and able papers, but it seems they prefer to support Dem- ocratie pape!*», which take {jreat delight in (:>.;!ing us the “jiieger party, ’ and such oliicr abuse as they want to put on us. Understand, we are not begging you to patronize the .Tournai. W e hope to succeed as we m erit suc­ cess, and not by special party fa­ vors. Let those who are courting the Democratie papere .go their i unerring hand to the renominatiou Shoes. Shoes. Ladies and Misses* Calf SHoeSj *1.00; Ladiesj, Men’s and Misses' whole- stock shoes, *1.00 and »1.25. Ladies’ soft Kang^aroo K id Shoes, neat and styllsll, vTdifth $2.00. our price $1.25. Ladies’ and men’s hand-welt Shoes, made by the best makers, $li98, wdrth $l75. Boy‘s and Misses* good servicefiileb Shoes, 50c and ?5c per pair. CAPES, JACEEn Etc. dhilds’ jackets—all siifea, f9c tg *3.00 each. Ladies’ Jackets, t2.50 aad np! Ladies* Captis 30c and ap; L ad ies' heavy Underwear, 15c and up. M e n ’s heavy Fleece-lined Under- weai', 40c and up. Ladies’ Skirts, <oc and upward*; Ladies’ Waists 25c and tipwards. « ^\’e guarantee to save you at least 25 per cent, on above gL'Od’*, iH[ciMrgn Cofner Opposite New PostofficS. WINSTON, NORTH CAROLINA way. We hope they may obtain the favor they <ite seeking. The .Jonrnal is a a.aall youngster, but it is not afraid to exptes'? its convic­ tions.— Wilkesboro Journal. The above artiide, from the W ilkesboro Journal, contains so much truth on a subject that we regard of vitnl importance to the Eepcblicau party, that we give it space in our paper. W e do not believe in boycottisni, ostracism, and a great many of the other isms, bnt we do believe in standing by ones party organs. In so doing, We do nor advise Republicans not to patronize Democratic paper.“, for everyone who is able should read both sides. But always give preference to your owu party pa­ pers. One becomes biased by look­ ing at any subject from one stand­ point. W e should desire above all things to be liberal, tolerant and consistent on all questions, political ing to sink conscience and disgrace religious. Take your fAXDARD RAILW AY OF t h e SOUTH, i Direct Line to all Points. 48. ■IFORXIA. IKIDA, |A AND PORTO RICO, let'y K iisi t liiss Jiq u ip . pt on ail T hrough a n d I v n'rains. 1 f^leepiug CarHO iall Night Ps. Fast i.tid Safe Mchedulcs. Travel by the Southern Jiiui r 'l » Snfe, C^m- ««r»able au.l un Hx?cditio?is I <J(nii-Dcy. ,1 ’"T 'f.ir Time Ta- “*•' and Gettc«dl lufor- ■nation, or addrciis VERNOK, F.RDA.HBY, '•'•otte, N. C: Asiie^ll^‘N.'c.i ®BLE TO ANSWER QHSSTIOirS. AJIK S. H. iniLp. ■ & 8«d Kw . Ti»f. Man. , A- TD.U G. P. i. 'W’A SH ttO TO K , B . C. R em iasto fl Slagle B arrel B reech L oadiag G un, - $6.50 I O thers . - . - W .50, §6.00 . IxKided Shells, 35c a box. Shot, 7c. per pound. Prim ers, 12c. a box. A ll O ther Goods Briually Low. . t.O B E R K , 445 Liberty Street, WINSTON, N. C. •gT F f R A T a n d G-RA SS CBO PS. Allison & Addison’s —H IG H GEADIO— FERTILIZERS. «'ST.\R BRAND” GTTANO, “ M oGAVOOK» m x T U R E , r<n. p .” T O T .'sn m ix t u k i :, ACID PH O SriJA T E . W c especiallv recomm end tiie Gavock M ixture.” U i» estensiv.-ly used in Virginia and Its use on thi: rmp!j has jflven great ^atislaction in North Carolina for the last two years. I'or sale hy Agents generally th^ug4iout the Sia.te Send for OiafCuiars. A tL tS O N & A»DISON. B r ia e h Virgtnii-darolina Chemidal Com pw ly, Bichm pnd, v s . the good name of your State, just in OTder to “ hold Roljerson and sav« the State.” Yon have caught jourselvesin this unholy scheme to deceive, misleatl and rob the people of their liberties and rights, and you cannot now shift your re- sponsii'Hity to other shoulders. Stand up to the 'rack and take your medicine likt, men, and don’t try to force it down others who are not sick. By their works shall ye know them . I^ess than one hundred arrests out of hundreds of thonsands of votei-S! Even if every oih; of the arrested persons had been a fniud- nlent v o ter^as many of the-.n were not-—their fraud could not have aftectetl results. It all means that at least we have an election law which accom plish^ its purpose of securing to each man entitle*! to it jnfet one vote, cast freely and in secret and honestly wmutcd. That roeans.liberiy and the oppoj tiinity for self-government.—New York W orld, Dem. The above clearly shows that there is'o n e Democratic paper iu fiivcr ot honest elections, a free i b tllot- and a fair cou;it, liberty and self-government. How different here in North ('aroliua! The eloc- iion law passed by the last Demo­ cratic Legislature wsis drafted and put through to defeat honest elec­ tions. A fair count and a free bal­ lot was put aside, and the people were advised to Sink conscience for the public good—the public good party papers and if yon can afi'ord it, patronize the other side. W here you can’t afford this, exchange papers with your politic.-il oppo­ nents, in Ihus doing you l>enetit yourself and your neighbors. W reck on the Soutlicrn. There was a terrible wreck F ri­ day night on the Mooresville branch of the.Sonthern road. Train No. 74 left the freight depot at 8 o’clock with 13 freight cai-s and a caboose. On reaching a point near the Davis school tre-stle the centre axle on the third coal car from the HouVe dw i-in tte o7 Mf>eks- eugine broke, when there w?'s ai ... .. ... of V.'illir.iu McKinley and his tri nm phant reelM tion.” Pension Commissioner Evans: “ The victoiy in Ohio is a great one, being a cer­ tain s;itisf;-.ctory endoi-sement of the McKinley adm inislration.” Repi-esentative Dalzell,of Pennsyl­ vania: “ t consider it fortunate that Bryan earried Nebraska. That means that he will be renominated by the Democrat e . He is the e.asiest man in the United States for us to defeat.” United .States Treasurer Roberts: “ The results prove Vieyond question that the conntry sustains the President’s policy in reference to onr new pos­ sessions.” Sen-Jtoi Cullom: “ The administriticm ’s policy is cndoi-sed by th e( esnlt of the electiim in Oiiio, for the gre-atest li; lit was nmde in that State against the ad­ m inistration. The victory of the fusion ticket in Xebr.iska will re­ sult in Bryan’s being the Demo­ cratic nominee in 15)00, which is desired by most Republicans, as they think there will be no trouble in defeating him .” Representative Page Morris, of Minnjgetei: “ The result in Ohio nwins the i-cnonu- nation of Jlr. McKinley by accla­ mation, and his re-election.” Comptroller of the Currency Dawes, vho is a member of the Re­ publican national committee: “ The general result indicates the strength of the I’residcnt’s policy with the people, and forecasts a Republican victory in 1900.” M c D O W E L L & R O G E R S , W i n s t o n ’s C h e a p C l o t h i e r s ^ ----------BUYERS FOR—------ 3 MAMMOTH STORES. 3 W E .SELL FOR LESS, BECAUSE W E BUY CHKAPER THjVN s m a l l d e a l e r s . s o m e S F B G I A L S i 300 Suits at $3 50, $5 00 and $6 50, WORTH «5i00 TO $9.00, 500 StJiTS $7.S0 TO *10.00, W ORTH #11.00 TO #15.00. 150 Ovfrwatii »2.50 to $6;50, worth $3.75 to $10,80. 200 0\T5RC0ATS, $7.50 to $12.50. Worth $20.00 to $18.«0;. If yon have bought of us yon know nS; if you haven’t yo* should try us, and learn your sa\1ng. GREAT V a l u e s in H ats, Shirts, Ties, and Uhderwear. ^ DcSil’t F orget the P lace w hen T o u Com e to WinBton- S t a n d a r d S h o e s , --ZiECiTOR BROTHER’S M A K E - THI3 BEST SHOFS For LADIES, M1.S.SBS and CHILDREN OX EAurn. ''PaE Styles Now Ready. TH E KFGULAR SHOfi STORE, Gol-ner 4th and Liberty Sts., WINSTON, N. C. N E E L t & C E U T E . was a general wreck. Seven cars were badly smasiied. The train was in Char<ce of E. B. Laird, conductor; R. F . Smith, engineer; Rubin Arclicr, colored fireman. Fortu­ nately no one wa» hurt. Two wrecking trains with 200 men were sent to clear the tr.ick. This is one of tln)sc accidents that could not be foreseen or avoided. of Bimiuons and bis crovrd, who Nov. Sth 1^1*8. FOB SALE. A Productive little farm for sale 50 odd acrc=i. Lies well. W ater location, iniprovementK good. Se­ lect fruit; well timbered, Piue and Oak fon st. Price only three hun­ dred aKdi!ibe‘7-fi''e‘l‘>'‘3rs, [^£.95.] Title nncinestionable, v.aitiuted and defended. Wonld take horse, har­ ness and buggy in the trade. Ly­ ing 3 miles North of county Seat, Moeksvillc, on W ilkesboro road. Object, imigr.ition; seeing it be- Uevitig. Respectfull, A .S . WOM-VCK. Mot^v-wvillfi. Davie Co. N. C., N O T I C E . By virtue of all order made by A. T. G nint, Clerk of Superior Court, I will sell at this (Jonrt ville. on the 4th day of Decdinbef, lS9i), the following real estate, ad­ joining the lands of Lewis H arper, et al and bounded as follows: To wit: Beginning at a stone I^w is H arpers corner, thence W . 20 poles and 15 links to a stone in j Poits line, thence S. 70° West 2-1 poles and L to a .stone in Potts line, theiue E 15° N 20 pole.s and 20 links to a stone, to the begining containing 2 acres and 105 poles more or less. Terms of Sale, $25.00 cash, balance on six months time with bonil and appiovtd security at 6 per cent iutc ' :wt from day of sale, title rescrveci till purchase money is pai(i. This 19th day ol October ISlin. N. CllArFlN, Adm r. of G. H. Lippard dec’d. T. B. Bailey, Attorney. G e t a R e c o r d P r e s e n t . 8®. ONE DOLLAR PAYS FOR THE PAPER AND 2 TICKETS. ....'j .'B 7 CART l a n d , --S U tJC E S S O R T O --- H. H. Carttand. G r it? 3 0 3 3 L S 'b O l* C *I T . C * 4 n r S J L L I N E O F C L O T H S A N D C A S Q I E B E S _____a l W .\y s o k h a n d .------- A full corps of th9 BEST BXPSRlESCEfl WORKMEH. f W rite tor Samples and Measuring Blanks, r a te lor e Satisfaction G uatantettl.- % H . M O R R IS , Agent.. - Cal aild see samples and learn prices. IteiileiubfSr Thisi SOcts pays for 6 months subscrip­ tion to T its UECOKD and you giit a G. T. GUSCOCK & SONS, G R E E N S B O R O , M . C ., fOVNBEBS Ain) MACHlNIStS. MaUufactarcrs Of Turbine W ater WheeUi, Thi) CAROLINA COOK STOVE, H eating Stoves. Coal Grates, Countl-y Hollow W are Plofl-s, P lo w CaSrings aild Feed Ctiitere. SPECIAL CASTlNfiB OF ANY DESCttlPTlON. ticket and ail opportunity at one o f. 935“ Every Article Mannfactui-edby Us GnaraoteCd in Every -EcsnetJ the five free gifts. ' N. C. ■r In selMling a Sewing Jlschine, pick oat the one tbat runs Ihe lightest, uire the fastest, makes tbc least noise is inott durable. •Kill not break tbe 1brc»a if run backwara, will not pnok- cr the lighteit fabrics, has i)atenl Bpool wire, antomatio tention release ball bearing, ete. THE WHEELER & WiLSON possesses all tbij above points of sn- 'periority over any other mako. Costs aotbioe to eiamine oil?. F or salo by E. .T. BOW EN, W inston, X. O. . . TR Y TH E . . “ HEW HOME’’ SEWING MACHINE. WRITE FOR C IR C U L liflS M .J ? .^ ^ Sewine Machines we manufacture and tbeir pnces before you purchase any other. THE NEW HOME SEWINfi MiCNIME GO., OJlAXOL'fJIASa. t» I'nioa Square, S. Y. Cliicfleo. 111. St. I^ata. ilo UttlUa, Ti:SU. U&it FrhDci^oo.Cal. All4U>U, Ua. F O a SA L£ a v Lord Salisbury Says There Will Be No Foreigti Intervention. WILL DEAL WITH BOERS ALONE. F r e e tu it io n . W e g’lv e o n t: o r m o re f re e .sch o l­ a r s h ip s in e v e r j' c o im iy iu th ^ U. S . V V rite u s. W ill a c c e p t &ole.s r o rtu ilio n o r c a u d e p o s it x n o n .-v ln b a n k u u iil jw s iiio n is s e c u re d . C a r f a r e p a id . >To v u c .iiio n . E n - p o s itio n s ,,, S u a r a n te e d Under reasonable caudxtioir .... t e r a t a n v tim e . O p ^ n fo rb o U j sesca. (fhsapliccm. Send for free Ulustrated cstakoue. A d d re s s J . F . D r a u g h o x , F re s ’t, a t e ith e r p la ce . D r a u s h o r t ’s P r a e t i c a l . . . . . B u s i n e s s .... Nashville, Tenn., o tv tn n ih , Ga., ^ Galveston, Tex., Texarkana, Tex. B o o k k e ^ n g :. S h o r a iim d . T y p e w r itin g , e tc . T h e m o st thorough, practical a n d pru^ressitt sc h o o ls o f th e k i a J in th e w o rld , a a d l i e best patronized o n e ^ in th e S o u th . I n d o r s s d b y b a n k ­ e rs , m e rc h a n t^ m iu is te rs a t!d o th cr.c. F o u r w e e k s i n lxx>kl • • - twelve weeksI jo o k k te p in ^ " w ith OS a re e q u a l to b v th e o ld p la n . J . r . D ra u jb o o , P re s id e n t, is a u th o r o f C r a u ^ h o n ’s > rc tr S y s te m o f B o c k k e e p in " “ D o u b le K u t:^ 'M a d e lia s y .” tlo ia e s tu d y . V ’e h a v e p r e p a re d f o r h o m e M stdy. b o o k ? o n b o o k k e c p iu g . p e n in -in s lu p o n d e h o rth a u d . W rite f o r p r ic e lis t “ U o iu e S tu d y ." e x t r a c t . “ PR O F. D aA uoH O N —I le a r n e d b o o k - ...........................h o ld ii I.BFFTX GW ELL, l^ k V « 3 o e r f o r C e rb ei .W h o le sa le O i-ocer.s. S o u th C h ica g o . Ill (Mentfon this paptr wh^n wi/Jn^-,) S O U T H E R N R A IL W A Y , *CttBdeni«d Schedule of pMS9ar«r In Effect June llth. 18M. Kortbbouod. I i Y e i. iK y -1 8 I No. SB' K*. ' I 0 « il.T [ p > l l y - : S o n . Lv. Atlanta. <1T. Atlenta.E.T.“ NorcroBtt__ “ Buford......... “ Galnearill©.- “ L u la .................. ComelLi.. .j'.Mtr-aiiry....•T.Toceoa.^..... WestnUnntcr Xjt. Charlotte .. Ar.Qreeuaboro 7 60 n'ja 00 m' 4 8 90 a , 1 00 p ! i, 9») a ........0 88p . 1005 a -................t 7 g 8 p • ilOSi .4 ! w5 a 8 00 p i ^ d a p '1130 a ' ............8 4 0 p l . 15^{ a , 8 8U p' 9 05p' ;l281m ; ?5ai:. 2 84 p 6 25 p .1 387p, rtl3 p I I> p’Ilttp 702 pifiOSJ p.;.........!5 23 p.-................• c 30 p. 8 18 P 0 52 p 10 47 p' 11 60 p 12 M a 1 80 a . 1S06 p liT.Greensboro..'.........‘fi *5 v '.......... Ar.Norfolk ...................• B 2o a ... D a n v ille ..........11 2S p 11 otf p'r............. 1 2a p 2 rT IS ic lu n o Q d .. . | 0 Ou a 6 W) *al.............. 8 S p r .W a * h ia < to n ..'____' BaltinoPRR.;..... ' Philadelphia.'___ ' NawYork...!.... 6 « a ........8 00 a ., __.10 15 a|......... -1 2 4 3 m '. . 0 05 p US6 p 2U a A23 a S o n U tb o u n d . K st.M I, V e*. i S o . l l X o . 3 5 S 'o . « 7 I> a lly O a l l r . ,D a ily , i tr. ti. y..P.B.R. S 16 a TdU p ......“ PhlladalpWo. 8 5U u 0 55 pt......... “ B a J tlm o r« . . I « ?■> & 9 20 p !..............•• WaAiapron.. ,ll I.) a 10 45 p' ........ £t. Blchraoad ...' W Olnu li 00 p.llOOp hr. Daarllle ...... 6 02 pi 5 50 n' C10 a liT. Korfolk . I __. 85 p ▲ r.C ire e n s b o ro ..! ............j a 15 » . . . L T .G rM D s b o ro . 7 24p7U5B7 8 7 _ a r . ^ a r l o t t e . . . . 10 00 p . i» 25 u 12 OSih L T .G M tO h ia ......... 1 0 « P 1 0 07 a 1 J2 p ......... ** Kinff a Mt-... •...........- • 188 p‘ . . ;; B la o k A u r y . . .11 SI p ly a 2 « p ’.............. •' GafTne.TB .. ..1 1 4 (J p lo 58 a 2 2 4 p ..............2—.. ..Jiw ;i iU SO B - 8partaabur*..l2 26 a H 34 a 818 p! .■ CTrecnrxlltt.... 125 a U 30 p;430 p “ Central......... .................. |5S2r S ts : Kraeca ......... Wcjftminsttr.Toecoa......... ilf. Airy ......Cornelia........lAsia......... OaiDttiriUe. .Buford .........Norcr Kuclana's Triui MiuUtei- l>i*cusies tUe Situation I m Spc«ft1t at Hie Ixktd Mayor's Dluoer^Oefands tlie Goveru* ineiit*s Action aud Kxpresses Cuu« fidenve in tUe Keiull. L ondw-s (By Cable).—.Vt tbe Lord .Mayor’s uanquet Lor.i Wolseley, Coaimnnder*lu- uf the Army, aunouuosd that orders lind l)c«u issued for the foriuatlou of un* other dlvUioo, which would he sent toSoutn Afric.i. If necftJ&Ary, he added, the .Sb<?ond Army would be mobili^cej. Lord9')UaUury,.ln speaktu(;of Kuglund':^ wUhdrftwal from Bamo.'i, s.iid the idlaod which had 1>€0D cedeJ was of special im- portftueeto Germuny, but of no vuluo to Great Britiua. He contJnuud: *'Wo had ihe harbor which they wanted, and the Germaas had territory in whltjU wo were specially ioterested. Our rehitiocs with the German G>verniueut at the ptesent momeut nro ail we uould desin*.’’ < 03 a 4^0 a4 00 a5 i-, H iU 1 33 p: 5 45 p............eoo p 2 18 p. 630 p ...........' T 12 p 630 • 8 00 p;7It5p 685 a S hi r! 7:^p! 637 s 8 87 p b28pi7W a ........ «40p 74Sa......... ' 915 p‘ 8?7 a4 55 p I'J (X) p! It 09 a -.3 A r . A tla n ta . k .T '; . . . _ __________________ A r . A tla n ta . C . 'IV 5 J ^ a y f . t» w tp , 8 « ) > ••A” a . n i. " P " p . n i. “ M " iio o a . " X '’ s ig h t. (. hesapeaki Line Kt^ajnem :a 4laiJT scrnof bpiweeu Norfolk and Baltimore. • Nuff.Sj7aiidS8—Daily. Wa-chlneton aiidSontfar = w w tte rn V e s iilm U * L im ite d . T h r o u g h P u U m a a » l« e p u ij? 0^ b e tw e t-n K e w Y o rk a n d N e w O r le a n s , v ia W a y U lu c to n . A tla n ta tu id M o n tg o m ' e r y ^ n d aler, betw r< *n ^’ ev.• Y o rk a n d M em pK tj. •■ n a W a a h ia c to a .A th u ita tic d .liir m iiic h a m . A I m PC L L M .A .> - L iB R A K Y < )B dE B V A - T lO J f C A R S b e ; w e e n A tla n ta a tjd X p w T o r k . r ir ttc ia ib : th o ro tig h fa r e q 6.s ' •ef\v«*u W ash - i& g lo x ia n d A ila tito . D fo in ^ c a r s s< ;rr« a ll m e a li r o a to . P \ilh n a n d ra u iu i'* ro o n i s lfte p ln g e a w b e tw e e n Q ro e ji^ ib o ro a n d N o rf o lk . CfuM> ci>n s e c ti o n a tX o rf.> lk f o rO l.U P O U JT C O M F O R T .>os. «5 r.tiiX :a>—I'niteil Sta-res Uaflinai* soljd .>etK««en W.a.‘Ji»b5i;ton and N«w Or* .leans via Southftrn Raihvay. A. & W. P. B. K. •nd L. * X. U. K.. beinp (.oniposed of bacpaes «iraDdcoacbJ», throujrh witlioiit chaaeo for rasseuKTs pf all clutscs. PaJli«a& dr&wiDi ^ n i ^.ccjnng cars b^twv«a New York and l^rw Or^o5. voa Athmla and Mont«om«rr*ikd ■ Binnmehain. AUsPullman Drawing; Hooni Buffet BleeaincCars t^t\reeu Atlanta and Afhpville. N.C. I^ariM waahmfftou ru-h I'uesdav .and FrMaj, a tm m s t K lf^ p in r .-» r w ill r a n ih r o n g h b t t m r a W an liiA trh x i jiud> > an F ^ -an p i.^ :o * .rith o o t« 3 iM i« b IWniaj cath Jicrre ail meals eurcute.. «* and U'~PaUim»a sleepiins earl b e t« ^ Wehiuoa<luQdUharlott4, vU DabTiUa; •oo^^und Nos. a and 3J. uorthbound Ksa. T h W r - P . i t G p.il ils T ., T r & f l l ^ V r . Washington. D. U WflL3hincto£D.A r « ^ .A ^ T U B K , 6 . H . H A B D W in ir. ^ T.oni. ^ALlt=^XIlr. : (Prime Mlulslor of Great Ilritaiu.) 1 l^..*;jrtrainR the war. the PrlQio Miulster said he wi.«hoJ lo deprecate certain orlti* elstn.“ und Ptatenicuis. which were no: w«*ll fouDded. A feellut; existed tlun thu lack of troop? was in sotae way due to waat of aetlonouthe part of the Uoverum^ut. On this point there had been tw'» opijiiou^, one in favor of acd the other against ih!U* larv proparatioii. ‘•It wa.i stated aJjroad,” j-aid ll'el'rcmier, •'that we wer*; a fjtronj? oution attacLliijf u Wijal: oue. Iltu. sur*?ly, a-* our forc*«*3 arc so far distant. It: would be nearer the truth 10 say that we \v«r« a weak nation utt.Hck- Ini? a .■‘tn.rUtj oue. “ WhRt was (he caiiso of th« war and the Boer uUiiualum? I: was hui<l that it waft beeause w« had laUen inaasnrt;.'* to iucrease our forco In Synth .\frioa. If had 1q- ctcased tliis force earlier, th« Transvaar uUltnatuiu would have lu^en senc earlier, fhe real enu.5e dated buck to the uufor- tunaio arrangftjneais of J881, wherol>.v we pei'niltteda eoinmunlty admittedly ho«»iiie' tons to enjoy the right of ae<*ainulatlns unbounded munition? of war. •’Onr troops are now -beglnuins to arrive iu South .Vfriea. Foreign nation* have cotDpll'cented us on li;e foolness with whl.:h we have reoels-ed news oJ cheeks. Hut we know that wera always pos- giblo ut thi^ outset." •T.very Industry that was Rucce?3fully pro.seinited bred commrroe and that, of courHo, was to the advantage of Easlnnd. TLat was uU we desircl. 'Vo pought neither the gold territory nor the diamond but 6>|ual ri^i^ts fur nil meu. It cannot be doubte>l thatwu ehall so arrange thu Is»ue of the eonfllftt ns to confer {?ood government on tbe area concerned and «lvu ttiftt security which is solely needed nffaiQsl theroiiarfen<?e of any such atrlfo In that portion of the worUl.” Lord SaUsburv' said ho Uud seou wild euggeationa that foreign power# would in­ terfere In the present conAl>*t and would dictate In Home torn) or other what the up­ shot would bp. Ue continued: “Do not let auy man thluic that It Is in tliat fashion tills cocflict will be concluded. Wo will have to carry It through oiirselves und 110 interference wiil hove any effect; In the flrdt phice, because we should not accept &uch Interference quletly.audin the second place because I am convinced that there Is no such Idea In the mind of any Ciovern iirint in the world.” In conclusion the Premier said: “ When- eVf r we aro vietorlous wo flhall couault the vaiit; intere&U committud to our care and the vast duties we b«vo to perform. Wo aJinyejyike counsel-of the uniform tradl« Coloa^l Government and malntniutvfc- equal ju«tlce to all races which it has^l«Bn out uniform praotho to observe.” ADMIRAL EWEY WEDDED. Marrla};e to Mrs. Haxeu 'rked ni* ,«thlnfft4]U. WASHisorox, D. C. (Sp^ciu*;.-—i^n iral George Dewey and Mr-s. Mildred were aiarrled <{uietly and with characterlT* tic simplicity in ihlt$ city. In the parlor the little ivy co%'ercd rectorv of St. Paol’s Roman CathoUc Church, at No. 1435 V slreer, by the Ilev. James r. .Mackln, as- sistod by tho Rev. Joseph A. Poley luid tbe liev, Sidney 8. Hur'bat. The only other Rersons present at tha ceremony were [r.-*. Wa^ihlngtou McLean and >lr^, Lud* Jow, the mother and the sister, r^)e<*. tlvely, of the bride, and Lieutenant H. II. Caldwell, the Adniimr.s aide. Th«) ceremony was performed with the rln« aceordlDg to the rites o£ the CuthoHo' Church. Including tho addre^ of Father .Mackln. it lasted less than hv«s mIout«<>. Father Mackin was tho llrst to Rreet the bride as • Mrs. Dewey. Oongratal.itlons and felicitations followed, and the wed- dIUK party drove alractly front the rectory to «tho -home of tbe bride’.4 mother, Mr^. MaLean, where a wedding breakfast was served. At about 12.80 o'clock the Admiral nud Mrs. Dewey left the McLean home for tbe Pennsylvania railroad station. Mr.s. Dewey had changed the gown In which sho was married for a black travellog suit. Less than a dozen people had assembled at the* station, and there was no demonstration as they passed hurriedly through to tlie train. Hecretary lloot went ou board the train just before it started XorN«wY$rk City, aud offered his congratulations. Finol Estimate of tbe Com Crop. Snow's final fore*iasL ot the corn crop points to a total of 2,fiOO.OW,()M bushels. To Cut *»tt .^cniEalilo'e Ketrcat. Cenetnl Wlieato&’s expedition landed in the (laif of Llngayea to cut ofl the retreat of the iosurgenls In the Philippines on the roads as far north ta Bcsarlo, and lo hold the road to ihe«outnea.st to San .Taclnto. It is thought this will Interfere with Ag- ulnaldo’ft nattiral line of retreat to th«- liortli, ah all ihe other mountain paaset* are not availahle for heavy transportation. All Bccords ou th* Lake* Uroken. Ail preTious rco.orda in tbe history of the kbipping trade un the lakes have b«en broken thl-s year. THE NEWS EPITOMIZED. Attiomobiie Runs Away In Cleveland, ' Thefint automobile runaway in Clere* land, Ohitf, occurred a.^cw dpya ago pn the public square. Tho operator got oUt to nx Romeofthcmaehlnerv. lie was tinkerin'' with It vr:ien. tbe ma.jUiue started up. rnera wa.^ a great scampering of people to get out of the way. The owner overrook the fljingmachinejumped In and stopped Xew Interstate Coinmerr« Coiai»4Mlon*r. The. PtCsideaf uav appolntecl icrmer Governor Joseph W. of IlUnol#, a. member of the Interstate Coametoe'CQm. miiilM, ViM W, J. irashlncton It Wtt, learned at tho State Department that Aguinaldo was no longer in tho vl- cinltv of Torlae, but had started for iioambapg, sevcnty*flve miles northeast. President McKinley, regarding tha elec« tions as an indorsement of his Philippine policy, will, it Is said, of-eDly favor re- tentl3n. Diplomats InleieBtcd In the Chinese question called at the State Department and had long talks with Secretary Hay. Tests of the Holland submarine boat made In the Lcng Island Strand under the supervision of the United States Kaval Board ot Inspection and -Survey were en­ tirely successluK A dispatch to the War Depwlment an- nouncftd the death of Major SamueJ Robin* son. Surgeon United State.^ Army, in Hot Springs, Ark. ■ It was tinanlmously agreed by the Cab- lACt to urge ui>ou'Congress tbe immediate passage of a joint resolullon declaring it to be the inteniion of t’le Vnlie'i States to retain the rhilipplne.?. iHOESOFMCTION Summary of the Vote Just Taken in the Various States. Oui* Adopted Xtlniitls. - Xiiere has bpcn a heavy r.iiustorm in tbe province of Puerto Principe^ Cuba. The corn <’rops Imve euffrtred severely. Many families wero compelled to take refuge lo boats. Governor.Geoeral Brooke of Cuba has sanctioned tho project for the construction of a new lighthouse at Clenfiiego-*. Major Beli't* regiment advanced from Guagua cn Florida Blanca, which w’a.^ found to be deserted. Major IleJi also made tinolher descent upon Porac, pursuing tho Tagals tkence into the mounlaiUB. t>ouie»ttn. Tho Michigan Centra! passbuger traiu running from Toledo to Detroit, wai wrccked between Alexle and Vienna, Mich. Tho rails, which had been loosened by wreckers, spread under the weight of the train, plunging U Into the ditch. Three nertions wore fatally lujured. Fifteen or twenty other passengers were bruised, and faome of tlieui had slight wotiuds. Sam Brock, an aged farmer hying near Owenton, Kv.. mistook his sou fora burg­ lar and stHbhed him. innictlng a wound from which Jie died. Brock Itaa disap­ peared.. Mr?. «arah King, sl.xiy years old, wat murdered in a lonely fnrmhouse seven miles from Stamford, Conn. Charles Bert­ ram Crosi*. seventeen years old. Iho hired man on the farn:, i^ under arrest as the murderer. Mr?. Eliis Thomas is dead at lUchmond, M d.,:vtthe ago of nlnety-aye. Her bus* band, oue year olJer, survlvcj*. They had been married for seventy-three years. The Board of Ciassillcation of the Uniteii Slates Goner.'il .■appraisers, in New York City, handed down a decision regarding the’a«isec»mcui uf dutle.*? on goodsimporteu from Cuba since the treaty of peace was ralilleil. Tha Boari hold.s that for tarifl purpose-Cuba Is a foreign »ieuntry. AK goods from Cuba must Jherefore pay regu­ lar duties. Monumrnts in honor of -Teftersou Davis and hl.< daughter. Miss Winnie Davis, wero nnvcil'»'l In Hullywood Ct*metery, at liich* mond. Va. Ai-Ik'les of iiicor}.oration for the Tele­ phone, Telegraph and Cablo Compauy of .^mcriv-a. with a capital of $30,600,000. were filed at Tronton. X. T. The new coneern Is controlled by thu Wliitney syndicate and will fight the Bell company. Han‘y Wallace killed his wife wit'.i a luinimer at their home near Bckynevllle, Del. He made his escape. Five masked robbers bound and gagged Dftuiel Wilson and four sisters at Rural Village. P«nn., and took ^■1700 In cash from a tildtng place, Amos T. -^llen has been elected Con­ gressman from the First Maine District to succeed Thoojas B. Reed, by a majority of about 5900. In Manutee County, South Florida, two men were convlcied ol murder and two of hog stealing. The murdereri* were sen­ tenced, one to two anil the other to six moutHs In jail, and the hog thieves, one to a yc-ar aud a half and the other lo two years in State prison. Tho First Washington Kegimont received a grand reception irom tho citizens of Seattle and Washington ou its return irom Manila. It is estimated that tbero were 6CL000 rttrangers in Seattle, giving the soldiers an ovation they will neter forget. •Arthur Henry, twentj’-two years old, has been arrested at New Orleans. La., charged with the murder ot Miss Alice Chadwell. Hia ehum, Sidney Debargo, Is sharing his Imprisonment, charged with complicity iu the crime. Miss Chadweil died over two weeks ago. An autopsy revealed the fact that sho had mut her death at the hands of »n poisoner. Fire destroyed the building at &1, 95 and 9^ Mott »*treet in N*ew York City. Four lives were lo.^t. :^overal persons were in­ jured, nud the total lo3s will amount to «!150,009. In ,a revival at York, Penn., a convert confessed to having twice fired his faotory. He rMtnrnel fnsnratiae monoy. C. P. Brown, of Itutland, Vi., twenty-six years old, wa.« fonad dead iu his room, nt tho Hotel Keudall, ut .South Framingham, Maes. Tho gas was turned on, but there was little to indicate suicidal intent. A new departure marked the launching of tho steamship San Juan, at Wilmington, Del. Instead of the customary suwlcg ot A plank to release tho ves«iels afterjithe cradle was seitied upon, an ftrrangement worked by releasing a weight was used. It worked^su^es.gfullv. FrankB^y^SKiase, instructor of KnglisU In Yale University, arrested on the charge Of trespass for looking into tbe wlni\o.w« of house:;, was discharged in the police court ■at New Haven. Oonu. There were no prosecuiioas. F o r e i g n . The Cza^aud the Kaiser reached u full understanding on many Important points at a meeting in Potsdam, Germany. The Turkish and French Cousulate.<i at Odessa. Rusfia, have been informed that King Mecellk ot Abyssinia will arrive in 3Iay ni‘xt and will pay a visit to the Czar while on his way to the Purl."* Exhibition. Tho German Consul nt K.ingston, Jama- ciu, received an intimation that, owing to war conditionf, (he German corvettes Stein, Stesch aud Charlotte, now in We3t Indian waters, have b<*en ordered to pro­ ceed home Immediately. The incident baa caused considerable speculation. The Spanish fleet Is about to he concen­ trated at Cadiz. The first of the long list of British tran sports arrived at Cape Town, HoutU Africa, andproeeeded without delay to Durban, with the object ot lelieving Lttdysmitb. General Lord Wolaeley, the Commander- in-Ohluf of the British Army, has written to Lady Itaudolph Churchill thanking her for the efforts of the American ladles in England in fitting out a hospital ship for Houth African waters. Emperor William is resolved lo occupy Tiger Bay, south of Angola, on th® west coast o! South Africa, if England occupies Deiagoa Bay L'ke De!agoa Buy, Tiger Bay is a ?ortnguestf possefislon. Lord Kitchene? tinnounoes that he iu- tends to proclrtlm the Soudan open to nil corners early in December, when the rail­ way will reach Khartoum. Major Bjterbaz? has been- eondemucd at Paris to three vears’ iJiprlsonment and to pay a fine of ten dollars in addition to re­ turning $67C0 to his cousin, Christian £$• terhazy. The German Federal Council has been notified by Viee Admiral TlrpltK. Minister of the Navy, that a new naval bill is course of preparation. A ielegtam received at Borne from Mas- sowfth, Egypt, savs English and American engineers have diaeovercd three lodes of gold near Osmara. It Is said the lodes can be profitably worked.. U is reported that Dr.-Leyds has received a fnendJy Intimation that his visits to Hoi- land diiring tho continuance of ho.nilllies between England and the South African Uepubllc must oease. United States Consul Guenther, of FranUfort-on-the-Maln, Germany, h&a ar­ ranged with the Uhlne Steamer Company to try Ainericaji o.-jal, which can 1-e Bold- cheaper than the loca^ coal. After beiutt blooicaddd Ihirtv houre Paerto Oabelio surreBderdd to G«|ier&l Costro; the nevdietator ot Vei^oaeU, who THE EFFECT ON PARTY POLICIES Bepnbllcau Goveruors fleeted in OUio, Massacliusetts and Iowa—Democrats Snecetsfal In aiaryland. ailtalselppi and Vlrglnla^EUven States Elected State Offlcera^Tke Fresldeney. Washinotox, D. C. (Special).—Elections for State officers were held this year In eleven States, as follows: Iowa, K-»ntueky. Maryland, Masaachusotts. Mlssl»iipt>l, Ne- brn^kn, New Jersey, NewVorfe, Ohio, Penn­ sylvania and Virginia. An analysis of the returns shows that tbe Republicans were su'.‘cea«rul In all of the States with tho ex­ ception of Maryland. Mississippi and Ylr- gluia. Nebraska wna carried by tho Fuslonists, while Kentmiky, on the faco of the latest returns, was claimed by both Republloans and Democrats. Leading Democratic polltielans iu all parts of the country practically agree that the result of the elections will be the nom­ ination by their party of William Jennings Brj-au for President, with no special change in the present issues between the parties. Leading Republican politicians assert that President McKinley will re­ ceive a second nomination and claim that the vote just taken is a popular indorse­ ment of the Administration's policy in the PMllppine.«. The roauUs iu the various States are as follows: In New York member.? of tiie Assembly were the only State officers voted for. Tho Republicans elected nlnety-twi> and the Democrats fifty-eight, giving a Republican majority of thirty-four. Robert Mazet, Chairman of tbe Legislative Investigating Committee, was defeated in bis race for re-election from the Nineteenth Assembly District iu New York City by Perez Jl. Stewart,-the nominee of Tammany Hall and the Citizens’ Union. The Democrats elected their county tickets In Greater New York, Tammany Hall in New York County electing its candidates for Justices of the Supreme Court, judges of the Court of General S^slons, Judges of the City Court, Surrogate and Sheriff by majorities of about 57,000. In New Jersey the Republican.s elected seven Srate Senators and the Democrats elected one Senator In Warren County. The Republicans Increased their rnpre- .sentatlou in the House of Assembly, and will control both houses of the Legis­ lature by good working majorltlos. In Pennsylvania the Republican candi­ date for State Treasurer, Colonel James E. Barnett, was elected by a plurality of 10<^,< 405. There are two vacancies In th** Supreme Court, aud according to the law. each partv Gleets one Judge. In the Ninth Con- gre.eslonal District Captain H. D. G.reen, Democrat, ffas chosen to succeed D. M. Ermentront, deceased. In Ohio the Republicau State ticket was elected. Judge Nash, the nominee for Gov­ ernor. having a plurality of about {^,000. Mayor Jones, ot Toledo, the Independent candidate, received a vote of about 100,000. Iu Massivchusetts W. Murray Crane, the Republiean candidate, was elected Gov­ ernor by a plurality of 63,052. The rest of the State ticket was also elected, and the Republicans will have control of the Legis­ lature. In Maryland the Democrats elected Colonel John Walter Smith Governor and secured control of the Legislature. In Nebraska the Fusionists olected Slla.s A. Holcomb Judge of tho Supremo Court. In Iowa the Republicans ro-elected Gov- eruor Shaw and maintain their control «j* the Legislature. Iu Virginia the Democrats have a large majorltv in the State Legislature. THE ELECTION IN KENTCCKV. Both Sides Clalined Victory aud a Cou- teit W in Be iDstitated. L ocisville, Ky. (Speolal).—Uucertainty regarding the resul: of tbo election in this State ifl not likely to be removed for some time. Three days after the election both sides otaimed victory, the State Chairman of each party esserting that his ticket has a plurality of about 4000. Newspaper returns from Republican sources give Taylor a plurality of 3,489, while those from Demo­ cratic sources make Goebel’s plurality 941. Feeling among tbe factions has been aggravated rather than allayed by the developments. Excited meetings have been held In many parts of tbe State to protest against frauds which it was alleged wore contemplated by the leaders. Nothing short of the official count will determine therasult, and it was a foregone conclusion that tho announcement of that count would simply change tbe scene ot oonfilct to tbe courts or the Legislature, where It will appear in the form of a con­ test. _____________________ FILIPINO SUPPLIES CAPTURED. One Hundred Insurgents Uouted by Nlue« tAen Araerlean Officers and Men. MASIL4 (By Cable).—General MacArthur sent out three parties from 3Iabalacat to reconnoitre the enemy’s position. Colonel Smith, ot the Twelfth Infantry, command­ ed the party on the right, Lieutenant Sla- vens had ebarge of the centre and Colonel Bell, of the Thirty-sixth Infantry, com­ manded tho left. A considerable force of Filipinos was lo­ cated in front of Bamban. Lieutenant Haven’s party gotclose enough to seethem destroy a locomotive. Colonel Bell, with five officers and two men of the Thirty- sixth, and Captain Hawiilns and ten men ot E troop. Fourth Cavalry, skirted the foothills west of tbe railroad, and succeed­ ed after difficult and skilful work in get­ ting to tbe rear of 100 Insurgents, who were In a trench. The Americans made a daring oharge, and nineteen of the enemy, Including their Captain, were killed and wounded. Six prisoners and thirty Manser rifles were captured. TheAmerieausBufferedno loss. ; party reached San Jose by way of Santo Domingo. General Young, with a troop of the TUIr and a company of Macabebes diroot from Talavera, was also at Ban Jose. The Americans met with no resistance, the in­ surgents promptly fleeing to the foothills just beyond the town. The Maeabebea captured a rebel oommlssary officer with 9200 in his pockets, ond a sou of General Lenaro. supposed to be a Colonel. A quantity of ammnnition, inclading 540 rounds for a Hotohkiss breechblock three- inch guo, was also captured. Alllk Trust Iucorpovale«. New York City, Brooklyn, am! Jersey City dealers have Incorporated nt Dover, Del,^ a gigaotlo milk trust nnder the name of The Pure .Milk Oompanv, with a cdpitai of §30,000.000. With the articles of Incor­ poration was u cheek for $45{H), the ad­ vance poyment of the first year's tax ander tJ’.e laws of this State. The new trast is chartered to deal in milk aud cream and ail tbeir products and by-products. lavesUffatius the Trnsif. The Industrial Commission resumed its investigation of trusts at Washiogtou. Colombian Xaval Fight. Bellable Colombian advices just received at Kingston. Jam aica descrtbe the pursuit Rodrigue:, companied by the steamer Colombia, bav' Ing troops on boatd. The Ineurgcnt steamer, tho Draga, was rammed and sunk, and four smaller ones were captured after a sanguinary fight. Then the Cls- neros, with tbe surviving Inlurgeats, fs- caped into Bio Dlanoo. Tax Troubles la MX9 «zpttle&clag great diffletUtj |a SCHOOLS MUST W A IT .' state Treasurer Say* Tl|e $100,oo« Special Appropriation U Not A vailable. The Superlntendeot o/ Public In- stTUCition recently wrote tie State Treasurer to ascertain wlieiaier or not the BJiproprtatton could be paid In the near m ture. The folltm lng Is the leUer from the State Treasurer: “Raleigh. N ot . 11. 189». “Hon. C. H. M et»ne, Supt. Public In- etruotloBi Raleigh, N. C.: D ear Sir: Yours of 8th In st asking for inform ation in regard to the Ume the 1100,000 appropriated by the last Q«neral Assembly to the schools of N orth Carolina could he paid, is received. Iu reply I regret to say th a t the prospect is not good for an early paym ent ot the some. The Treaaurer'B books showed on October 31st th a t th e disbursem ents had ex­ ceeded the receipts for the first eleven m onths of th e flecal year ending No- venilwr 3(m , to he $97,720.60. Unless tie receipts are much greater and tho aistrarsem ents m udi »maller, I do not think the condition of the Treasury will be such as to adm it of the pay­ m ent of Mie aJwve appropriation be­ fore the latter part of the year 1900. “Regretting th a t such is the case, I Your* very truly, “W. H. WORTH, "Btate Treasurer." The law mateing th e appropriation is ao worded th a t th e usual formula, "out of any moneys not otherwise ap­ propriated," li omitted. The flrat section oays "th at the sum of »100,- 000 be, and the sam e Is hereby appro­ priated, annually from tho State Treasury for the benefit of the public schools.” This wording, therefore gives this appropriation precedence of all other soedal appropriations. The law provides tb a t this money be paid by w arrants of the State Su­ perintendent of Public instruction on the State A uditor in favor of the coun­ ty treasurer of each county, the flrst Monday In January. State Auditor Aver, who has given the m atter of taxes and taxation close attention, thinks th a t the reve nues which the State will derive this year will be suBlcient to m eet all ap­ propriations and expenditures. “TL M il require close collecting on the part of county oBlcials,” tbe Auditor aald. W hile the appropriations for I hia year are largely Increased, the sources from which revenues are obtained Were cxtaided. The increased appro­ priation* generally put the expenli- fures of :he State upon the basis of ^,000,000 anntuliy. A uditor ji.ycr gays fully $23,000 will ba secured from the increase in property valua­ tions in Ihe different counties. Sche­ dule B may also be expected to yield an in e reas^ am ount of taxes. For se+eral yeare past the taxes derived frcVii schedule B have steadily In­ creased. In 1896 the taxes from this source am ounted to $89,000, and in 1897 they am ounted to $106,000. and in 1898 they were $116,000. The special license taxes were greatly Increased by the legislature. Among the nerw business th at were Included under this head are auc­ tioneers, dealers In bicycles, rent col­ lecting agencies, dealers In meats, coal and wool dealers, cotton com- pness&s, cotton buyers, photograp^iers. Ice m anufaeturera, laundrym en. lum ­ ber dealers and undertakers, etc. S tate N ew s N otes. Dr. Porter, a prom inent truck farm ­ er, at Rocky Mount, fell from a lad­ der Saturday, sustaining painful, but not serious Injuries. He ascended the ladder to look after some work on the roof of bis dwelling and while he was near the top a round broke throw ing him to the ground, breaking tw o riba and badly hurtlngs his hip. beside shocking Mm severely. Saliebury is getting ready to issue $25,000 in bonds for sewerage. The bonds w in be In denom inations of $1,000 each. A t the funeral of the late Mr. Geo. H arrlss, of W ilm ington, every honor was 5>ald to his memory. He was one of W ilm ington's best eltisena, par­ ticularly esteemed by the sea-faring men to whom he had always been a good friend. Delphie Thorne, of TariMro, ha^ been granted a pension ot $8: Alice Johnson, of Riddlcksvllle. $8; W ll- Uam Mllfion, of Barnard. $8. The grading of tbe Richmond Peterdhurg and Carolina Railroad south from Petersburg to Ridgeway N. C., is completed, and the laying ol rails is being pushed. It is expected here the track will be laid north from Ridgeway to th e M eherrin river, and south from Petersburg to tlie Meher­ rin rtver inside of the next fifteen ■Jays. The grading of ti e road from Petersburg to Richm ond,-It Is thought, will be finished by the IStb ot De­ cember next. The grading of the road in Chesterfield county Is well ■inder way. and the w orji is being prosecuted with a large steam shovel lay and n i^ t. T. K. Bruner. Hlsq., of tbe Agricul­ tural Departm ent, says iw has In­ spected no less ■ th a n M ty tboossnd bushels of the finest apples fi» evei saw. in the w estern c o a i^ tk , U d th at moat of these apples will Tie shipped to tbe P aris Ezpositio^. The ease of the K. C. Ctopopatlon Commission against th e Raleigh and Qastoa Railway and other dlvteions it the Seaboard, lavolviBg th e legoiUty of the new fertlllier rate. wHl be heard at Chambers in Raleigh, De­ cember 11. b ^o re Judge Moore. State Trea«w er W m th P n i, C. H. Mdbane, th e S apeH ntealent e t Pnhlie Instruction, t i u h*. tWnk the special 3K>r«priatida oi 100,000 tor the public seliao]* l i the State could be paid before the lattw port oi the year, 1900. Daniel W. TdumanB luui beeu ap . pointed ' sorfm an e t th e i r station at Portam outti, N. C. n«n« During tiie la it fiscal year 14.6M >aetm ttters were appotnted, U ,C lt b t. A f fotutb class. on Decern* TOBACCO T ttrvaa Griniea, of the president J. AsBOciation, N orth C aroliw * pi^n. 1>«8 fj^ m e e tla Kalelgh, ters of «he Stat® " p ^ e r s In every * county are. requested ‘" '“ ‘^ '^ f ^ l a t l o o s and send del- ‘ they w ish, to this .gates, as many wh« December leco-grcn to form 0 0 -i ^ lycm m tJes w here thera ^ n l » t l o n lndl^ndual U no local attend, so th a t If ‘‘“ is represented.U o o s o f t h ^ e Planters from ' ‘ to attend the O arrflna are also a»n<~ convention. dim inlShin* prl- T ® r C i d ^ t Grimes ta his call. n ^ t is h<«ied th a t in th is con- aome practical plan m ay be " “H tt e prevailing low p rlc ^ are due o v er-p r^u c.o n we s h ^ Ki. t ^ e t h o d s , we should vigor- Iv P o te s t and determ ine to m ake ' Jlnner should recognize th e .ad - v ! n ta e ^ to be secured by Intelligent ^ganfzatlon and determ ined co-oper­ ation.” ______ State News. Durham county has je n t in its list- at taxables for this year to the State A uditor and a grand show ing It m akes. n t t" ;rp ro p e rty valuation is $9,932,- a T X h is no l e s s than $2 ,2 0 0 ,0 0 0 in excess ot tbat in 1898. The taxes due the State will ex c e^ ““/ . f $5,000 more than last year. Over $2, 200.000 of Stock in incorportted com- pandes is returned, and $1,200,000 ot to­ bacco reported on hand. W ake countv has xxuade its I’eiiort to the State of taxable property. 'The total is $11,387,468, an Increase of $1.- 300.000 over last year. This m akes the county stand B ert to D urham and ahead ot M ecklenburg in increase. The insurance com m issioner has made up his monthly statem eot, which shows that 31 life, 79 fire and 13 ac-, cident and surety com panies have been licensed while only six out of . sixteen fraternal oi-dcrs complied w ith th e re­ quirements ot the Craig law. The com­ mission says tbe fraternal orders pay less attention to th a t law than any others appearing lo think th a t because they are fraternal they are not covered by It. The Commissioner ot A griculture Is advised by tbe cattle ow ners in Clay county tbat they have form ed a club to protect their territory from tick fe­ ver. They call on the S tate to forbid the entry of stock into Clay from Geor­ gia and South Carolina at any^ind al: se.osons. The intensely cold w eather last winter did not kill out th e ticks. It appears that tte South Carollnian= and Georgians, having no quarantine laws, have a contem pt for quarantine laws. Blljah -Moore, the brutal negro who was hanged at G reenville In-the pres­ ence of a great crowd, is the m an who was in lail in Raleigh for m onths. He was a terrible fellow. H e w «nt to a store, called the clerk to the door, split his skull w ith an axe, plundered the store and burned I t H is next step was to try to make It appear th a t five or sii negroes were th e m urderers. A ll oi them narrowly m issed lynching. T her he sadd he w as lying and th a t he had only one accomplice. H e and this mac were hurried to Raleigh to prevent lynching. -Finally Joyner confessed that he alone w as guilty. H is crim e was committed in th e hope of getting $2,500, which he had heard w as in the sate In the store. The State charters th e McMillan- Miller Lum ber Company, ot D uplin; capital, $50,000. It is notified of the in­ crease of th e stock f4 th e Paragon Drug Company of A sheville from $1S,- 000 to $50,000. The four-year-oJd daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F rank M iller -was burned to death a t the hom e of iher parents, about ten m iles w est of W inston, last week. The case against A. J. M arshall, a well known law yer in W ilm ington, N. C., who is charged w ith, being an ac­ complice in a counterfedtlng case, will he tried at the Decem ber term of the Federal Court In Raleigh. The territory between M urphy and -Wievllle Is alive w ith m ineral and timber men, and large developm ents in the near future w ill surprise no one. The deirts of. the p e n it^ tia ry up to December 31st am ount to $100,000, and those contracted w ill be $20,000. These last claims will have to w ait until the Legislature provides for their paym ent, as under the Supreme Court’s decision they can't he . paid out of th e bond fund. The w arrants for debts are now being a llo w s so as to coi\form to the court's decision. Governor Russell .issues a w a n in t for the execution of Lorenzo Brown colored, a t Greenville, January .26ti, for rape. The state T reasurar w ill before the *“ ‘1® called-on to ' pay $ 1 0 0 ,^ to the pUbUc schools. It Is a ®r«et »nd unconditional appropriat- uon. A t th e statem ent of date of Octo- available l i ™e. Treamny. No doobt Father Worth ^ n i Kxupe Around and get th e m oney d lM o v ^ a rtch vein ot (jonmdum on *“ Sbootln* creek. Clay vein it tbree or tour term n S S * * “ "J te rich at djf- SST^Jud!' n * DaTU-Oram kniltisj mfll at K eroenyille, reported, U tely u to he ^ h » i r - h o ^ The chalnnaa of th e ^ t e n t i a r j laboiw still a t Work dlsglog c u t from under tb® RAM’S HORN I f r ? ; .“ssistancj ‘ ® ''“u .. I aw *?■* ,^ “■'’’''>8 10^ drunkards . «»!« , ®2kine ■' C hrist’s aid is more ance: it is strength. ■W ith C h rist in view ^yin. ■ I parting, but meeting. Some graves are more ,v„ 1 persuade, meu than manv I Men who como hungry ' eousness can not be rhetoric. ' ’ A sm all cliurcb full of . m ore power than a large on. M,! pride. How many of u.s Oarc prar. ,. do unto me this day nven as I jT to others-’" • Let the “Joy of ihc Lord- . forth in your face, lot by by breadth. '"*4J The value ot tbe artiWa] ly I dependent ^ on the vaulshi,. iS'l sunlight ‘I God will not m-ke the fo»,.l H is servants ou the basis oi statistics. God w in uot build tlie ten,p],i lovely character ou the ri)uuiJa«.!l uuforgiven sins. The m inister who works the glory of man. gets nelti(“'i nor men. W e Americans si-off at tlie p'.l the bayonet, wbiie we smife; th at ot the beer keg. D on't let your hatred for hr; cause you to be their cobk through all eternity. Frequently the people whoaiJ careful ot the gilt on their care least about th-- goi-i them. To tolerate sin ib to sin. .App.'rl to the sUoon. C o a ts a t S e r u tu r liu it, As the well-educated native «|ij em ulates western manners is s possible, it is not to be ™ jc that he is partial to the (rotij From .this partiality a cnrlojiJ has sprung up. Regularly ii^gJ slgnm ents ot second-hand frotiJ are shipped out from EnilajdtoS bay, and are disposed of tottecj who strut about like peacotkiin Infrequently impossible i-oat. this th at the wearers do not go j socks, and to a man wear glirini ent leather shoes, and .voii hiviij ture. W hen is added ;o thislitl the native head dres-, is th at the Unmentionables are dJ and cut skin tight, with around the ankles; the sightiitl tim es ludicrous. So fashioM&f the frock coat becomc in Iilif native tailors make the ordlnnJ of the natives largely on triitiJ lines, and it is no unudiial siiHif the athletic youths 0 ? nonbcij disporting themselves in sc-ci::-: coats ot as many hues as thife garm ent of Joseph.—Waverj !l zine. .-.W autcti tr!zeo*Iii;. County Judge-Hurd of K'bes I New York, who Is .'us' no.v I'l part of-, his time . to. the s-oTkiJ verting aliens into citizens c!;| ed States, had a trying tir:e 0 terday in the Brooklyn coi’il with a num ber ot applicanti::! zenship. Biejio Scavali, a Ccj land Italian, presCn.leil a of the 'd eg ree'o f in:e!Iigefl«J H urd had to contend »i!h. the nam e o t this' counlryr ii court. ' "fla-keen-lee,’ ' repiidil prom ptly. '.-“W ho makes “M a-keen-lee!" retum el BlsfiJ dently. - - "W hat state ilo “M a-keen-Iee.” "Ycu seen: til pressed w ith the belief'ha!» is the whole thing over here.'? -»d-the court. ''B iejio,1 g'ies5p| lo.” 60V. TAYLOR’S U lV E L E n E R S .K M ri‘. . fsend SO cents for three mouth’s lo The Illuxtrated 1‘outh a««/J-' -, Each letter Is well illustniteJ. * Th^Ti’.T toUaele Sam, Politlelans, Drummers, FIddleri,FUhprmon. ^rtsm en, Caoditf^eii, SneelhMA*] They are considered the best :on»e ijvrn Gov. Taylor's gifted pci. ]*J uon'jis a wriU-Tt iumorift, orah>r, IS as wide as the world Itself, 1 Tie Illustrated Touth and journal, 10 to 82 devotcil to RT, Advbntcres bv Sea and I a ^ HtniOR, Biography, Travei.s, S general information. Dcpartinfsu J^dren'f^ ilelperx\ Antbor.<\ A*-‘ etc. Onlyhieh-radelllu^tratcdMr-'^ national ciromtion pubUshcdri a gold watch, diamond ring, cr Nc little work for ns. S.impTe c Ttie Yon* land Age l*ab. Co. copiesit<A.Vadr. T H i u m e H fA at teathpott It.w la b e tb a Bt very K O R F O tK T O C O t ClQSECOm Fkmi W .B .B E V II R O A N p K & 'l eiCOlTDRiL I A G«»<> *■»” = ' , II e tftPO « ^ 80<>« ‘Ol t beet cattle, but is hardl J ffo r m ilch cows, ns it is 11 I t th e m ilk- Itis prim ari^ IV oP and hogs, f b r b e tte r to plant co rd I , sow m iliet or som e k it i K lin lik« '■y®-K g h t y season dbmes earl fcmor If it comes late i | f " planted early will givi ten feed needed for the 1 Loir to " " '‘® ■'*** C "* ” -L . good axle grease is ma J qallon of petrolend I ot tallow, 4 ounce.'! of paid I s ot plum bago and 1 ounl H eat to 180 degreen F a | an hour f'c m ore a u d i rin o th e r axle grease is m a l I ' 1 gallons of w ater w l ■of Scotch soda and a lO -J X, of pals'* «-'• tallo'v i | tjoB which will m a te the (I V desired hardness. He I ,0(1 then stir u n til the m i fed down to 60 or 70 degre] ^ e e U i A m o n f f B e a n .i . beaus have b r o s a o m e t l is t to work am ong them . If the w eather and soil bL le re should be no c u ltil [ho leaves aro w et w ith r # I Hence the eariy cultival iBbouia be thorough, sol Ibem to ripen before tha I K r them. I t is no t best trf I o n land th a t is very ri laous plant food, becau^ I verv weedy. Soil of md I t with a dressing of pho Etash w ill m ake a goo th ile on th e richer land |e m ineral fertilizer, the I large grow th of iiaul a Out-of.Door F e e d T r o u s l p re several hogs are q u i ■ orchard or other p astu i (ed out-of-doors. T j nja from crow ding aud 11 fgb b o r w hen catiug, m all V h 113 is shown iu the i | nONED FEED TROUGH Fc| I The bottom p art of a otr aud two narrow |n i -0 iitteil togetuei* a into the trough, u | g.- A flour barrel can f ^wer this tem porary trough irom a stouter ba I more lasting. Egz9 and £(irlj Moltiiia py m olters m ake goo(J , aud it is sate to sa l / do not finish sh ed tlio ^ J cold w eather sets iu.1 le lj to postpone la y il but such ones will p r | T iayers, aud coutiune l | [er, which w ill be full < : the Tvinter’.s inactiviij kith the m atured, fowid le hatched pu llets; th ^ J layiu" uutii spring, fed iu M arch will prob jrember or D ecem ber, j irhen eggs are bringin The A pril hatched p i i ones to depend upan J the w inter. L eghorij |Tho earliest of tbe bre r grown, ' Som e will I five m onths, th e A sl r kinda generally at s e | ^9. Food contaiuiii^ peed meal, m eat scrapsi Kture of.-.grouud oatsJ U ta hasten th e fe a tl ps. P oultry-should be I p in g this critic.il procef 1 in clean, dry qu uerally. Som e lo^e th e l fedually th a t th e c h a n l fcly nokiped. . O thers l | 1 in a very short perio ie.iuire ey.lra care. AcrlcwltuI I is’ found to produce pct from lees food .. I or sheep, and is t h i I economical m acbinel ve pur great crop into leat. O ur people a re l |« » ery year, and e x p l Ttionately, of th e r a | ore of condensed p ri !S seven pounds of ^ e to make a ponnd ■ I doupt .the case, the ^ eee the ^ e a t econcL i>g one pound ot p orkl I instead of Beveppouif loifferehco iij cost I Is a Sne profit in itaJ Iponud of .jneat isl P mote, than- seTeuI Im the foreign markeiT p n of pork should bel pe further consideratl W bfif ]eis of the va| ^ ts of the .oil than g contains only three ‘ miners.1 mat;ter p«j pt as th e {at steer, aii {ap.mnoh.sitrogen pi p t and th«»fora th e l t w of poHt on th a firf fly *,imi« iaoi-s than] li W ie d il^ .b r a to n d IW TptiiiJsnmliers ffl J of^^feriducihg pol |th ^ , e^.dent that thd ^ t o h p|»6i.-an o il. I 7.-S-®‘^*^'i^ed iu eve Uties ^ u a i^ .and c«i-^tilfy-,. iiot«(i pd,.lor; Ke ia.thS m ^ rtutat^alltfiW V efal ■cash. As he ia the | [ eiports, so let us t I con!ider»ti«n,~Fa horn 'T i*ouf “tterai^ ““ r abliitv d , >'«achL ejttremity tj, «*slstance“'« 3 |-™ute ■* A little, God’s blessing »uiBcieni. • '> V tw W ne and at the s&m etw . StrlYSng t t .^ ^ dxunkjrdj, ^ not atoae ^ making them. I l id Is more than ■strength. list In view. (SyiEB is .I t meeting. I v e s are more poten ten than tHany Dulmtj, I coinc hungrj- tor ti- I n not be satisfled Laurcli tuU of piety *- tlian a large one loU | liy ot u.> dare prav-. I'this day ovea as 1 4o, 1-joy ot the I-ord‘* |uv face, ■not by length, ^ 1« ot llie artificial light 1 I on the A-anishing ol g 1 not m^ite the crow m Its on the basis oJ i3n, act build the temple q|1 -acter on the toundaUotf sins. ---- ^^0^sismistei9tsiomi .4 cood l orusc Crop. £ssM r»l>e « a good forage but is hardfy de­ ll, for ciikfi «>rs, as it is liable milfe. It is primarily a IfTop for i-heep and hogs. It K be tielter to plant corn tot son- o*’ some tiad of tgaia litfl i>ats OJ’ rye, IJroviding i-aashtj season comes earlj in taamc-. If comes late in the Icoro r’*-'**!'' «»'■'? will give all een ue^tJecI fot tho dairj lis te r who works onl,V "UiKS OQl '■ gets neither Iric an s scoff at ihe n i J let w hile- we smile • beer keg. your hatred for hy I to be their II eternity. ly th e people who are n, th e gilt on their biS aaout the gold ^ 2lite sin is to sin. fooo.Apply t| i t a t» Bt S e c o n d ' H xod. veU-educated native ol lu -n-cstern manners as firi - IB not to be wonde:id3 B partial to the frock i 5 partiality a curious ii, g up. Regularly large e of jjecond-baud frock i d out Irom England to In, ire disposed oC to the wUti about like peacocks in ii Liy impossible coat. .. ;he wearers do not go i to u w a n wear elerinjL V shoes-, and you havegj ben is added to this factt e head dress is worn, tiumeijtionables are ofii ?kin Light, with many l le ankles: the sight is ol. iicrous. So fashioBable 1 ; (‘oat become in India t ilors m ake the ordmatyo ?.:lxes largeh* on frock ( • it ii no unusiia! sign ii ;ic youths of northern L z themselves in so-calledfr { s m any Hues as the 1 Josoph.— 'W'averlr I .WauUu* ei • Izea«lji{. Judge Hji.-J ot Kings f“k, who is just now i Lis time to. th.e work fl!fl ’.ieus into citizens of tbS ^ had a trying tin:e oU!< n the Brooklyn coart Si mmb€r of applicants for^ B;pjir> Seavali, a Cosg Uan. presented a ’ fri'iri degree' of intelligence_ d to contend with, e of this' country?* asb '■Ma-keeh-lee,”‘ replied 1 - " W h o makes the I |n-lee!" returned Biejle, e "W h at state do' yoa liwlj |[r.-lee." "Ycu seem totij w::h the ■belief that MiB no-e ch.ng orer herf.” 'jurt. “Biejio,.! guess yoJi« lYI F o rlim .te d tin ie T < % (A r| | l LUn O alKwkof ioop2^tt,«0 rnts for three njoiith's trlalso*- X'lreUd2'outb andA£<‘.veil illustrated. Th^T«e»#“ , pAlUicUns, Boy»,Ofrivlr -'iddlrrs, FUbpraeQ.Candic&tp«,isidercJ Ihe best work 0» “ >v. Tarlor’s gifted pen.Ur, humorht, orator, acd®** I a£ the tvnrld*-• •ruitd J oMlk and Ai^e iti a « 8 -.0 3 2 p a g is , d e v o te d to Fici t UY Sea andly, Travels, Sar D cp artajcfrts: ' i-ci- ■ . Attlhar^^ iTTiiifi jUuslratedlitersJ^ • n p u b U s l j c d T n l h e ^ . •jjid rin g r, o r bicTCte*;. lor oii. Srjmple copies lend Aye fob. Co., 'v ( * L 4 R O J J I6 H Uoif i» -**** OteatB. rtrr gO'"’ is made by ,„■) ifallou of petrolenm, 4 55 of lalJo"-. 1 ounces of palm oil, ijj5 cf plumbago and 1 onnca of Hc»! to degrees Fabren- for ao 1'““ '' ='“ ‘1 tlieo Aaotii*?r asle grease is made by 4 gslluus of -water with i Jof Scotch soda and a lO-poand e of p®!!-'- ““ “ I tafloH- in any lorliou n-tiL'b x'ill m ate the grease te (iesire.l hardness. Heat to X f iiiil then slir until the miitnre UlfJiI'jn-u (0 CO or 7U degrees. irerdi Aiitonc Beanii. tljcaus havo blossomed it is t to ivorls among them, espe- iifibe ircalher and soil bo-ifet, Itbete sliiulil be no cultivation (he leaves are wet with rains or Heuce the early cnltiTation of „ slioalil be Ihorougb, so as to f tteffl to ripen before the weeds jii tiem. It is not best to plant ca lauJ that is very rich in -jjoons ]>lant food, because such fis rer.r wecJr. Soil of moderate liiT >tith a ilresbing of phosphate poU»b will mate a good rain I, iihile ou the richer land with- the luiuerai fertilizer, there will ily a l,irge growth of hanlm and I Ad Out-of-Uoor Fcoil Troucb. [here ssreral Logs are quartered I orc'jaril or other pasture they be fell ont-uf-doora. To keep one from crowding and fighting iciTlibor when eating, make sucb lUgh as is shown in the illuatra- riTTOSED fEEl> XKOCOH TOP. UOG3. Tbe bottom part of a barrel ia Jed off aU‘.l two narrow strips of J are lltteil together and nailed It iuto Ibd trough, as in the dag.- A liour barrel can be made laswer this teaiporary pnrpose, a troagh from a stoutev barrel will e more iasiiug. PrrrnHnm ih« H«n H o w s For WlnUr. It is nerer too early to begin the bnilding and preparing the henuery for tbe winter, and tbe man who doea this trork earlj ic sure to have com* fortable <piartera for the laying hens }Q6t as soon as the cold weather comes. It is better to add a little to the houses each summer, and thus extend the bnsiuess on a firm basis, than to invest too much at tbe begin* uiug. W e learn better then by esper ience what wo need. Fancy farming does not pay, and ihoso t;ho liave elaborate buildings are not always tho ones who have the beat success. Consfract the main bnilding on slight elevation, if possible, where there is good drainage, and ou the lee side of some hill or other protective object. This will shield the house from oolc storms, and make tho quar­ ters far more comfortable for the chickena. Build the house low and substautml. A high house lets in too m uch cold air, and a low oue is al­ ways warmer. Opening into this main roosting building there should be a scratching shed into which tho fowla can go on stormy days and have all tho cxercise they need. This shed should be so arrauged that tho roof can open in places to admit tho sun­ shine on clear days. W e have many wintry days when it would be very comfortable in any place, if tht> wind could be excluded aud fbo suu ad mitted. T he laying hens iu particular will appreciate such a scratching shed in the winter. T he laying shed should also open out from tho maiu building, and this should be made long, low and very tight. T h e hens ahonld be made as comfortable as possible while ou the nest, and this can bo accomplished only by bestowing special care iu the construction of such a shed. Iu build* ing all of the henhouses for winter uao it will pay to give fitoue or brick foandation the whole leugJh. This will keep out rats better thon any- thing else yet devised. Besides, it makes the houses warm, dry and durable. Then let the brick founda­ tion run up a foot above and a foot below the ground. Tho cost iu bricks will bo m ade up for in the extra n u m ­ ber of eggs and heus saved from tho rats. The roof aud sides should havo tar or builders’ paper tacked on be­ tween the outer and inner walls, aud all knot: holes and chinks will thus be filled ID. T he yard for tbe chickens to exercise in should bo couuected with these buildings by a TUU w'ay. T he yard shoald be large enouqh to give the fowls ample room to riiu about in without crowding against others. On'pleasant days they should be m ade to stay out in the y a r d .^ Farm , Field and Fireside. I Ucrices For narrekthtc Corn. ; Xot every m an knows how to stand ; up a shock of corn which will not { twist or lea;i into an unrecognizable i mass after it has had time to season, 1 says a writer in the Iowa Homestead, frcm which tho cuts are reproduced. W h e n I put up corn by hand I always use a jack like that seen iu figure 1. Pull the jack along to the place where the shock is to stand, so that the Egc“ and Envly MoUiiij:. ly molitirs make good winter aud it is safe to say that if , Itry <lo not finish sUeddingfeathers j ire ooIJ weather sets in, they will j likely to postpone laying until i iag, hnt sach ones will prove early leg la^erF. aud continue laying all ^mer, nbicli will be full compensa- for the ^'iuter'.s inactivity, wiib the matured.fowls, so with 'latebatched pullets; they soldom Id layiu^ until spring. Fnllets 'beil ill March will probably molt (oTember oi December, just at the 'rhea eggs arc bringing a good . Tbe .\pril hatched puHets will ^beoQesto depend upon for eggs the Tciut^'v. tiegUorns lay per- 5 tfac earliest of the breeds com- 'l.r grown. Some will Jay at the o{ gve laonthF, tbe Asiatics and •er kinda generally at seven to ten tbs. Food containiuj^ oil, snch linseed meal, meat scraps, etc.,with lixtate oJ. gTouud oats, wheat, is | fol to hasten the feathering-on* m Poultry should be well careu 1 InriDgthis critical process; should leased iu clean, dry qnartera and |ltberallr. Some lo5 e their plamage ■adaally that the change ran be icely noliped. Others become de­ led in a very short period, and such ^ re.juire ei.tra care. TUePjjj iu Ai;rlmltaTe. is found to produce > poand of tact from less food than either lo or sheep, and is therefore the economical machine to manu- ire our great crop into marketa- “ eat. Our people are becoming ir «e tj year, and exporting less, lortioaately, of the r»w material laoro of condensed product. If ’teBsevenponndeof .com on an Ige to make a ponnfl of pork, as donbt the case, the farmer be- to Bee the great economy of ei- 'og one ponnd ot pork, bacon 01 ‘ instead of seven pounds of oo7n. difference ii^ cost of freight B a fine profit in iteeU; Vwide: pouid ol jneat is generally more than seven pounds of in the foreign market. T h e pro- ition of pork shoi’ld be encouraged the fnrtUev consideration that it -ies off lew of tte valuable c:m' tnents of t'-ie noil tbmi beef. T b s pig contains only three-fourth* ««' ch minerel matter per handrid Wht os the lat steer, and only, twq- lu as much nitrogen per ibundrid igttt and therefore tSe ;j«iS4«!ttion I ton of pork on tlie fttnt v ld o a n j only a little moi-B than jiilf ihs ferv ‘J carried off^by atoii.ataeef. iifi*. “ in njand anmiieTB iIie;-compki» effect of prcdociBg^rk ood. be^.- ?s thnj evident, that-'tli'e p w shoiijd pl«c6-dn •o.ur.'*iai6nllB¥eic F O B S n O C E IN G A N D ir iN G . round pin through the 2x4 piece ia directly over the place for the shock. Set up four armloads iu the four re* cesses of the jack made by the pin rutiniug through at a, b, c aud d. W h e n the shock is half or Iwo-thirds m ade, remove tho jack by withdraw­ ing the pin and iini.sh it withuut. Tie the shock when done by means of a contrivance shown in figure 2, composed of a pole five or six feet long, with**8 rope put through an auger hole in the pole. This is thrust through tho shock two-thirds of tho way np, and the rope drawn around the shock as tight as it can be drawn and m ade fast to "the polo while the shock is being .tied. ^ shock made in this manner aud ^-foperly tied will stand a long time v id will stand well. If the corn is to be hulked out before it is to be fed to stock, a husking bench, shown iu tho second- cut. ^ will bo convenient. This is carried op alongside of a shock which is tipped over ou the bench. T he busker seats himself ou ihe seat and begins’-working the stover tovrard him, and w hen he gets a bundle of convenient- size it is bound and laid asido, and so on until all is husked. This prevents missing any, and it ia far more convenient to sit thau to kneel down in the m ud or snow. In hauling in the bundles I have found it very convenient lo load from the rear part of the wagon by walking np a running board, which hangs ou. the rear of the rack and is dragged along to the next shock all tho time. The rear post of the hayrack should be removed, and two short, stout cor­ ner pieoes nailed on just high enough to not interfere with loading, but which wiU prevent th^coroerbuaches of fo d^rslip pin g off. I have never shredded any fodded, and know noth- ing'fl'f iifi valfie from apracticitl stand- pMUt, having fed all m y fodder iu the «}4-f&shiqned mianner. I have seen the; haryeaters at work, which )k !K4C1I G O O D R O A D S NOTES. ^ y a r e l u l l j- ! ill f ■' iaoM^jrofiiabie prirfacing a»iH w lV pnm i,farm 'y lliRVofiio^.7 MJUUOW.:.W UIV lo cash As he IS the king of our eecit»'-td:fliVtb bo.> very good.thiag for of np- iiig mtipU-foJdeifjrad^^^^ in tho feed­ ing .ra^oD; \ ,y J ^ ^ ^ \ :- ■____ An'Itidia&'itatistician has comnuled by means of railroad returns that the. — m e Ol oar oj meauB “ treat ! foreipiers who vi»it Italy spend annu­ al cocsuietatisn.—Farm B»p6^er, | aily 161,000,000 in tb*t oonntrj. Shalt Concrete “ The shell concrete pavements of Macon, G a .,” saysStone, “ are attract­ ing considerable attention at present, and the following particulars concern­ ing them appear in an engineering ex­ change: The material used is a shell limestone similar to the coquina of which buildings were constructed ia St. Augustine while it was a Spanish colony. There is a bed of this stone about thirty miles from jVlacon, which was discovered during the construc­ tion of the Georgia Southern and Flor­ ida Bailroad some years ago. Part of the roadbed of that railway was made of it, and it hardened into such a dur­ able form that several carloads wevo brought to M acon and laid about tha freight station, where it resisted tho wear of the heavy trafiic unuanally well. After it h ad been in the service for four or five years, the city paved ^ street having oue of the heaviest grades in Macon with it, and this first street gave such satisfaction that sev­ eral more have since been paved iu the same manner. About 35,000 sciuaro yards arc now iu use, and petitions for 10,000 more are on file. ^ “ T h o stone is crushed aud laid on the sub-grade oxcavated. to reaeivo it. The layer is about seven inches deep at first and is consolidated by a fif- teeu-ton steam-roller to a thickness of aix iuches, being; spriuitled at inter­ vals. O n heavy grades a gaiter is formed by mixing cement with ihe 3toue. Tho pavement costs from fipy to sixty cents a squarei yard,which iu- eludes crushing and labor, and is re­ ported to last well and remaiu un- usually free from ruts. It has beeu found lo require comparatively little iprinkling and to sweep well, although i softer broom than is generally em ­ ployed for street sweeping must be flsed on it.” ____________ T h« Palrrinen Interested* Ex-Governor W m . D . Hoard, the president of the National Dairy Union, is a strong advocate of good roads; his sxperienoehas taught h im ho w essen- iialthey ara to dairy farmers. M r. ffoard has most forcibly stated the jase from the dairyman’s standpoint. “ M odern dairying,” says Governor Hoard, “ is usually grouped around the creamery and the cheese factory. O u good roads, w'here from one to two tons of milk can bo hauled to the fac­ tory with ease and safety, the coat is aatarally lower than where a m uch less quantity can be hauled. It fol­ lows, then, that the condition of the roads is a direct living factor in the 2ost o£ hauling. A limited calcula­ tion would give you, I think, a new view of the situation.' There are in one State, for instance, about twenty- live Jinndred factories and creameries, fo cach one of these every morning there comes an average of, say, fo^^J farmers with their milk. N o w , that num ber of farmers or creameries rep­ resents 100,000 farmers w ho certainly Dught to be interested in the improve- [uent of roads from a business stand­ point. In all kinds of weather, ©very morning in the year, rain or shine. 7O0d roads or bad roads, must they take their milk a distance varying from half a mile to five miles to the factory, ind haul their skim milk back over the same route. Dairy farmers, as a i-nlo, are tho most enterprising and orogr^ssivo of aoy class of farmers, bocs not tlieir own foHune as well as 20od nam e require that ‘they get :ogether* at every cheese factory and jreamery and unite co operatively lor ID inteihgent building of good roads. An Exhibit at ravU. T he Department ot Education and Social Econom y of the United St.atea Commission to the Paris Exposition will have a comprehensive oisplay of nhotographs, showing good and fair roads in this country, at the gi;eat FreucU ehow. T h e department has rennested the assistance of the United States Department of E o a d Inquiry, aud that in taru ia w o ikm g witU the League of American W heelm en lu making the collection. Tho photo^ graphs will be suitably mounted, and Tvith each will be snch aescvipttve matter m tho L . A . W . omoials have BoUeoted in connection with liibit O n e result of this exhibition ivill probably be a complete Hon of tho work o£ tho L . A. - »n igitating the good roads question, fot ivhea the Am erican exhibit is com ­ pared with what will be shonu by European countries at will readily be seen that American roads are far be- hind the a g e .________ A a«nt»s«» of A m o n g the economical advantagea of good roads, as claimed by tho League of American 'V\ heelmen, are: Save time and teams between the farm and market; permit the prolit- jb!e oultivation of track ■ patches and the marketing of their produce in the odd times of farm leisure; reduce the wear au d tear of wagons, teams and harness; allow farmers belter oppor­ tunities for taking advantage of tho changes in maiUet values; increase the real estate value of all Burroaud- ing property. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Etiiic* or'A»piinU. W e aro just beginning to realize thflt a change Irom a mncl road to an asphalt street is not merely a change in case o£ traffic. Asphalt has a dis­ tinctly elevating jnduence on any neighborhood. It replaces aiogmess with light, disorder with orderliness, neglect with progress. People at once beiiu to paiDt their houses and place their iawnf iu o r d e r . ■ Other'people will be going past. Their street has become a “ thoroushfare.-Syracuse Post-Standard. , Mi.iliilppV AciUllnR. T h e good, roads movement hai reached MissiaaipFJ— at least the agi- titibn for. good roads has. B u t many ol the planters, w ho would bo most benettted. are reluctant to let the overseers have. Jtheir mtUes to :-work the road plows, and the Board of ba- pcrvisors are. thre^tenivis t«- le^ “ few mills ostra for road tai and. have the ivork done ljy:cpalt-act< . . . ' Aatomoblttst* Su VaXl ‘ ThAt th e aatom obilist^ will have to take a t o a d ift tijo oi)n’iotf.i. disputed, fir-.addcr p-i-esiht conduioas there .we .comparatively few ioids iti th is ccrtiutry' suitable- for eitner class ot vehicles, and the antoaiobilists must havo good highwa.T¥ as well as lhi> irhte Iceu. “ tRYlNa IT ON IHK DOd.” Rnr Oaiierous Drnjis Ate Pat ta ISe P|y*' loIO{ictl Test “Sou’ve heard the theatrical exprea- tlon ‘trying It on tbe dog,' ” said n rep­ resentative ot a great manufacturing drug house. “Well, in our line of business w o frequently *lry It on a dog,’ also on a frog, a rat, a rooster, a guinea pig aud other animals too num ­ erous ta mention. Our trials arc lit­ eral, not figurative. W e make them to ascertain the strength of certain drugs, livhich for some reason or other defy chemical analysis. In such cases we resort lo what is called a physiological test. Suppose, for instance, w e want to find out the strength of a sample of digitalis, which, if in good condition, has a stimulating effect on tho heart. The experts on the staff of the labora­ tory at our works force a drop of t»ie stuff into the stomach of a small frog, "Which is then placed in a delicate m a­ chine called a kymograph that records Its heart beats on a strip of paper. The digitalis may be perfectly dead and in­ ert, and It may be strong and active— no chemist could tell tho differenct^ but the kymograph gets at the truth with iufalUblc certainty and the sam­ ple is graded accordingly. The frogs used arc little fellows not over two inches long, and they are rather hard to get. Some time ago -wc' sent tne house a consignment from N e w Or­ leans. but they proved to be too laree. W h y do wc use such small ones? Be­ cause it takes less of the drug to af^ feet them. It’s merely a matter o£ economy. “Some of the other tests are stiu more curious,” continued the drug man, “and none queerer than that or ergot. To ascertain Us active proper­ ties a small quantity Is injected Into a full-grown rooster. If the drug Is up to standard strength tho comb of the fowl soon begins to turn, blue and eventually becomes almost black. Tne power of the particular sample on trial is Indicated by the deepness of the dis­ coloration. This test is the only rel a- ble one known and Is exceedingly vam- able, because ergot has a strange tricls oC occasionally losing all Its medicinal properties without showing the slight­ est change lu g-neral appearance. H as­ heesh, which has figured so extensively in romances of the Orient. Is known scientifically as Cannabis Indica. it is tested on dogs. W h e n the drug s all right the dog econ begins to get dopy, staggers In its walk and eventu­ ally keels over and dreams dreams. The necessity ct testing hashecsli -rows out ot a very singular fact A s most people Unow, it Is made from the blossom ot Indian hemp, but it Is only the unfertilized female flo-ner that has any narcotic properties. The male Howers and the seea-beaiing lemal^ flowers m e absolutely valueless, but all three look alike to the naked eye. So does the tincture prepared from them. and. like, the other drugs men­ tioned, it doe.sn’t yield to analysis. These tests will give a fair Idea o£ the modern method of gettins at facts about medicines. They are only a tew out of many. Altogether. I .tuppose that upwanl of a dozen different ani­ mals are used, each selectsd because of its sensitiveness to some special pre- iiaration. . Oceaslohally ‘he sentimen­ talists raise a -niiil over the poor guinea pigs and white rats and the in­ nocent frogs that are saerlticed to sci­ ence. bnt if it wasu-t for the help these creatures we would have to fall iiack on the old-fashioned method of distinguishing toadstools from mush­ rooms. Cool; them and eat them, -was the formula, and If they float kill you they are mushroom3.”-X,ew Oi-lcan.i 'l'imes-Dcr-iefi''it.____________ Old Case of Teller ill Toe*. **CBAwrop.ovii.i.E, F l a . : Tetterine is worth more than its weight iu gold to me. O n e application cured me of tetter in m y toes of seven (7) years’ Biandiug. John M . Towles.” It cures ail fkiu diseases. At druggists 50 cents a bos, or by mail postpaid from J. T . Shu ptrine. ba.annah, G a. ,V Warm Tatrlot ' "Excuse me, but I thought you were one of those felloir; who is for his countrv w hether it 1;b right or wrong." - I would he. if she ever could be itrong Tndianapoljs J---.rnai: !ls c a r g o .___________________ Uly Fjimlly ll««l regulnro dfH.-liio- <-ii ■ h.-iki .;Chm-._Kotiilnt Id an K O I iitill t iu Da. o s C-UjJ ^'^FEViaTtsic. W c h a e i, h da chill ‘inoe la I. B li flr.'« "■ '<i-- I* eurct iih. ^11 LK,a. Plno^iiie K C Made by licnw Lt, A: O'S vo , Chariot e, ^ Retail by all me-idno de^Ie- e, EOo, or 3 for a .25, lFra« • guar a a ^ e d ._____ The PostofRcc butldinK San Diepo county, Cal., is made of a old piano “box. STAfi o# Ohio .------------LtJCAB COURTTf raiF K J.CBE5BT m a^ftsotitii^tliols ihe eesior partner of tae firm or F. CnN St A Co..doln7 DnainesB in City or T olado,; onn- tf and State atoret^ildi ana ^tfcaald lltmwill pa>* the enm of oitb HtJKDRBD dolla&s for 6 i6h and every caaa of catabbr that cannot be oared b / i nae of H all ’s CAtABnn ) presencf, tbisSihdavof ■ lAL V D. 18M. A. _w. GXJ CtJRK. FbAKK j. CBENBT. Bwora to before meand»:ibacrlbdd la my 1 • eoemijer,. . , Kotar^PnbT'o Ball's Catarrh Cure is taken intemallr.and acts directly on tho blood and mucous faces of tho ■fstom. tfend for teatimoi free. _ F. J« < bbket A Co., Toledo,Pold by Druggists. 76c. Hairs Family hills are tbe best. Flta permaiieatly cured. Ko flteornerveaY* reis alter flrst day’s n»e of Dr. Kline's Great fferve Eeitorer.$Strial bottleand Ireatlee fr«e |)b.K. B. Klikk. Ltd.. m Arch St. PiiUa. ^a. No Ko Pay, Is tho way Findley’s Eye 8olvo U sold. Chroulo and granulated lids cured in SO days; common soru eyes In 3 days, or mooey back for the askiQg. Sold by oil dru«:gf9t9, or by malJ, 25c. perbox. J. P. HAWxa, Decatar, Texas. • ‘ I i yo u r breath b a d ? T h e n yo u r b est m e n d s tu rn th eir h e sd s asid e. A bad breath tnenfls a bad liver. A y e r’s P ills are liv e r p ills. T h e y cu re constipation, b ilio u sn e ss, d ysp ep sia, sick h ead ach e. 2 5 c . A ll d ru g g ijts. W’ant your inoasiache or beard a beauUfol ’ B F » H A i s l E t e „ PtiSH! PUSH!! PUSH!!! T h at’s th e w ay som e d ealers d o ! P u sh ch eap goods because the profits are large. W h y le t a m an push a ch eap B n ^ off on you when yo u can g et th e b a s t a t o n ly a d o lia r o r so m ore ? D o yo u ever th in k about Jt th at w a y ? , £ •• ear Agent or w rits direct R O C K H I L L m ; . S S : c . | A French officer Invented an arm y bicycle which promises to do good ser­ vice. It folds. A t the word of com­ mand the Boldler riding the blcyn’e dismounts, folds the machine In two. whips out the handlebars, attaches two broad straps, slings It over his back and walks off with no morfe in­ convenience than if he is carrying his r>ack. D c B n U ’sCOUCH SYRUP C ures C roup and W hooping-C ougli Unexcelled for Consumptives. Gives q u ic k , s u r e re s u lts . R e fu se s u b s titu te s . Dr.ButttPUhcuTcBiUousueu. Trialtao/orse, c ARTER'SINK Slakes writing a comfort. Hew an Engl s man Told IL H ere Is a joke which comes fresh from the Erin, Sir Thomas Lipton’s yacht. Names were given to tne writer, but they are suppre.scd for ob« vious reasons, relates the "Philadel­ phia Call."-, A young woman on the Erin while every one was waiting for a wind asked: “W hat slang, expression which you have In America pleases a p y s y cat?” -Tbe listeners all &ave it up, of Ccurs?. ‘‘Why; rubber neck,” was the reply. One of Sir Thomas’ British friends heard it, and thought it was so good that he called a friend up to hear the conundrum. The one summonfd camo all expectancy. The enthusiastic ad­ m irer of the story could not w ait for the young woman who had originally sprung the Joke to repeat It, but start­ ed to tell it himself. “W hat slang expression which you have In America pleases a pussy cat?" he asked. “Why, smooth her back.” v»^as the re­ ply, and the answ er brought out a greater roar than iiad gre>?ted the original story. Vctcs Were in His Mil i. One of Richard Croker’s duties as a p artr leader ts lo listen to all sorts of visionary premises of support at el-^c- tlon time, says the New Y trk “Wor d.” When, early in September. 1897, Mr. Croker, was returning to the United States for the municipal campaign, there were lots of would-be p->litic!a':s of board the New York with him. Tho same ridiculous offers of assistance were made lo 1 ‘m on^the steamer. One man, w'ho said his name w’as Gross, told the Tammany boss that he con­ trolled no less than 10,000 vot;s in New York City. “I have them right hera 5n the palm of my hand,” he said. “They are all yours for the mere as'.ilng.” Mr. Cro­ ker gravely thanked the man. “Will you keep those 10,000 votes in mind.” persisted Gross. “Tcs,” replied Mr. Croker, with a twinkle of hts eye and -a wink at a friend, “I’ll havR those 10.000 votes in my mind, jU J t where you have 'them now I” ^ A spring at Ellsworth. Me., y'elds no w ater from 10 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. dally. ■Whenever enough- -men from an American man-of-war- can get shore leave, no m atter in w hat foreign port they may be lying, they are almost cer­ tain to start a ball gams. In the Eng­ lish navy cricket Is even played on board ship. **The Best is Cheapest/' We U&rn this from experience in department of life* Good clothes are most $cr*victAble snd ^e&r ihe longest* Good food gifVes the best nutriment. Good medicinc. Hood's SarsaparSU, is the best and cheapest, because it curcs, ahsolatety CURES, <when all others faS. M hM SaMapWiiUk One of t'*e most- deadly snakes in India w as caught by an arm y officer In a small m ousetrap a few w eela ago. The officer, just as he was going lO bed, noticed something dart for the door of his bedroom, and taking It to be a m uskrat, he set the trap for It, plac ng It against the edge ol the bed. -When he sot up in the m orning the snake was found with his head crushed In the trap. In 18SS a law w as passed lo Germany that every German w ith an income of J750 and over m ust insure bla life sp-ainst sickness, and old ago. In 139S thero were 11.200,000 persons in Ger­ m any thus insured, and so m any of these had pulm onary consumption that ?7 the Insurance companies erected a t their own espensa a'aaiU tarium fo.' l-.i^ ciire of the.se persons: WerefnndlOc for every package cf P itt- RAM F adeless Dte that tall;: to give 8i>t)s- faiitioo, M uroe Drug Co., Uciocriile, Mo. Sold by all druggists. At the recent congress of veterina’^y physicians at Kaden-Bad~n, Dr. Heck- er. of HaMe. m aintained th at the foot- and-m outh diseafe can be transferred {^“healthy anim als by birds, f!l<>s, etc.: a fact which. If sub'‘tantiat'd, will call for" modification of Ifiris’ation. Wan(4>.(l. Two trareltoc sntet-nsen In each Poutli«n BtAte. C O.OOanii expenses rennaneatposition. Kxperl»*nce not alsoliuely net-os^fary. / ddress Peerless Tobacio Wor s n.. Hr^'ord City, Va. It is estim ated that tl:e am ount paid in London, at aucticn sales of second­ hand books last year was COO pounds. A feature of the year has tean the large number of rare hooka of­ fered, and the exceptiona.Iy high prices obtained for them. _______ For t^’honp^ng Con^'h Pisus- ure •h a suc- Cf>.sful roru-dy. .%• P. i^ZKTBR. 07 Ihraoo Avo., brookiyo. N. Y., >*or. 4, m i. * l!W asth9 On:y AI!ern-lv’. W aiter W ellman, the returned A rct‘c explorer, has a quaint gift of humor, which w as happily disp]ayed ju st be­ fore leaving upon his last trip to tbe frozen North, says the "Saturday Evening Post.” A pompous m erchant, who does not believe ia Arctic expio a- tlon because It produces no financial results, said to the traveler: “Sup­ posing. after all this trouble and ex­ pense, you do reach the North Pole, w hat win you do then?” “W hy, come back again, of course.” replied W ellman. “There resl y dce^n’t seem to be anything else to do." Deals were closed at W heeling last week, by which the N ational Glass Company, the tablew are combine, ac- ouires two plants in the W hee i g dis­ tric t • For 1202,m the Crystal Glass Company’s plant at Bridgeport, and lor S80.000-. the W est Virginia Com­ pany’s Works a t M artins Ferry are ss- cured. The transfer becomes eff^cfve immediately. Tho on’y p a rt In W heil- ing outside the com tine besides the cld Hobbs plant, now.owned by the Un ted States Glass Company, is to be pur­ chased by a local ^ d ic a te headed by United States Sengitdr N. B. Scott, for $53,500. ALI!thO(lo»Hcr«/lh9lftgy. A young lady who had greatly en­ joyed John Kendrick Bangs’ “House­ boat on the Styx.” thou»ht It only .lust to write a few lines expressing her de­ light, relates the Chicago “News.” S-ie ended her letter with: “I did so much enjoy your ‘Houseboat on the Stick?.’ ” Mr. Bangs politely answered: “Dear Miss: If you have stu:2ied mythology, and without doubt you have, you w 11 realize that considering the ungodly heat where those Styx, fre supposed to be located, it would be'im possible for them to support the houseboat until my lines were finished. Yours truly, J. K. B.”____________________ The NPe Is the Ipptrert river in the world, 4,300 ml'es. Tbe Niger is 2,500 miles and the Zambesi l.fOO ml es. ” C H R IST M A S SK 0 P F IN 6 B Y I I M L ~ Our Doohs show that we have ucarly two mlUlon cus- tr*ner8 wn*» livt* in uU parts or the world, most cf -v^liom dtpoud upon our istablibh- ment for their Chribtmas Gifts-We can take care of your wan s aleo. Money- sa\ in;; sa^^csttoas aie mcde la our 3 4 page CaUilogue wblch eilsor (Trr>ihiDg «o Eat, Wear and Ube ana of- n„i,D^^ii fCRparttcular baigaiDsln: Quarter^ Oak Desk. uoJrtcoases, Bkyc «s.( »tl- nets. Bra^is Gcods. CacOlcs. China Closet-i. CiKais,Com- moae5.Couches.Clot-ks..Tfw- elry, Desk-i, Dr»pf rles. Pf ns. ruQCT Cbalr»,F-ncy 1 ab;efe Fountaiii Pcls, Cioid Pin- clL**, GroceHes. i.smps, Muff­ lers, UaDdkerchltis. Mu&i cal Instruiafnts, Medcties. 0.-namniits, Plciurcs.Pock- , et Kniv»*s. irocktrs, Kugs.'i , _ »ho<Jd. Silverware, t^ternng ff.'ngs, 35?. fo siivtsr j:oveltlt8, Wuictiea, titwils. Tables, etc.(>/,r Lithog' ofihtd Calahg’ ue shows Carpfisy Jiugs. A*t Squar^sendDrcpn i/s tnlfuir 1 m l_ col-f s. Ca>p>'ts s>wtd fref\ /Htmsfud ffce,end J'tfichl prrpatd. •Our d- r Clothingr1.alalo^e wilh scmpUs of rUlh atlachrd cJTn s suits end ovjycoats f> oat J3.V5 h 4S0.TO \sntt C. O. D * J-xpifs<age paid on nothtng. tl e also M- 'sue a Sp ci'l Cctalogue of /___ Pianos, Ofcans.StwingMa'L»mv.UAS. things rt,J Btcyclrs. ' All inqulri-sanswerf'd same ri.-jyas rece vrd. We will make vuiir Christmas bnving mor*» sat­ isfactory tlinn It lias ever been befnr**. W’hlch Caralo?nf*rtoyou ? Address this way: J U L I U S K I N K S & S O N ,IIALTIMOKE. MI>. Dept 2-4 i TICKETS GOOD! A Cheap E>cnrsion T r'f ,Baltimore cr Fbiladelphii b aird Air Line. You can buy of .my Sea0 Line Agent tkliets to the Phlifl Export Exposition at the rate oP, and one-third fares for the round i . You can stop over at W ashington i ftiltim ore, going or coming. Your tdcSet will be good for thirty (30) days from date of purchase, only It m ust be used on or before Decemaer 2nd. You can go by Norfolk and connect* Ing steam ship lines, or all rail. Millions o>f dollars have been spent -isodxa isiJjsnpu! i^omnreia sp n uo tion, an education in Itself. Tickets on sale Tuesday and Thurs­ day of each week until and Including Tuesday. November 23rd. 1899. A Hmger 81017 . President K ruger recently refused an Interview to a celehratftd Englishm an, ■who thereupon sent hack word th at he m ust see him ; that he was no ordi. nary person: that. In fact, he was a member of the house of lords. The servant went away and returned w its the message: "The president says he cannot see yon, and adds that he is a cattle herder." Nine Pollelrik Chicago News: Insurance Cilerk— "H ere is a woman that wishes her pel cat Insured.” M anager—‘'All right, but tell her she’ll have to take out a policy on cach one ot the cat’s, lives." QoUe Attached to IL Philadelphia Record: Dedhroke—“J hear you called on the lady’s father last I n ig h t How did he like your suit?' i Hardupipe—"Very much, I think. H j j kept half the coat collar when I left.-’ I • C o o k I n Eartheoirare V ce sM s. I Cook nothing in iron vessels that I yon can cook in earthenware. The heat in the latter is more uniform, the flavor better preserved and there is less liability to burn. M A M M O T H B LA C K HOG! Reldsvil!e, N . C ., M a y lo, 1899 . H R . J C H N A . Y O U N G , j Greensboro, N .C ., I Dear Sir: th e pigs arrived ssfely endure perfect beauties-much finer I than I expected. I think the «*Mam- , moth Black** the corning hog for the i South. Yours very truly, W . S . H A L E S . 0 i m n CHARLESTO N , S. C. S T A T E A G E N T S F O R ANUFACTURERS OF GALVAN IZED CORNICE. L DOUGLAS S3 & 3 .5 0 S H O E S 'OgN Worth $4 to $3 comoared^ with other makes. Inc1«m»*'d bv «ve^ l,uou,0 0 0 wearers Tfie ffmulntt ha\*e ^V. I..Douglas’ name and pric siampec! on bottom. Tali'‘ substitute claimed t->.. gond. Your dea’^I'hould keep them—i* tiot. vk-e will send a paii on receipt ftf price. Siaia lUind of eather. size, and width, pfaiiMlv 'capt.ie. Caalosue C free. W, I. DOUGUS SHOE CO.. Bmdrton, Km, c ITLER’S CARBOLATE OF IODINE. A g i i a r a « i r » d C u io f o r « . '* a r r b , C o li.M tiu p tlo n a n T illa y F e v p r * A I D m irlK - , 8 1 .01). W . H . S i H I T H * < 0 . , B i i i r a l n , M. T . r r p « . CURE YOUR HORSE of s p a v in . C u rb , S p lin t, C apped Ifock, Sore Tendons, Cuts, Kicks, nruifics, etc., by usingSLOAN’SLINIMENT Al.'soan invalnpMc rcm cdjfor man. When L-iken internally it curcs Cramps and Colic. It is the antisifiic kuo-xn» E v e rv b o ttle is w am iT ited. ScW b y d e ale rs a n d ^rQC{;iBtB g e o eraily . F & su ly tU e , >5 & H o ra e siz e , 50c . a s d $ i P-opired iiy EARL S. SLOAN, Bwtcn, UAGRIPPE»>^ G O LD S X i& S S ik k » r 5 t a t e ^ ^ ^ -C Carnegie Calf Men’s $2.50 Boys’ $1.75 YoDtbs’ $1.50 Liaie Genls’ $L35 “R e d S e a l C a r t o n s . J. K. O R R SH O EC C m A T L A N T A . Q A . ' II Send your name and address on j postal, and we will send you our \ 56 - ^ ) page illustrated ataIojri:i itcs. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARKS CO. { t76 W inchester Avenue. K«w Haven. Conn | Tor rnr nrw lin e o CH I I T. M A S B O O K S ; a ll b o und In c lo th ; no “ rrn^h.” fcxola. etv« rig h t o t te rrtto rv ; C U T r'l l’ F K liS . . 9. Ij. A ca„ g».owa sfl T m iik v r B ab tto cu re d a t ho n o w ith­ o u t palu. B-•ok of par- ticalaisMiit F ’?EE. B M.WOt'IXK^, M.JJ.V Pn-pr *<KWDIACGV■ nQ iek r* ia> ntitS eav*4 «i-rv% r r S . tr. B. B. ® tT TB N TIO N i» fjcllitited if yon iiieoU;.n n th is p a p e rw h e n w ritingadvei-tii-fers. S o . 45 , o r i ^ n e y r e f u n d e d b y y o iM m e r c i t i u i t , » o w h y n o t t r j r t t ? U ric ® 5 0 c . Q c^n nM rW in latB. ^ .H elleii, of Yadkin, i Khra Kell}' faSt wetk. 1 line H<wi6ry and Gloves TUiams & Anderson’s. ! notices, on heavy card- ard, for sale at postoffic*. Five for 5 cebtfl. Now is the tfarc tobiiy ft stove 6lieap of House, StrondmireaudCo. W ild turkeys should rooat high. T . N. Chaffiu'aud B. O. Morris are ua the trail. Highest p ftc^ paid for all kinds country produce at W illiams & | . Anderson’s. | ’ W ork on the fonndation for the new furniture fantory b^gun Mon­ day. Good! Pants Goods. Dress Goods, Out- tings, etc., cheap at W illiams & Anderson’s. Our friend, A. J. Hutchens, of Cana, broaght us in a load of wood Monday. Our other wood sub- ^it>er8 Will please take notice. If you want clicap furniture call 6n House, Stoademire and Co. Sal­ isbury X. C. W anted at o aee-A Wk lot of iKirtrid^es, for which I will pay 5 cents each, cash. Don’t bring them in on Saturdays unless it’s Cold. E. H . Slorris. Ladies Cloaks chc.ip at W illiams & A n d erso n ’s. Howard & Foster are doing S leer. Mr. J. G. W alser, of Tadkin -! College, was in Smith Gi-ove last 4-: week, and when he went to feed rtter, I jjjg which was hitched to a .1 buggy; he pnjled off the bridle and ' 1 left him hitched. The horse be- idefits. i came frightened, ran away and was , , I killed. This was a very careless Anderson s for I pjg^jg of basinteis. and we are sorry our friend W alser sustained such a Ions. Do better next time, Joe. Eev. M r. Tidball preached an able sermon in the I'resbyterian church Sunday. His subject was Faith: that Moses, the leader of Israel, renounced the crown of Kgj'pt, laid aside his princely royal claims in order to follow the call and instructions of his God. How many of us could to-day profit by the example of Moses, preferring to do do right for our own and the people’s good rather than eujoy honoiB and riches by doing wrong. Cranford & Co. have a new ad. in this issue. They are hiistlets, and it will pay you to call on them when you need clothing. Miss Estelle Williamson, of Ta­ coma. W ashington, was united in marriage on JTovember 1, 1699, al the residence of Judge .1. A . Wil- lUmson, her father, to Mr. John J. Miller. T ie many friends of Miss William-5on of this place extend their congratulations and best wishes for a long, happy journe.v through life t<> Mr. and Mra. Mil­ ler. May peace, plenty and pros­ perity ctnitiuue to smile upon them, is the sincere wish of the editor of T h e R kcoed . N O T I C E ! In order not to ofiend anyone, I bny a stove of House, hereby revoke all prem its w W en or and pet a nice verbal to hunt on my land^ The em ireandC o.andgetam ce stdckly enforced from this day “ He that laughs last laughs loudest” . Respectfully. P . S. E akly . NoVi 7th, 1899. F r a n k C . B r o w n , W holesale and Betail Dealer in G K i ^ E U A l . M E R C l l A N O I S E . Jttst Received! —-------0- Jericho N aw s Not3S. Quince A'ickers is very sick this week. Singing at this place next Sun­ day at 2:30 o’clock. _ _ _ ___ John Eincrsou is sporting a now good b'usiness at Kockland Heights, bug: “ Look out, girls.” Thej' a:re looking for a lot of goods Mr. Jes?e Brown and family went this week, (five them a call. You to Salisbury Moa.lay to trade, will be treated right. Mr. D.avid Dayvault visited Y a d k i n V a l l e y INSTITUTE, BOONVILLE, N. C., Represents a high type of the pre­ paratory school. Uses the most efficient methods in education. Pre­ pares boys and girls for college and fits them for business and life. One of the best to infase with energy, to wake up boys and girls to the duties of life. ' Beprcsentcd this year in a halt dozen leading col­ leges aud nuivereities. 208 stu­ dents from three States last year. North Carolina Students this fall all the way from the Caldwell line on the west to Jones and Bertie conntics on the east. Expenses average only $40 per term of five months. Competent teachers, firm discipline, thoroughness in all thiags. Good reading room and excelleut liteiary societies. Stu­ dents can enter at any time aud lind suitable classes. O ar catal.Jgiie lells of the location, life, aim. and what it means to a boy or girl to attend school here. Spring term will open January 8, 1000. The progrefss of the school hiis been rapid, and for the past six years, undr r the prestiit management, it has bee:i broadening its iielJ and raising its standard until now it stands among the foremost of North Carolina prepanitory selioo)«. Ita reputation is more than lociil. You ..ill be pleased with our thorough work and attractive location. Send for 50-page illustrated catalogne. Address R. B. HOIJJf, Principal, Boonviile. 2\. C. Best COMPLFTE LIKE OF DBY GOOD3. Stock oi Sho&s in the HEADQUAETERa FOB GEOCEEIES. S t a t e . IN OTIIEB WORDS I H A V E A COMPLETE LIN E OP GENERAL MERCHANDISE. I W ill be glad to have you call. Yours Truly, P R A N K C - B R O W N , Corner Fourth and Main Streets, - - •W INSTON, N . O. ScM er’s RacM Store, Parlor Suite, Mirrors, Fancy BISD^BOOU sujro e x t r a BED,® AT PRICES t h a t WILL A8T0XISH Y I Don’t faill togivem eaealU i, in need of anything in F u m i t u r e L ine, IT W ILL B ETO Y onilX Tj^j^ l G. W. W ISHT. Lending Furniture Dealer and tTndertaker, SA LB iURY, s. c, B a r g a i n s Bargains Bargains. If von wish to save yonr hard E A R N E D s p e c i a m U s . Men’s aivl Boy’s Hats and Caps chea;'. at S’ illiiiuis & Auders:>ii’s. friends on this side last Thursday. W . F. Stoneslrect att-^n.led Ihe ir u ' I <• r- I . i singing at Ijamsij’ Croas i?oiuls3Ir. . L. B irr, of LlDcoinlon, irrived in Moi-ksville last wivek anil ‘ ^ ‘ ’ has'iCc^'pted a position with T h e Becobi>. Mr. Barr is a fine printer, and we hope his s'fciy here will be both pleasant and long. Mi(«es, Ladies and Men’s o\-er- lihoes at W illiams & Andei-son’s. J. C. Pass, who has been attend- ihg .Trinity High School at Dnr- ham, came home last night with one or two ribs broken and his iiack badly spra-'ned. He and his room-mate were scuflling, and this was the lesult. . House, Stoudcmireand Co. offer a fri* Rocker far the next lOdays to efe#j- one who bujs a stove. Don’t forget T he B ecohd ’s free gift offers: A No. 20CarolinaCook Stove, aSet of Fnm iture (.S pieces), a Good Sewing Machine, ;i Ohiittji- nooga (.hilled Plow, and a Rem- in g t^ , Breech-loading Shotgun. One dollar pays for a year's snb- ' ^riptiou and two tickets; TiO cents 8ix months and one ticket. House, Stoudemire .md Co. have Aver ten thousand dollars worth of goods oii hand which they offer j ou M low prices. ' Wp't'k, i^rfigitaising rapidly on ^ 1111 mee Cotton Ditills. They have b^^uil work on the third kory, and if tfi«( ^^■eilther continues gf«d the brick work will lie com­ pleted by the new year. The car­ penters are moving along niccly with their work. It makes one feel good to see such work in old Davie. May we have mhre of it. ■ House, Sioiidemire and Co. of Salisbury bought (heir goods at 33 per cent below regular prices and can sell cheaper than any house in the State. ^ .J . Hoskins and family, of New Biehmond, Ind., arrived in D,avie county a few days ago. They travelled all the way in a wagon, and were five weeks on the road. They will make their home near - Smith Grov6', where Mr. Hoskins was raised. A good line' ot men’s underwear a t Williams & Anderson’s. 31. O. Davis, ferryman at the Cooleemee Cotton Mills, lost his jiockelbook and six or seven dollars Uwt Saturday morning. He hart some uiatchHi in his pof-ketbook, and took out the book to gjt the matches and mnke a fire, and laid his pnise oil a bcni. h. Alxnit that time two negroes caihe up in a bnggy and got ont to warm. He left the fire for a short while to get the boat key,-and when h eg o tb ^ k the pooketlHiok was gone. We hope he will recover the money and get l!,e guilty parties. ^ m e time agoColleclorHarlfiiis . notified distillers that they had ijo right to nse penalty em elopk in sending in their reports to the col­ lector and other officers. W e pub­ lished this notice' In ofdBT to keep our people _ont of ttbttiite. W e : notice that B. j . 'Plckelseimer, of Brevard, has btien in d ict^ for utiing penalty travelopes. If anyone bnt a TTnited States officer uses - lliene envelopes without placing a stamp thet«ou, he is liable to in­ dictment. Don’t forget this, ,my iliss ilarv Tam er liail llic pleas- i are of visiting thi; Mis-se-i .'i.ber- nathy, at Wood Leaf, liitely. Mr. B. F. Stonestrect attendea the Bible reading at Ketchic’s school house Sunday evening. Miss M attie A lieu left Monday to teach the public school at Stroud school houF«, near Salem church. Mrs. Belle Moore, of Rowan county, visited her sister, Mrs. Maggie Booe, Saturday and Sun­ day. Mrs. Alice Ijames and son went to Cooleemee last W ednes­ day. They expect to move there soon. Mi-s. Earle Kurfees and little son, Gilbert, spsnt Saturday and Sunday with her mother, near iiiiley. L uoy . ArriTal m l Departare of Trains; S outh B ound —Daily except Sunday. Leave Mocksville.................. 1:00 pm Leave Mocksville ................... 6:00 p m N okth B ou n d . T’.-eave Moc!T.-=vne ................... 7;ir»ain Tjeavc Mo:'iv ...................H:;iO a u; .U'X-k. ViJi.- r-;-r.i ■ /rr^cvi 1 %roi:kly 'ny \Viltiani.i lirn.. CjL-n. per ]ia.................................. oC- W hcav, |i*ir bu .........................:... nor ^'.i...................................... 31 per b 'j...................................... P" 3acon ner pound ....................... 8 10 Bacon, We.stern ......................... 7i H am a .................................................... 12 Eg-ja ...................................................... 12 B u tte r................................................... 12i Sprinff Chickens.............................. G 7 higi Hunt’s Coasmnptioa and Eroncliits Cars, it surpasses all other renicdicr known for ConsuinpLion, BronchiLis. Croup and Disordered Liver. It cere when all else fail.'i! If your drnifj'ri.S' does not keep it, direct to .Tudgi.- George E . Hunt, Lexiiiifton, N . C. Price 50 cents per hottle. For sale by C. C. SauforJ.___________ Advance News Notes. Sirs. Bet tie Green, of Coolce’nee, is visiting friends in this place. Prof. C. M. Sheets has been <m the sick list for a few days, but I am glad to say is better. Footville, Y a d k iu c fi^ y , is nailing bis peo- jile near here. He is looking well. Mrs. H attie'Ilegc, of Winstou- Salem, is visitiril-' Jier daughter, Mrs. Robert place. ^ Janies Ratledge is vislnng'hLj mother and best girl near (3ala- haln, this count}% Jimmie is a good boy. O. M. March, Gen. Carter and othei-8 visited Ciwleemee last Sun­ day and report a lot of carpenter work going on there. S l i c k . l>oii’t Satrer, 'i'lio Kloctroim ise Cares all diRsases witho'.it the u.se ci medicine. A pare Oxygen treatment, by ab.sorpcion. It Cures where every­ thing' else fails. It is needed in every family, for it will relieve every w eak­ ness or ailment, to the most persistent chronic 'disease; and without the n.se of a ffrain of medicine. Thousands of paople all over the United States, from private citizens to Lawyers, doc tors, preachers, Suprem e .Tiidge.=* 'Rdi tors. etc.. even Crowned l!ea:lH of E u ­ rope have g-iven ^vritten testimonials of these facts, B-3ok of te.'Jtimoniats and matter of great interest wivL price of instruL'ients sent free. Every family should have an Electropoise: it saves money, induces health. Send your address at once and see what , , T. I people .say who have thoro’-’ghly test- L. Joreau, ot this ed its merits. Agents wanted. T h e ' Electkopoise Co., 513 4th Street, Lonisville, K y . N a t i o n a l H o t e l , REFURNISHED. UKDER NEW MANAGEMENT, RATES, $1.00 PER DAY. J . II. Kamsky, Propel*. Main St. SALLSllURY, N. 0.TAX NOT!CR I will meet the Tax-Paycrs of Davie County at the followinfr timea and places to collect the T jixvjs for 181*5): Mocksville during- the month of November. County Line, Monday, Decem ber 4, i m 10.00 a. TO. to 12 m. Calahaln, Monday, Decem ber 4, 1 p. ra. to 3 p. Nesror, Tuesday, December 5, 10 a. ra. to 12 m. Cuua, Tuesday, Decem ber 5, 1 p. ro. to 3 p. m. Fp.rraircfloi^: Y.'edaesday, Deceuibe»* G, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Sw:iih Grovo, Tnur.sflay, Dtvcmbcr i 7. fu m. to 2 p Di. Advanc-2,,TaesGay, D ecem ber ]* m . to 4 p. m. Fork Church, Wednesday, Decem ­ ber 13, 10 a. m. to '2 p. m. A u»n s:a, (Byrriei"'.^ Store.) Thurs- dav, Decem ber 14, 10 a. m. to 12 ra. Jerusalem, Thursday, Decemb;sr 14. 1 p. m . to 3 p. m . , Sheffield, Friday, Decem ber 1"), 10 a. m> to 12 m. Mocksville, Saturday, December ICf all day Sec. 57, Ch. 732, Law s 1809: Taxes for School fund luust be turned over by the Sheriff not later than Dec. G r e e n s b o r o H u r s e r i e s , GREENSBORO, N. C., For all kinds of i ’rnit. Shade and Ornamental Trees. Vines aud Plants. I ar.i the Intro­ ducer of the famous GREijNS- BOnO and CX>NNa'r-S South- oi;i iiiriy reach. 12 H'S’) Of RSGISTERSa PO­ LAND CHINA and Mammoth Bhiek Hogs. One of the finest her-.ls in the South. W rite for prices, J ohn A. Y ouxg , Prop’r. To beat the B a n d . "YOUR W in te r 'uircliasos. y< u w ill ei>inein to see '\\'e will show you how it can be done to yonr entire satisfaction. Here are a few items that shows which way the wind blows: Boy’s suits from $1.2.5 up. . - . Men’s suits from $2.98 op. A G-ood M ackintosh O vercoat O'NXi'2'$1-3S- A heavy double sole Brogan, worth 3l.2 >, oar price 0.3 cents. Ladies Heavy winter shoes, regular *1.25 quality, onrpriccOSc. Men aud Ladies fine shoes, worth $1.25, our price 9Se. Capes From 39 j . up. Tliis Space Belongs to E B . C R A W F O E D & CO, General Dealers In Harfiware, le, W I N S T O N N . O . m vQ8 Best and Lowest Price Line ol Millinery in the City. t l T E C S A C A L L and let us S H O W YOU S O M E G E N U I I E B A P .G a ;I'.E. )-CHOUI.Ki 'S HAOKKl H'rOUl''. T H E W E S T S X U ff V S U y A TE3CJ O R A F H d O a B P A H T . [|s C R V IC E T d A U .T H IW O ih A C R A N F O R D S . W hen our buyer went North, he offered certain m anufacturers GOc. on the dollar for the remainder of tlieir winter stock, and on last Fri- lay they telegraphed their aieept luce. This clothin" amounts in .alue to a good many thousand dollara. and will all arrive this week. W e expect to place the en­ tire lot before onr customers at re­ tail prices, and they will be less than what other people jiay at wholesale. C A L L P R O ; T e n P e r G e n t. F u i a i t i i r e Ha 108 ''o st F iiii. ? t„ W I N S T O i N N -C W ant yonr trade and will give you bargains in all Styles of BetMloom Sets, Odd Dressera. Cinin;!: TiiLlei. Beds, W aahstnuds, Lounges, Conches and all tLinpi to be found iu an U p To D ate FCl?i»lTU K E IIO l SL. S03IS HBW and BEiUHFUL DSKStS in DISHES, CHAHBZR-Sms icJ L'Cj Y.'e Rlso have a Beautiful Liiie ol Pictures and Fraiiiw. The JTew ICngiand and KeetlhaUi Pianos, and the OH Kcliable Kstey Org-ans and the Seedham Organs are sold by OB. and need no recommendation, as they are so W ell K'^own. Ail Goods "told for Gash or H sj Pafmso (^ome to onr pliiee aud if you are not treatcil riglit caU no more, but 11* we treat you right, call aguii , O E G A K S F E O H $25.00 U F . P ^ N O S F E O M S I S O II G A L L B R O T H E R S M anufacture!^’ Agents, ' N. L. G B A N FO E D & GO, No. 443 Trade Street, mers Warehouse. Winston-Salcni, If. C. 2 doors North of Far- W INSTOX. . . X . C. rSranch Honse; M A RTINSVILLE, V A . IV the lUt, of each year. Please remember this and ha proc:pt la p.a\Tni-riti J. L . 'S H E E K , .Nov. 1, ’9!). Sheriff Davie Ooulity. P I N E S T O C I t ; P O K S.\LiE. Anjjperf nr Jenuy, c stock, ^ ill person desirinlr to buy a Jack or Jenny colts, or other fine ■■BIT dd.welf to* call on T . A . B R U N T , FM^ington, N. C; friend- Stamps are too cheap to ! a. tii^l in coott for two cents. ■W. C. Gi\.es special attention tovdiseases of thfc Eye, Ear, Nose andVi'hieati ipoct,icles fitted by the aid oftrelino- }'i Teeth extracted by thftpain-, grocesd. OfB " ' ' " Mo<!kHvUlc. DON'T W AIT A M INCTE. Good 'Wjitches A csoiji;tely free . We want yo'.ir aano for PASTIME, ii bright, cle''.a. iUuHlirated story and humorous paper for t:i« family circle, W, lawe pa?es. only 7'‘c a yjar; on trial 4 moTitli.?, 10c. We «ive a nirlcle ;llvir watch to each .sub scriber, a neat medium.sised watch, giiaranti'.-ed for one yeari- Will beep time for tdh ny years a;j acc.n-atelv ?sa SlflO '.vatch. And f<7r a Kttle work we i;iv£ GolJ watchesj Bicycles, sewing machines. Guns, etc. Samples and particulars free. Send us your address to*day If you do no more, and see hov.’ easily you can E^et something nio£i.TOu want. We will .euriJrise you. Pleaser ttSs’t wait a minute, send now. Better e t ' close 5 stamps for trial subscription and preseiit, or 28 stamps for w at^ , and pa per wmletbe watches are joing I d free.- The PASTIME Pnb. Gompany; LoaisvIlW. Ivy.. • - ■ NICE R O M GIVEN AW AY — o o — W hat about th it STOVK yoa pr jmisa.l to buy this Falll We still have left more than a Car load, although our Stovo sales have been immense for the past 63 d lyi. WS ASS Bfllim Ta 313,33 CDTIKsLOT ot S W V E S b y Jaa. U t . $1 - 5 0 R o c k e r F r e e ■WITH Every Stova wa sell for the ■ ^ get one, for after 10 days wc Will stop giving the Eocker with St >. JUSTKEOEiyED 4CABLO.AD3ofCHE.VP AND JI30CU1I FOM KITUEE and we can save yon 25 per cent. f p ^ Se-3 Us And We will Sell You, Caa Mwiys Give Lowest Pricas On Everything in Onr Lins, ' e, Stoudemire & Company, Cia'THAfc HOTEL,SALISB^JET, if. C. GQ t IS’ s M » W I S I SPECIAL lifD U C E Jli OUR 1 will find the work of a I I for we have dropped th j t will PA V you to look [ a feast and your thoug| 1 an easy way to procun ling outUiy. W e keep nj [offer you a rare opportuij JJfotions; Table and Glass^ Ifew prices that will mai| T r (foods! Fhildren’s Tjndervests, 5c. V“ die’s Fleece-lined U ndel tie a ’i U adersbircs. lac, 2')ir .adie's Union Suits, Fleed GRE.4.T dJ Lave a,few sizes 2i, 3. and, ice 40c on the dollar to m l ■want i rare bargain. All Inair. Jten's nice Sunaaj| ni»r i>nir n Jill kinds, 25c per pair ad ^]1 Don’t forffet our 1 lvalues of useful articld L are Headquarters for I, teis season than ever bvifl rciieap prices all throuL ) buy or not. No tfoublcl | i 20 Liberty St., w i? F. G- C H E | r E S P F X I A L I s j I over Jacobs’ Clothing I W INSTON, N. C. 'urniturel ■^STo v x X L s d Farnitare of any Kinq p a y y o u T H u n t b y ’s S j -H E SELLS- f-CLASS FU RN ITU l ht prices, stock ilwajs I i and 42S Trade Stre W INSTON, N. t'. I ■w s i e : Y o r GO TO IWinstai, K -CALL ON— ) W N . T h e .I ew i I a Nic« Line of r and Silver W are, Eye Glasses, etc| nig done while you Bured for one year, j the times, nrs for business, BKOWN, T h k J e | erty Street. Next [ lobert's the gun man r a n t Y o u r lEN S, POTATOES,I pNIONS AN D O T | PKODUCE. at Mirket Prices Wiu| Call on me when I u COME TO TOA I Selected S tock o j 1 A lw ays On H a prs to Serve, D. M. m i l l ! pisbury, N orth Oai| PHERN m v pJD A E D R A IL \\1 CHE SOUTH. ct Line to a l l : 5RN IA , f>A, PORTO RIC M is t L'liiss Jn nil 'I’h ro tig h ■ins. [Sleeping C a rso u l J Fast aud Safe aif fcvel by th e Svutll 1 are a.<Mured » Sa |ab le um l an £Xi] ptney. ricteet Affenta for I ates and General i ation, or address! S’. U.. A, p I rttc* N. C\ Ashe P TOAKSWffi Qq . g a h h o h , iK u . ■ A. m K 0, p. A.| B H IK O T O N .d I 3y Reces, |a.x i >s (j m e . ) M S U l x g I^T B A ' V IL L A 8 T O K IS H t o t . [eive ueacalUi,^_^' Jaxything in ,1,^ j t u r e L in e , ■ ro v o rR ix T E U j,^ |W I5HT, i.LI3 Sl'RY, X. c. to & CO, b re , Etc. T he D avie R e c o r d . M OCKSVILLE, N. C. W EDKESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1899.Ko. 34. l o w I S T H E T I M E . SPECIAI- 1^*DUCEME^'TS TO BUYERS TO REDUCE * OUK I’RKSEST STOCK. 1 II timi the work of a Dollar at onr Store something have dropped the prices Down ! D O W S ! ! DOWN !! . II I’ VV vou to look over our assortment. It will give your ** (■ it anJ vouf thoughts food for satisfaction, and will show ‘ »!iiv »av to proonre just w hat you want and need, fo ra I outia.v- We keep up the Quality, W e keep down the Price. ' m 1 rare opiiortunitv to S A V E M O N E Y on vour Shoes. Under- { olff Table and Glassware. Kitchen Furniture. Tinware, etc. Here f'that will m ake you think you have been paying too much Oc each. Uto'G H E A T B A R G A I N S IN each. S H O E S . , few sizes ii, 3. ard 4s that we have toj many of. and have made I ' oa tiif dollar to make them "fo. Only a small lot. Come quick ___i.-i.-.r'iin Al^n.tiTt»r Men's H»»arv_ iill Ipnt.ht L L 5 p n c I i. ^ V ,1 C e n t . M I F u r n i t i i r e S e n ,| T O N N . C k.igji'r.!* in ail |. I'iiiiu j; T iillca. ; il sill tL in g o to I;;]: i i o r s i : . [.'.M EZR-SnS ird I'XPi j I n c s a n d F ram es. Iirs , !ii.d th e Old Iliu m O r^^aus are ti, as iL ey a re so " a s y P a y m s B ts .] Irc iitc d rig h t call 1 iigaii . - -jrp - usijfjl artidcs for yoar nickle. tjirap ^bjVDr not.No trouble to show ^oods. Respectfullv,NEWMAN & m e . t’8 Lihprty St.. W iy^TO X , X. C. Franklin’s Old Stand The Da™ Record, PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. K. H . MOHRIS, Editor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : O n e copy, O n e Y ear, - - - *1.00 O n e copy, Six Months, - . - 30 O n e copy. Three Months . . . 23 M ooksviU e.N . C., N ovem ber 22. KITCH EN ON T H E .^ lE N D - MENT. r.F . g - c h e e k ^YE s p e c i a l i s t . . ortr JaCl.>b^• t'lo'.hiuf Store, W IN 'S T O X . X . C . rFarniture! ' T o x x X L 3 e c 3 - Far'ii! Jr<‘ of uny Kind IffiLii I’AY YOU TO SEE I f . H u n t b y ’ s S t o c k , — HE SELLS ------ lsT.0LAS.-5 FL-RXITri£E AT Si|t: prices, slock always Complete. |426 ami 42.S Trade .Street, 'A’IN'STOV. X. C. - W ' H E I T l or GO TO T r u s s s e s ! If yon are in nead of a TRUSS it will pay you to have a Perfect Fit. DR. V . O. T llO ill’SO y has had forty years’ experience in A djusting Trusses. He will Per- souallj- fit you at the Old Reliable THOM PSON DRUG STORE, A'inston, X. C. M c G u i r e & E i m b r o u g h , P hysicians and S v b g e o n s . O S c e , First door South of Hotel Davie M O C K S V I L L E . N . 0 . Those who attack secticn five are geuerally opposed to the entire ameudment. They do not want many negroes disqualified, V>ut if negroes are disqualified to any large extent, then they want many whites also disqualified. They therefore strive hard to make sec­ tion live appear unconstitutional while declaring that the other set;- tions will stand. The unlettered white man can have no woiw ene­ my than he who labors on the one hand to prevent disqualilic.'ition ol ignorant and incompetent blacks, and on the other hand after the adoption of the amendineut en deavors to prevent unlettered white men from voting by insisting tlial section five is unconstitutional and shall not stand, and that the bal­ ance of the amendment shall slaud, thus demanding at every step that the unlettered whites, notwlth- staudiug their gi-eatl.y superior natural and acquired qualifications, shall be forever chained to equality with unlettered negi-oes.— W . W . Kitchen, Dem. ' The above .vas clipped from an articlc written by Congressman Kitchen, of the Fifth North < 'aro- lina district, and like all other articles on the subject, from a Deni- whole. W e sincerely hope it will | fall as a wliole should it be counted' in. We are fighting your infamous^ election law as a w'hole; we are fighting the amendment as a whole, and we are trying to show the peo­ ple that mischief lurks beneath its every provision. W^e are striving to show the unlettered whites that the Dcmoci’atic party is as anxious to get rid of the ignor.int white as he is to get rid of the negro, and I believe I can prove the-assertion from Mr. K itchen’s own as.<sertion. Read this and see how it sounds: “ Thus demanding at every step t hat the unlettered whites, notwith- stamling their greatly superior naiURil and acquired qualifications, shall be forever chained to equality with unlettered negroes.” The above language of Mr. K itchen ap­ plies to those agiiinst the apieud-1 T a d k i n V a l l e y I N S T I T U T E , BOONVILLM, N. C., Represents a high type of the pre­ paratory school. Uses the most efficient methods in education. Pre­ pares boys and girls for college and tits them for business and life. One of the best to infuse with energy, to wake up boys and girls to the duties of life. Represented this year in a half do/.eu leading col­ leges and univei'sities. 208 stu­ dents from thi-ee States last year. Iforth Carolina Students this fall all the way from the Caldwell line on the west to Jones and Bertie counties on the east. Expenses average only ^ 0 per term of five months. Competent teachei-s, firm discipline, thoroughness in all thiogs. Good reading room and excellent literary societies. Stu­ dents can enter at anj' time and find suitable classes. Our catalogue ment. Xow,myUemofiraticfnen(ls, Itells of the lociition, life, aim. and let’s see your consistency in that what it means to a boy or girl to attend school here. Spring term will open .January 8, 1900. The progress of the school has been rapid, and for the past six yeai-s, undLr the present management, it has l>eeii broadening its field and raising its standard until now it ! stands among the foremost of ^?orth Carolina preparatory school**. Its reputation is more than local. Yon will be pleased with o'.'.r thorough work and attractive location. Send for .^0-page illustraliKl catalogue. Address R. B. HORX, Principal, Boonville. N. C. B r . B . B . A n d e r s o n , ------DENTIST.------ Office: First Doo- South of Drs. M cGuire & Kimbrough. M o c k s \ ille . N . assertion. W ho has made such a condition even possible in North Carolina! Your last Democratic Legislature. Eh ? The unlettered whites are to be forever clmined to equality with unlettered ntgroes after 1908, by the provisions of this amendment if adopteil, which was passed by an overwhelmingly Democratic Legislature. Now, Mr. Heiaocrat, please answer this question: If the unlettered nhite man, with his greatly superior natural and ac­ quired qualifications, is a compe­ tent voter now, and ne.xt year, why is he wiot (ii'.alified after 1908 { Won’t he be as goo<l a man after 190S as he is now ? W on’t he be as intelligent in 1908 as he is now 1 T H E C O M F O R T . W r i t e t o u s o r C o m e t o s e e U s when in town, or give us a SPECIAL VISIT, it will pay you—^you’ll find what you want here. Not only one, but a BIG ASSORTMENT to 'jlioose from, and the PRICES W E QUOTE W ILL OPEN YOUB EY'ES to the fact that You havk been P aying too much fob yottb GOODS. To prove this call on ns. Shoes. Shoes. ! capes , jackets Etc.h Ladles and Misses’ Calf Shoes^ $1.00; Ladies,i M en's and Misses’ whole- stock §hoes, 81.00 and $1.25, Ladies’ soft Kang-aroo Kid Shoes, neat and stylish, worth $2.00, our price $1.25. Ladies' and m en ’s hand-welt Shoes, m ade by the best makers, $1.98, worth $2.75. Boy’s and Misses’ jyood servicealeb Shoes, 50c and 73c per pair. W e Childs’ Jackets— all sizes, 75d to $3.00 each. Ladies’ Jackets, $2.50 and up! Ladies’ Capes 50c and up; Ladies heavy Underwear, 15c and up. M e n ’s heavy Fleece-lined Under­ wear, 40c and up. Ladies’ Skirts, and upwards. Ladies’ Waists 25c and upwards. g u aran tee to save you at least 25 p er ccnt. on above goods. mmm C o rn e r O p p o s ite K e w P o sto ffic e . A y iX S T O X , N O R T H C A R O L IN A TAX NOTICE. .K^ratic pen, bristles with misrepre-1 I will meet the Tax-Paycrsof Davit County at the following- times and places to collect the Taxes for 1899: Mocksville durinjr the month of November. Countv Line. Monday, Decem ber 4, 1899. 10.00 a. m . to 12 m. Calahain, Monday, Decem ber 4 .1 p.^ 4-yx Q n Tr« I their rights. Its falsity and incon- answered; they toil, K. C.,|I $ 5 G r a p h o p h o n e s $ 5 -CALL OX- 3W N. T h e Jew ei.f)!. Ivt 3 N'ice Line of W atches, |lr> an 1 Silver Ware. Specla- land Kve Olasses, etc. Fine liriu” dmie while you wait and 1 insured fur oue year. Prices Kt the times, poars for liusiiiess, liltOWX. Tin-; J k w eleb . tiljerty Street. Next door to Eu'jert’s the gan man. I have the agency for the Columbia Phonograi)h Co.. and carry in stock jat all times a nice lot of Grapho- phones and Records. A Graphophoue I Like This Cut for s.j.00. I W ant Y o u r E g g s , fKEXS, POTATOES, O.NIOXS AND OTHER K5I PliODUCE. I llirist PricK Will be Paid Call on me when fo r COJIE TO TOW N. 1 Selected Stock of G roce- i Always On Hanc^. pure to Serve, I). 'SI. MILLER, a)isbury. Xorih Carolina. JIHERN RAILW AY. <istenciesl8hallshowbeforelcon-!^,.^^^^ no evasions, no beating the elude this article. i Oome out squarely, hon- Mr. Kitchen makes a sweeping I declaration when he says, ‘‘if ne T h e Music $5.00 per dozen. $.1.00 half- dozen. W h e n vou visit Winston call in at the “'Big W a t c h ,” and see these wonderful talking machines, and any­ thing in the Jewelry line. FK EU . N. 1>AY, Jew eler. groes are disqualified to any large extent, then they want many whites also disqualified.” Now, Mr. Kitchen is too intelligent a man, and one who holds the certificate to a seat in Congress ought to be ashamed to allow his name to ap- peiir beneath such a statement. Take every article written and printed by Republicans, and show me where and when we or an.y of ns have advocated disfranchising a white man under any circum­ stances or conditions. Be fair, truthful aad consistent in all things, but don’t try to carry your sche jies through by misrepresentations. The Hepublicaa position is so plain that our Demoj-ratic friends find i estl.v, and tell us why the white man shonld be chained forever to an equality with unlettered negroes after 1908. No dodging; honor bright. It needs an explanation; out with it. AVe pau.se for reply. T h e verdict of the Kentucky election, held last Thui-sday, is still claimed by both parties. There appears to an unbiased resider of the returns to be little doubt th:it Taylor was ele:;ted, bnt there is just as little doubt that Goebel will be inaugurated. That is what the Goebel election law was passed for. —Charlotte Observer. “ .\n honest confession is good for the soul.” Yes, and that is what the Goebel-Siminons election law was passed for by the wise solons in this State last winter. Isthemselves in a dilemma, and can .' it not a disgrace to the State of Kentucky, and will it not be a dis- only get around it by misrepresen tation. Now, if your wise solons at Raleigh last winter were so hun-gri«» to our own beloved State if Farminffton, W ednesday, December 6,10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Smith Grove, Thursday, Decembei 7, 10 a. m . to 2 p. m. Advance, Tuetiday, Decem ber 12, li m . to 4 p. m. Fork Church, W ednesday, Decem ­ ber 13. 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Aujfusta, (Berrier’s Store.) Thurs- dav. Decem ber 14, 10 a. m. to 12 m. Jerusalem, Thursday, Decem ber 14. 1 p. m . to 3 p. m. Sheffield, Fri a. m. to 12 m. Mocksville, Saturday, Decem ber 16, all day Sec. 57. Oh. 7.32, Law s 1809: Taxes for School fund must be turned over by the Sheriff not later than Dec. ,Slst, of each year. Please remember this and be prompt in payment. J. L .S H E E K , Nov. 1, ‘99. Sheriff Davie County, M c D O W E L L & R O G E R S , W i n s t o n ’s C h e a p C l o t h i e r s , - B U Y E R S F O R - ■riday, Decem ber 13, 10 gry fo r pie, and were determ ined! the people endorse, or allow the to violate its promises and pledges to run roughsh^ over the m ad e d u rin g th e c a m p a i g n o f 1898,1 people! All Anarchists are not that vou neglected to draft a con- we are sorry to stiy; even stitut'ional provision, and if th ei^ 'o rlh Caroh*v is cursed with . -a_ __fliAin Awsiv With them Icourts (in the event of its lieing, counted carried) shonld declare i t ! whole or in !K ciiiem ber This.uBCOcstitutional in part are not you, my Dem ocratic: ."lOcts pavs for 6 monthssubscrip- frien’ds, responsible for w hatever, tion to th e KEmiu. and you get a . \ . u* u ‘ ticket ami sui opportunity at oue of mischief is wrought by the f^nal " ^ f^ee g iftl' result! Of course you are, and no i ___________________________ NOriUR By virtue of an order made by A. T. Grant, Clerk of Superior Court, I will sell at the (Xiurt H(mse door in the town of Jlocks- ville. on the 4th day of December, 1899, the following real estate, ad­ joining the lau(’s of Lewis H arper, ct al and bounded !is follows: To wit: Beginning at a stone Lewis H arpers corner, thence AY. 30 poles and 1.5 links to a stone in Potts line, thence S. 70° West 2-t poles and L to a stone in Potts line, thence E 15° N 20 poles and j 20 links to a stone, to the beginiiig i containing 2 acres and 10.5 poles j more or less. Terms of Sale, $2.5.001 cash, balance on six. mouths timej with bond an<l appioved security 1 at 6 per cent interest from day of sale, title reserved tiil purchase; money is paid. This 19th day ol October 1899. T hos . N. Ch a I'-vin , I Adm r. of G. H . Lippard dec’d .; T. B. Bailey, Attorney.* 3 MAMMOTH STORES. 3 W E SELL FOR LESS, BECAUSE W E BUY CHEAPER THAN SMALL I>EALERS. S O M E S P E C I A L S i 300 Suits at $350, $500 mi $650, W ORTH $5.00 TO SS9.00, ' ' oOO SUITS 37..50 TO 6HO.OO, W ORTH $11.00 TO $13.00. 150 Overcoats, $2.50 to $6.50, w orth $3.75 to $10,00. 200 OVERCOATS, $7.50 to $12.50. W orth $20.00 to $18.00. If you have bought of us you know u)(; if you haven’t yo» should try us, and learn your saving. GREAT V a lu e s ^ in Hats, Shirts, Ties, and tTndefwear. m ' D on’t F orget the P lace w hen Y ou Come to W inston, j a JTANDa r i ) R.ULW^AY IFTHK S(j UTH. [ Direct Line to all Points. pifXLV. ill).\, lAXl) I*ORTO RICO. F ilst L lnss E q u ip - ^ oil ail Through and Lu- Carsouall N ight luid Sufe !jfhe«lules. f Mvrl by the Southern and a Sufe. Com- fcu " " BipedltioiiK W H E A T A N D G R A S S OKOPS. A l l i s o n & A d d i s o n ’ s - H IG H G B A D Ii- FERTILIZERS. Simmons election law; they had no say 80 in this constitutional am end­ ment business. W e are opposed (o ; -------------------- the whole shooting match, and you | had aa well resort to other means i W e still have left more than a car-load, although our Stove sales have for carrying these outrageous mtas- am ount of such rot can deceive the j R em ington S in ^ e B arrel B reech pg„pie^ ^^jiom your crowd has tie-1 L oading G un, - $6.50 attem pting to fur-1 O thers ' ‘ ‘ , i-ong. The Republicans had I Loaded Shells, .35c a box. drafting your Goebel Shot, 7c. per pouud. Prim ers, 12c. a box. A ll O ther Goods Equally Ix)w. P . M . R O B E R T S , 445 Liljerty Street, W INSTON, N. C. ures, for the people of K orth Caro­ lina are too intelligent to be again deceived by any more of Simmons’ schemes; and you well know that you have not a shadow of a chance for carrying it without yourGoebel- Simmons methods. Please name the Republican or i the Republican paper, that has ad­ vocated. or expre»sed a desire, that | if section five is unconstitutional, th at he desires or wants the remain­ der to Stand. You can’t do it, and when you make such wild assei"- tions, you diaciedit your entire article and attempt to deceive the{ A NICE ROCKER GIVEN AW AY. W hat about th a t Stove you prom ised to buy this fall ? been immense for the past 60 days. U CQ I ■g o u pb o n S “ S T A E B B A N D ” G U A N O , “ M c G A V O C K ” M I X T U R E , •‘B. P .” POTA SH M IXTURE, A CID PH O SPH A TE. A^cntu for Time Ta- „ »,ne<;iallV recommend the “Mc- ™ ’iSiitufe ” It Is eitenaivelymatlon, „r addre« V i r S and Its use on th j ^ P. n. DAKBY, crop:! has fflvenN. . C. P. & T. A. North Carolina S>i the last two years. If O lc. Asheville N.Cj $V)r sale by Agents generally i p^jQpjg. i s u t- ' We are bound to close out tMs lot of stoves b;' ifanuary Jst., and to do this we will give a n i c e $1 . 5 0 r o c k e r f r e e with every Stove we sell lor the next TEN days. Now don’t wait, but come and get one, for after ten days we will stop giving the Rocker with Stove. Ju st received 4 o a r l o a d s o f c h e a p a n d m e d i u m f n m i t n r e and we can save yon 25 per cent. Come and see us aad we will sell you. TOisswgft cnenoHS. P CAnsOil, K. CUUP. |tGmllai. Traf. Mm . W- A. TURK G. P. A. »ASH1K(JT0N, D. C. ! M r. K itcheu himself Says it’s i constitntiond; tii»t ought to settle ALLIEOX & A D D I^ N . it tioeg not, for he again tlrfoiighout the State Send for Circulars. lUna Cbemieal i HayH th at it wiU stand oi- foil as a G. T. GLASCOCK & SONS, GREENSBORO, M C-. F O V N D E E S A N D M A C H I N I S T S . Manufacturers of Turbine A v ater W heels, The C A R O L IN ^ COOK STOVE, Hejiting Stoves. Coal Grates, Country Hollow ^Vare Plows, Plow Castings and Peed Cutters. ^ SPECIAL CASTINGS OF ANY D E S C ^ F I’io N . a®" Every Article M anufacturedby Us Guaranteed Sn Every Respect i E. H . MORRIS, Agent. at M O C K S V I^E . X. C. ------------------------— /■-----^------- House,'StoudeiDiri! & Company, j O e t a R e c o r d / P r e s e n t . C E N IB A t HOTEL, SALISBURY, Jf. C.ONE r-O LLA E PAYS FO E TIJUE PA PBE ^I^ND 2 ' TICKETS. i B i T I S E S U F F E R A S M N . I A Considerable Forca Ambushed Near Escourt While Reconnoitring. DISASTER TO AN ARMORED TRAIN. H anj British Soldiers Were Taken Pris* oners h j the Boers—Lloutenaut Chiurchtll DIstincrnishes Hlmseir— Boers Prepariuj; to Beslst the Rein- forcetnentM For General White. toSDOS (By Cable).—The War Offlee has In selecting a Sewing M achioe, pick on t the one th at rnns tlie lightest, sews the fastest, makes the least noise __________ 18 m ost durable. not break the received tbe following dispatcli Iroaa Gen- thread if rao backward, \a ll not pock- eral Bailer date I at Cape Town: e i the lightest fabrics, has patent i “Have received from Hildyard, Pleter- epool wire, antom atio tention release j marltzburg, a telegram ol which the fol- ball tearing, etc, •, I ow Ior is the purport: THE WHEELER & WiLSOH j a r r ^ poseesses all tho above points of so • Eslcourt this moroinff p erio ritj over any other make. Costs a company ot ttie Dubllo Fusiliers and NAVAL OFFICER’S BRAVERY Over One Hundred Persons Owe Their Lives to Ensign Gherardi. Planeed to the Bescne in Porto Rico llnrrlcane, and Now I.les in a llospital as a Besalt. N E W S E P IT O M JZ E D . W ashineton Items. Testimony sliowinsr tlio Tin Trust in­ creased prices and closftd mills was heard by tlie Industrial Commission. Controller Dawes. In a report jnst made public, shows that bank deposits havo nearly doubled In the.United States, while loans have not kept pace. Interest rates, ho shows, have gradually declined. Tho battleship Indiana. Captain F. W* Diokins commandint;, ban been ordered in­ to reserve at the League Islantl Navy Yard. Most of her crew will bo detnc'.iod. but thHrrr.____ -n n —'Thn Vftvv M ost Ot b e t crew wIU bo aetnciiort. b u t tUHW^shixgton.D .O . (Special) .-T h e >avy enough car«takers on aothioe to examine one. F or eale by R* BOW EX, WiDston, N. C. , . TRY THE . • 'NEW HOME "SEWIHB M&GlilNL A company ot the Durban volunteers, j North of Frere they encoantered a party of Boers aud began to withdraw. While ra- i tiring some of the truck? wore derailed. : The Dublins turned out and advanced to- i ward tlio enemy, while the rest of the train ' appears to have returned without them to I Estcourt.” It appears that the Boers had prepared a clever little trap and the British train i seems to have been run with guileless ia- i nocence. After they had fallea into the i trap the personal bravery of the party on ‘ the train was useless iu tbe face of tho ox- i cellent Are of the Boers, who were abl-i to ' j»end to Pretoria another batch of prls- I oners variously estimated at from IWty to one hundrf^d. Winston Churchill, son of Lady Randolph Department has given out « circumstan­ tial account of tbe conspicuous gallantry of Ensign W. K. Gherardi, in tbe ro»»ent terrific hurricane which swept across Porto Rico. It was forwarded by Captain Snow, I commanding the United States naval sta- tion in Sau Juan, who inclosed letters of Lieutenant-Coionel Carr of the Fifth Cav­ alry and others concerning the daring of the exploit.Captain Snow also called attention to the fact that the ensign now was in the Naval Hospital iu New York, as a result of th*. exposure aud hardship undergone at that time. Ensign Gaorardl twice before has been mentioned for conspicuous gallantry. The statement forwarded to the depart­ ment shows that, when the storm was at its height. Ensign Gberyrdl and J. J. Jloi- inez, a civil euRineer, ran along tbe beach to the polut nearest the sliippJng, which was dragging anchors through the *erriflc force of the wind. The schooner Concep­ tion, loaded with* l6'J emigrants from Sau Domingo, and tho s:eamer Vasco were in > great distress. Some of the passengers i were jumping overboard. The statement I goe.«» on as follows: j “Gherardi at once plunged into ,the water with his clothes ou and began drag- board to keep her in condition for immedi­ ate service. It is probable that the Navy Department will ask for an appropriation to equip some war ships with the Marconi wirelesa telegraphy instruments. Admiral Schley madn his flual call at the Navy Department beforo assuming com­ mand Df tho South Atlantic Squadron. Commander Hemnhlll, ot thu Detroit, notified tho Navy Department that the «^rulser had reached La Guayra from • Puerto Cabello. A mossaee was sent to Aguinaldo bv President 5rcKltiley. asking humane treat­ ment for Spanish prisoners. The Guatemalan Minister. Lazo Arriaga, took the initiol steps looking to a parcels post convention between tho United States and Guatemala. A pension of $15 per month was granted by Commissioner Evans to Adelaide W. Bagley. mother of Lieutenant Worth Bag- ley, who was killed in the war with Spain. O n r .A d o p te d I s I a ik I s . Lieutenant Johnston, with M. Troop, ot the Third Cavalry, captured at St: Nicolas, in the Philippines, twelve barrels contain­ ing the wnrdrobo of Aguinaldo’s wife, some ging tho unfortunates from the waves and j por.<?onal olToctH, tho records of the Soere- bringiug them io the shore. He ordered nrtmmicon,... those on board to throw a life line to the shore, so as to make fast, but they were so terrorized that they were unable to do anything but jump into the water, where they were taken by Gherardi and Jlmiuez TYPE OF ARMORED TRAIN USLD IN THE SOUTH ArillOAN WAR. WHITE FOR 01RCUUflSfS?5”f « : S e w in g M a c h in e s w e m a n u fa c tu re im d th e ir p n c e s b e fo re y o u p u r c h a s e a n y o th e r . TBEKEWHOIIESEWINBIACHIIIEGO., : O nAh'GE.M ASS. • tJOl>101lSqi>.T0.3I.T. a>ic«o.Ill- St. Louis. Ho. ‘ ItaUas, Texts. San Fnuiclaco, Cal, Atlanta, Ga. | FOR SALE BV Free tuition. We give one or ajore free schol- ftrships in e\'ery county in the U. S. Wnte us. Will accept notes for tuition orcan deposit zaoney in bank until position is sccured. Car fare paid. No vacation. En­ ter at am* time. Open forboUi sexes. Cheapbcard. 5endfor Illustrated catalogue. either place. ^P o sitio n s... S u a r a n te e d Under reasonable conditions. . . . Address J. P. Draughok, Pres't, ct O r a u g h o n ’s F ^ r a c tic a l..... B u s i n e s s Churchill, and correspondent of the Lon­ don Daily Mail, behaved with great gal­ lantry in carrying thH wounded oft the fleld under a heavy iire. He was taken prisoner. A spccIal dispatch from Durban says that another oompiete armored train has been sent to Estcourt to replace tho one dis­ abled by tho Boers. The serious and unexpected disaster to tho Estcourt armored train, on the ove of tho forward movement for the relief of Ladysmith, has, apparently, convinced the British that the advance wi:i be contested step by step. General Hildrard has a force of about 15,000 men and he is well supplied Sashvllle Tenn., e Galveston. Tex..: oavannah, Ga.« ^ Texarkana, Tex. the war office has issued orders for the Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Typewriting, etc. 1 of a quantity of brid-'O work be- The most tiutrough, praciical and proscrcssrve twoen this and the ond of t.ie year, sdhools of the kind iu the world, and iht hfd i A dispatch from Lorenzo Marques say.«: ^ron««fonesmtheSouth. Indorsedbybank-I “A Pretoria newspaper announced that tour thousand bnri-hers hart left Gon^ral ' Joubert’s force arounil Ladysmith to join Ptisid-r.t, is author of DrauRlion's New sfstKi; ' Commandant Botha’s lorc.i near Esteourt, >:MtTyMfi<leFnsv,** wjth a View of assisting to intercept the tiome study. We have prepared, for home! Briti.sh advance to the relief of Lndysmich. study, books ou bookkeepincr. penmanship and • “General Laca.s Meyer, tho Free State shoithand. V/rite for pnce lij^t “Home Study.” commander, has ns=ierted in the course ot Extract. “Prof. DaAConoN—l learned bock- an interview, that is couvinccd that the keeirin^at home from yourl^ks, whi!eholding | battle of Elandslaagte will bethe Urst and I Of ..................................* ‘ tenons movement-* of Free Statb com­ manders aloug tho Orange River, and im­ portant developmouts aro expected. Everything tends to show that theroliet o£ Kimberley could only be safely undertaken by a strong columu. Lepfin-gwell, ‘Bookk*rper for Cerbe- rick?i lesale Grocers, South Chicago. Ill {^Mention this paper ^lun ^'riiin^CS S O U ^ ilE R N R A IL W A Y . Condensed Sohedale of Paa In Effect June 11th, 1899. Northbonnd. L t. Atlanta. C. T.'“ Atlanta, B.T.•* IsorcTOSS...... •* Buford......... ** Gainesville... “ Lula............. 1058 a “ Cornelia.......11125 a Ar.Mt.Airy ......113j aLv. Toccoa.........” ** Westminster ^'o.l2 D aily Tcs. So. 38 Dally. 12 00 m 1 OU p 7S0 - 8&J aoso b1005 a 1035 a. 2J2 p 'J 4 i p 3 U ) p p “ Central........ **■ Greenville... ** SparJanburj. “ Gaffneys....... “ Blacksburg.. ^ ** King's Mt....\ “ GftsJonift...... Lv. Charlotte __>Ar. Oreen&boro 1153 a; 1281m 21A p 387 p iiOp >0.18 E x . San. 4 85p 585p 6 28p 7 08p 7 48p SlOp Bb5p B40p eo5p 622 p ti 13 p .. 0 40 Pi 4 8S p 7 0.» p503 p ......... 5 : 3 p ............. 030 pi 8 18 p 0&2 p|lU 47 p' Lv. 6p9anBl>oro.. Ar.NorfoIk...',.,11 4o p 8 a Ar. Daxiville......UK Pill iiC p 122 p Ar. Richmond ...6C0"a 6U0 a C;i3 p Ar.Waahinrton.. •* Baltm’ePRB. “ Phihwlelnhia. “ New York... 6 42 a 8 0 0 a 10 15 a 12 43m 005 p ’- i t s6 2S » Sonthboand. TvTij. V..P.R.k. ** Philfidelphia. “ BaJtimoro.... ‘* W aslungton.. Lv. Richmond ... Fst.Ml N<>. 35 I>ailv. HOLLAND BO A T S U C C E S S F U L I Tile Board oT Inspection ICefiorts Tliat ^lie Fuiniled All Itequireincnts. i W'AsniNGToy, p . C. (Special).—Tho report No. 36 of the Board of Inspection aud .Survey on Daily. 1 the recent ofllclal tost of tho submarine 11 so p ■ Holland in Peconic Bay November C, 12 60 a has been given out by tho Secretary of the 1 . Navy. Tho Board reports that all ol the 2 a a ' requirements of the l)ei»artmont wore ful- a &) « I filled by tho performance of the Holland 0“ this trial. Vcs. No. 37 l>all7. Lv. Danville__ Ijv. Korfolic. ▲r. Greensboro. . 24 p lu o o p 10 49 p Lv. Q rceusboro.. Ar. C harlotte___ Lv. Gastonia...... " King’s Mt.... “ Bicpksburg.. “ Gaffneys...... ** Spartanburg. .** GreeavilJe....“ C entra!...........“ Seneca......... ■“ W estDiinster.“ Toccoa......... ■** lit. Airy ___ •• Cornelia.......“ Luhi............. ** Gainesville. , “ Buford...... ,• ** Korcrosa...... A r. A tlanta. E. T A t. A tlanta. C. T ‘•P^p. m. c n s a Itso a t 22 11 15 12 Oln 4 uu p 6 55 p 920 p ,10 45 p 6 02 p INTERIOR OF A R H O R E D T R A IN tary of War .and much commissary and 1 mcdical supplies. i General Young, with his cavalry, is dls- I persing the insurgent forces in tho low ! country near Manila. I The social season In Havana olTlclally i began with tho opera. Governor-Goueral { Brooke nod a largo nnmber of persons • prominent in official and civic circles were ! present. j The Hawaiian school system is described ; in tho annual report of the Commissioner I o'Education as remarkablo for its com- I plnteness, and, out of a total population of 103.020 in 1893, the school onrollmont was li.522. Three Americans were sentenced in Ha­ vana, Cuba, for refusing to cater to col­ ored persons. The rebels aro again beeomins: active in the vicinity of Manila. Governor-General Brooke issued a proc­ lamation for tho observance of Thanksgiv­ ing Day in Cuba. Secretary of Finance Desbornine intends to submit to Governor-General Brooke a proposal to construct twenty .small gun­ boats for Cuban coast guard service at a cost of 8300,000. Two c.ises of smallpox were discovered In a Spanish steamer landing at Sau Juan de Porto Rico. Well Known North Carolinian Passei An In te re s tin g * Away Suddenly. On Cotton Seed. Gen Andrew D Ciowles Dea* ^ The bulletin of the A gricultural De- General Andrew D. Cowles, late Ad- i „ tm e n t for November, which w ill be jutant General of the State Guard, | a (ew days, w ill be found to died at his residence in Statesville. | tontain much m atter of value. The news of the death o t General jg a special article by Dr. B. Cowles occasioned surprise and regret. ^ Kllgo, Slate chem ist, upon the im- It had TOot been generally know n th at ' subject, “C otton Seed—W hat he was ill. Shall w e do w ith Them ?” The s u ^ General Cowles organized the three jg thoroughly discussed in all its volunteer regim ents from this State ' j,|.gi ghrdlu shrdlu hrdlu shrdlu during the Spanish-Am erican w ar. j ^nd deserves to be carefully A fter his appointm ent as lietenant- i atyjjed by every cotton planter in the colonel ot the Second N orth C arolina put by for future reference. Volunteer Regim ent he had the mis- jjr.'C ooper Curtice. State veterinari- fortune to break a 'leg w hile riding presents additional valuable ad- into the city of Raleigh on H illsboro ! and • inform ation concerning the street. H e had a suit pending against j treatm ent of cows—blooded cows— the Raleigh Street Railw ay Company | „pon the Quarantine of cattle, for $15,000 damages, claim ing th a t the These are tim ely and will be read accident w ith which he held the street ^ jtii interest car com pany responsible, deprived jjjg “prench Coach H orse” is dis- hlm of au appointm ent as brigadier gugged at length, and the bulletin says general in the volunteer service. | “ought to serve to stim ulate im prove- Gen. Cowles n-as apointed A djutant '< m e^t in our breed of horses.” General of the State Guard February ! ------------- 10, 1S97, by Governor RusselL He was 1 F o rt Casw ell D am aged, made brigadier general of the S tate, It is learned th at the damage to I Guard December 1, 189T. On April 27, ■ F ort Caswell, a t the mouth of the Cape 189S, he was made lieutenant-colonel Fear river, by the hurricanc of Octo- of the Second Regiment, and after ' ber 31st, is so serious th a t t''®_SOv- th at regim ent w as mustered out he : em m ent will have to spend $2o0,000 I was appointed captain of Company I. i to restore the w ork and to provide from Durham, F irst N orth Carolina protection against further s^rm s. i Volunteer Regiment. Captain Cowles The damage is estim ated a t $500,000. ! went w ith the regim ent to Cuba. A breakw ater will have to be con- I Tho deceased was a native of Yad- structed around alm ost th e entire isl- j kin county. He m arried a d au g h ter; and. This it is estim ated will cost j of Dr. J . J. Mott, who died several 1 $200,000. years ago, leaving tw o children. H is ^ irncle, Calvin J . Cowles, was president S tate N ew s N otes, of the constitutional convention i n . The New York Financial Review 186S, and Col. W . H . H . Cowles, an- says: “The decision of the supreme other uncle was a member of Con- i court of N orth Carolina to the effect gross from the Eighth district for . th at State Treasurer W orth w as right three term s. in refusing to pay -out of th e $110,000 ^ busts ] ■■■■I if M , . . ' CO..J r « ? 1 Care-Eot is n greater k- I succes? th=;i i-acnot. The Christian heai-thsr.o.,. , ™ >n .he ar. ChriEiiiins ;,ic lik,. ■ no medium oa(-3. Kclf-torEoCu,l.ws. i., , by remembering other--. ' The world is a tho fire is already God’s iirst ai-t aft -r tii. was the organization ul a i.„ Many public l.rutcsjioj/J'] nal over-is.-ue.s of religious J W hen there is a nre i„ J the people will -:„h„ hearth. W hen a man siious his "o-. his home, the t haiu-e.s ness has its huim* in lunj I The fulnes.3 or K:i!v;.t!on - f only when Chri.st out'" faults and d;u« iu new fnr-J W hen the i.avil ii..i,.ns for i of his worlv-hoi). Up iqq q.-. | buit a symphony <,( sQcresV'f droning churchch. " ------ realized by "a bond issue the peniten- P rotected T heir H om e. tiary debts justifies the stand taken A young w hite m an named Johnson | |jy the official, w hich was a t the tim e in W ake coimty, was w hipped in a [ declared by the law yers to be based and brought to shore. There were from four to i'lx pooplo (women aud children) who did uot dare to jump into tho water. They were told to do s-o. but remained where they were and wero undoubtedly lost, as the schooner soon wont to pieces. “ I’ho.^e rescued numbered “early 150 1 Huntinctou-Speyei* s'yndV .souls. Tho steamer ^ asco w.is then bat- nnn nn.n i.nf wtling with thewave.su Tow hundred yards > 11.-20.000. and that AI otT. Gherardi called Tor a life line, aud. forming a i>arty of rescuers ia a line joiuing hands exteuding out into the water, bim- .seU at the head, he soon bad hold of tbe Huh, and, briuglug itto the shore, fastened the end securely to a neighboring tree. “Tile crew climbed down and along the line and were safely landed.” Ensign Gherardi ii a sou of Kear-Admiral Gherardi, retired. LAKE SH O RE i EX P.R ESS R O B B ER Y . I>oineseiR. The publishing ilrm of Harpor & Brothers has been reorganized, with George B. M. Harvey, editor and proprietor ot the North Amorieaa Ilevlow, as President. Dr. Thomas E. James', ot Gr«enville. and his son, Wade Hampton James, were killed , near Six Mile Church, S. C.. by Sam Lanier, a farmer, who had beard that tho Jameses ; were driving away with his wife. Sam ' Lanier surrendered to tho Sheriff. It is I believed ho will not bo punislied. ! Ilopre'^ontative Evan E. Settle. Demo- ' crat, of the Seventh Kentucky District, , died suddenly at Owenfou of.heart disease. ! Evan E. Settle, wh# defeated Colonel W.C. : P. Breckinridge for Congress, was a silver ; Democrat and a lawyer. ! Tho Call, of San Francisco, .says tho number of shares of Southern I'aelflc Kail­ way stock sold by Mrs. Stauford to tho lieate was 21^3,000, Airs. Stanford has already transferred ?:11 ,000.000 to tlie en­ dowment fund of tho Leland Stanford, Jr., University. Two de.=perate niilllarv prisonor.c named Morgan and Jamison disarmed the .ser­ geant in charge ot tho military prison at Fort Crook, Neb., just bofora tiark and started on a run to c.scape. Tlie sergeant recovered himself and at a ranse of SOO yards shot aud killed Slorgan. The other mi’u escaped. It is feaied that the G'^vcrnmont stores fight by John Butler, also white. The latter told Johnson th at he would go I Prldaj'^ night to his house and whip his entire famiU'. Butler and three I companions, Lowery. W arren and j Bridges, w ent to Johnson’s house. Johnson’s father fired a t Butler and the four left, but at m idnight return­ ed and burst in a door. Johnson's on solid legal ground. Treasurer W orth-contended th a t these debts should be paid from the annual ap­ propriation and not from th e bond is­ sue. This is not the only case where his firmness has proven to be dictated by good sense. In m any of his official acts ihe has evinced a clear under­ standing of his rights and duties, and brother shot Lowery in the arm . Old i jjas been upheld by public opinion and man Johnson seized an axe and went j the bench. H e is am ong the m ost in to kill the intruders. He gave L ow -! efficient and painstaking public ser- ery c. deep and dangerous wound in the ! vants of the State, and he has during ; chest and cut both arm s. Lowery fell j ^jg incumbency made a record of ! and begged for mercy. The old man | -v^rhich he may properly feel proud.” : found W arren was beating one of his | survey of the n aite for the Rai­ sons. H e gave W arren • two axft wounds in the Back. Bridges and Butler w ere trying to kill Johnson’s eldest son, but the appeals for help bj' W r.rren and Lowery caused them to ; desist. of winter clothing con-iignod to the two Five I^ren Ureak Open a Sealed Car Be- | companies of military at Fort Gibbon lonelnslo tho c ite d StatBsCoinimny. ('Veiire on tho Yilton) ^ylll not rO:icll tUo tr jops this Winter, in which oaso the men E bie, Penn. (Special).^Five men en- 1 will suiter severely. It fs believed tho goods tered a Unlteii States Express car attached t teached St. Michael too late to be sent up to the Lake Shore Railroad train between eigh and Eastern Railw ay is still in progress. One route was surveyed last week to a point tw enty-four miles from the city, and the surveyors arc ^ now on their way back over a d iffer-! ent rcate. Three routes in all w ill be | surveyed. It has developed in m ak- i ing the survey th a t there are m uch j larger quantities of tim ber along th e , route than were at first supposed^ while :tbe agi-icultural resources of th at section are very great. The pro­ moters of the road aro m uch encour-j anK-li*. Tin* uijuiiir:-v.rc ased by the outJook for business aud ; uiki'ii ii!> liv li- Lr; declare th a t the road will certainly | ivorks in ilir w.n 1,1. Beluir liihl iln*i!i.<. !v ■' ; eontoiKl againsi an :trii ! equal to and rhvau'-r iliti.i and iudi‘iM'ii‘.Ml»‘:!! ininsi Cloveiand and Erie, Tho cur was ran* sacked and nearly €vory package opened and the conteuis scattered broadeiist. The express ofllclals refuso to dlseussthe loss, which is placed at :5i 15,001). The men slgiuilSod the engineer and left the train at Dock Junction, near the city limits, and have not been caught.. <•' A number of sealskin cloaks were.part of the plunder. Tho robbers are piesumod to the river. It is learned at Sau Francisco. Cal.. tlmt during tbo typhoon eucouuterel by th-j irauaport Siam, on the way to Manila, 351 horses were killed byheing stampeded, aud that their dead bodies eouid not be thrown overboard for four days. Alonzo J. Whiteman and three ol the gang of five men .said to be the eleverest !:ankswlndl8ri in tho (foantry, are under irrest in New York City, while tho other havejum pedtL“ car pTaU^^^^^ ; ^nember of tho quintet h=ts baeu caught in between Cleveland and Erlev where a stop Iittsburg. Is made. Tlioy broke in tli^ door of the car I Tlie Munictpn I Assembly ot Clreator New with a brake. Itnllroi^d men hero think ^ o rk met in joint session un<l adopted thu tho robbers were not- tramps, because of i budget for 1300, $<l)3.77rf,072.-tS. the amount UU) piioop 7 05 _ 0 25 a 10 07 a 1131 p l0 4'> a 1148 P 1 0 58 a 11’ a ; l l 34 a 1 25 a ;IS 3 0 p i'iO p i ’i s p SS3 a s it 4 0 S a 4 8 0 “ A " a . in . 8 00 p 8 1S p -.3 27 p4 r<J a ........r,2A ai........... 0 10 al 4 p ______ 5 10 al 55 pi OOP p 7 37 a 1205m l]2p lasp 2 0 3 p 2 2 4 p 815p 4 S 0 p 6 3 2 p S 4 5 p 6 0 0 p CSOp 712P 718p 7 3 8 p 8 28 p 8 4 0 p 9 1 5 p lOOOp HOLLA.XD nOAT RUnMECOKl). • ! Chief Engineer John Lowe, U. S. N.; WiCs [ i speelBliy ordered to witness and report . • upon all the preliminary trials of tho Hoi- . I land, and the ftnal oOlcial test. Hi.** report . has olso been given out by the Secretary. • I Engineer Lowe says: 6U6 a ISTKBIOK OF HOLLAND 1J0.4T. ••If'neon. “N” night “I report my beliof, niter fall examiua- tions. that the Holland Is a successful and veritable submarine torpedo boat, capable of making n veritable attack upon tho I enemy unseen and undeteetablo, a'nd ilmt, 080 a I therefore, she is an ongino of warfare of terrible potency whicii the Government 7 20 a necessarily adont into its service.” 748s . --------------------------------------- 1 837 a OSl) a 890 a tilo o ro used in exaihing packages. PANAMA KNOCKING AT 0U 3 DOOR T h e iK tlitnian to ISo A nnexed ti> tliB U ulteil Stttteit. W.isHi.saTok, D. C. (.Special).—Au appli­ cation for |i'nnu2catioa to tho United States has been made to thi.^s Goverument by the to bo raised i)y taxation being SSJ,00J,003. Four i^inc-Iined trunks, suclt as are used by traveling men to carry .samples, each containing a dead body, wore taken from tho bagirage room at Uuion Station at St. Louis, Mo., and Frank Thompson,a brothor ot E. D. Thompson, city xindertaker of Memphis, Tenn., is under arrest. W. F. Boll, Assistant Postmaster at Exemor, Va., was arr«^sted by Inspector S tate N ew s N otes. M. Muller, a liydi'aulic engineer, who L<5 m aking a survey of the w ater pow­ ers of the Cata'.vba river, has been m aking his headquarters in Morgan- ton for the past week. H e began hirf survey near Cataw ba station and ha^ reached tho “ Double Shoals” in this county. H e says he has been employ- ed by a N orthern cotton mill syndi- i , • t • r ..i. i 1___ «. 1 * IS the intention of the Dukes toQdAc of large cantal to report on the , ^ ^, ^ , XT- i resume work on the Capo F ear an<lw ater powers of this section, and that^ ^. N orthern R a Iroad at an early date, they expect to build a num ber of c o : - .............................................. ... ton mills. He has found a num ber of “ ^ fine w .iter powers, and Bnds 800 horse power a t the 7,IcDoT.-eH-Garrison 21 m iles ot the road is shoal, half a mile from M organton.: “ hand- This power is now being developed bv the owners lumber are daily delivered over it, ___ ! to the Seaboard A ir Line a t .Apex, be-Some persons are sayins th at ex- . __ . . Senator Ransom w ill be an aspirant \ f e'Eht. The road haii for the senatorial nom ination. ' one engine, tw o passenger cars and N orth W ilkeshoro has voted for tie ' cars and flats. The road issue of bonds to put in an electric condition, possibly tho plant. ' hect new road in cl.e State, and as it A lexander F . Sanders has been ap- i represents an outlay of $100,- pointed postm aster at Biscoe .Sa-! rah A . Snow a t Good Spring. The V irginia Iron. Coal aud INDIGO INDUSTRY Caaiot Compete with Dyes Modern Cliemistr. The groat iiitiiirn imlusirv- •whidi givo.s of thousands uf raaiiiifs in^ m ost populous di,<n-i.-is iuc,,--, dirt, if} threatt-iijMl with Twenty-fivi‘ luiliions nf dulijjj' arc invested iu ii. ami ii,f prom ises to assume Uu- j.riK.-l a public calataiiy. ’luv J ters, who own ilj»* hnuls m ainly at tlii*ir n\vi five ycar.s a^o ronnf-i ;in ;;s ocnf rt w i.h tho pivo;:.;:.. establislu'd alnmst ideal rt!:- tw een the lau<i*»wni‘rs. tlior- anil tho fartorifs. ;iinl ever since an mu-nuiiiuii! >L:v and prosperity. .Xow |j ■with ruin becansi* »ii' lii.., - of the chea}> anilim* m odern Hu-niisiry. i „r i_ - the B ehar indi;.'n li.-M j;s ,,i. tue of its sniiiTiorliv in manence to lin* ar;ii:-i;;! i,; it i.s now claiiiu-tl tiia; a trc, indigo bas biTii < As far bai-k as I;-,,;. sbuweO how lo Ixiii-J tic;Uly from i:s r-iiiijK.r. v ; after y«>ars nf i:;;. not f«uind iHissili!,* iii’r.!: (romen-lally by li< w.-.i.-i however. I’roC. II:: carrli'd ihe iTM riir.! • , aud liiiallv. in iv'tT. w as bonjrbr ni»*in il-!- ; . eapabie of <'«>nii»Mi!;i.- Coke j ; He Cave Ii:? Cocfc: It w as al a s..<-:, ;y w ...| elergynian uI'ht of inairiniony li- :\vi-. pie coiirlinh'ii h\ any obje<-t«nns lin*y --I A fa.sliionalile y.iijin. ::r: ' of tbe intondc »l ii'..; of a portion »>r ih>- r.n'-.'r- Upon him. ro.-^e in* ! ' have lut oi>jer;i«‘ns i'. r and then ijuli'tly I he bad attendrti l<» a lin-: ' Stato of/Panama, one ot the political sub- ' Maxwell for Issuing bosus money orders i to the amount ot $1400 to defray his per­ sonal expen-^ea. Former Postmaster J. A.divisiotis of the United States of Colombia. Tali Stato ot Panama has refused to re- , ,, , , coRiiize the anthority ol the Oolomblnu | ““1' “ “'^“rso ol tl>» ofnoe. Government,' and there has been much ‘ —^--------- internal trouble on that uccouut. So far. however, tho Stato has not beou ablj to estabiUh au independent government, and as it hasnosoverei^u rIghL« theUnlted States eannot ret;ard the application. F o relen . Lyoclied a Wlilte Jllan. Tho German Emperor has granted the Silesian estates ot tlie late Duke Louis of J Sagan-Valeneay in fief to the French Due 1 de Talleyrand-Perlgord. The rumors of an approaching conflict xT.,rr « r«... :..n j between Japan and Russia Jlnd no corro-Wllliam Huff, a whito man ia jail at I ijo^atlon among Japanese o0lcials. Th« Bioomlleld, Mo., chargO'l with the murder of Andrew*Melton, was Ij’nohed a few days a»?o. A mob ot lOU men gathered at the jail, broke the door.s iu with sled(;e ham­ mers, took Huff from his coll and hanged him, riddling hi-* body with builots as it swuug from the limb of a tree. FoolU all P la y e r K illed . John Alien, of Mariou MaHs.. the medical student iujured wUllo playing football ou tho Christian Brothers’ College elcveo, diol at St. Louis. Mo. Ho never regained cousciusuMs after receiving lils iulunes. Chesape.nke Line Steamers in daily servioi between Norfolk and I^Itimore. Nos.a<widaj-Daiiy. Washington and Soatl» w«^em Vejttibnlfi Limited. Through Pnllmaa aleepmc cnra between New York and New Or J^ns. via)Va.5mnfftcn. Atlanta and Montgom bcrw cen New York andMemohla. [ION CARb I'ctween Arlant.i Vnw Vnt-V A nnis-crsary o f B razilian l£opub1ic. [ Brazil has just celebrated tho tenth an­ niversary of the proclamation of the re­ public. There w asamilitarv parade and a naval review at Rio de Janeiro; the Presi- Salles, hold a reception 2L ® Corps, and Mioister.s, ■ e v e n ia i? lh e r;» w e r e h a lls ■ a n d o t h e r p u b lic o n te r t a in m o u ts . ^ 6 N CARS i'ctween Atlaat.-iand Now York. Pirstelass t horoaphfare coach es between Wash­ ington and Alianta. Uiningcars serveall meali L en route. PulJmandrawinK-room sleopinircari ktetwecnGrecasboro and No-folk. Ciofw con^M tjon atNorfolk for OLD POINT COMFOHT _____________Nos. 35 m d ao—l^itod States Past MaU ^ than its predecessor-^» sohd l«tw een W a.shington and New ' preaeceshor.. T, >iabouthem Railway, A. & W. P. B. EL ' --------- & N. E.'U., beme composed of baggaei |d coachcs, tlirongli ^virhout change for ^ers of ^ 1 classes. Pullman drawin** jing cars between New York anS n.s. viwAtlaataaDdMontgomeryand a rj^K ^^'lottc and Birminehajn. aiqa 1 At1fur*"'i“P Boom BniFet Slco9 in.r Can irton eacii^ad Asheville. N. a L^viiJ sloeninr Tuesday and Friday, a v ; ^ b i ^ r a n d S » r ^ l l nm thwngh betwiea Dinintf cars serve ai®P,l'™*^c'seo^vithout«hange»N Sfu.aJ, :u . • i n d » n i '? i ‘s e iir o u tc . b e tw e e n B i c h n J o m U o f lf c - r u llm a n s e e p in g can touUilxiniul Nos. 11 anJ^l'KrlOito,^ i)Mirtlln fA a n d 12 n o r th b o o n d Nos. FKANKS. QAKNON. ^ ! A s t r a n g e f a c t ts t h a t w h e r a t h o b ic y c le T h ir d V -P . G e n . S lg r., h a s b e c o m e p o p u l a r t h e r e h a s b e e n a n o - Wnshi:.gton,D.a m M’g-J. _ ....................• • W.A.TCBK. M eteo r ISor/>H » U(»lo in Io w a. A large meteor foil in tho woods just oast of Weh-iter City. I i-.v:i. It mnd'^ a liolu about Ilvj foe: s-i.iaro and wi» still .seeth­ ing and steaming so that its fuil sizo oould uot be detormlued. People iq tho vicinity say it made a loud roaring noise when de­ scending. _________________ T U o l * .tt r i a l^ u r u c il a t S e a . ^ Drought In New Orleans. i Hamburg.American Itnor Patria a New Orleans is now suffering from tho } fow’days ago w.is di.scoverad to bo burn- worstdron^ht it has^-erknowa. Drought, have prevailed there for seven years in sue- passeugprs were caliod on deck and wero cession, but tuo present is far mor.> serious j taken off by tho llasHiaa steamship Cores an d lauded a t D ovnr. Cycling Notes. One of ovory fifty parsons In tho United States rides tho wheel. The Transvaal campaign Is the flrst In whfch bicycles have been used by British regiilar^. Mopt remarkable of the season’s features Is tho Increase in the number ot juvenile wheels in use. Tbe old policy of .storing the bicycle away for^.iu winter months appears to havo be­ come almost obsolete. Geu*rPasa.Ag’^, Aw'tti WybiagtPP»P^C». ' •, RTlOK, k P u a.A c’t I ticeable decreaso iu crime. Eddie McDuffie. th<9 Boston flyer, broke the world’s record for half u mile by one and^i^l^fth seconds in Cblcago, K o o r - B r it is ih W a r The British wounded al Cape Town are doing well. The British claim to havo saved all theia stores when Colenso was evacuated. The military authorities nt Durban have seized 500 tons of foodstulXs consigned to tbe Transvaal. Emperor William has gi%*cn orders that no Prussian ottlcer will bo allowed leave to light for the Boers. The Dublin FusIUern have been served with new kits, as they lost everythiu»r in the retreat from Dnndoe. Dr. Leyds, tho Transvaal’s agent in Eu­ rope, denies tbe report that Catholics are not allowed to hold offico under the re­ public. _ Tho idea of a collision is discredited in diplo­ matic circles in Paris. The French Chamber ot Deputies voted, 310 to 215, conildence in tho Government in its conduct of tho High Court trials. Advices from Cartagena .say that every­ thing is quiet in tho Department of Bolivar, Colombia. Tho revolt in that State ba.s been suppressed. General Paredes, tho revolutionary leader who was in command at Puerto Cabollo when it was captured by tho forces of the present Gorernmont, has boon taken to Caracas y DriKon«?r. Count von Bulow will not mako a Sa­ moan statement In tho Ueich.^tag until the United States has formally notiiled Ger- nianv ot its consent to the afjreement en­ tered into between Great Britain aud Ger­ many. Admiral Courrojolos cables from Kwang- Cliow-Wang that two of bis officers at Montao havo boon murdered by Chinese. Tho French Admiral then seized tho Prefect ot tho province ot Hainan and his Kun- boat. At the opening ot the Italian Parliament King Humbert urged au early coasidera- . tion of the budget. j The new Goverument of President Jime- . noji and Vice-lVcsideut Vasciu^K, of Sun ! Domingo, was inaugurated. The announcement is formally made in Loudon that no foreign government dis­ patches, either in secret code or oipher can be transmitte 1 via the Capo except mes­ sages between Portugal and the Governor- General of Lorenzo Marques. Steamers from the Mediterranean are beld In quarantine at Trieste owlns to the prevalence of tho plague. There is disquieting nows in regard to tho Khalifa's movements in the Soudan. The Sirdar has left Cairo. A violent shock of eartliquako was felt at Leghoru, Italy, causing a groat pauio among the population. General Sir Charles Warron has been np* pointed Chiet of the Fifth Infantry Di- vision ordered to Cape Colonj*. Ho luw seen considerable sorvice iu South Afiica. A mica mine, which we are inform -; suspended operations, TJVlnDic Forlfe'toic-^-* ed U turning out a good quality of I at Tom otia until they can put in a . lAILUn 0 jii,o<ii;ofi..3;,|J Blass in paying quantities. Is being o p -1 hydraulic w ashing plant to clean the i LOVE LETTERS. eratert on ihe Toxaway com pany's' iron ore.—Cherokee Scout. j M»nd 30 cents for thri-c aim Few e.l. colored, ^\ho is em ploy-' liachletteriswi-uni«».tr:iuJ. T.=-:| Prof. ,1. C. Leonard, who has been ed in the beet m arket of S. P . G oforth I to Penns.vlvania and Ohio soliciting' ot K ing’s M ountain, shot and killed j S|iorismpn) i'aU 'iS rs s™'iw funds to build an addition to the col-' Sam Moore, colored, who worked in ! logo at Newton has raisetl $5,000 fo t' the liver>' stable of Plonk ic W are.; iiona.s a r-r/V.-r, ■- that purpose. last Saturday night- 1 isas wirtcasthev.-orluii^lf.. At Balfour .Station, the • Balfour Secretary n t S tate incorporates Q uarry company have begun the erec -1 Elizabeth City K nitting Mills. - carry ou a large m erchandising business. Sales ot gold m ining property in the .Johns River gold fields in Burke and Caldwell counties w ithin the past two weeks aggregate about 515.000. Be­ sides the sales already completed, a num ber of tracts are hold under on- tion.—SheUiy Aurora. \V. E . Smith, an energetic and pros­ perous young farm er In H alifax coun- ty. has realizpd a very large yield from his i>eanut crop. H e realized G30 bushels of Spanish peanuts on ciclit acres. The land had beeu cultivated in cotton flfty-live years consecutive­ ly before this year's peaaut crop. Mr. Moses H . Cone, ot Blowing Rock, is, we are informed, preparing a lot of W atauga apples for the Paris exposition. The fruit is being careful­ ly picked; will be shipped to Nev.’ York and put in cold storage unt'l spring, when It will be exported to France. W e are told th a t the collec- tlo'n em braces m any of our finest va- rietites, and this •will ’doubtless be quite an advertisem ent for p u r moun- tain section. Estelle H all, the two-year-old daughter o t Dr. H all, of Prospect Hill is believed to be the only person in these parts who has six living grand­ m others and four Hvine grandfathers —tw o grandm others, tw o great grand­ mothers. and two great-great grand­ mothers. two grandfathers and two great grandfathers. T hat is some­ thing th a t not m any children can boas‘ ot. All of her living ancestors are en' joying gcsd health.— Durhaja m r Raleigh Post. ..............-orlu iUi. JT/jf //fus/rat,\i I'ouih cr.J .••-•'-M joxmial, l(U oS 2 paj:*-*. RY, AnViJSTLRr-S KV .Wl-I lIuajoK, BiOfiuArin, Tn.w!-**-•'j____I ___...... i/cguu tue erec-! ;------^ « j#__» i-iiuaioK, uiofiuArsn, in.x'*-'- tion of a large atone building beside • incorporators are D. B . BraaforiJ, m>neral iaformation. Pi’pj-'is'.r- the railroad track, in which to carry Hlafles. .7. B. Flora. W. C. Glo- /«/,,>■ Mullen, P . M. G rill. R . B . M artin, T. | .sold w a tc h , dia.,ioi..lrh.;!... t rjl B. Nash, W \ T . Old. .V L. Pendleton.! 1'““ '■'ork for ns. ■r-s'l C. H . Kcbinson. .1. L. Sawyer, G. M. .................................| Scott, W . .1. W oodley, J . H . W hite, and P. H . W illiam s. The capital stock is to be not less than $20 ,000 , and m ay be Increased to $300,000. Tiie incorporation has the power to spin, knit,-and weave all fabrics of cotton' or wool. Tho citizens ot H ookerton held a | public m eeting and appointed a com- ■ m ittee to confer w ith the Ai & N . C. i railroad to try to secure a branch ■ road from K inston to Snow H ill in t Hookerton. ' Practically all the cotton in th is ' State is now picked. There Is a little i about and only on low lands but it ' is dam aged by rain and w ind,'stained ; and bletched and counts for little. | The oldest cotton grower never saw i the crop gathered so rapidly. j , There are m ore th an four hundred and fifty cases on the docket of tho i United States district court a t R al­ eigh, and there rem ains tw o weeks more for reports from com m issioners. The counterfeiting case against Law ­ yer A. J . M arshall, ot W ilm ington, : will come up if w itnesses are ready. The report ot the’' F ourth A ssist­ ant Postm aster General, ju st made public contains the following o t local Interest: “N um ber of appointm ents ot presidential postm asters during __________ i C L O S E c o s M postofflces is 3 .002, th e State ranking fifth in this respect and tihe gross N orth Caro,lina receipts during the year were *788,121.87. TT Ii J i* • fortune as clerk of the Unit^ States district court and H L Grant arrived to take charge. W .B .B E V I L L ,s r 5 d | R O A N O m ! j g | A S D G A R D E N . 1 y o u r H o r s e s P r o p c r l r .L generally do n o t give F '? of their horses the atleutil Balanced rations *' l^*® frtnres for th e dairy cow steers are carefully P ", the horses is usually all J L that ^'■^3i lilies of oats according to d K hpina Som etim es e j r i.tter part is neglected. Ifl ( '“ f required to do extra h3 t t % 0 should be liberally and I ilT fed. The am ount of f(| lI. should be regulated by th e i Phrped of the anim al aud by i t kind of w ork he is |!„1 to do. T he horse has a an U oh ia proportion to his s il « frequent feeding w hen u n # u work is necessary. T he huuJ U ch can hear hunger far b e tl „ th a t o fth e horse. If driving P irnevyo" Iiungry you n | Inre jour horse has felt it b e f| Idiil and is needing his feed mc^ 1, you do. _________ d e e d e d o n A ll F a n n s . Q scoops are needed on Hake a half-dozen accord! ■ pattern shown in th e illustf The part left for a handle ^ »XPT HOME-M.VDE GHAIS SCOOP.I p d ed so as to fit th e hand n l |p 30 seven-eighths inch boa| le bottom, thinning it from -toward the front. Alake the b- llf-inch board and the sideJ leigbths-inch stnfif aud put Ler with w ire nails. Feed For Turkoj-»i. i who has raised turi:evs m l la n d who takes p lcisu re iu m l iperiaieuts, states th a t charcJ fr ffit, and diam onds are a lik J Jrespects, says A m erican G ardI l i t is a fact th at m ore fat m a j| ^ out ot charcoal than one w ol ;t without a Icuowledge of ch?f Hero ia au aceouut of one I |Bnt: l^our turkeys were conUa fcu and fed on m eal, boiled i land cats. F our other.s of L lirood v.-ero afc the came tim e cl In auothor pen, and fed dailvf L ie article, but w ith one p in t ■nely pulverized charcoal m il peir food—mi.’ced meal aud f They had also a plentiful .s charcoal (broken) in their p plit were killedou tbe same ( fcre v,as a uillerence of oue ; li’lJonuds each in favor ■lhat bad been .sujjpHed vJ l! . they beiu" m uch‘the fa ll ^ meat being m uch {^nperioil I tenderness aud flavor. L ie is a general com jilaint tl Itr.rkeys suddenly drooj) J lo n t apparent cause. T hial kually during tho sum m er > B e.specially during th e v_ leather. If a close e? im ina:| fc, Ihesolution will hs fouuti ^Jiice of lice. T he best r l Jo du.«:t them vdth in.seet d ] I remove them to a new lo catl p one to w hich th e y have I iprthenight. A s a f u r t h e r J I make a m ix tu re of te n p j ■acid and lOOpart.-^ co tto n s i 1 grease them on to p of I N ro n n d th o v en t, b u t «lol fern on the body. J Honey in tho Hiv<*. . Icolonyof bees should hJ I'-cor thirty iionnds of .■ f “ey to carry it through _ foperly. 'I'be onlv feed t l 1 ■■'=':>'a;meud is 'g i’an u lal ‘oronghly m elted bv a.id i Id bnngins it to th^ b o ill [It should not boil for J I TK " “■Ihe syrup shanld be t l -abont the consistencyf [feeding begins it w ould 1 B th fh builI bees have already d l th e h iv e s h o u ? :^ ! ter and l,ned at the top ; •* ““»ey. o th e r fraiJ .nt°l t?- i” “y *’'> 10,) ,.?.?®“ fram eK i t and 1excessive amol < esirable for wiuteril U^^“ “''ed. Pollen is a l Rnt ““‘I ‘O COul food has a tl produce dysentery" i b sbonld be Fj 10 the spring than leaving them . >ghav«K mo If, adopted, Ith ® ® °stin vogue. (I “ w ce llars.°au d f protection on sum J w ords, c l >3 the l i K acticed. T he c lj box or shell encll PacWn“ ’ largfa a “„*“s^ p a c e ot tw o ^ 18 -i * ® s id e s , e n l ap six tt> f f c ' r f i v s J | “e«—how to uiit a J p 8 ® ° l t '° “ ‘*‘tio u “ util I l ^ ^ b e n they are seal ^ a e d Tf I t ^ o u l d r. *“ ^^0 e n tir P F e n the ^ f ‘e>- prices'™! I p e r In ^ eraiaD j tw eif | M ’S H O R N In-istinr. lu.arths;on» ! n i;te fountl.iiiio arv. bcr/iu lo save I i:ins :iiv liko og-3 urn on.-s. )rgcifi^laosA-a i.;. mbci-i;-B other.-, ' orld i< a is atiparty first ,ui aft;.r tH« organization ni iniblic protesMons • issue i of religious ihore is fire in the‘3 , |l)!e will satlUT abjirJ 1 1 m an siiows bis s.oof-j he. the chantc.- are fitl '■ its hoine in him. * I’.lncs- of J^alvation C-hri.-^t takes out ttj ini! ii'.U!-- in new fort^l II ti.e l.c-.-ii listens tor i v.nr'.is; op. He too ?ymrh‘»uy «>t : . hlireneh. a u s H ^ l i E .'uxi (ORFOIKTOO C LO S E C 0 » Tom F ro m 10 ilill GARDEN. Votir irorsc.i ProprrlT. I , -ouoraIl.v <lo not fiive tUo |r* their liorses the attention 13:ilanped rations «ud ^'miiics for the Jairj' cow anti r (“cJiu- carefully «- r ' but the feed- r f- b e usually all tlic (Lev M U eat and varying '•'iLa of'.):'-t3 according to the K being Sometimes even , ,,-rt is nogleeted. If « l' fit reoniied to do cstra bard r (Ir fe.l- amount of food J.onia l>e re.i?alated b.T the size r ,? .X f t h e animal and by the iJtt aa.I ki“ 'l mI I to Jo horse has a small I,-I, iu rroiiortion to his size, freniieot feeding when under f^„rk I' iiccessary. The human A .-all ht-Mir hunger far better Intbct of the horse. If driving on „CT volt feol hungry yon may r ; ; Vonrborse has felt it before L Toa |, VubijshcJ |ND!(jO INDUSTRY .ME.V.ceJ Conpetc with Dyes Pntf,! Modern Chemistr.-. Izvr:\x iailii;n iinlusirv j -iv.-> riuiiloynu'tii tu bcL i*jaii«ls (»!' l:nniiU‘s iii oiiej «lisn*h-is in i tUiv:JU*n;Ml with y-iivt* iiiillitms of Ivi'siril ill ii. :inii lue , To ;:ssunu‘ !l\o ] u - ‘I u v iV iia H no ow n iht‘ Inn.Is nutl .'j r ;ii ilu'ir ow i.A'^k.;; Iars > luriiu'tl an I wi.li tlu‘ ^Tvtvci-uiiicai. I -bill'd :;li!iosi iih-al rdstirs xlu* l:;udo\v:n‘rs. ihi' ra«-i .ri«-s. aij*l h.«is Iin.-o an nr.i-ominon shnrcrfl r*»siK*riiy. X o w it is niin l'‘'c-ausi* of ilii* ,..v. .•lu’iip anilin:* dyos jiro-l’ij n rljrMli.'JVy. I'.tr 1 |i-li::’.- i: di:-'.* Im-M its h*^ suiM-riovny in n.l./ ,i-«- lo ilir ar.ii!.-:;il {nj lAV liiai a liiH ?; «-’n'V.i‘i :illy i .• as ]s''1 I'lv.f. V.j I '.) h o \,- i<> lip i!M i;:ig I'lohi ••onil»'i; ;>;rj • i \ . rxtiV . :,.J J^uoihl,* In ’.ir^i.btr aliy I'y l;i< U| .-••r. Tri'f. 11 ul ! :• >• :!:* .1 a si-:> I in I'i'T. • . a;nj- -iiti.L' Til-- itianuf:-. lur<* ;'!c -n ^‘y I'a'.* s in Tin* w m ;M . :::nl r ]ind .-.vi-riJ •11.1 a:;ain>i an artfl' si| I 1.. 4-L« nii.T tlinn :b4 H a ( ia ^ c H if C<;i . ;i M ^...-i.-iy wvJlj;.] l\ i-.an a „A.-\\uU i\ 1-v -ayljiu: "IfS 1, .i.y. ilii'V «"ii: i,„,ni..i; iii<- ;■ 1 l^iin. 111' . ..lijc. ti.’ii' th. n .ill! -tly iii** -..I 'i I" :i T A Y L O R ’ S £ LETTERS. T.-L.-.iUi r.J tlic bl ^: ................. v .-,.-U ils.U . .If. f j nuiJmnc >•<^.>•1 «“ Farina. Iraiu MOOi.s are ^needed all •Vlake'ii hnlf-dozeu accordiug f; pattern .“hov.-n in the illustra- TUfpart left for a handle RiTBDyjLUs®^* R O A N O K t . |iS |,Y HOM n-M ADE C.K .4IK SC O O P . SO ;'.S to tit the hand uice- [ric .^CTeu-eisIiths inch boards le'bottom, Ibinuing it from the Itoijr.i tlie frimt. Make the back iWnfb board anu the sides of "eicbtbf-iuoli stuff and jnit all %;r with wire aails. F«*ta i or liirkcyji. |effhoIi2s raised turkejK many I icil takes jjleiisure in mak- lioeriineats. slates that charcoal, Iviit. aud diamonds are alike iu I'KsnecL', savs American Gardeu- ] I: is a taet that more fat m ay be n oat ol cbavcoal tliau one woald ttTvitbout a knowiedge of chem- Heroij au at'count of one cx- fct-nt; roui* turkeys v.ere couiined |ta iiil iVii ou iiual, boiled i:so- lati'l t-it'. Four others of the IliMC.iv.civct the pnmetirae con- liu ii’jLilaer peu. aad fed daily on liujo nrticli\ Init with one pint of jiuviy p:ilvtriz‘ d charcoal mixed ■heir food— niir:ed laoal and i^o* T:;it iiad also a plentiful sui> tciiarcual il'Ffkeu. in their pen. li.l:: 'Ttrt* kiliedoii the same day :‘-re a.- ;i ui:>'.-ri.ace of one and t.f'.vr.aU oa,h in favor'or the bicn supplied -with Ir.!. tjev beia^ much the fatter, f hicat belli? mach f^nperior in f tci:ilerae=.' uiid jiavi.r. [re ij: :i geuerr.1 romplaint that J tr.rkcjs s-uu'leuly droop and ■I'iont a»'p:a*.-ut (‘ause. This oc* fc.'i:allv .iiiriufthe summer sea- ■ c.“i;ei-iaIlT during the very peaiiitr. If a close esamination p . tlcsi.luiiou v. iil he found in fi.ixci- i.i !::•(■. ihe best rem- Ito ilieui with insect pow- llreiiKJV.' ibemtj a nc’.v location lie one to waicb they have re- Ifortlieiiight. As ;; lurtber pre- a laiViare of ten parts paciilaml ](J!)parts cotton seed Ja grcM5ti them on top of the | ‘i aror.ud ibo vent, but do not "Uiiii ou the body. lio u f y ii. J h f H iv * -. r colony of bees should have iiiTc or thirty iionuds of good 'Rev tu carry it through the |-r6per]y. The only feed that 111 rccoQjaafciid is granulated liioroiigbly melted by adding V a briaglDg it to the boiling I It j^lionld not boil for any |i time, or it will certainly |2e. The syrup should be thin aboTit the consistency of tfeediug begins it would be fcrrange the brood nest, but in |e.5 the bees have already done pcsuter of the hivo should con- Be or lour combs that are empty inter aud lined at the top and jtli honey. Other frames, Itbliooey, may bo placed at I imtil the hive is filled. Dur- p ii 're often find frameu of lillefl -irith pollen near the rt, anil an eiceasive amount loot desirable for wiutering, |be reaaved. Pollen is used brood, and to confiDe ■> lor winter food has ten* 1 produce dysentery! A ny removed should be re- F v JQ the spring. Irely ac-ed some other treat- ■JQterthaa leaving them out Wy iiives. Different modo.s f Dg have been adopted, but r'iR are most in vogue. One ftuem iu cellars, and the ■ protection on Kummer iti other words, chaff ■ae latter plan is the most !>■ 1 racticecl. Tho chaff ■ oatsMlo box or shell enclos- ■•e of hcss, and much larger. iM^ackiug space of two or '3 arouinl the &ides, ends, _ and from sis to ten l^op— A. H . Buff, in Farm , l^ireside. r^rvalion of r ^.^’JHetiu of the Depart- WfJciillure, at Washington, J 8 jjght upon a very old ■u-iestiug alike to prodncers ^o\v to put away summer months, when ■l! eut.ful and cheap, and ^eood coudition until the I ,p‘^’ ■'vaen they are scarce M b is accompiighment has b u 'SS-produoers. 1 „ made entirely I woaia correct the dis- C ‘ seasons by ■nimo In G erm an y tw e n ty methods of preserving eggs have been tested; the three which proved most effective were coating tho eg?s with vaseline, preserving them in lime- ; water, and preserving them iu w a^r* ; class. The conclusion was reacted ; that the last is preferable, because‘‘ varnishing tho eggs with vaseline takes considerable time, and treating them with lime-water is liable to giv« them a disagreeable odor. There is one drawback to the water-glass method of preservation; tho shell easily burets in boiling water. This may be avoided by piercing the shell with a strong needle. T h t North Dakota Experiment Station has been making tests with tho water-glass method of preserva­ tion, and has found that a ten per cent, salution of water-glass prerervea eggs so effectually that *‘at the end of three and a half months eggs that were packed the lirst of August ap­ peared perfectly fresh. In most packed eggs, after a little time, the yolk settles to one side, and the egg is then inferior in quality. In these eggs preserved in water-glass the yolk retains its normp.I position, and in taste thoy were not to be distinguished from fresh, xinpacked store eggs.” Water-glaes can be produced for about fifty cents a gallon, and one gallon will m ake enough solution to preserve fifty-dozen eggs, so that the cost of tho material will not interfere with its nse. If this latest bulletin of the department gives an impetus to the business of preserving eggs, con­ sumers must beware. MY POPULIST FRIEND. 1 I S E N S E S O F T H E B L IN D . « = w , ™ „ ,s “ ™ " ' ™ “ ~ r • “ “ ^ The Lancet: A lot^s serUs of exp.rl- . ! “ ^“ '3 has recently been made by Prof. H. Griesbach. of Basle, upon the re!a- (Itiiiuit; »r llin MiirkKt Coiilr:iii(cil tive acntpncet n# Froo Tiad» TaiiiT-rrosperify i« u«.c. ! ‘“S. W“<=n. taste and smell in the case “ T here is some ot yonr boasted : v Islo n ^T h ■ - * vations were made on those vrho were IJsIit in Cattle Qiiarteris. In too m any barns the windows be­ hind the cows are made of board, fit­ ted to slide back and forth. Uoard windows are used because manure is i thrown out of the openings, and it is ; feared glass would be broken. Hence | the cattle have dark and unhealthy j quarters. Glass w’indows can be ar­ ranged so there will be no danger of j breaking them. They can be fitted , to slide to one side, slipping in behind • z cover of boards, or they can be made ' to drop, as shown iu the cut, or to | rise, being protected by boards iu I front, not shown iu cut. In either, or ; any case, tho thing to i)rovide is the ! hinged board that turns up over the ‘ window sill while manure is being ■ thrown out. It is then turned back : and tbe sill is left clean and entirely ; sat down upon tho couch and threw his hat upon the stand. “ I saw grea!, gobs of it hanging around the street corners. M en , idle meu, miners not working, on a strike— all they had to do was to vote for the advance agent of prosperity and everything Avould be lovely, plenty of work, wages would go u p — beautiful, beautiful, beau-ti- ful! You can read of them just any time you waut to. Every miner in Burlingame is out. W h y don’t you talk? W h y don’t you say something, ch?” “ D id you order yonr corn harvester when iu town, to day?” meekly asked the little wife*. '‘C o m harvester! Corn harvester! Tuaipkius and squash! That’s it,” he exclaimed. “ That’s it; eternally tiding to chauge the subject when you’re cornercd. Strikes are touchy subjects w’ith you Bepublicaus. I don’t wonder, for you have so many of them. It’s a sore spot.” ' ‘The m en of the mines in town have quit, have they?” she asked. •‘Quit!” ejaculated m y I^opulist friend, “ I should say so. They are out iu every town in. the county. You conld see them hanging around on rock pile and street corners. I sup­ pose they were dilating on the beau­ ties of a protective tariff for the bene­ fit of the wage earners.” “ I suppose, then, that you will not otherwise healthy. In tho differentia­ tion of tactile im pressions no rem ark­ able differences were observed betweeti the seeing and the blind, or if small differences did exist they were in favor of the seeing, in those bom blind the tactile sharpness was somewhat less than in the seeing, and in some cases the sensorium generally w'as equally defective. The blind in particular fesl less acutely w ith the tip of the index finger than do those who see, and in many cases the tactile acuteness of the tw'o index finger tips differs. In the blind, especially in the region of the hand, a stronger impression is re­ quired to produce a tactile impression than in those possessed of sight. In the capability of localizing impressions of sound no difference exists betw’een the blind and the seeing. In both great individual variations occur. As a rule, both in the seeing and the blind the use of the organ of both sides gives better results than the use of one alone. Xo difference in the acuteness of hearing exists between the blind and those who see. No relation was observed between the acuteness of hearing and the power of localizing sounds in either the seeing or the blind. No difference was observed in the two classes in regard to the acute­ ness of smoll. In the execution of m anual labor the blind become fa- W e t^ h at corn h a rv e s te r- she sug- 1 tigned“ so'oncX'tha; -‘Come, stick to tbe snbiect,” he an- * S L ID IN G W IN D O W S T D K T H E ll.V l'.X . unclogged for the reception of the window again. This board makes it impossible to keep the window always clcan and unclogged.— X e w York Tribune. T h e K e s t A e r a t o r . F o r a long time it has been gener­ ally supposed that milk w’hile still warm from the cow’s udder was less susceptible to odors than after it had become cool, but D r. H . L . Bussell, the emiaent Wisconsin bacteriologist, has shewn this to be a mistake and that warm milk actually takes o n ; more odor than does cold under similar conditions. This is nn im- ; portant discovei’y, and throv.-s much | light npon theproperhandling of milk ' for best results. ! Clean milking, by clean hands, in , as pure a stable atmosijhere as obtain- ; able, must ba supplemented by a , rapid .lud thorough cooling of tho milk. Cooling at once lessens the | capacity of the milk to take up odors, ! arrests the process of fermentation, ; and, if well stirred during th&cooling, I the cream is kept from rising to the I surface and will afterward more surely j remain mixed with the milk while j being distributed from tho wagon. | These are valuable considerations for ; milkman w ho desires to give his j customers a good service. For us tho simplest and best way to accomplish all of these good results is to have a tank of ice water in a room near or adjoining tbe milking room. As fast as the pails are filled, take immedi£.tely to the tank and pour the milk into tin cans, which are suspended in the ice water. Have an agitator in the can while being filled. The simplest and best form for this is not unlike an old-fashioned churn dasher, only m ake the dasher of a piece of tin six or seven inches in diameter, soldered firmly on to the endof awire handle, ■which had better be galvan­ ized and have a loop in the end to hang it up by. T w o or three plunges with thiii implement in a can of milk each time that a pail is emptied will be found to be very efiective in agi­ tating and consequently in cooling the milk. W e m uch prefer this simple and ef­ fective method to any of the more elaborate and expensive ones, and it is our experience that milk so treated will keep longer than as though ex­ posed to the atmosphere iu a fine spray or a thin sheet, in neither of which case are any germs removed, but it is reasonably certain that even under very favorable conditions, a few are added to the milk. M ilk or any other fluid will cool m uch more read­ ily v.'hen brought in close contact with water than in air, even though the air is considerably colder than the water. This is especially true of milk in tin cans or glass jars. If one must have an aerator, he should choose one through which water is run for cool­ ing purposes.— F . W . Mossman, in Nev/ England Homestead. Large sums of money have been m ade from small things. T he man who invented .the roller,, skato made $1,000,000, and tlie gimlet-pointed screw has m ade fabulous wealth. swered impatiently. “ D o n ’t bo al­ ways tlying the track when you are getting the worst of it.” } Tlie patient little w'oinan only smiled ' as she usked: “ M any idle miners been | along hero hunting a job of corn cut- j ting this fall?” “ N-n-o-o; none,” he replied. “ O h , I only remember hearing you j say,” she asserted, “ that if they were ; as plenty this year as they were four ; or five years ago, you would give them ; t. job cutting the big corn crop and I would not buy a harvester, so I thought that as they are idle now : you’d jjrobably change your m ind as ’ to the harvester and let them do the work,” “ N o w what are you gelling at, any- ■ way?” he asked. “ You are the hard­ est womau to understand.” “ O h , I think not,” she answered, j good naturcdly. “ Four or five years ' ago, when we were under Cleveland’s blessed policy of buying m any manu- i facturcd goods abroad, mills were \ closed, factories idle, transportation light, demand for coal slack, mining ; dull, times hard, and hov/ often wc used to see the minors from town ' along here hunting corn-cutting jobs? H aven’t seen .any of it this fall, have you?” “ X o. but we have strikes,” he re­ torted. “ D id n ’t have any then,” she an­ swered. “ It was pitiful. It was all the same; strike or not strike, there ; was little for them to do,” “ But it times are so dreadfully good,” he demanded, “ I'd like to have you account for this strike, right ^ here at our home town.” “ Account for it? W h y , of course. Bo patient. Have you read their res- , olutions?” .'»he inquired, and as he . did not reply she proceeded with, “ Note tho commencement of them. That is a whole chapter in itself. ; ‘Whereas tin re is a widespread busi- ; ness activity,' and then they demand twenty per cent, raise of wages. tigned with manual than w ith m ental work, v.'hich is not the case w ith tha seeing of the Lame age. If any differ- encs exists in regard to exhaustion af­ ter mental labor it is in favor of those of the same age who see. Both among the blind ard the seeing there are persons 'who have many, others who have only a few. and others again who have no illusory or erroneous im pres­ sions of ^ touch. These results are in m any respects opposed to generally re­ ceived opinions, for it is usually sup­ posed that deprivation of sight leads to exaltation of the acuteness of the other senses, especially of the touch and hearing. Broker’s Novel Preach Lesson. A well known New York stockbroker is k*nriting ilu* I'ronch language iu a poculiar wa.v. Ills education w as noj?- loi-ted in his youth, at least in this par­ ticular direction, and he has alw ays regret tod his inabilit/ to read the works of Kenan. an<l i)os«ibly a few' other authors, in the ori;;inal. The broker has a great Iriend in a child who is attcMiding a kindergarten. H e talc(*s her out driving alm ost every dny in Central Park, and siKne little tim e ago tlie child pointed at a tree and remarKod. “ttiat is nu arbro.” •*Kh! W hat? TliaTs an elm.” said the IJi'oki'r. “.Vevi'r hearil «l‘ a tree called an arb.’* •'That’s I'rcnch." resoi)nded the child ■with dignity. .VfU'r the brok.T had n'i-over^*d he elieitcd the inl’cn'iaalion th at it was the ciisiuni at. the kiiidorgarien to teach the c-hildren a few words of French I'very t!ay. He seized upon the oppor­ tunity. and n»)W as they drive throuiih tlu‘ park the liille girl repeats her daily lesscm lo her grown up fricjud. H e ex- * peels lo 1)(* able lo speak the language V(?ry nicely wh<*n the child is a few y(!ars older.—New York Times. ARMY HORSES HARD TO GET. P a r c J i a s i n s D e p a r t m e n t F i n d s D i n i c a l t y i n JU ^eetlnff t h e R e q a i r c m o n t s . The entire northw est is baing ran­ sacked by agents of the war depart­ m ent in quest of horscG suitable for the cavalry and artillery of the ar“'sy. The horses' procured are for the most p art brought to Chicago, where they arc inspected, and then dlstriouted w herever there Is need of them. Among the requirements are the color of the animal, its weight and its height. The ow ner m ust stand the expense of hav­ ing the tw o front shoos removed, fur­ nish a halter ajid have the anim al weighed. “It would require the ani­ mals to be moldsd,'* said a horse trader a t the stockyards. “As yet there are few horses that ws have received that come up to the requirements of the or­ der, and an owner having a horse that would answ er the style that is wanted by the arm y demands a larger price than the governm ent offers to pay.” The local horsemen state that the gov­ ernm ent will have to m ake some allow­ ance on ths order or It will not get the requisite num ber from this territory. Horses are being secured that will come up TO tho requirem ents in many respects, but it is feared that they will he turned down by the government buyer the same as they were last year. —Chicago Chronicle. g r e e n s ^o r o .n : ^ For the treatmmt of THE UgL'OH, OFniM, KQRPHIKE at other Crag Aailiction!.n»T!ilitacco Habit, (.’jrveExhaiJslta W R IT E US FO R Look atyourtongue! Ifit’scoated, your stomach is bad, your liver out of order. Ayer’s Pills will clean your tongue, cure your dyspepsia, make your liver right. Easy to take, easy to operate. 2Sc. All druggists. Want yoar mcastaclie or beurd a beastUal hromi nr rich black ? Then nse BUCKINGHAM’S DYE Villlngto Imitate. “W hy don’t you take example from the little Inisy V)eeV” iuquirod the mau of unoriginal ideas. “I do,” answ ered M eandering Mike. “An’ I w ant to call your attention to de fact dat about now is when d(j little busy bee lays off an’ tioesn* do uo more w ork fu r <le uex’ six months,’’ T 0 C o r e C o n s t i p a t i o n T o r e v e r * T a k e C u s c a re ts CauU .v C a tb a r ti a lO o o rS S o . U C . C . C . f a il to c u re , d r u s e i s ts r e f u n d m oney* Jn 10 years American life insurance oompanies have doubled their assets, the amount rising from 5657,128 612 In 1S8S to $1,344,901,198 in 1S58. The in­ crease has been decidedly the Breat-, est, since prosperity returned to the country. _________________ 1»UTXAM F a d e l e s s D t e « d o n o t s ta in t h e huud>- o r s p o t t b e k e ttle . S o ld b y u tl d r u g g i s t s , ______________________________ It is 40 years since the first British Volunteer donned his uniform—and at that time it was “his” In reality .for even privates in those days i»rcjvided their own trarb and weapons of war. V o w A r e 'S T o n r K id n e y * f Dr. Hobbs' Sparasus PiUs curt' all kiflacy Ills. Sam* pie free. Add. Stcrliug Kemcdy Cu., Cbicaso or N. V. The London poor suffer terribly from overcrowding. Accordirff to the Sani­ tary Record, 15,ISO persons lived In 4.057 tenements with one room in the Parish of St. Mary’s, Newington; 40.131 persons in 7,670 two-roomed tenements, ad 13,742 persons in 1,752 three-room­ ed tenements.______ •*A G r e a t B l e s s i n g , " s a y .s 3 I r . .1 . S . C o o k M r. tTolni S . C o o k . A tl’in ta . .i p r o n t s u f fe r o r f ro :n d y 8 p o |)i5 la a u d In -.liyoaltoii. **I have been tiuflerliig wiih «l>siippsia lor ton jvurs. f beL-aii taklns? Tyn«'r’H l)yniK*p«Ui iCoiu-'d.v mill galneil nfto« u jioumln iu thirty flays. It isu Ki’cut birasliiir. I '*nn nat p« to bed and slc'ep likt! a babf»—s..nu!lhinK I cuultl uot do beioro. Johns Cook.'’ P r ic e .“jLI c e n ts a hottU *. a t n il : o r s - n t l.tr p r ic e , e x iir* * ^ iia ld . b y T y iu 'v J)j’>=pHp- 8 ia K c m e d y C o . 45 M ltch<»!l S t.. . \ i la u ta , tia . Curious wounds were made by light­ ning: strokes on residents of Hrrlin. None of the wourdcd has extensive burns; the wound.s; look as if caused by a charge nf grain shot. The lio^cs roach to the bone and are surrounded by a web of blue and brown lines. Cca’tToliaciOSpltaud Smoko Yvur I.I.r5 A«i3y. To quit tobacco easily and Jorcvcr. be mas- netlc. lull of life, nerTc and visor, taUe No-Tc- Bac. the wonder-worl'cr, tUr.t inr.iies weak mca ! strong. All druggists, or fl. Curcj;uaran* teed. Booklet and sr.cip:o free. Aildreas BtcrUos Aeacdy Ca. Chicago or Now York. E e u - a r o o r O l n t n i L 'n t s f o r C a t a r r b m a t C o n t a i n Z Q e r c u r y . as mercury w i t 'surely de-troy tlie «cnao of (•mcll and ••omplwtely derange tho whoiu »!y^. tern when ♦'Utwring it throuirh tao mut (iu- fciirfares. Such articles should nove r be U'.ed except oa prescriptioa fro^ reput.\b!e pltvsi- cians, tli« dumaye they will do is ttn to!d in tlie L'ood you t^a possibly derive from them. IlaU'sCatirrh t urcmaQufnctun'dby F. J. Clieney & « o,. Toledo. O.. cout»ilus no mei-cury, and is t^ken internally, actin,' di- r^-ctly iipon the b col and mu':uus suri'acesof tht! system. Jn buyinj: Catarrh Cure be Mire to iret th- Renuine. It is taken iiitar- nally, and is made iu loledo, Ohio, b y F. J . Ch*-ney & Co. Testiinoaials Frt'o. Sold by nruzKlsts price, 75c. p«r b o ttle . HaU's Jb amily Pi.is are tho beu. The Scotch Democrats in Germany now boast 73 newspaper organs. The largest. Vorwarts, has a circulation of 53,000 copies._________________ I S d n c a te IT o a r U o w e lg W I t b C iice m rer?* Candy Catbariiic, ccro coastipaiion forever. lOc.gSc. It G.C,C.faU«drQi;Kists refund money* North Haven, Me., has a 125-year- old apple tree._______________ Fite permnneatly cured. Kofltsornervott^- ref=» after Jlrst dav’s use of Dr. Kline's (-treat Korve Restorer.$:2trialbottleand treatise fre« l>lc. It. U. Kukk. l.td., iai Arch St.. Pail.^ M A M M O T H j ^ N B L A C K W J iiO G ! Greensboro, N. C., January 19ylS99. Mr. John A. Youso, Sir: Have you any of the Mammotlt Black 1 igs for ale. I have ki led the one bou- ht of you last yea-. He was • ne voor and three days oM aad weighe l 395 pounds, and wiM not pushed either. 1 neveriedupts thakga\o better satisfaction. Yours, A. T. LAilBETH. A n A ttra c tiv e E x h ib it A tla n ta , ( G a .,) C 'u o s titu tio u . The Liddell Company, of Charlotte* N . C ., mauufacturers of the M urraj ginniug and oleaniug Rystem for tbe territory eant of the Mississippi river, have their most attractive exhibit in tbe ngricnltaral building. This ex­ hibit is attracting more atteotiou, per- hapi>, than anything of its kind above at the fair. The bystem of cleaning is tbe special feature which is dem and­ ing the careful atudy of onr cotton, (jioners. Tho locks cf cotton are tl'orongbly separated before enterioe the gin, aud the dirt and leaf frox the cotton are discharged by means of na ani'er and carried into a box specially iittacbed for that purpose. W o regard it as a fortunate thing for tbe cotton ginners of Georgia that this exhibit was placed at the State fair, for we are confident that unr people will see tbe wonderful merit of it and that it will replace many of the ordinary gins now iu operation. It is estimated that by the use of this system tha cot'ton vilj run at least two grades higher. He’s a Contractor. Flim —W hat’s your business? Flam —Contractor. Flim—W hat lineV o'lam—Debts.—S^ketch;.* Bits. A c t s g e n t l y o n t h e K id n ey s , L iver AND* B o v y e l s C l e a n s e s t h e R y s t e m | ^ ^e f f e c t u a l l y ' C A N E M I L L S , Evaporators^ K E T T L E S , E N G IN E S , B O IL E R S A N D S A W H O L S . A N 1> I C K I'A IU S F (» 1 1 S A > I1 2 . B r l s t t u T w iiio , i t a b b i t . S a w T i- e th a » < l F lie » i,'S b « f tin R , l* u lle y > i,b e ltin s :. l u j i - c t o n i , r ip e H , V a lv p H jiu d im m IRON iiiK m i \ co., A V < ;U .S T .\. tJ A . OVERCOMES —It do.seo’t reqiiirH much fluck on tlio part of the cobbler to s=li«.‘k to the lust. l * o r F o u r M o n t h s . . _ . my wi-«hnd Chills. One bott oof Dn. Kjxo 's The operators oflFer them a ten per | Chill it F kvi:u Toxn: ciirod us nli eailrely. cent, advance." ....'....’.............‘ ........ “ That’s it. Try to argue out of it, ^ uso Piso'sCurc for Consumption both my family .iTifi practice.-Dr. I t. W. F.utk so.v.Ink.ster, Mich.. Kov. .'i. itiUl. aud we have not li id a chill Hiuce. it Is the be?tm»*di«}lrf*in^lio world. \V. H, E. Moani- KON. lliddeiiite. Nov. 10. 1809. Sold by IJoKWEi.L A D cnn Co.. ^’hurlotle. N. i: , and all ine^lleine deaSerH.. ]»or botile, AKiays Kuarantoed. interrupted m y P opulist friend, al- mo.st sneeringly. •‘W hat sort of resolution.'? were la­ borers passing four years ago?” she proceeded, not noticing his iuter- ruption. ‘*\Vouldu*t they have com­ menced ‘Whereas, there is vrideapread business disaster;’ or ‘whereas, wc are ou the verge of moral, political.; material and several other .■^Drt.s of j ruin: therefore we demaud a remedy.* i V»’]iy, husband! The ‘ Whereases’ j alone ought to convince you of the difference between the times that fol­ low to free trade and those of M cK iu ley prosperity, Theu the miners here were so an:cious to Bet a little work | that they took whnt they could have at i guta, satikaction guaranteed, 10c,25c,50c. what wages they could get withoul' thought of protests, thinking only ol an opportunity to change so that the^ could get old times and old wages again. That opportunity came. The laboring men of the country joined I the business interests, vc.*^ed dowi | Bryan and his free trade, free silvei*. theories, voted in Melvinley and his protective policy. Mills open, fac­ tories start, smokestacks belch forth. Sixteen windows in the dome of the new capitol of Ct)}orado. at Denver, are to have portraits of leading citizens of tho State, niui the women have sud­ denly i^prunK a demainl mxm the man­ agers that thv^ir sr.\ shall he repre- of them. Beaotr !■ H>ooa I Clean blood means a clean skin . K* beauty without it. Ca.scarets, Candy Cathar- : tic clean your blood and keep it cleao, by i etirring up tho lazy hver and driving all im» »• * purities from the body. Begin to-day to i*e i banish pimples, boils, blotches, blaciiheada, .1. 1 ajid that sickly bilious complexion by takmf —It’s bard for a fellow to keep bis trousers creased when he's courting. C u re s a C oticrh o r C old a t o n c e, C o n q u e rs C ro u p v /ith o u t fa il. I s th e b e s t fo r H ro » c h ilis. C .riM ' H o arsc n es.s. W’hoopiny:.C ou.i;h. a n a f o r th e c u re o f C o n s u m p tio n , ivrother-'i p r a is e it. D o c lo r.sp n s c n b e it. S m a ll d o s e s ; q u ic k . s u r e re.sults. Buy t h e G E N U lN t- M A N T D BV ( A U f ? R N I A p G , S Y R V F ( 2 . ! roft »AUBY£ii oRUGG>srs pou soc PCRe0;uL lAVE YOU A HOME? I I i r K o , y o n w a n t ^ G \ K I . A N D U f l S T O V t : l o K t u k e ) o t i I f T h ey a r c n o t st.U l u y y . u r le.*idiD S in o r c t in n t. w i i t c to SHEPHERD SUPPLY CO., < 'I I A K I i l C S T O .\ , S . < •., - S T A T E AG EN TS F O R - Th«* Clydebank ShipbuUd.np C’om- ;»ai»y is about to build an Allartic steamship 1') feet lonRor than the <.>eeanic. She will be completed )>y tht- .<<piinK of 1901. and will be a veritable ^env!d's w<inder. IlfAUTCnf K<‘tKble local salc»nivn wniiti'd Ifflil I Cal I inc'veryseotlou.iftlh'lTulU'd SiaH";. R ef*'ivuc»« rcH iiU m l a n d .V«idn-sN, .1. RUi^SEti (V CU..'t ol)arroiil<.i4.'ril.\X'r<».\.V.\. Hy writlutrat on«-e $ 4 0 .\I.SO F A C T irR E R S O X ' j for tho rem arkable ofTer of the South'.s «n'n:- ; eALVANIZED CORNICES, ETC. I esnlu-itltuiii)« of i’ractlcal Bu«iue«s TraUUny. i MR. ASTOR’S SOUTARV LIFE That Any Good Would Wtn'' Should Have good health. 'Pure, rich blood is the first requisite. Hood's Sarsa- ^ a n T o a r b u s r d c r n a n r fo r ^ gMng good blood and good health, has helped many a man to success, besides giving strength and courage to <women fwhc, before tdking U, CQutd not miners ask an advance in wages. II the muio owner isn't as lively abou! giving it to them as they think he _ ought lo be, they lay nlT to hnrry him 1 rcc any good in life to tow. up a little, and so wo have a strike, j ’ But you will notice that strikes iu i these times arc always for an advance | of wages. T he coal operators w’iU ; give an advance; tliey have already \ said they could. They muab have j " 5 2 i ThOmpSOIl’l Eye W a l W the men back at work to till orders, i h m mlb m orders which they did not have and could not get under tho tariff reform administration.” “ There it goes again,” he g iw le d , “ you alwavs run it into tho tariff.” “ That is where all interests of American labor naturally lead a dis- cassion,” replied tho good little w o m ­ an; but he'answered her not.— E . G . Mi-p. W h a t becomcs of all the peuniefl ? A strx>eriicial answer might be that w « tfpend them, as in truth we do; but did you ever stop to consider the enormous quantities of the little cop­ per coins turned out by the Philadel­ phia M int every, year ? T h e figures are really appalling in their magni­ tude. There are at pre,sent abont 3.000,000,000 cents iu circi^ation, and yet tho mint is compelled to turu out nearly 4,000,000 u montli to keep up the supply. It seems as though this most com mon coin mnst in some m ys­ terious fasliioii vanish iu thin air, .-for surely nobody hoards them. , Doa*t Put a Bird in tlic Window. ‘•Never iint a biril in the winao-K'." said a bird fancier to the reporter tho other daj'. "I lately go into the street in suinnier. or even ou ii mild day in w inter, th at I do not see unfortunate canaries hunp in the windows. Even if the sun is not broilins tlie brains un­ der the little yellow cap. a d raft is blowing all the time over the delicate body. People have been told a thou- Siind tim es th a t they mu.st not put a bird In tho draft, yet how few rem em­ ber th at there is alw ays a d raft in an open window.—Berlin (Md.) H erald. Sees Few ^m ericaas and Seldom Goes Ool to Dinner. W im ain W aldorf Astur, owni r ol' tiio T'all Mall Gazette, iici oiilinK lo a I.on- don dispatch, leads a very solitary life .. lie Koes down to hl.s odliH! a t 31:;!0 each morning. There he attends to his e.state and new spaper busine.'is/or a eoui>ie of hours, and rem ains iu his of- !ice, as a rule, until after ~t o’elocli. not even leaving for lunclicoii. Lunch is <^cokeC in the oflice, one part of which is iittcd up w ith perfect enisltn! ar­ rangem ents. The chef conies from Carlton H ouse Terrace for the purpose. jVstor usually lunclies alone except w hen he i.s joined by his daughter, but he sometimes invites Sir I)on,?las Strai.cht, the editor of the P all Mall Cazette, or Lord Frederick Hamilton, the editor of the I’.all Mall M asazine. or the business m anager of the i>apers. A fter lunch, about 2 :S(i, hi! gets the first edition ot the Pall Mall tiazettc, which he goes over w ith his secretary, m aking criticism s and suggestion. Tiien he sets lo his literary work, and it is believed by his entourage th at ho has some big book of remhiisceuces or history on hand, at which he works regnlarly, consulting a large num ber of books of reference and occasionally going to the B ritish :Musi'um. w here he sees the hooks In the private rcailcrs' room or consults scholars engaged iu special researches. W hen he is Uving a t Cliveden, on the Tham es, which he bought from the Duke of W estm inster, he comes to tow n ju st the sam e every day e.vcept on Saturday and Sunday. He seldom goes otit to dinner or enterlainiueuts ot any kind, and sees no Americans regularly, w ith the exception of Am­ bassador Choate and F irst Secretary H enry W hite. The Ga.=Ala. Business College, D on ’t D elay I________M A C O N . G A . L a z y L i v e r bave bceu troubled a crca t deal 1 w itb a torpid liver, -which produee.5 conntlps- I tion. 1 found CA.SCARETS to be all you claim forthem.and secured such rehef the llrst trial, that [ purchased another supply and wax com­ pletely cured. I shall only be too triad to reo- oaxraond Cascarets whenever the opportunity Ispn'sented.” J.A Smith. Susquehaapa Avc., Philadelphia. Pa. W. L, DOUGLAS S3 & 3 .5 0 SH O E S Worth $4 to $6 comoared with other makes. Indoro^ed bv over 1 ,000,U0C) ucurei>. The ir^im ine have W . Dou^iaii' tiame n»u i>ri<r scar.iped on bottnni. '^ni< subsii;u(e ciahi>e<I ^ n o d . Y onr dc [iihould k eep theni -- ,not, w c w ill send a jia ir'’ ri'c-eipj ■>! price. ikiiui ot eather.-size. ai>d w idth, p lo ia €H cap to e. C a u lo g u c C Iree. W. L DOUGLAS SHOE CO.. Broddon, tlass. P le a sa n ts P a la ta ’jle . P o te n t. Tai<te G ood. D c Cktod, N e v e r S ick e n , W eakC ti. o r G rip e. 10c. Sic, 5Ua ... CURE CONSTiPATION. ...Sirrltair Coapaar. Ckieafo. k.iatrMl, K*w Yorii. TSO CURE YOUR HORSE of S pavin, C u rb , S p lin t, C apped Hock, Sore Tendons, Cuts, Kicks, Brntses, etc., by using S L O A N ’ S L I N I M E N T Also an inv.*tluablc remedy for m an. W hen taken inlornally it cures Cram ps and Colic. It is the 6esi antiseptic knoivn. Every bottle is warranted. Sclil by dealers and druf^^ists gencrallv. Family size, 35c. Horse size, 50c. and $i'.oo. P^pared by EARL S. SLOAN, Boston, Mass LA GRIPPE»«* COLDS Statesvillc^.C c I T L E R ’S C A R B O L A T E O F I O D I N E . X euaraiucpcl d i r e I 'o r ra iu rrb . C o i i H u m p t i o n a n d i l a y P o t i t . All Dru;rsli»i'<. ^I.OU. W, H.SIVlSTHft C O ., B i i H 'a l o , Y . , V riii» » . T or o u r iH n r nneotC llI{I?.T. M.\S BOOKS; ____________________ - r/is h .” E x c la - elvo right or territory: OCTiTl’ I'KES. J . M C U U l .S * C O ., A t l a n t a , G a . WANTED AGENTSl I? all bound in cloth; no **trj i ^ S Y j r NEW DISCOVf . _ , «,u»ct mlief *nd cot»<___C testimoaialtt «nU lO days'Sr. H. ^ QaBSK'S SOME. Box t?. AUaKt*. C*. I T T E N T I O : ^ Is fA c U itn te d i f r o n m e n U o tx n t h i s p a p e r w h tn w r itin j::id v o r ti> * e r s . S o - 4 T m(I [1 j :. : ..V: v /^ v j tiie Davie Record, MooksvlUe, N . C. I T he B iw k d —only ^<1 a year, j I W ork is progressing on thej I Methodist parsonage in town. ] Free Gitts. In order to give our 50 cent subscri- bers an opportunity at our free gifts, we have decided to withdraw the bu^r- ‘ By B. U. MOBB18 ^ i T O R A N D P u b l i s h e r . I tk ifpl. ™ r S K . f i " I of our free gilt offer in anotlier ^.piece oak set of furniture, respect* ’ .eoluniD. L ocal N otes IIicidents^ • \b . Booe was sent to the poor i^tnrduy and died Snnday May’l2th, 1899; | morning. ------ ----------------The Methodist pteacbere are I leaving for Concord to attend the I annual confei-enee. Bead ad; headed Free Gifts. | Mountain wagons are constantly T . . P — persecutor; ® Ladies Cloaks e h ^ p at W illiams; Corn is b rin in g 50 rents at & \nders m’s. i Epbesus m trade. This is above , ' tl»e Mocksville market. A .M . Giitwoort, of Fork Church, „ „ t ■ t- failed in to see us Satutday. | Mr. F. C. Meroney is h a y i^ tis _ ' residence painted. It will be one Pants Goods. Di-ess Goods, Out-1 ^.jjg prettiest residences in town tings, et«., cheap at W illiams & completed. Anderson’s. ' _ „ „Foster & Howard, at Eockland John Atfdy W oodruff riated relatives in and near Mocksville Bunday and Monday. Highest prlcies paid for all kinds country produce at W illiams & Anderson’s. Kev. Jas. WilSon, editor of the Christian Herald, Statesville, N. C.. Heights, have a nice tlelivery wagon, and are prepared to de­ liver goods to their customers. W e hear that the fly is making its appearance in the wheat. W e notice in one of the Catawba coun­ ty papers that wheat is dying in some sections. Insects seem to be on the increase, and if they con-was in town last week. Trespass notion, on heavy card- « “ "« i“«fease something will hoard for sale at Dostoffice Five e-^ternnnate^ r d , for sale at postolhce. 1 n e , lo ro cents. i tire failure. Married, recently, Chas. M. E ich-' ___________________ ardson to Jliss Minnie A. Richard- j CR.& UFORD’S. . ^ n . Our beat wishes. : ____ Now is the time to subscribe for ■ W e desire to call our friends’ this paper. Drop iu and leavet** the attract!vel.v uis- vour subscriptiou and a get a ticket; plitj'ed advertisement of Messrs.; for a free »ift. ! Oraiiford & Co.. which ap- Ively. All who have subscribed under tb j first offer will be entitled to an­ other ticket, or, if they prefer, we will take up their tickats and refund their money. All who pay us 50 cents cash for 6 months’ subscription will get a ticket; all who pay us one dollar will get two tickets. If you owe us any­ thing, this must be paid before you are entitled to a ticket. W e m ake this change for two reasons: 1st, to give those who are not able to take the paper one year and pay us one dollar, an opportunity for 50 cents to get the paper 6 months and an oppor­ tunity at one of these free gifts. 2d, T hat we m ay be able to distribute these presents in a m uch shorter time. R ead this carefully and see that it is fair to all. Those who have taken tickets can return them and get their money, less the time they have got­ ten the paper, or you get another ticket, giving you two chances when you now have one.________________________ F r a n k C . B r o w n , Wholesale aad Betail Dealet in tlEN ElvA L MERCHANDISE. FOR SALE. A Productive little farm for sale .">0 odd acres. Lies well. W ater locatioUy improvements good. Se­ lect friiitj well timbered, Piue and Oak forest. Price only three liiin- di-edand ninet /-fivedollars, [ij!395.] Title unquestionable, waninted and defended. Would take horse, har­ ness and bnggy in the trade. Ly­ ing 3 miles Korth of county Seat, Mocksville, on W ilkesboro road. Object, imigration; seeing it be Ueving. Respectfull, A . S . W o M .i C K . Mocksville, Davie Co. N. C., ITov. Sth 181)8. B e ^ ,t State. COMPLFTE LINE O F DBY GOODS. Stock of Shoes in the HEADQUARTERS FOR GROCERIES. IN OTHER W ORDS I H A V E A COMPLETE LIN E OB' GENERAL MERCHANDISE. I W ill be glad to have you call. Yours Truly, FR A N K C. BROW N, Corner Fourth and Main Streets, - - - W INSTON, N. C. C R A N F O R D S . Sale Caaseg M . 01. . 1 often ask«l question: ‘-How can yon give such valu«.. w ^ .p„(i We couldn’t give them on ordinary 1 C . w8ily an s« eM - ^e^isiot.. W e’re sClUng the«,K kofM eS'‘“' B O \ V 1 ^ this 18 ° Overcoats we purchased of Messrs. n., y occasioti. w e re selling me stiKk of "I I'VnP Suits and Overcoats we purchased of Messrs. Kurm ,'*'1 * Co a t 60 cents on the dollaf of the wholesale matiuf— "I "f ■ It aim s needless to enter into a diSMSSlon of the hfgb s embraced in the Burgnnder stock, for they have of „ts of the Tailors’ art in Baldnlofe these pa-st 3 , . leading e x j M ^ e of more than $1 ,000,000.00. 'r w h e ^ S ^ e needs a suit or overeoat at once, or will n ^ ''? 'l o r b o y , whether n find « prudent to take a.lvant,Z„? a few months reproduced bel..w X X C y What baigains we are in a position to give our friemls. ”*l m a m Miss Mattle'Sterling has returned to Mocksville, aftei' a three weeks’ visit to Winston-Salem. Cranford & Co. are hustlers, and their prices are beyond competi­ tion. W hen you go to Winston Call on them and be convinced. Some of our correspondence gets in toe late. Try and get it to us by Monday’s mail at latest. If it fails to appear, it’s because of its being late' or crowded out. W anted at once- .-V big lot of ^rtridges, for which I will psiy 5 Cenu each, ca.sh. Don’t bring them in on Saturdays unless it’s told. H. H . Morris. pears in to-day’s issue. This firm assert that they have bought the remainder of a manufacturer’s stock at 60 cents on the dollar, and present undeniable pr<X)f in their advertisement showing there is no falsification in the statement. We know Mr. Cranford personally, and of onr own knowiecige can assure our patrons that he will treat them right and besides will Siive every customer money compared with the prices they have been paying in the past. W hen yon go to W in stou-Salem, buy your clothing and genfs’ furnishings at Cranford’s, and don’t forget the location: Oak front-. No. -143 Trade street, 2 dooi-s north of Farmers’ W arehouse. If FINE STOCK FOB SALE. ig to . or Jenny, or Jenny colts, or other fine A n y person desiring to buy a Jack ■ Jenny, or Jenny co :jtock, will do well to call on T . A . B R U N T , Farmington. N. c. D B. W . C. M A R TIN Gives spi;cial attention to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Sp<-ctacle3 fitted bv the aid of retino- scopy. Teeth extracted by the pain- le.ss process. Cilice at residence in North Mocksville. A good line Hosierv and Gloves miss the place, you’ll surely , ht W illiams & Anderson’s. ' money. Take our advice ouce, \ ,, , -ij and if you are misled com^ and tell children,,,, ^bout it. We can’t alfo.d to attended the marriage of her broth Arrival and Departure of Trains: S o u t h B ou n jd — D aily except Sunday. Leave Mocksville ................... 1:00 p m Leave Mockdville ................... 6:00 p m N o r t h B o u n d . Leave Mocksville ................... 7:15 a m Leave Mocksviile ...................11:30 a m 5 c ’M l8r’s R a c M Store. —Bargains Kargairs— Bargains to beat the Band. If you wish to save yoiir harJ-earned speeia in Y O U R W irit. r M i.rchiises, y<ai will ei.m ein '<• see U S . A\’e will show you how it can be done to yonr entire sjitisfaction Here are a few items that shows which way the wind blow s: Boy’s suits from $1.2.5 up. . - . Men’s suits from $2.5)8 up A G-ood M ackintosh O vercoat O N L Y $1.25. A heavy double sole Brogan, worth §1.2."., our price 98 cents. Ladies Heavy winter shoes, regular #1.25 quality, onr price 98o. Men and Ladies fine shoes, worth !isl.25, our price 9Sc. Capas From 39e. up. The Best and Lowest Price Line ol Millinery IntlieCitv. ■ G I V E u s A C A L L and let us S H O W Y O U S O M E G E N U IN E B A R G A I N S . S c H < ' I M . 1 s \ I A ( ^ K K I S r o i ? y . — ■5; ^ T O T O H A MC ■iJOoomcM iM w6«u. :?7 a~ T 5 ria' .,'?rrr/T , M ock8Villc l»roclucc M arket. fer, J. E. Doutliit, iiud Miss Judd, ie a r Bower, Forsyth county, last Wednestlay, the 15th. impose on our friends, an d you are aware of this fact. K appa Item s. Tempe Smoot is teachingA good line of men’s underwear k t Williams & Anderson’s. 1 “I'® .. , ’ Dear Salisbury. W e m ust siwjiiii call the attention i ‘ ^ ,,,, . Ofourad\Vrtisei*s to the fact that >, A . K oo n ce v.ent to E lkiu on ■ biisiuesa last week. C’orrected by Williams & Anderson. Cjrn, jterbu .................................. 40-1 . \\'’heat, per bu ............... Oats, per b u ................... Peas, per bu ................... Bacon per pound .......... Bacon, w estern............ H a m s ................................ :.............................. Butter... 3j 75 8-10 12 15 12i Spring Chickens ........................... K ladge Hunt’s Consomption w em akeuponrfoim sonTae.sday. I ^ .^passes a lf r e ^ lie . (jet your a d . changes to iis by Sat- T h e public Rchool will legiu a t ! known for Consumption, Bronchitis, iirdfiy or' M o u d a y at uoou, or they ! this place on the 27th iust. Croup and Disordered Liver. It cures ■irill go over until the next issae. ' | ^he proposed amendment to the Men’s .and Boy’s Hats and Caps j constitution conies like a howling ^heap at Williams & Anderson’s, j monster fiom ttie jungles of an- See ad. of Boonville High Sc-.hool "‘f ““'y “ > b»ry in this issue. Prof. Horn is „ u iiu “ Ient oWivion the self-eviden ible instrnctin-, and hsis a flonrish-i create<l ing school. W iiteto him if yon want further particulars with refer- i " fence to this school. when all else fails ! If your drujuggist Judgfdoes not ketyj it, send direct to Judg;f George E . Hunt, Lexington, N . C. Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by C. C. Sanford. Don’t SsilTer, The KlectropoiHC Cures all dissases without the use cf medicine. A pure Oxygen treatment, by absorption. It cures where every- i i on, w e see that it wiil crumble at i thing else falls. It is needed in every j ^tbp HltMr Ilf liliortv nnon ..-liii.b I "'‘I*weak-j fihoes at \\ illiams & Anderson s. claim o n earth an d their birthright • of a grain of medicine. Thousands of T H IS S P A C E B E L O N G -S I TO I R.B.Crawiord&Co, | ^ G nunl Draltre In Bard.ran, I I I ii ■Winston-Salem, N orth Carolina, j Fine Union Twill, dark groniiiil w ith a red and gray mijtnnl single breasted round cut. Spl»l did value W i50. OUR PRICE ?2.20, Gentlemen’s Fine Suits ol dr| striped W orsteds, Fancy and Gray Meltons, ('hoice i single and double breasted o»| Fine goods handsomely t?.iIot((| W orth easily $10.(IC , l.iU at i sacrifice Si'le THEY GO AT yn.Oi',. B)ys’ s-jufflc^ :iml Hodgson threw Rat-' ^lay the voters of X orth ciarolina i of these facts. Book of testimonials. I ledge and cut his tbroat. It’s not i come out a glorious company, and I o ° i^ e '^ f\n rtrS L e ^ t^ ^ e n ? frc r’'E T «v i thought that llatledge’s wounds'crush this proposed amendm ent ! j family should have an Elect^opoise^ ! are fatal. Citizens, arise, to a sense of your. it saves money, induces health. Send | f'n I duty, and remember that the hope! your address at once and see what! l^angs b r e a t h l ^ | P- P^e . y w ^^ te.-| ; upon J on. ;ELECTtoP0iSE Co., 513 4th Street,! JK.VS D E V e r E . i Louisiville, K y. Doi-’t forget T he B eookd’s free gift offers: A Xo. 20 t'arolinaCook Stove, aSet of Furniture (3 pieces), a Good Sev.ing Machine, a C hatta-' Gen. A. D. Cowles, of States- nooga ( hilled Plow, and a Bein- ville, a prominent Republican, ex- in."ton Breeeh-loading Shotgun. I postmaster and ex-adjutant gjS^n- One dollar pays for a year's sub- i ei-al of the State, died at stat^s'ille scription and two tickets; 50 cents Saturday. / six months and one ticket. | .___ ______ / A re yoQ a subscriber to T hE | A man bv the nam e/of George R Eooip t If not, send m your sub-1 d a rk , of Texas, has .<>een found scription and get one ot our val- |aud his opinions widrfy advertised uable gifts. See ad. on this as a disciple of leffeifou who i thinks the best \v^y to carry oat j W e must extend our congratula-1 priiieiples is to* vote' tions to our friend, W . C. Browu, i *^he Republica^i ticket. W ho in ' National Hotel, R EyU BiJlSH ED . UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. R A T E S, $1-00 P E R DAY. J. II. B .iM S E Y , Prop’r. Main St. SALISRURY, N. C. Greensboro Nurseries, ot Winston, who was married a few | tl*e thunder days ago to Miss Bettie Brown, i ^^ews and ~ daughter of the late Dr. William ’ __ Brown. W ill is a IMvie l>3y, and his fair bride’s family formerly Is George irver. Mrs. iclan d Stanford has sold all her' holdings in the Sonthernlesided iu Mocksville. Onr best t L - l " in the Sonthern wishes for a long, happy, prosper- i railroad forSll.,400,000 and ons vovasre throns'h lif«* !i,"cse\ery cent of the money as C l a r k f - i G R E E N S B O R O , N . C ., For all kinds of Fruit, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Vines and Plants. I am the Intro­ ducer of the famous GREENS­ BORO and (XJNNET’S South­ ern Early Peach. W rite for prices, J o h n A. Y o u n g , Prop’r. ons voyage through life.' ‘ ‘ 1 ^ T'1 an /aiidownient to Leland Stanford, aubscnlie for T he B ecoed and | Ji-, University. She has built a get a free gift. See the article iu-imouuiuent to her husband and another column headed Free G ifii. only son that will be as lasting as Lefler Bros.,- of Ephesus, aife nteful.—News and O W rver. buying and ginning a lot of < ! o t t J n -------------—________ this seasori. The Editor/p-assed i there a few days since andfconnted eight teaias.- •.John M d •Hen', ^ J ^ r is , , . . .____ _____________________ yonng men fr<un Oavie (^int.v who nated. One of the most estimable i a bright, clean, ilfustrated story and have been exhibiting a nfcgic Ian-1 and highly respectable ladies of'*'..........................^ tern shq\\iii-tiig county. \e r e a r-1 t**e i-ity, a Christian Scientist, re­ n te d at Cairo a few n ig h t^ o on I fused and the mayor Sentence.1 her su“ er%TtchTo eTch sub^JVirer^ a neTt llie c n a i^ of brfeikiiig ium the ’ ^ thirty days ioiprison-‘ me^um>sized watch, guaranteed for school house at Cedar Hill. V hev ™ent in the lock-up. A dozen t •'eep time for many were taken to Cedar Hill for tria l' ot»>er ladies, ChrUtian Scientists, j ^"„^a“ fo? f& u felJo rk ^ and let oft on pajing the taA due i asked a suspension of judgment watches. Bicvdes. C A L L B R O S . Ten Per Cent. Fnmitnre Men, W IN S T O N . N- C- W ant your trade and will give yon bargains in all Styles of Bed-Room Sets, Odd Dressers. Dining Tables, Beds, W ashstands, Lounges, Couches and all things to be found in an U p To Date FURNITURE HOUSE. SOME HEW and BBABTIFilL BESKNS in DISHES, CHAMEER-SETS and LAMPS, ■\ye also have a Beautiful Line ot Pictures and Frames. The New England and Needham Pianos, and the Old Reliable Estey Organs and the Neeilham Organs are sold by us. and need no recommendation, as they are so W ell Known. Men’s Overcoats I FROM $2.25 ri>. Several Lots Union Cassiniere, black ground wUli ne-.it, gniy pin check and v. iiie colored ovei-plaiil, single-breasted. :> to l-l, very nobby. AVorth S1.2.'). OX,'K PKK'K 00 CENTS. Boys’ Diuiiile Breasted Suits, made from all w<xil Cheviots and Cassimeres; there are 25 styles to select from, sizts 7 to 16 yeaiu, and regular $3 value. OUR PKICE $l.ii0. Boj^s’ A ll Wool Cassimeres, blaek gronnd, w ith dark gray neat check and pure silk m ixture, double breasted, 9 to 1.5, made and trim m ed in A l kyle. W orth any­ where #ii. O U E PRICE 82.9.5. Boys’ Overeoats FROM «1 U P . 1- ^ LIN E of Shirts, Collars, Cutfs, Srarfe, Underwear, etc., etc., at prices that deft competition. N . L . C B A N F D R D &CI W INSTON-SALEM , N. C. ■ Oak Front, No. 443 Trade St. Two Doors N. of Farmers' yafftj f u l l GREENSBORO HERD OF REGISTERED PO-; LAND CHINA and Mammoth i n ___i .___rr «« •Black Hogs. One of the finest I All Goods ^olo f sr Gaso Of F<5lbj Paym3!its. herds in the South. | , ,, , , ! Come to our place and if you are not treated right call i no more, but if we treat you right, call again. EN’S BOX CAM'; EN'S V ICI SHOK; Calf lineil; $2.;-,0, i?2.7.-). !?3.00. Si.-'io, »2.;:>, ^.s.oo. A D IES’ AND CHIU)® SHOES 60 CENTS TO fi.l.M. 60 CENTS TO # !.M- The Christian Scientists give > I trouble everywhere. In A m ericns,! DON’T W.-UT A ailNUTK. I Ga., an ordinance was pas^d re -1 G o o d W a t c h e s A b s o l u t e l y p k e e . j two I quiripg every person to be vacci- \ We want your name for PASTIME, j a bright, clean, illustrated story and . Qf humorous paper for the family circle, | 16 large pages, onl}- T.tc a year: on ■ trial 4 months, 10c. W c give a nickle a* * J ‘ --- ~ - —^---------------- — j wiivtuca, ni^ycles, sewintf machines, the State and county and the\cost: until next «iay. \\ onder if they Guns, etc. Samples and particulars of the case, amonntiug to $ 1 5 .;u __igot the delay to tolt^raph Mrs free. Send us your address to-day if Wadestero Messenger -1ntell;&„.\i Eddy what to do t-News and Ob- c»™etTm’et\fnf'^ce”y I "v^^nt" W e will surprise you. Please don’t wait a minute, send now. Better en­ close 5 Rtampa for trial subscription and preKent. or 28 stamps for- watch and ] ^ m r while the watches are going free. The PASTIME Pub. rompanT. I^ahviU .,K y, * i oer. W e ate sorry to hear That t server, these Davie bbyS got into tronlble W'e hope it is a mistake. T he Reoobd’s free gif: offer i >opnlar. Record Prjsent. V One dolto pays for the OSGANS FEOM S25.00 PIANOS C A L L B R O T H E R S M anufacturers’ Agents, UP. FROM $180 UP. W INSTON. Branch House: N. C. MARTINSVILLE, VA. ; iinp«*r and 3 Tickets, ] Can Always Sin. Lowest Prices On Eveiytbing in Ohi Lise. LL N EW SH.M’ia T H E R EG U LA R SHOE STORE, Corner 4th and Liberty »ts., W INSTON, N. C. __________ NEELY & CRTJTj J u s t Received! Parlor Suits, Mirrors, Fancy P itf EVERYTHING TO M A K E A HOUSE H.\NDSl>ME. BEE-aOOM SI AND EXTRA liEl*’ | A S PRICES t h a t W il.!. AST(5N''*"‘ 1 tton’t faill to give meats''! In need of aaythin.s i“ Furniture I'f W il l , b e t o Y o r” '1 G. w. m u m lieading Fnroituie Dealor and. Undertaker, i»AljSl! I' l>’'' I sjieciA-l induckmh I OUR Pfl „ ^ i l l find the w o rk of a ^ „ for w e h a v e d ro p p ed thd iTt will P A Y 5 “ " ‘aa fe!>st a n d your thougll I H u e a s y w a y to procurel f a outlay. W e k e e p u p | T a few priccs that will maM '•anr ■ . I <“ iiUron's Underve.stj. ocl V ^die'' Flfece-liued b n d ^ J Unrl;rshirt;i. L'ailie's U nioa Sails, iice.:! G l i E A T b | I h-,v^ a f"w ijlii. ';'7 . . '. ol > ■ ■ li. ‘ , ft to bay or hol. ^o ..rouli. I 420 Liberty St., W lj Ir ^f . g - c h e | Ie y e S P F - C I A L I ! Ice over Jacobs' Clo'-hiug WINSTON. N. C.| ^ o r n itu r d | C f " ^ ro u L n ' : Furniture of a n y K.iij WILL PAY YOU T<| F. Huntley’s - H K S E L U S ^ - b s T - C L A S S F U R N I T l l I Right prices, stock always 426 a n d 42 S T r a d e Stj W I N S T O N , N . (1 ' W ' S e : YOU CO Winston, -CA LL O N - m O W N . T h e I e ^ bave a Ni<*e Line t»f pfelry and Silver Warcj and Kye (;ia.>ises, IlMiiring done while ymij lly insured for one y « i| Isuit the times. Yours for busines-s, BROWN. The , i Lilierty Street. Nel Robiert’sthegun n | Want Your ilCKENS, POTATO!] ONION.S AND ( | I FARM PRODUt K. 'Higli03t Mirket Pricos C'all on me v, l-.| YOU t:()MK TO . well Selected StocL riea A lw ays O n Yours to Ser- e, D. M. y i | S;ilisbr.r\, Nuri'-. ' M S M il h e , . . StA N D A lU ) R.Ml O F T H M S ^ 'rT II.j The Direct Lir.c to ij TEXAS, f^^VLIFdRNlA. FLORIDA, :’UBA AND PORTO I IS tric t'y F lis t i l.j Intent dn a il 'rin o u j P >1 T rains. Pullman Sleeping Car trains. Fast and Sail T ravel by th e >1 Xo;i are a.ss:ircd| fortablw ^uil ar Journey. ^.ppljr to Ticket Agentl bias. Rates and (4ei| mation; or adf -L. V E R K O N , T. P . A. C^h^rlotte, N. C. jHOTBOtiBLE TO A1(S niiilK t SAKWOS, I4T. & G*h Man. W. A. -Tllii Pj ^ A S : I G-Tfl i • l.u Twill, dark grou^ f ll and gray ttixtart |>ted round cnt. SpW , 50. PR IC E $2.20. tu 's Fine Suits of prsteds, Fincy Cheviotjl M eltons, ('hoiee of I I double brea.^tej coats I liardsom oly tailot«ij lily $10.00. lull at thisj lie 1-V C.r> AT S^fi.Ort. I’s Overcoats [IOM $2.25 T'P. r ^ j i T j j r j r A r j r ^ Wjt W SITA lllars. Cuffs, Sfarfo, . at prices that defy E D & C l Ix. r, ■ of Farmers' Warehi V’S BOX CALF; h 'S VX(T SHOES; Calf lined; 3 sola,^ r--’..->0, !S2.r.>. $3.00. |*-'..')0, $2.;,-., ^S.OO. AXD CHILDB pH O ES |<i CEXT3 TO M.30- |0 CEXTS TO «;5.50- XEW SHAPESJ. Joe STORE!, jwiXSTOX, X. C. :,Y « C E U T L rad! Fancy Pie^eSil rS E IIAXD.SO.AIK. _ r - a o o M s i n w | AXIJ EXTRA liKU'^ i;:cr>. TH A T W il.Ii a s t o x is h faill to give nicaca" need of auytbin;; >•' * u r n i t n r e IJ> HI', TO VOUJl W . W R I E H I . kU.-r, s a U SB C K ''- T he D avie R e c o r d . lot. 1-M OCKSVILLE, X. O. W EDXESDAY, XOVEMBER 29, 1899.Xo. ST.. I give such val„« „ Ardinarv- oe»bi«i„ ’ » ^ [th e 8t<wk of '‘W i lo f M « s„ . i b o l e s a l e m a i j ^ B d . |> of the hfffh M *’“« they have •e thesepa.st 3 ^ " ‘l« o.ooo.oo’^ i i ; . ^ , K or will need L ^ i take advantage of Bced belo* j ive our fnead.s. l O W I S T H E T I M E . SI'R’IM . IXDUC^KMEXtS Tfc) BtJYEES t o BEDUCE OUK PHESEXT STOCK. L . ^iii titid the work of a Dollar at our Store something wonder- «e liave dropped the prices Down ! UOVVX !! DOWJ. !!! „iil 1’ VY vou to look over oui' assortm ent. It will give yonr A feist iiiii your thousl»ts satisfaction, aud will show wav to prw iire just w hat you want and need ^ fo ra i„<r ou'.Uiy. \Ve keep up the Quality. W e k ^ p down the Price. L vou a rare opportunity to SAVE MONEY on your Shoes, Under- ^ V r[.>n? table and Glassware. Kitchen Furniture. Tinware, etc. Here nrice-? that vriil make you think you hare been paying too much a - j.. '^*<^’iiUrcir-« Undervcstt*. be. S c. lOc, 15c. eJ t!.,!;-.’- vifec^-lined Uadervyests, 15c. :2>c a j i:Tl.Tshiri::>. ir:. T>c, 40c >-Jc, 75c. Uiie’s rnioa Suits, Fieccu-lir.e*., 2->c and .>3c each 5c. each. : and 50c eu.ch. oii ditlKir to niake vliL'ir i^o. a lot. Co'Jie quic*.-. r ■* - 1 i.-av V. ali U-athor I'Jo'.r Shoes. I- ‘ V • '••cn' • xio_‘ S'!n.l:iv Suo- T.ru . or (.'oiiir.. a i-air; ' .. -*>; }).ii; an:’ Coe:-.- i'‘ .-<oe «.•-• \ mont^y i-.h'iivi ;>-i‘ i'-’'* 1*^'V ' ITjm*' tor yj'jr . , ' t t '-* f'.:*-' M: : I ' Tovi V.'ill lii.v •-? 1.1 •. . ! b. : » 'i'o Y ;*.nd Fancj* Cxoods''I o. r- |)rlcc' a.ii lii.\»ag^a the scoic. cJnio and look whether yo. 1 UobliVoVnov. X o troub'. ’ ^.o show ^oods. iicspecifully, N E W M A N & K I I G . 420 I-il>erty St., WIX.STOS, X. O. Franklin’s Old Stand GliKAT BARGAIirr, IN S.-i'OES. :a 3, avd 4 s t'lnt 'Vt t.av j oo mritiy of. and have mad^ [)H. F . G - C H E E K e y e S P r- C I A L IS T . act over ,Ti.:obs' Cljthiug- Store, ’,viN'sTt):r, y . T n i s s s e s ! Fa rn itu ra ! I l f T T O O - X L 3 3 d - Furniture of any K ind ' WILL PAY YOU TO SEE F . H u n t l e y ’s S t o c k , -----UK SELUS ------- hR.STCLAS.S FL'KXITUUE AT |tlii Riflit prices, sto6k always Complete. 426 and 42S Trade Street, WIN-.STON', X. C. w a i B i T r o r GO TO If you are iu iic-sd -'f a TKKSi' it will p:iy yon lo have a Perfect I Fit. I)R . V. O. T aO M reO X has had forty years,’ exrevieuce ii: Adjusting Trus.ses. He will Per­ sonally fit you at the Old KeliabU TH 051PS0X DRUG STORE, A'instou, X. C. D r . M . D . K im b r o u g ^ h , P h y s i c i a n an 'd S u r g e c n . OfUce, First door South of Hotel Davie, M O C K S V I L L E . N . C. B r . S . B . A n d e r s o n , ------DENTIST.------- Offlce: First Door South of Drs. M cGuire & Kimbrough. MOCKSVILLE, N. C. The Davie-Record, PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. K. H. M ORRIS, Editor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : One copy. One Year, - - - *1.00 One copy, Six MonthB, - . - 50 One copy, Three Months - - - 25 MocksviUe, N. G., November 29. T H E SU PR E aiE COURT. The State Snpi-eme Court appears fo have gone Republioan yesterday in all of the political cases before it.—Charlotte Observer. Tiie above is in line with Demo- •riitic incousistency, and is a little ■surprise to us that our usually fair Vieuil, Caldwell, .goes so strongly .^'‘cnK'cratic in the.'^e political cases. If one will lake tSse troulik- to Kik over !ho iilcs of Denjoeiiai • vapei-s for 1897, and see thqt this s;inie eonrt was lauded and highly .'ommended for deciding adversely to the claims of Populists and Re­ publicans, who were in the Siime position of our l>em(wratio friecds to-day. one will be able to judge ot their very great inconsistency iu such ci'.scs, and will reatlily see that it makes n big ditference whose o?. ;m gored. The opinion written by Judge lurches is concise ami to the point, '.nd while he may have committed ui indiscretion in alluding to (he I decision, but the motive actuatiu)' I the court should first be determ ine«l; and we should presume a good I rather than a bad motive, in ab­ sence of proof, Man is huiniin and liable to eri‘, but we should not be hai-sh iu passing judgm ent u])on others, for we all err at times. “ God reigns and the government still lives,” and we should, a.s good citizens, uphold law and order, and forever bless our forefathera for establishing a form of government that give-s to every man a remedy for every vrrong. And whenever the courts become subordinate to the other branches of the goveru- ineni, liberty, ju.- i ice and right will forever take their flight, .'lud an- i.rchy, chaos and revolution will reign snpreme. In fouclusion. may ‘ihe press of the State wield its power and infl.i- enc(- alv. iiys iu behalf of the right, reganlle.ss of political( cusequences. The rights, the liberties, and the welfare of the people is more im- porfant than the siiceets of any political party. AVe are now gi“.»vciy told, and it is emblaz(Mie;l npini the renords of our highest court, to go swinging down the ages with nu)re or less alarm to skittish generations yet unborn, that our courts have no right, implied, expre«se<l or winked at, to stay the execution of a bad act of a bad legisl.itive body; tliat the only relief the people as a body politic or as individuals ciui get is through other representatives elect- legislature.—; motives which actuatol the Legis- ^d to a succeeding laturc, we all know that he simply Morning Post, Dem. itated a fact—a fact which no one '<in truthfully controvert or deny. The very sjime rule applies to the former I.egislatnre, which attempl- ed to turn out Democrats aud iu- said Mis.s Mary, with fl twinkle ill her eye and without the slightest attem pt to get out of the way. Taking her nonchalance for a wo­ man’s consent, he gj-abbeil and kisseil her. She promptly whacked him on the cheek with her hand aud then, leaving the room and walking across the hall, said to her father, with the sweetest of sweet smiles: “ Papa, I ’ve been telling Mr. W ildman about 3'onr new gun and he asks if yon won’t show it to him .” ‘ ‘Certainly, with great pleasure, ’ ’ said Mr. Edwards, delighted to have .some one take an interest in his new pet. Picking up the gun he walked with expectant pleiisure into the parlor. Mr. W ildman was waiting, some­ what doubting the girl’s purpose. W hen the man with the gnu aime in the door Mr. W ildman’s doubts, acconipauied by Mr. W ild­ man himself, went out of the win­ dow without even taking the pre­ caution to raise the sash. Mr. Eilv.aids looked arouud at his daughter dumlt-fouuded. She laugheil till she could no longer Stand. Holding her heart in her | hands, she .said: “ Father, you must j be careful how you go at people with that gnu. Really, it 1 didn’t know you well, I shouhl have been sure several times you meant to 1 •shoot me with it. You must lie I more t-arehil. How am I ever to get married if you run my beaux off like that? Take the hoirid old gnn away.” Miss Mary and her mother ofteu talk, cotto voce, alwut guns, and laugh to Mr. Edwards’ discomfi­ ture. Mr. W ildman is still mi.ssing. T H E C O M F O R T . W r i t e t o u s o r C o m e t o s e e U s wlieii in town, or give hs a SPECIAL VISIT, it will pay you—you’ll find what von want here. Xot onlv onfe, bnt a BI(i ASSORTMEOT to '!ho(.se from, and the PRICES W E Q inyi’E W ILL OPEX YOUB EYES to the fact that You h av e been P.^vino too ml'ch f o r youU GOODS. To prove this call on us. Shoes. Shoes. I capes, jackets Etc. Liadies and MUaea* Calf Shoes, .%l.tK): Ladiesj( M e n ’s and Misses’ whole* stock shoes, $1;<)0 and $1.2oi Ladies’ soft Kanjraroo Kid Shoes, nektand stylish, worth $2.00,• our pfrice $1.25. ' Ladies’ and m en’s hand-welt Shoes, m ade by the best makers, $1.98. worth $2.75. Boy’s and Misses’ ^oOd ifervicealeb ^h6esi 50c and Too per pair. C’hUds’ Jackets— all sizes, 7*5c id $3.00 each. Ladies* Jackets. $2.50 and up: Ladies’ ('apes oOc and up; Ladieif heavy Underwear; 15c and up. NIen’s heavy Fleece-lined Under­ wear. 40c and up. Ladies’ Hkirts. T5c and upwards; Ijadies* Waists 25c and upwards. W e g n n ran tee to s:u e yo u at least 25 p er cent, on alm ve gooils,. IH EG O M FD R i i , N i C . , S d G r a p h o p h o n e s $ 5 -C ALL O N- I B R O W N . T he J ew ki."r . have a Nice Line of W atches, Itffelry and .Silver W are, Spet^ia-i lies and Kye (Jlasses, etc. Fine' [«p:iiriii5; done while you wnit and ■ I'llly iusiired for one year. Prices osuit the times. Yours for business, KROWX. T h e J ew e i .eu - HS Lll)erty .Street. Xext door to Rolierfsthegnn man. I have the agency for the Columbia Phonograph Co., and carry in stock at all times a nice lot o“f Grapho phones and Records. A Graphophonc Like This Cut lor §5.00. The Post Is the only Democratic paper which we have reaxl that lakes the same view of Justice Clark’s opinion that T h e R ecord holds. The courts are not infalli- (tall Populists aud Republicans iu i ble, neither is Ju.stice Clark or his Corlier OppoJiite Xew Po.stoffice. W IXSTOX, X(I&TH CAROLIXA THE RECORD—ONLY *1 A YEAR. their stead. If the court’s decis­ ions were legal and just tt-.en, they legal opinions. All that we cau wish or desire iu such matters, is are equally legal and just now; iu | that ju.stice be done, regardless of ither words, “ what is sauce for the ■^oc/se is sauce for the gander,” and no fair-minded man should criticise Ihe court for deciding a case ac- cordiiig to the jndgm ent of a ma­ jority of the court, especially when the decision is in line with the court’s former decisions in snch cases. Justice Clark, iu his dis­ senting opinion, steps beyond what we have all alon; parties or politics. H e who wants more is not honest with himself or ihe pc-ople. Justice and right, may it ever prevail, regardte.ss of the world, the tlesh aud the d ev il! A DOUBLE-BARRELLED JOKE. Y a d k i n V a l l e y INSTITUTE, BOOXVII.LE, X. C., Represents a high type of the pre­ paratory school. Uses the most ellicieut methods in education. Pre­ pares boys and girls for college and fits them for business and life. One of the best to infuse with energy, to wake up boys aud girls to the duties of life. Represented this year iu a half dozen leading col­ leges and universities. 208 stu­ dents from three States hist year. Xorth Carolina Students this fall all the way from the Caldwell line M c D O W E L L & R O G E R S , W i n s t o n ’s C h e a p C lo th ie ife i, -BUYERS FOR- i thought the Supreme Court was a i co-ordinate branch of the Stale I W a n t Y o u r E g g s , IICKEN.S, POTATOI-S, O.VIOX.S AXD OTHER FARM PllODUCK. pii Hijhsst Mirkst Prices Will be Paid f all on me v.hen YOi: COMK TO I'OW X. I wsU S elected S to c k o f G-rocSi- Ties A lw ays On H aii.’. YuMrs i.) Ser- e, I>. M. y iL L E R , Niiri'i .'ai-clina. !Mr. Jonathan Edwards, of Ashe­ ville, is a very sucx-essfnl b\isiness^ou the west to Jones aud Bertie man and an enthusiastic sportsman, counties on the east. Expenses thought was true rjg lately lionght for himself a new average ouly $40 per term of five i of the jurisdiction and power of a i gnn, :md while inipaticutly waiting months. Competent teiichersj firm ‘ Supreme Court. W e have all along ’ for I he season to open he would get discipline, thoroughness in all ' ' out his new gun, handle it with af- thijgs. (Jood reading room and fection and /liscoui'se on its m erits' excellent liteiary societies. Stu- ! and its beauty until his wife and dents cau enter at any time and j government, and that when tlie ex-: especially his fair daughter, Mary, iind suitable classes. Our catalogue i ecntive or le"-islative departm ents; became weary of even the sul>jei-t tells of the lociition, life, aim. and iexceefled its luithority, the couit;<'f '*««'• ‘lisc,over- what it meiius to a boy or girl to 1 ■ ' , . , , ■, ... ,i,„ i„„. ing that his gun was not iis inter- attend school here. Spring term 1 stepped IU and laid down the la • others as to himself, he will open January S, 1900. The j The M-. sic W.OO per dozeiu?.n.00 half- In other words, each branch is i-o- „„iy to make progress of the school has beeu dozen. When you visit Winston call pj-jgjeyt a„d is indepeudert of the him iiriug it out for exhibition v. ith rapid, and for the pa.st six yeai-s, in<lfrthe present nianagem eut.it iias been broailening its field and When you visit Winston call in at the "Big W atch.” and see thtse wonderf. 1 talking machinea, and anj'- tiiiiig in he Jewelry line. FR ED . N. I>.\Y, Jew eler. SO''TEERM 3 MAMMOTH STORES. 3 W E SELL FOR LESS, BECAUSE W E BUY C H «A P^S 'FIIAX SMALL DEALERS, S O M B S P E C IA L S i 300 Suits at $350, $500 Mfl $650, WORTH $.">.00 TO' $3.00; 860 SUITS §7.50 TO #10.00, WORTH «T1.C(0 TO *13.00. 150 Overcoats, $2.50 to $6.50, worth $3.75 16 $10,00.- 300 OVERCOATS, $7.-50 to $12.50, Worth $20.00 to $18.00. If you have Ijought of us you know us; if you haven’t you Should try us, and leirn your Siiving, g r e a t Y aL I'E S ill Hats, Shirts, Tit's, and Underwear. 6®-D on't F orget th e ftace' w hen Y ou Com6 to W inston- ^ other, aud the constitution is the pleiisure. supreme law of the hind, and | Supreme Court is vested with the^ somewhat at arm s’ lew gia-oi: power to construe the aets ot the^ ix were. Mi.-s Mar\ I others. If this be not true, the, bad a loviii.i: lipf'rt. a sparkling pyt i Ipf i-slative branch of the govern- a td a keen t'Onse of iinmor. ITei ment could pass any kiud of law, J ' l a S and the axeentive, on the other jjj. hai. l, could usurp the rights of the jifj, jjdwarus nude themselve otlu./’.AO branches, aud there would c<mifortable in * sitting roon l>e iio remedy, save a resort to forc« across the hall. ^ audrevolntion. TheSnprem eCourt; ‘‘I * ; is the arbiter of all disputed points ,jare,’’ .aid th . young! I arifiiuf? brtween theother bnuiches, lady, **i’ll ceitainlv make vou re I rroup and Disordered Liver. It cures ' land wheu the cour.s excee l t*>cir gret it^ ’ ' . . j ^ I constitutional rights, a remedy is Bi;, I am {,olUo to, Qeo-gc E. Hunt, Lexington, N. C ., to kiss you,’’ said raising its standard until now it stan is among the foremost of Xorth !:irolina prepar.-itory schooJo. Its rupulation is more than local. You w ill be plc.ised with onr thorough vork aud attractive location. Send \ tor 50-page illustrated catalogue, vddre-^isi;. « . HORX, P rincipal,, i’oouville. X. C. ! Judge Hunt’s Consumption ; and Bronchits Cure. , ; pro\ id^d. lu our i'mm of gvn erii-: ir.ieut, no branch cau usurp the^ Er32!'.iu£i cn Single Barrel Srs 2 0 hjp„„-ei.s .,ud rights of the other, i D A TT ITT’ A V Loa'ding Gtin, - $6.50 1 ^yjthout placing itself in a position it AlLl W A 1 • i • ■ • ■ : to be dealt with by one or the other l^ided Shells, .*55c a box. : Ti,e legislative branch cau , Shot, 7c. per pound. expel one of its own members; it, Pri:ncrs, J2c. a box. i.s “ Bi'.t I renllj am going to, Mr. Vt'il liiian. “ If you do I ’ll g I tell papa Pricc 50 cents per bottle, i For sale by C. C. Sanford.i A NIGS ROCKER GIVEN AW AY. |t h k , .. KTAXDAI!!) r a il w a y OVTHKSO im i. The Diifct Line to El! Points. I 'ri.XAS, I » AL1I.'0RX1A. J'T-ORIDA, t'CBA AND PORTO RICO. S tric t'v F i i s t ( la.*«s K q u i|v iiieiit on a il T h ro u g h an d Ln- <^'11 I'rain s. i’ullman Sleeping Cars onall X ight Trains. Fast and .Safe achedulets.- Travel by th e Southern and jo a are assiired aS afe, Uoirt- lortahje iiud an Bxpediitous JouriiHy. Apply to Ticket Agents for Time ^a- blss, Rates and Gerieral Infdl:- mitioaj or addfes# • 'F. R. liARBY, T. P. A. c. F*. & T. A. C harlotte, N .c. Asheville X.C, I gale b SOTEODBLE TOAKSWER QDEStl(t#S. throughout the m i« g. Gmos, it cbxiP. ^V. n & Gen Xan. Traf. Kan.- W. A. T nii P. P. A. ^ A s : i GT< N . r ; branch. expel one of its own ! can inii>each the governor or th e ' All O ther Goods Kq«->1!.V :j„dges ot our courts. The wisdom F . >/i. ■ROBKI.TS, :of our lathers in thus providing * \’ST( >N'' y ^ ' meaus of checking and holdingejich ' * ' * ■ branch of the government within reiisouable Iwuuds, is the bulwark W h a t H b o K t t h a t S t o v e y o u i> ro n ii:ic d t o b u y t h i s f a l l ? We still have left more t'ian a cai'-load, although our Stove sales have beeu immense foJ" the past 60 days. r W H E A T A N D G R A SS C R O P S .; safety and lil)erties. Accord- A U i s o n & A d d i s o n ’s —H IG H GRADE— FERTILIZERS. ^•STAB BRAXD” GUAXO, “ MciGAVOCK” M IXTURE, *‘B. POT.VSH M IXTURE, ACID PHOSPHATE. jing to Justice Clark’s opinion, the ‘ legislative branch is snpreme, aud j ! the courts have no right to inter-; ;fere with a law passed by that! ! august body. The constitution can j be overturned, laws cau be passed dppriving pereons of tbeir rights, j their property aud liberties, aud we must submit, aud wait for a subsetjueut Legislature to right the wrong done by a former Legisla- We ® Mnratla Btose oat tMs lot ol sto?es; 6. by Januaryv.ist:^ and lo ilo this We w'ill give a n ic e $1 . 5 0 r o c k e r f r e e with every Stove we sell for the next TEX days. Xow don’t wait, but come aud get ohe, for after ten days we will stoji. giving the Rockef. with Stove. Just received c a r l o a d s o f c h e a p . a n d m e d i n m f t f r a i t t i r e GLASCOCK & SONS, I m . C .. I F O U I T O E R S A N D M A C H I N I S T S . . Miihnfacturers of Turbine W ater Wheels, The f'AROLIN'A COOK ! ■ STOVE, Heating Stoves. Coal Grates, Counfry Hollow W are • Plow s, Plow Castings aiid Feed Cutters. I SPECIAL CASTIXGS OF A.W DKCRIITIOX. Us Guaranteed iu Every BeFj-eft Agerttg Itate Send for Circuiare. A L L K O K & A P D IS O jf. used in Virgima ;!i^ its use on the , pot feel disposed to act; then ! erdiJn Has given great satisfacti«n in " . , . « i North CdrtflJna Mr the last two years, where is your' rem edj't I)orce aud generally revolution seeuM the only rem edy; ' In such a case, j Xo on« will gainsay the-right o f; the people to complain and criticise and we caii saw .yon 2o per cent, we wijl sell you. Come and see us add . Every Article Manufacturedby I K, H . MORRIS, Agent.. at MOCKSVILLE, Jf, C. Hou5e, Stoniemire & Company, Fli-rttichyirginiaH^arolina r%^mical,_^(.KXTRAt KOTEL, SALISBUKY, X. C, G e t a R e c o r d P r e s e n t . s® . OXE DOLLAR PAYS FOR TH E PA PER AXD 2 TICKFTTi. < dirij»;iny( Kijchmond,'Vai I BMTM WIN i BATTLE. General M ethuen’s Relief Column Defeats the Baers N ear Belmont. I HEAVY LOSSES ON BOTH SIDES. I In Bolecting a Sewing M achine, pick out the one that rnns the lighteBt, news the fastest, makes the least noise IB m ost durable, will not break the thread if rnn backward, will not pack­ er the lightest fabricB, has patent (.pool wire, automaUc tention release ball bearing, etc. THE WHEELER & WILSON possesaes all the above points of ra- periority oTcr aoy other make. Costs DOtbiDg to exam ioe ouv. F or Bale by E . J. BOW EN, _______•WiPBtou, N. C. . , TRY THE . . "N EW HOME’’ SEWIKBM&GHINE. WRITE FOR G jR O U U iB S£?S“i t ^ S Sewinr Machines we manufacture and their pnces before you purchase any other. T 8 E K E W H Q K 1E SE W IN G M I C illliE G O ., O R A X G E , M A S S , s;tTnlcw&inaie,N.Y. Chl«uro,llL St Urals. Jlo. p >!!■«, Saa Fnu>d8CO,CiiUjli|^iHiiiiU, Gv FOR SALE By Free tuition. We one or more free schol­arships in every coauty in the U. S. Write us. Will accept notesfortuition or can deposit money in bank until position is seoircd. Car fare paid. ^ >.*o Tucatiott. En- iP o sH io n s... S u a r a n ie e d Under reasonable conditiofii.... ter at any time. Open for both scses. Cheap beard. 5endfor illustrated___ ________ catolocne. Address J. F. Dhaugho:i, Pres't, at either place. D r a u g H o n ’s P r a s ^ i s a l ^ . . . B t j i s i n e s s . . . . Nashville, Tenn., d» Galvestcn, Tex., Savannah, Ga., ^ Texarkana, Tex. The , . ,schools of the kind in the world,__________ ^^roHLsafonesiu the South. Indorsed b>’bauk-- ers, merchant's, iniuisters and ethers. Four weeks in bookkeepiue Trith os are equal to twdve weeks by the old plan. J. F. Dmughon, President, is autlior of Dtaughou’s 2Cc\r Svrtem of Bockkecping, “Double Kntry ilade Eojy.” Motae study. We hare prepared, for home stndv. books on bookkeepin|r. pei-nianship aod shorthand. Write for pnce list “Home Study.'* Extract. “Prof. DaAUonox—I learned book­ keeping at home from your books, while holding a position as ni;rht telegraph operator.”—C. R lBFFixotrnt.1^ rooiik«jper for Gerber 4k •Wholesale Grocers, South Chicapc. III. {.MenUon this paper zvkeu SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Tlie BrUisU Victory Won Only After lionjs and Hurd FiffUtiOff — Three lUdffOS in Sacscislon Taken— Deci- Blve Bayonet Chargfi by the Guard*- Tho I-ack of Cavalry, LOXDOK (By O.ible).—The Secretary ot War has received the following dispatch throagh General Porostier-Walker from General Methuen, datod Belmont, Noveai- ber23: “Attacked tho enemy at daybreak tlils morning. Hewaslnatrongposltlon. Three ridges were carried in suecosslon, .the last attact being prepared by shrapnel. Infan­ try behaved splendidly and received sup. port from the naval brigade and artillery. The enemy fought with courage and skill. Had I attacked later I should have bad far heavier losses.“Our victory was complete. Have taken fortv prisoners. Am burying a good num- of the Boers, but the greater part of the enemy’s killed and wounded were removed by their comrades. Have captured a large number of horses and cows and destroyed a large quantity ot ammunition.” The British losses as officially reported were three officers killed and twenty-two wounded. Including General Fetherstone- haugh; llfty-six men killed, 13<» wounded and tweuty-two missing. The Boers lost heavily, and forty prisoners were taken, besides a great quantity of stores. This victorj' is of special importance, be- ; cause it is the first blow dealt by tbo Brit­ ish force, acting purely on the offensive, and is part of the development of tho Brit­ ish plan of campaign. General MetUuen, after the battle, ad­ dressed the troops, saylog: “Comrades, I congratulate you upon tho complete suc­ cess you have achieved. Tho ground over which you have fought presents o.xeep- tlonal dlfllcultle.s, and the enemy yvere past masters In mounted infantry tactics. With troo’:s such as you a commauder cuu have no fear of the re.^ult. There is u sad side, and you and I are thinking jis much oC those who died for the honor of their country and ot those who are suCfering as wo are thinking of our victory." From the few details which have reached Cape Town of General Methueu’s* light it appears that Boers from Fin- cham's Farm shelled uu advance body of the British, and the British artillery was pushed forward and shelled a bill whicbtho British subsequently occupied, capturing two guns. The Boer casualties were thirty men killed and wounded. The Boer main column left Fiucham’s Farm during tho afternoon and camped live miles ahead. At daybreak the foUow- lug moruing tho Boers Jlred from tho hilis, 1000 yards distant, on tho Brlti.sh advjince force. Other troops were then pushed up and the engagement became general. The British artillery mado excellent prac­ tice and silenced the Boer guns. Then two battalions of the Grenadier Guards and the Northumberland lleglment stormed the heights at the point of tho bayonet. Cross­ ing tho lire zone amid a storm of lead tho Guards and Korthumberlauds pushed up the incllae and reached the summit, doing groat execution with their bayonets and capturing the laager, with guns, equipment, prisoners, cattle and sheep. The entire position was carried by 8 o’clock, the cavalry, consisting of tho Ninth Lancers and mounted infantry, pur­ suing the flying Boers. Thus far tho special dispatches describ­ ing the battle of Belmont bearu stereo* typed character, proving that tho band of the'censor bad been at work upon them. They are too incoherent to enable the reader to form an accurate Idea, of tho bat­ tle or to place a proper estimate upon tho value of the victory. The position of Mafeklng is beginning to be regarded with anxiety, In view of the impossibility of Lord 3Iethueu being able to relieve the town for some time to corny. T H E N E W S E P IT O M IZ 'ID . Waa]i*Bffton Item*. The Industrial Commission will send two .«ub-eommis9loner.s1ntotlie.Soutb andWe.st to inquire into all topics thb commission is cc&^dering except that of trusts. mpresentatlve Bankhead, ot Alabama, is an aspirant for the minority leadership of the House. The Postmaster General bos extended domestic rates of postage to Porto P.lco, the Philippines and Guam. The PrMldent Issued a proclamation ex- tending tho benetlt of the Copyright act to the Netherlands. Daniel .McMartrle. a liledical Director In the United States Navy, retired June 18, 1808, is dead. The Methodist Missionary Committee bos made an appropriation of S2000 for a church in tho Philippines, to be expended under tbo direction of the Bishop ot India. Eear-Admiral Bradford, of the Kaval Board, said that Congress would be re­ quested to supplv an appropriation for further trials of the Marconi system of wireless telegraphy. The annual report of General Bufflngton, Chief of Ordnaueo, shows that the expen­ ditures for the year ending June SO. 1899, fortliH Ordnance Bureau amounted to ^23,- 796,785. Oar Adlipted I»Iands. In flve days’ flschtlng near Iloilo four Americans were killed and twenty-Uve wounded. There are 1135 miles of railway In Cuba, 551 miles of which are controlled by British companies. Hawaii is making big purchases of agri­ cultural machinery, pumping plants and engines. Bailroad building is developing that island. Colonel We.'jsels scattered a battalion of Insurgents near Santa Ana, in Luzon Prov­ ince. killing four and capturing fifteen men and thirty-six guns, without loss. Colloctor Bliss at Havana has ordered that packages and articles Intended as presents for American soldiers in Cuba shall be admitted free of duty. Private George D. Lee, of Auburn, N. Y., a member of Company B, Eleventh In­ fantry, stationed at San Juan, Porto Kico. was murdered by a native, who stabbed him through the heart. 8EBEIS A ll DISPE8SED. General Otis Describes th e Situation in Luzon. f i n a n c i a l s t a t e m e n t , ;resting in. peace. THE FIGHTING AROUND ILOILO. tloineRtlc. The Board of Health of Montclair, X. J.. Is making every effort to stamp out what may be a serious diphtheria epidemic. The cornerstone of the now Ojitbolic chapel at West Point, N. Y., for cadets was laid with appropriate ceremonies. Tho body of Major Guy Howard,who was killed ia action in the Philippines, reached 8au Francisco on the transport Belgian King. The body wns sent to Omaha for In­ terment. Fifty physicians hare been engaged by the School Board .of Chicago to make a medical inspection of the pupils In the public schools. This in.^pection is ir-tend- , ed to minimize tho spread of disease In the schools. Charges of “conduct unbecoming a min­ ister" have been preferred acalnst the Rev. Thomas Carson Hanna, of UnioirCIty, Conn., by two young women, members of bis congregation. It was olBcially announscd that the Dewey arch in New York City will continue to bear the Admiral'.s name. James McManes, who voluntarily paid the 9600,000 debts ot the People's Bank ot Philadelphia, Is dead. The United States Circuit Court, in New York City, dcclded that tho Equitable Life Assurance Society need not divide its $60,- 000,000 surplus with policy holders. The members of the Executive Commit­ tee ot the National Democratic Committee, which mot in Chicago are almost a unit in declaring for an early compalgn, and the National Convention next year may be called as early as March. The much discussed Fowler-Cba.se ca^o wascompromlsedand tho insanity proceed­ ings in the Circuit Court at Lafayette, Ind., were dropped. Young Chase will come in- SUICIDE OF A KERO. Condensed Sehedale of Pa««f»nrer TralM . In Eilect Juno 11th, 1699. Vorthbonnd.No.13 XHOly Lt- Atlanta, C. T. •• Atlanta. E.T.“ Norcrosa......** Buford.........“ GriaesTille...•* Lola............. " Cornelia....... Ar. M t Airy ...... Lv. Toccoa......... “ Westminster** Seneca......... ** Central ........■“ (ireeavine... *• fipartanbnrg. “ G a f f n e js ........." Blacksburg.. " King’s Mt.... “ Gastonia...... Lt. Charlotte.... At . Greensboro.. I«T. Greensboro.. A t .Norfolk........ Ves- iNo.lSlFcUKl No. 38! Ex. No. 36 7 5 0 1 1 2 00 m i ilO(i& a l '“ i l ? UU) pi JUS) p uu >iTi5’p :::: 1033 . 1U58 a 1123 a 113Ja ......... 1153 a i{ S3 nj 12Slml ^ W5:ipi Udp 387p 4-2>}p 4Sdp fiCUp 5125 p «5»p 8 18 p . 9SSpl0 47 p 485? 5:j5p 6 2 8 p 7 0 8 p 7 4B p 8 lO p »SSp 840p OOSp 8 23 pj! 6 13 p f. 6 46 p '. “ ' P •ro-i A r .D a a v il le .........I 1 2 5 p 11 56 p ..............1 2 2 p A r. B I c h m o n d .. .0 0 0 a 6 00 a |..............U S p Ar.Washinfton..'......... Baltin’oPP.B.......... “ Philadelphia. ..- New York -^atfatwasd. 11M : 12 5U ; IS ) ; 2 'a ' 26U I *'lSrave liUl** Anthonr. of tli« IMuine Klllx Himself. New Yock Cnv (Special).—William An­ thony, widely known as ‘‘Brave Bill" An­ thony, the marlno orderly whose coolncss when the Maine wa.« going down under kis feet to the bottom ot Havana Harbor made him famous, committed suicide by taking a lethal dose of cocaine In Central Park. The man who in that terrible emergoncy could say to Captain Slgsbee without the quiver of an eyelash, saluting tho while as if discipline were the only thing on earth worth caring much about: “Sir, I havo the honor to inform you that tho ship has been blown up and is sinking," could not endure the ordinary trials of life with that patient fortitude which marks many a hero of an­ other kind. 043 8U) _ 10 15 a) 12 43m Kst.Ml Ve». Ko. 35 No. 87 l>aitv. Daflr. Lt. W. 12 Id 6 “ Philadelphia.j 8 50 a “ Baltimore.-..! S a ♦' Va3lUagton..|ll 15 d: Lr. Richmond ...' isTlna p 653 p 921) T> 10 45 p ......... 11 u> p'nOOp Lt. Danville .. I4T. Korfolk. I 602 p No.ll Dsily I 6 1 0 : Ar. Uroensboro.. LT.Green.sboro..! 7 2i p 7 03 a Ar.Charlotte ....:iOCO p 9 25 aLt. Gastonia......'10 4!) pilO 07 a •• Kiiig’s ...........i........... wj nisbars ..iJiyi p ;10 4) a* GaifoeyA......1143 p JOSp.*irtanbtirg “ (xrecnvUlt.;•• Central......... “ Keneoa......... “ Weslniinsrer. “ Toccoa......... “ Ml. Airy ...... “ Cornelia........“ Lu’a ............. “ Gajue.srtlle. .Buford.........•• Korcrosy......Ar. Atlanta, E. T. Ar. Atlpnta.aT, to possession of more than a halt-million estato without further resistance. Statistics fust given out by the State au- thorltle.'! .show that while crlmo among the women of Colorado Is rapidly decreasing tlie number of female insane is growing at a rapid rate. The window gla'i? jobbers, who have been in .session iu Now York City, formed au association dividoil iuto Eastern and West­ ern sections. Lady Salisbury, tho wifrt of the British Premier, died at Hutlleld House. Tho Porie has addressed notes to the Powers rademnndiog the siippriisslon of the foreign postotllces in Turkov. Ifc is not be­ lieved the demand will be met by alflrma- (ive action. Lucinda Murohy was taken to Bellevue Hospital in New York City suffering from a peculiar form ot aphasia. She has 2ost the power of speech, but can understand all that is said to her. ThoKev. Donald McLeod, pastor ot the Central Presbyterian Church ot Meadvllle, Penn., has accepted tho pastorate of tho First Presbj'teriau Church of Washington, to succeed Dr. Talmoge. Groat crowds cheered the men of the Forty-flrst llegiment, U. S.V.. as the trans­ port Logan left her pier at New York Cltv bound for Manila. President of the Insarsent Concress Gives Bim seir Up — Acnlnaldo*B So-called Government No l.oneer Has Any Claim to ISxistonce, General OUs Says^Ita Officials Are Frisoners. Washington, D. C. (Special).—General Otis’s dispatch summarizing the situation and announcing the practical breaking up of the insurgents, gave much pleasure to tho War Department officials. In his dis­ patch General Otis says that the insurgent Government can no longer claim to exist, its troops and oiQcials are scattered, and Aguinaldo In biding. The dispatch fol­ lows: “Manila. “Claim to Government by insurgents can be made no longer under any fiction; its Treasurer, Secretary ot Interior, and President ot Congress In our hands; its President and remaining Cabinet officers In biding, evidently iu different central Luzon provinces; its Generals aod troops in small bands scattered through these provinces acting as banditti or dispersed playing the role of amigos with iirms con- “Indicatlons are that Aguinaldo did not escape through the Iine.>i of Lawton or Wheaton, but fled westward from Bayam- ibang railway station. Telegraphic com- 'munlcatlon to Dagupan established, prob- jably to San Fabian to-day; by relaying •nine miles ot track witli material at hand ■railway communication to that point re­ established, labor ot troops must attend maintenance.” Further details of tho sharp engage­ ment between Carpenter’s command and the insurgents In Iloilo reached the War Department in the following dispatch from General Otis, datod Manila; “ In Panay, 21st in.«^t.. when Dickman drove enemy vicinity Jaro, Carpenter with two battalions, Eighteenth Infantry and Bridgman’s battery had severe engage­ ment at Pavia, nortli Iloilo. His casual­ ties weroflvo killed, twenty wounded, now in Iloilo Hospital, others slightly wounded with command; enemy driven north with reported very heavy loss; particulars not received. Carpenter passed on to in­ surgents’ stronghold, Santa Barbara, which he captured 22d inst. without loss. Nothing received frcm column under im­ mediate command Hughes, which is mov­ ing rapidly and operating north and west of Santa Barbara. Apparently Yisayans friendly, not taking active part: enemy consists of two thousand Tagalos." A. later dispatch from General Otis gives the results of the Qgbting ac Iloilo a.s fol­ lows: “Hughes, Iloilo, reports enemy driven back Into mountains: insurgent capital, Cobatuan, captured. Only serious action that of Carpenter at Pavia: total casualties, flve killed or since dead of wounds: twenty- seven wounded: captured ten prisoners, eighteen cannon, sis rifle.s, quantities ol ammunition. Enemy's <‘asualtlos not stated." * The dispatches from General Otis were laid before tho Cabinet by Secretary Koot, and there was a general expression ot sat­ isfaction over the vigor with which the campaign is being prosecuted. MILLER'S "SYNDICATE" COLLAPSES. SezD^ationnl Knd of a Speculative SnUcine Which CaQRlit Many I'ersouK. Ni:w Youk City (Special).—Tho Franklin Syndicate of Brooklyn, the wonderful ten- per-cent.-a-wodk game, the greatest spoitu- lative scheme of i)lunder within the pres" ent generation, has tumbled into ruins. William F. Miller, twenty-thtecj years old, the promoter of the diu;zliug ontor- prlze, was Indicted by the Kings County Grand Jur>* on tho charge of conspiring to defraud. With him, on a like charge, wa.n indicted Cecil Leslie, his pre.ss agent. Miller vanished from tho syndicate Itead- fjuarters, No. 144 Floyd street, Brooklyn, iiboutnoon. Detectives searched for him, but thyy announcod at night that he wa.«j a fugitive from justice. Louis Miller, brother of William, was ar­ rested at fl.30 at the ofilco of the syndicate. About 58500 In cash which had been taken In during the -day was found secreted un­ der a sofa in the apartments ot MUs Annie Gorloy, No. 142 Floyd street. She said W'illlam F. Miller had told her to put It there. The astonishing feature of the whole scheme is the stolid conlldence repo.sed in Miller by hi.s dupes to the very last. All day and until D.80 p. m.'the victims thronged Floyd street, denounciog the newspapers and the court officials, and loudly proclaim­ ing their fiith in Miller. Miller’s Franklin Syndicate will 'llvo in bistory as the greatest swindle since the Grant A; Ward failure. W’lthin two weeks 3IIller has sent $45,000 to relatives in Germany. His father, a 1 shoe salesman, still lives in a cheap flat. r h e R eport S h o w s H eavy In-^iease [;;> E xpenses. A corrected copy of the penitentiary financial statement has been sent the State Treasury Department. One or the officials there said; “ On one sid.i of this report appears a charge for making sea inventory of a farm and on the other side a credit tor taking an inventory. This none of us can un­ derstand. Here tis a statement show­ ing the cost of the management and clerical labor per month before this year and this year. It used to he $298 for a superintendent and a clerk. N ow it is $S09, the latter including superin­ tendent, purchasing agent, stenosia.- pher, clerk, book-keepei- and execative board. The penitentiary this year got at least $35,000 from last year’s pro­ ducts. The expenses of running things this year as compared with last year are as 7 to 3.” J__________ U nknow n Jlan Killed. A horrible accident occurred on the railroad trask at Twelfth street in Charlotte Saturday night. A young unknown white m an was literally ground to pieces trader the car wheels. •Turt how he came to his death is not and never will be knmvn, but investi­ gation made by the railroad authori­ ties discovered that the m an was struck by a shifting engine at Twelfth street, and was dragged from there to the Gingham Mill, a distance of several hundred yards. Receipt In Full. Mr. E . C. Beddingfield Saturday wound up his connection with the North Carolina Corporation Commis­ sion. Dr. D . H . Abbott, the Supreme Court appointee, called on Treasurer Worth and presented his claim for back salar.v. Treasurer Worth con­ sulted Governor Russell, who advised him not to pay the claim. H e refused accordingly. Dr. Abbott thereupon made demand upon Mr. Beddingfield for the salary the latter had drawn for his services as commissioner. Mr. Beddingfield paid over the money and took a receipt from Dr. A.bbott in full. Fever P atien ts Im proving. It is learned that the fever patientsi at the Greensboro Normal College are. with tv.'0 or three exceptions, improv­ ing. For the past week, says the Greensboro Record, nurses have been | in demand at the Normal and sc*ores of '■ the best women in Greensboro— young i girls and mature matrons— have do-' nated their services and take night I about helping in the work. The ^ thought of contracting the disease | does not enter into their calculations.: Semaifls of Vice-President Hobart Interred Saturday. SIMPLE SOLEMNITY OF FUiNERAL. T ribute to th e flem o ry of th e G reat S tatesm an, W ho Died T uesday of L ast W eek. Chapel Hill Iron M ine. It is learned that the new machinery ordered some time ago for G e n ,; Hoke's iron mine near Chapel Hill has arrived and is being put in as fast as possible. The main shaft is nearly 100 feet deep. Capt. Lawton, who i.s in charge of the mine, says the ore will average nO per cent, of pure iron. The cie from this mine is sent to the furnace at Greensboro to bs smelted. With iron at its present high price the mine i.-? understood to 1)8 paying handsomely. Henry Tate shot Sheriff Evan Bledsoe, : Tonesvllle, Va. Young Tate was the son of j John G. Tato, who was killed by Bledsoe ; over politics a few days ago. I THE PUBLIC WITH DEWEY. 7 87 » 12 05m 112p 188p203p .........224 pi.......315p 430 i>> « X 7 . Ex. Sen. ToTa 6U0a 6350 C57 a 7S 9 a m a 8 2 7 aes-i 8 830 • 12 20 a:ll 34 a 1 25 n ,l 2 a ) p •><».........I........ J533 p 2 23 a; I p 5 45 p ................................... 6 0 3 p a n a 2 fS p fiSOp .............1.............. 712p.........1 SCO p 718p 4(S al 3 1S p 7 38p 4 30 a- a U7 n! 8 28 p ^ ^ a ..............i S40 p 5 2.> a ..................! U 15 p R 10 a; 4 p'lOO O p _____________- a 10 a. 3 £5 pi OOP p , "A" a. m. "P" p, m. •“il" aoi.u. “N”'nisht. Npw York aadMemphis. TM W a^nc.oa..4tlantB andEirm iarham . a S T fov^rA % 4 J^‘BBAKY OBSERVA- S sS ? between A tlanta and New York. Rrstcla.s3iborough»are coaches between Wash* ington and Atlanta. D iulagcars liorveall meali « i route. PuUcm adrawine-room sleepinecart between Greensboro and Norfolk. Clos»< eon n a tio n at N orfolk for OLD POINT COMFORT. 33—L u lle d S ta te s F a s t M a J r e n s s o h d .•d tw e e n W a s h iu c to a a n d N e w Ow leaau. % -ia^uthera E.iilway. A, & W . P. B. 11. •nd tu & K. BL, iKjiujr composed of baggast car and coaches, throui'h wi'.tout change for pas6cnpers,of all clo-sses. Pullman diSvSJ Bleepmg cars between New York and ^ \v Orlea^. V3 Atlanta and Montgomery and^twceu t^rJotte aod Blmincham. Also Drukving Room Buffet SleepiarCara ^a.«hlupton each Tuesday and P rid ar a ^JunsK sle^ riDi? car will ro a through between J^a.^!ngioa and San Fi ancisco w lthoat ehangft Dm m g tw s .serve all m eais en-ont« fcCJaoga ‘BEAVE BILL" A35TH0NT. (Hero ot the Maine who committed suicide in New York City.7 la onu of his pockets was fotind a letter addressed to bis aunt. Mrs. Edward Krletsch, in which Anthony said hewn.s dis­ consolate and discouraged, and was going to end it all. A photograph ot a good look­ ing woman, who it wa^ said is Anthonv’s wife. WHS also found in bis breast pocket, On ic was written, “Bury this with me.” It was a patbctic ending for a man who > could light a mortal enemy with a lion’s I courage, but who could not face tlin slings I and arrows ot tbo new and .strange life in- f to which be audtlenly was thrust. Sol- i dierly discipline for thirty y^ars was so { strongly in contrast with a I«5\v months on I a dlzay pedestal that hi.^ bniiu reeled and ' ho could endure the e.'viatence no longer, 1 ItuKHia to .Send Troops Kast. ! It is reported that 10,000 troop.s will soon start from Odessa to reinforce liussian gar­risons In the Far East Kills a Girl and Jllmeeir. The body oi Silas White, who murdered his sweetheart, Ithoda Jackson. noarElk- ton.Md., was found In a clump of bushes near the scene of the murder. White, who was twenty-flve years old and ot good fam­ ily, shot the girl throuRh the head. She begged tor mercy, put tho murderer shot her twice. \ Cmiser Charleston a Total Losi. Beports received at Washington Irom Captain Lentze, commanding the naval station at Cavite, show that there is no nope of saving the wrecked cruiser Charles­ton. .g ca n PRANICS. aA^-NO^^ J. 3LCni» G e n . ItffT ., T ra ffic 5 ^ B*r W a.sLington, D. C. ^aahiaeS £aa» W A. TLSK . S .H .H A S ^!ck: * Aia’lGo'lPa«j.A*’t. Boer-Britlsh War 3(otes. The military f .rvor which has seized the British nation shows no signs of abote- ment. The British Admiralty has chartered the Dominion Line steamer Canada for use as a*troopahlp. protests against the action of a British warship in firing on the Cordoba*. Captain Percy Scott, of the Britisli cruiser Powerful, has been appointed commander ot the troops at Durban, ^utal. The Manchester Guardian states that CoioDel Ian Hamlltoa has been recom­ mended for the Tiotoria Cross for his .bravwy to tbo fighting at Elondslaagte. F o r e is m . The trial of the torpedc boat destroyer Viper, intended for the British navy, has proven extremely satisfactcn'toher build­ ers and others interested in her .success. The Viper is a vessel of £25 tons, while nor engines can develop between 10,000 and 12,000 horae power. United .States Consul-General fitowe. at Cape Town, has received information that the British prisoner.^ In Pretoria jire well fed, and that there is do truth in the state­ ment that they are snfforlcg iron scurvy. Mr. Chambnrlain, Colonial Secretary, "Isited Windsor and held interviews with Kmperor William and membersof his stalT. The Cameroon scandal Invc'.ves Ameri­ cans asbenonciaries of the Ciern'.an Colonial Office’s gifts of the vast tracts of territory. Four hncdred Dervishes were killed In tho Soudan In an engagomon*: with an Angio-Egyptian force under General Win­ gate. A Portuguese force hr.s "ont* to Gnxa- ' laud, otht'twiso known as Sloisetter, Sourli Afriea, where tlie natives arc rcporttnl tj ; bo defiant. Ke-enforcenient.s are expected : from Lisbon within two weeks. , Tho Franco-Chincse frontier of Xwaog- i Chao-Wan bos been delimited so that • France secures two islands commanding ' the entrance of the b»v Everything i.s quiet in the Samoan Isl- ‘ ands. The British cruiser Pylades left i Apia for Sydnfy, N. S. W., carrying Former King ?.[.'tl|Hioa Tanu as a passenger to the ! FJjfs to j)uy a visit to his sister. All but two of tho political prisoners iu 1 San Domingo were released. General i Vasqucz, tho former head ot the Pro- i visional Government, left SanDomlngo for i Santiago. The country is quiet and busi­ ness is Improving. ! Prince Clarence II.. of th^ Hiosquito ' Territory, wns married to Miss Irene Morrice at Kingston, Jamaica. By this marriage ho not only abdicates tho throno but disinherits his heir by the laws of hi.s country. The Froooh tiovernmentdecidotlto order the cavalry to obstruct the man'h to Paris of 3000 strikers from Audlncou.’t, Valentigny and Beaulieu. Tho Princess ^arle Amelie of Leiningeji .sister of the Grand Dnke of Badi^n, died .-xt Carlsruho, Germany, in her slxty-slstii year. The Liberals all over the Bepnblic of Mexico are urging the renomination of President Diaz. Many prominent Con­ servatives are also opposed to any changj la tho Chief Sfagistracy. -Tho Chamber ot Commerce of Palma, Island of Majorca, has reijuestod Senor Sll- vela, the Spanish Premier, to ask the United States Government to grant naiuralfzntion to natives of the Baleoric Isles residing iu former Spanish colonies, wblch Is now re­ fused them. - Mt:^y Hnudrcds of Letters and Telegrams .Sent to Him. .rA8HixoTo>-, D. C. (SpeciaI).-*”From every section of the country,” Admiral Dewey stated to a correspondent, “have telegrams and letters como to mo showing the good-will and kindness oftho American people. It 18 imposstble forlne to aclinowl- edge each one of these communications in- dividuully, but I assure you that I am deeply grateful to their senders and ap­ preciate their consideration.” Lieutenant Crawford gave out the fol­ lowing statement on behalf ol the Ad­ miral: “Admiral Dowey has received many hun­ dreds of letters and telegrams from per­ sons in all walks of life, and in every sec­ tion of the country from Maine to Texas, a.<?suring him that he is not without de­ fenders, and expressing their sincere sym* pathy with him in connedtlon with the re- centattackupon him. “These letters and telegrams are far too numerous to receive personal acknowledg­ ment, but the Admiral is deeply grateful to their se£idors, and desire? to assure them of his heaftv at)preciation of their kind consideration for hiio.’’ llecnrd Trip to the Vhzlipplnes. The record for a round trip to Manila Bay is held by the United State.^ transport George W. Elders, which arrived at San Francisco a few days ago, Ji'^vlng maats tho trip in sIxty-one days. I'cU ICO Feet, I.ivcd XToitrti. White working ou tho fiiceple of tlif Soutii .'■.[eridou (Conn.’* Methodist Charch Stauislauri S!ile.ski fell JOO feet to the ground, fracturing hi.s skull. He died si.x lioiir.*? later in a hospital. He was sisty- Uve y.‘urs old. ICeed icnlus Wilt Stand. It is not at .ill likely that there will be anychaDgij at tho coming session in tho Houso rules which gave Speaker Reed so inn«di power. The nepubll<*an leaders hav« liraclicaUy octeradned to readopt tho ol.l rules. C ycling >iotes. There arc scarcely any bicycles mado in Spain. Tho motor cycle record for the hour now stands at forty-two miles 311 yardp. Thi3 Wiis accomplishod the other day in Paris. A medical Investigator has decided that the bicycle brings Into action more mus­ cles than any other form of exercise except swimming. Here*»fter slngle-tube tires for bicycles and automobiles will be as strictly under patent control as are the original forms ot double-tube tires in England. Major Taylor has lowered the one-mlle reeord on a track from one minute thirty- one seconds to one minute twenty-nine sec- 0 ^8 . He did It |> ^n d windshjeids. S tate N ew s N otes, Secretary of State Thompson is 1 rapidly re-arraugiug the land grants in his office by eouutie.s, alphabetically and chronologically. Am ong the | scores of thousands of grants are those given by Earl Granville, whi?h cover pretty nearly the whole North­ ern half of the State. All the grants are in pasteboard filing cases. Some ccunties have an enormous number. Bladen and Huneombe and Wilkes arc notable in this respect. In 18S5 the placing of grants in boxes Ijy counties ceased and the system of numbering began. For some unexplained reason this began at No. 7.000. In the 14 years which havo elapsed no fewer than C.93G grants have been issued, or pretty nearly 500 a year. The last number is 13,936. This system ia much more convenient and makes it! very easy to find a grant. The annual meeting of the North I Carolina Associatioa of Acadcraies f will be held in Raleigh in the Senate! Chamber of the capitol on Thui*sday! and Friday, December 28th and 29tb. ■Waynesvilie has a knitting mill | proposition, the projectors of the en­ terprise olTering to invest $35,000 if| local capitalists will subscribe for; $10,000 of tho stock. • There will be a speeial*m eetrng of > travelic-g men hold in Charlotte on No- vember 30. II One cotton mill in Henderson is do­ ing well as evidenced by the fact that it has three times enlarged, i George Glass, of McLeansvllle. N. ’ C.. while out in the woods cutting tim-' ber recently, was struck by a falling' limb which hit him on the head, kncck- ■ I ing him <lown senseless. It was som e' j time before he became conxc'ous. At i i lai>t account ho was improving. i The v/«vk of placing in position the' steel toll-bridge over the Y’adkin. b 3- : tween Rowan and Davidson, is within j , ten (lays of completion. A n inter-: coiinry celebration cf the openmg of the bridge to traitic is proposed to be ' held on the spot. ' ^ Tho Naticaal Tobacco Workei-a’ ■ I Union has organized two branches in : ■ W inston, one w hite and one colored, : among the employes of the tobacco I manufacturlns firm of Brown Brolh- ■ :'.TS’ company. This firm will here- , fifrer employ only the members of this , union. The organization has a large i ‘ m embership in the north and west ! j am ong factories outside of the trust i Directors Elected. ■ Charleston, S. C., Special. — The • etockholders of the South Carolina & I Georgia Railroad, now kno<wn as the i Charleston division of the Southern Slajlway, m et in this city and electcd th e following directors: Samuel Spen­ cer, Temple Bowden, C. H . K-oster G . W Moslin. W . S. Townsend.' Francis-Lynde Stetson, W illiam L u’ mis and Walter Ferguson, all ot New York; J. C . Hemphill. George A . W a n . ner of Charleston. S. C.; Asbury HuU of Augusta, and Edw in A . Soblon of .Columbia, S. C. N o other liusine^ was transacted, a quorum of the IJ chosen directors not being prest^at" Paterson, N. J., Special.—W ith the im pressive religious services of the Presbyterian church, and w ith the dig­ nity due to his high office, all th a t is m ortal of the vice president. G arrett A. H obart, was com mitteeil to the earth Saturday afternoon. The presi­ dent, Secretary of State John Hay, Chief Justice Puller, Form er Vice j President Levi P. M orton, Form er Secretary of W ar Alger, Secretary of the Interiorr Hitchcock, the suprem e court judges, m em bers of the senate, j memibers ot Congress and the vice | president’s personal friends, filled the ' beautiful church of the Redeem er and w ith moistened eyes and bowed heads testified silently and eloquently to his w orth as a statesm an, friend and ! neighbor. ; Through the ~ est window from the i centre of the stained glass M altese cross, pierced a shaft of crim son th at shed its light around the catafalque and bathed the orchids, narcissus blos­ soms and white roses in bright tints. Tho eye of the clergym an traveled along, the shaft of light to the cross as he repeated the words, “Tho Lord gave and the Lord takelh aw.iy; blessed be the nam e o£ the Lord.” The chief magistrate of the country bowed liis head in his hand. He was visibly agitated. There wa.'; scarcely ; a dry cheek in the crowded edifice, anc". the widow was apparently the most compcsed. ! All the pomp of an uilicial pageant, j which was omitted in deference to the : wishes of the deceased, ('ould never I have equalled in impressiveness the scene in the clinrch. The imposing and solemn strains of Chopin's funeral march filled the ediflce with its solemn melody as the caskot was borne up the aisle on the shouldere ot the stal­ wart capitol police and placed upon the bier prepared for it in front ot the pulpit. Following ic came the jiall- bearers, members of the senate. Fol­ lowing them came the familv, the wid­ ow and her son, Pre.sident McKinley, the government dignitaries and inti­ mate friends. They all sat close around tho casket. On every side of it the floral offcr- ings were banked in a wealth of beau­ ty and color. The funeral services were opened by Rev. Dr, Charles S.. Shaw, who read a portion of the 90th Psalm, verses 1-C and 10-13. This was followed by a selecticn from Job xiv, verses 1-2 and T112, and concluded by a reading from tlie 13th chapter or I Corinthians. After a prayer, CO male voices filled the church w'ith the beau­ tiful melody ot “ Nearer M v God to Thee.” After the sermon, in which the busi­ ness. statesmanlike and social quali­ ties of the deceased were extolled, the Orphans’ club sang a chant by Chaw- atal. Dr. llagie then pronounced the j benediction, and in the same order In-g the los3 of t>, < There was Jo n e ? * arra with From every"s-atl c^tiire aart affairs to hc-‘ r r i’- illustrio,;s Ameri an edged aliiiitv hi, ’ Place than V'Jree-fiftin i nearly half cf t h / ' house ot reprr-;„- ehurch with ih^ » Ullrd Cf the Sute.® ;'--: arrived at the the United State “ ' representative^’ from the States « represeautivfci of ' legislature and sup e ' seated. This left S funeral party 'rc>m '* 1 Organ preluao“ ,. Wiske, from Chni„ Reading of Se5,>t H ^ v . Charles D. Prrabyterian church I ? ' Hym n. “Nearer by the Orpheus dub ■ Ortheus“ club^‘‘‘’“''' Benedic^n by Dr. T he groat leisnref„f,,„.^ is m ade iu (i.-nuaiiv uuiil!! be uuderstooil l.y re.i,lju„,"f published iu S,.ip„,.p ’Q p er cent of the i.rofrasMsl m an niiiver.siti.'s "I lecturing or iu hdioraturv J from two to six imnrs'j lifty-oue p.er cent . hours. Of 111,. sixty per cent iii e , | to six hours j ,.i- .'I privat-doi-e-.its only fonr pen-i-nt „f'al]p,j. 1 are engaged in i,.,.tuve ,,, | supervision niiirc ii,a„ ,,'1 ft weel- Evolution oftheSalrjel W hen a ,v,i;ni:_- vii,,,. hatched if i^! Iiii,.wu a< j'.. before it leavi's ili,. w ater it is i-al!,-,! :i returns to spav.a ii anti not until ii !i:is si,:nv:.i titlfi! lo be tl:;::iili,‘ii i, suliiiyn. RAM'S HORN B ld r 1 that it arrived, the funeral procession j left the church. As th e casket was ; borne down the aisle and out into the • porch the vast m ultitude, which could | hardly be kept under control by the i police and soldiers, uncovered, and i when the president appeared -\vith ' bared head, leaning on the arm of John Hay, there was only a niurmii.r of greeting. Through a long lane of , thousands of uncovered head*; the . CDvtage wended its way to Cedar Law n ’ cemetery, where the bo<ly was placed ! in the receiving vault. The city wore its m ost som bre garb j in mourning. All the mills, big bus!- [ ness houses ond stores wera closed. ' The municipal buildings, banks and i factories locked gloomy in draperies | of black and purple. On every hand were signs of grief for the iosi of New | Jersey’s statesm an. Out of deference to the wishes of ! Mrs. H obart there were no vL«ltors to Carroll H all except tho im m ediate relatives of the fam ily. The bc<ly of tho vice president rested in its casket of oak-on the catafalque in the librao*. His right hand rested lightly cn his breast, and held a bunch of violeta ) placed there by his widow. On the ; coftln wa-s a bunch of ca.Ha lillies, a } sheaf of palm and som e sm ilax and i roses. i Around the room wore m any floral i tributes, conspicuous am ong tliem be- i Ing several piece.^ from th e W hite : House conservatory. The cofEin lid } bore the inscription: 1844. G arrett A. H obart. 1899. The service at the house was brief p d simple. It was held in the Ii- ' «Vi'ar7. which w as banked w ith fiowera sent by friends of the dead vice presl- d^ent. Mrs. H obsrt, w ith her son. CaiTett A. H obarr. Jr.. sat near the i nead of tho casket, while near her ' were grouped the president and hi< cabinet, judges of the suprem e court, che honorary pall-bearers and the im m ediate friends of the fam ily ap.rt ^ e fam ily servants. The Rev. David D. Magic offered the praver and re-’d ' a passage of Scripture. The president. ^ cabinet and suprem e court judges and - those present took a last look at the ^ face of the dead, the casket w as closed • and all th a t w as m ortal of Vice P resi­ dent H obart was carried out to tho ' bearse. There was never gathered in New ^ seldom in any part of the united States, so m any itronrners of ; em inence In th e nation. They repre- ‘ Hf“ stag es'o f our national ; ’ ^ <v>mbJni2 e the history o | trem en- ' dous civil strife now b u r^ d w ith the marvelous record of pjpy/ess following en ^ h a *1,^1 m arking the O a ^ c ^ ^ ^ i t h the lam ented K im e^ # living P resident Mc- ^brong wore senators from Massachusetts, representing; 'rraenH n^?T, Indiana 'rep-^ e a tln g th e new in national lif^ w ere John W . Daniel of V irl representing the Confederate soldier, and Hawley of Connecticutt an. each of tbem as senators mourn- \ Timft i.a (5o(r>; h:an, :ul I H is intere:U. I The homo is t'.u* hum anities. Consecration is i; ;t • ting, as in lettini;. The m an who d-v.s I’otrrl self, can not reveivn'i-Gx | Sacrifice iu :ac lior. . :! cense of joy thnms;;i The shingle.' von .ir- ? are not keeping yoT! i-y According to owr B aptist mado a miscabl-i:! Som»' people ’ sive, even when rDnlenltJii A man's pi::spfriiy n:j measured by its rlT<ri.- : The father v.’h<i vuu> ' is whetting a kni!'^' fo;h'.| The prizes niou pHr.-uf.,. "j the bubbles Iduv.ii bj breath. C hrist call.-i fo" vem i.J there is no linui !>•" qualities. The m easure of :i not the ill he ’ ’ does. W hen you pray iii J to include a digcsi "i in your prayer. know eth all thin;i.~. '.iRia--::! any m an should tell hire. 80V. TAyLOB’S f" '" " ''" ' LOVE LETTERS. wnd 30 cents for thrt-e > lo The IHustratfd I'oui’tm J ••'-I Kach letter is wt-U jllnslr.itril. V - I tul'ocio Sam, U-hs HpT Druainirrs, Fiildlei v, t islnTtiifi-I'i Spnrtsnjfo, ('sarlicalix., Th«*y are considereii ihi* ln>t « come from Gov. Taylor's ^: J tionus a v'riii-ry htimprl-!. fr-' is cs wi«lu ;is the world itrrlf.T .’ie illMilnttrJ -I: ' ;- joumiil. 10 to 32 puv'<-s, .U-VPI--- J K», AnvENri-Kiui hv S i \ IIUHOK, Bior.RArir., '• ;^cral information. I). iurC^-J CkiidrrH's, ifelt>erx\ “ 1 etc. Only hiffh-gradr iU’j.'-ir.i; ■ '■ national circulation pjiblishr-i: • ' a ffold watch, dlamoml riu^. *■ \- Uttle work fnr os. Snmplf f ’T'’! The Vuu‘ aad l’u!». C".. • i d u p i T H R O U G H SLS K o r f o l k TO C L O S E c o m S tL O ltS ; M & ^ W .B .B EV ILL.G ffle3l R O A N O K ^ l ^H ISdoe3::een^ f u l —d r e a ( aigbod littlt Barlow. She tried t ftcnp of coffe phe strokec H enry’s ha one hand, ai ed her eye th e other, used b er strings for tl pose and n el ticed it. ly es "e f r . you’ll .lo your ^ Md sheaawfi Indable. I.meant to buy a ;This money to-morrow; .to use it for poor Lncle there with bis leg broke! ^ e n ’t you glad yon^e , ^ s^ y e t'c h iltr'K iss me, I There’s the w histl^ Be las- don’t let little Henry l o u t his scarf; and be sure (last warning died on tn s M rs. Barlow ran dow n t depot. ay’sn got th e children oi, cleared np the room , ito tin isb little H arri.son . iers. They w ere to be de , that afternoon, and thei *l state w as one cause of ^ a tears. T here w ere pi r causes. Cm Bis way ry K etcbam bad broken sent forty m iles for bis e and get him back safely always » ne'er-do-w ell. likely his visit m eant mor t on some fresh adventu 5vas just beginning to pai No w onder her tears d lay’an sew ed steadily i >ck, only stopping to pu t fere, th a t h er irons m ight pressing. T he last button |e in H arrison’s tronsers, I m arking th e crease d [t of the leg w ith a hot ir Children cam e in from scl J ’m hungry, M ay’an! I |m other get hom e?” sbou y, leaving th e door ope l^ed through, phut the door, H enry, your dinner presently. 1't be home for two or thi t then, unless U ncle lie n gh to come w ith h e r.” md won’t we Lave T hai orrow?” deinauded little srf.ay. ;ertaicly. A good pieces and potatoes for dinner, ut to-night and buy g r’s picture.” isio came ia softly, j which H enry left o I no questions. She k was no turkey and \ were patched so m any Icom fortable d inner ci es lacked sentim c'it. I llittie H enry’s appotih p , the bntcher’s wifej prom ptly and bad a i as w ell . f ye’ve got any siiial! ay aft-m orrow, iiu rto n , hem ^irls one,*’ she sa .npouse. ‘'.Mrs. f ber,’ and them pant.s n I ’d do m ysclr for fift 5 day after Thanksgi er rem em bered her sv t ok down a skinny tu du'fc been able to sell; th a benevolent sm ile, .. w hen he cam s fc of t)acon. ;’U keep till yer m a f; e can have a T hanksgi hen,” he explained, tie H enry sm iled d ^Ir. T u rn er’s broad red laled th e tu rk ey under while he dashed home, t that w hen Lis ov«] Ined np, th e ta rk ey co t it tried . ooray! W e’re going 1! J 1 f / J **I£E GAVE IT TO HKXjJ got a tu rk e y ,” l bird on the tad w hen I ’ve i? tho days later came a le| -Jarlow, H enry’s b rl *Jy a bad sp rain ; he r ^ e it week, and they | Wednesday afternoon J the letter to Jossie a her w ork. \ turkey} tto n g h tfn lly I Ipntting the letter intof “ clapping her hands! , Jfore the fire. | esday m orning a coJ H over the tark ey . t [h ‘“-•I*'® staffing, I then w ith m ore spiov ] ' bread crnm bs wf oinnamon, jm tij ■ ‘.h‘ Of Mr,- baa every Statp fy hall cf th<» L se^j F ^ With tht» *'®s ^.. • ' 7^ the S t a ie /l'T ^ c r ^ P <‘ti at the J P»<= vmu. Haatje*,, ledicton by Dr. U a ^ ^ lie great leisure tor res.. r ' / nuivew ■lulerstood l,y readias tk ■ ished in Science, t ” c ut of tile iji ofessors uinvcr.sitie.s ;,re _ liriiifr ..r ill l:ibor.atorT s 1 tw o i<» six Xiours a » l-ouf p<*r ft^ntfi-omseveau ■<■ <)I iU« I^SSQciatj |.ei- cent m e engage,1 , |!X lu.urs ]!el- Wi.pJ; J ■'.t-aor, ;its el-htv-tb^ee lfoiiri.erceni..f'allprify l ii^'ii^'i'il 111 leetui-e or |, ii vi.-^ion more ihau t\te Evolution of the Salmon, ■i.-ll :l .vomi- s:il„„,j J ■u‘J ir is kiiiiwii as ., I'c it leaves ilii. fresi, ■r it is ■■aUeil a sim.li; ,vi,‘e j » iis tu sjiawji it IxN-uiiies j | until ii !;;is i. ■i K. lu* .IIir:iiiU‘.l hy t'lie * R '\ W ’ S H O R N B U S T S , n h e Chri-i Prosresl sistaEi-e.T ^ J 9 sood "■‘’■til to To be ■' ^ \ V>l®v?VV. ill l\ ^ V * r t £=ou !s _ the stcnnL ' One m?n| man: m l humazitr.. [ ■ni^* i5 GotlV loan, and 1 in:ere:i. lie homo is t’.n* hpaclqu:n?ni faiiities. Jn.'pcraiion is ujt nuclj I as ill lettiiiK. Ii-- luan who (lops not res?a ■ •an n it rev.-ronce God. • in 'a '' hom?. feadsi f oi joy thnmgli tnf* h:cs»| sh'ncle.- you aie gels?! h ot ko-'ping yon <IryiodiT.J • ■crdiiif: ic> i;ar n.€-2SLre. J nij. it' a miserable fiail • people <'C»r-i;niie to be | . «••. .*11 wh<'u c'uniernng f inan? pi jspf'rity ras |rju::(l )v ii> tfTect? ooiKi • i'athf'r who votes lortiffl §-hPltiu^ a knife for h'.iowlj pursue,£tsoi l«;;b’*.ps liiov/n hy ii® Jith. Iiri.n *all> fo’- perfeciioil ’s n-) lin.i; jfc.'sible io| lliti<*H I:h> nn-i:.-i!n' oi a manV _ I th«* :U h<' avf!d~. iMit Xh-n you pray in public ■ncludf a ilijrcsl oi :he I voiir prayer. ■wfth all ihinjr^ ac.l aeefisi^ r man j-hould tell hire. . TAYLOR’S E LEXERS. 3 0 rrr.tf f'» r th r e e in o n lh 's 1^“ , ^ /.' I. strat. J i oulk ar.JAi, -,: 1-tw r is tv*-!! Th^i-'' irlf Sim, |'i.|i{tci«ns, luri. r^ , h s I- isJu-rnif n. 1"^ iN tn.-n, : ati«li(:at»*s, K flffthM nJv .• u.-.? ri>’:fcld<*r«*d lln: In-jit wihKC*- i- «.> X ;„v. Tavior’s firifK^! prs. £ I T rti.r, Jruirori- t, =**us l!:o v.-*M-ld U:«*l£- . . „ e i:iu.!r„t.-.l t'o-.tkauJ !. l « t o Hi ik ;;:-s. i l c v o t . - J t o ^ A :.vts:c-K M m ' Si.v a.nt> U ^ J I - . Hi.)..KAriii. r.J itiforinalion. D.-partn’".^ ir^>A<, ifelptr^\Onlv hi-li icmCfcirr':!.ititm pnblisbi^‘1 '.<1 watch, dtumuiul rinj?, work {r>r us. Snmpie C”P"« '■ >ou' ‘i sad .\ef I’uti. To., B Y EVA. LOVETT ■ H I S does ::eem drenJ- f u l — d r e a d f n U ” sighed little Jlrs. Barlow. She tried to drink *capof coffee,while ?he stroked little Henry’s hair with one hand, and wip­ ed her eyes with the other. She nsed her bonnet strings for the pur­ pose and never no­ ticed it. ••D o n’t f r e t , •Ti alons,” comforted fifteen, tall and She had helped in P l’”,'*"'tusin ess for a year. LtailoriDn best— hut she’s awfully iin- I" liable" I ’meant to bny a turkey |p,B.ia0‘' _ to.morrow; and to ,lr:s::t % v p o .r u n d e Henry there'fill* 1**“ , -n,. P * " % o u s l a d you’ve got >t?” ■,ir asked Jessie. ■fr ve'. Kiss me, I mnst ' 'lieVcs the whistle! B e careful | J dou tlot littie Henry go ou itii:' liis scarf; and be su i^- but «reii.g died on the frosty JS ilrs. Bai lor- ran down tne road lie children off to ,,J 'cleMeil up the room, and sat ■ "toliuish little Harrison Turner s b'cers. They were to be delivered, L that afternoon, and their u ^ n - [/; jitate one cause of Mrs.Bar- trte-’"* There -were plenty of l a causes. Cm a is Tvay liome, TnrTKetcbflm bad broken liis leg Id 4utfortv miles for bis sisier to Le aa«l get him back safely. Eenry U always a ue’er-do-well. It "was ft likely his Tisit meant more than a Lon'some fresh adventure; and Ctras just beginning to pay up old Xo wonder her tears flowed! ^laT*au sewed steadily until 12 Ib.^, only stopping to put coal on I fire, tbat her irons might be ready. Jpressing. The last buttonhole \ras Kile ia Harrison's trousers, and abe 1< inarkiDg the crease down the Int of tbe ieg with a hot iron wken X cliiltiren came in from school. l**rm htiDgfy» ^ay'an! H o n soon 111 mother get home?” shouted little lurj. leariug the door open as he \tle*d through. rShut tbe door, Henry. I ’ll give Jn Toar iliuuer presently. Mother la’t be borne for two or three days lot then, nnless Uncle Henry is well Joagb TO come with her.’* f'Aud won’t we have Thanksgiving laiorroTT’r” detnauned little Henry, Idisn'ar. T'Certainly. A good piece of corned lef auil potatoes for dinner. W e ’ll I nut to-iiisbt and buy greens for Ibtrs picture." Bessie came ia softly, shut the Ir which Heury left open, and ■eil ao question?:. She knew -why ; was no turkey and w b y her -.s werci patPiiCil so many times. coLifortable uiuiier of beef and iatofe'. laekc'l sentiment, but satis- I little Henry’s appetite. Mr*, rccr. the hutcher's wifej paid for Vft promptly aud had a generous •t aa well. Ef je’ve got any .siiiall turk?rs (lay :ift-morrow, iJiu'tou, ye ’ ^*'em ,.»irls oue." she said to n-jr |ii.» spouse. ‘’Mrs, UarioT’s *> pmber,’ aud them pants is more pk'u rd do myself for fifty cents!” The day after Thank&givi::.g the icbtr remembered her suggeatiou. I took down a akinny turkey *iiRt bJu t been able to sell; and gov3 jvitli a benevolent smile, to little ^rr, when he came fcr ha!f a Aud of bacon. rii’ll keep till ycr ma gets bs'si, ^ ye cau have a Thanksgiving dln- tbeii,” be explained. Henry smiled deIightaC/7 Turner's broad red fret, ?rc cealel tbe turkey under hia o''sr- r.‘ while be dashed home. H e was [fat that when his overcoat T7as foucd up, the turkey couldn’t fall ' if it tried. W e ’re going little P Mr. Hooravl have ground cloTes, beside the thyme, sage and parsley recommended by Jessie. H enry wanted to add a handful of raisins aud currants. Miay’an felt that to stuff a turkev was a greater burden thau to m ake trousers for the soven Turner boys. •‘It smells awful good.** cried little Henry, taking long sniffs, with his hands in his pockets. H e gloated over the turkey, poking its bones here and there, while he pondered how de­ licious it ^ ould taste, when browned in the oven. H e put a spoonful of vanilla in the stuffing wh3u ilay'an turned her hack. “ It must be good,’* declared Jessie, paring apples for a pie, which vras to crown the feast. “ D o n ’t you think it will, M a y ’an?’* “ i hope so. I ’m sure!’* M a y ’au lifted her flushed face from filliug the turkey. “ D o n ’t grate the nutmeg, Henry. I ’ll get a needle and thread, and sew this up. Tw o o'clock is time enough to put it in, if the lire’s good. Mother won’t be home till 5 .’* It was a dull afternoon. Toward night snow began drifting lazily down, j Henry divided his time between the ’ windows, where he watched for the travelers, aud the stove, where he could smell the turkey and hear it siz­ zle. “ Here they come, Henry,’* called Jessie, from her corner. M r. Turner’s butcher wagon drove **There*8 uotniug left for yon, Uncle Henry!’* ‘T v e got the turkey, Henry. .That’a more than enough for anyoc*^!” “ O h , Henry, H enry,” cried Mrs. Barlow, coming with the papers in her hand, “ t never sDspccted it for a m oment.” “ I knew Ton didn’t,** replied Uncle Henry, putting his arm arouad her. “ I’ve done well this time, Mary. That’s a deed of tbe M ary A nn u ine aud it’s paying m e SP.OOO a year. I came to m ake horns brighter for you—. you’ve m ade it bright many a year for me! D o you think you could m ake good use o: $3000— eh?” “ Hei»ry— I can pay off the mortgage John worried about!” she cried, breath­ lessly. M a j'a u held up her roll. “ This will pay the doctor’s bill! ” “ I can go to school tnro years more!’* said Jessie. “ A n d I — hooray! I can buy another turkey!” shouted iittle Henry. “ So you shall— the biggest one Mr. Turner’s got,'4)ut w e’Jl let mother stuff it next time!” laughed CJncle Henvy. H e patted M rs. Barlow’s head. She was quietly crying on his shoulder aud wiping her eyes ia au abstracted way she had, ou his coat collar. SAYS EA ETH IS EOUKD a n d h e m a y b e t h r o w n in t o PRISO N . Sad C oniU tlon o f A ffairs In E nslaD il— S ir .lo h n G o n t A ccasod o f In te n tio n to T eacb F alse P rc c e p ts- -C ity o f P o rts- m o u tli lix citcd . " n o w ’8 T h U ? W e offer One Handred Dollars Reward for any care of Catarrh tfaB.t can not be Cnircd Uail’B Catarrh Cure. •cd.;bf F. .T. CHBJnET & Co., Props.. Toledo. O. ' ' ' h a v e K n o w n F . J .We. the u^ersJo:ned. ' t h e l a s t 15 y< >in ___________________ily -- -- o h lii;a tio n m a d e b v t h e j r f l r a . years, and believe him all buslnesa tr^neac- abln to carry untany Cheney for--------------------------------------------- Sjrfectly boaorable in all buslnesa tr^neac- ons and flnanclallj 01(1 F a tlilo n e il T Iian k selv in R X>jnner. Thanksgiving is a peculiarly Ameri­ can holiday in spite of its slight resem­ blance to the English rustic sports of harvest home, aud in preparing a m enu for the dinner let us turn our back on the cookery of France and bo boldly and wholly jiatriotic, eating native dishes aud wearing iu onr but­ tonholes the Stars and Stripes in miniature. A u d this ia the traditional if to moderns rather alarming >rssu. Iioast turkey. Coiled ham. Eoiled turtey. Potatoey. Ouiooe. Parsnips. Squash. Cranberry jelly, rickles. Chicken pl»». Carrant jollj*. Pumpkin plp. A»p!e pie. Mince pif*. Custard pie. Cheese. Tea. Coffee. Fruits, ^’u:s. It is painful to read that Sir .lohu “ Orst, tie head of the British educa­ tional department, is in serious trouble and has been threatened by Mr. Hbca- Bzer Breach and other taxpayers of the “ ty of Portsmouth, in the kingdom of England, with prosecution under the "imposters’ act." It seems that the schools of Portsmouth have been teach- ilifi the damnable and heretical doc­ trine^ that the earth is a sphere. Sir John’s attention has been called to this dissemination of seditious and trea­ sonable doctrine, hut he has refused to correct the abuse. Ehenezer and his friends know, of course, that the earth la as flat as a pancake. They have been patient with Sir John, and day after day have allowed the false teach­ ing regarding the shape of the earth to go on, hut can stand it no longer, they say. to see their children cor­ rupted with this most “ heretical doc­ trine,” as the complainants call it In this protest. Sir John Gorst has many political enemies, and even his politi­ cal friends do not always agree with him; but the depth of his depravity was not knov/n until he was unmasked by Mr. Ehenezer Breach and his friends. Sir John may cavort about parliament and deceive some people, but when he runs up against a body of respectable British taxpayers, the bulwarks of the throne and the guardians of the consti­ tution. it is another matter. Such new­ fangled ideai? as that of the earth be­ ing a sphere he may Impose upon the frivolous persons who riot iu the un- 3odly city of London, but not upon the taxpayers of SoiKhampton. Ehenezer and his friends menu business, and have served formal notice upon the Portsmouth school board that the teaching that the earth is a sphere "cannot he allowed to continue under i any circumstance?, plea or explanation whatever,” and that it must be aban­ doned under pain of the “ punishment for schism by the law provided.” After having stamped out the dastardly doc­ trine in the schools of Southampton, the committee announce that they will next go up to Londou and bring the Txtndon school board before the courts, being w’ell advised and informed that the same doctrine regarding the shape of the earth is also taught in the Lon­ don scho^\*t Sir John, meantime, is to be brougat u* court and prosecuted under the “ impuftters’ act” aforesaid. Now, the 'imposters’ act” is a part of the British constitution, probably— no one knows what is. and what is West & Tbuax , Wholesale Dmgsista, To­ ledo. Ohio. W a l d i n o , K i n x a n & M a r v i n , W h o '.e a a le D n ts g ls t s . T o le d o , O h io . Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, at-ting directly upon the bloud ana mucous surfaces of the sratem. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Drugelsts- Testimonials free. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. LAtest details to hand regarding a terrible earthquake shock experienced in Asia Minor show th at at one center alone 1,000 houses and shops were destroyed, while hundreds of lives have been lost.____________________ Piso's Cure cured me of a Throat .'ind Lure trouble of t:iiee years* srandltig -E. Cadt . Hnntington Ind.. Nov. 12. ItW. John Bull’s naval pension list con­ sists of 5,927 persons. Sick head.iche. Food doesn’t di­ gest well, appetite poor, bowels con­ stipated, tongue coated. It’s your liver! Ayer’s Pills are liver pills, easy and safe. They cure dyspep­ sia, biliousness. 25c. All Druggists. W a n t y o u r m o iid tuctie o r boiirtl a b e a u tifu l b ro w n o r ric h Id a c k ? T h e n u se BU&Km6 HAM’SDYE(?!;.i;;Srs60 CT3. 0» txwwciw. OK R. P. CO. WAytu*. H. M. KEEP AWAY r U O M THE SHOPlI « Q O C K H I L L ’* B U G O IE S are “ A LitUe Higher fjl in Price, But— ** they stand op, look well, and ■ * above all, k»op away from the shop Only a dollar or to higher than cheap work. W b y not use them wheo this is the case ? See our Afont or write dlreot. R 0 6 K O ld K nins to B e Sold. The ruins of Chepstow Castle, in England, in which Henrj’ Marten, one of the judges of Charles I., was con­ fined for upw’ard of twenty years after the restoration, are to be sold at pub­ lic auction. They cover an extensive area near the mouth of the W ye, and the walls on one .side are nearly per­ pendicular with the cliff, which over­ hangs that river. The castle itself is said to date from the time of. William the Conqueror, and it stood two sieges during the revolution. It has been successively in the hands of the Fitz- Osbornes, the Clares, the Bigods; the Herberts and the Somersets, and it is now placed on the market by order of the new Duke of Beaufort. T h e N ew C olor. Burned bread brown is now the color that captivates all tastes, and that promises to gain a great followini when the autumn clothes come in. Il is the one brown tone that does not make the skin grow sallow when in its neighborhood, and gloves of it. shoes beli3 and (straws as well, shov/. by theii richly-jronzed skins, what sway thi new color is already exerting. K e p t H e r W ord. Ida— “ Belle said the man she mar­ ries must have a fashionable name." May— “The idea! And then engaged herself to an Italian.” G R E E N S B O R O , N . C . rsr the treatment of THE LIQ'JCR, OPtUi, tSORPHINE ani atiier Orig Aodictlons. ThsTobbacco HabH, h'erve Exhaustia WRITE US FOR Ilf l i i f i i i i i i i - i K . V E S T IB U L E D L IM IT E D T R A IN S . From Across the Contiucut. “ I received the Tetterine couple of days ago. The few applications I*ve made convince me that I have at last found iu this fine remedy a cure for Eczema. I can sell a few boxes to m y friends. W hat discount on one dozen? Let me know at once. K . 0 . Bingley, 707 Market street, San Francisco, Cal.” At druggists or by mail for 50 cents by J. T . Shuptrine. riaBlarlsm. Dusty Roads (his eyes fixed on a party of golfers)— Weary, if you and I only had some swell clothes and a bun­ dle of sticks apiece they wouldn’t call us tramps any longer. Weary Waggles not a part of that nebulous thing— and — Yes, I’ve often thought them golfers C f U n r ----- H is Gobhlt\ Gobble! Gobhle!^ .. Since this turkty’s htad Iii5 cMStcl to b lu sh , H is t i ll h w b e c itu r n td lo d A n d n o s w h trc li.s w m o s o n c t T h ere i i nothin? left bat . pile of •Vi/hile d p ttc e tu l siU n te ir. tht y ir d d to n ts Fo p his .‘‘Gobbis! Gobble! GobMe,!” ^ ^ O R F O L K T O CLOSE COi M d D lO M v i r - B .B E V I L L ^ G e n e o U ' R O A N O K E . ' iBgiving when mother gets •. I’ve got a turkey,” he cried, •Dg the bird on the table beforein.’ days later came a letter from . Henry’s broken leg IJDly a bad sprain; he could be u® J and they would get »\®^^®sday afternoon. M ay ’an . ‘ithe letter to Jossie and weat |to her work, ton stuff the turkey Wednes- ^rmg, thoughtfully observed ^ puttmg the letter into itsenvel- over her ‘ before the fire. aeaday morning a consultation leid oyer the turkey. Evervbodv buted to the stuffine, firat^ with Ur®?. ^ m aterials,the bread crumbs V e n t g ii- »na cmnamon, nutm eg anff up. Everybody rushei to the door. Mrs. Barlow got out first, looking tired aud anxious. She smiled as her eye rested ou the rotund form and rosy cheek.s of little Henry. A big m an wrapped iu a rough ulster was behind her. H is hat and beard were powdered with tbe snow, which was now failing faster. •*0h, this looks like home!” ex­ claimed Uncle Henry. H e sat before the fire, spread out his hands aud looked contentedly at the neatly laid supper table aul Jessie reading beside the lamp. “ W e all stuffed the turkey, mother,” called little Henry, telling about his v?onderful prize. “ W e put in all the things we could think of, didn’t we Jessie?” “ There’s an odd smell about it, somehow. Com e, Henry, let’s have supper.” CJncle Henry cut open the turkey and fell back in his chair. “ Great Ginger!” he crieJ, ‘% h at did you put into this, children?'’ “ Isn*t it right?” faltered M a y ’au. “ W e did put iu ginger and all kinds of spices! Isn’t itgood?*’ asked Jessie, quickly. Uncle Henry shouted with laughter. Poor M a y ’au turned red and white uu- der his merciless jests. Little Henry was the most disap­ pointed. H e had expected great things ofthat turkey. H e tried to swallow one of the ginger spiced pieces, and burst iuto a frightened roar when he found it uneatable. “ See here!” exclaimed Uncle Henry. “ I'll stuff this turkey mvsclf!” Everybody stared. “ I stai ted home with a little present for you, M ary— perhaps for M ay aii I and Jessie, too. I was so m ad when X fell off the car that I wouldn’t tell youthen. A n d thinks I : { ’11 wait till I get home, and w e’ll have Thanksgiv­ ing a week after date.*” Jklrs. Barlow’s face grew pale. W a s this the solution of Henry’s sulkiness? “ I ’m going to stuff ibis turkey my- .self,** repeated he. “ This turkey’s a left over, and so are the presents. W e ’ll fill up one wit^ the other!” H e drew from his pocket a package of papers and giavely placed them be­ tween the turkey’a drum stiokd. Then came three big bundles of bills, which were fastened iu am ong the papers. “ N o w , pass around the turkey and help yourself to the stuffing,** com­ m anded Uncle Henry, with a wave of his hand. “ It’s a game->a game!** cried little Eenry, joyously, recovering his spirits. “ I want to take some, too.’* “ Mother first,** aaid Unftle Henry. W ith a shaking hand Mrs. Barlow drew out the pagers. She looked at them in a dazed way, without speak­ ing at first. M a y ’an and Jessie and then iittle Henry himaelf each took poseesBion of one wf tbe fat rvlei. j ; r i n s i n c I n t h e T u r k e y , provides certain pains aud penalties, such as forfeiture of estate and burning at the stake, if recalcitrant. Ebeneaer and his friends are w orthy and reputa­ ble citizens and mean business. If uece.ssary they r*'ill light the fires of Smithficld again for tho wicked Sir John. At last accounts Sir John was still at lurse. and so wa^ Ebenezcr. T lie A u s l r a l i a n lim ty lp . Legends of a weird cr«:ature callcd the bunyip. said to have om*o inhabited tbe .A.uslrs,liau lakes and rivers, still survive at the Antipodes. W hether it was an aboriginal myth or a vanished reality {oniinues to bo a debatable point. r?omo are inelinr’d to think that it was the former, as not a bone or vestige of the bunyip is to be found in any mupeum or scientific collection. If. however, wo are to believe Buckley, the most renowned and rcm iirkablc o ' the wild white men of A ustralia, the bunyip had a real existence. He al­ leges that he actually saw one in Lake Modewara. a few' miles to tlie south o! (Jeelong. *'The w aters of the lake ai*p perfectly fresh, abounding in largo eels, which wo caught in great abun­ dance. In this lake, as well as in most of the others inland, and iu the deep were a-plagiarizing our profesh.— Bos­ ton Transcript. In Mo.'ilio children who have their lessons well prepared are allowed to smoko. A b o u t C o n su m p tio n ! KI^o*s Wiu» C h e er ta n ii T ab will in the nrst stas’o kill the germ and cure Consump­ tion. In any stage it docs much good, and olteu liitugs'ftbout a cure. It gives rest to the l.iO'ly bv caltniug u di:<tr':'SsloK cou^h and releivluK the. loaded lunK-* It eases the breathiog. enriches tht blood, and always prolongs life. ]Jckw el :. & D dxx Co-, Chiir- iotto. N. 0., and all medicine dealers. 25c, gaurantecd. Double Daily Service to All Points, North, South, Southeast and Southwest. Train No. 36 leaves Charlotte at 5 a. m.. for Wilmington. Sou-th^m Pines. Raiergh, PortsmDuth. Norfolk and Old Pcirt CcmfDTt. Rilchmond, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and N ew York. Also for Chester. Greenwood, Athens aud Atlanta, connecting at Atlanta with all lines diverging to the South. ^ Southeast and Southwest. Sleeping car ' from Monroe bath North and South. At Portsmouth connections are made with the Bay Line for Baltimore, Phila- delphiia and N ew York; with the N. Y. P. and N. for Philadelphia and New York; with tae Old Dcmialon Liin.€ for N ew Ycrk; with the Norfolk & W a sh ­ ington Boat for Washington, and with M. & M . T. Co’s., steamers for Boston and Providence. Those desiring speed, safety and comfort purchase their tickets via the Seaboard Air Line. Train No, 402 leaves Charlotte at 8:20 p. m. Through sleeping car to Portsmouth, Passengers on this train connect atMonroe with sleeping cj-r for Wasiiington, where ccnneetions are made for Baltimore. Philadelphia and N ew York. Connection also made at Monroe for Athens, Atlanta and all pr.'in.t.q South, Southeast and Southwest. •I’ralfi No. 403 leaves Charlotte at 8-10 a. m-, for Lincclnton, Shelby and Rutherfcrdton. C H R I S T M A S S H O P P I N G B Y M A I L . TTe have made preparations for takir>{,' care of the v> ants ■ of our two mlUion customers i who live m evsry iwrtloa oi the world. Our m page Catalogue is full of suggestions ab o u t everything to Eat, Wear and U se, and offers particular bargains in: Bookcases, Bicycles, Brass G oods, Cabinets, Caod)i-s; China Clcseis. figars, Clocks, Guaranteed WateHte Couches, Commodes, Desks, Wc.tof75.00. Draperies, F ancy C hairs, Fancy Tables, Fountam Pens, Gold PencIls,Groceries,nand- kerchiefs, Jewelir. -Mufflers, Lnraps, Musical lustrumenta, Neckties, Ornaments. Pocket Knives, Pictures, Kodiers, Shoes, Sllverwiire. Stcrllns Sliver >.'oveui€s, S to o ls , H o w to < ie t I S e e r i a W a le s . The well-known attorney, J. Willis Gleed of Topeka, is going to Wales on business, and Howell Jones has been instructing Mr. Gleed “ how to ask for two glasses of beer in Welsh.” This is the proper version: “ Byddweh mor garedig a dyfod a dau wydriad or diod oreu sydd geuych.”— Kansas City Jour­ nal. Card playing has increased of late in r.ritaln. The number of new packs brought Into use last year exceeded 2.250.000. an increase of 250.000 on the year before, and ot 300.000 on 1896. Tables, Watchcs, etc. Our Lithographt'd Catalo^^ shonts CarpHSi KugSt Portitres, A rt S^ttarfs and Lcze Curtains in their real colors. Carpets _^ Sfwed JreCy linirtg furnishedi. free^ andfreitrhi prepaid. ■j Our Made-tO‘Ordfr Clothing A CatalocM rci/h sampirs o f cloth attached offers Suiis and Over~ coatsfrom $5 93 /o §20.00. iilr- pressage paid on clothing cvery^ :vherf. ff^e also issue a special Catalogne o f Pianos^ Organs^ Sr.vbig Machines ami Rtcvcles. We Will make your Chrlst- masbuvinijmoresatisfactory I than it has ever been before, j J. H. & Son Flour, W hich Cntalogue do you ; PtrBatt%i,^3.SQ. want? Address this way: JU X inS BINES & SON. BAI.TiaiOKJi.3ED. D e p t . 214 H AVE YOU A HOME? I f MO, y«M i w a u l a C . \ R L A N D S T O V l s l t o m a k e y o u b a p p } * . I f th e y »rt* n o t s - ld o y y o u r io a d io e i j i c i c h a n t . w i l t e t» SHEPHERD SUPPLY CO., CHAKLKSTOX, S. C.. _ S T A T E A G E N T S F O R - rh e Russian government has v.olnted a connnittee of technical ex­ perts to muk^ a trial in the Neva river of a new form of t;aisKon. which hari N o T r o u b l e a t A ll. Grimes—I should think it wouUi be | ! awfully hard to write a sea tale. Tin- t son—Not at all. You only wunt to speak of a cloud no bigger than a m an’s hand and to say that the boat been Invented by a Russian engineer, j far off as you could toss a bis- L. A.ston hofT, for uso under w ater. j Boston Transcript. Each iio c k a K o n t I ’c i s a j i F a d e le - s s D i e i )iorH cUUcr Silk. Wool or <;olton pertectly ; J. : uoe boiling. Sold by all druggists. , colors a t Instead of ipsuln;r return i-het-ks to persons leaving a thrnter Uuruig thr perl’orman«;*‘. the Jai'anes*' m ark the departing: spectator (»n tho hand with an India rubber stamp. th«* mark vary­ ing each evening in form and color. W a n i i 't i T w o frH v rllH jssrtlc -m o u ‘ii .t l ’Ji S um U oi-n StaS**. ami trxjHrna****. KsptTloni'f ii«n nhwim«l.TI nf‘-e»»jiry. For ijartlculiirs «*»'Jr«-^s l AiCahontna w ater riV^T^'. r-i a very extraordinary j <vork5 0 am phibious animal, which the natives ' ny wrltiiic at i»««*e _ lor th») r4*iiiarkabl«> offer of th-> SoiiUi'a gr»*at. est iu»iita:iun (if Prji;*tlual Uusjnf*s-s Trntning, The (!a.-A la. Bosiness College, D o n ’t D e l a y ! M A C O N , G A . Tliankssiviujc Decorations. O n e of the most pleoaiug decora­ tions I have ever seen for a chnroh was -nrrought out in dried Indian corn. Great stalks cf it -Brere m ade into bold groups above tho windows and dis- , posed here and there aronud the i room, the ears of rnddy gold showing against the pater background with charming effect. O n e of the most pleasing decora­ tions of a leading Boston church a year or t'!^ ago was wrought out al­ most whollv iu corn used iu this man- I uer. Those who have studied the decorative possibilities o£ coru will understand at once how bold and graceful and entirely Uarnnnious the linns of such frieze cau be made. H a d the old Greek sculxitors had a knowledge of this plant £ am coufidanb they would have m ade use of it iu their treatment of capitals aud friezes, for it leads itself as readily to fine effects iu sculpture as does the acautlvua, which their chisels have immortalized.— Ladies’ H o m e Jour- aaU Kmphatic DlMiiproval. call the liunyip, of which I could never see any ;iart except the back, which iipiieared to he covered with feathers of a ilu.sky gray color. It seemei' to ho :.l;(^ut the eolnr ui .t I mII- grown calf and sometimes larger. The creature only appears when the w eather is very calm and the water smooth. I could never learn from ajiy of the natives that they had seen either the head or the tail, so that I could not form a norreet idea of it-s size, or what it wa.s like." _ ........................ Tlie total value of sea fish landed in Ireland in liiHS was $l,!iG2.9:!5, an in­ crease of over $70,000 on the previou.s year._______________________ L,. Ili:il(ora ». Itr. V.1. w ith all his Inventlvi ;;enius and ptTfect machinery, man can move in a I rain at an untside speed of CO miles •.n hour, and that he lannot keep up for Kveat dislanci-s. Yi-t the swallow llles SO, the duik 100. the Kray .ro w I when mifrratlnK) 10S; the swift l.'iO. It and Stick to It/’ If you Are sick and discouraged *0}Hh im­ pure blood, cutarrh or rheuntatbmp take Hood's Sarsdpariila. faithfully and persis^ tenlly, and you ivilt soon have a cure. This medicine has cured ihotts&nds of ethers and it ^iU do the same for you. Faithfully iaken. D r . B i i l £ 5 ^ 1 The best remedy for w O U K n Consumptiou. Cures A Couffhs, Colds, Grippe,Syrup Bronchitis, H o u r s e -^ ^ uc.«as. Aslhm.i, WJioopiiig-miigh.Croun. Smalldoscs; quick.surerestUts. Dr^JiuU's/‘M icutgConstipativi\ T ria l,a o /o r^ CURES UV GRIPPE*^ COLDS S t a t e s v ijt ^ x \ O .11A > I F A < T l’ K EHS O V i GALVANIZED CORNICES. ETC. T H E V E R Y B E S T'$1.5« MEN’S DRESS SHOE O N T H K M .\K K K T , I Our riutual Friend, i Red Seal Cartons. ; Hen’s Sizes $1 .50 . B o y s ’ a n d Y o u t h s $1 .2 5 . tViU lie ou sale by oue of the best inerrliiints iu thin toiru— ask for them. .Made only hy J.K.O-R-R S H O E e o . ATI.ASTA, GA. V ITAIITY; TO M f. U sed aucoftjw liilly sin«-« 1171. J o w. d bilitat««: ur#*xhi»ust- : pil rrnm. ' a n y i-HUse ^orR£I> In' B«. BUXK*s i.iin(ioK\Tnt; , FREE! »1 TRIAL TatleutH BOTTLE.only nn W, L. DOUGLAS S3 & 3 .5 0 SH O E S Worth $4 to $6 compared/ with other makes. ^ Indors'd bv over 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 w e a r e r .. T/if ha\? W. nam e and i.rin- .statniMsd o n b o tto m . T.w.c* 110 substitute cb:n;«(l to {rood. Y our cit [sijould Iccep tiiem not. we will semi a pair” [on rw e ip t of price. jkiiid o f e ath er. siite. .-i:id w idth, plain o r 1-411 los. l'auj«.,'isc C tree. W. L 00U6LAS SHOE CO.. Brockten, Mm. Thanked ProTidcuco and » Railroad. A curious vote of thanks was re­ cently pafsed at a camp meeting in Georgia at the last meeting of the series and was in the form of a reso­ lution which was adopted by a rising vote. The preamble declared the ten­ der of thanks to those named in the clauses which followed. The seventh and eighth clauses read: 7. To the railroad for the reduced rate of one and one-third fare foi* round trip to person:^ attending the meeting. 8. To Al­ mighty God. the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, for calling so many of his peo­ ple together and meeting with them in l^ower and (?amonstration. Tike Care of Yoar Ears. Mon and wonieu havo much to do to keep straiglit. .V hnndrod nerves and uiuscli's an* at work all through the wakhij; hours, sivin.i; warninj: or nv c('lviiig onlcrs that iht* body, with its inajjy Joints and natunil iustabilily, , shnli presiTVi? i>s o<iiiilil»rium. shall | : noi slagg(*r or (loubl«* up in a liojitdess j . Iu*ap. Tlu’st* nt'rvt's and nni>:<*l»*s arc | •a !ii;rhly orcani«»Ml si"nal sorviro. ihe ; rbii*r ortiros of whifh aiv in tho somi- j circuliir canals l-uricH hi iiie “stony** bou*‘V.'ork that protects the inner car. • Were it nor f<>r tlu‘.si* canals a huinan : Ix'ins wonhi lind it difficnlt. often iin- possildo. to maiuiain a propj r l)ahmce cither while walking or standing' still. ' So long as these canals arc in healthy v.'orking order thoiv reports are trust- worthy; but when any niulut> force has shocked them, or any agency, sueh as sickues.«. has inl(‘rfere(! with their wori:ings. their messages arc ineoher- cnt. aiul the brain. Jiki* tlie cnsiniM'r of a battleship in action when tho men above arc blinded and bt?wildered. lias nothing to do but hrt Ihitigs go.- Heiilii fMd.) Herald. MIEK. UB. ^ “‘•'i' i1»>TITt:TB, 5»1 irfh ftrwrl, riilUJelpfcla, !^. C Q E B I O ne Im n d m J a n d fifrrrn u sc ru l Iiohm* m C C • h o ld «rtl<-lrs se n t (.> n o y otldr«*sN o n ri>- ! re lp t o f T w ency-ftr« c em s. T hl«l9.»oiie u* mtro<>u«s Koolds. B; F- L1S»(AI'1:R. >Ub ± lit) E. 12> St.. j i\ew York ( ity. cUTLER’S CARBOLATE OF IODINE. A s:uaratitre(1 Cnro Cor Cattirrli. C'oiiHumptiou and lla y Fcvft. .4^1 DrnsclMfi« S I.00. W .a .s :n g T t i A 4’0 „ Bull'alo, \ . PfupM. I 1 T T K N T I O N fA cU I t i t e d if y o u in e n tf o a D R O P S Y ! A th is p * p e r w h e u « - r i t l n u a d v e r t i s c r « .S « .4 s _______.».moiii!»Ui<nd lOdas-MMrMtment ]Cr. H H. oaSEJf’a aoilf. »«s B. AtlMUt*. Oft. ARTER'SINK BKair yourcliildrca up on it. ISU C C ESSFU L SH O O T ER S SH O O T W I N C H E S T E R R ifles, Repeating^ S hotguns, A m m u n itio n an d L oaded S h o tg u n Shells. W inchester guns a n d About M.OOO.OOO f.llse teeth are pro­ duced annually in the United States, nearly all being the product ol Phila­ delphia factories. About 40.000 ounces ot fine sold are used with this output. ammunition are the standard of the world, but they do not cost any more than poorer makes. A ll reliable dealers sell W inchester goods. - F R E E : Send name and address on a postal for 156 page Illustrated Catalogue describing all the guns and ammunition made by the WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., I7E WINCHESTER AVE., yEW HAVEN, CONN. T h e Gobbler— “ W h a t’s this? Tho President Appoints a D a y of Thanks­ giving, does he? Well» jo a can bet .Tonr tail feathers I ’m against the AaministratioB from, this time on!*'<^ Pttok. L a C t ; e p l e J L i H a t r ^ R e s t o r e r _ i i s a P e r f e c t . D r e s s i n o a n d R e s t o r e r P r i c e $ 1 0 0 . ’ Tlie Dara Record, af^otovflle, K . C . By E. H. M O lfm s, B ditor an d P u b l ish e r . I E ntered A.j th e post office a t MOCK&VIL.LE. N . C., AS SEOIMD CI-ASS MATTER. Minr l^TH, 1899; LOCAt; !< (»m AKD IBCroENTS; Eclrtshlug showers have come at ‘ A D V A J J C E N E W S N O T E S . ' E. E. Vogler and wife made a ■ visit to WiBSton-Salem one day last wtek. i M ir. j . p . Williams, of Davidsotf county, is visiting her son, F. M. Williams, Esq., at this phice. ' Prof. (5. M. Sheets now has SO scholars, Slid they are still coming in. l/ e t the good work go on. A few days ago E. \V. ('tews caught a carp that measured 27 inches and weighed 13 pounds Hen^y a'li, coloi'ed, son of Spencer Uoan, Jie'rt last week of consamption. The large 80-hofse power engine and boiler for the furniture factory have arrived. . License t<j wed, since our last iijsne, Davtit Wsmeli ^ to Miss Belle Chaplin. Dr. Farley and brother, from Pennsylvania, are stopping with W . AJ Griflin on a quail hunt. Northern hunters are putting in their appeapriloe in Mocksville, looking after'the festit^ quail. Ed. H)int h:rf c^ned a teirbCr Rliop and rest^ ^ lit at Kockland He'slits, near Ooblremee Cotton Mills. A good line rtos'iei-y and Gloveis at Williams & Audersou’s. N. L. t'ranford & Co.’s sales have increased to such au extent that they have had to' add extra salesmeu. The Editor had a nice plate of fresh tomatoes for dinner tjtlnday. How is that fur the sunny South, on the 2Gth of November ! A good line of men’s underwear a( Williams & Anderson’s. Messrs. Brown and Sp»incer, from Baltimore, 3Id.. who have been hnuting for the past week, left for home ou Saturday. ; Men’s and Boy’s Hat.s and Caps | tiieap a't Williams & Andei'son’s. Birds are having a hard time. W. C, White w-as out the other day and sacked a dozen birds and two rabbits. When he points his gun the birds fall. Joe Ellis, colored, w'ho lives on i the farm of Mrs. W . It. Ellis, ■ raised two pumpkins—oue weigh- ing 83 pounds and one 53 pounds. IHe also raised a turnip that ; weighed 5 pounds. ! The ladies’ Aid Society will give an entertainment at the Acad- I eniy Thureday night for the benefit !of the church. Everybody cordi- i ally invited. Kefreshmeuts will lie sened. CVime one and all and I have a good time. Meredith Crews, colored, an old i man who lived near here, fell dead :onedar last week. The old man seemed well and nothing the mat­ ter until he wiis found dead. I Uncle Meredith was a great Bible reader, and was better ix>sted than mi>st of his color. Free Gift*. In order to give our 50 cent eubacri- bers an opportunity at our free gifts, we have decided to withdraw the bug­ gy and bicycle offer and substitute a No. 7 cook stove complete, and a nice 3-plece oak set of furniture, respect­ ively. All who have subscribed under tb'i first offer will be entitled to an­ other ticket, or, if they prefer, we will take up their ticksts and refund their money. All who pay us 50 cents cash for 6 months’ subscription will get a ticket; all who pay us one dollar will get two tickets. If you owe us any­ thing, this must be paid before you are entitled to a ticket. W e m ake this change for two reasons: 1 st, to g ive those who are not able to take the paper one year and pay us one dollar, an opportunitv for 50 cents to get the paper 6 montlis and an oppor­ tunity at one of these free gifts. 2d. T hat we m ay be able to distribute these presents in a m uch shorter time. R ead this carefully and see that it is fair to all. Those who have taken tickets can return them and get their money, less the time they have got­ ten the paper, or you get another ticket, giving you two chances when you now have one, _______________ Frank C. Brown, Wholesale and Betail Dealer in GENEUAL m e r c h a n d i s e . COMPIiFTE LINE OF DEY GOODS. I CRANFORD'S, Tliis B i Sale Causes Tali, this is no ordinal^' occasion, w e r e ^m ng tne stock of 7 ¥ Be?l Slock of Shoes in the Slate, I The free st'hool .vill begin at this : place ne.xt Monday. We aie glad ; Che school question is settled. If i North Carolina sends such men to the Legislature as were there the I last time, the fi’ee schools in Davie I will be a failure. Some of the 'Committeemen who were appointed I by the new board are talking ol I having the Snpreme judges im- i peached. 1 S lick . JEBICHO N EW S NOTES. TAX NOTICE. I will meet the Tax-Payers of Davie County at the following times and places to collect the Taxes for 1899: Mocksville during the m onth of November. Countv Line. Monday. December 4, . 1899.10.00 a. m . to 12 m. , Calahain, Monday, Decem ber 4, 1 p. j m . to 3 p. m. Nestor. Tuesday, Decem ber 5, 10 a. ‘ m . to 12 m. Cana, Tuesday, Decem ber 5, 1 p. m . I to 3 p. m. i Farmington, Wednesday, Decem ber • 6 ,10 a. m . to 2 p. m . Smith Grove, Thursday, Decem ber 7,10 a. m . to 2 p. m. Advance, Tuesday, Decem ber 12, 12 ' m . to 4 p. m . i Fork Church, Wednesday, Decem- ! ber 13, 10 a. m . to 2 p. m. I Aug-usta. (Berrier's Store,) Thurs* j dav, Decem ber 14, 10 a. m . to 12 m. Jerusalem, Thursday, Decem ber 14. I I p. m . to 3 p. m . 1 Sheffield, Friday, Decem ber 15, 10 . a. m . to 12 m . , Mocksville, Saturday, Deceriiber 16. all day ; Sec. 57. Ch. 7.32, Law s 1899: Taxes j for School fund must be turned over I by the Sheriff not later than Dec. 131st, of each year. Please remember ; this and be prompt in payment. ! .T. L . S H E E K , Nov. 1, '99. Sheriff Davie County. HE.iDQUABTEKb FOB GEOCEBIES. IN OTHEE W OBD3 I HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF GSXEEAL MEECHAXDISE. I WiU be glad to have you call. Yours Truly, F R A N K G. B R O W N , Corner Fourth and Main Streets, - - - WINSTON, N. C. Bros & C o . a t 60 tents oil the dollar of ^loltsale ,uannftp^"‘'*| f cost ’ It se«ms needless to entei' into a diScnssioii of the high stalj "il 'ol eicellenee embi'acdd id the Burgnndei' stolck, for th^- have bee„!|?P lea<iiu» exponents of the Tailors’ art in Baltiniort these past and have anmssed a fortune of more than *1,000.000.00. tverv o r 4iov whether he ueeds a suit or overcoat at once, or will uc«l 'n > | r fe 7 n .r th s hence, will find it prndent to take advnutuT.: magnificent opportunity. The telegram reprodntcd below clusively what bargains we are in a position to give our fnei;,is. ^ 1 Sam' B. Bailey has accepted a; Miss Pink Jones is visiting at J. position in the freight depot at I Lge Kurfees. Salisbury. Wc are sorry to lose Sam. He is a clevcr boy, and we •wish him success. Mi-i-ses, Ladies and Men’s over­ shoes at Williams & Andei-son’s. Misst^ Laura Sanford and Emma JSrowu have returned to their homes from the State Normal at DR. W . C. M ABTIN 5c!ioiiler’s RaeM Store. —Bargains Bargains— Bargains to beat the Band. If you wish to save your hard-earned speeia in "YOUR W ini' r Murcli.-iscs. y- u will com e in ti* si?e U S . AVe will show yon how it can be done to your entire satisfaction. Here are a few items that shows which way the wind blows: Boy’s suits from ■2(1.25 up. .— . Men's suits from :jS2.9S up A G o o d M a o k ia t o s h O v evo o at O N L T $1 - 25. A heavy double-sole Brog-an, worth $1.‘2.">, onr price OS cents. Ladies Heavy winter shoes, re,;:nlar ^1.25 quality, oar price'JSc. Men and Ladies fine shoes, worth ^1.25, our price !tSc. Capes from 3S)c. up. T h e b e s t a n d lo-west price line o f M illin ery in th e city. G I V E U S A C A L L and let us S H O W Y O U S O M E G E N U I N E B A R G A I N S * ~ 'y m a w B ST B B W TOIOW T B i ^ a A PH COttPasy .win omCES III *MERIC*.'y*C jSBlfs»«WCI TO AU. THI wahi. r e c e iv e d It--------------------- f M A T i J f l F in e U n io n Twill, dark xm. illtjll O w-ith a red and gmy niij.. single breasted round cut. jiriJ Gives special attention to diseases of the Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat, i Sp»ctaclcs fitted by the aid of retino- scopy. Teeth extracted by the pain­ less process. Office at residence in North Mocksville. I). C. Willson, Jr.', went to Salis­ bury hist week on business. Mr. Jesse Browu and Boone Ijanies made a trip to the mouu- taius last veek. Mr. W . F. Stonestreet left last Friday to visit his brother, C. C. G r^ '^ ro ,* . wWch‘Trbs^” oT ac- Stoneilreet, in Concord, couut of a fever epidemic. Fourj Mre. Lizzie Grant and Miss Kate 6r five young ladies have died i Brown, of Mocksville, visited Miss Since the epidemic broke out. ; Alice Willson last week. . Go to Williams & Audersou’s for | Mr. John Butler, of Harmony, your Shoes and Hats. i N. C., visited his brother-in-law, | Corrected by Williams & Anderson. The frame work on the furniture! day last j cjrn. per bu ............................... « -« Sdiouler's RaeM Store. Arrival and D epaitoe of T rains; S outh Bound—Daily except Sunday. Leave Mocksville .................. 1:00 p m Leave Mocksville .................. 0:00 p m North bound . Leave Mocksville .................. 7:15 am Leave Mocksville ..................ll:.TOam M ocksville Pro«luce M arket. factory will soon be completed. Can’t we organize a cimipany for a . week.. \Vheat, per bu............................... Mrs. Xanuie Glasscock, of Ijames' pgas’, per b u !........................... •Ai'a mrvt’Kc^T, iCotton mill t The Editor is in re-! Cross Eoads, visited her mother,' Bacon* per pound ceipt of, a 'etter from a \u-actical Mrs. Polly Kurfees, Saturday and ; Bacon, Western. mill m an w h o w o uld take stock in i Sunday of last w eek, a ,mill at this place M ock^illel ^mer- ieeds a cotton mill badly. Let’s | Thursihiy Jia\ e oue. j ^ tobacco. They re- ,_E. H. Morris is ueKOtiatiug with ; turiie'd Saturday a n d rejmrt prices parti^ .for the sale ot his lauds | low. adjoiniifg the Cooleemee' Cotton' Lucv. Mills. Ham's............................................. E g g s ................................................. Butter.............................................. Spring CTiickens......................... 6 7 75 8-ir I le 15 12i THIS SPACE BELONG-S TO did value ^ r>0. C I T E P liJC E Gentlemen’s Fine Snjif aij stripeil Worsteds, Fdacy v'ii and Gray Meltons. I'huittl single and double brp.-steil c j Fine goods hsndsonicly taiiij Worth easily 810.00, but at 5 sacrifice sale THEY GO AT Sti.OO. Men’s Oyerw Boys’ Don’t Suffer, The Eleetropoise Cures all diseases without the use cf medicine. A pure Oxygen treatment, by absorption. It cures where every­ thing else fails. It is needed in evcrv R.B .Graw M & C o, General Dealers In Hardware, W inston-Salem . North. CaroUns. ig e lily,A poor unf.u-tuirate paralytic, |the Towiiship Trustees 1 „e™*oVai”lment, to’the*^mo "pS^ from SurrV countv, was ou our ; acliooi l^oiiiiiiitteenien. , chronic .disease; and without the use streets hist' Thnrsd'ay. When oue TheTownshipTrustees appointed | of a pain of medicine. Thousandsof sees such (sises as this, it makes us 1 by the old County Bo-ard of Ednea-; wish we. had the wherewithall ” j tion, and the District School Coni- i preachers,- Supreme Judges Edi- ft snlti'cie'nt supply to properly (are j mittee appointed by said Township tors. etc.. even crowned heads of Eu- f » T just siich cases. How littl*' d o! Trustees, will be governed by the j rope have given written testimonials we think cd- the misfortunes and; sch<«l law. Acts of 1893, «>>less: Bo»^ hardships of others. advised otherwise later on. ’ prfce of instrume-its sent free. Every The District com^Aittees that | family should have an Eiectropoise; induces health. Send FEOM $2.25 r i’. Several Lots Union Cassimere, black ground with neat, gray pin Check and wine colore<l over-plaid, single-breastetl. 5 to 14, very nobby. Worth W .25. OUE PKICE 60 CENTS. Boys’ Double Breasted Suits, m.ade from all wool Cheviots and Cassimeres; there are 25 styles to select from, sizes 7 to 16 years, and regular value. OUE PEICE «1..50. Boys’ A ll AS'ool Cassimeres, black ground, with dark gray neat cheek and pure silk mi':^ture, double breasted, 9 to 15, made and trimmed in A l style. Worth any­ where $5. OUR PRICE 82 95. A l partridges, eents them iold. E. H. Morris. Sometime ago letters aildres.sedj to ditfereut persons at this office! were fonud on the streets torn 1 open, anil upon investigation by i Highest prices paid for all kinds the Postmaster, a .small opening'country prodvce at Williams & from a broken glass to the W box ■ Anderson’s. was noticed, and a glass w as put in ! ----------- - —--------- at once. There was no way of de-! ICemember This, termining how many letters had: at once and see w hat' have thoroughly test- ,___________ Agents wanted. T he I .at the Aaulemy in Advance. Satnr-i E lbctropoise CVj ., 513 4th Street,; day, l>ec. 2nd, for white teachers. Louisville. Ky. i C. M. S hekts , ■ Co. Supt. Pub. Inst. , . , , „ i 50cts pays for 6 monthssubscrip-b^nextnu.te<l Sevewl letters with | rhecKS JlftVfir tiirnpri ni-» ^ ^ticket and an opportunity at one cf ‘he five free gifts. checks never tnrned up. Sunilay. November 2fith, some of the boys ^vere in the cellar to Capt. W . A. tlement’s old store, and 1.2 or 15 Ktters were found torn open, one •with a check for .?14.25 from B. D. tlialkley & CO. to P. L. Wilson; another letter from P. A. Miller, of Winston, to N. H. C. Williams, i ■ in which a check for «s34.40 was i supposed to have lieen sent. No Check could be found fortheiS4.40. It is to be hoped that the thief may yet be found. It was a pretty hold piece of business, to say the least of it. National Hotel, KEFUEXISHED. UXDEU XEW MANAGEMENT. R A T E S , $ 1 . 0 0 P E R D A Y . J. H . E amsey , Prop’r. Main St. SALISEUEY, X. O. Greensboro Ladies Cloaks cheap at Williams | & Andereou^s. I Nurseries, TheEecovd. Jd.OO. The Record.; jGEEEXSBOEO, X. C., FINE,STOCK FOB SALE. A n y person desiring to buy a Jack or Jenny, or Jenny colts, or other fine stock, will do well to call on T . A . B B U N T , Farmington, N. c. For all kinds of Fruit, Shade and Ornameutal Trees. Vines and Plants. I am the Intro- dmser of the famous GEEENS- BOKOand(!ONNET’S South­ ern Early Peach. NOTICE.Greensboro Herd of Eegistered PO­ LAND CHINA and Mammoth Black Hogs. One of the finest herds in the South. Write for prices. Jon s iV. Y oung , Prop’r. CALL BROS. Ten Per Cent. Furniture Men, 108 W e st F if,!. S t., W I N S T O N . N - C- AVant your trade and will give you bargains in all Stj les of Bed-Room Sets, Odd Dres.sers, Diniii" Tables, Beds, Washstands, Loniiges, (’ouches and all things to be found in an Up To Date FUENITUEE HOUSE. « SOMS NEW and BBADTiniL DESIGHS in DISHES, CHAMBffi-SETS and LAHPS, \ Wo also have a Beautiful Line ot Pictures and Fr.imes. The New England and Needham Pianos, and the Old ; Reliable Estey Organs and the Needham Orgiiiis are sold by us. and need no recommendation, as they are so W ell Known. Boys’ Oyercoats FROM !!1 U P. - r i l l “f Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Scarf'. , I n i l IjT ’erwear, etc., etc., at prices that deft competition. N. L. CRANFORD &C| W INSTON-SALEM. N . C , j o^k I- ront. No. 4t.S Tmde St. Two Doors N. of FarMCN' EX’S BOX CALF; KX'S VICI SHO»; Calf liueit: o-' $ 2 .5 0 , $2 .7 5 . W.OO. « 2 .5 0 , $2.-75, ADIKS’ AXD flllLiiFl ^ SHOES 6 0 CENTS TO *,1 .*. I « 0 CENTS TO n DON’T WAIT A MINUTJt:. Good W atches A bsoi,dtei.y free . notices, on hea\-j- card- ®.'' virtue of an order made by board, fof sale at postofiice' Five'-^- T. Grant, Clerk of Snperior for 5 cents. ! Court, I will sell at the Court „ .. U ^ „ ; Hojise door in the town of Mocks- Pan^GOo^s.' Di-ess G ^ g , Out-; ville. on the 4th day of December, tin ^ ’ rtc., chtep at W illiams &! 1.^99, the following real estate, ad- Anderson s.- i.ioining the lands of Lewis Harper, Dor.’t forget T he E ecokd ’s free' bounded ais tbilows: gift offire: A No. 2 0 Carolina Cpoii! To wit: Beginning at a stone j We want your name for PASTIME. Stove, a Set of Furniture (3 p ife^ ),; Lewis Harpers corner, thence W . j a bright, clean, illustrated atorv and a Good Sewing Machine, a Ciiatta- 20 poles and 15 links to a Stone in; h“™»™u8 paper ior the tamily circle, I ^ ^ , i 1 r" o o noo^ thinfed Plow,and a Bem-'Potts line, thence S. 70“ WestiVe"CALL B R O i H E R S ingtoi B#e^h-loadiug Shotgun.; 24 poles and L to a stone iu Potts : silver watch to each sub.sTribcr, aneat One dollar pays for a^year'S.snb- 1*“*, thence E 15° X 20 poles and ! medium-si*ed watch, guaranteed for scription and two ticketfi: 50 cents' 20 lit Its to a stone, to the bc^ning: yoar. Will keep time for many six months and one ticke^. ' containing 2 acres and 105 poles j a*^littie')?o watch. All Goods ‘iold f :r Cash q? f'asy Paym3rt3. Come to our place and if you are not tre’itetl right call no more, but if we treat yvu right j call agait. 0EGAN3 FEOH 825.00 UF. PIANOS FS02I $190 UP. Manufacturers’ Agents, W anted-T^to Of three' loads o t Z b talT ce I ffi^ydesr“ewin| SJhS^'s" kmI shiiflcrt W ill xkuv c^ n , balance on SIX ntontbs time Guns, etc. Samples and particulars w. J.: / bottd Ji'hd AnninvMl sAnnritir free. Send ss vour addresti to-dav ifj^ood E. H. M o m : *, ^ iO l boltd atid ap pio ved secaritv j Send «s your address to^ay if .'at 6 per cifnt interest from dav o'f! “•<>«, and see how easily Married: at fte home of' the sale, title reserved till purchase yo“ «>?ethtogmtfe yon wan^ bride’s iriother, iiear Bixby, Mf. raon«> i» paid. This 19th day of ]»avid Hateiine, of Salisbury, and I October 18&^. Mifs Pell ('haplin, diinghter ol y u oK . X . C h a t 'i s , M r s . £U%al>etll Chaplin, ou A d m r . of H . L ip p ard dtfcfM. ■ llKt., T. <,’. ghefits, Rs<)-.,i>Hicialing. T. B.. Bailey, ^torneyj WINSTON. . . X. C. I Branch House; yoi _ „ ^ -____ w e will surprise, you. Ple-iae don’t wait a^minute, send now. Better en­ close a stamps for trial subscrtption | atid iJrtaient. or 28 stamps for watch and ^ p ef while the wa.tches are goiae free. The PASTIME Pab. C t m b a . a y , i Iv eu l3vlU ;„K y, MABTIX9VILLB, VA. Can A l ^ ^ 6ive Lowest Prices- Os Brwything in Ow Ian*. • \l L XEW SIIAIMa th e I jeg to ar SHOE store :, Corner 4th and Liberty Sts., WINSTON, X. f - _______neeiy & m , Just j[ecel73d! Parlor Suits, Mirrors, Faccy FW E\ ERYTHING TO MAKK A HOUSE HAXm)MB I BEa-EOOM sml AXl> EXTRA liEl‘^1 a t P ric es THAT Vt'H.r. ASTO-N'P’’! Don’t lain to give j iu iveetl of anythin?'"i Fumitm-e Vi IT WILL b e to YOI'R 0. W. WRIGBtJ : F ttn ii^ D«aler and Uaklertakef, SA l IKH' SPBCIAL IX D U C E| O U l fo u for we have droppedj , It will PAY you to Ifl Jeves » iea*t and your tho l% u a n « B y way to prool «““ *>• W ek eep | nfe otter you a rare oppor Uotious, Table and Gla ■ i few prices that will I L your good*: Children's UndervestsJ L id ie’s Fleece-lined Uil Ttf-a** Undershirts. 15cJ Ladle’s Union Suits, Fil g r e a t ! I ; price 40c on the dollar tt yo“ uYc?-'-loo a M e n ’s ulce F ^ Bill-- L it val'jci 01 uajf.il arj We arc n..-icl.iu;irtcrs ! ick '1'^’ tl'-^ I'virrl u h tio :iU ll- f n i to buyor i.ot. N o'...v, 420 Liberty St., )R . F . G - C H i e y e s p f x i a l Bee over Jacobi' Cioth| W IX-TON, X. [ f 'Z 'O C L Furnitare of any WILL PAY YOU F. Huntley’sl ------HE 8ELLS- bjST CLASS F U E N lI ! Rijht w:tss, 3tfsk alwij 426 and 42.S Trade I V.-INSTJN, N .| - 7 7 ': — C A L L ON- la.O Tff’N'. T he hav< a Xice Line »elry and .Silver Wa and Eye GlcKses, j Ipairiug done while rq Ty insured for one ye fioit the times. Yours fur busiuessj BROWN. T h i I Liberty Street. n I K'.'biert’s thegnn f "Want Yourl ^ICKENS, POTA1 ONIONS AND I PA R a PROI)Ut;E, I Highest Market Prieet I Call on me w| YOU COME TO I weU Selected Stoc riea A lw ays On | Yonra to Serve, D. M. m | Salisbury, North] 101™!! RAl I S , - . s t a n d a r d r a | o f t h e s o u t h I he Direct Line toj CAS, ^^LIFORNIA. toRIDA, I'BA AXD .'^RTol Jrictiv Fii«t rl.l e tit o n a i l rhvou| ’I 'r a in s . illm a a S leepin.g C a r in s. F a s t a n d S ad T ra v e l by tbe d y o u a r e as.H ured1 r o rta b ic a n d a n l J o u r n e y . I k 'y t® Tlck.jt A sen tJ I Rates and GeiJ m ation, or ad] . ^^:RNON , T- P. A. I Charlotte, N. C . |TR0BBL2 TO.__ : 8. o ijraiw . > r . & Goa IU d. *. TURK S. I ^ASHrKG-l