09-September) d ! 'aacyRte lIA X D SojtE -Eooa sun, ' “ " ^ W a b e d s 'E S |TH AT WILL ASXOXisa TO |ill to give Hi of anything ia the i t u r e la n e , BE TOYOURlVte’ I WRlGHt, ir, SALISBURY, v , M H oe^ |iu(l for land that is betl a f a r Load ou liaall Call auil examiue If H A K inV A R E . at to & GO’S,, W I N S T O N , N .( l i A L I . BROl t n P e r C e n t. Furniture I | 7 I 4ive yim bargaius i n i I'l Dressers. DiiiinR Tiiblj I <. O’.II lies and all things| L'KSITUKE HOUSE. : DISHES, CHAMBER-SETS an;| line ol Picfai'c-s and Fran llliam Pianos, and th e ' I the Xeeiliiam Organs I'iniinoiKlatiou, as they are^ Cllo^^n. i s h o r ,P .a s y P a i |it! are not treated right 1 right, tall again. } 0 U P . [os FROM S190 I ’A. SHOEOLOl ------O---- M a y We Sale New L ace C loth Top Sbo Very Stylish and Easily Xew JjOt T an C loth T op L ace S Good Value for ( Ma C alf a t $1.49, 'W otthi ta t $1.49, W orth all of 3 |;,<)U—W orth C<1,00, »!,23 aij loes 2 5 c a n d U p . | r I.AK SilOK STOIiH.— N E E I Y & T he D avie R ecord MOCKSVILLE, X. C. WEDXESDAY, SEPTEJIBBE G, 1899.23. i i r e & K i m b r o u g h , 11 SICIAN’S AVD SCRGEONS. rst door South of Hotel Davie. iIOC'JiisVILLE, N . O. F r O ^ H E E K S P F X I A L I S T . ■Tacolis’ Clolhing Store, h n x sa x > x , x . c . For President U)00. W ILLIAM M eKlSLKY, Ohio. F or Governor. JA JIK S !•:. n o v o , Guilford. F or Congress. W ILLIAM A. BAILEY, llavie. The Davie Record, PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. E. H. MOKKIS, Editor. TERMS op SUBSCRIPTION : O n e copy, One Year, . - . $1 .0fl O n e copy, Six Months. - . - 30 O t^ p y , Three Months - - - K |R . B . A n d e r s o n , -D EX TIST.------- First Door South of McGuire & Kimbroug-h. MOOKSV1LLE» N . C. dlectiou JLaw—.Section liUeveu. ; Section 11. That before the next I general election on the lir&t Thursday i iu August, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred, provided for in this a c t there shall be an entirely new registration of all persons who shall be entitled to register in every voting- h M ocksviUe, N . C., Septem ber 6. precinct in the ritate. and only sue: ■ ^ persona as are rejjistered shall be en-I A s n s v i l l e G r 8 > Z G t L 6 . i tltlea to vote in any election held un- ])A1LY EDITIOX: Year, # 4.00Iptioii: One Weeks, biith. r C a z e tte . O n e y e a r , • ( i a z e t t e . O n e y e a r , I ’ Gazette, six raoutbs, iriss: T h e G a z e t t e , Asheville, X C. applicant for reifistration shall be,, ___ - igi sworn by the registrar before being: repstered and shall state and answer 1 .0 0 his afe, place of residence, stating 40 . ward if he resides in an incorporated | T he Stanley Bond Case. There is a good deal being said iu the papers about the decisiou of the circuit court in the Stanley Bond case. . Adverse criticism of the court, it appears to us, is un- j ust and out of order. The Consti- tutiou of Xorth Carolina prescribes the mode of voting and levying bond­ ed iudebteduess, and if the law is not 1.00 I town or city, number of his house if j complied >vith, it is the COUl't’s 1.00 : ra?st;ftlo"aof i'tsToca“ i t f b'^fstreet: i ^ 50 i and if not the owner, then the name auce with the law. W e are not wpudiators of auy kind of iudcbt- H plton and Settle. State Chairman Holton rem arked today that thestsilemeut of Thomas Settle that he was for the amend­ ment to the Constituti n did not snrprise him, as Mr. Settle had been talking that way since the legislature adjourned. Chairman Holton could have ad­ ded, had he so chosen, that he knew of many othei-s of the more brainy and respectable and self- respecting meu of the Kepublican party in Xorth Carolina who will at the proper time take the same stand on this “ negro issue.”— V\ iuston Corr. Baleigh Post. The above clipping shows the methods resorted to by the intol- the laws were published. If he w'ill | our power andi iufluence in Pacific examine the acts of the last legis-' "’a*®"*- territory of® I »-V>« 'C'r»a4- nAtir »l,«a 4^c>I itiiro I the East, must mean new marketslaUire. pa„e ,>36, chapter 381, h e ; prqducts, and that the w'lll see that Peg-leg can carry on I South is so sittiatod geographically his trade immolested. Let’s give as to receive! an ever-increasing them credit for what they did d o ,, benefit. WASHINGTOX LETTER. be it good, bad or indifierent. W e cannot endoree all they did, by a large majority, but what little good has been done should be properly credited on the ledger. A m endm ent Queries. VETER.\NS’ MEETING. Camp Clem ent O rgaulzed- PU nie 28tli Instant. To [From the Ashevile Daily Gazette.] A s lar as the Gazette knows eve­ ry word that has been printed with the sanction of the managers of the amendment campaigu on the pro- pose<l disfranchising amendment has had a careful reading iu the I office of the Gazette. This is an I ordeal through which, we believe, few have p ass^ . Ever since this of the owner or renter. If not a resi­ dent of an incorporated town or city I ‘ he shall then siate his place of resi- edness, bat W e are of the opinion h r L ^ i “o t ^ L ^ ‘o ^ ^ S r \ « ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ‘-“ It lies elsewhere than I are which he lives then he shall state the with the nam e of the person who does own the I'EKEST aXi IXVEXTORS. , Snow & t'o., one of the ^Mil most successful firms of attorneys, whose offices are letlie United States Patent In W ashingtou, D. and |av<‘ procured patents for ccmer from whence he comes, and his iui 17.000 inventors, s;iytliat j postofflce address before removal; ------- iLitvi- n r, ,1 * lew n av e paseeu. jjjver sm ee m is erant, demagogic machine element i goldiera of Da*vie*”the*wOTtht a^nd ‘^markable measure was put forth in the Democratic party to carry i rnfy Uvlng w ^ ‘I'® legislature we have taken the amendment. Mr. Settle is a I ‘-Lost Cause,” marched into town ' and wedo not question his right , They ^ m e^ hri^ otjls' hprp rt i r ’ " article on the Amendment.” As the li«.n party it. Xor.h Caiolina who ^eady tr ^ d a n . U . « I are going to vote against this, but underneath the simple ^arb of courts. W hy not criticise: aiiieudmcnt as there are in the | “ I* about the Anglo-Saxon being born essnesa of nnr lAo-inlutnrA l>emix;iatie nartv Sm.li ati.fV throt)bed and alvint “ neixm domination” ill the least. But the last para­ graph shows the contemptible lit­ tleness of the mau who wrote it. There are as re.speetable and as self-respecting men iu the Kepub- [From Our Regular Correspondent.] W ashington. September -i.— Secretary Gage, whose position en­ ables him to know more abojt the finances of the government than those who are making sensational statements to the contrary, says the increase iu the volunteer army will not cause the slightest embarrass­ ment to tae treasury, and that no bonds will have to be issued or new taxes imposed to raise the money needed to meet every ouligation of tbe government as it becomes due. This ought to put a stop to all the wild talk about more bouds and more war taxes, bat of coui'se, it will not; the sensationalists are bound to have something to write about, and the anti-e.vpansionists will try to use a financial scare to make up for lack of real arguments against the Pnilippiue policy of the administratiim, but there is no oc­ casion for sensible persons to pay auy atteutiou to them. Although Secretary Root declines to be iuterviewetl on the matters discnssetl at his conference with President McKinley, this week, it can be stated absolutely that it was not about a change in the com­ mander of the army in the PhUip- Patent Office, patents■ , i V.UU1. C. IX SU U«iL CUUl L 1 CIUSLALCU; • - - ------------------- - - - ----- l\v IH* more proinptiy procur- ^^hetlier he has listed for taxation his \ plaiii, aud are not oui* law makei-s tlie uegro of over three several readings ou three i have to resort to such abuse, aud i 'y®.™ ^here. h'lt ■ J 'such con,teiuptible methods tocarrvi’\ T ‘l‘V,'’‘^^'^®'“ '';‘T « ® ^ but-these h iviuV been exploitetl' ^ ^ ■ with aU _thee.gerabilityof hungry, o the im proved conditions, ■ whether he ha.? been disqualified as a several days, a n d the j*ea a n d nay s r . Isilo tth at it. W ith a White majority over "raudfather »eciet! 100,000, '--------- . : next preceding, if liable to pay a i)oil, with these rules in laying addition- j showed plainly by the election law i ,r, - - ^ ^ ^ » K ■ tax. anrl nnvAt-?i»»r whi/'h , . _ I . . . * . i Uirii \ / v Jrd—btJ IESJ YOU GO TO f/inston, N. C., will ail 1)6 reiurupa ro iiioiner tax, and anv other uuestions wKich i i. xv * » mi I ai ‘ t jV lOarth, aiul tli6 like of tliCiU will m ay be regarded by the registrar a s ; taxes iipoii the people! T h e ; they pa.ssetl, that iUey did not ex- uever be seen ajifaiu. material upon the question of the objtct of tbe law w as to m a k e our peet a niajority of tbe voters to ” ' L“ /nt%“o\^“ ad“ t ^ --k e rs careful in imposing ad -CALL OX— r N , T h e J e w e l e r . uphold them in their efforts to eu- tfo'n. The registrar may require the ditioual burdens, iipou the people, trench a machine everlastinglv iu , a ^ f r " n T r t h “ ^^^^^^ easy for men to sit in power in this State. The record least two electors under oath. And the legislativeasseiubliesand vo*:e debts i from South Carolina, Georgia, Lou- I iue of W atciies any ^ people, and the Ccnstitu-1 isiana and Mississippi .shows con- O- be evi lence ajrainst. tiou placed the.se barriei-s in the clusively that the elimination ofare, bpenia- mm m any proceedinsrs for false or writer to bniileh olT from their iiia- j chine uniformilv aud aussvcr the though they ^yere necessary Following IS an extract from an authorized interview with Secre­ tary W ilson: “ The agrio«!t.nral Having n.et in the c o u r t h o u s e q u W i o n * ^ during the forenoon, the meeting theie not twuse as many _ was organized by the s e l e i 't i o u o f voters lu tl*is State as there United States ar(T~ Comrade W . A. W illiams as chair- colored .votei’s . | today in as prosperous a condition man aud Editor Crowsou secretary.' 2. W ith a while majority of 100 rjiis could reiisonably be desired. On motion a ram p was orgiiuizeil 'u e.xcej-^ of the colored vote iu , 'i'i,e crops in the Mississippi Valley tt^be known as Camp ('lemcnt. j North Carolina is it not uousense to ; are the heaviest grown there. Kan- The following officera were chosen:; talk of uegi;o domination < Commander, W . II. Hobson; 1 st , 3. With! this white majority ;.s not put a stop to crime >^mong: to trn^c any , timated at 360,000,000 the ne^ro by Democratic methods. sas will produce 400,000,000 bush­ els of corn. Sebraska’s yield is es- bushels. . place of birth and place I <lence_of said elector, the name of the pte-Kcribed by the Constitution, then ! t!ieiiegroe.sorwhilesinthesoStates.; Sanford; Adjutant, C. F. Bahnson; The negro question is as in-iich dis-' Chaplain, Kev. W . If. Ketchie; the legislators should be criticised, ] cussed in those States to-day as iu ‘ Commissary, ,la.s. H . Coley. Itlie times. LU'S for busiiiesi*,' j postofflce, township, couniy or state 1 IlliOW X. T h e Je w e i.e r. “■I'ence the elector has removed. ---------------------------------------. , . fcrtv Street X ett door t o '‘" ‘^H^ event of a removal: b^- whom and not the court, for doing itslthis. ^Vud we are honest iu t^ir, ..£ . , , • uoor ; emplo3’ed. if employed: whether h e : , . f < ■ • n t , .. courthonse here oil the 2.Sth ol theItoleri’sthegunm an. i has listed his poll fuf tax:ition for the ' '’“ ty. , The law says the m ortgage, opinion that the amendment " ^ present month, at !):30 a. m. After ‘ ; current year in wiiich he applies for I first recorded, and the indgm ent ■ not settle the uegro question. We the meeting, the (.'amp wi"! r<nri»str;»tion nnr! fur irt^nr ti^yI . ' ‘ • . . .... I’he reunion will be held in the I inarch Iiij, P lblish XoTIf'cS At the following teS-PK IC liS .-^ ii dare to so trust thepro- posed consiitutional amendment 1 5. If you do why did you passau -election l.iw that placed all the election machinery of the State iu the hands of your partisans i Vollowin.r tbp f''oinn,!tt4.P of Do yj)U iiitciid touse this elec- >f!h:ive said beiore, we d o u o tseean /j jj Hobson (- i tion law ;us a partisan tool to turn be evidence against the applicant in ; the hxw in these cases proper and i‘lunger of negro domination iip (' s'oiifoiil (' A GnflV ■ im l c ’ V ' the election in your directum—to feL'r/raudSentVeg^^r^^^^^^^ t A nd in somcinstauces, where i North Carolina! How can a r.u-e; Blih'nson. ’ ’ ' ‘ ‘ " ‘ .............................................................................................hopelcsslyinthem iuoritydoininatei Bev. W . ( . AVilson, U lostou. i rc^wtratm^ U abkto pay rp o ll”tS ': j lu's^t takeu and docketed lia\ e pro- j ure .just as miu'h In favor of white , to /'lem eiif Grove and picnic aud T V n T ri n T > r t / i n - n / l S t h e a p p r o p r i a t e c o lu m n o f t h e r e g - i c e d e n c e o v e r s e c o n d m o r tg a g e s a n d I I’u leD3jY16 K6G0r(l J bo'oks‘containing“theLrdVtra"S^hal“ Is 'not the object of:h:iv itle as auyoue cau be, but as w e: *'Sl^t their battles over. HONEST measure intended to bene - ' Iowa and Illinois will have record- lit the whites to the vote of the i breaking crops. The people of the w'hite people! 4. Do you thereujion if the said registrar shall ; adjudge the applicant to be duly ijual- men fail to have them recorded and S i ified and entitled to be registered as j docketed, do they liot sulfiu- loss by nii5i i their ueglcct, a u d othcrs w h o takeBust rator s notice - - ?_.00iJ of the applicant, giving his race op-1 , , ■ . , I of Kale, - - - - *2 .00 ^ posite to his nam e on the registration'a second mortgage a u d com ply witu ludcr execution lage S;ile )ks: Provided, that nothing herein contained shall prevent anj- elector I leg!il requirements,step in Let the foliccs where fees 8.' j'j. -?3 and respec­ tively will liec.hal-g- ed. : or ji-;5g“e“of "ekc'ti^ron^hedav ol el^c- j ahead of the other man ? "-ten the elector presents | ie„isiature d o its duty, and wheu g ! himself to vote from challenging the i ,^ —t—Ub ___i ___L. ij-___. 4-V.a rnni'i the S tate! It seems that the last. U. S. are satisfied with the present policies of the administratiou. They are gratifieil with the good Wiiges lor labor and with the prosperous manufai-tiiriug activities. The best people morally, religiously, patri- olitsilly, in this country sustain the President in his ettbrt to couquer a peace in the Philijipines. They believe that when this is accom­ plished g<M)d government will b« establisheil there.” Representative Dalzell, o? sylvania, predicts that the col session of Congress Avill lie oj liveliest we have ever had. Jetigures repi'e.sent an actual* |ving of 33J per cent aud K over,as now aliowe<l bV g law ‘ I II on us before you make a S p ct,for we are ready to meetly ( M ) M P E T I T I O N . k ^ right of the elector to vote. If an ^ the courts go w rong, then condeum & elector ha.-> previously been admitted fijp™ k i to resfistration in any ward, township ’ S • or i)recinct in the county in which he C resides he shall not be entitled to reg- ' ister again in another ward, precinct or township in the same countj’^ until \ ‘^He who asks equity should do eq u iiy /’ he produce's a certificate of the regis- j K o y d aiul Bailey. trar in the former township, ward or -Wo in n loiitprecinct that his nam e has been eras- i ' ' ® UOtlC^d lU a la&t w eeks lh^.le ed from the regLstratior books of the of the Charlotte Observer, that its correspondent said that any person claiming the right to be 1 Best Master 15. H . Morris, of T h e will deliver the address. i amenument anu c.cc. your , , fi 1 4. 1 f T h e f o l l o w i n g w e r e a p p o i n t e d to to ollice! legislaluri, hxcd at least a poition ^ li n<)t what was your reason in of the negro counties so the whitc-s, erate soldiers iu their respective ' passing it t could control them. X^ow, why did i townships: i 8. Is it not an insult tothe white they not (ix all of those where th ere! Farmington. Dr. W . G . .Johusou. was a chance for the negroes to^ .Ttr ua’om, .1. P . ) <aid. control, and thereby settle thej question of uegro rule, and thuS| avoid a campaigu w'hich bids fair to arouse the passion aud preju­ dices of the pcple unnecessarily. \Ve are oppose-.i to such campaigns, for the efl'ect works injury to the entire State and all of its people. ■ l ^ u r p r e j ^ i e r ^ 't L * '^ ^ CbiefJusHc«Chambers of Samoa, I « '“»“ t'itiou <)f the | ' phiwphate ro ^ . Frank G. t'arpeuter write's: voters of Xorth Carolina 1 ! iini told that ne;irly all of the nij 9 Is this election law auv nioiL j meroiis small islands about Por honest in purpose than the ‘cousti-: Kico have phosphatic deposits. Thd ' tiitioiial ameudmeut 1 "»>st »f them have not been w orkedl aud many have not lieen prospect- eil. Every now and then I hear Clarksville, Isaiic Rolierts. Jlocksville, W . A. (Uemeut. f - a t r u '^ H ^ - 'w l r - K e t c h i e . : 10 . Are not both of them iu real- Shadv Grove, C. G. isailev. “ general scheme ; <-ontaining phos- A cordial in>itation is extended uiake periuauent the sovereignty , remarka- uinllvto tb e ladies. !«t “ political «ug,. ol which y.ni is wmcerning au island aspire to be a part, in thui State! ; 11. Can you give an honest man’s and some distance east reason for a partisan elei^tiim law, |„ f fj|y (.^1^ de Miiertos. This Is- or for a jconstitntional ameudmeut ■ i,hs about 400 a<a-es, which is to all, aud espeually to th e ladies,! to be present at the picuic. The South and Expansion. ITHERN I ree-Istered In anv nreclnct of tlie sam e', ■ r ^ e . has J'een telling the people of th e ' C u'ted States! !q'i,y ijgs in veins, like the county by virtue of said certificate j yK«>KD, w'iis in fa\oi of calamity, ami all good uieu should 1 they stand in: 12. If you knew the supreme; phosphate r<«-k of South Carolina, iw iththe person named therein shall; ,Tas. E. Boyd for governor, and oppose the means reported to w hich; their own light in opjiosiug expan- court of the United States would When analyzed it shows 04 per and'^hen'’reou1red‘^*bv^the^ W illiam A. Bailey for congress in culminates iu arou.siiig bad blood, | tion, .says tlie Xew York Journal, declare the “ gi-diidfather clause” cent, of pho.sphate of lime; .i per ................... ^ ..........................." ■ his district, instead of Hon. R. Z .! a„,i often riot.aud bloodshed. ' He favors the Unite<l Stales retain- of y<ra proposed disfranchising law : cent, of water, aud per cent, ot Tt struck ii«i as soon as; lit-o h. ti.ovo ing everything it has iu the Pacific, unconstitutional would you advo- 1 clay. It is easily mined, but a Linney ^ A' e would bke h. these ^ex-, the point that the trade cate it? ! small <l.K,k aud a tuuuel will have we read it. that theie was a little 1 jujr questions settled tor the good ; tj,at section is a particularly iu- i 1.'!. If yon would not, do y<ni to be made liefore it cau be gotten meanness in this statement. It;„ f .,n eoncerued, but we cannot ^ viting field fin-Ihe South, and’that j think it is right when you do not out to the ships. One of the army ■ by the oilth of at least one other elec- I tor. Every person found and adjudged ; by the registrar qnalilied as an elec­ tor shall take the following oath: ‘’I D A TT TIT^ A V i solemnly swear (or afilrm) that I V V x l 1 i ‘ constitution of the rAXDARD RAILW AY ■THE SOUTH. P Direct Line to all Points. • I Wlli suppui L LUC UUllALlLULiUU OX lilC ----- j r • ; United States and the constitution of I s in a c k W of the idea of E . H . M o r -j i^-^te for a m easure w hich settles, with the ris opposing M r. Linney, and a i „„t],i,ig but which w'ill eventually j ^ 't will build up dss>ueto cali JIr. L iu n e y ’s aM eutio„ ,'aisf.-anchise thousands of the white “ the Pacihc c<mn-; frauch,*ei!U this the state of North Carolina; that I i have been a resident of the state of j North Carolina for twelve months and I of the county o f .. . : . . for nincty-daysi' ; that I a m twenty-one years of age; ; that I have not registered for this I election iu any other ward, precinct j or township: that I am the identical completion of the X icii-! know what decision thecourt would ^officials who is intere.sted in lal it will build up a m ag-' take iu the /liiajtenft-diik the dis-! property tells me that the company to the foet Your bust DemijciatiC legislature elimiuated Mr. Linney from our ilistrict, aud placed Yad- s z a s . fomia, r i d a , |)a fl.Ti.'i Bico. fct’y F iist personIrepresentm yselfto.be, and kin and Davie iu M r. K lutz’s dis- that I am a bona fide resident of^. 1.^111precinct. So help me, God.” And ; tn ct. .This correspondent should thereupon the said personshall been- ; be properly posted before writingtitled to register. That if any appli-1 *1, ^ i i i cant for registration who is permitted ^ for th^ prefis, and it would be no to r-gister shall coufess u^on h^ ex- j,iea f^r him to try and get rid amination under oath at the time he is admitted to registration that he has not liijted his poll for taxation for 1 the current year, if the time of his . ; ^ ^ i it said appUcat ion is after the time fixed at this place wears no m a n ’s collar, * rfo " ‘ o f a few of his small ideas before h e writes again. T h e postmaster by law for listing taxes in that j-ear ! 5,^ lives iu a State w h ic h one or if he shall admit that he did not list; . , fiis poll for taxation for the year n e x t ' 01 its poets saill w as ‘‘the laud ot j preceding it shall be the duty of the , the free a n d the h o m e of the b rav e.” I registrar to certify said fact or facts ! ■ (iiis s F o t lir - ! to clerk of the superior court o f : It is uot brave to be little. ' I his county, and the said clerk shall ----------------- It o n a ;i Thvo u- rh a n d Lo- , hand such certlttcate to the solicitor I . ® ! for tns district at the next term of | fl’ra in s . ' the sui>erior court, and the solicitor ; shall without delay draw and send to nan Sleeping C arsonall Xiglit;^(jg jrrand jury a bill of indictment IS. Fast a n d Safe tSchedllles.! against such elector soregistering for ^ ' failure to Ust his poll tax. A n d if TravK i b y th e So nthern a n d ! any applicant shall falsely swear he you are assured a S afe, C-oni-1 has listed his poll for taxation he shall fo rta b le a n d E xp e d io u sJo u r- lb c guilty of perjury and punished nny. I as prescribed by la-w: Provided, that ly to Ticket Agents for Tim e Ta- ■ the atiawer of the delinquent, that he Democrat jfcaii (le tries. The.Iournalhas repeatedly sougtlVThe ameudiuent »^U) i!iipi:e-si.i>u_ihe-t?</"‘ ” ............... ?r3 b ,0 0 0 white vo-; e.xpects Ja _ sh ip the prixluct to , t^j^bTTm i'ouragiug the passage of Hamburg. Tfiis'"sit»ue u'.ail that he kn o w s of another eoj^e 14. Can you produce any stalls- where tliere are 3,000,«00 tons of 3t to place l enoni ami diit-tliugiug aud tell usi the very points so clearly made tics to show that many thim ^ud i phosphate iu sight, w hicii. wheu - , ii..r r’l-jof r,.oiioQ ci,.j..,i.oi.<! They i white votei-s Avill not be di.slran- in H:inihiirL'. w ll sell for ¥li .00 a of I by Chief Justice Chambers. . ,____ it your e ‘ ivill be the greatest g;iiuers by e x -' oliised when the ‘'protecticm” ol aud pitssed with the purpose o l: W ith the building of the the graudfatlier clause Is removed, giving a tree ballot and a fa ir; g.,iial,Southern-jierchautsaud m an-' even if it is not deslared uiicon- cm ut Tell us if you believe your j ufacturere will have a distinct ad- stitutiim al ? net scheme would stand a ghost of vantage iu shipping their goods to' 1.-,. Can y.m point to any state ^ -nnrfa a chance with a free ballot and a fair count. Tell us if it is not crime and perjury io tam per with ballot boxes and election returns. in Hamburg, wMl sell for W7.00 a ton. I believe that there are also \Hiluable fertilizers ou the mainland of Porto Rico. Some parts of it contain phosphates, aud in uiy rides over the inouiitains I have passed sqiiaie miles of stone which seems lime.” has not listed his poll for taxation, shall not be used against him in anv criminal proceeding for a failure to list his poll! but it shall be the duty of the solicitor to whom said nam e is certified, if he shall be satisfied that said alleged delinquent elector is lia­ ble to Ust his poll and that he has T hat Election Law. W e have given onr readers for three issues, section 11 of the elec­ tion law'. Tljis section contains the most im portant features of the law —the qimlificalions of voters, the Pacific ports. in which the disfranchiseuieut of Under American control onr com -: the negroes has had any beneficial to be almost pure li merce with the Philippines will iu- result—iu les.senlug “ race coullicts” | — ------^ creitse tremendously. The Stiuth or in fiuy other way ? cau furnish the cotton g<K)ds the 16. Is b'ilipiuo will need cheaper than any the other secthm of the country. The The Sontheru Railway Ckimpany not the discord Iietween: has iucresised the wages ofitsem - races greatest iu the States' pi,,yees 10 per cent., re-establish- ................ ............. where the greiitest humiliation iu | jujr'the rata paid liefore the panic lemaiiirfor structural iron way of distraiichiseiiieiit has j destroyed biuiiuess, siiys a couteui- rails for the building of bridges and beeu forced on them—in Georgia. 1 p,,rary. This is not oply au evi- railroads will be extensive. T h e' Louisiana, Mississippi aud South; deuce that business in the South i has caught up if not surpassed its Bogrffs Defore and After. AVhen the repeal of the Peg leg W illiams law' was liefiire the last ........... legislature, Mr. Boggs made his | j^ „th ciiu undersell Pittsburg any- Carolina < lies, Rates and General Infor­ mation. or address f V R R N O N , F .R . D A U B Y . T . P . A . C. P . * T . A rlotte. N . O. Asheville N .C . D3LE TO ABSWrn QUBSTIONS. L8. SAOTI0H, M. CULP. L,A8enlI»n. ;i n d i bill o£ indictment agafnst s ic h : , , preserve themIcUncinent to the grand jury for fail-1 carefnllv a n d preserve inem I uiv :o list hi- p4ll. I future reference. —V—w ——-------- -------} — again, - many obstacles placed iu the way ing to repeal that law, aud against of the poor aud uneducated iu get- j campaign pledg^, Mr. Jioggs , ! Y ielded to their calV^lem ands—ting his name on the registration: books, and the penalty hanginjr; niaideu aud only speech. He said:: ju the Pacific in iron and; 17. A re yon uot tryingto conduct! former conditions, but shows that -------------------- steel. j this campaign pni-ely on sentim ent. the lieiiefits of this improvement Aiiil there is the return trade, and by the arraigiimeut of preju- ■ are being distributod among those The commerce of tbe Philippines dice 1 j who labor as well as thoee who are will roach this countrv through the ; 18. Is uot a campaigu so con-; employers of lalior. The South is Xicaragua Canal. Every city on | dncteil dangerous to good order, r a p i d l y gaining on her former pros- the Gulf and tlie Simtherii coast throughout the S tate! I perity, aud the Old North State is will receive some benefit from it. I W e feel certain that a discussion iu the front of the procession. I f this question of expansion was of these questi<ms by the advocates -------------——------------- . I 'o t e d for that amendment aiuU „u,ierstood iu the South, ; of the constitutional amendment A W i n s t o n specialofthe^2d iiist., idedaud iiujcst electioa law. | m,t be a voice raised would stimulate tlagging interest If yon do not repeal this law, you need uever call on the W e‘t for help iigjiin.” They did not repeal it aud are calling on the AVest for help are they not ? A fter ret'us ' failed to do so as required by law, to am W. A. TURK 6. P. A. rA S S i:- GTCN, n . c.I' _____________ ____ says, late this afternoon Mrs. Ke- over him for failure to pay his poll! xhis is, perhaps, one of those things It is the chief hope of in the amendment campaign. They | |)tJcca Jenkins, a while woman,- tax W e will select other sections 1 Mr. Boggs said a man m ight have to |regeneration for that e x p r e s s doubts that we have heard; j i g e d thirty-five, was run m er by a .rfvn tbPin tn n u r readei-s and do which “ no houestmau would say i -j xhe politicians will try expressed daily—they are bridges j shifting engiue on the Boutnem and gi^ e them to our readers, aud ^ right.”-Tim es-M ercury. i a“ i“ u„d the pw ple to its. advan-, the supporters of thedisfm nchising I yard here. Both legs were horn- T h e e t l i t o r o f t h e M e r c u r y is iu j tages, but e v e r y t a r ; s e e i n g b u s in e s s m e a -s u re h a v e g o t to c r ^ i f t h e y w y m a n g le d , a n d t h e a t t e n d n g e r r o r - w e fe ll in to t h e S iim e In -fo re ' «u au w ill r e a liz e t h a t t h e g r o w th o t a r e to r e a c h I b c o t h e r s i d e . p h y s ic ........... s h e ..ii.u o t I n e . it will be well for all to read them for V, S*. it'-'-- • ^ Iowa, where ^ a lth 1b more ^ n * U j distribated than in any other State, is growing rich er end m ore popnloae. The U nited States exports a tre- mendifaB qaantity of copper ore and regnltP to foreign countries, but toe •dTances made-in the m annfactnre 6 i articles of copper are so m arked that th e near futnro may w itness the con­ sum ption of the entire product by American mills. The question of the rights of private property, whether on land or at sea, during a period of hostilities, which was discussed at the Gzar*s Peace Conference, illustrates perhaps more clearly than any other question the in- fiaenoe of public <^inion upon the rules of internationaJ law. One thing th^t the English critics noticed at the congress of the Inter­ national Council, in London, was that the women delegates were not, ae a rale, the younger women. The ma­ jority of them were the older women. The same thing is to be noticed in in­ dividual clubs in America. As a rule, the club women are the older women, who have passed the busiest period of life. The opportunities of mental train­ ing have been multiplied to such aa extent in these days that an ambitious young man may fiud at his elbow pretty much all the necessaries for obtaining a training far superior to that received in any formal way by the great majority of men fifty or a hundred years ago. It is as trae no *y as it was then that a man must edu­ cate himself, and it is much more certain that the inquiring mind will find the opportunity. Heretofore the watchers in the Old World have considered the United States as a granary to which they could come in times of famine to keep their poor from suffering, if not starv­ ation. But new conditions in the ex­ port of manufactured goods have given them a rude awakening. They are face to face with a figure of gi* gantioj)roportions and one that will lo t' down ‘ at any mild bidding. America is the granary of the world. It will be the workshop before an­ other decade is added to its life. W OlIITIl SFOL President of Santo Domingo Yields His Executive Authority. PEOPL€ WELCOME THE CHANGE. T h e M i n l s t e r f W i l l H o ld O ffic e U n lll a F r o v lR lo n a l G o v e r n m e n t I t F o r u io i l— B e r o l u t l o n W o n W i t h t h e L o m o f L i t t l e B t o o d s b e d —In a o T s re n tB S h o w I C e m a r k - a b l e B o » t r » lo t— P r is o n e r * U e le a s e d . Santo D ominoo (By Cable).—President FIguereo has resigned, and one of the most peaceful revolutions ever undertaken has triumphed. So ready for the chanse wera the people that practically no resistance was met with, and the overthrow ol the Governmeot was accomplished with a re­ markably small amount of bloodshed. FIguereo, with bis Cabinet, has resigned, and the reins of government were turned over to Pedro Mejio, who will hold them until a new election can be held. Every­ thing hung on tbe fate of the commission sent to Degotlate with the leaders of the rerolutlon. When it was learned that it had failed to effect a compromise the final step was takeo. Gos'ernor Mejlo at once issued a procla­ mation disarming all but regul ir soldi«^r9 and promisioR to release all poittl''.al pris- oner;!. Tbis proclamation was c*irrled iuto effect, when a lar^e number of prisoners were released and tbe volunteers gave up their arms.Tbe peace and tranquility which pervade the city are in mariied contrast with tbe conditions that existed a fevr days asro and show how popular the revolution is with the massos. Figuereo was permitted to reach his home in Azua de Compostella uumolesled and tbe revolutlonisls everywhere aro be- having with tbe utmost moderation, even Roing 60 far as to pay for nil property tnken and all sup^plies used. It is said that Bamon Cascoes, tUo mur­ derer of Tresldent Heuroaus, is one of the leaders of the revolutionary army. The m arked industrial progress that is being made in the Busslan empire is discussed w ith astonishm ent in th» European press. Bussia is conspicu« ous in the m arkets of the world as a purchaser of nearly every kind of m achinery, the demand for which de­ notes the existence of an energetic and a progressive industrial system. Itis predicted by many observers that, if Bussian industry continues to grow at its present rate, the middle of the next century will see a radical rear­ rangem ent of the industrial balances of the world. rh e American child is left far more fen to the natural expression of tbe cea witbiu him , and in freedom he learns freedom’s essential lesson of Iself-restraint, says a w riter in the ' Philadelphia Evening Post. Being controlled by others does not teach one how to control one’s self, and the steady self-control of the American character is largely traceable to the com parative lack of repression in childhood. Another advantage of this free training is in the am ount of experience gained early and at first hand. It is tbis which develops in­ dividuality, aud that wide range oi adaptability, which is so distinguish­ ing a national characteristic. An unusual num ber of deaths of children under five years of age in Kashville, Tenn., led to a recent in­ vestigation by the H ealth D epartm ent into the milk supply. I t was found th at the dairym en were very generally using milk “ preservers,” the antisep- ticB m ost commonly employed being borax and formaldehyde. These are destructive to health, and to their use may be asM:ibe.diha -ifrCFeaaed' infant mortality. Some anests were made, but the only punishm ent that could be inflicted upon the offenders was to make them pay a small fine. According to the reports which have been received from varioufc parts of the country it 'i s a reasonjible assum ption that this '^doc- toring” of milk in hot weather is wide­ spread. Is pitch legally a liquid or a solid? On this question a recent trial in Trinidad turned. The stratum of pitch in that island is usually from four to seven feet below the surface aud, when cut through, the pitch m elts and oozes out. So if a man dug down near his neighbor’s lot, he would be able to collect pitch coming from under his neighbor’s land. The plan was described by one of the wit- nessess as “ the plan adopted when you’want to digyour neighbor’s pitch. I t ‘‘bulges out,” he explained, “ and you shave it off each m orning.’* B ut suit was brought by one outraged neighbor whose pitch had thus been ehaved off in adjoining laud. The defence was that an underground stratum of pitch was like so much water, no m au’s property till appro priated. B ut the courtheldthat pitch was a m ineral, and that you had no m ore right to abstract it from a neigh­ bor, by the oozing process, than you would have to tap hie deposit of iron or silrer. P £ O C I .a U A T I O N BY JI«EN*EZ. B e le a s e d b y G e n e r a l W o o il l i e X llm s e ir tli u l? r c 8 i< le iit- £ le c t. SisiiAOO, Cuba (By Cable).—General Wood released Jimenez upoii condition that he leave Santiago without taking any arras with him. He h.'is Issued a proclamation as Frosl- dent-elect of Santo Borain$?o. In It he sets forth his Intention to eslcbllaU an enlight­ ened governmont similar to tbe Govern­ ment of the United 6tatei<. Ue declares his desire to advance trade, extend foreign re^ latlons and to develop the resources of the country. ________ F i c a e r e o 't R o s i s n a t i o n C o n f ir m e d . T V A S n iso io if, D . 0 . C S p e c la l).— T h e N a v y Department b^is received oCQclal conllrma- tion of tbe resignation of President Figue- reo of Santo Pomingo. CONSUL BEDLQE DENIES CHARGES. A d m lta , n o T T e v e r. H e I to ^ iK te r e d t h e F i l l , b a i t e r l n j r S h i p A b b e y . Cbicaoo (SpecIal3.->Too ill to continue bis journey to Washington without a day’s rest, Dr. Edward Bedloe, United Slates Consul at Canton, China, baited in Chicago and while here took occasion to deny the report that he is under suspension aod to discuss the charges tbat have l>een Ulod against him with tbe Slate Departmeat. “lam not under suspension,” said Con­ sul Bedloe. “I am away from my post on sixty days* leave ol absence for which I made appliuation some four months ago and whluh is in no way dissimilar to other leaves of absence tbat have been grauled me since I entered tbe Consular service.. “An A.merlcan registry was granted to the steamer Abbey,it Is true, but that was done more than a year ago and at a time when tbe Filipinos were regarded as ullips of the United States. The charse tbat I am in sympathy with tbe Filipinos is rank non sense.” T H E N E W S E P IT O M IZ E D ! YELLOW FEVER IN KEY WEST. BorT h e D r e a d D is e a s e A p p e a r * a n d a i s tli o F i r s t V ic tim . Key W e s t , Fla. (Special).—Ta6 State Board of Health, through its local repre­ sentative, Dr. Sweeting, oixlciaUy declared tbe existence of yellow fever at Key West. Two person<t were pronounced to be suf­ fering from the disease. They are Dennis L. Eaeun, au attache ol tbe Custom House, and William JI. Browdur, special aijeiit of the Treasury Departmont. A boy u!i:ne.l Cosgrove id the llrst victim. Other persons are now down with fever which exhibits symptoms similar to those oases already pronouncei to bo yellow fever. Every precaution is being taken by the autborltlea to preveat the spread of the disease. H i l l e d a N e e r o P r c a c l i c r . Rev. William Johnson, a former pastor ol the African Baptist Church at SlaryvlUe, Ho., was shot and killed by Policeman John Wallace, while resisting aa attempt to take him to jail. Tohnsou was convicted of Irav- iug assaulted a whlto woman aud was sen­ tenced to nine months in jail. Johnson created a sensation somo time ago at a nieetlng of negro preachers in Leaven­ worth, by declaring that tbe negroes musl organize, arm and kill those who lynched their brethren. M a tr o n o f I n d a x t r l a l S c h o o l A r r e s te d . Myrtle B. Eyler, Matron of the State In­ dustrial School for Girls, was arrested at Trenton, N. J., by Conjtable William E. Brannan, and upon being taken before Jttaicq-sf-tfag-Peace Villlam S. Mills shu waived a heaFirr^i^j* was held ia »330 bail for appearance jirtUe October session of tbe Mercer County GrJWl^-Jury. Mrs. Eyler Is charged with violating th»-afiuii- nal statutes by the punishment she^*ifee, licted on Kate Barlow. DiBcxiosiQatias A s^ lu st W om en. Women are being practically barred out of the Governmont service in the depart­ ments at Washlngtoo. Tliere is no con­ certed action amonj? the heads of depart- meats and chiefs of bnreaus to cxchi-Ie woman from appolntmeat, but waeaever there is a place to be filled the head of the office, almost invariably ask:^ for a man. This right to discriminate between the sexes is recogniaod by the Civil Service regulation •. I n c r e M e d C o s t o f W o o d o n - S h ip U a t c r i a l . Builders of wooden vessels are ropcrted to be almost as handicapped in the mattc^r of material as the builders who aro de­ pendent upon the steel market. Reports from the yards in Marne and along the Paelflc Coast indieate very high pricus in several Unas, with the usual aimculty in securing delivery. K U le d H U W h o l e F a i n i l r . Frederick Johnson, a farmer at Gilbert Plains, Man., shot and killed his wife and their children and committed suicide. TUo family was a very happy one, and no rea son can be asslj?aed for the deed. ICeuaikttble Operation ou a Child. The right moatlis’ old ebiid ofEobert Li'ldeii, uHlictod with codipletc osaillca- lion of tho hejid. was euccessfully onerate.l 311 at Grace Hospital. New Haven, Coon from biith tho child’s bead showed no signs o.f develcpmeat, aad ossiUcatiou set in,c«usmg partial paralysis. By the op- uratiou a portion of the tfknll was re. moved. Itis believed tbat the cniid will recove. entirely. A niinunitlon F o r Bo«r«. Inalractiona have been received at Lo- renro.ilarquez, Delagoa Bay, from Lisbon, Portugal, to release the eoosignments of for tb« -WMldncton On account of the steel famine consider­ able difflcttltv is being fucperlenced by the Navv Department In obtaining reasonaWe bitls for work contemplated at navy yard^» .ind the construction of men-of-war is be­ ing delayed. Secretary Boot has ftPP^oveji *he new projoet for the fortiacatlons at Fort Mon­ roe, Va. Under the new plan there will oe a saving to tbe Government of about 9 3 .- 000.000 as compared with the project sub­ milted and adopted about ten while in the opinion of the engineers the defenses will bo absolutely Impregnable. T h e P o s tm a s te r - G e n e r a l o r d e r e d th e T d is - c o n tin u a n c e o f t h e p o s to f Q c e a t P e c k , F l a ., b e c a u s e o f t h e r e c e n t w h l tc c a p p ln g o t tU e p o s tm a s te r t h e r e . The agents of the State Department in Europe have failed to note any progress of AEutialdo's agents toward securing reoog- nition ot tUe belllgMent rights ol ths Fia- plnos. Our Aaopted I sIadcIs. American troops near Cobo, P. I., have dispersed the natives who recently am­ bushed four Eoidlers. Children in the Hawaiian Islands hare have raised *10.000 with whlcti to inaugu- r a t e m is s io n w o r k o n t h e I s l a n d o f M in ­ d a n a o , I n t h e P h i lip p in e s . A pronounced change is taking place In Cuban sentiment and littlo talk Is now heard about Indepealenco, while tbe an­ nexationists are growing bolder every day. L ie u t e n a n t H o b s o a a n n o u n c e s t h a t h o w ill s o o n h a v e t h r e e o t t h e S p a n is h s h ip s w h io h A im l r .l l D e w e y s a n k I n M a n ila B a y r e a J y f o r e n r o ll m e n t i n o u r n a v y . The taking ol the cansus In Cuba is to bi'Sin onOotober IG, this step beins merely preliminary to the establishment ot a re- pnblloan lorm ol government. Tbe Bareau ot Agiioniture ia Porto Bioo has been esta’jllstiad with a chief at ■'32000 a year, who will colleit facts and statistic* re.specting cultivation and tho disposal of products, model farming establishments for experiment with tho latest and of new shrubs, plants, fruits, grains and domestic aaimils, and with mines and mining. Colonel Smith, of tho Twelfth Infantry, w!io IS In oomnuind at AoReles, Is scoptlsa regardlDR Filipino friendliness. Instead of allowing the natives to return to the town as heretofore, he has order^'d his troops to shoot all men trying to pass tin lines aad turn back tho women and cbll- droii. Piratical craft from the Caribbean Isl and?, oil Yucatan, and smuffKlers from Ja malca have recently been molesting resl dents Of the Isle Of Pioes and encroaching npou the sponge fields off the Cuban soutt coast. Collector Bliss, at Havana, haj been asked to send a revenue cutter U patrol the district. l>oine«tlc. ,. A. Crissey, of Johnstown, Penn., was llled at PuDXSutawney, while making f oalloon ascension for the Punssutawuej Fair Association. John M. Southwick. seventy-five yearf old, of Oiaremont, N. H.. who had been ii failin;; health for some time, coromittec euicide by shooting himself. He cllmbec up about forty feet among tbe branches o‘. a tree, lashed himself to the trunk, anc put a bullet through his head. Five boys under sixteen years of agt were nrraigned in the District Court, Chel­ sea, Mass , on tho charge of evading th< cuifow law. They were reprimanded and lot go on their promise to obev it hereafter The boys were arrested as they were com' ing from the gallery of a theatre. This is tho first move for a rigid enforcement ol the clly ordinance. A d is e a s e h a s b r o k e n o u t a m o n jt c a ttl« n e a r t h e w e s t e r n b o r d e r o f i l o n r o e C o u n ty , P e n n ., w h ic h is k ill in g o ff w h o le h e rd s . Joseph E. RansiaU was elactel fron tha Fifth Congrdss Dlstrictof Lonlslana to flU the v.icincy caused by the death cf tho late S. T. B'lird. B insdell was nominated In a white Democratic primary and liis op­ ponent was a Populist named A. T. Nelson. The bronze badger which Wlsoonsln Is tc give to the battleship named in honor 0 i the State has been cast in Chicago, aud weK'iis, with the shield up 5U which it rests 1200 pounds. The shield bears the Statt coat*of-arms, with the word ‘‘Forward,’ tbe State’s motto. Tlxe whole is made from captured Spanish cannon, and the deslgo Is by Paul Kupper. Owing to a lack of funds two of the pub­ lic baths m ilntaioed by Newark, N. J., will have to be closed in a few days. Over 80,- 000 persons have taken advantage of them darin:? the present year. They aro not closed ordinarily until the middle of Octo­ ber. An aali-T>royfus or:;anizatIoa has been formed at St. Loais, 3Io., fof tbe purposf of lendi:ig both moral and Hnancial aid tc the prosecutors of the prisoner. There h a largo French colony Ju St. Louis, aad al- mo.«t without a sio{cle adoption the mem­ bers aro antasonlstio to Dreyfus. Seven wiilto men have beon arrested charged witii participating In .the white- oapplng of the negro deputy postmaster, CruD, nt Peck, Fla. Sixteen warrants have been sworn out for other members of the gang. While in Jils engine cab, W. H. McCarthy an engineer on the Lake Erie Eailroad, was shot throuKb tho temple. He died an houi later. Tho homicide occurred six milef west of Mancie, Ind., as the train was go­ ing through tho woods. There was no clat to tbe assassin, and It is believed they shot him in revenge. F o re lC D . The German press warns the Transvaal Kepubllc In tbe event of hostilities Ger­ many will maintain the strictest neutrality. TaeJIfe of the President of Chile was ua- Buccesslutty attempted at Santiago dc A serious mountain c'imbing accldenl occurred in Switzerland. While two Eng­ lishmen, Hill and Jones, were ascending the Dent Blanche their rope broke and Jones and three guides were precipitated down the mountalo. Thu four bodies havi been recovered. The accident occurred al an attitude of 14,100 feet. Mr. Hill’s escape was miraculous as the five men were roped together. Senator Hanna and his family physician arrived at the Hotel des Indies. The Hague. fora long stay. They were welcomed on ^nnMfiCi'^'al by United States Minlstei* Newelir^--------------.—c , - " ■ Bishop Riccardi, of Nordo, Italy, re­ ceived a package marked dried fruits. The Bishop banded It over to the police. When it was opened eight deadly vipers crawled out of the package. J. M. Sinclair, High Sheriff of Donegal Ireland, committed suicide by shooting himself oa receipt of the announeement that bli daughter, eighteen years of age, had been drowued in another part of the couatry. The latter st ory now turns out to bo false. Tbe author of the falsehood is unknown The Busslan tee-breaking steamer Ermak has just flnlshed a fortnight’s trip to tbe northwest ot Spitzbergen, Norway. She went througii 200 miles of ice. the estimat­ ed thickness of which was fourteen feet, without the slightest inter^^nptlon. The 15Dth anniversary of the- birth ol Gootho was celebrated by immensu crowds nt Fraukfort-on-the-Maln, Germaoy. Thu Goethe Plata and statue were beautimily decorated. The oni^lals ot the Greater Britala Ex­ hibition, at Earl’s Court, London, decided, on iiccount ot tbe recent scandals, to close against women tho Kaffir kraal, peopled by three hundred African natives, who de­ pict scenes of savage life in connection tl^ exhibition. . The United States Consul at GibraUar Will advance the fauds necessary to send to Cuba the twenty Cubans who were re­ leased by Spain from tbe penal colony at Ceuta, and aro now In a penniless condi­ tion In Gibraltar. It baa been agreed In the New Zealand House of Representatives tbat the Govern­ ment shall help pay for the proposed Pad* flo cable. A revolt against the Brasilian Goveru- me t has broken out In the Upper Amazon country. Franleln Johanna St el®, a teacher, a few daysasco started to climb the Planlca. in the Julian Alps, without o guide. As she did not retarn, a searoh was made for her and her mutilate 1 body was found st ths toot of a ^qq^ h jh . W ALPMSIONBEW Commissioner Evans Shows a Decreare cf 2195 Beneficiaries onllie Rolls. t h e r e IS A BALANCE OF $1,344,943 The Eeport State* That Fentlan £xpen>ea Are Decreaelne-EleTen PenlioneTl of tho BevolaUonary War, Four W ldoiri sDd SeTen Danshter., Still on the Boll.—Billion. P»ld Since 1860. WiBBlKOTOX, V. C. (Special).—Pension expenditures on ncoount ot the Civil Wat are decreasing. This is one ol the inter- cstinK fads sliown by the annual report of Commissioner of Pensions Evans. Includ­ ing the pensions paid on account or the wiir with Spain the total pension eipendi- tures for the fiscal ye.ir, which ended June 30. were $133,355,052, leaving a balance in the Treasury to the credit ot the pension appropriation o! SI,344,948. The total number ot pensioners ol all classes on tlie roll at the end oi tho Sscal vear was 991,519, being a net decrease tor the year of 2195. The additions to the roll during the year wsre 40,991, and the names dropped for death and other causes num­ bered 34,945.Claimants for pensions on account of the war with bpaln are coming forward In considerable numbers. Up to the close of the flscai year there had been filed under this head 17.560 claims, of which only 803 had been allowed up to that time. The details of the Commissioner's report present some interesting facts; There are still on the rolls eleven pensioners on ac­ count ot the War of tbe Bevolution—four ot them being widows and seven daugh­ ters. The widows range in ago Irom eighty, three to eighty-six years. The age.? ot two ot the daughters do not appear in the rec­ ords. The others range from seventy-eight to ulnety-nlne years.The youngest of the Be volutlonary widows is Mrs, Mary Snoad, of Parksley, Va. Tbe last surviving soldier of the Bevolution was David Frederiek Bakeman, who was born in Schoharie County, N. Y., September 28, 1759, and died in Freedom. Cattarancus County, N. Y.. Aofll 5. 1S(>9, uged luy years. The last surviving soldier of the War 1812 was still on tho pension rolls at the close of tbe dscal yoar. He was Hiram Cronk, of Ava, Oneida County, N. Y. Though DO official notice of his death has reached the ofBce, it was recently an* nounced in a press dispatch. He was ninety>niuo years old, aad was allowed a pension in 1871 for fortv days’ service In Captain Edward Fuller’s ootnpany. New York mllltla, from Octobers to November 16.1814. There are on the rolls 1656 survivors and 8899 widows of the old Indian wars, and 9201 survivors and 8175 widows of the Mex­ ican war. The pension roll contains in all 753.451 survivors of all wars, 237,415 wid­ ows and dependent relatives and 6S3 army nurses. During the year the pension attorneys received in foes $476,960.61. against $730,« 000 for the previous year. The total pay­ ments for army and navy pensions since 1866 foot np the enormous sum of $2,389.< 910,074.74._____________________ KILLED BY AN EXPLOSION. Creensboro Dr.Ki‘« s C f T s advice o* “h J S ^ ltfT r e ^ « e r s a ^ while the opinion of the attOTney seneial Is to the same eHect. It te un­ derstood that the ground upon wOii.ii the county attorney bases 1»1« Idea is that to do so Is to come In conflict with the dispensary act. The drug- gists say that they do not want to sell liquor except in compounding pre­ scriptions, but they can not do this ex­ cept by buying from the dispensary. The Army Worm in Hecklenbu't. C. C. Moore tells tihe Charlotte Neivs of the destruction that the »rmy v.orm has accompllslied on his farm to the north of the city. He states that he had a beautiful field of millet which covered twenty acres. The wor.nE en- tered the field from one corner ana wended their way in a V shape. At first hs hoped that the millet ou the sides of the field would hs spared. Af­ ter the worms had compassed the field they returned to make good their work of destruction. Mr. Moore sari the field has been completely destroyed and he has givca up any hope of saving any portion of the millet Monday’s New£ told of the costly work of destruction that ths worm had done on the farm of Fred Oliver to the south o£ the city. Mr. Oliver spent for seed alone 1600. Had the worm not appeared he would have realized in hay alone ^3.000. At it is. the entire field has been destroyed and nothing will come of It. pit t sb u r g -s ^hjve ^o f ^^p r o t e c t e d Ha.ifoU”’'" , AmeVion discovered The New Qjoater Klondike the Rttaburg, that hive of It is lo=»‘? ^ S e a , aud the World sprotected correspondent prodaols of stones of the „re weUtold th e region, additional merit ot an d they have the F r e e T r a d e ley is more tnan can b e i n g trae--w bi= sto ries. ba said of »U * statement Eedaoed to a ^riet pennsyl- :^;ni:“ “pustrial Eldorado is thus ^““.A ref of Pittsburg’s Industrial jh e cars. U e c e . ' ‘I looked in cars an'l v but business is verj, « year than for manv\ “ R iv e r ti-att3par,i.f"5H ' 1 nrith the la it o badly as a « rU o u sau d s ot tons or 1 u e sto ro j oa tlie d a -t ’ ’1 . m e at to W estern liv -. -Si;! “ R e a d y tor I ern iiomta nve 30,0'j) coal that cauuot Hood of tho rivev ii> a “ Grea! difficaUy' 'i, eip,')?' I seotinag hauaj e.aoaii aauch of this ton’u p Ciil '•Number e m b r a c i n g In orasses. 270.000. B o i le r I n t h e B e p u M I c I r o n W o r k s a t F U t s b n r j : B I o ttb V p . P 11 T6SUB0 , Penn. (Special).—A boiler ex­ plosion at the Republic Iron Worlts shortly before dayliglit, killed flro men and seri­ ously injured seren otlien. AHrewbicb brolce out following tUo explosion added to tbe horror. Tho mill was partly wrecked and the entire plant was compelled to close down. The explosion occurred just os the ni^;ht force was le.avlng and the day force was oominj; on duty, so that there were ooly a few men in tiio mill at the time. Tbe concussion was terrific. Buildings were shaken a mile away, and dust fllied tbe air lor two or three blocks. Imme* mediately following tho explosion the wreckage took Are. A section of the boiler weighing four tons was blown through the roof and crushed into tbe side of a hoase about two hundred yards distant. The entire baiid* ing, which was of frame; was wrecked, but the occupants escn- ed. The list of killed is: David Matthews, a heater, married; Thomas Beaveus, a heater, married: William Thomas, a heater, mar­ ried: Johu Warmiaskl, a heater; unknown mau, crushed‘almost beyond recognition. Boiler JExplosEou In RlichiKan. 3Ja9ibt££, Mich. (Special),^Ihe boiler in Cliapman & Sav;;ent'3 bowl factory nt Copemlsb, ttilrty miles north of here, ex- plodet], killing three msn and fatally in­ juring four others. The dead are Charles Handy, Perry Melafont and George Esta- brook. The building was totally wrecked, and the loss of the factory will bs $3003. FIVE DROWNED WHILE BATHING. They Got BeTond Their D epth at Black Bock, Near Brid|;eport. fiaiDQEPOBT, Conn. (Special).—One man and four children, three girls and one boy, were drowned at Black Bock while enjoy­ ing a sea bath. They wero ElIJn Middle- brook, forty-six years old. a farmer, of Easton; May MIddlebrook, fourteen years, Lis daughter; Tony Koehler, fourteen years, of Easton; Etliel Hitt, eleven years, of Bridgeport, and Florence Hitt, fourteen years, her sister. The five victims, with Andrew Koebler, father of the drowned boy, and Louis Hitt, of this city, father of two of the drowned girls, were spending tbe day at Black Bock, near the month of Ash Creek. While in bathing they all got beyond their deptb. Koehler and Hitt succesded in gotting ashore. A party of campers near by, who attempted to rescue the others with a boat, were unsuccessful on account of the rtrong tide. ^ »klya Girls Drowned., rspyion.-^ . eSB rfielR aaB u.aged , —------------ ChatJes McCauley and John Rankin, both of Brooklyn, N. Y., cot- Ugers at Burns’ Point, were drownod, and Daisy Taylor, the flve-yehr-old child of an­ other cottager, was rescued as she was going down the third time. 3 I a h a i* « T w o S o n s K i l l e d . The Sirdar, General Lord Kitchener, of Khartoom, has cabled the Fw-relga Olllce, London, that the Mihcli’s two sons have been killed bv British troops wiiile resist­ ing arrest at the village of Shukabs. sir Thomas lAytoa AiTlve*. Sir Thomas Lipton, owner of the yacht Shamrock, the challenger for tbe Amarica’s Oup, accompanied by Will fife, Jr., the designer of the yacht, and Thomas Rit- sailmaker, urrivo.l In Now xork City a few days ago on the Cnnard liner Campania. Sir Thotnas sa p that he never surer of any- life than that the Shamrock w il have a fair and square chance to take the Columbia’s measure if the ability lo do so is in her and that no matter which of the boats wins the American ueople will applaud the victor cJieerfully and gener­ously. North Carolina Notes. A raid was made by United States deputy m arshals on the W ake count> line a few days ago and some illieii stills w^re destroyed. The nxoonsliinerE settled among thenweives tb at a cer­ tain gentlem an and lady had Informed on them. On Tuesday night they vis­ ited the house of the m an and took his carriage, cut out the spokes, cut the tongue ofi and ripped up the seats and curtains. A t the home of the lady (a widow) they cut the throats of her horses. Mr. T. K. Bruner. eecreUry to the Stats board of a«r!eulture, has been traveling thorugb the bright tobacco section selecting specimens and secur­ ing photographs for the Paris exposi­ tion. He says the crop this y«ar is ex­ ceedingly fine and the cures are very satisfactory Indeed. Colonel John C. Cunnlngham’B crop Is especially good this year. He has 3,000,000 hills of to­ bacco under cultivation, being the largest tobacco farm er in the world. Thirty-tw o m eters are being used in the Narrows to gauge the river. Nc estim ates have yet been prepared, but the hcrse* power has been shown to ap­ proxim ate 25,000^at low flow. A meet­ ing cf the directors of the concern, tbe North Carolina Power Company, is tc be held at the river this week. The fine peach crop in Catawba, iL this year’s great scarcity of vegetables, is a blessing. They are of the best quality seen in many years. As ths cicp is a failure in all the counties south, a good many crates are being shipped at good prices down the N ar­ row Gauge road. At North W ilkesboro a few days ago, Solomon Childs, a white m an, rode his horse on the railroad trestle near the town. The anim al’s fe«t went through and the rider was throw n about fifteen feet, >but stran«e to say, was not hurt. The horse’s legs were ba-dly skinned. Dr. H. J. Thomas, e i W inston, has received a com munication from the surgeon general of the United States army, tendering him the position of surgeon, for service in the Philippines. WaynesviUe is moving to erect a furniture factory. The race programme for the Stat* Fair has been issued. There are $2,000 In purses. State La'bor Commissioner Lacy will make letters from employees the lead­ ing feature of his annual report for 1S99, and they will be grouped accord­ ing to the various trades o r avocations. Letters are now coming in very rapid­ ly. 0! the report for 1898 about 6,000 copies were printed, but not over 1,000 were sent o u t A judgm ent for 9300 against th e clerk ot the United States Court, J. B. -For­ tune, was secured by a creditor In Raleigh. The authorities at W ashington have allowed N orth CaroUna $12,337.05 for rhe expena'« incurred in. equipping vol­ unteers fo t'th e Cuban war. The Southern has added a new daily freight train between Greensboro and North W ilkesboro. “^“"Namberof idle men. none, except mills and factories .nableTlruufull time by reason of " “ f f i a d S l e to move freight ?w„nae the traffic is thirty f r e e trade ioaril. testifying to the wonderfttl results of the revival of m- dnstry that has taken plaoo since the readvLl) of protection I t p r i n t s the following table ahowmg •‘the extent io ^hich labor has shared in the increased prosperity that has come to the iron and steel centre of America during the past year: lacreased wages, per cent. . . 15 iosks and boat liigh ai 31.73 di- n n25 25 B a u b a l l S r c T i t l e s . Pitoh erE vass,ofP rovld en ce, h asw o rkel la m ote gam es tban any otaor Eastern tw irler and has won m ore tbnn liallof them. . M anager D oaovan «»y» tb at U tUe P itu - “5 ? * .“ ,“ “ * rem ains as It is at present con­ stituted, It will bs In tho hnnt for the pen­ nant next ■ Manl, o ' Brooklyn, has decided to retire « o m baseball tot this season at least. Slok- ie s s M d death In his fam Oy have eom- jle te ly unnerved Urn. “ >d hU players Boohester elub are being .sooted In •J* **■* Eastern Leagu e cities ou aoeount .•or their row dy U flttST Ncrih Carol'na Schooner Wrecked, Lewes. Del., Special.—The schooner Wm. T. Parker, w ith a cargo of lum- oer, from Boggs Inlet, for New York, slilch stranded last Sunday night ou Hound Shoal Point, off Cape Henlopeu, .ras Filday pulled off by the w reckins i!S Northam . The Parker afterw arjs 3psizc-j and was ,tow ;d inside tha rc.u'iiwattr. A Farewell lo M.'ssionsrl.s. ?:: .7 York, Speciai.—There was a pf cial ccmmunlon service in tha ot th3 Church Mission House ■'rliay tzc class of 15 mi'38ionanc3 vi!o sr? £3cn to start for Japan and :h!na. The services were conducted 17 Bishop John ScarJKTOugh, of New ■:.s&y. aijisted by Bishop George 3?otti!nston, of Nebraeka; Blehop ■-'s;gb:on Coleman, of Delainre, and .•,rlou3 other clprgymen. The He*. 3everly D, Tu(*et, o( <Noi«(rik. s e tm n . . ; . Trade.Tin plate worJisrs...........*....... SLaet iroa mill men: Tonnage bands............................ Day hani^............................................ S to o l w o ric e M . b o th in a a d o a t _ t h e A .m a lg a m a te d A s s o c ia t io n — 10 t o 15 In tliis table no account is taken of increased employment. A detailed exhibitiof this important branch of the subject would doubtless show that tho number of men who are now receiving the increased rate of wages ifl nearlv double the number which re­ ceived !the lower rate of wages paid four years ago in the Pittsburg dis­ trict. ' Four years ago, an equivalent length of time after the enactment of the WiiBon free trade tariff, scarcely more than one-half of the workers of the Pittsburg district conld demand steadyjemployment at the then lower rate ol wages. To-day, two years after the enactment ot ths Dingley tariff, not only are wages much high­ er, but the supply of labor ia not equal to the demand. Again let the free trade World tell the story: “When Mr. Bryan, tho aaplrant for the Democratic Presidential nomina­ tion, recently visited Homestead, he asked a colored man employed there what wages he made a day. “ ‘Oh, about $6 when I work fnll time,’ was the answer. “Mr. Bryan did not ask any more questions. “Even the iron puddlers, whose work among furnaces of molten iron is about as humble and hard as it can be, come in for a share in the general prosperity. As a matter of fact there are not puddlers enough to fill the demand. Tet only a few years ago the puddlers were a drug in the mar­ ket as a result of the improved ma­ chine methods introduced to take their place. “lu the phenomenal revival of trade in the Pittsburg Klondike the puddler has been summoned again as a matter of necessity. His pay a year ago was 34 a ton. Now it is $5. With a helper, whom he pays, he can make $7.50 or 88 a day. Only a very small percentage of the mills can secure all the puddlers they want. “There were two manufacturers at the headquarters of the Amalgamated Association to-day seeking puddlers. One came from Alabama, the other from Ohio. The Alabama man want­ ed 200. He was told that the manu­ facturers in the Pittsburg district wanted men as badly as he did. He went further East to-night, seeking them. “Common laborers are almost as scarce as skilled hands. Mr. Will­ iams, Secretary ot the Amalgamated Apsociation, told the World staff cor­ respondent to-day that unskilled labor­ ers could find employment throughout the district. Contractors employing Uborers ou public improvements are constantly seeing men. ■“Joha‘8: Sheehan, the former boss of Tammany Hall, who has a contract tor oonstruoting Pittsburg’s new S5,- 000,000 boulevard, is inconvenienced by thtf limited supply of laborers. “E. B. Taylor, general superinten­ dent of the Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburg, said to-day that his road could not secure as many men as he desired. “The same story is heard in every fine of trade, but principally, as is natnrsi, from mill owners—not men enough, oars enongb, facilities enough to meet the new conditions that are making the 180 square miles of mines, forges, mills and laotories around Pitisborg a veritable Ooiconda of wealth. ‘[Next to the shortage of labor comes th^ transportation famine as a factor in regarding tho fullest operation of th< industries in the Pittsburg dis­ trict. Mine, mill and factory owners all complain of their inability to se­ cure enough cars to oarry their prod­ uct to the markets. 1‘Bailway officials have pressed in­ to service all the cars they can secure from any quarter, yet there are not enough. f'lt maylie that the shippers are themselves to blame, aSthe railway officials declare. Their complaint is that the mill owners and mine opera­ tors are compelled to utilize the cars for storage purposes because of the laiikof room in their establisments. ** ° ^ m e of th e m ill m en,’ said U r. Taylor, *l>aTe long lines ot ore, coal is d ftelR ht oars in their yards, all l< ^ e d w ith m aterial. They have no jrtjeragytoaiM tt ot t k ^ o w s , ^ m e sliovelers, an'-\ th- price. “ The gco;1 tiaies thit b-, 1 the operators and opera*i„ N Pittsburg Klondike M6 n-. to ths iron, ste?I. ?oal, ciik> "f'T Rinss fields. '■ “ From reports to the cw- I agencies aaa big dealsts t i r - l prosperity shines upon all' toilers, t'jo labor aaj poT'.:'! classes aliUe. It wa? saidt.'.| j lawyer nnA by a lea'd;li-.T,Jl proprietor that the sappivji . J tent labor ia tk-ose brauc'ae; t.'^ | as restricted as in tc:e I t is not very dillicdt tj m otive oi the Xe-'- x.;,:]' blazoning foi-tk thj;e o f restore-.l prcaperitj. | design is to wara }[{. Eryji ^j] D e m o -P o p £oilo"-ir!,i of ihixA preaching ‘'16 to I” as aa L i next year’s canipaign. to object lessou which shall a'aoTy tim es like these a cheap noajT’J will fall flat. Sach, iaiUel J inevitablo logic of the WorU'j J ing. B at it loqically m uch more, which all tiia free trade sophistry cannot ohrA keep down—aa uek, that ujI-I trial Kloadifle tha- is ttie r^li; J T?liero throughout tills coanb;! great m sasura thcpro:lQcto!tyJ of protection. In aonndiigtii'J of frea silver the WorH y : aciously arraugiu? for I’le i of fi;eo trade. It is buiKln’J than it knows. l i a r v r l i : J 0 !«l Hense For innr*” Chsrk* T-l aatiuaiist, lived in -.nt vi!h:e.::| u K ent aad nov,- tc-i’.::-;»: :he house v.-bl-. h b- v-.v’r’ cor some time i;?:| ind m ay be desircyt-l at 22 c English scientist? tLl that ttcps -n'ill at oikc- l-e nk eI serve a biiildiD? f int’moviep. iu mo?t impovtEiut s-pa-id' 'I this ov unv utlier a;:*.* Dni win Ihcd in l‘o^ n til liis death, mik! liis w ritten tb^re i'hs v.-!! Duce his is at ih*-* v«'rn»u f )Ufj of Miii'jh *•-' i'lul; Hie oth*-r to 1 that it niav d9:^*io'‘;'l • rouud probable »o nniDy f ’’ I that thei? uo 2 re?it dc-u'.iiuQ!| ,n Down, aud even if ther? v j ire m any building plots aror.i | liouse. Tho suggest'OE has I that the building be trausfor 1 D arw in inuseinu of uatui^ and various scicntinc .iourj loing their best to have Uiis >| tarried out.—New York Heiail S O U T H E R N R A I U l C o n d e n s e d S c h o d iU V o ^ r a 4 « « - i? | la E2ecf'» NorLhboand. 1 V e * . M Xo.l3iN.j. 38' D a lly U a U j.' S t | Lv. Atlanta. C.T. ^ .Atlanla.E.T. 80O a| 1 0) p, 5^_ - o r c r o s s . .. I:ord .........10 to a “ G a in e s v ille . “ L u lo ................ “ C o r n e lia .... A r. M t. A i r y . . . L v . T o c c o a .............. “ W e s tm in s te r ** S e n e c a .............. “ C e n t r a l ............ •* G r e e n v iU e ... " S p a r ta n b u r g . “ Gftifnevs...... ** B l a c k s b n r g .. *• K in g ’s S i t . . . . ** G a s t o n ia .......... L t . C h a r lo tte — A r . G re e n s b o r o .. 1035 a, 2 p ' ^ 10 68 a! 2 43 p lii 1125 a’ 3 W 11 W a; ..........' 8^1 1153 a 3S) P, 1231m ........ 1 1262 pi 4 15 p 140 Pi 2 W Pi 5 22 p, 3 87 pi 6 13 P, - p; 6 40 p 4 88 Pi 7 W P 603 p ... 525p ......- - 8 18 p 10 47 p L v . G re e n s b o ro . A r .N o r f o l k .......... At. PanvlUe .... A r . R i c h m o n d .. A r.W i “ B a ltm ’e _ _ *• P h ila d e lp h ia ** N e w Y o rk SonthboDnd. “ P h ila d e lp h ia “ B a lti m o r e ... » W a s h in g t o n .. L v . E ic h m o n d . . . liV . N o r f o l k . A r . G r e e n s b o r o .. 6 30p 952p 6 42 a . .Is 00 a' ..10 15 a,. ■ il2 43E V es. N o . 3 7 I D a lly . ~i P|| 6 55 p1) Fst.BllI N o . 3 5 D a ily . , Vi l5“ a 3 50 a - „ . 6 22 a! 9 20 p:( n 15 a 10 45 p,L 11 00 p;-j12 Olnn 6 02 p l i v . G re o n s b o r o .. A r. C h a r lo tte . . . L v . G a s t o n ia ,. . K ia K ’s M i . . . B la c k s b u r g . G a f f n e y s . . . . ?7estniiDster. “ Cornelia........ “ Lula .............. ** ^orcro^.!... Ar. Atlanta, B.T. Ar. Atlanta, C.T, -1 -a.m .-------- low p 10 49 p 1146 si? 8 85 p 5 15 aj.- 16 07 io '45 ■ 12 ao p p 2 i8 p i n iaw p A^noOT r OMrt ifiChesapeake Line . between Norfolk and No*.87Md38-DaUy, western vestibtxle L im ite iiw eryjjnd sbo betwoBB^----CTJ , BMHL_____— Ti ON 0AM between enronte. PuUaaaadraw^*^^ between - nection aty Nos. 2o I nms solid 1__ pasMgBrTdriii w iaontJ M m aeaping New Orleans, vta tetw een A t l a n S s S j Wa^ngton each ^ • S S B i T s a 8.H .L r o a d s N O T K Iwbo see mentions ol ths I C movement” do not re- EthistEere L onal ia»-ieBO« °ur poll-1 Ce time in ‘J*®n a comparatirely shM tl U movement fen th ro u g hIn tie Leagiie of Amenrani I ’and hundred!i of thouj Llara have been spent by ifj riiple ot theI hv the wheelmen, is thal In roads of the country ard tt a s t h e railway eystemsi tent being made by theml f easily understood, thal t o t an onnca of any com tile d over the railroads tha- I " transported by wagoaj IVry roade and city street J f t L tte r it tbe commodirt lactui-ed artiolM that ^ fears at JVa, first to be hauled to tbf f Bat the greatest hauling i ■ the farming districts, an |is that good highways ad fctfcl has not been given t^ Taad su p p o rt it deserves, i he sim ple rea so n that p riv a l U not become interested I Xnff ot common roads sinl lalcl be no income from ti saoh aa there is in ra Municipal. County, State f ■ onal G o v e rn m e n t have ^ Issue brought directly befd I ils full significance becaO Icessary to first educate ti V the necessities of the mo< ^Ibis is what is being done I I'.men at the present time, al ■ be said to their credit ta |e enlisted the sympathy a Tot all tha prominent farm^ hioas in the movement. 'Wj Vlasses working together if fnuesliou oS time until J lit will be made a polita ^ then will come the desii ■nents. . . . IIvgument offered in favor I Iriived roads is, that tl Ihe cost of repair", makd T to haul the largest amount ^ ith tlie smallest anil la v as time aud increases p j latious. Ko'railroad compl Ixp2ct to do business ifl In a roadbeds were in d n as to make it either iml rase tho tracks at long seal Isai-. or in using them hav| treat deal ot time and £ repairs to make; and I [what the farmers aud otl le coinmcu roads are doinP krative way every day in I make the most impractid « a t r o a d ‘building and ret [ tben wonder why there il L their produuls, whioh I laled over ba.1 roads atl I expanse. It has been J Ihat in the States wherd fcds have been built thal I transportation has bee'.u I to twenty per cent, on ■figures, and that tho Ithemselves within a few Ibeen further shown th»l I lost ia the different J led will more thaa pay fq k and repairs of these rod ■nual as.sessments made |r that it costs no mord have good roads, than iti I bad ones. [ad K ob <Ib IVeaUen E neru.v.l editions continue, whichl X localities toward a nif lent of existing bad roads J 'hicU are to-day being opi otic will gradually becomer the social pleasures I ,/ people will be greatl , their energies weakeneJ ious desire for success q jpill be checked and agrid li£Fer. All pro^essive ci| luntry present high types c" 1 be fittingly termed the b 5S30U for our sludy aloa I Tho wealthy populatioJ Jrould permit themselve* I hundreds of thousands j Kr the express purposo of (vement if they did not I jvestment not only one oj nt of immense profit. Tlj I distinction made bet^ nd country on this < J the fact that the pnblj ml tho city are universalljT 1,” ^hile those of thej name of “roads. ’ tilt for the same purpo| burpose in view. Tbe pea between the two jt the cr?tic is the utiliti Fthe highest ideal of st| pejxt over tbecaisldBsr fneglect by the agrj I in the better develop rroads. » AnU-But Agitation in I I roads have both a scj J valne.- |d^-roads in the rural I t as beautiful streei nder habitation mo^ Ucycle has been one i I building of good rl nobile is going to bJ commerce wil| |ie importance in bn ablo'prosperity sd laral districts is tl and maintenancj Ighways. j road it cannot be Liest retardment to pery standpoint, anJ nore from the laca Uities than any oth| >le. oads will always _ kdend on the inve^ maintain them ■Uey also present i leans for gratifl pE all boons to th^ 1 pleasure, u r e already a ^ o d roads built ^ethods, by whio I be easily drawn, I undeniable statil jpantages orer tho| no matter wh s may be. * 'omts ev“/ '**>i*wl _ !s verv e,,,i •' '0«u?*l |n r a a s ;,o r ;.S ‘*- * ■»“« euoiuh^ f : s to a n jj- fj ‘'5ai!,| la onl e®, h 'lth o v ara tia es that ha-, fe s a^d op.rafii, f'lo a a ik e are n^. « tt)| [ . " - '• - '. e ^ e . T ^ f kports to thp „ f'l.W g d ea lt: sbiaes upon all i- ?" ' h Profea^ I that the supply r.-^ ‘ Ir. those b r a .c V ; ” -! !.ia=iutuoc;ia,.5 j'W tUe >e-v- v,,,!.. f - « S| forth th -o s ^ U a ir l" i p rcp eritv. D o * 4 '« tD vara M:. B:v.r, todo^tn^ of th .- ,,i: 4 I It. to 1 as aa ksjiJ r '^^^!?^-S°- tj pre.,a, 1 k u ^Ymch sha'.l sU o;v4l 1 ta es; a cheap u jaev-i,j •■2 t. Sacb, indeed, is'J ‘Jgic ot the Worlds .!,; It losicallv deao 3s‘i ;e. which all the sophistry cauaot ohsciL-J ■ n—aa aei.v, that tae ItjJ li.ii.lo that is the rale e jj lo'igh oat this ooantrr i,l isaie th ep rod cctoftie^ p on . Iu sonndin:; the’sd ilrer the W orld'is' ^rrangiu? for t'.e oj<-' lu d e. It is builaiaj ' laon-s. ' |r:arT-.-ix: s Old Hoia? ET vt-ar* Chnilf-« !ivc-tl in .ne vnHg^ J -..'i no'v ccir.:-:- *-11' n-v^* ■e- v i.i -h l*v 0;.v;n'i.-1 Tl>r.J ’im* i •,?C1] i\-z ■ I'f- *i?2!royed nt a:i c v.;-^ f'-:n!t!*'t? pvpie?;. 1^1 I ? '.vill ai 01200 l-c !ik' 35 buildinc •■v/bi.-h is f|j |i'-aorip?. i^uA \u v h!vuc:i •u-iv'uuut MieuTii}', '.votrt |n Jj-.r.l In 1‘0'^ n •i»I‘. tM'd his WMikii Th*' v.-b|,4| ic !«■ . Ojnr-r ■•!' !»!••! I'lmliKffij : rstfUjsii* ll'c ip.r,' liP fk->»i'oyo‘l i.tf ir >0 many. f..H Thr.« is uo er»’Ot aem audf 2l| In. aiii f'*?!! if there we.’ril py buildinc plots aroniida riic sv.???-stion ba? <■ buiidin.? be trausfora n miisetnn of nature! I Ini icy? scicm inc .ioun^ Ih'^ir be«T fo liare this 1 out.-N ew T ork H eiali'j lU T H E R N RAILWI |a»e4 «eV.ed- !a E^ec^ o f Paw Tigotl Uth. liT' 1 Vc*. •s-.tf -No.lS No. 38 jiJ ; l>allr’ Dally. l:aata.C. T. liaatii, E. T. prcross Lford..pines rllle. restminster ls=€:a. ctral |reoa%-l!le sTrranburg. ffaeTs.. ''VsWg .: . s5It tastonia. ^arlotte fer«rtrcsboro , 7 S'- a SCO 8 9£u 8 10 05 a :i033 a '10 58 a 1125 a 11»» a 1153 a 1231m |12 62p: 14Cpi 2S4p’ 3 87 p 4i)p 48S p I 5 03 p = 5 ^ Pi 0 30 p; ,fi5sp: 12 00 m 1 00 p ::‘:'-;i . 2 22 pi : 2 42 p ‘ 3 00 p, 3 W p 4 15 p 5 22 p . 6 13 p 6 49 p' 7 02 p 8 18 p. 10 47 p precLsboro Korfoik ,,, .1145 p : . . . 3 20 Qi- *8n>ine (U23 p 11 56 p' pTchniond T 00“- " Washington, i ......... 6 a .^ItEj>PP.R.|........{ 8 00 a Philadelphia. J. *N'ewYork..,I '10 15 • . *2*8 m l. intbbound- Fkt.Ml' Ves. j- >*o. 35 No. S7l;l 'DailT. jDallr. lb &' 4 au p i JphlladelFiiia ; 3 50 ai 6 55 p J ■Ealtimor^:. . ‘ 0 22 a' 9 20 p» |V:’a.‘atiEtr.OQ.. 11 15 a.10 AS p^. I fcichiaond .. 12 Oinn 11 00 p,H® DiiaviUe . .. ' 6 02 orfoik . I 8 So p ■ i trrc/jcibi-o..].........; 5 15 a ..•A J.Gro^asboro .' 7 24 p 7 (fe *1 7, Chailoncs ,'ICOO p' 9 25 T u TK g??Si. “ “ HO 07,“ I iSkwisbI u«K.;4csbarg , ..I Giiffnteyd .. 11 4fl j Sp»rtuoburK .!12 26 GrceoviUe....; 1 25 Central.........I.... ! Seneca ........^ 2 23WcitjDiostc, Toccoa... M t.iary.. Cornelia.... LTaJa.... GiiiaeevUie. baford. . . > orcross. tx. Atlanta, E.T. j}?j ^ig « “ a il U a.l2 30 pj a;'i 23 p|l 8 i? £ - i® pi] I 0^ 5 25 a. 6 10 &i 4 S '^At!an,a:c.i::5°{g;',<gP I 'jj' “• ni- “i"’ p. m. ‘'IfTSS [Chesapeake Line Steamers iS I ™s solid l«tw£r Mates 1 I "^“Stuufton, D r J lw a .tl-rkGen l Pasg^ ^ H4 KMlaiuiiSS o’c. 3 D BOADS N O T® , of Cooil ltoad» AjtluUoB who see mentions of ths aiovemeut” do not ro­ ut iu (hii there may be one ot (T. u iiioiml issues of oar poli- “ ome time in Ihs future, po»- a comparatively ehort Thi< movement was started by ..-huen through their national ., jo i the League of American J'-.'i ' an.l hundredB of thon- have been spent by it l- ’itutiou. L'via.’iple of tho movement, as £.,] I'v lae vhcelm en, is tliftt fc‘jou ! na.ls of the country ire 25 tho railway systems. *‘emg made by them, o;x?:!y understood, that . ■ an ouuce of any com* f over the railroads that Iiir^'r t;.iu?^ported by TragOQB |,rintivrM:ls end city streets, in.iitt'r il tbe commodity ii;:^av-’5ie.i nrlicles that are |c:i factory; the raw |i Ua? Hr-'t to be hauled to the tbs greatest hauling is tb.- fdrming districts, and IS That p;ood highways are bas not *'eea given the ■cn I ivl fuppcrt it deserves, as to... rimple reason that private .;>.anc: become interested in [li'iJiau i-'t eommou roads since income from the ,:nt ^ls there is in rail- County, State and Government have not ■c brought directly before |i„ :ul! significance because to first educate the •: acjcssities of the move- !•;:« what is being done by Jec-iriicn at the present time, and : 1 2 fiitl to their credit that v: the sympathy aud I: ot r.ll tli3 prominent farmers’ |z.-.tio.:s in the movement. “With working together it is ri-*:iou oJ time until the • will be ma^le a political ta.l i'-:en come the desired I a;-::uK-nt offered in favor of roa^U is, that they coPt of repair?, make it \l: -- ''*3al the largest amount of tue smallest aaimal Utn-? aud increases prop- Xo'railroad company jjtv-^r t: ilo business if its roaJbeds were in such nr to make it either impos* I: n-3 t^:' tracks at long seasons r»r iii using them have to £T?;it deal of time and have -ep.'irs to make; and yet •‘ liu- the farmers and others JILt t'ouimca roads are doing in Ijaj i’ive *^ay every day in the ijiaiis tbs most impraoUcable r !■ i ia l building and repair* I t'jen 'reader why there is no J :•_ theu- prodacts, which have | Iha'iif 1 over ba.i roads at the |5t v.'Xp.‘nce. It has been esti- iiia* iu tbs States where the fcoa.ls have besu bailt that the It tiuasporiatioa has been de- |u t » t venty per cent, of the fi-zzveA, aud that the roads r iheoiseives within a few years. I'jrii further shown that the •-SL ill the different ways pn-1 'viii more than pay for the -121 repairs of these roads on as.sessments made for J 01 lii-ii ir costs no more each |j li&ve good roads, than it does ie hi I one3. wmi sii I S . Tried (0 Shoot Bernaril. A *peclal from Greenville says: United States District Attorney C. M. Bernard, of the Eastern North Caro­ lina. District, has been in Greenville the past two days. ?’rlday eveicliig he was at the depot expecting to take the ?• o’clock train for Kinston. Mr. B. 6. Shepparfi was al&o at the depot, aji<l seeing Bernard he exclaimed: “You D -^ scoundrel: you ruined my home,” at the same instant drawing a pistol and firing at Bemarti. The ball missed and Bernard ran into the watting room at the depot, closing the door af-er him. ■While Sheppard ^as trying to get in the door Bernard JumpeS out the window, got in a bngg>* and drovo rapidly down town anti swore out a peace warrant against Sheppard. Tbe matter Is being murh discussed by :ld- zens CD the street here. The over- Whe'.mins sentiment seems to be that the greatest mlsfortane about the shooting is that Mr. Sheppard missed his mark. B ad N egro P ard o n ed . Governor Rassell has granted a par­ don to Henr'- Wise, a negro who has been ccEfined in Creven county jail for several months past. Wise was con­ victed 3t the spring term of the crimi­ nal co’irt for resisting and assaulting an officer of the la^\- with a daailly weapon, and was sentenced according­ ly. There is considerable feeliug against Grovernor Russell for his action in the matter, as is a notoriously bad character and has been an un­ ending source 0! trouble to the ofBcers for a gcod many years. Fortune’s Finances. In Raleigh the special proceeding against J. B. Fortune, clerk of the Federal court, on an unpaid bill for J300 came up before Clerk o! the Court Russ Saturday. It was in evidence that Mr. Fortune’s income had boen somewhat over J3.C00 per year =luCe his appointment and that his bank ac­ count is now less than the exemption allowed by the lav. His account v.’cre submitted and examined In the pro­ ceeding and the plalntifi dropped the case tis there was nothing to take hold of. Fatally Injured by Train. Late Saturday afternoon Mrs. Re­ becca Jenkins, a white woman, aged thirty-five rears, was run over by the shitting engine in the Southern yard at Winston. Both legs were horribly mangled, and the attending physician say? she cannot live. t l;.iacls \V«alEen Enersy. Ic:: i;ti9'is continue, which tend pe localities toward a nou-im- ;-iei:r of e.'cisting bad roads, many M-e to-day being operated fcrca: -rill gradually become aban- , th“ social pleasures ot the 7 people will be greatly re- , tlieii- energies weakened—the |t:u!iF; desire for success on the K-ill V;e checked and agrioulture ka!Ter. .ill pro^essive cities in I'ociitry preseiit high types of what pt be fittingly termed the best ob- I lessoa for onr study along this i’u? wealthy population of no I 'TouUl permit themselves to be 1 huu.lieds of thousands of dol- Kor I’ae express purpose of street toveiiient if they did not regard |nre5ticent not only one of neoes- t of immense profit. There can distiaction made between the I snd cjuatry on this question pi ibe fact that the public drive- F the city are universally termed .eie, i\hile those of the country ‘';d name of “roads.” They are Uilt for the same purpose, with t Tjurpose in view. The glaring |enc= between the two from the I cii tbe critic is the utility by the p tho highest ideal of street im- |t’jient over the caieleas and uni- nsglect by the agricnltaTal b ia the better development of ! roads. .tnU-But Agltmtian In Btlef. roads have both a social and al value. roads in the ratal diatrieta 5t as beautifnl streets in the lendei habitation more desir* Ibicycle has been one great fac- ■he buildiug of good roada ftnd Kiiaobile is going to bo another. Irbau commerce will be the liaiy. I:me importance in building up Isirablf prosperity bo needfol ■ rural districts is the better bent and maintenance of onr Ihiehways. 'ad road it caiinot be denied il Ireatest retardment to raial life levery staudpoint, and farmera more from the lack of good facilities than any other olaae of pople. 1 roac^s will always pay a lund- F divideiid on the inTeatoient re« ’1 to maintain them in perfect ILey also present an ever in- f means for gratifying tliat |t uf all boons to the farmer’s pcial pleasure, ' are already a sufficient nam- 1 good roads bnilt im- methods, by vbioh oompari- an be easily draini, prewnting [b undeniable atatiatiei their iMvantages over those in bad no mattw what the eoi* bgs may be. Winston's Tobacco Saks. Winston sold 335.6544 prunds ot leaf obacco during August, making the to­ tal fcr eleven months 17.833,767 pounds, a gain of 112,177 pounds over the same time last year. North Carolina Notes. A man near Spring Hope killed sighteen highland moccasins while out squirrel hunting. The youngest ones being about nine inches long. Rev. w. T. Jones, who began hia ministry as pastor of the Wilson Bap­ tist Church, died in Staunton, Va., on Wednesday. The funeral took place in Mcrehead City where he was once pastor. The Statesville Landmark pays that af:er a further consideration of the m.itter Col. J. F. Armfield has decided not to accept the appointment as major in the Forty-sijith regiment, now enlisting for service in the Philip­ pines. Brief Mention. M. Lissajoux. whp supplied The Eclair with information from which rhe Cette Canaille de D— artir-ie was concoctea. wa.= arrested in Paris. All the yellow fever patients at '.he Soldier’s Home at Hampton. Va.. are r.ow well, Surgeon Vickery reporting to Surgeon General Wyman that the last case had been discharged from the hos­ pital. The commission which has been en­ gaged in distribu'tng the $3,000,000 ap­ propriated for th2 purpose of paying off Cuban soldiers repcrts that 33,692 per- ions have recei'’ed th’lr share of the gratuity, and that ths total amount of mont;,- distributed is J2.626.900. A special train bearing Cooper’s Cir­ cus, was wrecked at TcJner's Station, Tenn., by the burerting of an air brake hose and 12 persons were injured and circus, property and animals scattered in all directions. Invited to Atlanta. Canton, O., Special.—T cl the accom­ paniment of enthusiastic cSeefa' the large crowd that thronged the sta­ tion and platforms, the special train bearing the President and Mrs. McKin­ ley steamed out of Canton at 9 o'clock Friday night. The President from the rear platform bowed his acknowledge­ ments for the kindly demonstration. The traJn goes direct to Washington over the Pennsylvania lines. A Fight With Strikers. Wilkeebarre, Pa., Special.—John Pol­ lock was shct and killed, William Thayer was seriously wounded and about eight men hurt in a lisht be­ tween the strikers at the Stevens col­ liery, West Pittston, and a repair gang. The strikers have been in an ugly mood for several days, and Friddy they stoned several men. Warrants *ere is­ sued for their arrests, but none were served Explos^n a t' itlsbnre. Pittsburg, Pa., Special.—A boibr ex­ plosion at the Republic Iron W.jrks on South 24th street, shortly before day­ light .Friday killed flve men and ser­ iously Injured seven others. A fire which broke out following the explo­ sion. added to the horror. The mill was partly wrecked and the entire plant was compelled to close down. One man and four children, three girls and one boy were drowned at Black Ecck, near Bridgeport, Coan.. Frldw while sea bathtnc. THE STR4WBE»»Y. Why it Should Be in Every Garden. _ ^ e n it is considered how easy it is Straw4)erry and what a de­ licious and healtliful article ot food it IS, the wondfT It that It is not more generally grown. f J t Sm twenty7 I plants, set in rows ftDart in row% with two feet walking between each series of the TOWS. This plat set In early, medium, and late varieties, will supply an av­ erage family lavishly with this exceed- ingi dellgthtful and wholesome fruit during the strawberry season of f''ur weeks or more. The cost, tounting the purchase cf plants, need hardly amount to one cent a quart. Even this might be covered, or much more than covered bv the sa'e of surplus berries. Fres-h, well ripened berries cf the large improved varieties rarely go begging anywhere, hut sell readily at fair nrices, often at hleh prices. Finland Sentenced to Deatb. The statesmen of the old world, so far at least as their public utterances are concerned, have maintained a well- bred silcnce upon the subject of the national tragedy of which the closing scene has been enacted in Helsingfors, the capital of the grand duchy of Fin­ land. Aud because no word of protest has been uttered from a ministerial bench, or read from a blue book bear- ing the official signature of a chancel­ lor, the world has stood by in silence while the Finnish nationality has been decreed out of existence by an ukase from St. Petersburg, signed by Czar •Mcholas II., and promulgated by Count MuravieSE, the Slavic Bismarck. The import of this decree Is, that three mil­ lions of people of the Germano-Finnish blood shall become Russians forthwith. Behind the promulgation are a million of gray-coats ready to carry out tho will of MurartefE by the grace of the knout. In the meanwhile, the Imperial weakling whose pen has subscribed to tbe death warrant ot a nation, is lisp­ ing foolishly of the advisability of mi­ grating the horrors of war—a coinci­ dence which would furnish theme for an Offenbach, were it not matter more meet for the tragic genius of a MlHon! —S. Ivnn Tonjorofr. in The .\rena. A Calllornla Farm Telephone, The sallnas Valley Land Company has a telephone system the line of wblch consists of the ordinary barbed wire that was already on the fences. It is about ten miles long. We use a good telephone instrument. All the connections are made very close, and no wire is conncctcd with the ground in any way, either liy hanging down or by touching any other wire that does reach the ground. In crossing roads and gates the pre­ ferable way Is to have posts high enough to carry an overhead wire, but Ave took three-eighth-inch iron water pipes and laid them under the gates and most of the roads and then ran a rubber-covered wire through them to connect with the barbed wire on each side, Ijending the ends of the pipe up at the sides of the gates or roads and then filling the ends up with putty to keep water out. This character of telephone Hue will work Just as well as any Insulated line In dry weather, but not at all when It is raining, because then the current runs in the ground. As soon as the posts have time to dry off after a ralu it is all right again. Such lines will work for any reasonable distance, say from one to 100 miles, but in States where It often rains they will not do well.—American Agriculturist C bo.. P . Curd, a . M., .n il “ S 'y “ M rib u to th 3 rsc o v e ry a n a c o n tin u e d good lio altii o f tiu r llttlo b o i- —Don’t buy on umbrella on a raioy day. TOfly’re liable to up theu. CcXacatolour bonreis intli crftcaren. Candy Cathartic, euro constlpaUon forever. L0c,-S5c. UC.C.C.IailtdrusRistsretundmonef< Beanty Is Biooa i/eep. Clean blood means a clean akin. beauty without it. Coscarets, Candy Catbar* tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and living all im* purities from tbe body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets,—beauty for ten cents. All drug* gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 2ffc, 50c* ---------------------------- * ^t’s funny that a physician pays the mostsome meugive a due bill they to patients who aro “heeled.*’ to regard It as “Adieu, biUP “ I.el llle Toil Y ou W hat It Did.” T, Hoxboro, K. C., Aug. T, 1899.Mrs. J oe Pf.RsoN: me to tell what your wonderful medi- oine d:d for my I ttla boy. A litUe over two jears ago i.oheguu to break out in eores all O'Ci n s faci*and h-ad. Icalledin a doctor and h beg^n to treat him, i ut it ^e^^mefl that ho conm do him no good. I then trie I another Ui^ or with lha eanie result. I then tried an- Cither doctor, Kivlug three doctors a trial for about two years with tbe little boy, and he comli-uert to grow worse. ’Jhe Eores seemed to ab come together in Ol e ou the top of hU 1 became frightened o»er luy little boy. 1 \vk9 inaaced to iry Mr^ -Joe P-rson’s Remedy «nd bought three bott'es Of your womlenul medicine and one package of \v«sh Powder*. Ncm\ et me tell you what it did for my little boy. It cured him. In two months my little fellow was entirely well. Tlie good tberelsin Mrs. Joe Person’s Remedy cannot beespressed by any toaeue. Kebpectfully yours. Mr>*.LBBA. JOKES. —The bandmaster always does business on a sound basis, r»o-To-Bac lor ClCty Ceniaa Guarautced tobacco hsbit cure, makes weak Biea strong, blood pure. 50c, 11. All druggists —Tho bill poster acquires a great many stnck up notions In his business. iPiRS S ick h ead ach e. Food d o esn ’t d i­ g e st w ell, appetite poor, b ow els con ­ stipated, tongue coated . It’s you r liv e r 1 A y e r’s P ills are liv e r p ills, e a sy and sa fe . T h e y cu re d ysp ep ­ sia , b ilio u sn e ss. 2 5 c . A llD ru g g ists. ■NVaiit yoiir nioiistaclie or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Then use BUCKit^GHAM’S O Y E U lrsSOj^TS.^F ^uyiSTr, oti How’s Your Skin? Ii' you have itch, letter, ringworiu, C2 -TO1, salt rhoiim. or any skin trouble, uso Tetteriue at once, an«' ir stop scratching. It will cure yo^ iM lir ^■over f.ill«. Take nosubstitutercc- ■•'*** ominendcil by your druggist. If he doesn't keep Tetierlne, send 5ftc. in ttamr-3 to J T. Shuptrlne. Savannah, Ga.. aud got a box postpaid. PILES «*Ieuff’ered the tortures o f th e dam ned Trltb protrudlns piles brought on by constipa­ tion with which I was afflicted for twenty The Cuban Army Ufes Wintersmith's C hili Cure.-Arthut Peter & Co.. Lo..i8viIIc, Ky., Gentlemen; 'Tlease eeod us some Wintersmith's Chill Lure, which ban given such brilliant results iu treating cnllls and fever now r^lng la ilanuel ActKUiar, E. Hernan­dez, F. Muuo. • il^ V x h is ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for an y ra‘ e of Catarrh that can not be onred by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. __F. J. CHE.>7EY & Co.. Props., Toledo, O.We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 1-S years, and oellero him perfectly honorable In all business trHnsac- tlons and financially able to carry out any obligation made bv their Arm. W est & Tiiuax, Wholesale Druggists, To­ledo. Ohio. W aldimO, Kinnait & SIABVKT, Wholesale Dru«glsts, T( ledo, Ohio. H.ill's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, arting directly upon tho bleed ana mucous !ree. ,M re. WlnElow’sSootblDg Syrup for children teethiug.softenr the gums, reducing in&ama* lien,allayspaln.cureswind coUo3^ a bottle Wo have not been with 1* so s Cure for ^on^^U!pt ou for 2 years.—I.miB FsKRtL. Camp St. tiarrsburg ¥ |i_ ^ aW^l89L______ Rockville, - Md. FOR BOYS.*** Its pupils have done well at the Uni- ‘verslUes of Ylrginla, Cornell, Lehigh, Pricct-ton, and at the Massachusetts Instl- Jnte of Technology, at Boston. Terms moder­ ate. For Catalogue, address, W. P. .MA60!V. U, S. X. A.. Principal- [D ORGANS ,lllfroiii$45up 'ianos for $198. Buy direct from the manufacturer. Satisfac­ tion guaranteed. X Address M. P. MOLLER, Manufacturer, Ua^erstown, - • Md. Or. Rlcord’s Essence of Life ard,n®%er-failin? remedy foraU cases of nervoua, wpntal, physical debility, lost Tit»li(y and pro* mature decay in both sexes; positive, permanent cm-e; fuU treatment i85, or $l a bottle: stamp for cln-ular. J. JACQUES. Agent, 176 Broad^-ay, W. Y. FILL YOUR CHILDREN’S HEAD W ith knowledge. Keep their feet off Damp w et ground. Look for th e box Our name*5 upon, In a seal both Red and round. years, t ran acrobs your CASCASETS In the town of Nowell. Ia., and never found anythin? to equal them. To-day I am entirely free from piles and feel like a new man. ”C. H. Keitz. 1411 Jones St., Sioux City, la. CANDV I CATHARTIC ^ksukmmTRAOe MARH RtOWTfMD P le a s a n t. P a la ta b le . P o te n t. T ^ t e G o ^ . ^ G ood, N ev e r S ick e n . W ea k en , o r G rip e. 10c, 25c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ...aterllBg n«a»dy Compaoy, Chlfigo, HoBtretl, Kew Tcrit. 318 KO-TO-BAI! A R T E R ] 5 1 N K Good and Too Cheap to be without it.” ndW bU ker^^cured at home with­ out pain; Book of par* tlcniars sent FREE. ________ - - B .U .W O O L L E Y , M .D , rgmaTiua. Offlco 104 K. Pryor St. You can earn ..Qv...-----------ourPi'rtralts I______ terms. 0. B. Anderson A Co.. 871 Elm W., riieVolTex. ATTENTION is fACllItated If you mention n this paperwhen writing advertisers. So. 86 R E C O R D fo r I899J, Before Six State Exam inlng Boards,r i Graduates ^ applied-T lli- ^ censed by these Boards. For 88- paae Catalog, addrejs ir),All;sonHo<tes,Pm!tOT,Bieliiaonil.Ta. A bsalately F ree. To introduce FirdVy’s Eye Sa've I w'll sen I y mail a’sola ely Fr>EEa?5 c-nt box to HFiy o:ie wr ting me a postal caid vlvlni; nara*) a< d address, it cures sore eyes at once. Address J. P. Haytbr, Decatur, Texas. The Congo river has at one place 82 waterfalls within a distance of 154 m i l e s .__________________ Don't Tobicco Spit and Sm(Ae Toor Lifls To Quit tohacco easily and forever, be mag­ netic. full of life, nerve aad vigor, take No-To* Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak mca strong. AU druggists,SOoor(1. Ctireguaran* teed. Booklet and sample free. Address fiemedy Ca. Chicago otjfew Yorlb —The apple brandy season in Tennessee promises an unusual yield. »»l(b In the Sii%wbeiry«ktio n« tell how to ge t tbAa out-- .a ll h o w ySpeelalii wtog*»t’st6.Ki« —It always pozsles & horse to find out what a woman’s driving at To Cure CenaUpAttoa Toraveb Vak.//Jfy<»rets Candy Cathartic. lOoorfSo. H C. a druggists rettmd moaeji —“Time wUl tell,” note. especially on a SO days’ An roilcatrable Honor. Interest has been manifested in the statement tbnt the Chinese Minister at Washington. W’ou Ting Fang, will probably be rocalled to China to join the Tsung-M-Varaon. NewJ?paper read­ ers are ofion iinable to understand the meaning of the Tsung-Li-Yamen iu China. Tbe members «»f this body ap­ parently hin-e much to do with the governineiit, aud it is often referred to in connecliOD with Chinese compli- Ication?. The Tsung-Li-Yamen is a body analogous to the President’s Cabinet, deriving its powers from the Emperor incl subject/xa to his whims and notions. If the members blunder they may be deprived of rank, ban- ' in this re- __ ‘S.- Leslie’s AVeeklv JCajoT Marchand was the son of a widow, and as such exempt from mili­ tary duty. His mother was at first opposed to the army, and started him in life as a lawyer’s clerk.__________ ServiceableSchool Shoes G IK Ii& - B O Y S - Rob Roy, ' Rea Rock, C ra c k P ro o f, H ig h School. C ash B asis. C arnoftie. J. K. ORR SHOE CO., A tlanta, Ga. WANTED AGENTS tor our Cotton Book ; it begtns at 3o. and ruos to 11c.; figures the ]6the aud SOihs from 300 to 700 pounds: a 84.00 boon'or only 9Po. It sells like “hot cakpsterir'SllbiTal. Also (or the Bible Looking Gla^o, It teaobcs the Fible by tilusirations; ucc.nts making from 84.00 to $10.00 per day. Write to-day. J. L. NICHOLS & CO., Atlnnta, Co. T e e t h i n A I I b b in iiv ia r w fiu & n o i lids Dii^estion, Regulates the Bowels and MikM Teething EaRy. TEETHm RcUeres the Bowel TroQbles of Children of'Any A^e and Costs Only W Cents. ASk Your Druggist for It. If not kept by drueglsts vnail 2.5c to r.J.M 0FFU T T ,:»I.l>.,ST .l.O i;iS,M O . STOPPED FREE ^ Ptrmaoently Ctrtd Insanity PreventH by ■R. KLmrS 6 REAT lERVE RESTORERf«PH THE REASON WHY For man or beast L I N I M E N T Excel s— is that it P e n e t r a t e s to the seat of the trouble im­ mediately and without irrita-^ ting rubbing— and ^ FamHy ami Stable A&» Sold by Dealers generally. Dfi. Emr! S. Sloan, Bomton, Mam*, 69 Cents fpr Nothing Just issued, a wonderful catalogue of everything to eat, wear and use. It costs us 52- cents to print and 17 cents to mail each copy. li's free to alt n-bo write for ii 3®^ P»R«s (»Ue I4?4*10«-i in.), has 10,000 illustrations,and quotes 100,OOU articles at wholesale prices to ccmsuniers. Here is the book: This valuable cata­ logue tells all about Agricultura! Imple­ ments, Baby Coaches, Beddine, lilc y c le s ! Hoots, liuetjles, Can­ dies, Carpets, Ciipirs. Clocks, Clothing, Corsets, Crockery, Ciirtains, Cutlery, 1-arm W agons, Pur- niture. M en's Fur­ nishings, Glassware, Groceries, Harness, Hats, Hosiery, Jexx- elry. Ladies’ClothinK, Ladles’ Fumislibigs, Lamps, Mackin­ toshes, Sllrrors, Mu­sical Instruments, Or- sans, P.'Unts. Pianos,Pictures, Portlferes, Ke£rigera^rs, S a Mjwhines, Shirts,"i^oes, Sjiverware, Stoves. Tinware, lobacco. Towels, Trunks, I'nderwear, Upholstery Goods,batches,and thousands of other Articles. u ith this book In your possesiioii, you can buy ch^per than the average dealer. 1 ou CM save large sums of monev on everything you need, at any season o f the year. ' Lithographed Carpet and Rng Caialogttf, nnd our Clotbing Catalogue with samples attached^ are aha free. Expressage paid on clothing, freight paid oh carpet. Which book shall v;e send you f Address this v.ios! JULIUS HINES & SON B A L T IM O R E , .M D. D e p a rtm e n t 2 1 4 0mtvf h'cltaii, WRI Killed mmi C R E E N S B O R O , N .C : Forth, tmtmuit of THE UQUOH, OPIUM, MORmWE ^ WPra«fl«Hcllmi,ThiToblw*oHtlill,HOT.Exhai^ W RITE US FOR f l We again offer the cleanest seed wheat on the market, and from pro’jably the largest crop yield in the State, If not the United States. We had 355 acres in wheat this year, and the crop averaged 20 bushels per acre. Where we had a good stand, not winter killed, we had overiO bushels per acre. One hundred btishels ot our wheat will contain less cockle seed than one bushel of ordinary seed wheat. Piice 81.15 per bushel on cars at Charlotte. Bags hold two bushels and are new, no charge for bags. Terms: Cash with order. H ttO IU F M IffC i Japanese Dicuer Castoms. At the close of formal dinners in 7npan the guests are presented with 'any portion of the meat they may fall :to eat. However groat or small tho : amount they may fail to eat, it is care­ fully wrapped up for them and they are expected to talie It home with them. The unique custom was fol­ lowed at othclal dinners until a short time ago, when it was discontinued, but the withdrawal of government ex­ ample has not materially affected the practice. Tbe plan has been followed for many years and it is difficult to place its origin. Peculiar as the custom is. It is not without its attractive features. The husband who stays out late at night can pave the way to wifely pardon witli the neat and tempting parcel un* der his arm. The impecuicus or tem­ porarily embarrassed can hold out enough to tide them over several hun­ gry days. The indulgent father or mother can pass the sweets and carry them home to their children. Half a dozen satisfactory combinations can be worked on the plan. There may he all kinds of elaborate courses at a din­ ner that one dees not care for. but the mental struggle of saying no is not half so hard xrheu you know you will get a chance to can*y the food off and either give it to yonr children, feed It to your dogs and cats, cr distribute it among your friends. The Japanese practice is all that could be expected. Each kind of food is kept in a sepa­ rate parcel, and at the close of the dinner the share of each guest is made up in a neat and artistic bundle.—San Francisco Chronicle. Per FRED OLIVER, Pres't. Charlotte,N. C. W . L . D O U Q L A S $ 3 & $ 3 .5 0 _ S H O E S "N'ON Worth $4 to $0 compared with other makes. In d o rsed by over 1 ,000,000 w earers. At-L LEATHERS. ALL STYLES !THK ■«. L. IMnslii,* 'Diae and prire Map.i<rJ nn I’oMob. I Tuke no Mil>«Mtnlo ito lioofS'«Ml. Lnrco.st niakcra Iof S3 .inrl sXMi In the |world, your dralcrshoMltJ l:ccp !them—If Dot. we will jiond vou ,w/.r;:'r.,'.’S apalron rcrript r»f price. Slats ;kind Ilf leather, tizo and width. ■•IhIu or cap toe. . C ataioK uc C Frre. W. L DOUGLAS SHOE CO.. Brocklon, t.S.iss C o l l e g e o f D e n t is t r y . DENTAL DEPART.MEN'T Atlanta College of Phy9ielan8 and Bnrgeors Oldest C’olleob in Tbtrteem u .'ku- n u a l S e a sio n o p e n s O ct. 3: c lo se s A p iil 80ib. I h o s e c o n te m p la tin g th o s tu d y o f D e o iis tr y E h o u ld w rite fo r e a la lc g u e . A ddress 8. W. FOSTElt, D ean. C3-03 Inuiiin B Idg., A tlan ta. O a. Bound to Be Married. Gallant Man (aside): “At last I hav€ her ail to myself. Now I can tell h»i how much I love her and ask her to h« mine. How shall I rlo it. I wonder? Gentle MaJd: “It is surely coming. 1 am so nervous and frightened! 1 know he is going to be terrible dramatic. 3 do hope I sha’n’t have to help him uj off his knees. Goodness! why doean’l he say sometJiIng? I must break thii horrible silence." (Aloud, recklessly: Have you ever been abroad?” (3«1- lant Man (smilingly): "No. Fm sav­ ing it for a wedding trip.” ‘Gentl« Maid (demurely): “Why. how ^unny! So am I.*’ Gallant Man (innocently •Then why shotildn't we take it to- cjelher?” Gentle Maid (Innocently): ‘Possibly your wife and ray husband might object to going in such a crowd.” CJallant Man (brilliantly); “The crowd <rcnM he ohjectional‘!y large If your hiisband nnd my wife wore husband and wife.” (Further ronversatlon dls- joinled nnd iiiciisiinct.) Overdoing f». "They eny that Perkins loved his neighbor as he did himself.” “He did more than that. He loved his neigh' bor’s wife and got a horsewhippinip.’* SORROWS OF STERiUTY OTHERHOOD is woman's natural destiny. Many women are denied the happiness of children through some derangement of the generative organs. Actual barrenness is raie. Among the many triumphs of Lydia E. Pinkha/ 's Vegetable Compound is the overc.. .g of cases of supposed barrenness. This great medicine is so well calculated to regn- ■ late every function of the generative or­ gans that its efficiency is vouched for by multitudes of women. M rs. E d . W o lf o r d , of Lone Tree, Iowa, writes: D ear M rs , P inkham —Before taking Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compomid I had one child which lived only six hours. The doctor said it did not have the proper nourishment while I was can ying it. I did not feel at all well during preg­ nancy, In time I conceived again, and thought I would write to you for advice. Words cannot express the gratitude I feel towards you for the help that your medi­ cine was to me during this time. I felt like a new person: did my work up to the last, and was sick only a •hort time. My baby weighed ten pounds. He is a fine boy, tho joy of our home. He is now six weeks old and weighs sixteen pounds. Your medicine is cer­ tainly a boon in pregnancy.” M rs. F l o r a C o o p er, of Doyle, S. Dak., writes: D e a r M r s . P in k h a m — Ever since my last child I Buffered with infiammation of the womb, pains in back, left side, abdomen and groins. My head aehed alljthe time. Ii could ^ot ’ ing intense pain, getting worse, until years ago I wrote to you for advice, and began taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. I had not finished the first bottle before I felt better. I toot four bottles, and have been strong and perfectly healthy ever since, and now have two of the nicest little girls.” **He Laughs Best Who Laughs Last/* A heurty Uagh inSades a degree of good health obUtinabk through pare blood. bat one person in ^ h s s pare btood, the other nine shoat^ P ^fs the blood •aith Uboifs SanaparilU. ‘ Then they can tuigh fM . last and aJl tke time, for ot rare beauty. Ia'<tructl<m that Is not surpassed for th<-. - the Jatc:lcctuol opportunities of one of the ccntres of art dfoartm cuts ScUuolofnrtandm asIc. Send for caiaJogui. - H e - o p r im ^ rp tc n ib c r 2 0 3 IU a R . J . D e V O IlK . P r e s ’i nUTLEB’S nARBOLATEOFIODIHE A KU«t*n»Md Cure for <1.<arrb, Coii- Beroscl Him. " It piM e* my comprehenBlon,” hs eald, "w hy men abould w aat to kld- lu p tables.” “W hy?”’ die responded, i inqniitasly- “®'or Instance, who'd j Want to c u ry off th at kM ot outi, ] whioh has siHdi m arked ability tor | ery4ng?”-PM ta<I«lplil* N orth Ameri- | Corrected Hlma.)li'. In his earnestness the g r^t populist orator forgot himself. "llet us not wash our party linen In pubHc!" he cried passionately. Instantly his au­ dience was upon its feet, crying out angrily. “I should say,” faltered the orator, now, clearly much chagrined, “let U3 not sponge our party celluloid in public.” Hereupon there wag much applause, followed by singing by the glee club.—Detroit Journal, offer.*, at MODERATE TERMS------- a SITUATION ami HOMEo Omp'cte and moUem equtpm-'nt, and ft •otthecouQtry. Academic and ojile;ca '< -»f sixty viewe of e'jUege and around*.9 a»c( H'oodtaiiilZtoatt. Pittsbnrs.Pa. —There are two new cases of yellow fever at tiancll Bpiritus, Cuba. e’iipilou w ortn jvonngr. ( .hose positive men who are proli^-& maxims for the general guidan^ of mankind was holding forth to'a group of listeners. “Never tell your dreams,” he said. “They in- terest nobody but yourself, and If they have any signiflcance at all they mere­ ly indicate some mental weakness on the part of the dreamer.” “Yes,” re­ plied one of the listeners alter a pause, “what a fool old John Bunyan was to tell that long dream of his about the pilgrims!" After this there was an­ other and longer pause. ^ I N C M Factory Loaded Shotgun Shells. “ L e a d e r ” loaded with Smokeless powder and “ N ew R iv a l” loaded with Black powder. Superior to all other brands for I UNIFORMITY, RELIABILITY AND STRONG SHOOTING QUALITIES. Winchester Shells are for ^ale by all dealers. Insist upon I having them when yon huy and you will get the best. To eare, or money refunded by yo«r m erchm t, sp why not try iff Frice «Oe, / r Tlie Davie Record, M ocksville, N . O. WM. c. rvnr, lOCAL EDITOB AND BOS. M.VVAGE3. Enterea at the Po3t.OiHce at Mocka- ville, N. 0., ab Second Class Matter, May 12th, 18il9. ________________ TOW N AND COUNTY. W ith the advent of September the vratermelon bids us adieu. No tears. Miss Beulah and Edwin H ardi­ son si>ent Friday in Winston-Salem. Mi&s Garretts, of South Carolina, is attending Misses Baton and Clement’s school. Goorge Hardison spent Friday in Salisbury and returned Saturday. W inston sold 335,054 pounds of leaf tobacco during the month of ^ ^ Tir 1 ^ August, making a total for el«ven Bay Clement left Monday 17,893, 767 pounds—a ^ le ig h , where he will attend the - 113.177 pounds over the *' ‘ gjjjjjg jjmg year.A. & M. College. E. M. Swicegoo<l is spoiting a new wheel. I’erhaps his horse will get a little rest now. Misses Eaton and Clement’s school opened Monday with quite a good attendance. Kichard Anderson, of Calahan, A good line Hosiery and Gloves ' at W illiams & Andci-son’s. the A. & M. College. W ill Harbin and James Coley, Jr.. have accepted positions iu Winstou to Avork ou the big E . J. Reynolds factory. The fall term of the Advance High School will open ou Monday, September 11th. Professor C. M. Sheets is principal aud Miss Nora Byerly icacher of music. „ . . , , Eev. Mr. Tidball liUed liis regu- Highest prices paid for all kinds i j.,j. appointment at the Ti-esbyte- eountry produce at irfan church hist Sunday morning W illiam s & A sd e e .sos ’s . | ^nd night. There wei-e two acces- September is nearly a week old,|sions to the membei'ship Sunday bnt it has bad precious little efleet morning. According to the census ot 1890, says the Ealeigh Posf, there were 360,000 manufacturing establish­ ments of al’ kinds , in the United States, emjiloying nearly 8,000,000 people, to whom more than $2,000,- 000,000 was paid in wages. In left Tuesday for Ealeigh, to tttei-d ■ very many im portaut lines the in- The old soldiers had their in­ ning Monday, aud made the town lively for a while. Men’s and Boy’s Hats aud Caps cheap at W illiams & Auderson's. Mocksville is fortunate in having an np-to-date barber. If you doubt this try Ed. Griffin. on the thermometer. Ton will find a big line Shoes at rock bottom prices at W illiam s & A sdeksos ’s .- tU I . ..... Regular serriccs will be held at In M emoriam- In Jacksonville, Fla., at the Trav­ eler’s Hotel, on the eveninirof August 23d. after an Illness of ei'i^ht lon» weeks, of malignant typhoid fever.--------- , r p j j j . Kegular ser\'iccs will be nei« at | ^ peculiarly sad death, as Miss the Presbyterian churcih next Sun-1 (;ora Leach, a^ed 2."> years, left her day raoruiug aud night Pants Gooils. Dress Goods, G ut­ tings, &c., cheap at W illiam s & A xdebsos ’s . Itain the past week has fallen pretty generally, and has no doubt tiwp of great beujfi' to all. crease since then has been more than 100 per cent., and all have increased largely. The productive capacity of this country now is simply stupendous, and yet it is increasing, by new inventions, at an enormous rate annually. N otice to T eachers. A ugusta , N. C., August 29, ’99. E ditor Davie Kecokd, ■ Mocksville, N. C. , Dear Sir:—I have been solicited to repeat my “Summer School Course” for Teachers. I have concluded to do so. In thinking over the matter, I have concluded to make a reduction of 25 per cent, on BOARD and TUITION to the Teachers of Davie county. Of course, this will dispose of my profit, but if I can help some teachers to higher efficiency in our county, I shall have some consolation in that fact. Yours truly, J. D. HODGES. tccxin, temporary home in Nashville* Tenn., on Julv 4th, to come to Florida to be married to Mr. W, G. DeBarry, of West Palm Beach, aud close an ea- gagement existing for eight years. When she arrived here she was quite ill, and unable to proceed farther. She was met here by Mr DeBarry and taken to the Traveler's Hotel. Li-; I cense was secured, and Rev. A. M. i ! McDonald was called in to perform' Miss IVIabel Chamberlain, who i the marriage ceremony, and as the ■ Arrival and Departure of Trains: S o u th B o u n d —D aily e x c ep t Sunday. Leave Mocksville .................. 1:00 pm Leave Mocksville ..................6:00 pm North B ound . Leave Mocksville .................. 7:15 am Leave Mocksviilc ..................11:30 am FIN E STOCK FO R SALE. formerlv taught mnsie and art iu I bride lay on her sk^ bed, s ^ ^ ^ Mocksville. was in town last w eek.; ^ ^rS an fo f PaFm lSch ^?rom t£ a t; nr- 17 1 loff ft>-!day to the end she continued to grow Miss Esabelle Erown Irft for | being delirious most of the Salisbury last AVednesday. She time. Though the best medical aid will teach iu the gradeil school oi that city. ^"M iss Caroline Puffer, of Massa- ehnsetts, will teach music and art in Misses Esiton and Clement’s Bchool at this place. Any person desiring to buy a Jack ; or Jeuny, or Jenny colts, or other fine stock, will do well to call on • T. A. BRUNT, Farming^ton, N. c. DON’T \V .\IT A MINUTE. was done, but no relief came. The body was embalmed and sent to her old home for burial, and now rests beside that of her father, in the old Centre Cemetery. How was the Subscription"" are beginning to | coming back of Cora—who left her roll in on our free gift offer. H a r d -! >iome so happy and bright, a little ly a day passes b |t a new name ^ h " o f y ° - a ^ K S l i ‘"o? is addeii to our list. j woman. But God makes no mistakes, . ! it is well with dear Cora now. and may C. G. Bailey, chairman of thel God comfort the hearts of her wid- board of countv commissiouers, we i owed mother, sisters and brother, is are sorrv to I'earu, was sick and the prayer of one who loved her utfciKl ra.iirt Moiidnv. MocksvsUe, Sep. a, 9J. M. C. obtainable, two professional nurses and her husband worked hard to stay _ __ t h e r a v a g e s o f t h e d i s e a s e . c v e r y t h i D g ; good W atches -A bsolutely free. that money and skill_ could suggest i We want j’our name for PASTIME. a bright, clean, illustrated story and humorous paper for the family circle, Iti large-pages, only . 75c a year; on trial 4 months, 10c. • We give a nickle silver watch to each subscriber, a neat G. T. GLASCOCK & SONS, GREENSBORO, N . C -. F O U N D E E S A H D M A C H IN IS T S . Manufactiirei-s of Turbine W ater W heels, The STOVE, Heating Stoves. Coal Grates, C ounty Hollow Ware, riow s. Plow Castings and Feed Cutters. SPECIAL CASTINGS O F ANY D ESCRIFriO N . J®* Every Article M anufactured by Us G u aran te ed in Every Eespe WM. C. IVY, Agent at M O C^VILL^ii- N.. C. J . E . CARTL'AND, -----SUCCESSOR TO----- H. H. Cartland. G r x * e e 3 r L s T D 0 X * 0 - I N '- C . A F U X i L IN E O F CLOTHS A ND C A SIM E B E S -------tALWAYS o n HAND.-------- A FfilL CORPS «t the BEST EXPERIENCED WORKMEN. r W rite for ^m p les and Measuring Blanks. Satisfaction Guaranteed.'© * E. H. MORRIS, Agent. - - Call and see samples and learn prices. _ -------------- i N a t i o n a l H o t e l , Corrected Weekly by Williams Bros jjgpuK N IS nE D . UNDER NEW Corn, per bu................................. 50 Just Received! Parlor Suits, Mirrors, Fa tj ^ b v b b y t h c t g t o m a k e a h o u s k u a x i « ,„ . A T PlUCliS t h a t will Don’t faill to give iu need of v,nyihin» aiajJ I U T i l ! I j j i j I IT W IL L B . i'o V'iL'Rj';- I G. W. ^ ^^,..nit«re Dealer and U ndertaker, S A l .l s m ^ | Bttcteye Disc aiifl Hoe i r Tlie Wheat, per bu... Oats, perbu ................................ ^ Peas, per bu................................. WJ Bacon per pound ....................... 8-10 Bacon, W estern ......................... H am s............................................ 10-12i Eggs .............................................. J Butter............................................ Spring Chickens .......................... ‘ MANAGE5IENT. B A T E S, $1.00 P E B DAY. J . 11. B.\msey , Prop’r. Main St. SALISKUEY, N. C. NOTICE. Having qualified as Apministrator of Richmond G. Sheek, decs’d, notice is hereby given to all parties holding claims against said Estate to present them for payment on or before the 4th day of September, 1900, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All parties indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. This 4th September, 1899. THOS. N. CHAFFIN, T . B . B a il e y , A tty . could uot attend court Monday. If the importance of a tovn is to be guaged by the number of freight trains that go thundering by daily, Mocksville is a -‘hustler” indeed. A dvanoei A ccounts. W . C. W hite went to W inston Mouday on business. B. O. Smithdeal leaves Tuesday W . A. Bailey, Esq., of Advance, I foj. Dii|.iiani, where be will enter was in town Monday. He was I gQjjggg_ Eddie is a bright boy and looking well, and his mauy friends > glad to see him iu tuwu again. John G. Sterling, formerly iu [the employ of T hk K eookd . has ' accepted a position with the Daily Sentinel, W inston. W e wish him much success. A glance at onr advertising col- will make his mark in the world. I regiet to annouu(% that Mr. Sam Shntts, who came iu froin California some time ago, died at the home of his nephew, Mr. G. H. C. Shutts, Sunday night. He was quite an iutelligeut num. Prof. C. M. Sheets will opeu his school next Monday, the 11th inst. medium-sized watch, guaranteed for one 3'ear. Will keep time for many years as accurately as a $100 watch. And for a little work we give Gold watches, Bicycles, sewing machines. Guns, etc. Sample.-^ and particulars free. Send us your address to-day if you do no more, and sec how easily you can get something nice you want. \Ve will surprise you. Please don’t wait a minute, send now. Better en­ close 5 stamps for trial subscription and present, or 28 stamps for watch and par^r while the watches are going free. The PASTIME Pub. Company. L,oiiisville. Ky.____________________ timns will reveal. the fact _ t^ t th e ! Prol. Sheets is a good teacher, and Jmsine^ ;«ople of I'/inston, Salis-' I feel safe iu Siiying that anyone bury and • Greeusboro have some desiring to patrouizc a liue school can l)iB accommodated here. Eobert Jordan, of Winstou-Sa- faith in this paper. The building once offered free of h j >1,. .h o welcome. I am glad to report that Mr. would open a market, hiis l>een re jinoved about 100 feet, and wil be Bsed as a copper repair shop. • Mr. T. ,T. Prudeu who has the coutract for grading the i-ailroad for the coHon mill, gave his hands a free dlrihei* Saturday. Mr. Geo. Peezer furnished about 200 poiinds of beef for the occasion. T he B bcx>rd ’s subscription list continues to grow. W e have the hnmbered cards on hand, and those who seud us a dollar will receive one of these cards, aud have an opportunity at one of the five frro gifte to T h e E ecoed ’s subscrib — fe''3 :'T u lier, a.ssistant su­ perintendent of railway mail ser­ vice, of Washington, D. O., was in town last week confmTing with Postnmster Morris, with reference to change of stai- routes. Several i'lia u ^ will be made, which will be announced later. Charles Thompson is out again. He has been confined to his room with chills and fever a few daj s. J . A . Summers, of Salisbury, is visiting his father-in-law, Mr. A l­ ford Cotan, near this place. S lick . W a n t C o lu m n . [Under this head advertisements of Wants, To Rent^ For Sale, etc., will be inserted at 3 cents per line each week. Six words make a line] Wanted—Orders for first-class tai­ lor-made suits and overcoats. I am representing one of the best estab­ lishments in the United States, and guarantee satisfaction all around, HL H. Morris. Wanted—Old books and magazines. Bring me your old books and let me turn thein into cash for you. W. C. Iv y , R e c o r d office. Wauted—Five hundred men and wo­ men, boys and girls to subscribe for T he R ecord, thus securing an oppor­ tunity to get free a buggy, a bicycle, a shot gun, a plow dr a sewing ma­ chine. We are going to present our subscribers with all of these articles on or before January 1st, 1900. Par­ ticulars iu another column. Notice ; As Executrix of R. E. Brock, decs’d, I will sell to the highest bidder at >ublic auction at the Court house loor in the town of Mocksville, N. C., on the 13th day of September, 1899, the follow!^ real estate, to-wit: Ly­ ing and being in Farmington town­ ship, Davie (Joiinty, N. C., adjoining the lands of Joseph'Outherel, Matthew Pulford et al., containing 113 acres, more or less.—Same being known as the home place of the late Richard E. Brock. T erm s o f S a l e .—One half cash, balance on six months time w ith bond and approved security, interest at Gper cent from date of sale. Title reserv­ ed till purchase money is paid. This the 14th day of A u gu st 189i). M a r y A . B ko ck , E x ’r. ' . of Richard E. Brock, dec'd. N otlee! - r By viRTCE of an Order made by W. II. WUis. C. S. C., as administrator of G. H. 1 ippard, deceased, I will sell at pu )lic auction, to the highest bidder, at th 2 court-house doorot Mocksville, N. C., on the 2d day of October. 1899, the following Heal Estate, adjoining the lands of Lewis Harper, et al, and bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stone, Lewis Harper's corner, lh;nce W. £0 poles and 15 Ik., to a stone in Pott's line; thence S. 7 de­ grees W.’ 24 poles and L.'to a stohe in Pott’s line; thence E. 15 degrees N. 20 poles and 20 Ik, to a stone, the be_ ginning, containing 2 acres and 105 poles, more or less. T eri^ op S ale ; *25.00 cash, bal­ ance on six months’ time, with bond and approved security; Interest at 6 per cent. from, day of sale. Title re­ served till purchase money is paid. This the 1st day of September, 1899. THOS. N. CHAFFIN, I W a n t Y o u r E g g s , CHICKENS, POTATOES, CKONS AND OTHEK FARM PRODUCE. ; The Highest Market Prices Will bo Paid Call on me when YOU COME TO TOW N. A w ell Selected S tock of G roce­ ries A lw ays On Haa<’. Yours to Serve, D. M. M ILLER, Salisbury, N orth Carolina. § t h e DISC DRILL, is the right kiud for land that is J from stumps and rocks. AA 6 havG a fa r Loud un 1 aud can furnish six or eight hoe. Call and examiut I b u c k e y e aud all other kinds of HAKUW.VKE. at I R. B. CRAW FORD & CO’S,, H a r d w a r e D e a l e r s , ---------W IN S T O N , N,| W H E A T AISTD G R A SS CROPS. A l l i s o n & A d d i s o n ’s . —H IG H G R A D E - fffitlLIZER S . '•STAR BEAXD” GUANO, “ MoGAVOCK” M IXTURE, ‘‘B. POTASH MIXTURK, ACID PHOSPHATE. We especially recommcnd the “Mc- Gavock Mixture.^’ It ia extensively used in Virginia and its use on the crops has piven g^eat satisfaction in roUna for the last two years. generallyjr Agents State North Carolina For f^ale bj throughout the : Send for Girculars. ALLISON & ADDISON. Branch Virffinia-Carolina Chemical Company, Richmond, Va. S c h o o l B o o k s W anted —A good farmer with 3 or - 4 good horses Good lands, fine pas- T, B. B ailey , Atty. . Admr. turea; located within a mile of the i ■■ ■■ — ^ new cotton mill. Call on or address,' AC E. H. M orris, Mocksville, N. C. 19 0 u r a p H O p U O Iie S 9 011 Judge Hnnl's Consmption % and Brohcliits Cure. I I have the agency for the Columbia ■ Phonograph Co., and carry in stock at all times a nice lot of Grapho-T o lie Olveii A w a y . T h e H ecokd has decided to offer j it surpasses all other remedies ***'°°^Like*^ This*"cut fo? to all pei'sons who pav us one dol - known for Ck)n3umption, Bronchitis, lar CiiKh, tor one veais’ subserip-! Croup and Disordered Liver. It cures S^ft'; George E. Hunt, Lexington, N. C. ^ Jn e Bf!||||tfaf^^!ew inK Jlachine,; Price 50 cents per bottle, one B icy-lde^i^^ood two-horsc Plow and one sin glc barrel Shot Gun. double our subscription list 1st day of Jam iary, 1000, and we are willing to make a handfwuie division with our jiatrons if they help us in the work; These :five „ useful and valuable articles will be ^ \e don’t know how other folks seonm l fr<^ of cost by some five tie» It, but It seems to us that the pei-sots who may help us extend opportunity to get a bnggy and a ^eekly newspaper, all for one dol- k r. should touch a responsive chord tii the make up of lazy ones, at leak, who m uld then ride and i«ad. Jilst think of it. Bead the aunouncement of Mr. J. E. Cartland, merchant tailor, of Greensboro, in this issue. Mr. Don’t Suffer, T he Electropoise Cures all diseases without the use cf ■ A pure Oxygen treatmen _ tailsl irt^ c e o e d iu every family, for it will relieve every weak­ ness or ailment, to the most persistent chronic -disease; and without the use of a CTain of medicine. Thousands of paople all over -the United States, from private citizens to Lawyers, doc­ tors, preachers, Supreme .Judges Edi- All i ®ven crdwned heads of Eu- ^ ‘ I rope have given written testimonialsthe papere^ circulation. are now subscribers, but have not | rfTheTe'f\%”sr“ S “o ? tT s tto S s : paid up may participate iu this land matter of great iritereit with free distribution by paying what i P"'® ‘“strumcnts sent free. Every they ove us and oue dollar addi- Electropoise; tional for a years’ subscription. PLAN OF DLSTKIBUTIOX. . Every new subscriber who pays Cartland supplies the public with i dollar for a years’ subscription is nic« froods and as fine and styl- j paper, and every old sub- tth work as can be had anywhere, ’"’lio pays up to date aud 4nd hlB prices are always right! “ °thei; year, xrill Mr. E. H . Morris, agent, will take ^ 2*7.®“ “J numbered ticket. The vnnr tickcts representing the fiveyour measnre and ior^vard order. Call ou hiiu at the poetoffice and ^ his line of samples. A friend writes to T h e E ecobd gifts will be put iu separate envel­ opes, sealed up aud dejposited in the safe of W illiams Bros. On the day. of diHtribntioii the nuni- as follows; The Sunday-school cel- bers on th e« Bve tickets will be ^bration and picnic at Dutchman’s I published, and the holders of I he Creek meeting house, August 26th, j correspon^ng numbered tickets wasahuccess. llie address was by j may present them and receive the Bev. Joe. N. Binkley. Exeicis^ articles mentioned. Every person hy the Subday-achool children. I snbscribing as aliove will have an The tablfe was bonntifhUy filled equal opportunity to get some Tiith delicacies that would s a t i ^ , one of these articles. Everything the a p p ^ te of an epicure. Thei will be iair and square. The day day was an enjoyable one for all [of distribution wiU be aunonnoed r eut. Harmony acd good or-‘later. Send in yonr subscription prevailed., and be in the procession. it saves money, induce? health. Send your address at once and see what people say who have thoroughly test­ ed its merits. Agents wanted. T he ELboteopoise Co., 513 4th Street, Louisville, Ky. G reen sb o ro N u r s e r i e s , C.KBEXSBOKO, N. C., . For all kinds of i'ruit. Shade and Ornamental Trees. Vines aud Plants. I am the Intro­ ducer of the famous GEEENS­ BOEO and CONXET’S South­ ern Early Peach. GKE£N8B0R0 ESRD OF REGISmiD PO­ LAND CKDirA and Mammoth Bhick HogB; One of the finest herds in th« South. W rite fee prices, Jo H s’a!. Y o vyo , Prop’r. The Music *5.00 per dozen, $3.00 half dozen. When you visit Winston call in at the “Big W atch,” and see these wonderful tallcing machines, and any­ thing in'the JeWelry line. FRED . 3J. DAY, Jew eler. In selecting a Sewing Machine, pick out the one that runs the lightest, sews the fastest, makes the least noise is most d’lrable, will not break the thread if run backward, will not puck­ er the lightest fabrics, has patent spool wire, automatic tension release ball bearings, &c. The AVHEBLEB & WILSON possesses all the above points of su­ periority over any other make. Co its nothing to examine one. For sale by B. J. BOWEN, Winston, X. C. -AT- H a l f P r i c e . We Pay Caah for Your Old Books. Save your money, send yonr old books and get others for them. We Buy, Sell and Exchange all Kinds Books, Novels and Maga*lue3. No doubt you have some old books which j-ou could disptwe of, eVehange for others, or sell ua for cash. we can furnish new books at pub­ lishers’ prices, when we haven’t the second hand ones at half price. ^ W e c a r r y t h e b e s t lx n b o p Stationery, Sehdi)l and General Office Supplies To be had for the money. i We now have the largest stock of I W INSTOX, books in the State, and our facilities t t> % ^ i^handlimr,^e^j^l-^A-nd-.bQoka a r ^ liran^h House: unequaled in the South. ^ T e n P e r C e n t. F u r n i t u 108 West Fifth St., W I N S T O N . N I W ant yonr trade aud will give yon bargains iiij Styles of Bed-Koom Sets, Odd Dressers, Diuiu;; T;il. Beds, W ashstands, Lounge.s, Couches and all tlniigs[| be found iu an X^p To D ate FU K X ITC K E HOT St SOME HEW and BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS in DISHES, CHAHS2R;S2T3 ; AVe also liave a Beautiful Line ot Pictures aud I'raiU The Jsew England and XetMlhani Pianos, ami Keliable listey Organs and the Xeedliam Orjr.vns sold by us. aud need uo recommendation, as they \\”ell Kuowu. All Goods Sold for Gash or .Rasy Paya Come to onr place and if you are not troale;! right ■- no more, but if we treat you right, call ugair. O R G A N S F R O M 8 2 5 . 0 0 U P . P I A N O S F R O M $ 1 9 0 C A L L B R O T H E R S Maiiufactnrera’ Ageuls, X. C. W rite at once, if you want the best bargains, to the SouTnER N B o o k E xo B a n o e , Graphoph(wc Complete,...........sio. M. M. SM ITH , Prop. 127-1^ Fayeteville St., flaleighj N. C. (Please mention this paper*.) TRY THE 'NEW HOME "SEWiHBHUHIIIE. M A RTINSVILLE, V'A. ■1. U r e & S i m b r o i BCIANS AND SCRGEONf^ ■St doo# South of Hot el 1 IOCKSVlt,Tr,E, N-. C. IF. G- CHE] S P F X IA L IS ' ^er Jacobs’ Clothing riNSTOX, o . t. B. A ndersoJ -DEJfTlST.- First Door South I McGuire & Kimbrough.] Imocksville , N. C. L s h e v i l l e 6 a z e | A J’^ V BDITIOX; -'ue Year, $ | KVeek's, pth, Jazette. One year, Jazette, One ye:ir, Jazette, six in(\^'' T hs Sno.-^ mo ftorneys,' tie Unitefr, Washington, fe piwnred 1 17,000 inveutorAf > 1 |i the improved couch- j S. Patent Oilice, pal jjbe more promptly piT tany previous tiuiein I of tweuty-iive ye:| \A 7 ~ !£ n T !- VOU oo TO M o n , N. —CALL OX— I n , T h e J s w e l jSice Line of W alJ KS4l\-er Ware, Sp| I Eye Glas.sc4i, etc. t done while you wuitl m1 for one year, if , I tim es. -■ business, -■J. T h e .Ikvw eet. S e x l d u j the g n u 1 L M e Recoil P i : ^ «l! XOTK'KS It thel- 'in;; Irator's uom-e, - jS ale, . - - - .-Sii |c r execution - - i Sale - - - - _ les where fees W and * 1 respw Itiyelywill benUar^- • ed. ires represent au actl of 331 per cent aiiif !r,as nowalloiTcd by law US l)cforc you inakl ii)r we are ready to iiif o o M p K T IT I o x . We Can Always fiive Lowest On EverytMng in Oar Line. jm m T E IE f U M E S n B IU eU K II. tanMdmkOM, i a S r i ' FIMMUIV Today We Pj Sale New L ace C :oth T op Shoos! Vary Stylish and Eas'ly " j Xew L ot T an C loth T op L ace S K | Good Vatae tor N E W LOT M ens R u ssia C alf a t $1.49, W ottb NETW LOT Mein’s V ici a t $1.49, ‘W orth all of$^ OXEOKDS 49c, 90cand )(il,00—AVorth $1,00, an i C h i l d r e n s ’ S h o e s 2 5 c a n d U p . ----------^THE KEGL'LAK SH O E STOH E.------^ - Cor,,,4th and Liberty St., MEEL,Y & C RAILW ARI)RA1IA\ .\A1 SOCTII. Line to all I’oinll a n d % c o . ty ^ iist Cliiss E([| on rail Through aiull ipin^ Cars on all It aud Safe Hchedj ll hy th« .Soiitheril *e asu4ure<l a Sul< « i >le and au Kxpcdil ley. ;ket Agents for Tiral :s and General ln£o| ition, or address 'N, F. K. DAl| C'. V. , N. C. A.shevllid TO ANSWER QU£3Tl| JAIiNON, M. CB Q d Han. V i. tllKK G.P. A. 'ASBONQ-TON. D. C, I r e d ! '(1. |.'3 -2 ,0 G 3 . juciis t h a t will astoxisu ] |fHiU I uee<^ of-nylhingijti,j1 [ f u n i i i u i - e l i n e ' ll.l. . iV- V '.L-Ui\T- w. WklGsf Iker, SALISIU-ry s iM Hoe I kind for laud that is l e a f a r Liiad ou ha fall and examiue I of HAKDWAKE. at ® & CO’S , W IN STO N , N.t A L L B R i |e n P e r C e n t. F u r n i t u r e I N S T O N . N. ;ive you barfraiiis iu 1 )rtw-i-s. Diuiu:; Tal ..ucbfs anil all tliingsj V K X IT fE E H O rSK . tLIBHES. CHASSER-SETS aa| <n .>1 I'i.-tiii-es aud I'r ..aiii TMaiios. a u d th€ t IlliC :\it*dham Oi^r-ms : iiincndalion, as lliey are^ 3h or F<asy PayJ 1 arc not right ■-■s| |r i g h l . ■•..1! i.g a ir . Ur. )S F R O M $ 1 8 0 T he D avie R ecord . i ^ e & l ^ b r o u g h , L . ^i c i a n s a k d S u r g e o n s . F-r^t door South of H o t el D avie I M O fK S Y IM ^ E , C . 'f . ^ ^c h e e k h'E SP E C IA L IST . lover Jacobs' Clothing- SW re, M iysToy, y-. o. R. B. A nderson, - D E X T I S T .--------- First Door South of >. McGuire & Kim brough. MOOKSVILLE, N . C. F or P r e s U l e i i t I'.MM). WlL.L.IAai JU-KIXliKV, Ohio. F or Governor. J A M i : S K . B O Y D , «uill'ord. F or t'onsr*''*'*- , , W ILLIA3I A. HAlLliV, IJavit*. E. H. aiOKKIS. Kditor.I A s h e v i l le G a z e t t e , 1 d a ily EDITIOX: y. One Year, biith. r (;a/ettc. One year, : Cazette, O n e ye;ir, r liazelte, six m ontlw, T iik G azette , Asheville, X - C. K K li^TT o'lN V E X TO K S. I. Siunv & ('o., one of the TERM S O F SL-BSCRIl’TION : O n e copy, O n e Year. - - - $ 4.00! One copv. Six Montlis. - . - i OQ O n e copy, Three Alouths - - - 40 j — —— Sl.OO 50 25 1.00 I MocksviUe, N. C., September 13. 1.00 50 W. R . Ellis, Clerk of Court, Dead. Ic the smlden and unexpected death of \V. B. ICilis, clerk of the Superior Court of Davie county, i the county has lo.«t .1 giwd man, a MOOKSVILLE, If. c. W EDXESDAY, SEPTE5IBEE 13, 1890.24. la the opikwite direction to .attain it. Differ if we must, but. let ns use common sense, justice and reason in our arguments. Let’s base our arguments upon reasonable grounds —ami if we use rather harsh terms, let it be borne oiit by the reason of the thing and not by liarroWimiud- ed littleness. Can’t we see any good in others I Are all the CJirist- ians in one church? If so,', the Devil h:is got a bill of sale for a large niajority. Are there not good men iu all parties! Will they not differ on most subjects? If so, don’t measure them by our own standard, unless we know our Stand­ ard is right. Remember the golden rule—“Do nnto others as yon would have them do nnto you.” Democratic Aveeklies will please copy this rule. D ILLON M L U T H E R , P resident of the Zeb . V ance Dem- CRATic Clcb , of A sheville , N. C., Against the Amendment. T h a t D e m o c r a t i c B a i i i i c r . At the Labor Day celebration in Xew Y^oi'k, Chairman Brown used this language: “We meet^here to uphold the banner of Democracy. Democracy meiins more than to gain oflice I)y. It means the rights officer. I of the ma.sses, everything our fa- the I'niteil States Patent i Ellis has been in poor health : thers thought v.-orth fighting for.” 11 M'asliington, D. t., and lor a inr.uber of years, and for the | How strange and ont-of-date does ve priK-.ired patents for last four weeks ha« l«?cn confined | H'e above sound here in North Car­ olina, when the leadeiB of Democ­ racy aifl wagii'g a relentless politl- |,n 1 T.OOO invcntor.s ^ y that; the iinproveii couilitions, , , . , , . s. Patent OBiee. patent^ ^ eondition at all critical, k he more promptly procnr- liis deatl) Moiidiiy at 1 o'clock |at:iiiy previous timeiutkei" p. ra., was qiiilc a sb<iCik. Mr. U-e of twcnly-five years.” ■ KHis ha.s been in public life for rq—rp : quite H uninber of years. He was YOU GO TO i*' .i'<stic-e of tlie peace for u long M n ■ reprcsciited Da- ,1 • u«« i i n the general assemuly f \LL 0 \ — ^ terms, '93 aud ’9.5. in „ ■ rrir, J v, ■! | Xovomber, ] 8ns he was elected JJi, i.n e w SW eier. iclerk of the superior court for the :,ice Line of Watches,; term ot four vcflrs. done while yon wait and : P*«re.5 hi.s untimely death, and cx- iired for one year. Pricxs^ tends t the bereiivcd faniiTy his heartfelt sympathy.1C times. IS f''i' business, 1!K 0\ V X . T h e .IiavEi.EH. Street. Xext dour to |)iicrt’i>thegnu man. Davie Record I t i- PtT>i,isn XoTicics ^ \t the following 6-..)'PKICKS.'aJa ^ ;tm‘or's uotice - - $2 .0 (^ '.S!ite, - - - . ?i2.00^ ler execution - - $2 .00S e &ile - - - - 82.00^ |ices where fees !?.5 , and respec- Jvely will be charg­ ed. Jiircs represent a n actual^ of ;13J per cent a u d k |r,as now allowed b y g law ^ 1 ns l)cforc you m a k e a ■ for w e are ready to m e e t^ o ,M P E T 1 T I o X . ^ T O N RAILW AY. KDARU RAILWAY p ii SOUTH. >Cct Line to all Toints. Political Xiirrowness. A great deal is being said by the littl« aud uarrow-miitded fellows iu the Democratic party ab(mt respect­ able aud self-respecting Kcpnbli- Kins voting for the amendment. To lj€ respectable a Kepubliwm i I'awiships and privations; -good c il battle against the rights of the masses,against therightsfor which our forefathers fought? Would not the old Eevolutionary fathers turn over iu their graves could they but know the efforts being made by modern Democracy to entrencli itself in jiower at the sacrifice of the rights of a portion of the mass­ es ! When the tocsin of war sound­ ed in the days of ’76, the horny- handed fronfiersinan with his mus­ ket, was not asked whether he could read or write before he wis welcomed in the ranks to tight the battles for freedom. Again, wlien the brave Southrons shonldered arms and mr.rched to the front to repel the armies of the Xorth, no educational test was required.— Good enough to tight freedom’s Ijattles; gootl enough to endure Today We Lace C’otli Top Shoes! Viry Siyiish and Easily N e w I/)t Tan Cloth Top Lace £ h | Gtcjit Value for C j,lf at $ 1.49, WottU S2 ■ $L49. -Worth aU of |)—W orth ,'M), *1,25 and s e s 2 5 c a n d T 7p. •M{ SHOE STORE.— s E E L Y k C : iS -T 01> J K '- must vote with the Democrats, ac­ cording to their ideiw. I’eople/of snch small views and ideius who try to o.stiaclse and boycott all who do not sec and vote as they do, are too contemptible to rei-eive jnu(4 i notice, and were it not one of the machine’s favorite methods of at­ tempting to drive people into vo­ ting for their pet schemes, would not be noticed by us. Men are nieasnied often by t’le amount of cash they have, insteadi of iheir nobility ot character, up­ rightness of conduct and gentle­ manly bearing. When a cause is SO weak that its promoters have to lay aside dignity, honesty and truthfulness, and resort to abuse, vile insinuations at>-^ misrepresen­ tations, the stirring up of strife, passion and prejudice, th/e villiiicar tion of all who do not see it from their standpoint, it seefjis that it would not take the lovijrs of the right, the supporters of liiw, order and justice, long to sec through their transparent schem|es. and brand them as unworthji of the support of all honoiuble men. The talk of the ameudment*only being opposed by (he office holdera —“pie-counter brigade,” is all stuff, and shows the littleness of those who have no argument to bring^c'fward to uphold a incjLsure that iSiiis and intends to take away the rights of a large nnmber of the cilizens of the State. And the principle object of the schemers is to put a few Democrats iu to feast at the “pie^coimter.” It makes a great big difference whose ox is gored. And when these little fel­ lows who like to abuse Republicans so much are on the outside, with their moutlis wide open, watering and hankering after pie, possibly when one considers the weakness enough to leave an humble collage with devoted wife aud children; good enough to die on the battle field for one’s country; good enough to leave a widow and orphan chil­ dren to the tender mercies of a wicked, cruel world, tosuffer hta'd- ships. to grow up iu ignorance aud their descendants be disfranchwed because of poverty and misfortuue, in order to make ITorth Carolina everlastingly Democratic. Honest yeomanry, poor but honest tojlere, true to your country iu times of peril, do you like the picture? Pan you vote away your own rights and liberties Vith these facts star­ ing you in the face ? f n i a , a, m d tlic o . Fiist Class Equii> I all Thi ough and Lo­ ns. Sleeping Cars on all Ifight Fast aud Safe sschedules. vel by Ihe Southern and “b7eand™rEx^‘dl«^l^ ;<^nd of the human race- jthe mantle of charity should be ' tes M o r- ^"- i For aud As’iiust. We call the attention of our read-; ers to the open letter of Mr. Dillon 51. Luther, of Asheville, whocomes out squarely against the Constitu- tlon.al Amendment. Whatevar you see iu the DSmocratic papers about this letter of Jlr. Luther’s will abuse, aud an attempt to nml light of him. Mr. Luther is a ni jviych e be proven by Democi-atic authmity. Below* we give the News and Ob­ server’s opinion of him prior to the publication of his letter. The REt:ouD is of the opinion that for every Republican vote for the amendment there will be hundreds 'f not thousands of Democratic votes agaiust it. It wi'l never be adopted with a free ballot and fair count. An' unfair election law and a manipulation of the ballot boxes is its only hope. “Mr. Luther has probably been the most active man in the Demo­ cratic darty iu the county. He was nominated" for the legislature in i 806. a fiisionist year, and for mayor of Afheville in 1898. He wa.^ city attoi-ney from .Tune, 189S to .Tune. 1899. He was the prime mover and organizer of the Vance ciub, and ran its membership up ation, or address ! their littleness and Meaknesees. ^he club w^ the first 7cr»xr VkAT^T>-vr ' X . .t i-v • • , to oriffiiuite th e id e a o f w h ite su- A ’ 6 .^.° T. A ’ i “ ' premafy in North Caiolina, and te, N. C. Asheville I Mr. Luther was the first man to TO ANSWER QDiSnONS. !«ind lit<> is too short, and if onr; advocs-.te it. He is a Mason, a K. 6AM0H, )L ODLP. ! principal object should be directed of J?- and an Odd Frflow, He is Man. Tafi Man. ■ to\Vard gaining a better estate in In obedience to the dictates of an nonest conscience, I shall oppose the juoption of the proposed am endm ent to our State Constitution, restrictinsr suffrajfe. In taking- this course I know I invite the caustic censure of a majority of m y party associates, but.when consid­ eration is taicen of the action of our last legislature in its disregard of cer- m u i campaign pledges upon which the Uemocratic majority was secured, I know the integrity and honor of m y iello\v citizens ivill be generous in their criticism of m y course. From the date of Chairm an Simmons' letter to the voters of the State as- ,^rin«r the public that, iuthe event of Pemocratic success, no effort would be'm ade to abridge in any way the suffrajfe rijrhts of any voter, either wJiite or colored, we had the best ar- g'ument of our opponents against our riff^it to control the State com pIcteW answered. W'ith this menace to the rights of our iinfortunate illiterate voters re­ moved, the duty of a majority of the V‘';tcrs of the State was m ade clear. Tile object of our contest in that campaign was to rescue the State and county governments from the incom- peteuv hands into which thej- had fallen. To do this with an avowed purpose of restricting suffrage to a class, was at that time considered by every Democrat having an interest in the camjiaig-n an insurmountable barrier in the way of our success. And so far as m y knowledge extends, there was not a candidate for any po­ sition, or a newspaper within the State, that did not most earnestly and emphatically disavow any such purpose on the part of the Democrat­ ic partj-, and p'."dged its legislature, if successful, against such a policy. H o w well those ante-election pledge? were k-jyt by tlie legislature is a m at­ ter of historv. and is now before us for ratillcatibii. A s one iieiie-ving in political honesty, as well as personal honesty. I do not believe the common people of the great Democratic party should be committed or forced to the ratifica­ tion of this monstrous measure. Tlie Democracy of Jefferson. .lack- son, Bryan and Vance stands upon the housetops and the battlements of lib­ erty, proclaiming to the world, the universal political freedom of all man- kindi with “ equal rights to all and special privileges to none,"’ while the Democracy of Tiliman and others hides itself behind the unjust laws, and restricts the privileges of citizen­ ship to the classilied few, who believe as it does, and v.-ili follow at the bid­ ding- of its acknowled|fed master.s. T he type of North Carolina’.s Dem oc­ racy has always been liic former ard 1 refuse to believe thattlie latter can now be substituted at tile bidding'of those Vi-ho seek through such measures as tliis proposed suffrage am endm ent, to foist it upou our party and State even at the dictation of party leaders. Space in your valuable paper for­ bids tbat I at this time, attempt to.' give all m y reasons for parting wa^^s with m y party on this question. The manifest uncoustitutionality, which section five of the proposed am end­ m ent m ates witli t’lo constitution of the United States, and the great dan­ ger which lies in an unfavorable opin­ ion by our national suijreme court upon this section, and tiie strong probability that lies in the m ainte­ nance of tlie remainder of the am end­ ment, wliereijy illiterate v.hite and colored voters are left alike without the privilege of the ballot, should be sniiicient cause iu the minds of all patriots for the dam ning of the entire measure. I have carefully read every article yet oifered by the friends of the am endm ent, and to mj' mind I have got to see the first expression from anj' of them that would convince the most credulous layman that there i^. even a rem nant of iiope that section ilve can stand the test of an honest judicial opinion. In fact, no t one of th e frieacls o£ the Cotton Sales iu M anila. A special to the Chicago Times- Herald from Washington says: Senator Morgan, of Alabama, prophesies that expansion will be the Siilvatiou of cotton, and is about to start a crusade in the South to spread the new gospel. In his prophetic vision he Says Ma­ nila will be the great cotton market of the world, instead of Liverpool. Instead of paying toll to British brokers, spinners and ship-owners, he predicts the timeiscomingwhen Americans, iu an American city iu the Pacific, will handle two-thirds of the cotton of the world aud save billions to the e)tton-gro« ei-s of America. “Liverpool has been built upou American cotton, at the expense of! American growers, while Manches­ ter has thrived at the expense of American .spinuei-s,” said .Senator Morgan. “Why should the United States continue to enrich those Brit­ ish cities ? Why should the price of the cotton grown in Alabama aud Texas be fi.'ced by men in Liverpool?” “Manila offers the key for escape from this commercial thralldom There at the very door of Asia, is an American city with a splendid harbor, aud the day is coming wheu it will rob Liverpool of much of its cotton trade. Cotton and cotton goods will l>e shipped West to the Pacific, carried to Manila and dis­ tribute;! from that port up and i down the Asiatic coast without paying toll co Liverpool aud Man- cliester. There is not only tlie sa­ ving in transportation to be cou- siilered, for the rehaiidliug ’uetTect entails a nuinljer of extra cliargc.^, but remember that Asia has two- thirds of the consuming power of the world, and you see tlie impor­ tance of this ll'ade aud the promise held out to Jlanila.” C O M I N G T O M O C K S V I L L E , •nerjl? t h r e e G E N S R ^ o h s . Th u rs d a y , Septem ber 28. Tlie Shaiue of It. The fhame of it is what strikes intelligent people in both the con- slitntioiial ameiid.iient and the cha­ racter of the campaign planned to put it through. We have just read ail interview witli Chairman Sim­ mons that had been first pniilished in Atlanta aud then syndiciited Xorth, to still farther scatter its misrepreseutat ions, to the cw York Herald, Chairman Simmons begins with a statement that the aniend- ment, if passed, wonlil disrranchise “fully one hundred thousand col­ ored persons. ’ ’ Tliis is val imble as showing intention, how ever little it may lit statistics. Then Ciiairman Simmons qnojes the fifth section of the proposed slaughter pen law that he claims will protect every while man fiwn the humiliation inllieted upon the negro. On top of this, with sublime consistency, he gives forth the following; “A careful .study of thciiniendnient will disclose the fact tliat it docs not in any legal sense coutraveiie the lif- teenth amendment to t!ie Uniteil •Stiites constitution or abridge the fights of the black man to vole on account of race, color or previous coiiilition of serritude, but that it simply establishes a qualitiiiatiou of siifi'rage.” A careful study of this proposed amcndtneut, combine:l wilh Hie effort to see it as Mr. Sim­ mons sees it, would drive a mau to The Oniy B | Show to ExliiMt Here DURING THIS YF >R. . “AFTER ALL, OLD THIXGS ARE BEST” The OLD RELIABLE Jill lisii mu W hich you have known, respected and enjoyed for th j^ ^ geueratioas, will visit jou on Tliiffsday, Septemter 28th. am cadm ent have ever touched till- stroii;r driulc or a lunatic Jisyluiii if v'iUtl point in the case, and to m y mind, it seems clear from all the work^« that I have been able to fiud he kept :ifc it till he got results. Senatoi*s McEimery anil C’affery, of upon the subject, that when this mat- ■ Louisiana, were waited on b y a cer is brought before the courts of the com nultoe Ironi M r . feiminons con- Tliat Day will Be a Gala One* For over three quartere of a century the people of the be’ovetl .South have claimed the Old John Robinson Show as their favorite. Y^our grandfathers and grandmothers have sounded its praises, and many of the grown-up sons and daughters of famed Sorth Caroliua early learned to lisp the name of Old John Hobinson with tiieir baby lips, and ever since have proved, like trne Carolinians, their loyalty to ihe show of their youth, and no other amusement org.anization ever has helil or ever will hold the place in the hearts of the whole people like the Old Keliaide .Tohii IJobinson Sliow, and now- after a long absence, during which it has assumed ten times the proportions in merit, size and magnificence—it comes to mjn 1 seei , TOBK C. P. A. pNaTON,D.O. the sweet by aud by, then there an attorney of Jibe ability and lends weight - and inflnence to every country, its leg ality will no t stand. T here are m any o th er points of ob­ jection to this proposed iniquity th a t I hope to be heard upon, as th e con- test for its adoption or rejection pro- j*Tes3e.=5. In coaclusiOn, I wish to say. that in faithful adherence to the doc- ^rinc and discipline, when not in op- position to the patriotism of the D e m ­ ocratic party, aud in lov»^ for tini-.; honored pi-iaci})le3 and in faith in choir tiual triumph, I yield to none in most sacred devotion. But when cause dO maliciously dedect- its time h o n g jg O ^d - m ark s. dsis p r o p i ^ d ^ ' t\iis u iW I? proposition, I feei it m y patriotic du- ty to co n cen trate th e best elTorts of m y life to p rev en t th e perfectio n of a schem e so full of danger to o ur peo­ ple and S ta te as th e adoption of this oroposed am endm ent. K espectfully. DiLLdN 11. LUTHEI!. A ashcville, N. C., A ugust 11, 1899. Col. .loliu S. Cuumngham, of Person county, has the largest to­ bacco errtp in the Sotdll grown by ore planter. He has 3.000,000 hills and estimates one third of a ponnd to the hill, which would m.ake a total yield of 1 ,000,000 pounds. M O O K S V I L L E , T H U I t S D A Y , S E P T E M B E R t>8, ISnO. Jo h n Sobinsoa’s Ten B ig Bhows In coiiuijct,iou witli the Grand ISiblical Spectacle—Solomon, his Temple and the Oneen. of Sheba—witiioiit a parallel, acknowledged by a universal public th g l^ lis lin c tly GREAT SHOW, the jieerless ex­ hibition of Greater A m e r^ t ^'’reuses, four Big Rings, three Big aieiiageries, oBe jpcculgi^pB iitoiSlllib'"'® complete Aviary, one grand Biblical Sp.efrtic.le, tpn iTnly Cre.il‘''ili(i\t.»'" wW4Ufisantic Musennii For 7.") yeaiafL rough three geueiiitions, this mighty aiici |jowcrfui ' organization has exhibited in every State of our vast Union, ■■ A Columbia, S. C. dispatch of the l)th inst. says, a train loaded with granite went throngh bridge over Broad River oii Columbia, Xewberry and Laurens raiiroad this afternoon. ference at Raleigh when the scheme of the amendment was being con­ cocted, and they were asked if Hie fifth .section of itwasconsfitnfional. These senators said it was not, Imt that it violated the fifteentii amend­ ment of the federal eonsfitution. A ikI everylwdy, including TvIr..Sim- motis, knows it dors. N(i amount of interviews or misrepre.sentation can fool the people on this score. The partiziin election law is a pair ..........----------- , specfaclesJhrc^«g|Bi||i!t''iim l the name of JOH-V ROBIN'.SOX is alone a gnarantee that the per- j n iluTerate ctiii ^SunS^actthat formances under the vast catrvnses far excel all others in merit, origi- Ihe constitutional amendment is not uality, magnificence, vsuiety and (luality. a mea-sure for whose success at the i MORE FOg THE 3IOXEY than any other three eircn.ses -furnish polls it is safe to trust th« honest: their patrons, parger, costlier and more distinctly original. More vote of the .State.—Asheville Daily tableau cages atid dens than owned by any big show in the world. Mo.st costlv co.stumes. more scenery used in ihe one great feiiture of Solomou aud the Queen of Sheba than in tlie entire combined fciitures of any other cxhibitioii in the country. Over .«100,000 expended on this proiluction alone. One hundred of the most beautiful dancing girls in America. THE tTRClIS FEATT;RI>S this season, obtained from EnrojB and America, will amaze and startle the world. Ji'othiiig like them ever before presented iu this country. The most novel bareback riding acts ever witnesseil. From nine to twelve of the World’s Greatest Champion Lady and Gentleitien Efiiiestrians riding iu four rings at one time. This feature is new aud original with this sliow. THE -MEXAGEBIE hurpas.ses in magnitude aud completeness any known Zoologicsil Collection in the worhl. One of the special features of the big tripje menagerie is the Largest Snake aIive-^2.5 feet long. THE GRAXD STREET PARADE aud Robinson's Horse Fair— an innovation in itself. A trnly magnificent pageant. A fteiture of the free street par.ade is the grand spectacle of forty of the smallest Ponies ever harnes.sed and driven at one time. Don’t fail to see them. ud'^ to tht vcrv doorateps of the Two Performances Daily. - Special features lust received and acqnifed at enornlous espendi- ___ ture—A SCHOOL OF SEA L10>'S from Alaska, the only ones now A Santiago special says copies of exhibition in America. Also just received from Mauila, Luzoif Gazette. The products of mica in Xorth Carolina during the year 189S re­ ported by the Geological Survey was: Sheet mica, 87087 pounds, valued at ?103,5:-!1. Major General W illiam .Shatter will lie sixty-four yeai-s olil October ' l.T. In accordance witli the age ^ retirement law, he will be placed the i on the retired list. __ the tho'jwpita of VIS reaching out Iponneeted.’ movement with which ha becomes i will conclude witi an The village of Portsmouth, south Four men i of Hatter.is is to be abandoned w errkiiled7and it is believed that | and its reCK • . _ . 11 Winston-Salem’s carnival, gala! houses; week, horse show and fair, to be held October 21 to 28, pronlisra to surpass given in w ith a parade be at least one tnousana nor!H». i nnuor,.! The interesting week’s p r o g r a m | thereon, saying —:ii jiL .nil '■ tournament. bld-time- ize the situation and 'n-ill do all in their power to aui the work* AP?EAS AT JEVKET PEBFOFaiA^OE, f‘-: '-t*;'' [f Tkere were 25,000 inTentions pat­ ented iMt year. KeoesBity may have been the mother of inTeuti m once, bnt it is hard to belieye that she is so^ prolific as thes^a figures indicate. ^ Evansfcon, HI., has a population of nearly 40,000, according to t^e new directory coant, bnt its greatest claim to distinction is its city clerk, who thinks he doesn’t do enough work to earn his salary. With a pheoomenftl wheat crop this year Americans ought to be forgiven if they find it difficult to weep over a shortage of 100,000,000 bnshels in the Bassian crop. Bnssia's Io£s means America’s gaii^ and America cannot help it, ^ An Indian Bajah is reported to have ordered a bicycle which is coated ic every part—frame, spokes and rims - - with gold. It is, further, to be stud­ ded promiscuously with precious, gems, and even the saddle is to be ornamented with rubies and tur­ quoises. This is what is meant by the Seats of the Mighty. There are a great many Micawbers in the world always waiting for some­ thing to tarn up; but when it does turn up, they are oftei^not ready fou it, muses the New York Observer. If we take no share in the manufac- lure of opportu^ty we cannot expect opportunity of its own accord to man- nfacture us. It is not a. nurse that carries mankind in its arms. It may exist in a certa^ sense apart from us, -like a substance held iu solutioD , or a negative in a dark camera; but we are th e artists w ho must develop it. There is an unforgivable habit in many affectionate families of at once bejElnning to read aloud the morning mail, ^nd nine times out-of ten find­ ing at the close of a little bit of gos­ sip or a shrewd bit of prophecy: *'Please dou't speak of this to any one.” The mischief being done, there is nothing more to bs said, but to regret and to plead that the ex­ tended confidence may bo kept within the Unit o f^ e preseiU circle of hear- ff-ouKr'be' 1ers. It vr^W"b'e' funny to make a list of the prematurely announced en­ gagements that have been given to astonished friends! Bural moil delivery and one cent letter postage are not the only im. provements in oar postal service promised for the fnture. A movement is also on foot to induce the Govern­ ment to go into the parcels post basi* ness after the manner of England, Germany and other Enropean coan* tries.\ There is no apparent reason he American people should not fved by their Government as tho people of the conn- ,med are served, and to the Kvansage all around. Thus far the highjpr postal authorities at Waah- ingjon have not been friendly to the -Movement, mainly on the ground or the enormous expense it would in­ volve, thereby increasing the already burdensome postal deficit. cjpi. mm w « . Tragic Ending of a Stupendous Farcei THE FRENCH PEOPLE OUTRAGED By • Miscrab e Travesty on Justice—Ttie Whole Civdized Worid Condemns ttie Verdict—May bs R leased Soon. The lens trial of Captain Alfred Dreyfus, the much persecuted Jew, on (lie charge of treaEon, ended at Rennes, France, on Saturday in a way that was not at all unexpected. The military tribunal at whose bar he stood accu»ecl, has from the first been deeply preju­ diced against him. and has not lost an cpport^ity to display that bitter prej­ udice.' arrogantly flounting it in ihe face of an outraged public at all times. The trial has been a farce from the beginning. Dreyfus has shown the bearing of a man and a soldier throughout the terrible ordeal, and to­ day stands immeasurably above tho pigmies who accu&e him and the pcrju- ti judges who condemned him with­ out a scintilla of evidence on which to There is a serious question in many minds as to how far the law-making . powers can or should go in the regu­ lation of wages and labor conditions observes the Washington Star. Some believe that the legislative function can properly be extended to cover any phase of the industrial situation. Others declare that it is not a legiti­ mate or a safe prerogative to extend to the compounders of the laws, that the matter of wages and labor conditions, should be left to adjust itself in ac cordance with the state of the mar- kets, of trade and of the exigencies of capital. Tho latter view is a very gen­ eral disposition to encourage the statutory regulation of the hours of labor. It is said that a late decision of the Court of Appeals inGerminy, where­ by ladies in waiting at the Prussian Court are classed as do: ^ no end of amuse­ ment. Tho “ladies” are invaviably members of tho moab aristocratic fsmiliea in the country, and tliis fast gives a ladiorous side to the decision. This classitication was broajht about by the coasideration of a case where a woman in Dresden appealed against the income tax, saying she had al­ ready paid it to the tax on govern- mont. The Supreme Court found that, according to the Prussian law, under the head of common servants, tko right to tax incomes could not be applied to the .pensions of ladies m waiting. ___________________ The new electric cabs have disap­ peared from the streets of London, and for a reason amusing to the reader but serious enough for the company. It is not to any lack of popularity that the withdrawal of the vehicles is at­ tributed, but, on the contrary, to the growing favor of automobiles with the public. So many persons are buying machines for private use that expert drivers are in keen demand, and those trained by the company have all been tempted away by offers cf higher pay. At the same time the an'^horities will . Bot permit a motor cab to ply in the streets anless the driver can prove oq examination that he koonrs every hole and oorner in London. In ihe case of this embarrassed company, the mo­ tor cab has proved almo&t too good a thing. S T A T E S Q U IB S . base a co:avlction. The flrst act In the great drama that may disintegrate an(’ destroy the republic has l>een played. The consequences will be revealed f ■ ly in France’s future. The following is an account in detail of the conviction; Rent'es, France, By Cable.—The ex­ pected has happened. Dreyfus has bcsn condemned but though a majority cl those in the court room fully expected ihe verdict, they were completely stuppfled when it was given, and the si- Icnce which prevailed in the room ai.d the way men turned pale and caught their breaths was more Impressive than any other manifestation could have been. * As th&^dience left the court room fully 10 or 15 men were crying oi«cnly. and the majority cf these present walked quietly down the stret for more than a block without speaking a word. It was like a funeral procession. Meanwhile a tragedy was being en­ acted in the little room off the court room, where Dreyfus listened to the reading of the verdict. He had been told the result by his lawyers and had wspt bitterly, but when In the presence of the cffieials of the court martial, he listened impassively to the sentence. His wife, who Vvas waiting in torture and suspense at her house, bor* the news bravely, and when visiting her husband in the ovoain:;, showed the on­ lookers who wera in the strtels no sign of her sufferings as she walked from her carriage to the prison. Mathieu Dreyfus was not present in court, but visitted his brother after tht verdict had been rendered. He found him perfectly calm and without any manifestation of surprise at the finding of the court. The prisoner simply shrugged hh shoulders, uttaring an expressive “bah!” adding as he embraced his brother as the latter was preparing to leave, “console my wife.” The general belief that Dreyfus will be pardoned: but this will not sat­ isfy his friends, who ve-liementlT dt- clare that thu^'ill continue the batt:* until th^l^Rtoent is reversed. The verdict, ^ ^ y say. is directed mere than against Dreyi'us, allowed tol^aiJ^'iU make Iheir existence in FranceiflSkgj;^^ JIaiirs Laborl and Maitre midnight train tor Paris. They drove to the-station in a closed carriage. Ci:- corted by fcur mounted gendarmes. The road v.as practically deserted and no demonstration occurred. Maitrt Demange and Maitre Labor! vill sljn an application (or a revision of the case, although there is no hope that the verdict will he revised. Both are much upset, though It can hardly be said that they are surprised. The appearance cn the streets when Eennes awoke Saturday morning left no doubts in the minds of any one (hat the final crisis of the great trial had been reached. Instead of scattered gendarmes guarding the vicinity of tii= prison and the Lycee, the whole town bristled with soldiers, all the streUs near the coiurt were guarded at inter­ vals by double lines of infantry, tw\j companies of infantr}* sat on the church steps adjoining the Lycee. wkh their arms stacked In front o! them, while in the coiurt yard of the prison and at various other points, cavalry could be seen In readiness. It is reported here that as Dreyfus has been condemned to ten years de­ tention, and as he has already suttercd V? years solitary imprisonment. v;lr i counts as double ti^9 ordinary deten­ tion. he will be released at the end a tortnight. Meanwhile, unless the president of the rcuubUc pardons hta. which many think certala as being th-> oaly >'..:u. _ t!0B of the present situation. Dreyfus J win have, to bs degraded hP!« Rutherford county has the oldest person In the United States and no doubt .tHe oldest in the world. He».- name is SlPi. Nancy Halllfleld, and shn lives two miles fram Ellenboro. She is 11* years old and until five years ago she could walk the distance to Ellen­ boro with all ease. She now uses a rolling ohair. Rev. Dr. C. Lee, who died last summer, looked up her age tihreo years ago and she wis 115 then. He was albout So when he died, and often said he could remember well when he w:as a small .boy she nursed him, and that then slie had several grown cMIdren. This is a true story, B‘nd well known to the people of Ruth­ erford county. She is bright, cheerful and talkative, and is now enjoying good healtii, and can be seen at any tSme at Mrs. William Smarts. last week Mr. Baillie McKetan, who lives at the Sam Christian gold mine in Montgomery county, saw the head of a big rattlesnake appearing on the Bide of his chicken coop. He oulckiy got a hoe and going up near his enakeship. with one blow severed ihe head from the body. Strange to toll, the head of the snake bit a pig near-by and the animal died in about five minutes. The snake was one of tiie largest ever idlled in that section and had fifteen rattles. This is a true bill —Concord Standard. Mr. D. B. Coltrane, who is presldeLt of the cotton mill at Norwood, informs the Concord Standard that the capacity of the mill is being increased. An ad­ dition of 100 feet by 70 test has been added to the building, a monitor placed on the top, and an up-to-date ginnery added near the cotton mill. The num­ ber of spinning and twisting spindles will be increased from 7.672 to 11,620, and wet and dry twist yarn will be mad hereafter. Fifteen more tene­ ment houses have been added also. There will be commencea soon the building of a railroad from Mount Airy to the mills of Kibler & Kay, Dan Hirer, in Virginia. The road will run throush the counties of Surry, North Carolina and Patrick, Virginia, aud will traverse a region noted for flue farming lands and mineral resources. The new road will he called the “Mt. Airy and Eastern.” Much interest is felt in the revival of the enterprise to build a railroad from Southpcrt to Wilmington. One of the aims is to make Southport a great coal­ ing station for steamships, as a rail­ road will place that port in direct com- municatlcn with tho coal fields of Vir­ ginia and sooner or later, with tho coal and iron region ol Tennessee, whtn General Hoke’s railroad scheme is completed. Three babies, t'vo girls and one boy were born to Mr. and Mrs. Sam G. Bustle, Saturday. Up to Saturday his family consisted of seven children, all boys. The three last children make ten children tor Mr. and Mrs. Bustle, eight boys and two girls. The mothtr and three babies were doing well at last accounts.—Statesville Landmark. The Rockingham (Richmond county) Anglo-Saxon says the drought which has prevailed in that section for a month, together with occasional hi^h w'inds, has cui the cotton crop at leabt one-third short. The Wadesboro Mes­ senger .says that the crop in Anson will be from 25 to 50 pjr cent, below the average. There is a man in Rutherford jail who is the father of three children whose mother is his own daughter. His wife left him because of his con­ duct He has also been guilty of barn burning. Revenue Collector Duncan says that Senator Pritchard has been Invited by the chairman of the Ohio Republican State CDmmittee to make a number of speetihes there durirg the present cam­ paign, and that he will accept. Tlie Colon's Commanders Acquitted. Madrid. By Cable.—The trial of Cap­ tain Diaz Moron, w-ho commanded the Spanish cruiser Cristobol Colon at tiiQ battle of Santiago de Cu^a. and Gen­ eral Paiede. who w^as on boa.rd the Col'CH. on charges arising from the de- strurJtion of the Spanish fleet off San­ tiago on July 3, of last year, was con­ cluded Monday. Beth the accused ofB- cers were acquitted. SUFFERING OF INSANE. Boa-d of Charities fo Devise Means of Kelief. It is learned that the Jails in the western part of the State hold many insane people who are not able to gain admittance to the Western Hospital for the Insane, at Morganton, because that Institution is already crowded to a date- gerous extent. Dr. Murphy, the super- inteudent, in a letter to the members of the Board of Charities, says that so many patients are already being cared for that the danger of accident or of tuberculous infection, a constant men. ace in such placcs, is very great. In order to demise means for meetinjs the situation and to provide if possible for this class of our unfortunate Dr. Charles Duffy, of Newbern, chairman, has called the Board of Charities to m%et at Morgantcn on the 19th of this month. It is the purpose of the board to ranfce a full investigation of Ihe fatie, and to lay the results of the invei^uga- tion before the public as it finds them. It is hoped by Dr. Murphy that thi board will find a way to give the care to the Insane that is needed. Meet on 18th. The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the State Prison will meet in Raleigh on the ISth in­ stant. when certain matters cf impor­ tance are to be considered. Mr. W. C. Nev.iand. a msmbsr cf the committee, could not bs present at this nseting and so nothing of Importance was done. Among the things that the com­ mittee took up early in the spring, just after the General Assembly adjourned, was an examination of the accounts '' the State prison fcr the time that It was under Fusion control, and also investigation of the freezing of ccnvicte on the farm under Summerell’s control. Both Qf these matters were Ioo.ked in­ to by the committee, but their finding in neither case has been mads public, except in a general way. • Big Suit to Bs Hsard. By far tho greatest suit in wbich the State of North Carolina has ever figur­ ed will certainly be heard before Judge Simonton, of the United States Court, Asheville, next week. It involves $10,- 000,000, being the additional assess­ ment of th^ Southern, Seaboard and Coast Line railway systems which the Corporation Ccmmlsslon fixed, and which the railroads are fighting. It was reported that there would be a postponement. It is. positively an­ nounced there will bs none. It is learn ed there are nearly 5,000 afiidavits in the case. The railways have taken them to prove that other property is noL tax­ ed over 60 per cent, of its true vr.luc, while the State’s affidavits are to ohow that other property is taxed as fully as railways. Brief .'Hention. A mei’ting has been 'held in the Businers Men’s Association r:om at High Point to discuss and take sub- ecripticns fcr the establishment of a that place. It is L -Qit quired $100,000 have been subscrl-bod and that tfhs rest will be forthcoming in a short time. Jc'jn Collins, a sailor 35 years old, supposed to bail from iJtlca. N. Y., was killed by John Brewster, a painter, in a fight Friday in an east side res­ taurant in Buffalo, N. Y.. conducted by Wm. Hines. Brewster struck Col­ lins a terrific blow cn the jaw with his fist, felli-3 him and killing him in­ stantly. The Am r.can Banker;. Clyreland. 0 ., (Special.)—Walter H ill, president of the American Exchange Bank, St. Louis, will be chosen as the next president of the American Bank­ ers Ass:clation. The nominating com- mittes decided at its meetinng. Mr. Hill has been president of the associ­ ation during the past year. Alvah TiowbrLlge, president of the North American Trust Companny of New York, wi’l be recommended for first vice-president Suit Afaiost Bernard. Suit has been brought by S. E. Shep­ pard, of Greenville, against C. M. Ber­ nard. district attorney. The summons was served on Bernard last Friday, cit ing him to ap-pear at Pitt Superior Court cn September 15th. Mr. Shep­ pard, it will bs remembered, is the mak who shot at Bernard Saturday night, September 2nd, charging him with hav­ ing ruic?d his (Sheppard's) home. The exact nature of the sint brought by him is not known here, the complaint not yet having been filed, but it is supposed it grows out of the facts leading up lt» their recent trouble. Truckers to Or^anizs Mr. J. Bryan Grimes, member of the State Board of Agriculture and Presi­ dent of the Washington Farmers’ and Truckers* Association, writet to Com' r'issioner Patterson to suggest that a general meeting of the fruit and true growers of the State be held in Raloig during fair week to organize a p3i- manent association. He has informa­ tion, he says, that the largest associa­ tion of such Interests, the Eastern Car olina Fruit Growers* Asscciation, shows signs of disintegration and is of the opinion that a larger organization and more cordial co-operation is neces­ sary. North Carolina Notes. News was received at Raleigh from Chapel Hill that Miss Davidson, who live in or near Chapel Hill, had com­ mitted suicide. She is a young woman who had been working at Durham an had recently returned heme. During the absence cf her mother she look four ounces of laudanum, from the ef­ fect of which she died. It is said that disappointment in love was the cause of the taking of her young life. The Weekly tells of a new swindle a store there was counting his cash a store there was counting hlsc ash when he found two raised bills. A ten- dollar bill and a one-dcllar bill had been cut in two and two ten-dolj^r bills- the dollar bill onto the end of the ten- dollar bill, Samuel Cook secretary and treasurer of the new cotton mill now being built at Avalon, Rockingham county, was tilled last week by Jumping from ct passenger train near Avalon. The train was moving faster than he suppoced and he fell, striking his head against a wheel. Senator Pritchard is going to Ohio to take part In the campaign. t h e t r u s t i n E N G L A N D r U vriT riff-S "” * Brill*!* MonopoHM. Writing to the New York London under date of July 26, Mr. H. and <l“a?initLs8 the subject o f tm su inFneland. Such a presentment is m o s t timely. H comes at a moment when facts are important “^ e r to nconrately determine the extent to X c L t/asts aboaud in « oonntry where protection is unknown. From Mr Brown’n article it i» learned among other things, that in tree trade England the ‘Loriliu aud has attained to_ its most complete doTelopment. To-day, tays this well-informed writer, there are more trade combinations to the square inch in England than in the United States, and it will not be 1»“S at the present rate before every trade in tho light little island will be in a position to regulate competition. In spite of the fact that the ten­ dency toward monopoly in England in the last year has been significant and almost startling, the average English­ man will tell you, “We h a v e no trusts in England." Mr. Havemeyer evi­ dently had that idea when he declared that “the customs tariff is tho mother of trusts." How mistaken is this be­ lief, and how firmly tho trust move­ ment, under another name, has taten hold upon English commercial life, may be'convincingly learned from the facts sot forth in detail by the Press correspondent. According to this well-informed writer— ‘^Organizations which in America would be popularly called trnsts now control in England tho fine cotton spinning, the dyeing, screw manufac- tare, salt mauufactnro, newspaper manufacture, cotton thread, chemicals, the crushing of oil seed, bedstead making, glass bottle mak ng, manu- factnre of electrical fittings and the cased tube trade. There is no open market in petroleum, nickel, mercury, antimony, lead pipe and fish. The National Telephone Company now has a monopoly, and the nnmber of trades in which the leading producers have combined and have began to squeeze the smaller producers to the inevitable end of establishing tvhat is tantamount to a trnst is almost infinite.” In one respect the trnst idea ha*i been carried in England to an extent thus fat unknown iu the United States. The combinations operating separately in difi’erent lines are engaged in com­ bining themselves into still larger and more comprehensive trusts. At last accounts tho dyers were thinking of going into the chemical manufactur­ ing business, making their own drugs and dycstuffs, and establishing what would amount to a practical monopoly in that direction. Likewise the re­ tail chemista, themselves combined into associations which regulated prices in many districts, froze oat the manufacturer of mineral waters by building a factory themselves and practically controlling the market. One of the latent combinations is that of the oil seed crashers, whose chairman is Hugh Cullen Smith, late governor of the Bank of England, and the manufacturers of the paper nsed in making newspapers are said to have formed a monopoly. Twenty fonr leading firms in the engineering trade have consolidated with a capital of S70,000,009. Vickers &: Co., armor plate manufactui’ers, have been buy­ ing up competing firms until they con­ trol the trade. The Belfast linen yarn spinners were lately reported to be organizing, and also the Scottish floor cloth manufactnrera, also the bleach­ ers, who are reported to have a capi­ tal of $30,000,000. All this in free trade England where, if Mr. Havemeyer aud his Demo-Pop admirers are correct in their conten* tion, trusts do not and cannot exist. It appears, however, that they can anil do exist, and that they thrive wonder* fully well in that non-protected ooud* try—thrive all the better, it would seem, becanse of the absence of pro tection and the active and always in­ creasing compeiition which protection promotes and insures. Such, it wiU be found, is the truth concerning trusts. They fiouiish with or with­ out a protective tariff—rather better without than with it. gospel seed Takes Haifa JHillion Bales Short Atlanta, Ga., Speclal.-^ommi8sion« er of Agriculture 0. B. Steveng, who returned to Atlanta after an inspec­ tion of the crops throughout middle and southwest Georgia, states that cot­ ton will be at least half a mUUo^ bales short, and that in order ’ alize 73 per c^nt of the crop 6^1899, conditions will have to remain favor* Able for some time to come. Many a Teomain ispeaks cf her emo* tlOMl te#ip?rjgeBt. but others ciU It temjer. ‘ . Bit Fife at Sprinjs. Saturday evening at 6:30 o'clock the boiler room of the Mot Springs Bart; es Company’s works was discovered to I'u on fire, and in a few minutes the en'ire plant was la a sheet of flames. Within three hours the works were a mass of ruins. The loss as far as can be ascer­ tained is about sixty-two thousand dol­ lars, with only nominal insurance. Ro­ bert Woody, chief engineer, and 6u- perlntendent W. P. Perry came near losing their lives In an effort to kesp the boilers from exploding. ■ cause some men made the of their livts into wagon roaus , commerce. Tbe cnly evil that has any pr over us. i.”* the Mostly things in lUc '"'wOTthlcIlness is of the mo..t world. * n,3ke anj tliiDg until heNo man can make -T=ivB ?a man his tools, but he must to think, will one who la® “ j nlnd. better than succc^.tucceeds belter ^ , It re-t keep: the re. _ Flatten- ,ame coolt bGok. fashioned o prayer It of heavenlythat catcher ” A U .e r .t ■belong., only to th. ' Wbulation i. the pathway to “ urseiniurleM ...«*-abrood value that i, w ithout moral weight there is a better way . I t . B.pablic.n P«ty wm Find IttTUh. o n t ln jn rii.s th e C o u n try . ' The Mugwump free trades are atill quoting what Trust King H“vemeyer L d atout the tariff being the mother of trusts, in the effort to protection is injurious to the and we suppose they utmost to force the issue of free trade upon the country m ^.the next cam- *’*0^'course Mr. Havemeyer refuted his own argument when he admitted that the Sugar Trust, one of the largest aud most aggressive in the country, was without adequate tariff protection, and the fact that some of the greatest trusts in the world flour­ ish in free trade England is the b ^ t evidence that big combinations for the control of industrial enterprises are not promoted by the tariff. Of course, if there were no protec­ tion for American manufaotnrers against foreign competition there would be no prosperity in the United States and no encouragement for the enlarge­ ment of industrial operations. The organization of trusts might be stopped by destroying prosperity, and that could be easily done by tearing down the protective system. The free traders tried that in 1894 when they passed the Wilson-Gorman law. It did not take long to close most of the factories in the United Sbatea. Hun­ dreds of thousands of workingmen were thrown out of employment, and all who retained employment were compelled to submit to a reduction of wages. The worst panic the country has ever seen followed the election of ft free trade Congress and free trade President in 1892. There were no attempts to organize trusts daring that panic. It was all the manufaotnrers could do to save their credit and pre- . vent the sale of their plants under the hammer. All the people of the United States are opposed to the trusts, but very lew of them will want to^ attack them by destroying the prosperiy on which they thrive and driving the working people into poverty and wretchedness. There is a better way of accomplish­ ing the desired result, and the Be* publican party will find the way, without losing sight of the best in­ terests of the country.—Cleveland Leader. I Th» AitonUbAd “Knbbernflck.** I ______f mation-s greoisb^ r.ature.of Ih. l The central "••. S welcome to te slvt„ Washington thf fl„, Its national characw ? a Capital wil! mark M, , *“ ‘I’® Am erican people ’ of th e sovernmeni wm th e m agnificently jewe'L C ongress win be all Ihe arrangem ents wi’u T ' ^ most dignified charao'.r Tt’sJ the hero of Ma„i:a a. S\Tor«l Vnlrrt bvronTT'M Jtal will probatly occur Mo*i; te r 2. although the dat? win i:;>| the length of th? ce!efcrat;cr.h::-| which is still un3:*tt!:d. Ib ;-f features of ibo as planned by the c:f;z;-r.5. [ operation cf the Pr;s:<l«r.t ar.i I will be two in rumbpr-»he r::<I of th» sword ^'Oied by Con:r»s| night parade. A publi: ^v>l!•.e Housa will be foUo*-*lhl lo the Ad:n5ra' ty P reste The sword -n-Ul he i-y?/ Long, at the eas' frori cf CeL the presence of Mr. M.'K'nlry i:;| memters of the Cabir?':. late h i ernoon. while ihe rarad?. gan:zulions of all kind;. wiUtJi- nied bv an iliuminaiicn cf scale of beauty ne^ er befor? Washington. f The different featuros of thfl tions are in the har.ds of a cc:rl of citizens and eleven coTr-Tn::--! bracing in all ever a thousadl preparations for the ce!et:r..^ been !n l»and for over a rncn;;i._ The Baltimore an>3 Ohjo h' _ other railroad? entering ■^'ashitrl agreed upon ch-?ap rate:- ■*'' j tion. and ihc committee fxp-C!-':! will be an outpouring cf paai •.I almost equal to the Innu^iri:! President. One healthful sign in cQinteJ is the great revival t-f year in tennis and rowing. men are getling back to brs:! pies and making the best of’J in exercise that is most human system.____ SO U T H E R N RAIL\j Condensed Schedule of In Effect June 11th. 1$.*| Volanteers Landed. San Francisco, Cal., Special.—The United States transport Sheridan was docked Sunday, and the Thirteenth Minnesota and the South Dakota volunteers were landed. The soldiers given a fine reception. The stnets along the march to the Presidio were thronged with people who deckeo the soldiers witih flowers. The men will go into camp at the Prceldo, and will be mustered out In a hw weekv lie general tealtb Qf til? trcops li good. . • ' . .. n iiik in e U p F o r L ost T im e. A Pittsburg dry gcods dealer re­ cently stated that his firm could not keep their trade stocked sufficiently from the time their traveling men v^ited towns until. their return to m. Orders by the score came in unsolicited, most of them being “hurry ticailylmpossible to keep their stock of standard goods np to a normal conr dition. Dry goods dealers throughout the country are having similar ex­ periences. The people of the country have reached that pitch of prosperity where they are able to indulge in the gratification of their tastes, when thoy can pay something for beauty and for style. They are making up for the miserable years of 1893-1896, when they had to put up with "any old thing. ’ Now that protection has brought back prosperity they are mak­ ing np for lost time. I t Ift D ifTerent N ow . From Chicago comes the announce­ ment that more pianos have been shipped West and Southwest in the past three months than in five.years before. This looks as though the people of the West were able to in­ dulge in laxuries, and it tells a some­ what different story from that with which the country bscame so familiar during the dark days of Cleveland and the Wilson law. Then the re­ ports from tho West told of hardship, of the giving of mortgages on farm* and on homes, and 6i struggles to raise money to meet the interest on mortgages and debts. Farmers and artisans were not buying many pianos' in those gloomy free trade times. V repndutfld th# dom.diim DBllet, soms of the Eoropean natiosB “ »ygo.B 0 far»s to abolish Sibwiui exue, imprisonment for lese maiwte, «sompiUeoiy »rmy p«rrioe n d aiuna^ «n, Kortkboand. I Vc:** . No.13 No. 3S Daily Daily- ii Lv. Atlanta, C. T. Atlanta. E.T. ** Norcross ...... ** Btiford......... •• Gainesville... ** Lula.............. " Cornelia........ Ar. Mt. A iry ...... Lv. Toccoa .........Westminster Seneca.......... Central........ Greenville... Spartanburg. Ring’s Mt—Gastonia ...... Lv. Charlotte __ Ar . Greensboro.. Lv. Greensboro. Ar.KorfoUc....... 7 50 ajl2 00 m 8Ma 100 p Sl aI 61 1005 a 1033 a10 58 a 1125 a US) a 1153 a 1281 m 12 52 p Ud p 2 84p 887 p 4-20 p 488 p 5 03p 5 25p 6S0p 9 52 p 2 22 P2 42 p300 p SJ 3 83 p 4 15 p 5 22 p 6 13 p 0 4(3 p 7 02 p '8 l3 p 10 47 p ..........'11 45 p .......I 8 20 O' At. Danville ......U25pj Ar. Richmond ... S 00 a ** Philadelphia " NewYork... njtont Im portant Factor. It should not be forgotten that the tariff which has kept our markets for 7® 1.?■ creating that de- has led to an advance of ''»ses. It has been the iacreased consumption ot the country, begiu- ning with the return of conSdeace after the election of 1896, which ha.s qnicfcened prodnction. The present w iff iiaa retained this immense pro- anction at home. Most people know this; consequently the talk abont abandoning the protective tariff will not meet with mnoh favor. Ger- manv’s great progress, like onr own, s largely due to the protective policy which Bismarck adopted and to which lo v a lV —Indiauapolis (taa.) A rrichtfat Bsampl^. . Havemeyer wooM ba at laeai ticket on an anti-trnst platform the one to denounce corporate greed «nd the other to serve as tho frightfal example of its eCfeots on tho individ- ™ whoyields to malign iuauence.— Minneapolis Tribune. Wlien the Uaril Waa SlcV. Havemeyer illnstrates in a new way the old rhyme that “ When tho j evil was aiok. the devil a monk would »C; but when lie got well, the devil p . woak was he. ’ In the days of the '-'leveland administration Mr. Have- •aeyer moved heaven aud earth to se- ["“ “^oteotion for his sngar, butliav- jog failed to get as much as he desired he DOW denounces the tariff as ‘ 'the motUetoftrasta.”—Barlingtou Hawk- “-je. _____________ According to official figures Oreat Britain expend* *90 .000,000 a year on the rapport ol the poor. .TUis doei neli|d« . S o ath b o an d . “ Phila<ielphia " Baltimore... » Waahin^on. tiv. Bicfajnoad.. Lv. Danville __ Lv. NorfoUc - ▲r. 6re«isboro. Lv. Greensboro •lotte . Gaffi krtani - reen\ _ Central........ Seneca ......... Weatminater.Toccoa ........ M t. A iry ....Com^ia. Lula ............. GainesvUle.. Buford ........ Norcross ...... Ar. Atlanta. B.T. At. Atlanta, 0. T, S 42 a .8 00 a'. 10 15 a|. 12 43 ml- Fst.Sll No. 35 DallT. HTTa 8S0 a 822 Ves. No. pfttly. I T aTp'6 55 p _____ 9 20 p' 11 15 ajlO 45 p| 12 Olnn 11 00 p 11 6 02 p 7 24 p 10 00 p 10 48 p 11 si pU 4S p12 28 - 1 25 4 ____ 4 80 a4 _ 5 25 a 6 10 6 10 5 50 a, 8 85 pi 5 13 Si 7 05 Si 9 25 a'l J 10 07 a ly 10 45 a, a10 58 a r“ 11 34 a I12 80 p I i‘83 p '2'i8' 8 00 p 3 18 p 887 p iss'p 355 p ! f , , i R E I C A H P I [P resident Reviews N earlJ 000 Civ!! W ar Veterans,] I s SAMPSON’S WARS b c lp liiu C *cet» lh « S arv iv cri ^ il W a r £)otltu«ia«ticH lly—F r | jllTers T w o S peeches to th e v l Ihe S JatU tIca F o r tlse P a s t | leat Marine Spetlocle. adeuthu (Speclft!).—Nearly 3 ot tha Civil War marched ll Jreets of this city. The sIcT Irowded with hundreds of th(| ^iisla9ti«3 peopJe. [ident HcEialey beg.-in the J over the route ol the para<l€j Paco later, aecompaniei by r Cabinet and other distiol The party reached the re l Lt 10 o’clock, nadsooQ afterw feion ol vetorins begao to m oj head ol the colunin moveq t down Broad street. The i 1 w:is live mllea, uud there \ a lu line. Imlependence H i J on tbe marcb and caps w er| Ilora dipped by tlie veterans. iar;idowa39tx hoars and fen \ Sinp the revlewincj ataad. ll ol the Departmoat of Peanpl Isseil. tho.=$e veterans brini;lud ^ e rresident left to visit 1 po’s wirsbips. Goveraor StI ' tbe re:nalQ;ler ot the pro:3l hlerestlos featare of the parJ Eras ot thrca thousand schol iTho children occupied a pof andstaad oa the north sidol • A a. m. “P” p. m. “IT* noon ^ Chesapeake Line Steamers in c between Norfolk and Baltimore. _ Koe.87as(198->Dail7. Washlngto:! weat«m Vestibule Limited. T l^ t^ •leeplM c m between New York fifl leana. Urn Wuhington. Atlanta ani.l ery j^ d also between New York a:>i TiaWaahington>AtlaataandBirmirg tie m t PULLMAK LIBBABY^ TOON CABS between Atlanta and^ nrstclass thoronshfare coaches ber>^ iogton and Atlanta Dining cares ' enroatok Pollmandrawing-rooiD :-<1 between Oreensboro and Norfolk-j nection at Norfolk for OLD POIN T1 Nob. K and aa^United States L ruM solid between Washington lean*, via Southern Eailway, A *- '■ and L. & N. B-. being comp, car and coaches, througn without ’ passengers of all classes. Pulli m m keeping cars between Ne New Orleans, via Atlanta and ^ ^ e e n Oiarlotte and Birmingl ™ im an Brawing Boom Bnffet si:, ^ tw e ^ Atlanta and Asheville. N-H warfiington each Tuesday and » to n i^ Sleeping car will run throup Washlngtou and San P^^cisco wlthoi^ Dtaing W 8 serve all meals enroat Nm- 11*83, 31 and ia-PuUm«n i “ ftaondand Charlotte,' ■S”iSd°l?‘^ 3A nortl :S.OAiraON. i-V-p.*Q«n.M gr. ____»^nngtoii. D. C. ' W*eU A. JVBS. S. H. HABD' UNITED SIATi lo r builders’ trial trip proveT ■I. and saoi; pntrioti-j air^ I 1 passe.l. Post No. 1. frOinT [, thn oliieit poj>t In tbol ^aJeJ the lin^. General J.il [ this city, was Chl*‘f 3iardhl ^sideiit mn-'lM n visit to tit uear*AJriirai Snaiusou's sql t aho:irJ .ivc ot tlieoi. Til fesiJent t.- the bcjiinJrou pt« ieate.st mt riae evf ■ Presi.'.iot ^visthollrul >f tho flusship from thi han!?^ iTor the X-.vl .hedidsc the eatiro «q| P. vsidont’s s ilulrt of t^p« |126 gnns in uP. The b;in'j| 1 siffluitaneou.'-y played je r Pre.<»idont McKiuioy a j fcd a trementlons ovation, Ith e Academy of Husle, wh Im y W.1S oSlcially welcome J 1 State by Mayor AshbridI J Slone. The President wu| l “Coa\rade” McKinley. Residential party, with /ind'hi? stuff, left th4 Aoai| I pr0ft08'l>3ii to Odd Fellow 3ldent McKinley was tbe i I banquet tendered by G e| 'St, tho Lafayette Post < tbe Kiag&ley Post of — I Chief Executive ent«?red t l nil, all present rose and cl |Prerfden: was iDtroducedf :er to the diner.? ho said: Riven me great pleasure with you to-day. I havi luched by many of the! k f us have witnesse'i. ^ Be of the glad reunion ot o l ^ fought side by sl«le lu a rF J for a common country, tlil fsad side, that so maay | » who two years ago had t l^ith you through tho City I 'bo longer in the ranks. ^ n e and the gray murcld Iw e’ve (?o*. but 'Joe fl.iR d-I lo u r grandfathers lifted I ■nthers bore, and that fin J 1 stainless ami made triu | |re . fee pardoned for saylnsl bat this has been one o ftl of my life, looking in tlf ^ d e s . They are gettinKI |r war, but they are a l| ia&t year and this sum Tto convene 250,000 of t Un the I * D ite d States wa« ^ of your patriotism and ^«your example.” Itbers of th© Presidential retired from the hall aa< jennsylvanla Railroad boarded a special tri fehington at 11.30 o’clock. lYice-Commander Willli ? Cincinnati, was elect hCblef for theunespired I Sexton, deceased, whlc IBetion of the new Com br the ensuing year. Iw illm eet next year in ^tlstics were given in th( r-vlce-commander: Mei nc. June 30, 1893, 305.G .7542; by transfe xstatem ent, 12,257; ga «ports, 4715; total gaiol 133,836. Loss by deat ►rable discharge, 7051: *6; loss by suspension, ►norable discharge, 107 eports, 93S6; loss by sul dition of ‘Coal Trade. | be least satisfactorily i I t of anthracite coal, iJ |appear3 to have outsf T again, and there is col flng. In the bltumiaoii P bring about a combln pll attract attention. I Bohemian Emleranti ■> a representative of thel has arrived la the V view to luduclag BobL to a i the United S tates pevr^y Ulesatos«- r Is raging In JIeiIco.| 1^ spreading in China ^ad Transvaal Qove, tnat the dynamite mJ tncBlled. I said to have askedl Joveraaaent the mod ' hl9 work oa the rlni »nt report declares ihy prevails in the p e Immediate I ^ e ly control. the aspirant has reoelveL >ans who arel ^expeditions. H,ro tk., =" >''-<• first S*.iS? al c h a ra c te r Hi« ^''•, ->ark hi. .erlcsn people. •^rnm eni wni p3~-^^*Sj Iflccm'.y jewoie^'^ ^'M paS f'ngerr.ORtswjii b« ■=«ca char:^,;',,'-'^«= «'f Manf.a at ^ 1 r,l Vrjcrt Ut r«nTr*>«« *n 1 rrcV itly orcur cn i;:'housh »h€ 3a:? will cih ct th? cel^bratlcr. {•.. N;*r'J :s Etni t2rs?ttl;d. Th? rrJ s cf ;hc xc''*?r'5on in TTas-:'^ ined ly the c:ti=?r.s. w;:i- •. cn cf the President ar.i ( ■ rwo in number—the rrc**^ fn-ori vot«d by Corzress >. : araJe A putlir re'ep:;cnE Hou5.’ '^5!! be foi:ow?3 byt Al.'nir.i' by Pres'.dent M:Sj| •• r ’ -iriU he prT5“n:e5 by 5?a t the -east fror.t cf the Cid f 5 ?nce r>t Mr. McK'n-rv (,f Cabinet, latf In t ■n-hile -.ha rarad?. ccn«'.5t5ni| ,. r.f -■'f all kinds. wiV. bs arJ .• ar. lilumir.at.C'n cf the dtT| •f beauty r.e* ?r befor? ' ;r.ctcr.. diflerer.: features of the p|| are :r. the hands of a ccntr*' ^zVr.s end eleven cosisltttd a: ever a ihou5ir.i d .r'at:cr.£ fcr the ce:etrat;ci| •f ortiiT for ever a TOcntti. ^ ■np,l*-ni-'re and Ohio •c:•■•*'■=!•*? -ntcrirE ■^'ashinri urcti ch-^ar rate? f*r r • •K- rommitr€4 expect?-tJ . c- o'j-pourinc cf patrk^Ufi CQua: to in® !nauf’irat'.3| icct. ,e healthrul sipn in amnteii! c .-ten* leviral cf I-J tennis and rowing. OmJ a.e gelling back to firs^ tauc making the best w tA :erci=e th a t is m ost an svsiem . to U T H E R N R A I V 'M Idenfea Jchedole of la Effect Jane 11th. , Vc»* :: .No.l3,So. 38 ' Daily. Daily- Sullortbbound. Atlanta. C. T. A*lati:a. E T. I'OTCTO&S. E tito rd .... Gaintsville Ltila.. ronie.ia. . - Mt. Airr . ... Toc-:oa. ... W eitm inster &eae':a . ‘.entrul GretscnUe Spftrraabnrg. Gaffneys. BluckSDarg King's Mt . G astonia.. • Charlotte• Gr*rengboro [• G re e a f tb o ro ..' • N o rf o lk . 7 53 ajl2 com ^ ^8 oD a' 1 00 p‘. 5 * eao a .. '6 = 10(S &•............ . .J ;i03j a 2 22 p; « f.| 10 58 a: 2 42 p “ ‘1125 a 3(0 P ®*1•lia) a ..........’ B«1 1153 a 3 83 P 1231m, ... ; 112 52 p, 4 15 p: I U6p>; 2 34p; 5 22 p, :.| 3 87 p; « 13 P, i 4 20 p; 3 46 pi ' 4 88 Pi 7 02 p; , 5 03 p' ...... ' ; 5 25 P '........... ; 690 p 8 18 p !0 52pil0 47 p. 45 pi-. ...j 8 20 a|. r.Danville ....ilias p.11 56 p':^ " 1 «-. L/anviue • Riciimond . i 600 a' 6 OQ » [G1K.1CA1P1EW le President Review? Nearly 3 0 ,- 000 CW\ War Veterans. ITS SAIViPSON’S W ARSHIPS. Iliavi. Greets th€ SarviTcr* of the Irj'i) Wai I£till>u«ia«tlcMlly—President I DfSivci s T-n-o Speeclieg to the Veterans I^Tr.e For Use Fast Year«« llarine 5i»etlacle, J>i,;i.Arsi.rni.i (Speclnl).—Nearly 30.000 lerai:? of ths Civii War marched Ihrougb I -ueets of Ibis city. Tbe sidewalks o^.’Jecl TTitli bundreis of thoussinds ^ntburiiiSiic reople. ■c'rident MeKiuley began the day by L'laf over the route of the parade, which Ik I'la.o laior acoompanieJ by membars Ibis Cnbinot nni other distingulsbed Tbe j ariy reacbod the reviewing p-.l at 1'^ o'clock. nnJsoon atterwar-i the of veloraiis besan to move. Ijjeb ialo f the coluain moved at 10 loci: down I5rouil street. The distance >:c J wM.'i Hve mile?, aud there were 35,* - !:.'a iu lioc*. luiiepeQclence Hall was Je I on t'le marcb atid caps were lifted lors dipp«.>d by the veterans. kepai-;’.'V'’.v.asiiix hours and fen minutes a?.-inir tus rtfviewinq stand. After u i.'u ol tUc Departcioat of Pennsylvania •a'Se i. tito.se veterans bringing up the t:i»» rr??iJeat left to visit Admiral ij-us wirsbip.?. Governoc Stona re- iui; tbo re:nnin;l«r of tbe pro23SSloa. ifitor.'.stini: teatare of the parade was ;;.iri>of three thottsand school chll- Tii.'children occupied a portion of ;r.;uljt:xai on the north side of the of flhRrter, 513; total loM, 45.855. Mem- tsra remaining in Eood standing Jllno 3), A t the’aminal convention of tbe National Association of Naval Veterons a proposl- tlon to amend Hie rules so as to Rdmit to membership in local associations honora­ bly d'scharged men who served Iq the United States Navy durloR the Spanlsh- Americaa War was defeated by a small maiorltv. As a result of this action the delegates from tbe FarraRut Association, cf New York aud Nftwark, bolted the con­ vention and declared that they would forma rival national orffaulzatlon. 12 15 a. * w f i 8 50 a{ 655 P • : 6 22 a! 9 20 p • 11 la a jlO 45 pj 12 Olnn 11 00 THE KEARSARGE A SUCCESS. Kew Type of Battleship Develops Great Speed on Uuiiders* Trial. NEwroBT N ews, Vn. (Spoclol).—Tlia bat- iJeshlp Kearsarge is tho fastest vessel of Uer Glass In the United States Navy. She went out on her trial trip and returned with all colors flyln;?, and a broom, the symbol of victory on the water, nailed at each masthead. She had attained « speed of 17.25 knots an hour. Tins Is .05greatertbanthe speed mads by the Alabama, which went out drawing not twenty feet of water and with a displacement of more tba^ 2000 tons less than she will carry when Unished, while the Eearsarge was covered with a year's foul growth on her bottom, drew over twenty-two feet of water, and carried al­ most all her dead weight. The Kearaarj;e and her sister ship, the Kentucky, beloag to a cLiss of fighting craft different from tho other warships of the world. Tlie Kearsarge Is the flrst war­ ship built with superposed turrets, one forward and one aft. each carfying two eight-inch gun* lu the upper story and two thlrteen-iut^h guns la the lower, or main, turret.. The contract price of tho Kearsarge is ?2,253,0!)0, without the usual Inducement of a bonus for excess of speed, The Kearsarge is armed with foar 18' inch breecbloadlnff rifles, four 8-iuch breecbioadlng ritie?, fourteen 5-lttch rapid firo rifles, twenty 6-nounders, six 1-poun- ders and four Gatlings. There aro four torpedo tubes. CMITED STATES BATTLESHIP KEARSARGE. [I:r builders' trial trip proved tbe w.irsliip to be one of the best ever built.) fcll.aad “an:; patriotic airs as tbe fcsi'aiiel. Tost Ko. I. from Roci:* turv oliost post iu tbo Grand .fr; lol t!te line. G<?neral James W. Oi'-v. was Cbief Marshal. Ir'jji’e it mnlH a visit to the war- i;'.';ir-AIriiral S-ixDson's squadron ^t avoiirJ .‘VS of tliem. Tin? visit r?til-ea: t. tbe sq^iadrou proved to 'DLriue spectacle ever seen riio Piesiuiot w.astUe flrst to step •' i-l tbi> fl^igship from the steap ,t li:ing? War the New Yorli’s .■IS he (lid St ths entire sqnadrop ./•'!‘sidant’s s ilute of tweuty-oiiR i^Sgunsluul'. The bands on all 5la:ultaneou.-iy played “Hail to Rver Pre.«ident McE-'niey appeared ■\c*.l a tremendous ovation, partic* It tiie Academy of Music, where the Trmy w.=is officially welcomed to the State by 5Iayor Ashbrldge and r hione. The President was intro- •Coc.;rade” MoKinley.- rc-.=i-l6Qtial party, with Admiral . nd Mi stuff, left the Academy of ■: proitee l^jd to Odd Fellows’ Hall, " -Ident McKinley was the guest of 4 banquet tendered by George G. ost. the Lafayette Post of New d the Kingsley Post of Boston. > Chief Executive entered theban- inii, cli pre<-eDt rose and cheered. ! President was introduced by the ter to the diners bo said: £riv>:a me great pleasure to be as- with you to-day. I have been oactied by many of the scenes of us have witnessed. With the 3e of the glad reunion ot old com- 0 fousbt side by side In a common 1 for a common country, there was sa:l side, that so many of our I who two years ago had marched with you tnrough the City of Buf- 10 longer In the ranks. Hue and the gray march under •we've got b.it one flag now—tho t our grandfathers lifted up, the fathers bore, and that flag which stainless and made triumphant )re. l.e pardoned for saylns in this hat this has been one of the hap- of my life, looking in the faces tades. They are getting a little ' war, but they are all right. I' last year and this summer we 0 convene 250,000 of the best lin the TJnUed States was due to !*- of your patriotism and the In- if your example.” . .:bers of tbe Presidential retired from the ball aad . . eansylvanla Railroad station, y boarded a speolal train and i^biogtoa at 11.80 o’clock. Vice-Commander William C. Of CiociDDati, wfiB elected Com- i-Cblef for tbe aaezpirM term o( Sexton, deceased, wblob ended lection of tbe new Comraander- or tbe ensuing year. The ea- will meet next year in Chlcaj|o. Uistics were given in the report ttvlee-commander: Members !n leg, June 30, 1898,305,603; galu , 75^; g<iin by transfer, 8718; instatement. 12,257; gain from Reports, 4715; total gain, 28,233: W3.836. Loss by death, 7994; r.ablo discharge, 7054; loss by jS; loss by suspension. 22,952; lonorable discharge, 107; loss by reports, 9356; loss by surreedcr FATAL V/RECK ON ERIE ROAD. Upeu Switch Cause* the Deatht of Three Kailrond Men and a Trainp. M£i.i;viLLE. Peun. (Special'),—Au open switch caused a wreck oa the Erie Rail- toad ut Mlllet‘3 Station, a short distance from this city, in which three Meadvillc men were killed aui oae injured. Oae tra'np w:u» also killed and another injured. The dead are ReubeaM. Arnold, engiaeor cf tho passenger tra!u. of M-^ahille; C du- ductorHenry H. Schaffer of the freight train, Meadville; Flagman George Schatz of tho freight train, Meadville, and John Kersh of BuSfalo, who was stealing a ride cn the passenger train between the mail aud baggage cars. Seven Killed in Freight Train Wrack. WiLLiAHSoy, West Va. (Special).—3even persons were killed by a freight train wreck in J>inges3 tannel, on the Norfolk and Western Railway. The dead are: Frank R. ijrcher, brakeman; Charles Booth, brake* man; Jcbn Gb^fgin, flremaa, and foar tramps, names unknown. MARYLAND STATE TICKET. Bepablican Convention Benomlnatef Gov­ ernor Lloyd Lowndes. B a ltim o ee , Md. (Special).—The Mary­ land State Republican Convention nomin­ ated tbe fcllowinsr ticket: Governor, Lloyd Lowndes, of Alleghany County; Con­ troller, Fblllps Lee Goldsborougb, of Dor­ chester County, Attorney-General, Ex- Congressman John V. L. Findlay, of Balti­ more City. The nominations were all mad^t by acclamation. The platform, which was unanimously adopted, declares for the Rold s.tandard, favors protection, commends the record made by our soldiers and sailors in the war with Bpaln, deplores tho Philippine Insurrection, but states that duty demands that we retain and pacify them uni II the problem of their final disposition is solved in a manner tbat will reflect glory on ou<r repablic. A. plank In the platform relat­ ing to trusts strongly favors Jaws to suc­ cessfully suppress all combinations which create monopoly- JOHN Y. M’KANE DEAD. H« Expires at H it Home In Sheepshead Say—The Cause of Deatn. New roKK City (Special).—Jolin Y. Me- Eane. whose career bad been one of tbe most picturesque ttsti '^ariVd Kings County, died at his home in Bbpepshead" Bay. The canse of hit j^eath waswiven as embolus of the brair^ which ^oduced paralysis. UcKane’s downfall came as the result of his conduct in the election of 1893. Re was indicted for wUlfolly.and feloniously procuring tbe concealment of the registry lists of Gravesend and refusing to allow tUemto be copied. The trial began on January 22,1891, and resulted in McKano’s conviction, and, on February 19, 1891, he was sentenced by Justice Willard Bartlett to imprisonment at hard labor in Slag Siog for sis years. He died worth over f300,000, according to the estimates of JiricndS: • A " a . m. “ P ” p . m. “ M ” n o o n . C h e s a p e a k e L in e S te a m e r s i n ^ V ^ tw e e n N o rf o lk a n d B a ltim o re , J N o s. 37 a n d 3 8 - D a ily . W a s h ln g to a ? w e s t e r n V e s tib u le L im ite d . T h r o o j l s le e p in g c a r s b e tw e e n N e w Y o rk I ta n e . W a s h in g to n , A tla n ta a a ® .! e r y . a n d a lso b e tw e e n N e w Y o A v ia W a s h in g to n .A tla n ta a n d K n m n f f eiceant PULLMAN LiBBAE?^^ TiON’ CARS between AtlaataimdJ' F i r s t c la s s th o r o u g h f a r e c o a c h e s o e ^ iu g to a a n d A tla n ta . D in in g c a r s 8C *3 r o u te . P u llm a n d r a w in g - ro o m si^ tfe tw e e n G r e e n s b o ro a u d N o r f o ^ . n o c tio n a t N o r f o lk f o r O L D P O I N T C IJo a. 33 a a d » - U n i t e d S t a te s * mos so lid b e tw e e n W a s h i n g t o n ^ lean j;, v ia S o u th e r n R a ilw a y , A - , a n d L . i : N . U . R ., b e in g c o m p o s t c a r JUid coach»-*8 . t h r o n g w it h o u t ® Ta.s.«Ant;ftrs o t a ll clasSKS. P a llm * * ! r»>oio s jo e p in g c a r s b e tw e e n N eW I <Jrlcaii.s. viit A tla n ta a n d U o a t n f .T ia rlo tte a n d B i r m i n r Pulhnaa Drawing Boom BniEet L.^- b-twfcu Atlanta and Asheville, jL v | Washincron each Tuesday a n d j tourist BW'pinK car will run throng^ Washing».<jii and San Francisco w itbot^ I>ioiag cars serve all m eals enronte- Nos. 11,3J. and IS -PuU n Qdltlon of Xoal Trade, he least satisfactorily situated at of anthracite coal, in which appears to have ontstrlppod |n again, and there is complaint [tiDg. Ia the bituminous trado to bring about a combination of (till attract attention. s Boliemlan Emigrants. r, a representative of the Argen- ic, has arrived la tbe U&ItW a view to inducing Bohem ia^ • from the United States to bis Kii acu 1.S—jroLime* _ b e tw e e n B l c h m o n d a n d C h a r l o tte ,^ s o o th b o a a d K o s - 1 1 a n d 3 ^ n o r i q ti and 1:^ FRANK S. GANNON. J.M.q T^rdV-P.4fcGen.Mgr., Trrf WashingtOD, D. a WmSiW. A- TURK, G «’1 P ^ A«’i &.H.HABin k n . NeiTiy Gleanmgi. '^er is raging in Mexico. * tc is spreading iin China, sraad Transvaal Government tbat the dynamite monopoly cancelled. is sfild to have askad ot the r Ooverament the modest Bam pr bis work on tbe rinderpest. Ibout report deciaras tbat a Mhy prevails in tbe PblHp- tthe immediate regions tbat ___Ifosely coatrol. the aspirant to |tbe I Boers Deny Claim of Snzeralntr. The reply of the Transvaal Govarnment refusing to accede to Great Britain’s dce mands, though expressing willingness for farther negotiation, was received In Lon­ don. The Government admits England’s rights to protect subjects, but deaies the claim of snzerainty. Great DUtress In Russia. The distress In Bessarabia, Bus&ia. in consequence of the failure of the harvest is great. Farmers are unable to feed tbelr iiorses, and are giving tbomaway for a few kopeoks, or allowing them to die. ftnoy, has reeaiTed many f Ocbans who ate wlUlog i expeditions. Poor U an’e Cliance Is Gone. Consul McCook, at Dawson City, Klon­ dike, reports to tbe State Departmenti Washington, that no less than two thou- sand persona have gone down the Yukon from tfiat place within a month, bonud ia mest part for the Cape Nome gold fields. He says that “the poor man's chance, so tor iM this country is concerned, is gone.” Japan Opens Tw«nt7 >Tfro Poru. Minister Buck, at Tokio, bas informed tbelstate Deportment at Washlngtjn tbat the'<loTerAneiit of Japan Itas opened to fo reig n Uode twenty-two additional pocu cader the opentioa of fihe &e«r tre^Ued. N E W S E P IT O M IZ E D . IVasUincton Items. . German Ambassador gave a dinner [or Cblef Justice Chambers, of Samoa, and '5® is taken to indicate a better state OI reeling now tbat there is fuller knowl­ edge respecting the course of Justice Cbambers in Samoa. An agreement regarding an Alaskan boundary modus vivendi has been renchert between Secretary Huy aud the Brltlsli ^harge d’AfTaires in Washlngtor, nnd sent to liondon for approval. The PostofQce Department has decided upon a plan for tbe reglstrntion 3f ratiil matter by letter oarrlers at Ihc door In res* Eectlons of cities baviug tbe freo delivery system and iu tbe rural free de­ livery districts. The State Department bos heard, unof- flcially, tbat Baron Pnmcefote. of Preston, Ml ®r^^*sh Ambassador lu Wusblngtou. Tl couufry about tbe mid­ dle of October. Baron Pauncefote will re- tjre from dIplomHtic service in the .'»pring on account ol age. Comroandor Edward D. Taussig has been lelleved of the command of the gunboat Bennington by orders of Admiral Wutson and ordered bomefrom Manila. He is said to have differed with the Admiral as to tbe “ ““aeement of tbe fleet, and his ciiticlsms led to tbe action above noted. * 0. F. Goodrich has been de- tacbed from tbe cruiser Newark and or­ dered to command the battleship Iowa, re­ lieving Captain Terry, who is ordered home on waitiuK orders The command of the Newark will be taken by Captain B. H. McCalla. i President and Mrs. McKinley arrived in Washington from Ohio. Both the Pres­ ident and Mrs. McKinley were looking bet­ ter tban-when they left Washington, the improvement being especially marked ia the case of Mrs. MoKinley. Oar Adopted Islandg. A rebel band north of Manila was routed by a body of American troops under Cap­ tain Buttler, of tbe Third Infantry. The number of Spanish immigrants has been increasing during the the past two months and tho health authorities of Ha­ vana are exceptionally vigilant, owing to tbe presence of the bubonic plaguo ia Portugal. Receipts from all sources at tbe three principal ports in tho Philippines in August were SG67,618. The customs receipts were $618,907. The receipts from ali sources exceed those of July by $135,618. Crescendo Matagas, who is said to have been tbe guide of the Spanish column which killed General Antonio Maceo, ar­ rived in Cuba from Spain. He was recog­ nized at La Punta, where the Cuban sol­ diers who were skipped in the original lists wore being paid off. A large crowd wanted to Ivnch him, but the police came to the rescue. The authorities took Mata- gas to the Spanish consulate. He was sent aek to Spain. Applications for tbe importation of 9310 Japanese laborers, to arrive in Hawaii diirtnf; the next three months, have been approved at Honolulu. These, with 5000 to come during tbe present quarter, will make nearly 15,000 Japanese immigrants within six montiis. Isabel Artacbo, former partner of Aguinaldo. made a sworn statement at Biaaila tbat tbe real object of tbe rebellion was to gratify personal political ambitions and not to bring about Filipino indepen­ dence. Uoiuestie. Rear-Admiral Henry F.Picklng,command­ ant of the Boston Navy Yard, dropped dead ut his house in Boston. It is sup> posed that beart disease caused bin de&tb. uamo.i Haye.H was shot dead lu Jersoj- City, X. J., by James Pickerden, a reatcu- rant keeper, who aaj’s his victim insultei two of his waitresses. Pickerden V7ss arrested. TUe Garden City Hotel, built iu part by A. T. Stewart as a fe.ature of his scheme to establish an ideal place of residence ou Long Island, was destroyed by fire. Losr, $260,000. At the State People's Party Convention L Philadelphia resolutions were adopted condemning tbe war iu tbe Philippines. ALL ON AN ACRE. What a Farmer Made on One Acre in Strawberries, I had one acre of fair land which had heen yielding som ething over half a ■bag of cott-cin to the acre. In 1897 I determined to raise Btrawberries on it under intensive culture and see w hat 1 could do, trying my level best. The land 'had beea in ootton th at summer. Cowpeas would have been much -better. As soon as tie oo'tton was picked, about October loth, I cut off the ©talks, plowed the land well, hauled on 50 load.s of stable m anure and all the ashes I had. broad-casted all evenly and turned under shallow. I then Tan off the lot in lands 4 1-2 feet wide. To each land I set 3 rows of plants, rows one foot apart, plants cne foot apart in row. This left a W'alkway 2 1-2 feet w^ide between each set of three rows. The plants grew finely. One light ^vorking was all the attention they got till the following February. I then top dressed them with 600 lbs. fertilizer net in potash, scattered pine straw evenly around and hetw'e«n them as a mulch. In April I gathered aad sold 2,200 quarts of ■s'plendid berries, which net­ ted 8c on an average—$176 for the acre. Not bad for the first crop. As ECN3n as the berries vrcTe off and during the following summer. I culti­ vated shallow 'but thoroughly, the ■wailkT^'ay w ith a. hw se cultivator, the space between the plants w ith hoes. The following October I scattered about 50 bushels of ashes around and between the plants, and over th tse 30 loads of stable m anure, itaking pains not to sm other the plants. Again in Februarj' I applied six weight fertili­ zer rich in potash and pulled c-ut every W'ced as they came. No work was needed as the sta-ble manure, now wefll beaten down by rain, toolt its plaoe. The crop of berries, large as pullet eggs, was tremendous. I believe that I should have made a little fortune on that acre if I had not last spring have struck the most unprofitable, straw^- berry season ever seen. I shipped and sold locally from that blessed acre a long W’ays over 10,000 quarts, exactly how many I do not know’, as it kept me hustling too fast -to keep accounts. Nor do I know exactly wha’t they netted me. The m^adam started out to keep the accounts straight, but she got things tangled. All that I know is that at the end of the picking she had 1506.10, all of which, and a little more we could trace, came from that crop of straw ­ berries. I have plowed up th at acre and put in peas, preparatory to planting in straw berries again this fall. I have two acres planted last w inter for spring of 1900. The varieties we planted were Clyde and Brandywine. Fits pennsnenfly cured. Nofltsornervons- reEB alter f.rst day*8 uhb of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Re8torer.|2t-.ialbottieandtreatl8« free Vii. R. H. K lise. Ltd..931 ArchSt. PbUa. Pa. Do T our F «et Ache an d B u rn ? Bbake into your shoes Alien’s Foot-Easi^ a powder for tbe feeL It makes Tight or New bhoes feel Easy. Cures Corns, Bun* Iona,' Swollen, Hot, Callous, Aching and Sweating Feet. Bold by all Druggists, Gro­ cers and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. —If money talks it ought to be hard to fflve the waiter a quiet tip.______‘ B eauty Is Dlooa i^eep. dean blood means a clean skin. -No without it. Cascarete, Candy Catbar* tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by -------giving all im-stirring up I _____________________ Eurities from the body. Begin to-day to anish ^mples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascareta,—beauty for ten cents. All drug* gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c,50e» —It’s very easy to spot tbe summer girl. She’s freckled. No-To-Bao tor Fifty Gents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 60c, 11. AU druggists —A woman likes to be up-to-date in every­ thing except her age. I can recomme'd Piso’s Cure for Consump- t on to sufferers from Asthma.—E. D. Town­ send. Ft. Howard, Wis., Ma>-4.1891. JBlg tn F a n c y S trn w tierrle* . Our 1 reft publtcatious tell how to make it. C. P. t. o , Siraw terry Special i>rs, Ki ttre; 1, N.0. Judge Foote is County Judge At Wynne, Ark. His daughter. Miss Sallle Foote, says: “ily papa has used Winte^- smlth’s Chill Cure tor ovur 10 years iu oar family. One of my sisters bad Caiils for two years and one bottlo of Wintersmith’s Chill Cure cured her.” Address Arthuk P kxeb &’Co., Louisville, Ky. --Most young artists do their best drawing on the "old man." Edncato Tonr Bowels W ltb Cascarets* Candy Cathartic, cure con.stipatlon forever. i0c,25c. ltC.O.C.fail«drugglstsrefuadmoaey. —The negotiations for Irish Home Eulers’ uniting will probably be futile. F i f t y C e a t s W i l l S tf» p Y o u r S 'c - r a tc liin g . Whether it is from totter, eczema, ringworm, salt rheum, or *ny otber skla trouble, use Tet- •oiiuf, aud accopt uo substitute, claimed by the dealer to Ue -‘juat as good.” Nothiujr else is Just asgc-od. It your drugtfist can’t siipi.-iy you, send la stamps to J. T. Sauptrlne. Savannah, Ga . for a bos po.^tpald. —England bas a phenomenal new artillery gun that shoots over 15 miles. To Coro CouBtipatlon Forever* Take Cusearets Candy Cathartic. lOoorSe. U C. C. C. fail to curc, druggists refund monej^ —Ex-Senator Smith, of New Jersey, is now in Berlln. DeaftiesB Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach tha diseased portion of tho ear. ITiere U only ono way to euro deafness, aud th a t is by constitn- «« .r.®- I>='«fneaa is caused by an m- of tbe mucoup lialn g o fth e Euatachiau Tube. W hen this tube gets in- fl im ed you havo a rum bliug sound or imuer-. feet hear!HR. and w hen Jt is et.tirely c l < ^ Deafness ii tie result, and unless th e ^ ln flS tnbe ro- ««v^rru, wmon isnotning batai flamed ronditjon of tiie mucous surfaces. AN o will give One Huudi ed Dollars for any E S lt’® '* -”"- „ ,, ^ F. J. pHENBT & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by DrusgiBts. 75e. VaianyVilTs are thfi best —One wav to take a dude’s part is to muss his hair. Tike P rlee o f Cotton Is very uncertain. Chills are epidemic in Cotton Belt and inter ere with gathering crop. Dr. King'sChlllTonlc, pleasant totake, cures all kinds. No loss of time. Bukwkll and Dunmco .. Charlotte, N. C. All dcaleis sell it. dOc. Cure guaranteed. M r». W lnFlow’eSoothlngSym p for children (efethiDE.softensthe gnm s, redacins ^nnm .4- tlon, allayspain,cureB w ind oolio a bottla Mr. D. E. lVilkin*on. of RIdgevllle. iV V., gay§: RlDGCViLLE, N. C., JulyC, 1890. Mbs. J ob P frson. KirxRELii. N. C.:—I have sold your Remedy for several year^.and it ha.e given entire Miiisfactiou. One or u-y neighbors bad a daughter wli-i had s-uffeted witn scrofula since a child- It affec cd her eyes so that fhe had to t-tay in a darkeued room, and for awhile she could not see at a'l. She took one dozen bottles of the Rvmedy aud iis'-d the Wash, and her eyes got appar­ ent y well, but again got sore last Augubtfor » snors llm*', but afjer us-in-i a few more bot­tle- of the Rtfmedy. sbn so n got well, and her father tells me to-day he thinks she is entirely cured. Another lady had a sore ou her hand and face thnt was pronounced cancerous. After all medicine failed, she used your Rem­ edy, aLd fays she Is entirely cured, i know the sores are gone. Respectfully. D £ . ILKINSOK. A n E x c e lle n t C o m b in a tio n . The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the w ell known remedy, S yrup op F igs , m anufactured by the CALiFOitNiA F ig S yrup Co., illustrate fche value of obtaining the liquid laxa­ tive principles of plants know n to be m edicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It Is the one perfect strengthening laxa- iive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet prom ptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per­ m anently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub­ stance, and its actinj ............. liver and bowels, or irritating them, laxative. In the process of m anufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, bu t the m edicinal qualities of the rem edy are obtained from senna and other "aromatic plants, by a m ethod know n to the California Fro S vrup Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid im itations, please rem em ber the fuH nam e of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA WG SYRUP CO. SAN FBANCISCO. CAL. IiOUISVU,I.B, KT. ITEW YOEK, N. Y: For f ale by all Druggists.—Price 50c. perbotUd c 'A R T E R j S lN K Is scientifically compounded of ihe best materials. Tho platform also inilorses tho nomination Of the National Convention at Cincinnati last year. A State ticket was put in tbe field. While digging a w^ll on Lookout Moun­ tain, 6. H. Jarnagln and others discovered gold quartz in large quantities about six miles from Chattanooga, Tenn. It gives evidence of being a rich vein. Tbe dis­ covery caused a great deal of excitement. Lin Jug, a Chinese leper, died in a but on Blackwell Island, New York City, in which he lived with another leper since 1897. Jug died from beart disease. M. H. Roberts killed ills sleeping eon Sldnoy and then shot himself, infiloting a mortal wound at Hannibal.Mo. Roberts was fifty-five years old and Sidney was twen- ty-flv<^. Sidney had recently returned from tbe St. Joseph Insane Asylum. The mu> derer was also insane. Governor Powers of Maine bas issued the special writ of election for tbe success­ or of Thomas B. Reed as Representative of the First Congressional District. Ths election will be held tbe flrst Mond?.j i'l November. For the eighth time tbe automatic gal­ lows at the State prison at Wethersfield. Conn., has boen utilized to enforce il:e full penalty of the law. The last viatltD, Fred­ erick Max Brcckhaus, was banged for com­ plicity in tbe murder of Daniel N. S. Lf.m- W t, of Wlltou. Prince Cantacuzene, who is to wed Miss Julia Dent Grant, arrived InNeTrYoi’f; CUy on the Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosac, an<l went immediately to Newport wher.‘ Lis fiancee is sojourning with her ai::it, L.'rs. Potter Palmer, of CIblcago. Miss Olea de Messiques was instantly killed and her father serlcusly injured at Park Rtdge, N. J-, when a railroad train crashed into a runabout In which thi~- were seated at an unprotected crossing" John B. McLean, Democratic csad for Governor of O^lo, defined his po in an interview. 'i^'Wlll make his on State issues, but ue announced th stands oa the Chicago platform, anil he is opposed to the Philippine vox* ] Foreign. General Benjamin F. Ttajy^ before tbe Anglo-Venezuelan Boundary ArM ration Commission at Paris, took up bis argu­ ment in behalf of tbe Venezuelan oa&e. de­ voting tbe greater part ot the flrst day to a discussion ot the international rulbs re­ lating to the rights of discovery. David Colquhoun, a brother of James Colquboun, former City T'eoEurcr of Glasgow, who was arrested recej;:y charged with defalcations amounting to more than $1,000,003, has also ta^i i into custody. The ezaminatioa o! Ja^ js Colquhoun ia in progress. The Indian Budget shows th,.t the Lain- ces ot India are encouragiog. Captains Voulet nnd Chanolhe French Army officers, are under investigation f jr acts of barbarity committed in tLeSoudei. They are charged with klillugmen, woTien and children and shooting sold.6?s of their own commands. A train returning from W-.o.y H JV , ia tbe Soudan, with soldiers aad workmen for the Atbara district, fell into b raviuo, owing to the collapse ot a viad ict, with tbo result that t,venty-four were killed and thirty injured. Be >r-Admiral Kane, well known in Amer­ ica as the captain of the British vars ilp Calliope, which in 1889 steamed cut ot Apia in the teeth ot tbe terrible hurric.>*i8 which destroyed tbe American squad::on, has vnluntartlv retired from the nary« Generai T. U. Aftdttton, Commander oi tbe Department ot tbe Lakes, is the best aouitear oarsman in tbe army. Golf has been introduced in Constanti- nopie by Colonel Ponsonby, the Military Attaehe ot tbe British Legation. WiUlam D. Howells subscribes intermit­ tently to a clipping bttreau for incidents in real life beam g upon whatever theme ha may ce treating in novel form. Queen Victoria will ^ s e n t to ths N ^ tlonai Portrait Gallery Hayter’s celebreted picture ot Her M^jtoty in her coronation robes, whieb Is now ut Kensington Palace. John Lind« tbe Populist Governor of Minnesota, is a Swede by birth. H*j was born In that in IBM, and. ia cne I most. coas^e^H M fm ^ poU- * T h e n S h e T h o n e b t . Mrs. Grimes—Mr. Gusbwell <was real good, wasn’t he? Relict of Departed Politician—Yes; but one thing I didn't likp. what lie said about Tom having filled every office in the gift of the peo­ ple. Tom was no beggar: whatever he got he paid for.”—Boston Transcr'pt. ConU Tobacco Spit and Kaoko Tonr Life iwaj. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag­ netic. fall of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To* Dac,tbewondcr-worl*er, tbat makes weak men strong. All druggists, SOc or SI. Cure guaran­ teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Kemedy Ca • Chicago or New Yorlb N c t t Orlenns'w IV nier Bnllasi* “The report that the cruiser New Orleans is dangerously topheavy,” said an old sea captain now iu the government short service, “seems to have grown out of the fact th at her w ater ballast was a trifle light. The remedy is simply letting in more w a­ ter, and tlie incident is chiefly valua­ ble as showing the immense superi­ ority of American-built ships. W ater ballast on a modern w ar vessel is a good .ioUe. Ballasting is a corrective measure intended to overcome too much buoy.’iney. If a ship is prefierly constriK’ted it ouglitn’t to over- buoyant aud oiiglitn't to peed b.illast ot any kind. The presence of snob a thing is iTonclusive evidence that the designer made a mistake in his calcu- latious. Every inch cf an armed cruiser should be occupied i>y some­ thing useful, and fhe space taken np by the ivaler tanks is dead waste. The New Orleans, as you Trill jemember. was -Built by the .\rm sforngs for the ilian service, and while she is a craft, she Is distiuctiy inferior icaliy to those constructed in this i-y. None of the American-made tarries a pint of w ater-ballast.” Orleans Timcs-Democrat. Alter Cases,f f In cases of scrofuU, salt rheum, dys- pepsia., nervotisness, cAia.rrhf rheumAftsm, eruptions, etc,, ihe ciraimsiances mzy 'be altered by purifying and enriching ihe htood •with Hood's Sirsiparlk, His the grcsi remedy for all ages and both sexes. Be sjire io get Hood’s, became I>tspo.<)iD g o f H im . “This man is too belligerent to suit cic,” said the German em peror thoughtfully. “He’s always ridicul­ ing the idea of peace and declaring that war Is inevitable. He Is stirring things up altogether too much.” ‘Couldn’t you get him out of the coun­ try tor a while?" “That’s a good idea. I'll send him to the peace conference.” —WaEhington Star. uircnses A gainst n S a lse r. Offenses against K aiser W ilhelm’s (lignily in the one year. 1898, were pun­ ished, taken altogether, w ith 2,000 years of im p riso n m e n t, according to the N u re m b e rg e r Zeitunfr _____________ Dizzy? Then your liver isn’t acting well. You suffer from bilious­ ness, constipation. Ayer’s Pills act directly on the liver. For 60 years the Standard Family Pill. Small doses cure. 25c. All druggists. Want 3-our moustache or beara a beautiful brown or rich black? Then use BUCKINGHAM’S DYE6P-CT9. Qg PPUQOltTS, e»t R. P. W«H. » Co. H. H._ TAPEWORMS “ A tape w orm eighteen feet long at least came on the eceue after my taking two CASCARETS. This I am sure has caused my bad health for the past three years. I am still taking Cascarets, tho only cathartic worthy of notice by sensible people.” G e o . W . B c w l e s , B a ir d , M a ss. CANCY ■ CATHARTIC ^ i s t o c t t m t o TRADE MARK ffCOSSTTRfO ______ Taste Good. DoeaSeu. or Gripe. 10c. 26c, JOc- ... CURE CO N STiPA TIO N . ... Bteriing Renedr Cklc«r>; Moatrcar. New \« rk . 313 We again offer the cleanest seed wheat on tbe market, and from probably the largest crop yield in the State, If not tho United States. We had 355 acres In wheat this year, and tbo crop averaged 20 bushels per acre. Where we had a good stand, not winter killed, we had over 40 bushels per aero. One hundred bushels of our wheat will contnlu less coeklo seed tban one bushel of ordinary seed wheat; Pilco $1.15 per bushel on cars nt Charlotte. Bags hold two bushels and are new, no charge for bags. Terms: Ca.sh with order. n e lm Oi., Per FRED OLIVER. Pres't. G harlotto, • ■ - H. C. Rockville, - Md. *or Ihs treatment of THE UQliOil, OPIUM, H0RPHIK£ at4 other 3n<g Aadlctlons. ThsTobbwca Habit, Nene ExhinistiQi WRITE US FOR Olif l i f i i K i K . PRIMITIVE CHRONOLOGY. I n u r e x lc o a f o n t b s A r e X a m e d A f t e r t h e .A rr iv a l o f D ir d s . The most prim itive method in chro­ nology is that v.-hich enables man to orient himself ‘n the world of time by associating particular lurations with vicissitudes of weather, with seasonal aspects of vegetation, and with the constantly changing sights and sounds of the anim al world, says Popular Sci­ ence Monthly, in the calendar of the Crees. for example, we find such desig­ nations as “duck-month." “frog- moon,” “leaf-moon,” “berrles-rlpe m onth,” “bvffalo-rutting moon,” “leaves entirely changed,” “leaves In the trees.” ‘'flsh-catching moon,’* “moon that strikes the earth cold,’* “coldest moon.” “ice-thawing moon," “eagles-seen moon.” So in the calen­ dars of Central America and Mexico the months are named variously after the arrival of birds, the blossoming of flowers, the blowing cf w’inds. the re­ turn of mcsquitoes and the appearance of fishes. The Greeks constantly used the movements of birds to mark the seasons; the arrival of the swallow and kite were thus noted. Hesiod tells us how the cry of the crane signaled the departure of winter, while the sitting of the Pleiades gave notice to the plow­ man when to begin his work. The In- cas called Venus •''the hairy,” on ac­ count of the brightness of her rays, just as the Peruvians named her the "eight-hour torch,” or “the tw ilight lamp,” from the time of her shining. • Two lotercstlag Relics. Two most interesting historical rel­ ics associated with the nam es of Sir John Franklin and Admiral Keppel are about to be sold in London. One of these is the collection of Arctic flowers which was made iTj' the dlstlngui.«hed explorer in 1S21-23. jin-l presouted by hiio to llie wit1(i\v of .loM^ph Smith of SiMMijrrovc’. wlio was for .«ome linn* lU’ivalp srrn*tary to tho Ut. Hon. WillfMtii i’itt. SiiK f the dfath of Mrs. Sniiiii. ill i''l7. lin* Itook lia.< lieou iu the poss«’.-si«tn ill' h' i‘ Sf»n. tiii'^ati' Rev. J. f. Siniili. loriurrly ii'itow an«f tn't*^-ef Caius ColliVif. i':uni'ri(iy;i-. :nid his fam- iJy. Tho ollHu* rcii.- is ji <lamask table Lloth and pct of dip.UL’r napkins which were ninnnracfuvctl hy order of Ihe late Lord Tlioni‘*nd. ami first iis<-d hy him at a dinii'.r pnrty wliith was jiiven iu liouor of a vivtory w->n l>y .\dinlral Ki'piiol In C’.jiiia in I7T!i. In the •■outre Ol' ihi' f;jl»lv-l(i!h ;jnd ii;!|»kius is n mod- •1 111' ilu* ailiJiirars v * u I. ti^nolhor with tln“ iiisrrii*!ii'ti. ‘'K ‘ p[K'l and Honors, lT7i>.”—l.tiiuioii .\rw s. A<‘<.‘ommo<S:tliti;;. “Do you seiui home your customers’ purchases?" inquired the new cuatom- or in the v.-ec-goods esnporiiim. “We io move than that, sir.” replied the g> nial proprietor. “\Vc often send home our customers.” C l M REPAIRS SAWS, RIBSr^- BEISTLE TW IUE, BABBIT, &o., F O R A N Y M A K E O P G IN . ENGINES, BOILERS P,NO PRESSES And K epoirs for sam e. Shafting, Pulleyi, Belting', Injectors, Pipes, Valves and Fittings* LOMBARD IN IRKS &SUPPLI CO, A U G U S T A , G A . t Thom pton*« E yt W ati» iTOsm oLf^C O !____...-----TultlOQ low. Al! Books FREE.________■siTUflTIONSGUflRflNTfiEDOver 50 Romlngton and Smttto l*renU5r tJiW- writers. 3M students last jear from 7 States. 8th year. SeK< for catalogue. AddreM,Dep’t20. STRAYSR'S BUSINESS COL’GE. 3altlniore.Md. R E C O R D f o r 1 8 9 9 ^ Before Six State Exam^ ining Boards. 1 ^ ^ Graduatee ^ tippIied-TIU - ^ censed by tbeseBoarda.' ^ For SS- p«e Catalog, addrew , illison Boasts,Piocii)r,BiEMoi^ BOYS. College of D entistry . : well n t th e Lni- oel'. Lebigh.Insti- d e r - Ltll ORGANS rtom lanos tor Buy direct from the manufacturer. Satlsfao* tion guacanteod. Address \(i. P. MOLLER,I Hannfacturer, ____________Uagcrstogn, - - iHd. A lum inum iu ttie K itchen. A recent investigation in Germany of the suitability of aluminum for cooing utensils raises the question w hether any danger attends the use of such vessels. W hile aluminum is but slightly affected by w eak acids when they are pure, it/"i^tapldly at­ tacked in the presendo^ V f sodium chloride by sulphur i> f'd e , acetic acid, and even alum. B-% says Sci­ ence, It rem ains a m ootid question whether the am ount dis30lv^„ would do Injury to the system. Expariments Indicate that aluminum salts have a somewhat detrim ental effect on diges­ tion; yet on the other hanu, alum wa­ ter Is often beneficial to health. A Close QQcKtlon. Dick—Isn’t it always good to have a close friend? .Tael;—Not always. Sup­ pose you w ant a loan for a few days. Do you think a close friend would be the one to approach? !ilit ited if you raenUon rw ritinB advertisers. So. 37 DENTAL DEPARTMENT Atlanta Collcsc of Fhjsiclunsand Sargeona O l d e s t c o l l e g e in S t a t e , ’ib ir te e n t n A n- ill S e ssio n o p e n s O ct. 3; c lo se s A p ril 30th. L Jh g s tu d y o f D e a iis tr y e h o u ld w rite fu r c ata ro R u e A d d re s s s>. W . F O S T E R , D e itn . 0 2 - 6 3 I n u i u u U lil? ., A t l a n t a . G a MOFFETT’S B B T e e t h i h A ■ ■ TEETHING POWDERS AMs DigesHoD, Regulafes ilie M s , :esTe3tliiig Easy, TEETHINA Relieves 1 Boiiel TrouHes of CMldren of Any Age. , Costs 0nl7 26 Centa 'Aafc Your DruESiat forOi*: If not kept by druggists mail 2.5 cent« to C. J . M O FFETT, M. D ., ST. LOI'IS, P.UTLEH’S P.ARBOlF e OF IODINE A g u a ra n te e d C ure fo r C n iarrli, Con- f liim p tio ii- i'K i lla y F e v e r. A l l drf{ggists 5 81.00 W. «. SMITfl & CO., Bnfral< ..V Y.. ■ rops. , since 1563 hM » liccntlie stand­ard, never-falUns; rtsinedy for aU care^ of nervoQfl, tneatal. pbvslral debi ity. I’js rirality and rre- matTire aecav in both sexe>; positlvi*. permasent cmre; faU treatment <6. or il a l:oirle; pta:np for eircalar. J. JAcQUES, Agent, its Broadway, S. Y, W . L . D O U G L A S $ 3 & $ 3 . 5 0 S H O E S “ o'* THE REASON WHY For man or beast S L O A N ’ S L I N I M E N T Excels— is that it P e n e t r a t e s to the seat of the trouble im­ mediately and without irrita­ ting rubbing— and k il ls ih e p a in . ^ Fa m ily a n d S ta b le boil! I'V Dc::lcrs O r. Cart S. Slosn, B oston, M s g s . Worth $4 to $6 coirparedwith Other mdkes. Indorsed byorer l,ti 0 0 ,0 UU wearers. ALLLEAtHERS. ALLStYLES TIIE OtXnSE h«TB «. I. aime ae>i price tlarpcd »■ htltca* Tak** ao pulvftltntfl clalmel to l)p as Lar?cstmekeriitf and ehoes In tb« wor.'iJ. V o ard ea le rp lio ald liee j If not. w e wJii send yon -------- - upafroii receiptofprlce. 8tat« tln 'l iir le ath e r. ^Ize kq »I w id th . »>lalu o r cap to » C'ataloj^ne V Free. W. I_ DOUGLAS SHOE CO.. BrocHon. M»H 8 « w h y U ?50c, Record, M66kstiil§, N. n. . vm. c. ivif, U K A L ^ D C T O B Ai<p BD3. M A N A G E R . ■Entered at the Post-Office at Mock*!- TiUe, N. C.. as Second ClaSs Mitter, kay 12th, 1899._________________ To-vm a k d cx)u n t y . SlUiibrd has gone toTir- ^nis to tffttffjd scfaooh A lin® Hosiery and Gloves M Williams & AnderGbn’s. Misses Douschka Pass and Lunra Baniofd are visiting at Davidson this week. Men’s and Boy’s Hats aud Cajw cheap at Williams & Anderson’s. Mis8, Mai|;ar6t Bell has retnrued from a visit to Eenausville aud Other points. Highest prices paid for all kinds country prodnce at W lIX IA M S & A n d e k s o x ’s . Mr. aud Mrs. W. A. Weaut at­ tended the John Bobiuson show at Winston yesterday. The Bev. Mr. Tidball, after fill­ ing kis regular appointment here, left Monday for Taylorsville. Yon will find St big line Shoes at tock bottom prices at W illiam s & A nderson ’s . Mfls. S t t.- 8hcek, accompanied by her little son, visited her father, Dr. Kimbrough, at Smith Grove, Monday. thos. X. Chaffin, Esq., and fam­ ily were the gnests of Mr. Geo. W. ifidliolson and fanuly, of Farming­ ton, last Friday. Fftnts Goods. Dress Goods, Out- iinjgs, &c., cheap at W il l ia m s & A K D teE Sox’s . It was cool enough to hover wataS stove Tuesday morn- in^!-^n’t tell who nor how mauy did so, however. Our Episcopal friends aro look- faig forward with pleasure to the visit of their Bishop, Which will be oa-:&e 24th inst. - Miss Emma Brown had a few of her friends up to enjoy “cream” with her Monday night. They re­ port a very pleasant time. i>R. W. P. HEDBICK, Eye- Sigjit Sp^ialist, w'ill be at Mocks- viile Wednesday, September 20th. One day only. Examination free. During a rain last Prlday after- noou. lightning struch the bam of W. A. Bogers, and killed a mule. The bam took fire and was burned down. - 'In a note from Prof. E. B. Horn, of Boone\'ille High School, Yadkiu county, dated the 6th inst., we iltw pleaseil to learn that the at­ tendance is large, numbering 114. This is a very popular school, and terms are reasonable. The funeral ser^•ices of 3Ir. W. B. Ellis were cooductcd by Bev. Sir. Jordan, pastor of the Metho­ dist church, yesterflay morning, and the remains were interred with Slasonic hoDon, in the afternoon, at Blbaville, this count}'. Slany i^ple are supposing that o.ir superior court convenes here in September. This is a mistake. The last l^slature changed the time of the meeting of this court from September to October. Therefore, the next r^ular term of Davie su­ perior court Will be held at Mocks­ ville on the 16th day of October. Harvey Stonestreet was in to see W8 Mmiday with a subscription list, getting np money to buy a horse for W. A. Boger, who lives near town, aiid who had the misfortune to lose his bam and contents to­ gether with a fine youjig ipj '' :..«sgcr'rbam was sfracl by lighthing and consumed, ^(ith »lxM-e resut. Sir. Boger is a i)oor BBD with \ a family, and this is a severe loss, and we hope our friends will aid him in his misfortune to the extent (rf their ability. Mr. Bobinsoti not only offers to his pattons the best series ol circus performances, the fiuest and most Elaborately equipped hippodrome, and the largest and most compre­ hensive menagerie; bnt has added this year to his already supe-rlative series of exhibitions the grand Bib- Mcri spectacle o£ Solomon, his tem­ ple, and the Queen of Sheba, un­ questionably the finest scenic, pro- cesuoiial, terpiachorean and lyric fpectade that has ever invited pub lie patronage. Our citizens will soon have the opportunity of wit­ nessing these grand exhibitions, for they are to te in this town on the 28th day of this month. B ockland H eight Item s. Dr. W. P; H edrick, Eyc-Sight Specialist, will be a t Mocksville W ednesday, Septem ber 20th.— One d a j Only; Ehcamlnatlon Free. Mr. ii. It. Helper, who had a stroke of paralysis in Charlotte about a w-eek ago, has returned home. He is btill bad offi Mrs. Sarah Ann Campbell, wife of Georg. W. Campbell, died at her residence near Jersey ville, 111., on the 27th of August, 1899. Mrs, Campbell was aged -fi6 years, 11 months and 20 days. The fuiieral services were conducted oil Augcst 29th, by Eev. W. H; Kearns, and interment was at Oak Grove Cemtery. Dock Mason, colored, who was in jail charged with stealiug oats, escaped Monday night. In some way he got out oue of the iron bar's of the window to his cell. Through this small opening he crawled into the corridor or pas^e, and went through a stove pipe hole into au- other room which was occupied by Will King, white, who is up for assault. An opening iu the outer wall, which was made by King, permitted thi negro to gain his fieedom, bnt was too small for the white man. Jailor Harbin did not make the discovery uulil Tuesday moruiug. and the neces.sary work to effect the escape was doue with­ out audible sound. This escape is no surprise, as the old buildiug is unsafe and incapable of holding anythiug that may not desire to. remain. The proper authority should look into Ihis matter. Q, T. GLASCOCK & SONS, GREENSBORO, N . C-. F O U N D E R S A N D M A C H I N I S T S . Mailufacturers of Turbine Water 'WTieelS, The OASOLINA COOK STOVE, Heating Stoves. Coal Grates, Country Hollow Ware, Plows, Plow Casrings and Feed Cutters. SPECIAL CASTINGS OF ANY DESCEIPTIOIT. Every Article Mauufactured bj' Us Guaranteed in Every Kespfect WM* C. i'.'Y, Agout at MOCKSVILLE. N. C._______ J . E . C A R T LA N D , - S L 'C C E S S O K TO- JOILN EOBINSOX’S GK E.\T W OKLD’S EXPOSITION. ‘T h e H a l f h a s n o t B e e n T o l d M e .' H, H. Cartland, G r i * e © x i - ^ t » o x * o - I N ’.C . A FULL T.TTSTF. OF: CLOTHS AND CASIMERES ----A L W A Y S O N H A N D .---- — —o-------^ A FflLI; CORPS of the BEST EXPERIENCED WORKMEN. r Write for Samples and Measuriug Blanks. Satisfaction Guaranteed.“®a E. H . M O R R IS , Ajfent. - - Call and see samples and learn prices. FIN E STOCK FOR SALE. A n y person desiring to buj' a Jack or Jenny, or Jenny colts, or other fine stock, will do well to call on ’ T . A . B R U N T , Farming-ton, N. C. Arrival and Departure of Trains: S o u t h B o u k d — D aily except Sunday. Leave Mocksville ................... 1:00 p m Leave Mocksville ................... 6:00 p va North B ound . Leave Mocksville ................... 7:15 a m Leave Mocksville ...................11:30 a m The memorial expression of the Queen of Sheba on viewing the pomp and gl(U'ie.s of King Solo­ mon’s court, ciin with varity be used iu speaking of the trans­ cendent spicndors of the gor­ geous biblical spectacle, Solomon, hife Temple,- and'the Queen of She­ ba, which the mauijgemeBt- of the Robinson show prodnce this year’ on a scale of unexampled magui- tude and splendor. Xo spectacle ever presented to the public can vie with it in rich scencgi-aphic effect; in faithful aud chatacteristic portraitures of tlie people, luauners and customs diiring the reign of Isi-ael’s wisest l;in"; in pomp, in pageantry aud in parade; in sacred sacrificial offerings; in lovely wo­ men; in enchanting ballets; iu fiercely coutestcd aiid c.'^citiug char­ iot races: aud in the luxurions op­ ulence of its costuming and ap­ pointments. Takeu from the grand­ est sccues of the patriarchal ora it cannot only interest the biblical ,;;,holai-, but them<^i-al, thecuitured and the refined, seeking aftor in­ tellectual and mind improving e:i- tertaiuuient, -n-ill find iu this exhi­ bition well worlby iheir attention. Let it be understood however, that this desirable a ugnientatiou is but one of the multitude of attractions to which the Robinson show invites the patronage of the public. Their circus has long been characterized as the most inviting iu its unex­ ceptionable features and in the general excellence and profciency of its ring performances of any tiaveling, while their menagerie is large aud comprehensive, aud in­ cludes living specimens of the rar­ est beasts, birds, reptiles and am­ phibia. Their colossal Ifonian hippodrome is iu itself a feature that has no duplication, and car­ ries the spectator back to imperial t^aesar’s day. The show Avill ex­ hibit at Mocksville ThursiLiy, Sep­ tember 28. Ig Mocksville I’l-oduce M arket. Corrected W e e k ly by William s Bros Corn, per bu .................................. 5? W h e a t, per bu .............................. Oats, p e rb u .................................. 30 Peas, p e rb u .................................. UO Bacon per pound......................... 8-10 Bacon, W estern........................... H a m s ................................................ 10-121 Spriugr Chickens ........................... "* W a n t C o lu m n . Notice to Teachefs. A u g c s t a , N . C., August 2i), ’90. E ditor Davie Record, Mocksville, N . C. Dear Sir:— I have been solicited to repeat m y “ .Summer School Course” for Teachers. I have concluded to do so. In thinking’ over the matter, I have concluded to m ake a reduction of 25 per cent, on b o a r d and t u i t i o n to the Teachers of Davie county. O f course, this will dispose of m y profit, but if I can help some teachers to higher efficiency in our county, I shall have some consolation intnat fact. Yours truly, s. D . H O D G E S . To": T he Kuca to all persoiis lar r.ie followini One Bnggy, oi one Bicycle, one _ Plow and oue breech-loadliiL gle liarrel Shot Gun. We must double our subscription list by the 1st day of January, 1900, and we are willing to make a handsome division with our patrons if they help us in the work. These five useful and valuable articles will be secured free of cost by some live persots who may help us extend the lepers’ circulation. All who are now subscribers but have not paid up may participate in this fi-ee distribution by paying what they ove ns and one dollar addi­ tional for a years’ subscription. PLAN OF DISTEIBUTION. Every new subscriber who pays one dollar for a years’ subscription to this pai>er, and every old sub­ scriber who pays up to date aud one dollar for another year, will be given a numbered ticket. The five tickets representing the live gifts will be put in separate envel- [Under this head advertisements of W ants, To Rent, For Sale, etc., will be inserted at 3 cents per line each week. Six words m ake a line] W anted — Orders for first-class tai­ lor-made suits and overcoats. 1 am representing one of the best estab­ lishments in the United States, and •juarantcc satisfaction all around. E . H . M o b r i s . W anted — Old books p.iid magazines. Bri^g m e your old books and let m e turu IhCiT. into cash for you. W . C. I v y , RECOi'iD oii ce. W anted —Fire hundred m en and wo­ men, boys and girls to sub.scribe for T n s Record, thus securing an oppor­ tunity to get free a buggj^ a bicycle, a shot gun, a plow or a dewing m a­ chine. "W e are goinff to present our subscribers with all of th'jse articles on or before January 1st, 1900. Par­ ticulars in another column. W anted—A good farmer with 3 or 4 good horses Good lands, line pas­ tures; located within a mile of the new cotton mill. Call (•i'' or addre^'^. E . H . M o r r i s , Mocksville, N . C. A cottage with well on the lot tuid premises enclosefi, is wante’d. Aj'piy to C. W . 3., this office If 3'ou want a Cook Stove or Heater, yon can save a good per ct at. hj giv­ ing vour order to W .*C. Ivy, this oi^icc.' Anyone desiring to purchase a good Milk Cow can get their choice of a Jersey or Devon, by applying to E. H . Morris, Mocksville, K . C. NOTiCI3. Havin g qualified as Apministrator of liichmond G . Sheek, decs’d. notice is hereby given to all parties holding claims against said Estate to present them for payment on or before the 4th day of September, 1900, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All parties indebted to said Estate are requested to m ake immediate payment. This 4th September, 1809. T H O S . N . C H A F F IN , T . B . B a il t sy , Atty. Adm 'r. Judge Hunt’s Consumption and Broncbits Cure. It surpasses all other remedies known for Consumption, Bronchitis, Croup and Disordered Liver. It cures when all else fails I If your druggist does not keep it, send direct to Judge George E . Hunt, Lexington, N , 0 . Price 50 cents per bottle. National Hotel, KEFUENISHED. UXDEE XEW MAXAGE3IEXT. RATES, $1.00 P E R DAY. J. H . R amsey, Prop’r. Main St. SALISKUEY, K. C. I Want Your Eggs, CHICKENS, POTATOES, AXD OTHER r A R M P R O D I T C E . The Highest Market Prices Will b? Paid Call on me when YOU CTOIK TO TOWJs. A well Selected Stock of Groce­ ries Always On Hand. Yours to Serve, I>. >1. MILLER, Salisbury, Iforth Carolina. DON’T W.VIT .V MINUTE. GOOD W a t c h e s A b s o l u t e l y f r e e . V>’e Taut your nam e for P A S T IM E , ■a clean, illustrated story and humosoua uaper for the family circle, IH latjfe liases, only T.'ic a year: on trial 4 months, 10c. W e give a nickle silver watch to each subscriber, a neat medium-sized watch, guaranteed for oue year. Will\ keep time for m any years as accurately as a $100 watch. A nd for a little W ork we give Gold watches, Bicj'cles\sewing machines, Guns, etc. SampleS-.and particulars free. Send us j'onr adtlress to-day if you do no more, and see h o w easily you can get something nice you want. W e will surprise you. Please ip n't wait a minute, send now. Betti close 5 stamps for trial subsc; and present, or 28 stamps foi and paper while the watches aj free. The P A S T I M E Pub. Louiaville, K y. Notice ; E.-Br(SrfcTf«:s'd, I will sell to the highest bidder at public auction at the Court house door in the tov/n of Mocksville. N . C., on the l.Sth day of September, 18!l!l, the following real estate, to-wit: L y ­ ing and being in Farm ington town­ ship, D.avie CouDty, N . C., adjoining the lands of .Joseph Cu therel, Matthew Fulford et al., containing 113 acres, more or less.— Sam e being known as the home place of the late Richard E. Brock. Terms of Sale.—Oae half cash, balance on six months time with bond and approved securitj', interest at 0 per cent from date 6f sale. Title reserv- ed till purchase money is paid. This the 14th day of August 189i). M ary A . BuocK, E xY . of Richard E. Brock, dec'd. S. T. ^ ter, of Ephesus, N. C., opes, sealed up and deposited in bas placed a stack of goods in the the safe of WilUams Bros. On tew Btoieieceirtly eref;t«d by E. H. Morris, at Boikland Heights. Mr. Foster i» doing a g od business. rtsak Cooper, Esq.. and family, •f Advance, lave moved jiere. 34r. Cooper is working for Mr. A. Tanner, who is bnildii^ the new cettmi Biil! at Odslmmee. E. H. lllorris a well dug at Bockland for the flse of Foster, Cooper aM. oUiers. Dynmut* kt being used Hx^straes afew Notice! B y viBTtTE of an Order made by W . R . Ellis, C. S. C., as administrator of G . H . Lippard, deceased, I will sell at public ciuction, to the highest bidder, at the court-house door of Mocksville, N . C., ou the 2d day of October. 1899, the following Real Estate, adjoininsr the lands of Lewis Harper, et al, and bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginninffthe day of distribution the num­ bers on these five tickets will be published, aud the holders of the corresponding numbered tickets may prescut them and receive the articles mentioned. Every person subscribing as alxive will have an eqnal opportunity to get some one of these'Srticles. Everything will be feir and Hqnare. The. day <rf distribntibti. wU be.annonsced blast jtater. Send in yonr subscription J»ndbeintiieproo«Bion. ..V .ir n A^y at a stone, Lewis Harper’s corner, thence W . 23 poles and 15 Ik., to a stone in Pott’s line; thence S. 7 de­ grees W . 24 poles and L , to a stohe in Pott’s line; thence E . 15 degrees N . 20 iK>leR and 20 Ik, to a stone, the be­ ginning, coutaiiiing 2 acres and 105 poles, more or less. T e e m s OF S a l e : "f25.00 cash, bal­ ance. on six months’ time, with bond and approvea secvurity, interest ^it 6 per cent, from day of sale. Title re- s e r ^ till purchase money is psdd. T W athelrta ^ TH< Adm r. J o s t R eceived ! Parlor Suits, Fancy EVEBYTHIKG Td m ak e a HOxiSB . B E D -R O O M s u i t s Leading Furniture Dealer and The AT PP.ICbS THATM'It/L a s t o k k h y o u . Don’t faill to give me a call when in need of anything in F u r n i t u r e L in o , i t w i l l b e t o v o u k i ^b s t . 6. w. WBIGHT, tindertakel*, !4ALI8BTTBY, • thn-'Jh A handeo’51 T illortrateil weekW » *H culaUon of any sclenflflc $5 GraphophcneT I have the agency for the CoW-. I Phonograph Co., and carry at all times a mce lot o‘f phones and Records. AGnnk i^l Like This Cut f o r ^ S r ^ l Buckeye Disc and Hoe Drill. §(D Q 0 1tio a <D c* THE DISC DEILL is the right kind for latid that is free from stumps aud rocks. We have a Car Load on hand, and caii furnish six or eight hoe. Call and examine the BUCKEYE and all other kinds of HAEDWAEE, at R. B. CRAWFORD & GO’S., H a rd 's s ’a r e D e a l e r s ,--------"W IN S T O N , N i C . T h e Music $5.00 per dozoti. dozen. W h e n you visit Winstoa^'^ in at the ‘’BiH- Watch."anilsettS wonderful talkinjr machiaes a n J ^ thing in the Jewelry linj. F R E 1 > . N . D A Y , .Icwelel : & K i m b r o i iiaANS AND acRGEONS.| t door South of Hotel 1 OCKSVILLE, N. C. f . ' ^c h e i SPFXIALIS’: Irer Jacobs’ Clothing jTiygroy, n . c . B . A n d e r a c - D E N T I S T .--- First Door South L McGuire & Kimbroughj t MOCKSVUJJ^ N . g itional Hotel, IBD. UNDE® iMAJfAGEMENT. In selecting a Sewinjr Machiiie.tj out the one that runs the sews the fastest, makes theleaA:! is most durable, will not br»;ai f thread if run backward. wiUcoivJ er the lightest fabrics baa \ii spool wire, automatic teibionrt-j ball bearings, &c. C A L L B R O S . Ten Per Cent. F u r n i t u r e M e n , T h e W H E E L K E & Wil. possesses all the above poiatiJ periority over anj' other make. I nothing’ to examine cu *T; f": -f E. ,1. BOWKj] ■\\'luStrtD, X.j $1.00 PEE, DJ J. H. R a m s e y , Prop! 1st. SALISBURY, YOU. GO TO Winston, N —CALL ON— )'BIT3Sr. T h e .Je w i I a Nice Line of W | ’ and Silver Ware, ^d Eye Glasses, etc| ug done while you y snred for one year. ! times, bnrs for business, BEOW N. T h e J e erty Street. Next o b it’s the gun mai [Graphophone : the agency for the < aph Co., and carry _lmes a nice lot of I and Records. AGra ake This Cut for S; WHEAT AND GRASS CH| 108 West Fifth St.,. W IN S T O N , N- C-, ■\Vaut your trade aud will give you fcargiiina in all Styles of Bed-Eooui Sets, Odd Dressers, Dining Tables, Beds, Washstands, Lounges, Couches aud all things to be found iu an Up To Date FUENITUEB HOUSE. SOME NEW and BEAUTIFUL DESIfiNS in DISHES, CDAMBER-SETS and LiHPS, V.'o also have a Bea-.tiful Liue ol Pictares an'^i F kiiviCS. Tlie Xew England r.nt! yced}:".i:; Pit.cos, an-.i tL" OIU Eeliable Estey Org.ins ^irjil tlie ifeed’ua^u Oigtias al'e sold by us. aud ueed no rocouimeudation, us they are so ■SVell Known. ' All Goods ^old for Cash or Fayiiisiits. Come to our place and if yon are not treated right call no UK ire, but if we treat you right, call again. O E G A N S F E O M $ 2 5 . 0 0 U P . P I A N O S F i ^ M $ 1 9 0 U P . A L L B R O T H E R S Manufacturers^ Agents, Allison & Addiso —H IG U GMAW^ F l R T I L I l i ‘•STAR EHAXD - UV.v; '‘McGAVOCK’’ JILXir “B. P.” POT.\SH MIXr ACID phospuat : We especially retoaaend Gavock Ali-xture.” It is cx ■ used in Vir^dnia and its us crops lia& ^;ivea great satl-'' North 'i:rolina for the t >or S3-':.* I;* ti*:o.-.;‘ 'U*. L.ie S !.» S'.ud for iJii^v'Ura. ALLiSOX & j:: r Branch Vir«-lnia-C’aroU.Tia C l^ccT-or.d. Va. ^ School Ecoksi —a t - : $5.00 per dozen When you visit V • ‘‘Big W atch,” an ul talking m achin^ the Jewelry line. BAY,N. Nurseries, GEEEXSBOEO, 5T. C., For all kinds of i‘'rnit, Shade aud Ornamental Trees. Vines aud Plants. I am the Inti'O- ' ■ducer of the famous GEEEXS- BOEO andCOSI^ET’S South- ern'Early Peach. GREEUSBORO HERB 0? KE6ISTERBD PO- LAIfl) CHIJTA and Mammoth Black Hogs. Oue of the finest herds iu the South. AVrite for prices. John- A. Y oung, Prop’r. i>on’t Suffer, The Electropoise Cures all dissases without the use cf medicine. A pure O xygen treatment, by absorption, it cures where every* thins else fails. It is needed in every family, for it will relieve every w eak­ ness or ailment, to the most persistent chronic -disease; and without the use of a grain of medicine. Thousands of psople all over the United States, from private citizens to Lawyers, doc­ tors, preachers, Suprem e Judges Edi­ tors. etc., even c r a n e d heads of E u ­ rope have givejj^^mtten testimonials of these factsr :’Book of testimonials, and matter of great interest'with pHce of instruments « n t free. Every family should have an Electropoise; it saves money, induces health. .Send your address at once and see what chase money is psiid. people say who have thoroughly test- day of September, 1899. ed its merita. ^ e if t s wanted. T h e 1 0 8 . N . C H A F F IN , 'EujOTSOPOStSB' CO-, o U ^th Street, Louisviile, K y . - WIXSTOJf, ™ ich‘ ^ K. C. MARTINSVILLE, VA. Ws Can Always Give Lowest Prices On Eveiything in Onr Line. SHOEOLOaY . Today We Put On Sale New Lot Lace Cloth Top Shoes at $1.49 Vjty Stylish and E»»Uy Worih ?2,?5. ^ew Lot Tan Cloth Top Lacs Shoe at $ 1 .49 Good Value for $2.85. N E W LOT M ens R u ssia C alf a t $ 1.49, W o tth $2,00. ' N E W LOT M en's Y ioi a t $1.49, W orth all o f $3.00 OSl?OBD&49 c, .?aOc and l,QO_Worth $1 ,00 , $1,25 , aud §1.50 Childrens’ Shoes 26o and Up. --------tTHE EEGULAH SHOE STORE._____ Cor, 4th and Liberty 8t„ N E E I 4 Y & C R U T R . l ^ J N S T o i s r 3 sr. Half Price. We Pay Cash for Your Old Save your m oney, send yourJ and get others for thf W e Buy, Sell and Exchang Books, NorelS and MagJ N o doubt you have somel which you could dispose of. I for others, or sell us for carl w e can furnish new bool Ushers’ prices, when we h| second hand ones at half ] W e c a rry th e b est 1 Stationery, School and Generalf To be had for the mnai’fl W e now have the largest ; books in the State, and our il for handling second hand b unequaled ia the South. W rite at on€e, if you want R bargains, to the S o u t h b p .n B o o k E x c u a | Graphophone Complete, - ; M. M. SMITH, 127-12D Fayeteville St., R a f (Please mention this pap ~ . . TRY THE “NEW HOME” SEWINBI I >ho j -;.-i*wwe"5nSu(Ktil • Iwfora you purchase i J m im io iE S E fiiiiilj^ aoidnI«auib>.v.Siiltaii,Tttu. Surmx-b -fleeting a Sewing 't h e one that runs f the fastest, m akes tl : durable, wil! n(f if run backward, I lightest fabrics,! wire, automatic teF larings, &c. LTh e w h e e l k b < ____^es all the above I iority over any otherf 'nff to examine one.l B. J. Win.sd ODTHERN M l E,-. STAXDAEOE.J OFTHESOUTl The Direct Line t'^ AS, ^A L IFO B N IA . iL O E ID A , *U BA AND PO I trictly Fii st ent on ail Thrc 1 Trains. Ulman Sleeping < ^^rains. Fast and i T ra v e l by y o u are assur fortable a u d 1 Jo u r u e y . iply to Ticket Age bles. Rates and G mation, 0 M L. VERNON, T .P. A. j K Charlotte, K . C. | SlOISODBliS 10^ , m i K S. 6ASK0N,| '. r. & Gen 1 VI. A. TrSK I T he D avie R ecord 1.MOOKSVILLE, N. 0 . -WBDinESDAY, SEPTEM BER 20, 1899.25. l™ % ; s 5 « S ; b:^M& fizspRf. ^ «*omoctQa. o p JplioplioaeT~g5 l-tironcv for th,. r i 1^ 0.. :md carrvS'i I ^ nice lot of r *''=k Records. A O n«? p U cut for i '.IW per dozen. S3 no v,„ I s >s S ; S ;k “ S t o . y . D AY. Jon-ele,. J ,r •7S="'insr M a c h ^ ;^ ! J ie th a t ru e s the licrijS®* J in e s t. m akes th e leaiTt r, ■urabk-. w ill not break -v | I im back-,rard. will not p ail ll .t e s t fabrics, has ra ,.* |. automatic tension rel [v> iiEELi:i; & WiLsojI Is all the above points of J 1.' over any other make, f I to examiae F‘*r K. .1. 150WK:\. ] \\ iim on, >', Cj LT A N D G R A SS ( lison & Addisoi'il -H itrii Cl?AOI>- faTILIEBR& i LAi: iiiL v y D ’- GUAXii I c^;a v o c k " :> iixT n |i '." POT.L^U MIXTiS I’lKMPHATE. ■ ;jeci-..;v rerorraen'J tii'J : -Mlxiure. ” It is e x i^ tn Vi- l-iiri atiii irs usta| for ••'ir^'.'I^rs. [M .Li-O X A IiD if ' h Vir.rlain^'.-x-oi^ria Cb -- i: . —1 .-.<3. Va. Schoc-l Bcoks Eal: Price. fe Pay Cish for Yoar Old ; your money, send yourj and {^ct others for i ‘ Sell an.'l Jlxchan |i>ooK.-:. Novels aua 6ia, • doubt you have sob^v.. 1 you could dispose of.l ••s. or sell us for < i can furnish nev l>riccs. when we 1 >nd hand ones at half j W'rZ CARUY THE BEST ] aery, School a:id General| To be had for the ; IVe now I'.ave the larg-est : ik«: in the State, and our fal haDrnin;r second hand •qualed in the South. ’I ‘ rite at once. If vou w ant] 'ffains, to the SocTiiBHN- Book Excha?| j aplioiihone Complete, - - L M. M. SM ITH , P ^ o l 12:p Fayeteville St., T’lease mention this i)apj . TRY THE . 1“ NEW HOME’’ SEWIHOl Se&Kimbrougli, JgvSICIASS AND SOBOEONS. I first door South of Hotel Davie MOCKSVrLLE, N. C. tTr. G- C H E E K U e SFFCIALIST. . oTcr Jacobs’ Clothinp Store, AVrS’STON, N. C.______f, S. B. Anderson, -DENTIST.------ jl^,: First Door South of I dts. McGuire &Kimbrou|fh. MOOKSVILLE, N. a iKational Hotel, rR-VISHED. U N D E E N E W JIAXAGEMENT. ^TES. s f o O P E B D A T . J. H. E amsev , Prop’r. lin St. SALISBUKY, N. C. n ■ 1 plTEFORCIRCUliRS?S; TENEWKOMESEflNBI OBASOE, X A»'.idtoEq!icM,Il.y. CWssn, FOtiM^tSY i D E C E I T YOU . GO TO ^Winston, N. C., -CALL O N - jW lf* T h e J ew e l fe . Lve a Sice Line of W atches, tlry anil Silver W are, Specia- [aud Eye Glasses, etc. Fine airiug done while yea wait and r insured for one year. Prices bit the times. I Vours for business, BROWN. T h e J ew e ler . [Liberty Street. X extdoor to Robert’s the gun man. Graphophones $5 are the affency for the Columbia laoffraph Co., and carry in stock ^11 times a nice lot of Grapho- DCS and Records. A Graphophone Like This Cut for 95.00. ; Music ^.00 per dozen. S3.06 half- |en. When jou visit Winston call t the “Biff Watch,” and see these nderful talking machines, andany- Ing in the Jewelry line. FRED. N. DAY, Jew eler. 1 selecting a Sewing Machine, pick ' the one that runs the lightest, rs the fastest, makes the least noise f most durable, will not break the «ad if run backward, will not puck- |th e lightest fabrics, has patent ol wire, automatic tension release 1 bearings, &c. I he W HEELEB & W IM O N Issesses all the above points of su- Iriority over any other make. Cast* Bthing to examine one. For sale by E. J . BOW EN, _____ W inston, N. C. SOUTHERN RAILW AY, THE, .. STAND AED RA ILW A Y OF THE SOUTH, J The Direct Line to all Points. TEXAS, CALIPOENIA. PLOEIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strictly Fiist Class Equip­ ment on ail Through and Lu- «al 'I’rains. Pollman S leeiu g Cars on all N ight Trains. Fast and Safe Hchedoles. Travel by tlie Southern and you are asim red a Safe, Com­ fortable aud an ExpedittoOK Journey. Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Ta­ bles, Bates and General Infor­ mation, or address H. L. VERNON, P. R. DARBY, T. P. A. C. P. & T. A, Charlotte, N. C. AsheviUe N.C, noTsonsu t o is s w b QUtsnoHS. milK s. eilHOK, M. CDLP. . r. A a«s Mu. Traf. K u. ■W. JLIVSX. G. p. A. T T A t^H IN n-T O N . D G, T n u H s s e s ! If you are in need of a TRUSS it will pay yoa t» haTe a Perfect F it. DR. V . O. THOMPSON has had forty years’ experience in A djnsting Trnsses. H e will Per sow lly fit yon at the Old Reliable THOMPSON DRUG STORE, Winston, N. C Fu rn itu re ! I f ■ y o u a x e e a . Fom itnre of any K ind r r W ILL PAY YOU TO SEE B. F. Huntley’s Stock, ------H E SELM ------- FIRST-CLASS FUENITURB AT the Right priew, stock tlwayi Compltlt. 426 and 428 Trade Street, WINSTON, N. C. I Want Tour Eggs, CHICKENS, POTATOES, ONIONS AND OTHER FARM PRODUCE. Tht Hightst Karktt Prices Will be Paid Call on me when YOU COME TO TOW N. A well Selected Stock of Groce­ ries Always On Hand. Yours to Serve, D. M. M ILLER, Salisbary, North Carolina. Don’t SuCTer, The Electropoise Cures all dissases without the use cf medicine. A pure Oxygen treatment, bv absorption. It cnres where every* tmng else fall*. It is needed in every famuy, for it will relieve every weak­ ness or ailment, to the most persistent chronic disease; and without the use of a grain of m ^icine. Thousands of pdopTe all over the United States, from private citizens to Lawyers, doc­ tors, preachers, Supreme Judges Edi­ tors. etc., even crowned heads of Eu­ rope have given written testimonials of these facts. Book of testimonials, and m atter of great interest with price of instruments sent free. Every family should have an Electropoise; it saves money, induces health. Send your address at once and see what people say who have thoroughly test­ ed its merits. Agents wanted. T he Elbctbopoise Co., 513 4th Street, Louisville, Ky. SOV. TAYlM’S rs M c J ^ S ^ F B E E LOVE lETTH IS.S-Li;U'.o“! r f - M-iead M ctnU for three tnonth’s trial stihscriptloit (O n t JUuMtfUdroutk ondAgt, NashvUle. Ttoa. Sach letter U well illostrated. Ther are addressed to Caele Mltlc|B«s» CiVis, Barhelon, Fiddlers, Ptobprnea, aotbers^a-Law, ■iMrtaaea, Casdiiiatca, 6wertk»arta, Tcachcn. nicy are conridered the best work that haa evci tome froa Got, Tabor’s eiited pen. His tvpt^- tion a« • writrTt kmmnrist, orator, and tmUrtoiiuT is M wide as the world itself. Th* lUmstrttUd I'cvtJk e$ui Af* b a sendm ontl^ly jo ttm a l. M t o t S d e ro te tfto F ic tx o .v .P c e t- B T , A d v b n tu k s s by S r a a n d I j ^ o , W r r a n d H v a o a , B io cK A T H r, T aA V C L a, Scixn’cb, a n d m e ra l InfomisUoo. Deputtnents: Womrm'r, CkUdreift, Helpers’ Auikor^, KmaxoMg* Bcx^ e tc . O B ly h le h - g rM e lU u s tr a t^ lite r a ry io a m a lr .: n a tio n a l d r c a la tio o p u b iiih e d ia th e S o u th . M ake a r o ld w a tc h , d la m o tid riaff» o r b ic jrcte b y dolng^ a U ttle w o rk f o r ns. S n in p .* c o p ie s Ire e . A d d re » The Tm * t a«4 A«e Pah. Co., hashrllte. Teaa. R em ington Single B arrel B reech lo a d in g G un, - $6.50 Others - - - - $4.50, «6.00 Loaded Shells, 3Sc a box. Shot, 7c. i>er pound. Prim ers, 12c. a box. A ll O ther Goods Equally Low. y . M . ROBERTS, 445 Liberty Street, WINSTON, N. C. W H E A T A M D Q B A 8S CRO PS. Allison & Addison’s —H IG H GBAD&— FERTILIZERS. ‘•STAR BRAND” GUANO, “ McGAVOCK” M IXTURE, “ B. P .” POTASH M IXTURE, ACID PHOSPHATE. We especially recommend the “Mc- Gavock Mixture.” It is extensively used In Virginia and its use on the crops has given CTeat satisfaction in North CaroUna for the last two yean. For syle by Agents generally throughout the State Send for Circulars. a l l i e n & ADDISON. Srw ch Virginia-Carolina Chemical CTfcpany. P’ Vi... The Dara Recorfl, PUBLISHED EVEBY WEDNESDAY. E. H. MOBBIS, Editor. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: One copy, One Year, - . - #1.00 One copy, Six Months, - . - 50 One copy, Three Months • - - 25 MoohsviUe, N . C.. Septem ber 20. W e wish to call ihe attention of voters to a certain x>aragraph of section eleven of the election law recently enacted by a Democratic legislature. Bead it carefully; “ The r ^ t r a r m ay require the applicant to prove his identity or age and residence by the testimony of at least two electors under oath.” The above is taken from the law book and nothing added thereto. Now, we wish to call the attention of the people to this paragraph for a porpose—that purpose is to show them to w hat desperate methods the framers of this law have re­ sorted in order to put the ring crowd in power. W hy make it impossible for a poor or even a rich man to register and vote, if the registrar hapx>ens to be an unprincipled partlzanT Now why do we say impossible) For the simple reason that there are few voters in North Carolina who could prove these facts by electois. ■ Your mother, if living, would not be a competAit witness; the old family Bible would be ruled out of court, for the statute ex­ pressly. says by at least two elec­ tors*, these facts must be proven by at least two electors under oath. Don’t you see the infamy of it! Are you ready to inarch up to the polls and aid such conspirators against the liberties and rights of the people, in their unhallowed work—are you willing to entrust the government of N orth Carolina to such a crew t Let them once get securely lodged in power behind such infamous twins as the election law and the constitutional amend ment. and nothing but a revolution of the people can dislodge them. W hile we are crying out, shame upon the French government for its dastardly treatm ent of Dreyfus, we are called upon to vote into power in North Carolina next year men who are not one w hit better than those who have heaped shame, degradation and disgrace upon this innocent but 'anfortunate Jew. As inre as there is retributive justice, V^ance will suffer for her infamy, andyas certainly will it follow in the wake of the wrong attempted in o l^ ^ o rth Carolina ui)on the rights and liberties of its people. Let us, ni conclnsion, point oul another shreW part of the scheme of this paragraph: “ The registrar MAY require.” Nqw, why use the word “ may” instM d of “ shall” require the applicant to prove? For this simple reason: The r ^ - istiar is going to be a Democrat, and wheu a Democrat presents hitn- self for r ^ tr a tio n the “ may” lets him out; but on the other hand, when a Republican presents him ­ self for registration the “ may” leaves it in the discretion of the Democratic registrar to require the applicant to prove his identity or age and r^idence by the testimony of at least two electors nnder oath. “ A t LEAST two.” W hy, in his unbounded discretion he can re­ quire you to bring up a d02»n, if he likes. H ad you over thought of it in this light 7 If not, it is time you were. The word “ m ay” plays a very im portant part—and such men as the Hon. Thos. Settle, Gen. Cowles and Judge ^ rb u c k , Re­ publicans whom the Democratic papers are quoting and courting so nicely, can bang their harp on the willow tree, so far as ever desiring to hold another office in North Carolina is concerned, if these beau­ tiful twins are both engrafted on the statute books. It is no surprise to us when we see it stated by the Simmons cr.>wd that , they are going to carry it. W hy, of course, they can carry anything with that election law, if properly manipulated, unless the people, the great commoii people, rise up in their luight aud cmijh this giautanacon&a to death. And fot t o life of us, we cannot see how m en^sensibie n»^, .brainy rct-Q liKe. Jufi.gfi ,«la.rb\!fk and Purnell can aid this crowd in fastening snch laws upon the peo­ ple. W ell may Mr. Settle say that he is not a candidate for ofiice next year, for he would get few Repub­ lican votes in N orth Carolina. You cannot endorse the amendment without endorsing the election law, and of the two, the latter is the most infamous. Abuse of Power. The Raleigh News in one issue has these items; “ Magistrate Barbee has sent Cas- sey Pulley, a seventeen-year-old whsie girl, to the roads because she could not pay costs in a case against her.” “ Annie Clark, a young white girl, and her brother Jud Clark, were yesterday sent to the roads by Magistrate Nichols for failure to pay costs and fine in a case for an affray.” It seems a hardship that white girls should be sent to the roads to work out i>etty sums, and there to be brutalized and turned into crim • inals by contact with the toughest of men. This shows the great need of a reformatory in this State.— Charlotte News. Last fall when we sent ont a sup­ plement with cartoons showing white girls working with negroes, the self-righteous got mad and said it was not true.-—Hickory Times- Mercury. A disgraceful state of affairs to exist in a State whose legislature recently in session at Raleigh, spent inost of its tim e iu enacting parti­ san election laws and constitutional amendments. Shame upon them. Young white girls can woric the roads with criminal whites and ne gross. If this is white supremacy God save the State, for the Demo­ cratic party can’t do it. The P resident’s F aith in Prayer. The first business session of the for- annual Northwest Metho- opo: Blsl St Episcopal Conference oponed with 2oO ministers present. Bishop Hurst paid a beautiful tribute to President McKinley, stating that a few days ago he called on the Presi­ dent and asked him if there was not some small burden that I could help him bear. The President replied that there was one thing- he could do—keep iraying for him. The bishop said he id not believe there was another man in the- world who relied so im- licitly upon God to direct him as 'resident McKinley.—Frankfort, Ind. Dispatch to Indianapolis Journal, Sep­ tember (i. If good men like McKinley feel the need of prayer, how should Simmon.s and his crowd feel on the subject? They are fighting for a cause that no g-ood man can be called on to pray for and be consistent. Wouldn't it be funny to hear them asking for the prayers of the people they purpose robbing of their rights and liberties ? W hile T h e R e c o r d ’s subscrip­ tion list continues to grow, and its future seems brighter every day, nothing does us moi-e good than the kind words of commendation from our people, the great common peo­ ple, for whom we are fighting. Conscious of the right, we shall continue the battle along the same lines. State capable of plotting to dieet: its. peace and tarnish its repntation in'the eyes of the world for their political advantage is shameful. But it was done last fall and the same men that were in control of that campaign are in charge of the campaign that will end next A u­ gust. W e say now that the politi­ cal machine that constructed the disfranchising amendment and the •‘bull pen” election law will go to any length to carry these measures at the polls. The constitution of the nation they have sworn to de­ fend, the peace aud good order of the State, fairness and honesty in elections and every interest of the people will be treely sacrificed as they deem necessary in order to establish a system of boss rule in North Carolina. These men who got a foothold last fall have just one scheme cn foot and only one. £t is to get x>ossession of the politi­ cal machinery of the State in such a way that no effort of the people armed only with the elective fran chise can oust them . This accom­ plished what is then to prevent the looting of the State? The election of such men to office is the grantiitg of il public, frn-m’hi-se to ioot. ^N’hai machine ever was organized, and constructed unfair election laws and used other nefarious means— as exciting violent prejudice in the minds of Oie people and employing speakers and writers to misrepre­ sent issues—to make themselves solid in office, who did not have an object of organized plunder! W e appeal to the honesty and intelli­ gence of the State to say, in the light of the broken pledg^ of the last campaign, and the revelation of intention in the partisan election law. if the political managers at Raleigh are fit to be trusted further with the control of affairs in North Carolina. The men the people elected to the legislature last f did not frame the election law or constitutional amendment. The election law floated into the legisla­ ture on the breezes. The man who introduced it hardly understood its provisions, but it bore the label of the machine. In the “ confer­ ences” at whieh the constitntional amendment was concocted two or three men were present who were not members of the legislature but whose voices were more potent than any member’s. In secret cau­ cus these measures were argned on their “ merits” —as means of ren­ dering “ white supremacy perma­ nent” —a farcical way of express­ ing a meaning now well understood, of putting the machine in a posi­ tion that could defy the will of the people.—Asheville Gazette. M ark Tw ain on the Devil. Becom ing D em oralized. The Gazette demoustrated some days ago that the managers of the amendment campaign in this State are very much demoralized. They have shown unmistakable signs of abandoning the serious defense of theii•^, disfranchising scheme, are afraid'to_ utter even the most per­ functory h,eply to the attacks at their election .law, preserving the silence of the g u llty.^ught in the act on that measure, -^nd are set­ tling back into the one field that is left for them that holdsvont any hope of assistance. awakeniW race i,.- pr^udice to the point pf v i^ n c e . np m ajjaparticipate m t t o That men should be found ^ n W free di<)trM l^n by i^ m g what troy™ ®: In H arper’s Magazine for Sep­ tember M ark Twain has a clever skit on the devil. H e say;s “ I have no special regard for Satan, but I can at least lay claim that I have no prejudice against him It may even be that I lean a little in' his way, on account of his not having a fair show. A ll relig­ ions issue Bibles against him, and say the most injurious th in ^ about him. but we never hear his side. W e have none but the evidence for the prosecution, and yet we have rendered the verdict. To my mind, this is irregular. It is un-Jtoglish; it is un-American; it is French. W ithout this precedent Dreyfus could not have been condemned. “ Of course Satan has some kind of a case, it goes without saying. It may be a poor one, bnt that is nothing; that can be said about any of us. As soon as I can get at the facts I will undertake his reha­ bilitation myself, if I can find an unpolitic publisher. It is a thing which we onghc to be willing to do for anyone who is under a cloud. “ W e may not pay him reverence, for that would be indiscreet, but we can at least re“pect his talents. A person who has for untold centuries maintained the imposing position of s'.iiritual head of fonr-fifths of the human race, and political head of the whole of it, must be granted the possession of evecutive abilities of the loftiest order. In his large presence the other popes and poli­ ticians shrink to midgets for the microscope. I would like to see him. I would rather see him and shake him by the tail than any other member of the European Coneert^^”______ To Be Given Away. T h e R ecoed has decided to offer to all persons who pay us one dol­ lar cash, for one years’ subscrip­ tion, an opportunity to get one of the following articles as a free gift One Bnggj', one Sewing M achine one Bicycle, one good two-horse Plow and one breech-loading sin­ gle barrel Shot Gun. W e must double our subscription list by the 1st day of January, IflOO, and we are willing to make a handsome division with our patrons if they help us in the work. These five useful and valuable articles will be secured free of cost by some five persots- who may help ns extend the paiiers’ circulation. A ll who are now subscribers but have not :y Ove us and one dollar addi­ tional for- a years’ subscription. PLAN OF DISTErBUTION. Every new subscriber who pays one dollar for a years’ subwription to this ])aper, and every old sub­ scriber who pays up te date and one dollar for another year, will be given a numbered ticket. The five tickets representing the five gifts will be put in separate envel opes,- sealed up and deposited in the safe of W illiams Bros. On the day of distribution the num­ bers on these five tickets will be published, and the holders of Ihe corresponding numbered tickets may present them and receive th^ articles mentioned. Eveiy person subscribing as above will have an equal opportunity to get some one of these articles. Everything will be fair and square. The day of distribution will be aimounced later, ^ n d in yonr subscription and be in the procession. The stupendous scenic spectacle of Solomou, his temple, and the Queen of Sheba, draws forth the adaiiratioc of all who witness the truly wonderfol, realistic produc- t!™ . Coming: to nocksville. ^ " T M ^ E N E R t e - Thursday, September 28. Ttie Only Bie S&ow to BxMMt Here DURING TaiS YEAR, “ AFTER ALL, OLD THINGS A RE BEST” The OLD RELIABLE JO IN R O IS O N W hich you have known, respected and enjoyed'for three generations, will visit you on Tliursday, September 28tli; That Dag will Be a Gala Oile For over three quarters of a century the people of the beloved South have claimed the Old John Robinson Show as their favorite. Your grand& thers and grandmothers have sounded its praises, and many of the grown-up sons and daughtero of famed N orth Carolina early learned to lisp the name of Old John Robinson with their baby lips, and ever since have proved, like true Carolinians, their loyalty to the show of their youth, and no other amusement organization ever has held or ever will hold the place iu the hearts of the whole people like the Old Reliable John Robinson Show, and now— after a long absence, during which it has assumed ten times the proportions in merit, size and magnificence—it comes to M OCKSVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1899. Robinson’s Ten Big Shows ion with the Grand Biblical Spectacle—Solomon, hi Temple ^ ||M ^ u e e n of Sheba—without a parallel, acknowledged by a u n iversarpfllK the one distinctly GREAT SHOW, the peerless ex­ hibition of GreatflkAmerica. Three Big Circuses, four Big R in ^, three Big Menageries, one Prodigious Aquarium, one complete Aviary, one grand Biblical S ^ctafil^ ten truly Grecit Shows, one gigantic Museum. For 75 years,/fflfbu^^flirae^ generations, this mighty and powerful amusement organization has exhibilSilB-every State of our vast Union, ^and-the'name of JO H N ROBINSON is alone a guarantee-that ’ formances under the vast canvases far excel all others in merit, origi­ nality, magnificence, variety and quality. MORE FOR TH E MONEY than any other three cirouses furnish their patrons. Larger, costlier and more distinctly original. More tableau cages and dens owned by any big show in the world. Most costly costumes, more scenery used in the one great feature of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba than in the entire combined f e a ti^ of any other exhibition in the country. Over #100,000 expended on this production alone. One hundred of the most beautiful dancing girls in America. TH E CIRCUS FEATURES this season, obtained from Europe and America, will amaze and startle the world. Nothing hke toem ever before presented in this country. The most novel bareback nding acts ever witneesr^d. From nine to twelve of the W orld's Greatest Champion Lady and Gentlemen f^ueatrians riding ii.. four rings at one time. This feature is new and original with this show. TH E M ENAGERIE surpasses in magnitude and completeness any known Zoological Collection in the world. One of the special features of the big triple menagerie is the Largest Snake alive—25 feet long. TH E GRAND STREET PARAD E and Robinson’s Horse Fair— 'an innovation in itself. A truly magnificent pageant. A feature of the free street parade is the grand spectacle of forty of the s o r e s t Pomes ever harnessed and driven at one time. Don’t & il to see them. T w¥ Performances Daily. jSpecial featores ju st received andaoqaired at enonnoM expendi- t u r ^ A SCHOOL O F SEA LIONS from Alaska, the only on« now on W iibition in America. Also just received fi»m Manila, Luzon Xd4nd, a herd of PH IL IPPIN E W ATER BUTPAIOCS, the of the kind now on exhibition. Positively the only skow la America exhibiting these two costly features. ^ JO H N I.OW LOW , TH E CSLEBRATFD CLOWN, W ILL A PPEAK AT EVEBY PEBFOBMA>TCF- 4 # Italjr dioald Temember the thoa' tends of hutd-OTgan pUyera in tbis Boon try who llave not been lynched, ft&d feel mollifled. The kissing bug has changed his name from picipes melanolesthes to eoronorlim iu so n ^ isa g a s. This re- doBbles th e saspioiou th at he is com’ Qsitting his depredations under a bunch of aliases. The precocious four-year-old lUinois boy “who reads the newspapers and standard authors n»y deyelop into.au able man, bnt the ohanoes are agaiast him. The Ie w o f nature ia that e x ­ treme precocity is f o llo w e d by e a r ly death or weakening o f the mental aOd physical pow.ers. ' Notwithstanding the recent eipul- eion of Mormon missionaries from Germany, the activity of that chnrcU ill seeking to make Euroj^ean con­ verts knows no relaxation. Twenty- nine missionaries * have just sailed from Philadelphia for work in Eng­ land. Germany, Switzerland cud Scandinavia. i The New Orleans Daily Picayune, commenting on the suggestions that the Fhilippines be made a penal colony, says: “The forty-five States of the Union have in their penitentiaries many thousands of convicts. If all those who are serving long sentences vere sent to a penal colony it might be best for them and beat for tUe conntry.” The British naval manosiivres this year proved in an abstract way that a squadron cannot go out to meet a con­ voy of food ships on the Atlantic and bring it into port without the enemy’s teet being sighted. This is well «nongh so far as it goes. Every rea- floning Englishman knows in his heart that the best passible safeguard against starvation in war time is American good will. The list of physical abnormalities which have been credited from time to time to the riders of ths wheel has now been increased by the discovery of the “bicycle foot." This pectiliar affliction does not result from century riding or from the habit of scorching. It is caused by wearing shoes with soles too thin to protect the feet from the jars incident to dismonnting, m l also to riding over rough pavements. The bicycle foot is called “traumatic flat-foot” by surgical experts and olii- ers who can afford to use terms of more or less formidable phraseology. Eetnrning Americans from abroad stem unanimous in the opinion that the only thing in the world that Great Britain is afraid of is that the United States will steal away her markets. Government statistics for the last fis­ cal year give substantial reasons for the British alarm. Not only are we supplanting the English trader in sup­ plying many of the wants of peoples , in Europe, Asia and Africa, but wo are I catting into his own home market on items which it has long been the Bri^sh pride that England beat the world. ' A good deal of attention is being paid in Pennsylvania, especially in Philadelphia, to the enforcement of the State law against food sdnltera- iion. The Grand Jury at Philadelphia recently made a special presentment on the subject, in which it said: “The adulteration of food is a matter of snch vital importance to every member of the community that the strongest measures should be takcu to prevent and punish the crime. We are im­ pressed with a belief that while close inveEtigation should be made amona the retail dealers, the wholesaler and mannfaoturer should not be allowed to escape in the close examination made.”________________ With the broadening not only of the field o£ commercial activity bnt of the light in which that field is regarded there has come a more thorough ap­ preciation of the lack of facilities for the instruction of yDuth in that knowl­ edge which is most conducive to snc- icess along ^hese lines, o\jserv^ the i^G oo'a's ficonomiat. It is seen that '-the old-fashioned' business college does not go far enough in its conrsa of study. It is not sufficient to train boys to be bookkeepers and stenog­ raphers; they must be taught the broader principles on which the busi- oesB of to-day is conducted. They ■honld be educated with a view to be­ am ing managers of large enterprises. The last war demonstrated many things. among them the fact that the naval militia of the States can be of Jreat service as a supplement to the ■work of the men with whom the navy is a life profession. The amateur tars have made a place for themselves in the scheme of the Navy Department, and with the extended coast liiio of tjie Atlantic sad PaoiSe slope it is evi- 4ent that there is an important work which they may do. To prepare them­ selves for this work, nothing is 3 0 valuable as the practice cruise of each year. Itis beoomiogas valnalile as.fha annual:enc3mpaients of the State iu- fantry and cavalry, and its flalnral. result will bs to develop a high etate. of disoipline and effloieney among the jronog tars, wliioh Win’mako-ths-n. nore raluabf# intlh (stare tU^ii they (iiw b«90 In th« pa»f;- WOFHER NEW COHON MILL Large Macufaclariif Want to Be located at Mosat Plcassst. Another n«w cotton mill was granted irticles ot Incorporation by the sea: t tary of State. The "Tuscarora GoltoH Mill" ts the name of tbis latest enttf- prise. tts location Is Mount Pleasa^it Cabarrus county, th e am ount of tap Itai stock ot the mill is 530,000, and may be Increased to $100,000. The in- rorporators are: L. .1. Foil, J. W. Can­ non. Paul Barringer and A. N. JaxfE. The annual meeting will be held Uie secoiv^. Tuesday in September. The business proposed is the manufacture and sale of cotton, i-olton ftoods, ,v!in. thread and woven cotton, silk or lincu, either spun or woven. W ithin a radius of seventy-live miles ol the site of (lie great Yadkin fivei- power plant now being building there are at presenl no le=c than elghtr-three cotton mills alone, to which power could be suP' plied. Some of these mills use v.-.ner now, and are situated on other powers alm ost all of which Trould adm it of in­ creased plants. Especially is this tru-? of the Coolemep mills in D3vlc •'ounly no'v Jn conrre of erection, on the soutii Yadkii!, where they have an available horse pover of several thousand. T.\e Yadkin River company, which is eri'.:'- Ing this power plant at the Narrow's, intends to erect an Immense coitoii mill somewhere near the plant, to ilo- monstrate the elficency and cheapLess of electriciy as a power cnmpared wl'.h steam. AflEr Colored Rec.-uils. Lieutenant Settle yesterday received orders to begin enlisting men for the tv.-o colored volunteer regiments, the Forty-eighth and Forty-ninth. The Forty-eighth will be stationed at Fort Thomas, Ky., and the Forty-ninth at Jefferson Barracks, near St. Loui.s Recruits can select either, but those having no preference will be sent tu Fort Thomas. These are the oniy colored regiments to be raised and they will probably he filled very quickly. The recently appointed colored oGirers ot this State v.'ll probably be assigned to help recruit, and if so offices may be opened in Durham or W inston. Graksm's New Factory. These are growing times, and the Scott Mebane Manufactuning Company, of Graham, manufacturers ot overi!!:, have outgrown their Quarters and have nearly compleatcd a large two s'ory br4ck factory. 75slS0 feet. This busi­ ness was begun only a few years ago a a i the great success which it has :r.et shows w'hat can be done in the oM North State by men of the '•get up and got" spirit. State Notes. The Presbyterian Synod of North Carolina will convene in Asheville 0 ;. the 10th of October and will con­ tinue Its session for several days. It Is-expected that about 200 delegates will attend the meeting. T3rwln Q. Houston has been appoint­ ed postmaster at Davidson. Mr. W. H. Wade, who was drowned at W rightsville Beach on Saturday, was a grandson ot CWef Justicc Mar­ shall. John F. Rov.land, a prominent Iwe- publlcan of Rutherford county, has de­ clared for the Constitutional Amcr.d- ment. The Bank of Madison has opened its doors with Col. .T. Jl. Galloway as pves- idem. Wm. C. Ruffin as viee-presidcnl, and J. O. Ragsdale as c3sli>.cr. The Albemarle correspondent to th« Charlotte Obeserver say.s that Cal fr.i- ley was sentenced by the late court to six years In the penitentiary for per­ jury. The suggestion that Jlr. W. C. i’ctly will extend bis road, which is now ;>? ing built twenty miles beyond C’arriiagr to Qreensboro. It would give Greens­ boro connection with the Seaboard \ir lyine. The Greensboro Record says that since the SouthernRailway acquired the northern end of the Cane Fear road, the Greensboro merchants complain that freight rates have gone up. Bi- fore the purchase, the rate on tobacLC from a South Carolina point was cents, and now it is 96. The Record thinks (hie a ease for the Coiporation Commiss:-jn. A local cption electionre cently in the tow n sh in ^^^^^atau g a county in which is situ­ ated, and ro su lt^ B ^ a victory for i.he drys by G majo^U'. n . Lieb, a aaiive German, recently llvi^l»rlSS^Eoit«#iinty, together with sT m end cf foreign 'u>th, has leassd two farms belonging to &.JV, Muie. adjoining the well known R.'TT'''' . Jones farm on Hominy, and wlil at- sume control at once. It is believed these gentlemen will carry cn farming in the most thorough style, having had training in the old country, wheie farming Is done scientifically of neces­ sity.—Asheville C ltlzet.. We hear of a peculiar accident that befell a young man by the name ot Hayes, in Riciilaads townships Coid- swell county, last Tuesday. He was harvesting buckwheat and stopped work to rest, sitting on tne lence, plac­ ing the scythe and cradle on t-e ground msarby with the edge or the scythe up. By some means a rail os ; the fence sllppsd and Hayes, to prc- ■ vent tailing, jumped, lighting on the scyt!;e, cutting through his shoe and luto his foDt to the bone. A v£ry peculiar case cf uyarophoii.1 Is reported fr:m Staniey coicty. About two yi-irs ago c doj, EtcEiiis.y in. play wifi Chsr:ss Litua: v young msn who lived in Stanly'count;-. druj- ped some foam on Little's hand. Sorea broke out cn its hand. The dog proved ti be mad., Some ' time ago Liiiis started to Albsrmarle, but niicr soing ' .a few niaM refused to continue I-jr- i thsr: Later -he became mad r.nd - u-a? ■ cariCed to tie hospital at T.!orsJ!;ton i for treatment- th e hospital phvilcuii I -.(iispicjsil the*fll£eiis« rs a very-p-aia' case ol bydfophobla, and the young ■tnsa died in terrible army last FridRv, •s t u d e n t s a t t h e u n iv er sity . Op; rill! Break* all Retards From Peist a1 Attendance. . TCie tlniveirslty opened Monday with en attendance that breaks all records betcre cr sihce tae war. Four hun­ dred and seventeen students had reg­ istered by Saturday afternoon. This is a gain of eighty-two over last year at 'this -time, great as the numbers then—a gain of twenty-flve per;cas. ceTit. There are onje ihundred and ninety- seven new students already registered, representing eighty-seven counties, Pleven States and .lapan. There is a notable incrcaso in law and mcdlcin-. The men arc well prepa.red and enter the regular courses reflecting great credit ob preparatory soiools. Vhe buildings are full and the town Is filling rapidly. The beautiful Carr building is sadly needed, and ot-her dormitories besides. The picked youth of the State are t-here, full ot enthusi­ asm and ready lo work. Every train brings ma'ny mere, and ail next w-fei: nhe niimbers will grow. All delayed Ef'.idents nhould come on at once. IVesru Girl K lied in Salisbury. Ada Bennett, a colored girl of about 17 years of age. v.’as shot and instantly killed at Salisbury Satnrday nigh-, by a negro named John Farrow, who drlve.^ for Jlr. W. G. Newman. Farrow and the girl m et near the corner cf Branks and Lane streets. They engaged in conversation, and passeT-s by heard the girl ask Farrow to change some money for 'her. He took the mcney—about a quarter—and started clf. She called him and said to him: “You don't moan to take ray money. ’ He came back and said, ' Hush. Did you say anything to me?” Just as he said the ■words there, was the report of a pistol, and the girl fell to the ground. A num ­ ber of perscns were passing, ail of whom rui'hed to the spot where the girl fell. Dr. J. W. Long was of the number. The girl brea'thed for a few minutes but life was practica;lly ex­ tinct from the m om ent lihs ball struck her. It having passed through her heart. Farrow ran as scon as Ihe did the daoctlng, but returned w th one of the Messrs. Newman. He said the shoot­ ing was accidental: th a t he was flour- iehing the pistol as a bluff, when It went oft. The man was arrested and placed in jail. Key and Company Compromised. Winsto-n-Salen?. Special—Cxptaln R. B. Glenn, who returned from W ash- ingt-M ciiy Saturday morning says that a compromise was effected Friday in the case of Key & Co., the rectifying distillery firm cf Statesville, whose ; an t was recently eeized by revenue officers. The company offered to pay the governm ent J2,400 for exemption from prosecution for alleged irregu­ larities. Collector H arkins recam- mended that this offer be accepted and Captain Glenn succeeded in getting an order issued releasing Key & Co.’s property. Cartridge in His ripe. A special from Greensboro to th<> Raleigh Post says: There was an explosion at the s.team laundry Saturday m orning that might easily have resulted fatally, though, fortunately, no one was ihurt. Mr. E. A. MlHej-. the manager, was puffing away at his big clay pipe when ■there was a bang and the pipe went into a thousand pieces. Upon investigation he found that seme one had put half a dozen pistol cartridges in. his to­ bacco box. and one of these had got­ ten into his pipe. State Notes. Jefferson D. Best, a prom inent farm ­ er of Hickory Grove towns'hip. Meck­ lenburg roimty, w'as attacked by a.n In­ furiated liiiil. The bull threw him to the Kround and gored him so badly th at he died wifhin fifteen minute^. Herbert J. Hirshinger. of C'narlollc. formerly second lieutenant of th',’ First North Carolina Volunteers, who served on the Ptaff of Gen. E. P. Pear- ro-n In Cuba during the Spanl?h war. has passed t'hc examinatiC'U for second lieutenant in the Marine Corps. Mr. Hirshinger was fourth in a class of 26. who took the examination. He will his commission October 1st. William Huddleston, father of t.h? girl a-saulted by Melville Parker, says he is going to bring suit against the county of Durham for several thousand dollars. Parker wa'S a county chain gang convict when it is alleged that the assault was committed. Huddle­ ston claims that this was a violation of the law on ^ e la rt of the county. e M |posltion to le\-;- / in -ilexander cciiSly "'lii.r Thur6tn.Y- a failure, only 498 votes out of l.fOO were cast for the tax and 34 against it. To become a law it -would have been necessary for a m ajority of the r?gis- tered votes to be cast for the affirma­ tive. Never in the history of Oherokee county has I'he-re been such an interest In minerals as at the present time. Gold, iron, marble and tolc properties are being worked. There is an unpre­ cedented demand for the talc which is there in abundance. The griding on the South Carolina and Georgia .extension railroad from Marion, N. C . to JoJmson Ctty. Tena., will begin in about ten days. Hands are being employed. It is thought that this movement will Induce the Sea­ board to consider more serl-^usly ex­ tending its line from Rutherfordton to Asheville. THE EIPOKT FAIR OPESS National Exhibition in Philadelphia Be­ gun With Dedicatory CeremonieEi PRESIDENT STARTS I^IACHINERY, tjSovernor Slonpi M ajo r A shbrittco nnd B epi'K sentatiTe TF. F . B epburi>. nl lo ira . M ake ^ ild rcsso s^ F resld en t 'Ic Kliiley SendnnUesssj^e—Large Croirtla WItnesf the Openloc Cereiuooles. I’hiladej.phiA. Penu. (cpeciul).—With simple ceremonies the NatioonlExporl £:;• position was formally opened. Governor Stone, 3Iayor Asbbrldf^e and I^epresentn- tive Hepburn taking part in the dedicatory exercises. A message was received from President McKinley. extendioR greetlnfr^ and nflicially openicgthe grcnt expositiou< and then the larf|e cborus and the audience aanff "The Star Spangled Banner, ’ aceotn- panied by the marine band and the big es- position orgao. The first event of the day was tho land- IqK ol Rear-Admiral Sampson and tb(* officers of bis eqaadroo. Tlie naval ofHcor^ were driven to the City Hall, whero iu Mayor Ashbridge’soflicethey met Governor Stone and his staff, the o{Qcers and direc­ tors of the National Export A*>soeiatioQ. the ofBcors and tr'astees of the Commercial Jtuseam, the officers and manngdrs o£ th-i Franklin Institute and about a hundred prominent citizens of Fniladelphfa aud other cities. The exposition grounds were thrown open to the public at eight o’clock, aud long before noon thoos'iuda ot people had entered. When the dedicatory cerenaoutea began the auditorium wa^ ftUod and 'uany were unable to secure admission. Cnthe platform, be.sides the State and city of­ ficials and the uxposition authorities, were Bear*AdmIraI Sampson and bis ofllcers. members of the iDipIomatic Corps, uud many prominent business man of the city. In the absence of P. A. B. WIdener, presi­ dent of the exposition, First Vico President W. W. Foulkrod made the formal address turning the exposition ov»r to Governor Stone. Governor Stone made an address, wal- comiog the Tlsitor.«, acceptiusr the uxpo­ sition and turning it over to the Mayor ot Philadelphia. Mayor Asbbrldge accepted the exposi­ tion from the Governor,and thou Itepresea- tatlve W. V. Hepburn, oi Iowa, cbiitrman of the Congressional Committee ou Inter­ state and Foreign Commerce, give the ora­ tion ot the day. Ho dwelt npon our foreign trade and plans.to keep and increase it. The benediotioo was pronounced by Arch­ bishop Byan, of tbis city, after which the President’s message was read. At the close of the exercises tbeaud.torium was thrown open to tho public, and the promlnont guests inspected the buildings, grounds and exhibits. President McKinley, at the White House, pressed the telegraph key which started the machinery of the Expositioo, SCHLEY GETS A SEA COMMAND. Bear-A dm lral W ill Take Charge of the South A tlantic Station. W a sh in g to n , D. C. (Special).—Rear-Ad­ miral Schley some time ago applied to the Navy Department for sea service. The Navy Department has notifled him to hold himself in readiness to command the South Atlantio station. The Department will make the command commensurate with bis.rank by increasing considerably the number of vessels on the station. PINCREE TO LEAVE POLITICS. Ills Anuouncement to Retire to Piirate Life CnnRed a Great Seusatlon. D etboit, Mich. (Special). — Governor Pingree hns declared that he wouid not be a candidate for Mayor at the coming elec­ tion, and that be would retire from politics at the end o f b is present term as Governor to devote himself to bis private busi­ ness. “I have given /\s much of my time to the people as they ong^t^ to ex­ pect said h e ,^ a n d when I ^ through with GOVZBKOn riMGBEE. my present term as Gov^inor I want to de­ vote the rest of mxAWe to my own private business.” Governor ^ingree's announcement of his determ ina^u to get out of politics has created the greatest stir of years in Michi­ gan. / KicU Aited Pair Bnrnsd. lijihn McClintock and his sister, Marg.iret r e c a l l e d f r o m MANILA President Requests Commissioners Denbj' and Worcester to Return. I V I ^ S ^ J O I ^ C K I N L E N ' W o tic o f E i t a b l U I i l i i i : S ftfn Ic lp M l G o T e rn - m e n u r n e i p o c t e d l r I n t e t r a j i t e d - X a - tlTC rollM Time. Jones Ta ks Politics. London. By Cable,—Senator Jones, chairman of the 0?m ocratlc National Commlitee, has arrived here from the continaat. He deniei that he intend.s to resign tSte chairmanship on account o£ 111 health. He »ays the best physi- ■■ian3 assure him th at he has no. heart xrouble and tiiat his conditlOT is due to his nerves. He declaras that >>3 >ias almost recovered and wiu soon £tar* for home. Referring to tie pjlltical aituatloa, n» lald th a t the Uemocrata ffiaei uk « po«itlv*- ground!! aeatnei otid tru»t«. Strong reasons exist lor bdle^a^'lrfe^:^ first murdered. The house v^us isom^«J- They were aged, and McClintock was odo’ ofthe wenithiest farmers in the secliou. He received flve huQdred dollars the day before for some cows. He rlaccd no money in banlc. B lade In sa n e by Cisrarottes. Cigarettes at ,tbo rate of many packs a day have brottgbt about the insanity of Sydney Serven, twenty-three years old, of PatersOD, N. J. He is the victim of hallu- cinations. He made a desperate attacl: up* on his motiier and was eommitte-i to the county jail to await an examiiiation as to his sanity, Mr. McKinley's Western Trip. President McKinley’s trip to Chicago in October will be supplemented by a short tour through'some of the principal c!tie.s of iiiinols, and may extend West as far as St. Paul._____________________ The National Game. Twenty-nide players have taken part in the New Vorl: games. Yonng. or St. Louis, has won more gaaie.^ than any League pitcher. There is little chauce of thi* Atl.iotic League being roorgauizwd nes: season. McOraw’s absence from the Baitlmores gave the team a bad sctback in the ra3d. There are seventeen players io the St. Louis team under contract for the season. Keister, of Baltim ore, one of the sm allest men in the League, »wlr»34 oag ot tUe Ueavleat buts. : ^ lu spite oM h erapojt that SaUa woaW bo witb anothet League olub neitt ae:tson, the lattw has wpepted terms to maqnga tl^^ MixiLA (By Cable).-Colonel Charles Denby and Professor Dean Wor<raster. memlers of the Philippine Commission, have ruceived instructions from President McKinley nsiclng them to return as soon as possible. The Commissioners bad just moved into new o/nces and had expected to spend some months working on the establishment of municipal government It is understood here that the return of the two members of the Pbilippine Com­ mission remaining in Manila is In order to advise the President respecting the very latest aspect of affairs, so that he may use the information in his message to Con* *** The Filipino police, numbering 250 men, each armed with a revolver and club, went on duly for the flrit time at Manila a few days ago. The force Is controlled by the Provost Marshal, and was reviewed on the Lunela. _________ A SHARP NAVAL FXGBT. A FUlplno Schooner Sunk by the fioa* boat raragna> WASHtsoToie, D. C. (Special).—The fol- lowins dispatch was received at the Nary Department: "BUKlia. “Secretary of Navy, Washington; “Davidson, commanding Paragua, re­ ports sharp engagement at Balomao. Yes* &el struck many times rifle shots; no casa> altlos. Paragua silenced insurgent's flra in twenty minutes; range from 400 to 9C0 yards. OccasiOD, capture Filipino schooner, wbiob Davidson destroyed. “ W atsok .” Balomao is in the province ot Masbato, south of Luzon and north of Visayat. CYCLONE STRIKES BERMUDA. Bouses CTnroofed aud Blown Down, Tree* Uprooted aud ISoats Sunk. IsLAKi) OF Bebmuda (By Cable).—A ey clono swept over this islaud, doing heavy damage to public and private property. The storm began with a heavy rain, wbicb was followed by a wind which blew with hurricane force. Then the principal dam> age was done. Houses were unroofed and blown down, giant cedars were uprooted, ornamental and fruit trees were destroyed and wharves were washed Into the sea. The telephone and telegraph poles and wires are down, cansing a total interrup­ tion of business. There has been consider­ able damage at the military camp. The City Hall, public gardens, and hotels and several public and private dwellings were also damaged and numerous small craft in the harbors were sunk, or driven ashore. Information from the dockyard says the damage done there is serious. The break­ water is badly damaged. Ou Ireland and Boaz islands everything Is more or less in­ jured. The loss throughout the island is roughly estimated at |il,000,000. PARCELS-POST REGULATIONS. Official Order Issaed For Mali Ex* clianKes Witli Gennaay. Washinotok, D. C. (Special).—Under the parceis-post convention negotiated be­ tween the United States and Germany, an order was issued by the Postofflce Depart­ ment directing that parcel-prst packages for destinations In Qermany be admitted to the mails. Parcels must not weigh more than eleven pounds nor measure more than three feet six inohes in length, and six feet in length and girth combined. Postage must be prepaid in f«il at the following rates: In the United states on “parcels” for Germany, 12 cents Jor each pound or fraction of a pound;, and in Ger­ many on “parcels” for the United States, 2 marks 40 pfennig for each parcel, what­ ever its weight. A delivery charge of' 5 ceots in the United States and 20 pfennig In Germany may be collected of the addressee of each parcel. / PARROT CAUSE^S~A WOMAN’S DEATH Bird Turns opr the Gar. and Its Mistress y* Is Asphyxiated. WAEHp^Toy, D. C. (Special).—Miss Alice Knott^/twenty-one years old. was found dead in bed at her home, luthis city, as a result of an act of her pet parrot in turn­ ing on the gas. The bird was found in the room, lying upon the floor, with its bills near tbe aperture beneath the door. It evidently was endearing to get what little air it could. While noc dead tbe pet was in a serious condition. Although Miss Knott was dead, Dr. Wade H. Atkinson was summoned. He decided that life had been extinct for several hours. Coroner Carr, after learning tho circum­ stances of the case, gave a certillcato of ac­ cidental death. Miss Knott was a former resident of Iowa. N om inated on the 299th Ballot. J. J. Gill, Of Steubenville, Ohio, was nomi­ nated for Congaess’by the Bepublicans ot the Sixteenth District at Martin’s Ferry, Ohio, on the 299th ballot. Tlie balloting lasted for three days. Methodists In America. Iji Arnerica-there are seventy Primitive Methodist stat|tl“®» the same number of ministers anda^*0“^ members'.------------;------------------ Large Force a t raucisco. There are now 11,608 at tiie Presidio, in San Franolscfev eludes 950 recruits, forty casualsTHli*^ regalar Karrison, approximately 523§,Jfpl" uuteer iufuntry on the way to tbe PIjH^" pines, and approximately 5000 more turned from the islandd aud uwaitinu muster out. Governments Will Kot tSoycot*. It is not thought probable that European Governments will refuse to take part la the Paris Exposition, thougnmany prlvata exhibitors U lnor Jttentlou. Furs will be higher this w inter than ever. A line ot electrl'i omnibuses has been started in Berlin. An Autl-Lynching League has been formed Id Boston. A “goose trust” is the latest <?<‘velopment of jnpnopoly out West. u, «P ll»e Ba* Alp,which Is 6400 feet In height. Fifty-four warsblpa are In process ol constpuetion in this country. ’ Holjrdffi in Nyff Yofk City bjiv« i4anned to.lioyoott tUo EjcposlUou. vSh* lu D^trolt, Forw ards the Rslie® Lansdale. KiHed m “ ” r ; r r . r r , “ »,6 .B ««atri«U U .S Lieutenant Sam o a. Friendly Let Oeplorlns n C fSpecial).—3Ir. John correspondent of the Lon- Lelgn, » to P^nfflandueorgHT who is leturnlns to Speiand Jon M=Kt.>ley from Simoa, Mataat.., ,ad Samoa, concerning a Ihe deposeJ King Lieutenantfound t tbe Pla Lansdale and E United States on April last, jt Mataata s 4 to tie the property The watch was neue jj „ h a o , and Ma-jfeltlierLand»d«le or Mo ;aataentni5ted lt ‘o Mf-_j,,y|> jrj- to VranoUoo he showed the LeiKh was In San the widow ot ratch to Meotifiedit as belooKiou officer. jf jir. Lelprh surren- :o her late basba Lansdale and ex- ,?"m efthnir=um stanc« bere. Tbe Ptter from Mama acKinley, • M e n t \ “ ? r u L .e d State, ot Amer- I have been informed !hat rw atch bas • latM r. Lelgnw asked him to convey hfbOTMvad mother or nerirMt relntlre of he bnvfand m..ch-lameotad offleer. ‘%fr Leich will tell yoo that I have sln- w e ^ f the great friendship which your S Muntry lias In the pJSt extended to iamoa I am especially anilojs that this I w d b e made known to the sadly stricken “ ?.MaTl"be fS'e“w»“ ot God that there will aever acaln bo strife between America and “he S a S s .a n d that the thK o powers will recognize my submission to ind desire for Kood Kovernment. I pra> that God may give you Mr. McKlnlev, in course of conversation with 3Ir Loigh, expressed himself much l^riFlfled with this proof of M ataafa> thoughtful humanity, and said that it would afford him more than ordinary Pleasure to peisonally respond to the etter. He very warmly thanked ilr. Leigh lor his action in the m atter and for having personaUy conveyed the relics to Mrs. Lansdale. _______ FILIPINOS STAKVE O0K SAILORS. Lieutenant Gilmore and H la Fourteen Comrades Get O nlj Bice to S a t. Washikgton,D. C. (Special).—News con »ernlng Lieutenant Gilmore and fourteen 3f the enlisted men of the Yorktown, who were captured by tbe Filipinos at Baler wore than six months ago, has reached Washington In letters to military officials [rom their fellow of&cers in the islands. The latest information comes through a Spanish planter by tbe name of Garza, who was imprisoned hv the insurrectionists and {•ubsequently made his escape. Garzo said that that officer and fourteen men were at Bi;.au, where they were subsisting off a meagre quantity of rice valued at not more :ban one peseta per man per day. He is luoted as saying that the captives could 3ot stand such hardship and such fare much 'oneer. Ifavy Department officials say that steps lave already been taken to relieve Lieu- :enant Gilmore and his party. HANGED FOR HIGH W AY R O B B iR Y . Vegro P atio Death in Vlrjrini* fo r the Crime—His Coofesfion. B1CH310SD, Va. (.Special).—For the first ime in the history of Virginia a man was langed forrobb'^ry. Noah Finley, a negro, vas put to death at Pulaski City, for lolding up. robbing and attempting 0 kiU 3Iajor J. H. Dajat, a mer­ chant of Pulaaki County. An immense irowd gathered around the f'olaski jail Hthough it was known that the execution vas to be private. At 10 o’clock the cou- lemned man,wno was calm and composed, vas led into the room in which the scafifold lad been erected, and services were held )y the Bev. J. H. Hufford, a Baptist minls- er, who, after a simpler petition, repeated :h« Lord’s prayer. Finley joining in. Finley left a written confession in which said be b 0 killed several people and leldupanam ber in different places and »bbed them; that he did not love to rob a 5oor man or to steal, but that he loved >lood and enjoyed being a highwayman. BnngUng at a Hanging. ^ Mobile, A^. («pecia?).-The legal hang- ng here of Henry Gardner, for assaulting 1 little ffirj. was a bungle. The noose iround GaiMner’s nook failed to do Its work and lie strue.k the brick pavement ivhen the drop fell. ’The cap and rope were igaIn adjMt«d‘andthe trap again sprung. This time the rope caught underneath the negro s arms, and after the fall, had to be disentangled in order to allow strangula­tion. ® New Cars for the Baitini;;;^ W ithin the pau 30 j more and Ohio 'k, aevera o rfcafo rn evrljm e n t to m ee t th e ,, Sot cars. The South & W orks is baiidino I.oqo ^ ^ Ohio standard bos car. rtt!'"*;-, ern improvements. Tk'l 1““« and Foandry Com-,anT for 150 reirigerator ciral’ r i l ■oved horee cars h«-. >'1 dered. ' The Baltimore k Ohio fijii, ■ only received 1,000 „ r ScLoen steel cais ordtiu I ago, and when tho are delivered, will haT „6:iv '- edd to the 15,000 now In us, TO SfE OEWtv FxccrsionRdes ty m Se:lwi,j,| to the Splendid Celebrs.% T The husband iaid to his we CO. or do we not gc-" The Kood wile ftomptiy replied -1 Provided we go by the Seaboard Mrf I Above all do not let tbe 'hiM/ great event. They will tb.aak vc] u ents, in years to : cmp. ET.-mjf'l at one and one-tbitd lures fortiietri — bU rail or by N'orfoll: acd Tickets on sale t^eptemlor Ifith.')*! ! lo leturn uaiil 5thiaclash. advantage of the 'hpRs- ntpi ' weather aod perfect it-rvki ofthA.- Air Lino to ibo most otlsm ci the c*^nturv. ' ~ " Queen of th^ Seas. Marking a new era in steam navigation, In marine architecture and in the history *ewy. the colossal new steam- SJft cameCityjfrom her maiden aooonfed a welcome In keepliw with her aistlnett^n as the glant- ‘**® ®“oanlo belongs the dlstlnotioa of being the biggest thing 794 feet in length. ■ eio e^s thatof the old Qreat E asteri Ocoanlo made no «eamlng reoord on her maiden trip, and was reported a little late. Iro n T rad. In tli. Sonth E xcited. Tho iron trade throughout the South is ►ery excited because ot the unprecedented in ? Inraacea In the Tennessee ‘ta tf t iw ?im .ii. ° foundrym en and Kiron from ttRare. Most of the furnaces 5io nest ?«i°' *»•' production far I'^ ttln the Chattanooga autrlcts Is soiling ilgh as SIS and *18.50 per ton. Enormon, otop in ailMonrl. MissonrI this year will produce an anor- “ “ “ -“ “I *® worth GeaerJ^U, Need., l„».i AdTiwr. at ‘““ Sse^tary ot War vtaM General Otis also ad- few he'needs a saries. '3“»rtermasters aad commte- ^ e sJT, ; A ,.ln .tX u b .r c a I o .I ,. ha^ n L ^ .^ “'C altfom ta n l L . . T d«!larm B th a t iS estabUshlng Uoma«Hrt i • ««alnst human beings and fng the StaVe” tuberculosis enter- V ph^?^ne Navigation Bnreau of the navy at of vessels ot Sf craft Thls“ i® showing™ ielsa S i »™« Includes many small •“ Cuba and tho K. neverthe- ''■® A tiplght train on the JIlMourl Paclflo weal tll«ongh a bridge ,t s t Paul. Neb ooo*«m»4. Tha S t '.J W S K S .”'""’ •“ •5i.-;lKES A POPULAR CkJ Stats Senstcr John Fori ,i i nineteenth distric. cf Xew ‘ into USUSU21 pronine-nc? a f l t J a^o • h rcu gh th? rasiae c of 2 posed by hira, tinder ••hirh franchises are t? be taxed ax,?.! tate. The iniportancs of the n a y be rcstciiGd from it: under its rrcrislcns fyHy « 3 year v/ill be to the h:-* lh(» sta:s frc n tbe tis levy, cjty -.'II! t? the b^nef!; -.:-; ::ev a tor joiin rr- large cx^zz'. Tup nr-*6:?; tain .'jnendm enii to thr mr--: J :hG occasion for the railing cf a: | .'•esslcn cf th? k*?UIatur? Co-] ^loosEvelt. 5et*ato“ Ford i: : ycuDg man, and h'^s been knOT.I New York city politic? f'^r h«:T sereo years. Already, howcTer. ;| being talked of as a possibl? c2r:| for the m ayoralty, all on stn of ihe franchise tax neasyre. N othius—S om etbiis tae nci j v ants, the poor m an has. the :| spends and the spendthrift sa7eij SOUTHERN RAILWAl Condensed Sehedalei ot Pa-i5«n^r ^ In Effect June 11th. 1899. Northbonnd. Lv. Atlanta, C.T. “ Atlanta, E. T. ** Norcross ....... ** Bnford ........... “ Gainesville... “ Lula;,'............. “ Cornelia......... Ar. Mt. A iry ....... Lv. Toccoa ........... •• W estminster •• Seneca ........... “ C entral ......... “ GreenvlUe... “ Spartanbnrg. •• G affn«^. " B laeksW g.. •• King’s M t... “ Gastonia ....... Lv. Charlotte __ A r. Greensboro.. L v. Greensboro.. Ap . Norfolk ......... A t . Danville __ Ar. Bichmond.. Ar. Washington •* Baltm'ePRR. •• Philadelphia “ NewYo& Sontbboond. Pbiladclphis Baltimore. . . “ W ashington.. Lv^ Richmond... Lv. Danville ..... Lv. Norfolk"----- Ar. Greensboro.. Ar. rlotte .. Ly. xala. ‘‘ ^ g ’sMt!!! vuQQeys. “ Central. J §S**®ca.. Westminster.“ Toccoa ......... H t.A iry....... “ ^m elia .. " Nojxroas......Ar. Atlanta, EL T At. Atlanta! C.t : ‘A” a. m: ;No.l3 2 J>aUy 11 S ai 8 00 12 00 mi 4 S “le lp■ T(r- 2 22 p! 7 i 2 42 p! 8 WP •• 8 18 p . 3 10 47 p I E T A E I F F A S A N K 1M0C3ATS OUT WILL NOT TAK| OF POLITICS. ,1125p T W l 11 56 p . 600 Fst.111 No. 3S 1 Dmilv. m r s -850 6 22 11 15 -No.ll DaUy, 12 Olnn U 00 p 11OO p 602 :550 a 8 35 p 610 a ^ e s a p ^ e Line Staamars in daily s Norfolk nad Baltimore. N w .37*md38—Daily. W ashingtoaaac ^bnited. Tlm>ngh I s. O AN KON. j i :g Lt«et:on** IlR peal M odlSeatlo o n **»• P recex t T h a t Iti I w a y A lone C an tb e T ru st Pc«ble] saccessfnlly'Solved. yill tbe tariff b6 maile a consl J issue ajnong the questions f jmittiid to vnblic adjudioatij 1 preai<*.©iitlal campaign of Inior varies widely on this i J iuy tbe belief is ^xpi’OHsed fae ligbfc splendid prospL has folIo«\*ed tho restorati| I protective policy, and in JenoiBiOtis bsteuaiou ofwus fol J that has taken plac^ Concurf |ith the unresfcrioted operatil policy, tha Democratic pari hext uaUonal platform ■willl J the har^ihoodto reopen the \ Itionj h\it will discreetly rel " a r j agitation theraof. AiT * who hold to this belief wel tew York Stin very positivel ^atic. After poiniiDg to the s-i howins m ade in the statistid feports oi domestic manufacJ ererrom it appears that* aftel hg the exports of mineral oiJ • from the unexampled tot] jB67,"0-4 for ;he last fiscal : £t exports of products in [co.st forms a higher percen I thcso relatively crude avtl ^d ia 1S93 the sum of $252,(T gaia of $165,-i00,000 ini -the Sun announces this \ ^prosperity of oQrmanufactd led by thesa statistics, reml lesome aud mischievous tl bersy from the field 0! polil I time being at leasts and 1 to the purely academic ' I where ouly it has always I lia this country. It did notf the campaign of 1896 aJ lb appear in the campaigii ■The riuiculous and diaastj 1? it after tii9 caojpaiga of . Ijied tho Democratic parti ^ n e .' ■ fet at tbe identical moK la 5ian writer Wa-s engaged y j the couvictiau that the fJ land commerce and the dil ph lesuUedfrom thecaaapaf ;?ould compel tho removal Isome and mischievous hsy from the fleld of politl |m e beiujat least,** and wo| it tho purely acadel lu \^facre only it has alwl " i)^ this country,” a bodJ Democrats were hol(i| conventiou iu Iowa. Irm adopted by this bo<lj| iPemocrati*, without pte or voic?, we tlnd the ^ with alarm the multiJ Iho.'iu combinations of capil known ar? trusts, that f ling and moaapoliziug lif^hia^ out iadependent pi I limited mean?, destroyil In. re«jfricting opportunitl Vtilicially limiting prodl yLriln" prices, and cieatil lial condition different frf lli-'^monlyin the respect til klism tbe benefits of prod^ jgo to all, while under t | em they go to increase t |the?o institutions. Thd combinations are the dirJ pf tho policy of the RopiJ I which has not only favorj ktutions, but has accept! jtt and solicited their col * aid that party in retail l^triiich has placed a burdf upon those who labor aJ i time of peace aud wlf fetles iu time of war, whil If the country is exempt^ purdens. nn this policy, and it I louviction that ihe trusl kroyed or they will destroT pent, and we demand th(| pressed by the repeal jre tariff and other priv| D g legislation responsiblT I by the enactment of sac| State and National, as wlf Bes traction.'’ [look as though tbe taril jwas going to be lifted oi| |d relegatetl to academif The Iowa Domocrati| btion did not think idly share the confidencl fork Sun as to the tlisapl Iho tariff from among th | .the campaign uf nei| facts aad probabilitiea justify that agreeabll Oq tho contrary, tha robabilitiss point unerl I a f.avageand determinecf riff all along the Demo I lA t tho present writin irs more certain than thal Be on every Democratic] |ion will present the lowJ ( some form or other, and I or modification of thd Iwill be demanded in thq pcratic platform of 1900l Rl'scs fCT Glarn. f. States Consul at I.ynnf epcrT*d upon a new UiaJ Jx^'hlch l]:is for >;onni In use in Lyon;*. :md liaJ Tvithstood the tffects oi Ii is made of glass pn j culiar manner, tbe pi ^own as ceramic i?toii' I sphere this materini ^ great p.xtelit. and n J the yards were sf*pri oken bottlen. whifh ihfj described a« th<’ir “ra'’ freatiDPnt coDPi?ts id Icen glass to the mdrind [i compressing it by byl and forming it int-f 5-ing purposes tbo glassl bs eight inche.s squareJ :h cross lines. s»o that| VQ eut is complett't] it rr- lirss-board. I'Ik' | Jhsi ronc.v and |i^o «' ilfvitriHcd: it !.•« :» md lor morr* inng. frost, and lH*avy| ‘ omployod for tnbr^ hlil O.vs, itf. It is :iv;iii j Is of det.'orativi' ]>m buildinc nia«lr ft 'orm an attractive «b |exbibitlon n».it .vrar..J sal. ■taUon In the | Otb station, In Bos* Id Ohio for netj , m eet the The South Bam® ■ bnudicg 1,200 I, Indard box car,, lovements. T h e i,? '’'* t“‘ 7 Company •elns;er,tor cits hnrte cars have .t,'* laltimoic & Ohio B.i! Iceived I,POO of h teel cais ord„cJ H when the remmnJ |ered. will hava G 3^ ^ ]ie »;.,000 now in TO SFE OEWt^. ty ,he the >p!endid Ccltbrs.-ij, “ V.ind =aid to his wile. . 0 0 we not gc-" d wile r.tomptly rtpUed 1"^ eobytUe Seaboarj Mr,. I nt. They will ,h=ak vo„ Co •■-eatf to ; c:np. “'*•11 Id one-third fares lor the r™M*f lo r I'v Norfolk n^d sto a n :.J I oil saie ifth.r.k I uati! O. tob»r 5;h inclasC' " o! thi. ,-hfa,. rate-^ ' bnJ f er.'cct iervics otih^ " lio the aic-st itate!vpa«g 2 „,'‘,^ I* " ;-»;urv. \ 0 T A R IF F A S A N IS S U E . A P O P U L A R Jo in CKO _ Fo^*' nt |!^ 'iiftrif. ct Xev: Yc-t' I - prominence a fe’x ’. t!^6 ra-'?ae*r of , yj, ■ him under rvhirC rji’ t' he -.axed as r.,Tl in-.rortacf? ot the s i r:c!iO-ed !rom tVc ? rrc-.-jflcus t’j'.ly .1 b ' .-li'.’cfl to tie isoj. frc~ the lax levy. :’0 ? 1 1 ‘-e:? •• .rn^r:: to rhc m'"’ ''r fo r Thf> «-2 llir.c cf aie •f r-5- l-.-rislniur-i by O-'v-J t Ford i? t i a n . ac fl h a s b ee n knoxrs^ ’•k c ity p o liiic ? f'^r less: |« a r s . A lre a d y . hoTrever. a l } .:k ed c f a? a pDSs’b le I naycralTv. nil on th“ st:; ‘rsncM sc- la x m easur*. IiiiS—Som ettlD g ta e rtci 1 '.be poor m aa has, the ! la a d lie speD dthrifi sa7e». JT H E R N R A IL W A ll # k#fl Schedule of P a w n fe f 1 la Effect Joae lUh. 1899. ) Vft*. |N o 18Fi I bouDd. No. 38 I>a«r D»lly. •ta.C.T. 7 60 B 12 00 m *85?_ ita.E T- 8 50 a 1 00 pi 5 3opff r^.ss 9 90 a .*. 6 23p,l' •d. lOOoa ......'7 08? ie«r;llp. 1035 a 2 22 p 7 48p 10 56 s 2 42 p 8 lOp 1125 a 8(rt p 8 86p11 aj a . 8 40 p , 1153 a 3 8 3 p, 8 05p » :mli!st€r 12 31m ..................... 1252 r 4 15 p ........;ral 1 46 p ivlUe 2 34 p 5 22 p ........3?: p « 13 p :........4 ^ p 6 46 p ........4 88p 702 p ........50Bp- • 0 23 p . . .......... 6 » p 6 18 p ....... P52 p lO 47 p ....... ftanburR., ftODi? Jrlotte lecfbor:' U^sbor^ , ..11 45 pe 20 a I'd"**,1123 p 11 56 p!......... lunond 600 a 0 00 8:.........! Ir.’.Dproa.6 42 a!......... lir.'ePRR,. ... 8 00 a;.........Icdelphia .10 15 a,.........I.- York 12 43 mi . - Fat.JUl Ves.S o . l l Ibonnd.Ko. 3G Ko. 37 I>»ay: Dailr. Dallr- r H i !<li lo 3 4 30 P lacelpiiia 3 50 a 6 55 p, iir/iore.6 ^ a 9 20 p -^hmeton..11 15 a 10 45 p f.mc-nd 12 Olns'll 00 p 11 cop Lille 6 02 pi 6 SO a fllO» Irtolk.- -.1 8 85 p leiiiboro 5 15 a :e_ssbo-* . 7 24 p 7 05 Jnorte .10 00 pfi25 hoaia 10 4a pflO 07 V:jil,nrE . 11 31 p 16'45 iDeyf 11 46 p 10 58 a ^tejjburg. 12 28 a II 34 »i:a\Tlle krai licsnUe.. tr d . ■oross 1 23 a 12 30 p 2 2£ 'a;‘i '^ p 3 IT a; 2'i8‘p .. .i BOO'p 4 08 a 8 18 p ' 4 30 ft 3 87 p 4 56 a 5 25 a' P lc ‘‘CC^ATS O’JT WILL NOT TAKE OF POLITICS. It r.ppmJ or Hocllftcatlon De- T nun.V l «n t!ie Pretext That In Thii ,Vnv AIo»» Can the Trust Troblem Be „.^5sfnlly ■Solv«cJ. -lie i.iriff be m ade a conspicn . >ue ciiioaft Ihe questiona to be to adjudication ir I . rrt'U‘^.Oi)tial cam paiga of 1900? T;n:c? varies widely on this point. * ro ,:iy the Halief is expte.ssed thai *;f hch} ol tho splendid prosperitj • ijsv- foHo*\-cd tho restoration ol > ftnd in view oJ Jej'V. mens cxteusiou ofwtii foreign has taken place Concurrent- Till’, til? ii!iieslri«ted operation ol roiicy, tl'3 D em ocratic party ic \n h i anL*.0 B?.l platform will noi |c tit? barrlihoadtoreopen the tarifl Viioaj Vu: will discreetly refrain . iPT agitation thereof: 'Among kt» wIjo bold to this belief we find \S-:w York Snn very positive and Afiei poiniing to the splen made in the statistics of lcspoit> Ol domestic m anufacturer fcierr rioci \i appears that, after de- I;i;r tbfi csports of m ineral oil and .1 t: ;n tbe unexampled total ol • -T.T'H for the last fiscal year. t£-'. exnoi'ls of products in which forais a higher percentage li!i tbofi* iclslively crude avticlec le .l;'’. ilie sum of 3252,000, ca’.u of $165,100,000 in ten -tho itinn aunoances this con- t-rr.- spority of onr m anufactures, Vrcii >‘y these statistics, removes aud mischievous tariff I vei the field of politics. • •.im« at least, and rele* i> the 'I'urely academic dis- fcr’-hoio only it has always be- 4ii ihi? ccuiitry. It did not ap- !h? campaign of 1896 and it |c: ftppeAr ill the campaign of liuri.ti'julciis and disftstrous I c ' it nftei- tuG cam paigu of 1892. l ‘iio D em ocratic party to st ibe identical m om ent I'!?. S-in-.vriter "was engaged in la ', iha cafivicliou that the facts I. pu i commerce and the disas- lu -2 t'?*'nUed from the campaign I ’vt'-.ri.l compel tho rem oval of IcSiuie and mischievous tariJ! l-i?v from the field of polifeic-s Iticic bi-in^at least,” and would ^ 2 i: '3 iho purely academic o-j V, bcie only it has always ■ U’ ihi« country,” a body of OemocrBts were holding ooiiventiou in Iowa. Iu •ini Ji lopted by this body of T’omM:rat*<, w ithout a *dis- [vole or Tcic?. we liud the fo!- tid": rit;i rJavm the m ultipii Itu'm - ojrabinations of capit?.! ■7 a:? trusts, that are Jannjr nad mouopoHziug in- Ka^hlnT out independent pro- lioiited means, destroying lou. re^tiiciing opportunities Jarti^cially lim iting produc prices, and creating tria l couriitiou different from |r.U sm cniyin the respect that 'alism the benefits of produc- l go to all. while under the Ite u they go to increase the there institutions. These I couibinations are the direct I of tbe policy of the Kepub- ■. ^ hich has not only favored litutioni*, but has accepted Icrt aid solicited their con- 1*0 aid that party iu retain- V.-hich has placed o burden |u p o a those who labor and time of peace and who pUIes iu tim e of war, while of tjiecjutitry is exem pted lUaVdens. demn this policy, and it is Iconviction that the trusts Etroyed or they will destroy loieut. and we dem and that I . ressed by the repeal of live tariff and other privi- l'ip .5 legislation responsible |J b j the enactm ent of such IS tate and Xational, as will I destruction.'' I look as though the tariff t ^as going to be lifted out |n d relegated to academic The Icwa Democratic liition did not think so. lacliy share the confidence lio rk Sun as to the disap* Ith c tariff from among the If the campaign of next fscts and probabilities > justify that agreeable On tho contrary, the frobabilities point uner- 52 ?pa.?eand determ ined b tariff all along the Demo* I At the present w riting ars more certain than that ne on every Democratic |tio n will present tlie Iowa 1 some form or other, and lal or modification of the If will be dem anded in the boeratic platform of 1900. ” p. m. _________ Line Steamer* in d«U7 • £ >orfoJk and Baltimore.f Dailv. Wagj^iTigtnn end t Vestibule Limited. Through F r»ci betv.f*n New York aM KpJJ hii WasJiington. Atlanta aad Ife J i alto between N tw Y ork JT ■bippton.A tlantaandB lnnin■ PCLLMAN LlBKAity ------^KAIte b<;tween AllMxtaand Newi *sf thorouphfare coaches between v ^ijQ Atiajiia. Dining cars serveall®^ Pullman drawing-room Bleeping^ w'-tnssboroand Norfolk.I ni Norfolk for OLD POINT COMF~ 15}., M d 3& -Unlted State* Fatt •3i‘i Ijt-tween W ashington f I?, ftouthem B ailw ay. A. A; W . P. *N R K.,>>eine composed of 1 ">anbc*s. through without chi of all classes PoUmao '__ part betw een N ew Yoric • yi'for.K. \m A tlanta and Uontgomer7*S JD ‘ harlotte and Birm inj * ~■n Dniiv.rp Room Bnffet L ^r- in ^^laRJannd Asb^^Till-tN.a -»c'on «*nrh Tuesday and Fiid^T-J I will run tbroogh b* and ?»an Francisco wlthoQt«i I f«rs all meaU enronte. Ill-SJ Hi and 12-Pullm an'& M ^ 0 “D n)'%moDdandCharlorte,^DW»)ond No«. Hand 3?. northbon > V P. a Qea. Mgr.. ►taajftOD. D. C. feHK, g.H.I I.??".** *»'I6 I'ffcjr for Glass. Consul at Lyons jtsnert^d upon a new kind v.bich has for gome [in use in Lyons, and has I withstood the tffects of Ii is made of glass pre- euliar maimer, tbe pro- ^own as ceramic stone. where this m aterial in h t great extent, and we tin the yards were seen proken bottlep, which the d<!S«:ribed a« their “raw treatm ent consists in pken glass to the melting I compressing it by hy- and form ing it into ^ving purposes the glass neks eight inches square, fith cross lines, so that p»cnt is completed ir re- « li'*ss-board. The glass i;ir<*n<y jujiJ brittleness. | l '“ ijcvitriHed: it Is as j J*n«I far moro ihirabli*. phhiK. frosl. and heavy |l*** tMnployiHl for tuUrs. pnoys. fti*. It U avali- !‘ls or doeorallve pm-- fciffr buildinp made, of |l form an aitractirc ob I exhibition next year, xnal. &y ftalloQ In ih« |t b ^utlon, in Be§« ----------- PRICE OP MEAT A CoBdltlon Brought About by Diore Work, More TV»get« Blore Appetite. T he advanco in tbe price of m eats o! all kinds affords opportunity to free traders fot some rem arks about trusts and the tariff, and they are harping on it w ith their custom ary rashness. To the average man who stops And thinks a m om ent the eiplallation of this in­ crease in price is easy. It is explained by the eimple faj:t of increaeSd con* Bumptidil. £&r6ing more money in the shape of wages than ever before, the American people are eating more m eat per capita than «ver before. O urs is a m eat eating nation. No other nation consumes anything like so large a proportion of animal food. W hile the wage earners of Europe consider them selves lucky to get meat once or twice a week, the American working men and his family eat meat three tim es a day the year round. W ith more work, more wages aud m ore appetite tho American w orking­ man in these days of protection and prosperity has greatly increased his m eat diet, with the result that usually follows au increase of demafld and consum ption—namely^ An increase in price. It is a condition peculiar tj the present period. Nothing of the kind occurred during the four years of free trade tariff reform, 1893-'97. Then there was no advance in food prices because of increased consum ption. On the contraiy, the prices of nearly all focdsttlffs suffered a decline because of dim inished dem and aud consum p­ tion. People ate less meat, less of everything in those dreary four years. The dem and for agricultural products fell off enorm ously aud prices fell off accordingly. It is estim ated that the farm ers of the U nited States iu thfi. foui years of free trade tariff legislation suffered an aggregate loss of fuUy fire billions of dollars by reason of diihinished con­ sum ption and decreased values of farm products. W hat the work people of this country lo.st through dim inished em pioym eiitaud decreased earnings iu thxt same distres«»ful period can scarce^ ly be com puted, lu any event they arc so much thegaineri? through pres­ ent conditions that they would not welcome a return of the lower food prices and the cccompanying condi­ tions of W ilsou tariff times. t h e n e w s e p i t o m i z e d . Conditions'ft.iTe CI>anf;«J. G eneral David B. H enderson, who will, w ithout doubt, be the next Speaker of the H ouse, -to succeed Mr. jVlr. Keed, ha? no fears about the suc­ cess of the K epublicau party iu 1900 aud the continuance of our present national policy. H e is quoted as say­ ing iu rfeply to the question w hether in bis opinion Bryau would be the D em ocratic candidate for the Prcsi- deu.’y nest year; “ He mav be. but if he is. he ^\i(l gel a much smaller vote thrtu ho did three year; ago. The ‘G rauger’ States, which iu 189C voted for Bryan, entered the Keptiblioan columu iu 189^'. They will be found th erein 1900.” Evidently,the General i.i uf the upiniou that the people ot the country know a good thing when they see it and are not going to risk the substantial benefits which they liave received through the restoration of protection for any fancy promises on the part of Mr. Bryan or any one else. The election of Bryau would mean a change from present condi­ tions, and no change coaid mean greater prosperity than that which we now enjoy. In 1896 the constant cry of the B ryanites was: **Any change m ust be for the better; nothing could be worse than present conditions.*’ They were uot far wTong, for the con­ ditions then existing, as the result of free trade tariff tinkering, were such as to bring the country almost to the verge of revolution. B nt to-day it is different. Conditions aie such that any change from the restored policy of protection to American labor aud industries would inevitably be a change for ihe worse. H « n l T iuiea F o r O ne Cl»n«. The effects of a protective tariff are probably felt now here iu the country more than in P ittsburg. Consequent­ ly the following statistics, compiled by the New York W orld, are of moi'e than passing interest: Area of P itts­ burg’s industrial K londike, 180 square m iles; num ber of industries being operated on full tim e, 118; num ber of men em ployed in these, em bracing all classes, 270,000; average wages per day, $2.15; range of wages, $1.75 to 87 per day; num ber of idle men, none, except , from sickness; num ber of m ills and factories unable to run full ■ tim e by - reason of scarcity of labor, sixty; railroads unable to move fre ig it prom ptly beoause the traffic is th irty per cent. larger than all the freight cars in service: gross daily valne of trade in Industrial K londike, $6,000,000. W hen it is rem em bered th at the foregoing statem ents are published by a journal th at has lost no opportunity for denouncing and ridiculing the D ingley tariff bill, they form pretty good evidence th a t there is m ore com­ fort in the present sitnation for in­ dustrial toilers than for frse trade theorists. And it should also be re­ m em bered th at m ost industries throughout the country are nearly if uot quite as active as those of P itts­ burg, These are hard tim es only for those who are hunting auti-tarifl argum ents. — P ittsburg Commercial G azette. S tr o m P ro m O il. By the use of oil instead of coal in m n rln e en g in es ‘rm oke can be g o t rid o f anti th e stokeh ole sffiff reduced. It is posfcjlile by one ton of oil to eva­ porate as much w ater as would be dis­ posed of by two tons of coal sucli as is generally employed for steamships. A nother point in favor of oil, a ton of ccal requires a bunker space <»f ninety cubic feet: a ton of oil only t ails for thirty-ficl.* foci. r n « l< T I .^ » y ^ l^ ‘ r o g u la tU iU P . o l! o f t w o hundred d«»srees Kalirouheli flash may 1m* carriod jn the w;iter b.illasi lank. To srcun- a romph-le cninbiisiion It Is iMM(*s.<nry ili;«1 th«‘ oil slionhl bo spi-aytsl on «*iikTliifcr llu- fiirnjicTs. This iis «mI lo Ix' doiH^ b.v Klram. l»iit hi :» ni-w system, described beftnv the Soi iiMv of Arts. <*ouipn*swMl hot air is niibistinilrd. The oii also is raisetl to two htunlred degr#*es Fahrenheit before issuiuc from its nozzl*?.' ITnder thesp couditicus ppr- com bustion is secuied- Waahtacrtea Item*. Secretary Root has approved General Ludlow ii act In sappresstoff El Reconeen- Havana formerly published at the fttifftfestions of Mr* BoUirke Cocktan aad otbbrg. President Me- Kmley has bo intention ol proffering m ed­ iation ih the Transvaal dispute. • value of the principal articles of do- month of AuRust was .53,925,^9. Compared with the same month j^Rst year tbe value of breadstoffs in Ausnst shows an increase of P*’ovlsfons an iocreafe of $2,- Ul'27o. mineral oIIr an increase of $1,554,- 822 shows a decrease of fS9,- Goneral Miles has received rpports on tho Wals of high e.\plosive8 made at Kandy Hook. Thete.«it8 showed that projecllles ^^°f*^lhing high explosives can be thrown plate penetrate armor i ^5/*^®^Senalor Emery, of PeonsylraDia, testiaed before the Industrial Commfsslon that rehates cratited by the railroads were responsible for the power cf the Standard OH Coiipany. Secretary Gatre has decided in the rase ofAppralserWnkemaD. of New York City, that he is to bo ccntioued In office, but asked to ►oparate lilmself from offlclal relations with the Tariff League. The President has approved. An order for the organization of two colored regiments was Jcgued from the War Department. All of the company offl- cers are colored men who served in the War with Spain, eltliec as regulars or as volunteers. The regiments will be desig. nated the Forty-eig'ith and f’orty*niath volunteer Infantry. O ur A dopted IalA.Drlt. C.nptain Leary, the Governor-General ot tne Island of Gtiatn, has arrived at his post on the steamer Yosemite. The measure declaring free importation o[ coffee from Porto Rico to Cuba has cansud a bad irepresslou throughout tbe Province of Santiago. A delegation will bo sent to Washington to protest. The Mayor of Guira. Cuba, was severely wounded by bandits. His .assailants were of the band which attacked and tilled a' member of the rural guard of the town. One of the bandits was killed in the affray. General Lndlow bas suggested to the American ofllccrs In tbe Department of Hrtvnoa the advisability of learning Spun- Traeos of gold have been found in the Province of Puerto Principe. Cuba. 'Mlliam Owen ^^mlth, who is to represent Hawaii at WashiDgton during the coming session of Congress, was born lu Hawaii about Qfty years ago, and has for maov years boen one of the roost prominent anil infinontial men in tbe Islands. The duty on Porto Itiean coffee going to Cuba has been modlfled as a relief measure. The city of Neuvltas. Cuba, is suffering from a water famine, there being no water Id the place except that which is brought from a distance. Tbe river water is sold at the rate of fifteen cents for four gallons. Tbe health statistics of Havana for the month of August, which have just been Issued, show that during tbe month there were eleven deaths fro*n yellow fever. The Mayor of Iraus has disappeared.- He is supposed to have joined the insurgents. X>oineattc. Two hundred armel meu assembled at Tyty, Oa., and lynribed a neirro who was identilleil as the a.ssailant of Miss Johuaou, a white resident of that place. Martin Metzger, Jr.. a wealthy aud prom* inent real estate broker, of New York City, was inst.aotly killoi) at Far lluckaway by the accidcntial discharge of his sbotguo. Little Gladys Perot, the centnil figure of tbe extradition ease that attracted atten­ tion in Fogiand and America a few weeks ago, arrived at Boston on tbe steamer Prince George from Halifax. N. S. She was In charge of her grandfather. W. H. Perot, Of Baltimore. A juryin Elizabeth. N. J.. awarded $200 damages to George W. M:«nDlfield. tbe owner of a Scotch collie dog that was killed by a trolley car. Joseph Allen, a murderer, was hangod at the county jail at Helena. Mont. Allen killed his partner In the sheep raising bns* iness in a fight over a cbeck. Mrs. Eugene H. firientnall was acciden­ tally shot and killed by her husband at their home In Newark, N. J. She w<is thirty-two years of age. The couple have one child, a girl seven years of age. Paul Roehrlcht was shot and instantly killed In North Plainfield. N .J., by Mrs. Peter FIngerhutb, whom he was about to evict. Peter Batemao, a prospector, has been found dead on the Harquhala desert only three miles from water at Cullen’s Wells, Arizona. Death plainly had been of thirst. Ho was flfty-five years old and a veteran of the Civil War. A brother lives at De­ troit, Mich. Captain John S. Pair has enlisted at Harrisburg, Penn., a full-blooded American Indian lor the Forty-third Regiment, United States Volunteer Infantr>*. He is Cbarley Naltway, of the Apaebe tribe. Ibrougb the influence of Goneral Crook, Charley was sent East as a pupil at the Carlisle Indian School. Forseveral months he had been in the employ of the Cambria Iron Company at Johcstowo. 6y a rear-end collision on tbe Delaware' Lackawanna and Western Railroad near Neyaug, Penn., two men were killed, two seriously injured and three bad narrow escapes. Tbe dead are Patrick Mullen, brakeman, of Scranton, leaves wife and two children, and Joseph Parrj*, ofNayaug, brakeman, unmarried. Major Hastings, a brother of former Gov­ ernor Hastings, of Pennsylvania, was sent to prison* at Philadelphia In default of SIO.OOO ball, on charges of forgery and false pretense. The Board cf Health at Jacksonville, Fla., received official notiflcatioo of thir­ teen cases of yellow fever at Mississippi City, Miss., and at once established quarantine against that region. The naval coUler SlatteawKn arrived at San Francisco, Cal., from Norfolk, Ta., with nine men In her crew wlio were sailors on the Spanish warship Almirante Oquen­ do, which was destroyed at Santiago by Sampson’s flee^. The sailors declare they will become American citizens, and say they never will return to Spain. rorelgo. An epidemic of typhoid fever has broken out in the Moablt quarters in Berlin. A Gorman, who is supposed to be a spy, has beeu arrested at La Crolx-sur-Meuse, France, where he was watching the army manoeuvres. There is a great scarcity of provisions in the city of Sauto Domingo, aud a famine among the <)oorer classes Is imminent. During a panic Iti a synagogue at Leut- scitz, BussiaQ Poland, tbirty-two women and children were crushed to death. Considerable loss of life and great dam> age to property have been caused by floods in Germany and Austria. All tbe tribu­ taries of tbe Danube,tn Austria, are flooded. Four newspapers in Finland have been suspended for a month and five warned for criticising certain acts ot the.Busslan Government. A new Ministry was formed in Venezuela, with Benor Calcano as Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Brazilian Government has protested against tbe sale of the lands ot the Duke •f Baxe to the German Government. General Jimenez has arrived In Banto Domingo’s capital and hat Issused a mani­ festo declaring that he would not accept tbe Preildeney until elected by the peopfe. The Attorney-General of Spain has de* m anded that Admiral Montojo, who com ­ m anded tbe Spanish fleet Manila, be Ntv«r IMB with th« bMk u|K>ij wiy’ ^ thtnt thftt ii «eld, He agrees to a. who oom dismissed from the service, the eioneratlon ot Major Sostoa, manded the Cavite arsenal at the time ol Dewey's victory. In view ol tbe afUatlon by the Carlistc and AntonoaWs in BUoar, whtoh has u . •amed azteoalTe ptopotUou, tbe SpanUh flOTWMBnt bM nipwdiii tb* eoMtlta< tlonil gutraBttM to tlMt rNTtaM, BOOUS ANCIENT MANUSCRIPT. *he Alleged Treanrei Were “Faked” in Centol Aala. Orientalist* will do well to be on their gnard !n connection with Central Asian manuscripts, which have of late provided them with such an endless subject ot discussion, says the Scots­ man It was Capt. Bower who flrst aiBcbvered the existence 6f some ex­ tremely ancient manuBcripte during “ IS grtat journey across central Asia, and Dr. Sven Hedin brought back a rich collection for the edification and mystlflcation of orientalists. Since tnen the suppiy of ancient manuscripts has b-pn very great, but it is stated tnat the gravest suspicion Is now cast upon the authenticity of a very large proportion ot these so-called relics ot antiquity. An English omcer who is now en- ^ g c d in some exploring work in Cen­ tral Asia has discovered that there exists In K hotan a regular m anufac­ tory ot the m anuscript relics, and so large is the output that he believes that at least 95 per cent of the manu­ scripts which have reached Europe from central Asia during recent years are spurious. The process of manu­ facture has been explained to him, and so impressed is he with the difliculty of distinguishing between the genuine and the counterfeit that he has him ­ self adopted a rule of never under any circumstances buying any ancient book offered to him for sale. Meanwhile there is much searching of hearts among the owners of the manuscripts which have already found their way into European collections. "^he Philadelphia Times publishes the following letter from a perplexed reader: ‘^Can you inform me whether the shirt w aist proposed for the maJe sex is to be the sport of fashion and to pass from cambric to silk, having pompadour sleeves at the shoulders, or is it for this Reason to fit snugly to the arm s? Can percales be worn; and is organdy permissible? Is It to be belted at the waist and end there, or is it to preserve a masculine continuity indorsed by older practices? Of course. If we must wear shirt waists, we w ant to wear the right thing, and we seek authority. Yours faithfully. Doubt and Anxiety.” A scnemer. Bannister—“So you think you will spend your vacation at some inland resort?’ Howson—“Yes. I don’t feel that we c&n afford to go to the sea­ shore this year.” Bannister—“W hat place do you expect to go to?*’ How­ son—“I don't know. Haven’t the least idea. Somewhere here in the west, though. My wife always decides such m atters.” Bannister—“Is she partial to the western resorts ” Howson— “No, but I've been urging that we gO to the sea or some fashionable place down east.''~Chicago TImes-Herald. Bem ntr is B looa Dee*. Cean blood means a clean skin. K t beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar­ tic clean your blood and keep it dean, by stirring up tbe lazy liver and driving all im- p\urities from the body. Begin to^ay to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by takinf Cascarets,—beauty for ten cents. All drug* gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c,€0c. —Indian summer will soon have its in­nings. Edaemte Toar Bowela Witli Caaemnts* Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. l0e,2Sc. UCC.C.fail,dniggistsrefundiBone7. —Even the best tempered man's hair will have a falling out. To Care Conatipntion VoreveF* , Take Cascarets Candy Catbnrtia lOootSo. If C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund . WiesaTe Prices for All. Ot/aranCeeJ J3S.C5. There is no reason why ymi ehould par retoU prices for enjthlDs you buy. Wa.?eU CTcrytfcins to EAT. WEiAU acd USE at manufacturer’s prices to anybody. Wcissm a 301-pag» illustrated book, that cans Ui 69c. tn irai!, which i.^ frc2 to nl! «ho write for it. It tflls .ill about eyerythii’t ynn use in yonr house. cTcryihiDg you -“There should be lota of “rocks” In tbe cradle manufacturer’s business. Tettcrlne 1« The Name of It. If you have any skin disease such as eczema, salt rheum, ringworm or tetter, nothing will cure you so quickly or thoroughly as Tetterlne. it has cured thousands and tvIII <'ure you. Nu­ merous testimonials fcr the asklutr. Accept no substitute. J. T. Sh«ptrlne, Manuf'r.. Savan- . ’ you a box postpaid for COc 1»stamps If your druggist doesn't kt-ep It. —Labor Is BO scarce In Colorado that wa­ ges have been materially Increased. NovXo-B»c lor Fifty Cents. Gaaranteed tobacco habU cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 60c. fl. AU druggist* wrecked the courthouse at Winfleld, y .T a ..o n Wednesday. Wlndow'aSoothinsSyrupfor children te.tfalDg.aof tens the sums, redccins lafiam.- tion. allars palD.careB wlad colioSSc a bottle Fits perrMBBBUT mrod. NoStoornarvons. ress after first daj's u n of Dp. Klin.'s Great N or«^torer.»8trialhottleaiidtre«tlse free De . R. H. Ku s *. Ltd.. S81 Arch St. PhUa. P». ---------sorts of AbtIciiI-tural Implements. *11 sorts of %ehiel3s and. in fact. ererytlilng except Locomo- tires. Boats, and Live Aiu- icaIs. With this book in yonr posses.»ion yoJi can sarc from 40 per cent, to (M» pV7 cent, on your yc.'»rly purciiascs. yon can buv fhcaper ^ than ycur local dealtfr. 7 Onr 31 .years of merchftcdisinir madethe nime "Hines'' on pn article rorre*pond to flip sterling mark on sllrer. C R E E f For the trsitmmtof THE UQUOR, OPIUM, MORPHINE uri Cttter Ofug Aadlctions. The Tobbacco Habit. Nerve Exhaustioi WRITE US FOR 2t»r. to 1 1 .10 . Fi'elfffit PolJ: -'yficfd Frff. LlTnOOnAPHBD CAItPETmnt TtlJfi f'ATALOOVE SlfuWiyO OOOD:S /.V yA TVIiAL CO/.Oi?.'*. /laVO EXtjritilTE MADE-TO- »RUER CLOT n ! y<3 CATA- lUfiUK Kith CLOTH S\Ml‘LES A TTACHKD. AllK ALHO FREE. 'JAKPETd SEiVCD i=-FEEA.VP F BEIO flT niK P A ID : CLOTII- /.Vff E X P R E S S E P F R E E TIIVIF TO PLANT STRAV>'BERRIES. Should be Planted in ths Fall and Cov­ ered till Sprin;. Strawberries set in the fall will «lv« a good crop ot large, early lierrles pro­ vided the plants are good and the soil rich. The m ost im portant .point Is to bave vigorous plants of the very best varieties, so th at they may make a quick, large growth bctore w inter sets in and be ready to bear a heavy crop ■n-hen the rpring opens. The bept plan for a bcgium.i- i..; ta w rite lo sonio rppulahle fiini who makes the growing and .selling of straw berry plants a regular busines'!. Such a firm will not only sell s’ou the i plants but give you exact and reliable inform ation as to w hat varieties to plant, how to plant and how to cul­ tivate. It will not pay to plant the sloven grown, run down plants usually to be begged of one’s neighbor?. Better plant none. .\n enterprl.';ing house wife can. wi'h Ih© best Improved varieties on a .>;mal1 garden plat, make not oiil.v enough to supply her own famii.v. but also .«»ll berries to am ount to ii nrat sirni o f' E venr-araE R E cnw.’-wiius of iys7hr.VEXTl^ aii'l ibc. la S35D. BlcrcLES ALSO F.1EE. Which book shall wo send yen? Address this way; JULIUS HINES & SON BALTIMORE. MO. Dept. 214. RH ErM 4TS8.M .P \IXIMJ \< K, La«RIPPS,CROUP niid lirandmotbcru^td It. whynot you? It's ihe sreate.st nied!eliie Itnow-n. SnJd b.' all drnyrists aa.l c-neral GOOSE GREA5‘ELiyi2IEN PIMPLES “My wife had plenplea cu her face, butshe has bee^i taklnsr CASCAJRRTS and they have all dtsappcarcd. I hud becu trouble? with constipation for some time, but after tak­ ing the first Casc!ir»»i, I hnro had uo trouble I with this alJment. Wr canr?>t .■'peak tooblgh- t ly of ra^carets.*’ F rkd W abtman. 5708 Germantown Avc.. rhlladclphia. Pa. CANOY CATHARTIC■ MW ^ TRADE MARK RBaiSTKRCO COM M ERCE O FT H E PH IL IPPIN E S ^ofrar an d H em p A re th e P rin cip al Cena- m uditles fo r K sp o rta tio a . - - —4 A population that can never be as­ similated, and whose m ost active in­ dustry is rebellion against foreign domination, promises little in the way of progress through internal changA other than through exterminatios* This may be accomplished by war, by labor akin to slavery, or by contact w ith a higher civilization and its con­ sequent disastrous results to the weak­ er race. Even if the native population be subdued, they will make unwilling toilers; if driven out of the larger and more fertile islands, some form of- labor m ust take their place. It will not be American, it will not be Euro­ pean, for It cannot be either. It must be Asiatic; and, if left to a free settle-' ment, would be Chinese. Yet our laws as applied to the Hawaiian islaads, prohibit the introduction of the Chi­ nese, and is It right to apply another rule to the Philippines—American ter­ ritory? Products take care of them-* selves. Climate and soil and a mild pressure of commercial exchanges have determined that the Philippines should contribute to the world’s trade a few leading commodities. The most imr portant is hemp, a natural monopoly;i for though many species of this plant are found in the tropics, none pro­ duces the same or as good a fiber as is obtained in the Philippines. More than that, attempt.s to raise this par­ ticular variety elsewhere have failed, Tlip value of the exports of hemp lo 1897 w?.«i $8.">00.000. and a nearly pqua! value of sugar was also exported ($7,000,000). tbp.se two commodities making nearly 74 per cent of the valu» of the total exports. If three other items hp'Jakcn from thp export tables —f'opra ($2,687,978). toharro in leaf ($1,323,445). and rigara ($805,000)— about 97 ppf cpfit of the entire export vahip is accoun!prt for. and pvery lead­ ing article entipfing into the export i movement.—Harper's Magazine- . llo\%- to Shake the Shake! A shaking t-hili lets go when Dr. King’s r hill Tonic is n^ed. Some medicines stop cyils. Dr. Kins'^ cures. All de«lerasfliit..'iOi.- UL'KWkLL AMI Du,NN CO., (.barlotte, X. f. Cure guaranteed. ' —Tbe dude’s costume now inclines tow­ ards "yachtiness.” “ My W ife Had tbe ChTlls aod one bottle of Wintersmith’s Chill Cure cured her. She has never been bothered with chills since. Miss Lula Vertrees had the chills for a year and broke them with Winter- smith’s Chill Cure,” —W. E. Mobberly. Upton, Ky. Address A ktbob P bteb *C o.. Louisville, Ky. pin nwney, for tine ripe, straw berries yell themselves anywhere. Sueh plants often yield ' more clear profit than Ihc whole farm ' be.sides. ‘ j Then next spring, after lh<' crop o f i»erries is gathered, the pl.intfs can he worked out and will hear a siill larg.T crop thf} spring following. There is more Catarrh in this sccUon of the I Plcasaut. FalaraMc. Poton!. Takte Good. Do i flood. Never Sickon. Wenkcii.oi (;rlre. lOo. Sfk^.^.Uc. ... CURE CONSTIPATIOF^. ... RpmmIj ('.-ynpaiii. fb1c*|(n. Mantrrat. Reir Y«rh. HI CURRENT TO PICS. TcIUIn the Blood. “Blood will tell” in human beings as much so as in the lower order of animal. And in no way does it tell so quickly as in a low condition ot health when the blood be­ comes impure and Impoverished. To purify tbe blood and give tone and vigorto t tie sys­ tem take Mrs. Joe Person’s Remedy. A splen­ did tonic, invigorator and unrivaled speclllc for all forms of blood and skin disease. Ad­ dress, Mrs. J oe P ebbon. Kittrell, K. C.~ Tbe IdornlDcr Post) Raleigh, N. C., is not as old an some of tbe dallies in the State, bat for News it leads them all, both Sta e and National, at the Ii* w »'iiiCRof $40JHyear. Whvpay$7and $P'or a niomiriK Daily when yon can get a better one for *4. Send forsample copy. Ad­dress, The Post. Raleigh, y. 0\ —General Miles will be grand marshal in the Wasbiogton Dewey parade. Ooa't Tobacco Gpit and Snoke Tosr tlTe Away. To quit tobacco easily and forerer, be mag< DQtle, fuU or life, nerve and vigor, take Ko-To* Boc, the wonder-worl'cr, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 50c or Cl. Cureguaran* tccd. Booklet and "sample free. Address Sterling Eemedy Ca. Chicaeo or New York, —Boap often presents a bar to tbe hobo business. F indley's Eye S aire Cares Sore'eyes in three days: chronic cases in >11? dayi«, or money back. All druggists, or by mail. 25c. per box. J. P. H aytkk. Decatur. Texas. Plso's Cure for ^ ons mptioo has no e<^ual as a rou«h medicine—F.M. Abbott, 38^&en- tea S t, Bu ffa'o, N. Y., Ml;y 9.189L \ow is the Time lo Plant f|rawbe»r!ea. lub ications tell howl* i^ k e moneyOnr free on them.}i rawberry SpeclHlists, h **Necessity is the Mother of Invention/* It ^ a s ihe necessity for a retUBte Stood parifter and iome ifiM brought into e x i^ ence Hood's Sarsaparilla.* S is a fd ^ y concenirated extract prepared by pT com" bbaHon, proportion and process peculiar to itself and giving io Hood's Sarsapa^ rSU uneqaatted airaiboe pvo 3er» TCo Blrtbpiacc. A rem ark made by a 6-year-old boy on a certain occasion was the natural result of confusion in his sm all mind, but it caused am usement to th e by­ standers. The house in which he had flrst seen the light of day had been torn down to make room for a wider street, and the little boy. holding fast to his father’s hand, viewed the ruins with grief and amazement. “Why. papa!" he cried, sorrowfully. “Why, papa. I wasn’t born anywhere now, was I?” ____________________ Ex-Congressman Simpson says no enjoys his editorial duties more than he did his work as congressman. pronotmced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly faUin« to cure with lo<»i tr^tment. pronounced It in- curable. Sclenoo has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure. B^nufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohia is ttie only constitutional cure on the market It is taken internally in doses from JO drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directlr on toe blood and mucous .surfaces of the system. Tbey oner one hundred dollars for any case jt falls to cure. Send for circulars and testi­ monials. Address F. J. Cheket* Co.,T'ol®do. 0. the best. —Autumn leaves are getting ready to take a tumble. frrsh 1 almos; | KQ.TO-BftC CA R T E R 'S I M K A ); forit. I f your dealer ilhfcan pft it 1-nsl‘y. ( S W i p R E ^ Send your name and address on ad ! postal, and w’e will send j’ou our 1 56- g ) page illustrated atalojrue free. WINCHESTER HEPEATINS AHMS CO. I 176 W in ch ester A venue. Hew H aven, C o n n .^ m ORGANS ,ll\fromS'-5iip Fianas for$)95. Buy direct from tbe manufacturer. Satisfac­ tion guaranteed. Address M. P. MOLLER,UaDttfacturer,Hagerstown. - - Hd. . --. yoursell. covered ■^ith pim ples? _________ rough and b lo tch y? It’s yo u r liv e r! A y e r’s P ills are liv e r p ills. T h ey cu re constipation, b ilio u sn ess, and ^ ^ s p e p s ia . 2 5 c . A ll druggists* III «tvi« iiinvK in e n u se BUCKINGHAM’S DYE go_ew. w. H. An Unhappy Name. I rem ember hearing the following story from tbe late Canon Bardsley, author of "English Names and Sur­ names." There was once a woman— “a little 'crackey,' I think,” said the canon, by way of parenthesis—who had a son whom she bad christened I'W hat." Her idea seems to have been tfistt when in after days bfi.was asi his'n^m e, and kept a m u siu r scenes would follow, which was enaugh.’'-especially if the -ooy v S scaretul to Jtonounce the as­ pirate. Such a scerfe did, I believe, occur once when he w ent to school, and was told, as a newcomer, to stand up and furnish certain particulars. “W hat is your nam e?” asked tho teacher. “W hat," blurted out tho boy, amid the laughter ot the class.'. “W hat is your name?" asked the master again, with more emphasis. "W hat." replied the boy. "Your name, sir!" roared back the Infuriated pedagogue. ' W hat, W hat!" roared back the terri­ fied urchin. The sequel I forget, but I believe it one of those cases in which the follies of the parents are visited on the children ot Hie first generation.— Notes and Queries. ALL THE STYLE of a $yO Shoe FOR $2.25 CASH. ASK FOR IHE ,UCOl!ELI\’H Everywfcers Leslie Basi«ett. thirteen years old. Is riding acro.-^s thp many mile.'; of pral- riP hetwppn Colorado and the Missouri river. The Idea o? making this Jaunt across thrpp .elates strtick tbe boy last winter. Attempts to pprsuade him to abandon thp trip were useless. An- tjriprstiu .5 ihat hlghwaympn might at­ tack him. he practiced with a revolver, and on hi.s departtire carried a gun. 1’he boy wears, a bicycle .«;uit. carries no bagjcage and only a little money. He is an accomplished am ateur enter­ tainer. and relies on his ability in this line to win the shekels of the Kansans tnd obtain accommodations en route. V«m ••an «-arn ffJ* nor n o. hn't<Ulrcr ^ «iurP«>riMltNnn«JI-rnn«»’'». " » lt^ fr» r term s. Ct B. AnilerA iQ .^C o.. E iiu M .. D jltai-. .e x . and Whliker Habito c u re d a t h o m e w ith ­ o u t p a in . B o o k o f pnr- tic u la rs ? e n t B.M.WOOLLEirM.n. )flice W N . P ftro r 8 t We again offer tbe cleaneit seed wheat oa the market, and from pro^.»ably tbe largest crop yield In tbe State, 'if not the United States. We l^d 856 acres in wheat this year, and the crop averaged 20 bushels per acre. Where we had a good stand, not winter killed, we had over 40 bushels icr acre. One hundred bushels ol our vrhent will contain less cockle seed than one bushel of ordinary seed whe^t. PiiC9 tl.16 per bushel on cars at Charlotte. ~ hold two bushels and are new, no for bags. Term?; Cosh wltb order. iifeiiftC ;REO OLIVER, Pres l. H. G. ___^NXIO>' is Mcillt.ted-Vt you t h i s p a p e r w h o n w ri t i n s a d v e r ti- e . _____Q„Uon e ^ \ S o . 3 8 Rev.(iiowiiisliop)JO?.v.KEY \V ot ;■ \Vegav*:Tourl F.E I H- IX.A (Teething » ou'iler««k t*> o r ittletfr .1 dchild with th*hao- pie>t results. ’Ihe »tf«cr.* wtT ’ ^ ~ ~ ■ m almost ma^ieal :md rvrt;*inJy P o rte rs o -M L Cflsfsoaly 25 Cents. MyoDrDragistforit, C . J, M O H T T T , M , D ,, S t L o u is, M o . T D8,M 0F F E ir S ffl e e t b i n A (Testhieg Powilerso J L J a . Man Could Not Lire. A French naturalist says that if the world were to become birdless man could not inhabit It after nine years' time. In spite of all the sprays and poisons that could be manufactured fo'r the destruction of insects the bugs and slugs would simply eat up orchards and crops. THE REASOIS WHY l-'or m an or b east S L i l l ^ S L I N I M E N Excels— is that it Penetrsies tn tbe seat ibc ’roublr im- :riedis‘-cly and without irril.i- ting tubbing -and kiils (he .p a in . rsmU,v Stabf 9 Sfxpa hv i!* r. . S?r. £srlS,Slasr/Be>e(M, ■ffSSSlSi' ; n UTLEH’S fiARBOLATE OF IHDINF. A g u a ra iiic i d « o rr i«r< t»»arrii.< on- p>iiinption •••■’ H ayFcviT . All drusrglats* St.OOW.fl.SMITtlSCO.. Buffn .N Y .. •r«l. ns'pr-ftlUiia r<*inedT fur all n*'r’ oiL<,:i>«nla1. nby<«irnl d“bi lry. l..«. T!ri»ljrj ar,-i vre- • »it»r;ire«l«»y iti both r»i;i!.»n«nt.•jitm; fnll tr«*«tm»n* er>, nr $1 a for dnular. JAi gi’KS. Ap«»n’. r.«) »r->il«-»t, ?». V. L . D O y O L A S S 2 |& $ 3 . 5 0 S H O £ S « « 'o " Worih 5-J to $5 «;oirpars<rwith o th er ma5»C5. In rio r« c » ? hy 'irer l.O O C .tiO O wearer#. 6L L f.€A 7H E H S. A LLSTY L5S iiSK «;f>» :m: i-*'-»rlce M »«• ■» lin<iei». Tali'* CO -nh*rttu»« '5-j -tn'i en rji in ther.fif i«l. (fc«'n»-rr :i*ir. ft t* wfJl «*p>j rnua I'ai!"'*:- r»*r»<i>iof Suta■sfi'rwiofn. »-um or i*p '.oe.<'atnlufirn(* Free. W . U CO U G W SSH CF. C '-'.. E ro ck 'o n . W ass I‘'ithf.r. si*'* ’ T O n r e T w t a e a s y n t n u M y o u r m ^ r o b i u i t , d o w h y a o i t r y i t ! 9 U c . r \ Tlie Dara Record, MookpviUe, N. O. Wm. C. Ivy, B d sin ess M anager . Entered at the Poat-Offlce at Mocks, »iUe, N. C.j as Second CU m Matter, May 12th, i m ____________________ LOCAL NOTES AND INCIDENTS. H ayor Blonnt and &mily hare moved to W ilson Town. A good line Hosiery land Gloves St W illiams & Anderson’s. W . H . Fam ell, of 'Winston, vis­ ited relatiT<!S here this week. Men’s and Boy’s H ats and Caps cheap at W illiams & Anderson’s. The recent cool weather pro­ duced a slight movement in wood. Call at this office and examine the cheapest and best Cook Stove t a the market. The equestrian feats witaiessed in John Bobinson’s circus are the greatest performed. This is the last summer day of the according to the almanac. Tajt for a later report. Yon will find a big line Shoes at rock bottom prices at W illiams & A nsebson ’s . Bny a Carolina Cook Stove and save 20 per cent, in the dollar. Sample stove at this office. Mr. W m. Meroney and family have moved to Mr. Douthit’s, about four miles from town. The highest-salaried artists in the circus profession are with John Bobinson’s big circus this season. M r. H . H . Helper died at his home near Bailey, yesterday. In­ terment will be at Centre church. Pants Goods. Dress Goods, Gut­ tings, &c., cheap at W illiam s & A ndebson ’s . There was a large oongr^tion at the Baptist chnrch last Sunday morning, and the pastor delivered a strong and impressive sermon. The hippodrome races arouse the greatest enthusiasm at John Bob­ inson’s great exhibition. Onr columns are crowded with advertising this week which ex­ cludes local matter. W e expect to do better soon, even if we h aw to enlarge. Dr. V. O. Thompson, the old re­ liable dm g man can fit you in the best trusses made. A select stock of drags always on band. Call on him when you go to Winston. The dazzling brilliancy of Solo­ mon’s conrt, prodnced by many calcmm and o tW effects, can only be seen at John Bobinson’s great circus. ' “Not desiring to compete with “OH John BoHnson,” the Confed­ erate Veterans have jMStponed the meeting they were to hold on the «8th inst., to the 6th of October. N. L. Cranford & CV»., of W in­ ston, have a large advertisement In this issn<*. They carry a full line of clothing and gent’s furnishings. Examine their stock. They guar­ antee to give lowest prices. P . M. Boberts. the **gun man” of Winston, has an advertisement in this issue. Bead it carefully and yon will find that it will be very much to your interest to buy your, guns, shot, shells, etc., from him. B. F. Hnntley, the fum itnre dealer of Winston, has an adver­ tisement in this issue. H e k ee^ a fnll line of fnm iture and it will pay yon to him . We request try him. Special attention advertisement of in another coli Davie county well selected si chandise. Doiu’ ■ <all when you visit W in ^ n . Schouler’8 Racket Store is the place for yon 1o get bargains. A big stock Of all kinds of dry goodf, notions, shoes, hats and millinery always on hand. In l ^ t anything yon want in their line. There is no better bouse in Winston. The acme of scenic splendor was reached when John Bobinson pro­ dnced the great spectacle of Solo­ mon, his Temple, and the Qneen of Sheba, as produced in John Bob­ inson’s ciicus, leaves an impression of grandness not easily obliterated. Quite a nnmber of town folks went out to Mud Mill Sunday af­ ternoon to witness the ordinance of baptism by immersion, which was conferred upon one candidate by the Bev. Mr. Swaim. Another candidate will be immersed by Mr. Swaim at the same place Friday at 2 o’clock p. m. Dr. W . C. M artin ofiers his pro­ fessional services to the public, as will be seen by his card in another column. Although well qualified before, he has recently taken a special course in a Philadelphia c o U ^ . W e take pleasure in com­ mending him to onr friends and the public generally. T ribute of R espect. W h ereas it has pleased an all wise God to remove from our midst our esteemed and worthy brother, Wiley R. Ellis, who died on September 11th, 1899. Besolved, 1st. That by the death of brother Ellis, Mocksville Lodge has lost a faithful member, the brethren a true friend, the community a valu­ able citizen, the family a kind and affectionate husband and father. Itesolved, 2d. That w e tender the widow and family of our deceased brother our sincere sympathy in their affliction, and commend them to the loving care of Him who doeth all things well, and who alone can give consolation in an hour like this. Resolved, 3d. That we wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days, and tbat a copy of these Reso­ lutions be spread on our minutes, and that a copy be sent to the Davie Times and Davie R ecord for publi­ cation. M. D. Kimbrough. B. O. Morris. F. M. J ohnson . Sept. 15,1899. Committee, A MEMORABLE AND SUMPTUOUS EXPOSITION. Highest prices paid for all kinds country produce at W illiam s & A ndebson ’s . ScooLS IN Cuba and E lsewhiere .— Prof. J. P. Draughon, who recently visited Cuba >vith a view of investiga­ ting the outlook for establishing a school in Havana, Cuba, soon, on his return visited Savannah, Ga., where he arranged to open a well clipped Business College June 15th. He will also open a business college in St. Louis, Mo., October 19th, 1899. Prof. Draughon now has flourishing business colleges located in Nashville, Tenn., Galveston and Texarka, Tex. These colleges have superior courses of instructions, and special facilities for securing positions. See Professor Draughon’s ad. elsewhere in this issue. —Special rates will be given all who enter either of his colleges soon^____ Judge Hunt’s Consumption and Bronchits Cure. It surpasses all other remedies known for Consumption, Bronchitis, Croup and Disordered Liver. It cures when all else fails ! If your druggist does not keep it, send direct to Judge George E. Hunt, Lexington, N. C. Price 50 cents per bottle.__________ T h e G eand B iblical S pectacle . S olomon, H is T em ple , and th e Q ueen of S heba . The Enquirer, the Commercial Tribune and other leading papers, both German and English, of Cin­ cinnati. are prolific in their praises of this new and most impressive of all spectacles, which, at an expense that would seem fiibulous, the en­ terprising managers of John Eob- inson’s Great W orld’s Fxposition produce this year in connection with theii myriad other attract­ ions. There is no sense so vivid, so lasting and so conclusive as the sense of seeing, and however stu­ diously we may search the Scrip­ tures or other sacred history, the ideas that we may form and the impressions we may receive con­ cerning the patriarchs and sages, and thescenes, incidents and events consequent to their time, can be bnt fractionary and imperfect. To tave reproduced those personages and events and have placed scene- ographic eflfect before you; to hear Solomon re-utter his wise aud pro­ phetic words; to see in person She­ ba’s illustrious Queen; and the pomp and circumstance of hsr sur­ roundings; to view the great Tem­ ple of Solomon, not by description, but by actual inspection; to witness personally the sumptuous and re splendent festivals of the great Solomon’s court—these are the in­ estimable privileges which the John Bobinson Great W orld’s Exposi­ tion accords its patrons in connec­ tion with the great circns, the me­ nagerie, and the royal Boman hip­ podrome: The spectacle of Solo­ mon, his Temple, and the Qneen of Sheba, will be exhibited at Mocksville, Thursday, ^ p . 28. NOTICE. Having qualified as Apministrator of Richmond G. Sheek, decs’d, notice is hereby given to all parties holding claims against said Estate to present them for payment on or before the 4th day of September, 1900, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All parties indebted to said Estate are requ‘sted to make immediate payment. This 4th September. 1399. THOS. N. CHAFFIN, T. B. B a iley . Atty^______Adm’r. Tax Notice. I will meet the Tax Payers of Davie County at the’ following times and places to collect the Taxes for the year 1899: Calahan, Tuesday, October 2d, 12 m. to 3 p. m. Clarksville, Wednesday, October 3d, 12 m. to 3 p. m. Smith Grove, Saturday, October 7th, 12 m. to 3 p. m. Farmington, Monday, October 9th, 12 m. to 3 p. m. Advance, Tuesday, October 10th, 12 m. to 3 p. m. Fork Church, Wedndsday, October nth, 12 m. to 3 p. m. Jerusalem, Thursday, October 12th, 12 m. to 2 p. m. Mocksville, Monday and Tuesday, October 16th and 17th, all day. Sec. 57, cb. 732, Laws 1899: Taxes for School Fund must be turned over by December .31st of each year.— Please remember this and be prompt in payment. J. L. SHEEK, Sep. 18,1899. Sheriff Davie Co. ScW er’s Racket Store, THE LEADING BARGAIN HOUSE IN WINSTO^f SALBM. The place to go when in need of anything in tke DS? 600DS UHE. Prices are scaled down to the very lowest notch to do a legitimate business. Hundreds and hundreds of things bought in Job Lots and at Auction, sold at less than cost of production. W e carry a fill' line of D R E S S G O O D S, N O T IO N S , D O M E S T IC S . S H E E T IN G Carpets, W all Paper, Capes and Jackets, Corsets from 25c np. MUlinery, Trunks, Men’s Furnishings, Men’s and Boy’s Clothing, Men’s and Boy’s H ats. The Best Line of Pants Goods and Suitings in the city. W e would call attention to two grades, onr 25c. and 33}c. grades of Pants Goods, worth at least one third more. O U R t .tntf. o f SH O ES IS CO M PLETE IN A IX a-RAJSES, from the Cheapest to the finest. The Best W oman’s and Men’s $1.00 Shoe in the city. j®^fedl to see Us and let us show yon some of Our Bargtiiis.*ei SCHOULEU S ISACKET STOHE. Frank C. Brown, Wholesale and Betail Dealer in GENERAL M ERCHANDISE. COMPLFTE LIN E OF DRY GOODS. Best Stock of Shoes in the State. HEADQUARTEEa FO E GBOCEBIES. IX OTHER W OEDS I H A V E A COMPLETE LDJB » F GENEEAL MEECHANDISE. I W ill be glad to have you call. Yours Truly, PRANK C. BROWN, Corner Fourth and Main Streets, - - • WEN'STON’, N . C. DB. W. C. MARTIN Gives special attention to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Sp«>ctaclea fitted by the aid of retlno- 8COpy. Teeth extracted by the pain­ less process. OSSce at residence in North MocksTille. FIN E S^^OCK FOK SALE. m desiring to buy a Jack ts, or other fine aA’tnr" I A. BRUOT, linffton, K. C. N otlee! B y virtue of an Order made by W. R. Ellis, C. S'. C., as administrator of G. H. Lippard, deceased, I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the court-house door of Mocksville, N. C., on the 2d dav of October. 1809, the following Real Estate, adjoining the lands of Lewis Harper, et al, and bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stone, Lewis Harper’s corner, thence W. 20 poles and 15 Ik., to a stone in Pott’s line; thence S. 7 de­ grees W. 24 poles and L. to a stohe in Pott’s line; thence E. 15 degrees N. 20 poles and 20 Ik, to a stone, the be­ ginning, containing 2 acres and 105 poles, more or less. T erms of S ale : $25.00 cash, bal­ ance on six months’ time, with bond and approved security, interest at 6 per cent, from day of sale. Title re­ served till purchase money is paid. This the 1st day of September, 1899. THOS. N. CHAFFIN, T. B. B ailey , A tty.__ Admr. I>ON*T W A IT A MINUTE. Good W atches A bsolutely free. W e want your nam e for P A S T IM E , a bright, clean, illustrated story and humorous paper for the family circle, 16 large pages, only 75c a year; on trial 4 months, 10c. W e give a nickle silver watch to each subscriber, a neat medium-sized watch, guaranteed for oue year. Will keep time for many years as accurately as a $100 watch. A n d for a little work we give Gold watches, Bicycles, sewing machines, Guns, etc. Samples and particulars free. Send us your address to-day if you do no more, and see h o w easily you can get somethingnice you want. W e will surprise you. Please don’t wait a minute, send now. Better en­ close 5 stamps for trial subscription and present, or 28 stamps for watch and paper while the watches are going free. The P A S T I M E Pub. Company, Louisville, K y. N u r s e r i e s , A Card of Thanks. Mrs. EUls and daughter wish to thank the people in and around MocksviUe for their kindness extend­ ed to their dear loved one during his sickness. He often apoke of every­ body being so kind and thoughtful Especially do they wish to thank the family with whom he boarded. They seemed so willing to do everything that could be done. God saw 6est to take our dear husband and father. We must be resigned. Special to the Indies. By way of diversion, and in order to relieve the monotony of a quie’t town life, I wish to inform the l^ e s of both town and country, that I will cu^ fit and make up their Drenea in the very tatett atyie of the art.. Wed­ ding outfits a «pecialt7. I cut by meamire only,afterthe famoo* Paria- lan Tailor Syatem, and eoarantee a perfect fit in every' instance. Mbs. W. C. Iwr. N eitdq« to Mm. ^ ^ c i e i ^ t . ^ . (Please mention this’ paperj tBOBO, N. C., For an kinds of Fruit, Shade and OrnamehtsilJ^^es. Vines and Plants. I am ih*,' ducer of the famous GBEENS- BOBO and CONNET’S South­ ern Early Peach. GBEENSBORO EEBO OF REGISTERED PO­ LAND CHINA and Mammoth Black Hogs. One of the finest herds in the South. W rite for prices, J ohn A. Y oung , Prop’r. S c h o o l B o o k s -----AT ----- H a l f ^ c e . Wt P»y Cuh for Tour Old Books. Save your money, send your old books and get others for them. We Buy, Sell and Exchange all Kinds Books, Novels and Magazines. No doubt you have some old books which you could dispose of, exchange for others, or sell us for cash. we can furnish new books at pub Ushers’ prices, when we haven’t the second hand ones at half price. W e cabby th e best l in e op To be had for the money. We now have the largest stock of booira in A e State, and our facilities for handhng second hand books are nnequaled in the South. W rite at once, if you want the best bargains, to the SocTHBRN Book E xchange, Graphophone Complete, - - ' - - tlO M. M. s u r r a . Prop. 127-129 PayeteviUeSt., Raleigh, N. C. Free tnltion. We ooe or more free schol* arships la evcty coun^ in the U. 8. Write ua. 453L-.VA...-I ‘Will accept notes for tnition orcande^it nooeyinbank position is secured. Car ifu a r a n te e tt fare paid. Ko vacation. Bn. UnderreasonabU teratanytime. Openforboth condiiions. . . . sexes. Cheapboard. Seodfer^ _ ■“'free Ulastrated cat^orae. Address J. P. D rauohok » Pres’t, a t either p&ce. D raughon’s F>ra6tl6al..... B u sin ess.... Nashville, Tenn., d * ^ v a u t f h, Ga., ^ Gaivsston, Tex., Texaikana, Tex. ...T— - — --jr*' Shorthand, T yp ew tltln r. etc. The most thorough, practical and progressive schools of the in the world, and the beil iM uC ^uth. locjOrsed by bank* and dthers. Fo^r ^ w ith ns are e lp fr; h the Old plan. J. F. Draugho?- lor of Draughon’s New SystenJ .. _ Double K ntry Made Easy.” ^taaio stfd y . W e have prepared, for home booLson bookkeepiB£ penm anship and shorthanA ^ W rite for pricelist “Home Study.'* BxtrKc. “P rof . D raughon —I learned boofc- keepta^ at hom e from your books, while holdinc apoation as n isht telegraph operator.”—C K L ^ingw kll , ^ k k e r o e r for Gerber & Ficld*i w holerale G roce^ Sonth Chicago, IlL ers, merchai weeka in b_ tw elve weeksPresident. U TRY THE . “ HEW HOME ” 8EWiNBMiGHHIE. I th o v d a e th e dif. ----------------J ferent stylea oflines we manafaetnre and their Kfere you parchaae any ether. TKIEIIIIEIEiniUllieillEGe., M ams. HM.T. CUnce.HL •aaIfeawim,Oa. Aflaata,ae. FORMUnr Here’S Prices tliat Ouglit to MaKe Your B nyii a Pleasure! B o y ’s S u i t s 7 5 C e n ts . These 2-piece Boy’s Suits (sizes 4 to 15 years) are simply a revelation in Clothing selling. They are made of heavy goods and suited to “winter wear. M E N ’S S U IT S , $2.50. There's just 100 in the lot and they are for quick buyers. W e’U hardly be lucky enough to get the maker squeeze the price again, so it’s likely there’ll be no more. The suits are well made of servicea- union twill suiting, nicely lined and cannot be matched anywhere at our price. For $4 50 Give You a Regular $8 00 Suit, Made from fancy all wool, heavy high gride Casimerei. There’s nothing like it on the market at such a little priue. A t ®6.75 You Get from Onr Store, a Solid Black Double iDiagonal W orsted Suit. Yon would have no loss if yon i>aid $10.00 for it. These suits are guaranteed last color, will never shrink, will not wear shiney and are unequaled garments for dress or business occasions. Some Sound Facts- W E. SELL CLOTHING, AND W E SELL GOOD CLOTHING ! W E SELL THE VEEY BEST AT PRICES UNMATCHED. It's our aim to sell a great many suits and every one mnst be a walking adve;'tisement for our firm. W e’ll not perm it a single one to go out of our store unless its the biggest targain a customer ever had. W e want this store to be known by every workingman in this section and onr prices and values must make it so ! There’ll be nD credit to anybody—rii,h people cut no figure here—it will only be a question of CASH DOWN—if we don’t get the cash, we will keep the clothing! W e don’t ask a customer a high price so he has to pay his neighlior's debts. This is not necessary, liecause we won’t ciedit anybody and there’ll be no bad debts. I^W T ienin need of Clothing come to see ns and make no mistake. N. L CRANFORD & CO, WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. OAK FRONT. No. 443 Trade St., 2 doors north of Farmer’s warehouse. CiTIf you buy your Gent’s Furnishings from us, you will never miss the little profit we get. Just Rectived! Parlor Suits, Mttras, Fancy Pieces B V E B Y T H I N G t o m a k e A H O U S E H A N D S O M E . B E D - S O O H SU ITS A ND EXTBA BEDS A T FBICES TH A T W ILL a s t o n i s h Y o f I D on't fain to give me a call ia need of anything in the F u r n i t u r e L in e , IT WILL BE TO YOUR ISTEEJs, I G. W. WKI&HT. Leading Fum itnre Dealer and U ndertaker, SALISBURY, X. q I Tie Buckeye Disc and Hoe Dn THE DISC D RILL is the right kind for land that is fte, I fix)m stumps and rocks. W e have a Car Load on hi and can furnish six or eight hoe. Call and examine tit j BUCKEYE and all other kinds of H A BD W A EE at R. B. CRAWFORD & CO’S , Hardware D e a le rs.------WINSTOIT, N, c,| C A L L BROi T e n P e r C e n t. F i u n i t u r e ] 108 W est F ifth S t., 1 0. T. GLASCOCK & SONS, \ GREENSBORO, N . C-. F G T T N D E B S A N D M A C H I N I S T S . Mannfacturers of Turbine W ater W heels, The CAROLINA COOK STOVE, Heating Stoves. Coal Grates, Country Hollow Ware, Plows, Plow Castings and Feed Cutters. SPECIAL CASTINGS O F ANY DESCRIPTION. Every Article M anufactured by Us Guaranteed in Every Respect WM. C. IVY, Agent at MOCKSVILLE. N. G. J . E . G A R T LA N D , -StTCCESSOR TO- H, H. Carttand, G r X - e e x L s 'b o x 'o . 3S T . C . A F U L L U N E O F CLOTHS A N D nARTM-ir.Bii^ --------ALWAYS ON HAND.-------- i FULL CORPS of the BS8T SXPSRIENCSD WOEKHQr. KT- W rite for Samples and Measuring Blanks. Satisfaction Guanuiteed.*tN E. 5 . MORRIS, Agent. - - Call and lee samplerand lo an prices. W IN S T O N . N.( W ant your trade and will give you bargains in all I Styles of Bed-Room Sets, O dd Dressers. Dinins Table, I Beds, W ashstands, Lounges, Conches and all tLiugs»| be found in an U p To Date FU RN ITU RE HOUSE. SOKE NEW and BEAUTim DESMS in DISHES, CHAXBER-SETS snd £ W e also have a Beautifnl Line ol Pictures and Frdm&| The New England and Needham Pianos, and theWl Reliable Eatey Organs and the Needham O rpausal sold by us. and need no recommendation, as they ansi W ell Known. All Goods Sold for Cash Dr Rasy Fa; Come to our place and if you are not treated right ( no more, but if we treat you right, call again. 0 B 6 A N S F B O H $ 2 5 . 0 0 U P . P I A N O S F H O M $ 1 9 0 1 SGfioulerl t h e l e a d in g b j T he place to j DRI Prices are scaled legitimate business! jjought in Job LotsI of production. w J [)KESS g o o d s . X ( Carpets, W all P aj up. M illinery, 1 Boy’s Clothing, Mc of Pants Goods and attention to two gJ Pants Goods, wortl |0 U B L IN E O F S H O l from the Cheapest I Men’s «1.00 Shoe ij I^Call to see Us and I Fran W holi GE.^EUA COM PLI Stock H EA D Q U i IN OTHER W O RI G EN I I W ill be glad tcj truer Fourth and Main ii)0iiire & SijnbJ P aY S IC IA X S AN-D S lK U Ic c, F ir.it fio.-'r S o u tn o f 1(1 v’iLLE, j F . G - C h I E Y i:. S P C I A L >'Yi;r Jacol*.:' C io-liJ , I W INSTON, N. W 5 3 : : \O V GO • CALL BROTHERS Manufacturers’ Agents, ■WINSTON. . . N. C. Branch Hoose: MAETIXSVILLE, VA. -C A LL 0 ^ — T h e JioI I have a Xice Line of I peU-y aud .Silver WarJ P “'I'i iiye Glasses, 1 ppaiiing do.^e while V viil Illy insLired for one ye;J I suit the times. Yours for bnsiuesa BKOW X. 'Liberty Street. Nel Bobert’s the gnu nf | 5 G r a p h o p h o i , t h^vc the agencv for th l fcnni lot J r L it AGi|Like This Cut for We Can Always Give lowest Prices On Sreiything in Onr Lint. S H O W Today We : Sale Net L a c e C loth T op SM Tety Stylish and EasJf ] 'few Lot TanClotliTopLaceS Good Value fir] N E W LOT M ens R xissla C alf a t $ 1 .4 9 , W otttj N E W LO T M en’s V ici a t $ 1.49, W o rth aU oi'^l OXFORDS 49c, # 90c and 1,00—W orth $1,00, • 1,2.’. j C h i l d r e n s ’ S h o e s 2 5 c a n d T7p. | ----------^T&E REG U LA R SHOE STORE.- Cor, 4th and Liberty S t„ NEELY &l w x j n s T o is r __PRE1>. N. d a y . « evoy county la the wm ac«pt q or<an deposit! nntil positioa I fare paij. xo| te r at a n v tin ie j __sexes. C heap J So""-- M ^ Tex3 in the w o rlJ and - - ! incy Pieces, I HAKDSOJiE. LBOOH STilTg ID E X TEA BEDS [t h a t w i l l astonish you I In to give me a call I of anj-thing in y,, lt>UT6 , b e t o y o u r in t e r is ,! r WRIGHT, \, 5ALISBUBY, y . q d Hoe ud for land that ig I a Car Load on hand, Call and examine the | H A B D W A BE, at ID & CO’S., W I N S T O N , N . C.| ALl. BROi Per Cent. Furniture] JlNSTON. N. Ive you bargains in iD luressers. Dining Tablo, liuuhcs and all things loj I RSITL BE HOUSE. biSHES, CHAMBER-SEIS tnd I Le ol Pictures a n < i \Fr<ini«.| iiaui Pianos, and theC fhe Xeedham Crjrans w| fimeudation, as they aB»| own. s b 3 r I are r>i/t treated right i |riglit. call again. TIP. )S FROM $190] SHOEOl Today We Sale Nell L ace C loth T op Very Stylish and EaW ] \ew T anC lothT opl.acel Good Value L Calf at $1.49, •Wrbtts J I at $1.49, ‘W orth all* I ()0—W orth if] ,f)0, loes 25c and XIp< | tLAUSHOESTOEE.- NEEIY &| I S T O W T he D avie R ecord . M OCKSVILLE, N. C. W EDNESDAY, SEPTBMBBB 27, 1899. SchOBler’s Racket Store, XHE LK.VDIXG B A B G A nf HOUSE IK WlNSTON-SALEM. The place to go when in need of anything in the MY GOODS HNS. Prices are scaled down to the very lowest notch to do a Icntimaie l.usiuess. H undreds and hundreds of things bougbl in Job Lots and at Auction, sold at less than cost of production. We carry a ful" Hue of RE6S GOOIW , X O T IO X S , D O .d E S T IC S . S H E E T IN G ^ Carpets, "Wall Paper, Cai>es and Jackets, Corsets from 25c , i p . Millinery, 1>nuks, M ec’s Furnfehings, Meu’8 and Biiy's Clothing, Men’s and Boy’s H ats. The Best Line of Fanis Goods aud Suitings in the tsity. W e would call atteution to two grades, our 25c. and 33Jc. grades of i’auts Goods, worth at least one third more. [)UB LINE O F SH O E S IS C O ':aPLE TE IN A LL G B A D ES, from the Cheapest to the finest. The Best Woman’s and Mcu's Sl OO Shoe in the city. jig-ai to see Us and let os show yoa some of Our Bargains."®! C lliiC i.lii.’S I’.A O K EI' :'T011E. Frank C. Brown, W holesale and Eetail Dealer in G i:vEliAL AlKBCClANDlyE. S t a t e . COIIPLFTE LIX E O F DBY GOODS. Stock cf Shoes in the IIEADQTJAETEES FOR GEOCEEIES. IN' OTHER WORDS I H A V E A COMPLETE LINE OP G EN EEA L M ERCHANDISE. 1 Will be glad to have you call. Yours Truly, F P .A JS T K C . B R O W H , luer Fourth and 3Iain Streets, - - - W INSTON, N. C. The Davie Record, PUBLISHED EVEBY WSDNESDAY. E . I t. M O K R 18, EkU tor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One copy, One Year, - - - $1.00 One copy, Six Months, • . - 50 One copy, Three Months - - - 25 M ocksville, K . C., S eptem ber 37. A Populists’ Views. sC liiire & S i m b r o u g h , i I P hysiciaxs and S c k g e o ss . I l-c, Fir.,. fic-^rSoutn of Hotel’Duvie ■ O' KiViLLE. N. C. B G - C H E E K lilV E S P F X I A L iS T . Cio;h: ig- Siorn;. X. C. OaejB::.-'^asR=!aSKBBMHBB3L W S I E X ' T ^OU GO TO 'Wmim, - f A L L OI-.— P liO V /K . Ti'-E .Jf.-.vet.f r . •iC }.ine uf \V;;f:-hes, auii .silver Ware, Specia- aiid iCye <Jla.ssefj, etc. Fina aiiiu^' done ivhile you wait and ly iusareil for one year. Prices |uit the times. Yours for business, IJKOWX, T u b J e w e l e r . I Lil)orty Street. Ne.'ct door to Roljert’s the gun man. T r u B s s e s ! N . C ., If you are isi ueed of a m U S S it will pay you to have a Perfect F it. DR. V. O. THOJIP.'iON has had foj'ly years' experience in .\<ljnsting: Triis-ses. lie ’.viil For- •ronriily /it you at tlie Oid Eeiiable TilOMP.SON DRUG STORE, iVinston, N. C. Furniture! Graphophones 85 iavc tl'e agency for the (Columbia inoffraiih Co.. and carry in stock [all times a-nice lot of Graphe­ nes and Records. A Grai)hophone Lik;: Tiiis Cut for Sa.OO. i Music io.OO I'er doien, 53,00 half- fcn. When you visit Winston call the “Biff W atch,” and see these derful talking machines, and any Pff in the Jewelry line. FKED. N. DAY, Jew eler. umntoed To THE E ditor o p T h e L andmark : I have jn st been handed a copy of the Landm ark of the 29th of August, and I see in it a commu­ nication from a correspondent w'ho signs his name “ B ,” who states that Esquire A dderholdt and the Old Boman will support the consti­ tutional amendment. If by the Old Roman is is m eant the w jiter of this article, he is very much mistaken. If alm ighty God per­ mits me to live until the election, and I am able to go and vote. I will vote against the amendment. The entering wedge to the downfall of all repiiblics has been by tam per­ ing with the elective franchise. I have never struck a blow at onr great American Republic yet, and I do not propose to do it now in my old age. It is sheer nonsense to say th at the amendment applies to the negro only. It applies to the white man also, and I do not propose to disfranchise any white man except by his own will and action. I have other good reasons for my stand. I am not governed by w hat Bntler or any other man may say or think, and I intend to act and vote as I think best for my country. J. W . A . K e r r . Moores\-ille, N. C., Sep. 14, ’99. M r. K err, one would iufer, is a Populist, and he shows very plain­ ly where he stands, and gives good and sufficient reasons for his opiK)- sition to this Democratic scheme to disfranchise thousands of the un­ fortunate white men of the State. The history of this country, does not show that the poor and unlet­ tered man is its greatest enemy b j any means. Some of the best citi­ zens we have are poor, and by mis­ fortune have grown up in ignorance. In times of peril they are the ones to shoulder the gun aud go forward in defence of the govern-1 ment—and for the government to deny them a right to participate in its affairs is najnst .nnd impolitic. “ Taxation witlioiit revroMenta- tion is niijast,” and will uot be tolerated by a free and liberty [loving people. Our forefathers fonght for it, and we will m aintain it at all hazards. The leaven is working, and by next August the machine crowd will find out that unfair partizan election laws, made for the express who had made themselves intelli­ gent, worthy citizens, who knew nothing about the elementary prin­ ciples of English grammar, and in fact, ill many instances, by men who could not read or write. Knowing this, I was swift to resent any in- siuuation that the democracy would attem pt to degrade this most meri­ torious class of our toiling tax paxers. But since the action of our last legislature in seeking to deprive a large per ceut. of our best citizens of their right of suffrage, to claim therefore to be any longer a demo­ crat would be the sheerest hypoc­ risy on my part. I shal fight with my heart and hand and w ith every other jwwerGod has given me in the beginning of my manhood life these most to be dreaded results. I will never give my consent to the dishonorable proposition to commit the entire election machinery to one party. I will never conseut to an am end­ ment to our state constitution which drives out of existence all political parties except the one governing the election machinery. I believe that the arraignm ent of onr public abuses at the bar of reason is the only hojie of this republic. The party that fears this is not brave and is unlit to govern a free people. Eesp’y, J no . L. Councill . Vilas, N. 0 ., Sep. 11, 1899. Another Demoerat heard from, and don’t he talk like a patriot and lover of his State and country ? W e extend onr congratulations to Dillou M. Luther, chairman of Zeb Vance dem ocratic Club of Asheville; also to Hon. Thomas Patton, ex-mayor of Asheville, and now comes our young friend, Coun­ cill, whose patriotic words should inspire every lover of right and liberty to do his whole duty until the polls dose next August. God defend the right. A Pertinent Inqniry. Elsewhere in thLs issue appears a very timely and pertinent com­ munication from a Cabarraa popn- list making inqniry why sectimis 4 andS of the constitutional amend­ ment were not embodied into one section so as to remove any doubt or danger th at may exist in the minds of the i>eople aa to the dis­ franchisement of any white voters in the event that the state supreme court should declare section 5 un­ constitutional and leave the rest standing. This is a highly impor­ tant yea, vital qnesiion, and we wonld like to see the democratic leaders and newspa;ier8 explain why these two sections were not joined together when the amend­ ment was fram ed, This will get at a very im portant feature of the m atter and the motives th at actu­ ated them to make separate sec­ tions. W e do not believe that any good and satisfactory reason can be given for having two distinct sec­ tions when one would haveremoved all trouble. W ith only on© section and in the event of the grandfather section being declared unconstitu­ tional, then the educational quali­ fication would also have been de­ feated, and no white voter’s right would be in danger. W e call upon our democratic contemporaries for explanation.—Caucasian. McDOWELL & ROGERS, Winston’s Cheap dotiueil) -Bti\*nES FOB- Tliis is Prosperity. In 1890 the savings deposits iu the Chicago s.avingg banks—the savings of the laboring people— were twelve aud one-third millions; last June they were nearly forty and one-half inillions of dollars. A good showing.—Ealeigh Post. Yes, indeed. M cKinley pros­ perity has struck Chicago; and its effects are being serioualy felt in yorth Carolina. B ut it’s hard to get some of the calamity wailer.-s to adm it it. Let her contiiinc to “splode” all over this connti-y. X o DL-itVaucltiae W liite Vo ters. The Ealeigh Post says every­ thing points to a good advauce in the price of cotton. The best au­ thorities now concede the crop cannot exceed 10,000,000 bales, which wonld mean that the staple ought to fetch at least 8 cents per pound. So convinced are the Southern mill men of this early advance in price of the raw cotton that they are discussing ways and means to meet it, saying they can­ not afford to pay the advance and sell their products at prices now prevailing. As contracts for fu ture delivery are the life of the business, the mill men are there­ fore embarrassed as to w hat con­ tracts for the future they are justi­ fied in making. We hope the farm ­ er will soon be getting the higher price. ____________________ The Crown Cotton Mills a t Dal­ ton, Ga., last year declared a divi­ dend of 43 per cent, aud this year of 93 per ceut. This shows a tre­ mendously piofitable business, aud would seem to indicate that as be­ tween the growers of cotton and the manufactnrers of cotton there onght to be a more equitable dis­ tribution of earnings.—Philadel­ phia Eecord. 3 M AfflOTH STORES. 3 WE SELL FOE LESS, BBCAtJSE WE BUY CHF^EB THAX SMALL DEALERS. SOMB SPECIALS : 300 Suits at $3 50, $5 00 and $6 50, WORTH $5.00 f o Sfg.OO. BOO SUITS 87.50 TO *10.00, W OBTH $11.00 TO $15.00. 150 Overeaats, J2.50 to J&.50, worth *3.^ to |10,00. 200 OVERCOATS, $7.50 to $12.50. W orth ^ 0 .0 0 to $18.00. If you have bought of us you know us; if you haven’t you should try ns, and learn your savibg. GREAT v a l u e s in Hats, Shirts, Ties, and Underwear. ^ Don’t Forget the Place whei YOU Come to Winston, .a 1£ ,9 9 . I f X L eed- Fnrniture of any Kind IT \\a L L PA Y YOi: TO SEE _____ B . F . E i m t l e y ’sj S t o c k , | prjpose of plaf.inf^a machine crowd -Kli BELLS- FIKBT-CLASS FUENITURE AT the Right prices, stock always Coxplete. 420 and 428 Trade Stjeet, WISSTO>", K. C. I W a n t Y o u r E g g s , CHICKENS, POTATOES, OKIOifS AKD OTHER FARM PRODUCE. The Highest Market Pricos Will be Paid Call on me when YOU COME TO TOWX, A -well Selected Stock of Groce­ ries Always On Han:?. Yours to Serve, D. M. MILLER, Salisbury, U orth Oarolina. ^ e t o l t t e o . W e tn v e o n e o r m o r e f r e e Fcki^l- p p s in e v e iy c o im ty i n th e U . & V ? rlte u a. W ill a c c e p t n o te s f o r tn itio n o r c a n d e p o s it m o n o y in b e tik u n til p o s u io n is s e c u re d . C a r f a r e p a i l . N o v a c a tio n . E n - t e r a t a c v tim e . O p en fo rb -'T th se x e s. C h e a p b o a fd . 5 e n d f o r ~ ^ free lli.3 tr a t e d c a ta lo z iie . s J . P . S&AUGHON, F re s ’t, a t e ith e r l i j g h o n ’s a c tic a U .... ville, Tenn., ^nnth, Ga., Stiortbaiid* Typewriting, etc. L thortnigky practical a n d p ro ^ea iv i o f th e k in d in th e w o rld , a n d th e btsl p * « rfo u e s in th e S o u th . I n d o r s e d b y b « n k - tn im s te ts e n d o th er,* . F e a r --- ^ k e e p iu ff t n t h vs a r e e q u a l t o \ P b y th e o ld p la n . J . F . D ra u g h o o , 1 ^ t . IS a u th o r o f D ta n c b o n ’s K e w S y s te m i B keeping. “ D o u b le H airy H a d e B a q r.’* •a d y . "We h a v e p r e p a re d , f o r h o m e • Ks o n b o o k k e e p in g , p e n m a n s h ip a n d . W rite lo r p r ic e h A “ B «w ne S tu d y .’ <1* Galveston, Tes., ^ Texarkana, Tex. in power in this State, will not be t- lerated by a free, liberty loving people. The election law is an adroitly prepared scheme to defeat the will of the people, and the amendment is being given grtet prominence by its sponsors in order to divert the people from one of the most unrighteous, partizan election laws fiver engrafted on the statute books. Let the good work of ex­ posing this great scheme go on. O ur friends may rest assured that T h e E ecokd appreciates their patronage, and those who advertise with us will get their moneys’ Worth. If we know it, no fraud or fake advertisement shall find its way into onr columns; and no one shall use space in our paper to the detrim ent of our advertisers. In other words, we shall take pleasure in helping those who help us. Opirased to tho Scheme. THE COMFORT. The cool weathei is about commencing, if you are going to do your fall buying early you’ll find our store ready for yon— full of the very latest things on the market anil W k ed with our usual low prices, means a big saving to jo n —onr prices are always. - , Uur Prices are Always Low but this season we shall surpass onrselves by giving you exceptional v&luite. W e call your attention to these few things just received. D o to ‘P k o p . D&A U GH O N --1 le a r n e d b«»&k- >r b o O k ^ w h ile h o l d i ^ | a t h o m e fro m v o u r b o o k ^ w h ile h t nraWK, SOTtficWcago. nt—'-1» Uiit J .c ^ I,*<K R em ington Singlo B arrel Breech L oading G-iin, - $6.50 Others - - r • $1.50, $6.00 lioaded Shells, 35c a box. Shot, 7c. per pound. Prim ers, 12c. a box. iVll O ther Goods Equally Low. F . M . ROBERTS, 445 Liberty Street, M’’I>"STON) X. a To the Editor of W atauga Democrat: My attention has been called to an article appearing in your paper of date August 24th, 1899, in which it is stated that “John L. Council, of Vilas, a young man whose de iaocracy has never been questioned, is holding the position of special brandy gnager,” etc. I do not know what others thiidc of my de mocracy— I voted with the demo­ cratic party and I resented the as­ sertion of the republican candidates aud speakers made at the last fall elections—that the democracy har bored evil doings upon the ballot box, or that they intendpd to re­ quire an educational qualification for the exercise of the elective fran­ chise. I knew that the energy and moral qualities of many of our illit­ erate ancestors had contributed largely to the development of our common country. I knew that the bnrden of state had been borne I with fierculcan strength by men A k d e n , N . C . , S e p t . 2 0 , Editor of the Gazette: W hen I was in AslHWlle Mou­ day ex Cotigressmau TtviOnias Settle expressed himself to u>e on the amendment as follows; H e said the fifth station of it was nnfonstitu- tional; that it Avould undoubtedly be thrown out by the courts; aud that the amendment wonld dis­ franchise both white aud black il­ literates. He said it would gohard- er with the whites than the negroes becsiuse the ignorant whites werfi mostly farmers, living where they cx)uld not get school advantages, while the negroes lived mostly in th a towns where there were good schools. WheB-Mr. Settle told me that the 5th section of the amendment would be decided untJOBstitutional and that the fourth section would disfrau- '-.hise the whit.® and blacks alike, i told him that if h&-would deliver that kind of a speech>in Western North Carolina he woWd inai-:e more votes against the amendment than all the speakers who were op­ posed to it could m.ake, becaii.se that would open the eyra of the ignorant whites, as coming from a man who was in favor of the amend meut J- B. S u m sek . The above letter together with the testimony of Collector Harkins and others, leaves no doubt in any reasonable man’s mind as to what the Hon. Thob. Settle thinks ol the amendment. H e is in favor of an educational qualification, aud he gives it as his opinion thai section 5 is unconstitutional. That being the case, it will, as we have all along contended, disfranchise all whites who cannot read and write. The Democrats are not getting as much comfort out of Mr. Settle’s views as at first. And when the people get through with them next August, -with a free ballot aud a lair count, (if we can get it) there won’t be a greasy spot left. On with the fight for justice and the right. Down with the dema­ gogues and political tricksters. 60V. TAYLOiTS FREE LOyE LETTERS. se n d 8 0 cen t* f o r th re e m o u lh 's t i a l su b sc rip tio n to TAe IllusiraiedTouifiandAge, N a sh v ille ,T e n n . H ach le tte r Is w e ll lU u slra ted . T h e y n re n d d resscd to Udc!o S am , F o iU lcia n sy B o js , B a rh c lo n « D ru m iu o rs, F id d le : s> Fialierm eT i. K n th en « iu * f< tw , C anillctatcK , S w e e th e a rts , T c s c h e rs. T n c y a re c o n sid ered th e b e st w o rk tlia t has e v er com e frc m G o v . T a y lo r's g ifte d p e n . H is rep u ta* tio n a s a -wrUery tnm crl t, vrator, a n d citSeriaia<r is n s w i J e .-ts th o w o rld Itself. 7'/ie Jtlustrtxted Youth cud is a E cm lm onlM y jonrunl, 16 to 32 pajTca. devoted to ftcnoN, Foet- RY, ADVSS'Tt’RyS BY SfcA A.VD LaKD, WlT / -O K I;M o k , B i o g r a p h y , T r a v l l s , S c ik n c e , ar.d g e n e ra l in /orr.-'alion. D c ra rtn ic n ts : Woutcn's^ l^'.Uiirea*s, Helpers', Author^^ KnewMg-e Box. e tc . O n ly h i" h - g r 2 vl« illu s tn iJ c d lU c rn ry lo u m a lo t n o lio n n ld rc tila tio ii piibli^h'.ul Iu th e S o u tlu M iike a g o ld w a tc h , d iam o n d o r b ic y cle b y d n ln ^ a U ttle w o rk io r ub. l>tTnpia c o p ie s fre e . A d d rcs* T b e Y oo' \ a n S A ^o T u b . C o ., N asliviM e, T eu u . N o t N e ^ e c t SHOES. Ladie’s good solid Dongola K id button and lace K id tips—^Patent or Plain. $1.25. Actual value $1.75 Ladle’s H and sewed Kangaroo or Vici button and lace, $1.98. Actual value $2.75. Boy’s and Misse’sncat Solid dress Shoes, 95c. W orth fuUy $1.25. Men’s Oak-Kip full stock Br0‘ gan, $1.15. Actual value, $1.50. Boy’s whole stock Shoes, 98c. W orth $1.25. Ladie’s whole stock Shoes, 98c. W orth $1.25. Children and Misse’s good whole Slock Shoes, 7i5c. W orth $1.00. Ladie’s good substantial Shoe.s, all Leather, 75e. W orth $1.00. C all on tfs -wlion in Town. . 2 9 CURTAIIir GOODS AND WIN* DOW SHADES. W indow Shades in paper felt all colors, complete, 10c each. Pni« Linen Shades 23c each, all colon. Curtain Scrim. 5, 8, 10 and 12io per yard, big assortment. BEADY MADE SKHtTB. Good Black figured Skirts, 75c. Colored Skirts, well made, 98c each. Black Mohair Skirts. $1.25, $2.00 and $2.50 each. BLANKETS AND COMFORTS. W e wiU save von money on th e ^ Goo<l Blankets at $lfl>0; e.xtrasi:^ ¥1.50 i>er pair. Comforts, 50c to ?.3.00 each. Come see onr line, we can suit you. C.A.PES A^T) COATS. (Tapes from .50c to $8.00 each. Obats $2.00 to .«10.00 each, add the liggest line in town tochoose from. T H E C G M F O B T , S hoers an d F urnisiiei’s, Cor. Opp- Wachovia National Bank. Bell Telephone t214. WINSTON, N. C. WHEAT A jSTD GKAS3 CROPS. A l l i s o n & A d d i s o n ’s —H IG H GRADE— FER TILIZER S .'' ‘•STAR BRAND” GUANO, “ McGAVOCK” M IXTURE, “ B. P f ’ POTASH M IXTURE, ACID PHOSPHATE. W e e 'j p ^ d M B B f c i e n S thi GavockAi®.’c t u i J ^ ^ t i3 extei , , used^n Virginizi and its U3e on' the cropOTas given ^ e a t satisfaction in N o r t f Carolina for the last two years. ,P o r sale by Agents generally throughout the State Send for Circulars. ALLISON & ADDISON. Branch Virginia<!arol.vao- Chemical Com pany, Kichm ond, V a. Here’S Prices tliat O iM to Maie Yoiir Buying a Pleasure! These I , S o y ’s S u i t s 7 5 C e n ts . -piece Boy’s Suits (sizes 4 t.i V> years) arc simply a revelation in Clothing sell^g. They are made of heavy goods and suitedig. They are made of heavy goods and suited to winter wear. EX’S SUITS, 12.50. There . » TRY THE . . “ NEW HOME "SEWINBMiGHIHL E i l E M M ____ferent s ty le a o f Read, think, Ksten, and go to the yoa iSrehaJTMy SSuir.'’'*^ polls and vote for the perpetuation of manhood suffrage iu North Car­ olina; for the masses rather than the classes. miEwnHesEfiiiueiiiEst., OAASQKt MASa» fOafAkSBV .vSiJ ‘ ^ 100 in th eld f knd they afe for quick buyers. We’ll ky enouffh to get the maker squeeze the; price a ^ n , '^^E33K!6fy there’ll be no more. The yuits are well made of acrncca- lini^^w ill suiting’, nicely lined and caiinot be matched anywhere at our price. For $4 50 Give You a Regular $8^^ Suit. Made fropi fancy all wool, heavy high grade Cisimeres. There's nothing like it on the m arket at such a little price. A t $6.75 You Get from Our Store, a Solid Black Double (Diagonal W orsted Suit. Yon would have no loss if you i>aid $10.00 for it. These suits are guaranteed last color, will never shrink, will not wear shiney and are unequaled garments for dress or business occasions. S o m e S O tm d F a c t s . WE SELL CLOTHINGj AND W E SELL GOOD CLOTHING t ' W E SELL TH E VEEY BEST — AT PEICES UNMATCHED. It’s onr aim to sell a gresit many suits and every one ttitist be a W alking ad v e tisement for our firm. W e’ll not p ^ i t a single one to go out of our store'nnless its the biggest bargain a customer ever had. W e want this store to be known by • ■ everv workingman in this section and our pncts and valnta must make it so ! There’ll be ud creilit to anybody-W rh= people cut no figure here-^it will only be a qnestiOT of D()WN--if we don’t get the cash, we will keep the clothing ! W e don’t ask a customer a high price so he has to pay hw neighbor’s debts. This is not uecesi^y, because we won t ciedit anybody and tliere’ll be no bad debts. . . , jssrW henin need of Clothing come to see us and make no mistake. C ilA N F O im ^ CO. . . . . I . WINSTON-SALEM, K. C. oAir fkONX. So. iij Trade SK 2 doora north of I’armer’s Warehouse. proQt .e K ^ , L „ I I1 H e ii a wise m an in th ii oonntiy^ Bov-a-days vb o knows w hat be is eej ij>8. Bussian farm ers w et their ^ to make it weigh m ore before EM ing it lo t export, and etill there a u people w to olaim -that B nssia is o n l/ half cir- ilixed. International yaoht ^ e e s , in te rn a' tional athletic g a m e s / in terD atiou al row ing co n te sts, a n ^n ow it*s an in- tsrnational rifle i ^ c h . W hy, c e r­ tainly. Juet th ^ & in g . The m ore international m eetings the better. I t ia a v e rr^ by a tam ons Chinese dootor that^nerTonsness is kept out of th e Oelesb'al E m pire by the UEe of soit soled sU es. The hard soles worn by th e A % lo-Saxon raoe are said to be th e ^ a s e of their extrem e nervous peram ent. V T h e Sooth American republics are /W riving to bring abont an interna­ tional alliance to prom ote peace and commerce among them and minimize th e ohanoes of war. T hat is in line w ith m odern ideas and tendencies, which look to building np and produc­ ing rather than tearing down and de­ stroying as the buttressing force of na­ tions. ' in the progress of m odern civiliza­ tion we are told in one of the recent periodicals that the trolley car will soon be clanging its way past eventbe old sphinx and the pyram ids. I t will all be very convenient and pleasant for th e traveler, bu t one feels a sort of disappointm ent over the thought of invading their quiet, and thus m ixing tte new w ith the very old. Perhaps th e utm ost th at is known about the boy after several thousand years of experim enting on tiim, ob­ served the New York W orld in an art­ icle which discussed w hat kind of an education is best for the lad in knickers, is that he will turn ont any­ thing except what yon expect, and th a t any m elhod of training suggested by reason will produce a result direct­ ly opposite to w hat was intended. . .N othyithstanding the assertions ot many snperlatively good people to the contrary, the world is a better place to live in to-dny than it ever has beec. There is less'crim e in proportion to the population than there was one hundred years ago. The great trouble now is that we gain a knowledge of each day’s crim e throughout the world at tile breakfast table, whereas, in the ilays of long ago, if any particular crim e was ever heard of, tim e suffi­ cient had elapsed to blunt the an- uonncem ent and cause the same to be looked upon as merely an incident in Ihe w hirlgig of time. To thi) average American reader the m ost rem arkable feature of the D rey­ fus trial wos the Judge acting as prosecuting attorney. I t is difficult ouo accnltom ed to the Anglo- B ixon usage to understand courts cou- dncted on the old L atin theory that th e m an whom the State has arraigned m ust he guilty and th at the Judge is no t a judge in our sense, but an officer of tlie S tate charged w ith the dnty of preventing guilt from escaping pun­ ishm ent. There, is som ething to be said for the old L atin system, jnst as there is som ething to be said against onr system , which carried to ex­ trem es often makes the escape of ob- Tions g n ilt extrem ely easy, f ■ T he tronbles of the man changed into a boy again in A nstey’s “ Vice T ersa” are laughable, but an educator really desirous of im proving the con­ dition of his scholars m ight well take A hint from it and put him self in the amall boy’s place. On a M onday m orning let him take np a foreign language—say Russian—and dig away « t it from nine till twelve: then rush five or six blocks away to bolt a h ur­ ried meal, and race back to re.^ain his desk at one o’clock sharp, and study _ w it^ n t relaiatjon till thrg6;'anUwhea the educator has done this diily for one week be will have a working knowledge of the condition of a stadent’s mind—and stomach—at "one sharp” on a school day and will bo com petent to pass upon the ques­ tion w hether an extra half hour at noon for digestion and m ental recuper­ ation is needed in the pnblio schools. I t ia probable th at m ost of the guesses at the population of the U nited States which next year's cen ROB will show are too high. These ostim ates generally range from 75,- 000,003 to 80.000.000 for thU country proper, not inolnding the population of onr new pos essions. There is on e thing which persons are liable to overlook in prognosticating the next census, and it has an im portant bear­ ing on thtt snbiect. I t is the fact th st th e last censns showed a greatly de< .creased birth rate in this country. I t is probable that the censns next year will show a still larger decrease ot the raUo. Mr. H . T. Nowcomb, em inent statistician, is convinced that the rate of grow th of the coun­ try ’s population hss been less in .this than iu any preceding decade. He estim ates the population in 1900 at 74,400,000, which will be an iocreaae of 18.91 per oent. for ten years, u s b b lowec r«ts tU n aay t^ m t t t«a |MjM JiATf jhBwa, ' ' ' BOOKS FOR CONVICTS. k Praviseworthy Moveinsot «t th«>. Ansoo Farms* As, chairm an ot the lavestlgatlug Committee appointed by the last Gen­ eral Assembly to Investigate the attairs of the s u te Prl»*n. I find th at the con­ victs Ot the State at the vajlous camps, B9 well u at the Central Prison, have comparatively no reading m atter. Some benevolent people have In one ar two Instances Euppliod blbles, and I un- dei^taiifl th at ladles of M assachusetts, perhaps, have sent m agajlnes to one or two ot the farm s. Capt. R. F. Eein- hardt. Supervisor of AnsOn farm , ■Wadesboro. U. C.. has provided a small library for the use ol the convicts at his own expense, and he tells mc that the convicts are very glad to get the use of this reading m atter, and he finds some of those who can read teaching the illiterate ones to read and irlto . He also states th at he finds th at dur­ ing their idle Urns they read awl dls‘ cuss w hat they have read, ahd it has occurred to me th at his effort should be enccuriged. I have therefore de­ cided to ask the good people o£ the State to forward such literature as the} ■can spai'e from their libraries to U. P. Reinhardt, Wadesboro, N. C.. to be donated to his library. Wo especially ask for Illustrated literature, such as illustrated magasines. copies of re- llgloue newspapers, and such books as the people of the State may see fit to contribute. W e also especially ask the trai eling men in buying magaxines and other literature. Instead of throw ing them on the car seats, or giving them away, to forward them to C apt H elnhardt to as­ sist him in this commendable work. In case duplicates should be sent to Capt. E elnhardt. or he should have a sur­ plus, I have asked him to forward to the Superintendent of the Central Prison to be distributed to the different farm s of the State. W e are trying this as an expeiim ent, to provide a library for these unfor­ tunate people, and if we find tb at this plan works well we will extend It to the different farm s of the Stale. In case any one should wish to con­ tribute money to this purpose they may send It to Capt. R. P. Reinhardt, W adesboro, N. C.. and it will be ex­ pended in the proper direction. I hope the secular and religious press ot the State also will send such reading m atter as they may de»m proper, and they will be doing an un­ fortunate people a sen-icc by copying this article and calling attention to the same, J, A, BROWN. rhairm an Investigating Committee. State Notes. An enterprise that is Just as feasible as it is vast has been finally airangcd that means much to Shelby and sur­ rounding towns. It Is the harnessing of tiie rushing, tumbling waters of Maia Broad river so that It? volume may be used in the traasmls;i'-cn of electrical power sufficient to operEi'e the mills ot Shelby, Gaffney, King's Moua'.ain, Gastonia, and CherrjTille This is TI>Z idle‘ Bpeculatic?n, bul an ac- compHfhed fact. The riparian rlshls have been secured and the plant will be established within Ibe next few months. The General Electric compa ny, a corporation of ample capital, wUl establish an elsctrlc generativa plant on Main Broad river. Its repre­ sentative. 'Mr. Giles, of A'tlan'ta, a«om- pa-aled by Mr. H . I). Wheat, a p.-x:ml- nent man of Gaffney, was here la?t week. Ccatraots were signed by both tie Belmont mills and Shelby cotton mills, In whiirh 'they agree to take siif- ficleat pawer to run both mills by elec- trlcitj'. This electric power will be furnished a:t a much less cost than either coal or wood can be of.alned. The Oaffney miljs will also he operated by the same mc.ijve power, as will the mills of other towns mentlon’sd abo’.'e The plant will be enabled to generate power within a radius of thirty miles, — Sholby Atinora. Greensboro has a chewing gum fac­ tory. A herd of cattle four miles from Ral elgh was found Saturday .to be dying of Texas fever. Already tour are deai out of a herd of .fifteen. The first six m'Vnths of the year were mecked to North CaTolliq^r Jcating or beginning^^Thirly-threc textile m'llls. Of thg^ 26 were cottoa, 1 woolen, 3 fcnltUjj^ and 3 some other ijBd. yT At the Sta^e penCtentiary 250 mat­ tresses are/beiEg manufaotured ea..h week. Shlfta-gitj belts made to THE SCHOOL C EN SU S. Its Relation to tAe SlOO,DOi Appropriation For Pliblic Sclniglt. Tte Superintendent et fubllo In- Btruitlon haa issued the follawlng lei^ ter to the County Superintendents ot Schools: Dear Sir; I hive had sqine inquiries as to wholher a delay In tending the ccH j Bs reports to 'this office in Octo­ ber would sffect the apportionment td the counties ol the $100,000 appropria­ tion. First, I will cay tbo cenEUs ISat is now bE^ug taken is not to bs reported tc '.ills oflice until July 1900, w.hcn your regular annua! report is made. This census you are now taking is tor ithe sciolastic year 1899 and 1900, rtich bsgaa July 1st, 1899. and will cad June 30th, 1900. You will see on page 45, Pamphlet ot School Law. that In Janiialry, 1900, we will use as <the basis of apponliloame:it at tils time “ the «:hool census of the previous echolastic year.” Tierefcce the school census of the scholastic ymir 1898 and 1899. wiai be used. This census is included In the last ann'ual reports senr. to this office ia July of the present year. The census mould, however, be com­ pleted promptly by the first of October, as required by law, so the County Boards may know ho\ to apportion the schocl tuid. Speaking approximately will ; say that you may expect about 16’ cents per capita ter your school population from the $150,000 approprfatlon. Yoars truly, C; H, M e b a n e , Superltttoadent of t>ubllc Inatruetloa. At the Paris Exposition North Carolina is to have its repre- sratatlon among the exhibits at the Paris Exposition despite 'the Dreyfus case. Under the regulations and on account cf the great demand for space from the w-hale world, no separate space fcr exhibits will be assigned to the several Stiles of the tnicn. but each can send exhibits if it so desires and they willl be displayed in the space allotted to the several departments ot industry of lihe United States. Secre­ tary T. K . Brucer, cf the Board of Ag- ricuituro, has been corresponding with the national air'thcrities who control tho epacc allotted to the UmHed States. He has secured space for this State In the departments of agriculture, horti­ culture, mJnicg and fisheries. He Is now ccirc.-ponding w'th piriies thr-ushout the State irith a View to m_’ klns up the exhibits fSr these sev­ eral depai'iaients. Tiie matter, it wiii be remembered was discuised at the last meeting of the Board of Agricul­ ture, but action was postponed. It will be taken up again at the approach­ ing meeting and it is hoped that a suit­ able appropriaticQ may be secured to: the purpose, it will be ths purpose of those preparing the exhibit to make Norlh Carolma oome out prominently among other States in *11 the sever.il lines of exhibits. THE RETURN OF "TH£ THIRD ADMIRAL" all p a r t ? ^ * : . state. ■'the North Caro: anc8 has severed Its the National Alllsjice, by tOTlf. It h is d ro p p ^ pslltics and seeking to get the tarm ors t>j agai-j join the State Alliance. Tho construction of a cotton factorv a t Hickory Is now assured. Fifty thou­ sand dollars have been subscribed and a larger am ount is In sight. Messrs. A. A. Shutord and C. Goitner are the promoters of the enterprise. Ncgota- tlons are also pending for the purchase of the Rowe shoal, near Hickory, by parties who expect to erect a cotton m ill there.—M t Airy News, ra c .jiurcnase tae Caledoiiiia farm (camps -N:! 1 and 2) has been formall.v authcTlzed by the cxecuitive beard of the State prlc-ca. The tract includes 7,290 aicres in K alitax crsimty, and the property is boni-ht of t.he heirs of the J. A. Fcitrell estate. The price to be p;dd is $61,665, acd the purchase mon­ ey is provided for by the Issue of tSO,- 000 of the etate fcur per ceats., which are now being ensraved and printed by l-be Arccctcan BaJikiaote -coai5>a.ny, of New York. Much interest is felt in tlie ne.v rail­ way to be built from Raleigh east­ ward. The chicf expense will be fnr the first eight miles out of Rolcigb. where the grading will be heavy in order to get across the valley of ,the Neuse. U* S . C R U IS E R - q l y m p i A Tbo flaxshio ct Admiral Dewey as tho battleship appeared on her homeward TOy- ORe, with tbe Admiral’s flag flung to tbe breeze. WOMAN FIGHTSA LEOPARD ALASKAN COAST SHAKEN Conquers Him in a Cags, After a Desperate Struggflft Aoimal Jamps ou Ber Daiine a Be< ke*rgal, Bat SUe Catches Him la a Second Spring os a Pltclifork. Of Itnerest to Tar Heels. Hereafter no child under In-elve ye3r3 old will be allowed lo work in the East Dur-^iam m-l]!. This imic is t'l go in't'O frffeot this wesk. All of the raMip o f'he city are now practi cally under cnc managemcBt. and if we are r.;:'’: mistaken this rule already prc-vf.1’3 in ihe W eit Durham mi!l. Good ecjoolo are maintained in both Eaat and West Durham, and the m an­ agement of 'lihe mills arc determined that di'tldrsn at Irrai-t shall have the advantage of them. This aoLion, while It mBT seem a aard:'hip to seme cf -the Fu.’enta, Is proper and but justice t-o tbe chlllTen. A cotton mill or any ci;h£T mill, for that malter, ds not a fit p!a:e f:T a child under tweivs years old. L a feu.ch wfrrk as this con;Maue. — Duirhain Herald. The four rear old rca cf Mr. J. W . ^•'•3 -la^:t9n, of Gullcdfte township: came very w a x being killed by hogs The llij.le fellow climber, over i-::V3 his faVher's P'l-^ture and *wa;- set upon by a large -hog aaitd knocked dowTi, and received a eerefre gash cut In (he face befo*re hs could -be re«3cuc(l. If his seven year old brothcT <had not jfl«ceded dn frighten’-Tig tbe hogs aw'ay fchr'iiWe fellow wculd' prci>ibly -have been tom to pieces.— ^Wadesboro Mes­ senger. At Mockfiville about $10,000 of the fur nilure factory stock has been subscrib­ ed and a charter applied for. Ae soon as the charter Is rcccived the etcck- holders will elect officers. Tte lot has ^sen bought which adjoit-s tihe Mason- and is near the rail- G . Horn, _____ leen aj>^ pointed a committee^to have th^ Duild* l2i«s ereoled, whldi will be tfpue a" c::-ce. TTie factory is at last aai assur­ ed fact and will ^ o v e a rast benefit Ip t-he town. A State conv^'titlon of truckeirs will be held la Halccgh on W edn’ssday of the State fair, O^tciber 18th. PHil,4i»SLpau C3p03lal).—About flrty persons who happsoedto benea; the cages in whleh the animals dt the Hageabeck show, now exUibUlug at tbe National Ex­ port Expositiodj aro kept, envr a flgUt be­ tween Mile. Morell, a traiaer of leoparla, and Olid of her eblrgea. The iigiit lasted about ten minutes and as d result the young woman was taken to tbe TJaiveralty Hospital with her obest torn and a pl^oe bitten out ot her left arm. Tiie leopard -ffUloh attooked ber was pieroe.l several times with the tlaes of a pitchfork and It Is probable that he will die. Mile. Morelli opened the do3r of the cage in wbioh the bis leopard Bapier stood Boarling. Sbo was clad In a Frenoh blouse of deep i-ed &ud tights at tile same hu€. tn ber right hand ^Ue lia4 a whip and in tbe left* which &be \{ept behlud ber badk, was II revolver, for shenntioipated trouble T?ltti tho leopard aud was prepared to subdue him. As she entered lUpler lowered Ills head and, showing bis teeth, slunk into the far corner* Tho yoilnt? woman went near hiin and spoke. The only attention be paid to her words was to laaU his tall angrily and spit. Oritboat farther ^ords she raised the wbip and brought it down on the back of the animal. He retreated and she followed, striking him a second time, the last cnttlng his face. He crouched for ^ spring, but she hit him the third time with the ;isb and he ran wbinloR to the other side of the oajfe. The trainer again gave ac orderj but be refused to morv and she struck him with tbe vifhip. tn an in- stantj and without fairing warningi the leopard leaped into tile air and landed on her shoulders, his left forepawsinklng into her obest and tearing off the clothing. So quick hud been tbe spring that she T^as unable to bring the revolver into Use, and when he struck ber tho weapon was buried to the other side cf tho cage. Beversing the whip Mile. Morelli beat the animal on the head until be loosened bis grip and sunk to the floor. Guards had been trying to get lu to her nsslstauce, but the door was locked and nothing could be done. One of them bad seuured a tbree- pronged fork} which he passed through tbe bars, and as the animal fell tbo trainer backed toward this and raised it just as he was about to spring for the second tlmo. He leaped and landed on the prongs which ran deep into iiis breast. He fell and ran, but.tbe woman followed him striking him at every step with tho sharp points. Not uncii be was exhausted did she stop prodding him. Sho then walked to the door, opened it, and fell iato the arms of a guard. Her left arm was helpless and ber chest wasterriblylao- erated. A year ago in Omaha Mile. Mor- olli was attacked and her cheat lacerated by a jaguar. Some Aleutian Islands Sank Several Feet Alter Earthquakes. Over 500 Miles ot tUe Coast D lttarbed to an JBxtent Not Knows lo Modern Timei«»In(llans Terror-Strlelcea* SEiTlLE. Wash. (Special). - Over 600 miles Of the coast of Alaska, and possibly as Tiany as 1500, have sustained an earth­ quake the like of which in violence and ex­ tent is not of r«eord since the ancient oo_ cupatlon of tbe famous land, by the sturdy Busslaus. News of the disaster reaohed Ssattle by The remarkable dUtd^banoe is Known to h,-ive extended along the winding courae of tho seashore from Juneau to Cooks Inlet. No doubt It rumbled on down the Aleutian Archipelago to Harbor, and possibly to the furthest Islet of the '' lUete W8»8 two ahoclM. The Brat oo- ourrod Sundoy. SaptombM 3, and tho sec­ ond a week later. The last was by fat the most violent and the Yakutat Bov sejtlon was the most sariously disturbed. Tho earth shook aud trembled like a leaf. Nanak Island, off Vnkutat, settled twenty- nvo feat, so that at high tide the tops of the trees of thesickly timber growth In that . ___1-___1 ..section are barely visible. Several new islands were formad in thU Ideailtvi for whila the mainland and extet« The feemi-annual meeting of the J. M. Odell M anufacturing Company, of Bjrnom's waa held here last Thur?- day. A dividend .of 4 per cent, tor the Blx m oatbi was declared, it was de- ddsd to tocrtM* tt» capital ttucu oi Tn« «ect»i»!rj Di agncniiure was to­ day requested by John W. Cunning­ ham of Person county to call a State convention of cotton growers for Octo­ ber 21st. and said he would compl’^ with the request. The secretary of State has Issu­ ed articles of Incorporation to the Catawba cotton mills of Newton. A C. The capital stock is $25,000, with privilege cf increase to $100,000. The incorporatcrs are John P. Yount. Rob­ ert B. Knox and Edw. P. Shrum, all ■ f '^.atflwirp. county. The Agr!cultur2 l Bulletin, which will be i;sued fcy ;h : end of the montj, will have a very valu 2-t’e article f:ir farmers. It is an a> .xle giVlng full eejctiption and pTCtfusely iilustnstlng the "tick,” which is infesting the cat­ tle tn come sectioua cf the State. In ttve,’iT six weeks at farthest the Ashley Sli^Sptonln* mill—operated by negi'o BiW—will be gt work at Fayettevaie, It u » mod^ mill, Uie building perfeo: la «1 iu t9peltttmea.sjj, tkt mcotawy thTevMiowt Qrt$ «iui BANK CASHIER STRUCK DOWN, Walter larrton Aisanlts F. if* Filbert at Palatine, Itear 6hlcaso. Cdtcidd (Special).—Frederick J. Filbert, the aged cosbier of tho Palatine Bank in Palatine, 111., twenty-six mltca north ot Ohioago, was fatally injured as the result o( an attack made upon him by a young man who gave tbe name ot Walter Lawlou. The latter, who la unknown to anybody in Palatine, and apparently of good educa­ tion, was placed in tbe county jali suffer- lag from a bul|et wound in the abdomen. Henry Plaggo, seventy years old, a fai- icer, whose intervention at a critical i^c meat prevented tbe outright m u ^ r ot tbe cashier, was taken home, wi : of the village, cut, bruised and dlsaj}ied as a re­ sult of his struggle wit^Xawton. whose motive for the assault, a^ordingto his re* peated statements, wasifnot robbery. The attaok upon Filbert w A ^ade with a taok hammer, and the ageo^cashier was struck at least a dozen tloMs before Plaggo Inter* fered. ^ •tOOO^br a H arrlase Iiicense. A m essd^received at Perry, 0. T., from Tishomingo, I. T., states tbat the Chicka* saw-'lawmakers are at work in earnest, tfnd thift something of a sensation was sprung in the ^ouse by tbe introduction of a bill proposing to raise the price of O b^asaw maniage licenses trom $50 to Shot HJs Fatlier to Save His Motber. . Elijah Hall shot and killed his father, Henry Hal], a clergyman, In Pike County, Ky., for abusing his mother. The father was verv Quarrelsome, and upon the son’s Interferbg (n one of these scenes he abused him in violent terms. The son then shot him dead and ran away. Belnsed Trealtoent and Died. Mrs. Henry Oliver, wife of tho owner of tbe Oliver Theatre, and prominent in social eireles, in Lincoln, Neb., died suddenly, aftor havin^r Tooelved Obristiaa Solence treatment, bavins refused to cill a physi­ cian. Tne immediate cause ot death was heart trouble. Sadler Wins tn Nevada. The Supreme Court of Nevada has ren­ dered a decision In tbe Governorship con. test, by which Sadler wins the oase by sixty plurality, au increase of forty votes over tbe original count. locamvi ior wuuo mo —v. Ing islands settled thafe iTas a great up­ heaval of tho seabed, resulting In the for­ mation of new islands. A lone Catholic cross rising above the waters 1s all that remains to mark the spot of a EaMian Indian graveyard on tbe point ot the land extending far out into the bay of Yakutat. George il. Bsterly. a Minneapolis man from Kodiak Island, says the natives, aud indeed the Whites, at takutat, Oroa and other points along the path of the earth­ quake, declare that mountains ware aotutl- ly dislodged. The Indians were terror- stricken. hundreds of them fled from tbe Yakutat section and are going down tho coast to Lynn Canal. Some have already arrived at Juneau. The native village of Kayak sustained a frightful shaking up. Cabins and huts were Jarred down aad such as remained standing are propped up with Indian polM. In mnuy places great Assures In the earth, some three feet wide, and miles In length, were visible, and some of those aro de­ clared to have emitted steam. Fatal Q.iaU» lit Smyrna. SsfyaMA. Asia ilinor (By Oible).—There was a dlsistroQS earthquake at Aldla, a town on the ]k£ender, elghty-one miles southeast ot this place. Hundreds of per­ sons were killed In tbe valley ot Menderes. SPA IN C U T T ING DOW N EXPENSES. Tbe Cabinet Decides Not to Fay Intereit on CabsD Boadsi Madsi!) (By Cable).—The Cabinet met la Council a few days ago, and it wasdeelded that the interest os.tbe Cuban bondeshodld be paid by the Government of that island. andnotbySpalo. Ihe necessity of making all possible economies In the badMt, In order to satisfy publie opinion and mNt the needs ot the oountrv, was dlsaasiM at (treat length. EaohHinlstet was urged to report what larther outtailmenl was poatl- ble In his department. JNDIGENT IN PORTO~RICO. O p».tblii ot tbe Entire Fapolatlon Be> parted Uelpleu. Si5t Jc is, Poito Bloo (By Cable),—The Board of Charities’ tabulated statlstios show that out of a population ot dl^,884 there ate 291,039 Indigent and 11,168 sick. The number ot deaths as the reettlt of the recent hurricane was 3619. _ Ono week’s rations were Issued to 298,- 147 persons, and tbe nnmber of those woik> log for rations was 11,718. Train CoUUloa KlUs to n r. A passenger train on the St. Louis and San Francisco Ballroad collided With a freight train near Kansas City, Ho, 9oor were killed and four others tnjored. The dend aro: R F. Bedyck, engineer of the freight train; Charles Bider, flremas of the pofsenger train; W. Harelson, freight brakeman; unknown man, baraed he^ad recognition. Freight Oonduotor Brow­ nell's watch was thirteen mioutet slow, as It was proved later. CarlUts Give Spain » Best. •Premier Silveia at Madrid,Spain, has ao* ncunced that the Carllsts have abandoned all tbelr schemes for the time being, owing to dissensions among themselves. Cardinal Gibbons Sees tbe President. Cardinal Qlubons called on PrMldent McKinley at the White House, Washington, to ask. It Is said, an Investigation ot the alleged desecration Ot CachoUe Ghnreh firoperty by American soldiers In tho Piiil* ppines. in a Theatre. M an««r H ad Oftej ActreM “ <* i Tenn, (Speclal).-Mlsi eHATTiKOOO*. „ji, Plaster, of -ti,Bidon,tbe staaefflau taken to Jail. . L.iden had besa HIM M o rriso n ^ she ha I qnattalltiK time, to leave the oo'n-t\ireaten.d «averaltira»J ^Haraoon theypany. At rehear^ jn « renewed their ,everely bsforaMys.renrlmsoded her w ^ the entire oom p*"?-7|,„ fi’oe, her temper a n d slapp over the It nppeart that theywoman’. aHegedbad^aoune. in a <ta*e whisper. j jijjShethereupoaranjaw j y “ S " t f J r t o U ^ S him li the heal, an I the IJlr e«ept the plsyi»ti.<hfs tween the nair " ti,oa(ht the aoeae wai bat the sluht ot tho bloo 1 Sa“ « d L'pVticrand there was w«d exolte- T e ld .n was plejsd uo by so^e m entor. b“ auJ th. She“ “ fo « ol hU sUteH Uve, Ja n h H from St. Lo a l 3 -____________ BAY STATE DEMOCRATS MEET. Nominate a State TloS.t an I Elect Ojle- (stes to the National Convention. B ostO-i (apeoial),-T!te D eaoorats ol Massachusels mot in State Convention an t nominated the lollowins ticket: Govaraor, Bobert Treat Paine, Jr.. ot Bastoa; 1/lea- tenant-Oovernor. Join B. Mask, of North Adamsi Seoretaryot State, ^ Boston; Altoroey-Oeneral. Joha H. Mun- ■on, ol Lowell: Auditor. W, L, Rimi.lell, o( Lynn, and Tcaaaarer, Josap'a J. Vlv“a. o' Lawrinoe. TUe conventloa elootaJ thirty delegates to the S atlo n ^ Conveatloj ot 1800 , pledged to vole for William J. Bryaa as a candidate for President, The platform demands the fwe cato^^? ot sliver at 16 to 1, deslares the Palllppm j war "wanton and needlessi,” an 1 ucjat that tue Wanda be given their iodspaal- ence. eioresses laar that mHltaria.-n 1< menaolng the country, calls for drastlj remedies agalast trust monopoly, opposes the Boston and Albany lease, favoring tUj purebase of the railroad by the State, an 1 declares tor direct legislation an I public ownership of municipal business enter- ^w itter L. Bamsdell, of Lynn, has sent tc the State Committee a letter formally da- dining the nomination for auditor. The candidate for Governor, Mr. PVinA. is the fourth of his name in direct des jsnt —a son ol tbe philanthropist and a graat- grandson of the signer of the DasUratiod of IndepeudeniiB. He is about thirty-flre years old. __________ The Nebraska Repnblloan Ticket. OaiHA, Neb. especial).—Tho Hepubllcans of Nebraska in State Convention here nominated Jndge H. B. Reese, of Iilucola, lor Supreme Court Judge, and £. (->. Me- Gllt>:>n, of Ojxaha, and William H. Ely. o? Ainsworth, for Begents of the State U qI* veralty on the first ballot. The platform adopted deplores the insurrjotlon in thf Philipplaes. but pledges support to thaai- mlnlstratioo ia maintaining tbe authority of tbe United States. The platforn de­ clares for the gold standard aud favo s national supervision and control ot tbe trusts. ADMIRAL MONTOJO C0N0EV1NE0. General Orj;, i,.. , ? iiartment tr -'‘eot by tho in the wr Th^ M notiflo.l t„, in Now Orl Is to Ua tbftclt- T!>e *N Tjon^no.. r-'tnrn to duty in Ifiay? w... ..V r*i the suDboni Nis’iviir. Porsonal BlenUon. Lord Kitchener’s favorite book is the Mabommedan Koran. President Erugor, of tbe Transvaal, sleeps eight bours each night. The new President of Peru, Don Eduardo L o#z de Bomana, was educated In Eng­ land. Senator Beveridge, of Indiana, declares himself much improved by his trip to tbe Philippines, and does not believe the cli« mate Injurious to a mau in gool health. - Professor Atthur B. ^arah has-resi»sd the ol^ir of Comparatiya Literature at Hat, vavd Ualversity, Ifo is to enter buslaessi. Andree'a Anchor and Bnoy Vouid* A telegram was reeelved at Btookholn, Sweden. from the master, ot the Konregtan cutter Martha Larsask, saying that he had found on the north coast of King Ohaxiea Island an anchor, and a buoy marked: “ Andree Polar Expedition.” Army oaeers JtusS Faee tli*. Camotn. Secretary Boot has sisnt ont cltenlan n questing photographs of every eooamls* sionedofK^ez of tb e aro y to fUe with the efflcienoy records in the w ar Demcienoy records in the War Departmeaft at Washln^on. These photoaxapiis are to be all ot oneslce, mounted,and to havathe name ot the oflleer. his rank, aad the date upon which the photograph was taken Im- scribed npon the hack. I<egal Holidays la 0 4 tia« QoTernor-Qenaral Brooke h u dsalg- aated as legal hoUdap la 0«ba( Kev w asO nY w yw 'Iirin-i Tjji Orl«.:r„. ' ,, , .'"‘‘''-Ii,, ,-:, ['n-nlni.MT, trit,,-. ''S iT 1-0 rilisvl V ; ^'ill i.. , M fK m 'e v i?i ..t uo th e . - v r - g«0«l.5 \ e lu d e ! i T h « J o rd e r th e liutb.-' Mrs*. Tl Wl-'o of irivon Hndow.jfVTui ^ .. —vy Pprnclual AMor.ntiop S t . P a « r . r a n s b i u W . ^ H . X ^ '> ^ i Tht» X n v y D ep.irim ont .. ' 1 th e W a r D e p artirif'n t th»' S h ew illb..tucne_^„!o'r,";'«5^ O tir Genera’ Woo 1. Miill irv a >- i lia.o. say.3, arter lii-: tiui-'Af "•'^•''4 from Porto Prin.Mpr^ 7’hJ Utile pro;,^c63s h\i .n.?,; 'J war. T h e M :i.u’n’r>cwe in tijA t>- ,. I )iavo gurtirfs‘i-.i lo r-Honr'’’l Felix Martel!, a ino;iit wall kci*, I Giianajuy district. Cubrt. hn* after havlD" vainly askn'vnr-i„ local authorltitf?. ^ Ptiaoe David ,| extinct HnwHii.ia .Ivnnsiv nnu'estriil is*Jan.h: wer--; n-v-r r,.,.?! r tbe s'y n. n^r 'T It h rtjpotted at SiiuM-i::.'. .i-j Cai-J Caroeg.e Cou;):tny will buyt's^ «..d to the micas and 0 D«a u? .r,:i :ninln^ operatiou.-'. ' ' •'I ;:io postal mcney otdt-r weai\ l5»fl United Stales anl Cua-'*-1 *SO,OCO a wee... he< "oad S e n te n c e d to R e t i r e m e n t S e c a n t e H e S itr* r e a d e r e 1 t o A d m i r a l U a w s y . M40B1j>, Spain (By Cable).—^oar-Aduii ral Montojo, who commanded the Spanlst naval forces In the battle of Manila Bay and who has been on trial betorathe Si ojndemnel lo re- tlrtiment without the right of pr jmotiou. r e b e l s a t t a c k _a t r a in . T w o A m u l e . n a K i l l e d su < I F i v e W o u n d e In a Sklrinlsli. MWtti (Br Cable),-i-A patty of lasar gents ditched n ralUoad train a mile and s naif Bouth ol Angeiee and then opened Are upon the derailed carj from a bamboc *'>® track, klllln, tw: T lllitt wonading Sra others. of his scouts. defeuH nS the train, made a vieorou afterward fonnd In Wheaton, w.th six oo:nnaute„ “ ....................the Sis : thS train.bnthlaservleei were not needed. SAILORS ACCUSED OF-MURPEB. -'»»rw.,u«TTI.oKlU.d.,d A,. „ Com panlon PlM «a U nder Oa&rd. ” • (SP'Olal).-W arrant, l « fo, . r r ‘ "yTIee-Consal Witte. a«. M dw Ln 0' Norway, agalnal to f?.!™ .J® •'*“ I'orweglaa sail- their own whiledrlf’ln J ii ^ il ateaoo-npanlon -‘'orwar as «« n as ahle/o Traiel t e l l s o f SLAVERY. »»«• Dep,run«nt I . Infannwl or Allegei Coolla lAbor Abnsei. Wa,h„<,io .v, D, C. (Speolal).-3eorge D «ateD,p,rtment a tew day. «ko m e n t * reUUve to the S ltt fe ' ‘•borer. In the th3 war - - . wa- sent u ‘eo. ot at thi . to pre ili-traat Hawallai dViiUfi . ....... . ,,, , I m?ev i?i iiui.fr 4 I . “ fvonfn^' of 1.5 will hr» ictito l • J.*'"""’ *1 a i in tin nunib.^t '‘ii*'! ft P r sMftnt h ii, 1 They t^SJbuuKe l w’lli u-n j lelther side .8ufTt?red any io»».' l^uinestic. Active work 0 1 the coast ructio, 4 J ew il,00D,00-) drydo;:; nt V a .. b ;i^ b e e :n bO R un. T ’id dook-r.l .J la tK P S t in t h ^ w o rM . b e to e n -iriv K tJ in length, aud largt^ enou:r:j ti>‘ho!|J two battle.-«h!p3 or crulaeri aS’Wt. Mr. and Mrs. DeuQl^EoikievTeHhJ to death iu their homo, at SLoujjutojT S ig u o r M aro o a f, o f wlrsJe-,* it], 'Ajnp', w h o o om es tr» A.nieric-.» t,.' p e rlm eu 'H fo r th e W .ir un I nentj*. a r r iv u l i i Xuw Y ork C.t; t j i Canar 1 line ste.tfii.jUip ’ Ea«»li?a Xoah T. Coleiniin. oi tb*’J ship Iowa, died in a priv.ite Frauolseo as a result of ji oou •llitu.l troubU^ and a infl'nil ^liioaeir soni»* ti'ne a"'» lu au atU;-l *»uiclde. Youu« Ooi«maii bud l«:'J Iftrnne.l to stand tri.tl by eourl-Tiirtiil ‘.'Jtrious offen-ies, and atte-r.plfiUuiHil The TTiau w‘jo, under t:« * 11 ni • Lawton,'* 'nfiict-ai fata? inijri»< -i Frederick J. Pilbsrt, fi • a'r.'l i)riv;>te b.ink' ia Pal lUa *, H'.. h tl.-ilf received a gun shot ••'ro-i 1 1 iu !ii? r.cf with F.irmer Pla■^^^o. \yj,> tri-j.! Un Filbert. B. J. Peter:?, a^-d iiioety-foa'. S | Jlvunt Sterlinjr. K}'. He lu tj yeatji Ctilef Jastlce of K'MitiK'iy. £l a schoolmate of Jefferioa Transylv.iuia Colieg;*. Twenty thousand poo^d-* asi-m-d the State Capitol grouudi at Deatrrl to utten-l Ji memorial service in Iir.l Colorado voiuataeri '.vbodl'jl ippinea. Paul Jo’instoa, a ra>c:‘ir.i’.. ol! ills.*., an 1 E Iwar.l Trlprd-?t-. a uani was ridlag with him. woe a-.Ur by unknown persons wbli* ea Ma:ron to Sin.gleton. Mi?r. cluetutbe murdjrer.-. Cbristiin W a ployed la a s.>ib-3tatlon at pleaded guilty iu the United sti:?-;? to the charge of ro’.>biu,3 th-^ lunilsu:! seutenue I to one an t a half . | burn Prison. Colonel W. J. Bryau opened tae campal'^n for th-^ fu'sion foroa^ at ’.* In the presoace of 10,000 per-*oa5 r j assembled fron H'jlt. Urowa a-il -:j counties to pre«t hi:n. Ten br.i=T added to the enthasiasu). The will of Cornelius TanderbillrJ be Hied for probate until the refin j fred Vrtuderbllt from Japan. In time the provisions of tho will Oe cd guarded from those not dire-’tly ira n the estate. Frank Goodrich, aged thirty-sera;! mnrdered llary Benegaa, a:;e.1 | years, at the home of the formersij in Wetheralleld, Conn., and then cota:! auioide. Jealousy is beUc*^-?d | causcd the crime. Sixty-seven survivors of the £i: trail to the Klondike arrived a fd7| ago at Wrangel, Alaska. Tbe G randJuryof Dutche?*^ Ccad Y-, refused toindiot Henry Tiilge.ici* ot Poughkeeosle, becauso of hi-“ reiai allow n . 3t. Jackson, a negro, to t^l oat Ice-cream lu his place of busia''’ ForelKQ. The Chinese Government has cr, a willingness to grant a Preach e^>a< at Nanking, provided Francs, caa with Great Britain. In consequence of tbe anti-Semi turbance at Algiers the Goverooi tablished military patrols, amounting to tbe proolamaticn cl law. Presldsnt de Bomana of Peru bw ated the political pclsoneiB from C;i Pasco on parole, thereby lucrea.')' popularity. The British battleship London «i| cessfully launched at Portsmouts. I land. Her lisplacement is IS.O-OO her armor belt 1s carried the entire 1 ol the ship. The Csar of Russia has signed H that when the Siberian Railway it pletod la 1901 all Important ports' closed to any but Busslan ships. The seventy-eighth anniversary Central American republlos was celt' with more than the ordinary dispU^I political classes joined in the celer The British flrst-class protoctedd Tarrlbla and Powerful have bo": ordered to the Cape. Thev have r«-^ board capable of forming a naval of a thousand men. General de Galllffet, Minister o!1 Paris, has issued an army order, i:| he declares the Dreyfus Incident t Captain Dreyfus arrived at Carpes^i town in tbe south of France, and 1 pected to stay there a few montb»j deoree ot pardon Is published offlol* All oommandants and field cornel been ordered by the Transvaal irl ment to supply at once returns s-J the number of men available for vice, and the points where they ‘ concentrated. Sir Biobard Webster conclude! h | ming up for Great Britain in the sc^ the Yenezuelan Arbitration Commi)^ Paris, and Hr. HarrUon began t:<| argument for Yenezuela. r The American merchants In Gu^ and Honduras have nearly all sii round robin, addressed to Secret*^ State nay, urgiuguponblm tbe iaici recall of Minister W. Godfrey Hunttl charge against Mr. Hunter Is not oa| leet of dnty, but corruption. The answer of the Transvaal to manda ot Great Britain was rece: London. The reply expresses re^ Cngland's alleged ebange ot froiN sayfthat no proposals for a flvf frauohlso y ftn eve( entertained il Africa. H Aofiording to the Sreus ZeltungjL UOf \rhloh In regard to »uoh m a| ;iilU well tflfocised. the eoittr l u u n SEW ED A BU TTOrt : g .p riDffer with a Blachl Clicc!ieil it to the F!cs| York Sun: Rosie trs oM, of 3-11 JIadiaon stj C]i a singular accident inj tin & Co.’s tailor shop, at 61 ly**yesterday. She was puti L on trous-ers. using for thal that stamps thfrJ bcbes them on ths other sJ her bacd iato the machil i not stop. It weut right i t button was snnk d«ep j las*: j^lr.t of ber lnd<?l I cliDt'hci all riebt on thf i in it so ^2 ' tail police fceadqusrtere, T h °| fastened as if it wero le off. A n aaibulance was 1 |the surgeon knew of no Iff, He look hpr over to [ I's hospital. Th« ?urgooQ5| bltal cut bnlfoii out. J clinched into the flosh. .inl |?=ary to r« t the girl undj lerform the operation. A Narrow Escape. T\-cmaD ru-bed madly doTi I Qvenue. -ivas die garm ents and jewel? the fm gcrs witli ■\viTi J bed f'.t the air in licr e£for| |c her spcc<l. » pautrd in-<> a v.-IKl. hanJcl lliorvi a look o f lo rro J O I j !” I t tliPtn to ?o otitV* Id c E ly f.ho scrcain vd : Ther-? tUfV orr! M-r' ■Mv drtrllDfc"-?: My p rc l.ni J o i t (uujfrlinuin n i’or^vard (o ^vljrro n i<tl lushing n l»;il*y raiTlr»:;r :il| \ ik and croonUig a mir I child inside. I a TTild s^^•ocl> the m ctl'| IhCDl. Jcd l Saved! ’ sobbcfl. I J the Httl? girl to h?r he\ I tho babe in the carrins*' tlin g ,” she ci'ieO, a<Mn**t- Jhiicl. “never, iievrr v^utJ la y again. Tl:‘> .Suutlil ic io u e rs arc arrostipg pcc'| In g horseless carrintrs prd«. nntl it’s a wondoj [run .^ou iu .'- Chicago lAulomatic .\lr Compressiao. I V stcm of autom atic air col 1 operation at a mine in :■ J Ihe air being draw n tb rJ if small pipes into a v | pipe passing down tho bpresiied in small globul jinn of w ater, caoli tw cnf Jof shaft depth produeiir |f air pressure in tiip ry l ivay, it is stated. loO air I produced, w ith au eftil bv rent. A Toronto »*nl lut that ii snch :i plantl I the Comstock iniDeis. carried down in pipr*;! In'fMiU wo'.iid l>e ?< jn rssi J pound.-; nf the l**)tt/‘n«, liuvreapod in scf-ond .-n'll ier>; io 2.000 [ifiijn-l.- ;!»•'! f liqiilfied air. W ith li-ju |tiie CoiP'ito' k I IK* fn*nt as ib** r;r| |i!> tbi‘ world. S.iu I ra l [H E R N R A IL W A 1 k h e d n l e o f P a i ^ e n t s r ' I Effect June 11th, I9fK). I Ves* N 0. I 8 X 0 .1 2 No. 33; * > a » y j D a i ly . S u o . ;.T. 7M a|i2 com! 4 i ■ T. | » a .OOP . ilOOS a! ■ I !1035 a 2 22 n; .12058 a 2 ^ S . 1125 a oS? 5: . n&) a - ith iii'a M M S tJ .' ^taandBlrmingham. M UBBAJftY OB3EB1 I Atlanta and New Yo| ^ ^ h e s between w 3 cars serve all m< 1 Washington and Newd •Uway, A . * W . p . E. 1 ' . ' S i " t g S S f » ' Frisian drawi \ and 1 m n thronsb U uiclacowltl^tfl _“^cdlman 1 F'JE W s EPii '^:'';':'^'--cit;M .'n.r'’'-'«ft "i'-'-lr, vruer. V''“*'1C ‘SI Xa.:,vi,r. ■' '.?fI ir.v.f'I „:• I Id number * .’;>!, an lUc- f-rna-viri. |VO.'0 for .!^ ” i\,!;;»f»«t.' I 1 Hrisb 111 5 t'' ■■'“I'-irlirsat Ii:i« ir.,i . 1 p>e,.n.:mrnt th« comS ^ J ■' imc a irausy^! «' ■'.'> A-lop,e,i I ‘•’■"- :q the ft'.iiu |a;VuVer%;^;:„?i I'..>i.l W i.n^nnik,.. ;1 s;ioa„... Ji iwiiii.Ta •Jyanstv. .sit' I >:nn I,- \vet» n-ver sr. p „ " '“ y . .0 b * coaipude J m go ' ' JotU ‘,1 a! Siiuti.13.1 ,1, Cjj, ■ ^- e '.'o u i i a n v -,rili f m - , s : ‘ ■:e ;i-.if.a? s a i cpm u;,' f ■erfttioii!'. nitne;' ordtr W-l-ea i a;te '. Sta'.cs a i l Cumit” r i TveeW Domestic. iT D rkoitne co astru ctio a Ota I '.0D> .JrydDt’c nt XrtTp>rfs4^ ■ •-. rib?ffun. Xti.* doct wili)ei3 I: t:i»» worlJ. 'oeine neitlvft>i jj I. ;i:k1 l:nrff.» enou;?:i to ’liolu ■•s.-iiiipj or cruiser* aS^at. J ^Irs. Dei:nl< Eu2klev werec-3a|li tbeir bom«?. at Stoagutoa.j{« ' M'lr^'Dai. c* wireIe-.» te,« 'OT.e-s i -> America to niViii I.- lor ihs W.ir «!i I >*-iw D»aji l-r'iV'fi i: \ew York C.t/ jj'j Lan AMraaia. * 1 T. Cole:uno. o? tue I f . a s e d i n :i p r i v a t e ^ as 4 result ot a co u •U:iUoji J aaJ a liUr*t w--»uatl infiijtelJ ■ o n i '- ,'i " > ia au \ Voauir Coi^^nnan li:id L>e-a‘n_ ^ ^t in'l tri;i! by oouri-TisniiM I fii'A--??, an i atieTi'i'iPl #mfilt| I wa*>. unier t'.i • r n i « fata* injjria* ? I. J. r.l->‘rt. f j- . lia V ij F.tU'iu*. U\. t i:-n sh'it ••rau 11 ia hi? | i 2-?r riaz,'?. T jj lrie.1 to la: lett-r«. az ‘1 uinety-foj*. ilkil Iterli’tir. Ey. He Kas for t llif Jas:io3 of K-utucky. E;J llaiate •;? -Teaerjoa DivU iij iiii 1 Culleg 1/ liirusau.l pea^It! assenibyj » C;iv*itol ;?rotiuiiat DeaT-:.^ |i n menDrial e-ecvio3 iu li«x| • rr luatier; iu tlii I a o! Sa |. i E I .T?.r 1 Tflp?5*’t- • a os:n}.4 f : TT-jch hi ii. wjr-?s’i?- a^iis rn n-=*ri?a5 6a r.?'Jl?k > i a c l 5 : o ’i. M l? ? . r 2 ? r ; i .- | . - Ul'ir J ‘TiTi. _.in u*i-a?r. H j-j-.t il I: s:it Eafli -'. 51 K - a i i f .- i a t 'l e U a U » .i S : i:e * £ J T:ir.;e'--.! r/.Vnus tbe laatlsaiii ‘ t-) -.::!? rjnl a iiali year: iij I-: ^V. J. Erya«cpeaeifae>Vqw ■ a fo“ fu«?oa ror-2d? a^ Oftj le=.-nce ot 10.033 per-»ou=5 h-1 fr ' n H Jir. Bfow-a a a i aijia' t t!) sre^: iihu. Tea braa*'' e:ith-i«iasiD. ■ ■ ^U l of CorDeiius Trtnderbil- ^ ■for I robate until the refini dr Biderbilt from Japan. In ths* ^ orovisloas cf thtj will be cot I frotn thoro not directly isW 1 CooJri :a. aged thjrty-seresj M ar/ Eeaegao, a^e-1 W ,t tbo hOTiie o? tbe former 5 ig Conn., and tben coa* J .Te.'iloafv is bslic-red Jtbs crime. Iseren sarvivors of the ■ v '.e K 'o u d i t e a r r i v e d a I V r tD-ri’l, Alaska. Ira n JJu rv o f Diitebeas CoflDt] |-e.i tvindict HenryTidge,acif •b':ei*n.cit*, bccauso of hi? reio^ I . >T. Ja-kson. a ne^ro, to w !| lT<;ain iu bis place of fcusiaess.| ■ fEVVnO A BUTTON 3 - r r in s p r M a c h lo e C ]'n t!« e J I t ?•> t b e F le * h . It VcrS fun Rosie Pierre, 16 cf i41 ?Iad!son street, met '■■ ” .-ing;i!ar accident in Joseph '; i £ co.^ t3:lor shop, at 626 Broad- "'as putting but- •n '■■'i"? f'’*' '*>at purpose • staiiips llieia on and .;i\! on ;li3 other side. Slie It It weut right cn. The , ".-^s f"nk ileep into fiflsh Ir-' '■■■ ii'^r index finger, ii-''- .''I risht on the nail sid*i. -.1 liv l .-i" ’■a? taken over p.':..-.- The butto: ;■ !5 :'cd!'J if It "'ere never to rfi. A:; ambulance was sent for, "fho tursei’n l<new of no way to get H'- "'■'■i-- I’*’'’ “'■ei' to St. VlH' •f Th"- fiircooDS at the ,;.jl , n; ihi‘ billion out. It had ■ iin' M'’!' iii'o the flesh, .nnd it was .f.£’rv to r'li <i'e girl under ether m t!;e operation. I n;'" - i," Jer i!"-'-' machinery. KoreifiTO* ■ bices*; Go^eiamcnt has oi. Bgness to grant a rrencb cooc! IkiDS provided Franca, cao* le a t Efitaln. > l:iseq:ieace o* tbe auti*Seoii^i|J Id at’Alsiiers tbe Govetoor 1-1 military patrols, pra- IlDs to tas prociamatioa oi '■ ivat de Foaiana ol Pera ba? J ^ pC'Utlcaj piisoueia from |ja paiol-e. ibereby Increasifli f ‘^r IriiUb battleship Loadon « s | V Uuacbed at Portsmoutb.^^ Her liEplaceai^at is 15,039 ^ ■lor bslt li carried th- entire i- tbip. Ji.zar of Euseia has elgned a ^ ije o tbe SIbeflan Ilailway ^ lin J901 all iaipM tant portsff" lo any but Russian ships. |=cvQaty«e;sbtb finolTetsary | I American republics WM CfW lore tban the ordinary classes joined in the celebj irltlsh (Irst-olass protoeted crf an.l PowettuI have b o tlj p to the Cipe. They have rfj lapabie of foraxlog a naval » l-)usaad men. Ira l de GalUffet, illniator of" ■bas issued au army order, ic „ Tiares ibe Dreyfus Inctdent f" i Dreyfus arrived at Csrpe®‘ rJ tbe sonib of France, and ‘I to stay there a few months.. I of parJou Is published offlciw lomiaandautb and field Ird erai by tbe Traasvaal y supply at once returns JJJ nber of men available for la d tbe points where they ^ Itrated. \l ;barj Webster concludel b j Jip for Oreat Britain In the lu*^zuelan Arbitration Commi^ 1 aad Mr. Harrisoa be^an tW | lei:t for VenezueU. J Aaierioau merchants in GuaJ londnras have nearly all alf 1 roblo. addr»jsjsed to Becrr*’ ^ ay . urglnRUpoa hioi ibe i* |of Minister W. Godfrey Hunt* c a;»ain3t Mr. Hunter is not f “ J duty, but corrnption. luiisweruf the Transvaal to p of Great Britain was receij Tbe reply expressej r ad’s alJe^ed chaoRe of fn ^nt no proposals for a At pise wt're ever eutertained ' loidiui* to tbe Erenz ^ itu n E'lilob iu legard to iooh ii I^Uy Infoitiiddi the pOiti l»a ana Itatian aiiUatjrI will teffiftiu uBMnM In A borrow Escape. cEiE rnndJj- doirn Mich- 1 ■’•*‘•'^5 dressed in .lew els^joam cd ti; : ' v.';th n-Jicli she .1 I;*- ah' ill licr efforts to !D' Ur ..1 V.Vo n vy.]y'i. h a n f n l t h i n g , '.sjli vT l o r r o r io l i c r (-•;;■ “r.h r did 1 ji'.-:--' rtjfv iir(! Jhrre (bey r- Mv lirC''li»UP :3p‘rl'iiuifiu ri’f'rpy fIic • , . : v n lltilo girl i .•siri'tco Jih'iig fbcI'U.' Xulic an-I •. ;i iiurt^rry K*ug : iu.'luo. |]j a " in ?v.ocp the luotber was |t:i-r:2 ^.i: ?li€ sobbed, a? Pbe |f,1 .j.*? li:r].' ghj to \l^T hCJirt flUd \ iw ill The carria?:?. "Oh. brliD,:.. ■ - ciled. aildfi.’^siiig the fcl!!*.]. •ii'-'vrr. iievrr voufiirc out l-.ijy iizrAw. Tl:^' South Pari; ;.i.*ucrs riiT arresting people for : b.n . caiTinccs on the r<\<. nutl it's j? wondt»r they I rjii > ■•:! in."—Chicago Times- J A uto m a tic .Air Compression. ty-’opi of nuiomntic air compres- |m ••p'.raiion at a mine in Magog, til- air being draw n through a le f ^mall pipes iutu a vpptical p;;>slng down the shaft. libiT*:;;'-1 \n pmail globules by jmin >.'t ■n jiT‘'r. enob tw enty-ser- "f ?li.'fi ‘lepih producing one |or ;}:r I’iTssure in the cylinder. , IT .statvd. l.jO air horse* |- pi'Xlui'*d. with au etUcieney i‘ (‘■'v.K A Torouto engineer ;• if s\ieh a plant wore • Kijir^tyok mines, whore <arvi"il down in pipes \ I* u!» lie-.i pressure of ;it }>io b«»tt/nH «, - w h f c b ■ r^:K—I in >-efonf! ;'nd third • ■ • pound.* and ijiad*^ air. Wjrit liquid air. • ' ••.■ir-trH u o2;nn l»e ii=“ fr<*ni as ilie ^reaipst ■ ‘• ■■rl I. Sail l'ra« ‘-is'.-o r.H EP.N RAILWAY. ISrhodale of P aiunstr fn ld l. 1 Jane lllh, 19!I9. ;So.l,8>o. 3S; Ex); U.lly.j Son. i f I 'raE;i2C0mi 4 35p l i : ^ Ij^ iM p e a p iO(i5t: 7 («• :1035 a 2 ^ p 7 ^ 3Uo? a 2 42 d! 8 IQ IVJS a: 3 00 pi 8 86' iljj'a iSfiipU5:i a' g S3 D 9 (gfc -:er 1281ni P " ‘“ P .....:1252 p 4 iJ p....I U8o! P e...' 2Mpi 5 23 p f*■ .’525p'......... jC30p 8 18 p 65ip l0 47 p . 11 45 p . : 8 20 a - - - i i ^ n s o p i GOOalToT'a Fst.Ul Ko. 86 DaUy. U 60 p 12 50 a 180 a 2 25"a 260 a 58497 60S G O O D R O A D S N O m Better Bo»<l» In tlic South. General Boy S « e . Director of Eoad Inquiry Department of Asrioiilture, -^^■hingtoa, while iu Now York 0 sa'*! that more astivitjV ^^ein.^? displayed in road improvement thau has been showu for years, not only iu Ihooonstnictiou of now roads, but in tbe general agi­ tation for ibeir construction. “All tbe road macbinu manufnctar- ers,” he said, “are driven wi4b orders, and the office of Koail laquiry is over­ ran with appliiiation.s for advica on road legislation aad assistance in road construction. There are perhaps forty road oonventioiia slated for tbls sea­ son—mo.stly iu the Northwest—aador the auspices of the luters'tata Koad ImproTemeiif -\330oiatiou. Object les­ son roads are to be bniit at a number of agricultural colleges iu tbe 'VVeat and South. For this purpose macliin- ery is loaned by tbe manufacturer.i through the office ot Road Inquiry. Tbe use of convict labor on road im­ provement is spreading rapidly through the Southern States. In one locality, near Charlotte, seventy miles ot jooil stone roads have been built in this manner. I hope to interest the great concerns mnnufaoturing automo­ biles in the improvement of highways. Tbe misfortunes of tbe party now making the automobile trip across the country show the necessity for bettor roads for this class of vehicles." To tmproTe KoaU* !li Cuba. The War Department bas iu con. tempiatiou a general improvement of the roads and highways in Cuba. It is probable that with the iu.iugu- ration of a Gystem of road improve, ment, the present free distribution of rations to the natives in Caba will be dissontinued, and they will bo put to ■work on the improvements. In sev­ eral of the departments roads are al­ ready in existence, bat they have be­ come almost impassable because of neg­ lect and lack of use. Within the past six months several improvement com- 1 lanies have started the eultivatiou ot arms in Cuba, but they have been greatly hsndieapped by the bad con­ dition of the roads, and the work bas been carried on at a great disadvan­ tage. The proposition to put the Cabans to work on improvements in the isl­ and meets with the approval of the War Department officials. It is ex- jected that reports from General Jrooke will be rejeivedwithin a short time, and then a general plan for the repair ot roads will ba outlined under the dirrotion ot Assitant Secretary Meiklejohn and submitted to the President for his approval. U<e of Skelli. In many of the Eastern and South­ ern States road stones do not exist; neither is it possible to secure good coarse gravel. No such material can be secured except at such an expense for freight as to practically preclude its use for road building. Oyster shells can be secured cheaply in most of these States, and when applied di­ rectly upon sand or sandy soil eight or ten inches in thickness they form ex­ cellent roads for pleasure driving and light traffic. Shells wear much more rapidly than broken stone or gravel of good quality, and consequently roads made of them require more constant attention to keep them in order. In most cases they should have au en­ tirely new surface every three or four years. When properly maintain'd they possess many of the qualities fonnd in good stone or gravel roads, and so far as beauty is coucerued they eannot be surpasssd. Tke tUa-Eatlai lien- The man eater is very different from the ordinary lion that has not ac­ quired the taste for buawD flesh. Lions, as a rule, are not snch (erocloua and fear-Insplrlng animals as many Imagine them to be. They very sel­ dom attack any one unless they are persistently pursued or have been wounded. If they see a person ap­ proaching them they usually prefer to Wfnk oft Into the Jungle and hide In Ms depths. They invite no attack and are Milling a man slmuld go his way If he ■will let them alone. But it Is very different with the man-eating lion. It marks the human being for Its prey, and killing mankind Is Its profession. This is the reason It Is very difficult to catch the man eater iu the traps that are set for it. A hut Is rested with a wide entrance and in­ side a kid or goat It temptingly dis­ played In such a way that it the lion tries to carry him oft, the rope that lies the intended victim will release fhe door through which the brute has entered. It falls behind the animal and It Is trapped, and may be des­ patched at leisure. But nine times in ten the strategem falls to work. The ting of beasts has not entered the vil­ lage In the stillness of the night for goats or kids. It much prefers to dash through the low doorway at a habita­ tion and seize a sleeping man or wo­ man and then bound through fhe jun­ gle with the victim in Its powerful jaws, and if In the morning the natives are brave enough to beat the tall grass around the settlement, they may find, perhaps e. mile away, the bones of Ihelr unfortunate friend. Stood B it Oronnd. "Can you hollowgrlnd this raior?" asked a customer who had stepped into a raror-grlndlng establishment presid­ ed over by a hard-headed man with bristling hair and an aggrealve look on hU face. "You want me to hollow- ground It, I suppose?" he said. “No, Bir,” rejoined the other. “I want you to hollowgrlnd It.” "If IV» ground hol­ low ain’t it hollowground, sir?" "If you grind It hollow don’t you hollow- grind It,*Blr7" "Do you think you can come In here and t»ach me anything about my business? I’ve been hollow- graiajding razors for twenty-flve years ------’’ "No, you haven’t. Tou’ve been hoUowgrlndlng them." "Do yoy reckon I don’t know what I do for a living?” “I don’t care whether you do or not. Will you bollowgrind this razor?” "No, air, I won’t! I'll hollow- ground It or I won’t touch It." The customer reflected a.moment. "See here, my friend.” he said., “dan I have It ground hollow here?” “Cer­ tainly.” And they compromised on that basis, each feeling that he was a little ahead. ‘The other morning the cook. In cleaning oft the refuse from tbe break­ fast plates, deposited five waffle* In the dog's tin basin, near the stove. Major sniffed at the waffles and strolled away, apparently dissatisfied. The cook left the kitchen for a short time, and re­ turning, noticed that Major's basin was empty. Thinking he had eaten the waffles the washed the basin and put It back In its accustomed place. <3 _ os a og p |p - m . “ i T ’ nttW i. _ ______ ly. imited. ISiroiii^ PuUnuia New Yoric and N«w Or* pn"'N llX k*^^8S.l£5, ■^taandBirm iuham . !um LlBBABYXyffiBVA- feeeu Atlanta and New Tork. coaches between Wa«h- ele«DlmKcarf ^United Stato F u t I '" f waahmgton and New l^l^ilway, A. A W. P. & in^ compoei^of , , agQ without eh Fi:»s3«s. PnJlmaa F^betweeu New Tt Gravel For the Sarfacc. Although it ie impracticable, and in many cases impossible, for communi- ties to bnild good stoue roads, a sur­ face of gravel may frequently be used advantage, giving far better resalts than could be obtained by tbe cse of earth alone. Where beds of good gravel are available this is the sim­ plest, cheapest and most efiective method of improving country ro.i(ls. Tbe A nll'ltut Airitali«ji. Good roads are a necessity ia the making of prosperous farmers. There might be a hint to mauj farmers who desire to preserve the roads on which they ride to and fro ia the sign seen on trees in various parts of Long IsU-Jid. The sign reads: “Protect tbe road; don't drive in one track. ” The interest in good roads haf greatly increased, and no commuDii T worth living and working in can aOforc to do without this “importaut ageu' in advancing civilization." The “goac. roads” question should be fake up by farmers’ organizations. From whatever side wo may view the question from au economic staad- point, and no matter what the present jondition of the agricultural classss, ve cannot deny the fast that good roada are one ot the highest essentials in the line of progress, and in the better developmeut of our agricul­ tural resources. Good roads raise the ralae of farm lands and farm products and tend to beautify the country through which they pass; they facilitate rural mail delivery and are a potent aid to eda- cation, religion and sociability. Charles Sumner once said, “ The road and the schoolmaster are the two most important agents in advanoing civilization.” In every locality where aplendid roads are fonnd we see tbe people living along their right of way becom­ ing more prosperous, tbe communi­ ties thickening iu population, while in sections ot the country where bad roads are tbe rale, farming is at a standstill, there is no demand for laud, the population sparse and gradually decreasing. League member No. 105,393 sug­ gests that if tbe L. A. W. could se­ cure the co-operation of tbe vrhee! wrights and camagemaker^, viid. tires might become popular. He ssj> '*If we can introduce them t:* tilf- the style of tires from narrow, as ; present to the wide ones w'iiica w hope for, we shoald thereby >i-':dou.. pliah a great deal for the e-in«e.” H ow to H iake tb e Shake! _ A mfaaklng chUl lets go when Dr. King's Cure guaranteed. A recently built organ run by elec­ tricity ,*ontalns 6f 500 miles of wire. Pfow ^ the Time to Plant strawberries. inblicat ona teU how to make money itrawberi r Specialistf’,Kiltre>l,N.C'. ly natural that there should be a at a stag party. I« B looa u ee» . kblood m eans a clean akim K e T th o u tit. Cascareta, Candy Cathar- rouT blood and keep it clean, by ( the lazy liver and driving all un- > the body. Begin to-day to boils, blotches, b la c k h e ^ — . -ilioua complexion b y taking beauty fo r ten cents. A ll d m f Ifn tia fa ctio n gnannteed, 10c, 25c,fi0c. iBopportnae TImea. "The trouble le," explained the Fill* pIno, "th at these Americans always w ant us to light a t tbe m ost Inoppor­ tune tim es.” "'Why are they inoppor­ tune?” "Because tbe Americans w ant us to flgh t ” _______ —The International Coopers’ Union will bold Its next meeting In Boston. Bo. S9. Ko--To-B»o lor T lttr Cants, Ben strong, blood pure. —Times a] days are to be haid. shorter. Even the Slate penoila are laaie iu Tflusei #se from »l»ts duat UyiyJranHo p,i4i.., " T H e P r u d e n t M a n S e t t e t h His House in Order/' Yoar humin U nm ent shotid be geven even more a refa t Mention tfun Ihe house you live in. Set it in order by thoroughly renovaiing yoar system through Nood nutde pare By iifting Hood^s Strs^parSU* fhen every orgax *Wit[ tud promptly a.nd regtdsrty. All forms of skin disease, aach as Tetter, Sait Rheum. Ecsema, Ring­ worm. eto.4 quickly cured by Tetter- ine. IfyotirdrUKClBthasn^tsotit, send SOc. in stamps to the manufac* J. T. Shuptrlne, Savanuah, - for » box postpaid. Testi­ monials of lots of people cured, seat for theasking. ARE Y O D ^ a r . m m s CWOD’S ‘‘KloroiKE” Strawberryggsxaigs W hen a t last lie started bomeward he rolled up <lie Youth's Computlon, ''tilch bad co n e thM day. and slipped It Into tb t tid* pockst ot U s overoort. " ^ r ■* i'PlffSi UoesyourheadacheP Painbackof youreyes? Bad taste in yourmouth? iV.5 'I™''’ Ayer's Pills are he S constipation,neadache, dyspepsia, and all liver complaints. 25c. All druggists. Then use 2-£ta. Of oa p. p. Hali. a co.4 i:irs It's Up To Him. Census Enum erator—M arried or slu- glev Spinster (coyly)—I'll leave that to .vou. Eir.—Xew York V.mrnal. Snitpeme C ourt I>ecl9loiu. ’^«8Uce Bleckley, of Ga., has tried Ty. Remedy. Ills decision: Qa-1 March M .-Pr. Chas.O. Tyner. - ^ am now using, ryaer 8 Dj-spepBla Kemedr. It is a mental as r» I- physical olixlr. ^\Mthit8 aid and a pair or spectacles I «*an frequently see thelawlti «v F ‘ ^ ® druggists:Ol sent for price, express paid, by Tyuer Dye- pspsta Hemedy Co.,« Mitchell St., Atlanta, Ga. ” The Wife of President Diar, of MexicOj l>oa’t Tobacco Spit ind Buoke Tour tlfs i^fsy. To quit tobacco easily and forercr, be mag- QCtIo, full of life, nerve aud vigor, take No-To* Bac, the wonder*worlier. that makes weak mea Btrong. All druggists, 50s or 51. Cureguaran* iced Booklet and sample free- Address SterUae Bemedy Ca. Chlcaco or New Yotlb Serenading tbe Queco. A queen m ust be as careful In ex­ pressing her likes and dislikes as any person of humbler position, if not more so. Once, not many weeks ago, when she was staying at W indsor, Queen Victoria said that she lilted to be sere­ naded. aud this weakness of her m aj­ esty soon found its way into print. The result has been to destroy the good ladies early morning sleep to such an extent that guards had to be posted to warn off loyal subjects and enthusias­ tic visitors who wish to gratify her love for music. Some foreign farm ers that had been st.aying near W indsor for a week m et under the walls of the castle early iu the morning and sang hymns at the top of their voices aud continued to do so until they w ere po­ litely asked to stop. The example set by them has been catching, and, ac­ cording to the Sussex Daily News, every party of early morning visitors as soon as it nears the castle, bursts forth into the national anthem . One morning several groups of serenaders were singing “God save the Queen” at The same time in as many different Ivoys as there were singers. A s k Y o u r D e a le rfo r A llea*s F u o t-E a se , A powder to shake Into your shoes: resta tbe feet. Cures Corns. Bunions, Swollen Sore, Hot, Cailou?, Aching, Sweating Feel and Ingrowinff Nails. Allen’s Foot-Ease makes new or tight shoes easy. At ill drug­ gists aad choe stores. 25 cts. Sample mailed FREE. Adr's Allen 8. Olmsted. LeBoy, K. T. —There is a spread of bydropbobik among the dogs and cows of Lockport, N. Y. .Mrs. WisBlow’sSootblngSyruptorehlldren fcfrtblnR.Eoftenstbe gums, redaolng in&ama. llop.allayp pain.cures wind colioSSoa bottU The Daily News and Observer) RaleJgb. N. ‘ , enjoys tbe distinction of har- lugal rger circulation than any other daily pafcr In North Carolina ow • hail. Its Neu s 5^^•^ice, both Stats and Natl>ujal, lsa-« full a.^ it Send S-> cents for a copy of the Twentieth Century Edition, conlnin- ing a38 pases « t Illustrations and industrial mnnt on of North ' 'arolina and CarollniHU-i Address. Nsws axd Ob.ss»vkh, Raleigh, N .(. ilOO B cirard. $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that thero is at least one deead^ dis- eaee that science bas been able to ^ re in all Ite stege^ and tbatl- Catarrh. HalFsCatarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh belnis a con­ stitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catrrh Cure Is taken inter- nally, actins directly upon the blood and mu­ cous surfaces of tbe eystem, thereby deitro- ingtbe foundation or the disease, andgfvins the patient strength by building up the Oou- stitation and assisting nature In doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith In its curative power sthat they offer One Hun­ dred Dollars foranycase that ItfalU to cure, Send fcr list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHESBY & Co., Toledo. O. Pold by Druggists, 75o. Hall's Faznily Pills are the best. Piso's Cure for Lonsumption Is an A No. 1 Asthmamcdicine.a-w .H. v> illiams , Antioch,lil., April 11,189L —If a man has hives it’s advisable to let bim bee. e d u c a t e T o u r B o w e ls W i t h C a s e Candy Cathartic, euro constipation forever. 10c. SSo. If C. 0.0. fall) druggists refund mosey. - Love may laugh at loaitsmltbs, but it is mighty defferential to goldsmiths. BADBREATH O R O , N . C T m , OPIUSI, M0RPHtN£ti4 Onif Aadctleot.TbeTobbicc9 Hibit, Nanrs Exhau^ WRITE US FdR tr^eaf o(THE LI ottsfOt A cts gently on the K id n eys , L iver AND B owels eanses t h e 5 ystem e f f e c t u a l l y OVERCOMES B u y T H E G E N U IN E - M A M 'F 0 6 V (a u h r n i a IT g ^Sy r v p © THEflSHBURNE MltlTARY SCHOOL At W aynesboro, Va„ has opened with, Inci’eased attendance and a num ber yef to come in. Students are enw>lled from Illinois, Missouri. Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky, Georgia. Florida, as well a? from adjoining States. N orth CaioliBa, etc. Improvemonts. h:^ve beru made dur­ ing the summer for the comfort of the cadets and everything iiifiicate.'? a pros- perou.^ session. Visitors to thi;'^ section ?ny the scen­ ery is nor surpa.«^ssd by .\.'theville. The rown itself is growing, dwellings and .business houses going up and otljers 1. contemplated. Basic City, adjoitting.' I is al.«?o “looking up.” plaut-4 that hav€ been idle fcr years boing purchased by outside parties and put into operation. The Riirroun-ding country Ls fertile and divided into farm s of moderate size, which are well tilled. Few of them arc for .‘^ale—ihr best sign of a prospero'us people. TUe “Shenandoah Valley” has fow rivals. DliWEY IN WASHINGTON. rOR SAU BY AU 0HU6&ST& fctc 90b fta HTTIE. 0SSfS‘^^ri'l«feaKS!"„‘rG^f?J“l S . ^ .. CURE CON8TIPATPON. ...Sltritet Bmtay Cawp.T, Chi«*c«, Nootrral, Xew T»rt. 318 H040-BAC T o C a r e C o D S tip a tlo Q Vott/W 9h T a k e C a s c a r e ts C a n d y C a th a rtio . l O o o r S e . II C . C . C . f a ll to c u re , d r u g g is ts r e f u n d m onay> —Snyder county, Pa., has had the earli­ est frosts for years this fall. CliiREPA RSH i i ' l S S A W S .R B S , BEISTLE TWINE, BABBIT, *c,, FOR ANY MAKE OF GIN. ENGINES, BOiLERS AND PRESSES And Bepairs for same. Shafting, PuUeya, Belting, Injectors, Pipes, Valves and Fittings* &S^ A V G U S T A , Q A . if siSiotea with 1 Thompson’s EyaWatw Mn ED ORGANS LLLl\froiii{49iip Pianos for $195. Buy direct from the manufacturer. Satisfao* lion guaranteed. Address M. P. MOLLER, Mantifacturer, Bagerttown. • • Md. We again offer the cleanest seed wheat on tbe market, and from probably tbe largest crop yield in the State, If not the United States. We had 356 acres In wheat this year, and the crop averaged 20 bushels per acre. Where we had a good stand, not winter killed, we had over 40 bushels per acre. One hundred bushels of our wheat will contain less cockle seed than one bushel of ordinary seed wheat. Piice $1.16 per bushel on oars at Charlotte. Bags hold two bushels and are new, no charge for bags. Terms: Cash with order. Aille I S reililii Cl., Per FRED OLIVER, Pres't. GharioHe,H. C. m DR. MOFFETT’S fi 1 'e e t h i n A J_C Teetliliig Powders.) C. J. MOFFETT, M. D, R§v.(nowiilsliop)JOS.S.KEY W r o te :’ W e y a v c y o u r T E E I H - I N A ( T e e th iu g P o w d e ie ) to o -r l i t t l e g r a n U c h U d w ith tbs? h a p ­ p ie s t r e s u i ts . T h e tr lT e c is w e rj a lm o s t m a g ic a l a n d c e r ta i n ly m o r e s a tis f a c to r y t h a n fro rii a n y th in g w o e v e r u se d .* ' St. Louis. Mo. Take Ihs Seaboard Air Line, 411 RaiL or by Norfolk and fhe Sea. The ilistinguiehcd Admiral is expect­ ed to appear in the National Capital Octobor 2nd and Sn!, BC4=ideiJ the sword pre^jcnlaiion in front of Ibc Imk C:ipilnl liuiidiiig and Ihe p:ii;9 (lc, t'ucro will iic j--picndor such as one'never ?aw even in W ashington. Tickets one and one-third furfs for the round trip, by !!io Peaboard Air Line, v.ill bn on sale Septenjbor 2?>th and 30th. good to rctiu-:i until October 8th. inclusive. The Eenboard takes you all rail or by .Vorfolk and the Sea. GOOD FOR THrRTY DAYS. A Cheap Excursion Tr p to Washington, Balt'more or Pliiladelphia, by the Ser- board Air Line. You can buy of any Se.iboard Air Line Agent tickets to the Philadelphia Espori Expoiition at the rate of one and one-third fares for the round trip. You can stop over at W ashington or Ealtim cre. going or coming. Ycur ticket will bo good for thirly (30) days from date of purchase, only it m ust be ui^ed on cr before December 2nd. You can go by Norfolk and connect­ ing steam ship lines, or all rail. Millions c-f dollars hsve been spent -l^odxs iei4;{-nput ir:ouiuiHm syqi no tion, an education in itself. Tieketj cn saie Tuesday and Thur:3- day cf each week until and including Tuesday, November 23rd. 1890. As the dog removed the magazines which were above the copies of the Companion, it Is evident that the Com­ panion Is his choice of papers.c 1 ake no other—it is the best that c.aa be made. Lad Hiai By The Neck. “lloraco. * she said, chidingly. ‘‘why don't yon tell niP you lovo ineV'* J?eizing a p'-inp of i»rjp<»r. the young man wrote on It: •‘H ow can T. d arlln ::. unless you re- tnove the pres.'juro from m y w ind­ p ip e ? '—C h icago T rib u ne. A T T E N T I O N la f a c lU t- .te d If y o n m e n U o a n t h i s p a p r r w h e u w r i tin g a d v e rtl> o rs . S o . 3 9 Btfflnfc Wan‘pd Toucan cam 550 Dera;o. hanrtUr-ir. ftgfllilb Hdiiit;u ourPiirtralt-sandFramrs.ACxifcfof terms. C.B. Andersan* Co.. a72 Elui St., Dallas, les. TO SO H O O L.BOARD ft Koom B9.U) a________Sees. , T uition low . M l :onic«ir R B 5. _________jlTUflTI0NS6U.*»RflHTfi£Da KemtnaUia and smlin rrojoler tjrpe-J wrttera 3U 3tudenb> lost year from 7 State* ■ Bthj-ear. Send fur catalogue. Address. n*tp*isa ISTRAYER^S BUSINESS COUGE, BalUmorg.Wtf. Q r 6 v ? s T -a s te le s s C h ill T o n ic ore being sold daily to the people in the mSlflrial sections of the United States. The demand for GROVE’S is thres times greater ^lan all the other Chil! Tonics combined. LJOttFarR’S TESTIMONY: M E Y E R B R O S . D R U G C O a ^ ^ H P ^ ^ t b o u t g ro v e 'S : PA RIS M E D I C I J ^ y i ^ O . . :—We find we are again in need oi fjrove’s Tasteless Chill . Jo n ic. P le ? s^ ru s9 ^ ^ W 100 at once. iV^might be pleasant for you to know th jt we sold during the c^iH \season_p<^I888?^bO dozen G n v O ^ S T o e tto and our sales for ihis season are steadily increasing;. This is a record tu^be proud of, and we congratulate you on such a showing. Yours truly, M EVER BPOS. ^I'KT'G CO. 1 ^ ^ ^ l ^ i l I I I form ula of G R O V E ’S is plainly printed on each boltfe showing wb^t it cooiains. g IVI T h e reason the imitators do not advertise theif form ula is fcccaitf' they knc^- the peopU would not buy their medicine if they knew its ingredients. YOUR DRUeOIST HAS SOLD GROVE’S FOR YEARS. JUST ASK HIM ASO U T IT. firove’s is a prescripfion that does cure MALARIA, CHILLS AND FEVER. An Awful Breik “I do so bope you TriU succeed,” eaid the motherly, warm-hearted landlady. “I am bound to,” said tbe sanguine young InTentor. “And when I do you won’t see me eating at a place like this any more.” Tben, In realization of tbe utter im­ possibility ot fixing things, ha grabbecl bit hat and fled.—Indianapolis Journal. Tbe second story reveals a bumbler but Btill more remarkable use ot the companion. We will let our Bubscrib- er speak for himself.: “A cousin of my wlfe’a, a young lady, owns a large Newfoundland dog welgHng 200 pounds, and possessing an appetite worthy of a better cause. He refuses nothing. Anything that Is edible he either eats at once or flies away for future reference. And we have dlB C O T - ered where he kept his file. Edison's Lucky Scratch. Thomas A. Edison said the other day regarding his Invention of the pbono- grapb: “I was singing in tbe mouth­ piece of a telephone where the Tlhra- tion of my voice caused a steel wire point to scratch one of m y fingers. That set me to thinking. I determined to record the motions of iust such wire points on a cylinder, and the result was the phonograph. But it cost me many sore flngers.’ -Phlladelphia Sat- turday Evening Post. I n i n l t ( o t h e B r i d . . "Such an insult!” she exclaimed. ■•What?” be asked. "W h y , you know what long hair Brown, who married Miss Smith to-day. always has had?" "O f course.” “ Well, Just before he be­ came a benedict be had It cut short Just think of the natural Inference." THE REASON WHY For man or beast S L O A N ’ S L I N I M E N T Excels— is that it Penetrates to the seat of the trouble im­ mediately and without irrita­ ting rubbing— and kills the pain. FmmHy am ! Mtabta Slim ^ S old b y D e a le rs g e n erally . Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Maoo. W . L . D O U C L A S $ 3 & $ 3 .S 0 SHOES "«'o»• Worth $4 to $6 coirparedwitti ' o lh sr m akes. Indorsed hv orer 1 ,0 00,000 wf>orers. ALL LEATHERS. ALL STYLES THBG£.M'l\c: h*T«. IT. L, IMnyli** s«se aad prlta »ttr p»a baliea, Tabo no pnb8tUt:to clolmed to Pa « ffood. 1 arrest ip.aket* of rC: c:)d nlincs In the worM. r<(ur<!ealer’‘lionMkeeg them—Jf iict. we «111 bead youap4lr«nrccciptofprSc'». Ststa kind of leather, size and ^r^drh. '.Icila or cap tue. CataloKne C Frc<a. W. L. DOUGIASSHOE CO.. B.'ocklan. Mass Or. Hlcord’s Essenca of Lifa .»*•ard, nsrer.fallin^reiiiely fi>rall < vf uMvoits, mental, physical debi i>y. J >-. vitt;b?T and irt?- matnrejfecay in both wse>: p-jritlv*!, i>pr:nanent cure; faU treatiuf^nt tc>.»c il a l ot'Jp: «'ainp for Oircui*y. J. JAogUEH. Ageuf, i:c Brmdiray, >. Y. RUTttR’S RARBOLAT& OF jnOiNE A guarmnteed fn re for C»:arrli, Ton- •nm ptlou IIMI HayFever. All JrusgUC., »I.OOW.fl.S*ITfl»CO..Buff,il .M .. r.>f» a n t a t i o n C h i l l . C u r f e i s ■L The Dara Record, K oetevm e, N . O. Wm. C. Ivyt B usiness Manaoeb . It begins to feel as if frost is near. It has appeared at Marion. Uaj. Mertz and wife, the well known midgets, who resided near Salisbury, have gone to lUinois to become members of a show. Catered at tbe Post-Offlce at Mocks, •YiUe, N. C., am Second Class Matter, Mar 12th, 1«99.____________________ LOCAL NOTES AND INCIDENTS. Win Owens is at home sick with ehilte and fever A good line Hosiery and Gloves at Williams & Anderson’s. Depnty Collectors. F. Shore was in town last week. Hen’s and Boy’s Hats and Caps cheap at Williams & Anderson’s. J. W. Felker, Esq., of Kappa, oalled in to see ns last week. Dressmakingby Mrs. Ivy. Satisfac­ tion giren in every case, both as to price and finish. Bobert Green, ot Davidson, is Tiriting his brother, Jno. T Green. Call at this office and examine the cheapest and best Cook Stove on the market. Bevenne Officers An engine on the Caoleemee rail" way line left the track yester Jay afternoon. Kobody hurt and no damage. These are the kind of railroad accidents that strike our &ncy.________ Buying shoes is an important matter, and everybody should go where they can get the best goods for the least money. There is such a house in Winston, located oppo­ site the Wachovia National Bank, known as The Comfort. The furniture factory here seems an assnred fact. We hear that contracts for lumber to put up the buildings have been made. We are glad to note the enterprise, and trust it will succeed. It will be a great addition to town and county. Send us one dollar and get this pa­ per one year, and a numbered ticket, whicli gives you an omiortunity to get a KOCH HiU Bufigy, foO; a sewing ma­ chine, $45; a bicycle, *25; a plow, *7, McCov and or a shot gun, *6.50. You risk noth-. [I— I...*—... oQgo: Subscribe now. Ton will find a big line Shoes at Br^lshaw were in town lastVeek. | rock bottom prices at WlIXIAMS & ANDEBSON’S. Ellis Spry, Esq., of Advance, ■was in town last Friday, and gave VS a call. The equestrian feats witnessed in J<din Bobinson’s circus are the greatest performed. Highest prices paid for all kinds eountry pr^cce at W illiam s & A ndebson ’s . Mr. and Mrs Decker, of New Orleans, are stopping at Hotel 8wiceg«^. Buy a Oarolina Cook Stove and save 20 per cent, in the dollar. Sample stove at this office. The higbest-salaried artists in 'the circus profession are with John Bobinson’s big circus this season. There will be services in the Presbyterian church next Sunday, morning aud night. Pants Goods. Dress Goods, Ont- tings, &c., cheap at WrLUAMS & A n d erso s’s. Tlie hippodrome races arouse the greatest enthusiasm at John Bob- inson’s gmit exhibition. Tuesday gave us a touch of fall weather, and thicker coats were pressed into service. The dazzling brilliancy of Solo­ mon’s court, produced by many calcium and other effects, can only be seen at John Bobinson’s great citcns. Court convenes here on the 1 Gth of October, and it may beclerkless. At any rate the tim« is short. One of the n^)^ hands was badly cut np in a fight at Coolee­ mee Sunday. Too much corn juice. A blockade outfit in Calahaln townslL’p, was cut np last Thurs­ day by revenue officers from States- viUe. Miss Sallie Etchison left Satur­ day for Ealeigh where she will enter the Baptist Female Uni­ versity. Eevenue agents seized eight bar­ rels of whiskey last week for a Mr. McDonald, in the upper part of the county. We a^iu ask the indulgence of our patrons and friends. After this issue we shall give them more reading matter. MissFannieHellea, ofGlenwood, Yadkin count?', visited in Mocks­ ville last week. Miss Hellen is a niece of the late W. B. Glenn, Esq. Anyone contemplating gcing to a first-class Business Coll do well to. BbW)ED. money. We would like to have some of our friends send us the news fiom their rrapective neighborhoods. A postal card will answer in nearly every case. Let us have it. The town is ha\ing some very substantial work done on the street te^ng to the depot. It is a long felt want, and no donbt oor conn- «t11 applaud the good A commuDication from Bedland was received too late for last weeks’ paper. Onr friends will pleate have their contributions in onr han^ by Tuesday morning of each W6GK. Want to buy a suit and overcoat sron! Of course you do. Want ^ best for yonr price t Certainlv. Then go to the cheapest and most reliable clothing honse in Noith ttrolina, McDowell & S ^ rs, Winsion. * ’ Six or seven colored men left Saturday for Columbia, S. C.. to help bnild a new raUroad. It is good policy for their “friends, rel­ atives and acquaintani-*8” to hold themselves in readiness to assist them in retnmiirg Ole acme of scenic i^lendor was readied vbeo John Bobinson pro- dnced the great spectacle ot Solo- his Temple, and Ae Qaeeaof Bheba, as prodnoed.in Jnhn Wnh- inaon’s ciicas, leavwiw ,i)f;£(aadB«BB not eaaOy- Services were held at the Episco­ pal church Friday, Saturday and Sunday last. Bevs. Osborne, Shan- nonhoiise and Murdock officiated. Bishop Cheshire conducted ser­ vices Sunday morning and in the aftemon. Both services were well attended. A dvancs N ew s ITotes. Jadgt Ennt’s Consumptian and Broncliits Cure. It surpasses all other remedies known for Consumption, Bronchitis) Croup and Disordered Liver. It Cures when all else fails I If your drug«st does not k e « It, send direct to Judge George E. Hunt, Lexington, N. C. Price SO cents per bottle. N O TICIl Having qualified as Apministrator of Richmond G. Sheek, decs’d, notice ia hereby given to all parties holding claims against said Estate to present them for payment on or before the 4th day of &ptember, 1900, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All parties indebted-- to said Estate are requested to mike immediate payment. This 4th ^ptem ber, 1899. THOS. N. CHAFFIN, T. B. B ailey , Atty. Adm’r. Tax Notice. I will meet the Tax Payers of Davie County a t the following times and places to collect the Taxes for the year 1899; Calahan, Tuesday, October 3d, 12 m. to 3 p. m. Clarksville, Wednesday, October 4, 12 m. to 3 p. m. Smith Grove, Saturday, October 7th, 12 m. to 3 p. m. Farmin^on, Monday, October 9th, 12 m. to 3 p. m. Advance, Tuesday, October 10th, 12 m. to 3 p. m. Fork Church, Wedndsday, October 11th, 12 m. to 3 p. m. Jerusalem, Thursday, October 12th, Monday and Tuesday, 12 m. to 2 nday October 16th and 17th, all da; Mocl to 2 p. m. :ksville, 1 Sec. 57, ch. 732, LaWs 1895: Taxes for School Fund must be turned over by December 31st of each year.— Please remember this and be prompt in payment. J. L. SHEEK, Sep. 18,1899. Sherig Davie Co. Mrs. W. L. Call has returned from a visit to her mQther in Da­ vidson county. Mr. W. A. Bailey left last week on a business trip to Alexander, Indiana. James C. Talbert, of Jackson Hill. N. C., visited his son, G. Taloert, last week. Prof. Sheets opened his school with the largest number of pupils he has eve had. Miss Vick Pickier, of Tennyson, has entered the academy here. Miss Vick is a bright you lady, and has selected a good scbool. S lick . E phesus Item s. Cotton picking is the order of the day now. Miss Bessie Foster of this place spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Maggie Stonestreet, near MocKSviUe. The whistle at the cotton gin of Lefler & Bros., is ^ in heard. Everybody that has cotton to sell or to gin, give them a call. Mrs. James Granger is quite ill, I am sorry to state. There will be preaching at Lib­ erty church near here. Friday nighr, by Bev. Mr. Boyal. Mr. Mat Jones, of Bock Hill, S. O., hns been visiting relatives here the past week. W id e A w ake . Notice! By virtue of an Order made by W. R. Ellis, C. S. C., as administrator of G. H. Lippard, deceased, I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the court-house door of Mocksville, N. C., on the 2d day of October. 1899, the following Real Estate, adjoining- the lands of Lewis Harper, et al, and bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stone, Lewis Harper’s corner, theace W. 20 poles and 15 Ik., to a stone in Pott’s line; thence S. 7 de­ grees W. 21 poles and L. to a stohe in Pott’s line; thence E. 15 degrees N. 20 poles and 20 Ik, to a stone, the be­ ginning, coutaining 2 acres and 105 poles, more or less. T erms OP Sale : $25.00 cash, bal ance on six months’ time, with bond and approved security, interest at 6 per cent, from day of sale. Title re­ served till purchase money is paid. This the 1st day of September, 1899. THOS. N. CHAFFIN, Coming; to flocksville. t i f e ? 1 ^ ^ . . S lii? t h r e e Thursday, September 28. Tie Only M Sliow to BxMbit Here DURIiXG THIS YKAR. “AFTEB ALL, OLD THINGS ARE BEST” The OLD EELIABLE DID ■ B ilB N SiOW Which you have known, respected and enjoyed for three generations, will visit you on Tliurstoy, September 28tli. i T. B. B ailey, Atty.Admr. G r e e n s b o r o N u r se r ie s, GBEENSBOBO, N. 0., For all kinds of i ’ruit. Shade and Ornamental Trees. Vines and Plants. I am the Intro­ ducer of the famous GREjENS* BORO and CONKET’S South­ ern Early Peach. 6EBEHSB0R0 HERD OP REGISTBIRED PO­ LAND CHINA and IVIammoth Black HogS; Oue of the finest herds in the South. Write for prices. JoHi; A. Yousa, Prop’r. e editor of T he He can save you some SOOOLS IN CUBA AND ELSEWHERE.— Prof. J. P. Draughon, who recently visited Cuba *vith a view of investiga­ ting the outlook for establishing a school in Havana, Cuba, soon, on his return visited Savannah, Ga., where he arranged to open a well e^ipped Business College June loth. He will also open a business college in St. Louis, Mo., October 19th, 1899. Prof. Draughon now h ^ flourishing business colleges located in Nashville, Tenn., Galveston aud Texarka, Tex. These colleges have superior courses of instructions, and special facilities for securing msitions. See Professor Draughon’s aa. elsewhere in this issue. —Special rates will be given all who enter either of his colleges soon. D B. w . c . Gives special attention to diseaass of the Eye, Ear, Kose and Throat. Spectacles fitted by the aid of retino- scopy. Teeth extracted by the pain­ less process. Office at residence in North Mocksville. DK FOR SALE. ^ a Jack rfine In selecting a Sewing Machine, pick out the one that runs the lightest, sews the fastest, makes the least noise is moat durable, will not break the thread if run backward, will not puck­ er ihe lightest fabrics, has patent spool wire', automatic tension release ball bearings, &c. The WHBELEE & WILSON possesses all the above points of su­ periority over any other make. Costs nothing to examine one. For sale by B. J. BOWEN, Winston, N. C. Don’t Suffer, TUe Eaectropd Cures all dissases without the use cf medicine. A pure Oxygen treatment, by absorption. It cures where every­ thing else falls. It is needed in every family, for it will relieve every weak­ ness or ailment, to the most persistent chronic 'disease; and without tbe use of a c ^ in of medicine. Thousands of paople all over the United State.-, from private citizens to Lawyers, doc­ tors, preachers. Supreme Judges Edi­ tors. etc., even crowned heads of Eu­ rope have given written testimonials of these facts. Book of testimonials, and matter of great interest with price of instruments sent free. Every family should have an Electropoise: it saves money, induces health. Send your address at once and see what people say who have thoroughly test­ ed its merits. Agents wanted. T he Electropoise Co., 513 4th Street, Louisville, Ky. DON-T WAIT A MINUTE. Good W atches A bsolittely free . We want your name for PASTl a bright, clean, illustrated story and humorous paper for the family circle, 16 large pages, only 75c a year; on trial 4 months, 10c. We give a nickle silver watch to each subsCTiber, a neat medium-sized watch, guaranteed for onjyear. Will keep time for many years as accurately as a *100 watch. And for a little work we give Gold watches. Bicycles, sewing machines, Guns, etc. &mpies and particulars free. Send ns your address to-day if do no more, and see how easily can get something nice you want, 'e will aurpiise yon. Please don’t It a minute, send now.. Better en- 5 stamps for trial subscription resent, or 28 stamps for watch ^U th^Ijg^l^M W golng m RAILW AY. T H E , . . STAXDABD EAILWAY OF THE SOUTH. The Direct Liue to all Points. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA. FLOEIDA, CUBA AND POBTO BICO. Strictly Fiist (Jluss EqiTip- ineiit on ail Through and L i- cal 'I'rains. Pullman Sleeping Cars onall Night Trains. Fast aud Safe ischedules. Travel by tlie Southern and yon are assured a Safe, Com­ fortable and an Expeditious Journey. Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Ta­ bles, Rates and General Infor­ mation, or address R. L. VERNON, F. R. DARBY, T .P. A. C .P.& T . A. Charlotte, N.C. Asheville N.C, KOTBODBLS 10 AHSWEK QUESTIONS. nUHK B. QAIliOH, . IL m P /: s d v .r ,* % M ^ \ Tnr: i ^ ,D.C. Jast Received! Parlor Fancy Piec® i^rViSRld^GTOMAKBAHOUSEHAiaxsoME. ’ B I 3 ) - E 0 0 1 I I s i r i i g a n d e x t r a beds AT PRICES t h a t WILL a st o n ish Jot I Don’t M l to give m eacau^jjl in n e e d o fa n jth in g in tlie F u n iitu r e lin e , IT WILL BE TOYOCP.IX1'£(,jjj| G. W. W IGHT, " Leading Pnrnitnre Dealer and U ndertaker, SALISErSY, X. c I That Day will Be a Gala One, For over three quarters of a ceutnry the people of the beloved South have claimed the Old John Eobiuscu Show as' tjic.'r favorite. Your grandfathers and grandmothers have sounded its praises, and many of the grown-up sons and daughters of famed North Carolina early learned to lisp the name ofi Old John Robinson with their baby lips, and ever since have proved, like true Carolinians, their loyalty to the shoiv of their youth, and no other amusement organization ever has held or ever will hold the place iu the hearts of the wUole people like the Old Eeliable John Robinson Show, and i after a long absence, diiring which it has assumed te the proportions in merit, size and magnificence—it coml MOCKSVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 189 John EcbinsoB’s Tes Big Shows In connection with the Grand Biblical Spectacle—Solomon, hi Teaiple and the Qneen of.Sheba—without a parallel, acknowledged by a nniveraal public the one distinctly GREAT SHOW, the peerless ex­ hibition of GreaW America. Three Big Circuses, four Big Rings, thrco Big MenageriesJone Prodigious Aquarium, one complete Aviary, one grand Biblical mectacle, tea truly Gre.it Shows, one gigantic Museum. For 75 years,#t!irough three generations, this mighty and powtrfal amusement o|gauization has exhibited in every State of onr vast Union, and the naip^f JOHX ROBINSON is alone a guarantee that the per- formance^nder the vast canvases far excel' all others in merit, origi nality, inagnilicence, variety and quality. MORE FOB THE MONEY than any other three circuses furnish tJieir patrons. Larger, costlier and more distinctly original. More tableau cages and dens than owned by any big show iu the world. Most costly costumes, more scenery used in the one great feature of Solomon aud the Queen of Sheba than in the entire combined featnres of auy other txhibition in the country. Over $100,000 expended on this production alone. One hundred of the most beautiful dancing girls in America. THE CIRCUS FEATURES this season, obtained from Europe and America, wiU amaze and startle the world. Nothing bke them ever before presented in this country. The most novel barebacK riding acts ever witnessed. From nine to t^velve of tbe World’s Greatest champion Lady and Gentlemen Equestrians riding in four rings at one time. This feature is new aud original with this show. THE MENAGERIE surpasses in magnitude and completeness any known Zoological Collection in the world. One of Ihe special features of the big triple menagerie is the Largest Snake alive—as feet long. THE GRAND STREET PARADE and Robinson’s Horse Fair— an innovation in itself. A truly magnificent pageant. A feature of the free street parade is the grand spectacle of forty of the smallest Ponies exer harnessed and driven at one time. Don’t fail to see them. Two Performances Daily. Special featnres jnst received and acquired at enormous Expendi­ ture—A SCHOOL Of se a lio ns from Alaska, the only ones now on exhibition in America. Also jnst received from Manila, Luzon lalcnd, a herd of PHILIPPENB WATER BUFFALOES, the only ones of the kind now on exhibition. Positively the only show in Amciica exhibiting these two costly features. JOHN LOWLOW, THE CELEBRATFD CLOWN, WILL a p p e a r a t EVERY PERFORMANCE. D r . E . B . A n d e r s o n , -DENTIST.- OSce: First Door South of Dr*. McGuire & Bonilqrough. N a t i o n a l H o t e l , EEFURNLSHED. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. R A T E S, $1.00 P E B DAY. J . H . B am set, P w p’r. IW n St. BAIilSBlJOTy ^ c ■ The Biicteye Disc aM Hoe Di| I § § th e DISC DEILL is the right kind for land that is rm from stumps and rocks. We tave a Car Load on hand, and can furnish six or eight hoe. Call and examiue tljj BUCKEYE and all other kinds of HARDWARE, at R. B. CRAWFORD & GO’S, Hardware D e a le r s,-------WINSTON, N, 0, j V'« C A L I . B R 0 3 T e n P e r C e n t. F u m i t a r e l IC8 West Fifth St., " W lN S T O N i N'( Want your trade and will give you bargains in all Styles of Bed-Room Sets, Odd Dressei-s, Dining TaWs,l Beds, Washstands, Lounges, Couches and all things 81 be found in an Up To Date FUENITUEB ■ SOME HEW and BEATITIFTIL DESISNS in DISHES, CIUM3EE-iEi3 ..i We also have a Beautiful Line ol Pictures and F kik I The Kew England and Needham Pianos, .and theOJ Eeliable Estey Organs and the Nee<lham Organs ill sold by us. and ne^ no recommendation, as they areil Well Known. AH Gssas Sold fsr Cash or "asj Come to onr pl-ace and if yon are not treated rigVit ' no wore, fcnt if we treat you right, call again. O R G A N S F E O M S 2 5 .C 0 U P . P I A N O S F E O M $ 1 9 3 1 C A L L B R O T H E R S Manufacturerg’ Agents, WINSTON, . . N. C. Branch House: MAETINSVILLE, VA. We Can Always Give Lowest Prices On Everything in Our Line. S H O M M a y We Sale Nei Lace Cloth Top Tery Stjlish and Basil; ^ N^ew Lot Tan Cloth Top LacsSI Good Kalae N E W LOT M ens Ru£&ia C alf a t $ 1.49, ■Worth!] N E W L O T M en’s V ici a t $1.49, W o rth aU of J OXFOEDS 49c, 9 90c and 1,00—W orth 51,00, «1,2-«| Childrens’Shoes 26c and Up.J -----^TH E EEGULAB SHOE STOBE.- Cor, 4th and Liberty St„ NEEIY & U N S T O I T l i T - VOL. 1. G. T. G] G l F O U N D ] J.innfactnrers of Turbii STOVE, Heating Stef Plows, Ph SPECIAL CA • Every Article Mann^ WM. C. IA J . E . f^ a ? e € A F U L L L IN E { --------A l A FULL C0X?S ■ Write for Samples al S. H. m 6RRIS, Agent j sauire & EimbJ P hysicians and Srn ce, ilrs t door South of HJ ,., MOCKSVIIXE, N. f G ;‘c h ; EYE SPECIALj ^ce orer Jacol»* C]othi| WINSTON, N. r. E . B . A n d e j — D EN TIST.- I Office: First Door Soij Drs. McGuire & KimbrcJ Mo cksville , n . c | twyios-sSS'i |3 0 for iiunre « lO W N . Ti!B ^ 'e a ?■, ice I.ine df • uikI Silver Vv iu id Kye Ghissos, ^ firing doue n hile r iusiire<l for oue 31 |i t the times, ionrs for l)!isiaes.s, . BHOWN. -iberty Street. Ne.J Robert’s thegun ni; G r a p h o p h o n ave ihe agency for th J JogTaphCo., and carrl pi times a nice lot J I Uke This Cut for ^ Lrtni F ateh ," auJ rS ih T nrachiTiiJ JJ5S. ® Jewelry line, f X. DAY, • t r y t h e 'IMIE” SEWUIfll OJCJBIWLMSfi’:?! you porcbwe al fW lE U tJ H IL - For aalc sv