295 Bell Branch Rdh' DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENTS PERMIT AND, CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION ; *NOTE: Issued in Compliance With Article II of G.S. Chapter 130a anitarySewage Systems Permit Number r Name,/r%'''r/:4r/r'a;`�'rT'�1/I%,�/!f Date .,.��; N2 6195 Location��/�= Subdivision Name Lot No. Sec. or Block No. �-.. Lot Size House Mobile Home �'Business __ Speculation No. Bedrooms— No. Baths No. in Family _ Garbage Disposal YES ❑ NO p- Specifications for System: Auto Dish Washer YES NO ❑ �< Auto Wash Machine YES NO -❑ a . l.r i a`I �,.,y i E w z b e i—"� t"i✓114r+y k Type Water Supply .lam'% *This permit Void if sewage system described below is not installed within 5 years from date of issue. This permit is subject to revocation if site plans or the intended use change. Q_ Improvements permit by — ,Z // *Contact a representative of the Davie County Health Department for final inspection of this system between 8:30- 9:30 A.M. or 1:00-1:30 P.M. on day of completion. Telephone Number: 704-634-5985. Final Installation Diagram: System Installed by Certificate of Completion ZL__— Date *The signing of this certificate shall indicate that the system described above has been installed in, compliance with the standards set forth in the above regulation,' but shall in NO way be taken -as a guarantee that the, system, will, function satisfactorily for any given period of time. S M APPLICATION FOR SITE EVALUATION/IMPROVEMENTS PERMIT Davie County Health Department Environmental Health Section P. 0. Box 665 RECEIVED OCT Mockaville, NC 27028 Z 2 1. Application/Permit Requested By MA4d �%e --.1..li/h.Y�G-aim � Mailing Address 0—/ 9 &,e 331 Mne-ksys 1 {r, Home Phone ;;W- - 733 �- Business Phone 2L� 2,3 3 y 2. Name on Permit if Different than Above 3. Property Owner if Different than Above 4. Application/Permit For: lC) General EvaluationVIS/Tank Installation System to Serve: House LYMobile Home 0 Business Industry u Other 0 Unknown 6. If house, mobile.home: Subdivision Sec. Lot# No. of People Dwelling Dimensions 141 X �/po No. of Bedrooms 0 -- Basement/Plumbing No. of Bathrooms / Basement/No Plumbing (/Washing Machine J Dishwasher 0 Garbage Dispusai �tS�91 If business, industry, other: Specify type No. of People Served n No. of Commodes �J No. of Lavatories r� No. of Showers 8. Type of water supply: V Public 9. Property Dimensions ,57 4r..-•- 7- 10. Sewage Disposal Contractor No. of Sinks No. of Urinals No. of Water Coolers V15'r,ivate a Community 11. Do you anticipate additions/;70'r cions of the facility this system isintended.to serve? [] Yes If yes, what type? *NOTE: Improvements Permits shall be valid for a period of 5 years from date issued. Improvements Permits are subject to revocation, if site plans or the intended use change. Effective October 1, 1989. This is to certify that t best of my knowledge, and charges incurred from the �)- x, ( 910 Date Directions to Property: DCHD (10-89) ie information provided is correct to tree I understand I am responsible for all a application. A. ®� cocA Lib-er•y ekjrr--k 4-0r bel\ brahcl•\ 2 nhov5r . on t--r--N, I M1 DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ` Environmental Health Section Soil/Site Evaluation NAME _�/�� 9,1,-&_" ' ADDRESS PROPOSED FACIILTY "% eg DATE EVALUATED -!o�p PROPERTY SIZE LOCATION OF SITE Water Supply: On -Site Well Community Public Evaluation By: Auger Boring Pit Cut FACTORS 1 2 3 4 Landscape position Sloe Z HORIZON I DEPTH o2 2 Texture group Consistence Structure Mineralogy HORIZON II DEPTH Texture group Consistence r Structure ,r .N Mineralogy/- / - J.- / /.• HORIZON III DEPTH Texture group Consistence Structure Mineralogy HORIZON IV DEPTH Texture group Consistence Structure Mineralogy SOIL WETNESS RESTRICTIVE HORIZON SAPROLITE CLASSIFICATION _ LONG-TERM ACCEPTANCE RATE / SITE CLASSIFICATION: i LONG-TERM ACCEPTANCE RATE: REMARKS: DCHD(01-901 EVALUATED BY: xe1/ OTHER(S) PRESENT: LEGEND Landscape Position R -Ridge S -Shoulder L -Linear slope FS -Foot slope N -Nose slope CC -Concave slope CV -Convex slope T -Terrace FP -Flood plain H -Head slope Texture S -Sand LS -Loamy sand SL -Sandy loam L -Loam SI -Silt SICL-Silty clay loam, SIL -Silty loam CL -Clay loam SCL-Sandy clay loam SC -Sandy clay SIC -Silty clay C -Clay CONSISTENCE Moist VFR-Very friable FR -Friable FI -Firm VFI-Very firm EFI-Extremely firm Wet NS -Non sticky SS -Slightly sticky S -Sticky VS -Very Sticky NP -Non plastic SP -Slightly plastic P -Plastic VP -Very plastic Structure SC -Single grain M -Massive CR -Crumb GR -Granular ABK-Angular blocky SBK-Subangular blocky PL -Platy PR -Prismatic Mineralogy 1:1, 2:1, Mixed Notes Horizon depth - In inches Depth of fill - In inches Restrictive horizon - Thickness and inches from land surface Saprolite - S(suitable), U(unsuitable) Soil wetness - Inches from land surface to free water' or inches from land surface to soil colors with chroma 2 or less Classification - S(suitable), PS(provisionally suitable), U(unsuitable) LTAR - Long-term acceptance rate - gal/day/ft2