292 Feezor Rd (2)DAVIE COUNj4 HEALTH DEPARTMENT SEPTIC TANK PERMIT Date Jtimer/Occupant _ Address Address Building Contractor�� Address Gal. Manufacturer's NameAddress No. of lines _ Width in. Total length / 6-2�, ft. No. sq. ft. Std Type of filter material Total tons used /3 Minimum REquirements: House Trailer Tank cap. 800 Sq. ft. line 400 Two-bedroom house 800 600 Three-bedroom house 900 900 No one shall install a septic tank in Davie County without a permit from the Health Offic or his agent. Date of Final Approval Signed: Sanitarian I hereby certify that the above septic tank has been installed according to specification Signed: Septic Tank Contractor Note: Make sketch of disposal system on back of sheet and mail to Davie County Health Center, Box 57, Mocksville, North Carolina 27028.