494 Riverbend Drive Lot 226Davie Countv. NC Tax Parcel Report Thursday. October 27. 2016 WARNING: THIS 1S NOT A SURVEY Parcel Information Parcel Number: D811OA0010 Township: Farmington NCPIN Number: 5872917967 Municipality: BERMUDA RUN Account Number. 45984000 Census Tract: 37059-803 Listed Owner 1: LIVENGOOD THOMAS D Voting Precinct: HILLSDALE Mailing Address 1: L 494 RIVERBEND DRIVE Planning Jurisdiction: BERMUDA RUN City: BERMUDA RUN Zoning Class: BERMUDA RUN CR State: NC Zoning Overlay: Zip Code: 27006-8524 Voluntary Ag. District: No Legal Description: LOT 226 BERMUDA RUN GOLF&COUNTRY Fire Response District: CLEMMONS Assessed Acreage: 0.65 Elementary School Zone: SHADY GROVE Deed Date: 11/1979 Middle School Zone: WILLIAM ELLIS Deed Book / Page: 001090615 Soil Types: GnB2,GnC2 Plat Book: 0004 Flood Zone: Plat Page: 095 Watershed Overlay: BERMUDA RUN Building Value: 271320.00 Outbuilding & Extra Freatures Value: 0.00 Land Value: 77000.00 Total Market Value: 348320.00 Total Assessed Value: 348320.00 Fo- data Is provided as Is without warranty or guarantee of any Idnd either expressed or Implied Including but not limited to the Davie County, Implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular use. Alt users of Davie County's GIS webalte shall hold harmless the County of Davie, North Carolina, its agents, consultants, contractors or employees from any and all claims or causes of action due to NC or arising out of the use or inability to use the GIS data provided by this website. DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT I IMPROVEMENTS :PERMIT AND CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION • ,. ' ' � � • ', : it Now Issued in Compliance with G'S:' of North Carolina Chapter 130—Article 13c. iP en Name Date t., Location • y �4, IN Number 2001 Subdivision Name I Lot. No.. CV49 Sec. or Block No. Lot Size House Mobile Home _ Business Speculation • 9 IINo. Bedrooms_ No. 'Baths°� No. in -Family Garbage Disposal YES NO p Specifications for System: it Auto Dish Washer YES NO: Auto Wash Machine YES NO .. k0 Type Water Supply syr ��. *This permit Void if sewage system described below is not installed within m m date of. issue. I ,IAl� ► �•-�.00. it moll Abulce Al . TT ,• �.;; a l!- %� � / _}' Improverrients permit by [i *Contact a representative of the Davie County Health Department for final- inspection of this system between 8:30- 9:30 A.M. or 1:00-1:30 P.M. on daytof .completion. Telephone Number: 704-634-5985. II System .Installed b Final Installation Diagram: ' y y J. 0010 fix, F/ h o I ' 'Certificate of Completion � Date *The signing of this certificate shall indicate that the system described above has been installed in compliance with the standards set forth in the above regulation,�but'shall in NO way be taken as a guarantee that the system will function satisfactorily for any givenpe�iod'of-.time.. ii i �i DAVIE COUIM HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS DATE // - -42 - 7 / 8838 Homewood Drive NAViE Thomas D. Livennood Clsmmonsq N.C. 27012 Tel: 919-945-3357 LOCATION Bermuda Run Lot # 226 FIODING�S • HOLE N0. COMMENTS ............ llJ�iS C-/��� {� Perk results as per Doel Dermidt fir. Registered Enolmeer April 199 1977 /�s �j�is;c�✓al� -��1� ��''" 2 Average perk rate of 83 min/inch. (o,�� See attached sheet for lot diagram �✓ /yJCJ� 3 %rtT i>/�lr .Pt'Vea e) O /VYeC'� V v6 5 �s�`��h Q' �' %!� �?y�2i';2 � M~ oS, / .S/r�. `x%�'-f •P/J ot, <yy , x,, 7 e ee e e l `� , S' rr1�•✓ d ���% Sy 461 /JiS`S l o� �,- / to LOT DIAGM1 v�•�� /' ,a.,e s` he �l be�fco•�' - yoo ,d Cl X J Y i2 ,s e )t Y 1711 -o/1 Z DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTYX14T SITE EVALUATION CONSENT FORM LOCATIOR OF PROPERTY: Bermuda Run Lot # 226 DATE RECEIVED (office use only) �i-a--7 � yes nom l.) I am the owner of the above described property. -� yes no (2.) I an not the owner of the above descr bed property, however, I 1 certify that I have consent fre � - 7- ,owner to �. owner's name obtain a site evaluation by the health Department for the purpose of determining the suitability for a ground absorption sewage disposal system. yes no (3.) I hereby give consent to the authorized representative of the II� Davie County Health Department to enter upon the above described property and conduct all testing procedures necessary to determine its suitability for a ground absorption sewage disposal system. 97% DAT SIGN (4.) I hereby authorize the Davie County Health Department to release site evaluation results from the above described property to the following: DATE IGNATURE _�V ; '9wner Only ;Owner's designated representative (:) Anyone requesting results d, Only those listed below (�4 tf�xw