146 River Drive Lots 268-269Davie County, NC ' Tax Parcel Report Wednesdav, November 2, 2016 WARNING: 'YMN 15140'1' A SURVEY Parcel Information Parcel Number. D800000009 Township: Farmington NCPIN Number: 5882055919 Municipality: BERMUDA RUN Account Number: 49588500 Census Tract: 37059-803 Listed Owner 1: MCDOWELL HASSEL STEVEN Voting Precinct: HILLSDALE Mailing Address 1: 146 RIVER DRIVE Planning Jurisdiction: BERMUDA RUN City: BERMUDA RUN Zoning Class: BERMUDA RUN CR State: NC Zoning Overlay: Zip Code: 27006-0000 Voluntary Ag. District: No Legal Description: P/O LOTS 268-269 BERMUDA RUN Fire Response District: CLEMMONS Assessed Acreage: 2.93 Elementary School Zone: SHADY GROVE Deed Date: 7/1981 Middle School Zone: WILLIAM ELLIS Deed Book / Page: 001140813 Soil Types: MrC2,RvA,Ur,WATER Plat Book: 0005 Flood Zone: Plat Page: 009 Watershed Overlay: BERMUDA RUN Building Value: 196670.00 Outbuilding 8r Extra Freatures Value: 2170.00 Land Value: 99000.00 Total Market Value: 297840.00 Total Assessed Value: 297840.00 1:01 All data is provided as is without warranty or guarantee of any Idnd either expressed or implied Including but not limited to the Davie County, Impliedwaranties of merchantability or tibress for a particular use. All users of Davie County's GIS website shall hold harmless the County of Davie, North Carolina, its agents, consultants, contractors or employees from any and all claims or causes of action due to NC or, arising out of the use or Inability to use the GIS data provided by this website. DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT I (Septic Tank) Improvements Permit and Certificate of Completion (Ground Absor t. own Sewage Di �osal S gtem - G.S. Chapter 130 -Article 13C WNER OR CONTRACTOR /"(Gt �t�}!! ++ DATE t-1 �,'�"' _ PERMIT LOCATION 13 �0 �� dP.� ��( N° 1267 S.R. NO. SUBDIVISION NAME r :%;rl!t cam' : t.��+�1, , LOT NO. (��j SEC�TIO�N OR BLOCK NO. HOUSE MOBILE HOME El BUSINESS IJNO. B DROOMS NO. BATHROOMS G GARBAGE DISPOSAL UNIT YES ❑ NO 00. 12606 AUTO. DISHWASHER YES CRO0 ❑ AUTO. WASH. MACHINE YES F�drF �' ❑ SITE SUITABLE ,o6 v YES ,O b ,- NO ❑ SIZE OF TANK gal ,D NITRIFICATION FIELD sq. ft. DEPTH OF STONE IN LINES: aP" WATER SUPPLY: Individual, ublic IMPROVEMENTS PERMIT BY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION By (8/16/73) *Construction must comply wi LOT AREA House Trailer 800 Gal. 400 Sq. Ft. Two Bedroom House 800 Gal. 600 Sq. Ft. Three Bedroom House 900 Gala 00. 12606 F Four Bedroom House 000 Gal. Sq. Ft. INSTALLED BY ) . ! ! /Zhit c I fdo Date &IIZ127 all other applicable'State and local regul tions �fve� f S KPQ "'o cpc %Nk-IL- DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT y " , 1 (Septic Tank) Improvements Permit and Certificate of Completion (Ground Absor t on Sewage D�ii osal System - G.S. Chapter 130 -Article 13C) OWNER OR CONTRACTOR i T"" t�. rhltQ ,/ DATE "�,�^ ' PERMIT LOCATION (` NO*' 1267 � S.R. N0. SUBDIVISION NAME e ;•-,.fev i� a ,._ LOT NO.M /gyp `r SECTION OR BLOCK NO. HOUSE MOBILE HOME ❑ BUSINESS [INO. B DROOMS NO. BATHROOMS '^ GARBAGE DISPOSAL UNIT YES ❑ NO AUTO. DISHWASHER YES n 0 ❑ AUTO. WASH. MACHINE YES �,. r ❑ SITE SUITABLE 1pG v YES �Y' NO ❑ SIZE.OF TANK ✓ gal. _D NITRIFICATION FIELD QS sq. ft. DEPTH OF STONE IN LINES: )611 WATER SUPPLY: Individual, ublic IMPROVEMENTS PERMIT BY / *�r'G House Trailer 800 Gal. 400 Sq. Ft. Two Bedroom House 800 Gal. 600 Sq. Ft. Three Bedroom House 900 Gal 900 S F Four Bedroom House OOO Gal. 200 Sq. Ft. INSTALLED BY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION By rylQ/n p Date C3 // (8/16/73) *Construction must comply wi all other applicable State and local regul tions LOT AREA t --1 _.._ M ry. 1 10 DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT .. (Septic Tank) Improvements Permit and Certificate of Completion (Ground Absorption Disposal System - G.S. Chapter 30 -Article 13C) rrSewage OWNER OR CONTRACTOR #i l U �� i C. t. c:a + S'� i U . DATE PERMIT LOCATION ik,.� . 1�s k` `'- :� t a It ' t �:t ,v, .� ��a c:L 1334 S.R. NO. SUBDIVISION NAME LOT NO. SECTION OR BLOCK NO. HOUSE P MOBILE HOME E3 BUSINESS ❑ � House Trailer 800 Gal. 400 Sq. Ft. NO. BEDROOMS ? NO. BATHROOMS . Two Bedroom House 800 Gal. 600 Sq. Ft. GARBAGE DISPOSAL UNIT YES ❑ NO Three Bedroom House 900 Gal. 900 Sq. Ft. AUTO. DISHWASHER YES E. NO ❑ Four Bedroom House 1000 Gal. 1200 Sq. Ft. AUTO. WASH. MACHINE YES t NO ❑ SITE SUITABLE YES ❑ NO ❑ SIZE OF TANK 106V gal. NITRIFICATION FIELD sq. ft. DEPTH OF STONE IN LINES: WATER SUPPLY: Individual ❑ Public IMPROVEMENTS PERMIT BY ►,.t 0%,%rx,., o INSTALLED BY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION ? ByDate (8/16/73) *Construction must c ply with all other applicable state and locaf regulations LOT AREA yjW lA 4d' -fie DAVIE COUNTY REA LTH :DEPARTM'EN.T -- (Septic Tank) Improvements •Permit and Certificate of Completion; . (.Ground Absorption. Sewage 'Dls.posal System = 'G:. S.. :Chapter 130=Ar,t cle...13C) OWNER OR CONTRACTOR DATE. i PERMIT'..- 1481 LOCATION la ; SUBDIVISION. NAME.:' . _ "_; f�f;` �; �. � ';. ` LOT NO.; „ -- .. t�. _ . _ SECTI`ON :OR BL OCK ;NQ-. . HOUSE IO : -.MOB L.E HOME BUS.INt•SS' 0 ' o.use: T;ra'iler 800 400 Sq. Ft . N0: BEDROOMS. NO. BATHROOMS'. ..- .. . .o .B•ed�rggm.Hqi`s�e � ,800 Gala Fi.0'0 :Sq. .F't•. GARBAGE DISPOSAL UNIT. YES' El 'NO. Q Three` B,•edroom Hoi-se • 900 Gal::''' %•.9'.,00. 5q..7,F"-t.. AUTO. DISHWASHER, YES N0 Q Four B'ed'r•:oom. House ` 1;009 G'a�l. 12,Q0 S. q:;.:;F.t:.; AUTO. WASH'. MACHINE YES• .0.4(0.)r. 9 SITE SUITABLE YES [] NO SIZE. OF. 'TANK, ga1,' T.. NITRIFICATION FIELD " _ s'q : ft... DEPTH OFSTONE IN. LINES..-; :. WATER :SUPPLY: Individual. .0 Publi-c. [] ' IMPROVEMENTS. 'PERMIT BY' ,;,-;i . ,. •:'. '• .-L;AtiA ... INSTALLED •BY"..7. :. :. . CERTIFICATE -'OF COMPLETION. BY.'• ��S�c Mr. ate .(8/16/73.) *Con'structi;on mu's.t .c'cj ply :with all other •ap.p.l.ic'ab.l.e, S':ta�te -:.aid l;oca,l.'.r:egula;tions: LOT AREA f(j, / fes. sr . '� :_ •—.cn:ih........_...:.. . ..._:..... �..,rr-tea+.-...•--.............._....wr:.r-.._..-•:..-..•-+""'°'",`-""�..""w.+•.. ` i 4+ 16-41 I, DAV I E COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT P. 0. BOX 57 HOCKSVILLE, N. C. 27028 (704) 634-5985 Statement for Septic Tank Improvement Permits and/or Site Evaluations NAME eEN �'Ai �j�. �G4AO. 57Z1V.,9k-7) DATE ISSUED *177 ADDRESS �'�fl/Q�} / l/!� PERMIT NO. Explanation of charge lf1fp�d11G�/ /VT.f PER/I } AMOUNT DUE1 / , SANITARIAN PLEASE REMIT THE ABOVE AMOUNT ON RECEIPT OF THIS STATEMENT. L //: 6-a lk DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENTS PERMIT AND CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION `Note: Issued in Compliance with G.S. of North Carolina Chapter 130—Article 13c. Permit Number Name �lLre��ZZ' Date N9 2413 Loc'Mi 2 Subdivision Name Lot No. Sec. or Block No. Lot Size House Mobile Home _ Business Speculation_ No. Bedrooms No. Baths No. in Family 7 Garbage Disposal YES EV NO ❑ Specifications fo Sys Auto Dish Washer YES NO ❑ Auto Wash Machine YES NO ❑� Type Water Supply "This permit Void if sewage system described below is not installed within 36 months from date of issue.. c� Improvements permit by *Contact a representative of the Davie County Health Department for final inspection of this system between 8:30- 9:30 A.M. or 1:00-1:30 P.M. on day of completion. Telephone Number: 704-634-5985. Final Installation Diagram: System Installed by ifi a !z- 5cxv!"-:£ �3L Z-7iOS' d�ffA 4, 6t Certificate of Completion Date *The signing of this certificate shall indicate that the system described above has been installed in compliance with the standards set forth in the above regulation, but shall in NO way be taken as a guarantee that the system will function satisfactorily for any given period of time. DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENTS PERMIT AND CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION *Note: Issued in Compliance with G.S. of North Carolina Chapter 130—Article 13c. _ Permit Number Name ,% �.f i%.',' I,� -- Date Location Subdivision Name Lot No. Sec. or Block No. Lot Size House f'� y r Mobile Home _ Business Speculation No. Bedrooms { No. Baths No. in Family Garbage Disposal YESC7 NO ❑ ¢ Specifications for System �y Auto Dish Washer YES p NO ❑ r f�;� ;�..,";` �' %' , r Auto Wash Machine YES E] NO ❑DA _ Type Water Supply C *This permit Void if sewage system described below is not installed within 36 months from date of issue. I t � 1 1 Improvements permit by *Contact a representative of the Davie County Health Department for final inspection of this system between 8:30- 9:30 A.M. or 1:00-1:30 P.M. on day of completion. Telephone Number: 704-634-5985. Final Installation Diagram: System Installed by Certificate of Completion 1 ' Date *The signing of this certificate shall indicate that the system described above has been installed in compliance with the standards set forth in the above regulation, but shall in NO way be taken as a guarantee that the system will function satisfactorily for any given period of time. i r 4 �1 i 1 ti j Certificate of Completion 1 ' Date *The signing of this certificate shall indicate that the system described above has been installed in compliance with the standards set forth in the above regulation, but shall in NO way be taken as a guarantee that the system will function satisfactorily for any given period of time. ; DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENTS PERMIT AND CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION *Note: Issued in Compliance with G.S. of North Carolina Chapter 130—Article 13c. � / Permit Number Name l �i, ir , - �,!' // Date Location — Subdivision Name Lot No. Sec. or Block No. Lot Size House~ Mobile Home _ Business Speculation No. Bedrooms �%� No. Baths _ _ No. in Family r _ Garbage Disposal YES [j] NO p Specifications for System: Auto Dish Washer YES E] NO 0 Auto Wash Machine YES E) NO p _ ( « �� %=� � •� Type Water Supply *This permit Void if sewage system described below is not installed within 36 months from date of issue. Improvements permit by *Contact a representative of the Davie County Health Department for final inspection of this system between 8:30- 9:30 A.M. or 1:00-1:30 P.M. on day of completion. Telephone Number: 704-634-5985. Final Installation Diagram: System Installed by i ()%;Prj, r - 'r ,r c/ , - t, Certificate of Completion 1 Date - *The signing of this certificate shall indicate that the system described above has been installed in compliance with the standards set forth in the above regulation, but shall in NO way be taken as a guarantee that the system will function satisfactorily for any given period of time. DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SECTION ti P.O. BOX 57 r MOCKSVILLE, N.C. 27028 (704) 634-5985 STATEMENT FOR SEPTIC TA14K IMP NAIM ADDRESS EXPLANATIO14 OF CHARGE PEMMITS AND/OR SITE EVALUAT ONS DATE v PEP14IT NO. AIMOUNT DUE i SANITARIANS c PLEASE REi4IT THE A$OVE AMOUNT OF RECEIPT OF THIS uTATEMEbI'I'. *NOTICE: Evaluation(s) can not be complated until payment is' received. Improvements Permit(s) can not be issued until payment is received.