157 Hickory Drive Lot 5 Section 3D"IE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT (Septic Tank) Improvements Permit and Certificate of Completion (Ground Absorption Sewage Disposal System - G.S. Chapter 130 -Art le 13C) OWNER OR CONTRACTOR 1-,II)Alq :linQ DATE (nom /%"%PERMIT LOCATION N? 590 S.R. NO. SUBDIVISION NAME �rn��/iriinur� /iQr S LOT NO. NO. BEDROOMS 3 GARBAGE DISPOSAL UNIT AUTO. DISHWASHER AUTO. WASH. MACHINE SITE SUITABLE SIZE OF TANK YES ❑ NO ❑ YES ❑ NO ❑ YES ❑ NO ❑ YES ❑ NO ❑ gal. NITRIFICATION FIELD DEPTH OF STONE IN LINES: WATER SUPPLY: Individual IMPROVEMENTS PERMIT BY \ (8/16/73) LOT AREA sq. ft. ❑ Public SECTION OR BLOCK NO. House Trailer 800 Gal. 400 Sq: Ft. Two Bedroom House 800 Gal. 600 Sq. Ft. Three Bedroom House 900 Gal. 900 Sq. Ft. Four Bedroom House 1000 Gal. 1200 Sq. Ft. 'r, / qo !Sp 4�i' qct �s r�rarfi w; tr?:x•c4�: �• i;ne ,vs Ph...Si .1 /e, � *975k'in -to 9,0 g;-J1VF;9x00- /M%CI INSTALLED BY )6n .'L , 5 T- Cm -4b. --A OF COMPLETION By %,ae , f\ aMAa Date 6 - -16 " %s *Construction must Amply with all other applicable State and local regulations /Q��:�OpJPs+� N�+ /%� ('. d�epT• . eY �' /v'`i�VJi7'% F- 6l`oaeni ;c J�esou P•= L,p^5;,v/ vr/ .tc+-S,) saha:� /051, 4 i F• 14d'k i_e a/1 DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT t' (Septic Tank) Improvements Permit and Certificate of Completion (Ground Absorption Sewage Disposal Systgm - G.S. Chapter 130 -Art Is 13C) OWNER OR CONTRACTOR LJQun/U U/A/I �� DATE PERMIT LOCATION 4,01-5 Al;oj' S..l...l N? SUBDIVISION NAME S4 IA tmatlej r1+Le LOT NO. NO. BEDROOMS ' GARBAGE DISPOSAL UNIT AUTO. DISHWASHER AUTO. WASH. MACHINE SITE SUITABLE SIZE OF TANK NO. BATHROOMS YES ❑ NO ❑ YES ❑ NO ❑ YES ❑ NO ❑ YES ❑ NO ❑ gal. NITRIFICATION FIELD DEPTH OF STONE IN LINESs' WATER SUPPLY: Individual IMPROVEMENTS PERMIT BY C sq. ft. ❑ Public 21 SECTION OR BLOCK NO. House. Trailer 800 Gal. Two Bedroom House 800 Gal. Three Bedroom House 900 Gal. Four Bedroom House 1000 Gal. INSTALLED BY 561 400 Sq. Ft.. 600 Sq. Ft. 900 Sq. Ft. 1200 Sq. Ft. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION By Date (8/16/73) *Construction -must comply with all other applicable State and local regulations LOT AREA 4-1 DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT tic Tink) Improvements Permit and Certificate of Completion (Ground Absorption Sewage Disposal System - G.S. Chapter. 130-Arti„Fle 13C) OWNER OR CONTRACTOR L DATE PERMIT LOCATION d p�' St �u lIi b� �C N? 561 S.R. NO. SUBDIVISION NAME j��,}�„ � /l 5 LOT NO. SECTION OR BLOCK NO. HOUSE IM MOBILE HOME BUSINESS ❑ House Trailer 800 Gal. 400 Sq. Ft. NO. BEDROOMS_ NO. BATHROOMS Two Bedroom House 800 Gal. 600 Sq. Ft. GARBAGE DISPOSAL UNIT YES ❑ NO ❑ Three Bedroom House 900 Gal. 900 Sq. Ft. AUTO. DISHWASHER YES ❑ NO ❑ Four Bedroom House 1000 Gal. 1200 Sq. Ft. AUTO. WASH. MACHINE YES ❑ NO ❑ SITE SUITABLE YES ❑ NO ❑ SIZE OF TANK gal. NITRIFICATION FIELD sq. ft. DEPTH'OF STONE IN LINES: WATER SUPPLY: Individual ❑ Public IMPROVEMENTS PERMIT BY INSTALLED BY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BY Date (8/16/73) *Construction must comply with all other applicable State and'local•regulations LOT AREA DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT r (Septic Tank) Improvements Permit and Certificate of Completion (Ground Absorption Sewage Disposal System - G.S. Chapter 130 -Article 13C) OWNER OR CONTRACTOR L N l 1 ) — --._-. __ ........DATE �� - �. -7.1,— PERMIT LOCATION SUBDIVISION NAME Sem4,,,e &rl Ac gyms, LOT NO. NO. BEDROOMS 0-21 NO. BATHROOMS _ GARBAGE DISPOSAL UNIT YES ❑ NO ❑ AUTO. DISHWASHER YES ❑ NO ❑ AUTO. WASH. MACHINE YES ❑ NO ❑ SITE SUITABLE YES ❑ NO ❑ SIZE OF TANK gal. NITRIFICATION FIELD sq. ft. DEPTH OF STONE IN LINES: WATER SUPPLY: Individual IMPROVEMENTS PERMIT BY C ❑ Public X SECTION OR BLOCK NO. House Trailer 800 Gal. 400 Sq. Ft. Two Bedroom House 80Q -a1: Three Bedroom House �O Gales' 900 Sq_Ft—" Four Bedroom House 000Gal. 1200 Sq. Ft. I I INSTALLED BY CERTIFICATE OF CUMPLET'IUN By Date (8/16/73) *Construction must comply with all other applicable State and local regulations LOT AREA E DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT •..r 4 ��. (Septic Tank) Improvements Permit and Certificate of Completion (Ground Absorption Sewage Disposal System G.S. Chapter 130 -Article 13C) OWNER OR CONTRACTOR^ "' 'r"M r. ��L c i � °»•^- ,.DATE PERMIT LOCATION (, �R� i'�•E.e<, r'.•� .N° 533 S.R. NO. SUBDIVISION NAME p,�, ,y),, -„y^ wr� �.a� �� q; LOT NO. SECTION OR BLOCK NO. nuubt LJ MUrilLL` KUMtS u nuJtighbb I NO. BEDROOMS NO. BATHROOMS GARBAGE DISPOSAL UNIT YES ❑ NO ❑ AUTO. DISHWASHER YES ❑ NO ❑ AUTO. WASH. MACHINE YES ❑ NO ❑ SITE SUITABLE YES ❑ NO ❑ SIZE OF TANK gal. . NITRIFICATION FIELD sq. ft. DEPTH OF STONE IN LINES:. WATER SUPPLY: Individual ❑ Public tR IMPROVEMENTS PERMIT BY (8/16/73) LOT AREA House Trailer 800 Gal. 400 Sq. Ft. Two Bedroom House8�Gal. '' 600 Sq,,.Ft. Three Bedroom House Li'900 Gal ii!�900^Sq. Ft. Four Bedroom House 1a0Ga1'. 1200 Sq. Ft. INSTALLED BY OF UUMPLETIM - . _. - . By Date *Construction must comply with all other applicable State and focal regulations NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES RALEIGH APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER FROM .. PRETREATMENT FACILITIES.TO WAST'EIRATER TREATMENT FACILITIES OF ANOTHER CUTLETS AND POINT SOURCES AND TREATMENT WORKS AND DISPOSAL SYSTEMS l ' DISCHARGING TO THE SURFACE.WATERS OF.THE STATE Filed By: 04). X� s G Davie - Yadk�N -Dirk};,-4- Nea/44 De.p+. ,r dJCebb) C, z70 _Z 9 1-1a,it AppP,icati.onb To: N. C. DephAtmen.t o6 Natwwt and Economic Rebounceb Divizion o5 Env.0 nmentaZ Management WateA Quatity Section P. U. Box 27687 Ra.2eigh, North. Canotuuc 27611 ��.p ication No. Section I GENERAL INFOR14ATION 1. Name of Applicant Date Reviewed 2. Mailing address of applicant Street RT 7 or Box No. --Q66-,q Post Office State Al. C. _Zip zip -a70 a sy 3, Location of Treatment Works and discharge point County Zk U) f e- City of Town Street No, or other location/description Jow7L/w00a/ /'YGteS 51 b�i' 4. Check type of application moi/% Original Revision �. Does..=this application inclu a proposed construction .3—. Jed YobM atwe 11WCr U.JcMe CONS kGTionl - . ,= yes =. no If yes' -complete 6, 7, and 8. If no go to No. 9. _- 6. DescIriptio/n. of_ Proposed Works/ Ga70 .Sca F! �-c11 bid ( See cc-r_H ed o p�L o!- _'1-ev?s a /MJ�i-oyemenlTS 7, Construction Schedule Plans and Specifications submitted on or before (date) j Begin Construction on or before (allow 30 days for plan review) (date) Complete Construction on or before date ) '_uitifiued :age Two f Begin Operation on or before as $. Name and address of Design Engineer SooN A -S TVSS"�'e 1 a Y (date 9, Name and title of person responsible for the works 10. Is discharge to f�'Surface waters or L= Treatment.Plant of Another Owner? 11. If discharge is to surface waters name of receiving stream and river basin rya a�KiN 12. If discharge is-to'Plant.of -Another Name --of Owner and location of plant Ps Section II DISCHARGE DESCRIPTION3S p GSI �D^y 1. Design average daily discharge (daily. -average -for --30 days) MGD._ 2. Design maximum daily discharge-(one,day-maximum -in 30 days) _- MGD 3, Design peak discharge rate (peak hoar flow in MGD) MGD continued Page Three 4. Date by which design average will be reached 5. Waste Characteristics Parameter Influent Effluent % reduction ph xxxxxxxxxxxx Temperature (winter) (FO) OF OF xxxxxxxxxxxx Temperature (summer) (FO) OF OF xxxxxxxxxxxx BOD 5 day 20° C m /l mg/l Total Solids m /l mg/1 Total Susbended Solids m /l mg/l TKN N) m /l mg/l Nitrate -Nitrite (N) mg/l mg/1 Phosphorus (Total) mg/l mg/l Turbidity XXX=XXJTU F Coliform Bacteria xxxxxxxxxxx 100.ml I Application is hereby made for a permit to discharge those waste- waters described herein. I certify that I have reviewed and am familiar -with iriformation.:contained--in thisapplication,,--and-that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete and accurate. �o%ei-� L. "// , T Printed name of person signing Title S nature of Appli t Date Juno 21. 1975 Mr Robert L 0a11 J Route 7s.,Boz 266-A.', Mocksvvillss R.. , C. : 27028:.: SUBJECT: Coaditlmal Approval of.Wastewater.Tr[stment. Facilities to servo Routs $� Lot'�,.3� BouCir, :. Food Acres, Davis County, Nortli Carolina,. Dear Mr. ;walls, , In,'accordence.with your. application:.for a permit to discharge treated wastewater to -the surface waterecif North Carolinas and after staff, review and determination that the discharge v111'100t Violatewater quality stan- dards, you are hereby authorised to construct wastewater treatment facili- ties consisting of a 90.sip=e foot sub -surface sand filter and eventually the disinfection facilities which together will treat -the domestic waste from the proposed septic tank and sufficient nitrification lied acceptable '. to the Davie County Environmental Health Department. -The discharge will be made into Leonard: Creek,, a; tributary. to . tkc( Dutchman creekwhich is in diti the Yadkin -Pea Des River.Basin. Thio authorization Is coaoml upas: subsequent issuance of a discharge permit by, the North Carolina Environ- mental - Management, Commiasioa. Yoai.;aiVlication for permit will be processed as provided for.ft, reguletions adopted by the Environmental Management Commission, and a per- mit containing such restrictions and conditions as deemed necessary will be issued.' In the interim, the construction and operation of the facili- ties authorized herein are subject to periodic review and modification'as' necessary to Insure continuous protection of surface waters of the State. If this office can be of further easistance,,please feel free to ca12 Robert A. Carters'Regioca]. Engineers North Piedmont Field Office, 3528 Vest Mill Roads'Winston-Salems'North Carolinas 27103, telephone (919) 765- 6300. Sincerely, Original Signed B)Z LEWIS R. MARTIN Lewis R. Martin cc: Mr. L. P. Benton, Jr. Mr. W. C. Mills Mr. R. Van Tilburg MMyy W: E. Long. Jr. ✓bowie County Environmental Health Department North Piedmont Field Office