130 Hidden Creek Drive Lot 3Davie County, NC Tax Parcel Report Thursday. January 26- 2017 WARNING: 11 1S 1S NOTA SURVEY Parcel Information Parcel Number: E9150A0003 Township: Farmington NCPIN Number: 5871583157 Municipality: BERMUDA RUN Account Number: 82526280 Census Tract: 37059-803 Listed Owner 1: BURKE MARJORIE LYNN Voting Precinct: HILLSDALE Mailing Address 1: 130 HIDDEN CREEK DRIVE Planning Jurisdiction: BERMUDA RUN City: ADVANCE Zoning Class: BERMUDA RUN, DAVIE COUNTY R-A,R-20,CR State: Zip Code: Legal Description: Assessed Acreage: Deed Date: Deed Book / Page: Plat Book: Plat Page: Building Value: NC Zoning Overlay: DAVIE COUNTY QD 27006-0000 Voluntary Ag. District: No LOT 3 HIDDEN CREEK SECTION I Fire Response District: ADVANCE 0.89 Elementary School Zone: SHADY GROVE Land Value: Total Assessed Value: 4/2006 Middle School Zone: WILLIAM ELLIS 006580176 Soil Types: GnB2 0005 Flood Zone: 179 Watershed Overlay: BERMUDA RUN,DAVIE COUNTY Outbuilding & Extra Freatures Value: Total Market Value: 101 Ail data is provided as Is without warranty or guarantee of any Idnd either expressed or Implied Including but not limited to the Davie County, Implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular use. All users of Davie County's GIS website shall hold harmless the County of Davie, North Carolina, its agents, consultants, contractors or employees from any and ail claims or causes of action due to NC or arWng out of the use or Inability to use the GIS data provided by this webshe. "t Account #: 990003745 Billed To: Arena Builders Reference Name: Proposed Facility Residence ATC Number: 4206 DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT f,k Environmental Health Sectiont P. O. Boz 848/210 Hospital Street Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-8760 Tax PIN/EH #: 5871-58-3157.03 AB Subdivision Info: Hidden Creek Lot # 03 Location/Address: 130 Hidden Creek Drive -27006 Property Size: see map AUTHORIZATION FOR WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION **NOTE** This Authorization for Wastewater System Construction MUST BE ISSUED by the Davie County Environmental Health Section prior to issuance of any building permit(s). This Form/Authorization Number should be presented to the Davie County Building Inspections Office when applying for building permit(s) (in compliance with Article 11 of G.S. Chapter 130A, Wastewater Systems, Section .1900 Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems). THIS AUTHORIZATION FOR WASTEWATER CONSTRUCTION IS VALID FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE YEARS. Environmental Health Specialist's Signature: iI I( Date: CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION **NOTE** The issuance of this Certificate of Completion shall ind has been installed in compliance with icle 1 of .S Disposal Systems," but shall in NO WA bet Lken a a given period of time. Septic System Installed By: the system described on Improvement/Operation Permit Ater 130A, Section .1900 "Sewage Treatment and mtee that the system will function satisfactorily for any Environmental Health Specialist's Signature : ��� Date: DCHD 05/99 (Revised) DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Environmental Health Section P. O. Boa 848/210 Hospital Street Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-8760 IMPROVEMENT/OPERATION PERMIT Account #: 990003745 Tax PIN/EH #: 5871-58-3157.03 AB Billed To: Arena Builders Subdivision Info: Hidden Creek Lot # 03 Reference Name: Location/Address: 130 Hidden Creek Drive -27006 Proposed Facility Residence Property Size: see map ATC Number: 4206 **NOTE** This Improvement/Operation Permit DOES NOT authorize the construction of a septic tank system or any wastewater system. An AUTHORIZATION FOR WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION must be obtained from this Department prior to the construction/installation of a system or the issuance of a building permit (in compliance with Article 11 of G.S. Chapter 130A, Wastewater Systems, Section .1900 Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems). THIS PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO REVOCATION IF SITE PLANS OR THE INTENDED USE CHANGE. YOUR WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRACTOR MUST SEE THIS PERMIT BEFORE INSTALLING SYSTEM. Residential Specification: Building Type #People #Bedrooms #Baths Dishwasher Garbage Disposal. -X Washing Machine Basement w/Plumbing: ❑ Basement/No Plumbing: ❑ Commercial Specification: Facility Type #People #People/Shift #Seats Industrial Waste: ❑ Lot Size Type Water Supply Design Wastewater Flow (GPD) -!� Site: New 0 Repair ❑ System Specifications: Tank Siz%GAL. Pump Tank GAL. Trench Width Rock Depth /� Linear Ft—:� Other: As stat" accepted SystemsNmay also be use Required Site Modifications/Conditions: IMPROVEMENT/OPERATION PERMIT LA - PPROVED EFFLUENT FILTER. RISER(S) IF 6 " BELOW FINISHED GRADE. ****NOTICE: Contact r esentatrve o t �e avie County Health Department for final inspection of this system between 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. or 1:00 p o 1 p.m. on t e day o installation. Telephone # is (336)751-8760.**** F Environmental Health Specialist's Signature: ,� tDate: / DCHD 05/99 (Revised) =p,l 2:16p davie County envhealth 336 751 87HU Api,u,,ATlON rOlt Sf1E LVALti+VOW/1111110VEMENT PLIIMIT ZATC Davie County Health D. partutent EnvlronmerrfalHea/G Section P.O. Box 840/210 Nosp:.tal Street Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-876) 336-766-5063 p.1 11.1 ca.4_4 ` ,U •+•SJJPORSANT•a* =5 RPPLICATI01i CAMor J)E PROP."%SSEO tRfS.ESS z6rr. TNS REQUIRED INPORZINTION Is PROVIDr-1. 1Refert to the INFORdAT::ON IMLETIN for inotruationo. Pckop- 1. %nae to be Dillod rtle0A �f�7..,�LO� R� contact Person Nalliag nddroao �3F+S�l�n��Jtt3�4 «( W, Items Item 2bono city/swta/zlrPLc-7tc c ._�C(C 2 'L Business Fltotte J. M=o on rerwLt/ATC ar Dluerent than Above nailing Address itr/state/ZSD 3. application Fort ❑ Site Evaluation Improvement Permit/RTC e. system to servico:�ouse O Mobile Nome ❑ Burtncaa O Industry El Other ❑ Doth S. Type system requeatodt X--atioaai ❑ cooveatlonal .wdifled Q Inaovativa Maccepred 6. I1 nodideneo: I Peopl.i _�_ I Dodro Sea_ u Dathroomo 2'� �la>,vasreer �.o[Laee D.op5aal OM.al,ln9 tSaehlaa ❑:�taeoont/Plua6l+lg Opaaesent/No }ltewttr� 7. If Auelneaa/Iaduatrr /Otl,or: verify type I People Y Slope Canne,do■ I .ibover. a aria [le I Wator Ceelera IF r00D.1ERVICE: 0 Sea6LB Estimated W.ter Usage tgallooa per day) t. Typo of rater supp2re kl&ur.ty/City ❑ we'.l 13 Community 9. oo yea anticipate additions or clpansions of the facM(y Ibis sysi -ru is intended to serve? ❑ Yes )ikW,- try", Wait type? •••1rVpURriINT-e• CLnI Nr, AwsrCoiJPL67ETILE XCQt%l/tt .9 PROP[ R7l' l)Yl•OttAlATlPlI tiEQill�ll D BELOW. rtibrraPlarorsrTrPt.ANAtafr06sUit.4f FTFObrt .elleut withTHISAPP1,ICATION. Property pinlensions: r zz K Z��` /` /�, )(2�(0� NVItrTE rJIItECTIOM (rout Atoc)cseitkl tot )tOPEtYi'Y:' T21 Office PINI: 8—rnb go Is Property Address: Road Na►ue f ,�� (flDt �ie�tyk +� /�� clyrLip�uc:Mee, iliC (_'Q If in a Subdivision prnvitic infornnliou, as follows: flame• 010 D -k t^IUT-C 3 77-,-, s- ff (� cle� �-- Section: Block: Lot: Date lurtnecorners Qaeged: COOL frCY RA,609 This is to certify drat cite infurtnalion pruvittcd is correct to Cite best or my lnowledge. i understand that atty pundt(s) (A e- i> F issued bercaRerare subject tosuspeusio::a•revocation, if The site plansoraitendcdtuecbange,orrftheinfornuntimt Ir{<<L �W�YJJt submitted is tlils apptfcation is f tlslLtd cr ebang"L /, also, lWerstant/r/rat ;am rerltorisiblejor all ekortw iaearrer(from ea Ot//A.S tlrir applicadar. 1, hereby, Lire eunsurt b-, the Autborfzcd Rcprescntatb-r of dee Daric Counly 11call)intent i to enter upon abmr described propertr lacated in Davit County and osrnet 1— cparj 047L to conducl At (tes(ing procedduures as umisiry to detcrutitte the site suitabilit ;. DATE ) 11 I �\ SICNATUItii P—iC AAO Tins Aim& Ava Itz USED mR pnivviNC YOUR SITE PLAN (Includ ' an or Clot, funum ing: l ristiug and proposed property lines and Onensions, structure, setbacks, and septic locations). Site Revisit Otargo Sign given Itn•ised DCIII) (05103 Datc(s): Clint NoGrication Date: jkccoantNo. v Invoice &N,1— WN Sep 16 05 12:42p 336-766-5063 p.2 N66*1912*E 180.00, 20' Power Easement 4D S f 03 1 AA CM CP m 4CP Lo Side setbacks: IS Olk/ Al Lot 3 Hidden Creek Davie County Hidden Creek Drive 1 inch= 30 fee 4 �h APPL TION FOR SITE EVALUATION/IMPROVEMENT PERMIT & ATC Davie County Health Department �2 EnvironmentaiHeaith Section P.O. Box 848/210 Hospital Street Q Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-8760 ***IhtPOR *** THIS APPLICATION CANNOT BE PROCESSED UNLESS ALL THE REQUIRED FORZ• ION IS PROVIDED".� Refertothe INF/O'R�M,ATION BULLETIN for instructions. 1. Name to be Billed n Gtlt/��F l7r(;�C�'(�C. Contact Person �] CB// -- Mailing Address F J/0 C/PvPT ciG1" . Sf /R 3tome Phone 225 7 City/State/ZIP [/41 54Z.-) C, Z weg Business Phone 70 - 5725-e 2. Name on Permit/ATC if Different than Above Mailing Address City/State/Zip 3. Application For: Site Evaluation ❑ Improvement Permit/ATC ❑ Both 4. System to Service: AHouse ❑ Mobile Home ❑ Business ❑ Industry ❑ Other 5. Type system requested: X Conventional ❑ conventional modified ❑ innovative pacCepted 6. If .Residence: # People # Bedrooms � # Bathrooms —S ❑Dishwasher ❑Garbage Disposal ❑Washing Machine ❑Basement/Plumbing ❑Basement/No Plumbing 7. If Business/Industry /Other: verify type # People # Sinks # Commodes # Showers # Urinals # Water Coolers IF FOODSERVICE: #i Seats Estimated Water Usage (gallons per day) S. Type of water supply: County/City ❑ Well ❑ Community 9. Do you anticipate additions or expansions of the facility this system is intended to serve? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, what type? ***I1IIPORTf1N2-** CLIENTS MUST COMPLETE THE REQUIRED PROPERTY INFORMATION REQUESTED BELOW. Either a PLAT or SITE PLAN MUST BE SUBhfITTED by the client with THIS APPLICATION. Property Dimensions: Tax Office PIN: it Property Address: Road Name t'yr'E r i)c City/Zip 1144ti c tf A700 �- If in a Subdivision provide information, as follows: Name: A;5 1Pr, 6 -e, -I Section: Block: Lot: WRITE DIRECTIONS (front Mocksville) to PROPERTY:' Rel/r ,fry ept? Date liome corners flagged: This is to certify that the information provided is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any permits) issued hereafter are subject to suspension or revocation, if the site plans or intended use change, or if the information submitted in this application is falsified or changed. I, also, understand that I ans responsible for all charges incurred front this application. I, hereby, give consent to the Authorized Representative of the Davie County I-Icaltli Department to enter upon above described property located in Davie County and owned by to conduct all testing procedures as necessary to determine the site suitab' ' , DATE t9 --J6 —OJ SIGNATURE, TIIIS A ZEA MAY BE USED FOR DRAWING YOUR SITE PL"dc/ali of lie gli�owing: Existing and proposed property lines and dimensions, structures, setbacks, and septic locations . 1j Sign given Revised DCIID (05/03 Site Revisit Charge Date(s): Client Notification Date: I EIIS: Account No. Invoice No. / ag"', Pr/► 7'V- .5' 7/ !S�v-3 J5? N 66019'12' E 180.00' 1 20' Power Easement I I I I I I I NI I I vl I CD `MCO l I 31 I =1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I � I I N A `� I Z I C, N NC I I m Cp. I I I I I I I I I I I Side setbacks: 15' I j I I j I I I I I I 40' I I Lot 3 Hidden Creek I 1 I I Davie County R 796.5' 48'1x' Hidden Creek Drive 1 inch= 30 feet Pr/► 7'V- .5' 7/ !S�v-3 J5? DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT • Environmental Health Section Soil/ Site Evaluation APPLICANT INFORMATION PROPERTY INFORMATION Account #: 990002260 Tax PIN/EH #: 5871-58-3157.03 Billed To: Allen Wayne Builders,LLC. Subdivision Info: Hidden Creek Lot # 03 Reference Name: Location/Address: Hidden Creek Drive- 7006 Proposed Facility: Residence Property Size: see map Date Evaluated: Water Supply: On -Site Well Community Evaluation By: Auger Boring �� Pit Publicy Cut FACTORS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Landscape position Slope % r% HORIZON I DEPTH Texture group Consistence r/ Structure p� Mineralogy e HORIZON H DEPTH Texture group Consistence Structure /L Mineralogy HORIZON III DEPTH Texture group Consistence Structure Mineralogy HORIZON IV DEPTH Texture group Consistence Structure Mineralogy SOIL WETNESS RESTRICTIVE HORIZON SAPROLITE CLASSIFICATION LONG-TERM ACCEPTANCE RATE SITE CLASSIFICATION: LONG-TERM ACCEPTANCE RATE: REMARKS: LEGEND EVALUATION BY. OTHER(S) PRESENT - Landscape Position R - Ridge S - Shoulder L - Linear slope FS - Foot slope N - Nose slope CC - Concave slope CV - Convex slope T - Terrace FP - Flood plain H - Head slope Texture S - Sand LS - Loamy sand SL - Sandy loam L - Loam SI - Silt SICL - Silty clay loam SIL - Silty loam CL - Clay loam SCL - Sandy clay loam SC - Sandy clay SIC - Silty clay C - Clay VFR - Very friable FR - Friable FI - Firm VFI - Very firm EFI - Extremely firm NS - Non sticky SS - Slightly sticky S - Sticky VS - Very Sticky NP - Non plastic SP - Slightly plastic P - Plastic VP - Very plastic Structure SC - Single grain M - Massive CR - Crumb GR - Granular ABK - Angular blocky SBK - Subangular blocky PL - Platy PR - Prismatic Mineralogy 1:1, 2:1, Mixed Notes Horizon depth - In inches Depth of fill - In inches Restrictive horizon - Thickness and inches from land surface Saprolite - S(suitable), U(unsuitable) Soil wetness - Inches from land surface to free water or inches from land surface to soil colors with chroma 2 or less Classification - S(suitable), PS (provisionally suitable), U(unsuitable) LTAR - Long-term acceptance rate - gal/day/ft2 DCHD 05105 (Revised) ■■MN■■■■■■■NOVO■NM■■■■■■■■■MNM■NM■■/■■■■■■■■/■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ /■/■//■///■■■//■M■■NOM■/■M■■/M■M■■■■■■/■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■N■/M■■M■■■MM■■■OM■■MMM■■■■r��■■■■■■■■/■■■/■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■/■■■/■■■/■■/■■■■■■■/■■■■Ori'■■■■■/■■/■■■■■■■■/■■■/■■■■■■■■■■ ■/■■N/MMM/M■■■■MN/M//M■■■MM■■■■SIM■■■■■/■■■■■■/■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■/■■■■■M■■■M■■■■MM■NM■■/M■■■SIM■■/■■■■■■■■■■■/■■/■■■//■■■■■■■/■■ ■■■■■//■■■■■■■■/■■■■■■■■■■■■■cell■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■NM■■M/■■M■■eMM■■■M■■/M■■■■■■■free■//■//■■///■//■■/■/■//■■■■■■■//■ EMMO■NS MEMMOM MEMNiON ENOMME 11 ■■MM■■M■■■■■■■■N■MN■N■■■N■MMM■■M■■■■■■■■■■/■■■■■MM■MM■MMee■eM■■MM■ ■■■MN■OMN■■■■■■/■MM/ONMNMMM■■■■I■■■■■■eM■■e■■■MN■■e■NO■MN■MN■■/MONO ■e■■Oe■MN■■■/■■■N■■M■■MMM■■■■■�iM■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■M■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■N■MNN■■MMM■■■■NMMeMN■■■t■■cl■■■■■MN■■■■■■■■■■■■NNN■■M■MM■N■■NM■ ■MMM■■■■■■■■■MN■■N■■■e/■■■■■P.\■Il■■■■■■■MNNNM■/■■■■■■■NOON■NMN■■NM■ ■■■■Me■MMM■■■eM■■■NM■■■■■■■M�17■It■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■eN■■■■MN■■■NMNN'�s�e ■■/MMM■■■M■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■M■■■■MMM■■■■■■■MN■■■■M■ ■e■■■■■■■eM■■M■/■■■■Nee■■■■■■■■■■/■■■e■■M■■■■■■M■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■M■ ■■■M■■■MMM■■■■MMN■■■■■■MN■■M■■■M�,1■■■/■■■■■■N■■■■■■N■■■■■■■N■■NON■ ■■■■■■■MN■■■■■N■■■/■N■/■■■■ONOM■ ■■■ON■■M■■N■■MMM■■■/■■■■■■/■■/■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■MMM■■■■■■■■■■/■■■MMO■■ONM■■■■N■ ■■M■■M■■■■■■■■■M■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/■■■■■■■■■■NNMM■■MMM■■■/■■■■NN■■ ■■■■■■MMM■■■■■■■/■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■e■■■■■■■■■■■M■■N■■■■■■■■■■■■■/■N■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■MN■■N■■NMN■N■■/■■■■NOM■ '• r M �� �� � •��i.-R-� a7, �+ice P rA �.' • • • �. �L�r:� , Vii►. �, 0 00 g or') zg 14 V. ►V 3° \6 1 W N tv- 00 1 y- 20 NW v 0 � o • � v N V N V 2000, B N A M . M _ M A � M�rn 700 mD Z <Z n, v O aJ n (AM rrn W = = 3 D CURVE a Dz M v xl 17C A -R/W G) = z DZ 50.00' r Om 75.05' a) IT! C_ B- R/W -I= CID 796.57' � zm 536.77' D =3 C-R/W 91°08'32" 25.00' (A 3 r 39.77' N D-C/L C_ Z► 657.51' 220.00' 424.60' 417.26' E- R/ W M r - v 14 V. ►V 3° \6 1 W N tv- 00 1 y- 20 NW v 0 � o • � v N V N V 2000, B N A M . M _ M A � M�rn 700 WOODS 730 C. A. STREET JR,740 -MARY JANE STREET DEED BOOK 50, PAGE 575 ZONED R -A 6b' E 20' PAVEMENT C 740 750 RODMAN E. -MILLS -KENNETH E. MILLS RODNEY S. HARPS- THAD J. BINGHAM GORDON C. HENDRIX-GILBERT T. DAVIS JR. D8. 130, PG 67 ZONED R -A 6' 6' . iHOULDER DITCH " PER FT 760 500 R_20 ZONED n Z M 3 N 770 001 225• 13' 04112j1E o N 360,00 / 7e0 SSOCIp,TES � E A 121, Ir 180 00 / cn 42'277 Si BVRNE2T PG 489 019 rggI ZONED R•A 66 N o, L3 o 180 0 � N 'j , % 1� 1 /-d 103• 760 0�. $6, a` Q A / 0 90 g0 4j00 �� w j09.65�A Pc 41. '°49,13"w E 5R 16 Q `O s7 1RCL to o a, / Ig c S Z3 `Y5RppK C - - 0 0 - 3 N_ 130 33 A•� h� �' �zs 1302. �� yr / Z � �.L�'A�) �N 2q' P `' 65° 1a 77o49,j3, E � ,R Z 1222 9 g''JI 0"E , N 124.04 � �° N \ 10090 N73°37,4pt56.55 _ LpFFTIN '•?�►Q ��/baA.P3' !9 021 /K 8�B3/ 3WAORB APA%_?O5FF2T G I6 3 -93 G, 41 \20Iso NEp0O�qt) 6 0 pOQN R 00 14 A0. 2 g ro 31 N aND v 0lb �a'y 01� �, 03 J 9 3g QUO O0` �DO (�\Q 37, 057 of � 3p- �`� ob Di / O 30, 668 sf \ Q No \a9 0a a0 a1 Po / \ �,Vu,� O s`L g�, 94 � 69993 s`'o oaa ^' 1 00' 159.37' �r It a" \6 ,��, ,� 69 v �s�a �a tv_ 140. ' 0 4 ,. w 299.37 a+ Sao Sail �'� v � 609 $84038 °\ / �! F i� / 0°` bog_ � �<ZS • 2\ '`6 PQ �\ N� gIk �°\ ` O� c� ��y fib• P� .g°� ,�crb , `ss`l ` -" o s �9 V5 g'0\ *-q, �o 6'•. .f. 02 322,1 agti ti a3o O � �o h0 4� pi / 6 , g. 0 g M. / 10 0 � 2 Ef .` I �0 # 527 y s < �- 000/ x.11 5 NES R - 20 6 a P Q yf) \ 6 hA ZD 0 -� �• 4 MS' 4 00 �1 N 0k351p � l`arra 0• neo y 9 'G �2 \g / FUTURE DEVELOPMENTp . P Z A D -i1 ZONED R -A RODMAN E. MILLS -KENNETH ° E. MILLS O Z 26 `� ' 0o RODNEY S. HARPE- THAD J. BINGHAM N ZA CORDON C. HENDRIX - GILBERT T. DAVIS JR. A> \ D.B. 130, PG 67 3 �� t�ll• m- N N 1 O oL. tv N ) �� _ -� 0 3 - WOODS 51,6052f FIELD 67, 821 of M0 N O 170.00' 3.13' 1 ---- 750 760 - I -- -- 770 �-- - BOWDEN Rneh � I RESIDENTIAL 'ROAD' SYMMETRICAL CUL-DE-SAC I-V w ULN HEIRS RICHARD pBp DB 45, PG 44 I DB. 126, PG 588 ZONED R -A I • I I I, FRANCIS BRYSON GREENE certify that this mop was drjwn���•CAR®1'.,� from on actual field survey mode by me ; that the error of p .�G„T : ­0% closure as calculated by latitudes and departures is I--IOA00 �: • `� %9 SEAL = and that this mop was prepared in accordance with G. S. 47-E30 = •rl as amended. y < L-1761 Witness my hand and seal this 10 th day of DECEMBER, 1986" 2 • q p +�: ��' :�C'�' • S up")" `` • Q, Q ��"'�,�kYSON•�. `��, L 1761 r NDEXTI R RUTH B. POINDEXTER DB. 49, PG 506 cr 0 1100 200 300 MAP RODMAN E. MILLS -KENNETH E. MILLS- RODNEY S. HARPE FOR THAD J. BINGHAM-GORDON C. HENDRIX-GILBERT T. DAVIS JR - SCALE - CURVE, -DATA -DATE- I"= 100' CURVE a R T L C A -R/W 86000'01" 50.00' 46.63' 75.05' 68.20' B- R/W 40° 3VOW' 796.57' 294.27' 536.77' 552.08' C-R/W 91°08'32" 25.00' 25.50' 39.77' 35.71' D-C/L 37000'00" 657.51' 220.00' 424.60' 417.26' E- R/ W 88°57'26" 25.00' 24.55' 38.81' 35.03' F- C/L 55022'16" 652.07' 342.13' 630.16' 605.93' G- R/W 90000'00" 25.00' 25.00' 39.27' 35`.36' H-C/L 44°23'45'" 299.99' 226.68' 122.41' 232.56' I - R/ W 900 20'45" 25.00' 25. 15' 39.42' 35.46' J - R/ W 89039'15" 25.00' 24.85' 39.12' 35.25' K -R/ W 1 40033'04" 570.00' 1 210.57' 1 403.42' 395.05' L-R/W '87°64' 30" 3.0-00' 24.92' 46.03'. 4.1..65 ` WOODS 730 C. A. STREET JR,740 -MARY JANE STREET DEED BOOK 50, PAGE 575 ZONED R -A 6b' E 20' PAVEMENT C 740 750 RODMAN E. -MILLS -KENNETH E. MILLS RODNEY S. HARPS- THAD J. BINGHAM GORDON C. HENDRIX-GILBERT T. DAVIS JR. D8. 130, PG 67 ZONED R -A 6' 6' . iHOULDER DITCH " PER FT 760 500 R_20 ZONED n Z M 3 N 770 001 225• 13' 04112j1E o N 360,00 / 7e0 SSOCIp,TES � E A 121, Ir 180 00 / cn 42'277 Si BVRNE2T PG 489 019 rggI ZONED R•A 66 N o, L3 o 180 0 � N 'j , % 1� 1 /-d 103• 760 0�. $6, a` Q A / 0 90 g0 4j00 �� w j09.65�A Pc 41. '°49,13"w E 5R 16 Q `O s7 1RCL to o a, / Ig c S Z3 `Y5RppK C - - 0 0 - 3 N_ 130 33 A•� h� �' �zs 1302. �� yr / Z � �.L�'A�) �N 2q' P `' 65° 1a 77o49,j3, E � ,R Z 1222 9 g''JI 0"E , N 124.04 � �° N \ 10090 N73°37,4pt56.55 _ LpFFTIN '•?�►Q ��/baA.P3' !9 021 /K 8�B3/ 3WAORB APA%_?O5FF2T G I6 3 -93 G, 41 \20Iso NEp0O�qt) 6 0 pOQN R 00 14 A0. 2 g ro 31 N aND v 0lb �a'y 01� �, 03 J 9 3g QUO O0` �DO (�\Q 37, 057 of � 3p- �`� ob Di / O 30, 668 sf \ Q No \a9 0a a0 a1 Po / \ �,Vu,� O s`L g�, 94 � 69993 s`'o oaa ^' 1 00' 159.37' �r It a" \6 ,��, ,� 69 v �s�a �a tv_ 140. ' 0 4 ,. w 299.37 a+ Sao Sail �'� v � 609 $84038 °\ / �! F i� / 0°` bog_ � �<ZS • 2\ '`6 PQ �\ N� gIk �°\ ` O� c� ��y fib• P� .g°� ,�crb , `ss`l ` -" o s �9 V5 g'0\ *-q, �o 6'•. .f. 02 322,1 agti ti a3o O � �o h0 4� pi / 6 , g. 0 g M. / 10 0 � 2 Ef .` I �0 # 527 y s < �- 000/ x.11 5 NES R - 20 6 a P Q yf) \ 6 hA ZD 0 -� �• 4 MS' 4 00 �1 N 0k351p � l`arra 0• neo y 9 'G �2 \g / FUTURE DEVELOPMENTp . P Z A D -i1 ZONED R -A RODMAN E. MILLS -KENNETH ° E. MILLS O Z 26 `� ' 0o RODNEY S. HARPE- THAD J. BINGHAM N ZA CORDON C. HENDRIX - GILBERT T. DAVIS JR. A> \ D.B. 130, PG 67 3 �� t�ll• m- N N 1 O oL. tv N ) �� _ -� 0 3 - WOODS 51,6052f FIELD 67, 821 of M0 N O 170.00' 3.13' 1 ---- 750 760 - I -- -- 770 �-- - BOWDEN Rneh � I RESIDENTIAL 'ROAD' SYMMETRICAL CUL-DE-SAC I-V w ULN HEIRS RICHARD pBp DB 45, PG 44 I DB. 126, PG 588 ZONED R -A I • I I I, FRANCIS BRYSON GREENE certify that this mop was drjwn���•CAR®1'.,� from on actual field survey mode by me ; that the error of p .�G„T : ­0% closure as calculated by latitudes and departures is I--IOA00 �: • `� %9 SEAL = and that this mop was prepared in accordance with G. S. 47-E30 = •rl as amended. y < L-1761 Witness my hand and seal this 10 th day of DECEMBER, 1986" 2 • q p +�: ��' :�C'�' • S up")" `` • Q, Q ��"'�,�kYSON•�. `��, L 1761 r NDEXTI R RUTH B. POINDEXTER DB. 49, PG 506 cr 0 1100 200 300 MAP RODMAN E. MILLS -KENNETH E. MILLS- RODNEY S. HARPE FOR THAD J. BINGHAM-GORDON C. HENDRIX-GILBERT T. DAVIS JR - SCALE - -TOWNSHIP- - COUNTY - - STATE - -DATE- I"= 100' FARMINGTON DAVIE N. C. 12-10-86 AREA = 35.438 ACRES DMD FRANCIS B. GREENE RLS PO BOX 501, MOCKSVILLE , NC -27028 19 DiVI CQtJN`�, iLTIDFkT1VIT`T �..W Environmental Health Section P. 0. Box S4S/210 Hospital Street Courier 09-40.06 Unrlccvilla Alr fP71noQ August 23, 2005 Allen Wayne Builders,LLC Attn: Jeff Hoffinan 2110 Cloverdale Avenue, Suite 1 B Winston-Salem, NC 27103 Re: Site Evaluations/ Hidden Creek Drive Lot 3 and 54 Tax Office PIN: #5871-58-3157.03 and 5871-38-9373.54 Dear Client(s): As requested, a representative from our office visited the aforementioned site on August 22,2005. Based on the information provided on the Application for Site Evaluation and after an evaluation was completed on the site, it was found to be provisionally suitable for the installation of an on-site sewage system. Before and Improvement/Authorization to Construct can be issued the appropriate application must be filled out and the house/mobile home location staked off. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office. Sincerely, Robert B. Hall, Jr., R.S. Environmental Health Specialist RBH/dlf