1235 Woodward RdDavie County, NC Tax Parcel Report Tuesdav, October 11, 2016 WARNING: THIS IS NOT A SURVEY Parcel Information Parcel Number: G400000011 Township: Mocksvilie NCPIN Number: 5830123595 Municipality: Account Number: 8302565 Census Tract: 37059-806 Listed Owner 1: STREET SHEREE S ETAL Voting Precinct: NORTH MOCKSVILLE COUNTY Mailing Address 1: 1235 WOODWARD ROAD Planning Jurisdiction: Davie County City: MOCKSVILLE Zoning Class: DAVIE COUNTY R-A State: NC Zoning Overiay: Zip Code: 27028 Voluntary Ag. District: No Legal Desc�iption: 51.32 AC CANA RD P/O LOT 3 Fire Response District: WILLIAM R. DAVIE Assessed Acreage: 57.18 Elementary School Zone: WILLIAM R DAVIE Deed Date: 9/2013 Middle School Zone: NORTH DAVIE Deed Book / Page: 009370861 Soil Types: GnB2,EnB,MsC,MsB,ChA,MsD Plat Book: 0001 Flood Zone: Piat Page: 090 Watershed Overlay: DAVIE COUNTY Buiiding Value: Land Value: Total Assessed Value: °��`�' Davie County, �o� NC 154910.00 Outbuilding � Extra 61990.00 Freatures Value: 289300.00 Total Market Value: 506200.00 279390.00 IMPRDVEI�NT P'ERMIT DRVIE COUNTY HERLTN DEPARTMENT r IMPROVEpENT PEAMIT and �ERATION PERMIT � *+�NOTE�+� This i�prove�ent per�it D�5 NOT authorize the construction or installation of a septic tank syste� or any Naste►+ater syste�. AN AUTHORIZATIDN FDR {JASTEWATER 5Y5TEM CDN5TRUCTIDN �ust be obtained fro� this Depart�ent prior to the construction/installation of a syste� or the issuance of a building per�it. tIn co�pliance with Article 11 of 6.5. Chapter 1�A, Nastewater Syste�s, Section .1900 5ewage Treat�ent and Disposai 5yste�s) / ,/'�/ -� o� ����) _I �) p NAI� .,li°'�.r?i.' �/�P.�rI PR�RTY ADDRE55 _l�Od�lL.C�G2 irCL -���aa DRTE � S"�.,� LOCRTION ,�'��.�..� 1�..�1i/�ll"GYs�s�'��(�" SUADIVISIDPI NAME LDT MIMBER 5EC. /BLOCI{ NUMBER RESI�ENTAL SPECIFICATION: BUILOING TYPE .� S � BEDR�MS � # BATHS � � OCCI�'ANTS r� 6ARB(�E DISPOSAL.: Yes/Na C�RCIF� SPECIFICATION: FF�ILITY TYPE �1 DE�LE � PEDF�LE/SHIFT � SERTS INDUSTRI� NASTE: YeslNo LOT SIZE �'`� � TVPE WATER SI�PLY DESI6'F! V�STEWATER FLDW i6PD) ��%C) I�EN SITE REPAIR SITE � i� 5Y5TEM 5RECIFIC�TIDNS: TANK SIIE 6AL. F�+IP TRF6� 6AL. TRENCH WIDTH .,.'��''-'�9 ROCK DEPTH � LINEAA FT. "- � � ., �� �� .� 3° `' /S � oTHER f R- �' d? ,� n n REQUIRED SITE MODIFICATIOMS/CD�IDITIDNS: *+��THIS PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO REVOCATIDN IF SITE �AN5 OR THE INTENDED USE CHANGE. Y�JR WpSTERWATER SYSTEM CONTR�TOR I�JST SEE THIS PEAMIT BEFORE INSTALLIt� THE SYSTEM. IMRRDVEMENT PERMIT BY �. � A \\ �*CONTACT A REPRE5ENTATIVE �' THE DAVIE C�1TY HEALTH DEPARTMENT FOR FINAL INSPECTIDN OF THIS SYSTEM BETWEEN n 8:30-9:3@ A.M. OR 1: -1: 0 P.M. ON THE DAY OF INSTALLATION. TELEPHONE # IS l704) 634-9760. , �� Q � M �ERATION PERMIT �� � �� SYSTEM INSTALLED BY 1���`y \� \���� �` � a U s� AUTHORIZATION N0. � �, l DpERATION PEftMIT BY �• DATE � ` I� f+�THE ISSURNCE OF THIS OPERATIOM RERMIT SHALL INDICATE TF�T THE SYSTEM DESCRIBED ABOVE FIAS BEEN INST�.LED IN COI�I.IANCE WITH AATICLE 11 � G.S. CHAPTER 138A, SECTIOM .19� "SEW� TREATMENT AND �ISPOSAL SYSTEMS°, BUT Sf#1LL IN NO WAY BE TAKEN AS A 6UARAMTEE THAT TFIE SYSTEM YILL Fl�TI0P1 SATISFACTO�ILY FOR RNY 6IVEN PERIOD � TIME. DCHD 10/95 � �/ � �� .: � �F�:.� I . , �'`4�r� � ' i . ~ - � DAVIE C011NTY HEflITH DEPRRTMENT �i o '. «a.� `,�'� _ IMPROVEMENT PEApIIT and OPERATION PERMIT � „ P ;.� .. a ' � • ' . . IP�RDVEMENT PERMIT �. - +��t�TE�* Thfs i�prove�ent per�it DOE5 NUT authorize the construction or installation of a septir tank syste� or any Naste►+ater ` Sy5t2�. AN RUTHORIZATIDN FDR WA5TEWRTER SYSTEM CON5TRLICTI�1 �ust be obtained fro� this Depart�ent prior to the , construction/installation of a syste� or the issuance of a building per�it. tIn �o�pliance Nith Article 'il of 6.5. Chapter 130A, Nastewater Syste�s, Section .1900 5eNage Treat�ent and Disposal Syste�s) ,/ , � ����) � NFlME e,!`°",.a;�,'.- �/f -� I` PR�ERTY ADDRE55 __ ..%i0/1 /,t 1C2 1'JC1_ — � �%jJ�� DATE -, `..S^'�� ;, ,� ,� .� L�ATION ,!/,,.���5 ./,v'C?�"���',,//...��' .�.(l SUBDIVI5IDN NAME ' LOT M�IBER SEC./BLDCK NUMBER RESIDENTAL SPECIFICATION: BUILDING TYPE ," � f�- � BEDR�MS �-.s� # BATFIS ,� Ik OCCUPANTS� 6ARBf�E DI5POSAL: Yes/No C�RCIAL SPECIFICATION: FACILITY TYPE # PEDPI.E � PEDF'LE/SHIFT � 5ERT5 INDIISTRIAL 41A5TE: YeslNo '. LDT SIZE �'` t TYPE WATER SII�LY DESI6N �STEWATEA FLOW {6PD> ..f�G� t�Ll 5ITE REPAIA SITE � f SY5TEM SPECIFICATIONS: TANI( SIZE 6FlL. pI.�IP TRMI 6AL. TRENCH WIDTH �`'.'''�: ROCK DEPTH �'�' �LINEAR FT. ��a '� � �.- S�: �� �i�' � fsl7 . r. � � -, , OTHER 1 r' �t L"? =„t ,,^ t^ REQLIIRED 5ITE MODIFICATIOMS/LXINDITIDNS: *��TNIS PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO REVOCATI�I IF SITE Pt.ANS OR TF� INTENDED U� CHANGE. VOUR WASTERWATER SYSTEM CONTRACTOA hNST ;�+ SEE THIS PERMIT BEFORE INSTALLING THE 5YSTEM. � L 4 Z 1 � ` 6 � � _ � ��.�.� �� IMRRDVEMENT PERMIT BY � ��ITACT A f�PRESENTATIVE � THE DAVIE CmINTY HEALTH DEPAATI�NT FOR FItJAI INSPECTION DF THIS SYSiEM BETWEEN 8:30-9:30 A.M. OR 1:�-1:�0 P.M. ON THE DAY OF INSTALLATION. TELEPHONE # I5 l704) 634-87E0. � �ERATION PERMIT �3 � � � 7J ( SYSTEM INSTALLED BY �� \� \ .�7�`�-- U Z _ �-. � �,_._..�-----, * , � + ' .. a r� l �'•�. � AUTHORIZATION N0. � �, � � ° � OPERATION PERNIT BY � • � > ���''� DATE � � ' � _ . -� f+�THE ISS�IVCE OF THIS �ERATIOM PERMIT,SHALL� INDICATE TF�T TI�IE SYSTEM DESCRIBED ABOUE HAS BEEN INST�.LED IN (X1�L.IANCE 41ITH AATICLE 11 OF G.S. CHAPTER 13�A, SECTION .1908 "SEV�'iE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEMS', BUT SHflLL IN NO WAY BE TAKEN AS A ; 6'URRANTEE T}�T TF� SYSTEM uILL FL�TION SATISFACTO�ILY FOR RNY 6IVEN PERIOD � TIl�. � DCHD 10/95 � � .; � � . � ♦ . . . - . � .. . � . - .. . . . �., . . . . .. . . . ' � . � . � � � .. �� � � Davie County Health Depart�ent �� - ENUIRON9IENTRL HEALTH SECTIDN , ' P.O. Box 66� Mocksville, N.C. 27028 t AUTHORIZATION FOR WASTENATER SYSTEM fX1N5TRUCTIaI ; tIssued in co�pliance with Article li nf G.S. Ghapter isaA, Wastewdter Syste�s) +�*+�This Ruthorization For WasteNater 5yste� Construction �ust be issued by the Davie County Environ�ental Health 5ertion prior to issuance af any Building Persits. This For�/Authorization Nueber should be presented to the Davie County Building In:pections Offire when applying for Building Per�its.+�+� `y—/ �/ AllTHORIZATION 1�J6'.�ER NAME �r'/�/l� �l w,l �,�'/�,s / S DATE �— S� l'� j,� o (� ��, . 1 V cJ �.J NRME ON IIPRDVQ�NT PERMIT !If different than above) SITE LOCATION � �1..��/�lJl/'l.!/fl. <� �f� COFlENT5/COP@ITIQr5 ON RUTHDRIZRTION TD (;ONSTRUCT WRSTEWATER 5Y5TEM �NOTICE� THIS AUTHDRIIATION FO WRSTEWRTER 5Y5TEM CON5TRl�TIDN IS VALIO FDR A GERIOD �F FIVE t5) YEARS. , �� /' �-�� ENUIROFlENTAI. SPECIRLIST DATE DCHD 10/95 � ' (.Q'� Oil�K ,r �.1� • '� DAVIE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SECTION � �lY APPLICATION FOR IMPROVEMENT PERMIT (REPAIR) I 6 �/�� NAME ��'�►'17� � Q- �i'ie'�=�� PHONE NUMBER � ���� / ADDRESS �� �� �vD d�c,�ar� �- - SUBDIVISION NAME �i�-O C: �� � • f /�L/�- � / D �, t� LOT # DIRECTIONS TO SITE o0%/�� , ��- �-- �11 �-�� ,� ��- n?�t, � c��� �R. r � ` , , %S�hDLt-SE� D� �= DATE SYSTEM INSTALLED �� �� NAME SYSTEM INSTALLED UNDER ��i''�- TYPE FACILITY� ���= NUMBER BEDROOMS � NUMBER PEOPLE SERVED � TYPE WATER SUPPLY °��� � PECIFY PROBLEM OCCURRING a� Se �.S 7� � � �iA�►�- -�U � � � . I�, � / : �C..�'1�L �-v� - !�f-r- �% o t DATE REQUESTED � � � � �(D INFORMATION TAKEN BY^/(/���� � �'w� This IS to certify that the information provided is correct to the best of my knowledge, and that I understand 1 am responsible for all charges incurred }rom this application. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT Rev. 1/93 ! , ='i rc E "'a .. , , . , . ; t � , . �t r 'v,. .• . . « . , ."�. _ . _ , . , . .. ... .. �- . . . . .. . . � � �t� " `. , � ��V �� �O�A���� ��liN., f f'1 D�B"6`+I:���ftl� � �,�rr. 'f v�AT�RQ��!(�6���i�'S P��iP�11T �I�D C�R�I��C��'� �F C�RNP�.�TI�P� * NOTE: Issued in Compiiance With Article I I of G.S. Chapter 130a Sanitary Sewage Systems Name Locati� _ / ���,� �' �', Date 1 �G Per�it Numbe� �1°741� Subdivision Name Lot No. Sec. or Block No. Lot Size _� �-"����t" House Mobile Home __.,.�_ Business �/� Industry No. Bedrooms _.No. Baths _�_ No. in Family �'%=��°%� PublicAssembly Other Garbage Disposal YES ❑ NO Specifications for System: Auto Dish Washer YES ❑ NO /�/ ,'� /!/L''C%�'t%,f r'` /'f� x;) ..r�'y'.... _d Auto Wash Ma ;hine YES ❑ NO .�.� Type Water Supply _. /'`�f�� ------ /G''� �����/..� �. 'This permit Void if sewage system described below is not installed within 5 years from date of issue This permit is subject to revocation if site plans or the intended use change. Improvemer�ts permit by ,_��'�/. *Contact a representative of the Davie County Health Department for final inspection of this system between 8:30-9:30 A.M., 1:00-1:30 P.M. or 4:30-5:00 P.M. on day of completion. Telephone Number: 704-634-5985. Final Installation Diagram: System Installed by �_ Certificate of Completion ���'�� Date F�� %�� 'The signing of this certificate shall indicate that the system described above has been installed in compliance with ihe siandards set forih in the above regulation, but shall in NO way be taken as a guarantee that the system will function satisfactorily for any given period of time. '�� , APPLICATION FOR SITE EVALUATION/IMPROVEMENTS PERMIT `� Davie County Heaith Department Environmental Health Section P. O. Box 665 Mocksville, NC 27028 �1�2����1/I(�� �ar� � � ���� 1. Application/Permit Requested By � � �"J � pt��, � � � c �� �' � - ` - " � ' " "' - - - - I �--- Mailing Address j�� -���C � Home Phone �l�-r 8- .� ��� � 6"�-6�� � c� �!� �� � TI/ - C.,�-7 0 2 u Business Phone 9/ �- 7 G�- P� S� 7 2. Name on Permit if Different than Above 3. Application for: ❑ General Evaluation 4. System to Serve: ❑ House f�Business ❑ Industry 5. If house, mobile home: Subdivision No. of People � No. of Bedrooms No. of Bathrooms �Septic Tank Installation Permit . ❑ Mobile Home O Place of Public Assembly O Other ❑ Unknown Section Lot # ❑ BasemenUPlumbing � BasemenUNo Plumbing ❑ Washing Machine p Dishwasher Dwelling Dimensions O Garbage Disposal 6. If business, industry, place of public assembly, other. Specify type 1 o u-- ��r 9/�� u c � No. of People Served � No. of Commodes / No. of Lavatories � No. of Sinks No. of Urinais No. of Water Coolers No. of Showers Water Usage Figures _ 7. Type of water supply: ❑ Public �Private 8. Property Dimensions � ���� Sewage Disposal Contractor 9. Do you anticipate additions/expansion of the facility this sytem is intended to serve? If yes, what type? ❑ Yes �No ❑ Community 'NOTE: Improvements Permits shall be valid for a period of 5 years from date issued. Improvements Permits are subject to revocation, if site plans or the intended use change. Effective October 1, 1989. Directions to Property: �t� I /v • �v �.Q�t/fl ,�! �'� �Z� c�o, � A�vA i�o �t �✓ / Cn � �.� This is to certify that the information provided is correct to the best of my knowledge, and I understand I am responsible for all charges incurred from this application. _ ��,✓ /l / � �1 � �' �e-e- ���� ��� DATE SIGNATURE CONSENT FQR 55 ITE EVALUATION TO BE DONE QN AB VE DESCRIBED PROPERTY MUST CHECK ONE: C,�1. I OWN the property. ❑ 2. I DO NOT OWN the propetty. If you checked Box #2, the rest of this form MUST be completed by the owner or a person authorized by the owner: I hereby give consent to the authorized representative of the Davie County Health Department to enter upon above described property located in Davie County and owned by to conduct all testing procedures as necessary to determine said site's suitability for a ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal system. DATE DCHD �11193) SIGNATURE ' • DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT `� Environmental Health Section Soil/Site Evaluation NAME �i.�r'f' S� DATE EVALUATED �a�� �y ADDRESS PROPERTY SIZE _��f%G' PROPOSED FACIILTY �i1lC�1j�- , �1t.r'y LOCATION OF SITE l.%/t% Water Supply: On-Site Well � Community Public Evaluation By: AugerBoring Pit Cut �^ FACTORS 1 2 3 4 Landsca e osition .C.� �- S lo e 7. --� `� HORIZON I DEPTH ( ( _ Texture group Consistence Structure Mineralogy HORIZON II DEPTH Texture group Consistence Structure Mineralogy HORIZON III DEPTH Texture grou Consistence Structure Mineralo HORIZON IV DEPTH Texture rou Consistence Structure Mineralo SOIL WETNESS RESTRICTIVE HORIZON SAPROLITE CLASSIFICATION LO�1G-TERM ACCEPTANCE RATE „ SITE CLASSIFICATION: EVALUATED BY: LDNG-TERM ACCEPTANCE RAT OTHER(S) PRESENT: REMARKS: — _ -tS'��'� � ��/,1�0 LEGEND Landscape Position R-Ridge S-Shoulder L-Linear slope FS-Foot slope N-Nose slope CC-Concave slope CV-Convex slope T-Terrace FP-Flood plain H-Head slope Texture S-Sand LS-Loamy sand SL-Sandy loam L-Loam SI-Silt SICL-Silty +:lay loam� SIL-Silty loam CL-Clay loam SCL-Sandy clay loam SC-Sandy clay SIC-Silty clay C-Clay CONSISTENCE Moist VFR-Very friable FR-Friable FI-Firm VFI-Very firm EFI-Extremely firm Wet NS-Non sticky SS-Slightly sticky S-Sticky VS-Very Sticky NP-Non plastic SP-Slightly plastic P-Plastic VP-Very plastic Structure ;iC-SYngle grain M-Massive CR-Crumb GR-Granular ABK-Angular blocky SBK-Subangular blocky PL-Platy PR-Prismatic Mi neralogy 1:1, 2:1, Mixed Notes liorizon depth - In inches Depth of fill - In inches Restrictive horizon - Thickness and inches from land surface Saprolite - S(suitable), U(unsuitable) Soil w etness - Inches from land surface to free watet or inches from land surface to soil colors with chroma 2 or less Classification - S(suitable), PS(provisionally suitable), U(unsuitable) LTAR - Long-term acceptance rate - gal/day/ft2 DCHD(01-901 ■����������������������■��������������������������������■■ �/� ■ ■��������■������������■��■��������■n����������■����������������■ ■���■����������������■���������■ �������■����������������a�■����■ ■���������������������������������������������������������������� ■���������■��■��■��■������������������������t��■������■�■��������■ ■���������������������������■��������������■���������������������■ ■��������■������■��■���������■���������������������■�������������■ ..........................................■�....■.■.............■. .............■......vo.................... ...........■.....■.... .■.......■.......................■.......■■..■..■....■■■..■■.■.... .................■..........�...�........■..■..■......■..■....... ................................ ........■.....■■.....■.■■..■...■ ...........................�..............■..■.�■■.....■■■..■■..■. ..■.....■........■......... ................... ..■■■...■.■.....■. .■■■.■..■■.■....■■..................■..■..■..■ ■■.■■..■ ■■■.■■■.■. ..■..............■...............■..■..■. .■..�■ ■ ■..■�■.■■.■ ■■ ■.■..■■.......■........................■.�....■■�■_■■■..■■■■■■:�■. .............■■..■.....■..■■.....■....■■■■■......■...■...■■....■■. .....■..........................�.....■..■..■.■■..■...■■■■■.■■■■■ ■/��■�����■�■�����■���������■�� �������������■�������■����i����■ ■■�������������■���■��������������■���������������■�������\■�����■ ■���������e������������a�������������������������� ��������������■ ■������������■�■�������������������������■��������_������������■� ■■�������������������������������■ ■��������t��u����■�■�������■ � ■���������������o������s�i��������_����������n������������������� ■���������■��■��������������������■����������������� ��������� ��■ ■���■��n����������������������■�����■������■������■������_��� ■■�����■�■������������������■■�� �������� ■����������■��■����■�� ���������������������N�����■������N����������n���� ����������� .........................................................�......�� ■�������N�����■��■��������■���■�■�����������\���■.N���� �■���� ■ ���0����������������������������������������i���v�il��������������� .................................................C.�......=s....... :�:::::::::::::::::�::C:C:CCC=.j.::C::::CCC:C:C:��:::::C:::CC::: ....................................�..............�...... ........ 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