218 Pinebrook School RdAppSicant Michael Holder i Acdress. 230 Pinebrook School Rd Cly Mocksville State 2 i:: NC 27028 P, one (336) 239-3693 Property Location & i Address Roar: Pinebrook School Road 'CDP File N Umber 121105-1 1`600000042 County ID NUrn ber Evaluated For. NEW To.: nsh ip "Propt,rv0Michael Holder Address. 230 Pinebrook School Rd C y Mocksville State Zip NC 27028 :., Phone= (336) 239-3693 Site Information Phase. Lot Mocksville NC 27028 Directions structure SINGLE FAMILY Hwy 158 E. Left on to Pinebrook School Rd. Poperty on right just before 230 of bedrooms OPERATION PERMIT of People Davie County Health Department f 210 Hospital Street P.O. Box 848 _-; Mocksville NC 27028 'CA issues by Phone: 336-753-6780 Fax: 336-753-1680 AppSicant Michael Holder i Acdress. 230 Pinebrook School Rd Cly Mocksville State 2 i:: NC 27028 P, one (336) 239-3693 Property Location & i Address Roar: Pinebrook School Road 'CDP File N Umber 121105-1 1`600000042 County ID NUrn ber Evaluated For. NEW To.: nsh ip "Propt,rv0Michael Holder Address. 230 Pinebrook School Rd C y Mocksville State Zip NC 27028 :., Phone= (336) 239-3693 Site Information Phase. Lot Mocksville NC 27028 Directions structure SINGLE FAMILY Hwy 158 E. Left on to Pinebrook School Rd. Poperty on right just before 230 of bedrooms 3 of People 2 y 'Water Supp!y N A 'IP ISSUed by 22.11 - Doy.:a lt. Andre•:. 'CA issues by 22-14 - Davwalt. AndrC:; 'Sys CI?55,fIC tt0". �P.SC'17;:n11 y Saprollte System.') Desuan Flog: 3 6 0 'R;str•,butnn Type N r` Soil Application Rate 0 2 5 'Pre -Treatment Wlnfication Field tJo nraIn l Ines Total Trenctl Length Trench Spacing Trench Vlo'idth Aggregate Death Drain field Sq ft 3 6 0 tt 9 CATItihes 0 C )Feet O.G. 3 6 rl:i F eCt riches t:lsnirnum Trench Dcoth t:iinim(ir11 SOIL Cover I,lax IMLIMs Tench Depth. 3 6 Lta)(lnlun: S011 Cover Inches lushes Itiches Inches i )Yet!, k o F.irr Requ c 'System Type INFILTRATOR CUICK A STANDARD Insta''er .~bees grading Certification 'EH S 22.14 - Dayc:alt. Andrev Dare 0 7/ 2 2% 2 0 1 3 Approval Status ❑ Approved ❑ Disapproved CDP IF Number 121105 - 1 [,lanufzeti,rrer s=c=ar STB: Gallons WOO Date 0 4/ 0 1/ 2 0 1 3 'Fluter L3anc', Yes ❑ ST 1.1arker [ Yes F- No e!nfo•ced Tank ❑ Yes ❑ No I Piece Tank C Yes ❑ No t.tall utact°.:re= PT Ga`lons Septic Tank County ID Number: Lat. Lona `[3000WO-12 Installer Certi'lcation =. 'EHti 22:•t - Da lv-0 A•iCrev. Date. 0 7/ 2 2/ 2 0 1 3 r Approval Status ❑ Approved ❑ Disapproved J Pump Tank Date Yes ❑ No Approval Status Riser Sea 'ed ❑ Yes ❑ No Riser lie:glit ❑ Yes ❑ No (t.tln u in ? snfa-ced Tank ❑ Yes ❑ No Piece Tank U Yes U No Pipe Size inch diameter P!t;e -erg*h feet 'Schedule P-essure Rated ❑ Yes ❑ No Approved it,rigs ❑ Yes ❑ No Installer. Colufl: atlorl =- 'EHS Date / / Approval Status ❑ Approved ❑ Disapproved upply Line Installer Certification = 'Elis Date l / Approval Status ❑ Approved ❑ Disapproved Pump Tvpe Installer Dosing Volume - Val Certification - Drev-- Dov;n Inches 'EHS Date ......._..__....... Valves Access,We ❑ Yes ❑ No F?o:r Adlisstmetit Valve n Yes n No C�,eck valve ❑ Yes ❑ No Approval Status RvC Unions ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Approved ❑ Disapproved 'dent Hole U Yes U No Ants -siphon Hole 0 Yes ❑ No CDP F.-Ic-.':umber 121105 - 1 IIF1.1A dX Box o- Fcuivalem ❑ Yes Box 12 inches Above Grade ❑ Yes Box Adj. To Purnp Tani. J Yes Co-dwt sealed ❑ Yes Pump t.ta^uany Operable ❑ Yes 'Activation t ethod Alarm A;:dible ❑ Yes Alarm Visible J Yes 'Operation Permit comple'ed by County ID Number: 'coaoca042 Electric Eauipment ❑ No Installer ❑ No Cert 5;,ation = ❑ No ❑ No •EIIS ❑ No Date. Approval Status El No U No ElApproved ❑ Disapproved 22-1-1. - Oayvmr;. Andrei: Au'horized Sate Agent Date of Issi:e 0 7 / 2 2 / 2 0 1 3 This strslen, has been installed in compliance wth applicable HC General Statutes Art -Ce 1 1. Ct,apter 130A Rules for Se,. -,-age, Treatment arrd Disposal. 1 5A f1CAC 13A 1000 (?, Seq arrd a I condrions of the Improvement Perm1 a•,d Co^S1rtic'ion AUthorzat?on This property Is served by a sewage septic system. mule 1961 requries that a Type -----_—_-- septic systeni n;eet 1,1,,e fol o•:m)g criteria Mii rnum System Review ByThe Local Health Department f.1anagenlent Entity —__—, --- — Llin mum System inspection t.'ari,tenance, FrequencyFiyCeitrfied Operator Reporting Fregrlency By Cerlif,ed Operator _— Rule 1961 requires that a Type IV and V septic systems desrgr'ed :or a f.ome business o mer must marntau, a va'rc contract �; th a public management entity •:; th a cert€tree operator or a private certified operator for the life of the septic system Rule 19651 requires that Type Vi septic systems designed: fora hone business ov:rn.er must mai^tar.: a val:r'. contra,t with a public n;anarernent entity wr.l, a ceil1ied operator for the life of the septic systen, Rule 19.31 (2) (e j requires a cont:'art shall be execriied het:peen 'he systern ov. of r and a managem nt entilty prior to the. issuance of an Operation Permit for a system reg.=rred to be maintained bya public or private inanagement er,tr.y. unless *,I -,C-. systeir, ov;ner and cer ified operator are the sante. J tie contract st=all require specitrc requirements for maintenance and operation responsibiWies of the, o:•;ner arid systems operator provisions that the contract shall be in effect for as long as the systenn is 1i use. and other requirements for the continued proper performance of Me system I* shall'also be a condition of the Operation Penn it that subsequeslt o':;nerS Of tt,e systems execute such a COntraC )Hand Drawing (-)Import Drawing **Site Plan/Drawing attached.** Ac'ivty Code S-IS)204 - Or' issued W% Type 11 Quick •1 T^tat -in-e +H-1 t.'f' i 0 1 u_ 0 0 OPERATION PERMIT Davie County Health Department 210 Hospital Street P.O. Box 848 %locksville NC 27028 DrawinP,ADrawing Type: Operation Permit CDP File Number. 121105 - 1 County File Number. U00000-12 Scale Date: e > tt'Gh i `. Block — rt. 1 _A �Inzlvmov- .,;-sc_Lno( 12d