265 Hidden Creek Drive Lot 17DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH 'DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENTS PERMIT AND CERTIFICATE -QF:COMPLETION *NOTE: Issued in Compliance with G.S. of North Carolina, Chapter'l 30 Article 13c Sewage Treatment and Disposal Rules (10 NCAC'10A .1934-1968) Permit Number Name. Date0 4 8"'0 0 Location -1-1/6 ) Subdivision Name 4, " 't- Lot No. Sec. or Block No. Lot Size House Mobile Home Business Speculation No. Bedrooms No. Baths �.Z No. In Family Garbage Disposal; 'YES NO 0. Specifications fq of ,,r, System: Auto Dish Washer YES NO 0! Auto Wash Machine YES NO 0 Type Water p Supi I . , Y. — - i -,- " *This permit Void if sewage system described below Is not installed within 36 months from date of issue. r Vv'i 1 1 v: 1. 4F Improvements, permit by *Contact a representative of the Davie County Health Department for final inspection of this system between 8:30- 9:30 A.M. or 1:00-1:30 P.M.- on day of completion. Telephone Number: 704-634-5985. Final Installation Diagram: System Installed by M/ Certificate of Completion. ?4 -- Date *The signing of this certificate shall indicate that the system described above has been installed in compliance with the standards set forth in the above regulation, but s4all in NO way be taken as a guarantee that the system will function satisfactorily for any given*period of time. DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENTS PERMIT AND CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION *NOTE: Issued in Compliance with G.S. of North Carolina Chapter 130 Article 13c Sewage Treatment and Disposal Rules (10 NCAC 10A .1934-.) Permit Number Name i 7moi/%r%r' / ,,-s /_'f r,' ;�/ rJi7 Date Location Subdivision Name %� �' � � � Lot No. Sec. or Block No. Lot Size House Mobile Home _ Business Speculation No. Bedrooms _ No. Baths !t—? No. in Family Garbage Disposal YES NO ❑ Specifications for, System: Auto Dish Washer YES NO ❑ C ^ ri %i ` Auto Wash Machine YES NO ❑ % ,Cl, !` �,/, / Type Water Supply *This permit Void if sewage system described below is not installed within 36 months from date of issue. .7 Improvements permit by *Contact a representative of the Davie County Health Department for final inspection of this system between 8:30- 9:30 A.M. or 1:00-1:30 P.M. on day of completion. Telephone Number: 704-634-5985. Final Installation Diagram: System Installed by Certificate of/Completion Date i *The signing of this certificate shall indicate that the system described above has been installed in compliance with the standards set forth in the above regulation, but shall in NO way be taken as a guarantee that the system will function satisfactorily for any given period of time. ti ' - APPLICATION FOR SITE EVALUATION/ IMPROVEMENTS PERMIT Davie County Health Department Environmental Health Section Moc svi�lle, N.C. 27028 RFCE'VED JULp 198 CONSTRUCTION SHALL NOT BEGIN UNTIL IMPROVEMENTS PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. Home Phone 704- 2-` 1-51= I 1. Permit Requested By CaMIEIZ. CIOti1 571- �D- L. Business Phone '70q-2�{c/_ J+Zcg� 2. Address *-P-O ��X ZEO . Lo'-_ (c0 Z 7 3 iA{ 3. Property Owner if Different than Above Address 4. Permit To: a) Install ✓Alter Repair b) Privy Conventional ✓ Other Type Ground Absorption c) Sub -Division Rtct�ieIN cP'Ct�Sec. Lot No.� 5. System used to serve what type facility: House ✓✓ Mobile Home Business Industry Other I1 b) Number of people a) If house or mobile home, state size of home and number of rooms. House Dim sion Bed Roo s Bath Rooms— Den w/Closet b) If Business, ry or Other, State: Number of persons served What type business, etc. Estimate amount of waste daily (24 hours) Number and type of water -using fixtures: commodes "3 urinal lavatory ' showers dishwasher sinks 3 garbage disposal washing machine 8. a) Type water supply: Public 6*� Private Community b) Has the water supply system been approved? Yes ✓ No 9. a) Property Dimensions t'z3 )C 73 6Z_ X t GG ?C 105 3 b) Land area designated to building site c) Sewage Disposal Contractor N� kC-t-k Re L •P LU VrN1=I /MU Lv--- tc.i v) ��d t� t �(• , 10. Do you anticipate any additions or expansions of the facility this sewage system is intended to serve? A10 What type? This is to certify that the information e best of my knowledge. Date Owner Signature' OWNER IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ALL STATE AND LOCAL LAWS Directions to property: DCHD (6-82) Allow 5 days for processing _�. DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Environmental Health Section P. O. Box 665 Mocksville, N.C. 27028 SOIL/SITE EVALUATION Nametate Address Lot Size FACTORS AREA 1 AREA 9 AREA .1 AREA A 1) Topography/ Landscape Position S� PS S U U 2) Soil Texture (12-36 in.) Sandy,, Loamy, Clayey, (note 2:1 Clay) ( PSS �lT PS AU 3) Soil Structure (12-36 in.) Soils�pg A7) SClayey U U U t) Soil Depth (inches) (ff�> <± ct5 U U U U >) Soil Drainage: Internal S —0 S U U U External U U U U i) Restrictive Horizons �0 Available Space S S U S S 4V 1) Other (Specify) S PS S PS S PS S PS U U U U 1) Site Classification - C U—UNSUITABLE S—SUITABLE PS—Provisionally Suitable Recommendations/Comments: e ,�'ga'de— Described by �LJ,igG� Title �� Date SITE DIAGRAM /// ,�eG%r lii�x, 11aie �o 1,4 CAP OY 1K. -rO, DCHD (6.82) DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Environmental Health Section R O. Box 665 Mocksville, N.C. 27028 SOIL/SITE EVALUATION / Name—�'%C��� del Date— Address ate Address Lot Size FACTORR ARFA 1 ARFA 9 ARFA.1 ARFA A 1) Topography/ Landscape Position S S S PS PS PS U U U 2) Soil Texture (12-36 in.) Sandy, S S S S Loamy, CIS, (note 2:1 Clay) PS PS d Yll-> PS PS U U 3) Soil Structure (12-36 in.) S S S S Clayey Soils PS PS PS U U 1) Soil Depth (inches) S S S S PSS Q� PS PS U U i) Soil Drainage: Internal S S S S PS U PS U External S S PS S PS U U U i) Restrictive Horizons Available Space S 50 S S PS S PS • U U U 1) Other (Specify) _ ,�p�� - S PS S PS S PS S PS U U� U U 1) Site Classification 61 f `%• , Recommendations/ Comments: Described by SITE DIAGRAM DCHD (6-82) S—SUITABLE PS—Provisionally Suitable r /' . -. Title Date 10 M Ptt%ie (guuntg Pealth Repartment cRnme Aculth '�geurg P. O. BOX 665 flaclzsbille, North ( arulina 27028 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR March 27, 1987 Mr. Gilbert Davis, Jr. P. 0. Box 786 Clemmons, NC 27012 Mr. Davis: This letter is in regard to the re-evaluation of lots 17 and 18 in the Hidden Creek subdivision in Davie County. On March 26, 1987, the lots were re-evaluated and classified pro- visionally suitable; however, ;due to the lack of sufficient provisionally suitable soil in the repair area the systems will be limited to 360 gal- lons per day or three bedrooms. Based on house locations a pump may also need to be used on said lots. If you have any questions feel free to call this office. Sincerely, Robert B. Hall, Jr., R. S. Environmental Health Enclosures (2) RH/wd TELEPHONE 17041 634.5985 Davie County Xealtl De artment and .dome Ae-altI An� 9 ' 210 HOSPITAL STREET / P.O. BOX 665 MOCKSVILLE, N.C. 27028 PHONE: (704) 634-5985 February 22, 1988 Hubbard Realty Attn: Mary Gullickson 285 S. Stratford Rd. Winston-Salem, NC 27103 Re: Sewage System Installation Hidden Creek/Lot 17 Dear Ms. Gullickson: The septic tank system that serves this residence was designed, inspected and approved by this office on January 29, 1988. With proper maintenance and use it should function properly. Sincerely, Robert B. Hall, Jr., R.S. Environmental Health RH/wd Davie County,NC : Tax Parcel Report Wednesday, February 15, 2017 ~.,4 r268 ---_--- — ------ 266 252 --218 --236 d 271 ,-_ - ---- �, I, HIDDEN HIDDEN CREEK DR CREEK DR X265 --- -- 255.., ,4.221 r +r,.- .._ 249 ��-269 21`� y , ti 1� I... 4155 168 _' 152-' `� '` 1;2f � 164 1..156 -146158 .........._................................................................................._._ 1..._.............._.._._.��................................................................5.._......._.................,.-.i��.^..�:Y.�...�:.........� ...._,1..........._. WARNING: THIS IS NOT A SURVEY Parcel Information _ - Parcel Number: E915OA0017 Township: Farmington NCPIN Number: 5871378288 Municipality: Account Number: 18819000 Census Tract: 37059-803 Listed Owner 1: CRAWFORD GILMER ALLEN Voting Precinct: HILLSDALE Mailing Address 1: 265 HIDDEN CREEK DRIVE Planning Jurisdiction: Davie County City: ADVANCE Zoning Class: DAVIE COUNTY R-20-S,R-A,R-12-S State: NC Zoning Overlay: DAVIE COUNTY QD Zip Code: 27006-0000 Voluntary Ag.District: No Legal Description: LOT 17 HIDDEN CREEK Fire Response District: ADVANCE Assessed Acreage: 1.56 Elementary School Zone: SHADY GROVE Deed Date: 2/2008 Middle School Zone: WILLIAM ELLIS Deed Book/Page: 007450423 Soil Types: GnB2,GnC2,ChA,WATER Plat Book: 0005 Flood Zone: Plat Page: 179 Watershed Overlay: DAVIE COUNTY Building Value: 207560.00 Outbuilding&Extra 0.00 Freatures Value: Land Value: 65000.00 Total Market Value: 272560.00 Total Assessed Value: 272560.00 161 All data Is provided as Is without warranty or guarantee ofany kind either expressed or Implied Including but not limited to the Davie County, Implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular use.All users of Davie County's GIS website shall hold harmless the County of Davie,North Carolina,Its agents,consultants,contractors or employees from any and all claims or causes of action due to NC or arising out of the use or Inability to use the GIS data provided by this website. �tttrie (�Ountg �ettlth �e�ttrtment ttn�, �ame �ettlt�I ��enc� . P. O. BOX 665 c9CIASttille, �qorth Carolina 27028 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR March '27, 1987 TELEPHONE 17041 634.5985 r Mr. Gilbert Davis, Jr. P. 0. Box 786 Clemmons, NC 27012 ' Mr. Davis: This letter is in regard to the re-evaluation of lots 17 and 18 in the Hidden Creek subdivision in Davie County. On,March 26, 1987, the lots were re-evaluated and classified pro- visionally suitable; however, due to the lack of sufficient provisionally suitable soil in the repair area the systems will be limited to 360 gal- lons per day or three bedrooms. - Based on house locations a pump may also , need to be used on said lots. If you have any questions feel free to call this office. Sincerely, i Robert B. Hall, Jr. ,. R. S. Environmental Health Enclosures (2) RH/wd C;2 'fes, DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Environmental Health Section R 0. Box 665 Mocksville, N.C. 27028 f SOIL/SITE EVALUATION ime ; �,���/� t Dz e (dress Lot Size FACTORS AREA 1 AREA 2 AREA 3 AREA 4 Topography/Landscape Position S S ,F�:+ " U J�> U Soil Texture (12-36 in.) Sandy, Loamy, Clayey, (note 2:1 Clay) ( PSS PS AU Soil Structure (12-36 in.) S S S Clayey Soils U U U Soil Depth (inches) S Cy P �,S,J CID U U U U Soil Drainage: Internal � S S C P U U U External U U U U ) Restrictive Horizons Available Space S S S S U Other (Specify) S S S S PS PS PS PS U U U U Site Classification - C U—UNSUITABLE S—SUITABLE PS—Provisionally Suitable iecommendations/Comments: e �,0,�� ?21e, )escribed by Title T> �l/i,/ Date ;ITE DIAGRAM ro Geek 3 Zed.,,o n M.1y. 16 -e / J-0 I� Jf 1`