1679 Hwy 601S...................... OPERATION PERMIT Davie County Health Department 210 Hospital Street P.O. Box 848 Mocksville NC 27028; Phone: 335-753-6780 Fax: 336-753-1680 Applicant: Robert Byme Address: 1679 US Hwy 601 S Cky: Mocksville StatelLip: NC 27028 Phone #: (336) 671-1208 Property Owner. Robert Byrne Address: 1691 US Hwy 601 S Cky: Mocksville State/Zip: NC 27028 Phone #: (336) 671-1208 Pro a Location & Site Information dress/Road #: Subdivision: Phase: Lot: 1679 US Hwy 601 South r Mocksville NC 27028 Directions Hwy 601 S. on left just past McCullough St Structure: SINGLE FAMILY # of Bedrooms: 3 # of People: -Water Supply: PUBLIC 'System Classification/Description: 'IP Issued by. 2140 -Nations. Robert TYPE It A. CONY SYSTEM (SINGLE-FAMILY OR 480 GPO OR LESS) "CA issued by: 2140- Nations, Robert SaproliteSystem? QYes I)No Design Flow: 3 6 0 'Distribution Type: GRAvn'Y- PARALLEL (eq.. d -box) Pump Required? QYes t)No Soil Application Rate: 0 - a 7 5 'Pre Treatment: Drain field Nitrification Field 1 3 0 9 Sq. ft. 'System Type: INFILTRATOR QUICK 4 STANDAR[) No. Drain Lines 4 Installer: Randy miller Total Trench Length: 3 5 2 It. Certification #: Trench Spacing: — Inches O.C. Feet O.C. 'Eli S: 2140 • Nasions, Robert Trench Width: — OFeet Inches 0 4% 0 a a 0 1 5 Date: Aggregate Depth: inches Minimum Trench Depth: 3 6 Inches Minimum Sol Cover. a 4Inches ApprovahStatus �y Maximum Trench Depth: 6 ®,. ApprOVed Ci Dsapprarredx . . Inches - Maximum Soil Cover. 4 Inches GDP Fite Number 187318 -1 Countv ID Number: Manufacturer STB: Gallons: Dosing Volume: Date: 1 Gal Certification #: / *Filter Brand: Inches ST Marker ❑ Yes ❑ No nforced Tank: ❑ Yes ❑ No 1 Piece Tank: ❑ Yes ❑ No P Manufacturer. PT: Gallons: Date: RiserSealed ❑ Yes ❑ No RiserHeight: ❑ Yes ElNo r(MinA in.) nforced Tank: ElYes ElNo 1 Piece Tank: ❑ Yes 13No F Pipe Size: inch diameter Pipe Length: feet *Schedule: Pressure Rated [IYes ❑ No ►pproved fittings [IYes ElNo Lat. Long: Installer. Certification #: *EH S: Date: 1 / u mp Tank Installer: Certification #: *EH S Date: Pump Type: Installer. Dosing Volume: - Gal Certification #: Draw Down: Inches *EHS: *Chain: 1 / F Pipe Size: inch diameter Pipe Length: feet *Schedule: Pressure Rated [IYes ❑ No ►pproved fittings [IYes ElNo Lat. Long: Installer. Certification #: *EH S: Date: 1 / u mp Tank Installer: Certification #: *EH S Date: Pump Type: Installer. Dosing Volume: - Gal Certification #: Draw Down: Inches *EHS: *Chain: 1 / Date: W Valves Accessible ❑ Yes ❑ No Flow Adjustment Valve ❑ Yes ❑ No Check -valve El Yes ❑ NO Apprav''i Status PVC unions ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Approved ❑ Dlsa proWed Vent Hole ❑ `des ❑ No Anti -siphon Hole ❑ Yes ❑ No CDP File Number 187318 .1 County ID Number: Electric Eauloment NEMA 4X Box or Equivalent ❑ Yes ❑ No Installer. Box 12 inches Above Grade ❑ Yes ❑ No Certification #: Box Adj.To Pump Tank ❑ Yes ❑ No Conduit Sealed ❑ Yes ❑ No *EHS: ' Pump Manually Operable ❑ Yes ❑ No 'Activation Method: Date: - `Apprrivat Ste#us " Alamt`Auditile ❑Yes CI No ❑Approved ❑ Disapproved Alarm Visible ❑ Yes ❑ No 2140 - Nations. Robert *Operation Permit completed by: m� Authorized State Date of Issue. 0 4/ 0 2/ 2 0 1 5 Owner/Applicant Signature: This system has been installed in compliance with applicable NC General Statutes: Article 11, Chapter 130A, Rules for Sewage Treatment and Disposal, 15A'NCAC 18A .1900 et. Seq., and all conditions of the Improvement Permit and Construction Authorization. This property is served by.aTYPE ti A sewage septic System'. Rule .1961 requires that a Type 1'1tFE 11 A septic system meet the following criteria: Minimum System Review ByThe Local Health Department: N/A Management Entity: OWNER Minimum System InspectionlMaintenance Frequency By Certified Operator: NIA Reporting Frequency By Certified Operator: NIA Rule .1,961 requires that a Type -1V and V septic.systems designed fora homelbusiness owner must maintain'a valid contract With a public management entitwith a certified operatoror a private certified operator for the life of the septic system. Rule .1961 requires that Type VI septic systems designed fora home/business owner must maintain a valid contract with a public management entity with a certified operator for the lire of the septic system. Rule.1961,(2) (e) requires a contract shall be executed between the system owner and a management entlty prior. to the issuance of an ;Operation Permit fora `system required to be maintained bye public or private management ently, unless the system ownerand certified operator are the same. The contract shall require specific requirements for maintenance and operation, responsibilities of the owner and systems, operator, provisions thatthe contract shall,be in efifect for es long as the system is in use, and other requirements for ttie;continued proper perforrriance of the system. it shalt also be a cbndition of the Operation Permit that'subsequent owners'of the systems execute such a°contract. *Hand Drawing Olmport Drawing **Site Plan/Drawing attached.** - OPERATION PERMIT 18731'8- 1 ' Davie County Health Department CDP File Number: 210 Hospital Street P.O.Box 848 County File Number: Mocksvilie NC 27028 Date: Olnch Drawing Dra "ng Type: Operation Permit Scale: . OBlock ONrA rvn%wwwww rvwnn:. «w�.w Mw.ww.wnn,xxwwnaw.rv. wnrvrvx.rvmr. .xn xnnnnn�...+ennunrwnxr«.+rrrrvnroxnen-.. e»uxmry uwrwnw.rvw nurrrvwww •nw.xr .nxxnmirv.rnln«wry nx.rvo-w.-�-.wwnrown✓� '. �•enewrd�e .rMrnnsnn F-1 f •wxwnrrvrvn wxnnnnrxrn>,x. y ' I . . I F I _____L CONSTRUCTION For Office use only. AUTHORIZATION RCDP File, Number '18,731871" Davie County Health Department County ID Number: 210 Hospital Street Evaluated For: REPAIR . P.O. Box'848 Township: Mocksville NC 27028 PERMIT VALID UNTIL Phone: 336-753-6780 Fax: 336-753-1680 1 .2 / 3 0 / .2 0 1 9 Applicant: Robert Byme Address: 1679 US Hwy 601 S City: Mocksville StatefLip: NC 27028 Phone # (336) 671-.1208 Address/Road M Subdivision: 1679 US Hwy 601 South Mocksville NC 27028 Structure: SINGLE FAMILY # of Bedrooms: 3 # of People: "Water Supply: PUBLIC Property Owner: Robert Byrne Address: 1679 US Hwy 601 S City: Mocksville StatefZip: NC 27028 Phone#: (336) 671-.1208 ;e Information Phase: Lot: Directions Hwy 601 S. on left just past McCullough St Classification: Irovisionalty Suitable Minimum Trench Depth: a 4 Inches \Site Saprolite System? OYes @No Minimum Soil Cover. 1 a Inches Design Flow: 3 6 0 Maximum Trench Depth: 3 6 Inches Soil Application Rate: 0 a 7 5 Maximum Soil Cover: a 4 Inches 'System Classification/Description: 'Distribution Type: GRAVmr- PARALLEL (eq. d -box) TYPE II A. CONV SYSTEM (SINGLE-FAMILY OR 480 GPD OR LESS) Septic Tank: Gallons 'Proposed System: 25% REDUCTION 1 -piece: pYes ()No Pump Required: ()Yes ()No ()May Be Required Nitrification Field 1 3 0 9 Sq. ft. Pump Tank: Gallons No. Drain Lines 4 1 -Piece: ()Yes ONo Total Trench Length:.3 a y tt GPM—vs— ft. TDH Trench Spacing:Inches 9 . O.C. QFeet O.C. Dosing Volume: _ Gallons. Trench Width: 3 �Inches `' Feet Grease Trap: Gallons Aggregate Depth: inches Pre Treatment: ONSF OTS -1 OTS -II Septic TanklnstallerGrade Level Required: 01 011 OIII OIV Drano 1 nf't CDP Fite Number 187318-1 County ID Number. + ❑ Open Pump System Sheet :OYes ONO ONO, but has Available *Site Classification: Design Flow: Soil Application Rate: *System Classification/Description: *Proposed System: Nitrification Field Sq, ft. No. Drain Lines Total Trench Length: t3. .ti Trench Spacing: _ 0Inches 0.� ()Feet O.C. Trench Width: 0 Inches Feet Aggregate Depth: inches Minimum Trench Depth: Inches Minimum Soil Cover. Inches Maximum Trench Depth: Inches Maximum Soil Cover: Inches *Distribution Type: Pump Required: Oyes ONo OMay Be Required Pre -Treatment: ONSF OTS -1 OTS -11 *Site Modifications No grading or construction activity is allowed in areas designated for system and repair without approval of Health Department. a "Permit Conditions 0 The issuance of this permit bythe Health Department in no wayguarantees the issuance of other permits. The permit holder is responsible for checking with appropriate governing bodies in meeting their requirements. ; This Authorization for Wastewater System Construction shall bevalid for a person equal to the period of validity of the Improvement Permit, not to exceed five years, and maybe Issued at the sametime the Improvement Permit issued (NCGS 130A -336(b)} If the installation has not been completed during the period of validity of the Construction Perml% the Information submitted In theapplication for a permit or Construction' Authorization Is found to have been incorreak falsified or changed, or the site Is altered, the permit or Construction Authorization shall become Invalid, and maybe suspended or revoked (.1837(g)). The person owning or controlling the system shall be responsible forassuring Compliance with the laws, rules, and permit conditions regarding system location, Installation, operation, maintenance, monitoring, reporting and repair (1838(b)). ApplicantlLegal Reps. Signature Required? OYes ONO ' i Applicant/Legal Reps. Signature: Date: *Issued By: 2140 -Nations, Robert Date of Issue:. 1 a/ 3 0/ a 0 1 4 Authorized State Agent, Malfunction Log Oyes r, @Hand Drawing Olmport Drawing �! **Site Plan/Drawing attached.** ' Page 2 of 3 CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZATION Davie County Health Department 210 Hospital Street P.O. Box 848 Mocksville NC 27028 Drawing Drawing Type: Construction Authorization CDP File Number: 187318 -1 County File Number: Date: 1 2/ 3 0/ 2 0 14 Q Inch Scale: QBlock ft. QN/A DATE: HR/MT: Davie COUNTY EHS: 210 Hospital Street P.O. Box 848 Mocksville NC 27028 TEL: 336-753-6780 FAX:336-753-1680 Request ID: 53441 REQUEST FOR SERVICE/COMPLAINT INVESTIGATION REPORT REQUEST DATE: 12/18/2014 TAKEN BY: SECTION: N/A TYPE: PROPERTY NUMBER: 187318 ASSIGNED TO: Nations, Robert ESTABLISHMENT NUMBER: EHS #: PERSON OR PREMISES TO SEE: OWNER: Robert Byrne Robert Byrne 1679 US Hwy 601 S 1679 US Hwy 601 South COMMENTS Mocksville , 27028 Mocksville NC, 27028 EHS #: (336) 671-1208 REQUESTED BY: Homeowner HOME: O WORK: COMMENTS Cell: CONDITION REPORTED:Winter months, flushing slows and needs repair. Tree in yard might be the problem COMMENTS: ACT CODE: RECORD OF INVESTIGATION DATE: HR/MT: COMMENTS EHS: EHS #: ACT CODE: DATE: HR/MT: COMMENTS EHS: EHS #: ACT CODE: DATE: HR/MT: COMMENTS EHS: EHS #: ACT CODE: DATE: HR/MT: COMMENTS EHS: EHS #: ACT CODE: DATE: HR/MT: COMMENTS EHS: EHS #: ACT CODE: Next Inspection Date:. Status of Complaint: OPEN Resolved Date: Complaintant Contacted: NO DAVIE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICE REQUEST APPLICATION IP/ATC OSWW REPAIR biz 2ND��- Name � 7 Telephone Number 3,j � 1p i Zo Address 7 u V11 0 f' S i dI t N� Mailing Address (if different from above) Email Address: Subdivision Name Lot # Directions-�il/�� (7 . Date System Installed 16 Type Facility t Type Water Supply Name System Installed Under Number Bedrooms_ Number People Served Specific Problem Occurring fi�y4-,- t— -�I/e ,- Date Requested & Info Taken By ig,Ni THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, AND THAT I UNDERSTAND THAT I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL CHARGES INCURRED FROM THIS APPLICATION. Signature of owner or Authorized Agent Initial Fee Date REHS Revisit Charge Date Reason / � I 0 Revised 2-2011 47 //-/601 -;.. DAVIE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICE REQUEST APPLICATION IP/ATC OSWW REPAIR , •' Name ,t Telephone N, umber Address CG 7h U S � l & d S �s J i'� �F/U L . R Mailing Address (if different from above) Email Address: Subdivision Name Lot # ;Directions L (il/ I lJ S . Date System Installed Name System Installed Under Type Facility Number Bedrooms_ Number People Served Type Water S6ppl� r .1 Specific Problem Occurring lwl �V -1-P iI GUj 7`"fi/u5 Date Requested - ~ - Info Taken By.LR: 'THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT -THE -INFORMATION PROVIDED IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE.AN. D=THAT I UNDERSTAND THAT IAM RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL CHARGES INCURRED FROM THIS PLICATION: = to Signature of owner or Authorized Agent Initial Fee Date REHS Revisit Charge Dafe Rea on Revised 2-2011 �� 4 j Or _., I= v� ------------ 11, it C:) + ,1663 -"t 295 ,2 102 2p� a 19 CDC:) ;66 0790 547 _ _. _ ,A Ln.. 15 .1-6q; ji GO r_ --. -- - of ~v/ 8553 N � 1'p I 1504 112 L--- ----------- 2 95 --------- ----T------- - Put � O � +8i 84 � tsjq 5, 805, I 0 o 16�J1 ' 199 2810 IN O O +i. T All data Is provided as Is without warranty or guarantee of any kind either expressed or Implied Including but not limited to the implied f, twarranties of merchantability of fitness for a particular use. All users of Davie County's GIS website shall hold harmless the County of U N " Davie, North Carolina, Its agents, consultants, contractors or employees from any and all claims or causes of action due to or arising out Printed: Dec 18, 201 " of the use or inability to use the GIS data provided by this website. 9 ,.,'vT,tr.'r"�_��� fvw;•�.+.s +.-p,us .,;��x.'+y,.s..t:'.'�+'�,u.. 4"�� ':1� L,"`� Y�Gh'� *n ��„ti �Jj�r `i�`°"x�."''_ '��% �'� AUTHORIZATION NO: .0545' 'DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Environmental Health Section PROPERTY INFORMATION Permittve's P.O. Box 848 7.1 Name, Ur tJ Mocksville, NC 27028 Subdivision Name: Phone #: 704-634-8760 Directions to property:) Section: Lot: AUTHORIZATION FOR WASTEWATER Ta Office PIN K SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION 14 O% -S Zip .2 70 Road Name: **NOTE** This Authorization for Wastewater System Construction MUST BE ISSUED by the Davie County Environmental Health Section prior to issuance of any Building Permits. This Form/Authorization Number should be presented to the Davie County Building Inspections Office when applying for Building Permits. . (In compliance with Article 11 of G.S. Chapter 130A, Wastewater Systems, Section .1900 Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems) ***NOTICE*** THIS AUTHORIZATION FOR WASTEWATER CONSTRUCTION IS VALID FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE YEARS. NVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST 'DATE ISSUED f ��� � a � ' i /¢ Rt" i Y' '' Q'yl+"'l'^` ti��.+�"a 'C°'�•�. M„7. �a�. £wj DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT. 60 f"` tial '1G" IMPROVEMENT AND OPERATION PERMITS PROPERTY INFORMATION 'yD Dams,-- Subdivision�lVame: w . ` Duectidds to property: Section: Lot: IMPROVEMENT 1 t'o Q PERMIT Office :# *f J � T PIN R ad Name: J �, ZIp? .� I e_,.; **NOTE** This Improvement Permit DOES NOT authorize the construction or installation of a septic tank system or any wastewater system. An AUTHORIZATION FOR WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION must be obtained from this Department prior to the construction/installation of a system or the issuance of a building permit. (In comp liance'with Arjicle 11 of G.S.. Chapter 130A, Wastewater Systems, Section .1900 Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems) ' ***NOTICE*** THIS PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO REVOCATION IF SITE PLANS OR THE IlVTENDED USE CHANGE. YOUR WASTEWATER: :f ENVIRONMENTAL'HEALTH SPECIALIST DATE ISSUED SYSTEMCONTRACTOR MUST SEE THIS PERMIT BEFORE: INSTALLING THE SYSTEM. _—L'. RESIDENTIAL SPECIFICATION: BUILDIN DROOMS #BATHS #OCCUPANTS GARBAGE DISPOSAL: Yes or No COMMERCIAL SPECIFICATION: FAC TYPE # OPLE # PEOPLEISHIFT # SEATS INDUSTRIAL WASTE: Yes or No LOT SIZE / TYPE WATER SUPPLY DESIGN WASTEWATER FLOW (GPD) NEW SITE L/+ REPAIR SITE SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS: TANK SIZE %AD GAL. PUMP TANK GAL. TRENCH WIDTH �(� ROCK DEPTH eg-_ LINEAR FT nn REQUIRED SITE MODIFICATIONS/CONDITIONS: **CONTACT A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT FOR FINAL INSPECTION OF THIS SYSTEM BETWEEN 8:30 - 9:30 A.M. OR 1:00 - 1:30 P.M. ON THE DAY OF INSTALLATION. TELEPHONE # IS (704) 634-8760. IOPERATION PERMIT nAa Y , INSTALLED BY:�� o� �1IN L AUTHORIZATION OPERATION PERMIT BY: DATE: **THE ISSUANCE OF THIS OPERATION PERMIT SHALL INDICATE THAT THE SYSTEM DESCRIBED ABOVE HAS BEEN INSTALLED IN COMPLIANCE WITH ARTICLE 11 OF G.S. CHAPTER 130A, SECTION .1900 "SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEMS”, BUT SHALL IN NO WAY BE TAKEN AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORILY FOR ANY GIVEN PERIOD OF TIME. DCHD 05196 (Revised) 04 _ APPLICATION FOR SITE EVALUATIONAMPROVEMENT PERM 22 �n 2 Davie County Health Department IS V is Environmental Health Section D P.O. Box 848 a `S OCT —.7 1996 Mocksville, NC 27028 (704) 634-8760 tM I� ****IMPORTANT**** THIS APPLICATION CANNOT BE PROCESSED UNLESS ALL THE REQUIRED INFORMATION IS PROVIDED. 1. Name to be B' ��� Coffi�n//tact P on 2506 �'�U Mailing Addres O d r a �� X11 u S UJ 6`)'1'ome •lone (03K '-2d PG City/State/Zip J6 ( Business Phone 2. Name on Permit/ATC if Different than Above Si9+�l L Mailing Address City/State/Zip 3. Application For: [ ] Site Evaluation [ ] Improvement Permit & ATC [VBoth . A. System to Serve:-[ ]House obile Home [ ] Business' [-] Industry["]-Othe-r — --`-- - — 5. If Residence: # People # Bedrooms_ # Bathrooms--&- [ dishwasher [ ] Garbage Disposal OWashing Machine [ ] Basement/Plumbing [ ] Basement/No Plumbing 6. If Business/Other: Specify type # People #Sinks # Commodes # Showers # Urinals # Water Coolers If Foodservice: # Seats Estimated Water Usage (gallons per day) 7. Type of water supply: [ County/City [ ] Well [ ] Community 8. Do you anticipate additions or expansions of the facility this system is intended to serve? [ ] Yes If yes, what type? PROPERTY INFORMATION REQUIRED: *** IMPORTANT *** A PLAT OF THE PROPERTY MUST BE r SUBMITTED WITH THIS APPLICATION. Property Dimensions: '� = a '�20 l.J4L��WRITE DIRECTIONS Ifrom Mocksville) TO PROPERTY: Tax Office PIN: #'§�7 - - _ [D 0 %S. `T Property Address: Road Name & City/Zip `�Yn C k 1 If in Subdivision provide information, as follows: Name: ; Section: Lot #• This is to certify that the information provided is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any permit(s) issued hereafter are subject to suspension or revocation, if the site plans or intended use change, or if the information submitted in this application is falsified or F changed. I, also, understand that I am responsible for all charges incurred from this application. I, hereby, give consent to the Authorized Representative of the Davie County Health Department to enter upon above described property located in Davie County and owned by �fL �Q .L� �Y�� Lo conduct all testing procedures as necessary to determine the site suitability. DATE Revised DCHD (06-96) a ryV ro 1C ® .. ,. % U.S. iiwy. 601 , f •irk t. y �1� x �, . ,:T , y •. �� � � � �l i. � � � Y.M. '�PR1; 'q�''�—+ $' { �" � V� •1 '..e'. + Vit;"'i .. oe . ct:... I 1 I i I e ,l f *y �Y 7 - DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Environmental Health Section Soil/Site Evaluation NAME ADDRESS DATE EVALUATED PROPERTY SIZE PROPOSED FACIILTY LOCATION OF SITE e 1& Water Supply: On -Site Well _ Community Public Evaluation By: Auger Boring 1/ Pit Cut FACTORS 1 2 3 4 Landscape position L -el- Slope e Z HORIZON I DEPTH Texture group Consistence Structure Mineralogy HORIZON II DEPTH 4- t o Texture group Consistence ''-r Structure Sh<641-1 Mineralogy HORIZON III DEPTH Texture group Consistence Structure Mineralogy HORIZON IV DEPTH Texture group Consistence Structure Mineralogy SOIL WETNESS RESTRICTIVE HORIZON SAPROLITE CLASSIFICATION LONG-TERM ACCEPTANCE RATEi. SITE CLASSIFICATION: _ EVALUATED BY: /Y Z' LONG-TERM ACCEPTANCE RATE: OTHER(S) PRESENT: REMARKS: LEGEND Landscape Position R -Ridge S -Shoulder L -Linear slope FS -Foot slope N -Nose slope CC -Concave slope CV -Convex slope T -Terrace FP -Flood plain H -Head slope S -Sand LS -Loamy sand SL -Sandy loam L -Loam SI -Silt SICL-Silty clay loam- SIL -Silty loam CL -Clay loam SCL-Sandy clay loam SC -Sandy clay SIC -Silty clay C -Clay CONSISTENCE Moist VFR- Vc.-y friable FR -Friable FI -Firm VFI-Very firm EFI-Extremely firm Wet NS -Non sticky SS -Slightly sticky S -Sticky VS -Very Sticky NP -Non plastic SP -Slightly plastic P -Plastic VP -Very plastic Structure 3C -Single grain M -Massive CR -Crumb GR -Granular ABK-Angular blocky SBK-Subangular blocky PL -Platy PR -Prismatic Mineraloey 1:1, 2:1, Mixed Notes horizon depth - In inches Depth of fill - In inches Restrictive horizon - Thickness and inches from land surface Saprolite - S(suitable), U(unsuitable) Soil wetness - Inches from land surface to free water' or inches from land surface to soil colors with chroma 2 or less Classification - S(suitable), PS(provisionally suitable), U(unsuitable) LTAR - Long-term acceptance rate - gal/day/ft2 DCHD(01-901 ■ ■EM■ Parcel #: K510OA0027 Davie County, NC - Basic Estate Search Basic Search Real Estate Search Tax Bill Search Sales Search View Property Record for this Parcel View Mao for this Parcel View Tax Bill Information Parcel #: K510OA0027 Account #:82531464 Owner Information Tax Codes YRNE ROBERT L & ANNETTE J & BYRNE BIANCA CHRISTIN ADVLTAX - COUNTY T 1691 US HWY 601 S IREADVLTAX - FIRE TAX MOCKSVILLE NC 27028 Property Information Townshi Land (Units/Type): 0.510 AC [Address: 1679 S US HWY 601 JERUSALEM Market: 61 01 Deed Information Local tonin ate: 01/2016 Book: 01009 Page: 0355 Plat Book: 0001 Page: 097 Unqualified Improved 58,000 Le al Description PIN LOT 15 + P O 16 ANDERSON 5747111601 Property Values Qual/UnQual Building: 35,33 BXF• 3,46 Land: 22,22 Market: 61 01 assessed: 61,01 Deferred: Unqualified Sales Information No. Book Page Month Year Instrument Qual/UnQual Improved Price L 00182 0095 08 1995 WD Unqualified Improved 0 >. 00816 0607 01 2010 WD Unqualified Improved 58,000 1 01009 0355 01 2016 QC Unqualified Improved 0 1 2005E 0109 01 2006 WL Unqualified Improved 0 View Property Record for this Parcel View Map for this Parcel View Tax Bill Information 0 Page 1 of 1 oP.t� 000rill-1-: Davie County Web Site All information on this site Is prepared for the inventory of real property found within Davie County. All data is compiled from recorded deeds, plats, and other public records and data. Users of this data are hereby notified that the aforementioned public information sources should be consulted for verification of the Information. All information contained herein was created for the Davie County's Internal use. Davie County, its employees and agents make no warranty as to the correctness or accuracy of the information set forth on this site whether express or Implied, in fact or in law, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular use. If you have any questions about the data displayed on this website please contact the Davie County Tax Office at (336) 753-6120. 1.5.9 http://maps.daviecountync.gov/itsnet/View.as,px?prid=1474806 7/14/2016