Jul - Dec^Florence C. Breedlove Florence Coneii BTeedlove. 90, of Salisbury died al Genesis Eldercare Tuesday. June 26. 2012. Mrs. Breedlove was bom July 2, 1921 in Davic County tiie daughter of the late Vennic Sca- tiion Correil and Thomas Cor- rell. She attended Cooleemee School. She was a member of Jerusalem Baptist Church and worked as a teticher and trainer for Rowan County Vocational Workshop .She worked as a seamstress and supen isor for Leisure I^ds and Eric Anders. She was preceded in death by her husbtind. William Henry Breedlove Sr.. in 2000: sons. William Henry Breedlove Jr. in 1972 and I-an y Breedlove in 2002. Survivors: her daughters, Linda B. Ritchie of Salishuo and Brendn Brady Bosl (Kenn) of Knonapolis: a son Rick Breedlove (Bonnie) of Rock well; brother. Howard Correli of Mocksvillc: grandchildren, Mike Brady. Lynn Maurcr, Jer ry Ritchie. l.orctta Hall. Mike Goodman and Jennifer Whitley; and 10 great-grandchildren. Visitation was Friday. June 29 at Sommersett Funeral Home. The funeral service was at 11 a.m. Friday at Summeisen Memorial Chapel conducted by the Rev. Jimmy Lancaster with burial following at Rowan Me morial Park. Memorials: Jerusalem Bap tist Quilt Fund or Card Min istry. 495 Pleasant Acre Dr.. Mocksville. Online condolences: u'ivm. summersenfuneralhomex'om. Vs Richard Kyle Powell Richard Kyle Powell, 38. of Mocksville. died on Tuesday. June26,20l2. Bom in Forsyth County on Nov. 27. 1973, he wa-s the son of Ronnell Mosteller Bradley of Indian Valley. Va. and Da vid Richard Powell of High Point. He was a self-employed salesman. Also surviving: his stepfa ther. Michael Allen Bradley of Indian Valley, Va.; a brother, Brian David (Danecte) Powell of Mocksville; nieces. Atlanta Nicole Powell and Jennifer Renee Powel) of Mocksville; a step-brother, David (Abby) Fcatherbay of MocksvUie; step-nieces, Emily and Lauren Fealherbay of Mocksville; an uncle. Jimmy Lee Powell of Decatur, Ga.; an aunl*and un cle. Nancy and Forrest Fleming of Morganion; a cousin, Sonya Fleming; and his best friend and companion. Hunter. A celebration of life service will be held later. Memorials; Humane Soci ety of Davie. 291 Etiton Road, Mocksville. Oiline condolences: hww. davieJunerakerviceu:om. ^Freida Mae Robblns Freida Mae Myers Robblns, 65. of Center Circle, Mocks ville, died on Thursday. June 28,2012,81 her home. Born in Forsyth County on March 15. 1947, she was the daughter of the laie Henry My ers and Gladys M. Myers, who survives. She was a driver for YVEDDI and was of the Bap- list faith. Survivors: her husband. James David Robbins, whom she married on Jan. 4. 1969: 4 daughters, Amanda Rob- bins, Tamica (Gene) Eakins. Lynn Doby, ail of Mocksville, Carlene (Glenn) Sidden of Concord; 3 brothers. Charles (Diane) Myers of Statesville, Bobby (Sarah) Myers. Herman Myers and sister Kaihy Myers, all of Mocksville; 18 grandchil dren; 10 great-grandchildren; and 2 special boys, Preston and James Robbins. She wa.s also preceded in death by a daughter, Angela Robbins. A celebration of life service was held Monday, July 2 at 7:30 p.m. in the Davie Funeral Service Crhapel with the Rev. Chris Comrell officiating. The family received friends one hour prior to the service. Online condolences: ivhiv. (laviefiineralservice.com. Davie Count\' Publu: Luirfij Mocksville, NC Irvin Rnnald Bibb Sr. Mr. irviii Konald Bibb Sr. of Liltle River, S.C. died on July 5, 2012 ai Wake Forest Baptist Mcdioal Center. For the last sia months he had bottled several compJications roll(rwin|i .m aecidenl in which he broke his hip.His hghl to the end pivcs a new dimension In the meaning of courage. He was bom on Aug. 26. 1931 in Ches ter, Pa. to Elijah Null and Laura Bdna Kirk Bibb, who preceded htm in death. He was a 20-ycar ofiicer of the Ih.S. Navy. He graduated from Roosevelt Uni versity in 1970. He worked live years for the NC State Employ ment .Security Commission. He was retired. He continued to \vork pan time for the Uiiiver- .'^ily of Michigan Institute for .Social Research. He worked with his biothcT Paul reliiev- ing cars for a c.ir dealership. He wtis active in the Tea Party of Myrtle Beach and the Sons of the .American Revolution He uu full of energy, smiled and joked with everyone. He loved to hiugh. Survivors: his wile ol 59 ) cars. Ramuiia Jane Bibb of Lit tle Rivet; 2 daughters. Beverly (Alani Wallci ol Thomasvilic. Karen fWilliam) Gurganus of CIeinmons;a son. Irvin (Ibrrie) Bibb Jr., Greenville; 12 grand children. liriirBibb, Cameron Bibb. Matthew Walter. Julie Waller. William Ourganus HI. Lauren Gurganus, Layne Chu- giiiius. Wiadc Gurganus. Lacey Gurganus. Le.mna Gurganus. Lceza Gurganus. Lily Gur- g.anus; and a great granddaugh ter. EUiana Bibb; a brother. Paul Bibb. 3 sisters-in-luw, Elaine (Jack) Stoops. Erica (Dorses) Fooks. .Sandra (Ban) Taylor; and several nieces and nephews A graveside service was held Monday. July 9 al the Salisbury National Cemetery at 2 p.m. The faniilj received friends on Monday fat Davic Funeral Ser vice, Mocksvllle. Military hon ors were iirnvidcd by the Navy and tbe Vl-W Memorial Honor Guard. Memorials; American llenn Association Online condolences: inm'. ihiviefunerahervice. Curo] Lorraine Gaither Carol Lorraine Gaither of MocLsviilc. daughter of Alice Gaither and the late Thomas Oatthfir. w.rs bom on Dec. 27. 1947 in Mocksviile ami died on June 28.2012 following an ex tended illness. She attended public schc-ols ol Davic Counly; ftiliowing gradUHtion from Ccnirni Davic High School 111 1966. she at tended N.C Central University and c.amed a bachotnr's degree in busincs.s administration from Shaw Univereily in Raleigh. She ailendcd Esse.s Commii- nily College in liast Orange. NJ to further her business acimien. She maintained a maniigeriiil position during her 23 years with AT& T based in New Jersey. Expiinding her in- teiesl in business, she opened » soul food resiaurani. called. "Around lire Comer." while Ih- mg ill East Orange. In addition to inaiiagemeni resiaiiisibililies she enjoyed the hands-on as pects of catering. She found a way to balance the demands ol work ,ind life's bics.sings. She was a traveler who enjoyed nil nicrous excursions and cruises. Although she had no children, she s|ienl her lifetime Ukiiig care of her mother, siblings, nieces, nephews and others. Anyone who needed anything knew they could count on her After retiring from A T&T she returned to her home and was involved with the American Cancer Society iind other com munity activities until debili tated by her illness. She was a member of Si. John AME 2jon Church ihtoughoul her life. She had a courageous spirit and faced life's challenges with an unyielding faith. Survivors: her mother. Alice Gaither: 5 brothers. Gordon, Reginald. Victor, Michael, and Julian Gaither; 3 sisters. Do ns Gaither Jimerson. Deborah Gaither EUis, .and Tbomasine Gaither. her caicgiv er. MBrilyn Tiiiner: am) a host of nitecs. nephews and other relatives nod friends. Funeral service was held Sunday. July 1 at 5 p.m. al First Baptist Chureh in Mocksviile. Ibe Rev. Gweiidulyti Hampton officiated and Julian Claitlier provided the eulogy - Burial fol lowed in St. John AME Zion Church Cemetery. The family received friends al the church one hour before the service. Online ctiiidolences: inne. GrahuntFimerolllnmeJlitl. DAVIE COUNTY ENTFIRPRISE RECORD. Thursday. July 12.2012 Davie County Public Library Mocksviile. NC Green Isaac Jr. Orecn Isaac Jr. of Mocks- ville died on Saturday. June 30. 2012 at Forsyth Medical Center in Wiiislon-Salein. He was boni in Gadsden County. Ra. to the laic Green Isaac Sr. and Allic Clark Isa-ic on Nov. 22. 1919. He was educated in Oadsdctt County School System and iic attended Florida Normal Otllcyc. now Florida A&M University He was a World War Jl veteran, sciwins in the U .S. Army from 1941-1945. Mr. Isaac worked at Cooleemce Conon Mill fui 26 years, not missing a day for 14 of those years. Wlicn the mill closed, he began working at AT&T in Winslon-Salem. where he rcmajned 16 years, until his retirement in 1985. Mr, Isaac was a rctulct and had a s|>ccinl interest in leading history. He was a huge sports advocate and loved gardening and sharing his harvest with neighbors and friends. He was a devoted member i>f Mticks- villc Second Presbyterian church where he served as an elder He was su|ierinlcndent of the church Sunday School front September lud? until July 2011. He was preceded in death by his father (tteen Isaac Sr . his molher Aliie Cbik Isaac. 6 sis ters, Eulii. Btliei, Oradec. Doro thy, Inez and larola: 6 brothers, Frank. James. Owen. Mmton. and Lonnic. Survivors: his wife, Relwc- ca Cody Isaac of the home; 2 sons, Bruce (Edith) Isaac of Mock-svillc, Lewis "Jerry" Isaac of Asheville; 4 daughiem. Frances Spencer. Alice Isaac, and Rachel (Roland) Wade of Winslon-Sfllcin and Eleanor Btown uf Mocksville; a sister. Horcncc "Peggy" Brown of Quincy. Fla.t 8 grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; antl a host of nieces, nephews, many other relatives and friends. Funeral service was held Tuesday. July 3 at 2 pjn. in Ilie chapel of Graham Funeral Home. Pastor Fred N. Terry officiated and burial followed in MocksviJle Second Presby terian Church Ceincicry lite family received friends Ri the funeral home 30 minutes be fore the service. Online condolences; wivw. Gruhuiiifui!i'ralHome.ni'l. Pavie County Public Library Mocksville, NC P DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tha«day, July n, 2012 ^ Wilikim D. Kirkpatrick Willuni tXimtlii Kifkpal rick. yS- diod July '>. 2012, at the Kale B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winsioii-Sakm. He was bom March I. 1917, in l-otl Ijwii, S.C., to William Murray and Matlie McDonald Kirkpatrick. He was the oldest of i«o children. He graduated from Great Palls High School, and attended Clemson Univer sity. He was einpluyrd hy Duke Power Co, starling at Nitrolee Hydroelectric Plant and retir ing as a district siiperiniendent in Winsion-Salcm in 1982. He served as a medic in the US Army Air Force in World War II, and was siiitioned in Nonli Africa. Sicily, and Ittily. and WHS in eight campaigns. He married Mary iilt/abelh Walk er of Rock Hill. S.C.. on Oct. 29. 19-18. They had two sons. William Michael Kirkpatrick. Ixtrit Jan 4. lyS.U and Carl Walker Kirkpatrick. bom June 1.7. 1957. The family moved to Winslnn-Salcm in 1958. He wus a member of Centenary United Methodist Church, end was active in "The Seventy" and in visiting shul-in church membets- He was a inember of the Civilans and a volun teer for Mcnis on Wheels. He loved the Lord and his family. He was a lifelong supportei o( Clemson athletics, particularly football and was an IFTAV rep resentative for mtiny years. He enjoyed telJtng many stories to f.vmily members alxiut his life grtiwing up; i>anicularly on the hanks uf the Calawba Rivet, iiiid experiences he h.id with his relatives. He enjoyed early morning walks with his friends at the "ParCouise" in Winsioit- Salctn. He wa-s preceded in death by his wife Mary, hiv patents William Murray and Mattic McDomtld Kirkpatrick, and his brother Oiin Kiikpatritk. Survivors: his 2 sous, Wil liam Michael (Karen) Kirkpai- rick t>f .Mocksvllle and Carl Walker Kirkpatrick of Winston- .Salvnt: and .7 gniiidsoiis, Kevin Michael Kirkpatrick of Atianin, Ga., Bryoii Wdbar Kirkpatrick ol Uiiiiiain.attdChnslianiJnyd Sciiiih of Winston Salcm. 'I lic funeral service was held at 2 p.m. Wednesday. July II at Centenary United Method ist Church in Winston-Salem. Tlic family receive friends and family after the service in the church parlor. Memorials: Cemenao'UMC ol Winsion-Salem; and the Kate II Rey nolds Hospice Home o( Winston-Salem. Oavie County Public Libraiy Mocksville, NO Cynthia Fay Owens Cynihia Fay Owens. 72. of Daniels Road. Mocksville, died on I'liesday. July 3,2012, at her liunie. Bom in l.osan. W.Va. on Sepl. 30. 1939, she was ihc il.ni^hter of the laic Basconi Waikiiis and Flora Mae Rod- (icis Walklns, She was retired from VF Jeans and was of ihc Bnplisl failh. Hci husband, Dewey Patrick Owens, preceded her in death in 2001. She was also preceded in liealh by 10 brothers and sis ters. Sursivors; a son. Gregory Patrick Owens of Mocksville; 3 daughters, Kimberly Ann Ow ens White of Sl.ilesville. Roiida Fu) Owens Willi.ams of Yadk- invillc, and Fonda Kay Owens i>) Slaiesvllle; a brother, Frank Waikins of lognn; a sister, Molly Watkins Smith of Ohio; and 4 grandchildren. Raymond Patrick White and Christopher Itxid While, both of States- ville, Jessica Fay Williams and Nathan Scott Williams, both of Mocksville. A celebration of life service was held Friday, July 6. at 11 a.m. in the Davic Funeral Service Chapel with the Rev. Bobby Henderson ofliciaiing. Burial was in the Calvary Bap- list Church Cemetery on Davie Academy Road. Ihe famUy re ceived friends Thsusilay. July 5 at Davic Funeral Service. Memorials: Hospicc/Paliia- live Care of Dave. 377 Hospital Si., Mocksville. Online condolences: ivifw. tlavie/iiiieralsen'ice£imi. ^ Mary Frances Peoples Mrs. Miiiy Frances Ratledge Peoples. 811, of Hospital Street. Mocksville, died Tuesday, July 3. 2012. at Davie Place Resi dential Core. She wa.s bom June 21. 19.32. in Davie Courtly to the late Duke Martin and Eva Hunter Ratledge- Mrs. Peoples was a member of Chestnut Gntvc United Methodist Ciiurch. She was also pteceded in death by her husband. Harvey l.ee Peoples; and 2 brulhcrs. Duke Ratledge Jr. and Dunnie Ratledge. Survivors; 2 daughters, Mary I.ee Bogcr of Mocksville and Debbie Settle of l^wis- ville; 3 son. James Harvey Peoples (Amy) of Mocksville; 7 grandchildren; several greal- gtandchiidtcn; a sister. Shirley WeM>; a btollicr. Jerry Ra tledge. bolli of Mocksville; and many nieces and nephews. A private gravesiile service was conducted Thursday. July 5 at Chevinui Orove United Methodist Church Cemetery with the Rev. Jimmy 1-ancaslcr ofticiating. Memorials: Davie Place Ac tivity Fund, 337 Hospital .St., Mocksville, Online condolences; Mini'. caloiifiiiieratsenice.com. Oavje County Public Library Mocksville, NC ^Cporolhy R. Smith Mrs. Domlhy Richards(in Srailh. 93, of The Oak? at For- sylh C'oiinly. formerly of l^x- ingtoii died .Sunday. June 24. 2012 at Kale B. Reynolds A funeral service was held at 2 pm. WcdnesdSy, June 22 21 Midway United Methodist Church. Lexington, by the Rev John Woods. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Visita tion was June 26 at D.nviilstin Funeral Home. Hickory Tree f'h.ipcl She WHS bom in Oavie Coun ty on March 10, 1919 to the late Robert Waller and l.ellie Flnot.i Boyd Richardson. She was fctircti from Lucent Tech nologies iit 1988 after 37 years. She was a member of the Coni- niunicalioiv? Workers of Amer ica, serving as a LiniutiStcwaril and amejubcr of iheTelcpbooe I'ionecrs of America. She was a member i>f Midway Imited Methixlist Church. The Ladies Bible Sunday School Class. The Willing Workers Circle and The United Methixlist Women, leceiving a (jfetimc Membership Fin .Award. She wBs also a member of the .Mid way Hiimemakets Club. Mrs .Smith was married to llailcy Reynolds Smith who incceded hci in death in 2000. Also prcccditig her in death, a son. Hurley Reid Smith, a daughter. Maty Lou Smith Curry. (> hrmhers lEImcr. Alv- lin, Leroy. Shirley. Oonald and Clyde Richardson; d sister.s, (I'mnccs Busby. Ann Schil ler. lili/abcth Cale and Louise .Svs isher,and a daughter-in-law. Sandra Leonard Smith. Survivors; 2 brothers. Wil liam Richardson (Pearlie) uf Mcicksvillc, Bobby Richardsuii (Slid (if Chapin, S.C.; a son- in-l;iw. Sid Curry, daughter- in-law. Rosemary Smith, both oj Wc-lciime: 5 grandchildren. Calhci inc Cnrry of Lifhlhou.se Point. I'la.. Kimel Curry. Char lie Cnrry (Wendi). Harley Smiih II (Kim) all of Welcome and Cindy Burris (Davidi of Iwxingliin; 4 grcal-grandchil- dten. Jcssc Smith. Blainc Cnr ry , lies an and Cameron Burric; sicp-gmnd-son.s. [Jean. Brandon and Brian Wtxxi; and several nieces nnd nephews. Memorials: Midway IJMC Building Fund. 9795 Old Hwy .52 N. Le.vington. 27295; or Koic 11. Reynolds Hospice Home. 101 Hospice Lane. Wiiislon-Salem.27103. X Ella Angclinc Shore "nitterow Mrs, Ellti Angeiinc ShoreTutterow, 88.o( Bnxikstone Terrace in Ciemmons died Saturday. July 7, 20)2 at Kate B. Reynolds t.'.'-. .uv Hospice Home in Wiiislon-.Sn-a,iem. She was bora May 29. 1924. in Yadkin County lo the Inle James Biainc and Ella Hools Shore. She was a member of Bear Creek Baptist Cluirch in Mocksville where she was in volved in aclivilies. She was also prtxtcded in death by her husband, the Rev. Grady Le.ster Tutterow; a sister. Jeannetie Shore; and 6 brothers. Luther. Rev. J.C.. aydc. F.B., Thomas and Henry Shore. Survivors; a daughter, An- nene Tutterow of Charlotte; a SOD. Grady L. Tuitcrow (Linda Bijani) of Mock.?ville; a grandson. Ian l^nard and several niec es atul nephews. A funeral service was conducted at 4 pun. Monday. July 9 at Bc.ir Creek Baptist Church with the Revs. Charies Buckner aod Greg McEwen officiating Burial followed in the church ceme tery . The family received friends ooe hour prior lo the service at the church. Memorials: Bear Creek Baptist Cemetery Fund. 2liK) ftg N., Mocksville. Online condolence,?: H-Hw^raiimfyneruhenwe^om. 1 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD,Thursday, JuJj 12,2012 Davle County Public Library Mocksville, NC ^ Jeanne McNeil Braun ieanne McNeil Brauo died on July 7.2012. Mrs. Braun was bom in New Jemcy on March ?0. 1927. She was rlie wife of ihc late William P. Btaun Jr. for 58 years. Mrs. Bmiin anendcd Pmn Insiituie in New York and was a Icxlilede- signer before marrying. Survivors: 3 children. Wil liam P. Braun III (wife Dam Suc)ofPennsylvania.Lesleys. Milgrom (husband Martin) of Indiana and Amanda B Juhasz husband Steven of Advance; grandchildren. Alexander. Dan iel. Julia and Nicholas. The family plans a small per sonal gathering. Memorials: charity of the do nor's choice. Xjcrry Dean Compton Mr. Jerry Dean Compton,69. of Rock House Road. Mocks- vilic, died Monday. July 9. 2012. at Forsylti Medical Cen ter in Winslon-Snlem. He was bom June 7. 1943. in Tazcweil County, Va. to the late Rosa l^tonard and Vir ginia Helen Bess Compton. Mr. Compton enjoyed old cars, collecting guns and knives and music. He loved being withfamily and his dog. Kyia. He was also preceded in death by 2 sisters. Judy Taylor artd Dorothy Complou; and a brother. Jackie Compton. Survivors; his wife. Sandra Akers Compton of the home; 6 diildten. Deborah Marshall (James) of King. Jerri Sue Shumate (Johnny) ofEast Bend, Cyndi Shrewsbury (Glen) of Mocksville. Rcgina Compton of East Bciid. Geny Comp ton (Debbie) of East Bend nnd Dcana Deh'rank (Maitin) of Pennsylvania; their mother. Doris Compton Standcn; 16grandchildren; 7 great-grand children; a brother. Johnny Compton (Rita) of W.Va.; and several nieces and nephews. A memorial service was con ducted at 0 p.m. Thursday. July 12 at Eaton Huncni) Chapel. The family received friends following the service. Online condolences', wurv. ealonfuiieralservice£mn. "^Edna Gatton Edwards Edna Canon Edwards. 100, formerly of Coolccmce. died Saturday July i4.2012in Pilts- boro. She was bom May 19,1912, IredelJ Cknimy; daughter of James L. atid Minie Jackson Gatton. Survivors: 6 children. Bob by E. Helen Hegc. Lester Ray and wife Mary, Chester Gray. Dorothy Adkins, Bren Gibson and husband Chuck Collins;14 grandchildren; 21 great-grand children; 6 gteat-great-grand- children; and 2 sisters. Services were 'Hicsday. July 17 at 2 pun. at Edgewocd Bap tist Church. Coolecmee. with the Revy, Frank Blankenship and Fred Carlton officiating. Burial was earlier in day. The fattiil) received friends foUow- ing (he service. Mcmoriais: Edgewocd Bap- tist. 7483 NC 801 S.. Mocks- viile. Online condolences: unnv. davU/uneralservice/'om. Davie County Public Library Moclisville, NC Lillic Mae Johnson Lillic Mae Johnson of Mocksville died un Thuisday. July 12,2012. She was bom Feb. 2.1940, to the late Azlllcc Johnson Baritcr. She was raised by Azillee and Oarficld Barker. She gradu ated from D.ivic County Train ing School in 19.58. She was a seamstress and a cook for many years before retiring. then cared for a number of children in the Davie area. She loved to cook, play bingo and enjoy life. She was an active member ofShiloh Baptist Church, where she was a member of the Chancel Choir, president of the Willir^ Work ers and chaii of the Kitchen Committee. She was an active meinber in the NAACP where she served as branch secretary and was named Mother of the Year in 1999. She was a mem ber of the Le Jour Des Femmes Club and the Davic County Training School Reunion Com mittee. She was also preceded in death by a sister. Emma Lee Frost: 3 brothers. Paul Johnson. Benjamin Johnson and Ben J Johnson. Survivor.s: 3 sons. Bradford (Julia) Johnson. Curtis John son. and Slacey Johnson; 3 daughters, Pamela Johnson of Mocksville, Pauiette Rhyne- hardt and Palrenia Johnson of Winston-Salem: a special ac knowledgement to Timothy Rhynehaidi; 9 grandchildren: 2 gical-grandchildren; other rela tives and many friends. Her funeral service was held Tuesday. July 17 at 2 p.m. in the chapcl of Graham Funeral Home. The Rev. Joe Clark ofTi- ciated and the Rev. Dr. Donald Ray Jenkins delivered the eu logy. Burial followed in Shiloh Baptist Church Cemetery. The family received friends at the funeral lioiiie one hour before the service. Online condolences; kutv. Gruh<imFwier<3lHome.nel. DAVIE COLM Y ENTERPRISE RKCORD.'lhursday. July 19.2012 Qavie Couniy Pubiit LiOiBryMocksviile, NC ^ Sbaun C. McBrayer Mr. Shaun Carlton McBray er. 26. of Baltimore Road, Ad vance. died Friday. July 13. 2012. He was bom May 31. 1986. in Fursyth County to Dennis Carlton and Patricia Dale Poolc McBraycr. He had attended Jericho Church of Christ and North Main Street Church of Christ. He graduated from Forsyth Technical Community College and UNCO, where he earned a bachelor's degree in computer programming. He was a waiter at Captains Gal ley in Hillsdalc. He enjoyed all sports, especially golfing, rac- quetball and snowtraarding. He was preceded in death by paternal grandpaients, Robert Dennis and Mary Lois McBrayer. Survivors: bis parents of Ad vance; 4 brothers, Philip Carl ton McBrayer of Greensboro, Darren Timothy McBraycr, Raudy Alynn McBrayer and Anthony Steven McBrayer, all of Clemmons: and raaiemal grandparents. Bill and Mary lYotior of Stiitesviile. A memorial service was con ducted at II ajTi-Monday. July 16 at Eaton Funeral Chapel with Mr. David Powell official- ing.Tlie family received friends at the funeral home following the service. Memorials: Jerry Long YMCA. 1150 S. Peace Haven Road.Clemmons, 27012. Online condolences; Mtvir. ealonfuneralscrvice£om. c.,1 , Francis E. Ridenhour Mrs. Francis Elms Riden hour, 84. formerly of Pine Ridge Road. Cooleemee, died Friday. July 13. 2012. at The Laurels of Salisbuiy. She was bom Dec. 16,1927, in Caddon County. Okla. to the late Alfred Raymond Elms and Pearl Yandell Elms Frecbom. .Mrs. Ridenhour was retired from Rowan Co. Voeational Workshop she had worked as a guardian ad-litem. She was a member of Cooleemee Pres byterian Church where she had been aetive in all phases of church life. Mrs. Ridenhour was a member of Cooleemee VFW Auxiliary 1119. She was also preceded in deatli by her husband. James Franklin Ridenhour Sr.; a sis ter. Aline Bemice Parks; and a brother, Don Raymond Elms. Survivors: 2 daughters. Elizabeth Pearl R. Davis (Ed) of Eutawville. S.C. and Ja net Carol R. Davis (Bob) of Mooresville: a son. James Franklin Ridenhour Jr. (Carol) of Greenville. S.C.; a half sis ter. Sandra Welpman of Las Vegas, Nev.; 6 grandchildren: IS great-grandchildren: and 3 grcal-greal-grandchildrcn. 'A funeral service was con ducted at 2 pm..Tuesday. July 17 at Eaton Funeral Chapel with llie Revs. John Groff and David Ridenhour officiating. Burial followed in Legion Me morial Park. The family receive friends at the funeral home one hour prior to the service. Memorials: Cooleemee Pres byterian. PO Box 27. Cool eemee. 27014. Online condolences: wiin-. eaumfmeralservkejcom. X Mary 'Gcri' Paige Mrs. Mary Geraldine "Geri" Groce Paige, 92. formerly of US 158. Mocksville. died Tues day. July 10. 2012. at Clapp's Convalescent Nursing Home in Asheboro. She was bom March 3.1920. in Forsyth County to the late John M. and Gladys Naylor Gix)ce. Mr. Paige was a grad uate of R.J. Reynolds High School class of 1938 and Bre- vard Junior College. She was a volunteer with Girl and Boy Scouts. Mr. Paige worked at the Davie County Enterprise Record and the Davie County Shcrifrs office. She was a member of Smith Grove United Methodist Church. She was also preceded in death by her husband. Jack Warren Paige: a son. John Paige: and a brother. John M. Groce Jr. Sun-ivoR: 2 sons. Jack Paige (Judy) and Jeff Paige (Trish). a daughter, Cathy Deaton, all of Mocksville: 5 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren. A funeral service "was con ducted at 3 pjn.. Friday. July 13 at Smith Grove United Methodist Church with the Rev. Chris Henson officiating. The body was placed in the church 30 minutes prior to the service. Burial followed in the church cemetery. The family received fiiends Thursday. July 12 at Eaton Funeral Home. Memorials; Smith Grove iiMC. 3492 US 158. Mocks ville Online condolences: inviv. fawitfiinerahfnire.com. Xpearl W. Foindextcr Mr. Pearl Walker Poin- dexter. 81. of Yadkinville died ThuRday July 12,2012 at home in Yadkin County. She was bom in Davie Coun ty on Feb. 17,1931 the daugh ter of the late Eddie G. and Lula T. WalJcer. She worked mtiny yeaR at Courtney Elemental' School Cafeteria in Yadkin Coimty retiring at age 76. She was a wonderful cook and was known for her sourdough bread. She was preceded in death by her sisteR Mildied Latham, Ailene Cartner, Pauline Sink, JanieKoontz-.brotheR Johnny n Walker. Ed S. Walker, James K. Walker. Sam N. Walker and son Frank Donald "Donnie" Poindexter 111. SutvIvor: her husband of 60 yeaR. Frank Donald Poindex ter Jr.; 2 daughlcR Para (Gene) Renegar, Janice (Phil) Quick; a son. Philip (Shannon) Poindex ter: 5 grandchildren. Beth R. (Ben) Sunderman. Drew (Codi) Renegar, Chase Poindexter. Morgan Poindexter. and Brady Poindexter; step-granddaugh ter. Janel (Eddie) Cook; greatgrandchildren Allie Ann and Emery Sunderman, and Jaxon Renegar: step great-grandchild, Ryan Cook; 2 sistcR, Betty (jrissom.Gail (Jimmy) Kelly, a brother. Jack E. (Doris) Walk er: 2 sisteR-in-law Ruth Walk er and Carman Walker Barbara Srooot Walker Mr. Barbara Smoot Walker. 68. of Winston-Salem. died Sat urday. July 14 2012. at the Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winston-Salem. She was bom Jan. 14. 1944, in FoRytb Coimty to the late John Alexander and Minnie Al ice Koontz Smoot. Mr. Walker was a member of FiRt United Methodist Chineh, Mocksville. She was also preceded in death by her husband. David Lynn Walker; her sister. Janice Smoot Southern; and her broth er-in-law, MaRhall Southern. SurvivoR: 2 sons. John Da vid Walker and wife^arah of Charlotte and William Mat thew Walker of Comelius: a brother-in-law. Steve Walker and wife Tami. father-in-law, John Walker, all of Mocks ville: 3 nieces. Tracy Mohr and husband Philip. Brittany White and husband Tyler and Alyson Walker: a nephew. Eric South ern and wife Amy: and 5 great- nieces and great-nephews. A funeral service was to be conducted at 2 pan. Thursday. July 19 at Hist United Method ist Church of Mocksville with Dr. Crystal McFliail officiating. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Thursd.iy. July 19.2012 Oavie County Public Libi &.j Mocksville, NC The family received friends Burial was to follow in Salem Saturday, July 14 at Gentry United Methodist Church Ccm-Family Funeral Service in Yad- etery. The family was to re- kinville. A graveside service ccive friends from 6-8 p.m. on was conducted at 2:30 pan. Wednesday. July 18 at Eaton Sunday, July 15 at Huntsvillc Funeral Home.Baptist Church Cemetery by Memorials: Kale B. Reyn-Layman Joe Cartner. olds Hospice Home. 101 Hos- Memorials: Huntsvillc Bap- pice Unc. Winston-Salem. tisl Building Fund, 00 Jane 27103. Craver, 4901 Courtney Hunts- Online condolences: innv. ville Road, Yadkinville, 27055: eaionfimeralsenice com. or Hospicc/Palliativc CareCen- ter, 101 Hospice Lane, Win- • ston-Salem.27103. Online condolences; mnv. gennyfimeraUemce£om. Davie County Public UbFary Mocksvllle, NC Mary Helena Bogcr ' Mao' Helena Boger. 82. of Hardison Sireet. Mocks vllle, died on Wednesday, July 18, 2012, at Airnimii Care of Mocksvllle. Bom in Davie County on July 8,1930, she was the daughter of the laic Enoch Clyde Jarvis and Mary Lcgans Jarvis.She was a homemaker and a member of Union Chapel United Method ist Church. Her husband, Lester Franklin Boger, pieceded her in death in 2003. Survivors: a son, Jerry (Lin da) Boger of Rochester, N.Y.; a daughter, Sandra Sizemore of Mocksvllle; a brother, Thomas Jarvis of Yadkinville: 3 grand children, Scott (Jennifer) Cran- fill of MocksviUe, Brent (Lori) Sizemore of China Grove, and Brian Boger of Rochester; great-granddaughter, Amie Cranfil); sister-in-law, Cath erine Seamon of MocksvLlte; brother- and sister-in-law. Jack and Ann Boger of MocksviQe; a nephew, Rick Seamon of MocksviUe; and several other i nieces and nephews. 1 She was preceded in death i by 4 brothers. Lester, Frank, : James, and David Jarvis, and a sister. Camilla Allen. A celebration of life service was held Sunday, July 22 at 4 , pjij. at Union Chapel United I Methodist Church with the Rev. Danen Crotts officiating. Buri- ■al was in the church cemeieiy. The family received ftiends at the church on Sunday. Memorials: Union Chapel UMC.2030US 601 N,Mocks viUe. Online condolences: vniTV. daviefuneralserficej:om. -Isaiah Blake Campbell Infant Isaiah Blake Camp bell died Wednesday, July 18, 2012. He was born June 20, 20)2 in Foisyth County to James (J.C.) and Briitnie Wagner Campbell. In addition to his parents, survivors include; grandparents, Carolyn and Roger Mullis of Yadkinville, Patricia Wagner of Waverly, Ohio; Timothy Wag ner of MocksviUe; great-grand- parents, Lynn Home Wagner of Hampionvilie, Joel Wagner of MocksviUe and Carol Kiger of Yadkinville, Blanche and Ran dy Evans and Jim and Thelma Hickman of Waverly, Ohio; and aunts and imcles, George Wagner, Anna Wagner, Megan Sidden. Christopher Bullin, Rebecca and Matt Huctar, and Michelle Tucker. A graveside service was conducted Friday, July 20 at 10 a.m. at Marler Road Baptist Church cemetery with Pastor Randy Johnson officiating. Octavia Clement Octavia "Tippy" Clement died on July 21, 2012 at KaleB. Reynolds Hospice Home. She w.as bom in Davie County on Sept. 18. 1936, daughter of the late Andrew and DoraT. Wilson. .She attended Poplar Spring and Davie County Training Sch<x)ls.She worked at the Senior Service Center In MocksviUe. She was a lifelong member of Piney Grove AME Zion Church, where she served as president of the Stewardess Board, Usher Board, Senior Choir Member and Mission ary Depanmenl. Her hobbies included sewing, making sweet potato pie and sweet potato cobbler for her family. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Odell Clement; a son, James Adam Clement; 7 brothers: and 3 sis ters. Survivors: 2 sons, Duncan Ciemem of Cooleemee, and Charles Clement and friendCheri of MocksviUe: 3 daugh ters. Portia Wilson of the home.Cathy Scott of MocksviUe,and Pamela (Dan) Brinkley of Winston-Salcm; a sister, Ceola Wilson of .MocksviUe;lier god-mother, Ruby Houpe; play brother. Luke Nichols; a special friend, Otelia Turner: a special co-worker, Nancy Lucky; II grandchildren; II great-grandchildren; a great- greal-ginndchild; other rela tives and friends. Her funeral service tt as tobe held Thursday, July 27 at 2 p.m, at Piney Grove AME Zion Church In H.irmony, The Rev. Marcus Farmer was to officiate and burial was to follow in the church cemetery. The family was to receive friends 30 min utes before the service. Online condolences: invu-. GrcO}<miFiiiwralHomujicl. - DAVIE COUNTY ENTEBPRISE RErnpn Thursday. July 26,2012 Mocksvfll®. NC 4s Carrie Loggins Drane Mrs. Carrie "Nannie" Lee Loggins Dranc, 95. of Clem- mons, died Saturday, July 21. 2012 ni Davic Place in Mocks- ville. Mn. Drane wa.s the widow of Paul Tiffin Drane Sr. Funeral services were at 11 a.m. Wednesday. July 25 at Clemmons First Baptist Church. Dr. Robbie Phillips of ficiated. Mrs. Drane was bom in Win- ston-Salem to Luther Lec and Victoria Fuik Loggins on Oct. 11,1916. Survivors; a son, Paul Tiffin (Faye) Drane Jr. of Advance; 4 grandchildren. William H. (Deborah) Mace III, Ashley (Steve) Smith, Leigh Anne (Todd) Davis,and Paul (Wendy) Drane; 5 great-grandchildren, lyier Davis,Bekah Smith, Will Mace, Ryan Davis, and Bailey Drane; a sister-in-law. Lucille Loggins Swaim; and a number of nieces and nephews. Mrs. Drane was preceded in death by a daughter. Paula Drane Hayes; 2 brothers, Cla- die and James Loggins; and a sister, Ina Loggins Fair. Mrs. Diane retired from Western Electric and was an active member of Clemmons First Baptist Church as long as her health permitted. She was a Sunday school teacher, a mem ber of several committees, and sang in the choir for years. The family received friends at Frank Voglcr and Sons Cjeni- mons Chape) Tuesday, July 24. Mcniorinls: Hospice/Pal liative Care, 101 Hospice Lane, Winsion-Sa]em,27103. A Betty Jean Forrest Mrs. Betty Jean Norman For rest, 72, of Fork Bixby Rdad, Advance, died Saturday, July 21, 2012, at WFBMC in Win- ston-Salem; She was bora July 25,1939, in Davidson County to the late George and Agnes Holt Nor man. Mrs, Forrest loved chil dren and cooking. She was also preceded in death by 2 brothers. June and Jack Norman. Survivors: her husband of 58 years, Wiillip Junior Forrest of the home; a daughter, Bar bara Forrest Craver (Jeff) of Advance; 2 grandsons, Daniel Franklin Craver (Nicole) and Joshua Gene Craver (Amber); 2 great-grandchildren, Jonah Ezekiel Craver and Joy Elisa beth Craven a sister, Marie Myers; 6 brothers. Glen Nor man (Marie), Wayne Norman (Lois), E.D. Norman (Marie), Fred Norman (Evelyn), Jimbo Norman (Henrietta) and Albert Norman (Ellen), all of Lex ington; and several nieces and nephews. A funeral sendee was con ducted at 3 pjn. Tbesday. July 24 at Eaton Funeral Chapel. Burial followed in No Creek Primitive Baptist Church Cero- eteiy. The family received friends on Monday, July 23 at the funeral home. > Online condolences: wmv. eoU)nfunerahervice£om. AMonk Gunter Charles Aubre)' "Monk" Gunter. 72, of Sheffield Road, Mocksville, died on Friday. July 20,2012, at Kale B.Reyn olds Hospice Home in Win- ston-Salem. Bor^ in Davie County ofJuly 18,1940, he was the son of the late Paul Gunter and Odessa Baity Gunter. He was a to bacco fanner, chicken farmer, worked 131 McKnight's Pallet, Miller Bros. Dairy and retired from Somers Lumber Co, in Union Grove. He was a mem ber of Turner's Creek Baptist Church. Survivors: his wife, Bonnie Chaffin Gunter, whom he mar ried on Dec. 1, 1983;3 daugh ters, Tammy (Johnny) Cass and Zana (Jeff) Potts, all of Mocks ville, and Renee (Keith) Lackey of Harmony; 9 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren He was also preceded in death by 2 sisters, 3 brothers, 1 grandchild, and a special neph ew. Steve Gunter. A celebration of life service was held Monday. July 23 at 11 ajn. in the Davie Funeral Service Chapel with the Revs. Alex>Heafncr and Greg McE- wen officiating .Burial followed in the Ijanies Baptist Church Cemetery. Pallbearers were Keith Lackey, Shannon White, Johnathon White, Johnny Cass Jr., Justin Potts, Jason Feinisier and Jeffrey Kent Polu Jr. Jef frey Polls Sr., was an honorary pallbearer-The family received friends on Sunday, July 22 at Davie Funeral Service. Memorials: Ijames Bap tist Cemetery Fund; Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home; or church or charity of the donor's choice. Online condolences; hwv. 1 daviefimeralservwK£om. Davle County Public LSjrary Mochsvlltet NC Pccola Eloise Holman Mrs, Pecola Eloise Holinaii. doughter of the late Lodokas and Viola Cannady, bom on May 17, 1931 in Mocksville, died on July 21, 2012 follow ing an extended illness. Mrs. Holman attended the public schools of Davic County. She was employed by YVED- D1 as a substitute teacher at the Head Stait program ant! by the Davie County School Sys tem as a lunchroom monitor. As a member of St. John AMH Zion Church for several years, she was the Sr. Choir Presi dent. She served as a member of the missionary department and was a lay council member. She was an active member of Tire Le Jour des Femmes Club. She had a remarkable memory for family history and commu nity events. Her hobbies were maintaining those nails, word ]>iiZ2les, TV game shows, sing ing In choirs, and taking care of kittens. She was married to the late RCV.T.S. Holman. Survivors; her son, (Chris) Azeera Wahid-Holman (Carla); 2 granddaughters. Courtney and Joy; 2 great-grandchildren: a sister, Alice C. Gaiiher; sev eral nieces and nepliews. Her funeral service will be Friday, July 27 at 4 p.m. at First United Methodist Churcli in Mocksville. The Rev. Gwen dolyn Hampton will officiate and Julian Gaither will provide the eulogy. Burial will follow in St. John AME Zion Church n cemetery. The family will re ceive friends at the church one hour prior to the service. Online condolences: mhiv, GrahamFuneraCHome.nei, David Alvin Moran David Alvin Moran, 73. of Slonc Lake, Wise, died on Thursday, July 19, 2012 at his residence, after finding out he had terminal leukemia on May 4,2012. He was born and raised in Trevor. Wise, by Alvin and Flossie Moran, who taught him to value a job. work hard, anil treat others as you want to be treated. He served seven years in the U.S. Marine Corps Re serve. He worked at American Motors/Chrysler, in Kenosha, Wise, for approximately 30 years, and retired in 1993. He spent a few years in Mocks ville before moving up to Stone Lake, where he had dreamed of spending his later years; a place where he and his family had property. Stone Lake was the place where he vacationed, fished, and hunted since child hood. He wa.s a hunter and was passionate about animals and nature. He was an auto and tractor collector and enthusiast. Buying and selling was an ev eryday thing. His parents, brother Frank Moran, and sister Dolores Pa- gel preceded his deatli. Survivors; 4 children. Scot Moran of Stone l^ake; Sherry Kirchschlager of Walworth, • Wise.; Michael (Amy) Moran of Mocksville and Jamie (Bry- on) Rodgcrs, all of Mocksville; b grandchildren, Morgan Mo ran, Stephanie Kirchschlager. Nicholas Hilton, Nolan Hilton, Nathan Rodgers, and Collon Moran; his special friend, Ar- loa Anderson. A celebration of his life wilt be held at the Stone Lake Fire Station on Saturday, July 28. A siKcitil tribute will be held at 1 1 a.m. witli lunch and social time to follow until 3. Memorials; Nonhwoods Humane Society, I'D Box 82. Hayw ard, W154843; or Ameri can Cancer Society, 1-800-227- 234S.\^yvM'£ancerj}rg. Yv^Faye Clark Willard Faye Clark Willard died on July 16,2012. She was bom Feb. 16, 1923 in Bedford County, Tenn. to Walter Clay Clark and Ruth Smith Clark. She had resided in Winston-Salem. She blessed many and loved more through her faith, laughter, smiles and strength- Survivors: Cheryl Willard Nehnevajsa (Peter) of Win- sion-Salem; Scott A. Nehneva jsa (Ericka) of Atlanw. Ga.; Karen J. Ramey (Joshua and grandson Isaiah) of Hillsvillc. Va.; Thomas Clark (Mildred and daughter Amy) of Bowl ing Green, Ky.; brother-in-law. Glen P. Willard; nephew, Glen; nieces, Diana and Marie, all of Beiair, Fla.; and many nieces, nephews, extended family and friends. A funeral service followed by visitation was conducted at 4 p.m. Friday. July 20 at Clem- mons United Methodist Church with Revs. Chris Thorc, Mar cus Portis and Paula Northnip officiating. Burial was at Ever green Cemetery in Murfrees- boro, Tenn. Memorials; Sons of Thunder Quartet; Disciplined Order nf Christ (w\iv\doclir.org)-. or Debbie Burchett Endowntem Fund (DBEF). NC K' ^.r':t. : • ; William H. Broadway William Hedrick Broadway, 71. of Paw Paw Lane, Mocks- ville, died on Thui^day, July 26,20)2. Bom in Davie County on Jan. 25, 1941, he was the son of lite late Bud Broadway and Ruby Giles Broadway. He was retired as a rnarkei manager for Food Lion and was of the Bafr- list faitli. His wife, Lois Marie Broad way, preceded him in death in 2009 He w'as also preceded in death bv 3 brothers and 3 sis- Survivors; 4 daughters, Tw- yla (Marty) Smith of Salisbury. TcresnBroadwayofMocksville, Marie Register of the home, and Patricia (Vance) Ebright of Mocksville; a brother, Arnold Bttiadway of Mocksville; 2 sis ters, Mary (Jeny) Daughtry of iChina Grove and Hazel (Don) Waugh of Clarcmont; 8 grand children, Keri, Jessica, Johna- thon (Anne),Toni Marie, Jason (I.indsay). Tiffany, Nicole and Cody: 4 great-grandchildren, Logan, Parker, Brayden. and Carson. A celebration of life service was held Sunday, July 29 at 2 p.m. at Calvary Baptist Church. US 601 SoutJi, by the Rev. Jim Gryder. Burial was in the church cenieteiy. The family received friends Saturday, July 28 at Davie Funeral Service. Memorials; A Storehouse For Jesus, 675 E Lexington Road, Mocksville. Online condolences: wKtr. daviefiineralscrvkex:om. His funeral w ill be held Fri day - Aug. 3 at noon at Graham Funeral Home. 'Ihc Rev. Ert'in Baker will officiate and burial wilt follow in Envin Tcmjilc CME Cemetery in Woodlcat. The family will receive I'ricnds at the funeral home 30 ininutcs bel'ore the service. Online condolences: ivivu', CrahamFuneriilHomcJU'i. /^Kevin Charles Divers Kevin Charles Divers, 56. died on July 25 , 2012 at his home in Brooklyn. N.Y. He was born on March 8, 1956 in Brooklyn to the late Charles Goodman and the late Johnsie Mac Divers. He graduated from the New York School System and was a pro fessional tailor. At an early age. he joined St. John Baptist Oiurch in Brooklyn, and af ter moving to North Carolina. Friendship Missionary Baptist Church in Cooieemce. While in Davie. he worked at Hcndricks Lumber, Bojongies and KFC in Mocksville. Two years ago, he returned to New York. He was a handyman who loved riding bikes, sewing and cooking. He was inspirational and loved God and his family. He was also preceded in death by a brother, Ervin Kelly Divers. Survivors; a devoted aunt, Ethel I-ouisc Payne of Cool- eemee; a sister, Rita Counsil of Salisbury; nieces, My'Queen Divers. Shamqiiie Counsil, iyanna Counsil, Jamice Div ers, Chauncey .McQueen; nephews. KK Divers. Tobias Kersey, Ij'Quiail Counsil, and Mar'Quis Coimsi); a com panion for more ihati 30 years. Robin Aycrs of New York; and a best friend, Tony Hicks of New York, Doris Marie Foster Mrs. Doris Marie Shiilcr Foster, 94, formerly of the Fork community, died Wednesday, July 25, 2012, at her home in Greensboro. She was bom Sept. 5, 1917, in Davie County to the late Dc- vitt Owen and Mitlie L. Foster Shuler. Mrs. Foster was retired Cone Mills Corp. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Virgi! Foster; a son, William "Bili" Spillman; a sister, Lucille Daniels; and a brother, Owen Shuler. Sunivors: a daughter, Betty Allen and a son, Charles Fos ter, both of Greensboro; a sis ter, Helen "Bobbie" Hemphill of Lexington; a brother, T. Gar land Shuier of Winston-Salem; and a grandson, Tommy Spill- man. A graveside service was con ducted at 11 a.m., Saturday, July 28 at Fork Baptist Church Cemetery with Wayne Rentz officiating. Memorials; Fork Baptist, 3140US64E.Mocksvi!le- Online condolences: u'lnv. eaionfiiiieralser\'ice.c(tm. Kwilliam R. Hutchens William "Rogei^ Hutchens, ' 76, of US 601 North, Mocks- ' vilie, died Saturday, July 28, 2012 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. Bom in Forsyth County on Sept. 4,1935, he was the son of the late Edgar Bonson and Eulu Shore Hutchens. He retired from Baker Fumimre in 1997 and was a member of Turrctt- tine Baptist Church. He was preceded in death by wife, Shelby J. Allen Hutchens; a brother, Eddie Hutchens; a sis ter, Linda Taylor; and a grand- • son, William Bryan Hutchens. Survivors; a son, WiUiam "Gary" Hutchens, of Mocks ville; a daughter, Kathy Jean Hutchens of Charlotte; broth ers, Richard (Marie) Hutchens. Stevie (Susan) Hutchens, sister. Shirley (Johnny Ray) Carter, all of Yadkinville: granddaugh ter, Christine Renee Hutchens of Mocksville. A celebration of life service was conducted Wednesday, Aug. 1 at 11 a.m. in the Davie Funeral Service Chapel with the Rev. Scott Schuyler officiating. Burial was inTurrentinc Baptist Church Cemetery. The family received friends Tuesday, July 31 at the funeral home. ; Memorials; Lupus Founda- ; tion of America,2000 LStreei, • N.W., Washington,DC 20036. 1 Online condolences; ivwiv. " Javiefimerat.u'rvice.com. DAVIE COUNTY enterprise RECORD,Thursday, Aug. 2,2012 David Ooofl^nibliciiyaiy Mod^svllle, W grcai-frbiidchilclreii. Chase. Voarlene Ruth Holcomh Morgan, and Bradv Poindex- Mrs.Darlene Riiiii Holcoinb. 80 ^ Thomas 'I^lberl Jarvis Mr. Thomns Tiilbcri Jarvis, 88, of 1-arminglon Road, died Sunday, Jiiiy 29, 2012 .at For- syih Medical Center in Win- ston-Salem. He was bom Oct. 26, 1923 in Famiington to the late Enoch Qyde and Mary Edward l.ca- gans Jarvis. Mr. Jarvis was a veteran of World War II serv ing in the US Amiy,along with three of his brothers.He was a former member of Famiington Volunteer Fire Department and retired from Duke Power after 32 years. He was a member of Jonestown Baptist Chureh and served for several years as a Sunday School teacher and a Deacon. Mr. Jarvis enjoyed watching NASCAR, was a fan of Dale Earnhardt Jr., and he always loved a doughnut from Krispy Krcmc, He was also preceded in death by his wife, Martha Ruth Hauser Jarvis, in 2003; his son, Tliomas Miclt,^! Jarvis, in 1992; brothers, Lester Clyde Jarvis, Paul Franklin Jarvis, James F.dward Jarvis, David Z.achiiry Jarvis; and his 2 sis- lei>, Camilla Jane Jarvis Alien and Mary Helena Jarvis Boger. Surviving: his daughter and carcgiver, with whom he lived. Elaine Jan is York, and his son- in-law. William Thomas York, of the Huntsville community; grandd.vughiers. Shannon York (Philip) Poindexicr, Andrea York (Craig) Murphy, all of the Huntsville community; grand son. Heath Jarvis, Advance; icr. Olivia and Owen Murphy. Haily Jarvis; his aunt. Dorothyl.e.vgans Marx of UCtosse; and many nieces, nephews.cousins and friends. His graveside service was a, II a.m. Tuesday, July 31 at Foisvih Memorial Park by Bob Tannchill. and full miUtaiy honora by Yadkin VFW Post 10346. They received fnends following the service. Memorials: American Dia betes Assoc.. PO Box 11454. Alexandria, VA 22312. . of Winston-Saleni died on Friday, July 27. 2012 at For- syth Medical Center. She was bom June 18. 1932 in Iredell County, the daughter of Hobcrt M. and Nizzie Ren- egai Barnard. Mrs. Holcomb was formerly a member of Cal vary Baptist Church where she was unable to attend fur many years due to declining health. On Aug. 20. 1949 she married Clayton Devon Holcomb. He died on May II. 2006. Mrs. Holcomb was unable to reside in her home and in 2007 .she became a resident of Regency Nursing and Rehab In Clem- mons. She was employed with R.J.Reynolds Tobacco Co. and was also a Rawleigh product distributor. Fondest memories will be the spread on her table at suppertime as she was an awe some cook and homemakcr. She was also preceded in death by her parents, a brother. Hobert Edwin Barnard and 2 sisters. Mrs. Catherine Kinder and Mrs. Lucille Wagner. Survivors: 3 daughters, Judy Stijeija (Marko). Pam Simpson (Wayne) and Wanda Duncan (Jerry); 2 sons.Ricky Holcomb and Brent Holcomb (Michelle); 5 grandchildren, Gary Simpson (Jeran), Melissa Green (Brent), Mark Stijeija, Adricnne Coppo la (Giovanni) and Allison Dun can; 7 great-granddaughters. Jessica, Lacna, River, Summer, Emily, Rachel and Grsol.i; a great-grandson, Ernesto; and a brother, James Biyanl Barnard.. A funeral service wa.s licid at 2 p.m. Monday at Hayworth- Miller Kindeilon Chapel with Pastors Bryan Miller and Mervin Garrison officiating. TTie family received friends one hour prior to the service at the funeral home. Entombment followed in Weslinwn Gardens of Memory. Memorials; Brenner Chil dren's Hospital, PO Box 571021. Winston-Solem. 27157-1021; or St. Judcs ChU- dren's Hospital, 501 St Judc Place, Memphis.TN 38105. Online condolences: ivn-w. JraywortA-miWer.com. "^'IVudie Tilley Martin Mrs. Triidic Tilley Martin, 110, of Winston-Salem died Friday, July 27, 2012 at her home. She was bom Oct. 19,1901 in Stokes County to James Henderson and Susan Rober- son Tilley. Mrs. Martin was the oldest living person in Forsyth County and the oldest member of Calvary Baptist Church. She was recorded as the 71st oldest person in the world. Preceding her in death were her husband, parents, 4 broth ers and 6 sisters. Survivors: a daughter. Sue Wright of Winston-Salem; 3 grandchildren, Teresa Conrad and husband Jay of Winston Salem.LanettTrautnerandhus- band Jeff of Sterling, Va. and Ronald Wright and wife Rita of Mocksville; 6 great-grandchil dren. Amber Dictz and husband Scott. Erin and Sean Trautner, Amanda Carjienter and Jessica and Ronnie Wright; a great- great-granddaughter, Hatinah Dictz; and a host of nieces and nephews, A funeral service was held at 1 1 a.m. Monday, July 30 at Mnywortli-Miller Kinderton Chapel with the Rev. Gary Bymm officiating. Burial fol lowed in Brown Mountain Baptist Chiircb Cemetery in Westficld. The family received friends Sunday evening at the funeral home. Memorials: Hospice/Palllii- tive CareCenter, 101 Hospice Lane. Winston-Salem, 27103; or Calvary Baptist, 5000 Coun try Club Rd. , WinslOD-Salem, 27104. Online condolences: winv. I>a)worth-iniller£om. OsvteCouR^niMeUyay MocksvWte, NC Herbert H. Blaylock Mr. Herben H. Biayiock. 83, of Huntingion Beach, Ca lif.. died at home on Thursday. March 29,2012. Mr. Blnylock was bom in Cooleemee lo the late Wiley O. and Lilly Knowle.s Biayiock. Sun'ivors: his wife of 66 years, Drye Owens Biayiock; a daughter, Susan Smoler (Ron) of Coto-Dc-Caza, Calif.; 3 grandchildren, .Amy of Athens, Ga.. Barry of Los Angeles, Ca lif. and David of Dana Point, Calif.; a sister, Catherine Biay iock Milhoien of Richmond, Va.; 9 nieces; and a nephew. A private burial at sea was on April 7. A celebration of life was held at the home on May 19 with former co-workers, friends and neighbors joining the family. Sue Bodenhetmcr Mrs. Peggy Sue Bradley Bodenhcimer, 78. of Mock Place, MocksviUe, died Thurs day. Aug. 2, 2012, at Autumn Care of Mocksville. She was bom June 13,1934, in Forsyth County to the late Ro>' and Grace Haneline Brad- Icj'. Mrs. Bodenheimer was re tired from AT&T. She was also preceded in dcalli by her husband, Don ald Gray Btxienheimer; a son, Ricky Glenn Bodenheimer; a sister, Virginia Partarson; a brother, Don Julian Bradley; and a great-granddaughter, Amanda Grace Ridings. Survivors: 2daughters,Rosa lind Ridings (Charlie) and Lisa Daniel (Larry), all of Mocks ville; 4 grandchildren, Robert Ridings, Melissa O'Neal (Eric), Logan Daniel and Kaielyn Rid ings; 3 great-grandchildren, Christopher Aaron Ridings, Robert Zachary Ridings and Kayla Lynne O'Neal; ii sister, Ella John.soD of Richmond, Vn.; a brother, Charles Brad ley (Gen) of Indiana; a special nephew, AJ^, Sprinkle (Hilda) ofConway, S.C,; special family friend, Jean Carol Campbell of Mocksville; and several nieces and nephews. A graveside service was conducted at 3 p.m., Monday, Aug. 6 at Parklawn Memorial Gardens Mausoleum, Winston- Salem with the Rev. Norwood Green officiating. The fam ily received friends on Sunday, Aug. 5 at Eaton Funeral Home. Online condolences: iiwit'. eatonfimcralservice .com. XWBliam H. Broadway William Hcdrick Broadway, 71, of Paw Paw Lane, Mocks ville, died on 'lliursday, July 26,2012. Bom in Davic County on Jan. 25, 194], he was the son of the late Bud Broadway and Ruby Gales Brttadway. He was retired as a market manager for Food Lion and was of the Bap- list faith. His wife, Lois Marie Broad way, preceded iiim in death in 2009 He was iilso preceded in death by 3 brothers and 3 sis ters. Stirv'ivors: 4 daughters. Tw- yla (Marty) Smith of Salisbury, TeresaBtoadwayofMocksville, I Marie Register of the home, and Patricia (Vance) Ebright of Mocksville; a brother, Arnold Broadway of MocksviUe; 2 sis ters, Mary (Jerry) Daughtiy of China Grove and Hazel (Don) Waugh of Claremont; 8 grand children, Keri, Jessica, Johna- thon (Anna),Tonj Marie, Jason (Lindsay), Tiffany, Nicole and Cody; 4 gretii-grandchiidren, Logan, Parker. Brayden, and Carson. A celebration of life sendee wa.s held Sunday, July 29 at 2 p.m. at Calvary Baptist Chiuch, US 601 SoulJi, by the Rev, Jim (jtyder. Burial was in the church cemetery. The family received friends Saturday, July 28 at Davie Funeral Scrv-ice. Memorials: A Storehouse For Jesus, 675 E Lexington Road, Mocksville. Online condolences: mtw, davicfimeralservicej:om. Mocksn^, W* ^ Elmer Conrad Chappell Mr. Elmer Conrad Chappell, 87, of Cooleemee, died TTiurs- day, Aug. 2.2012, at Parkwood Retirement Community in El- kin. He was bora April 27, 1925, in Cooleemee to the late George Wilson and Ina Irene Canupp Chappell. Mr. Chap pell worked for Burlington In dustries for 28 years and was retired from Hoechst-Celanese after 19 years. He was a mem ber of Victory Baptist Church. Mr. Chappell was a sports fan and gardener. He enjoyed col lecting coins and baseball cards. Mr. Chappell especially loved his great-grandchildren. He was a faithful and loyal friend who had a great sense of humor. Mr. Chappell played baseball for Cooleemee and Fork- He participated in the annual Cooleemee Old Timers Softball games until his early 80s. He was also preceded in death by 3 sisters. Viola Vick- ers, Lorene Tiliey and Ruth Camilla Chappell; and 4 broth ers, Marvin, James, Robert and Cari Chappell. Survivors; hfr wife of 62 years. Edith Marie Turner Chappell; 3 children. Doug Chappell (Ann) of Jonesx ille, Lou Anne Chappell Bennett of Lytichbia^. Va. and William Chappell (Carol) of Blufflon, Ind.: 4 grandchildren, Julie Reed (Andy), Matthew Bennett (Heather), Angela Lankford (Dan) and Katie Alwes (Marc); 4 great-grandchildren. Brady Reed. Leah Alwes. Adclyn Reed and Luke Alwes; a sister, Mildred Turner of Duriiam; and numerous nieces and nephews. A funeral service was con ducted at I p.m., Monday, Aug. 6 at Vicioo' Baptist Churcii with the Rev. Shelby Harbour offi ciating. The body was placed in the church 30 minutes prior to the ser\'ice. Burial followed in Rowan Memorial Paik in Salisbury. The family received friends on Stind.ay. Aug. 5. at Eaton Fuiicml Home. Memorials: Victory Baptist, PO Box 686,Cooleemee. T Online condolences: ww. ealon/unerahervice.com. K Gladys Lestcvia Davis Mrs. Gladys Lestevia Dod- son Davis, 78. of Roy Davis Road, Mocksville, died Thurs day, Aug. 2, 2012, at Kate E. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winsion-Salem. She was bom June 27, 1934, in Orange County to the late Hi ram and Mary Williams Dod- son. Mrs. Davis was a member of Gospel Baptist Church. She loved gardening and her in volvement in her church where she had served as treasurer for 29 years. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Roy G, Davis; and 2 brothers, Edward and Larry Dodson. Survivors: 6 children, Linda Sue Edwards (Dale), Terry Michael Davis (Candy), all of Mocksville, Dale Ray Davis (Joyce) of Advance, Cindy Lou Davis (Mohammed) of UAE, Randy Alan Davis (Cindy) and Bobby Glenn Davis (Pam), all of Mocksville: 5 siblings, Vir ginia Davis, H.B. Dodson Jr., Shirley Davidson, all of Hills- borough. Hamid Dodson of Saxapahaw and Peggy Ritch of Hillsborough; 14 grandchil dren; 16 great-grandchildren; and a greai-grcat-grandchild. A funeral service was con ducted at 2 p.m.. Sunday, Aug. 5 at Gospel Baptist Church with the Revs. Kevin Hobson and Wayne Swisher officiating. Burial fallowed In the church cemetery. The family received friends Saturday. Aug. 4 at Outon Funeral Home. Memorials: Hospice/Pallia tive CareCenier. 377 Hospital St., Suite 103, Mocksville; or Kale B. Reynolds Hospice Home. 101 Hospice Lane, Winston-Salem, 27103. Online condolences: Hnvw. eaionfuneralservicexiom. ■jC. Larry Lee Eubanks Ml-. Lany Lee Eubanks Sr, 74, of Bermuda Rim, died Monday, July 30, 2012 ai For- syih Medical Center. He was bom Dec. 31. 1937 in Sparianburg Co., S.C. to James Carl Eubanks Sr. and Blanche Eubanks Eubatiks. Mr. Eubanks was a graduate of the University of South Carolina Law Scliool and was an attor ney for 35 years in Winston- Saleni. He represented cases from the local courts all the way to the U.S. Supreitie Court. Mr. Eubanks was a golfer, and a championship driver at Bow man Gray Stadium. He loved fishing, flying and living life. He was preceded in death by his parents and a daughter, Ni cole Eubanks. Surviving: his wife, Debo rah Alexander Eubanks of the home; 2 sons, Lair)' L. Eu banks Jr. and wife Beth and R. Christopher Eubanks, all of Clemmons; 3 grandchildren, Larry Lee Eubanks 111. Joshua Clay Eubanks and Christopher Killian Eubanks; and 2 broth ers, Harry L. Eubanks of Pilot Mountain, his twin brother, and Bill Eubanks of Spartanburg, S.C. A memorial service was held at 3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 18 at Haywonh-Miiier Kinderton Chapel. Memorials: Wounded War rior Project, PO BOX 758517, Topeka, KS 66675. Online condolences: www, hayworth-miller.com. /^ArDoId Leal Martine-^ ^ Laura'Kim'Riley Mr. Arnold l.eal Martinez, Laura "Kim" Riley, 45, of 46, of Yadldnville died Thuts- Mocksville,day.Aug.2,2012. Thursday. Aug. 2. He was bom on June 19, 2012.1966inElCampo,Texastothc Dnvie County on died on Thursday. Aug. 2. 2012. Bom in Dnvie County on Alate Gregorio and Nora Mar tinez. He was of the Catholic faith. Survivors: 2 children, Joce- lyn A. Martinez and Ja'Chawn Martinez, both of Mocksville; pril 27, 1967, she was the daughter of Palsy Riley Ke- ziah. who sun-ives. She woriied as the front desk clerk for the Sleep Inn in Mooresville, loved to play the piano, and was a his fonner wife and mother of "lember of Trinity Baptist his children. Elizabeth Brock Church. Martinez: 9 brothers, Gabriel, Also sumving; a brother,Greg, Oscar, Freddie, Alfonzo, Keziah IV of Bull-Eric, Mauricio, Michael, and head City, Ariz.; a sister, LauraMarcus; 4 sisters, Sandy, Tina, Shupe and finance MarkAmy, and Hope; a gmnddaugh- Mo^ery of Salisbuiy; nieces,ter: Maliyah Allen; special Heather and Brittney Shupe;friend,; Rufus Huichens and Hncle Jerry (Peggy) Riley ofCatliy Jackson; his canine com- Salisbury; 6 cousins; and 9 sec-panion: Rowdy; and a host of ondcousins,nieces, nephews, cousins, and She wa.s preceded in death by jjjgnds grandparents Murray and JcttiePrivate services were held by Hairy Riley.Athe family. celebration of Ufe service Online condolences; mw. wasiobeWednesday.Aug.Rat macUe.widairluiwkins£0,u. ^ P-®-^hc Davie Funeral Service Chapel with the Rev. Dar- tel Cox officiating. The family was to receive friends from 4-5 p.m. at the funeral home. Burial will be at a inter dale. Online condolences: iviviv. daviefunerahervice£om. UAVIKCOUNTY LNTfciKl'KlSLRKCOKD. Jhursday.AUg.y.^U.' /^rady Wilson Wishon Mr. Grady Wilson Wishon, 72, ofU.S. 601 North,Mocks ville, died Tuesday. Aug. 7, 2012, at Gordon Hospice House in Siatesville. He was bom April 29.1940, in Davie County to the Itite Mo- man F. and Lizzie Keaton Wis hon. Mr. Wishon was a member of Bear Creek Baptist Church. He loved bluegrass gospel mu sic and enjoyed reading and gardening. Mr. Wishon was a caring, sweet, humble person and devoted husband. Survivors: his wife, An nie Belle Potts Wishon of the home; 2 sisters, Betty Messer of Greenville, Ala. and Lucille Latham (Wayne)ofMocksville; 2 brothers, John Wishon (Disa) of Sparta and Charles Wishon (Ann) of Mocksville; and sev eral nieces and nephews. A funeral service was to be conducted at 11 ajn., Thurs day, Aug. 9 at Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Revs, Charles Buckner and Greg McEwen of ficiating. Burial was to follow in Bear Creek Baptist Church Cemclcry. The family was to receive friends from 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 8 at the fu neral liomc. Memorials: Bear Creek Bap tist Church Cemetery Fund.c/o Billy Sheiton,3190 US 601 N, Mocksville; or St. Judc Chil dren's Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis. TN 38105. Online condolences: ivhtv, ealonfuiieralservicex:om. DavieCouiSy'MftW Susan Wagner Conrad Mrs. Susan Wagner Conrad, 83, of Advance, died Thursday 9, 2012 at Bermuda Commons Assisted Living. She was bom Jan. 22, 1929 in Winston-Salem. Slie was preceded in death by her parents. Ruby Lee and Roby Lee Wagner, and herhus- band, Richard Brown Conrad. Surviving: her children; Richard (Rick) Lee Conrad of Blowing Rock; Anthony (Tony) A. Conrad of Kemersville. and Melinda Conrad Beau- champ and Chris Beauchamp of Advance; her grandchildren, Amanda Susan Beauchamp of Minneapolis, Minn., Alec Christian Beauchamp of Ad- vajice. and Conrad Lee Beau champ of Advance; and a sister Ruby Lee Byrd of Greensboro. A funeral service was held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 12 at Hayworth-MilJer Silas Creek Chapel with Dr. Richard Capps officiating. Buriai followed at Salem Cemetery. The family received friends Saturday, Aug. 11 at Hayworth-Miller. Memorials: Davie United Way. American Red Cross, or Disabled Veterans. Online condolences: umw. hayworlh-iniller.coin. «PaulC.Kisselbachni Paul Charles Kisselbacii 111, 74, of Advance, died on Aug. 5,2012. He was bom in Melbourne, Fla. and served in US Air Force in Germany. He enjoyed a suc cessful career in telecommu nications. He and his family resided in Aubum, lud. for 15 years before moving to Ad vance in 1994. Surviving: his wife of 47 years, Susan Kisselbach; broth ers, Jack Kis.selbach and Don Kisselbach; daughters. Kim- berly Kisselbach, Monica Cone and Rod Cone, Missy Halliday and Kevin Halliday; grandchil dren, Gunner Halliday, Lakyn Halliday, Feilds Halliday. Hunter Cone and Lillie Cone. Memorials; American Can cer Society. Arrangements were by Hay- worth Miller Funeral Home, Kinderton Chapel. Online condolences; wivw. hayworlh-nutler.com. '^ank D. PoindexterJr. Mr. Frank Donald Poindex ter Jr., 82, of Humsvillc, died Tuesday. Aug. 7.2012 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. He was bom in Yadkin Coun ty on Oct. 27, 1929 the son of the late F.D. and Laura Lee Spillman Poindexfer. Follow ing graduation from Courtney High School, he attended Oak Ridge Military Academy and Catawba College. He served two years in the. US Army, and was a retired dairy farmer. Mr. Poindexter was a member of Huntsville Baptist Church having served as a deacon, and on the cemetery committee for several years. He was also preceded in death by his son, Frank Donald "Donnie" Poindexter III : and wife. Pearl Walker Poindexter on July 12,2012. Survivors; 2 daughters, Pam (Gene) Renegar, Janice (Phil) Quick; a son, Philip (Shannon) Poindexter; 5 grandchildren. Beth R. (Ben) Sunderman, Drew (Codi) Renegar, Chase Poindexter, Morgan Poindex ter, and Brady Poindexter; step- granddaughter, Janel (Eddie) Cook; great-grandchildren, Al- lie Ann and Emery Sunderman, Jaxon Renegar: step-great- grandson, Ryan Cook; a sister Betty (Grover) McPherson. Thc family received friends Friday, Aug. 10 at Gentry Fam ily Funeral Service in Yadk- inville. A graveside service was conducted at 2:30 p.m. Saturday in Huntsville Baptist Church Cemetery by the Rev. Dennis Shaw with full military honors by Yadkin VFW Post 10346. Memorials; Huntsville Baptist Building Fund, c/o Jane Craver, 4901 Courtney Huntsville Road, Yadkinvjllc, 27055. Online condolences; www, genlryfiineratservice.com. Davie County Public MocksviRg, NC' JoAnij Marshall Smith JoAnn MarshaJl Smith, 78, cl US 64 West. MocksviJIe, died Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2012. at Ber muda Commons in Advance. Bom in Davie County ofJune 26,1934, she was the daughter of the late Thomas K. Marehail and Lcra Carer Marshall. She graduated from Mocksvillc High School and never missed a day of school. She retired from Hanes Hosiery after 44 years. She had member of New Union United Methodist Church for more than 50 years. She wa-s silso preceded in death by her husband, James Robert "Jack" Smith in 1998; her daughter, April Smith Cave in 2010; 2 brothers, Frank and Tom Marshall; and a sister, Sarah Luper. Survivors; 6 brothers and sisters, John (Adna) Marshall of Mocksviilc, Elaine (Blainc) York of Virginia, Betty (Thom as) Moeller of High Point, Madeline (John) Hire of Clem- mons, William (Johnna) Mar sh,ill of Winston-Salem, and Mark (Pandora) Marshall of Mocksville; 2 grandsons, Justin and Evan Cave of Mocksville; a brother-in-law, Frank Luper of Mocksville; a sister-in-law. Pal Marshall: several nieces and nephews; and her heart sis ter. Barbara (Tliomas) Barney of Mocksvillc. A celebration of life grave side service was held Fri day, Aug. 10 at II a.m. at New Union United Method ist Church Cemetery with Dr. Steven Raincy officiating. The family received friends from 10-11 at the church. Memorials: New , Union UMC Cemetery Fund. Online condolences; vww. daviefimeralsen>ice£om. X,Lcon Steele Mr. Leon Steele, 98, of Greensboro, died on Tuesday, Juiy31,20I2. He was bom on July 1. 1914, in Harmony to the late Claude Lee Steele and Maiy Jane Campbell Steele. He was the third of II children bom to his parents. As a youth Mr. Steele jomed Ml. Nebo Bap tist Church in Hamiony. Mr. Steele attended Houslonville Elementary School in Iredcll County and graduated from in 1939 from Palmer Memorial Insliiulc in Scdalia. He earned a bachelor's degree in biology and a master's degree in biol ogy from N.C.A&T State Uni versity. He was granted two sabbaticals to do graduate re search in biology and physical science at Tuskegee Institute in Alabama and North Caro lina A&T State in Greensboro. Mr, Steele served as a science teacher in Fender County and later a biology and science teacher at James B. Dudley High School in Greensboro un til his retirement in 1968. Mr, Steele was a member ofthe Na tional Education Association, the Greensboro North Carolina Science Teachers Association, and the National Association of Biology Teachers. He served In the LI.S. Navy during World War II. He was preceded in death by six of his siblings, Ciinne Steele, Cordia Mae Steele- Sieele. Esther Lene Steele Vines, Fred .Steele, Lottie Ruth Steele Carson, Gencvieve Steele Morrison; and a godson. Tony Ixon Gihbs. Sun'ivors: 2 sisters, Susan E. Sieele (the laic Otto Columbus) Campbell, and Ann D. Steele (Johhny) McKee, of Baltimore. Md.; 2 brothers. Henry Wm. Sleele of Baltimore, and Billy Ralph Steele of Hamtony; a host of other relatives and friends including Mr. and Mrs. Leon Gibbs, and Thomasena Ganci. His funeral service was held Aug. 4 at 4 p.m. at Mt. Nebo Baptist Church in Hamiony. The Rev. Norman C. Dudley officiated and the Rev. Ray N. Campbell was the eulogist. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Online condolences: Crahamh'tincralHomejiei. lloijWffl#.'® V^Charlic 'Par Bnmn Charlie "Pal" Brown, 60, of Mncksville, died al his home on SiiiicUi>', Aug. 19.2012. Bom in Onslow Coiini)' on .April 24. 1952, he was ihc son of ilic lale Charlie Brown Jr. and Kathleen .Smith Brown, who survives. He was a mem ber of the Sbeffield-Calahalii Fire Dupanmem, raced al Fami- ingion Driigway, and served as a DARE officer teaching the program to teachers, i-le served in tlic U.S Navy, w.as a member of Heaven Bound Full Gospel Church where he wa.s a bass player; served as a Davie Coun ty Deputy Sheriff, and was a classic car enthusiast. Also surviving: his wjfe. Beth Brown: 2daughters,Lynn B. Cl'my) Home and Nikki B. (Skip) Cranfill; 2 sisters, Felisa B. (Gary) Robertson and Fayc B. (Brant) Hass, al) of Mocks- vilic: 4 grandchildren, Luke. Faith, and Patrick Honie, and Taylor Cranfill. He was also preceded in death by a sister, Lana B. Sal- mon.s', A celebration of life service will be held on Friday, Aug. 24 at 4 p.m. al Heaven Bound Full Gospel Church, 2280'US 64 W., Mocksville, with Pastor James Ward officiating. Burial will follow in the Zion Chapel UMC Ceineteo'- Military hon ors will be accorded at the cem- ttery by the VFW Memorial Honor Guard. TTie family will receive friends on Friday from 3-4 p.m. at the church. Memorials: Heaven Bound Full Gospel Church, 181 Han- ley Rd., Mocksville, Online condolences: nutf. dtivie/ii/jen/lserviccMim, Mrs. Sandra Irene Cook. 62. of Advance, died at home after a courageous battle with lung cancer on Aug. 17.2012.She was^born in Becklcy, Nancy Lee Stone. She loved fiuniiy and friends with all her heart. Her .smile and tender heart will be niLsscd. She was preceded in death her 29 years, Terry D. Cook; her father. H^ld Stone Sr.; a Jason E. Rice and nance Tcss a-, l * .» ,11 . , Mr. Graham Anderson Hen-Miller of Mocksville; a daugh- .. „„ „„ c,.drixtor, Lisa A. Baker and husband Mike Baker of Pfafftown; grandchildren. Jordan Baker. Jon.ithan Baker. Kara Rice. Madison Baker, Dakota Mill er, Nicholas Baker and Dyllan Causey; brothers, Harold Stone Jr. and wife Vicky and theii son Andrew of D:iniei.«. W.Va. and Brian Stone and wife Cathy and their son Brian Douglas o( Daniels; sisters, Debbie Sebas tian and husband William and son Scott Williams of Kemers- vilie and Karen Stone of Beck- ley, W.Va. A funeral service was held al 2 p.m. Monday, Aug. 20 at Hay- worth-Miller Kindenon Oinpel with the Rev. Karen Kurtz of ficiating. Burial followed in Bethlehem United Methodist Church Cemetery. The family reccis ed friends one hour prior to the service. Memorials: Hospice/Pallia tive CareCenler, .377 Hospital St., .Suite 103. Mocksville. Online condolences: rnni-. huvwonli-millerxom. OUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Aug. 23,2012 , 80, of Comalzer Road, Mocksville, died Tuesday, Aug. 14.2012at Forsylh Medi cal Center In Winsion-Salem. He was born Jan. 28, 1932, in Davie County to the late Lillie Mae Heitdrix, He was a member of Bixby Presbyterian Chureh in Advance and was retired from R.J. Reynolds 'I'o- bacco Co. He was the Tyler ol the Advance Masonic Lodge 710 for more than 40 years. He was a kind and loving man who helped many people many times. He was also' preceded In death by his daughter. Susan Marie Hcndrix: and a brother. Grady Alexander Heudrix, Survivors: his wife of more than 58 years. Joyce Marie Church Hcndrix of the home: 4 sons.Ricky Hcndrix (Donna) of Tyro, Jack Hendrix (Tami) of High Point, Alan Hcndrix (Piper) of Walkenown/Kern- ersville and Eric Hendrix; and 5 grandchildren, Trevor Hendrix, Chance Hcndrix. Cameron Hendrix, Meredith Hendrix and Parker Hendrix. A funeral service was con ducted at mHin Friday, Aug. 17 at Bixby Presbyterian Chureh with the Rev. Peter Peterson and Ricky Hendrix officiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery with Masonic grave side rites. The family received friends from 10 a.m.-noon Fri day at the church. Memorials: Bixby Presbyte rian, 1806 Fork-Bixby Road, Advance. ^ Amber Lucas Jlicks Mrs. Amber Danclie Lu cas Hicks, 43, of US 64 West. Mocksville, died Tuesday, Aug. 14. 2012, at Forsyth Medical Center in Winston-Salem. She was bom Jan, 10, 1969. in Orleans County, La. to the lale James Edward Lucas Sr. and I.. Ann Childers l-ucas Mrs. Hicks was a member of Journey Church. She enjoyed the outdoors. Survivors: her husband,Gary Ray Hicks of the home; 3 sons, Michael Lucas (Rebecca) of Mocksville, Joshua Hick.s and Dustin Hicks, both of lite home; 4 sisters, Ann Former (Terry), Le-siie Sublett (Richarel), Sla- cey White and Kerry Baribeau (Jim); a brother, James Lucas Jr. (Donna), all of Kentucky: and several nieces and neph ews. A funeral service was con ducted at I p.m.. Saturday. Aug. 18 at Eaton Funeral Cha pel with Matt Hudson ofticiat- ing.Burial followed in Cen ter United Methodist Church Cemetery. Tlie family received friends Friday, Aug. 17, at the funeral liome. Online condolence.s; «nfvr. eaioii/imeralservice^:iiiiJ. Da^ Courty WNte UW Mocksvltte. NC Norma Jean Keesling Mrs. Norma Jean Keesling. 80. of Bermuda Run died at her home on Aug. 20,2012. She was bora on Aug. 27, 193! 10 Howard and Maltie Shanks of Nonhfork, W.Va. She graduated from Notthforii High School in 1948 and from Sullins College. Bristol. Va. in 1950. She married Donald M. Keesling in l961.She was a homemaker and cook. She spent most of her lile in Blue- field. W.Va. where she was active in Westminster Presby terian Church and The Union Mission. She moved to Benhu- da Run in 2004 to be closer to her family. She became a mem ber of Bethlehem Methodist Cliurch in Advance. Her family and friends meant the world to her. She loved to play bridge and entertain. Jean loved her toy poodle, Mollic. who was Iter constant companion in later years. She_was preceded in death by her parcnt.s, her husband, her daughter. Sarah Anne Scott, .md her grandson. Brad Thompson. Sursivors 5 children, Linda Bcggs and husband George of Homosossa. Ra., Karen Gw- ynne Bible and husband Mi chael of Chuckey, Tenn., Jef frey l-ce Mann and wife Chris of Paris, Tenn.. Karen Leigh Power.s and husband Rick of Advance, Mark Lvcreil Kccs ling and wile Shnnnon ol Caiy; griindchlldren,Hannah Bible of Greenwich.Conn., Jc.ssc Bible and wife L.indsey of Nashville, rcnii.. Tiffany Mann of Ak ron. Ohio, Kimberly Mann of Murfrccsborv). Tenn.. Amaiidn I.aiidcn and husband John of .Aihanec. Rachel White and fiaticd Daniel Potts of Mocks- viile. Madison Keesling. Cha.se Kec.sliiig. Kippcrly Kee.siing, and Cade Keesling of Cary. Tommy Scott and wife Angela. Matthew Scoii and wife Staci of Princeton. W.Va.; and 2 great grandchildren. Andrew Scott of Princeton, W.Va., and Kalcigh Wallace of Akron, Ohio. A funeral service was held at 6 p.tn. Tuesday, Aug. 21 at Hayworth-Miller Kinderton Cliapel with Dr. Barry I-emotis orficiaiing.The ftimily received friends following the service. A graveside setvicc was held at I p.m. Wednesday. Aug. 22 at Motile Vista Park Cetnctery in Blucfield W.Va. Memorials: Bethlehem UMC. A .Storehouse for Jesus ill Mocksvillc, or .Samaritan's Purse. Online condolences: iviw. luivworih-millerrom. Hilda Lewis Markham Miss Hilda Lew is Markham, 89, of Spaiianburg, S.C., for merly of Mocksvillc, died Saturday, Aug. 18, 2012, at SjMtianburg Regional Medical. Center, after a long illness. She was born Oct. 31, 1922. to the late James Henry and Mcriie Markham. She gradu ated from Mocksvillc High -SchcKtl in 1940. and attended Mitchell (rollege in Siatesville. She worked as a secretary for the late Dr. William Long for 37 years and for the late Dr. Robert Long for ISycars.Ade- voicd member of the First Bap tist Church of Mocksvilie, she laugiil Sunday sdiool for more tlinii 30 ye.ars with Jiinie Coznrt and thclaie Betty Monsees.She was a life-time member of the Mocksvillc Ch.apter 173 Order of the Lasicrn Slar and served IIS secretary for miniy years. .She w.as also preceded in death by 2 mfaiit brothers. Surviving: her sister, Neva M. Anderson: 2 nieces. Pat Anderson and husband Larry Gufonh, of Spartaiiburg and Cindy Laney and husband Dan of Alliinla.Oa,; a nephew, Kyle Anderson and wife Lani of An derson; 4 greai-nejihews. Dan ny and Kyle Laney,of Atlanta and Ian and Dylan Anderson ol Anderson; a stcpgrunl-nephew. Jacob (iofortli ol Greenwood. S C:. 2 siepgreal-niece.s, .4mi W.ilson and Inisbaiid Jacob of Forest City and .Mi Gofortli of Grecnville.S.C.; 3 siep-greal- greal-iiephews. Culler Goforlh of Grcenwixid and Jacob and Grant Watson of Forest City: a siepgreai-greai-niece. Abbi Golbrth of Greenwood; and "adopted " nicccs and nephew, Debbie Brown of Ailanta, Ga., Elizabeth l-iyiui and husband Mike of Ads ancc and Cliarles Brown and wife Nanette of Mocksvilie. A funeral service will be conducted at 2 p.m.. Satur day, Aug. 25. at First Baptist Churcii, MiK'ksville with tlie Rev. Shane Ni.son officiat ing. Burial will follow in Rose Cemctety. Mocksvillc. with gravesiile liies conducted fay the CleiBmons Chapter 373 Order of the Eastern Star. The family will receive friends in the church sanctuary one hour before the sel^ icc. Memorials: F'trsi Baptist.412 N- Main St.. Mocksvilie. Online condolences: wnnr." c(i!i»ifiiiifralvnUcj:iiin. Mocks^le. NC Dorothy Bell Peacock Doroihy Bell Pcjieock. 81. of l-e:iingt<)n and formerly of Mocksville. died on Tuesday, Aug; 14, at ihe Brian Center in Lexington. Bom in Davie County on Aug. 27, 1930, she was the daughter of the late John Lap- ish and Johnnie Trivcnc Lap- ish. .She was retired from the textile industry and was of the Baptist faith. Surx'ivors:asoti.Grad) Ship man of Lexington; 2 daughters. LyiJiicitc Denise Peacock of Mooresvilte and Juaniia I'ea- cock Plyler of Cleveland. NC; a brother. Lester Lapi$h of Peimsyivania; a sister. I'carlie Richardson of Mocksville; 7 grandchildren. Doris (Lament). Rebbecca. Aubrey, William. Brian. Shannon and Holly; and 6 great-grandchildren. ' She was also preceded in death by her former husband. Herman Peacock; and 2 broth ers, Garfield and H.arold. A celebration of life service was held Friday, Aug. 17 at 11 ajn. in the Davic Funeral Senice Chapel with Preacher Clyde AKers officiating. Burial was in the Union Chiipel United Mciliodist Churcli Cemetery. Pallbearers were Steve Lan- cense, Otis McCiary, Brandon Hall. DercckShipinan. and Da vid Richardson. The family re ceived friends Thursday. Aug. 10 at Davie Funeral Serv ice. Memorials; Davie Funeral Service to help vvith expenses. Online condolences; h-m'iv. daviefuneralservict.com. Larry Odell Kcnegar '' Mr, Lany Odell "Moe" Ren- : cgar, 66, ol' Ollie I larkcy Road. died Wednesday, Aug. 15. 2012. at Wake F-oresl Baptist Medical Center in Winsion-Sa- lem dire to injuries and compli cations from an accident at his home on Sept. 10, 2011. He was horn Feb. 18. 1946. in iredell County to the late Peiry Odei! and Inei Smith Kenegar. He was given the nickname "Moo" as an early teenager by his uncle. Clint Smith, while priming tobacco- He worked p.-irt-timc during high scliool with his grandfa ther. Silas Rcnegar, at Rcnegar Feed & Flour Mill. After gradu ation from Davie High School, he worked full-time with his grandfather at the mill. Shorly after Fiber Industries opened, he went to work there and re tired from Hocchsi-Celanese after 27 years. Me was a mem ber of Liberty Bapti.st Church. Horses and horseback riding were his life. Survivors; 2 diiughiers. Tina Renegar Kelly Wcstbrook (Chad) of Marrisburg and Brit tany Ashlyn Renegar of Yadk- inville; a granddaughter. Emily Kelly of Hiirrisburg; 2 sisters. Brenda Rencg.nr Maitin (Jim) of Stalesvillc and Alice Ren- egar Dwiggins.fCarl) of Yad- kinville; 2 nieces, Michelle Dwiggiiis and Amy Dwiggins ' (Monte), all of Mocksville: and 2 nfephcws. Brcni Martin of ' Rock Hill.S.C..ind Kevin Mar tin (Samanlha) of Raleigh. He bad more friends than his family could name, because he was a special friend to them. Amy was his .si>ecia] nurse since Sept. 10. 2011- His last word was to her. He was also preceded in death by an infant daughter. Tracy Renegar; 2 infant grand children, Kyle and Kansas Kel ly; patera,il gramlpnrents, Sila.-; and Li7iie U. Rcnegar; maiec- nal grandpaveius. Tommy .iml Alma W. Smith; luims and un cles, Nina R. and Bill Melton. .Alton Renegar. Clint and Helen Smith. John Roy and Gwen Smith and 'Ihomas Smith; and lirsl cousins. Roger Melton. Jimmy Smith and Randy Rcn egar. A funeral service was con ducted HI 3 p.m.. Sunday. Aug. 19 at Liberty Baptist (rhiirch with the Revs. Man-in Black- bum and Noel Hawks officiat ing. The hixiy was placed in the church 30 minute? prior to the service. Burial followed in the church cemetery. TTic family received friends Saturday. Aug. 18. at Eaton Funeral Home, Mocksville. Memorials: WFBMC Ol- ficc of Development. PO Hov .571021, Winston-.Salera.memo line - Palliative Care Center; or Liberty Baptist Church. Liberty Church Road. Mocksville. Online condolences: innr. eaionfimtTahervice.com. )C-Ioscpli Wyatl Womack Joseph Wyaii Womack, died Tucsd.ay, Aug. 14, 2012. at his home. He was bom Nov. 27. 1926. in Greensboro, Ga. Mr. Womack cnlistiKl aod served in the U.S. Navy in World War II. After the war. he earned a bachelor's degree from the Univeraity of Flori da in 19.52 and a Juris Doctor from University of Miami in 19.5.5, He was a litigator and practiced law in Miami until his retirement. He was induct ed into the American College of Trial Lawyers in 1985. He valued hard work and educa tion. When nol practicing law. he could be found in his work shop making sawdust. He was a voracious reader and a student of hisToo', panieularly mili tary and American history. His hero was Thomas Jefferson. He grew up on his grandmoliier's farm and loved working In the dirt find growing things. He loved Sunday morning politi cal commentai.y.Hc loved and encouraged lively debate. He loved his dogs and "da Bears." Survivors: his wife of 62 years. Maty Emma Conrad Womack of the home; their 2 children, Sally Womack Smith (Kim Strohacker) of Advance and John William "Billy" Womack (Cathy) of New Bern: his eldest daughter. Judy Wom ack Bartlelt (Bob) of Orlando. Ra.; 6 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Memorials; Hospice/Pallia- livc CareCenter, 377 Hospital Sl..Sle, 103, Mocksville. A private memorial service will be held at a later date. Online condolences; hhh', eaionfiiiientlservicex'om. ^ George W. Clement George Washingio)! Ciemoni Sr.. 91. died Aug. 24, 2012 in Diivie County Hospital, follow ing .1 lengthy illness. He was bom in Davic Coun ty, son of the late John and Ada Smiih Clement. He anendcd Ditvie County Schools and was retired from Godfrey Lumber Company of Staiesvillc. lie was a member of Cedar Grove Baptist Church. Preceding him in death were 11 siblings, William Li. Clement, Turner W. Clement. Birder W. Pate, Mamie Pate, Beatrice E. Pate Hill, Bunia Pate Studevent. Waller J. Pate, Goldia Pate-Gilmer, Geneva Pate James.Helen Luvina Pute, and Jesse Fate. He was also preceded in death by his first wife, Lula Mason Clement.and his youngest son. George W. Clement Jr. Survivors; his oldest son, Nathaniel Clement of Mocks- ville; 5 grandchildren. Laquita Clement of Winstoii-Salein. Nikita Clement of Clemmon.i.. Piioenicia Cleveland of Atlan ta, Oa.,Rotonda Faith (Kcrvvin) Wilson of Mocksville, and La- van (ShanneU) of Tobaccovillc; 6 grandchildren; a daughter-in- law. Mattie Pharr of Cleveland. NC. He later married Lillian Ijamcs. To this marriage, he leaves Lillian Ijames of Mocks ville, and her four children, Cleon Ijames, Lisa Ijamcs, Eric ijaraes, and Thomisha Tucker; 7 step.grandchildrcn; 3 .step- great-grandchildren; several nieces, nephews, and a host of otJterrelati\es and friends. Funeral service were to be held Thursday. Aug. 30 at 1 p.m. at Cedar Grove Baptist Church in Mocksville. 'Ilic Rev. Dr. Rodney Colcmnn was to officiate with burial foilf)W- ingiiilhechurchcemeicry. The family was to receive friends at the church one hour befote the sers'ice. Online condolences: unvw. CraliamFuneralHomejier. X Shirley Ann Hyatl Mrs. Shirley Ann Wy- att Hyatt, 15. died after a long struggle with cancer on Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2012 at her home in Wiiiston-Salcm. She was bom Jan.25, 1937 to the late Wade Hampton Wy- an Sr. and Pearl Craver Wyatt in Fork. Mrs. Hyatt attended Knollwood Baptist Church. After 38 years, she retired from RJ Reynolds. Mrs. Hyail was fond of her family and grand children. She loved to cook and enjoyed new recipes which she served for everyone's enjoy ment- Survivors; her husband. CJ. Hyatt; son. Wade Hyatl; grandson, Andrew (A J.) Hyatt; granddaughter. Ashley Hyatt; a sister, Betty Wyatt Blackwelder of Mocksville; a brother, John Nelson Wyatt of Mocksville; many nieces and nephews; and former daughter-in-law. Leigh Hyatt. A graveside service was con ducted at Fork Baptist Church Cemetery at 10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 25. Memorials; Knollwood Baptist, 330 Knollwood St.. Winsion-Salem, 27104; Fork Baptist, 3140 US fA E.,Mocks- ville; or Hospice/Palliative CareCenlcr. 101 Hospice Lane, Winsion-Salem. 27103. Online condolences: w-nn'. havworili-mUler.com. i)a»le County Wic Library Mwjksvifle, NC "Dorothy Lee Pierce Mrs. Dorothy Lee Booe Pierce. 92, formerly of Mid way Street, Cooleemee, died Wednesday. Aug. 22. 2012, at Lutheran Home at Trinity Oaks in Salisbury. She was bom Aug. 22.1920, in Davie County to the late Os car Dodson and Nannie Belle Walker Booe. Mrs. Pierce was a member of First Baptist Church in Cooleemee. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Ray mond Loran Pierce; and daugh ter, Patricia Ann Bowles. Survivors: a stepson, Ray mond Loran Pierce Jrx 2 si.ster.s. Ivey Honeycutt and Margaret B. Bosi, both of Salisbury; 2 grandchildren. Julie Bowles and Randy Bowles; 2 greai- grandchildreti; and several nieces and nephews. A service was conducted at 2 pan. Friday, Aug. 24 at Rowan Memorial Park mausoleum chapel with the Rev. Shelby Harbour officiating. Memorials: chaiit}' of do nor's choice. Online condolences: mhw. eainnfiinL'ralservicexoin. ^ Nancy Deadmon Wright Nancy Deadmon Wright, 80. of Baltimore Road, Advance, died on Thursday, Aug. 23, 2012, at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. Bom in Davie County on Aug. 27. 1931. she was the daughter of the late Richard Green Melton and Eunice Sears Mellon. She was retired from AVX in Myrtle Beach, S.C. and was of the Presbyterian faith. Survivors: a son. Petty Lee Deadmon ofAdvance: 2 daugh ters, Pat Trapp of Coinvay. S.C. and Toma Moorse of Advance; 2 sisters. Louise West and Maudie Harris, both of Ad vance; a sister-in-law, Frances Mellon: 7 grandchildren and .3 great-grandchildren. She was also preceded in death by.a son. Michael Dead mon: 3 brothers. Troy, Richard and Harold Mellon: and a sis ter. Kale Barney. A graveside celebration of life service was held Monday. Aug. 27 at 2 p.m. in the Bixby Presbyterian Church cemeieiy with Pastor Jason Whiiaker of Hillsdale Baptist. Church of ficiating. TTie family received friends on Sunday, Aug. 26 at Davie Funeral Service in Mocksville. Online condolences: kh-iv, davie/imeralservice^om. £)a«e County Public Librafy Mocksville, NO Theodora Carol Brown Miss Theodora Carol Brown, 68. died Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. at Margule Health & Re hab in Jefferson where she had been a resident for many years. She was bom May 2. 1944, in Davie County to Theodore Wells "Doc" Brown and the late Julia Beaucliamp Brown. Also surviving: a brother. Bobby Brown: 2 cousins, Jim my and Eddie Foster: her step mother. Jean Brow n; and sever al stepsisters and stepbrothers. A memoriiil graveside ser vice was conducted at 11 a.m.. Saturday, Sept. 1 at Union Cha pel United Methodist Church Cemetery with the Dorman Brown officiatbg. Online condolences: wmw. eaionfuneralitervicexom. "Kjot Clarence Crews Joseph "Joe" Clarence Crews. 81, of Ashland, Ky., husband of Belva Jean Halbert Crews, died Friday, Aug. 31. 2012 In the Markey Cancer Center (University of Kentucky) Lex ington, Ky. He was bom June 27. I93i in Advance, a son of the late James Ephriam and Auttie Bur- netic Crews. He was retired from the US Maibe Corps. American Car and Foundry, the Veterans Hospital (Huntington. W.Va.). and was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Survivors: his wife: a daugh ter, Leneda Jo Crews (Craig Robert) Laing, Athens, Tenn.: a sister, Minnie Rose Crews Lawson. Polk City, Fla.; and a special grandson, Westin Jo seph Laing. He W8.S also preceded in death by a brother. Rufus Biir- nette. Funeral services were con ducted Tuesday. Sept. 4 at 2 p.m. m the Hall Funeral Home Chapel. Martin, with Elders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints officiating. Burial followed b the Halbert Family Cemetery.Printer. ^Matthew Jason Kluttz Mr. Matthew Jason Kluttz. 31, of Sunset Drive, Mocks- ville. died Friday. Aug. 31. 2012, at his home. He was bom Jan. 24. 1981, in Rowan County to Charles Lee Kluta of Salisbury and Leiha Mae Holloway Kluttz of Mocksvllle. Also surviving: a daughter, Dezeray Kluttz; a son, Jason Kluttz: 2 sisters. Laura Self of Mocksvllle and Angela Haikey (JefQ of Rockwell; 2 brothers. Ronald Stewart (Karol) and David Kluttz (Angelica), all of Mocksville; and 8 nieces and nephews. A funeral service was con ducted at 2 p.m.. Tuesday, Sept. 4 at Eaton Funeral Cha pel, Burial followed b No Creek Primitive Baptist Church Cemetety. The family received friends on Monday. Sept. 3. at the funeral home. Online condolences: wivw. ealonfiiiierahervke.com. ^Nan Nesbit Howard Mrs. Nan Nesbit Howard,95. died Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012, at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winsion-Salem, She was bom Feb. 10, 1917, in Rowan County to the laic Oscar Taimage and Mary Americus Weimore Ncsbii Mrs, Howard was a gradu ate of Woodleaf High School- She was a member of Blaise Baptist Churcli and of the Joy Group out of Unity Presbyte rian Church b Woodleaf. Mrs. Howard was employed by the U.S. Postal Service and was the first female mail carrier In Davie County. Mrs. Howard enjoyed going to rest homes with the group of seniors to help entertain tlic residents and enjoyed world travel. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Clinaid P. Howard; 2 sons, Clmard "Rocky" and Johnny Howard; 2 infant grandchildren; 2 sis ters, Beth Cheek and Frances Bryant; and 2 brothers, T. W. "Neb" Nesbit and Wayne Nes bit. Survivois 4 chiidreii. Clara Henness) of Florida. Martha Rollins (L.oyd). Linda Dunn (Sherman), all of Mocksville and Jack Howard of Roridn;) 1 grandchildren; 19 greai-grand- chiidren; 18 greai-grcat-grand- children; n sister. Jane Gate- wood of Asheville; a brother. Ed Nesbit (Mary Aigner) of Salisbury; and many nieces and nephews. A funeral service was con ducted at 3 p.m.. Sundtiy, Sept. 2 at Blitise Baptist Church with the Revs. Ken Furches aitd Jim my Scott officiating. 'I"he eu logy was given by Loni Hayes and the Rev, Tommy Walker. Burial followed in Rowan Me morial Park. Salisbury. The family received friends at the church one hour before the ser vice. Memorials: Blaise Baptist Church Building Fund. 134 Blaise Church Rd.. Mocks ville. Online condolences: tvmv. ealonfuiiernlservicex^oin. Davie County Public MocksyiW®. NC ^ Brandon Lee Spencer Brandon Lcc Spencer, 35. of Duke Street, Cooleemee. died on Thursday, Aug. 30.2012. Born in Forsyth County on Dec. 23, 1976, he was the son of Gail Shepherd Spencer of Cooleemee, who sunives. and the late Larry Martin Spencer. He was employed in the con- su-uction industry and was a meinber of Hardison United Methodist Church, ilc recently completed the course work for a welding certificate at Forsyth Tech. He finished the course with honors and received his welding ccriificntion. Also surviving; a son. Brac- don Lee Spencer of San Anto nio. Texas; a brother, William Scott Spencer of Waikcrtown; 2 aunts, Betty (Mack-deceased) Foster and Marilyn (Bobby) Mon; an uncle, Terry (Janet) Spencer, and several cousins. He was also preceded in death hy his paternal grandpar ents, Mr, and Mis. William T. Spencer, his materoal grand parents. Mr. anti Mrs. Lee Oien Shepherd, an aunt. Kathy (Jim) Brown, and an uncle. Lee (Shir ley) Shepherd. A celebralioti of life service was to be held on Wednesday, Sept. 5 at 4 p.m at Hardison United Methodist Church with Rev, Crystal McPhail officiat ing. The family was to receive friends on Wednesday from 3-4 pm. at the church. Vlemorials; Bracdon Spen cer Education Fund, c/o Sun- trust Bank. 880 Yadkinville Road, Mocksville. Online condolences; whiv. daviefiineralscrvhc.com. Betty Elizabeth Spry Mrs. Betty Elizabeth Ber- rier Spry, 80, of Advance died Tuesday, Aug. 28.2012 at For syth Medical Center. Shf was bom July 10, 1932 in Davidson County to Wade Phillip and Ester Byeriy Ber- rier. Mrs. Spry was a mem ber of Bailey's Chapel United Methodist Church and attended Elbavillc United Methodist Church Stitiday School. She was preceded in death by 2 sons. Dale and Tim Spry. Survis'ing: her husband. Gar land "Wick" Spry of the home; 2 daughters. Eudene Barnes of Ciemmons and Darlene Blake and husband William of Ad vance; 2 sons, Andy Spry of Lexington and Keith Spry of Advance; 9 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchildren; and 3 brothers, Sherman Benier and wife Peggy Ann. Mock Benier and wife Pat and Gabby Berrier and wife Brenda. A funeral service was held at 11 a.m. Friday, Aug.31 at Bai ley's Chapel United Methodist Church with Dr. Bob" O'Keef officiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery. The fam ily receive friends Thursday at Hayworth-Mlller Kinderton Chapel. Memorials: Bailey's Chapel UMC, 772 Bailey's Chapel Rd., Advance; or to Hospice/ Palliative Care, 377 Hospital St.,Suite 103, Mocksville, Online condolence: unw. havworih-milterxow. WiUiam Alton Teague Mr. William Alton Teague, 74.died Friday. Aug. 31,2012, at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Saiem. He was bom Aug. 14, 1938, in Davidson County to the late William Augustus and Ella Swaini Teague. Mr. Teague was a member of Fulton United Methodist Church in Advance. He was a graduate of Catawba College and a member of Ad vance Masonic Ixtdge 710. Mr, Teague was a Ccrlilied Public Accountant for 44 years. Survivors: his wife of 52 years, Joyce Whiiaker Teague; 2 daughters. Melanie Teague of Hickory and Shannon Aycock (Matthew) of Raleigh; 2 grand children. Sam and Franklin Ay- cock; a brotlicr, Richard Teague (Pal) of Winsioa-Salem; and several nieces and nephews. A memorial service was con ducted at 2 p.m.. Sunday, Sept. 2 at Eaton Funeral Chape! with Dr. Jim Weekley officiating. The family received friends following the service. Memorials; Fulton UMC, PO Box 87, Advance; or Oak Grove UMC, 1994 US 158. MtxksviUe. Online condolences: wiiw. earonfiinerahfrvicc.com. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD.Thursday, Sept. 6,2012 Davie County Pubiic Libraiy Mocksville, NC A Linda Mae Walher Mis. Linda Mae Garwood Walker, 72, died Thursday. Aug. 30.2012, at her home. She was bom July 28. 1940, in Rowan County to the late Frank and Bertie Selena Sea men Ganvood. She was also preceded in death by a brother. Arnold Gar- wood. Survivore; her husband, Bailey R, Walker; 3 daugh ters. Kim Ratledge (Marshall) of Advance. Melanie Warner (George) ofSouth Carolina and Kristi Ward (Jon) of Raleigh; 7 grandchildren. Meredith. Jack and Ethan Ratledge, Ben and Wesley Wamer and Walker and Jane Bailey Ward; and a brother. Bill Garwood (Gwen) of South Carolina. A funeral service was con ducted at 3 pjD.. Saturday, Sept. I at Eaton Funeral Cha pel with Claude Pharr officiat ing. Burial followed in Jericho Church of Christ Cemetery. The family received friends at the funeral home one hour be fore the service. Memorials; Hospice/Pallia tive CareCenier. 101 Hospice Lane. Winsion-Salem. 27103, Online condolences; Mtiw. i'alonfuneraher\'ice£oni. Cavie Count* Mocksvffle, NC A N. Wayne Eaton Mr- N. Wayne Eaton, 84, of MocksviJle. died Wednesday, Sept. 5.2012. al Forsjlh Medi cal Center in Wiusfon-Salem. He was bom Dec. 7,1927, in Davie County to the late Cari W. and Lillace Bowies Eaton. Mr, Eaton wa.s a veteran of the U.S. Army having served dur ing World War 11. He was a member ofFirst Baptist Church. Mocksvilie where he had served as a deacon. Mr. Eaton w>as the founder and president of Eaton Funeral Home. Inc. He was a member of Mocksvilie Rotary Gub where be had been a past president, a Paul Harris Fellow and was fomter Scoutmaster of the troop Rotary had spon sored. Mr. Eatmi was a member of Mocksvilie Masonic Lodge AF&AM 134 and member of the board of directors. Northwest Development Association. He had served as chair of the board of trustees for Davie County Hospital, seoetaiy and treasurer of Mocksvilie Indusiiial Com mission and was on the execu tive advisory board of Boys & Girls HotiKsofNC. Oneofhis proudest moments in his career was when he w as recognized by the Town of Mocksvilie and the County of Davie for opetaling the county's ambulance service in the early years. He was also preceded in death by his wife. Mary Leslie Marfclin Eaton. Survivors: 4 children. Clay (Linda) Eaton of Durham. Te resa (Duncan) Mayailles of At lanta, Ga.. Maty Lynne (Glen) Baysinger of Mocksvilie and Lou Ann (Walter) Wilson of Advance; 12 grandchildren. Brian (Carey) Eaton, Andrew (Malie) Maysilles.Bryce(Beth) Eicheiberger, Mary MaysUles, Chara (Alejandro) Garcia. Martha (TJ) Hall, Brian (Kar en) Baysinger, Karen (fason) Knight, Molly (Lee) Bronson, Emily Maysilles, Ward Wilson and Robert Wilson: 12 great grandchildren; a brother, Leon (Joyce) Eaton; and a sister-in- law, Loyce Marklin. A funeral service was con ducted at 11 ajn. Saturday. Sept. 8 at Eaton Funeia] Cha pel, with the Rev. Shane Nixon officiating. Burial followed in Rose Cemetery. The family re ceived friends Friday. Sept. 7, al the funeral home. Memorials: Fim Baptist, 412 N. Main St., Mocksvilie. Online condolences: wmv. eainnfuneralscrvice.com. /^^rimothy Wayne Harris I Timothy Wayne Harris. 54, ' of SaliBbury, died on Tuesday. Sept. 4, 2012 at Rowan Re gional Medical Center. He was bom, April 20.1958 in Rowan County the son of Shirley Myers Harris of Salis bury; the late Lowell Davis "Buddy" Harris and stepmother Maudie Harris of Mocksvilie. He was educated in Rowan County at West Rowan High School and was of the Baptist Faith. Mr. Harris was a good hearted man, Preceding him in death was his father, Lowell Davis "Bud dy" Harris; grandmother Helen Melton and grandparents. John and Sadie Harris. Survivors: a brother, Low ell Davis "Buster" Harris Jr. (Cindy) of (jranite Quarry; sis- let, Jaiana Feimster of Mocks vilie; uncles, Bobby Melton and Bill Melton (Maretha) of Mocksvilie and Buddy Melton (Sharon) of Sparianburg, S.C.: niece, Heather Baxter and neph ews Andy and Morgan Harris; and best friend since fiist grade. Perry Miller of Salisbury Vishalion was Friday, Sept- 7 at LifeWay Church. Old Mocksvilie, Rd. His funeral ser vice was at 2 pjn. Friday. Sept. 7 at LifeWay Church with the Rev, Danny Dillaid conducting the service. Burial followed at Chestnut Hill Cemetery. Memorials: Rowan Helping Ministries. Online condolences: www. lyerlyfuheralhome.x:om. -ssrr" AlbeSina Paslor-Jimenez Abeliiu P'asli:«Oime[ie2.48.of Delanos L&ne, Mocksville on Sunday.Sepl.9.2012. — Boni in Guencro. Mexico on March II, l%S,she was the daugh ter of Dimas Jimatez-Ramiiez and the late Pedro Pastor-Vaigas. She wasahomemakerand memberofSt. Rancis ofAasisi Gubolic Church. She is suivivcd by her husband. Abel CistKTOs-Moiga, of the hotoe. 5 sons, Hfntio Cisneros-I^sior. Abel Cisneros-Pastor, Edgar Cisnetos- F^Ior, Moises Cisrteros-Pastor. and Ranees Cisnercs-Pastor 3 brothers. Nicolcs Pastor-Jimenez. Roaidio Pastw-Jimeoez.and Pastor-Jimenez: S sisters, Piajedes Pastor-Xunenez, Rosa Pastor-Jimenez, Josefa Pastor-Jimenez, Vitginia Pastor-Jimenez and Miiia Pastor Jimenez. The Mass of Christian Burial will be coitduc^ by Rev. Father JohnStarczewsldon Pnday.Sept.I4.at II am.atSt.AnncisofAsstsi CaihoUcOiurch. The faniily will receive fiicnds onThurs,Sept. 13, from 6-10 pzn. at Davie Funeral Service. Send condolences to the family at www .tlaviefua«a]scrvicecom. ^Walter Grady Phelps Walter Grady Phelps, 93, of Mocksville died Sunday, Sept. 9.2012 at the NC Stale Veter ans Nursing Home. Bom Jan. 26, 1919 in Cool- eeiiKe, he was the son of the late Arthur Wiseman and Ethel Seamon Phelps. Mr. Phelps was educated in the Davie County schools and was a nursing as sistant at the W.G. Hefiier VA Medical Center before retiring. He was a veteran of the US Army during World War U, and a member of the DAV 75 and the VFW in Mocksville. He was preceded in death by his wife. Sadie Sain Rielps on Aug. 12. 1994. and brothers. Alfred. William, Odeli, James and fred Phelps. Survivors: his son, Grady Franklin Phelps and wife Bar bara of China Grove; brother. Cecil Phelps and wife Mary of Sabsbury; sister, Evelyn P. Pat terson and husband Obver of Spencer: step-grandson, Tracy Winecoff and wife Nikki of China Grove; and step great- grandson Brayden Winecoff. A graveside service was to be conducted at 3 pzn. Wednes day, Sept. ]2)at Rowan Memo rial Park with the RX>. McDan- iel of Corinth Church of Christ, officiating. Military Graveside Riles were to be conducted by the Rowan County Veterans Honor Guard. The family re ceive friends Tuesday at the Summersett Funeial Home. Memorials: Corinth Church of Christ, 1170 Needmore Rd.. Woodleaf. 27054, or Volunteer Services at the W. G. Heftier VA Medical Center, 1601 Brenner Ave., Salisbury, 28144. Onbne condolences: mvi""-. summerseltfuneralhomexvm. Oa,\eCountjP"*^MocKsvffle. NC "x Jessie Sprj- Pierce Mrs. Jessie Spry Pierce. 88, ofGladstone Road. Cooletmee. died Thursday, Sept. 6,2012, at Rowan Regional Medical Cen ter in Salisbur)'. She was bom .Sept. 19.1923. in Davie County to the late Grady McKintiley Spry Sr. and Lillian Witty Spr)'. Mrs. Pierce was a member of Cooleemee United Methodist Church. She was also preceded in death by ha hurtond. Wiliiam Fred erick "Fred" Recce; 2 brothas, Grady M. Spy Jr. and Jerry Spry, and a sister-in-law, Dot Spry. SuiVivors; 2 sons. Fr^y C. Rerce (Janet) of Pisgah Forest and Roger C. Rerce (Sue) ofEr- win; 3 brothers. William "BiH" Spry (Claudean) of Marion, 111., Doyle Spiy of Gama and Aar on Spry (Unda) of Hiddenite; 2 sisters, Dolly Swaim of <2ooi- eeioee and lrene "WinW" Heti- dricks of Mocksville; a sister- in-law. Ann Spty ofCooleemee; 3 grandchildren. William Cam eron Pierce (Rebecca), AUyson Rerce Grass (Brent) and Elavid West Pierce (Suzanne); 4 great- gxanddaughlers. Georgia Grace Rerce, Adelaide Reese Rerce. Katelyn Reese Crass and Lau ren Bizabeth Grass; and a great- grandson due Jan. 2013, John Cameron Rerce. A funeral service was con ducted at 3 pan.. Sunday. Sept. 9 at Cooleemee United Meth odist Church with the Rev. Patrick Marion officiating. The body was placed in the church 30 minutes before the service- Burial followed in Rowan Me morial Park in Salisbury. The fainily received friends Satur day at Eaton Funeral Home. Memorials: Cooleemee UMC, PO Bo* 69. Cooleemee. Online condolences: u-rw. ealonfuneralservicexiom. y^. James Roy Sandefur James Roy Sandefur "JR", 92, of Mocksville died Mon- day.Sepl. 10.2012. JR, son of John Robert and Monifliia Woodby Sandefur. was boro in his parent's home on June 6.1920 in Forge Ridge. Tcnncs.scc. JR was preceded in death by his wife of 57 years. Opal Sue Gilbert Sandefur. on Nov. 22. 1998. JR was also preceded in death by his brother Frank and his wife Mae Sandefur of New Tazwell, TN; his sister, Minnie and husband Warren Brooks of Remington, IN; his brother Arijy and wife Thelma Sandefur of Forge Ridgc.TN. JR is survived by his daughta and ha husband. Palsy and Da vid Roach of Mocksville. NC; granddaughter Carrol S- Roach of Denva. CO; slep-grand- daughter Melanie Culp and hus band Jerry of Kalamazoo. MI and step-grandson Monte Roach and wife Amy of Littleton, CO; great grandchildren Alexandra Maria, Elizabeth Allcgra and Mason Pmil; and sister Christine Gilbert and husband Roy ofOak Ridge.TN. JR grew up and married in Forge Ridge, TN. where he was a farmer. He and his fam ily moved to Indiana in 1949. In 1960, he retired from farm ing and began barbering, open ing bis own shop in 1962. He worked there until 1986. when he and his wife moved to Modisville to be closer their daughter and family. JR was a Christian who wa.s active in his church, enjoyed gardening, singing. telUng stories, recit ing poetry he learned as a child and being a good neighbor. He loved to reminisce and loved bis parents beyond measure. A service to celebrate JR's life will be held on Thursday, Sept. 13, at 11 a.m.atTurrentine Baptist Church, 613 Tunentine Church Road, Mocksville, NC, with Pastor Ken Furches of Blaise Baptist Church and Pas tor Scott Schuyler of Turren- tine Baptist Church officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery. The family received friends on Wednesday, Sept. 12. from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Davie Funa- al Service, 416 Valley Road. Mocksville, NC. In lieu of flowecs, the family asks that memorials be made to Davie County Hospice and Pailiative Care. 377 Hospital Street. Suite 103, Mocksville, NC 27028. Davle County Public Ubrary Mocksvjile, NO ^ Mary Campbell Smith ' Mrs. Mary Campbell Smith, 65, of Applewood Road, Mocksville, died Saturday, Sept. 8,2012, at her home. Mrs. Smith was bom Jan. 25, 1947, in Davie County to the late John Belt and Louise Charles Campbell. She was a founding member of Victory Baptist Church, Cooleemee. Survivors: her husband, Donald Hattgrove Smith of the home; 3 sons, Eric C. Smith and Dustin R. Smith, both of Mocksville, and Jason B. Smith of California; 4 granddaugh ters; and 2 grandsons. A memorial service was conducted at 6:30 pan. Tues day, Sept. 11 at Victory Baptist Church with the Rev. Shelby Harbour officiating. The family received friends at the church 30 minutes before the service. Online condolences: tvivu'. eaionjimeralservicejcom. A'Gilmore Anton Walter Mr. Gilmore Anton Walter, bom Jan. 13, 1923 to Clayton - n Walter Sr. and Mabel (Adams) ; Waller, died at Wake For- , est Baptist Medical Onter on ' Wednesday, Sept. 5,2012. P f Preceding him in death were ; his parents, hb first wife, Mary ' Virginia (Perkins) Walter and , hb brother, Cbyton Walter Jr. Surviving: his wife, Arlene Offerdahl-Walter, Advance; daughters.Carolynn (Lynn) and husband Cirant Emrick, Win- ston-Salem, Audrey (Dee-E>ee) and husband Robert Seymour, Nottingham, NJl.; 3 grand children, Chrbtopher Butts and wife Marriah, Newton, Mass., Andrew Butts and wife Maijo, McKinleyville, Calif, and Les ley Seymour, Los Angeles; and 3 great-grandchildren, Cebiana William and Luna Madrone, McKinleyviUe, and Henry Gilmore Butts, Newton. A memorial service was held all 1 ajn. Saturday, Sept. 8 at Bethlehem United Method ist Church, Advance. Vbitots were received at the church af ter the service. Memoriab: Bethlehem UMC, Advance. Online condolences: tvtm'. hayworth-millerjcom. ?(Thomas E. Wilkinson Mr. Thomas Edward Wilkin son, 76, of Lester Foster Road, Advance, died Friday, Sept. 7, 2012, at Brookstone Terrace of Clemmons. He was bom May 30, 1936. in Foisyth County to the late Woodrow and Eula Speaks Wilkinson. Mr. Wilkinson was retired firom RJ. Reynolds and was a member of Fork Baptist Church in Mocksville. Survivors: hb wife, Frances Foster Wilkinson of the home; a son, Edward Wilkiitson (Vicki) of Advance; a brother, Terry Wilkinson (Lob), a sis ter, Carol Blakely, all of Win- ston-Salem; 2 grandchildren, Erien Barr (Tony) and Logan Wilkinson; a great-grandson, Nathan Boir. A fimeial service was con ducted at 4 pan., Monday, Sept. 10 at Fork Baptist Church, with the Rev. Robm Garrett offici ating. Burial followed in the church cemetery. The family received fiiends at the church one hour before the service. Memorials: Fork Baptbt, 3140 US 64 E., Mocksville; Hospice/Palliative CareCenter, 101 Hospice Lane, Winston- Salem, 27103. Online condolences: iwh'. eatot^fimeralservicexom. C-J Q >5^ 0^ » ^Jj 0 o o c 2 H x! « O P V3■S -sr-r 'vWilliam J. Bohannon William J. Bohannon. 69. died iil his home on Saiurday. Sept. 15.2012 afier being in declining heulTh for the past year. Bom ill Forsyih Couniy, he was cdueaicd in the Davic County schools and retired ^ fromSynagro, where he worked Bp ^ asairuckdrivcrforitinnyyears. BK i "1He was bom 10 the laic Thomas H j Lee and Martha Lee Bohannon. B. He loved to work on anything kL mechanical, especially cars. ^ and enjoyed shooting pool and jig watching racing on TV or at the ^ drag strip. He the most joy His wife, Barbara Ann Du- lin Bohannon. preceded him in . deathin 1985.Anolderbrother. ^ Thomas "Dooley" Bohannon also preceded him in death. Survivors; daughters, Pa- melaBohannonDuncan(Bryan) ofSalisbury and Gail Bohannon of the home; 3 grandsons. Larry "Tr Diljard. Darius "DJ" Duncan, and Kalil Duncan; 2 sisters, Eariene Bohannon of Winston-Salcm, and Betty BlackwcU of Advance; 2 brothers, Leroy "Shag" Bohannon and John Bohan non (Phyllis), both of Farmington; and a host of nephews, nieces, cousins and in-laws. A memorial service will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 22 at New Life Apostolic Church. 358 Campbell Road, Mocksville. Dress will be casual. Jerry' Card Mr. Gerald "Jerry" William Eugene Card, 52, of Wilkes- boro Street, Mocksville, died Saturday, Sept. 15,2012. He was bom Oct. 17, 1959, in Coming,' N.Y. to Richard Earl Card and the late Donna Lee Ayers Card. Mr. Card was retired frtim the U .S. Air Force and was a master electrician. He was a member of First Bap tist Church, Cooleemee. Mr. Card was a lifetime member of Cooleemee and Charlotte, Mich. VFWs He was also preceded in death by his first wife. Ginger Card; and his stepmother, Judy Card. Survivors; his wife, Betsy Ann Inman Card of the home; his father "Dick" Card (Di ane) of Mocksville: 5 chil dren. Aleiha Dudley (Matt) of Cooleemee, Amy Card, Rich ard Card, both of Mocksville, Cody Cords and Paige Cords of Olivet. Mich,; 2 sisters, Maiti Link (Dennis) of Mocksville and Jennifer Lowe (Randall) of Hillsville, Va,; 5 stepsisters and stepbrothers, Carla Johnston of Buchanan, W.Va., Carmen Henninger (Drew) of Shady Side, Md., Lee Warner (Ter ry) of Louisville, Ky,, Danette (Greg) Dunn of Advance and Keith (Mary) Godbey of Rocky Point; 4 grandchildren, Tyler Williams, Kayana Caldwell, Layla Caldwell and l7.aak Card; and many nieces and nephews. A funeral service was to be conducted at noon Thursday, Sept. 20 at First Baptist Church, Cooleemee, with the Rev. Al len Mullins offici.aiing. The body was to be placed in the church 30 minutes before the service. Burial was 10 follow in Salisbury National Cemetery, Salisbtuy with military grave side rites. The family was to re ceive friends from 6-9 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 19 at Eaton Funeral Home. Memorials: First Baptist. PO Box 518. Online condolences: www. ifnumfimerahtrvict.com. A funeral service was con- Larpj. GilbreaOl ducted at 2 pun. Thursday. Sept. 13 nt Eaton Funeral Cha pel, with the Revs. Tony Ow ens and Jack Luther officiating Burial followed in Betltel Unit ed Methtxlist Church Cemetery. The family received friends at the funeral home one hour prioi to the service. Memorials; Bethel UMC Cemetery Fund, do James Es sex. 19.3 Call Road. Mocks- ville. Online condolences; iwii'. ••"•ifiineriihcnicexom. Calvin 'RJ).' Daywalt % Arlene C. Douthil^ Mr. Calvin "RiJ." Daywalt, '^""'tt, 98. 87. of US 64 East. MocksvUle, died Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2012 at Forsylh Medical Cenler in Winston-Salem. He was bom July 6,1925, in Davic County to the late James McGtiire and Carrie Belie Head Daywalt. Mr. Daywalt was re tired from Ingersoll-Rand, He was a mcinbcr of Bethel United Methodist Church where he had served as the choir director. Mr. Daywalt was a Tarheel fan and enjoyed NASCAR racing. He enjoyed working on lawn mowers for people and always had a big garden. Mr. Daywalt enjoyed traveling on bus tours and going to flea markets. In his younger years, be enjoyed ,restoring old cars. He was also preceded in death by a brother, Billy Day- wall. Survivors: his wife of 68 years. Hazel Gray Boger Day- wait of the home; 2 daugh ters, Shirley Reavis (Jerry) of Advance and Judy Daywalt of Mocksville; 3 grandchil dren. Eric Campbell (Angle), Stephanie Whitaker and Shane Campbell (Angela); 2 great grandchildren,Owen and F.than Campbell; and a sister. Inez Daywalt of Mocksville. at Bermuda Commons Nursing and Rehab. She was botit.Scpt. 8.1914 in Davie County to Walter Leon and Hattie Rosetta Smith Cope. Mrs. Dottthit vvas a member of Macedonia Moravian Church. Surviving: a son; 3 daughters; 7 grandchildrcit; 7 great-grand- children; 2 great-great-grand daughters; and 2 brothers. A graveside service was to be held 1 p.m. Wednesday. Sept. 19 at Macedonia Mora vian Church Graveyard with the Rev. Jeff Carter officiat ing. The family was to receive friends following the service. Memorials; Hospice/Pallia tive CareCcnter, 101 Hospice Lane.Winsion-Salem, 27101. Online condolences: wh'H'. Joe Lany Gilbreath. 85, of Folly Beach, S.C., widower of Connie Young Gilbreath, died on Tuesday. Sept. 11.2012. A graveside service was held Thursday, Sept. 13 in Planta tion Memorial Gardens, Mon- cks Comer, S.C. Mr. Gilbreath was bom Jan. 27,1927 in Haskoll,Texas,son of Roy Deleon Gilbreath and Nova Wilson Gilbreath. He was a graduate ofThe Citadel,Class of 1954 and veteran of Worid War II, US. Merchant Marines and the U.S. Marine Corps. He was a retired manufacturing of fice manager, a Masdn and a member of Summerviile Bap- list Church. Survivors: his daughter, Judith L. Gilbreath of Folly Beach. S.C.; sons, the Rev. Da vid Gilbreath and wife Jeanne of Mocksville, Roy Gilbreath and wife Shcrri of O'Fallon. lU.; grandchildren, Catherine Micheie Gilbreath, David Lar ry Gilbreath Jr. and wife An gela, Timothy Daniel Gilbreath and wife Corey, Roy Allen Gilbreath Jr., Darsey Nichole Gilbreath; and great-grandchil dren, Eden, Josiah and Titus. Memorials; wwwjhenrys- iiihr^om. XThomas Lcsler Hendrix Mr. Thomas Lester Hendrix, 85,ofUSHwy L58.Mocksville, dies! Friday. Sept. 14. 2012, at Autumn Care of Mocksville. He was bom Sept. 10,1927, in Davie County to the late E.G. and Fannie Ellis Hendrix. Mr. Hendrix was a member of Du- lin United Methodist Church where he had been a member of the Methodist men and taught Sunday school. He was retired from IngetsoU Rand. He loved farming and the outdoors, was an Atlanta Braves fan and nev er met a stranger. He was also preceded in death by his wife of 64 years, Betty Jean Forrest Hendrix and 2 brothers, Elmer and Clyde Hendrix. Survivors; a son, Billy Lester Hendrix, Sr. (Becky); a special grandson, Billy Lester Hendrix Jr.; a sister, Edith I-apish; spe cial friends, Ronnie and Merlie .Allen, all of Mocksville; and numerous nieces atid nephews. A funeral service was con ducted at 2 p.m. Monday, Sept, 17 at Dulin United Methodist Church with the Revs. Lynn Jordan and Marilyn Weiler of ficiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery. The family received friends Sunday, Sept. 16 at Eaton Funeral Home. In lieu of flowers. Memorials: Dulin UMC Budget Fund, do Jerry Hen drix, 2112 Milling Rd., Mocks- viDe. Online condolences: wivw, eaton/uneralsen'icexom. . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERVRISE RECORD.Thursday, Sept. 20,2012 Bivle Oourtv Nancy Carol HJli Nancy Carol Hill, 68, cif Cooleemee, dietl on Thursday, Sept. 13,2012 at her residence. Bom Dec. 31.1944 in Bronx, N.Y. to James and Estelle Hill, she attended school in Bronx and did work in a variety of areas such as textile, bartend ing and honiemaking. In 1971 she moved to Washingntn DC. and in 1993 she moved to North Carolina to be closer to her family. She loved aniinals and enjoyed dancing and be ing around family and friends. There was never a dull moment when she was around. Survivors; a sister, Eva Haynes;the love of her life, Ed ward Harvey; 3 children, David Kelly, Edward Harvey Jr., and Angel Harvey: 2 daughteis-in- law. Sheila Kelly and LaShon- da Harvey; 8 grandchildren. Jason Kelly, Jeneva Kelly, Krystle Kelly, Tychela Harvey, Tyshon Harvey, Andre Harvey, Nazsha Harvey, and Laieasha Harvey; 4 gieai-grandchildren, Jada Kelly, Jaden Howell. Jus tin Howcll, and Kamari Cobb; a niece, Vickie Hill; 2 great- nieces, Jenna Edwards and Tori Ciaric; a great-nephew, Jahid Scott; and a host of cousins and friends. A going home celebration will be held Friday, Sept. 21 at 2 p.m. at Victory Baptist Chureh in Cooleemee. Pastor Rodney Bariter will officiate Burial will follow in Ubertv AME Zion Church Cemetery. The family wit) receive friends at the church one hour before the service. Online condolences: m-m-w. GrahamFuneralHomejid. yvHclen Soots McDaniel Mrs. Helen Soots McDan iel, 90, formerly of Pine Ridge Road, Cooleemee. died on Sat urday, Sept. 15, 2012. at The Laurels of Salisbury. She was bom Aug. 19,1922, to tjie late Mttchel L. and Ka tie Whitlock Soots. She retired from Burlington Mill in Cool eemee alter 45 years and from Davie County CAP program after more than 10 years. She was a faithful member of Cool eemee Church of God for more than 60 years. She was eager to share her love of Jesus with everyone. Her desire was to see her family and friends again in Heaven. She was also preceded in death by her husband of 34 years, Robert L. McDaniel; and a grandson. Survivors; her children. Monroe McDaniel (Lorri). Tony McDaniel (Barbara), Pat McDaniel O'Neal. aU of Cool eemee, and Cathy McDaniel Bowers of China Grove; a sister, Mary Soots; a brother, Jackie Soots, both of Cool eemee; 15 grandchildren; 20 great-grandchildren; 4 great- great-grandchildren; and spe cial friend, Berline Russell of Cooleemee. A funeral service was con ducted at 2 pjn. Tuesday. Sept. 18 at Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Alan Miller of ficiating. Burial followed in Coroatzer United Methodist Church Cemetery. The family received friends on Monday, Sept. 17 at the funeral home. Memorials: charity of the do nor's choice. Online condolences; wvvti'. catonfimeTulservice.com.' Davie County Public Lioiaiy Mocksville, NC 'Buck' Suiitberman Robert Burgess "Buck" Smi- therman, 72, of Walt Street, Cooleemee, died on Monday, Sept. 17, 2012, at Rowan Re gional Medical Center. Bom in Forsyth County on May 22, 1940. he was the son of the late Willie Jennings Smi- therman and Novella "Vallie" Hunt Smithcrman. He was a self-employed electrician and was of the Baptist faith. Sun-ivors: his wife of 34 years, Claudette Bogcr Smith- erman; a son. Many (Angela) Smitberman of East Bend; a daughter. Penny Johnson of Clenunons; a step-son, Michael Livengood of Mocksville; a step-daughter, Vicki Robinene of Hickory; a brother, Kirby (Mae) Smithermnn of Boon- ville; a sister, Janet Sinither- man of East Bend; a grandson, Matthew (Lacey) Smiiherman of Yadkinville; 2 granddaugh ters. Deanna <JC) Collins and Nicole (Matt) Griffin, both of East Bend; 5 great-grandchil dren. Caleb Griffin. Matthew Griffin. Destincy Griffin, Faith Griffin and Savannah Collins; a brother-in-law, W.H. (Goldie) Boger; and several nieces and nephews. A celebration of life service was to be held on Wednesday, Sept. 20, at 7:30 p.m. in the Davie Funer.il .Service Chapel w'iih the Re\'. Steve Hedge- cock officiating. Military hon ors «'ere to be accorded by the VFW Memorial Honor Guard and the National Guard. The family was to receive friends at the funeral home from 6:30- 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday. Online condolences: mhiv. lim'iefiinciiilscnicejrom. • IVavis Crater York Mr. Travis Crater York, 94. of Yadkin Valley Road, Ad vance, died Friday. Sept. 14, 2012, at Dnvie Place Residen tial Care. He was bom May 15. 1918, in Yadkin County to the late M-G- and Ltllle Caudle York. Mr. York was a longtime mem ber of Yadkin Valley Baptist Church. He was a farmer and loved to raise tobacco. He also worked for Drcxel-Heritage for 12 years. He was also preceded in death by his wife. Stella Mae Potts York; 2 daughters, Fran ces Walker and Carolyn Nail; and a son. Harold Travis York. Survivors: a daughter, Doris Anderson (Roy) of Mt. Gilead; a daughtcr-ln-luw; Kathy Wood York: and 2 sons-in law. Roy Lee Walker and James Nail: 8 grandchildren, Eugene Walker. Stephen Walker. Cindy .Nail Honel. Sharon Nail Carter. Kristie Anderson Henry. Kim- borly Anderson Baer. Amanda York and Crystal York; and 14 great-grandchildren. A funeral service was con ducted at 3 p.m. Monday. Sept. 17 at Yadkin Valley Baptist Church with the Rev. Ronnie Craddock officiating. Burial followed in the church cem etery. The family received friends at the church one hour before the service. Memorials: Yadkin Valley Baptist. 1324 Yadkin Valley Road. Advance; or Hospice' Palliative CarcCenter.377 Hos pital St., Stc. 103. Mocksvilie. Online condolences: hh-h'. earoiifiinfiolii'n'ice.com. I)8«>eCort DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, 'niursdsy. Sept. 27,2012 /^James'Moon'Neely Funeral service for Mr. James "Moon" Necly is scheduled for 4 pJD- Thureday. Sept. 27 at Victory Baptist Church, Coolecmee, officiated by the Rev. Rodney Barker. 4 Bobby Eugene While Bobby Eugene White died on Tuesday. Sept. 18, 2012, at his home following an extended Illness. He was bom in Iredel! County on July 30.1948, son of the late Will and Vclma Daiton While. He attended Davie County Public Schools and was a painter. He was a memberof New Jerusalem Apostolic Church, and loved to sing and attend gospel singing programs. Basketball was his favorite sport. He was preceded in death by 2 sisters, GeraldineDaltou and Geneva White; 6 brothers. Henry White, Jlm- my Lee White. Charles White, ben White, tvs ins James D. and John C. White. Surs'ivois: a brother. Robert White j of Salisbury: 3 sisters, Margaret Ijames, Edna Hairston, and Carolyn Hairston, all of Mocksville; a num ber of nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. His funeral service was held on Salurday.Sept. 22at 3:30 pro. at New Jerusalem Apostolic Church in Mocksville. Bishop Terry Dalion officiated and Pastor Nettye ijamcs-Barber delivered the eulogy. Burial followed in the church cemeieiy. The family re ceived friends at the church 30 minutes before the service. Online condolences: ivHiv.GroAamFnriero/Womejjer. V-Joe Norman Joseph "Joe" Nomi.tn. 57. of Mocksville died Saturday. Sept.n 22.2012 at his home. Bom Oct. 31, 1954 in Davidson County, he was the son of the late George Junior Norman and Nadeane Hendrix Norman.He was a member of Comatzer Baptist Church artd worked with BE Aero Space. Survivors; 2 sisters, Betty (Lynn) Keeton of Mocksville and Diane Norman of Albcmarle; 2 brothers, Jimmy (Brtnda) Norman of Ad vance and Isaac (Melinda) Norman of MocksviUe; several nieces and nephews and a long-lime family friend Keith Frye of Mocksville, He was preceded in death by his parents and a brother, Frank Norman. A celebration of life service was conducted Monday. Sept. 24 at 2 p.m. from (Domatzcr Baptist Church with the Rev. Jeff Beverly officiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery. The f^ly received fricnd.s Sund.vy. Sept. 23 at the church and other times at his home. Memorials: Comatzer Baptist. 1372 Comatzer Road. Mocks viUe. Online condolences: ii'ivM'z/uvity^/Meraivervtcr. ^ames H. Rhynehardl James Harrcll "Harpo." "Rhinestone" Rhynehardl died on Sept. 23,2012 at his home in Mocksville following a short illness. He was bom in Forsyth County on Sept. 2,1946, son of the late Thomas and Millie Amos Rhynehardl. He graduated front Cen- imt Davie High School in 1964. He had worked for Clenimons Pal let & Skids, and Ingersoll-Rand. He loved to do yard work, play basketball, and watch football and NASCAR. His wife, Diane Rhynehardl, preceded him in death on Dec. 12, 2008. Survivors: 2 sons,Stanley (Flora) Rhynehardl of Durham and Steven (Felica) Rhynehardl of Mocksville; a daughter. Karen (Curtis) Pompey —^T ... ...71,, of Mocksville; a sister. Martha^• ' (Robert) March of Winsion-Salera; 4 grandchildren; a devoted hiend. Louise Sherrill; oilier relatives and friends. The family will have a private memorial service. Online condolences: »-v\f,GraliamFuneralHotntjiet. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RKCORD.niursdaf, Oci.4,2012 Chariotttr 'Susie' Allred Charlotte Elftinc "Susie" Allred, 64, of Hnimony died Friday. Sept. 21, 2012, at Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Hotne in Winslon-Salcm. She was bom June 27. 1948, in Davie County, daughter of the late Joe and Louise McDan- ie! Allred. She graduated from Davie County High .School Survivors: 2 brolliers. Meivin Allred of Hamiony and Ricky Allred of Mocksvillc; and a sis ter, Jo Ann Culaci of Florida. Thc famil)' received friends Tuesday, Sept. 25 at New Union United Methodist Church in Harmony. Funeral services celebrat ing her life were held at 2 pm. Tuesday. Sept, 25 at New Union United Methodist Church with the Rev. Steve Rainey offici- atiog. Burial followed in the church cemeieiy. Online condolences: mwb'. biinchjohmonfiineralhome. A Peggy An" Davis Peggy Ann Troutmiin Davis. 57. of Hardison Street, MocEs- ville, died on Saturday. -Sept. 29.2012at her home. Bora in Yadkin County 00 April 3, 1955, she was the daughter of the late Lester Troutmao and Iner, Ountcr Troutman, She was a home- maker and a member of Heaven Bound Full Gospel Church. Survivors: 2 sons. Christo pher M. Davis of MocksvilJe and Kenneth R. Davis of Ad vance; 3 sisters, Fayc (Jimmy) Keaton and Kay (Timmy) Keaton. both of Mocksvillc. and Susie (Bob) Crisiy of Salis bury; 7 grandchildren. Brandon artd Brad Sowers. Kelli. Kay, Ben. Luke and Caleb Davis; and a great-grandchild, RUey Black. She was also preceded in death by her husband. Larry Davis Sr.. a son, Lairy Stephen Davis Jr. and a daughter, An gela Davis Sowers, A celebration of her life ■was held Monday, Oct. 1 at 2 p.m. in the Davie Funeral Service Chapel conducted by Pas tor James Ward. Burial was iothe Beat Creek Baptist ChtircbCemetery. The family received friends on Monday at Davie Funeral Service. Online condolences: ww.daviejun<r<il.<fr\'icej:iim. yL BUI Foster Mr. William "Bill" Lee Fos ter, 70. of Magnolia Avenue, Mocksvillc, died Tuesday,Sept. 25.2012, at bis home. Mr. Foster was bom Aug. 7. 1942. in Davie (bounty to the late Emie Lee and Sarah Duel- le Foster Foster- He graduated from UNC Chapel Hill with a bachelor's degree in pharmacy and was owner/operator ofFoster Drug Cc. for the past39 years. Mr. Foster hud beenserving as a town ofMocksville board ntcmber. He served as a Davie County Commi.ssioner for 12 years. Survivors: his wife, Diane Melton Foster of the home; a daughlcT. Jennifer Nicole Foster of Asheville; a stepdaughter, Amanda Gartner ofMocksville; a sister, Ann Wands (Ross) of Winsion-Salem; 2 nephews. .Scotlie Wands (Erica) and An drew Wands (Hilary); a great-nephew, Will Wands; and asiepgranddaughter, Karlyn Phipps of Mocksville, A musical farewell celebrating his life was conducted at 4pjTi. Saturday. Sept. 29 at the Brock Performing Arts Center. Memorials: BUI Foster Scholarship Fund, C/o DavieCommunity Foundation, PO Box 546, Mocksville. Online condolences: Hmnv. eaum/unerahervicc-com. Davie County Public LibrafyMocksville, NC Lelia Barnes Lem]ey Mrs. Lelia "Lee" Barnes Lemiey, 86, of Mebane. died on Monday,Oct. i,20l2winle residing at Liberty Commons. A native of Davie County, she was the wife of the late Dr. CharlesRaymond Lemiey (mar ried io 19S6)andthedaug)i(erof Richard Columbus Barnes nnd Florence Wynire Barnes, btrih deceased. She was a graduate of MocLsvillc High School and Draughon Business College of Winslon-Saleni. She was em ployed with the Veteran's Ad ministration in Winston-Salcm and in Ashcville. She organized the chinch library at the First Baptist Church in Mebane and served as director for 17 years. She had an inlcrcsl in senior adults and was a feacuie writ er for the Mebane Enterprise for a number of years under the "Lee's Lines" Column. In 1987, she was employed by the nutrition site of Mebane where she organized and served as manager until April, 1988. Survivors; a daughter, I-c- Anne Reaves and husband Ted of Burlington; a son, Charles Andre "Cal" l-cmley of New Mexico; a grandson. Casey Roberts of Burlington: a broth er, Harvey Barnes of Mocks- vilic; sod many nieces and ncphews- She was preceded in death by 2 sisters, Pearl Barnes Wals- er and Ha Barnes Younts; and a brother. Clifton Barnes. The funeral service was conducted at the Fust Baptist Church of Mebane on Wednes day, Oct. 3 at 3 p.m. by Dr. Ter ry Farmer with the family re ceiving friends from 1:45-2:45 pm. nl the church. Burial fol lowed in Oakwood Cemetery. Memorials: Above and Be yond, 1616 E- Webb Avc.. Burlington, 27215; or to the First Baptist of Mebane, 301 S. ThirdSt.,Meb,ine, 27302. Online condolences: tvnir. t'ichuiuJlhonipsonj:om. \ Ronald Henry Prachel Mr. Ronald Henry Prachcl, 75, of Mocksvllte died on Fri day. Sept. 28, 2012 at Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winslon-Saleni. He was bom May 20, 1937 In Rochester. N.Y. to Lau rence Henry and Rose Krcvitz Prachel. He was preceded in death by his parents. Suiviving: his wife of 55 ycare, Rosemary "Skip" Reeves Prachci; a daughter, Janet Bur- lec and husband Dale of Char lotte; a son, Ronald R. Prachcl of Lake Norman; 3 grand daughters, Danielle Prachel Da vis and husband Clayton. Sarah LoPresti and Katelya LoPresti; a great-gtanddaughter. Ryiin Davis: 2 sisters, Shirley Lyzwa and husband John and Marilyn MacBride and husband David: and a brother, Jerold Prachel and wife Joanne. A memorial service was held at 2 pun. Monday, Oct. I at Haywonh-Miller Kiaderton Chapel with Chaplain Randy Hillman officiating. The family received friends following the service. Memorials: Hospice/Pallia tive CareCenler, 101 Hospice Lane, Winston-Suicm. 27101. Online condolences; wmnv, hayivonh-mi/lersom. Oavie County Public Library Mocksvllle, NO Ruth Tearl' Prcwitt Rulh "PcaTl" Prewitt, 92, of MocksviUe, formerly of Blue Jay. W.Va.. died on Scpl. 26, 2012. Bom in Krupp. Ky. on Feb. 19. 1920, she was the daughter of the late Warren and Flan Hinklc Prewitt. She faithfully served the Lord with her hus band at several churches in West Virginia-^fle^ his death in 1971, she continued to serve her Lord at Daniels Mission ary Baptist Church in Daniels and later at Victory Baptist Church in Cooleemee. Known as "Gee" by her giandchildrcn, she was always careful to make sure everyone had plenty to eat and a place to sleep at her bouse. She was preceded in death by her husband, the Rev. Fin- ley Prewin; a grandson, Kelly Wanen Prewin; nnd by 11 sib lings. Survivors: her son, Keith (Deanna) Prewitt of Covinglon, Va.: 2 daughters, Nancy (Har old Jr.) Ward of Daniels. W.Va. and Rulh (Shelby) Harbour of Cooleemee; grunilchildren, Kevin Prewitt, Kimberly Pre witt. Jim and Steve McMorrow. Karen McMonow Biedennao, Brian Waid, Lisa Wiseman, Amy (2hapinan, Jason Harbour, Laura Crisp; 9 great-grandchil dren; half-sisters, la>rene Me- ador. Emma WaddcU and Sue Parks. A celebration of life .service was held at Viclory Baptist CniuTch on Saturday. Sept. 29, at 11 am. with the Rev. Shelby Haibour officiating. The family received friends on Saturday at the church. A second celebration service was held on Sunday, Sept. 30 at 4 pm. at the Daniels Mission ary Baptist Church, 152 C&.0 Dam Road, Daniels, W.Va. with the Revs. Shelby Harbour and Jack Thomas officiating. The family received friends on Sunday at the church. A final celebration service was held on Monday, Oct. I at the Vnnkirk-Grisell Funeral Home, 607 Master St., Corb- io, KY 40701 at H aun. with the Rev. Shelby Harbour of ficiating. The family received friends on Monday fat the fu neral home. Burial was in the Corinth Cemetery in Corbin. Memorials: Vicioo' Baptist, PO Bo* 686. Cooleemee; Dan iels Missionary Baptist, PO Bo* 427, Daniels, WV 25832; or to the Hospice of your choice. Online condolences; ww. daviefiincralservice^iiJii. Oavie County Public Library Mocksville. NC y. Robert Lester Spillman / Mr. Roben l^sicr Spillman, 82. of Advance died Wednes day, Sepl. 26, 2012 at his home- He was bom Dec. 20.1929 in Rowan County to Thomas Les ter and Edna Barney Spillman. Mr. Spillman served in the U.S. Army as a military police dur ing the Korean Conflict and was honorably discharged in 1953. After returning home, he started his own bnck masonry business and built and owned other businesses throughout liis life. He retired from his ma-sonry business while in his 60s. His hobby was restoring old cars and he restored many in his lifetime. He enjoyed NA SCAR. .Mr. Spillman loved telling slories of his life and be ing around his friends and fam ily. His family wns the love of his life- Mr. Spillman wa.s preceded in death by his wife, Maxinc Annswonhy Spillman; 2 broth ers. Jack and Tommy Spillman, and 2 sislets. Helen Spillman and Lucy Mae Myers. Survivors: a daughter. Toni Spillman Ireland of Advance: 2 granddaughters. Robbie Tedder and husband Chris and I-ea Ire land York and husband Aaron; 3 great-grandchildren, Ash- Icy Tedder, Logan Miller and Chloe Tedder; 2 brothers. Ken ny Spillman and Ray Spillman: and 2 sisters, Sharon Hancline and Betty Jean Brooks. A memorial service was held at 2 pjn. Saturday. Sept. 29, 2012 at Bethlehem United Methodist Church with Dr. Cany Lemons and the Rev. Don Routh officiating, The family received friends follow ing the service. Memorials: Hospicc/Pal- iiative Cans Center- Davic Co.. 377 Hospital St.. .Suite 103. Modtsville. Online condolcncc.s: hu-iv. Immwlh-millerxoiu. )C Ralph Lester Walser Ralph Lester Walser, 63, of Becktown Road, Mock.sville, died on Thursday, Sept. 27. 2012, at Rowan Medical Cen ter- Bom in Washington. DC on June 16,1949, he was the son of the late Ralph L. Walser and Virgic Elaine Vance Harper. He » as employed at Jockey In ternational and was of the Bap tist faith. Reserved in theU.S. Army in Viemam where he was awarded the Purple Heart, the Air Medal, the Army Commen dation Medal and the National Defense Service Medal. Sun'ivois: his wife of 37 years. Debbie Whilakcr Walser: a son. Eric Walser of Mocksville; 2 daughters, Bev erly W. (Jason) LufTman and Jennifer (DJ. Hayes) Walser. both of Mocksville; a sister, Sue Moore of Aichdnls; and 3 grandchildren. Madison Hayes. Riiey LufCinan, and Isabellc l.uffman. A celebration of life service was held Tuesday, Oct. 2 si 11:30 ajn. in the Davie FuncraJ Service Chapel by Pastor Brent Spry. Burial was at 1 p.m.- on Tuesday at the Salisbury Na tional Cemetery with military honors accorded by the N.C. National Guard and the VFW. Memorial Honor Guard- The family received friends Mon day, Oct. 1 at the chapel. Memorials; Eagle Heights Church Building Fund, 852 US 64 W. Mocksville. Online condolences: wnw. daviefuneralserricej:om. Davie County Public Library Mocksville. NO DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD.Tbnwd,,, Oct.]I,2012 y^harles G. Baliard Jr. Mr. Charles Gumey Baliard Jr., 93, of Cana Road, Mocks- vilte, died Thursday, Cel. 4, 2012, after a short illness. He was bent July 8, 1919, in Wilkes County to the late Charles Guroey and Mae Rich ardson Baliard. Mr. Baliard served in the U.S. Army and was a radar operator of ground equipment. He was stationed mostly in China and Asiatic- Pacific Theater, He earned sev eral medals and ribbons during the service for his country. Mr. Baliard was retired from Ohio Gas Co. and had been a secu rity guard at P.M. Hanes Co. He was also preceded in death by his wife, Clara Jordan Baliard: atxl 3 brothers, Roscoe Legrand "R-L." Baliard, Wil son Bollard and Jt>e Baliard. Survivors: a brother and sis- ter-ln-law, Francis and Sandra Baliard of SneedvUle, Tenn.; a sister-in-iaw, Mary Frances Jordan of Mocksville: broth er-in-law and sister-in-law, James and Pauline Howard of Advance; several nieces and nephews; and many friends and caregivers. A funeral service was conducted at 4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 6 at Eaton Funeial Chapel with Pastor Don Davis officiating. Burial followed in Union Cha pel United Methodist Church Cemetery. The family received friends at the funeral home one hour before the service. Memorials: Union Chapel UMC Cemetery Fund, 2030 US 601 N,Mocksville: orHospice/Palliative CUreCenter, 377 Hospital St.. Ste. 103. Mocks ville. Online condolences: hww. eatonfiineralservke^om- ^^lamie Belk Brown Mrs. Mamie Beatrice Belk Brown, 65, of Boone Lane, Mocksville, died Sunday, Oct. 7,2012,81 her home. She was bom March 5.1947, in Fairfield County, S.C. to the laieHersey Clyde and Catherine Rose Isenhower Belk-She was a member of Edgewood Bqitist Church. She enjoyed fishing, playing cards and bingo. She was also preceded in death by her husband, James l-awicnce Brown; and 2 broth ers. Robert and Richard Belk. Survivors: 3 daughters, An nette Magallanes (David), Kathy Brown and Tammy Rich ardson (Clifton), all of Mocks ville; 8 grandchildren, Jessica Brown, James Foster (Kim), Brittany Dykes, Travis Leon ard, Austin Magallanes, Casie Richardson. Tifhny Dobbins and Tamera Robetson; 6 great- grandchiidTen, AdaJyn and Raylon Foster and Mia. Mem phis, Kira and Karson Nutm; a sister, Patricia Beaver of Salis bury; sisieis-in-law,Sarah Belk and (2arolyn Brown: and sev eral nieces and nephews. A funeral service was held at 4 pjTi. Thursday. Oct. 11 at Edgewood Baptist Church with the Rev. Frank Btankenship of ficiating. The body will be in the church 30 minutes prior to the service. Burial will follow in Lib^ United Methodist Cemetery. The family was to receive friends from 7-9 pm. Wednesday, Oct. 10, at l^ton Funeral Home. Memorials: American Can cer Society, 4-A Oak Branch Drive. Greensboro, 27407; Hospice/Palliative CareCen- ter, 377 Hospital St., Ste. 103, Mocksville: or to the family, '215 Boone Lane.Mocksville. Online condolences: hww. ealoi^nerabervice^om. Davie County Public Library Mocksville, NO DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Oct. 11,2012 Betty Cope Floe Mis. Betty Catherine Cope Fine, 84, of MocksvUle, died Saturday, Oct. 6.2012, at Kale B. Reynolds Hospice Home. Winstott-Salem. She was bom June 5, 1928. to the late Robert Lairy and Margaret Clementine CUne Cope. hta. Fine was a member ofFirst Baptist Church, Mocks vUle. She was also preceded In death by her husband, William Edward Thompson: and broth ers, infant Willy Cope, James Cope, Thomas Cope, Henry Cope and David Cope. Survjvors; 4 children, Ray Thompson (Judy Craver) of Lexington. Jean T. King (Otis) of Florida, Shifiey TTiomp- son and Robert Thompson (Carol Poplin), a sister, Unda Taylor, all of MocksvUle; a brother. Bob Cope (Nell) of Cooleemee; 9 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren; and 4 great-greai-grandchUdien. A funeral service was con ducted at 2 pm., Wednesday. Oct. 10,at Elton Funeral Cha pel with the Rev. Mike Motley officiating. Burial foUowed in Forest HUI Memorial Park. Lexington. The family received friends Tuesday. Oct. 9, at the funeral home. Memorials; local VFW, Online condolences; whw. eatonfiineralservice.com. ^Earl Harding Hendricks Earl Harding Hendricks. 82, of Wilmbgton. died Sunday, Oct. 7.2012. at Trinity Grove, in Wilmington. He was bora April 10,1930, in Davie County to the late WU- lie G. and Susie Hunter Hen dricks. He was a veteran of the US Amiy and served between 1952 and 1954. He graduated from Appalachian State Uni versity in 1952 aod received his masters of education from University ofSCin 1956. From 1957-1967. be served as as- sistani dean of records at the University of SC and was the assistant dean of registration from 1967-1972 ai Tennessee Technological University. In 1972-1996, he was the registrar at Lander University in Green wood, S.C. He loved students and helping them and their families. He was also preceded in death by his sisters. Wilma OiafBn (JC), Ruth Hendricks, Grace Hendricks and Edna Rudd (Phillip); and brothers, Paul Gray Hendricks (Rosa Lee), Lester Hendricks (Peggy) and James Hendricks (Mil dred). wife of 60 years. Betty S. Hendricks; son. Donald Hendricks of El Paso, Texas; daughter, Kimberlea Wiltiford and husband Carl of Wilmington; grandcbildreo, Kayla WUliford, Carl -Tiey" WlUiiford 01 and Ashley WU- liford; brother, LD. Hendricks of MocksviUe; sister-in-law, Mildred Heodricks; brother- Rudd; and several and funeral service was 11 ajD. Wednesday, Oct. 10,at Baptist Cluircb in Wiim- ington wilb Dr. Jim Everette and the Rev. Rachel L. Con-nelly officiating. The family XLarry Hobert Howard received visitors one hour pnor -Boybaby" Hobertreceived visitors one hour prior to the service at the church. Burial followed in Grecnlawn Memorial Park. Memorials; charity of one's choice. Online coitdolenccs; mtvk'. aadrewsmortuaryrom. Howard. 67. of Howardtown Circle, MocksvUle. died on Thursday. Oct. 04. 2012, at the Kate B. Reynolds Hospice House. Bom in Davie County on Sept..18, 1945,he was the son of the late Obie Hobert How ard nod Annie Opal Robertson Howard. He was a self-em- ployed eleciridan. Survivois; a daughter, Sha ron Anne Ebiigbt of Advance; a brother. Donald (Patricia) Howard of Mocksville; 3 sis ters, Ann (Allen) Blakley, Elottie (Viigil) Bright, and Gay (Lee) McClamrock, all of Mocksville, and 3 grandchil dren. Jasmine Ebrigbt, Jocelyn Ebright, and Ethan Ebrighl. He was also preceded in death by a brother. Wayne Howard. A celebrmicHi of life eervke was held on Monday. Oct. 8 at 2 pm. in the Davie Funeral Service Chapel. The fatnfly received friends on Monday at the funeral home. Memorials; Dragonfly House. 161E. Lexington Road, MocksvUle. Online condolences; www. daviefuneralservicexom. Davie County Public Uhtsry Mocksville. NC y. 'BiU'LeQuIre Mr. WUIiaiD L« "Bill" Le- Quire, 93, of Mocksville. for merly of Mount Airy, died Tuesday. Oct. 2, 2012, at the VA Medical Hospice Center in Salisbury. He was bom May 15,1919, in Swain County to the late James Calvin and Palestine Wiggins LeQuire. Mr. Lef^iire served in the U.S. Army dur ing World War U. serving in Normandy, Northern ftance, and Rhinelond, He received numerous awards, including a Bronze Star. He was a member of Rat Rock Pentecostal Holi ness Church. Survivors: his wife. Myrtle Branch LeQuire of the home; a daughter. Paulette Dorbin of Fuquay Vaiina; 3 grandchil dren, Yvonne Wilson and bus- band Jeff of Fuquay Varina, Michelle Thomas and husband Matt of Clayton, and Anthony "Tony" Shatutn of Salisbury; 9 great-grandchildren; a sis ter, Ethel Burchiieid of Black Mountain: 2 brothers, Harvey LeQuire of Bryson City and Clarence LeQuire and wife Ann of Valdese; and a special sister-in-law. Hazel LeQuire of Mount Airy. He was also preceded in death by 4 sisters and 3 broth- The funeral service was held Friday. Oct. 5 at noon at Moody Funeral Home Chape! in Mount Airy, with Lee Boy- ctte and the Rev. Deward Scott officiating. Burial foUowed at Skyline Memory Gardens, with full military honors conducted by the VFW Memorial Honor Guard Post 2019 of Mount Airy and Post 9436 of Pilot Mountain. The family received friends Fiiday at the funeral home. Memorials; Disabled Ameri can Veterans, NC61, c/o Bemie Epperson, 767 W. Lebanon St.. Mount Airy. 27030. Online condolences; ivivw. "twe/yybnera/rerv/ccjxom. )^Marjorie L. Sinclair Maijorie Lawrence Sinclair, died in Mocksville on October 5,2012 after a briefillness. She was bom Aug. 10,1929 in High Point to the late Fred and Susan Lawrence. She was owner of Pandora Packaging Co. Survivors: her husband,Don ald Finley Sinclair, whom she married on March 10, 1951; 2 children, Angela Sinclair Allsopp (Charlie) of Raleigh, and Donald Terrell Sinclair (Joy) of Winterville; sister, Re becca Lawrence Slate ofHiom- asville; 3 grandchUdren; and 4 great-grandchildren. Private family services wOJ beheld. • Memorials: Kate B.Reynolds Hospice Home, 101 Hospice Ln. Winston-Salem, 27103; or the charity of your choice. '^kEcr Davie County Public Library Mocksville, NO ^ Leona O. sink LeonB Raye Owens Sink, 80 of Lexington die4 Thursday Oct. 4, 2012 after a sudden illness at Wake Forest Health Lexington Medical Center. A funeral service was. held at 2 pJD. Sunday at Si. Luke's Lutheran Church where she was a lifelong member with Pastor Howard G. Baker ofBciating. Burial followed al Sandy Creek Cemetery. The family received friends Saturday at Davidson Funeral Home Lexington. Mrs. Sink was bom in Davidson County on April 24. 1932 to Raymond Sanford Owens and Kathleen Fritts Owens. She graduated 6tan Reeds High School and Lenoii Rhyne University. She was a retired school teacher having taught more than 41 years with most at West Davidson High School. She coached every girls sport at West Davidson and was inducted into the West I>avidson Hall of Fame. She was working for the Get Real Program at Davidson County Community College and at the YMCA-Ai St. Luke's Lutheran, she played the organ for more than 30 years, taught Sunday school, kept the children's nursery, was ti youth leader and served on the missionary society and church council- She was inducted into the Davidson County Republican Hall of Fame in 2011 and was a member of the Republican Women's and Executive Committee of the Republican Party. She wa.s preceded in death by her parents and husband of 56 years, Fred C.Sink. Surviving: her daughters, Susan Sink Brown and husband Steve of Lexington, Kimberly Sink of Winston-Salem, Holly Sink Harmon and husband Eddie of Lenoir, and lody Sink of Lcxingtou; 4 grandchildren. Shannon Wagner, Courtney Poarch .Taylor Poaich and Will Davis; 2 great-grandchildren, Nathan Wagner and Hunter Anders; brother, Sandy Owens and wife Penny of Uxington; sisters Barbara AUred and friend BruceLohr of Lexington, Bea Frye and husband CA. of Hickoiy and Becky Causby and husband Ralph of Greeiisboro. Memorials; St. Luke s Lutheran. 4299 S. NC 150, Lexington 27295,; or The Caldwell County Wig Bank. 226 Mulberry St., Lenoir, 28645. Online condolences; www. davidsoi>funeralhomeJiel. ^ James Wesley Wlngo Mr. James Wesley Wingo, 37, US 601 N., Mocksville, died Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2012, at his home. He was bom Oct. 6.1974,10 Tazewell County, Va. to Dol- lie Mae Hardy Wingo and the late James Thomas Wingo. Mr. Wingo was a graduate of Big Creek High School in War, W.Va. Survivoia: his mother of Yadkinville; fianct, Bridget Billips; 2 brothers, George Quinton Wingo and Joshua Shannon Wingo (Isabel)), all of Mocksville; and a nephew, Av- eiy Lee Hardin. A frmeral service was con ducted al 11 am., Friday, Oct. 5 at Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Wayne Swisher of ficiating. Burial followed in Hartwell Cemetery, Hanwell, W.Va. The family received friends Thursday, Oct. 4 at Eaton Funeral Home. Memorials: American Can cer Society, 4-A Oak Branch Drive, Greensboro, 27407; or to die family, PO Box 1605, Yadkinville. 27055. Online condolences: www. eaionfiaier^service^om. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Oct. 11,2012 Oavie County Pubtic Ubfary Mocksville, NO DAVIE COUNTY ENTERERrSE RECORU. Thursday, Del. 18.2012 ■■'V }^ohn Clay Bowles Mr. John Clay Bowles. 95, of Mocksville, died Monday. Oct. 8,2012. He was bom April 19. 1917. in Iredell County to the late John Arthur and Augusta Chambers Bowles. Mr. Bowles was a veteran of the U.S. Army Air Corp. having served during World War II. He was also preceded in death by his wife. Nila Bow. man Bowles; S sisters, Lottie Seamon. Flossie Seafotd. Eva Lee Crawford, Johnsie Davis and Edna Allen; and a brother, Arthur Bowles. Survivors: a sister. Hazel Thompson of Hillsborough; several nieces and nephews, including caretaker, Judy Paige (Jack) of Mocksville. A funeral service was con ducted at 6 pjL., Wednesday, Oct. to at Eaton Funeral Cha pel with the Rev. Chris Henson officiating.The family received friends at the funeral home fol lowing llic service. A graveside service was conducted at 1 pun.. Thursday.Oct. 11 at Oak 3ruvc Memorial Gardens. Dur- lam with military gmveside -ites. Memorials; Smith Grove 'JMC. 3492 US 158. Mocks- 'ille. X l>ewfy: ^ Mr. l). Dewt-y Elloii Crandll Mr. Dcwey Elton Cranfill, 59.tif Deck Circle.Mocksville. died Friday. Oct. 5.2012, at his borne. He was bom Feb. 7.1953, to the late Stacy Hardin and Nellie Baity Cranfill. Mr. Cranfill had worked at Skyline Manufactur ing. tie was alsopreceded in death by a sister, Lyvonne Kelly; and a brother, Ronald Cranfill. Survivors: his wife, Trina Snipes Cranfill of the home; a daughter. Sabrina Norman (Carlos); 2 son.s, Greg Cianfill and Chris Burton, all of Mocks ville; 3 grandsons. Adrian Cranfill. Domenyk Wilkes and Zachary Cranfill; and 4 grand daughters. Adysen Norman. E\c Nomian. Chasity Burton and Chelsea Burton. A funeral service was con ducted at! 1 ajn. Tuesday, Oct. 9 at Biton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Scott Welch officiat ing. Burial followed in Turners Creek Baptist Church Cem etery. Yodkinville. The family receivcti friends Monday. Oct. 8 at the funeral hontc. Online condolences: wwu'. eaionfiiiifralservifiuom. Lou GrubbsMrs. Jinunie Lou AdamsGrubbs. 96. died Wednesday.Oct. 10.2012, at her home.She was bora Dec. 16, 1915,in China Grove, to the lateJames Gordon and Maty Zula Turner Adams. Valedictorianof her class. Mrs, Grubbs wasaccepted at nursing school inCharloRe. Unable to altend forfinancial reasons, she foundaji outlet for her caring nature through employment at theDavie County Office of PublicHealth and later as an assistant for more than 40 years inthe dental offices of Dr, RobertIxing in Mocksville and Siaies-ville, until her retirement at age Win 1999, A lifelong memberof Mocksville First Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Grubbs heldseveral offices Ihere, includingpresident of the Women of thepurch from 1952-1953. Family and friends remember herwarmth, wit, compassion luid generosity.She was also preceded in death by an infam sister andbrother; siblings, Robert Ad-ams, John Harper Adams, CleoAmmons Clement Smith, Stella Beaver Can^beil. Dorothy A. Hay. Virginia A Waters andLouise H. Hapner; and her husband of 30 years, Paul Cash- well Grubbs. Survivois: a son, Paul C.Grubbs Jr., of Newingion,Conn.; a daughter. Lynn G.Bridges, and a grandson. R.Eric Bridges, both of Mocksville; a special niece. Missy W. Foster; a sister-in-law, GenevaG. Bowles of Concord; and numerous nieces and nephews.A funeral .service was conducted at noon Saturday. (3ci.13 at First Presbyterian Churchwith Dr. Pat Spicer officiating. Burial followed in Rose Cemetery. The family receivedfriemls Friday, Oct. 12 at the home.Memorials; The Advocacy Center. 261 S. Main St., Mocksville.Online condolences: www. eaionfuneralsenicexom. Davie County Public LibraryMocksville, NO Bobby Lester Imes Bobby Lesler Imfs. 56. nf Harmony, died Ocl. 14. 2012 in Oonion Hospice Home in Siaiesville. Contact Graham Funeral Home at 751-IHIO or visit m'h'iv .CruhomFuiicriilHoine. "el for ajTangemenis. X John David Jones John "JJ" David Jones. 68. of Lilbum, G., died Monday. Oct. IS, 2012 at DeKdIb Medical Center, Decalur, Ga. Bom in Davie County. Aug. 31.1944, he was the son of the late Shecrill and Dinah Mae Jones, and brother to (he late Albert Jones, He served in the U.S. Air Force. Throughout his life ho worked in his dad's auto garage, Coolecmcc Cotton Mill, Statesville Steel, Coca Cola in Winsion-Salera, Canteen Food and Vending Services, and Roben Rogers Homes Inc. Survivors: his wife of 47 years and high school sweet heart, Julia Smith Jones: daugh ter, Yvonne Jones Rogeis (Jus tin Solomon) of Boll Ground, <3a.; grandchildren, Amanda Rogeis, Austin Coiiway, Ariel Rogers and Samantha Solomon of Georgia: sister. Annie Mae Allgixxl of Yadkinville; and numerous cousins, nieces, and nephews. A celetnalion of life service will be held Saturday, Oct. ,20 at 2 p.m. at the home of JX. Smith. 191 Myers Rd., Mocks- vilie. Memorials: American Lung association or To the charity of donor's choice. Online condolences: hwh'. iragesfiineralhomesom. A funeral service was to be conducted at II a.m., Thurs day. Oct. 18 at Eaton Funeral Chapel with Gaude WiaiT. Tony Forrest and Roger Powel! officiating. Burial was to fol low in Jciicho Church of Christ Cemetery. Die family was to receive friends from 6-8 p.m. on Wednesday. Oct. 17 at the funeral home. Memtrrials: Davie Home Health. PC Box 848, Mocks- viile. Online umdolences: «vw. ^aiiii(fiiiier(ilsen'ire.com. ^Carol M. Lawrence Ms. Carol Mischlcr Law rence, 7.5, of US 64 West, Mocksville.died .Saturday,Oct. l3.2012.alW.G. "Bill" Heftier Medical Center in Salisbury. She wa.? bom May 8.1937, in Davie County to the late Clar ence and Sadie Mae Barney- castle Forrest. Ms. Lawrence was a veteran of the U.S. Navy and was a member of North Main Street Church of Christ. She was a longtime friend and supporter of ihe Davie County Senior Center and enjoyed the many friends she made there. She was also preceded in death by a daughter. Deborah ■M. Nuckols; .and a brother. Harvey Bailey Forrest. Survivors; 3 sons. John C. Mischlcr nf Oak Island. James L. Mischlcr and Joseph L. Mis chlcr (Jennifer), ail of Mocks ville: a snn-in-law, Eddie Lee Nuckols; a brother. Roy Forrest of Fries, Va; a sister. Sue Pow ell of Alabama; a granddaugh- irr. Kaillin Mischlcr; and 2 griindsons, Jeffrey and Gregory Nuckols. Davie County Public Library Mocksyille, NO X William J. Mosny Rev. William J. Mosny. 83. of Wake Forest, died on Satur day, Oct. 13. 2012 at Hillside Nulling Center. He was bom in Hammond, Ltd. to the late Michael Mosny and Eleanor Wall Monsy, Rev. Mosny was a veteran of the U.S. Navy with 23 years of ser- vice.He later earned his master of divinity front .Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and scrsed as pastor at local churches for many years. He was 3 meinbcr of the Intcma- tioiial Honor Society in Social Sciences (Pi Cantma Mu| and Heritage Baptist Church. A memorial service was held at II ajii. Wednesday, Oct. 17 at Heritage Bajtiisi Church, Wake Forest. Survivors' his wife o( 54 years. Glenda Kooittr Mo.sny, a Davie native; children, Mar sha Thompson and husband Wayne of Georgia. Anthony Mosny aittl wife Dcbhie of South Carolina. Debbie Tiiidei and iiusbaniJ James of Utah. Marshall .Mosny of Maryland and Tracy .Mosny and wife i-isa of Kitlrell; brothei, David Smith of Colorado; sister. Ijju- isc Minks of Massachusetts; 14 grandchildren: and 6 great grandchildren. He was also preceded in death by his daughter. Cynthia Mosny. Memorials: Heritage Baptist. 230 Capcom Ave., Suite 103, Wake Forest. 27587. Online condolences; wh'w. hrighlfiuierals.com. ^EvelyD H. Shoaf Evelyn H. Shoaf, 93, of Mocksville, and formerly of Daugherty Township of New Brighton, Pa., died on Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012 at Alston Brook Nursing Home iu Lexing ton. She had resided with her daughter in Mocksville for six years. She was bom on June 12. 1919, in Rochester, Pa., the daughter of the late John F- "Ben" Christian and Elizabeth Sanderbeck Christian. She was a homemaker and a member of Holy Family Catholic Church in New Brighton. She enjoyed her homemaker's and card clubs. Survivors: her daughter and son-in-law. Sandra and Richard Householder of Mocksville; a sister, Jean Cooper of Beaver, Pa.; 2 grandchildren, Kiniber- ly Meisner of Lexington and Richard (Patti) Householder of Charlotte; and 4 great-grand children, Austin and Shayne Householder and Kayla and Scan Meisner. "I"he Mass of Chrisiiaii Buri al will be celebrated on Friday, Oct. 19 at 11 8jn. at the Holy Family Catholic Church in New Brighton, with the Rev. Father Thomas Kredel officiat ing. Burial will be in the Syl- vania Hills Memorial Park in New Brighton. The family will receive friends on Friday from 9:30-10:30 a.m. at the Lutlon Funeral Home. 1117 Sth Ave. in Beaver Falls, Pa. Memorials: Alzheimecs As soc.. 3800 Shamrock Drive. Charlotte,28215. Online condolences; tvivw, tJaviefiineralservieerom. Oavie County Public Libraiy Mocksville, NO ^ DcWilla Dull Smith Mrs. DeWilla Lucille Dull Smith. 81. of New Hamp shire Court, Mocksville, died Wednewlay. Ocl. 10, 2012 at her home. She was bom July 19. 1931. in Davic County to the tale Floyd Webster and Elnui Mae Lowery Dull. One of her earli est jobs after graduating from Fairoington High School was as a telephone operator. She met Fredrick Eugene Smith on the switchboard and became his bride on April 21, I9S1. They moved frequently with his enlistinenl in the USAF but settled back, in Davie County ttpon discbarge. She worked at Hancs Hosiery and loved to share stories about those car- pooling days. Later on she was employed by Bank of Davie. which later became Branch Banking & Trust. She retired from there after 29 years. In tt- tircmeui, she and Gene bought a motor home and hit the road. They were members of sev eral camping chih.s and made many lifelong friends. Their (ravels took them on extended trips from Florida to Alaska and many destinations in be tween. Throughout her life she served on many committees and boards within her comrnu- nily including: arts council and Arts Alive events and (he Davie Chapter of the Disabled Ameri can Veterans & Auxiliary. She logged in hundreds of volunteer hours at the VA Medical Center in Salisbury. DeWilla and Gene loved working with hospital ized v eterans and it was evident by their servant hearts. As a life long member of Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church. Mrs. SiiiitI) held most (if not all) positions in her church. These iiicliidcd the board of tntstees, choir leader. United Methodist Women and churdi pianist for 60 years. She was also preceded in death by licr husband, Gctic in 2008: a brother, Vestal: and half-sister. Mildred Reavis. Survivors: a daughter. Te resa (Danny) (2onell; a son, Russell (Sherri) Smith, ail of Mocksville: S grandchildren, Chad (Mandy) Coriell. Ja son (Jade) Coneil. Seih Cor- rell, Matthew Smith and Sloan Smith: a stepgranddaughter, Shannon (Joel) Bolton; a great- grandson. Lundon CorrelJ; a stepgrcal-gRinddaugbtcr, Ellie Grey Bolton; a brother. Jimmy (Liz) Dull of Winston-Salem; and a sister. Marlene (Calvin) Trivetle of Mocksville. A funeral service was con ducted at 3 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 14 in Enlon Funeral Chapel with tiic Revs. Sara Scmggs and Timothy Wolf officiating. The family received friends Sunday, at the funeral home. Burial followed in Wesley Cha pel United Methodist (jhuich Cemetery. Memorials: Wesley Cha pel UMC Cemetery Fund, c/o Belly West. 3532 NO 801 N. Mocksville. Online coodoleoces: whsv. ralonfiineralservice£om- Davle County Public Library Mocksville, NO XKenneth "nirner Kenneth Turner, 83,of Wm- slon-Saiein.diedOct. 11 ,2012 in Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home. He was bom in Roanoke, Va.. and grew up in Forsyth County whete he attended local schools. He earned a bachelor's degree from North Carolina Central University and was a teacher in Washington, D.C. and Texas. He served four years in the U.S. Air Force and was a member of a Baptist church in VeraoD,Texas. Survivors; a son, Kenneth Turner Jr. of Fort Worth, Tex as; a daughter. Dr. Dianne (Na thaniel) Barber of Cleisimons.: a brother. Lee Turner of Ypsi- lanti, Mich.; 2 grandchildren. Carmen Kilgocc and Jasmine Barber, a great-grandchild, Ronald Recce Kilgorc. He was jmceded in death by a SOD; Denard Lowery; 2 broth ers, Ray Tiimer and Clarence Turner; and a sister. Laura Bai ley. Funeral services will be Friday. Oct. 19 at noon at St, Stephen Missionary Baptist Church in Win-ton-Snlem. Pastor James E. Cook wiil of ficiate and burial with military rites will follow in Piney Grove AMEZion Church in Harmony. The ftmily will receive friends 30 minutes before the service at the church. Memorials; Kate B. Reyn olds Hospice Home, 101 Hos pice Lane, Winston-Salem, 27103. XjiyeC.West Joe C. West, 80, of Colum bus. Ohio died Thursday, Oct. 11,2012 at OSU Medical Cen ter. Bom Aug. 8, 1932 in Farm- iogton to the late Alonzo and Lula (Eaton) West, he was re tired from the U.S. Air Force, serving during the Korean Conflict and Metnam. and was a retired engineering icchniciim withGE. Survivors: his wife of 34 years, Janet A. West: children. Joe Wanen West. Orcgoiy Kevin West. Anita Gail West; step-son. Gary (Theresa) Con- ley; grandchildren. Jason and Terrance West. Tammy Young. Briana Scon. Britney West. Ja- leesa West. Christiana Conlcy: brothers, Glenn (Marge) West. Hubert (Millie Ann) West; nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by a daughter. Janice Scott: step son. Vemon Conley; hrnlhcrx. Edwin. Alonzo Jr.. John. Wil iiam and Benjamin West; and sister. Cora West. Friends vis ited Sunday at the Owayne R. Spence Funeral Home in. Win chester. Ohio, where funeral service were held at 10:30 ajti. Monday. Burial followed at Franklin Hills Memory Gar dens. Memorials; National Kidney Foundation. Online condolences; mwiv. spencefimeralhome.coni. X, Linda Sue Wood Mis.Linda Sue BrownWood, 70. of Liberty Church Road. YadkinviUe, died Wednesday. Oct. 10,2012, at Forsyth Medi cal Center in Winston-Salem. She was bom Oct. 6. 1942. in Davie County to the late Ze- nnie and Loyce Davis Brown. She was ajso preceded in death by her husband,Tommy Wood; a great-grandson, Dylan Wood; and a half-brother. Fred Ttii- bert. Survivors: a daughter. Sher ry O'Dell (Roger) of Hamp- lonviUe; a son. Chuck Wood of YadkinviUe; grandchildren. Dany! Wood iKrisly). Tonya Spann, Kelly Wood. Chance. Chase and Coll Wood: great- grandsons. Aian Wood and Aiden Adams; and special friend. Harold Wood of Facm- ington. A funeral service wa.< con ducted at 3 p.m., Saturday. Oct. 13 at Eaton Funeral Chapel, Mocksville with the Rev, Brad Cunningham officiating. The family received friends at the fimera! home one hour before the service. Burial followed in liberty United Methodist Church Cemetery in Mocks ville. Memorials: Liberty UMC. 141 Liberty Circle. Mocks ville. Online condolences: wwh-. eaJonfunerahervicextim. Da^ County Public Library Mocksville. NO DAVIE COIIN-IY ENTI'RPKISK RECORD. Thursdny. Oct. 25,201 > I 'O N I o Ci )C.Lena Cornatzer Haire Mrs. Lena Comaizer Haire, 7.5, of Farmstead Lane, Mocks- ville, died Friday, Oct. 19, 20! 2, at Gordon Hospice House in Slalcsvillc. She was bora Jan. 8,1937, in Davic County to tbe late Sam uel Ray and Nan Foster Cor natzer. Mrs. Haire esiablished Farmstead Antiques, a familiar landmark along 1-40, in 1969. She showcased antiques from numerous dealers, including friends 1'om Davis and Hugh Eagle, who lived on the prop erly for years. In earlier years, she had worked inbanking. Mrs. Haire was a member of First MelhrKlisl Church, Mocksville where .she was known for the big, twauiiful hats that she wore each Sunday. She was loved by friends, including the mem bers of her Red Hat Club and those she played bridge with each inaiilh. Her home was a testimony to her love of beauti ful things, as was her yard thru Bourished under her care. She was knowTi for her generous spirit and vivacious personal ity. Mrs. Haire was "Gay-Gay" to her 10 grandchildren, and could often be foimd by the tish pond with them as they ate pic nics while having their roes in Suni«>rs: hci husband of 56 years, George Cleveland Haire of the home; 3 children, Samuel Scott Haire (Katherine) of Chi na, Sabrina Lowery (Randall) of Statesviiie and George Edgar Haire (Joanna) of Mocksville; a sister, Florence C. Siroud of Rocky Mount; 10 grandchil dren, Brandon Lowery (Amy), Lena Ann Stevenson (Jake), Erickson Haire, Chelsea Low ery, Raleigh Haire, Tyler Low ery, McKenzic Haire, Madison Haire, George Haire and Lillian Haire; a great-granddaughter, Logan Lowery; and her best friends from childhood thai she continued to hold dear. Carol Miller Dyson and Helen "Hedge" Postoii Clonlz. A ftineriil service was con ducted at 10 a.m.. Tuesday, Oct. 23 at First United Meth odist Church wiih the Rev. 3oc CoUins, D. Min. and Dr. Jeff Porter officiating. Burial fol lowed in Rose Cemetery. Memorials; Hospice of liedell, Gordon Hospice House, 2347 Simonton Road, States- viUe. 28625. Online condolences; www. eaionfuneratser/ice.com. KRulh Carter Hockaday Mjs. Ruth Carter Hockaday, 88, ofHillcrest Drive, Advance, died Sunday. Oct. 21. 2012, at Regency Care in Clemmons. She was bora Feb. 19, 1924. In Davie County to the late Philraore R. nnd Lela Smith Carter. Miss Ruth, as sheliked to be called, was ii life-long mem ber of Mocks United Methodist Church where she had served as a Sunday school teacher for 63 years, was a member of (he missions committee where she bad served as chair for 14 years and was a choir member. She retired from Hanes Ho siery. Ruth loved 1o volunteer. She helped with Advance Fire Dept. barbcqucs, 4-H, prison ministries. Sertoma and Pine- brook Elementary School. She served on many mission teams, local and abroad. She directed weddings and ciilcred celebra tions. Her joy was her faith in God, church, family and friends and helping others. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Huston F. Hockaday; brotheis, James, Milton "Bub", Walter "Pete", and Ross; sisters, Mae Carter, Minnie Howard. Ann Lanning and Vida Allen. Survivors: her son, Ricky Hockaday (Cathy); a bralber, Charles Caiiert grandchildren, Suzanne and William Hocka day; and many nieces and nephews. A celebration of her life was conducted at 3 p.m., Wednes day, Oct. 24 at Mocks United Methodist Church with the Rev. Bill Taylor officiating. The body was placed in the church 30 minutes prior to the service. Burial followed in the church cemetery. The family received friends Tuesday, Oct. 23 at Eaton Funeral Home, Mocksville. Memorials; Mocks UMC Mission Fund, PC Box 2122, Advance. Online condolences: hwv, eatonfuneraUcrvice£om. Davie County Public Library Mocksville. NO ^ Raymond 'RD' Holmes Raymond "R.D." Holmes, 77. of HannoDy. died on Oct. 21, 2012 in Iredell Memorial Hospital following a brief ill ness. He was bora Dec.?. 1934 in Iredeli County, son of the late Raymond and Maggie Patter son Holmes. He attended Iredell County Schools and gradu ated from Unity High School in 1955. Alan early age he joined Mt. Nebo Baptist Church and later became an active member of First Baptist Church where he served as trustee, and a member of the men's choir. On Dec. 24, 1959, he was united in marriage to Mary Dillard. They had one son. Mr. Holmes worked at G.L. Wilson Building Co. and later at Brady Printing Co. a.s a delivery driver. He was a loyal employee for 51 years and retired in 2009. He loved cattle farming and spending time with his grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, on Aug. 8, 2001; a brother. Charles Holmes; 2 sis ters. Hazel Turner and Mildred TiUman. Survivors; his son David (Carlal Holmes of Harmony; 2 grandchildren. Miya Holmes and Evan Holmes; a brolher-in- iaw.Gcne Foole of MocksviUe; a sister-in-law, Margaret Lewis of MocksviUe; a special Eriend. Margaret AUison; and a num ber of nieces, nephews, and other relatives. His funeral service was scheduled forThursday, Oct. 25 at 2 p.m. at First Baptist Church in Harmony. The Rev. Jeffrey Miller was to officiate with burial following in the church cemetery. The family was to receive friends at the church an hour before the service. Online condolences: vnviv. GrahamFvneralHome.nel. Davie County Pubfc UbtaryMocksviUe. NC Xeobby Lester Imes Bobby Le,ster Imes. 56, of Harmony, died on Oct. 14. 2012 at Gordon Hospice Home in Statesville. He was the son of Les Camp bell and Flossie Scott, bom in Ir^eUCounty onOct. 14,1956- He graduated from States ville High School in 1974 and worked at FreighUiner Trucks of Cleveland. He was preceded in death by his mother. Also surviving; his wife. Sandra Rose Imes of the home: a son, Torry MUler of States ville; 3 step-sons, Damein (Shfi'Nika) Blackwell of Statesville, Kenneth Goodson and Devon Rose, both of Har mony: a step-daughter. Brandt Goodson of Harmony: a bntth- er. Steve Scott of Hickory: 3 sisters, Sheila Scon and Van essa Scott, both of MocksviUe. and Cynthia (Robett) Kenan of Greensboro: 16 grandchildren: his mother-in-law. Lois Rose of Harmony; 2 special friends. Steve Summers and Carl Hen derson; a host of other relatives and friends. His funeral service was held on Friday, Oct. 19 3i4:30pju. in the chapel of Graham Funer al Home. Pastor Charles Da vidson officiated and burial fol lowed in Pleasant HiU Baptist Church Cemetery- The family received friends at the funeral home 30 minutes prior to the service. Online condolences: www. GrahamFunerolHome.ncl. Xsieven Lcc Key Mr. Steven Lee Key, 40. of Bear Creek Churcii Road. MocksviUe. died Thui^ay, Oct. 18,20l2.nt Forsylh Medi cal Center in Winslon-Saieni. Mr. Key was born July 14, 1972. in Yadkin County to Troy Lee and Kathy Ann Bled- soe Key. He was a member of Bread of Life Baptist Church- Mr. Key was a member of the Jerusalem Volunteer Fire DepI, from 1990-2000. Survivors: his wife. Tina Oriffm Key of the home: h daughter, Cameran Key; 2 sons, Joshua and Jack Key: mother-in-law. JoAnn Davi.s of MocksviUe: best friend. Rich ard Gamer of Yadkinville: a sister. Angela Key of Mocks viUe; and an aunt. Tammy King of Pittsburgh, Pa. A memorial service was con ducted at 2 p.m. Monday, Oct. 22 at Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev, James Lytle of ficiating. The family received friends at the funeral home one hour before the service. Online condolences: www. eatonfiineralsen'ice^om. Ruth Foster Meroncy Mrs. Edna Ruth Foster Mcroney, 99. of West Church Street, Mocksville, died Thurs- day.Ocl. 18,2012.atWFBH- Davic Hospita]. She was bom June 21. 1913, in Mocksville to the late Nathan Thomas and Ollie Mae Foster Foster. Mrs. Meroney was one of Mocksville's early telephone operators serving nine years for Centra! Telephone. Later she served in nmsing doing in- home care. She was the oldest member of First United Meth odist Church, Mocksville, hav ing joined in 1918. She was also preceded in death by her husband. Jake Mcroney; 4 sisters; 3 brothers. SurvivOTs: 2 sons. H.T. Mer oney and his fiancd, Eluabelh Mapes of Virginia Beach. Va. and Gwynn Meroney of the home; a sister. Frances Page of Lumberion; a grandson, Chris Meroney of Chesapeake. Va.; and a granddaughter, Janet Jar re! of Salisbury. A graveside service was con ducted at 2 pjn.. Sunday, Oct. 21 at Rose Cemetery in the Meroney Plot, with the Rev. Joe Collins. D.Min. officiating. Memorials; First UMC. 310 N. Main St., Mocksville. Online condolences; hww. eaionfuneraherviceiCom. iC WiUiam Studcvent Jr. William Nathan Studc vent Jr.. known as "June" and "Stud," died on Wednesday. Cel. 17. 2012 at Rowan Re gional Hospital. , He was bom on May 29,1947 in Washington. D-C., to the laic William Nathan Studevent Sr.. and Emma Lewis Studevent. After reiutning to North Caroli na, he joined Pleasant Hill Bap- list Church at an early age and attended Ircdell County Public Schools. He graduated from Unity High School in 1965. He had worked at Daimler Truck Co. He was married to JoAnn Nichols' Sleele in 2009. His passions were his cats, riding his motorcycle, and camping. He was preceded in death by bis only brother, Rondall Eu gene Studevent, and a grand son, TyreU Sludevenl. Survivors; his wife. JoAnn; 2 sons. Tyrone Studevent of Al exandria. Va-. and Victor iTan- ya) Lewis of Pennsauken. NJ.; 2 daughters. Tanya LaFrance Lewis of New Yoit. N-Y.. and Lonna (Erie) Holbrook ofChar lotte; 3 step-sons, Myron Nich ols and Todd (Rosa) Steele of Hannony, and Douglas (Tioa) Nichols of Charlotte; 7 grand children; 2 nephews, Reginald and Rickie Studevent; 7 aunts. Gladys Studevent. Lois Rose. Baihaia Lewis, Gwen Ickard, Faye Porter. Margaret Lewis, and a special aunt. Matcella Lewis; a devoted friend. John Parker; and many cousins and friends- Funeral sei^ice was held Sunday, Ocl- 21 at 2 pjn. in the chapel of Oraliam Funeral Home. The Rev. Ray Camp bell officiated and the Rev. Ber nard Pate delivered the eulogy- Burial followed in Pleasant Hill Baptist Church Cemetery. Online condolences; »w. GrahamFuiierolHmejtet. "KH.Thursda,.Oct. 25.2012 Oavie County Public Library Mocksville. NO DAVIE COIJNl Y KNI EKI'KISE RKCOKI). Jhurxdas. Orl. 25,2012 /^obby Lee Winters Sr. Bobby Lee Winleis Sr., 77. of Advance, died Thuisday. Ocl, 4.2012 at Kale B, Reyn olds Hospice Home. He was bom Sepi, 25,1935, to the late Nearec Komelius and Nora HoUoway Wuitere. He was a self-employed auto matic tRuismission mcchaitic most of his adult life. He was the youngest of eight children. He was also preceded in death by a daughter, Judy. Survivors: his wife, Linda; 2 sons, Bobby Jr. and Danny Sla- ley; and a sister, JoAnn Joyce of Stanleyville, As per his wishes, his body was b^ueathed to Wake ForKt School of Medicine. A remembiaoce service will be held later. Memorials: Hopsice, ^ James Edward WHIiams Mr. James Edward "Eddie" Williams, 52, of Junie Beau- champ Road, Advance, died Monday, Oct. 22,2012, at For- syth Medical Center in Win- ston-Salem. He was bom Jan. 18. 1960, in Rowan County to the late Nonnan Ray and Janice Wilson Williams. Mr. Williams was a member of Bethlehem United Methodist Church, His love was doing landscaping and he enjoyed drag racing. He was also preceded In death by a brother-in-law. Dale Chappeli, Survivors; a sister, Cindy Chappeli of Kentucky; a niece and nephew, Cariy Jac and Lake Chappeli; several aunts, uncles and cousins; and god mother, Trasisene Boger of Mocksville. A graveside service will be conducted at 11 asn.. f^day, Get, 26, at Bethlehem United Methodist Church Cetneteiy with the Rev, Barry Lemons officiating. The family will receive friends from 6-8 p,m.on Thurs day, Oct. 25. at Eaton Funeral Home. Memorials: for the family. 5657 Lagiange Road. Shel- byvillc.KY 40065. Online condolences: hw. ealonfiuicraisemcerom. OSVle County Public Lib:.Mocksville. NC " Lavernc DiUard Ijivcnie "Peaches" Dillnrd died oti Oti- 29, 21H2 ai Kale B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winslon-Salem. She was bom on Nov. 19. 1960 in Davic County, a daugh ter of Dorothy Lewis Dillanl and the late William "Biir Dillanl. She attended Davie County Schools and was a homemaker and babysitter. She enjoyed playing cards, going to flea markets, collecting junk, and spending time with her grandchildren. She was also preceded in death by 4 brothers, William Lee, l.ajTy, Terry and Dwight Dillard; Survivors: her son. Seorty (Amanda) Diilard of Motks- ville; a daughter. Stephanie (Marcus) Dillarti of WinsKm- Salem; 2 sisters. Palr'icin Rcd- mon and Geaniia Dillard, both of Mocksville; 2 brothers. Ricky (Oina) Dillaixl and El ton DiUard, all of Mocksville; 6 grandchildren. Blake Rum mage. Madison Rector, Carter Dillard, Marcus, Markcl tiiui Marquis Fopunc; ii special friend. Gary "Bookie" Amuld; and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. A memorial service will bo held oti Sauirday, Nov. 10 at 4 pjti. at New Jerusalem Ap ostolic Church on Campbell Road. Mocksville. XjlmmieLou Grubbs Mrs. Jinunic Lou Adams Grubhs. 96. died Wednesday, Oct. 10.2012, at her home. She was bom Dec. 16,1915, in China Gtove, to the late Jnincs Gordon and Mary Ziila Turner Atlnms, Valedictorian ol her class. Mrs. Grubbs was accepted at nursing scltool in Charlotte. Unable to attend for finjinelal reasons, she found an outlet for her ctiring iiamre through employment at the Davie County Office of Public Health and Inter as an assis tant for more than 40 years in the ilental offices of Dr. Robert Long in Mocksville and States- viUc.umil her retirement at age R4 in 1999. A iifclong member Cii Mocksville First Presbyte rian Church, Mrs. Grubbs held several offices there, including ptesidenl of the Wontcn of the Church from 1952-1953-Fam ily and friends remember her wnniiih, wit, compassion and generosity. She was also preceded in death by an infant sister and bnilhcr; siblings. Robert Ad orns. John Harper Adams. CIcu Ammons Clement Smith. Stel la Bcavcf Campbell, Dorothy A. Hay, Virginia A Waters and laiuise H. Hapncr: and her hus band of 30 years. Paul Cash- well Grubbs. Suivivots: a son. Haul Gruhbs Ji . of Newinglon. Conn.; a daughter. Lynn C. Bridges, and a grandson. R- Eric Bridges, both of Mocks ville; a special niece. Missy W. Foster; a sister-in-law. Geneva G Bowles of Concord; and nu- mervius nieces and nepUcu s. A funeral service wtus con ducted at noon Saturday. Oci- 13 at First Piesbyterian Church with Dr. Pat Spicei officiat ing. Burial followed in RoseCemetery. The family received friends Friday. Oct. 12 at the home- Memorials: The Advo cacy Center. 261 S. Main St.. Mocksville. Online condolences: iwvw. eitloiifiiiienihcnice-cniti- ^udrey Law.son Heasley Mrs. -Audiey Lawson Hea- sley. 76. of Wmsion-Salem. (formeiiy of Wolcott. N.Y.) died from complications of Al zheimer's Disease on Oct. 2.5, 2012. She « as preceded in death by her husband. Richard C. Heas- ley.from cancer, in 1971. Survivors: her children, James C. (Nanita) Heasley, Judy A. (Bob) Parken grand children Marina J. Vendrillo. Jonathan C. Heasley; siblings Donald F. (Gloria) Lawson, Robert A. (Linda) Lawson, June E. (John) Dumas. David B. (Barbara) Heasley. as well as numerous nieces, nephew*, cousins and friends. Mrs. Heasley was bom Dec. 12. 1935 in Cortlaiid, N.Y., to the late Erdell and Ruth Law- son. She attcntlcd SUNY Cort- land and Central City Business Institute (CCBl) earning a de gree in secreurial science, he retired from North Rose Wol cott CSD as the guidance office secremry in 1995. After retiring she moved to NC to be close to her grandchildren and con tinued to work as the Bcmmda Run Maintenance Depanmcni secretary in Advance for sev eral years. .She was a life-long volunteer through the chinch and dedicated to the communi ties in which she was a mem ber A memorial service was con ducted at 6:30 p.m. Monday. Ckt. 29 at Clemmons Pres byterian Chuich by Dr. Wil- liajD Boyle and the Rev. Jay Banasiak-The family received friends following the service at the church. Memorials: American Cancer Society and/or the Alzheimer's Association. Online condolences: wniv. liayworih-miller£vm. Qavi6 County Public Library Mocksville, NO Vo A.e davie county enterprise£ RECORD.Tbursday. Nov. 1,2012 ggy Harris Jones Mrs. Peggy Dean Har ris Jones. 74, of Wilkesboro Street. Mocksville, died Satur day. Oct. 27.2012 at WFBMC in Winston-Salem. She was bom on March 19. 1938, in Davie County to the late John Frank and Sadie Belle Wiles Harris. Mrs. Jones was a thrift shopper who enjoyed go ing to yard sales. She enjoyed eating at Lexington BBQ and loved playing the piano. Mrs. Jones was a caretaker of her mother for more than 25 years until her mother's death in 2010. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Fred Lee Jones Jr. Survivors: a daughter. An nette Boger (Karl Borde); .7 sons. Darnell Jones (Jackie). Barry Jones Sr. and Mark Jones, all of Mocksville; S grandchil dren. Barry Jones Jr. (Norma). Steven Jones Jr., Haley Brook Jones. Christine Harbour (Ja son) and Stacie Boger (Brandon Payne); 3 great-grandchildren. Sawyer and Walker Jones and Kinsley Harbour: and several nieces and nephews. A funeral service was con ducted at 2 p.m..Tuesday, Oct. .30 at Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. George Troyer officiating. Burial followed in Dulin United Methodist Chtuch Cemetery. The family received friends at the funeral home one hour prior to the service. Memorials: A Storehouse for Jesus, 464 Depot St., Mocks ville. Online condolences: mii'h'. •iitoiifimeralserviceMm. ^..eon Franklin O'Neal Mr. Leon Franklin O'Neal. 79,of Davie Street.Coolecmcc. died Friday, Oct. 26, 2012, at his home. He was bom on Sept. 7, 1933, ill Davie (bounty to the late Lonnie Taylor and Minnie L. Williams O'Neal. He was a veteran of the US Army and was a hunter and fisherman. He was also preceded in death by a sister and a brother. Survivors: his wife of 57 years, Frances Tucker O'Neal of the home; a daughter,Tamara Rookard (Darryl) of Jncks- boro, Tenn.; 3 sons, Bobby O'Neal (Renae) of Woodleaf, Tony O'Neal (Tammy) and Bud O'Neal (Debbie), all of Cooleemee; 7 grandchildren; 8 great-grandchildren; 2 sisters, Katherine McDaniel and Ber- ilene Russell, a brother, Arnold Gray O'Neal (Geraldine). all of Cooleemee; and several nieces and nephews. A graveside service was con ducted at 2 p.m., Monday. Oct. 29 at legion Memorial Park with the Rev. Alan Miller of ficiating. The family received friends Sunday, Oct. 28 at Eaton Funeral Home. Memorials: Cooleemee Church of Go<l. PO Box 357 Cooleemee. Online condolences: www. eatnnfititeralsenirc.coiii. We County Public Ubrary Mocksville, NO y^Samucl L. Pennington Mr. Samuel "Bud" Lawrence Hcnninjilon. 85. of LewisNiUe. (lied on Monday. Ocl. 22. 2012 at the Rale B. Reynolds Hos pice Home He was boroJuly 15.1927 in Davie County to the late dames Roben Pennington Jr. and Ruth Beck Pcnnitigion. Mr. Penning ton was educated in the Forsyih County School System. He was a lifelong member of Grapevine Baptist Church where he served as the head usher for years. He retired from R J. Reynolds To bacco Co, as a truck driver after ."5 years. Preceding hitn iti death was a son. Kenneth "K.P." Uwrence Pennington and 2 foster daugh ters, Becky Moore Winfrey and Sheila i-'ord Colcman. Surviving: itis wife of 63 years. Blanche Forbus Pen nington; sou. Sam .t. Penning ton and Tammy of Westfield; grandson.Sam "Joey" Penning ton and wife Carla of Lewis- ville; Oaughier-in-iaw. Shirley K i'enniiigton of Winston- Sslcni; grcat-gratxldaughter, Nikkiyn Pennington: brother. Ilatlcy L. "Bill" Pennington of Uwlsvillc; several nieces and nephews:? sisters-in-law. Bob- byctte Forbus and Flora Ruth Forbus; special friends Mike iind JoJo Moore, Mikey and Michelle Mitore. and Wayne and LuAnne Gibbons and sons. Dantiin and IJillon. A funeral scrs'lce was held at 2 p.m. Friday. Oct. 26al Hoy- worth-Millet Uwisville Cha pel with Pastor Ronnie Comer .-ind Chaplain Randy HUiman officiating. Burial followed at Wesllawn Gardens of Memoiy. The family received friends Thursday at the funeral home. Memorials;Kate B.Reynolds Hospice Home. 101 Hospice Ijl. Winston-Salem, 27103. Online condolences: nwiv. harn'orlh-miUiT^oiii. /.Hcberl Nading Smith lichen Nading Smith. 90 of Advance, died Tuesday. Oct. 23. 2012 at Lenoir Healthcare Center in lasnoir. He was bom March 21,1922 in Davie County, a son of the late Oilis H. and Lola Dare Howard Smith. He served in the U.S,AmiyandAirForcein Woi Id War II. He wics employed by Sara Lee Corp. as a supervi sor until his retirement in 1986. He was a charter member of Smilii Grove Ruritan Qub in Advance with 44 years of per fect attendance. He was a life member of Bethlehem United Mclltodisi Church in Advance. He married Dorothy Reid on Nov. 2. 1946 in Forsyth Coun ty. She preceded him in death on Sept- 13. 2007 in Wiosion- Sidem. He was also preceded in death by an infant son. Reid Nading Smith in 1959; a son- in-law. Eugene Hartley in 2006; 3 brothers, Elbcn, Charles and Arnold; and 2 sisters. Norma Mae and Ella Gray. A funeral service was held at 1 |t.m. Thursday. Oct. 25 at Frank Voglcr and Sons Clcm- ntoits Chapel. Visitation was bi-forc the service Burial was in Wesllawn Gardens of Mem ory in Cieiiimons. Memorials'. Bethlehem UMC. 321 Redland Road. Ad vance. Online condolences: u-ww. frunk\'ig!rra'iiJsniiSJ:om. Davie County Public LibraryMocksvilte. NO Muna Marie Bales Mona Matic liiilci. linugli ler o!' Bun Mutersbiiugli ami GciWidc 'nirall MuicrsbaiiRh, long-lime icsideni i>l Davic Couiily. died on Nov. 5. lOI' aflcr suffering a severe stroke. She v/as born April 21, 1127 in Hannibal Mb. ami raised in Uke Charles, l-a. An .iceom- piishcd niusitiiin willi a degree in linglisli from llie Hiiiver sily of Missouri, she spent her working career ns a icaeher in Mocksville and Winsion-Sa- lem. She was predeceased in I9S2 by her husband, Douglas Dale Bales, who logclher frequently enienaiiicd guests and musi cians in their home on Main Street in Mocksville with their blucgrass music. Sunivots; her twin daugh ters. Gertrude (Trudi) Alice Bales of Greenville. S.C.. Mol- lie Marie Henninger of Char lotte. (husband. Jnsh); and her son, Jeffrey Douglas Bale.s of Mocksville; her graitdchii- dren. Trjdic Marie Henninger of Asheville, and Joseph B. Henmngci Ml ol ChallaiUMiga. Tenn.; briithcrs. Bud Mulcrs- baugh of Kentucky (wife Che- rie)) and John Murershaugh «l Missouri. A shod private service wus held on Nov S to hoiioi her life Hb niolhcr. fricnri and icaclict. ^Elizabclh Ball Crcason Mrs Kli/obcth "Libby" Ball Crcason. 82. of E-ist Brick Walk Court. Mocksville. died Wednesday. Oct. 31. 2012. lit Fkirsyth Medical Center in Winsti)n--Salrm. She was hoin March 21. 1930. in Davie County to the late l.uke mid Hester Cook B.ill.Mrs. Crcason was a mem ber of Victory Baptist Churcli 111 Coolcemcc. She was pas sionate itboiit her love of fam ily and the sport of golf, hav ing piayed foi more than 40 years. Mrs. treason enjoyed going to the bench and spending time wiili faniily- She was also preceded in death by her husband, ihe Rev. Joseph"BiH" WilbumCreason; 2 brothers; and 5 sisters. Survivorst 3 children. Di- anne Keller (Ralph Oliver) of Winston-Salem. Peny treason I Donna) of Mocksville and Lisa Newton (Lawson) of Advance; a sister. Lena Everhardt Parker of Advance; 6 grandchildren. Mifsy Ginther iChuck). Me gan McDaniel (Brimn). Tiffany liihnson (Adam). Kevin Crca son. Ashley Wiles and Ben Newton; and 5 great-grandchil dren. Haley and Ross Ginther, Jake Renegar, Marie McDaniel and Silas Johnson. A funeral service was con ducted at 1 pm.. Saturday. Nov. .3 at Victory Baptist Church with the Rev. Shelby Harbour officiating. The casket was open in the church from ll-l for public viewing. Burial followed in Rowan Memorial Park in Salisbury. Memorials Victory Bap tist. PO Box 68(', C'onlecmec. 27014. Online condolences: icwu' enroiifunerahcmirxon. Walter Git-nn Holt Mr. Walter Glenn Holl. S(i of Mocksville. died Saturday Nov. 3. 2012 at the Kale B Reynolds Hospice Home. He was hom l''cb.22.1926 in Forsylh Coiiniy to the late .Sam Henry Holl and Carrie Belle Booker Holt. Mr. Holt served in ihc (iS Navy during World War II in North Africa and the Euiopcan theaters .nid bad re tired from Roadway Express after JH years. He xvas of the Primitive Baptist Faith. Survivors: his wife. Joanna l.enlz Holt of Ihe honse; 3 sons. Gene Holt and wife Rosa of Advance. Steve Holl and wife Sherry of Lewisville and Terry Holl and wife Paiilelte of King; 6 grandciiildren. Jeff Holt and wife Diana. Christina Holl. Jennifer Holl Eldridgc and hus band Page. Dawn Holl Hender son and husband Jason. Ryan Holt and Krislii William.son and husband Thomnb; jZgrcat- graiidchildreii; 2 great-great graudchildren: and a sisicr. Eula H. Spainhoui of Winslon- Salrm. A funeral Rcrvicc was con ducted at 11 a.m. Wednesday. Nov. 7 at Hoyworth-Miliet Kindcrlon Chapel by the Rev Jeff Carter. Burinl followed in Wesdawn Gardens of Memory. The family retcived friciid-s Tuesday at the funeral home. Memorials: Kate B. Reyn olds Mospicc Home, 101 Hos pice Lane. Winston-Salem. 27103. Online condolences; nii'ii'. hii\uorlli-milIer^(mi. davie COL'NTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, i bursday. Nov. 8,2012 . J Davie County Public Library Mocksvilte, NC \ V. Kugene Lanier Sr. M' Vance Eugene "Gene" l.anier Sr.. Si, of .Advance dial t'ucHb),Ocl. .?0. 20i2 at ihc Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home ill Winslon-Salcm. He was bom Dec. 28, 1930 in Davie Connly to Jacob Ed- waid ami Grace Honler J.anier. Ml, Lanici was employed with Clravdy 'I'riicior lor 2! years and was a member of Belhle- licni Utiiied Methodist Ctmrch since I9(i|. He loved working lu bis garden and being out side. He will be romeinbered as a humbJe and caring man who loved hi.s family. He was preceded in death by a son. Rodney Darren Innier and a sister. .Margie Lanier Da vidson, Survivors: bis wife, Helen t.aird Lanier of the home; a daughter. Anneilc Nice and husband Jerry of Pranklin, Va. and their daughter, Stephanie: a Son, V.uice Lanier and wife Phyllis of Kerncrsville and their son. Binkc and daughter Rachel; 2 brothers, Totnmy l.anicr of Anchiiriigc, AK. and Larry Ltinier and wife Patsy of Advance; a sister, Ethel Ander son of Mocksvillc; ,ind several uieccs and nephews. A funeral service was held at II a.m. l-'riday, Nov. 2 at Bethlehem United Methodist Giutch with Dr. Barry l.cni[3ns officiating, Buiiai followed in the church cemetery. The fam ily received friends Thurtrday at Hayworth-Millcr Kinderwn' Memorials: Hospicc/Pallia- live CareCenier. 101 Hospice l-me. Winslon-Salem. 27IO.t; or Bethlehem UMC. 321 Red- land Rd,. Advance, Online condolences: wini. havwnnh-millerann. Etfiel Ledford Mandn Mrs. Ethel l.edford Maiido. 92, fomierly of North Mam Street, Mocksvillc. died Tluirs- day. Nov. I, 2012, at Wake Fores;t Bapti.st Medical Center in Winston-Saiem, Mrs, Mando was bom Nov. 20. 19!9 in Rural Hall to the late Rufus and Beiiie Sprinkle Ledford, She was a resident of Brookridge Retirement Com- raunily. Winsion-S.ilctn. Mrs Mando was married July .3, 1941 to Doniitiic Joseph Man- do. She loved her church, l-'itsi Presbyieriati, Mocksvillc ami had served as .Sunday school teacher, chair of Women of the Church, Circle Chair. Elder, and church treasurer. She was also preceded iti death by her hu-sband, "Nick" Mando; 2 brothers, Beriuiid Ledford and George {.edtord, and 2 sisters. Opal Miiretz timl Empress Slnniey Survivors; a daughter, Jane Mando iKcn) Meeks; a son, Joe (Evelyn) Mando; 2 gnimt- daughiers, Christy (D;ivid) Tandy and Jennifer Mando (Rob) Vandrick; 2 grandsotis. Joshua and lati Meeks; 2 great- grandsons, Cullen Tandy and Connor Vandrick; and many loving nieces and nephews. A memorial service wus conducted at 11 a.m. Salur day, Nov. 3 at Fiist Presbyte rian Church of Mock-svilie w Itli the Revs, Sbiine Niaon, Dana Fruits and Kcnyon Nfeeks of ficiating. The family received friends at the church following tlie service Burial was in Rose Cemetery one hour prior to the service. Mentonals: First Presbyte rian. 261 S. Main St.. Mocks villc. Online condolettces: wvtw. eaonfuneraiservivfjcmn. ")(.WaHer Edward Orrcll Walter Edward Orrell. 91. died at home on Oct. 31.2012. He was bom Oct. 11. 1921 to Benjamin Stacy Orrell and Flora Howard Orrell. He was a member of Mocks United Methodist Chuicli. He was the owner and operalut of OircU Ptotlucc and T.ir Heel Banana Co until his retirement in 2004. He was known to many up and down the cast coast as 'The Ba- niinoMan". Hcluvedspending time with fiimiiy and friends. .Saturday morning breakfast at his church was something he enjoyed. He had a unique love for his fellow man and never tncl a stranger. He sup- |a>ned the Advance Fire Dept. and Mocks Methodist. He was blessed with a giving heart. In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by sib lings; Alton Orrell. Qiarlie Orrell. Kenneth Ocrell. Lucy Giuiter, and Ruby Blackburn. Survivors: his wife of 72 years, Lucille Foster Orrell; 3 children, Doug Oirell of Ad vance. Binny (Ginity) Orrell of Charlotte and Ann (Ben) Browder of Advance; 6 grand children, Binny Orrell II. Tom Btowder. Angie Browder Sla- bach, all of Advance. I.uAnn Browder Parker of Peachlrce City. Oa., Jarod Orrell and Megan Orrell of C'linrlolle; 13 great-grandchildren; 2 great- great-grandchildren f'Pappoo" to bis grandchildren and oth ers.); 2 brothers. BS Orrell of Maggie Valley and Frank Or rell of Winsion-Salem; a sister Bcny Arnold of Orlando, Fla. A funeral service was held at 11 am, Fritlay,.Nov, 2a! Mocks United .Methodist Chureh with the Rev, Bill Taylor officinlirig. Burial followed in the church cemetery. The family received friends Thursday at Hayworlh- Miller Kindertoii Chapel. Memorials: Mocks UMC, PO Box 2122. Advance; or Advance Fire Dept., 1869 NC 801 S.. Advance. Online condolences: iininv. tt^worili-iiullprj'oin. uKCOKn.Vhursday.Nov.H.iO^».,NTVENTTvBPKlSKRKtOKn.UAVlECOllNrVb Davkete count) Konald Lee Ruckcr ^ Ronald Lee Rucker.61,died Nov. 4 ill VA Medical Center in Salisbury. He was boni June 2. 1951. son of Essie Simpson Rucker and ihe late Robert Masceo Ruckcr. He graduated from Price Higti Scliool and was a linesman for Duke Energy, He w as honorably di.schargcd from the <J-S. Army. Survivocsr his mother, F,s- sie Rucker of Salisbury; a son, Ronald Lee Rucker Jr. of Spartanburg, S.C.; n step-snn. Adrian Uyrd of New York; his twin brother, Donald Lcc (Lisa) Rucker of Charlotte; a sister. Diane (Ronald) Phifer ut Salisbury: a grandchild, Dontc' Ruckcr. Funcmt service will be held Pridiiy, Nov. 9 at 10 a.m. ai ^t. Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Salisbury. Tlic Rev. Niious Avcry w'iil oflieiate and burial will follow *n National liemctcry at noon The fam ily will receive friends at the chufth ,'0 minutes before the service, Tlic family will be at the home of his sister. Diane. 118 Hemlock Drive.Salisbury. Online tondolencia; h-hiv. GrahamFunerolHiunfjicr. . Hebcrt Nadtog Smith ' : Heben Nnding Smith, 90. of Advance died Tuesday, Oct. 23. 2012 at Lenoir Healthcare Cen ter in Lenoir. He was born March 21.1922 in Davic County, a son of the late Otiis H. and Lola Dare Howard Smith- He served in the US -Array and .Air Force in World War 11. He was em ployed b> Sara l-ee Corp. as a supervisor until his retirement bi 1986.Hewasacharterrnem- ber of Smith Grove Ruritan Club in Advance with 44 yean of perfect attendance. He was a lifetime member of Bethlehem United .Methodist Onirch in Advance. Ho married Dorothy Reid on Nov. 2, 1946 in Forsyth Coun ty. She preceded liim in death on Sept. 13, 2007 in Wiiiston- Salem. He was also preceded in death by an infant son. Reid Nading Smith in 1959; a son- in-law. Eugene Hartley in 2O06; 3 brothers, Elbert. Ct^es. and Arnold; and 2 sisters. Norma Mac and Ella Gray. . Surviiing; a daughtei. Brcri da Smith Hanlev of l.eiu'i'. 2 iranddaughtcts, .Ahii.i M.ine HanJey and Amlierly lliicllcy Greene, both of Lenoir; a great granddaughter, Juliana Daie Greene of Lenoir; 3 sisters. El sie Smith Black <>( 1 ewisvilie. Masiine Smith Boger of -Ad vance. Jean (Bill) Smith West of Ativniwc; a brother-in-law, Annand Smith of Mocksville; 2 sistcrs-in-iaw.lma Jean Smith and Barbara Odoin Smith, both of Advance; and scvernl nieces iind nephews. A funeral service was held at I p.m. Thursday. Oct. 2Sai Frank Voglcr .md Sons Clcm- mon.s Chapel. Visitation was from 1!;?0 until the time ot the service at the chapel. Burial was in Westiawn Gardens of Memory in Clcmmons. Online condolences; /T'oiiitvogferoni/.roris.Ct""- Memorials; Bethlehem U.MC. 321 Redlaiid Road. Ad- vHcUy Ann Watson Betiv .Ann Spaugh Watson. 86, of -Advance, died on Mon day. Nov. 5.2012. She was bom on Nov 20. 1925. She and her sister. Helen moved to Forsyth County from Tupelo. .Miss, upon the death of their parents. William Leo Spaugh and.Esielle Margaret Biiikley Spaugh. She gradu- alcd fiom RJ. Reynolds High School and atteiidcd Queens (Tollcgc 111 Charlotte. In Sep- leiiiber, 1946, she niaitied her high school sweetlieart. Hay- wood P Watson. She was an active member of First Bap- list Church in Winston-Salcm fur years. She understood the Lord's love for her and demon strated that love to many. She was also pivccded in death by her sister, Helen S. Plaster of Shelby. .Surviving: her children. El len Watson Lane and husband Stdc of Bclhania.andH. PaiS;- er Watson and wife Anne ot Mocksvillc; a grandson. Jesse Watson and wife Elizabeth ol Clcmmons; a graDddaoghter. Jenna Watson of Mocksvillc; .-I great-granddaughter. Emma Kate Watson: a nephew. Dr. Harold E. Piaster Jr and wife Brownie of Shelby; a niece, Meg Stovall and liiishaiul Chuck of Greenville, S.C. A graveside service was lobe held at 2 p.m. Thur.sday. Nov. 8 at Lcwisvillc Baptist Church Cemetery 125 Lewisvilie- Clemmons Rd. The family was (0 receive friends following the service in the fellowship hall. All additional celebra tion of her life with her favor ite hymns and spiritual songs will lake place in December. ' Online eomiolences; m-kh. friaiinii;kr<indsim'joni Memorials; made to First Baptist. Winston-Salem. 501 W. Fifth St., 27101: or to the Hospice of choice. ; COUNTY KNI ERPRlSi: KIX URD. I hiirsduy. Nov.». 2012 • 3 tDavie County Public Library Mocksviile, NC "/^Margaret Louist Miller Whilakcr Mrs. Margaa-I Louisi; Millci Whitaker. 91, fomierly of US 158. Mocksville, ilic-d Tticsilay, Nov. (,, 2012. al WUlowbrook Reliabililalion & Care Ccnicr in '^'Hdkinvillc. She was bom Aug. 21. 1921. in Davic Coun{y. to the late Chal Vance and Ida Markland .Miller. Mre. Wliiiaker was a member of Oak Grove United Melhtxiisi Church where lor many ye.ijs. a-s long as her health permitted, was a Sunday school teacher. She was also preceded In death by her husband, Robert Lee "R.L." Whitakei Jr.tusisIer.Or.cJI Boger; and 4 brothers.Grady Miller, Buck Miller. Bob Miller and Sheet Miller. Survivon: a sister. Oeriildiric Shcckta sislcr-in-law,,Tosie Mill er; a brother-in-law, Hiibetl Uoger, ail of Mocksville; nnd several nieces and nephews. A graveside service wa.s lt> be conducted at 2 p.m.. Thursday. Nov. 8, at Oak Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery with the Revs. Randy Manser and Shane Nison officiating. The family was to receive friends in the fellowship hall following the ser- Memorials: for Oak Grove UMC.2006US 158. Mocksville Online condolences: wt^tv^niimfunciuhervU-e.com. X.Terr^' Eugene Wilson Terry Eugene Wilson. 72, of — Mountain City. Ten., died Oct. 29, 2012 at Waiauga Medic.tl Cenier in Boonc. He was preceded in death by his parents, the late Harold Eu gene Wilson and Myrtle Wal- drop Wilson- He was bora in Piedmont. S.C. on Sfepi. 13. 1940. Fol- lowing graduation from Davic High School in 1958. be served in the U.S. .Army. He then at tended and graduated from N.C. Slate University with a degree in textiles managcniem. He worked in the textile indus try until his retirement in age 71, a eartter that brought him joy and allowed him to meet many people. Survivors. wife, Mary DeAnna Wilson of the home; 2 daughters and sons-in-taw, Tonya and Michael Proctor and Tracey and Tony Horton: 2 sisters and brothers-in-law, Kayc and Bo Bellamy and Re- liecca and Edgar Osbomc; 3 step-chlldicn. Melissa Welbom and husband Wayne, Patricia DiUing .ind husband Jason, and Aaron Grant and wife Julie: 13 grandchildren; and 2 greal- grandcbildrcn. A family memorial service was held Sunday, Nov. 4 at RiserPark al Cuolcemec Falls. Memorials: to a project al RiverPark that will be idenil- licd working with the River- Piuk Board ofDirectors to meet a need for this place, while also honoring Terry; RivcrPaidt iTcrry Wilson Memorial Fundl, PO Box 7 3-5, Cookemce. Online condolences: lerrv- uihonnmemheretlxom. hursday.Nos.g.2uj2. , OaWe County Public Library Mocksville, NC yCjoAnn Wright Combs ; Mrs. JbAnn Wright Combs, 73, of Advance died Saturday, INov. 10, 2012 at Wake For. iCsl University Baptist Medical ' Center. She was bom Sept. 11, 1939 I ill Mt. Airy to Arthur and Ethel ' Branson Wright. She was a member of Green Meadows ; Baptist Church and was a re^ tired homeniaker. She loved family and adored her grands children- She was preceded in death 1 by her parents, 2 brotliers and 1 2 sisters. Surviving; her husband of 18 years, Bill Newton Combs Jr.; a son, Jake Hodges (Lori) , of Morganton; a stepdaughter, Kenie Combs, of Kerncrsville; a step.son, Kris Combs (Shan- . pon) of Rolesvjile; 4 grandchU- I dreii, Kayla and Jacob Hodges, Alexis and K.C. Combs; and 2 brothers, Robert Wright and Barry Wright. A memorial service was held at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 13 at Green Meadows Baptist Church I with the Rev. Josh Greene of ficiating. Tlie family received friends Monday at Haywoilh- j Miller Kinderton Chapel. Memorials: Green Mead ows Baptist, 1646 NC 801 N,, n Mocksville. Online condolences: wwiv. n h»yworlh-milier.(:oni- ^Leslie Collier Fidler Mrs. Leslie Collier Fidler, 6.'5, of Advance died Sunday, Nov. 11,2012 at her home. She was bom June 27, 1947 in Machias, Maine to Thomas Randolph and Dorothea Elk- hom Collier. She was a member of Advance United Methodist Church and retired from The State of Maryland after more than 30 years. Eighteen were with Prince George County Courthouse and 12 with Prince George County Department of Corrections. She was preceded in death by her parents and a nephew, Scott Hoppe. Surviving: her husband, John Fidler Jr. of the home; 2 sons, Tom Roberts of Clinton, Md. and Jon Roberts and wife Jenni of Westminister, Md.; a daugh ter, Lois Harris and husband Tom of Myrtle Beach. S.C.; 4 grandchildren, Alec, Dominic, T;J. and C.R.; a sister, Lois Hoppe and husband Don of Mechanicsville, Md.; a niece, Briapne Hoppe and her three cgfs, Hudson, Belja and Shtigs. 'A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 17 at Advance United Method- is^ Church with the Rev. Cheryl S|cinner officiating. Inum- ifient will follow in the church columbarium. The family will receive friends following the service. -Memorials: Advance UMC, 1911 NC 801 S., Advance; or to Hospice/Palliative CareCen- ter, 101 Hospice Lane, Win- ston-Salem, 27103. Online condolences: wwu'. h(tyworth-mUler.com. Davie County Public Library Mocksville, NC y^Fred Gray Hellard Mr. Fred Gray Hellard, 78, of Will Boone Road, Mocks ville, died Friday, Nov. 9,2012, at Forsyih Medical Center in Winslon-Salem. He was bom on Sept. 13, 1934, in Davie County to the late Charlie Seabon and Annie Mae Crotts Hellard. Mr. Hel lard was a member of Turren- tine Baptist Church. He enjoyed playing baseball, soflball and golf and was a fisherman. He loved to sing and write songs and had led a campground evangelistic service at Lake Myers for about five years. Mr. Hellard was a loving husband, father and grandfather. He was also preceded in death by 2 sons, Timothy Gray and Dickie Joe Hellard;- and a brother, Leonard Hellard. Survivors: his wife of 57 years, Barbara Sain Hellard of (he home: a son, Kenneth Ray Hellard (Cindi) of Troutman; a granddaughter, Morgan Leigh Hellard; a brother, J.W. Hel lard of Mocksville; and several nieces and nephews. A funeral service was conr ducted at 11 a.m., Monday, Nov. 12 at Turrentine Baptist Church with the Revs. Scott Schuyler and Steve Hedge-. cock officiating. The body was placed in the church 30 minutes prior to the service. The family received friends Sunday, Nov. 11, at Eaton Funeral Home. Online condolences: twu'. eaionfmieralservici'.com. ^ William Irvin Hepler Sg(. Major (E9), retired, William Irvin Hepler, 87, of Mocksville. died Monday, Nov. 12, 2012, in his daugh ter's arms at Gordon Hospice House in Staiesville. He was bom July 18, 1925, in Forsyth County to the late Herbert D. and Martha Flor ence Moore Hepler. Mr. Hepler attended Mocksville School and graduated from Mocksville High School in 1942. He was a veteran of the U-S. Army hav ing served during World War 11. Mr. Hepler was retired from the U.S. Army 3I2th Evacu ation Hospital Unit in Win- ston-Salem as well as Westem Electric (AT&T) Lexington Road plant. He was a member of Oiik Grove United Method ist Church. Mr. Hepler was a member of VFW 4026 and Davie County Sheriffs Special Deputy unit. He WHS also preceded in death by his wife, Frances Ward Hepler. Survivors: his daughter, Car olyn (Gray) Bowman of Yad- ' kinville; two stepgranddaugh- ters, Tina (Brian) Fiske of Greensboro and Tonya (Kent) Manning of Winston-Salem; and two siepgreal-granddaugh- ters, Mary and Morgan Fiske of Greensboro. A funeral ser vice was to be conducted at 2 p.m., Wedne.sday, Nov. 14 at Oak Grove United Methodist Church with the Revs. Randy Manser and Billy Rintz offici ating. Burial was to follow in »he church cemetery. The fam ily was to receive friends at tlie church one hour before the ser- n vice. Memorials; Oak Grove UMC Cemeteiy Fund, c/o Steve Whi- laker, 2539 US 158, Mocks ville. Online cpndolences: h-wh'. eatonfimeralservice.com. A celebration of life seivice was held Sunday, Nov. 11 at 3 p.m. at Society Baptist Church conducted by Pastor David I Childress and Larry Dean Al- I len. Burial was in the church I cemetery. The family received friends on Saturday, Nov. 10 at Davie Funeral Service. Memorials: Society Bap tist Cemetery Fund, 879 Gar den Valley Road, Statesville, 28625. Online condolences; wnw. daviefimeralservice.com. Da^e County PUDIT L: Mocksville. NC ^(jVIary Gartner Howcll Mary Gartner Howe)!, 80, of Ridge Road, Mocksville, died on Thursday, Nov. 8, 2012, at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. Bom in Davie County on Sept. 21, 1932, she was the daughter of the late William Aubrey Seamon and Etta Wil liams Seamon. She was a re tired seamstress and a mem ber of Society Baptist Church, where she was in the Senior Adult Sunday School Class. She was also preceded in death by her first husband. Jack Gartner, and 2 brothers, J.C. and Ernest Seamon. Survivors: her husband, Woodrow Howell of the home; a son, Tony (Ann) Gartner of Mocksville; 2 daughters, Jackie (Stephen) Snow of Mocksville and Dianne (Wayne) Smith of Harmony; 2 step-sons, Char lie (Sandi) Howell and Stew art (Luvada) Howell, both of Mocksville; a step-daughter, Carol (David) Ambros of New York; a brother, Jim (Louise) Seamon of Mocksville; 2 sis ters, Ann (Harvey) Snyder of Churchland and Betty (Jerry) Lowtbarpe of Statesville; 6 grandchildren, Christy Steele, Carey (Noel) Barney, Stepha nie Steele, Daniel Smith, Lind say Gartner and Heather Gart ner; a great-grandson, Jake Bamey; 5 step-grandchildren; and her longtime canine com panion, Gizzy. iw )(. Phyllis B. McCiamroch Ms. Phyllis Carol Ball Mc Ciamroch. 74, of Duard Reavis Road, Mocksville, died Sat urday, Nov. 10, 2012, at Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winston-Salein. She was born on Feb. 28, 1938, in Cabamis County to the late William McKinley and El vira Gailher Owings BalKMrs. McCiamroch was a member of Chestnut Grove United Meth odist Ciiurch and was retired from Ingersoll-Rand.She was a family oriented person who enjoyed cookouts, flowers, bird watching and her goldfish. She was a loving grandmother who had a special place in her heart for her great-grandson, Xavier. She was also preceded in death by her fiance, Junior Reavis; 2 sisters, Sylvia Ball Driver and Linda Ball Trivette. Survivors: 3 children. Von McCiamroch (Lois Durham) of Mocksville, Wendy Camp^ bell (Johnny) of Statesville and Becky Booe (Melvin Lewis) of Mocksville; a stepdaughter, April Crest of Ohio; 4 grand children, Kassandra Shoffner, Jessica Short. Foirest Booe and Ryan Macy; 4 great-grandchil dren, Xavier Rankin, Alyssa Rankin, Malayka Rankin and CJ. Singlelary; and several nieces and nephews. A funeral service was con ducted at 3 p.m.. Monday, Nov. 12 at Chestnut Grove United Methodist Church with the. Rev. Darren Crolts officiating. The family received friends at the church one hour prior to the service. Memorials; Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home, 101 Hospice Lane, )Vinston-Sa|em, 27103; or to the family, 260 Duard Reayis Road, Mocksville. Online condolences: www. eatonfuneraiservice.com. \Timothy Kempin Reich Timothy Kempin Reich, 70, of Lexington, died on Sunday, Nov. 11, 2012, at his resi dence. Survivors: his wife of 29 years, Anita Bare Reich; 2 daughters, Kathy (Mike) Casstevens of Clemmons and Michelle (David) Dodge of Kernersvillc; 2 sons, David (Regina) Davis of Galax, Va. and Dennis Brock of Kerners villc; a brother, Lee (Charity) Reich of Mocksville; a sister, Kathy Reich of Kemersville, ] 1 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren' There will be no services. His ashes will be spread in Tampa Bay, Fla. Memorials; Hospice of Da vidson County, 200 Hospice ; Way, Lexington, 27292. Online condolences: uww. daviefuneralservice£om. Oairte County Public Lit)', dr. Mocksville. NC 5AVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 15,2012 A Ricky Dale McCrary Sr. I Ricky Dale McCrary Sr„ 54, of Wail Street, Cooleemee, died on Friday, Nov. 9,2012, at the home of his son. Dale Mc Crary Jr. Born in Davie County on March 27, 1958, he was the son of Joe Greer and Rebecca Virginia McCrary Greer of Mocksville. He was employed in the tree service and attended the Mocksville Church of God, In addition to his parents, he is survived by: a son, Ricky "Dale" (Christy) McCrary Jr. of Mocksville; a daughter, Crystal "Gayle" McCrary of Mocksville; 2 step-daughters, Nakota Hensley of Mocksville and Ashley Hensley of Lexing ton; 3 brothers, James and Mi chael Greer of Mocksville and Billy Greer of Salisbury; and 6 grandchildren, Destiny, Jaza- lyn, Austin, and Madilyn Mc Crary; Abby Brady, and Ally Davison. A celebration of life service was held Monday, Nov. 12 at noon in the Davie Funeral Service Chapel conducted by Pastor Daniel Gamble. Burial was in Legion Memorial Park in Cooleemee. The family rcr ceived friends Sunday, Nov. 11 at Davie Funeral Seivice. Memorials: Mocksville Church of God, 862 US 64 E. Mocksville. Online condolences: www. d<ivit'fiiiieniher\'ice.com. ^Tlielma Riley Terrell Thelrna Riley Terrell, 95. died Monday, Nov. 5, 2012 at Bayside Golden Living Center in Poquoson, Va. Mre. Terrell was bom Feb. 23,1917 in HiUsborough. 5he is preceded in death by her hitsbandi the Rev. Law rence A, Terrell, who served as pastpf fpr the Redland Pente costal Holiness Church in Ad- va'iice. The couple spent most of the 65 years of their married life ministering at that church as well as churches in Tennes see and Virginia. Survivors: her daughter, Har riet Yeapanis, her granddaugh ter, Andrea Gayle, 2 great grandchildren, all of Newport News, Va.; and another grand daughter, Stacia Yeapanis of Chicago, 111. A graveside service was held at Redland Pentecostal Holi ness Church Tuesday, Nov. 13 at 11 a-m. with the Pastor Jona than Hill officiating. The fam ily received friends following the service- Memorials; Redland Pente costal Holiness, 137 Baltimore Rd., Advance. Online condolences: www. I hayworth-tmller..com. I' A funeral service was con ducted at 2 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 18 at First United Methodist Church, MocksviJIe with the 1 Rev. Joe Collins, D.Min. officiating, The family received I friends following the service. I Burial was in Rose Cemetery, I Memorials: Davie Home Health Homemaker Program, i PO Box 848, Mocksville; or Humane Society of Davie, PO Box 153, Mocksville. Online condolences; iww. ^oionfimerahenice.coin. Ruth Essie Brewer Mrs. Ruth Esther Coins Brewer, 86, died Friday, Nov. 16, 2012, at The I..aurels of Salisbury. The youngest of 7 children, she was bom March 9,1926, in High Point to the late Rev. and Mrs. Jack Fagg Coins. After graduating from Bassett High in Virginia, she attended Frank lin Springs College in Ceorgia. She married Oliver H. Brewer in 1944, and the couple settled in Durham after he returned from the war. There they raised two children and made many ' close friends. She was involved ' in the community, includ ing Girl Scout Troop 64. Mrs. Brewer was a faithful member of her church in Durham and taught Sunday school, partici pated in church circles and sang in the choir. She helped at nurs ing homes through her church's volunteer program. Mrs. Brew er retired from Central Carolina Bank after 30 years- She was also preceded in death by her husband; and all six siblings. Survivors; a sister-in-law^ Mary Coins of Burlington; 2 children, Pam Bahnson (Frank) and Jim Brewer (M.A.); 4 grandchildren, Sarah Bahnson Chapman (Brad), Diana Bahn son Overbey (Jon). Meg Brew er and Michael Brewer; and 3 great-grandchildren. Charlie, Zeb and Carsten Chapman. H . ^ i i- • l v.Roy Baxter Broadway Roy Baxter Broadway, 93, of Broadway Road, Mocksville, died on Thursday, Nov. ,15, 2012, at the W.C. "Bill" Hefner Medical Center in Salisbury. Bora in Davie County on Nov. II, 1919, he was the son of the late Ira Adam Broadway and Cora Broome Broadway. He was retired from food ser- vice at the V.A. Hospital and attended Edgewood Baptist Church. He also served in the U.S. Army during World War I 11 in battles and campaigns in Sicily, Normandy, Rhineland, Ardennes, Central Europe, Na- ples-Foggia, and Rome-Arno. He received the Purple Heart, the EAMET Campaign Medal with 7 Bronze Service Stars and 1 Bronze Arrowhead, and the American Defense Service Medal Survivors; his wife of 67 years, Virginia Cook Broad way; 3 sons. Ronald (Mdry) i ^ Brpadway, Kenneth Broadway, i and Doug (Marilee) Broadway, ' ^ all of Mocksville; 4 grandchil- ' c. ' dren, Julie Broadway (Michael) ^Byrd, Kelly Broadway (Eddie) | 2 Kimtz, Lee Broadway, and >< Adam Broadway; and 3 great- S grandchildren, Micah Kluttz, Cassidy Kluttz, and Alex Byrd. % A celebration of life service 5 was held Tpesday, Nov. 20 at 5 j 11 a.m. in the Davie Funeral » I Service Chapel with the Rev. P Frank Blankenship and Pastor j Clyde Settle officiating. Burial 5 was at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the Salisbury National Cemetery ® with military honors by the 1 VFW.Memorial Honor Guard ^ I and the National Guard. The Z family received friends Thes- t day at the funeral home. J.. Memorials: W.G. "Bill" He- fner Medical Center, Building I £ 42, Second Floor, Salisbury, i' NC28J44. i Online condolences:, www. davieftineralservice.com. ^ JJennis Lee HedrickMr Dennis Lee Hedrick, 68, of Charlotte, died Saturday, Nov. I /. 2012, at Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte, He wns bom Sept. 12, 1944, in Davidson County to the late STu S. Amy ^ Survivors; his wife, Barbara Marie Munday Hedrick of the l ''Jr ^Tn ^ RobertLee Shores (Tina), Barbara Shores and Sarah Cook (Kevin), all of Mocksville; 9 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren s^ervice will be,conducted at 6 p.m., Wednesday, Nov21 at baton Funeral Chapel with Chaplain Fred Moretz officiat ing. Burial will be private in Salisbury National Cemetery, with homr7l 1, ^he funeralhome following the service. Hospice/Palliative Care. PO Box33549, Charlotte, 28233-3549, • .Online condolences: www.eatonfmeralseryice.com. Davie County Public Library Mocksville, NO - Sunset Drive, Mocksvilie, died at Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home. Bom in Davie County on William and Pearlie Richard- *!L son, of the home, who survive, JShI He was a self-employed truck W|L-i, driver. He loved to fish, hunt and work on his old truck. He was a member of hunting clubs. Also a brother. ardson Jr. of Tobaccoville; 3 sisters, Libby (Jerry) Correl! of Mocksvilie, Rita Stevenson of Statesville.and.Dianna (John) Fisherof Mesa, Ariz.; his extended family of his fianc6. Lynette Vawter of King, and her children, Thomas Vawter, and Angel (Brandon) Shelton and 2 grandsons, Nathan Vawter and Elijah Shelton; numerous nieces, nephews 'and friends. A service to celebrate his life was held Saturday, Nov. 10 at 3 p.m. in the Davie Funeral Service Chapel conducted by the Revs. Frank Blankenship and Danny Shore. Burial was in Rose Cem etery. Pallbearers were Robert Stevenson, Thomas Vawter, Jerry ^ Former, Paul Correll, Andy Lisenby. and Johnny Haynes. Memorials: Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home/Palliative Care, 101 Hospice Lane, Winston-Salem, 27103. Online condolences: wwwjiaviejuneralservice.com. ^Marla Jean Handy Rowe Maria Jean Handy Rowe, 55, of Harvest Way, Mocksvilie, died on Wednesday, Nov. 14,2012, at Davie Place Residential Care. Bom in New Britain, Conn, on Dec. 2, 1956, she was the daughter of the late Howard and Margaret Lackey Handy. She was employed as a medical assistant In home health care. Survivors: her husband of 30 years, Ralph Rowe of Houston, Texas; 2 daughters, Nicole R. (Vince) Amedekah of Houston and Tracy R. St.-Jean of Connecticut; a brother, Dennis Handy of Florida; 2 sisters, Lindy Handy of Idaho and Bonnie; 4 grand children, Hannah St.-Jean. Skyla Doughty, Gabrielle and Gianna Am^ekah. Private family services will be held in Texas. Online condolences: wwwjayiefimeralservice.com. ^ Ethel Deal Snider I Mrs. Ethel Deal Snider, 97, of Woodleaf, died Samrday, ^ had attended Corinth Church of - Andrews, Mary McDaniei, Merti Wilhem, Ada Deal Carter, Nannie Wilhelm and Georgia Deal. ® Survivors: a stepson, S. Louis Snider; 3 stepdaughters, Mar gie Thompson, Brenda Snider and Phyllis Watkins; 2 brothers, ! Levi Crawford Deal of Kemersville and Jim Deal of Salisbury; 8 grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren; and 6 great-great-grand- children. I A funeral service was to be conducted at 4 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 120 at Corinth Church of Christ in Woodleaf with Pastor R. D. Mc- jDaniel officiating. Burial was to follow in the church cemetery, j The family was to receive friends from 2-3 p.m. Tuesday at Eaton I Funeral Home, Mocksvilie. I Memorials: Corinth Church of Christ, 3570 Needmore Road ' Woodleaf, 27054. Online condolences: www.eatonfuneralservice.com. Davie County Public Libiary Mocksvilie, NC I UAVJJl- COLINTYl!;rSlll.KfKli»tKfeCU»Kl>,iliuisuay, iiov. . ~ ^Sarah ParniBeck Sarah Louise Pann Beck, 50, of Reavis Road, Mocksville, died on Friday, Nov. 23. 2012 at IredeJl Memorial Hospital. BominCalhoun.Ga. on Nov. 17,1962, she was the daughter of the late Wilson Parm, and . Christine Louise Tilley Parm, who survives. She attended Harmony Baptist Church. Also surviving: her hus band, Thomas G. Beck; 2 sons, Michael D. Middlebrook of Statesville, Timothy A. Beck of Harmony; 2 daughters, Kellie M. (Jeremy) Ireland of States- ville^'Tabitha L. Beck, of Har mony; 5 grandchildren, Zach- ary Ladd, Ali^ Kaley, and Emily Ireland; and Audrey Stephan. A graveside service was con ducted on Wednesday, Nov. 28 at 1 p.m. at Lakeview Cem etery, Greensboro, with the Rev. Mitch Rash officiating. The family received friends on Tuesday, Nov. 27 at Davie Fu neral Service in Mocksville. Online condolences: www. dayiefiineralservice.com. ^uth Goins Brewer Mrs. Riith Esther Goins Brewer, 86, died Friday,'Nov. 16, 2012, at The Laurels of Salisbury. The youngest of 7 children, she was bom March 9,1926, in High Point to the late Rev. and Mrs. Jack Fagg Goins. After graduating from Bassett High in Virginia, she attended Frank lin Springs College in Georgia. She married Oliver H. Brewer in 1944, and the couple settled in Durham after he returned from the war. There they raised two children and made many close friends. She was involved in the community, includ ing Girl Scout Troop 64. Mrs. Brewer was a faithful member of her church in Durham and taught Sunday school, partici pated in church circles and'sang in the choir. She helped at nurs ing homes through her church's volunteer'program. Mrs. Brew er retired from Central Carolina Bank after 30 years. She was also preceded in death by her husband; and all six siblings. Survivors: a sister-in-law, Mary Goins of Burlington; 2 children, Pam Bahnson (Frank) and Jim Brewer (M.A.); 4 grandchildren, Sarah Bahnson Chapman (Brad), Diana Bahn son Overbey (Jon), Meg Brew er and Michael Brewer; and 3 great-grandchildren. Charlie, Zeb and Carsten Chapman. A funeral service was con ducted at 2 pan., Sunday, Nov. 18 at First United Methodist Church, Mocksville with the Rev. Joe Collins, D.Min. of ficiating. The family received friends following the service. Burial was in Rose Cemetery. Memorials; Davie Home Health Homemaker Program, PC Box 848, Mocksville; or Humane Society of Davie, PO Box 153,Mocksville. Online condolences: www. eatonfuneralservice.com. '■ '^elia Burton Dartt it Mrs. Leila Ann Buiion Dartt,e 81, of Merreil's Lake Road, Mocksville. died Thursday, d Nov,22, 2012, at the home of :• her daughter. She was bom Oct. 30, 1931, 5 in Davie County to the late . Ecter and Bertha Sain Burton,r Mrs. Dartt was of the Baptist) faith and had attended Ijames Crossroads Baptist Church where she had been a Sunday school teacher and was active in activities while her health permitted. She was retired from Ingersoii-Rand. She was aiso preceded in : death by her first husband, Ev- efette Draughn; second hus band, Edward Barkley; a sister, Marie Button; and 2 brothers, Willie and Bobby Burton. Survivors; her husband, VernI Dartt of the home; 2 daughters, June Steele (Vann) and Vickie I Brewer (Bobby); 4 grandchil dren, Greg Brewer (Katie), Shana Brooks (Shawn), Eliza- , beth Patterson (Jaied) andj Margaret Steele (Brandon); ^ 6 great-grandchildren. John Hartley and Tate Brewer, Sea- ger Brooks, Melanie Steele and Emily and Benjamin Pat terson; and 2 stepchildren. Jay Dam (Jennifer) and Joy Miller (Sonny). A graveside service was con ducted at 3;30 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 24 ill Ijames Crossroads Baptist Church Cemetery with the Rev. Alex Heafner offi ciating. The family received friends Saturday at Eaton Fu neral Home. Memorials: Samaritan's Purse, PO Box 3000, Boone, 28607; or to Ijames Baptist, 1038 Ijames Church Road, Mocksville. Online condolences; www. eatonfuneralservice.com. Davie County Public Library Mocksville. NO Bertice Swicegood Davis Mrs. Bertice Swicegood Da vis. 90, formerly of US "158, Mocksville, died Saturday. Nov. 17,2012. at Regency Care - Clemmons Nursing & Rehab. Mrs. Davis was born Feb. 13, 1922, in Cabarrus County to the late Van and Annie Gullet Swicegood. She was a member of Oak Grove United Method ist Church, Mocksville. She was also preceded in death by her husband, John Daniel Davis. Survivors: 3 daughters, .Bar- I bara Young (Woodic) of Beau fort, Gaylene Cook (Gene) of Advance and Tempie Haynes (Mike) of Lewisville; and sev eral grandchildren. A memorial service will be held later. Burial was in Rose Cemetery. Memorials: charity of the do nor's choice. Online condolences: hww. , eatonJuneralservice.com. Kxerry Wayne Dowell Mr. Terry Wayne Dowell, 60, of Pennington Dowell Lane, Mocksville, died Friday, Nov. 23,2012. He was bom on Dec. 22, 1951, in Surry County to the late William Clarence and Florida Virginia Cheek Dowell. Mr. Dowell was employed with Wake Forest Baptist Medi cal Center in the engineering department and had been a • carpenter most of his life. He enjoyed hunting, gardening .and spending time with best friends, Ronnie Brown, Gary Myers, Lynn Myers and his neighbor, Larry. He loved life and being with his family. I He was also preceded in death by a sister, Kay Frances Cook. Survivors: his wife of 29 years, Kay Frances Willard Dowell; a son, Nicholas Tyler Dowell, both of the home; sib lings, Steven William Dowell (Diane) of East Bend, Virginia Ann Vest (David) of Mocks ville, Patricia Christine Hawks (Earl) of Low Gap and Roslyn Marlene Stewart (Curtis) of ■East Bend; and many nieces "and nephews. , A funeral service was con ducted at 7:30 p.m., Tues day, Nov. 27 at Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Randy Manser officiating. The fam ily received friends at the fu neral home. Burial was at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 28 at Oak Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery. Memorials: Oak Grove UMC Cemetery Fund, c/oSteve Whitaker, 2539 US 158' Mocksville. Online condolences: www. eatonjitneralservice.com. AFaye Koontz Dwiggins Mrs. Faye Helen Koontz Dwiggins, 87, of Junc tion Road. Mocksville, died Wednesday, Nov. 21. 2012, at Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winston-Salem. She was bom June 16, 1925, in Davie County to the late Foley Wilson and MaryI'Cartner Koontz. Mrs. Dwig- ! gins was a member of Salem United Methodist Church. She enjoyed cooking, quilting and crocheting. She was also preceded in i death by her husband, Ed Mon-I roe Dwiggins; a sister, Betty Jean Freeman; and 2 brothers,J Tom and Roy Koontz. Survivors:' 2 sons, Ray . Dwiggins (Eunice) of Mocks- ; ville and Carl Dwiggins (Alice) of Yadkinville; 3 grandchil dren, Jackie Jones (Darrell), . Michelle Dwiggins and Amy Dwiggins; 2 stepgrandchildren, Barbara Moose and Kathy Sapp; a sister, Edith Miller of Woodleaf; and several nieces and nephews. A funeral service was con ducted at 2 p.m., Sunday, Nov, 25 at Salem United Methodist Church with the Rev. John Er- i win officiating. The body was ' placed in the church 30 minutes prior to the service. Burial fol lowed in the church cemetery. The family received friends Saturday, Nov. 24 at Eaton Fu neral Home. Memorials; Kate B. Reyn olds Hospice Home. 101 Hos pice Larie, Winston-Salem, 27103; or Salem UMC Cem etery Fund, c/o Jack Koontz, 1444 Davie Academy Road, Mocksville, 27028. Online condolences: www. eatonfuneralservice.com. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 29,20121 Davie County Public uuio.yMocksville, NC K Jerry Wayne Ireland Jerry Wayne Ireland, 69, died Saturday, Nov. 23,2012 at Wake Forest Baptist Health. He was bom Oct. 23, 1943 to the late Jay and Tossie Booc Ireland. Mr. Ireland was pre ceded in death by his parents, 3 sisters and a brother. Surviving: his wife. Martha Stroud Ireland; a daughter, Re- gina Ireland; 3 step-children, Harvey (Delaine) Cranfili, Carl Boger, Odeil Boger; 2 grand children, Paula (Isael) Marih, Heath (Ann) Cranfili; 2, great grandchildren, .Brittany Cran fili, Brianna Cranfili; and a brother, Clyde Ireland.' The. family received friends Sunday, Nov. 25 at Bear Creek Baptist Church before the ser vice at3 p.m. by the Revs. Greg McEwen, David Childress and Charles Buckner. Memorials: ForsythHospice. 101 Hospice Lane, Winslon- S^em, 27103. Online condolences: wrvw. gentryfuneralservice£om. ^ -.--.-v. ^Bradley E. Marshall Bradley Edward Marshall of Stone Mountain, Ga. died on Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2012 at Grady Medical Center in At lanta, Ga. ^ He was bom July 15,1978 in Catawba County to Kathy Mar shall Walker and Paul Edward Little. His stepfather is Thomas Walker. He was a 1996 gradu ate of Davje High School. He was a 2001 graduate of Win ston Salem State University and earned a master's degree from the University of Illinois. He was a grant writer for the state of Georgia. He was preceded in death by his maternal grandparent. Pastor Stella Rippy; paternal grandparents, Elizabeth and Charles Rhinehardt; a brother, Paul Edward Little; and a sister, Jennifer Lynn Ruckcr. Survivors: his parents, Kathy and Thomas Walker; a brother, Brenl Marshall; 4 uncles, Ray mond Marshall of Windsor, Michael Marshall of Winston- Salem, James Marshall of Pennsylvania, Robert "Uncle Bert" Marshall of Winston- Salem; 3 aunts, Joyce Parsons of Newton, Vivian Howard of White Plains, N.Y., and the Rev. Lisa P. Marshall of Char lotte; and a host of other nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. A memorial service will be held on Friday, Nov. 30 at 6 p.m. at New Jerusalem Apos tolic Church in Mocksville. Pastor Nettye I. Barber will of ficiate. Online condolences: www. GrahamFuneralHoinejiel. )ijohn G. McClamroch John Gaither McClamroch, 78, of Branlley Farm Road, Mocksville, died Nov. 26,2012 at Forsyth Medical Center. Bom in East Flat Rock on May 16. 1934, he was the Son of the late Ralph G. McClam roch and Mary Eva Latham McClamroch. He was a grain farmer and had worked at L.A. Reynolds. He was a member of Oak Grove United Methodist Church. Survivors: 2 sons, R. Kent : (Tammy) McClamroch of : Mocksville and John Bryant ! (Mary) McClamroch of Har mony; a brother, Calvin Mc- I Clamroch of Thomasville, a I sister, Eva McClamroch of Jacksonville, Fla.; 3 grand children, Christina (Michael) Cooper, Jeremy (Stephanie) Shoffner, and Maggie Carter; 3 great-grandchildren, Madison, I Caleb, and Carsten Cooper. I A graveside celebration of i life service wasto be held - at i noon Thursday, Nov. 29 at ' Oak Grove UMC Cemetery with Pastors Randy Manser I and David Childress officiat- j ing. The family was to receive friends from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 28, at Davie Funeral Service. Memorial: Oak Grove UMC, 2006 US 158, Mocksville. Online condolences: www. daviefiineralservice.corp. )CKichard T. Spillman Sr. n Richard Terril Spillman Sr., 72, of Joyner Street, Coolee-. mee, died on Saturday, Nov. 24 , 2012, at Davie County Hospital. Bom in Davie County on April 2. 1940, he was the son of the late Alphonso Gram Spillman Sr. and Sallie Brown Spillman. He was retired as kitchen supervisor from NC Dept. of Correction, and was of the Baptist faith. He served in the U.S. Navy during the Cuban Missile Crisis. He was a member of The American Le gion, Davie Law Enforcement Assoc., NC Law Enforcement Assoc., and NC Notary Public. Survivors: his wife of 44 years, Joyce Hampton Spill man; 2 sons, Terry Spillman of the home. Dean (Shelly) Spillman of Coolecmee; daughter-in-law. Angie Spill man of Mocksville. 4 brothers; 3 grandchildren, Misty, Ashley and Justin .Spillman; and a spe cial friend of 49 years, Donald Bean. He was also preceded in death by 3 brothers. A celebration of life ser vice was held Tuesday. Nov. 27 at 2 p.m. in the Davie Fu neral Service Chapel with the Rev. Shelby Harbour officiat ing. Burial followed at Legion Memorial Park with military honors by the VFW Memorial Honor Guard and the National Guard. The family received friends Monday, Nov. 26 at the funeral home. Memorials: Hospice/Pallia tive CareCenter, 377 Hospital St., Mocksville; and Victory Baptist, PO Box 686, Coolee- inee. Online condolences: www. (laviefuneralservice.com. A funeral service was con ducted at 4 p.m., Wednesday, i Nov. 2] at Eaton Funeral Cha pel with Pastor Brent S])ry of ficiating. The. family received friends at the funeral home fol- , levying .the; service. Memorials: Hospice/Pallia tive CareCenter, 377 Hospital St., Ste. 103, Mocksville. Online condolences: www. eatonfuneralservice .com. Vcharlotte Mae Stokes Mrs. Charlotte Mae Black- bum Stokes, 66, died Monday, Nov. 19, 2012, at her home in Mocksville after succumbing to illness. She was bom June 3, 1946. in Tobaccoville to the late Gro- ver Samuel and Nellie Frances Middleton Blackbum. She was also preceded in death by a brother, Jimmy Blackbum. Survivors: her husband, W. Hollyn Stokes of the home; 2 brothers, Randall Blackbum (Paula) of Laurinburg and Mitchell Blackbum (Judy) of Tobaccoville; 4 sons, Landon Rosenquist (Mary) of Mocks ville, Bobby Rosenquist (Anna) of Bayou Vista, Texas, Kent Stokes (Maria) of Win- ston-Salem and Ronald Stokes (Brenda) of Wallburg; 2 daugh ters, Emily Johnson (Mike) of Mocksville and Christy Clin- ard of Elkin; 11 grandchildren, Jacob, Samuel. Holly, Luke, .April. Drew, Adam, Casey, Michael, Michelle and Dusty; 11 great-grandchildren, Tori, Jasmine, Jordan, Dylan, Jocey, Jackson, Alex, Samantha. Jay- la, Patrick and Chasity; 4 neph ews, M^ew, Alex, Andrew and James; a.id 2 nieces, Lisa , • ; njj> ur^an XDouglas Surratt help others. Douglas "Doodle" Surratt, ' 43, husband of Jill Wade Sur ratt of Fishersville, Va., died Wednesday. Nov. 14,2012. Mr. Surratt was born July 31. 1969 in Staunlon, Va., the son of David and Janet SurTatt I of Staunton and Linda and Bob ! Corson of Advance. He was a 1987 graduate of Buffalo Gap (Virginia) High School was I employed with Dominion Pow er for 23 years. He was a mem- Iber of the Staunton Augusta (VA) Rescue Squad. He was a hunter. Mr. Surratt was preceded in death by his paternal grandfa ther, Chester Surratt; mater nal grandparents, Sidney and Pauline Stover, an uncle. Rock Turner, and his father-in-law. Bill Wade. Survivors: his wife of 23 years; his parents; 2 daugh ters, Sarah Surratt of Staunton and Hannah Surratt of Fisher- ville; brothers, Tim Surratt ofDavie County-Public note, MocKsville. NC Verona, Va., Matt (Amanda) SuiTatt of New Hope, Va.. and John Surratt of .Farniinglon, Maine; blended family includ ing: sisters, Ann (Lee) Bell of Nashville, Tenn., Debra (Paul) Jackson of Bedford, Va.. Linda (Bradley) Kennedy of Wood- leaf, and Peyton (Corey) Mar tin of Lynchburg, Va.; brothers, Barry Corson of Woodle.af and Stuart (Heather) Dixon of Oak land, Calif.; g'reat-grandfnother, Dorothy Gutshall of Staunton; 3 aunts, Ella Turner of Stuarts Draft. Va., Becky Ramsey of Staunton. and Linda Mae (Jer ry) Smith of Staunton; an un cle. Danny Surratt of Staunton; I his mother-in-law, Betty Wade; I as well as a number of nieces and nephews. A celebration of his life was held Saturday, Nov. 17, followed by a private burial in Bath County, Va. Pallbear ers were friends and family. Honorary pallbearers included friends and co-workers from Dominon Power. ' His organs were donated to help others. ■fvFloriberto Vizcaino-Castillo Floriberlo Vizcaino-Castil lo, 66, of Charlotte, died on Wednesday. Nov. 21," 2012 at Carolina Medical Center. Bom in Ejido of Chino, San Luis Polosi, Mexico, on Nov. I, 1946, he was the son of the late ' Odon Vizcaino-Alvarez and Esperanza Castillo-Zacarias, who survives. He was a mem ber of the Ministerio Vision Cristiana Inteniational. Also surviving: 2 sons, Miguel Angel Vizcaino-Ro driguez (Delia Rivera), of Austin, Texas, Obed Vizcaino- Rodriguez (Brittany Lowder) of Charlotte; 2 daughters, Edith Vizcaino-Rodriguez of Char lotte, Adriana Vizcaino-Rodri guez (Arturo Ruiz) ofCharlotte; 3 sisters. Evarizta Vizcaino, of Rascon S.L.P, Mexico, Nazariaj Kreher (Randy Kreher) of Oak land, Calif., Simona Cabrera, of Rascon S.L.P. Mexico: and 8 grandchildren, A celebration of life service was conducted Sunday, Nov. 25 at 2 p.m. in the Davie Fu neral Service Chapel with Fa ther Nohe Torres-Vizcaino, and Eradio and Floridalma Aguilar officiating; Burial followed in Rose Cemetery. The family re ceived friends Saturday, Nov. 25 at the funeral home. I Online condolences: vvvvvv. \daviefiineralservice.conl. 'fsPavid Erik Wentz Mr. David Erik Wentz, 46, of Advance, died Monday, Nov. 19,2012 in Savannah, Ga. He was bom May 8, 1966 in Deerbom. Ind. Mr. Wentz mar ried Vickie Daywalt on May 17, 1986. He graduated with honors with business adminis tration and computer science degrees from Lenoir-Rhyne Coilege in 1988. Mr. Wentz was a member and Past Master of Farmington Masonic Lodge, member and Past President of Winston-Salem Shrine Club, member of Scottish and York Rites. The past fi ve years he : worked for Honda Aircraft in Greensboro, where htf met ■many friends. He recently be gan a new job as IT business strategic senior manager with Gulfstream Aerospace. He was preceded in death by his father, Peter Franklin Wentz. Surviving: his wife, Vickie Daywalt Wentz; his 2 children, David Michael Wentz bom May (1.1988 and Erika Renae Wentz bom Jan. 5, 1990; his mother, Judith Bankey Gardner (husband Thomas) of Kannap- olis; his stepmother, Patricia Wentz of Concord; 2 sisters, Amy Goodson (husband Jerry) of England and Beth Wentz of Louisiana; his mother and fa- ;ther-in-law, David and Miriam Daywalt; sisters-in-law, Susan Miller (husband Ronnie) and I Kathy Daywalt (Ron Forther) of Mocksville; 7n nieces and1 nephews; Michael's girlfriend, ■ Brandi Ray and her baby, MaKayla Jade who he called his "Skitterbug" and "Mon- |key"; special friends, Robertj Ellis and Jon Wells; as well as many other friends. A memorial service was liekl at 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 24 at Hayworth-Miller Kinderton Chapel, with Tim Dunn ofti- ciating.- The family received friends following the service. Memorials: The Shriners Childrens' Hospital, Farming- ton Masonic Lodge, Pilots-N- Paws or to the Sugar Valley Airport. Online condolences: invw, hayworlh-miller.com. yiXuther Wilson West Sr. Mr. Luther Wilson West.I Sr., 94, formerly of Pino Road. , Mocksville, died Monday. Nov. '19,2012, at his home. He was born on Oct. 10. 1918, in Davie County to the late Walter Wesley and Ella Agnes Miller West. Mr. West was a member of Farmington Baptist Church where he had • served as a deacon and Sun day school superintendent. For more than 50 years, Mr. West had worked at West Famis as a dairy farmer. He was a founding member of Famiing- I ton Volunteer Fire Dept. Mr. I West was a Master Mason with , Farmington Masonic Lodge for . 64 years. He was a member of I Grange, Davie County Board of Education and the Soil and Water Conservation Board. He was also preceded in death by his first wife, Lovie ■ Rupard West; 3 sisters, Jes- |sie West Guentert, Lois West !Deese and Virginia West Steel- man; and 2 brothers, Walter Miller West and his twin, Lon- . nie Gray West Sr. Survivors: his wife of 51 years, Sara Ostine Wariick West of the home; 3 children, Luther Wilson "L.W." West Jr. of Mocksville, DeEtta I homas (William) of Cleramons and Boyd Nelson West of the home; a sister, Elizabeth Foitney of Tennessee; a brother, Roland West (Betty) of Mocksville; 2 grandchildren. Diane Thomas Newsom (Randy) and Stephen : West; and 2 great-grandchil dren, Kayla Newsom Manuelj and Kelsey Diane Newsom'. A funeral service was con ducted at II a.m., Saturday, Nov. 24 at Farmington Bap- i tist Church with Rev. Phillip! Brande officiating. The body was placed in the church 30 minutes prior to the service. Burial followed in Farmington Community Cemetery with Masonic graveside rites. The family received friends on Fri- . day. Nov. 23 at Eaton Funeral ■ Home. ■■ Memorials: Farmington Community Cemetery Fund, .p/o Bonnie Joyner, 155 Pin- eville Road, Mocksville; or Farmington Baptist Building Fund, 1835 Farmington Road, Mocksville. Online condolences: wmv. eatonfimeralsennce.com. jaH § -S '^O CA O- K i a so Z Q> w- yShelby Hampton Boger XloJs jones Hendrix Mrs. Shelby Jean Hampton Boger. 71, of Advance, died Friday. Nov. 30, 2012, at Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winston-Salem. She was born on March 15, 1941 in Guilford County to the late Luther and Ruth Bradshaw Hampton. She enjoyed sTiop- ping and square dancing. She was also preceded in death by 2 sisters, Shirley Nor man and Brenda Combs. Survivors; her husband of 28 yeais, Paul Fredrick Boger Sr. of the home; 2 sons, Larry Otis Coble Sr. of Greensboro and Ronnie Lee Coble Sr. of the home; 2 stepsons, Paul Boger Jr. and Chucky Ray Boger, both of Cooleemee; 7 grandchildren, Larry Coble Jr., Kristen Coble, Ashley Coble, Ronnie Coble LoisJonesHendrix,93, bom Jan. 18, 1919 in Davie County, died on Nov. 27, 2012, after a brief illness. She graduated from Shady Grove High School. In 1938 she married Otis M. Hendrix. She worked beside her hus band for more than 30 years in their community grocery stores in Salisbury and Mocksville. She was an active member of First United Methodist Church, Mocksville, where she was pre sented the Special Membership Pin by the United Methodist Women for outstanding ser vice. She was a Sunday School and Bible School teacher, pres ident of the United Method ist Women for two years, and treasurer of one of the church's scholarship funds for nine Jr., Amanda Adams, Heather Each year at the church Strickland and Danell Boger; bazaar she brought dozens of 5 great-grandchildren; 2 sisters, her yeast rolls and many jars Carol Joyce (Ken) of Winston- hej- famous pickles. Her cu- Salem and Linda Privette of ijnary gifts were gone within High Point; several nieces and minxes as people awaited their nephews; and special caretaker, jm-jyal. She was a Scout leader Melissa Hass. and a quilter. She had a green A funeral service was con- thumb and her home was sur- ducted at 2 p.m. Monday, Dec. rounded by flowers every year. 3 at Liberty United Method- ghe loved to cook for family, isl Church with the Rev, Brad especially her grandsons. She Cunningham officiating. The shared vegetables from her gar- O body was placed in the church jgn ghe loved Myrtle Beach ,30 minutes prior to the service, g^d Hilton Head and was on Burial followed in the church j|.|g gp gygj, after reaching her cemetery. The family received decade of life. Although friends Sunday, Dec. 2 at Eaton hymble in her talents and ac- Funeral Home, Mocksville. complishments, she took great Memorials; Kate B. Reyn- pj-jde in her family. She was olds Hospice Home, 101 Hos- adored by family for the Chris- pice Lane, Winston-Salem, jian example she lived every 27103 Hnv fnr imrnnHitinnfll Invf* for her positive spirit, and for her love of life. She will be re membered as a.servant of God who "fought the. good fight" with grace, love, and style. Preceding her in death were her parents, John Walker Jones and.Mattie Smith Jones; her husband; her oldest son, Johnny L. Hendrix; her sister, Helen J. Butner; her brothers, Fred Jones, Billy Jones, and Jay Jones; her in-laws, Selraa Jones, Kenneth Butner, Martha Jones, Alene Jones, Elmo and Juanita Foster, Tom and La- Veme Snider; 3 nephews; and a niece. Survivors: a son, Mike Hen- , drix of Advance; a daughter, ! Cynthia H. Mandarano Helm (Ron) of Mocksville; 2 grand sons. Matthew Mandarano of Advance and Patrick Manda rano of Mocksville; son-in-law, Kayo Mandarano of Mocks ville; sister-in-law, Frances S. Hendrix; 12 nieces and neph ews; special friends, Dennis and Brenda Harrington of Ra leigh, and MiUie Modlin of Ad-' vance. A service to celebrate her life was held at First United Meth odist Church, Mocksville, at 2 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 1. Offici ating will be the Rev. Dr. Joe Collins. Also speaking were her grandson, Matthew Manda rano, and friend, Shirley Cottle. The family received friends at a reception in the FUMC Family Life Center following the ser vice. A private burial fpllowed at Rose Cemetery in Mocks ville. Memorials: Lois Hendrix Memorial Fund, c/o First UMC, 3ION. Main St.,Mocksville. Online condolences; www. eatonfuneralservicexom. Ray Franklin Jordan Mr. Ray Franklin Jordan, 89, of Melbourne, Fla., formerly of Cooleemee, died Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012, at Holmes Regional Medical Center in Melbourne. He was bom on July 10, 1923, in Cooleemee to the late ! Benjamin Franklin and Hattie Goodman Jordan. He served in the U.S. Army Air Corp. in ! the Pacific theater during World : War II and worked for Burling ton Industries in Cooleemee until his retirement in 1988. He was a charter member, dea con and Sunday school teacher at Victory Baptist Church in Cooleemee, until moving to Florida in 2010. He was also preceded in :death by 2 sisters, Sadie Hodg es and Alice Rainey; and 2 n brothers, Scott Jordan and Jim my Jordan. I Survivors; his wife of 58 'years, Geraidine Gilliaii Jor dan of Melboume; son and daughter-in-law, Donald and LuAnn Jordan of Melbourne; grandchildren, Jeffrey Jordan of Ft. Myers, Fla., Lisa Jordan Smith and her husband, Joshua, of Mabelton, Ga., and Eric Jor dan and his wife, Alyssa, of Ft. Myers. Afuneral service will be con ducted Saturday, Dec. 8 at II a.m. at Victory Baptist Church in Cooleemee. The family will receive friends Saturday at the church from 9:30-11 a.m. Buri al will follow at Rowan Memo rial Park in Salisbury, i Memorials; Victory Baptist, PO Box 686, Cooleemee. Online condolences: h-h-w. eatonfiineralservice.cpm. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Dec. 6,2012 Davie County Public Libfaiy Mocksville, NC ^Roverda Ellis Jarvis Mrs. Roverda Ellis Jarvis, 72, of Advance, died on Tues day, Nov. 27,2012, at the Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winston-Salem. Mrs. Jarvis was bom May 10, 1940 to the late Lucille Ganvood Ellis and Robert Lee ' Ellis. She lived and went to school in Dayie County, She graduated from High Point Col lege with a bachelor's degree in physical education and biology. She worked as a school teach er, retiring after 30 years in High Point, Davidson County, Lexington, and Davie County schools. Mrs. Jarvis coached basketball, track and volley ball. She had a passion for her job and loved her students. She was a member of Fork Baptist Church in Mocksville, where she taught Sunday school for several years.She was also a fnember of the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority, ADK teacher's soror ity, and Retired School Person nel. She was also preceded in death by her brother, Randy L. Ellis; and a brother-in-law, Larry Thompson. Survivors; her husband of more than 50 years, Shermer Jarvis of the home; 2 sons, Ronald E. Jarvis and wife Mi chelle of Thomasville and Jef frey S. Jarvis and wife Melanie of Charlotte; 2 sisters, Brenda Graham and husband Tom. and Judy Thompson, both of Davie County; a brother, Robbie Ellis and wife Julia of Davie Coun ty; 4 nieces and a nephew, Deb bie McBride, Bryan Thomp son, Lisa Weber, who was like a daughter, Diana Ellis and Leslie Carter; and a grandson, Maxwell Weber (son of Lisa Weber). : A celebration of her life was held at -2 p.m. Friday, Nov. 30 at Eaton Funeral Chapel in Mocksville with the Revs. ^Robert Garrett and Ken Evans bfficiating. The family received friends Thursday, Nov. 29 at. the funeral home. Burial was in Fork Baptist Church Cemetery. Memorials: Kate B. Reyn olds Hospice Home, 101 Hos pice Lane, Winston-Salem, ^7103; or Fork Baptist Church. .3140 US 64 E, MocksviUe. Online condolences: vvvvw. \eatonfuneralservice.com. Phillip Ray Laynion Mr. Phillip Ray Laymon, 43, of Gastonia, formerly of Mocksville, died unexpectedly Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2012, at his home. He was bom on May 23, 1969, in Davie County to Gray Austin and Betty Jo Phillips Laymon. He had attended UNC Charlotte and was a restaura teur in Charlotte and Gastonia. Known by his Charlotte and Gastonia friends and co-work ers a "Big Daddy," his fun-lov ing personality and generosity will be missed. He made an i impression on all who met him and never failed to make every one around him laugh. Survivors: his parents of Mocksville; a brother, Steve Laymon (Barbara) of Mocks ville; and a nephew, Tyler Lay mon. A funeral service was con ducted at 11 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 1 at Union Chapel United ' Methodist Church with the Revs.. Darren Crotts and Rick Carter officiating. The body n was placed in the church 30 minutes prior to the service. Burial followed in the church cemetery.The family received friends in the church fellowship hall following the service. Memorials: Union Chapel UMC Cemetery Fund, 2030 US 601 N, Mocksville; or Car olina Children's Center, 3485 Orphanage Circle, Concord, 28027. Online condolences: www. eaionfuneralservice .com. /prances Stanley Miller I Frances Dianne Stanley Miller, 66, died Saturday, Dec. 1,2012, at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. She was bom on Aug. 18. 1946 in Davie County to the late Claude Stanley and Fran ces Anderson Lash Stanley. She was of the Methodist faith, and was a member of Wyo Bible Methodist Church. Survivors: 2 sons, Thomas (Gail) Wishon of Courtney, and Ronald (Teresa) Wishon of Mooresvilte; a daughter, Vickie Michelle Ball of Yadk- inville; 4 sisters, Shirley Ma- han and Evona Cope, both of Hamptonyille, Cathy Dockery of Nebraska, and Brenda Huff of Statesville; 8 grandchildren, Michelle, Tabitha, Anthony, Amanda, Bradley, Nathan, Charles and Kyle: and 2 great grandchildren, Brenden and Kaydance. Mrs. Miller is also preceded in death by her husband. Jack Miller . in 2009 ; 2 brothers, Harold and Joe Stanley; and a sister, Helen Brooks. A graveside service was con ducted at 11 a.m. on Monday, Dec, 3 from the Wyo Bible Methodist Church Cemetery, with the Rev. David Stetler of ficiating. Burial followed. The family received friends Sun day, Dec. 2 at Mackie-Sinclair- Hawkins Funeral and Crema tion Service, Yadkinvill. Memorials; Wyo Bible Methodist, 3928 Wyo Road, Yadkinville, 27055. Davie Courrty Pobiic Library Mocksville. NC y^aggie Wyatt Millsaps Mrs. Maggie Victoria Wyatt MiUsaps, 96, of Milling Road, Mocksville, died Wednesday, Nov. 28,2012, at Autumn Care of Mocksville. She was bom on Jan. 15. 1916 in Wiikes County to the late Joseph and Jane Royal Wy att. She attended Bethel United Methodist Church in Mocks ville for more than 60 years. Mrs. Millsaps retired from Au tumn Care of Mocksville as a nursing assistant. She was also preceded in death by her husband. Mack Blake Millsaps; a daughter, Pamela Jane Everhardt; a son, Jeremy Ray Millsaps; a grand son, Timothy Boyd Keller and several sisters and brothers. Survivors; 5 children, Marjo- rie Claire Cartner of Statesville, Jerry Mack MiUsaps of Bev,erly Hills, Calif., Gary Wyatt Mill saps (Tammy) of Kings Moun tain, Sandy Millsaps Keller of Mocksville and Ann Mill saps Livengood (Kenneth) of StatesviUe; 10 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren; 13 great-great-grandchildren; and iseveral nieces and nephews. • A funeral service was con ducted at 1 p.m. Friday, Nov. !30 at Bethel United Methodist Church with the Rev. Tony Ow- |ens officiating. The body was be placed in the church 30 min utes prior to the service. Burial followed in Pilgrim Baptist jChurch Cemetery in Hidden- lite. The famUy received friends 'Thursday, Nov. 29 at Eaton Fu- jneral Home. Memorials: Bethel UMC, do 1216Davie Academy Road, iMocksville. I Online condolences: mvw. I eatorifuneralservice.com. Robert L. Sine Robert L. Sine, 86, of Red Hill,Pa.,died Nov. 12,2012al Grand View Hospital, Sellers- ville.Pa. 1 He was the husband of Joyce ' (Conway) Sine for 65 years. Bom in Telford, he was a son of the late Harry and Maggie (Zepp) Sine. He served in the I US Navy during World War lI.He was a toolmaker for the Uniform Tube Co, Trappc, Pa. for more than 23 years. Mr. Sine was a member of St, John's Lutheran Church, Sum- neytown. Pa. He was also a life member of the Green Lane Fire Company, and a member of the : Upper*Perk Golden Agers, and I the Harleysville Senior Center, j Surviving with his wife: a son, Dennis and wife Mary.of Mocksville; daughters, Judy, i wife of Carl Hagenbuch, and Christine Gilmore and her companion. Randy Seyler, both of Allentown, Pa.; 5 grandchil- I dren, Michelle, Caryn, Shirley, Tania, and Elizabeth; and 8 great-grandchildren. He was pre-deceased by a sister, E'hel, and a brother Harry." Services were private. Memorials: St. John's Evan gelical Lutheran Church, 304 Main Street, Sumneytown, PA 18084. Online condolences: www. falkfiineralhomes.com. t pEftth Litaker Swaim 'j , Mrs. Ruth Litaker Swaim, I 97, of Winston-Salem, died on t Nov. 29,2012.I She was bom April 18,1915 I in Greensboro to the late James I Franklin and Luna Rupard I Litaker. She was a member of I Highland Prestiyterian Church, participating in the Women's('Bible Class and Circle l. She was a member of West High land Garden Club for years. She was preceded in death by her husband of 66 years, Joseph Holland Swaim Sr.; a brother, James Hilliard Lita ker; and 3 sisters, Mary Litaker Wootcn, Julia Mae Litaker and Jean Litaker Hatchett. Surviving: her daughter, Pris- cilla Swaim Robinette and hus band Fred of Advance; a son, Joe Swaim Jr. and wife Rhonda of Winston-Salem; 2 grand daughters, Emily Robinette Harpe and husband Slayton of Advance and Sally Robinette Anglin and husband Andrew of Winston-Salem; 3 great-gfand- I children, Kathryn and Meredith ' Harpe and Benjamin Anglin; a ! sister, Doris Litaker Hartman ' of Statesville; and a number of nieces and nephews. A graveside service was con ducted at 11 a.m. on Monday, I I Dec. 3 at Forsyth Memorial Park with the Rev. Randy Har- ' ' ris officiating. n ' Memorials; Highland Pres byterian, 2380 Cloverdale Ave., Winston-Salem, 27103; Crisis Control Ministries, 200 E. Tenth St., Winston-Salem, 27101; or Liberty Hospice of Thomasville, 1007 Lexington Ave., Thomasville, 27360. Online condolences: www. hayworth-miller.com. \ Betty Westmoreland Mrs. Betty Vanzant Willard Westmoreland, 77, formerly of Hemlock Street, Mocksville, died Friday, Nov., 30, 2012, at Forsyth Medical Center in Winston-Salem. She was bom Dec. 30, 1934, in Davie County to the ■late Paul and Pauline Godbey 'Willard. Mrs. Westmoreland 'was a member of Oak Grove United Methodist Church. After retiring from Hanes Ho siery in Winston-Salem, she volunteered at Davie County Senior Center. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Grady Lacy Westmoreland; a grand son, Michael Steven Boger Jr. Survivors: 3 children, Sha ron Short (Mike) of Mocks ville, Steve Westmoreland (Pat) of Mooresville and Gail Earnhardt (Andy) of Advance; 6 siblings, Dallas Willard, Judy Shores, Doris Bamhardt, Paul Willard Jr.," Kay Dow- ell and Buster Willard, all of Mocksville; and 6 grandchil dren, Chad Boger, Todd West moreland, Tosha Brandon, Shane Westmoreland, Adam Bamhardt and Terri Ramsey. A funeral seiwice was con ducted at 7 p.m., Tuesday, . Dec. 4 at Baton Funeral Cha pel with the Rev. Randy Man ser officiating. The family re ceived friends Tuesday at the funeral home. A graveside ser vice was conducted at 11 am., Wednesday, Dec. 5 in Rose Cemetery. T Memorials: Oak Grove . UMC, 2006 US 158, Mocks ville. Online condolences: www. eatonfuneralservice.com. Davie County Public Library Morksville, NO Wayne Beck Andrew Wayne Beck, 89, of Holt Street, Cooleemee, died on Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2012, at Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home. Bom in Dovie County on April 1, 1923, he was the son of the late Nathan M. Beck and Gertie Belle Keller Beck. He served in the U.S. Amiy dur ing World War II in lite East Indies, New Guinea and in the Southern Philippines Lib eration. He was a member of VFW. Post 1119 and American Legion Post 54 in Cooleemee. He retired from the textile in dustry and had served as custo dian at Cooleemee Elementary and Victory Baptist Church, of which he was a member. He loved family, church, friends, and school family. Hb touched many lives with his gentleness and smile. He was a profession al "piddler" who could always find something to work on. He was proud of serving as Grand Marshal of Cooleemee's 4th of July parade this post sum mer, thanks to community and friends. He was also preceded in death by his wife, Betsy Ow ens Beck, in 2006; 2 brothers, Louie Fields Beck and Law rence Hayden Beck; and a sis ter, Helen Beck Poole, Survivors: a son, Jeffrey W. 5 (Donna) Beck of Ml. Juliei. Tenn.; and 2 grandchildren. Lana (Matt) Leonard of Sophia and Drew Beck ofMt. Juliet. A celebration of life service was held Sunday, Dec. 9, at 1:30 p.m. at Victory Baptist Church in Cooleemee with the Rev. Shelby Harbour of ficiating. Burial was in Legion Memorial Patk with militao honors by the VFW Memo rial Honor Guard and the N.C. National Guard. The family re ceived friends Saturday, Dec. 8 at Davie Funeral Service in Mocksville. Memorials: Kate B. Reyn olds Hospice Home, 101 Hos pice Lane, Winston-Salem, 27101; or Victory Baptist Building Fund, PO Box 686. Cooleemee, 27014. Online condolences: wvviv. daviefuneralservice£om. -^ien Leslie Bell Jr. Mr. Glen Leslie Bell Jr., 66, died on Dec, 8, 2012 at home surrounded by his family fol lowing a long battle with can cer. He was bom on Oct. 24, 1946 to Glen and Barla Bell. He was raised in Buffalo, N.V. while spending his summers in Pennsyjvimin at his grand mother Wiley's fami. He met and married Elizabeth Bell (Higgin.s) in 1968. He joined the U.S. Air Force in 1968. He served his country during the Vieinam War, piloting 02s and B52s. Upon returning home he continued his military service until his retirement in J988 while raising his 3 daughters. His pride was his grandson. Logan Roberts, who referred to him as "Pop Pop." He went on to leach at Parkland Higli School in Winston-Salem. He coached many soccer learns for his daughters and grandson. He was preceded in death by his father, Gien L. Bell Sr.; and his wife's parents, Joseph and Aline Higgins. He was also preceded in death by his canine companion. Abby. Surviving: his wife, Eliza beth BeU; 3 daughters. Colleen, Amy and Melissa Bell; his grandson. Logan; his mother. Earla Bell; his sister, Patricia; and brother-in-law, Roben Hewitt; sisters- and brothers- in-law, Margie and Edward De- itch, Joseph and Patricia Hig gins, Patricia Higgins and Jack Fasanella, Bob and Rosanne Higgins, Dennis and Ruth Hig gins, and Michelle and Larry Catalano; granddogs. Bailey, Ranger and Kobe; many nieces, nephews, great nieces and great nephews. Visitation was held at Hay- worth-Miller Kinderton Cha pel, Advance, on Dec. 9. A fu neral mass with military rites will be held in Buffalo prior to being laid to rest in Holy Cross Cemetery in Lackawanna, N.Y. Memorials: Hospice in his memory. Online condolences: u'lnv. hayworth-miUer£om. Carolyn Boger Miss Carolyn Boger, 72, of Farmington. died Sunday, Dec. 9, 2012. at Forsylh Medical Center in Winston-Salem. She was bom June 5, 1940. in Davie County to the late Hu bert Cheshire and Blanche Eliz abeth Dull Boger. She attended Farmington High School and graduated from Davie County High School in 1957. She re ceived her nursing degree from Lowrance Hospital School of Nursing, Mooresville in 1960. certificate in operating room nursing and admimstraiion fhim Baylor University Medi cal Center, Dallas, Texas in 1967, bachelor's degree from Limestone College, Gaffney, S.C. in 1972, completed the Wharton Fellows Program in management for nurses, Whar ton Business School, Philadel phia. Pa. 1985, bachelor's of nursing degree. University of NC at Greensboro and master's degree in nursing at the Univer sity of Greensboro 1992-1995. She worked at Forsyth Hospi tal, Winston Salem for 23 years beginning as nursing instruc tor, assistant director nursing and then as vice president of nursing. She worked at Davie County Hospital as emergency room nurse. Med-Suige nurse and recovery room nurse, re tiring from Davie Hospital in 2010. She loved her nursing career and the many life-long friends she made along the way. She enjoyed farming on the family farm. She was also preceded in death by 3 brolliers, Harold Norman Boger, Odcll All'rcd Boger and Johnny Charles Bo ger; 3 sisters, Edith Mae Sim mons, Nancy Ann Taylor and an infant sister. Survivors: a sister, Brenda Faye Boger, Hemando, Fla.; 2 nieces; 7 nephews; and long time companion, Joy Brown. A memorial service will be conducted at 2 p.m.. Saturday. Dec. 15 at Eaton Funeral Cha pel with the Rev. Cheryl Skin ner officiating. Burial will fol low in Enions Baptist Church Cemetery. The family will re ceive friends from 7-9 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 14 at the funeral home. Memorials: Alumni and De velopment Records, Duke Uni versity. PO Box 90581, Dur ham, 27708 - Memo: Duke Medical Annual Fund. Online condolences: wuni'. eaionfimeralservice^om. Davie County Public Librafy Mocksville, NC He was a member of the As- bury United Methodist Church and life member of Good Sam's Club. He enjoyed traveling in his motor home and had many friends and will be missed. The family received friends in the Stephen R. Haky Funeral Home, Uniomown, on Friday, Nov. 30 to celebrate his life. Military honors were accorded at 6:30 pjn. in the funeral home chapel. Private committal services will be held for the family. Memorials: charity of do nor's choice. Online condolences; u-ww-. haky/uneralhome.com. )^roldL. Carter i-orscho.ce. '^Lld L. Carter, 81. of , Uniomown. Pa. died Monday, ''^^''"eralhome.c, Nov. 26. 2012. in the Union- town Hospital. He was bom Nov. 19.1931. in Davle County, son of the late Paul L. and Ada D. Carter. He was also preceded in death by an infant daughter. Pamela Jean; a sister, Linda; a brother, Gerald Ray; sister-in-law, Bet- ty; niece, Linda; and numer- ous aunts, uncles his pet, "Buddy." He was a Korean War vet- eran (.Army) and served in the Reserves until May 29. 1956. receiving en honorable dis- charge.Aithattimehewasem- ployed by Brad Ragan Tire Co.. ^ „ Salisbuiy, and moved his fani' 'wlichaci KcllyMiily to Pennsylvania in 1969. He helped establish Mountain Tire Co.. Uniontown and Vem Allen Tire Co.. Oliver. Survivors: his wife, Marga ret; sons. Gary L. (Kathy) of Uniontown. and Paul Chris topher (Christine), of Mesa, Ariz.; daughter. Kiraberly R. (Emidio Corradetti). of Pitts burgh; 2 granddaughteis. of Mocksville. Cherrie John son of Orlando. Ra.. Tracy Smith of Pennsylvania. Mi chelle Kelly and Rendy Brown, both of Cleveland, Ohio; a brother, Raymond (Elaine) Kelly of Oeveland; a sister. Joyce Goodlett of Cleveland; 16 grandchildren; 16 great grandchildren; other relatives and friends. A memorial service will- be held on Saturday, Dec. 15 at 3 p.m. in the chapel of Graham Funeral Home. Online condolences; u'wiv. GrahamFuneralHomejiet. ckey Kelly. 64, died on Dec. 9. 2012 at his home fol lowing an extended illness. He was bom in Catawba County on Sept. 13. 1948. son of the late Dennis and Vir ginia Coulter. At an early age, he moved with his parents to Cleveland. Ohio, where he at tended public school. He served four years in the U .S. Navy and Lindscy L. Mikeo (Greg) of foUowing his discharge, he be- Faiimoiit. W.Va.. and Tara M. Takoch (Seth). of Springfield,W. . came a bus driver. He moved to Orlando. Ra. in 1982. and Va.; 2 grandsons. Brandon C. retired after 35 years as a lour "Carter (Lisa) of San Antonio, bus driver. He moved to Nonh Texas, and Ryan Wl,. Caiter .Carolina in 2006. (Arielie). of San Diego Calif.; He was also preceded in 2 great-grandchildren, Carter death by a son, Raymond Kel- and Madeline Mikeo; brother, 1y; a sister, Willa Allen. Edward (MaryAnn). Mocks- Survivors; his wife. Charlene ville; and several nieces and Kelly of the home; a son, Mi- nephews.chael (Dominique) Kelly of Or lando, Ra.; 6 daughters, Celena Kelly and Virginia Evans, both J)onald Leonard Peak Mr. Donald Leonard Peak. 79, of Redwood Drive, Mocks ville, died unexpectedly Friday. Dec. 7,2012. at WFBH - Davie Hospital. He was bora April 7, 1933. in Long Branch, N J. to the late Leonard and Helen Matthews Peak. Mr. Peak was a veteran of the U.S. Army having served during the Korean Conflict. Af ter retiring as the owoer/opera- lor of Peak's Garage. Mr. Peak drove a school bus for Shore Regional High School in West Long Branch. NJ. Mr. Peak was a member of First United Methodist Church. He was a former fire chief of West Long Branch Fire Dept. Mr. Peak was a member of Garden State Vintage Stock Car Club where he was a Hall of Fame recipi ent. He was a long-term owner of stock cars that raced in New Jersey speedways and was a supporter of the sport. Survivors: his wife of 51 years. Joyce J. Peak of the home; 2 daughters. Puiia O'Rorke and Kristy Herbert (JefT). all of Mocksville; a sis ter, Mildred Remick of Eaton- town, NJ.; and 2 granddaugh ters, Sliawna and Kimberly O'Rorke of Mocksville. A funeral service was con ducted at 2 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 9 at Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. John Huneycutt offici ating- Burial followed in Rose Cemetery. The family received friends Sunday at the funeral home hour prior to the service. Memorials: Shore Regional High School Hurricane Relief Fund. 132 Slate Route 36, West I.ong Branch. NJ 07764. Online condolences; wh-h'. caionfimeralservice^om. Davie County Public LiDrafy Mocksville, NO She was preceded in death by y her parents, husband on Nov./^James France Phillips )C Sue Dean Miller Sue Dean Foster "Moiiuna Dean" Miller. 105, of High Point died Ocl, 10, 2012 with her dattghtcr Sara by her side. She was born March 25.1907 in Advance, the third daughter of Sallie Virginia Foster and Hiratit Lindsey Foster. She had a childhood with 3 sisters and 2 older brothers. She accepted Jesus at age 12 and joined the Baptist Church in Advance. On Oct. 10, 1925 she married Felix Franklin Miller Sr. They moved to High Point and Joined First Presbyterian Church. Along with son Felix Jr.. they founded Television Sales and Service and Miller Desk. She served as president of the Women of the Church. Circle Chair. Bible Leader, Stinday School Teach er and received honorary life membership.s in First and Or ange Presbyterian. She named the Deriter Club (retired spelled backwards). She was a member oi'the Eastern Star for more than 60 years. She held all offices and was the past Worthy Ma tron. She wa.s chair 4-H; presi dent of Oak View School PTA, High Point Central High PTA, Alirusa Club. Business and Pro fessional Women's Club, Social Arts Club, and Garden Club. She loved having children from the church during Christmas for refreshments and to view the manger scene, farm animals and hear the Christmas Story. She was known for public speaking giving many programs for civic and church groups from North Carolina to New York. She was a painter of portraits and land scapes and created ceramics in 29. 1969, son Felix Franklin Miller Jr., 2 brothers, Clyde and Naylor Foster. 3 sisters. Arme Foster, Jakie Foster, and Stella Foster Phelps. Survivors: her daughter. Sara Miller Ledford of High Point, daughter-in-law Maxine Far- low Miller; 10 grandchildren. Chuck Ledford and wife Lynne of Jamestown. Hank Ledford, Phil Miller and wife Kay, Max Miller. David Miller, all of High Point. Mike Ledford and wife Lorraine of Jamestown, Sallye Ledford Kirkpatrick, Bobby Miller and wife Susan, all of Thomasville, John Miller and wife Michelle of Bear Creek, and Mollie Miller Kuehn of Ra leigh; 15 great-grandchildren, Jessica and Carly Ledford, Sara Katherine and John Ledford Kirkpatrick, and Luke Ledford. Franklin and Morgan Kay Mill er, Marcella Miller, Chelsea, Logan, Caroline, and Austin Miller, and Matt and Will Mill er, and Skylai Kuehn. She loved life and people with humor, playing April Fool's Jokes and reciting an endless list of poems and stories. She loved having, friends and family to her home and keeping up with lives of her children, grandchil dren and great grandchildren. She made many friends of the residents and staff at her recent home at Skeei Club Manor who loved listening to herpoems and stories. A funeral service was held Saturday Oct. 13 at 11 a.m. at the First Presbyterian Church in High Point. Visitation followed. A graveside service was at Flo ral Garden Cemetery at 3:30 p.m.. Memorials: Youth Group at First Presbyterian in High Point; or visit a shut in and give them a hug. Mr. James France Phillips, 95, of Cana Road, Mocksville, died Saturday, Dec. 8, 2012. al the Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winston-Salem. He was bom Aug. 18. 1917, in Ashe County to the late Frank and Ida Mains Phillips. Mr. Phillips loved to go to Gos pel Baptist Church where he was a member. He retired from Drexel Heritage, was a farmer and a certified nursing assis tant. He enjoyed gardening. He was also preceded in death by 2 sons, Cecil and Charles Phiilip.s; a granddaugh ter, Jennifer Smith; and several brothers and sisters. Survivors: his wife of 38 years, Lorene Jordan Phil lips of the home; 10 children, James Phillips Jr. (Janette) of Robbinsville, Bobby Phillips (Ardella), Lester Phillips, all of Mocksville, Faye Bameycaslle (Spencer) of Georgia, Wilma Reavis (Lowell), Betty Harris (Dotmie), all of Mocksville, Palsy Bolin of Farmington. Carolyn Price (Rick), Donna Walker, all of Mocksville and Vickey Dulin of Clemmons; 2 stepdaughters, Tami Huezo (Jose) and Renee Sloneman (Wayne): 27 grandchildren; a stepgranddaughter; several great-grandchildren; 10 great- great-grandchildren; 2 sisters, Iva Lee Palmer of Boone and Ima Jean Osborne of Mocks ville; and several nieces and nephews. A funeral service was con ducted at 2 p.m., Monday, Dec. 10 at Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Kevin Hobson ofliciat- ing. Burial followed in Gospel Baptist Church Cemetery. Tiie family received friends al the funeral home one hour prior to the service. Memorials: Kate B. Reyn olds Hospice Home, 101 Hos pice Lane, Winsion-Salem, 27103. Online condolences: ivtw. ealonfuneralservicex:om. Oavie County Public Libraiy Mocksville. NC A funeral service was con ducted at 2 p.m.. Thursday. Dec. 6 at Liberty Baptist Church with the Rev. Mar vin Blackburn officiating. The body was placed in the church 30 minutes prior to the service. Burial followed in the church cemetery. The family received friends Wednesday, Dec. 5 at Eaton Funeral Home. Memorials: for any kidney center of the donor's choice. Online condolences: ivmiv. eaionfuneralsen'ice .com. X'Connie' Brown Reavis Mrs. Constance "Connie" Faye Brown Reavis, 65, of Mocksviile, died Tuesday, Dec. 4, 2012, at Forsyih Medical Center in Winston-Salem. She was bom Oct. 23, 1947, in Forsyth Comity to the late Levi Henry Brown and Ola Mae Hcge Vanover. Mrs. Reavis was a member of Lib erty Baptist Church. She had wotftcd in the Davic County Schools and at Crown Wood Products. She was also preceded in death by a son, Jeffrey Lee Reavis; and a brother, Stanley Wayne Brown. Survivors: her husband, Carl Richard Reavis Sr. of the home; 2 sons, Carl Rich ard Reavis Jr. and Craig Ran dall Reavis (Lyvonne), all of Mocksviile; 3 grandchUdren, James Ryan Reavis (Courtney Campbell), Hannah Denys Reavis (Randy Jones Jr.) and Dustin Levi Reavis; a great- grandson, Randy I-ee "Squir rel" Reavis III; 3 siblings, Danny Brown of Winston-Sa lem. Sharon Holt (Steve) and .Steve Brown (Daphne); her stepmother. Frances Brown; a stepsister, Debbie Brown, all of Lewisville; best friend, Betty Malpass; and K-9 companion, Chloe. f ■fT'm: " Wyatt Anderson Reeves Mr. Wyatt Anderson Reeves, 84, of Clemmons died Sunday, Dec. 9. 2012 at Forsyth Medi cal Center. He was born Oct. 14. 1928 in Forsyth County to Willis Le- ander and Nina Harper Reeves. Mr. Reeves retired from RJ. Reynolds after 34 years. He was preceded in death by his wife of more than (>0 years, Dorothy Myers Reeves; a brother, Willis Reeves; and a sister. Eunice Host. Sutviving: a sister, Eula R. Harper of Clemmons; a broth er-in-law, Johnny Burton Jr. of Advance; 12 nieces and neph ews, Roy, John, Donnie, Janet, Elaine, Cannon. Sue, Willis Jr., Jerry, Brenda, Cindy and Vickie; several great nieces and great nephews and a spe cial adopted granddaughter and grandson. Christy and Jerry. A funeral service was to be held at 3 pan. Thursday at War ners Chapel Church of Christ with Minister Paul Kirkpatrick and Minister Frank Shepard of ficiating. Entombment was to follow in Westlawn Gardens of Memory Mausoleum. TTie family was to receive friends from 6-8:30 p.m. Wednesday at Hayworth-Miller Kinderton Chapel. Memorials; charity of the do nor's choice. Online condolences: vvvvw. hayworih-miller.com. /^Elizabeth 'Ann' Slater Elizabeth Sharon "Ann" Jor dan Slater. 69, of Cana Road,Mocksviile, died Dec.'4, 2012 at her home. Bom on Dec. 7. 1942, she was the daughter of the late William Clyde Jordan and Dorothy Wooten Jordan. She was a department itead at Wal- Mart untU she retired in 2006 and then worked part-time at Wal-Mart- Prior to that, she worked many years at Marie White's Beauty Shop as a hair stylist. She was of the Baptist faith. She was a member of Union Chapel United Method ist Church and attended Hope Tabernacle Baptist Church. Survivors: her best friend, Terry (Janice Daiton) Slater; a daughter, Teree Slater (James) (iarr of Denver, Colo.; a broth er. J.C. (Frcida) Jordan, a sis ter, Sue Jordan (Wayne) Ire land, both of Mocksviile; and a step-granddaughter, Saraantha Carr of Charlotte. A celebration of life ser vice was held at 3 p.m. Friday. Dec. 7. at Union Chapel United Mcthtxlist Church with Pastor Darren Crotts officiating. The family received friends Friday at the church. Burial was in Union Chapel UMC Cemetery. Memorials: A Storehouse for Jesus, 685 E Lexington Road, Mocksviile or Union Chapel UMC. 2030 US 601 N,. Mocksviile. Online condolences: wutv. cIavie/uneralservice£om. Oavie County Public Library Mocksviile, NO '^{Harvey Lee Barnes Mr. Harvey Lee Barnes. 9(). formeriy of Joe Road, Mocks- villc, died Sunday. Dec. 16. 2012, at Rowan Regional Med ical Ccnier in Salisbury. He was bom July 15. 1922, in Davic Counly to the late Richard and Florence Wyatt Barnes. Mr. Bames wa.s a vet eran of the U.S. Amiy having sen'ed during World War 11 and was a Purple Heart recipient. He was employed by the V.A. Hospital in Salisbury. He was also preceded in death by his first wife, Myr- tice Miller Bames; his second wife, Ruby Morris Bames; a son Billy Bames; a brother. Cliff Bames; and 3 sisters, Lela Lemly, Ha Younis and Pearl Walser. Survivors: 3 stepchildren, Sylvia Boger of Mocksville, Ronnie Morris of Walkeriown and Michaei Morris of Mocks ville; and several nieces and nephews. A funeral service was to be conducted at 3 p.nv, Wednes day, Dec. 19 at Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Ralph Byrd officiating. Burial was to follow in Liberty United Meth odist Church Cemetery with military riles conducted by the VFW Memorial Honor Guard. The family was to receive friends at the funeral home one hour prior to the service. Memorials: DAV, 1958 US 601 S, Mocksville; or VFW Post 9010. PO Box 601. Clem- mons, 27012. Online condolences: ivivw. eawnfimerahervice^om. L. Donati Jr. William "Butch" Lewis Do nati Jr.. 58. of Jericho Church Road. Mocksville. died on Fri day. Dec. 14, 2012. at Forsyth Medical Center. Bom in Richmond. Va, on Jan. 14,1954, he was the son of the late William Lewis Donati Sr. He was married to Robin Teresa Hardy Donati for 19 years. He worked for ingersoll- ; Rand Co. in Florida and North Carolina in sales and service, anH was f>f the Baotist faith. Also surviving: a son, An thony M. Donati and a daugh ter, Natalie M. Donati, both of the home: sisters, Linda f*urvis of Mechanicsville, Va., Wanda Bechtold of Lebanon, Pa., Ter ry Nigg of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Penny Foster of Ashland, Va., Ann Hill of Louisiana, and Sta cy Rowley of Richmond. Va.; and a brother, Charles Donati of Old Church, Va. He was also preceded in death by guardians, Milton G. "Uncle Buck" and Alice T. "Nanny" Meredith. A celebration of life service was held Tuesday, Dec. 18 at II a.m. at the Davie Funeral Service Chape, with the Rev. John Erwin officiating. Burial followed in the Center United Methodist Church Cemetery. The family received friends on n Monday, Dec. 17 at tlie funeral home. Memorials: Shriners Hospi tals for Children, 1645 W. 8th ^St.,Erie,PA 16505. Online condolences: Mwrv. i<i\'iefiiiieralu:rvice.com. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, I'hursday, Uec. 2U, 2t)U Davie Coun^ Public Libfary Mocksville, KC ^Jo Ann Ferguson Mrs. Jo Ann Baysinger Fer guson, 73. of Mocksville, for merly of Cooleemee. died Sat urday morning, Dec. 15, 2012, with her family by her side. Bom June 4, 1939, in Guil- ford County, she was the daughter of the late Carl and Delia Baysinger. She centered her life around family. She was a supervisor at AMP, Inc. for 20 years in Cary. She was also preceded in death by a brother. Jack Bay singer; and a sister, Mary Chat- tin: her husband of 39 years, Mr. Floyd Ray Ferguson Sr. (62); her son, Floyd Ray Fergu son Jr. (25): and her daughter, Teresa Ferguson (5). Survivors; .3 daughters, Fran ces Darlene Baker (Robert) of Willow Springs, Barbara Sue Null (Rick) of Clayton and Amy Michelle Michalski (Rob ert) of Mocksville; a brother. Glen Baysinger (Mary Lynne) of Mocksville; 3 sisters. Betty Cox (Dan) of Salisbury, Naomi Minton (Steve) of Mocks ville and Barbara Barker of Florida; 6 grandchildren, Ste ven Michalski, David Michal ski. Charles Ferguson (Julie), Mitchell Null (Hans), Justin Baker, and Misty Ferguson Jo nas: and 4 great-grandchildren. Visitation was at Eaton Fu neral Home, Monday, Dec. 17, from. Burial was Tuesday, Dec. 18 at Montlawn Memorial Park, Raleigh,at 2 p.m. Memorials: Hospice of Da- vie in her remembrance, 377 Hospital St. Suite 103. Mocks ville. Online condolences: m'vvvi'. fciloiifiiiu'riilservice.com. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Thursday, Dec. 20.2012 Oavie County Public Ubraiv Niocksville, NC -•» f' . n ^Elizabeth C. Fowler Elizabeth "Lizzie" Clement Fowler of Mocksville died on Dec. 14, 2012, in Wake For est University Baptist Medical Center. She was bom in Davie Coun ty on July 1,1925, daughter of the late Hubert and Mary Flint Clement. She attended Davie County Schools. At an early age she joined Fairfield Baptist Church, where she was a mem ber of the Usher Board, the choir, a Deaconess, and held the position of Church Mother. Her hobbies were shopping and working in her flower garden, in 1946 she was united in mar riage to Thomas Fowler. They had eight children. Mr. Fowler preceded her in death on July 28, 1998. She was also preceded in death by 3 sons, Thomas Edward, Leonard (Charles, and William Richard Fowler; 2 sisters, Hat- tie Bates and Frances Jones: 5 brothers, twins John and Van Lindsay, Roosevelt. Lee, and Ken Clement. Survivors: 3 sons, Hiir- vey Lee (Mattie) Fowler of Winslon-Salem. George Cal vin Fowler of Mocksville, and Hubeit Bernard Fowler of Youngsvilie: 3 daughters, i Mahilda Roberts of Salisbury, Gwendolyn Morris of Winston- Salem, and Valerie Chunn of Mocksville; a brother, George (Helen) Clement of Salisbury; 30 grandchildren; 25 great grandchildren; several other relatives and friends. Her funeral service was held on Tuesday. Dec. 18 at noon at Fairfield Baptist Church in Mocksville. The Rev. James Clement, pastor, officiated and burial followed in the church cemetery. The family received friends at the church 30 min utes before the service. Online condolences: wwii'. GrahamFioteralH(yine.nel. X Amanda L. Frye Amanda Leighanne Frye, 30, of Potts Road, Advance, died on Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012, at Kale B. Reynolds Hospice Home. Bom in Forsyth County on Oct. 7, 1982, she was the daughter of Edward Charles Frye and Arlcne Denise Fos ter Frye of Advance. She was employed in retail sales and attended Yadkin Valley Baptist Church. In addition to her parents, survivors include; a son. Kam- eron Isaiah Frye of the home; a brother. Matthew C. Frye of Advance: a sister, Melissa F. (Alex) Pordniakov of Soddy- Daisy. Tenn.; 2 nieces. Anas- tasia and Isabella Pozdniakov, and 3 special friends, Elizabeth Rogers, Casey Snodgrass and Patti Willett. She was preceded in death by her grandfather, Phillip Foster. A celebration of life service was held Friday, Dec. 14 at 2 p.m. at Westlawn Gardens of Memniy in Clcmnions with the Revs. Jerry Webb and Ronnie Craddock officiating. Online condolences: tvnnv. (lavic/iineraisen;icex:om. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECOKI). Thursday, Dec. 20,2012 Davie County Public Libraiy Iviocksville, NC )^Lula Mae Bailey Lanier Mrs. Lula Mae Bailey ■'Mama Mae" Lanier, 95. of NC 801 S,, .Advance, died Fri day, Dec. 14.2012, at Bermuda Commons. She was bom June 7, 1917. in Davie County, to the late Joel "Joe" Richard and Flo- rena Emma Foster Bailey. Mrs. Lanier was retired from RJ, Reynolds Tobacco after more than 40 years. She was a mem ber of Fulton United Methodist Church where she had served as a Sunday school teacher for more than 50 years. Mrs, Lani- er's green thumb was evident by her garden, flower beds and potted plants. She was also preceded in death by her husband, John Burton Lanier Sr.; a son, JohnBurton "JB" Lanier Jr.: a grand daughter. Kathy Lanier; and a stepgrandson, Larry Crotts. Survivors: a son, Joe Dean Lanier Sr. (Margaret); a daugh ter-in-law, Shirley Lanier of Advance; 7 grandchildren.Linda Comatzer, Cindy Cor- natzer, Joe Dean Lanier Jr., John Lanier, Mark Lanier. Rickie Lanier and Dwayne Lanier; 3 stepgrandchiidren, Ricky Crotts, Gene Smith and Christy Smith; 9 great-grand children, Chris Comatzer, Chad Comatzer, Brandi Patti, Derek Comatzer, Lisa Lanier, Tina Crotts, Michael Lanier, Amy Roig and BJ. Lanier; 3 step great-grandchildren. Charles Crott.s, Deborah Whitley and Rocky Healon; and 11 great- great-grandchildren. A funeral service was eon- ducted at 2 p.ni.. Sunday, Dec. 16 at Fulton United .Methodist Church. The body was placedin the church 30 minutes prior to the service. Burial followed in the church cemetery. The family recei\'ed friends Satur day. Dec. 15 at Eaton Funeral Home. Memorials: Fulton UMC Cemetery Fund, PO Box 87. Advance; or Liberty Homec- are & Hospice, 1007 Lexington Ave.,Thomasville, 27360. Online condolences: www. i-akiiiJi4nemhen'ice.com. ^ Phyllis Sones Potter A memorial service was to be held at 2 pjn. Thursday, Dec. 20 at the First Presbyteri an Church, Salisbury, for Mrs. Phyllis Sones Poner, formerly of Mocksville. Mrs. Potter died on Dec. 7 at the home of her daughter Eniily and son-in-law Of. Tliomas Wannenburg, At lantic Beach. Fla.. after a long battle with cancer. Present were her husband of 60 years, Rob ert V. Porter, daughters Robin -Morgan, Bethesda. Md., .Amy Imbody, Ashbum, Va and Em ily Wannenburg. Bom in Butler. Pa. to Basil and Jeanne Sones, Mrs. Potter attended Clarion University and graduated from Pennsyl vania State University with a bachelor's degree in heiilth and human development. She was a member of the Penn State Tltespians and Kappa Phi, a Christ centered group for wom en. She taught high school. In 1952 she married Iter husband, a graduate Ibresler from Penn Stjite. Forestry assignments led them to US Forest Service Ueadcjuarteis in Washington, D.C. Living in Potoinnc, Md, .she was active in Welcome to Washington International, pro moting "understanding through friendship and friendship Thmueh understandinc." She lidge.She panliipSfed in the Stephen . Ministries at Founh Presby- , leiiitn Cliurch of Bethesda, a program in which trained iay- counsclois walk with individu als or families ihiougli crises or challenges, Mrs. Potter's love of music was expressed in her long membership in the church choir. The Potters were then as signed to Headquarters, Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations in Rome. Italy. Subsequent assignments took them lo Pakistan where Mrs. Potter taught school at the Murrec Christian School in the shadow of the Himala ya Mountains; and the country of Le.soiho in South Africa. Af ter retiring in 1984 the Potters s|)ent a year and a half travel ing throughout Europe in a VW camper finding ski opportu nities before moving back to their Maryland home. For three years they searched for their fi nal retirement area and found it in North Carolina, in 1988 they moved to Mocksville where they could raise horses and Mrs. Potter could shate her love iind inieresi in serving |)cople and cummiinity for the next 24 years. She was president and chaplain of the Mocksville Women's Club, founding board member of the Davie Faimly YMCA, served on the YMCA Board's Greater Winston-Sa- leni E.vecuiivc Committee as vice chair of communications national and itilernarional. Mrs. Potter was recognized as the YMCA Volunteer of the Year, taught aerobics at the YMCA. was on the board of the Davie Group Home, and a member of a breast cancer post-surgery support teiun. in June the Pot ters celebrated their 60i!i wed ding annivcjyaiy and moved lo a retirement community in At- liinlic Beach, Fla. Also surviving: brother. Col. Vernon B, Sones; grandchil dren, Bethany imbody Robin son, Daniel Imbody. Jeannie Imbody Whitlock, David Im body, Alexandra Wannenburg Chapman, Robb Wannenburg, Saiali Morgan Rogers. Laura Morgan; and great-grandson. Lev) McCandless Robinson. Memorials: Phyllis Pottci- Leadership in Education Fund, do Davie Community Foun dation with "Phyllis Potter VMaelenc Tcague Snyder Maelene Teague Snyder. 81. of Mocksville died Saturday. Dec. 15,2012 at her residence. She was bom May 9, 1931 in Winston-Salem. a daughter of John Westley and Dora Mc- Cormick Teague Sr. She gradu ated from Gray High School and was a member of the Pio neers. She attended Liberty Wesleyan Cliurch in Harmony. She worked at AT&T retiring after 48 years. She was the owner operator of Dawn Dee Tnicking Inc. in Davie Co. She married John I. Snyder in August 1948. He preceded her in death in 1995 in Win- sion-Salem. She was also pre ceded in death by her parents, and brothers JW Teague Jr. and Glenn Teague. Surviving; her children, Jer ry W. (Carol) Snyder and Pat (Don) Payne, both of Mocks ville; grandchildren. Pamick Payne. Stephanie (Eddie) Crcgiir, Crystal Payne, all of Mocksville, Kelly (Heath) Re- galis. Kerrie (.IP) Myers, both of .South Caiolina, John Da vid (Jenna) Snyder and Jenny Snyder, both of Mocksville; 10 gTCni-grandchildren; and a dear friend, Claude Wilkinson of Mocksville. A funeral service was held at 3 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 19 at Frank Vogler and Sons Clera- mons Chapel in Clemmons. Visitation was an hour prior lo the service. Burial was in West- lawn Gardens of Memory in Clemmons. Online condolences: wiviv frankwglerandspiisxoni. George Dale Wall Mr. George Dale "Bunt" Wail of Call Road. Mocksville, died Sunday, Dec. 16, 2012, at his home. He was bom in Davie County to the late Dock and Ella Mae Taylor Wall. On June 29,1981, he was married to Bessie Jane Boger. He worked for Baker Furniture for 30 years. Mr. Wall was a member of New Union United Methodist Church and a member of the Explorers class. His hobbies were antique cars, gardening and NASCAR rac ing and he loved going to the beach. Survivors; his wife; a broth er, Wayne Wall (Maijorie); spe cial brother-in-law, Jerry Boger (Sandra): and special friends. Thomas and Barbara Barney. A service to celebrate his life was conducted at 3 p.m., Tues day. Dec. 18 at New Union United Methodist Church on Sheffield Road with the Rev. Dr. Steve Rainey officiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery. The family received friends one hour prior to the I service at the church. ' Memorials: New UMC, c/o Doris Dyson. 1469 County Line Road, Harmony. 28634; or Hospice/Palliative Care of Iredeli, 2347 Simonton Road, Statesviile. 28625. Online condolences; wwvv. Davie County Public library N^ocksville, NO Memorial Funr on the memo i>avjK L'OUN TV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Dec. 20,2012 line: PO Box 546. Mocksville. ^ She is preceded in death by her parents, and a brother, Dan iel Bowers. She was a member of Do- lin United Methodist Church where she was a Sunday School teacher for 30 years, sang in the choir, and received a Life Time Award for her service with the Sunday School. She was a chapiain of the Ladies Aux iliary VFW Post 8719 and re ceived Samaritan Honors. She was innovative, creative, loved to sew, crochet, bake and was a singer and storyteller. A funeral .service wa.s held at I p.m. Saturday. Dec. 22 at Frank Vogler and Sons Funeral Home CIcmmons Chapel in Clemmons. Visitation was Fri day at the funeral home. Burial was in Wesllawn Gardens of Memory in Clemmons. Online condolences; wu'iv. fruiikvoftlei tiiulsoiix.com. Memorials; Brenner's Chil dren's Hospital; or donor's choice. Mildred Bowers Pollard Mildred Bowers Pollard, 85. of Mocksville died Dec. 19, 2012 at her residence. She was bom July 21,1927 in Guilford County, a daughter of Orlinda and Amanda Doby Bowers. She married James D. Pollard on March 20. 1948 in Winston-Salem. Surviving; her husband of 64 years; children. James D. Pollard Jr. of Mi. Pleasant, Deborah (Scon) Wilson of Ru ral Hall, Karen (David) Riccio of Connecticut, Sandra (Jackie) Smith of Advance, Mark (Sha ron) Pollard of Mocksville; grandchildren, Lisa (Kevin) Henderson, David (Rachel) Riccio Jr., Clark Smith, Adam (Chelsea) Riccio, Philip Smith, Timothy Riccio, and Katelyn Pollard; a sister, Doris Anders; a brother. Moody (Virg.inia) Bowere; and several nieces and nenhpws DAVIE COUNTY UNTisRPRlSK kUCOKD. Ihursdav, Uec.y7.za.z Davie County Public Ubraiy tv^iocksville, NC y. Jeffrey Allen Warner Jeffrey Allen Warner, 52, of Liberty Church Road, Mocks ville, died on Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2012, at his home. Bom in Forsyth County on Dec. I, i960, he was the son of the late Jackie and Frances Baity Wamer. He was a heavy equipment mechanic, a welder, having learned his trade at Ba ity Welding Service. He was a member of Courtney Baptist Church. Survivors: 2 sons, John (Me gan) Wamer of Jonesville and Jamie McCann of Lone Hicko ry; a brother.Rex Warner, and a sister, Pamela Keaton, both of Mocksville; 4 grandchildren, Jackson Edward Warner, James McCann, Gabriel McCaim, and Katie McCann; special friends. Tommy Keaton, Bmce Whita- ker and Teresa King; and nu merous aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews. He was also preceded in death by a brother. Warren "Eben" Wamer. A celebration of iife ser vice was held on Friday, Dec. 21 at 1 pjn. at Courtney Bap- list Church with the Rev. Ray Davis officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery. The fam ily received friends on Friday at the church. Online condolences: www. daviefuneralservice£om.