07-July-Mocksville EnterpriseLARGEST CIRCULATION MOST NEWS I V \ . l \ ; r r i i _I L l M } Ш Щ - COUNTY PICTURES ' WAR NEWS •J /J•v'i.'A'iBiV I V O L . X X IV “All The County News For Everybody”M O C K S V IL L E , N . C ., F R ID A Y , J U L Y 4, 1941 “All The County News For Everybody”NO. 41 HERE and THERE REVIVAL Dr. G . T. Rowe o£ Duke U ni­ versity will begin a series of services at t h e M ethodist chu rch Sunday, July 13. Dr. Rowe will hold services each day at 9:30 a. m . and 8 p. m. RUNNER-UP M ary Nell W ard o f M ocks­ ville and R obert Cates, Jr. o f W lnston-Salem were runners- up In the state finals o f the Ford G ood Drivers contest at Charlotte Tuesday. C ontest­ an ts wound up the day w ith a banquet at the Hotel C har- Iclle. BARBECUE W . M. Pennington entertahi-' ♦d his em ployees at th e Pen­ nington Chevrolet and Sinclair Service Statlop an d reprcsen- iaitives o f GM AC at a barbecue supper at R ich ’s Park M onday rvening. A bout 55 guests were present. A G R IC V L T V R E TE A C H E R C. O . H inson o f Stanley cou n ­ ty has been elected to teach •grleulture in th e Farm ington h ig h aehool this com in g year. Mr. H inson is a graduate o f State College in Raleigh, class of ’41. T he N; y. A. boys o f the coun ty will build a com ­ bination shop an d classroom lo r use this year. STEALS IIOOCU O scar D ouglas, local Negro, broke Into the basem ent o f the county jail through a window Sunday night and stole 4 gal­ lons o f w hiskey ih e sh eriff had on hand for evidence in liquor cases. An hour later Oscar was back In jail and Bob M ason and Lloyd Cain, Negroes, were also 'arrested for aiding and abetting. T he latter two post­ ed bond an d Oscar is still in the booby hatch. C ITY T A X RATE Com m issioners o f the town o f M ocksville set the new tax rate at $1.00 per $100 o f valua­ tion a t a m eeting Tuesday, night. T he old rate was $1. RAIN Davie had a big rain last Friday a n d Friday night, nearly 5 inches. T he rain relieved a drought an d put the creeks cu t o f the banks. C O T T O N B L O O M J. G . C raw ford o f Cooleem ee reports the fh-st cotton bloom o f the season. It opened on June 29. i I.A W N P A R T ¥ T h e Clarksville H om e dem - cnstration club iwili sporisor a law n party at the Clarksville Com m unity building Saturday night, July 5. Features o f the evening will be a short talk by Jt. 8. Proctor, m usic and gam es dhrected by W . H. Kim rey, an d an auction sale to be held by th e Girls Scout T roop No. 3. T he public Is invited to attend. N O C R E E K S E IN IN G I t Is unlawful >to seine in creeks bu t perm issible in the xivers duping July and August, K. D. Brown, gam e warden w ho has resum ed his duties dollowlng an operation, an­ nounces. S TO R E C LO S IN G L ocal stores will close during July and August each T hurs­ day afternoon at I p. m., be­ ginning July 10. The stores will also close each evening at 6 p. m. during the week day a n d 9:30 p. m. on Saturday nigh ts throughout the year. 9S R E G IS T E R N inety eight Davie young m en w ho have becom e 21 years old since last O ct. 16 registered a t the courthouse here July 1. The head o f the selective serv­ ice in W ashington ordered all m en o f 28 w h o are su bject to induction in the arm y to be deferred for a m onth pending expected passage o f legislation w hich would defer them . The order is effective as o f July 1. LOCALS DEFEAT ADVANCE 2-1 M ocksville defeated Advance last Saturday In a tight Davie county baseball gam e by the score o f 2 ito 1. The local team will play Cornatzer on the lat­ ter’s grounds in a ralned-out gam e on July 4 at 3 p. m. The box score: Advance ab Bailey, cf ..........................3 Burton, If ..........................4 D. Talbert, 3b ................4 Absher, ss ..........................4 T. Talbert, c ...................2 Taylor, lb ..........................3 M ock, 2b ..........................9 Hege, rf ..............................3 Poindexter, p ...................3 Mocksville ab Short, ss ..............................4 W ilson, 3b ..........................3 Tom linson, p ...................3 J. Latham , c ...................4 0 British Inventor Marklands Move Back Home ELBAVILLE. — C. W . Hall, w ho has been spending the past week at liom e has returned to Jacksonville. M r. and Ml'S. Bill K ester and children o f Koanoke, Va, are spending som etim e w ith her sister, Mi's; R. C. Ratledge. M arjorie Anne Burton, who has spent the past two weeka in W inston-Salem , has return­ ed hom e. Mrs. C. D Paircloth and Miss G race Falrcloth c f to Carl T. Carter and w ife, A L U M IN U M Miss M ary Foster o f County I.Ine, w ho teaches school at Cool Springs, is 'the first person In Davie county to donate old alum inum for national defense. She brough t a good load to the M ocksville Hardware Co. w here old alum inum is being accepted and stored until the governm ent calls for It. July 21 has been nam ed as a natlon- jiddp riatft-tn..coUect~thl.s-much~ Bowles, lb ..........................4 0 Cozart, c f ...................••;....4 0 H. Latham , 2b .................2 0 Fink, rf ..............................2 0 Seam on, I f ..........................2 0 Strikeouts — Poindexter, 3; Tom linson 5. Errors — Short, Seam on, M ack, T . Talbert. Announce Raises A t Cooleemee DURHAM. — A general wage Increase for the 5,000 workers in the En,vin, Cooleemee and Durham plants o f the Erwin C otton Mills com pany, effec­ tive June 30, Is announced. Estimates on how m uch of an increase in the payroll this will be were not available, but the wage Increase Is in addi­ tion to a federal wage order raising the m inim um wage o f textile workers from 32'/2 cents an hour to 37 Mi cents. The increase followed nego­ tiations between the Textile W orkers Union o f Am erica and ■the com pany. China s h i p p e d 1,450,280 pounds o f walnut kem el to the United States In u recent m onth. Robert Alexander W atson- W att, a Scottish scientist, Is credited w ith the development of B rita in ’s new secret radio plane detector. Th e radiolo­ cator was revealed by Lord BeaTcrbrook in a broadcast ap­ pealing for Am erican radio technicians to operate them . needed m etal. MEMORIAL SERVICE T he Pino grange will hold a m em orial service next M onday night at the hall a t 8:15 o ’clock for Mrs. O, R. Allen. The reg­ ular grange m eetings begins at 7:30. SUMMARY OF WAR NEWS Germ any claim ed yester­ day that the bulk o f a R us­ sian arm y o f possibly 500,000 m en had been destroyed In s huge trap in Sovletized Poland, but the m ain R ed arm y forces were striking at th e flanks of the Nazi panzer divisions in an attem pted counter-blitzkrieg that may decide the unprecedented w arfare on 4he-eastRm front. Fighting w ith tanks, artil­ lery, airplanes and infantry •was progressing on five big battlefronts from fa r-n orth ­ ern M urmansk to Bessara­ bia, but both sides claim ed im portant successes and the outcom e of the con flict on the m ain central sector a- Tound M insk was still n n - cert-aln. T he Germ an high com ­ m and asserted 4,107 Soviet Russian planes were destroy- <>d nnd 2,233 tiinks wrecked or captured in Nazi drives which it said had swept through Lithuania well Into neigh­ boring Latvia, trapped two ■ Soviet armies, and reached ■the region o f Minsk. ■ The Germ ans asserted that advance forces had caiTied № e m ain Nazi drive nearly ihalf-way along the 450-m lle- Jong road from Minsk to ^^idsc6\v. Of greaier Im port­ ance, however, were Germ an claim s that three large bodies o i Russian troops — two arm ies In one instance—»were • encircled and facing capitu­ lation .or annihilation and that in the north the Soviet de­ fense w as so disordered and inept as to m ean that fpr practical purposes there was .¡no longer a real northern- air offensive since June 16 at fifty-fou r, against 155 Nazi planes sh ot down. F. B. I. arrests 32 v.'ho are accused o f espionage activi­ ties against the U. S. Seven plead guilty. One o f the m en arrested had for years been exam ining tiie Norden bom b- sight, supposed to be one o f th é clooest guarded m ilitary secrets A dolf 'HütJer’B new spaper attack the Russians scath­ ingly for allowing the Nazi* to proceed into traps and th en firing on them from 'üie sides and rear. Secretary o f Navy Frank K nox m akes flat statem ent that “ now is the tim e for th e U. S. Navy to clear t i « A t­ lantic o f the Germ an m en­ a ce” — the strongest state­ m ent m ade by an adm inis­ tration official since the war started. B ritain’s sm ashing air o f­ fensive in the W est is con ­ tinuing. Heavy daylight raids In Northern Fi’ance follow ed a night attack on Northwest G erm any, w ith a heavy as­ sault on Brem en and Kiel. London announced the total bag for the week as 120 G er­ m an planes and the totnl for the yoar as 2,088. The B rit­ ish put their losses in the front. The first week of the G er­ m an invasion o f Russia drew to a close with Indications that the Soviet troops had put up stiffer resistance than was expected. M oscow re­ ported Increasingly heavy en­ gagem ents, with the Germ ans checked on the Pollsli and Lithuanian fronts. 13 More Leave For U . S. Armp' Thirteen more Davie coun­ ty young m en w ill leave for Ft. Bragg on Ju ly 14 for a year’s m ilitary service. Th e y are: Jam es Monroe Swice­ good, route 4; Ezra Lewis Howell, route 1, C ana; A n ­ drew David Carter, Coolee­ mee; Robert Lee Jarrls, route 4, Lexington; W UItam Roy Jones, route 1; Jasper Herm an Carter, route 3; G arland Franklin Forrest, route Z; George Herm an B am h ardt, route 3; John Foster Cooke, route 2; Isaac M artin, MooresvUe; Magness H enry Howard, route 4; Thom as Jefferson Stewart, route 1, Advance; Allie Hanes Childress, route 4. Brother of Mrs. Roy Feezor Dies K elly K irkland K ing, 48. o f W lnston-Salem , widely known Independent tobacco dealer, died at a hospital there last Thursday night. He had been 111 for ten days but his condition had been serious only a few days. Mr. K ing was one o f th e city’s m ost highly respected tobacco­ nists. Born in W inston-Salem a son o f Jefferson D. and M at­ tie Snipes K ing, 'he had spent his entire life there. He was educated in the city schools, Ihe University o f N. C., the University o f M aryland and studied for 18 m ouths at Mu­ nich University In Germ any. W ith exception o f the tim e he was away In college, he spent his life In buying tobacco in W inston. For m any years he had been a tax lister at the county courthouse. In 1936 he was an unsuccess ful D em ocratic candidate for sheriff. He was 'the possessor c f - many^a:dm Uable ti-alts~~invd had a wide circle o f friends in every section of the county Surviving are the widow, w ho was Miss K athleen Bouldin, two daughters, Mrs, Lee Vanstory and Mrs. Jacquelln K ing John­ son, a grandson, Jam es Kelly Johnson: one sister, Mrs. Roy Feezor o f M ocksville; four brothers, M. V. K ing o f J<er- nersvllle; Jeff B. K ing o f Dur­ ham , W . J. K ing o f Charlotte, and Joe E. K ing o f Birm ing­ ham , Ala. Funeral services were held Saturday m orning at the hom e and interm ent was in th e Salem cem etery. S TO R A G E Storage space 'teon will be available to N orth Carolina wheast farm ers for use under the 1941 loan program , reports E. Y. Floyd, state AAA execu­ tive officer a t State College. Realty Deeds Filed Here The follow hig real estate transfers have been filed in ■tiie office ot G . H. C. Shutt, register o f deeds: T . H. and Sally Ellis N lchol- son to O. R. Allen, 40 acres adjoining F. H. Balm son, $10 and other considerations. R. P. Anderson an d w ife to B. F. Anderson and w ife, 2 lots Y adkinville highw ay, $100. The form er also transferred six lots on the Salisbury h lgh - Salem spent Friday w ith Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hall. Mr. and Ml'S. Bill Ellis who spent last week ai ; his m other, have returned to Hickory. Mr. and Mrs, C. M. M arkland have m oved from Norfolk, Va. back to their farm . Mr. and Mrs. Elghi Hendricks and daughter were the Sunday afternoon visitors o f Mr. and Ml’S. C. W . Hall. Miss Laura Boger o f Hanes­ town spent the week end at hom e. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cope o f Lexington spent the week end at hom e. T he condition of T om W aller does not Improve. Mrs. T. J. Ellis spent part of last week In East Bend visiting her m other, Mrs. Sam Poindex­ ter. Mr. and Mrs. C. W . Hall and sons spent Sunday In W inston- Salem. T he W om an's Society of Christian Service w ill m eet on July 10 a t the hom e of Mrs. T. F. Bailey, w ith Mrs. W . A. Bailey fssoclate hostess. Jericho Wins Ball Game JERICHO. — Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Beck were Sunday even­ ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Seam on. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Garwqpd and fam ily were Sunday guests of Mr. and Ml'S. J. M. Seam on. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bowles were week end visitors in the _hQme_o£ M rs_Jolin_Bowle.s_____ Cornatzer and Needm ore soft ball teams played ball at Jeri­ cho Saturday. Following the gam e Jericho played the w in­ ner an d won the game. Stores To Close A t Noon July 4th T he Cooleem ee Stores will re­ m ain open until noon on Fri­ day, July 4th for the conveni­ ence o f their custom ers. And it will be greatly appreciated by them If you do your shop­ ping in the m orning. It has been the custom to close each Tuesday at noon but on ac­ count o f the holiday It w as de­ cided to close this week on Friday. All stores will open on regular schedule on Satur­ day m orning and next week the stores will close at noon on Tuesday as usual during the m onth o f July and August. Leads N azi Push $251; 2 lots Yadkinville high ­ way to G . C. Culler and wife, $80; one lot Salisbury highw ay to Stella W agoner, $87; one lot on square to Dr. L. P. M ar­ tin an d w ife, $1,000; one lot on square and 12 lots Salisbury highw ay 'to J. Prank H endrix, $1,252. D. R. Eaton and w ife to J. L. Eatort and w ife, 10 acres ad ­ join ing G. L. W hite, $1 and other considerations. B lanche H anes C lem ent to Creorge W . Row land and wife, house and lot South M ain street $1,000 and other considera­ tions. W . J. Potts and w ife to S. F. Potts and w ife, tract adjoining C. E. F aircloth, $80. J. W . and Sallie Jarvis to S. P. Potts and w ife, one acre adjoin ing C. E. Faircloth, $40. W. F. R obinson and w ife to T. J. Caudell, two lots Salis­ bury highw ay, $100. Sunday Visitors In Bailey Home LIBERTY. — Mr. and Mrs. G uy B oger and children and Mrs. M ollle Creason o f W ins­ ton-Salem were the guests o f Mr. and Mrs, J. G. M cCullough Sunda. Mr. and Mrs. R obert K im m er and son o f MooresvUle an d Mr. and Mrs. C. L ri?!m m er visited Mr. and Mrs. j. F. K im m er of Veteran of the Polish cam ­ paign, Gen. Johannes von Blaskowitz is reported to be directing the G erm an invasion of Russia and is said to have set up headquarters in B runn, M oravia, as Nazi blitz units move against the massive Red arm y. DAVIE NEARS U. S. 0. QUOIA Davie coun ty has ratoed . $455.75 01: lt5 quot* of WQO ■ for Uie u. s. o ., It' Is fe p orted ' ■. by Rev. E, M . Avett and Jim , Thom pson, cou n ty c h a lr m ^ . and secretary, n . M. H anes o f Winstbn> state chairm an, w rote tbA t.3S counties had raised >Uieiri|W]fte^ the total o f about $90,000, lÓMl . he urges Davie to reach its. ■ quota by July 4. ■ Contributions m«7 be’tnìulé to any m em bers of tbé toum* ship com m ittee and thè ipt«l9 reported thus far are: FuÙofI, $31.52; Jerusalem , IS S rM M d y . G rove, $26.93; FUmintton, . $38.90; Calahaln, $36.«»: a « r k » . ; ville, $7; MocksvUle, $331.47. ■ Cooleem ee Sunday. Mrs. G W . Everhardt visited j o f Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sheets. Rowland Hilton Birthday Party B IX B Y . — Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Potts had as their Sunday puests, Mr. and Mrs. John Davis of Sm ith Grove, Mr. and Mrs. W lllle Chaplin o f Cornatzer and Dave Potts o f Dullns. T urner Robertson o f Fort B ragg spent tlie week end with Mr. an d Mrs. G. S. Robertson. T he children of Mr. and Mrs. R oland H ilton gathered at tiie hom e Sunday and gave Mr. H ilton a surprise dinner on her 59th birthday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. R obert Hil­ ton and son o f W lnston-Salem , Mr. and Mrs. R obert B eau­ cham p and daughter of Hanes, Mr. and Mrs. Porter Stokes and son o f W lnston-Salem , Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hilton, Ruby C ath­ erine, D orothy Ray, M adeline and Vatra o f Bixby. Mr. and Mrs. Roby Jarvis spent Sunday in Thom asville visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jarvis. Mr. and Mrs. John Sheets o f Lexington were Sunday guests A . E . Jefferies Rites Wednesday Mrs. John Daniel o f M ockksville Friday. Mrs. Ellen Sprye of K a n ­ napolis is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W alter B. W ilson and other re­ latives. W esley Jarvis ol M ooresville was the guest o f Jam es K im ­ m er over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Daniel an d children, Ervin Gray and Jerry o f K annapolis, visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Ml'S. Foy Cope and son, Sam m ie o f K annapolis were the guests o f Mr. and Mrs. J. W . Carter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W alter M c­ Daniel and children of Jericho and M r and M rs. J. E. M cDaniel r.nd children o f Cornatzer visit­ ed Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bailey a n d Mr. and Mrs. W oodrow B ailey S unday., M elvin Tutterow is vislthig relatives in K annapolis this week. M r. and Mrs. L. D. K im m er and daughter, R achel, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ned Lookablll o f Jericho Sunday. Germans Blast a British Steamer in the North Sea 'V- This dramatic picture, just received from Germany, shows shells from a Nazi warship exploding beside what is UK in the North Sea. The stricken vessel has been set afire and ap­ pears to be sinking. No word was given as to the fate of the crew. Mr. and Mrs. Brown G ilbert and little daughter, Hilda Faye, visited Mrs. Ellen Cor- ;iatzer Sunday. Johnsons Have Dinner Guests FARM IilGTON . — Mr. a n d Mrs. C lifton Ingram of G as­ tonia are spending the week w ith Mrs. Ingram ’s parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. W . Vestal. Mrs. Estella Johnson of Y ad- klnville Is visiting Mr, and Mrs. Jess Sm ith. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. W ood of C lem m ons an d Mrs. C. C. W il­ liam s w ere dinner guests of M rs Della Sm ith Sunday even­ ing. G rover Henson, newly elected agriculture teacher o f the high school, is spending som etim e here at ithe h om e o f Mr. and Mrs. C. C. WUlIams. Paul W alker left M onday for Canada, w here he will spend som e tim e training dogs. Mr. an d Mrs. G. M. Johnson, G eorge Jr., Betsy and Thom as o f M acon, G eorgia, are spend­ ing this week with Miss Vada Johnson. Rev. and Mrs. Clarence Shore o f Reidsville have been spend­ ing som e tim e with Mrs. Shore’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W eir. Miss M artha Furches visited friends in Lexington over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. C lifton Ingram , Mrs. J. W . Vestal and daughter, ICate, enjoyed a picnic sup­ per at Reynolds Park, M onday evening w ith other m em bers of Mrs. Vestal’s fam ily. M r; and Mrs. F. H. Bahnson visited Mr. and Mrs, Oscar R ich at "W akefield Farm ,” W ake Forest and Mi- and Mrs. Ollle Long of Durham . Luke Furches Is visiting his sister, Mrs. Bettie Sm ith in HlckBry, _____________ Mr. and Mrs, J. F, Johnson had as ithelr dinner guests Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Johnson and fam ily o f M acon, Ga. Mr, and Mrs. Kelly James and children of W inston-Salem ai'/s visiting J. D. Purches this week. Miss Ada Atkinson has just returned from a two weeks trip to Florida. Funeral service« w e n b eM W ednesday m o m ln t * t 11 o'clock for A lbert H H ntrd J ef­ feries, 76, w h o died M l h o o w near F arm higton ’A M lia f m orning at 3 o ’clock. S i c y W were conducted by ItaV. I. W. ’Turner and Rev, Jamae Q ro c« at the Y adkin V alley ch u icA where he had been • life lo n f m em ber. Mr. Jefferies wa# the aon of ■ Jacob and Sallie Denner Jef­ feries. He is survived by hW wife, the form er Ml« Martha Cornelison, one daughter, BeUe, and one son, George, botii a t hom e; one sister, Misa Mary. Jefferies o f Advance, route 1 also survives. Mrs. Lanier Has Guest FULTON.— M iss Bonnie Roae Frye and Mr. and Mrs, Beau­ fort Owens of H igh Point spent the week end at Carolina teach. Mrs. Sam Frye and daughter. M ary Rose, spent Sunday w ith Mr. and Mrs. Lee Waller of Ad­ vance. Mrs. Clarence Livengood of Fork is spending a few daya- with Mr. and Mrs. John Lanier. Miss Colleen Hendrix spent Saturday nigh t ' wi' Young. Mrs. Sallie Allen and con, Herm an and Mrs. Roy Sain visited № . and lira. Clyde Crater at Cooleemee Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Henditx o f Fork visited Mrs. N. F. Touoff Saturday evening. Misses Francis and Emm« Le« Hege o f M idway v i s l ^ JaneH Y oung Saturday evenlnt. ,A num ber o f friends a n d latlves gathered a i tlw iM Biie. o f Mrs. Lola B eaucham p S sm i - day to cclebrate Iter-biiiiiiday.'- FALLS FROM TRES G eorge E v a n s,; piDminenk farm er and former cov^y: agent, fell out o f a cher^ t»ee> Tuesday afternoon . Ife waa picking cherries mt the farm, o f T. F. Latham ’s w tam 'a lim ^ broke. He was a d ^ t ^ ''t o th e M ocksville hoispf^) and w ent hom e W ednesday, s u ffe r -. ing only bruises. Mocksville Second Class Postoffice Mocksville h a t become a second class poateffife. W ashington аппошмеа.'; R e­ ceipts last year w w ■ЩШО and the m inim um s a la ^ (o r the postmaster of. 4 second- class office is 92.4M W ith $8,000 lo $10,000 reeeipta ana (he nin.\inium is $3.«M for re­ ceipts of $.33,000 to $4в»00^ Th e local i)ostoffice',",'faa8 three cm iiloyees: J. P,-!<jLe- G ranil, pottm asier; : S ii 5 a Daisy Holthouser, clerk, aud Mrs. \’irginla W aters, Vub- stifutec^ci'R. T hè iat^ÌEÌr ibo^ the piace of Ernie H u n t who lesisned Ju ly 1. 4 carriers, sei viiig 2Ì|'m Uc*.: Th e postoffice wllldcw,Vbe- glnning Ju ly 1, is o | ^ from 8 a. m, to 6 p. ,m. . a ^ '^ца41 from noon S a tu riip ^ M onday m orning«' erg w ill get th e ifg iiili^ v iii^ usual over the fiy: -..-tl >'»Г ' ‘’ '’' - V i Ж m "У s i W ' . . - - , " ¿ iil '.‘PAGE 2 THE MOCKSVILLE (N. C.) ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1941 f h r , lUlC ÂIPPEÂSEMENÎ 0 ,[R FÂÜED Loses A t G a m e Reds Now Up Against This r Workers Mass Colors as Defense Plant. Expands • h o m atter now m uch you m ay feed''a w olf, he still gazes ■longingly at the fields and for- RVÍS,” '■ Joseph ■ Stalin has proved to lilm 'jelf-a4ld-th e w orld,.that this o k nús3ian proverb applies to iLlie Nazi w=olf-and :the-fields and forests of-th e Ujtraine. It often- is easier to quote proverbs or give advice to a •nelg'hbor th a a to a ct on it bn e- (self. For uiore than five years jlHw soviets,,-through their G e­ neva raou'thpWce,-'Foreign C om - nuissar MnSim L itvihoff, w arn- eid tlie World against appeas­ ing the. aggressors.. W hen N e- vLUs Ch'ám berlain stepped o ff itba plain at C roydon, after his m iíinorablé m unich flight, de- clajrlng ■ h e had brought back “ peace In our tim e” in his leath ­ er briefcase, the Soviets were t e m ost outspoken In predict­ in g that w ar had been, post- ponied only slightly. Á few monClis later, ju st as the w arn­ ings'against appeasem ent prov­ ed Itheir correctness, the Soviets 'bheniselves em braced appease- • metiit. T he Russians wci-e threaten­ ed by th e sam é danger •as the rest o f Europe — A dolf Hitler. T hey were offered the hand o f friendship and alliance against th e com m on foe by Britain. But Mr. Stalin saw, or thought he saw, a dagger up the sleeve and Ijnefiei-red an understanding witJh a b lo w n enem y to a pact w ith an uncertain friend. He cliose. as his confidential ad - v i»;r tlie worst o f evil councU - ilorá: fear, riayed Lone Gam e T hrough two years o f war, Mr. Stalin resisted all efforts to dicaw Russia closer to the Allied sidd, even though he realized Ills only salvation lay In Herr H itler's defeat. So deep was his m istrust that lie preferred . a ta tó gam e,'a lone gam e not only in 'bhe sense that he cut hini- seit o ff from potential friends an d allies, but In relation to his ow n people and followers. H e was so alone, In fact, that v /te n the p a y -o ff cam e, there cou ld be no-questlon as to w ho iwici responsible. W h y has. M r. Stalin, or rather BtLislai decided agahist further con cession s'to Herr H itler? The uii;riVer to-tills is eis?¡U ial!y the .•nine as that to the question: W hy did M r. C liam berlaln fin ­ ally take .a. stand. There is a . vast- difference— bet^veen— the B ritish system o f governm ent w itii its ancient, and w eather- ■ cd' dem ocratic institutions and tlie K rem lin dictatorship. Y et both ái-e onl^ governm ents and in th e end- m ust acknow ledge popular . will. M r. C ham berlain’s hand was Torced by tiie fa ct that Britisli public opinion was fed up w ith H err H itler and solidly refused • to stand for any m ore concesr slons to the N"azl tyrant. A n ­ oth er M unich w ould h a v e bm ugh t on a revolution in E ng- Ilundrcds of American flags wave as workers attend Philadelphia ceremonies at which a new am or plate plant was dedicated and the cornerstone laid for a $673,000 boiler house at the huge de­ fense works of Henry A. Disston & Sons. The tool and machinery company, with plants throughout the “country, is turn­ ing out armor for scout and combat cars, tanks, light naval craft anti airplanes. Demonstration Club At Miiler Home " PINO. — B e t t y M cM ahan. . J.cls W est and 'V'ernon Dull , are - .iponains tiTe'w eek at Lake I JunaUuska, where they are at- i ¡.ending cam p. • Am ong' these spending Sun­ day with Mr. and. Mrs. W. B. Dull were Mr.- and Mrs. Joe! Dull and fam ily, Mr.j. B erth a . D-iill, Mr. and Mrs. C liftcn Dull and Betty June, Bes.sle and; Clarence Dull. Mr. and Mrs. | Charlie Dull and Peggy. Mi'. I and Mrs. Clarence Reavls, M a- j sine Reavis and Mr. and Mrs. i Calvin Reavis and' fam ily; j G ene M iller had the mis-1 fortune of injuring his foot -vvhile working on m ach in ery; Saturday. i Mrs. Poindexter Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boger • w, , „ and fam ily spent Sunday a f- KetUms Home ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Dull. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dull workinR in 'W inston-Salem , m ade a business trip lo F ort; Miss Frances Spillm an at- Bragg Tuesday. | tended the birthday party o f ' ■WO HUi^î WRECK there had been a revolt in P in - Gaither land and that Kuuslnen, the Com intern puppet, Iiad set up a “ popular governm ent,” but the long winter m onths o f fig h t­ ing, the rum ors of defeats that began to leak ithrough, left them , even after the peace, witli rankling unanswered questions that they did not dare to ask. O nly gradually, by Inference, did tim e bring out the under­ lying m otive o f the Finnish w ar: the ever present danger that Finland would one day be In­ corporated into the gigantic Nazi antl-Russlan war front. G overnm ent Hides Secret None of these vital questions affectin g the country’s policy, its world position and the w el­ fare o f its Inhabitants could be aired or discussed in public. Fear, from its high G overnm ent office, Imposed Its censorship on everything that m ight tend to e.xpose hset ahm to expose the sham o i lies, d e ­ ceit, and suspicion. Policy m ak­ ing, no. longer fit for the public gaze was confined to sh u tt"r- cd recesses. T hereafter not only the broad public, but everyone outside the im m ediate “ trusted” circle o f Mr. Stalin and his new ciilef advisor »vas kept in tlie dark as to true S o­ viet plans. One o fthe cardinal rules of Soviet policy had been to keep In Hospital SHEFFIELD. — Miss Lucille G aither, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. W . L. G aither, is at Low ­ ery’s H ospital In Salisbury, where .she underw ent'an oper­ ation for appendicitis one day last week. Mrs. Bob Ijam es returned from D avis’ hospital in States­ ville W ednesday after staying a week. She seem s to be im - Brinkley Sr. and fam ily Brinkley Reunion Held Sunday BE.^R CREEK. — The annual reunion o f the Brinkley fam ily was held Sunday at the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. R obert Beck, honoring Mrs. W . M. Brinkley on her sixty-sixth birthday. Picnic dinner was served on the lawn. Am ong those pres­ ent were Mr. and. Mrs. Porter Brinkley and son, Mi-, and Mrs. proving.and Ml', and Mrs. Oscar Brink- This is one oi the revohitionary metliods of war the' Germans arc cmployhig a,gainst the Soviet Union. During the attack on Crete, German parachutists are sliown leaving transport planes at low aititude. British anti-aircraft fire has set one transport ablaze. Ml', and Mrs. Lindon Bowles of Clem m ons visited Mr. and Mrs. 'Walter Bowles o f this SPILLMAN ROAD. — M i S s Della Lee Spillm an is now Miss M ary Elizabeth Seats is spending this week w ith J. H. Seats, her grandfather. Mrs. F. D. P oindexter re- Mi'. and Mrs. H. Reavls and ] Miss Shirley Ann Hutchins o f , turned hom e from the hospital fam ily were Sunday dinner th e' people on their guard a - gainst the danger o f war. For two decades In and out o f sea­ son this had been proclalm e'l In the press and shouted from the housetops. Abroad It was echoed . by tlie various C om ­ m unist Parties with constant if m echanical precision. And vet at the very time when the dan - ger to Russia was grow ing by leaps and bounds, w h en the rest ofhte rest o f the world pointed to im m inent Nazi attack on tlie Soviet Union, the Soviets them - lan d ahiwjst as surely as m ajor selves an dthelr foreign shado'vs territorial .or econom ic con ces- were busy “ exposing” the “ w a?- .sions would have caused one in .S oviet Russia. JTeoplc'O pposcfl Nazilsm .R egardless o f w^hat their G ov­ ernm ent m ay have thought or attem pted In the course o f its aberrations, Russian opinion . -woLs as strongly opposed In itf w ay to Nazzllsm and Germ an aggression as British. The S o- vlèt-G erm aii n on - apprpssion past that unleashed the pres­ en t war was as m uch a shock an d disappointm ent to the Russians as the M unich pact h a d been to E nglishm en eight m onths previously. W hen tlie first large-scale R ussian m obilization took place dm late August and early S ep­ tem ber o f 1939, the universal im pression in Russia, confirm ed by Che whole of people’s pre­ vious m ental conditioning, was ithat. th ey were being m obilized against: had not all the enem y attackers in Soviet w ar film s w'orn swastikas? T his because a couvlnction w hen the orders cam e to cross into Poland. A m ong the sim ple workers and pii^isants, tlie w ord went forth ■liliat the long-aw aited war w’lth -.....Nîwi Gernvany' had begiui. Even iiiwny better Inform ed Russians .'Jiirii-ed w ith Allied countries ibiv-j expectation that once 'tha Cfennans and:R ussians.reached Ml'S ‘'D em arcation L ine” they ni'i-^ht begin to fight. T he Finnish war cam e to the ■\^t m ajority of Russkins 'aS, a 'beri4flc puzzle. H ad not Leril'n w ritten books about respecting Mie rights,;of sm all nations?. At T he com m u n ity Im prove- ey and fam ily all of Salisbury: m ent A ssociation, will m eet h v the C heshire’s School building “ on Saturday night, July 12.| T John Essie o f th e Pino G range will be one o f the speakers, M ocksvil e. route 2 R efreshm ents will be served.'Everyone is cordiallv Invited: Patient n Davis lio.pltal for to attend I ^ >rio»ths. has re- , , 1 , , , ■ ,' turned home. R obert Sm oot, who Is a pa- a job w ith the Phoenix M ills M emorial hos- in Statesville. | Salisbury, is slowly Im - /rJean. and | pi-oving.Misses Bobbl] Coleen Snilili ^ M ocksville: Howard Barnes o f H am pton- have been speritfin'g several' ville visited Mr. and Mrs. M ar- weeks w ith th etf/grandm other ^ vln S. Cilne Sunday night. • and aunt, ^ -s .'B . A. and M iss' ■ Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Brinkley R uth Sm ith. ’ ■■.’ j visited in Salisbury Friday. Mr. and Mrs. '\VilIie M llson o f _______________________________ Baltim ore, M aryland, spent la s t, week with Mrs. W ilson's m other;’ K ln in /> Mrs. Celia R ichardson. | L 0 0 l 6 6 m 6 8 N G iWS, Wi T. Dyson is spending several days with his parents, I^IPROVI.NO Mr. an d i\U-sr-D. P. Dyson. i c . E. Alexander, who ha.^'bee'n W. M. Dyson spent the week under treatm ent .at Duke Hos-' end in D raper, aijd M artins-1 pitai in Durham for the past ville, Va on a . b^'r.jiness trip. ! few weeks is very m uch Im - ' Miss Louise G aither of G reen- i proved and will return hom e sboro is spending tw o' weeks scon with Miss EcTris Hill. ■ Ml'S. B lanche and Misses Ruth Sm ith and R uth Richardson were Sunday dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. G. E. Laws o f Harm ony. S H E F F IE I.D ’S C llfA TTE R B O X Novella, don't ri^e too m uch in the Swisher . t^^ti. T he lit­ tle brunette' mlgh't get jea l­ ous. W onder w hy SJJiwla is so in - guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Law­ rence Reavls. W oody W illiam s spenit the week end in the M iller hom e. Vestal Dull spent Thursday w ith Allen and Johnny B ent­ ley, sons o f Mrs. Flora Bentley rroni Canada. Ml', and Mrs. C. H. M cM ahan tpent M onday in Asheville and Lake Junaluska. Mrs. Bobby Sharpe left for fo r t Bragg Tuesday w here she will join her husband. Francis Shore, who is hold­ ing a position in W ashington, D. C. spent the week end with- his parents, Mr. and Mi's. J. R. Shore. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Turner and ciilldren o f Statesville w ere Sunday guests o f Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Swing. Mrs. Evelyn Tucker has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Hugh Latham . Mrs. Luther Dull and ch il­ dren spent M onday night with Mr. and Mrs. W ill Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Collette ;ind fam ily visited Mr. and Mrs. W ill Dixon Sunday. Mrs. L. L. M iller and M iss! Elizabeth M iller were hostess i- lo the hom e dem on stration! club w hich m et at their h o m e ; W ednesdaj': The m eeting was i called to order by the p re s l-, dent, Mrs. Floyd Dull. Those | taking part on the program in - j eluded Mrs. Vernon Miller, M rs., H arm on M cM ahan, Mrs. W ade! F urchei and Miss Florence I M ackie. R efreshm ents were "HUTred bj tiic 1-roslosses. : Tho Pino Com m unity Grange is holding a m em orial service M onday night, July 7th. in h on ­ or o f Mrs. O. R. A llen im m e­ diately a fter the close of the iT iv r nxTirnT-TR grange. All m em bers and fri- to com e, are Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Johnle lequested to attend the nie- Hanato, a daughter, Becky i m orial service. Parker last week at the Lowery I .M r. and Mrs. A. M. Davis, .Hospital in Salisbury. Mrs. Mr. and M rs. Lindsay W all and H anato is the form er Miss Nel­ lie Parker o f Cooleemee. Lewisville.; M onday and is getting along Those visiting Mrs. A. S p ill-! nicely, m an Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hendrix J. C. HendrLx of C lem m ons,' and fam ily are spending this Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Cornatzer week with Mr. and Mrs. A. o f Sm ith Grove. | Spillm an. Mr and Mrs. Foster H uichins j ¡jnd Mrs. K enneth Sparks and daughter visited Miss M onday night guests o f Frances Spillm an Sunday. Gilm er Collette spent the week end at ■■ hom e visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. W. S. Spillm an had as her visitors Tuesday evening J. H. Seats, hei' father, Mr. and Mrs. Thom as K lger and family. . Mr. and Mrs. W ilson Bowles visited Mrs. Bowles' m other at Coiirlney astl week. W ilburn Spillm an. R ice was sown on 72,216.000 acres in India last season. Miss Jessie Duvis Ls a vSar/1 tient in an Elkin hospital a.'s the result o f .an au'tomoblle accident Sunday night nbou't 10 o'clock near .Forbush. Al- tnough her c^oncCitlon is “ IKTt considered serious, she Is .?uf- ferlng from shock, facial cut.'!_ and bruises. R alph Cornelius, o f Ca;na, i.5 in a W inston-Salem hospltoi suffering from a fracture of the left collarbone and lef'„ arm . His condition is n ot re­ garded critical. A ccording to reports, the ao- cident occurred w hen Corne­ lius driving a light pick-up truck turned left into a side road ju st as the car in which Miss Davis was riding T,vas a - bout to pass the truck. Both vehicles left the road and ran Into an open field. The car In which Miss Davis was riding was driven by George Hudspeth o f Yadkinville. The car woi; alm ost com pletely demolished but the tru ck was slightly dam aged. Both cars were tni- vellng west. Hudspeth w-w unhurt. Housewives in Britain a r i knitting sm all knitted covw .r- that fit over the m etal filter container o f gas m asks to con­ vert th e m asks into smoke helm ets. Cuba Is conslderkig the In­ stallation o f traffic-regulat'ing devices and systems on hi-jh- ways. ^Robot’ T raps Spies W A L K E R F U N E R A L H O M E Funeral Services— Ambulance Service Phone 5 711 Phone 48 Cooleemee, N . C. Mocksville, N . C. BOYS IN C.4JIP Billie Davis, Jerry M oody and litì.^f iey^.torftrtit tlie>\fondly im agined that College. niongering'' rum ors. In the S o­ viet U nion the job o f appris­ ing the people of the gravity of the situation fell not to the Soviet press, but to the “ grape­ vine telegraph.” Fortm iately such un official channels function fairly effl clently in Russia. T he Russian people are a c­ custom ed to paying a heavy price for th e m istakes and p ro­ fligacy o f their rules. On the other hand their trem endous resources in num bers an d v i­ tality alw ays have been such that tliey could foot the bill. Christopher Crews Is Seriously 111 HUNTING CREEK. — Mr. and Mrs. Herm an W ood o f Valdese spent Sunday w ith H. H .-W ood. M any people o f this com ­ m unity attended the singing at New Hope Sunday. Mrs. M. E. Tucker spent the week end w ith Mr. and Mrs. Sam M ason. Mrs. A. G . M cCollum , w ho spent part of last week w ith her danghtcr in-W instoii-Salem has returned to 'her hom e. Christopher Crews is serious­ ly ill at his hom e. ' One of Upland Fa rm ,' Guernsey cow belonging to JM .' Nelsij;;* .o K i^n g s Mouni ^ a r e . Uie /richdst'^tinllit' pt .-i iio iith Carolina cow, un^lj^.i in M ly , says Joh n A . A re jil tension dairy specialist at State terested in m easuring land or | Tom R ldenhour are spending I Is it ju st the m easurer him ­ self? ' this week at Lake Junaluska. i BANK HOUDAVS WE W ill CIOSE ON JULY4&5 .4E«At-6A»IC-H0UM «- ATTEND REUNION Mrs. S. A. Orrender and daughters. Misses Bettle and Leola, accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. Judson O rrender and ch il­ dren o f G arrison, Texas, at­ tended the Orrender reunion at the hom e o f Dr. and Mrs. '^’ho will have chargs o f the TENT SIEETING Announcem ent; n a s been m ade of the gospel tent m eet­ ing now In progress at N orth Cooleem ee. Services each even­ ing at 7:30. A welcom e is ex­ tended to all by the Rev. R. P. Sm ith and J. T. Brignian, J. L. V ipperm an in Dallas last Friday. m eeting. Chinchillas—^800 an Ounce children o f W inston-Salem , Mrs. J. E. Davis and Mrs, D. M. Baity spoilt Tuesday at the hom e o f M r. and Mrs. L. L. Miller. M rs. Stokes, 81, Dies A t Cycle Mrs. Elizabeth Stokes, 81, passed away quietly at her; hom e in Cycle, Y adkin county, at 6 o ’clock W ednesday m orn­ ing as a result o f com plica­ tions due to old age. She was the w idow o f John F. Stokes. on e m ade her hom e with her daughter, Mi'S. W . T. Hudspeth, c f Cycle; other children are Miss Betty Stokes, Cooper, W. Va.: G. W . Stokes. Cycle; John F. Stokes, W inston-Salem , and Mrs. Ida Inscore, Thom asville; one sister, Mrs Carrie Swaim, Elkin. She was a m em ber o f M oun­ tain Grove Church, w here the I funeral was held at 11 o ’clock Friday m orning. Burial fol-. lowed in O ak Grove cem etery. Services were in charge o f Rev. S. J. Brawley and Rev. W alter Isenhour. M anchuria is trying to attract m igrant labor from China. - K now n as “ Keeno, King of Ji Uic Robots,”- Al n. Blake, .iO. •; is credited with bringing about !• 'capture of Com m ander Itaru ! Tatibana, 39, of the .lapancse i •; Navy, and Torzlchi Kono, 57,' ¡j on espionage cliargcs in Los Angeles. Blake, a form er U. s. Navy yeom an, says he was; hired to obtain secret naval in - : form ation for the Japanese on i two trips to Hawaii and g a v e, them “ secrets” supplied by the | Navy after he revealed the ploti to G -m en, ■ \ BANK OF BAVIE .PRESCRIPTIONS O F U N F A IL IN G R E L IA B IL IT Y We are proud of our repu­ tation for dependability in the filling of prescriptions.' We consider prescriptions the most important part of our business. Bring I yours here and be sure ofj pure, fresh drugs, reliable | compounding and fair j price. Han-Kiiiilirough Drug Co. Mocksville, N . C. A S K T O S E E THE LATEST THING IN TIRES "Yale Safety Seven" Kurtees&Ward “ B E T T E R S E R V IC E ’ “ IT C O S TS L E S S A T S T E R C H I’S T O F U R N IS H Y O U R H O M E ” Mrs. Charle^m^ilarriman holds a small fortune in her hands, the fmrt? chinchillas born in the northwest and worth $800.oa .ouuce. They are fronv the Harriman farm near Aubiirn, Washington. R A N G E S B ED R O O M L IV IN G R O O M F U R N IT U R E Phone 1934 R A D IO S J E W E L R Y B IC Y C LE S T O Y S \VHf^T;Vou:;Want Furniture— See Your Local Representative 124 E . Innes Street Salisbury, N . C. J FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1941 THE MOCKSVILLE (N. C.) ENTERPRISE ÍE3 G erm a n “P ea ce O ffen siv e” F a ils АПЕМРТ MADE TO KEEP BRITIAN 'NEUTRAL', CONFUSE DEMOCRACIES Welding a Mightier America LONDON. — There is no doubt now that Germany launched a “peace offensive” simultaneously with its attack on Russia. It has failed. And its failure has disclosed the two- pi’onged diplomatic drive which the Nazi attempted: 1. Germany attempted to keep Britain “neutral” while the Nazi legions marched against Russia bo2. Oertnatiy attem pted confuse the issue by again posing as the saviour o f the w orld from Communl.sm. Gerxna-ny expected that its attack on Russia would divide the dem ocracies through super­ ficial propaganda based upon a "crusade against Bolshevism .” A ctually It has succeeded in uniting the British Nation m ore closely In Its determ ination to defeait Nazllsm, particularly by sllenclrtg woU ld-be appeasers and 'rallying to the national cause Com m unists and L eft­ w ingers who held aloof after 'the R usslan-O erm an pact nt 1939. Proposal to Britain T his standpoint, substantiat­ ed as authoritative In Inform a- ition received here, Indlcatjs tliait G erm any, within a tsw hours after attacking Russia (hoped 'thu^ to contiise the war Issues and divide Its enemies. Franz von Papen. Germ an Am bassador at Ankara, T uc- key, ithrough the m ediation ot th e Turkish Foreign M inlste-, it Is now learned, subm itted to Sir Hughe K natchbull- Hug.îs- son, British Am bassador thers, the G erm an G overnm ent’s su-j;- gestlons that Britain should ut least rem ain neutral whilo G erm any was fighting Ru.ssls. G erm any contended that this was a crusade o f Europoan clvlllaatlon against the B olslic- vlk m enace. T he price which G erm any w as understood to have offered w as this: 1. T he R eich would abstain from helping V ichy defend Syria In return for British neu­ trality in the battle 'Wlth R us­ sia. 2. B ritain and the Unlt2d S tates w ould receive consider­ ate treatm ent at a future peace conference. A lthough the Oerm an offer to B ritain Is denied by G er­ m any, there appears substan­ tial (reason here to believe that G erm any planned to Isolate B ritain from th e Russian con ­ flict, despite the fact that B rit­ ain and G erm any are at war. This action Indicates *he c ynlf.Lsm w ith w hlch-tlie.Jiazls. plf.nned ithè Russian attack and the poUtlcal, strategical, and m ilitary advantages they hoped to derive therefrom . ■ '^re im portant, however, Is this fresh evidence that the Nazis have com pletely m lsnn- d "'Stood th e BrHlah attitude in th li war. It show s that they think B ritain still is sus­ ceptible to appeasem ent senti­ m ents, especially if c o m b in g w ith the fear o f Bolshevism . Thia act appears quite In line w ith the remarlcable flight of R udolf Hess a few weeks ago. F or despite a laclc o f all official inform ation on this subject, nu nors still persist that R elch- Bfuhrer H itler’s associate be­ lieved it still was possible to influence this county on an anibl-Communlst basis. Na2i D efeat Is Aim Probably it Is too m uch to state th at all those persons w ho tor j^ears have acccptod the m yih ot Hitler as a gr?at St. G eorge fighting the Bol­ shevik dragon have altered their viewpoint, but It is Ciu- taln that both the C hurch'll G overnm ent and the ove-- whelm lng m ajority ot the Na­ tion place the defeat ot Nazi- Ism as the first aim ot th),5 war. Germ an suggestions alrea'-iy had received a categorical answer in the speedy and clear anncuncem ent In Prim e M in'? - ter W inston C hurchill’s Sund.iy night declaration: “ W e will never parley, we will never ne- gotlate with Hitler or any ol his gang." Hence it is not su” - prlsing to learn that Amba.ss.\- dor K natchbull H ugesson’s ni- terview with the Turkish For- i eign M inister lasted but a few I m inutes and consisted m a l'ily ! o f a reference to Mr. Church • I ill’s statem ent. This, for the tim e being at any rate, has ended a n oth er: o f H itler’s “ divide and dicta' efforts w hich, after the con - quets o f Russia, would have en - ! abled him to im pose his own i peace on the divided d e m ocra -! cies by negotiation or conquest. i The apposite effect from that contem plated by the Nazis has • been achieved here where per- j sons o f all classes are bee im - ^ ing m ore united In the resolve to take full advantage o f an unexpected opportunity and *o give Russia all possible 'assist­ ance. It is surprising to hear people who have not had a good word to say about Russia now pralshig the courage o f the Russian arm ies and discussing how British forces can c o ­ operate w ith Russia both In the M iddle East and In W est­ ern Europe. In fact, the present situa­ tion appears to be sum m ed up best in an editorial in the L on­ don News C hronicle: “ One day Hitler will get It into his head that although everybody in this country w ants peace they want It only on one condition, and th at Is that Hitler an d every­ thing he stands for shall be finally and Irrem ediably de­ stroyed. -Com m unist- -X iire a l-R e m o w d__ Strikingly symbolic of rearming is this picture of welders at work on mount for a new 155-mm. gun in the Pettibone- Mulliken plant in Chicago. First mount comes off assembly line this month with production increasing thereafter. Chestnut Grove Revival Continues BOS'TON.— M yrtle Beck visit-1 ed Mrs. T. C. Reavls Sunday, afternoon. i — Mr r-and- M rsr -W alter-Bee k-o f-i- W inston-Salem and Mr. and Mra. Jam es Pennington and! and children o f Clem m ons were Sunday guests o f Mr. and M rs.' W . A. Beck. Mr. an d Mrs. Luther Smith and children visited Mr. and Mrs. F. E. D anner Sunday a f­ ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fedric Danner and children o f W inston-Salem were Sunday guests o f Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Danner. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Beck and fam ily visited Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Rollins Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R obert Furches and chldren o f Cana, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. G lascock and ch il­ dren of Ijam es Cross Roads •were Sunday guests o f Mr. and Mrs. B. W . Rollins. .G ra d y Tutterow , Stacy Beck and Lewis Jones visited Bruce and Lewis Beck Sunday after­ noon. There was a Brinkley reunion held at the hom e o f Mr. and Mrs. R obert Beck Sunday, June 29. Joe W ilson Laym on o f Four Corners is visiting his grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Rollins. Mrs. Luther Sm ith was the guests of Mrs. W. A. Beck M on­ day afternoon. Mrs. Paul Jones and children were M onday guests o f Myrtle Beck and children. The revival at Chestnut Grove church will continue this 'week. W EEVILS Cotton farm ers o f the state are being urged to use a pre- square m opping m ethod of com batting the heavy threat of boll weevil infestation this year, says F. H. Jeter, agricul­ tural editor at State College. '•r SmoM Form Optrafor«^ if “Stcond Trotter" Servk* •n lorg« Formt. TRY YOU BUY! THINK — about all you'T«wanted in a small tractor. Vou'll find the 60 >9 built to your spcciticdtions! TALK — with men wboknow Oliver equipment and men who know tractors. Ask them what they think of the 60. We think you'll agree with them—the 60'$ the biggest "little*’ tractor ever built. TEST! Here'S the bestproof in the world that the 60 answers your particular needs! Test the 60 in your lields under your own conditions. Com* pare (he 60*s performance with ail others. We think you'll say ’Tm poinp to buy an Oliver 60." Ask for t free dcmoo* stration.Have you tested Raydei bates and points? THE MOST COMPUTE SMALL TRACTOR If you’re thinking o> buying • new “ imall" tractor—and етеп if you irea’I —don't put off seeing the gtetl new Oliver 60 at our jtotel And on your way, prepare yourieU to see a tractor marvel—» marvel of compleltmu—* marvel of powtr, wida mt/ultieu, nmjort and tcoHOmyl Pre­ pare to see what you've been looking for in a small tractor! Prepare to com­ pare the 60 with til others ind sar “Oliver's done it again—scooped th* field in presenting ш money-safing, income-producing, comfort-increai- ing 1-2 plow tractor that will mtk* my farm a more pleasant place oa which to live!" DON'T DELAY-DROP IN TODAY! Mocksville Implement Co.f T. P. DW IGGINS, M anager ATLAS SM OOT, Secretaty T he Nazis’ m ost recent ag­ gression also rem oves any pos­ sible dangers for B ritain from internal subversive activities by the Com m unists. P or th e Com ­ m unist Party, w hich since the G erm an-R usslan treaty o f Aug. 23, 1939, has condem ned the present war, now officially de­ clares that it w ill “ put forw ard every conceivable effort to in­ sure that no obstacle stands in the way o f com m on victory by the British and Soviet people. Quite d ifferent from the sem i-sabotage and cann y m e­ thods which m any sh op stew ­ ards and other lesser officials have been suggesting to their m em bers In a num ber o f bran­ ches o f Industry Is a declara­ tion that “ every m inute now counts 'as to how quickly the join t resources o f the British nnd Soviet people can be pooled. It Is significant also that Mr. W illiam G allacher, only C om - A Fine Feathered Friend her liand Й •nit nnriwer.« to ' h«r call. Mi-i). WiUiara Chalmar3 foinid Donald Roltin linlf-nUrved and JjiJiii'ed iii a Knrhage liiii naar lier Cliicaga home. A h nito fed hlm and rcBtoi;ed hlm lu healtli, ho bocRma.qull« tamo, and *• i » ^ SiDOW eatn out of v ¿ 7 . m unlst M em ber o f Parliam ent, declares that his Party Is ready to discuss w ith m em bers o f Labor, or any other party, m eas­ ures to Insure co-operation and to Inaugurate a big production drive In British factories. He also added that the ch an g­ ed situation m ade it unneces­ sary to place the “ people’s peace cam paign" In the forefront since adjustm ests should be m ade to m eet the new circum ­ stances. Mr. G allacher also expressed him self “ agreeably surprised” by Mr. Churchill’s Sunday radiocast. Sim ilar Program It should not be forgotten for exainpte-.-tha t-the Natlonal- Conunittee o f the A m algam at­ ed E ngineering U nion only eight days ago com m itted Its m em bers to a program 'whlch Is practically that o f the People’s C onvention. It Is true that 'this .was a snap victory, but it Indicates that a large section am ong labor leaders have adopted th at view. The p ra ctica l'e ffe ct o f all this also should be shown not sim ply am ong the Com m unists but also am ong those thousands o f workers w ho, while refusing to call them selves Com m unists, have expressed dissatisfaction with the present >war for a var­ iety o f reasons an d w ho gen­ erally, have resorted to accusa­ tions o f appeasem ent in G ov­ ernm ent circles as the reason for any deficiencies. The G erm an diplom atic fail­ ure to confuse the war issues insofar as Britain is concerned was accom panied by a failure in Spain whfere an attempt" was m ade to produce B rltlsh-Span- ish friction by staging antl- Brltlsh dem onstrations in M ad­ rid. U nfortunately for them , the G erm ans were so confident o f success th at th eir cam era­ m en were on the spot to rec­ ord “typical anti-B ritish riots.” The result has been, however, ithat, follow ing energetic Brit­ ish protests m ade here 'and in M adrid, the Spanish Foreign O ffice has prom ised com pensa­ tion for dam age cailied and has guaranteed ithat such In­ cidents will n ot 'happen again. Law n Party To Be Held July 4 FORK. — w n ile Hugh M ason o f C ooleem ee was the guest o f Mr. and Mrs. W . H. M ason over the week end. B yerly Sidden o f W inston- Salem w as a business visitor here Saturday. M r. Powell On Sick List CALAHALN. — Mr. and Mrs. Roy Peeler o f W inston-Salem visited Mr. and Mrs. N. T. A n­ derson ^ tu rd a y . Miss Bernice Powell spent the week end In W inston-Salem , the guest o f her sister, Mrs. his hom e here after spending several weeks with relatives at Cool Springs. W iley Doby o f W inston-Salem _ ____ was a business visitor here one visited his parents, Mr. A nderson and children accom - panlcd her hom e Sunday. C hapm an Powell o f High day last week. Paul Bailey, w ho holds a posl- tlon at R adford. Va. spent the China growing. w ill restrict opium week en d with Mrs. Bailey and children. T he W yatt fam ilies attended the W yatt reunion at the hom e o f Mr- and Mrs. Curtis w yatt o f South River Sunday. . G ray Sheets, Poster Sheets and a friend o f Roanoke, Va. spent Sunday here. Mrs. Sheets w ho spent last w eek w ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M- Foster, returned hom e with them . Daniel D avis o f the U. S. Navy, stationed at N orfolk, Va. IS the guest o f his parents, Mr. an d Mrs. J. M. Davis. Mr, an d Mrs. A rthur Reynolds o f W inston-Salem were week end visitors here. Mr. and Mrs. EUls Blakely of H igh P oint w ere Sunday guests o f Mr. and Mrs. John Parks. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Liv­ engood were guests o f Mr. and Mrs. John Livengood In W ins­ ton-S alem over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Z. V. Johnson were In Statesville Saturday on business, Mrs. Archie M ichael an d dau­ ghter, Kay, o f K annapolis is visiting .Jier parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bailey. Mi-. M ichael will spend the week end here and will leave Sunday for B al­ tim ore where he holds a posi­ tion. Mrs. Dan Dillon left 'this week for New Y ork where she will sail for Porto R ico to join Mr. Dillon. Mr. and Mrs. Foy Jarvis o f L exington w ere week end guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Louie H end­ rix. Miss R uth Hah-ston is sick. Mrs. L. C. Aaron is sick. T he W om ans Auxiliary o f A scension . Chapel was 'held M onday afternoon a t th e hom e o f Mrs. P. W - Hairston. A very Interesting m eeting wa^ held, 7 m em bers present an d 3 visit­ ors. Mias H elen W yatt gave a very interesting accou n t oh 'the Y ou th m ovem ent; Plana were m ade for a law n party at th e com m unity house, July 4 w ith a p b te supper, cake walk and; ether am usem ents.: 'R iè July- . m eeting wlU be a t the haà«. of - Mrs. C ora Kimmer. - and Mrs. J. R. Powell, this week. Mr. Powell is on the sick list. — M iss'lvar^vderson o f Tliom aa vllle spent the week end w ith hom e folks. M iss Earl Anderson o f W ins- ton-S alem w as the week end guest o f Mrs. Jam es Henry Jones. M r. and Mrs. Jim W ilson and children visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Powell Sunday- Part of the rhythm of action the pause that refreshes It’s the refreshing thing to do WINSTON COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. One Thrifty Shopper Asks Another^ ШС Don’t Miss SMin9 The l i g N c w G -E I Evtry Feoturt You Want ... And A RmI Iwgaini THEY’RE BUYING G-E REFRIGIRATORS AT THE AMAZING RATE OF ONE-A-MINUTII General Electric offers the most complete, the chriftiesc G-£ of all time and at lowest prices in G-E history. CONDITIONID Aim Conuolled humid­ ity, temperature and consunt circula­ tion of sweet, freshened air iceep fooda better longer. Invest only a dollar or two more in monthly payments and buy youTMif one of the big, ftUiy •quipped G-E models— a Refrigerator tfaai will give you the extra years of Mlitfaccory service, convenience and «oduriog economy for which G-£ Rcfdaetaton are world famoui. lASY TO BUY! TWIPTYTOOWNI МмМуР«уям||As unto te $ 5 .0 0 С. c .s A im n sm s n . M o g B W fiw -to 'РН01ЯЕ.7 GKNKHAI, FI K( i n . ; !■' • ■ ■ PAGE 4 THE MOCKSVILLE (N. C.) ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1941 ÎHE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE Published Every Friday at Mocksville, North Carolina O. C. McQUAGE .................................................... Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 'TOAST OF THE TOWN" $1.50 Per Year; Six Months 75c—$2.00 Per Year Outside of Davie County. Strictly Payable in Advance. Entered at the Post Office at Mocksville, N. C., as Second- Class Matter Under Act of Congress of March 8, 1879. Independence Day The Fourth of July, observed as a legal holiday in all of our states as well as the District of Columbia, Alaska, Canal Zone, Hawaii. Puerto Rico and the Philip­ pine Islands. In Williamsburg, Va., in May 6, 1776, the fifth revolutionary convention convened and adopted the first constitution of a free and independent state. On May 15 it called on the Continental Congress to declare the' colonies free and independent. On July 4, 1776 was ssigned the Declaration of Independence. An item in a history book where space is given to the names of the principal leaders, of the battlegrounds in the fight to at­ tain independence and the cold print tries to impress the facts on the minds of the student. We were supposed *0 learn by heart the names of the signers of the Declara­ tion and at the time it was something of a bother. We youthfully felt the fight had been a good one, we were justly proud of the forefathers who had struggled for the cause, but it all had happened many years ago and there was the present matter of clearing up a baseball diamond en a sand-lot in the neighborhood. We didn’t get the full force of the picture as does the history student today. It was July 4th when England and America separated and the young government became an individual, after a fight to the death. The mother had hoped to chastise the wayward child, a child that had grown to man’s estate and wished to think and govern itself. America labored to give itself civil liberties, to bring its struggles lor progress home where it could handle the situation where its citizens saw fit. America fighting to meet its spiritual and material problems in its own way, to work out its own destiny in the matter of civil and jjolitical welfare. This new country wanted to stand on us own feet, and she did! And so she does today! We have fought lo preserve the ideals of those early years, to maintain rights to worship our God as we desii-ed, to enjoy the liberty of free speech, press,and pulpit, of owning property and holding public meetings. The securing of these privileges took sacrifices on the part of all citizens, but America was worth the struggle then and America is worth it today. She is a cause worth protecting and sacrificing' for her is our obligation. ■ "Remember that as we fight today the future will put us down after a date in a history book. The Old Order Saw an Item the other day where a man of 78 passed away and was buried in the Potter’s Field of a mid- western town. Tliere was nothing surprising in this sort of notice perhaps since many folks die in poverty and have so family to carc for their last resting place. But the human interest story back of this death notice was the fact that the man who was buried in a pauper’s grave had been the son of a millionaire, spent a hilarious youth antT gained fur himself-a national-reput-ation by lighting cigars with $100 bills. The story with a back­ ground surely, feels a scenario writer, the moralist points cut the lesson and the needy man sighs for the oppor­ tunity to use just one of those $100 bills, that went up in smoke. So ends another character of the past, the hey-day of gold bathtubs and matchless diamond studs. The old order passeth even in our town. A JOKE A DAY Up to Her "O h doctor,” said the young lady, "will the scar sh oi»?" "T hat, m adam ," said the d oc­ tor "Is entirely up to you.” Sot Noticed Visitor: “ W hat a sweet and innocent looking face your Ut­ tle girl 'has. Mrs. Brow n.” Mrs. Brow n; “I hadn ’t n otic­ ed it. M ary, w hat have you been d oin g?” Two Little Boys First N eighbor; "H ow did that naughty boy o i yours get hurt ” Second N eighbor; “ That little boy of yours hit him w: a brick.” HITLER TRIES ^DOUBLE PLAT HEDGE AGAINST U. S. FIRST AIM Nazi Forces Push Into Soviet Sale or Barter T om m y: “ Dad I sold m y dog today for $1,000!” D ad: "W h at did you do with the m oney?” T om m y: "I didn’t get any m oney. I got tw o five him dred dollar cats.” Highlighte Of The Sunday School Lesson Th e Sunday School Lesson for Ju ly 6 is, “Th e Gospel Is Taken Into CwropaP'—Acts zr. 36; xtIU, 21. Living in the Country ' All the .valuable truths about the relation of health to true wealth, to sound minds and sensible social atti­ tudes, to good character and to national defense rush to the mind wherever one reads of the crowning any­ where of health kings and queens. Hence, probably there is no need repeating what so often has been said before, although it is v/ell to keep constantly before us the importance of being well. •But the statement of the winsome queen of health for this District, Miss Bertha Lee Miller, 17, of Yadkin County, who was selected in spirited competition with representatives from 14 other counties, is worthy of com­ ment. Miss Miller said she helped her father milk his cows each morning. She added that she wouldn’t swap the country life for the city life “for anything.” Miss Miller’s expressed preference for country life is not shared by all farm boys and girls, but we have a hunch that it is shared by a vast majority of 4-H boys and'girls. These young people have signified by their mem­ bership in the 4-H Clubs their intention to make farming and farm home-making their life work. This intention grows out of an intelligent interest in rural life, its poten­ tialities and possibilities. The 4-H Clubbers know that agrarian living offers its problems. It is in the effort to help solve these problems that they band together and follow the program explained and outlined to them by the county agents, leavu new ways of doing things, accept the responsibility of growing crops, canning foods, making things, raising livestock, etc. “on their own.” They realize that country life can be made more prosperous and happy if all country people apply intelli­ gence and co-operation, plus problems, whether they are economic or <social. Country life under reasonably good economic condi­ tions is the best of all ways of living. There is a freedom one finds nowhere else. There is room to turn around. There is leisure time for reading, reflection out where everyone is not always acting as if he were rushing to a fire. But the good earth is a hard taskmaster to those who would abuse and fail to use its gifts intelligently. The countryside is lonely to those who have not learned how to employ themselves, draw inspiration and diversion from the wells of their own thought. It is a “poor neighborhood” or the “sticks” to those who cannot take time to help organize its recreational facilities. The coimtry in sum, is whatever those who live there want to make of it. Miss Miller says she wouldn’t want to live any place else. We suspect she has learned not only how lo live in the country but how to live with-it. If more boys and girls learn the same lesson, we need not fear for the future of rural North Carolina. — Winston-Salem Journal. Bom bs and torpedoes and shell shots would be added to the dangers encountered by that doughty old pioneer and adventurer, the Apostle Paul, were 'he today laboring in the M editerranean fields where he achieved great conquests for C hristianity. Nowadays he w ould be confronting a new paganism , and a savagery such as the brutal ancient world never knew. T hat ithe present war zone in the Near Eiist overlays the scene of Paul’s activities lends fresh interest to the current Sunday school lessons upon P aul’s second m issionary Jour­ ney. Bible m aps serve as war m aps. Now, as then, this area is pivotal to w orld dom ination. A long line oi Imperial con ­ querors have fought their way over the scenes travelled by Saint Paul, the m ost im perial figure of them all. Good M en Fall O ut G rave consequences m ay fol­ low personal disagreem ents; world politics have been ch an g­ ed by such incidents. W hen Paul proposed th at he and Barnabas should return to the .'■•cenes Qf-.their first m issionary journey, 'the latter wanted to take along his nephew, John Mark, w ho had deserted them at 'the m ainland o f Asia M inor on the earlier trip. There was strong dispute: but Paul, who always rated loyalty high, would not accept the renegade; al­ though years later he was re­ conciled to him , and the re­ form ed John Mark becam e a valued friend and colaborer. So these two pioneer com ­ rades, Paul and Barnabas, part­ ed com pany. Barnabas took M ark t-o his own native Cyprus, and thenceforth drops out of the record. Such are the seri­ ous results that m ay flow from allowing personal feelings, to m aster one. A pparently, the Church o f A ntioch sided with P aul; w ho chose Silas, a R om ­ an o f standing in the Jeru­ salem Church, and o f high ability, to be his new com pan­ ion. Silas was evidently a m usician ready to sing songs at m idnight in a dungeon; and this exam ple has been follow ed by ithe m odern "G ospel team ” of an evangelist and u singer. He Found a Friend M any a m an or w om an has gone forth on a journey, only to encounter unexpectedly the one person w ho spelled destiny. In Paul’s case it was conspicu­ ously the finding o f young T im othy at Lystra. T his ar­ dent youth, son o f a Greek father and a godly Jev/lsh m other, caught the contagion o f Paul’s spirit; and becam e to him , n ot only a disciple and co-w orker, but also the ageing apostle’s dearest friend. He foresook hom e — we m ay Im a­ gine the pride and sorrow o f the m other left at Lystra — and becam e the apostle’s fellow traveller and trusted repre­ sentative and spiritual son. Sunday school teachers are in fejlow ship wltli Paul w hen they win a boy or girl to Christ’s service. Tw o letters in the New Testam ent b e a r T im otliy’s nam e; and the older m an’s counsels to him have fertilized the m inistry o f the centuries. There is space but to m en­ tion a few o f the high spots of ithls great adventure, con ven ­ tionally called Paul’s second m issionary journey. H e could give Hitler points about, the difficulties o f crossing Turkey, w hich is the m odern nam e of Asia M inor. As a scholar, he Bent Position C oed: "W h at position does your brother play on the team ?” Sister; “ A a sort o f crouchcd, bent position.” Even In Those Days Guide in E gypt; “ It took h u n . dreds o f years to build those pyram ids.” T ourist: “ Ah, I see. It was a G overnm ent job.” Correction Barber: “ Your hair needs cu t­ ting badly, sir.” Custom er :,"I don't agree with you. It needs cutting nicely this tim e. Y ou cut it badly the last tim e I was here.” • .&dolt-lliyfirLs_lon£_4icedicted attack on Soviet Russia is shrewd double play intended to give Germ an high strategy the advantage of two alternative courses of action either one o f w hich the Führer can de­ velop or abandon as events un­ fold in this new phase o f world war. It is first and prim arily a hedge against a protracted war involving the stupendous pow ­ er of the U nited States. It is I; an attem pt to protect him self agalns this by gaining absolute control of the resources of Eu­ ropean Russia w hich he had found him self unable to obtain by m eans short ot war. It is, secondly, an effort to consolidate the basis for a peace offensive w h ich Herr H itler’s strategists have always wanted to keep in reserve as a m eans o f brijiging the war to a quick end if the going becam e too difficult. Disunity Is Sought Incidental to both o f these two purposes behind the m ove, and involved In both of them , is the idea that by suddenly turning on Russia, G erm any will be able to prom ote disunity and Indecision both in Britain and the U nited States. In fact the fli'st result Herr Hitler and his diplom atic strate. gists hope to achieve by the LENINCRAD f¿/> Tvih ........................\ . - . ' ' V .J lTHUANIA\y Ч "Ч ^ Ю 5 C 0 ÿ / / / ö \ ^ No G olf, Preacher The preacher, m aking his rom ids of pastoral calls on Sunday afternoon stopped at the hom e o f one of the m em ­ bers o f his church, Jim m y, Jr., answered the door bell. “ Paw ain’t hom e,” he advised the m inister. “ He w ent over to the golf club.” The m inister’s brow darkened. Jim m y hastened to explain: “Oh, he ain’t goln’ to play golf; not oh Sunday. He just went over for a few highballs and a little stud poker.” OUR DEMOCRACY ALL CAN HELP - b y M r i ETS ALL BE "sound AND STRONejN WIND AND LIMB" AS WELL AS Шц % IN RESOLVE. ‘ An Average M otorist Service Station O perator; “ How m uch gasoline does the tank in yotir car h old ?” A utolst; “ I don’t know. I ’ve never had enough m oney to get it filled yet.” She: "I heard you m ade a lot o f m oney through a sudden up­ ward m ovem ent in oil.” H e: “ Yeah, a w ealthy old aiint tried to start a fire with kerosene!” “ Hey, J oh n !” called out the service station attendant, "Y our doctor is out here w ith a flat tire!” “ Indeed! A m ost interesting subject.” cam e the voice of the @LL CAN HELP PREVENT ACCIDENTS AND SICKNESS,' DMQS ON NATIONAL 0£F£NS£. » iN АСаОЕЫТЗ THI Г. COUNTRY LAST YEAR SUFFERED AN ECONOMIC INCLUDING WORK MM/aS LOST, OF 30,000,ООО — 9,100,000 K fl^T -96,500 KILLED 'MOST OF V ie ACaOEA/TS W EK£ PKEV£NTABL£i. fully savored the historical significance o f t h e region through w hich he was travel­ ling. W e do n ot always re­ m em ber that Troas was the port T roy; and that Paul had visited the scenes o f the Iliad. 7\-V ision-A nd A-.Cflll Ti’oas is outstanding in Chris­ tian ithoughts as the scene of P aul’s vision o f the m an of M acedonia, calling Com e over and help us.” Prom this port in Asia .the great m issionary sailed to w hat is now Europe, a . destiny-fraught m ove. He touched at the Island o f Sam o- thrace and landed at Neapolis, the m odern K avalla, both places at present in H itler’s control. As one trivial link o f the les­ son w ith our own day it m ay be m entioned that K avalla is the greatest port o f export for Turkish tobacco. Every ciga­ rette sm oker has this insubstan­ tial tie v.-ith Paul’s travels! But Paul was headed for Philippi, a few m iles inland, •the great city nam ed for Philip B ut It sym bolized the im port­ ant part that wom en wei-e henceforth to have In ithe work o f to e Christian church. Lydia’s successors have been legion. An old saying about the m odern m issionary enterprise, by w hich Paul’s w ork is continuing is th at “ W ere it not for dead m en and live wom en m issions could not carry on.” o f M acedón, and redolent with m em ories o f his gi’eater • son, Alexander. Lt is interesting to contrast the continuing of the conquests of Alexander w ith those of Paul. All that Paul found In great Philippi was a group of pray­ ing w om en. In th e thought of the itime this would have been considered a negligible incident. Russian m ove Is a reduced tem po o f Intervention by the United States and with It a revival o f the appeasem ent m ovem ent In Britain. B ut Berlin took far m oré than this possibility into its considerations In pressing Rus­ sia to the point where Joseph Stalin m ade the one decision he probably never expected to m ake during the course o f this war— nam ely to fight or sur­ render. T he m ove proves that Britain has actually w on a great m ilitary victory during the dark m onths o f defeat In Greece, Crete, and Libya. It proves that those G erm an advances were too slow to assure Herr H itler final victory over B rit­ ain before Am erica could enter the war with effectiveness. Secs Protracted W ar By the attack on Russia, Herr Hitler recognizes the possibility of a protracted war in w hich Britain will becom e increasing­ ly stronger with wai- m aterials shipped from the A jnerlcan side o f the Atlawtlc. H e has had to abandon the hope of bringing his European con ­ quests to a quick victory over Britain during this cam paign season. Herr H itler can face thia prospect of a proti-acted war against B ritain and Am erica only if he can control the eco­ nom ic resources o f Russia. He m ust he sure o f U kranian wheat and Baku oil to keep his war m achine supplied for the long term struggle. T o face such a struggle w ithout them would have left him \iltimately at the m ercy o f M oscow. He tried to obtain it through tra de-n ego- tiations and a nonaggression pact. He failed and he was left with n o recourse but to go after boss fronV the rear “of The build­ ing. ‘Diagnose th e case as fla t­ ulency o f the perim eter and charge him accord in gly!" T he cadet com pan y was drawn up in a perfect line. The Inspecting officer walked slow­ ly down the fron t rank, giving each m an a searching glance — then he stopped. “ Young m an," he said to the cadet, “ you rem ind m e a great deal o f G eneral G rant.” "R eally, sir?” said the cadet, eagerly. “ Yes,” snapped the officer. "H e didn ’t shave, either. Germany’s invasion of Russia began along a tiv>ni ex­ tending from the Arctic to the Black Sea, with Fininirfi and Rumanian troops also pushing into the Sodtit from their frontiers. Nazi bombers promptly attacked Zhitomir. Kiev and Sevastopol while Red bombcis raided East Prussia. Brest-Litovsk was the sit-nc of bloody fig h tin g .__________________________________ that the attack cn B i»sia .in'igbt begin during ithe -wlnier. The Russian h'jmf>e3i ejcpiessetl the oi)lnion that tt would n ot cvmo them w ith arms. In reaching his decision to attack Russia Herr Hitler was further m oved by w hat seem s to Berlin the opportunity in - before spring oJ 3S41, but agrt'ed volved in the m ove for lau n ch - i that G erm an itjxcp disposition.« « O ut on la scout patrol, D aff and Dill provided them selves with a full cow hide. They craw led into it and, grazing along after the m anner of cow - kind, m oved nearer and nearer the enem y trenches. A ll was going well until D aff, v/ho had the front end, started in alarm . ‘L et’s get out o f here,” he hissed. “ W hat's the m atter?” queried Dill. "M atter?” cam e the anguish­ ed voice of D aff, “M atter enough! Here com es a Heinie w ith a m ilk p a il!” “ G etting into the Arm y sure has gone to that young draftee's head.” “ W hat'.5 he done n ow ?" “ W hy, h e’s h ad brass buttons tattooed on his tongue ju st in case h e gets a coat on it.” Ing a peace offensive in the W est. The idea o f basing such a peace offensive on a ca m ­ paign against Russia was w ide­ ly discussed in Berlin as far back as last Septem ber. The Idea w hich the W ilhelm strasse toyed w ith then, and continu­ ously sin ce,-w as that the en­ tire European continent Includ­ ing Russia would provide a per­ fect platform from w hich Herr Hitler could announce his w ill- IngTiess to end hostilities v.’ith Britain. Future Truce Basis T aking d ifferent possibilities into consideration they figured that the time m ight com e when' it would be to their advantage to obtain a truce during w hich they co\ild consolidate the in ­ dustrial m achine'ry o f the con ­ tinent. T hey w ould, o f course, tell Britain that G erm any was satisfied with the continent and wanted nothing m ore. T hey estim ated that if they had con ­ quered Russia before laim ching this argum ent it would have a strong appeal to all conserva­ tive classes In En,gland. If Britain fell for the bait and granted a peace, the result would servo a double purpose. It would give G erm any tim e to prepare for the next expansion­ ist m ove and it v,’ould take the heart «u t o f the .grow ing sistance o f the occupied coun­ ties to G erm an dom inance on the continent. They also fig­ ured that during such a lull in hostilities they could proceed w ith peaceful penetration of the U nited States and prepare the Am ericas for the next “ blitz.” ^7p until President R oosevelt’s re-election in N ovem ber the W ilhelm strasse m erely toyed w ith this Idea, because Herr H itler’s strategists continued until then 'to believe that they could conquer B ritain before the U nited States becam e a m a­ terial factor in the war. But w hen R oosevelt’s re-election and passage oi the lend-Ieaie bill brought Am erican indus- ¡ 'trial strength into the b a ttle ' the chances for a quick vie-1 tory dwindled. The B a lk a n : “ blitz” was a last attem pt to bring B ritain down quickly.; G erm any w on the m ilitary vie- i tories, but won them too slowly. ¡ A nd in the process Russia b e - ! cam e an increasing danger on the flank. TCussia Forew arned 'N on e o f this should Qiave surprised the Russians. Cer­ tainly the Russian Emttassy in Berlin was v.'ell apprised o f how th e v/ind was blow ing long ago. T he Russian M ilitary A ttache discussed It freely and intelli­ gently ha a groiip of neutral diplom atists and new spaper m en in Berlin In Octchex. A t. that tim e som e o f the foreign ¡ im illtary experts there tliou ghti wei-e ready even » t th at lim e, G erm ans w ere maJring n o se­ cret o f th e possibility during that period aaid dlplomaitlc o f­ ficials o f tiie 'WHhelmsta'asse tried on several «c a s io n s to sound out th e passdbllity Ih at the attack on Russia would underm ine anti-G erm an sen­ tim ent in the U nited Statt«, Purther, it has always been m ade perfectly clear in G er­ m an econom ic difcusslons, both in private and in public priai, that th e Naai H igh Commamd regarded European Russia aa an indispensable jjart o f tihe G erm an cronom ic Lehenwaiuin. If the Germ an aim ita go through Russia quickly emiiugh the peace olfensive will alrnoiyt certainly be the nexit .(nnjca' Berlin m ove. Prepanatoiy yteps are certain to begin at once with appeals to polltlcaüly cc<n- servation elem ents in this coun­ try to regard G erm any today as the crusader against BciLshe- vism. But if this Tails H err H it­ ler expects at least to em erge w ith an econom ic area under his control w hich will be su f­ ficient to feed his wax m achine for years to com e. London Tnanneq-uins display­ ing B ritish fashions aire a l- tractdng crow ds in South Am er­ ica. F R E E ! FR llE! Talking Moving Picture Show E V E R Y T U E S D A Y N IG H T 8:15 P . M . H . L . G O B B L E Service Station F O R K , v. c. Capitol Theatre Salisbury, N. C. F K ID A Y A N D S A T U R B A ¥ Robert, T aylor in “BILLY T H E K ID ” W ith B rian Donlevy, Ian Hunter an d M ary Howard P hotographed In T ech n liolor M IDNIGH T s n o w SUNDAY ¡\IO N 0A Y AND T U i;S D A Y Prlcllla Lane, Jeffrey Lynn .^-nd R onald R eagan In “ M IL L IO N DOI.L B A B Y ” WEDNESDAY & TF Jti '-U/.Y Lucille Ball, Geor.,/- r.';ir” ny an d Edm on OT ricn m ' “A GIRL, ii. GUY AND /1. GOB” V. FKIDAY, JULY 4, 1941 THE MOCKSVILLE (N. C.) ENTERPRISE PAGE 5. ßjeAAjOiUiii- Wiiss Sidney Feezor will leave M oiiday tor R ichm ond, Va. to visit her aunt, Mrs. Bill Periy. Mrs. Hugh Sanford and guest, Mi\3. Christine Adams, o f Pltts- Pleasant G arden to visit № . and Mrs. Paul H ockett and young son, Paul Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Lanier and daughter, G all, o f B lrm - 4wghftm r -Alar-catne-Tue5d- bui'gi Pa- — isrtitfned— bfend-ay from South Carolina, where they spent several days. Mrs. Alice W oodruff returned Sunday from Taylorsville where fihe spent som e time. Mrs. Carl Sherrill o f Mt. tnid spent W ednesday with her ■mother, Mrs. M aggie Miller. M iss Luretta Trum bell of M it­ chell College, Statesville, was a luncheon guest o f Miss Helen Stroud M onday. Miss Atha Howell of Charlotte and Miss Frances Riggsbee of C hapel Hill were week end guests of Miss R achel Foster. Mr, and Mrs. Perry Ashe of M ayodan spent the week end v/lth Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Brown. M iss Dorothy Gibson Is spend- itig the week with her gr.and- inother, Mrs. C. C. Tiller in C ooleem ee. Miss Marie M oore of R elds- ■ville is the guest o f Mr. and M rs. Frank Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Chaffin o f C harlotte were week end guests of Mr. C haffin's m other, Mrs. T. N. C haffin. Mrs. Sam W aters and daugh­ ter. D orothy Rose, and Dorothy A nn Hay, have, returned from K oanoke. Va.. where they spent the week with Mrs. J. L. R ay- Jield. T hey were accom panied h om e by Barbara R ayfield who is visiting in the Hay hom e. 'Rebecca Chander o f Asheville 1.S spending som e time with her ou n t and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W . M. Pennington. Miss Lucile Horn attended the wedding^of Miss Evelyn Troxler In G reensboro Sunday. Miss N ancy M clver cam e hom e w ith her and was a guest In the l-£orn hom e until Tuesday. Mr. and-M rs. Joe Patner and îÆiss Sue Brown left Saturday io r Pennsylvania, where they v/ill spend ten days. Miss Brown w ill visit Miss Doris Lippy in G ettysburg and Mr. and Mrs. Patner ave guests o f his par­ ents in W ilkes Barre, En route h om e they will stop ta W ash­ ington. D. C. Clegg Clem ent Jr. o f Atanta, Gil, visited his ■ father. B. C. Clem ent the past week end. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Foster and M is3-J u Ila-P o3t«r were dinner guests M onday o f Miss Mary Faster and John L Foster at C ounty Line. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leagans an d fam ily are m oving Friday iivto their new hom e cn Oak street. Norris Ijam es o f . Charlotte .spent the week end with Misses G eraldine and Inez Ijam es. Rev. and № s. H. C. Sprinkle o f Kings M ountain spent sev- •otial days this week at their h om e here. Mrs. G ilbert K urfèes le h M onday tor a visit with friends in R ichm ond. Va. W hile she is aw ay her daughter, Ann. is vLsitlng her grandparents. Mr. •and Mrs. J. Lee Kurfees. Mr. and Mrs. J. К Sheek, Leititle Lliidsay and Cllarabel LeG rand spent M onday In Chapel Hill with K im brough Siw ek Jr Mrs. K ent Tate o f Burling­ ton visited her m other, Mrs. V. E. Swalm , last week. B ob W aters spent last week en d at M yrtle Beach. Henry Neely o f Rock Hill, S. C. 'was the guest W ednesday of M r. and Ml'S. J. K, Sheek. Misses Josle and Lettie Jean 'n'\4ter ЯГО visit!!’ ;: Mr ar.d Mi's. J. W. Page at their 'home In ■ Bisooe. Misses Helen .'Vvett, Gertrude M oore and K im brough Sheek Mr.. students at the University oE N. C.. will spend the week 0:udl with their parents. E lm o W alls of Stovall and Mr. and Mi-s. R alph M orris John W alls o f Elkin visited and childi-en, Janice and B en- ithoir sister, Mrs. M ilton W a t-! uie, are suer-dlns the week cit lUM 1.4st week. | .Myrtle Beach. visit Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee K u r- fces and Mr. and Mrs. G rady W ard. Miss Hazel Baity ot C har­ lotte and m other, Mrs. J. T. Baity, left Thursday tor B oone to visit Mr. and Mrs. W ade Brown. Barbara Haisllp o f W inston- Salem Is spending the week with Clarabel LeGrand. Ml', and Mrs. Dorsett W right and daughter, Jacqueline, Miss Joan Gardner, Mr. and Mrg. Bill Price and D eM ont W right all ot G rand Rapids, M ichigan, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W right and son, Eugene, o f Charlotte. Mrs. c. C. W right. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Shaw an d sons. R obert ond Fred, are guests o f Mr. and Mrs. W ade Sm ith. Mrs. C. L, W ertz and daugh­ ter, Carolyn, have returned to liieir hom e in Roanoke. Va. after a visit with Mrs. W ertz’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Harp. Miss M iriam Harp spent last week end In W inston-Salem visiting friends. Mr. and Ml'S. G aither S an - fin-d returned M onday from M yrtle B each w here they spent the week end. Rev. W . C. Cooper. Bill S an­ ford, C. C. Sanford and Hazel Charles left M onday tor Glade Valley, where they are attend­ ing the Young P eople’s con fer­ ence o f the Presbyterian church. Miss K ate Lane ot Balttaiore. Md. was the guC'St Tuesday and W ednesday ot Rev. and Mi-s. J. H. Fulghum . N ancy M urray o f Burlington IS spending two weeks with Jane M arklin. Edwin an d David Brenegar of W inston-Salem returned hom e Saturday after a visit 'with his m other, Mrs. H. T. Brenegar. Ml-, and Mrs. R. L. H ewlett end children Doris and Donald, Mr and Mi-s. Porter Patton, and son. M arvin, Miss Beulah Fagg. Miss M yrtle K ing. H erbert Dean all o f Pulaski. Va. and Mr. and Mrs. Davis Potts were dtaner puests Sunday o f Mr. and Mrs. Jon Graham , Miss Helen Craven o f M onroe spent the week end w ith her m other. Mrs, Bessie Craven. Announsement has been made of the marriage of Miss Pauline Daniel of Cooleemee and Everette Eugene Shaver of Woodleaf, on February 2. Mrs. Shaver is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Daniel of Cooleemee and is a graduate of Cooleemee High school. Mr. Shaver is the son of W. F. Shaver of Woodleaf and the late Mrs. Mary Holt Shaver. Mr. and Mrs. Shaver will make their home at Milford Hills. lly. His son. BUly. returned w ith him to spend the week. G eorge Hendricks will go to Occaquam . Va. Sunday to bring hom e Mrs. Hendricks and dau­ ghter, Christine, who have been '^siting there the past week. Miss Gussie Johnson will leave M onday for Lake Junaluska where she will spend the week attending the Y oung People's C onference. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thom pson, slonal. Mrs. Sparks Is the daughter o f Mr, and Mrs, W . A. Hendrl.x of Advance. She was graduat­ ed from Advance high school nnd now holds a position with the Hanes K nitting Mill. Mr. Sparks Is the son o f Mr. aiid Mrs. John Sparks o f F arm ­ ington. He Is a graduate ot the Farm ington high school and Is now associated w ith ills father in farm ing and dairy­ ing. For the present the couple Miss. Bess Thom pson and Miss j will m ake their hom e with Fannie R ansom T hom pson o f : the groom ’s parents. Davidson have returned from I — — —---------------------- a visit w'ith Mr. T hom pson’s : Party Giveii At sister in Staunton and R ad- , . ford. Va. Meroney Home - Mrs. C. F. M eroney Jr. and J. H. Thom pson will leave orad v W ard entertained Friday for Chicago. 111., w here pVi^ay evening at the he iwlll spend ten days atten d­ ing the furniture show. hom e c f Mrs. M eroney. Bowls of m ixed sum m er flowers were on the card tables for the serving of dessert. Contract was played at four tables with Miss Jane M cGuire Miss Agnes Sanford left S'.t” - : v.-lnnlng high score prize. M rs.'f*^'’erfew clay for W ashington. D. C. to j. f . Hawkfns won sccond high enter A bbott School o f Fine ■ and Miss Della G rant the Ai't, where she will study fo r ; travel prize. Miss M ary Corpening o f Boonviile spent the week end wich Miss Delia G rant. I Miss Evelyn Troxler. Weds Edward Spratt. At historic Alam ance Pres­ byterian church Sunday after­ noon at 5 o’clock, mIss Evelyn Caroline Troxler, daughter , or Mr. and Mrs. R obert G. Troxler. -of G reensboro, becam e the bride o f Edward O. Frierson Spratt, recently ot Tam pa, Fla, ngv.-Jr li. Levens, paator o f~glT5t R eform ed church, o f w hich the bride Is a m em ber, officiated assisted by Rev. J. M. M illard, pastor o f A lam ance Presbyter­ ian church. T he bride was given In m ar­ riage by her father and had for only attendant th e bride­ groom ’s sister, Miss Ann Spratt, o f K noxville. Tenn. »-.Hugh V. W alker, Jr., of Gree'jlvUle. S. C.. and Colum bia, S. C., was Mr. Spratt’s best m an and ushers were the bride’s broth­ ers, R. A ndrew Troxler, o f M a­ rion, Va., and Broadus Troxler, o f Bristol. Va.; Jam es Davls and Fred Berg, o f Greensboro. Miss Nell Davls, organist, Mrs. Jess A lderm an, violinist. Miss V irginia Sm ith, soprano, and Eddie Robins, tenor, were w’ed- dlng m usicians. The bride wore a gow n o f ice blue net and lace. Sm all cov­ ered buttons ran from round neckline o f the fitted bodice of lace to the fitted waist, and the very full skirt encircled w ith bands o f lace fell In folds to H?e floor. The short pu ff sleeves were also o f lace and the shoulder-length veil o f m atching blue net was gath­ ered on her head by a flat bow of lace tied with a spray o f valley lilies. As only ornam ent the bride wore a wide gold en­ graved bracelet w hich belong­ ed to the bridegroom ’s great- great-grandm other and has been worn by fam ily brides o f four preceding generations. She carried an arm bouquet of w hite roses and baby’s breath touched w ith pale pink Conn and His Mary Lou Billy Conn and pretty Mary Louise Smith are shown recently on the beach'at Ocean City, N. J. Mary Lou’s father, ex-big leaguer Jimmy Smith, had at first re­fused to give his blessing to the inarriage of his daugh­ter to the man who nearly won the heavyweight crown. Cooleemee Personals Mrs. Daisy Greene has re­ turned to W elcom e, w here she will spend som e time w ith her daughter, Mrs. Harvey Beeker. Rev. and Mrs. C. E. B. R obin­ son and daughter, M ary Anne, were dinner guest o f Miss Grace R obson at Sam arcand M anor last week. M ary A nne visited for tew days in Southern Pines. Mr. G ilbert C. R obinson ot Atlanta will spend the Fourth w ith his parents. Rev. and Mrs. C. E. B. Robinson. Mrs. I. H. Huske and daugh­ ter, Erickson, are visiting In Loulsburg. Mr. and Mrs. W alter W ood are visiting relatives and frl- sweetpeas and centered with a K annapolis and Salis- whlte orchid. ^ T he m aid of bury for a few weeks. honor was in m ousseline de sole over lace taffeta, the fitted bodice of pale pink and full skirt o f deeper pink. Her little hat o f m ousse- hne de sole was m ade with flow ers the two pink shades of the dress and she carried an arm bouquet o f pastel flowers tied with pale blue stream ers. The m en o f the wedding party wore w^hlte linen suits. The couple spoke their vows before an Im provised altar with wide background o f palms. At the back ot th e altar on either side stood a floor basket filled w ith gladioli, larkspur a n d : . , , ta white and p a s t e l' ^om panled by Mrs. C. C. Y oung, shades, and In the foreground were a pair o f floor baskets Misses Peggie and Evelyn Steverson ot Salisbury are spending the week w ith theh- grandm other. Mrs. E ffle Park­ er at her hom e on Cross street. Miss Ruble Safley Is spending this week visiting relatives and friends In Salisbury. Mi-s. W . H Cusick has return­ ed to her hom e In W ashington, visiting at th e hom e o f his aunt, Mrs. Clyde Reece and Mr. Reece. Mrs. M.' H. Hoyle and sons, M. H. Jr. and Edgar, accom pan­ ied by Misses W llm ena Stroud and Virginia Ferebee are spend­ ing the week at M yrtle Beach, S. C. M r. and Mrs. W . J. Obrien ot D urham spent the past week end visiting their daugliter, Mrs. W. P. K avanagh and Dr. K a­ vanagh at their hom e on Erwin street. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Zachary and daughter, M arca Ann, have returned liom e after a ten days visit with Mrs. Zach - f.ry’s sister, Mrs. T. C. W ack- ham er at her hom e in W arren- burg, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Junius Flem ing o f W oodleaf and Miss Mary Byerly were dinner guest o f M r. and Mrs. F. A. Nail at 'their hom e on M ain street last Siui- day. Miss Dosia Franklin o f New-, berry, S. C. spent last week visiting at the hom e ot her brothev. J. E. Franklin. T . C. Alsbrooks is spending som e tim e visiting his son, R. L. Alsbrooks at his hom e In Dinner Guests A t Sheek Home З Ш Т Н GROVE. — Mr. a n d ' Mrs. J. A. Sm ith spent Sat­ urday In H igh Point vijsltinc" relatives. Mrs. Jam es H endrix spent ouo day the past week w ith Mirs. Holthouser. Mr. and Mrs. H arry Sheek had as- theii- ■Sm iday-dhiner-guestsi~ Mi-. and Mrs. J. B. Cox a n d daughter, Bobby and Carlyn ot N orfolk, Va., Miss A m y T al­ bert o f Advance, M r. an d Mn?. Herm an Boger o f Cana. In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs; Clyde Boger and children w ere their guests. Miss Clara Louise W atkins o f Redland spent the week w lblv Miss E lizabeth W ard. Mr. and Mrs. F. A, Naylor Sir. are spending a tew days W inston-Salem visiting rela­ tives. Mr. and Mrs. G erry K im bel a.nd son. Dale, o f BoonvUle spent the week end w ith Mr, and Mrs. B. L. Sm ith. Mrs. G eo. M arshall o f W ins­ ton-Salem and little son, Saai- mle, spent Saturday aftem oon with Mrs Jam es Hendrix. Mrs. Joiin R iddle o f 'Redland spent awhile Tuesday w ith Mra. H. L. Allen. D. C. after spending two w eek s: N orfolk, Va. with her m other. M rs. Daisy Greene at her, hom e In N orth Cooleem ee. Ml', and Ml’S. Bill W ilson ac- Mr. and Mrs. David H am ­ m onds and Mrs. Loyd M axwell c f W inder, G a. will arrive to­ day to spend the w eek end w ith Mr. and \U's. Joe G raham . Mrs. S. M. Call. Miss M arjorie Call and Miss Betty G erald o fi Statesville returned T u esd ay! night f r o m Elizabethtown, where they were the guests last week o f Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Sm ith. Ml'S. Sm ith an d son, Bennie, and Miss G erald are guests In the Call hom e this week. Jack Rodwell was operated on for appendicltus W ednesday m orning at the Row an M e­ m orial hospital In Salisbury. Mr. and Mi-s. J. W . Page o f B'iscoe were week end guests o f Mr. and Ml'S. E. P. Foster and Mr. and Ml'S. N. T . Poster, Mrs. Harry Fyne and daugh­ ter, Janet, o f Sum ter, S. C. are visiting Mrs. Fyne’s parent's, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stewart. Misses M argaret and Louise Pickens o f Charlotte were week end guests o f Miss Gussie John­ son. J. B. D outhit and Mrs. Celia Pickens spent the 'week end with Mrs. E. H. Morris, On Sunday Misses Eliza and Nan D outhlt and Bill Pickens.w ere guests. Rev. and Mrs. W . C. Sides Jr. will leave M onday to spend the week in western N orth C aro­ lina. Mrs. J. H. Steelm an o f Y ad­ kinville, route 2, liad her tonsils rem oved M onday. five weeks. Guests included M esdam es ■VT— u c, . Arm and Daniel, Cllnard L e- hP^n% it m i l - M cNeill, J. F.been a patient at Da\«d n C M cOua^e S A «..w- filled with white lilies. At each side v.’crc tall seven-branched stands o f w hite tapers. A fter the cerem ony Mr. and Mrs. Spratt left for a tw o- Mlss M ary Joe Y oung and Mrs. Amela Safrlt o f M ocksville spent a few days this week ct Carolina Beach. isfactory. Mrs. Bobby Sharpe Is Honor Guest Bryan and Misses M ary and Jane M cGuire. W lllle Miller, Ossle Allison, Della G rant and Lucile Horn. Ml', and Mrs. Clyde Reece has as their guest this week Mrs. R eece’s m other, Mrs. Tem ple B olt o f G reenville, S. C. CHURCH ANNOUNCE.AIENTS M iss Elizabeth M iller w a^juaptist Rev. J. H. Fulghum , pastorhostess Thursday afternoon atj hom e In G reensboro on their return for a short while be­ fore Mr. Spratt’s business takes them to Roanoke, Va., for resi­ dence. For travel the bride, changed to a brow n linen suit | has just had a w ith a w hite lace blouse. Her \ tion. hat w’as a w ide-brim m ed o ff- face starched eyelet pique o f Little Miss Joan Cornellson o f Salisbury is visiting her cou ­ sin. M arcia Ann Zachary, who tonsil opera- a m iscellaneous show er h on or­ ing Mrs. B obby Sharpe, form ­ erly Miss M artha Reece Allen, a recent bride. The guests were invited into the living room w hich was dec­ orated with sum m er flowers. During the afternoon dish tow els were hem m ed for the bride. The recipes were filed and presented to the bride. A salad plate, w ith tiny, wedding bells as favors and a ; ter will hold the service, m iniature bride for Mrs. Sharpe j Revival services will begin was served to the honoree, Mrs. at Center Sunday m orning 11:00 Rev. Charles Utley w ill; IJi'own and 'White and other hold the service. ¡Methodist Rev. E. M. Avett, pastor. 11:00 Subject, “The Purpose üi Ideals.” Davie Circuit Rev. G. W . Fbik, pastor Center ll_ a . m . Salem 3 p. ni. Center 3 p. m . accessories were o f white. For shoulder corsage she lifted the orchid from her w edding bou­ quet. Mrs. Spratt, only daughter c f Mr. and Mrs. T im ler, is a iD39 graduate o f the school o f | end visiting at the Rom e o f Mr. m usic, o f G reensboro c o lle g e a n d Mi's. Arlle Jordan a t their. Mrs. J. Vh'gil House ot B al­ tim ore, Md.. is visiting this w'eek at the hom e ot Mr. House’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. House at their hom e on Duke street. Mr. and Ml'S. V ance W ellm an o f Danville. Va.-spent last week Mr. and Mrs. Abe Howard and children o f M ocksville were Sunday visitors at the hom e o f Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tutterow. Mr. and Ml'S. \V. H. McCall i pent last Sunday visiting rela­ tives in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. H ayden Bailey are spending this week at Caro­ lina Beach, Miss Drue H enry ot High Point spent last week end visit­ ing at the hom e o f her m other. Mrs. Jessie H enry on Erwin street. Mr. and Mrs. Judson O rren- der and children. M ary Sue and Judson Jr. o f Garrison, Texa^, are visiting at the hom e o f Mr. O rrenders m other. Mrs. S. A. O rrender at her hom e on M ain street. Princess Theatre F R ID A Y , J U I Y 4 Barbara Stanyck and H enry Fonda in “ T H E L A D Y E V E ” A LS O 3 S TO O G E S S A T U R D A Y Bob Steele in “ W ILD H O R S E V A L L E Y ” M O N D A Y A N D T U E S D A Y M ickey R ooney and Judy G arland In “ S T R IK E U P T H E B A N D ” FRESH DELICIOUS SUMMER CANDIES 1 lb. BoxSalt Water Taffy 1 lb. Bas Asst. Taffey 1 lb. Bag Caramel Chews 1 lb. H as- Kurlfey Kews ... 1 lb. Bag S. W. Taffey ... Sharpe, Misses M artha Furches M ocksville Circuit /tiin Pittm an has been visit- ius her grandparents, Mr. and .ivti'13. J. C. Dwiggins while her parents, Mr. and Mi's. H. G. X'lbtman attended a conven- in C olorado., Mr. Pittm an w ill com e Friday to take Ann an d Mrs. Pittm an to their IVDir.e In Asheville. Mrs. M arvin W aters and Mrs. ■ Clyde Ijam es sijent the week a. D. Potts left M onday for end In Danville vvlta his fa m - Mr, nnd Mrs. Jack Allison of Atlanta, Ga, spent Tuesday night in tov.'n w ith relatives. They 'were en route to M ullens, W. Va. to attend the w edding of Mrs, A llison’s nephew . R ob­ ert W ills o f W ashington,' D. C. and Miss Edyth Early o f M ul­ lens. Libby Deese. Jessie W est, K ate Vestal. Frances Lee W ard, M il- ctred Dull, Eloise W ard, Edith M cM ahan, Vickie S teelm an ,' B etty M cM ahan, M ary Lee M e- 1 M ahan. M artha Rose Miller and Mrs. Bert Bentley, Mrs. John H arding, Mrs. Ray Deese. Ah'S. Elizabeth W iUiard, Mrs. J. H. Swing, Mrs. Lou W ard. Mrs. .L. P. W ard. № s. F. W'. Dull, ivli's. Odell Jam es, Mrs. Beil Tetigue, Mrs. J. W. Vestal, Mrs. W . E. K ennon, Mrs.' W . W . W est, Mrs. George Steelm an, Mrs. C. H. M cM ahan, Mrs. J.: i- V. Miller, Mrs. R. M as Conrad i and № s. L. ,L. Miller. Miss Council Hendrix, Kenneth Sparks Wed M iss Lena Council H endrix and K enneth Sparks were m ar­ ried Saturday, June 12 at the M acedonia Moravi.an church. Rev. J. E. Brewer officiated using the ring cerem ony. Mrs. C. D. Peebles gave pro­ gram o f nuptial m usic preced­ ing the cerem ony. “ M edita­ tion” was played during the service. The W edding M arch from Lohengrin was played for the processional and M endels- Rev. W . C. Sides^ Bethel 11 a. m. pastor w here she m ajored in violin. She was a ju nior, and a senior H ardison 8 p. m .— Ei'nie F os- attendant in the college M ay court and w as graduated m ag- na ctun laude. For the past two years slie has been teach­ ing public school m usic at M ocksville high school. T he bridegroom , second son c f Ml', and Mrs. Frank K . Spratt. of K noxville, was grad­ uated from high school in Greenville and attended Colum ­ bia university hi New Y ork City. He now travels with S. H, K ress an d com pany in the restaurant division. For two years he m ade his h om e in Greensboro w here he was a m em ber of the G am m a Sigm a club. In Tune for June .America’s No. 1 glam or girl, Brenda Frazier is shown with John Simms (Shipw reck) Kelly, nightclubbuis in New York. Their m arriage will release to Brenda 51,000,000 held up by term s of her father’s will. On her Slst birthday, she gets an­ other $4,000,000. K elly won soh n’3 “ M arch" for the re ce s-’ fam e-on . the footba^ •gridiron. CIRCLE IMEETINGS Baptist Circle 1— M onday at 3:30 at the church. Circle 2— M onday at 3:30 at the church. Circle 3— M onday at 3:30 at 'the church. Business W om an’s Circle — M onday at 8 p. m. with Mi's. H illary Arnold, Presbyterian ■ Circle 1— M onday at 4 p. m. with Mrs. D. C. Rankin. Circle 2— M onday at 3:30 Home on M ain street. Ml'S. J. H. L. R ice has gone to Jackson, Miss., where she will spend a few v.'eeks visit­ ing relatives and friends. Mrs. W m . Click was hostess at a birthday supper last W ed­ nesday evening. The supper was given In honor o f the birth­ day o f Mr. Click. Those pres­ ent were Misses R achel and Marie Click, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Tiller and Mr. and Mrs. Click. Ml', and Mrs Bert Vicks and children o f M ocksville spent last Sunday visiting at the hom e o f ! Mr. and Mrs, F. A. NaU. Ml'S. R. K . Cohen and ch il­ dren of Salisbury spent lastj week end visiting her sisters, Mrs. F. A. Nail and Mi's. Ernest Sain. Joe Chalm ers of Anderson, S. C. is spending this week U nion Chapel 8 p. in. Serm on topic: “ Firm F oun­ dations.” Mr. B. C. Brook, associate district lay leader, \\411 speak j,t.'D u llu at 11:00 a, m. \ with Miss W illie Miller. Circle 3— M onday at 7:30 with Mi's; Paul Grubbs. Circle: 4— Tuesday at 7:30 w ith Miss Catherine Gibson; M ethodist Circle l-rM onday at 8 p, m . at 'the ladies parlor wltlv Mrs. E, M.. Avett. Mrs. Joe G raham f.nd Mrs.- T. N. C haffin hos­ tesses. , Circle 2— M onday at 3 p. m. with Mrs. Charles Thom p.son,! Circle 3—Tuesday at 3 p. in. | with Ml'S. E. M. Avett and Miss -fielen Avett. . ' '.................... Has ball-bearing glides, water repellent cush­ ions, colorful enamel fmish. R E G U L A R $29.50 SPECIAL Ai $ 1 9 .5 0 PHONE 46 ¡MOCKSVILLE,C. I': ' PAGE 6 THE MOCKSVILLE (N. C.) ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1941' Ceiling Set On New Autom obile Prices ALSO FIX \ i Germany Bombed From Both Ends and in the Middle M yrtle Godby Heads League !! Price Adm lnlatrator H ender­ á n announced he will set cell­ ing prices on new autom obiles ' M d , "In all probability,” used cars, because certain m anu- lacturers have refused to co- . operate in 'avoiding inflation by ■ ‘ ' keeping prices at their present level. Mr. Henderson also froze ! prices o f 'tires, inner tubes and rubber at price levels o f June i/., 16 to prevent price skyrocket- iog in connection w ith dlver- sion 'to defense of approxim - vEleiy 25 percent o f rubber con ­ sum ption. Clyilian D efense D irector La- • ‘ . Guardia announced plans for a nation-w ide Fourth of July celebration, with a radio ad­ dress by President R oosevelt ■ at, (4 p. m . EST) to be fol- [ low ed by the singing o f the . national anthem slm ultaneoos- ly throughout the nation. . Com m enting on the arrange­ m ents, the President said,” . . < ,¿;.J t is altogether fitting that we ' Should rededicate ourselvgs is ,'jJefend and porpetiiate thc.-r inalienable rights v.hich fou id true expression in the im nior- tal Declaration. Those words never had a deeper or m ore solem n m eaning for Am ev’ca tiian they have in this h ou í or anxiety and peril ..." Foreign A ffairs . President Roosevelt told h<s press conference the U. S would Rive all possible aid to Ruiisia in its war with G erm any but that no list o f Soviet needs had been subm itted yet. The Treas­ ury Departm ent announced it had licensed Russia to use it $40,000,000 in frozen funds hero. A cting Secretary o f State WellHS announced the Neutrality Aot w hich prohibits Am erican ves • _ »els from com bat areas, would iiiiot .b e invoked In conneccion With the Russian conflict. .1 M r. Welles said that w hile the cjommuoitic dictatorship is as intolerable as the Nazi dicta­ torship, '№e immediate issue Is defenM againat H itlerism i » d the G erm an plan (or universal ^ conquest. Th e State Departm ent order­ ed Italy to recall all Italian officials and cease all activi­ ties in this country except those a t the W ashington Em bassy by Ju ly 15 because they “serve no desirable purpose.” Aid to Democracies , Th e President Indorsed tha B ritish recruiting drive for ! . 15,000 to 30,000 Am erican tech- I nicians to aid in a ir ra id de­ tection in England. H e also pointed out th at Am erican youth can Join B rttlsh o r Chinese a r m ^ forces If they *> not talee an oaith of a lU g l- M ice to a n y country other than the U . S., ,. He told a press conference * the possibility of sending rifles to Eire Is being considered if . the Eire governm ent gives a^- ■urances they w ould be useu / against G erm any in the event . : <t( a G erm an attaclc on Ire - lahd. , VMduction Procress / -Th e President said the o ve ;- : /ail defense production picture is not discouraging although ¡¡tJi^re is a serious,lag in m u n i- -^ o n s productions Tjecause en - ("iire plants have to be built be- 'fore quantity production begins. ÍHe said, however, production of __ sòm e Itemà is already a t peak, A rm y ' T he W ar D epartm ent an­ nounced total strength o f the .A rm y as 1,441,500 officers and enlisted m en .including: R eg- ular Arm y, 505,700; National . G uard, 288,800; Selectees, 594,- j . ’ i QOO; R eserve O fficers, 53,000 A rm y C hief o f S ta ff M arshall announced the Congress will be . asked, for funds to add 100,000 . ' „lia'ore m en to the Regular Arm y replace those sent ito out- ,iyin g bases. The Arm y also ■ ^ ^ n o u n ce d it has recom m end- 'I W 'to the President thajt steps '"be taken to obtain authority to continue the N ational G uard and Reserve O fficers on active .i,.d;U‘ty for m ore than one year, lia vy Navy Secretary K n ox an - ,,„.-;jnounced the U. S, fleet expan- ,,„ '^ o n program lis “ setting fe c - ■ ords eyery d ay." ffe also an- i" aaùunced revisioii o f enlistm ent i',P contracts for th è M arine Corps ,if.:ReserYe /to provide service for ; t ó e ''du ration o f - tìie n a tlp j^ eipiÉrgeripy,;àa:d.ai5ked,c^^ ' f t p ia ù u i^ t y - ito c c ^ tn u e all i» » v « í e h litó é h t, personnel in ékvkit-tm th e dùrattóri. -¡¡¡¡jf' y" Waí*' 7Depàr.'tmènt àii- iiottiieed uyfúvaiion of its áif in a ni«w urdt loMWii mI tJie “Anny Air Forces,*' eon> >glttuiting-pre«nt units a Á i f l t com m w id under M »i«r -I Germany is getting a double dose of air bombardment from her two enemies, un­ ited to effect a Nazi defeat—Britain, striking while Nazis are absorbed with the Russian war; Russia, retaliating for German attacks on Soviet cities. Map shows scenes of air raids on Germany and occupied territory. G eneral Arnold, Deputy ch ie f o f S ta ff for Air. Secretary of W ar Stim son said the air forces aire now 'independentлvithhl the Departm ent. T he Civil Aeronautics A uth­ ority announced a $95,000,000 program to com plete work on i 250 airports n ow ' under way and to construct or im prove 149 additional airports. Alum inum Collection Civilian D efense Dh-ector L a- G uardia announced July 21 as the date when governors, m a­ yors and other officials, local defense councils and such or­ ganizations as th e A m erican Legion, Boy Scouts, w om en's clubs, labor, farm an d religious organizations will cooperate in collecting unneeded alum inum from every hom e in the land. Mr. I^aGuardia estim ated that 20,000,000 pounds o f alum inum — enough for 2,000 fighter planes — <would be collected. Nurses M edical officials o f the Arm y, Navy and Public H ealth Serv­ ice, stated that a shortage o f nurses is beginning to be a p ­ parent and appealed for a larg­ er num ber o f wom en to seek nursing training. T he Price Adm inistrator also .set m axim um prices on pig iron, m ajor raw m aterial used In steel, and asked furniture and household refrigerator m anu­ facturers n ot to raise prices. Frlorlties T he OPM announced priority action on crude rubber, zinc and tungsten com pounds. R ub­ ber consum ption is to be re­ duced from 817,000 to 600,000 tons a year; 16,000 tons o f m e­ tallic zinc will be reserved in an em ergency pool to m eet ex­ pected 1941 shortage: and priOTlty control over tungsten has been extended two m onths past June 30, the originally scheduled expiration date. U. S. Housing Authority A d­ m inistrator Straus issued in ­ structions that wood and stone will replace rubber, cork and strategic m etals in the build­ ing o f USHA slum -clearance hom es. Labor Supply President Roosevelt created a Com m ittee on Pair Em ploym ent Practice to investigate com ­ plaints of discrim ination in defense em ploym ent and order­ ed all Federal agencies to in­ clude in defense contracts a provision obligating the con ­ tractor to avoid discrim ination. The President said ir. som e in­ stances workers have been bar­ red from defense jobs “ solely because o f race, creed, color, or national origin.” The OPM announced Atlantic shipyards liad agreed to a tw o- year pact elim inating strikes and lockouts and providing per­ iodic adjustm ents o f wages a c­ cording 'to living costs. S U P P LE M E N T H ot 'Weather drinks need not interfere w ith the fam ily’s m ealtim e appetite if 'they are planned to supplem ent ' th4 m ealtim e. fare, says Miss Sallie Brooks, assistant Extension nu - triUonist <|t Stote . C o lle g e ,, ;llRlORlKlr> ^. Sixty ¡railroad building com • panies haveibeen granted prior'- ity ratings by the government to insure » constant flow- of farm cooimoiUtles to market. C h a m p io n Typist W O O D L E A F N E W S First w om an t* w in the title in 25 years, M argaret H am m a, of Brooklyn, N . Y ., was crow n - cd w orld’s cham pion am ateur and professional typist after typing 149 words per m inute, a new record, in the in le m a tio n - al typing contest in Chicago. She nsfd an all-electric m a - chine. Mrs. Deese Club Hostess PINO. — Mrs. Bay Deese was hostess to the . Friendly Book club a t h er hom e. T he pres­ ident, Mrs. Pearl Teague, pre­ sided pver the m eeting. As a feature o f the program Mrs. H arding read a poem in m em ory o f Mrs. O . R. Allen, a form er m em ber o f the club. Follow ­ ing an exchange o f books, the hostess assisted by Miss Eliza­ beth Deese served refreshm ents. Miss Evelyn Tucker o f C ourt­ ney spent last week with her sister, Mrs. H ugh L atham . The rains of the past week have proven already a great help to pastures as well as to crops and gardens and the n ext week will find farm ers busy plowing their fields that were delayed by ‘the drought. Quiet a num ber o f old ac- quahitences were renewed a t the school reunion held last Saturday at the school build­ ing. It decided to m ake this reunion an annual affair and to be held every year the last Saturday in June. Mr. an d Mrs. Floyd Elliott, o f Indianapolis, Ind. have return­ ed to their hom e after a visit here w ith relatives. They cam e at this tim e to attend the re­ union o f the old school. Misses M argaret and Eliza­ beth Flem ing o f Raleigh, John G. and D ick Flem ing of G reen­ ville, spent the past week end here w ith relatives. Mr. and Mrs. R. Guy Cul­ bertson o f Seaford, Del. spent several days here last week w ith Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bailey and fam ily. M r. and M rs A. G . Etheridge and Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Guy W . Etheridge are spendhig the Fourth at M anteo, on R oanoke Island w ith the form er’s m o ­ ther, Mrs. A . D. Etheridge. M r. and Mrs. Paul Carter and children o f Cooleem ee were guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Carl last w eek end. Mr. and Mrs. Frank C lick o f Spartanburg, S. C. were visit ­ ors over the w eek end w ith Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Click and fam ily. Bailey Bros, are now m arket­ ing their early tom atoes w hich began to ripen about the m id­ dle o f June, but are now get­ tin g m ore plentiful. Did you notice . the "P ep ” Johnny Stow e put In the ball gam e Saturday? There is a m an for you that goes whole hearted into any thing he does. KAPPA — Rev. G. W . Fink will fill his regular appoint­ m ent at Salem Sunday after­ noon. Mr. an d Mrs, T om K oontz and daughter, Barbara -Tean, spent th e week end with Mr. and Mrs. Albert M cDaniel of Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lagle and iam ily o f M ocksville were Sun­ day dinner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. K oortz and children were afternoon visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Thorne and fam ily visited friends near Society Sunday. Mrs. Bruce T urner visited Mrs. Ruth Jones one afternoon !ast week. Mr. and Mrs. M ilton Cleary and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson and son were week end visitc:-3 at the hom e of Mr. r.nd Mrs, Luther Dayvault. Betty A lirc and Ruth Cartner spent s;v;.-al days last week \vlbh their cousin, Jim mie Cam pbell o f M ocksville. Mr. and Mrs. K err B, Graves and son o f Augusta spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. -Tones. Tlie E pw orth League o f Salem I" as elected its officers for the year. T hey are as follow s: President, M yrtle G odby; vice- president, T hom as ^C artner; secretary, M ary H endrix; tl-eas., M ary B lanche Peacock. Misses Laura C artner and Pay K oontz spent the week end w ith Misses Zeola and G eneva ICoontz. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stroud and son o f H arm ony visited relatives in this com m unity Friday afternoon. Miss Pay K oontz spent Friday afternoon w ith M iss Virginia Jones. . Mr. and M rs. G arl Stroud of Sandy Springs spervt a while Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. W ade Stroud. Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Greene and fam ily o f Jericho 'were Sunday afternoon guests o f Mr. and Mrs. P. W . K oontz. C H E A P • Farm ers now cun get com ­ plete garden irrigation equip­ m ent for about $10, national farm leaders report. Sm ith V anhoy ‘visited Vivian Parm er Sunday. R eturns to England ROYAL CROWN BOTTLING CO.; WlartsH It Rr Daughter of Viscount Halifax, B ritish ambassador to W ash­ ington, Lad y A n n Dorothy F a - versham is pictured as she a r­ rived in San Francisco by clip­ per plane from the Fa r East. She was en route from India to London to rejoin her husband, the E a rl of Faversham . W ATCH FOR A i i n o u n c e m e n l . N ext W eek G R E A T E S T and M O S T S E N S A T IO N A L F U R N IT U R E A N D A P P L IA N C E . S A L E E V E R C O N D U C T E D IN D A V IE C O . P R IC ES L O W E R T H A N T H E Y H A V E E V E R B E E N DANIEt FIJRN^ Overhead Bridge MocksvUie, Ñ. C. a J. A N C iE LL t : l& icV R IC À L ^ Á n > L l A M ( Ü S <|к Clyde Ijames, Salman Mocksville, N. C.^^ ¥ ♦ # 4 4 Jif 'Ч FRroAY. JULY 4. 1941 THE ISÍOCKSVILLE (N. C.) ENTERPRISE PAGE Y Russicn Battleships Are Few and Old Weevil Мепвсе ¡М Г Ч И и и и U И я с R p r o m P -R p f li H v ARE ANSWERED Question: It is necessary to :ollow a recipe In preparliig fruit iuices ior cooling drinks? A njw er;' No. Use the odds ^nd end.g; of fruit iuices vour Has Become-Reaiity ODit-on Enem y Nc. 1, ih t boll has begm i its i--.-,’a£ion o i N orth Carolina iaim s, -and J. O. Rowell, Extension entom o­ logist o f N. C. Stat.e .M ieg e. *ays tlie tim e has arrivirC for iarm ers to coiait « r - atAack. Coim ty farm aKent.s ere- m o- TIIESE WAWT ms f a r w h a t YOB WäMT Russia has a navy, but it is inconsequen­ tial ancl ancient. The Black Sea fleet includes the battleship Paris Commune, pictured above. She is a veteran of the World War. and has recently been mod- ernized and rearmed. Laid doim in 1909 under the name Sebastopol, s h e is one o f the best of th e s h ip s Il g h tliiK fn - th e Soviets against G e rm a n y . R adio has its lig'hter side, sequence called for him to be ‘like any other profession, aaid throw n bodily out ol the Ritz all the laughs to be had in the T heatre, scene o f the broadcast studios do not com e from t h e ; and then talk his way back, com edy pi'ogram s, as w itn ess:! alm ost precipitated a riot out- A n' am ateur songw riter w ho side the theatre, w hich is o ff m ak«s quit« a pest of him self Broadway. T h e contesrtant around the studios cornered i spoke so loudly that a patrol- A ndre K ostelanetz in a CBS i m an ran up and took a 'hand in baU'way and Insisted that the conductor hear a recording of a sooig 'he had ju st com posed, K ostelanetz com plied and the record w as placed on a turn- lable. W hen It had concluded, ttie- songw riter 'said, “T hat or- cihestra played m y piece In B olero rhythm — how would you have played it?” “ U nder an assum ed nam e,” 'replied K ostelanetz. Soane words sound a lot like otihers and coniusloai can there­ by result. A t the Crim e D octor 'j'cQiearsal, for exam ple, D irec- 1«r Jack Johnstone no-ted that on e o f his actors was m issing. “ Bill felt dizzy,” volunteered another actor, “ and he had to no ihonie.” “ T oo bad,” said Johnstone. “ V ertigo?” "I just told you,” repeated the actor, “’h om e!” A girl m usician in Phil S pi- italnys H our o f Charm orch ­ estra arrived a t NBC for a pnaclice session w earhig a lot o l new jew elry. She had dla- »nonds an d bracelets and rings i n ‘profusion. As a m atter o f fact, she seem ed w eighted down •with nil the baubles. Spitalny iliook one quick look at her and imquireti, with a grin, “ M ust you harve your pound of fla sh ?" - t-ook- it hasn’t-w o m - iuiy jew elry to the studio since. CHATTER: Burns and Allen •will re-appear for-a guest shot rtihis sum m er . . . Johnny M ess- wea-’is crew has sw itched to New Y'ork’s Essex House . . . Benny G oodm 'aii’s program should be h o t'stu ff .'. . it’s sponsored by « iiirnace com pany and fea­ tures D otty Lam our . . Joh n­ ny L ong’s engagem ent at 'the H oiel New Y orker has been ex­ tended. The ice show w hich | even cools tlie onlooker, haai already started there . . . M y- the proceedings. W hereupon gathered and several calls were put in to the police station. A c­ tually. however, the police were tipped o ff to w hat was to h ap­ pen and the patrolm an who participated haa been standing hy waiting for his cue. Tells How To Make Good Hay Crops A hay croy sliould yield at least a ton per acre and three tons per acre are possible in North Carolina, says E. C. Blair, E.xtension . Service agronom ist at N. C. State College. Here are som e o f the rules for good production set out by the specialist: All hay crops respond to a fertile soili They take large quantities o f plant food from the soil. The non-legum es get all their food from this source. Legum es, if inoculated, can draw about tw o-thirds o f tlie needed nitrogen from the air, the other third necessarily com ­ ing from the .soil. F or these reasons, hay crops should be grown in rotations to '.vhich legum es are turned un­ der and should be well fertiliz­ ed. T he presence of plenty oT u s- able plant food and lim e in the soil not only results in bigger yields but also in hay o f higher feed value. Such 'hay contains m ore protein, ■vitamins and m,ineral m atter tlian .the same kind o f hay grown under con ­ ditions of soil povertj’. A n­ im als fed on this bay grow, faster, develop better bones, and are healthier than those fed on hay low in these m a­ terials. Stable m anure is a valuable supplem ent for fertilizers in iiadio fare. W HN will try a'*"'?' new one com bining the d c te c -! iiv e quality wiUi fifth colu m n ' iJtories . . . The lead for th« T hin M an was nabbed by a L'm e also is valuable in that com paratively unkno^'n - L es- ^ «crease the yield and D am on . . . W ar corresp on d -; « i t Leland Stow e takes overl''^^^ needs it. W l^ e certain while R aym ond G ram Sw ing i '.moves to London satisfac- BERTHA I MlllER CHOSEN 4-H HEALTH OUEEN Crutchfield Boy Is H o d « King M iss B ertha Lee MUler, 17, daughter o f ICr! an d M rs. O rady W . MiUer, ot Окт , was choaen beal'tb queen o f the 'western district in a 4-H Club H ealth contest in W histon-Salem last Thursday, b ed ie M ^ r s , son o f Mr. and Mrs. S. K . M yers, o f C rutchfield was chosen king. J^lss M iller is a m em ber o f the Courtney 4-H club and young M yers the Dobson Club. They were chosen over tives from 14 counties. refrigerator m ay offer. The bihzing lorces to licnt juice left from the pineapple salad last night will m ake a еде in­ sect pest. “The first m aneuver,” -R o- pleasing com bination with the well says, “ is the application iuice o f a fresh lem on, lime or j o f l - l - l ¡»iso n treatnients an orange or two. For color, 1 v^’lien weevUs a r e . found in irush and strain h alf a cup of | fields during the р ге -д а а 1'е berries and add a 'tablespoon or two o f jelly. If used as an ap- ->erizer, tiie drink should be m ore tart than sweet since sugar dulls, rather than sti­ m ulates the appetite. A sugar syrup is m ore effective for sweetening sum m er drinks than sugar itself. nWTCFJ REPAIRIXG— I HAVE opened a w atch repair >-h(fp iti Popltii's Shoe Shop, rear _:n f Kiii-rpcs fc \Уягг1.— Cl. A . Jeffries 6-20-3t Question: W hat are som e of the im portant things to re­ m em ber in m arketing eggs? Answ er: Never put the eggs in cases until they are proper­ ly cooled. W hen warm eggs are put in cases, they can ’t cool rapidly. So. they begin tn loae quality and m ay even be­ com e bad. T h e way eggs are m arketed also affects their quaUty and the num ber lost bbiough soilage. Eggs need t.? be m arketed often. And once a week isn’t often enougn. Tw ice a week isn’t often enough in ho4 ureather. For satisfrto- tory results, eggs need to be period at the rate o f 3 0 -or m ore per acre. T h at m eans, about one weevil to 500'plants. “ Pre - square i treatm ents should be started ju st as squares begin to form ,” the entom ologist staited. ‘"n iis is usually when the plants are 5 to 8 inches high, and before the squares are large enough :'or the weevils to puncture. "B ut don ’t stop with this at­ tack,” Rowell continued, "b e­ cause a war isn’t won with a single battle. Pre-square poisoning alone will not satis­ factorily control boll weevils, as m any weevils reach the fields after the pre-square poison­ ing period has passed.” The Extension specialist rec­ om m ends post-sqiiare treat­ m ents, in the form o f calcium arsenate dusting. T his type of poisoning should be started when 10 percent o f <tihe de­ veloping squares thow boll weevil egg punctures. C om plete Inform ation onm arketed ju st as soon as роз sible after they are gathered ■ >5°'^ control m ethods is and cooled. O n e.oth er ро1п% contained in Extension_Eolder the eggs m ust be protected from heat while on the way to m arket. If the eggs or con ­ tainers in w hich they are pack­ ed are exposed to the sun or re p i«se n ta -1 from other sources, tliey will lose quality. Loss o f quai- No.. 45, w hich is available free upon request to the A gricultur­ al Editor. N. C. State College. Raleigh. The 1-1-1 treatm ent IS m ade w ith a m ixture o f one piound o f calcium arsenate, one gallon o f crop molas.'ps, and NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF L.\XD tinder and by virtue o f an order o f the superior co’.u-t of Davie County, ¡nade in'the spe­ cial proceeding entitled J. R. Bailey et al ex parte, the m i- dersigned com m issioner will or. the 12th day o f July. 1941. at 12:00 o'clock M.. at the court­ house door in M ocksville. North Carolhia offer for re-sale to the highest bidder for ' cash that certain tract o f land lyine and being in Shady Grove T ow n­ ship. Davie County. North Carolina, adjohiing the lands o f Sallie Bi-anson and-- others and m ore particularly describ­ ed as •follows, to-w it: FIRST TRACT; B eginning at Bailey’s line running North 27.75 chains to a stake: thence W est 9.05 chains to a poplar thence South 2 East 14.50 chains to a branch: thence North 54 East 3.25 chains up branch: thence South 17.25 chains to a dogw ood: thence South 89 East 3.30 chahis: thence North 80 East 2.25 chains, containing 21 acres, m ore or less SECOND TRACT: Beginning at a stake In Charles line and runs S. 29.75 chains to B ailey’s im e: thence N. 80 degs. E. 3.45 chains to a stake; thence N. 29.30 chains to a stake in Charles line; thence N. 3.36 chains to the beginning, con ­ taining 10 acres, m ore or lee» Bidding will start at 5630.00. This the 23rd day o f June. 1941._____B. c I-iocksville. Phone 151 S ROCIt,---------- Com m issioner N. C. 7-4-2t CAR-BON' fW PER — PENCIL i-harpener*-. lypexvTitprs. «ta­ pies, p.'iper clips, miicii.ige. (vnewrittT i-ihbon.s. ink р.г;1< — and all kind of ofCicc sup­ plies.— :viocksville Enterprise. PHILCO RADIOS— S.VLES .-VND SERVICE. Fresh batteries each week for all makes.— Y oung Raclio Co., Depot St. USED TIRES, BATTERIES AND auto parts for all m akes and m odels. AVrecker service. Rodw ell’s Place, North M ocks­ ville, near high school. Day phone 40— night phone 117-J. SINGER SEWING M.iCHINES — W e are representatives in Davie for these fam ous m a­ chines. .\lso vacuum cleaners and iron. See our display.— C. J. Angell. n o t ic e t o A № OVVN- «Г&— As Ibe HeaJtb tle.D ni't-, | ш ея1 has eariended the tim e u n jil Ju ly 15tb, l iy ill ’»Яс- i cinale a t »jT l& ö m e c u c h . | RIoniflay Biifiht and ои the iqvax* each W e d n e ^ a y n f - , <-tino<¡n. I Slave ..í».«:«! ;ln- stiucied io Ii» * no­ tice after tb »t deteV so lilease tafce чташгя*. — .W jilltci I/. СаИ, rabies inspector.^ ч-л-zt NOTICE TO ALL DOG OW N- ers— .As we were late in start­ ing. we have decided to give you until July 15th to have your dogs vaccinated. Take warning. .-Vffer that date yon will be subject to a ■ fine. T hey must be vaccinated.— Dr. E. S. Grady, .\ssistant D istrict Health O fficer. T-4-2t B. F. ANDERSON W ILL V.\C- cinate dogs at his hom e on route 1 any night for 56c. If you w.ant him to com e to your hom e to vaccinate your iliup hijii price will be 75c. T"öTut TìiC 7-4-tp. Can m ilk absorb the air around it unpleasant taste T aking second honors in the .district contest were David Lee Jones, of W ake county, and Question: Katiherine W atkins of Hillsboro, odors from Route 2. Jones is the son o f i and get an Mr. and Mrs. T heo L. Jones, o f I that way? R aleigh, R oute 4. and M issj Answ er: Scientists say that W atkins’ parents are Mr. and | the m ild, delicate flavor of Mrs. T. W . W atkins. i good m ilk Is very easily tahit- Counties p«rticipatln g in the | ed by absorbing odors from the western section o f the district air. If you keep m ilk uncov- Ity m eans loss o f m arket v a lu e . ' gallon of water. It is.a p - were D avld ^ n , G uilford, F or­ syth, W ilkes. Y adkin and R ock­ ingham . cou n ties in the east­ ern section -of the district are Alam ance, Caswell, Chatham , D urham , Franklin, G ranville, Person, Vance, Orange, W ake and W arren. ered in the refrigerator, It will soon take on the taste of fish, i-abbage, banana, m elon, onion or other foods with a decided flavor that are also in the r e - ' over the week end. frigerator uncovered. Milk w ill, Mr. and Mrs. Fred take on the odor o f disinfect­ ants or m edicines with strong plied w^th a hand m op or v^'lth. a m achine. Mr. and Mrs. Golden ' Return Home •'?, CYCLE. — Mr. and Mrs. H o­ ward G olden returned hom eifist v.'eek after a visit in the Nor,th. Miss Ruby G roce was i ^ e Stm day guest o f Miss B eS ie Bulali and Floy Bell. Mr. N. B. Casstevens of R ad­ ford. Va. visited relatives here As health king and queen o f c d o r s used in the barn where all these cpunties M yers and the cow s are m ilked. For ex- Miss M iller wi’.l com pete with other di3trici,.w;:'.:iers for state , honors when the State C ollege; sp>'ay has been 4-H short course is held J u ly , dairy barn. 28-August 2. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE ! I HavUig qualified as executor, of the estate o f Julia A n n ! Myers, deceased, late o f D a v ie; County. North Carolhia. this Is to notify all persons having claim s against the estate of said deceased to present them t o ' the undersigned within o n e ' year from date o f tills notice | or sam e will be pleaded in bar o f their recovery. • All persons indebted to said estate please m ake im m ediate paym ent. This the 4 day o f June, 1941. JOHN Q. M YERS i E xecutor of Julia Ann M yers, i estate. 6- 6- 6t : COLORED NEWS i BV SW RGARET W O O D R l'FF I W ANTED TO LOAN— .MONEY tn build you a hom e— M ocks­ ville Building & Loan .\sso- ciation. 1-26-tf DR. McINTOSH HEDRICK O P T O .M E T R IS T 436 N . T ra d e S treet W in sto n -S a le m . N. C. H a ve Y o u r E yes E x a m in ed ___________R o| pilarly.___________ ROWAN PRINTING CO. SAU D I , w. c. One •! th i l^ p il fttait- in g an« «fHwhouses hi the СагоНпав. • Printing • L i t h o ^ T t p liM f • I 'jip e n iiile ie , • Com plete Office Siiipplies. ■ ViVa Phone Ь32 &а1ж еоз7 , N. О. T he Christian conference for | N egro w om en was held at the | T he exainipations oT the bevy ' Geire“Loilg Jim m ie Pidler, on the ah: this sum m er, is on ly being fed via the W est O cast . . . T he song w inners o f the D e- ietnd Am erica series have been sunnoiuiced. Hope som e o f our ¡readers were on top . . . Charlie Spi-\iak set a new attendance record at the G len Island C a- clmo. One night there were 1510 dancers . . . T he Blondi* program is celebrating a birth- <iay — three years . . . Sam m y K aye just signed a contract ■ in to tor the next TEN years . . . Sonny D unliam ’s crew is there •30W . . . Listeners are w aiting w ith eager ears for the new ^ fe n s e program that replaces Ftred Allen . . . G lenn M iller had find a nam e for his C alifor- u la ranch. It’s now known as “T uxedo Junction.” . . . Gloria W hitney, the vei'y lovely singer, is starting a program o f her *»wai. Rem em ber her with Russ Wiorgan? . . . Ted Collins, one «vf trail blazers in radio, '•iiids up his istli aucceisful year with 'the K ate Sm ith Hour ' fading for the sum m er . . . D uring thunderstorm s. . those FM sta'tions inform listeners liow lucky they are to be able to get receptlon-w ithout static! STOKY o r THE W EEK: That . contestant on R alph Edwards’ "T ruth or Consequences” pro- 9 Run last Saturday whose con - I torily on m ost soils w ithout an application o f lim e ,others will grow w ithout it. County Fatalities Oil Decline Y adkin Couny reported two traffic fatalities during the first five m onths o f this year, according to a fiv«-m on th s sum m ary released this ■week by ’.he Highway Safety Division. This num ber represented a decrease—iis^^QKiparison —•si-ith the num ber killed in Yadkin Com ity during the sam e period last year, when fou r persons were killed. T ra ffic fatalities for the state as a w hole totaled 448 persons for the five-m onths period, this grim toll running nearly 49 per cent ahead o f the 301 persons killed in North Carolina the first five m onths of last year Eleven counties had 10 or m ore fatalities, these being A lam ance, Buncom be, Colum ­ bus, Cum berland, Durham , G uilford, H alifax, Henderson, M ecklenburg, R ockingham and W ake. No fatalities ■were re­ corded in the fc^lowing 14 counties: Alexander, Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Cam den, C hero­ kee, Clay, Dare, Haywood, Hyde, Jones, Polk, Scotland and Yancey. o f county c h ^ p io n s were con ­ ducted by Dr. Fred M. Pegg o f the county health departm ent. Miss Bess -p a lton . supervisor o f nurses ill. the departm ent, and other m em bers o f the staff. O. F. Uedmxy, northw estern district farm agent, was state representative at the contest. Do You Know About The Cotton Stamp Plan T his iweek the first o f $2,- 000,000 in cotton stam ps were distrib.uted. to cotton farm ers in niore than 70" North C arr- lina counWes. I t is the AAA’s way o f paying farm ers for c o ­ operation in the program to reduce 1941 cotton acreage so as to reduce th e trem endous sur­ plus o f the crop in this counir.'-. Now that stam ps are goin.<; out to farm ers w ho m ay e x ­ change the sym bols for ali- Am erican cotton goods, E. \ Floyd, state AAA executive o f­ ficer at State College offered answers to the follow ing ques­ tions put by farm ers: W hat can ilie fan n er do with the stam ps? H e can use them in any eoo]>eiatlnc retail strtre or m ail order iM u e io exchange for new producta m ade entirely In the U nited States and entire • ly o f U. & oatton. BlsidiQes. buittons and ttm ilar products sh ould-aoi be am sM ered is. Ap,- terminiing oottgn products. H ow iriQ the fan n er kxuw w hether a atore la cooperating? By asking w ithin the store. C an puxchaaes be m ade by m ail? Steree vU cfa «u alify im - der special Sarytua M arketing A dm lnlatm tion m ail order reg­ ulations will be allow ed to ac­ cept cotten stam ps for m ail or­ ders. M ay cotton stam ps be UisJ to buy second Itasd clothes or renovated m attresses? No. WiU persons using cott >n stam ps get the sam e ’ quality goods as persons using cash^ Yes. Can th e stam ps be used to repay advances against the crop or other indebtedness? Absolutely not. B ritish ' H onduras’ only rail­ way is a 2S-m ile logging road. Cheek were visitors in Elkin Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W èst spent the week end w ith Mr. i Presbyterian church M onday ; W est's parents, Mr. and Mrs. i evening under the direction of am ple, m ilk will taste of coal- Jim W est. | E. L. Evans, Mrs. J. L. tar for days after coa l-ta r: Mi.4.s M ay Fo.'it^r wa.? the din-^.\nd Miss B. J. K nox. ; used in the ner guest Saturday o f Mr. a n d ' ^ Mrs. Edd VanH oy. ^ M r.“and Mrs. Clarence Vestal of—High—P oint w ere-th e w ^ k end guest o f Mr. and ;ilrjS. David Cooke.Has Mumps LONGTOW N. — Rev. a n d ! Fannie G roce has beeai Mrs. D. B. Mullis o f Jonesville.! 4Ul«>t sick for the last few d;ays. M r; and Mrs. Edward M oxley: Estella G roce o f M ayo- of B oonville visited Mr. a n d ; dan spent the week end wl,tli Mrs. R alph Shore Sunday. | her parents, Mr. and M rs. ,lvi. Jam es K etchie o f W inston- | O roce. Salem is spending the week i ------------------------------------------------ with Carl Shore. Ambrose Choplins G ene Long has the m um ps. „ , i? xt Cailie Mae Hicks spent Sat- Retums rom Vacation urday w ith M argaret Shore. FORBUSH-HUNTSVILLE. — Rev. D. B. Mullis will, start Mrs. Janies Anderson o f B v - Ч revival a t Longtown m e th o -: nard in M adison county is visit- dist church the second S u n -; ing her daughter, Mrs. R^y day night o f July. Everyone is ; H'epler. invited. ; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dixon at- . Mr. and Mrs. D w ight R ein- i tended th e funeral o f Mr. John hard t'ian d son o f K entucky | Howell at Him tsville. visited Mr. and Mrs. H. G. R ein- Miss Aleene H obson, student Mi-s. W. F. Robinson and T. I. Caudell m ade short talks. Others taking part on the p ro- i ^ a m were Dr. E. L. Evan.s. Miss Dr.ClydeW.Young VETERINARIAN Sanford Bldg. Mocksville Office Phone: .38 Home Phone: 74 rLOWEJlS 'ape always- rfppro- priiite, 'no 'miiilit-tii w'bát the ccciàiòn" hardt and relatives last week.nurse at Baptist hospital, spent W^Aff Prfcrißp (ЬЛ peffioi-r, СЙ1СЛ60 C U ^ lM H O u i и е ш » c i M » M ildred Sm oot. .Mrs. W illiam Gaither and I. L. Gaither. Sunday, July 13 at M ainville church will celebrate W in.ston- Salem Day. Rev. A. Y. H airs­ ton and congregation o f Mt. Zion Baptist church o f that city will have charge o f the fervlce. On July 27 at 2:30 M ayor T. "I. Caudell will speak at M ocksville day celebration. Mrs. M attie Bell is on the sick list. Mrs. Earl R oseboro and ch il- , dren o f Salisbury are visiting i Mrs. R oseiw ro’s father, J. A. Sm oot. ?vlrs. Rubye H unt left M on­ day for Farockw ay, N. Y., where she will spend som e time. Mrs. W illiam Craw ford under­ w ent an operation Saturday evening at a Salisbury hos­ pital. Professor G . V. M cCollum left W ednesday for ^iichigan, w here he will attend sum m er school at the Univer.sity of M tclilgan. Miss Mary Steel and Oliver Steel left M onday for New York. Mr. and Mrs. W illiam G aith­ er, Miss M ildred Sm oot and Dennie Sm oot spent Sunday in W inston-Salem . Mrs. G. V. M cCollum and daughter are spending som e­ tim e in R aleigh with friends. SHEFFIELD TvIijVC^'tnilrlii'iT'OsiiVi-.o Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. W illie Ellis all of W inston-Salem lisited Daisy Brown W ednesday. There will be a picnic at Piney Grove July 5. Mary Lizzie BrowTi is spend­ ing tw o weeks in W inston- Salem visiting her aunt. W IIVSTON.S.\LE.M JOURNAL znú SENTINEL F I R S T !.V NEWS- PICTÜRES— FEATCRES— т в т т т т т ш ^ т г л •S^Jlavnm sALttarati. m. or ----------------- ’.rjr- M O C K B T O U * c « i h ' LeGRAND’S РШУрЩАСТ tf ■lu'St M onday with he** parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hobson. Mrs. Glenn Shugart,,and little daughter, G all, visited Mrs. Sbiigart's parents, Mr. and Mrs. t^ 'G . Sprinkle, last^week end. p ;№ .a n d Mrs. A m bioie ChopUn ^,.if W inston-Salem s ^ n t awhile J ;^ ith 'their sister and.ne_ice. Mrs. L. W . H obson -and № s. Bert Dixon Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. fehoplin had ju-st returtied from I()wa w here they had been on {fe ir vacation. DAVIE BRICK COMPANY — DEALERS IS— BRICK and SAND WOOD & COAL Day Phone 1S4 Night Phone 119 BABY CHICKS J .M . Broadway Locust Grove On Salisbury Highway 3 Miles from M'Ocks’V’iile 2 IMiles from Greasy Corner WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF • Fresh and Western Beef .#Meat;;oi. all. Kinds • Complete^.Lihe Of Groceries M 9 r m Our chicks ave brad to stay healthy an d pvoduce. You can cash in c n ou r scies'U fic breeding taogram . M nman. bigger profits for you. : Day-O ld C bix Barred R ocks R. I. R eds ...... r « r IM....jri.4B ...Ж 4 6 B uff Orphhrten* ............ W hite Leghorns ........_....,,|P.4B Heavy M ixed ...................,.$в,4Б S E X n С Ш С Ш P ullets-W blte bagh aros $12.90 ?uUete-H*ds. ■«•». « e e k s 18.46, Pullets. W yan., B » i'wl R ocks ......—..................;.$8,46 Cockerels-Heavy вРаейБ $6.06 .‘H! chiclK Srom flacks T S S T - ED 100% FO R naU O KO U . Buy Now an d Save. W c Ghuur- ante« eatlstetinn.^t..mmm 5*6 N. b a d e B t 1^ : W iB h im -ВаЗящ ifi: PAGE 8 THE MOCKSVILLE (N. C.) ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JULY [4, Ï94Ï Keep Them Smiling! This picture is a good definition of the word “morale.” That’s the way Army officers want tlieir men to look when they’re off duty. Every American has a chance to help keep them smiling by contributing to such - - - - -groups as United Service Organizations. Picture was made at Camp Hunter Liggett, Calif., as m< gave a “test show” before boys in uniform. Class Picnic A t Low ery Home FOUR CORNERS. — T lw j UH- lor girls ot Cross R oads B aptist church attended a picnic a t th e h om e o f Mrs. R. L. Lowery w ith M rs. T , H . M urray as hostess, aasiated by Mrs. Curm and MU ier, Saturday afternoon. Indoor a n d outdoor gam es were en joy ­ ed by Carolyn M iller, Joan M ar­ tin, OUive K athryn Lowery, O aioljm Sutphin, Zella M ae Bafledge, Oray M iller, M arion Burgess, Betty Jean Shelton. flioUowing th e gam es, a picnic kinch was enjoyed by all. Dr. H. F. Baity o f K noxville. Tenn. visited relative^ here d u r- iu e the week end. M r. and Mrs. Flake Baity, Mr. ■ind Mrs. O. T. B aity, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Dull and daughter, Л ввУ . visited Mr. and Mrs. Avery Reavis M onday night. Mrs. Im a Jean M iddleton and husband, Mr. M iddleton o f B oone were dinner guests of Mra. R. L. Lowery, M onday Bight. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Baity visit­ ed Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Lowery Sunday afternoon. 'L»r. and Mrs. Bracey o f R ich ­ m ond, Va. visited Mrs. Nan Hayes and Miss M am ie R oberts veete; Marklands Return To Home Here ADVANCE, — The Ladies Aid Society m et W ednesday a t the C om m unity Building. Mr3. C. D. Peebles, 'the president, pre­ sided an d Mrs. Jack V ogler jsin^ secretary. A fter-th e-iw si- Ediia Ann Shelton was the Sunday dinner guest o f Elaine Graver o f Courtney. — Mil-.- and -tvtrs-. HrVV. R eavls o f W inston-Salem visited relatives here during the week end. ness session refreshm ents w ere served. M esdam es T aylor Bailey, C. J. T aylor, Carrie Orrell, Jack Vogler, C. D. Peebles an d Mr. and Mrs. w. R. T aylor were am ong those from here w ho attended ithe hom ecom ing at Y adkin College Thursday. R ev. A. C. G ibbs returned hom e Saturday to Elkin after spending a week here assisting In a revival at the M ethodist church. B ryant G regory o f R aleigh spent the week end w ith Dewey Sm ith. M r. and Mrs. C. L. Dillon visited relatives In W alkertow n Sunday. M isses Am y and Rebeckah Talbert returned hom e last ■week after spending several days in Virginia. Mrs. M innie Bryson visited her daughter. Rebeckah. a student nurse at City M em orial hospital. She attended the TTl'DUlOtlUU piUijl'Ullt. Rev. and Mrs. P. L. Sm ith, Friendly Circle To Meet Saturday CORNATZER. — Ml', a .n d Mi-s. Harvey Potts and ch lldrcp spent the week end w ith Mrs. T. M. Potts. Ml-, and Mrs. Elm o Poster spent Sunday w ith Mi\ and Mrs. L. A. H endrix and fam ily. Mrs. Sam Carter, w h o was, :arylgd-to-D avis -Hospital-isome- time ago, Is Im proving. Mi-s. Clarence Jones and Mi‘s, B rady Jones and Mi-s. H arvey Potts visited Mrs. L. S. Potts Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. W orth Potts and lier m other, Mrs. Josephine H ane- llne spent Tuesday in W inston- Salem visiting relatives. T he Friendly Circle o f Cor­ natzer Baptist church will m eet Saturday aften ioon w ith Mrs. R eba Jones. G. A. Barney and W orth Potts visited Sam Carter and fam ily Sunday. Mrs. B ertha Carter an d dau­ ghters o f W inston-Salem visit­ ed Mr. and Mrs. Tillm an Carter recently. Mr. and Mrs. G eorge Starr visited Mrs. L. S. Potts Sunday night. M rs. Turrentlne Is Improving BETHEL.— Misses Clai-;i -aln, Louise Foster and Helen : ■ -rks w ill' represent Bethel (.'■ rch at the Y oung People’s A.s bly, at Lake Junaluska, Jul -12. Mrs. Dewitt Hathoi . o f Spencer spent the w o f' m d ■with her parents, Mr. ai -irs. J. M. Poplin. — M rs.-G ;-M ;-T u rren t;;ii- - h o has been 111, is recupi;: -- ig. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Sav: ^V-.rs, o f W inston-Salem visited Mr. and Mrs. 0. S. Sum m ers over ■the week end. M iss D orothy Poster o f Spen­ cer is spending this week w ith h er grandm other, Mrs. Frank Sain, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Abe H ow ard and children. Sue and Abe, Jr., visited in Cooleem ee Sunday. G . M. Boger, w ho was in ­ jured several days ago, is re­ cuperating nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Nail o f W inston-Salem w ere visitors in ■the hom e o f Misses Leila and Notle M artin, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Davis, of KannapoUs, were week end visitors in the hom e o f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cartner. Mrs. Davis stayed over for a tew days thl? week. Ann ■ Hutchins Given Party LlilWlSvibbu. — Mi-s. i'-oster| mounlaliis. O usted by N azis T he N ational Industrial C on­ ference board reports that liv­ ing costs In both the United States an d G reat B ritain are follow ing the sam e coui'se as in W orld W ar 1. R afts w ith sails are being used by fisherm en o ff the coast o f Peru, A series o f A rgentina M eat Show s are being held in Ai'gen- itlna. BELK-HARRY CO. Summer Dresiei Among’ the Am erican consuls ordered by the Naiiis to close their offices is Sydney B . B e - decker, consul a t Frankfort, He is charged w ith having “deliv­ ered addresses in support of propaganda unfriendly to G e r­ m any.” A ll consulates in G e r­ m a n y and in most occunled ter­ rito ry were ordered closed. Shower Given M rs. Glascock IJAM ES CRO SS ROADS. — Mrs. Clyde G lascock, a recent bride, w as honored Salitrday night w hen a group o f friends gathered a t her hom e an d pre­ sented h er w ith a surprise kit­ ch en shower. G am es were u n ­ der the direction o f M rs. Jim O wlngs. R efreshm ents were served by M rs. Owiiig j an d Mra. G en e O w lngs to tlie follow ing: M rs. C lyde G lascock and M es­ dam es W . L. Ijam es, D ent Ijam es. W . V . G obble, A . L. Peoples, J. G . A nderson, M . E. G lascock and M isses Zula C o b ­ ble, M able C haffin , A nnie Belle an d R achel W hite, C atherine G lascock, Lorene Cartner, Jane, M ary, D orothy and Naaicy G las­ cock , Freddie Lee Lanier, Ruby and P rances People's. Mrs. D. H . Brow n, Miss F rances Brow n and Billy Brown o f near M ocksviUe spent Sun­ day w itli Mr. and Mrs. J. G. G lascock. Mr. an d Mrs. Duke Tutterow and famUy o f Cooleem ee, tirs. John T utterow , M issi's Eva Ola and Doris Tutterow o i Concord, Mr. and Mrs. Felix G obble visited J. C. W hite and fam ily Sunday afternoon . Mr. and Mrs. Clyde G lascock, Misses M ary and Jane G las­ cock, Miss L orcne Cartner, W ilburn SpUlm an and R aleigh' G lascock spent Sunday In the H utchens entertained in hon or I Dewey arid Doris Sm ith visited o f her daughter, Shirley Ann, friends In Elkln and JonesvUle S un iSy. Mr. and Mrs. Pete M arkland w ho have been living at N or- Mrs. J. E. Davis Sunday. MLs-s Marie R atledge returned h om e Sunday after spending lUie week with Miss Dora H arp o f W inston-Salem . Mr. and Mrs. Cletus R atledge an d famUy and Mrs. S. E. R at- ■icdge spent Sunday in W lnston- .Salem visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Shelton and fam ily visited Mrs. E. J. .Bhtiton Sunday night. jktes. A rleth Laym on and c h ii-' Jones Have 4ren visited Mr. and Mrs. J. H. B aity Sunday. Mrs. Rodessa M asten and children o f Elkln spent the week end ■with her parents, Mr. and M ra. R. L. Lowery. Rev. R. L W est will hold his regular preaching services at .'Advance. T heir m any friends i/athered at their hom e W ed­ nesday night ito welcom e them back hom e. M r. and Mrs. J. B. Cox of N orfolk, Va. were week end guests o f Miss Amy Talbert. Miss Sarah Bryson has re­ turned hom e after an extend­ ed visit to her aunt, Mrs. John M ock o f ThomasvUle. Week End Guests CENTER. — Miss Earle A n­ derson o f W inston-Salem spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jam es H enry Jones. Mr. and Mrs. OUle Anderson and son. Blake, of W inston- C ross R oads Baptist ch u rch ^ <,aiem visited .Mr. and Mrs S. F. “ "and Mrs. M anus Wei-n ^ , borxi o f W inston-Salem and Mrs. f O.^ M urphy G . T. Baity visited Mr. an d Mrs. 1 L S. Shelton and fam ily S a tu r -!"^ with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. on her second birthday. Those enjoying the gam es'a iid ~ con - lests w ere: Little Misses Patsy Speas, Doris Strupe, Carolyn M cBride, Carelene M cBride; BlUy Perrym an, RlclvardJ'^and R obert Speas; Misses Frances M cBride, Frances Spillm an, Bllabeth M cBride, Mrs. G ladys Stewart, Mrs. Luna Cum by and Mrs. Foster Hutchins. ' ' T hose winning the sw eral gam es and contests were Billy Perrym an and Robert Strupe. A fter the gam es the children were served refreshm ents. Shirley Ann received m any lovely presents. Fearing they nvould n o f get an inheritance o f $04, w ith w hich they planned to start a store, Pidel Gonzalez Hurto, aged 31, and Luisa M. de O oye- neche, 22, m ade a suicide pact signed and sealed it in blood, then shot them selves In G uada­ lajara, M exico. Opium Is stUl one o f the lead­ ing products of Turkey. Mr. and Mrs. p tls G obble o f Ilanes spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W . V. Gobble. Tom Allen, of New York, spent M onday w ith his sister, M rs J. G. G lascock. BlUy W hite o f W inston-Salem Is spending som e tim e w ith his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Joe W hite. John W hite, o f Reidsviile, spent th e >week end w ith his parents, Mr. an d Mrs. Joel W hite. M lK Lorene Cartner o f H ar­ m ony spent part ot last v.-eek with her sister, Mrs. Clyde G lascock. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. G lascock and chUdren spent Sunday with M r. and Mrs. B. W R ollins o f Chestnut Grove. Miss M artha G raves spent last week in W inston-Salem w ith relatives. Miss Zula V elgh C obble visit­ ed M iss Eloise C haffin Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dent Ijam es and fam ily spent Sunday in C oolee­ m ee w ith relatives. Soeed'' Destruction in Slow Motion ■day night. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie D w lg­ glns and Mr and Mrs. W aldon Rsavi-s o f W inston-Salem spent th e v/eek end w ith Mr. and Mrs. Avery Reavls. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Sain and iam llv. Mrs. A. C R atledge and ^ " children, Mr and Mrs. M anus W elborn and H ubert Eaton and children visited Mr. ar.d Mrs. Flake Baity and fam ily Sun­ day. Francis Shore, wlio lioids a position in W ashington, p . C. "is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Siiors this week. Tutterow Sund.iy. Miss M abel W ilson o f Jericho spent tile week end witli Miss M ary K atherine Anderson. Mrs. Fay Sharp of B irm ing- ! ivam. Ala., has been visiting her sister. Mrs. M. M. Bci-.vles. i Mrs. Frances G odbey and J. I -cKttîtïïv guests c f Miss Cornelia Bowles i Sunday. ! Mr. and Mrs, H. F. Carter and i son, Joe. of W inston-Salem visited Mrs. J. C. Bowles Sun­ day. Miss E ernbe PoweU visited tills week end In W inston- L. S.:Miss M ara.iret Tutterow of Oliariotte spent the week end with 'iier parents, Mr. and Mi-s. T. W . Tutterov.-. was the guest o f Mr Shelton T uesday.- Von C. Shelton o f Courtney i 10'iid L. S. Shelton Jr. sp e n t' Tuesday 'In M o c l c s v i l l o ._______________________________ Mrs. Lawrence Baity and i „ daugiiters, SaUle Sue and M arie. | spent Sunday with Mrs. Joe| The- announcem ent o f tiie Siielton. Production -Management divl- '■■(Si Sion o f the U. S. Departm ent A ,score of C hicago m eat o f Agriculture o f plane for rub- jw ckors have been indicted b y , ber rationing Ls an effort, to itJie governm ent for conspiracy to fix the price o f sheep. reduce current record consum p­ tion by one-fourth. If your eyes worked like tlie slow-mc.tioTi iiiovic camera that took this picture, this is how shell would look shooting through smoke at mouth of giant gun which just fired at Fort Tildeh, N. Y. Swim Suits PHICI Special lot of pa»t«l ids and prints. in summer crepes, Brok«Q sizes. Be here early Mott> day morning and Mt your pick of thM« fln# dp«»s values. PRICE f i l i a l lot of woman’s M ^ ln g auitjh-MlId eoU M and Itgui^ pattafni. • ntw bttfiing suit Iw th« fourth I Summer Skirts PRICE Womm'a waah atUc tad •harkaUn skirt«. Howat pattarne, chacks, sMp«| and solids. Li«ht рмМ ooloM. K«w k>t 0i ОМИ M d satin slips—кма •fid tailored styl«s. M * pink, wliita M d taMos*. AH stasa. SUMMER BLOUSES ICC LADIES' CORSETS $1 .93 Were $3.50 and |5.00. 9pe- cial lot of discontinued cor­ sets to close out at a tre* mendous reduction. Special tal^ie.of ladies’ batiste, organdy, ray« on and satin blouses—, whita. and pastels—in stripes, priats and sol« Ms.. - F ir s t Q u a li t y Scersuckcr RO B ES $1 .95 Zin>er and wrap-around styles. Prints in bright pastels and dark shades. You’ll want one of these for vacation and home wear. Yes, they are Arst quality, full-fashioned silk hose. S-thread, too. Every pop­ ular summer shade. A real value! Fiiie Hosiery MILLINERY SPECIAL Л ....2 prsv$1.50 Larkwood Vamp-Toe 3 and 4- thread silk hosiery in all ot the wanted shades. Good quality. 2 and 3-Thread Larkw ood H osiery '2 prs. $1.75 Special lot ot summer millinery, in straws and felts. AH types ot brims. Save plenty on on« ot these hats. White Straw Hats Ladles’ new whit« straw luta; bomiet and large brim styles. These ar* th* height ot tashioa. Choose your« tomorrow................... BELK-HARRY CO. SALISBURY, N. C. ® i® I® LARGEST CIRCULATION MOST NEWS ^0 ^ iT E ia »^ COUNTY PICTURES WAR NEWS V O L . X X IV “All The Coimty News For Everybody”M O C K S V IL L E , N . C ., F R ID A Y , J U L Y 11, 1941 “All The County News For Everybody”N O . 4 Î HERE and THERE GRANGE The Pino grange m et M on­ day ■ evening at the hall and held their m em orial service Ior Mrs. M innie Bow den Allen, a iorm er m em ber. A pproxim ate­ ly 50 m em bers were present. T he degree practice will be held at the hall M onday night at 8 o’clock. M A R R IA G E L IC E N S E S Three m arriages licenses have been filed In the register o f deeds office. T hey include Claude W . Sm ith and Beulah Collins R andlem an o f W lns- ton-Salem ; B axter C. Link, ..§ lou te 4, and Bessie Schultz, Cooleem ee: R obert fc. W hite, H ilton, Va., and Rosa Shaw, route 4. S P EA K E R S M rs. T hom as C haffin, J. P. Essie and Rev. W . C. Cooper v/lll be the speakers at the July m eeting o f the C. I. A . at Cheshire school house to­ m orrow night. I IE L D D A Y T he 36th annual field day o f the Piedm ont station at Statesville will be held on July 17, beginning at 10:30 a. m . T he m eeting is in charge o f J. W ade H endricks and am ong the m orning speakers will be iorm er G overnor Hoey. In the afternoon there will be a series o f judging contests, gam es, exhibits and field tour. R E C R U IT IN G Sergeant M cD onald, w ho is in charge o f the U. S. M arine recruiting station at W inston- Salem , will be at the postoffice in M ocksville today from 9 un­ til 4 p. m . to interview and accept young m en for service in the M arines. R A IN Since June 26 M ocksville has had 7.Й0 inch es ef rain, Lonn ie K urfees, weather m an, reports. T he heaviest rain was on June 27 when 4.62 Inches fell. R ain - i cll- on Jm te-26p27, -38T-39-aft4 July 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. F IR E “ P op’s Place,” a filling sta­ tion and store operated by Chal M iller and building ow ned by Pink Cornatzer on the W inston highw ay at the ju nction o f the I ’arm ington road, was destroyed by fire early last Thursday m orning. D efective w iring was thought to have been the cause and Mr. M iller suffered an un­ insured loss o f m erchandise and furniture. SQUARE DANCE A square dance will be held p.t the F arm ington high school gym at 8:30 p. m . on Saturday night, July 19. Proceeds will be for the benefit o f the school. W ATER SYSTEM T he m ain 10-inch water line from the new 100,000 gallon tank to M ain street via Sal­ isbury and A von streets is ex­ pected to be connected next M onday. There has been 900 feet o f the 10-ln ch pipe laid and tested, 200 of the 10-in ch laid but not tested, 442 feet of the 8-in ch laid and tested. As the pipe is tested between valves the ground is being re­ placed. On the sewer project 5,000 feet o f 8-in ch pipe have fccen laid and about 7,000 feet yet to lay. O f the 60 odd m en w orking on the project 12 were cut o ff this week by the W . P. A. orders. T hey are not ex­ pected to be o ff long, it is stated. William R. Davie School Will Be Dedicated August 7 At All-Day Meeting 96 WHO ARE 21 REGISTER HERE FOR POSSIBLE MILITARY DUTY M IS H A P D uring a heavy rain last Thursday night Carl N ichols o f Cooleem ee was thought to have been blinded by approach­ ing car lights while driving on W ilkesboro street, hit a tele­ phone pole w hich broke o ff at the base and cut o ff som e power conn ections in town over an hour. Lee Lyerly o f the Duke Pow er Co. did double- quick service in restoring the power. W IT II D U P O N T R aym ond Jennings M oore, son o f M r. and Mrs. W . L. M oore o f M ocksville, will join the ex­ plosives departm ent o f du - P ont on A ugust 4 and assign­ ed to the K ankakee, 111. plant that is w orking for the gov­ ernm ent. He graduates in chem ical engineering at State college this sum m er w here he com pleted in intram ural box-| Ing and softball teams, was a m em ber o f the Student C liap- ter o f A m erican Institute of The follow ing 9G Davie cou n ­ ty young m en who becam e 21 since last O ctober 20 registered cn July 1 at the courthouse here, according to the local draft board: M O C K S V IL L E James Franklin K eller John H enry Cam pbell, col. Charlie W illiam H olm an, col. Iris Norris Frye. M ajor Long John Sprunt Hill Brlttian, col. Charles Gordon Tom linson John W illiam Angell James Edward Fowler, col. Sam uel Sm ith Short, Jr. Jam es K im brough Sheek, Jr. M O C K S V IL L E , R O U T E 1 Albert G arett M cAllister R ichard Clyde G lascock Jam es Clay Tutterow Johnle Swisher Daniel R aym ond W ilson, col. R aleigh Allen G lascock W illiam H arding Cleary M O C K S V IL L E , R O U T E 2 Ray Johnson W alker Theodore W ells Brown W illiam W ilburn Spillm an Gilm er Ellis Collette K enneth P fohl Sparks James M onroe H uffm an Rossle Lee Harris Ervin Jackson H utchins Abram Allen Forrest Henry W ilson Bowles Henry W ilson Bowles Gilbti-t Joyner Reavis H oward Augustus Sm ith David W hite Theodore Lemuel W all Benjam in Franklin Blake George Allen Boger Buford Henry Peoples W ade H am pton Eaton, Jr. Lee G rant Smith Carl K enneth M cDaniel W illiam M itchell H aneline Charlie R aym ond Laird Speaker ENTERPRISE INSTALLS PRESS OF 8 COLUMNS For the first time in the history of Davie the county now has an “eight column” newspaper. THE ENTERPRISE has installed a Goss semi-ro­ tary press. The new press prints eight columns on each page instead of seven columns on the press form­ erly used. The press prints and folds eight pages at a time, thus saving time and labor. The press weighs approximately 30,000 pounds. The new Enterprise is now eight columns of eight pages in a normal issue— the addition of a full page. It is the only weekly paper paper in this section of the state that prints this standard size which is used by the dailies and the larger semi­ weeklies. ERWIN, GRANT, McGINNIS ON PROGRAM; PICNIC DINNER On Program C hem ical E ngm eers áiía had C. M. T. C. training. He Is a graduate o f the M ocks- Aille high sciiool and studied at Brevard before going to State w here he was an assist­ ant in organic chem istry and a m em ber o f the varsity foot­ ball team. M E E T IN G A protracted m eeting will be­ gin at Jericho the third Sun- aay in July at 11 a. m . P reach­ ing will be by John C. G raham o f Pittsburgh, Pa. SUHHARY OF WAR NEWS Russia declared that her big red arm y fighting for survival on a front extending from the A rctic circle to the B lack Sea steadily was sapping the strik­ ing power o f the G erm an war m achine w hich has overrun 4k nearly all o f Europe. Russians in their com m unique declared that the G erm ans were being driven back at the center, hav­ ing lost two entire m otorized regim ents in a single sector there, but acknow ledged that the invaders had begun a sec­ ond offensive tow ard L enin­ grad. On the U kraine front, M oscow said the G erm an drives eastward from the vicinity of ^OVOgr.»' ed. G erm ans appeared to be m ak­ ing som e progress toward Len­ ingrad and M urm ansk on the northern Russian front. It was claim ed that the strongly for­ tified town o f Salla near the Finnish^Russian A rctic fron t­ ier and a fortified heights com ­ m anding a road to M urm ansk had been captured in the Nazi drive on chat city; that V ilja n - di and Parnu in Estonia, along w ith Ostrov on the L atvian- ■ Russian frontier, had been seiz­ ed in the thrust toward L enin- ^ pard. The Russians claim ed that nearly 1,000,000 Nazis had fallen an d insisted that every m ajor G erm an thrust had been halted by Red troops, w ho actually had them selves taken the o f­ fensive in two critical areas. G erm any declared on the contrary — although this was stated sem l-officially — that the Stalin line had been breached in several places and thus that a break-through ap ­ peared im m inent. B e t w e e n these sharply conflicting ver­ sions the one substantial cer­ tainty was that, along a battle Ime transfixed in a dark fury o f slaughter, the Russians were offerin g a resistance of a fe ­ rocity rarely exceeded in his­ tory. Taking the stories of both sides together, along with in­ form ation reaching m ilitary observers in the V ichy listen­ ing post, it appeared m ost un- vital R ed central front p ro­ tecting M oscow had been m a­ terially breached anywhere. The V ichy French govern­ m ent, conceding victory to the British and Free French o f­ fensives into Syria and Leban­ on, announced tiiat it had ask­ ed an im m ediate arm istice. Thus ended a strange and un­ natural con flict between the old F rench and British allies: tlie outcom e provided a good, sound im perial life insurance policy for London. On the western front British bom bers continue their heavy daylight attacks on nortliern France. B y nlglit the bom bers have been striking deeper into G erm any as sum m er nights lengthen. U nited States naval forces Continued on page tigh t) Floyd M onroe M unday Frank Forrest George W ebster Livengood John Elmer Livingstone Tsaac W atson Dunn, “.Ir. W m R aym ond M cClam rock M O C K S V IL L E , R O U T E 4 John Everett W ilson, col. K erm an Benjam in Prather Manuel Hudson, col. Joe Cephus Hester, Jr. Lawrence Ray Hairston, col. Roy Baxter Broadway Delm a Lee V each W alter Edwin Correli Lonzle Luther W augh, col. Eugene Orlando Sm ith Harry Lloyd Shoai M arvin Cicero Davis A lfred H arding Tutterow Aaron G ibson K oontz Daniel Prank Crotts Self Quinton Pruitt, col. Olen C. Davis John Foster Lagle W illiam Abram Owens John Reavls Reynolds A D V A N C E , R O U T E 1 W alter Glenn Poster W illiam Jam es Phelps Charlie Travis Robertson Otis Dewey Sm ith Clint Dillard Tucker W illiam Ross Carter G arland Lanier Pack Elbert Helsabeck Sm ith Louis Charles Beaucham p John Henry Clark Latin, col W illiam Virgil Sm ith Charlie Justice Allen W illiam Lawrence Carter A D V A N C E , R O U T E 2 Ernest Charles Carter C O O LE E M E E ■f?!i« .!ti-* -!5nT0r7" Vcs!r.r; - J r r ~ M organ Green Hege W illiam T aft Harrison, col. Sinclair David Alexan'der James Odell Clem ent, col. Ralph Lewis Driver Espy Leroy Shoaf Thurm ond Jasper Kerley Otis Odell Myers Henry Camillus Foster Lemuel Doyle Hoover Lawrence Albert Page W illiam Franklin Hepler ' James Turner B arnhardt Touim y Anderson Barnes CAN A, R O U T E 1 Alta Rison Eaton, col, S A LIS B U R Y Arnold Garland Chaplin H A R M O N Y , R O U T E 1 Claud Shirley W ooten Tm-key produced 484 pounds of rose oil in 1940, nearly dou­ ble that o f 1939. D R . G IL B E R T T . R O W E , above, of Duke university w ill be the speaker at the M ethodist church here for a week beginning S un­ day and closing Ju ly 20. He preaches Sunday at I I a. m . and S p. ni. T h e weekly services L-egin at 9:30 a. m . and 8 p. in. each day, m orning studies being on the book of Acts. D r, Rowe is one of the outstanding m inisters and educators ot the M ethodist church and the pub­ lic is invited to hear him . NAME JURORS FOR COURT T he follow ing jurors have been selected by the county com m issioners for the August term o f superior court, a m ixed term , w hich opens here on August 25 with Judge H. Hovle Jericho Ball Team Sponsors Supper KAPPA. — Mr. and Mrs. John Sm oot and daughter, Janice, o f M onroe spent the week end with relatives in this com m unity. Mrs. Pearl Sm ith and son cf High Point visited Mrs. T om K oontz Saturday. Mrs. J. C. Jones and ch il­ dren spent Friday w ith rela­ tives near Harm ony. M aster R oy K oontz spent last week with relatives in Rowan. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cartner and fam ily o f Iredell spent .Sunday afternoon w ith Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cartner. John K oontz spent Sunday with Mr. and Mi's. E. E. K oontz. Miss Janie R uth Jones spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. K err P. Graves o f Augusta. Mr. and Mrs. T om K oontz and daughter were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert M cDaniel o f Cleveland. Sink o f G reensboro presiding. C alahaln: J. S. M cDaniel, R. D. Stroud, Paul P. Harpe, R. J. ^S’oster-and-J.S ^ Parker.______ Clarksville: Leon Baity, J. J. Anderson, G uy Collette, John Hanes and Carl S. R ichie. F arm ington: G. R. M adison, G. H. Sm ith, P. R. Lakey, B. H. W est and J. M. Latham . P ulton: H arold H. Pry, Fred Jones, W . C. Allen, G rim es Ed- v/ard B arnhardt and C. P. Barnhardt. Jerusalem : E. L. Freem an, C. P. Bahnson, Alex Gullett, J. H. C ook and J. S. Creason M ocksville: J. C. Dwigglns, G rady C. Boger, A. Carl James, H enry A. Taylor, S. Q. Powell and John Frank G arw ood Shady G rove: W . Lee Ellis, Joe Jones, W illie Barneycastle, S. L. Hege and C. E. Faircloth. Realty Deeds Filed Here T he follow ing real estate transfers have been filed in the office o f G. H. C. Shutt, register o f deeds: T. J. Caudell and w ife to R. W . Collette. Jr. and w ife, 3 lots in C lem ent Crest, $800. R . P. A nderson and w ife to J. D. House and wife, two lots on Salisbury highway, $225. W . P. R obinson and w ife to T, J. Caudell, h alf interest in G eorge C. C lem ent lot. Jacob Stewart, com m issioner, trans- ter— Mrr Caudell and W . P. Robinson, S80. H. R. H en drix. and wife to E. C. M orris, 214 acres and 9 lots on Salisbury h ig lw a y, $10 and other considerations. The form er transferred 321 acres to Mr. H endrix. M ary M elissa Jeffries to Davie county, one acre adjoining N ancy F athering line. W O O L M uch o f the 1941 w ool clip has been m arketed and is now m oving from producing cen­ ters, w ith prices received by farm ers this spring about 30 percent 'higher than a year ago. — M r. and Mra. J. II. Jonea and daughter o f Center spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Jones. — P v t:-Adven - K oontz— of— Ptr Mrs. Jas. Garwood Enters Hospital CONCORD. — R ev. G . W . Pink will fill his regular appoint­ m ent here Sunday at 10 a. m . Mrs. Jam es G arw ood left S at­ urday for John H opkins H os­ pital, B altim ore, M aryland, vfhere she will undergo an operation, H er parents, Mr. and M rs. W . I. Sechrest, her sister. Miss M arie Sechrest and her husband, Jam es G arw ood, accom panied her there and will rem ain until the operation is over. Private Otis D urham spent the holidays w ith his parents, M r. and Mrs. John Durham . Miss M innie Daniel spent the week end in Salisbury visiting her sister, Mrs. Jam es Boger and Mr. Boger. M iss Doris Tutterow is spend­ ing this week w ith her neice. M iss K atherine Tutterow o f Cooleem ee. M r. and Mrs. G reene Berrier and son, B obby Lee, o f China ■gfove apont the wook end w ith- A. T . G R A N T B ennlng, Ga. spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. K oontz. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jones of Chestnut Grove spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Jones. T he girls softball team o f Jericho are sponsoring a pie supper Saturday night, July 12 at the Davie Academ y com ­ m unity building. Everyone is invited to com e. The proceeds will be used for the benefit of Continued on page tigh t) relatives in this com m unity. R aym ond M iller o f Spencer spent the week end w ith Mr. and Mra. Van—Swicegood -an d- fam ily. Mr .and Mrs. R aym ond Daniel o f Liberty spent Friday with M r. and Mrs. S. D. Daniel. M iss H ope Sechrest and fri­ end o f Lexington visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W . T. Sechrest last Friday. Charles N ichols o f near Cooleem ee returned' hom e Fri­ day after spending som e tim e with L eonard Hellard. Mr. and Mrs. W . R. Davis Continued on page tigh t) DR . C L Y D E E R W IN TALBERT RITES HELD SUNDAY B A H ER Y FOR TONIGHT'S 6AM E A t one tim e m atch m anu fac­ turers in Japan ‘h ad 9,000,000 tons o f m atches on hand. Above is the starting pitcher, J. C. Jones, left, and starting catcher, Atlas Smoot, for Mocksville tonight, Friday, in the big baseball game between Mocksville and Cooleemee. The game at Lewis Field at 8 p. m. is for the benefit of the American Legion hut fund and will be a lulu. Before the game the Cooleemee and Mocks­ville bands will play, the C. C. C. Drum and Bugle Corps will hold an assembly, there will be trick dog acts by animals of J. R. Bowles, the bands and bugles in unison will play the “Star Spangled Banner.” Between the third and fourth Innings Robert S. McNeill for Mocks- viUe and between the fourth and fifth innings E. M. IIuU for Cooleemee will make a few remarks over the loud speaker about the hut fund—a countywide project to provide a community center for Davie folks. Two color­ed teams, the Erwin Giants of Cooleemee, and the Mocks­ville Challengers, will stage a two-inning game sandwich­ed in between the main attraction. The squads of both Mocksville and Cooleemee include leading business and professional men. Nobody knows how long any of them can last—but all are willing to do or die. Plenty of lini­ ment will be needed Saturday. The starting battery for Cooleemee is not exactly known but it is thought that it will be Hub Milhoien and Luther Whitlock. G annon Talberi; SU; aiOT from a sudden heart attack at his hom e at A dvance last Thursday. Mr. Talbert was born in M ontgom ery county on April 6, 1861, the son o f Jam es and Jane Dennis Talbert. He cam e to Davie county about 60 years Ego from ’ M ontgom ery county and was m arried to Miss R e­ becca M inor o f the Fork com ­ m unity in 1895. He was an R. P. D. carrier on the first route that w ent from the Advance post office and was retired with the first group of m ail car­ riers-liT 'A arust,..1931. He is survived by his widow, and the follow ing children: Mrs. J. P. M ock o f Thom asville; Mrs. M innie Bryson, Am y Jane Talbert, Jam es Talbert, Sam Talbert, G annon Talbert Jr., R ebecca Talbert, and Thom as Talbert, all o f A dvance; G. Frank Talbert, and John T al­ bert o f W inston-Sulem ; Mrs. Charles Bom m of H am pton, Va.; Dennis Talbert of Er­ langer; Charles Talbert o f Fort K nox, Ky. One sister, Mrs. J. W. Hadley o f A she­ boro, also survives. Funeral services were held Sunday m orning at the A d­ vance M ethodist church by Rev. P. L. Sm ith and inter­ m ent was in the church cem e- .....................— -............. W illiam R. Davie school, the ■ county's new est building, w illbC dcdicatcd Thursday, August 7. The county board o f education has for som etim e been m aking plans for this even t and every­ thing is about in readiness foi' the occasion. The program will begin at 10 o ’clock. The A m erican Legion will present on the grounds, and raise, a flag. T hen tho group will gather in the audi­ torium for the dedication pro­ gram . T hose participating in this program will be C. C. M c­ Ginnis, state director of W P A , A. T. G rant, well know n Mocks­ ville attorney, w ho w ill speak on tho life of W illiam R . Davie, and Dr. Clyde Erwin, state sup­ erintendent o f public Instruc­ tion w ho will m ake the dedi­ catory address. Follow ing the m orning p ro­ gram a picnic dinner will be icrved by the com m unity. A dhiner com m ittee is now being form ed and all patrons will be asked to bring picn ic baskets. Mr. J. H am pton R ich is ex­ pected to present a picture of W illiam R. Davie to the school. This picture is being prepared by an artist in Chapel Hill and It is expected that it will bo leady for presentation on A ug­ ust seventh. A fter the pre­ sentation of the picture there will be a band concert. It Is hoped that both M ocksville a n d F arm ington high school bands, can participate In the con cert fin ce both schools will con tin ­ ue to draw high school pupils . from the territory. O ther fea - lurcs o f the afternoon program v;ill be song selections and talks by som e o f tlie patrons. Last Rites Held For Billy Hcndricks Funeral services were hekl Saturday m orning at 11 o’ckjck for Billy W ayne H cndricks, 8 :nontlis old son of M r and M rs, Otis H endricks o f route 3. Services w ere held at the F ul­ ton M ethodist chu rch and wero conducted by T. I. Caudell. Billy died Friday, July 4, at a hospital in Salisbury. H e is survived by his parents and tho follow ing brothers an d sisters all at hom e: H allene, C larence, and Harvey. His grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. U. H endricks and Mr. and Mrs. J. B ud H ege also survive. P ractically all electric pow ­ er plants now in use in Jam aica were m ade h i the U n ited States. Pallbearers were John Orrell, Lindsay Cornatzer, Charlie Cor­ natzer, Charles M arkland, W. A. H endrix, Jr., W iley Ellis Peebles. Cornatzer Team Defeats Jericho The Cornatzer girls sojtball team celebrated the fou fth of July by defeating Jericho girls 5 to 2. The line-up for Cor­ natzer was: K att Potts, catcher; Ursula Beck, pitcher; Pauline Bowens, 1st base; Ruth Foster, 2nd. base; Johnnie H endrix. 3rd. base; Johnnie Bennett, short­ stop: Gertrude Hendrix, roving .short; M argaret H endrix, right field; Georgia Ellis, center field; Verdie Sue Ellis, left field. Stores Adopt Closing Hours A t a m eeting of the m a ­ jo rity of the Mocksville m er­ chants yesterday m orning it was agreed to close th eir stores indefinitely a t 6 p. m . during the week days and at 9:30 p. m . on each Sat­ urday night. Th e question of uniform opening at 8 a. m . was dis­ cussed but it was decided to allow cach store to open at any tim e the m erchant chose. It was also decided to close the stores each T h u rs ­ day allernoon a t 1 p. ni.' during Ju ly and August. Th e m erchants w ho sign­ ed an agreem ent on the new store hours w hich are now in effect included the following:' Service D ry Cleaners C. J. Angell W estern Auto Associate Store Davie Furniture Co. Idea! Grocery & M arket M ocksvillc Cash Store Daniel Furniture & Elec. Co. C. C. Sanford Sons Co. Sm ith & Smoot M artin Bros. Jo h n J. Allen J. Fra n k H endrix W allace Mocksville H ardw are Co.. Allison-Johnson Co. U nited Variety PAGE 2 THE MOCKSVilLLE (N. C.) ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1&4L F i r s t A r m y T e s t s o f B a r r a g e В а И о о п г OWY т а il? НУН? N[W IGISÎRÂNIJSMIKE MUSIC CÂS[ B a ttle o f B rita in , k e e jiin çA b a rra g e b a llo o n is in fla te d a t C a m ]) w o rth iJavis, N . C., in th e first tria l o f b a llo o n e n e m y a ir c r a ft at a h e ig h t d e tr im e n ta l to j man. b a rr a g e s b y th e U. S. A rm y . A n a r m y a c c u r a te b o m b in g . S h o u ld w a r co m e to W im p ca n b e seen in th e b a ck g r o u n d , i .V m crica. a ll la rg e cities w o u ld be rin g e d T h e - b a rra g e b a llo o n s a r c p r o v in g th e ir i w ith th e g a s ba gs. ,\^fhen ' U ñ ó г йагл’ fhiXiiy; up U u .ií’íiS'Ví servio-;; A rm y tíM аэ.глйд thaS v.’lli b o : on th.i'boolci v/ill Oi ;ao;r.-}thlr.5 i for the folks to ta’.i; aoo'.it Ion? öfter Kitler 1.; d¿ad a n d gone.; SUTj ПОП0 01 еле 113.11155 ’»Vnicn ' v.'ill appea" o:i the selective .<ervlce .b-iotLs will have a n y -, thi:;;i on Che nam e o f oiie of ' the rei;l3traut3 ivho signed up ill YadM n County July 1— the second regi.stratlon day, the day on v,-'nich youngsters who'vo just reached 21 signed up. A ; the Yadkinville office on registration day a young m an, just t'-irned 21, cam e in to sign up. Mrs, Elizabeth Clingm an M eadi was doing the register­ ing. “ W hat is your full n am e?” Meade a.sked the young He'll Show Army Buhnsons Have Buffet Supper (FARMINGTON.. — A num ber o f friend.s of the Johnson l.im lly enjoyed a son -fest at thu hom o ofjM lss Vada Joh n­ son W ednesday night, 'Di\ and Mrs. ,L. P. M artin flttunded the kln g-B ah h son v;cddlng ■ in LeaksvUle B atur- tiuy aflernoon. Mrs. E. C. Jam es, Mrs. BUI Johnson,, Miss Elizabeth and Charles James left for a two weeks visit w ith relatives in Iow a. Mr. and Mrs. Early Sm ith and children of New Hill were the week end guests of Mrs. Cordelia Sm ith. Miss K ale Vestal visited re­ latives in Lowl.svllle this week. Mrs. Norm a B rock and son, Billy, have returned from a visit with MlSo Giles Flowers '¡n ‘ Frem ont, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Bahnson eatertained at a bu ffet supper ' ftalurday evening honoring ' G eorge Johnson and fam ily of M acon, Ga. T ho follow ing ■ guests were present: Mr. and ; M rs. George Johnson, Mrs. J. ; W . •Williams, Mrs. Lena G allo- v.'ay, Mr. J. F, Johnson, Misses Vada and Betsy Johnson, Miss ■ B ettie H ollem an, G eorge Jr, and Thom as Johnson, Lester Jr, and G eorge M artin, Mr. and Mrs, R oss Jam es of ,W lnston-Salem visited here during tho week end, Mrs, J. W . Vestal is visiting her daughter, Mrs, C liff Ingram sn d Mr. Ingrain in Gastonia, this week, Mrs. M, B, Brock and Miss F rances B rock visited Mr, and last week. Miss Laura' Lee Blake is visiting in Shelby this week, David Lee Holden ot W lnston- Salem Is visiting his aunt, Mrs, G rady Sm ith, Mrs, J, F, Johnson and ch il­ dren, M ary A nne and John Frank Jr. are visiting Mr, and Mrs. G reen In Boone. F rances Horne o f Duke U ni- ’,ersity visited his parents, Mr, and Mrs, L, J. Horne over the week end. Mr. and Mrs, Zeb Sm ith of W lnston-Salem visited Mrs. Cordeiia Sm ith during the week end. ^h•s. Beal Sm iih o f M ocks­ ville visited Mr. and Mrs, Beal Sm ith Jr, at the hom e o f Mr. in d Mrs. C. B. Seats this week. Birthday Dinner For Mrs. Sheek SMITH GROVE, — The Sen­ ior class of girU of the church | “ MikeMusic Cass,” the young m an replied right quick. ; “ Ho'.v'o that again ?" Mrs. Meade asked, “ MikeMu.sic Case.” the an- s'.ver cam e 'oack right quick a- gain. "AH right, no'.v.” Mrs. M eade BiiUe V.’iliiam.;, 320.25; Mrs. R. ’ POTATOES | The 14,Cn)0 Vashel tor^.uv^x) crop A, McLaughlin, S12.50; Ned' I P"0“uced b'/ Nona Ca-rolina Hood, S9.50; A. L. Inscore, S12;; potato yields lii Beau-1 [m 1^54,3 t.U-.) larii- Brooio Cross Roads. Mrs. Vclna County are about one-half! es; cn I'eccrd :or tte State, M. Weaver, S15.30. | oi^ y.-hat they were- last yeai'i report« the Crop ’ but'better than was expected, vice of the U. S. a.nd N. C. v.'hen digging started, says A s-; Departmer.t oi Agriciiltura. .slstaiit Farm Agei'jt A. L, | ------------------------------------------------ Eagie3. Tubercuios'.s atno'iiTg children Tar Ilcel farmor.s last year prodiiaed 1.344,000 bu.-,hcls of peachcs and ranked 13th In the Natlo!! .reports the .State De­ partment of Agrlcult-ure,IT I'AYS TO ADVEUTISE and adolescents ha¿ becotuä a problem 1',г Chile. school will sponsor a lawn uart^ i on Saturday night. July the 12: in the church grove. ' ' ' “ lie is invited to attend''" second name?"^ “ Must; .... And tne last Mrs. J. H Foster and Miis vr^'am, is c-A-S-E. Mike Nina Foster had as tneu- guests' Satm'day Mr. and Mr^ Cleland; - ^^3^ ' or Mik^Mus M. Foster and little daughter,!,. Miss Frances Brock, Richard, .,0 Ann, of Wlnston-Salem, Mrs.| Ka'i=a< Lourie and Rufus Brock are j, Russell Burneister and E r-' ,¡/¿‘ 13 o-nn;o'.'-’ d'a’ ^ro- vlsltlng .their grandmother, nest Leon Russell cf Colum'oia,i „,.„1 Tnn.-'svni.» ’ ° Mrs. J, B, Tabor in Statesville. Honoring Miss Betsy Johnson f.'f Mason, Ga, and Miss Bettie Ernest C, I.ow lliorp. W ashing-! ton business m an, is o ff on a, 20-m iIc hike with a nO-pound' Army pack on his hack. ’lie got him self into this fix by scoffin g at exhaustion o f a soldier w ho hail just com plet­ ed such a jaunt. Low thorp bet it would be a cinch, açreed lo Rive ÜSO S20 if he gave oui. South Carolina. _______________________________ i\hs. F. A. Naylor aud little I c , f '^ v i n r , -randso:'.. R onnie Naylor spent; < - a ile i H ollem an of Lewisville, Lester ¡¡^0 week end in W ilkesboro J J g tu rn S H o ilie Usiting her daughter, Mrs.: ^ ^j l e Y'S CHAPEL. - John, Eail C aud.f, | Mrs. J. M arvin Sm ith ands.^eek end with his father, Joe' Mrs. W . R. Beeding were j Bailev hostesses to the Ladies Aid S o-! Atv n'-iri atvc UAnra ciety at the hom e of Mrs. Sm ith | on W ednesday afternoon. M em -! Saturday nl"ht bers present were M esdam es H. I ^nd M 's' Frank Tucker sfsiYADKIN EXCEEDS i . S.-O. QUOIA Jr. and George M artin enter­ tained a num ber of their fri­ ends Friday night during the Interm ission at the com m un­ ity square dance. Mrs. H, H. Sm ith, P icrcc and Price Sm ith visited relatives in South Carolina Sunday, Miss M argaret B rock o f G reensboro and John B rock o f I f ; J- C ; Sm ith. S. B ., baby, Mr. and Mrs. John Colum bia. S. C. are at the hom e o f their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. B rock, w here Mr. Brock continues seriously ill. Miss R uth W hite o f G reens­ boro spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W . W . W hite. LESPEDEZA If good rains continue, farm ­ ers o f Anson County will get a fair crop o f lespedeza this year, reports J. W . Cam eron, farm agent o f the N. C, State College Extension Service, N orth C arolina’s cash incom e from livestock and livestock $38,501,000 w h ich i-anked the State as 30tli hi cash incom e from livestock an d livestock products, reports tlie State De­ partm ent o f Agriculture, A m erican tractors w ill be used hi highw ay construction in M anchuria. H endrix, G, C, H endrix, W. A .: Lanier and children spent Sun- Miller, J. H. Foster, John K im -, afternoon with Joe Bailey, brough, Chal Sm ith, W ill Myers, and Mrs, C, M. M arkland Bessie Penry and the liostes.ses, Mrs, Sm ith and Mrs, Beeding, One visitor, Mrs. Clyde Boger v;as present. spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Sam Hege. Mr, and Mrs. Bonce Bailey spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Howard, ^ L. Sprye K erm it H oward and Miss Helen 1 ^^¡35 L o^ se and Ruth Foster H ow ard spent the week end at, ¡sited their sister, Mrs. Lida Carolina Beach. jToM Can Always Be Sure oj Good Penetration When You Use This Direct-Connected Farinall Disk Plow Mrs. W . A. M iller is spend­ ing this week at Center, the guest o f Mr. and Mrs. B. P. G arrett. Mrs. Jess Graves, Miss Orpha Angell and Bill Angell ot M ocks­ ville visited Mrs, W, L, H anes M onday afternoon, Mrs, Bessie Penry soent the week end hi W lnston-Salem visiting relatives, Mrs. W , R, Foster was hos­ tess to. the young m arried ladles class o f tiie' chu rch scliool Tuesday night. Thirteen m em - ixjrs were present. Sarah H oward o f Clem m ons is spending'this week w ith Miss Nina Foster, "Mrs, J, T. Angell and Bill Angell ot M ocksville visited Mrs. W. L. Hanes Sunday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Joe W , Foster and children o f M ocksville visit­ ed Mrs. J, H. Foster Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. T eny Kinibei spent the week end w ith Mr. and Mrs. B, L. Sm ith, Mrs. W . R. Foster and Mrs. Chal Sm ith spent Thursday in W inston-Salem . G ay Nell Sheek is spending two weeks visiting Bobby and Bailey Saturday night. A large crow d attended the luneral o f G annon T albert Sunday. Mrs. Sam Carter has return­ ed hom e from the hospital at Statesville. She is very m uch im proved. Misses Athene and Bettie Ihelr grandm other, Mrs. Tom Robertson. Billy Houser, a m em ber of the N orth Brook No. 2 club, h a s'b een selected as the best 4-H Club boy in Lincoln C oun­ ty this year, reports J. W . W eb­ ster, assistant farm agent. Nazis have banned the w ear­ ing o f white carnations, orange flowers, forget-m e-nots and other flowers in the N ether­ lands. Working Politician A pproxim ately 300 contributed to the U, S. drive last week m aking con tri­ butions ranging up to So and; surpassing the coun ty’s quota: by S75.90. The total am ount! contributed, according to re-j iwrts of chairm an Fred C, H ob- j son, was S225,60. Mr, H obson received a letter of appreciation form state chairm an. R. M. Hanes. Mr. H anes and Mr. H obson extend congratulations to local w ork­ ers and contributors w'ho helped the county exceed its quota. Jasper Long, o f Forbush will be aw arded free theatre tickets given by the Y adkin Theatre to the w orker securing the largest sum o f m oney. Mr. Long turned in $31.25. Other workers, w ith the a - m ounts reported follow : Jones- ville, Mrs. A. B. Scroggs, $21.20; Mrs. K athleen B. W ilkins, $21,- 35; East Bend, Ed M artin with the follow ing assistants: Mrs, Annie N eedham , W . C. Joyner, Rosem ary, M ary R uth M artin and Olivia M artin, $18,75; Fall Creek, Miss S tacey M atthews, $3; Boonviile, M is s G race Hayes, $21.25; Mrs. Carm on F. R ichardson, $16.55; J. W ade S hore; $11.30; Huntsville, T. H. Poindexter, $7.45; Yadkinville, L afayette W illiam s, $4.25; Miss Ж УВ /Т- TR Y I T B U Y i t / P e n n in g to n C h e vro le t C o m p a n y, In c . PHONE 156 MOCKSVILLE, N. C. Colonel Fish H E R E is a p lo w w h ic h co n n e cts d irc c tly to F u r m « a ll 20 a n d F u rm a ll 30 tra c to rs , m a k in g a com > p n c t, clo se -co n p le d u n it w ell a d a p te d tu w o rk in n m u ll o r irro a iiju rJfio ld s, ___ A new fc n tu rc o f th i.9 p lo w is a s ta b iliz in g s p rin g w h lc lj uses th e w c ijjlit o f th e tra c to r w h e n needed for p e n e tra tio n o r to pre ve n t th e p lo w fro m k ic k in g o u t o f th o fu rro w . T h is fe u tiire is also a n a d va n ta g e w h e n th ro w in g fu rro w s u p h ill. T h e c u llin g a n gle o f th e 26 x i^ -in e h disks ca n bu fttgu h ilo d to increase p e n e tra tio n in h a rd g ro u n d . T h is o u iril w ill p lo w a ro u n d ends o r o n curve s on a 2 0 -fo o t ra d iu s , c u llin g praeticall.y a n o rm a l fu rro i»'. H Juill in 2 n n d it-fu rro w s ize «, w ith h a n d lift o r pow er lift. Asli us fo r fu rlh e r details. Carolyn Cox o f N orfolk, Va. •Relatives of Mrs. J. W . Sheek gave her a surprise dinner Sun­ day honoring her on her 73 birthday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. G. B. T aylor o f W lnston-Salem , Mr. and Mrs. V/. M. Shutt, Mrs. Bill Zim ­ m erm an, Misses Rutli and W il­ lie Bess Shutt all o f Advance, K r. and Mrs. Herm an B oger and r»iiss Frances Boger ot Cana; Mr. and Mrs. Geo, H endrix and children. Billy and Ann, Mrs. Bessie Penry, Mr, and № s, Harry Sheek and children, J a n e,! Jm iniy, Jolinny and Alton. Mr. and Mrs. John Dezarn | and daughter, Betty, of W^ins- i ton-Salem spent the day Sun- ! day with Mr. and • Mrs. J. F. I Hendrix. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sm ith has had as their dinner guests re- -iir3r"BcTt"B5lrticy--UTid- children, Allen and Johnny of Canada, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Sharp of Fort Bragg, O. R, A llen ! a colonel of Farm ington, I serve. O if Xui '4 uf huiuiri^ ul' Fort Bragg, N. €., is House iso­ lationist H am ilton Fish. He’s ill the specialist re- REMOVAL SALE BEGINS SAT., JULY 12 We will have M ANY G IR S on Sa turd a y, Ju ly 12 Gifts Include Leather Chair, R. C. A. Radio, Radio Tables, Foot Stool, Floor Lamp, Table Lamp, Wool Rug, Gold Seal Congoleum, Utility Cabinet, Card Table, Electric Iron, Electric Coffee Brewer, Taylor Mattress, Simmons Spring, Rinso and Super Suds. We will also Give 2 0 ^ Discount On all REFRIGERATORS that we bought at the beginning of the season. We must make room for Stoves and Heaters bought before prices advanced. Because he grew ‘'fat and flabby” in his political jobs, Alderm an Leroy E. Couplin of St. Louis, .^lo., has gone back to iron working, his trade be­ fore he entered politics. He earns S70 for a forty-hou r week and still holds his alderm anic job at an aiuiuai salary of §1,800. He’s show n after a day of iron working. ROVAL CROWN BOTTIING CO. 1010 Nurthwesk Blvd. Phone 0 Ш WinstOit'Salem, S. C. a!/ Г /r ç j Will Be Given On All Merchandise Bought During Oar A U G U S T C L E A R A N C E S A L E ASK AT OUR.STORE ABOUT FREE GIFTS Davie Furniture Co.rji On The Square Phone 72 Mocksville. N. C, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1941 THE MOCKSVILLE (N. C.) ENTERPRISE PAGES FRANCE PAYS HEAVY PRICE TO GERMANY COWS, PIGS IN HEAVY DEMAND F rance Is paying a heavy price for collaboration with Germ any. ____ U. s. Gets New Flame Thrower Som e or ,the aess extrem e N azl-phlls In the V ichy G ov­ ernm ent -and ordinary citizens outside official circles m ust be w ondering w liether It is really w orth while. A dm ittedly the burden falls ciilefiy on O c­ cupied France, but even that, after all, is a part o f the F ath­ erland w hich M arshal Philippe Petaln, C hief o f State, has sw orn to set on the road toward a new and better order. F rance Is said to stand on the verge o f starvation. T hat is w hat the ex-C om m unist Paul M arlon, D irector o f Inform a­ tion to the V ichy G overnm ent, 'tells .the world. He also states that it is due to the British blockade. Som e well substan­ tial figures w hich have reach­ ed tho outside world will show how valid tiiat claim m ay be. Nazis G et C.ittlc M any figures have been giv­ en, m ost o f them w ithout con ­ firm ation, and m any contradic­ tory. But the foUowing d e­ tails are from reliable sources. Since the F rench capitulation up to the end o f M ay this year O ccupied Prance has delivered 500,000 cow s an d m ore than 1,000,000 pigs to the Germ ans. D uring the last three m onths from M arch, 45,000 cows, 43,000 calves and 50,000 pigs 'have been F or the next m onths the d e­ liveries are expected to be at a higher rate. T lie Nazis do n ot on ly de­ m and quantity, they Insist on quality. Only first-class an­ im als are accepted ; others are returned an d have to 1>е re­ placed. The prices are arbl- tarily fixed by the Germ ans. In addition to this heavy ex ­ p ort dem and, O ccupied France Is com pelled to feed the p ro- M blted reserved zones In N orth ern France, w hich are adm inis­ tered from Brussels, and also Alsace an d Lorraine and the C hannel Islands, w hich are directly under N azi rule. S ixteen hundred bullocks are slaughtered every week in Paris for dispatch to Alsace. R ecently the xequlrem ents for N ortltern Franoe, w here the food situation w as very serious, were Increased under G erm an pressure, bu t It w as know n to the V ichy G overnm ent that a large portion o f tiiese addition­ al deliveries m ade their way to G erm any via Brussels. S h o rU ge of Fodder - “T h e-ca ttle -position Is m ade still m ore precarious by the o f fodder. T he occu pa­ tion authorities con fiscated al­ m ost all the oats from the peas­ ants In the O ccupied Zone and com pelled th e Free Z on e to contribute from their ow n sm all reserves to save O ccupied P rance from total lack o f oats. O ut o f a norm al annual re­ quirem ent o f 1,600,000 tons o f fodder, b y now only 700,000 ton s Dresses Made_ For British PINO. — O. R. Allen, Mrs. Flora Bentley and children, Johnny and Allen, visited Mr. c.nd Mrs. Bobby Sharpe at Ft. B ragg Sunday. ___M r.—and-- M rs—-Hafvoi’--D 4iU- and Betty Ann and Mr. and Mrs. 'Floyd Dull and fam ily at­ tended a birthday dinner at the hom e o f Mr. and Mrs. J. II, Plott Sunday. Lacy Reavls Is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Law - lence Reavls. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Howell of Alabam a and Miss Belle H o- w l l o f Washlii(gton, D. C. visited at the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Howell over the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. L. L, Miller, Elizabeth and G ene Miller and Mrs. M ax Conrad left Tues­ day for Texas and other places of interest where they will spend their vacation. Luther Dull of Vli'ginia was at hom e for the Sourth. James Essie, who is attend­ ing sum m er school at A. S. T. C „ Boone, spent the week end at hom e. Mr. and Mrs. George Steel­ m an and Vicky, have moved to W inston-Salem . G eorge Dull of Camp W heel­ er, Ga., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W . B. Dull. Mrs. J. F Essie’s parents from Indlannapolis, Ind., have been r ^ ^ J W V J W J W M I W W J W J W J W V m V J W . J V M W V W M W V J This .spcctacular photo was made at Fort Belvoir,Va., as Private Herbert A. Davis of the U. S. Engineersattacked a pill box with a new model flame thrower de- j spending a few days with her. veloped by the Chemical Warfare Service and the En-j Frances Shore left Sunday gineering Corps. The portable tlirower, as easy to oper-1 for W ashington, D. C. where ate as a pistol, is suitable for one-man attacks on for.tifi-; he w ill ctmtUiue4il6-work-a:fter‘ M artin and Rosemary Feather- stone exam ine the British Dis­ tinguished Service Medal post­ hum ously awarded their father Chief Petty Officcr Bertie Fea- therstone. Attached to H . M . S. Esk, lie died in action. Sergeant Davis Visits Father ADVANCE. — There was a large crow d attended the fu n ­ eral of G annon Talbert Sun­ day at the M ethodist church. Sergeant Hubert Davis o f Ft. Jackson spent tlie week end here with his father, Jess Davis. Rev. S. W. Taylor, district*^ A rm y ''A d m ira l” are available, and from this BOSTON PF.RSONALS m ore than on e-h alf is requisì- хд..., tloned for the m ilitary a u th or-‘ MV‘ tle Beck visited M is. Itjes Luther Sm ith Sunday. From the very first weeks | Stacy Beck was a Sunday o f the occupation the Germ ans ' guest o f G rady Tutterow. m ade a careful inventory o f ! D orothy Mae and Peggy Ann all livestock In Occupied France.'ßggk were Sunday guests o fA t regular intervals they have . , _ . . . checked up. Their latest f i g -: ^nnle Grey and Mary K athryn ures show that the stocks o f pigs haT/e decreased 40 per cent. Sm ith. Miss Laura Pennington o f Clemm ons is spending the week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W . A. Beck. Rev. and Mrs. J. H. G roce v/ere Sunday dinner guests o f H ikes 20,600 MUes ington, U . C., four years and one m onth after leavinK C ara­ cas, Venezuela. He brought w ith him a letter from the chief executive of his country to President Roosevelt. Graduated as No. 1 m an at Annapolis in 1910, Joseph P. D ’Arezzo of Los Angeles did not get his naval commission be­ cause of a m inor eye condition. So he joined the arm y, was com - inisiioned a lieutenant, and is know n u “Adm iraV’ in the r » n « m a C tn a l Zpne. w bere he b sUtioned. while the stocks o f sheep and bullocks have fallen o ff by 15 and 20 per cent respectively during the past 11 m onths. Apart from livestock, canned m eat In large quantities is also Mr- Mrs. W . -A. Beck, on the Nazi requirem ent list. The French themselves are desperately short o f this pro­ duct through a lack o f tin. In norm al times 60,000 tons o f tin i.s used In one year. At the present only 15,000 tons are available, and from this 5,000 tons are earm arked for factor­ ies m anufacturing for Germ an needs only. In the Franco-G erm an négo­ ciations of'last-w Jnterthe-N azls agreed to repay deliveries o f cattle with potatoes. In the first five m onths o f this year. In spite o f G erm an and French statem ents to the contrary, no potatoes have been delivered, except for a sm all quantity to Paris. There Is, In fact, at tills m om ent a ■very serious shortage o f this necessary food ow ing to a cold latR spring. Occupied France is being bled in other directions. Cheese and butter deliveries to the T hird Reich are at the rate o f 10.000 tons a year, and this figure Is now Increasing. Dur­ ing last autumn and w inter the Germ an confiscation o f cereals was on such a scale that 500,- 000 tons are lacking until the next harvest, and even then it is not known w hat the further Nazi dem ands will be. Tlien there is wine; n ot that wine is a vital foodstuff, but it does play an im portant part in the Frenchm an’s econom y. M uch o f the old Burgundies, Bordeaux and Cham pagnes has been taken away to Germany. In addition to this, the O c­ cupied Zone Is required to d e­ liver 2,500,000 hectolitres (ap ­ proxim ately 55,000,000 gallons) o f ordinary wine. Rolling Stock Borrowed This inroad on Prance’s lard­ er has been further com plicat­ ed—by. the, .borran'ingfiU-ei. .’•oïl - Ing stock, which has disorgan­ ized th e transport an d distri­ bution o f food products. Since the capitulation 19,000 car­ riages and freight cars and 2,- 500 locom otives have gone to serve m ilitary needs In G reat­ er G erm any. A t the same time 9.000 fully loaded cars, aver­ aging about 90,000 tons o f food, raw m aterials, and m anufac­ tured goods, are leaving O c­ cupied France for Germ any every, week. It is perhaps facts like these that explain w hy, on the moirn- ings after the devastating night bom bings o f Brest by the RAF, signs o f "Vive l’Angleterre” and “Vive d e G aulle” áre found chalked on the streets and walla of the battered city. havilng spent several days with his i)arents, Mr and Mrs. J. B. Smith. Miss Mary M cM ahan has re­ turned hom e after liavlng at­ tended sum m er s c h o o l In Greensboro. Several attended grange and the m em orial service, w hich was given in honor o f Mrs. O. R. Allen M onday night. T he W om an’s Society o f Christian Service m et Tuesday afternoon with the president, Mrs. Vernon Miller, presiding. Those taking part on the pro­ gram were Mrs. H arm on M c- I .Mahan, Mrs. Floyd Dull, and Misses M ary M cM ahan and Eloise W ard. M aterial was giv­ en out to m ake dresses for the Red Cross to send to the Brit­ ish. Lonnie Driver In Hospital C L A R K SV IIiL E .-X onnle Driv­ er o f route 2, M ocksville, is a patient at Davis hospital, Statesville. Mr. Driver had an appendectom y last Thursday and is im proving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Pere­ bee had as their week end guests Mr. and Mrs. Cleve New­ ton o f Bennettsvllle, S. C. Miss H arriett Hunter Is visit­ ing relatives In Georgia. Miss Jane Ferebee o f A. S. T. C. Boone, spent the 4th w ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al­ phonse Ferebee. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Eaton, Com pleting a 20,600-mile h ik - W ayne and Leon Eaton all o f ing trip, Julio Cesar Berrizbei- Cooleem ee, Mrs. W ade Eaton, tia, 19-year-old Boy Scout, is pictured as he arrived in W ash- M ethodlst district, visited his brothers here last week, W. R. i and C. J. Taylor. Rev. P. E. Howard o f L ex -; Ington and a form er pastor of Advance circuit, is seriously 111 In a Thom asville hospital. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. C. Shutt ‘ spent Sunday in Greensboro visiting relatives. Sergeant Joe Talbert of Ft., K nox, K y., Is spending a few days here with his m other, Mrs. G annon Talbert. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Myers of G reensboro spent the w eek end with Mr. M yers’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Myers. Misses Alm a, Eva and Zella Shutt o f W inston-Salem spent a few days here last week at their sum m er hom e and with Mr. and Mrs. W . R. Taylor. Mrs. G race Pram o f A tlan­ ta, Ga., Is spending a few days w ith her father, H. T. Sm ith- deal. Rev. and Mrs. P. L. Sm ith, Doris and Dewey Sm ith at­ tended the hom ecom ing at G lencoe M ethodist church in I^ k ln g h a m county Sunday. T hè Y oung Ladles Class of Advance M ethodist Sunday School m et w ith Mrs. W . A. Bailey for their m onthly m eet­ ing. A large num ber o f m em ­ bers were present and tw o visit­ ors. An Interesting purogram was rendered. A fter the busi­ ness session, the social hour was given over to gam es and contests and the occasion was enjoyed by all present. D eli­ cious refreshm ents was served by the hostess, Mrs. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Nall ofLibby Ferebee and Bill Merrill o f MocksvUle, Mr. and Mrs. W asliington, D. C. visited Mrs. Claude l,ingerielt of Carthage spent the week end at O cean Drive, S. C. Bolivia has a housing sh ort- -ftge.- J. E. B . Shutt Saturday Miss M yrtle Jones, Mrs.’ W al­ ker and children o f W alker- town and Miss Ogburn o f W lnaton-Salem spent July 4 with M r. and Mrs. C L. Dillon. Truckload ot Morale for Uncle Sam's Boys JULY SPECIALS San(DjaJ!sJLs_ottetin&_yoiujnany-attractive-bar5 ains-now,-Gheek-the- values below for your needs. LADIES î’iD f BESSES WERE $7.95 -NOW $ 5 .9 5 WERE S6.50 -NOW $ 4 .9 5 WERE S3.95 NOW $2.95 LADIES HATS Reduced To 4 9 e - 9 8 e $ 1 .4 9 L A D IE S ’ Coats A N D Suits 1/2 PRICE LADIES SHOES Vahies to $5.00— Now 9 8 c and $1.49 Gossai-d Suminerweight Ladies Bathing Corsets ............$1.98, $3.50, $5.00 S uits .......................... 98c, $1.98, $2.98 Gossard Brassieres Ladies Play Suits ............ 49c, 98c Were 59c— Special a t ...............39c Ladies Shorts............................49c, 98c 500 Yards VOILES, BATISTES, PRINTS 15c Value— Yard 9c 80 SQUARE PRINTS 22c and 25c Value— Now —^Yard 19 c For The НЕИ Arrow Sweat SHIRTS White _ 9 f i ç _ Arrow Sport SHIRTS Net SWIM TRUNKS 9 8 c For Men and Boys Sport COATS One lot only— ^Were ¡ $11.50— Closeout $ 9 .9 5 STRAW HATS Whie they last 9 ^ Army truck tnuuports, military policeman leave Chicago campus for Fort Slieridaii, eicont, as NMihwestem Universitjr girls 111., to dance with'aoldiera; M T S 5 9 c Sharkskin and Wash m n t L . Ç M âtii T O О О А Я О A Ç N H » A N O ТАкШ A P L Í A S A H T c a u t g e , ие MAO MIS' w m r • d í a » 7 0 П Ш ё С ~ r P f f Q í* C.C.SAWFDRDSDNSC? p H о M L \ PAGE 4 THE MOCKSVILLE (N. C.) ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JÜL,Y 11, 1;D4Ï, HE MOCKSVILLE ENÏERPRÎSE published Every Friday at Mocksville, North. Carolina O. C. McQUAGE ................................................... Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $1.50 Per Year; Six Months 75c—$2.00 Per Year Outside -------ci Dg-^Jie. County-,—St-ri&tlj^aycblc in Advancc------ Entered at the Post Office at Mocksville. N. C., as Second- Class Matter Under Act of Congress of March 8, 1879. . ^I'CTth Caroljnu m?>s ASSOCIATION^ See The Baseball Game If you want to have a barrel of fun tonight, go to the baseball game at Cooleemee between the Mocksville and Cooleemee business and professional men. You will hear some lively music by two bands, see two colored teams play two innings, aside from watching many of your friends and acquaintances have fun, no matter what the aftermath, being young again while playing. The money will go towards the Legion hut for the ;county, which will serve not only as a meeting place for the county generally but also in the future for the boys who are now in the service. The game will be under the lights at Lewis field. Be there by 7:30 so that you can get a good parking • place and a comfortable seat in the grandstand. More Tolerant They can say we are move intelligent about wars than during the First World War—and they are right. If they add that we are more tolerant and less emotional now than at the time of the First World War— they are •especially right. There are many readers in this section who were too young to know of our histeria and persecu­ tions, who weren’t old enough to remember that sauer­ kraut was called “liberty cabbage” and that hamburgers jwer^named ‘‘liberty steaks.” Some folk.s- frowned-on-a •dkchund dog, others on the study of German, and many persecuted citizens of German origin because they came Irom a country in disfavor with the U. S. There were a lot of things we did, most of them we regreted later, but •emotionalism swept away our good judgment and reason and so we permitted hatred of a principle to color our concept of a people. Never again will we let this happen to us and so far we have taken the proper stand in the situation today. We are smarter and far wiser in re­ spect to wars, if you can use the word rcspcct in relation to war! One of the faults at the bottom of this confict today is racial hatred, of Germany hating the Jew, of Germany against the Catholic, the Russian, the English­ man. Because there is a thief in the Methodist congre- igation that gathers on Sunday mornings, you do not leel that all Methodists who sit in the congregation on Sunday mornings are thieves! So in the matter of Ger­ mans, who do not hurl abuse and insinuations at them, those citizens of America who have been most loyal, who have added to our name in culture and progress, who have proven their love for America many times. They have the same feeling as do we, that the principle of the present war is wrong and they share with us the belief that the majority of Germans are fighting because they must, that they ai-en’t necessarily convinced that the principle is right. We are glad that we are more tolerant ■of others, that we are kinder in our beliefs and that we are smai'ter regarding wars! A JOKE A DAY M issed Ladder Sam bo: "W ham am Rastiis terday M arcellus?” M arcellus: "H e am in *5 hospital.” Sam bo: "In de hospital; ha-ppet№ä--to —--------- M arcellus: "O h, he jest cam e down de adder about 10 m hi- utes after it had been look away.” AVater The teacher had asked the pupils to write a short com ­ position on the subject. "W at­ er." One boy w rote: "W ater is a white wet liquid which turns black when you wash in it.” M issed Bus "I hear they've taken the early m orning bus o ff your line. Do you miss it m u ch ?” "N ot since they took it o ff.” Highlights Of The Sunday School Lesson T he Sunday School lesson for July 13 is “ Christianity Expands In Asia.”— Acts 19; 1- 21:1-. ------ Two World’s There are two worlds to conquer and two worlds to consider. Man’s world is at odds with itself, its hands are full in its usual struggle for maintainence. There is another world about us which proceeds in its quiet way -to grow and offer sustinence, softly bringing about its changes and its manifestations of beauty to our doors without headlines and by-lines to herald its strength and ■ power. This is the world of nature so busy about us, day and night weaving its miracles of bloom and berry, of song of bird and rustle of leaf, of barking dog and laugh­ ing child. This is life and love and happiness. There is humming on the streets. Nature’s world brings hot sun for fields growth and cooling rains for relief. Comes the breeze of night-fall and the sound of neighbor’s voices from nearby porches. About us are kindly, wholesome folks mowing the grass, sprinkling the lawn, weeding the garden as the insects buzz overhead and the birds twitter to their young ones. This is a permanent world that survives. It is the world of our grandmother who loved it and of our grandfather who appreciated it. Those blooms are old settlers, those birds from generations back. All will live on to make for good and for happiness when man’s world is in chaos. Let us live in the world of nature then, taking an interest in the life and energy around us and perhaps through this understanding of nature’s glory we may spread some of it’s good into man’s ¡world, - . - Soy Beans We thank China for contributing to our life the soy bean crop. Little did the grower who, a few years back, became convinced that soy beans improved the land, ever expect to obtain $1.40 a bushel in June, 1941. The crop has almost doubled its value in a year and has reached a high for a four-year period. Soy beans are becoming big business with their oil being used in soaps, sauces, paints, ice cream, plastics, infant food, flour, linoleum, glue, automobile parts on and on. The surface of soy bean culture has only been scratched according to our chemists and engineers. The world is needing oil right now so our men of grain are increasing production of the soy bean. The June market quotation from Chicago ,,.,d 3 0W,s ,tlx n f..,.l,h is .,heai:i„,M:n n ,..\vas-,4a -ja e n tO 3 ia JA C T-Jd ia j3 , wheat, 65 cents higher than corn and more than a dollar above oats. So our farmers increase their acreage and their bank accounts. . Save Aluminum A recent ad in an exchange newspaper, showing a line-up of aluminum pots, pans, skillets and kettles, brought up a picture of this metal in terms of airplanes. Our housewives are putting off buying aluminum arti­ cles for they understand their government needs the product. Many of us are trying, as consumers, to get our­ selves in a mental frame of mind to face a bit of doing without if the need should arise, so that the shoe might pinch. As Americans we are reputed to eat, di'ess and live better than any 'Other nation, of people. So you may figure that it would be harder for us to have to face ra­ tioning. If electric power was shut off could we take to oil lamps and wood-burning stoves, gracefully? How about goiiig without electric shavers and no street lights? English people did it and with a cheerio and stout fellow! So if we have to go without a new aluminum kettle for awhile we will grin .and be mighty glad we have some­ thing to put in the pot whatever its composition! A fter his second adventurous m issionary journey, w hich car­ ried him Into Europe, Paul re- -turned—to—Jeriisalem ,— having resisted entreaties to abide in Ephesus. W hen he had report­ ed to the M other Church, he again set out to traverse his old route. T his tim e, when he reached the great and tliriving city ol Ephesus, in w hat is now Turkey, he decided to rem ain there for a tim e. î'or three m onths he follow ed his usual procedure o f speaking in the synagogue: there naturally be­ ing a large com m unity of Jews in this notable com m ercial center. W hen opposition got too great, 'he opened up dally m eet­ ings in the school o f T yran- nus, w here persons o f all races and religions and classes could hear him . This continued for tw o years; a sort o f protracted BHly Sunday cam paign. Luke’s record runs, ‘‘S o that all they that dw elt in Asia heard the word o f the Lord, both Jews and Greeks.” Evidently, P aul’s was "sensa­ tional” preaching. It reached the big crow d, and m ade com ­ m on talk. Also It was accom ­ panied by m iracles o f healing. Spectacular conversions were so num erous that converTs who had practiced m agical arts brought their books into the public square and m ade a bon­ fire o f them , at a sacrifice of fifty thousand pieces o f silver. Paul’s Gospel was dram atically chan ging lives, and affectin g the thought o f the entire re­ gion. Om inous to evil was this fundam ental alteration in pub­ lic thinking. Outward results o f inw ard change were every­ where m anifest. Old Ephesus Velvet Paw Pearl: "Y ou really ought to com e -to Shrim pton with me next sum m er. I had a w onder­ ful time there this year. I \>'on a beauty com petition’.” R uby: "No, I think I’d rather go to a m ore crow ded place.” was witnessing a cityw ide a- wakening o f religious conscious­ ness. Setting The M ob A -R oar Real religion is never good for bad business. One o f the thriving trades o f Ephesus was the m anufacture or silver im - sges o f the fam ous goddess, Diana, whose tem ple w as one of the seven w onders o f the ancient world. A m aster silver- sm iih, nam ed Dem etrius, w atch ed with concern the decline o f his business, as the effects o f Paul’s preaching steadily spread. So he called together the whole labor union, or guild, o f silversm iths together with their affiliated workers. Som e were skilled craftsm en : som e were husky laborers, w ho m arket­ ed their brawn. W ith a dem a­ gogue’s .skill, Demeti-lus incited the selfish passions o f the crow d he had collected. T heir very livelihood was in danger he warned. A nd, seeking a good reason for a bad action, he stressed the grow ing irrever­ ence toward D iana, the goddess. He cloaked a sordid concern for profits beneath a seem ing solicitude for the old religion. T hat Ephesus riot, w hich en­ sued upon the cunning speech o f a skillful agitator, was akin to m ost riots since. Soon the m ob o f silver workers, increas­ ed by the city ’s irresponsible riff-ra ff, was gathered In the great theatre and clam oring lor the blood o f the Christian missionaries. Por two solid hours they rent the air with throaty cries of, “ G reat is Diana o f the E phesians!”— though w hat they really m eant was, “We w ant job s and m on ey!” How parallel to n'lod- ern instances w as this noisy solicitude, for a tem ple, cloak­ ing concern for trade. A M an W ho K ept llis Head Paul’s friends restrained him D efensive T actics The A ccused: "T h ere’s the lawyer we stuck up. It’s all up with us: H e’s going to testify against us.” His A ccom plice: "N ot this tiine, he w on’t. I ’ve hired him to defend us.” Reavis Family Has Chicken Fry FOUR CORNER. — A chick­ en frye was held at the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. Avery Reavis celebrating July 4th, Those present were Mr. and M r?. G. T. Baity, Mr. and Mrs Luther Reavis, Mrs. J. T. Reavis, Miss Annie Reavis, Miss Nellie R eav- is, Luthiir R ea vis, Jr., Mr. «ITid Mrs. R oy R eavis o f H arm ony Heights, Mr. and Mrs. M anus W elborn, Miss Pauline Reavis, Mr. and jVIis. H enry Lee Holden of W inston-Salem , Bill Phillips of W arsaw and G orrel Cranfill of Charlotte. Mr, and Mrs. Thurston F ul­ cher and Mr. and Mrs. Gilm er Ratledge visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M anus W elborn o f W inston-Salem , Mrs. G. T. Baity, M ari« R atledge. Juan Baity and Joe W ilson Laym on visited Mr. and Mrs. L, S. Shel­ ton and children Sunday. Miss Pauline Reavis o f W ins­ ton-Salem spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Avery Reavis. Mrs. Floyd Em ber and ch il­ dren o f Asheville visited Mr. and Mrs. Avery Reavis Thurs­ day. Miss M ildred Tucker o f the Thom asviUe O rphanage is visit­ ing relatives in Courtney this week. M r. and Mrs. M cM ath of Indiana are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Essie and fam ily. D onald and Joe W ilson L ay­ m on have been visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W . R ollins. How Russie May Get Aid She Asks MkffmoRsk, Rusitofi oiftM fo Aftcntic, cut off by CiomioTi- Flnn drive io White Scci; «licl moy still comc vio OUR DEMOCRACY И 'Ш fr eed o m begins AT HOME •by Mai ' M o m e-loving people ARE FREED0M-L0VIN6 PEOPLE.” DICTATORS KNOW THIS. SO THEV TAKE LITTLE CHILDREN OUT OF THEIR HOMES FOR TRAININS ВУ THE STATE. ANO ТНЕУ TEAR. DOWN THE SANCTITV OF MARRIAGE AND MOTHERHOOD. HoME-LOVING AND FREEDOM-LOVINS HAVE AN EVER „ BROADENING BASE IN OUR DEMOCRACV FCB TUC g-.-NUKiBltk.' o r FAMILY UNITS PER THOUSAND POPULATION HAS INCREASED Takes No Kisks E m ployer: "I want a relia­ ble chau ffeu r who takes no risks.” A pplicant: " I ’m your m an, sir. Can I have my salary in ad­ van ce?” Hard llorsc Girl, after horseback ride: “ I never knew anything so full o f hay could be so hard.” 'lim e Saver M echanics Professor: “ Name a great tim e saver.” Soph.: "Love at first sight.” your The Iniporlant Part Clerk: “ M ay I use p h on e?” Boss: “ W hat fo r?” Clerk: “ My w ife told m e to ask you for a salary increase, but she forgot to say how m uch,” The Skeptic C hief: “ Now w hat do you w ant? I thought I fired you two weeks ago.” E x-O ffice B oy; “ Oh, I just cam e back to see if you were still in business.” No Hom e Needed “A h om e?” A New Y ork w o­ m an answered a realtor trying to sell her a house. “ W hy do I need a hom e I was born in a hospital, educated in a college, courted in an autom o­ bile, m arried in a chu rch; I eat at a delicatessen, spend my m ornings on a golf course, m y f.fternoons at a bridge table, and m y evenings at the m ovies — and when I die I am going to be buried from an undertaker’s. All I need is a garage.” Miss Wilson Visits Parents LIBERTY. — Rev. G . W . Fink will fill his regular appoint­ m ent at Liberty Sunday at 11 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. H arvey T utte­ row and two children o f K an­ napolis were the week end puests o f Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Tutterow. Mrs. W oodrow Bailey is spend ing this week with her parents, Mr. and M rs, J. E. M cD aniel of Cornatzer. M r. and Mrs. J. C. Jarvis, Mr. and Mrs. R obert K im m er, Miss K atherine E verhardt and W es­ ley Jarvis o f M ooresvllle, Mrs. C. L. K im m er and son, James, and Lester M cCullough o f T ur- rentine spent the w-eek end at Carolina B each. Miss Ethel W ilson of S partan­ burg, S. C. were the week end cuests o f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W alter B. W ilson. Mr. and Mrs. Vestal M yers viiited Ml-, and Mrs. J. O. Myer.s c f Row an Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Dewle Everhardt and children o f M ooresvllle visited Mr. and Mi-.s, G . W . Everhardt Sunday. Mrs. G . W . E verhardt visited Mrs. J. G. M cCullough M onday, Allen Spry o f Ft. Jackson visited his sister, Mrs. L. D. K im m er Saturday. W anders Jam es o f W inston- Salem is the guest o f her cou ­ sin, R achel K im m er. Miss R uby W ilson o f C lem ­ m ons visited her parents, Mr. c:nd Mrs. W alter B, W ilson the past week. Russia, now seeking war aid from the U. S., will have trouble getting it in bccause of near compílete cutoff of her western outlets by German forces. Map shows alternate routes that may be used to bring snip- plies to Soviet Russia's fighting front. RAF Cadet Wins Wings in U. K - William Hume. 24, of Scotland, first RAF chí-IuJ, •],(> solo after U. S. training, receives congratulations íiüm RAF Flight Lieut. \V. W. Watson. Hume, who had .r.iCTtr been in a phuie until he arrived at Lakeland, Fía., ijaiin- ing school, had received only seven hours flight ini-t.rjjc- tion before his hop. Looking on (left fo right) aie Capt. Harry Copeland, school director; Albert L Lod iricik, co-owner of the school, and Lieut. IVIaurice R. L'Ctn««, U. S. Air Corps officer in command of the school. Fourth Year of Fighting Nets Japan Little in China D uring th is period hom e ow nership increased By 32%, SAVINGS ay 6 ^% , AND EACH FAMILV HAS ON THE AVERAGE 200% MORE LIFE INSURANCE THAN 20 YEARS AGO. from fronting the m ob, as his heroic heai't bade him do. His co-w orker, Alexander, .tried to reason w ith the crow d, but he was drow ned out by the babel o f noise. As Luke records, “ The m oro part knew not w herefore they were com e to­ gether.” M obm adness, which overturns reason and a sense o f responsibility from their thrones, had possession o f that scream ing m ultitude. T hen appeared one man* who had kept his head, the town clerk o f Ephesus. T hank God, there are usually such in every com m unity. And it should be a preseiiit concenii o f evlery good citizen, in these critical tim es, to prepare him self to stand steady w hen his com - mxmity is rocking, Tliis town iile.vk. WM-niUii—- votes, or o f his own safety; but of the real honor of Ephesus ond o f the sanctity o f law. So he spoke fearless and forth­ right w ords o f w arning to the m ultitude, quieting and sober­ ing them . He pointed a fin ­ ger o f indictm ent at Dem etrius and the silversm iths. His words finally dispersed the crow d. Even by th is ominovis inci­ dent, news o f w hich quickly spread throughout Asia, public Interest in the new faith was quickened. Persecution -p ro­ m otes publicity; that is w'hy Pastor Niem oeller, in a Germ an concentration cam p, Is the m ost potent force for vital C hristianity in Germ any today. T he G ospel w as going and grov/lng; so Paul was content. ■What w as one riot, m ore or less? Acquired or Occupicd by Japan I 1875-1910 0 9 1938-39 (II) H 1931-32 Q ]]] 1939-40 (III) B 1937-38 (I) ® 1940-41 (IV ) Arrow« »how flow of supplies into China Г RUSSIA X jßl ^ I Geogfi-aphy has made a stalemate of the four-year-old war between China and Japan. Harassed by guerrilla fighters in pockets within the occupied area of China, and iniable to penetrate the interior, Ja­ panese forces made even fewer gains in 1940-41 than in 1939-40. Only major Nip­ ponese occupation of the year wan in northern French Indo-Chma. It is esti­ mated war has cost Japan $4,000,000,000 so far. FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1941 THE MOCKSVILLE (N. C.) ENTERPRISE PACfE S Pyen>áX)-HaU - QÀuLi John Sum m ers rem ains ill £it tho hom e o f his daughter, M rs. Ollie Foster In North M ocksvllle. iHorace Deaton oT T hom as­ ville, Mrs. H asten Carter, Jose- l.':him 5- attd- EWa -C race Oat'tef- spont Tuesday In Charlotte. Mrs. B rice G arrett o f Center w as given a surprise birthday d inner by her children and grandchildren. Other guests w ere Rev, and Mrs. G . W. Fink, Janies Pink and Mrs. W. A. M il­ ler, Misses Jane Hayden M orris, M argaret Anderson, Opal L ash­ m lt, Adrle Mars, D orothy G ib­ son left M onday to spend the week at Pioneer Cam p of the Presbyterian church at Glade Valley. Hanes Yates o f Cam p B lan d- Ing, Florida Is expected hom e this week end for a visit. M iss Sarah G rant o f D ur­ ham , Bill G rant o f Cam den, S. C. and A. T. G rant o f Ft. Bragg and Mr. and Mrs. W ood­ row W ilson o f Fayetteville were holiday week end guests o f Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Grant.■liorace D eaton o f T hom as­ ville spent the week end w ith ! M r. and Mrs. Hasten Carter, j Mrs. Odell Jam es Is confined Mrs. Lucy Miller of "e r room on account o f 111- celph ia, Pa. and Mrs. Frank | ¡\lcGregor o f R aeford are gu ests; r . c . Banks and daugh- oC Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Daniel, ju v e returned to their hom e In W eavervllle after a two weeks visit w ith Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown. M isses Gertrude M oore and E thel Caldwell, students at W CUNC and R aym ond M oore o f State College, Raleigh, were v/eek end ' guests o f M r. and Mrs. W. L. M oore. Mrs. E. E. Lam beth and Mrs. E ugene Lam beth o f M oncure spent Tuesday w ith Mr. and Ivlrs. Arm ond Daniel. Mrs. D aniel returned hom e with them and will leave from M on- cu rc for Jessup, Ga. to bring back her sister for a visit. M rs. Frank M cG regor o f R aeford, Mrs. Lucy M iller o f P hiladelphia, Pa. and Mrs. J. A, D aniel were dinner guests W ednesday o f Mr. and Mrs. G . G. Daniel. D r. and Mrs. S. A. H arding spent Thursday and Friday in the m ountains of western North Carolina. M iss w yon a M errill, Mrs. Vauda Langston and Miss Iva A nderson spent the holiday Y'eek end at M yrtle Beach. M rs. Cato Littleton and da\i- ehter, Lynn, o f Charlotte are guests o f Mrs. L ittleton’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Grant. M r. and Mrs. Jack Lassiter ip en t the w eek end In R aleigh an d Siler City. Mrs. A. F. Cam pbell has re­ turned from Cool Springs v/here she visited her sister, M rs. W. L. Harper. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. H orn spent last w eek end at N orfolk o n d V irginia B each. M r. and M rs. Bill Howard on d M iss Hazel T urner spent 'the holiday week end at Staun­ ton and Endless Caverns, Va. Mrs. W . M. Crotts is indls- Dosed at her hom e In North MRS. GORDON TOMLINSON, w'ho prior to her m arriage v;as Miss M yrtle Mars, daugh­ ter of W . A. Mars and the late Mrs. Vasco Cooper Mars. M ocksvllle. M isses ' Frances Stonestreet an d 'M ai'y- AUwe-Br.;k-U;-.5ppn,t M onday in W inston-Salem .. Miss Louise Caudell has re­ turned from Charlotte where she spent last week w ith Mr. an d Mrs. ЛValter Caudell. On Friday Mr. and Mrs. J eff Cau­ dell went dow n and brought her hom e. M rs. Spurgeon A nderson Is spending the week In States­ ville with Dr. and Mrs. Shaw. D r. Shaw Is a brother o f Mrs. A nderson. M isses Faith D eadm on, Mae C haffin , R uby Collette, Mr. and I»irs. H ow ard N ichols, Charles, Joe Forrest spent tlje holiday w eek end In Le.Mington, Ky. M rs. J. Frank Clem ent m ov­ ed last Thursday to the Hanes iiom e place in N orth M ocks­ ville. M r. and Mrs. G eorge Row land m oved Thursday to their new I'om e recently purchased from M rs. J. Frank Clem ent. M iss M ary Alice Binkley spent Tuesday night In K an ­ napolis w ith Mr. and Mrs. J. F. H ickm an. Mrs. C. N. Christian left Tuesday for Conway, Arkansas buii, Zfi. Yates. M r, and Mrs. Perry Ashe of M ayodan spent Friday night v'lth and M rs. M. D. Brown. Mrs. С A. Anderson o f route 4, E W . W ood Jr. o f W oodleaf and Shirley B eaucham p of Y adklnvllle had their tonsils rem oved this week. M rs. Bert B entley and sons, A llen and Johnnie, spent Tues­ day in .W inston-Salem with M w . Jack M orton. M rs. W . H. D odd cam e hom e Tuesday from R idgecrest to stay until Thursday. M iss C atherine Gibson left Sunday to spend the week in Leaksvllle w ith Mr. and Mrs, E. C. Tiller. Mrs. W . H. K im rey has re­ turned from a weeks visit in Jam estown with her m other. Mrs. J. E. Chadwick. Mrs. W. C. Cooper le ff W ed­ nesday for M ontreal to attend a conference In session there. • Mrs. Frank Miller and daugh­ ter, Ann, o f Salisbury spent several days this week with Miss Inez Ijam es. Mr. and Mrs. E. W . Harp i?ad as their nolldays guests Mr. and Mrs. R oy O. K iger and son, R onnie Darr, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Harp and son, Jerry, and Miss Lillian Harp all o f W ins­ ton-Salem . Misses Carolyn M cCullom i’nd Laverne M oore o f R elds- vllle are guests o f Mr. and Mi's. Frank Fowler. Mrs, L. G. H orn has return­ ed from Clem m ons where she was the guest last week o f Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. W . T. Allen and daughter, M argaret Ann, Miss Nellie Allison o f R ock Hill, S. C., m s. N. L. Allison r.nd daughters, Jean and Jane, Mrs. E. R. Turbyflll all of Charlotte were Sunday guests o f Mr. and Mrs. W . F. R obin­ son. Misses NIargaret Ann Allen and Jane Allison stayed over for a visit with the R obin ­ sons. Mrs. H. S. W alker returned to her hom e M onday from Davis hospital, where she has been a patient. Mrs. G. R. K urfees return- Td‘'homí“Sann'tí;ry rroiir R ich - Mrs. Paul Grubbs Circle Hostess Mrs. Paul Grubbs v.-as hostess ro circle 3 o f the Presbyterian church at her hom e M onday ¿venlng. Miss Daisy H olthou- .“^er led the Bible study and the devotional period was conduct­ ed by Mrs. Grubbs. The pro­ gram on “ Is your religion a w eight or w ings?" Was- pre- iented by Miss Nell Holthouser. At the conclusion o f the p ro­ gram Mrs. Grubbs served re­ freshm ents to M esdames Sam W aters, Everette Blackwood, M ark Brett, Gorcfon Tom linson, Dennis Sllverdis. and Misses Daisy and Nell Holthouser. Gives Program Miss Allison r.Irs. Joe Graham ¿n d \Irs. E. M. A vett were join t hostesses to circle 1 o f the W om an’s Society o f Christian Service M onday evening in the Ladies Parlor o f the church. Miss Della G rant had charge o f the program and invited Miss Ossie Allison from the w elfare d e­ partm ent o f the county to give a resum e o f the w ork done by tlie departm ent in their various fields o f .'ictlvity. M em bers present were Mes­ dam es A. T Grant, R oy Feezor, W . L. M oore, J. L. Sheek, Jim Rowlands Given Picnic Supper Mr. and Mrs. C. H, Tom linson, Rev. and Mrs. E. M. Avett and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Thom pson gave a picnic supper W ednes­ day evening at the Tom linson hom e com plim enting Mr. and firs. George R ow land w ho are m oving this week to their new hom e. Those enjoying this deligh'tfulTrnypui were Mr. mid Mrs. Row land and sons, E d­ ward and Phillip, Mrs. Hester Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. G or­ don Tom linson, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Thom pson, Miss D orothy Thom pson, Rev. and Mrs. E. M. Avett, Miss Elva Grace Avett, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Tom linson and Henry Cole Tom linson. Haneline-Stokes Announcement Miss Louise H aneline and Charlie Stokes o f near W ins­ ton-Salem were m arried Satur­ day, June 21, in York, S. C. Miss H aneline Is the daugh­ ter o f R, H. H aneline and the late Mrs. Haneline. Mr. Stokes is at present connected with the Piedm ont R ooting and S id­ ing Co. in Salisbury, The young couple will m ake their hom e v.lth Mrs. Stokes’ parents here In M ocksvllle. Miss Elizabeth Stone Weds John F. Kroger Mrs. Thom as .Anderson Stone .•innounces the m arriage o f her daughter, Elizabeth Spencer, to Ml-. John Francis K roger on Frlda.v, July 4, 1941 In W ash­ ington, D. C. Mr. K roger is thp son o f B. S. K roger and the late Mrs. K roger o f Chevi Chase M ay- land. He was em ployed at the Bureau o f Engraving until his induction Into service. He is now located at Cam p Lee, Va. Mrs! K roger arrived In M ocks­ ville M onday and w’lll m ake her hom e w'lth her m other, Mi-s. T. A. Stone Sr. while Mi-. K roger Is in cam p. Circle Meeting At Arnold Home Makes Her Debut Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bost, Mrs. C. N. Spry and son, Arnold, accom panied by Mrs. G rady Farrington o f K annapolis visit­ ed at Cam p Elliott last week. Mrs. F arrington’s daughter Is vacationing at the cam p. Mr. and Mrs. R ay Linn and baby o f Salisbury were visitors at the hom e o f Mr. and Mrs. J. D. House Sunday. Cooleemee News oppose Hitler -M r nd‘ Ivliü. CliHile "Islhy and children, Charles L., Jr., Im ogene and Ellen spent last Sunday visiting at the hom e of Mrs. Isley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R . F. Cope In Lexington. Miss M am m le Langston and H erbert House Jr., accom pani­ ed by Miss V irginia Puqua, all o f Danville, Va. spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. D. House. UNDERGOES OPERATION Rev. F. E. Howard o f E rlang­ er who underwent an operation at a Thom asville hospital a few days ago Is getting along n ic e -! ly, his m any Cooleem ee frien d s, will be glad to know. BASEBALL C.1 m en of Cooleem ee and M ocksvllle play at Lewis field | on Friday night o f this week.! Pitchers for Cooleemee will be Dick Everhardt, George Miller and Hub MUholen. For M ocks­ vllle. Dr. P. H. M ason, J. C.| .Tones and J. C. Gibbs. M usic | will be furnished by the C oolee- i m ee and M ocksvllle bands. Other attractions have been ar- | •ranged for your entertainm ent.' Pictured as she m ade her form ­ al bow to society in Philadel­ phia is pretty Anne Hullitt, 17. daughter of W illiam C. Bullitt, form er United States am bassa­ dor to France. More than 1,000 guests, including m embers of the diplom atic corps, atten d­ ed the part.v on the Bullitt estate. Mr. and Mrs. G rady C h eek; HAS BIRTHDAY i nd baby of Elkin were w eek; e ca rl T atum i W orkin? with the British W ar end visitors at the hom e o f entertained on Sunday h on or- R elief Society in New York, Ing their aunt, Mi-s. Laura Brlgid Elizabeth Hitler, cstranu- Stew art on her eighty-second ed w ife o f A dolf H itler’s bto- blrthday. Invited guests in ­ cluded Mrs. C, D. Lefler, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Chiison o f S al­ isbury, Mrs. A. E. Tatum and \;i33 Annie Pearl Tatum of Jerusalem. 7. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. W . B. Brogdon o f W ashington, D. C. spent a few days last week visiting Mr. B rogdon’s parents, M r. ’ and Mrs. W . C. B rogdon In North Cooleem ee T he Business W om an’s circle o f the Baptist chu rch m et M onday night at the hom e of Mrs. Hillary Arnold. D evotlon- £ls were led by Miss Lucile Caudel and Miss Lucile Horn Bowles. Prentice Cam pbell. G. ;,-as in charge o f the program . O. Boose. T. P. Dwlggins, H at- j ^ .u g g jjorn developed the topic, tie M cGuire, Clarence G rant,[.-A n Urgent G ospel - adequate Cnarles Tom linson. J. L. O w - orien t.” She was as- Ings and Misses Della G ra n t.: jjazel Taylor Ossia Allison, M artha Call a n d , gteve W ood. R uth Booe One visitor. M rs.j ¡31,n ,,, t^e social liour Mrs. Hestpr Caldwell,, wa? present.; .vrnold served refreshm ents to Misses’ Hazel Taylor, Lucile H orn. Lucile Caudell, Hazel Turner and Mrs Steve W ood. Cooleemee Personals Miss Clatie Hoover spent the past week visiting her grand­ m other, Mrs. Sm ith, In States­ ville. Pink Foster and fam ily and Byerly Foster and fam ily spent the past week end at Carolina Beach. Mrs. Grim es Parker spent the past week end In Spencer visiting' friends and relatives. M r. and Mrs. J. H. Cook spent the week end in W ashington, D. C. Little R onnie Hillard has re­ lum ed to his hom e In M oores- ville after spending two weeks visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mi-s. C. C. Tiller. Mrs. Bertie K endrick and daughter, Elizabeth, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles W alters and daughter, Ruth, o f Charlotte spent the week end visiting at the hom e o f Mr. and Mrs. A. D, W alters. Miss D orothy Shepherd of Atlanta, Ga. is spending two .veeks visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Shepherd. M. H. Hoyle^Jr. o f W llllam s- H orace S cott and Jim ior M cClay o f G reensboro spent the ENTERS JOHN week end visiting Mr. and Mrs. HOPKINS HOSPITAL Mrs. Jam es G arw ood went to John Hopkins Hospital In B alti­ m ore Saturday where she will undergo treatm ent for a head trouble R. B. Scott. M r. and Mrs. R. W. House and children o f M onroe spent the week end visiting Mr. House’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. House, Law rence W offord and C al­ vin M orton o f R aleigh spent the fou rth here w ith their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. W offord and M r. and Mrs. C. P. M orton. M r. and Mrs. J. C. W ellm an o f Danville, Va. spent the week end visiting Ml-. W ellm an’s i j u l y FOURTH CELEBRATION sister, Mrs. H. L. M Uholen at lier hom e on M ain street. ST.ATION C. E. Vogier and son have opened up a service station in the G oodm an building In N orth Cooleemee. .\NNIVERSARY The Journal will celebrate Its thirty-fifth birthday the fourth week in July. ther. Alois, is doing her bit to defeat Germ an kinsm an. Stic is proudly pointing to her Aid Britain pin. Her son is in the Canadian arm y. Mrs. Pearl Jones and chil­ dren, Jim m ie and Peggie Gene, accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. R aym ond H am pton and baby o f K annapolis were week end visitors at the hom e o f Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Josey. M rs. Bill Shuplng and ch il­ dren o f Greensboro are visit­ ing Mrs, Shuplng’s parents, Mr. r.nd M rs. C. W . Ale.xander. M rs. E. C. Tatum and daugh­ ters, Jennett and Eleanor, have returned hom e after spending two w eeks w ith Mrs T atum ’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. T he Fourth o f July was the center o f Interest on Park HUl Navy Trade Training For Local Youths Joseph Ellenburg, Jr. o f C oo­ leem ee, Joseph T. Bivins, of Cooleem ee, and Ralph Weslay Carter, C ooleem ee, are all now attending N avy T rade Schools at N orfolk, Va. w here they re­ cently underivent a s h orl course o f M ilitary trainlns, after enlisting in Uie Navy at the Salisbury recruiting Statloiv. last Marcii. EUenburg is at the M achin­ ists school. Carter at the M e- talsm lth school, and Bivins a l the C om m unications school. T pon com pletion o f fchelr courses of Instruction these boys will be skUled at their pro­ fession and ready for duty wltli any part o f the Navy an d wUI Foster and HUlary Johnson. Sack race for girls, M odene Foster and Doris Shoaf. Paper bag race, Jim m y Pierce and R obert M unday. Apple Bobbing, Leroy Curley and Tag Bowers. In the Tug O'W ar the m en won over the boys and In the hog calling contest W illiam Owens and Tom Zacharj’ were v;lnners. com ponent o f the U. S. Fleist, Defense Bond Quiz Q. W hat Is a U. S. Defen.so Saving.5 B ond? A. This B ond is proof ttiat you have-loaned m oney to the United States Governm enb for national defense. Y our B ond bears Interest at the rate of The entertainm ent com m it- ■ 2.9 percent a year, If held to tee wishes to thank aU those i m aturity (t«n years.) who helped In m aking a n d ' q . -\vhy should I buy D efense Class Of 1939 Holds-Reunton- m ond, Va.. where she visited friends last week. Mrsi B im :ey HuUgenb Stonewall, Ga was a guest over the week end of M r. and Mrs. Joe G raham . Mrs. Hu'dgen is sister ot Mrs. G raham . Clarabel LeGrande Has Birthday Party Mrs. J. p. LeG rand enter­ tained Friday evening In honor of her daughter, Clarabel, on her birthday. G am es and contests were enjoyed during the evening under the direc­ tion o f M rs. LeG rand. Prizes were won by Lettle Lindsay Sheek, Carol Johnstone, Bobby Ijam es and Roscoe Stroud. Later the guests were invit­ ed to the dining room where the patriotic m otif was ca r­ ried out In the decorations. A large birthday cake lighted with m iniature candles center­ ed the table. Guests Includ­ ed the honoree and Lettle Lindsay Sheek, B obby Jean Friday night, Ju ly 4, m em - Mrs. J. S. Haire te rs o f the class of ’39 o f the'''ckcvüi?. mof nf Piogiam school house and-then m otored ■to H igh Point lake for their snnual reunion. Supper was served picnic style after w hich a short busi­ ness session was held at which tim e John Larew Jr. was elect­ ed president for the com ing year. It was decided that the next reunion be held July 4, 1942, Reynolds Park. T he follow ing m em bers were present; Ophelia Barneycastle, R uth Boger, Lucile Clem ent, Edry Green, (Mrs. Scottle Gre.- eory), G eneva Grubbs, M arga- let Anderson, Edna Hendricks, M ary Catherine Anderson, M at­ tie Sue Sm ith, D orothy WU- iiam s, Mai-y Alice Binkley, Ll- letta Green, John Larew, Jr., Bill Ferebee, Bill Daniel and other friends Invited by m em ­ bers o f the class. ton Is spending two weeks h e re , M aunev at their hom e In New' out plans. T h e , Bonds? ^Mth his parents, Mr. and Mrs. m em bers of the Cooleemee^ A. Because m oney talks. To M. H. Hoyle. - i f E e\no^ A nn a "ended the fo r ; dictators it .sneaks defiance To I , , . i music- which contributed , of freedom It sitoMr. and Mrs. H A. M cD an iel 31ble School at the Bapti!5t;j,g occasion i c f AshevUle. Mr. and Mrs. D an | C hurch _there. T hey _were ac- com m ittee also w U hes' ^ Glbbond and children, Buster, | t'om panled hom e by their nep- thank C. L. Isley, CaTlyle~imti” B llly-M cD aiiiel -of ;-i5ev.---a«d cousin; Bobbte-M&ur.oy and A M. i Newport News, Va. are visiting 1 ''^^it with them for at the hom e of Mr. and M rs.'.-''‘^'’S‘’a' weeks. Carl M cDaniel on Erwin street. Mrs. George Bryan Sm ith,” Janice ’ M orris," PhyUls Bridge HosteSS Johnson, M uriel M oore, Carol Johnstone, M arlon H orn, M ar­ tha Mason, Jack Pennington, Bobby Ijam es, R oscoe Stroud, I.>enton Boger, R obert Strange McNeill, Jack G raham . R alph room s. Mrs, G eorge Bryan_ entertain­ ed her bridge club at her hom e W ednesday afternoon. Bouquets o f garden flowers were effec­ tive décorations in the living ‘Mrs. Jt 3. H?ilre, leader of circle 2 of the B aptlse''cnuioI'. gave the program at theh- m eeting M onday afternoon at the church. Mrs. Haire pre­ sented the first chapter o f the book, “ The W ay o f M issionary Education.” The them e o f the chapter was the prayer and Bible study. Devotlonals were led by Mrs. J. H. Fulghum on “Prayer.” M em bers present w’ere M es­ dam es S. B. Hall. J. L. H ol­ ton, J. P. LeG rand, S. A. H ard­ ing, J. H. Pulghum , Spurgeon A nderson and J. S. Halre. BIRTH S ANNOUNCED Ml-, and Mrs. Charles Bordne, a son, John Daniel Hodges, July 3, at Elizabeth hospital In Elizabeth, N. J. Mrs. Bordne is the form er Miss R uth Hodges, daughter o f Mrs. J. D. H udges' and, the late Mr. H odges o f route 4. M r. and Mrs. G. N. Cranfleld. StatesvlUe. route 4, a girl, Janet Dolores, July 7. Mr. and Mrs. Odell Sm ith, Advance, route I, a girl, July 8. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Richie, route 2. a boy, July 5. r r !Г « p a n , p . » Mrs. R oy A lexander left Fri- Note.—T o purchase D efease S- A- Bonds and Stam ps, go to the M oore J r.' nearest post office or bank, or for acting as judges. : write for inform ation to the The Inspiring and approprl- , Treasurer o f the U nited Stata,-,, iite talk by E M. H olt was the ■\vashlngton, D C. cutstandlng feature o f the; Bowden. Mrs. W. F. Robinson - Honors Neices Mrs. W, P. R obinson enter­ tained at an Inform al party Tuesday afternoon in honor o f her neices, Miss- M argaret Ann .*illen o f R ock HUl, S. C. and Miss Jane Allison ot Charlotte. Assisting Mrs. R obinson In en ­ tertaining ..were her daughter-r Jane, and Lettle Lindsay Sheek. The party personnel includ­ ed Misses Eleanor CaudeU, Mary Neil W ard, Sarah Foster, M argaret and A nn G rant, M ar­ jorie Call, Ann Clem ent, M arie Johnson, Sarah M eroney, Elva G race Avett, Louise Foster, Sue Brown, R uth and Sarah W agoner, Frances and H elen Stroud, M abel Siiort and Lettle Lindsay Sheek. The guests cam e at 4:30 and ¡ ATTEND CONFERENCE irogreo3i->‘B i ua-eiiloyea j T he M ocksville Baptist B T. unta 6:45 when club m em bers |u. Is represented this week at w ood aic-ip en d in g the week ati M yrtle Beach, ¿.-.C. Lee Stephens o f Danvilie', Vix. is visiting at the hom e o f Ivlr. and Mrs. Arlie Jordon pn M ain street. she wUl join her husband. BUl Sm ith o f W ashington, D. C. spent the past w eek end v!sit*’?ar at the hom e o f Mr. and Mrs. a. C. Young on Church street. Miss Copella Stout o f G reens­ boro Is visiting her cousin.Ml-, and Mrs. Cleve Newton o f BennettsvUle, S. C. spent th ejM i” D oris'G en e Garwoo'd.' fourtli visiting at the hom e o f Mr. and Mrs. H enry Nall on M ain street. Miss D orothy Cook has re­ turned hom e after spending a m onth w ith her sister, Mrs. V ance M otley in N ewsport News, Va. Miss Parrle W yrick has re­ turned hom e after spending the week end In G reensboro visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ezra M otley. She was accom panied by Peggie W yrick, Miss Sarah Jordon left Siin- clay for DanvUle, Va, where she will spend two weeks visiting at the hom e o f her uncle, Z. W . W ellm an. D r. and Mrs. W . P. K avanagh and sons spent Sunday visiting Mrs. K avanaghs parents, Mr. and Mrs. O ’Brien in Durham . M iss Peggie Skinner accom ­ panied by her m other o f W ins­ ton-S alem are spending a few days In N orfolk, Va. . M iss Ora Bell M yers Is spend­ ing her vacation In AshevUle •visiting som e o f her college irlends from Brevard College. TU R K E Y FOOT PERSON.VLS M r. and Mrs. John Shore spent the week end with Mi-, and Mrs. Elmer Crissman of East Bend. J G uy Bum garner Is Mr. and Mrs. Bill Click o f spending this w'eek with her production this year by 6,500,000 The clow n and vau deville: tons m ay be balked by trans­ acts by Mr. Sells and his two portation and labor shortage, psslstants furnished the h u m - Congressm an R . L. D oughton has been secured as -principal ;pei>Ker.for-tte3-^ay, w program starting a t U a. m . Gam es and contests have been arranged and a band will fur­ nish m usic during the day. H ugh G . M tch ell, o f States-, vUIe, national president o f the order, will also be one o f th'j speakers and other state o f­ ficers will be recognized. ’Son;; Plans for a statewide picnicthn jy.MnHn State are expected to be on hand In large num bers, bring­ ing their famUies, guests and the usual “ well fiUed ba.sket.” orous part o f the entertain- .T-Sni. The “ Call to coiors"’ théine for the week is “Special D ays for Flying the Flag.” T he boys and girls from 14-18 with Jam es W all as leader, are In charge o f the program s. P. 0 . s. O f A . Plans Statewide Picnic and outing for the Patriotic Order Sons o f Am erica in N orth Carolina to beJ ield on Satur­ day, July 26, at M orrow M oun­ tain State Park, near A lbe­ m arle, have' been com pleted, it is announced from the office of the state secretary, J. David Sink. The outing is an annual affair for the order In the state. Loses Her Baby and additional guests gathered In the garden and supper was served In a m ost unique fashion. E ach guest received a school lunch box packed w ith all the delicacies o f a picnic lunch. Iced drinks were served. W hen scores w'ere counted Mrs. Lonnie Lanier from B lrm - .lugliam ,. .Ala.„ i-ecfiiv^d .. high score prize. The Iiostess pre­ sented Mrs. Lanier w ith a visit­ or’s prize. The party personnel includ­ ed M esdam es J. F. Hawkins, C. R. H orn, Cecil Morris, G aither Sanford, O. C. M cQuage, G rady W ard, J. P. LeGrand, R, S. McNeUl, .Knox Johnstone, L on­ nie Lanier, C. P. M eroney Jr, and Misses Ossie AUUon and Della Grant. the State B. T, U. conference ill R idgecrest by delegates from the local junior. Interm ediate and young people’s unions. T hose attending include Mi-s. Ii. L, Irvin. Miss Clara W all, Daisy Mae Irvin, B etty H oney­ cutt, Janie Sue Naylor, D oro­ thy Benson, Bobby Hall, H enry Shaw Anderson, ' Geraldine Stonestreet and D о r 0 t h у Grubbs. The group was tak­ en to R idgecrest Sunday by Mr. ?n d Mrs, R. P. M artin, Harry Stroud and L. L. Irvin. T he bulk o f th e State’s snap beans are grow n in Colum bus, New H anover, Pender, Duplin an d W ayne com ities, reports 'tl'-e state D epartm ent o f A gri­ culture. Spartanburg spent the week end visiting Mr. Click's parents, ssrsrw flf.-CUEIrat'vl'ieii' ■ hom e on M ain street. R ay Trexler w ho is station­ ed at JacksonvUle, Fla., with the U. S. Navy spent the past week end hère w ith hfs parents, M r. and Mrs. A, T. Trexler. M r. an d-M rs Scott Jordon, accom panied by Misses Edna Brenegar, M am mie and M ar­ garet W o fb r d and Leonard Brenegar spent the past week end at Carolina Beach. m other, Mrs. Priddy o f D an- CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Baptist Rev. J. H. Fulghum , pastor. 11:00 L. P. Hendrix wlU hold the service. M ethodist Rev. E. M. Avett, pastor. 11:00 Dr. GUbert T. Rowe wlU preach the serm on. W . J. Foster is critical Ul in the City H ospital at W inston- Salem . Miss Cora Evelyn Crissman o f East Bend, w ho is spending a few days w ith her sister, Mi-s. John Shore, spent M on­ day nigh t w ith Miss D orothy Foster. ^Пss Ollle W ood o f Yadkin coun ty is visiting her sister. Mrs. C. C. W right, M r. and Mrs. Powell MUler and chUdren spent Tuesday visiting relatives In Y adkin county. M t. and Mrs. S. A. Foster of Mrs. Grace Coulter, 2G, weeps bitterly in a Chicago court, as she bids her daughter, Esther, G, goodbye. The court ordered Elkin, R. C, Foster and G even- the child rem ain iu custody of dolyn Foster spent Friday in W inston-Salem . Mi-, and Mrs. S. A. Foster spent Friday night w ith Mr. and Mi-s, R. 0 . Foster. M rs. Lloyd D oss’ m other is visiting her. Clyde O. Mc.AIlister, o f W eb­ ster Grove, 111. Mrs. Coulter’s brother, who legally adopted the child in 1931 w hen the Coulter fam ily was in financial difficulties, FRESH DELICIOUS SUMMER CANDIES 1 lb. Bo.t Salt Water Taffy ......29c 1 lb. Bag ' Asst. Taffey ................29c 1 lb. Bag Caramel Chews ........23c 1 Ib. Bag Kurlfcy Kew-s ............23c I lb. Bag S. W. Taiiey ..............23c 7 Я 0 LEGRAND'S PHARMACY O n T h e Square Phone 21 ■lb- PAGE 6 THE MOCKSVILLE (N. C.) ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1941 COMMUNIQUES NOT DECISIVE Tougher than Hitler Thought The G erm an cam paign of ag­ gression against Russia is now tw o weeks old. A fter the first w eek the G erm ans announced .that all resistance had been broken and tha>t they w ere on their way to M oscow and other places east. But the R ed Arm y is still resisting. The G erm ans nave had to use 'their full strength. It is a very safe estim ate that Hitler is throwing all his pow er into the fight to crush his erstwhile "frien d” Stalin and put him In Ihe growing class o f those w ho trusted Hitler to their sorrow. That the Nazi success has not i en what Berlin expected is in ­ dicated by the very queer com ­ m uniques the G erm an capital has been Issuing. One day the Russian strength has been an - j-ilhilated and the next clay som etim es the sam e day, there Is another com m unique describ­ ing 'the stiff resistance of the Russians. One day the Russian air force has been driven from the skies: the n ext day it is told o f how hundreds o f R us­ sian planes were brought down. W ar ot Typewriters Indeed, in addition to the struggling arm ies on the front, the G erm an-R usslan battle is aiso a w ar o f typewriters. M oscow is using its old-tim e ilam boyancy in telling how It holds the G erm ans back, how it stands against the “ assas­ sins” and "cannibals,” and then has to adm it w ithdraw als to ‘ better positions.” T he R us­ sians are also itslng the techni­ que o f Issuing long com m un i- cjues telling o f Individual feats ot their fighters. T his .system 'has been adopted doubtless b e­ cause the Russian censorship ¡had resulted in the w ithdraw ­ al ot m ost foreign correspond­ ents from M oscow. T hat from the Red view point, was an er­ ror analagous to that o f sh oot­ ing m ost o f their generals a couple ot years ago. The O erm an com m uniques are far differen t In style from those Issued In the H itler cam ­ paigns w hich were, crow ned w ith quick successes. D ay a f­ ter day the G erm ans failed in the first ten days o f the cam ­ paign to m ention places to w hich they had advanced. It .was all fancy generalities. Y es­ terdays Berlin eom m uniques som ew hat reverted to the old stylo when it was announced that the D nleppr___had___been The B-19 In the Air For the First Time ..................................................................................................... At Santa Monica, Cal., the U. S. Army’s colossus, the mighty B-19, majesti­ cally soars over Clover Field, heading for March Field, 75 miles away. Major Stan­ ley llmstead piloted the 82-ton ship (weight when loaded) which cost an es- timated $3,500,000 to build. The B-19 with a 212- foot wingspread and gas capa­ city of 11,000 gallons, could fly to London with 28 tons of bombs and return non­ stop. been Germ an photographs. A p­ parently the Russians have no facilities in M oscow for send­ ing photographs by wireless, an d thus at a time w hen they are bending every effort to ob ­ tain sym pathetic publicity a - broad, they find them selves handicapped. As has been plain from the first day ot the cam paign, the issue hinges largely on the m o­ rale and powers o f resistance o f the Russian Arm y. I f a bat­ tle on the present terrain leads to a real break o f the Russian Arm y and a w eakening ot m o­ rale, we will have one situa­ tion. It, on the oth er hand, the Russian Arm y caii w ithdraw and still fight, w e shall have quite another situation. T his is true because the farther the G erm ans go into the vast reach ­ es of Russian territory, the m ore difficult becom es their problem o f transportation and service ot iupplles. Russia Is notably lack­ ing In good roads an d the G er­ m an Arm y and equipm ent m ust Th e Stalin Line It would appear that the Germ ans are planning to at­ tack directly the Stalin Line, in contrast to the turning tac­ tics they used against the M a- glnot Line in Prance. I f they have reached the Dnieper R iv­ er east o f Minsk, they are right up against the Stalin Line. Tills sj'stem ot fortifications is said to be a com bination of features o f the M aginot Line, in the use o f a strong protec­ tive positions, largely continu­ ous, and o f the system ot scat­ tered defenses in depth, such as was used by the G erm ans in the construction o f the Siegfried Line. In som e parts It Is reported to be seventy- five m iles deep. It stretches practically trom the B lack Sea to the G u lf o f Finland, being at Its strongest in the region between M insk and M oscow, w here It protects the Red capital. ' Prim arily built in 1933, it has been strengthened since then. T he Russians have allowed but reached and that progress had been m ade In the north. But, by and largo, the w abbly n'a- "turv uf the Nazi com m uniques in the fli'.st two weeks o f the cam paign pays tribute to the Russian resisi.iiK'e. T he Russian K osislaiicc ■ ■ On the propaganda front t!;e G erm ans aro; scorln?, a succcss w ith their ' workl-v.'ide cliiU 'i-j Jii'.-.-r _ b u U o ^ o f n]xaL:^i?4iis^ ol’ tivv”.' ageres.iTan the have roads. T he question,! details concerning it to be- therefore. Is w hether the R u s-]co m e known. It now rem ains slans, follow ing the counsel o f to be seen w hat value ot reslst- LStalln..can destcay-as-they-r-e' treat and retreat successfully. If. they can keep up the tight throu;;h tiie Sum m er, the com ­ ing of W inter would leave the o f defenses stretching tor 1,- 100 m iles before • the Germ an Arm y. • It it breaks the G er- , m ans will capture M oscow. If Gcrni.m s v.ith :ui en orm ou s: tiiey can drive to M oscow they task on their haiic!.s. i ]„j,y ¡jg expected to try to set By the .same if IIU !-r up a puppet governm ent in m om ent, M ussolini Is getting no m ore victories In the M editer­ ranean since Berlin faces M os­ cow, and the bom bing ot B rit­ ain has fallen oft. T hat there Is so m uch less opposition to R.A.F. bom bing in Northern Prance and Belgium , It m ay be taken for granted that a part o f the air force the G erm ans had there Is being used on the Russian front. For the British, there is m uch interest in how long the R us­ sian cam paign lasts. It it goes until Septem ber, that m eans a iurcease for the British through the W inter. If it ends quickly the G erm ans will have- time left this Sum m er to turn their efforts elsewhere. O t course, tJie eyes ot all Eu- lop e are turned on W ashing­ ton. In L ondon, as well as in Berlin and R om e, there seem s to be lacking a clear idea ot the intentions o f the United States. T he prevailing idea last Spring that this country would be In the w ar by Fall Is not now so prevailing. T he ch ief problem o f the British today is loss o f shipping and that affects their prospects Birthday Dinner For Mrs. West W INDY CITY. — The ch il- агшгТ)1“ НгТ.' В .'H rW esV 'gare' her a surprise birthday d in ­ ner Sunday at the hom e ot her daughter, Mrs. J. R . W all. Those present w ere Mr. and Mrs. B. H. W est and daughter, Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. W . D. W est, Mr. and Mrs. W ayne W est and гоп, Jerry W ayne, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W est, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. W all and daughter, G lenda Raye, Mr. and Mrs. Henry T ate, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Dixon and son, Mr. and Mrs. lOlaude Dunn and sons, Le­ Grand and Grady, Mrs. L. H. Dixon and Mrs. Jennie D outhit. Harold C. G regory spent the week end with his fam ily. His daughter. Miss M itza, return­ ed with him to Virginia to spend a while. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie H oward o f Virginia spent the week end w ith relatives. ■ H enry H ilton visited his fam ily over the w eek end. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. W est and daughter returned to Stokes Tuesday after spending a few Says with Mr. and M rs. J. R. W all. Mrs. H arold C. G regory spent Tuesday m orning In M ocks­ ville on business. Miss Elsie Sm ith visited her parents over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Haiiser visited Mrs. Jennie D outhit a while Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W . D. W est spent a while Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. EUls Howard. Japanese are trying to reduce production o f silk cocoon s In China. Miss Sylvia week end' Miss Lawson Visits Beach ELBAVILLE. — Eawson spentU T e at Carolina Beach. Teddy Hall spent the week end visiting his cousin, Billy Hall, at Yadkinville. ■Mrs. Betty Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Tucker and baby and Miss Anne Tucker spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Foster of Reeds, D avid­ son County. Mr. and Mrs. Sam C ope of Lexington spent the week end at hom e. Mrs. Carrie Orrell attended the hom ecom ing at Y adkin College last week. Mrs. Bill Kester, w ho is spending som etim e with her sister, Mrs. Ratledge, is vlslt- -iiig--ln-H i^T-pcrtnt^hisrw ?rekr Mrs. J. P. Burton and daugh­ ter, M arjorie, and Mrs. C. W . Hall; visited at the hom e of Mrs. Sol Cornatzer M onday a f­ ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W esley Sher- ,mer spent the' week end at hom e. K enneth Hall is visiting in W inston-Salem this week. guests o f Mrs. Long’s parenta, M r. and Mrs. John P. H olcom b, v/ho celebrated their goldcft w edding anniversary by observ­ ing open liouse at the hom e o f 'their son. J. W . Holfiomb da Patterson Avenue. W A L K E R F U N E R A L H O M E Funeral Services— Ambulance Scrvice Phone 5711 Phone 48 Cooleemee, N . C. Mocksville, N . C. SO'WELCOME... SIX THE HANDY B o ttl e c a r t o n r z : ' 1 .Л The whole fiimHy welcom es the pure refreshment of Icc-colil C oca-C oln.. .!in<i a six-bottle carton is the easy way to take hom e this pure, wholesom e drink. Buy a »urton at your favorite dealer’s today. W IN S TO N C O C A -C O LA B O T T L IN G CO. a n t r e -is ^ f f e r c d -b y n iT i.-^ s t e m l^ « “ '; ^ States to be in a position to try for air suprem acy over the continent. T hey are hoping, of course, - that a H lticr busy until the Pall w ith the Russians Store Wide July and August CLEARANCE 3 -P IEC E IM IT A T IO N M O H A IR LIVING ROOM SUITES 12x15 Armstrong LINOLEUM RUGS ran break tiie Kiir'úau гс;Л:,1- r.n.cc and brina a .s'urrcadi'r 1),- !he time lie reaciios the Vol'.ui Kuld to bo hli sv i;-T- 1 ЯП,,'.;'::! -.vill have' JV'S!,;;.rocarrilrii of p!r\no o f that headed by Stalin u¡4i to turn their at- K'ni’ -n : hoi-' ¿i' the l-'.D Scores of piiom ;;raphs’ are ^:;ni j \vhat Illilcr to do t ;-r hi.; >:an с.упрл'by wireless !u aU d irectijr.i, and ! I’ is L and the result is that thu- only pl'.e- ' }',c’,v ¡r.i'.t'h i; tographs priuted so .far have ' wishes to t.i.!:e ov';r. ■Ole ■S Ol and a W inter o f tim e v/iii bring i them m uch n.i J.irom this side o f | the A t’.antic. •! Mrs. Chaplain Has Florulfi Visitor ; COr-XATZSR. — Mnrk Ah-in ' ui 'n of A Io?;:';-' Л 1/ V ;;h y 9x12 I IHOL^ÜH RUGS S2.fl $4.75 9x12 Mohawk RUG, Ai’ Woo! ü r i i '. ; : ; .7 • , ; ■ ' ■ CW-- :I. ■■ ■ r ;;;: Mi--:: G ;:.i i:, Рсл AjT’-r.;'-', , ----------- sp2-:j q И':;.;.--/, vi;: Cv-i--:- r. ' '■ ■ Ч iar ol CO;í^■ ^ ; COnMociity ;':n : rel'.::c:;j l,.:-,. ,------------- . An. vicc; i'".. : ì : ' p r ■ ■t ' I .', Ч ■ ; , ' ! I ■ Ш- ■ , , , ■ il V Гг. -п:;-;;:; 't o .-и. jj.. V'I ■’ iCil : . ■■ 1,1 cu-i-.io.-j'b;.: ' lng!i;O l ÍTC ‘J. S.-t\f:r-.y. A ir "F iyir.g -..í " e ro shov.-n "i;: Qercnau ' 7-■ Í !i * ¿ c li o í, 'aia ¿í' ¡ i,¿ h e / higli, W#ÍQn ^10 pCtiriCis v.'i!;: ;пг.^г tx'ibo Qr.d hcvo Cí rno''ir'uiii lood -ca rry in g c g p jc iiy el '.¡Ó.OOO pov.rida. ■ v:... lit, ;'jr ; Г ti' ccv;:; hivolv- 4 --:v t c:mi- ' ;■ y A ''i-:' ' ' - . . . . •' .‘.''r OtiiSr líÑCr Sp;iníi ■ ‘ MATTÍÍbSS£S;-A5 icví^as: •í0 í, * ; ,íí , ■ ‘.. u Vi ! ■ ; r i!;' A L L T T E ^ I S Í Í ' Í D Ü C E D F O R T í l l S ' 5 A L I ^ . í É b ' ' '') Wwiiy. ; ■ ' i- ■ . ' - „ ■ .-.in , P.í>8 '.d n r i , - IJ Us . . . Eas-y. Terras M ay Be-Arranged •. . CALL.FQ R ^ Á F P R E C IA T IO N BAY^’ T ÍC R E T S Overliead Bridge M udcsvsHí, C. PAGE О THE MOCKSVILLE (N. C.) ENTERPRISE FRIDAY. JULY It, 1941 Russians Tougher than Hitler Thought COMMUNIQUES N01 DECISIVE The German campaign of ng- i-'rc.s.sinn against Russia is now TWO weeks ckl. After Uie first "veek tlie Germans announced .hat. all resislance had been broken and thai they were on their way lo Moscow and other places east. But the Reel A nny :s still resl.stiiig. Tho Germans nave had to use their full strength. It i.s a very .safe estimate that Hiller is IhrowinK all his power inlo •-he fight lo cru.sii his erstwhile ■friend" Stalin and put him In ihe growing cia.‘<s of those who ’ rusted Hiller lo their sorrow. Tlial the Nazi success has not ocen wluit Berlin e.xpected is in­ dicated by the very I'lueer com - muniqups the German capital Jias been issuing. One day the T!u.ssian strength has been an- r.^liilatcd and the ne.'Ct day sometimes tiic .same day. there is another cominunitiuc describ- ,.ng the stiff résistance of Ihe Hu.ssians. One d.iy Ihe Russian :ih' force has been driven from ■The skies; Ihe ne.\t day il is told of hew hundreds ot Rus- ."ian planes were brough* dnwii. W ar of Typewrilors Indeed, in addition to tlse struggling armies on the front, ■.he German-Russian battle is : !so a war of typewriters. Mo.scow is using Its old-tim e ■iamboyancy in telling how it rold.s the Germans back, how .1 stands against the "a.ssas- ,-ins" and "cannibals.” and then has to admit withdrawals lo ■ boiler posilion.s." The Rus- •iaiis are also using the techni- c;ue of i.ssuing long cotninuni- !)«es telling of individual teals of Iheir fighters. This .system lias been adopted doubtle.ss be- i-ause Ihe Hu.ssian censor.ship nad resulted in the withdraw- :il of most foreign corre.spond- •,'.its from Mosi'ow. That from the Red viewpoint, was an er­ ror analagous to that of shool- .;ig nv.j.si ol Ihoir gener.ils :;oui)ie of years ago. T!i‘' German comnr.iniriues :sri I'ar diifcreni in style from thc-e is.^ued in the Hitler cam - paii’.üs '.vhi'.’ii were crowncd ■■vitii (iMA'k .^Ui'ccs.scs. Day a f- iu' Germans failed in U 'n dr.yi^ of the cani- ur r.iii.n places to i'.;,(l advanced. II : l;i'V '■ I r.ilit iiYes- ■ :■ ■■■ ^ ..Id ;■ v;.. , d Birthday Dinner jiVIi.ss Lawson For Mrs. West j Visits Beach W INDY CITY. - The chll-1 ELBAVILLE.Mis College last week, iiome. Mrs. Bill Kester, who is i Kenneth Hall i ■ spending sometinie with her Svlv},^ sister. Mrs. Ratledge. is visit- visiting ,.г W inston-Salem this week. aren 01 Mrs, в. It. West ga ve' Lawson spent the week her a surprise birthday din- al Carolina Beach, ner Sunday al the home of I Teddy Hall spesit the week her daughter. Mrs. J. R. Wall.end visiting his cousin, Billy Tho.se present were Mr. and. Hall, at Yadkinville, Mrs. B, H. West and daughter, I Ruth. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. West. Л1 S iiiita Л1о п к ‘:1. C al.. tlu* L'. S, lim a le d .Sl>.r)()0,000 to b u ild . 'I’lu' l ì - 1!) •Army'.s colossu s, tlif m ii>lily ina]c‘sti- w llii a 'J12- foot w ¡» " s p r e a d ai\d j;ns ca p a - c a liy soa rs o\(‘r C lovt'r I‘'ifl(l. lu-adiii!- lo r ¡M arch l''it‘I(!. 75 m iles aw ay. M tijor S ta n ­ ley l^nistciul p iloted llie S 2-l(m sh ip (w e ig h t wluMi loa d e d ) w liifli c o s t a n es- been German jihotographs. Ap- ’I ho Stalin Line It would Mrs. Belly Tuckcr, Mr. and Mr. atKlM rs W avne West and! -on Jerry W avne Mr and 1 Glenda Raye, Mr and Mrs, “ ’’ Count., I Henry Tale, Mr aiid Mrs. Lvnn Dixon and .son, Mr. and M k -' !t!' 'Claude Dunn and ,sons, Le-i ‘ r. • n Grand and Grady, Mrs. L. H. I ., 0,,eii .u en d ed Dixon and Mrs. Jennie Douthit. | i’onu'com m g a ^ \adkin j Harold C. Gregory sjienl the | ; week end with his family. His i daughter, Mi.ss Mitzu, relurn- ' ed with him to Virginia to spend a while, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Howard of Virginia the week end with relatives. Henry iiiton visited his family over the week end, I ■Mr. and Mrs. B, H. W esl and daugitlor returned to Stokes Tiu'sday after spending a few. c’a.vs with .Mr. and Mrs. J. R. WaU. .Mrs. Harold C. Gregory .>pent Mocks- I J , ing in High Foint this week, i ' ” \ : Mrs. J. P. Bttrlon and daugh- -s parent ,. ter, Marjorie, and Mrs, C, W ,. Mi‘- -''I'd Mrs. John F. Holcomb. Hall, visited al Ihe home of who celebrated their goldto, Mrs, Sol Cornati'.er Monday af- wedding anniversary by obscrv- ternoon. ing open house at the honio Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Sher- of their son, J, W. Holcomb i o, .mer spent the week end atl I’atter.son .‘\venue. WALKER FUNERAL UOIME Funeral Services—Anibiilance Service Phone 5711 Phone 48 Cooleemee. N. C. Mocksville. N. C. SO'WELCOME... THE HANDY iSIX-BOTTLE CARTON: city o f 11,(10(1 G allon s, co u ld I'ly lo l.oiu loii w ith '2S ton s o f b o m b s a n d relin 'n n on - Tuesday m orning sto|). ville on busines.s, ■Mi.ss Elsie Smith visited her parents over the week end.moment, Mussolini is gelling no parentlv the Ru.ssians have no; It would appear that the Inore victories in the Tvleducr-. facilities in Mo.scow for .send-: to at- ranean since Berlin face,s Mos- \^,,',ü^, I tack directly the Stalin Line. cow. and the bombing ol* B ril-' Mr. and Mr.s. H. F. Hau.sor' :er day :h (‘ !;:v;: 'x h x :i : \va.. ,t:: , >ty,.' \l\ - rca<- : 00 Í ■ :.}y • u: '•ai Vìi < Cie ■vil ■)U Douthii a afternoon. ing photographs by w ireiess.i;;;'- and thus at a lime when they | ti^^s they used against the Ma- is ,so m uch Ie,ss opposition to ‘ , ,, F'li - llo-'v ii-d * are bending every effort to o b - , ginot Line in France, If they R,A.F, bom bing in Northern ‘ ' ^_____' ' lain syinpathelic publicity a- have readied the Dnieper Riv- Fr.uice and Belgium. It may bo invine-e T-e • reflu '-. broad, they find them.selves er oast of Minsk, they arc right taken for granted that a jwi't : „..nfln'.-im, n'r >'.*„„„ ■ i.', handicapped. ^ up against the Stalin Line. of the air force the Germans^ ‘ As has been plain from the! This system ot fortifications there is being used on ihc |--------------------------------------------------------------- first day of the campaign, the ! i;; ,sald lo be a combination of front, ; i,ssue hinges largely on the m o -! features of the Maginot Lino, I For ihe British, there is m iielr rale and iwwers of n.'sistance in the use of a strong protec- interest In how long the Rus- of the Ru.s,sian Army, If a bat- iive positlon.s, largely continu- cam paign last.s. If it goes Mo on the present terrain leads ’ ous, and of the ,sy,stem of scat- i '“ 'til September, that means a to a real break of the Uus,slan tered defenses in depth, such ■ for the British through Arm y and a weakening of m o -, .'i.s was used by the Germans Winter, If It ends quickly, rale, we will have one ,situa-i)n the con.struclion of the '*’ ^ Germ ans will have time! lion. If, on the other hand, : Siegfried Line, In .some partsSummer to turn their’ the RiKssian Army can withdraw it i.s reported to be seventy-iels'ewhere, and still fight, we shall have five miles dee]). It stretche,s ' course, the eyes of all Eu- quito another situation, Thl,s is'practically from the Black Sea " ’1’*-’ “ re turned on Wa,shing- triie because tho farther the | to the Gulf of Finland, being London, as well as hi Gorm ans go Into the vast rcach-I at its strongest in the region Rome, there .seems cs of Russian territory, the more I betw'een Minsk and Moscow, lacking a clear idea of difficult becomes their problem wiiere it protects the Red : intentions of the United ' of transportation and service of; capital. States, Tile prevailing idea la.st . uppiii's, Rus,sia is notably la ck -■ Primnritv hniit in loti it in.; Spring that this country would i.ig in good roads and the Ger- man Army and cquii)ment must 'I'he Russians '’•r’c i"o'vcd b f prevailing, have roads. The que.stion, | fe\v\ietaii.s VoncVrning it to b e^ chief problem of the 'I'lu' uholo family weUciim's iln* ptn\' rcfioslitiicnt icc-tN)Iil л)1п. . . aiuS a si\-I>ottlo c;irn*n is tho easy way t»> lako !)oiiie this pure, '\lu»lesome drink. Ihiy a «»aritm al yuuC faMirito doiiler's tmlay. WINSTON COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO.Di-1icico> fjnH !!uivr,.rc, is whetlier the R'l-s-' ¿om e \ T iow ir" u ‘ now ‘remains ‘s loss of shipping !^:llowing the counsel of to be scon what value of resist- ' nm; i.) lifffrt-d by tl-iisr.in destrov a.s Ihnv rn -• rdreat successfully, f,f clefenses stretching for 1,- ! kcf'p up thè Ughi lof) before the German Ariny. If il brcaks the G ir­ li 'unun-, tlie com - ::’d '('ave tho "miius m an s w ill ca p tu re M oscow . !ìu y I-.in drive lii Mos'.'ov.' !i :!l:iy bi- ONpoctpd to ti-y !.. '.;overnnT _ûl—obtainin!* lìy-.!W-Xl— Sprlltg .‘ Ufficienl aid from tlie United States 10 be in a iiosition to tvy for air suiîremaey over tlio continent. Thoy ari' ho]):!!:’,, of coursi'. 'i'.a* a Hitiet' bu.'V U'.'.t:! tho K.i’l .\i'ih ¡h..' Ru.'.s'"i:.> and a Wintt-r II!' timo v.,,, bri:;;: ; !n-in nuiri' , ' Store Wide July and August !-!МКС'К I.MiTATÜ)'-: LIVING ROOM M U I V r- Ç" h - ll’ xl.i .Vrinstronir I.IHOLEUM RUGS !)xl2 .'.Ci :n- 1Ч -O' FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1941 THE MOCKSVILLE (N. C.) ENTERPRISE PAGK 7 Gardeners of Air and Ground HREc YADKIN POWER PLAÑÍS CURREHI DELIVERIESл Л А Three p o v .’ o r generating plants r,c.\r Sr.:ijbu;y on the Yacikhi river— located at High Rock. Y adkin Falls, and Yadkin ; >;arro«-5— Rre affected by the | federal power com m ission's or- ; ripr TO the Onrolina-Aruinliuim l Gets 5 Years com pany and the Duke Power com pany for curtailm ent of power deliveries, Usir.ir em eugency provisions, the com m ission, this -week in­ voked priorities for the first time in the utility field. The three piant.s have a total Installed capacity of 134,500 kilowatts. In an effort to safegu ard ' continuous p oiw r supply for de­ fense 'alumtaiwn p m h iction , j the Federal '^ow er com m ission i directed Carolina Alum inum com pany to cease drawing down water from reservoirs and to ’■educe its con tract '.deliveries Peach Crop Is. Largest Since Season Of 1931 The peach crop r.O'.v orU'.g hfvrvrsti=d i:i- CiviC'U;..-! totals an estimated- 2/130,009 bushels, and Lewis P. W atson. Extension horticulturist of C. State College, says it irs I im d io = iaigpst crop since iS31. T h e' I 1940 peach . prqductioli iii'tlie State was 1.344.000 bu.shel.?. .■'The... peaches in the Sand- Ю 1 T H E S E M r m Ss^t ¥1113 WÄgj' -S.4f,r>- .\XU¡ С/\К1ЮХ hills section are of good qual­ ity fo r 'thè m ost'p art,” W atson declared, "an d there will be no better fruit buy , on the m ar­ ket this year than peac-hes. if’ the growers are to rcceive a- fair price for their crop, it will be necessary for consum ption o f peaches to rise coTislderably over norm al consum ption. Be­ fore we ask people In other states to eat m ore peaches, we certainly should do our part at hom e." The late.st fruit situation re­ port of thè U, S. D epartm ent of Agriculture indicntes a crop of 20.840.000 bushels in the 10 early" states, all of w hich will SKRVTCE. Fresh linttorits each week for all m akes.— ' Yim ng Radio Co., Depot St. USF.D TIRKS. CATTERIES .\ND F.\PL'.U — rt:XCIL : r ■i lOTcln’ietnariieiiors. lyi'euriters. sta- plc'-«, paper clips, inueilaKP. tyjiewritpr ribbons, ink parts — im rr’.iil' kliKt ot иШей'^ТГр- pües.— Mockbville Enterprise. COLD'S- e e e TAni.BTiJ------------------------ CÜlKíH liKOl*« COLOREDNEWS London anti-airciatt battery crews sow two kinds « f anti-Nazi seeds these days. Here they plant voge- ilahle seeds, to beat tlie German blockade. They also áre handy at. sowing the sky with shrapnel when Goev- ing's pilots .get frisky. Cotton Blooms On Bowles Farm CENTER. — Mrs. Dwight Tut­ terow of S heffield has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Tut­ terow the past week. David G. Tutterow Jr. of W ashington, D. C. arrived hom e Sunday to spend his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Tutterow . Mrs. Jim Owens and Miss Earle Anderson visited Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Dyson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E m ey Frye and daughter and Mrs. Hix Carter and son. Joe, o f W lnston- Salem visited Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Tutterow Friday. Mrs. Charles H. Pitts o f AÍex- nndrix, Va. and Miss Rnth Pitts of W ashington, D. C. visited Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Tutterow over the 4th. Miss Nancy Tutterow had as her guests Sunday, Miss Lucy and K athryn Everhardt o f Fork. Jack Bow les and Robert Evans w ho are in cam p In G eorgia cam e h om e for the holidays. Determ ined fight of Merrit Eugene G arsl against the Se­ lective Service Act ended in of energy 40 » e D tik e con - Philadelphia when he was sen- be selltag peaches during the cern. tenced to five years in prison, „ex t six weeks. This is nearly The order follow ed reports, At trial he read a statement 50 percent larger than last the comnii.ssion announced, urging disobedience to the | year’s crop, that generation of energy by draft. ; ^¡55 M ary E. Thom as. Ex- Carolina Alum inuni in U s; rr ~ , I tension nutritionist, points out liydro-electric plants on the Here'S J u l y - A u g u s t ■ that peaches — either fresh Yadkin River to r delivery « « - in T iv lp n W n r lr r n l o n r l i v c«'"i«ed — supply certain rt<.t-rnnt.rnrt.f«th#.T)hirp Power 1 imaterials that the body There’s m uch work to be done yeq;,ii.es for health and growth, on the fall garden, and in the .'Fruits are an excellent source hom e orchard, during July and of sugar for energy needs of August, says H. R. Niswonger th e ' body,” she declared, "and and L. P. W atson, Extension they also stim ulate the appetite horticulturists o f N. C. State 1 ^id digestion. College. They have prepared a .'Thev are a principal source garden and orchard work cal- of Vitam in C. which protects endar for the two sum m er; „gainst scurvy and is essential m o (ie ir ‘ * (v !-ecU cr"‘ler^"ce!^’'’0^^ RESALE OF LAND | fr, •nub-M.-Ti.n.--« UninKni Rortwell's Place. N ortli'M ocks- Under and 'oy virtue oi ■ vilie, near high school, Bay ord «' of the Superior Court phone 4 0 - n igh tj,h on e H V -J.; pXe'^iiTg'^^'^em itfed. i D r . C I V i t e W « ^ ^ SINGER SEWING ^^‘VCHINES i W*" VETER. Of John W. Clem ent, decea.ied. — « e are representatives m | and Issie C. Cam pbell and hus- Dnvie for these fam ous m a -! band. Dock Cam pbell, Plain- chines. ..Mso vacuum cleaners:i-n., c,.„ .... .licin... -Vir.giie C v\ Ilhams and hus- and iron. Sec our display.— ; M alicai W illiams, and C. J. Angell. I others. Defendants, “ the same — f r —___________t beinj; No. --------------------------------- upon the spe- FOR S.4LE — GOOD M B/K cisl proceeding docket of said COW.— See Hubert M ocksville, N. C. Carter, Court, the undersigned Com - : m issioner will, on MONDAY. , ' JULY 21. 1941. at 12 O ’CLOCK. second crop of BY M ARG ARET \V00D RI:FF Kev. and Mrs. Gery were the | -dinner guests o f Mr. and Mrs.! Avery Foster on Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. John Nickson j and fam ily, Mrs. Dulin, M iss' iRuth Blackburn, Nat and Odell ¡Dalton, o f HoustonvUle, Miss ■ (Reade T atum o f Cedar Creek, ■ lillie G ulblt, Irene M oore, t u - th e r H unter, Calvin Barken and ■ W illiam D illard were the guests -oi Mr. and Mrs.- Hilary Dalton : on. R oute 4 Siuiday. Mr. and Mrs. W .'G . W oodruff : find children o f Pittsburgh, Pa. *Te visiting .relatives. ’ R ev. H. M. H argraves and •George Sm ith were the dinner ^ e s t s o f Mr. and Mrs. Robert M ason Sunday. Dr. L. M. Onque o f Mt. Airy «311 preach at the Baptist ch u rch July 20, at 3 p. m. for th e Junior M issionary Society. •JDr. O nque is pastor o f the Mt. A iry Presbyterian church. Prlv¥te TLutH eF AlHsoh and' Private Andrew W oodru ff of F t. Eustls, Va. spent 'the week en d w ith hom e folks. R ev. A. Frost o f New 'York City is spending som etim e with «la tlv e s . Dr. L. M. Onque o f Mt. Airy «p e n t M onday visiting iriends. Earl R oseboro of Salisbury «p e n t Sunday w ith Mrs. R ose- toTO and fam ily. B y popular request the W o- «nanless W edding will be given se a ln at the Davie County TTrainlng School Thursday even. Sue at 8 p. m ., July 17. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE der con tract t o the Dtike Power com pany threatened to in­ crease pow er shortages in the ••outheast by reducing water In plant reservoirs. Continuation o f the draw­ down, the order said, would curtail the rem ainder o f the year for defense alum inum production. In directing stop­ page of the water drawdown and reducing energy deliveries to the D'.ike Power com pany to a m axim um of 1.600,000 kilo­ watt hours a week, the com - n-iisicn .sain, m axim um co n -j planted in July, tinuous generation and deliv­ eries o f electricity for alum i­ num production would be as­ sured, and the plants would be operated as ru n -of-th e- river plants, using only the unregulaV.ed natural flow of the Y"adkin river. . Expansion o f Duke Power facilities, already under way, is expected to add m ore to the com pany’s capacity than the com m ission has ordered cut off, ofricials o f the com pany said. The Buck steam plant at Duke- vllle. R ow an county will soon be producing 100,000 kilowatts. NOTICE TO iVLL DOG OW N- i NOON, at the Courthouse door ers— As we were late in start- | resiile°‘lo''the^'highfs't bidder’ or mgr. we have decided fo g iv e, bidders, for cash the following you until J u ly -lotli to have described lots or lands towlt: your dogs vaccinated. Take i ■ warning. A fter that date you ^’ B E C I^ IN G T t a''stake in will be su bjcct to a fine. Bear Creek. F. H. Lenier’s cor- T hcy m ust be vaccinated.— ner; and running thence with Dr F ^ firriiiv \s<iis(ant lines Of F. H. Laiiiei* and >i0‘ t.h 87 deg. WestDistrict H ealth O ificer. jg oj jggj jo an iron stake. 7-i-Zt John I.iames corner in Parker’s -------------------------------------------------- line: thence with Ijam es’ line. B. F. .\NDERSON W ILL V.-\C- North 6 deg. East 1039 feet d „ ,,0 route 1 any night for ode. Tutterow ’s line. South 87 If you w ant him to com c to: deg. East 1015 ieet to a stake your hom e to vaccinate your ' ^ Creek: thence down dog. drop him price will be East 300 feet: (3> South 8 dep. 90 feel; U i N orth- 73 Sanford B U g . m».iflM B r V M K Office l*!b©ne: 38 Home Phííirie: 74 DAVIE BRICK COMPANY — D E A L E R S B R IC K 4МЙ: П9— WOOD & COAL D&y Г Ь в М IM N ight P’hone 119 o vaccinate vour Jn oea i i^retK; inence nown Im •. i>Trii 'rh p Sear Creek, eleven lines as iol- im .1 car.L The 35 <oc. ,- 4- t p ..3i 3 feet; ,21 South 63 doc,: m onths. I for the healthy condition of W.-VNTED TO LOAN— JIOJJEY j \Vest For farm ers in the Eastern | teeth and gums, part of the State, the horti- i fresh, canncd culturlsts recom m end that a | stewed or cooked in com bina- is. Serve p each es' to build you a hom e—M o c k s -! dt-g East 125 feet: 5J South . dried, steam ed. vilie Building & Loan .\sso- ; 5^ Jgg ‘j^et; (6 ^ |outn potatoes be G ood varie- other foods,’’ she Mrs. M. M. Bowles is one o f the very few people w ho had cotton bloom s on the 4th o f July. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Tutterow o f Dukeville have l?een visiting this week w ith Mr. Tutterow ’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Tutterow. Miss N ancy Tutterow spent Saturday in Spartanburg, S. C. visiting friends in Cam p Craft. North C arolina ranked fourth in cow pea hay production in 1940 com pared w ith other states, reports the State D e­ partm ent o f Agriculture. tlon With suggests. ties are Lookout M ountain a n d ' Mrs. Cornelia C. Morris. Ex- Cobbler. Also suggested is the tension cann ing specialist, setting out o f cabbage plants i points out that recipes for from August 1 to 10. Plant j m aking preserves and peach sweet corn, lim a beans, summ er j pickles are contanied in Exten- splnach, Swiss chard and to-^ slon C ircular No. 113. "Jelly, m atoes between July 15 and 1 Preserves. Jam and Pickle." .‘August 15. Sow celery seed in This publication is available July for plants to be set out in free upon request to the Agri- i August. Sow turnip seed, and cultural Editor, N. C. State Col- turnip salad, in August. | lege. R aleigh. W O L V E R I N E W A L L O P E R By Sords ÍAÍAKeFlELR yeMSATiiyJAU oütP iei-o №ospeer рком-шеиллуеину 0FMlcMl6Af4, siSAieo ev -w e. P&ÍR01T Efirds Have Sunday Guests SHEFFIELD. — Picking ber­ ries is the hobby o f the day in this section for awhile. Mr; and M rs. Frank' Vickers and Miss Pauline Vickers and Miss Dovle Eflrd o f H igh Point sp en L Sunday i^ith Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Eflrd. John E flrd spent the past week with his sister, Mrs. Leon Albea in Statesville. Mr. and M rs. Com m ie Tur­ ner spent one day the past week With M r. and Mrs. E. W. Prevette Mrs. R ay Stroud spent M on­ day night w ith her m other, Mrs. Annie Beck. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sm ith and son, BUIy, o f A sheboro spent the past week with their aunt, Mrs. J. A. Sm ith. Mrs. T in a B eck has been visiting Mrs- R . G. W ooten. Miss Novella R ichardson spent last week w ith her sister, Mrs. A lfred H utchens. Rev. and Mrs. G . E. Laws, Mrs. A lm a R ichardson, Miss R uth R ichardson. Johnie Swish­ er. Miss R uth Sm ith and Mrs. B. A. Sm ith were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sm ith. M isses Belle and Olga Sm ith spent M onday night with Mrs. G rady Ijam es. Miss Edris Hill is spending a few days In G reensboro. Miss Sylvia D obson spent Thursday afternoon with Miss Zula Vay Gobble. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. M cClintock rn d little daughter, Sandra Kay o f Savannah, G a „ have been visiting M r. and Mrs. J. T. Sm ith. Johnle Sm ith is rem odeling For the western half of the State, the horticulturists re­ com m end: Sow celery seed in July for transplantUig in A ug­ ust. Sow seed o f Chinese cab­ bage in July and lettuce seed in August. • T hin plants of each to 12 Inches apart. Plant snap beans, beets, carrots, collards, sweet corn, Swiss chard, to­ m atoes, kale, turnips and tur­ nip salad In July or August. Plant a second crop of Irish potatoes In- July. Suggested work In the hom e orchard durhig the July-August period is as follow s: Rem ove old frulthig canes o f raspberries, dewberries and blackberries. Burn them . If the leafspot disease is present, spray the new canes w ith Bordeaux m ix­ ture. Spray peach trees with wet sulphur to control brown rot. Spray apple trees with B or­ deaux m ixture to control the -ot diseases. Spray grapevines with the sam e m aterial to pre­ vent fruit from rotting. S JIA L L G erm an sea and air forces destroyed only 56 consignm ents o f w oolen goods of a total of 2,540 shipm ents sent to the United States from G reat B rit­ ain shice the start of the war in Septem ber, 1939. Tippie Cum Laude cialion. l - 2G -tf;33 dep. W est 70 feet: (81 West -------------------------------------------------------- 268 feet: iSi South 15 des. NOTICE TO ALL DOG OW N- West 85 feet: (lOi South OS ers— As the Health D ep a rt-' ticS-^East^l73 feet: (H » South m ent has extended tile time bE G IN N IN g! co n ta in h ic'28‘ 4/ until July lotii. I will vie- ■ 10 acres, m ore or less, einate at m y hom e each SECOND T R A C T: M onday ninht and on the! "• tem oon . I have been in- deg. W est 323 feet to a stone at structcd to '¿ivc 3 (lays n o -, said road: thencc N. 85 rii'fi. .ice after that date, so P > -s e ; W es¿. 30^feet^ to a^^one m^U. South 49 deg. East with the ROWAN PRINT take warning:. — 'W a lter L. Call, rabies inspector. 7-5-2t E X E C IT O R ’S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the estate o f Julia Ann Myers, deceased, late o f Davie County. N orth Carolina, this is io notify all persons having claim s against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned within one year from date o f this notice or sam e will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted' to said estate please’ m ake im m ediate paym ent. T his the 4 day of June, 1941. JOHN Q. M YERS Executor o f Julia Ann Myers, estate. 6- 6- 6t "T h at fellow w ho looks so unhappy.’’ avers Jim , "isn’t worried over w ar but about the ants and flies he is going to figh t at the iam ily picnic next Sunday.” Mr. and M rs. Clyde Parks of Greensboro have been visiting relatives here. Mr. and M rs. Lewis Hill and | children were the Sunday guests fam ily o f G reensboro visited in of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Beau- Virginia Visitors A t Allen Home MOCKS. — Miss Ruth Sidden from W inston-Salem is spend­ ing her vacation with her sis­ ters, Mrs. R oy Carter and Mrs. Jack Phelps. Mr. and Mrs. W . M. Essex and G eorge Essex spent W ed- r.esday in Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Elm er Allen and daughter and Ray Allen all o f Virginia spent the week end with Mrs, J. G. Allen. Miss Jeraldlne B eaucham p of Cooleem ee spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beaucham p. Miss Thom asin Carter is get- ing on nicely after having her tonsils rem oved W ednesday. Rev. A. A. Lyerly was dinner guest o f Mr. and Mrs. W. J.| Jones Thursday. - Erintr~Jea'i'i~0 ri^!!-si3ent- last; week in Forsyth visiting Ruby I Right. Mr, and Mrs. Sam R ights a n d ' Bill w ants to know 11 strikes were forbidden by law and there w ere n o strikes, what would new spapers do with all O n the basis of classroom and campus activity, Tippie, a 3- year-old m ongrel, receives a diplom a as a m em ber of the graduating class of Lincoln .Tunior H igh School, Santa Monica, Cal. Voted "m ost lik e -1 the space? ly to succeed,” he had attend- | ------------------ ed six classes daily w ith his "M any a driver on th e Fourth master, Jack M iller, played an of July,” sighs G eorge, "goes im portant role in the class play, like he was carrying an arm is- set a 50-yard dash record and ] tice for G reat B ritain from won top m ark for good conduct. G erm any.” Kindergarten Kissin' p icti пес^ыер BOfiüS F or Sl6AllAl6 WifM реГ(?огГ " (Je ААР OFFERS PROW A PoX6*l KKCvw eist-EASoe, crtoosiiJS'1Й& <i6 eRS' Afi-rrt rMeiR ei6 Sa-li» this section last Friday. Miss R uth Sm ith has purch­ ased a new car. Rev. and Mrs. Laws, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Beck and Miss Ila Beck spent a while Sunday afternoon w ith Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Boger of Cooleem ee. Mr. M anley M artin and fam ­ ily have' m oved 'to Elkin. G aston C ounty 4-H Club m em bers are getting ready for the Junior Dairy Show to be held hi Statesville this fall, says W . Z. Sm itji, assistant farm agent of the N. C. Stal* College Extension Service cham p. Jethro M ock o f G reensboro' visited his father, G eorge M ock .' John M ock o f Thom asville' visited his sister, Mrs. George | B eaucham p last week. ! Several from here attended | the funeral o f G annon Talbert i at A dvance M ethodist church Sunday. ‘ I Mr. and Mrs. John Evans and ■ M ary A nn Evans and Miss M abel Jones of W inston Salem spent the week end with Mrs. O. F. Jones, Charlie M ock o f W inston- Salem visited relatives here Sunday. road 403 feet to a stone in said U S. H ighw ay No. 64 to A nderson’s line: thence S. 85 deg. East 173 feet to the be­ ginning corner, containing 2 acres, m ore or less, being a part o f the J. W . Clem ent hom e tract lying East of U. S, H igh­ way No. 64 TH IRD T R A C T: Bounded on the South by R. S. Powell, on the W est by the county road, being a part o f the original 53 acre tract, bounded as follow s: BEGINNING at a stone Lanier and B. F. Tutte­ row corner in county road; running S 29 deg. E 1055 chs. to a stone; thence North 88'/2 deg. W . 557 ft. to a stone near U. S. H ighw ay No 64: thence N. 8 deg E. 140 ft.; thence N. i3-_deR_. W . i89 ,.ik _w lth .rpad.L thence N. 13 deg. E. 170 ft.: thence N. 3 deg. E. with road 408 ft to a stone, the begin­ ning corner, containing 6 acres m ore or less. Bidding on first tract will com m ence at $402.60. B idding on second tract will com m ence at S247.50. B idding on third tract will com m ence at $363.00. This 2 day o f July, 1941 Date o f S ale: JULY 21st. Term s o f Sale: CASH. JACOB STEW ART Comm issioner J. Giles H udson, Attorney7-ll-2t N O T IC E O F R E -S A L E O F LA N D U nder an d by virtue o f an order o f the superior court of Davie County, m ade in the spe­ cial proceeding entitled J. R. Bailey et al ex parte, the im - derslgned-ecm m issioner will on the 12th day of July, 1941. at 12:00 o ’clock M., at the court­ house door in M ocksville, North Carolina offer for re-sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract o f land lying and being in Shady Grove T ow n­ ship, Davie County, North Carolina, adjoin ing the lands of Sallie Branson and others and m ore particularly describ­ ed as follo-.vs, to-w lt: FIRST T R A C T: Beginning at Bailey’s line running North 27.75 chains to a stake: thence W est 9.05 chains to a poplar thence South 2 East 14.50 chains to a branch: thence North 54 East 3.25 chains up branch; thence South 17.25 chains to a dogw ood; thence South 89 East 3.30 chains; thence N orth 80 East 2.25 chains, ypntaining , 21..„„.a?.re5,^ m ore or less SECOND T R A C T: Beginning at a stake in Charles line and runs S. 29.75 chains to Bailey’s line; thence N. 80 degs. E. 3.45 chains to a stake; thence N. 29.30 chains to a stake in Charles line: thence N. 3.36 chains to the beginning, con ­ taining 10 acres, m ore or lee» B idding wrll start at S630.00. This the 23rd day o f June, 1941. B. C. BROCK. Comm issioner M ocksville. N. C. Phone 151 7-4-2t SALISB1DK¥, N. C. I One of the largest print­ ing and ciifice supply houses in the Ciirolina!3.- • Printing • Lithograplbing • Typ'ewriteffs • Complete Oifice Supplies. Phone 532 SnJiÌBhnry, N. С. J.M . Broadway They begin early these days, with education and spooning. Here Julius Soter busses Sally Green at New York Children’s Aid Society kindergarten graduation for tenement tots. Julius was valedictorian, Sally second in the class. D R . M c IN TO S H H E D R IC K OPTOJiIETRIST 436 N. Trade Street Winston-Salem, N. C. Have Your Eyes Examined ^ ^ e g u la r l^ L o c u s t --------- On Salisbufy Mjghway •. 3 Miles fmin 'Mwlnville Z Miles from Oneey Corner \VE CARRi; AOOWPLETE LINE OF • Fresh aad Western Beef • Meat of all Kinds • Complete Line O f Fresh Groceries FLOWERS are alw ays appxo- priate, no marttei w liat tibe occasion. SAUSBVKT, N. C. M0CKSV1U£ AGEN1’ LeGRAND’S PHARMAOV .••a ...r PAGES THE MOCKSVILLE (N. C.) ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JULY 11, Ì941' Wrecked Russian Bridge Fails to Halt Nazis Russian destruction of the frontier bridge in background fails to halt (he in­ vading Germany army... Pioi:cer iroopt_____ have erected an auxiliary bridge i> .mg- with this radiophoto from Berlin. side the wrecked one and motorized troops already are rolling across toward the front, according to the official German caption M O R E A B O U T ,War News landed N Dnday in Iceland to prevent. : ly Germ an effort to occu py [• at Island, and tho j:\avy w.'i; >rrtered to take every step iic(- ary to keep sea com - m uniciii • IS open to that “ and ell otlKu lirategic outposts” o f Amerlcii defense. This was done at e direction o f Pres­ ident Ko, velt, and announced by him I I special m essage to Congress Pre.sitio..c Roosevelt approves request o f General M arshall that a portion o f selective aervice and national guards­men on duty in outposts re­main beyond the one year. Secretary K nox strongly hinted that Am erican naval vessels patroUng the Atlantic had been ordered to shoot if necessary to protect com m uni­ cations be( -.v en the U. S. and strategic ouiposts. T he d ra ft lottery for newly registered m en o f 21 will be held July 17. IT PA YS TO ADVERTISE IN THE ENTERPRISE. G ets New Post Mrs. Jeff Myers Visits in Lexington OHEKNWOOD. — Miss Inez Jones ;;;ient the week end with her coii.sins, Mltaes Lucille and R osa Lee Jones. M rs. G eorge Jones spent Sunday afternoon with her brother, R. K . W illiam s o f Churchiand. Mr. and Mrs. Buddie Stew ard and daug liter spent awhile Sunday clLem onn with M r. and Mrs. S co;t S'.ew.ird and fam ily. M r. and Mrs Johnnie Jones and daughter .losa Lee, spent awliila Sunday afternoon w ith M r. and Mrii. iieorge Jones. M isses Irene and Lydie Sue .Tones spent Sunday afternoon W illi Misses Kuth and Louise Foster. M l. and Mrs. R obert Lee R obertson spent the week end u !th Mr. R obertson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'i'om m le R obert­ son. Mrs. Johnnie Jones and dau- bhter. R osa Lee, and Mrs. Jake Jones spent M onday afternoon w ith Mrs. Jennie Grubb w ho is sici: at her hom e. Mrs. C lifton Barnes and Miss Leila Barnes spent awhile S at­ urday night with Mr. and M rs. G rady W alser. Mrs. J eff Myers spent part o f last week with relatives In L ex­ ington. Garwood •spent the past week at N orfolk B each. W allace Sparks o f Bethel Saturday visiting hlsj iTOthcr, row. Mr. and Mrs. Everette Sea­ m on and sons o f Jericho visit­ ed Mrs. Seam on's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Daniel Satur­ day afternoon. Cargill Was Star For Legion Team M arvin (Bo) Cai'giU, C oolee­ mee shortstop, h a d tw o doors o f baseball open to him . State league Ians m ay n ot be aware o f it, but Bo was a great kid pitcher for the A m erican L e­ gion Post o f A nderson, S. C. He was faced w ith m aking a decision as he began to think about a .professional ca reer. PrM ldent Roosevelt has com - m ln lo iie r W illiam J. (W ild B ill) Donovan of New Y o rk as a M a jo r General to supervise A m erican M ilitary IntelliKence anA to ally it w ith the British Secret Service, Donovan has served for m onths as N avy Sec­ retary K n ox’s emissary on se­ cret missions abroad. MORE ABOUT Ball Team the team. Mr. and Mrs. Paul P. D w ig- gins of Jericho spent Sunday with relatives ni this com ­ m unity. Mr. and Mrs. Hill Turner and Mrs. G . C. Dw isglns spent the week end in F.nehurst. A T H IS P E A K By Jack Sords Ais (büüeft PRW es Afte Acco0Mli*l<x fb p A w r ROaIS, Ал! ЙА5 йеиР SiAice Me joiM ep -frte •TeAM Miss White Is Honoree IJAMES CROSS ROADS. — Miss Annie Belle W hite gave a .surprise birthday party in honor o f her sister, R achel W hite, Saturday night. A bout thirty-five -were present. Miss W ilm a Graves o f W ins­ ton-Salem spent the w eek end w ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R obert Graves. M r. and Mrs. Clyde G lascock were recent guests o f M r. and Mrs. L, V. Cartner near H ar­ m ony. M rs. W. S. Boyd Is su ffering from blood poisoning in her hand. Mrs. Jim Brown, w ho has been 111 for the past several m onths, is now greatly im prov­ ed. M iss Catherine G lascock spent the week end in H anes w ith Mr. and Mrs. Fred K im ­ mer. Mi-s. W. L. Ijam es and Miss A nnie Belle W hite visited their sister, Mrs. Felix Gobble, M on­ day afternoon. Paul W hite spent the h oli­ days at M yrtle Beach, S. C. M r. and Mrs. W . H. B arney­ castle and fam ily- o f Center spent a while one night last week with M. E. G lascock and fam ily. Miss Doris C haffin visited Miss Betty Jean G obble, S un- day, Mr. and Mrs. Otis O obble o f Hanes spent tlie holidays w ith relatives here. T-W ade-Attderson of W inston-Salem spent Sunday w ith Mr. and Mrs. W . H. R ene­ gar. Little Miss Joan R ichardson spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. Sam Boyd. Misses Lavonne and Linda Cartner of near H arm ony are '•isiting their sister, Mrs. Clyde G lascock. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron W hite and children o f W lnston-Salem spent the 4th with Mr. and Mrs. Joe W hite. Mr. and Mrs. Dewle T utterow and fam ily of Fayetteville spent the 4bh with Mr. and M rs. W . S. Boyd. Miss Etta M ae T ut­ terow rem ained for a longer visit. Miss Mary G lascock visited Miss Delia L e e _ Spillm an o f Farm ington, Sunday afternoon. Yadkin Veteran Commits Suicide Ersklne Franklin Stanley, about 50, took his ow n Ufe at l-.is hom e near Boonviile by firing a shotgun load into his breast just above the heart, severing the large blood ves­ sel. He died in ten m inutes. Stanley was a W orld W ar veteran and had spent som e time in a veteran's hospital at Johnson City, Tenn., returning to his hom e Saturday. His and decided to devote his time to short-fielding. “ There wasn’t any use trying to do two jobs,” lie said. “I knew if I wanted to be a sh ort­ stop I had better give up p itch ­ ing, for the wear an d tear on m y arm wouldn’t help m e. I liked playing shortstop and it would keep m e in tlie gam e every day, so I quit hurling." In 1936, Cai'gill pitched the Anderson Legion team righ t up to the finals for the upper state cham plonsliip ot South Carolina without suffering- a loss. M eeting Spartanburg in the finals, the kid m et b is on ly two setbacks and both w ere h eart- breakers. He lost the first gam e, 4 to 0, when his m ates let hhn dow n at the plate and in the field. T hey prom ised n ot to d o it again in the second m eeting o f the teams, but they couldn’ t keep their prom ises. B o lost the second clas, 2 to 1, after a beautifully pitched gam e. Next year he turned d efin ite­ ly and perm anently to the business o f shortstopping. H e led the Anderson cou n ty league in fielding and was picked on the all-star team . In 1938, the youngster joined the In depen d­ ent G eorgia-C arolina loop, p lac­ ed second in hittin g a n d was again nam ed on the all-star nine. T he next year he was un ­ anim ous choice as sh ortstop on the all-star team o f the N orth­ western State League o f South Carolina. A native o f C harlotte, Cargill started out last year and helped G astonia finish secon d in the T ar Heel loop race. B o played in every gam e and carded a .271 batting average. FARM QUESTIONS ARE ANSWERED Question: W hen should corn and sorghum be cu t for sil­ age? Answer: Dairy specialists o f the State College E xtension Service say that crop.s should be cut for silage w hen they contain the m axim um feed nu ­ trients and at the sam e tim e have sufficient m oisture to pack—w ell~ in^ th e"sIIo. W ith corn, 'the grain should be d en t­ ing and the shuck slightly yel­ low. This stage o f m aturity is reached about a w eek or ten days before the corn is ready to cut and shock. Sorghum should be cut w hen the seed in the head are firm . 128 MORE YADKIN MEN REGISTER m N ew psroryi FOR SELECTIVE MILITARY SERVICE ^ Question: W hat types o f vegetables can be put up with u hot water canner? Answer: Only vegetables and fruits which are “ a cid ” and can be safely preserved at a boil­ ing temperature, 212 degrees F., m ay be canned w ith a h ot water canner, says Mrs. C ornelia C. M orris, Extension food conser­ vation specialist. T his list in­ cludes tom atoes, fruits, fresh­ ly-gathered. young. . tender string beans, and a p re-cooked soup m ixture contahiin g a large proportion of tom atoes. Such non-acid products as corn, peas, beans, spinach, okra and squash require a pressure ca n ­ ner. Question: W hen is the best t\.me to seed a perm anent lawn? Answer; Except for the M oun­ tain section, the best results are usually secm-ed by seeding grass In the early fall. John H. Harris, Extension landscape specialist of N. C. State College, family,.w«a..at....work..ivhsn. even lu-ilic ivvoUiiiami, shot was fired. The body was found by A. L. Dehart, on whose farm Stanley lived, a few m in ­ utes after the shot was fired. Dehaiit was passing by and saw tile body lying in front of the hom e, three m iles n orth ­ west o f Boonviile. A stick had !)een used to pull the trigger. P lR sr FASPAIAM AMP FbWÈRi-lûüSÊ M ifrei?. a? Гйе 1л1 iftRÉü PûPSÊRS PKÈv/ioOS VPARS AS A COD6 6 R OoiP- HASç.. Me\;eR etzeo .o-9o wi-m .""■ -me sficHi, sur its a ^o p eef ^ r t e u A v/ee\ ee * » -rnis seaso/ì Stanley was a native o f Surry county. He is survived by ills widow and several children. The funeral was held at the Stanley Graveyard near D obson Thursday afternoon. Coroner R. V. Long was ca ll­ ed to the scene but pron oun c­ ed It a clear case of suicide and deem ed an inquest un ­ necessary. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE ENTERPRISE. at elevations o f less than 2,500 feet, the best tim e to seed a lawn is in the early fall. By seeding in the fall, the grass will generally becom e well es­ tablished before whiter, and in the spring will have a good start on weeds and undesirable .grasses^____________________________ One hundred an d tw enty- eight m en w ho have becom e 21 years old shice last October IG registered at the local Se­ lective Service office last Tues­ day, T. W. M artin, clerk to the board, announced today. — i>he~Hst-<>f—iie-w-i-egistritttts- follows: R oy Carl M ayberry Dale 'Francis B row n Lonnie Hugh Shaw Vh-gil Green A shley Dewey W infield P iniiix R aym ond K ind Floyd H am pton P ettit Thom as Douglas Boles Gilm er Charlie B row n Troy M onroe V estal Author Clarence L eonard George Curtis H all R oy Lee H aynes Dewitt W illiam H ollem an Arm ond Roberts James W elborn, Jr. Edger M artin David Cleveland Lane Joseph Clyde Phillips Archie G lyn Carter Dewey A. R ash Ernest Creed Law son, Jr. Jughead H arold H em ric Douglas Eugene B unton Miles Franklin N ew m an Coy Charlie Shores Talm age D evalt N ichols James A nderson D ouglas Sanford Nelson M aynard Jam es W ilson Joh nston Hobert Clyde Y arbrough Herbert Jam es B row n Charlie Clarence M yers Arnie Paul M atthew s Melvin Cecil Phillips R alph Sanders D obbins Charles Lee R atledge Bernard M urray M atthew s Harvey Lee A dam s W allace H arding H utchens John Hubert Sw alm Hurley Jam es A nth on y Joe Henry Parker Jack Steelm an Albert Lee W agoner Lawrence W ashington M iller Ray W ilson H ayes Claude A. A dam s Allen W illiam G en try Guy Houston W arden Christopher Colum bus Crews M ervln K eith B arron David W oodrow T odd Franklhi Allen Sw aim W alter Clarence M acem ore Mike Music Case Boss Redm an M arshall Lee Speaks John Henry D obbins Byron Bllson N icks Franklin G ray Phillips Charles Edward B uxton John Henry T aylor James Hilary Sizem ore V ance Eugene A dam s Parris Everett Collins Thom as Edison Pardue Arvll Esker Davis Jolin Thom as Sm ith Roy Benton Vestal Preston Lee G regory Roy Felts Cheeks R over Zeno W iles Levi Tuibert Clarence Ray N orm an Henry M onroe Sloop Clarence M onroe H u ff David Cum ian Sprinkle R oger W arren Sizem ore K ane Vernon Joyce Paul W llm er P innlx ^ Samuel Gurnie Harris Isaac Aaron A llgood John Author Paul W oodruff Andrew R alph Davis C lifton Irvin W illiam s Paul W enfield Bullin Burley Bllson G roce Joe Clyde Cave Marvin M onroe Vestal Arvel Eugene T hom pson M arvin B eecher H utchens Juttui Gray H utchens W illiam Leak A ngel K enneth Film ore H oots W illie Jennings Sm ltherm an Charlie D obson M athews M onroe Bradiey i-outs James David C arlton Arnold Colum bus H obson Charlie Cline M urphy John G lenn T aylor Jam es Puryear Junior W ayne G roce W aiter Ray Joyner Alvis Gray Allen Clyde Dinkins Paul Howard Sw aim Richard W ilbom W ood John W illiam B rann ock David B atiy HoweU George W ilson P hilcher Juneous R obert M athews June Julius A dam s Franklin N athaniel Johnson Clay Vanhoy Pleas W illiam U nderw ood Twentv More To Enter A rm y Yatlkin C ounty is schedul­ ed to send 20 m ore m en to t h^ m 8. S on i^ p f^ hose slalcd to fiU tho next quota have asked for defer­ ment, according to T, W. iMarlin, selective service cicrk, and the list published is subject to change. Those m ost likely to leave are; Richard H ughs (D ick) AVoot- en, Hall A cy D inkins, Luther W illiam D avis and Crater Swanson i>Iatthews, all of Y adkinville; A llen W ood Norman, B oonviile; Troy A l­ fred M atthews, C harlie B ut­ ler H uff, R oy C linton Gough, and F olgcr G aither M at­ thews, all o f East B end; Daniel Cecil Billings, R a­ leigh A lton Vestal, Delma Cleone Vestal, and Lester Couch H olcom b, all ot Jones- ville; Lewis H ugh W alker, of H am ptonville; an d W illie Ed­ gar Johnson, o f Cycle. Dick XVooten and Luther W illiain »a v is are asking de­ ferment o nth e grounds that they n iT students of engi­ neering. ' io action in their case will ;)e taken until the local lio:i; I is advised by the presiiU'tii ot State College, M r. Mai'. 1 stated. Fair sample of the tremendous variety of gifts a U. S. president receives cach year is found on shelves of oddities room ot President Roosevelt’s new Hyde Park library. Favorite of FDR is clay caricature of himself with cignret holder. Albert Pe- Mr.tthew.'j Oeorge Mf ‘ .Inley Lovelace Joseph R .i. Doss Howard Rui-i'ord K im m er James H obert Llneberry Houston S an ford Vestal Burnette D em entrls C undiff Harry Russell B aity Clyde T hom as P oplin Brady Lee O liver Jim mie Frazier Alvis Lewis H obson WUlle W orth Wdles WUllam O bdella W iUard Paul Davis E arly T om thinks it is gran d to be living In a coun try w here one is knee deep in daisies even If you are also up to your eye­ brows in debt. North C arolina ranked 24th am ong oth er states In w heat production In 1940 an d 23rd in value o f th e crop, reports the State D epartm ent o f Agricul­ ture. A Roosevelt Returns Services Held For Mrs. Clara Howard Mrs. Clara B randon Howard, 40, passed away at the hom e o f her fath er, A. D. Brandon, near yi\t.lkinville Saturday m om lng. She w as the widow of H ole H ow ard. Surviving are three children, Lois H ow ard, Evalena Howard, and Clara Dell H ow ard all ol Y adkinville; tvvo brothers, Byron B randon, H arm ony, and G ordon B randon, Yadkinville; two .sister.-!, Mrs. W indsor W il­ kins, H arm ony, and Mrs. Prank Reavis, y a d k ln v i’.le. T he funeral 'vus held M on­ day m orning at 10 o ’clock at Union B aptist C hurch in W ilkes county. T he body rem ained at a local Funeral Hom e in Y adkhiville until 9 o ’clock M on­ day. Services were held by Rev. M . F. Reavls, R. E. Adam s and Hev. Dallas Renegar. RESOLUTIONS O F RESPECT S ince our D ivine M aster ha* seen fit to rem ove one o f our m em bers, M rs. M innie Bow den Allen, from am ong us. T h erefore resolved that the grange on beh alf o f its entjr« m em bership d o hereby e x p r e » cu r deep sense o f loss an d heartfelt appreciation o f tb e life an d Influence o f our c<V w orker an d friend and that w e extend to her fam ily our sym ­ pathy. P in o Com m unity O range M rs. C. H. M cM ahan M rs. P. H. B ahnson O. M . Howell A rriving unannounced at the Boston airport from H alifax, N. S., M ajor K e rm it Roosevelt, son of President Theodore Roose­ velt, is greeted by his wife. K erm it Joined the B ritish arm y shortly after the outbreak of w ar. He did no t reveal reason for retu m in c to tbe V . S. Capitol Theatre "Salisbury, N . C. F R ID A Y A N D S A T U R D A Y Hum phrey B ogart and Ida L upino in “ H IG H S IE R R A ” AUDNIGHT SHOW SUNDAY James Stew art and Paulette G oddard in “ P O T O ’ G O L D ” with H orace H eldt and his O rchestra W E D N E S D A Y , T H U R S D A Y F R ID A Y A N D S A TU R D A Y n orctu y L am our in “ C A U G H T IN T H E D R A F T ” with Lynne O verm an SPECIALS! Pure Apple V IN E G A R , gal. S U G A R 100 lbs. Fresh G ro und C O F F E E , 2 lbs. Linoleum K U G S , 9x12 19c $5.50 25c $3.39 Law n M owers Rubber Tiré s 6.29 T urning Plows— Tw o Horse $ 1 0 . 9 0 to $ 1 ^ . 5 0 Protex M otor O il — 2 gals. $1.19 S E V E R A L H E A D O F H O R S ES A N D ^ t № E S ^ T G O O D P R ie ES ; MARTIN BROS. A t The Depot Mocksville, N . C. PUBUC NOTICB Beginning August 1st, 1941, the local telephone exchange operators will not be allowed to give any information, in regard to .fire alarms_except to members of the fire department. This step is taken with the view of not only increas­ ing the efficiency of our volunteer fire department, but also as a safety measure. We are soon to add a more powerful and speedier unit to our fire fight­ ing equipment and it will be imperative that the citizens of our Town use more caution and obey the fire rules more explicitly than ever before. This is purely in the interest of safety to all. May we have your cooperation? T . I. C A U D E L L ; M ayor R U F U S L . F R Y E , Fire Chief Boonviile Water Project Started T h e ' Boonviile public water and sewer system w lilcli has been approved for several m ontlis, started Tuesday, July 1. This project was to have been begun back in M ay, but due to the work on the Y ad- klnvllle project, was delayed until now. “ IT C O S TS L E S S A T S T E R G H I’S T O F U R N IS H Y O U R H O M E ” RANGES BEDROOM L IV IN G ROOM F U R N IT U R E ; Phone 1934 t t F . When You W ant Furniture— See Your Local Representative ... u il V FlJKMTov R A D IO S J E W E L R Y B IC Y C L E S T O Y S 124 E . Innes Street Salisbury, N . C. LARGEST CIRCULATION MOST NEWS V I I I ¡ v v . i \ ^ r i i . u T E U i COUNTY PICTURES WAR NEWS V O L . X X IV “All The County News For Everybody”M O C K S V IL L E , N . С.- F R ID A Y , J U L Y 18, 1941 “All The County News For Everybody”N O . 43 HERE land THERE riCNIC T he Baptist Sunday School picn ic will be held Thursday afternoon, July 24. A nn oun ce­ m ent of the place and com ­ plete details will be m ade at Sunday School Sunday. K E U N IO N T he annual Frye reunion will be held Sunday, July 27, at the hom e o f W es M cK nlght, 3 m iles east o f Farm ington. D inner will be served prom ptly at 12:30 o ’clock. M A R R IE D 'Mrs. Bessie Schultz an d B ax­ ter C. Link were m arried July 4 by Rev. O. W. F ink at the I>avle parsonage. Mr. Link Is em ployed at the Erwin Mills. T hey -will make their hom e at the Link hom e on route 4. C H IL D D IE S R oselean Mae W alls died Sat­ urday, June 28, at the hom e of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walls, near Cana. She Is survived by her parents, one sister, Betty, and two brothers, Charlie and Hal M arvin. F un­ eral services were held at Oak G rove church with Interment' in the church cem etery. D R A F T C A LL T he next draft call In Dtivle will be August 11 w hen 11 will ■be sent to Ft. Bragg. R E S IG N S C. R . Crenshaw, local high school teacher, has resigned to accept a , position w ith San- lord M otor Co. B A S E B A L L B E N E F IT T he Am erican Legion realized $132 net from the baseball gam e last week w ith M ocks­ ville and Cooleemee business m en. The m oney goes for the legion hut. RAINFALL Davie county had 4.44 inches of rain this m onth up to 7 a. ni. July 17. T his m akes a total of nearly 9 Inches since June 26. It rained .89 o f an inch here W ednesday night, consi­ derably less than in adjoining areas. T he river and all creeks are out of the banks. The rain had ruined m uch w heat in the fields, caused tobacco wilt, left m uch grass in cotton, hurt bot­ tom land corn and retarded all farm work. R ED C R O SS S E W IN G Mrs. J. L. Vogler, county chairm an o f the Red Cross sewing, announces that 233 garm ents have been m ade by five groups o f workers in the county. T liey Include ladles dresses and layettes. This sew­ ing is being done by the Elba­ ville W om an’s Society, Pino W om an’s Society, Advance W o­ m an’s Society, the Presbyterian Auxiliary and the Cooleemee W om an’s Club. Local chair­ m an include Mrs. T. F. Bailey, Elbaville, Mrs. C. H. M cM ahan, Pino, Mrs. C. L. Dillon, Ad­ vance, Mrs. J. H. Robertson, Blxby and M iss M ary Mayne, Cooleemee. D E L E G A TE S R E P O R T Delegates to the State B. T. U. conference in R idgecrest last week will m ake their reports at the service at 8 o’clock Sunday evening at the B aptist church. Those on the program include Mrs. L. L. Irvin, Miss Clair V/all, G eraldine Stonestreet, Dorothy B enson, Janie Sue Naylor, B etty H oneycutt, Daisy Mae Irvin, H enry Shaw Ander- ■son, Bobby H all and Dorothy Grubbs. C O T T O N B LO O M S John Keller of route 4 ex- hibited cottom bloom s w hich appeared on July 13. REVIVAL A revival will-begin at Reeds B aptist church Sunday at 7:45 p. m. and continue for a week or 10 days with services at 3 1?. m. and 7:45 dally. R ev. Ben Ingram , form er pastor, will preach. BACK HOME W . H. Shelton o f Concord, native of the F our Corners section, is visiting Mrs. E. J. Shelton and other relatives During the sum m er o f 1 Ш Mr. Shelton carried a star route for $1 a week, em ployed by "H oode” G regory, from M ocks­ ville to H olm an, Pino, Farm ­ ington and Huntsville. That was the sum m er the railroad line from W inston to Barber was connected here, the line form erly stopping here from W inston. Mr. Shelton m oved to Concord 43 years ago. SUMMARY OF WAR NEWS Russia acknow ledged yester­ day that Germ any had advanc­ ed near Smolensk, only 230 m iles from Moscow. T he Soviet com m and report­ ed that Germ an troops were bein g cut down_in great nu m ­ bers In violent fighting In the northw est, west, and south­ west, but for the first tim e avoided m ention o f any town in the battle areas. T his om is­ sion— w hich obscured the ex­ tent o f the G erm an advance, if any— strongly suggested R ed reverses. T he Germ an H igh Com m and itself said only that “ break­ through operations” against the Stalin line were going for­ w ard on schedule and that the F innish allies were striking at L eningrad’s northern defenses jl t l i ..t » :l u .fioluroos m oving on. each side of Lake L adoga to supplem ent the G erm an thrust tow ard that city from the southwest. Authorized G erm an spokesm en and the official G erm an news agency w ent a f.reat deal further than the Nazi com m and. T hey claim ed th at the fall of K iev, the capi­ tal o f the Ukraine, could be expected at any tim e; .that L eningrad was caugh t In a sort o f nut cracker m aneuver; that Germ an tank troops oper­ ating east of the Stallne line w ere pushing on tow ard M os­ cow itself. B ritain’s successful w ar a- galnst V ichy troops In F rench Syria and Lebanon cam e to an end. An arm istice was signed in Acre, Palestine, it was an ­ nou nced by G eneral Sir Claude A uchinleck, British com m ander DEFENSE COUNCIL IS ORGANIZED IN DAVIE MOSES BROCK, ESTEEMED DAVIE MAN, PASSES AT FARMINGTON Funeral services for M oses B. B rock, greatly esteemed farm er and oldest citizen of F arm ing­ ton, were held Saturday, July 12, at the Farm ington M etho­ dist C hurch at 11 o’clock. The services were conducted by Rev. J. W . Vestal, pastor of the de­ ceased, Rev. E. M. Avett o f M ocksville and Rev. J. B. Tabor o f C anton. The pallbearers were H ugh B rock, Leo Brock, George H art­ m an, Sheek Bowden, Odell Jam es and C. B. Hoover. H on­ orary pallbearers were m em bers o f the M en’s Bible class o f Farm ington M ethodist C hurch &nd J. W . Turner, R. S. M c­ Neill, G . W . Johnson and Dr. P. H. M a«on. M oses B rock was born A ug­ ust 24, 1855 near Liberty C hurch In Davie county. He was the son o f James N ath­ aniel and M argaret Cuthrell B rock. His father was captain in the W ar o f 1848, and a well know n Justice o f Peace and influential citizen o f his day. He was the great-greatgrand- son of Nathaniel Brock, pioneer M ethodist preacher and R evol­ utionary soldier, and nephew o f M oses B rock, widely know n M ethodist preacher of Virginia and N orth Carolina, for w hom he was nam ed. AIovcs T o Farm ington Just preceding the Civil W ar Moses B rock m oved with his father to Farm ington. There he spent m ost o f his life until his death Thursday, July 10, 1941. D eath followed a serious illness suffered July 4, a few v;eeks before his 86th birthday. Aioses B rock received his edu­ cation at Farm ington A cadem y and R utherford College, then called “ H appy Home.” in the M iddle East. W inston C hurchill says that the tim e has com e for G er­ m any to su ffer the bom bings that E ngland has undergone. He warns the English people to expect retaliation this fall and winter by G erm any. Russia adm its the loss of a quarter m illion m en and says Hitler has lost a m illion. Russia and E ngland sign an agreem ent that neither will conclude a separate peace. On the W estern front British bom bers continue their day­ light and nigh t bom bings in G erm an-occupied France and the industrial Germ any. Chur­ chill said that during the last few weeks B ritian had thrown on the enem y h a lf o f the num ­ ber o f bom bs that G erm any had ,unlnari>?,d,.,(iiiriiin-,.,,t>he. -e. war. Congressional leaders will present legislation to hold se­ lectees, national guardsm en and reservists in service for m ore than a year. Leon H enderson, federal price adm inistrator, predicts t h e lim e is near w hen this country v/lll see higher prices, increas­ ed taxes and a shortage o f consum er goods. The only way to control Inflation, he said, was for the governm ent to succeed in controlling prices, purchasing pow er and install­ m ent buying. High P oint hydroelectric plant on the Y adkin river Is Included in a billion dollar ex­ pansion' o f pow er for defense proposed by the federal power com m ission to President R oose. velt. Until his later years Mr. Brock led an active life. He v'as m entally alert and recog­ nized as a fine Bible student. He was a loyal m em ber of the M ethodist church, being con ­ verted at the age of 15 at the Old Sm ith Grove Cam p M eeting G round w hich was founded by his uncle, Moses Brock. He served as superintendent o f t h e Jam estown Sunday School and teacher o f the M en’s and Ladles Bible classes at the Farm ington M ethodist chu rch of w hich he was a m em ber. His genial and hum orous na­ ture, his sym pathetic and un­ derstanding heart m ade m any fn en ds throughout the county. He is survived by his widow. Vert Coley B rock; two sons. Burr C., well known attorney of Farm ington and M ocksville; John M. of Colum bia, S. C.; one daughter, M argaret Brock, G reensboro; one sister. Mrs. R. C. Brown, Farm ington; and 11 grandchildren. Visitors Out of town visitors /«•■; the fiineral included: Mrs. J. B. Tabor and Misses Frances and M argaret Tabor of Statesville, Mr. and 'M rs. Sw ift, H ooper, Roberson Freem an and Charles Hooper of W inston-Salem , Soli­ citor and Mrs. Avalon Hall. Y ad - ,klnv.illp „„ Mr.....aw L,M rs.,.„U - J3. K lrkm an and Mr. and Mrs. R. W . Black, Durham , Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Cash, Mr. and Mrs John G roce, E. L. Ball, Mrs W ill Vogler, Mrs. •r. L. C ling- m an, Mrs. Bettle V aughn- 1,oyd, Mrs. C. R. S. W illson. Mrs. W m . Scholtes, Mrs. Nell Lashley and children, Mrs Cam illa Schulte, Mr. Fred Perry. Mrs. Nell Davis, Gery W all of W inston-Salem and G. H. B al- lentlne, C, G . Curfrle, J. F Vinson and J. H. Miller o f Co­ lum bia, S. C., Mr. and Ml'S. Fd Johnson, Miss Edith H a­ w orth, Mrs. W . B. Seawell. Miss Addle Morris, Mrs. W . W Neal, Mrs. Jack Tenenbaum and Miss M argaret Neal of G reensboro, Mrs. Johnson J. Hayes and J. Hadley Hayes of W llkesboro and Miss Gertrude V ance o f Kernersville. Mrs. Carrie Baity Class Hostess FOUR CORNERS. — T h e Fldelis class o f Cross R oads Baptist church held Its regular m eeting at the hom o o f Mrs. Carrie Baity Saturday evening. A fter a short program refresh­ m ents were served to Mrs. Joe Burgess, Mrs. Avery Reavls, Mrs. R ay M oore, Mrs. H arold M artin, M rs. Cletus Ratledge, Mrs. W aldon Reavls, Mrs. Odell Steelm an, Mrs. Thom as M urray, Miss D eon Lowery and Mrs. G rady Miller. W . H. Shelton ot C oncord Is spending the w eek w ith his aunt, Mrs. E. J. Shelton. M r. and Mrs. M anus W elborn and Mrs. G. T. Baity visited Mrs. Alm a H enderson Sunday. Mrs. H enderson is ill w ith pneu­ m onia. Misses H elena Shelton, M il­ dred Tucker, C onstance Baity and Mrs, Evelyn Tucker were guests o f Mrs. Joe Shelton Thursday. L. S. Shelton m ade a busi­ ness trip to Burlington Tues­ day. M r. and Mrs. A. D. Richie, Mr. and Mrs. G eorge Laym on and son. G ray Austin and W. H. Shelton spent Sunday after­ noon with Mr. and Mrs, W . A. Shelton. M rs. Jim G roce spent Tues­ day afternoon with Mrs. G eorge Laym on and Mrs. E. J. Shel­ ton. Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Reavis visited Mr. and Mrs. Ben Reavls Sunday. Mrs. Burton Essie and daugh­ ter, M argie, visited Mrs. Cletus R atledge and children Tues­ day. Mrs. Joe Shelton and son, •Von C.i of-C onrtney-w ere guests of Mrs. L. S. Shelton and ch il­ dren Tuesday. M r. artd Mrs. H. W . Reavls, w ho returned hom e recently from a trip to Detroit, W ash­ ington and Indiana, spent the week end w ith Mr. and Mrs. Avery Reavls. T oo often a child isiv’t coa ch - iid in good m anners until tim e for him to leave for the party. Mocksville Wins From Cornatzer M ocksville defeated C ornat- ger Saturday in the first gam e of a double header in a Davie county league gam e, 8 to 5. Tom linson, pitchin g for the locals allowed only five hits, while his team m ates collected nine. T he second gam e was rain­ ed out In the third, neither team having scored. M ocksville ab r h 4 1 0 0 0 T om linson, p ......4 3 2 Latham , c ..............4 2 1 4 1 2 Fink, rf ...................4 1 2 L. Cozart, 2b, If ,4 0 1 Danner, lb ............4 0 0 Seam on, If ..............1 0 0 2 0 1 Totals ..................35 8 9 Cornatzer ab r h 4 1 0 4 1 1 3 1 0 G Laird, c .........3 0 1 C ornatzer,. rf ..................3 0 1 Tutterow , if ......... ...........3 0 1 W . Laird, 3b ....................3 1 0 3 1 0 Forrest, p .............. 3 0 1 29 5 5 Errors: Bowens,2; W hitaker, Forest, L, Cozart, 2; Short, D an- ner, Seam on. Turner Robertson Visits Parents B IX B Y . — M r. and Mrs. Brady Cornatzer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles G roce o f D etroit, Mich., have returned hom e after spending two weeks w ith their m other, Mrs. Ellen Cornatzer. T urner R obertson o f Fort Bragg spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G . S. Robertson. Mrs. V ictoria- V anEaton of Danville, Va,, is spending som e­ time- w ith -iier—daughterr-M rsr Hugh R obertson, Mr. and Mrs. Brow n G ilbert of W inston-Salem visited Mrs. Ellen Cornatzer Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G rover R obert- fon and two children o f L ex­ ington visited Mrs. G. S. R ob­ ertson Saturday. M rs. G lenn Barney and Miss Annette Barney o f W inston- Salem spent the w eek end with Mrs. W alter Barney. DR. LONG HEADS 0. N. S. FUND Dr. W . M. Long has been nam ­ ed Davie county chairm an of the Old N orth State Fund, G eorge R oss Pou, o f Raleigh, secretary to the fund, announc­ ed today. Dr. L ong’s appoint­ m ent was m ade by G overnor J. M elville B roughton, honorary chairm an o f the organization. T he Old N orth State F und is a non -profit-m ak in g, hum ani­ tarian organization dedicated to the purpose o f presenting the people o f E ngland w ith an am bulance Airplane as a gift o f the citizens o f N orth C aro- Ima, the Old N orth State. Purchase o f this m ercy ship and Its delivery to England will cost approxim ately $75,000 which the Old N orth State Fund desires to raise through indivi­ dual contributions from citizens of N orth Carolina, Davie county’s quota is $300. Mrs, R, S. McNeill, J, M, Horn, John LeG rand and Dr. P. H, M ason are serving on the advisory com m ittee for the county w ith Dr. Long. Com m ittees in every section o f the county will be appoint­ ed at an early date, Mr. M ar­ tin states. As soon as the county organization is com ­ plete the cam paign to raise bhe $300 will get underway. Tow nship chairm en are be­ ing appointed. T. C. Pegram has been nam ed in Jerusalem and John Vogler at Advance. Early donors reported are Z. V. Stew art, J. B. Brookshire and A. E. Snelson, $1 each; J. M. H orn, Dr. S , A. H arding and Dr. W . M. Long, $10 each. D O N O R S E. C. M orris G. N. W ard A. T. Daniel R. B. Sanford, Jr,____________ Chairman Sisters Vie for Beauty Crown OLD ALUMINUM BE COLLECTED NEXT WEEK, LEFT AT COUNTY SCHOOLS At a meeting at the courthouse Monday night a Defense Council was organized in Davie County. The Council is sponsoring a county drive for scrap aluminum during tlae week of July 21-27. Every iamlly in the county will be given an opportunity to contribute any kind of old aluminum that can be spared for-use in tlie construction of defense materials. E. c. Tatum o f C ooleera*« was nam ed chairm an by G ov­ ernor B roughton. Solicitation o f old alum inum will be done through various clubs and organizations throvgh out the county an d a house to house canvass is planned Jn M ocksville and C ooleem ee. Pastors and Sunday School superintendents are asked to announce about the drhfO w hich is a part o f the nation­ al cam paign, next Sunday. The state coun cil o f nation­ al defense requested the" for­ m ation o f the D avie unit. Mtss Florence M ackle, hom e demon­ stration agent, was nam ed sec­ retary and R. S. P roctor, coun­ ty school superintendent, was elected treasurer. The nam es o f m em bers o f the council and the organizations they represent are as follow s: Am erican Legion, W . M. P en­ nington; Tow n M ayors, T . 1. Caudell; County C om m iasion- ers, E, C. T atum ; Superinten­ dent of Schools, R . S. P roctor; H ealth departm ent, M rs. W . T. G reen; County A gent, D. C. R ankin; H om e A gent, Mtss Florence M ackle, W om en’s O rganizations, M te. Beulah A pperson and M iss R iith B ooe; Lions Club, G aither S an­ ford; F arm O rganizations, W ade Furches: M inisters, R ev. F. J. Stough; Law E nforce­ m ent O fficers, S h eriff L. S. B ow den; Citizens at L arg e;'A . T. Grant. E. C. TATUM G. R. H endrix Ruby Angell J. H. M arkham Leslie Daniel C. R. Horn Ossie Allison Harley W alker P. S. Y oung A. M. K im brough M ocksville Lum ber Co. J. N. W aters R. B. Sanford, Sr. T. I Caudell D. G. Sllverdis C. J. Angell T. P. Dwiggins .f. G. Craw ford S. M. Call K nox Johnstone Pauline W yatt G. H. C. Shutt Mrs. Era Latham C. B. H oover _ J. A. Daniel Mrs. P. G . Brown Mrs. J. C ,' Sanford Jack Sanford J, C. Sanford J. K, Sheek Mrs, Sam W aters E. W . Junker Elizabeth Ferebee C, H. Barneycastle ' J. C, Jones J. P. LeG rand C. S, Anderson M. B. Stonestreet J, H, T hom pson W , H. W yatt As California seeks its fairest daughter for the title Miss California, sisters Phyllis (left) and Lois Davis, of Santa Monica, 3nter the com petition. Ultim ate goal, of course, is the Miss Am erica title. BOYS INJURED M itchell Page and Floyd M c- Swaln, Jr., are patients In the Row an M em orial hospital, Sal­ isbury, where they were taken Sunday afternoon about four o’clock. T hey are receiving treatm ent for Injuries caused when the m otorcycle on which they were riding, driven by Page, collided w ith a C hevro­ let coach driven by Charlie Dulin, colored of Redland. One of Page's legs is broken lu three places, his jaw -bon e Is broken, and he received several cuts and bruises. M cSwaln is suffering from a broken arm and cuts and bruises. Homecoming Sunday A t Mocks Church ADVANCE, — The revival will begin at M ocks Church, w hich is two m iles W est of town Sun­ day, w ith an annual hom ecom - nig. There will be all-day p ro­ gram w ith a picnic dinner and the public Is Invited. Rev. R alph R. Royle of Draper will assist the pastor In the m eet­ ing. T he W om an’s Society of Christian Service m et w ith Mrs, John Vogler W ednesday with Mrs, G, H. C. Shutt, the pres­ ident. presiding, and Mrs. C. la y irs, secretaTyr A n Interest^ ing program was rendered and after the business session, re­ freshm ents were served by Mrs. Vogler. A num ber from here attend­ ed the Elbaville Soviety w hich i.-iet w ith Mrs. Taylor Bailey Thursday. Mrs. Ernest M arkland spent two days with her son in W ins­ ton-Salem this week. A nna Lee M arkland, w ho has been in the Baptist hospital, returned hom e m uch Im proved Tuesday. Miss Doris Klm el, w ho lives in the eastern part of the State, is spending a few days here v/ith her m other, Mrs. George Orrell. M r, and Mrs, R. W. Collette were in W inston-Salem on business M onday. M iss Sarah Louise Haire of M ocksville has been spending several days with Mrs, Emm a Cornatzer, She has been act­ ing as station agent, Ed Collette, stationed at Cam p Stewart, G a„ Is spend­ ing a few days with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. R, W , Collette. ■Nell M arkland o f W inston- Salem is spending a few days v/lth her grandparents, Mi\ and Mrs. Ernest M arkland. M r, and Mrs. R, B. C arpen­ ter, w ho have been visiting TSIatives "iii Belwood, recu'riie'd' hom e Friday. M rs. Frank Vogler, Mrs. W . A. Leonard and Mrs. P. L, Sm ith were in W inston-Salem Tuesday on business. A num ber from here attend­ ed the ball gam e at Cooleem ee w hen MocksvUIe Clumsys nine were defeated by Cooleem ee Awkwards. M r. and Mrs, W iley Lanier o f W inston-Salem visited rela­ tives here Sunday, M r, Joe Talbert left Thursday for Pt. K nox, K y„ after spend­ ing several days with his m o­ ther, Mrs. G . Talbert. A gasless Sunday applies to autos an d unfortunately not to folks w ho insist upon giving their version o f the political i^Ide o f the war. Bring Aluminum ^oSchoobHouse------------ _ M ayor T, I. Caudell, county chairm an o f the Scrap A lu m i­ num com m ittee o f the DaiTio County D efense Council, urges all people throughout the cou n ­ ty to actively participate ■ in gathering in and about tftelr hom es all old a lu m in u m -pots and pans and other m aterial o f alum inum con ten t notr Of practical value, and b ring these Items to their local s c h ^ l at the end o f the cam paign week, July 21-26. In other words, all alum inum m aterial gathered during this cam paign • will be delivered to local s c h ^ houses on Saturday, July 26, The principals or custodians of the local schools have been asked to be at the .s c h o o l’ house buildings on this date to receive any m aterial с<Я- lected in the various com m uni­ ties, The alum inum will later be picked up by trucits and brought to som e central point for final distribution. The M ayor calls attention- to the fact that the Scrap A lu m l- num e Cam paign is one o f'th e defense undertakings urged by the National D efense C oun­ cil, Davie county, along w ith other counties throughout ■ the .. United States, now has its' de­ fense organization and the'Col­ lection of scrap alum inum is its first undertaking as a co u n - n ir"T iie"c6operation oi all citi-. zens throughout the cou n ty w ill be highly' appreciated b y ' the chairm an, M ayor C audell. H U R T IN W R E C K Mrs, B uford H oover was painfully in ju red TuestKiy m orning about 6 o ’clock w hen her car overturned on the M ocksville highw ay near her hom e. She is su ffering from a broken collar bone and bruises. The accident occurred as Mrs. Hoover was on her way to wtfrk in Cooleemee. T he car skidded on the wet highw ay. The auto­ m obile, a late m odel, was badly- dam aged. Mrs. H oover was taken to-the- hom e o f her parents, M r. ¿tttd Mrs. H. L. M ilholen, on M ain street, Cooleem ee. PAGE 2 THE MOCKSVILLE (N. C.) ENTERPRISE FRIDAY'. JDLY is jr tfi 5ÎWŒÎ MORALE mMS GOOD 'I'lin Goi-mrin A nny Is lau n cli- liit' a now and m uch rcliiforcccl '~aVfvo iliiainst OTo stubbofrT Russinn Arm y. Tlio initial sur­ prise attacli o f the Nazis n et- liicl them large gains in the past three weeks but failed to break the Red Arm y as it had broken other armies. T he in ­ vaders have driven the Soviet iorces out o f part o f B essera- bla, out ot, m ost of form er P o­ lish territory held by the R us­ sians and out of the Baltic States taken over by M oscow last year. Now the n ew -drive is intended by Hitler to take Ills forces to M oscow. •Each side claim s that the , oth er has lost l.OOO.OOOi-men in killed and wounded. These es- lim ates, w hich cannot be e x ­ act, m ay well be exaggerated. T here is no doubt.:.tbat..the- G erm ans have Inflicted •.■heavy losses in m en, airplanes., and tanks on the Russians: T here Is . sm all doubt the R ussians ■have cost the G erm ans-heavily. ■Yet, in this largest battle in history, there is no good rea -. son to believe that.Hitler’s arm y h a s been as yet seriously crip - ..pled. T he ability o f the R us­ sians, to put. up what has been unquestionably, a better d e- len se than the Germ ans e x p ect- .e d , indicates- that neither the ■defensive, power nor the m orale of . the 'Red forces has been ’ broken. T h e Price, of Gains W lllle It Is to be expected th at the new drive will net the G erm ans som e territory, it ,m a y prove .that relatively it will coct them m ore heavily th en th e ir , |lrst gains. T his im a y be.the case because H itler has worn out the ben efit o f /.surprise a n d because It Is to be -expected that the prepared ) positions o f the Stalin Line will r. b e . harder going > than the new ly held territory in w h ich .Jtl^e '.Russians had n ot built ch eavy defenses. T h e rather brilliant p erform - i an ces. o f the Russians in the first three weeks o f the ca m - ■ palgn may. justify speculation .7 on the tim e elem ent In the cam paign ,, w hich is Im portant : I t m ay be said roughly that .a i- t ter rSept. 15, whatever .happens ¿b etw een now and then, the d if- iicu ltles o f , the Invading arm y '-w ill: Increase. Over m ost o f ' R usslan-ln-E urope there is a 5 rainy season the. last .h a lf o f r Septem ber, which precedes the I com in g o f heavy W inter w h ich J w ould becom e a factor:as early as~TNoveiaBer., T he G erm an I forces arc so largely, jn ech a n - i-ized .that roads form a very ^ im portant factor. iJi their ,ca m - i palgn. T h ere. are. som e good i paved roads liv W estern R us- ?;sla, but not enough o f .them •for O erm an purposes. In m any ' legion s the Nazi are obliged ;t o use dirt roads w hich will fcecom e very ..difficult Indeed "in .S ep tem ber. In other words, If the Ruuslan Arm y holds for tw o m ore m onths, even if forced r to retreat, the G erm an A rm y I v;lll fin d m a n y ' troubles from ; then on through the .W inter. '. L Obstacles. in the Path ] A s has been said ,the elem ent j.of distance is o f relatively less » im portance In the Russian cam paign than in other drives r H itler has m ade. True enough. Senators Siq;n Oat’'th QÍ Lovdiy to Gst Pay “ÂR QUiSI 01^5 ARE ANSWERED U nder a new appropriations act stipulatinsfthat they can draw their pa.v..Oco Thom pson, senate none, or ttie m oney .in . the bill .-shall' go to .pay thcuaatary or wages of any person advocating eretlhrow of the 'governm ent, United States Senators m ust.sign ian..oath of loyalty before ¡financial clerk, is shown taking'the affidavits of Senators Styles Bridges (center) of-New H a m p ­ shire and Chandler G urney of South Dakota. the'r.Stalln„Line is im portant, and.lfvthe O erm ans can cru m ­ ble it they will have inflicted a heavy Wow. on : their enem ies. Yetitonrthe other hand-,ithe dls- (ancesiin .Russla. are-very great and: if a: .Russian , army could be found two rm on th s • from now .fighting the -Germ ans even several . hundred m iles fa rth er-in to Russia, the d iffi­ culties of- the Invaders would be greatly Increased by the m ère circum stance of'.th e lengthen­ in g o f their lines o f com m un i­ cation ; There will be not only the lack o f transportation faci­ lities affectin g their front-lin e m ilitary operations but here would be the very im portant is­ sue o f inadequate roads for the supply lines o f the Germ ans. Tim e and distance m ay well work strongly to the advantage o f the Russians. In his other cam paigns In this war Hitler has had the ad­ vantage o f num erically strong­ er forces. True .enough, he has had the advantage o l a superior aviation an d better, m echanlza- t;on, but also h e h a d the m ost m en. -Now, so far .as num bers are concerned, the tables have been - turned. T here are re­ ports o f 8,000,000 m ore m en being put Into the Russian forces; ,and that is m ore m en th an H itler can bring up. O f course, too large deductions are not t a b e drawn from this cir­ cum stance. . One m u st not for­ get.the factor, ot the num ber of planes .jm d the num ber of tanks, in b o th . ot w hich the G erm ans are probably m uch iight. If the Russians can slop him and hold, him and continue the fight on any ter­ rain, he will find him self in a Davie Gounty Boy Wins 4-H Scholarship iTi ____-t l , ...m O ne o f the delegates from t n f ir hnfh to the 4-H'Short at State C ollege this:and abroad. - He needs a vic­ tory over - Russia now. He needs It In the next two m onths. W a r-in the West The- O erm an raids on Eng­ land have becom e spansm odlc and m uch weaker, while B rit­ ish raids on occupied France and Belgium as well as on the W estern O erm an Industrial areas have increased In vol- year will be Francis R eid H un­ ter, o f Cana. He was nam ed the outstanding 4-H Club boy in the county, and the honor carries with It a scholarship to the Short Course, aw arded by the Chilean Nitrate E duca­ tional Bureau, o f w hich A. G . Floyd o f Raleigh Is State Di­ rector. T he scholarship pays all expenses and is w orth $5.50. T he 1941 State 4-H Short C O . « . ... s , . t . co u o ,= winness o f the G erm an resistance In the air quite clearly Indi­ cates a w ithdraw al of planes io the eastw ard. However ,the Germ ans keep up the B attle o f the Atlantic. The B ritish have as yet m ade no reply to the Berlin claim that the Nazis sunk 700,000 tons o f ' B ritish shipping in June. ; B ut even If the cor­ rect figure Is nearer ■100,000, it m eans that the heavy drain .on British tonnage is still go­ ing on and that Britain is losing, shipping faster than she Is producing- fresh tonnage. • The U nited States has oc cupled Icelan d for the avowed pur'pose.ot p rotectin g the W est­ ern Heri)isphere against Nazi attacks. .It. Is. com m only as­ sumed. that the placing o f troops - in Icela n d -h a s to do with p la tj^ for protecting shlp- nient$.of'^'war supplies from the United vStates to Britain. For periorr-C ertirtnlyrttey-havft-perhaps-obvM ous-reasons, W ash- Quo.stioa;...CAiX-thiij:oa.dLU^». of gin equipm ent alfect the quality of cotton ? Answer; Yes. A ccording to J. A. Shankiin, Extension cot­ ton specialist at State College, soocl ginning and poor ginning show up noticeably in the pre­ paration and grade of cotton. It is Imperative therefore that glnners "m ake ready" their gins during the grow ing sea­ son that they will be In posi­ tion to offer grow ers a good Job in the fall. July is the usual "m ake ready” m onth and dur­ ing that period glnners should be careful to put all machinery, and equipm ent in tip-top shape.; Question: W hat opportunity will farmers have to cooperate, in the national defense effort aside from adequate produc-^ tlon o f food -feed ? Answer: Farm ers o f the state this year expect to have more^ incom e , than last, :but .m ay not be able to buy som e o f the things w hich they need or want because o f defense priorities, they m ay well invest som e of the Increased incom e In de­ fense bonds or stam ps. That is the advice o f T om Cornw ell, Cleveland coun ty cotton farm ­ er and m em ber o f the state AAA com m ittee, w hich m ain­ tains offices at State College. ПКРОПТ OF c o x D m o :s O f Of Лlnl'ksville in the Stale of North Carolina at t'r.e business on June 30, 134Î. lOiW (if Singer Honored Songstress Grauc i\Iooru wears the M exlc.in Order of the Aztec highest .decoration be­ stow ed by tliat republic. ■ The iiisdal was given to her in New Y ork in appreciation of her recciit good-w ill tour south of ■the border. The presentation wus m ade by ¡Mexican Consul Citìi\cn\l Uafacl de la Colina. m ore planes. B ut if. It com es dow n to a war o t attrition, m an pow er m ay prove an. im portant clem ent. It jvlll depend on how m any-m en M oscow can equip. But, anyhow, Russia has twice as m any potential, soldiers as has G erm any an d that ought to count tor som ething If the fight lasts long enough. T hat num bers are consider­ ed Im portant Is indicated by the evidence that nearly tw o- thirds o f ,the existing G erm an Arm y Is being used In the drive against R ussia. In ad ­ dition to pulling troops from southward and w estw ard to use them eastward, the Indications are that a great part o f the Germ an air strength is being m assed against the Soviets. Thus, there Is going to be, as never before, a test o f better m echanical equipm ent against larger numbers o f m en. H e rr Hitler's. B ig Job W hile m ost critics believe that the G erm ans can defeat an equal num ber o f Russians, given their better equipm ent, it must be recognized that this is not a pitched battle in the cld sense o f the term . The Russians have plenty o f room behind them In w liich to w ith­ draw if their m ilitary organlza. tion holds together. T he fa r- ther Hitler goes the m ore d lf- licult is" his job in m any re­ spects. He can advance 300 m iles m ore and a great part of the Russian war industrial areas will still be out o f his reach. O f course, there is no deny­ ing that if the G erm ans can reach M oscow they %vlll have dealt a terrible biow ^ b Stalin’s prestige and to Russian m ili­ tary stren gth .B ut it would not be necessarily a ia ta l blow. There are already reports that the. Krem lin is m aking plans against the necessity o f hav­ ing. to quit .the. capital. ■Looking at it another way, Hitler has got to w in the R us­ sian cam paign or face disaster. He is putting his best arm ies and strongest efforts into the ingtpn.'has n ot yet seen fit to give, further details o f such plans as m ay be underway. open with re?lstrat,'on on M on­ day, July 28 and will continue through a. mornln.r assem bly period on Saturday. August 2. L. R. Harri'.l. SU-.i -1-H Club eader, and I'.—.nces M ac­ G regor assistant State club leader have anr.cu.vc C a com ­ plete program irs- th'! e.’ent. G overnor J. M. B roughton will .speak on the A chievem ent D ay program Friday m orning. August 1, and Dr. Frank P orter G raham , president o f the O reater Unlversltjr o f N orth C arolina, will address the youn,; people on-W ednesday m orning. A C itizenship C erem onial will feature the- Thursday m orning session, during w hich J. O. H ow ard o f the Bureau o f A gri­ cultural Econom ics, W ashin g­ ton, D. C.. will lead a panel dlscussibii o f “ The R esponsi­ bility o f Rural Youth as C iti­ zens." Dean I. O. Schaub. director of tlie "Extension Service, and R uth Current, State hom e a - gent, will talk on “ T he R e­ sponsibility of Rural Y ou th on the Farm and In the H om e” atFamilies To. Be Asked j the Tuesday . m orning assem - For Unused Lluminum The n a tion ’s gigantic alum i­ num -gathering cam paign, sche­ duled for the week of July 21, will give every fam ily an. o p -! Service on Friday evening, both portunity to contribute d irectly' events being planned for R ld - to the N ational Defense Pro- dick Stadium . Dairy production, bly. T he annual 4-H H ealth Fes­ tival will be held ■ Thursday night, and new officers will be Installed at a C andlelighting gram, says Dr. I. O. Schaub, director o f the N. C. State C ol­ lege E xtension Service. During that w’eel,. volim tary workers will call at the hom es of A m erican fam ilies in every State asking for any old alum ­ inum not in use. Purpose of the cam paign is to supplement the vast supplies o f the metal needed for the production o f defense equipm ent, especially fighting 'planes- Am ong the item s which may be coatrlbuted are: pots and pans, radio parts, toys, shakers, screening, old w ashing-m ach­ ine parts, picture fram es, book ends. Ice trays, m easuring cups, cam era equipm ent, kettles and double boilers, bottle and jar caps, refrigerator plates, and ■dozens o f others. “A nything that’s made of alum inum will do,” Dr. Scliaub said. “ T hat old kettle with food s and cattle judging c o n ­ tests are also scheduled dur­ ing the week. W hat with prevation staring m any peoples o f the vi-orld In the face, women still talk about dieting. Question: H ow have state fanners responded to the plan of Governor J. M. Broughton for increased production o f eggs in North C arolina Answer: T he response has been unusually good, reports C. F. Parrish, E xtension poul- trym an at State College, but “ too m any” producers are m ar­ keting their pullets as broilers Instead of holding them as layers. At . the present time there is no egg shortage, but this condition m ay be chan g­ ed In the near future unless egg production Is stepped up even higher. People are eat­ ing more eggs at hom e, the Army needs trem endous quan­ tities and still m ore are sched­ uled for shipm ent overseas. Explains How To Handle Farm Fam ily M ilk Supply The handling in t ie hom e of milk produced by the fam ily cow has long been a trouble- som e problem , says John A. Arey, Extension dairy special­ ist at N. C. S tate College. “ You find alm ost as m any different flavors o f m ilk and butter as there are farm hom es,” the specialist said. "As a m atter o f fact, cow g do not produce all these m any flav­ ored products. T he different tastes found In dairy products In different hom es are due to Uie different ways the m ilk is handled.” A simple m ethod o f handling the m ilk will solve alm ost any problem that arises from the hom e production o f dairy food, Arey added. He said that the best container for m ilk from one or two cow s is the stand- . Bright ,and cheery as Wend) Barrie hwrself is this pUytim« fraek ' selected by the RKO-Radii •tar.-BaMlana-like cotton fabric ol red,.BpUalied with green and yel •w .ftowcTs,. styles the cathcTC^ jtcaaant skirt .and halter top. Th« refreshing blouse of white eottor lifaadcloth features eyelet - em- >roidered ruffling at the high neci ind on the puffed-out sleeves. New Son A t Goforth Home HUNTING CREEK. — Rev. R. V. M artin will fill his appoint­ m ent at New Union Sunday m orning at 10 o’clock. ■Mrs. N oah Ijam es fell and broke her arm last week. Miss D orothy Dyson spent liist week with her grandpar­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Reeves. Misses G race and Janice R at­ ledge spent last week with their sister. Mrs. Hugh Edwards. Mrs. Jay Lee Keller visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. B eck last week. B orn to M r. and Mrs. George G oforth , a son. Mrs. G oforth was the form er Miss G race Sm ith. W anda, the little daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Munzy Richardson is sick. Rollins Have Sunday Guests BOSTON. — Mr. and Mrs. .'\SSF.TS Loans and di.sccunt.5 i Including S189.63 i>vei'drar:s) .$;‘75,37i.30 United States G overnm ent obUgatior.a. direct aril guaranteed ................................................................................ SV,-3I3.35 Obligations o f States and political .■subdivisions ........ 137,t'73.83 Cash, balances with other .banks, ¡¡’.eluding reserve balances, and cash item s in process o f collection 2M ,334,2'/ Bank furniture and fixtures ..................................$770.00 770.03' Real estate owned other than bank prem ises ........ 4,275.00 Other assets ...................................................................................... a.'iSa.OG TOTAL ASSETS .................................................................... 731.« 6 .81 LIABILITIES , Dem and deposits o f individuals, partnerships, and corporations ............................................................................... 242,3-47..’IB Tim e deposits o f individuals, partnerships, and corporations ............................................................................. 263,1CT.5C Deposits of;,-UtUted;‘,States G overnm ent (Including postal .savings) ...................................................................... 313.9!) Deposits o f States and political subdivisions ............. 07,3tl.7J. O ther deposits (certified and officers’ checks, etc.) 675.05 TOTAL ¿DEPOSITS .......................................$803,081.43 O ther Uabllltles ................................................................................ 8,518.03 - TOTAL LIABILITIES (not Including subordinated obligations show n below) ............................................ 610,499.4fi ' C A P rtA L ACCOUNTS Capital ................................................................................................... 50,000.00 Surplus .....................................................................................................50,000.00 U ndivided-profits ........................................................................... 20,947.3b TO TA L OAPTTAL. AOOOUNTS ......................................: 120,947.35 TOTAL и А В Ш Г И Е З . AND CAPITAL .AOOOUiprs ...................................................................... 731,446.81 This bank’s icapltal consists o f com m on stock, with total par value o f $50,000.00. MEMORANDA Pledged assets (and securities loaned) (book valu e): (a) U. s . G overnm ent obligations, direct and guar­ anteed, pledged to secure deposits a n d . other liabilities ...................................................................................... 10,000.00 (b) Other assets pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities (Including notes and bills rediscounted and securities sold under repurchase agreem ent) 43.000.00 (e) "roTA L .................................................................................... 56.000.00 Secured and preferred liabilities: (a) Deposits secured by pledged assets pursuant to requirem ents o f law .............................................................. 58,000.00 (d) Deposits preferred under provisions o f law but not secured Uy pledge o f assets .......................................... 3l3.9ij (e) TOTAX. .................................................................................... 5e,Sia.90 Subordinated obligations: (a) On date o f report the required legal reserve against deposits o f this bank was .......................... 55,634,30 (b) Assets reported above which were eligible as legal reserve am ounted to ............................................2iej34.2'/ 1, S. M. Call, Cashier, of the above-nam ed bank, do solem n­ ly swear that the above statem ent Is true, and that It iully and correctly represents the true state of the several m atters herein contained and set forth, to the - best o f m y know ledge and belief. Correct— Attest; S. M. CALL, Cashier K N O X JOHNSTONE S. A. HARDING R . B. SANFORD Directors State o f North- Carolina, County o f Davie, ss: Sworn to and subscribed before m e this U day ot July, 1941 and l'h ereby certify m a t i am not an offlceF or .dlfec,tor'o('ihT3~ bank. MAE K. CLICK. Notary- IJuWic. My com m ission expires Nov. 8, 1943.__________ __________________ Follow in TR’s Footsteps 'awTiu;c'ill'"it' ’’Ucc:;' v around for years will help In m aking a plane. A careful search o f pantries, basements, back porches, and outbuildings will, probably reveal several Item s n o longer usable that will go to increase our present alum inum supplies. ■ ___Iii-.xuraL .areji.v.-.tt -hn.s-been proposed that 4-h' Club m em ­ bers and hom e demonstration club w om en call on homes in Ihelr com m unities to collect the alum inum scrap. Dr. Schaub said farm and hom e agents have been asked to lend a help­ ing hand in this import-ant de­ fense cam paign. Japan is m erging Its aircraft m anufacturers, K eeping up the fighting tradition of the Roosevelts, Quentin R oosevelt, a second lieutenant In the 33d Field .-Vrtillery, joins his iatiier. Col. Theodore Roosevelt (left), com m ander of ¡the 26th Infantry, at Fort Devens,. M'nss. Col. Roosevelt is the son o f the late President T heodore Roosevelt. Quentin recently was graduated from H arvard. W. A. Beck had as Sunday, guests Mr. and Mrs. James Pennington and children o f Clem m ons, ■ Mr, and Mrs. W al­ ter Beck o f W inston-Salem and Luther Sm ith. Ina Tutterow was Sunday guest o f Nellie Mae Beck. Mrs. Dewey Ratledge was visiting Mrs. John Beck Sun- M yrtle Beck and children are ■Mrs. M yrtle Beck and ch ll- aren were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones. G rady Tutterow and Stacey Beck were visiting Bruce and Lewis Beck Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Rollins iiad as Sunday visitors Mr. and Mrs. R obert Furches and ch il­ dren, Mr. and Mrs. G lenn R ol- Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Beck and .'ins and children of Cana, Mr. and Mrs. Arleth Laym on and children o f Four Corners. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Beck and fam - i'y. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beck and children spent Sunday evening in Yadkin county visit­ ing Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beck. - Mrs. M ary E. Beck is spend­ ing the week with her daugh­ ter in Cooleemee. ard glass m ilk bottle. Just a f­ ter m ilking, the m ilk should be strained through a good filter- type strainer after which the filter cloth should be discard- :fi? -¿О— r^vVt' ’ Л" cheese cloth can be used when a filtertype strainer is not a- vaiiabie but it Is necessary to sterilize the cloth with boiling water after each use. Unless the cloth is sterilized, it will act as a source of bacterial infection to milk each time the liquid is strained through It. A fter straining, the milk should be poured into quart glass bottles. A small tln fun­ nel is good for use to prevent .spilling. The bottles then bhould be capped with standard milk bottle caps. Several m onth’s supply of caps can be bought for less than 50 cents. T he m ilk next should be cooled In cold water before it ¡3 rem oved to the refrigerator or ice box. NIWS Mi/ FACTS... ef SMemide Intensi I North Carolina’s legalized brewing industry wants no law-violating ele­ ment within its ranks. It wants no beer outlets that use their licenses to mask anti'social activities. Hence the consistent effort under the “clean up or close up” campaign to eliminate the comparatively few beer retailers who do not respect the privilege of their licenses. In cooperation with law enforce­ ment agencies, our Committee has made progress. But our goal is a 100% law-abiding business and we ■injitsj:. all retail beer outlet?, bo able to withstand the searchlight of public scrutiny. You can help us attain this objective by patronizing the orderly outlets in your community and reporting any unlawful conditions to officials or to this Committee. BREV/ERS AND NORTH CAROLINA BEER DISTRIBUTORS COMMITTEE CdjrarM.Baln, Slafe Director. Suite 613-817 Commerdal Bldg. Raleigh r n u a u IN С00РЕШ10И WITH THE UNITED MttWERS INDUSTRIM. FOttNMIION FRIDAY, JULY 18,1941 THE MOCKSVILLE (N. C.) ENTERPRISE PAGES “STALIN LINE” IS SIMILAR TO A “HAYSTACK” BUILT TO GIVE BUT NOT BREAK The G erm ans claim to have 'broken the Stalin Line, No -Jor/jiGxi.covfesp andfiiUs^auiliors. Of distinguished visitors have ever toured this line. Neither Maurice Chevalier, Noel Coward nor any o f bhe other stars who often played on the M aginot iLlne ever appeared in tlie un­ derground casem ents o f the 1,100-mlie Soviet defense sys­ tem. Until the Nazi blitzkrieg roll­ ed against it, the Stalin Line wiw as m ysterious, secret and Imper.sonal as its namesake, the Krem lin D ictator. Even its loca­ tion was a m atter o f conjecturc until the com m uniques placed the points o f Soviet resistance aad to date its nature and strength Is m ainly a matter of speculation. N othing could be m ore m is­ leading than to refer to the Soviet defense system as the “ Ru.ssiai’. M aginot line.” Neith­ er In principle nor In detail wa-s it ever patterned on the French m odel. The Russians began to fortify their v/estern frontier soon a f­ ter tho close o f the war with P oland in 1920 and they have been at the Job ever since. W hile the type o f fortification has changed and has been per- iected to m eet the new require­ m ents o f w arfare, one,feature has rem ained constant. It was based on defense in depth rath­ er than on the attem pt to build one or two “ Im pregnable" chains. As a Soviet tactician once expressed it,' the theory wa.s to let the enem y bury him self head and shoulders by plunging into a hayslack in­ stead of crashing against a Gtone wall. T he 'Russians have always thought m ore In terms o f a war ot m ovem ent than a position war. This thinking Is condi­ tioned by the vastness o f the country, as opposed to Prance where every square Inch is counted. Even In the last war, n o well defined front existed In the siist com parable to the positions on the Som m e and the 'Marne. T h e subsequent Russian civil w ar and the Po­ lish cam paign wherein the Red Arm y surged up to the very gates o f W arsaw an d then re­ coiled, were exclu slvelf wars o f m ovem ent In w hich cavalry playad the. p art- now assigned to m echanized- units. Mnhiie W arfare T he R ed A rm y leaders were iaiiiily m en w h o dUtlngulshed _ilici!ineivea_in__these__caYalry. 0[)ca ti0ns. M en like Voroshll- oCC. Tukhachevsky and Budy- eitiiv applied to the peace time to 9k o( organizing and building U(» the Soviet U nion’s deiense {orcs.s the kn ow ledie ot m o­ bile «furtare. Under the direction ot Tuk- hachevsky’s m ilitary genius, tbe R ed Ai’m y started to' m echan­ ize an a large scale long before the G erm ans or any other pow­ er adopted this principle. ThU expressed itselt In two ■ways. M ass production ot tanks / Nazis Capture a Red Fort G erm an troops are show n entering a w rcckcd Russian fortress som ew here aluu!; the G erm an-Soviet front, accordhifr to the o f- I'iuial Kcrlin caption. T he Nazis claim to have captured a num ber o f the Itcd's m otlcrn three-level fortresses. ‘Tun N* FrolUf* TlioroVi plenty of vaciitinn fui n’ frolic in this smart new all-in one c<t((on play suit. The wrinkle rcKiftlaiit crinkle cotton doesn’i need ironinK- This new onc-piecei a«ys the National Cotton Council M a baNic ensemble for summ« HportRwear. was Initiated, while autom obile | trucks were provided to put the , infantry on wheels. At the: sam e lim e the first experim ents were instituted in developing an entirely new and daring type o f m obility, . T he whole Idea o f air-born e troops, including parachute troops, originated w ith T u k­ hachevsky. T iie first large-scale dem on ­ stration of this type o f w arfare was m ade in Septem ber, 1936, during Red Army m aneuvers wlierein 1,200 men arm ed with 150 m achine guns were flow n 100 m iles behind enem y lines and dropped on an air field in the enem y rear. Gen. Sir A rch ­ ibald W avell, not yet fam ous, attended the m aneuvers as B ritish observer. New K ind o f Defense A pplying their views on the nature oi m odern w arfare to defense problems, the Russians designed their fortification s to w ithstand the attacks o f heavy m ^ h a n iz ^ divhlons. R eallzlhg - the terrific striking pow er o f such troops, tbe S o­ viet generals wished to avoid the sort o f brittle fortifica ­ tions w hich, no m atter how strong, were liable to cra ck at Ihe m om ent o f m axim um stress an d w hich, when pierced in one sector, were valuesless as they could be outflanked. T h e Stalin Line was intended to be sutticiently flexible and resilient so that it m igh t bend or yield without breaking. H ence the haystack sim ile. | T h e Stalin Line m ay be best! described as the backbone oti a fortified zone, w hich w hile it I begins everywhere flu sh w ith the old Soviet eastern frontier, it reaches its strip o f greatest intensity inland, except in those districts where natural barriers exist at the frontier. Thus, beginning at the B lack Sea, the line follows the D nies­ ter R iver to a point about h a lf- v.’ay between M oghilev, Podolsk and Kam enev Podolsk. From there it turns north parallel 10 the m ain K iev-Zhm erinka railw ay line and then runs west of Zhitom ir alm ost to the frontier at Novograd Volynsk. M ost Critical Sector F rom the strategic stand­ point, this last sector is the m ost critical since it runs a- cross flat, open plain, diagonal l,n„,thp w ater fraiir'inc no natural obstacles. B ut be­ cause it guards the vital cen ­ ter o f Kiev, capi(tal o f ^he U kraine, it cannot allow for m uch enem y penetration but m ust keep close to the frontier. N orth o f Kovograd V olynsk the Stalin is butressed on the «passable 'Prlpet M arshes. N orth o f the M arshes the line i set farther back in Russian territory, first along the Ptikh River and then the Berezina River, nearly fifty m iles be­ hind Minsk, From the iiead- w aters o f tlie Berezina R iver It crosses the m arshlands be­ tween Polotsk and Vitebsk and bears slightly to the w est un ­ til it reaches the shores o f Lake Peipus on the E stonian border. 4U Miles in Depth The average depth of the ¡Ine is about 40 miles. Much o f it is so constructed as to bo totally invisible from the sur­ face, G uns rise to the surface or disappear through trap dQors in fields and hillsides whoso normal appearance give no in­ dication o f their presence. Tlie guns are, in addition, built to fire in any direction, to the rear as well as in front. This perfected concealm ent greatly com plicates the job o f enemy artillery and bom bers m spotting their targets. iBooby traps, and autom atic land m ines have been added in large quantities since the Russian experiences in Finland. Another m eth od o f m islead­ ing the enem y is to build roads which suddenly end up in the swamps. Regardless o f whether they ultim ately succeed in penetrat- tlng the S talin line, the fact re­ mains that fo r the first time I n~the" present war the Nazis have m et an obstacle deliber­ ately designed to m eet their type of assault. For once they are uruible to outflank or out- m aneuver bu t m u st. attack head on, an d can only achieve success at trem endous cost, and final victory w ould still lie far ahead o f them . Cornatzers Have \Veek End Guests BALTIM ORE. — Mrs. B, T. Browder has as her guests this week, Mrs. Joe W estm oreland and Miss Lilly Savage of G er­ m anton. Miss Cora H artm an o f A d­ vance spent the week end with Mr. and M rs. R. S. Cornatzer. Other visitors o f the Cornat­ zers on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H all, Mrs. W alter Shutt and daughter, Ruth and Willie Bess. Mr. and M rs. F. A. Naylor Jr. and children spent July % with Mrs. N aylor’s nephew, John Myers at the “ Carolina M oon,” Laurel Springs. Miss G ladys Cornatzer o f W ilm ington is spending her vacation w ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs, S. P. Cornatzer. She was accom panied hom e Sun­ day by her brother, W ade Cot - natzer of Greensboro'. Dr. John O n f n l m r - Society Meeting A t Keller Home M OCKS. — The W om an’s So­ ciety o f Christian Service of| M ocks Church h eld their m onthly m eeting at the hom e i '-fof-ivIrs^ B uck-K -eller-iit-M oekfi-'-y ville Saturday afternoon with M rs. C, H. Myers presiding over Ihe business session. Mrs, M, R, Jones was in ^.•harge of the program on “ Stew ardship As Applied to Co­ operation,” Mrs. Sam R ights read the scripture and the m editation was read by M rs, E. A. M yers. Mrs. C. H. M yers discussed “ Living A Christian Life and Prayer.” Mrs. M aivln M yers and Mrs. Howell gave a reading “ Investing our H eritage for Cooperative W ork in M etho­ dism .” “ Period of M editation” was given by the leader and m em bers of the .society. The response prayer was offered by M rs. Joe Jones and M rs. C. H. M yers. T he wom en of the society gave Mrs. Keller, a recent bride, n m iscellaneous shower. A fter *he program the hostess, Mrs. B uck Keller and Mrs. M, R. Jones served refreshm ents to nine m embers and two visitors. I’ ERSONALS ■ T he revival m eeting will be­ gin here Sunday, July 20th at 11 o ’clock. There will be a iiom ccom ing and ail day service w ith dinner served picnic style. Rev. Paul Royle will assist tlie pastor in the revival. Every­ one is invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. B eau­ cham p, Misses Ellle and Nettie B eaucham p, Mr. and M rs. Glenn Jones, Misses Grace and M attie Jones, Mrs. O. F. Jones, John Jones, Ruth and M ildred Jones all spent last M onday in W ins­ ton-Salem shopping. M r. and Mrs. Ferdnand B eaucham p and fam ily o f Sal­ isbury visited Mr. and M rs. J. W . Beaucham p Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Carter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. O dell Sm ith of M acedonia, M r. and Mrs. R obert Carter and little son, W illiam , spent Sunday at Elkin visiting rela­ tives. Little Dicky Crater was car­ ried to the City H ospital, W inston-Salem , F riday f o r treatm ent for his eye. Mrs. R oy Carter an d chU­ dren spent Saturday in W ins­ ton-Salem visiting her grand­ m other, Mrs. Tom Sidden. M r. and Mrs. M arvin M yers an d little son spent Sunday w ith Mr. and Mrs. P loyd M un­ day at Fork. M rs. W. R, Carter spent Sat­ urday in W inston-Salem .--------- Aquaplane Menace J'*' 'w ia i* Hudspeths Visit Center Sunday CENTER. — Miss M argaret H utchens ot Fall Creek spent the week end with M r. and M rs. B ickett Holcom b M iss Ruth M ackie o f Y ad- kinvllle spent the week end v.’ith Miss Virginia Halre. Miss Lytle Mae W hitaker visited Miss Dorotliy H udspeth Friday. Miss M ae G en try spent the week end w ith her parents. J. B, L ong visited J. W. Hudspeth Sunday afternoon. Mr. and M rs. E flrd Hudspeth ond fam ily visited in Center Sunday afternoon. Mrs, B, E. W inters visited in Center Friday afternoon. M O N E ir T . A. Ayers o f R oan V alley recently received a 15-day m ilk ch eck for $124, the largest ever received by a M itchell cou n ty farm er for the sale ot m ilk in that period o f tim e, reports P. L _W ood a j;d ,-M ltch ell— cou n ty - farm agent of the N. C. Ex­ tension Service IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE j x PAYS TO ADVERTISE SO EASY TO TAKE HOME... THE SIX-BOTTLE CARTON Hailed as the first girl a c­ tually to threaten the supre­ m acy of B ob Brown and Don Berry, aquaplane cham pions, blonde Lucile W ilile, 18-ycar- old Los A ngeles high school girl, will enter the C atalina-M an- hattan-H erm osa Aquaplane As­ sociation race in August. The handy six-bottle carton Is for your conven­ ie n ce ... to.provide the pause that refreshes witii icc-cold Coca-Cola In your hom e. All the fsimily will w clcom c this pure refreshm ent. Buy It from 'jrour favorite dealer. W IN S T O N C O C A -C O LA B O T T L IN G CO. Mr. and Mrs. R obert Boger from near Elbaville Tislted at the hom e of Mr. and M rs. Ft'ed C raw ford one day last week. M rs. J. W. B eaucham p spent Sunday afternooa w ith her sister, Mrs, U. H. P helps o f A dvance! M rs. J. O. Allen spent Sun­ day w ith Mrs. W . 0 . A llen at Fork. M r. and Mrs. W . S. Phelps and children spent Sunday a f­ ternoon with Mr. and M rs. Lewis H artm an near Advance. In this day and age a w om an gets a divorce because her hus­ band doesn’t believe in Santa Claus. A A A Committeeman Offers Round-Up On Wheat Facts stale AAA Com m itteem an- farnier W . H erbert W hite of Caswell cou n ty this week is­ sued three u p -to-d ate state­ m ents bearing upon the wheat situation in N orth Carolina: 1. Farm ers w ho w ant to a - %oid paym ent o f penalty on ex­ cess wheat by “ delivering it to tlie secretary o f agriculture” m ay now deliver the actual ex­ cess w heat to the county AAA com m ittee — in areas where it is not practicable to deliver i: to grain elevators or w are­ houses and get receipts. The wheat will not actually be de­ livered to the county AAA o f­ fice. but w ill be delivered at such tim e an d to such place as the county com m ittee may des­ ignate. T h e coun ty com m ittee will be charged w ith diverting Ihe penalty w heat Into relief channels. 2. August 30 is the final date on w h ich farm ers m ay sign up for w hiter wheat in- surance on this year’s crop (yet to be planted.) T hat gives farm ers in this state nearly seven, weeks in w hich to work out their w heat insurance plans and m ake application for governm ent protection. 3. O overnm ent - approved storage houses for grain m ay now be buUt at lum ber. S4>r- m erly only steel bins were ap ­ proved by the U. S. Departm ent ot A griculture for loan storage o f grains. T h is change in agri­ cultural policy was cited as "extrem ely im portant" since steel bins w ill n ot be available now in quantities form erly in dem and, th at because m ore steal Is needed for defense buildi:.g. Glamorizkig the Gas Mask lotte and daughter, Elizabeth, of W ashington, D. C. visited Di Myers’ sister, Mrs. F. A. Naylor Jr. last W ednesday. Mr. and M rs. F. A. Naylor Sr. of S m ith Grove spent last week w ith M r. and Mrs. J. A. Naylor Jr. Miss M aureen G odfrey and Mr. and M rs.-C has. M ock -of W inston-Salem , Jethro M ock of Greensboro visited relatives in the com m unity Sunday. Patty C ornatzer spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. Chas. Bean. M aybe the m orning church bells will m ean m ore to lots of folks if they are going to ob­ serve gasless Sundays. T o enable gas mask w earers to look like h u m a n beings rather th a n ogres from M ars, Charles W . Leguilion, rubber company inventor, has patented tbis new style mask, w orn by a model in New York. It Is m ade of transparent plastic materials and, according to the inventor, is impervious to gas and dust. He also says the lenses w on’t fo f. BEIK-STEVENS CO. CORNER FIFTH AND TRADE W INSTON-SALEM , N. C. N ew P rte m o n Cool Summer Dresses Buy now tor TMition wd tb« long aumnwr mceithe ahead ai saving* of one-third and ona-balf. JUmember, these reductione an m)m Belk's orlgliul loir jwkea. Triple Slwen angular $7.95 Valum *5 Cool end smart to wear at home or on your vacatioa norals on white and dark grounds, also solid blues and blAcks; lace trimmed. Sizes up to 03, Cool Bembergs КЫим to $6.95 »3 C riiM aad sheers }urt beep taken from our higher- priced group« and reduced for Friday and Saturday. Sporly and dressy styles Al lovely ium iner patterns. OfM Group $3.95 Dresses$2 Xltese are washable Bem­ bergs and coal ehiffops In solids aad florals. New dressy and tailored stylM copied from expensive troGks. You’ll want several when you see this group. Straws-Fabrics-Felts Formerly Priced to $2.95. 50® Flash! Sensational Value 200 Men's SLACK SUITS $ J . 9 8 _______ $2.98 Value* EvMry suit bears the label of a famous manufaeturer. Evety suit sanforized shrunk. Basket weaves, herringbones and shaotunas in blues, greens, browns and tans. Hurrx ior this value I PAGE 4 THE MOCKSVILLE (N. C.) ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1941 h v y.i.- THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE PiilbHshed Every Friday at Mocksville. North Carolina O, C. ZvIcQUAGE ................................................... Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $3.50 Per I’ear; Six Montlis 75c—S2.00 Per Year Outside oi Davie County. Strictly Payable in Advance. Entered at tne Post Office at Mocksville, N. C„ as Second- Class Matter Under Act oi Congress of March 8, 1879. *rK~CiiroIinTi^Av ■X i - m s .*5suciat;os Trailer Traffic Today manufacturing trailers has become an im-' portant industry in our country as the production this year is breaking all previous records. As the summer passes we will see more and more of them put into use.' The housing shortage due to our defens; program has^ made Uie trailer the home for many workers who are' ujing them as better living quarters than many of the i-amshackle dwellings offered by overly crowded cities, Tlie past>ycars.have seen the trailer hoine reaching new heights in construction and equipment. Today when you invest in one you find greater width and length, you see electric refrigeration and stoves, air conditioning and indirect lighting, flush toilets and hot water, twin beds and a dressing room. The trailer may have been a poor'sort of thing in the past but today many of them are modern luxuries on wheels. The cost of most is moderate but they can run into the higher brackets if you v/ant “the works.” There are still people who can’t I’e- gard the trailer as fitting and proper in any case. But this frame of mind is altering as the trailerites have proven that today the highest type of civilization uses them. There is a right and a wrong way to use a trailer and this is true of almost everything else, isn’t it? The trailerite finds that there is freedom on wheels, there is comfort, luxury and enjoyment in this gypsy sort of life, and even the most sceptical of us would envy the ownership of one of these luxury land yachts. So don’t pity the worker who has to live in a trailer until he can obtain a house. He may be living better than you are! It Starts Something A story of a controversy in a town over religious differences made us remember that if we are against a religious belief we can usually find object cases where that faith failed to justify itself. Somebody always knows about "a certain party.” As these religious situations arise the words of friends wax hot and leads to passing hurts and enmity. So often a man will say that each fel­ low has a right to his belief, who says perhaps if you would understand the faith better you might not censor, who asks if we are strong enough in our own belief to criticise another. Then this same man will turn about and argue a Ttligious point in another chapter. In time of need and trouble and loss he may be comforted and helped materially by those v/ith whom he disagrees spiritually. The understanding of each other, the love of neighbors igiatsoever the religion, is the foundation of a single faith. The entire world needs this if they wish to live afKin. That man who feels that his religion is the only one for salvation should recall that the census of 1936 Msts 256 different religious bodies wlthia the U. S. They all can’t be wrong and misguided. ToTi would find it interesting to open the World Almanac and scan the list -of alKhese denominations. There is a lifetime'of study there and the columns of type cover historical moments of greatness. To take each faith, study it not bigoted and censorous, would help our own particular beliefs -by-teaching-Tis-nnderstan^ing andToIerahceV ' If ever a' man is in need of a foundation of faith, that is today, so don’t rob him of it. If man cannot agree upon his God how can man agree with man for world peace? It is the old, old story of “live and let live.” PICKED AROUND TOWN A JOKE A DAY STEAK, OUTDOORS STYLE A ccording to Bill, l;v;ny in trailer i,s giving ‘ihe cill col- i lector a gooci run for his m on ey .! .Alust Have Been Teacher: “ In '»vhich of hisj batiies was Ale.xander the Great i killed?” Pupil: “I thi::!-; it ’.va.; his rvV a1 V.M -!íü:rinlfîonfnrl his w ife w ith an axe, did it because she nagged hisn all the tim e,” avers Jim, "and a ,1ury of m en will take a icng tim e deliberatina,” "What, is the rod of afflic- \ tion?"- the Sunday school tea-^^'^ w Cher asked. "G o’ denrod.” shouted the ' tie girl whose m other has hay, Eli / fever every fall. '%■ “The only tim e the pedestrian : can be positive he has the right of way," says Jimmy, “ is if he is riding on a fire true): cr in an am bulance.” HighUgtits Of The Siiiuhiv School Lesson The Sunday School Ic.ssun for July 20 is, "T h e llc.sponsi- bility oi the Churcli U cgard- iiiff Beverage A lcohol."— 1 Co- liitihlans V :9-13; Tiius 11:1-8. The popular historian, Jam es Truslow Adam s has said: "If there is to be a regeneration of the national character, it can com e about only by the regeneration of each o f us as In­ dividuals, It Is not a m atter of com m ittees and m achinery and organization. It can com e only from som e subtle change in the heart o f the individual A m erican m an and wom an a change w hich one cannot pre­ dict, but o f w hich one need not despair.” An Old Problem T hat problem is not new. It is as old as the first 'teacher, the first preacher, the first philosopher. T he Bible is a long series o f abjurations to the individual. A s a good house cannot be built o f bad bricks, so a nation or a social order cannot be constructed ot de­ fective personalities. T o solve all o f our perplexing present problem s, we sim ply m ust have m en and wom en possessed o f intelligence and convictions and rorce o f character. W hatever Is w rong w ith you and w ith m e Is, w rong with the Country. Som e one has said, “A ll the V orld is better for every one who is iÍítoE -at_]ils_b They’re Eating The announcement that boys in the training camps are gaining on the average of 10 pounds for their three week’s training, is of special interest to parents. Boys who.,have been drafted. This is probably due to more regulated hours, which has been found to affect those youngsters who have gone away from home and to col­ lege. The more recent years have made us all regard our vitamins and health througl;i proper eating and this also affects the army board. There is a greater variety for the boy today than in 1918. There are certain sec­ tions of the country where diets vary, and the ai'my kit­ chens have taken this into consideration, too. How­ ever, there is no dish of homemade cookies or candies to tempt the lad’s appetite and the only way local rela- Iftes can make their draftee feel at home is to supply him with these items themselves. Now In England As your teeth sink into a luscious cantaloupe or piece of fresh cherry pie, give a passing thought to Lon­ don. The warm weather there brought forth a few addi­ tions to the'daily display in the London markets. The sun had rlped peaches, poor looking things they were, and those who could afford them might eat a peach for 75 cents—apiece! And the vendor sold quite a few he said. As you pass along the market stalls there are strawberries, a small knotty berry Its true but neverthe­ less a strawberry. These are $3,80 a pound. Over here is a shop selling Wisconsin cheese, from our own dairy state, and this has made a hit with the shoppers and costs $1 a pound. A purchaser exclaims because fortu­ nately tomatoes are more plentiful and therefore cheaper since thpv only pn.st SI n p nnnrl Timv rtf mi.i,r duct o f each o f us Is a m atter o f concern to all o f us. It is in all things as it Is the use o f intoxicants; as one speaker put it, "T h e first step in tem perance reform Is to close the liquor business that is carried on between m y own nose and chin. T he first, and m ost vital step in patriotism . In so­ cial relations, In International the doctrines we seek to im ­ pose upon the w hole world. M ankind as a m ass will never get right, until m ankind as In­ dividuals live right. E ach of r.s m ay seem to our.selves an inconsiderable fragm ent ot the w hole: but together we m ake up the whole. Daniel W ebster, who was no prig or prletlst, was quoted in a recent address by Judge Jam es Quarles, as having said: "If we abide by th e ,/principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering . . . but if we and our posterity neglect its in­ structions and authority, no m an can tell how sudden a <;atastrophe m ay overw helm us and bury our glory in profound obscurity." Bqtter Than A IVLtss M eeting M ighty mass m eetings have recently been the order of the day and still vaster audiences gathered about the radio are com m on. The resolutions they pass are less consequential than the quiet determ ination o f the thoughtful individual, w ho says within h im self: “I will be true; I will be brave; I will be loyal; I will be clean ; I will be brotherly; I will be Christ­ ian.” T hat is the kind o f resolu­ tion that Insure the great re- _Yolutlon that, w lll-m a k e - the '//heels o f he car o f civiliza­ tion turn again, and speed It i:pon Us way to the New Day in^ -that—is—the—K ln g d oin -of—€K)d on earth. W e have had tragic evidence o f late o f national break-dow n, due to the m oral Inadequacies o f individuals. It has been m ade plain that public m orale is dependent upon private m o­ láis. Says Judge Q uarles: "P er­ sonal character is the ultim ate and vitally Im portant thing. Therein lies the good or the affairs is to practice personally bad as regards legislation, exe- OUR DEMOCRACY--byMal pect to pay more for a bunch of asparagus because it is more scarce, so you pay $1.50 a bunch for this. Now go ahead and eat your melon and pie, but appreciate it! They Help Too Men in Industry and boys in uniform have answered their country’s needs, but so have the women. Both in industry and in uniform have the women of our land rallie^ to ttie emergency. _Tliey have Jaken up-defense work since tlïey'lïàvè thé most at stake and which they must protect. They must safeguard that which is most dear to them, their home and their family. The sanctity of the home and the welfare of the family! Tiie various factories that are keeping busy the hands of women work- érs are also providing for her health. Women employed must meet with certain hazards presented in employment and consequentl.y old methods are being improved and new ones are being followed to bring hygiene into in­ dustrial United States. We must protect our women to make a nation of strong fathers and husbands. We must keep our country a land of healthy women who have taken up the banner here and elsewhere about us. W ith radios go.ne quiz co n ­ scious. Joe believes that what the laym en war.t is an in.iel'-i- gence rest. Two Live C hcaver Daughter: "B ut. Dad, don't; you believe that two can Uve' a." cheaply as on e?” Father: “ I certainly do. Right now your m otlier and I are liv- i in? as cheaply as you.” “ Its harder to keep the v.Tit- ten laws,” sighs Pav.l, "than the unwritten ones.” It looks to Tom that Hitler is Russian in where angels iear to tved. Of Course Housewife: pensive for a Salesclerk: m a’am , down 'Isn ’t that ex- iittle pillow ?” "W ell you see is up.” G eorge says one oi the h a rd ­ est things for- him is to swallow anything that Hitler or Stalin says. "If we w ant to do a. bit of hon est-to-goodn ess cleaning up here at hom e.” asks Sam, "w hy don't we start with Harrv B ridges?” "W e are really going to rough It on our vacation this year.” sighs T om m y, "w e aren’t going to take along a radio.” Billy says that some of the June brides by this time have put down the can opener and picked up the cook book. “M any a N etherlander v.’ith - n our shoreline,” says Phil, ■hopes for a future when It will again be ‘tulip time in H olland." ^ In a d d it io n t o t h in g s o k th e s p i r i t is t h e COMMON SENSE FACT THAT THE AVERAGE AMER.ICAN HAS OTHER THIN GS TO PRESERVE AND D E F E N D .... HOME. FARM , JO B . SAVINGS. LIFE .INSURANCE, BUSINESS, A N D ALL OTHER THINGS WHICH MAKE POSSIBLE OUR HIGH STANDARD OF LIVINS. pURTHRIStißtVES UFT TO OUR MORALE, cutlve action. Judicial decision and adm inistration functioning. In a w ord, therein lies the weal or woe o f Am erica, and o f every •>ther coun try beneath the skies." Dr; Alexis Carrel says, in his book, “ Man, the U n­ kn ow n :” “ Intelligence, will pow . er and m orality are very close­ ly related. But m oral sense is m ore Im portant than intelli­ gence. W hen It disappears from a nation, the whole struc­ ture com m ences to crum ble a - way."______________________________ W oodrow W ilson once de­ clared, om inously, "M oral forces do not threaten: they operate.” jV^I,ettcr_ta_Crete--------------- Always the C hurch has stress­ ed this m aster m otive o f per­ sonal character. The New T esta­ m ent is a book o f standards for personal character. Its writers stress tirelessly the personal virtues. O ut o f this book’s teaching has sprung the great tem perance reform , which has profoundly altered the drinking habits o f past ages. Today one is surprised to find a Christian who even drinks at all. T he passages assigned for the pres­ ent Lesson are all adm onitions to personal conduct. An older, better book than Emily P ost’s “ E tiquette” is this handbook o f conduct, character and m o­ tive. Tlie larger portion o f our les­ son text is taken from P aul’s short letter to Titus, w hom he had sent to oversee the C hurch o f Crete, m uch In th* news o f late. N aturally, the Cretans were a poor lot, the decadent scions o f a civilization that was ancient In Paul's day. One o f their ow n poets had written o f them : “ Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.’’ Nevertheless, it was o f such raw m aterial that the Early Church v/as com posed. T he Gospel laid h old o f lives, one by one, and changed them from liars to truth-tellers; from carnal creatures to spiritually m inded saints: from glut: iind drunkards to pure-living brethren. A nd that 'Snclent power still abides in the Church. This is a tem perance Lesson. It points the only way out o f the laxity o f our times (W hat responsible person is not shock­ ed by the nightly array o f au - tom obiles'about the taprobns a - long our highw ays ), w hich is by the observance o f the Chris­ tian principle o f abstinence lo r the sake o f others. Once tlie individual awakens lo his essential place In the welfare o f the whole, we shall see an end o f drinking and o f unchaslty and sordid selfish­ ness. W hat we would not do for our sakes, we will do for the sake o f society and of Jesus Christ. Let's Xot W orry "Tom m ie,” said the teacher, "W hat is 1-5 o f 3 --? ” ■ "I don't know exactly,’ re­ plied .Tommie, "b u t it's not enough to worry a b ou t!” Rapid Service Tlie restaurant rapid service, but didn’t give it. A patron gave an order, w aited patiently, and fell asleep., He awoke to hear the waitress' voice asking: “ Did you order tllis sundae?” “G racious!” exclaim ed the custom er in dism ay, “ what day’s this?” • OUTDOORS AUrilORITIES Jafnes Beard and Bob E(l.s;e demonstrate a fine bit of al fresco cooking. Beard, autiior of "Cook It Oiit(ioors,” recently told how to prepare tlie tastiest steak sandwich supper on record. You don’t have to travel a hundred miles to get into tlie open cither, if you have a portable charcoal grill on your terrace. Here’s the reeijie: Take a three finger sirloin steak, rub slightly with garlic and grill over a charcoal fire until it is pink in the middle. Slice in l-’2-incli pieces and place on a long French loaf of bread which has been lialved lengthways and buttered generously. Then slice in two-inch pieces, serve with mixed green salad and advertised i yf },Qt coffee. A l Liberty Secretary: "Y es, Culver is at liberty now.” O ffice Visitor: "O h, I didn’t even know he’d been in jail,” BeK.er I’osiiion Professor: "W h y are you so far behind with your studies?” Student: "B ecause I am then in m uch better position to pur­ sue them ,” M usician Can "Rem em ber,” w arned the stern parents, “ no person can work and play at the .same tim e.” His son sh ot back with, ‘ How abouta m usician. P op?” Sure to Look M ountain G uide: “ Be careful not to fall here. It is danger­ ous. But if you do fall, rem em ­ ber to look to the left, as you get a m ost w onderful view.” you Expecting: ’Coo M uch Professor: "W h y don’t answer m e?'’ — Freshm an:“ ! did. Professor. I shook my head.” . Professor: "B u t you don ’t ex­ pect me to hear it rattle way up here, do y o u ?” As Sam bo Saw It A favorite M ississippi story is about aii old N egro whose voung cotton had been over­ flowed. “ W ell, the Lord know s best/’ his landowner urged by way of consolation. “ Now, look here. Boss,” was the N egro’s reply, “ I ain’ never gwiner to ’sputa about de Lawd bein’ a m ighty g ood m an— but som etim es hit do look like to m e He don’t know m uch about m akin’ a cotton c ro p !” Leaves Turn— In M ay Teacher:- “ Johnny, when do leaves begin to tu rn ?” Johnny: "T h e n igh t before oxam s.’’ T ry On Head Jack: "This linim ent makes m y arm s sm art.” Joan: “ W hy n ot rub some on your liead ” Danger Signal H ep: “Jake’s w ife shot him last night. She says she done it becuz he was a big loafer and n o ’count.’’ G ap: “ My heavens! If that £ none of us gents is safe.” N ot All Loss “ I expect to get som ething out o f niy teeth." “ B ut I though you were go­ ing to have them pulled?” “ I am ; but I’m going to sell the gold iillings.’’_______________ One Truthful Lover "O nly one m an in love ever told the truth.” “ W ho was th at?” “ Adam when he said, ‘Eve, you are the only w om an in the world for m e.” Jim wants to know why it is that about two m onths after you buy a refrigerator the ads com e out w ith a brand new im proved m odel. "with § Д L - S I M 0 H It isn't the gilt, it's the ¡Taft . . , B low -by-blow spirit — aithough some o f the j tiouncer Sam Taub is back at gifts received by radio stars irom tlieir fans seem to in d i­ cate that the spirit the fan was filled with was 100-p roof bourbon E very year the stars o f the netw orks are showered w ith a m useinn-ful of nutworks K ay K yser has an inventive fan w hose latest contribution is a derby hat that is also a hair brush! Inside the hot there's a revolving brush that can be operated by a tiny crank. Y ou put on the hat, turn the crank three or four tm ies and your hair is brush­ ed! A lice Frost got a note from a listener in Florida w ho said, "I listen to ‘Big Sister’ every day and I can tell from your voice that you’re the sort of person w ho is kind to anim als so I ’m sending you a little m ascot under separate cover.” T he m ascot duly arrived and turned out tt) be a sm all li­ zard! D on Voorhees, canductor of The T elephone Hour received a baton that can be elongated into a fishing rod. The tele­ scoped device is too heavy for practical use as a baton and too w eak really to serve as a trout rod, but Conductor V oor- hees appreciates the gen ero­ sity o f the donoj, nevertheless. This should just give you an idea. I i you occasionally rum m age about your attic and are am azed at the collection o f useless knick knack y ou ’ve am assed yourself, think o f the radio star — whose m orning m ail probably brought him the com plete furnishings for a W ack’s Museum. CH ATTER: A new kind o f news program called The H ead­ lines Speak m ade its bow over WHN. T he station has regular reporters assigned to covering events In the same way as re­ porters. B ut instead o f a type­ writer these radio snoopers carry alon g sound equipm ent, turntables and m ake records right on the spot . . . Russell B ennett has com posed a sym ­ phonic piece on Coney Island based on Jo R anson’s best-sell­ er, S odom By the Sea . . . T h at M illions for Denfense show seem s to get bigger stars each week . . . Al Jolson is reported to have signed for a fall radio series . . . B ob Burns will Carol B ruce this week inked a one year picture pact w ith Selznick . . , Gloria W hitney has fin ally been persuaded to do a régulai’ weekly program so you can tune to her again via W H N these evenings , . , Did you know that Yvette, .5ongstress.on_Penthouse-Party, never m akes or participates in a broadcast unless her m other is present in the studio . . Sonny D unham , m aestro at ■Meadowbrook is only 28. His tenor sa.xophonist is IG . . . Count Basie will .send his band vacationing while he starts a lecture tour on jazz . . . T ru th or Consequences, the show w ith eye appeal, m aybe the first to-be signed for television . . ,. V incent Lopez is still playing to capacity house.s at the H otel the ringside. H e’ll broadcast via WHN and NBC . . . W ood Herm an and his crew start at l,os Angeles Palladium with 17 coast-to-cost shots . . . NBC has a separate m lnlature-siz- fd mike for the wircihuircd ■pup on the T hin M an .series. Gerald Caudle Is Recovering BETHEL. — G erald Gray, son of Mr. and M rs. Henry Caudle, is recovering from an appendicitis operation, which he underwent a few days ago at Elkin H ospital. Mr. and 'Mrs. A rthur Sim ­ m ons and son. G rant, vislt«d their daughter, M rs. Jack John- ;;on of H arm ony, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W est of W lnslon-Salem visited Mrs. W est’s parents, M r. and Mrs. Charles R enegar awhilfc Sun- day. Pred henegar ot Elkin visit­ ed his aunt, Mrs. Della Ren«gar last week. Ray Sim m ons returned to his work Sunday in C harlotte after visiting his parents over thp week end. Mr. and M rs. Clyde Harris had as their guest Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. H enry Candle and Josephine Harris. HELPFUL John E. M uhlield, traffic m anager of the Pan Am erican G race Airways reports upon returning from Lim a, Peru, that increased trade with tbe United States Is helping South America. Marines in Loftdloin! ..’ I United Stales M arines »lAnd guard in J'lont o f the 10. S. Lm bassy in L ondon fo r the first time. Sixty-three oil'icers and men of the l\Iarlne Corps, including eleven rescued 'wheQ the liner M aasdam w as tor­ pedoed, have been sent to the British capital to act as lire wardens. С Л 'H i /Т.y f . :Í ,‘-.г Ь ё 1Й | FKIDAY, JULY 18, 1941 THE MOCKSVILLE (N. C ) ENTERPRISE PAGE $ 'Mr. and Mrs. K . C. M eroiiey tuicl Miss Sue Bi-owu .?peiit Sunday In Blowing Rpsk raid l.unolr w ith Mr. and Mrs. June M eroney. Mrs, Lonora Jaquish of D e- i.i'olt, M ich., was tlie guest M onday and Tuesday o f Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Slde.s. '.Jr. M rs, W. A, A llison -of A von­ dale, G a. and Mrs. M ayo W ills (if W ashington, D, C. will ar­ rive T hursday lo be week end I’ uests o f Miss Ossie Alllscn and Mr, and Mrs. P. .7. Johnson. Capt. Clinard LeGrand will arrive Saturday to take Mrs. LeGrand and children to their !iew hom e at Ft. Moultre, Char­ leston, S. C. They will leave Sunday. Kev, and Mrs. W. C. Sides Jr. were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. F, M. Page Tuesday at their hom e near Sallslniry. Mls.s A nnie Laurie Etchison, who holds a position In Cleve­ land, O hio, and M1.SS Mary Cutler are guests ^ of Miss E tchison's brother, E. F, E tchi­ son o f Oana. Miss Verdie Ellis spent the v/eek end in Greensboro vlsit- liig friends. ■Lt. Col. and Mrs. G, R. B chw elckert a n d children, David and R ichard, of Spartan­ burg, S. C. were guests Thurs­ day of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Short. Mrs. Schw eickert and Mrs. S. S. Short are sisters. M r. and Mrs. Hansford Sams v/ere week end guests of Mrs. Sam s’ parents, Mr. and ^hs. R. B. Sanford. T hey were en loiite to their hom e in D eca­ tur, G a. from thcU' wedding trip spent In W illiam sburg, V a„ New York, the New England States and Canada, iMlss Frances Patner return­ ed to her hom e In W ilkes Barre, l'a „ after a visit w ith Mr. and Mrs. Joe Patner. She returned hom e w ith the Patners when they cam e back from their vacation in Canada and P enn­ sylvania. M r. and Mrs. Charles W ayne Boles and Mrs. Hettie Boles of (Edna, Texas, Mrs. Clara Spear o f M em phis, Tenn., Mra, Flor­ ence D onnell o f New Orleans were guests last week o f Mr, and Mrs. H. C. M eroney. 'Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Sm ith and ‘^011, Beim lp, have rctu m ed -to- iheir hom e in Elizabethtown after a visit w ith Mrs. Sm ith’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Call. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holthouser, Mr. and M rs. Joe Patner and Miss F rances Patner spent Sunday in Lenoir and Blowing Rock w ith Mr, and Mrs. June M eroney, Mr. and Mrs, R. E. Suber Jr. o f Raleigh were week end guests o f Mrs. Suber’s parents. Mr, and Mrs. J. H, T hom pson. * Mr. and Mrs. W . D. Meeds o f Sanford, Florida, Mrs. M yrtle B radford and brother, Mr. T ay­ lor o f M iam i, Florida visited Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hawkins and Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Horn Tues­ day. M rs. Cecil Click and daugh­ ters, A nn and Jean, of G reen­ ville, S. C. spent several days this week w ith Mr. and Mrs. 13. E. G ibson. Jones K esler and fam ily of Harrisburg, Pr. visited Mrs. Carl K esler on route 2. He also visited his brother, Carl, w ho is a W orld W ar veteran now In the hospital at R oanoke, Va. Miss Lois O ’Neil of route 2 had returned hom e from the Row an M em orial hospital, w here she had an operation for appendicitis. - D ü i’o t h y - Q i b s d a ------------------ Tayior-Bynum Announcement Mr, and Mrs. R. S. Taylor of Lilllngtoi'.. N. C.. announce the m arriage of their daugh- -Hr, Ellzabetl:. to -A, -L. Or. of Hope Mills, N. C., on, January 1. 1941. at Dillon, .^outh Carolina, Mrs, Bynum is a graduate of I^ast Carolina Teacher's CoUege and has been assistant hom e i-upervisor for Farm Security Adm inistratior. in Charlotte and M ocksville for the past year. Mr. Bynum is con n ect­ ed w ith the Coastal Railway Com pany in Rocky M ount. M r. and Mrs. Bynum will be !.t liom e in Hope M ills after August 1, 1941. Janice Morris Given Parly Mrs. Ralph M orris entertain­ ed Friday evening honoring'her daughter, Janice, on her birtli- cay. Patriotic decorations were used throughou t'th e house. In a series o f gam es and contests prizes were won by Roscoe Stroud. D enton Boger, R alph Bowden, Bobby Ijam es, Jack Pennington, Sarah M ero­ ney, Lettle Lindsay Sheek, B obby Jean sm ith, M arlon H orn, Phyllis Johnson and R ob­ ert Strange McNeill. Follow ing the gam es the guests were invited to the din­ ing room where a two tiered! birthday cake centered the! table. Guests present in addition to those winning prizes were M ar­ tha M ason, Clarabel LeG rand,! Patsy Grant, R achel G rant, | and Jack Graham , Reunion Held At Austin Home N eighbors and old friends ot Misses Lilia and Cora Austin gathered at their hom e Sunday and enjoyed a picnic dinner. A m ong those present were Mr. and Mrs. L. D. H. Brow n, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. H odge, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde R. Brown and children, Mr, and Mrs. M, M. Brow n, Rev. and M rs. j. W hite Iddlngs and son, Mr. and Mrs. Odell Llngle and children all o f G ranite Quarry, M r. and Mrs. Luther Fisher, Mr, and Mi-s. M arcus Fisher and daugh­ ter o f Salisbury and Mr, and Mrs, C. R. Horn and children. iMclhoclist Rev. E. M. Avett, pastor Services will be held Fri­ day at 9:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. There will be no services Sat­ urday, Dr. Gilbert Rowe will hold the Sunday services. M ocksville Circuit R ev. W . C. Sides Jr.. pastor Revival services are being held each evening at Dulln at 8 o ’clock. Two services will be held Sunday, 11 a, m. and 3 p. m. Davie Circuit Rev. G. W. Fink, pastor H ardison 10 a. m. Salem 11 a. m. Center 8 p. m. "A revival begins at Center Sunday and continues through the w’eek with services each evening at 8 o’clock. Baptist Rev. J. H. Fulghum , pastor. 11:00 Services will be held by Rev. E. W . Turner. T he happiest m an is the fel­ low w ho has the first fish story to tell to his friends. 5H 0KTS ’N’ BRA with m atch­ ing sun hat in orange nastur­ tium print on white w affle pi- qne is w orn here by Janet W aldo. Notice its halter neck anil bowed bodice w hich make it botli secure and brief. There is a touch of Latin-Am eriean influence in the styling of its riium ba skirt. Back from Britain Circle Hostess Circle 4 ot the Presbyterian auxiliary m et M onday after- tioon at the hom e o f Dorothy Olbson. The devotlonals were given by Sarah M eroney, vice- president. She talked on “ Jesus. U»e only way._.to ..^salvation’:,. Mai)ei Short led the round table discussion on the subject, “Do Christians hold the world to­ gether.” “ Rules for Daily L ife" v.’ere read by Hazel Charles. A t the close o f the m eeting •refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by her m other, Mrs. E. E. Gibson to Jane H ayden Morris, Hazel and Alice Charles, Edrie Mars, M a­ bel Short, Sftrah M eroney, D orothy G ibson, and the lead­ er, Mrs. W . H. Kim rey. W. M. U. MEETING The W . M. U. of the Baptist church will m eet M onday after­ noon at the church at 3;3(!) o'clock. Circlie I, Steve W ood, leader, wUl give the p ro ­ gram. K. A. ¡MEETING The R. A.’s o f the Baptist church m et M onday aiternoon at the church w ith their lead­ er. Mrs. J. H. Fulghum . The topic for study was, “ A con ­ versation w ith a firecracker.” Devotlonals centered around the them e. “Jesus Is able to save." All the boys took part on the program . Those pres­ ent were Cornelius Boon, H ar­ old Poplin, Lester Dwlggins, Bobby Sofley, Billy Haneline and Benny Naylor. Redmons Have Greenville Guests FARM INGTON. — Miss M ar­ garet W illiam s, w ho is attend- .ng sum m er school in G reens­ boro, will spend the week end with her aunt. Miss Vada John­ son. Miss Kat_e Vestal is .visiting her sister, Mrs. C liff Ingram in G asionia this week. Mrs. Frances M artin ot W ins­ ton-Salem , daughter o f Mr, and Mrs, T. H, R edm on, is at­ tending sum m er school at the Julliard School o f Music In New Y ork City. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnson have returned to their hom e In Greensboro after spending their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. G. W . Johnson. Mrs. Albert Sm ith and son, Clark, of W inston-Salem visit­ ed Miss Vada Johnson and Mrs. H. H. Sm ith, Tuesday. Mrs. W illiam Neal, Misses M argaret Neal and Gertrude V'ance o f G reensboro, Mr. and Mrs. Sw ift H ooper and Henry Hooper ot W inston-Salem visit­ ed Mrs. M. B. B rock and Miss M argaret B rock, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W . F. Redm on of Greenville, S. C. visited Mr. and Mrs. T. H. R edm on last week. Mrs. Queen Bess K ennen Is up after being sick for several c’ays. Grover Henson, Joe W illiams, Gene James, John Francis Johnson. G ene Seats, Alfred and Vernon Sm ith spent the week end at M yrtle Beach. Mrs. Nan W ard o f Clemm ons visited Mrs. Delia Sm ith and Mrs. C. C. W illiam s the past V eek. Miss M argaret , Brock of O reensborols spending her va­ cation w ith' her m other, Mrs. ■j'.;.,. .B--Sr'jefe---------------------------------- Efirds Had Statesville Guests SHEFFIELD, — Friends and relatives in this com m unity attended the funeral of Bill Foster at Rocky Springs church .Saturday afternoon. Miss Dovie Eflrd and George Roberts of High Point were Sunday evening guests of Mr. ■aá-M -r;.- ---------------- Mrs. Leon Albea of States­ vUle returned hom e Sunday after spending tho week end with her parents, Mr and Mra S. B. Efird. M r. and Mrs. Grady Ijam es were Sunday afternoon visitors o f Mrs. Ijam es' sister. Mrs. B es- , .=le Sm ith. Miss Leuna G oforth spent .Saturday shopping in W inston- Salem. Miss Ruth Sm ith is sporting 1 ne'.v blue autom obile. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Sm ith and children spent Sunday after- neon in Cooleem ee with Mrs. Blalock. Mrs. Sm ith's m other. Mrs. B. A. Sm ith and daugh­ ter. Ruth, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J, T. Sm ith. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R atledge were Sunday visitors o f Mrs. Hugh Edwards Sunday. Janice and G race Ratledge returned hom e with them after spending the week with their sister, Mrs. Hugh Edwards, Mrs. Zelm a Sm ith and son, Dorsett, spent the past_ week end w ith Mrs. Sm ith’s m other, !vir s.Bess'le Sm ith. Mr. and Mrs. Blum Beck and daughter, Dew-ey Beck and Mrs. Roy Stroud spent Friday in Troutm an on business. L oyd Ijam es was a Sunday visitor in U nion Grove at the hom e o f the W hites. W. W . Sm ith and fam ily of M ocksville were visitors in this com m unity Sunday. day guests of Mrs., Cora K im ­ mer. John W ood entered the vet­ erans hospital at Otem last A’eek, having dental work done. Mrs. G ray Sheets and Mr. and Mrs. G arland Sheets o f R oanoke, Va. w'ere week end guests ot Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Foster. Mrs. W alter Barney and son, R onald, o f Bixby, Mrs. G lenn B arney and daughter of W ins- ton-Salem spent Sunday after­ noon with Mrs. J. A. W ood. P oy Bailey o f Cooleemee spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H ugh Mason. Mrs. D. M. Bailey is con ­ fined to her hoom with a leg in­ fection. Mrs. M artha Leonard o f F.eedy Creek spent Sunday with Mr and ‘Mrs: Joim ~Parks:------- m other. Mrs. J. V.'. M cClan­ non. Miss Venita Shore of-C a bar­ rus hospital visited her m other, Mrs. Pearl Gales, recently, Mr. and Mrs. W ade Daniels and daughter, Miss Nellie, a c­ com panied by Miss Helen House, were Sunday visitors in Cleve­ land at the hom e ot Mr, and ;:ir3r'TnmeT"t5iri?H:---------------------- Kentucky long has been noted for beautiful wom en . . . and Delnia Uyron, daughter o f a M ayfield planter proves il. She v.as .sent to New Y ork's Co­ lum bia , University to study English anrt the arts. This was topped o ff with dram atics. In rapid succession cam e work ffs Powers m odel, a role in Shirley Tem ple’s "D im ples,” and road show work in “ The W om en.” It all proved a ground course for radio. Miss Melton Returns Home CORNATZER. — Mrs. Jose­ phine H aneline and two sons o f M ocksvllle visited Mr. and Mrs. W orth Potts Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jones and Mrs. T. M. Potts and Eva Potts visited Mr. and Mrs. W al­ ter Jones Sunday night. Rev. J. H. G roce will fill his regular appointm ent Sunday m orning at 11 a. m. at C ornat­ zer B aptist Church. Mrs. G eorge Starr and daugh­ ter, M ary spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E noch Sm ith o f rear Chestnut Stum p. Several from our com m unity have been attending the revival m eeting at Dullns. Miss Lucille M elton, w ho has been In a Salisbury Hospital, was able to return hom e Sun­ day afternoon. M r. and Mrs. Bill Jones and children o f Cooleem ee visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Potts Sun­ day.' Mr. and Mrs. Clyde ■ Phillips ot H anes spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Frye. Misses G eorgia and Vertie Sue Ellis were in town Satur­ day. Miss Eva Potts spent Tuesday in M ocksville w ith Mrs. Jose­ phine Haneline. One ot the prettiest sights Cooleemee Personals • M ary Anne R obinson is at­ tending the Senior Girls Cam p and conterence at Vade M ecum. Mr, and Mrs. R oy Alexander have returned trom New’ Y ork to visit their parents. Dr. and Mrs. W. P. K avanagh and two sons spent the past W’eek vacationing at W rlghts- vllle Beach. Mrs. C. C. Y oung is spend­ ing this week In L incolnton visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fred C. Thom pson, and fam ily, Mrs. Charles Adam s and son, Harold, of G astonia, are visit­ ing at the hom e o f Mr, and Mrs, W . C, B rogdon In N orth Cooleem ee.S Miss Carolyn Miller o f Lake­ land, Florida, Is visiting at the hom e o f her aunt, Mrs. C. E. Alexander on M ain street. Mrs. M artha B rogdon, who has been 111 at her hom e In North Cooleem ee, is Im proving, Miss M ary Jo Y oung, who is a student nurse at D avis’ hos­ pital, Statesville, has returned after spending her vacation ! with her grandmother^. Mrs, C. C, Young, o f N orth Cooleem ee. j Mrs. J. M. Broadway, w ho! has been 111 at her hom e on M ocksville, route 4, has Im prov­ ed. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Harrison spent last w eek end visiting at the hom e o f Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Thom pson In L incoln­ ton. W illiam N. Sells o f New Y ork City is visiting his m other, Mrs. J. C. Sells. He Is recuperating after being a patient In a New' Y ork City hospital for two weeks. Mrs. Boyd Parker and son, Boyd Jr. of H ickory, are visit­ ing at the hom e o f her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W . A lex­ ander. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dennis of K annapolis were Sunday visitors at the hom e o f Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Dennis. Mr. and Mrs. R oy Furr of K annapolis were recent visitors at the hom e o f Mrs. Furr’s Fred Scott is spending thi; v.'eek in Lexington visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Floyd G arw ood and daughter, Doris, are spendina: tills week in G reensboro withj her sister, Mrs. Louise Stout, : Mrs. Fred G arw ood and dan- ■ ghter, Helen, and Mrs. Will' Coble and daughter, Sue, all of- Albem arle, were recent ';uests o f Mrs. Annie Liven- Bcod. Miss Verm eil Parker c f Sal­ isbury spent the week end with her m other, Mrs. E ffie Parke Mrs. J. H. L. R ice has re­ turned hom e from Jackson. M ississippi, where she spent the past 10 days visiting, i Messrs, C. B, H oover and G ,' H. Spry and Misses K atherine Barnes, M argaret M ayberry and Elizabeth H ancock spent W ed­ nesday in R idgecrest, where they attended the N, C. T rain­ ing Union assembly. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Boger, accom panied by Misses Ruby M iller and Elizabeth W ood, spent the week end in C har- Ifston, S. C. Mrs. E. L. Rosem an ot States- v.lle was the \veek end guest o f Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hoover. Miss Catherine B laylock spent the past W’eek In R aleigh visit­ ing friends and relatives. Miss M agdalene Head is visit, ing her grandm other, Mrs. J. H. W alls. In Hanes. CLUB MEETING T he W om an’s Club will m eet Friday night in the com m unity hall, A talk will be m ade to the club by Rev. ,F. J. Stough. T he m eeting was scheduled to have been held on Park HIU, but due to the rainy weather, the m eeting will be held in the hall. HOW "LIFT-ALL" WORKS IN THE NEW ” L1FT-ALL.’! we »10 introducing tho first all-purposa hydraulic power lift. Read tliese interesting quick facts about ^■Lih-AU.”. "Iiift'Air' lilts or lowers the en> tiro implomont at the (lick o( a iinger on the handy control. But ihst is not all—"Liit-AU’! goes 'way beyond that! It enables you to; 3) Lift ot lower front beams of niltivatoc first. Delayed action automatically actuates rear beam! when they reach point where EronI beams were lilted or lowered. (2]’ Liit either side of Ihe impleiaant independently of the othez sid«. (3) Liit and hold implement to u tj desired working depth. See this great new attachmsnl for Farmall-H and Farmall-M. JUk us for a demonstration. And iw member, b U « M l» siv* FartnaU lealMtt! V.'.VJ’m W ^fm W .V m W .W .W .'.V .V .W m V m V .V .'A V J 'J V J S FRESH DEtieiOtJS— SUMMER CANDIES 1 lb. Box S a lt W a te r T a ffy .......29 c 1 Ib. Bag .Asst. T a ffe x .....................29 c I lb. Bag C a ra m e l C h ew s ..........23 c 1 lb. Bag Ktirlfey Kews ..........23c 1 Ib. Bag S. W . T a ffe y ..................2 3 c f3i# A w * LEGRAND'S PHARMACY On T he Square Phone 21 JULY ^ DOWNSTAIRS STORE BUY NOW m SAVE NOW on many items that you need for tlie Iiome! Onv Group o} CHENILLE BEDSPREADS » ! l: Were lU.ya. ........Now 4.98 Were 6.9B..................... . Now 3.98 Were 3.98 .......................Now 2.98 Were 2.98 .......................Now 1.98 Oiii; Croup of RUFFLED CURTAINS 48 inches b y 2>/j yards. E g g - shell, blue, green, peach and 1.98 dtisty rose. Pair One Table of One Group SHOWER CURTAINS Luggage Valuej to 2.38 1.00 2 0 % O F F I’ irst wom an to tervy a bom b­ er to Englanil, Am erican avla- irix .Tacqueliue C ochran is show n back iu her New York apartm ent after return on a ferry plane to Canada and a quick hop to LeGuardia Field. She’s sitting on her odd m ap floor. Sara and John W yatt of W inston-Salenv and Ada and Frances Atkinson o f Cana are visiting their grandm 'other, Mrs. .Ada Atkinson. John Wood In HospitaL ----------- FORK. — Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Aaron and children of Eliza­ beth City have returned hom e after spending som e tim e with Ml’, and Mrs. L. C. A aron., .Mrs. V ictoria V anEaton and grandson, W ade Franklin, ot Danville, Va., are spending this week with her daughter, Mrs. John W ood, M r, and Mrs, w, C, T hom p­ son and two sons o f Salisbury, Mr, and \lrs, J. F. Barnhardt of near C hurchland were Sun- vegetable stands. Princess Tliealre TO D A Y AND FRIDAY Bob Hope. Dorothy Lam our and Bing Crosby in ‘ ROAD TO ZANZIBAR” S.VTURD.W Charles Starrett in ‘^OUTLAWS OF THE PANHANDLE” M 0ND.\Y .\ND t u e s d .a y W arner Baxter in ‘^ADAM HAD FOUR SONS” SATURDAY SPECIALS! SUGAR 5 lbs..............................................28c lU lbs............................................55c 100 lbs.......................................$5.50 STRING BEANS 2 lbs...............................................15c ROASTING EARS Doz. ..........................................25c WATERMELONS Each .............................................25c Nice Size. Fresh Shipment SHITH & SHOOT Mocksville, N. C. One Table NOVELTIES i Price One Group PICTURES Values to 3.98 1.00 One Croup RUFFLED CURTAINS Ivory and Eggshell Were 3.98.......................Now 2.98 All SI.29 Curtains. ..... .Now 1.00 O n e Lnt .^1.60 DRESSER SCARFS and VANITY SETS 1.00 Qni> Tnhlo n f" LAMPS 7.98 values . . . 3.98 3.98 values . . . 1.98 I i 32-Piece Set BLUE and PINK WILLOW CHINA MANY OIHEii ilEHJ IHROUCfiOUT IKE SIOSE REB'JiE-D fOa !H.H£D!AT: CiEARi.'iCE Regular ¿ y A Q $3.98 Í . , 'lÔUMiry»f^Kr.HANùìrF^ tMÍOf/AHytUC^f Winston-Salem, N. C. | .VJ’.W iV .V .W .V .V .SW .N V JV JW W W JW W V W W W V V W V k ------------------------------ ■ - ----- PAGE 6 THE MOCKSVILLE (N. C.) ENTERPRISE FRIDAY- JULY 18, 1941 NOW PUBLIC FACES MANY CHANGES The Federal Bitum inous Coal Consumers’ C ounsel appealed to the nation to buy cnal now so It can be m oved from the mines before grow ing defense production burdens the coun­ try’s transportation system. There is an am ple supply o f the coal, the Counsel said, but by Septem ber 15 shortages in some places m ay develop un­ less coal is stored for the win­ ter before then. OCCUPY ICELAND President R oosevelt inform ed Congress he had ordered a Navy force to Iceland to "forestall any pincers m ovem ent . . . by Germ any against the W estern Hem isphere.” H e said Germ an occupation of that country would threaten the North Am erican continent, shipping In the N orth A tlantic, and the flow of m unitions to Britain. The President said the Navy had been ordered to take "all necessary steps” to insure safety o f com m unications "in the approaches betw een Iceland arid the U nited States, as well as on the seas betw een the U. S. and all other strategic out­ posts.” The President later told his press conference that whether Icelan dlies outside the W est­ ern H em isphere is an academ ic question. H e said there are points outside the com m only accepted H em isphere limits which are o f im portance to U. S. defense, and that in occupy­ ing Iceland he acted to fore­ stall a hostile m ove which strategists con.sidered logical or ;lkely. S E L E C TIV E S E R V IC E Selective Service H eadquart­ ers announced that 21-year- olds who registered July 1 will be given d ra ft num bers so they will be called In proportion to previous registrants rather than ahead o f or after older men. Order num bers will be determ ined by national lottery on July 17. Headquarters advised local boards to defer m en w ho have volunteered for civilian or m ili­ tary duty -with Canadian or British forces. T h e House pass­ ed legislation to perm it defer­ m ent ot all m en w ho were 28 on Ju ly 1. A L IE N E D U C A T I O N .................... Th e President allocated $ И ,‘ 000,000 of W P A funds for a program to educate' 1,000,000 aliens in the duties and re­ sponsibilities o f citizenship. More than 11,000 teachers on W P A rolls w ill conduct classe« for aliens w ho w ish to become citizens. PRETTY AS A Southern belle is Virginia Dwyer, actrcss who wears here a white mousseline desoie summer formal trimmed with black lace ruffles and velvet. Notice how the drop shouldered effcct and extremely full skirt mini- IIE G IS T E K E D C IV IL IA N O R G A N IZ A T IO N S W PA announced that m ore than 200,000 national, State and local civilian organizations with 50,000,000 m em bers will be catalogued w ithin the next 60 days to determ ine the parts the organizations and individuals can play in hom e defense so the O ffice o f Civilian Defense can fin d qualified persons for new program s. All except pure, ly social clubs will be Indexed. C IV IL IA N S U P P LY O P M conservation officials announced th a t "our purchases, our habits, our dally lives, per­ haps even our styles,' w ill be controlled by the requirements of national defense.” Some of the changes facing the public, according to O P M ; No corks in bottle tops; beverages In bot­ tles rath e r than cans; silk used in parachutes w ill make silk stM kings m ore x a rc e ; women w ill have fewer perm anent waves, cosmetics, and facial cream s; U w ill not be patriotic to b u j tw o automobiles; farm ­ ers w ill choose from 300 in ­ stead of 1,400 types of plows; chrome, copper, alum inum and woods such as m ahogany w ill probably n o t be available to the furniture industry, and m any designs w ill be eliminated. ------------. . . .____________ .ifan' ager of the winning lesm, plants a kiss on the grinning face of Ted Williams, Boston Bed Sox player whose thtee>run home run in last half of ninth inning won the All-star game for the American League team over the. Na­ tionals at Detroit. during blackouts is pro­ vided in this koroseal coat presented by a New Y o rk designer. Sleeves and hood eive added vis­ ibility, while patriotism and protection are com­ bined in an American flag reflector on the back. SOM EHW ERE IN IC E L A N D .... Following the announcement l y President Roosevelt that forces ot the U. S. Navy have arrived in Iceland to supplement^and eventually replace British forces there, these guns, set up by Great Britain when British forces took "pro. tective wstody shorfjj' after the start of the war, may soon be manned by American fighting men. , 7 .w • P R IC E S P rice Adm inistrator H ender­ son announced that price ceil­ ing on rubber tubes and other rubber products will be deferred for several m onths to allow ihe Industry time to w ork out price problem s voluntarily. Це rnn ounced, however, that cell­ ing prices will be placed w ithin a few days on cottonseed oil an d certain grades o f 'West coast lum ber used by the G ov ­ ernm ent. Mr. H enderson also stated that recent action to ch eck rises in hide prices does no m ean the OPACS expects to freeze livestock or m eat prices. A R M Y T h e President asked Congress for an additional $4,700,000,000, for the A rm y, most of it for purchase ot heavy guns, $400,- 000,000 for clothing and other equipm ent. $200,000,000 for the A ir Force and $350,000,000 for the Signal Corps, and $1,000,000 for horses. T h e W a r Departm ent a n ­ nounced-form ation ot a com ­ pletely motorized, and heavily arm ed experimental division, strengthened w ith tanks, w ith 50 percent more fire power than a present arm ored d iv i- sioQ although w ith 14,000 in ­ stead of 15,550 men. T h e D e­ partm ent also announced that to bolster an ti-tank defenses, a n ti-ta n k specialists w ill be as­ signed to every A rm y large u n it to w ork out methods of defeating arm ored force a t­ tacks. AIB O P M announced that during June 1,476 m ilitary planes were delivered to the A rm y, N avy, and G re a t B ritain — 142 m ore than the previous m onth and a new record.. T he W ar D epart­ m ent announced contracts o f nearly $200,000,000 for new air­ plane m anufacturing facilities and ordered all Air Corps R e­ serve O fficers except those in kept civilian positions to active duty by August 1. The A rm y A ir F orce established Its ow n Air S ta ff to form Air Force plan A ir S ta ff to form Air F orce plans and decide on equipm ent and other m atters w ithout the approval o f the General S ta ff as heretofore. N A V Y TJhe President asked Congress for $1,025,000,000 in appropria­ tions and contract authority for the Navy for additional or­ dnance, yard equipm ent, planes, tnni ici'jSui's, I'ueiUuiiiii ^‘luu.u'uu,- 000 for defense installations on naval and private ships— an ti- m ine equipm ent, arm or, etc., but, tlte President em phasized, not for guns to arm m ercliants ships. R ear Adm iral Robinson, C hief o f the N avy’s Bureau of Ships, announced the Navy shipbuild­ ing program is proceeding so rapidly that “ every single com ­ bat ship is ahead o f schedule.” He said the problem o f labor supply has been solved and the rate o f expansion is lim ited ch iefly by the ability to o b ­ tain m aterials.SHIPS T h e President asked C on­ gress for $1,698,000,000 for the U . S. M aritim e Commission, in ­ cluding $698,000,000 in cash for new ships and $1,296,000,000 in contract authorizations. The U. S, M aritim e C om m is­ sion announced a saving of m ore than 500,000 tons o f steel in the building of 705 com m ls- ^ie«-des!gned—ships—by— con-- • structlon m ethods n ot know n in the first W orld W ar. The Comm ission said the greatest | single weight saving m easure was tlie introduction o f welding to replace riveting,so that en­ tire ships are now built w ith­ out a single rivet. Powells Have Sunday Guests CENTER. — Mr. and Mrs. W alter Anderson and children ■ of. W lnston-Salcm visited Mr, and Mrs, Robertson Powell. | Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Everhardt and children of Fork and Mr. and Mrs. Hlx Carter and son \ c f W lnston-Salem visited Mrs, J. C. Bowles Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Green rn d children of Jericho visited Mrs. H. F. Tutterow Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Jolin- son and son of Iredell county were guests Sunday ot M r. and Mrs. S. F. Tutterow. Mrs. J. E. Tutterow is on the h,ick list, but Is Im proving slow - ’y. Miss Mary K atherine A nder­ son is visiting in W ln ston-S al­ em this week, the guest o f Mr. i.nd Mrs. Carm on W hite. R U S H Rush orders for im m ediate delivery of cotton are piling up throughout tho nation now but none o f the n a tion ’s agri­ cultural experts are prepared to estim ate to w hat heights this Red, WMte, Blue Wade Mitchell Leaves For Camp ■ЧНД П К Т П ' И т and W orship every Sunday m orn ing a f 11 o’clock at the C hurch o f Christ. Everyone is Invited to attend. _____ Cobina Wright, Jr^ Twentieth Ccntury-Fox starlet, goes in .fojr patriotic cottons for her vacation. Miss Wright wears a slack suit of bide cotton combined with white, the white yoke being trimmed with red hrnid and stara. Mrs. Ed Myers In HospitaL ___________ ELBAVILLE. — C. W . Hall em ergency consum ption m ay Jacksonville, N. C. spent the IVlltchell o f the State Highway force w ho is now stationed at W est Jefferson spent the week end with his parents. Mi’, and Mrs. W . G. M itchell. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Styers had as their guests Sunday, Miss M illie G oldie Stylers and Mr and M rs. M. E. Lackey. Miss M ozelle' and Thelma Davis and M ary M itchell, ac­ com panied M r. and Mrs. W il­ liam L ivengood and fam ily to Brown M ountain B each Sun­ day. Miss G ladls Parker of Greens­ boro Is spending a few days with her m other, Mrs. Viola Parker. Mr. 'VVade M itchell, son of Mr. and M rs. W . G. M itchell left W ednesday as a selective service draftee for Fort Bragg. Miss R uth Davis, M ary M it­ chell and A lice Lee W ooten spent Sunday afternoon with Miss A lice M cK night. Mr. an d Mrs. Cyrus Todd and children attended a re­ union Sunday at H. H. M ays’. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Din­ kins and fam ily recently m oved to H anestown w here they are em ployed. Mr. and M rs. Delbert Groce visited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. W il­ liams Sunday. Mr. and M rs. Lloyd W illard spent Sunday with Mrs Viola Parker and Lettle Peddycord. P reaching services are held every Sunday night at 8 o’clock I T P A Y S T O A D V E R TIS E A large am ount o f M osaic Is show ing up in flue-cured to­ bacco this year, says Jam es P. _Wej3i>,_PitiL.cx)nnty___asslsU at- farm agent o f the N. C. tension Serivce. E x- R t o u c m o THE AVEM.BE 'TUWI-AROUHD" TIME OF EACH RAIIROAD FREIGHT CAR ONE DAY, БУ РЛ5'.'£Л UNL0ADIN6, ADDS TO THE NATIOH'S FREIGHT CAK SUPPLY THE EauivAiiMT OF ??.ioo CARS. .......f! , 7|IE (00 BItUOII GAUONSOF WATEIVUSED BY THE AMERIO«« IVAIIROADS EACH YEAR WOUIS F ill A CHA.'INEL 600 FEET WIDE AN0 9FEET0EEP, REACH1H6 FROM NE'.V YORK TO SAN FIVANCISCO. (Pio n e e r, r ailroad builders in ' WERE ATTACKED FREQUENTLY lY I AS LATE AS 1 8 » THIRTEEN RAILROAD SURVEYORS WERE MASSACRED BY_APACHE INDIANS.AîlOCtAtlOU Cl AU»<AN H> О eo. Yes Sir! If 8 Cotton A l tiM lakMhoN er ky м » M e , Nil« aew Mttoa мегаасксг ЬиЫш« ааН »U h bar« Midriff b idaal far IM I vaeatlone. Larg< taopleal fbwera lend to Iba at- trftefivenese of 'ifaa ouW t week end w ith his fam ily. Dr. and M rs. W oodru ff of High Point were visitors at the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Ratledge Sunday afternoon. Mesdames Etta W atkins of Lexington. Sallie Barker and Mamie Oakes o f H igh Point visited their sister, Mrs. Carrie Orrell Friday. Louie Zim m erm an has enter­ ed the Baptist H ospital for treatment. Mrs. Ed M yers is seriously ill at the Baptist Hospital in W inston-Salem . Mrs. Bill Kester is spending some time in H ig h Point this veek. M r. and M rs. B ill Ellis ot Hickory spent the week end at home. M r. and M rs. M a rvin Potts s,nd m other, M rs. C la ra Potts, were Sunday visitors w ith M r. and Mrs. Boyd Sherm er. M r. and M rs. Jim m ie Roach ot W ashington, D . C . are spend­ ing their vacation w ith their parents, M r. and M rs. J. G . Z im ­ merman. M r. and M rs. H ayden Bailey spent Sunday afternoon w ith M r. and Mrs. R . C. Ratledge. M r. and M rs. Bailey Tucker of M iam i, Fla. are - spending sometime w ith M rs. B etty Tu c k ­ er. Mesdames R . C . Ratledge, B ill Kester. C . W . H a ll and J. V. Burton, spent F rid a y . after­ noon in W inston-Salem . I T P AYS T O A D V E R T IS E IN I T H E E N TE R P R IS E . ELECTRIC APPLIANCES to o , h a v e c h a n g e d ! Your old »ppllaiices aW the new streamliners have one thing in ajm m on: t h i y were originally designed for the same faslis. But tji* horseless buggy, iiice the present ear, also ran. The electri* refrigerators, ranges, water heaters, and other appll- aices are today doing much mor# for much less in operating cost. And, of course, prices are much low er than they used ^ b*. ft’s hard to appreciate tha difference unless you see it w<tb your own eyes. If you don’t believe it, just browse a Httle wh?te in the Electric Appftanec Departm ent of your farortto dealer next time yon eoi»e dow * town. Y o u ’ll be surprised! DUKE POWER COMPANY FACTS Y O U NEVER K N COSÍ Of 0PE8ATIN6 A CAR IN CONdSSfiO C irv -ffiAFFIC IS ABOUf AS HICH AS WHEM OKIVINâ IN MUD, AUlHORATATlVE TESTS r e v e a l. By Bob Dart’ ■ 1 IE MASSACHUSETTS INSflTOTE OF TECHN0L0ÚV HAS AAtóNílTSTESTlNÚOEVKreS.'TtlElVRIÍiHÍWWOr:..^^^— — i TUNNEL''THBOUûHWHICH,BŸMEANSOFA io Ш / ..и с Е Т И Л Е o f 10 VEAßS THE A V Ê K ^ TON 2,OOOH.P.MOWAWWOSPKtioF40ÛM.Ff“ PRODUCÍS. CAN BE PUOOUCEt).. NАТйвЁЙ MAXIMUM IS ÄJI.M.PH. вЁЕКС®*^ ОТМЕЙ 0Й1МЦ) виТТЕЙ JA(A WATER TEA COFFEE potatoes owERveoETABiee I BACON Щ FRIDAY, JULY IS, 1941 THE MOCKSVILLE (N. C.) ENTERPRISE PACÆ7 LÂCK OF ROOM SPACE DEPRIVES YADKIHVIILE SCHOOL OF TEACHER C o u n t y T c a c h e r A l l o t m e n i 3 I a c i c j Because ci ;::aciequ:-.‘.e c-.lnss i j№ ;ii space, Y adkinvi;i‘r School lia v e one””iess eienie;-;tai7 tt'acher thi.s year than it had Jast. year, It is announced by iiuperintcndeiit. of schools, Fred ■C. Hobson, who has just been notified o f the county’s teacher allotm ent by the State School Com m ission YadkinviUe School gained one high school teacher w hich will enable it to m ain- lain in the 20-teacher class but the crow ded situation in the elem entary school will be in - lensi/ied by the loss o f a tea- ch-er, Mr, Hobson said. The elem. school had an enrollm ent of 523 last yeaf and additional srudents is anticipated for this •year. T he county was allotted 147 ieachers, an Increase o f three teachers over last year’s allot- jment, and it is expected that another additional colored high school teacher will be added im m ediately after the opening -o n schools in Septem ber as plans are underway to increase the colored high school at Ü oonvU le from 2 to 4 years. T h e 147 teachers allotted In­ clude 34 white high school tea­ chers, .102 w hite elem entary '.tnctaers, one colored h ifh school teacher, and 10 colored ciem entary teachers. T he tea­ ch er allotm ent is based upon the .average daily attendance o f the previous school year. A llotm ent by schools toUows: 'VadkinvUle, seven high school .and 13 elem entary; Porbush, -five elem entary; YadkinviUe colored, one elementary' (lost ,«n e high school teacher) ; Huntsville colored, one elem en. tary; W est Yadkin, five high school and 19 elem entary (¡gained one elem entary) ; Jon e- sviUe, five high school and 20 elem entary (gained one ele­ m entary) ; Jonesville colored, two elem entory; Boonville, six high school and 14 elem entary; B oonville colored, one high school an d two elem entary (gained one high school) ; B ar­ ney H ill colored, one elem en­ t s ; Fall Creek, 11 elem en­ tary; E astS en d , six h igh school .« n d nine elem entary; Piney Ilcvel colored, one elem entary; •King’s K n ob colored, one ele­ m entary; Courtney, five high school and 11 elem entary; Huntsville colored, one elem en­ tary. rs; . Melton Is iously 111 ¡i.BHUOAKTOWN, — Rev. and ^ s . E. .G . Key were the din­ er g u e s ts ,o f Mr, and M rs, . \«^liiams Sunday, Mr',' and Mrs, Thad M artin of W inston-fialem were visiting fïien ds and relatives here Sun- •«iay, , . j! Mrs. Frank M elton is serious­ ly 111 at ' hei' hom e here, liw alt H utchens, who has been sick for som e time Is no •fcetter. It hasn’t been so m any years tfiat the only gangsters w ho w ere getting the front page «pace were the Al Capones, DeGaiiileist in U. S.IV ho Self-exiled from bis native France for 15 years and now cam m ander *f all m erchant vessels of tbe Free French gov­ ernm ent, r.apt. Felix Aiago brought bte tlagshtp safely.tet« Boston H a rk a r :«fter r a ia ia f the w ar gauntlet from Afrtea. He is from the B u f u e •f S M tiM in F M M C . TO FARMERS F a rm e rs'a n d stockm en in Yadkin county have helped to increase the loan volum e o f the W inston-Salem P roduc­ tion Credit A ssociation during th e first six m onths o f tbe year, according to C, E, ^ r t - m an o f RFD YadkinviUe, w ho is a director of this farm ers’ cooperative credit organiza­ tion. R eporting $13«,»44,20 loaned during the first six m onths o f the year, Mr. H artm an said a great share o f It w ent to finance seasonal operations o f Y adkin county fanners, stock­ m en, and growers. Since the W inston-Salem A ssociation began operations in 1934 it has loaned $945,012,- 20 to finance the needs o f the m em bers in Alleghany, Ashe, Caldwell, D avidson, Forsyth, Stokes, Surry, W atauga, W ilkes end Y adkin counties. MORE TYPHOID CLINICS SET T he typhoid fever alarm v;hlch was created in Yadkin county som e weeks ago when a case o f the dreaded disease ViTas reported In the Sw aim ’s C hurch com m unity has been heightened by the report o f a second case near Brooks Cross Roads,’ The victim is K athleen M oney, eight-year-old daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe M oney. A special typhoid clinic is scheduled to begin Thursday, July 17, at 3:30 p. m., for the benefit of the com m unity in w hich the M oney’s live. AU persons living in the vicinity cl the typhoid case are urged ic protect them selves by vac­ cination at this clinic, IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE M r s . T o m R i c e Farciits ГО:1К.. — л v.'j то'.О'.С'Г, M;-.?. D. Ls sick, M;-. b'.id M'.'.i. S c o t tif G o o d ­ m an spe:it the '.veek e;ici at M yrtle Be.-;ch. Mr. arid Mrs. Irvin Bailey spent Si;:'.ci.4y with Mr7 and ,Mrs. G eorge Gobble o f near Lexincton. Miss Lily Mae Bailey, who is •spendinp sonie time v.'ith hor :;ranciparent,s near Advance visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bailey Sunday. Miss Coleen Bailey left M on- c'ay for Bennettsville. S. C., where she will spend som e time visiting her aunt-and uncle. Mr. and M rs, ВШ Bottom s. Those visiting M r. and M rs. H al Boger Sunday were, - Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd MUler and daughters, Misses D orothy Lee £<nd Janette, Л1Г..an d M rs. E d- ижя1 Ш 1ег aadu iM C h ter. Ja­ net, o f Tyro. Ed Davis spent Sunday in W inston-Salem visiting his t o o ­ ther. W illard Poster and daugh­ ter, W illard Deen, of W inston- Salem spent last w eek ' with M r. ;J4>ster’s j M v , :M rs. J. M. твшвШ 'лтЛ Ш . liv e n g o o d . Mrs. T om R ice « n d daughter o f fln en a b oro^ re^ p en d in g tbis л »м к w ith U n . .«te e ’s parents, M r. « n d M rs-.J. J (. B k bard son . C larence .liv n e e o d , w h o iioM s a ровШ оп « t N orth W Ukesboro, ap est tbe week end here w ith his wife. M r. an d Mrs. Ravi B ailey o f V irginia spent the sreek end here. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin W eaver and M rs. M artha lieonard o f D avidson spent Sunday with M r. and Mrs. J<dBi Parks. Carol.vn Boger, daughter o f M r. and M rs. Hal Boger. spent last week with her grandpar­ ents, M r. and Ш в. U oyd M iller of Advance. M r. and Mrs. Arthur R eynolds o f W inston-Salem visited Mrs. R eynolds’ parents, M r. and M rs. P. D. Jenkins. L E A D S 0 \ R D S Bv J^ck Soi-cls rO R S-M-K — Canniiis lieuchti-, I’H tU O liAniO.S— SALES AND Georgia IJells ready July 23: tC E, r-rt-^h l> nibertas, f’onderosa and o t h -■ iar.h w itk f'lr all makes,- ers ready August 1. l't‘ach-?s H.’.tU.i Cu., Depot i^t,' __rineiiing until Senloniber 10. T oreln -ii- atti-nes: , ^ la k e s.-: o f ^ n ' Q - B. W. Rollins and K, \V. Bcck. M ocksville. route 2'. 7-lS-3t ш ш т т - E'MOS S lmqutsq , S r .io jis 81 Р й 9 в 'Г й ел 1 м Ы А и SITUATION WANTED — MALE M arried man. now em ployed, over five years clerical ex ­ perience including typing, .preparation of pay ■ rolls, m ainlenaiice of stock records and the operation o f various office appliances. Over 25 years of age. Not subject to draft. Prefer a position with a future. W rite care M ocks­ ville Enterpiise. -t^ irfl i'lUK:-;. i.;A T T i:iui:s At-nTr-f:- atiKi parts for all r.ialios ;>u!l mi'ilels. Wrecker serviee. ‘ Ttj 'liuk-Mj-ii!»'' Rodweli'i Place, North 3toeks- . ville, near iiigh school. Day phoue 40— uight plutne 117-J, 1 Woniierfi>l Llnlm»nll SINGER SEWING MACHINES — W e are representatives in Davie for these fam ous m a­ chines. Also vacuum cleaners and iron. See our display.— C. J. Angell. eeesi ASA ■¡z^ СА(ТО*1й|. - U S fS M io^ W etk End Visitors A t JBttwles Home flPHJiM AN ROAD. — Mrs. W . S. H illm a n , Miss Frances SpUl­ m an and M ary Elizabeth Seats visited Mrs. B. I. Sm ith and Mrs. P. D . PoindeJCter, w ho are sick, but im proving. J. C. H endrix left Tuesday to go to work In Virginia. Mrs. Luther visited her m o­ ther last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lester K ey o f (Courtney spent last week end w ith Mr. and Mrs, W Uson Bowles. Miss M ary R uth H endrix COLORED NEWS BY M ARG ARET W O O B H riT T h e revival m eeting will begin at the Redland church o f Christ July 20 and continue through the 29, Rev, Alonzo Jones o f Chattanooga, Tenn,, wUl con ­ duct the service. The public Is Invited to attend, Elm er Ijam es o f R oute 1 has returned hom e from a hospital in StatesvUle where he was a patient, Mrs, Loyd Cain spent the week at CaroUna Beach, Mr, and Mrs. Jam es R ucker and daughters, Ruth and D oro- G L \ N T y T F ” M A N By Jack SordsI Churlene Clontz Elected President BEAR CREEK — T he local Girl Scout troop I«o. 3 held its regular m eeting Saturday at t h e ClarksvlUe com m unity buUdlng, D nriag the session officers for the com ing year were elected, “n ie y Include; president, Charlene C lontz; scribe, Janice Eaton, U niform s ior the girls are now being m ade by the N. Y . A. girls. Mrs. M arvin S. Cline attend­ ed a m eat canning dem onstra­ tion given by the P. H. A, board at the hom e of Mr. and M rs. W . L. W allace Tuesday. Mrs. Zeb Brinkley attended Yadkin Baptist Association held at Flat R ock Thursday. Mrs. O u y Bum garner and little daughter, Judith, spent :ast w eek w ith M rs. B um gar­ ner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Prlddy o f Danbury. Pie Supper A t Fork BAH iEY’S CHAI5SL. — There wlU be a pie supper and cake walk at the Fork Com m unity I BuUding, Saturday night, July 19 at 7:30, sponsored by the young people o f Bailey’s Chapel. T he public is invited. cpent a few days with Sallle ^ thy and Ernest Ijam es visited _ . R ucker’s brother, R alph Ijam es in Newton Sunday. R uth R ick last week. Mrs. J.-C. Hendrix and fam ­ ily are spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Spillm an. Miss Della Xiee SpUlman spent last w eek «n d at hom e. M r. and Mrs. G ough and fam ily o f East Bend spent last Sunday with M r. and Mrs. Charlie Bowles. F S A Ready to R e vive AppMfeatioBS For 1942 Qualified farm ers in Y adkin county w ho at present d o not ow n farm and w ho desire to Miss M ary Dulin returned M onday from Ridgecrest. Mrs. Estelle Poster o f A d­ van ce was a visitor at the C hu rch o f G od and B ody o f C hrist near M ocksville S un­ day. Mrs, WUliam Craw ford h a ; returned hom e from a Salisbury hospital where she has been a patient for som etim e. M iss NeUle Cody o f K noxville, T enn ., Is spending som e tim e w ith Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Cody. M iss Adelaide Sm oot was am ong the students o f W ins­ ton-Salem Teacher’s OoUege, apply for a loan to purchase v h o visited the Lost C olony, a famUy sise from ujider p rov i- near Jioanoke, Va last week. ~ M rs. £u gen e M orton o f S al- sions o f the U. S. D epartm ent c f A griculture’s tenant pur­ chase program should file their upplicatlons now tvU h the F arm Security Adm inistration, H ub­ ert W . Cartner, PSA supervisor said today. Seeking to give as m any eligi­ ble farm famiUes as possible; an opportunity to ow n a farm o f their own, tbe D epartm ent, i»! A griculture Is accepting a p - i plications for loans w hich m ay i be m ade anytim e between now bnd June 30, 1942 A pplications would be filed i at once for loans to be made| during the fiscal year, so th atj T hose visiting Mr. and Mrs. the approved famUies wUl h a v e , H. B, B ailey-Suflday-afternoon su fficient tim e to select farm s! isb u ^ spent Tuesday w ith her m other, Mrs. Mary Oalttaer. C A B B O N PAPER — P E N C IL sharpeners, typewriters, sta­ ples, paper clips, m ucilage, typew riter ribbons, in k pads — an d all kind « f office sup­ plies.— Mocksville Enterprise. n ’ANTED TO LOAN— MONEY to build you a hom e— Alocks- vtiic BuUdiug & Loan A sso­ ciation. 1-26-tf DAVIE BRIC EXECUTOR’S NOTICE tiORTH CAROUN A DAVIE COUNTX H aving tjualified as executor o f the Estate of Em m a P oin­ dexter, «deceased, late o f D avie County, N orth Carolina, tbis is to n otify aU persons having claim s araln st the estajte o f said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned at 215 W est B anner Avenue, W inston-Salem North Carolina, on or before the 17th day of July, 1942, or this notice will be pleaded In bar o f their recovery. All per­ sons indebted to said estate wUl please make im m ediate paym ent. This the 17th day of July, 1941 W. V, POINDEX.TER E xecutor of Emm a Poindexter, deceased, 7-18-6t NOTICE OF RESALE OF LAND Under and by virtue o f an order of the Superior Court of Davie County m ade in the Special Proceeding entitled, "Issie Cam pbell, Adm inistratrix o f John W. Clement, deceased, and Issie C, Campbell and hus­ band, Dock Cam pbell, P lain­ tiffs. vs Ada Clement, (w id ow ); M agide C. WUUams and hus­ band M alicai W illiams, and others. Defendants, "tlie sam e beinR No, ------- upon the spe­ cial proceeding docket o f said Court, the undersigned C om - nil-sioner wlU, on MONDAY, JULY 21, 1941, at 12 tyCLOCK, NOON, at the Courthouse door in MocksvUIe, N C „ offer for resale to the highest bidder .or bidders, for cash the follow ing described lots or lands tow it: F IR ST TRACT: InC alahaln Tow nship: BEGINNING at a stake in Bear Creek. F, H, Lenier’s co r­ ner; and running thence w ith the lines o f F, H. Lanier and Joe Parker, North 87 deg. W est 1R21 feet to an iron stake, John Ijam es corner in Parker’s line; thence with Ijam es’ line. N orth 6 deg. East 1039 feet to a stake, Ijam es’ corner in T, W . Tutterow ’s line; thence w ith Tutterow ’s line. South 87 deg. East 1015 feet to a stake in Bear Creek; thence down Bear Creek, eleven lines as fo l­ low s: (n South 35 deg. W est 313 feet; (2) South 63 dee. East 300 feet; (3) South 8 de^ B E -S A L E O F R E A L E S T A T E U nder and by virtue o f an order o f the Clerk o f the Su­ perior Court of Davie County, in the Special Proceedings en­ titled "G L. Thom pson, A d- were Mr. and Mrs. B. H, Tucker rn d ChUdren o f Advance. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Potts and ch il­ dren o f Cornatzer, Mrs. G ra- 'ham and M ajor Bailey o f L ex- and m ake plans for the 1942 crop, the supervisor said. Farm fam ilies who filed ap ­ plications after July 1, 1940; ior loans this year, but w hich | :n g t .„ . „ d A. L. sp rye and daughter, M ildred. Miss Doris Tucker spent Sun­ day with Miss MUdred Sprye. Mr. and Mrs. Cicero BaUey and two children spent Sunday w ith his father, Joe BaUey. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. M ark- j land and daughter, Vivian M ae, visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hege Sunday afternoon. T he W om an’s Society of C hurch Saturday afternoon w iih the president, Mrs. Sallie lack o f funds, wUl not have t o ' fUe new applications. Mr. C art­ ner said that the county T en - sn t Purchase com m ittee, com ­ posed o f Charles E. H artm an, Bloom C. Shore and Sidney W .. Vestal, wiU review these appli­ cations again and notify the fam ilies if additional Inform a- t;on is .heeded. The B ankhead-Jones farm Jjvnairti nf.t.jMyyncl hv C7i'ini?Tn,f,g m inistrator of the Estate o f Julia A, Thom pson, dec'd vs, C. J, Thom pson, et als,” , upon tbe Special Proceeding D ocket of said Court, the undersigned Com m issioner wiU, on the 2nd day o f August, 1941, at 12 o ’clock. Noon, at the Courthouse door in MocksvUIe. N. C „ offer for re-sale to the highest bid­ der, for cash, the foU ow ^ g described real estate, lying and being in Jerusalem Tow nship, Coim ty o f Davie an d, State of N orth CaroUna, bounded as follow s: B eing a part of the Joseph A H endrick’s estate and being Lot No, 3 in the division of Joseph H endrick's .land and described as follow s: ■ BEGINNING at a stake on the Old MocksvUIe Road at the cor­ ner o f the W ood's heirs and Julia T hom pson’s corner; thence S, 85 E, 3L61 chs. along Ihe W ood And Thom pson line to an iron stake, corner o f A p­ person, W ood and T hom pson corner; thence with Apperson and Thom pson line S. 24 W. a.38 chs. to a stake, corner of Apperson, H endrick’s and T hom pson corner: thence w ith H en drick’s line N. 85 W , 30.20 , chains to an iron stake in the edge o f Old MocksviUe R oad: thence along said road 8.25 cliains to the place o f begin­ ning. being 25V2 acres, m ore cr less. For back title see B ook 28 At page 106 for division o f Joseph H endrick’s land In Davie County. N. C„ being Lot No 3 in said division, (Bidder will be required to deposit 10% of bid with the Clerk to show good faith t. Bidding WiU begin at $445.50. Term s o f sale; Cash. This 15th day of July, 1941, . G. L. THOMPSON Com m issioner T. K , Carlton, A ttorney 7-18-2t PROFIT G rover Ashe, 4-H Club m em ­ ber Rt, 2, M urphy, netted a profit of S30.35 in two m onths by raising and selling 300 New H am pshire chicks, reports A. Q. K etner, Cherokee county farm | agent of the N. C, Extension ! Service, ! L U l — DEALERS IN — BRICK and SAN D WOOD &€0AL » a y Phone NiKht Phone IM ROWAN PRINTING CO. O w 4 t the ¡ m i l p*it- • g —A?-----П я т щ • L i t l M i f n y l M « • Typewriters • Complete Office Supplice. Phone S B M 1MHW7, « . C. W est 90 feet; (4) N orth 73 deg. East 125 feet: -5) South 10 deg. East 150 feet; (6) South 50 deg. East 200 feet; (7) South 33 deg. W est 70 feet: (8) W est 268 feet; (9) South 15 deg. W est 85 feet; (10) South 68 deg. East 173 feet; (D ) South 20 deg. East 140 feet to the BEGINNING, conU ining 28 4 / 10 acres, m ore or less. SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING at a stone in the old road. Tutterow and A n­ derson corner; thence N. 14 deg. W est 323 feet to a stone at said road: thence N, 85 deg. W est 307 feet to a stone in U. S. H ighway No. 64; thence South 49 deg. East w ith the road 403 feet to a stone in said U S. Highway No. 64 to A nderson’s line; thence S. 85 deg. E ast 173 feet to the be­ ginning corner, containing 2 acres, m ore or less, beir\g a part o f the J. W . C lem ent hom e tract lying East of U, S. H igh­ w ay No, 64 TH IR D TRA(3T: B ounded on the South by R. S. Powell, on the W est by the county road, being a p a rt o f the original 53 acre tract, bounded as follow s: BEGINNING iit a stone Lanier and B. P. T u tte­ row corner, in county road; running S 29 deg. E 1055 chs. to a stone; thence N orth B8*/2 deg. W . 557 ft. lo a stone jiea r U. S. Highway No 64; thence N. 8 deg. E, 140 ft,; thence N, *3 deg W , 189 ft, with road; thence N, 13 deg. E. 170 ft.; thence N, 3 deg, E .-w ith road ■408 ft to a stone, the' begin­ ning corner, containing 6 acres m ore or less. B idding on first tract will com m ence at $402.60. B idding on second tract wUl com m ence at $247.50. B idding on third tract will com m ence at $363.00. This 2 day of Julv. 1941 Date o f Sale: JULY 2Ist. Term s of Sale; CASH. JACOB STEW ART Com m issioner J, Giles Hudson, A ttorney7 -ll-2 t DK. McINTOS'H HEDRICK 0PT03IETRIST 436 Trade Street Winston-Salein, N. C., Have Your Eves Examined Regularly. J .M . Broadway Locust Grove On SaUsbury Highway 3 Miles irom Moeluville 2 Miles from Greasy Corner WE CARRY A COM PLETE LIN E OF • Fresh and Western Beef • Meat of all Kinds • Complete Line O f Fresh Groceries in 1937 authorized the Farm Security A dm inistration to INDIAN SIGN is on this play 'i'.SlL'il ' vf' I -J vllu T, pie linen worn by actress Gale Storm . The snug fitted bodice yips on as does the new ver- ?.IARRIAGE LICESE Carter, presiding. T hirteen ‘ capable tenant rnembers answered the roll call. | farm laborer fam ilies to i sion o f long shorts with A ztec- ...................................like m otif. A purple wTap- around skirt com pletes the play outfit. 'I'RAl.'Jliie O^iQBR-ГйВ- *АоГ f=lûRlPA SüM Win, . os. aJoT 3HX.i 15 StfeJÊCr То ■i PIWV -frtAf Koifp m AFî’eR THe accip& jt discussed by Earllne Livengood. Eighteen visits to the sick were reported. A sunshine box o f gifts was carried to Mrs. N iz- zie _.Giuler^. wlML_i5_5lc,k.............. Misses Onell M cM ahan and Cailie Marie Jarvis and Mr. Charlie M cM ahan visited Misses Athene and Doris Tucker S un­ day evening. LEADER G. Tom Scott of Johnson county, chairm an of the state AAA com m ittee, has been ch os­ en to head the U, S, D epart­ m ent of Agriculture’s defense board in the state. The scripture was read a n d ! them to buy land of their own. These ten an t-pu r- chase loans are large enough ro cover the cost o f a fam ily- type, farm and the expense of Impairing old f^ m buildings or putTihg "itp iiew' ohes. Loans ore m ade only to citizens o f the U nited States and perference is given to those who ow n the livestock and equipm ent n eed ­ ed to operate a farm . A pplication blames and full detaUs on the operation o f the B ankhead-Jones tenant pu rch ­ ase act are avaUable at the county office o f the Farm Security Adm inistration, »which IS located at YadkinvUle. issued by register of deeds, Lon 11. W est, last week. The license was granted Sam G, Harris. 21, to Mary Nance, 17. both oi YadkinviUe. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Dr.ClydeVl/.Young VETERINARIAN Sanford Bldg. Mocksville Office Phone: 38 Home Phone: 74 FLOWERS are always ap p ro­ priate, no m atter w hat the occasion. M OCKSVILLE jU lB N T LeGR.\ND’S PHARMACY “IT COSTS LESS AT STERCHI’S TO FURN4SH YOUR HOME” R A N G E S B ED R O O M L IV IN G R O O M F U R N IT U R E Phone 1934 S T E R C H IS w RADIOS J E W E L R Y B IC Y C LE S TOYS When You Want Furniture— See Your Local Representative 124 E. Innes Street Salisbury, N . C . • I J PAGES THE MOCKSVILLE (N. C.) ENTERPRISE FRIDAY- JULY 18, 19'2Í APPEAR H ER E JU L Y 19 MORE FOOD ON FARMS HELPS FAMILY AND NATIONAL DtrENSE “The Tobacco Tags,” above, well known radio artists are appearing at the Mocksville courthouse Saturday night, July 19, at 8 p. in., sponsored by the Salem M. E. church. You will see champion fiddlers swing out with Luke and his washboard. A good clean show is guaranteed or your money back at the door. Admission tor adults is 25 cents and children under 14 years 15 ccnts.—Adv. Revival Begins A t Smith Grove ЭМГГН GROVE. — T he revi­ val m eeting will begin here the 4th Sunday m orning, July the 27, at 11 o ’clock. A Vacation Bible School will be held each w eek-day m orning and services at night. M r. and Mrs. P. A. Naylor Jr. and children o f Bbtby visit­ ed M r. and Mrs. F. A. Naylor Sr, Sunday afternoon. 'Mr. and Mrs. J. M arvin Sm ith an d children spent Sunday with M r. and Mrs. OUmer Brewer eti Cana, Xvlr. and Mrs. Cleland M. Fos­ ter and daughter, Jo Ann, of W inston-Salem visited Mrs. J. H. Foster Friday night. M rs. W. L. Hanas had as her fruests Sunday afternoon, Mrs. T om Sparrow, Mrs. Carroll Sparrow and son, Robert, Mrs. Ada and Mr. and Mrs. Dick HeUlg all o f W lnston-Salem . Mrs. S. R. Cornatzer had as lier dinner guests Sunday. Rev. J. W. Vestal o f Farm ington and B urns Elkins o f W lnston- SiUem. M r. and Mrs. Ray Howard and two children o f Clem m ons vtilted Mrs. J. H. Foster Sun­ day afternoon. Birthday Dinner For Thomas Stewart FULTON. — Miss Bonnie Rose Prye spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. R aym ond Liven­ good o f Le.xlngton. Ulys Atkins o f Hanes spent .Saturday night with Roy Sain. ; 'Mr. and Mrs. John Lanier and children and Mr. and Mrs. C larence Livengood o f Fork visited Mrs. Ellen Brooks of V adkln CoUege Sunday even­ ing. M r. and Mrs. Johnle Jones 4№d daughter, Rosa Lee. of CSft^eenwood and Mr. and Mrs. Buddie Jones o f Fork visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam Frye Sun­ day evening. C app Hendrix spent Sunday w ith Mr. E M. Stewart. Kappa Club Holds Meet KAPPA. — Rev. G. W . Fink filled his regular appointm ent at Salem Sunday m orning. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. K oontz and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Tom K oontz and daughter and Mr. John K oontz spent Sunday a f­ ternoon w ith Mr. and Mrs. A, D. K oontz. Mr, and Mrs. Bon Y ork and daughter o f H arm ony spent one f.fternoon last week with Mr. a'ld Mrs. W ade Stroud. Mr. and Mrs. H erm an P rath­ er o f County Line spent Satur­ day w ith M r. and Mrs. Paul Forrest. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Thorne and fam ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Koontz. B obby Sm oot o f W lnston- Salem and John Sm oot of G ranite Falls spent the week end wltU their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Sm oot J. F. Cartner, Joe Henly visit­ ed W . P. K etchle o f Society Saturday afternoon. Miss Foy K oontz spent Sun­ day afternoon with Miss Vir­ ginia Jones. M isses Betty A lice and R uth Cartner spent Thursday after­ noon w ith Miss Virginia Foster. Mrs. J. C. Jones and chil­ dren spent Friday with Mrs. Tom Lagle o f M ocksville. T he K appa Club m et at the com m unity building Thursday afternoon. T he m eeting was called to order by the pres­ ident, Mrs. Bruce Turner, after w hich a song was sung. The I’oll was called by Mrs. Bill Sm oot with every m em ber tell­ ing how m any quarts ot fruit they had canned. T hen Mrs. I.oulse Cartner m ade an inter­ esting talk, after w hich Miss M ackie gave a canning dem on- ‘.stratlon. R efreshm ents were served by M esdames Ernest Lagle, Reid Towell and J. C. Jones to M esdam es Bill Sm oot, Bruce Turner, Lester W alker, Claude Cartner, H. C. Jones, and Fred Cartner and Misses M ary H endrix, Julia Poster, Farm fam ilies w ho have lit­ tle m oney can ’t afford to buy all the food they need for a good diet, but they can afford to grow It, Miss Taylor, hom e rnnnagnm ent supervisor for the Farm Security A dm inistration, said in discussing the part farm fam ilies have to play in the nation-w ide drive to assure am ple food supplies for the United States and other coun­ tries resisting aggression. "F a ct Is,” Miss T aylor said, ■Uhey ca n ’t afford not) to m aintain cow s to furnish a year-round supply of milk, cream , and butter; to raise enough chickens to provide m eat and eggs all year. In­ stead o f ju st a few m onths dn Ithe spring, and to p ro­ duce a variety o f anim als for the other kinds o f m eat, In­ cluding pork, beef, and lam b.” “ Farm fam ilies In this coun­ ty being assisted In their farm and hom e operations by this agency o f the U. S. D epartm ent o f Agriculture are learning that they can have m ore food and better food lor less m oney by raising blgf i'i gardens, Increas- lUry flocks, and w livestock for ptlon,” Miss T ay- Ing their !>. feeding a hom e cont, .! !or declarv'ii Miss T lv, though bo: have alw.i;. a t. hom e i > o f their J farm , a iti;. planning to over this Iceland’s Leader Perm ission for U nited States orcupation o f Iceland was granted, to President R oose­ velt by H erm an Jonasson, prim e m inister o f the island- repnb- lie. R ooserelt pledged that the independence o f Iceland will be respected am i that the U. S. forces will lie w ithdraw n im ­ m ediately upun conclusion o f the war. M r. and Mrs. Clarence C rea- _ «on and children o f C ooleem ee! ^ ^ ‘^elnla Jones .spent Sunday evening with Mr.| koontz. and Mrs. Lester Young.Mr. and Mrs. W ade Stroud Miss Inez Bailey and fa th er' ‘"‘ nd daughter visited Mr. and an d Lawrence Bailey of W ei-1 Cash o f Statesville Sun- com e spent Sunday with M r.! and Mrs. H. H. Frye. ! Salem M ethodist church A large num ber o f friends sponsoring a program at the ■and relatives gathered at the M ocksville Court House Satur- ■Uome of Mrs. Sallie Allen Sun- ' night. July 19th. The day to celebrate the birth d ay' proceeds will be used for the o f Thom as Stewart. A bou n- t''-'neflt o f the church. . !ifu l picnic dinner was en joy- and Mrs. Paul Forrest ed by all. Thom as left M on- ¡‘»d son spent M onday In Salls- day for Fort Bragg to enter 'Jury. cam p for a year’s training. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Cartner and daughters spent SundayW ayell’s Successor ! “ ftem oon with Mrs. G. C, Dwig- gins. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones and daughter of Center spent ;|i M onday with Mr. and Mrs, S. i 1 A. Jones. "StCiiiif-RittiS” Ht>ld Saturday Funeral services were con - cUicted Saturday at 5 p. m. for R aym ond M. S hoaf at Lib- erty M, E. church, with Rev. ; E. M. Avett, o f M ocksville o f- ficlnling. Burial follow ed In Liberty cem etery. . .Mr. Shoaf, vvho was 36 years, of ae-e, died at his hom e in North Cooleem ee on Friday ,’ fterncon at 2 p, m, after a I '.'r\v i'.our of illness. He is sur- i\h'ed by his widow, who was ; rrior to m arriage. Miss Nora G en. Sir Claude Auchinleck, M undy. Also surviving are S’l'-year-old Scot who directed | three brothers. W alter and the B ritish eam paign at Narvik, Siherman o f Cooleem ee, and • said that al- vers ot the PSA follow ed a llve- and grow n m ost in d feed on the Ity o f them are Dduce m ore thnn T hey expect to take full advantage o f the opportunity to reduce their ow n living expenses, Im prove their diet, and at the sam e tim e produce additional quan­ tities to m eet the national needs for greater supplies. T he hom e supervisor believes that PSA borrowers In this county are in full accord w ith a recent statem ent m ade by Secretary o f A griculture W ick­ ard in w hich he announced at nation-w ide drive to produce every pwsslble egg from pres­ ent laying flocks this spring and sum m er. T his effort Is a part o f the nation’s determ ination to as­ sure am ple food supplies for this and other countries dur­ ing the present em ergency. W e should, according to D epart­ m ent officials, increase egg production for the whole cou n ­ try In the next fifteen m onths by about six per cent. Raymond Foster Loses Father w illiam J. Foster, 78, ot the R ock Springs com m unity in Iredell county, died at a W lns­ ton-Salem hospital Thursday night at 7:30 o ’clock. iHe had been seriously |11 for a week. Funeral services were con ­ ducted at R ock Springs B ap­ tist C hurch Saturday after­ noon at 3 o’clock. Interm ent was In the church graveyard. M r. Poster was the son o f the late Mr. and Mrs. W . J. Foster and was a m em ber o f R ock Springs Baptist Church. The body was rem oved Thursday I'lght to the hom e o f his son, Raym ond P. Fostrr, M ocksville, Route 1, to await the funeral hour. O ther survivors Include an­ other son, Austin Poster, o f D e­ troit, M ich,; two daughters, Mrs. J, P. Johnson o f this city and Mrs. L. A. Anderson of H arm ony, Route 2; ten grand­ children and two great-grand­ children; two brothers, S. A. Foster o f Elkin and N. T. Fos­ ter o f M ocksville; two sisters, Mrs. Fannie Parker o f W ins- ton-Salem and Mrs. M ary Pea­ cock o f M ooresville; one half brother o f Newport News, Va.; two halt sisters, Mrs. Steve Eflrd and Mrs. Pierce Cart­ ner o f H arm ony, and a num ­ ber o f nieces and neohews. Cooleemee News NEW OFFICERS State President, 0. N, Spry, installed the follow ing new ly elected officers o f the P. O, S. o f A. last Thursday nigh t: Past president, T. G . M or­ row ; president, K enneth H oo­ ver; vice-president, G ilbert M ays; m aster o f form s, W . O. ^iiokej-.£i-G0HdH&toiv-i9D-TfC5;- icr; inspector, Lloyd M cC lam - rock; guard, John H ancock. RETURN FROM HOSPITAL C. E. Alexander, w ho has teen a patient at Duke H os­ pital, Durham , for the past two weeks, has returned hom e, m uch Improved. K . t. COPE m iPROVIN G R ecorder K . L. Cope, w ho has been ill at his hom e In N orth Cooleem ee for several days, Is able to be out again. has succeedcd Gen, Sir A rchi­ bald P. W avell in com m and of M iddle East forces. Gen. W a- vell was transferred to India. Emm a Poster Shoaf. Henry S hoaf o f Moi’ ksvllle. RPD Vo, 4, He was the son of the ’.4te Jesse Shoaf and the late Fosters Attend Birthday Dinner BETHEL, — Mrs. John Fos ter and daughter, B lanche, ot Advance and Mrs. Sallie B ran­ son of Cooleem ee visited Mr. and Mrs. 0 . W . Poster last Friday. D orothy and Billy Poster o f Spencer visited in the hom e o f their grandpp.r(»nts, M r. and Mrs. T. I,. I'osicr last week. M r. and Mrs. Paul B oger m ov­ ed to H anes lasl ',/eek. Mr. and M rs. W . G. Sain and son, Lester, and M iss M innie Sain spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Sain. W . D. Foster and Jam es M c- Allistci o f W lnston-Salem visit­ ed Mr. Foster’s father, Ab Pos­ ter Sunday. Elizabeth R ich a rd son o f Statesville was a guest in the hom e o f her parents, Mr. and Mi-s. B ob R ichardson Sunday. Mrs. Prank Sain Jr. and ch il­ dren and Mr. and M rs. W . M. Howard vlsUed M r. and Mrs. John M cK night near M oores­ ville last week. Mrs. M cK nlght Is the daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Howard. Rev. W . M. H oward, Jr. o f Elm City was a visitor in the hom e o f his parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. M. H ow ard last week. Mr. and Mr.":. C. W . Poster were guests at the birthday dinner given In honor o f her m other, Mrs. W ill Davis Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jordan and daughter, Athene, o f W ood­ leaf visited Saturday w ith Mr. and Mrs. C. W . Foster. Miss Leila and Notle M artin and Jenle H opkins were shop­ pers in Salisbury on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave M iller of Lexington spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Poole. Mrs. Henderson Has Pneumonia COURTNEV. — Mrs. H. o. H enderson is 111 at her hom e with pneum onia. Mrs. Carley W ebb has return­ ed to her hom e iion i a States­ ville hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Baity and children, Mrs. Foster and Lloyd (D olly) N orm an have returned from Newport News Va., where they ha.ve been visiting a few days. Mrs. Johnson Steelm an has as her guest her sister. Miss M ary Abshor o f W ashington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. M artin and Mr. and Mrs. Francis M ar­ tin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. O. B, Sim m ons and fam ily at W inston-Sialem . Grandm a Ross The Colonel in Cam p M r. and Mrs. Jessie James Visit at Whites W YO. — Mr5. Lillie W ood. W lllle W ood and Mrs, Ernest Sm ith o f Clem m ons visited Mr. and Mrs. W, C, Thom pson Sun­ day. Mr, and Mrs, Bill W lllyar^ and children, Bobble and Joh n- i nie visited Mrs. W lllyard’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs, John Mize at Porbush W ednesday, Mr, and Mrs, Joe Miller and I'hlldren and Mr, and Mrs. Albert Miller o f Lewisville visit­ ed Mr. and Mrs, Roy Plott Sun­ day. Mr, and Mrs. Jessie James ;ind son o f W lnston-Salem North Carolina, where he is IIVIPROVED Charles W . A lexander, who has been confined to a hospital w ith pneum onia, has returned hom e, m uch im proved. YOUTH RALLY The young people o f the Epis­ copal churches at Fork, W ood­ leaf and Cooleem ee rallied at the Church of the G ood Shep­ herd Sunday m orning. M iss E ]*anor H utchison o f W lns­ ton-Salem , discussed opportu­ nities for youth in the church. N ext Miss H utchison told the story o f UMCY. A period o f new and fun full gam es was conducted by Miss M ary M ayne. V A D E M E C U M P IC N IC T he congregations o f G ood Shepherd, Cooleem ee, A scen­ sion, Pork, and St. G eorges, W oodleaf, will m eet Sunday at the Episcopal C hurch con fer­ ence center, Vade M ecum . Cars will leave the C hurch at CX)olee- m ee at 9 a. m . and the service at Vade M ecum will be a t 11 a. m . Follow ing the service a basket picnic will be served In the pavilion. L ater in the afternoon there will be sw im ­ m ing in the Vade M ecum pool and the return will be before dark. niN G O PARTY The sm all boys and girls en­ joyed a Bingo party last Thurs­ day afternoon on the play­ ground. Large sticks o f candy, cnew ing gum , and balloons were awarded as prizes to the follow ing boys, and girls: Anne R idenhour, M ary A lice Miller, H enry Poster, H elen M ayberry, Jack Riddle, O leta M ayberry, Ruby Barnes, M odene Poster, and K atherine O ’Neal. The Brownies m et M onday afternoon. Phyllis Stough, the new leader, had charge o f the m eeting. There were ten m em ­ bers present, one visitor and one visitor and one new m em ­ ber, Betty Sue N ichols joined. Sue and Jean W agoner were Invested. and received their Brownie pins. Plans were m ade for another picnic and nature study soon. Jam es Sain and his boys age group 8 to 14 will be In charge o f the "Call to Colors.” T he little folks have heard the tale of Pigling Bland by B eatrix Potter and G one Is G one by W anda G ag at the Story H our this week. Men’s Class Enjoys Trip Tw enty four m em bers ot the Y oung M en’s Berean class of the Baptist chu rch w ith their teacher spent last Sunday in the m ountains. T hey left the church at 8 o ’clock for R oar­ ing G ap and then entered the Blue Ridge Parkway and stop­ ped at W ild Cat R ock Park. Following dinner at W ild Cat R ock Park the class assem bled for the teaching o f the lesson, after w hich the class w ent to B oone and Blowilng R ock. Their route hom e was by Lenoir, Taylorsville and Statesville. In addition to the class m em . bers R. V. A lexander änd G rady Spry were on the trip with the party of tw enty-seven. J. P. Jarvis is teacher of the c^ s s and Hubert Jacobs is president. Fidelis Class Meets W ith Mrs. Barnes T he Fidelis class o f C oolee­ mee Baptist church h eld its reg­ ular m onthly m eeting on July 12 with M rs. H. E. Barnes . at her hom e near W oodleaf, with the president, Mrs, R ay G ar­ wood, in charge. Mrs. Barnes led the opening prayer. Twelve m em bers of the class were present. S lxty-flve visits to the sick were reported. A fter the conclusion o f the business m eelng, the hostess D uring business hours Mrs. Nellie Tayloe Ross is director o f the U. S. m int, but all other times she is just grandm a to the infant she is shown h old ­ ing so proudly... Lett, is the baby’s equally proud fath er, Lieut. W illiam B. Ross, show n In M aynard Hospital, Seattle, W ashington. J. L, H orn, Negro cotton farm er ot Rt, 1, M arshvllle, is fightiing an Insect sim ilar to the Arm y worm w hich is at­ tacking his cotton, says Otis Buttaloe, Anson county Negro farm agent o f the N. C. E x­ tension Service. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE THREE TEACHERS ARE NAMED Three new teachers have heen added to the Y adkin coun ty school system during the past week, it is announced by Fred C. Hobson, school superintend­ ent. Jack Barnes, o f Pleasantsvllle, Alabam a, has been nam ed tea­ cher o f agriculture at C ourt­ ney school to replace Pred Sm ith who recently resigned to accept a position in G uilford county. Mr. Barnes is a grad­ uate o f Alabam a P olytechnic Institute at Auburn, Alabam a. He will begin his new duties July 25. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin C. W right have been elected to fill vacancies In the W est Y a d ­ kin School. M r. W right, son o f the late C. C. W right, for m any years iuperlntendent o f W ilkes County Schools, will teach his­ tory and English In the high school. He received his B. S. degree from A ppalachian State T eacher’s College and m aster’s degree from Peabody Institute. Mrs. W right, a graduate o f A p­ palachian, will teach the sec­ ond grade. Por the past five years the W rights have taught in Pinnacle. Joe Chamberlain Dies Suddenly Joe W . Cham berlain, 71, died suddenly Saturday night at his hom e near Bethel B aptist Church. He was stricken w ith a heart attack while reading his Bible. Mr. Cham berlain was born In Y adkin county, June 28, 1870, a son o f Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Cham berlain. He was m arried to Miss Am elia C pm er,-daugh­ ter o f Mr. and Mrs. John W . Com er. He was a m em ber of Bethel Baptist C hurch, near Yadkinville. Surviving are the w idow ; nine children, Mrs. J. C. C ranflll, Mrs. W . T. Doss, Mrs. Fred Com er and H erm an C ham ber- lain, all Y adkinville; M rs. M. ■O. R enegar and M rs. W . P. Sharpe o f H arm ony; Mrs. W . A. H olcom b, Mrs. R. L. Law son and D. W . Cham berlain o f W ins­ ton-Salem , and one sister, Mrs. Llllle Reavls, o f Y adkinville. T he funeral was held M on­ day afternoon at 2 o ’clock at Bethel Baptist C hurch. Rev. G eorge Burrus and Rev. W ill Crissm an conducted the serv­ ices. Burial was in the church graveyard. HITLER M ilitary gains are reported as constituting H itler’s strong­ est hold on South A m erican respect. Folks seem to busy m anu fac­ turing war supplies to m anu- iacture war rum ors. Capitol Theatre Salisbury, N. C. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY “ C A U G H T IN T H E D R A F T ” W ith Bob Hope and D orothy Lamour MONDAY AND TUESDAY “ S H E K N E W A L L T H E A N S W ER S ” 'With Joan Bennett and Franchot Tone . W EDNESDAY & THURSDAY “ T H E D E V IL A N D M ISS JO N E S ” W ith Jean Arthur and Robert Cum m ings FRIDAY AND SATURDAY “ W A G O N S R O L L A T N IG H T ” W ith Hum phrey Bogart and Sylvia Sidney R O Y A L C R O W N B O T T L IN G C O . W lnston-Sifleni, N . 0. visited Mr. and Mrs. W hite Sunday. Congressm an H am ilton Fish, Jr., representative from New York, is shown at Fort Bragg, and her two daughters. Misses K atherine and Rosa Mae Barnes served delicious r e fr e s h -: m ents in the patriotic fashion. I. A. .‘=ervlng as a colonel In the 41st Engineers. U S E O N E O F O U R “ Trasser“ Correctly Fitted A B D O M IN A L S U P P O R TS S U R G IC A L A P P L IA N C E S Hall - Kimbrough Drug Co. Modtsville, N . C , rUE SMOKB OF StOWER-BURNING CAMEU CONTAINS 28% Less Nicotinei thui the average of the. 4 other largest-sell* ing cigarettes tested-lcss than any of them —according to independent Kientific tests o/ tmoAt itstlf. ‘The smokt’s tbe thing! CAMEL-,THB aGARETTE OP. COSTUER TOBACCOS W A L K E R F U N E R A L H O M E Funeral Services— Ambulance Service Phone 5711 Phone 48 Cooleemee, N . C . Mocksville, N . C . PUBLIC NOTICE! Beginning August 1st, 1941, the local telephone exchange operators will not be allowed to give any inforniaticn ir. regai'd tc fire alarms except to members of the fire department. This step is taken with the view of not only increas­ ing the efficiency of our volunteer fire department, but also as a safety measure. We are soon to add a more powerful and speedier unit to our fire fight­ ing equipment and it will be imperative that the citizens of our Town use more caution and obey the fire rules more explicitly than ever liefore. This is purely in the interest of safety to all. May we have your cooperation? T . I. C A U D E L L , Mayor R U FU S L . F R Y E , Fire Chief ' J W t f W W W W V W W W W V W W W W W W f t f l r t f t W W W W W W 1940 TAXES T H A T A R E N O T P A ID O N August 3 M U S T B E A D V E R T IS E D F O R S A L E Please Pay These Taxes Now And Avoid Advertising Costs. .....IV 2 Per Cent Discount_-On All 1941 _ Taxes Paid Before Aug. 2nd. C. H. Barneycastle County T a x Collector LARGEST CIRCULATION MOST NEWS i%Jß\шíVPH ТЕЙ1 COUNTY PICTURES WAR NEWS VOL. XXIV “Л11 The County News For Everybody”MOCKSVILLE, N. C., FRIDAY, JULY 25- 1941 “ЛИ The County News For Evevybody”NO. 44 HERE and THERE iiEGION HUT T hom as W . R ich has given 'the local legion post about an acre and a h alf m ore land io r a site in R ich ’s Park for ■the new legion hut. The addi­ tional gift was m ade when It •vras found that the additional lan d -would afford a natural ■basement. The legion now has around $1,500 in cash and IDledges on the hut. This week :Robert S. M cNeill and K im - ¡brough Sheek w ent to R aleigh io have the plans drawn for the iiu t by the son of Rev. Sprinkle v/ho is an architect. T R A IN S D IS C O N TIN U E D B eginning Sunday the Sou­ thern will take o ff passenger trains Nos. 1 and 4 w hich run Irom W inston to Charlotte via B arber. M ail service will be provided by a star route from "Winston w hich will arrive here toy 10 a. m . and will return from Barber w ith m ail from th e south by 11 a. m . The sta r route to Salisbury con ­ tinues as usual. « E T S T R IP ‘A . T. Daniel received a free trip last week to W rightsville B each for m aking the quota of sales o f Leonard refrigera­ tors by his concern, Daniel F ur­ niture & Klectric Co. A V T O D E A LE R S R , B. and G aither Sanford a n d W . M. Pennington attended a m eeting in Asheville this ^ e e k o f all autom obile dealers. P R E P A ID T A X E S D avie county h^s received $30,244 In prepaid 1941 taxes, it is reported by c. H. B arney­ castle, tax collector. T hfs li about 30 per cent o f the county levy. U C E N S E R E V O K E D R oss W illiam Carter of A d­ vance, route 1, had his driving license revoked as the result of a conviction in m unicipal court, W inston-Salem , on a charge of driving drunk, according to the state highw ay revocation list. R E L A T IV E D IE S G eorge Taylor, uncle of Mrs. •W . H . D odd o f M ocksville, died in R ichm ond, Va. last Saturday n igh t at a hospital. He form ­ erly lived here. Mrs. D odd at­ tended the funeral in Peters- tourg M onday and then w ent to \isit her brother. Dr. W . W . T aylor in W arrenton. LICENSE H arve Earl and M abel Gray, colored, o f route 4 secured a m arriage license in the office o f G. H. C. Shutt, register of deeds, last week. Russian Air Hero lIO ;> IE C O M IN G T he C oncord M. E. Church on the Davie circuit will hold its annual Childrens Day and hom ecom ing on Sunday, Aug­ ust 3. The public is invited r.nd asked to bring dinner baskets. All form er pastors are urged to be present. R E V IV A L A protracted m eeting begins Sunday m orning at Ijam es Cross R oads at 11 a. m . The pastor, R ev. W . L. M cSwain, will preach at the first service. A t noon Sunday there will be a picn ic dinner and services m the afternoon and at 8 o’clock at night. D uring the w eek there will be two services each day, w ith preaching by Rev. M . L. D orton of Albe­ m arle. JA R S W A N T E D T he w elfare departm ent seeks the donation of all kinds of ja rs for cann ing and jellies. It is asked that they be brought to the storage room in the courthouse basem ent to be used by those dependent on welfare. R E V IV A L A revival begins at Pork B aptist church Sunday, with preaching at 11 a. m . and 8 p. m . D uring the week serv­ ices w ill be held at 2:30 p. m. and 8 p. m . each day. Rev. E c. Shoe o f Taylorsville will iissist in the m eeting. N. Y . A . A pplications for N. y. A. em ploym ent m ay be m ade with Mrs. Elizabeth H. Brinkley, area personnel interviewer, in the court room af; the courthouse here each Thursday m orning and at the club room in Coolee­ m ee each Thursday afternoon. D A Y L IG H T S A V IN G D aylight saving goes into e f­ fect Sunday in all state offices ynd agencies. It will last through Septem ber 28. M any towns, counties and m erchant groups have signified their willingness to join the m ove­ m ent w liich is for the purpose o f conserving electricity need­ ed in vital defense industries. SUNHARY OF WAR NEWS H itler is thought to be fin d ­ in g the going in Russia tough­ er than expected. Consequent­ ly diversions are sought. One is the bom bing o f M oscow and th e other is prodding of Tokyo to m ove into the Far East. V ichy shows its com plete dom in ation by Hitler in allow­ in g Japan to occupy bases in IV en ch Indo-C hina. R ed Arm y troops were re- 5)orted holding grim ly to their position s protecting the vital approach es to M oscow, L eni- grad, and Kiev, while Soviet guerrillas took an increasing toll o f G erm an invaders in sav­ age fighting behind the length­ enin g Nazi lines. T he G erm an High com m and «said m erely that operations w ere "continuing according to ,..Bdnri..’:.,n.i;n)nintli,taia¿,cnmmR,ata- •tors gave the im pression that G erm an troops were success- ■lully splitting up the Red arm y Snto blocks for steady annihila­ tion. In London, Prim e M inister W inston Churchill took A lfred îDuff Cooper from his post as nninister o f inform ation, and ordered him lo the Far East ~ t o 'cô'-ô f din a fë ' B"ri t i sh ' ihlh tary adm inistrative and political ac­ tivities there, Brendan B rack­ en , C hurchill’s private secre­ tary and a form er editor, suc­ ceeds to the Inform ation m in­ istry position. D u ff C ooper’s dutie.9 will be sim ilar to those o f Captain Oliver Lyttleton, co ­ ordin ator in the M iddle-East ■with offices in Cairo. In the last week the B ritish r>aid, the R A F has sunk or bad- ly dam aged 242,000 tons of G erm an shipping. T he British continued to press enthusiastically their “ V for V ictory” cam paign am ong the peoples o f the G erm an- subjugated lands. Follow ing a BBC program the British said the con tin en t awoke to find the persistent “ V ” tarred and chalked and painted on walls and G erm an autom obiles and sidewalks wherever the Nazi reign. B ritish bom bers continue heavy attacks against invasion ports and industrial Germ any. London says that as nights lengthen the attacks “ will m ake G oventry look like a pin prick” during the next three m onths. Saying that the danger to Д Ш.ПГ’ofl« .¡ia■ .waa" Capt. A . Vyaznikov, shown in the cockpit of his plane, is be- iner acclaim ed a hero by the Soviets, Moscow says. H e and his gunners are credited w ith shooting dow n four G erm an planes during one air battle over the front. Cartner. Rites Held Today Funeral services were held today at 2 o'clock for John E. Carter, 68, w ho died Tuesday at the State H ospital in M or- ganton. Services were con ­ ducted by Rev. P. L, Sm ith at M ocks M ethodist chu rch. Inter­ m ent was in the chu rch cem e­ tery. Mr. Carter was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Carter and up until two m onths ago lived at his hom e near Advance. He is survived by his widow, the form er, Sallie Sm ith, two daughters, M rs. S. W . R iggs of Virginia, and M iss A lm a Car­ ter at hom e; six sons, M . P. of Danville, Va., C. S. o f Cana, C. A. o f A dvance, R ay and Ever­ ette of V irginia and G rady of Advance, route 1; one sister, Mrs. John E. P otts o f A dvance, route 1; three brothers, S. W., B. P. and P. R. all o f Advance, route 1. Girl Scouts Aid In Aluminum Drive CLA'RKSVILLE. — Mrs. Era Latham , president o f Clarks­ ville H om e D em onstration club, urges that each club w om an serve as a com m ittee to see that all scrap alum inum avail­ able is brought to the Clarks­ ville C om m unity building on Saturday afternoon , July 26. Mrs. I. G . Roberts, leader o f the Girl Scout T roop No, 3 states that the scouts will assist also m m aking house to house can ­ vass and will be at the com ­ m unity building to receive the donations. Mr. and Mrs. G. W . Stone­ street o f W inston-Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stonestreet of M ocksville were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Lonnie Driver Sunday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. I. G. Roberts m ade a business trip to Salis­ bury, Friday. Miss M argaret Langston spent last w eek with relatives in H igh Point. Misses F rances and Ada' A t­ kinson visited their grand­ m other, Mrs. Ada A tkinson of Farm ington last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Latham of W inston-Salem were Sunday Davie Aluminum Drive Goes Fine Collection of scrap alum i­ num this week ill Davie county is exccetlinff expec­ tations, it is announced by E, C, Tatum , county ch air­ m an of (he defense council, “Cooperation of the folks in DaVie is excellent, accord­ ing lo the reports,” M r. Ta tu m said. M ayor T . I. Caudell, eliaSr- m an of the county scrap alum inum comm ittee, also said that reports from all sections of the county show­ ed fine cooperation in this prom otion of national de­ fense. Rev. F . J. Stough, ch air­ m an of the Cooleemee com ­ mittee, said that Cooleemee collections were above ex­ pectations. Th e W om ans club furnished cars to haul the donations and the G irl and Boy Scouts collected them. In Mocksville the Boy Scouts m ade a house to house canvass Th ursd ay and brought a large collection to the courthouse. Folks in the county are asked to bring their old pots and pans and scrap alum i­ num to their nearest school house Saturday. Those who desire m ay bring them to the courthouse in Mock.sville. A special m atinee w ill be given by the Princess theatre today, Friday, m orning at 10 a. m . for the benefit of the drive. Th e admission price is any piece of old alum i­ num , Frank Fowler, owner, States. Cornatzers Have New Daughter B IXB Y .— Mr. and M rs. Clyde Cornatzer and two sons. M anuel and Henry spent Saturday at Glade Valley visiting Rev. and Mrs. Thom pson. Mr. and Mrs. John Sheets o f Lexington visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sheets Sunday. Mrs. W alter B arney spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cornatzer at Advance. Mr. and Mrs. I. E. H endrix spent Sunday in Cooieem ee as guests of Mr. and M rs. T om Chaplin. M r. and Mrs. Lonnie C ornat­ zer are the proud parents o f a baby girl, nam ed Betty Nan. Mr. and Mrs. R oland H ilton had as their week end guests, Mr. and Mrs. R obert H ilton and son of W inston-Salem and Mr. and Mrs. R obert B eaucham p and daughter of Hanes. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C ornatzer and Mrs. Luna R obertson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mi-s. Henry Plott at the W illiam s Farm. Misses Betty and Patty C or­ natzer visited Miss A nnette B ar­ ney Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Clarence H endrix. Mr. in d Mrs. R obert H endrix of M ocksville and Mi's. Sheek M il­ ler and little daughter, Carol, o f K annapolis visited M r. and Mrs. I, E. H endrix one day last v,-eek. Realty Deals Filed Here The follow ing real estate transfers have been filed hi tho cfflce o f G. H, C. Shutt, reg­ ister of deeds: Mr. and Mrs. P. B. M oore and Flossie V. May to Freddie Lee Lanier, 7 acres adjoining Clam - pet land, $10 and other con ­ siderations. J. W . D outhit and w ife to Henry Douthit, 22,400 square yards adjoining form er, $180. C, C. Sanford Sons Co. to 1. L. GaHWer, lot adjtoining Sandy Carter, $10 and other considerations. Sanford M otor Co. to Ernest 3. M urphy and wife, 2 lots, C lem ent Crest, $750. Spencer W ilson to P. H. Lanier, 11 acres adjoining W . V. Gobble, $10 and other con ­ siderations. The latter trans­ ferred the property to J. G. G obble and wife. ' R. P. Anderson and w ife to W . E. Clawson and wife, 4 lots, Salisbury highway, $144. F The form er also transfer­ red 4 lots to R. C. Hendrix, $84; 4 lots to C. P. W agoner and wife, $239; 2 lots to J. C. Jarvis and wife, $82. Ploy E. W illiam s to T. J. Caudell, 21 acres adjoining Sam Bailey estate, $10 and other considerations. T h e latter transferred the property to T. J. Seaford, $350. Oliver M yers and w ife to H. G. Billings Jr. and wife, one acre adjoining J. G . B eau­ cham p, $1 and other consider­ ations. 'Norm an Foster and w ife to W illiam and Annie Jones, ' 6 acres adjoining Clarence Jones, $10 and other considerations. Jacob Stewart, com m issioner to F. V. Gobble, 3 acres ad- ioinlng P. H. Lanier in Cala­ haln. $200. W achovia Bank ds Trust Co., trustee for E. C. Sanford to R. B. and J. C. Sanford, lot ad­ join ing Mrs. J. T. Parnell lot. Lawn Party At Fulton FULTON. — There will be a lawn party at Fulton church Saturday night, July 2’6. The public is invited. Bonnie Rose Frye left F ri­ day for New Brunswick, New Jersey, where she will spend jom e time with her sister, Mrs. R ichard Baler. Charleen M iller o f Hanes spent Saturday night with Janell Young. D orothy Lee Sidden of Elba­ ville is spending this week w ith her aunt, Mrs. Sallie Allen. Mr. and Mrs, Bill Jones of Cooleem ee visited Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hege Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Ed W agner and son. Jack, of Lexington visited Mr. and Mrs. Lester Y oung Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Frye of Dulins, Mr. and Mrs. R aym ond Livengood of Lexington, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Foster of Concord spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Frye. Mrs, Lester Young and dau­ ghter, Janell, spent Saturday w ith M r. and Mrs. R aym ond i M iller of’ Hanes. CJ.S. Marbles Champ •\ big kiss from his m other is one of the rewards for Gerald “C hick” Robinson, 14, of Scran­ ton, Pa., w inner of the National >Iarbles Cham pionship at W ild wood, N . J. Plomecoming At Concord Sunday CONCORD. — There will be a C hildren’s Day and H om e­ com ing at C oncord church Sun­ day, August 3. T he revival m eeting also begins that day. The public is Invited to attend these services. R ev. G . W . Fink will fill his regular apponitm ent here Sun­ day at 10 a. m. M r. and Mrs. Kerr Graves and son, Dwane, left Tuesday for the beach where they will spend the rem ainder of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hellard and son, Freddie Grey, spent Sunday afternoon with relatives in K annapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Eustace Daniel c f Salisbury and Miss D oro­ thy D aniel spent Sunday with Jlr. and M rs. A. D, K oontz of K appa. Miss N aom i Berrier, a nurse o f H igh Point, spent the week end w ith her parents, Mr. and M rs. I. C. Berrier. Mrs. J. N. Tutterow had as her Sunday guests, Mr. and Mrs. M arvin Leach and chil­ dren and Miss Eva Ola Tut­ terow o f M ocksville, Mr. and M rs. Abe H oward and children o f Bethel and Mr. and Mrs. Duke Tutterow and children of Cooleem ee. The m any friends and rela­ tives o f Mrs. D. P. Crotts gath- I’ red at her hom e Sunday and £,ave her a delightful birth­ day dinner. M r. and Mrs. Cecil Angell of near M ocksville visited Mrs. A ngel’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W ill M iller. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Berrier and son, Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. K err G raves and son, Dwane and Miss Doris Tutterow visited M r. and Mrs. Clyde G lascock Sunday evening. M r. and Mrs. Jake Tutterow visited Mrs, Tutterow ’s m other, Mrs. D. C, Foster Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dowell of L exington spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. I. C, Berrief. Miss D ot H odglns o f M ocks­ ville is visiting her grandm oth­ er, Mrs. J. N. Tutterow . D enm ark has ordered the largest ice breaker ever built in that country. Davie Boy Writes From Fort Knox F ort K nox, Ky. July 19, 1941 T o the Editor: Just a few lines to let every- !:ody know how we are getting along. W e travelled 700 m iles on a train in 33 hours. W e left Ft. Bragg Friday at 3.45 and arrived here at 11 a. m . Four boys from Davie county are with m e— Cook, Forrest, H endrix and Jarvis. Wo left Barnhardt, Stewart and Call ¿t Ft. Bragg. Thirty five boys from N orth Carolina cam e here, m ost o f them from around Statesville. W e ate supper in A tlanta last night and they sure do know how to cook good chicken. W e will spend 13 weeks here and then be assigned to the unit of the arm y w here we will serve the rest o f our year. Nearly all of the boys I have m et here are from the New England states and they sure seem to be swell fellows. This is a m otorized regim ent. So part o f us have a good oppor­ tunity to stay out o f the In­ fantry and field artillery. W e would appreciate m ail from any one that wants to write. Sincerely Yours, ...Pvt. Jam es M. Swicegood.... Co. A., 6th Bn., 2nd Platoon, A. F. R. T. C., Fort K nox, Ky. Mrs. Mary Bailey Dies in Hospital Mrs. M ary Livengood Bailey, 54, w ife o f Dew itt Bailey, died at the R ow an M em orial lios- pltal, Salisbury Tuesday after­ noon w here she had been a patien't fo r fou r days. She lived at Fork. Nazis Blast Red Warplanes, Caught Napping than a year ago, President R oosevelt asks Congress to pass legislation Indefinitely extend­ ing the length of m ilitary serv­ ice o f litaftees, guardsm en and reservists. The proposal sharp­ ly divides Congress. B A IN J^icksville-lTP j. l,4-ii3'jhes of. rain W ednesday night, accom - \ panied by heavy thunder and lightning. P H O S P H A TE B en N icholson, dem onstra- lion farm er o f the Johns Creek section of Jackson County, says he can pasture his cattle a m onth sooner and a m onth later since using phosphate on nls-land. tueots 01 Mrs. K. L, Boger. Mrs, W . S. Collette, Prances and Ada A tkinson were dinner guests of Mrs. Lou Jane Eaton last Friday. Mr. ana Mrs. J. G. Ferebee visited Mr. and Mrs. John Ferebee Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harpe visited M r. and Mrs. E. W. H a f ^ SundayT “ Mr. and Mrs. W alter Stone­ street o f W inston-Salem were Sunday afternoon guests o f Mr. and Mrs. W . S. Collette. Lonnie Driver is able to be i p after a few weeks illness, Miss M iriam H arpe has been sick for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Eaton and children o f C ooleem ee visited Mr. and Mrs. A. W . Ferebee during the w eek end. Hitler’s Luftwaffe caught the Soviet air force napping when German bombers swooped down on this Russian airfield, and as a result dozens of Red wai-planes were destroyed before they could take to tne au-, accordmg to the German caption with this radiophoto from Berlin... The picture of the wi'eckage-strewn field, ex­ plained Berlin, was made after the area was occupied by Nazi ground forces. Revival Begins At Jerusalem JERUSALEM. — The revival m eeting begins at Jerusalem Baptist chu rch Sunday night, July 27, w ith Rev. Lam beth ot Statesville assisting the pastor. Rev. E. W . Turner. T he W om an’s M issionary So­ ciety held its July m eeting wltii the president, Mrs. E. W . T ur- r.er and pastor. Rev. E. W . Turner at their hom e in M ocks­ ville. Mrs. Turner gave the devotional and Mrs. O. H. H art­ ley had charge of program . She w'as assisted by M esdames J. F. Thom pson, R. P. H am ilton, Leo H am ilton, Loyd Gullett, Charlie Leagans, Henry Shoaf, Bertrice Davis, J, D. Hodges. At the close o f the m eeting, Mrs. Turner, assisted by her sister. Miss W illiam s of W ins- lon-Salem , served refreshm ents to 18 m em bers and two visit­ ors. O. H. H artley was painfully hurt In an autom obile accident M onday afternoon. Mr. H art­ ley W'as on his way hom e from work, when the car in w hich he was riding was struck and badly dem olished by a de­ livery truck driven by an Ever­ hardt boy. The accident o c ­ curred in Salisbury near Grim es M illing Com pany. One other occupant o f the car was also hurt. Mrs. Laura Steward, who has been m aking her hom e with her sister, Mrs. A. E. Tathm , is critically ill in the Row an M e­ m orial hospital, Salisbury. Miss Elizabeth H artley is a patient in the Row an M em orial Hospital, w here she had a tonsil operation M onday. Miss Jarvis Returns Home BAILEY’S CHAiPEL. — Miss Callie M arie Jarvis, who has been spending som e time with her grandm other, returned to her hom e in Thom asville Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Bonce Bailey r.pnr ii'.. SiH’Urnj! ivyttj- Tiie funeral was held yes­ terday afternoon at Fork B ap­ tist church, conducted by Rev. W ade H utchins and assisted by Kev. E. W . Turner. Tho body lay in state at the chu rch for 30 m inutes prior to the funeral. Burial was in the chu rch cem e­ tery. She is survived by her m oth­ er, Mrs. A nnie Jarvis Liven­ good; by her husband and the follow ing children: G raham , Olin and Paul, all ot F ork; R ad of G reensboro, D. M . Jr., Nelson, Billy and W ilburn at hom o, Mrs. Eloise Deese of ’rhom asvllle and M rs. Archie M ichael o f B altim ore, M d. Sur­ viving sisters and brothers in « elude Mrs. Sallie Foster, A d ­ vance, route 1; Mrs. E m m a Burr, High P oint; A rchie L iv ­ engood, Advance, route 1; Alex, route 3; Ernest, A dvance, route J; M ilton Livengood, Fork. National Recognition Won by Davie Cows Three cow s in the herd cf Sanford & Blackwelder, Mtickw- ville, have com pleted offis'.al records in the Herd Im prove­ m ent Division qualifying them for adm ission to the Advanced Register o f The Am erican Guernsey Cattle Club, accord­ ing to K arl B. Musser, sec­ retary. A nine year old cow in the Sanford & Blackwelder herd. Coker Brilliant Queen 342573 produced in 305 days 89429 pounds o f m ilk and 498.4 pounds o f bu tterfat In class AHI. Other Guernseys, May Queen’s M abella 406 .’99 as a six year old m ade 8499.7 pounds of m ilk and 483.0 pounds of butterfat in 365 days in class AHI, and Queen M arie o‘ T w in Brook 406796 as a six year old m ade 9396.6 pounds o f m iUt and 517.0 pounds o f butter­ fat in class AHI in 363 dayi>. Robert Smoot Injuries Arm BEAR CREEK. — Miss C hris­ tine Doby o f W hite Plains spent ihe week end with her parenU , Mr. and Mrs. W alter D oby, Mrs. Sally Reavls of W ins­ ton-Salem is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. H. W hitaker. Funeral services were con­ ducted for Mrs. H enry Black­ welder, the form er Miss Vioja Cleary of K annapolis here S u n ­ day at 3 o ’clock. Mrs. B la ck - Continues on page seven) Mrs. M ary M eachum . Mrs. Frank Tucker and baby, Mrs. John Lanier and children spent Saturday evening with Mrs. Cicero Bailey. ■Miss Athene Tucker spent Sunday with Miss Annie Ruth Carter. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. M arkland and children, Vivian Mae and Hayniond,' ^ sp en t' Sunday in Thom asville visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hege and children visited M r. and Mrs. Clarence M arkland Sunday night. Mrs. Tida Bailey and ch il­ dren spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Nettle Tucker. Over 1,000,000 cigarettes were destroyed In a fire in Tokyo, Japan. Draft Numbers 0£ Davie Boys Lee G ra n t S m ith of route 2, who is employed at C . J. Angell Jew elry store, was the first Davie boy of tbe new 21 . year - old registrants whose num ber, 98, was draw n in W ashhigton last week. Th e second was M a jor Look of Mocksville, num ber 39; third was Aaron Gibson Koontz, route 4, num ber 14; fourth was Isaac W atson D unn, Jr., route 2, num ber 96; fifth was G arland Lanier Pack, route 1, Advance, n u m ­ ber 40; sixth was W illiam Т а fl_Harrison,. colored. Caa leemee, num ber 9; seventh was James F ra n k lin Keller, Mocksville, number I I ; eighth was W illie Jam es Phelps, route 1, Advance, num ber IB ; n in th was Th e o ­ dore Lem uel W all, route 2, num ber 75; tenth was G il­ bert Joyner Reavis, route 2, num ber 58, ■ -riie i'c ■ Were 98 boys “in Davie who registered on Ju ly 1, having reacher 21 since last Oct. 16. Th e new regis­ trants w ill he called w ith the first ones in about the ratio of one to ten,-Airs. M argaret M cNeill, clerk of the local! draft board, states, Th e next c a ll for Davie Is on August 11 w hen 13 w ill leave for F t, Bragg, • , /Л*’':.' PAGE 2 THE MOCKSVILLE (N. C.) ENTERPRISE WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1941 ANSWER'NOT KNOWN NOW W ASHINGTON. — A ques- -.U£).a..bi)i_nriscja--wi№ _increiis.-. ing frequency during the past few m onths,' w hich Is causing real concern-.both to the A d­ m inistration and. to m an y .oth ­ ers anxious that notliing should, arise to hinder A m erican aid^to G-reat B ritain .:.'It is the.qu es- •llon o f whether the British will need another A. E. F, to win the w a r.. A cutely aware of the explo- •sivesness o f the problem so far iis the 1 m ajority o f Am ericans e o , the A dm inistration ■■ Insist­ ently has repeated that thei P resident's .' pledge that: no A m erican.boys will be sent into foreign w ars'standsi Neverthe-. icss the.question will ilot'd ow n NEED A. L F. cither here or abroad, i Since it threatens to ibe a m 'ajor-Issue in the not too dis­ tant future, a realistic approach to the<‘E uropeanr.conflict de­ m ands that It be' given the study it deservM ^_SqJar^n_q.- TDO^yTs In a" poiltibn to give a fln al-an d.categorical answer. Neither here nor .'In B ritain Is there unanim ity that Britain m ust have A m erican m an pow ­ er to beat G erm any 1- or,' on the other hand, that a n .ov er- ilow ing flood . o f . -Am erican equipm ent In the Jiands o f Bri­ tons, andi their allies will do the trick, -Churohill Speech Cited^;.\ In ione o f his speeches: to the British; and-A m erican peo­ ples, . Prim e M inister W inston Cliurchlil. said:.. “ Givei>us ..the tools andi. w e’ll d o ' th en job .” This .quotation .was repeated only last-w eek by ‘’ ^ophen T. Early, the Prdsldeiit’s Press SeC'^. rotary; - when asked of reports that B ritain .needed Am erican m en. . A gainst this,.however, we can set the apparently authorita- tive report that two o f B rit- a ln Y leading m ilitary strate- Glsts. have, declared that only th e . com bined, strength of the British and Am erican armies can defeat G erm any decisively. Gen.. Sir A rchibald! W aveli and Gen.-Sir’ Ciaiide Auchinleck, the p ast.an d..p resen t .com m anders ■jf B ritain's Near Eastern A rm y; are.qu oted as holding, that, an A, E. F. is indispensable. . O m to p 'o f this;Is the dispatch from 3:London • tellirig... o f .the franküstatem ent -.In .the .Daily. H eialdi that..‘‘A m erica’s com ing into-,;thei.w ar...is a possibility so w e have- to prepare for It,”, a n d ’..that, “ w’e should be ex­ ceedingly silly if we were not preparing for possibilities.” , B u ti'a fter:a ll,.th e m ain .con ­ isi deration Is not w hat London hopes will happen but what W a'shlngton believes is neces­ sary. It Is quite natural that Britain, .with :lts back to the -wall, should w ant a powerful friend at Its side, gun In hand. W hat, how ever, does W ash­ ington think?.. Does the W hite H ouse, believe that, “ tools” are enough? Does the W ar D epart­ m ent hold that. Germai-iy,. un­ defeated on the continent,, can be beaten by B ritain through air attacks and the blockade? Does the Navy D epartm ent feel that the G erm an counter­ b lock a d e. o f the British Isles can be overcom e? It is the answer to these questions w hich will determ ine whether only an A. E. F. can beat Hitlerism . Today it is doubtful if anyone, even Pres­ ident R oosevelt or Gen. George C. M arshall, arm y ch ief o f staff know s the answer. Perhaps the outcom e o f the Russo-G erm an struggle will provide it. M any ranking officers at the W ar D epartm ent are o f the opinion that' G erm any will be beaten only when Us Arm y is sm ashed and that Britain alone will be in no position to do this, .'within the foreseeable fu ­ ture;-; A nother group Is equally sure, ¡that a grow ing destruc­ tion; o f G erm an cities. 'tra n s­ portation facilities, factories, an dtfood stocks through heav­ ier.bom bing attacks can break G erm an.m orale and cause eco­ nom ic chaos. T his latter group is support­ ed by m any high naval officials whQ'.believe that.fu ll use of the A m erican Fleet éddld-so tight­ en ; the blockade .land’ destroy G erm an, surface- and - undersea raiders as -to-m ake an A. E. F. unnecessary. Im portant Developm ents ' A t 'present, twò im portant .xleveiopments stan'd but. Am er­ ican-: arm ed 'forces have been sent Into the war zone to stay and to fight if attacked. At the saíne tim e the W ar D epart­ m en t has asked that Congi-ess renrave the prohibition:.against sending selectees and .1-iationai truardsmen nutsldè thè W eátern .•Hemisphere: . , . - In.-th e Iceland:- affair , the Unftnd Slatp.5 has. in the ju dg­ m ent of m any, directly ch al- 'lenged G erm a n y .. In thcr W ar D epartm ent’s proposal, m ade in the. light o f G eneral M ar­ shall's, w arning th at this-coun­ try was in-far graver danger than m ost Am ericans realized the U nited States would op ea the -way for an A. E. F., If New Mine Layer; for Uncle Sám The YF 286; a combination mine layer and freight lighter, is launched sideways at the Sullivan: Drydock,- Brooklyn, N. -Y..: The $300;000 craft is one of 12 being'constructn ed for the government ^. Revival Services- Begin Sunday- IJA M E 3'C R O SS ROADS. -.— The revival m eeting will be­ gin at Ijam es Cross R oads B ap- -tistchvircn-nexTrSunnay.-'nTCi'e" will be three services . with dm n er on the grounds... The pastor, W. L. M cSwaln o f H ar- ' m ony, will Tdc assisted by Rev. D orten o f Albem arle. T he W . M. U. held its m onthly m eeting at the church Satur- 'day afternoon w ith twelve m em bers present. . Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Cartner Ind.iam lly,' -.Mr..:and. M rs; >011- ifciert Cartner o f H arm ony and Mr;.-- and -.Mrs;: D uke Tutterow o f .Center: w ere--recent guests o f Mr. and Mrs;-. Clyde . Glas­ cock. '• Mr. and Mrs. De-wle Tutterow and fam ily o f Fayetteville spent Sunday w ith. :Mr. ,-andi M rs. W . S. Boyd. 1 M iss . C atherine G lascock .wa3 the recent guest o f Miss Paul­ ine W yatt at Fork,. ■Mr. and M rs.. G lenn R ollins > and fam ily o f near Cana were recent visitors at the hom e o f > M. E. Glascock. ■^Mlss~Eloise cliaTfhi spetir Sunday with Miss Edna C h a f-' fin. Mr. and Mrs. W lllls G ob b le... ond son of Hanes spent S un - " day w ith M r.: and Mrs. W . V. G obble. M iss.M artha G raves was the guest ot Miss Jane G lascock Sunday. ' Misses Vernell W hite and D orothy G lascock spent Sunday- .. ■with MISS Doris Chaflln; M r.-a n d -M rs. E. D. Ijam es ond- fam ily spent Sunday a f­ ternoon w ith Mr. and M rs; Dennis o f Cooleem ee. Mr.’-and M rs; J. G . A nderson- o f Center' visited Mr. and Mrs; J. O .-G lascock -last Sunday. Mlsa M aty G lascock visited M lss’ Catherine O lascock To Rebuild Britain Pictured in the U. S. enroiite to London is Sir Geoffre.v W iiis- ki\rd,' the m an w ho -will have one of the w orld’s toughest jobs w hen peace comes to Europe, Just relieved as B ritish high commissioner to Australia, be was appohited perm anent sec­ retary of the m inistry of works und:buildhigs w ith the duty ot rebuilding. bom b-wrecked B rit­ ain.- necessary. If the :Germ an Arm y is stop­ ped In Russia, the necessity ior an A. E. F. m ight very well never arise. But if R us­ sia is conquered in such a m an­ ner as to leave the G erm an Army, still pow erful and un­ broken, then .who Is In a posi­ tion to say that, If the A m er­ ican people are firm in their determ ination to stop Hitlerism , Am erican troops m ay not havo to fight again on the con tin ­ ent of Europe? It is a ques­ tion w hich m ay have to be faced som e day. It is a ques­ tion w hich is w orth careful thought today. Group Meets At Kennen Hoime FARM INGTON. — The m eet- ;ng of the W om an’s Society of Christian Service was held with Mrsi W . E. K ennen at K ennen Krest. Mrs. R. C. Brown i:rought an effective spiritual life message. The various com ­ m ittee heads gave excellent re­ ports. The m ission study class will m eet with the W esley Chapel group upon the Invitation of Miss M ary M cM ahan, -who with Mrs, Ben Sm ith, will com plete the plans and - announce the day later. Mrs. G rady Sm ith conducted the devotional^, using as her subject "U nity.” “ Investing Our Heritage for Cooperative W ork In M ethodism ” w a s . given-- by Mrs. M ontgom ery. Mrs. K ennen, assisted by Mrs. Lester M artin and Miss F rankie Craven, served sandw iches to thirteen m em bers and tliree ’.Isltors, Mrs. R alph Pegram , Miss Mary. M cM alian and M rs; Lester. M artin. Billy M cClam rock, . Bobby Gene Lakey, B illy B rock, John. Tabor Brock, Tom m y,. Frank and Jim m y Jarvis, H arvey H arding and Pierce Sm ith, as­ sistant scout leader, are spend-, l.ig the .week at Cam p U w har­ rie. Mr. and .Mrs. R alph Pegram and children o f W inston-Salem are visiting Mrs. H. H. Sm ith. Miss M artha Furches Is visit­ ing friends In Pennsylvania. Mrs. Elizabeth W llllard had :;s her dinner guests Tuesday, Mrs. Herm an W aller,. H arold Davis of W inston-Salem ,-M rs. Flora Bentley. Mrs. W . E K ennen entertain­ ed at dinner Friday evening. Her guests were M esdam es M. B. B rock, J. W . Vestal, . R . C. Brown and Miss M argaret Brock. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. W illiam s, Mr. and Mrs. R alph Jam es visit-1 cd Mr. and. Mrs. R eid Davis of W inston-Salem . Mr. Davls Is a | f patient at the W inston H os­ pital, Mrs. Bert Bentley, Mrs. Odell tJames. Mrs. Elizabeth Willlaird, Mrs. H arold Davls and.-. Mrs. ¡Herm an W alls of W in ston-S al- rtULii"ul'iiuci o^C3t.a'U-i iviic». J'G. W ,' Johnson Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gilm er G raham , ■'Miss Leona G raliam o f A she- L^/iiie, Mr.- and Mrs. R ay G raham % nd children o f Lewisville spent the week end w ith Mrs. ■Elizabeth W llllard. ■ Mr. and Mrs. John Frank Johnson and children, M r.i Bert E entlej’ and children and D.scar Allen were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. W . E. K ennen. Mr. and Mrs. R alph Jam es *vere supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson of V /inston- Saleni Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. H arold Davls, Mr. and Mrs. H erm an W alls of \Vihston-Salem visited Mr. and ivirs. G. W . Johnson Sunday. Frank B ahnson Jr., w ho is stationed at Fort B ragg spent N ew Air 'Force Heád ....Briffi :Gen. C a rl' Spaatz, ap - ppintca- chicf . of the . air staff of the new ly established “ Head­ quarters of thee A rm y . A ir Forces,” Is directly under com ­ m and, of Maj* G en. H enry II. Arnold, who becomes chief of the air forces. From now on M aj. Gen. Arnold’s departm ent is an independent unit 'U'ithiii (he w ar departm ent, account­ able only to the chief of staff. John Ferebee. John Anderson of W ltiston- Salem visited Mr. and. M rs. N. T. Anderson .Sunday. John leaves this week for cam p. Mrs. W alter A nderson and aaughters o f W inston-Salem recently visited M rs. H arold Powell. Miss Jean DeW eese o f C oolee­ m ee was the guest last w eek of Misses Catherine F erebee.- A V A IL A B L E « A n:hiexpenslve and: efficien t iiom egenizing:. m achine . for sm all., dairies, • operated : by a quarter-horsepow er m otor and weighing only 137 pounds. Is now on the m arket. »«SNSHaMSMZNSHXHSHSHiHSHziiiaHMmnisiisHiMXMXHaNi SEE US FOR YOUR iSUMMER NEEDS S OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT H We‘Will-Pay Market -Prices For Cotintry Produce | “YOURS FOR BARGAINS” ■ J . Frank Hendrix Near Depot mocksville, N. C. ;3iaBiaBHaKaHaii3BiHBi)iisMBiaBiüiBKaHSMaHSMBKiaMaHgwBt3nH8Ma y -W .W .W .'.W J W M I W J V .'M V ^ ^ J ’J V M W J W .W .W A '.W .'.W W .' Ì can save now. J-Visit Sanford’s Furniture department on the second floor. You will || find many exceptional.values here. Tlusse are old prices before the 5 advances went into effect. You ci the week end with his parents, M r. and Mrs. P. H. Bahnson. Mrs.- M. -B. Brock is visiting her sister, M rs.; Sw ift Hooper o f W inston-Salem . Miss M argaret Jo Brock, H lchard and Laurie B rock are spending th e . week at Tabor cottage, near B low ing R ock. Mrs. A da.A tkinson is visiting her daughter; Mrs. M ary W yatt in W inston-Salem this week. ■Mr. and Mrs. M organ, Mrs. M ary Lucus, and Mr. W ill Sloan o f G reensboro and Mr. and Mrs. A, C. W alker and Mrs. “ Pud’^ W alker - visited M rs. B lanche Brock Sunday. A series o f revival services will begin Sunday at tlie B ap­ tist church. Vanzants Back From Indiana CALAHALN. — Miss Iva A n­ derson returned to Thom asviUe Sunday after spending a week w ith hom e folks. T. A. V anzant returned hom e Sunday from a visit with rela­ tives in Fort W ayne, Indiana. Miss Am anda Lee Ferebee spent the week end in H anes­ tow n the guest o f Mr. and Mrs. Would Fight for U. S. 2-PIECE 3-PIECE Living Room Suites Living Room Suites $ 4 9 . 5 0 : ÿ Mahogany 9-Piece I DINING ROOM SU i DAY BEDS $ 3 2 .5 0 - $ 5 7 .5 0 MATTRESSES $8.00. $9.00, $11.50 INNER SPRING MATTRESSES $17.50 ................-.....................g u a u a n t e e d :..................................... CONGOLEUM 9 X 12, 37 lb. CONGOLEUM 9 X 12, 47 lb. LINOLEUM 6-ft. wide, running yard î O $ 2 l COOKSTOVESi Cast Iron $|Ç:50 and I Allen Range Eternal Two or Three Demonstra tors—Were $159.50— Now W illiam E. Bader of Detroit is ready to fight to defend his adoptediand, even if it means fo in «:.to w a r against his own lam iiy, . A draftee, Bader re­ vealed his father is a colonel in the G erm an arm y, while his half brother is in th e-G erm an a ir corps. ALLEN RANCES $ 4 9 .5 0 and $ 6 9 .5 0 ALLEN PRINCESS 1 $ 8 8 .9 5 and $ 10 9 .5 0 1 ^4 •j, F H O N E 7 “ Everything For Everybody” M O C K S V IL L E , N. C. \ % W ff,W W .W A 'm W ,fliV m V m V M W W J V ,* A V M W J V J V A W W M W ,V m W ,V m 'm W . THURS.DAY, JULY 24, 1941 THE MOCKSVILLE (N. C.) ENTERPRISE PAGES WAR DEPT. ASKS TO RETAIN ARMY “SET-UP” I * '№ s e n l E m e r g e n c y D e m a n d s L e ijv is la t io n 'П 10 W ar D cpar'm ent asked Con'iiions for l. glsla,Mon to re­ tain the NnI.i. -lal Guard, R o- servps and f;ol(!c-tf-'es for the “ »TDimioii—m’— TiTc сттатгштсуг I’re.'iident Roosevelt told his preKs conference that unless OoiiRress acts the Army faces sorloHS disintegration. j The President said no v lo -' lalion o f contract or faith j r/ould be entailed In such e x -' tension o f service, because the' SeJcctlve Service Act had pro­ vided for such extension cf .service by Consress in the event o f a national eincrgeucy. T he W ar iDepartment an- nouiicod initial deliveries o f the Л-24, a nevv dive bom ber that can outperform those used by oHicT nations. Tiie D epart­ m ent said rifles and su b-m a­ chine guns are now being pro- | ducod at a daily rate of 1.500, j com riered with 289 one year, ago. Under Secretary Patter­ son i.%sued a statem ent of Arm y | proei'ess showing expenditures increased sl.x-fold In tiie past ii.scal year. L end-Lease Aid President 'Roosevelt sent Lend-Lease A dm inistrator H op- klrui lo London for a new sur­ vey o f B ritish needs, and as­ signed two Arm y generals to speed the flow o f m unitions and food to Britain. The Sur- I)lu.s M arketing Adjuinistratlon purchased 30,000,000 pounds of tobacco, 2,544,000 bushels of corn and 75,000 bales of cotton for .‘Shipment abroad under the Lend-'Lease program . Civilian Supply T he OPACS announced a p ro­ gram to give preference over other civilian needs to repair and m aintenance parts for privately-ow netl autom obiles, trucks, trailers, tractors, house­ hold refrigerators, stoves. гапкс.ч and water heaters, plum bing fixtures, and fur- nacc.«, hospital equipm ent, sur­ gical instrum ents and eye- gla.u fram es and parts. Ship.si T he M aritim e Com m ission said expansion o f the m erchant shipbuilding program request­ ed from the Congress would provide 568 new ships by the end o f 1943. A lthough only one o f the 312 em ergency cargo ships was scheduled (or deliv­ ery Uiis year, at least 10 will toe in operation by D ecem ber 31. ttie Com m ission said.- The- fa-slost ship construction dur- In c last w ar was seven л1оа №.1 and 24 days, the com - m iM ioii said, but it now hopes t:> >;'duce the tim e to 4У г-to 5 ......oths, w ith two ships com ­ pleted every day in 1^ 3. »1 • '43. ••'I? M aritim e Com m ission took title to le m ore Danish ve.wcfs and to four= Italan ves­ sel's under provisions o f the S hip R equisitioning A ct and the Coa.st G uard seized 15 other Italiait .ships and one G erm an ship to be put into service as soon iv: .sabotage dam age Is re­ paired. Pre.sident R oosevelt signed leglslaUon giving him power to ¿ra n t defense m aterials prior­ ity in m erchant shipping space an d loading facUltle«. Alum inum Collection O PM Conservation C hief M c- Cotincll announced housewives’ Washington Monument Aids Defense Workmen are shown atop the Washington Monvinicnt, whose aluminum cap is slated to be sacrificed for national defense in the nationwide aluminum drive... Tlie cap will be officially donated by Secretary Ickes. It contains 100 ounces of aluminum, a quantity that could be extracted from a ,ozen saucepans. donations o f used alum inum - nounced weekly earnings o f Agriculture reported the gen ­ eral level o f farm wages rose to the highest level In 11 years on July 1. CO percent above t.he 1910-14 average. Power for Defense President Roosevelt asked Congress for authority to es­ tablish regional oi- nation-w ide daylight saving' time for all or such parts of the year as deem ­ ed practical. The Federal Pow ­ er Com m ission reported that rainfall lessened the power shortage In the Southeast al­ though m uch m ore rain Is needed ¡before full usage of energy can be perm itted sm all consum ers. Mrs. Garwood Loses Eye CONCORD. — Mr. and Mrs. H oward Nichols and son o f near Cooleem ee spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie H el­ lerd. Mrs. Jam es G arw ood, the form er Miss D orothy Sechrest w ho underwent an operation at the John H opkins Hospital, Baltim ore, M aryland, had the m isfortune o f losing the sight of her left eye. Jam es Sw lcegood and H er­ m an Barnhardt left M onday for Fort Bragg (or a year’s m ilitary training In the U. S. Army. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Daniel an d' children, D orothy, Peggy and Sam uel, Misses Doris and K atherine Tutterow and Mr. pnd Mrs. Felix Berrier and son, Jerry, visited Mr. and Mrs. 000,000 instead o f 1,700,000 as i R aym ond Daniel. The Daniels an the past year. He said al-|h ave a new daughter, Sarah m ost 30 percent o f all W PA | Dlann, born Sunday m orning workers were em ployed on n a- at their hom e In Liberty com - tlonal defense projects In June i m unity. and cuts will be m ade m ore! Mr. and Mrs. Towell and Fred •slowly from these projects than Lagle o f Kappa were the Sun- , day guests o f Mrs. Tow ell’s sls- Increased W ages [ ;er, Mrs. K err Graves, and Mr. T he Labor D epartm ent an - Graves. said State Procurem ent offices o f the Treasury D epartm ent will direct shipm ent o f collect­ ed m aterial from concentration points In each State to the nearest selected sm elter. Price Adm inistrator H ender­ son said additional supplies of waste paper and cardboard are needed for packing articles produced by defense Industries and urged that waste paper be saved by the householder for collection by waste paper deal­ ers. Prices Labor Secretary Perkins an­ nounced retail food prices In­ creased 1.7 percent during the last two weeks o f June. In addi­ tion to 1.0 percent In the first two weeks o f the m onth. Prin­ cipal rises were In the price o f eggs, lard, butter, pork chops and canned tom atoes, she said. . President R oosevelt told his press con(erence he Is.conslder- Ing placing a celling on rents and on com m odities and ask­ ing Congress to put, “ teeth” In p rlce-d xln g measures. - Price A toin lstra tor H ender­ son, spealtlng at A tlantic-C ity, .said costs and prices have ris­ en at the wholesale level and will soon hit the nation’s pocketbooks. B e(ore long, he said, "there will be m ore pur­ chasing power Tunning around hunting som ething to buy than there are goods available.” . W P A and Defense W PA C om m issioner Hunter said total average W PA em ­ ploym ent during the 1942 fiscal year will be m aintained at 1,- Tests W ith Homemade Paint Are Suggested Farm ers all over the State are using a hom em ake paint of m ortar coloring and used m otor oil on barns and other rutbui'rdl«gs;— Some—are—get-^pt-ha-t—ls-si-raHd— with—out—the-" Simple Test For Egg Freshness Explained An egg Is a srnled package of fine food when it Is laid by th e' hen. It Is the only product that Nature gives us Braves Prison to Save Dog w are during the collection cam ­ paign July 21-29 should per- wage earners In m anufacturing Industries In May rose to a new m it construction o f m ore than high of $30.C9, a rise of 5 per- 2,000 additional fighting planes. He .salil tests indicated a m ini­ m um o f 15,000,000 net pounds I'Six-ole". in defense m anu fac­ ture wilt be collected In the na'tioo-^l cam paign. Civilian Def\iii.w Director LaGuardla cent since this April and 21 percent over May. 1940. H our­ ly rates m oved up to an aver­ age o f 72.G cents, a gain o f 2.5 percent over April and 9.1 per- Mlss Doris Tutterow return­ ed hom e Saturday night after spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Duke Tutterow and fam ily o f Cooleem ee. Miss K atherine Tutterow accom pan­ ied h e r ' hom e to spend this week. 'Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B arn- cent over the sam e m onth last liardt and daughters and Mr. year. T he D epartm ent of i and Mrs. Greene Berrier and Mrs. Bob Richardson Enters Didce Hospital BETHEL. — T he W om an’s Society o f Christian Service m eets with Mrs. W . M. Howard cn Friday afternoon, at’ 2:30. Mrs. Abe Howard Is program leader. T he young wom en who were delegates to Lake 'Juna­ luska, the early part o f this m onth will m ake i^helr reports. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lowder and son o f Cooleem ee and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Foster of W inston- Salem were Sunday guests o f Ab Foster. Mr. and Mrs. G lenn Cartner and son, John, o( C oncord and R obert R oberts of Alabam a were visitors In the hom e o f Mr. and Mrs. J. W . ■ Cartner Sunday. . ‘ M iss K athleen Poplin Is spending the week In’ Bpencer w ith her sister, Mrs.- Dewitt H athcock. - Mr. and Mrs. Paul B oger o f H anes spent the w eek end w ith -his parents, Mr. and M rs.'O . M. Boger. Mr. and M rs. C. W . Poster ting good results, but others are dissatisfied, says Howard M. bJllls, Extension agricultural engineer. He suggests that •jome “ experim enting” be done. “ Ordinarily,” Ellis says, "from three-fourths to one pound ot brick red m ortar coloring will be required for each gallon of used m otor oil. The usual m ix­ ture Is one pound of coloring to one gallon of oil. However, the blacker the oil, the m ore folorlng It will require. “The proper m ix should be neternihied as follow s: Divide one pound of red m ortar color­ ing Into four parts. Place one 'gallon o f burnt m otor oil Into Л vessel large enough to perm it i-apld stirring. “ Mix in two parts (on e-h alf pound) of the coloring, taking care to add the coloring slow­ ly while the oil Is being stirred to Insure a good m ixture. Then paint a sm all section, about two feet square, on the back 'if a barn or other building to he painted. "A dd another fourth of the m ortar coloring to the original m ixture and paint a second section beside the first. Add ;he rem aining fourth and paint a third section. “A (ter allowing the oil to penetrate the wood for a short time. Inspect the three sections and decide which m ix you de­ sire. You are then ready to m ix a sufficient quantity to cover the building. Ellis says the hom e m ade paint can be applied with an old orchard sprayer or with 4-hltewash brushes. M ortar coloring m ay 2 bought at m ost hardware stores for about 6 cents per pound. Crank case .trainings m ay be obtained free from m ost filling stations. SELL TO THE ARM Y The new buying program w hich becam e effective April 15 will m ake It possible for producers of fresh fruits and vegetables to sell direct to the U. S. Arm y. Every day the arm y Is buying about 1,000,000 pounds o f m eat, 600,000 pounds o f potatoes, 500,009 pounds ot fresh fruit, $50;000 w orth of bread, .and 500 tons o f fresh vegetables. THE PAUSE THAT REFRESHES ...A N D COOLS R»lse a frosty bottle of Coca-Cola to your Ups end Aet tha feel of I'Cfreshmeiit. Coca-C ola.. cold, Ice-bold... Is ready in f red coolers everywhere. Pause there and be refreshed...for 2 3 y IS! m N S T O N C O C A -C O LA B O T T L IN G C O . Full consideration and per- a n T '<!on“ c " w ' w e r e ‘ we“e^ ierence Is to l№ given locally and son, C. W . Jr. were week where ?uch products m jet re­ quirem ents. T h e arm y wants .to give the Individual grower every chance to sell tq It direct and w here individual? caniiot supply nw ds, several growers m ay find it possible to cooperatively m ake'.bids. In general, these thing? should be kept In m ind: 1. Purchases will be m ade, w henever possible, In truck load or car lot quantities and m ust m eet arm y specifications. 2. Bids m ust be subm itted and goods will be bought on con ­ tract from parties w ho can guarantee delivery. 3. T he lowest bid, other things being equal, will get the busi­ ness. For. the producer Interested In bidding for arm y orders the best advice is to con ta ct the Purchasing and Contracting officer, Quarterm aster M arket Center, U. S. Arm y, at w hat­ ever o f the follow ing-points he would like to sell: Baltim ore, Md. N orfolk, Va. Fayetteville, N. C. Colum bia, S. C. Savannah, Ga. W ilm ington, N. C. John A. Martin, chief o f the perishable (oods section, em ­ phasizes: T he big thing is to keep in touch w ith your buying oid ce. G o in and get acquainted with the" m en there. Let them know w hat you have to o((er and w hen you are going to be able to O der It. K eep in(orm ed a- bout their, present and future requirem ents. G o to them well in advance o ( the tim e when your products will be ready to markiet; 10 days ahead o ( time, or 30 days If possible. end,visitors in A dvance. № . and Mrs. H. M. Saunders of W inston-Salem were guests o f Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Sum m ers this past week end. D orothy and Billy Foster re-^ turned to their hom e in Spen­ cer after spending several weeks w ith relatives In the com ­ m unity, E lizabeth R ichardson o f Statesville is spending the week .•it her hom e. Mrs. B ob R ichardson entered Duke H ospital, Durham . Thurs­ day for an operation. T om M artin and daughters, Notle and M ary, o f Sum ter. S. C. were guests In th é -hom e o f Mr. M artin's sister, MlsseS Notle and Leila M artin, over ■ the w eek end. Mrs. Frank Sain, Jr. was lionored w ith, a birthday -din­ ner at her parents, Mr. • and M rs. W . M. H ow ard ' Sunday. Miss Pinkie Patterson was an invited guest. Stanton Craven and- Jake P roctor of near H igh P oint visited the (orm er’s aunt, Mrs. Frank Sain, Sr. on Sunday a (- ternoon. F O O D T he G overnm ent has an­ nounced a national effort to prevent fruits and vegetables from going to waste this sum ­ m er by prom oting full use, can ­ ning, drying, or storage o f these icods, There are still m en w ho w on’t believe w hat they can ’t under­ stand son, all o f China Grove visited relatives in our com m unity Sunday. ■Mr. and Mrs. W orth T hom p­ son and sons o i Salisbury and Mr. and Mrs. B ob Foster ahd son o f M ocksville visited Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Deadm on Sun­ day. Miss M innie Daniel Is spend­ in g several weeks w ith \ ^ r brother, R aym ond D an iel.an d M rs t)aniel at Liberty. M r. and Mrs. Shrouse and children ol. ■Winston-Salem spent Sunday w ith 'M r ,'a n d Mrs. Johnny Harris. touch o f hum an hands. “ H owever,” points out T. T. Brown, Extension poultrym an o f N. C. State College, “ eggs that bring a prem ium on the m arket are those that the consum er desires — eggs that are fresh, large, clean, uniform In size and color, and sound in shell. M ost consum ers will buy the m ore pleashig-looklng product, but their continued purchases depend upon the ac­ tual Interior quality of the eggs.” The State College m an sug­ gests a sim ple hom e m ethod o f determ ining if egcjs are fresh. ■'Place eggs in a pan o f w ater,” he says, “ and the good onesi will rest flat on the bottom o ( the vessel: those that have lost som e o f their quality will stand on end; and very poor ones will rise som ewhat. Those that rise are older or poorly kept.” Brow n explained that an egg does not have an air cell when It Is laid by the hen. As It cools, the water evaporates from It and the two shell m em ­ branes at the large end o f the egg separate and form an air cell. In hot w eather, m oisture is drawn from the egg, ju st as water Is drawn (rom the soil and from all vegetation. The depth o f the air cell is a m eas­ ure o f quality in eggs. “ It Is beyond the ability o( m an to im prove the quality o i an egg,’’ Brown declared, “ but it is within his ability to m ain­ tain that quality through to the consum er. O ne o i the m ost Im portant steps is rapid cooling of eggs. Eggs, when laid, are about at the body tem perature o f the hen, w hich Is 106 degrees. T hey m ust be cooled rapidly to about 68 de­ grees . to keep fresh.” County Agents Office To Get New Paint Job T h e Y a d k in C ounty Agent’s office is to get a fresh coat of paint and a new plum bing Job, it was decided a t a meet­ ing of the county commission­ ers M onday. Follow ing bids offered by several local firm s, the palntliiig contract was a - . w arded A. L . Kilgore and the plum bing to . C . E . W allace. W ork w ill, begin the first of next week. It Is understood. According to B ill, livin g In a trailer Is giving the b ill col­ lector a good ru n for his money. A le x a n d e r M a rs iia ll a n d B e a n , a G e rm a n s h e p h a rd A o g , a rc even n o w . A year ago th e d o g saved M a rs h a ll fro m d ro w n in g in th e C lia rle s R iv e r, B o s to n . iV Ia rsh all re p a id th e de b t by s a v in g B e a u fro m e x e cu tio n fo r b itin g a c h ild . A p p e a rin g in B o sto n M in iic ip a l C o u rt, h e offered to g o to p ris o n fo r five years if h is d o g e ve r bite s a n o th e r c h ild a n d th e c o u rt agreed to spare th e a n im a l. INCREASES Since pork prices have been •jn the upgrade, W ilson County .farmers are Increasing their ■■'reeding herds as m uch as pos- i ble, reports O. W. Deyton, as­ sistant farm agent of the Ex­ tension Service. T ilR lP S A pproxim ately 75 percent o f the peanut acreage In N orth­ am pton County has been a f­ fected by thrips this season, says H. G . Snipes, assistant farm agent of the N. C. State College Extension Service. 1940 TAXES T H A T A R E N O T P A ID O N August 3 M U S T B E A D V E R T IS E D F O R S A L E Please Pay These Taxes Now And Avoid Advertising Costs. IV 2 Per Cent Discount O n A ll 1941 Taxes Paid Before Aug. 2nd. C. H. Barneycastle County Ta x Collector i . For Peak KDCUWUIES See“the merchant who gives you a good deal for your money ■ D .4M AG E R ecent excessive rains cou ­ pled with the drought ju st prior will cause a serious re­ duction In the G aston Coun­ ty w heat harvest this year, re­ ports Assistant Farm Agent W . Z. Sm ith. Radio sets cannot be taken into B r lt i^ M alaya. yo u r /CHEVROLET Wide assortment of many makes and modelf of dependable cars. • . . Biggest values ever offered by Chevrolet dealers, because Chev­ rolet dealers lead in new car sales. BUY WHERE MILLIONS ARE BUYING Penninglon Chevrolet Company, Inc. MOCKSVnXE, N.C.PHONE Ш . :'W . i, ■•; L PAGE 4 THE MOCKSVILLE (N. C.) ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1У41 THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE Published Every Friday at Mocksvillc, North Carolina O. C. McQUAGE ................................................... Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $1.50 Per Year; Six Months 75c—$2.00 Per Vear Outside of Davie County. Strictly Payable in Advance.___ Entered at the Post Office at Mocksville, N. C., as Second- Class Matter Under Act of Congress of March 8, 1879. If Looks Awful! Arrange a day’s outing and along goes the picnic basket replete with good food and drink, the consuming of which comes off in grand style and everybody has a great time. Comes the packing up and making ready ior home and here is where nature, the highway depart­ ment and the sightseeing public start to groan. Too often the picnic cleaning up leaves as unsightly mess of cans, papers and boxes to bear witness that here rested and passed through a party of careless and thoughtless people. There are some who ride through the country and toss bottles, cans and even garbage along the road from their car. You wonder what type of citizens these ■with so little consideration for the rights and the respect cf others. We complain of unsightly billboards, object to signs obstructing the view, suggest cutting weeds that are dangerous to safe driving, make efforts to have lights at busy intersections. This is all for the public good. But to keep the countryside clean and attractive is for the enjoyment of all of us and it is necessary for the public welfare too. They Need Your Help The call of unemployment has gone up from these Eges in the past, as from every such publication in the id. The national problem needed editorial help and it got it. Today we have had a spurt to business and we find the ranks of the unemployed have thinned down to such an extent that there arises a labor shortage Which is proving serious to many a man. This is especial­ ly true for the farmer who has a heavy crop this year and needs help to work in his fields despite his increased use of mechanical assistance. Factories in the cities •lave taken so many that competent help is scarce and becomes one of the problems of agriculture. Most tu'mers around here hope to make more money this year but they are facing a situation that may cut down their profit due to lossage. The farmer needs pickers for fruit and berries, he needs hands to harvest his grain. And remember that what is his problem now will be your КэЫеш next winter when you need his potatoes and ur. There are lots of yoimg people who have summer •mcation on their hands. Why not go into the country and get something worthwhile on the hands? Young- •ters could get busy and earn themselves some brawn iuid brown, some healthful exercise and some spending money. If youth in the city inquires he can probably find a farmer and his wife who would welcome him gladlyi Free and Easy The editor of the big town press has to watch his 9 ’s and Q’s with the censorship and propaganda that is tossed on his desk. Life isn’t so simple when each item he publishes he tries to back up with facts and with ^ries from both sides and each not agreeing with the other, he has a job on his hands for his subscriber’s satisfaction. He prints it all in good faith and passes on the releases just as they come to him. But the small town editor gets busy with local news that is of personal interest to his public and all he has to do to verify his report is furnish an eye witness or put the topic on his desk top for the folks to see. Perhaps it is. a double radish, a double egg, a sweet potato in the shape of a cross or a champion sized bean, but whatever the exhibit, the small town editor has the proof right at hand and doesn’t have to worry about sensorship, intri^e and pro­ paganda in this instance. The world’s war is important but it aso wants its local events, and uncensored too! Keep Going We leave July and start into August wondering just Where is the summer going and what we accomplished during the heat besides a heap of complaining. Some took vacations and had a restful time but glad to get home to tend to yard, garden and business that some how managed to get along. Maybe they brought home b mess of fish, or only a story thereof, or acquired a healthy sunburn that could have itched just as well if they had stayed at home. Maybe they spent more money than they intended or perhaps they saved some by not -taking a vacation after all. But whatever we did with the month of July we did get through it. Mark Twain «aid that this is the sort of weather that everybody talked about but about which nobody ever did anything. We get encouraging weather reports to cool us off mentally and like as not the cool wave warms up or gets side­ tracked before it reaches us. But we are going to take whatever August has to offer and not let it take all of the starch out of our collars. Sky Traffic Laws We used to laugh about living to see the time when they would put stop and go signs in the clouds to control ail-plane traffic. This jest was perhaps as out of place as the chuckle our great, great grandfather had over the horseless carriage ever pushing the old gray mare off of the road. We know that each year has increased cur air travel and in the past few years its jump has JiCtU ever so large. So taking this intc consideration and realizing that there is just so much flying space, even as vast as it is, that there is need for controlling it for the increasing number of speeding pilots. This has brought us up-to-date in air passage control as the Civil Aeronautics Board adopts traffic rules for the skies which became effective in July and v;hich will make the air safer for transportation, just as we never thought would happen .in our day! , . , . There is a lane of traffic above 17,000 feet which is reserved for military planes except, for special.permissiqn gi-anted from the board to commercial planes which are engaged in experimenting purposes. Any plane that comes in the line of trahic between 3,500 and the 17,000 it. must have two-way radios and altimeters. The planes that operate below 3,500 it. need not have the two-way radio but must observfe all other restrictions placed on the planes. So we see another step forward in transportation and an attempt to lesson the dangers which accompany it. So don’t laugh at a neighbor’s fantasy or an inventor’s mania, just recall the cartoon of the traiiic cop stand- tag in a cloud directing Traffic in the air, and merely ask »‘Sihat next." Guarding Russia’s Wheat Highlights Of The Sunday School Lesson The Sunday School Lesson for July 27 is, "T h e Holy Spirit Inspires New Ttestam ent Let­ ters.” — Galatians 1:H , 12; I Thessalonians 2:13; II T im o­ thy .1:14-17; II Peter .3:14, 15; Jude 3. It is a com m onplace to say that the Bible Itself is tlie book w hich the w orld’s “ best sellei.” It always has been. Today the i ecord Is arresting by contrast. .According to “ The Religious D igest," “ T hat perennial best­ seller, the Bible, took a big jum p In popularity at a time when general book publishing was taking a dive. The sem i­ annual United States census re­ port on the publishing indus­ try shows that copies o f fiction books published in 1939 were down fifty per cent, from 1937, “ all books were dow n nine per cent.— but Bibles, Testam ents, and parts o f the Bible pub­ lished in separate covers, were up fifty per cen t . . . Tw o m il­ lion 300,000 copies o f com plete Bibles were published in 1939, and seven m illion 900,000, in ­ cluding Testam ents and parts bound separately!” W hat Authors Never Knew So there is unusual timeliness in the lesson w hich calls us back to the B ible’s unique quality. It is not like other books: it -was, in ways past m ortal defining, inspired in its writing by the m ysterious and all-potent H oly Spirit o f God. The writers did not know that a Power above them selves m ov­ ed their pens. ■ Paul had never a thought, m w riting his thirteen Epistles, beyond the friends and con ­ verts w ho received the original docum ents. W hen Dr. Luke penned his Gospel and The Acts, after painstaking research he had only in m ind his good friend, Theophiius, to whom he was writing. Peter’s letters did not look past the infant churches to whom he address­ ed them. All the while, a Power be­ yond the author’s im agining was directing their thoughts and words so that they have becom e a perm anent m essage from G od H im self, the suprem e expression of the Divine will for hum an guidance. The eternal contem poraneousness and uni­ versality of the B ible’s m es­ sage Is one proof o f Its super­ natural origin. It bears the same fruits in the jungle o f A frica as it bears In the halls of western learning. “ Every Scripture Inspired o f G od Is also profitable for teaching, for re­ proof, for correction, for in­ struction w hich is in righteous­ ness, that the m an o f God m ay be com plete, furnished com ­ pletely unto every good w ork.’’ W hy "Revised Versions Language cnanges, but truth is unchangeable. In time, words becom e archaic or alter their m eanings. T h at is why it is desirable to have "revised versions” of the Bible adhering m ore closely to the original text and to the current understand­ ing o f languages. Earlier and earlier copies o f the Greek and Hebrew m anuscripts have been found since our K ing Jam es Version was published. W e smile at the illiterate preacher, arguing against an educated m inistry, w ho said ‘English was good enough for Peter and Paul, and it is good enough for m e.” Extrem e ad­ vocates of the verbal inspira­ tion o f the Bible are con fron t­ ed by the question, “ W hich version do you m ean?" The English, the G erm an, the French, the Chinese, the Greek or the H ebrew ?” Literal inspira­ tion can be claim ed only for the original copies o f *he Scripture. Tim eless and Tim ely Popular books of tw enty-five S J T a m er ican s and th e air.. OUR DEMOCRACY -by Mat ■7ТГГГ //.i \__ /У/,/'//' FIRST TO Fi.y A PLANE | | FIR ST TO SPAN A N O C Ia N | r»£. WHtSHTS OEC. /р о з . US.NAV)f SEAPLANE NC4 MAY то CROSS-A POLE I TH E FASTEST M ILITAfiy PLANESTOOAV •> VULTEE t/AfJGUARDS 400 M.RH. ’'LOCKHEED P -je* j ^ 0 4 M.P.H, I i| ;O u R CIVIL AVIATION HAS BEEN A UABORATOKY AND A TRAININS SC H O O L -463 MILUON j f l o w n in one year, ay c i v i l p la n e s , ■Ji ' 4 A'"'’’'-'- ...uVft- 'fAV, BY l a s t REPORT.^, I s IT ANY WONOER THAT РОЛ АЛ М У ANÛ m v y THE PEOPLE AN о INOUSTKY OP THE U S. CAN aUlLO ANO MAH THE B/OeEST, P/N EST А /Л P O R Ce /А/ ТНЕ WORLO ? A ccording to Bill there is som ething old-fashioned about not w anting m uch here below. Usual Reply A m an bought a parrot and tried to tcach him to talk. G oing over to the bird he re­ peated for several m inutes the I words, "H ello, hello.” ___ I A t the end o f the lesson the " t ’oiKs Who waded through parrot op en ed ^ iie eye and“an- the spring seed catalogs.” says swered drowsily, "L ine’s busy.” Tom , "are now weeding through ; -------------- thé garden with lots m ore back- ; Flattery Achp ”I T om m y: "D ad, w hat is flat­ tery?” D ad: "Flattery m y son, is having som ebody else to tell us the nice things we have al­ ways tliought about ourselves.” "T hey do a lot of talking i about m odel hom es.” sighs i Joe. "bu t don't stress about: m odel fam ilies to live in them .” j Jim m y says he would rather | W here From ? be a blot than a blank, since a blot shows that you at least m ade an effort! "The reason that I haven’t worn m y F ather’s Day shirt yet,” sighs George, "Is because I haven’t gotten all the pins out o f it yet.” There is one class of folks who cheerfully accept their responsibilities, according to Billy, and another class who cxpect a bonus for accepting theirs. J. C. says by staying hom e on easiess Sundays we m ay becom e better acquainted with the fam ily! "W e got through one holi­ day,” sighs Tom m y, "and we are getting ready to try and com e out alive from another one.” "It has been a long time ago,” believes Henry, “ when we used to read o f the bandits In China, ithe l^ghw ay robbery type, anyhow .” “ Lots o f folks are turning to cow s,” avers Paul, "now that autos are being held dow n.” A ccording to Sam , the kind­ est husband around here is the one who says he will cut down his appetite during h ot w ea­ ther so his w ife w on’t have to swelter In the kitchen. LET’S USE MORE PEACHES Late dispatches from London carry the news that peaches are selling for $1.50. each. On that basis w hat a treasure and blessing we have in a few bear­ ing trees! And there’s ju stifi­ cation for eating plenty of peaches. Cornell says fresh peaches are an excellent source o f vitam in A, a fair source of vitam in B, and a good source o f vitam in C. Peaches also con ­ tain several m inerals. In fact, Cornell points out, peaches can be ranked am ong the “ p ro­ tective foods,” in addition to having an enticing color and flavor. W hy not serve them generously during the season and then store a plentiful sup­ ply o f canned, preserved, and spiced peaches for winter m eals? Dishes that can be m ade with this fruit are m any: peach ice cream , peach shortcake, peach M elba, peaches in com bination with other fresh fruits in salads and fruit cups, and of cour.se, peaches and cream . .vears ago are unread today. M ost o.f the j^olum es on the shelves o f a great library are untouched for present use. Still this oldest o f books, the Bible, is as fresh as today’s spring water. It has fitted the needs of every age, and o f every type o f personality ,and lo! in this hour o f w orld-crisis, it has the very words that m an needs. Its standards are recognized as the only possible standards for a new w orld order. Its Vi­ sio# alone is spacious enough to fram e the vast conceptions of a re-m ade society. And it com es w ith authority. It is not m erely the wisdom of ancient thinkers and doers; who m ay oe com pared with C onfucius and Socrates and Aristotle and G uatam a and Zoroaster. This book, with a sim ple directness that would be called arrogance in any other, claim s to be inspired as the word and will o f God. T hrough its pages the Infinite speaks to the reverent and -teachable soulr—A s- the- Cate­ chism says, "T h e Scriptures principally teach w hat m an is to believe concerning G od; and what duty G od requires of m an.” It is guidance for every em ergency, personal and n a­ tional. It Is, we reverently be­ lieve, the V oice o i G od, im ­ parting His W isdom and His Power. W ell m igh t Abraham L incoln declare, “ Thé Bible i.s the best gift G od has given to m an.” Jenkins was sitting down to breakfast one m orning when he was astonished to see in the paper an announcem ent of his own death. He rang up friend Sm ith at once. "Hello, S m ith !” he said. "H ave you seen the announcem ent o f my death in the paper.” “ Yes,” replied Sm ith. "W here you speaking from ?” W eak R ope Rastus was up before the Judge for stealing chickens. Judge: "W here were you born ?” Rastus: "Bum m ingham , A la­ bam a, y o ’ honor.” Judge: "W ere you raised there?” R astus: "W ell, de done tried to raise me, but de rope bust­ ed.” Sam e Mania T eacher: "Johnny, this essay on ‘My M other’ is ju st the sam e as your brother’s.” Johnny: "Y es ,M a’am . W e have the sam e' m other.” Bring: Soap 'Dum b: “W e’re going to give the bride a show er.” D um ber: "C ount m e in. I’ll bring the soap.” An armed guard is shown in a wheat field somewhere in Russia, ready to protect the grain as long as possible and to destroy it by fire if the Germans reach the area, according to Moscow, which sent out this photo. Four W ords T his story is so old that it m ade the Indians m ad when Colum bus told it to them . T eacher: “ Give m e a sent­ ence containing the follow ing four w ords—defeat, deduct, de­ fense and detail.” P upils: “ De feet o f de duck goes over de fence before de tall.” W hoa, Jones R ecruit Instructor (to a squad o f new boots at the naval training sta tion ): “ H alt!” But one of them m arched on. R ecruit Instructor: “ See here Jones, w hat did you do before join ing the n a vy?” Jones: “ I was a team ster, sir.” R ecruit Instructor (n ext time he gave t h e com m a n d ):: “Squad halt; Jones, w h oa !” Im patient C ustom er: "C an’t you w ait on m e Tw o pounds of liver. I’m in a hurry.” B utcher: “Sorry, m adam , but two or three are ahead o f you. Y ou surely don’t w ant your liver out of ord er!” Bad Fix It was T im othy’s first day at school. H e walked up to the iteacher’s desk and an ­ nounced, “ I ain ’t got no pen­ cil.” .. _ Shocked at his expression, the teacher exclaim ed: “Oh T im othy, I have n ot pencil.’ A sym pathetic look crossed the sm all boy’s face and he replied, “ Y ou ain ’t either? W ell, w e’re both in the same fix.” Bill: “ I wish you’d keep your flies at hom e. It keep us busy killing them .” Jim : "W h at’re you belly- Echin’ about? I have to feed ’em. N it: “ I dread to think oi m y 30th birthday.” W it: "W hy, did som ething unpleasant happen on It?” Chance of a L ifetim e A contributor was walking through the B ow ery w hen he passed a bank w here heavy cakes o f ice were being low er­ ed through a m anhole in the basem ent of a bank. ....B eing som ew hat-of-a wag, he asked the nearby guard if tlie ice was for the frozen assets o f the belligerent countries ci Europe— then he speedily and discreetly departed. riN S .ЛМТ PEOPLE L et’s com e to the point. A straight pin is a plain enough household object, but it would oe a good idea for us to follow its exam ple. In the first place, it exists for service to others. It stays quietly in its place until call­ ed to duty, but it can do m any things. A bent pin is useless — so is a m isdirected life. But as long as it rem ains straight nnd true, a pin cann ot outlive its usefulness. "Som e pins are rusty,” you say. T h at’s true. T hey’ve lain idle so long. And it’s the sam e way with people. W e m ay be­ com e rusty and useless. T here’s no trim m ing on a pin. It has no put-on. It’s level-headed, too, and never “ loses its head.” It w ould be hard to get along w ithout the pin; and we will have led a w orth-w hile life if we cai, be­ com e as necessary as it is. HOW TO KEEP COOL: TEN HINTS TO KEEP C(X>L on warm days, try these suggestions o f­ fered by Louise Cox Fllppen, Powhatan County, Va.: 1. See that cloth ing and shoes fit com fortably loose. 2. W ash porch floors with dam p m op and sprinkle lawns to keep room s cool. 3. W ash face, hands, and throat frequently with cool water. 4. Avoid too m any ice-cold foods and drinks. 5. Arise a little earlier if nec­ essary to prevent rushing. 6. Drink plenty of water— eight glasses every day. 7. Eat fruits and vegetables in season; avoid heavy desserts. 8. Change shoes and hose at least once a day. 9. K eep a cool head and an even temper. 10. K eep w in­ dows closed and shades drawn during the hottest part o f the day to keep room s cool. Widely-Known Minister Dies Rev. D. C. Clanton, 63, well know n Baptist m inister, dlc<i Thursday about m idnight at a hospital at N orth W llkesboro. The funeral was held Sun­ day afternoon at 2 o’clock at M ount H ebron Baptist C hurch on the Taylorsviile-W ilkesboro highw ay. Rev. N oah Hayes, Rev. T . O. Adam s, Rev. E. K . W oot­ en and other m inisters con ­ ducted the services. Burial was in the church graveyard. Rev, Mr. C lanton m ade his hom e In the Pores K nob sec­ tion o f W ilkes county. He h a d. been a Baptist m inister for 30 years and m ade his hom e in the W indsor Cross R oads sec­ tion o f Y adkin county for 14 years. D uring his years o f m inis­ try, R ev. Mr. C lanton had served churches In Alexander, Ashe, W ilkes, Yadkin, Davie and Iredell counties. A t his death, Rev. Mr. C lan­ ton was pastor o f M ount Car­ m el B aptist C hurch in A lex­ ander county, Liberty Baptist C hurch in Davie County and T urner’s Creek Baptist C hurch in W ilkes county. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Ernestine Pearson C lan­ ton; 11 children, Mrs. Della. B lankenship o f N orth W ilkes- boro; Mrs. J. C.. W oodburn o i M ount A iry; Mrs. D orothy H ed- lick o f C ary; Mrs. Coy John­ son o f H am ptonvllle; Miss L o- rene C lanton o f Pores K n ob; R oy C lanton o f W inston-S al­ em ; Berm an Clanton o f M ount A iry; Frank Clanton and At­ well C lanton o f Elkin; Odell and Buster Clanton o f the hom e; one brother, B ob Clan­ ton o f Taylorsville; two sisters, Mrs. Charles M cGee of W ins­ ton-S alem and Mrs. Zeb C hil­ dress o f Taylorsville and 18 grandchildren. /V £W S ÏTZM^Fcut men ttcape /rom West Virütnim jatl. /eav# /ю ге "¡i w# '« tttêiHé w^fl H'e woiild havt stayed and don* out litrte. The еаЯсе ti nc iecà . nevpf wm. snd never will be T/tere ts no seeaonm^ in iht /ood ” UvTEW- I rSLOt/.iVt YCrJ .CbUCiCEN E-VEKV ОТНЬЛ РАУ rr... й о о о ^í'lî:lмs PEPi-jujT ® C 'M O N .T lU -w e N T Individualist Sergeant (to reclining sol­ d ier): ‘^Wliy aren’t you out there m arching up and dow n?” P rivate: “W ell, it suddenly dawned on m e that I w asn’t settin g, anywhere.” CtSiK' Ti; H5R.E » TH-’ COFf'SE i.5 ..... Ч V SETTER/ ' I '■ FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1941 THE MOCKSVILLE (N. С ) ENTERPRISE PAGES pje^>ÌjQHGli - QJ4 4 JPÌ Mrs. D. J. Snldei' ot G reens- >)oro cam e last W ednesday to vi.slt Mr, and Mrs. Jim Kelly. Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Beeding, W m . Beeding and Mr, Mrs, J, V, Ov/ens visited Endless Cav- D irough the Slienandoah V al- 3cy. M iss Annie Sue B unch of CUatesville was the guest last w iek o f Miss K atherine-Sm ith. Mr, and Mrs. W . A. Allison .Ifft Sunday for their hom e In /ivondale, Ga, M rs. C. P. M eroney Jr. re- i.i'rned Sunday from a visit W ith Mr, and Mrs. Cooper Ed­ w ards in Colum bia, S. C. C arol Johnstone and Lettle Jjindsay Sheek left W ednesday ica' Cam p Shirley Rogers, R oar­ in g G ap, to spend two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Buck Allison o f W ilm ington were week end r,nests o f Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Johnson and Miss Ossie Allison. T h ey took hom e with them fiiniday Gussle. Phyllis and M arie Johnson and Ann Cle­ m en t for a visit. M iss Jo Cooley, Misses Lucile ¡Old Irene Horn, Miss Hazel T aylor o f R utherford and Miss )^<!arjorie M oseley o f LaCross, V a. spent last week at Carolina >Ieach. They were joined for II le week end by Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. H orn. sion of summ er school. Mr. and Mrs. E, W . Harp had as their Sunoay guests, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harp and daughter, Betty Ann, and Miss Louise Dyson of Center, Mr, and Mrs. Cowart and Miss Lillian Harp all of W lnston-Salem . W . F, M artin and W alter Martin of Denmark, S. C, spent the week end at hom e. Mrs. T. N, Massey o f Sylva is spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Thom pson. Jack LeGrand returned S un­ day from Davis hospital where he has been a patient for the past week. T. L. M artin and daughters. Misses Mary and Notie M artin o f Sum ter, S. C. were week end guests o f Misses Leila and N otie. Martin. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. P. H ickm an and him lly o f K annapolis and Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Binkley Jr. of Greensboro spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Binkley Sr. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Barham and son, James W esley o f Sum - m erfleld, spent several days re­ cently with Mrs. B arham ’s father, G. P, Call in Sum ter, £i. C. They also visited the Beaches near Charleston and Ft. Jackson at Colum bia, S. C. I 4 \i Mr and Mrs. Yates M oore and .son. Tom m y, were guests In the ))om e o f Rev. and Mrs. W . C. Rides over the week end. M r. and Mrs, G eorge K ay of G reensboro were Saturday dln- » c r guests of Rev. and Mrs. J. Jl. Fulghum , M r. and Mrs. R. N. Thom pson a n d daughter o f Tam pa, Flor­ ida, Miss Bessie Thom pson, C arl Thom pson and daughter o f Davidson and Jam es T hom p- f:on o f Durham were Sunday din n er guests of Mr. and Mrs. J, H. T hom pson. M iss Hazel Baity o f C har­ lotte spent Sunday with her ojoth er, Mrs. J. T. Baity. R ev. and Mrs. W . C. Sides, J i, and little daughter, Mary, w ill go to K annapolis Satur­ d a y to attend the annual R og- c io reunion. K ev. and Mrs. H. C. Sprinkle o f K ings M ountain spent sev­ eral days here last week. They w ere accom panied hom e by M iss M arjorie Call who was tiielr guest over the week end. M r. and Mrs. G. G. Daniel and !ftliss Pauline Daniel spent Sun­ day In Statesville with Mrs. iX inlel's parents. ¡Rev. W . C. Sides Jr. will leave iiun day afternoon to assist in a iiorles o f evangelistic services at U nity chu rch near K annapolis ior ten days or two weeks. M rs. P. L. fa g e o f M iam i, rio rid a arrived W ednesday for a visit w ith Mr. and Mrs. J. J. J^arew. Mr. and Mrs. George F elix o f Bristol, Va. will com e 3» this week end to be guests ill the Larew hom e. M rs. Daisy Lam beth. Misses ll'ile n atid Ruth Lam beth of iion cu re, Miss R oberta Lam - >)eth o f pharlotte and Mrs. C. W . G arnette of Jesup, Ga. were swiek end guests o f Mrs. A r- ]Ciand Daniel. J. J. Larew and John Larew •siient Tuesday In Sanford on .1 business trip. M rs. Cooper Edwards o f Co- Jumbia, S. C. spent W ednesday on d Thursday o f last week v.’ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs, C. P. M eroney, Sr, She was .Tccom panled hom e by Mrs. C. y , M eroney Jr. and Miss Sarah M eroney. Mrs. P. M eroney Sr. and ih'a-s. C. P. M eroney Jr. spent W ednesday in Lenoir with Mrs. 0. M, Downum , Miss R uth Boger spent the veek end In Le.\ington w ith a form er school m ate. Miss Elsie Rjoonard.- M r. and Mrs. Carl Jones and )\Iiss Dora Bowles left Sunday io r W ashington, D, C, to spend Ihe week. Virginia Girl a Mother at 14 Rowlands Honor Gordon Tomlinsons Mr. and Mrs. G eorge R ow ­ land entertained M onday even­ ing at their hom e honoring Mr. and Mrs, G ordon Tom linson. Cut flowers and Ivy were used :n profusion in the living room and dining room , where tables were arranged for progressive rook. During the evening the Elaine Roenier, 14-year-oId mother, is pictured with her son, Robert, in /Vllegheny Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pa. Elaine left high school to elope and marry Alfred Roemer, 19, in Winchester, Va., last year. M r. and Mi-s. J. c. Jones left T uesday for Carolina B each to .spend several days, Mr. Jones will attend the m id-sum m er m eeting of the N. C. superin­ tendents of the R. E. A. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Donnelly spent last w -ek at Trade, Tenn. fu ests of Mr. and Mrs. G, N, D onnelly. Sunday Mr. D onnel­ ly left for Chapel Hill, where Misses Mabel Poster, Nadine Lanier and Bob Lanier spent the week end at Stovall visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. B. W illiam s. Miss Jacqueline W illiam s has returned to her hom e at S to­ vall after an extended visit w ith her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Lanier. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. M iller, Mrs. R. M ax Conrad, Miss E liza, beth Miller and Gene M iller of Farm ington have returned from a two weeks trip. W hile away they visited In Atlanta, New Orleans, Pensacola, Fort W orth and New Salem, III., the later town was rebuilt in honor o f A braham Lincoln. Misses Nell and Daisy H olt­ houser, Miss Carolyn Lagle, Mrs. George M arshall o f W lnston- Salem , Mrs. Hoyle Layton o f Greensboro and Miss M argaret Blackwood o f Charlotte will spend this week end at M yrtle Beach. Mrs. Johnston Starnes of Charlotte is visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Holthouser. Dr, W M. Long left Sunday by plane tor New Orleans to bring hom e his fam ily. They will return Friday. •Mr. and Mrs. G. A. H artm an and daughter, Josephine, spent several days last week In R a ­ leigh. Mr. H artm an., w ent to attend the electrical school at State College Tuesday through Thursday. Mrs. W. G. M urchison is re­ covering satisfactorily from a recent operation perform ed at W alter Reed Hospital In W ash­ ington, D. C. She will rem ain there for further observation and treatm ent A ttorney Jacob Stew art spent M onday and Tuesday in Salis­ bury on legal business. Miss R achel Poster was the guest last week end o f Misses Nonnie Slate and Atha Howell in W lnston-Salem . John and Dallas A m m ons o f Barium Springs are visiting their m other, Mrs, M. V. Cle­ m ent. Nancy and John D urham of Troutm an are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Stewart, Mrs. A. F. Cam pbell is spend­ ing several days this week with relatives and friends at County Line. Geraldine R atledge Is re­ cuperating from a tonsil oper­ ation perform ed last week end. Mrs, Jacob Stewart has re­ turned from a visit with her daughter, Mrs, H, H. Fynne in Sinnter, S, C. 'Mr. and Mrs. David H odgson -oi---Sttite3t‘iH'.?— sp^ntr- Stm day ‘B ickett H enderson of Fort Jackson, S. C.. A. T. G rant and Felix H arding o f Ft. B ragg spent the week end at hom e, H elen H odgson o f Statesville Is visiting V irginia Foster this week. M iss R ebecca Poster left •Wednesday for Blscoe to visit Rev. and Mrs. Jack Page. Miss M uriel M oore is visiting Irlends and relatives in R oa­ noke, Va., this week. John Sum m ers rem ains 111 at the hom e of his daughter, Mrs. Ollle Poster. John L. Foster and Miss M ary Poster were dinner guests Tuesday o f Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Foster Sr. M iss Doris Lagle of States­ ville Is spending a two weeks vacation w ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H ugh Lagle. M iss Gertrude M oore return­ ed Thursday from M t. Olive w here she spent last week. Mr. and Mr.',. Law rence Cecil and son, Edward, o f H igh Point were guests this week end of M r. and Mrs. H om er H odgln. Mrs. Sallie Pitts, Mrs. R. B. Pitts Jr. o f Schoolfleld, Va. and M r. and Mrs. H. A. Poston and children, Ann and Helen, of Statesville were week end visit­ ors o f Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stew art Birthday Dinner At Spillman Home Mr. and Mrs. W . S. Spillm an entertained last Saturday even­ ing for their daughter, Della Lee, who was 19. Their hom e was beautifully decorated throughout with red and white loses. Those attending were the honoree, Della Lee, Misses L a- Ueen Lakey, Charlotte Seats, Em ily M ontgom ery, D orothy G rey and M ary R uth Hendrix, Sallie R uth R ich, A nn C ornat­ zer, Ora Lib, Prances and Aneta Spillm an, Messrs. Clinton C or­ natzer, W oodrow Howell, R as­ tus Seats, Gene Seats, J. C. H endrix, Gilm er Ellis, J. D. Purchcs, Johnny Sparks, Gene Jam es, W . B. Frank and H er­ m an K oontz, V ernon Dull, D on ­ ald Poindexter, Luther W est and David W hite, Mr. and Mrs. W . P. Cornatzer, Mr. and Mrs. A. Spillm an, Mrs, J. 0 . H endrix and son, Mrs. Ollle Steelm an, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Spillm an, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Taylor. A fter several gam es and contest were played the guests were served a plate dinner with punch. Those w inning high scores were Miss Emily M ont­ gom ery and David W hite. W hen the birthday cake was taken In everyone sang "h ap p y birth­ day” to Miss Della Lee Spill­ m an and also for W illie T ay­ lor, whose birthday was the sam e day. B oth received m any gifts. Mrs. Dull Hostess Mrs.' Floyd Dull of Pino was hostess to a group o f girls and boys Saturday afternoon In h onor o f her daughter, D e- W illa’s tenth birthday. The iihildren enjoyed several out- of-d oor gam es directed by M il­ dred Dull, W ilm a Essie and V ernon Dull. Mrs. Dull, as­ sisted by Mrs. J. F. Essie, Mrs. Charlie S. Dull and Mrs. L. M. Dull, served a sweet plate and punch to DeW llla Dull, M artha A nn Davis, M arie Ratledge, B etty G ene and Edna Ann Shelton, Zella M ae Ratledge, Peggy Ann Dull, M artha Rose M iller, Ina M ae Driver, Addle Belle Latham , John Clay Jam es, Allen and Johnny Bentley, Sam m y Deese, R oland W est, Bayne Miller, L S, Shelton Jr., H enry Lee Shore, G ene and _Dene Dull. Curtis Lee Reavls, W illis Davis, O ’B fien Dixon, T ravis Driver, D onald and Joe W ilson Laym on. Vestal Dull, M ildred Dull, W ilm a Essie and V ernon Dull. T he honoree re­ ceived m any nice and useful Cifts. Miss Allison Gives Luncheon M iss Ossie Allison entertain­ ed at a luncheon at the Sm oke House In W lnston-Salem F ri­ day to honor Mrs. Clinard L e­ G rand, Mrs. W . A. Allison of A vondale. G a. and Mrs. M ayo W ills o f W ashington. D. C. Several ou t-of-tow n visitors m aking the party delightful hostess served Iced punch, cookies, and salted nuts. The nonorees were presented an electric Iron. T he party list Included Mr. and Mrs. G ordon Tom linson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles T om lin­ son, Misses Helen Avett, Miss Elva G race Avett, Miss D oro­ thy Thom pson, Miss Charlotte M ontgom ery, Mrs. H ester Cald­ well and Mr. and Mrs. Rowland. Mrs. G. R. Morris Dinner Hostess Mrs. G. R. M orris was hostess at a dinner bridge at her hom e Friday evening com plim enting Mrs. W. A. Allison o f A von­ dale, Ga., Mrs, M ayo W ills of W ashington, D. C. and M rs Cll­ nard LeG rand M ixed garden flow ers form ed an effective setting for the party. •After a series o f progressions scores w ere counted and the high score prize w ent to Mrs. G rady W ard and bingo to Mrs, W ills. T o the honorees Mrs. M orris presented gifts. Those present Included M es­ dam es Allison, W ills, LeG rand, E. C. M orris, P. J. Johnson, R. S. M cNeill, M ack K im brough, C. R. H orn G . N. W ard, J. P. Hawkins, S. A. 'Harding and Miss Ossie Allison. Mrs. E. H. M orris join ed the party for- dlnner. Marion Horn Has Birthday Mrs, C. R. Horn entertained Tuesday afternoon honoring her daughter, M arlon on her birthday. A series of gam es and contests were enjoyed with prizes being awarded the w in­ ners. Late in the afternoon the guests were invited to the din- ins.room wnere a co lo F n o te o f pink and white was carried out in the decoration and re­ freshm ents. A large birthday cake centered the table. Guests Included the honoree, Ellen Cooper of Clemm ons, A nne M arie Daniel. Lucile A n­ derson, Corrlne Tutterow’, Jan­ ice M orris, Clarabel LeGrand, M artha M ason. Bobby Jean and Colleen Sm ith, Carol Johnstone, Lottie Lindsay Sheek, Caroline Craven, Betsy Slw rt, Ann M ar­ tin, R achel and Patsy Grant, fane Click. Allen-Yates Announcement Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Allen of M ocksville, route 2, announce the m arriage o f their daugh­ ter, G race Lucille, to Haines H unt Y ates o f M ocksville, on July 17, at York, S. C. E. G ettys Nunn perform ed the cerem ony. Mrs. Yates Is a graduate of M ocksville high school and Chenler Business College, Beau­ m ont, Texas. She is now con ­ nected with Dr. S. A. H arding’s Clinic In M ocksville, where she will continue while Mr. Yates is In service. Mr. Yates is a graduate of Iviocksville high school and at- tended- State—College in R a- Gooleemee Personals Charles Sell and Lawrence B rogdon left last week for W ashington, D. C. Mrs, Luther Head underwent an operation last Saturday for appendicitis in a Salisbury hos­ pital. № , and Mrs. K. L. Cope ■■■jpent. .laiiL wppV .ewjj— yislMng- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Thom ason in Chapel Hill, where M i. Thom ason is attending sum m er school. Mr. and Mrs, S. A. Carnes and Mr. and Mrs. W R Wand"., accom panied by Mr Caraa.s’ brother from Virginia, arc spending the week at M yrtle Beach, S. C. Mrs. A. B. Ram sey and Mrs. Coggins of Salisbury are spend­ ing the week at the hom e of Mr, and Mrs. W . R. W ands. Mrs. N. J, W ood spent the past W'eek visiting Mr. and Mrs. W alter W ood. w'ith Mr and Mrs. B. J. Foster Miss Ella Elam o f St. Louis, Mo., Mrs. H. B. Ashley of R ed Springs. Miss Thelm a Betts Steed o f M axton have returned to their hom es after a visit with Mrs. Hattie M cGuire. Mrs. W. F, Steed, who has been a visitor In the M cG uire hom e for several weeks, has also he will attend tho second ses- returned hom e. Mrs. Horn Has Dinner Party Mrs. C. R. Horn was hostess at a dinner party at her hom e Thursday evening honoring Mrs. Cllnard LeGrand, Mrs. W. A. Allison of Avondale, Ga. and Mrs. M ayo W ills o f W ashing­ ton, D. C. T he hostess w’as assisted In serving the bu ffet dinner by her daughter, M arion. T he guest list Included the honorees and M esdames R. S. MoNelll, Cecil M orris, E. H. M orris, P. J. Johnson. M ack K im brough, J. P. Hawkins, Miss W illie Miller and Miss Ossie Allison. Mrs. Ed Morris Is Hostess Mrs. E. H. M orris entertain­ ed Friday m orning at a C oca- Cola party honoring Mrs. Cll­ nard LeGrand, Mrs. W . A. A lll- son of Avondale, G a. and Mrs. M ayo W ills o f W ashington, D. C. Colorful garden flowers were arranged in the living room . The hostess served C oca- Colas and a variety of delaca- cies to the honorees and M es­ dam es Cecil M orris, P. J. John­ son, R alph M orris, C. R. Horn, Paul Blackwelder, George K uy­ kendall of Charlotte and Miss Ossie Allison. Guests Honored At Kelly Home Classes Have Steak Fry T h e interm ediate classes of the Presbyterian church, Mr. and Mrs. W . H. K im rey teach­ ers, had a steak fry at R ich’s Park Thursday evening. Gam es were under the direction of Miss Jane H ayden M orris. M em bers o f the departm ent present were M abel Short, Jane Hayden M orris, Adrle Mars, Billy Am m ons, Hazel Charles, L onnie and Law rence Charles, E. C. Sanford, F rank Larew, Jesse Anderson and M r and Mrs. W . H. K im rey. Informal Tea At Morris Home Mrs. Cllnard LeG rand, Mrs, M. G. Allison o f W ilm ington, Mrs. W. A. Allison o f Avondale, Ga. and M rs. M ayo W ills of W ashington, D C. were guests of honor at an Inform al tea Friday afternoon given by Mrs. Cecil M orris. T he hom e was decorated with m ixed sum m er flowers. An afternoon tea course was serv­ ed. G uests were M esdam es M. G. Allison. LeG rand, W ills, W . A. Allison, P. J. Johnson, Helen Cam pbell o f W lnston-Salem , G aither Sanford, R. B. San­ ford. C. R. H orn, M ack K im ­ brough, R alph M orris, E. H. M orris and Misses Ossie Allison and Sarah G aither. C om plim enting her guest, Mrs. D. J. Snider ■ o f G reens- w ere Mrs. H elen Cam pbell of boro and Mrs. Lonnie Laniei, W inston-Salem , Mrs. H orace H aw orth o f H igh Point and Mrs. Lonnie Lanier of B irm ­ ingham , Ala. T hé 18 covers were laid at a iln gle table centered by. a flu ted bowl o f gladioli. ~ Ml.ss Allison presented gifts to the honorees and visitors. T he party personnel in clu d­ ed the guests o f honor and M esdam es H elen Cam pbell. H orace H aw orth, E, H. Morris, R alph M orris,’ P J. Johnson, C, R . H orn, J. f '. Hawkins, L P, M artin, G rady W ard, M ack K im brough, O, C, M cQuage L onnie Lanier, Cecil Morris, M iss w m ie Miller and Miss Allison, guest o f Mrs. G, N. W ard, Mrs Jim K elly entertained at hei hom e Thursday evening. Bowles o f gladioli and snapdragons graced the room s where tables were arranged for dessert and j>}ldse,.____________ ____ High score prize went to Miss Delia Grant, the consolation to Mrs. J. W. Davis, and Mrs. S. A. H arding drew the bingo. Souvenirs were given to the Ml'S. Snider and Mrs. Lanier. T he party personnel included in addition to the honorees M esdames G aither Sanford, G, N, W ard, W , H Kim rey, S, B, Hall, J. ,W Davis, S. A. H ard­ ing, G eorge'B ryan, Russell M ul­ len, and Miss Delia Grant. lelgh. He Is now stationed at Cam p B landlng, Fla. Mrs. Johnstone Gives Auxiliary History T he auxiliary of the Pres­ byterian chu rch m et M onday afternoon at the hut with Mrs. W . P. R obinson presiding. Mrs. J. B. Johnstone read the his­ tory o f the auxiliary for the year 1940-41 Mrs. W . C. Cooper, delegate to M ontreat, reported on the conference M em bers present were M es­ dam es H ugh Sanford, E. P. Bradley, G. G . Daniel, J. J. Larew, Cecil Morris, Alice W oodruff, Charles W oodruff, K n ox Johnstone, Essie Byerly, Fred Casslday, W . C. Cooper, J. B. Johnstone, W . H. Kim rey, W . P. R obinson and Miss W lllle Miller. Mrs. E. W. Crow Gives Devotionals T he W om an's Society of Christian Service held their July m eeting M onday afternoon m the ladles parlor o f the M ethodist church. The m eet­ ing opened with the hym n, “ T he C hurch Is One Founda­ tion." Devotlonals were led by Mrs. E. W . Crow from the 12 chapter o f Rom ans. The pro­ gram on “Investing Our Heri­ tage through C ooperation” re­ presented the different depart­ m ents of the w om en’s work. Those taking part on the p ro­ tra m were M esdam es E. W. Crow, E. M. Avett, J. Prank Clem ent, Miss Ruth Booe and Miss M ary Heltm an. T hose present In addition to those on the program were Mrs. J. H. T hom pson, Mrs. C. H. Tom linson and Mrs. P. J. Johnson. Mrs. Kimbrough Honors Guests C om plim enting two popular visitors, Mrs. W . A. Allison and Mrs. M ayo W ills, and Mrs. Cll­ nard LeG rand who m oved Sun­ day to her new hom e in C har­ leston, S. C., Mrs. M ack K im ­ brough entertained at a C oca- Cola party at her hom e Satur­ day m orning. G arden flowers were artistically arranged throughout the hom e. Guests included the guests o f honor and Mrs, Dave M ont­ gom ery, Mrs. C. R. Horn, Mrs. J. P. Hawkins, Mrs, E. H. M or­ ris, Mrs. R alph Morris, and Miss Gussle Johnson. Mrs. Sam Stonestreet Gives Devotionals T h e W. M. U. o f the Baptist chu rch was presided over M on- day afternoon by Mrs. S. B. Hall. T lie-devotionals were led by Mrs. Sam Stonestreet. Mrs Steve W ood assisted by Mrs. Jmi W all presented the p ro­ gram on tho topic, “ An urgent gospel — adequat« for the changing Orient.” M em bers present were M es- Pino Grange Gives 3rd Degree The Pino com m unity grange held Its regular m eeting M on­ day night at the grange hall w ith m aster, J. P. Essie, pre­ siding. The tlilrd degree was given under the direction of W. H. K im rey, degree captain. Others taking part In the de­ gree work Included K enneth M urchison, Cecil Leagans, J. W. Davis, W ilm a Essie, Elizabeth Ferebee, Luther W est, Elizabeth W est, Jessie W est, Betty M c­ M ahan, M ary Lee M cM ahan, Ruby Collette, D orothy L ea­ gans, Mrs. Era Latham , Mrs. I. Ur. Roberts, Sarah Lou Peoples, Edith M cM ahan, Nancy Fur­ ches, W oodrow Howell, Francis Essie and G. W. Miller. -Mrs. I. G. Roberts and Miss Elizabeth Ferebee served rc- Ireshm ents to the m em bers at the close o f the m eeting. Mrs. J. F. Hawkins Honors Visitors Mrs. J. P. Hawkins entertain­ ed at a C oca-C ola party F ri­ day afternoon In honor of Mrs. W. A. Allison o f Avondale, Ga. and Mrs. M ayo W ills o f W ash­ ington, D. C. and Mrs. Cllnard LeGrand, who left Sunday for her new hom e In Charleston, S. C. G ladioli and roses were used throughout the house. Mrs. Hawkins was assisted In enter­ taining by her sister, Mrs. Carloss Cooper o f Clem m ons. Guests Included Mrs. Allison, Mrs. W ills, Mrs. Cllnard L e­ Grand, Mrs. P. J, Johnson, Mrs. E. H. Morris, Mrs.- John Johnstone, *Mrs, K nox Joh n­ stone, Mrs, C. R. H orn, Mrs, Ollle Stockton, Mrs. L. G. Horn. Mrs. R. B. Sanford, Mrs. J. C. Sanford, Mrs. G aither Sanford, Mrs. O. C. M cQuage, and Miss Ossie Allison. BIRTH S ANNOUNCED Miss Helen Benson, and Lo- rena Nail spent their summer vacation sightseeing in 'W ash ­ ington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. W . J. M llbr and fam ily and Mrs. W . A, Vogler spent Sunday afternoon in Charlotte visiting Mrs. W il­ liam M. Miller and children. Mr. and Mrs. S cott Jordan, accom panied by Mrs. Paul HuJgei), I\lr.-i, Jitck Ath<;y~auU daughter, Jean, spent Sunday visiting Mr. Athey at Cam p Jackson. Miss Mary H oover of D rapar Is visiting in the hom e o f Mr. and Mrs. C. B, Hoover. Mr. and Mrs, W allace Parkoi o f Charlotte spent Sunday at, the hom e o f Mrs, E ffle Parker. Mr. Billy Cope o f W lnston- Salem spent the week end wlUi Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Cope. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Em m ersou, Misses G ladys and H elen H ow ­ ell, and Mrs. Everhardt any daughter, Evelyn, spent t-.he past week end In N orfolk. Vj . Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Byerly and Miss M ary Byerly spent Saturday in K annapolis vU it- Ing Mr. and M rs. Johtinj“ Byerly. Miss Ruby Miller is spen'JI- Ing the week In C harlotte visa ­ ing her cousin. Miss Dorothy Nell Miller. Miss Reba Ijam es o f E llzi- beth, N. J„ Is visiting her m o­ ther, Mrs. M aude Ijam es o l N orth Cooleemee. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Carter and son, Sam m y, accom panied by Ml ssLouIse Livengood, visit­ ed In Asheville, Cherokee srtd National Park last Sunday. Miss R achel Click has fs - turned hom e from Boone, where she attended sum m er school. Jack Owen M oody, w ho wju operated on Sunday for a p ­ pendicitis at Davis hosR.lba), Statesville, Is getting a lo n j nicely. Misses Laura and Fanwte E flrd of R aleigh are guests o ( Mr. and Mrs. M. H. H oyle tbvs week. Mrs, G race M oore o f S alis­ bury Is visiting In the hom e' her daughter, Mrs. W . R. W ands. Norm an R idenhour o f C har­ lotte spent the week end In town with his parents, Mr. an'd Mrs. M. H. Ridenhour. Miss Nellie A lexander o f K an ­ napolis spent Sunday and M on­ day with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Tiller. Mrs. Bruce Josey spent part of last W'eek In G teensbow visiting friends. Miss K athleen M cCall of Charlotte spent the week sn'd with her parents, Mr. and M£.s. W . H. McCall. -el, route 4, a daughtei. Sarah „ whtMnnir ion*-. TAILORED DINNER FROCK inspired by the Navy’s white m ess-jacket and blue trousers is w orn here by M ary Astor. The gathered n a v j-crep e skirt is bound around the waist with a narrow cum m erbim a. T!ie white crepe bolero w ith a trio clfimos Jim W all, S. B. Hall, c f flap pockets is w orn over a Steve W ood, Sam Stonestreet, short sleeved blouse o f the H. W . Brown, C. R. Horn, J. Diann, July 13. Mr, and Mrs. G eorge G oforth, H arm ony, route I, a son, July 11. Mr. and Mrs. Sam ¡Cabie, route 4,' a daughter, July 12. Mr. and Mrs. John Cook, route 4, a daughter, July 16. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Latham , ioute 1, a daughter, July 17. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie C ornat- ?er. Advance, route 1, a daugh­ ter, B etty Nan, July 19.. Mr. and Mrs. Sherm an G re­ gory, Cooleem ee, a son, R egi- tiard, July 18. Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Tiller, Cooleem ee, a son, Henry Chris­ topher, July 20. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS M ethodist ■Rev. E. M. Avett, Pastor. 11:00 subject, “C hristian Thinking.” M ocksville Circuit Rev. W , C. Sides. Jr., Pastor Union Chapel 11:00, subject, “ Opened Doors.” Davie Circuit ] Rev. G. \V, Fm k, pastor Concord 10:00. Oak Grove 11:00. J. W. Clay of W inston-Salem will hold the service. Liberty 8:00. Rev. Charles H. Utley will hold the service. T he revival m eeting will con ­ tinue at Center with services Sunday at 11 a. m, and 8 p. m. -E w nlng-ser-vlces- .wiU...,.be .h eld during the com ing week at 8 p. m. Baptist , - ' Rev. J. H. F ulsh’j.a ,'p a s to r. 11:00 Rev, J. A, M cCaughn of W inston-Salem will hold the service. Patsy Ruth W hitlock, last week. Miss Carm on Ijam es has r e ­ turned to her hom e In No^tlx Cooleem ee after spending the past two m onths at C arolina B each. . Dr. and Mrs. Francis Barh.im o f M ayodan were recen t visitor,s w ith Mrs. B arham ’s parenta, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. M cNeely. Mr. and M rs.-Edgar M cD aniel of H untington, W . Va., are spending this week w ith Mr. and Mrs. Carl M cDaniel. sam e m aterial.L. H olton, A. P, Cam pbell, W. Fulghum . M, Crotts, P. H. M ason, G eorge Bryan, J. M. Horn, J. P. H aw ­ kins, J eff Caudell, Hubert C ar­ ter, H arley Sofley and J H. K E E P C O O L in our M O D E R N S H O P Enjoy the additional prlvl-, leges you - get h e r e -in -in ­ dividual, sanitary equipm ent a'rra'*Tr.o(ieru..irfitlii?ilg, W e can style your.hair for evei’}' occasion. Mayfair Beauty Shoppe .... PAGE 6 THE MOCKSVILLE (N. C.) ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1941 <§) © M ^ t R R P K E HAS MORE THAN S l l CORRESPONDENTS IN DAVIE COUNTY Below Are The Cmnmumties Covered Advance Boston Bethel I Bixby Baltimore Cana Center Calahaln Clarksville Cornatzer Cooleemee Jerusalem Turkey Foot Concord Elbaville Farmington Fork Fulton Harmony Hunting Creek Kappa Lib eH y . Bailey’s Chapel Mocks Pino Greenwood Redland Sheffield Smith Grove Point Turreiitine North Sheffield North Fork Bear Creek Ijames Cross Roads Four Comers Macedonia Spillman Road Holmans Cross Roads W indy City Jolly Comer (D © <i) © EACH WEEK THE ENHRPRISE PUBUSHES COUNTY NEWS FOUND IN NO OTHER NEWSPAPER URGEST CIRCULATION In Davie County (§) © © © 5 T © T @ M ® T @ M ® T © I® FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1941 THE MOCKSVILLE (N. C.) ENTERPRISE PAGE 7 HEADUNESc%: Women Tdko Ihs Placo oi Mon — (above) Working as carponlora those wo­men are repairing a bomb­ ed houao in tha Croydon Area, London. Cool While Sharie sicin — Mary Marlin lashions this bra top with narrow otraps which may be buttoned at Ihe neck or tied at tho back ior sun bath­ing. Tho shorts aro tailored and lecture g neotly tucked top. tl Was a Long Way to Detroit — Vico • Presi- flent forest H. Akers of »>10 Dodge Division of Hhrysler Corporation rnd Assistant General Kales Manager E. ). poag meeting the four M a i 11 o brothers who •Irove thoir Dodge au­ tomobile from Buenos Aires. Argentino lo Do- •roil, a distance of over 13,000 miles The trip af the Maillos, through 13 South and Central American republics, <ook 234 days and proved the possibility ■3f motor travel be- Iween the North and *-.h ATi‘*‘r7'f tifr lour Argcntiho brothorc aro making tho rcliirn •rip lo Duonon Airos in rj I9U Fluid Drive t>odqo. Rastus Seats Visits Parents SPILLMAN ROAD. — Ml'S. Ollie Steelm an ol Yadkinville spent the week end visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Spillm an and Mrs. A. Spillm an. Carl H endrix of R adiord, Va. spent last week end w ith iam ily and Mrs A. Spillm an. .?jUss O ra .EUzabsth-SpilXgian. land — This pholo si-.o-л-.-. the Hrilish crcolina gur. emplacements niumg thoir occuraiicn oi the clratr,ni: Ì3;.rn.-Ì b.-l v.;ar. is visiting Miss A nn C ornat- 7,er this week. Miss Gladys Cornatzer of W ilm ington and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sheeks spent a while with Mr. and Mrs. W . P. Cornatzer Tuesday niglit. Miss M ary Ruth H endrix and Sallie R uth R ich are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. P. D. P oindexter o f Huntsville. Mrs. W . S. Spillm an and Mrs. V irginia Beckner and step-son ijf Clem m ons visited Mrs. J. H. Sparks Tuesday. Miss Betty Sparks is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. V irginia Beckner. Rev. and Mrs. J. W . Vestal took dinner with Mr. an d. Mrs. W. S. Spillm an Sunday. Miss Della Lee Spillm an m ade a business trip to Char­ lotte Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Spillm an honored WiUle Taylor at a birthday dinner. Those attend­ ing were: Mr. and Mrs. W . P. Cornatzer and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. H endrix and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. P. D. P oindex­ ter and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Taylor and son. Mrs. Ollle Steelm an, Miss Francis Spillm an and Miss A nita Spill­ m an. Mr. and Mrs. VV. S. Spillm an entertained their daughter, M lss.n flla -L ee,-Satv.rdny ¡ligh t. Birthday Dinner Given W. II. Shelton FOUR CORNERS. — A birth­ day dinner was held at the hom e of Mrs. E. J. Shelton Sun­ day honoring her nephew , W, a . Shelton of Concord. A table placed on the law n was dec­ orated w ith sum m er flowers and centered w ith a large birth- dav cake. Picnic_diri.ner was Sing Sing’s Warden served. Those present were Mr. and M rs. G eorge Ballinger and children o f Taylors, South Carolina, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Phillips and children o f Char­ lotte, Mr. and Mrs. B axter C. Shelton and children o f K an ­ napolis, Dr. and Mrs. L. R. Shelton o f W inston-Salem , Mr. [>nd Mrs G eorge Laym on and son, Mr and Mrs. W . A. Shel­ ton. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shelton and son, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Shelton and children, Mr. and Mrs. G eorge T. Baity, Mr. and Mrs. W . B. Dull and children, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Shelton and thiidren, Mr. and Mrs. Roy t t E A Ê L THESE WAWT ЛРД f o r v e h a t YOB WAWT MOKE ABOUT Injures Arm wplripr l.g .snrvivpH oand, one son and one daugh­ ter; R obert L. Sm oot had the m is­ fortune o f cutting 4 arteries in his left wrist; Friday. Mrs. R. C. Poster, Mr. and Mrs. PoweU M iller, Misses G w en­ dolyn Foster and Loray M iller and Billy and Pelzo MUler at­ tended the HUishaw reunion at Sm ithtow n in Y adkin cou n ty Sunday. __________________________ Mrs. John H enry Heath, and . - . „ ^ 41, . daughter, Linda, an d MissR obert John K irby succeeds theSaturday SEE YOUR DOCTOR AT LEAST FOR RENT twice ¡1 year for a check up. Bring your prcacriptinns to us—fo r - sGSBiitifie—com pound— ing.— LeG rand’s Pharm acy. 7-25-ti JUST RECEIVED - - CARLOAD M ontana m arcs. Priced to sell. W. M . Howard, Clement Barn, Aloeksville. 7-25-3tp HOUSE P A R TLY funiishctl. Phone 173.— See E. E.: Hunt. 7-25 :UI EXECUTOR’S NOTICE; NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUiiTY Having qualified as executor ' of the Estate of Emm a' P oin­ dexter, deceased, late o f Davlfr County, N orth Carolina, this is. to notify aU persons liavinfi claim s against the estaite o f said deceased, to exhibit them to fam ous W arden Lewis E. Lawes as head o f' Sing Sing prison, OssiningTi N. Y. Like Iiis pre- FO R S.ALE — Canning peaches, G eorgia Bells ready July 25; Elbertas, Ponderosa and oth- the undersigned at 225 W est' ers ready August 1. Pcaches ripening- until Septem ber 10. B. W ; Rollins and R. W. Beck, M ocksville, route 2. 7-18-3t COLORED NEWS B Y :\IARGARET W OODRUFF H erm an Lee Hunt had her ton.slls rem oved Thursday at M onday, the M ocksviUe hospital. Mrs. Valla VanEaton, Misses P rances and Gaynell Allison and Miss Fannie Furches of Pittsburgh, Pa. are spending som etim e w ith Mrs. Bessie B row n. Miss MUdred Sm oot spent Saturday afternoon in Salis­ bury shopping. Miss Adelaide Sm oot return­ ed Sr.turday from W lnston- Salem where she has spent the •past six weeks attending sum ­ m er school. Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Evans spent Saturday afternoon In W oodleaf w ith Mrs. Llna Lucky. T he public is Invited to at­ tend the revival services at the R edland Church oi Christ. Rev. A lonzo Jones is in charge ot the service. Sunday July 27 is M ocksville D ay at the M ainvllle church. M ayor T. I. Caudell of M ocks­ viUe will speak. Dr. L. M. Onque ot M t. Airy preached Sunday afternoon at ■the Baptist church. H arry Lee Bryant of Payette- I’ilie spent the week end with his aunt, Mrs. Bessie Brown. Sunday evening at 3 o ’clock R ev. Landis Brown and con ­ gregation will have charge of the service at the M ount Sinai C hurch o f God. Mr, and Mrs. John Cowan and children visited Mr, and Mrs, Ross Ellis o f Statesville Sun­ day afternoon. Miss Mary Lizzie Brown, who nas been visiting her aunt in W inston-Salem cam e hom e Mr. and Mrs. Noise Cam els and children visited his m oth - t-r Sunday in Harm ony. Guests o f Daisy Brown this week end were Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Bush and children of Salisbury, Mr. and Mrs. M at­ thew HiU o f Salisbury. BOSTON PERSONALS D orothy M ae.B eck is spend­ ing the week with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beck o f Yadkin county. Mr. and Mrs. W alter Beck 3f W inston-Salem spent the v.’eek end with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Beck. Mr. and Mrs. G rady Reavis and tam ily were Sunday guests c f Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Reavis. Several attended the funeral of Mrs. Henry Blackweider. M yrtle Beck and daughter, Peggy Ann, were visiting Mrs. T. C. Reavis Sunday evening. Pink Sm ith was Sunday din­ ner guest ot Luther Sm ith and fam ily. Urma Joan Jones is visiting Peggy Ann Beck. COTTON It appears likely that the dom estic carryover o f A m er­ ican cotton at the end o f the current season wUl total about 12,300,000 bales, reports the U. 3 Bureau o f AgriciUtural E co­ nom ics. P O D G E R SCOUT 6eoi?ee IS RA-tfeo 0,-Je OF-meSAME'S ■ By Jack Sords Rastus Seats of Newport News. Virginia, spent this week ond w ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Seats. Miiises M ary Elizabeth Seats is spending this week w ith Mr. and Mrs. Ira Seats and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Alvis Pilcher and son visited Mr. and Mrs. W. S, Spillm an. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. SpUlman Sunday were Mr. iind Mrs, H am pton Seats and iam ily, Mr, and Mrs. Ira Seats and fam ily. Rev.' and Mrs. J. W. Vestal. not believe in capital punish­ m ent and has never seen a m an die in the electric chair. Homecoming Be Held August 17 D ixon and children. Mrs. C al- jecessor, W arden K irby does vin Reavis and chUdren, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. R ichie, Mr. and Mrs. Lester R ichie, all of Davie county, Mr. and Mrs. M anus W elborn an d Mrs. L. H. D ixon of W lnston-Salem , Mr. and Mrs. Claude C ockeran and children c f Concord, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Collette and children and Icke W oodw ard o f MocksvUle, Ivlr. and. Mrs. W . H. Shelton of C oncord. Mr. and Mrs. Cletus R atledge i.nd famUy and A. C. Ratledge visited relatives in W inston- Salem Sunday. Mrs. L. H. D ixon of W inston- Salem Is spending Xhe week w ith Mrs. E. J. Shelton. Those visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Biity'aiia'Tcirss vasiui afternoon for B each H aven, N. J. to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. L loyd Doss have m oved to ReidsviUe and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Trivette and daughter, LUllan. have m oved into the house form erly occu ­ pied by them . Mrs. P. L. Cartner. Misses Mary Etta. Ruth an d E lizabeth ELBAVILLE - The W om an’s John C artner of society of Christian Service C arksbury com m unity anti Mrs Chas. Poster, Mrs. Jesse H aw k FS(?\\ER PrTcrii/Jô- A c e OF "ГЯе cis^BuAtio iMpi,a,vJs, M ipepASA s c o o r FbRTMe gfiooKt./^ P c :p « e e s Buford Goforth Visits Family SHEIFFIELD. — Mr. and"Mrs." J. P. Swearingen o f Concird and Mr. and Mrs. W . B. Pen- ninger and children, Carolyn .m d Delano, ot W oodleaf were Sunday guests ot Mr. and Mrs. T. C. G oforth. Mr. and Mrs. M arvin Dyson .m d chUdren were Sunday a f­ ternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Ijam es. Private Buford J. G oforth ot the U. S. Army, who is station­ ed at Fort Bennlng, Georgia, is spending ten days w ith his Ijarents. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. G oforth. Buford has been in tlie arm y a year and likes it fine. He has two m ore years. B. R. R ichardson has accept­ ed a position w ith the Erwin Cotton Mills ot Cooleem ee. Rev. and Mrs. R. V. M artin attended a young peoples con ­ ference at Lake Junaluska last 'veek. B uford G oforth spent two clays last week with Mr. and Mrs. W . B. Pennlnger ot W ood­ leaf and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Swearingen of Concord. H enry Dyson spent Sunday v.’ith K elly and Clay Gaither. Mrs. Blaylock ot Cooleem ee v.'ho has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jay Sm ith re- turnpd hom e Sunday. She v.-as nccom panied hom e by Mr. and Mrs. Jay Sm ith and children, Janice Fay, Febia Ann and Linda Site, Miss Leuna G otorth, Bell, Olga and Louise Sm ith, Mrs. Sm ith’s sister, Mrs, Canup and son. Sharp. These visiting Mr. and Mrs. George G ofortli and Mrs. Bes- •sie Sm ith and fam ily Sunday were Mr, and Mi's, J. P. Swear­ ingen ot Concord, Mr. and № s. W, B. Pennlnger and chUdren nf Wnnrilpnf. Mr.«, T, C, Gnfovth pnd daughter, Leuna, and Mrs. B, A. Sm ith and Miss Ruth Sm ith. G eorge and B uford G otorth spent Sunday In the m ountains visiting relatives and friends. Sunday Visitors At Hendrix Home CORN .W ZER. — Mr, a n d Mrs. Floyd Frye and children and Mrs, Clarence W alls visit­ ed Mrs, T, M, Potts and tam ily over the week end. Rev, and Mrs, J, H, Groce .spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Starr, Mrs, Ray Potts and Mrs, W orth Potts visited friends In Cooleem ee W ednesday, Furches Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. W ill Furches and daugh­ ter, B eba Ann, Miss Virginia H uffm an. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parker and chUdren, Mrs. Fan­ nie Parker, Miss G eneva Park­ er, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. W ooten. Jack and R achel W ooten, aU ot W inston-Salem . L. S. Shelton Jr. is visiting relatives in W inston-Salem this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Shelton m d famUy visited Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Shelton and fam ily M on­ day night. Miss Lovester Lowery of .viooresville is visiting Miss Olive Lowery this week. Mr. and Mrs. Avery Reavls visited relatives in Y adkin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Ratledge and fam ily visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Elm ore Davis and Mr. and Mrs. R obert Davis and iam ily visited Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Reavis and children Sunday. Buies Return From Churchland GREENW OOD. — Mr. a n d Mrs. Clitton Barnes spent a whUe Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. W . Jones of Fork. Mr. and Mrs. R obert Lee R obertson spent the week end with Mr. R obertson’s parents, ivIr. and Mrs. Tom m ie R obert­ son o f Advance. Mrs. W alter Buie and daugh­ ter, Bonnie Jean, spent part nt last week w ith Mr. and Mrs. Faitli Buie o f Churchland, Mis-ses Lillian Sidden ot A d­ vance and Ola Sum m ers of Turrentine spent awhUe Sun­ day attei'noon with Miss LueiUe Jones. Mr. and Mrs. D alton H endrix and daughter, Nadeane, spent i.whlle Sunday niglit with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Jones. Mr. and Mrs, Scott Steward and son, Hubert, Paul Phillips and Cliarles S hoaf and Mr. and Ti/Irs. Johnie Jones and daugh­ ter, Rosa Lee, spent awhUe Sunday night witli Mrs. Jennie Grubb who is sick. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hartley of W elcom e spent awhUe W ed­ nesday night with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rice. PINO PERSONALS Mrs. J. H. Sw ing’s sister, Mrs. Graves Ircm W insion-Salem has been visiting her. 'Mr, and Mrs, L. L. Miller, Mrs, M ax Conrad, Elizabeth and Gene Miller have returned from iheir tw o-w eeks vacation, which they spent in Texas and m any other places. Mrs. Luke D ixon from W ins­ ton-Salem is visiting relatives .n this com m unity this week. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dull and Vestal and DeW illa visited Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Driver Sunday afternoon. m et on July 12 at the hom e of Mrs. T. P. Bailey with Mrs. W. A. Bailey associate hostess. The m eeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. T. F. BaUey. The them e tor the m eeting was “ F aith In Am er­ ica.” Rev. P. L. Sm ith conducted the devotional. This was tol- lowed by a poem , “ Prayer For The H om e” by Miss Blanche Foster. Mrs. C. W . Hall con ­ tributed an article on “ Dem o­ cracy and Faith,” Mrs. Sani Ilege a poem , "T h e Light ot Faith.” Mrs. Frank Burton read “ Things One W ould Never Be Sorry For,” and Mrs. Frank Tucker, a poem “ Lines tor a iTlend’s House.” The program was closed by singing “Am er­ ica The B eautiful” and a pray­ er by Mrs. C. M. M arkland. There were 22 m em bers pres­ ent with a collection ot $1.34. The Social Service paid 48 visits to the sick and rem em bered 32. Four visitors and one new m em ber were welcom ed. Owing to the M asonic Picnic, tile next m eeting will be on Tuesday, .'Vugust 12, at the com m unity buUding at A d­ vance, with Mrs. C. D. Peoples and Bobby Jones ot NewTJort New’s, Va., spent W ednesday w ith Mrs. R. C. Foster and ch il­ dren. Mrs. Chas. Foster spent the night w ith them . Mrs. John Shore and son. Dan. spent part o f last week w ith her parents, M r. and Mrs. R. B. Crissm an ot East Bend. Jam es Slack o f B each H av- ■onv-i?.-J. ■ia- vlsitlng hl3 aunt. SINGER SEWING MACHINES — ^We are representatives in Da-vie for these fam ous m a­ chines. Also vacuum cleaners •and iron. See our display.— C. J. Angell. ttARBON P.\PER — PENCIL sharpeners, typewriters, sta­ ples, paper clips, m ucilage, typew riter ribbons, ink pads — and all kind of office .sup­ plies.— M ocksville Enterprise. PHILCO RADIOS SERVICE. Fresh «A LE S AND batteries each week for all makes.— Y oung R adio Co., D epot St. USED TIRES, BATTERIES AND auto parts for all m akes and m odels. W recker scrvicc. Rodw ell’s Place. North M ocks, vilie, near hish school. Day H ave Y o u r Eyes Exaniineil Banner Avenue, W inston-Salem . North CaroUna. on or before the 17th day of July, 1942, or- this notice- will be- pleaded'in- bar of their recovery. A ll per­ sons indebted, to said eatatei wUl please m ake im m ediate: paym ent. This the 17th d a y ot Jnly^ 1941 W. V. POINDEXTER Executor of Emma Poindexter, deceased. 7-18-8t TO CHECK DR. McINTOSH HEDRICK OPrOI\IETRIST 43G N. Trade Street Winston-Salem, N. C. phone 40— nifiht phone 117-.I.Reg;ularly. Mrs. M. S. Haynes. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Renegar. M r. and Mrs. P. O. Renegar. Mrs. R ay Brackens and Miss Betty Ruth R enegar attended the funeral o f Rev. D. C. C lan­ ton at M ount H ebron, Sunday. Forrests Have Dinner Guests KAPPA. — Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Cartner visited Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cartner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Forrest had as their Sunday dinner t'uests Mr. and Mrs. Paul P or- lest and son, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Forrest and ' daughter C't W inston-Salem , Mr. and M rs H erm an Prather o f County Line. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Satley ot Concord, and Mr. and Mrs. iind Mrs. M ay M arkland as hos- R alpli Forrest ot W oodleaf. Mrs. H arvey Potts, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip F or­ rest and fam ily spent Sunday w ith Mr. and Mrs. L. A. H en­ drix. C atherine Long of W inston- H oyt Bailey of Advance spent Salem visited Mrs. J. W. Long the week end with his sister, Jr. last week. toss. M r. and Mrs. Pete M arkland c.nd ChUdren spent Sunday visiting relatives in Thom as­ viUe. Mrs. Charles Garwood and Mrs. Aaron Bowles of W inston- Salem spent Saturday with their father, Fritz Hege. Mrs. Sam Hege and children i-'pent Thursday In W inston- Salem visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. O. M arkland. Mr. and Mrs, R. C. Ratledge p.nd children and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kester and chUdren spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. C. D. M cCrary of Lexing­ ton. M r. and Mrs. Lum Robertson, Mr and Mrs. R oby Jarvis and Miss Lucille Sherm er were guests o f their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Sherm er Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. W esley Sher­ m er spent the week end in the com m unity. Miss Laura Boger, who was injured recently while work- nig in the Hanes Mill, is im ­ proving. D orothy Lee Sidden is spend­ ing the week with Mrs. SaUie Allen. Mr. and Mrs. .'Ilex Tucker, Mrs. Clara H artm an and Mrs. C. W . HaU attended the hom e­ com ing at M ock’s Church Sun­ day afternoon. The protracted m eeting and hom ecom ing at Elbaville M. E. Church will begin on the third Sunday in August instead of the first. Revival Begins At Clarksbury HUNTING CREEK, — There will be a Tem perance speaker at New Union M ethodist church Sunday afternoon at 3 o ’clock. The public is invited. Leroy and D oroth y Dyson V.sited Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Reeves Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Lincoln R ich­ ardson and ChUdren o f near Elkin visited relatives Sunday. Mr. and, Mrs. Lester Sloan of Hanes visited Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Beck Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Annie Beck spent tlie week end with her daughter, Mrs, Roy Stroud. Sm ith KeUer visited his dau­ ghter, Mrs, W. L. Reeves, Sun­ day. Mrs. J. A. Laplsh and tam ily .spent Sunday with relatives In Salisbury. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Jones and daughter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones ot Center. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Thorne and fam ily were Sunday dinner guests ot Mr. and Mrs. E. E. K oontz. Mr. and Mrs. M arvin W il- lianis and chUdren spent Sun­ day afternoon w ith Mr. and Mrs. R. H. M cD aniel of States­ ville. Miss LUllan H endrix o f Fork -spent the,w eek end w ith Miss G eneva K oontz. M aster Jim m y Cam pbell of M ocksville is spending som e lim e with relatives in this com ­ m unity. Mrs. W ade Stroud and dau­ ghter, Mrs, H. C. Jones and Miss Virginia Jones spent F ri­ day afternoon w ith Mrs. J. C, Jones Mr, and Mrs. A. L M cD aniel of Cleveland were Sunday din­ ner guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Tom K oontz. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M cD anicl. Mr. and Mrs. CecU o f H unting­ ton, W . Va. and Mrs. R obert Brown o f Cooleem ee were M on­ day dinner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Jones. “ SKEETERS” It’s time we were picking up all old tin cans and putting them where they will never hold' water long enough for m osquitos to hatch. W ater m ust not be allowed to stand as m uch as live days in buckets, washtubs, or even washpots. Top m innows will take care ot m osquito larvae In stock ponds or lily pools. Other stagnant places should have the surface coated w ith oil. T h at’s a good place to use som e ot the old crankcase oU. W.VNTED TO LOAN— MONEY! to build you a hom e— M ocks- : ville Building Si Loan .\sso-' ciation. l-2G -tfi SITUATION WANTED — MALE M arried m an, now em ployed, over five years clerical ex­ perience including typing, preparation of pay -rolls, m aintenance of stock rccorils and the operation of various office appliances. Over 25 years of age. Not subject to draft. Prefer a position with! a future. W rite care M ocks-1 vilie Enterpiise. Dr.ClydeW.Young VETERINARIAN Sanford Bldg. Mocksville Office Phone: 38 Home Phone: 74 NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue ot an order- ot tlie superior court ot Davie County, m ade in the .spe­ cial proceeding entitled B. B. M ock, adnir. vs. W . T. Mock et al. the undersigned com m is­ sioner wiU. on the 16th day ot August, 1941, at 12 o’clock, .M„ at the courthouse door in M ocksviUe, N orth Carolina, o :- fçr tor sale to the highest bid­ der tor cash that certain tract o f land lying and being in Shady Grove Tow nship. Davio County, N orth Carolinn, adjoin­ ing the lands o f Jacob Cornat zer and others, and m ere par­ ticularly described as follows, to-w lt: Bounded on the East by Jacoo Cornatzer; on the South by Cleve K im brough and Phelps C ornatzer; on W est b ; G. Л. Potts and on tlie N crth by R oad, containing 2 rcrps, m ore or less. On this land is the late A С W ood house. . T his the 16th day of July, 1941. B. C. BROCKComm issioner Phone 151 M ocksviUe. N. C. 7-25-4t. DAVIE BRICK COMPANY — DEALERS IN— BRICK and SAND WOOD & COAL Day Pbone 191 Night Phone 119 M rs^^llm er JR lciiarf and children spent Sunday night with her sister, Mrs. M unzy ■Dyson. Miss Helen R ichardson was Sunday guest of Miss Naom i Beck. Mrs. Fred Corbett is visiting Mrs, D, L, R ichardson. The revival m eeting begins at Clarksburg M ethodist church the 4th. Sunday in July, with Rev. S. N. Bum garner helping rhe pastor, Rev. R. V. M artin. RE-SALE OF REAL ESTATE U nder and by virtue oi an order ot the Clerk of tho Su­ perior Court o f Davie County, in the Special Proceedings oii- tltled “ G L. Thom pson. Ad­ m inistrator o f the Estate of Julia A. Thom pson, dec’d v.s, C. J, T hom pson, et ais,” . u))on the Special Proceeding Docket ot said Court, the undersigned C om m issioner v.'ill, on the 2nd dav of -August, 1941, ac 12 o ’clock, Noon, at the Courthouse doer in M ocksville, N. C., offer tor re-sale to the highest bid­ der, for cash, the tollowhig described real estate, lying and being in Jerusalem To'.vnship, County ot Davie and State ot N orth CaroUna. bounded as follow s: Being a part of the Joseph .■\. H endrick’s estate .ond being Lot No. 3 in the d:vi.?iin of Joseph H endrick's land and described as iollov.'s: BEGINNING at a stake on the Old M ocksvUle R oad at the cor- jier of the W ood’s heirs and JuUa T hom pson’s c o r n e r; tlicri>2c S, G5 E. 31.Gl Ihe W ood and Thom '^son line to an iron stake, corner of .'Vp- person. W ood and Thom pson corner: thence with .Epperson and Thom pson line S, 24 W. 8.38 chs. to a stake, corner of A p p e r s o n, H endrick's and T hom pson corner; thence with H endrick’s line N, 85 W . 30,20 chains to an iron stake in the edge of Old M ocksville Road; thence albiig' said ' road " 8.25 chains' to the place of b^.^in- ning, being 25>2 acres, move or less. For back title see Book 28 at page 106 for division of Joseph H endrick's land in Davie County, N, C., being Lot No. 3 in said division, (Bidder will be required to deposit 10% of bid with the Clerk to show good faith i. ■Bidding will begin at 3445,50, Term s ot sale: Cash, This 15th day of July, 1941. G. L. THO.MPSON Com m issioner _T. K . Carlton, Attorney 7-18-2t ROWAN PRINTING CO. SALISBURY, N. C. One of the largest in-int- in g aiicl officc supply houses in the Caiolinas. ® Printing 9 Lilho,a;iaphing 9 Typewriters 9 Complete Officc Supplies. ■ ■ Phone oXl Salisbury, N. C. FLOWERS are always appro­ priate, no m atter w hat the occasion. éÎteh -M J-o o d -W ,ЮЧ W . INNE5 ;‘ -- SALISBURY, N. C. ÍIOCKSVILLE AGENT LeGRAND’S PHARMACY PAGE 8 THE MOCKSVILLE (N. C.) ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JULY 25, 194Í HAS LONG WAY TO GO IN RUSSIA SOViEiS HAVE 5 COMPLEiE AREAS .'Cf .WitlsL' bi'c-ak3 through the “ ^tnliii Uii-‘ U will not/ m eau uic" cud o f Soviet rosistaaco. (Five oconom lcallj' 3& lf-suf- jicien t Russians, eacli with its owit natural resources, indus­ try and agriculture have reach ­ ed a .it/age of dsvelopm ont w here each m ight survive and Xccd and equip an arm y, tiiough cut o ff from the rest of the counli-y. O n)y two o f these areas— tliat em bracing the older indus­ trial ccnters of north and west Eussia, including M oscow and Leningrad, and the D on B asin - Ulcrainlan region, lie in Eu­ rope. The rest-Mthe Urals area the Kuznetz Basin and the Far Ea-'itorn P acific area— are all in A.s-ia. Eveji if he got to M oscow, tlie hrown Napoleon would still be nearly a thousand m iles as tJie crow flies from the low - baclccd billowing Ural M oun­ tain,'; — the geography book boundary between Europe and A iia -v /h lch Is now the Soviets’ .second line of industrial de­ fense. T he building of centers o f In­ dustry well out o f enem y reach hat's been a m ajor principle o f Soviet econom ic planning from the oiit.set. T hat is w hy the Union'.'; center o f gravity stead­ ily .’¡liitts eastwards. No cos­ m ic affinity with Asia, but -iealisttfl considerations o f m ili­ tary .'itrategy have im pelled the K rem lin leaders to gaze Into the .‘sunrise. Under the first and second •five-year plans industrial giant.'s like the M agnitogorsk Iron and Steel Plant and the Kuzneta Metai W orks rose on the tceeiess eastern slopes o f the Utals or the bleak Siber­ ian .•steppes, each capable of producing m ore than the total Russian output o f iron and steel before the Industrializa­ tion pi'ogram. Originally designed to be greaiter than the G ary steel m ills, the M agnitogorsk p ro­ ject was eventually w hittled dow n to half Its Intended size, but even so It is the Soviet U nion’.'; number one producer o f iron, a stupendous under­ taking which has brought Into being a boom city of 200.000 JnhabiI.ants. In 1033 M agnitogorsk produ c- NORTH CAROLINA’S NO. 1 PEACH BOOSTER Capitol Theatre Salisbury, N. C. F arD A Y AND SATU RDAY “THE WAGONS ROLL AT NIGHT” starring Humphrey Bogart, Sylvia Sidney and Joan Les­ lie rtflDNIGIlT SHOW •SUNDAY NIGHT AND MONDAY AND TUESDAY Oacy Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck in “MEET JOHN JOE” W ith W alter B rennan and Edward Arnold THURSDAY, FRID AY AND SATURDAY Clark Gal ’ o and R osalind Ru.ssell !!', “ FHEY ÆT IN BOMBAY” “Buy and can all the North Carolina peaches you can afford this season” is the advice of Mrs. J. Melville Broughton, wife of the Governor, who is shown above admiring a bushel of peaches sent to her by the N. C. Peach Growers’ Society for canning. “The grading pro­gram of the State Department of Agriculture and the quality of the crop this year give assurance to all house­wives that they can secure the finest table and cannbig peaches this year,” Mrs. Broughton observed. North Carolina orchardists expect to harvest a 2,484,000-bushel crop this season. cd one and one half m illion m etric tons o f pig Iron and one m illion seven hundred thousand tons o f steel— m ore than the com bined total p ro­ duction o f Sweden. Czechoslo­ vakia and Poland in a norm al pre-w ar year. T here are other iron and steel m ills In the Ural region, as well as copper and alum i­ num m ills, In operation and under construction, all ot them industrial heavy-w eights. The Chelyabinsk tractor p 1 a nt, w hich produces tw o-thirds of Soviet tractors and tanks, is iviso In this district. Planes and Arm s There are, In addition, plants for the m anufacture of air­ planes and guns and shells of every caliber. T hough figures or details have been kept strict­ ly secret, the Russians have hinted that these Ural plants alone could keep their troops arm ed and supplied. F ifteen hundred m iles to the cast of the Urals is the K uznetz Basin, in the very heart o f Si­ beria, the great eastern indus­ trial center Lenin dream ed ot. T he K uznetz Basin today p ro­ duces nearly one fifth the total coal m ined in the U. S. S. R.. ranking next to the Don Basin. M ost o f Its output Is at present shipped to the Urals, to M agnitogorsk, Nizhni Tagil and the other plants. But there are also extensive deposits of 'ron, copper and m anganese in the region and two big iron and steel m ills are already in partial operation, as well as a vast chem ical products plant <JW\r,IVm'm'Wm'JWW^AVmVmW‘mVmVmVmVmVmV,V.VmVmVJ\ * For Twenty-Eight Years | We Have Been Supplying The People Of ^i №CKSVilLE AND DAViE COUNTY | WITH GOOD FLOUR, MEAL ^ AND SHIPPED STUFF I and two rubber factories. As the rise o f Nazi m ilitar­ ism increased the threat of Invasion the Soviet push to­ wards the east accelerated, but :he strategy o f Soviet econo­ m ic defense first took shape In the early m onths o f 1939, w hen the details o f tho third five-year plan were announced two years late. Five Com plete Areas T he ch ief feature of this strategy was the subdivision of th e Soviet U nion’s industrial and econom ic m ap into five self-sufficien t units, each with Its own raw m aterial sources, agriculture a n d industrial lia n t, equal to or greater than a m ajor European power. The new plan stressed the developm ent o f local fuel sup­ plies and the location o f new industrial plants in the vicinity o f their raw m aterial sources. W herever possible food was to be produced locally. T o en­ courage this laws were passed forbidding the shipm ent by vail o f potatoes and other bulky edibles from one adm in­ istrative district to another. T o take care o f local cli­ m ate conditions research w ork­ ers in botany were assigned to developing types o f wheat, potatoes and garden vegetables suited to cultivation in the Far North and in arid places. T he im m ediate avowed ob­ jective o f this drive toward local autarchy was to ease the strain on the overworked rall- v.'ay lines — cem ent, lum ber r.nd other building m aterials were placed on the forbidden list o f goods that could not he shipped by rail from Siberia 1 ro European Russia— but the ‘‘undam entai reason was to en­ able each self-sufficien t dis- hict to continue functioning and resisting in time of war. If it were cut o ff from other districts. W hile the plan for econom ic self-sufficiency, like all Soviet planning, falls far short of the rifle and a m achine gun, as vi’ell as alr-rald precaution. Every factory worker is ex­ pected to qualify for tho V oro- sh iloff m arksm anship badge— v;hich m eans that the wearer :-aH-frho&t-&s-v,'ey-ftG-tb-e-íorín- er W ar Com m issar. M any citi­ zens have also been trained in m ore specialized branches of w arfare — Including flying, parachute ju m ping and guer­ rilla tactics. Soviet defense has thereby acquired a mass basis that extends far beyond the regular Arm y. Every Russian defense plan since the days o f Genghis K han has assum ed the occupa­ tion o f large tracts of territory by the invading force. Alm ost tn ce a century for the last 600 years M oscow has been cap ­ tured by a foreign foe— by T ar­ tars, Lithuanians, Poles and French. E ach tim e the R us­ sians have m anaged to sa«e a part o f their arm y and after rallying elsewhere and raising new forces they have thrust tne invader out. A Lesson for Future Farmers Cooleemee News W ATERM ELON FEAST A w aterm elon slicing, free to all workers o f the Erwin iiills plant here, will be given Sat­ urday at 4 p. m . Mr. T. R. Cope will preside at th.3 occa ­ sion. T he w aterm elon will be served at the com pany pas­ ture here. R g rU R N S-HOiVIE- F loya M cBwaln, Jr. has re­ turned hom e from Rowa.V M e­ m orial hospital, Salisbury, whotte he was taken tò be treated for injuries viliicn he received w hen the m otorcycle on w hich he and M itche'l ta g e were riding collided with an autom obile over a week ago. Page Is still in the hospital re­ cuperating from his injuries. MOVE TO NEW IIOME Mr. and Mrs. K . D. Shockley have m oved Into their hoin-; on M ain street w hich has been renovated for them . Fo" sev­ eral years, they have m ade their hom e at Riverside hotel. HOSPITAL M rs. Jam es G arw ood, who was operated on for a brain tum or at John H opkins hos­ pital. Baltim ore, last w e;k, is getting along nicely and wi'.l return to her hom e near Cooleem ee this week. Members of the Future Farmers of America at Eutaw- ville, S. C., learn how to wash and groom a steer, under the direction of Henry McKnight, F. F. A. supervisor. While the girls scrub the steer’s right flank, the boys curry the animal’s left. The F, F. A, club members are from 10 to 18 years old. Sunday School Picnic Held Last Sunday m orning ap­ proxim ately 100 m em bers of Shepherd, Cooleem ee, C hinch of the Ascension, Fork Clnirch and St. G eorge’s, W oodleaf, m otored to Vade M ccum , where the regular Sunday m orning services were conducted by the Rev. C. E. B. R obinson, In tho shade of the big m ountain trees, after w hich three long tables were placed under the trees and com pletely loaded down with a picnic dinner pre­ pared by the ladies o f the Sunday schools. A fter dinnfir, a large num ber o f the young people enjoyed swim m ing In the Vade M ecum pool. BIRTHS B orn to Mr. and M rs. Olin Correll, W oodleaf, route 1, a 7'/i pound daughter, B illnda Sue, June 13. B orn to M r. and Mrs. W . R. Benson, R ow an M em orial h os­ pital, Salisbury, a 7'A pound daughter, July 2. B orn to Mr. and Mrs. Van-ie Conely, R ow an M em orial h os­ pital, Salisbury, an 8 pound son, July 8. Liberty church, o f w h ich she was a m em ber and were con ­ ducted by the Reverends G . W. 'Fink, E. M. Avett, and F. J. Stough. ‘___________ EGGS The unusually favorable p o­ sition o f the N ation’s poultry industry is reflected In the June output of m ore than 4,- 000,000,000 eggs, largest for the m onth since 1030. n iP R O V IN G Mrs. B euford H oover, who was injured w hen her car over­ turned last week, is im proving nicely at the hom e o f her pa;’- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. \ill- holen, on M ain street. Funeral For Mrs. Sallie Carter Everhardt Funeral services were con ­ ducted W ednesday m orning at 10:30 for Mrs. Sallie Carter Everhardt, w ho passed away M onday evening at her hom e on M ocksville, route 4, after a two weeks illness. She was 71 years of age and was the daughter o f the late J. F. Carter and Annie T rout­ m an Carter. T he services were held at In addition to her husband, Mrs. Everhardt Is survived by three sons, R ichard o f C oolee­ m ee, D. W . and Nelson Ever­ hardt ot M ooresville: two dau­ ghters, Mrs. W . M. Seaford of ■Mocksville, route 1, and Mrs. R. L. Dwlggins o f W inston- Salem ; one brother, John Car­ ter of near Cooleem ee and 12 grandchildren. Burial was in Liberty church cem etery, Jerusalem Woman’s Club meet T he Jerusalem W om an’s Club m et w ith Mrs. B. W . Singleton and Mrs. Jessie Sin­ gleton as join t hostesses. Vice president, Mrs. W ill D av­ is, was in the chair. The m eet­ ing opened w ith m em bers re­ peating the Lord’s Prayer. M inutes of the last m eeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. Jessie Singleton. Eighteen m em bers answered to the roll call by nam ing their favorite song. Mrs. Henry S hoaf and Mrs. John Albert M iller were elected to attend the annual farm week at Raleigh, begin­ ning the first week in August. A fter disposing o f the old and new business, the m eeting was turned over to Mrs. Flor­ ence M ackie, w ho gave a very interesting dem onstration on the arrangem ent o f flowers. Several songs were sung, and the m eeting closed w ith the club collect. D uring the social hour, the hostesses, assisted b y Mrs. Fleet T hom pson and Miss Virginia Sm ith, served refreshm ents. P itt County livestock produc­ ers are grazing m ore soybeans this year than ever before, since the beans cheapen feed cost and hogs and cattle thrive on them , says Assistant Farm A gent C. D. Griggs. Telephone service between Buenos AIt«s, A rgentina, and La Paz, Bolivia lias ju st been inaugurated. Sen. N o rris— 80 “ M any a N etherlander w ith­ in our shoreline,” says Phil, "hopes for a future w hen it will again be ‘tulip tim e in H olland.” ROYAL CROWN BOTTLING CO. W inston-Salem , N. C, WALKER FUNERAL HOME Funeral Services—Ambulance Service Phone 5711 Phone 48 Cooleemee, N, C, Mocksville, N. C. Senator G eorge W . Norris o f Nebraska, one o f seven senators w ho voted against U. S. entry in the W orld W ar, is show n in W ashington on his 80th birth­ day. Still hale and hearty, Norris is extrem ely active in the Upper House. TICKING TOGS WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE Visit Our Mill When In Need oi Anything In Our Line, iU Ihtr ; J . P . M I L L I N G C O . FLOYD NAYLOR, Manager •c'.ra! coritem platcd prints, its partial succe.ssosj shovild neverthele.ss render con -1 iinucd Soviet resistanco pos- Ubie, even if Hitler does break the present deadlock on the Stalin line. H iller could only achieve com plete victory if he succeed- _fd_Ln_annlhn.Ttlnff, tha..Ru>'LiJv Arm y and in further prevent- . hig the recruiting of new unit.s Iv from tho country’s inexhausti- i bie m anpower reserves. Ji W ide Sillitary Training This task is com plicated by ;he fact that a very large pro- Are You Interested? Imagine one not being interested these days in the many stirring events as history is being made. Probably no period has had as much to attract the attention of tlie reading public. How can one keep abreast of the times un­ less he reads a good, independent newsy daily news­ paper? It is impossible! All tlie news from all the world plus the best of the features, comics and with an outstanding editorial section—that’s what you get when you subscribe for the Greensboro Daily News Mail subscriptions anywhere in the state. Carrier delivery almost everywhere. See our local distri- Dutor, or write to: I i’ illiow Ticking is one of the most popular m aterials for this season’s play togs because it is both inexpensive and rortion o f the Soviet p op u la -! «hirable. Y vonne JIann wears t<on, Including even women, | a striking blue and white strip- !'as received m ilitary training, led shorts suit o f this m aterial. The civilian defense o r g a n -' The niantailored shorts have izatlon "O soaviakhim " hasicuifs and the jacket is the taught m illions of m em bers o f ' regulation three button blazer both sexes how to handle a m odel. Circulation Department, GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS Greensboro, N, C, Our Used Car Prices Continue to be ex­ tremely low. Buy one of these cars at a bar­ gain price. 1937 Chevrolet Standard Town Sedan. Good mechanical condition. New tires. Blacli. 1936 Chevrolet Standard Town Sedan. Good mechanical condition, new tires, black. 1935 Chevrolet Sport Sedan, Good paint, new tires, excellent mechanic­ ally. 1935 Chevrolet Standard Coupe, Excellent condition. Chevrolet Sedan. Motor reconditioned, tires good. Chevrolet Sedan, Good Paint, Good Tires. Chevrolet Coach. Good Condition, Black. Chevrolet Sedan Good Condition. Ford Model-A Coupe. Two of Them. Ford Model-A Coaches. Two of them. New paint, new upholstering. All around good shape. 1938 Chevrolet Va-Ton Pickup Truck. Motor overhauled, new tires, good paint. 1937 Chevrolet Va-Ton Pickup Truck. Good shape throughout. PENNINGTON CHEVROLET ICO. 1934 1933 1931 1931 1931 Phone 110 and 156 Mocksville, N. C. ‘IT COSTS LESS AT STERCIirS TO FURNISH YOUR HOME” RANGES BEDROOM LIVING ROOM FURNITURE Phone 1934 S T H L C H IS RADIOS .lEWELRY BICYCLES TOYS When You Want Furniture— See Your Local Representative 124 E. Innes Street Salisbury, N . C.