11-November-Mocksville Enterpriseí ib a И1 P f i ‘Î 4 i и m 1 ’ ' ííwl II s'Jiï ï;.мггаш li.v miSM Sr Ьг'*' í í ' 'í^m u' 'J'I и THK MOCKSVILLE KNTKHI'KISB. MOCKSVILLE. N. C.Tluirsdiiy, Oct. 27. |<)¡)7 ^vri’KNDH'lTlS. KUÍK, lîKOKKN ЛКМ (JETS 0 n:K in nOSlMTAL l? tirl i ПК!ИЧ('. c.-tlil". — líUUIMU’ vlt'Vi'U'\U'(ì ■«.vniptoius loilny. lli.4 wifo rush- ;.0(l lo tho fiimil.v jríU'iiKi' t(' .-¡tari 4ho niitomobili' )»u(l tiiko him to -tilo Uospìttil. *riu« i'iiii: bm'klù'iid iuul Imvst ínlo'lií'inoH,^ Mes, ^li\b>lost,4 niísli* .«'(1 into tbe ho\iso nud i'nlUnt the Üro ik'i'í'i'lmi'iit, Mi\ Malatcstn Г1Ш to ttn' líiu'airo and ostinnuish- 441 tlut tlnn>P8. In doíu}r so lio ro- covorod from hi.< ailnuMit. IHs ,^vifirws»tcbéd itíiu v«t out tho tire. ' Then Mrs. M.'drttpsta ran back Jntrt the houso to canoel tlu' order ior the til-« department; she slip- •jH'd and bï-oko an arm. !yjr, Malatesta then drove his M'ifo to the hosnital. <X)i.0nkl'muX kr. U)l .VN. DIES Y01)N(;KS'I' N'H'r DHOS A‘l’ HOì^iK IN HU'KORy Hirkoi-y. (Vt. 11. Wi.-... ”!>. .miid Ul have lioeii tlu> youii)r- l'st liviiijr l'oniVderate vetcì'iui in MU' State \vlu> served four yoars in tho War Hi,'t\veeii tho States, diod at his homo hero this ai'tor- noon aftor au illnoss of severa! \vook.>i. He is snrvivi-tl hy live ehildren. I., 11. Wise and Miss l.olii \yiso. of Hiekory; C. O. Wise. of t'harlotlo: Mrs. S. H. Krooman, of Sikwm. Ga.. an\l\U. U. Wise, of Foituna. Cai. The t'unoriM ser­ vire will be held oii Wednosday. l»Rlii>ll)KNT OF S. A. L. , RY. niES SUniìENLY Tone« Gity. Okla.. Get. 21,— Colonel .loe Miller, ofi. jtiU t owner of the noted ,UU Ranch near hej-c. and the eldest of thms brothers Wilt! West Show U n w , died in hi« Karape tod.ty. Colonel Miller .'>nd his bi\>thers wer» r«s»red in the s.iddle on the raneh establi.<h«t by their father in 187S. The i^roperty e.Ktended Into th* f.-«mous Chen\)iee strip of Okl.>»homa and included 110.000 »crtM. CHILD'S LIFK IS SAVED BY timCK ACriON OF MAN Grt'ensbon>, Oct. 24, — Peter, £\kakhune$ is,the hfn> of the day, hv Greensboro. Thi^ «fternotMi he saved the lÄ-nionU‘.-old baby • of Mrs. Katherino Poyt)ir<>s.< from »UMxtli or serious Jnjvir.w The lit>. lie RÎrl h»d puiihed the screen i f ПШ <««1 upstairs ^v5ndow. jhad | iallen through the ro<\f of the lH>rv'h and was rt>llinjr down the* nw f when SkalchuniMs happenins •to be }Vissi«s. S.4W her. He ran «Пч1ег the «avvs of the porch .snd the child as she fell. j l.JOYU GRORGK SAYS ^ IS RRKAKINU FAITH .'i l owionv ^cî. Í 4 |-;хЫепсч.' of îîîisâÎ >4cU«.-«m»'nts WÜÎ s’sw^js Ihwaii ths 1л\л,«!«е of Natiosîs. 1rч^ттоeîг IV'jnier Uoy^i tie-- ii.-Uj44il\'»>isht ÌH a S5H44'h oi «is* лгщатеет., "The SÎÎC rtf ап*.'..чшепи Ϋ h«- "5S s brivAch of ifi»5th on the }>*« v\f ibe nasìor-s, Avho ènWmî ibt' war îa,rs^lj- s»> w^^hv'Jd the iÂr.i5lÎj' of jjpwinitvO Mr, wsts S;b(i <-bî(f speaker *î » nwiSR? «rrAüijnxí Ъу ib« Leastte vf Nji5:<'ss Га;лй, ’ i!r. Ui>yiî G-ew^if jxysTiiii osî ' tba?, whí.a jwic-i- w-^íí fr*sw.ì ;я îSîÿ, ïi VOIS JvoCífRÍJK^á ivî- i;tsîn»aU vv№Î.i Ы Ks;a;ri4! :л«г, Th*S 3i<- ,w.t:='a' <f4j, "íeii s-iï?» rjkïiiwâ ■s-iV'Iii'.. ■ г)Гч1(^#» ssxK'tiíí^ ivj7,„ 3Lr« b,-ia»d to ärriuti- *K4Î »»Sjæï» ;5:í , cxtk- «r. Tbt LiÜ4,cs* *ï Xs53..'.sis лЬтк'*: cas» s.ïrAÎyb»35 <-«1 »bi# si^y.st;4-C, ~.Л .bfiifïsi -îrî-.k-i « - <isiéí^ fjvca sîs ог-чкгА^’ч-л# «SNSÎÎîe» 53sJ65 »üf. 5пч:.да1су'»«1 Si » S.Î131Ϋ 47í¿ * ÎÂ.ÎÏÏ', î: îb i; «-wnwatSiTÆ î$ та«« it.vc.fr VT ‘iîir iiT i’ ?ifvíK -tí Ш>ГГ fOiîGÊr TO GO W ^ ДШ'АХчГЕ FSÎIiWY XIGHT S\’i-\-íí44íy, I'í-.'í I.'. Д.с'с.4-з>.:-г' PrìÀiy îcc ■:?hí' Tiiç- Г, i\ S.. 4'.í Av Ks-íSy. S; sjÄiÄ íY-Síí- 'A'ît'iîÆsr .x'ííi Siri J. .ж,^!жс>£Г Ci "'r-í- ■лл^^r C-; y;-r. ¿r«, ir- >'Í:íc ■:,■■ >.;• j.í4:>-tr*.. Y;c bíil- SÍSÍÍ: íC lií- Sc-Í-I ,7-;c^'.c САЖ ÎK TbitÄi ::-cí:í- íbí «rir:;,, ;гч->.-с: Oí-t.-.,-., >ч;'; V '»•'í-::..-«'?,. X ’:', ií.ih < í:v :-:r4Í';,':'v ti' .i.::í"4Í т.'í-í-í-^í^ Baltimore. ; Oct, 24,—S. Davis Warfti'ld, president of the Sea- boaitl Air Line Kailw.iy, died here tonisht. Death followed an operation. ' i>t'rform»y. at thi» I'liJon Memorial Hospital' late today for double hernia and a blood clot on the heart, Mr. Wartleld entered the , hospital twelve days .n^o. ! Dr. M. T. Finney, who per­ formed the operation, used only ■a local itnaesthetic. Mr. War­ field's convale.<cence was unovont- ful and it was believed he would bv dischar^ed within a few days, ; This afternoon he was in hijrh spirits. He became ill and died : almost instantly from coii'iiary, thrombosis. ^ Mr. W.irticid had entered the ; hospital under the name of Post- er and as a it'sult few of his friends knew that he was ill. H<i w,ts a U.Hcheior and is sur­ vived only by or.c brother, Henry M. Warfield of Baltimore. .-Vn Ordin.wce Authoritins the Is- suunc? oi Twent\--Five Thous- ; s>r.d ($25.000) IMlars Hontfs of • t^e Town of oMcksville, North C.%A>lin.^ for Street I’urpt's«^ . Ke ii rcscKwl by the M.^yor Bo.^.r'.i oi 0>, :«:n;ss;c'.'.ers o: thf Tcw!) of MiX-kiv:;;?, North Csri>ì»ia:'-p- S*C5iv'.n 1, to t’r.o M«sv.cip,^VF»r.,v.Kc Af! U>il K>n<l? Cif She towB \>f .Mccks\s3!e, Noith CviT\iHn», aw hereby ,v,:!hcniis3 tci bi Ssswed 5a .■sti aiyrvistsi yrin- cisv,-!.; 5~4C-ui3T j№t e-KCi'e.iir.y iw is- ty-firc 5hcsa,^’tsn5 «oZ’ar-i ;icr ,5v;:ri-Cs«.«s hcriiiuiw r ci-iciilv ’ 2. Thi* y w ifc s ci ■ !?ak5 bc^ds sisJi V icJi^iy to cc-r.s:rj,nir.sr I^-^^^s,ítrJí;- ins ìli stw 'i. r ::i- i-Jaràirj? CCT SC-. iT-ts-ci-. cs.-sstric:5=:,c c,r ;ì;toc:ìt.c ef «.iift-il'i», fs-tt«?-# cc ¿rjt5si„ v-r 'bi# Ì-: i-£ fc i z'cd-iiti.M, i.. T iit X tAX ■ tv' JTiJjr tiif y^.rÌ3JÌÌìiE- il»i ÌZ.'.iTi-i~ x3)i ' SiV-ti-iCr. -i, T%K Ji i'-titf;—<3,1 r i <-i ;5ii' r,v«-a ijtS ;? Mifa : io s-.-s'aiJi ìi»T.iv«-tìis:. ?.. TS-Jl: I».# -----------a — с;л“;г ,.:c; ^ ôf,-:;..-® r., T 'ì ; j.: Dí-í í : fv-œriV, -í J~ .-V V-wcsMtí. ìsììeììtì- ci iíif c¿ -ít «î>k-.: :z:írí!;.;':>;iT.í„ ' í ii l' ce $rnv2fl!í?' ü:,bí&í.‘i-i; ArtixSC ;:jíi í..”,.!.'! t a i í iw ic t ’С-:.:-': .'.'.f -ifau-rí- , i>í- s ;':;ïc i.:r :tc ■,;■ ;;:ч >- ~':-i rwAlrOi - í ib- -■ijr-i:" f — :^'í 'ico-df í:-í ::.i :sfoí-£ :,í Г!' ; t:;;' r:,': \ Hi.-. i.r:> -i's- Л.:- ,. ■.. : Г í:í: ;. ' t:.'Гт:-: FiVB UNUSUAL VALU&S S víry « r \VÍ ¿í:-:v-,-r í-3»CÍ<c *i -i.-i i\-',.'CSÄ'X-Z, *. »•'■■л* ■wv Ä » o&cv*!i «• " JXJ;. %-i’^ tru.: ift.-:; ”:44.ííe ícv-ícs, GKO-*:», & Tv>ì>ìì. >íOCK>Víl.iK. X, с, Клгу- S,KV Ci::* ?гзлч: 1-r .i saa. ’'.if >.y*'» V <-K,vH.î.:M ЗГКГх-л is:;^ :0 1 ,kì\c.; saaraa 1 .-V ^ •.T.-i.-.v.’-v.íJ.» ♦ \ *•;: -• . _ _ f 4 - y C Й^‘ -vX* / v-l a X-. ■ / f)''^ ; . ;ü'i Ы. 'Vv ........J \ ■ z“' , - W H E N Y O U W A N T PRINTING C O M E T O T H E PRINTING OFFICE We are better prepared to serve you than ever before w^ith A Complete Line Of Up-To- Date Stationary. SB.S"'S,S::S s's:5'5 s 9.ш .ш -ж ж ж :ятш ш ж ж 'ш 'ж т:^ We have the only electrical equipped printing shop in the county, and our printers are the best to be found anywhere. Come in and get our prices be­ f o r e y o u b u y e ls e w h e r e . «. ÏT ж r .1. ’Л. i; i., a E ж £ г £. s .a E, я m r H a. * s s. s. s 'U-> ENTERPRISE *"Davie Co\mty’s Newspaper ” Mocksviiie, N. C. '•'v'ii.'.A':''', ■v ‘, \■.:ír.v.V.:'íi: 'í^ '■/hi ;THE;ENimPRISE:^ ТПЕ DAVÎE ,COUN'TY .PEOPLE---ADVEÍlTíSE\Wfífí^^DtER^ TRUTH, HONESTY OF PURPOSE AND UNTIRING FIDELITY TO OUR COUNTY AND OUR FLAG IS OUR AIM AND PURPOSE VOL, 49,iVlOCKSVILLE, N. C., TH URSDAY, NOV. .4, 1927.No. 49 50(1 ATl’KND COUNTY МБЕТ- IN(.’ OF THE P. O. S. OF A,WANTED—AT ONCE! ^ . , , , We -\vo,nt a few copies of Aroinul 500 members of the P. j « the Mocksvillo Enterprise, * 0 , ,S. of A'., toKcthor with their wivo.4, future wives, children, etc..* dated Sept. 8, 1927, National * * advertisers are calling on us * jratliiii Ml at Advance Friday night * for copies of this issue rind * for the annual (itiarterly meeting of the county association of the ]), 0. S. of A. The address of welcome was made by Uev, Thompson, of Ad- vaiK'c, and he very ably impressed on every inember that the city of A'dvance wns glad to have thia patroitic band of men and women ' METHODIST CONFERENCE TO we have mailed out all the..,* extra copies We have. If you * have this number we-Will pay * you for it if you will bring * it to us within the next few * days. «* ■* » » * « * , * meet with them The response vv/is made in well cho.scn words by qur townsman, Mr. T. I. Caudell. After this the meeting was call­ ed to order by the president Mr. C. B, Hoover, of Cooleemee, who, by the way, is tho livest wire in the entire county, and knows just whcre and when to speak. Next canio a mixed ciuartotte from Ad­ vance, and a song by the local (|U«rlette, of which W. F. Stone- streel is instructor, also several musical numbers were rendered by these gentlemen, and was en­ joyed greatly by Iill present. Stale President, II. II. Koontz, of I.exiiigton, made tho best talk over heard in the Advanco school START SESSION WEDNESDAY Asheville, Oct. 31.— The van­ guard of the 700 or more minis­ ters, delegates and visitors ex­ pected hore for the opening of tho annual conference of the Methodist Ei)iscopal Church for tho Wo-'tern North Carolina Dis­ trict Wednesday morning was ar­ riving tonight while members of the reception and entertainment committees Wore in readiness to welcome hundreds of additional delegates tomorrow. At the Central; Methodist Church, the largest houso of wor­ ship of the denomination in tho city, wlieie the conference sos- WANTED—AT ONCE! FAMHA’ WEAKNESSES ' ' •' La.st week a Bonlee, 'N. C., nian, flrod three-ahots into his own-^ biiciast. ■ These having I'aiied to produce Instant death, the unfortun-1 ■'* Wo vyant 'a few copies of ate fellow sent another bullet teaij’ing through hia brain. > No direct * the Mocksville I?nt:i>rni-isp. cjause was given for'the tragedy, but the newspaper reports-stated that th«. lives. » THREE MILLÎONAÏRÊS* ; * executed in RUSSIA « W..W VX*.e»W V.^ , — .W ---------------------------------------- father and grandfatHer of the Bonlee man,.took their- ow;i the Mocksville Enterprise, * * dated Sept. 8, 1927. National * Moscow, Oct. 29,—Two! broth­ ers, Vladimir- iind'Cyril Prove, 'Now the Enterprise has nò; n ition of Making any unkind state- sions will bo hold, final arrange- builiiinti on "self responsibility to ments woro mado today for the your neighbor.” Mr. Koontz made , great annual gathering of tho hi.t talk very plain and .lust to , hosts of Methodism, the point, Charlie Hoover would While morning, aftornoon and not give him but .iust 15 minutes „ight .so.sKions will bo hold dur- I'or tile spooih, but if ho had | ¡ng i|ui conference a program of liiKiwn what was coming he cor- ontortain'mont is being arranged. taiiily would hav(? given Mr Koontz at least an hour. MoK.srs. Fred O. Sink, J. C. Accf.rding to tentative plans the proi-tram will iiicluds- a siglit-soe- ing trip to tho famous Vanderbilt Kvcrybody watch for further an- liouncemontH. and ' come, MOCKSVILLE HOLD THOiMAS- VILLE TO'A 12-12 TIB Kc.Hihir, and others made a few vstate, nc.ov A«h»''Vi!le, ;• Duko good rcmark.s for tho good of the ¡iiiinuii luyiiiuet, a l)an(iuet at order, comnuinlt.\', county, state ^ Weaver College, at Weavorvillo, ami nation. Tho meeting will- and social onttrtainmonts to be nii.\l bu- hold in Mocksville on the provided I'or women visitors liy .>;econd Friday night in January, iht executive committee of the At-.hovillo Women’s Missionary Society. iiiflhr.p Edwin D. Mcuzon,' of Charlotte, who wil! preside at all of the conf-trenco .sessions, is ex­ pected to arrive tomorrow. Tho first general conference meeting will be called to order Wedncs- diiy morning, but the confEa'enee historical so.tiety will hold its meeting Tuesday night. The conferenco sc'ssions Avill b.«t from Wednesday to Monday of next weok. The’ last dny of the eonference, when the Bishop “reads out” tlie appointments of mini.sters for the ensuing year is always 'regardo'il a's the mo,st in­ teresting and in some instances the mcst exciting phase of the entire- conference. Methodists here who profe.ss to be in close touch with the 'situa­ tion were predicting tonight that at lea.st half of the 300 ministers in the Western District nre slated for transfer th'is-year, Under the rules of the church r.o minister is allowed to 'serve one cliarge more than four consecutive years except under highly unusual cir­ cumstances. 'But many of these .“Circuit' Riders," • ns they were called in the early dn'ys of Metho­ dism, move on the bishops orders Gv-ry yer.r. , - Severn] tr-.^nsfers, of ministers frcm an'.'l, into the Westorn Con­ ference will bo made, according io predictions of church leinders. It is runioi'ed that Rev. R. II. Wednasday lafternoon tho i Mockiivill-e- fo-a-tball team went to T-homasville exirccting to be l)(i;,ten, but the fighting spirit of the local boys would not let them leave the field with -a defeat. Mocksville won tho toss and re­ ceived the kick off and from that timo on they fought thoir way to a tie iovor almo.st overwhelm­ ing odds. Mo-2ksvillo out fought and out played the strong Thomas ville team from the time the ball was put into play until the final whistle blew. Ward, a hard hit­ ting tacltle, played a big part in tieing the pcore. Dlwiiggins, a fast piece of human machinery, pu.s'hed the final touchdown over the line-. Jonos scored tho first i-ouehdown in the first quarter. A fumble in the first half enabled Thomasville to score its first touchdown. ■ The Mocksville boys 'played a brilliant game, both offensive and '«'lefensive, ,P'gai/n.st the undefeated Thomasville Eleven, -and every player deserves ^reaf; credit for ■holding the -opponents to a tie. 78 ANNIVERSARY OF J. C. CARTER i'" ■■■* ■■■■ --------- On Sun.-I.iy, Oct, 30, 1927 quite ij large- crowd oi' rolatives and friuiid.s, about 175 in mimbo", .liathored nt the home of J. C. I ('avler, to do him linnor, and help him to celebrato hi.s 78tli birth- 'I'l.v annivei.sary. Quite a ploas- i»i-' feature of this occasion, wo iii.'ul to I’c-late, is that this I'ur.vd of foik.s 'hud uttendod S. '>•. and church before coming to- here, and then aftor com- had, a religiou.?’ address of "■■''Ico-me, bj-,’r. I. Caudell, of ■ lyclcsviliG,- some .nic-e-;soloe- ^jon.s of ii(iered singing by ,tho ■oi'k li^.'ptist Quartette. A long '‘‘I'lf; had been erected in .the i’‘!id and was filled with, dolicion.-i t'iitablos brought by those' in at- ttndiince, and also prepared by ■fhc.so in the ¡home. , This was thoroughly on.ioyod- by all pre­sent. i'ir. Carter’s children wore ail liicsont except ono, D. S. Carter, »1 I'urham, -and nearly 'all' the t-'and children 'Avero present, it indeed a most en,ioynblo oc- ¡md all .loin in wishing Carter mi\ny, many luoro •"■ui'h anniversnrie.s. monts about any poo'!" Unfortii'natei,pèrsoli who, in u fit of temporary insanity may take; his own life. God knows we thoroughly sympath­ ize. Nvith any pijrson who might g,fit in- such n state' of mind as to even contemplate self-destiructioiu and- we .sympiathize still more with, the, family 'and relatives of |tlie suicide. Therefore, we have no more unkind slalemont to make nbout the suicide than we do about the p'e-rson who dies a natui'hl death, fer -we don’t believe any person, mentially normal ever eve'h' contemplated suicide. We be­ lieve that tfie physical nnd mental condition which may cause suicide is as much a dis'iase'as cancer, tublèrculosis, pneumonia or any other of the di.«ci;ises which 'scourge the human race. But the point labout the Bon ee man’s self desiJruction which f’IîlNTÎîS’G—'raAT’S OUR liUSI. ;A’KSS--TRY US; Dau^'hc-rtv f-:r ths,pa.st three yoars pastor bfllia’wthorno Lane Church of Charlotte, mny, ?o to the Up­ per South Carolina Conference. Dr. P. U. Ivniekerljocker and D»'- Karl Gregory, both widely known in Southoi'n Jlcthodism, are being montinned as po.ssible- tran.‘!i^er.i to the confii’onco. ■ At last year’s confoVonce^ in Gastonia a uluiroli membership of nnproxin№te,'lv 140,000 in 'the Wftstern half of tho Stato was re- j-ortod. 'Reports this year ac­ cording to conferonce oflicials, win revG.'il a remarkable growth during the iiast yoar. In ad'di- t-ion to tlio growth of meni'l,ie-r- ship,' it is declared, thore has been ‘great materi.il growth in the construction of churches and the dovolopmont of other church pro- pertie-s, ______________ ALLEN REUNION Tiio у'Чеч I'oiininn u'il> bo hold a.s usual at tho homo of A. W. Allen near Fork Church, on thi^ second Siinduy in Novombor. All rolative.4 and ,Crionds aro invited jo" oome. C'orno and bring dinner an.d' enjoy the-, day t-ogother. provoked this.comment wns the-st(itomont in the ii'&wspaper reports' th"it his father and hi.s grandfather, before him took their own lives. That proves t’hat, like insanity and othor hereditary disease-s,-the suicic'-il tpn-doncy is a family weakness, handed down from generation to geiier-ation. So, one so unfortunate as to inherit that t'e-ndency, i-a in a way most helpless nnd is to be pitied. Of course, -in a way such people are not to blame. -■ ■ ' ' Some one hn.s .sn.idi that liie b(Jst tim« to ,atr|rt trainin'g, n child' is with its grnndmothor. And, gentle reader, thats n suirgestlon which you mi'y well ponder in yoiii- mind, if youi hnve or hope t«i hnve (I posterit.v. If wo should mnke n more careful study of family weaknesses and theVi- generation nfte'r gene^ration strive to overcome the.'^o, within a few generations wo; could doubtless brood out theso faults and weaknesses. ; Did you over c-bservo that most member,of tho »amo family die f'.'om the same disoase'Z Take-paralysis, foi* instance, or tubor- culosi.-i. or cancqr. If t« family has a tendency toward any of theso dis,oases, usually most of thom go in the s.amo way. Tho same is true of insanity, and judging from the record in the caso of the Boii'leo nran and general observations the suicidal tendency would seem to run in families. Can f'-iniilios finally ovori'omo thoso tend'encios? Can a f-amily within a fow jionorations wood out tho streak of insanity which may havo boon running thrfnigh it for generations'.' Who shall sny that it can not be dono'.' Cortiiiinly no one generation can succos.sfully ryorcomo a fumiilv wn'ikno.^s, but .if throo suocossivo gonorations slrould sot out and work towards that end, might not this tendency to. .‘•uieii'-i’, or ins'in'tv, or cnncor. or tiiberculrysis, or paralysis be finally oVc-rcomo within 'a fow generations? What is true of di-spnso tondoncie.q of families is'-also true as to mnvnl weakne.'juo«. The toiidency to thaft, as a rule, runs in fnmilies. The offspring of thV murdoreir, or the robber 'or of tho 'highwayman nvny be on his guard, lost he, too, sometime -in life may be tempted and ovorcrmo by tlie .same weakness. The cliildrm and grand­ children Olf the drunkard', of rll others .should: kavc nione the -(hinjf which flvereame their Jincvistors. The man who« father was n liber­ tine should keep his thoughts away fxom the things which lead his father into dehnucli'tTy and imm<irality.- These are serious thoug'hts which every 'parent should con.“idc:r ■and nono should fiil to toll their childron of the pitfalls into-which the membors of his particular kin h:ave fallen. ' The pitTson whose parC'Tit died- from parnlysis, should he tnusht to- gunrd we'I his nerv- syistcm, and he whose fnther died from cancer, should take n<\ chancfs with wKat m'ny r.'. first appoii,r only a hajimlesa skin irlfcctidn, that he mny escape the disease, or iit least have n chance to make n fight against fihe disease, which took off his forebdars, "I am now the oldest memb'ir of my family," said a gentleman to the Enterprise on the occasion of his last birthday. “Yet my health seema perfect, -and a physical exi.Hmination today disclosed thiat I appea'r 'to be -sound, although I am already old'e-r than ray father, or grand-father, or g.reat-gnsndfather 'at the time of their deaths.” Wo^ congratu!«te'd him and wished many happy returns of the day, but just such thouglits as we have b'een uttering above came into our min'd'. In less time»thnn six months ho \mbis id-ead. We are,'a part,of what avo inhorit. But we are 'in a -way re­ sponsible just the same, for we, shouici all lessrn our family weakness­ es and then gurtrd against them. If your father suffered a paralytic stroke 'at 70,-.vtou had better start treating yoiirself for pi.n!ralysis' before you re^ich the ngci (if seventy. If your gr'andfather an'd: your uncles and great uncles, or.-a majority of them,’ -died young, find out now- what diseases cani'ied them away, and- guard agaiwat any abuse of yoUr system which might burry on that same weiaknoss in you. For,this is the only way we shall ever produce a super-race, eugenics and such liko free ¡ove ad'vocr.l:'s ia- t!;c c::'.'.rr.ry staading. - ,, , ■ . Albert Wiggins, po.s.'sibly Amoiica’s mo.st noted authority on horodity, once '.-:aid "Count up tho ag^s lat Avhich your grand-fathers an'd grand-mothors di'6'd and strike ,an average fi'om tho four sets of figures. -You 'have a perfect right to expect to live to that aver­ age age.” lie did not say .that you,had no right to believe you would net even pass'this nvonige of your graiid-paronts, but he did inti­ mate that to do so might mean special care of your health, and otorr.i;! vigil-ance in keeping phy,=ically fit. Ploa.40 -don’t undoi'stand u.s lo bo saying that heredity means * extra copies we have. If you * have this number we,will pay ■* * you for it ii you will bring * * it to us;within the next few * * days. ■ '-* ■* 4* ‘ n .» # *' HALLOWE’EN CARNIVAL * advertisers are calling on- us j'and itheir . bti-other-jn-law,': Kfore- *■ for copies qf, this issue and pandofF, once rated as miliionair- * we have mailed out 'all the * es with high social connections,. and one of them, Cyril, a noted sportsman, went' to' their .’ death today by -order of thé Soviet court. ‘ They paid the supreme penalty for olleged espionage ih behalf of Great Britain. The three men executed today were- sentenced on -Monday last. Cyril Pi;ove, weeping bitterly,,; begged jf.or riiercy. Vladimir, -his ' brother tried''as best he mifeht to fhold up his drooping s'houldora when the head of the m 'ilitaix. tribunal of the 'suprerpe court ended all hope of appeal by,'der „ daring; that the death sentence' wdukl'stand. „ -, ■ v ■ Tho caso, however, was appealr ed, but the all-Russian- e-xecutive ., rejected it, de'clini^.' clemency to the, who hud hoped to':lÎ6nÉfli by 'am­ nesty which will- cbmo 'rHto çiïectr- ne-xt AVeok ; with the-^ commence-; ment of" 'the tenth BnniÂ^eraarÿ of tho founding of -the Sovip't Re-)' public. . '' Tho two brothers turned state’s oyidence, thus hoping their lives Would bo spared. The carnival given by the stud­ ents and faculty of the Mocksville high school of Monday, Oct, 31, was a great success, Monday afternoon the students taking part in the circus, parad­ ed down Main street and,twice around the square. The music by, the band was -enjoyed by all who love good mulsic! 'The animals and clowns woro also very inter­ esting. Monday night at 7:30 the doors of the high school .building were open to tho public for an evening of real fun, ■ The first thing wa's a circus given in tho ; auditorium. The three elo|)hants were put through tho tricks taught' them by thoir skillful trainer, 'They had oiie white elephant which is some­ thin',g ivory rarol.v »ceil, mio giraff and camels also had a spe­ cial i>arl 'On the program, Tho clowns and 'band gavo several numbora which woro enjoyed by all. . After the interesting circus everybody wont down stairs into the main hall-,^whore tho sido .shows, fortune tollers, beauty oontost, and rofj'oshments wore found. All tho side .shows were vi.sitod b,v many people who ad­ mit,that they were so good they wore 'Vorth double thoir admis­ sion fee. The room of horror, Bluebe«,rd’s -eight wives, airplane rides and' freaks of nature were ip.mong the side show..s enjoyed by the public. The beauty contest opened at 8 o’clo'ck and closed 'at 10; the finnl decisión being that Miss Flo Pendergirai't ivas the prettiest girl. - . ' The refreshments -wore greatly enjoyed' by all who visited the Home Economies ropm. The proc-f'cds, which amounted to eighty dollars, will bo 'divided between tho boys nnd girls athle-, tic • n.«sC'',',iations.. We thif.nk the people of the town for their, hear­ ty co-operation. ASKS .520,000 FOR DEATH OF HUTCHINS CALLS BARBER SHOP IN NEW (QUARTERS Call’s Barbe*r Shop have moved from ‘tbr-ir old i-pcntion in the Wennt block to the Southern Bnnlj & Trust Company, next doer to the Enterprise, 'a-nd are better prepared to serve you than in the past, Mr, Harley Soiley has puro'h,ia.s-£i:l 'half inte)re®t i'n tho shop but it will continue iii thn name of Call.< Barber -Shop, See their a'd in this issue. CHILD BADLY HURT BY DYNAMI'PE CAI Greensboro, Nov. 1.— hold of a dynamite 'cap iiome, Elma Honshaw", six-yoai- old .son, of Mr. -and Mrs. John Hen.shaw,, ¡Liberty, route throo cauisod an -e-xplo.iion ' that will Charlotte, Oct. 28.—Damages of-- ?20,000 wore iiskod for tho death of, his father in a suit filed in , Jlocklenburg Superior -Court yes-. torday against Ro.mcoo Bro-iv-n, Yadkinvillo, by L. W. Hutchins, of 'Charlotte. ,• ’ Thü claimant .said that his fiith- . , or, W. H,. Hutchins, 'of 1 whose pstat^ ho is 'administrator, >! killed two weeks ai^o in froiit pf■';; his hoiho, Yadkinvillo, b.v''an iiiitV- ' mobile driven by Brown. ;— -----^--------o-------------------' ' ,';/ ; TOBACCO SELLS FOR 2Ö.1 Ct^ • . . .^ I ____________ . • Winston-Saleni, Nov. 1.—A total ,, of approximately 1,,¿53,212 pounds,, of tobacco—what was declared to ' be tho largest amount of tobacco over handled on- the local market ■/ in one day—was sold hero yestor- '"' day for an average of $26.17 ,ft hundred pounds, the highest,aver­ age established this year. The total /amount of money paid out; W6a approximately !f32B,035.87. ; ' Thr,oughout the'day yesterday the vijhole inarkot was-tho Scene of feveri'àh haste and -industry. By midnight Sunday night trucks and, automobilo loads of tobacco bé- gah to filter into tho city and by the time-sales started the market,, district of the city prisented tho : sippearance of a heavy break. ■ Nearly all of the houses, if not all, which-had first sales finished their offerings, however. This morning a record-break­ ing amount of tobacco is await- ! ing sale. All of tho older hous­ es—Piedmont, GoirellVi, Browh’à and,-Pe'pper’.M—are filled to their capàcity with iob:i:cco due to their having fir.-t sales today. A large quantity of tobacco also was wait­ ing in the four,remaining houses - which will havo two hours of se-llr ing timo after 3 o’ciock, regard-, ,,.' j less of whether tho 8i\les ;are c,qpit! ' CVjtting I at -the first snl&'.f ‘ houses. in hi.sl 'I'ho tobacco,-goneraliy: -w’hich , was offered yesterday vyas of good quality and justified tho unusual- ' ly high average established. Little cif tho sand leaves 'find papery , ovor',v'thing and that t-hor-o. is nothing wo can do to overcome theso probably rcEult in tho b.ss of'his ¡ and enjoy it, but since he inhorited the love of mud iand 'slush, it ;,Lgo’h hospital'last; c-vtnihK,^wlieie -will take se-voral generations to breed out 'of him that -love for mud. You might eventually train a kitty to love a 'mud puddle, -but since his father -and mother and his forefathers for untold generations 'have purred around the dry wiiirm hearthstone, it -will take several generations of careful training to brood him up to the point where he will swap hi'.s warm bed'mnd pink ribbo'n for a mud puddle. And so it is with mon and women. We are a part of what we inherit. We 8|ro Wihat our lancestors were, until w'e train and develop intoi something better, or degrndo ourselves into something worse. W«' did not start out to deliver a discourse on- tho power an'd‘ is an interesting subject to; us, -and ngor among our readers may get a ■emarks which may oauso thom to influence of 'horedity, but this W'e trust that some of tho yoi thou-tí'ht from theso rambling think, for when folks begin to '¿hink they ii'siially start somewhere. What do you think about t reader Would liko to discuss lis subject'? Are wo right'.' If any he subject, -our columns arc open freely for discus.sion for -any one w'ho may care to give his views; in favor of, or.'against, the. labptVe suggoationa. his burns wero treated, lli.s face was considerably marred by the explosion, and.his conditiort was, pronounced serious' by the hos­ pital authorities early this morn­ ing. Poor Pat Census taker—"Y'our husband’s name, please'.'” . Mrs. Grogan—“Piat.” Census taker—“I want his n'ame in full.” Iiirs. Grogan, "Well, sor, whon he's full he thinks he’s Jack Dempsoy but Avhen Oi lays my hands on ’-im he’s just plain Pat again.”_______... ■ ..... ... .. TWO AVIATORS KILI.RD , WHEN PLANES COLLIDE Pan^s^/icola, Fla., Oct. 28.—Hurl­ ed to the earth when the-ir single , seated Curtiss Hawk planes crash­ ed together, 5,000'feet above Pon-- : sacóla today, two-naval officcns— Lieutenants. Edward Richard;, FraAvley and William James Me- Coird—^Avoro killed. : ; Hundreds of Pon.sacola persona ,! witnessed tho planes <in training maneuvers ovor the coast .‘-.ulo re- sidontial section of tho city and'?, .saw lilO collision. ' , - Ono of, the -ships cra.^hod thr- pugh a house, tiie Olhi i fell on „ A î; г w ? - L' îfJ ití'l - ' 'J - f. ;l î - niii'i, :h4p !,<и î?JiKe 2 THID'MOOKSVILLK ENTERPRISK. MOCivSVIbLE, N, C. ThursdMy, Novembor ,'i, Ю27 Hinl. Ndl Enough The l'ullowiiiiii wii.s 1и!Д1ч1 in thu Iciily ilai'kncss (lÎ !i woodi-tl hIoiiü :ihovo t hü ¡M'omeninli! : “I .tlioUKht ,vi)ii wuiu woinjr to kis8 ma wIumi yoU pueltcred up your li])R just now.” “No—or—that i.s—it was only a piouo of grit ill niy mouth.” "Then Гог Koucliie.4.4 sake swal­ low it.—You iieuti it.” Sighed Up Itu (at art o.'iliibit): Ah, Joan d'Arc. ( Shu (aLso there): Join it your- nelf. Pm a Kappa. Very Much About “I want you to meet a man about town,” .said Lord Chumley, as ho introduced his Ixiend to 'a passing cabby. I.ITTLE POOD VALUE IN GRASS ROOTS TboHsaiicls of .motorists are daily proyi.ng iliat ''Standard” .Wotor Oil does all miy good oil slioidd do'--and does ii better VT~a STA HDARD'\ :/M i(lUI)I';ÁHV ')ll,s ......................tb Abilily to flow fnicly, to cling to melal surfaces, to rcsht heat, lo hold Us body__ these are qualilies refined into "Standard” Motor Oil through patience, long experience and elaborate equipment. “ S T A N D A R D ” MOTOR OIL The Measure^Oil Value STANDARD , Kalcijrii, Oct. oK—Root.s ot' the sword gra.s.s ao aluindant in cer­ tain marshy .stction.« of eastern North Caroliira ma.V be u.sod as a subslitute for pasture for mature sows but havo little value as a feed for fattening pigs. ‘"I'his swoi'd grass of Scirpus AmericanUvs covers quite a large area in ea.stern- North Carolina and is found in fruah water or brackish swamps," says Earl IIos- Rural Song and Comenmi (By Arch lluiieycutt) The Squallur Solemn iMeclitatiuns Thc- We.stern horiiion is red and gold, with the last fading glow of departing dny.’ Far over the hills one may hear the clang of bells as the htrd.s of cattle wind ! their way homeward from pas- llere and there, over tho .................. " , ............. ^ ■ iieaceiui couniiysuie, ,gra>-s has been used 1 with the as a gra-/ing crop tor pigs with tetlor, in cliarge of awiiie investi-1 gatious at State College. i .„.¡iceful countiyside, Ihe huuLs- ights that indows of farin- lioiiseH. The sky begin,< _to show . ^ I forili her wealtli of genis. Tho I . , , meadows are dami) with the fall-palatablc itor , ciiiiie silent, jmpres.sing one with IL little or no knowledge as lo its actual vahU" in pork production. That part of the i)lant (¡round is iieithei nutritious but swiiie will unearth the roots ami eat them with ap- jiarent relish.” "J'o find out the Value of those Toots as a hog feed, Mr. IIo.stLtler put on a lest with ;>2 piga weigh­ ing about 85 pounds each and be­ longing to the New Holland (^or- jioiation ill ll.vde county, lie di­ vided tlie piga into four lots, with each lot having about live acres of the sword grass aod as iiasture. He then fed- each group 41 ration made by mi.xing nine iiarts oí corn to ono part of fish meal. Each groui) was fed one, two, three or four percent of its live weight daily. The test lasted from May 6 to August 25, 1!)27. As a result of the test, Mr. IIos- leller found his most expon.sive gains Lo be made with tho low per cenlage of feeding. His gains and lowest costs were rivade when he fed tho higheat percentage of corn nn(l fish meal. In other words gra.ss roots only when tho other feed was not available to the- c.vtcnt demanded by thoir growth. Thoso fed only ono per­ cent of their live weight in grain consumed about 0П0 and one- fourth acre.4 of the roots while those pigs getting four percent of thcir live weight in grain con- .sumed onlv one-fourlh of an acre of tho roots. He's No Gambler I Kind Lady: You should braco l, up, my poor man. Remembor what you'owo to socioly. Mobn: [ don’t owo society nuth- in’, lady. What do you Ihink Pve been doln’—jilaying bridge-? I LOUIS LEVIN i CLOTHING SPECIALIST 415 Trade Street . Winston-Salem, N. C. The Biggest Bargain Value In The City Our All Wool Serge Suits At $1 9.50 This suit is a tailored garment that we guarantee sun and waterproof. See this suit if you want a good garment at a reasonable price. the niysl'ei ions luish of nature guarding from man Iho aanctily of her ago-old secrets lo terres- t'l'ial lifo. I walk abroad to medi­ tate in the .silence—that awful silence that speaks Ihunderingly lo liiC’ soul while the mortal ears hear not, and my'thoughts aro dum-fouiuling. Mere is reality, shoriie of every semj)lance of a desire to dissemble. Here is truth, bnret'jiced, and glittering before the•half-f'rightened eyes of tho soul, with tho cold glint of burnished steel. Night and sil­ ence, and tho '.stars through which one may imagine God Himself looks down through tho blackness, jienolrfiting every mask, and into tho very depths of thc soul. Whence came L and whither do I go? .Who and what am I, 'and why ao short a time in auch beau­ tiful and sublime surroundings? What does it all niean? A living, moving, dynamo of physical and mental strength, burning with zeal for worthy accomplishment, and every h^art-throb tender with love, yet fraught with an a-jhe for the misfortunes of maivkiiid. Yot a fow days, at most, and I shall be part and parcel of the aon.se- less du.st. The speeding mind that grapples all problem.«», ¡and con- (lUeis with the aword of reason, shall have ceased, as a time piece tliat has lost its d'l'iving force, and lliC'burning heart, cold aud nulse- lesa as the gray, cold stonoa. Can we iiifford lo dispenao with tho Clirlal throug'^li whom we havo '•oeoived tho revohilion of it all? Ho is aa the rudder to Ihii ship, llio governor lo thc motor, aiul|H| the click wheel lo the time iiiece. i m Without Him, the life Tuiia aim­ lessly, a(|uandering its vitality, and .‘■vlwiltering, with ungoverned and un-directod force,'the physi­ cal, moral and mental machinory. . J ie ii m i i F í . ' K f .13 í I t ’S toasted. No Tliwat írrita (ion - N'o Coiujlv, me At Last Dig thfj grave deep and lay lon'. When tho span of lifo is past; Under the sunshine, the dew, or the snow, God 'ia His infinite love will know My slumbering dust, at last. Shod no tear for 'a луеагу one Who falls la'sleop in tho gloam; Judge not tho,’ of tho race ho run God has called, and a glad “Well Done.” Welcomes thc traveler home. Time’s Journey Rumble, rumble down the road. Goes tho slow van of time, Bearing onward its strange load Into another cljme. If we ’wakoiv, if wo sleep, Ever on .its w:ay-r^ If we laugh or if we weep. Pausing night nor day.. , , *: Minutes, hours, days and years, Onward, never still, Sunshine, shadows, sm'ilos and tears— God’s unfaltering will. Rumble, rumble, ever on. Bearing great and small, Prom the cradle and the dawn, To ono last, lone call. The Creative It is much easier to invest a I makeshift for shadows, than to i find the ireal. Most of our woi’- I rios' arc because of myrages far I on the distant ihorizon, imaginory j troubles lhal keep moving 'ahead ! as we adv illirely. To ■ ince, or disappear on­ lay i-s tho keynote of jjtho aong of lifo, beautiful with j memory nf tho past, and thrilling with hopo for the future. Everything For Men and Boys. LOUÎS 415 Trade St. LEVIN Winston-Salem, N. C. ii The Tide pi Like youthful Gods, let lose at ii! P'“J- y Tho giant waves 'roll on their I . W'ay, H To break upon a sandy shore, II Flow back and then retu'rn no ll, more. So with 'a lifo that dares to sweep Incautiously across the 'deep, To break at last^upon tre shore, I" Flow backward, and return no ia.::iiliii:Bgii.№.w!raii muro. Keep Warm ‘T o r these cold d ays’^ w e have | Sweaters Of every kind for men and boys also for the girls $2 . 0 0 to $8.00 Lumbeijacks In many desirable styles and colors for men and boys. $3.50 to $5 . 0 0 Heavy fleeced shirts for men Tan and Grey $1.50 Overcoats and Topcoats For men. A great showing of these coats | in all latest shades. Good Quality. $15.00 to $27.50 IREXIEII BROS. H YOSI ______ ( i Ця Я '|дВ!111П1Ш1!№!1Ш1111В Leading Clothiers Salisbury, N. C, H!!iiiiiiiiai№nii«iiiiniiiiR9im!i!iiBiiiièinin;iiitai»iiuiaiBiasiiffl3''^''''*i^ PRINTING—THAT’S OUR IIUSI-NESS—TRY US, rinirsday, November 1027 THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE. MOCKSVILLE, N. C. TO BE AWARDED AT CONVENTION FORK NEWS Rev. E. W. 'rurner filled his i‘e- gular apiiointment at the Baj)- tist church Sunday morning at U o’clock and preached a Kood y.ermoh from the 15 chapter'of Psalms. Mr. and Mrs. Rad Sidden and children spent Sunday with re­ latives here. Jlr. and Ml'S. B. W. Allen, al.'io ■ Tho West Wake Fair at Apex charged ■ no gate receipts to tho 10,000 or more persons who visit­ ed it, .vet it was tho most succe.ss- ful event of its kind recently'held in the vicinity of Ralcigli. SASSAFRAC RIUGE NEWS Mi.ster Editur: 1 brujsin’ ’ruuiul thi,î hero оГ ....................... ................................. ^ wilderness of woe, an’ a Avindin’ Mir,. Joe Smith, all of 'winston- i» the,se here- laberyn- S.'itoni, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Alien last Wodiiesdiiy. Mr. 7j. V. Burton made a busi­ ness trip to Mockaville Saturday. Mr. Yate.s Minor and Mia,s Cora Minor of Winston-Salem spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Minor. Mr. and Mrs. Cora Williams of the Twin City spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. Emma Aaron visited re­ latives in week. ths of mystical maize, for all the world like as a yt'arlin’ calf lo.it in a briar thicket full of hornets an’ yaller jackets, yer scribe he comes more an’ more to the con- clusun, as how hit’.s a quair ol’ world, hit is; likewise as how ol’ mother nature is u relentless teacher, yessiree, an’ cold-blood­ ed las a hongry razffr back hawg of the she variety, in a hen house on a cold winter day, yes-siree, Winston-Salem last i then some fer good measure, . 1 cause she ain’t a niakin’ narey bit Quite a large crowd attended ' of allowenc'es fer them what fer- a birthday dinner at Mr. W. A .' K'^s the signs, as sot forth by the Livongood’s last Sunday. j changes of the moon likewise the Mrs. P. W. Hairston'has return- zodyack, she lain’t, ner she ain’t ed homo after spending a week, a makin’ no allowances fer no This beautiful loving cup will be given to the county making the best music .at the State Fiddlers’ convention in Albema'rlo on November 11 and 12. The dcciaion will be reached by the means of a iioint aystem. STATE FIDDLERS’ CONVEN­ TION PLANS REING MADE FOR AIBETING HERE EDUCATION Mark Hopkins aat on one end of a log And a f'arm boy sat ton the other. ]\Iark Hopkins came as a pedo- goguo And taught as an oliler brother. I don’t care- what Jlark Hopkins taught;— vcnlioii will lasl for two days and tho ijrograina will bo held in tho cvoning at' the Albemarle, high Albemarle, Oct. iU.—The Stato Fiddlers’ convention will meet in Albemarle on Friday and Satur­ day, November 11 and 12, and tho plana fo'r Ithis convunlion are being rapidly perfected by Fiaher llendley, chairman of the commit­ tee on ari'angcmonis. The con- If hia Latin was small and liia (ireek was naught— For the farni'ir’s boy he thought, thought he, .school auditorium the preliminary .Ml through lecture timo and quiz, contest will be hold, and all e.\- “The kind of a man I moan to bo cept tho best jjlayers will be elim- Is tre kind of a man Mark Hop- inalod. On the second night, kins ia!” Saturday, the grand finals will bo staged at the same building. No Philo.sophy, languages, medicine, l»eraoii will be allowed lo play law, the last night who was not in the Are peacock feathers to deck the contest on Friday night. daw, The loving cui) will be givon to If the boys who come from, your the county which in the opinion splendid schools of tho judges furnishes tho beat Arc well-trained sharpers or flip- music al the convention. This jiant fools deci.sion will be reached by means Vou may brag of your age and of a point system, and oach first your ivied walls, and second prize won will mean so Your groat endowments, your many points on the cup. The first noble halls prize.s are as follows: Best String Band of four or more ............'.........................$50.00 And all your modern features. Your vast curriculum’s scope and reach 20.00 Best Violin Best Banjo Best Guitar ............................. Best Mandolin ....................... Beat quartette singing old- time favorites..................... 10.00 Best Buck, Clog nnd Wing Dancer 25.00 And the multifarious things you teaeh- 15.00 But how about the teachers? 10.00,Aro they men who will stand in a father’s place, I Who are paid, best paid, by the .................................................. 10.00 ■ ardent face The”7econd prizes which will When boyhood gives, as boyhood consist of merchandise given by Albemarle merchants, will be an- Its love and faith to a fine, true non need later. • Valuable merchandise prizes No printed page nor spoken plea will also be given for thc best May teach young hearts what men «toel guitar, best auto-harp, and should be for the best Charleston dancer. , Not at all the books on all the The committee' i.s working with ' shelves, station WBT in Charlotte in an But what the teachers are them- effort to have the convention selves. _ . hroaYlcasted. As yet no definite ^or education is: Making men; 'announcement can be made, but So ia it now, .so W:as it when it ia hoped that it can be success- Hopkins sat on one and of fully'maiiiaged. I z*The record manufacturers have “ larm boy sat on the other. been asked to 'sond S''jouta to en- ' Kago any likely material for new , records. BJusic of this type is j very popular at the present timo. A largo number of muaiciana from all parts of the stale havo inilicatod that they will bo jirescnt f.nd Mr. J. C. Soil, president of tlio Stale association, i.s very o))- timistic over -this report. It is ho))od that this coiivontion will le the host over held in tho state. THIEVES CARRY OFF FIEl.D FULL OF HAY -Arthur Guiterman. MOCK’S CHURCH NEW’S Tliomaaville, Ga., Oct. 28.—The world champion “loser” who is i'aid to havo mispliu'it'd a bass drum in an upper berth must look to his laurels. A farmer south of here, just over the Florida lino, haa report­ ed to otHcors that thieves robbecl him of a whole field of peavine hay in broad daylight. Tho poa- vinc's were moved and carried iiw.'i.v—and—the thieves are .“till »1 lar.ge. Farnior.s of Dujilin count;y h.'ive ordoi'i'd thcir aecoiid car of py- Rey. W. B. Thom¡)Bon preached an intore.sting sormon Sunday morning. There wins a largo crowd out to hear him. . . After Sunday .school «nd.proaeli in.g, tho pooi)lc all motoi'od down to the home nf Jlr. John Phcljis and .surpri.‘=od him v.’ith a bounti-' fill dinner, which wa.s .«erved out ui'uler tho trce.s. 11 was hi.s 7lith birthday. Everybody had a de­ lightful time and left wishing hiin many more hanpy birtluhiy.s. ]\l'r. Kind Mr.s. U. H. Phelps spont ono day last week in Wins­ ton-Salem. , ^ I\Ii.s.s Ethel Jones spent the week end with her cousin, Mr., 0. B. Jone.s in Winston-Salem. IMr. VV. J. Jones made a busi- no.ss.trip to Mocksvillo one day last wook. Ho was accompanied I homo hy hia grandson. Master 1 Norman Jone.s. ¡ ]\Irs. W. J. .Tones ia fooling some-1 WDr.so^al thi.ci writing.--------------------------------- TRADE W'ITH THE MERCH­ ANTS TH.\T ADVERTISE JN the- guest of Mr. and Mrs. Patton of Swnnnoa. Mias Ruth Hairston is spend­ ing sometime at Sauertown Manor near Walnut Cove. I\fr. Jake Jone.s of near Char­ lotte spent Sundiay witJi Mr. John Jones, who continues very 'aick. Farmors aro taking advantage of the beautiful weather, sowing grain, picking cotton nnd gather­ ing a fine crop of potatoes. fea,stin'’ ner indulgin’ in the use of home-brew, she ain’t, even tho hit mout be B'rack Rollinses favo­ rite brand, an.’ hit okayed, like­ wise sot apart as alright by that thar Mister A.le Smith un’ all the rest of them what straddles the fence fer votes. Hit’s the cold gray dawn of the mornin’ after, likewise the sun of wisdom a re­ flectin’ her glow onter the ice- bugs of gkicyerl expeiryence, hit Mr. and Mrs. L. L. J^ones and scribe, he is a settln’ Mr. Proctor aJid family of High Point, spent Sunday with Mr. George Beaton. Miss Selma and Elmer JIason entertained a number of yoiing folks at a Hallowe’en pnrtv and by the fire with hia feet inter a tub of hot suds, an’ his head band­ aged, while over durned thing in sight seems like is a dancin’ ’round same as one of these here modern flappers a doin’ of her tacky party last Saturday night. Charlestown stufi’ an’ a tryin’ of 515 being present--many games lovelest best lo make like as wore jilayed on the lawn and all left for home wishing Hallowe’en to como again soon. л и 1 й и . РЙУ ïüü she’s got forty laigs, when ever .sane human bein’ knows as how she ain’t got only two; an’ they’s a bottle of Brnck Rollinaes favor­ ite brand a restin’ on tho mantlo ; aholf, they is, an’ a takin’ seckond j place, while Doc. Uopum’s pills iflii’ bitter truck ockypioa the cen­ ter of tho stage, ycs-slroe, an’ groans, likewise waila of pain fol- ler ono another same aa the diein’ groans of a deiinrtin’ billy goiit what feasted on a shoe sole full It will pay you lo see our .?9.98 clothing for men before you buy elaewhore. Several new grii'des, como and see them. 500 pairs ........ ........... .................. Ladies Silk Ho.se, $1.00 value,'for of cobbler tacks to his entire un- liOc. We have a complete line of | doin.’ Lord what a world, what Red Gboao and Elkin Shoes for ; a world. An’ then to think, Miat- Meii, Women and Children. Plen-1 er Editur, as how that thar Mist- ty of Hats, Caps, Dry Goods and j er Ale Smith rickymonds hit with Notions. Wo handle Nesco Oil I the stamp of his approval, liko- Stoves, Rubber Roofing and all ‘ wise his polytickal aspirnshuns, kinds of Feeds. Wo sell Yates j an’ Mackey he’s gone an’ found Tires and are selling Cord Tires : out as how he wpn’t do, he has, at §5.50. Flour per hund-1 an’ Ciil not a choosin’ to run, an’ red jiounds, lard 15c, straw rugs ! hit looks fer all the world like $.3.i)0, plenty slickers nt bargain aa vve got to have four years of prices. See us for anything you this here sort. Gosh-a-mighty, want, we have the goods and’ hit’s enough to make a feller wish guarantee our prices to be as low as how he wair a inhabitant of as can be found. We handle the middle of that thar place first class goods at reasonable «way off somewhar, maybe most prices.--J. Frank Hendrix, South a hundred miles, what thoy calls Mocksville, N. C. the Sarah desert, yes-siree, or Smart-Speedy-Compact-Delttàs Graham Brothers new V^-Ton Patiel Delivery Car offers busi­ ness a deluxe light delivery unit, distinctly nevi'. Beauty, speed and utility are merged in a car of unusual economy and dependability. Delivery of your goods in Gra- hamBrothersy2'Tonor%-Tois Commercial Cars leaves a last­ ing implressioa with customers of the high type of your estab- lishment-and of the soundness of your business judgment.and dependabiUty. 01 your ousiness juugmuni:. 2-Ton ® 1595 i>/2-Ton » 1 2 4 5 i -топ « 8 9 5 »Л-тоа « 6 7 0 (6.cyltad.t) Chajfls/. o. b. Detroit GROCE & TODD DEPOT STREET MOCKSVILLE, . N. C. G raham BROTHERS Sold end Serv icod by Dodite Brotherii Deal« eii Everywhere TRUCKS DuUebv Truck Divi« lion of Dodu« Drotherii lac» FDR EVERY PURSE AND PURPGSE- No matter what you want to pay ^ no matter 'for what purpose you need Ле car — we can show you one that will adequately fill the bill. Look af these Headliners 1 li)2fi Dodge touring ca|r. 1 1921 GrahMni truck. 1 192(! Dodge i^L'dan. 1 1927 Ford louring car. GROCE & TODD MOCKSVILLE, N. C. maybe another place what ol’ Bruther McCbrcum says is a heap dryer than that thar Sarah de.4- ort—the one what maybe you hc’in toll about whar a guy onst made sich a.howl for a drap of water, an’ what they siay as how they ain’t no ice cream ner cold dring stands atal, no.-siree, not fer the taxes what they mout fetch in. Anyhow Mr. Editur, hit’s a cold, likewise a unfeelin’ an’ un- sympethetick world, but maybe hit mout be better when the moon changes an’ the zodyack warps around to better posishun, any­ how yer .scribe is a goin’ to hope, ye.s-siree, shore as kraut he is. I ain’t, hoarn from SqunVe Bixter, ner Deacon Josh Wilson ylt thi'S m'orni.ri,’ ' how-som-iE'Ver, , hero’s hopin’ as how they’'r wiser for experyonco today thau whnt they wai'r yesterday. , . Guess them’s about all for this- aetlin,’ only whilo I’m about hit, I mout as well ast what times of the moon as well as under, what signs of the zodyack does you’ns over to town have yer high spot times so as that they don’t end up in the ear-marks of what fo’ka calls debauchery ner dissypash- un? , Yourn in sack cloth an’ ashes, JIMMIE. 'ЧВ PRICE ALONE Does Not Mean Anything E very store can give you a suit for $2 5 . 0 0 BUT- W hen you see the fine tailo rin g, the rich all wool fine fabrics, the beautiful colors, and the correct fittin g and élever styles in Our Suits At $25„00 Y ou’ll A gree T hat It PAYS To Follow The Arrow. O thers $ 2 0 to $ 5 0 Ф10 N. U B E R T Y and Î0 6 W . FIFTH WINS’I'ON-SALEM, N. C. *¡-f i l ' >JJ I I í '/ínr P IilJ ÌSSKí'? P [.лл •xiivm а < ш Si » I I I PiiKo •!THE MOCKSVILLE ENTEKPIUSE, MOCKSVILLE, N. C.Thursday, Novoinbor ,'î, 11127 1 Ш Ш Ш ENÎERPiiiSE Published Every Thura'iay at Moclisvillc, North Carolina-, A. C. НШ ЕУСиТТ Pubjisber. J. F. 'LEACH Manajring Editor. SubHcriplion Rates: f l a Year: 8 ix Months íüO Cents, Strictly in Advance. SWIFT ISLAND HUIDGE TO BE OPENED TODAY ■Entsrp.d at lîie post ofTice at Mocksville. !'!. C., as yecond-class matter undtif the ;u:t of MarcL' Б, 1S70. bldcksville, N. C„ Nov. :îr(l, 1927 North Ciirolina bcnst.4 0110 of- thc moat able state hishway com- mip.4ions in the nation; a eom- .mission that has oained and de- nerves the trust and ’support of every citizMi of tho state. Findinii of an aviator’s helmet, Ijeliovud lo be tlie one w6rn by Paul lledfern on hia attenipled ilifrht from Brunswick Georgia, to Brazil, has spurred, relatives to continue’ the search for the lost airman. Many believe that Red- forn will yet be found in some . isolated soction.af South America., , ------*t--------------- ?;■ It''costs Nq\v York City ovor flve’yhund'i'od (million dollar^ an- 1пш11у to run its iiovernment. ’.rhat’§ il big pile of money, and seems out of all 'reason \yhen one ilrst thinks of it, and yet Avhen v/e consider that Now York City has a population approximating that of tho entire 'stnte of North Carolina we can understand. New York ia the world’s most wonder­ ful city, if not her largpst. It is a regular nati.on within itself. It has more people than tho nation of Denmark, and Denmark has a king and all that sort of things.- Albemarle, ' Nov. 1.—The new conci ole bridge over tho Pee Deo river at Swil't Island will be thrown opon to the traveling pub­ lic tomorrow. This wus olTicial- ly made known in a letter, receiv­ ed here thi.s nfternoon by R. L. Brown, from Frank «Page, chair­ man of the state highw\ay com­ mission. The announcement came as a big surp.rise to- tho people of Albemarle, las few thought tho new Ktructure was so nesrly fin- iflhfd, and o--iiing very soon afldr the -sinking of- thc ferry boat v.-cek it will mean a great tiling to the travelling puCn lie and tn tho engineers who arc now condu-^tinp the testing pro­ ject on tlie old bridge, which is soon to bo flooded, as the Wicrk of testing has been hampered F.Inco tho ferry sank last Fridny when attempting to. convoy tw’O large- trucks loaded with granite. A lawsuit will be averted, also, for when the .old brjdge_ was. clos- ed two months ago there was ccnsiderable complaint and sinco the ferry Slink the- travel haa baen groatly intorferred with over the Albcraiirlo Raleigh high­ way. Locnl merchants are es­ pecially hnppy over the news, as a big part of the trade coming from across the river in Mont- gcniory and other counties has been kept away from Albemarle on account nf tho inconveinenco of croasiijg thC' Pee Dec. ELEciwCIAN FROM HUGE SIGN GKEATER BUSINESS ACTIVITY SEEN IN KECORD SALES OF GRAHAM TRUCKS New Ylork, 'Oct. 30.— Horror stilled the tumultous traffic of Times Square seven minutes to­ day whilo crowds watched a man, dangling from the last rung of a swinging ladder, four stories above the'street,'until he lost his grip and fell to the iron marquee in front of -n theatre entrance, se­ riously inj,ured. Charles.Gayten, '1!!, an electri­ cian, was putting new lamjis in a huge electric sign in front of the theatre, whon the foot of the (Iroater business activity thr­ oughout thc country is indicated by the present record demand for motor ti'ucks shown in the reports of Graham Brothers, the truck di- , sion of Dodge Brothers, Inc, I i r the two weeks ended October L. :.d, 2!)()9 Graham Bros, trucks were sliipped to dealers on custo­ mers’ orders, 'i'his is the largest two-week period for Graham -Bros, this year. While production at G'raham Bros, plants in Detroit, Evans­ ville. tSockton and 'i’oronto haa been stepped up several times in tho last two months, ordor.s have kept jiace and those now on hand total moro than 2,500. Advanc^o schedules indicate that the number of Graham, Bros, trucks shipped during Octobc-r will exceed evon the big total reached in September when 5,107 vehicles wont to deaiers on custo­ mers’ orders, Septein-ber in turn showed an increase in shipments of 37,2 ])or cent (Vver AiigiistV Graham Bros, complete- line of trucks, augmented -by the new 1-2 ton iianel delivi-jry car, just an­ nounced’, has never before jiroven so uiiiversally po-pular, Graham Bros, statemont points out, and ai) the present general business activity gathers momentum, new records-nre jiredicted, 25 BOMBING IuX nES OUDEREI) BY ARMY If Nofi Why Not? Come to tlic AMERICAN LUNCH CAFE Homo mndo cooking of all kind.s Fresh Pios Daily J, L, WAUD ‘IN №в:№0|1Ш 6 a ü b D.BAXTER BYERLY, M. COOLEEMEE, N. C. Office Over Drug Store. Of­ fice Phone No, 31; Rssi- dence No. 25.* * ******* * DR. 'Г. I,. GLENN * Veterinarian * MOCKSVILLE, N. C. * Pilones: * 21 Jlarria-LcGrand Pharmacy * 30 residence White, Ivory, Brown and Oak and Walnut Finishes ! All Cotton PVJattresses DR. E, C. CHOATE DENTIST Sanford Building .............Mocksville,.^N.._C.......... X-Ray Diagnosis OfTice Phone 110 Rnsidenee Phone 30 * * » « **-»*■* 'I'he North Carolina Stato High­ way Commission, despite recent ‘oo. ui uie taiaks ,vhld, i. i-o=dvcI, 1,.» . ¡.“¡ i S r i «one a great work in this state - ' in thn Is at few years. With mil- Jions of dollars 'at its d'ispasal, i .the Commission has handled its . road building program in such a - way that practically every section of'tho state is-plew.sed and North iCarolimi has become one of the ilrst st'.it-C’s in tho Union in the ' matter of good roads. ' ■ Many people are prono to'allow recent adm'itted mistakes of tho ; ,’commis.sion to cloud its brilliant record of the pa.st, 'Phis, to us, seems unfair and unloyai to the mon whoso wisdom has, in a few short yciai's, made this ,‘it)ate tho envy of every southern atate. Last week a noted Chicago phy­ sician stated that man’s most pro­ ductive age is 50 years. On the • heels of that statement comes an­ other 'Statement from Dr, Will Durant, obscure author and phil­ osopher, who says all men ought to die at 35, that being the "limit ■of his usefulness.” Durant is himself 40 and past, and if he is correct then one could hardly take his statement seriously, for he is past the age limit and can serve no more. So let him ‘'kick out,” if he thinks he is worthless. But sane men will not believe a man is past the 'age of productive use­ fulness at 35, or 40, or 50 or even three score and ten, u-s long as we havo such examples as John D, Roekofoller, J, P, ]\I-organ, Wil­ liam II, Taft, Gaorge Cleinenceau, Von Hinderburg, Marshall Foch, Chauncey M, De-Pew, Thomas A, Edison, Luther Burbank, John J. Pershing and scores of others M’hose chief work was done after passing 50, Forty-five years ago Thomas A, Edison invented his in-iandoseent lamp. Before that invention, and especially sinco, this great wiz- 'ard ha-s given the world more valuable inventions than any ■other man who ever lived. But 'if hia entire contribution to the •world had been tho incaiido’scent lamp, that would havo boon en­ ough for even an ambitious i)cr- «011 to contribute to his day 'and generation. For think of' the thousands whose eyesight has been saved by the luxury of bet­ ter illumination. But all during the forty-five years since the in­ vention- of his incandescent lamii, atill greater inventions have been coming like blessings from an larch-angol’s hand, until today ■wihoii-he is i)ast 80 years, few are well enough infornieil to enumer­ ate the groat wizard’s contribu­ tion in the way of Inventions. Surely the study of such a bene­ factor ought to fire the souls and 'hearts of all boys and young men to themselves strive to contribute something worth whilo to the world as they pass along. from its base and swung from a rope at its top. He clutched tho last rung, ami hung' there whilo two 'policemen, after summoning firemen, rushed through the dark theatre in an effort to roach a window and rescuc him. At Polyclinic Hospitai it waa .reported that Gayten had sulTerod cpmpoun:!,fractures of both logs and possible internal injuries. GIRL' JUMI*s"iT{OM”EIGHTH FLOOR OF-HOTEL; KILLED * S. A. HARDING, JL D. , Sanford Building * Mocksville, N. C. * OfTice phone 102. * Residence phone-------on 153 * Ofilce hours: 8 to 0:30 a. m. * ” ” 1 to 2:30 H И n r,1 и 1-Ì Г! r.j n a li '■i li Щ Щ Ц и H a 0iiiio!!№iHiiiiaiiiiQ;in;{iiisiiii!aiiiiEiiiiiiia!íiiaí¡iia¡i!i3!;¡!iffl!i¡icg'iiiia¡!!.№i!i;a:i№ii{ii!S'!sni!i<i9iwiQi!ra;i¡-!S;;-^ $7.00, $7.50, $8.00, $8.50, $9,.00 Bed Springs $2.75 to,$8.50 Buy a Windsor Chair. Beautiful ones in Rockers and Straight at 10% Cash Dis­ count this week. Let us show you these. “THE STORE OF TODAY’S BEST Mocksville Hardware Co. Near Thc Post ОШсе Aud Just As Ilelial)le m.-»Washington, Oct. 30—Contracts for 25 bombing planes destined to carry 2,000 pounds of bombs and five machine "guns’ have been awarded to the Keystone Air­ craft Company, of Bristol, Pa., the War Department announced to­ day. 'Phe planes aro to be the flrst produced under plans for re­ equipment of the bambardme-nt units of the Army Air Corps and thoir design resulted from exten-, „ ___ _____ sivo te.«ts of the typo, which is ?.? McNEILL designated the L. B.-5A. t xt''/-.'Plvc' planes will have a six-hour i „ MOCKSMLLE, N. C. cruaing radius at an average | J 9 S°i'thern Bank speed Cl about 100 milea an hour. Two machine guns will bo mount G. G. WALKER MO'fOR CO. * Mocksville, N. C. * Dealors in * Hudson — Essex — Chrysler * Automobiles »-»-V «-I» »#«* -------------------------------- oue Foymiii serv Ì JL od in the forward cockpit, two in the roar cockpit and one tunnel- gun is designed to slioot through the floor. COSTS A CJUAR'T'ER 'rO PRODUCE EGGS & 'Priist Company building; * 'Polophone No. i:i9. * Practice in Civil and Crimi- * j nal, Courts. 'Pitlo Examina- tins given prom,')t attcMition. * ^gnauBiiiiBiiuuiiiiuimiiBi;i:BiiiiiaaiiiiniiiiGiii;;E3:ii!n¡ir.uiüiiBiiiiBii:i;B;<iiKiiiiiia»i!Bi¡iii[¡i!iniiiiaiii!ffl[ii;B:!i:u3i:m ? ’ a n и a я я ■ n я я о и 19 13 ¡I New York, Oct. 29.—Another tragedy of Broadway,' the street of bright lights and broken hearts was enacted today w-iien a beauti­ ful, dark-haired girl of 22, a model, wrote a pathetic . note to “darling mother” and then jump­ ed from the eighth floor of the Knickei bockc-r Hotel. She was instantly killed. - Her body, clad only in a silk step-in and a brassiere, was found on the roof of a one-story extension in the rear of the hotel. She had registered laat night as "M. E. Green, Passaic, N. J.” But investigation indicat­ ed that this is not her name. The | when hens have been police believe she is Mildred Nash, of Milford, Mas.4, “Darling Mothe.r: Please for­ give me,” said 'a note found on her dresser, "You know I do not love Buddie, and the New York life is driving me mad,” JIAN WITH 2 VVIVES IS TOLD 'Г0 MOVE Atlanta, Oct, '29,—Matrimonial complications overwhelmed D, R, Young, vaudeville actor, while playing a local theatre recently. Young, who with wife number 2, was playing in a team here, was faced by wife number 1, who claimed’ She had never been di­ vorced properly, as their divorce was later set aside on the ground of alleged fraud, "You are in a bad fix,” Judge L, Z. Rosser told him. I’d advise you to' go to San Francisco, I understand thore is a good chance for actors out thero. Anyway I’d advise you to leave your second wife and get as far away from your first wife as you can, “The Crescent Limited leaves pretty soon,” remarked His Honor as he jiulled out his watch, "and there’s another fast train evon sooner.” » FARMERS OF DAVIE •• *■ if you want to borrow money * * on improvod farm lands in * *■ Davio County under a plan * * providing for inexpensive, * * long term loans, call on, or * * write to, * * ROBERT S, McNEII.L, Atty. « * nt Law, Mocksville, N. C. • Raleigh, Oct. 31,—'Phose econo­ mists land farmers who say that eggs can bo produced in North Carolina for as low as 13 to 15 sonts a dozen, don’t know what they are talking about, accord­ ing to Dr. B, F. Kaupp, head of the poultry dbpartment of §tate College. Dr; Kaupp states that it will coat nearly 25 conts a dozen if all feed costs and overhead costs are added to' the totals. He bas­ es his statement on some experi­ ments that he has been conduct­ ing with a flock of 750 white leg­ horn hens at one of the branch station farms of the North Caro­ lina Experiment Station, "Some of the data that I have seen says that it co.sts the south­ ern farmer only about 13 to 15 cents a .dozen to produce eggs,” 4tays Dr, Kaupp, “W'e know that bred for I high egg production, the cost per dozen eggs is lower and for thatl reason it will certainly cost the' average farmer more to produce eggs than it will the commercial “ poultry farmer where the hens are bred for highest production. This commercial man also gives closer attention to his management and ^ feeding than will tho average farmer. We have many farmers who are making-money with poul­ try but thoy are not considering their eggs to cost only 15 centa' a dozen to produce,” Dr, Kaupp used the iregular North Carolina ration in feeding his test flock of 750 hens. He kept a careful and accurate re-j cord of each cent spent for feed,' the cost of litter, 'grit, deprecia­ tion of the flock, interest on the investment, the labor, taxes and other charges. Then there were some miscellaneous charges such ^ as for medicines, egg cases, leg bands -and the like. He credited the hens for all eggs, for all manure, and for the poultry sold. Each hen returned a net profit ■above all costs of $2.40 for tho yoar and the eggs wore produced at a cost juat a fraction under 25 cents. Tie found, too, that it took six pounds of feed to produce each dozen eggs. . A. F. CAMPBELL & H. S. WALKER, UNDERTAKERS * * A complete line of factory * * and hand-made Caskets. ' * ^ Motor . Hearse and an Ex- * * pert Embalmer at your * * Service * » MOCKSVILLE, N, C. * * Also J. J. Starrett’s * * Mocksville, Rt, .1, ■* * Day Phone ...........................164 « * Night Phone — — on 45 * W e have the best drinks^ ice cream , candies, etc., th at can be dispensed. T hat is w hy w e are alw ays busy. You are alw ays a A\elcome visitor at our store. AIUSO» S CLEMEill •/ MOCKSVILLE, N. C. a a u a ta I вa D IM 1;ш Ж>И1И1ЖШ1ИШ1МИЯИШ11ШИШ1 иStylisli Fall and Winter Coats : BUSIiSS LOCALS FOR SALE, ONE LARGE COLE’S Hot Blast stove, in good repair, —J. J, Larew. 10 20 2t, WANTED—A PAIR~p’et SQUIU- rols, also somo Bantom chick­ ens.—J. J. Larew. 10 20 2t, LAVISHLY FUR TRIMMED In our Ready-To-Wear Section you will find a large, carefully se* lected assortment of the newest styles in fall and winter coats from which you can easily make your selections without thé trouble of shopping- all over town. The sizes range from 13 to 52 and the prices are unusually low for such high quality garments. $12.50 to $139.50 T. M. K E SL E R The Store of Truth, Courtesy & Service ■ ■ в в в a в в в а вч а в i а а в а а а в а а я аII щ§•I i 1|.ц,1ау, November 3, 1927 THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, MOCKSVILLE, N. С.Pagdííl ‘■ ¡i l!<v, U, S, liowie spent Mon- in Winston-Sal-e-m shopping, Hon Hur is coming to Princess Tlioalre, ,\lr, ,1. L. Carter was a business yjsitor in Winston-Salem Monday, ------1)------ Messrs, W', II, and Harley Grav- i,,’ visitors in IWinston- Saloni Monday. ,Aib;s Sophia Meroney has rc- Mii’.H'il her position as teacher in 1.'|)гк school. Tl-e Ladies’ Wesley class will „iri’l with Mrs, 'P. N, Chaflin cn Tluirsday afternoon al 3:30, jlrs. 'P. B, Bailey and Blisa Hci-lha Lee are visiting Mr, and ih-h. Frank Hall in Belmont. .Mrs. H, C, Sheeta, 'of Lowia- villc, spont a few days last week with her.sister, Mrs, J, L, Carter. ------^0-----^ .Mrs, II. C. Sprinkle, of Salis­ bury. is spending this weok with her'mother, Mrs; S, M, Call, Sr, ------o------ Mrs. M. J. Holthous^or is visit­ ing lier daughter, Mrs. H. L. Mliu’kwood in - Moorcsvillc this w eek.------0.------ Mrs. John B. Jnhnstone will be hostess to tho 'Phursday After­ noon club on Thursday at 3 o’­ clock. Mrs. R. S, Howie is spending thia week in 'Phoniasvllle with her daughter, Mrs, Paul Green who .«pent Sunday here, ' Don’t forget Fred 'Phomson with Silver King will be at the Princess Friday and Saturday at regular Admission. The Allison-M'orris families and soveial other friends enjoyed a ilelightful weiner roast at Idols on Thursday evening. ------0------ .Mr. and Mra. Henry Kelly and fjiniily, of 'Paylorsville, spoilt Sundav with Mrs. Kelly’s mother, Jlrs. William Woodruff. Miss Sarah Gaither, of the G'as- toiiia school faculty, spent tho weok end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Gaither. Jlias Sarah Chafiln, a student ;it N. C. C. W., Greensboro, sjiont the week end with her paronts, i\Ir. and Mrs. 'r. N. Chafriii.------0------ ¡Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Koonts, of Chapel Hill were guests of tho hitter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Dwiggins, for tho week end. Mr, a-nd Mrs, E, W, Crow, Miss Jane Crow, and -Edward Crow, Jr,, of Monroo, apent the week end with Mrs, Crow’sm other, Mrs, Philip Hanos. ,— >-0------ 'Phe -next regular meeting of the Eastern Star will be held’Nov. 18, at 3:30 p, m,—Mrs, Jennie Anderson, Worthy Matron; Mrs, Klla Holthouser, Secretary. — —0------ Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Clement and son, Hayden Croxton, and Judge L. H. Clement, of Sali.s­ bury, spent Sunday with their aunt, Mrs. Julia C. Heitman. ------0------ i\Iesdamcs T, B. Bailoy, E. P. Bradley, J. B. Johnstone, and Wil­ liam Woodruff attended the Presbyterial Synodicnl •» which convened in Winston-Salem last 'W eek. Mrs. Annie W. .‘Andrews. re­ turned Saturday, from the West where ahe spent the summer, and has resumed her music .classes, her many friends will be glad to know. freshments. 'Phe North W'estern District W’eltare Conference- meets in High Point Nov. 8th at the Shera­ ton Hotel. 'I'he following counti- e.M are included in this District: Asho, Watauga, Alleghaney, Wilk­ es, Surry, Yadkin, Davie, Stokes, l'’orsytho, Davidson, Rockingham, Guilford, Randolph and Ala­ mance-. Last Sunday morning pastor Waff announced that on next Sunday niorning, Nov. 6, if noth­ ing prevents, ho will preach on Heaven, the final abode of thp righteous; and that night at 7 o'clock, on Hell, tho final abode of the wicked. Every body is cordially invited to atteiHl- thoao services. as thoir woek nnd guests, Miss Francos Redman of. Gieeivsboro College and Messrs Albert Red- nu n and Sam Grant of Winston- Sab'ni, Miss Lula .'Bessent spent the week end at her home near Bailoy, An interesting Sunday school rally wa.s held at the Methodist church laet Sunday morning, Mr, Leon Cash of Winston-Salem was present. Rev, J, W, Williams, and Mrs, Williams of Winston-Salem spont Sunday with Mrs. Rachel John­ son. M iss'^i:iA iU 'm r.iA i\!E s DELIGHTFULLY ENTERTAINS MISS CAIN ENTER'l’AINS викаишт*' Mrs. Spears of Wiiiston-Sale-m will be at Advance Baptist church next Saturday night, Nov. 5, at 7:30 o’clock with his motion pic­ ture machine to -show the sand caves and other interesting pic­ tures. Smalt admission of 15 and ; 25 conts will be charged. The proceeds will, be for benefit of tho church. We hope to have a largo crowd. .Lot cvery body come. ¡MOVIE NEWS • 'Phe Big Parade went over the top and we want to thank every one who helped us put'it across. W'e feel no one regrets having seen it. W'e are going to appeal to you again to help us on a still bigger undertaking thats putting across BEN HUR the greatest picture ever filmed. 'Phis will be hore the 23, 24 and 25 of this month which is the 'Phanksgiving holiday season. “For The Lpvo Of Mike” is playing last time here today, (Thursday). It’s a First Natio­ nal |)icturo with an all star cast lead by Ben Lyon, Ford Sterling, Claudette Colbert and Geo. Sid­ ney. A two reel cunie-dy wilh Charley Chase In “The Way Of All Pants” is an added attraction. Friday and Saturday wo have one of the. mcst popular stars on the screen with us again. It’s the old reliable Fred Thomson with his Silver King in “Silver Comos Through.” Be sure you ijee this one. Also two reel kid comedy “Smiths Kindergarden.” Monday and Tuesday we play Warner Bros, latest release, a comedy drama featuring May Mc- Avoy and Oonrad Nagle in Slight­ ly Used.” Also Educational News reel. FARMINGTON NEWS , Miss Elizabeth James of Parm- iiigton, dolightfully entertained a numljor c,f 'lier frieiub a(\a lovely Hal owe’on party Friday 'evening. 'i’ho guests wero met at the door by il ghost and invited to the scone of the party, a beauti­ ful room, transferred into a love­ ly forest scene. 'Pho Hallowe’en colors were carried out in full. After many meiry games and contests -a delicious ;ice course waa served by the hostess. Those enjoying the lovely party were; Misso." Gladys Davis, Lil­ lian James, Paiby Smith, Margie Gregory, Reta Shore and Jessie Lee Ja.me.s—Messrs. Gilnier and Ray Graham, Loon Foster, Charlie Bahnson, Cortez I.owery, Duke Furches, Sorman Walker, John W. Davis, James Blake and Kelly James. > —By ono preaant. ■ CENTBRliEWS" Miss Lucile Gain 'giraciously onterta-in'ed in h.onor of those whose birthdays appeared during the last quarter in thc Junior Phil, class of Eaton’s lOhurch Saturday night at a Hallowe’en party. Tho guests were invited into thu parlor,' beautifully decorated in Hallowe’en . decorations, - by r.averal ghosts. Several games were ¡ilayed and enjoyed, after v.'hich tho witch appeared and gave each one his fortune. 'Phon the guests were invited outdoors where a number .of games were Piijoye-d, directed by Miss Pauline Boger. • , ■ After each boy drew his part­ ner tho guests Were invited into t:e dining room bea.utif;ully de­ corated vHth autumn leaves and tlov.'crs. Delicious refreshmeiita v.'ore aerved, consisting of cake, sandwiches, hot chocolate, fruit and nuts. 'Phe occasion was en,toyed by over fifty of the young people of this and surrounding, communiti- .es. —By one present. C, C. YOUNG & SONS Funornl Diroctors MOCKSVILLE'S ONLY LICENCED EMBALMERS Our line ill complutn, Pruin tho oliDuticHt to tho bt)Ht nnd wu acrvo you to tho bunt oi our nblllty roKunlloBsof whut you buv. Office Young & Holleman Building ti uxt To Courthouse Offlcc Phono MO , lioHldonco H liiaiiiiDi'iiiniiiiaiiiiiHi[iiHiiiiaiiiiwiMii!iHiiiiai(iiiiiiiiiaiiiiatiiin'iiiaiiiiniiMiiiiniiiiii'i)'oa<iiinii>iniiiiini!i[imi!!iS!89 - PREAÒHER GOES TO THE PEN ^Those attending the V, M, I. —Davidson game at Davidson on Saturday w'ere Misses Nina White Sophie Richards, Sallie Hunter, 'iMessrs, R, B, Sanford, John San­ ford, Knox Johnstone, and A, T, ■Grant, r Quite a delightful Hallowe’en party was given Saturday even­ ing at the auditorium of the Farmington high school by the pupils of the Farmington school. An interesting programme was rendered by the various grades. Miss Groy and Nell Johnson of N. C, C, W„ spent the week end at home, Mr, and Mrs. Burr Brock of Mocksville apent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, M. B'. Brock. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Redmon had Mr. nnd Mrs. Odus 'Putterow and Miss Catherine. Ijames of High Point, spent Saturday night with Mr. 'P. M. 'Putterow and family. Mrs. L. R. Dwiggins and baby of near Liberty spent a few days last week with l\Ira. J. H. B. Dwiggins and Mrs.’ W. M. Sea­ ford. Misses Bessie Hendrix «nd Em­ ma Baraham -cf Greensboro visit­ ed Mrs. Elmer Tutterow Sunday.- Messrs .lohn and Ray Dwiggins wero the woek end guests'of their parents, Mr. and Mra. J. H. B. Dwiggina. Sehi'ol opi:-nod hero '¡Monday wilh Mr. W. F. Morril, principal, and Miss Flosaie Foater assistant. Mr. Cleo 'Putterow and sister. Miss Ora; of Grosnsboro spont tho weok end with Mr. 'P. W', 'Put­ terow and family. A number of peoplo gntherod at the homo of Mr. W. 0. Jlurj^y Sunday to celebrrte Mr. Murp&s and IMiss Pollie 'Puttorow’s birth­ day. A bountiful dinner was en­ joyed and after spending the afternoon conversing with friends tho guests left wishing them I many more happy birthdays. IMr, Lonnie Dwiggins of Ashe­ ville spent Friday night with Mr, J, H, B, Dwiggina, Messrs, Albert Tutterow' find Clarence Anderson, of Winston- Salom spcnt^ a short while with Mr, H, F. 'Tutterow and family, Mr, D, R. Beck and family spent Sundny night in Winston-Salem with relatives. .Mr, and Mrs. T. W. Dwiggins and Mr. Spencer Dwiggins spent Sunday in Thomasville,with Mr. B. P, Garrett and family, WAn'tED—500 bush^oFwhoat, AVill pay market price,—J. P. GVeen Milling Co, Rev, 'W'illis 'P, Jordan, convicted bigamous preacher was taken from tho Charlotte jail to tho state penitentiary 'PUosd-ay, to start serving the 18 months’ term imposed by a superior court judge tw'o weeks ago after a jury, had found him guilty of having too many wiveb. 'Phe niinister was cheerful, says a Charlotte newspaper reporter, Jbrdan is even now’ an old man, past 05, if we remember correct­ ly. And will the experience he is now undergoing teach him any­ thing? ______ ____ FOR SALE—I .f24.00 parlor coal heater, beon used ono winter, cheap to (luick buyer, — Dr.' Lester P. Martin. Itp. Next tim e you bey ca!c ixiel ask f.. M ake O ur Store Y our Shopjping C enter '''-' v; Breakfast Bacon, lb..............'............................................... 8 lbs Swift Jewel Lard .....................................................,.$r.35 '4 lbs Swift Jewel Lard ...........................................................70c 8 lbs Snow Drift ....................;..................;........V..-,-..,............¡?1,C5 4 lbs Snow Drift ...........................................:■■■■■■■.....................85c ■ Loose Roasted ^Coffeo, lb...........................................................26c -Good Prunes, lb.............................................................................Itfc - Pinto Beu-nes, lb.......................J.............10c', • 10 Ib B.-ig Meal ................................................i............i;..;............80c- Aunt Jemima’s Pan Cake Flour .................................. Swan's Down Pan Cake Flour ............ Kel'cgg’s AB-Brah, pk...................:............. ............14c ' Quaker Grits, pk..............................................ic ...:......................10c ■ Oat Meal ..............................................................................:........10c Large Size Oat Meat, .............................../.................................25c Full Cream Cheese, lb...................................................................40c' Macaronia, pk......................................................................................9c “SERVICE WITH A SMILE” ' Davie Cash Store á iiiiB iÉ B iiiiB iiiii ' N IIIBIIIIBIIIIBIIIIBIII The tlioroughly purified and calomel com­ bined willi nsflistafkt and correctivo agents. Nauaealeoo—Safe—Sure C o t t o n Cotton-Cotton We have a new Gin outfit which-will give you good work. When your cotton is ready, come to see us. W q appreciate your business. J. P. GIIEEII MILLIIIG CO. i Cotton Buyers and Ginners Ben 'Putterow, Manager tiiiBiiiiBiniBiBniiBiiiiBiiiiniiiiniiiifliiiiaiiiiBiiiiBiii! Say, You Ex-aervicemen:— 'fhere Is going to be another big “gettogether” mocting of Ex- soldiers and Ex-sailors in the court house at MocksVllle, Saturday night, November 5, 1927, at 7:30 o’clpck, SHARP, fc|r the purpose of making '¡iirrangements for a big Armisticc Day celebration and' for the transaction of auch other business ns may properly como before the meeting. All of you guys “fall in” once more and let’s do a little “carrying on” to keep alive our memc|ries of the old days of “chow” and “slum gullion.” Come out Saturday night and bring your buddie with you. DAVIE COUN'I'Y POST NO. 174 THE AMERICAN LEGION. Attest: ■ Rev. R. S. Howie and Rev, E, M, Avett loft Tuesday for Ashe­ ville where they will attend the annual session 'of the Weatern North Carolina Conference which will be held in Central Methodist church rfrom Wcdnesdlay, Nov. 2nd -till Monday, Nov. 7. ' The Home Economics club hold its regular weekly meeting Thurs­ day, Oct. 25th. This regular busines.s was transacted and in addition a constitution waa adopt­ ed. After the business the liinth £rade girls aerved delicious re- E. p. IJAMES, Adjuslant. By J. P. LeGRAND, Commander. Announcement W'e have moved our Barber Shop into the Southern Bank & 'Trust Company building, and are better prepared than evor to SERVE the public. We are at YOUR SERVICE, Come to seo us again. CalFs Barber Shop G. F. Call /V '" Harley Sofley IBIIIie!!lliBIIIIDIIIiHlllinilllUIIIIBI'!lBU№Bl|lli4lllBIIIIISIilliniilianilB!lliaillllB!ll!BII!IHII!IBIIIIBIin!ll!B^ Camel A n h o n e st c ig a re tte h o n e s tly a d v e rtis e d ' f , , D eligh tful tobaccos, the choicest g r o w n . B le n d e d w ith s k ill an d care* S o ld w ith o u t b u n k o f a n y k in d , an d it lead s th e w o rld b y b illio n s* ^ 1/ all cigarettes were as good as Camel you wouldn't hear anything about special treat' ments to make cigarettes good for the throat. Nothing takes the place of choice tobaccos. О 1927» П* 1. Heynoldi Tobnwo Company» WÍnitQn*Salcm, N. a ,й! ■A И kïS ■ví; i , i; ' Ë • a.íhl ; ,!í?í. ' t Î I1l‘l !iif U Ì Ì Papa G THË .SíOCKSVlLLK ËNTEKI'RISE. MOCIvSVILLË, N. С.T hll r.-: f I ;iy, iV fi voni II c !■ ;■ A ¿âii ct'* 1*43 'c\j /vlereditb Nichoison OOFYRIGHi CHAR1.S3 SCRIBNERS SOiv S - RELEASED THRU 'IM FUBLI3HESS AUTCOASTHR. SSÎVICï INTRODUCTIOX Archibald Bennett. wealthy bachelor, travels constantly in the interest of his ommends a ]ife of crime, adventure, romance and excitement as a cure for his nerves. Archie goes to Bailey Harbor to investigate a summer house for his sister. A heavy Btorm forces him to spend the j]ight there. During the night he is awakened by footsteps, and in an encounter reflected in the mirror and shoots. ArcTiie fires in return, wounding the intruder, Avho makes his escape. Archie plans flight to evade publicity. He starts cross-country afoot— in the night. At dawn he ¡.s stop­ ped on a lonely country road by “The Governor,” master - mind criminal who mistakes him for a fellow criminal. Archie, fleeing, is afraid to tell the truth—falls in with "The Governor," is whisk­ ed across country in a stolen car. Sees story in newspaper of kill­ ing at Bailey Harbor and, frigh­ tened,’ he decides to say'nothing but stick with his strange friend and await developments. Now read on: mad.’ They had reached the station: she jumped out and snatched her bag. He tossed a bill to the driv­ er and dashed across the platform after her, only to see her vanish into the vestibule of a Boston peared. 'A'hen he reappeared he called out in a cheerv voice: “Ii you ! no niistaking the iigure that had i nicviHt swiitly down the ladder. : }|<? was now creoiunK .ilong the I little b::lcony at the third fbior. He paii.-ed a nio'iieiit and then ' vanishid into an open window. : The Governor had saiif that .See- : brook party iiaii room; just un- , tier tl^ir rwn; but— T.ht’y iianced a.sain, and in the { : h:i!uici:i!';ii'-.ir th.U followed thu ilrst mitnbc-r ho t\irned to fuul tj’.e Gove: nor. calm, nnd with no marks of his esva; ade upon him. At midti’vrht Siobrook and Wal­ lers came :n from their card pame. an-.; at'ter a few pleasant words. :hf> party broke up. In Archie's room the Governor question he was floundei'ing in a veritable sea of crime. The Governor was uniires.sing with provokinfr indilTerence to his com­ panion's perturb.'itifin. "Sleip. lad, .sleep! You may bo sure that nothinji will hai’m us tonight, and I )iave faith that more stiiring adyenture.s arc a- ^ head of u.s. I forgive you for I your qualms and quaver.s, the pardonable manife.stations of youth and inexperience. AVe walk in slip|)ory places but we .shall not stumble, at least not whilo the Governor keeps his hoad!” Nothing appealed to Archie aa of greater importance than the retention by his companion of the head that now lay chastely upon a snowy pillow. A handsome well- want to see the cellar, don't tum- hummed one of his favorite bal- ble down the steps as 1 did, it's «liPPed out of his coat an abominable hole!” i picked a spsck irom ■ formed head a head suiritestive of - He brushed the dust from his ^ f waistcoat. ''It is eyuient,” “J p ri^ of rLe! tram just as it was drawing out. knees and mofjped his face until ; remarked goodhumoredly that (houtrh filled with the most com- He walked to the water front, the voices below receded. i y---'» »'•e perturbed, anx.ous. and pi”“"ted menta maeh^ '-^Th frimly resolved to drown himself, “All safe and sound. Stuck i t ^ave slight symptoms oi paralys- P • but his courage failing, he yield- out through a back window into I ........ ^ ed himself luxuriously to melan­ choly reflections. Pray be seated and a lilac bush, and'we’irpick it'up j ^ "’-V restore your at our leisure-....It’s a very decent • i'e-ice- of mind;’’- ..... —• --- Congdon was a name of evil suit-case and vou can hand it ta' Archie was not to be thw- omen. What business could Isa-ja bell hop and bid him flv with ‘'“‘‘'’'I purpo-^e to learn just bel have with Mrs. Congdon? Why it to your room. You were a lit-' '^e Governor meant by en- should she think him capable o f: tie short of linen and made a few i dangering their security so reck- spying-upon her movements? Why purchases—the thing e.\plains it-' slammed the transom An Unexpected Meeting “No Mrs. Congdon has register ed here within a week, I’m sure Will you leave any message?” Archie paused by the desk, star ing open mouthed at the young woman who was asking for Mrs» Congdon. If he was still possess­ ed <of his senses the girl was Isa­ bel! Perry. She glanced careless­ ly in his direction as the clerk, addressing him as Mr. Comly, asked if there was anything lie wanted. Archie promptly raised his hat, only to be met with a reluctant nod and a-look of dia- . pleasure with connotations'of ’ a- larm. She was walking toward -the door as though anvious to ‘ escape from him. A taxi drew up and Isabel etepped into it, but Archie, re­ solved to risk another snub be­ fore allowing her to slip away ' ignorant of the vast change that had been wrought in him since their meeting in Washington, jumped in beside her. “This is unpardonable!” she- e.\- -claimed angrily. “May I ask just what you are doing here under an assumed name?” “Heally!” he exclaimed, “isn’t it perfectfy jolly that we’ve met in this way? You Know,” he ad- <kd, “you told me to throw a brick at the world and I’ve been fol­ lowing your advice.” Having dramatized himself as appearing before her, a splendid heroic figure, this reception was all but the last straw to his spirit. Her frowning silence moved him to further frantic efforts to im- 'press her with the fact that he “was a dare-devil, wicked person ■ —the man she would have him be. “You were asking for Mrs. Congdon. Well, I certainly could tell you a .story if you would give roc time. If 1 had known .Mrs. Congdon was a friend of yours I Jshould have acted differently, very differently, indeed.” “I think,” she said, sweeping him v.'ith a look of scorn, "that y-ou’ve beon following me or were put here to watch me! You went to Biiiley ilarbor to look at a cot­ tage, didn't you? Put:ii-y Congdon was there, wasn't he?” “Thai’s the scr!.am of it, you ki!ow!” -Aiohio i.-1'ii-d. “1 don’t know f.or tiu; Hi'e ot' mo '.vhc-ther it V.-.-1S I’lili.trv C':a<-(ii.ii T ihfH nt the was she in Portsmouth when she had told him she was leaving im­ mediately for her girls’ camp in Michigan? He had been wholly stupid and tactless in pouncing upon her with what he realized under the calming influence of the brisk air, must have struck her as the vapo- rings of a dangerous lunatic. He had never been clever; he smart­ ed now under the revelation that all things considered he was an immitigable ass. He went back to the hotel, bit­ ter but fortified by a resolution self.” When they reached the hotel, tight and drew down the shades. “You needlessly exposed your- been endowed. __‘‘Piit out the lights an to your couch!” the Governor muttered drowsily. The man certainly wore his chimes lightly. He was sound a- sleep before Archie had got into his pajamas. Archie, in his- pi-eoccupation with Jliss Seebrook was murmur­ ing. "I have cho'sen a .star for you,” the'Governor’s strange perform- riitTiirS!'.* S i p »v^ eral bundles of the bills and turn-! noted that I wore a sjrray of buds j f ° ^ r o u iv W ulened'" the' ed them over, reflecting that to "'.v lapel when I joined you L „„'„ t.rhprnfTev his other crimes he had now add-the ball room. Now seat yourself Archie, following the Governor’s ^ observation by sneaking instruction, gave the suitcase to : ‘he fire escape of this hotel a bell hop. and shortlv after, thev j ^ know that!” followed the suitcase upstairs. | "-’'I.'', ^ear boy, I was merely said MÍ.4S .Soebrook with ¡, (continued next Wc-i ¡', USE DR. SAMPSOrs HOT DROPS For .sick .stomach. Posifvo relief ill three minutes. Tin. great pain killer ami tonic. DR. R I’. ANDERSON * Dentist Offlce in Anderson ВиНач,.- » Phones: Offlce 50; Rt.^, ;;7 » Mocksville, N. C. » * B. C. UROCK * Attorney at Law • * MOCKSVILLE, C, . »-Practice in State and I'\dci-af * * Courts. Phoi.e 1,51 * laying ample ground for an alibi. ; Hurrying back to the inn, I avoid- id observation by entering by the side door, skipiied U|i to our rooms —and there you are! I exchanged our new bank note.-: for sixty well- ed the receipt and concealment of j on the bed and I’ll tell you the stolen money. | whole story. When I left you I “Dinner in an hour. Archie.” i hastened into the drugstore and remarked the Gtovernor, “Mean- ' l^ought a stick of shaving soap, that nothing should check him while. I wish you would look in at * Then I bought a few cigars in a not in his despei'ate career. He Barclay & Pedding’s garage, just tobacconist's. In each place I had quarrelled w-ith the inspira- around the corner, and ask if a conversed with the clerk, thus tion of his new life, but in the car has been left there for Mr. end Isabel should have reason to i Reginald H. Saulsbury. You know how unjust she had been.needn’t be afraid of" getting After all, it was something to | pinched, for the machine was ac- have seen her, perplexed, anxious ' quired by purchase, I ani merely though she had been. He would , borrowing it from .-\be Collins. bear his martyrdom manfully, j We’ll leave here like hojiest men. ■ "'orn onc-thousand-dollar gnldiP keeping the- humiliating interview with the landlord bowing us away cfrtifijntes negotiable in all parts from the door.” of the rejiublic. That means a ' When he returned the Gover- net gain of ten thousand dollars; nor was dressing and manifested to Red Leary.” no surprise that the car awaited I "My Gcd!” moaned Archie, iiis i)leasure. j "You don’t think you can get ® "Yes. of course,” he remarked ’ ¡i>''“y with this!'’ absently. "Yoii can always I'tlyjft "I think,” returned the G'over- ■ plained, whose history thrust far j on Abe. It’s time for you to ; ®r imperturbably, "that we must ■ a back into Colonial times. When I dress, and we must look our pret- ! Wid will get away with it.” His ' they were seated in the parlor, tiest. I caught a glimpse qf Mr. ! emphasis on the plural pronoun car he drew a small volume from Seebrook’s daughter a bit iigo. It caused Archie to cringe. B ut. something very unlike a star—more like the glimmer of a match in a room on tihe third floor held his fascinated gaze "We must go back, I suppose,” TIRES A-r WHOLESALE Save the Middleman’s Profit on Guaranteed Tires 30x3Mi Cords ..........................¡5,5,75 30.\3Vi! Cooper Cords ,,„......¡57,00 30.\3y2 Cooper OS Cords......¡?8,00 29.'C'1.40 Balloon Cords .........¡57,00 29x4.40 Cooper Balloons , i?9oO ROBERTS HARDWARI'i ' COMPANY Four Stores in Winston-Salom * DR. LESTER P. MARTIN * * Night Phone 120; Day Phone » * 71. • * Mocksville, N. C. * и'Ш.;i LAUNDRY carefully from the Governor. Isabel was still the most wond­ erful girl -he had ever met! Chapter V. Tho next morniftg the Governor announced Cornford as their ne.vt stopping point, a town, he ex- his pocket. Archie saw that it was really a volume of the Horatian odes. The Governor was utterly beyond him and he stared moodily at the flying landscape. The Corniord Inn proved to be a quaint old tavern, and after a leisurely luncheon they took their coffee in a pleasant garden on one side of the house. Two men came into the garden may be necessary for you to culti­ vate her a trifle.” When Archie reached the par­ lors half an hour later he found the Governor, engaged in lively conversation with a gentleman he introduced immediately as Jlr. Seebrook. "And Mr. Walters, Mr. Comly, and—” "Jlr. Saulsbury and Mr. Comly,and seated themselves at a table my daughter, Jliss Seebrook.” on the other side of a screen of shrubbery. They ordered coffee and one of them remarked in a low tone: "You oughtn’t to have carried that cash up here. The old man is a fool or he wouldn't have sug­ gested such a thing.” The Governor nodded to Archie to keep on talking, while he play­ ed the role of eavesdropper. “Well, he wrote that he was coming here to spend a week and Seebrook and Walters'were un­ doubtedly enjoying the Governor, proof of which was immediately forthcoming when Seebrook sug­ gested that they, should all dine together. "You do us much honor,” said the Governor. "Jlr. Comly and I shall be pleased, -I’m sure.” Chapter VI Dinner over, they continued their talk over coffee served in "You’re getting me in pretty deep,” mumbled Archie dejected- l.v. "How about those blood stains in the sidewalk at Bailey Har­ bor” asked the Governor in his blandest tones. “When you speak of getting in deep you forget that someone besides Hoky was shot back yonder. You came to me red-handed from a deed of viol­ ence, -and I took you in and be­ came your protector, asking no questions. It’s the basest ingra­ titude for you to whimper over a small larceny when you have added assault or murder to the liabilities of our partnership! But don’t forget for a moment that w-e-’re pals and pledged to see each other through.” - The reference to the blood stains reported by the Bailey Har- lior police threw Archie back in- Governor’s “Everything washed snowily clean —everything ironed to piir’fection —every piece given individual cnre—your bundle complete, ready to use or wear.” We cnll for your clothes—wash them immaculately cleiiu in floods of pure, rainsoft water nnd fluffy billows of mild, white suds— Rinse- nnd rtry-iron everj’ thing wilh exquisite caro— And return your bundle sweetly clean, wonderfully neal, with everything ready to «’ear or put away. And this wonderful service, always dependable, always right, is moderate in cost. .......... ............................ WET-tfiSH-TIIRIF-T-PRIM-PRtSI. Cooleemee Ic<i & Laundry Co; Cooleemee, N. C. ■1[В9:ихв?Я1гвшшз!в.111ВЕВ1гвш]Вшжвзвг|||В:|«шв|Шв:шиавх11I i i i don house had died wound. Unable to determine this Cong- ; i from the " . , the garden. When the music be-1 stantly upon hhe _______ said 11 I wanted the stock I could gan, Seebrook and Walters recall-! mercy. Complicity in the robbery bring the currency here and close j ed a bridge engagement and the of Seebrook was as nothing com- the transaction. Tlie Congdons 1 Governor announced that he must i pared with the haunting fear thaf are all a loi. Oi cranks, you know, look up an -old friend who lived This old curmudgeon carries a in Cornford. small foi tune around all the time, "1 shall be back shortly,” he never accepts a check in any ! said as they separated in.tlie of- transaction.” fit-e. Archie and Jliss Seebrook join­ ed the considerable company that were already dajicing. After sev­ eral dances Jlis.s .Seebrook thought it would be fun- to take a bi-eath of-air, and gathering u]) hur cloak they wont into the rVrchie, ho in-' gank-n for iiii ice. NOTICE If you want good flour get Mocksville’s Best and Over The Top. Horne-Johnstone Co. aüiBi'BiZBSKrBiiüB'iiiBtBicBXBrB'^üBü^BSiBiEiBSiiBmfBüiBiBiai'üBisiiDíiB^B.v Í •u-’ !Io;:y, the burglar. Atiil it'.-. ,-.i li'.-liriuiìsìу funnv that you ij._- for Wrs. C m :^ííu¡¡, wh,, n.ay be a widtiw IÓ!- úil 1 "A wii.io'-v!” l.-^alji-), wi:!-; j-ier ham! ckiiciuiig the dour, u])Oii him wili: oonstirn,.!:- " a:i ; i fear (.-li-.-irN' li’/iiii-.'.-il in I'.;,-". “ Oh, thai'.s tlie niy.-itery ju.-^t at. ))J4\sei;t, whoiiu-r jiooi' old I'atriey , is ik-.4d or !!ot ! A 'ii ,ureat los.-^. I ' imagine! . lüut where ilo you sup-| ;,ire.<-ivi-ly linni the book. "Let’,5 .stroll about a little,” said the- Governor. He led the way through the garden to the street, and bade .-\rchie proceed slowly to the post oitice while he walked tov,'ard the main entrance of the inn. ^Vh^n he joined formed hi;n tiiat the two gentle-1 Mis.s Seebrook was s;)eaking ofl nu-n were Seebrook ,;nc! Wallers, . niu.si.;, and reciting the li.-^t of' operas she loved best v. l-.en Arehii-'s •juv.Q w;,. caugiU and I held l<y ;i .-¡liadou- th:',t fi.ii.-ii .'¡liii-.j- ¡;n H‘i ji iire esca]!!.* that : tiov.'n from the I'c.-urtl! to tlie iir.-t story o!' tlie long raniljliiig inn. | "Vou seem very (Ireiuiiy," s;;e ' remarked. "1 kiH'W how t'nat i.-' i for I ean dream for hours and I'.O U l'S .'’ : reverie; just lior.ting on I on and one,” Archie re- I f! ; гг.' У ve ;'ot .ini 01 n’.oncy Arc.-iie ask- and t'nat th.eV had I'oorn.s on tho ili'iir boiov,' tiiern. ■■'i’uü ik'in't til:: any oonsiiier.Jjìe. . \vi!h tiion;. do vou ■''ГЬ.;-.1 v-?n’.ai:is t-'i be -een.” i Wiiuh liiey i-eaoi;e.l the ¿'reen. ■viiioh tht ti..-.v;i's ;rr-;Avth had left -.ir.e si'.ie, he sat down on a lie.':cli and dirta-teil attention to a . rîüii-.-lï who.'«, history hi- read im- "Ye; 0 I0UÙS -post- Jlr.s. Congdon went to hide • her children from the brute?” ■‘That's exactly what I susjjeet- ed!” she exclaimed furiously, "'^'ou .M'e waiting here to find that out. llo-v.’ ean vou ¡dav the s])y foi' him! You talk, about shnot- ir.g a. !i!an! V.'::y. ye n liaven't t!io m-ral eora-,- l''l! :i i!o:,! Tl'.,- kin-!0.st jn to rii!a!i 'll I i-;iri jjut^ ui't.,1 , y.-.ur ¡t.‘.'t,i,0!;.s .i-i t.-( as- ........ ' ".■\nd in the cellar e(;ifii-e w}it>re tlthe early col- r.nisi.' used lo hide from ¡¡red.'i- to:y Indian.s i.s hidden fifty thou- .-'and iii.'llars. It must bo saved :'i'(,r.i ilostruction. Wo can't fail 1 Tl'.i-y found half a do;4in vi.si- '.0-- r--;;ining througi’ the ehurc:i, Ari hie courteously an- s'.vti-eil ^ (luestion asked iiim by ! iilied, though the shadow moving I of that i on and on along the side of the I ;nn was troubling him not a lit­tlo. He had surmised that the Gov­ ernor’s declared piii pi so to call ! on an ol.i friend v.'as n'.i-reiy to - cover h:s. witlidrawal from the i party; but that he, could have; methlatcil a iii-edatury i-.-^eur.-^ioii j throu;;h ti'..- ii!,i ¡1-.,; o.'itered ! T h e N e w !Esse Surpassing Even the Great Essex Triumphs , of the Past G. G,'-¥/a!ker Motor Co i l i t o A r ( - h i e ' , s Thiii'sday, Novombor 3, 1027 THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, MOCKSVILLE, N. C.rig e'T ¡I ADVANCE NEWS j\Ir. Frank Vogler is taking a hiisines.s course at Dfaughns llii.sincs.s College in WliiKton- Sidoni. .Miss Ruth'Medium spont Sat­ urday in Winston-Salem. .Mr. an(| Mrs. Sum Mason spent .1 while here Sunday evening with relatives. Jliss Blanche Collins of Sylvia, N. C., spent .the week end here u-ilh friends. There are .several cases of iiitimiis -hero. Jl-rs. ,J. T. Vogler, Mrs. C. IMyors, Mary Letlila My- c.|-s, .luanita Hendrix and liugenc ,Myers, iiro. sull'oring with them .Mr. and Jlr.s. W. F. Crotts spent Monday witr Jlr. and Mrs. T. H. i; iliertson. ■ Tho (dd lime marble playing \'.-!iii-h took [ilace at H. T. Fost- ,.rs Saturdiiy afternoon seemed to il. enjoyod by every one present. Kov. AV. B. Thompson and Charlie Oirell and H. T. Foster wore con- .-iiilered champions. .Mr. H. B. Cornatzor, W. B. Etichon spent Saturdiiy In Wlns- ton-Salem. Jlr. and Mrs. Roy Coriuitzer and children spent Sunday with C'. H. Cornatzor. There will be a show givon at Advance JBaptist Ichurch Satur- day night, Nov. 5. Admission 15 and 25 cents. Proceeds go for benefit of the church. Everybody come. thiT zoo Mary and Thomas and little Lou Went one day to visit the- zoo. Lions and tigers, they saw, and bears. Antelope.-', ostriches,-Belgian har­ es. Camels and fo.'ces and snakes and birds,' Reimleer and chamois and deer in herds, Wiilruses, prairie dogs, seals and beagles. Zebras, olophaiit.s, wildcats, eagl­ es. The lions roared and the 'gay wolves howled; Я a a a я в a a в я a a ■ aв я в и я м 3 л ии They May Call On YOU 766 When the riremen call, dressed action, it i.s too lato (» thinic of insurance. 'I’he loss may be large—or the loss may he small—hut a loss ni'verlheless unless you have you|r home and personal properly well insured. Winter is the season of the year when fire losses are greatest. Pulling off taking out a lire insurance policy is a gamble whicli no one can afford. Let us explain the economy which niay lie enjoyed in various kinds of policies. For safe and sure insurance, call DAVIE Real Estate Loan & Insurance Company Jloclcsville, N. C. ' The monkeys chattered, the black ,; boar.s growled; The iii.ghtingalo snug, and the par rots talked; j Tho ducks and herons quacked ' and squawked; | Thore was gruirting and squeal- inp and laughing and cooing*, Shrieking and barking and pufling j and neighing. 1 "They make as much noise as a ciowd of boysP "1 like a canary,” Said little JIary, Thore were hides and skins and i furs ahd feathers, j. To we:ir in diiferont climatos and ' weathers. ' There were snouts and tusks and .'iiid- trunks. , For gathering food in strips and Webb-feet and claws and hoofs and tiills, Long hair and short hair, stripes and scales, Horns and antlers and tusks and teeth, Wings above and fins beneath. "Whntover uicii animal needs to do I Ho is -made to fitr.............................. Cried little Lou. ' —Ethel C. Browir, in The Youth’s —Companion. : One farmer of Hoke county who ! j used the plans of.the Agricultural ' Extension Service in building his now barn said thoy had saved him ovc-r ,'?I00 and that ho had a bet­ ter barn than he would have had. An Ordinance Authorizing the Is­ suance of 'i’wenty-Five 'I'hous- .■i-d ($25,000) Dollars Bonds of tiie 'I’own of oMcksville, North Ci’jrolina for Street Purposes. ■structing of sidewalks, curbs, gutters or drains, or grades to be of sheet asphalt or conorote and bn- laid on a solid foirndation. Section :i. That a tax aufiicient to pay tho principal and 'interest of said bonds shall be annually levied and collected. Section 4. 'I’hat a statement of the debt of the town has bee-ti fil­ ed with the town clerk and is open to public inspection. Section 5. 'rhat'the expen.'io of such work is hereby determined to be a necessary expense of the town. ^ Soction (i. ■ That at least one- fourth of tho cost of such imiiro- vemonts, exclusive- of the ’cost' of paving 'at street inters(\ctlnns, shall be specially assessed against tho abutting i)roperty, St-'ction 7. That this ordinance shall take efTect upon its passage and .shall not be submitted to the voters. Section 8. That the probable period of u.seful'iiess of the impro­ vement for which tho bonds are this day authorized to bo issued is twenty years. ' The foregoing ordinance was pafised on the 4th day of October, 1927 and was lirst published on the 27th of October 1927., Any action or proceeding'ques- tioning the validity of. said ordin­ ance must be commenced within. .‘¡0 days after its first publication. Ti-M. f-IENDRIX, Town Clerk. M,ООО,ООО WOMEN HAVE BOBBED HAIR..' Washington, Oct, 27.—Approx'f- matoly 14,000,000 women- in ther'j United States have bobbed thoir,: hair, acco’rding to Miss Gertrutlft ; Lane, a magazine editor, •wiia spoke- before the American . A s-- sociation of Advertising Agenci­ es here. ‘ If all that shorn hair were put Oli the «scale,, sho estimated, it would weigh 3,500.toils. Miss Lane e.stimated.that Ame- - rican women spend ?1,800,ООО,ООО , a year keeping themselves beau-, tiful, a sum equivalent to the total national debt of several small European countries. Bo it resolved by the JIayor ^ and Board of Commissioners of '■ the- Town of Jloeksville, North Carolina:— Section 1'. Pursuant to tho JIunicipal Finance Act 1921 bonds of the town of Mocksville, North Carolina, are hereby authorized to be issued in an aggregate i)rln- cipal amount not exceeding twen­ ty-five thousand ($25,000) dollars fer purposes hereinafter describ­ ed. Section 2. 'I’ho proceeds of ] said bonds shall bo applied solely to constructing and ro-construci;-! ing surfaces of streets whether in­ cluding or not including conte-ni- poraiieous constructing or re-cfju- A n ,A.rray of F all A p parel For Women and Misses WOMEN’SICOATS $5.95 to $35.00 Every New Fall Shape L adies H ats 9 8 c to $4 . 5 0 C hildrens ^[¿its 9 8 to $1 .9 5 WOMEN’S and MISSES’COATS Luxurious-looking models, the fur applied in lavish nevv^-season ways. The modiwh broadtail cloth, broadcloth and other fabrics of velvety bloom or suede finish. Coats for practically every occa­ sion, street, travel, sport, motor­ ing or school wear. New blues cand red shades, as well as many tans and browns-‘-and, of course, black. Children’s Coats $2.25 to $7.95 The above sport model—ideal for school wear and fashioned with every new line of winter season, A coat that will please daughter ONE LOT LADIES Sport Coats SPECIALLY PRICED $6.95 LADIES’ READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT C. C. Sanford Sons Co. Our Furniture Department offers an excellent opportunity to those desiring“ to furnish or refurnish their home—for here is furniture of obvious good taste, rich in individuality and high in quality. Included is furniture for every room in your- home—iii complete suites or separate pieces. • , . \ Special Living Room Suites $65 and $100 See The§e Bed Room Suites Dining Room Suites ■ Beds, M attresses, Springs, D ruggets, all kinds of Floor C overings, K itchen C abinets, R anges, Cook Stoves and Heat(^rs. C. C. Sanford Sons Co. Mocksville, N. C. ssa S . ii, •Í} Щ ;i- 1 .; ‘Г -'i. : * I.-1Î Ml ‘à : 5 4 I. FíÉí.1 ' p ií‘ min I Ш í'ibw If g JO «так., ; M Т ак« 8 THIC ì\!OCKSVII,r,E EXTKUPmSR. MOCKSVILLE, N, C.Tluii'sday, Noyonibc!' iSTATION WIIJ, OIÎSEUVK FirTIKTlI IJIUTIIDAY KalHUh. Oc(. :il.—Thu Nortli Carolina KNiiorinuMil Slatioii will l)c lifly yoars 111' ajri’ lUi i\lavi;li 12, 1928.' On that ilato it will pauHo :ior onc ila.v and uvonintr to learn ■¡ioinetliinK of its p:ii<t and to iit- iiiiK.ly coinnitmoralo Ihu iieconni- lishinentu of an lioiuinîd o.\iKtcn<;'.>, "On March 12, .1877, Ihu law* «stabli.'shini' tlu' North Carolina Kxporinu'nt Station was passod and vatiik'd by tho Gnnoral Aa- KEDEKAL Л1П KOADS TO ÜN4TE COUNTRY liy W. 10. Uuiry Federal aid roads arc t'orniinK a network of hijihwaya ovor thu country that will bi inj; all ' por-’ tions of the Ihiiteri States within hailinjr distar.i’o of each other. Thu totiiil amount! of money that hn« been a|)iiropriatcd or will be authorized for appropriation to build this network is ?S10,000,000. Nearly 75,000 miles of Federal aid roads were completed or under sembly,' says Dr. H. Winters, eonst.riietion aceordinjí to the lat- J)im-tor. "A committee consist- est flfrtires obtained June SO, 1027. ппк of Governor Z. B. Vance, Dr. Kemp P. Battle, President of the State University, Col. T. JL Holt, President of tho State A^i'icul- •tnral Society, Pi of. W. C. Kerr. State GooKlist,'and Capt. S. B. Alexander ¡Master of State Grange Patrons of Husbandry met in lîaleiKh to carry out the provis- iona of the act on the same date. This vvns the first expermient stiition to bo established in tho I tSouthifrn States and the second ■Jn America.” » The celebration planned for -next JIarch will last, through one day and evening. Tho experiment «tationa of tho United States and the federal department of agri- 'ciiltiire at Washington will be in- Titcd to send ropi-esontativea. A special effort will be made to have delegates from the stafea adjoin­ ing North Carolina. Because the Experiment Station Inva also beon closely allied with the University of North Carolina and the Stnto Depaitment of Agriculture, these •twojinstitutlona will alao bo in- Vite(i:ito tako part in tho exerciaes. As apeakers of the ocwiaion, “Director, Winters will invite Dr. E. W. Allen, chief-of tho olTice of Experiment Stations and Dr. Charles W. Babney, the’ second director. As now planned this celebration •will be a gala occasion at State Collogo and the exorcises will bo nppropriato to till! scientific study nvhich the institution xepresents. Pence hint of frcst is in the air, 'The hills and dolls aro calm; And higii and low, and evory- wht're aromatic balm Is llowing free to warm tho heart Like draughts of spicy wine. Also_ according to these figursa tho -system will include nearly 180,000 miles of road whon '¡ill highways now jiroposod aro com- pletud. To build these 75,000 miles of roiui, more than a billion and a quarter dollare lias been expended. Of thi.« sum ‘M.7 per cent was apent for'concreto high­ ways, 18.7 per cent for grjiyel and 8.3 por cent for bituminous ma- c';u|ain ; tile rest of the_nioneyjvas. divided into smaller portions among ,other typos of roads. According to the conditions under which the money for roads is given each at^ate, it must keep up ita own system. The plan brieflv is this: obt.'iinud from the Spcrctary of Agriculture to riihicu them in width. Federal aid i.s given to the state for road building on the following Utsis; liefore an.v stante can benelit from this act it must lay out a ¡■■y.steni. to be- aii^provcd' by the Secretary of Agriculturis consist­ ing of not mine than seven por cent of the totiil mileage of roads in the atate. This*lias boen done in all states. States receive money 'accord­ ing to_thoir population, area and mileage of post roads in relation to tho totals of all the states. Each of these phases are given a rating of ono-third in determin­ ing the amount of money the state is tti receive. Except in states where more than five per cont of tho area is unappropriated public land, the amount of Federal Aid receivocf on any project is limited to 50 por cent pf the- cost of labor and matenals. In the atates five por cent or more of whoso area is public land, the 50 per cent allow­ ance is increased by an amount equal to one-half of the per con- tago of public land in the state. For example, under tho above provision .Arizona is given 72.34 ner cent of the cost of the roads. SHOUr-D COTTON FAKMERS HOLD TllElU .STAPLE [taluiirh, Oct. о I.—liefore a cot­ ton grower .dccidu.4 to hold his cotton for highei' prices or to at at present iirices, he should study tho market, lonrn of the carry­ over and got reports on the for­ eign situation. Facts about the foreign trade situation ar& available in reports fi'om the Federal department of agricultural economics and thoy indicate now that this situation is improving, stater. Dr. G. W. Forstei’, head of tlie department of agricultural economica at State College. Conditiona in these coun­ tries influence gre.-itly bhe prices paid for cotton and there now ap­ pears a revival of orders from Germany. Italy :.md France. As to tho market in this coun­ try, Dr. Forster states that the speculators cannot raise nor low­ er the price of cotton at will. These speculators not only make a profit when cotton rises in prico but another group Tilio“ makes”"n If any state fails to maintain its roads the Secretary of Agri-1 Nevada benefits to the extent of culture is authorized to repair tho •'’7.72 per cent of the road expondi- highwiays nnd charge the cost of the repail's to the amount of monoy the Federal government •Ivaa on hand of thia particular stiito’a portion. The money thua ture. Thus western statea With a small population arc enabled to build extensive highway systoma. Pennsylvania has 90.000 milea ■ill its, atate road system. Ap- spent ia deducted from the money; proximately 4,000 milea are Fode- tlie state hns coming and all allot-.''¡'I -^¡d roada, Iilid out na a uni- inenta are with-held from this ^cd system nccording to Federal 'particular state until the money has boen lyiid back. When the cost is refunded it is reapportion­ ed among all the states so that the atate failing to keep iip tho roads Icaos nil but a small sum. Thus the st-ates are anxious to build roads that will require a mininnini amount of maintenance, i provisions. Built for pennnnence .'i.OOO miles of Pennsylvania reads are of concrete construction.-------------------------------- Mortal Shame The cattle are lazily browsing— Dumb creatures, and dull, they are. Fur this reason permanent roads | Ati'ectionate, trustful, appc.iling, such as concrete are preferred. S'; sure of our fondest care: .A hard surfaced thoroughfare re- j)rofit when cotton falls in price. If a group believes that the sup­ ply and demand conditions war­ rant auch action, this group will buy cotton in anticipation that the price will rise and that they will gain by the transaction. On the other hand, another group who believes thnt the prico i.i too high will sell for future delivery in nnticipation of buying .at n lower price when the market is better adjusted to tho supply and demand condition. For each seller there must be a buyer, states Dr. Forster and the action of these two groups tends to maintain tho price of cotton or any other product bought and sold on an o.xchange. iTo say that these two groups of H’oculators, whose interests are diverse, would enter into .a col­ lusion to fix prices in rather ri­ diculous, states the’economist. •\.s to the carryover, there is .a dispute between Colonel Hester or New Orleans and the United jS‘"to; Ilt'"artment of .\griculture Later, Maybe Eh? ^ 'i'liey were, stajuling iii Hic hall­ way waJting for the orchestra to play again. . Tcndorjy he placed his 'arm armind her waist. She blusiicd and stepped back. “You can't pull that stulf in this house,” wns her rojjroof. "But say, kid, we’ve got a side poi'ch that’s ,the 'best jilaco in town.’’ “P.ipii, where do thoy make these ukes?” "Know your geography, niy boy. In Yukon, of course.’’ • A Pooi* ,Iob A littlo boy slipiied ini„ t,]„. parlor and thon eyed the vinitoi- up.and down. "Well, littlo man,” saJd la.,; father’s friend, "What are looking at me for'?” "Dady said .vouMvere ¡i self, made man and I wanted to .sue what you looked like.” "Quite right,” said the grntifie,] guest. "But W'hy did you make vnnr. self like that for—” ¿aid the hoy with considerable surprise. ! where power comits most quires less cost to keep up nnd .-Vnd oh what a world of boauty j;b»t Dr. Fcrsttr thinks that tho the money formerly spent in up-: Is Writ' in their trusting eyes, ' {department i.s correct nnd Col. keep of icmi-pei-manent ro'nds can ! But what of their changed de- 1 ^-cster is wrong. If Col. Hester be used in c.\tcnding the state’s' meaner, ' | is right there is less cotton in e.x- highway system. ' , If to vll of our sins they wero i iatonce than we think, say.i Dr. .•\nother provision of-the Fede-! r,i! .Aid svstem is that the mini-1 mum width of roads be eighteen wise? . , , . .. ..................................- — Tom Tarheel i'ays being a .M.ist-'.And ince the laggard feet apart, leot. This minimum is maintain- er Farmer is about to work him Through paths of peace divine. od unless special peimission is to death. Forster, and tho price .should rise. Griijs roots make poor feed for fattening hogs; as a substitute for pasture for mature sows, the rcot.s are not so bad. • IJ’OR almost a quarter Of a century, Buicks Ьал'^е been making good •wherever power counts most. So that now, -when the task to be , accomplished is difficult—when stam­ ina, dependability and unfailing I power are essential — the advice of those who know is, “Buy a Buick!” Drive a Buick for 1928 today and know the reason for this preference. Sedans f 1195 toM 995 Coupes n i9 5 to >1850 Sport M o d c ls ill9 5 to il5 2 5 0. /i. rHitt. fniment tjx fi he TreCi. i\l. .1. C. jvìuuoiuj ¡'Utt, tòt titoil li ut.iiuto.i. WIItN IlliTTEU AUTOMOniLKS AKE UUILT, iiU IC K W II.L liL U I.n T IirMBU1CK/-1928 Lindsay Fishel B uick Co. WLNSTON-SALEM, N. C. SBS5 t ■ \ ■ ■ / When It Comes To Selling Tobacco You Can’t Beat “ O l d ” P i e d m o n t W a r e h o u s e Winston-Salem, N. C. Last Week we made an average that led the Winston tobacco market. You can’t loose by selling at PIEDMONT. Facts and Figures speak louder to your pocket book than mere friends. No Pets—No Paid Track Hauler â Come to see us, first or second sale where you KNOW you get MORE money. Boyd Nelson - Jesse Glenn ■ j. A. Fagg O. C. POINDEXTER, of Yadkin, FLOOR MANAGER THE ENTERPRISE IS READ BY THE DAVIE COUNTY PEOPLE—ADVERTISE WHERE ADVERTISING PAYS.■ " f l Mocksville TRU'ni, HONESTY OF PURPOSE AND UNTIRING FIDELITY TO OUR COUNTY AND OUR FLAG IS OUR AIM AND PURPOSE VOL, 49 MOCKSVILLE, N. C., TH ' URSDAY, NOV. 10, 1927 ' V’- No,' 50 I m o á s t íc e ШГ At il meeting hold Saturdny jniifht in the .coM'nt ropm, in «d- Idition to electing oflioeiis for the IconiiiiK ycai" untl tranwieting oth- Icr important : businesa, Uavie Ic'ounty fdsil; N¡0." 174;,of THE IaMBIUCAN LEGION 'rieaolved to 11,old 51' 'colebi'iatioh in Mocksvijle Ion Friday, Nbvember 11, 1927, to |comn№mor4ito tho signing of the I Armistice. I At the 8U'gg«3 tIon of tho Legion- i mures, all marcihnnts of the town [are re<iue»ted;to,'cloae their places j of businoiiia during the dny and I lend their efforts towai'd maki'ng Jthe eelebratJon a »access. All I citizen!) are' also urged to make j.so'rae laippropriate 'distplny of the iNijlional Col'ora during the hours I ir('im sunriisiei to sunset. There will be no pMii'ade or spectacubr celebration, the com- inittee in charge of arrangements deeming-it advisable, in view of I the short tim& intervening, t o at- I tempt only an ' mipretenlioua, isimple lirogram;; .sonletlhing.'in' keeping with tho spirit p.f the ■bc- ciision. At 'eleven o’clock in the morniiig thei'e will be held 'xv mioting ait Mocksville High Sc.Tmi, , SANFORD HAS GOOD BUSINESSSTO'fAL OF $96,574,000 WILL;-, BE RECEIVED BY !UNITErh7?iv STATES ON DEBTS DEC. 1 dnv./ -----_______^__ I I/ We take this 'mothod in' pulung 'Г0 BE MARKED BY CELEBRATION to Avhicii all citizens of thé^tówn and county, lure moist cardially in­ vited. ■ An Armistice !Dfly nddress \v|ll be.deliyored Ьу 'One ,of North Carolina’« moat ijron\inent Legion naires. In .lho afternoon a fppt-. ball game betiylei^S; : M’bcksvijl'e High School 'ftpd aome..-'otÌTér oquiii'lly aggre.<iatVO iri»itutiop wll) fui'nis'h entertainment^..■’for thè тцпу folkb; луЬр' йУо■ expected to take a day oft-' In i the spirit of the day^';l i We 'do not rcM t thnt A\Tnia^ice Day has ovei.'ropeived much re­ cognition in .Mocksyille nnd Dnvie county sincfè4ìie (I'atO'Oi' its birth in November, 1918. Letls' all get togc.ther t'h'is year arid show thp membera of Davie 'County Post No. 174 that we Wo sólidly be­ hind them and alao demonstrate to a skeptic'nl world that our town and county is Itceping alive the spirit that stirred the hcarta of ail true ' Атпопса’п!?' during the trying 'daya of 191Т-1Й., AVe understand that tlie Juni- C'VS, tho P. 0. ,.Sof A., and other patriotic oi^dora are going to fall in lino and help fii'ake' the day a profound .succcss. Washington, Npv. 5.—Floreigi/ governments 'wiil pay $96,574,000 to the United States on their 'var. debts on Decembei 15,. whicli will bring the total.tiayhlonte for the year to $163,586,000, leaving a bailnnce due on й11 foreign debts of $ili706,066,606. ■ ■ Great Brltaiii will make the bulk of tl№"December paymonta wi|;h. $92,б7б;000, Czecbcislovakia' Viii piay $1,6600,000, Belgium $1,* ,125,000; Poland $1,0^0,000,,. and nmall paymenta will 'be made by Finland.' Hungary, Lntviai "Lith­ uania '«n'd Esthonia. Paymefiit pn o.theiv debts, including those of Italy, RumanliH', Jugo-SIavia,' яге due next June or A.ugust. Trehsury oilicials expect France to come'forward w.itb some fund­ ing propcLaill after thb French elections in the spring. If that country 'do&s not come to terms ori the funding of their total v r a r onc over on C.'C. Sanford Sona, Co. 'We try to keep in toiich with our adVcirtiseiis just to see what they, are fdoing. Saturday after-' nooli we hiaippened to be' in the stoi'e and 'Sve found every iclerk just as busy as they could be, la'nd lots of ciistqxners standing await- iiig ii cleric to sei'Ve th'etn. Last week C. C. Samiord Sons Compiany had two advertisements "In’. thi plaper, and they r^aped the bene­ fits by, 'ha9lng the crowds come .In'Prldny ¡and Saturday, "rihey have 'two mòre, adis in thia issiue^ r.cad th ^ b(>th,. aind go ovwr and get whiat yoii heed. • debt, Isihe will be oxjiected to ipay $400,000,000 in n lump sum 'on her war supplies debt, whidh falls due next August., Tho treasury hiiis charged up’to, the account of bnd debts the $250,000,000 Russian loan and the $16,000,000 Armenian loan. IS IT INSPIRATION? ?1()9,472 SPENT ON HIGHWAYS IN 7th DISTRIC-r IN OCT. The month Of October was one of the boat tho. Seventli Highway' District 'has enjoyed in some time, the .=;u mof $160,472.18. hnvin'g been spent-on the various pro­ jects ^vhlile two big ilrojectH, one, in Ashe, county and one In Cald­ well county, were 'Completcd, re­ cording to the irepoft of C. A. Kic-hnrdson, engineer in the oflice of Captain Oh'ji'rles S. Currier, district .engineer. The largest amount of money, ?47,9â6, ^y).is aipOnt , !on project Ì1BÒ, on rbuto ¿0 lii 'Willtea. coun­ ty, tlie‘-nvorte .being from Ndrth Wilkesboro ftve miles toward the Yadkin county Hne. The auin of $17,500'was; spent on i^e bridge over the Yadkin River lat thè Davie-David.sòn county line. 'This is project i’730-'B, oh ro.ute 90. One stretch of road included in the work of particular interest to Winston-Salem iv=' the W'alnut Cove.to Dan;bury road, in Stokes county on route 89. kno^wn aa pro­ ject 757, and^,$17,6S9 wias ape-nl by the high.way'Commission. The ii-eport of Mr. Hic'hardaon shows the-following projects un­ der con!?itruction during the past month: 1 ' Project 715, route 69, 'A.she <'ounty, from West .Jefferson to Wiiiitnuga county line, $6.861.00: project 7250, route 9.0, Cakhvoli countv, from Lenoir to Alexander («lunty line. $3.547.18; project 723 rmite 17, Caldwell county, irom I'Cnoir to Blowing Rock, $7,200.; t>rojc2t 730-B, route 90, Dnyie- i'avidson county, bridge over Viulkin River, $17.500.00; project route 90, Davio county, from 'Mocksville ito the Iredell county liiU'. $0.718.46; project 757. route 1^9, Stokes county, from Walnut Clivo to Da'nibui^y. $17,Ci8!).0(); p r o - .ii'ct 7580, route 208., Surry coup- Iv, from Eilkin 'to Dobson. . S12,- fj,1 ; nvoinct 772. route 09, Wn- -iuiga county, from' Ashe county üiifi tow.'ird Boone, $17.498.83; Ti'oject 7720, ro'uto .69, Wntaugfi •'■'Hinty, end *of proje.i;t 772 to K'lone, $13 127.69;, nrwject 778, i-'iiitc. 60. Wilkes county, fi'om Aorth Wilke'iboro to.- Yindkin ""HiiJv line, hardsirrfaced, .$6,- «-11,5:!; project 7780. route 60, Wilkes county, from North W'ilk- <'.‘^l)oro in-iviard Yaklkin lino f5 !iiilos). $47.936.88; project 789, :'"nte 18, Wilkes connty. from ^Iii'i'tvia'11 F.Tlls to Caldwell coun­ ty line, $14,886.01. SPENCER MAN, TIED TO .lOB, GOES UP 'rOWN BUT ONCE IN EIGHT YEARS What is thnt •\^''hich m,akes ^ e <lifferenoo between, the medbcre •Hnd the .sublime in music, poetry, oratory and art? This question bobbed up as we hnd juisit lisitoned to the ¡phonograph play Irviri' Berlin’s "Ruaaian Lullaby.” There sometimes seema to be juat ¡a mere atep between t*he merltorioujsi and the sublime, liind yet ■w’hat, a dillerence. One merely entortaiu.''and nmusos while the other plays on the Heart stirings like thc 'wlnd <on an aeolian harp. Berlin wrote bi's. maatorpioce when he . composed his "Russian Lullaby,” that is, 80 far. But just what makes it .so superior to hila'other musical pro'diic- tions? Suppose he 'had omitted .just a tone or two, would it have crossed that line which aepiiratei.si it from his other compoaitiona, all of which are good’?,' ^ C?ray •wrote mfuiy jmoms but hiad he not written hia "Elegy aji n Counti'ii'Churchyard,” would the w'orld noAV know of. him or,liis works'? We 'doubt it. And .yet whnt is it whicli m/ikes the' dif­ ference? Just Jwais'.-ifimline croaked Which/'maide' G.ra,y’'s name immortal? .Ind how did’fhe do it? Wns he.inspired? , '? 'The «impie',v\f&d»'''0f 'man,: ^ixjfuseVto/be-'. . ‘ grouped Ч0 fittinW ' eXRWIas 'tho feeliijgr the gkii,i'>ation's;.Cif thé /World ' v. ; 11, Armistlce.'Ôay. •' Throughpiit'Mhe. and brertdth of every land, hpwéveV,.in. «уегу: ' , wayside' hamljct, the day ' ^iannual'|yi:-‘b|Hngft memorioa to the '(Si4izeiiis\ and theÿ''pau jMiy'tribute to tho^e br'a.ve souls.who^.gave lip ' : ' л i^'i'n the great'.struggle. ./■/ ,■ ^ . ' , Hore in Dnvie County we jbiin'the niatiÿn . in observance of .'thé ■ day^ forgetting not'^ôj.ir stnté's loyal, eonâ who upheld ■fihe tradit^hs' ,. _V- df, Americanism';' egualUnr àhà.,'Ôiii*i)i^ii^<Bn great deeds of battle, nsking'-.nb qtla^Br^n^ « giving nonç'—satisfied with' ncithing less ,№n'n " a complete victory. < , . ■. .To the gallant idéad—We ptty tribute. • Spencer, Nov. 2.—^Establishing a record for sticking to his post DID YOU EVER S'rOP TO 'rUlN K . WilUam Jenjilngs Bryan wi)8 ' k;now"n. lag an qraior, but it wi(S ■1 icuuii Jill cititjwii m Ilia when he delivered hia famous ‘‘CroS.si of Gold’’ spcoch .that hO of\liitv^ni"'pn^inTGi"^ vCi'osaed .over the .line and iLook his place among the immortals. And ib2 ke and F ^ l corilp.^^^^ at .its was it in that great speech which lifK.d. it from the mo'diocre ninrit n n n r thi. .ItiBncGr or th'e meritorious to the |«ublime'? Sulppose he had closed .Just be-plant located near the Spencer .'depot, A. P. Kirkner, for 20 yeaTS ;a resident 'of this place, today fore Jliat iglorioua .utterance, "You shun not press' down oi.pon the brow of labor this erowji .of thorns'; you'sihaJl not crucify mankind saw for the first‘time in eight upon a,croas of gold,’’ would'he have even tlien gone to .that .degree of lf.ubhmity which at oncb made 'him the ijreatest orator of the wt.stern hemistphoi:o.? '-In all .fliges men have written poetry, pairted .picturea, .composed music, m'ade .speeches. , Few there be who Over .get beyond the .point of jneidiocritj5,,anid' stiirJower go bey(md -vNiihatrnigKt^¡be .termed good, but here ,and there .one paaiSied'ithat .u'nmarlté^ Jine' thifli unkno\vn boundary, wtihicih .places himself ;-with the immortate, :Spme one has s ^ t'haf'^he -sublime is near'the ildiculous, or the ridiculous i!ft near the,;<?.ùbllme,” we don’t 'redaill ■which, but/ either expresses-the •idiM that lOii^re ,)s .«in invisible line ttr boundary, barely ,separating the sublime from the fidicillousi How does .one suiccéed, therefore, ,in paaising the meritorious, reatibing th« sublime and abiding th^ ridiculous? Ca'n it be explained, thiat there is such a thing as impii-atìtm, »or .thattfeamet'hlirg, -whlth ¡sometime, somewhere, may';'liit one entire^ out of iiimself mud into something bordering on the ‘.divine? • I -W.hat '*oudh » i .tìie brush, whflt ,line or .curve wals it, :vvhat 'sub- ¡‘liffiie thing waa''ilt which lifted.,,Jtlitf:aelle’.s "Madonna''’'-.*ompletely 'out of 'i class'with tall other paliiti'ngs of .Kiié ‘.day.' What'^e^reesion, il aujy; conM the r-srenter paintfer hawe left ‘air -^vithout JeaVing that girént mastjfrpiece inrthe c'liatss of meritorious :or meidioerfi paintings? Wns it ibefortì the completion of liis . CJiiMe Har old tthat Bryon sjiviiike one Jtu'or'ning "to find himself iamous'!? So, where' ,dfd that greatest EijcjUali popt cense to be mediocre 'and attain isubllmity ? Did Jie pen the first',“jrart of Childe Hatold umler i'ulspiration ? And can one reach the siiblime in anything, within his own powers, or shall he depend u!ppn inspiration—that power which is not within one’s command, but vwhich comes from somewhere, and. lifts one completely ¡(lint of self aind into th'e heights? "Tis not in mortala to command success; But 'we’ll do more, Semproniuis.—we’ll deàerve it." years tho streets :and hu'sines'.s section of Spencer. He has been in town all the while but had never left his post of duty or. hi.s residence ncnTby to take a 'lo'okj- at the 'several niilea of new.;\t),Uullth.5c istrcets that have been 'ij^uUt in SpeTieer ïn the pinst four'ypnrs. He made a hürrié,d. trip thrcragh the busineas seotion today .;and was amazed at tre streeti?:,, the park, the .hew national highway and other improvements. Mr. Kirknér 'hlso sà-w for'the 'first time the $150,000 Methoj^Jst church building; the $225,000 new high achool building and.ithe new $100,000 Baptist church, all erected in the past few years. ■ It wa!'i all "a 'dream, a Avonder-, ■fill révélation” to' Kirlnier who' uised to be a famili'ar figure in the streets of thé town as he de­ livered ico to the homes of the ftilkS' . f o st é r^eunion YOU, TOP, HAVE GOQD. BUSINESS—a d v e rtise IN Л ‘ /' THE ENTERPRISE 'f -_________ ■■■;....J. Now is tho time for 'bueineaai If you \vant'good- biiaino.ss^ pre­ pare .yiq'ur cojpy nnd caill for an Enterpil'iso mnnr to**come around a'nd I'otithc poQpici of Davie coun­ ty к пЬлу, what УРЦ htiye tO; oiTer t'hé'ni.'■'•WatÁ'h'4№tí merpfiiints'i^^ use space, and'«ее how bulsy they Imecesaity for advertising. ' All . lare. -Our copy and cut service down, tihrough the .agoji men hiaivé ., will be n gi4iiat iheip to you, will; Ijeen, conscious that without .pub- . you use it. ' Hcity or (ul'vertising't'heir offprts •' would be in vaim In the IV .Chap Í ter, 4th vense of the. Book of Ruth,, : we find, this qiiotntion: '"And Ii? Shnhighai, 'China,' Niov. 6,— thought to '.iidvortise thee;’’ whilo •'Prapped within fuliing walls and' in the XXIV' Chapter 14th'.vérse Tho Foster reunion was held .^t the old home plncé-neai:. Reeds Baptist church in David'sion coun­ ty Sunday, Ñ10V. Oth. Five broth­ ers intid three sisters, were pre- !-ont, namely: Messrs G. W. and C. M. Fo.ster. of Roeda, J. T. M. and R. L. Foster of. Winsito'nrSalem and H. L. Foster of Advance. Mes- dame C. M. Hnusipr 'of Gorman'- ton, D. SI. Spe.ncor .of Volno.v, V'.'i., W. L. Call of Mocksville. Several of thei.r children and grsi'nd child­ ren, friends and relativos were liresent, numbcirlng about threo hinidred. A beautiful table was spread and every one seomod to eiiioy tho (ifcitsion. lt was 'jtgreed njVoii that ihis will be a'li limnual event to be hold in Soptombcr at the same, placo.—By one iTi'osent. ^ HJGHÉTrPIilCE PAID FOR WEED linod boof liver, nrnperly c.ook- ffl. '.vill ihelp control anenii::i. 'fhe f'"’'l conta'in.s iron and other mii;- I'rals as well as vitamins. Duirhsmi, Nov. 5.-»—.A total of 522,46*1 poundis »f tobacco waa sold on the Durham market Fri­ day at .an average pi'ice of $31,58 ¡»•or Lhundred iioundlsi. .Nearly ,?]65,000 wns paid o u t by tl№ buy­ ers. 'Fiar'mors of 'the ,'3octibn ex- «latisfiiction with the trerAl of the pVico«. MERIORIAL TREES Tho. American Legion Posts of Sip;i|rtH;hbung. >nd Gh'eenville have joined in .a movorn,ent to plant''membrial trees along tho high­ way connecting the t;wo K,'ities'.- This tr.ee t)1 anting, hais already started aecording to the Spartnnburg ■.ioumal. ■ 'fhis reminds ua to i=.uggeat that if the local American Legion post wants to 'sta'i't so.niothirig .which would add' much to the heauty By, Edson R.;',Waite ^ ■„^.Jiick Williams,' £ditor .o£. ,,l;iio Wayçrcais' ,(Gn’.) < 'Journ'al-Howild,. sftys:. ■ <• - ,’rhrit 'reico'rda'prove to us thnt , fr'om the enrlleat. Biblical, .times , mam .has recognilze'd, at loi^st in'a > ^l^în^teld.■-,лv^ly^'^rthÁ/’jmportЛnce;;; ,'or BUILDING .FALLS! 135 KILLED ci;ushed by debris and .splintered beiaips, 135 of more than -five hundred 'women a'nd children in .'k three-etou^y bifilding perished in the wative '^quarter: of-.Shangr of the Book .(of, N umbers we find, "Come; 'tihisrefo're, and r wiil .'iad~ ^ ;veiii,se;.thee..'’,.. ■ •.':>' ■ 'ч';''’ Advertising i.s afe old. lis c'Tea* tiiiin, 'for the Almighty ' placed; i№ ’ hai when the structuVe cpUa-psed ¡'every living thing 'the inherent today. At ieaifjt 200 more ■ were faculty .or property: of! wrocliMhi- sprioiisly injured.' , . : 'ing^ its existeijoc.'; When these. . The disaster came in the midst orbs wer^ >iet'iniwhirl, .it was wise- ■of a meeting held, on the third ly decreed ■'that-„‘the plants thr- fioor of a ipictur'e palace in the ough color, contrast of flower chapel district where women tex­ tile workers hiad gathered to form a new labor union.' A local labor leader, Yen Hain,. •ivho •ivas at­ tending the meeting, is the only, man known to have been kilied.' The. worker-s, after discuissing various problems of the new or- gan^ation, had just elected their oflicers and stonding up to' 'ap­ plaud when the floor bepenth their feet -began to sway. Bearing down its burden of 500 or so human beings, the floor gjive way and crashed down on the second floor of the (sitructure. Thia floor in turn yT5jdod under the onor-' moua 'Strain an'd cn]'lapsed'.&'; ITALIAN FLIES 5 MILES A MINUTE Rome, Nov. 5.—A speed of more than 300 miles' ipor hour—better thaii fivo miloa per minute—was attained by Major Do Bernardi, Italian ace,'in setting n ¡now 1 orange, the iriioo rod cherry, the witth, foliage;.'Should act ate-an incentive to ihe consumer to de­ sire airjd, 'ppssess the fruits ■ of the?,e plaiit«.'; The flowers ifff iruit bearing t^ees come forth, J'satter! their perfume, and attract the eyo jof map, 'gii.ving adviahce publicity of what that lorganic industry—the tii6,e-TwilI bring forth ais its fin­ ished piioduct. ' ■' What greater attraotion can be. imagined than a broud s'\veet- scented Georgia 'pe<alch orch.ar^d,> wafting its peirfumo to a swam •' of beds, seeking th® commodity which ,would satilsify the appetite and delight the 7i!ailnto of the I'iivo, from the droiio to tho queon ? Whnt mioric lattrnctive displny ■ than a field of p.opjiios or wild roses? What grelater color ad- . vertisoment could be flaunted be-; fore the oyes of an untutored: Biiv'age itiran the. I'ourtd yellow^ of'this county,, a tree.'pia'nting campaign .along ono of our fine 1 yeaterday, ac-j luscious bc.i.utifull.v tinted pear. roiids woiild 1)0 a 'great thing. It would be as inexpen'sivo'as' any Icalculations completed movement wo could suggest and -would moan beauty and pleasure today. to generations. yo!t unborn, and would mean an asset to this county as a perpetual, advertiser. ' ' , Just such' a proposition is now under icons.idedition over at Gastonia, rtccordiiig to the Gazette. The idoi) of planting trees along the highway connection Charlotte ami Gastonia, is now being ton.'-'.idered. Says the Gazette: "Preliniin:ary investigation, h'as already been made on the pro­ ject 'of planting trees 'along the highway from here to Charlotte by the War Mothers, but this ahould not bo loft to them alone to fini'sh. It ought to be a community effort. The aid of the two countibs of Gaston and Mecklenburg, the cities of Gastonia and Chwlotte, all .the intorve'ninig tow;na, ,and all the civic bo'd^ea in-the several tow'nS. ought to be onlistod. With a division of ,'labofcand r'iisporiaibilHi^^^^^ the work could bo easily accomplished.’’ No finer highw'ay cnn bo founfd in the world than the one con­ necting Mocksviilo and Wiivston-Salem. Witli tho addition of orna- moMtal tre'es''along ■this n.iad, .and with a fe'\v cultivated flowers and shrubbery hore and there along the wny this would .present a moat delightful sight for the traveling public. The average speed of the ma­ jor’s roaring piano was 296 miles 1460 yards Iier hour, and at times it touched 313 miles, 820 yards.--------------------------------- P R ip DEAD S;aiii.?'bury, Nov. 5,-r-A. Ii. Price, assistant district attorney in the Roosevelt administration, was found dead in ‘his, ofrice here this a'fternoon, apparently from heart ■" iro. He had been in ill health V;8omo time, frien'ds &aid, but 'his' (loath wraa auddon, líe ia survived by his ■'wife and threo chiidron. or the sun-kisifed noay-cheekpd. iipple, eont'rastod with the green pafce of nature’s catalog. ■ , Then We havo tho siii^fing,.. of birda, lo-wing of cows,'cooing lot' dovos, the blia.tant. call of beaata; and ,n.ot the loa.st, the homely hen. Ah! In the-litin you .find the true adyertisei'. With i^iomethirig to Vdvortia'o. Unlike the Idu'ck, Which conceals (and «overs her ’ nroducit, the 'hen manufacturer.'! • .her product, -ivhfch 'te good—tlien' she tells tho world 1 Yes—Whoisit Transmitter: Who ia this? ----------------s— ^-------- Receiver: Well. ,if vou (lon't- •Ivoad every .advertisement in know yourself, silly, how do v l ' this XS.SUO. expect me to tji'il? ' ■ . S Л I '{ ' ii Vli'. I'M I I ’ÍIKO 2 ТИК MOCKSVILLE ENTKKPfUSE. MOCKSVILLE, N. C. J Т 1П1ГЯ(1»У, Novi,lull,.I Davie Wili Never Forget v.< "ч/Тг^ -feil'"" ' fЩ ilk teü?î9MraSK-.'.iïiÎ’i,'. ‘.i ■ v;) >.j| **■ £■■ Щ 3 fi)t3 ©e ©ffiiy ^ ,'if. I\i4sc Today upon Ihi; ihrcüU- '} j hold óf this solomu occsiior» to '?';Tj bow rfov.’n out' '.loads bcior« Jho tomb of liiiû vvlio typiiio;. tlio lI'.cusuii'Js who have saffcreü that the world may live fn'oct. Л ' '*■'“ l a u r .t , t \ o t b e s iU I l h » b w e h a v o - f o i 's o t l c n l l i e b lo o d t h e y t i a v o s h o d , '■ ib .- > - .v c iir p w j n l i . " ' n r p r c c i a t i o n O l 1ЛИ ii. e i .. s l o r w i i i t i i t h e y f o u g h t ,. l i b c h o o v c j I b is N 'a L -o n t c ! o v c a n d c h o r i.- .h l ! i r o i i ß h t h e l o n g , d i.'n v c a n o f t ! :v ,4 iîu r o t h a i i i c m o r y o f t h o s e w h o !. i,V ;c c 'l t h s i r y o 4 i i ¡ ; li v o s to b e o s l i n g - i i 'r i i ( i d 'm ( h c c s ; ; 3 c i . i f w o r l d d c m o c r o c y____I ............... m Csgio<^mfi Southern Bank & Trust Co. PROGRESSIVE- MOCKSVILLE, N. C. -SERVICE November’s Special Values now showing, are all the season’s newest fashions A store-wide demonstration of unequalled economies in dresses, coats, sport and junior wear and small accessories for all occasions. In our coats, suits and dresses each individual model emphasizes some important feature of the winter mode. Here you will find a large and well assembled collection offering you ex­ cellent value and impeccable style for your Thanksgiving buying— really the dress-up day for Fall and Winter. с TO 135.0 Dresses $5.S5 to $30 NEW FALL SHAPE LADIES HATS 98c to $4.50 Children’s Hats 98c to $1.95 Children's Coats $2.25 to $7.95 ONE LOT L.ADIES SPORT COATS Sl'EClALLY PRICED $6.95 LADIES, MISSES ANI) CHILDREN UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY LADIES’ READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT C. C. Sanford Sons Co. Rural Song and Commenl: (j:ly Arch Hiinej-C'iitt) Aiilunui Sdmiet Tho ,4Un .lutiks Uu'ougli Lhi; I'uild.v morn \\'il’h I'liiiiljn w colorad niy;',, Tlie bu.sy I'iU'iiicr lioiirri.s hiy corn Ajiiiiiist tho VV'i'iiiclry (liiys, Tho cricket iji thc mullow noon Chimt.s by till'. B-<ii'iloM Kiitc, Thu ou'l, at twiliirht, greets tho ПКНИ1, biH-lariiiK lifo is jri'oiit; Aiui ovory cruatmo, j^froat ami к. , . 'Siiiall, fëô'lKis ii|) it.4 own peculiar call iinp^)!' irratitlMli; and prai.so tea"’rom Immblo heurts thiit, [иппк! and swell Tu Him who giildoth all thliiijs well ThrouKh timo’s stranKO, varioil maize. HrVjr .Iones SavK— Dat ^la.wfr. Drive, o’ mino, he’s ! .lost now ill do jiroco.ss. ob rokiv- ory„ T'Oin do efi’ccta o’ bein’ dc loser in a ar^yinint wld a tom­ cat .ono ' jilght las’ week. Лон-- sum luintiii’ ain’t no good nohow, •spocully whciijyo’ troe.4 one what.4 a tom-cat.. .Yes-siih, did's a I'lict, hit sho’ is. Enouiili To just bo Klad—it is choukIi for mo; For paltry gain, J strive not, iioithtr pray l^'or itirii< that moths and nist mny gnaw away— 'I’d ,iust; bo gla'd—it i.s enough I'or mo. Not for a crown and scoptro would I be 1 The conter of life’s onward rush­ ing qualm, I A busy 'dny, and nig'ht’.s un-har- I’owed culm, I And to be glad—it is enough for me. The Pnrting I Unte to scü- Octobcr go, With her rod nn’ gold— iiiko a long goodby, you know, 11 To n truo-bhio, old ]''riond whnt hn.sto go i'or .shore, lAlaybe i)ot to como no more. or November nin’t so bn'd. i With her i'ro.st an’ .snow, : l!ut hit sovtcr miikert nK;< snd ' i/lko tho winds .whnt blow Pipili’ Inrowell, high un’ low Wlion Octobcr basto KO. ■ Fulfilled North wind a pipin’ With n braeln’ chill j Yenr (lone promised, An’ sho pays the bill ’Wny whore nnture Hns her grent fonst sprond With the gold nil nround An’ the bluo ovorhond. Hr’er .Jones Says— Pollyti.shun ho urges wimin fo’k.s ter take ’vnntnge o’ de rights o’ isufrernge. 01’ omorn sny ns how 'sho done sufTured ’inuf a- rendy, right er no right, likewise she ain’t gwine ter hunt none for dnt commodity, je.'i cau.'io sonie blnb moufed white trnsh whnnts ever thing. Yés-.sah, dnt’s n fnct, hit .aho’ is. (Jone i Hnnds nround for the оГ bnrn dnnce, r Of tho golden long ago, If the youngsters givo you a ghost of chance From the modein movie show; An’ hit’s tv.'oedlo-iftvee. An’ hit's a twobdio-dwec An hit’s shlillUi heel an’ too If tho youngsters give you n ic'hiince to be , Awny t'lom thc movie show. llnn'd.s nround i'er'the ol’ bnrn dance, By tho оГ timo ln lit eri! light. If the youn.';Htur:; give you a ghost of chi'.nco ' From the movie ¡-.how tonight; An’ hit’.s tweedle-dwee, An’ hit’s tweedlo-dwoe, On the tunes you used lo know, An’ I’ll kiss the gnl- whnt ,kisses me. If I die in doing so. Big bnrn floor all spick an’ scpan ¡ An’ thc fiddles all in chuno; Uoom fer the gal an’ room for the 1 man. But you bettor git thar .чооп; An’ hit’s twocdle-dweo, i An’ hit’s twocdle-dweo. For the shufllo heol an’ too, If tho youngstoi-a givo you chance to bo Away from the movie .show, I III,''.N'liV',мп1)ог 10, 1927 THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, MOCKSVILLE, N, C,Page $ '1'hÍH store w ill .doso on iifler 1 o’clock.Fridiuv, Armistice Dav, . Allison-Johnson “We Deliver The Goods” Mocksville, N. C. Unknown?- Whnt matter his name, of what nvull his rank? Banker or bookkoopor bol'oro his country's clnrion cnll; raw rookie or grizzled veteran when tho Grim Reaper’s, scj^the mowed him 'down—tho Unknown Soldier lies nt rest with the heroes of past centuries. In Sacred Memory of the Unknown Soldier und the Seventy Thousand Others Who Gave Thoir Lives for Thi.y Country. Allison & Clement Mocksville, N. C. dead is iieard “lie sud'orocl that wc might smile; lio died ih,,; we might live. H e mnde tluv su])romo.,sacrilice Ihut wc, on this side of thc world, might carry on in iii,. ideals our foi'e-J'athurs dloil for in ’70, Ho sliM'p^: hut his memory is ¡ictiye in the.heavt ,of every Anu'i i- can,” The Unknown. Soldier and his seventy thousand comrades who fell, beside him oucup.v a shrine in oi'lr hearts. Let u« not forget our dead. lUii ui us also renieinlier those of our hoys whom the ^ods «if war spared. < Pdlimd.—All Poland l.y IIk' story of ,0110 casos of alleged (111 record,.(|ii>Iclep.'Hliy, Kdllan.ski of Bydgos- siulcli-'iily awakened by a ,',liarp tolophane ring at 144'ognizud tho voice ,vh(i was ipas.sing tlv' l lii'ir clilldroii in tlio •р.;. is 'alleged io ; -ri.nu' at onco and i.:;¡:n'ii, I do not Avant I\IY DADDY day. , ]Mr, Ralph Poolo nnd fnmily are You aro tho one .so good, so tiruo spoiiding some time in thi» com- To me you’re made of gold clear munity w'ith relatives. tlvro’ jri'. and rvT.r.«, M. L. Dwiggins You do your work with all your visitod Mr, land Mrs, T. W. Dwig- ml'ght,. I gins Sundiii'y niglit, Y'ou strive to do What you it-hink| Mrs, J, S, McDnnicl went to is right. ;,Vi'rginia Saturday to soo hor brother, Mr. Wilburn Koontz, .!• U’i |,V. k'liil |:|c I' ill.'■ry luar niy dead ’I'll' )', Í НИ' ,11(1 lllll'l' ; (' IIId not obtain any . ; I'll! ra)>id (|Uostlons. ' ;1|.. fact that there is i:i I'll the farm , where ,;, ii. su.4pectc(l a crude li'li'phoiio operator, III.I him that tliGro w as li> fiiunectioii w ith hia iliii'hig tho iirevio'is ,ut'.l:it th n t durin g the ¡' ;ii'i.! .40 fow tolophone til,11.^ ill Bydgoszoz that iild liiil bo m istaken. , ;i,i.4ki went back to bod nnd aknti'il .several liours la tw chaiiil'eiir, who camo from Inn 1(1 announce that Mr.s, ,,ki \va.4 very ill. Ho loft Й liirm im m ediately; when .¡vi'il )ii.4 wife wa.si dead. She [■III a heart attack shortly miiiiiiglit, land hor first ( Ii:i(l lieon, to notify her ul. She asked the house- vcrid iiinos to teleiiiiono to It as the nearest telephone liislanco of 12 kilomet­ er dflinan'd could 'not be . She died a littlo before k, at tho same time when sliaml rocoivod tho 'jillogod mo message. You .Ivave boon s'o bravo witli tlie trouble you have had, You didn’t' givo up hope when your he'a'Ith wa.'.s. bad, Witli a heart siiicoro .and a lovo that last, You looked to the futUTc an'd for­ got the jia.st. who’ is .suriouisiy ill. Owner—"Would you like ,’iow.4 of the place to send r friends?” ¡atl.<ricd Guest—"Sir, I think he bolter for me to keef)- '\vs of this (place to my- You g av r nu! advice sb high, s'o •sulilime, Tt will .slay w illi mo ’till tho end of time, 1 would ll'i'at in f.ome -way T could sliow m.v ;ippreciation, Fov yiniir .helpiiiK me reacii jiro.seiit stliiltioii, — .Jackie Foster, -----;---------C---------------- CENTER NEWS SASSAFRAC RIDGE NEWS Äli.slcr Editur: Tliey's a right smart of 'doins herebdui.i, jo.st now, tiioy is, causo .■■limmcni beer, .sorgum lassos, an' ' b'mie-s|nin backer air all riglit in the üiiddle Ilf ther best, ycsrs'i'ee, ! an' fre.sh nax.orback a coniin’ right along, causo tiioy’s lots of I acorns an' siiiicriis fer the kril- niyjior.i to fatten on, likewise corn shuckin’s is a boginnin’ to |)op out now an’ thon. .an’ ilhat means iplonly of- nows iliims thout tho trr.iiblu of kwlno ’ater ’em which I is a groat help, .shore as'kraut Mr. and Mi'.i. 'I’urner 'ruttorow , hit is, soein’ a^ how tiieso horo of Greensboro, .sipu'iit the woek end wit'll ]\'Ir. Elmeir 'I'utterow and fnmily, Mos.srs Dowey nnd Gooirge Evor- hardt of iiuar Liberty visited Mr. W. JI. Sonford Sundiiy iiftornopn, Ml.sts Pollle Dwigg'ins of Mock.s- vlllo spont Mon'day night with hor nunt, Mrs, 'r, W. Dwiggin». Mr, and Mrs. W. F. 'I’uttorow' wimin' fo’ks an’ dawgs, herebouts is never none loo ‘hospitable to )’oi)ortors, they ain’t, I jest now bin down to Cy Wntson'’s to re­ turn that thi'.r hamo-.string what Gy lent mo for deliverin’ that thar dawg what 1 traded to 01’ man Slocum for a imir of wool knit socks, Inst later dlggin’ time was _ a year, I have, an’ hoarn how as nm-d Mr, L. M, 'I’utterow sjient ! Ihoy’s a heap of talk herebouts Sunday in High Point with M'r. 1 conccrnin’ of tliu wny Square Bix- nnd Mrs. Odus Tutlonow, tor Is n .runin’ ot thnt ilhnr store Mr. N. B. Dyson taind faniHyimi’ post otlico, an' t'hoy's room n visited nt the home of Mr. Goo. Evans, 'Who (is manager of the Wllllnms Fnrm, Sundn.v, Blrs. W. M. Sonford, nnd .son, .rio'h'n, is^Vonit Monday wSth 'lier molhor, Mrs. G, W. Everhnrdt, of Liberty. Ml's. C. II. Bairncycastlo, und 'daughter, Ophelia, la'nd Mr.s. E. K, Barneycastle visited at tho homo of Mo.ssrs F. M. Walker and F, S. Ijnmo.s, of High Pioiint Sun- plonty too, shore as- kraut, cause most of thc time, they say a.S' how S((uare gives you igroon stamps when you call for rod, iikowiso bluo stamps whoa you want green, an’ what’s more, if you m.st for one stamp or.n dozen hit’s all the isinme, cnuso Squnro ho won’t mnke nnroy bit of cut, fer nobody, ho won’t, and’ fo’ks is 'a gitlin’ purty 'durnod sore, they air, .an a balkin' of organizin’ a sort of com- 1Ж»^1ШИ№ИИШШ1И1тЮШ»1ШШ1|»ЮИМГОИМП»ШИП«Ш THE MORRISETT CO. •‘LIVE WIRE STORE” ARE READY FOR COLD WEATHER ARE YOU? TRADE WITH THE MERCHANT NEWSPAPER — THEY WILL THAT ADVEiraSE IN SAVE YOU MONEY. THIS i They May Call On YOU Ye Modcirn Fable "Isn’t thoro some fable about the ass disgui.slng himself with a lion skin'/” -, "Yos, but now the colleges do 11 thc trick with a sheoijskin,” Locks an'd bars moan nothing to the Fire Demon, Tlien' | is just onn way to keop him out of your ipvopcrty and ll'*'* is ito bo cnrofu'l—lo observe nil common sense rules of iii'o prevention and finally to cnrry enough of' the right kinds f iiwurance. This is y<mr agency of Iho Harlf«ird Fire Insurance ('"• | For safe and sure insurance, call DAVIE Real Estate Loan & Insurance Company p Mockaville, N. C. S COATS COATS COATS Just received a beautiful assortment of lovely coats with fine fur collnra. .Newest styfes (and (,'olors. JuJsit your wants. Nothing lil<e them in the eity nt tho price. $1 0 .9 8 $1 4 .9 8 $1 8 .7 5 $2 9 . 7 5 $3 9 . 7 5 $4 9 .7 5 $5 2 .7 5 lilliB , H! a Ц [3 IU n Щ n E) BI 'П ■ - ии H pnny nn’ settin’ UI) n po.st oifice o(f ther own, which wouns herebouts ia aj,ieoiin’ shore Mister Editur, as how','you’ll a'ii’oo ii' a fine idea, seoin’' as how you’ve hern lell 'about that' thar wise guy what liverl on'st upon n lime, mnybe most a hundred years ago, nn’ snid ns how Cpmpoths'hun wa.s the life of bu.s.in6s's, or somethin' to that oll’ecl. Now for a sami)lo, when ol-' man .foe 'I’hunderblood went to order that thar batch of gold pyt'd noodles, oulon tlie ip'a])- or from away otf somowhar, to sell I'er a premium .“afoly razor, he w;iiiited istiimps to tlio amount of t\vo dollars an’ .sixty throe .ccnts, ’•(! did, an' Square, lie wouldn’t uvduco navpy bit in the price of Ihe dozen, llkewi:-o the ,samc when tlnir meanest boy of Cy Wat- Hoii's sont fi;r that thar last shi])- nienl; of corn pla.sters, ;iii’ I want lo say, right horo an’ now. Mister Editur, !is how wouns i|iorobout« is a ifittin’ lo bo awfully sore on bein’ robbed, maltreated an’ as­ saulted, shore as graut wo air. o r man .I'ohn Weaver is right poorly, Iboy say, from failin’ in the crook whilo out a jiossum huntin’ tuthor night, liknwi.'Jo bein’ right painfully bit by a po.s- sum what he was a carryin’ at tho time, ah’ fo’ks .says as how ho ortor not bo out like llval «1 niivht nohow, but possums is a right good jirico over to thc store at thi.si wrilin’ thoy air, an’ thoy say as how them lihar gals of Ills’ll jest will dross an’ paint up if ither dad'dy hasto kill his self plum spank dead to pay Ihor bills. Counso, Mister Editur, wo ain’t ni wishin’ the ol’ mnn no hnrd luck, but confidonchully, w’o ain’t many of us a wis'hin’ him ‘no speedy ro- kivory, wo ain’t, cause we don’t mind havin’ a sort of a ha’f way chance at a possum now inn’ then nohow. School min’t oponec! yll> 'liit nin’'t, but fo’ks Is n expectin’ hit mout stnrt soon, they nir, an’ everybody ii'--( a doin’ of thor best to git rid of tho each so n.s to be rondy, nn’ that reminds mo IMIslor Editur, as how [ wanted to asit, is thar anvlhing more dc'terrymontlo to good progress in odgyc’.'ishun, than scralchin’ oach, nn’ chnwin’ chewin’ gum'/ An' whilo. we air about hit, maybe you mout ast that thiir man Voni?. wlrsit lives away olT,somowhar, likewise writ- es tho itums from this burg, if he knows lanytliing wus, likewise if he 'do i^o trot hit out along with the remedy. Yourn fer nev/s, JIMMIE. Ш R) ffl Announcement Wo havo moved our Barber Shop into the Southern Bunk & 'I’rusl Company building, and are better prepared than ever to SEIiVE the public. Wo aro al YOUK SERVICE. Como lo see Ui*. CalFs Barber Shop G. F, Call -Ownei'i Harley Sofley •1!изджшю1ш1ажж 1аж ю ш ш тешаш1ишии'|1иш11'1ш1»ю111и1!м111т '|11111111' ii iia i'.i Every delay, which means a day, in placing your order for, the winter’s sup­ ply of coal can mean a loss to you, be­ cause we cannot control prices and a cost at-mine advance means you must pay ac­ cordingly. Then too, delivery now means good-first-grade coal at minimum cost. Save by ordering your coal this week. 135 Phone 116 Home Ice & Fuel Co. “Our Coal Burns” PI DRESSES AND SUITS A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Just your needs—beautiful styles—wanted colors—fine materials. Come see our display. You too will say they are the best values in tho city. Priced to s u i t everybody. $1 0 .9 8 $1 2 .4 8 $1 4 .9 8 $1 8 .7 5 $2 2 .4 8 UNDERWEAR I'iiids, for men, ladies lan'd ctiildren at the prices in town. Just your noods. 3 9 c $1 .4 9 4 9 c 7 5 c $2 . 4 8 9 8 c DRESS GOODS Just your wants—outing, flannoksi, percales, lirints, Everfast suiting, etc. Best assortment In tho city.' 1 5 c 1 8 c 2 5 c 3 9 c 4 9 c 6 9 c 9 8 c 1 0 0 0 BE A U TIFU L H A TS, A LL KINDS 9 8 c $1 .4 9 $1 . 9 8 $2 . 9 8 $3 . 9 8 $4 . 9 8 THE MORRISETT CO. liVE WIRE STORE W IN STO N -SALEM , N. C. !:sn:i':Bi:'B:;!:Rx.:Q;ii:»i:'‘Bi!;iia:i:ia:!::Diii[BBiii!aii:!a!!!:ESii!iia'iiiiaiiiiDi:iii{9!!i!a:i:iii3iiiiWiiiiBiiiiiaiiiifliiiiBirii!iiii!iBii!iinii!iBiiiigiiiiifliiiiiBiiiiHiiiBiiiiBiiiii November Clearance Of Used Cars "i I This month we are giving special attention ?3 I to our Used Car Department. Every car I is in good condition and ‘‘a-rariirt|| to go.” I . . '4-^I W e are determ ined to sell these cars during the m onth | I of N ovem ber, therefore the price is not considered. I Y ou m ust see them to ap preciate their real value. One 1927 Chevrolet Coach Run 1860 miles Two 1926 Chevrolet Touring Cars Original Tires. A*1 condition Two 1924 Ford Coupes Two 1925 Ford Coupes One 1926 Ford Coupe Two 1926 Ford Roadsters One 1926 Ford Touring Car One 1924 Ford Roadster One 1924 2"door Fo|^, Sedan ' ^— -"'My.''"'”"""Other Fords Chea^r; One 1925 Studebaker Roadster One Light Overland Touring One 1925 Ford 1-Ton Truck At $100.00 One 1925 Ford 1-Ton Truck New Tires, Steel Cab and Body Tt* go at $200.00 I $gв i iii ■ NI íbí-■ в i I Be sure th at you see these cars before you buy elsew here | MARTIN CHEVROLET CO. “ Mocksville, N. C.Й i Щ i «Э A A AO. I. &'%.L41AA Щ i ■ ЩB:i!(vin!iiis]ii'iBi!!i{eiii!iB№Si!ii:Bii!iii!ii:a¡:iiBiii:Bi:!iiB¡iiiBiii!Bi'i!Bii!iai;iinH!iBiiiiDi¡iiDiiiii3i!iie9i!¡iBiiiiBiiiiBiii¡Biiiiaiisfliii!B:i¡{H!iHi:i!BiiiiB!ii!Bin!iiiniiiL a ’wiiiiB!:iiBiii:fl!r!Bi!iiBi^i:iiB:ii¡Ki:n:¡i!n!yin.fBiiiiB!:iiBiiii»iiiifl,4i.B!i:iBi;{»Hiii!B:ii!Bi!iiBiii!:B¡i:iH:m.:iiBíiiH;i!iB'JianiiHii!iHir.iaiiiiBiBiiiaiffiBias>ui;:i Used Cars That WILL Run -'''I s.. O u o iccm ccj Jt4 -.v V t. ^Papro 4 THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE. MOCKSVILLE. N. C.Thursday. Novcinbcì* 10, F r id a y , N o v e m b e r 1 1 t h , 1 9 2 7 ì§ p »AS I il ; i l . 'iî I i t Nine Years Ago—And Today This is a day of plorious Jiieiiiorios. It is a day of re- joicinir as if was nino years ajro when the cables flaslied the welcome news that react* had conie. but it is a day of proud sorrow too. Rcrrow for the remembered dead who had found peace earlier than their iiviiig comrades, but whose places are vacant in eijrhty thousand homes today. It is these la<ls whose brive .vounf? faces come between many watching: eyes nnd the marcltiiig forms cf those who came back from France. And it is of these whose bluo stars on the service fl.-ig turned to }rold that most of us will be thinkinv \\ hen the /laj,' iroes by today—the flaji for which tliey gave their .'<11 and by that sacrifice imposed upon their countrymen a sacrct! trust—the responsibility for makinj? certain that thcir> lives wc;e not laid .down in vain. It may be well for us all on this Armistice Day 102V. so many yeais since the nation thrilled with patriotic fer­ vor. to ponder deeply wh.it we havo dune, what wo nre i/oinir • to do. to keep faith with tho.'-e who .slot'j; “over tnoro." It is not nectssary now to "take up our quarrel witii tho fo e ,' b tit ihe cor.P.ici bctv.-ei-n wliat ihe foe then .stood for ar.d the !>rinci!'!es for which .America <frew her .«word is as keen today as ever. It is the afie-cld battle between tho idesls of free men and the aspirations of tho.«e who would jroyern by might, it i.s the struggle of mankind to throw ofT thè shackle.i of apprehension, thè blight of war, the curse of sus.nicion, hatred and intrigue, and to realize the prin­ ciples of thnt democracy which is the truest aristocracy —freedom to realize that there i.s for the race the hope of more abundant life, of greater usefulness, of the real happiness of labor and achievement, without the shadow of unnecessary conflict, of misunderstanding and of sordid striving for self. Therefore today let our pledge to our living heroes and to those who sleep in honored graves be that, a.-s a people, we shnll strive toward those ideals that will bring peace to a war-weary world, hope to all peoples, opportunity to realize the fullness of life and to maintain 'a government whose highest function is to safeguard the right of its citizens to dwell in peace with other nations and with their fellows at home. T h i s S p a c e P a id F o r B y T h e F o l l o w i n g B u s i n e s s M e n E. G. HENDRICKS LUMBER PLANT AU Kind Buildin? Material IDEAL GROCERY Groceries of Quality D. H. HENDRICKS & SON Wholesiile Lumber Dealers MOCIvSVILLE BOX MANUFACTURING CO Mar.uf'acturers of Boxes MOCIvSVILLE MOTOR CO. Tires, Tubes and Accessories C. C. SANFORD SONS COMPANY Everything- For Everybody SANFORD JIOTOR COMPANY ' Fords Ford.-ons Service M.VRTIN BROTHERS jMeats------Grocenea aAIARTIN CHEVROLET CO., INC. Chevrolet Sales and Service ^ BROWN BROTHERS Groceries BANK OF DAVIE C, J. ANGELL The Jeweler "Gifts That Last” ::Z Thursday, November 10, 1Í127 THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE. MOCKSVILLE, N. C.Pnge & 1>LANE LANDS IN CORNFIELD Ship Bearing Miss Adelaide Dcjughis Is lîrought Down in Davie Aftor an airplane in which she ami her two companions, Allen Kushton and Pilot F. A, Stono, of lîii'miiii/luim, Ala., were on route fiom Atlaiiita, Ga., to Lexington, Via., had made a laafe landing ,at Mocksville, twenty-.six miles south west of here early last night, Mis.s ■Adelaide D-r.uglas, Washington, D. C., socioty belle and daugi.nter of Mrs. Davie H. Blair, camo to Wiiivston-Siilem by /iiitomobile to ..... The year ’round 4 popularity of “Standard" Gasoline is strong evidence of its year ’round superiority. S T A N D A R D G A S O L I N E Made In The Carolinas J. FELDMAN & SON of Salisbury, N. C., Are Quitting Business Jan. 1st 1928 Our entire stock of wear» ing apparel for men and women must be sold re­ gardless of cost. We call your special attention to 1000 SUITS for Men and Young Men ' 1 and 2 Pants Suits {14.15 I18.i5 »1.15 These are the newest fall styles in the new Browns, Castor Greys in all the wide stripes, witii 19 and 21-inch bottoms. Truly remarkable vaiaes at these prices, bought to sell at $30 to $35. Don’t fail to visit oiir Dress Goods and Ready-To- Wear Departments. FELDMANS’ SALISBURY, N. C. Who have served the public for more than Forty-two Year.'S upend thü night; JJtiiJorts that the plane was forced to land weru denied by Miss Dought's, upon her arrival heie. She said the party nierly stopped “to got Homtthing tQ‘ eat”, adding that the plane was in good condition, ■ no .motor trouble had developed and that the journey to Lexington by aJr would be re­ sumed this morning. Advicois! from Mocksville stated that the' plane w'as observed fly­ ing low/over .tiiiie jilaco laibout (5 o’clock last night. It was getting dark at that lime and citizens, at- tiucted by the hum of the motor, were unable to get a clear view of the plane. Several persons watch­ ed the Janding, which is salid to have been in a coi'n field about a half mile from Mocksville. Members of tho party went to the Davie county capit'al and there communicated' by telephone witih Mis's' Douglas’ relatives in this city. Her brother, 13arnetto Douglas, left shortly before 8 o’clock for Mocksville, in re- spon.«e to the mes.s'ii'ge, and brought Miss Douglas hene. The young woman and her com- panionii' are en route to Lexing­ ton to ut'tond the V. M. I.-Caro- lina und Was'hington land Lee- Virginia for,tbali games there to­ morrow, So far as could -.bo le.irned last night the airplane was left near Mocksville and the party i.s e.^jocted to take off totlay at the field on which t'he s'afe binding was made last night. Fnim Winston-Salem Jouirnal. GET GOOD~STOCK IN SETTING PECANS JIOCKSVILLE CHAHGE J. T. Sisk, pastor Gieetin«.«: By wction of tho one hundredth iannuai conference \ve| ahe beginning our fifth year as | pa.stor of this Charge, land by the help of the Soul I trust it will be the best yet. I need and desire your prayers. Special Notice ' Owing to' the illness of the pastor the oflicers were 'not eleict- 0(1 before conference as the dis- C'iplion requires, .so wo will elect the oilicurs on our first I'ound: Union Chapel at 11 o’clock, 'and Bethel at night, next Sunttoy, and at Dulin’s' and Elbaville the 3rd Sunday. It i'.s important that you be at yoU'r church and help in the electicjn of the ollicers. CHRIST’S ENTRY INTO .IERUSALE1VI Raleigh, Nov. 9.— It requires more .skill lo grow good jiecan Htock than the usual fruit trees and vince the yields of ipecans.are so much inlluencod by the stock and budAvood used, thO' trees should come from a reliable source. "There is much interest in set­ ting ptcan trees in North Caro­ lina '¡iiul the prospective growers, sihoiild be sure of their source of stock,” says Prof. G. D. Matthews, iioiul of the department of horti­ culture at State College. "'I’heri’' aro two melhoda of pi'opagating those trees, root-grafting >and budding. Only tho budcjed treoj'' should bo planted in this stato. Rcot-graftdd trees havo provod undesii'ible. They kill back bad­ ly. ]''«ilure of many trees to grow li's traceable to the fact Ural they wore root-giuifted. Budded IroEs show a slight crook at tho point whori!' the bud was insert­ ed., Root-grafted trees are .stiaii'ht from tho ground up.” Another thing to remember when buying pecan trees is that tho young trees are sold by height. The desire to get a large tree is a short time frequently result,:, in the use of too much nitrogen to force rapid growth. Trees of this tyiie often have soft, spongy taproots ns compared with trees pronerly grow'n. They require n .much longer time to ¿et started. If the wrong variety is planted, it mny be top-worked, stategi Mr. Matthews, but if a runt or a root- grafted tree is set, it can only be dug up. Even when tho trees have been properly grow’n, they should be c.'arefully idug and pack­ ed for shipment. Trees dug be­ fore the leaves 'have fallen or I'h'ose where the roots have been allowed to >dry out im '.shipment or bruised in handling, make poor growth whatever care tho buyer mnv give in planting. Mr. Matthews stales that the North Onrolina Pecan Growers Society has been organized to as- .si.st prospective growers in get- tiinir the right l;tart with their trees, WOMAN SPTS ON BURGLAR New York, Nov. 2.— Charles (j\Iickey) JleD onald m ay go to prison for life bccause a woman sat on him. Jiickey w as in the apai'tmei>l of Jlr-i. Ju lia Duffy whsn .‘■iie ro- tiurned from shopiiing tod;-,y. Mrii. IMiirphy graiqiled with the man, v>’ho Hod.. Sho sent forth w hat Roonied a v.-iiii |uirsuit Wlien M ick­ ey-—only 20 and fa.st fo r,h is atre — siippfd :nnd fell on lii.s- face. jMr.s. j\lu)'phy fiat on hi'.v back .Tiid stayed there until a putralraan ar­ ri vtd. Rheumatism While in Fr.'meo with the Ame­ rican Army I obtained a noted French prescription for the treat­ ment of Rheumatism aiul Neuri­ tis. I havo given this to tlious- and.-i willi wonderful results. The pre,scription cost me nothing. I aid; mitlilng I'or it. I will mail i;. ii’ you will .'.end me your addre.ss. A po.stal will bring it. Wrile to­ day. ii’aui CaEfO. Dep.t., F-25-JI, In the pictui’ization of Oonerai Lew Wallace’s famous novel and stage play, "Ben-Hur,” playing at the Princess Theatre for an ex­ tended engagement, a singularly fine conception of the entry 'of Chriisit into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday Av:n's filmed in todhnicolor, by Director 'Fred Niblo for the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayor spectacle. The entry of Christ into Jeru­ salem was handled very idolicate- ly, tii'ough inipress’ively. Tho faco of tho Christ is never visible. ,11 is shadowed and hidden by the branchei.H of a palm. As He ent­ ers through the Joppa Gate, a htige '(.sitructu:i;o built in Romo, Itnily, iilong.tho lines of the ori­ ginal Joppn Gate of Jerusalem through which tho Christ is said to havo entered the city some 1900 years ago, the enl'husiasm of sevorai thou.'iand people brea- thle.ssly waiting ithe coming of the Messiah rose to a crescendo. An excellent cast of screen players enact the principal roles. Ramon Navarro jilays the part of P.en-FIur,'Muy'McAvoy i.^'seen as Esther and Carmel i\Iyers as Iras, the exotic vampire, LIVEiTGObT) FOOD FOR 1‘ALE PEOPLE Iialeigh, Nov. !).— Those who like liver well, cooked will be gratified lo know I'hal thoy en­ joy a I'ood that is packed with minerals 'and vltaniiiia. Those who do not caro for liver, should loso no-time in cultivating a tasto, "Liver is a good .Sourue of sup­ ply for many food elements,” says Miss Mary Thomas, nutrition spe­ cialist of tho home demonstration division al State College. "The food conitains proteins of un­ usual value and also an abund- jMice’ of minerals and vitamitis. We know of the .stplendid results obtained when cod - liver oil is used for babies and'grown'people. Just lately much more interest has been aroused by certain in- ve.stlgnlions which .show that liver ia rich in iron and has oilier sub- stnnce.s flavoring the utilization of this iron by the body for blood building.” In other words, liver will help cure anemia. Medical authoriti­ es are recommendinir liver, espe­ cially beef liver, with an abun'd- ance of fresh fruits and vegetabl­ es as a cure for this disease, Even in pernicious anemia, this diet has been found very benefi­ cial in bringing about an increnise in the red cells and hemoglobin. Not only is liver valuable for the blo.od, states Miss .Thomas, but it also contains many food elements ,w'hich give tone to the entire body. Mil-i3 Thonras state,s that there aro npny ways in which this liver may bo prepared for the table. She lalso stales Ihnl there aro other and more attractive 'dishes than the regular fi'ie'd or boiled dish so often 'served. To prepare the liver for cooking, il i.^'hould be cut into slices about one-half inch tii'ick, covered wilh boiling water and allowed to stand for flve minutes. Then drain .ofi,' this water and remove Iho outside skin .uid tho vein.s. I’raist'd liver, baked toinatooB i’'tufi’e’d with iivor and liussia'n bilked liver are three new»dishes advocated by Miss Thomas. She •Ht/ites that these mako o.xrollont dishes and lhoi;o who wish to 'have recipes rnay get them by- writing to hor. PRINTING—T?UT’S OUR BUSI- NESS—TRY US. . BLADDER WEAKNESS If bladder weakness, getting up nights, buckaclie, burning or ¡tell­ ing sensation, leg or groin pains m;i!(e you feol old, tired iW’jdess, and worn out w hy not mako the Cystox 48 hour T est? Don’t wait. Don’t give-up. Got C,’.‘de.v today at any drug stcire. T at it to a ■!8 hour tost. M oney back if you don’t soon feel like new, ful! of pyV, \yith' p a in s . alicyjjited. Try^ Armistice Day! America today enjoys an em of world loaider- ship which was hastened in no small measure by those who faced Enstvvnrd l&n year.s ago—a ailing to the old world in tho cause of hum'anity. Full ci'edit, except at home, perhaps haa never been given American arms in that world eonlliol. Nev­ ertheless, ns time aunis up the part welilayod, there will be no wonder that a raition auch as ours should eatablish itself aa a power for good—and be air acknowledged leader. ! " Annually, we pause to pay tribute to 'all the aoldier dead in that great war. No lines are drawn, our Alliea, a.s well as the enemy’s dead, ah'aring in the tribute of the day. First honor of- course to our -own—a full appreciation of, nil they did, up- ‘holding the flag and spreading llie true spirit of Democracy—'at the grentosl cost man can pay—the supreme' sacrifice. , , Davie Cash Store Mocksville, N, C. OMV- Qfie BittiekAutnimii A ")e cordially invite you to attend a special showing of motor car fashions for J928—- — introducing lustrous colors steries of the finest quality smart new appointments. The Buick Autumn disp opens Saturday and will con­ tinue all through the week. Don’t miss this interesting exhibit. ' N O V E M B E K 1 2 to 1 9 L indsay Fishei B uick Co. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. s ';: .1 , r' • ‘ K:'.' ¡«'B •' i'.,. I .. : Uj..Ss'i .LAUNDRY ; ' ' ■...... “Everything washed snowily clean —e^erythinii ironed to ptjrfection —every piece given individual ,, ¿■are—^vour bundle' complete, ready to use or wear.” We call for your clodies—wash (hem immncuiatei.v dean in (loods of pure, rainsoft water nnd (iutVy billows'of miW, ■white suds— Rinse- and djry-iron every thing with exquisite enre— And return your bundle sweetly clean, wonderfully neat, with everything ready to wear o-r put away. And (hia wonderful .service, always dependable, always right, is moderate In cost. i'l wn-wisii--THiiiF-T-piiiM-piii:si. gkeffics lc« â la a s liy £ö : ' | Cooleemee, N. C. : r , rv i ' '|í’l A l'i::; i, ■ rú4 Л I iih .il-’'i-«“ V • H." . F.I'iTHíf i't ÌU - I ...II ....m K ^i" 1 4 ^ - í'' .í,.( V I -1 ‘ V \ THE MC'- M lilt "A li'.4Ífkm'Síi ;iiv;l UiUlSCll by ¡KiiorjufiH'. misery Evils atro Ic.iay. \V JiM’iiiír thv.'l liiiii- ¡nsE. MOCKSVILLE. N. С. (luüiWïiLLE ENÍERPRISE j cíiUSüií (ïy ijrrmríiirt't.'. г-\'цу CU' jt, riiiíí L/..rí. *y j*».* i ■— — -- -, ; qiiíU'k 11ГасНсч'iuul nosVi'ums imist pi'lii.'ito tlu- of (uir :------ ab.i.SllCi. li,very Ituiriá'-ay in; .-orrvi'tíMi, The n:>iipu;il horous is (niito proiicily Atcsdanic? i4 ÄJock.'.nnile, i\ortJi i cloaiisiiitr lig’iil íif public know- (.’ ‘Л subj'oct ,оГ arijiimoni. Tii« ; LcG'. ar.d -------- —. i l.wlirn will liiiiiL' hi'alth ¡111(1 Loairiip of Natirlit: lioÿ in tliC'(luHt i üiihM'iillv at t\V( .AIESDAMES MOKKIS ЛМ) Lot;KANj:» ENTEinW 1NE1)iMFîS. CALfüELL HOSTESS 4«? A. C. IltriNIDYCUTT PiibltslH'.r. .T, F. LRACH Jlaiiaging: Editor. ''П a EtlU'-.чч! :it Mi>.,:ksviil'.'. .Ч’. C.. а.*» .>^ea' uniíiír tÍK‘ ai’t о (87P. alono will biiuK hoaltli and hiippiiit'.^s to 118 as a nation. “Mvii'li is saiii uboui prolong- in,i lift’. Tho niain idoli is not to ¡'.dd yt'ais, but to ad<ì lift' lo lycai'i. ,To piolouf: lifo ton yo;ivs I in mist'Vy is i>ut lo incre;i.<o tl\e ; bunloìi iipcn othors. i "Tho hnalth of a conimunity in i a .irroat iiioasuro is dotiiniiini'd ' upov, sauo expondituro of ;■ roa>- .■ ouablo amount of monoy. Evoiy , i'.;li;;on must do his sharo. . "Tl’.ivty-livo por cont of all trin e-i‘M aro umìor-nourishod. Not- ì- but by phy- au!).‘5iripil(m Katcs: Vt'j’.r; Sin Ì.Umth.s, 50 Cfiit? Stviotlv ii) A dvance. M ■,v;U;-. -X. C.. N.;w. 10, 1927 Wo 'iiius: nuiko lioalth o^uitagi ous." Whi'lhov wo airroo with him or not Iho abr.vo statonu'nts f^iro ............ ! cortainly worthy of tuir nio.ct that a hopoful .“îijrn. Had you ^ ^yi-ioii.s considoration. over thought about it iu that way boforc? ' siv'al .vioi'oit^j. pS'vn- iiealtli habits a'mi iniprc;:(4' foml. .Ami tlu'so arc so i;;isily rorrootod! ‘‘Ti45 uv.u'li has boon lioard , 'fi’m'oîv.'o i.f hat about disoaso btius contajrii'Us. ; dn'.'i'.î its aniiv and navy to a dc- sands of Exsorvicomon lie prono in hospitals throu.trhoul the land, slill "cai'ryinir on." still lifrhtinp, but this timo tightiu!-' im invi-ible and ипеопциогаЫс fro. Wid ws ,'iMil ori'haiis, tho motlu'is Mnd oliildron of doi'aitod iîornos. s!rui',irIo on in lU".',! aivd povivriy. ;!P|iaron;ly ovorbnskml iand for- I'i ttoj! by tho b!:;;aiii naisses wiio OIHO shiuloii t'liir i!':\Ì!U’s of al! '’■‘ho bf'd iwido ‘ho -пргог.'о ?:);■- ! 'ik'o. Ar,à. 'r.süy, a irc'vernmout rhat saw ih ii' junk 'ho l.i'apiio X'llii'i!.-; i.'.tA Г.1 c'll'oi’ iv.nninir in i*.; !л •vv’V.r: î^;:^/, . , Mrs. .hiV (’alldoll u-.'s 1и?.ч1(?я.ч oil illi'rris andito Ci4'io 2 of thr P;«sLi.vtoWaii cntortainod (io-1 Auxiliii'/y rti, Tuo.sday n i'lu n iv o ii. at two (abk s of bridire . .Mi.ss Лапе (.чИу<1оП' Gaithor,- who on I’uostiay evoniii}:, in honor of ; is -jliairman of ‘4io circle pre?id(;:l Mr. Cecil Morris ;пи1 Mr. ./olui | ovur the- mpotiiifr. aiul the tlovo- I.efJrarid. whoso hirthda.va occur ; íí,)m."!h w e r e (.'Oiuhici.cd b.v ЛГг.ч, Loiiiític' of Niitiniis lios ill till-' (lust ; !i;;htfliIN- at two taou.s oi опико ; ......v ......----- ^.....ho'ip—the victim of political i on Tuesday evenin}:, in honor of ; is I’hairmau of ‘.ho circle presided ,ioul(,usy. Thousands upon thou- - . , a, ,....... ,,........„,„1 ihn dcvo- Tluirsday, November 10, ¡»зт- EVEî'Y'SOi'Y GET TilOADY FOK SATUKDAY, NOV. 2(ltli TIu; niori)l;‘'i'.4 lA' Moclv.4vi||i. Council No. 22Ü Jr. 0, U. Л. .м., hnve а;|рап«р,л with Mrs. Andrew« and her orchc.Sv'ia for u nuiKicu! ctncert to be put on in the lli^ri, School lauüitui'ium on Suturdav ‘¡iis wcrli. Teinptir'ir olii-'kon. :'::indw;iclics. fc nd folirrvivs woro so^'ved. and two ■'tr'il! fi‘iiit-:-ako docoratod wil^li cai'dlc.'' wore jM'îsontod to Mcs- f ’s Moi:is an.'l l.etiran.l. Tlu;s:‘ Woro .Mr. :ч>! Mrs. t’. i'i! Tii rris, M;. and .^!r-. .lolin l.o- ' .A!’' '• .biiio M:iyd'-" (■ lit''"''. Mr. lu-b -I'lnios. ;\Iiss O.'si;' .Л1И- .islliod j Caudell. cthi;):' ,,n.Knox .I^^hnslono. «sv .’ei'e coiMuuu.m u,\ ....... j -------- Tho leison in tho Mis-'| nijjht, Novombci.- the 2Gl.'i al 7 .Men .«tudy book was ’interestinjr-j p. m. Now this orche.4i.ru neol i ly iircsorled by Mif's Sallie Hunt- no intrcduc.ticn 1ю you. Ц ¡.^ 14 ... , wore mad'j .for tho ¡-‘.rictly hit'll cln ч í)rKani;;alii;'i baraar. which will bo h.;ld on Nov. and рп1.ч forth the .very Vicst Г ISih. Tlio hi’'--'r-s ^'-nt niur.ic, a.'d you r.im’.iiy ^ащ; ' ohr.'olatc and wafers. Tho hiom- bp:.-i i)!'o.‘:o):' wore Mesd;imos Г';!||.'!оП. II. W. H.'Mris. Arlliur ibdl ii'.-iii, 0. 0. Daniil. ¡Iii>rh ■S",''''<ird. Mif -s -.I,'ine liay.lcn mis:;; Ы C!LK h01?>;ENTERTAINED : (■<.S(’-)hio Kichvrds, and ;Г:' Ihi.'itor, Mii Wili l'rwin sa.vs th.'it it i.s ovi-’ dout' that tho fooplo aro '.iaiìy luHoniintr moro and moro intoler- am of intoltranoo. nUi! bi’lievos.', irrot^ o^ absoluto imp,-tonco. Wo lc-';n fnini tonrisis who; I/Ucil.' Ib)!'i (lidiirhtfiiHy ■. -;iiM’d t!:o {)uoyn K.^lhor ('f tho naplisl Bunday sciu'.o.I ' f iviiich .■\Ii.=s Jo.-.'io W.'i/r is tlu! D.WIE С И AUGE d lo m iss this cunL'crt. •No cd m ifiàiii |K'i:;(í w ill , с)''1Г;>,ч:i. It is absolutely ■ i -í ovovyr.no and ou aro urirr.) ,1)0 on 1:яп(Г ;пк| hear tluí li music ,,ovc '.' niadï in Moct;s\-i!; . ;A ;;::n’plote proK'' m is bei»/ . ! : ЧП!'’м1 .•HV.i V.-ill bi; anU' Om', ! ■ ilhis ii.;w.-;pai»er later. (cii . i- ! it and reniemb:iv tho dale. Wo lc-тп tri'ni touriiis vno. , , .a. have viiitcd Kuropo :ooont!v th'.tU' ;? :>Иепи;оп , anof-or ,noai war is fomontlnjr- amomr tho various n.->iions of tho ‘" ''ГO'.l World: that bocausr it has ’/ . " ' " ' T ' nnttrr.s. ПГШ&ШИтИ.|Пп-1п«г ibf> i-tnoYitbln hour VH CÎÎKAK ГЛ1ТИ“ ~ j Niiib years ayo today a war- Will ISoiiers s.'iys that both (he j torn world. iickenotJ by four Iohít^ democratic ajui roiniblican parti-j yoa:,s of rtrifo. devastation and! 1 'n i^ m ii’ iy: bibi'-'ty 11' -----------^—------------------ C; luord •" p. ni.-. Oak Grove ' PÎÎÎNTING—TíIAÍ’S O U R' NESS—Tir-'US. closed its m arkets to tho w orld; ..............•’ ; • , , , -Amorica suffers the ccmmorcial, f '»!>! <ielicion.s hatTod of .-,11 E rropc.n nations: i ,1'’'^^-i S, thnt the spirit of brotherhood fx- " V - i, r " '" ' 1' 1 l.'v.-.lvii Kirk. Liiiiise Strciui. Linda ¡ JS Ilu'.inir the cn.ioyiible sol-ì;.1 hour!.,g es will walk around the prohibi-1 ca:iia}re, wa: cast sa.idenly into | ],p,. .,i]jc,s hai tion iiuo.stion liken skunk in tht'I a ixiD.iiTOPiiium oi joy t-hroufrh load. He admits that tho eoun-ithe sisrniuK of au înleniutiuual try is dry when it comes to votinsr. ' pact wliich brouiiht to « close the hilt wet vchon rendy t o tirink. “If • ¡î:;-.?! fri^raiitio and lioiribio con- you don’t think this country ain’t¡ilict humankind had over known, wet. you just watch ’em driuk.’’ j Fim- tour loner years the armies is the way he puts it. in his, open ¡of the Ccrtral Powers and tho letter to Al Smith. ^Aud since (Allies had been ensraged in a col- you can count the votes, but notjossal struirjrîe cf death, ^'lillions the vlrinks, he is sure that both, of human lives hâd been tkvtroy- pnrtios will bo_willing to let theisd: cities had been laid waste: 1 tiiat the spirit of iH-ofhcThood fx- Kirk; L n .ise Stroud. Linda i'^uivr d u n n ÿ tho tryvnji day.s ot : • *' -- - .... li)17-lS between the United ! been re Gi '.y Allon. Jetl’ie Br'son. .‘\ddÌB !fti J , . I , ''; iv C'iiidell. Annie M;iy Grubbs. |,uS .4to^andhc4-allio.snasbeen re-i . ,.;,o teacher, ¡g I'laccd by a disi-iosition to be hos- д^м(Г ! liquor question nlcne. And Will’s right. ' Kovernmcnts .had been crumbled in the dust only to squirm and wiigplo in the clutches oi Bol- ishevism. The atniosphoix: suf-1 i'ftin>rî Kv nlî'nnfîmi>s nf Hin f»nrthHowever one nuiy feel nbout Al Smith as the tlcmoi'ratic nominee for to no; republic anion^r cYat thnt th; vhe stronj; rcpubUcan suvtcs anvt;ueen c. mpoiled To cast itseli into the support of the wet republi-jtho contliet in behali of its allies cans, he would be able to secur»'! ,t() ".Make the world safe for Dtv It begins to look I „loi'iacy. and a bitter place in ¡which t o live." For long, weary t;io. If t.his bo true, surely s.'rme- thiui is wrong: somothins has been overlooked; --omothing has bi’en tVvgotten! Did the Anie:‘i- can hei;o die for this? Did the American nation <ntcr tho GVeat W.sr in the role of .saviour only to emerge therefrom a des]iised tyrant’? Barely couid su*h be true; to the contrary must it be admitted that the spirit of tht' Armistice has been foiyotton! Today , as we contemplate our individual oblig*:'.tions to man-«.»,4 i.-v rir\A K-»f »1^ în^mr{f\A Miis Watr. "стсТ Ё NO, Л MË'F" C.';cle No. of tlio rrosbytoriaii •Auxiliary ' ad an "'interf sting i mottir.g on Tue "day evening with | Miss Helen Holthouser as hos- ' tess. Mi.ss I>.nsy Holthouser, c)ia;:man. le.i the devctionals. and i ib^h member took ¡ art in the le j- son from the bock, "If Vo Know These Thint's." the discu.s.sion be- rnjr led by Miss Hunter. After tho program the hcstc-'-i nnd hfr Л Г .._ D . . . . М „ 1 С , „ , TRABE WITH THF, MERCH- j .ANTS THAT ADVERTISE IN ;.. a i a m , . s s ' : s::m 'a::.!Si:7iB : B i'm / ssm m -i-B i/ m : aa:: a..: s . a s i - a i P la t e G la s s I n s t a lle d Door an d W indshield Let us install yoiii* door and windshield glass before bad weather sets in. We are prepared to cut, grind, polish and in­ stall and size g-lass. C all us for prices G oodrich T ires and T ubes “Best in the long run” Celluloid Drive around and let us fix your radiator nth alcohol. i S[R« CE Vulcanizing a Specialty N the election“ that way. Truthful Cuss Father: How is it. young man. that I find you kissing my daugh- t ÌÌÌS NEWSPAPER.в;!'и';:в:;иш‘'а.''ш"я':а:и 'Я^'вги 'И a и.-.и"В'’0"Ю в я и “и;:и в .la American pe¿plé agííim a "«bird j clear full view of it. We havetermer as president. His reason­ ing is logical and his w.nrning is timol.v. Coolidge says he does not choose to be a'candidate, but that mes\ns nothing. The republican; party should not choose to make ■him a candidate for tho third a clear full view of it. r.ot fojvrotten the heroic ccihIucî of the .American w.irrior ou land and sea. though it may take such occasions P.S toiiay to bring the lecclSection to the surface of our mimis. The signing of the .Armis'tice!term in the White House. That is just what smashwi the partv 5 ,,.r '■ - . wh¿n Taft was renominated over " ^ test of Theodore Rocse- T ’ heed Mr. Hearst's warning and not choose to т;»’ке C^'oiivige candidate. 'norjor.i of war? Almost fr>?m pole to po!e the '.vorld reclced with jcy and than’Ksg-ivsni-. .Ail of this wa¿ just nir.e уе;гг? 5 Olvr to n g u e tells v/hen you n eed , alotabsTRADE MAR.4 Coated tongue, drymouth, bad brcatli, muddy skin, BTOgsy nerves and *our stomach suggest its use. a П |Ba в Éli B B.Q R .a D. El в .е В ш в.;а.( a ,н □ а .в.н в о а в в ,в i"liIn u■f-iB iШÍ i-.- \щii "The greatest single \ve;t}x>n in the ñght ;!gainsî diseuse, is the _ newspapers," jaid Dr. H. .V, Bun- ;g desen. Health Çonimissioner of;li the ,”Ity of Chicago, and Presi-1* dent of the American Public Health .AssvX'iation. a few dayi ; g .igo. Tliis statement ñ'-ilowed thf expressivM'. of the opinion of Di. ; P iiundesen that "I predict ch;î.t S within lifty years it win be а'Ш опте :u!’.!ï;wble by law fer ;t || man to mingle with his fe'lowj 'g \vhe;>. his system is run down y the po;:;; where he sutlers ;re;n the numerous io-calied niinor aii- :?! n'ents S!> ti'ò "h is a greater evi }ч-*ЛГ CvuîinV.iî’; »y соиглгу to :ìbu<ò у; th:u; i: :s to vie>:roy ^ег'.у."к tîu^ v\\ г:?л'’л г.о îîiore abv'Ut : ,ЖШ:ХШКг№ШК:БВШШХ«Ш]К£.ШШПГ,:ВШЗ«'.ШШ£Х'ШШ«Ш71ШЯ1'’1 ■ G E T T H A T H E A T E R \\4\ \Vv ,;vo ly tvo .ч ..Г -ч Т :^ îht'tr;i:ur -Iti ai' ■ bo’.ît'r pubhc ho;íi s;;ïv :h;-: pr;-.o::ca'' ry jìer 0sii:or a:.ò r.o о:-:гг1лп. :Vr ro.uiir.ç wrriv’U ìwli'-'-V.C 'A'.c Utiv O’* '.'Ч' ''.v>-V>'.nvr4^r Ч !'‘.v4'ò 01 вä 9a:я ввй .шlà'^в :3 :.в. Before the Extreme Cold Weather Comes We Can Suit You as to Style and Price Shee: Stee! H eaters S1.73 to S;5.50. Stove flO.OO. Si4.'X\ ¡7.75. $U.OO. ilS.75. ;> Si i.oO ■o S;'o.iK'.,(H\ SUVoO. K0.5f>. So2.00. S^i.75. $13.75. ivt Water,Coil ?U'.oO. ,U5. 57.50. Si.oO, S12.50. ............................ ...... 10 ji7.,i('. EVERYTHING IN FIREPLACE GOODS ••THE STORE OF TODAY'S BEST'' Mocksville Hardware Co. Near The Pi>si Office .And Ju<t A,< Relinhie y.Ivy ( r n a ni e r. t a 5 W o< i.; ¿ :o your-;S >^'ur a r iyÿ'.er.i Щ С s;Iro:; B'.'X Stcvt's Ca;::Coai St'4‘ves i иЬИч' _Lsrirc- Wftroi-.ouíi S to-. Л .;R l.ïit H efters íj-l. п;л-::;òry StoVí,= S7.7,\ < b;;si;;iss Я Lav.:;ivT.ry St-'Vi's ••■vith 1■ iv\iy, Í-.C ' g :i:; a Gr.-.';rS Í0.70. í LO'O. Se • ...... %.ч .:b ;;k;..b . Б.;в^в^.«:;«.;'а;;:вла;.в..в а..в ..в..в, в .« .в 'в.к^.в1 LOUIS LEVIN CLOTHING SPECIALIST 415 Trade Street . Winston-Salem, N. C. The Biggest Bargain Value In The City Our All Wool Serge Suits At $19.50 This suit is a tailored garment that we guarantee sun and waterproof. See this suit if you want a good garment at a reasonable price. The price is the ‘Thing” when applied to our Qualities. YOUNG MEN’S ALL WOOL TOP COATSAt $14.50 Everything For Men and Boys. LOUIS LEVIN Winston-Salem, N. C.415 Trade St. 0 ■ ■HH вH в a в в в s в в il в& а в в а в ■и а ввЩЩя вяаi ввßиц!ЯЩсß в 0 я8 ЯЯ В а S . а..ж в г Ü. в в в а в Е ВТ в а Q.fií в в.:в .в;.ш..в1.:в'.а:;:я:ш::''а;;;ш:::в.;.в::в M’huii'Silay. November 10, 1Ö27 THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPKISK, MOCKSVILLlÜ. N. С: ofMrs. Philip ' Hiuv'i'.-i, ono Mockftville’s best beloved ladie.s, ia o.xtremely ill 'Ut her hüm&. Hcr hcut nf frieml.4 in lowii and thr- yiife'liout the cr.unty have bcon Ki;v. M. 'I'. Penry, of Southmont, ,va., a Ini.sine'.-'d visitor hciie Tu^ca- l : , . v .________. ('iishii'‘V .L D. Murnay sjicnt the ciul with roliativoH in Kul-i'/li.------n......... ............. ¡;, n IhM- the 1'Mir mjllioil 'd'ol- lof lvionr,„u, an’d 'М оняХ .'S u e S pi-tui-o wiM bo here io r B. Н.апе.ч and ^ а п к Hane.s, of ! : 'ib-v'f!Ving. ' VVi.iistoii-.Salem, are iit hor bed- -----—r- side. i; rii tfi Mr. and Mr.4. John J. ' ___о___ V. Nov. Mrd, fl line sen, j M)- ].,:л1ег Martin «i;d’ Мгм. ......... i'lv.iiMiii. I Arthur П(Л1еп!:!11 ontortaiii.id at beis on Mu'iiidiiy afternoon, and G(ii¡ind./j'nd C- R. Honi, served a i'-llie iní;n¡itíieiit took place in (I'jlicinus! .'n.latjivn. Lovely huncl- r.'i:c,4lnut Mill cEinetory. A num- painted pottery jurs wore''«iven bni of liiwyura from 41II over tho to tho licnor j'ue.s'ls and to Mrs. ótate wore pre.seint. ■ М'а-.чеу lüt'owii who iba'd hiiihci.st ------о------ Í' s:'.nro. ThoH'E' onjoyinj? Мг.ч. Ma'i- The .Junior Mi&aicnai'y Soeitty tin’s hosiiit'iiitv were'; MiHses. - — "Pagrc:?"'' I A n n o u n c e m e n t :a ■ ' .. . ■ -o- ,tam. , ciul at honiu. .',i s. I. -1. Ratled'^e, of'AViiiHtoii- ¡out a few ftiys with Mra, ), Г, Katlodge this woek. . ................... ..uoiji. m.v wuic . IVJlKSeS s of tho Methodist ehurch mot in Jano Bs'hiwRii,' Mw.y, CrinMcy, of || •tho annex nn Sunday afternoon. Groon.'^boro, Elfie'.Holloway, Sadie Bi iVliiry McGuire presided in the Hollem’an, Sadie Pcivry, Floit.sie 0 .................. .absonco of tho President, lliuida Muitin, Katheri'ne"Davis, cf Win- | much ilistrcssed oviEl-hor serioiia Cloni'tnt. Albert Clinilin called 'iton-Sali'm, Mof;dame.s .Arthur y condition. Mr.H. R. D. W. Connor, tho loll, und tii.vteen'. mombeis IfcilomDn, John Frank Johnson, ,y of Chapel Hill, Mrs. E. W. Oiow, j l>i'c»ent. Kathleen Craven -of F.<irmiii.rfton, I. P. Graham and S read tho uicrotaiy’s reiiort, and ii- S. St;ow d, of Coolcunieor John |i one new ine.nihor w.as added. Au .f.o.Gnand, Cecil Mori'i.'?, ‘ C. li. ffl 'U'ticle on Dr. W ilfred'G ronfpll of liorn, S., A. Hairdiii;?, E. C. Choato, (g l.:i.bordo! w.as 'vciid b.v, ili'attin M axey Biov,-n, L. E. Fe:v.nr, C;!rlos |1 '■;i::'.(Jin, ami niancho i:;vul 1 Alcilo , C-'oner, of Clonimons, Mi!\=ioR .Xaiie i.- ;' n'.’.';. p." njr ;t (isiot, “Tho Old Muii- li.ayi.^C'ii G aitl’.cr, Cla.v.i&n K: own, ?*! ■ ;M;;rv McG'uirb thon f'V.iiherino lii'ow;n,. , Leah AVilli'S, E ! a;l 'i'ha:;l;;-,'V)vi;u; .sN.'i'y, ¡¡lu! N.'!;;: .Vv^'!:■te, / . & '■.piiil, T!i;;nks.!civin;i ; -------''-------- ' Wo wi.sh to .nnnounce to the general public that we have inircki.sod the ,‘itoc'k 'of firoceric.s, ftxturei;;, etc., of the Davie Cash Store, and. wfll eontiiiup the husineija in the '.'ame' old atand—alwa,ys giving you the best to he found ill t)ie grcccry line. We Avill appreciate your patromige. double li'Ui'.;—parly nvo.v tins woek p’!"l, ,Mr.4. ¡'.r.'i-rlinV %ruuHti; 1,..?.- .. Í ♦ ■ - ■ MOVIH NEWi^ !'i!itl;criue. Brown of the giio.stü ''Piiin ij 'niar.ks.icivin;' iv sduiol faculty, spowL the beim; hc'V Ki!.',lor, iMiss Jano Rahii- P'"'!''', ¡Vli.'-'s Mary lioitmr n ¡r'lvn at ho/iio. . son, of FanninKton, ¡\Ii.';i.-' Blary several^factk about .lohn Wczioy ■ Crinkley, iof Greensboro, and Miss '‘"‘I Fi’ancis Asbury. ' i Last timc’ today (Thuraday) Elfie Iliollowiay, '<of Wiiii.slion- ------o------ ' S Wilson W'ith Sam Hardy in Salem. Jlrs. Ilollowan’vs guests Ji'lin, 1!. 'John.stone \va!s' tlie .Fhst National pictU'i'O ^ we«' ¡\lisi Kiit.horino Davs.’ IVIiss hr.ktsi,.-, tn tho Tliursday: "Biwadw.ay Nighl<i<." It^i aa -So-| ■Sadie Holloman, 'and Miss Sadio Al'twaioon club anil several othor, ciety drama, also 2 ireci Mickey)i:, \’i(iloj-.Alli.son of thi! schocil i Poiiry, all of Winstoil-Siilcni, Kuests on Thursday. A profusion comcdy. ------0-----------------------of ch'r.vaantihemuins in varied ; F;1day and Saturday wc .brinff! Word was roceivod hero last i'ulnrs Wv:Li, 'art.istic'nlly 'ai'ran«:ed,' a new .star a'lid a now picfture'and tveek of the 'death o.C Mra. Frank ¡'»d rook was played at three new type of story. It is B0.I501,__ .i 1 1. .... .... • • ,,■11 ir.- sjiont ti'io weok end lit hor iiKi in Ruck Hill, S. C. -----о------ * ' ' ,\1, .■;. .[. T. Baity is thj, .ifuest of ;,]■ (l 'u.'rlilÊr, Mirs. J. P, New- i'll Wiustou-Salein, ,\|i'.:. Will Keslcr, 'Of Lineoln- II, -i)(!i!l: the woek end with ,hor ,us!ii. Miss Kato Bt'own,—I—o------ .lake ,\ie: onoy of'Winslon-Sailcm .('III Sunday with his panEints, r, and Mrs, H, C. Meroney. — -o----- ili-s .AlarK'iirc't Thompson, of iirii Point, visited her i|;!arents, and Mrs. C. L. Thomji.soii rc- lull.v. ftoit Holthouser, ,of Wln- iM-Sah'ni, spent the week ond '.il Mr. and Mrs. M. J. ITolt- |ll,4er. ......... ....... X ..........— i^m.vuH at cnroe 'I ”ow i;,vpe 01 story. It is HU.U Sloan in Albemar'le, follow’ing a 't’ables, the imported seoi'o-cards STEELE in "The Mojave Kid.” serious «poration. M'ls. Sloan being dccorated with alpine seen- Miss Lillian Gilmore is the girl, w'ai.ii io'rmorly Miss Julia l.ock-Л'-‘- A delicious сои,г.ч« of irefiieah- »ne of tliE'smartest in I-l'ollywood hunt, of Wiidesboro, tiuu) visited ' f'cnts wa .se'rved.' 'Tho gue*'as hi,'.vi.i;i,i gr.adiiatÊ'd at ,the ago . of her sis'ter, Mrs.'Sponcor 1-3. Hanes, ' oil this delightful oecasion wero; ' (’■«votiibE'en with 'higheat honors ,'-ere seve.ral times, and her sad' Mosdamos W. 11. L/'Gvuud, Jobn takin« the govenimen't medal for death 'Will be heard of with re- beGi-and, Ru'i’us B, Sanford, Hoi-- Р:'оП,:1епеу in French language,, imet, Sho ia survived by hor : ''î-'k H'fiyworth,’.Г. L. Glonn, H, VV, Tho's'o .'Who like, (I'fal honest to luisbantl and one d:aughter, Louii^a .. K' li'i'is- L.sstor Martin, Arthur goodness 'action pi.-.tnroil^shoubl a si.stei , Mr.4, Spencer B. Hanes, of Hdluman, C. G. Woodruff, C. R. not mis.4 this .one. Also two reel Winston-Sialom.ia'nd a brother, Mr. Woiu, S. 'A. Harding, М'лхеу Mack Sennett comcdy w>ith Aliec Adam Lockhant, of Wa'dosboro. ¡Brown, Misses Sallio H unter,...................... I Jane Haydoii Gaithor, Mary lleit- We' are' not unmindful that we deal in a iife> ea.sentiul, therefore it beihooves us to offer only; quality ^foodstuira,; • ■ flesh grc'cenieEi, which bring us new customers every tiay. i Also pleaise oiir regulars who would not , think,, of .tuiying only tho best. W-e buy in volutpe ahd aré, able, to sell at lowest prices. All of. the seasonable dnintics inhvnys in stock.' ■ On Friday ovoning Mr. and Sirs,; nian Arthur Holleman were'host''iind ' ---- . . .u j ho.4ess at a delightful dinner in : Mesdames B. C. Clement, Jr., Pathe' N e \ m ’ ^ C. II. Tomlinson aii№iiiia;i»n;miiia;iiiianiiEBiiiiK!iiL’i?,y in ‘‘Pass The Dumplings,” Mon(la.\i.' and Tuesday another Metro Goldwyn featuring Lon. Ciian,cy in "TÙ10 Unknown” la'iiil 1 A. R^ Tomlinson f ■ • ' ' тптиттшнщв'!! ----... .. ..................... ..,11.11,. ,1. ij. w. oieiiiC’iii,, dr., I hionor of'the guests ,of tho Hoi- »'W' L, E, 'Feezor were joint hos- Remember the four million dol- loman-Mi;a-itin house party. Thetesaes to the Mattie Eaton circle lar 'picture “Bon Hur” is coming delicious coursis' dinner was serv-1 «t Mrs. Olement’s honi'i', wi Men- We'dne.s;!,uy, Thursd;iy and iFdday, e'd at small tablev-i, oach guest’s dny afternoon.- In the absence of Nov. 23, 24 aivd 25th. pl’ace boing marked by a d'aiiity the President, Mrs. J. Pi'ank card, iwi'd yellow and 'white chry- Clement, the Bible study in Luke If'nnthninums wer;. effc.ftively'tiSE'd wim led by iAliss Bertha Leo.' J .1 • * *■*’ nillBlin' 1.44 Kiatherlne Browii', of L e - i,m.-, nui - uuc.^lmei.v ussd шч uy itiias ijercna bee. 1' spent the w.stgk end with her in' deccraiting. The guests'wore: Plans for Thi.-i.iiksgiving were ilis-R'iit.4| Mr, and i\T n лмио„„ v...и ,ì-,.....!.. ............!.. -,....... ■■ • • i.wn. —----c»- WE WELCOMiT'oufr I'KEACMERg HACK Mn.4 ÌM. I). M isses ^ Ivathorine D’a.vis, Sadie eu.n.v^'.i rtumi.'g tlie busincas se.s- ' Peiiry, Jaii'S' Bahnsnn, Ma.ry »ieu. After tho iiroi^'rani tempt- Crinkley, Eliie Holloway, Dr. and ¡»S '.i.-iulwiches and cod'ee were Mrs. Ldster Martin. j ¡-mrved. ' The membci.'.-i present be- -------------- ji'i'. I.Î the hustus.Hii.s were; Mesd'ani- Ulrs. T. N. Chadln was hostess cs.Miiton Cull, IMaxey Brown, ii. to a very eii.ioyiiblo mc'tting of 1. Sm.th, Pi.jjy Brown, J. K. I I ho Iiiuli.L's Wesley clas'í on t.i-.eek, C. L. ThompUua, C .. II. he ületltodlst I^adies Aid So- 'I'hursday aflernoon. After .the ,b'-'. William Geldcir, of lJ;!iir- :, S, (!., is speuding some time :!i lirr daugi'.iiter, Mrs. Hugh fiird. -ri- V will meet with Mr.s. Hattie iiire ion Saturday afternoon I) (I’clock. -------0-------- ¡Ir, and Mrs. Hilton Ruth, of bury spent tho WTOk'COid with . ............................ ... liillor’s parents, Mr. and Mr.s'. ( Millon Call, Hattie McGuire, J. Meroney. i A. Daniel, and B. I. Sniith. ------------- îible study, nnd -a business meet- i'H'g, ''1 pln'::'s(int social hour Гд1- lowerl. Thd' liosle''s served doli- ebus hc't 'mills, sandwiches, tea and graues. 'I’he guests wero; Me.Hdiimes J. L. Shook. .T. L, Wnrd. 'r't'mlini'.;n, Roy Caljoll, Mi-sses Ossie Alli.sion, Martha Call, and I tnrei.' visitéi s, IMisseU, Bertha Loo, Rev. E. M. Avett after having й !!f^O!utc:i the conference in Ashe- И ville, M'í'l I a cali'iE'r irit our iofllc‘& yesterday, and handed ns the fol-^ 'owing “i.'Iir.no" .nn .the appoint-' nients. “All 1/i.ivie pasters il'oturn t'l us wV.h the exception of Rev. C. M. McKinney, who f'^ rr.îd to Greensboro. We regret to Icose Mr. McKiinney but wish him much suc."«'! ч iu W's new field. Rev.' W, L, F O R G O O D F L O U R A N D F E E D i'.4. Ollio .Stockton left I'ast ii'.'-'il;iy for Milwaukee, Wis., 14' she Avill visit har daughter, ■ (ieoi'ge, Byrd. Ir.s, Horace li'iiyworth an’d llt- nn, of- High Point, spent last V wit.S her parents, Mr. land . K. H. Morris. -----0------ |.<3 Rlizilbeth Rodwell return- îiuulay from Long’s Sairiitor- liii Statosvil'ie, w'here «he 'ha.s, iiiidergioing ti'fatnient. ------n------ s. W. A. Allii.-'on is vi'sitiirg w.ster, ¡\Ira. Wills, in 'W'iash- '1'. n. C., and later will spend lime Avith her mothe'r, Mrs. llviv, in Richmond. lauiise Little', and ^t''ГüГ Ï-'ÜkiJi" ,, R<’V. W, L. Dawson comes from, . I Groorsl'.c.vo ilo take Mr. M.;Kin- Ou 'i’ueadu.y ovoning, Nov, 1st,' the C.-^ C, Sanford Sons Co,, i.aul > the Sanfcrd ¡Motor Co,, we';it ho.S’Js, , tn their forces at a most delight- Mrs; C. G. Woodruff entertained ful dinner in the lodge room of at a delightful rook party on Fri- tl'№ new Sanford building. 'I'he ____ day aftenn'oon, tlie home being at- long table was attractively decor- 'I’URKEYS! tractively diccoratcd with a varie- ¡ ated, and an elegant dinner vyas („ „(• --------- /I..... ‘ served. Sevei,alimi)iiomptU3peech- j ney’s üeld. Wo are gloid to wel­ come him to Davie. WHEN YOÏÎ WANT GOOd"DRY Weed is'nd Coal th.at satisiles. phone Í.Ü5—IK). Home Ice & Fuel Co. |iitod ever.y per.son who likes ^ 'iiction picture to see a nicw jn il new pjcture Bob Steiele |j«.l!iva Kid,” Princess 'J'hea- |''i<l.'iy and Slaturday. ■ Jenkins of Winston- aiul (laughter, M'rs. James 1, ’ ■ ■'■^'tlanta, were guests l'-^- Jenkin’s mother, Mi'is', L, »tiler, on Suinday. -o ty of autumn flowers. Aftor several games which wero played at throe tables the hcstess, m.ssist- ed by her d'niighittirs. Misses Mild­ red and Jane Woodruil', served n tcin;;)ting salad course, 'i’he guests were: Misses iSallio Hunter, Sophie Richiiii'ds. NInn White, Ijoui'SC' Little, May Pendergraft, Floy Pendergiiaft, Winnie Moorri Hazel Baity, Cl'.iyton Brown, Len^ M'illis, Mesd'ames J. B. Johnstone, E. P. Riniidley, W. H. LeGrand,.T, L. Glonn, H. W. Harris. Dr. nnd Mrs. Lester Martin de­ lightfully entertained nt four tableis of bridge nnd rook :on Mon­ day even'ing. After la number of games the score were counted, the rook prixe, lan attractive piece of p.cttery bci;ng awarded to Miss Siallie Hunter, 'and tho bridge nrize to Mr. 11, S, McNeill, 'I’empt- ing chicken iialnd with nccessori- es was aorv«d. 'f‘ho iguests were; Mil-ses Sallie Hunter, Vio'let Al­ lison, May Pen'dergim.'ft, Sephie Richards, Hazel Baity, ea wero maile, some provoking much meni'iment, and solecticina on tho Victrola were giv.cn. Cov- lera were laid tor Mes.srs. C. C. tóunfovd, U. VB. tiiiniioiid, H. A. Snnford, J. C. Sani'oiKl, E. C. San­ ford, John Larew, C. A. Clemont, J. T. Baity, Mr. and Mi'S. Roy H'olthoui;i£(r, Mrs. J. A. Cii-iiven, Mis's Josephine Lemmi, Miss Mao Kurfees, M'E'Ssrs Cecil Morris, T . L. Baker, W. F. Dwiggins, Rufu's Frye, V. E., Swiiim, 'Г. A. Stone, C. G. V/oodvuir, B. L Smith, C. И. 'romlinson', S'lim Binkley, Cuatis Summers, Brown. ---0------ Mrs. Lester Maatin charmingly entertained 'lit bridge oij Satu'ixky afternoon in hCTior 'Of the mem- berisi of her iand Mrs. Arthur Hol­ loman’s ihouse-pai'tits. Tho home was artistically decoriated with yellow chii'.vsantheniums innd ag- eratum. The guests were gne'eted by Mrs. Mmrtin, Mrs. Holleman, an-d the Ironoree's, Mi'sises Jane TURKKYSl ' AM bCT;iki'i;'g riiders’for a • limited numb't'r at oO;.—iF. M, Carbelr’. ] t. pd. J. P. C E « iUIN G CO. mniiiiMiiiiniiiiRini llllBlllll i ____ ___Winnie B'ahnson, Sadie Holleman, Mary I'll I Jlrs .Rufus B Sanford I Moore, Ossie AMison, Mesdames Crinkley, Eifie Helloway, ICathe- i’li. .Mar.sliall, spe-nt'tihe week'T. L. Glenn, Bunr Brock, Percy rine Davis, Fle’ssio Martin and ^■¡lli GaithE'r Sanfcii'd, w.h.o-! Brown, Roy Holth-ou'seir. Mr. an'd Sia'die Penry. Several games slinlent at Fishburne Mili-j Mrs. Ji. S. McNeill, Mr. Knox Miocil lat Wayne'.sboro, Va. I Johnstcwe. ‘Ilfiiided the Canoilinla V. M. iit Lexington, and vis'it- poi mi« of interest inla. Jli' iVo. 2 'of the Pretsibyter- |ixil¡ary will hold their an- giazaar of noedlewo'rk on ■'Ifternoon, Nov. 18th. -be- iit 2 o’clock, in the Horn next to Ailison-.Iohn- bny will ni.40 sell 'sand- ■'liilads, a'nd coíTido. 'I'ho i'urdiiilly invited to pat­in cm. 1'i<‘-^t Kiwanis .Orthopaedic "'ill be at W'instO'i'i'-Salem Nov. 12th. It will be ‘ * nc oillces of the Count,i'i l'opartment over O'Won’s ptoru a.g heretofore. All in youir county lire in- 'ittend this clinic for ex- I'"' und treatment by an .specialist. Augustus Hob'.iion Price, a pro- miment lawyer of S'alisbury, died suddenly in hia oillce on Saturday afternoon, aged 54. 'I’he decens- e'd ivas the soni of the late Caip- tain Chainles Price and Mra. 'An­ nie H'obsun I’ri.^e, and was a fi'ii.ìt cousin of Lioutertamt. Ri-ehmond P. Hobson, hero of the Morrimac. He is survived by his widow, wlio was Miss Helen Osborne, of ,Tack- sonville, Fla,, and thnEe chiklren. 'i’he funeri.i'l Services were con­ ducted at St. Luke’s Episcopal church, lof ■which he' was a niem- were played 'at G tables, after which the hos'tess aissibted by Me.s^d.ames lIoMeman, John Le- J" M a d e f o r o n e p u r p o s e — to p r o m o t e - p le a s u r e AGENT C. J. ANGELL JEWELER MOCKSVILLE,N. C. iiaiiiisiiii«»fa№ÌBiiiwiimi№Diii{DiiiiBiii C. C. VOUNG & SONS ання'.'ш ' Funeral Diniclorfl MOCKSVILLE’S ONLY LICENSED EMBALMERS Our Uno Im (v)fnpl<?to, Proiu (.ho uliOHpo/it to tho heat ttud wo Horvo you to thu bo.st of vir abliity Nvluvt yoM buv. Office Young 8c Holleman Building ^ 4,-Vt ToCourthou.HO Offiuo Phono MO ' UoMdenco 96■iini I C a m e l is a t t u n e d t o t h e m o o d o f th e . s m o k e r w h o s e e k s p l e a s u r e s r a t h e r t h a n p a tia c e a S o O ffe r e d a s a c h e e r n o t a s a c u re *U-' If all cigarettes were as good as Camel you wouldn’t hear anything about special treat­ ments to make cigarettes good for the throat. Nothing takes the place o f choice tobaccos. о 1927, ТЦ1. 'RcinioUt ТоЬ»юо Сошр»оу, Wlnilòn-Salem, N. с. ■ (M I.- Ш i I u i: f f'n % \ -'•nirirj.F, Fiiiro ()THK Л1С’¿NTEUPKISR, MOCKSVILIJü. N. С. 'Pillirsday, Novoinbor 10, Ц)27' MOCKStLE ENiEÜPRSE ■Pubiishcti Every Thurs'iay at Mocksville, Wortli Carolingi, that “A!r..4Ìckiu!s.4 inveì niÍHory is iijfo li.vlay. W '.':7 ■ .itiirrud caiíscd by igiioriiifce. Evils ot'' '.liM'inji tlvn't n i n e l o por- (]iiin'k practire iinrl nostrums must, pi'tunto thi; ¡icliiuvomcíii'rií оГ oui be cxp.oscd to bo corrcctcd. Thc ' ' ' ......... '........■’*.................. MESDAMICS MOKHIS AND I.eíilíAND ENTEIîTAINIiI) iMlW. CAUDlil-b HOSTKBS Mrs. Ji'ir Caiuloll W'.'i's liosinss lilorri;! aiul¡íi) Сп'!е 2 of ihi: l'u:sb.vteriaii A. C. HOTEYCUTT piiblishfir. J. F. LEACII' Managing Editor. Siibscripíiím Kates: '''?1 a Yenr; Six.ÔVlonth!: 50 С£п1:я, Strictly in Advance. cleansing light of public know lodge atone will bring health and happiness to us as a nation. “Much is .said about jirolong- ins lil'c. Thu main idea is not to iiild yeaia, but to add iil'e to years. ,To prolong life ten years in misery is but to iiicrense the bunleii iiprn others. "Tho health of a comhuinity in Ml'Sd.'lirK'.“ i'ï l'il i’.lDi l Ui ¡414 , L., Ч-. t . v .......... Ji'Jiii Lu(A«i;'il ciitcj-liiiiieil de-j Auxilir.'.'y ч’'М. Tuesda.v afteriuion. iightfuJly .at two labk.4 of bridge ¡ Mis^! .laiio iiill.vileiii Gaither, who on Tuosihiy evening, in honor of ............. .......I ' l l . u u . , . . . . , , .—........ . . Älr. Cecil lAIorris iiniil Ätr. John LeGrand, wlui.^u birthda,ys occur this wt'ük. 'I’ehiiiti'ü'g ,|е1Пс(| ch.-'L-keii, i-<:i.ii(hv;iche,4, tnd c'thc):" is cJiaii'man of .'jhe circle pre.?idci( over tfie meeting, aii-d the dovn- lioiii’.ls were conductcd l)y i\trs, C'aiulell, TÌU! 1с.«.чпп in the Mis-V 'íH IÍK íll. I Ml.: j.ii ./..V, _ . .••■ii ii .4t;idy book was Iniorosting- 1 p. m. pi'c,‘5oi:ted b,\' ,Saiiio lliuit-^ (’II I"'-' \v(H'(' made .for tlie liVEitYIJODY GET HEADY I’OU SATUKIMY, NOV. !¿(i||, 'I’he meml/^'rs 'uf Moí;1:hví11i.. C'ouneil No. ü2ü .Jr. 0. U. Л, i\i.^ have aiiiiii'ii'ged wi'.th Mr.s. Aiulrciu'.s and her (irche.s.t'¡.a for la niii.Miua! concert to be put on i.n tlie High .School lauKlitoi'ium on Saturday night, Novcmbci;' thc ¡¿(Uili at 7:;’,'o iHnr.ercd at tîie po.'ifc office at Mock,4ville. M. C., as yecond-cla.^s muf.toir nndor thfc act of btorcl’ ci. :i87i). M.rcfevillo, -N. G., Nov. TO, 1927 a great measure is 'determintd Upon, sane expenditure of a гоа.ч- oiiable am ount of nioney. E voiy - . _________ cjti'/en nui.4t do his share. i gutton by tho blal.aiit musses wlio "'I’lriity-fivo per cent of all once i’.hc.uteil lh:,'!r |,4.:ii.“u.4 of all chihh tn ave undor-nouvished. N4it ; wUo h':i(l mudo t!ic uin-uino sac- iiec;.U.4o of poverly, but by ph.v-¡ i ' .‘ice. AiKd. I:i;Uly, a ir('veriimOi)t sical .dofoct.4, ¡иип’ health h'abits; I'hat í::'.w fit to jimU lh(> [.c-ague ol'- a'iid iniprci.X'r food. /Vnd these j N;ilinn;., .and lo oiVor iiotliin.ii in are so üiiiíily corrected 1 i its sicad ilecigi'od lo iMovi-.rt I,';','- natipnal heroos is ([iiito propeijy t'j& .snb.ioct . of .argnnieiit. The Loague of Natícns lie.j iii tlic dust lieap—the victim ol' ipolitiual .icaloiisy. ThouKaiids ujion thoii- sar.'ds of ExHervicemeii lio prone in hospital« .Ihrougliout tho land, stlll “ca.rryin,g 011," still figliting, ........................... but this time figliting :un iiivij.'ible í’olici'cii,’« wero sorved, and itwo lyand iincon(|Uorable l'i;o, \S^id'WH -iiviilil fru.it-'jake deooi’ated with '/r. (■/.!•>■-' u’ore n n u rj ,iu, ..................and orphans, llie niolhr>r.4 '.'iiid caniIlc.«' wei’e p'¡':.4onted to Mes- Ьа’.-пч'.г, whicli will be h,',.UI ou Nov, and puts foi'th tilo vory btxt children of do|iai‘ted lieroes, p.rs Moi.;¡.4 aníl l.uGraiiJ. The.--':! , 181'n. 'I'he hoy.l'■'-"i .чег'''ч1 .''iit miü'ie, a.'d yon '.'.iniiiiy r-amn,! •slrngglo’ on in. neeil aiiHl poverty, nliviiig woro Mr, ;i''l .Mrs. ('ocil ch( co'ato and wliifors, 'ГЬс iiíom- i:íi'iil Ui п и и н tlii.s concert, ¡Miparently ovorlooked Jand i'or- Митн. Jtr. aud Mn-'. John l.o- ......... Now tilia orcheKlra lu'i ib( lio iiitrcdiic.tícn to you. It ir, a f.lrictly high cia^ n org'aiii/.aU,;n г ’ Л|; Г •Mr. lîfb .h'imfìs. Mis.4 Alli- 3Ir, k'/iox Joìni.'Uom', r»u;;y i-UCii.i'J in»ìNKNTERTAINKI) bc-i:.t prcsoH'1 wori' Mosdutnos , 'No |.!ilntis>:i'r,ii p')|.'..(! wilj |,,, Gainloll, M. W. Hi’irris, Arthur d'iirgcii. It i;t absoluloly fili;’; Mol m.'ii'i. G. G. S".!:'''ord, Mi.-- 'ìs Snnilìo Huutor, ■ ---------------^ Unil L'rwin s'a,v.‘< tliat it is evi­ dent that thc 'people are Uaily becoming more und move intoler­ ant of intolerance, rand believes that .n hopeful sign. Had you ever thought about it in that way before? ,, ^ "'i'oo much ha.i boon hearrl about disease being contagious, We'must ,malic iiealth cpntagl- ous.” . Whether wo agree with him or not ithe ab'pve sU'.vtcmenta tare certainly worthy of our most serious consideration, “Ì F Y E BinlAK~lT/ijTH” ^ Nine yoars ';igo today a war- Wili Roger.3 says tiiat both the torn world, sickenad-by four long " i - yaairs of rtril'o, devastation and 1- ca'ihage,-.'wa.!, cast su'ddenly into e a piiilnd'emoniuni of ,ioy through 1- the signing nf an international |)!ict which brought to la close tho ‘If m.rst gigantic and horrible con- t ilict humankind 'had u.ver known. For four long years the armies of the Central Powers and thc Allies hud beon engiaged in a col- os.siil atiruiggle O’f_doath,- Millions of' human lives h“!id been ddstroy- it'd: citios' had been lai'd waste; governments .had been crumbled in the dust only to squirm nnd wiiggle 'in the clutches of Bol­ shevism. The atmosphere suf­ fered by all'nations of the earth , was' one of bitle'rness ¡iind hatred. 'Mankind tlv'i'oughout the w.crld 'Seemed animaite;! by a single pur­ pose to wound, maim, destroy, kill I For 'a fraction lo.ss than two yiears the Amei'i'C'an people had beon active ipant'iciijants in tlv;s grchitest of all deba.jles. Undor t'r.D leadcr.ship of the ini- inort.il Wiliiion. the iVaititni had been ccimpelled to. cast itself into tho conflict in behalf of its allies 'to "IMake tho'world safe fer De- mociacy, and a better place in which to live." For long, weary months the American Marine, Doughboy and Sailor endured al- niOE,'; insufFenablo ordeals that tho ideals embcdied and expressed in their Flag might be isaved from drstruction. 'I'he pictuire is not tco remcite for most of us to get a clear full view of it. We have not forgotten thc horoic ccinduct of the Amorican w:nrrior on land and sea, though it may take such occasions as tdday to bring the recollection to ithe surfHce .of our minds. The signing of the Armi'sticel Who can forgot' the outburst of .ioy, the riotous dembnstrations of liappinesa, |the triumphant pae­ ans of piwise thnt scared from thankful ihearta to the great God on High for the 'doliveran'ce of tho world froni the devii.stating ■liiori'ore of war? Almost from pole to polo the world rocked with ,foy and thanksgiving. All of ithis was ,iust nine yonrs democratic ii^id republican parti os will walk around the prohibí tion question like n skunk in tho road, He admits that the coun­ try is dryWhen,it comes to voting biit wot when ready to drink. "I you don’t thi'iik this country ain’ wot, you ,just watch ’em drink,' is the way ,he puts it, in his, open letter to Al SmitJi, And since you can count th'6 vo’teis, but not the 'drinks; he is sure that both parties v.'ill be. willing to let the liquor question alone. And Will’s right. , __ ^ - *» However one may feel about Al Smith aa the democratic nominee for president, thore would appear to bo'a feeling of dread of hia nomination .on the 'part of the republicans, even more than among the dry, protcstant, demo- cl'ats of tho South. Is it a fact that the republican leaders fear thnt, with tho big Catholic fol­ lowing Smith might command in th'G strong republican states and tho support of the wot republi­ cana, he would be able to secure the election? It begins to look that way. William llaiMlolph Hcarst, pos­ sibly the World’s largest newspap­ er publisher, in a signed article in 'his Sunday paper, warns tho American peoiile ag'ainst 'a third ' teimcr as president. His reason­ ing is logical and his warning is timoly, Coolidge says he does not choose to be a'candidate, but that mea,ns nothing. The republican party should not choose to make 'him ;a candidate for the tbit'd torm in tho White House, That is just what ama.s'he'd the party when Taft was renominated over tho protest of IMieodore Roose­ velt, a third term aoekor, and that may have .contributed, too, in causing some of Roosevelt’s best frionds and supporters to forsake him. 'I’he rer;ublican party should heed Mr. lieav.st'a wiirniivg 'and not choose to make Coolidge a candidate. "'Phe greatest single weapon in the flg^ht against disc/ii'.se, is the noWHpapers,” ¿aid Dr. H. N, Buii- desen. Health Qommissionor of tho .city of Chicago, and Presi­ dent of thc Amorican Public Health A,ssociation, a few da,rs ago. 'Phis statement followed tho , expression of the opinion of Dr. Bundesen ihat "I predict that within f i ft y y e m r s it w ill be .'t crime punishable by law for a man to mingle with his fellows when his system is run down to the point where ho sull'ors from t'ho numerous ro-called minor ail­ ments so common today. “It is a 'greater crime to your- .self, your community and your country to abuse your syateni' than it is to destroy public pro­ perty. "If tho 'average business man know no more about his businos.s th'iin ho does about his body, ho v.’ould be l)ankrupt within a year. 'Phe greatest wealth is health, and a national health reserve is far more important than a treas­ ury s u r p lu s ." Wo 'arc coiiviiiccd that- tho newspapers can liccomo a groat afly to hotter public health, and Wo aro quite sure that practical­ ly every newspaper editor and publisher in North Carolina is of the same opinion, for no reading matter wlrich is ad,judged aa lielp- ful along tho line of promoting the i)Hiblic health is "blue poncil- od” in the ncwspaiier ofliccs of thi,s state. ]Jr. nundeseii further staled occiironco of I'ubinv,! AvavH. liii.^ ro- dncc.l its army and navy to a de­ gree nf, absolute impetoncc. We lc'?i;'.n from touri«-'!,« who have viL-'ited Europe .recently tlrtt anot.'ior giicat war is fomenting among the various iiiMtions of the C1I4I Wo'ild; th'At bocaus'c' it lias BIix.4 I.U(,'ilJ lior'i d(digliii'üüy ri'lined the Qliecii I'X-'ther el' ■,'i (if tile J3'ipti.4 Siimia,^’ .“clio'ul of which ^ii.s.4 .Ic,^:,iie Waif is the 'lier, i.in i'.l;';n,'lay attenimm 'i’he devotiorial« ичч'е conducted liy Miss Opal П,'immer, followed (>y .'aveitil bi!:-')iu’!.« nmlirrs. DAVlt: CHAKGE i' Г: o:u',!i!nir Riiii(''iy; Libc’ t,v j 'I. m.; G: ncord u l>. ni.; Oak Grovo 7 p. ni. lliigli i I'-'- c\-er.vni)o and ,\'oii are iii'.'-cii .laiu! 1Га,У(1е11 ' b(! on ЬчииГ'аш! hoar the li . Rici'.'I'rdii, ami nuisic ,,ev(r.’ niailï' in Mod;;;', iii I A '.'cmplote progr:'m is be¡¡|.' , i ¡'i’iiigi'il :;iii';i will be «.цппмк.' ¡ )1Ы'У new.4paper kitor. t(.i, ; it and reinembur tho datii. ^ , , ----------------------r . ,-------------------- PRINTING—THA'1”S OUU jiUM- NESS—'fit’-' US. closed’ its'markots'to’the world ; j ^>и-'У“|>1с hocíH hour America .sufTers the commerci.41 i hatired of ir>,1l Ewropciiin nations: that tho spirit of brothcn'hood c.\‘- i'-'.'ting during the tryvng days of lf)17-18 bctw<!c/ii tho United States and her allies h.as been re­ placed by a disiposition to bo hos­ tile. If this bo trU'e, surtdy snmo- thing ia wrong; something has been overlooked; ''oniothing haa been forgotten! Did the Ameri­ can hen'o die for this? Did tho Amorican nation eiirter tho G're'at W^ar.in the role of saviour only to emerge therefrom a doapised tyrant? Barely could aU’Ch bo true; to thc contrary must it be ndmittod that the apirit of t;li'C Armistice lias boon forgotten I Today, aa we contemplate our individual obligtiiitions to man- kin'd and to God, lot ua imagine oun-'olves ali!vnding near the tr.rnb of tho "Unknown Soldier” slesp- ing his la.it slo!>i) under tho golden (¡'.'.•nc cf ,the Canitol in Washing­ ton. Moasu'vo tho .Qno and ."nilrni- dld quality of hia hciroiam airainat the cheat) and cn'.irsc' solfi-ihnosa of Us fc'i' whom iho died, and then' recall the opic linos of the lato Sir .John MacRn'o; "If yo break faith with ua who die, wo ahail not sleep.” Truthful Cuss Father: How ia it, young man, that I find you kissing my daugh­ ter? How it ia. young man? Lizard: Groat! Groat! ,¥ о и г t o B g i i e n eed y o u Coaled tongue, drymouth, bad breath, muddy skin, Bfogey nerves a?id sour stomach suggest its use. fruit .served. Thc members ¡vro- ••'.oiit Wiiro Misses Lucile Horn, i^.velyn Kirk. I.oui.40 Strciid. Linda Gniy A'llon, .loiiio Mfi’I'soii, Addie M'lv Cdiitlell. AniJiio j\Iay Grnbbs, Opal Miiinimer, and iho toachor, Miss Wall. l^IRCLllllTcX .T M13'~ Ciircle No. !) of the Presbyterian .‘\uxiMary i’-i:id an iiitcrf.sting ino'etii!'g oil 'Puei.-'day evening witli Mia.4 Helen Ilolthouaor as 'hos­ tess. Miss Uiii'isy Holthouser, chai'i'man, led the' dovcitionala, laiul tfech member took f.'art in tho ic'.»- Ч0П from the book, "If Yo Know These 'Phings.” tho diaciission bo- i'lVg led by Miss Hunter. After• •• r* • »-4 - ------ ^tho jirogram tho hostc;i4 and her ¡9 mnthf'r, Mrs. Rov Holt.''nn-'i'r ,0 served delicious fruit gelatine'у with whipped crc'im, chcsî nies íiiid fruit сакс. 'Plie memhc's nrr.Hont woro ДИ.“?з) Iloloii Ilolt- hoUFer, Dai-v, NcM and .'\nnie llol'lhousor, Saiiio Hiinti r. .I''ai’'"ic Grcu'crv ,T¡nno Bradley, Via-- I'inia Tiverly, Mild nd ";;d Jiano VVcodrufl', Patsy Clem' iit. 'I'RADE W rril 'I'HE MEIICM. AN'I’,4 THA'l’ ADVERTISE IN 'I’rilS NEWSPAPER. Plate Gla.^s Installed Door and W indshield Let lis install your door and windshield glass before bad weather sets in. Wc are prepared to cut> grind, polish and in-»stall and size g'lass. C all us for prices Goodrich T ires and T ubes “Best in thé long- run” Celluloid Drive around and let us fix your radiator with alcohol. . и n f.i i’l a Q U L S V Vulcanizing a Specialty и в п a fliliisiiilBlirilBiilliH№i2iiMi!ii!niiiiE3!iiisi!iiiQB:i!!n'iiiain!Eiiuißi:inffl:i<iis3iiiiRg'i№iiiiEiiii!iiiiii:iEo:;iiBii!iiia:imi!iin..ibi eiiMiiiiBii!iiaai;mi«;.iiniiiffl,iiiBiii:isi«iB',ii;M.ii;K,í'3i»a®iiiiBS'íiBii;iaiii'a!iiiKii;iBi3inii!iiaiii;aiiiiiM3^ шя111ш 1ш ю ш яю и.и яii n и bÍ H я и. I в а ц щ и в anua SUW'"* GET THAT HEATER Before the Extreme Cold Weather Comes We Can Suit You as to Style and Price Sheet Stool lloators ¡51.75 to $i,i.GO. I v y Ornamental Wood Slove iflO.OO, ,?12,,j3, .‘lii/J.OO, ■C|.:st Iron Box Stoves $7,75, if 11,00, ¡i;i;5.7r). Cannon Coal Stoves ifO.75, $7.75, ,$8.75, $10.00. Largo Wareihouse Stove $17.50 to $;15.00. ¿Hot Btalst. Heiiters .?15.00, ,<i)l«.50, ,¥22.50, ¡ii;i2.00. Laundry Stovc'ij $7.75, $8.75, >$13.75, Laundry Stc'Vos with Hot Water,Coil $i;i,50. Grates $il75, $'1,00, ,$5.25, ,$7.50, $8.50, $12.50, Poi'tablo Grate.s $;!,50 to $7,50, EVERYTHING IN FIREPLACE GOODS j \ “THE STORE OF TODAY’S BEST”/ Mocksville Hardware Co. Near 'I'he Post Olllco And .lust As Reliable 415 Trade St. LOUIS LEVIN CLOTHING SPECIALIST 415 Trade Street . Winston-Salem, N. C. The Biggest Bargain Value In The City Our All Wool Serge Suits At $19.50 This suit is a tailored garment 5 that we guarantee sun and waterproof. See this suit if you want á good garment at a reasonable price. I The price is the “Thing” when ^ applied to our Qualities, I >m ■■■„ ■■■111 , ^ |, ....... " ■ 0 YOUNG MEN’S ALL WOOL TOP COATS At $14.50 Everything For Men and Boys. LOUIS LEVIN Winston-Salem, N. C. Q в Щ « u Tim Irsday, November 10, 1927 THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, MOCK^VILLíD, N. С; H. T. Penry, of Soutihmont, a lui.sinebs visitor hciic 'l’ucs- ('.^•hior .1. T). Miinriy spent the г !: end with relatives in Rai- i;( :i iliiii’ tho fc'ur million dol- will bo here for )i:.’ik,',:'-iving. of¡\lrs. IMillii) ' Ilaivi.i, ono Mock.sville’s best beloved ladies, ia exti'onioly ill at her home., Hor lutet of frionds in .town and thr- uiJghout the ct/Unty have boon much dwtrcBsed over her sorioua condition, Mrs. Iv. J). W. Connor, of Chapel üill, Mrs. Ii. W, Crow, bcl^ on Mor.Klay aftornooii' 'and' Crand a'nd C, R, HoTn, served a |MliilPailllBIII!IH!!ll«iliiea!l!IBillirailllH!l!lffllillia.iilffliESiiii0 ,i^ I'ho inteiiment took placo in delicious .:o'.lat.''cn, Lovely hand- 0 ' A ' '7!::,stniit Hill ccmotcry. A niim-. painted pottoi'y ,|ara wore'given bc;i of lawyers from 'all ovor tho to tho hciior giics'ta and to Mr.?, | otate woro pre.Henit, - M'!.xey Bi ow.n who ibivd highest --------o -------- /■’ .s;oro, 'Pho.si£. on,)oying Mrs. Mar- a 'Phe Junior Missionary Socie.ty tin's ho.‘<iy;t'.?Iity- woro: Mi.MSos• J 1. .. -n r i « • . ■ ' Pugc 'T'^-' . ÂimouocemenI ................... ...i JIL.V vvuiu. iuirt.yt;s g of thc Methodist church met in Jane I33‘hn®f;n,' Mw.'y. Crinkley, of § ■the annex on Sunday af.ternoon. Grecn.Tboro, Elflc Holloway, Sadie - ^ Miiry McGuire presided in tho Hollem'an, Sadie Per.'.'y, Flossie ^ .absence of tho President,-Hanos 'Martin, Katherimc'Davis, of Win- g Cloni'Liit. Albert Cl)iiffin called .''ton-Salcm. Mesdames .Arthur the roil, and sixteen', mombciis I:Iolleiii';n, ,'John Frank Johnson, .f! wero present, Kathleen Craven of F'armington., I, I-’, Grnliam and B Wo wish to ;nnnounco to the general public that vv& hiWc piu'cha.sed the stock tof groceries, llxtures, etc., of the Davio Cash Store, .luid- wBl continue tho buiiincss in the 'fame, chi stand—always giving you the beat to bo found in the grccery line. Wu will appre.iiate your patronage. С .|.|1 tl.' Mr, and 'Mrs, ,John J. , (!ii N'ov. Mrd, 'a lino sen, i, rt l'’ri;nk!iii,-----0------ ; lOithnrinc Br.r.Wn of thè ,,„iii' !:i'.hool faculty, spent tho i, i.)ul at hoiiie. ., . Ji -. I. .1. lîatledKO, of V/i 11 sto li­ liin. ■. ;ijiit a few ftiys with Mrs. I', li.'itlodgc this woek. ....................... I iMumeon uravon oi: carmiMigton, I, P, G raham and « irf Moiiroc, and ÌMi'.4sr.4, ' Spencer !''c:'d the -ocretury's reiiort, and Л. S. Strowd, of Сгж1еотеоГ John Ш Б. Hanos and F rank Hano-' of ' '"'w moinbcr w as added. An i.oGrand, Cecil . M'n.vri:-, G. R. ffl W inston-Salom, aro at hor bed- u'liclc on Dr. W ilfred'G renfell of Hnrii, S„,A. Hairdin,^^ E. C. Choate, [g side. i„'i,liordcii' w.as ".u'ad ■ b.v, dÎMttio .Mnxcy H.'own. L. E. C.'irini, ^f-.'ibordcii' w.as ".'Cad ■ b,v, dlMttio M axcy b’.'cwn, L. R. Fc:':’.or, Carlos i'.'jhalJin, and Blanche i.ml Jjucile С-'г.'пог, of ,Cilcmmoiis. Mii ^es JanoI ЛГ,,., |,.i,„. ЛГ .• , I.......“'‘4ICJI0 umi J.uciio <,-f.'nor, ot ,i:icmmoiis. ¡\Ii:-.,4os Jane Urtimi. ,;.i„ ¡ '« í ’- ; вм «».rlhnr llnlleman eiit.irlaiiud at M.rv McG'aire thin i'!^:Uiorine Brow;»,.’ :j clonbio '!i')iif-' :-"i)nr!y r-vcr li’c - í barand week r'ii'd, Mra. Mr.rtin’s guestii ■''' ''ГчИЬ a ['lir,>iksgivin;i being bo'-:nKtüi-,.Miss .yarn. Bahn- 'Mi^i'Mnry Heilmt.ii gnve son,’ of Farmington, Mi.^s.-■. ЙГагу several^¡.acta about John \\ e'i.ey Crinkley,'of Greensboro, and i\[isa ‘‘"d I‘rancis Asbury. Elfio Hollowiay, ’*of Wiivston- ------“----- ,, .Salom. Mrs. Ilollowaii’« guests •f'dm. ,B. Johnstone was fä Щ Leah Willis, fei . I ■ iMOVIS NEWiÿ La.st timei today (Thurf......, ii>!s Wilson with Sam Hardy in. tlio Fvi'st National pictiri'c ................. Л1 ’ . Л,' Mi ,-, \'iolct Allison of the sclioiil .^ponl l.'io week end 'at hor nic ill liock Hill, S, C, M .;. .1. T. Baity is thiS'guest of !• i!’ii.i.rlitf.r, М'га, 'J, P, Now- ;ii!, jiii Winaton-Salein, ili",:, Will Keslcr, 'of Lincoln- ■ thè wook end with .hor iii,4Ìii, Misa K.ate Brown, ala' .Mo' oney c.f Winstoii-S'.>ilem ni Siiiulay with his part'nts, , and Mrs, H, C. Moronoy, .Ali--: Margarot 'riiompaon, of jrli l’oint. viaited hor ii:arcnta, -, ami i\Ira. C. L. 'l'homiiaon re- itly. ------0------ |\i'.-. Doit Holthouaor, ,of Win- iii-Salem. apont tho woek ond li Mr. and Mra. M. J. Ho\t- lisor. ------0------ ìì;,; K'.iithorino IJrow.ii', 'of Lo- ■ .<|)(.'iit tho w.Eisk end with hor li'iil.si Mr. and Mivi. i\[, D, ìuii.------(1------ |lr-'. William Geldcii-, of Li'.'.ur- i. S. ('., is spending some timo Il hi'r daug'utor, Mrs. Hugh ll'nrJ. ------0------ Ilio'Mi.'llwìdiMt Ladioa Aid So- u'ill inoet with j\lra. Hattio Iluiro dii Saturday afternoon (l'cloc'k. -----0------ and Mrs. Hilton Ruth, of duiry spcnt tho wee'k .eoid with lutl.ir’s paronta, Mr. and Mrs'. ’. .Moronoy. |r.4. Olilo Sitockton loft last Bl'.-'.iiiy for I\Iilwaukoo, Wia., ' slic will vi.sit hcir daughtor, Clcorgo , Byrd. C. H. Tomliiiflon liimiiiiQ:iiiœ:i>iEBii«uiiniBiinRiiiiiK!nniiiiii»nii»Bii»Diii ---- '-»''‘Ml. .и, liumusiOIlL* was ,-Г1'1'ЯЬ INatlOlVill piCtlM'C!were, iliis'.-i Katherine Davs, ]\Ii.ss gracious hcste.4--i to the Thursday • “Bno'adw.ny Nighl'.-'.” Itfl 'a 'So- Sadio Holloman, 'and Miss Sadie Aftciinoon club anil sovoral other ciety drania, 'also 2 iiool Mickcy I Penry, all of Winatoil-S:ilcm, guests on Thiirstlay, A iirofusion coniiidy, -----0------ of cli'rysaiiti'icmums in varieul i Friday and, Saturday we bring Word was rocoived hore last colors W'.:i.,-i'artistic'iilly .arranged,' a new star aiitl a now picture'and Iwoek of tho'(.k.uth of Mra, Frank ¡‘nd rook was played at throe '•> now type of story. It is BO.B Sloan in Albomai'ilo, following a 'tabloa, tho imported .s‘cnro-.card.4 S'l’EELE in "'Pho Mo.iavo Kid.” ! sorinus icporation. Mis. Sloan being docorated with alpine scon- М1а.э Lillian С'Итоге'is thc girl, wa!..;; foTniorly Mias Julia Lock- A delicious соиг.чс. of mefrcsh- ‘cne of tlie. amarteat in Hollywood hart, of Wiidesboro, 'and visitod | niont.'. w;; served,’ '.rho gucvilii hi.ivi.n,.? graduate'd at ,the age of her ai.ator, Mrs.'Spcncor B. Hanes,' nn thia delightful occasion wore:' aBvoni‘>£en with 'highest honora .'■ore scve.ral times, and her sad I4esdames \V, H, L/;Graavd: John taking tho govoinmont medal for death will be heard of witli ro- l.cGiand, Rufus B, Sanford, Hor- n'l'ofi.jioncy in French language,/ giic-t, Sho la survived by her ' .'cc Hayworth,'Г. L. Glonn, H. W. Tho'i'o ,'ufho lilte, li'.Eial 'honc.st to ¡твЬинс! ami olio ilnnghter, Loll!.'-'.'! •■'■'I'l'i«' l.itster Martin, Arthur goodiie».-! action pi.i'tiiroil^shoukl a sisttfi', Mrs, Spencer B. llanea, of Hclloman, C, G, Woodruff, C. K. not mi.ss this one. Also two roe! Winstoii-Salem,.and a brother, Mr. Horn, S. 'A. Hardin,g, Mi'ixoy Mack Sennott comedy with Alice Adam Lockhar t, of Wa';lcsboro. j Brown,, Miaaes Sallie Hunter, L'i;y in “Pass Tho Dumplings,” -----0------ Jano liaydoii Gaither, Mary Holt- Monday/ and 'Puesday another On Friday evening Mir. and iMrs. bnan. : IMptro Goldwyn featuring Lon Arthur Holloman wore, ihbsit''and ' ,' ------a — - I Cliaii.uy in "'I’ho Unknown” 'and BIIIIHiliiHiiliHilliailllBillMilllBllllBiHIIIIUllllBIIho-itosa at a delightful dinner in ! Moad'ames B. C. Clement, Jr., Path'c News!.” hicnor of'tho gueata ,of tho Hoi- 'ni'il L, E, Feozor wore joint hos- Remember the four million dol- loman-Jfcntln house part.v. 'Phe: teaacs to tht' Mattie Eaton circle lar 'picture “Bon Hur” is coming dolicioua coursiai dinner waa aorv-|at Mrs. Cloment’s homi', 'on M.cn- Wednea;’.ny. Thuradiiy and iFn'iday, o';l at small table’.?, each gueat’s day afternoon.. In the absence of Nov. 2ii, 24 a№l 25th. inkice being ma.iked by a dainty Iho President, iMra. J. Frank card, a'li'd yellow and white chry- Clomont, thc Bible study in Luke {■.'iiithomums wor'-; elTestivoly'ussd I'id by Miss Bertha Lee. in doccraiting. 'Pho gueata woro: Plans for 'Phi;.nk.4giviiig wero dia- Missos , Ivalherino D'avis, Sndio cu-i.^’i,'.! duri'i.'g the businc.ss aea- Poiiry. .Iiaii'Si Bahnson, Ma.iy aii-n. After tho program tompt- Crinklcy, EKio Holloway, iir. and 'ng ..i,-iulvvichoa and joiToo wore i\Ira. i<o'.4tcr ¡Martin, wervcd, ' 'П'ю n'icmbu.'.4 present bc- ------1..---- HiwL'o the hcstcssea were: Mosdani- ■Mrs, '1', N, Chnll^ii waa hoatoas es.M'iiton Call, IMaxey Brown, ii, tn n very en,)oyablo meeting of !, Sin.tli, Pi.-jy Brown, J, K, the I iiidies Wesloy clas'.^i on t^'i'.ook, С., L. 'rhomi;.,ion, C. 11. 'Phursday aftornaon. After tho 'P.imliini.-.n, Uoy Cabell, Mis.sea liible atudy, an We are' not unmindful that wo deal in a iifo' essential, therefore it biihooves iis lo oiler only quality ,|oocl8tufl;8, ■ fi e.sh grc'coriie.*}, which bring us new cuaitomcrs every day. i Also ploait'o our regulara who would not/think, of .having only the beat. We; buy in voluiTpo and aro„ ablo to'sell I'lfc lowest pricoa. All of.the seasonable dainties, lalwaya in stock. ' ■ ■ ' -1". A. Rji Tomlinson ' 1 , - •r;1 ‘ J WE WELCOiVÎÊ OUR PREACHERS BACK йRov. F.. ?,'l. Avett after lv:iving ¡r, iit‘:onded the confcrcnce in Asho- ® villo, wr' i a cali'ifr rit our юШсе. É yntorday, and handed ua tho fol--^ g lowing ‘'i.V.ne” ,nn .the 'aiii;ioiii't-' m nionls, "All r,',ivio pa.atfi' S ii'ctiirn ^ t'l ns w'.Vh tlic cxco|)tion of Rev, C. M. McKinney. whiC.' ''"''a f rr'id to Groonsboro. Wo regrot to l-coso Mr. McKi'iinoy but wish FOR GOOD FLOUR AND FEED . 1 1 , , .'----- — rv •' \i!i’ '"''л х '"С и“ ’г ’ lo Icoso Mr. McKi'iinoy but wish1 .a buainesa moo - Casio Al is'on, ÄH.rtha Call, and r.old. n'g, 1.1 i; ciaaiit social hour (д - ,1 -ire_. vi.-jitci.s, Miasc.^ Lcrtha Loo, lowed. Thc' ho.atc-'s served doll-! i.-ouiso Ijittlo, and 1' loy ' i4..ntier- - l.<. Horace Il'iiyworth an’d lit- p|iiii. of High Point, spent last wit.'i her parents, Mr, land i K, H, Morris. ------0------ Klizabeth Rodwell roturn- iinday from Long’s Sani'tor- 11 Statoavillo, Avhoru .sho 'ha.s, ndorgioing treiiitmont. --------n-------- B I r. W. A. Allii;'on is viaitiirg ■“lister, Mra. Wills, in Wash- i>. C., and lutoi’ will apeiul {tinip with hor mother, Mra. ni', in Richmond. ------0------ cixnis het ‘I'olls. s:indwtchoa, tea and grapes. 'Phe guesta wero: i\roftdanioa J. L. Shook. J. L. Ward, Milton Call, Hattie McGuire, J. A. Daniel, and B. I. Smith. graft. On 'Pucadii.y evening, Nov. 1st, 'the C.' C. Sanford Sona Co., i.'iui' tho Sanfcrd iMotor Co., wci't ho»:s, to their forcea at a most dclight- Greersl'fi'o .to take Mr. McKin- noy’s field. Wo aro gh'd to wel­ come him to Davie. 'WHEN 'VOU WANT G00d“d RY Wood Ifi'iVd Coal th.at aatiaiioa, phono 135—116. Home Ico & Fuel Co..................... w., V..W *.>-tr ct uiim uM i;. .1 iiu j ■ day aftoi'ivoon, tho homo being at- long table waa attractively decor- TURKEYS! 'I’URKKYS! AM i,.,.,.i!w,.i„ ...Ml.............• ' • • bc'Dki'i'.'g rudera for a'limitod ................... i l 444UOI. k tiJ U K J lU "Mra'. G. G. Woodruff ontort'siinod fu! dinncr in tho lo'dge room of | at a dcllghtful rook piirty on Fri- thè. new Sanford building. 'Pho day aftenivoon, thè homo bcing at- long table waa attractivoly deeor- tractivoly diccoratt'il with a vario- ! ated, and an ologant dinner was ty of autumn Ilowors. After'sorved. Several impromptu speoch-1. , , I itod every person who likes 'iietion picture to see a 'Itow 1 il now picture Bob Sbeiele |'.iiiva Kid,” Princess Thoa- 'iilay and SiH'turday. ------0------ ; A. Jenkins of Winston- :ind daughtoir, M'l's. James Ilf, Aitlanta, wore guests '. .lonkin’s mother, Mr.s'. L. I'lcr, on Su'uday. ------0------ I'"I 1 ]\lra. Rufua B. Sniifoi'd I'. .Miar.sliall, apent ()he week ilh Gai.tliiE'r .Sanfciiid, w.ho Indent at Fishb'urno Mili- chotd lat Waynesboro, Va. itli'iidod the Ca'r'oilinia V. M'. 1« .'it i.oxington, and vi.sit- ' iioiiiits of lintorest in la. 11 No. 2 'of tho Proi.5ibytor- ^diar,v will hold thoir an- aza.ir of noodlowork on ''I'Un'nooii, Nov. 18th,-bo- id 2 o’clock, in the Horn next to Alliaon-John- 11 lioy will al.so aell 'sand- ■'iilad.'i, a'nd cnffiee. Tho «K cin-dially invited to pat- ni'ni. in'xt Kiwania .Orthopaedic 'ill be. at Winstoiii'-Salom y, Nov.' 12th. It will be lie ofricea of tho County "opartnient over Owon’a aa heretofore. All I'll your county aro in- ‘dlond thia clinic for ox- ”, ''ind treatment by an F'>ie .specialrat. aovoral games which woro played at throe tables the hcstesa, la.siiist- ed by. hor d'iuightt:,rs. Misses Mihl- rfd and Jane Woodruft', served a tom:;)ting salad course. Tho gudsts wore: M'i.Hsoa iSallio Hunter, Sophie Richaii'da, Nina White', Louise. Little, I\ray Pondorgraft, Floy Pondergriaft, Winnio Moorr/ Hazel Baiity, Cl'.iyton Brown, Loi ' Willia, Moad'amea J, B, J.ohnatone, E. P, Biiiiidley, W, H. LoGrand. T, L, Glonn, H, W, Harris, ------0------ Dr, and Mra, Lestcir Martin de­ lightfully entertained at four tablei.? of bridge and rook on Mon­ day cvcii'ing, Aftesr in number of games the score were counted, the rook prize, '(i-n attractivo piece of l-'c'ttery boi,ng awarded to Miaa Siallio Hunter, and .the bridge nrizo to Mr, R, S, McNeill, 'rempt- ing chicken ifnlnd with accessori­ es was aorvied. The 'guests wore: Milssea Sa'llio Hunter, Vioflot Al- li'son, May Penidorgm'ft, Sophie Richards, Hazel Baity, Winnie , Moore, O.saio AHiaon, Mesdames j T, L. Gieinn, Biinr Brock, Percy I Brown, R'0,v Holthoii'sen", Mr. aiVd i Mrs. R. S; McNoill, Mr, Knox Johnstcm'o, -----—o------ Augustus HolViion Price, a pro­ minent lawyer of Salisbury, died ,suddenly in liis oflico on Saturday iifternoon, aged 5.^1, The deceas­ ed waa .the aoin of the late Caip- tain Chaii'lea Price and Mrs, 'An­ nie H'ob.sion Price, and waa a fi'i'.rt cou.sin of Lioutoiiiaiiit, Richmond P, Hobaon, 'horo of the Merrimac. Ho is survived by hia widow, who was Miss Holen Osborne, of .Tack- sonvillo, Fl'u., and thneio childvon, 'Phe funorin'l i.'iervices wero con­ ducted at St, Luke’s Eiiiscojiai . _ church, lof which he waa a mem-1__________ , _____ i>iUCKb\ IJjijli], ea wore made, aomo provoking much moiuimont, and selocticms on the Victrola were given, Cov- lera wore laid for Moasra, C, C. tSunford, R, iB, 'fS,!uifoi1d, H, A. Sanford, J, C, Sanford, E, C, San­ ford, John Larow, C. A, Clement, J, 'P. Baity, Mr, and Mra. Roy Holthou'Jcr, Mrij. J. A. Ciraven, M!»3 Josephine Lemmi, Mi.ss Mao Kurfees, Me'ssrs Cecil Morri.a, T. L. Baker, W. F. Dwiggina, Rufu« l''rye, V, K. Sw'aim,"'P, A. Stono, C, C. V/oodruii, B. I. Smith, C. H. 'Pomlinsoir, S'iirh Binkley, Cu'itis Summers, Brown. Ml’S. Lealer Martin charmingly entertained .at bridge oij Satvvi'ctey aftornoon in hcffior .of the moni- boii.ii of lier iiviTd М'Га. Arthur Hol­ loman’s ihou.'jo-parties. Tho 'home was arti.sticaMy decorated with yelloлv cliiiy.aanthemums land ag­ ératum, Tho gueata were griE’etod by Mra, Martin, Mra. Holloman, iind tho h'onoree's, Mi.sisea Jano Bahnson, Sadie Holloman, Mary Crinkloy, Elflo Holloway, ,Kathe­ rine Davia, Filoasiie. Martin and Sin'dio Penry. Several games were played 'at 6 tables, after which tho ho.4iteas aBsilsitod by Me.4d.ames HoMeman, John Le- numbi'r at öOc.- It. pd. -iF. M. Carteli-'. ’ -Л'# IIIIB IIlIB IÍIiniíllB IIIII t M a d e f o r o n e p u r p o s e — to p r o m o t e • p le a s u r e AGENT C. J. ANGELL JEWELER N. C. aiiiiaiBiiiiBiiiieBiiiiniiiiBiWBiiraiiiiBiiwiiiiaiiiiñiií BiliiniHI C. C. YOUNG & SONS iiiauiiniiiics Ksai:i.ia:;¡:ffliiiiia'iii®:,aiaiti:iai:i¡ia¡i¡auiii:Q|!iHiii^В11!;И!111В1111б1111Ш111Ва11Н1'11Е ^ Funeral Plrcctorfl ’ BMOCKSVILLE'S ONLY LICENSED EMBALMERS | Our lino Ih coinpluto, From thu choajioat totho and wo aorvo you t<j U>o host of ^ urnbilily roKHi’dleHaof wlmt you buv. 'K Office Younf; & HollomAn Building,/y T-’f>CourthouHO Offiuo riiono MO ‘ liualdoncc D6' R iiaiH H iM iw iH H H nvw iM M iaw iitK n C a m e l is a t t u n e d t o t h e m o o d o f th e . s m o k e r w h o s e e k s p l e a s t i r e s r a t h e r t h a n p a n a c e a s ^ O ffe r e d a s a c h e e r n o t a s a c u re * 1/ all cigarettes were as good as Camel you wouldn’t hear anything about special treat. ments to make cigarettes good for the throat. Nothing takea the place of choice tobaccos. ' (t • \ , Ч )■<'. I ui; Iv u ’tel > b'l!; I?4^i Й il;! Я И J { .ili! '■ |‘* If’ ' '4 1 1, ii(Ш / T;>fío S _ _ _ _ _|- •' ' -'■■ ' —гп1г||-гтг I—.................... i n.... ||_щ цщ 0 1 .1) K.ANDOI.rn rO liN ’I'V I Kt'i'p.-i oui (lu> m in ;iihi oold frolli Í t ÍH’ í'l4‘t\í sitio (it’ tíu» *‘l»(4Ì.*‘ ’Ì'ÌUH‘0 is i\ lioîuitil'ul KVOVi ТИК MucKsvn.T.K EXTKunnsK. Thursday, November Ki, HKUMT MVKS .VI.ONK IN ИОТТКП г л т х I ............................. .............inaimm'th oak tvoi's ni'artlio niiiits ;\slu'ln'n>, Xov. 7.- • Alunit iri 'i'l' filo old c.'iliin. ;ind if i« uiidor m i ll 's b i 'l o w A o ih t 'b o io ill t h v s o u t h j Ilu '-'i' oiikis tlin t X c w t iM i s p o i i d s | I'iistiMMi part of Uiiiidolpli iniiiiity I tlu' most of his limt', Thi- jri'i'ss Ihoro livi's ¡1 iniiii ill tiu' I'l'rsoii j «rouiui tho roots of Iho troo,-; i¿s ' of JsiiiU' Nowtoii Allu'ijrht. wlio ; worn out, and tho biirk worn sliok Í!» probdbl.v ils uo.'iv il voiil hormit | whoro ho has s:it or hiin «round .as oould bo I'ound. thom. 'I'lio id.-ioe rosomlth\< tiic, Str. AtUrijrlit livos oiif )iiid 0110- liiir of an animal, ! hîili" пи1(',ч from Ilio noarost j'uh- Tho old-fiushioiud skillors. a ; Hr voad, and only u dim path j fow tin cans, and throo'dishos, ’ ' ' ovuisiituto !u's suintly "f oookinjr ; ThurHdiiy, Novcmbor 10, 1927 14« ....................lividi, t" tho l'ilo of lojis that lu ralla homo, tho ruins «f a oiioo | utoiisils, oomfovtal'lo fanti luni.so. ' '........ Xowton, ai! ho is oallod by tho ioiv pooj'lo th;»l know him is t'f^ yonr.-s old. and is tho son of Wil- liani jiiid Klo.'iuor .•VlbrÌKhl, wlio telisi nv,-iny yoar,s atro, and is tho «epUew of t'ho lato Hov, Honry Albrlcht. Tho namo of .Mbris'ht :boon pvominont in this soc-1 «l'on whioh is tlio originai prowth ' ' ........♦""’'•'r. and wbioh would brini; ’ ............ Л .sot of poi hooks aro haiutinjr in tho tiro placo. ¡rood si?.od phimb troo li;i.-< iirown |ц> ìiisido the «■«Ils. Mr. Albrijrl'.î m'vor hunt,< or fìshos now, and squirrols, hiibbîts. and birds a- bound around his haunts, and do not appoîiv afraid of ‘him. Xowton has -ll aoros of land ^-v V t l I —...............-..................... tion of thocounlj' for Ki'no.riìtions, and Newton was ji norinal boy ami youuK «'!'» ««tU ho wont into sedusion some -<0 yoars :i}to, fol- Kiwiiiff tho rtxNith of his nittJiier, and tho marriaiTo of his sì.ster. when hi' loft .nlono, Thero )■« ,n noto of pathos run- of timber, «nd wbioh would brin>: n oonsidorablo sum of monoy. but | ho becomo.o hishly insultod if ho ! is appix'!\olso\1 on tho subjoot of j .•»oliinjr it. Yoars ago his marriod i sistor who at that timo livod in ¡ Móntjiomo.ry county, paid him a | visit ,ind iiskod him for pormis- i• Th«'.rO )■? a niMO OI paviios m u -j • ........................................... «ins Ihroujrh (he vvholo story aU‘ ; i'iw» l)nvo l'noujrh timbor cut hls Ufo and no ono who l«»s hoani him a comfortablo homo. t»H' stovv wovild fet'l ìnclinod tojU*' rofusod. Sho «ovor rotiirmd. ; «■ensuro, It sooms tbat altor his mothor diod {(mi bis sìstor гояг. und is doad now. Ho has no im- ! nuviiato hoirs for tho land anvi i PRICE ALONE Does Not Mean Anything -------------шявявя Ш я ■ Ш я в n я я H и nu'uioi' ÍUCU SUIVI liic, , ........ . , riod and loft tho' old hointvioad. timbor. , N’owton wont i«tv> soolusiôn. ami !stn,Yo<i in tho wtwrfs for sovoiîil nor .summer, and his only clothinp ; ^•o.чrs with his do)T .nnd Run. is » of ovor.-ïlls. an oid straw | Ho wishiHl to preserve every- b.“\t. and a blue shirt. Ho novor | thiuK »biMJt the cabin ,4S it was : bîs ,nnd when VfheK hss mother w-,ns Hvtiw, He . bvcmo too worn to stay on ; lixxHi on in his solitary way for ! bit«, he wmos to soe Mr. Ri^'h- yxsirs, and iittie Ъу little tho rv'of ; .secures .iuoihor out., ................. , _ . tit Mr_ Rii,lisrii:ion never asksof the v>ld home fell in, the door, ÄÄjnrt'd fjx’n> it,> Jiin.ci'A the <“ - . _____i .V . ; tit, Mr, Richsrxison never asks him for money, .snd Xowton fee’s 'Äamred fix'm iti «nn.ces. ano vne < • .............................. ,.. ^ xv^Us boc,->mc wrapped and the imud tVim the chinks dìsìntov:rat- ' Ь о ìs hiphly sonsitn o. ; Ы ami cv«robî»4l away. W.’uit anytbins* r.s. a , wss once farm Isnd has srown E very store can give you a suit for $2 5 . 0 0 BUT- W hen you see the fine tailoring, the rich all wool fine fabrics, the beautiful colors, and the correct fitting and clever styles in Our Suits At $25.00 Y ou’ll A gree T h at It PAYS To Follow The Arrow. O thers $ 2 0 to $ 5 0 STITH CO 4 4 0 N. L IB E R T Y an d 1 0 6 W . FIFT H W IXSTOX-SAI.EM. X. C. «P ,ln bnsbo.s, Л pine field ne^ri Xowton is fond of iho fsmi’.y о ■Ut«' t'Uî home still besrs traces of ; Ricb.4nison. Ami viurir.c 1r„ ---------------------c<»rn ridjros, aUhoush the ;ñnos ; t^^ o of Mr, Rich-^ .ш ■ i-.ii ■ mi in ni .................. i— m ' sis 'inc.hes in diatncter, sors wore in ;ho inv.y, , Xowton i'o;-.; two íu'^r? «njìJ î’»' w^nsìd ïv sì 5he home brich; ^.......th',\v «'f ''ìd aw . one ììvin.i ; »'«УУ rnor-nh-.c in-1 ì" r'i.'.-.o,. o,,. ¡ .-oro ;s r.^-.v .> .ivi be ,'ì;' yo.^irs oKi, ard the oUu'V 'V-)ire sbv'«; vhem, Ue v.crkcd ; c^u ''f kind w iú ^ ]: :\ :vn í -riMchiivjî the ало of :'V>, Ho .-^îso sï^sdib' '.'п :лгп1 .-îîî Sho wh:5e : <'п :?;e b<v.c.-3:s ìù t -.ho ;iv:..-.or.< ;',i'.ô tho airpianos ' ;i!kî tnirty niiic.= .-ip;’.:": u'.'.i.'t got ;-;Г0 ni'-.v :-'.';c:i:iii::i!ly ; thi'ir s'.ipply of eieciricity from .................. o ¡t',:r;, p-.v.ver .>tnnc>’)í somewhere XVníio 'Ли- cif tho tiir ; :i’id tnm sm ission iino> have to bi­ ni;-.:'. rontos is '.hriüiîîc and car- ^ bui!: lo carry thai ciirronl. That rios w ;:h it ,-i decided touch of ; m eans m ore m iles of the country- romance. there is another phise side wil! bo traversed by power- -1--- — : l l r<«chiivjî thè aso of :'v>. Ho ,<iìso i î"'' ........................ - k i 'i« .■» ,sh»'05i and scone e h i c k e n s ""'■s'ì'a'^ro.'inNi -, vvhen tho s '.::ì s Ir'jrht i .î ü s boì.^w assit! Fwïht'r Time c«î :hom over theìv wojf.sre ,'îs o.id ; a ctrt,ììn di .Tneo, whothor it bo «io'wn. lïe \ioos not koei> s'.iy >5ïî’- Kichars's.'tt hirso!!. Mr. i r ìv-ht ò.^rk. cloìidy oiay. j romiuiv-r. w.<.-av ..... ..... ,....... .stwk of any kimi HOW, He iiiofV h.ì> ki’.iw:! him ÌMn ; .Ali .'.'rt.«. et' ;->pv;»rat .;s -ire in-j w r.:;-h is ot nc mo-iits intporiance. j lir.e.;. It means that stili more ÏW farmìtip of Sivv kSnd, ,'it'i,i i,-os >'hi]dhv'.\ì. and who'.'i ho .-4 ; -ti.ì'io.ì on tho ianviini: ttv'..ts n.nv : Th-fo beacor. lichts which .'»re | smaì! village-s and towns and even isot biU'o à îT,“ï^ce \Af s< ¿ssnien. ".¡'rnvi.ì msn. ;<ìn,i ho ha# «1w.\vs !to m.'vke ;iir tr,<.vei sa nisht rosio- ' rù.vced -':Jt i:: ihe coanìrj- twenty * iarm s alor.? thè w.ïv '.vü) be R, RìVh,^kis'on, ^ kìV.d-hosrt- -•5'" •'•v.îîî .. ....................... ’ ............... .1, — l .ìt, .„i, ^ ,,.^ ■■ ■ ;i"u-- ho òivsn't s~o.'.v st tho; sioì'i- :■!■! ivi>x-r..ih;o 'oïiiTtlT ot -, bi^Uiiht withiii rh,' v:. ■■■; tha,^ lines where it -.v:!; i ., rtJcal ly possible to s\H': !y r 'users of ct!rrc:;t. It may not be ..' ,.' i.'.l'ICl but a factor it : • lii:htir.g of the *ir ;r...:::~f i ju.st ancther hi-l; :.. ; ,1. eSettrincation ot ■: v'j;irl tty. <>d nwr^-hant .'ш,; ísmuT 'ivinç a mil«> «nd s h.iiî‘ îrctv, Xewîor.. ?> 1.,я:,я,.яля,:я:.я"а,.и :«.и '.в"в.н 'и и ,a ,И'.в.,.я:, 'В E я я я я в а я • Bl t'4' o’:d h.v.;v.ts th.'.t RUtO :';iu his souîve of too,?, cwthÌKc íoW co. Не o-;ticys а chew с; í •1с»Ь',есо; Ог.чЧ' ."Г twiv'o г. w\4k fît' ro.'tuv il' .м.''. K;.'h.ír\b4>;;'s etorf нпч5 .cots ег!о«ь’>. tí.'.ir ar.,i meal t,> ‘?.?t hi;'.', л tow è-\vs. i I4'î«nts his .'«bin, '.ísu,<í;3,v st.iy. ir^i tboïf- '.sf.tii the s'Tx-ivisi^f:? i,re ^лчпе, Mr, Rioh.^r,i>on itevir Kith- ; , 4^rs him. ,<r,d s.\ times XewtCifi ^ v4>iaRîï4''ri. his servii4\i hioî-p л'.п the :лгг.5. :> .tb'o cc> c;o s ¡FV4XÌ tó.<vv's wc-rk when he iee's w incHr.o,',Mr, К:,-;-..4л:>.'г I'^Jsys txxeSv itfts his -.-.г.'уег.у, otherwise Arts .\s iis Xewto.n ........................ ..........:he rains I'f ® ■;ло .-.'i.bin л;'.5 ñn,ís th.''.t ‘iio i^riT'e' a 1-' oe.-ith h.-i# г.'г.'о,? hin? to 'f^vo ц. т_ - _ 'В :В :е his r.fr- tîRAHAM КЬ'ОТНКК,>^ ТКГСК * ORIIKRS IX m'TORKR - :ÍI:T YKARS REaiRD “ ÌS£S v.cthir.ÿ tc^ ,i,' i»'jîh other р<мг»'.' h-, t;-.4 r,il\-, J.;v,i ViH' nexïT ',-'..'.if>t cr criticiif his Airaj-s v\î iiv:~ç. Or. f.rs- i',';. r,t4'h he K-4'\'-'.fí s-'U-i-, wil'; Г.,'ч R.nsxir-íT А <-io#ti,-.r. er sv'Oí.k ;;r,t;', be Ítr.,ÍS thí.t :»,-и í.rí Г:С* 'VA-t- w serve 'ír,0 v-'-V'fr «'. r.;r.-. S'S- fXik? t'.;r, ,',t >ii> »Ä'-,'.'!'.r .'i Mv- He h:!..í r.'.it 'r::-r fC4Æ3 his За:г thi" Hr. ÄVT.'s s:,''-c' tc.r vij.rs,. .'."ч-i w-Ъе:- to -aíV." V.y thi r^iiiy Xevt-i h; v hj.ÿ Л::-Tír;-ívr;c. Ho 4-:etr ’¿.Vi- tr.ti re î\'.t\' ' W.xc - a: !fti.T:,' c.'o V4.1.Í. JV-A"':• Л n V.:.: . V' í ■; . ; 1 - r ^ Ь.Г'Л, '■- V . Ч . . . V, ■ •; . Ч . . ■ Oròers tor n.'.r.'ih.r.'.i Kr.'thers ■ tntcks, , чСТ.'.Г.5еГ,'5.'Л Cï.rs ,'.nà,> "Jti'tvT сч'лсЬе^ л',5г;;;г Octc-borjB •ot^iUxi í , i ’.'.í. Ъг1.чк'г.>: .iì; yire-;^ vi'.’4s m onthly пч'ггс1< :'ч'Т t h í', i J-ííAr, to in cÄci.^3 statetr.ent ;гета the tr.tck vitvisicn ® C-.Í ÎX-'.'t'ire I'rv'th-.-rs, sr.,-. Th-.i • V-rvsonts ,^prr.vvint.'ite'y В •vo.nh cf b;:siri'^i .it ret.iii '..iîttcs ■ ■icr tho sinico zt:nth. thi st^te- g t'.'.s'r.t '.•■C.itttS 0'.itl _ “ he 0,-tv-h'OT rí\Tt\t sh.''.vr '¿z ir..-ri-4'>i ct e'-.Vftt jv;r .-ir.t eve:- * the П'.;г.-.'Гчг ct c.r.ier; :r. i?evt¿-> ■ Ъег fh,-.v> tho 4,'f’.st,4r.t!y В ,':0Â>ir,ç í.-.r ' щ tr;:A í' s:tt;e the i"tr^ :;;^ t:;n ^'t j Ï, T.e-w !;" i ;-:t At;i^:it- TA^t;-:;# .^rv 'isvr-;::^; л' * t.;- •'•:¡vt th i cf-.-.í“ ,:. P-rct'frs .•'.i-i'iT'í -.vh.' I í;.h j.t í ^::^h.;i '--r.íhí.~ S^.'thi.rí ■ th~:;\c“ x.t t ' í ■;v:r;,i rvj-e;;: i< :iv:ry t: tr i h: ; .,t : ■r; . ••; “ i"; : :• TAYLOR’S WAREHOUSE Winston-Salem is Selling Tobacco High Every Day Some Sales Made Wednesday: Va' r. i.5 :.r;- IviiV OV"K .•:h roi: Л-К v ;. G- , ' i .? íó t iir2 4 Í. Лг.г.:-:4 0 ; ^0 ÿ ó i. '^v,. G.O.i '1 '/i ,'.5 t ■•Jíí.5 4 0 ; 14 6 C.Ô. C, V M itth i-v r. t “i‘ ;J -«1 :; H.i 4 Í. 2.. '0 .::i2 ;í- s ? ;1Í.Í >5 >4. •= i H i - . ÍV -í í.í t í 4 0 : í i ',T. -T _ tt:i. ■; Л 4: ;T 'i : ÎÔ : Í 2 ;; -0Й ¿ 5->. i í-i '5 ■='-’-l'l'.i l,'i 4 2 : I 4o : 2v ;5 4 í- -■“ГГ-Г.:c - - í : • T ;'.4: ■■i-4 :c ■: ; o ■-45. :.t.:;. :> h -5 "■ —T. .. z ST ;íO. : r,.', . 'í'i' ' 41 ; -i-i: " 4 ! ;“ B ack To 1 9 1 4 V alúes «|!в!111Я1111а11>1П1Ш111!ЯиП||!1П!!11ШШВ!И1!11П|П»Пт’1Ш'и119»Ш я . ' ' ш я ■à щв sí ' iciу л t!Í к :а 11 W я 3 THE MOCKSVILLK ENTERPRISE, MOCKSVILLE. N. С. Л ^ ^ ■ V^\ ■: -Л' : i-г r'-. . ■ •’ ■ ro^'"V^v< -V •v' r .4 ” You \чЧ11 alvravs ¿re: cGoriccus h'eai:rú 3 nt ancl best accomodati-c •í TAYLOR’S : ',..t : -r ■- "c' ; ’ = " “Г.: .li .r ” ^ I , : . ;■:..ц Y o u r f r i e n a s “ P A U L T A Y Ì - O R E D . I V L 4 T T H E W S J . H . P A ^ a aaя я в a в №B n в в в H в ц в в в в в в Suits and Overcoats $11.95 to $25.00 These exceptional suits and overcoats are especially developed for m en w ho ap­ preciate fine fabrics and expert hand w orkm anship. See our F a ll and W in te r suits, topcoats and overcoats a t $11.95 to $25.00. Y o u owe it to yourself to be out­ fitted for T hanksgiving. Come in th is week. Good L ine o f Boys Suits A lso C, C. Sanford Sons Co. ADVANCE NEWS Mr. iind ¡Mrs. D. M. Spencor^of Vnloy, Va., weire the Kueids of' Мгя. ?pc-!12cr's brother, Mr, H. L. i''0i!t0r. Mi.4i?as Kii.th arid Julia Jones of, Grco'iwboro, .4i)cnt the week end with theJr nioiiher, Mrs, 'J,, W, Joiie.4, ' ., ' Mi;, and Mrs, li, P. Hondrix made a business brip'to W'iii.ston- S'nlcm Saturday. Mr. ¡Hid Mrs. Clifton Mi'.rch of \Viiiston-SMLom, 'spfuf thu weok 011(1 witli home folks. Mrs. Ellis Cnrter of Kalniirh, ^ i'i'.iuiit the weok end 'with Mrs. : Dan, Car.ifir. ,■ Sirs. W, A, li c m h 'i x had a s I'or Piiiulny ,''Hosts, Mr. and M,rs. C. I), Pooler \nf Sall'/ibur'.' 'and ifr, and I\Iiii, Glonn Hondrix of r,, , I'Ovingtoii, i\rr. iind Mrs. John Talbert of W';iiu(nii-?'i"iom. ."nemt itho week i И end with, Mr. Talbó>'t’s parents, И Jlr, and М'Г.ч. G. Talbert. Mr. ',1'nd Mrs. П. Tj. Foster and jh' .Aiiinio, motored over to Reeds ^ Sunday lo utteiid the Fo.ster re- union. They were accompnniod ®jiiome by Mr. and Mrs. N, C. Fost- Й fr familv: ЛГг. and МИ», C. IÉ' Foste'' !ind family; Misa Jiackic ^|Fo4for, !vll of Rtiitesvillo. gjl ■ Mrs. J. Г' Foster snent Snmlay .ievoninji at Horhatv.pv with friends, pi Mr. ",':П'' Mrs, G, T, Mn''klan'd of Й Winstnii-Snlnm, «nnnt tho wook si enri AViith b.r-nio f'-'4i|s., ill Mr, and M'l's. Tom’ Pot!.4 .чп^пк th" woo': nnd with homo folVs, Mr«, Frank Colo is still op tho sif'f li.4i, wo nro sffrrv' to nòto. >1’’, Sneiir4 couldn’t .«how tho nictiire lrt?it S'^turdii'' niirht on ac­ count of rundown bntto'-'os, but ho is c'^'minp back next Thursday night, Nov, 10th Avifch a KO'od set. The nroceods will jro to help ipaint tho chu'i'ch. Everybody ^omo nnd' ■en.ioy n (rood shoAV. AWmi.saion 16 !)i:nd 25 cents. Page 0 у Starliiijj vLightinjj vl;«nitiòn »t^Battcry ч'Tires B tîlld M îg. Q iaalltÿ in to U sed C ars., yUphoistcgy у Д о»? vFendeyS- V Finish Unu.sual faciiities for re- conditionincr automobiles make possiblG the higli valud fouii'i in our de­ pendable «.sod cars. In.the first place, we can tell exactly whatneeda to be ddno to a car without long and e.xpe'nsivo ea~ penmen ting.Ourmechan- com-ics are thoi'oiighly , petent — and, vvorJcing with special tools, they accomplish a given task ' m the minimum tima 1' urthermore, wd'iiso cr.Iy- genuine parts for replace­ ment pmp&ses. , . As a result, our recoiidi- tioned, ears simply,. can- ;; not be matched for 'value. MARTIN CHEVUOLET CO.. INC. MOCKSVILLE, (1!1:я:ш!111и1м111«|!11и:ш1ш;!11и;|11ш;11:и118и:111и!11н1|1!и;:11и:111и!ш1!11в:1ш11и1'5в;|1!н|[:ш!111и! a oi UDII f ms LOWEST ^ ^PM CED SEDÂM m B O D G E BROTHERSillSTOIlY America loves speed and here is her fastest Four. America loves luxury and hero is her finest Four. America, when she starts, likes to start like a rocket and here is a car that asks but 7 seconds, through gears, to register 25 miles per hour. Above all, America admires smartness, ■wlien value is not sacrificed to achieve it, and here style and stamina bid equally for your faith and favor. Asturdy car, commodious yet compact, built from bumper to bumper the good Dodge way. f unc in on Dodge Brothm Deliimlable llour 0/ Millie 1МГУ Friday Nisul ч1д — Columbia Chain fo r k 'new s Mias Rosia ^Fostor, who has boon a í-'iUÍToror frnm cancer foi' some- timo, passed 'away Tuesday niKlit, Nov. 1, and A\in's burried Tliiii'.sdiiy liw n i'u iii a t U o’clock, ill the '.'ometory at Fork, We ex­ tend our .sympathy to the boreav- od ones. Clarenco Croiitffon 'of Cooicomoc. M'1'8, Daisy StoAvart and Mr, \Villiam Stewart, also Mfcs Poplin of Charlotte, spout Sunday even­ ing with Mr, and Mrs. E, M, Stewait, Mrs. Ainnie Ilege spent Sund'ny evo'ninK with Mr. and Mrs. Ottia Hondrix of near Fork. Mi»»£« Iva Stevvart la’nd Panthy Lanior spent Saturday evening at Lexinjrton shopping. Milrfs Helen Hege has been ve.ry sifdf with tonsilitis, but is im- provins;.- MOCK'S CHURCH NEWS Quito an intci'osliiiK nrogram was KHulornd *in the Epworth Mr.- and Mrs. G. F. Bfauchami) and litllc 'dmughter, and Master Charlie, Jethro, and Frank Mock •spent the week end with jFoIaiiv- es in Thomasville. Mr. land Mrs. M. R. Jiones niul children spent Sunday wlbh Mr. '¿I'nd Mrs. H. P, Cornatiier. ‘ M'l', and Mri!'. Sam Wright of Smith Grove spent the week end. with Mr. J. C. Beauchamp. Mr. and , Mrs. H'aa'tang of Vir- (iinia, and Mr, Frank Cole, of Kannapolis, spent the WQeTc. end with thoii' parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. S. F. Cole. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Jones nnd childron of Mocksvillo, Sipent Sun- d'.'i'j' with home folks. FELDfttAN & SONS OF' SALIS- «URY GOING OUT OP , BUSINESS '■ .................. u, 1,11 I Just any kind of pecan tree is I 'J.naKUo Sunday niirht by tho (Irst' not suited to North Cnrolinn con- iMins iBo>/.sie Wyattc, of W i n - 1 ditioiis. Only tho be,-*t will grusv «iioii-Saleni spunt ‘ Sunday with ''''' the Idn’der, an.: .vield woll.home folks. Mrs, G, B . Bland, aiul cMldren, also Mis Beck of Lexington spent Sundav afternoon with Mr, wnd Mrs, Z, V, Burton, Miks Titer Foator and Mr, Blor- san Carter, made a tri)i to South Carolinia' a few'da.vs a«o and wciie married. The br’lde is 15 and the groom 20, Mr. Lawrence Graver of Win-1 ston-Salem spent t.he week ond'i with his ipnrer.its, Mr. and Mrs.W. R. Cravor. Mir. an'd Mra, B, W. Allon, Tilr, (and Mrs. Joo Smith, also Mrs. Jiohn Schedit of tiho Twi^i-Clty, vPaltod Mr. Allen’s panents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Allen, last Fri­ day. Mr. Ba'iley Koontz who'has been staying in Now York, haa return­ed home. This firm .who hua beisn in Salisbury for 'J2 yeiars are clos- ng out bhoir business «nd 'will, quit Jnnuiriry lat, 1928. They havo sold their building which set la new ihigh mai’k foi" rea lasitato prices. ■; This firm carries a large ^toclc. of Men’s and Womens’ ready mado clothes 'as we.!r'as <v_l,argo stock lof .silks, woolens .»n(;t ..do­ mestics, are offering their,, goods at loss than cost, see tholr.,an- nouncement on another page of. today’s EJntorprlse. A Mouthful ; ' The trouble with modern eol- iogu life is that there is too much life and not enough college.■ ' I BROWN’S WAREHOUSE W IN ST O N -SA L E M , N . С farmers : GROCE & TODD MOCKSVILLE, N, C, D OD e e- В ROTH e R S . IN С FULTON ITEMS The weather haa boen veryjB, warm until last week, but is vory|y cold now; lold Mr, Jack Frost fame Friday night and bit every­ thing that was out whom he could got it, Mr, land Mrs, G, TalbeO't 'of Advance spent a whilo Wedne.sd’/i'y evening with Mr, and Mrs, E, M, Stewart, Mr, Charles Livengoo'd of Win- sfcon-Salom, spent tho week end with home folks', Mra, Charlie Hege 'has beein very sick, but is better, 'glad to write. ’ Mr, Cliaronco Livengood and Miss Panlthy Lanier, spent Su'n- day evening with Mr, and Mrs, I facts and figures given below are for the farm - Y e a r s I n T h e B u s in e s s That means that we have pleased our customers— that we have gained the confidence of the public—that we have served well. Years of experience have taught us how to conduct a ■used car business — how to buy the right cars—re­ condition them properly. .'If you need a used car let us help you in selecting lOiie. W e offer you our experience and our judgment. GROCE & TODD DEPOT STREET MOCKSVILLE, N. C. A USED CAR IS ONLY AS DePeNDABLE- AS THE- DE-ALER WHO S&LL5 IT NOTICE Notice is heireby given that the firm heretofore exiisting and I known las D. H. Hendricks & Sons i has this day been dissolved, E. G. i Hendricks retiring from said firm mul C. H. Hendricks continuing the siamo under the old firm name. All bills diietanld firm hiI'o payable to C. H. Hondricks and' all ac­ counts owing by said lirm will be paid by , said G. H. Hendricks. Un.der the terms of this dis­ solution the said E, G, Hendricks takCfS' over the premises and pro­ perty formerly owned by Mocks­ viiie Lumber Company, situate noair Depot street in the Town of Mocksville, land will continue to opera to thereon a lumber estab­ lishment under tho name of "E. G. Hendricks Lumber Plant.” Thi.s 1st Nov. 1927, A. D, E, G', H'ENDRICKS ■,C, H, HENDRICKS II 10 4t, er who w ishes to get the biggest returns for his yearns I labor, and are to be used as a guide show ing him how I to do this—especially in the m arketin g of his tobacco. I W e w ork so h ard for every one of our custom ers th at it I I m akes possible the startlin g facts shown below : | I M onday, our average, $2 6 .9 5 ; m arket average $2 6 . 1 7 I I T uesday, W edns., ^ T hursday, I F riday, i P ast W k .,mi ' u (( U 2 6 .2 8 ;tt tf ti 2 6 .4 2 ;tf tt Ú 2 4 .8 1 ;ti ti (i 2 6 .8 4 ;ti « tí 2 5 .5 9 ;ti tt 2 4 .9 1 2 3 .6 9 2 4 .4 1 2 4 . 3 7 2 4 . 7 8 I Be fair to yourself and n ext load to BROWNES B ring your W A REH O U SE, fam ily W w here good tobacco sells highest. Your Friends, FRANK & HARRY DAVIS 1lB:[ii«:EBiiiiaiiiii«iiiiiiaiiiiai!i!H[iiiH!!!!tf!i!B!':a:!M:i!:iai:5B.iiiKiiHS!;Bni;a;saiaHii;iiiiiiia;3ia:EiB:w/^ ./ •i ... П5 Йь if rii , 1 0 и i гШ1»л;м1 W\ Й 1%'ЭД ^ ' f f'*i 1 i "Page 10 THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, MOCKSVILLE. N. C.Thui'sdny, Novembèi' tO; 1027 M e r e d it h N ic b o ls o n <KV OtARUtS 3GRIBNBR3 SONS - RSUtASED TKRU PUVUSKERS AUTOCASTER. SHWTCE INTRODUCTION Archibald Bennett, wealthy bachelor, travels constantly in don exploded violently upon See­ brook and Walters. “Things have come to a pretty thc interest of his ommends a ! pass in this topsy turvy world life of crime, adventure, romance | when a man can’t And his own ■i'î' II » n d excitement aa a cure for his jiervcs. Archie goes to Bailey Jlarbor to investlRa'to a summoV liouse for his sister. A heavy Btom forces him to spend the m t i h i there. During the night he is awakened by footsteps, and in an encounter reflected in the tnirror and shoots. Archie fires in return, wounding the intruder, who makes his escape. . Archie jdans flight to evade publicity. He starts cross-country afoot— in the night. At dawn h,e is stop­ ped on .a lonely country road by "The Glovernor,” m aster- mind . c r i m i n a l who mi.itakeij.him for a . idlow crirhinal. Archid, fleeing, is afraid to tell the truth—falls ia with "Tho Governor," is whisk­ ed across country in a stolen,car. Sees story in newspapeif of kill- ing at Baiiey Harbor and, frigh­ tened, he decides to say nothing bui stick with his strange friend jind await developments. At Corn- ford, N. H., Archie comes upon Ifiobel Perry at the hotel desk but ' «he refuses to recognize him. The . Governor, by a clover plan, son ! For three days I've been wiring his clubs and all, other places he could posstblji'be with­ out result. And 1 have learned that his wife has left Bailey Har­ bor and the house there is cloaed. Closed 1 How dare they close that house when I was about to pay them 'a visit? Seebrook and .Walters express­ ed their (Sympathy in mild tones that roused the old gentleman to greater fury. ■ “Can a whole family be obliter­ ated and no trace left behind? Is it possible that they’ve been mur­ dered in their beds, servants and ail, and the police not yet aware of itr ’ At ' the mention of murder Archie began steajthily feeling his way along the cigar counter to a water cooler. There seemed to be no escaping from thi Cong- dbns and here was the father’ of Putney boldly publishing to tho whole state of New Hampshire his fear that his son had been murdered. The concentration, of-the hotel money. Archie used as decoy- making love to niece of' agent ient'to meet eccentric Congdon here next day. Now reaiÎ o'n. «witches stolen money’for good atafï upon the transfer of Mr. Congdon'a luggage to his room left the Governor and Archie to manage the removal of their .own effects, to the waiting oar. See-., brook ,and, W,alters obligingly as­ sisted, laughing at Congdon’s'ec­ centricities. ; Seebrook seized tho Governor’s kit bag containing the sixty thou- fiiind dollars and carried it out to thc car. The sight of it in See- brook’s hand gave Archie sensa­ tions of nausea thiit were not re-, lieved by the grin^he detected on the Governor’s face. Within an hour or two at most the subititu- tion a'nd robbery would be discov­ ered and the country would ring with tho demand for their deten­ tion. But thè Governor was car­ rying o.ff the departure with his usu'aI gaiety. It was clear that he had made the most favorable impre'ssion upon Seebrook and Walters; and in the cordial hand­ shaking and expressions of hdpe for future meetings Archie join­ ed with the best spirit .he could muster. A cheery good-by caus­ ed him to look dp. Mi'S's Seebrook with a red rose in her hand waved to him from, her window. As he lifted his cap she drop­ ped the rose with 'a gracefrl sweep of the arm. , "Like the old stage .coach days!” cried the Governor, ap­ plauding Archde’s catch. He jdmped into the machine and Archie scrambled aftér him. Archie’s last impression of the inn was 'the blur of waving hand- Herçhief in Miss Seebrook’s win­ dow. ........, ' ' ‘ "Wc lare /3' success, my boy! marvelously ' CHAPTER VI , When they reached the dining- rpom at ten the next morning they^ foun'd Se&brook and Walters jufit'finishing breakfast. Mias See- . brook was having coffee in her room,-her father explained in 're- ' uponse to Archie's polite inquiri- . -■«I-/ : “We’re hoptrig to got away this afterndon;’’ he continued. “It will take only a few minutes to trans- ' act our businesis when the man I’m waiting for (appears; but he’s an uncertain quantity, and there'’s no telling when' he’ll show up. But we’re having a good time and I shan’t mind another day or two. If only you gentlemen would bear us company I” “Ah, you are very kind 1" said ihe Governor; "but we mus^ re- isume OUT ramble toward the Pa­ cific., We are more or less dated •up for little entertainments on the . way.” \ Seebrook and Walters lingered ' in the office as Archie and the . Governor paid,their account. As ihey waited for their car to^ be sent risund from the garage a jn'achin^drew up and discharged a shorPrwiry, eldery man in a •motor coat that was much too . Jar,ge.ior him. He waa accompa- iiied by an eiiormous amount of. . . J, .. ■ .---. luggage an'd irora thé steps ,of the inn gave orders'ini a high piping . -voice 'as to the manner of its dis' 3)0sal, As the various jiieces %vere hustièd'into ' the offlce hepYou bore yourself enumerated them in an audible, well,” said the Governor, testing tone as though inviting the co- the geara. Ah, that little touch -opcmtion of all the loungers in of the rose was w.orth all our making an inventory of his ef- perils; nothing in my experience ïects. Wheni this had been con- ciuded Seebrook stepped up and accosted the ne\vcomer. "Mr. Congdon, I am very glad to see y o u . I hope you are not worn out b.v your ■drive.” . “Worn out!” .sniapped the little •man. "Do you imagine a run of a hundred miles would fatigue a man of my constitution? I as- was ever prettier than that. A lovely girl; you might do worse if you were not already plighted. If she had come down to say good- by )t would have been much less significant. But the rose, the red, red rose! It wouldn’t be a. bad idea to «tick it in an envelope and ma(il it ito the girl you were' telling me “about—the one who s u r e y o u tliat you ai'e greatly mis- sent you forth to shatter king- taken if you think I am feeling doms. I gues.s that would jostle my age-'. Seventy! And I don’t feel a day over fifty, not '«' day, sir. Rut I shall rest for a few "hours as a precaution, a mero pre­ cautionary measure nhd bo able to meet you for o u r littlo bii.sincss at two-thirty ‘.silmrp.” “That will suit me. perfectly,” replied Seebrook.' Ardhio hung ;about impatiently her a little, particularly if you were to onclo.se a line telling her that it had fallen, to your hand from ¡1 curtained lattice.” “I don’t know hor address,” mumbled Archie. He suggested the danger.s of their situation, thinking thiit would sober tho Governor. But the Governor merely laughed as Avaiting for the Governor to make he swung the car round a sharp his fare.wells to the old lady and , eorner. lier granddaughters on whom he ! "Don’t you believe that I hadn’t ■had expended his .social t a l e n t s j a care for our safe flight! .You at the dance. Mr. Congdon was | must learn to use your eyes, son. quarreling with the clerk over the i 'I'here wvis one of the«brotherhood. l o c a t io 'n 'ni' the mow ho had re-! of the road right there in the of- scrvod. Hiaving fWghtened ’ the i lice when we left. I gave him •clerk into readju.sting the ontire J iustruction.s la.st night. He’s a registration to accommodate him, i sneak thief of considerable intel- ■he demanded to know whether his I'igence Avho gave me the sign as son, Mr, Putney Congdon, wa.s 1 was pretending to leave tor that .stepping in the house. ■ ‘¡‘''■j my old frienti. I smugjgl- Aissured that Mr. Putney Cong-' ed him upstairs to keep watch for the absurd police will be obliged to mako an (arrest to save their reputations he will put bimse'lf In their way and encourage the idea by subtle means that he might have been the m'alefactor who robbed Seebrook’s trunk :and left Leary’s bills behind. .^They will b6 unable to make a case against i'hm but he’ll probably get thirty days for loitering. Then he’ll walk out and draw a thou­ sand doil'ars from one of our Mttle private banks further along the roiid for so chivalrously throwing himself into the breach! I can find you men who will do a yettr’s time to save the men higher up. This satisfies the public as to the zeal of Its paid protectons and m'akes it pos&lble for men of genliis like you and me to walk in 'high places unmolested. A damnable system, Archie, but we learned it from the greedy trust magnates. You. take the wheel; it just ocicuria to me th'at you said you were a fair driver.” ■ CHAPTER VII ■AVith all hlB outward candor the Governor had, Archie found, reserves that were quite unac­ countable. He let f(Jill allusions to his past in the most natural fashlon, with a'n, incidental air that added tb their plaupibllity, without ever tearing laside the veil Ithiit concealed his origin or the mijhner of his fall, if, indeed, a.man ,who so jubilantly boasted of his' crimes Hnd seemod to find an infinite satisfaction and 'de­ light in his turpitude, could be said tp havo fallen. Having men*- tioned Brattleb'oro as the point at which they were to foregather with Red Leary, thc Governor did not refer to the .matter again, but, chose routC(5 and made de­ tours without explanation. It was on the second afternoon out of Cornford that the Gover­ nor suddenly bade Archie, whom he encouraged to drive much of the time, pause at a gate. "We linger here, son. May I suggest ilhat you take youi* cue from me? Bill Wa'lker is an hon­ est dairyman to all intents and purpo(3es, but re'ally an old crook who got tired of dodging sheriiTs and bloodhounds and bought this farm. A sober, industrious fami­ ly man, you will find him, with' a wife and oHe daughter. This is one of the befit stations of the underground railroad: (safe as a mother’s arms, and you will never beiidve you’(re not the favored guest of a week end party. Walk­ er’s iin .old chum lof Leary's.' They used to cut up in ,the most re- •prehensiblè fasM'on out West in oid times. 'You’ve probably wond- erod_what ,becomes of old crooks. W^iïkêr is lof course an unusual specimen, for he knew when the quitting was good, and having salted aWay a nice little fortune accumulated In express holdups, he dwells here In peace and pa&s- es the hat 'at tlie meeting house every Sunday. You may be dead sure that only the aristocracy of our profession have the entree,'at Walker’s. A gpay-bearded man with a pro­ nounced stoop, clad in faded blue overalls, was 'waiting for them at the barn. “,Ju(3t run the machine right in,” he called.' The car disposed of. the Gov­ ernor , introduced Archie as one of his dearest friends, and the hand Archie clasped was undeni­ ably roughened by toil. Walker mumbled a "glad-to-see-ye,” and lazily looked him over. 'I'here was nothing in his speech or manner to (suggest that he had ever been a road agent. He as- sistod 'them in carrying their traps to the house, talking farm­ er f'iishion of the weather, -crops and the stato of the roads. The, house was connected ' with the barn in the usual Now England r:tyle. In the kitchen a girl sang cheerily and hearing her the Gov­ ernor paused and struck an at- ■ *don was not i^inthe inn and hadn’t me and he proved himself a fellow when she sits enthroned uiion si__.. I,I'l" ; ■- ni' M(>r-iflp.r) merit. He’ll be li'ang-jmilking stool. Miss Walkeu«.AW../. . ■ . \ litude. 'fhe girl apiionred at the win­ dow, le.sted her bare arms on the sill and .smilingly saluted them with a cheery "Hello there!” , "Look upon that picture!” ex­ claimed the Goverrtor, seizing Archie’s arm. "In old times up­ on Olympus she was cup-bearer lo thc gods, but here she iis Sally Walker, .and never so charming aa wlien she sits enthroned ujfon the my as you will !” A very pretty picture Miss Walker imule in the kitchen win­ dow, a vivid portrait that im­ mediately enhanced Archie’s jiieasurable sensations in finding a haven that promised rest and security. Her black hair was ,4werii batC< snuoothly from her forehead and there was the glow of perfect health In he'r rounded cheeks, Archie noted her dimpl­ es and the white even teeth that made something noteworthy and memorable 'of her snïile. "Well, Mr. Saulsbury, I’ve read all those book^ ypu sent me, and the candy was the finest I ever tasted,” “She remernbersl Amid all her dome.stio cares, she remembers! My dear lad, the girl is one fn à million!” “You’d think Mr,. Saulsbury was' crazy about me!” ¡she'iaugh- ed. “But he makes the same speeches to every girl he sees, doesn't he, Mr, Oomly?” “Indeed not,” protested Archie, rallylngf bravely to the Governor’s support. He's been ra.vlng, about you for 'daye 'and my only .surprise Is that he so completely failed to give me the faintest idea--Idea "Of your charm, your 1п(й1ГаЬ1е beautyl'* the Governor'supplied, “You'd better chase yourselves into tho ihoufee now or pop'll be peeved at having to wait for you,” On the veranda 'a ball elderly man rose_ from a hammock In which he had been reading a newspaper and sitretched himself. H(.'i3 tann.ed face was deeply lined but he gave the impression of health and vigor, “Leary,” whispered the Gover­ nor In an. aside and immediately introduced him, “'fihe road has been smooth and the sky is high,” said the Gover­ nor in- response to a quick anx­ ious questioning of Leary’s small restless eyes. “Did you find peace in the churches by the way?” asked Leary. , ‘ “In one of the temples w6 found peace and plenty,” answered the Governor as thought reciting from a ritual. Leary nodded and gave a hitch to his trousers. > “You found tho waters of, Cham plain tranquil, and no hawks fol­ lowed the laiiidward passage?” “The robin and/ the bluebird sang over all f.ie road,” he an­ swered; then with a glance at Anjhie: “You gave no warning of the second pilgrim,” “The brother is young and in­ nocent, but I find him an ant pupil,” the Govern'or explainpd, “The brother will learn first the wisd'om of isilence, remarked Lenry, a'nd then а.ч though by an afterthought he shook Archie warmly by the hand, Tney went into the house where Mrs. Wa'lker, a stout middle-aged woman, greeted them .effusively. .“We’ve got to put you both in one room, if yoii don't mind," she expl'ained, "but there’s two beds in it. I gues^ you can make out,” The second floor room to which Walker' led them was plainly but neatly furnished a'nd the windows looked out ujyon roll'ing pastures. The' Governor abandoi/ed his high flown talk and asked blunt ques­ tions as to récent visitors, appar­ ently referring to crimln'als who had Hodged, at the fann. They talked quite openly луЬНе Archie unpacked his bag. The restless activity of the folk of the under­ world, their methods of communi­ cation, and points of rendezyous seemed pa'i t of a vast ..system and he was ashamed of his enormous interest in Я'11 he saw and h e a r d . The Governor’s cool fashion of talking of the world of crime and its denizens almost legitimatized it, made it apjiear a recognized part, of .the''accepted scheme of things, AValker aroused the Gov­ ernor’s deepest interest by telling of tho visit of Pete Barney, a diamond thief, Avho had lately ma.'le a big haul in Chicago, and had been- jia.^sed along from one point of refuge tc 'another. Lenry laptiearc'd и mo.ment later and Archic was about lo leave the rc'fini, l)\'t tho Governor"' insisted st'0”tiy th'it ho remain.' "I'm aii’.’ioub- for you and Red to know that I l.:ust both of you fullv,” "W'-at’.'i the young brother,— a cm'.'”‘asked Leary v.’ith a glance at Archie. , 'Го be referred to as a confi­ dence mtiin( ,by W Igentleman of T,eary’n professional eminence gave .Archie a thrill. The Gov- ei'iror answered by dra'Nvliig' U]i hi,4 sleeve,,s and going through the motions 'of waRhing his 'hands. Tho brushi;ig of (the hands to- '„'uthor Archie interpreted as a code sign signifying murder and the suteequent interchange of words he took to be inquiry and rmaweir as to tho danger of ap­ prehension. He felt that Leary’s attitude ■ toward 'him became There was something ghastly in thc thought that as tho slayer of a human being he attained a cer­ tain dignity in thc eyes of men like Leary. But he became inter- c.sted in tho transaotion that was now .taking place between the thief and the Governor, The Governor extracted the sixty ono- thousand-dollar bills from his bag, and laid them out on the bed. He rapidly expl'ained just how Leary's hidden booty had been recovered, and the manner in which the smaller dénominations had been converted into bills that could be passed without arousing suspicion,Leary philosophically stowed the bills in his clothing. “You're done, are you? asked the Governor; “out of the game?'| “I sure Wave quit the road,' Leary answered. “The old girl ha's' got a few thousands tU'Cked nway and I'm goin' to plck^ her up and buy a motion picture joint or a candy and soda shop acme- where In> the big Inlcea—one of those places th'nt freeze up all winter, so I can have a chance to rest. The old givl has a place In mind. “On the whole it 'doesn't sound exciting,” the Governor comment­ ed, inspecting a clean shirt, “Did your admirable ■wife get rid ■of those pearls she pinched kst winter? They were a handsome string, as I remember, too.hltrld'' some to market (e'adlly, .W№s, Leary has a p'asslon. for precious baubles, Archie," the Govoifnor explained.....A brilliant career in picking up, such trifles; a istar performer. Bed, if you don’t mind my bragging of your wife,” Lear seemed not at all^diaturb- ed by this revel'ation of his wife's larcenous affection for pearls. That a tra.in .robber's wife should be a thief seeme(l perfectly natu­ ral ; iriileed it (seemod quite fitting that thieves should mate with thieves. Archie further gathered that' Mrs, Leary operated In Chicago, under the guise of ,a con- fectioiiied’y shop, one of tho sta­ tions of the iindergi'ound . rail­ road, and assisted the brother­ hood in disposing of their Ill-got­ ten wares. A recent reform wave in Chicago had caused a shake-up in the police ' most disturbing to tho preying powers, “There clean off me, I reckon,’' said Leary a Httlo pathetically, the reference being presumably to the'pestiferous police. “That was a good idea of you for me to go up Into Canada and work at a real job for a while. Muat 'a worked hail'd enoug'h.to cli'angci my linger prints. Some bloke died in, Kansas awhile back and got all the credit for being the old ori­ ginal Red Leary.” This error of the press in r e - cord(ing Lea,ry's death tickled the Governor mightily, and Leary laughed until he was obliged to wipe the tears from his eyes. ■ “I'm going to pull my freight after supper,” .he said. "Walker's goin’ to take me 'into tow:n, and I’ll slip out to Detroit where the old girl’s waitin’ for me," Walker calle<l them to suppeV 'and they went down to a meal that met all thc expectations a- roused by the Governor's boast of thc- Walker cuisine. 'COontinued nex!t ,week)•y. ' . _ CIRCLE MET HERB MESSRS TOMLINSON BUY . . DAVIE CASH .S'l’OUK ]\IC8S'1"S. A. R. and C. li. tdrnlin., soil' have •'purc,hit8(0d the stock ofi goods, fixtures, good will, otc., nf the Davie Cash StorG (and uili continue to conduct the bu.sine.ss' in thc .‘iame.lo'Ciation. Mr, C. J!,, Tomlinson has givon up his po.s^ tion with Sanford Mobaii Cdmpany and will devote his ontli;6 time to supplying thlia bommunilj; win, the very bcsit to be hnd'1ii ,tlic line of groceries. See their ii'Uverti.se. ments in this Jasue ,bf Davie county's newspipeir. NEW tABORA'rOilY StT»FLHJS; Miich ww 'and mod^iijl i>(iuip. ment ha's been bought .,fbr tiu- l(aiboratory of M'Ockriv^iile Hij.rli School, 'rhia includes iliHiilhicaU^. glass ware, an , an\i;iir llini;. (£nd a stool for each dilsk'.' 'I^lie'iSicIenei:' situdents appi’eci'flite vaiy much the new (equipro6(rtt, ¡as ll'ivlli aid them In .their future work iliiring the entire year. CANA NEWS The ace Clifford Circle of the Baptisit church met with Mrs. John LeGrand on Tuesday (aftea’- noon. The 'devotionals were ip charge of Miiss Jessie W'aff, and Mil3. Lester Martin read tan in- teri’stlng j.iirticle .on the Ruby An­ niversary. 'Mrs. LeGrand con­ duct e'd tWe lo.sspn in the Mi.iision study ,book. Coffee with whipped cream and cookies were seirved.' Thoso prsseint be^'iides the hostess were: Mesdames Lester M'artin, E. C. Choate, Misses Hazel Baity, Leah Willis, Clayton Brown, Jes- I sie Wi.iff. TOB/^CO se lls“ AT 21.-I Cts. » MIs8( NoMIe t^iicller ei Intermediia,te gbftdes in itli&’,;i((ciiool. Were, wient -fco' her jlitimili neajp M'arton', N. C., hvat T liirMli:-' in. геад:Ь(П'Яе to л totegitaim Wttlt her father wii'si crltlcaUy^ 111. Mr., Ш'Л'Й'З died 'later and 'MlAs liwi'ri». has’noit yet iieturnod to 'her work, hero. Mrs. Amiind« Oolletit 1й' still, confined t<> h'tir bed as a I'tiiUlt of a fall about a Week' ago; ‘Me'iidiamee R. W. Collett dind J. Minor went to'.Elkin "on -l'uliieitlay of l|aet week to at,tend ilie fune­ ral of Mra. M'arsha'li Bai|ey, who. died 'at her home liheie blirly Monday mo'niiing. Mrs. J. B.'fcain went to VVi'iva- ton-Salem' las tSaturday to visit . the family of her, broth'dr, Rlr. John A. NHiylior -vyWcse nei>liow and niece, Mir. Stephen and Miss Cliuir Pleasant, were l'n'Jured In Kin automobiler accident near Gibson, ville, N. C., on Sunday, Obt. 'iOlli. Mi-is. Emma Pope has returned home after 'a m'Ciiiths vi.Siit wilh her son, Mr. J. D. Pope, at Statov villo, N. C. A liairgo congregation was puv aent lat prayer meeting at D)!i,lon’.i church last Sunday ■ night and heard; a splendid talk by Mr. Hay T. Moore from the scripture “Aiul «'■hosocver shall compel tlieo'tO' go a mile, 'go w'ith him twain.” М'Г. and Mi^a. R. W. Collett« and children, land M'l'. J.' A. Stone- •itroet visl'te'd rellntlve«,'in Win- ,?ton'-Salem, last Sunday. . 4 The November meeting of tiie Woman’s Mis.4ronary Society will be held at ,the chuirch on next Sunday at 6:30 p. m. The Sun- beams are asked to meet at itlii‘ same time and plnlce. Farmers in tlilla neighborhood hinve fi(nishecl .sowing their lii’aiii and aro busy picking cotton tind gatherin'g com. - *' »■■'* ■*'* • • * GLfeNN , * * Veterinnrian * * MOCKSyiLLp, N. C. • * Phones: .. '' '•21 Harris-LeGrand Pharmacy’ * 30 residence , * .* » * », » -It * If Not? Why Not? * Come to the AMEailCAN LUNCH CAFL '* ' Home m'ade cooking * . .of' all "kinds * Fresh Pies Daily * J. L.'WARD’* • * * * , ■» » •»• . Win.ston-Salsm, Nov. 9.—Tobac­ co i''n the Winsíton-Salem leaf I nrni ket continued' to avci-fage al- i most tw'enty-fivo cents ii pound yt.-l.ordny when .‘г total of .i)T--l.- 720 I’tounds were jwictifned oil' tliQ !• iim inf ЗЧЯЗ,.')''1б.58, giving :,гп a;vcr:if,3' of §2-1.4i per hundined rounds. , J. N. I.) A MRS IbÆ’w ATER- MELLON FOR DLNNER Mr..J.'N. T,i,'imes v/as in to see us, 'Pueisciiay 'aimd iinforraed u,--, that h'C (had ju^st h,ad a nice wat';,i.''mel- I'on which he found while clean- ( ing ofi' hi.s 'i-'iirden'. Мг:‘. Ijames ! ,','iys it ''\\'('i.‘fy 'a nice onn la.nd 'Was ' just !;-.4 good as 'could he. lie did ivnt b riiv;; usiln p i c c o of it. » ■:« .Jf ■* -i- USE SAMPSON’S * HOT DROPS * for col'ds, llu, I'iigrippo, cat- '* arnh, nervousness arid stom- * .'"^ ach trouble, * A. F, CAMPBELL & H, S. .WALKER, UNDERTAKERS ^ , A complete line of factory^ and hand-made Caskets. ^ Motor Hearse and an E'-'«' ^ pert Embalmer at your ^ Service MOCKSVILLE, N, C. Also J. J, Starrett’s Mocksville, Rt. 1. ^ * Day Phone ..........................., Night Phone — — f»' f # 1 «-Ч I TIRES A-r WHOLESALE , Save the Middleman’s Profit on . Guaranteed Tiros 30x3% Cords ...........................'¿"'I 30X3V2 Cooper Cords ............ 80x31/2 Cooper OS Cords.......J»'" 20x4.40 Balloon Cord.s ......... 29x4.40 Cooper Balloons R0I3ERTS hardware COMPANY Four Stores in Winston-^Io"' * » ♦ S. A, HARDING. M. ,. ‘i- Sanford Buildini; , * Mociisville, N. C. , * Oflice phone 162. * * Residence phone — ■— ' ♦ * Oflice hours: 8 to 9:30 a. ' , * ’■ 1 to 2:30 p. "'■, * * * * * 9 * LET US DEVOUR ,«OBy ~\VE KNO'W HO.AV, THE ENTERPRISE TS RE.AB BY THE DAVIE COUNTY PEOPLE—ADVERTISE WHERE ADVERTISING PAYS, Mocksville TRU'I’H, HONESTY OF PURPOSE AND UNTIRING FIDELITY TO OUR COUNTY AND OUR FLAG IS OUR AIM AND PURPQSE VOL, 49 MOCKSVILLE, Ni-C.j THURSDAY, NOV. 17, 1927.No. 61 MRS. HANES PASSED AWAY * AT HER HOME HERE NOVEMBER 11 Mrs. Sallie Clemeait Booe Hanes widow (of the late Philip Hane.s, died at hor home here 'on Friday, Nov. 11th, after a seirious illness of five Veeks. The passing lawa'y of this greatly beloved and high- l.V( es'teemeki lady ¡has 'brought '.grc|at soiriiow ntot ionly to her family circle, but to 'her .host of friends both here'and throughout the State. She wa,s( a member of a promiment family, being the daughteir" of Aiexa'nider Martin Booe and Mrs. Sln:rah Clement Booe, and' was born Nov. 5, 1857. She was educated'at the Thomas­ ville Seniin’ary ' and St. Mary’s College in Raleigh. When ■ a j’oung girl she united with the oliurch, and alwa.vs lived a beau­ tiful Christian life. Sho wn« marrie'd on February 7th, 1878 to M(r. Philii) H'anes of Davie 'coun­ ty, (and tihi'.s( har.ipy uiKioii' Iwfas blessed with eight children, f'x of whom survive. After living in Davie count,,y for a 'number of .year.s, IVIr, and Mi\s, Hane.s moved to Winston, where thoy resided fo)' tw,elve yei;ira, Mr. Hanes and( hi'.»( broihe'rs being prominent to- Uiicco ' manufacturers. In 1901 the family returned to Mocksville to live, building a beautiful home on the site of “Oakland,” the old Booe homesteaid. Mr. Hanes di-fd in Jrarch, 190,T, ,liis sad (ieath being a great loss iKot only to his fli'iniliy, but (to the pntiro com­ munity, A li'ttln d.'iM.ifhlcr, Jla.i!' gio^Aiini.'H, died in inl'ai)'C.v. an.i' a splendid young >oii, .lohn Clement lianos, a Woi'ld War .soldier, died ill 1920. JIr.s. llanos v.'a.= a faith­ ful me.niber of the M'jtho'ilist cliurch, and also of the Order of the Dii.stern Star. She was <iùiet aiiid uivas.niniing in '!:er nuinnor, but lier wiiirni heart fouivd a place for many friends, t'O whom he:' hosjii'tabli! liomo was alwav(s open. Truly "he,r way.a were ■ways of ploasi.initness and all hor patlis were peace,” her h'an.:l «'a,-, wl- ways stretciied out to help those in distrRS'S, and she was very ■charitable in iher judi>monts of others. Surviving aro tho fol­ lowing 'children: Mrs, R, D. C<mno(r, ;df Chaiiel Hill: Sponsor B. HaniE's,'of Wiiiist'nn-Salem : Mrs. E. W. Ci'ow, of Monrof.; Mrs. J. Frank Clement, of Mocksville; P. Fri:ink, Hanes, of WiXlkertown'; ancl Mrs. T. .A. Stone, of Mocks- ville. There aro ten grand-child­ ren,''and three sister.s, Mes. Wil­ liam Miller, Mrs. William W(Ood- ruff, an!d( Mi&.s, Ruth Bo're, all of Mocksville. A brother, Mr. Philip Booe of Walkertown, died several lyeara ago. The funeral, which . wi9.« one of the most largely lat- t'ended' evc(v held ihere, was con- du,cted at tho home om, Satunil'ay afkirnotan,' Nov, 12th. Rev. R. S. Howie, pa.stor of the deceased of­ ficiating, a.^si'sted by Rev, W. L. Sheirrill, of C'liarlotte, a former pastor. The h.ymns used' v/ere "Abide 'With Me,” and "Asleep in Jesus,” while Int the cemetery tho choir sang softly "Now the-Light »f 'Day.'” Hundreds of ifriend.'^i from tills place and many distant towns W'ore present to nay their tribute re.spect to this noble woman, 'rhe pall-bearers wore; P. II, Hanes, Alex Hanes, James G. Hanes, Robert Woodruff, Philip, Booe, Fici'iiik Sain, Norman Cle­ ment, and' Henry Dwire. A num­ ber of lyou n y. lad.ies 'actcd as flower-boarers. Tho profusion of beautiful floral desi.inis formed a voritablo carpet on tho family plct in tho Ro.ïc Ceceto'.y where the intermeirt took place. Wo oxtenri louir heartfcilt s.vmpathy to tho sorrowing i<aniily in Uieir deep ; bencaveniont. .‘Vinong the rolativiîi, | and friends from a (distance wlm atteiTiled the funeral.,wore : ¡Mr. a'li.d Mrs. R. D. W. Connor, of Chapol Hill, Mr, and Mrs. R. W. C)-o\v, Jano Crow, Edward Crow, Jr.,'Mrs. Henry Crow. Mr. iRobcrt Crow, of Monroe, Mr. and Mrs, Spencer B. Hanes, Claire Lock- 'hla.nt -Hanies, Sjiencer Hanes, Jr., Mr.'i9n:d‘ Mra. Frank Hanes and Frank Hanie.S', Jr., Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Clement, Mr. W. N. Poin- dejxter, N. S. Poindexter, Miiis LuriIo Booe, I^hilip B on o , of Walkeditown. 'Sullivan Boue, of A(shev:ille, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. - Sliorrill, Mr, and Mr.'='.. Price Sherrill, of Mt. Ulla, Mrs. Herbert Birdsall, of Miooresville, Mr.'iind ' IF WE COULD ONLY ^ REALIZE « A BISHOP TO THE DEFENSE * (By J. F, Leach) Last Fridfiy', November the * eloveinth. Armistice Day, ,at ■* * eleven o’clock луе closed our '*■ '* d'ooirs for remainder 'of the * * day to celebrate the giieatest * ■* day of all days to u'.s'. The * * entire force was at play the .* rest of the day, some went * * rabbit hunting, s'ome to Win- '* * ston-Slclem and elsewhere, * i * while the mind, heart and * j * thoughts of the editor went * * back to France, where he was '“' * nine yoars ago on that day. '* * He could think of nothing ex- * I * cept the gi'1'.ind and glorious I * thoughts of the day nine * ' * years ago., Recalling all thc '* * il'apponin'gs of the day by re- '* * ferring back to his note book ■*' '*' of the arnvy days, 'putting '* him.self back with his (Com- * (rads of tho kaki pants and * stool h'elmets. The 'day, wnis * indeed, to him a grand day, ■* ; * the greatest 'of all days — '* ; * therefore our entire force was * ' ■* giveii six hours to celebrate * 1'П'. ,» * T^O' t^’e men who 'iwent * oveir there” this day means * the woidd to them, and no * words can express-their feel- ing 'When they rocrived the word to "c'caiflo fireing,” and, * .lhat the w a r was o v e r . It was indoerl'a irreat day for us. * Ami wo .“hall celebrate this * ili'.’v as long as wo live. Wc * cannot fioe why our govprn- * * mont doo.a not desiirnato it to * a h'olid.'iy. Poo.s tho miblic. '■* i'n' gonerml dif'C'flgar.d it, I'niid * * |iii-.4 it ui) wilhout duo con- '* •» sulor.ntion. Ifdw.can it bo * •*' done'? 'JV'ero is no man that * was "'C'ver 'fhere” who cnn not rp-inember how happy he * wa.“ m'"('V> nn this occ/i.oinn, '* РЧ thr» thoughts icame to him th^i't "wn wl’l get to (go homo '* * now.” Oil. Amoric:;ins where '- ■’* nre \y«'. what are wo I'nlni' * ■* t o do for tho men wh'o^ -failed * to retii'i'n. Can ^ve not sel * я dav for (hem,- * »*.»»»*•»*» BIG TIME AT COURTHOUSE The Jr. 0. y ,. A. M. and thc'( P. 0. S. of A. presents tho Mocks­ villo Comedy Four in a now play at the court house Saturday iniight Nov. 19th ,at 8 p. m. Featuring: W, F. Stonestreet, tet vi'dlin; J. C. Fi'ye, 2nld violin; Harvey Potts, Hawaiian guitar; Odell Foster, straight* guitar; male qua.rtE(tts,.coon songs, mono­ logues, fiun g'aloi-e. 'fwo bl|ack face acts. Admission. 25 and 35 cents. If (you miss this show, you will regret It, LINDY SETS RECORD I To say ugly thlii'gs about 'bh^i young ipeople of the country, seems ' to be (the prevailing style among preachers, .teacners, publicists and I others. We hoar eveii'ywhere ,tnat the young people a^e not what they used to,be. 'I'hey say they are arinking, smokur.g, growing dareless in their morals land generally heaided towards tne jumping off place. 'I'ome and again this paper has spoken lout to the effect that iln its' humble opm'lon the youivg 'generabion, both male and female, j is fundamonitally at htlart as (siound, on even sounder, thiaiu was the i young gene'i'ation of 25 years ago. From time to time 'luiso others who have watched young people and kept in close touch with the'ir lives, have expre/ssed themseJves to the siame effect, it isi perfectly natural with one, laa 'he grows older, to begin bo look backwiard to t'he good old. days, 'fhey were ,the best, of course, thos'ei older onies (niatud'ally thank, and everything that is clift’erent from what it w a s in those "good old days” is all wrong and out'Of hai.mony with good sense land common decency. ^However, now liind then we isiee ono who has passed uip many winters, but wiho h'as used his brain and his powers lof observation in the meaditlme, W'ho is bold to.'assert that everythrng, includ'ing the young people, ‘has not gone to thc bad merely because different from things a few det- cades ago. Such la, pension is Bishop Edwaid, Rondthaler, of Winston- Sa'lem, htiiid of the Moravian Church of this state. ' Ho made» ex­ pression last week In defense of tho modem youth in no uncertain terms. He set« hope in .the young gonem'tiiOn, and as' U 'clincher here comes the Charlotte Observer editorially agreeing with the Bishop. And since 'SO few 'ileal authorities 'speak out In .this wise, we quote tlVa' Observer as it comments on the Bishop's statement. Says the Observer: "Bishop Edward Rondthaiier, the beloved evangel of tho Mora­ vian Church, '»o.uivds a hopeful niote for tho youth of today. Tho bishop has been long )a worker in the field and, he lias made close observations of tho tren(d of the' times. He Ivas seen' evidence which induces him to stand out from the ranks 'of those who would maintain that the world Is' growing worse, for ho finds that both the younger people laijd. tho older folks arc improving in morals. The young meui, lie declares, aro 50 Ipor cent 'i^oberer tlian they .were when he first began his ministries rh, this section, while ho 'is now fiaeed at his Bibio clai?,scs by 20 mon to every one (he 'was able to drum up 111 former years. Nor is the automobile altogether tho devil’s agency some are inclined to rogiird it. He finds that they .a greater capacity for good than for evil. 'It Is tho Wicked men and a few -wicked woriun into whose hands thoy fall that bring upon them the oiily rcinoach lii which they aro subjected. Hishoi) Ro'tad'thalcr even finds a good word too for the moving picturc. It i.s only for thu patrons to (ixercis'e discriniliiatlan and refuse to patronize the'salacious production.s—^aivdtl.o movlivg picture (reporto- If'o would be soon purged. “The ObsorvE'r i,? inclined to stand by the bishop in his defense .i. * ....o, of'the young mon of .today. While the pitfalLs. around them may'havemMca per hour, made only .jinni S. Smith, iof Raloigh,'Jlk a'n^^ multip:(;e'd, the modern youth ha;;, exhibited a determi'wation to 'steer last Saituii'day over the Schneider John Sterlim? nnd Mim Mat- Mitchol Field, N. Y., Nov, 12.— Col. „Charles A. Lindbergh 'hung u.p another record today by es­ tablishing the phenomenal time of three hour,'= .ind twieulty minutes iini flying the GOOrmile direct ¡ai'r- plane distance from Selfrldge field, Debr'oit, to Mitchel field. Lindbergh made a brief stoji at Teterboro, N. J., len route, t'o in­ quiry about tho condition of his precious transatlantic monoi>lano, Sriirlt of St. Louis, The flying time from Detroit to Teterb'oro, two hours and forty-four minutos,, also was a record for that course, Mltchcl field officers said, LIEUTENANT WILLIAMS FLIES 5 MILES A MINUTE WILLIAM H. SMITH PASSES AWAY William , Herbert Smith, well- known citizejv of Mocksville, die(di on Monday, Nov. 14th, at the homo of „his daughter, Mrs'.'C. M, Mc>- Kinneiy in Farmlnigton, aftar_.'a brief illness,. He was the son of; William Osborn Smith and Mrs. Mel vi nal MacMaiHani Smith, and was one of nine children.. He joined . the Methodist cljurch at Wesley’s Chapel In young man- hpoid, later moving his membcr- siiip to the church in Mocksville. Ho W’as married to Miss Rose. Sterling 'on Sept, 7th, 1898, andi six children were born to them, three little (daugihters dying in in- fanlcy, His'wife died in 1923, anil his surviving children are Mi’s. C, M, McKinney, M'ary Luna Smith, W'iio Is («t the Oxford Or- phania(BO, and William SterlinK Smith, a student at the A. 'and .E, .Coidege, Raleigh. I'wo sisters and' one brother, a'lso ,'ard left, they being Mrs, Camilla, Atkinson, of Crewe, Va., Mrs. '1'. H; Bairber, of Fort Mill, S. C., an'd H/armon ■H. Smith, lof Qrainite 'FallB'.' Tlie dccCK'scd had' many friends hore, who will regret I'nis ipassing ,away, and who S(,vmpathi?ie' with, the ,be­ reaved relatives in their (Sorrow. Funeral se.rvices were conductcd, at Farmin'gton by his piiurtor, Rev. R. S. Howie, and the burial (took pl^iicc hero at the Rose ce'inetery, the beautiful rituiad. of the Maso­ nic Qrder being used. The pall- boiirers Were: J..L. Sheek, Marvin Waters, Sam Stonestreet, Pii'iof. Young, C. H. 'Pomlinson, and Roy Holthouser. There \yere ' many bdn'Uitifiil''florar ulcaiginis, 'ii'iiiti a large number of friun,d'S' wore in Now Y(0(r'k, Nov. G.—A new un'- ofiicial world's liiiirplane speed ‘re­ cord of 322.G miles per hour, or 5.37 miles per minute, wa,.s estab­ lished today by Lieutenant Alford J, William.s; U. S. N„ at Mitchell Field. This cMtraordimiry speed wa's attn.i:n;ed in Ws liatendklM e^'^nongl!^ rrcon.stiructlon, of the plain built out-of-town wore: Mrs. T, H, Bar- far him t.o fly iri .the Schneider I,^ s. c.;Mrs,- Citim- , / ilia Atkinson, of Crewe, Va., II. His record diir,placed s, record of h . Smitih, of Granite Falls; Wll- NEW YORK-NEW JERSEY TUNNEL IS COMPLE'FED Now ’York, Nov. 12.—The n v w ff48,000,000 Holknd tunnel —!a( pubmiarino boulevard li'nking New York and Jen-ey City undar the Hudson—was formally openeid' to­ day with elaborate ceiemonies on both aides of thiei river. At a teiegraiphcd signal from President Coolidge, flags draped across the tube openings were dropped and eleven yemrs of labor had endti.i'. Thousands who hadi gathered for the ceremonies in Jersey 'City trooped through the big tubes, preceded by the widows of twe engine'e'rs who died be­ fore their W'c.rk oy, the tunnel was completed. . At 'one minute after midnight tonight tlie tunnel will be opened to commercial traffic, an event bringing (rioalization of thedrea.ms of C liiT o ré 11. Holland, its deiign- er, who died in 1923. Governor Smith, of New York, Govorn'or Moore, of Ne'\‘v Jerse.v, sovci’i.'il conigii'éssmedi tal'-Hd 130 mai,v- ors, to.ok part in the pi'ogiiam at the Jersey City terminus. Mayor Walker and officials of tho tunnel commi.s=‘ion condiictod ceremoni­ es on tho Now" York side. cl'ii.^'r frcm them. If aii'.vthfii'g, he is more courageous, more manly than the' yiouth of the pinst generation. Tliialt he is smarter is de­ veloped. in evidence 'all around, chiefly in the dominating p'ait he is (i;.i>;',ng ,in piiofeS'Siional, 'industrial 'and !c:o m m en fm il Icaciers'hi'ip. It is the young maiviwho is, coming into dominance of the business ir.itere(=its of the country, 'rhe charaeteri'.stics of (sihiftlessness 'has ciilmicist di.“;apiieared from tho (ranks of the youtlr .of todiiy and the. commendation given him by Pishop Roiriithaler I51 very much more (lesed'vod than the character (of criticism to whl.di he is commonly subjected. The' hand that helps, rather than the ha'nd that slaps, is the hand they 'have been needing. It is the haind of this sort Bishop Ronthiailer is 'alwarys extending, ■n'ot only t.o the young men aiKl women, but to humamity in gent(ral—and that Is one rciisan '^vhy ::!ll people love him.” LARGER PAYROLL NEEDED Statesville Is ^to get (,a «new industry sioon—^a silk tapestry mill —'according to a recent news dispatch. The new’ indu.stry was land- ■e'tl by special leffort on the pant of the citizenship of the .city, they h'iiving interested a Now England manufacturo!'. And. just sueh eff.orts Imre needed in thi,s town. We h¡ave (grown to what we are today in spite of our.se'lves islnid' with very littlo effort, ion the ¡part of the average citizen of Mocksville. Bu-j; the time has come when like businesji generalliy, the to'\yn which lands new manufacturing industries mustipfiss its plate. We need other manufacturing in- duFtriqs that 'our greiatest need m'.ny be supplie'il—a larger weekly payroll. The ,town i,fi gnowing, a'lid will eointinue to grow anyhow, but the coming of a large new cotton mill or ,silk mUl, 'or fu'rnltu'i'e factory, 'or some ether big industry, ■W'ou'.ld give Mo,cksville a send off which wou'ld be refreshing. ------------------0------------------ iíAW, BUT SANE , Mr:-,. Honry Kelly, Jlrs. Tod Jlil- ler, of T»iylorsvill&, Dr. «nd Mr.s. S, W. Hurdle, Mrs. John Hanes, Mr. and Tilrs. P. H. Hanes, Mis.s l\L;-niio Dwire, 1>. and Mrs. S..D. Craig, Alex Hane.s, Jas. Hanes,, Henry Dwire, of Winstoii-.Salem, Mrs. 'Robert La.^siter, 'of Char­ lotte, I^Irs. John Schoolfield, of DiMiviMe, 'Frank Sloi.'in, ,'of Aibe-, ,ma(4'lc',.;1»cv. W. L.. Sherrill, iof Charlrtte, Me". , and Mrs. R. C. Kelly, of Greeiisboro, Jlr, and Mrs. J'ohn Aispaivgih,, iMr. |',i(nd JIi'',s'. Tom Allen, Mrs.', C. C. Tnm[Tl!Tns,' Mi’ss Eva- Co|ington, of Salem College', , Mrs.') Jason Rfird, Mrs. Frank' Bahnnin, Mi's. J. C. Troutman. 'Jir. a',ird Mra. B'.rxter Moore, Misses Annie Gass, Lillie 'Smith, Rubv Clodfollow, jMr,s. Cora Brown,'l\Ir. and. l^Irs. Rioks, R. D. Shore, Slessi's. Mot- s')’.(’;er and Braswell, 'and m.my others, of Win.“ton-Salom, Quoting the Monroe Journal, tho Cleveland Star makes a ver.y fil:i,nk 'admission, which ma.ny other new,“papers •would make were they to. tuiin loose a'nd ifiiieak wha,t they really believe. Listen:- “Like The Monrce Journa'l this paper ,on .occasions cannot help but wonder if ,the Democrats aro not goiiitf tlvroiigh 'with (a lot of u.sele.“« ballyhoo'and arifumcdit over presklentin.l candidates. The Jünrnal, not drop7>ing'a whit 'pf its pvity loyalty, sees very littlo (hope for a Democratic iivro.sidcnt, be he Al Smith or 'some othor ca.rllldate. Thii paper lik'twiso cani see no glowing prosjiects, so few havo been the T)pmncii;iti,c presiden.ts, when the 'long interval be­ tween ele'ctionisi is .tiaken up with internai party W(|iaiv!iiing as tn w. will b tho best candidate. Still we argue—there must be so ideasiwe in it.” ‘ cup courso at Lido, Venice, by (i“ stVrUnirof Wlnsto^^Major ile J5'M‘narcb, -who ■won the _________________:__ cup 192C. And the. Major, SALES AGAIN GO BEYOND knoc.ked ovar tho r e c o r d lof 288 miles r.'or hour .set lonly six, weeks ago by Lieutenant We'bater, of MILLION ON LEAF MARKET WiniatM-Salem, Nov. EnglUTid, in winning the Schneid- other tremen'Jous sale cr 'cup this year.' ' ' - — . (<*>..................................... NOT HIS BODY. MAN DECLARES Little R'O'ck,' Ark. Nov. 8.— Standing at ici bier the Tvorld' be­ lieved his own and gazing at a body tiVat hnd bee/n identified by, his son as that of his father, George Da]^, G8, Little Rock fish­ erman', to!li;i,y exploded 'a theory thsit he had beon murdered and his body thrown in .the Arkansa's River. “I :do nto know who it is ganitlemen, but it Is not me,” Dale told a ;sliartled crowd that had fdlio-ived him from tho stre'et into ((he undertakin'g establish­ ment. ■ MISS VIKING SUFFERS 3rd ACCIDENT IN THIS STATE The Towel City Nows is the latest addition to North Carolina’s liist of weekly newspapers. ' It is iiubli.i,hed at Ivannn'apolis by John Bea.sloy and Todd H. Caldwell, V/e hia.ve 'fast week’s issue on our desk, and .it looks good. The publisher'ought to find a fine field for their splendid, paper at Kannaipolis, ^uid the Enterprise extends best wishes to them in their now enterprise. > Kannapolis is a go'od town. It hn,'s a bright future before it. Bu.sine.ss thero should be simply able to support a good newspaper, .'.md certainly'there aro onoufefi readers jn that city and sectioii. ---------;—^-----0-----^------------- Five years term m:a:iiriages, with option .of renewal, are 'ad­ vocated by a California 'judge. Well, th'at*'Inisures the "nrarried” vote for him. ' .■ ' -X- ■» * ■ Ships are ito be buMt which w ill 'CVoHs tho ocean in four clays. Socsm like th e richest .of men -sJioulcl bo able to got along, w ith theiii wivjcs for that I'eingth of tim e. ( -X* -X- * • - .... , The anticipated slump in the rag busine.ss will be '.bi;!(s/iiili|';'dl ,nbijut, it is predicted, because men todny are wearing their'clot lea to( long and the women too fehort. . , Concoiid, Nov. 12.—Miss Von^- ecil Vikin,7, chief chairacter in 'a 4,000 mi:.fi horsnhack jaunt from Now Yq.ì% to Oalifoi'iilfl,,' ¡¡g. re­ covering at a local hotel tonight from painful injuries received this afternoon whon her horse fell on hc(r ju'et north of Concord. Ci'owdod from the highway by tho heavy Saturdn'y auto traffic "B'l oadw'ay,” Miss Viking’s mount was for.:ed into a pitoh by the s:':ld of the road and fni tho fit'll sho fell under the horse. ' Sho hud previou'.-ly suifsred two iicci.'li'nts since entering No'i'tn Carolina, ono at GicKiì.4bo>bAiff>tì tho 'other at Salisbury. DAVIE F.\RMERS РЛ LIBERTY WAUEfi ':(C' --------------- i W. A. oRlurts, 0. L. F/ i'k?.y, Dave Ponningtop,; Mu,die Whitaii- ev , iien Rutledffc; -j,;. .fl. Peeble.-', Rom, Fo.ster, ;Flo,vd:.,.Mitfiht'!’l, ДГг. Kich.n'd.son, R. L, Smoot, A. 0. Beck, J. G. Gregory, I. G. Roberts, W. C. Lath 11ns H 16.—An-, featured yestoriday’s activities on the, local leaf tobacc9 market, 1,2'T1,854 ' pounds of tbljiiicco being 'sold for $319,()(iC,66, or an averaige of $25.13 u hundred pou'Wls, This was, th>e( second * 'largest diay’s sale of (the yca'r, belnig 'only a few thousand iiounds' beneath' the recond break establishod' last; Monda.v, , A(p the leverage, ind'icatcis, th'», mairket lU'malnoirl firm, beneath the' heaAiy sales. Much'gcqd tobacco Wf.ia offered and'competition be-- tween buo'era was aietive, Abvut an average .fa'le is predicted for tom'orrow. Wareihousem'en do not exnoct mo'i'e than (.i million pounds, tobe s'old. ' . . : , . I WATER LOOKS COLD , SO WOMAN ABANDONS ' PLANNED SUICIDE Pi-.iltimore, Md. .Nov. 12.—"Be- ciiuse th.e, water looked too cold,” M, ',s. Mliiiiie Rlsik changed her mind at ,t'he last 'minute today after she had resolved to end hei*' life in, the harbor. Her !u(sbair.!:l,,fwJ'óseph, 'asserted that.ii'o l’eiittY-Hod''homo to find « note tellin№»infY.-,,b.eV(( tiygolvo .an'd indicating tht>n'«'icii'ai<.'j".Bot where her 'b'6dy coi(l'd''btì''fóund. : ; - Airt'cV f(!i'Mi1,iciVly •I" - notif.yihg' pcliHoi' he hilV/ied ‘'<foward . the il!( rf>oi'. 7!Ìi'''yi/ÌMi‘'oìl!y^t-ii moet his;- wifé'H'aitui'ninff.vKK , Laughing für tho first timo ii? month’!l}”''itiàili!’:‘(M,'ld;"Mr,s'. Risik in- foriilecP liflHl’HiWiit "the water look- sd too cold.” ' . . > TOBACCO SFLLS . WELI. AT TAYLOR'S Taylor's Warehou.se i.s a gooif place to sell .уоП'Г tobacco,. Let Paul -Taylor assist ,vou in the- m'arketing of your crop. They hiavt an .ad in this isswc, d-oad ïL 'Per school house Slaturday^-i . , ,,,í?':¡?,vybtídy nd have,,,a,i,gfioc\„ttni(). ar.v—"Ves give, у Oli; lip i ‘^ays“It i.s botter to give than to, ,tn ,ii loommatc, , ! i loaii r i lì,! 'Г. ÍT ' I'f I I iiI li I'ri 'I 1 ili! b' biji f : ', ) , т м и ifek. Pncc 2 THE MOCKSVH.I.E ENTERPRISE. MOCKSVILLE. N. C.Thiirs:by. N<jvember 17, Ui27 a r ш : tt:. Я id M li ii ■ № ..В': ■.-в.:!в’.1в:в;гв:;;||:::в:::«з в:;b :::b ;,b -,b ,; * :b ::b „b ¿ ^' TAYLOR’S WAREHOUSE Is Selling Tobacco H igh E very D ay Some of the Sales Made for our Customers last week: я 8 В Я в а яв а Qр в вве J. 1 •3-50 С.2 00 Slaug-htrT Г>!??;*70 К. W. Л1:ы1 _-311 -ilo i iv r-чС- ut 70 J.Í СО ■39 •31 G. С. Tiillle Г)2 45 100 50 PAUL TAYLOR i I;, ■~’0 4ii OO59 Si3í Búkír 200 234 D. E. Ib i ií‘0 150 Льс-Ьс-п i 140 ÍO 44 50 o? 47 50 anni 40 50 2í0 1 '3*3 АгГ’Лг, 00 H{'íC i £: С^ая';-? 102 H. Gib-v- 2 -á о 55 F . E. C orion í^t;2 40 242 40.“V лO-ü O i Vonr Friend? E. D. 5IATTHEWS J. H. PAYNE в Шm в¡sn R В ВЁs a H B B H B ■ B B B B Mrj. G. urh'.i'r. I>ortilh.v. :ind L. b;i.ki’y .'iTid c-’.iidri'n, SuiiCiiv аЛегп''оп ivith 31;î. C. L,Mr. c. c. Loni; ЕГ'Г Mt. Л. 'W. V>'-. íi í-ní :ii tÎH-' beâ- .-iàe 0Í '.iie iorrii*!-> br(1îh■,■.^ Mr. C. Г.. Lc>n'.:r a: Fisrmini-'tnri. Mr. Л. K. W eilm an n tu rn ed lo ' Со;1с-?тее Sunday ;iíler .«¡'enitiní-' ".h-e •o.'i#' -'Vf-c-V. "vííh home зо1л?. 3ir. w ;:;;í oí w uteí- b'0:0 v.'.ûÿ Й .S-jn.iíiy vifií'or here. Th;-ro ví'í;] bf- a Thsnkipivinc- rir.;-:y rho í;-h:''l hou-^ =• hí'ie S::;;r^.iy nich^ Xov. lí'í.h. Гг? : rr.;4-;vU -iviì, Of for !'p::eñi o>f BLANCHE RING Noted Star oí Ш е Stage writes; Í,V:>.iv ií í::vitírri PINO NEW; O or r ; - - U'. V.-, IV • o;: .:-.V0'.¡nT oi hiV':- brot’-;çr ñr-: úppoinl- jry. FULTON ITEMS Kev. W. В. Thenipson filk'd his appoiníincnl h-i-rtì í^unday. '\\ e F.ARMLNGTON NEWS Mi.^í Dorcúh íained Û ri’jr-ib'-T CharioT'.e. The F;eid Tria¡]J.'i Norrjr],çlon enter-1 rhi5 wt-r):. The Рьгепт-Т-ейслег ' v',:' her 3‘riends !As,-r i.re verv pl:id "o have Mr. Thorap- S.aturd.!.y cvenini: i-eiebrij-tinir ¿on bsik for anther year. We ' ’ " VTjsh him every Mr. and Mr?. WiiHam Vaupha oi Wir.slon-Sak'm \isiited Jlr. and HT5. Hiram Jar\is Sutiday. Missis Beulah Frye and Hazel Bailey WI Cooietro« spent the week en«i «iih Mir. and Mrs. Geo. Frj-e. Messrs Lester Young: land Clar­ ence Livengood Bind Mias'«s Pan- thv Lanier and Iva Stewart spent Sundayi evening at High Point, i^isitiiiS Mr. and Miii. Baxter ileiidrix. Mr. and Ji!’-'- Bill Frye sreJii Friday evening at P ;-ier -л-v: serve ebci <i.a r^-'irh". Nía'. :úr. Frî-.i rhe лтг-г'к or-ò -^iih hi? ;*ar- t-n:,-. 2'ir. ;.nà Mrs. H. S'A'ini:. ; 2iÌ3s.;-:.- 35i.rr .ìnd 3!-г1'.чге: >!c-I М-йЬазз sn á язогЪег an>3 father. ■ r/ioliored lo F.-.-'Brinp Gîip, S-aVjr- ТЬел' л ''"‘onòerful ' •rip- ’ i Mr. and F let;h er Sw ing I .'¡nd dauirhier. Frin-.'e? j ■ G’'f-r;n, ?Ti£--nt ihf- vrerk en.1 -.vith hon:e iolks. Mr. and M rs. i;;c’hard L aih im . ' 'The l i f e o f a n a c t r c s s is o n e o f n e r v e - s t r a i n , J f sh e s in g s , a b o , h e r w o r r i e s a r c d o u b l e d . H e r a u d i e n a -i r c f l e c t h e r r .w o d ^ . I f s h e Г, m e n t a l l y t ir e d , i h e c c m v j t hclt> b u t c o n v e y h e r t i g u e t o t h o r e ov .t in fr c;. . a n d t h e r e s u l t is a fnrr.-. o f e n n i d o n b o t h s id e s o f t h e f o o t l i g h t s . 1 iuii ; f o u n d a s u r e c u r e f o r Mu i- f a t i g u e , o n t h e p a r t t h e p l a y e r , is a good ci;:^ r e t t e , Г о г y e a r s I h ca s m o k e d L u c k y S t r ik e s (in.i t h e m e n t a l h a l m a n d 1.41! e n j o y m e n t l h a v e d e r iicJ . f r o m t h e m h a v e h e lp e d m e m a r v e l o u s l y . I n a d d i ­ t io n t h e y h a v e p r o t c c t c d m \ v o i c e . I u s e no o th e r b r a n d . » eii'hteenth birthday. She iiZf. as her '>veek end .rjesti. 2v!:ss S:miih of Salem Ct'l!e?e. Miss Delia Grant of Morksvine and Miss Conrad of ’(Vinston-Salern. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lomg- of Durham spent ¡t.he wieeik end tvith Mr. and Mrs. C. A . h o n g . Mr, C. A. Long his? been confined to hi.« bed for about ten days, due to a fall from off a horse.. Miss Mildred Walker of Win- ?ton-Sa]era. spent the •sveek end •.vith Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walk­ er. T, , . , . . ^--Jd iin le son. and M rs. W es?Those -.vhi) are jn-!erfL?i{-,:î 2п -г - • -■ . j- is т Beck, and M isses Iren B aity drei^s ^ rll be the director. | ^аи-ла Wand, .-notored -.0 OAK GROVE .NEWS i iV-arinp Gap. one day the past ---------------------, weel:. ! Corn sh uikinps are the order : _ M rs. H. H. M cM aban has been : of the láay in our C-'-mmunity. ' right sick but is better at this : M r. and 2^1r.s. W. L_ Sum m ers '"’ritiinjr. w e are glad “o notí-. and ■ little s m . Vi'illiaen spent i The younger m arried crupiés ■ Suncav w ith his m «he.". M rs. ‘^^d young pedrrle )of P iro are Dr. a.i'i Mrj. Philip? of Char- Lexington. lotte spent the vs-eek end wi-th Mr. shopping. I ‘^’^■'1^ Mirs. Je.s^J^mJth. .^Jr. and Mrs. X. F. Young sr^snt P.ev. J. W. niiiiams. Mrs. Wii- Sundav evening visiting Mr. and ?.fr.=:. L F. Hendrix of Fork. litsm.i and Miss Margaret. Nell Williams, formerlv of Winsion- Mrs. СЬягИе Hege Mid children .Salem, are s;>ending a few days silent Sunday evenin'p w ith Mr. aiid M rs. George Frye. w ith M rs. Rachel Pcv. W illiam s h: Johnson, been tr¿ns- Mr. Sam Frye'spent We-dneiday j forred from EuiKehi-ad cnurc-h !.+ M/vVcvilJe on bu.?iness. WiT^^-t^iri-Salem. to Cah-.;:rv church j С ora Sum m ers, near Can^. 1 Mrs. J. M. Anderson and son. ; Gi-orge. sr-ent Satu'.'day ’it Mr. j W . E. .Anderson'?. I ^_Mr. and M rs. Jam es Eo-(^-]cs of j Kannac'oiis spenî the '»veek end I-.vith .Mr. and M rs. W. F. Baker. I l\Ir. and M t?. .Alben Bowie.?.. •aiJii iit.tie SI.*.::, Ije.=trT. м rt'Ute .>r.ent .Sunday m th her father, Mr. G. V.'. M eCJamrotk, M rs. D. G. Lan.-er and lif je getting up a 'phy. titled : *"The P'Cor M arried M an." and •n'ill jire- .-ent it in the jjear futare. W atch ou; f.:.r tbv d ale be to <v>Tne. I.'e.-pe;-: the irrr.'jr:h the dairy bu¡]. Hardee h:m i^'ith ñ rm n -ís anrî ca;:ticr; iu d rirívent serious re? u h s. ' MADE OF THE CRE.A.M OF THE TOB.-VCCO CROP êê It’S toasted No Lhroat Irritation-No Cough. Î4" everv aovej'tin ilu.-í i.’-.-'UC-. a b :".b .. i iiÍ.5:Ц;В: i ■ш I . à IB вi GRAHAM BROTHERS ^ ' ^ G - B o j r J x w k Prices 2.Т0П (6-cvUader) S1595 2-Ton Dump (6-CTl'“der) • 1645 llyT oa - - 1145 l.Ton G-Bov . S95 i^'Ton CommercUJ 670 (Cbotui pricci I. c. b. Dr.Toii> ^ T on Panel Delivtr)' C ir (Complete) $770 (chassis F. C .B . DETROIT Proof of the surpassing value of the G'Boy is not far to seek. To judge of their speed, power, smoothness, pick­ up and trim appearance — watch them right out there on the street. To get the stors’ of their dependability, their operating economy, their business building ability’ and their earning power—talk to the thousands and thousands of G-Boy owners. See one .... Drive one .... Only great volume producricn makes possible such value at so low a price. GROCE & TODD DEPOT STREET MOCKSVILLE. N. C. В ■ ~ .Ш ж. m I i iВIFIM I t G raham Brothers T R U C K S S.:.U tnd Ьт Doift Brotbír» De*};.-» EreiT«'b«» Btílt Ьт T rai D:niii:ib nf D;>àxt brc>ù.cn. lu. в в E .в В R В В В ;а в в :В :В В В i :В В :в 'В B .B B B B :e' .b b ' b B s b .b .b: ' B ' . B ' . .d''B.:b :.B"B"'H..!B:b.:b;LOUIS LEVIN CLOTHING SPECIALIST 415 Trade Street . Winston-Salem, N. C. The Biggest Bargain Value In The City Our All Wool Serge Suits At $19.50 This suit is a tailored garment that we guarantee sun and waterproof. See this suit if you want a good garment at a reasonable price. The price is the ‘Thing” when applied to our Qualities. ANOTHER LARGE SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED YOUNG MEN’S ALL WOOL TOP COATS At $14.50 EVERYTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS. LOUIS LEVIN 415 Trade S(¡ Winston-Salem. N. C. B:::D:?B. IS В F3 Яa D ■ H a я я в в в в Щ в в ii щ в в в в в в я я я я я я IIйб яш i я я щ à я я ц 8 я яpj в яi à fl ц бe i I b.'b:u..b:. в':в..'а:;;в.'в':1» а в б в bvb:::b';:b:в ;':в::'В'.:в':'в:^в ...в^'П."в:в:в. в .'п:::в:::.в:а:::в и Й в •" 'J’liii'rsd'iiy N’ovonibcr 17, 1927 ТИБ MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE; MOCKSVILLE, N. С.Page CENTER NEWS llov. W. J. S. Walkui; aiul MIhs Annie Walker o! Jione.svillo wpeiit <1 I'ew i[iay.s I'u.st week with ¡Mr. P. Dvviifgiina and I'umJIy. Mi3.y M'iW-iy Tiiyloiv ol' Greoiis- boro .spieini llnst week with IVIr. Eltnor .TuttcM-ovv laind family. Mc.'i'siisi. Johini and Ray Dwif?- gina ■of Wdti»ton-Salom were ithe gue.sts of their ipairent.s, ivir. and jVIr.s. J. H, B. DwlgHfina, Siiinday. IVIias Emily Powell, wih'o holdi» ¡1 po.sition in. Winston-Salem .spent the week en'd' with h.er parents; Mr. land Mrs. R. S. Powell. Mir. Biu’ru.s Greene and family of Mocksville spont Sunda.y with MOCK'S CHURCH NEWS WHEN BETTER AUTOMODILES ARB BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD THEM Bo Jy by Flihtr S t y le that women ^ desire D u r a b ility BUICK demand m f' Fleet, graceful lines... T /¡r\ lustrous Ducb colors I J? /H . . . lu.xurious closed * cr.r interiors— — »•nmntch'cd p *:-formancc . . . unrivalled comfort. . . sl;iu’dy construifUcn that assures long life—yon.'// fnd them all in B.itick! Cuick for i:?2S h a s w a n tremendous popularity cniong men and wonicn aiilcc, because it com- bii’cs s'.yle that '(vonuMi desire ^vith the durabil!:)' that t v . e n d e i x u u : •. SUD.ANii i I !!>'■’ tr 51 ‘!'}5 .• r ' COUPES il 195 to ilS50 srcr.T i'.:or;"L3 iii<;;; io.n^23 /Itl I’ricaf. V. il. ¡idTfriiiiH'iit Ui\ lo bc aihlrii. 'il.c th‘:m<'itiU-ihMc, iiarailabie, Lindsay Fishel Buick Co.^ WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. w.'il Mrs. B . F. Tuttero«'. Mr. UIHu WilH'on or Win.ston- „ Salem sijont a few diays last week J p riv^nn ' with i\lii-. A. A. Dwiggins. I Mr. M. E. Glaa.scock a-nd I’amilyj lof Jjames Cross Roiud^ visited a t' tho home 'oi M r. W . H . Barney- Rev. W. B. Th'omijsoii will ca'stlc Sundiay afternoon. preach htiro next Sunday after- Mr. ,). C. Dwiggins, and sons, neon and Sunday, night. Billy and' Ashely, of i\Iocksville Mr. lami;!’ Mrs. G. F. Beauchamp spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. Spent Su'nda/ with rekitives in liuvdi Mrs. A. A. Dwiggimis. Louisville. • _ Mrs. Nannie Gliaaseock of near Mr. and Mrs. Ca'Ivin Baity and IjamQ.si Cross Roaids spent tho Mis.s Gli,wlys Corriatzei' of Balti- week end wiith her daughter, Mrs. more spent SuivJiay with Mr. and D. 0. Helper. i Mrs. M. R. Jones. Messrs Clare'nce Anderson anil; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Myers of A'lbert Tutterow of Winston- Fci.'k Church spent Sundiay here. Salem spent last Frid'ay in this Mr. W. J. Jones made la bu.si- r - — — ........in ■■■.........— ness trip to Winston-Siailem last Thursday. Mr. amid Mi'isi. Chari iei Myers and Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Mock anid^ I children of Forsyth county visit­ ed relatives (here Sunday, i Born to Mr. land Mrs. G. W. Mock, Nov. 8th, a daughter. Miss Ethel Jones spent m. few diays 'last week with Mns'. J. C. Bowles at Clemmons. Mr. ifiind Mrs. W. S. Phelps spent one .day la.'yt week in Winston, shopping. Mrs. J. H, Hilton had, as'her week .end guests Mr. and Mrs. Brvnn Smith anid Mrs'. Faille Walker of For.syfch county. Mr.' and M'l'a. A. M. Folds of Win.s<t't'n-Salem, spent linat, Friday, with Jlr. and Mm. W. J. Jones. They wero «ccompl.niniedi home by Miiktc:' John Jones. Mrs. W. J. Jones'contiiniues sick, sorry to note. Mrs. Roy Cornatzor and child- 'ren -of Clemmons spent the week endi with 'her father, Sir. J. W. Beauchamp. • , FORK^NEWS íimmuñítF'rabbit 'hunting:. friends lat ■»: party lastMr, Geo. Evana and., lamily. • -.,1. ■ .........f the home of Mr. Saturday ni.gnt * » A number of people are suf­ fering with eold® ill the eom- mu'nity. . ' The Teachers of the different schools attenlded the Teachers ceeting in Mockavilie Saturday. - If Not? Why Not? * * Come to the ' AMERICAN LUNCH CAPE Home made cooking * of all kind.s Freah Pies Daily * - ,J. L. WARD * * -x* * * * * * ^ * ^ * * # ■», # " DR. T. L. x;lenn * ■>'' • Veterinai'ii'n « Phones: 21H«rri.4-LeGrand Pharmacy * * 8u .r'esidence.V ■. LET US no .100 WOÍIK —WE KNOW HOW l i UM Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Hairston returned htome Tuesd'ny after snending s.Eivei'al d'ays'with P. W. Hnirstnn, Jr., la stuidenit lat Lymeh- burg, Va. I Mr. Chalmers Williams con- tiniiCi very sick, sorry to note. Miss Essie Mear.s, of Linwood is the guest of Miss Ruth Hairs^ ton. , ; . Rev. N. C. Duncan held’service at Ascension Chapol last. Sunday morniiig and' little' Gene Harris Greene and Wileyi Sanford Potts were chi'.'i.stenes. Mr, John .J'o'nes lof the Cool- eemee pl.sint'ation continues sick, sorry -to note. Mis.s.£s Lucile an'tl' Frankie Ru,nlnuige entertuiined a number i!Mii!iESiiiiB¡iiiB;in:iflS'iíiB::i!»:'B:Ka3«':«»«o'a№D:i!iK:í:s:;;;s:s:;:a:s;;s:;"aás:ii:s:«íBB;:!:B{i»iinB)iiiBi!niiiiE9iiiiaiiiiBiniBii«iaiii .-.«Г*' / k e e p s r ig h t o n d e l iv e r in g e n jo y m e n t C a m e l h o ld s th e le ad e r- s h ip b e c a u s e i t d e liv e rs c o m p le te s m ò k in g plea> \ s u r e —th a t’s C a m e l’s . p la t f o r m . ii I If all cigarettes were as good as Camel you wouldn’t hear ■ anything about special treat­ ments tomalcc cigarettes good - for ihe throat. Nothing takes the place of 'choicc tobaccos. M927.U. J. Пеуп1>1(1> Tobacco ^impjuiVt Wlntton.Sulem, N. C. 11Я11Ш1»:Я11Ш11!1В|||Н1»1Ш:1ПВ111!В1111В>':1[В11»В1111П1111 From the Best That^s T o The Cheapest That’s Made Good I C. G. Sanford Sons Company II Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear Department S ta r Brand BIG 4 ' A Reaf Shoe Special for JO N E S & G E N T R Y LEATHER PULL STRAP HEAVY LEATHER OUTSIDE HEEL COUNTER SOLID LEATHER INSIDE H E E L ^ ^ C O U N TE R‘D FELT AND VELVET HATS FULL LENGTH VAMP. Perky little shiaipe.s—as new as n'f.xt minute!' Trimmed, with bows and ba^nids; with ribbons andi jewelled ornaments. In j “ so many of the '.soiuson’s best I !? shades that thoy resemble nothi- i IIB ing so much as a rainbow! i ini!^ For Misse.s and Matrons Ladies and Children’s HATS AT 98c to Tihe two piitstanding n'Otes in И thi.4- winter’s millinery trend n aw Felt ar.«I Velvet. If you q would bo correctly smart choose |i either of these materials. I'ou r-s will iind a wealth of distinctive ^ i'hape.s. . ‘ Ш . I’tenty of Large Headsize.s * j .4t! :iîi RIVETED THROAT NO RIP HERE EXTRA HEAVY FIR ST QUALITY RAW HIDE BOTTOM JONES & GENTRY <trTHE SHOE MEN m . 447 Trade Street Winston-Salem, N. C.' ■ W O M EN ’S D RESSES $5 . 9 5 to $ 2 5 2 pc. K nit Frocks of W ool Jersey $5 . 9 5 to $9 . 9 5 NeAV'.necklines, new combiivirtlons of colorings and — ,a new low jirice! In .sizes for women and nii.sses. ' „W INTER ' C O A TS TRLMMED WITH FURS OF RARE RICHNESS ■ $5 . 9 5 to $2 5 . 0 0 Gnrgeou.s fabric.4—lavish fiirs u.sed ay collar.^, ciiil'a and even borders ^.t'ük üniing.í'—■ ex(|uisite Tailoring. .A. cqm- biiuUioii not. to be suqjusscd; .v-W.WajM.-.iitaci и f:-M . ’ ‘ ^ i'i- ^ • 'Jîl•*Г..'ЯГ.Т.’Л->г‘ ■'• ' • ‘Л «ÎSS?^THB MOCKSVirXE ENTBUPRISE, MOCKSVILLB, N. C.TlUirädiiiy, Novombp-'r Ì7, Ю2Т Yv. Ir ь <’w# 41. , T jL f , • 1 / 1 MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE Published Every Thurs'iay at Mocksville, North ОагоИпй-, » 1 <Yx - i r i - Î ■if' . A.iC. HUNEYeUTT Pubhsher. , J. F. LEACH Managing Editor, , Sobpcripflon Rates: <jl a Year: Six Months 50 Ceni;s. Strictly in Advance. .Entered at the post office at Mockaville, N. C., as aecond-class matter under the act of Marcb (i, 1879. ■MocksviiJe, N. C., Nov. 17. 1927 V strange incteerl it soems in this 'atrís of cultuiiie i;rad projfrcss th'at thGrc'is'hould still be enough "old itimers,” or .‘‘backwoíKlsinen,’’ wliich ever lyicu mny cull them, in jiny so c'iilJed up-to-dabe' coHege •in the South to provoke a strike ■of studcrts because the faculty shouk] expel -a few lout of date, b.'ick numbera, fo r'htóing fresh- Tnciri'. Wo thought lour civiiliaation ill the Swuth Ihnid out gii'mvn thnt rfilick' of the^ -backwoods day be­ fore the war, but up at Virginia Militairiy In'stitute there appear to be several who are .still living' in the “good/old dnvH’’ uf the ox cart 7111(1 the reap hVok. But surely , t'here 'aré such in 'iiiiy rcput- toWe NpiPth CarriHnii college. ■■ The .Uplift Ediitor, Col. J. P. ,'Oodk,.of Concoii'd', .seems to have ■Tiad some disagreeable expdrieiieu Avith li-ucks in UniofH' County, and ^e lonsTE'd f'cv Sheriff Cowlor. “We met truck ter truck lademl •i'tfp ■ heaVy, splitting the road in tlie middle and raiisiing a stiflling ;fliust, land everyone,of them forced «g into the diitch,”^he says. It is a fact tbls't too,'often the Bii-'iveTa 'of’hcHvy trucks do refuse td give an inch of tho road, either cultural schoolii, but doubtle.ss if those were taken into-considera­ tion, tho per cent would run even h'i'gher, foi-it is pcrl'oetly r.atur.-il t'h'fit those attending ,iu»t for spa«- cial work ill: agriculture would-re­ main i'll' the business of farming even more so than the general graduates from (schools of agri- .culture. , We 'don’t know whint the figures in OUT' own stato would show, but ■till spent in a good ^Id frlomlly Way and all left wii.iihiiig Mr. Allen many more.happy biithdaya. iiir; and ¡\ir.9. Waide-W.\att 'iiinl Mi.''..sn.s Ile.is'ie ami Thelma Wyatt si:eiit Sund'a'y'with'Mr. and Mrs. Johp Wyatt. ■ Miss Annie, Riith lioontz .spent the v.'eek etnid with iher 'sister, Mrs. Claude Wiliiams, MISS'iilOWN WILL GIVE AN ADDRESS AT BAPTIST CHURCH NOV. 22 M'ls.3 Nc.T'ina C. Bi'own of Bloom- give an ia'd>- drc.ss our Law Enforcement in the JJI II, fijii ui mu uuuuL- of thè fact Ihat few young ' Èureka College, won > reared .r,'n 'thè 10m wint i Ì."*' a. place -on thè piat­ ir ,tn +l,n fi.rm r™- n Hfnf.imn . ^''’*'■’1 «s a minster III thp.'art ot de- WE'ventun''e the nsserti'oii that fliey would run pretty dose tp those of New York. And there'isjioth-. ing strange about this either, for . . . nien W'iM usually follow what ia,p-'"'iH peals to them most .strongly. r> a.- ^ m There was a, time- when the id ea:?«P t'f Chi rch on lii№,tay cven- was prevalent that goi'nii? to sehool No'Vember 22, at 7 :n o . ' Mi.sa made one 'l.v/y. That idoa grow i '»■‘"MJ.u'mber of the debat- out men back to the farm fm' a lifetime,, .. ■work, after oblainiiTg a c o lle g e | She is an'ordamed min- edueation, or E'Ven a high school; eduCati'ci'i. Th'at .Wii^s not, becisuse .. gqheoling made the boys 'lazjf, as w-as formerly believed «by man.y, but, It was because the system took th'eir minds entirely away from fa,rming, to thnt of a “white colliijr job.’,’ W'E' 'hia:ve always be­ lieved that educating a bov in agriciiltuire would make him a, bcbtcr'farme'i »r.d xio .iust 'the 'op- p'c'site from making him lais.v. But one hardly canjexpBct a boy edu­ cated to be -a doctdr, lui lawyer, teacher, or preacher, to be inter- e'Fted; In farming; bec'iiuse his mind has been trained awny Crom' things agrioultiwal. We are find­ ing out a few things worth while fiuring these day.s, amon« them be imr 1:Vi')'t 'a m'an .shou'ld be edu­ cated for the busine.ss which he e»pee,ts to make his life work. later, and has tho idistlnction of being the youngest pei'i-'on to hold the post of Chiipl'iiin of tho Ilfi- .i.;ui,s »enate, having been.appoint­ ed to that.,position at the la'ge of 21.- Miss-Blown is « .st'ud'6'nt of O'Ur ConstitutioiBil form of Gov­ ornment and ha.s been on the le'.'- ture [ilatf'orm ; for the past five years, undcir the au'spices of the F'lying Squa'dron Found'ation. Her lecture 'i.4 free to the public. "^R E SA T . WHOLESALE Save the Middlcmnn’s' Profit on Guaranteed Tires SO.KSVa Cords ........................$5.75. 30x3Vi! Cooper Cords ....?7.00 .■iOxSM! Cooper OS Cords........$8.00 2!)x4.'10 Balloon Cords ..........$7.00 29x4.40 Cooper Balloons .....$9.50 liOBERTS HAUDWARE . COMPANY Four Stores l!i Winston-Salem HOW TO KfEP VOUR HOÜSE YOONG DEATH OF G. A.-LEFLER when meeting other caivs, ,r,vi' fnr cars Но’ Ш1Р-' them.' But, be it Rtiii'd to the credit .:f Davie t.vuck tlrivers, they arc .'i,n ex'ceedingly courteous aggreiration,. iiind ja.s ni' rule, they airo willijig to 'give part of the road to other ear's passing , qr mecti'iiig them. Indeed it is so , UiiTBeront l^-thi'S- county from Avhat one -In, mnny 'ether ."oction'S that i'^ .irniircHses one most favar- , аП)]у; And, AVO hope that, so. far JUS truiek drivers'of t'biè.;o(HUity uro concernecK they-iviW continue', ... ___________ to -wCt ji.s genlileme'n'. in of iüs cHurelV ■diîrîmg his life^mem- lle gave' much time iand Geicrge All'ein Lefler, 'born March 6th, 1848, d'ic'tl Nov. 12th, 1927 ,in ihis'79th .ymr. He was the 'eldest son of J. A. 'and Sarah A.', Leiflar-of Dnvie county. Brother Leiler W'aii tw’iCe mar- ■'Vied. H is’first wife wais Miss Rebecca L. Maxwell, who- died Dec.- 5th, 1900. Survivimig this union ai'o 4 'Children, Mrs. W. C. Oorrell, Albert 1/. I.eiler, Mrs. C. T. Oreaspn and Mrs. B. C. Link. His iS'Ecohd wife was Mrs. Biichel Elizabeth McCuirioeih'. ' No issue of this union. Brother Lefler,'Wiia a'lifo long member of .the Liberty Methodiat church and' for about forty years Bupeiintendiiiit of Suivday school in hi® chu'ilch. ■ He wIjis alao .stew­ ard 'in his church 'up to till'o la.st two cr tlwee years up to which time hia health began to fail him. Hb' missed but few Sundnyia from ValspiiSr Brushing Laquev ' Dries 'VVhile You Are Admir­ ing Your Handiwork. Your Chbiceof 15 Lovely ' Colors. , • Jinva-Brown Coriil Sand • Indilai Ivory Palm Gi'eeiii ■ . I Italian Bluei , .' Nile Gj'oen ' Card'iiwil Red Peacock Bliio J'cmquirRed Pei-sian Like ' Chinese Red ., ■ • Oriental Green' '' ' French Grav Holland Blue Argentii.jp Orange , ' „ White nnd'B'liack 1-4 Pint 1-2 Pint 1 Pint 45c 70c $1.25 Kyatiize Celoid Finish A Medium Gloss Waterproof Enamel. Dries Over Night. 12 Beautiful Fast Color Tints • • ‘ White, nnd Black , ' Twilight B-lue' ' Ja'de Green'^ ' Mellow Gi'i-'iiin ' Gianite Gray Sunset Pink ' Dl.\-|e .Grny' ' Ningara Green , ’ '-. IHiiiivaiva .'Brown , In'd'ia Buff , , - ' ' Gulf Blue . '• Chinese lied ' Pure G'ray- Onange . . 1-4-Pt l’-2:Pt. I'Pt. 1 Qt. . , 30c 50c 85c .?1.50; h'cga.'! cjol Cook ough't to take a tour of tiiia county ■whovie truck drivETs are aware of t;he fact that other.V have'road rights aa well IIS 'them.; - • There are, feWvthing» which would |aifl’ord''greattfr pleaaure to tlio averiiige moto'tli.st thaini to give i'he i^vaiyfarror a'lift, and fejv'ad­ ventures are frc'Ught vvith greater d'aiiger than the promiseuoua pick- jpg up -df '»trnngeii'a on tho 'high­ ways. The highwayrpan now use's different methecla tlW in the 'dajiu,, before- the goodi highwaij’s and automobiles made auch a ch'an'ge- In the Jrtnu.'nc'i-' an'd- method of trnvol. .Today the robber too often, loiters akiiii«? t'ho leading ■hig1^wa,■í■^s. take.s'iii'lvan'li'j'ge oftho hospitality -of good Wien- who of­ fer him la, lift, in oririer to carry pu'*-, his devilish desi^n'-s'. , The Tw»;n City Sentinel, idis- ■cuaaing thia aame f^u'b.joct, ha-nds but the following very sen'i'ible . Btate-ment-and warning: “A-rr'i’-'ei- illustration of tire -danger tni ‘giving lifts’ to .strang- ' «i'3 along 'the hi'ghwiaiys is found 3n -the ease of two mpn who 'hn.ve . .iuat reported to Aahbville.au- 'thonitiei.i' that they were Vobbed by tivo peraons wh'o- had asked for ridea. They .siaid their loaaes amounted to several thou.sand dollars, in ca'.-'h , and Libei-ly Bonds,'' "Such inciderLs a'r-e of more or les.s f'liequent -occurrence and will coTtinue to be, jas I'cng as- motor­ ists fail to exercise care -ini' ex­ tending t'lre hoapitii'l'i-ty of their machi-nei-, to .strangers. It ia true th-Jit in,miany in.stances the party aaking the lift i.a worthy and .the. Tnotoriat woukl' be giving a real favor by aasi.sting him. But thore i.s 'no '.way -of distingiii.s-hinp be­ tween the boiiini /id-e- i=«'eker of aa- Hi^t-arnce ah!d the win-ulid-be thief. “Therefoi'e. it behooves tho mot- ori',st to keep hia c y o a 'oniitho front, un-'e-aa 'he feels he is well enough rirotet'ted to fru.strute 'an- attempt to take 'advantage of h-i« kind­ ness.” Seventy-fivij per -cent of all K'V'HUr'itea of .'Jiiitc agricultural s-jlioola in New York n.re engaged in farming. aceord.|!’''.u- to figures jriveii out by .Scli'c'.-I Life. Theae figures flo not include tlioao M-ho iattoiul ..short te-rms in state agri- his ber.ship. means to tihe ■ support ' of ahurch and'Sundiiy school. Brother Lefler was an afTcctio- nato'liind faithful -husband, ■ kind nnd loving father, a neighbor of the samaritian type. He so ‘lived th'dt he' c'xjmmandieid the l-ov.e and respect of all. those whom ho came in , contact with. No rnan of hia time and lage haisi commam<l- cd gireater admirihtion in his com­ munity, of which he has lived all hi.s life. Brother Leller was loyal 'and faithful, n'ct Only to those of -hia fnith, bu't held' out 'his open -and helpful Ih'and; I'io everi’fone with whom his 'life came in contadt. .Hisi- inlluence over -the- boys and youiig nie'n 'of hii.s Sumdiiiy achool will liilever be’ estimated until the finia-l 'diay wben thcty shall riae andi cnll him "bleaaed” th'at he gave forty yoaira of hia beat life- aa teaclier, will be a moiiu-mertt to him more laating . tiiian marble shafts. . _ -He lijs laurvived liy ■'Vila wife, four children, fou-iteen gi-laiiid-: children, two brothers, .1. A. and, C. Di ljefler, and one atq^i son, Dr. .J. W, M'cCulloch, of Lexing­ ton! - . , , ■ Funeral acirvices were coniduct- cd .Jiin', the Liberty; Methodist church, Sunday, Nov. 13th mt 3 o’cl’oek p. .m., ijyi hia pastor, 'Rev. E. M: AVett, .aaaiated by Rev. J. A, J. Farrinj-'ton: Bu'rial waa in> the cemqte-ry. Several hua'dre’d' -people. W'Cire preaent and attend­ ed Ms funeral and the flower girls who .pii'osented the floral tributea laiiideid a nice and 'distinct impres'aipn. ' ROUTE ;i NEWS Complete line Pairt.^), Varnishes, Ennmelsi ShUac, Gold and Aluminum Bren/.ts, Sta,ina, Stove Pipe Enamel,' Cnmel’s Hair nnd Bristle Brushes from tiniest to' 8 inches................. LET US SERVE YOU AT' . , . • . , .... I Mocksville Hardware Go. - i ' . Near The Post Ofllce. And. .lust As Reliable, / ' iiMiiwiiiiHiiiiwiiiia!iìW!iMiiiMiwg<iMiiMiwiiMi!wiii!a»MiiiiiaiiiMìiiwiwiiiiaiiM!iMiii!iiiiiMBii»Bii inHiiiiBiiiiBiimiiiiuiiiiDimii ■a FOR GOOD FLOUR AÑD FEED I W©w Is ,'tîiefaîîa® _ t@ sta irt u s in g ' F № © " F E F ■ :■ E -© © .'M A SH If,yoü want to keep your hei'^s laying regularly,, right now' ’.'■ the, tiine to start using Ful-0-Peó Egg, Mash, Ycur pullets need this greiit feed tp enable them to prodiice big, strong- * chc’.led cs£3 r.nd your old hens need : ■ it to restore their vigor after the , molting period and. enable therri to l.iy steadily. . ^ For it is a fact that. Ful-^O-Pep Egg Mash is a complete feed, It suppiies« , in co'rrect proportion,'exactly the things a hen requires’ iri ordei- to dp her best-work. If yoii will start using Ful-0-Pep .Egg Mash -Hov/ ''you vyi.ll ' - get more eggs, and better eggs>. at the time of’year when extra éggs are in greater demand. ; When ypu buy Ful'O-f’ep Egg Mash^ you get á fresh, clean, pure feed in which there is no waste. Everything in it “hits the'sppt,”-for this is the .• famous egg mash that con tains Cod . Liver Meal—the ingredie,nt that' helps the bird to get all.'the good oüt of her feed. The Cod Liver_ Meal keeps your hetis “ful-o-pep,” in fine condition, and working on schedule the year round. ' • . ■ Now is- the time of year to. get the most profitE^ble results. Not only will you get more eggs, and better eggs,' but the chicks you hatch hext Spring will be bigger and, stronger, because eggs produced with Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash hatch better broods.' Mado by , The Quaker S O L D B Y MARTÍN BR!oS. IVloiiksville, N.. C. Read The Ads In This одяпштнппвпп.111»Н1Ш11И1111Ш:111Н1111Н11П1111М11ЖПH Back To 1914 Values iiiBHiiiHiiiiai'ijHiiiaiiiiiMiiiaiiii eiiiiaffiaiiiiaiiii Ä'i/ ta Eveny day the fiire demon shovela 228 housies into the 'huge bonfire that represents dur annual fire loss. Two out of ' Frienlda -and relativeij of Mr. John Allen, gathered at his -home Sunday, the 13th, '¡!i;n-d gavei him a bintih'da'y' dinner: it being his 80th birthday. Those present jy were: Mr. la-iKli Mrs. Oscar Allen i* and f'amilji; .Mr.-and Mrs. ,Jolin-|S Allen, 'a'liid -Wttle daughl:er; Mr. ¡11 and- M'l's. Taylor, 'all 'of Winston- pi Salem:' Mr, and Mrs, .W.. F, Me- S Culloh; Mr. i,iiiiid M.ra. Will Allen .y and lla'mily; Mr. and Mrs. L. R. m Williams and family; Mr. an'di 1 Mrs. Claude F. Williams and lit- || tie aon; Miaaes Annie Ruth Koiltsz Ji and. Nfijl-lie Beininett. The day Wisi« every three of the.'-iK' houses wouid -their owners had been careful, v never li-aiy.e bui'ned if I' R This is your a,gency of tho Hartfu|rd Fire Insurance' Co, For safe and sure insurance, call I 'Ш Real Estate Loan ^ Insurance Company Mocksville, N, C. Suits and Overcoats $11.95 to $25.00 These exceptional suits and overcoats are especially developed for men \^ho ap­ preciate fine fabrics and expert hand workmanship. See our Fall and Winter suits, topcoats and ovércoats at $11. 95 to $25.00. You owe it to yourself to be out­ fit!,ed for Thanksgiving. Gome iu this week. " Good Line of Boys Suits' Also C, C: Sanford Sons Co. Ш11щш1ша1111аш;а111!м11«н1ш11111а11ш1ш!1га11!11а:1»к1!!1а1ша1!11а1ш:111н!ю1га11ш11ш11ш ."ршви'шпнш ■" ■-'' [fiMii-.sd-ny .N'ovcmbor 17, 1927 THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE; .itlOCKSVILLE,' N. FiT’ ^ G'rahani, Charlie Bahnaon, Kel'ly James and Mr. Britt. J jirs. iJ-ohn-Saitfprd waa lai visitor ¡j.'wiiiston-Salerifi Fi'ittay. ‘ . J jliHS E-lizitbetii'Waters haa-ac- ■eploi a ,position, in .Hickory. Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Clement visltorn- in town Monday; >. Y«a>Ben ituir is 'Our . Thanks- iviiiK picture. November 23, 24 ml 2C. , / —^'>— ■■. . •'■■ ■„< ■• Mi.-!a Vada 'Johnson, 'cf Fnii'.in- spoilt ,Sa'tun-day ■With Mrs. . 'Wav'tl'.' ' . ■ ■■ , jlr.-i. Махе.'у' Brown -and Mrs., vnrmaa Meroney,. spent Mwivda-J" Wiiiaton-Salcm.' . • jlr«.: Ida G. Nail .hias vetum.e-tl rom Ifickpry where'S'he,. yi'S'ited Hr. iind'Mira,-Abram Nai!.,: The cpiii;liitlon'of Mr. Will Me- fonoy, who -has been quite ill for everai -weeks, remains about, the amc. Misa Louise Little, of-the .Sichool (iciiity, !S'p.eii)t' the wedk -oii'd' at or home in- Denver, Lincoln oiiiity.* ----A:,----- ; Mra. iCi 13. Bogor, laiwl Mrs. ciiklns, of Kannupolia, »peivt the ,-t'L'!< oiiicl with Mr. nncj Mra.' R. ’. lioger. . ■ ' , • ' ■ —0—r— ■ ' / ' Mr. land Mrs. E. C. LeGraivd'and itlle aon, df .Matthews, spent the ,-ook eh'd with M'r. mnd Mri3'. John .efiii'and." day, Nov. 20, beginning -at 10 a. ,m. ' A gooid' progi-am .-amd apeak- ers' wiill be present to interest yoii. I : -, ' . - • " Ré^v, lan-d' Mra. H. P. iPowell wore gudsta of. Mr. anil Mra.'J. F. Moore this week en roiite from Spray,'to their new- home imi Murphy where Mr. Powell was- assigned at the Methodist con­ ference. ■ . , M-r. .lune Mero'ney, Miss.ea 'Led- bettorlind Umstead. and Mr. Tate,- lof Lenoir, apeiit Armistice Day wi'th Mr. aird' Mrs. H. C. Méroiiey. Misses 'Ledibette-r.: -an-d Uraistead are mombers 'of the faiculty of .liiwenport Collège. . The Çhriatmas Seals 'have ,air- u'ived aii'di will be ready fdr thé aivnual fiale which begins .Thanks­ giving -day Ht noon; Mrs.' Keninen will acti-as Selii-r‘ Sniq Chiairman again thia :.v-E-nr with a committee of workers from the County Coun-. cil and Aasociated dhiiri-tiea. - The §unday edition of the Win- Kt:oh-S«'lem JoU'i'naJ had-ia vcl'y-in- teinaii'r.g .article on the old Jonca- villt) IVIa'Io air.id' Female Academies, of which Ilev.,W. L. Van Eaton, A. M., a well' known Me.thadist minister, was the jprincipai. A very ihigh courae 'of . istudy’ was carried 'Out, which.reads like thiit of . a modern' college. About 75 boya and 60 'gin Is wa# the aver­ age enrollment: tihese' students coming'from all over North Ca-ro- lina, and some from Virginia, and' South Carolina- 'i’ho. school be- gi:in if.bout 1845 ahd continued un­ til 1861 when the- principal en- li.susd in the Confederate -ai'm.y. Rev. Mr. Van liaton wa.a, a native of Davie county,,an-d waa the fath­ er of Mrs, S. M. Call, Sir., .of this iilace. He -died in Memphis, Tenn. in 1809 and is buried in the Jonea- ville cenieter,y. The stU'deints of the Jo'iiesville High School hlave receiitlV ih'ono'red the memory of this pioneer ediici'jitor by, naming.' one of their literary societies' the 'VVilliam L. Van Eaton Literary S'cciety. MOVIE NEWS .Alias Mary Bichlsirda, of David- 91), was the gu-e^ of ih'er ..sis'te-r, li.sa Sonhio Richards, 'over the :eek end. ' . • - Mias iK'atheu'ine- Mieroncy; of :iiarlotte, spent the week 'en'd ith her .parents,. Mr. nnd Mrs. '. F. Meroney. JUiv. W. L. Sheri'ill, cf Chai--^ cllu, waa vin' town Saturday.' -oming to attend'the funeral of Hn. Phll'ip H:iines. Mra. T. ¡NT.. Chaflin apent .the i'ccli’en'il- i-i;- Greens-boro -witi'i 'her laughter. Mias Sliirah phalflh,..a -iudeiit a-t N. C, C. W. The County .Tcachers Associa­ tion met oh Siniturday mbni'ing witi'i 10' large attendance, -abdut 75 or 80 teacheite- being present. Tho, oflicers for tho ensuing yea'r are: Prosidont, Prof. James Moore: Vico-Pr.esident, Prof. Hart; and Se.cretary, Miss Sallie Hunter. ------0— ’ •Miss Mary Horn haa returned to her school work at Advance, after -taking treatment at Long’a .S'ainifftdriiim. ,vMi.S|.5 Regina H'brn, w'ho is .suffering with-nheumatism, is spending .some time with her sister, Mrs.. Rasa J/Iill, in Statea- ville, ail'd undergoing a courae of treatmei^t'at the 'Sanatorium.- Rev. R. S. Hbwi-e, who haa rcr turned from the Methodiat con­ ference at Aahoville, .preached lai i?-plcndid aermon nt the morning .'■nd .evening aervicea nt- tho Jlethc-dist cliurc.li o n Siiir-day. There v/i|l bo.,no pna-y^“ meeting fihia week, but choir priictice -will be held on Wednesday cvching'at 7:30.' . Las't time, to.'di.i'y, T-liursdayi, the Ffrat Natioj;ial ‘ conie'dy 'dram.'i, featiirinir Johnny Hiines in "Ail Aboard” and a, two reel Metro Gc-ldwyn Cr,mod.v “What Every Iceman .Knows.” . * Li.sten, Friday and Satiird,"y. we bring another new ste'ir in his flrst giieat western picture. It’s Buzz Barton in "The Bo.y Riidor.” Tihisi- frocktfid face boy of ;thi-.r- teen is the sens'a't-ion of movies toda-.y.,-.nii:id , is the nio.s-t -diaring horseman the acreeh ! ihas ever known, anid -a Tbrilla'd'o of -action, better see this one. Ais'o two reiei MaCk Scnnptt.lcomedy ''‘Flirty Four P-lushers.”' ' . Monday la-nd Tuesday a' nciv Warner picture with Rin Tin Tin in his Inteat "Jia-wa Of Steel” and Educntiomal News. . - Wedne.siday night, Thuraday afternoon laind n-ight, ¡I'n'd Friday afternoon and night we play the ipreatest of -all picturea, “Ben T-Tiir.”' Four Complete shows Tbursd'ay. .(Thanfcagivin-g) 1:00, •" :30, 7:00 and 9:30 p. m. Frid.ay /i:00 iind 7:00 ip.' m. Admiasioii 25 -'md 50 ce;n'ta, night 35 and 50 cents. '' . - . Next time you '. buy calomel ask for NOTICE ■ I will aelljat Public Auction, to' the higlie.st bidder, for cjish, on Satui-daj, Dec. 3rd, 1927, begin­ ning at 10 a.'m., the fmllowing ar­ ticles: 1 two-horse, wagon - la nd' haiT.ic'BS; 1 earn planter; 1 aec- tion harrow; 2 twoshorae pl'ows; 1 buggy; 1 cantii'age; i good mule; :I 'milk -cow; 3,'aih'oats. labout 1-15 IbS' eafch; 1 binder, in good con­ dition,''an'd-'a lot of lother good farming tooilt,s. Some corn-and-a -lot 'of -rough feed. Also some' hou.s'ehpld and kitchen furniture. W. 0. MURPHY, 6 milea N. of- Mockaville, on- highw.ay No. 90. FOR SALE—TV/O ‘FINE PURE' ■brijd R. I, rocks—.-52,00 I4IÍ-Í1. —E. M. Avett. « AGE.NT C. J. ANGELL JEWELER MOCKSVILLE,N. C. HiiiicsiiiiaiiiiniiiiaiiiiHBiaiiiiiiaiitffiiiiffliiiwiiiiBiiiiiaiiiiiaiiiiiaiiiaiiiiaiiiiMiiiiBiHiiiiHiiiiiaiiiiH'iiim'iiiHi'iii^ C. C. YOUNG «& SONS Punornl Uirecloro . ' . MOCKSVILLE'S ONLY LICENCED EMBALMERS * ; Oitt'Hno U cotnplotu, Pforn thu oliojipa.st to tlio hoflt ami wo »jrvii you to tlio bost of ‘ • nr «blllty rotranlloHSof whut you buv, ' Office Younff & Hollomnn Building NoxtToCourthoUBO Offlcd Phono MO Ktfilldortco 06 tiiiiiaiiiiBiiiiiHiiiiniiiiaiiiigiiiiiBiiiiHiiMfliBiiiaiiiiBiMBiiiiaiiiiBiiiiBiiiiwiiiiBiiil'iaiiiigiicBiiiiWiBiiiiBMmy-*.M i l ¡ I B I i M I I M ! l M 5 l l l l B I I H B I i l i a i l l l M M a i l l l B i l l l B l i m ' I I I B l i m i i m i i i ! P Í i i g i i i i m i i i i M i i i i i W i f f l t a i i|!!« B a io t a .b s Tbe tljoroinfbly. pHrified nnd rei-iriP«! ca'jûnieJ com­ bined witii a.iaiatarit and correctivä agents. NanRcak-:«-.—Saio—Sure Good imiiiiniiiiiBainiiiiaiiiiaiiiittiBiiiifliiiiaiiiiBiiiiBMBiiiiBiiiiaiia:ii№ ■Ni Things Eat To Ш MORRISEn CO. “LIVE WIRE STORE” WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. -FOOD FOR/rilOUGHT—5';,. to 15';,'-, saved at Morriaetta in Novembtr—r.ot an item advanced! Our “Ncvember Bill- 'of-F:iie” itJhi carlo served. Silks, woolens, -?.otton materials, 'hosiery, uiiderw-car, «.love's, collars, tc-wels, table linens, n'li-p- kins, coals, suits, dresses, ih-ats, et;c. . You don’t have to ' Wait for .SE'rvice, .iust sue how (luick wo can get your $1.00.. Blany I'ollfs wandor liow it’a done. WE CARRY A COMPÌ 'rm LI\!': OF THE BEST BRANDS OF GROCERIES ANI} SERVE OUR/CUSTOMEU WITH 'WIE ASSURANCE THAT IF ANYTHING IS FOUND IN THEIR PURCHASE THAT I,NOT SATISFACTORY WE WILL GLADLY MAKE IT RIGHT. THE DAVIE GASH STCIÎE IS LOCATED “ON THE SQUARE” AND DOES BUSINE.SS THE SAME WAY. COME IN ANC SEE OUR LINE. ORDERS TAKEN IFOR THOSE GOOD HOME BAKED CAKES. ONLY THE BEST INGREDIENTS USED, AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ANY KIND OF LARGE CAKES ?2.00, AVERAGE WEIGHT OF CAKES 5 POUNDS, C. П.,TOMLINSON Alisa Sarah Gaither, of tho Gaa- Diiia' s-'.:hoo'l faculty, spie-nt the vc'tk end ,w ith'her'parente. Mi*, lul Mra. E. L. Gaither.-, ' *——-o-----' . Jlra. H, P. GufTejil State achool mi'se, who is .spending aome time lere viaiting ,th'e achools, was in 'nncfi'iid' for the \yeek eiid.--------o— Jfr. -and Mra. M. L. J'clhn, Mi.sa- i Mary and Margaret^ John, of -luirinbuing. .‘(pent the weok end vith Mii-aa Margarpt Bell. It i-.s' a giwtiflcation to Davie county that'-her eft’icient'Avelfare pflicor, Mrs. 'Queen 13o,sa .Keiint'n, has been' 'eilected nreai'cl'dnt 'of't'^ie North Weatern Diatri'ct, of the Staio' Welfa're.' Ass'cciatioii, nt the recent meeitiilniiçi held' 'in High P()int. ЗДиа idi.stiri et iu composed of 14 counties, a'nd tho''oflieo of ¡"’•p.si'di^nt Was formerlv. held .by Mrs. Bl(a;nche ,.Carr Sterne, of Grecnaboro, ■ >-0- Tihe Met-hodii-'t Womania 'Mia- »ioiiiary Societiy' •w'iill -meet with 'lissea Borthn and Alice Lee ,jon 'ue«’d'dy afternoon, N'ov. 22hd,'at o’clock, . ; '■ -—a—— ■’ ^■'' Mr. and iMrs.:Jioihn Feezo'r, 'of' Siltmore, 'wpre vi.sitox’s in tovvh Ilia 'w^eek. Mr. Fcdzdr is a native »f Davie county i.yihcve ihe .hais many frien'ds. ■ , ■------0— ", There will be> a Thn-nksgiving iii'ty at Oak-Grove school'houae ?iihird'iiiy night, .Nov. 19th for the Iwiiefit of 1 the Churchl' All are nvited to 'attend. ■ • ' Circle No. '2 of tho Presbyter­ ian Au.\iliary will hold their ain- irual bn'z/finr . of needlework on Fridaiy 'afternQion, Nov. 18th,>be- ginning at .2 'o’clock in the PIo;rn bui'l-ding next iloor"' to ^A'Jliaon- Johnaon.. They will als*o serve Chicken-' salad, ii?inn'diwicheia, rolla, deviledi eggf^ J)icklea and coffee for 60o -a plate, -a.nd' «sirtd'wiches land coffee ala'o. The public is oondially invited -to ¡patronize thom. ' ‘ ■ Мш'. Sci'vrr Morrison anci ehild- itn, Scarr, Jr„ Polly, apd Mai-y Adelaide, of H'endersdnvi'lle,-.spe-nt -he week end w ith her pni-erita, Mr. amidi M rs;-G. E. Horn. ' ■' Uoy D. Langston, formdrty of ^aim, now -of Swissvale; P;ai., was married 'to Miss Oertrude Se'inler, of Swis'fvale, Pa„ dn; Octoiíér 21, 1Я27. They are at home at 728b ^IcClure St. 1^- ' , Dr..and Mrs. И, W. Harris ear- I'iud their W'ttle son, Billie, to Gastonia, .treatment iiit -thiß f>i'tho]iedic Hoapital ofi Thu'nsday. lio 'iis.^^uch (improveid»,^ w'e ai-e slad'-ifio'state, v Miasoa Kopelin ail'd Jul'ia'Hunt, 'Wh'o have .beeini talcing a. course- '<’1' trainl'iig at the W-alter Reed Ifn.spita'1, in Wlaiiilhington, D. ,:C.', !"'« spending a-month .with their ■mother, B-rr'a. E. E, Hunt. Ainiotheir in'DW . 'star in a new /fa.shiirgi Western 'pictu'rd -tibafll *'ii'ill you 'out of your a'eat, Bu'/z J''.>vton in “Tlie- Boy Rider”— *'Hneeas Frida*, 'aind S.ituvday, 10 «ini 25 conta. Boys dan’t miss it. Clarksville tow'nsh[]V wil-l .hokl' Sunda'}!. ach'ool 'Ctonvdntidn ,at '*^'bc--stnut Grovè church on- Sun- Mrs.. Queen ,Bess Keitimen lain-d Meadamea S. A; Hardii'nig and A T. Grant ntte'nded. the annual con­ ference- of -ti'ie Northweatern Dia- •trict !of Welfare Workeivs', held- 'abijthe' Sheratori Hotel, High Point, on Tuead-ay of laat -week. A mosi; intere'sttng pvrfgiinm -on- social service work .was given. The meet­ ing cldaedwith a blainiquet served td about'200'gueat-3 in the'loveb’ Sheraton ball room with .Dr. El- 'bert Ru's'sell, Brofesscir of Re­ ligion at .Duke 'University, giving a most able address. Mrs, Kön­ nen was elected Presiid'ent for the coming iyear,'an-rl will arrnnigo a progr'a-m amd seleict the meeting pliaice f'or next year. O------ .... . Mra.- W. E. Kennen delightfuily entertained for her niece, Miaa Doii-otha Norriinigtoii, liVonoring h^.r eighteenith’birthday, Saturday night,, N'py.,.15th. Tihe* room -i^ia arti-.'-ticia-lly id'ecornted with be.w- tiful Jautoumn flowers, the soft glow of-the'candlea '.I'd'ding much to the beautiv of the scene. Many inte'resti nig\'‘ jgamda 'Innld i^lontests were inj'dyed by all 'throughout the evening« After the games, tempting-refreshhien'ts ■\vere '.serv­ ed. Afteii'' 'the gueata had in,ioyed- 'the irefreaiimenta', M'i;a. Keinin'-en bro'ugiht in a lovely birthday cialke,. having 18 pink 'camllea, 'and pre- .sented it to ■ the ho-noree'. , Those in.ioyin'g ,the delightful eveniiTg we're: Mis'sea Dorotha 'Ndrring- ton, Margaret Smith, 'p-t Charl-otte, Laura‘OoninVd, -of Florida, gueats of Miss Norrington, Delia Grant, Ppl'ly Dwl'in^iinLSj Elizabeth .Tiaimpa, Miiidred Wa)lke-V, Miss Bilaette'', Mea'.-'i’a, Walton Dwiggins, Leon- l.n.aid' iWard, <Felix Harding,' ?Roy 90-inch White Linen, yard'.......................................................98c 90-ihch'White Linen, yard..................................,,...................?1.98 iBr.'autiful Har,'d'korchiot' Linon.......!......................,98c' Puip Linen Table Danpak....................................................,$1.29 P-ui'e 'Linen Niapkins................................................'i...................25e 3G-in-eh Droi'S. Linon, aasontod c'c'lors...................................,;49c Wioniiie'ri'ul All Lliien Towels.!....................................................49c L-inei:i Bureii,u Scarfa and Sots to Match.............................49c Linen Bureau Scarfs and Sets to Match..................................98c Special Und-tii'wear Materials..............................i,25c, 35c, 49c Everlisiat Suiting, asadrted colora...........'....................................‘59c • 50 Stylos Whitco Prints .........•,....................................................39c 50 .Stylc'd' Punjinb Perciaiba,........................................................25c 50-inch All-Wool- F'lannela.................................;...................$1.98 “Blue Rose” Flat C-repe, yard............:.....................................$1.59 “EZ” Pyramid Unionsuita...........................!...................;.....;„,.„75c Special UnionauTta (buttoned)...................................................49c 3000 Cards 'of Buttona...................................................................ic ■'5 Spools Good' Spool Cotton..................... .......................,,.....5c 5-4 Standard Table Oil Cloth.................................................,.,.25c S.ta'iiidard . Winido-w Shadea.,.',..........■......-..4 ,,,..............!-,.............49c 9-4 Druid Sheeting, yard.....................................................-,......39c High-Grade! Featiher Pilloiva.................................;....................98c Art Pil'lowa, laisiaorted dosigna..;.,................................49c -to 98c 86-inch Standard O'uting..........................................................„..,18c 27-inch Stan'iard Outing...............,.,..........................................15c B.eautifuT Wide Belta, aaaoi'ted................................................,49c Crepo Bnek'Sn'tin, ■yai'.''I..........................................................;..$1.98 ‘,‘Non-Sa'g” -Je'rsey, yard..............................................................$1.69 Men’s 14 Ib.'.Unionsu-its..........,,................................'...........;'........98c Ladies’ Unions, all styles................... ..............................98c Bmbroideved Planhel'S'..................,........,...!...............98c to $1.49 Wonder Vfflilue, plain Fliaimnels,,.,!............................49c to $1.39 Quilt Si'/,e Odtton Bata.................................75c land 90c 81x90 Pequot Sheets ........,,,,..................................................,,..?1.49 Lovely Assorted Fabric Gloves...,...........................................49c 500Q Yarda Druid 36-inch Domestic..............:.......................lOe (Any, Quantity, Any Time) WONDERFUL NOVEMBER BLANKET OFFER All Stn-ndardi Sizes—r500 P-ai'rs Beautiful Blankets ' to Select From ' . Single Sheet Effects,.....■......................!.......................................85c Double Extra Special.....................................................>........$1.49 Double Extra. Weight.......,..,:...................................................$1.98 Doub e Extra Weight,..........................................................$2.48 Doub e Extiift, Weight...............................................................$2.98 Double Extra Weight........................................;.....!...............,$3.48 Double Ex't-'na! Weight...............................................................$3.98 MILLINERY—MULLINERY 1000 Beia-U'tif-ul Hatsi—Metal,' Felts, Sivti-na, Combinations ; Latest Efr-ects, Be.st Prices." Daily Arrivals. 98c, $1.49, $1.98, $2.98, $3.98, $4.9?, $5.98 -W'hy P ay'83 1-8% M'ore? REAI?Y-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT 500 Bea_ut|fu'l Garments, -Coats, Dresses,' Sui'ts and Rain- ^ cols'ts. . Conrin'g every 'd'ay. No leftovei'®. Gain save you 5% 'to 15%.'dim every aale—whty pay more? . .$4,98, .$6.98, $8.98, $12.98,'§14.98, $18.75, $22.48, $29.75 11!1Д!!|1СЯ!11!Н|1|1М1111И1111В1111И1111ИИЯ1111И11!1В1111И1Р|Я1111а1 ; iiinm-ieiiiiaieiiiiBiiiieMBiSoiiiiiuaiim,iBif,Meisí«M«iiaitmiM;i»iH«MMiwi»'w«í5W|i«r,i?ai44'a«srs ' .,' ' ' ' '' ' ' у ' We Can Save You We can save you money on your magazines. Select your reading for next year and let us sendyour sub­ scription off this Veek. I mI A beautiful selection of Christ- f mas cards ready for your inspec- | tion.., 'f A L lM n L E M I MOCKSVILLE, N. C. ^IfflBlSISllSBllilBiiilKiliBiiiBeiiiiaSieiä'eiälSSISIHIillBllilBliB■gJ ..L. ....»_ ..................................................'iHBIiiiSíiíi'eiíiiBiiiíBliíHliia ■1111В1111В:Ж11»В!!:!ИШПШ , DEAR Ç'OLKS—Tihe above piiice-s ■aro.the'beat in t)he know it—310U know it, aind' ouir icompetitora know i^tl So w-h-at’s 'the sense of -a discussion, ’ We thank you Tv"vr "W-hat you have idione an-d are' going to do for us .during tie next 45 daysi—.the-n'Santni Cla'us! 'I MORRISETT CO. LAUNDRY ' “Everything washed snowiiy clean —everything'ironed to-pc|rfection ■■ —every piece given individual care—your bundle complete; ready to use or wear.” ■ We .call for your clotheis—wash them immaculatel.v clean in floods of pure, rainsoft water and fluffy billows of mild, white, suds— , Rinse- and tivy-iroh every thing with exqiiisite care— And return your bundle sweetly clean, wonderfully neat, -with everything ready’to wear or put away. And this wondeaful service, always dependable, always right, is moderate in cost. W£T-WASIl--miF-T-P»lM-PllEST. Cooieemee Ice &. Laandry Co.* Gooleeinee, Ni C. ' 'i'" ’ ''PV' ' I Раке . '.У'Ч- ' V V;- ш ■f :'!ï ^1 Y • 'ЩГ. ■ ',.k ■ • ï *ÍU ' I * i' I . tji'n p' 3' ’Tifi 'Í '>* V-.iUiMEfeS is S : И!||С Ï' » I tJ II í I- - î Lv'- ■' Ш ' ¿ î , “ Л ■pngo ß THE MOCKSAaLLE. ENTERrniSE, MOCKSVILLE, N. C. MOCKSVILLE METHODIST CHUltCH The new confwüiite 'year sliarl- • cd off well at the Methodist church Sundny morning. A i'ood eizedi cionigreK«l‘-'0‘n w:as present • to yi'eet the "new prtwclier.’ ■ ‘Every body seemed to be in a hopet'-ul spirit for the new yemr. Hhc 'pa»tor u'sed for a text Aets 2:47 from w.hich he preaebcid on The Progressive Church, group ing some of tlic things necessary ¿0 tliE making 'of iu progressive' (ihurch laround the letter “P, яЬолу1пв bhiat such « churah must be*1. A Preaching Church. Not only did Peber lanid'the other apos- ties preach ;as on the day of Pen- lecoat, .but they that were scat^ terfd abroad' under the Ivandi of peroecution Avent evei'y where jureaeWng the лvord'. Eve^i mem­ ber lof ibhe church should be a IKceacher or proclwimer of the ■dword. ,,Д . A Pnaiying Church. The ,early ohurch which gi’CAV by nd д1Шоп and by.’multipHcation was Л jiraying ichurch. Do луе as a chuTöh.'know the secret of prevail 3ng prayer?! The ohurch must 4eaHni'how to 'get thinga from Gold ; df it is to m>ove fwward in thi® Avorid. s ■■ III. A Piarticlpati'ng Ohurch Every member should be identifi­ ed ^Ith me much of the activities . of ilie chuirch as possible. The :Childrén, young people, nnd tflder -ones for that matter, should all Ъе In 'and a iparL of the •organizn- tions 'of the cihnrch suited to their .¡tage and station in life. ^ ' IV. A Paying Church. Growth rifl the grace 'of libeiiality i's one . ..tof the marks of a progressive jchurcli. Do we know anj-thiing ..about sncriflcinl, giving? ■ V . A Church permeated by the power n'nid; under the doiminance ■of the Holy Spirit will be a re'al ‘ • 2*rtÍRre'e&ive church. The evening service was not . ,íii3 well attended 'а.ч it should 'have Ъееп. Miany seem to, think that ; (if they have attended the morn­ ing eervice they have 'discharged №eir fu'll diity for the dny. But, have they? Tt i« hoped thnt every member Avill bo present next Sulndny, nnd, if possible, . bring n friend with him. Why) not? ■ ' ’ . Thursirkiy, Novombe-r J7, 1027 ADVANCE NEVVS ' Winter is 'a íícc:;!' time io make Jnrger tìekls nnd to 'S'traighten out .some' of the fleld linos. I\[rs. C. Wiyers spent, one day iiS’St week in Winston-Salem, shop­ ping. Mr. N. A. llobortaon .spent w few 'houi'si Sunday with his bro­ ther, T. H. Robertson. ' J^Ir. and Mrs/ Henry Foster spent Eri'day night with his moth­ er, Mr'S. J. G. Foster. Mr. and Mra. E. O. Mnrkln'nid nnd family spenit Suirdiay even­ ing with Mr. Marlcl'and’s father, Mr. G. Mai-kl'and. Mr. liund Mrs. F. F. Miller of High Point spent the week end with Mra Miller’s piairents, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. L. Foster. Misses Settle 'and Mabel Smith' spent the weiek en'd ot Smith Grove with friends. They were nccomiHninied home by Miss Cami- lar Plott. Miss Nellie Bennett of Cornatz. er spent Wednes'dnv n.imht with Mary Lethiia Myers. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Peeler of Snliabury spent Friday with home folks. Misses Susie Robertson i&nd Nlain'nie Etchison 'spent « while Sun'lny wibh Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Smith. Mrs. L. M. Cline spent, Tues­ day ini Clemmons with iher daugh­ ter.' Mrs. J. F. Etchison. Misa Rosa Crewa .who 'ho'ld's a position in Hanes, spent the week end at home. Mr. Elmer Mock of High Point spent Fri'diny 'in Advnnce. Pairmington High motored 'down to .the Advance High School last Frid'aiy .nnd' defeated them in 'a hard fought basket ball game. Both' teams did fine work, but it seemed thnt, the 'Fnrmingto'ni playeiigi were 'a little too fnat for our boys. Stnrs for Advnnce were 'Dnvis laind Voglor. Score 23 and' 22 in lla.vor F. H. S., and' Mrs. A. W. Allen. Estiher A'llen accompanied home. Mrs. Ciirrie Brown of Chinni Grove .spent Sunday with her gii'and parents, Mr. anxV Mrs. A. W. All'c'n.tfV- ■ him. Í FORK NEWS Mr. G. B. Bl'ahd nnd son Cecil, of Lexington, spent the week end with Mr. Z. V. Burton. Born to Bir. 'aind Mrs. Scott Stewart, WcdneE'day, Nov. 9, a fine son. Mr. a'nid' ]\Irs. Dewie Aaron of Winaton-Salcm, spent Sunday with Mr'. Aaron’s m'obher, Mra. Emma A.,aron. Ml’, land Mra. J. G; Allen and. Mr. A, T. A'llen .made la. trip to ' Wins'ta'ifr&nlem Mbiiday. Mr. Roy Saiin apent Sunday night with liiisi granid parents, Mr. CANA NEWS Mr. nnd Mrs. M. V, Andrews with their friend's, Mr. 'aiiiid Blrs Meredith 'andi little diaiughter, all or 'Prinitji, attended church her last Sunday laind wore dinner gueijits 'O'f Mr. amd' Mrs. J. B. Cain Miss Nollie Harris has agiain taken up ih'er wcrk i'n the school here, after a weeks 'absence caused by ithe delaith of her fath eir. Thankagiving service will be held lat Eaton’® 'church on Thurs idby, Nov. 24th at 11 a. m., to be conducted by the pastor. Mr. 'nindi Mrs. J. Will Horn of Winston-Salem visited relatives here 'last Sunday afternoon. Miss Katharine Min'or, of the Copel'mnd school faculty, spent the week end wHih her pare'ntsi here. ■ Ansenthusiastic meeting of the Womiain’s Missionary society was held lasit Sunday evening. The subject for diacusis'io'ni 'at this meeting waa "the queationing J'ews,” and waa vei'y intoresting 'find helpful. Those present were Mesdameisi J. T. S'ink. A. W. Fore- bee, J. L. Boger, N. H. Collett, R. W. Collett, J. B. Cniir, J. F. Ferebee, C. W. LOTver.r,G. F'cre- bee, J. D. Oollc-lt, W. S. Stone- atreet, J. W. Etchiaon and Misa Minnie Collett. Rev. ' <3. S. Cashwell apent seveilal da,vs 'last week visiting in the nei'ghborhood. The d®initiiftt, .sent out biy the State, was ihere Mondiay looking niter the tooth lof the .school children. Mr. John Cnrtnor, of Mocks­ ville', ia in the neighborhood this week shredding cora for some of th'e fnrmers. * A. F. CAMPBELL & H. R. ♦ * WALKER, UNDERTAKERS * * .A completo line of factory ■* * nnd Jiand-mado Caskets. * * Motor Hearse nnd an Ex- ■" * pert Embalmer nt your * * Service * * MOCKSVILLE, N. C. * * Alao J. J. Starrott’a , ■ '* * Moeksvillo, Rt. 1. * " Day Phone .......;..................1G4 * * Night Phone — — **##»#«* November Clearance Of Used Gars biii'.sd'ay N'ovcmber 17, 1027 THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, M0CK3VJLLE, N. C.Page T П П П В П Ш П И В И П В П И В 'Ж Ш Ш '.ALLEN REUNION Be I This month we are giving special attention I to our Used Car Department. Every car good condition and ^‘a-rarin^ to g o j ^is m The Cold Weather Is Just Around The Corner. I We are determined to sell these cars during the month I of November, therefore the price is not considered. You must see them to appreciate their real value. One 1927 Chevrolet Coach Run I860 miles Two 1926 Chevrolet Touring Cars Original Tires. A4 condition Two 1924 Ford Coupes Two 1925 Ford Coupes One 1926 Ford Coupe Two 1926 Ford Roadsters One 1926 Ford Touring Car One 1924 Ford Roadster One 1924 2-door Ford Sedan other Fords Cheaper One 1925 Studebaker Roadster One Light Overland Touring One 1925 Ford 1-Ton Triick At $1 0 0 . 0 0 One 1925 Ford 1-Ton Truck New Tires, Steel Cab and Body go at $200.00 Ш Ion 45 -1 « » « Si'iii I Be sure that you see these cars before you buy elsewhere MARTIN CHEVROLET CO. Mocksville, N. C. Used Cars That WILL Run OVERCOATS AND TOPCOATS To please everyone, medium or heavy weight, newest patterns, $15 fo $27.50 SWEATERS For men and boys. Slip-ons and coats. $1.50 to $8 LUMBERJACKS To please everyone. Men’s sizes $4.00 up Boy’s sizes $3 to $5 . SUITS . A special lot now on display. One and two pants $ 2 2 .5 0 to $ 3 0 The AMen lieunion was hel'd Suii,idayv Nov. 1!J at .the home 'oi Mr. A, W AI1f>n, 'nenr Fm’l< Church, in honor of 'his 81st birthday. Mr. and Mrs. have 9 children, all SAYS' HEAD HUNTER CAN WILL DEATH FOR HIMSELF New Ycii'k, NoVi 6.—The 'he.’d- li'Un'lei',4 iaind cannibal iLribe.4 o f iaointod New» Guinea, 'aithoug'h Allen living 5,000 years boh'i'nd West- living land ern eivilimitiòn, possesses a wire- takejfl. over the premises and pro­ perty formerly owned by Mockfi- ville Lumb&r Company, aituato near Depot street in the Town of Monk.'ivijlp,, nnd will rnritinne tn operate thereon a lumber estab- lishm.ent tinder thè name of “E .. G. ,Hendricks Lumber i’lant.^’ • This 1st Nov. 1927, A. D. ' E. G'. HENDRICKS C. ÍL HENDRICKS , 11 10 41, H ïiiiBxiB'iiiniiiiaiiiiRüiifliiiiBüüB ■llliBIIKE all ware piwcnl. Also 50 grand-' 1е.чв', ’s'ourxd'less means 'of com- BOY’S SUITS $6.50 to $16.50 These are extra good values in all sizes. Long and short pants. All two pairs. a j I- i m wi BROS, i Ï0S1 SALISBURY, N. C. i D I I I ! n i l l ! B I I I I B I I I l H I I I { B I ! l i m i l l f l i l l l B ! I I I D i n i l l i n : i i l B i ; i l l E B I ¡ l i a i n i l l ! B i l l l B i l l l B I ! l l B i l l l B l l l i n i l l chiMren, 44'jjrcsent and 14 g'leat- grand-cihildren, 12 present, 'i’ho^o from other'couiiities tlHat were pre­ sent were Mr. iunid Mrs, B. W. Al­ len. and' (¡'aughter, Mrs. Minnie Miller ail'd' child''ien, Mr, nnd Mrsi Joyce, Mr. and Mrs, Heniy Tucker nnd children, Mrs. Erne.st Leo nnd children, Mr, lamd' Mrs, Albert Smith, Min.-'i .Krloen Mabery, laiid J'ainus Milier, .ail of Winsl'oni- Snlem, Bir. and M.rs, J, W. A'llen ;uii[l children, Mr, inir.id Mrs, Vaden Allen, Mr, 'and Mrs. Buran Alien anil childron, all of U'owan coun­ ty’. Mrs. Myran Brown of China Grove, Mr. licnd Mrs, J. M, Smith iiT.id -children, Mr. and'Mra,'Noah Smith and chiltlren of 'near Le.x- ington, Mr. 'and Mrs. Evridge, Mi-'s Mary Smith land Mr. liow- nrcl Evridge, i\Ir. and Mrs. Crator, Mts. Mairy A'llspau'gh, also Mis,s NbIUo Allsjiaugih of near Winston Siaileni, Mr, Leo Sain, of iianna- polis, Mr, W, F, Jacks'on of Rcid's- ville, A long table was fixed' in the yard, which was very beautiful. Rod, white, pink aivct yellow chry- .samithenium formed a beautiful de- _ corabion nnd in tho center of 'the g table set a iarge beautiful birth- ■ (I'aiy cakt', whioh held 81 candles, set in pink artifici'al rose bulls. Many plctuii'03 of the beautifu'l table were madevnndi alao the family group, by Mr. Jackson, of Re I da ville. After a iirayer by the P'a'fi'tor, Mr. Thompson, a sum.pt- ous 'dinner w"as surved. The 'homei was '.n.iiso beautifully deco- rateid wlith ciiryiaianithemumg of different 'colors, ferns, cedar, 'and autumn leaves. It waa a iday we'll enjoyed .'by 'all lui'osorit and h s the sun lowered in tho weis't, ail left for their ihomes, hoping to bo present on m'any more hlii'ppy occasions like this. —One'Present. 2 ': DR, •a, » IIIB ' • tt » * 4Í * «■ * # # # « LESTER P. .MARTIN * Night Phone 120; Day Phono * 71. • Mockavilie, N. C, * niunication V'hic'h carries their message's acros.% mountains ¡a'nd' from island to 'is'liamd, and which so lia'r haa Haunted overy eifort al scientific explanation. This ia one of the weird facts vouched foi' by Bea'brico Grim- 'sh'aw, a iwriter who Ihisis 'sjient several years in thti soi,tlements of Bri'tisih Now Guinea. Other practices verging on the magical which 'are cnrried 'cn in thia iitlle explored region lat tho back drwi'V of Ausbi'alia 'are ro- luirtcd >iind 'SubsfcHiiitiatod with names, p'laces ainil*'d.ateH. by l\Iiss Grimalinw ini an article in The iilk.s Magazine, "F'or one thing,’’ »he s'aya, “the tribesmen can will himself to death—^nnd does, at times for the most itrivnl rens'ons. He ma.y de- /;ide to give uip Ills life .aimpl.w because someone has crossed him; beeauao his master has re- fiiiiod permission to ntten'd a <ii-a,nein.g fcjslival, lor be'clauso 'ii favorite pig has died.' He meirely liea down anidi fa'dcs out of iife, lets go. A day or two may ond "He cnn will nnother out of life, to'o. But that is more easily comprchonaibie; .hypnotism comes in; here,” i.siio aaj's, relating the experience of a white sea cwp- tain nnd mate who Avere forced to boat tbE'ir native crow with rones for .‘«everal days on la: trip- between islands to prevent their lying id'own to 'die under the bo- linf .that they Ih'nid been betwitehod ,by n native sorcerer. NOTICE Notice'la hereby given that tho firm heretofore exii.sting and knmvn 'aa D, H, Hondricka & Sons haa this day beon dissolved, E, G, Hendricks retiring from said firm and C, H, Henddcks continuing tho sinmo under the old firm name. All bills dUL’'Lsiiiid firm are payable lo C. H, Hendricks and all ac­ counts owinjr by said firm will be iinid by «aid C, H, Hendricks. Under tho lorma of this dis­ solution tho .said 13. G. Hondricks i!№B¡«!Bí№BiiiiB¡o»jiBiii!a;iiiB!iiiai»¡n;»iai«íBii¡H:i¡iBii<iBi», “iT W O N ’T B E L O N G N O W !” 3 z :''S « Just laround the corner—and much nearer than you 'Wpw realize i® the gift giving season. The cool days 'of autumil, ,, ■are hero—the seasion when women's thoughts'turn to jewel- ry—-'as the wintlor socia'l soaaoh geta under way. ; , Every woek how we are receiving deh'veriea lof 'beautiful, new jewelry 'a'nd ih'bveltiea. Scei theao and make isQlectiort ' while your ehoico can be unrestricted' from w .p.articularly/ wido range of now jewoliny.. An unusual opportunity to piit aside a bLautlful Christmas rj gift for somo loved one. ' C. J. ANGELL “GIFTS THAT LAST” Mocksville, N. C, B i n i l l B l l ü B I I I ШПНШЙ nillBllilBIIGBlDIBIIIIBIIilBliai ■»IIBIIIlBIIIIBIIIIBIIEBIIIIfllllBIIIlBIIIII Get Horn-Johnstone Company’s Flour IT’S GOOD ALL THE TIME « t i i i i n № ; n ' i i i n i i i i M í i i i B i i i i B i i i í B i i i i H ! i i i D i i i i H i i i i n i i i i n i i n B i № B i i i i B i i i i m u ' n i i i m i i i B i i i i B n i i i i i s i i i i B i i f i i B i i i i B i i ii!niim¡>rBii'!BFiiB.'iiiB!!i:nioiiií№B¡i¡Hiii!BixBii!'Bí:iwiiiB:iiBiK ;XBMiiiiBiiiiBiii:BiiiiB'^iHii;iBii;iBiiiiflíiiiMiiiiBiiiiafiiiB'iiiBii!iBiü!B'iijBiiiiBiinBii!iBii!iflíiiia:iiBiiiiBiii:B:i¡iBiiíiBii|iB!iiiB aiMii:a¡ii!Hii!!Í9iii¡UiiiiBÍB;iÍKiiii¡ÍB!ii¡É;ii |||пп1||:н111!в1:па'п'в!№в1!11в11':в1 imiiw'j U'i'iHiii iuta я iiib ;!i,b i!;;b ü i i K iiiB lii PLAID BLANKETS CHILDREN’S U’SUITS Heavy Cotton. Size 64x7C Ta'ped and Button Sizes 2 to 12 95c 48c BEIK^ENS CO. Winston-Salem’s Leading Department Store Rayon and Cotton Knit BLOOMERS In *big (range <if ehaid'e's 39c One Table OUTINGS 27 inchci.s' wide- Wihito, I)ink, blue and gray; ahort lengtha. Yard— 5c WE ARE HERE TO GIVE YOU BETTER VALUES Not only today or tomorrow, but every day. We couldn’t change if we wanted to. For dependable merchandise, with the proper style to it, this store can’t be beat and the proof of thé pudding is our ever growing number of satisfied customers. JUST RECEIVED BIG SHIPMENT NEW FUR IRIMMED COAIS WARM CLOTHES FOR Men and Boys At Belk’s Price Savers Ме'п’а and youing men’s heav.y and medium weijjht overcoats. Good serviceable materiala at 1 . 4 8 Щ i Q ИiI V i< . Sii 50 l:iKAND NEW FELT HATS Be the first to get one of these smart fall styles at this ridicul ously low price. Many new shapes J AH new desirable shades and no­ vel touches. All head sizes. CHILDREN’S FELT HATS" Becoming^ styles for little girls in many shapes and a wi le .selection of pretty new shades and trims. ' 4 S c , 69c, 9Sc Hundreds o|' warm, soft, fleecy blankets are ready for yoi at Belks, and everyone is priced to save j'^ou moiiey. Single and double bed .sizes. In plaids, stripes or plain, cotton, wool or wool mix­ ed. Priced at. $ 1 .9 8 , $ 3 .9 5 , $ 4 ,9 5 , $ 5 .9 5 The very newest styles in the rich new coating material offering you many new variations. All are dressy models, richly fur trim­ med and rare values. Now is the time to get your coat for Youiig men’s all wool overconts. Thanksgiving. ' $9.95 ;.nil'M I'!|IR |im n »H 9l!ailllB I!|ifl1 lí i : i B : i l l B I I I I B I I | l B i l l l B ; i | I B : i l i a i l l ! B 'I I I B I I I I B ; i l ! B I I I I B : i l I B I I I I B I I I I B . ! : i B : ! i : ! 9 l ¡ ! ! S Í r i l l l B № B : r i l l B : l l l B ! l l l l O i ¡ l l B I I I ¡ l l l : l i i a i ! m i l t l B ! i ; i B i l i l O ; i l l B í l l ! B : i l l B . 'l S B , l l l f f l i l l l t S a i I ! I I I I ! l í : r a : ! I U . : S Q í l í a i ¡ l i n i l ' i n ! í l l M i ; i i n i i i i r a ' l ' ' B ' ' « i ' ' T n ' i m i i l ' f f l ' i l ' B ; ' : ! B ' ! ! ' B ! ! l ! H ' ! i : S ! i : ! S ! ! S a ! ! ! i a i ! : ! B I ! S a i \ B ! ! l ! l ^ l ! l [ ! a i ! : ! S ! ' : i i l Í S ! : ! Í B м. K. GRAVELY J . L . M c G O R M I C K w. A. S H O R E ■ i A LETTER OF THANKS TO THE FARMERS $29.75 to $39.75 EXCEPTIONAL SAVINGS ON CHILDREN’S AND MISSES’ FALL COATS Childrens Fur-Trimmed Coats With caps to match. Sizes 2 to 6 $ 2 .9 5 , IMisses Fur-Trimmed Coats Sizes 13 to 17. Made of finest mater- ials trimmed in. furs. $ 1 4 .9 5 to $ 2 9 .5 0 LITTLE GIRLS’ BROADCLOTH COATS Sizes 2 to (}. Pretty styles warmly lin­ ed and interlined. Collars and cuffs trimmed in caracul, i?4;95 and $5.95 In pretty pa'tterms; nil sizes. $12.95 Men’s an'cli Young M'en’s Ail wool Topcoiats in g’ood n.'inge tjf pat­ terns, Su'tin lined. $ 1 4 .9 5 Boys’ suits vvitli .'one long an'd' ono ,4hort'|ini!:it.-i and vest prado of good quality mnlt'i'inl». I^rettyi patterns; Sizes () to 12, $ 5 .9 S Men’.s -and yofir.g men’s 'real good Toiicoii'i.., in mo.st .any du rabie.pat­ tern— $19.50 Imitile boya’ overcoats, made 'of polo cloth,ian,d other: good wtìvr- ing materiiils, Sizes 2 to 8— ;$ 4 .9 5 . MEN’S AND BOYS’ LUMBERJACKS In Koal Heavy Materials. All size,s, priced from $1.98 lo $4.98.' FIRST SALE DAYS NEXT WEEK' Tueadny and Tliurad'ay..FoiU(>win'Êr we&k Monday^ , Wtdnosd'ay and Frldiiiy. ' . ■ • T , T h r o u g h y o u w e h a v e h a d a m o s t s u c c e s s f u l y e a r a n d b y p l e a s i n g y o u w i t h o u r h i g h p r i c e s w e c a n b o a s t o t h a v i n g s u c h a w o n d e r f u l c o r p s o f b u y e r s . / O u r “ B i g J i m ” B a l l , t h e m a n w h o k n o w s h o w , i s m a k i n g t h e f a r m e r s m o r e p r o s p e r o u s b y g e t t i n g t h e w o r t h o f g o o d t o b a c c o . T o t h e f a r m e r s w h o h a v e n ’t s o l d t h e i r t o b a c c o w i t h u s w e w a n t y o u t o k n o w t h a t w e a r e o u t o f t h e c o n ­ g e s t e d t r a f f i c ___n o r e d l i g h t s o r a n y s i g n a l s - - - j u s t c o m e t o t h e c o r n e r o f W h i t e a n d N o r t h L i b e r t y S t r e e t a n d b e p l e a s e d w i t h o u r h i g h p r i c e s - - s o m e t h i n g t h e L I B E R T Y i s n o t e d f o r > Liberty Warehouse C o r n e r W h i t e & N o r t h L i b e r t y S t r e e t s W i n s t o n - S a l e m , N . C . «-a: ■ •!P r f ■I il Й .'-О.*' -I ;Й111Ш!аИВЕ1!Я!11!ЕИ^ ► v' * г .. \: fl l i t ' 'I Ь 'к У . ;?f:| üW/ÿM'i |?'уга i'№í t e i f i Ifeli iiffi. щ т . I I IF ’ i Ч > / " ' P a g o G THE,MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, M0CKÍ3VILLE, N. C. T ,'^Ж. CHOATE ATTENDING ■ ;■ ----- ' ■ ■ ' DENTAL ASSOCIATION Mr, B. G. O'nonte is nttenclinB • ib e l\!strict Dentil! Аг-кошуиил ^cctiiiiig buing heki: in Winston ftjhis week. •JNVOKINi} 11ЕЛУ13К’3 WRATH ON EXECUTIONERS. VICTIM ; OF DEATH LOTTERY IS SHOT • lÀi Paz, Bolivia, Nov. 6.—In a ' jsetting . weirdly beautiful — on .Jiei'tfhts suiTounde.l' by einow-clad ' ;nt(ruii;('J.vins 'batched in a bright -tpoplonl sun shining from an Eiziiro 'sky—Alfredo Jauregui Sat­ urday was executed by m) firing equui'd foil" th'0 giruesome murder ■jn 1917 of GtMTeral Pan do, illust- Ti'OUâ aO'.'dier and former presi- , d.ent 'bf Boilivi'a. Jfturegul was one of tihe four yÿODvicited of the murder, and ho Jied idilalwn bhe Lot, which eent him to face tlrei de.at'h peinalty for dihe crfme of all, as provided by the tow 'of ithe tond. Because the iairmy ii'efused to lend soldiers to Ihè tnek, eigiht policemen we're as- . teiuUijed *0 . lexecu'té the 'youthful ■'wlajrér.'' ; , ■ As Ihe.'alighted from 'the 'aüto- onobllè in 'the air field where ithe execütilon (took place iniiiipiranes ^ c i‘e droning >he funeral dirge -4)\'erhead. iHe embraced the A's- Bociated iPirfesH icorrespondent, jekÎTig him to infwm tho world ilth'at he Wa® innocent. He lalso ihad kind words for the jeauit and irancilsean brothers who cons'oled 3iim. / ■ . "Whiin his f'C'et were bound' to- jgebher and' d,n full view of a great •tóiiviig wlio liad tiaken a day off pmd сдте by foot 'and in' lalny kind' of yohidls, ihe said : , “ J 4Ìm »peaking agaln-tt my eve- cutioriers, against thp iludas who ihas'brought me here.!’ > Jn^ poetic phrasës he read ta speech denouncing Judge Tamlayo who aentonced/bim. He oallcd on God to witness his inn.ocence and then cw itho eminent aipirit lof Geiiiçrar Pnndo to be' witness at ■ thia U’agic: moment, ito saiÿ the •\Vord eiiving .hiim friom death and cxonera.tin'g' him from the charg­ ea. i. He then (ngairi invoked'ithe deity to punish hls cxecU'tipners by sac- ■ riftcin'g them to fch'E' Âvikl la'nimals, ms Wa'ii doiie' in ancien’t Rome. ' 'The public ipiic'seou'tor cut him iS'hof t, buit ' J a u reiru i ; .conii n ued t o .é'peak witih the apjliarenit approva'! lof thé multitude. The flriing sqiind took up It^ роз Id o n; ■ jihe ; prosecu tor .a sked : 'Voh'ik'l Jntvrouuii 'hiive you, for it.ho tost ilme, in the name' of the ; 3a%v, lany r.evelaitlon bo make.” Almoat violent, he »houì:ed: ‘‘No I 1шуо nothing to confe.?a„ for I , "am ■inmo’ee'fllt.” • • ' " Jtinn Jauregui and the other 'coji.vi_Çtt?;.,''y]hprni\oM lh:ad .spared the: ,fa'te of AÎù'cdo, tha'ew thcmselv^ upon the ihaVd eoiil, clamoring for divine pi-ovkheace, wit.'h their hand4/and heads point­ ed .heavenwart^^ *■. J His iife only !ai m'ere matten of -minutes,, Alfrelilo excliaimed: “I nm leaviing tbis^infamious 'World •with a smile.” Hiii broither ,Juan shouted to him: “Laugh, biWhcr.’, liaugh. The •4vprld is just, дак1 eui-e 'of yioiir jTilnoeence,” Alfredo was bn.n'Ænged with a black handkerchief and'sielalted in til Avode'm chii'irj The priest offer­ ed him the cn'ueifix, the police of- йсег uinshenthed bis aword ready to give the 'command to fire. As "he was countiTig, tbe condemned 7ППП tried ' to ifair tlie haivdker- rhief fiicm lii.s eye?, but was pre­ vented by lvi.4 executioners. ,“Ten—fire!” The rifles sound- fd and Alfredo Jiiiaregui fol'l. Death w’lals iT!,4ta:ntanepu.s. No coim do irraco was needed. Tlio line.4 to Thursid¿iy,.;Novcmb,fir 17, 1.П27 . ■ Л ä ií ш ш щ н.г Salisbury, N. C. One of Carolina's Best Stores. They invite their neighbors of Mocks­ ville and vicinity to make their store their headquarters when in Salis- | bury. , I BETTER SHOES FOR LESS IVIONEYI is their slogan, And they have them for every member of the family. ■illlBIIIIB9IIB»nilllBllilBIII!B№IBIIIIB!lli.твплипвш LADIES REST ROOM FOR YO U R COMFORT. ш т ш ш т т т ш ш ш т ш ш т т т т т т ш т ш т : ! « ! Bell Shoe Store 1ЛО XT/M>'nï.ï n,l A Ï \T ----- _103 NORTH MAIN STREET linill¡BIIIIBIIIIBIII!BI№BIII!fllHfln!IBilllfli;i[BIIIIBI!ílB!IIIB¡IM!IIIH!IIBIIIin¡IIBIIIi|IIIIBIIIIBIIIII SALISUURY, N. C. iiiiBiiiaiiiíBin«iiiiBiiiiBiiiiBiL'iBiiiiBiiiiBiiii»iiiiaiiiiBiiiiB:ii. .im I" iilü'n'g and nail advertisements to the biees, using fcng nails in most instances so that the sign c|.imnot be inemoved. This, boo, in iihe face of a law in North Oai'o- linia which makes it a misidemean- 'or to iso a'divertise without the consent of the pr<operty owinier.” Mr. Gmeber states that he re- ecmtly counted 47 fine ti’ees with- jin' the splaice., of lone-fourth of a mile on Highway Number 10 be­ tween Dudiham lainid' Ilifisboro, which were iplaatered with signs. He Initiates that some 'of these same adveirtisers would be vastly clhiag- rined if ith'by would go to theiir business places some morning and find' nailed to' their property signs advertiainig the farmers business. Think of some, ladies clothing stoi'e finding mailed' to its portals 31 siii'n' ndve'i'tising piirei bred' pigs at the . Green Hill Fam . The pvoiirietci'i' of this st'nro would bo greatly' in'S'Ulted aiid .“(cek to do something about it. The, farmer and Inniimvner has the same right, states Mr, Gr'aebCr. . ’ He stiate.s th'ttt lYe siaw .one pile ■of loga containing'some liBOO feet ot h'Igh grade lumber worth about or .$'iO'that was bfiing burned becnuse' of the nails which they contai ned.. C'h'nmbeics of Com- fnerce,^BottIera Associations and Menciha'iitt A's'.sociations .s'houldi consider thip matter ;»;nld'. '/idvi'.?e‘ their membeirships lagainst such advertiij'ing. .Tl'ria wiould n'ot only prove'nt timber waste, but Avould add' much to' the beauty of tho Jandacitpp, 'state.s Mr. Graeber. JtAV^ÓN№ bffMAÜÍlEs WITH SiaHPLE CHEMICAL DÁVIE CHARGE E, M, Avett, pastor Communion aorvice at Salem Sunday 11 a. m .; (preaching at Hardison 3 p, m„ ta'nd Center at 7 p, m,' Oome to church, MILITARY FORCES WILL H E L P D E M O L IS H BRIDGE Waahington, Nov. 12, — The secretary of war has approved ft project in Which riiilitary poiison- 'bions nel, with tho permission af 'lor.al motored and capable of cauii'ying of thia type, ' Thu engineer c'orps will uSo about two tons of bigh exirfoaivea. Artillery shelliai 'of calibers from 76 to 240 mm wi'll be used by the ordnance depiartment and field ar­ tillery to ascertain the effect of ia''rtiricry 'i>n such a tyjie briidge. The air corps will send a for­ mation of nine .bombers from the secoind bombairdmenit grouip, Lang­ ley field to Port Bragg, which will be the base for its opera- The'Se bombeivsi are bi- Rhleigh, Nov. 1C,—Roa'che® are among the most 'repulsive peats that afflict the>bouaewife yet they may be effectively contrall-od by dust'in'g a little sodium fiourid ■arounid' la,bout t'he , baseboard of kitchens jaind pantries. “Mairyi bouseiholds, 'stores and warehouses are infested with this pcist,” says. C. H. Branin'on, exten­ sion entom'oliogiat ut State College. “The roa'Chea do 'damage by feed­ ing on the foodiiitufTa 'left on the shelves but they also leave la, very off'L'r.iaive odor which can 'hardly be vem'cved from shelvea laind diah- G'Uth'oritiea, w ill a'saist in the de­ molition of the , Pee Doe river bridge. North Oaroliinia, for tho purpose 'of conducti'nfg exipori- moji'ts in tho use of explo.sivea and in the effect of iivtil.lory fire and'aoiiial bombing on the bri'd'ge. The bridgei to be demolished is over the Pee Doe river between Albemarle ami Mount Gilead. It is modern reinforced 'concretei highway bridge cansisting 'Oi'; three arches in the center, each of about .150 foot i-ip'sin', w’ith seve'ii! 42 1-2 foot concrete girder 'spans on each en;d'. Tlvo Ijridgo 1ms iiv total 'icngth'of about 1,070 feet. It was completed in 1922 at a cd.st of about a cjunrtor of a mil­ lion dollars, Tbe bridice is being demolished at this time bec'nuso 2,000 pounds oi bombs. However the limitations of the flying field at Fort Bra’gg wiM limit the load of bomba 'of each plane to 1,100 pounds, -----------4»------—— — MY HOME. HINTS II'IOR HANDLING THE DAIRY BULL Out ill the country 'Lhere's a home I 'love, None cl.'iin ■ equ^il it but the one above. The paint has worn off, tho 'fiira,".s grown hisrh. But here' i.s' ono that won’t pass lit by. In thnt h'ome theiy^ a father 'and ' mother. My love for them 'dan't bp taken , ' by anothei'’, * the building 'of a dam near'Nor- They have worked hard nnd long wood by the Carolinai Light and to give mo the best, Power company will submeirgc' it Th'fy hiaAie gsriC thus iiu'rl must and. rpiuler it an^ob.struction to d'o №,e re.st, navlgaiimil . . . High oX'ploii'ives, antiilery sheila ftnid aenial bo^ba h'a.ve been made, available b/,the war 'dieparlrnent for thc,s;e. te,5'ts in which the .en­ gineer corps, field artillery, or­ dinance idieitairtment.a'n'd air corp3 will participate. The experi­ ments will be c'onduicted with thè foW'Dwing objects in view; A,' To determine the accurt'a:cy of present formulas for the uso ^ of cxp'loai'veiHi in demojition work j aa far ’«a rein'forced concrete is concerned, Bv To dete'rmine the correct placing lof charges for demo'lition of a (reinforced concrète bridge of tbia type. C. To determine the most sui­ table manner 'of placing chargea .and retaining them in place. iD. To determine the e fT e c i of -Jakle Foster, THE. ASHEVILLE TIMES GATH- ers ani;li printisi the news laa it is happening far ahead of (re­ gular morning nowapapera. It giv's you full market reports, • c'omplete sporting inewa, with all pictivitiea eveiywbere, while such newis; is ‘.‘hariging on a ipeg” in other newspaper officea —ALL news appciars FIRST in tbsi Asheville Ti.mea, a'nd during “Bargnin Daiya,” Dec, 1-15, you P'fiy only $4i00 (saving !?3,00) fer Tbe Times (evening or morn'ing (edition), Itoily 'and Sundi3iy by mail for a FULL lyear—before 'and lafter it is .?7;00 a yea'r," '------———♦--------------- All the: Time Consistent ea w ib h 'o u t w a s h in g w ith b o ilin g , „ ,, w a t t f r 'a n d 's o a p . T h e in s e c ts do j'a r t 'l‘l e '7 fi're_ on th e 'su p e r'-jtru c- b a v e, o n e go o d t r a i t in th n t t h e y j tm 'e of lai b r id g e 'o f t h is ty n e b y placing bi'gih exploij'iivo shells ofclean up dead (nnimta'l mjaterialand prey upon be'drbugs. Yet various sizeis in positjio'ni om’ thç they 'are too disagi'eeiaible to'be ™''''dwny aiid exp'ioding them nllowed' to rem'aimi in the -hou.se,• there, _______.... , Roaches may be effectively con- .To dotoimine the ofi’ect of thiiong bro'ke th,rough the ' t'i’oHed byi the use of aodiuni flou- aerial bombs dropped on a bridge ing off.” 3 view the bo'd'y, which lay^rkl, 'I'bis is a white powder and ^ 1______________________ Employer—“My goodnea.s, here lyiou have bO'Sim w’orking nn "hour and; 'ytou have accomplisibeid !ad- mo?t nic,’'''ihing.” New M'::>n—“Weill, I (lare say I could have done more, but b'elieve me I nc'Veir Avni;: i.i man for ah'ow- Knloigh, Nov. 16.—Now that dairy farming, has icome to be an impo.iitant paH't of the la'gricultural industry of North Garolimia 'and pure bred stock is being ipurc'h'as- ed in large numbers, it is time to give more iflittention to han.’d'l'i'n'g the heird sire’. "In the first place, tho dairy bull must be co'n's'idored the sho of our future herd,” says Dr. C. D. Grinnells, diaii'y inveijtl'g'ator at Stato College. "If this lamimal is as good as ho sboulid be, he must be liberally fed', properly boused and well oxerci'.icd. So many of our bulls are not fully grown out. In develop'iir.ig the yioung silre, wo must aim to pro­ mote ria'in'Kl' griowth with a large f'l nmo and thia ca'ils for good feed ani:V hij'ndli'iiig.” But t'he, young sire- mu,'?it bo taugbt that he is t'o,bo under the control of' hia master. At an nnr.jy 'age, it is a'dvis'able to in­ sert 'a ring in bis nose and bi'ain 'him to, leiiid with la atafi'. This should begin when tho aniinttiil is from 9 to 13 months of tage, Then aa the animal matures, statu'si E(i', Grin'nells, feed him roughage of good (luality, u libe­ ral concentrate mixture and see t’.':;it he gets plenty of’ e x e r ld s e . Respect bis' strength enO'iigb to him uiiid'Or control, mt la'H timca. ‘ , Ncl.irly ever week, one bears of livestock growera being hurt by some bull which was considered hairmlesB, Dr, Gr'inn'ells thinks there are.few such animals. Es­ pecially is the daily sire mpt to be nei’vous and irritable, osi)eci’nlly under circumistn'nces new or .strange. With the bringing in of m'any new bulls rt'e build up the hei'd' of this Sbate, tbe owiier •should a'hviare be prepa:redi to handle bis animal witb firmness and ciaution, Enrly traiiniing 'is moat imjp'Oirtant, Properly train­ ed and well fed', the young bull may become « wailu'able herd sire thnt win build up production',amd n'dd to the' prpfita of the Idairy farm. M-G-M;S,‘BBNçHUR’:ü|t,000,000 . FILM, COMING HERE SOu.| ' “Ben-Hur,” with';ifk'mugnitii;^>, chniriot'ia.ce pictured in ,(i dwil) defyi'iVg con'tu»t vast circuì ai'eniai—the kii'igbtly Rii'mon N,1 'varro and,the wicked 'Francis B.uahman in« the oppoaiavg here —com'ca into the Princess Tliuiit,) on 23, 24 mnd 25.th 'of this, niont , Theatregoers greatly' enjoye, the 'stage “Ben-Hur” land vividi remember Bilj Farnum, Bill Un., Emm'ett Corrigan, Mary Sha-w ¡111 others of the old casts, It w;i the most pbpultir stage apectiicli ever piio'd'Uced, touring Anieric for ,twen'ty-two' seasons. iMetrc Go'ldwyn-Mayer, , in airiiangemen with A. L, Erlnngei', Chairle.^ B Dillingbn maiid Floi^cnz Ziegfeld Jr„ hiaiva made a now amd greate! "Ben-Hur” in ibhe newer ant o| the miotion picture that outitop; ll tihe former nchievèment even the. wiznfdTlike powers of th Twentieith CentuiV aurpasa tlio ventions iof our forefathers. You see forty-eight h'oivsos-, twelve, teams—start a'bieasvt their mad diaish over the seven lap: of the Antioch race course, amj you icisinniot f'orbeair la cheer Ben-Hur wreclis Messala imi forges to the front! Roman iim Pirate navies cwntend in reii.., tice deabb-granplea on the Medi bri!'ranéan. The towers nnd fuij reta 'of Zion' rise anew,. - Proni tli exquii'iito Miadonna to Tho 1^«,«, Su'pper la.nd t'he Proceaai'on Palms, the miisiternieees of aii lire re-ennoted, oftfini in eoloiM Ths beautiful love story'of B.stlic* nnd Ben'^Hur, a ceritemporary 0; thelSaviouip,' dominates the );raii spectacle which i.^ chlsiraclcrisc, by the finei revffence in tho s'.icre part of the nortravaila. Anioni filie lending ancori;; nre Ramon Nc vnrro in the t*'‘'le role, Frinn'ci.'i ^ Bushma'« na Mc'isala, Mi;iy Me Avoy.na Es'tihcr, Betty Brinnsoii tHe M»'i:lonna. Carmel Mynr,s Tras. F'ni’vk J. Curri'er, Mil^chel T.owii,, Nigel die Briiilier, Ciaii'l 'M.cDowel'l, K'iifhleon Ke.v, witli iv kM 'thnn 150,000 persona in tli "support,” AUCTION SALE OF PERSON'Al! property ilt (the 'home of tlu lato Jisimos f^. Dwiggi'i]a, Saiiir 'day, November 19, 1027, «I li o’clock,'a. m,—-W, F, Dwiggins E.\ct. , It ¿T E R P R IS E I S R E A P B Y 'T H B :,D A ¥ IE C O U N ’n f P E O P L E -^ '^ A M E IIT IS E P A Y S , Ш г : i'o Ä ' i - ■ ■* ■‘■'if'JI TRUTH, HONE^TY OF PITRPOSE AND UNl'IRING FIDELITY COUNTY AND OUR FLAG IS OUR AIM AND PURPOSE VOL. 4Ô ' “TT ' 1.'%MOCKSVILLE, N. Ó,, 'ГН URSD;A|ì;NOV, 24^; 1927 No. GS I everybody COME TO THE SCHOOL HOUSE SAT. NIGHT jllrs. An<lre>vs’ Musicnr Class De­ liver NotJiing but .First Class Musics - * V; * Den’t-.'forget the Musical con^ cert tiiiit will, be put on by 'Mrs, Amdi'ews’ ¡iiuaical ■ i^lass, U'h’der. the 'auspices '6f Mockaville Cou'n- til No, 226 Jr', 0, U; A, M„ 'at the High S'cbool 'Au^diitcmiium Satiir- daiy niight, Noveni'ber the 26th, No admissionywill be cha/rgtfd' foivthis entertoiih'mehti We want to 'w rig'bt'.b'B're and' now, that you;have neVer ifjan .fihe opportuni­ ty of'^heariiig'i better muis'ic bhnni th ia ^ o rch Q « tva ivU l deliver<on bhi’S, or 'iilvy . other; bC'Casion. This ar'- chestrtWii^ 'coniposed '»f local jial- ent;;pf the. veiiji highest eliaes,'¿wi'd yoll!,'ttr'k®bured the best of.a.life- :tinie.>!v|?' , \ ■ ®ni ri'®iltio'n to the, best muaic, 'you w^l' alao henr a wonderful .speec'hi by .Mr, J. M, Sbanpe, of Reidaville,'''Hewill:"-"-------------- * WHA^MOillD COULD YOU * PUNISH THE Ort^tNDERS ' , "We laire told that a number of ‘at‘te oflkiais have been con- #ivincetl ^.-....4 ...I.-we laire itoiu xnut, a- nuuiiuci --------. Г ,-.VI. . . .ivinccd wi+hin rocpnt weelca that N&rtM:,Carolina ahould take alepa i,‘4;0ui'iBSues Of Nov,-10th ' fo. nutomobi'le d r i v o p i - ''»gf^ea vn the .methcd, 'tihe Mia'rtin Chevrolet Com- * prefac- * P««y. to'Ca'l Chevrolet, dealera, .* f„Tan' ^ K eS S cd ''" Whidi' ' "* advertised''over twenty used 1 0 ( 1 с j vvSnftr'ka.t'erinlly curb reckl » cars'«^bargain prices. ,Now > co.rd lia'per doea^ not believe cuib lecK ,*4ve want you to turri.to their « <ЧЧ-^«П8. and .neither d'oes thia. lin p o ^ ,, . -V.' . . 1 . 1. . • i .j.'t -1. Л - '""ГГ'« 1: the Con- ■eckless auto *.ad thjs'week, lainidi aee \ihat * tl^cy Have to any, “Everything, *; : Blit now cnndidlyi the. idea bf-staief^^ wantinig. something * «'{sne that was adve'itiaed,'' »¡done to curb recklesa d'riving,..biit diyi|6d^ right method by * Coul'd- jjou want niore t'tiin..* which to do thia, iS' a joke. Th^re to 'ciheck, la№ this. , Again wnnt to'tell * lessnes'a and tWat is to puni®h the I'n'VV'teS'a, ' We can’t completely* - . . . .. - . . ...if Ji. fVinua aclyertise it tn' TÎfilS NEWS- * thé manufacture andPAPER AND.;,IJÇ WILL BE ^ of the diry. la\v,,-w,e can reld{i'(?e;.ihe tnftn »aie of whiskey SOLD. * to Lt miliimum, ■ But to for(iélg'opd'‘nie^',pr èvén crimin . .f * „ * » ■ » V» it ; it ni^itter, te ,buy insura'nice ', t'o.'‘KU‘iil8init€e ■ecoiè^^^ muirid'er, 'Or higbwav robbery: «r nny .oth^^^ offense, would be the'most ridjculoüs m'ové im ïigiriab i.e;'•NÒRTH CAROLINA WILL BECOME ONE OF LEADING STATES. SAYS GOVERNOR i-------j there a single '¡'tate oflicial ■vvhe^ay be V enougi’n nut to _'xT» in 1 Vf, L, think for one minute thbt aU'tomobi'Ie »ccMentg woii'ld be miaterially iciH i I ^™''^h Caro- ieg,sene';li by forcinii ali drivens to fcakci ,eut inaulmnceV If so he J. M. Sbanpe, of deati^nadi to become one of o w y h U o resign without another day’s :^elni'.'. Is .there n single 'Btate -------------- will talk on a very ‘'h“-tw<> oir three leading hKUistm oflicial wrho dbubts for. en«':ihinute‘.,tK£ti';Mis^' important subject, and you s'h'ouldi Amenca wltliin the fl'ext fci;l;ing automobile'drivers tq tiiikb'qii.t insurance "to gunran-• ............. ' 25 veaps.. in the oninion Ol Gov- Vi««it« from rfeeislfess driving.” is .propagandanot. miss №is, eitlher. All this is being put on by,thé .'■‘loMl Junior oPd'cii', they böairing .‘■iiil'i^jAÿiten'se.q of the entertftinment, ‘ЗЗ6 aiire that you nre on haii'd', it icosta you 'riotbing. ' LETfER FROJvT FORMER DAVIE COUNTY BOY Say Mr, Mcekavilie Enterp'riae, 1 haven’t bad any pnper irtnce Nov. 3rd, whiat'S the matter, Jvavpnt I paid you yet, if thnts all here i'f ' * * « « «. * WHAT MORE COULD YOU » ** W A N T ? : ' ‘ * ■ ■ ■■ ■' ■» * In our iaauea of Nov, lOth * * the Martin Ghevro'let Com-.* * pany, lo,cnl Chevro'iet'dealers, * ndverbised' over twenty used ;* *■ cara at bargain prices’. Now * LAST DAY OF SCHOOL IN 1810 'By iVLary J. Heitman- , The .modern' school coin'itterijo'e^^^^ ment, with:, its cldte tinyiexw ban qu fits, .andi ■ 0t.-i èr', ,cerethO;ni é», if quite diifférent frotti,:tbo.ç^ 'ü'ays- of, an ol'drtime achoôl,. :I'n i;ui» HU pMtua. I Mocksvillo, w’ihich, '\viere:'graphi- we want yàu to turn te'their ^^licwUy ,-described’, by •onei iof' 'bhe * ad this 'week, lamid' see whivt 'Î'. pupi'lâ iri iâ letter .Wijiltten' in they have to sa'yi ''Everybhing ^ i 1846, /rhe school was thlat ,pi’ ttio g o n e that- was .fld.veiitised.’’ *^ * Could you wiant more than ■'*' *, this';, (Again we want to tell * I j.W'atw« . j Rev; ' Baxter ,'Clegg,' луЬо ■ луа^' the : fii'st teaicher of the ’, Mocksvillo Mail e ‘ Aiaaidemy, which wias iloctitbdltins;, lAgain wie w an i to ul-ih ------Г, qn,-. I* '.aeli, pU't:a fiaiin-'pri'ce on-it ¿rid * advertise it in THIS NEWS-* ••• pi'omotors of this ’ famous school were John Glement, .Gob Williamadvertirse it-in rm s i-süvvo- ; .) " “•■г г,-- , , ,, , PAPER ,‘ÀND-IT WJLL BE ’* Arch'lbald G. Carter and * SOLD. ' ' ■» othersi 'N^ho were fortunate ïon-. . ' „ i ou'g'h (t’o, s e r v e •U m sen 'v ices oí; thtai sp'lenciid teachcii' who tlaiüjíht lisu-e- ' 'MU'*.;;:'MOCKSVILLE METHODIST '.CHURCH' f'Or "IS yeiaips, 'beglnninig- ''nbou'b' ,184p. The flch'ool ibui'Id'ihg :Wafl |a orie-roomedi;bi’it'k 'house; ih'avipg’ ■ ■■■ . --'J.'' 1.’'.Л! inence amon;g< ail s t a t e s of the nation,” he, said. “Our manu- facturcdl products todi.iy 'are >vorth wnat tneiy pienae 'Wiu,! wimi, ^ _ __________ ______ to death by -some statute iiiaasecl',. too?^ merely to favor: Д vv-i some special crowd lOir interest.'' A'ntìV ,i^tc.h whnt we tell you, .the ■goes, Now .don’t "'ÿiu Z that | n ^billion, .„nd a ccmi,:№ies .jre go in ^ ..fe'kcep ,» аптПшу1ад.;о^Ьшч?^' .. .. V- talk it, until before the tax pn^vers кпдау. it; they will be taxed for insurance to “guinrantee tlie fkiblic ag'ììin,4.t, reck'leaa drivin(f,” But fberti MUST be a stopiiing'place.aomèâlie^e In this rcgululiníí nndl Jimmy; ■M.v, whiat„(a.'lot of dir; is on your fnce! Peggy:' I know. Don’t rub i| in, • ' ; again, iWia pnij's to Mi;iy ,1929, So «еП'(1 me the back nuriibèr, oir; Nov, lOth, .thii.« check hna been'delayed from time to time, so I >ат pa.ying lip .and' onie better for luck, I ■can’t ' nfF'Cirid to misa a copy, its ¡like a letter from my home folks, ,.J<oyi}enidi the’:'riewa - irom Fnrming- •»•» * USE-SAMPSON,’S. * HOT DROPS * for colds, flu, Ingrippo, cat- * nriih, nervouanesa and stom- * neh trouble.* ■» « » » -Ji -If Ч/11«ЧЛД ЧГ T V., ............. Mild hear w,h«t is 'gping bn where I used t o rciim. God : -Ыоа.ч ' the deair' ■offspring of my 'd'ld frienda whom I will alw.ay.3' love .an'(l' cheris'h ti’rdr n'a^mea as ipng n s 1 live, ita been a long time since, . _ . _ I .snAv a n y o f t h e m . I lam iglad ' '--''ade,” he said, to knew tbat dcnu' old Davie | ap'i'ni,iin:g 'en'ly c;.i, annua M.y.” One of the principal relisons for the Stato’s present po.sltion, ho said, is that the Stato Gov- 'iirnmont, backed by (fjiiblic (senti­ ment, 'hns pursuedi.ii; helpful policy toward' capital. Disastrous 'laboi’ »-»«.wvi . .f • »- , -T-- --------. . , , ^ . Iribute,')’ itOi- ejluicnti'OJj,:. , : . ............ ■ -y o w . tfuaramtee-ine.,puuu« ««a..... .... ................. . . that oui educatioirlHil gainfe have giii'lty of. It is toe much like mnlrin'g a patriotic ,and' h beep phenomemal during the p«at citizen entc|r into a hwnd <« keep the pence and pay a pr< quifli.iter ef. a eent.ury .»nd^ moat ¡„^ „11 (he.bond. Such a m o v e w o u l d h e o u t o t H 'a x m on y Ayifh ev especially duii'lng the past de- our iriivernment was, founded. : ( -T- • ' We repeat, there ia only ;ffi',(¡lítb in. n.utomcbí’Is driving (flrid:ii)li;rôçj^,lcs^|i||0^^ driving is',сг!«!-toward' can tnl Di=44trou« 'Inboi- "i, n.utomcni’ie <iriving iiimriwji ------, disputes arc untóowní'jn , tó'i^ «V * ir(b„.o, to gunnamtee the public agaínat the vcry thing.that 'he is not p - ■■■' ^ I U iVI»VXUV4ilC<UI-,y*4VIV : Not\\'itIistanding the Jaet th'at i a huge,fi't'fe-i)liace at ,eiich e!nd,‘‘and' someief iour members'were'sick or| S<A, in a, grove of elms nndi ísycn- lila'cl sickhoss in,ibheir'home,icthers'.mores. After Mr. Cl'&ggia’ deprtr-, out bf-'tó>vnj 'iinid;'stiir others ¡clare- j ture the building wins used) by', « ;le!5i^, and indiffèrent,' we had two, number of other teachers, la'nid was, ’¿r¿pd sized congregations. .’Phere. toi^n down '-about 1892 when the :werei'flit len;st erié'hun'diried'pr.tisent depot wiaà buiilt. Rev. W.-L. nt' Wio :in'forn'inff i service.''.and' one .Sherríiil in' bia interesting, "fïiat- hundi^a-'%!d fifteen .oi* tvventyi ati'ery of Meth'odism.^ in Davile .Couih the eV'enlng service. • i; ,, , . ' tj’’” pays ; a 'hig’hi .tribute'Æo ' M'r.' ’Th." nnstpr m'i'flchci) en Glorify- Clegg ms a tfiicbeiv and •'gjve!3i''tt-'i irig,'God, at the morning service, ¡ 'list of some of his pupils' who * î^fiqvviriK bow Jestia glorifieicl the ; later be(C'ü'me well-known Ini tihoirv lAnther and how, in tui,‘n 't'he Flather professiona. Aimong • them were i': ftloir'lfieid! the Son. He sibowed'also Jbcob Eaton, ■w'ho .liail^er- became^ wo 'may glorif.y God and how Mr. Ckijng’a uss'lijitant; -John. Mur'-; 0;d in turn giorlf'iea ira. He usedi ^ball Clem entD r;.' DeWitt- Clo-.' lih'Ei gokten text of the Sunday ; ment, Dir. , S. Milton Frost,^Dr.. H',' Rfihooi lesson as a text for the evoii'iinitr sermon,' ' ; .' There were 158 p'”e‘<l*nt ,"t Sun- fl'li.y acb'ppl, and,20 at the Epworth T.c!i"ue,' .'.’. .V . .....,...........................j,,. We liiîv-: our gene- ' (ilf'{W'i’ ani:i'n!l;tt'nde'djEhis.-'SchottI r'.i'l .superintondont' W'itn , uui miftér wh'oi!,, quitc, a am'îillii^boy. ■ 'M’/i;n¡yV' : an. nbsence of two Sundmya out, yt'ara later when Di'^loment was of (’(nvji; on business. ",.- ,> ■ (lítudylng mcfflcine lhMçk:OrJenn^' > ■•• v.-.- :....*V.': especially dun,'Ing the „past de- - “In 1901 we were mboiit a m'il'iion Mere Tactful Please ' Th'ei Sheriff barked “You die to­ day— "Hnve you nnytbing to .sny?’’ The Hoiiise-tli'ief shrugged “Per- bnps I’m rude. "But I don’t Wko your attitude!” for a lci;iig tim e until roi-jked up by I i.s 'Siftcd around' tho base boiai'd A lfredo’s relatives, to be taken to ! in kitchens and pnntries. The thp cometcvy frir biiri'iil, Tho entire trarri'‘:on. which Avas r.-n ,duty a'l t'lio oxoi.'iition I'l’oundi in prcvGiit di,'3'flrrini’;j, withdrew, l'Iie p'roplo seemed deeply im- pi^pe.siid, A (ii'ucWoad of 'î|)oi:tiftilora over- tiirned on it.s wav l¡:u-k tiO the city, Reventeen were iniin'i’d. KOADSlDfi ADVER't'ISEEiS DE.STROY VALUABLE Tf.MDEIi R'aleigh, N\iv. 10.—[loniiisido a'd- verti.ser.s have destroyed 'or made v;oi’th!e.s.s between four and five mi.Uion feeit of I'alunble timber ■alonii 11'';0 iniblic ihigb'wiays «f 'K'cth Carolina within the past two year,s. “Often, too, it.hese -advei'tisers lifive not lobf'.-iined perniii-Bi'on fir'on'i tlie Ifimbiir lo'wlnei's 'aa^ 'to Ibother or not thoy n ig h t и.че the-. powder should be left for several d'liys c'r a week, i'.rdvises iilr, Braii- nori. If more roache.s are seen after i'hiit time, make ad'ditiona dustings until no mc'iG lare- ob- .served. T'r.'iise inKo:.’ts found on tlie lloor in the rnorr.iings sliouki be .swept up and d'EBtroyed, T-h'.'.s .s.'imo material ia .il.so very oH’octive 'agiiiinst the common ¡iou.s;.' ants.' If tlie inirt.n are very Lv'c.'Ublesome, the sodium iloun'id nia.v be sifted on 'the iiiantry or li'itchen shblves. P'iijier is then placed over the material land, any material for the shelf may then be put on the paper. In lai s'h'ort while, the chemical will have kill­ ed or id'i'jven away the jints and tho shelf may bo cleaned.' Im the' ciase of . both ants and .' T'aaelies, a thorowgh appiieatio'n shou'l'd be-mpde, statea Mr, liran- 1:ví-i;m for thi.s i)in'))u,-ú,” says It. ■’.V, Gi-'Hiber, exteiiBion foreste;;' at S'tate Col4ege, "Uepre.sentiativE'S . of- the _i!d.verti:s'i‘j!iiî firirìs ''^'ravol 1 non. F:!t!ier-~“Tho man wlio marries my daughter w ill'get a pri'¿o,” .S.Mitnr— .-V'" T h e N e w N O V ^ O N DISPLAY Super-Six Greater Power and Performance Roomier, Finer Bodies G,. G. Walker Motor Co. S. A. HARDING, M. D. Snnford Building - Moclcsvillc, N. C. Ofllce pnone 1C2. Reaidence jihone-------on 158 Office hours: 8 to 9:30 a. m. ” ' ” I to 2:30 p # « . » # # * * 'm. -X- * ,G. G. WALKER MOTOR C0.| » Mockavillc. N. C.* i , Dealers in * Hudson — Essex — Chrysler j * Automobiles ist r * ROBERT S. McNEILL * Attorney at i^nw * MOCKSVILLE, N. G. * Office No. 2, Southern Banl(| * & Trust Company buikling;| * Telephone No. 189, ^ Prnctice in Civil nnd Crinii- nal Courts, Title Examina- * tins given pi'ompt attention, tt * * * . * ' 4f * # * r * * 1». Й * * BAXTER BYERLY, M. »1 COOLEEMEE, N. C. * Office Over Drug Store. Of; * iice. Phone No. 31; Rwi * dence, No. 25.» • * » county an':!'its people'are coming to thdr own .at Iia'st. I iwould love to eome bfticik there and' finish up my d'ays 'a’liid be laid to rest fcio'miB. where in her s'acred resting pii'aces, for I '¡vihvaj’s loved all Dayie county, 'tho I left her 48 years ago. Stiil . theire remaina a’ fl'Piirit of 'love in my heart fw'her 'and hier 'people, but I cannot as I 'am (tied; up in 'businesa in thle' gpoidl old sllaite of Okln'homa, that I cani’t leave .until I pasa to the greiflt beyMd, but as long as I live I will remember 'ai^d love Davie, an'dl ber peopOe. It makiis me sad 'Wihen 1 see a eeo w n its of my; o'ld time friends pa'ssing on, it-mlakes me ffc.ailize 'that I toe will, soon paas away to tbe great beyond. I hope and trust that I wi'll meet iind recognize each -other in 'heaven, God help uia all to enter • In lat the right igiate; is my prnyeTi. F, M, FOSTER. FIRE DESTROYS HO’FeL AT ' ELKIN dollars l.r 'year on all public edu­ cation, , To(l.’fl,v we, .ar^apending about thirty million dolilars an- i?>u'aily, as compn'red wit'h ten 'mil­ lion aiHi late as 1920,” WILL CLOSE FOR THANKS­ GIVING DR. E, C. CHOATE DENTIST - Snnford Biiikling . Mocksville, N. Ç, X-Ray Diagnosl| . Office.Phone 110 Residence Phone 30 •» •»■»**■« ■» * * DR. П P. ANDERSON . Dentist * Office in Anderson Buildin f Phones: Office 50; кед, 87 * Mocltsville, N. C., ; «■ B. C. BROCK * ' Attorney at Lnw MOCItôVILLE, N.'CV Prnctice in State nnd Fn^er *■ Courts. . ■ РЬо'ШГ» * * * .* Elkin, N o v ., 1 0.—Fire of unde- ■teriminet] .origin c'ompletely 'de- «troij'od t'he old Elkin Inn Hotel here nt iami 'iiarly*hour thiisi'moriib ing. The fire ’wias diiscovered at ¡about 3;i'i0 o’elock by n 'night policeman who immcdii'ateiy 'giavo 'the alarm and a's.sisted ccciuipants of the 'hotel in theitr flight to .s'afe- ■S(j greait >a hdsid'way iha'd b’een m'ade by the flames tlrat little could be done by the firemen ■wihen tihey arrive'cî’ on .'the «cone. Viii'i-.M liftl'n ■wa’4 saved fnom tlie ainittuyc and flie )ol=is is ewtimat- ed at abiiut $12,000 with approxi­ mately .$9,500 w'orth of insuran.ce. 'r.he hotel is the .'.second: ten burn oil thu yiimo '.site in: the p'ast 30 y'fc'.4.rs. The .structure 'difstroyeidl today W'aa built ,by thè late C. И. Gwy'ti( 'and 'Wins being 'operated by ! MiW', J. E. Boles. The buildiinig'' was owned by tte Gwyn estate. The f o i l n w i n g ,'pl'accs 'of huà'~ nios'« will be' closed ThuradW, Thla.nkagiving day ; // Mercbantai Wholesa'lé Gro./,Cp, Mocksville Hn'Udlwiarei CÒ, // C, C . S'aijf'orrt Sons Co; //' Corner Cash Groceiry. '' // Hiairris-LeGrand Druig Slbre. C. J. Angell. Davie Cash Store, AiJlison-Clement. ; Idieal G’ro'cery Co, ,■/ Honetyeutt & McGlawrock 'barber .shap.' ')/ Ailison-Jioihnson. J. C. Dwiggi'ns. // Southern -Bank &'jTruLst Oo/ Uank of D'kvie.'■/ O.tH’s Barber sh<)^. IÌ. P. 'Martin,'// M'ocksvilla En/^rpi'ise. LOCAL TEAM №TS ,;^jG00D SUPPER The! M-Qcks'j« Hitrh School Economica ,r//'b entcirtained the ■ ■ ' RELIGION And POLITIC/S If^ the editor loi a religious ,P'Ubliciation ju'itified in diseu.s'sing ■¡ypUik'n in the columns of bis paper? That is a question Wihich seme of Editor Johntw’s fir'len'.!!« 'have asked' recently, Johni?(>n is editor of the Biblical Rt*corder amd he makes his po'sition very clear /on tihe question ■when he makes this stiatement: , , ' “Soime 'Of- our politicai frier.dl-’i w.bom we esteem highly are ,j', muc-Ji concerned lest Tbe Recorder will go too far into poHtica, but ' whe№ it is a question between lig'bt tod idiark’nesa, mprin'lity land im­ morality,'dru'nkenin'eaa 'and sobriety, this paper, so long aa the pre- i^ent editor 'diirects its policy, will stand for the things that make for the upbuilding of the Kingdom lef .Helaiveni, annli nll the politicians on earth can not silenice it.” , 1Is ihe ju,stifled in his attitudeTi Empbaticyiy,'yes. And more, it is the duty of any religious paper to speak out againat what it msiTiaPdi» ns 'crookedness 'a'nd conxntion in iJolitics. ,Oan aniy 'one relad tihe Book of Amos /and still be -of t'he opinioni that in. religious publication should' not cryi out 'ngninst opplv'ession ef the poor, anid' Idis'honesty land icrookedhesis' in politics, with the same vig'or that one woU'ld expect from the secular press? , A CALL ,Niov. Ißt'h I «bopped off and i f ] a look at Olive Brnncit grave It looks lones'ome, I ¡mi sure minny fii'ie'Dds 'wiil'l bo gliud to 'I'eet jiii'd take' l''!U't in.clp'iiinimr (f '"'ff. ' So'mp. fi'io.n'di please day ■and call i'- f>U‘t. ~л^1лс<.'Ге]у a :-.i'i'icnd.,', , ' in Iliaci! da.v .'.I'fter „d;;;,- 'an'd lysar aftor yei.'f'? t ’iiiipent'er’s iSon; The mw'n- beams. principle upon; Which our g,overnment was founded. LET US HOPE IT IS TRUE : A Raleigb news'dispatch says tiWat -the State Bonird of Ediux-Ja^ tion Ihopesi to be nble to secure 'a reidóiction on public school boo'ks next yenr. T;hat sou'nds ■refre.sihing, and we aré quite 'sure thnt with a real h'onest-to-geodness effort that very thing cjiiin be done. The puircbnsing pf public school books is, getting to, be n problem, la' real seri'ouisi pT'oblflm., and- this is especially i|;i'Ue 'as to the p'oor man witih, a large fnmily. The children now have te use so many isebool bojoks iamid; about eveiny 'yieni- or two a ch'a'nge is made so that a com- irlete s a t m u s t be purcha.sed for each child, whereas •’vvithout the v - Ä l ' lI ' ,Ф,\Г fl ijŸ •' Il % Ц T, Pc'iteluird,. liev. Hilii'ry, 'Г. Hud­ son, Rev.VV. C, Wilson, Dr. .James •McQuire, 'Пг. Thos, H: Wismp/in, an'dl Dr,' Biaxter Ciogg Giement, whd was a nameii'ake tif IMr, The ,'pnat'O.r wi'll prencih mext (>f Lbulsilainn'. ■ Some 'yiears №ao' Riin'''i'iv mf”!ri'int'- hy .request ii-nm' this gentleman, vvisliiiig .tp viii't: II CbripTiicles 7:14. ‘ land 'at the the 'scenes of .his filther’ijt labors, "venii'iT' servicn by reouept from caine to North Carolina,'and'ft :onit ' Ec''k>»)iast'''?’a 12th'cbantsr. • '[ Several' days in the'homei of ’Dr. Come fo' Sundnir school next B, C. Oiement. Surr'i'iy. i^.tay for chuwih ,servk:es | The letter ’d|ewarlbin'g the In.st at .’JI f‘. m.. > 0 -»inimfi • im l p u t 'a : day.s of schocl 'w«s written by ,f>-o,od i'l,'’in,er. rewt '?ri-1 rferpflte : DeWitt Clement to 'his bi otlhei'.’, duriniir the aftpvnoon, f'omo bp-’V John Mtiivihall Clement,^» student to nvp'if iiinf' 7'p. r"., '"’»id yi'iiH’ll ivt Ponnsylvaniia College in Gottysi- bpiHev frifi ,hinv!nn-fi.onp, I buii'g. It is na f>ollows: ' a'l,: A i>’,nrni iveteome nwnits voii. ' "I haW 'deiiayeldrwriting to your even of 'ive don’t say much about because 'Oiir exia.mination,,wiaa S'O it, , ' , [ close, and'I dl'd niot bave time t'o: write. We had a ye'ry rigi(Loxa-, min'jtion. The examination cl-i'me off last'Th'urf<dia,y. .and Fridny. Wedne.s'J'ny/ eveniing, before the The Mocksville High School de-' examin’atin'n cpmme-ncei:) the boyi>i feated t'hei Winston,Reserves, iast_.,%vith their , vcoierabJo' f'n'Structor Tihuiwiay by t.i.'le score of 12 to 6. collected “scirub bi'ooms'' and! It W31S *one lO'f the m'Ost 'thrilling "buickeits,” an.'l ivyie had,/' -a; rels'l gam'ts seen ori't'lie local field.this . "scoui'ing frolic” of it. ''>.We set ydair. , : I all the benches {"iid ,d'eska out of Jonea, the bri'liiant ha'if back,' the «lirademy, 'an'd we went at it waa the atar for the home team, for "sartin.” : Wiate'r, 'broomp!, He ma'de two lom^ runs dwch' ac-1,dirt, sand ami'uill flew-i Wet and countinB' fcj.’ a 'score. . MOCKSVILLE DEFEATS WINSTON luniinK' ici.- 'u acoit:. j mi#:!iy boys cou'ld be'seen: by t'he,' The Winston team completed - W'hdk.sale afier the o-pcVatÌon: was several p'asses which counted, for ' evcir, .After we bad w«rked lipon their only score. ' | .the’fl’ooii''tilil we weresabisfled,''wo ri'lete set mu.st be purcihased for eacn cniro, ■wneruua iwunuui. biiu |' The M. H. S. toamMh'as ihi.a;d a “cultivated” seveniJ 'bottles of frequent changes tbe i.=mme books could be haindedi dIown to diffei'cnib j very isuccesaful yeiir lito'd IfcÌieir lemon syrup which B. Olegg had members of the family as the older ones go up and' the yotin’ger' .standing for the B'waon is as fol- brought dov ' ■ take thoir''placea.in the upper gi'ii'dcs, ir.w.c; ‘, . I The bovi--, iro Why cows go -wrong! Ad in agricultural paper, "Join up here, B'ei madeup into a suitcaae a'liid sec the world.”-s- ^ It'.S' come, to''tJiat pl'ace in' tiho: ’iur bu»ine.s,s where ^the woird “Rquirrel” covers a multitude of fikins. 111 la; w<ay Secretary of Navy 'Wilbur really p'l'omoteci 'Aidm/rai -M'ap.ruider by iplacinig bim on the “w.aitinti' list.” Now tho Navy, ia 100‘'v. 'wniting--waiiing to sec what :haiipon3—(and unprepared.•X- •)!•* . : Jack Dempsey 'thinks the, boxing ganje should have a dict^itoir —like Lan'diis in b:i№ba,li and irayes in the movies. That's fair emough—land on .the’ record' President Gillies' has made in 'hunidiiing opposing factors in M'tixico—we noniin>ate 'him f'»r -the boxing job up'here, ■* -X- -X- The nutting season comes to la close. Likewise football, elec- tion'eeri’.vg and k'lubomobile touring, Chicago Bil‘1 Thompson’ii-i army of 1500 lead into Wln!.shingtpT) im the interests of Flpo'd; Relief—was a'great' relief—from the pne- nia'm war'on ICinig G e o r g e . ' . Pli-'incess lleana of. .Rumania niay be tihe “perfectly” developed girl—physically—inij. pronounced by the court doctor—^then 'again' the fioot ball tea¥ at la: supper in the higih igicb'ojoi./Places wore laid for fifty g iv e s p / The table was .dcr conitod the school colors,Irf'.'jiD'k an','! /old, and. Tihlainksgiving favors. ,, 'Wie.guE'st'S were w'e’lcoin-:6'd by J'.ipile 'Cain, 'the president of the, .Ab, ’h'sisisteci by the vice i)re,pid'■/''I .'F''''»ni'e. ■'irqgpry .Bra'd- i iey. ’№e I'ollowing menu was .servfj'. .:.Piri^/t cocktail,'chicken, a la king, 'vrep’^Tble sa laidi, pimiento cheese Biq,(dwichèfl, pumpkin pie',' 'C,offee, .•,;ied. nu'ts,,im.in.1s. . For Malrried Men Only Adaiii (to Eve) : Good ibe'avenal These women! !Alv/nya i’Uiining somletjh'ring, .lYibu’ve'^ igoine uanid mad'o sata-di 'out of, , my Sunday snit, . Fair Enough gin—piii>"»ic»iiy—iiu?. (ji-umnmuL-u u.v wit: . /reaoher: What boldisi the ni'ooii' dcnc! ma'yi be one of th'ose smooth birds who knows ,bia ca-biagge, I., ,'ilriv .'.I'fter ,,d;;v 'and ivear ■*■ , Nero having fid,dled while I’ome burned we presum't-' Coolidjro m'ay be 'gran’fcd tho privilege of whittling Avhilethe maple sap Tuiis up' ii’J Vernwnt, lows: M. H. s; 0 0 , 13 12 12 18 12 12 79 , Harmony Ohild’reniS' Home Ohurehliaiid Ch'ildrens .Home Winston ROservea Churcblan'di Thomasvillo Wiiiaitoni Reserves ......... dowi) to treat us with. The bo.Vc-i got. throuiyh vv'ith their e.xamination as respect.^blc ns 13 j customary. .. On Friday after the. ß ; examin'átion ,ii'i:id;'d'eclaTr,(?ifji'cn wti.s 0 I oyer, the Rev. Samuel M. Fro.st ■ 0 : delivered ui; an ,ad;:’hnS'S.:r‘ inbo'ut , 0 I'fiViree (KiairterS' of 'ari bpur' lnng. 6 ilis n':'':lrens wns 'dccidedly! “fir.S't rate”, .bard to bciht.’’ :'rlie 'theine 6 49 BLACKMAILER CAUGHT Pittsburgh, Nov. 19.—^A p’iot to blackmail the Tba-vv family reaoh- od tbe'e'iul of its fcr'ail to'.Knyi wit'h 11 confess.'ion by Frederick' G, Wipf, 40, f'Cirmer ananager of .n! Pittsburgh baking plant, tb.at he beat II maid in the house Mrs, William Thaw Jii'„ and iater aent a loiter to 'her tbreateiVing further j j i-qne.si,t.Hi n '’opy ior inu o.veiii-; violence to other members of the, .«ive nse of tho sociofy, and. re- houaediiold, um'ldss $5,000-wi.'is foi-tli j tn’'ned .->uh’thanks in n 'noiito note. . - , ................ ......... 'I'lie themen'hich, he hel'd forth on wfe thei plcasiiires of 'a studgnt’.s life. Ho . camrht the fire of, t'irgil in de- .se'ribini'.'', 'his 'Av.orks..■ and that, of .H'omnr in n'oticintr his,' He m!aíd¡Q o,ne a¡!most imau-ino bo' themi-elve.s th'at fi’re.vi 'Cou1d .see .'Orphews be­fore l;hem, look.ing back at 'bis bo- Ipvod c'ompnn:ioin( before he,'hi'xl, pnasfid out of P;luto’'.4 region. All of his gestiiTes werö луе! 1'timed' an'd 'dpproprrate, lie qu'oted' s^me Greelc anl,l< Latin arid a 'greht 'den'i of poetry in hiVi s'nefftih.i We Ьпуа?- : rfiqu&stei! я •-’opy for the p.vclu- coming, , ' . Wipf, who saldi 'he Wins, a, n'ntiye of Swití'.eriaiiíd' and a- former Ger- ma'n. .spy, admittt:d responaibflity, 'for tho fanta.stie o.Ktertion plot, deiet'tivfa sa'id, . /. A'll of the bovs hiavc 'If'ft for 'home' that, live out of f'lis place. The novt .sp.ssicn. wi'ii comme”i4' th“ 15th of September nest.; We hWfli ;i vpi"- 'res'pectable lau'ii'io'iiice botlr dii.v,.-’,-'” , , ■¡I Í lU Ч .ur'"-,. V /Jlîi 'if fei'S I iii iïïîsm. w s s m Biikw 'T 1 ■ * fill"; :ÍÚ Раке 2 THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, MOCKSVILLE, N. C. KOUTÍÍ :i NEWS Tho f/irrni'i's ot' Dili; community !ii-e almo.st tiirough shuckiny corn. Miss' Ellon Kimmei' gave her sistiEir Alma a surprise birtlulw.v jwirty Saiturtlay niight, Wie 19th, it boinig Miss Kimmeir’s 19t/h birth tlaj'. A ilai'gu crowd iwas present, several games were played', infter Avhic'h (the crowd w»S’ invited in ' to the id'iinming 'room and calte, candy and pickles ^V'e!re served. Tlie croAvd left, wishing Miss Kim­ mer many fore happy birthdays. Miss Carrie Allen spent tho week emii v;itli ihor sister, Mrs. W, ■ F. McOolloh. Mrs. .Ro.v Wiillianxsi and child-, "ren, Misetii.i Bca.sie -and Thelnla .Wyatt of Winston, spent Steturday . and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Wylitt. Mrs. Enic. Smi'li’i and chi'Idren 8i)eiit the week end with her par- cnt.'i, Mr, nii'd Mil'S. John Lee Star, Mr. and Sira. Claucle Williams spent Satuiicl:iy with Mr. an,d Mrs Ch'a'lmers Williams. Mr, Tom Gridin of Walkertown (»pent the wee'k end with Mr. aud Mrs.' Jiolin Kimmer aiiUci! fiamil}% ' "lÈRUSÀLBftr NJ5WS ' Thu rs'd'ay, ,NсуотЬсг 2*1, n t f O d iic t c w O iS g f л и то ТА, on. Llie famous Rev, M; L. Bai'nea fl'lleidi hia re-' \ gular atipointment Suinday at 3 'p. m,' / ■'. i ' ■B. ,Y. P; 'U. Grouip 'No'. 2 gave : veivy helpPuil program Sunday evening. ThC' topic of ouriles's'on ■AviaaVHihe ith at is wise winnoth souls, Proverbs 11:80, "Christ Ihlas no hanlilw but lour ili'ands to 'do his work today, ! H'D' hais no feot but our feoi to : . load'men in hia way, ; He has no tongues but our tongues _ to tell men how ho died, lie has in'p ihelp but ow ihelp to 'V bring it'hem to hia side.” . Mrs; O'liie Hartley who has been ■viery sick 'for the past flve weeks* isvable to be out again. Quite a-number of the Jonusa- • iem people attended la: birthday Wllnner; given 'In ihonor of Mi;, Walter Whisnant at his home near Pranldin, Rowani county, Sundaj'. Mrs, S. R. Be.ssontiwho has bc'cn veii-5’ sick for aoveral days, Is some ..hlottor lat ilihii.si writinig, 'wib aro StMI to know. ■ , an'd' Mrs. lioy Sheet's of Snlisbui-y wore.idiinior guests of . Mr.Tnind Mrs, 0. il. Hartley Sun- ‘ tlay. „ , ' ■■ , .Mr. land Mrs. ;OdelI Grubb and I'lttlei 'daughter of Yadkin, Rowan _ county, vspent ,the week end. with ‘ Mr, .a'nici Mrs.' M.' C. Grubb. ■ ,'\ .' --------7*— •-----------— ,. CHRISTIAN SANITATION Ho taught .that Health is more pr'eiciQua Iftian Thini^fs. He was an outdoor man most of aill. Tho , greatpr iilair.t of His tea&hlng wa» done,' not in temples, but 'along the gh’orog of the lake. He would not sleep indoors apiparenitly . if „. Ho could slip 'away to the moun- tainls and lie down ii’mdieir the stars. There were happiness .and № l o i i i o n i c f r a p ii [’aém ViLL BE E.TON WE.XT YEj\! Vmt linvo iilwnys wiiiilfil II iK'iiiilil'iil |>limio>vi'nnli iliiit wriiild lii'iiiiiliy .voiir riioiii alili lirliit; tu you MDiiK iiiiil liiimliU’r ci'i.'iilfd liy ilii> woi'lil's Ki'cali'.m niaiMl.s, N.iiw «■(« .|)i'<isi,'iil llil.'i wdiiili.'i'l'iil ò|iii()i'liiiilt,v. A lii‘iiiilM'iil liiKli'iiiiK'iil wllli (Ik> iiio.st u'iimlci'l'iil Ione ( IIIKI Iii'icod viTy .Hiicfliil Oli cdiivuiiltMit turiiiH. A (< ..lllltJjlL'lLoaUliUl.V .llniL-JvIll.Illf-.wlIiLnn.'-'IlIv_ 4 delivers thisPlionograidi to H o m e Huntley - Hill - Stcckton Co. Affiliated with THE NATIONAL FURNmRE STORES, One of 18 Good Furniture Stoics ThroughW the South Kor the flrst tihie-.tho Sl:;iU. North Caroiina will sell it.s -ant! mobile tags ori'January flr.st, tofore the Iniutomobilo ymiv I'rom Jti'ly 1 to July 1, But til put the punch'iiae, of tags at time W'hen most farmers wr suppasied to bo sliarl; 'tif ica,sli, ¡, Ko a movemeivt was .started' change the time for buyinjr JaiUHi'ry iirst, Tho kiist icgi3lii,ture mado vision i'or ,tills c'llange, but order to cnnry it imto ell'c(;t Iii W’erc sokll Juily fust laiil, for on the half year pericKl. Now, Janiitiryi Iirst yovi Iniy ¡i tng v.iii, la.^l yiiu 'a yit'iir, Aiiid Unc Rufn Doughton', the Slulo Hov ii'Ue coilof.loT, an'rioiini'p.s tlinl y< will bo ablo to get your Docmibor-1. Tih'o .siimo' system I'- boimt eh ployed this year aa lieiretoi'orL', that ail owners of'aii'tomubik'.s, reatl'yii|icon.ied 'and registore'd', w rec'C'ive cards from the automoti division, 'conta'ining la icomjili! doif'cription ' of the car oivin; motor numbw, etc., and the i:i diress of ithe lowner, so that it w only be necessary fn;'' the own. to prose'iit this 'cair'd with a cliec nioirey order or cash for the pri( of- tho new liceii'sV, toiget tilio ne 'ii'onse. Theae cards aro hoir a!c!'drti,-sed 'an'd' prepaid for m:ii ing at the rate of several 'Hiou and №da.y,'and Aviil bo mailed oi at the irinte of aliont 50,000 a d; after Novemboi- 20, .so that th. shoulidi be in 'the han'ds of all tl CTesont automobile own'er.s I I^ec'ember 1. »The polor of the new ilicoii: plato is 'green, with white luii: orals, giving it greater visibilil ii'iati I’lvE' present, rad-on-gray ta. The cost of tihe Hcensea will I jiwt 'twice W'hat was p.ald in ,Inl sincc tho licen.se bought then wi for .six months onlyv while ti new iicenae wiil be good unt Januar.y 1, 1920, The priiccs fi iiconyes for pa.s'?iongor cars wlilc ■are fMvidod into four c'laase.s, ¡ii as follc^v.s: Cars of 25 horsepmvij 'Or loss, ni’ontJ'.i, Chevrolots, Whijl I'ota, Dodt'es. etc) ,$12.50: bivtwc 25 nnd ,S0 ih'or.sopower, .$^0; nii.n tlii'.iin ¡30 and leas tlui'm ¡15 ihor.'K power, $,30: 'oar.s of '!5 horsojiow land moro, ?40, Licenses i'or truck ii'inge all i|he way from $15 fo half ton and oiie-Loii truek.s, i r.r, fl/iiiii'itilll Z\-i;-toil truck ari.'l; ov.on moro . If tho tires solid 'and not pneumatic.fir V. M. U n B. C. RROCK Attorney at Law , MOCKSVILLE, N. C. ■ Practice in Stfite nnd Fndeval Courts. Phot.e 161***»«***, * * * «• « * * USE SAMPSON’S * ,HOT DROPS for coId3f flu, I'agrippe, cat- anih, nervousness and atom- * ach trouble. * # * n WHEN UBTTDR AUTOMOBILES ARB BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD THEM F r o m r o o f to b a s e m e n t ‘s th a t’s th e w a y to b u y a c a r B u i c k w e l c o m e s t h i s s e a r c h i n g t e s t The man who buys a home goes over it thoroughly, jfrom roof to basement, to make certain that it has the sound construction that means long and endur­ ing service. Buy your car as you v/ould a heme. Buick welcomes this searching test, and invites critical comparisons. And Buick is willing to leave the decision to you. SEDANS ’^1195 to H995 f COUPES ^195 to *1850 SPORT MODELS n i95 to »1525 ii// priivsf* 0. b, flint, Micfiu soyernmcnl tux to I'c tiddcJ. The G, M, C. fittitncitiji pUitt, Ut4 vtoit dmir^thli!, i$ avuUable, B U i C K > l 9 2 8 , Lindsay Fishel Buick Co. i WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. laughter where He weiU. Men forgot the little things' in the wholesome joy of living. In His greatest burden andi anxiety He Was^-neyer too burdened nor too busy to be kill'd'. On tlhese fundamentals true 'success Js built 'on Health, oni Happineas 'and on Kindness. Few learn the lesson soon i&nough, but that makes the lesson ano iless itirue. Seven years have beeni .added to tho duirtotion .of the .avo'i'age' man’s life Binco the development of the Chrisitmas Seinl, only 'mine- teen years ago. The good :d!oed.s, the Seal re­ presents, have done their sihare in iengthening human life». The Tubei'culosis Christmas Seal has helped to subtract 100,000 names from the 'anniual 'dteath roll on tuberculosis in the United States, Just how fiai' t'he Christmas Seal will be able t'o spread its | liig.ht tihis 'year, depewds upon how many seal» you .a'nid I .and all of Us buy diui'ing the camplaign, that fvtarts on Thanksgiving Dayi and mlLs Christmas, Next week we set apart a day oi^ thanksgiv­ ing tor benieflts received. The blessed Christmas season iii liiippi’oaching, I know of n'o better way to tíarry out the Yule- tide spirit .than in the purchase nm'd use of Tubericu'losis Qhrist- mas Seals. This is a aplendld' opportunity for '.soi'vico, W'O ear­ nestly urge you to invest in' the little penny stickers that do so much 'good. Have you ever ttiought serious­ ly of what you will 'do wi.th your tithe money this month? Why not give it to tho Lore] by pur­ chasing TuborcAvlosis Christm.n:» Seals? MRS. QUERN BESS KENNEN Seal Sale Clvalrmaiv, PRlÑTING--'l’IÍAT^OmriÍüST. NESS—TRY US. BAPTIST CHURCH 'r.here will' be a aervice at tho Baptist church Thur.sday night, the 24th i.it 7:30 o’iclock in bdhialf of our B'aptist Orpihanage which is 'now caring for nearly .1,000 orphan child, on, and whioh needs OL'!,’. hC'lp more than ever bofore. We are a's'ked' tq give at 'least the value of a day’s work, 'or a diiiy’s income. "We earnestly I'equest all of our, members to head'this request, rc.r.iembering that Jesus ?-aid, "Inasmticiht 'as ye have done it linito cne of the iienist'Of these уё have done it unto me.”' Please come anU Li'ing lai liberal olfering. W. B. WAFF. • Shn w.onders if cows ii'eally eat their brcwse, and. if it isn’t hard; on their oyes. ' NOTICE OP SALE By virtiw;. of .the power contain­ ed 'in li'. certain deed of trust, exe­ cuted to me by J, J. Angel 'anidi wife, Annie Angel, regkstered in the oflice of the Riegister of Deeds of Yiaidkin county, Book 39, page 31, and default having been made vw payment of note secured by said Deed; of Trupt, I will at public auction, fai-' cash, 'on the 22n'd' day of I3'e'cember, 1927, 'fit 11 o’clock a. m,, nt the Court H'ouse Idoor, la.t 'Vlaidkinvillle, N. C., sell .to the highest bi'dder for cash, a certain tract or parcel of land situated in Yadkin County, N. C„ and bounded as follows: Adjoining the lands of J, E. Spaiinhour and C, F, Angel on (jhe East, L, Stimrt oii'the North Mont- gomeny Pewdli’y on the Weisit, .aiid on the South by Letli'iw Bowman, paint lot the old tract of Isaac Shugaii’d, being 40 licres, more or leas. This the 16th 'dwy of November, 1927, ' . W, G, BIILLEIi, Trustee, !Э DOZEH/ [hat s the way one man who feeds his hens - 1-0-Pep Egg Mash expresses his increased duction. “I gathei 15 eggs for fevery dozen I got before I used Ful-O-Pep,” he says. n increase the number of eggs you are everyday, too. Right now is the timeget «.the famous feed that contains Cod ?al to make the other ingredients ХГьеС"^^ mouthful gives andoldV waste-and youngers keep right on producing. FUL-^p £ P e o g m a s h ж .^ac?e by тле QiS^ep Oafs фи1 pany Sold by :iN BROS, I’ille, N. C. Thursday, November 24, 1927 THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, MOCKSVILLE, N. C.Pago a rig“ E d 'tp u n d B re a s e is L u c k i e s g i v e c o m p l e t e e n j o y m e n t , s a y à D e F o r e s t ' T he iucW knoivn trainer a n d boxing expert cxlilalns lii.i p referen ce to E velyn H oey, M usical C om edy Star, as they ch a t b efore the liuck ingham F ountains in C hicago. III. PREPARE'i'HE RADIATOR - I’OR WINTEÍÍ ^Vt;Л'i'ïîEi; op ra'îToSléÿârop You. too, will find that LUCKYSTRIKESgive the greatest pleasure— Mild and Mellow, the finest cigarettes you ever smoked. Made of the choicest tobaccos, properly aged and blended with great skill, and there is an extra process-"lTS TOAST­ ED”—no harshness, liot a bit of bite. Edmutid Breese, Well-known Actor, twites: "W e w h o a c t o i v e o u r a u - d i e n c e s p e r f e c t voices—tve m u s t k e e p o u r throats i n condition. L ik e o t h e r s , I h a v e s o l v e d t h e p r o b l e m o f s m o k i n g b y a d o p t i n g L u c k y S tr ik e s b e c a u s e t h e y p r o t e c t t h e t h r o a t a n d g i v e c o m p l e t e e n j o y m e n t . é é It’S toasted No Throat Irritation-No Çoiigîu ____________Lujxjj, Jl|- . ~r~ . -Г I - TT ■ -I II -■ I -■■JJU..' LET US DO YOUR JOB WORK—WE KNOW HOW Siv1 ÍГЛ I II I lOHIIIWni ' Æ S ' m â . m ■.ilM T hey M a y C a ll O n Y O U Eveiiiy <l'ay the fire demon shovels 228 h'ousiis in.to the 'huge bonfire that represents our annual fire loss. Two out of every three of theisie houses would never hia^ie burned if, their owners had been eareful. I This is y«ur aifency of the Hartfolrd Fire Insurance j For safe and sure insurance, cal itaieigh, Nov. 21,—The careful drivui' wiil protect the ra'd'iator of hi.i c|.,:r against wiii'ter we.iither; the man not. so caUc'ful will let Nature teach him a cosl;ly lesson. •‘i^rotecting, the radiator wiiil protect .the m'otor against frcez- ts and the anti-ireoiiing mi.\tures are .t'a'siiy ■ obtained, an'd uifsiyj'," .'i^ays A, T, Holman, agii'icuitural enginec'rat Stato College, “Among the various mixtures', that of al- ca-iol and glycei'ine is most com­ monly used. In fact, makers of au'tomobiies recoinmeml this com­ bination, It is dt'siiubie io clean the ra'iW.ator before filliiirig with the lantl-freezin'g solution.” Mr. Holmi'i'n advises dralnin'g out all the .old water and flush­ ing \With lii hose, lallowiing the^ water to 'I'un in while 'the engine is Irunning. If Ibhe radliiator iis clogged ion idirty, it mMiy be clean­ ed by fllling witli a solution made by usiinig one and one-haif cups of washi'ii'g sodiai to two gallons of water. Fill the radiator wifh this solution and run the motor f'or 15 minutps. 'f.he draiin oft and waL'ih Avlth dean wiater until the soda water is all iremoved.. Plush again while the motor is running. The' iraid'iatoi;- ia now ready .to be lillci.t "With the anti-freezing solution. I'^’or^ the usual four gallon ladiiator, a solution made of 3 1-4 qii'iirts of a.lcohol,' 8 1-4 quarts of glyceriive and 9 1-2 quarts of ■water, will protect tihe motor and' radijntor nt zt'i'o weath­ er. If glycerine ia not iieiadily obtaininible, a iS'olution of four parts of alcoiVol ti^ six ipiarts of water will protect .at freezing point. For tompcCTitures Hang­ ing between 20 d'egrees and .32 degrees Fahrenheit la: twenty per­ cent .solution of alcohol and wat­ er made by usiini^' two parts of alcohol to eight p'arts 'of water will be found sufficient to prcitect’ the (ti’f I — r ”'*'j Eviei'yone is. eordiiaiib., V 1 attend Thanksgiving Baches i Riitrn’s'Chuirch on fndiiig 11 o’clock a. m, Progi'a j|iting chbrge of 'piistov, Ro f%heii well, (uul oiforinig for ’l’homaa\ i'iying Bivi’tist Orphanage, _^j’i on Misses i-ncllo Cain, Ifa liatoii I'.i'md Mr. Tennyson Lai went to Statesville last Sun afterivoQU to lattewd .nn iissi t’onal B. Y. P, U, mooting hole Wrr.tern Aveniiin chuiich. Miasda May Graon. Percy P fl .Minq. ,,.T ,. s. ston-Salcm, visited rolativos friends in the 'neiigihborhood Sundny. . Rel'ativos .an''’ friend-.^ offp ___r^r...L._B£flX£i:-.Diet litjhi,s home|[ .V’our home, telling your wino'icPi family ALL tho news of the /world evory day — 'only $4,00 '’B.£r.gain Days," Dec, The Aii'hevilie Times or morniing edition), lan'di Sumdray by mail, a Full year $4,00 (saving $3,00). Your boys and giMs wi'll stay home and read the jmper, grow­ ing into respected, inteiligen.t, prosperous citizens while others romp 'and ir.oam—unfit, uncer­ tain wiandereris'. adv. NOTICE! Jb r Sponom ieat T raiirporlatlon / ------itóany icigpe'd ==№¡mn, ilime|''also Sly in- ___Iti. the ibü'ing !i‘ :aWd istesp- Ij /W'orj.ü eve I / during “I l/ 1-15, for У (ewEtning idadl'Y la.n'di t ia D A V I E Real Estate Loan & Insurance Mockavilie, N. C. C o n> an y ■тш1 11111И11Ш111И1Ш lüiiaiiiiDi LAUNDBT , / “Bvcrylhing washed snowily cl;‘ —everything ironed to ptjrfeiv^j —every piece given ir'divi* care—your bundle con].. ’ ready to uije or wear.” j Having qualifiedias A'dministra- trix of GWrge A. Lefler, dec’d., notice is hereby given to all peiv sons ihokling claims wga'inst said estate to pre.siemt the isl.iime, duly verified, to the undei;\<jigned for ipaymeiit on lor before the 21st diay of November, 1928, or this notice will be plead'in bar of their re*- tinvei-y, All perjions iivdebted i.o .■iHi'd estate are 'lequesteid to make immediate payment, Thia November 21, 1927, MRS, Ii. E. LEFLER, Admrx, of Gecirge A. Lefler, dec’id, E, L, Gwithffr, .Atty. 11-2-i Gt. TAX NOTICE , ; o î  ’ billows ofmtld, We call for your clothes ^ in flootls ot pure, rainsoCt water and white suds— i' . ■„ . ...xquisite care— ■ Rinse- and dii-y-iron every thing wl',^ And return your bundle .'sweetly i-, with everything ready to wear oT| And this wonder^ always dependable,/ is moderate in cof/ service, ays right. Your City, Schoo'l nnd Side Walk tax for. 1927, iu'o now due, and' the same ia badly needed. Please settle iihe snme at-once. W. Y, WILSON, City TiiiK Collector. ~NcraciB ■ I will sell at Public Auction, to tho highest bidder, for 'cash, ,on Saturda.r, Dec, 3rd, 1927, begin­ ning at 10 ¡a. m„. the f oillowinig air. ticlea: 1 two-hoi-se wagon and harness; 1 corn planter; 1 sec­ tion harrow; 2 two-horae plows; 1 buggyi; 1 oarrlage; 1 good mule; 1 milk eow; 3 shoiat.?', labout 115 lbs, each; 1 bin'd'er, ,in igood con­ dition, and a lot of other good farming tools. Some corn: and ai lot of , rough feed,. Also sonve rouaehotd 'i\nd kitcTien furnituire, W. 0,. MURPHY, G miles N, of Jlocksville, (highway 90), 2tp, ' Pii'of. (giving iMustr«.tod ta lk s ): Vou can’t got any idiS'a ahnuj- )./:>■> terrible th.at .sight looked unle'^s ^'Du observe mo cai'eftiilj'. Ш е W orlds M ost f^ m a z in g C o m b in a tio n o f and Low Price / Offering the distinction ancl elegance of bodies by Fisher ... exquisitely beaded and paneled, and finished in ultra Binart colors of genuine, lustrous Duco----- •—providing the superior pci-formance advantages of a celebrated valve-in-head motor... the same type that hag powered the winners of the world’s greatest'racing classics— •—and ,carrying the lowest prices ever placed on ,a modern» quality automobile—• • •—today’s Chevrolet stands out unmistakably as the world’s foremost Combination of beauty, performance and low price! Never before coukl you obtain such unquestioned smart­ ness, such delightful riding comfort and such amazing performance—for such a small investment. Here, in fact, are all the vital elements you ■want in a motor c a r - plus outstanding economy of ownership and óperation. Come in—and see for yourself what Chevrolet offers you in comparison with any other car at anywhere near Chevrolet's low prices 1 The COACH•595 T/tcTotirtng o r H o iiJ it o r TheC o u p e •* . « T/te 4<Роог Scd»n • • The S p o r t C n b r U ilc l • The I m p e r ia l U tn H u u . »525 .»625 .»695 ■.«715,,' »7f^5 H 'T o r t T r t ic k I $*5л е ? •ÍCiiíiMÍf Only) ' 395 ' l* T o n T r t ic k '(ChatMhOiity) 49> Atiprtecnf.o.b. Flint, ; Ghi^k Chevrolet Dcllvore<l,PrIcci Thev trtcluJo tlic tuw«^•t betiill(n{{ luid fiMcitking, cburucc4<vtiilubUu ’■:ì! ■ II ■ Í!; 4 M a r t in C h e v r o r e t C o . I n c . Mocksville, N. C. CLOTHING SPECIALIST 415 Trade Street . Winston-Salem, N. C. The Biggest Bargain Value in The City Our All Wool Serge Suits A t $19.50 T his th a t su it is a ta ilo re d g a rm e n i * / ' / w e g u a ra n te e sun and| w a te rp ro o f. i See this s u it if y o u w a n t a gooda g a rm e n t a t a re a so n a b le p ric e .“ T he p ric e is th e “T h in g ” w henS .a p p lie d to o u r Q u a litie s . » ANOTHER,LARG.E SÍ-JÍPMEÍNT JUST k ARRIVED ® YOUNG MEN’S ALL WOOL TOP COATS » m i ' 4 Î5 T r a d e S t. EVERYIHING FOR MEN ANif BOYS LOUIS, LEVIN W iiis to n -S a le ra , N. C. si. ^-9 P - - ' ' > i Pnpc 4 ТИЕ MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, MOCKSVILLE. N. C. il Ш a i h \ •Vi.' /HI ' Ц - U'Ji LE т ш п ш Published Èvery Thura'iay at MocikHville, Worth СагоИп^»,, A. C. HUIÑBYCUTT Publisher. J. F. LEACII Managing Editor. Subscription Rates: ?1 a Year; Si.x Months 50 Cents, Strictly in Advance. her short skirt.s, bobbed hair, hi^fli 'lieel ahüGS, ix.iiiteci!' chocks the iceliiig of thu i)«oplu of South Oiiroliim ill tills connection as it iind linSf mul . with hor • is to viyw tbi' iiooiubiy sim. 'I'his niiiniicr, must i'o, to be iroplncod with the sweet, ([ule't, domestic type lof modest womiin. .Iust the otlier dny we rend a long article in one оГ t'he daily papers to this snnin I’eeTinK prevails over the South iienerally. “1 iini uiviiltorably opposetl to putting uji as our ca'ndidate any man whose nomination would ])or- elTect, among the stntemeivts in , hajis lead to the loss of a which wei t'ound the 1‘ollowing; “Evorytjhing goes 'in 'cycles, “The flapper has ruled the roost Southern State to the llcpublican Party. We do not need tho Re- NOTICE NOTICE VVn 'havo in lanofihwi' fphipmeiit | Notice is lier-jby given that iho, of mill I'eninants' of u real good ¡firm •hiM’etol'ore dxiistiiiK and (luality ol' iiercals, short lengths : known 'ii.s D. H. Hendricks & Sons publican Party in tho South. We | ville, N. C. in other dross goods, blankets, overalls, work shirts and 'Oth(ir goods at a ridiculous low price. Dress irt'mnants at 10c w yard. Come lat once and got your choice. —J. D. Casey’.u store North Mocks- I'or luiite iv I'ew years. And now j know from bitter e^^perionce what there ai."o iivdlications that the old- it was in the past; we know from Bntei-ed at tlie po.st office at Mockaville, N. C., as aecond-clh.^.s matter under the aot of Marci? Û, 1879. i'ashioned girl’s going back .into po],iula'iiit'y. I ^ “At the same tini'D, it miivst bo admitted' that -a great many jazz queens seem to drop tJheir rock- to come the high handed'way in which, it is running tho governmoiit what it is today, and wo c'lui I'orm an intelligent conception of what it will be in the future. Tho leop- ess ways, 'once the wedding ring¡ ard can’t change his spots. There- is .slipped ovor their fingers, andij fore wo do not wish to give any tunv out to bt‘ model wiva-;. ' “Just bee-au.4e ш. girl’s hair i.4 Mocksville, N. C., Nov. 21, 1927 SHOULD WOMEN STRIVE TO INCKWASE THKIR UliAUTV; Every woman who is :aliybhing ■ like normul,wants to be good I'ook- ■ fin¡(í, lyea, beauMiU'i. 'rmit. 'has ' been (Ш outstanding tiait of ,'i'eminilne charuc.ter.'e''yéT.sincu the v day \vhen Mother Eye openea hör ■ eyes to иле fact that she was not , ■ Clotned -as sulilo'iently as the pro- ■,priotiCiá¡ :of th'cr'times d'emano'edv ■, for after she was beguiled by Satan she'found that sneWas liv- liiif )П' “a (new tìl.iy.” And wo imagine that sho worked patient- uy .and long to see 'that her first fig leaf clilras was gracefully and becomingly 'draped ai'uund, her form; 'No ‘doubt, . she pestereid ^ A'diim with many questions as to which 'color of loaves Í1Ó 'thought ' most, becomihg hei’ atyle of befcm- t'y; and as ito W'h'etlier or not, li'ö ithouf^ht her; % leaf slkjint (was too, IpÀfi’,' or too short, lor whether haiv hat wa's on 'straight and h'ow jhé 'liked it ■a.ncl what he; thought, of ,her necklace of '‘'red berries,: ■ etc. ', ' 111. bobbed doesn’t mean isn’t anyiUung umtler .it “But naturally the style is bound to change. “A’lid Ithe ‘aweet’ tyipe — the home-loving type—is going to bpi the ii'ago ere lojig, feminine ob­ servers predict. “But the' fkippcr 'will »ever be­ come entirdy extinct, i , “And for that matter, 'htever will til-.e home girl.” Southern man or woman a I'na- .401) for ioaving the Democratic tliat thoro ; Party and going over to thu Ro- DREAMS OK A HOME, (. ' And since .the 'day when Eve ,doniie( .tJiat flrac dress, 'IUmI' ttiay- ho, pojvcfercycl';, he.r .face Avith dust frpni ,g^tin.tl stabile or plä-inted her oliepklif^i'th .the' i ber- rfesl'yeiii^^ sihKeilj^ <lay it j hnidV.be'öiV.l'as n'atural'' to craye¡beauty aa ifor'water to 'run dO'Wn ihil’l. «>ni it'will .a'lways be the (caSe laa long, as woman .ni)iiint.nin,s her natural traits, of character.. Since that ¡duyi idoais or what ccnstitutci.s ,' real beauty ahd^'feminin© charni'liiw with, tlie yeairs and decades .¿'wd centur'ieiii,, but bwwty, has ,been the ' great, goal' of every noi-mal woman,’ ’y.ourag .O'i;, old. And ,wo lire glad it is 9oi and we; dpn’t blaine Uiny 'woman for -striving, lo makiji herself, .aa attractive and sweet as possible.. She 'wouldn’t be 'a re’a'l woman, unless .she 'did. Provi'ie'cl', however, that she is not craving beauty for improper purposes. That’s wrong. As above stated, ideiaa of what make.3 up femvinine beauty ihave varied f'i'OTO time to time 'during the ages ipa&t, .and are always changing. That’s why lashionü change so frequently. A h'at 'bought today is entirely ' out of fltyie in .»i.x ■mon'ths hence, 'and the changes ,in other styles 'are •almost as .rapid. One decade iski'i-ts aire wide and lonig aivdi the next we have them knee length amcl' so 'narrow that the delar ladies lean hardly sit down in them. And even colors of rouge and other • paints and powdera change. Lip stick colors change, figures, to be stylish one decade must be pl'iimp, and' then 'We iseo the femaile striv­ ing to take ion more flesh and to develop a plump lainid well develop­ ed physique. Then we have the flapper type', the giiri who wants to save all the ma'terials neces­ sary in making up l№r costumes, andi with a passion for slender- nos's Arhich will drive her to starv­ ation and mlaike her rejoice /as each day her form wastes ‘away until she even becomes skinny. All this i.s done in tihe pursuit of beauty and attractiveness. “Cultivate Beauty,’’ “Make Your .self More Attractive,” “How tn Be Beia'utiful,” lii'n'd a t'lcore of other such iheaW'line.'i we soo these d'ays, over beauty ,si;;ecialists’ and ■beaiU'ty e.vperts’ advertisements. It ia no wond'ei' that the female of ,the speicies is dally becoming more and more interested in mak- in(; her.scif beautiful. For with all the natuiral inclinations which sho inherited from the daya of Mother Eve, with all this encour­ agement fro.m beauty experts and beauty speciiailiiFits, suu'ely woman is to be icxcU'sed for her aipparent vanity. But she is 'inot alwa'.vs ex­ cusable for her wraped ideas of what goes to constitute feminine charm. And many times she goeis about it from the wrong point of view. Now, bhey say; the llapper with With all the airtilicial methods of attaining beuuty and charm, and eliminating ail 'a'dvice of beauty e.Kperts, v/e feel safe in »¡lying, to the women who would be attractivo and beautiful, 'and especially to those, w:ho would make thenisolves mOTie- lattractive and ailiuring to the opposite sex, you . can let,0 nothing better than be hcall'hy. ' Witliout good healtih, no .W'onia'ni can look her best. Without good ihealth, no woman çiin inittriin th ait,, physique jaind Vivacity, which, in all ages, now, and a1w«yij will, make; the strong­ est appeal to m'an. Wi,-tJhout igooid healthy and lui well developed body, no woman 'cani appear at her beat. The day of 'the healthy, bright eyed, ro.siy. cheeked woman is h'tii'e, and no .beauty specialist eaii' lieat good heailth in miaking up of tho healthy, vivacious woman. , So let thd dear women use paint, I'/Owder, and every .other harmless art known to, mc'd'ern beauty Hpp,-',in'|:'i>ihs, if 'they can .therobyj mako'themselves moro beautiful, but let us hope that they will not overlook Drs. Snnshine, Exercise and Fresh Aiin, for they Inro the igireat'c’st beaiiity , spociiiiistisi fl'hat any W'pmaii seeking femi'ti.ine chiiroi.-'.BV,cr..,.iiiiPRaled :tc>_i'_dr,„af>: sisfancs..'^ ■ • . publican Farty , by putting ui> as our candidate for the Presidency a man of whom tens of thousands are .saying they will never 'sup­ port. ' "Regardless of the ■ assertion ono i.s hearing that bigotry and prejudice are entering into the political situation today, wo are .confronted with a condition and not a theory, as Orover Cleveland once said. Tojcail a man a bigot does not make him a bigot; neith­ er does it conveice him that he' is wrong. We cannot fake chanc­ es in selecting our presidential candidate. ■ I am opposed to nomi­ nating any man South Carolina and the South do not Want.” MOCK’S CHURCH NEvyS I would that 1 wciie 'an fcirtiat. With a paint brush in my hand I would, that I liad' tlie ability. ^ ,First of all 'in my painting 1 would paint the scone 'that lies Down wi't'hi'ni the depth of my heart,. Bound tight by love tie.'«. ' If you cr.'Uld S'E-e tbat scene Aa vividely^as it lappeara to me. You can imagine tiie joy awaiting If it were reality. That 'Only is a dream Of a home controlled by'love As bright as .the atara that gleam. In the great blue ihdaven’s above. I would paint a iiic.lure of that ihomu A:» it .appears to the eye It would bu such a beautiful home, You would hardly paas it by.'. It ian’t ithe inictu'rea or flowers That ".I'round a place is i-ihown. But tihe lovu' that' Ivaiiigs liko 'a bower That makes a ho'ii'so a bome. Now 'if you^ flnidl in your .iieart A ipcene like the on.e above Make 'it true by ‘doin.g your part And ' analyzing .vour .thought of love. —Jakie Foator. NOTICE has this day been dissolved, E. G. Hendricks retiring from said lirm and C. H. Hendricks continuing the same under tho old firm name. All bills due iFjaid firm are jiayable to C. H. Hendricks and all ac­ counts owing by said firm will bu paid by said C. H. Hcndricks. Under tho terms of this dis­ solution tho .s'a.id E. G. Hondricks take.u over ihe premises and 'pro- lierty formerly owned by Mocks­ viiie Lumber Company, situate near Dejiot street in the Town of Mocksville, and will continue to operate thoroon a lumber cstab- lishment under tho name of “E. G. Hcndricks Lumber Plant.” This 1st Nov4 1027, A. B. E, G'. HENDRICKS .............. C...H..-HBNI>HICKS 11 10 4t. A WONDERFUL OFFER! .$15.00 GLASSES FOR .Vl.!).'i Thur.s'd'a:y, Ncvombor 24, 1927 Ab.solu'tely guaranteed iregii'lar .$15.00 .glasaes! Only through ihig scientiflc inethod are you able to get them iiiit 1-3 THEIR UBUAl, PRICE! Smart Shell frame st-.vks' f'or youthful appearaii'ces — ai.^o dignified styles in gold -and' combinations. TRY-ON SPECTACLE COR!>, AGENT C, .1. ANGELL JEWKLER MOCKSVILLE,.N. iiiniiiisaiiiiBiiiiBiiiiBiHiiiiniiiieHiiiui!iiiiiBiiiii9iiraiiiii!ai№SsiiiiBiia'ii№ У B.e it ordained by the Board of CommLssiflPLCj's of the Town-of Mr- REPUBLICAN PARTY IS NOT NEEDED IN SOUTHERN STATES Governor John G. Richards of South Caroii'nn is greatly interest­ ed in the success of the Demo­ cratic party riatloiially next yoar, and hopeful .that the party will not make .the mistake of putting up as its candidate for President a man against who serioua ob^ jection can be 'i'alsed. and thereby insure four moro years of Repub­ lican control of the national gov­ ernment. This sentiment was expressed by the South Carolina Governor in an interview one day last week with a newspaper in Font Mill, S. C. Continuing Gov­ ernor Richards said: "There are númoroua good and acceptable men in our .party, nnd wc have an excellent chance' of electing any one of theso president next ye'a.r, but if we do not use judgment in nam­ ing our candidate, we are beaten to begin with. Certainly not in recent years has the matter of naming the right man to head us in oiir fight to regain control of the Presidency been a matter of larger concern to the people than it is how. ,/ "In the North,'and West thou- aa'nds .of men and women who have been voting the Republican ticket are tired of that party’s incapacity to give the people the sort of government they are en­ titled to, and are ready to come over to us under certain condi­ tions, those conditions being in the m'ain the porson'nei of our ticket and a sane and conatruc- tive platform designed to take control of aft'airs at Washington out of the iiands of the few, and let the people themselves have a voice in the government. "Unless tho sold custom of our party is laid flisido nt the State convention next spring, I will be ono of the delegates to the na­ tional eonventlon. If I am sent to jthe national convention, no onn need wonder or speculate on whiU my attitude wlll be toward anyiman our people do not wish to seo nominated. And I might say right ihc're th'iit from wh'at Í see and hear, the people of this State have never come nearer be­ ing of one mind than they are now in their attitude of objection toward the candidacy of this or 'that man. It is as easy to sense Rev. W. B, Thompson-filled his regul'ar appointments here Sun­ day lafitiernoon and Sunday night. Both se/'mons wero helpful. A real i'niterosting program was rendereidJ Sunday night by the members of Senior Epwoi'th Lea­ gue wiith Miss Ellle Orrell as lead­ er. We were g.iud to have the visitoiia from Advance Leagues with us an'.!'welcome them back again. i\Irs. George Myers spent Mpn- di:!y in WliKibon-Sa'lem ¡»hopiiin Mr. and Mra. Mock 'aiwl c ,ren of iHane'H 'attended sei here Sunday. M1.SS Na'ninic Carter bas rt';;l Slick lor the last lieiw (ii i,,.miiiry ,v(uir I'lumi mxi i,i.|,ik to < ! Wo ho'iie for her a speedy c.miU’d iiy iiu> worid'.^ Ki.oaii'..it /' V \V(! .| ) r i!S lM ll I IiIh « V lin d iM .I 'llI ^ | l| l( ir ll lM lt y .nr . nr Tl ■ , T.r. ■' Witli (lie IIKI.SI \vmi(tn.riil toneMr. and, Mrsi .Foldls ol WllUI .very S|ict..lnl nn convunlent tonns, A Sftlm Hpuni Wie week end ------- ail'd Mrs. Maivin Jones. ^ ж м ю р г .,.................................................. N No doubt you are planning to go after I the Cotton Tails at Thanksgiving and I will need Shells, Leggins, Hunting Coats, ” Etc. We are prepared to furnish your needs. New Club Shell 75c Western Xpert 85c Western Field 95c Western Super X $1.10 & $1.20 New Club i)5c ' Remington “Shur Shot” 85c Pistol and Rifle Cartridges, all Calibers Fine Hunting Coats $4.00 Guns and Rifles ^^The Store of Today’s Best” M o c k sv ille H a rd w a re C o. Near The Po.st OUlce And Ju.st As Reliable oiiiig iiiBiii!iiDii!iea:im!i!iBiiiitiiiiiiiii!iFiD!iiiS!Kiisa:!Kffiiii!iaiiiia:ii{ii VOJIK .Mr. lamid! Mrs. R'a.y WilHam.sl Winstc'n-Sai.c'm spent the week with relatives hore, Mr. Pherson .Williams of V\] !i‘.'oh-Salem spent Sunday луйЬ parents, M't. amd Mrs. Chalmers W'il'iams. Mr. Lewis Hege, «n aged man who felH some time ago and hurt his hip ia gettingjii'l'ong very nice­ ly 'ait present. Mr. laind Mrs. G. B. Bland and chilidii’en; of Lexington spent Sun-1 day лу11Ь Mr. and Mna Zoz Bur-' ton. Mrs. Walter Sai'iv of Union Chapel spent Tuesday with iher sister. Mm . C. L. Smitb. Ml'S. B. C. Bogar of County Line, spent Tuesday with hor gran'd paments, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. W. Allen. Mi.»a Esther Allen, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Allen and Miss Annie Flem- miiis, were in Blockavillo W'ednes- d;ay and witmiessed the Arllen-Mad- dien 'wedding. Mrs. iiVIiae Lyierly, also Miss Lamell Bagle 'of Sali'sbu'ry apwit Wednes'd'ay with Mr. J. G. 'Allen. Mr. 'and Mrs. A. W. Allen spent We'dnesdiay with their son, Mr. ! J. G. Allen. , ' Miss Thelma Wyatt of Winston- Salem sipent the week end with hier i)air«nts, Mr. and Mrs. John Wyatt. ALLEN-MADmilN WEDDNG Wedmesiday- morning, Nov. 17, Misa Myrtle Allen of Fork Chureh became l,he bride of Mir. Oscar Madden, of Statesville. The cere­ mony was performed in Mocksville by Rev. ,E. M. Avett. Tihe briidie Was attired' in a be­ coming suit of midnigiit blue georgett, and gold lace .hat. Mias Allen wa's' the iatti'active 'd'aughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Allen and numbers hie.r I'iriends by scores, who wish iher much hlapplness. Mr. Madden, is the son of Mr. J. A. Madden of Statesville. After a i.sumptous weddiing idiin.ner, the bride and groom left for Statos- viilie .a'c'companled by ihis .sister, Anni® Maidden. Mr. and Mi-i)', M'liddon '\vi'll make their home in ’Statesville. 0 II1 ’^ I X l I ’TIIINK We HAD JUST AS WELL GO ON AiNp GET OUR THANKSGIVII^G' DINNER AT THE AMERICAN CAPE, THAT HOME MADE COOKING HITS THE SPOT.— SPECIAH., TURKEY DI.NNER— 75 eta. J. L, WARD. ä€ii¥Crs ïi-iffr’ ■ oec.'^. ’rHat't'hisiórdr'h'HíiceV.óhííJil take,etröct 'on and after the\25th (linv of Novcmbor, 1927. Ratified inimd iduely pasaed ilo 1, 1927. \ T, M. HENDRIX. ‘ Town Clei TIRES AT WHOLESALE Save the Middleman’s Profit on Guaranteed Tires SOxSVa Cords ................„.......,$6.75 SOxRVi Coopo'r Cords ........?7.00 30x31/2 Cooper OS Cords.......,?8.00 29x4.40 Balloon Cords ..........$7.00 29x4.40 Cooper Balloons ......?9.B0 ROBERTS HARDWARE COMPANY Four Stores in Winston-Snlem * DR. IÎ P. ANDERSON * * Dentist * * Office in Anderson Building * * Phones: Office 50; Rea. 87 * * Mocksville, N. C, •* i******#*-»« D. » « »•»■k » **.*1»* « BAXTER BYERLY, M. * COOLEEMEE, N. C. * Office Over Drug Store. Of- • * flee Phone No. 81; Rosi- * * deri'o No. 2B. * * DR. E. C. CHOATE * * DENTIST « Sanford Building *, Mockaville, iN. C, * X-Ray Diagnosis * Oflice Phone 110 * Residence Phone 80■» * » * « */*■**♦ » G. G. WALKER MOTOR CO. ■» * Mocksville, N. C. • * ' Dealers in * Hudson — Essex — Chjçysler * * Automobiles * * * •» *.<('** » * * • * ‘ ROBERT S. McNEILL » * Attoi'ney ai Law * * ; ■ ■ MOCKSVILLE, N, C. * *: Oflice No.' 2, , Southern Bank * A Trust Company building; '* 'Tblej^Jione Net. 139. ^ * * Practice in Civil and Grimi- * * mil 'Courts,. Title Examina- * * tins given prompt attention. * aimiíiiBiiiiDiiiia3miiiiaiiiiniiiiBiiiiBiiiiuiiii;iniiigali;!iia;i!iGB:iiiaiiiiEiiiii3UiiíiEaiiiiniiiit№iW:iiioiiiiHiiHi!ii;a Mr. Dairyman We have just received three ca.rloads of feed. When you are in the market for bran, cotton seed meal, chops, crushed corn or any cairy feed. Come to see us. We are here to serve you. J. p. GREEN miBiiiiHiiiii 'Thursday, November 24, 1927 THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE. MOCKSVTfj.Ii!.' N. C. Eidiwai'd Crow', .Тч'., of Monroe, speiiit .the week end here. Everybody’s go'intg to see “Bon iHur” except those coming back. Miss' Alice Leu was the guest of Miss Clara'Knox in Salisbury last weok. Mr. aii'd. Mrs. John Tatum, of Salisbury visited the iiattor’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Graves, on Sunday. Mr. anti; Mrs. F, C. Na'.ib, and littlo diiunii'htur, of Salisbury, ■spent Smmday with Mir. and Mrs. A. B. Furr. i!i'.;e I able,« w<!re . placed for the games. Those pi'ayimg rook wort: Mosd.inu.s W. H. LeGrtind, E. H. Morn’s, J. B. Johnatoiio, Rufus B. Sanfond, Arthur Holleman, Lest­ er. Martin, Mttxoy Brown, Miss Miia. Hattie McGuire waa hos- Heitman. The 'guests who toai, ,to the Methodist I.adies Aid Mesdames Society on Saturday afternoon. C. LeG'rand, B. C. Clement, Jr., Mrs. T. N. Chaffin, the president, Mer.oney, J. K. Meroney, led> the idievotionala. iarter which Allison, kopelia.spvpi-iii i.,.oi..-........ - ...."------------ " 'enjoyed by all. IViiss Ntllie Harris spent Sun­ day with MisSs Lola Sofley, «t her lionie at Rediliand. "oAk ITrOTE NEWS iiäiiiii Pngtì G?3 HiicBwiaiiiiBiiiii C. C. YOUNG & SONS Funcnil DlroctorH .MOCKSVILLE'S ONLY LICEN5ED KMBALMEKSOur lint* Is coinplotu, {•'nnn thu ohwit>'-’rtt tu thu he.st and w.j Horyu you Uj tho boat oC tirnhility rOK’iirtlluHHof what you Imv Mr. and Mrs. Denny AngeM cf n Office Younr; & Hoilomnn Building Kannapolis ,spent, thu week _______ orn™i'i».nin.io \v’lbh his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. An'Beh. Mr. and Mu 3. Frank Sain .of< Ut'Hldcnm* ÜÍJ .........«uiuii ,r V n ,‘ T ’'“ «‘'d Mrs. Frank Sain .of.several business matter's concern- C ay .oiv Jane y- gg|.j,gj Sun'd'ay with Mr. and I inw the bazaar, on Dec. 3rd. land At .the eonclusion p. ‘c. Craven. the count-woek dinners were'dis.- if“™'-'. Mr. iand Mrs. 0. R. Paris of cti.Hfeeid'. Tempting .ma.uhvichos and eolfee were served. ^ -innamon, toast woro served. | m i a i H i i i i B : i i i B s i í B i № n i ! : n i í i i B ! i ! » i » i i Щ J. L. Las'hmit 1С11а1111В1111В1№В<11ШШ1Н1П1в»!1ПЯ11П!№аш№>Ш'.||1а1111„.... шатпв»нн;:язш i вк и w i iB шив за швина» J. .T'Robereon Tho following teiacheitó will i r:end Tbanksgivinvg .cut-of-tomn : ; Miss Louise Little in Dnnvnr- ' MOVIE NEWS Lew Wallace's “Ben Hur” the _x-tilio UL HI K'aiinaipolls spent Sund'hyi vvitli Mr. g| and Mrs. W., H. McDaniel. | |Mr, and Mrs. Albert Bovvie.s H spent the week end M'lth iMr. an'd' S sirs. R. M. McClamrock. & ilir. W. Bf Hc)vler of South j L A S H M i T R O B E R S O N , I N G . , SHOES-HOSIERY “THAT’S ALL” ; ' Successors to J. L. Lashmit 417 No. Liberty St. r Winston-Saiem, N. C» I J Í Misa Sarah Glaiithcr, who teach-1 ' «a in Gastonia, will spend Thanks -giving with he,I'l,parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Gaitlier. „ „ „ „ . _________ ; I'Irs. 0. B. Elatcn anid daughter, Mr. W. R. Meroney, continues M/sses GVaee and Margaret Eaton •(iuite low' at the City Memorial j Winston-Salom, visited Mias Hospitlal in Winston-Salem, we i ^ on Saturday. Mra. .are sorry to ieinnni. Mir. J. F. McCubbins, who holds .'(a' positio'iu with the Statesville Oi'l company at S'tatesvi'lle, was hero I'ast w^eek end with ihis fami­ ly. .............. J 1/ shoulidi avail .theraselves of this opportunity to see a re'al worth while picture. Three yciars to make iand coat over four million dollars. Saturday afternoon and niiight ,a big progimm at reguhvi''admfs-. , ^sidni. Its Ken Maymird' in $50,- . abroad'. Prof. _Ciemont qqo Reward'” with two reel, our Eaiton, who laccompanied ■ his • ' - -------- mra. i ii.atoii hia|.si returnc'd recently from ' a 'trip ’ ■ - - We have ad'ded another now firm to our advertiaiiiK lisL, tho HuMtiey-Hill-Stockton Co. of Win- tìton-Salemi. See thoir ad on page two. __________ »11,11 i,rtu luui. ourwno laccompanied' his eomedy “Baby Broiler.” mothcir to Luroiie, will remain , ar„,uliav and Tuesday another abroad for .several months, hav-,,i Metro Goldwyn comcdv icHrama ing won a trave rug ,?c(holarship . with a big cast load by L6w Cod',' from flarviard Universit:yi where ' Allcen Pringle in “.A'dam lanthe was assistant professoi’ of .................. h'ife'itory. Miss Lillie Mwoncy, wlio has Wiceepited 'a p'flsition Witii the ■iChiidreinra Home in Winston- Salem, spent tho week end at •home. 'Mr. ;viii:li Mrs. E. B. Hnmipton land son, anidi Mrs. A. E. Bla'ckl)urn and son, of WInlsiton-Salem, spent Sunday with Mr. 'amd Mrs. L. S. Kuirfeca. Miss Elizabeth Roavrs, of Mon- . Itnroy, ICai., Aviho lis spcndjing a Avblle with relintivos in Concord, is the guest of hor aunt, Mrs. C. L. T'h'omp.'son. ----_o------ ^ Mrs. J. B, Johnstoiiei left Tues- A dcilightful infoii'irial idiinnor-, party wias given at the AlMson' home on Firlday eveming in honor of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. LeGrand, of Matthewa. A bovvl of yellow cihrysan.themums graced the cen­ ter of the itia.bie, and a delicioua dinner In three courses 'Wais serv­ ed. Covers weire laid for ¡VJi*. and Ml'S. E. C. LeGrartd', Mr. and Mrs. P. J. J'olVnson, Miss Koipelia Hunt, Mrs. John LoGramtd, i^IisS Oisaio Allison, Mr. 0. A. Allison. -----0-- .....................“UdEve.” This is a I'oal live wire picture. Also late IDd'Uca tional News reel, 'Wed'n.esday and Thuira- d'a.v, Warner Bros, latest, "Tho Bui.oih Leaguer’.’ featuring Monte Blue and two reel comedy. CANA NEWS I\Iisl.ci Saturday afternoon., Hor many friends are'iglad that isihe esciupe'd . ----------- I being ihurt.. iMrs. Emma Grilfin, idiay for Ai-ihevillo wiiero she will i who formeilly lived here, was also visit bor sister, M'l'S. Katherine' 'a passengal', and was seriously in- Formwlalt, lanul' also Will (Hi)ond 1 .iaired. She is a patient 'hi. Iho isomo time nt Montro'jit. | 0 o.(,tit)O ш Salem, her co'Wdition now bdng somewhat improved. о M'l'. and Mrs. H. S. Luther, of ■SaHsUirji, Mi'ss Lula Betts, ' of Lexington, and Miss Sarah Chaf- fini, of N. C. C. W., wero visitors in town Sunday laftornoon, Did you knew Ken Maynard in “.$50,000 Reward” and a gang comedy was coming to the, Prin- ■ces Theiaitre Saturday p. m., and' 'night at rogutar 'admission. ------0------ Mr. ankV Mrs. Sam Hines and -cbiidren, Chorleia Ciemen't and Rebecca Barber, of Winston- ' Salem, spent the week end with Mips. H'imles mother, Mrs. B. C. Clement, Sr. Rev. ,L. R. CiVll, of Louii.wille, Ky., is visiting.his 'parents, Mr. iiiimd Mrs. W. L. Cn'll. Miss Eva Oalll, who teaches in ithe high school at Bre'vaii'd, will spend' Thanksgiving at home. ' The b'azaiair hold by Circle No. 2 of the Presbyterian Auxilia'iy 'on Friday la'fternoon. was a great suocesa, the net proceadls being •over $100 whicih will be added to •the furtd for building a hut on the church grounds. ------o------ Col. W. K. Clement, who is a patient ot Long’s Sanatorium in ■Statesville, shows some slight im- proveinent, we are gliaid to state. Mrs. A. F. Duckett, of Raleigh, iai spending aome' time jhere with her mother, Mrs. Clomeiit. Supt. E. P. Bradley visited the ischool here one 'ctay last week.., Mr. P. P. Green, of Winston- Salem, liras boen Spending some timo with relative« in the neigh­ borhood. Evoryono is. cordially invited to I attend Thanksgiving service at H Rose Owen, who teaches ? Eaton’s'Chuir-ch on Thuraday nut n Win.ston-Saiem, is ¡spending I M o’clock a; ni. Program to be in this woijk at home, recuperating | ehbrgo of pastor, ReV. 0. S. Ca"'h- from tho shock she irocelved whon (well, and olforinig for Thomasville tho bus in which .shu was riding i Bai’tist Orphanage, to Tlilomasvillo turned in.vcir bn Misses Iiuciln Cain, Haltii» ..................................... " Eaton iii'rd Mr. Tennyson Lanier went to Statesville last Sunday afterivoun to mttcivd 'nn »sancia- t'onnl B. Y. P. U. meeting held at Wfr.tcrn Avonme church. Misses May Greon, Percy Pow- l-ora^juifl J ,-S, fT.t'rt«'’' ston-Hnlc-m, VKsitotl rolatives in ml' friends in the '¡i.eiiiiihborliood last I Sundny. Mci-'id'nnies, W. H. LoGrand aitid' , Rel'ntivos 'aiV'’.' fricndif, of Mr, J.ohn LeGrand were joint hostos.«- C. L. Bonver met at 'his home l’’st es on Thursday afternoon mt tlie , Sundny and celebrated hia 51st latter’s home, their c'harmi,ig birthdny, Beside,« tho neighbors guest of h'onoii' being Mrs. E C. j a largo number of reliativoa were LeGrand, of Mlatthevvs. Y«i|ow ini'eaent fipom Iredell and Aloxand-' ch'i'yaanthemu'ma were eiFeciively or counties. A day of general' arranged iw the .tNVO roomsi /hero fea'.'.ting nnd good fellowship was ' H. McOlamrock. Mr. and Mrs. W ll. Svinvmdrs and'Mr. and Mrs. D J. McClamrock, Mr. Hubert Peiacock of near China' G*rove spent' Sundiiny with Mr. W. H. McDaniel. Mrs.' Miary Nichiol's of Greens boro is visiting her mother, Mrs. Saraili Mii.iCla'nirock who ia on the sick list.- Miss Vi'cla Allen of Kannapolis spent tihci 'week 'einicl' with M'ls« Floini Baker. Mr. -uiiid Mrs. Spencer.Summers and Mr. and Mrs. John Poplin iand children vjlsited lit Mr. J. W Summers Sunday. 'The rolatives lanidi friends of Mr. J. W. Walls i«ave him a surprise birthday idinnar Sunday, 'it being his 45th birthday. The Thank.sgiving party Satui'- id'ay 'night was attemded by lai large crowd. TAX NOTICE Yoiir Cit.V'. Sehocil and Si'de Walk tnx fcir 1927, aro now due, and the same ia, badly needed. Pi'case settle the same at once. W. Y. WILSON, , City Tiax Collector Y o u r to o g 'M a^ t e l l s w b e e j Q u n e e d TRADS MAKk r<EG. Coated tongue, dry mouth, bad breath, muddy akin, Sroggy nerves and водг stomach suggest its use. Oh, So Stylish New Fall Shoes S Ì : Ш Since Autumn .smartness begins , at the foot of thf mode, the smart woman assmireis, her costume a cor­ rect founidlation by ichooaing those diatinctive £,i'vce creiatioiia which can be obtained'here. • Toti will find types laihkii models in profusiion-^but noniei tihat has not I'oceived ii;iiej!;it'anip of; ap- I rova'l from Dame iFnshiion i Every pair has tho styile, nuatoruil and worliminnsbip of 'mudh higher priced shoes. тша1ШМ|1!«11||Я|||1В|||И|111П!Шд||||д,1пв.д \ ^'°%BiiaiiiaiiiiBiiiiig .'Í' Mrs. R. D. W. Connor retuirned to .hei;i home in Ch'ai)ei Hill on Fi-iday after spending aome time bore' idiirinig the <ill'ness of her mothe»,' the ll afte Mrs. P(liilip Harie.4. Mrs. E. W.' Crow 'left 'Sunday for'lieii'ihome in Monroe. о Camel ►ne o f lifers g re a t p le a s u re s is s m o k in g C a m e ls g iv e y o u a ll o f th e e n jo y m e n t o f c h o ic e tobaccos* Is e n jo y m e n t g o o d fo r y o u ? Y o u ju s t b e t it is* The iF'iirmington Bazaar will be :held I^riday, Nov. 25th at',tinj/|^( schooil'/auldlitoiii'u'm, beginning .//' 4 o’clock.' Fancy work,and tur ■'diinn.or will be .sold. ' Eveiiyq cord'ila'lly invito'cli'to/ 'CQme ,oUt f patronize them. ' ‘ The PrelJlbyterinn . Aiuij^^ij. Ihieilid an li-nltaresltini? meefc|^^ the home of Mirs. J. B. JQsti, on Tresdia.y afternloon, iN^f[ij,,p Avith twelve membors prj;jj.',ijy ■chairman, Mrs. Will'ian^' Bible preaidod', and conductq_ lesson in Jiohn’s i^^jor home week of prayer progr*' missions was obseiy . : I f a l l c i g a r e t t e s \ v e r e as good a s C a m e l y o u w o u l d n ’t h e a r a n y t h i n g a b o u t s p e c i a l ' t r e a t ­ m e n t s t o m a k e c i g a r e t t e s g o a d f o r t h e t h r o a t . Nothing t a k e s i h e p l a c e o f c h o i c e t o b a c c o s * “Gifts That Last” ARE Gifts of Jewelry Gifts from AngeH’s Je.welry; store carry'With them a certa'in touci'n of exclusiveness lund, diatinctioh that ia 'seldom, if 'E'ver, eqiU'a'Hed at modeitite prices. We havo on display a' lo’iazzling array of finesi); jewelry, at special prices. New models .and new design®, of exquisite woii'kmanShip, ini white gold, old gold, ami; sterling aiilver. A'n «ssoT'tment of wirist' watches from tho most reliable ‘manufacturersi, including Elgin, Howard, Swiss, Wialtham, land others.' In the very latest‘designa—plain or, engraved, and in the 'niewest shapes.' An exce'pitiona'l"oflEiE'r—^^ai tiny ocatgonal shniped wrist watch, in sevcir'al idi.ninty engraved desi'g'ris, , / A \yiide assortment of charming slave bracelets, in 'link dei.-'iigns set with coloired .stones. "G'ifta that Last” ar'e gifts of Jewelry. - A complete line of bracelets, riiigs, founbaim pens, andi anything elfievy;ou vvaat. iComo in amd look our line over. G. J. Angell ".S; »"Gifts of Jit'welry are gifts that Last.” , S ‘пвншв911вав1вш1в1«1в»11в1|11в1)|{вп11в1н1впа11п1ш1вивша1в№вмв1в1ш1111а1.^ а||||в111вш1вшвав1111вшв11«в11пв1111в111нп11а«пв1п1вщв«1{впв«11в11шав1ш1п1ви«н11пв11ивпв. im ARRIVED i ':i'i Hi ■ Ш The most complete and largest order of Tires and Tubes shipped into Davie County. See Us Before You Buy We tríade in Old Tires for New Ones a. I Ä iv Ä 'Ä iS f N '.'g : i <1 II I 1 fl im- П Г! II Mocksville, N. C. :.^з' I Hi' » . ■ 11'iiaDo not take our word, come in and see for R yourself. I пшт'»мм111я«11№11 •Рярге 6 'ГТТГ' AtnrríeiriT Т Т? C441frin«T>T»rc.tí И^/ЛОГГОЧГТГ Т fît Тк.Т Í-Í U ’ v>n iü i 1/> Do Your Shopping With The Men Who Have To “DIG” For Every Worthy Civic Enterprise. \ Trade With-The Un- dersigned—They Are Trying TO BUILD THIS COMMUNITY Who- AND HE NEVER FAILS Who AND HE NEVER FAILS Who- COMMUNITY NEEDS, LIKE PO-R RELATIONS, ARE EVER WITH US. WHO IS IT TiiAT MEETS THES^ NEEDS? WHO IS IT THAT SUPPORTS THE SCHOOLS, THE CHURCHES, SPECIAL CIVIC EXPENSES. CELEBRATIONS. SOCIALS. LOCAL EN TERTAJnmEN^TS - OUR RECREATIONAL LIFE? WHO IS THIS PERSON? IS IT LEADING BUSI.NE SS MEN OF NEARBY BIG TRADING CENTERS? IS IT T H yiG MAIL ORDER HOUSE EXECUTIVES AND STOCK-HOLDERS? IS IT THE HOUSE-TO-HOUSE PEDDLERS WHO RING EVERY DOOR BELL IN TOWl^ REGULARLY-AND ARE GONE FOR­ EVER? NO. MR. OR MRS. READER, IT IS NONE OF THESE AS YOU WELL KNOW. YOU KNOW WHO IT IS. IT IS YOUR W n TOWN’S LEADING CITIZENS— THE PEOPLE DOING BUSINESS ¡HERE, ASSUMING THEIft SHARE OF COMMUNITY KESPONSlBILITIES—DICING DOWN INTO THEIR POCKET REGULARLY FOR EVERY WORTHY CIVIC ENTERPRISE. IN RETURN THEY v^sk SO LITTLE. THEY ASK ONLY ,TI?AT YOU BE LOYAL TO YOUR HOME-TOWN, BY FIlW MAKING THE EFFORT TO LEARN IF THE THING YOU WANT TO BUY CAN NOT BE OBTAINED THROUGH HOME MARKETS. NIlJiE TIMES ^T OF TEN IT CAN BE. , THE QUALITY WILL BE JUST AS GOOD. THE STYLE JUST AS NEW AND THE PRICE JUST AS LOW. SUPPORT THE MEN WHO ARB SUPPORTING YOUR TOWN. IF YOU DON’T YOUR REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS WILL W e R INCREASE IN VALUE, YOUR JOB WILL NEVER' BE BETTER-AND THERE WILL BE FEWER AND FEWER DOLLARS AND MOCKSVILLE WILI^VENTUALLY BE A DESERT- ED VILLAGE. , Trade With Us—Christmas Goods Arriving Daiy»-Shop Now I " ' ' ■■ ^ I — ;---------- --- GROCE & TODD Dodge Cnrs-----------------Grahiim, liTotihei’s Trucks DAVIF; REAL ESTATE Ш a-mMfCE CO ALLISON & CLEMENT “Aft.vlhiiur You W u n t For C h i ¡ d m a s " Iiv--un.i,nce >of all Kin:!« I FRANK HENDRIX Generili Morclianciiiie MOCKSVIÍE-MOTOR CO. K«p«l, \ „ s,.oeb|„ C . J . A N G E L L “G'U'ts That Last” DAVIE CASH STO^E “Good T ilings T o 'E at” ¡ ■ > A. A. HOLLEMAN- Cotton Buyer nnd Ginner “At the Stcire of Totlay’B Best” ' “Gifts of U(ili(y” Give China------------------------------------------A rt Gki/^ni ^ U t S l i t y '\ TtlOCKSVlLLE HARDWARE COMPA^iY M ARTIN Is^OTHERS ^ÜW’.isral M ercliandiise Good Meats— IDEAL , "Just as. KQOd aa KURFESS & KtirfofiH Pura Piiinf:—More :e r y \ost" ' ".PÎitirsdàÿ, Novqmbor S'l. 1027 T,HK MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, MOCKSVILLE, У> С. ■мпг^<%^ •Ж» М лМ ЛЖ и M e r e d it h N ic k o ls o n ^niu<rtï«.üDrm 1)У 1'У; luit «¡ly, .t-omü оГ tile nponl, 'voülthy üompi iiloïKr__i " ' * 1NTU0DUCT10N Archib'itld tìciiiHiW;, ‘biichelor, travcls coi . ............... thè intcrosi;' oi' his tmimenda u ! 'ì'-“-'!! 'fe'" lif’ht lo bc itiirp ii Ufo of crime, iidvuiiture; romance tli'ifroujihly polìahcd, ''I hopc and cxcitoment as a curo for hislnv pi’OBenfe isn’t alfonsivc?" nervQS. Ai'cli'f> ' n... !.............. "Г lif'P'U;" iuiirl Arohie, tm-iiiji,. -------.»D «.i i;tue юг His I ..................• nerves. Archie fioes-''to'“Bailey “Cut it 'Out!” she v&turnof! Harbor to invivRtijiate ;i summer crisp'I.v. “Of, course • .vou’ro al ■ house for . his. aister. A heavy ! ric.ht. I know you wi:re. ii гйзИ storm forces- him to spend the j ¡rent thc fWi.-it squint I frot of you. niglit thoro. During tho tiight i You сплЧ fool mo much ton human ho is awakened by footsteps, and initure.” in an encounter rellected in'the "You've fthvays lived'uji here?” •rtii.vror and shoots. Archio fires seked Archie, jiieek under her in return, Avounding the intruder, fi'nnk approval. \ who makos his escape. Archie "Cerbainly. not. I wa.s born ih plans- iliuht to evade publicity. Missouri, a jirand old state if I He starts, cross-eountiy afoot— do say it m'ysclt, uind wc camo here in tho nigh’t. At dawn he is stop- whtMi T wag twelve. , I went ithr- ped on n lonoly country; road by- ough Ivigih school 'and took duiry- “'I’he Governor,” master - mind ing and the 'dtomestic iunls in col- criminal who mistakes him for a loiirc inn’d I’mi;wcnt.v-three if you .i'e-llow criminal. Archio, ilooiiii,', caro to know.’^ ia afraid to tell tho truth—I'all.s When the kitchen was in per- in with “'I hc Governor," is whisk- feet ordwr they repmvind the'fact 1 r-mn'l'— ‘ ■ to 1\1ГК. " ----- ^ 111; <juvurnor,’’ is whisk-.____ uiey ed across country in a stolen car.¡to IVIrs. Walkor Sees story in news])a¡)or of kill­ ing at Bailey Harbor aud, frigh- ........ . tenod, he decides to say'nothing culair .in'operty. but stick with his stranjfe friend He -had decided tu ¡ivoidiany re- and await developments. At Corn- fwemco to the secrets of tho un­ ford, N. H., Archio eomes upon derground trail, but 'his delicacy Isobol Perry at thc hotel desk but received iin violent shock a mom- :she refuses to recognize him. Tho ent later, when thoy werCseated 'Governor, by a clever plan, on a bcnuh bosidn ti™.switches stolen nioney for good money.. Archin n»«-' • • ’ jrc.-í.siüii of Qiíi'.? uniík'rstantÍK'nig Iviiu lio ftouiii p'.it 'inío -»vords. ííc r :aiu!, íliiiiiy '(ií.storrniyí’e > in tho Uu-ik i)f ü:ü Juno, sttr.-), -wus in'- itiujr y jKi i!\ '.-U.e. ela:ip,edi, uiul •.ohl ¡t, v;;rt-iñ yiaií.Hn;'. She irtw it '.'i'.vay in a nionícnt'but not-'obulíingly. “.t svi.'í,i:lei',‘’,.sh3 said presuntly; yanuler whL'ther you would-— yh'jtbor you really H’ould dcnsome: thing for me?” ‘'Ar.ything in my po^ver," he de- '.hired ho.arsely. “W.ba't time is it?” sho 'nsked with a J.;u'ring rotura tí)''i.itm*tica'l ihings. Bhe bent; ho!'i heii'cl cióse isis he h(>! rf' h match to h-i.4 watch. It 'was Iwvlf past eight. “Wei’ll -have to hurry,” she «aid. l''‘Whon I to'.d you pop and I díidn’t ahvíiyi.y agrec! '.iibout ovorything Wiir. ti'ri'r.ikinK—" "ts U '. --..1Ц- 'ts it about ;¡ii manV” he a.sked, surmiaíng tho worst 'and .steeling '"■'’''seir for tho blow if it must .. ............. .uni;r anu sally SUg- go.4tod that they stnoW to a 'trout brook which was lier own parti-¡ ,, , , , .. ' culair wronertv. » lon'K stony,” shecula.1 .Dioneir “and thoro isn’t time to tti'l it,' but th'0 moment I saiv you wrivo Ort Ki- ,--- Ittey \VGl*e‘*8C òli n beno'h be.iide tlve brook.____ iiiuiiuy lor good ! ‘‘Df> you know," sho ■said, "you money.. Archie used as decoy— arc not like the others?” ' making love to niece of agent! “I'don’t undorstan'd,” ho falter- scnt to meet eccentric Congdoti cd. here next -itey. Archio and the ' “Oh, cut it out! You noodn’t Govcnior drive away without ; hy to ftmi mo! When I told you creating suspicion ¡and sjieed 1 awKiln i i ' - , ------- llUl - ......you wore .<40 big aud bnn.vo and atroug, I thought you might'help.” To be ciiMed big and bravo and strong by S'O chan'ming mi person, to en.i'Cy her confiden'ie a'nd’ be her chn.'ion aid in ivn hour of need an'fl D'erplexity profoundly touch­ed him, “I wouldn’t trus't tho C'overnor, lie’s tc'f) fii’'’P,'n'(l.ly with pop fill' that, ft’s iust thi® "wy,” she went I'cn dreamily. "There's a man. .'\bl.i:;:li Rtronif, who ,____ '.uiu s))e«i a whilo »go 1 tliniiglit you wereacross stato to deliver thc ?(iO,- "ii'.o, I meant т о г о thnn that; I ■ООО to train-irobber Leury at Walk-i meant that yi»i didn’t a t'«11 seem , •• .. ......p.-u чмгопи or’s farm, where Archio gttts^'ivew j like the wiooks ,tb;nt .weak th r-1''''*''’'^ « fa'im :iu.4t a HWlo Wiiv down in.4igiit into W'urldngs of tho crimu ough horo and iliido at our houso. 1'*"^ .....’ woi'id.' Now rc'iitl on. ^ You’re moro like tlve Goveriror, --------------- and il never under.4|:and (ibout tho ............ci At thc end of the meal Walker Govornor. It dcosn’t seam pos- ' ™hI '(ruly 'lovers, Ho war, nt -'left for 'town 'to put Leary 'om ia.;sibln that 'Wii'y оше' \vlio i'.?n!'t fore- '’’i'cn I was, so Г kri-'U'ih’mti'ttin for ¡Boston. Tho voteiran ' ed by nece.wity into crime wiculd ‘'’»'T well. R"'- ...........'tiikiiii robber shook hands,. all l ■ *’- Made In 'The Carolinas , _____ --- over foi'low tho life. Nc'W’ you’re (>; gontlenian, mny ono coul'd toll„J. 1- ' •* -....... ivjuwur »nooK hands,. all Mund and waved a last farewell ч> gontlei..,.,,, ,„,i,v ono couM toll from the gate. Archio was soniy : that, but I aupposo you’vo noally t'o lose liim,-for Ueivi'y was lion aip-¡do-no sirni'rrth'ing nrettv bed or you pealing o ld i'ellow, and ho had woulduVt be hero! Now Pm going hojiiiti ior a ch;«.nce to coax from to handvit to you straight; that’s Jiime some 'remini'acences of hia ¡the only wimy.” -exporiencos. j "Cortn'inly, Miss Walkor; I wantLeary vfliii-shed info tho starlit you to lio iverfectly frank ^vith <lusk JK4 placid'ly ns ftiluough he mo.” hadin’t tucked iaw»v ь- - .........14 \v;iv ciown <i;bo rojid. Tie íTii:i;i' I have boon in „.....«ui, ¡mci was immedimtely love with each other ever 'siiico ¡ .ioined by ,« y-oung ntrim to whom we n-nnt to .чс1ч:о1 together, real-1 rho яроко rapidly out 'of Archie’s 1.V’ and ifriilv 'If"""- heaving. Her exnlanations finish- III iiiW-li” "Ivlin by thu school Ihouse when Wo dome to it and then i.'tap, Ab- ij'iVh will -bo itlittfe." ■When the car stopped. Sally jumpod out and was immediately .ioined bv n wu.,..- ----- ' »vvn.v inUlK W'ltn....tio i n t i c i m y m >tililoug(h he me." hndin’t tu'ckcd wiway in 'his cloth- "Well, my advice, wou'ld be to in'g sixty tibouBand doWars to give lyourself ui>, clo your timo w'liich he lin'd n o lawful (right or Ijke a man imnd then 'live s'braight. title, 'riiere was isiomcthing ludí- 1 I’he Governor ihiais; r.cma'iMtie ideas crous in the whole proceeding.' about -the girca't game but that’s While Archio Ihiad an Income of no rouaion why you should', walk -fififcy ithousnnd 'doll/n’s a y e w v from i th'o thorny- roud. Now pop would inve.stmeints, ho had ahvays ex-¡kill me áf ;he knew I was tnlking 'perieneod WI plicasurable .th'iiiiji at j this way. It's a funny thing .Teeoivimg the statement io£ ibis di-; about pop. AM I know about him vidands from his personal tílerk . I ju.ot pickodi up'a little at a time, in the broker's ofllce, where he ' flinldi he and ma never waivtcd me •‘^lro^y an add'itiionial ten thouaandi! to know. Ma’a awful nervous i)S a sileinit partner. L/cary’s . nibout .so many of tho boya.stiop- moth'od of dipping into the world’s ! ping hero, for laho hung on'to pop ■capital seemed quite as honorable' n'll the time ihe was sl^lriotinig up aa his' own. Noithw roaJly did trains out West, and having a iiny work for the money, husband in the Ipenitentiary isn’t n—........ ' ■ ft pleasant thing i!o think about. MJs’s fnthnr'»n.n n ' .vti c.\i)i'iun('T.ions finish- ,Mii i icrr-w'h’m ed she bron^it him.ta thfi'cnnand vcry well. But pop donan’t;liko /prfse.ntod hlm'na'yMi\i'Strong, 'hini, aTifl whon ho fi'irnd' hov.; m«t-, ■ ‘‘Miv.Coinlii'Nls ffplti'f tio- ilho mi^u'- tori-'i .stood he iiififusad to :;'-l!n\v mo ¡.'■-■'■ov’pi with us arti!' th-en givci' us , to seo him anv more. And hp’s a lift tosvanl Bc.s'ton. -That:’« over ( l'Ron vorv h'.n'd about it. Wo’vo' «in mnch bottpi" than isiinything we'd bfion waiting for il nhaivi.'O to irun , thought of, 'Bijah!” nwny niv) rrurri«!,. I mct him j “Wiiatovor you ,ì>|'Iv littilo girli l'iir.t night in 11’" hiriE' and evnrv-i i ’il shut oiT tho ilight-.s on my ma- Uiiiv'’’*' ii-ri'ii-t'«"'-' ■■ ' chino aind got my'traps.’’ Archio, tosting hi.s «careh'light, V"t its boam filili unon Abijah a'al thou'iPh bv ’ ..w.n, uie money. ,...... Ili-Hiu ipenitentiary isn’t 'fhc Governor, smoking a pipe a pleasant thing iro think about, ■on the vei'ainfda and clratting with ! Mo,’s father'ram, a siflilooin' down in Mrs.''Walken;, recalled him from Miasoiiri; 'that’.s how lahe got ae- Ih'is meditations' to sugges,!; thwt quwinte'd with pop,-but ma was- he Show a'decent i.s:piiMit of'iipprc- ahva.v.^ an'.the squ'are, and they ciati'on 'of the Walker’s 'hoapitaii- both wanted me brought up might, ty by ii'ieiMiiing to the Wtchen and "I wou'ldn’t be surprised if pop helpimig Sal'ly with the dishes. In didn’t pull i?iit s o m o . tihie and' ‘tlia .yiouith Archie hadi beon care- beat it for tihe Weii-t. It must bc fully instructed in the proper man awful tame for a man wIko’s (stuck lier of entering a parlor, but it pistols into the flaces of express was with tho gireatest embarrass-1 m'cs.sengers an'd made bank tellers ent tih'at ho sought Sally in her|haiVdriout ibheir tìa.'ih .in «..wi-fnViioinkitch'ein.— ....... ''UK luiiuir 0ii»n to settletch'em. . ■ down in a place like thi's. where "I wais, ,iust wamdering wheth-| thore’s -nothing much to -do but ■er you wouldn’t show up 1 Not th'at' go to church and prayer meetiiVg. ■you hatl to, bUjt it’s « good deiail j I don’t kniow how many me'» pop’s moire fun having soinebtody to killed in'his time, but them must Iceep you companiy i:n tho kitd'hen.” ; be quitei a bunch. But pop d o e a - "Give me a towel and I’ll pi'om- n’t seem to worry naich. It .seemsise >n'ot to 'breiak anything.” to me if TM ova.. --------- “YoU' idion’t I'ooks as, thouigh you’d ‘been u.se'di to ■Work much,” •ah» siiiid, "but take off yiour 'coat and I’W hang an 'apmn on yo^.” H ia investiture in Mrs. Winilker’» ■ample, aproiV Tn'atie it necessary for Sall'v to stand' quite close to liim, tand her m''anmer of compres- «liig ihtir lips as she pinned thc bib,to the collar of hiia wai.s.tco'at h e found wholly charmimig. His ih'eiiuit 'w'ent ivit-'a-pat las her fing- ■ ev3 , moist from tho -sud.s', brushed 'his ichin, She was quite tall; ■'taller t'han Isabel, whio had fi-ved his st;n,ndWiicIi.,of « Ipnoper height “It’isl ... ^ivy 'tnai;. for 'ginl's,. Sal'ly did not gigfile, But Pin not porfect and , I don’t but acted as normal vsensible gimls pretend to be!”.s'houl'ili m t w h i n p i t w i n g aprons ----- ■on young men. “You’ve n'em’ stopped here bo- ire? I. thki-ught I didn’it remem- !r/\''OII- WioH -vtm'i'/i ol'""”" ______ iiiiicn. it .seemsto me if Pd ever, pumiped a man ful'l of lea'di I’d Ih'avc № b:ad case of insomn'ia.” “Wel'l, I 'don’t know,” remarked Arc'hle, '\veighing the point .iu'di- ciiaiily. ‘T suppose' you get u'sed to it in time. Yiour father seems very gentle. You. probably exag- gerat(3 the number of his—or—- homi(!iidus.” "Well, pop chn be pretty irough siometim'c«. He ani'd I have our li'ttio troubles.” "Nothing sei'ious, I’m sure. T cain’t imagine any one being un­kind: to you, Sla'lly.” 'Tt’i?i liieo tof lyou to aay 'that, t Pill ^ - for Sympathy and tenderness surg­ ed W'i'thin him la't this absurdi sug- gidstipn that 'aiw mn'e could harbor a doubt of Sally’s perfection. Heir modestv. fflt'o .. ...-u m iiK ia 1 a m n i i remera-ja ctoubt o; _ _ , __ 'ber you. Weli. we’re álways glad j modesty, tlho -tono of heii voica to sce ,the:tíoveÍinipr. 'he’s s» fun- jcnlled for'aame moro concrete ex-. .................. ("'I (;iii .. ____ Uiiiv';'«! Irr us to leavo toniirht, run into Bir.'.Mlobnvo and be married thoro 'and then go on to Bo.ston and wait till pop’s dis­ posed ito be roa.soivabie. Ho wants me to ma'i'ry in: preacher at Saxby O&nter wlh'o's a'lmicat as old as pap, and h.'iis three' grown children. I ihiought maiybe you could pii'etcimdi to take mo 'out for a. little ridc: in your car, and pick up Abija'h iwid give us a lift. My, things .«ire 'wll packedi and hid awiay in the giivra'ge: so all I need bo do is to get my hat.” “Of coursie' I ciQuldn’t come back hore,” Avtfhie 'suggested. “You'r- fathcr would be sure to vent his v,Tath O'lV me.” '' ‘■Oh, I’d thought 'Of that!” ehe exclttimedi. “But you could go on and wait somewhere for the Gov- elrnor to; catch up with you.” • “I’d have to make sure he didn’t caitch up with mel He’ll be miiihty sore about ‘this.!’ "Wel'I, if you’re afi'iaid-'uf him" “Ppohl I certainly am not a- f'laidi of him,” he declared con- tempituiously. “He and I were bound topart stom'etime,” ■ Thitouglh the c'ajo'lorie« of a girl he ibad kimown onliy a fow h'oursihe was ready to breinik with hia comra'diB by> misehievousily up- aietting the domestic laffairs of 'a host wh'O 'doubtless had no-t for­ gotten hc/w to kill men who in- ' laurrod his displeia'sure. Saliy had affiected 'him like a strong cond'ial and as tih'ey wa'lked to tho 'bouse he grew in'crelaisingiy. Sally, lil?e laabe'l, had daredi him to be brave, 18'nd he acinewed hiia eouraige to tho sticking point. "If you don’t mind I'll take Sal­ ly for lit littla run down the road,” he auggestddi easuaHy when thoy found the Governor ain'd Mrs. Walkor si/i'll gossiping on -the ver­anda. - No lobjoeti'on wiais -raised by Mra, Walker beyond an ¡n.1unctioii' not to be gone long and a wiarning not to go without'lier jacket. “Nfo jay riding,” th'e Goveinnoi- ci\lled after fchem^ SmWy’is a va'lu- a'ble asset ®f 'this family 'and I’ll llhtold you personally responsible, Comply,'for her Biaife return.’’ Ill At the ga\,'hge Snily produced a satchel which Archie tossed' into the car, and th'ieiy wero quickly humm'ing ithnpug-h the 'lainte' 'i.nd into the hi'ghAvay, :■ Vi;, II mark of special flavor she moved lo the f rnn t sent >t'o keep him com- |)iiny nnd faciii'tate the istu'd/y^of sign posts, "I’ve put yiou to a'li awful iot of t-roiihle,” Sally remarked i>ylth I rc.'i'l contrition, "And you've' left your fir'Iieind tho'Govornoiir fivr bp- lind, I ■supp'cse they átartéd óúi:; ■n look for u.<i in liKjp’a' h'wc^iinu w'hoin we didn’t show liii'and they, may bo close boiilftd US ivow. 'I'ho only thing I’m sorry about is miss­ ing hearing pop swear when ho found I iiad skipped. It wouhr fcW fu'nny' if th,Pif thought I’d run with you, wouldn’t it! I’d ju'âtj 10 vet that 1’-’ , ' "I doii’t think It’s so funny you dicln’it,”- -Aroîilie , ;aniav.'Qroid'.'..; think it Was iriy. mistake The groom had d'l'iiwni up -ii-ia ■ knees, and 'Was attempting'toisieep^'. on the back sBat. It wn.s quit® impropeu- to flirt with'the newest' of bri'd.es, but S.nlliy gave tolar-' ; ant ear and even encmiraged" ' Archie’s protestiitiohs of adniira- ,' tioti: while ' Abijah Bumped about in ’fche'tonncau aüd, -now and khen.>', r-dltÿd - off ilht- seaÆ v/hen tho tyn-;'; I'a.ptU'i'iid driver negoti'i!ted ¡i shairp'C turn.'B-ut for Sftiiy'a, di'3'positîou t. to make the moat 'o-f ’her 'last- hours witb, him the, drive would,i; ,/ iiave boreti , Archie, exi'.Eodingly. , ; Sally and . Abijah wero eager tcHv' . ip.’We Bennington lis soon as pos--,- sible.; . V.':-, '',bi)'n''(t 'think we’-re n_t>t> nplpre-^ ' ' dating what you’ve done for us,’*': ; ;. siiid Abij'aih,“ but SsiUy iiivd;I haidt', , ; bef/tM' -shake you and that, marf .chine i’ight'-.hove, Saily’isi folks’Jli i be sure -to, be after iia wnd bhtey’fll' ,; just about arguo we camé,' thiaJ' ■ , way.” . ■ ■. ' : Archie li'aid io his soul tho llat-*^" :'i terihg unction that 'Abijiali - - jealous. Justification of this pdelou ', wiiisi isupported' -by thd , ' bbridro’gi'oom's sudden anxiety-ttf ; ' depart- 'out of Vehtmonl with thtf 11+710.1*' (iypc'Mtion; Archi'ci iha!di ' -; evC'-’/y'intention o f' .oiiiering : icorgoous n breakfiVst as Bon'nin'K— ton’s, bost hotel could provklo b it Abijah puomptly vc^tood "tMs ■ geation and they’^ato lat lai Jimch' coun'tei’, which Archie fouiKÎ ià; most dis'agi*eeabÎQ proceeding'. Ab-* ijah left Stilly lanid. Archie oating;', scrambied eggs whi'le he set foi№ ’ to, acquire inf,ormation 'aboiit'\ traJnà, He, returned whilet thejr,woro .sti'M ■«); the countev'to rep'oi*' ; • , tliiiiit la-tmin was ailmost'immé*’ di'aioly avallabie. Hia hasts/iiti-- noyed Archie, wh'o Iwtcfdi boiinff-, , ’ huHi'ied at his meak. Ait ithio is iii', tion Abijah hwnifi -about the 'bags- '■ , : gage-room, Svliei'e .he had no biiaf- - , iii'csa wlvii-ov^ôr, ina though tryinjr'' tç create thn iifiprèssi’onï th.it lia . ;,s was -travoling nlone. When,; train came (i-ioiig he climbed iivtoy ;;-■^^■iv,''■ tho'smoker with,his own bag,,lea^i,',' iriij Archio to nsiiJat Sal'ly ;'chair-car.' “Abijah's just.lni.llttlc '«.irniti pojij| ,Tnight'iiuye tolèphônedi you knovy^';^or be '¿oming- ai'ter us, IW-11 movo'/' in IVeii^o Aylien tho 'train- »,tarts.■’-,'i': "I don't; Ilike 'to leave "you\lika»' l'hi,"!,” said Archie mournfulJyl: i -, : (Go'ivtiinied ¡next ivcok) fiJ Í' *-■ Ф /'■ ! JI 'V , MUiiin nil'll upon A „ ........'lihouiifh by aocl'clieint and found Sally’s -lover a very well-dressed, 'doconit-liciokl'iig fellow. All his -life he would be proud of his dar­ing in -saviii'K Sally 'W'inilker from marriage with he 'ddious widow­ er and mating her with tho youth of -her choice, Tlve bride and groom elect were established in tho back seat andi ho experionced a sharp, jealouig twinge, when, tunning to 'ask her lai (lU'Elstion ia.bc'U't ithe ii’oad, he caught them in a h-apturous kiss. ' 'fhia w”as what it meant to be young and free, jind youth «,nd freedom were things ho Wad never until now apr praised at 'their true \Yorth. ; “How 'long do we stop lat Brat- tlebomV” he asked over hi® shbud- er. - “Onl'y Itong enough to 'get the knot /t'ied,’’ Abijah lansweved. “I was in town this afternO’Cin/ and' everything’s set,”^ “I hope,” siUd Sally, “you’U give .the bride U'Witiiy'; it would be j Ust fine of-you, iVir. Comly." “I wn,s haping you’d ask me,” he flung back. "1 want to be as prominent in the weddiii'g pairty E13 posisible.’’ I ' ' Sally’s nU'pti'als were blest in a little paraionage, with' the minist­er’s wif'e'anfd'daughtier and Archie as the sole witiiesses. 'fhe min- i'iiter had only lately oome to town and therefore eonfined his inquiri­ es to Mie strict I'equirem'Eints of 'ec- elesiastical imd Vermo’ivt 'law. , "Well, S-wl'ly,” Airchie rnmnrked, ¿s' he joined thom, “for better 'or worse you are mairil'eid. I cei'tain- ly wish lyou all good luck.” “We'll be back in a weok ,and everything will be smooth aa but- itev," Sally declared lightly. „The iwedld'ing journey from Brat- tleboro to Beniviiiiigton was marred by tire trouble and freaki'sihness on th'e; plaiv't ©f the en'gine, 'and as, neither of his pas'se'n'gers knew the roa'ds Ardvie’s good ^nature was s’e'voreliy tested by the exigen­cies 'of the night 'drive, Abijnh helped with the tires but 'Only 'stared helpleosly while Archie poked (vt the engine, Sail'j' was fair m'ore resoui’ceful and lent hen 'assdstainiee with hter usual gotfdi cheer, -ii -c'heer which A'X’chi.o felt ho Woul'd miss ’whon he bade I them goi^cl-bye # B^ijnnington. As ^ouw/\[STor ^ NEED inA m erical m r Everything that you want oir need In it modem motoc car. Speed swiftly attained, und maintained for hours with efiforiless smoothness, , . Luxury that makes a ride a rest, chiefly be­ cause this Four has the loagesc spiingbase ofaay car under $1000. , Style that draws admiring glances. Stream­line contours. Smart lacquered colors. Economy at the curb and on the road. 1714 feet are plenty for parlung. One gallon of giisoline yields 25 miles at 25 miles per hour. ЩI low price, and Dodge Protbets special pur- chase plan, make Am ettca’s Finest Four today’s greatest «buy.» j¿pOIt sedan GROCE & TODD depot stre e t MOCKSVILLE, N С.Ж, . • ■ *- - IN* O« t ДопвЕ BrothërsJ wc.. Ш!ВЙввЁК»ШИЙЙШШ ’ ■ -1'. " , • ' • Í.’ ! ;¡ f Get Horn-Johnstone Company’s Flom* ITS GOOD ALL THE TIME ) . , ? it #1' I I (И1 Page THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPHISE, fllOCKSVILLE, N. C.Thtirsdny, iNwbmber. 24, 1027 I' ¡0 ‘ilOMES FOR 'ГНЁ HOMELESS "Ail'd whoso i»ha]l reçoive ono *uch ИШе child in my name re- ««ivoth me.” The siiia2'iu(l 'vvorkfr to g?ivu '})i>) or h'cr iialui'y foi’ ui tltuy;, Tho dii.yiliiboror wltih only pick­ up jobs to devote some spociml diiy to thia cause; *fhe K'Xid housewife with her ingeiui'ity imd dovotion to set 'ii- pi.iirt .the-w<ivk of n dny; The boys and kIi’Is with no re- Kular income to get a job after school hours, or on some Satur­ day tumd give the procee'da to the I)AV!E CHAHGE Thiis ii'o m tho liips ®f the Man oS Galilee 'has been handed down l.lii’ough twenty centuries and its jsjgjiilicanc'e wiH be recognized uii-til tne declaniaibion sihiill em- lumate from th’f poitnls of Heaven , time shall be no longer. Ib orphans, is i ci.tirion call bo the aid and: Iii' ahoi't, EV'ERYIBODY, old prot‘02tion 'of innocent childhood, and youii'g, rich :a.nd poor, learned pnd the Noirith Carolina Orpham' and iUh’terate, to join Jn this/holy Ab-sociirifcilon pleads the cause o f, m'Ovemen.t and thus to “visit the chii..dre;; bereft of parental] care | fatherlefse in their afllictiioii.” an'd, ton- {lender sympathy of a. We caill upon th'e press of tho niol'liers Love. ‘ ' (State t'o*'give the widest possible 'i'he i.saooiation again ealla,! inibliciby ito this movement which E. 1\I. Avett, piiistoi;' ■ PreaciJiing Sii'iKlay: Oak Grove 11 a. m.; Concord 3 p. ni.; Liberty j j cr th,;m be ¡j'wl n m l oiit-o-date an'ii behi'iid the times. He was supposed to be king, but he was only a lovemaker. Christiana, Queon of Sweoden, ¡■7 p. m. Goal—ail conference col-, lections by l.ft QiKirterly Gonfer- ciice which is January 22. Di'd- you usiii'v yes?------------» —------------ The Open Season "Wlvat kind of girl is AnniicV" , "Well, she ca'ii' onlji be ki'ssed i on two occasions.” "So. And whnt are they?” “When it 'r,aiins an'di when 'doesn’t.” ^ 'S w a y tlic iVloney Goes it A ilu V.. - ---- tl'pon . c\ jiry mam and wioman in th'e State to conbi'ibute on or near T.hanki.giving Daiy at least on'e day’s income tld the orphaninge of ■ Jiis or her choice. For a 'dozen j’ea'.a i. similar appeal has an- jiually been made an'd' the gene- rouii gifts bo the twenty-five 'or- 'phftiii^'gcs haVB' revealed ibhe tend­ er ufici p.totica'l syinpatliy which ' oiir pe; pie feel 'towaixl tihe thous- ; an.d£ c .' fLuth'&i'less "children .whio ni'e befii'g i1;rwiin'edi . in them for .citizenship and the Ki.ngd«nn. May the; g'itte of th®. laipproaching ' Tjlank-.giving show, я g're.'aitly in- creaiie^i iin'tere'S't in this worthy . саиьа. . ■ Few .vijtuatlioms dn Jife nre moi^e idd8tres-.ing\th«ini that of children , wthouil ihiomes. Ndl'oss seems ao .great r.B thiit (of paireiita'l love. Bei«avoment inflic.te' its stroke >vith. laicubeet ia'iiguish when! it cuta ; iaH ithe tender ties that bound the _ Joying lives of. i'at,her und mother. omvde;vi6ted ihea'rt.. Other sor- |*WJws, ip'iher loBseis!, >ve. may bear ’^■—itiji^f'ciititude. ;0(thier bereave- even, seem not to fill io>ur with sucib bitter humilia- . ithey come to us in after. Hfe,;{')vhen we have somewhat I'eiaririfed to 'Ьваг the lessoins of grief, ,amd '^v'h'eln! mianh'ood lojr •wom'Wnhdc'd iha® brou'ght us in- , cr^a.so‘d powe-T of imduraince. ‘Ch'iklih'ood, with -aH its ignor­ ance lof worlidly sorrow, 'and with л'11 it's frailty lof spirit, ia ovcr- ' •w'liehn.ed by 'tVibulatiou of. being ■j- 'torphnncd.' Tihe ioirphnn, thereiorii, ' ‘¿ie eiititled. 'Ш Ip.etuliar sympathy T h e child be- ... .Tari^eS:' .of .'LHte'’, natural ■ guiairdian- »Tiip wnd 'lofi in its irtnoc.enciy'and teai's, t ^ ten'deiin'ajis wf a cold. < ' •■Tworid.i . bociomes' the vei'y «ymbol' ' >pf <lefenseij£»s. iafiliction; and 'as ■euch^’ it should ireceive the pro- . of'every maii’a arm and ¿ Ы .Jiifet'tlon : of ;eveiry womian’a “b e a r t W e hiave seen, perhap.< »bTie actu; i exempilification of all ■the 'suffeiriing Ьоше pictures.' We ^•emember itihe dark and tearfvl'l A a y o f burifnl. We s'eem agflin to чме the chil'di with strangle f'fiar ¿an'd' fiinief, twi'niing its liittl'e arms pibout its par'ent'^S!neck, a'nd 'oover- ■ing with kieseisi the^ coM cheeks. . TVe think of the passionla.tie' out- Ijurat of fiioirrow Avhen liie 'loved d'orra wfl'S ,borne away. Then' more sad 'even than all , abliis, wo C'ai'l to- miind the tong years of eorrow, auiTerin’g a'nd •I'Onelinei-iS .that followed; Maybe .«ome 'Of our town 'parenits weff© iih'U's itii'ken arnid «ire ?iow la m o n g the saiii.Ved ih'ost of Heaven. Sure- Зу, then, we:-d'o not need to be -!©an.vin'c«di by the cold force of argument, П'ог •iv:o'n by the wannth of 'glowing aihetori«, lin order to Jinidiuce ue to feel for the woes, aiwl tO' relie\№ the pi'ivatiom's bf the oiT>hana,'in our midst. . , 'Ло, tlhi^isslo^^^^ the' j&oiIeiTi'n^lWMdeiriatibii that God Himaelf 'ji'a's made uspeciail pro­ mises of '~rot'£'ction to the lorp'h'an. is philanthropic in purpose 'and State-wide in exteint; we dal:l up­ on a:ll chu'i'ch 'leaders of-all .de- .nomiii'fttions to iiTge in their re­ spective congre'giniti'ons thé giving of a day’is; income to tiheiir respec­ tive orphanages /on or ' near Thanksgiving Diaiy. Ver,y respectfully, M. L. SWpmian, Stacey W. Wade, W. A. Gnaham, J. R. Young, John D. Вешу, Mrs. Kate Burr Johnsffn', Mrs. Josephus Daniels. Publicity Committee. VALUE OF LIMB DEPENDS ON MAGNESIA iRaleig'h, Nov. 9.—The value of ground limestone used on land, to be planted to tobacco depends largely on the magnesia which the lime contains. “When magnesia is deiioient in the soil and is not, supplied by the 'fertilizer or by liming, the yield and quality of fiue-cured to­ bacco may be gj’eatly lowered,” snys E. G. Moss, idirecbr in charge' of the Tobacco Branch Station at Oxford, "The symp­ toms of 'magnesia deficiency are readily recognized on the grow­ ing plant. 'i'he material can be supplied b y potash salt.4 eo'ntain- ing magnesia and by ground Jime- stone. Our results do not show , any great benefit from liming oth- |oer than from the- magnesia 'sup­ plied by the limestones used.” Mr. iiloss states that results at the Oxford Statibn show that a ch.aracteriistic chlorosis which lowered the yield an'd quality of the tobacco ii(i“oduced 'coukl ibe' cor.recte'd bv usin'g the dolomitic liniestono: This limestone'also in­ creased yields and improved the quality. The trouble was also re­ medied by using .potash «Mlts car­ rying magnesia. The value of klo- lomitic limestone as a remedy for this chlorosis or “sand-drown” does not depend on its actiop in coi-recting :soiI acidity. A clear distinction Is to be made between the use of lime, as such, ‘for to­ bacco and the use of dolomitic limestone as 'a remedy for eand- 'drown or magnesium' defioie'n'cy. In the tests at Oxford, Mr. Moss 'haa compared .calcite and dolomitl'e liinestohes «nd finds that the use of ground limestones on these isoils is not'likely to'iiive marked increases in,the yield of tobacco unle.48 the dolomitic form wh'ich carries a considei'able quantity of 'nragne.sia is used. Where no lime has been used pre­ viously, Mr. Moss advocates a heavy applicatio'n; of about 1,000 pounds per acre of the dolomitic limestone applied "ijroadcast. He .states that the use of 'calcite limeetonc' ;app'arently does not ¡.give anv permanent beneficial, те- f’ults.. Where used continuously, it has a' tendency to decrease the yield and injure the quality. ----------------#------:---------- NOTICE "What liBcanie nf that poiiteble igarage of yours?”"I tied the dog to it the othei^ :she was a king’s daughter, day, and. a 'cat^came by.” ^............-i- — « FROM THE WORLD’S BACK WINDOW li)2(i, started the .stylo -for ladies by sporting trousers. She was a Latin scholar ami knew her HtulT. She used bad language and re­ fused to take a bath. She hated a bath tub worse than poison. She got it into her head that she wanted to live a care-frnc lifo by being a tourist and tramping about over Europe. WeM . she 'ilonned a man's clothes and rode a horse wherever her nose point­ ed. Everywhere she went she started a fight;, a quarrel, a court- shiivi, and 'goodness knows what. Her conduct w;.t.>? very licentious, but iieople pul; up with it because ^ Yet this Ghr’isian wrote some, very learned maxims. For in.stance, we get this from her pdn: "Giran- deur Is like perfumes of which those who wear them ai-e the least confeciouis.” Yet she , would not take la hath, and besides she had sever'al men killed 'because she was afrai'd they would expose some of her evil doings. Hut die was not half, as bad as some of those Queens and prin- cussos of I’hat day and time. At another time 1 shall talk mure about those old kings and qiieeris of the not so very long ago. They were all rotten ,as tliirty day dead fish. * * » * * » • Dit. T. L. GLENN * * Vete,rinarian * * Phones: * 21 H'arris-LeGi’and Pharmacy 83 irtesidence.: » if -»I # * •» It * .•* * * *. . * * , * * *■ A. ^ F, CAMPBELL & H. S. WALKER, UNDERTAKBRS * A completo Jine 'of faetory * * and hand-made Gaskets. * ^ Motor Hearse and an Ex- * pert Embalmer at your * * Service ' * * MOCKSVILLE, N... C. • « * Also J. J, Starrett’a * ; Mocksville, Et. 1. *' * Day Phone .........................164 * * Night. Phone — — on 45 * H 4» Ji * « * (> « «f * friends who will “stick closer thiain a 'brother.” Frientb who ciomo j Be. it'o'ldained by the Board: of »o'ft'ly when thei'r eyes are w et! Commi.ssioners of the town of and thfiiii' hearts arc heavy and! Moeksville, N. C.: Mi&rcy.becom'ft the vehicle of I have been dipping my eye into Histoi*ical Romance here of late anent my defense of the 'Wild and incorrigible youth of this gene­ ration, so called I mean by my­ riad elderly folks. W'hat I have to say on the subject is fact and not fiction, therefore, get roady to be convinced a'nd believe and view the situation ав 1 do or ■stop reading right hero. Modern youth' w’hon compared with the youth who lived between 1642 and Ifiñíí and for many years later are not even in it'lat all. When comparod with the “hot mamas” and good-for-Jnothing sheiks of those times the present youth would appear to. be saints. Take Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, why she was one of the gayest sisters that has ever'lived. At fifteen she was married to the eldest and feeblest of the Valoia. brood of kings, Francis the sec­ ond, lof IFrance. He 'died in a short time and Mary went to Scotland and took charge of her Scotch kingdom. She cut loóse then, 'Men galore m,ado love to her and she was hapi'-y.' .One ot her 'husbands was killed and it is thought that she was at the bottom of it. She loved aivd fcir- gót ’em. Another man was 'kill­ ed bccau.se of an .affair with the beautiful queen. She was all the time having afl'airs Avith men. By and by Mary was put to death by Queen Elizabeth of Eng- lan'd. They did it by cutting her* head off. Noav there wa;g Henry XII, of Prance, a 'model of oiTeminate vice. He луоге jeweled ear-rings and ^meralds knotted in 'his hair. He wwre \vomen’s clothes and collected a herd of lap-dogs which he played with. He was strong oh the .women. His most noted crimes will not permit of being mentioned here. Oil'd Queen Morgot was another scream of those days. She knew nothing of morals and virtue. Her lovers were ais the sa'nds of the eea. She had brains too and was as "learned ;<i's sba was 'loose. Many died on a'ccount of her. And it is'said thiit she had the hearts of 'her lovers who were killed because of her, embalmed. After the hearts were embalme'd siho W'OUid wear them in pockets inserted in her fine vertsagins. She finally married a Heniry of Navarre. They wore two ' of a kind, Each, it would Lseem, tried to out-do the other in jumping from the path of virtue into the broad ways of pleasure. Once whi'le staying in ^’ie city of Paris, one of Margueri'ce’s lov­ ers, a young man by tho name of 'Date, got his brains shot out by * FARMERS OF DAVIE * * if you want to borrow money * * on improved farm lands in * * Davie County under a plan * * providing for inexpensive, * * long term loans, call on, or * * write to, * * ROBERT S. McNEILL, Atty, « * at Law, Mocksville, N, 0. • » '«, ♦ * * # * * DR. LESTER P. MARTIN * * Night Phono 120; Day Phone * 71. * * Mocksville, N. C. * S . A . HARDING, M. D. Snnford Building Mocksville, N. C. .sh' * Office phone Л62. ^ * Residence phone-------on 163 * * OfRce hours: 8 to 9:30 a. m. ♦ * " " 1 to 2:30 p . m. I I'Last Monday the market had the biggest day in its history selling 1,287,036 pounds at an average of $26.02 per hundred. Taylor^s Warehouse Sold That Day 208,466 Pounds For $54,736 91, Average $26.25 In Other Words; Taylors Patrons got $2.40 per 1000 pounds more than the market average on the biggest sale in the market history. It Pays to Sell With Taylor’s on First or Second Sale. Come to See Us. Paul Taylor E. D. Matthews J. H» Payne ||1Н||ШВ111И!1ГЯ11»П111Н1!|1В11ШЯ!:;Ш111Н1!1«1111Я!Ж1Ш1т11! One Good Chevrolet Everything Else Gone That Was Adver­ tised In Previous Issue. Come See W haf & Left. MARTIN CHEVROLET CO. Mocksville, N. С. Tcuth .and Justice, Hashing from its ceii'tre no rates of stocks ór Л.'.'п other man who Avas desir­ ing to make love to her. 'Ше old Queen got mad, beastly mad, and IIIIÍB!IIIDIimi!«lllt3lin c.rr.'poration E'haill ».oil from 'any J.I« 4.W «............... — , wagon, cart, motor vehicle,' or •pageiauntry of kings, malting tho other vehicle any or.anges, apples, ! ^ ^ circuit of the world with hdlp 'for , or other fruits., o v vegeüa.Mes or ¡ fish, or meats of япу kind what- within the ' co'rporatei h o deatitU'te aii';!: .hioniw f'O'r the lowly, If you can :ti.stim'ate the vi.-.'lufi of itli'e life of a chitd bereft ó f .lii'a ]ji0 .-'is'i-i!gs auid comfiorts of a home, you can begin to imali'/,Q \\':li';it lit ineaii'S- to lüi'l.is't iir tiie movonvent to swell’iiíur :urphanagft Íc'ívistiries at Thanksgiving. If ,'у.оц fa'ii to 'exp'erience jileasuve [..nd sn.t;sfiuC:l,ion out of run.iiering -tlie ‘.service .sugge.stcd ini' tiiite liiip- pea) у'0'u ()iav(! faiilod to (;iitch the i'i!.spii'a.tioh from the 'words of tho M'üx.ler, "J.fc 'i'.si mo'i'o blo.ss’ed to give iih'an itiu' receive.” Ш' lo n ie r that moire la'doquato ('■çiuipme'nt ','i.n'di'Support for our or- .p'h'an .Ironies maiv be provided wo ni'itk'S' 'our арре.'йИ to— The prince 'of bunirttfes to 'give ! out 'O'f hiis iuibuiidanee tho actual o'l' es'tiinuiled imic'iiiu of a day; Tho liwtdl'fw'd a n d m o n e y 'fonder to givo .(¡'ne diíi'y’s rent of his iiou.s- os iwid I'iimds', '01Г' on'o? 'duy's iiiter- . 'li.-Æ on fiiV liioniiay; . 'J’hii ;)i"oic^4.gi«ipa'l wi;«.)) tr/ >ïivei - - soever, ' within the limits of the town of M'OKksviMe, except on Deipot Street, East of the 'Public and n;i Avon Stvcie-t, West of Mb in Street, 'and W'atom Street, Wc|st of Soutih- ¡Main Stre'et, an';!' all vehicles from ^ Avlri.:;h said ,-meii'chandise E'hall bo j oiTered for ,si.:ile K'hail be pkiced w.i.f-.h the <.'urb anidi within tho parking line. Sec, 2, 'Any person, firm, or .L-:ori.iO!'nti'on violati'riî ап'у of the |ir.&visions of thivs ordiniance sWaM: bn s!il>j&ct to the p'cina'Ity 'of 'rwenty-five liollars for each and ever.v. offense. 'I'hat bhiis' lordiin- ;nm'e shall be in ful'l fo'i'ce land ort'cict from andi taiftei’ the. iifth day of December,' 1927. iR.atified and 'duly passed by the Ho’ard of CiomnriiÍRioners of t'he town 'of Moi'.k.sville, Nov.. 1, 1927, T. I1ÉN.DRIX. ‘I , ■ 'I'oW'ft iClerk.--—:---- T,R'r~ll.4’:nO YODR Í(?H WORJi sang out: "Kill me wretch!” And after thinking a moment, she. yelled in a sweet voice: “Hero, here, take niy gart­ ers ;nnd .strangle him with thom!” , Of course this was not dono, but .she ii'efiised to eat or drink until •she saw his head cut oii two 'days later. S'he finally died at the age of .sixty-tliioe, "siilil going strong” 'i'he kinigs of Franco in' those eerie days were lilcowlse, grand I'Hscals. Louis the fourteonth, of ¡’■’I'lincc was the man who' made immoral ity respectable 'during his life time. All the rest 'of tho kings and nobles of that day trot­ ted to 'him and watched an,4ilef!.:!’n- p'd- his style.o|,j.'doing tMnj^ ^ hén th ey won] 4i|® i!?'.. h t,- into )n’actial§^m|.';t]iey 'h'iwí;.,;l.'<¡?j¡;n'- ed. He ions a'iv;V ovén’on|¡';,else folimypil. He. .(’ii)idly TtviwJÍ^' and aoí,j.jed doM’'h.;'.'S,hen !t;.-í¿%s he ushtiwWj tho jjfiójjtQ how modern an'd' up \viiff’|i;he stylos liy much wiclci- 'e,dneias.' ..Hiis motto w:as¡. itO'.;bis, o e N e w S uper- S ix Л Nezv A ll-Time L eader of M otor Values , , «aofiieewsocmeuttavir^ Л« ■G. ;G.: WALKER MOTOR GO. ' DAYIE GOUN WHÈKE ADVERTISING EAYá. . J Í VOL. 60. ^ TRUTH, HONESTY OF PURPOSE AND IH^'IRING FIDELI'rY: TO Ou|^ COUNTY AND OUR FLAG IS OUR AJfM AND PURPOSE MOG^SyirLLE, N. C.. TH URSDAY; :l% i. 1, 1927 fr Sharp Made Splendid Talk To Juniors Saturday Night Tho concort give'll'at the Mocks- ■vi'llc High School audito'i'ium last Satundiii'y night irnd'er (the aus- ])ices, of M'ocksviile Council No. 226 Junior Order of United Ame­ rican Mechanics was of the hig*;!»- ifet loixler, lantev.biiinlng and in- stiru'Ctive. 'Tihe M/ocksvillo Hiigli school , onchestra led . by Mi's. An­ drews', music tdachor in tho Mocks ville' ,^^hool, ii'endered a- pro^i’tam cquai 'to the bes't and so'charming that one, wheiK he came to himoolf ffould. wondor ivlhbthef. he was in Mbclisvilic',' it. boing almost in- crediij'le thiiit su'ch a splendid or- jciiestra could be tilove'loiped in so ihoit 'a tiirrio. ' ;■' ■ Piist'Stale Councilor, J .' JL Sharp, 'of Roi'dsvllle, N. C., who is now Conductor of tho ivational DAVIE CHARGE E. M. Avett, pastor Services Sunday: Center 11 a. m. Sa'lem 3. p. m. Hardison 7 p. m. Goal: all confer'eivce collec­ tions by 1st Qu'airterly Confer­ ence, Jii'nAMiry 22, 1!)28. tt » * JUNIORS ENJOY CONCERT *tt ____■ # ..About fqu'r hundred' Juni- * ovs, wives ¡{'¡ii;li clhiklren enjoy- * ed the cioncert given at the * high .school auditorium Sat- urday ovening. .j^ll who mi'fs- ^ ed hei.vring the talk by Mr. J. * M. Sharp'i' of Reidsviile, miss- * od the treat of thoir lifo. * Mrs. Andrews musical class----- ---- u iifiioiijtii ____ — ................Ifurnished excellent music fcir,*council 'of Junior Orciter of Uiiit-i* tho occasion, :and evoryone ed American Mechanics, upon ' - ty)i'iig iTlbroducod by Attorney’ i/ncob Stewart, delivered an ad- [(Iress which was entertaining and Inatru'ctive. Not 'oniy di'di he ex­ plain the dordia'l pfinciplea of the fider, virtue, liberty and patro-< tism, that to be 'a gooi.i "Junior” ono mu.st be la: 'good citizen, but hcisaid that t'ho Junioi’ order had ilway« stood for the public iC'hoo'l.s, tho education 'of the. nassos of tho people 'and to bo iroper'ly educated one should tiunv the tcachiiMrs of tho Bible md that tho ordor fitaivds for tho re:iding of the Riblo in tho ic'lioola. not for .sectarian pur- I'o.sos, but that wo may know the |tachlnB8 of tho Master and to incourago right living; that the rder beiiovod in 'restrict imnii- 'I'ution frr the p,VeHei;vation * present enjoyed an eveniii'g * that will bo long romember-od'. This conceiit was advertís- * cd in this newspaper, wihich is another ip'ro'of that “if you * want Davie county to know ■* It, put it in Davie county’s * Newspaper.” *<1- ■* ■*■»***»** TOBÀCCO SMÒKING^ AND|lteALTH Is tobacco smoking lan injuriouB h'tibit?.^ the public healtl'. be improved by its 'abolition?' ' Th(>.se are quk'stioii's which have agi!.. ; ated both'¡.hysicians and laynien :for j‘eiu:ft, bec'!iuse there has beeri I prevalent an idea that even modeiiats'tobacco smoking is ihjurioa.s to o'liie’s liojlth. Yet, as science peigij..away, on its investigation of the. effect of tobacco smoking on the huniari^ system and disposition and hoalth, it appears'.that physiciansVma'j’: again arrive at the same ol::l idea prevalent among old .timas' .':ii/; half century ago, that the moderate use of tobacco in certnin .càaoà'i is' be'noficial rather than injurious. ■ ' .' V ^ ■ As ti’iils is a subject which is vei'y likelyiio interest many readers, and as it is woli that the public k'ri'ovv ,the/veiry , kte'St conclusions of the medicai'profession ffin the eiiect :bf Ìobncco 'on the health of the user, we are ¡going to give the; necesahry ,space to quote an edl- toriar carried in the Novom'ber'issue «¿¿Southern'Medicine and Surgery. ''Phat puliljc.i'tiion is ably editedM. Northing- ton, of CharlptbÈ', Dr. No'iiihington/hhs; ,0||vto say: 'It appeinrs that many, if not mos4':oopi^im or subco'nisciousiy believe that rail pur na'tural incli'nntipnsN'iiie: ham fiil lusts lof the flosh. It is !' ni'i"’'«' -J. ii-- x i but sòme of “know hew to giv_ „..... ................ „...„....t,... The A'l'i-ihs havo a saying to the difC'stitn'Af if the nose is allowed in the tent the càrnei soon ifollow?. came in withl.liP ni’ Ifnt’o No. 1 JAKE HAS A, NEW CAR Mr. Jake Morcney, of \yinstoR- f.ARGE CROWDS ATTEND “BEN HUR” AT PRINCESS ---------------- ; mr. .IaKe Meroney, of Winsto'R- Manager J. A. Daniel, of the Salem, spent the week end here Pi'indess Tlitytre is well satij)- wiith his parents., Jfiku id si.'.ort- fied with the atteni;iance lit his ing’ a brand new Hupmobile 'Theatre (last week., ‘‘Ben Hun-” li'oadsteir of the newest type and' rt’as a splendid picture,, a'nd was deaign, a'r.i.i,ioh, .boy, it's a bei.nnty., enjoyed here by thousands. Mr.,. And, while' vVe are at it, we Daniel !Ri;l'V£i:itise'di the picture might as well' ‘tell you about well, u:.'?ing this newspaper, and'; Jake’s job.oVfev in Winston. . Jakehe had' more peiciple at one per- form'.mco th' 'n he could seat. One man 'remarked that there were t* lil • ‘ - :t :'aJ.l our natural incU'nntipns;,^^^ lusts lof the s a natural appli'cation'^o'f the thetiA'damic curso; jf u.s nre inble to boliov€' tha’i:||{ii6ijgIi ‘‘being evil” we to give goo:',l'isifta” to ’oiirscl^'a!» : A SUJM'RISE BUraiDAY PARTY number of yoiimx people gathered at the I'.onie' of JIrs, Wiirtha Bany^castlo Wodnoaday night anti ìÌ4 h w •' iiii'pri.so birthday 'I'.'fi’t'iT Af.tcr onjoyiiig aevoral gnnioa’ and contista Misa R'achol Andeiso’!!' served 'dolicious rofroshmonts to the following .......... v‘.«o«i.v<.uo,. of Mi,.s.so,s Sarah and Annie iir .Republic; thJ^.Wre 'fcijf mil- ; Anders’o ^ Vii<ginia-;Caytcr and •on' .iuniotk m ..■tho-'SbVo'à,' tho' iftv iho.i^'ind livNort'.i C.-rolin'i,« OHfo.'Afldoraon, J. md t'ho in Mocksvillo Council. C. Powol Jl;i'ke Ross, Leo Aiuler- II stand for the hi'’’lio.''t ideals of i'Wvoll imoric'oii citizenship.—Oiití jirosont. i hO' i^500,.00 to ho ipai'd to tho ■ Tt;iT>T7t; a l ith (opendents upon the 'order of a -»'RUSALLM J^ARM .iimbor. +ho $75,00 burial expena- ^ WUMAiN S iCLUB 3 upon his .death or .?60,00 to bo '¡lid, upo'n the., (loath of the wife f 'a Junior, and tho cheaper lifo a.suranco—cheapor than any oth- - _____ VUlltC ill YVltll the 'pas'?ago of laws against the use lof alt^Olitijic bevera.gos: the body —in the form of activities—^aiiti-tobaçco^aiti-coiroe, anti-tea, Uinti- theat'ro, anti-id'a'ncing and antis and 'àuaeam^îs: fitrlvi^^^^ th'e, tent roipos. - 'A high dignitary of one of our most p.^jiular religious denomi- naticna is quoted as having :‘‘'aid los.s/thañ.í/i:;,>^^ “No good ever came from the use of tobacco in' ahy ^ it is I'eportE'd' thnt the conferen'co “scored the u,se of't^acct).!”,'- The cigarette Avas singled out ins I’onfant terrible of thé tobacfco family. ' 'It .«'0 happens that the'ro 1.« a very, recent publication O'n thiá .subject by one who 'can speak with the 'outhorit.y: Conferred,by pati­ ent, dispassionate, impartial, scientific inquiry Into the icitricaci'f^ 'of this subject. In a lecture published in ihe;.Briti?'h Mei:W'cal Journal, of Octobor 22. 1927, a Docl’or of Med.îcinè. 'àltd' ,Fc'llow lof the Rp’yial Sircioty reports tho results of work done , opi; this; I'irqblem i'n tho Pharmacologica'l Laboratory 'of Cariibridge Uillversity. As to tho 'cignrottc. this inve.stigator'' . , . “It foVlnw.s,; that 11 cignrcttü or.'i'londer cigar will yjelidi .'Ceii';cir of theso products than a ièick cig!\r¡, wnd nvany smok;E'r.«) 'cá'i)i'test)|y that.'fl fat cigar ha.s,, a much gro¡;i't:^itofl!Gct than 'a ionig alender .cigar, of similar tobacco,”' . . . . .“ The a.Hmo principle is exém'îi'Hficd ■b'li tho-follnwintr fifty automobiles here one night i'iom Yadkin county. * » ' .tt » * » # MORE GOOD PROOF * 'Pho American! Lunch an- * * nouniced that they would ^ * serve turkey id'iiiner for ,* * Thanksgiving, , land' THIS * * NEWSPAPER Van .the an-'* nouncemeriti Mir. Ward tells * us that they couid hnve sold * “more turkey” if ith'eiy had * * had Dho turkey. .Now thia' iJ * * just ifrnothor of the hundreds * * lof thinga' that happen juat * * thia wayi that we never men-^:* * tion im prin t, but we'.¿re tell- '''* * ing you this In order that you * * may know thnt TIIE MOCKS- ■» VILLE ENTERPRISE IS * READ by the' people 'of Davie * county. Don’t be fooled any * *■ longoi'. Advertiso whore ad- * « vctvtiaing PAYS. ‘'H {i; -if •», 'K' * ^ * ^ ... .. a*»%JVKtkk* t; <VIVC ia a boy th.it will make good any- w'here—fte ia from Davie^butthe record he'has . made since going to the Twjn-City id'caen'vos-. men­ tion; Jake went over iirnd. began work 'With tho , ShaiTnor..Nottlea. Motors, Inc., juat aa a mere hnu'd,, working in the 'Stock room, .aind' ■ today he holds ithe high position of Secy.-'freaa., of one of the '■.'argeat automobile'housob'in For-,' fi/.i'y eounty. . Thia '’speaks - veil, for -Juke, 'and D'avle 'COuntiy peo-, pie will be gl'iid to ,hea'i< it. , Jake is a. goad 'boy, : and lias ., thousands 'of frienda in Davio county Avhom ho would be glad, to have call on him and. ride in Ilia new cnir. Jake daya that there I.';; no, bettur car on the market ' tlti3',a. the Hupmobile Six and he wants a'll of hia Dayie friends to ride in one. Read tho ad o n ’ page U’-iree in.this isavie .and go in to ,see Jake the ne.sit time .'you' arc in Winaton. I FAUCETTE-HÜFFA KER WEDDING 'IÎ ij v.“r,d '■ '. , ; Iti THE ANCHOR STORE IS NOW A CHRL4TMAS STORE .- to bo 'had—'Was not the 'object w;:!' end' of tho organization, neith- [Г was it 'aniV p'nirt of the plan of he organization in its inception, n:l ho who iookis'unon these bone- t.s an'd tho sick benefits aa tho lijccta and end of of the ;order, ÍÍI.S no proper conception of tho innts nnd Drincinle.q of the order, 'hoy яге incidehbally a part of be' 'P.ho Jerusalem li’a'inn Woman’s Club mot with Mias Annie I^'ow- ler, Frida,v, Nov. 25th. On tho I b.“oni’i' of the President, '.'/Ins'. J. C. Owen, Misa Lila Charles pre- , i.iaod. Mrs. 0. I;L Hartley led the devotional. Roil was called with oight members present and two visitors. The .'riiianksgivin'g program boing cai'i’ied lout with appropri­ ate scripture and sontds. Each member feeling fu'lly blessed' .>111--.. >1." v'!'."-' wfiy.iii,, "I .Ulli >vgai;Quo.s anri'- o.igars‘‘'W"7riVi'nKö'(l-'tr'r il'.ctal cigar amokn contiiiiniK' doublo'thc ;araount of nicotinc pvosont ih the Cigarette smoke'.” ,. - . Ti’ic inve.stipitor ciin .li'f)'‘d)y be au.'ipectcd of holdinji: a' brief ■for oigarotte.«. B'ritishci'-.s iiiivini- a igroat foni;lnes'a for the pipe—« f.pndiiT'S's wh'ich wo (mii'''.elv(!i! sharo. Our owni enjoyment of the pipo is ,so greiitly liiuited, h'o^^’over, by the tenid'ency to niectine poi.soning by this fiKidf! of ii.s'o of tobaicco. that wo u.su'slly 'content ourselvos wit.h c'irarti! l'‘''0.r tho rn!a,tiveiy kavm!es:.i, cigarotte we have no taste wliratevei’. Itiumuer leeiing lil'liy Dloasetl •V inCJ(lGntrtlr,\ Л pflrt OX j Vii*»liл«»4- 4Virt -fnM- +1.» Î Г Г .Г Г !ct and 'aim of the splendid ord- Mr. Sharp was the .right ono By motion the club adjourned e^H in”?ii: : r i ! . S £ 2 th^'t'^ - - t w i^ M r ^ .'^ r r S ie ; .ré . 'kt the beginning , of the J),“ ’ ¡;‘¿t"\ n eS n g ™ c5 m iî^ ÍÍty ô ï^th riiriV o V X cb vi’l'ê i' — 'bag. 'JJuring tho social h:oiw Miss Powlor as.sisted. by htr h’tUe niccefouncil to enlist new mombeivs. GUERNSEY NEWS 'We Ihiave been consistent boo=t- t3 for moire and bettor dairy cat- ¡8 in, Davio county, be'liovi'ng that ■osperity follows tho idaii'.i" cow. ’ '.vou do not boliovo- this , road 0 foiilowing linos. TwiivBrook Parras, located in '•ivio county, rocont'ly sold some liiornsey c:attile at pricos which I’lnid like Now Yiork ip'ricos to u.s. 'I'win Brook. Farm' sold ';i cow 'ul 'calf to ill Wilko.s county man !'i- sovon iimidrod air;i' lifty doi- 1'.“. and rofuML'd to .sell a'nother ftv ffir only .seven' hundred and ffy '(lolliii-s. J, 1-', Click recent- I R'i-il'd a Ouorn.sey cow'to a High oiiit 'ilairyiniin for two hundred 1(1 ril’t.,vii.i‘cM’ar..=i. Why don’t moro 'nvio Farmers uMise this kind of Hlle'/ 'Diey aro just as cheap ' I'iiiso as a forty dollar cow. Farmer think this over. LOWERY-DULL ■ ■ ' The nV.i-ny friendsiof Miss Elm'a «woiy of Cana will 'be interestetj ’ Joarn of her raarriaiso ont Sat- I'lli.'i'y lafternoioire, 'Mo.v. 26th, to 'Floyi.l' Dull of Pino.' Thb ¡■>'i‘;!!onv wn.s pe';’foriiii.'d by her Hov, Vvov, C. ,a. (Cashwoll iof Rio.svillo, Thoir many frionds f'sh for them- a loivg lUi'd' hapjiy fio, Maiigaret Fpwlor, .se.rvod «a de- liciou'.5- salad course with hot cof­ fee a'li'd .fudge. NEW LINK ON SIXTY OPENED 'Phe now seventeen mile link on Route 00 of thPj Boon« 'Ггагп High­ way, botwoen Yadkinville- >aiid North Wilkesboro, has boon open­ ed to trullic, it was learned'ye.st- erday. The now 'link comes into the old trail about a mi'lo.tihlii si'de of the Yadkiii-Wilkos line. Five miles of the 'I'oad i;-i hariisurfacod, and the other i.s constructed of top soil. ' 'fhis new stretch of highway is described las an excellent road. The paving was laid by George R. aii.irtin, of Salisbury, and C, B. liestcir, !of GrociMboro, directed the grad'ing worli. Announcement of the comple­ tion of this '.stretch will be of in- tcire,st as it shortens, the distance from North Wilkesboro to Win- ston-Saiom by about fiour or five milos. Severail dangerous 'curves I'ravc- beon'eliminato'daind tho raad is in splendid conidition. 'I'he Poor Simp , “Mary,” said the poor prii.'do o f a husband, “if you .don't pull й'0-wn ynur rt'i't-.-'.s some one's going to see that mole on 'ymur neck.” The conelus’ion .«f the ladtrllress from which we arc quoting will interest moat of us: “Tobacco amoking ¡■ervos aa a mind stimulant foHowE'd by «i I'hlight degree of nwrcosi.s', tho aupcrse'ritive hecome calm and lose their irritabilit.v, and the 'du:ll an.rl' apathetic are stjimuiat'Ed. The ph.visiological evid'eii'ce cle^i.rly noints to thia effoiet, but the expliana- tion has yot to be 'learned. Smoking, how'e'ver, leads to iiWge.stive and circu'iatoo’ dis'tu'rblainces, Thc.'e 'is an, increasing i'mpre.ssion among.st cliniciruis that the insidious action! of nicotine spread 'over many '.veiiiiis o f coi^itinuoua 'absorption ia responsible for nt 1'6'ast some of the cardio-vascuia.r diseases .s'o icommon in mid'dle i.ind later life. “It may be arguedi that if nicotine airlds to the agreeableii't'ss of life, why n'(vt use a path ao ir.'leasiiint'? In person;3' of vivid acnisa- tions, to cairn t he comrn'otion of conflicting sensi.ntions may be Ьепе«- llciai, even.' to the higher faculties; in the dull :and 'listless to stimu­ late thoupftt must bo benoilcial. It may луеИ be. that living in a civilization such as our.S 'under the co'nditions 'of '.stiwin imposed by residence in !eitiei=", tho 'oriiin'ary man s'hdw.s in his nervoua responses variations from th's* 'Погт'п:1, and on such tobacco exerts a beneficia'i function. To what extent strict moderation in the use of tohacco leads to va.s'cul'nr deBineT'ation is uncertain; is it the rule or the exception'ip Thia is the vital tiuo.stion to whicih we' require an an­ swer, and upon this an.swer something 'Of the weli-being of tho nation depends, “I vonturo to suggest that the' eolloctive .s'agacityi of -this society, and that of the modica:! profession as a whole, could occupy itself with no subject more importnnt to the nation' than that of tobacco smoking,” “The supersensitive Ьесош'е' calm and lose thoir irritabilit.v, and' the dull and ap'a'thel'ic 'a ve stimulated 1” That' is Avorth irecjuotation. Is thei'o not d'escribed a m'agnum bonum'i Tho supeys'in.sitivo are made calm nnd, thoir irritability beiu’g lo.st, they bocome 'compan- ionablo and u'nderstandabio to those k'Cyed at a lower pitch: tho id'ull and apathetic, are st.imul'ated to .the 'point whoro they can have c'n.jo.yments otherwise impo.ssibie' to them,, of a wholly innocent ii'.itii'io; and following this oxaiation thero ia no deipTossion. Tho digestive dls'turbances produced' may 'woII Ье far more beno- (iciai tha'»: otherwise. There aro in the way of prodU'cing 'a laxative elTect of which the major'ity of the con.stiplated bipods of our ago stand in 'great need. 'I'he statement coiiicerning circuliatory dlstui'.’b- ancos is made very weakly because 1:'лс- evidence i.s: weak. Wo need give up nothing which wo find agreeab'lo because of “impressions” about “at, least some.” Tho Anchor Store 'of Winston- Si fieni, U- brim full of the, finest |p;ris:îmas gawJa over displayed before. This store ia knowii fa'r and Avido fcir it.s -valus , giving ! policy, is unoxcoMed. ,ТНе; editor hnd’thei p'leiiai'i.'b 'of goi'n.g thrnu'gh 'inspivstiii'g thoir:,íS(t,óck,'',':Mo'n-;' tell you that they have a w'0iVc!i?r- ful nsFinrtmcnit of priicti'cni, gifts for the Ohri.stn'lis seaaon. Read Iheir ad on r'fl'g-ei 1w'0, and' call on them when in Winston-Sniem. FULTON 1ТЕЛ18.u. 'rhe' ronvaining acnte'iTces aro so fine, ,so brcii^idgaugcd' as to make it aooni 'iivadvisablejT or even, impertinent to attempt to take from or add to. ■ As a native of a countn'y which grov.’s little tobacco and con­ sumes much. Dr. Dixon would not be moved by motives of patrioti.sm to any con;clusion..si favorable to tlvs. weed; ins 'a aciehtist working in' la igroat.University ho would be interested in follQ'Wing truth wherever it Id;l; the Society before which the* adi;iress was delivered (wo may. assume from tihe name) is no protagonist of My Lady: Nicotine, Ho speaks with tho authority of knowledge and .s'ugges.ts the acciuiaition of more« knowledge. It is evident th'at he doea .n'bt regard length of diiys as the 'only thing woi'thy of consideration, even from the view­ point of a doctor; a^nd'that he does not believe there is a 'dovil in every comfort.” , ' Thanki-giviipg I?iy , il 'ssod iorF. very quietly around here. There was some 'hunting, but not very, much shootini'i. Mrs. E. M. Stewart ia veuy sick nt thia writing. Mr. and M p3. Stephen Feezor ani.i Miss Ha Frye o.f Badin, alao Mi:?a Beulah Frye of Oooleemoe. spent Thankagiving Dia.y with Mr. nnd Mrs. George Frye. Mr. Otha tTohnes . a'nd Misa Clara Lloyd of 'rhomasvillc «pent Thursday evening with Mrs, D. L. Lanior. Mra. Raymond' Milier and ohild- (I'on H'teo Miaa EaTaloy Miller of Hanes, spent Sunidliv ovening with Mr. and Mrai N. F. Y'oung. Mr. Emory Frye of hear Greena- boro 'speint the week end tvith homefolka. Mess/rs Ja;ck a'nd Roosevelt La­ nier and John Livengood spent Friday evening at Lexington on bu!sin0s,s. ' . Miss Viola .Tonkins visited Mrs. D, L. Lanier Sunday ovening.—^^—0,--------------- DOOMS STRAV.' HATS New York, Nov. 5.—Stttìw hats of both the '.soft and' atilT van'ieti- es, will bo a curiosity in live уоа'г.ч .sai';!' David Greo'ae, straw iiat im­ porter, Mil his arrival from F.ng- land todiiy on tho Ciinard. liner Mauretania. The stnaw i.s' niveady a thing oi' tihe pa.^t on tho Strande, .Gireoue said, a'ithough the Pi:'in ce -of Wales appeared in one lii's-t summer. SAILOR PREFE[{ JAIL T O AMEIÜCA Glasgow, Scotland, Nov. 20, — Sixteen I.aacar sLiilors'who told, a judge tod'.iy they \\’oul'ili rather go to jail than to America, got thoir preference. , The men Were membe'ra of tho cveiw «f the steamship Suv6ric. Thoy 'admitted ,'igni'n'g for 'duty on that vessel but rebelled when they learned that the ship waa This account from the. Chat­ tanooga Newa of Nov. 15th, will bo of gireat interest hero, tho . charming brido, who'i.s a graiul-/, '.'vvugivter of Mr. C. C. Saniford,’': having 'Ili host DÎ' uolativa&‘ nml) i'rioiuls hero:'. . .. . . An evii'iw, of major acciai i), po\tt'Hnoo on .thp, autumn' uiilendari • herb \yill bo the'min'i'iiigu of ,Mia»>;''; '.R'ft'№üïShé' ,Paucottpk'^ t'nn.tto:díiü'il'vtei‘'of, Mv.fand .¿i 'to iI'Ugh?OV Huffàliò?,!’Jj!r,''go‘n Gcmm'ls.sioneii' and Mrs, И. U. lluf- faker, which will take place on iuc.siay evening at tho First Pre:-'bytorian church. In tho ptc- ■senco of a brilliartt aasemblagei of guCîts the Ruv. Dr. .1. G. Vcm.iblo, iiastti.-, wiil perform the impres­ sive i'.'eremony at 8 o'clock. 'rhe church (auditorium will be de'ccirated in an elaborate • style appropriato aa a: bacltground for the large bridal narty'. Southern s.mi'lax will be use.i' to ladorn the chance], th e chandelions’, the pewa ii.xl the 'approaches to tho altar..' Banked 'again.st tho altar and ria- ing to its hiighesit point in' the cen­ ter will ho a gi.Moup of ferna and ti'ill palms, :ii.nd with thepi will bo used floor .standards bearing bou-. quota of 'groat pink pompom chry- .‘••'4nthemum.,=' to omphisize tho linfs. Scores of alpndor white tapers will be used , aerosa the biick, of li.i'-ie altar, an'il: they Лу№1 " be iiiaed nl,vo i.i'own the ni.sles thr­ ough Avhich the bridal party will , . ri i^s. The ;lightod f.ape.rs will bo ' pla'ceid in brackota upo'n the ends 'Of the rows nearest the laislea. I’roceding the entrame о of tho bridal party there will bo a pro- ' gram of nuptial music in chargû of Hugh RiDput of tllie Cadok Ornservatory of Musi'','. ' Ho wiM bo 'honi.'d in a soriea of appropri- I'tfily chosen on'gan numbor.s'. ■ Ho wili be assi.stod by Miss EveijTi A'l'instrong. violinist, ciiUd by Mra. Auguat C. Ferger, soprano solois.t. Mrs. Feriirer will sing Frederick Knighl-Logia'n’s “I.ovc Call," with • organ .aticompahimont and' violin obbligato, ’ ' Thn convfin'llnnal inaiyjhos will be .ii.seil' d'üirin'g the pro.seii'co of 'the. b'vidivl party, tho processiomil f'i'am W'.igner’s “LoTinngrin,” and V'fçf •■'.sioi4:il, 'Mondelssohn’.s Nuptial March. Tho or.ga'n'alono will br< hcar'l in tl'io nrocossional iviitil t'ho entr'ancD of t'ho brido. . '!ind at that time 'the violin be added to f'orm an ensemble, Tho groomsmen, who will seirvo 'tlao, as ushors, will be August C. K.?.\'gc'y, EdH'ar A. Blrooro, Jr., Oartter Flatten, Herman Forger, Jr., 'and Sanford' Pauiiette. broth- or of the bride. They will pro­ ceed' first to tho altar, and will be followfd by the brideamavda',- M;s. Edgar A. Elmoro, Jr., i\Has Pn'igy Kruesi, Miss Lesiev Wal-' V ■ . ■!' Í ■ 'Í ,V,ti I going-to Norfolk, Va, . , ^ iviuc-n, mi.sa i.esiev vvai- “it is too cold in America,” tho,y i l,i,.?e, Mi.ss Margaret Safif'oí'd 'nnd'. explained to tho judge. “If w e, Aiiss Kathoriiie iTia'cio''i''n, Mis.^ go there AVO . will dio \and never ! Mary S.n'ii.ford. cousin of the brido, seo India again.” . ¡who ihas como t'rom Swoot Bri.w Thcy wero sontencofi to .spend ! college, Virginia, v.’ill a'orve as four weeka in iprison.^ I (contimiod on I'page 8), ,