04-April-Mocksville Enterprise^члt/>.л^^:•r a%^ч;>.í/:,:; к ' Л . \ ,y :Ш»®1 I ASTER Iß ALMOST HERE. EVERYONE WANTS SOMETHING NEW FOR EASTER. YOÜ CAN RND ' " kOiifiFTERik^ OUR BIG STORE FÜLL OE NEVl^ PRETTY FRESH GOODS 1^0 DO YOUR feÄSTCR shopping; ANd BEST OF all; YOU BUY IT HERE LESS. J. t \t S^ng Clotiies For MEN and WOMEN i •. Come in and - see the. "snappy’’ thlng.s we are; showing for; ,H;'iSprin«.,;‘i':,v ..V i'-'/ 'v ^ ■ ■': ' ■ •. '■ ■■■ ■■•4' I ■•'^^J3vcry Soaso^i’a siylp's aro lov6ly but thlB yeai- the stylos .«r.uivttve 'than levor before. : • . ■ !iy0ptOi\r Biirmonts>i\ra tiaroiully sejeoted as to workmanship and ,' iji«i]iy;materinls,-an(l no mattor..how 'hard you 'arc to: please,' we ' r.-y'oail .ploase yoii,; with STYLIO, PATTERN and PRICE. yjsfe&iPricok m^ $30.00.' 'One 'und two panta I J "/ wiíií? Men’s blue work ^'hirto ......... 4 8 c ; Men’s e.xtra heavy blue shirts ....... .............'■ J ^ c 81x90 Gobd ’quality sonmiess sheets .$ 1.0 0 '•Sea Iijland ..s'heetingi'; . ':■• ioc, Boy’s'heavy overalls, 4 to 8 .......•.. 65c ’Boy’S'heavy overalls >10 to-1675c ........,, ' New felii base floor covering, 72 incheji " ■ 75c ' 9x12 good quality felt bn.se nigg ........¡...i...;,,../).' ■■$7.50 ■ ■S^pioce. bedroom' suite's—value •$60.00—siiecinl s $45.00 i Boy’s, knee >p^nt suits—:half price. . ' ' ' COATS AND SUITS REDUCED W I I J L U K £ ■you don’t have to, “break in” ои'Г; H.hpes—they feci so good • on the feet'becnu'ab'vve fit tlieni,■.properly.. All piirta of thè' ,foot leceh-es the proper support.,^ ThiH is y/hy we are doing,'¡the volume of. shoo bu'sitieaa wc are. Oiie Siitisilod eliátomer will miike many hew cimtomera iv.for.us. ■'Our.'áhoea foi* dreas ocûaaions'or street; wonr are tho latest' •STYDE .and they'WlOARi : 'io A;. : ;i- :, Juat rieeived’thousanda bf. doH'ars- worth ofvthn very noWent ihlngy In oiiforda, atvap-s, and pumpa,, in both ladles and '-'.öhildren’a/yvi.^;"-.-': • I 'j :ï ¿ ", ^ SEJBJ^'TÏIEM BEFORE YOU.tìtJY YO,UH E'ASÏER SHOES • .»V- : ' . : Ё £.у ERSTER b¡/, f W l< ètU $ D re ss Y b u F o r EASTER When Eàater .comes b$ ready to go; out BEAUTIFULLY dres.3e'd',ih New, Stylish clothes, ' GuV d.roases are'-'carefully-'sclected from the aoasons most charming models. ' , ' . We haye something for every^member of your household lor ; Easter time.. . ’.:i V "vi ^ In every, department of our store’you will/find only the - ' BEST MERCIIANDÌSE;' ' - ’;Vv\ v ^ ^ V .V .0>: v/, ' ^ • Our' PRICES,iARE'REASONABLEv: Prices range f i ' o m , . . , ‘.. .; i.v .... ', :.: ........',.....v .v .......„ ...$ i.0 0 to $15.00' Worth 20 ..percent mòro. ' ■ ;> . v;’ v,: ; ;, Flat crepes, GeorgeUea,/'and alMhe'new materials.;■ . - v . Sizes' 14 to 62.■■ ■ ; '■>■ ... ’ ■,■, '. , .v, We havi., just !a;.,foW' apring coat's and, spring .suits' left. While • they last, . wo will; sell them for 1-3 off. Every- tjjarmient- this' spring, latest modelk' iand.^abvic8. iComci, - early and get yours for-Easier.' Thdy will not; last long ■ at this big reduction. ; ! . ' ;.We, invito you .lo, visit.our Millihery department to see our 'New, Spring'! MiltiivM'y. ,;Now’!,'a'nd .Unusual ' models . are; now being .shown. ■ ’ . ■ > ■■ ...... . ........' Our •millineryv ibuainess:vili;';clouWie, any'^ .season. There^ must : bo. a rfiasbn^-^the vltind '.'pf :thp price you- want-to pay.v. ' We ' aro receiving.,'noAv; shipments.....................' ■ - s :..... . ., ■ ...^. .I.,-. -V.f. ........ every week; .G ot y o lfivE iis to f h u t iro m us' nncL ^ r###4 ^ ..v.:;:-'''' T H E rL IT T L E :T rH IN G S :^ .,.. W c h a v e a ll t h è lit t le t h in g s Bo n e c e s s a r y fo r th e w e ll d re s s e d p e rs o n , B e a u tif u l H o s ie ry f o r M e n , t a d i e s a n d c h ild r e n , X e c k w e a r, H a n d k e rc h ie Ì 8 , G lo v es, E tc. S e e o u r I n d ie s ’ S ilk tJ n d c r w e à r - -.y e r y b e a u tif u l a n d v e i t m o d e ra te ly p ric e d . i COME io SEE ÙS- buR STOCKS WERE NEVER MORE COMPLETE OR MORE BÉAUTIFUL TJrIÀ|Ì | EVERYTHING IS READY FOR YOUR^ASTER SHOPPING, .. ^ r , ' ■ ' ■ ' ■ ...I..*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tllE J. N. LEDFOKD CO, ОЕРАКШЕЩ Щ DAVIE ¿PUNJY’S largest and BEST STORE т Ф M íb ií« Í Í Í M p i Ì U ....... j“ W'' " ' . ^Щ Ш ВУК р ADS DAVIE COUNT Y’S NE WSPAP ER—THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE-$1.0Ö PER Y EAR--SUBSCRIBENOWÍ ■ ШШ'.' 1 = libili ■ ■ V "''Íiíft TRUTH, HONESTY OP PURPOSE AND UNTIRING FIDELITY TO OUR COUNTY AND OUR FLAG IS OUR AIM AND PURPOSE rOL; 49 , MOCKSVILLE, N. C., TH URSDAY, APRIL 7, 1927 No. 19 ^rincess Theatre Now In .Mod­ ern New Home On Main St. Mocksville people point with ■ide to the handsome new home ' the Princess Theatre. The mal opening Monday night ith Harold Lloyd in “Kid Broth- ” was enjoyed by ii large and en- uaiastic crowd. ’ 'rhis ia one of the moat up-to- itc playhouaes in this part of e State, and Mr. Daniel, the ber, ia to be commended upon e erection of thia, building in 1' city. ’ The Princess deserves the hole hearted support of thia en- fe commu.nity as they show noth- but the higho'at typo of pic- (rcsi .and tho 'erection of this ildini? ahowa their attitude to eir many, patrona. Watch thia paper for the an- iiihcemonts of the pictures and "spend an, hour of pleasure th.them. A picture of the bulld- B and a eomi^letd write up will ipbnr in thia paper soon. VpY LOCAL TEACHERS MEETING 2: THURSDAY APRIL ? AT MOCKSVU.LK By Geo. Evans There will b.e a meeliiig of tho idy Local Teachera of Davio linty 4 ,11 boys and girls clubs POULTRY PRODUCERS TO ORGANIZE ASSOCIATION APRIL 9th Proposed Organizadon foi* the PurpoHv of Buying and Selling Coirperatively There will be a meeting of tho poultry producers of.Davie Cunty at the Mocksville Jiigh. school (agricultural department) on Sat­ urday, April 9, at 2 o'clock. The' purposo of this meeting ia to or­ ganize a county association; thru which tho members will grade and ,ahip their eggs cooperatively; thereby aeeurlng a greater price for thoir products. Also there is a movement c h a S G feeds in the name of the asso.ciation. 'I’his action was taken by the producers at a recent meeting during the short course at ЙГоска- ville.. All peraona interested in thia work aro urged to be preaent. GEO. EVANS, County Agent, W P. YOUNG, Agr. Teacher. , ----------------0.---------------- WINSTON-SALEM AND DUR- HAM HEAVY HIT IN STORM THE LIGHT AT HOME. A WOMAN’S PLACE. MONEY IN POULTRY Our good friend Jamea P. Cook, editor of the Uplift, is not only a writer and humanitarian, but he is a phiJosophev, also. Hia publication never >{aila to find a warm welcome in the Mockavllle Enterprise office where it is cargfully. read from cover to cover every week. We read it because. it always has something worth reading, because Editor Cook is a thinker. His editorials ,make oth­ ers think. In a recent issue of tho Uplift was carried an editorial which, although not expressed in words, carried "thought between the lines’’ equal to a whole sermon and a mighty good aermon at that. We quote the editorial as follows: “'I’he Light ‘ijl'hat Shines FartheV'ejfit Shinies Brighteat at Home.” “Is that true? People have said this so often in.^their mission­ ary activities until they actually b'elieve it. Is it alvvays'.so'/ “In a certain city (nnd we'll not call the name) there was one evening a demand, most urgent for two beds to accommodate two very sick and suilfiring native people, 'fhe Hospital coiitil npt sup­ ply'them. At that very time a faithful band of women (truo to tho teachings of thoir order and obsessed of a spirit to “make good" in their efforts) were struggling to raise funds, to furnish a hospital \yay back beyond the ocean for a people whom they do not know, 'ihat is tho mis.sionary spirit. It is right. Bui— ' nT'oir foor to "^nu'r-' people , havo ever uttered a word or done a deed fn IfiiMi'o niuinfUna encourage sufflcient hoapital facilities in their own homo town, if tho imqm'ifiHon This is one case, whore the light does'not shine Very brightly at homo-it may reach, tihe unknown heathori.” . ; - The above speaks for itself. If it did not produce, a worth while thought'in your mind when you read it, there is ito hope of ua adding anything that would'do ad. Completion of Sanford Buildingi Marks Forward Step for Daviè’ Winston-Salem April 1—Reach- The Laurinbiirg Exchange quotes, Madam Schuman Hdnk, famous stage singer, as having rocon'tly made a rather strong state­ ment regarding the place of woman. The Exchange pyefaces, the quotation of the Madam'with a strong intfnintlon to the effect that it bblieves in the time honored idea that “papa” should be the “boas'’ and that "mama’s’' place is in the home.; But as lo Madam Schuman Heink’s statement, here it is, sisters, for you to pass upon, and aa to thia paper, we don’t earo to call down upoii our head the wrath of the “new idea women” of this aoction, ;many of whom believe 'If« Building Is Last Word in Modern gasp at the wa.v things aro mov- Censlruction and Equipment ' ' ............................... CO ZART BUilLD ER Northrup nnd O’L'Irlen ArchitectH ' Are the courthouao at Mocksville ' hurricane proportions a storm that ,“papa” should be the fellow ,who stays at homo and takes care iiirsdayj April 7 2 p. m. struck Winston-Salom this aftor- of the baby (when indeed there i.s such a thing in tho home, too AII.SS Elizabeth Cornelius Home ahortly after 4 o’clock,' often it is a pot bird or something like that). Wo quoto from Mrs. limoiistration Agent of Dayidaon liiiity will givo, tho teachers in­ ductions in sowing wliich. thb I wrecking I'osidencta, lifting gar- Huink; i i .. I ages and other small buildings “If I had boon givon tho c h o i c e between a great cavoer аЫ ту ' from thoir: fountlatlon.s and de- ,homo life, I would haye takon tho home life, aho aaya. ut Mockavllle is juat now getting the uae of the niost modern build­ ing yet constructed in tho town, or Davie County for that matter. The completion of tlib .Sanford building loeatcd on the town square and Factory, Street marks another distinct stop, forward in the growth .tih'd progress of the DaVlb cquiity town.'' V. . . ., Tho.building eohatructod'for R. and J;: 0. Sahi'o'i'd'.bv A. II ing about the old place. Wo' are,indebted to the Winston-: Salem Joiirnnl for the abovo'write : up of the now Sanford building. . We are iiaasing this, on to our , readers In ordor that they , may ' Veo that tlie Journal is always on the alert, and wiiiting fov' opppr-, tiinitlos. to advertise and boost; our town. , Thanks, Brother Mar- : tin.! ' i . , --—-------—1»-—------ THE jeruraiIem farm WOMANS CLUB >IET пк'йrfWя i'¥4 ! .tho, Jerusalem Farm WomanS': (jlub, mot . with Mrs. J. C. Owona Friday, Api 11I at. Nino members wero present. Afteri the :dia'ci!psión’:..oC garden.i home,' intoreatB,,';jMr. .Evans,;' ehai'go of tho'mooting'. liV Sift .?> .fi ?r/the ;;la'3t way of ' 'Phe next moitinK will bo hól^^ 'H '''f'.íl. i'|çk,'/8toel:,aiulÿmorf^^^^^^^ '. -with Mrs. J, A. Millor, Арг11ДбШш4|'¡ ' 'ЙЙ ÄttractiVo Гасо'.БЫыс was used ,We Коре' I n havo Il the- exterior,¡'cqinbinlng har- n'raliion ngont with ua.';v;'.Th^',a»^ y ,t!i; ^ )UNTY’S KITCHEN FORMALLY OPENED tho SOI,tiiwest \^ïaed'famiiiës amiVmiulb tlieir husbands , cb m fo i^ i'ÄtìOììUniilnu* t.n\vjii'd.4 nnnn í*nnni.rv ! v . • . , • , l >'Itn iiio uflQ Ol wliito rnoi'liu*. I ПО ctuiniiìg aiul HorvÎTifi:, , Wo üxtontl iv.vth Council Hflldfl Ita First esinion in the New Courthouse' The combined assembly rciom d kitchen in tho County Court- uso .was formally opened Fri- y afternoon with a'meeting of County Council and the pre- iiitation of .awards in the garden iitest, which has been in pro-, ess for tho past year. ■ Mrs. Joo hito of the Fliit Rock Club waa nner of the ’flrat *prize, with a al of flfty-throb entries. Second, ice was' won by Miaa Ethel ieh and third ‘ b.'i' Mra. R. H )ney, .Miss Reich is a member continuing towards open country. Heaviest, damage ’■ was at the electric ' substation on South Broad street, .whero the roof and upper section of tho building was knocked off, destroying power facilities. Fifteen men in the station had a miraculous escape from injury. All forces were concentrated up­ on making temporary repairs and within two hours emergency coJi- noctiona had been made and elec­ tricity reatored'to the city. Robert E, Woods, Jr., aaslsliant to the president of the Southern Public Utilities company, said the loss to the power system possibly would reach, $25,000. Throghout Westover section of tho city, house.s, were damaged. A now residence owned by Guy I 1 1 1 • r .1 t, 1* 1 u V', ji- ,V , , „ ,r“I moat certainly^think tl^e husband should bo the:head of the ; «tend of coar aupplyiii^^^ house. 'I he men o his country, are too ea.sy on' tho womt.i and j fiary energy, oil ia used.' Tho flir- the result la a spoi ed, petted am sulky womanhood, , • ¡¡, oqi,i,,po^ the late.st “Give mo the few men In hia country who are what you call , thing In the way of petroleum bosses ol thoir homos and I will show you an equal number of con- ,j„., burner tented, luum wives and mothers.’’- ' ^ plumbing ia complete. Hot. Now there you aro, you de«r thinga, and the Mockavllle Enter- «nd, cold water flows tp each room prise is a dog-on’ good notion to agree with her out and out, and baths aro fixed on each floori take the results., Bui what do the women, have to say aoout it? Ej,ej, j.oom is plpntiVully lightetl both with modern window's and 'a-hôarljÿ '^'voicomo' to the ladies of; our èomrininityy^^ attend our ■n'iéetinga. ‘ 'fhe ail me evohing a Boys and Gills Cliib ,\vas organifiod: with"' olovon members. Thu following ' offlcera..wero elected: \ Miss Margaret Call, President ¡ i '. Lòiinlq Stan'ly¡ ', Vico President ; f Misa Ëdna ' Hartiôy,; ' Secretary Mias Prahcê.s':0w,ô'n8, Proas Re- the Pleasant ;Fork CJub and ^ Money belongs to the l'lat j .r],(,n^p8on waa practically demo- |ck Club. • ■ I . i - T ._ r |One,ofithe fofitUres of tho meet- i'Waa an addi^osit bn Bra'zil, tho' bits of the peoples, the Y. M. A, work In that country, thé ucational .systems, and the »man’s work in that country, by ias Helen Vogler. Thi.s'. talk oVed very interesting an\| iii- 'lietiyo and- ;,waa Vecoived iwith iiLsiiro by tho .membera. '1 Plans for the garden contest 1', the new year were discussed length ^aftor the presentation the prices, ^y T. J. Byerly, the |npiv , It,was ,decided.to coiiduct j.eontèst and every member ef>- ■ed, Intq the work with, enthu- ism, ■ , • .. ■ ■ lust prior tO'adjournment, the Jmbera fondere'd a vote of links to the. County Commission- . for the spaciotis' and commo- t)Us quarters in the courlhpusa. e Forsylh ;l?niry Company, iiieh furnished the ice cream l([ rpfreahmeiita for the oeca- ]>ii, was also given a vote of Janka iThe above article was copied the Winston-Salem Journal, ' the Jerusalem Woman's Club, ^bich; shows, \yhat can be aceom- iahed by the County, Home imonstration Agent through or- lijiziitiori ,pf Womens Clubs. Ain’t it the Druth? Naturalist—Something should ;ïâp%ôtô‘cÎ3ns^^ wild liiO' think tlie colleges ^|^|hij(l(itoo- miich attention al- ч ■ lished. At the home of -Mr.s. J. K. Nor/ltíet, Jr., a garage wv-s lifted over the residence and ov posited in tho street. About 10 garages, badly damaged, \veio ob- aerved.by parties driving through the, territory. Many chimneya were torn down. At South-side baseball park, tho high board fence waa wrecked, but grand.standa and bleachera es- ca.pod. Pieces of glaiis from di.s- play windows in an automobile sales gai’age were blown into tho metal sides of a ear in. the show room.. .'. ■ . / ' j Business was prhctiijally para­ lyzed during the absence of elec- tricit,v. 'Street cars were left standing on the streets, elevators were out of comhii.ssion, theatres suspended operation and 'thous­ ands of citizen.s were forced to walk home because of street car suapenaibn. Durham April 1.—Striking with terrible swiftness aiid sweeping all obstacles away which failed to give way to its fury, a wind storm of cyclonic intensity struck the westerr. section of the city tonight, unroofing houses, tearing great atripa of ahinglea from oth- era, crushing in garages as though they were but mere egg shells, and casting panic among many of the' people in that section. With the same swiftness in which it Mr. B. „. Mi, commenced making,trips to the v^^ every two week.s or , The ground floor will be occU- —----------' so. But that Mr. Eller is operating a big ¿uainosa an< _ onp w.hich is 5 the United States Post ■ ' ■ mR'f'HD’AY DINNER growing stronger can be seen irom the following clipping wh ch oflice, which will be in the' eor-1 • --------— - ' / we^take Irom the Gastonia Gazette,_ and 0110 can also .see Irom hp „0,, position, with Dnvie Café and i 'The man.V i’Hend's and relntivea editorial that the Poultry busine^a la growing^all oyer this section Corner Cash Store occupying the ^tr.s. J. Waltoi' Sain gracloualv; of the state, as wel as in Davio.^^ We quote frpm thia paper: . other parts of the first floor. ; ' ‘loHt<hted heivwhbn'a larfee crpw “Several carloads of poultry have been shipped out ui Gaston Tho .secon;3 floor will bb ocen-' county within the past two. or three ^y,eek8. -This is something neVv „¡„,1 i.\,,Dr 'ÀMTnvrlinir m ri for this county, but it will not bb a iio'-velty much longer, if tho folks . n,. r n ' rhnnin 'Vît--’’ keep on raising chickens as they :have started^ out.- , : J three 'pfflces for “Five carloads went out irom Rowan county af iew days ago at era. These wili 'be filled bv 'Il’ one shipment, ' Eiieh car contained about 18,000 pounds of poultry I a Rnivriirrr i r , r' or 4,500 chickens. This is one of (the weekly shipments out of'j.' Salisbury by the Carolina Poultry and Egg Company, of which Mr. I B, H, Eller,ia manager, . ' ; . “In addition to poultry,'a solid car load of eggs is shipped: from Salisbury every week containing 18,800 dozen. The Salisbury Post j quotes Mr. Eller as saying that ho finds'.a ready market for all the of tliis floor will be used' 'as a' poultry and egga he ean got and buys air he; can get hold bf, and ioa,re rbom '' for the Lions Club pays cash for thçm. H e says Rowan farmers -^vili find a daily market junior Order, P. 0 S ' { The third floor onicea wijl be taken by A, II, Cozart'; : gerioral contra,ctor, The 'Sisk Music’ Com- paya .......................---------------- at hia place and that 'they are finding this out. During'dollar da,y a nunvlier of farmers came In with chickens and disposed of them at his place. He says the farmers will find poultry raising profitable and that Rowan is a splendid.poultry rais'ing aoction. ; “The northern people like the North Carolina poultry and he has telegraphic' inquiries almost daily as to.'shipments. Thorp is a fine opportunity for the raising' of poultry here and farmers are gradually finding this out. . Little Girl Ordered By Playmates ¡ the sister’s ear and she could To Stand III Cornetf, Stays All Night appeared it departed leaving in its ^ wake a scene of wreckage and | ing room in St. Casimir’s Paro' Philadelphia, April 2,—During the long hours of la,st night a littlo girl, Helen Wilkus, aged seven, stood in a corner in a schoolroom, her face turned obe­ diently to the wall. Throughout the night, to, her parents aearch- ed for her, fearing for her safety when she did not return from school. Neighbors-and .police joined in; the search, playmates were ques­ tioned, but there was no trace of Helen. Today a siater went to the aev/- searcely believe her eyea when •they .reated on a wearly little figure in a corner. Helen aobbed out her story.on the sister’s arms. “I was waiting for my Sister Eva to take me' homo,” Helen said. “Some boys came down the hull, pushed me into the room and told me I must stand in the corner for punishment. They told me not to dare leave the corner.” Frightened but obedient, Helen had remained in the corner all night. She was lilmost. afraid to cry, she said. “It was awfully, dark and ,lone­ some,” the little i^irl said, “and I .wanted my mother. Then the . ^ ,, , ".' light came and rheard the apar-damage running into thousands ohial School, There were no | j wasn’t so acared I of dollars. Nobody waa hurt, so classes today and Saturday’s quiet I Hat down them but L stood upfar as could be learned. I prevailed. A stifled sob caught again when I got rested/' -,лЬл' . of A., leased already and vhe owner.s are anticipating llttie trpubjo iii renting the remainiiig few qitlee.s. The , Sanfoi'ds .in constructing; this'latest building of thoirs, haye; only added tp the thinga they have done for thoir community in tho past years. According to pebple who have watched the progress of Mocksville, this spirit exhibited by these brothers and their father is one of the most healthy things' that has ta'ken place in Davie county. , The men who put up this build-' ing are great believers in Trade- at-Hòme movements. They select­ ed a man of the community to do the work. And it is the testi­ mony of all who have seen the structure, that A. H. Cozart haa builded well and a thing of be«ut,v, which will lend to his re­ putation in .years to come. Mocksville ia proud of' its new building. Throngs of people have flocked through, its doors sjnce it was completed^o see and admire. ^ There are other buildinga that are alao in progress ol constsuc- tion in tho growing Davi Ol town nnd old timers are.'beginnii)g 'tp trnthcrbcl'at, tlib: hoinb and gave ^ ,her :aj 8ui'prisi!r birthday, dinner ' Sunday. There was a Inrgcjtable ((iTanged 'in the yard and it was ' loaded with good things to' eat. A Lharming arrrJigmpnt bf pijrplo\ ' ' ' Iiliic forhied::the dp'iibrntion. l\Irs. Sain r\vas' pre.sentod;'^wlth many beautiful, things as aouvenira of ^ this :delijrhtrul occasion. , Mrs. Sain waa::4'i y;ears old, The ’ t gueata at thi.s ploaaant ijfTnlrwore 1 Mr,'and Mra, \Vill, Allon of Win- ' ston-Snlem ;, Mr, W. C.: Allen and. . ’ family^ Mr. John AUen and fami-^vi ly; Mr. Andrevv Allin and family/’' Mr.. Biir Smith and family, also : :: Mis» Est;her ,Allen, all of Fork . Churches Mr, Earnest Sain and ; : : ^ family/■; Miss ; Inez Sain, _ littlo:. ;y ,/ Pauline »nd Louiae Sain, of' Copl- oeriiee,. Mr. ’ Cliarlie Sain and lit-, tie son, 'Mv. Eaiiea 'Weatherspono, and Mr; Leo Sain and Mias Ruth , . ', Weathersponb of Kannapolis, Mr;;. : , , ■ Mack Smith and family, Mr. Noah , : ' Sinith aiid. family, Mr. Charlie Smith’, .and’ family, of near Lex- ,: ' ingtori, Mr. Tom Sofley and fami- ' - ly of Redland, Mr. Henry Angel and family; also Mrs. Angela , mother, Mrs, M; C. Clamroi-k, of near Cana, Mr, Charlie Allen and family, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jasper Cope . : and son, Gilmer, Mr, and Mrs. Boia : ’ Boger, and Mr. John Taylor of . ■; this place. Several others wTio ^ were unknown by the writer, Mr. ' , : nnd Mrs, Sain’s father and mothjvW.| er could not be there on tho ac- 1‘V,',, count of sickness, also' others iii}-«,... 1 latives. All left in the late noon wishing Mrs, S a i n ^ more happy,' birthdays. There were several pictures' taken of the beautiful table. By One Present! ^ vi' f I#' . о I - P I'/ ! ' '« b., fc"/< ' àü, •'/ liv 01‘.‘•i ÎVI ¡4 ' / . ' .’ ,4 ' ^ . v ; - s '^■■ ■ ■ ¡ . ' - , 1', , î, / ■ : ■■ ..: 'л .'■ , /•'■■‘V...Í v;| Puro 2 THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE ■ ■■ Thuratiay, April, ?, 10271 Miss Ilülen àntl Mr. Cliiuscll Gircgory Enlcrtninçcl at lliirmin/ifon. Misa llolcn and 5li'. Clausull GrcRory deüghtl'ully pntertalnecl in honor oi' tiiG Senior :eIaHa aiul •faculty of Parmingtori high school at their home Thursday nigllt, March 24th. frhe hou3e >vas: iir- tistically deoorated witii various colored spring.ííüwers iiiid potteci plants. ■ , Í ;; . The guest enjoyed, a nitmbeiv^f; Easter games tuul conista, after which the hostess assisted: byj.lier mother, served tlelicioiis reirefcli- ments in two uourses. The;tirst consisted of: chicken •,salad i oii lettuce 'leal’ ^vith sandwiches, pickles and-: iced • tea., The-iiext course consisting of poUnd. cakq : and ice cream was served. , ' • Tho'se - enjoying the eyenihg were: ;Mrs. W. S. Welborn, Mis- ; SOS Grace Blevins, Frances Som­ ers and Mr. D.D. Martin, mem­ bers of the faculty, Misses Grace Hehdricks, Fr.ances Redmoii, Alma ; Howard, Pauline Boger, Elizabeth James, Nell Teague, Messrs Thomas Martin, Clausell Gregory, the senior class.' • Special ,guests wore: Messrs ; Wade■ and ,Garl Hoots, Grady . Ridtlle, , Ilarley Soiley and Odell janies. AJso Miss Lillian James, from Winston- ■ Salem. ' The girls of the senior class and Miss James were entertained at Migs Gregory’s for. the night. 1ÍERUSALEM NEWS ir\SURE YOUR COTTON CROP ВриНИНИИНИИИН!11!1Н111В 1111Я!11!|1!111Ж1!Я111П111!Я1111Я111а 1П1Н:111Н111И|»М1111Н1|И19Я 1П11111 In the most ijrogressive busi­ ness concerns, an insurance policy is carried on the men that are producing. This . is,, deemed a wise policy as a protection ' in case any of them die. So it shduld be with the farmer. In North Carolina and Virginia, cotton is i/onsiderecl a money crop and wheii the yields; are small tliere ,ia not much' Coming in to 'insure.other, things needed^on the farm. As;is probably trUe thaa there v'il! p;•cbab!i^,be: a smart re^ ducticn in,cotton aoreaee in the.ie .two states this year, the farmers arQ iplanning to plant cotton only on the. more productive soils, leaving th e 0 tlier I a nds f 6r ■ rrii n 0 r, •crops.'y,On most farms, the cot- tbn-'Crbii is the only money crop aiid^ th e‘farmers should insure this crop by . using'; a liberal' aihotintMof : plant' food in\order that a large crop'inay bo obtained at less cost per pound of cottjon. ) In ti recent' btilletin by the Nortli Carolina Experiment Sta­ tion^, the following results as giv­ en belovv, respectively, wei'e se­ cured bn sandy and clay soils by using diiferent amounts of ferti­ lizer:' DRESS UP FOR EASTER It’s Easy To Do At This Big'Störe ■!iifliiiia¡ui0^.4!iiíHii|iÉiii!9iá|ipiiimii|!aia '''Æ -1 ■ ;/ íjfe 'A ' ц SWELL SNAPPY I For Young Men And Conservative Dressers Our pastor' filled his regular 1 appointment; Sunday at i? p. m. ,We hnd'a good size congregation and a fine spirit.' We do .cordial- I ly invito every body to attend the .. services. ; ^ We' wore ;clolighted. to .have a ' quartette froin ,Gastonia to render • :us ;somo spngs Sunday. -The po.o- ple were visitors, of ; our,^pastor. One of 'tho most ¡ beautiful songs they .yang w'iis: Everybody Will ■ Be' Happy Over There. -What a; beautiful thought of a place • whore; everybody will: bö happy, ,Wö'arc glad to say ihi(t we ’ have 5)5 members on rpll in ciur B 'Y. P, U.v ilvonew merobers were added to our list Sunday , night,' As spring- is advancing •we hope to add more .new'inom- bers to our roll. Although 'our : B, Y.' P, U. la .young,'w6 feel like; it, is growing and ,doing i^omo gopd,,work. ' , ■ The senior Sunday school class - held their regular monthly meiil- 'ing Saturday night, April '2 at the home of .Alvin Beelt. After preaching service, quite ; a number of the Jerusalem people attended'a singing at Cherry Hill church. Everybody seemed to en.ioy tills song service to fullest extent. ' ; liirs. Adam Williams s^ent Run­ ic ^.:day with her mother, Mrs., Willie A ("•'in. ^ ; . Miss Kate Langston and mother spent Sunday afijernoon in Salis- ibury, ' y . Mr. Glenn Beck, of Salisbury _ is .“.'Pending some time with his ' ' gr.'>ndmolher, Mrs. Willie Aaron The Farm Womans Club held their i regular, meetings' Friday, April 1 at the home of Mrs. John Owens. Edna ^Hartley spent one; night last with Misses Riith and- Sue Deadmon. Mr. and Mrs. Penix Click, and : mother,'' of; Moqresville, “spent Sunday with Mr. C. F. Biirnhardt and fanlily. : . Quite a number of the Jerusa­ lem people, attended the preach- h’" uprv’ne at Cooleemee Baptist -church Sunday night^ / FIDDLER’S Cpm ^N rioN Shady Grove School Auditori­ um, Advance, N. C., Easter Mon­ day Night, April 18th, at 7:30 ■p. m. ■ . ; The following prizes will be • -awarded to those jud^a’d best by 'competent judges: . . First best band.....:..............•.$10.00 Second best band.............G.OO First best fiddle...............4 .. i‘3.00 Second best fiddle................. 2.00 ,' First best banjo lead.,........' 2.50 First best banjo,second.........2.00 First be.st mandolist............ 2.00 First best guitar................. 2.00 , . First best Hawiian guitar., 2.00 First prizes will also be award­ ed dancers. Everybody invited. Plentj; of music and a good time assured, Admisiion 15 and 25 cents. Proceedp for benefit of school. , , , L. .0. Markland, E. M. Hartman and H. T. Smithd'eal, school board. , _ _ _ _ _ DAVIE ^ARG E E. M. Avett, 'pastor Next Sunday there will be ; preaching at Liberty 11 a. m.; Concord 3 p, m.; Oi^k Gi-ove ser- ', : vices will be at 7:80, and will be' . .. ' conducted 'by the Evangelistic ' club, from Bethlehem church. Lets'give,these layjnen a large crowd l»nd a hearty welcome^ . Fertilizer^ Pounds - 200 4oo GOO 800 1000 200 400 600 . 800. 1000 ,v Increase per A. ' in Yield Seed ^ Cotton—Pounds 179 348 GC7 800 1000 403 707 858 '939 ; 1063 Lowest Prices for Real Quality Suits with 1 or 2 Pants »18.50, *20, ’25, »30, ’35 ; The North.Carolina Experiment Station fiom these' results, re­ commend for sandy soils, 600 to 1000 pounds' per acre of a ferti- ■iizer analyzhig aiWnd 8 per cent phosphoric aeid; 7 ipur cent nitro- gbn 'and 4 per cent potash. For clay soils, they recommend from, GOO to ,800 prfuhds per acre of a feitilizbr aiiillyzin'g ,12 per cent phosphoric ncjd | 4 per cent ijitro- gen and 2 per cent potash. The Virgiiiia ,Experiment Station, re- commehds fi’om 4p,0 to'C00 pounds of a- fertilizer under cotton ana­ lyzing 12 per cent ¡phosphoric' iicld; 4 per c^nt ammonia and 4 ■per cent potashIf you expect to plant cotton this >year, ,.db so on good soils, liberallyTfertilized and I think you 'Will'iind that you will have pro­ duced a chbaper crop than for a long time. The Greatest Boys’ Store in the State Everything for Boys 2 to 20 years, (TO TA All Woo! Suits, 2 pants . . . ^0*51/ 2 Knickers or 1 Golf 1 Kiiicker or 2 Longs LIBERTY Winston-Salem, N. C. ■№Я1П1Я№!!!1П11!:В1Ш:11Н;!Ш1!11В1!!Я111Я11Ш1111В1|1!а111а!111Н1И',1' Я!ПЯ:1!!1 №1Я;|||| CENTER NEWS (too late for last issue) Dilessrs John and Ray Dwiggins, of Winston-Salem, spent Saturday night with their parents, Mr. and, Mrs.-j. H. B. Dwiggins. Rev. W. J. S. Walker' and Mes­ srs Clyde and Lawrence Walker, of Jonesville, spent Saturday in thl.4.'community, on .business.. Mr, and Mrs. Odus Tutterow, of High Point, visited Mr. L. M. Tutterow and family -Saturday night. . , ' ' Mr. /Connie 'Beck, of Winston- Salem, is spending sometime with his parents, Mr, and Mrs,;D. R. Beck. • . ' • ■ ' ,. Mr. Edd Walker and family, of near Mocksville, were visitors at the home of Mrs. Walkers parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F.'Tutterow, Sunday. Miss Ruby Ijames was thé guest of-Miss Myrtle Anderson Satur­ day night. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Boyd, of near Ijames Cross Roads, spent Sunday with Mr. and'Mrs. D. R, Beck. ' , Mr. Lonnie Dwiggins, of Ashe­ ville spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. B. Dwiggins. , Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Parker, and son, Bobbie, of Winston-Salem, visited Mr.' and Mrs. J, S. Parker Sunday. L ^■Miss Lizzie Tutterow, of Lib­ erty, spent Saturday night with Misses Ora and P’loe Tutterow. Mrs. D. R. Beck is right sick at this writing. Several, from this community attended the singing at Pino Sun­ day afternoon. ‘ . Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Barney­ castle, and Mrs. D. 0. Helper, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Glass­ cock Sunday afternoon. Mrs. West Williams and child­ ren of near Mocksville, visited at tho home of Mr. T. W. Tutte­ row Sunday afternoon. /•Mrs. Ossie White, of near ijames Cross Roads, visited Mrs. l5. R. Beck Monday afternoon. I жяЕ ВШ ш кйВШ Яш ш ш ятяш ш а!,., MORE PROFIT FROM YOUR TOBACCO Hi S ■ш1Я111Я!111Я11пЯ1№Я111н;«1я:1ия:№еш«Б||ия!1Ш1;»апш1П1Я|||1Я1№ал1Н'Ч1В1111Н|1!В1;г1Ш|| SPECIAL FiliDiiy m SATURDAY ONLY ■ April, 8th and 9th “I used 400 lbs. of Red Steer to the acre and produced a fino quality, heavyweight crop. We cure'd 72 barns lof tobacco this season (1620). Wo have received a most satisfactory price for oven the poorest grade." (Signed) C. M, HAUSER, . Germanton, Stokes County, N. C. CASH OR NOTE Sugar 6У2 lb. 31bs. 35c coffee - - 90c TiitirsdnV. Anril- 7, 1927 'TItB м оей SVILLE ENTERPRISE Page'i IdKIN BRIDGE CONTRACT IS LET BYs COMMISSION Iciker and Yount, contractors, le tho low bidders for tho eon- liction of the nev/ concrete fdge to span the Yadkin River Kveeii Dayidson and Davie Inties, oh Highway 75, it was lounce'd by the State High,way nmissibn following its meet- Tuesday at Raleigh. The low I was $145,616.50. It is expect- ithat the contract will formal- |)e awarded within a few days the contractor will go to Ik as soon as materials can be pmbled for the big construc- job. lo bids were announced for the ^ral miles of approach roads Hired on either side of the riv- |as was the case when bids formerly received. However, lili require only a compara- Jly short time- to build these Itches of road and they may let later and still be finished Ire the bridge can be complet- 1 The site selected by the State hway Commission engineers is near the old Oakes Fbri'y site some 'distance down the I'iver from thé present crossing at Ful­ ton Ferry. Noll Construction Co., \yas one of the big winners in the two and a half million ’ dollars'worth of bidding Tuesday, being announc­ ed as' low on a job of over $157,- 000 in Robeson county and one of over $330,000 in Chatham county. The latter contract is on Highway 75 between Pittsboro and tho Orange county line toward Chapel Hill. A third contract on High­ way 75 was for the grading of several miles between Lenoir and the Alexander county line. These may be taken to indicate that Highway 75 will soon become a great State throughfare. An interesting question is said to have been raised in regard to the change in the location of the crossing of the highway at the Yadkin River, which also entails changing of several miles of road on either side of the river. Ed L. Greene, of Yadkin College, who led the fight to have the Fulton Ferry site chosen for the 1||Г|И'~1ИИ11ШИШ'М1ИПИ1«111И» |1И|||1И1И||||||||11|||||||И!а^!И1В"||Ц^а1| 422-24 North Liberty St. Winston-Salem, N. C. You’ll Marvel At ,These Ne-w Spring Dresses Georgettes—Flat Crcpoa and New Printed Crepis Ono custonier purcliased THREE for I the price of ONE Dress. She had bought previously and claimed our i tylfc.s wero more beautiful and work- manshi]) was as good. It will pay you to pay us a visit.\ ■ , ••' - _________ $8 90 FOR GIRLS 3 TO 14 NEW SILK DRESSES *»*ttraetive liti-le dresses of fine quality crepo de chine, s tr e e t nnd party styl­ es. A 11 t h e po'pular colors so much in de- OT a n d fo r spring will be found group. Third in the Floor J, C. CHARLES Ware.house at Greasy Corner ■ияшш 1»н111я111я1«я111я11пяа111 NOTICE OF ELECTION IN TOWN OF MOCKSVILLE A good tonic for Spring fever is' work in the garden, it should be taken in broken doses, begin taking it 'e/iriy this week sd^you will be able'to go to church Sun­ day, ■ ' At a regular adjourned meeting of tlie Commissioners of the Town of Mocksville, duly held in its of­ fice in the Town of Mocksville, Tuesday, March 15th, 1927, a general election of the Town of Mocksville, N. C„ was duly called to bo held at the usual voting place in the Court House in the Town -of Mocksville, Tuesday, May 3rd, 1927, for the election of a Mayor and five commissioners, and'constable of the Town of Mocksville, N. C.i and at the same time and place an elfection to be held to olect two'members'of tho Board of Trustees oi’ tho Graded schools at which the qualified voters residing without the cor­ porate limits of the town of Mockavilie but within the said scljool'dlstrlct as well as those re­ siding within the town of Mocks- 'ville will vote for the trustees. t.-ry The polls will be open on the day of election from 8 o’clock a, m., till sunset, as prescribed by law. J. H. Cain was duly appointed Registrar of the town of Mocks­ ville and of tho Mocksville Graded school district and J. L, Carter and W. N. Smith judges of said elections. The registrar shall kqep open the registration books for the re­ gistration of new electors resid­ ing in the town of Mocksville and entitled to register and for^the registration of electors residing in the Mocksville Graded and High School district and entitled to register whose names have never before been registered in tho precinct or do not appear in the revised list, between.the hours of 9 a. m„ and 5 o’clock p. m., on each day (Sunday excepted) opening Friday, April 15th, 1927 and closing Saturday, April 23rd', 1927—^^said registration shall be open until 9 o’clock p, m., on each Saturday durii^g the registr- Can Corn 13c Large Can Tomatoes - 15c Ч C. S m R O SONS CO. I GROCERY DEPARTMENT MOCKSVILLE, N. C. ilWieji ation period. By order,of the Board of Comr missioners of the Town of Mocks­ ville. -- i - - . 'This March, 15th, 1927. - T. M. HENDRIX . Town C!o№| ^------ ' WE CAN SAVE YOU MO>EÍ ON yoU R JOB raiN tlN ( Men’s and Young Men’s SPRING SUITS $13 95 Single and Double Breasted Models Suits of finest fabrics—Worsted, Un­ finished Worsted and Cassimeres, in smart, new models, I'wo and three button, single and double breasted coats. . The most exclusive patterns and colors—liglit gray, dark gray, brown, tan, in stripes and mixtures. Sizes 34, to 42. MILANESE NOVEI.TY CUFF SILK GLO VES •$1.48 Handsome/y embellished vfith enibroid'ery, «¡titeh- ing and i;ut-outs. The choicest shades, in all sizes 6 to (Street Floor) Large Can Pineapple - 28c ■ Men’s Fulkut $1.00 U-Suits Striped and checked Nainsook. Flexible ~ ^ ^ ^ fulkut elastic web insertion in back, Perfect Package Raisins ' - ' 15c ■ O J t Rural Song and Comment (By Arch Huneycutt) Highland Muaiiigs. With a good life-going breezis unfurled To beat on my heaving breast, I pause to dream on the top of the world And bask in a glorious rest. The rumbling city lies far below, Inrobed in her dusky haze. And the soul must sweat that her wheels may go^ • The rounds of their adding maize. The souls of men are stifled there; By a mathematic rule, Of a daily grind, no strength can bear, . . ■ Yet they call it culture’s school. The young grow old in the bloom of life. And the children fade and die. While the smoke-wreaths, rise, from the grind of strife. Like a rod to smite the sky. The cheeks they draw 1 on the trash caleld gold. Are writ with a w,ohian’s gore. And a maiden’s virtue is bought and sold, Where the great wheels grind and roar. And tho keen winds lash my heav­ ing breast. Like a flag of life unfurled. As I, dream in the arms of a giovious rest. On tho top of a glorious world. • • Pcaches , Anyway, she has accomplished a glorious notoriety. Here's hop­ ing she may find it--worth the price. There is rarely, even an evil that brings no good iiit'it’s wake, and since this one seems to be the ace in the game of'out- lawery of divorce court publicity, it is perhaps not without a re­ deeming feature. Miss Joy Laugh jes’ a li’le. An’ Misa Joy hears tho soun’ An’ .she runs out to meet you On the ha’frway groun’, ' With a cup full of honey Fer the bitter of yer tears, An’. a blessin’ fer tli^e toil ^ : Of the dry, dead'years. ' Laugh jes’ a li’le, , , , An’ she meets you with a boun’ An’ a kiss of sweetest welcomo On the lia’f'-way groun’. With a cup full of 'honey Fer,the bitter of yer tears. An’ a balm fer all yer weepin’ Of tiie dry, dead yeai'i). The Open Good green earth and the sky of blue. Big out-doors and the far away. Birds that sing of a love that’s arue. Sure, and clean as the perfect day. Morning haze and the dripping dew. Tepid warmth of the.amber shine. Far, wild ways and a dream of you,’ • ,/ Sweet in a peaceful world all mine. ' Men like the ''natural” in all things. Chesterfield's natural tobacco taste is no exception r'n< '*’ '•! t i * r ' , 'I *' i ,1 ■t..’ Л)’й) i i * . I ; - . If, V'У’.‘ Hctc, .' and here alone, ■will you get natural to­ bacco taste at its mild and inellow best for hero natu­ ral aroma pnd charactct* niQ entirely held and brought out to the full! ^ and yet, theyWeyGlD ' Liggett & Mvnas Tobacco Co. И> i ' \ tS'í'í-, Mí ' Щ Ä ■ ''" I Л ' r i lifr ; < % I í' I 'iS J I t (.(1 * ' \ i p И,- I' J '■ V -f, 1> ШйК&'|;«1111Я1»Ш1111Я»11В11ИЯП1ГПИ1К№Я11Ш1«1111Ш11Ш11Ш1111П11Я1!Ш,%'Я1Ш1111П1№Н111П1Ш1!ПШ1!1;Я:1Ш|»:Я1!1;В»1,«»Ш111Ш№ЯиШШ{111ВЯЯ111|- bridge, is reported to have lodged .£ a protest with .the commission as|H mayor of Yadkin College. Yqura ago Yadkin College is said to have been an operative munici­ pality and held a charter as an incorporated town. Mr. "Greene m was the last man duly chosen as 1 mayor, and though about a quart- er century has passed no change:® has boen decreed. The postonicejH of Yadkin College .still remains-K but tho place is not generally now “ regarded as a municipality. Und­ er the now highway; law indivi­ duals rnay not go into court and seek an injunction against the State Highway Commission,, but where a change is made to leave a town ofi" a state road the muni­ cipality may oflioially seek reliefv Whether Yadkin College is iiow a municipality is said to have been referred to the attorney gen­ eral’s oifioe.—Lexington Dispatch. Let’s Go Joan “A kiss speaks volumes, they say.” , Jack: “Don’t you think it would be fun to start a library?” -» « *'■» * * * *•* FARMERS OP DAVIE ' * if you want to borrow money * * on improved farm lands in * Davie County under a plan * * providing for inexpensive, * * long term loans, call on, or * * write to, * » ROBERT S. McNEILL, Atty. «. * at. Law, Mocksville, N. C. • ■ Q{]R EASTER FOOTWEAR To be correctly and daintily shod is essential to .smart appoarance. In thiSv fascinating display of new Spring Footwear, any model .selected can reflect only the good taste aiid individujility of the wearer.- Styled to give the ; finishing touch to the smarte.st costume, there is .in originality in' design, and a quality of material and workmanship usualIy.,found only in shoes, many times our/economy price. , ' ■ We are now fjhowing the most complete line bf Footwear we have ever, sho\vn,v a,nd'invite-your iijspection. ’ ' LASHMIT 417 Liberty St.. “SHOES THAT’S ALL” Winston.ÄaJem, N. С. S. C. RHODE ISLAND REDS eggs for setting. My bird took first prize of all birds at Davie County Fair. And blue Ribbon at Forsyth County Fair. ?2.00 per setting. (15) F. 0. B. Farmington.—C. M. McKinney, Farmington, N. C. 3 17 4t pd. , -----------^ ^ —_ ' Send Us Your Job Woi'k * DR. LESTER P. MARTIN « * Night Phone 120; Day Phone • * 71. • * Mocksville, Ñ. C. * ONE-STORY BUILDING, TEN roorha, with toilet complete-— , 'all for rent.—L. G. Horn., * * « * » * *, ♦ * '• ;i.'« » B. C. BROCK * * Attorney ■ at Law ^ * , MOCKSVILLE, N. C. * * Practice in State and Fed«) * Courts.« - •» •» •» * ' ■» FOR SALE—TEN WHITl horn pullets. — Mrs. ,W. ■' Meroney. .,v-'+ > h b F ' . i'*. '^ i \"¥ ‘■’- > -,I !'• •V iPaga i ТИВ MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE Thui-stlíiy, •Api'il 7, l!)2' CKSVILLE ENÏERPÎIISE » Published Every Tluira'íay at Mocksville, North Carollníi-, A. С. НШЕУСиТТ ,/ Publisher. J. F. LEA СИ / , v Älanaging Editor. .. inhiUtHs and inveatiffnte the fact.s, they would quit howling во nuiclí n'bout extravaKaiice. Siibacripiion Rates: a Year ; Sl.v Months 60 Cents. Strictly in Advance. ; Entered ■ at l;Tie post ' óffice at Mockiiyille, N. C., as secorid-clasa matter under the act of Marcb o, i m . : . ' lVIock.4villc,:'N. C., April 7, 1927 I«,'4IÍ T \Y " Ì.11 it I i'' riiis la the :paiiiting-iip aoasorii' ; .Sprinjf ' bririKs fresh: leaves and buds and flowers. April’s show- ‘ciawnsh. ofr and clerin up old OMothor, Earth. Let us udd to nn- ture!s beauty by painting up and cleaning up. Paint saves proptr- )iy—paint makes propsrty mo're beautiful and sanitary. It spem's that the paternalistic crowd who.put over the law forc- 'ing cVory car owner to pay 60 cents for n certain card contnin- er, no\y .clninri tliat they did it for the , pr.otectioii of inotoriats, and on the grounds that it "might a’fiduce insurance” rates. Isii’t it line to live in a country where we Shave so .'many personages who are porfoctly willing to see that our ..private buafness ,is protected (at our expense) V , Maybe next legis* lalurc will pass a law requiring cach auto owner (o purchase and WiCii|r a certain niake of gof^gles in order to protect the tycs.^M . We notice that ‘severa'l towns are .setting aside "clean up dayet,” during >vhich 'time all resiflents tti’o being urged to thoroughly clean-up. their front and<' back yards and- put things in,' 6i*cier ‘for tho coming spring,and sum­ mer. The,, idea is to clear thp t6wns from tin.. cans und, otlmr (lisagredii'ble,i.trash' AyhiclV'. mifeiit not only Jiniikp iln ugly, unsightly ■town but .' which .might:ftiso' con-' tribute to,sickness iind di'sojjse. ■ ' As sprlhii;is rio\y hereii'rihd'flies ^{ji.warm weathor'can aiwflys be. ■“ 'Cjted ■ to come togethpr, to any' ^ijniiaboutXnipaquit^bo^'i.', and'; ^®iv p'eflt.s;'’sp let iis / hw«!-;ig.; Jiocksvillo .prepare for the spasofi. and nyoidV thoso dlsngrboablo things. Besides, It pays to be do­ cent for <,the sake of decency it­ self. Thereforie, If any one has not yet clcancd up, do it row. We are not going to argue about this subject at length, but for the purpose of proving, our ,allegatii)n, hitherto made, that qne-half of the annual salary paid to M)\ E. P. Bi iiillcy, our present County Superintendent, is.defray- ey by the.State of North Carolina, .and; the other half by the tax­ payers of the county, we are.ptib- lishihg,bolO\y' air'e.xceriit from the ¡M0V1K NEWS The delay in arrival of parts for our new machinés cheated ua cUt of a formal opening а.ч- had jjlan'ned so that just a straight picture program was the .best avo could do, We. want the i)epple to feel tliat tills'place of amusement is theirs and they are at home PRODUCE MARKET (“f" Corrected weekly by Martin Bros. Prices subject to change. Eggs, per doz................................,.20c Butter, per lb. .......,,,,..................26c Livo hens, per 11), .....................:22c Young.chickeiiS (stags) pbi; lb 16c IЙ Roosters, per Ib. .........,....,л....10с !□ Ducks,.'Pér lb ..............................18c , j| I i ■I last rr:>n:'l;,of the Suj^erinténdént gestions for impròvémehta in oth- \yhlle in it and that they livail' Geese, per Ib.i .............10c themselves of the opportunity and Youiig.Guineas, each .......;........dOc privilege of expressing 'to the management any and all com­ plaints as well as'advice and sug- of .Public Instruction of North Carolina; wliich,' We assort; ■ is Conciusive. . ‘ ' 'Fable Ill-(a) Detail of apportionment of tho eQuaiizirig fund. ; : : . ' ‘_ ' ' ,,'payie County; , Basis of apppi'tionmoht $3,793.63 Apportionment, salaries, : 'T teachers and principals , 3,793.63 One-half saiary, county. Superintendent 1,200.00 We repeat, despite such reve­ lations as may be shown by the county treasurer’s vouchers, that! the State of North Carolina, from its oqualizirig fund, defrays fifty per cent of the annual salary al- iowed the County Superintendent of Schools for Davie county, and* wo submit, without fear of ' con­ tradiction, that if on any occa- „sions the county of Davie has paid moro than its pro-rata one- half, siich amounts so paid havo been, or will bo recovered from the .State’s equalizing fund, as provided by law. : ' Wo trust the above is suillcie'nt- ly clear and coinprohonslVè' to render further discussion un­ necessary. ' ; ' The postmaster has moved into the now buihllng—^corner Sanford building and is having lots of fun. learning the patrons how to open their boxes. ' ' CEM’ER NEWS er w’ords^the. Princess Theatre is strictly ,‘r community institution requiring the good will '^nd co­ operation of every 'one thereby makilig for the yoUng and, old a place of educatidii, recreation, and amusement worth while.' Today we are playing a Para­ mount picture, “ Aioma of the South Seas;” featuring .Giida Gray Avith Percy Marmont and Warner. Baxter. . .Friday and Saturday a Westerp feature and two, reel comedy. Monday and Tuesday a very fine picture which .'more than 20 million people have been''to aee. ■Ita Gene Stratton Porter story, "The Keeper of the Boes.” Re­ gular admission. Wo will have Matiness both days 3:30. ----------------------------------- FULTON ITEMS I Old Guineas, each ......;...30c “ Beef tallow( rendered) ,per lb. 4c | . Bees\Vax, per lb. 25c ß , When Aclic Stops ‘‘What’s the best cure for tooth- ache'V" “ Walk halfway to the list’s.” : • ' den- ВУШ LOCALS FOR SALE — ROSE PLACE — Edna G. Nail. 3 30 2t Eugonp Ashcraft', of I ho Mon­ roo Enquirer, carried tiie follow­ ing in his (Datch.All (Jolumn last .week:' '‘In. looking, over an old copy of the Enquirer, published August 19, 1873—nearly '54 yoars ago— i . camo;: across tho' following Sunday afternoon. Miv L. R. Dwiggins spent .the wook 'end with home folks, ' ■ Mr. Charlio McDaniel arid Mr. AVch' Susboth, , of Kannapolis visited Mrs. Alice Soaford Satur- 'day;' Mr: 'Albert: Tutterow,,of Win- ston-Salom vlsitod : his' Iparohts, Mr. and Mrs.‘ H. L. ‘ Tutterow, .Thiirsday. ■',:i Mrs., Burrus Greenoi and child- i'en; of Mpcksyilie, visited roiatlv- ea in this: ^ community' Sunday afternoon.. Miss Geneva ‘ CJarrett,, of near County Line, spent the week end with Mi', and Mrs. L, W. Dwig­ gins.' , Miss Cathorino IJamos, of High Point, spent Saturday night with Misa Mary Helen Barnoycastlo. Mr. and Mra. Edd Walker, ahd children, of near Mocksville, visit­ ed Mr. and Mrs. L. ]\L Tutterow 'íi¡ fiiuaintf ndvertisemPnt, in small ilypt, with . about throe inches white spaco'above: “ ‘This space haa been sold to AV. II. :i. Houston & ,Co., Char­ lotte, N.'C.iWhojosalo dealers in .GVocerios, Liquors, Tobacco, Etc. •' ‘They hove' concluded not to ad- . iTertiiio for awhilo, or at least un­ til trade gets a littlo. dull. Call . .and jseb Henry' when you go to Charlotte.' “ Should such announcements . be made todfiy"r'Wholosale deal- o:rs )n;Groceries, Liquors and To- ;bacco”—it wouid not at all be . ’'necessary to addi ‘.Call and see ''Henry r, - ,: ', X- . , .■ “ But there is some reason for f ;not. advertising during a busy s, season. A business concern does ^ not need to invite morL" customers when, he has more than he can servo. The logical time to adver­ tise is when ■ more business is Jioeded and desirable.” Boy, then you said it. If Hen- -ry .were living in Charlotte now iinjl could delfver the goods as .per ad 34 years ago, he would be sought after as much as a man in Hades with a piece of ice as big SIS a peck bucket, and Charlotte -would bo tho greatest trading center, in the South, Mocksville, mot excepted.. --------------—«----------^----- • ‘‘GRANDPA” KNOWS HIS ONIONS ' If the Radicals and knockers, who are a'pending so niiich of their time in condem'ning tlie Democrats of Davie county fq^r paying such, an, elaborate snle,ry :'t6. the Co.uiity Superintond(3nt...pf Schools, would' take lonly' a few I • . . ‘ i t ^ , jx ' Mrs. N. T. Anderson and Mrs. Martha Barnoycastlo, of Calahaln, were the guests of Mrs. j. W. Dwiggins Wednesday. ^ . ' Messrs H.,F. Tutterow, Spencer Dwiggins, and Estbn Ijames i and Misaes Stolla Tutterow, Myrtle Andorsoi), and Pollio. Tutterow attended the singing at Woodleaf Sunday afternoon. ’ . Mr.s. F, I. Ijames, of High Point spent Saturday night with Mrs. E. R. Barnoycastlo, Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Garrett and Miss Margaret Garrett, of Thomas ville, Mr. and Mrs. Hasten Carter, and baby; and Mr. Olin Earn­ hardt of Fork Church, were busi­ ness visitors in this community Saturday. Mrs. W. M. Seaford and child­ ren visited her parents, Mr. and ]\Irs. G. W. Everhardt of Liberty Sr'urday night. Mr, Est'on Ijames, of; -High Point, was the week end guest of Mr. Spencer Dwiggins. Mr. and Mrs. W._H. Barney- castle visited at the iiome of Mr. Jim Glasscock near Ijames Crosa Roada Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ellon Wood, of Boone, visited Mrs, W. B. Barnoycastle, and other relatives in this com­ munity last week. Messrs, Turner Tutterow and Winfred Foster of Greensboro, spent tiie week end .with Mr. Elmer Tutterow and family. HH.TON IS A.*V. O. L. FROM THE COUNTY .TAIL Born to Mr. and -Mrs. D. L. Lanier, a big boy,, Charles Ed­ ward. ' ■ , . . MrSi E. M. Stewart' spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Y’ountz of Yadkin. , ‘ . Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Walsor of Le.xington, spent Sunday .visiting hore. , V. Miss Iva Stawart of High Point spent the week end here with her parents. ; Mr, and Mrs. Raymond IVIiller and small son, visited Mr. and Ml'S. N.' F, Young one day thp past week. Ml'S.' L. F. .Hendrix and Hisses Volma^ and Vivian Hendrix of Fork spent Saturday evening visiting !Mr. and Mrs. George Fryp. . METHODIST WOMANS MISSIONARY Ä1ET A FEW VACANCIES FOR WO- mon desiring to train as nurses. Apply iLong’a Sanatorium, Stat­ esville, N, C. FOR SALE-^OpD mTEbTWILL work anywhere, bargain to quick buyer.—Pleas Clement, Mocksville, Route 4. It pdi FOR GOOD DRY ST O ^”VVOOD and clean baled hay, (delivered free).' Phone , 94. — Auction Commission Barn. Look To Your Personal . ' Appearance ■ \ OUR RAZORS HAVE THE KEEN EDGE SO'MUCH DESIRED Shumate Old Style Hollow ground Razors......'...$1.25 to $3.5() Gillette’s Dollar Style .Safety' Razors..,..,.,.,..^!..;;...:;;!:.....I...'.20c ' Auto Strop Safety, Complete with 'Strop'pcr....,.:.........„..'....750 Gem and Ever ..Ready Safety Razora............................¡51.00 Durham'-Dupiek, Double Edgé:..,:;.;,.......,„„.,,.„..„;,'„,\.,,.„„..$L00 Exti'a' Blades lor 'all Safety'Razors..........' .,......10c to 5pc Regular Barber Razor Strops .......!?Ì.Q0'to''$3.00 iiigersoli iiil.ÓO Ströpper lor any Stylé Biadò, ' Shaving Brushes,:............... .........,!25c to $1.7.5 Razor liones.................. . ..........35c to $1.00 Shaving Cream in Tubes..........;.....................................................10c After Shaving Face Powder.....,,...;..,,........................................lOe GET YOUR SHAVING NECESSITIES FROM The Store of Today’s Best Mocksville Hardware Co. FOR SALE — SELECTED EGGS SHMailllBMl from thorough , bi'ed White ....i .i. —— Wyndotts,.' $1.00 per setting.— .||,n C. R.' Horn. -m iiiiiaiiiii ~o- HOLTERMAN’S ARISTOCRAT , Barred Rock Cockorcls .$2,00 i . each. ■ Real birds. Eggs $1.60 i per 16; $5.00 per 100.—Mrs. J. | R. Poweii, Mocksville Rt. 6. g S. C. WHITE iTeGHORN EGGS ; 11 for. hatching, $1.00 per 15;||| $6.00-per 100. Warren’s Farm g Strain E.’cKlbition egg bred.- William Powoli, Mocksville, routo 5. Statement ^ of tho Ownership, Maningement, Circulation, Etc. Required liy the Act of Con­ gress of. August 24, 1912. About eight o’clock Monday night Honry Hilton, who was sen- tencod to the gang at the recent term of court, decided to leave Mocksville, and he loft without permission from jailor Wade Ea­ ton, by breaking his way thru the iron bars and, bidding a farewell to his ‘‘buddies" behind tho bars. It is claimed that tho heroic work of Mrs, Eaton prevented .the re maining prisoners from escaping 'r’alao. ; At this time he is still at large; „'rhe Methodist .sionary mot with Mrs, R. S. Ho\yie bn;'ruosday aftoi'noon at thp par­ sonage.' Tho mooting was lod by the president. Miss Bortha Leo, and an intorosting study of ; the 7th and.Stli chapters of Luke ■\vas made;' Miss Riith Booe read the minutes of the last mooting, and the ilnancial report was given by MIbs Mary Heitman. Mra. Howio spoke of a lottnr from hor daugh­ ter, Misa Naomi Howio, written in Soochow on March 4th,which aho has recently received. A let­ ter from. Brevard Institute stat­ ing the articles needed for the dormitories was read.. Miss Lpo closed tho meeting with prayor, ofToring a apocial petition for the Chinese situation. The hoatoss, aasisted by Miss Mary Heitman, served delicious block cream and cako.s. 'Those pio.aont wore: Mesdamoa Howie, S.' M. Call, Julia C. Hoitman, F. M, Johnson,; J. Frank Clement, Misses Bertha Loe, Alice Leo, Ruth' Booe, KatO Brown, and Mary Heitman. His Opinion like. Landlady: “How do you your room as a whole?” Lodger: "As a hole it’s all right blit as a room it’s rotten!” Of The Mocksville Enterprise, ■'“ T- , .'published weekly at Mocksville, Woman’s, Mis- :N, C., for' April, 1927.: ; St'ato of Norti^ CaTolina; ' County of Diivib. '" , Before me, a. Clerk of Superior Court, in and for tho Stato and county aforesaidivporsonally ap­ peared J.F . Leach, the Manag-. ing Editor of The Mocksville En­ terprise and that the following is, to tho best of his knowledge an.d bolief a true statemonlt of the ownership, management, etc., of the aforesaid publication for-the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1812, embodied in section 443, Postal Laws and Regulations. 1. That the names and addres­ ses of the publisher, editor, Man­ aging editor, ahd business man­ agers are: Publisher, A. C. Hun- eycutt, Albemarle, N. C.; Manag- 'ing Editor, John F, Leach, Mocks- 'villo,N.iO. 2. That the owner is A. C. Huneycutt, Albemarle, N.' C. ' 8. 'Phat the known bondhokl- prs, mortgages, and other securi­ ty holders owning or holding bonds, mortgages, or other securi­ ties aré, none. . - JOHN F; LEACH. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 28th day of March, 1927. M. A. HARTMAN, Clerk of Superior Court. Suit I Baked Fresh Daily II ЦЛ "Ii■I' >114ii ii| n ОШШШ Ou’c Suit Depar;tmcDt for men and boys is one you will be well pleased with. Newest Shades for the young man who wants to “Ste)> Out” WELL DRESSED. A big stock to select the suit you have looked for for a long time. A Special Display For Easter Shoppers One and Two Pant Suits Priced $22.50, $25.00 $30.00 up. V isit our store while we have these Specials Ц■II ilи1■ I-il■ I ■Ii aH I BROS. S YOSI Salisbury’s Leading Clothiers, Salisbury, N . C. 1Ш') Nothing is so necessary to good health as wholesome well- § baked bread. It is the most important food on your table. ‘ p Select it with caro. If you do, you, too, will soon be order- .B ing MOCKSVILLE BREAD regularly. 1 Double Loaf 15c. Single Loaf 10c. H TRY A FRESH LOAF TODAY | Mocksville Bakery I BAKERS OF ^OOD BREAD MOCKSVILLE, N. C. . Semi-Monthly RICHMOND, VIRGINIA THE OLDEST AGRICULTURAL JOURNAL IN AMERICA 50 Cents for One Year ,,, $1.00 For Three Years - $1.50 For Five Years , TWICE-A-MONTH 185,000 TWICE-A-MONTH 1 »lì I I t\ I !ъ I! I I'iil iВ TRADE WITH THE MERCHANT THAT ADVBBTISB IN TiilS NEWSPAPER —1 THEY WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. У ■'rviiiraday. April 7, 1927 I I '4V'/ 'i'l ТИЕ MOCKSVILLE ENTERl^RISE Page 5 Mi.ss VVillio Miller spent the week end with her sisters in Mt. Ulla. , •' Mr. and ]Vlra.;S. R. Beasent, of Jerusalem, were .shoppers in this city Tuesday. ■ ' , ' ; Mr. D. jI. McGlllup, r.f' Atlantii, +i,n "Meat of W. A. Allison ■over Sunday. •-—-f I— Mias Sarah Miller, of Taylors­ v i l l e , was tho week end guest of M i s s Hanes Clement. ' . , ------0—— . J. H. Meroney, of Lenoir, spent 'Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. il. C. Meroney. . ■ ---r-tl------- ■ IMra. John Foster, of County Line, spent Sunday with her niece, Mrs. Z. N. Anderaon. .—■—o---— ' Dr. S. A. Harding ia now in hia new ofllce-the Sanford building and is ready to sorvo the public. Mrs. W. I. Leach went to Win­ ston-Salem Monday where she will take treatment at, Lawrenco hos­ pital. Mr. and Mra. J. P. LoGrand were 'guesta of Mr. and Mra. E. C. LeGrand in Matthews for the week end. Theatre Monday and Tuesday ^-„„1 on Korea was carried. out, 3:30 p. m., and night at regular ^ th'ose taking part being Mary Mc- admisaion. Don!t miss this one. Giiire, .lane McGuire, Lpuise . ” Chaflln, Frances Foster, Sarah ston-aaiem, in.i uur., uu niuimuj', Mr. and. Mra. W. L. Wharton, H. Stone, Sarah a:»w.iggins, ;Mary 'April litli: frbm',10:06 a. m., to of McLeansviile, ; and Mr.; and Catherine Walkei'j and IBlancho :4;00 p. in., and he will be' at the Mrs. Brevard Neely and two child- Loach. Miss Bertha Lee 'gave a Yadkin Hotel, Salisbury, N. 'Car., ren, of Pineyille, spent Sunday short, sketch of Baron Yun, the on Ti/esdayKAprii ;12th from 10:00 withMr. andMra. Ji B. Johnstbiie.” ' • • ’ • . ' - -- 1 . Mra. Wharton ia a sister of Mr; Johnstone. Sarah Chaffln, the ,corresponding secretary, read a'tnossagb from Mrs. Simpson, diati'ict secretary. The oiiicR of recordins secretary being vacant, Kathleen Craven waa elected. An interesting pro- : gram on Korea was carried out. RUPTURE SHIELD EXPERT HERE ' E. J. Meinhardi, of Chicago, the wollknown expert will personally be at the Robert Leo Hotel, Win­ ston-Salem, N., Car.; 'on Monday, Special For Saturday, April 9th DOLLAR DAY v-V' . .(,1 ' . . i n ' n ¡I I - - ^ , —-» ".7 Ull • X .^*1/* *1 Korean . Chrisiiah ' and ipatript.Vii,. im to 6:00 p." nil. Mr. Moin- About twenty members:we‘rP pro- iiHi.cii' gays: . : ^ ------------ ■ , ; aent, aiid the leaders; Missea : “The Vacuum Shield’’ wiir not * ' ------o— : Bertha Lee and Mary HcUman. only retain the Ruptiiro perfectly, rhe orthopaedic clinic held , , , _ _ o _ , I but contracta the opening-in 10 each month in the. offices of the' Tho Methodist Young Peopl.e’a dnya on the average case—uaual- County Health Department over Circle met with Meadamea C. N. ly Vgivlng ' inatantaneouS : relief ......... ..........................— ' '•« - Withstanding ail strain regardlesa of the size, or location of the Rup­ ture. ' ' С A U 'I' I О N—Do not expose yourself to tho dangclr of wearing old-style tlrusscf, with undorstraps. vjuuiibynciiim L/uimiimKia uver (jircie met wiin lyicsaames »-.. i'i. Owen’s Drug store and sponsored Christian and T. A; Stone at the' by the Kiwanis Club of Winston- homo of tho former; oh Monday Salem will meet again on Satur^j afternoon. The ipreaidenti'. Mrs.' day, April 9th. ' J; Frank Clement, “presided, and —^—o------ l\Ira. B; L Smith conducted tho Mrs. D. H. Brooka, of Mercedea,i Bible Loaaoii in the 6th and 6th ,„„.»1^,« iu uao«£, wun Te.\as, who,has been visiting Mrs., chapters of Luke. A number of 1'fhese trnsses usually place the S. A. Harding, ia spending a'the membera took part in tho dia-1 p,„i on the lump and not on the if 4-Vin aftlrltr V\nrttr ____i__________1.._ rtlKl... ft. A. iiarciing, la spentiing a the membera took part in tho aia-1 pud on the lump and not on while with Mra. Nettie Wilkins, at ciiaaion of the miasion study book. | rupture opening. This often caus Courtney. She will again be the After the program the hostesses ! strangulation which usually ne- before- aerved a delicloua salad ' course cessitatcs an immediate su|rgical , again guest of Mrs. Harding making a visit to Boston. .0 with iced tea. 'I’he members pre­ sent were Mesdames T. A. Stone,nC ll t W U lU IH l- o U IIIIlV S i-* O tU llC ) Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Wall and C. N. Christian, J. Frank Clement, Mrs. T. M. Hendri.x attended a • B. I. Smith, Percy Brown, M. D. miasion rally at the First Baptist Brown, Jr., Charles Tomlinson, church in Winatoii-Salem laat M. D. Pasa, Milton Call, W. A. week, and heard splendid talks Allison, P. J. Johnson, J. K. Shook, by Dr. F. A. Agar, of New York, B. C. Brock, Misses Martha Cali and Dr. R. 'r. Vann and Dr. C. E. and Osaie Alliaon, and two visi- Maddroy, of Raleigh. | tors, Mrs. V. E. Swaim and Misa ------n------ Ruth Booe. '.I’ho rie.xt meeting Frienda hero of '-Armond 'P. will bb entertaihod by Moadamas Daniel, a Junior at the Univeralty B. I. Smith and'M; D. Brpwn, Jr. of S. C., will be intereated to -— '-0—— , learn that In the debating contest Mrs.' Phillii) Young was hoatess there last weok ho came out tho to tho Grace Clliford Oircle of the winner'to roproaont the Univor- Baptiat church on 'fuesday after-, sity in its debate with the Louisi- noon, at her homo in Clement. ana University whi^h is to be held Croat. The.meeting was presided the latter part of this month. Here over by Mrs. E. C. C.hoate, ahd tne aoove.naies anu xiourw is hoping he will win again. ■ I Mrs. J. P. LoGrand led devotio-! carefully ..and always insist on* C*^ , .-. .O ' iinlu 'Plin mtautnn af.nrlv hnn1f. I .,..«1«.... _L 1,^ .1. Circle 1 of Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Anderaon, of Winston-Salem, visited their idaughter, Mra. C. H. Tomlinaon, •ion Tuesday. , ' '---1—0------ : Mr. J. B. Campbell has return­ ed from Long’a Sanatorium,'and is improving aome, his frienda Avill be glad to learn.. ■ ■-----o------ Mr. and Mra. H. S. Luther^ of Saliabury, and Miaa Lula Botta, of Lexington, visited Mr. and Mra. T. N. Challin recently. n Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hendricks, v—'- —------------ - ................................................................ ................ ■ ' or in Brazil.” Thosio preaont is the generous gift of Mr. and with Ml" Hendricks parontsi, Mr. wore Mesdames T. B. Boilo.v, E. Mrs. John Gyoon. 'I’ho hostoaa 4ind Mra’. W. S.. Hendricks. '''• " " .............. ...... " ' ............... -O' operation or results in Hudden death. "The Vacuum Shield” has no underatrapa. It is also perfectly sanitary and practically indo- structiijle and should bo worn while bathing. . Oiily gentlemen aro invited to call at this time as a special visit will bo made horo-lator for wqmen and children. NOTICE: Please do not write asking to be iltt«d by mail as this is Impossible. I send out no litera­ ture as evcf.y case nuist be seen personally: therefore, I visit this section every ycairi—giving demon­ stration v/ithout charge, o)r will be pleased to ilt you if desired. Please rote tiie above.dates and hours 9 lbs. I.'ird 16 lb’s, sugar............. 4 lbs. coffeo , 15/lbs; rice 4 Iba. checao . 10 lbs.;,salt' iish.i.!'..! 11 ]ika. corn; flakes or post. 10 pks. oat meal:.i:.: 10 pks, grits , - . . 7, lbs. Callfoi'nla peaches 9 lbs. (prunes ' 10 No 2^ cans corn , , .i.b No. 2 cans tomatoes * 7 No. 3 tomatoes 25 largo boxes matches.:.. 10 cans Campbolla soup..:; 7 cans salmon 12 Iba. baby lima boans.. 4 No. 2Vii cans Delmonto yellow, cling peaches 10 pks. sun maid seedloas or.'PuiTed raisens........ 5 No. 2 tall cans Delmonte'crushed pineapple. .. 4 No. 2 tall' cans Delmonte sliced pinoapplo. YOU WILL FIND AT ALL 'flMES PLEN'rY OF GOOD / THINGS 'I’O EAT AT 'FHE i и M H Л-5 >vui »111 iuia. «I. 1. luii uuvunu-; (jarClllliy ..imu illWiiy» limisi. u»i - — 'naia, 'l’he misaion study, book; | sesing me pcrsonall.v.E. .1. )f tho Prosbyterlan "Looking Ahoad in Latin Amor- mEINHARDI, HOME OFFICE, with tho chairnian, ‘ ica,” waa discU3.scd by Miss Hazel 1551 N. CRAWFOKD AVE., ntt ^runurliiif /iti*n1n 1« nlfmtiiiiìf friAu'xiiiary mot «im mu timiiiu.iii, luii, was î.l.oo Mra. C. G. Woodruff, on 'fucaday Bait,v. 'Phe circlc la planninir to iiftei'noon. ' Mrs. WoodruiT rpad make curtains for tho Groen Dor- tho Scripture lesson, and led the niltory at tho 'rhomaavilln Or- discussion of the book, "The Open .‘phanage. 'I’his splendid building*-s • t-»' . ._*! ti nil.:______L ♦ 11 ____ i* H.T.. Mr. C. N. Chriatlan: is spending a few days at the.Baptist ho-spital in Winaton-Salom: We hope ho w'ill apon be,greatly imprbyod.' 'i — -o------ Tho Methodist Ladies Aid So­ ciety will meet with Mesdames F. M. Johnson and .T. A. Stono on 'Saturday afternoon at 8 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. C. ,H. Tomlinson and sons, Gordon.and Henry Colo, spent Sunday in Winston-Salom with Mr. and Mrs. H. E.-Ander- :aon. Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Choate had .as their guests for the week end Dr. and Mrs. T. Roy Burgess, of Sparta, tho latter a sistor of Mra. Choate.' Mr. and Mra. P. J. Johnaon -and little daughtora, Gusaie and Marie ■spent Sunday in. Hickory with Mrs. Ben Soagle, sister of Mr. Johnaon. , ' ■-------0-— ' Mr. and Mrs. B. F. McMillan of Lumberton and Mr. and Mrs. Per­ ry H. Ashe of Greonaboro were recent gueata of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Brown. , ' , P. Bradley, J. B. Jhonstone, Wil­ liam Woodrulï, ,and C, G. Wood- ruíT.- ■ as attractive hmor guesta nor hunth-ed. I'eed $1.85. Iter, Mrs. Edward W. Crow, ''Our Spring Shoos.- and dry ra.'Wriaton Lee, of Monroo. Hli-yNION A 1.1 AMI A, I LA- gpoda a'r'o ' coming in.. Wo have the nnwoat styles and our prices Mrs. J. iPraiik Ciomont dolight- fuliy'entertained at a six o’clock|____ diiinor on Wodnoadnv' ovcning, ! Young, haying, aa attracUve h'-nor guests her sister and Mrs.' ........................ 'fho table was. covered with mats of lovely Italian embroidery, with a bowl of purple lilac, as a cen- terpioce, and a 'delicious course dinner was fiervod. Covers were laid for Mosdabioa Phillip Hanes, Crow, Leo, Clement, IMiases Ruth Booe, Willie Miller, Hanes Cle­ ment, ahd Mary Heitman.. •0 served' a tempting sweet courao. Those prcwont woro: Mesdames Phillip Young, E. C. Choato,'Les­ ter Martin, J. P. LeÜrand, C;. R. Horn, Miasoa Clayton, Brown, ; Hazol Baity, and ono viaitor, Mra; CHICAGO. P. S. FRAUD WARNING: He- wa.vfl of Imiiostcrs who Imitate my notices and claim to irepres'ciit me. I havti no representatives and sen«l out no literature. FLOUR gW e N AWAY On Friday, April ,8th, we will give il.way ,80V0i‘a| small bags of Flour, Cbmo and get ono rind try it. If you like it wo. wil'l soil:it Oh The Square > L/ S. Kurfees, Manager HER FAVORITE KIND— Mr. J. L. Clement, Mr. L. A; Sheek, Mr. Heneo Clement and Mr. and Mra. S. C. Gowans are attending tho Confederate Re­ union in Tampa Fla thia week. Dr. E.. C. Choate h«s moved his «Iftco into the no\y Sanford build­ ing and is now ready to relieve you of your bad teeth, or other ‘dential work. --------o _ ------- ' Mrs. H. L. Blackwood and child­ ren, of Mooresville, .‘»pent tho week end here witii Mrs. Black­ wood's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Holthouser. Mrs. M. D. Brown Jr., and daughter, Rachel and Miss Clay­ ton Brown, spent the week end in Greensboro, guosts,of Mr. and Mr.s. Perry H. Aaho. Regular meeting of the 0. E. F. '.rhuraday evening at’7:30 p. m. All members arc urged to be pre- sent.—Mra, Z. N.' Andoreon, W. M. .-Jind Mrs. Roy Holthouaer, Secy. —0------ The following membera of the ■achool faculty spent the week end at their homes: Misses Sophie Richards and Nina Holt White at Davidson and Mias Louise Littlo at Denver. ------o------ Mr. and Mrs, Russell Beaaent and little daughter, Jane Wood and Mr. and Mr,s. R. B. Miller of Saliabury spent the week end with Ml', and Mrs. Raymond Doan of Durham. The great Gene Stratton Porter . story, “The Keeper of the Bees,” will be shown Qt the .Princess Mrs. L. G. Gaither has returned from Winston-Salem, where she spent the winter with her daught­ er, Mrs.. C. A. Jenkins, and her .‘jon, Mr. Floyd Gaither. Jlr. and Mrs. Jenkins and/ Miss Louise Jenkins spent Sunilay in town. Mr. Floyd Gaither, who' has recently moved to Atlanta, spent the week end wi,th his motiier, —i—0— — Circle No. 2 of the Presbyterian Auxiliary waa entertained by Mrs. H. W. Harris on Tue.sday. The chairman, Mrs. Roy Holthouser, presided, and. the devotionals, were conducted by Miss Saille Hunter. The lesson in the mis­ sion study book was led by Mrs. A. A. Holleman. The collection amounted to ' $10.32. After tho program the hostess served temp­ ting refreshments, Those pre­ sent wore: Mesdames' Harris, Holleman, Roy Holthouser, G. G'. Daniel, T. L. Glenn, John Larew, ■J. K. Meroney, Misses Saille Hunter, Fronie French, Nina White, Sophie Richards, Willie Miller, and j;osephine Lemmi. Mrs. J. B. Johnstone was hos­ tess to Circle 2 of the Presbyte­ rian on Tuesday evening. Miss Hi'.nter conducting the opening exorcises. Miss Daisy Holthous­ er, the chairman, had charge of the lesson from the “ Land of the Saddle Bags.” After an inter­ esting meeting the hostess serv­ ed a delicious salad course. Those p r e s e n t were: Mrs. Johnstone, Misses Sallie Hunter, Daisy Holt­ houser, Nell Holthouser, Fannie Gregory Bradley, Jane Bradley, Mildred and Jane Woodruif, Sarah and Ilijlen Charles, Virginia Bver- ly, Pritsy Clement, Dorothea Nor- rington, and ono visitor, Mrs. W. E. Kennon. ------0------ The Methodist Junior Mission­ ary Society met in'the church an­ nex on Sunday afternoon. Hanes Clement, the president, conducted the devotionals, and Albert Chaf­ fin gavé the treasurer’s report. Happiness Hoiir "Good times are de-ereaaing,” cried the boy, as he,gave his pants to the tailor to be pres.sed. are,'right. We have a few Shoos at half prico. ' ' The above is Must 0, few of our BARCMINS; Wo handle, a full lino of groceries and will anve you monoy if you will lot' ua. Vialt ua often. J. FRANK HENDRIX Daniel-Cartner S. Mocksville :,\Vhat eould' bo any nicer to give her for Easter than a j FRESH HOX OF NORRIS DELICIOUS CANDY? We hnW ‘ ‘ it and it is good, too. Special—Coty, Face Powders and Perfumea. '' Visit us, we can plefi,4e you. ; ' ■ ' i Mocksville, N. C. .n'Wimi It’s the extra quantitj’- of pure lead in Kurfee Paint that makes the difference in cbverin^ (hiding) capacity per gallon and wearing qualities. es g Compare Paint Formulas, hero'a Kurfces Puro Carbonate Lead.. ,80^ Pure Zinc Oxido.......... .20^5 lOOJS Tinted 'With Puro Colqrn. Ground and Mixed with Puro LliisuGd Oil und Dryer—that’s All. 20% to 40% more lead per gallon,’ Gcientifically combined with pure oxide of zinc, not even asuspiciop , of adulterant in it. That’s why it works faster, covers (hides) and protects more su rface and lasts longer in the weather. Conie in and let us show you how little it takes to paint your house right. I Kutfeet ¡íahe* a Paint for Every Purpose—We Bave Thetn KURFEES & WARD Mocksville, N. C. Slvesworn, spHntory iloora a smooth, hard, glossy Eurface over­night. Put it on to­ day. W nlk on it to- ' morrow. Sliincs liko enamel. Eight beau­tiful colors. Anyone can apply Granitoid. Time To Plant Mr. Farmer: We woiild like to call your atten­ tion to our line of Colè Planters » Cole Distributors Peg Harrow Disc Harrow I , ' Ga. Single Stocks r Corn Shovels Heel Sweéps \ Garden Plows , , | Rakes , ' Hoes Lawn Mowers , Hedge Shears ^ Yours For Service C. C. SANFORD soils CO. Agents for ]V^cCormick Deering Binders, Mowers,_ Rakes, Riding Cultivators. All Kinds Repairs l-k' 'fl! "д а! f V ':t '''- л V ''■'' ' , '■- I '' "’ ' 1.' THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE Thursday, April ,7. 192T GunnmteecI Steiling WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE: Frank Betso'n, from Albany, N. Y ., reaches Benton, Wyoming, ihen—1868—western terminus of ihe Pacific Railroad. He had ■been ordered by physicians Ho •eek a climate “high and dry.” .He is robbled of most of his ffioncy in his hotel and loses his ,’iw t twenty dollars at monte in ^ h e Big Tent,” a dance hall and jrurabling resort in the “roaring" iown of Benton. Edna Montoyo, companion of a <iranibler, is believed by Frank to -Jiave cajoled him purposely into •ihe game.. Broke, di.sconsolate ■over his discovery that "the Lady * ^ .of the blue eyes,” as he calls her, Jb what she is, and finally humili- >ated over his glaring “green- aieSB,” Prank repulses Edna when :she begs him to go awrty with her, .Bobbingly telling him ^that she !had made a mistake in letting him .loBe his money, Ho goes to take a job. George Jenka, a teamster; in a wagon train ' about to leave for Calt Lake City. i ' Capt. Adams, a Mormon, is' in ■charge of the wagon train. ' ; Rachael Adams, an attractive young woman, one of his wives,' .is in the train, as'is Baniel Adams, his loutish.json. "When , Edna, who has shot, but not killed the gambler, Montoyo, comes a fugifiyo in “britches" to , join the train, Daniel tells his iathef that ■fehe is seeking Jenks and Beesoii. Capt. Adams ^hoiUs, r“Np ■ hussy in men’s : gamohts . .flhall go with the train." ^Daniel, by a. spectacular giin ■piny foils Montoyo's attpmpt-to tflke Edna back with him. w ' " - fe-;,'?' '"'„a clever'exhibitjóniof shooting, by fyoung Danieli луЬо. is aiige^i-çd "by .ÌBdna’e iptere'at In Beeeouî . v ' , . , UiidjCr Jenks’ nnd .Edna|s in- ;v,«truction 'Frank' practico;) shoot- : dng—is told’ to “aim' for his feet l.tó hit hia hoart.":;i:This‘ followy .Intolerable sneer of him, and that his flesh was ready to my fingers. And quicker than his hand I was upon him, into him, clinching him, clinging to him, arms bind­ ing him. Tegs twining around his, each ounce of me greedly to crush him down and master him. The shock drove him backward. We swayed and staggered, grap­ pling hither and thither. I had hia am s pinioned, to bend him. He si)at into my face; and shift­ ing, set his teeth into my should er so that they champed like the teeth of a horse, through shirt and hide to the flesh. We toppjed together, came to the ground with a thump. Here we churned, while he ilung me and still I stuck. The acrid dust of the alkali en­ veloped us.. Again ho spat, fetid —sprawled'upoh him, smothering his flailing arms ; gave him all my weight and strength; smelled the sweat, of him, snarled, into his snarling face,; close beneath mine; ■ Once.he partially freed himself and buffeted me in thé mouth with his fist, but I caught him—while struggling, tossed and upheaved, dimly saw that as by a miracle ws, were surrounded bj a .ring of people, men and women, their countenarioes pale, alarmed, in­ tent. Voices soiinded in a dull roar.' ■; ■ Presently I .had him , crucified : his • one, outstretched arm under my knees, his other arm tethered by^my t\yo hands, my body across- ! his chest, while hi.i legs threshed vainly. I looked down’into his bulging 'eyes. '■ “ ’Nuf. Cry' ’Nuf’!" I command- od. ■ •. , " ’Nuf I,Say i’Nuf’,” echoed the ci’owd. He strained again, coflvulaive; and relaxed. !vv“ ’Nuf!” ho panted through “You did! He’ll not bother you ag’n. She’s yourn." That hurt..' “But it wasn’t about her! He bullied me—tlared me. We were man to man, boys. He made me fight him.” ‘'Yes, shore,” they agreed—anc they were not believing. They still linked me with a woman, where­ as she had figured only as a transient occasion. Then she herself, My Lady, ap­ peared, running in breathless ancl appealing. „ “Is Mr. Beeson hurt? Badly? Where is he? Let me help.” She knelt beside me, her hand wide- The new servant glrJ,'soon Hitt­ er her arrival, pricked her linger with" a fork and seemed geatly distressed. < "Only, to think, ma’ma,” she said to ’her mistress, ^“in/Iamma- tion or blood poisoning nilght set in.” , “bon't"alarm yourself, .my girl,, tlie forks are real silver, take my word for it." ' “You are quite sure, madam?’;. “Positive." ‘ The next morning the girl had ■'disappeared. So, too; had the silver forks I Song at Any Price Hostess (endeavoring to fill gap in the entertainment.) .“Mr. ■ Johnson, I’m sure you’ll help us out with a song." Johnson: “Sorry, but I’m afraid I my vocal efforts are confined to | singing in my bath." “Oh, do sing; and I’ll warn I them that you’re rather out of practice!" ###**<*» ** DR. E. C. еНОАТЕ -DEN'rigT Sanford Building i Mocksville, N. C, X-Ray ' ’ • Diagnosis onice :íhone 110 Residence Phone 30' HUY AT WHOLESALE PRICES .SOxSMi 77 Cord..........................$G.BO 30.x3y2 'Cooper Cord................. 7.50 29x4.40 77 Cord Balloon........ 7.00 29x4.40 Cooper Balloon,......... 9.50 See us before buying ROBERTS HARDWARE CO. Winston-Salem, N. C. DAVIE CAFE Sanford Building, oji thn Squaro,. Mocksvillc, N. Ci , Tables for ladies and gentlemen . Meals and Lunch«s Ice Qream nnd Cold Drinks P. K MANOS, Prop; » » * * * * * \ DR. T. L. GLENN * Veterinarion » ' MOCKSVILLE, N. 0. * Phones: * 21 Harris-LieGrand;/ Pharmacy * * 30 Dr. E. C. Choate residence* •» * ■» * * » * # # ♦ PROVIDE FOR HER by an investment in a SecurityjLife and Trust Policy. Your widow will thank you for it, since it will mean to her a monthly income, which will come at regular stated periods without fail. She cannot be inveigled into making poor in­ vestments by crooked promoters who will be trying to take advantage of her lack of business experience after you are gone. For full particulars with rates see J. T. SISK, Mocks ville, N. C. grasped 'mine, she gaze:i eyerljand imploring. ‘'No, he’s all right,'' ma’am.” “ I’m all right, r assure you,”. I mumbled thickly, and helpless as a babe to the clinging of her cold lingers. , 'The group about mo dissolved.- H Jenks seated hjmself close beside m us.', . “ Your arm \yon’t.ti^ouble you," ]|j he said. ‘‘Jest a flesh wound. You m two can eat and rest a bit, and i if you set out 'fore moon-up you i *9 can' easy get ‘ cl’ar. We’ll furnish mounts, and grub and anything ^ else ¡you .need." > ' | “ Mounts!" I blurted.';“ ‘Set out’, | you say? You' mean that I^we j —.should run away? I'll not leave the train and neither shall she, until the proper time. Or do I understand that you.disown us?" (^ -“Hbld on," Jenks bade. “ ’Tain’t a question of disownin’ you. But you’ve killed one o’ the Mormons, the .wagi/ir boss’s, son; and when he comes in thp moi'niri’ demand­ in'.' ot'youVior trial by his Mbr-, mons, Avhat‘can we do ? 'VVe-11 take the chance on ;snpakin’ you both away,; and;^acin'. the old man.” “I think we’d best go,” I agreed, f'lt’s thc,only^ way.'':'V : We were 'iwiUnAnd: it’ was. ; bared teeth.‘.{.Lemme up. Misten’’ ¡'in ,menace to the outlit, and 'to INTO THE NIGHT CHAPTER X. , A meeting between My Lady rand me brought on, not lonfe after, ihe expected crisis. As we titlk- ■ od, suddenly I saw Daniel hearr jug, striding rapidly, straight for 'US, a figure portentous in the fad­ ing glow, bringing the storm with .. Jiim. ■ • ■■ .I'y She saw, too. Her eyes widen- .ed, startled,: surveying"not'him, h u t me. "Ploflse go. I’ll keep him." "It is too late now," I'lasserted, 'in a voicfe not mine;' "I am here first and I'll go when’I getiready." “You mean to face him?; I knew ■it. You,will play the man! Watch him close! He’ll give you little grace this time. .But remember this: I'll never, never, never mar- -•ry him. Rather than be bound to him I'll dear with him myself!" ' "It won’t bp necessary, madami" ;.8aid I—a catch in my throat: for .^whil'e I was all icijiess and clam- 'miness, my hamlb'.'cold and my tongue dry, I feltvthat I was go­ ing to kill hjm.' Daniel charged in for us. I did n§t touch revolver butt; he did , ji.ot,: , He barked flrst at her. . : “Go whflr yu belong, yu Jc/.e- bell Then I’ll tend.to this—” The , rabid epithet leveled at me I shall ■.not repeat. "Be careful what you say, Dan- -iel. No man on this earth can •speak to me like that.” All his face flushed livid Nvith ■a sneer, merging together yellow •ireckles and tanned skin.- "Can’t, can’t he? I kin an’ I. do. . Now yu git. .i’ve stood yore iast-an’-Ipose plenty. I mean busi- ,iies8. Git! Whar yu’ll be safe. ’I’ll not hold off much longer.” "No more of that, you brute,” I roared, “If you have anything to say, say it to me.” He whirled, “Yu! Why, yu lettle piece o’ nothin’—you .shut up!” By sudden j-each he gripped her arm; to her sharp, short scream he thrust her tiljout “Git! I’m boss hyar." And at me: “What yu goin’ to do?" She’s promised to me. Git, yerself, or I’ll stomp on yu like on a louse!" I forgot instructions, I disre­ garded every movement prelimin­ ary to the onset! Bullets were ■too slow an/1 easy! I did not see his revolver; I, eaw but the hulk of him and the^l EHdn’t I?" ■'That settles'vit?”........................ “1 said ‘ ’NufV’ he growled. . '•. With ■ a . •tiuic.if •. m^^ I sprang, clear’ of • Him,- to; my feet; He : lay for a moment, • balef ul,' and slo\vly:: sci'ambled up.^ ;0n a; sudden, 'as he faced me, liis hand shot downward—I heard tho suïgo'and shout of men and women, to the stunning report of his revolver ducked aside, felt my own gun explode in my hand .(and how it came there I did not iino.w —beheld, him spin around and collapse; an à.^tonishirig sight. So there I stood, amidst, silence, gapiiig foolishly,'breathing hard, my reyblyer smoking in my fingers and my enemy in a shockingly prone posture at my feet, gradual­ ly reddening the white of the torn soil. ,, . ,/■ ■ ■ He ■\vasv.upqnvhis face, his re-; yolver hand outflung. ; He was harmless. The moment had ai> ;rived and passed. I wa.^ stand­ ing', hèi'e alive. I had killed hirn! Figures ruiihed; in ;between. .Hands grasi:ed me, impelled me a'ivny, through a ;haze ;, '\;oices spoke in my ear while I feebly resisted, a warm salty taste in my throat. - • '■‘I killed him, T didn’t'w’ant to kill him, He made me do it. Hé shot first.” , ' “Yes, yes," they said, shooting gruffly. “Shore he did; shore you didn’t. It’s nil right. Clome along, come along.” Then-^ “Piclj Beeson up. He’s bad hurt, hini.self,, âee that blood? No ’.tain’t his arm, is it? He’s bleedin’ ‘internal. Whar's the hole? Wait -^he’s busted something.” They would havé carried me, . “No,” I cried, while their beard­ ed faces swam. “He said "Nuf’— he shot me afterward. Not bad, is it? I can walk.” A.S they hustled me onward the world had grown curiously dark­ ened, and I dumbly wondered whether I was dying myself Aci'oss a great distance we stum­ bled by the wagons and halted at a fire. “You’re all right." Jenks appar­ ently had looked me over and was ministering to me. ‘‘Swaller this.” The odor of whiskey fumed into my nostrils. I obediently swal­ lowed. Hands were rummaging at my lef^arm; a bandage being wound about. "Did I kill him?” Tbesought. "Not thatl I didn’t aim—I don’t know how I shot—but I had to. eiidlv :'qthér, but inseparable. We were ypkedi . . The 'fiict appalled. It gripped me coldly.; I ijeem.ed io have bár- giiined for her wHh fist hnd-bullet, aiid won her; now I should appear to carry her off .as my booty; a wife aiul a gamliler’s wife, Yét such must bo! ^ "Moon’ll be up in a couple o’ hours," Jenks said. "Pd advise you :to take an hour's start of it, so as to get away easier. If you travel straight south'ard you'll strike the.stage road in the morn- in.'; When you rea’ch a station you'll' have ch’icei either way." :■ "I have money,": she said ; and sat erect. ,; ; ' ■. For the first half mile Ave rode] without a \yord. . What her thoughts were .1 .might not;know, 'but they sat heavy up­ on ¡her, closing her throat with the torture of vain, self-reproach. That much I sen.sed.' But I could not reassure . heK My own thoughts were so grievou.s as to crush nie with aching woe. This,., t^ien, was, I: somebody | who had; just killed a man, had broken froni the, open trail and was riding, he; knew not where, | through darkness:; worse than night, himself an outlaw w’ith an outlawed ■'voman—at the best a chance woman, an adventuring woman—noNV the spoil of killing! , ' y (Continued next week) Copyright by Edwin L. Sabin. BAXTER BYEULY, M. i COOLEEMEE, N. C. Office Over Drug Store. Ofr- * fice Phone No. 31; Resi- * denee No, 25. ♦ S. A. HARDING, M. D. Sanford Building Mocksville, N. C. * Office phone 162. ^ Residence phone-------on 153 Office hours: 8 to 9:30 a. m. * ” ” 1 to 2:30 p. m. * ■» fW;-/ÍV.i.Jrni't — V-.“ » » ■»• -* » » » •» DR. R P. ANDERSON Dentist *. Office in Anderson Building Phones: Office Б0; Res, 37 s Mocksville, N. C. if J » . # * ■» . * ■*. » •* ...........................' . THE MORRISETT CO. “LIVE WIRE STORE”WINS'I'ON-SALEM, N. C. FOOD FOK THOUGHT All eyes are on the little busy store. Best balanced stock in North Carolina. Prices that please everybody. Quality that always satis­ fies—Service such as you seldom find. Competitors wonder how it is done-"Consumers say ‘‘Amen.” A word to the wise, the richest gold mine in the world would be worthless to a man not willing to dig in it. | UCOME AND DIG, GET SATISFIED SPECIAjL OFFER-------- One case full-fashioi^ed Silk Stockings, all colf^fs, all sizes, and “ not seconds” ........................................................................................9 8 c OAKBROOK STOCKINGS All colors. Special . . $1.49 RUBY RING STOCKINGS All colors, all sizes . . $1.49 POINTEX ONYX ‘7 0 7 ” All colors. Special . . $1.85 LEHIGH SILK STOCKINGS All c o lo rs a n d sizes . ' . $1.49 Nice assoi'tment plain Tub Silks, O O yard ............. .......'............................. t? O C Nice assortment Printed Tub d» *| Orfc Silks, yard ........................................ ip J. , Nice assortment Ray Slips'(non • cling), yard ........................................ O i/ C Nice assortment Celonise, (non cling) yard ......................................... t p l « 4 y No! 145 Flat Ci'epe, 24 shades. A 4 A wonderful value. Yard............. w J. «c / O Nice assortment Barpnette Sat- OP* j"-'’. ............................................. p o c No. 8018. Flat Crepes. 15 shades, d» ■! C lO yard ................................... .................. Jp 1 No. 2020 Crepe de C'hii^, 15 prct- fliO ty shades, yard ............................... ^ O C A. B, Q. Prints, fast color. Nice patterns, yard ................................. / O C A. B. C. liiuty Prints, fast colors, A i \ pretty pattern.s, yard ...................... 5,000 yds. Druid LL. Domestic. O « Yard only ................. ...................... 1000 yd.s. Druid 9-4 Brown Sheet- O O ting, yard/.................... ...................... Special Lohg'ploth. Morrisett’s 'i price ...................................................... l i b / 2 ^ Special Long Cloth, very soft. « Yard ...............................................: 1 5 c , Special linen finish Batiste. Our ' Pi'ice ............... ..... .............. / 3 C Special “Blue-'Bird” ’ Batiste. Priced yard ........................... ....... Old Reliable "44” Batiste! Our - O price .............. ..... ......................... “Blue Bird’’ Batiste. Morrisett’s f special price .......... ....................... . ' i j o C Cotton Diapii's, 10-yard (h-il | fv I’ioccs.....................................................Cotton Diapers 27.\27. \Morri- dj 1 sett’s price, doz. ..................V.........■•• ^ 1 „ ¿ S y standard Wiiulov/ Shades. Big value at .............................................. Standard Oil Cloth. Morrisett’s O C! price, yard .............. ..... Why Pay Excess Prices For Millinery? 2000 Beautiful Hats ' Consistiiui df 120 Styles SWISS' MI LANS SWISS HAIR CROCHET VISCAS Large picture hats, special sport hats, youthful matrons hats, smartly trimmed in all the pastel and summer shades. $1.49, $i.98, $2.48, $3.48, $4.98, $5.48, $6.98 Why I’ay Royalty On Ready-To-Wear? IQOO Beautiful Ga|rments Georgette lace trimmed, flat crepes, em­ broidered efl’eets, evening dresses of geor­ gette, taffeta and^'flowered effects. ■ WONDERFUL COLORS ■ MARVELOUS PRICKS The “gold mine” is no good unless you dig. Come and look, see our valuea and prices and THE HISTORY WILL BE WRITTEN. $4.98, $6.98, $8.98, $9.98, $12.98, $14,98, $18.75, $22:48 Ш M N' в tQ Кв Ья и F i 5 ■ Щ щиt.:;I■ I■Ы |- Thanks For Past Favors, THE MORRISETT CO. Г.К...Ц SeU i>eP® ) ? 1 ^prll-7; 1927' THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE s a v e s , K nock o f f. onc-thircl yo u r pninL co st b y u sin g - S ta g so m l-p astc P a in t. ' If i t co st ^75 bctoro to p ain t' y s u r house, y o u w ill save'^!t’25 b y u ain g " S ta g ’’ no’w. J u a t'a d d a g allo n of fm - je e d o il to a g a llo n ' of ‘S ta g ." H av e tw o g a l­ lo n s o f b e tte r '■ p n in t, ’ fresh-m ixed t h 'a t . _ 'Spreads b e tte r a n d goes fu rth e r. Y o u r sa v in g is in th e lo w p rice of th e lin seed o il a d d e d fo r th in n in g . “ S ta g ” w o n’t c ra c k n o r p e el. B rig h t, p e rm an en t co ldrs. T h ere’s a “ S ta g ” d e a le r n e a r y o u . S ee Kim—or w rite U 3 fo r lite ra tu re a n d ' n am e of d eale r. A sk fo r co lo r c a rd s o r b o o id et sh o w in g ho uses in co lo rs. . • • FRi iHE TORLD’S lACSWINOflW (By;Gliiirles McSwain) , Well Hir, We have another GOLD RUSH and in the ; VVest,; ■ ‘too,. Weepnh, Nevada, is; the , scene' of tltis n^tv' gold. strike;'and acctard- iijg to tJio, prossf people galore; arc .jiurrying: thither:- from’ ;'ail parts of the Wjorld. Tar Heels are .there; old tiThe "sour-dough" fI'orh Alaska and countless other people. ' ■ шпяшан! ■ ■ ■ в “Hello, Mr.' Smithj;Hòw' aro iyou?” "All right, tllank’s. . Well my wife has sent me after some, more of that good kind of flour. When I ,get out of wheat Г buy your flour as it;,is the best 1 can find.’.' .s•■..■', ■■ ■".■Ч •' ■» f ' .-'*'■' ■'•*. and five Gommi3.>4i,ohej-s of thé ' Tovvn of Mocksville, and a town Î ■ Con'stable,' Saturday, April 30th, g 1927 at 2;30 'o’clock p. m.,, and | for the tyìiìisiictión of such other | ' tusiiioss as may .properly eome be- g fore 'the oonVeiitión ; ' and a con- i vontl(nj;òf::tìi.eJDem'pfaratic quali- H fied ,vòtor.f'tìÌ; Mocks'villé Grad'ed- h •■■ and High SchëoJ:: Diàti’ict (in- ' 1' ’ chiding,. the v'V'otjii's;'wàó : ,■ reside g within,'the'.'pio'i^brato’^^^^^ ,those v,’hp’'i‘(iâidé;'within';thé'said ■ School district'';, but ó.ùtside the: --------‘ , ' corporate','iimits’'of '.the ;towii of'Moe,kavil!e)5wil),,.be,-held.ln ‘ ■ . . : •- .-| Co.ui't,lipusd. i.n thO' 'Town; of Mocks,ville, for thè nomination, of HOIINE-JOHNSTONE J O | )le . ’ ■ .. I —■;----,■ c ----—3'his new'gold ruah.may'cvcini two trusjiees of; thó-Mocksville r}val.:ythe ,One of'. ’49 when- .the . School district Saturday,: April bleaching piiairies were scattered 2 q'clpckip; m., and < with the- ijoneà of ' emigrants i„ i lor the,tvansaction of :8Uch other tiuest of .the- virgin gold. Let us ¡ business as;<may ..liroperl;.- ; còme P.,.. t 1 bel'orc the said convention, i ça/hn maks 'Made by IIIRSHBERG PAINT CO., Baltimore, Md. S o l . l b y MOCKSVILLE HARDWARE CO. Ч Mocksville, N. C. ||!11ш1111и»11и1иижи1111вя1и^йиа1!и111я!1да r-i 3 WHEN YOU BUY FERTILIZER . WHY NOT BUY THE BEST? We have plenty of Zell’s Tobacco fertili­ zer, also now on hand. MARTIN BROS. ■P Royster’s general crop ferllMzers | ' ' ■ ' ' ^ I. 1____J i ■MOCKSVILLE, N. C. №Ш1|1ШЛЯ19Я .Make Larger^ Poultry Profits with Buckeyer#r^;:i Go to youf county agent or to any sue-1 cessful poultry raiser—or write to your agricultural college. Ask what kind of « incubators and brooders assure the big­ gest poultry profits. The answer is al­ most certain to be “Buckeyes.” I Come in and let us give you the new Buckeye Catalog. It tells how to feed, cull, get more winter eggs and market .for high prices—a most complete and ’ valuable book on poultry raising. We Carry Pratts Line of Baby Chic Feed, Growing Mash, Lay- , • , ing Mash, Scratch Feed. Chic Feedeirs and Fountains, SANFORD SONS CO ■■■'» * -« „ ,. * G .G . WALKER MOTOR CO. •* ^ Mocksville, N. C. * Dealers in Hudson — Essex — Chrysler . , Ai\tomob(lé3 ,. -•» *• jf » Still the Same Old Gentleman; “When I was a la.d I used to think nothing of a fast twenty-mile walk.” Tommy: “Well, I don't think much .of , it, either." quest 01 (iiiu viiHw. hope that it; win.. For o^Ç'I Lut us have another gold rush just as wild and wooly as the one of ’49. They have toUl us that there is no more Wild West; the Indian and buffalo are gone; vanished are the two-hand SU'*" men. and'the d.esperados and^all that went to niako the West. But the bipaehing prairies are sti^ll there and w,e yet have the gold hunters. ' ,,We have become too eivilr/.ect, too crowded; too conventionaliz­ ed on our mode of, living; we are loosing our spirit of iWvontm'o and. romance, the very qualities which made this country in the earlv days. Let us have another g;u f;U ln th eW est| l^ m m ^ be made rich «ver night, paup- oi's, happy, ghid, and et the о d spirit of 4’9 rise and wax and soar till we have again the c^ys of yore. Let the old wild fiee customs prevail as in days; let the gambling halls be- ÏÏne\ mad den of tl^ « ra'/.zle-dhzzle; and let the oiu о wooden bars whei'e men may buj and dring flourish. Let us have Twant to see a gold will attract brave young men, strong and v i lo, to try their luck in virgin fleld.s ol gold. A gold rush where the spirit of freedom and .''oekloss abandon will envelop « 4 « " ^ all who may dare ventuie theie In Where men will be men and he W oi^he six shooter willbe t S nly law. I don’t care what y o u hlnk,'that’s what I want о see .and I want, overybocl.v.;,to This country has bee n ioned and shaped and tamed until .Х1.МПС. clay in and day one; у“»«“'/" death all the time and no''«' " minute to think and dream of tje ■romantic. We are rushing th ­ ough life working ourselves to spirit of the pioneer and ш ve turer h'as been crushed Hom us We are becoming a race ot К , ; “ h.i i.w'i'*"'««’' Um. I..' '» Й “у “ n l ' t l .0 га.Ч .famp«\s the shining :«»etal.Let us have a gpUl wisn. the spirit of the pioneering days fom L e and i-se g 'o ig n ■ Let the bizarre gatheiing oi m s i s . h°^thi'oldin d a li ind'" the exotic, , let some Hom- ш ш тcreat gold rush of ^7. -----CÔNViNTÏONSl 3i'o rc m e : oiiiu wv/i* 1 By oi;der of the Democratic Exe­ cutive, committeo of the town of Mocksville, and Mocksville School diatrietj, ' ., ' This March 28th, 1927. , JAS. H. CAIN, ■ Chairman Democratic Executive Committee; > . ■;j ; l , CARTER. Secretary. « . , » .♦ •» •» •» * A. F. CAMPBELL UNDER’fAKER A complete line of factory and hand-made Caskets. VMotor Hoarse and an Ex- * * pert Embalmer at your * * Service ■* MOCKSVILLE,.'N. C. * * Also J. J. Stnrrett’s * ■» Mocksville, Rt. 1. • Day Phone .............................1G4 * * Night Phone — — on 45 * * * * o o ♦> « “ |P«;ÌBiiin'aiiiHÌaniH “Everything washed snowily dealt — -^everything Ironed lo p£|rfection / —every piece given individual ■ <: ciire—your bundle complete, ready to use or wear.” We call for your clothes—^wash them immaculately clean in floods of purei rainsoft water and Huffy billows of mild, white suds— i Rinse- and djry-iron every thing with exquisite care— And return your bundle sweetly clean, wonderfully nniit, with everything ready to wear or put away. And this wonderful service, nlw^Kys dependnble, ulwaya right, ., ‘ is moderate in cost. , WET-WASH-THRIF-P-PRIM-PRIiSf. ’ C®cleeK8 • Ic« &■ laandry Co.:. Cooleeinee, N. C. i“«™ ■ I ll l Landau Cabriolet Sedan - - Coupe - - Coach - - Touring Car . Roadster Truck Truck with Cab $845.00 $805.00 $794.00 $722.00 $692.00 $596.00 $595.00 $598.00 $713 00 1 1924 BUICK SIX TOURING 1 1923 BUICK SIX TOURING, EXCELLENT CONDITION 1 TON FORD TRUCK ‘ i 1924 FORD COUPE 1 1924 FORD TOURING CAR 1 1925 FORD TOURING 1 li)2C CHEVROLET TOURING 1 1924 CHEVROLET TOURING 1 1926 TON FORD'I’RUCK SEE THESE CARS BEFORE YOU BUY ELSEWHERE MOCKSVILLE, N. e. l H ! l l i a i l H n i № p P * n è C a r s Just Come in today and look over the most Economical Automobile On The Market Today. Cheap in price, up-keep, etc., but of the highest type in color, design and workman.<ihip. V, l i i i a i a v i u fyi £ 4 4 -M t/'- !i ’. ;'f ■ ' ’' ^ 'ij ' i if"'X¡.f , Ptipre 8 MOCk’S CHURCH neWs THE MOCKSVILLE E^JTEItPRISE The prayer meeting,;serv¡ce wna 'conducteci by Miyjqhii Mihof Inst PUBLICITY t*¿U& .. I I .-»..чч^из» uy ini>ijgiin ivinior Jnst ------—' .. ''y; j..;> Rev. \V. B, Thom'p&on pre¡at;hctV Su^ulaÿ^‘nJкht,'•' with; n' splèndi Winston-Snlem Jounial^ ós' ; « heliiful sermon hiit'tì Sunday i tulic,.,on ‘‘thd onlpty life.” ' ТЬо S7R nnn-r,,,hit/.îfv'v.vrwM-offm.rinn.. T i.o v i:,~ — I c- ■ - - • Mt -Л '• h> f . y I ', ili helijful sermon h- - --------- ■afternoon. ïhei'é/’'vàs a, good ar- iendance. ' St'iff SLrr R -W ‘pnaVn,. iRfW- "The $75,000- publicity program inpilil til m '— ■ r-/fw t'iwlmcnt Carolinui},. financed jlnlflnti}, lat Division,;I-1. Slocum, I Powdr Coniiiariy to , jiiie uu.-iini;sa:;^;meQE!ng ol tnc returned from Kochestdr,- Minr i^eaguoI wilJ.:'i|)e'^)i6iH^ Vhere he wejit for treatment', eyehing. atitlle'home of Mias Ev The April riieeting of the Wo- . Also lessoff on ,the; hand man's Missioilary Society'will be hopk <vill be taught by our pastor I held at the church on next Sun- , W. B.'Thompson. ') birs. J. W. Beauchamp and lit-day: evening at 6 o'clock. Messrs/J. W. Etchison and J................,--.-7-------x' \ u. VV,. rjLcnison and J. ^tle daughter Geraldine and, ;Mr.' B. Cain made a business trip to . jRny Beauchamp spent oiie day laBt Winatoh-Salem, last Saturday. '■ "Week with Mrs. W. R. Sheek';ttt --------------------------- : Cooleemee.’ Miases; Grace Jones and Eva PhelpS; spent last Thursday in ■Winston-Salem shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Beauchamp and children, of Lewisville, spent the week end with HELPING OUR COMMON VEGETABLES FIGHT FOR THEIR LIVES The common garden vegetables, ..lie opciiM which we depend so largely I..e weuK ena witn homefolks.' health, have a hard strug^h They were accompanied home by, i'»' existence. They are beset on - t h e i r f a t h e r , M r . J . C . Beauchamp. I‘"'^ery side by voracious insects Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jones of «nd deadly diseases. Unless the Mocksville, spent Sunday with , has a pretty accurate their mother, who continues sick.' «"‘1 Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Smith nnd J? P''°P.®r children, of Forsyth coirhty visit-: i'"''® ?‘‘" i/ “"?'."“ cd their mother, Mrs. J. H. Hilton J« ^^t .t^m.^his io s s e s jr o apt C l.. — - 1--- nesa. Ih 'character -and cioiitelit it is so excellent a presentation of I salient economic facts that it de- I serves a plus mark not only for ' what it contains, but for its ex­ cellent style as well. The major facts aro presented under the three heads, labor, pow­ er and markets, with the obvious efforts to attract the other neces­ sary ingredient of prosperity, capital. Several of the state­ ments made under the various heads are startling even to those who are presumed to know North 7 v ' f r CAN CONTROii cL'I WORMS, ' BY .POISONED BÀ Raleigh*', March 80, —- Hpni, gni'ileners are studying the scccj catalqgues> clearing'up tiu; garden J(, ' spot and with commendable ener-|,j^^ gy arc planning now to supply the family with u constnnt supply of frq.s'h succulent vegetables as CI. ft result of their labors. ' “Mennwhile,” says C. H. Bran­ non, extension entomologist nt, State College, "thé cvck present' Pa cut worm is waiting,' somewhat coi' hungrily, for the flrst of the suc­ culent shoots to appear from the ground. Then he too will get busy. He wants only the finest of the plants—those that are j!. plantSi’hre'jiot,' toJ-)3.d-'reS£)t, i«U application of'thii'nSasli 'M iit,intervals shwild ^ap-I 7,is best to scatter the poison- {liish in, tho evening niul the , um,- miui i cuuisus ai on tcntr nuist remember to keep and 'the annual , cliib------------ ww .pouUry awnj^ from the poiaon- [jlaces.,, ' ' ; [UB MElvjBER^SELE,CTED ■ TO REPRESENT STATE tialeiirh, March i!l.—Miss Lela ul of Pike Road,' Bea'iffort Jnty, Miss Augusta Raymond Como, Hertford county, BltOn itley of Albemarle, Stanly coi^nty, nnd Aaron Peele of Pii foil Noi sen nal Kivllle, Wayne county, are the I'r leading club members of ■th Carolina who will repre- ft the state at the first Natio- ^ Club, Encampment to be held at"-Washington, June 15 to 22. , Each of these four-young peo- l l v • Sunday,. Mr. and Mrs. Jones, of Winston- ■Salem, spent Sunday in this com- ^-munity. AIOCKSVILLE CHARGE ■ T. Sisk, pastor Sunda.v WAS a good day for us at Elbaville nnd Dulins. It wns a pleasure to preach lo the mem- ■bers of the P. 0. S. of A. Camp ,2S of Advance at Elbaville Sun­ day morning. About 50 of the ■brethren sat in a body and .the Iboysj'se'emed to enjoy the service. We were A'ery glad indeed to have ■these .'brethren met with us and •invite theni to come again. They -•presented the preacher a nice do- iiation which was appreciated very much. • The Qua.rterly Conference was ,lield at Union,.'Chapel last Sat­ urday afternoon , and Bro. C. L. Heaver of Uuion Cha pel and J. W. Carter w,^Brc named as the nomi- jieoa foV doligiite to the next an- l i ’--' ^ fe v ' to be heavy. It is well worth his while to keep on hand a .supply of the products prepared by chemi­ cal experts ready to use at a moment’s notice. Some of. these insects are not fussy about their diet. They will devour almost nny of the vegetab­ les. Of this type are cutworms, plant-lice, flea-beetles. But’the leafhopper dines chiefly .upon po­ tatoes, tomatoes, strawberries and beans. A nicotiW sulphate'' or dust will control this pest and also plant-lice. Favorite foods of the flea-beetle are, raddishes, cabbages, turnips, tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplants. 'This pest usually feeis on the under side of the loaves and caii be.st be -desh'oyed with nicotine dust or Bordeaux mixture. About the only way to check the deiira- dations of those bandits, the cut­ worm and the grasshopper, is with a poisoned bran mash. Asparagus has a beetle of its own. "Spraying f'l'ora both aides with leiul'araonate will put. n strong and growing well' because in those will he get the food sup­ ply thnt 'he needs for his vora­ cious appetite. __ ,_______ ____________I “These cutworms often do tre-j , iincti of these four -young peo- Carolina fairly well. , The asser-! mendous damage by feeding on ])lle wns recommended by.his home tion is made that less than one- the young plants. The worms cut ^ nd/arm agents, Eiich has been fourth of the available labor ia ¡ off the plants at or near the sur- ii'leading club member for seve- now engaged in industry, by! face of the'ground. Few farms ./rnl years. Each has hold impor- whlch is niennt presumably manu- ! or gardens have escaped serioua tant positions of trust and re- facture, to which is added; “For ¡ damage by those pest.s. But they sponsibility in the local club or- every man now employed in in-j bn ccntrolied. By using the ganization. Each has conducted dustry in Piedmont Oarolina.s, following formula, the worms may several club projects successful- three are waiting a chance for , be wiped out in a short time: ly and finished the work as out- such employment,” While no i Wheat shorts or wheat bran, five , lined by the extension authoriti-. 10~..l- -------.figures are presented and no au thority cilod, it is nnturaily pre­ sumed that the thrt'ij spoken of ¡ water, one gallon.” here are now engaged in hetero­ geneous occupations pounds; Paris green, 1, 1-2 ounc-, es. os, cheap molasses. 1-2 pint, and Miss Paul is a member of the ater, one gallon.” I Pungo cluli. She has held lilT of Mr, Brannon states that the the elective olUcos in tho cliib, . .............. I shorts or bran should be mixed has attended' two short courses . Under the head of markets, .the j \Vith the purls green while dry .for club members at State Col- following entenco, occurs: “Some , and then thia is..wetted with a lege and has been active at the idea of the potentialities of the | mixture"fff the water aiul molas-' anniuil club encampment. She region may be gained from the j sos until damp enough that it wil! will be 18 years of nge in Juno fact that annually the Cnrolinas I fall in small lumps about the size ’ ' .... of oat'grains when sown about the plants. 'i’liis ••'oisoned mash is scatter­ ed on the ground nround ench plant about tho same time that -nunl conforenco wh5uh nioo^ at ic.nr inaumuo win put n ,;A8hebor6 \yodiiesday before the quietus upon this red,.hlack and flrst' Sundny in 'November, ."[^hese ' yellow feeder; also upon the Colo- men will be voted on some time rado potato beetle, t ^ tortoise )|^;nnd the third . Qunr- ,.w^iich attacks the sweet potato^rcnon: V 1, ■import §332,000,000 worth of food and feed prpducts,” Here, surely .for those who rend, between tho lines is a tremendous nppe, for energetic and cfflcierit farmers from other States who ..can help cut down this tremendous annual expenditure for food at present imported from other states. The paragraph of the most gen­ eral inviting interest is tho fol- lowinyf I “Nowhere else is there such la , fij combination of immediate oppor- and has been in club -ivork for about four years. ' Misa Raymond ils a member of the Lucille Hill Club and has been president of the organiza- 'tion for three years. She ia just encamn-..rnents.'. , ' ; , Elton' \Vhitley is ,n member of the"13ndy Ciluto. ' He has made money in pig club ivork, ostab- lished the first' pastures on' hisi' father’s farm and. ha« been sue-,-! c.ossful with corn,' pasture' and legume projects. He hiis al8o,at-:l tended, the club short course nt,,' State College nnd ia a natural: leader among his fellows. Aaron Peele is a member of ' the Nahunta Club. He has at- 'tendcd two state short courses, and two county short courses an^l • has been active in corn, cotton,, pig and bee clubs.. He has clear­ ed about $500 in his club activiti­ es. Absolutely! ,■ Chief—You say the tracks of the criminal were well covered? Detective—Yes'; with about,si.v inches of snow. Renew Your Health by Purification Any physician will loll you that “PorCuct Purification qf the System Is Nuturu’s Foundation of Pcl'fuct Health.” Why not rid yourself 'ol chronic ailments that arò uhdortnin- Ing your vitality? Purify your en- l;iro system by taking a thorougli ■ coufsB of Cnlotnlis,—once or twice a' week for several weeks—and see how_______* » u v n o ----------------------------------------------iW JU Ö L'U i i tNature rewards you Avith health. , Calotabs are tliò greatest of all 3}'.4tem purifiera, riet a family paeU- ..., ....... ...a. lu* uiree years, tsne is just ico n tain in g full directions. they are set in the open ground, past 17 years of age and is now 1 «t«- At nny drug store. (Adv.) « H iilllK 'in n i. 1 И! M ■111и 111:н111!ш111и 1|||и1ишш111:м)ш1))1ши||ити)шиш!ш1ш,'ш1!и !я111ш t.unity, possibility for the future pleasant living -, 'rhe climate of Plod- fcr'ence. 'We .iirpi at Elbaville tljia Veek ‘‘•tcnchininour singing. Will bb nt Dulih’s next, week. The County Choir will meet at liiberty.no.xt Saturday night. i!very, singer in the county ,is ih- •vited to eomfivAnd sing with us, and all who Svnnt. to' henr the flinging are invited to come along, loo. 'rheso singers arc doing a . Jot of. good and we are anxious] ■for every church in the county to be represented. Don’t forget, ^ a t Liberty next Saturday night. the' horhwovm , and, fruitworm which are th'e.jtomnto’3 chief foea, and'the worst enemies, of the ple­ beian but.neqessni-y cnbbage. The cabbngo worm and cabbage loop- er. There is also the harlequin cabbage bug, against whicji a nicotine, sulphate spray is the best weapon. , Gooi) cottoiTseedPAY HIGH PROFIT CANA NEWS Mr. Arthur Stonestreet and -family, and Miss Pe<irl Stone- fitreet, of Winston-Salem, visited vtheir father here laat Sunday afternoon. Mr. J. F. Eaton, who was seri­ ously hurt by a falling tree two __________...... ui« iveoks ago, is getting along nicely.' Boiled cotton produced an aver- , An interesting game of ball age of 1,428 pounds of sded cot- ■\vas played here laat Saturday, ton per acre and 510 pounds of •»vith the second team bf -Mocks- lint cotton. The highe.it yielding ■Raleigh, Mnrch 30.—An invest­ ment in improved cotton seed of standard varieties will pay a net profit of over 300 percent, Ex­ periments made by the North Cai'olina Experiment Station show that ?2 per acre invested in such seed will return a prifit of from $5 to $8 per acre. ' ‘‘In 43 tests which w econduet- ed throughout North Carolina be­ tween i020 and 192G, Mexican Big and unusuallv '.conditions. ....................... 1 mont Carolinas is cool and brae-; ing in summer, comparnblc to Southern New York State. In winter it averages 20 to 25 do- ^ grees warmer. Homes and prop- erty ¡jro inexpensive. , Cities aro not overgrown. Splendid sehool.s. Treellned streets are paved and electrically lighted, but there is plenty of space at tho curb' to park your car. The country club is only a. few minutes’ drive out from town.” V, A fin'o word picture that, of a host of towns and cities in the Piedmont Carolinas in any ono of which oiie may live and be rea­ sonably happy. Perhaps the writ­ er is a bit too optimistic when he says "there is plenty of space at the curb to park your car.” But we will allow the statement to pa.ss under the head of “press , agent’s license.”, Tha major facta j are easily verified. ' Not the least of the advantages cited is the cli­ mate, which, after all, is an asset which has been rather .sadly neg­ lected in advertising ,the Pied­ mont in tho past, . GOODYEAR LEADS TIRES AND TUBES RI n Cl *ville high school, with the victory tfojj the home team. Miss Erii Collette'is spending the M’cek with her sister, at Win- stoh-Salom. ■ . Ml'S. Emma . Pope visited re- latives nt Jiocksville this week. ‘¿ ¡m m m m im im m m im m im m m unimproved varieties in the same tests averaged only 1,348 pounds of seed cotton and 488 pounds of lint,” says P. H. Kime, plant breeder at State College. “The the unimproved varieties averag­ ed only from 3-4 to'7-8 inch. Figuring tho short staple at 12 cents per pound and the Me.xlcan nt 13 cents per pound with seeed at $22 per ton, the Mexican cot- Goodyear The World’s BEST TIRE iiiiaiinaiiea GET MORE SERVICE Have your ^tires repaired and get the full serv|ce they w ere intended to give Just because a tire is snaflfsf^d is no reason why it should be junked. Let us make a permanent repair which we guarantee for the life of the tire. Vulcanizing- is econ­ omical and cheapor than blowout patches in the end. We also handle a tire for every need ranging in sizes from 3 to 6 inches in­ clusive. Goodrich Tires - - - Goodrich tubes “Best In The Long Run” nn SERVICE SMTIOII staple of the Mexican cotton was ! ''"’“‘i one and one-.sixteenth inch while 1”^ WMO while the unimproved---------------- varieties had an average value ol jiinjonly .^(58.02. This is a difl’erence □ of $8.38 in favor of the Mexican a cotton. After deducting .$2,00 for the cost of the seed, tHere is still left a net prifit of ¡¡!6’,;i8'per acre." Mr. Kime states that Cleveland cotton ill the same 43 tests pro­ duced an average yield of ,1,443 pounds of seed cotton and 548 pounds of lint with a total money value of $75.00. This, ho (\gures, was an increase of $7.58 oyer the unimproved varieties, However, states Mr, Kime, the best of improved seed will not retain their high yielding capacity for many years unless they aro constantly selected and improved. Such cottons will become mixed at the gins nnd it is necessary to buy new seed from the'breeders each three or four years in order to keep up yield and quality. Seed cotton diect from the breeder has given a profit of $10,12 as compared with the same variety three or four years from the breeder. iti Still the Same KKíuiBiiiiHüiiann , 9 ^ P*P*‘ Old Gentleman: "When Iwas a lad I used, to think nothing of a fast twenty-mile walk,” Tommy: “Well, I don’t think much of it, either.” i i i à M iii I ii I I i II ■IШr-z.i■saII i. IIII Today’s Goodyear is buiit by a company which has placed in service over 100,000,000 tires, millions more than any other make. Goodyear leads the world. Goodyear tires are free from structural failure. Long slow even tread wear makes Goodyear the world’s leading tire. Goodyear not only has lead the world in tires for many years, but year by year has steadily increased its pace. ^ Daviess Best Tire Service It is the result of experience gained through nlany years serving tire buyers in Davie by the members of this organization. Sanford’s tire service is Da vie V best tire service. SANFORD MOTOR CO. MOCKSVILLE,^ N. G. ■ , U wil- ■Ш И ' Щ m Ia i"I I'' iii I III I il,.K-^ , IIP'' ^,--'rhurBd«y. AprJf'' B » a !l!!tS lK :rjL . ! ;u.i fJ-'g a ig L iJ I q B A ii h'Cfihmtin 'ht the Ndrtbi-.yjiro-:^^^ lliia Collt-gC for ,\Yomen., .“She has'l the reputatiiin'of doing ^inoie than’;; ■her share of .work iii 'n'ny club ue-'' .tivlty and she has attended botlr ' ■the short coui'ses at State,.Coll'ej;»- 'Vîfi ^PnatlngrVilííS^ р е yÍei»W¡éh ,, jó prevent thé, énttance of a Ítíd 'mob' of' eoldkre. I -ey-cbiiiippund will be'tried With' proper .fórmalitieBi ' Newtí' of the i.BUCcess of ' the noriherçérsiiiith'eiChihkià^ reaehie^i the • goyernment tonight опЛ ' {âVim'vnVrlàilV fi'á'.‘bffínir> nf > ппП-' ago.itonestf ' 'Weeks, ,out thiii^éaiiieftime. that ^ |jg ShanghaJi iChina, , April 10,-r jina’s troublés h'nve. brought to [tht>r in-i.'‘Chlnése, \Vators . the onte8t;iriternntionnl‘ nnvnl cion-, №ratioji ;ev‘ei^^ j,'‘th,e prote'ction; of .foreign liyea Atl •interest.-,. ; Sh«hkhaii:',’pr6sents 'todayi ■ d feater array,d,f foreign 'fighting raft, fl/ing th'e 'flaia of .eight m-Chine'Be : nationSj 'than any her port ' in, the'; world;:^'. There rè,,Ï72 fightingi'Bhips iii ;C^^ aterà .li’ealrtes ^3b0 odd: nay al nil-; liarieBÎtPHçl». as, transiiortsi^Ml-; ers,- tli|^|:flnij|f,'f>ihiliar' voBsèÎs"'^' ’ : ■Th'^inatibnS';'roprc8ented by;th‘is rçflt■; armada’^- are ■ the. United liâtes,'.,'Great': .Britain, Jajian, 'innce, Italy, Spain, Plrtugal ami fe' Nethbrlunds.,';I^, command ,re'eight', n;dmirals; three Ameri- ian.s, 'tlirpéiBritish, one Japanese inrt'.one irrench. • ■ ■. ;i*Admiriil Claroiico S, /Williams, 'pmmaiufer-in-chief of the United j, itittes Aplatie fleet, is the senior ' (ffSter. 'of tlio .flGet. : 'riie , otlier Vinerictin admirals hvevRdaiv Ad- iiira^Honry H.,Hough; ebmmand- iig i;i)e ynng.tBo;-pntrol, .and Rear •* fVdmiral, John R.; Blakeley, bom ' siderable ;importnnce becauBe if the'’soMtherners were dialo.dged fromAChiniiiang it would mean thati tliev Shanghai-Nanking. rail­ road':h.nd been cut. ..7, Advices from Shanghai confirm [it)je':( report that. .General. Ghiang ICni-Shek has gone to Nanking.-------------------------------- SfiPAKATED 62 YEARS : .2 BROTHERS REUNITEa . rn organizer: —„ PreBident Coolidge said that “the.?foUiidifi6№1m society and government rest ,so m uch upon ■ the.l-ieachtngB the; Bible tKa'j:it' would be difRcult to support’them if .'fajth lirij’thesfei teachings phbijid ceas'eiito be pr(kctically,!;uriive iii .ouie ; HCohimeijilng'^furt Prtsldeht >said: ■ :*Eve^ giveip'the rtiatter any thought, knows of ithe grek t ilijiftary' v«lue of i-Y-- ¥11U1-----.1 i-u«. nairlft frnm asijifct.'reacheof the: goveinment tonignt giveu tne mauer any, y* «V » - and is il'eiiardediati: being of con-> „the Bitile and the broad culture, aside f xuKonniid« if Pr,nmoii'frrim n irpnerul familiarity with it. . Although ;>t,has.TOen the Old Confcdcraten Find Eaçh Óth- "er At Tnmpa—Leave to Visit Their “Kid” Brother Tampa,,. Fla.,; April 7.—Reunit­ ed after .a separution of'62 years, Alexander Gyifflri, 82, 'of ; Hamp­ ton, Tex.,; and his brother, Jacob, of'stone''Mouhtaini^'Ga.,: the for- nier's junior^ 'by ;thi ее years, ■ to- ■iijght 'iv.ere; aboard a northbound tfâlri :,èn;; routij' ; to ; -vidit; n “kid” br'qthe'r 1п;;м«с6п, /Ga.--, The 'two, Confederato^';vetçrnns and igno-; rant,of the ; mother’s existence, were., re-united within the shn- <Iow of the Confederate flag in front of headquarters, hçj'fl today, when a bnttlesen.rród veteran re­ called to Alexander that ‘‘the last fella’ 1 talketi to'vyaa named Grlf- flri;” The man; proyecl;,;;; to be Jacob and a ' hifppy 'reunion fol- jpwetl.- - ' i'-'v ;v,-, The 'two were ,of ilvo 'brothers ,who :call. Wiled, cr the^üu«4i V I'f'4»»n ■ WVI--« dmlral John к. iiiaiceiey,. com- ■ Sherman’s devastating' niïirch tó ..landing ; the' third light cruiser the aoa, left .Géorgin and estab- division coriaisting' of the Rich-jlishcd himself in 'Геха.ч’, 'He'ne.v-; inond, Marblehead and Cincinna-i e»’ heard from any meinber »the J51D16 ana me uroitc* cuitm«, tiaiuv ,...... comes from a general familiarity wjih it. ' Although ilt-'haaibeen the subject of most "careful and > painBtaklhgVstüdy -for hundreds of, years, ;its most thorough students find in it^a constant revelation of new, thoughts and new ideals which minister to.the splritual'nature,' of the race. . , ' ' - , ; . “It would be difilcult to csnceivo of any kind of religiouH ;in- structibn which omitted to placò its main emphasis on the.pvfL’epts of this groat book. It, has. been the source of: inflpirutloii;and?'com- fort to'those who, haye, had the privilege of coming in. iìòntnct with it, and wherever it goes it ivi.ises the whole .sta.ridard'of h'liman m lationship.’’* COur President hns fouiid'out whnt; nil; greiit men have known wherever the Bible;i,has gone; and he: knows: that thi? country is what it is today largely because of faith hr thé Holyi Bible nrid ,the practice of its precepts. ' ' j. \Ve can no more inàintnln <>(|r, high standard of dvillzation/we can no moiré'maintain our institutions 'without this Bible, than, u plani can; mniilitain it» li^e without sunshine and rain. , ■ "Nothing- are V^iiónsistent advocate' df sane driving, I thought;;you imijjiW interested’in this,’' 'said a w«vU known local auto /deal,èr to tM the other ;d(iy,i as he "handed us^ the followihg", riéwSpàjprf ' ' '■ ^ . :/ ., ' ■ ; “6^t in the ' Wide : open spacçs> where mun^ nl'o 'tnon -a'nd,,the ilumbing ls;terrible, this sign is posted ou ‘ “ ’4i07Ì5 people died’ of 'gas:laat year “ ’29 inhaled it,: ; ' ' ' “ ’37 put a lighted match to it.'- ' ;‘' M,0OOV9tepped on it .'' , .......... , ThO'automobile is a groat convenience, but it suriSly is demand­ ing a heavy'toll. But that is no'inult^.of thp automobile d.rlver.- .....‘•'"entions; and cpiwfiionceaidemand Ì027''..'i .1 . i_ii oWj iîi.itfA; Z 7 t m ^ ^ ä V i h e \ ' o ß b i ^ . re'cei'^inK set ' of/the' p/eBejjt"ilnifí' Dr, I . H. ^'Dellinger,. chiéíM.:thí radio laboratory of thé'Sureà'Uì of Steii'dardB, declarfcii today.v' } Pbl bwlng the remarkablöwde- njonsijfatiort of television'antjvyie» ual'-radiOi by theí Amoricaní'í.ele-: phone a'ijd, TéIeg>*aphv;GpmpBny,; Dellinger aald lhat,it is a simple^ 'Step 'irom sendlngf pictures over the wire, to routing them .thro\ighi the" ali'i-rrfrom- exppi'lmeiitalv.de- nionstration to oomm^rcihl, prAcr TFor the wire channdl of com- of themunication will be ,riubstltuted.<^ ‘nct and “carrier, wave” over.'which the • journed, thert CdngresBjAViU^^ W tièd,iàtfiî.4 ^ '^ 0 .Théi'é ,f3iBtiaibnf¿’ iíoúbf;ae t» salárV,, and <,thai:;mWter,,will tííít u'p'tp tho compii-öllW^^gW^^^ receiving 7Boti. , ..................... . ^ot only will ^vifiual radio ,be­ come a pra'ctl<;nl iiiççomplishmerit, but it will be possible to; produce apparatus iij brihgA^ of eyents!io thé :homeii?;ofi.thé,;f8m p'f ¡moderate' mqaris,'^ cheaply us', aro >manufn^ctiiijed',;'the! ^ordinary ' radio' receiv)ri ■ of today,' accord- ' ihg':;io Delliiigen , ' ; . ■ ■ ' Expérimental u.se <if a' number , ofj-rndib wa Vo (ihanhel.s on régulai' acnedule' of brbiidç'nàtlng'still and’ hioviJify piefcurds aro anticipatedt:.. Ï1..J nA.;,,,,ft,Btr.il Aviir be filled within ä’Bhört' tlrteÄ y^ . although the , President ,,,hae,,rnûj^>f party put hliii.in a position, toj ;We must I'ea^’n thift 1927 invention's;....... ___—, ,|-'preenution's. /Time wiis vvlien a man could, shut his''eyes and cirive; moving pictui-u« (ivo ,.......... an ox, or: ¡in . ol/li.mule, or even n rather 'spirited•■horse, in safety,’ iiy tiici Feilcral l^aclid Cottimis^ 'Brnwnlow •■Jaclwon, ;. vvna That 'was' buck in the ‘‘nineties.’’ ;TlioA oii;o could wilik' aci'o'ss thb;''Mpmi>ers of thf;^iв;ommiasio)JГare have suppoi tec! KaycF' : ;street, or road,-vvith all carelessness,; oiifr cou.Ul ahut'his oyes and deeply;impr'oaso(l;,witlvthiii 'ra^^ oHnves will b;> c 'nV„ o,!i,nvowiH, nbthlnir to ' molest'or' mUke him :; ly;\;doveioping^ phnso: o'f. tho ' tt ' Wi n. ..The: ; renub'lini/.atlom with the*'o40Eplion',o%yMÄ%^S'.) is oyes and; deeply improasod ,\yitn;tnia'rupui- i :.i*'*v-'-“.'4- ■ . „u,. ............ :*'>miike him ': ly '.;doveÌòping phnse : o'f. the ' art : -vvhon Congrcs.4 mçels ui?lp^4;scm.e,^:ivi.v/,if/^ 1‘folks Avho,iva to set aside i thing '■come-i bot,ween Vnow land' ■ ' ’ ’ ' ■'•-■'-'•--•■■■ ,'u., lrthen','‘ic>^'''cho;)gc''tho'.'iat™udo":>of^'bfefc^^^^^ üp tò 4t) miles an hour. beingVable: to ngpig nil the .way \ ' despised old glim which' grovvs rat’ner exte'nsivfily,' in tl^is ^ Hi^frnnsiTiiiflnV w u t to comO'into its pvvn, according,,to, a I'ecent .fcdU.orlal, casned „ % , nfphn-nsV« not ijiiipui. tifor* flftmnn- '■*’* r ' «•-----4. ...-,■,. • - . , cojftain chnn'nels for Ita coiitinu- ntlon. . ' Within the next-twelve months, ly. , >, I familyI (. The Brltisli, admirals are Vice ' ■ '.'■' ' _______ . \ ’in'the Benufort News. Not only gum, vbut'birch :nn(l, maple h|ivo . ., ; 'ii, . , , v i S S n S i i l W ^ 'i P. K ' FERTILIZER TESTS WILL BE t o n m l to contain ,pulp jalu i^ le iri-:«icv'riVanufacti/re :6f ^a|r, [a,,),, the; long atoji demon-' Hoar Admiral John E, Cameron, |/^',. •' ^ -'^^-‘ReconrsciMtiftrink'J^^ thb fact that sWmps oEtSl* ws'twHay '' ......'J“ “ «i-’ I form 'of enter'tainment. education in the interim ;tjiOvÎÇ^rtp^r^li,Wa^ • VV unni me iiuxt- iwui vu iiuniuun, |it’^flf<>’tion:.í.|,SjflgreeaBltó to in,the opinion.of onicinls,,'a num- Ovelman—and Sfmmona. The ber of, wave; chnnn«in ' v'v'ero not bócístiriíf‘him; bu^'tney^'l;' iv-|have no lobiection to him. ' - Шт ,, 'i 'a'" 11 1 ' __________ ' ' I -uecuill, HClUJlumi ............................ ............................ rn°,mi k ^ «fin r!vv “!.U1 The ,'Agricultural Department' NflVth'’ Carolina and ■ other' states may be a source of su^ppíí', m.ind of_tho Japanese foices, andj tjjg jyiogkayiHe 'School, l’“'P ““ed in the inanufacture oi pnper.;; f’or many years the Jiasiere . .of the _ the direction of Mr. W. P .' "‘’ North Cnrolinn have furnished a gr.eat deal ,:0^:'th Young, will/conduct n fertilizer dembnstralidn this year wj’th cot­ ton.‘ ; ' “Feeding ; plants," , says^: Mr,Young,“ is just as Importarit to ' PUiping (nyocD!, ,mo .«wv,,. ................. ........... , . . the cotton grower as feeding'cows use; gum, aspen,, birch and maple. ’ This addition; fo the pulp siip- is to the- dairyman. Realizing; ply \yiil be n great,help, to the;,paper, industry vvhich la getting to be ntiii.sinnp’ cotton is one sonievyhai: handicapped by thOgrovving seni'cjty of rnvv rriatEriiil. In' - ' • ' - - -1- * « - t u n . . „ i n v o m i i U n n u n f i f i i m t i ’ e e . i i a n d Rciir' Admiral French forces. The lirieiip for ; the fighting Hhips is,as follovvsi.Gr^at Britain, 7(i; .Tapan, 49; United States,'30! Franco . ipi ’italy, 4; Spain, 1; Portugal, :l; Netherláirds, 1.; ’ . Forty-flvé: of these vessels are concentrated ,nt' Shanghai where all eight nations aré represented; forty-six are patrolling the Ynng- Ifie, rlyer and tlie remainder are; .standing by; nt const porta, in- for thi pulp used in cne m uiium ciiiiu u* ......... ------- - -- nioun-, tnlns of ;North ,Carolina have furnished a great deul .o^;' the wood pulp used by paper mills in ihisr country and now thei.svvamps may be .called uiion to furnish some of the raw material needecl for-mak­ ing paper ■ ■ - ., ;r;., , ;,.■:, tion ,'i'osterjay ns.suria thl.s no\y form of entertainment, educatbri and'profit to the public. “Experiniental brondcnstlng of actual, events has been accom­ plished,’Ì^DòIllnger said,, ''DAVIE'''MAKES''PRO‘rES'r''''';‘l : In }i front page write up'on.'the,iw Inc.ition nf the now road > bridge between Dnvie nnd 'David-' son counties, tlie';Lexingl:on Dls^; patch ■sa.ys ip .jiart: “The delegation learned : a' bit! of; iinfavbrni))e;;nevv'B upori .their : arrival, '’ijefot'e;; theCommission; \4) )or. :;% ■ , = ...... ' ........................the mount^iiiB spruce is thé treo used mainly for wood pulp, Unntid II „if ■ i”k° : ^’'’wover, ; wh^n . it:; whs'dlscloséd ......... pulping processi ' has boeh invented: which makes it 'poasiblo ’orutorV nmi e«i,i . v ■ that P/ivlö; со com'misaloriora,/''' f f - ь„.к ты . th, cul u s ^ /' ... Jdn^^ivei-^h> 'H i¿hw ny:^yK iM l^ Brotést''?ha^Í';í,Uéen;:'fúmal!j^.;^^ iw« grout armadji of foreign ('hips (lo'es n'òt include any capital vessels, but;:contaiha' some, of th'e; world’s mo;st modern and ’efflcient ligh| cruisers,'\riotably thé' Ame-; ricaii thirci :ligiit cruiser division under 'Rear Admiral ■ Blakeley. 'I'he British'first and-fifth, cruiser xquadi'ons, ;toti}lllng, lij ; vessels, ii'i'Q mode.rri;;: speed£ and 'heavily liuiined alii pa, of vvlilchthe most etl'eeti-vo' ;,ai;6 ;,the Ifiiwkins, ;Vice Admiral 'f.yrvvliitt’s flag .shliS and the Ferbisher, vyhich is at Hong- very little for lumber but maKes goo« ¡uujor.iJiuii. v„... been considero(|,heretofore as not much account now promise to bq ^in demnnd. The tupelo guih grows. rapidly and sprouts well from fthe stump;' By proper attention the^.svvamp - lands may furni.sh an ** - * ' ^ 1 l i o r i n r n o v n l n n b l A i i s - « t U l U U n g u y . i l l u u u o u u * 1. 1 I , , . . clutliniT' British CbnCGntrntion of KJ UiJteot ' H Slaps- hV Hongkong- ^yr m^ . J i liiobile duty. . V , Whmi ilpveloped The great' armada of foreigri « stump;; J3y pru,jt:. uLu«,.v.w,- - --------„ ____ ..,itnr ‘itexhaustible supply^of wood pulp and theroby'beconie" valuable as- |foQiir'if ;this 'fb^<f 'lB; vy'ithih :;rea^^ sets to eastern Carolina," : ,jgj,j. ;Ht‘ tho plant "in iu'aihilile. forni. . ;' ; '■ .• ; ;; ■'' ' thn irrovving seasoii;:;;^V '. There, appeared;in the ;livsl|iasue;bf ,the;,Uhiy(3rsjty Nqvv^‘ ........♦‘•'»•''«M 2,500 TO BE ADDED'TO RANKS PF DRY FORCES ................................ „ -iWi/i protest' had Ueen lormally"lIled, with'thfi.bonid on Wodhrsday by , A„ T, ■Giinnt,?.county,Uttqi'ney Olí ■'; Dnvie. it waa alated < "i • “The law now provider ' thnt- Notes of PrtótlQst’ Will ' . . , Bpi Fil(cd:.by .Five Powers- I<bn d on j; 'A pril ; i 0~It w a s 1 earn-; ed in;;'oljìeiàl ,'qiiarters -tonight that.'formii'lities^^ beei^ •com­ pleted; aiid; ;;that thè; fivevpowèrs e.'ipéptcd t'd;’;presènl;' separate but identical Ihotes, of protest regard-, ing the ’Nàflking' ^ in. Pelt­ ing. e',arly/in the week. No ;tiine limit;'Is set and the ((uestioii’of sahetions is: left for fu ture cp'hsideratibri if necessniy. It is b^liévéd, however, that since Frànoè and Italy have joined in the • protest,, demonstrating the «nily of the,'treaty powers, the oc- casion fòi*'Sànctipn will not arise' and that this proof of the solida­ rity of/- the, :powers will impress the'; Cantonese ‘authorities to rè- filize their'responsibilities. . It is stated that the diplomatic body-in ;.J?ekjng ha^ notified. Mar­ shal Chang Tso-Lip; that, the pow- 'Ors, expected,,;thist; all those ■ ar- 'reste^ i onv the occasion ■ of tho Chinese' raid" Of the. Soviet em- ,,:.W'B.shing't,ó'n,;'-D. ;C,,' April ;7'r. ^ ........................ ,Thb;civil ;iieryic;?''cominÌ8si^r vvi^ij^whé'ro ,u:;'Kpni'd;;of>';[^u^^ I till ,2,500 vprolnbition?; jpbs'’Undeiv. sl(n-iers,:ó,r;’rt hiij;iiic.iipii!ity^ I thò:new;,law.','Tho^payri^ns fionV''^ :iif:RtnÌbK5rb;[W ,$6,000;. n/year :'fòr;;chiejr; óf; fiói[d'';-:tli6;'Sttvtcs;Hiiihway;XÌ/ó^Ì^ division to warehouse, watchman r<(o;uire'd to appoint a conimittee :at :?l,140. "v ' .’ ; '^'^;^5i''’|'tfli;thrèe^t9;;h;(!nr-iirgti§i^ Examinntiohs :-vyiir;:be:'''held:;inr'cb«ihiittee;\yill,'tri'iike;:ip(io\n these;, ;North ' ;Cai-olina' - tovv^risi^tiùris'-tì;lhe,-;;;Gbii(iniìssitì^ Aahoville,;', Charlotte;; ,' ; Còncòrd^'^wli'ole'’ aifcl ■''finiilitiuttian^ ;Durham,,..Bdenton,: Eliiabeth ;Fnyetteville,. Gastonia,:Goldsboro, j “It wns learned thnt the c'om'-'''"4'r' conditions shall exist in tnis; stare. , iimt ; uu’j icau^ic. ...i««,, Qreenabbro, ,Greenville, : Hickory, ; mittee,.: {jòmposéd ' of,,thl,ee ,^st(i^to, the ex:act figures, vve : quote thei'fpllowing'' from the 'News Letter’s re: Lenoir; ; Marion, Monroe', ,;rNe\v,, highway coihmissioneirs fi qni 'oth-' ' iport:. '. ; ^ • ' ■:■■ ; ^ v,./¡imperni Rnle,igh;:Rock:'Móuiit,^S«lis-. :er than itho,"i:lj8tj'jct8,i : “Out ;df !37‘ .states 'for which (data ;wcre reported by, the federal 'buiV. Washlngtoii, Wjlniiiigton. -. . '„(/„¿„„I,,,,, Ki.rVinvini’niii^ death rate's thiiii; ; Applications; must be in 'the hands of the ciyll seryice ;com- inlssipn here by the third of May.' I’Sinbe ^thf grovW'ng.’ seasot(;;;'ÌE}ov |.V' / Thbre;^ the;:la3t' issue ;bf .the’,University. Npvvs Let- plants .ia , limited, its. food; ra,WSt ' ter ,n reportiWhich ought to be'of .vitai;c,oncer(i to;ev£ry;i)ersqn;iiiterr be.supplied in /iberni amounts, nr; ested- 'in child vvelfaro. aiid' mother^hood., 'Indeed the ft^Hres iishow- a quickly availablo 'ioim; or ^the {ng the death rate a.mohg infants, and the' maternity inortality,: are season will pass vviyipt^.t the plan t supii ; as t^: make one , think seriously;, and' ' wonder : libvv long such .milking Its.m.^ximu^ grpvytli‘;> conditions sh.all exist in this; state. ;''rhat 'our renders;.inaay' haVe ;"A i ,PÌK ;makes twe niosc rnpui -• -- < v,.t,of n fho ■fnilnvvina''' frohi the'News Letter’s re- grovv'tih ,when ,l)is/food..1.3 .rpadil.y available. ' 'Tho'Self'^feedpr'ftlfi.kcs. food available: fpr the, pig,'ivylUle n liberal application . of''qui^kly solu'blji fertilizer acts as ;a '‘self- feeder’,''for;..the, cotton' plant. /“Sinpe .-Nitrate , of ..Soda quickly^ dissolves in tlie so'iimplature,'this material w'jll be used in compar- i-Kó'mnre slowly avail-xriacc'<4«< ----- i.son 'Vvithi the' more slowly a\;ail a bio i'ovrnSi su ch as. cottonseed riipal, so that the cotton growers of the community may see the advantage'jn using this material when commiercial nitrogen is needed. ; ; ■ . “ To make n profit grovying cot­ ton at present price levels, vife. miist increase the yield per i;icre; improve the quality, and raise more food and fged for the fanii-: ly and livestock. ■ “It is stated that, one of the true tests of education is that it tpaches people, to five better and, enables thein to earn more with'Which to live. It is'my''de­ sire to serve the cominunity in this way.” ■ , , : ,. Farmera of North Carolinn will increase th sir acreage to Irish potatoes,' sweet potatoes, iPbacco, and peanuts'this year, : " U U t or a (‘ .'suii.UMiuj. iTim-i. .««VI.. - ------------ CensuB'in, 1923,,'only ton states hud higher infant death rates than . N o r t h ; ' : G í i r o í i n a . - . : r . ' '\':yJ \ " ' “Out df 30 states reported jn. 1923 only four had niaterni,ii;Vn6r-: tality;rute's higlie'r;than .Sorth' Carolinn. ' ; : ''; ■ •" V “There ia'rip foreign coiintry for which data áre reported whose .maternal mortality.rate is anywhere.hearas’.high as 'North Cnroliha’s,; ,; “More infants, die in North; Carbliiia pach year than t^re-arb pebple in many counties of the state.'' ' v ' ' Tho Greensboro Daily News 'Says .that the colored racio iii this state is largely res'ponslblfe for the high death rate»'amoiig '’mothers and infants, and that the rate iS higher among the pbpi-'er class', 'rhat is doubtless true, but yet that should make those blessed with a better condition think afill more fieriously, for are not those with money; and tho'se who' possess knovvledge called upon to atrive to help the less fortunate?; The negro is in our midst. He is look­ ing to the white man to help him. The poor we have w.ith us always, and the fellow who knovvs not the rules of health beeauao of lack of opportunities given others is in our midst. .Most of these deaths could have been prevented by^ the proper use; of ;Jnopey and intelli- gence.,,; 'How long will'the p.eople of means and knowledge remain uin- concerned while 'thousanda of mothers die during childbirth, and still more thousands of babks dié ^fore the a«« of one year, ls)rgely beeausel lof lack of proper knowledge and meians? And fblks, these mothers, are our riéighbofa and our neighbors’ .wives,;iind the.se tfiou- sapds of little white'caskets are going; out,of homes right in our own opm.muiilties—out of the homes of those who may be looking to us >fpr advk-e and help. Several of these little white caskets went but of ^Davie County homes during the year 1025. And, be they black or whitiSf shfll we look bn unconperned as to what may befall “one of the least of these *hy brethren.’' FIDDLER’S CONVEN'riON ; ¿hatly Grove School Auditori­ um, Advance, N, 'C„ Easter Mon­ day Night; Apiil 18th, at 7:30 p. m. . -'■ : ;; The following' prizes; vvill bp awarded to those judged best by competent judges: . Firat best band.;... i.. ;Cl V ..-., - ,will: hold a hpnring at an o^iiy (late. Whtithei this Ъф1п(; wjU' bo al Mocksville oi at Lexington ^ ha.4-not been leainod''hei,p " ' “ContraotOins already been*, ) ÍV "Sk ly awarded tor the bridge,"^, a ub:icct'.tp' thö ;!'itmpi ppstc^ two .cpuvt / ho.iia'^ and 'it,iis" tions.,fpiv'beg,in)iihg;'';\vprfc.'',W ahead .pending,;flhiil':f(pttl'omen^^^ the' .matter''.bf;}lpcati;bn, ;yhi^ expected within a short time.'J ,,'''.■■/'1 , : Wc; : ;caniipt i;uhdei^stand^ ____ .^lO.^öi spmovDjiyip edupty Second best.band —4.,, First best fiddle.. Second best fiddle...,.,,....... z.m »luimto , First best banjo lead......2.50 :,,mbre ' rpadsi ; bridges, ;'etOi> 'ylthl First best banjo second....:. 2,00 such facts, as the' Dispatch ihasv'p^^^ ■ ■■ ■ ¿et before, us^ i^ the, abpyp graphBv'.bbnifrbntiPg:-uto;j>’'ti'”?^^ . 'i .U^s,eems Iike-:№^.,GrBnt:[^4Jt^^^ comml8s|pM!rsi:,cii^;::,rioit;i^ ■ creie'^ roads ?<iiiid: 'st^ ■ they^epj^sent',tjli^'p«ppj^^ : co.unty Other.'':;;^^i^'i<^ roadi’aod^'Thinkf cl|j.,'y buiiiilf I i........... ■*.....•■■■'•'■- ' “I”--.-.....;6.0^;':Ì29nt|nué''.tó:i'howl;:àbPuf'.tp',f^^ * --;"•■......... 8.00. m'bez'ati.o-:St8te and road- Cbmmls-^i^»^ ®lß-.--",..........; ■ 2;00 slpnbrs. refuáiíig to .gi'vei:^us' ^apÿ''f-f''^44^ First best ipandolist.....2.00 First best guitar,,..,.;..,.,,.,..... 2,00 First best Hawiian guitar. 2.0Q First prizes will also he award­ ed;,'dancers. Everybody invited. Plenty of music and a good tiine assuredi; Admisifsipn ;16; aiid ¡25 cents. PrpceedB for iipneflt pf school.iV; , ■. ■; ; L.;0, Marklandi'E.'M; Hartman iind H. T. Smithdeal, school board. " t'& i й.А--' sad the News foi'Iuforamt\ORi,'-,\' -The Ad? for PROt'IT. Ч i иг,*' . Vf- I ^ THE MOCKàvÌLLB Ж «Ihi ÿiA ;áptettí did'ÏÎ'tjfel'fl'bÎ’ibf огсЬЩга! .|зfeléü^ifî._^ 1/_ïa J Í_íil Ч* у, :j-¿t¡í'j:' '^ ./'f 't'\*ohty rriomborfi of Itíb oi'phûstrn !Î BPVPinl'othi'f WliiHlnii-SiiIi'm tipo-8PVcrnl'.;oth«t'.:WlUHtnii-Sal(ijn'ìi|^^^^ pie v/e:'(j hiosent. 'stime thè iiumbei' oeiliB M.i‘., i*. (!/’R4'iin1'iii&i er and wife «lUl Mi\ Shdiliflilp'cif; the Bo\\;tJh'' Piano pit)/finm ^wai Ihoroilffhly GÌnj6j|é(t by-' nil piosfcnt'f Pfoceods'Vi^^eVej Xoi tflo bcnefll óf the 'Зchci»i‘ì;;''.^/,■- I The Smith (ii'ovo ijt-hool ià nòni’i v>ing,:ihe''Cnd oi ;>one<of thet'nip^ xfiuccossful^tfdiool yeara ol'lts his’r; >; toi-yi) • Stìvei'ti! improv.emontMihitv.o •. been, mutle. : About two hundred . and fifty volumes have been' ad- ’ :ded to. the hi(fh school library, . i!f600:00. Worth of 1 àbòi'iltoryiequ ip-, •■ ’ment' ior thevteachina of -sciphce vhaB ' bee« ^proVided^ I tabletìv'. niajja, I 'etc. Tho .re'quire- ' .ment^;,necesBiuT' Ho place . .•tìch'()bl, on tlio : ac'órpditéd'list^ ,0 o'ctìoolV ttó A , ■ ciibinet : for roporla" .and ©xtrà;Hciencc tables aro being iid- . clcd iwhich. coiiipletes tlie require-, :mcnt:9,.for stilndafdization of the : .school; ..The aehipr class, which ; is the,iili;at class to Hriiduato, fròrt\ ithis,;schpoÌ aì'e as follows : Flos- \ ale‘loiter, Elizabeth; Hendrix, ■ Hulen l.'Fo'stpiv HaJ!el<^McPaniel^ :• lilèjjie HohdrixandC^ Sparks.; In addition tò/meétiiig^^'r^ .ments i: ifoi^. ft Bchtìol has rempyetf; ari iridpbtèd-, , ness of,;.?150.00.^ debt ^'•' \whlch has been runnihtf for thre^ l.'i. < years hiisùbéen i'em.oVed.' ' ',vde4ice of;.gòód'.a'chb^ ,*(rts''iihS'''n 1 In rcRipylrig;thlij (iebti the. OSfi^alor part of the amouiit'beinii &•( '^Milied by cpntvlbutipiis'fnim^,^ 1-. I,'''>'ent)i and ,fi'ieiids iof' № (Vif ^ V'-’Thi nnmes of those who cpn- y,J^ , tril|i4t«c> are as folloWa.’, . ' ’ 'M14 li. G. Windsor:,' ;.....$t;;oo PtJULICl'ry cWinstonTSalem Jour the .$76,0qikpubl ■ Piedmjj the póúnÉj-'lcoiiiraiááJoiTurq pífod 'ata'iid'thab'ijt' woj: li¡íiíy/rioA\', lo Pp¿h?4ip't coiiiüü.vtívsy aßain^' Àndî'îl:.., peril the buildiiiíí oi' tliii'íífr,íi'c|; tuie at all;^ , Щ 0 . ' T!4"’rt 'Jiüvc bèòi'’too. many diä- #|ïÿ;|i0 , .^^b'.’.soloütfp/í ^пЩе ’S ceni« nÿ e sbt,4hat^wayi rtmiaaionors niiKhii .. ''H< h’6'«r ar^uhiéh’tii iPéljhowh'is ih'fcyíwóúití ’er with.Йl^’CoxУ^ ■ \ Wlíí> ;tÓsnlsá¿ído' wlUí i^\ ‘í-l* 'aLII 2. •_» í »11 • í ♦ . J ■ . Ч.1 . , .J , ■ T У ' -1 "РИО AT COAájAL S 'f nj’ uw it . tVJUUl/.i luiir, í.tJBja BJUUB i , .'iVir.. ureenc, e ,mo>>;om'nt ia’tually.ibe¿an‘Antlv:iliaVuT|gjjilíri'6ntjy;á^^^^ t fill; iiiaollity.'to iíet tlie“ mat- ' ppwéi' aivd.háve conjluctod a'niPst i‘, «1 .lociitípt), sptUed ea.iMieiV theV giilinnt íifíht ajíáinst' odds, .• ’ bridfec woiilcl i)i;pbábly;:jiow be^in : Now, that .the matter. haf(.bocn, use. .If.: there, were any jvaÿ.^ settled;, let’,s fôi'got any díííercnces uom'pel the ;’State .Highway Cbm- and keep !dj'ivingi.'flheaü .\ for' thé misaio'n to. lt)uildl ihiS. :bridge,; a improvement ; of this highway aIlrvAye \ypuld say;'go- ahead 'aiid clear across, the.' cbuntry ;ahd compel it,tp-,’be: biiilt;'.atr o'r near across. Dayie /sp .that it will with' Fulton’a Ferrji as'the board of in a few years become the great commissioner« i had. already . re-' ceiitral. lii^tery'that its’ ideation commeiided.; ' That the collective make.i logical. Raleigh, AprjUS..-l!Jtti;}j bbrtilf jliticlv of -200, ht thè ', Coaatnl' -E'^poilmeijt StttLirtn fiirm; neaii Will.ird j)aid a-iiiolll pf .$4.01; pòi-, bud undei ledrarch tpiidiligns aü- coi'dini/ tp a financial ‘atatoment puAú bV Hr, B r Kaijpp;'hend fpl th<i poultry dop.irtment at :^jnte'.'GolIbgc. ’ i ' ;i‘:'Thi,HP l.iids «rè a pak ofám i^\p(jdtheiilal iloelf kc])t at thfr' ■iitafcion frtJin tov study poultry ti‘(iwing under practical f.iuning ‘■ontìitKins The study has been’ ^ turt years’aniT last y«tV'wu8'llie of the study. Twelve •aoreb 'i’t; land arc given over to the in-’ vóatigatióiia. Modern.; building.s are Afted 'arid the houses ; ave Ìpchtòd: in a ’gi'ove of p'ecan trees.; ■; A- complete, recòrd of; this work,, vincluding the feed kiye'n> the methods,'Used in putting pullet's into' lay, the storage of eggs ,for bettor prices, and,the handling of _ bi'oilera is all” given in Bdlietin ; ! 251, “Operation of A Four-Unit ' may. be ,, had free of charge by pares the leetfiiirf^ n^,ik afti meat méal/ especiiì« ori tho dvclopmoVit, health /Aittr,) ¿ducti powers of tlie liens.^’hL^ilfc ale ^i'arried through alSho opei tionk that would ^natuAjh iòcc P"; ,th(5 aVerage jion 11ry ^Vm ■ n cavetul /etords and darti hil-/ been Mop i*! .Â[' ,U •. i-^l )iis AwwiT ikT^.CHAl'TANOOfeAi.'^ i"( . tftmooga,' Ten'll,? April 8 -;l V'riiie““S ol '/•iil'it'iicyi as' a ransbm ioi thof iuttt?ti«i.>®ijfrVirginia J. FraiAer;! twb ncitrd yputhe weie undci ir^l rest tAday^<6i‘ kidniiiniiiiK itiil child. , Tht^ pail Lonfpi^cd last night to| the kidnapping iihtl collecliiig| I ncr Min bíi.fio ч'. ■ $!î,tUW ransome.iiom^f,^'^ i.ii>K/^Ql^r.nO fl »n ,n ' Г . - . « ^...................... UPIJ»" . UeXifafu'iAlid bo of afriiRfijljr*;^ !>vhp: \fehtaii;;tp> {cff^X^Mltiyr^ 'nhoUt•.h«ridliri■g•;ill;ia¿;floУ^ iI)ou Itrymen • krioW. ■ the'^ exM.et; cost' ot‘‘ handlirfg a llock of heria’;'hor: the ; return.^ , which 1 are secured. W ith the .nid of this bulletin, pro-^ pbr records .m ay be kept arid a guidp i.s given for the various 6pe- . rations., Copies of the bulletin You’ll Be Right at the Head of the Easter, Parade’ iri These Iwp'TI ’.'.f‘чь ]\Ia!jcl СЬаШпл,..,1.00 :ü;;v'::1.oó: 2.00' „■'.,V(>i:òo Leo Ç ^ tllln ia n .i.2.00. 'Ч ’Лш Vbw'/ "j' 'Beatrice Hill ............... UpHOphino Eilili.r-. ‘'',,T3ttil Kiddle.................. I^iiuVa Leo ?i)lllman.i..'.........; ‘{n;<,iv->^!:rf.^,cjifton'll ...2.00 V^atts...........................,2.00 Smith ............... 'l;OB „.¡('/^\W^KimbroUgh................,;r..;,V1.00 H. Foster.........I.............i.^.’i-l.OO ШДЭ. 'F. Taylor,............1.,,'..... ,'.',’,!;>.'.50. X'C.',Smith.........................•iV:i;:i.'.50 .'H.-. li 'Allen A." И. Sain ....... ..;i.V..';;,;:;; i.'00 •R. ’ E.'.;jvillipm3;.‘v . ; a ; o o - fj. ^í. Sofley...... I'.OO ',J;' C. Opok,i'.ii;;;.,^A.iM.V,.V..',i,V.,.60 G.' 1m ,'F o n ter,^ .1.00 J. P. ' P o s t o r ; . . C . . . 1.00 W. T. Foster 1.00 0.:L. Laird,.,,.1 „. , . ,л.'..'' .50 Г,. L. Smith l.OO :w. D. Hodgo..';:vHt.:.;;.s.;;;:v..;'Aiv.-.6o G. H. Sirtith .50 E. P. Riddle;.','.,^..,;.::,',,.;;...,.,,. .50' '6. B. R ' l a d l e ; , ’50. .’J. E. Potts .50 Mrs. John R i d d l e : , 1.00 W. S. Douthit.l..'.^;:;:..!........,v..„1.0O H. S m ith :.;:;:,:..;?,V :. i;oO' .IV. M.:MBrkIiriv..,::,i;'....,,,,.1.00 Tpjn Cal'tor.,.,.',,;^.:;....,,,.;.',,.;..),.. ,1.Q0 A' 'm B; vB. Sparks, G J3. McDaijiel Roy Fostler....... Henry Butner,,,,„;,,, Haywood Hendrix,, J. D. Shock W. F. Jaivis ■ W; F. McCullough.. Frank Sheelj, F. M. Smith J. W Ellis J. F. Cope C. F. Ward 'Claude Dunn,,,,, '.50 1.00 3.00 1.00 l.OD 1.00 1.00 1.00 .50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .50 Groüp of Coats Ever Assembled; a price, ^nd just in time fo|^the Easter paradç. Y ou won’t ^be s¿|n^ if you^ your choosing here and Jet a^hoice of these Twills, :Tw^ds, and Satins»-fur-trimm'ed^ crisjp • how-trimmed or sellF-^ trimmed. All sizes, including Ъ2%. Cóme and séé them tomorrow. $7ï98i $12.95, $ ^ Smart Taffeta, Satin 'and - ; ; i Most Alluring Styles Yoil Can Imagine ; Tiers, tucks and bows play an important part in this season’s niode^^^ Then, top, there are blacks and whites and navies and beijges and tans —including many other popular light and dark colors. All sizes for misses and women including'stouts."': ' $7.98, $9.95, $ 14 .9 5 , $ 17 .9 5 , $2 4 .7 5 annbtiricement; 6f. ^d^Hectivfes. Oti 'the' ranabm' money, detect!vds ,sny_ they ■have' ,'recovbred ,$3,050 lir ^li'r ■, ■ ' '.. ''.I' 1 n •‘'*'r~^gi‘pes arei Lbwia Ayiliis, V - Pi*:^'^8''-.brother ■ Arthur, 14, piiS' ‘The arrest of the negroes,na»|,; that Frank .Basket ’e.\-ppliceiuii|| arid' Mrs; Anna Miller Thomi.son, W'ii'o ^ have been" hbki as’- suspecij for aeveral days, Avill bo releiisei ;fbrma)ly when pr.pliminary hciirJ iilg cbmcs up. April .115. They no\tl are; at'-iiberty on- bond. : ■ NOTICE OF SALE ■Î • t ? r' 'V ' hrь ' The school commencement will l)egin Sunday, May lat. There ■'will be exercises by tho primary '.k'and grammar .grades Monday ■••.Tilght'.’: May ■, 2nd. On. Tuesday Jiight the ’ senior:,class day, exer-, . cises, will be held» Commence- ;Tnept day will be Wednesday, May 4th! ,at which time the graduation ' . exereiae.s-will be—the high school : play at night A detailed, ileacnp- • tion of exercises will be published later. ; Sprig Is Heah! , ‘ i I am ternal. I make • strong v men. quail.' Beautitul women xower bef ore me; I laugh. They ■‘are unable to lure me. They lose : ithenveharm and become unlovely, snillling objects. Mighty men ■ become powerless in my presence; ' nthey are debaaed and I am glori- , iied. I am all powerful, pmni- ■ "present. .1 am a cold in tho head. . l am eternal.■ -----------«)---------- TRADE WITH THE MERCHANT THAT ADVERTISE IN THIS NEWSPAPER —' THEY WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. s I I iЩI p Jcâ I I I; Щ r I i liIp I AN ATVIAZING (ÍROUP OF SMART NEW H A T â ' Hardly a style or fabric' you pouid wish for—but is includ­ ed here. Vigcas, ^crbchets, straws,: braids silks arid com­ binations.. Large and small ' sh,%js; tailored 'and trimmed eirect^^r"Overy wanted ' color, Never iV^ch hats at auch low prices’ ÍTectá^r-overj iever fVich i prices’ .4 $1.98,'$2.98, $3.95 Ami up to $8.95 HOSIERY In col ors to match or blend with your new • cbstume. ' Smart sheer or service weights. iKayser Silk Hose Fuirfnshioned, 'silk from toe to hem, SJipper heel. Colors:- White, Nude, Cercassion, Roaita, Chateau, iChalit, Naturelle and Flesh ,;....................,„,$1.65, ¡fl.!)5 Full-Fashioned Silk Hose Pure thread silk from', toe to hem. Every . wanted shade. Mill ruiis. Special.;............$1.00 PERFECT FITTING ^MART FOOTWEAR Women’s Patent 'and Trtn Lace Oxfords, plain and'fancy Pais­ ley trimmed. Good . and com- , fortable for regular wear. Siz­ es 2Mi to 18— 'v '. , $1.98 Women’s Patent and ■ Mond Step-in : Pumps,' and Straps,-^ spike hepla, made ^on good fit-: ting lasti. These .are snappy Pumps for Easter wear— . ■ $2.98 Women’s patent and tan pumps and sandles.' Low and medium heels, plain and fancy design.s. Big variety of styles to select from . $2.95 ken’s pxfohls in blacjk arid tan Leather.' :ln,,the niow .shades and broad toe bluche'r styles for Spring'and Eiisteivwear. • " $2;98 Spriiig oxfords'for men-": and ;'§ young men, ,, Black and,tan kid' i aW ;: calf';(.ski ,'leather's. Good .. I yearjw.elt soles.: Bal and.Bluch-;’ H er !stylps plain , ai.id' coiribina- ,1 tions.; '■ . 1 . Women’s,Dress Pumps |j in: patent and all thoinew shad- ^ es of colprpd kid .for Spring, and ' j| Easter' \year, • Such as blond, i rosG blush,' pastel kid and water,,! lily.',: Priced— •. ■ 1 #.9|5 to $6.50 I WQnien’s' Felt, House Slippers ,g sizes, 2Mi,to 8, Bargain Base-;;! irieht, ■ Pair,' „49c':|| •Terms ,6f Sale : CASH, 4 14 5tf, CONVENTIONS! Men’s and Young Men’s New Snring Suits All-wool n/uverials, some111 most any color, with two trousers.Sizes !J3 to 44. $ 1 4 9 5 • Young Men’s All-W«ol Suits . In single and doublerbreastpd'models. All sizes,; $ 1 8 .5 0 Young Men’s New Spring Suits In nll-wool materials in tans, greys arid other colors. Two pants, ’ ' $ 19 .9 5 Men’s New Spring Hats In moat any, atyle. Plain aiid fancy bands. Good-Felta. $2.98 to $4.95 F o r M e n a n d B d ^ Roy’s Blue Chevoit Suits ' > ' With one long, one'short and ve.st. 'All sizes. : '' Well made. . ' ' • ' ' . ' ' ' .v;B0'YsrALL-wp6L,.suits';-':;.;'''A^^ With one Long and Short and Veat;'-;;;size'8 ‘8'v; ; ,to 1C—well made—good colors.'' ' ' :;:i::.$7;953Sl^ BOYS’ NEW SPRING TROUSERS Iri, Golf and' Regular Knickers., 98c to $2.48 ROYS’ SHIRTS ANI) IJr.OUSES * V In Broadcloth and Silk Stripe Broadcloth, all sizes. ■ , ■ -V . • ' ' . 75c' to 98c , ■ Î*■ ■ ■ ' ilUIHffln WINSTON-SALEM’S LEADING DEPARTMENT STORE ■!ммши1111и11мии1111итиам11и1111и1111и111и1111^||1иш|у||м1111и11и1и581й::!!и11м1|||иш1и1111и11111ш||мт1||ш11^ш1^в1|и(||(и1ам|||м111мш ,8.U P ‘r * ’ : .-I'V -V V''li'- ■ii¿1í.'íf.'í'^íírií;fé WM! 9t( Vf шшшШш M W ÌW ii " —i5T^'--------r # / (By A'ch’ÍHuneycü t __-i.* 1 -■Шл'! ~ 0P>^ing [ i's f“ iir.slpenìng beauty, wtì’vè,waitK ed loñgt - 'î,'^ Ч J l^ith hungerlnsi hearts,your ■' waking nbte, , Uid now It flbwa ih a sweet, glad .song ' i . / , П И iff )f life .and bird's 'thi-oat ove, iron! the blue- la ill wlt^i flü\át,thÍ8'i^^^tJl)íf,rhope for |jer a^ftjieedÿ, ^c^coyery.,' ■ Mrt.,s/Caivin Bowler, and Mrs. Turi’pntinb of Oak Gro”e spent on'e'^ay the past week with Mrs.;i J.R Beeding. ' ^ Mr. and Mrs. EL L. McClamroch of Cooleemee. were, the week end' gue.sta of iVMrii. McClamroch’S mother, Mrs, :p, ; J.. Smith .Mrr"aria,jMr4 G.';^tifeTaylor >0f Winston-Salem were thé guests of; 'Mrs. Mr J. Taylor, Sunday. , The .Ladies Aid, Sopiety .held , , J i .................. ''‘air öick \Vlth, iriuhìU,,)."' All. and MrS.'fP.^! The aky : is; blue for ypur laiighr ing:'fey es,;, rhe ;flelda are bright, for your : ; vergin flush, ____... „„ |rhe5:;w|llow- arid : red-bud imprp-' thdrmontWy m^ting*Thui^Sf I _ I afternoon, with Mrs. Wm; Foote ; tint; tb: nejghten your modest 'as hpstess. ~ ' , : Easter Saturday night the Phl- ^ latheadasa will give a pie aup- PV'c have waited;patiently, aadly, per :in the Sunday achoot rooms. long; t . . , Ice cream and other refreshments Vith far-cast dreams ■ of. your ,^yj]] |jg ge,.ved. The proceeds go waking. Tiote,’, ' , , ^ to help furnish the Sunday school iiid iibw it bursts, in a glad, glad . Every one cordially in- 'song:"'.;' ' vited, ’)f life' and love, from the blue- bird's throat. In the Silperior Cnurt ; Before the Clerk, 'i .'; NORTH CAil’OLINA,' 'DAVIE CPiJNTY. ; . . Tjpssie Bess.pnt arid;,husband,I S. R.v Bessent, pianoaiiill ;hus,h'ancl, Raymorid p^in, .ys Piuill Woqd iincj ■ wife, 'Catherine. Wood,! ; iUritlcr and by' virt'ub 'of '.an owl deiv o£' 'the ' Siiperior, Court iif| Dayie :Cpunty, Nprth' Carolina; the Special ,; Pro,coo(lirig .uibovc-l entitled) the un'der^'ignejl conimis-l sioncrs, will,' on 'thb' ,14’th' diiy <if| JMa.y, 1927';.nt thè court-hou.se donri in Mocltsvillè,.North Ciirolina, atl Tweivb o’clock,:;,',nqoii; ' .'bfTor I'or I .sale : to the - highest biiUler'; I'ot.j cash, ,the':^ fqilqwirig desoribwlf lands,-‘to•wit,*:’. : v ' ;,. That ceri;ain'tractor parcel o(j| land, lying; In; Mpckaviile’vTowii-'[ ship, Davie; County, North' Caro­ lina, ; arid , bouiulé(i ;:a3.'foirowH, viz',:';;,,. ■ '■. flogiiinirig at:'7i:';;8tori'e .on. West side ptv ia Hutchiivs’ heirs’ line ;Md'':uurìriiii^^ ^ fSbrith'87 •Eafit':il9.8ÒVcliftiris; to n stone,:Rqse’ò' corner ; thénce’South I 5Ó;,links to ' a • bnVpcl^^ tlionue, dpwn arid; with branch to;à point below concrètea'bad.; thenL^e with branch South' 64 East 19.80;chaln,s | to Gebrgp McCiamrochi’s' line; thence North 59 East 5;36.chain,H to a stone! thcnce North 69. Wc.st 18;50'chaina to concrete road, a /itone'on the North side; thence North ,3 East 25,00'chain.s to a stone. Boose McClami'Pch’a coi'- ner; thence North 86 We-s't 15,80 chains ^ Huntsville RprV :;tihpnc(i .with said Road .South,; ,10 East 3.50 ,chs;'South 2 West 7,60 chs; Soiith ,4,15 bhs;. West 8,50 chs; Sputh 23 West'8,95 chs .^to the be­ ginning,, containing 56.70' acrc.s, more' br' lesa. . This '9th day pf 'Apjiil, 1927, A.-^D.-' JACOB ' STEWART &■., RQBBRT S; McNEILL, Commissioneis; ■ • Date of Sale: Saturday, April 11, .1Ì927,: 12:00 p’clock, Noon. Place of Sale; Court House Door, Mocksville, N. C. The Night'Shift Don’t Fretr ; Don’t count your :chickbns be- Jore they hatch. The 'mbat pro-'^ Inising poftsibllities. may fail, yoa Inow .only time 'cari 'tell .what is | 1)1) the inside. '.As for ..troubles, RomeTeiicher: “.When, Was built?” : ,i. - .•,'. :,Boy:''‘At:night,”.' ; . ' Teacher: "Who told yoii that?” tne insKie. .^s lor ,.rouu..«, . ■'' Go thou aiurdojikcwise.” j Ivo the optimistic, end, bf the balance; the 'benefit of , ,doubt:. Whifo;;powderirigi iier 'nb9e, ; ' fecratch'.ap'd,;sin'g, arid .let your ' ^^ ^ (vhiskers grdw,; ' vj ■ : At 'Hb.nie..-; Immune from the strife > ' , ' Of; il .iazzy life,; ,,;,.; And' the ' splash - of 'f utile tears,;; ' 1- live >,arid 'I Jove":' ;.'A's‘thp 'seaabii. move’;r, ; ';;; • The, 'round of the, : lirippy years. i i i p ............................._ i « . and:'abveral fr^len^d^'j!froM bury, spent one ’day Roariiigi.Gap.,....',.... Mrs, Anna Liyeng«6cl,i' leys Chapel "spent la8t‘W«6L.v^,„.,.r„, her son, Mr. W. A. ¿Iv/nkit.dd.-.tjfJ the Cooleemee plantation;,',y' 7 ‘rA Mrs, 'J. R. Willlanis.siiQiit'Iagb week in;Win^ton-Salem at thel'bSii'^ sidb.’ofVher'son.'Mr, L. Uam8/;who has been critically 111. blit; last reports are that Mr; Wil- hariis; is lmpr.ovlng some. ■; ; Little; Wyiie Burton had the riiisfbrturie ip get his arm broken Pne day last week «t scHobl. , Mr'. Sherrell Garwood of Wayng- ville was a pleasant visitor one day last week of 'Mr. J. N. Wood, near here. >' . ■ The teachers of the different schools attended the, teachers meeting in Mocksville last Satur- ;dayj . , Mrs. S.. B, Bidden and baby of Winatbn 'ia Spending, this week here with relatives. . Mr. Pierce WiUh'fis of ,tho Twin City 'spent, Sundayy; , liore with relatives. ; ; MOCK’S CHimcH~NBWs w H'i FnncicH Call '. Ivhei'c peiich 'blooms blow, , f.ike tardy .a'now , ■ • ' , That’most forget to. fall,' • |Way in tho' lan'd ; , : ' 3f long' ago, I. catch, the echoed call ;.. |Vn,d gaily raco |Vlth fancib.i,pacc, . , ; ■ )n clbver beds to fall, Uul. there] forget' .. • , J\Iy eyes are wet IVilh joy, ' Vor it,ail,',,'; . 'o'' I ^ 1 IVhoi'o ati'eamleta 'glint,,. >: i. |Vnd mornings-hint . ■)!' Sumirier day's ■ . _ J;ike anvboi’: wine, ■Ynd hatin'0;;.j{iv0S' . . . (Ter ripest tin^ To I'ruit:; bf;(reo‘and vine,'' ; )ncc-morbnas frep |\a bird/an^d bee , follow, the glad call Iriiero tb forget ' i. |\I,v eyes are wet ' ^Vith .joy ; , Por it all.' ' And I plow ' And 1' mow,; ' ; ' I reap as, I sow,, . : 'Secure from a thought. ., Of fear, ,Whilo I laugh And' I sing Aa the: birds of Spring,; WIUi novor a thought ; Of car'a. "r The good green ilolds - Witri thoir friendly yields,' Gi'^fe biead in an ampb'store,,' And the willing sóli ' .With' a whblesome toil, ; Keep the. gaunt’ wolf -.from my door! ■^Anci;'I'l,ive;,,;,'\. And; I drbam, I 'rhriiugh ;the’ ainbe'r ; gle^ani,' I Secilre; from. a thought.. , ;l.pf:fear, ' : . ’, .For 'Slihme - . ' Whi.le, I 'langh,: ‘ ' Ifhe giii stood 'on, the burning ' And 1 sing deck, ' ; . ■ I As the birclii ,that wing; sprallingj palr,;'0f hoes,.. With never a; thought , , bhe had forgot to Avash' lier nock. Of :care. • \ . Everybody is looking forward to EaHter;^: ' ' ' ■ , . !.' , There wiil'- be preaching;, here next Siinday, at 2 :30 p’clock, also; Sunday.:riight,- ' ‘ : " ^ • ' Master .Oharliq; Orrell is tight , sick, .we ai'e sorry to iibtpj ; ■; ■ Mr, J, É, Orrell . was riot ¡ able to /be 'dut Siindayiji)n;;j»Pcount.: of a deep cold. , ' Miv arid Mrs, _L,‘; B, Grreli; iiiid : children visited 'Mr. and, Mr$;, Z. A. Beauchamp at Lewisville Stin'-j day,.'■ ; , .Mr, and Mrs. J> T. Phelps spent the wpek end With their daughter, Mrs. 'VV, C, Allen at Fork Church. ' ■ Mr. and Mrs,'.VVi S,' Phelps and children .apent;one.day last week in Winaton-Siilem. ■ WILL HONOR HEN ~ HY SPECIAL WEEK; ; A convention of.the Democratic qualified voters of the Town- of Mocksville will' be ;heid iri .the Court Houpe in the; Town .'-'of Mopksville,, for', the purpose' of nominating a candidate for Mûyov and five: Cpmmiasiorie,r.s'o'f; the Town; of Mocksville, and a town Constable, Saturda.v, 'April,,80th, 1927 ;^t 2:80 g’clock p, m,,;'an(r fpr the trariaaction bf such ;Pthei' business as may properly ibpmp :be- ^ fdrè’ thé; cpnyentipn ; :a'nd;,a ' con- yentiori of : thé. Démocratie' (iua^ ' 'fled,; voters of. Mocksville Graded arid .Hiigh School District; /(in­ cluding. the voters who . réside • within jthe corporate : lirifilts; ;and .those who reside,: within the said School, district 'but; outside''the corpprate ; limits. of the town ; of Mocksville) will,-: be- held 'Ìriv.;the Court . House in , the; ;’Town '' pf Mocksville, for thè ribniiriation of tW0,::tru,s)te,e8 of the;; Mpc;k8ville School district Saturda'y, April 30th, 19?7 at 2 o’clock p, m„ and for the transaction of such other business as may proper]” vpome before the said convention,- v By order of the Democrntie Exe­ cutive committee of the town- of Mocksville, and Mocksvillo'-School districti This March 28th, 1927. ' JAS. H, CAIN, Chairman Democratic Executive Committee, . J. L. CARTER, SecietaVy. ' ^ Ш ' „ C o m p a iiQ r Ш ссш ев^ f le a d ê r in . i t ^ it||ax>ductsand s e rv ic e vaie o f le i i t G A SO LIN E ■ 'Oil«; Í*’ '■'.W-i,' '■'Vk .f.'NI . Made In North Cfvrolina. ; 'Raleigh, April; 13.'^ America will do homage; to tlie :produetlvP hen by observing; .Natlpniii :E(i:g' Week during the perl'od frP'rii ,'iViay 1 io-1. V . “The -laxiecutlyccomriiittcip bf the . National:.''Poultry ' '/,Council has issued a pruclainiiiloriiftiitting 'aside the week' of ■ Ma,v' 1 to* 7 a's’ National Egg;.'Week throriirh'qut America,”, sa.vs Dr. B.'F. Kaupp, head of the poulli'y department at; ¡State CollcKb. "The council is nb.^v organizing, state and na­ tional committees to develop and promote the obaerVancb of this w'eek. It W’ill be'a period in which we ''will pay our; re'spects; to ,ari; iridustry that stands fifth among bur agricultural' pursuits Avheii measured by the value of the' prp- ;dticts. ,lt is also a iperiod ,set aside to spread the mpssagq of tl?e peculiar and yaiuable 'propprti.es poses'sed; by: egg^ in the .human diet.': We shpuki;place ompha.sis upon more; qlhcl.erit and eifective iTiethods pi’-,producing and', n^r- .keting the egg.’' 'Nearly every person in Norta Carolina ,ia iritereatod in poultry either as a consumer or as a iii'o- ducbrj'states Dr, Kaupp, . During National Egg Week) therefore, all of na shoukl ■preach ■ the;import­ ance of; therpbuitry industry and ;l50ultry;producta"in thp every, dqy practice of feeding the thpusarids of pepple'in .the, State, i;,;:; .' In ,the pbseryance ;pf .this week. Dr, .Karipp ; calls npoiV oacJi poUl-, try', a.sapcjatipn, ; ';p'ach producer; and any o^heiv person or/prganiz- ation; interested;: inVpqultryto stress^the,-;:ipp,Qi'tan6e,;of 'the in­ dustry land'to ilirect;'the‘;riii.iids;;pf;, tho' people to :thq grpwirig.\imp()r- tanco of poultry/in ;;the’; life of, •Noith Carolina ppople.\ ' i ■ Dr, Kaupp states that'’Ihe hen ia a’ national', and state asset. She is .a creator of wwilth, a univcr- *Hal favorite, a safeguard of pu'r future food supply :'and the pro­ ducer of orie o.f'the greatest food .products. ing been made in the\ payment of the note secured by,the mort­ gage deed, the /undersignod as­ signee of the said 'mqrtgrigo .deed; as afores'aid,- will, sell: ¿t public auction to the highest bidder for. cash at tHe'.Courthpu.se .dopr' ;of Da'vic Coiinty,>'NQrth\QiiVoliriiij.'in Jlocksvil'le, :.N6rih;:;Carpiina,^.;;^'0 .May l'4th,'' beiiig /Saturday,,' at'\13 o.’clock 'AI.,. the. fol 1 o\VJrig-.'real, e s; tatb 1 situate, i n ’Olarkfivl ll o .Town- ship;-Davib;;County,'and;desc'rJbod to .'black • oak (now 'Stone in'.R,; L. SALE OF REAL ESTATE! : Under and by virtue of the au'^ thority cpntained in a certain mortgage deed executed ’Oil ,:the 19th.day of August, 1925 by Laman IVf, Eaton which mortgage debd is duly registered in the of­ fice of Register of deeds of Davie County, North Carolina, in; Book of mortgages No, 22' page 51 to Charles S, Baton, and which sajd note and mortgage deed have been duly .assigned and transfored; by Charles: S. Eaton ' to George' W; McClamroch. and the assignriient of thb; mortgage, deed is,;dtily; re cordédí 'in; book,,^.v;:;.page;;;;.i^ ofUce pf irbgistpr ; ,ipf' ; aeeida;i';J^r \V . 3:6f) 'Chs,; ,to slippery elm/.on. .Wost'sidq of old meadow, thence. N. 85''/i! ,degtt,' W, 2:37 Chs, to ch&stnut :Cnow vstone), thenco; S. Gi.il dogs.-' West 6:G3'6hs to stone, thence, S. 54 Mi degs. .E. 5:41,chs tov'storie in-greasy br'anclv< under; the. old low ;bridgp; thence,',tp.ffol- low'-'grb'as.y.' branch ' to rpck.;;,-at^ m;buth: p C pld school 'house branch, thoricb: \yith.;Baid;branch to, stone. near ; mouth of A',';W. EatonS' spring bVanch, thence; S;:4:8Svchs to''stone iri; Ai W. 'Eaton’s - line, thence E. 19:-79 chs to the be­ ginning, cont'aining-55;(ieresmo).’e •or less; For further; descriptiori see deed bobk 19, page 489, office register' of, deeds Davie' Co'unty, North Carqlina'; • : : ' . 2nd tract: . Adjoining above tract and bburi'ded; on the West by' the; lands ; of above V Wact, bounded bn the North' >y the lands of Rufus Hodgson, hounded bri the East by the. lands of Nancy Cartey heirs, and bounded on.the .South by the lands of: A/W. Eaton contai, ing 5/acres.more;or'Ipss, This! the 9th day of 'April; 1927- GEORGE Wi ;M'eCLAM^^^ Assighb^ :pf C,'S.','E;aio^^^^^ , ' Y o u N o t i c e t h e D i f f e r e n c e ;.M , We. simply quote^^fiwncrv's when we say that Dodge Erotiiers hew: five-bearing: cr.ankshaft, together’ with 9ther.imprb'V'efnents.'a'ri'r nounced ;at; th‘e;;,;s^ time,, hao Jiterally revplutipnized the per­ formance of Dodge Brothers ,; Motor C.nr. ^ ^ In zest, flexibility and .smoothness " of power delivery, ybu wil) go far up the price scale lo find its equal And the best test of that js' per- .' S 0 n al e Ji p e rie n c e -7^ W: h i c h -w e’ will be glad to provide at your convenience. GROCE AND TODD . 'PHONE 106 DEPOT',STREET; -;; STANDARD r ' Touiing • I ■- Roadster , ’ - Sedan , ’ ., Coupe t ' W o A iB O S a H D e p e n ( l e b l e < U B e d ‘ C e r » MOCKSVILLE/N. , 90^,Q»rv',%f ................. 955.(Н||Щ# M ß m» If D a n s e B ra o T H e R S , MOTOR CA'R^l.;' (I I .Vi. '14 . ; ш11 LIE ENÍERPmSE •-Д Published Eve»*y rbursíiajT at • ' Mockaville. North Carolinii, A, C. HUNEiCUTT ...‘ ''Jublisher, 7 ' J. 'F . LEACiJ’ ' - Managing Editor. '5 '7 >V, SubBcriplion Riites: a Six Months 60 Si¡!, Strictly in_ Advance, ■ Cent?; ®=Ч В '? Bntèred at t-ïie post ciTicô' at ; Mocksville, N. С., аз second-claâs matter under the «flt of Мягс!' li, 1879. '^■í*■ Л./ ^ *_______Л i Thursday, '! rlVcr. We inro telling no secrets in siij'iiiif. fninlcly. thiit Lexington would iiko vory much to aoe the Advance s G c t i o n have the stniJifh- testipoasible route to Lhia city. 'We:'c6vct 'theii' fn'endshlj) ; nnd ¡11. BnrnEycnstie visiteia fklonds at, North Cooleonieo - Suntliiy after­ noon. Misses Annie < 'Renejifir and Naomi White oi near Ijnmos Cross lioads visited Mi.ss Ida Bccjf li’ri- ■«■штяпшдаивваяааая! Mocksville, N. 0„ ApUl 14/1927 '- ' “Big Bill’* Thompson, Chicafeá’8 • -vvar time ninyor, staged a cpme- back in 'the'recent uléBtiofi'by ■ a:, ■ «lofeating!. his democratic oppon- ' ,'ent for the mayoralty by moré ' than fifty thousand Votes. The ('vote.' which was one of the largest, r Jt is* said, ever cast in the City , of Chicago,;.,)Vn8 oast as armed í; : m the ballot bòxes, No doubt'both Denver nnd “Big Bill’’ , ; were surprised by the election re- •Í. I . suits, and now then, by thn wav, ' ,let Us hopo that “Big Bill” will ;;,i; do. ,si)mothing to check the gun ...'. . Tlay: which has made the Illinòis V : . .city fnmoiis 'during the past year. ' ’ ' North Carolina just simply wijj Wiv' , hcrt sister state on the ifeS '. ' ‘ L South get ahead of her in any ' ;wuy. -Just at the time when Gov- f.crnor ![(Ichnrd.son,> of South „Ca'roí ;.:iina,. is 'puttlng his statd Oli the ,^mnp,(.,through the; rigid ènforce-, ¡íihent' of,;tho’“blue inwsi'’ lo, arid vibphold, somebody ,;up ait Raleigh /acrutches, nround among;thè rub-i iblah nnd finds, an old ldu'tity ‘ sta-: iiulo ,-which says thnt this eófnrnòn- ^wealth also 'has. ;^‘blue ': ’Suridiíly laws.” So. if Governor; HicLonn ivviu. just; sit down on the lid lllio the¡ .goyevnor- ‘of; South£Garoliria Iti"wl'jÀ desire their business; The Fork ' dny. community-would still be close to Mi‘. and iii's. ; Loa Dwiggins; us by.either iq'ito, wo it was not Mr. nnd--M'.s. Floyjl Tutterow,' liilvolved in'the lirtriiment. Of and Misses Mazie Vair/ant, Sadie couvsei ithai'o iwere the Yadkin ' Tutterow,and' Myrtle ‘ Andei'sbn College folks to bo bcnefitted by ' spent ^/rhursdtiy ' -afternnon in ;the ;upper site; nnd the DnVidson 'Salisbury, shopping, comrnissionersi';helpcd them all!" Messrs 'Millaid Sneaks and that sa:ni3 / lo ^ have been within Connie ' Beck,; of; iWinston-Salem, thujr'poweH. Had they felt that ' spent Saturday 'night with-'Mr. there -waSr any. a'pprociabie chance D. R- Beck nnd family. ■ pf jodatin^ ,the bridge at Fulton Mr. and Mrs.-W. M .‘Suaford and go'ttirig, it .built while 'the visited Mr, G, W.''i!verhardt, «nd StatC' Highway Commission has f,iimily- of. noiir Liberty, Friday the money' there is ,little doubt night. that; they would 'htiyo; asked; still Mr; andi Mrs. D. R.'>Beck visited ■another ' survey' and still 'more . Mr. W. S.Ì Boyd ; of'near Ijames nrguinonts.' ' ' ' I Cross-Roads Monday aftemdon. Davidsón went to the length of Several people from this com- jM'rariglrig,td borrów.J10p,000 last munity attended the county,sing- year to lend Oli; the bridge, pro- ingi which was 'held at. Libèrty ferririg the; uppei’ site but accept- ! Saturday V'night. There >yas ii irig the lower gladly if it could not large number of singers present get' the upper, : dèspite the fact and they certiiirily;.did: some fine that Oakes Ferry is further from singing. The next meeting is to We Are Ready For The Last Minute Rush For Advance- than is;' Fulton and that it gives less mileage to .Davidsón and slightly riiore 'to 'Davie—^arid be held at Oak Grove, May 14. Mrs.' Frank HCridrix, of Dulins visited her' brother, Mr. T. A. mileage counts' in nlioc'atlon of, Vnrizant Thursday, building and' maintenance funds. Misses Mattie, Sadie, and Mary But there seems 'iitllè' proiîpect j Catherine Hendrix, of . Salem, of résults .from' a protest now visited their aunt, Mrs. L..,M;' oxcept, n delay, nnd^ danger of de- Tutterow, Monday. ,i' , ■ Mrs. Nellie Andeiisoif'is. spend­ ing a few day^.f vi-'ith Mrs. J. S. r-'.' ì ì j f ì 'f i - ' tìdà.^8tate will quit ihvlting^ ,',4^ie^f,ello\VB from South Carolina '''''W for,,Sunday golf. , 'I'hoso, who long foivsnrlrigj ior r.‘ bnlmy^;days,' whph -a /f ello\y. go .'ilshlng and 'sleep 1^0.; thè on^ t riycl’. bank, 'L._, jij.f^afcjijri^ ehill^ i;^h(ih;>'we'kBhaU ;have jsbmp spring'dnys'. -. These; got Ht- /^'Me, .comfort frem, local weather ' 'y" pi'otihets, iyhò:;'toJi, us lthat;;àve• 'í/-*^íqed not expect« ariy'iimbrofl'^il warm weatbeiv iintii nfter, ,Eil^ter. Others say • that there is 'no.'cor- tainty about the spring until after April ¿6th.; Surel.v some of these weather prophets .are spooling. I'eat 'ibf I the, whole proposition,; w.hieiii no matter hbw remote, the authorities .of this countji'.'did not Green of .j^oclcsville wish'to incur. Davidsdri ; as 'a '— yfi—~ whole is too!glad'.' to gat,;.:this biddge buiit without havirig .to pay ; out a considerable :sum,;,'i'n iritoVest on money. borroYved tp now.standdn, its wn.v.. /' ' ' ^There Wns,some unrtrfrsta'nding hei'e'of the attltudoyw Da.vie in refusing to make^.^d'* loaii' hereto- ,f'irc,i bccnuse oil'fhat county^s limi- itedi'. flnanv'c^; ■' But no .’such;.ex LOCALS '.ju st; R‘E C ,13 I V E D — 1 C A R ; , Cement., Just received—1 car , G’fllyanizcd Roofing 2 and 5 V. ; — C. C. Sanford-Sons , Co. I This week you will find our assort­ ment of Spring Suits Complete in rail Styles and all the New Spring Colors at pnces to please all *25, *30, *35 Visit Our Boys Department Suits Tpr Boys from 2 to 20 years cu8ò'ca»',bb pleaded in therpre- sent cas|<,'for the State proposes to, beai'.tiie entire cost. \ It,would .nyeiri'';that the Dayle board Nyas 'Set' oif .having a kick, arid if 'it could not raise a siilhcient òhe, on it.'? cidc the I'lver it;'had: tb bor­ row ,lts neighbor :had passed; \ip. If the greatv central highway, visuiilized' by’! many as running'. J-' fln'àliy. bestowiad on, Davie it looks like, it; \ylll' have to'be forced. If :actlon' tha.t might, prevent a *great B^nte .thoroughfare.from splitting that county wide open and ; add­ ing to the Vfilue of every foot ,of l(ind touched is beneficial to Davig citizens a.s a whole, then they Hhouldthank their commissioners. If not, their board has played a v 'I If li'à who wants to wait two or three weeks longer for a decent fishing , riay. to come arodrid?- .I v i. *■ ....... ' 'Tho Charlotte ObsoVver wbuldi 'deelarp ‘the Blue Jay an,-outlaw and remove, all legal protection f3'om him; That :pap6r goes' iritb the details'of ther ®lue 'Jay^ habitkiand holdS'hiniiup as a most wicked bird, allowing him orily one virtue,' or favorable point— his gorgeous beauty. i'Well, the Observer'could not be accused of' saying anything ; too bad aboti); ' Mr,'.Blue Jay, for. he',’certainly;; is < :a murderer,! and ..vandal; ;9'nd5-a . general all-round nuisance; ' He : „is noisy and, hatoftfl «(nd .he pos- tivel.v; will, destroy the eggs and young, of all other birds, if ho is given a half chance. 'Whether he goes to the “bad place” every '.Friday, we don’t know, we knew am old:colored man.' once who lirmly believed ho doe.s,.but we '-do imoY that if ho had ;.his just deserts he would no doubt go there and stay. We. love birds, but thft-BluQ Jay is one we should not weep for, were his race and kind, destroyed irom the earth. THE JOKER , “Big joker Is discovered In new State-wide game law which per­ mits non-residents to have State- •wide hunting licen.ie for ?15.2.5 Iind charges'citizens bf tho State ÍP126.00.’'' From Winston - Salem Journal, April 12th. ; : Is that 'so? Well', we]l_, we—, iutnd' .so it will be till legislature 1929. ^ THE JOKE ON DAVIE bridge, acrqss the river, High­ way 75 in Davie will never be ariythlrig but a purely local road. centbiT*n e w s; '. ■ Messrs C. S. and vV. W.f Ander-- son. Of High Point, and Mr. 'W. R. Anderson, of near Oak; Grove, visited Mr; J. G., Anderson and family Sunday‘aiisrnbon. lyirs, L, R. Dwiggins spent the week end with her .parents, .Mr. and Mrs, G, y/. Everhardt, of Liberty.' ; ' ■ Mr. Sam Tutterow made a biijsiness trip to Salisbury Thurs­ day. Messrs L. M. Tutterow aflTT'C. RHODE, island; red- eggs— for snie.;, Jil'.BO. per setting (15) ' ' $8.06 per hundred.—C. M. Mc- : Kinney, Farmington, N.;C. JUSi^R ,E C E l"v E D —.1' CAR /; Gement.j; ; Just received—-1 car ■’ G'aiyaiiizod 'Rooflng. 2 and. 5 V. —C.' C. Sanford; Sons Co. •S.; c .' RtiOTE' I sland reds eggs for sotting. ■ My. bird . took' flrst prize of'all birds at Davie County Fair. . And blue . Ribbon,at Forsyth County Fair, ; : $2.00 per setting (15); F. 0. B. a Farmington.—C. M. McKinney, W Farmiiigtori, N.'C. 3 17 4t pd.' “ JUsf~R-EC E I v 'kd’—“c A R Cement. Just received—1 eai' Giilvanized Rbofiiig 2 and 5 V. , —C. G. Sanford Sons Co. > to MAKE ?40;00 to $60.00 .WEEK- ly—An _old estnbiished Com-' panysee'ks n capable Dealer for the entire County of Davie. We manufacture 100 useful every . dcy hecessitie.f, extracts, spleen, , medieines.vetc.,; On the market ’ 25 yeaiV. Easy to build; per- riianent ; big pfiying business. ;;; No; experience; practically no capital, 'needed; Write today for full Iparticular.s. -r G. C. ‘.Hebevling, ,Co. Dept. 1522, Bloomington; hi;. » ,1. * ,'*■ * * * * BAXTlüft BYRULY, M. t . cooleemee; N. c. D. Office'Over Drug Store. Of- * * fice Phone. No. 81; Resi- \ » denee No. 26. • I à Lexington Dispatch: . Apparently the jbkc ia on Davie covirity in the uctioii of - its board of commissioners in. protesting against the river bridge site at Oakes Ferry. ' TJiey '»urely hud not heard that it liad long- beon il contention in Davidson that the Fulton Ferry site should be chosen^because it would give Davidson .the longer share of road •and'■would more directly tap a ter- , i-ltory that .would be a welcomed ,’,£î ^ trade accession for this side of,the . № ^ . . Ò JJ C ook S io v e s a n d O ven s For Delicious Food Pcrfcction bakes and cooks everything perfectly. It’s the popular oil stove you’ve read about so murh in your zincs—the stove with the qiiick-lighting Long Blue Chim­ ney Burner, Conje in—we’ll demonstrate to j^ou whaidean, itttenss cooking heat really is. “The Store of Today’s Best” MOCKSVILLE HARDWARE CO. B sai \,1 Why spend your money for a tire that is out of date, behind the times? Buy the NEW tire—-the 1927 tire—the tire that is procjaimed as THE GREATEST TIRE IN THE WORLD It’s the NEW-TYPE ALLWEATHER TREAD GOODYEAR BALLOON. It changes all present ideas about balloon tire Tmilieage. It gives positive traction, protection against skidding, No^iTiore tread. pot'-holes! No more cupping, and ijheven; costly wecir! This new tire fixes that! We have this great new Goodyear in your size. It cosi.s no more than oldfashioned balloons. See it today; \ou’ll understand better why “More people ride on Goodyear Tires than on any other kind!” SANFORD MOTOR CO. Phone 77 ||'ак||Л.ва Mocksville, N. C. ........................ 'V. John Milton,: of Salisbury, tho week end here.s ; .;:'f ------0------ :i’'-j[r.-L;! Q. Baker spent Monday in Winston-Saiom; on' business. ’ •— ,)------t :Miss SalUo' A. Hanes»la visiting •relatives in Winston.-Salom this week. ' ■ ,,,• , ,' Miss Regina .Horn will spend- Easter with friends in Athens, Ga. Rev. E. T. Bradley is attending I’resliytery in Winston-^Salem'this week.,' ■■ ' ; ; ‘ rO—— ' , Mr. J. B. Campbell co;ntinues to improve; but, is. still'conflned to his bed.';' ; ■. . ; ■ . ' '• Mr. nnd Mrs. H. B. Snyder spent Sunday in ■ dharlotie with Mrs. Lloyd Barnes. ; • , ■: —r—b-—— ■' ; Mi-ss I)aisy Hamp'son is spend­ ing some'time ,with MTa. ;Ws C. Patterson; In; Taylorsville. : , ■i" y; Hiiss Willie Miller will be hos- tc.is to thp) Bridge-Club on Wed- 'ncsdiiy .hftornoon at 3:30. 6-—^ Bliss Sarah Clement; of Oxford, will arrive Erlduy to spend Easter with;Miss Jane Haden Gaither. ./ , — -o—— Big pcituro at- tho. Princess.'to­ day, Thomas ;Melghan In “The iCanadinn.” Regular admission.' ' —^—0—— Mrs. W. I. Leach, who was car­ ried to (Luwrenco hoi.tpitaI last -week, is Improving’at this;'writ-, ing.' ,' ' "■ ■■ — o-— ' Tho comctery at Oak Grove will bo cleaned Saturday, 23rd. Let ;all who have plots,come.with tools to help. ; ,. ---_0---— ; ' Mrs. Price Sherrill . and son, ■ Price; Jr., of Mt. Ulla, are guests of her mother;' Mrs. William Mil­ ler, this week. : • Miss Essie Call, of the Loxi^ig- ton school^%n(i Miss Eva Call, who teaches at Hudson, will be at; home'for Easter., ' , ' ,There, ■^vill ,bo a pie auppor at Noah’s ,,'Aric school - house,' Friday night,, April 15. Procoods will go' for beneiit oi school. Everybody; invited. Como, and* bring a pie. ;= ------1)— ,, ■Missus Nell IPolthouser and Ella Leo.,Summers spent' Sunda.v afternoon in Statesvillewith Miss Annie. Holthouser, who Isi.taklng tréatm'ent at Long's Sanatorium''. ------0-1 ---- -Mr. and ‘Mrs. .t. 'lM. Powles an­ nounce the birth' of' a son. Joe borwood, on' April 8, 1927. Be­ fore marriage, Mrs. Powles was Miss Lossip. Sheet's, of: Salisbury. Mrs. Gussie Smith SimmOns, of Ashevlll'o, vvill arrive Friday to spend a \yeek with Mrs; P. J. 'Johnson.' Mrs. Edgar Blanton, sister of .Mrs. Simmons, will also be the guest of Mrs. Johnson,' ar­ riving; on Monday. The many friends of Mr^ Harry Fox, who has; been in Lawrbnco hospital "for some time, 'vylll be glad ; to laarri that he was abio to return home Saturday, for, the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Fox re­ turned to the Twin-City Monday, where they have positions. -. , - ------0—---- Mrs. Pat Baker and Mr. and Mrs.j Cu.rrln, of Norfolk, Va.j, who .have been motoring through the Yalloy of ;Virginia, spent'Moriday In town with Mr. arid Mrs. J. L. Sheek, the former an uncle of Mrs. Bilker. , ^.V , 'Filst wo wish to thanl^ our friends, both town and county,for, the interest',: and ■ loyal "support given ua for thcvlirst weeks pro- giam 111 the new i)la.vhousp. -We ara going to do our best to give you the^best entertainment ob-’ tainable and lo keep the admis­ sion price at 10 and 2l3 cents on regular program pictures even though ,we ave ad vised",by most Rxperiericed theatroii managers: hi' this section that we crtn’t'do it, but If you will be a, booste): und ■Increase tho attendance;:.we 'can, keep down; admission :pricoa, 'h'ov/r ever it will bo our policy to p.lay two, or more specials each month whicVit;:the; coat; or contract will, neceesitate the raising admiaaion on those individual picture's. W,ednosday and::Thursday ofi this .week we lire pluying a pic-' '.Mbfck'á^ÍLLÍB\SviNS FROM r 'ÉÍARMONY . Behind the'effictlve pitching of Nceiyj the Mocksyilie ,high school base ball team, i dofoa(,ed liar-,I mony highs; by the : score' i of 10 g to 7, ; -ruesday laftei'noAi. Tho . game'was .closely :ContD.stod thr­ oughout. The score stood at 1 to 0 in iavor/U' Hai'uiony Uiitil the fifth inning, wheri Sturdivanji^ •weakenod:;nnd ‘allov,'qd'MucksvlIIo to‘score three ;.runSi In the seventh''‘iiinhig 'the score was' again ' tied lat „five all. In '|he; eighth Sturdivants was ’ driven; fiom'the m.pund,'-and the locals regained the lead. -: Neely pitched a'i:ood game and managed to keep. Harmony’s hits well scattered. ; Lathflm played a| brilliant 'game at short by hand­ ling a number of difllcult chances. 'The scdrei R H E FOR SALE—TEN WHITE LEG-l •horn pullets. — Mrs. W. R. Meroney. iiaiMiiiMffliHiiinwiHiiiiHaii , ц : , tuix> that'went'over big in the Harmony ,,010 004 002 7 7'4 -0- Miss Elizabeth Christian, . a student at Randolph-Macon Col­ lege, Lynchbiirg, Va.; is expected to spend ' thé; -:^Easter vacation here. largest thcati'e in the states, the new Paramount house in Now 'York Cityy Its 'rhomas Melghan in ;“Tho Canadian” : Friday and Saturday an actibn' picture, “The • Fiint'om of; :;the 'Forest,” with, the- dog- Thunder starring, also a Juvenilo' comedy., "My';,Kid.'’ Monday and' Tuesday 'we play a Metro G'oldwyn special,; Rex Ingram’s productioni “Mnre Nos­ trum,” featuring Antonio Moreno and Alice Terry. Regular' 'ad­ mission. ‘FARMINGTON NEWS ;; Ono;of. the loveliest parties',of tho season waa given Friday even­ ing,, at the' homo; of Mrs.; F; H. -Bahnson "by foiir.jof the Farming­ ton high schbol faculty; Mrs. \V. S. Wellborn, /¿Vlrs. Tom Mlllor, Misses Francis ; Somor8,'''^and Grace BleyehS.' :As tho ¡guests arrived punch' was'sarved'by Miss Blevtns and' Charlie .'Bahnsqn, Mocksville „ООО 033,,04x 10 7 5 'Sturdiyant,vHopt.4'arid Sparrow Neely and Ward. ; , ' , 176 KILLED IN TEXAS TORNADO ' ' ' ‘ < : L ' ‘We want you to visit our store,„we Offer - ;.;V j|| ' ■'1/', w J Iyou a full line of groceries for your Easfc; ’ er dinner. You’ll enjoy your visit and we will appre- ' V 1date having you» ^ '" Mias Kqpella llunt, who tench­ es in'Statesville, wiir spend the ..................... ............... Easter holidays with her mother, Interestinif" progressive ; games Mrs. E. E. Hunt. She will have wore played after vvhichf a'do- aa her guests. Miss Chambers, of lieious salad Cotirso was served. ............................ . 1.», . of . town guests prepont weVer Messrs Lincoln Spai'ii- hour, Gene' and' -Albert Somors, of Wilkesboro. : . ' Mrs. .Albert iJong ., arid little daughter, Liicllo of ■ Durham are vlsTtirig Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Long. Mr. Grady Srriiti);ha.s retui'nbd West Asheyille, and Miss Berrtice Parsons, of South Carolina.- ■0 The Ladies Wesley Class was dolightfully entertained, by Мг-ч- В. ; I. Smith/on Thur.4dny, aftor- nbbn. ;Mrs. ; Goorgo Wiilker led the Bible study in Luko; the .pre- л шг. vh-huj' umin;. n«.-. slderit being nbsentj' niul.several; hbmb after aponding the past two ,1. %-J* 4. I» n »4 M n /1^/1 ft ' ’’««4 f 11 ó i «■» • T\T < or*-» t •.Tï'î n ‘ , ‘ , Metro Goldwyn’a Rex Ingram’s production, Maro Nostrum, with Alleo Terry and Antonio Moreno, at Princess Theatre Monday and Tuesday. I aul, Ji., ol anomasviiie, _ n e audience.' The pupils Kov^lii,! H,.: .’k»«'-' « “» ‘’'»I"'"»' businoaa...mntters were transncted Following this the''hostesa 'serVed a tempting salad cbiirsewith iced ten,.-Tho.so present besides the hostess Avero "Mes lamos George Walkor, R. L. Binkley, Slilton Call, J. ,A. Daniel, C.; N. Christian, ;M. D. Pass,' and three visitors. Mes­ dames J. Frarik Clement, Roy Holthouser,. and Mia.s Ruth Booe. -------o------ • The operetta given by tho gram­ mar grades undor the direction of Mra. A. W. Andrews, at the high schoor on Friday evening, wns/a marked success, and was R, S,'' Howie,and , acted creditably, the pretty . . , Costumes'be'ing an attractive fen- „ 1 , rniilfi br ture. The selections given l)y the Mr. (ind Mirs., J.. K. Sheek. Thoy were neighbors in Fort Myers, Pla. last year. '; ; ' ' Misa; Katherine’ Brown', who is teaching - at; Morganton,, will be with her parents,. Mr.: nnd' Mrs. M. d; Brown,; Sr., yVduring th'e Easter »holidays. , ,■ ^-O---— ' ' , ; Miss;S'arah Gaither, of the Gas­ tonia school faculty,' \yill arrive Thursday evening to spend East­ er with:her parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. L. Gaither,; ' - Mias .Tohri Smoot iind Mr. H. Stewai’t Anderson, of Winston- Salein, were guests of Mesdames Lizzie; Tomlinson and Mollio Jar­ vis ori Sunday. ;---_o--- Mr. and Mrs. W, T. Yancey and three sons,,William, Qlement, and Thornton, of :,Oxford,' will spend Easter, with Mrs. Yancey’s father, -Mr, J. L. Clément. , ■f)—«——— Mrs.- J. P.' Neivman anti 'two little daughters. Hazel Elizabeth and Margaret, Baity, of Winston- Saiom, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Baity. ■ —^—e—■— ' ' . ■ Circle No. 2 of tho Presbyterian church will have ii cako sale Thursday, April 14th at 2:00 p. m., at ’Harris & LeGrand’s Phar­ macy. Everybody come. -----O---:— . ' Miss Flossie Martin, of the ■Winston-Salem high school faculr •ty, will arrive home Thursday to 'Spond Easter with her parents. Dr. nnil Mrs, W; G. Martin. _ Paul Fraley, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Haire, has been real s i c k since last week, \vitn pnoumbnla, 'and does not seem '±ü be improving any at present. ed by- Ml'S. Andrews, added ■ to thb great pleasure- of the occa­ sion. . Mesdames F. M. Johnson and T. A, Stone were joint hostesses to''the Methodist liadies ;Aid So-, ciety on Saturday afternoon. In the a'b.senco of the president, the 'devotionals wore conducted by Mrs. J. A. Daniel, and Miss Booe led in prayer. After,. singing, ‘iCome'Thou Fount of Every 'Blessing,” the business of, the society was discussed. The iriem- bers then en.iOyed a pleasant so­ cial hour^ during which the- hos­ tesses served deliciíiüs grapo- juice and two kinds of . cake. ,Thoso¡ present were Mesdames Johnson, Stone, J. A. Daniel, Mil­ ton Call,''B. I. Smith, R.' L. Bink­ ley, ChaHes Leach, J. L. Ward,' Phillip Hanes. Ollie Stockton,. R. P. Xnder.son, ;V. E. Swaim, C. N. Christian, Misses Ruth Booe, and Mary Heitman. : -^ < 1 ---- The coriimunity was shocked to hear of the sad, death of little William Patterson,;Jr., one-year-' old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Patterson, of Taylorsville, which occuruéd at the Dnvls Hospital in Statesville, on Friday after­ noon, as the result of severe severe burns. Mrs. Patterson was formerly Mias Elizabeth Woodrulf of thia place, and, has a host of ■ rel atives and friends w h o fiyinpathize with her deeply in. this great sorrow. _ The Httle « body was laid to rest in the Tay- m lorsville cemetery oii Saturday afternoon.. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. G. Woodrulf, parents of Mrs. Patter­ son, and a number of other re­ latives attended the funeral; The little boy was a bright, lovely child, the idol of his.parents, who are crushed by the tragedy.; nionths in Miami, ;Fla.; ., ;' Mrs! 'James Ward ; and' little; 'I^'Iiss Eleanor, spoilt last 'week with ,Mrs; CprdGlia Smith.; Last Wednesday: afternoon .t( very interesting ball game be­ tween Farmington arid Courtney, was played; on the Bahnson fleid. The score being 3-3. ■ The seniors* of the Farmington high school will have a banquet Thursday, evening In , tho high school auditorium. , Misses Ntfli and G'ray .Johnson have -returned to N. C. C, W, after spending their sp.ring holi­ days at home.' STATE’S CREDIT BALANCE ON MARCH 31 WAS $3,475,.'i.56.1!), BIGGEST IN YEARS Raleigh, April 12.—Almost ,$8,.. 500,000—Che state’s largest gene­ ral fund credit balance in recent .years:—is shown on the books of the 'State auditor as of March 31, 1927. Tho credit balance on March 31 was $3,475,550.19. j. This large credit- balance or surplus-ns some call It, is dde to the CoHectioh ;bf income taxes during March and will be ma­ terially reduced /during April, May and June by heavy expendi­ tures, ; but nevertheless a larger sur))lus than the one shown last year is expected to be counted when' the books are closed on the blonniiim oil June 30. '■ Carried on tho crest of thb gold tidal wave of; income tax mdney that swept into the .state troas-: ur.'S' during the riionth ^of. March a February 28 overdraft of, .$019,- 733.23 was changed In'31 days to credit balance or' surplus of al­ most three and one; half millions. . If you are looking for bargains, don’t fail to read' the adds 'in this issue. . ' ; ' San Antonio, Tex, April. 12.— Ono hundred and twenty six per- sons'worb killed by a tornado;at Rock Springs, Texas, :county seat, of Edwards ‘county, tbnlgfit, ac­ cording, to ; a telephone message received herb by, Mayor John Tobin. Dr. W. A. King,^city.health ollicOir, and Fire Chief J. G. Saran wore sèni by Mayor Tobin to tho stricken city, with Inatructlona to render nil aseistance possible. : ’ TKis;,Weok’a Fairy Story ;Once; lipoh a tinie there wr - wife; \yhb: didn’t get suspicious vVhon.her hiisbiind was extra nice .to:'hRr.'' ■' ' . AnnF unce Lm ì Fst . ' ■, ' ,GOODYEAR BALLOONS Davie C<di Store / On The Square L. S. Kurfees, Manager The new Gbod.year All-Weather balloon . tire, announced shortly '.iftci'; January flrat, ia the most important development in the au­ tomobile, tiro industry 'since the introdiiction of the cord tiró, ac­ cording to . Snnfcird, Motor Co., tiro dealer at Mocksville, N. C.; . .“Ev'er since; balloon ; tiros wore jnt'róducqd, tho Goodyear eoinpaiiy ihas'' beeii conducting oxtens.iye bxporimentn'tlbn;' for tlio purijosb cbf devÉloplrig a nbw arid lroafl,";:Mr!^ Sahfoj'd said.; ^,'' , -. “púrlrig ii’;"tw;p-}’oiir period, 80 ;dirfererit; treiids'vvoro conatructod by, (tpodyoiir, i\nd put into rbad .'»orvlcb' covering hundreds of thoiisanda of; miles; 'and ,out of this, prii'ctical' rpséarch has come the new ' Gbodyonr All-weather tread,' scientifically designed tor balloon; tiro use. , ; ' ,. “Increased qualities of traction '.ind a high degree of rtsistanco to skidding are two of the major advantages ol the'new tread, while the sharp-edged diamond shaped blocltfl* are built so that they grip the road and rptain their usefuliVess longer than' any pre­ vious non-skid tread used on bal­ loon tiros. “Another feature is long, even nnd alow tread wear as onposod to uneven and rapid tread wear noticeable in many balloon tires in the past, and the new tlre'runs smoothly and quietly without pro­ ducing vibration. I “The man'ufacturors, builders of more than 75,000,000 tires, de­ clare the new product to bo the ipngest-woaring and most trouble- free. balloon tire ' GV)odyear has evor produced,” Mr. Sanford .s'aid. 'pRODUClT MARKET Don^t forget to comò in and get that new Shirtj Ties and Socks, We have them. ; Corrected vveeklj' by Martin Bros. Prices subject to change. Wheat.',,,...,.................?1.35 to $1.40 Corn ...................V ,..........:.....'...... C5c Eggs, per doz. ...........................20c. Butter, per lb. .......■■■■■■fU'V.....25c Live hens ............................'.,,,,'210 Young chickens ..........................37c Young chickens (stags) per lb 15c Roosters, per l b . ...................IQc Ducks, per lb ..„.18c Geese, per lb. ..............................10c 'Young Guineas, each ,40c Old Guineas, each ......................30c Beef tallow ( rendered)-per lb. -4c Beeswax, per lb.........25c i Happy .starting mash will start your bid­ dies growing' mash will keep them going Ш «Я11ШП111 iiiiKiiiaiiiiiDiini ''iin№ai«Sïiniaiiini*2 0SPECIAL FRIDAV AIID StlURDAV ONLY April 15-16 J • ' ■ ' ■ Sugar - ■ Pork and Beans * - 9c CM g Asparagus Tips - 27c can No 2 Pineapple - 22c can —-------—--------------------— ' ' ; . 'i No 3 Prunes ^ - 33c can 15c pkg.I Raisins EASTER GREETINGS 1927 ■iiiiBiii'aiuiaiint Groceries ■ Fruits Candies . ' .. Kodak Filriis Sunil's Tobaccos Drugs ^ ^ Egg Dyes O ■< 02 School Supplies Marcello Face; Povyders mnd Perfumes.' Bluebird „ table, ware Free— ■, f '' / E. P. WALKER ' FARMINGTON, N. C. Shoes Hosiery Shirts', ;, Neckwear Arm Bands Hats and Caps Sport Bovys F, H. S. Belts: Dress Patterns Corn Flakes^^^^ 9c pkg. Oat Meal 10c pkg. I C.C. GROCERY department MOCKSVILLE, N, C. t e ' ! r '■ >• ràgt 6 ifn' THE MOCKSVILLE ENTEHPRISE WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE: Frank li«cson, from Albany, N. • IT., reaches Beiiton, Wyotnuigr, -then—18G8—western terminus of, the Pncific Rnilrondi He had "been ordered by physicians Ito «eek a climate .'high and dry.” He iö robbîed of 'most of his money in his hotel and loses his last twenty dollars at monte in “The Biß Tent,” a dance 'hall and gambling resort in the ‘‘roarin«” town of Benton. • , Edna Montoyo, companion of a i gamljler, is; believed by Frank; to :iave, cajoled him iJijrposèly jnto .thé game. Broke, disconsolate over hi.ц discovery that, "the Lady of the blue eyes,", as he cnlls her,. Is what she is, an'd'flnally humili- àtod oyer hia; glaring' '"giiéen- •,i№S3,” i^rank repulses Edna Ayhen ' she bega him to go awa'y'with 'her; Æobbingly tolling' .him , that-slie had made'a mistake in letting him. 3ÒS6 his money., He goes-to: take .a jqb.^' . George Jenks. a^ teamster tin a -wagon , train about to leave, for Salt Lnke;City.' Capt. Adams, a Mormon, is in; : ' ,charge of the wagon, traim : 1:, ' , vRachael Adams,, an attractive; young ,woman, one; of his wivés, Js ,,in thé' train,.'hs; is ' Saiiiél Adams, his ioutish son. When ;Edna, 'who; hn.s;:shot, but jnot- killéd tha gambler, Mont'oyo, comes a fiigitiVo in’ !'brliclie8’’;tó . ,-jointhe train, ;Dahiòr ',telÌS ' his I .father that sliè. is seeking,,jçnlîs and JJeeson. Capf. -kdams shout's,; "^0 ■: hussy, in men.’a ::.l(iam^ , shall go. with the 'triiih." ’ Daniel,'i by;' a., ppèctacular : gun 'play foilsjMontoyo's attempt to •take Ediia bapk’with him. ' ' :Under Je'r;kB,’. aild Edna’s,'In­ struction' Frank practices shoot- Jng—is/.told.'to “aim fpr his' feel, . -tp liit .'Kid heart.” .This ióllow» a clover, exhibition of. shooting by ' young Dafiijîli'; who isi'angored by .Edna's interest'in Beeson. , Daniel' tries : tö : î bully . Beeson. He is shot by. the .Easterner, and .Beeson with' Edna, flees into thè night. , \ , .vCHAPTER ;XL , A /BARGAIN FOR A' WOMAN At last Edna spoke in low, oven ■tones. ' • ' “What do'yoii cxpect .tO' do with jtie, plèuse?” “Wo; shall have to do whatever! , :is _best ;fpr,. ypui'seliy'' I managed to 'ahs>ver;t.:“Th«t;;wi|I'be d _ mined'when ■ivel roiich; the .stage line; r siippoae.” ; “'rhtink you ! .. Once at the stage line: and ' I shall contrive; ■You , must ' have ho : thought ; of ', mèi ; I u.nderstand,; very ;well , that \ve öhould .hot itriivel far in company —and you'may not wish to' gO; in my direction. You hit ve plans of ‘ you'r.own'?'' . \ “None of any, great moment. • Everythi.ng^ has fniled.me,'to date.^ ■'There is p.nlJ^;the one 'iblape left.: New York State, where 'I carne ■'■from.''.;■' 'i',V"', ■ ■ “You haVe one more-place than J.” she replied. ' ; Her vdice;had a quality of de­ finite (.'Ktlmatian which, nettled, humbled, and Jsolated me, as if I lacked , in ; àqnie ; essential tei a , ■ 'stand»i:d fjet. , v’ ■ “Well at home ; ypu; Avrli live comfortably. YÓU' .will, : need ' to ,wear no beltAvefipon,^, The police will prote'ct you. You ¿an piarry tho girl next ,door~or' even take ihe;ehance ;of the one across the street, her parqhtagé, lieing ,com­ ine 'il I'aut. ;Yoùr children, will love to.hear of the i'ough,mule- whaeker traili-^yesi-you will have nréat tales.but. you will not—- mention tha.tyoy killed a rniw who tried to ;;;ll'you and then rode for a iiigiit with a strange V'oman alone at your stirrup! Your course is the saJ'e course.. By all means • take it, Mr. Beeson.’’ ; “That 1 shall do,.madam,” I re­ torted. “The We.st and f have not agreed. I wish to God Ihad hev- -er seen it—I did not conceive that I should have to take a human iiffr—become like/an outlaw in tho night,vriding for refuge—”. And 1 choked pasBicrititely. "You deserve much sympathy,” •Bbe remarked. I lapsed into a turbulence of ’.'vpii;é|òp6(, x'ago at my.^elf. For a time' our ;mules plodded with sundry snorts and stares as the moonshine. Eventually their imaginings dulled, so that they now moved careless oi where or why. ■ 1 could not but be aware of my companion. Her hair- glinted palely, for she rode bareheaded her Mormon, gown, tightened un der her as she sat astride, reveal ed the lines of her boyish iimb^ She was a woman, in any guise and I being a man, protect her should, aa tar as.necessary! .found myself wishing that we could; .Upturii' something pleasant to tallî about! ' ■ ' ;• i ' 'rii'e drooni’ng;; round. of my thoughts revolved oyer and over, and I ;dozed,. and kept dozing, un til shp'sppké: ; . ■ ; ' • ' ' “Hadn’t we better stopV'.’ .' That wiis a curioiis,'sensation Whon.'I. stai’eil. ab'ôuti iuicompre-' hending, thy viéw was 'shut off by a ; whiteness -Veiling - the , moon' abpyé' and ; the ; earth ¿below e.\- eept. imtriôdiat'elÿ underneath my mule’s'hoof*! "What’s the matter?” I ■asked.' ' . .VTh'»’ toi, I don’t knpw ..where WO;'an '. ■■F' ' “Oh 1 I hadn t noticed.”' , ,;“L; don’t think, there’s' iiny use ; in;:riding On,’’ ;’she ;8àid.'. “We've ’’ lost 'oiiivbearings.'’ ; ; ■ V^; .: . ‘.“^Yes/' we’d . better '^stop wheré . we are,” I agreed. “Théri ;ih the mpriîing wo can-take stoçlc.’’ ' ; She swung off before. I 'had awkardly'dismounted to hèlp her. Her limbs failedj-^my. oA^n were c;lamped by sliiTiié.is—;and ■ she 8ti(g'gered ;arid .collapsed ¡.;With ,.a little laugh. ..I ; “I’m tired,'? • ' she ■■' Confosqed. ‘?Wait Jiist a. moment.” : i |‘You stay where you 'are,”;I orr: dered, staggering .also -as I hasti­ ly'landed. 'i'I.'ll.m'aku.'camp.” i' 'li.But sho wôuld .hnve' hone of; that:; pleaded my. one-hand'edness and insisted mppn'.,cppperatih{( iit' ; tho’mules Tlie '.a'himals : were staked out foil tp nibbling.', ' ' ■ I sought a spot^'for our beds; laid down a buifalb,robe for/her., and placed her saddle ns her pilr low. She sank with a sigh, tuck- 'Ing, her 'Skirt under beri and I folded the TObepyer. ^ Her face gazed . iip. at ine;, siib extended;, her. hand. .. ; ‘iYoii, are 'ivery kihd, sir/' she said, in' a smile; tiiat pathietic{iily ’ cu r^'éd' her.' 1 ips;, ' ; There,' ; my linoesi she; lô'okéd ;.sp- worn,, so sligiit, ;.sp childish; so ia need of ; encouragement that ’«11 was well .and that she;had a.friend to serve heV, that wiiih’ a i;ush ‘of sudden : . When'I awkaened we Avere 'still enshrouded (by, the/'fleece cif; fog. As I giized ;sleepilÿj about I;èouid see Edna’s eyes, wpro open/ She looked at, me. , ''-tF “Sh!'.'■■ she warned,.; with quick shake of head. The sam'e; warn-; ing bade nie listen. In a i^ompht I heard voices. , ■ ,.? '; ; ' They w.ei’e indistinguishable ex­ cept 'as vocal sound's. ; : ‘‘I've been .lidariiig th'em some litt'Ié. while,'' she whispered. . “Adam's men trailing 'us?” : “ I ihope ;h'ot,'' she gasped, . in sheragony. “If Wo might only know in time!” Suddenly tho fog was shot with gold, as, the sun flashed in. Grad­ ually the ofiVth appeared in glimpses. • “There!” she whispered, point­ ing, “ look! They are Indians. We must get away before they seé us.” • We worked rapidly, bridling and sympathy I would-r-indeed I could have kissed her, upon the fore­ head, if not upon the lips them- sçlves. „ It was ah impulse well-nigh ov­ ermastering;; lui impulse that must have dazed me so- 'i'i'at s'he saw or' felt, for a tinge of pink swept into her skill;,she withdrew her hand and settled composedly.. “Good-hight. Plea.ie sleep.^ In the morning we’ll reach the stage road and ;your, trOublefj will be near the end.” ; ' ■ ' Under ; my ' own ; robe. I 'lay ; foi" a .loiig time,,clebating‘ Over,^ what slip , (hiifht ’ have .ilone liiid I ‘ ac- tual.Iy kissed; her to .comifort. hoi'. Daniel'had been disposéd^.óf., Síóntoyo, d id ;nót ' deserve her ¡ ' .I, had ' wpn hér, she could ihspire and' guide me if; I stayed ; •.and I :saw , myself staying, and, J s^w myself going home,; and i;iilready regretted a host of. thi.rigSj. a nian will-when at the forking of the trails.';,;' saddling while the fog rose with measured 'Steadine.ss. ' •• “Hurry!” she bade.,‘ ^^ The.wiiplo desert was a gbliíen haze when ',.'hávifig 'Packed wo; climbed aboard. ', ’ The fpi.f lingered' in p.atcheá^^ /.From.patch t'o;pat'ch' \vo:thi'eaded,; with nlaiiya glance-oyer shouklor.' At .last.wo came to* tv Vougli' oul* crop . of'■jred ; sandstone, ';10óijii(]g ii'uddilÿ; ■ on '. our,' ;i.vigiit.-;’ ;Edha quickly s\yervecl.:for;ii;.',J'';;: ' ."T]ie, best.chahcOv i; see .nothi; ■in'g eise,” . shemutto'red. “We can iio,:the jnules, under coyer, and. wUitiiV WQ'Il ; surely b'e .spied, if wo keep on.” ■ ': In a n^onient we had gained the refugo.- The 'sçulptUred I'oek nitis- ■ ses, .'detached one frorp another,' several jutting ten feet uip, re- eeiyed.us. ,We ■tied; the mules 'short, ip a nook'at the rear ; ;ancl wp ourselves crawled in untiT we. lay snug .amidst ,tlic; ahadpwing buttresses, with tlie desert vista opening before us, ' ’We ;had. been ; just in time, i you'chbose—to the;stage road, of Rounding a knoli th^ere appeared cOurse. J. have hi.^ prpmise. ,No, of mounted ' figurés/ In.- . ;np,'’ . she ; said checking my indir f i r n i l y ^ ; A U v o l f had leaped-irom' cover ill: the piith of the iil'e ;, loP?“ eastward.' nci-oss : tbe . deseit, and instantly, w ith' rt whoop that echoed upon us. iike, the-,ciack’.of dooni; a young;lellow daited_from tho^ line; in :gay pursuit. ; ^Away they toie, while the file 8ÌHc!t'eued,' t0' watch. Out 'trail of. night bore right atliwiUt the wolf’s projected route. Ihere was jtlst the remote chance tiiat the lad would overrun it, m ,his eagerness: and for that interven­ ing moment of grace \ye, stared,, fascinated, hand clasping hand. ■‘He’** found it! He’s found it! she announced, in a little wail. In mid-career the. boy had checked his pony so ahoi-tly that the four hoofs ploughed the sancì. He wlieelod on a pivot and hode back for a few yards, scanning the gi'ound, letting the wolf go. The youth ilung up a glad hand and the band galloped to him. “Yes, he has found it,” she said- “Now they will come.” “I'll do my best, with revolver;” I promised. . ' “Ybs,’’ she murmured. But iifter that-—?” , ' I had no repl.V.'ThÌ3 Contingen-, cy_\ve tvvo facing Indians—was out-side my calculations. ■ ‘iihall we'make a break for itr I p'roiiosed. ■ ’ "U wouUl be mt\dnCB8 on these poor mules.” ' She’ murmured to h e r s e l f . ;"yes, they’re Sioux! I must talk with them.'’ . ■“But they.'re coming,” I rasped. “Thdy’re getting in: range.,We’ve got the' gun, and t\yenty cartridg­ es. - Maybe if (:^il! the;chief- , Ere I could ÉWHr. her My Lady had sprung upright, to, mount u ti­ on a rock'and, all; iiv view, to hold open hand above her head; The sunshine glinted upon her hair; h ' fugitive ^little breeze bound hor gpwii closer about her slim figure. . , ; They had seen her instantly. ■The' chief rode forward, at a walk, his hand • likewise lifted. i‘Keep down! Keep' down, please;'’ ^he dii'octed to me, while 'she stood motionlfeiiBj “ liet' me; ■■ . .Th.evchlef hearecl .unljil hiight'sod hia every lineament— . ‘ài splendid'/maii, hisVey.es ■ing' lier'80 icovdtously .,that I fplt =tlip';,’gldatjiig;v;l;hp^^ ;them] V ' '' ' \.-; : Ho c'iilled inquirmgly !. a, greet­ ing and ii demand in one; it sound­ ed: She''replied. ./Aiurwhat they two said, ill' r’orrt niAtl sign.. I could not know. •Tl)cn'He.crinter-' ed back '.to ■ his meri, while Edna- stopped 'lightly .dov/ii; answered, my fiunrying look, : , ’ : ' ,, “It’s all right. I'm-,going, and so are you.”.she said, with a faint Rmile, oddly, subtle-rii tremulous stviile'in a-white face.' • "Wlhore?: We.:- are- free;, , yiou mean ? What’s tlie bargain?” “I go to them. You ,go where T^p •Щ-1 ; > M»ry*H CiilvepV M/iŸy ,hac^ two pretty, calV . 'ГЬеу;'лге both creamy. 'Îheÿîre children'òf pur'lííi.í • . And werè' only born last‘ ■ '.ytñv Use better paint-^sáv^ tó Use : Stag Bcmi-paste Pain ^ You 'get $3.00. worth of valúe for $2.00. You save onc-third of your paint coat. ^ n J use heiter paint! Just mix one gallon of “Stag" with one gallon of lin- Eced oil and have two gallons of the finest paint made. Your sav­ ing is iji the low cost of tho linseed oil added for thinning. And you know you have all fresh linseed oil paint. There’s a “Stag” dealer near you. See him—or write us for literature and name of dealer. Ask for color qards and booklet showing houses in colors. semi I p g s i e makes Made by HIRSHBERG PAINT CO., Ballimore, Md. . by '■ ■ ;• . . MOCKSVILLE HARDWARE COi Mocksville, N. C. ' íHüiiai! a file dians unmistakably, “A.war party! Sipux,;.! think,” she ' said.; “ Don't they, ' carry, scalps on their.first lace? 'They've been , raiding the stage ,lihp. Do you see, any squayvs?” ^ “No,” I,hazarded.: ‘.‘All warri-' ors,;'r, .shoiiid guds's.''-, ; ' . •“ Aii warriorsi 'Bi’it' squaw's ,\youId be •\v.or.se.'' ■ ‘ Oii they cantered ; indeed, seem­ ed to be diverging;irom our arii- biish; arid making more ’ to the west. . Andil had hopes that, aft­ er all, We Wpre'safé. Then her hand .clutched mine gnant ;cry. ■ “ Really I don't mind. The Indians are about the only persons left; to m e.' You can go iiónié, arid 1 shall not be iinhappy. Please beHoye that! Thp'wife of a great chief is quite a pei^sonagé U~iie won't ¡nquire; intp my pa.st. But if, Wo try to 'S'tay hero you .>yill certainly be killed.'and I .sliid! suiT'er„ find wq .shall .'gain notiling. ■'You must take nty money, Pl6na.e do. ; Thpn, good-bye. ,1. told hirii. I' wpuld come out,' undér his prpV; mise.” ''; ;(Coric!uded next weqk.) : -; Copyright by Edw'in L, S.abin.- • ’ “Everything wa>shed snoAvily clean, —t'verylhing Ironed lo pi|ri'ectlon ; --every piece given individual ■ ^ ■ cave~y«uv hu«dlo ,. : ready to use or wear.” ■' Wo call for your clothes—wash them imnulculateJy clean, 1 in floods (if pure,, ruinaoft .water and ilulTy billows of mild, , ^,V’hite„'S'(uls— . ,■ ». , .'‘ ' X ■ '■ ' Rinse- an^ dn'y-iron every thing witii exquisite care— , Aiid return'your bundle sweetly clean, won'dcyfully neat, with eyeryihing ready to wear wr put away. " '; ; And Ihia' wopderful service, always dependiible, always right, , , • ■ is moderate in cost. ; WtT-WASH-^llRtó« . n 13 a> -{ n УI-1 Щ n ,ш .«. Cooleemee, N.; C.ñ 1199Ш»Ш'П1Н1в11Ш«1Ш«11а«Ш1№гаиШ>П1Я1ПШППиШ«ПШ11Ш»ПЩШ!Ш'|П1а1№П1111В»ШШВ11ПШ m!iiia:iraiii!Qwm;i!¡Qiiiiai№Biiiieiiiii3ai!iio:im:iiiaii!Íiaimiim:iiiB9iiifi!ii.iiiaíiiiEi9¡i8miim:iiim»№ ■ ■■ йиî^i' .и I am pleased to announce to the people oC Dhvie County that I am in position to prò cure loans'^ön improved farm ' land or city real estate pi^o perty.' If you want to borrow, money call on, or •\b'ite to, , , ■ . ' v \ V-' J . ; T ^ : S I S K v , y '; - v V Mocks;ville,,'Ni'c.' иг'i g lfflin!;ilEnilllinnilMI|!IMl||irai:i,4[)¡||lia|||¡iai||:Hll|jni|i!iñii»iyii|i||nigiiE)¡||i^|||{D[!llQII{iC|''||{Ó|||IQffil№lll!D i 'г,- ' ^e wish to announce that we now have a complete line of Dodge parts and have employed an expert mechánic, and are now ready to serve you with the very best in the repair line. Bring your troubles to us—we can fix ^em Groce & Todd \ . • • ' ■ - • : , Dodge Brothers Cars, Trucks, and Repairs At Depot, Mocksville, N. C. I pepe*’ YOUR MON EY'S WORTH You always get “your money's worth” at our grocery store. We buy only the BEST and bu y in big quantities: therefore We SEIjL only the best and sel 1 for the LITTLE PRICE. ALLISON-JOHNSON CO. MEATS- WE DELIVER THE GOODS -GROCERIES щ ш т ш т ш bdayi roí* F R Ò G IÌ^^Ì^.^^ ■íibléf'ffiaÍ\';V/:->íTTj iESTING ' '‘''I()íWoxi']'tfeí.c^^^ 'i'I :the^ íollqwfa^ looloomce »''í,W ÍlK < ^ot’'t)c№(^ yyu-,,;..«,., y tiling ì>: oh. thé'iupvm'd'i Coólaáec' ■'/•t1>e'',comih^n,«GÍ^ lile : B^I'íei'ii :,;Po\vei;:::.iinó,;- iW^iiVe.; ró ó m ;* ® ,ii;il;,jjirf,:the; bléác-heíyVthS;II,, jjjíiit,'ha'vo' put íiow;life ['■ H iaakiiÉ M liiM a ;''Helio,' .ïiir. J' bm ^“ All. right,' thanks^:ii: Woll my |iy ' ; ;. rain failed US ,in th é , i‘’" íére in a' Clasa wlth.ího^| now that we';aro con^' ’.^vilh thö:Sout;h,eiVn ;Poyfi, , yiiv the people will not fellects 'оL.the.drought. ;^««чл/íaau i\tr l.n li*' Ii;v.. ;-i-. • • \ I'backcr-chawin', she thing wI’OT, hevdi', ‘ain’t satisfied' thout she s g‘ot, somethin' a Sarvin’, fer a tar-.; get for her \vi'al-h, I tell vbu Mister Edit'ur,‘hit's strange, llke^ : witfo -hit’s too : muchi i<honist-to;-^ gJsh'hit is,,(in’-'then that's one I more thing wh'ilt yer scribe can t ШЗр J ^ 4,\;.;ijr,.' uauiiiiiauj, u .Jioss :;?Й. "Жîjatiies, Gaiipehter ; .J-/'^.;;:Tij,bmpsón'rand;.Hi; goan;can;'‘Ship'piiiií.. dop'avtmeiit./,: ^ more,;,thiiig \Wi«t'yoi‘/ 3cr!be-.caii4 McNoely;.Will',.t;áice',;chargé;: ' ■ ■ . . .. Bleachcry.'ft , will; aiso...be • interesting, to lUllbi * A. F. CAMPBELL> ....varare« à r/T-ITtUNDERTAKER I'le.lLU^. 'ITXI, »' .i' .' ..-.V'i ' 't.' ' ■ '•■' '-'i - r- .''AU-'‘.r(ghi!,';thañks^.ií:-Woll::.niy :.wifo/hR3''sènÉ-mffi|^ltef^nfë^^ moro of,that.good ú incl'<of;'flour. ; ■■•■WhPti' i'.;^’^;^pill;foii'!vJ^.öä^ Д'Ъиу' ypurJlour as ' it' issile ill}èa{>'i:'C£mvfindVfM:U^i';:''viÎ%4ïïà'B^ .........^ ............p ip i ■lú L'Uiiuta. ,Iplnfore it was' iiéctíssí'íi'y to.,f,,ll work •for ^ bioachihg to the.ypubli,c ■ tp.kiio.w, tbat. ,Coo, meO'; mili ,ernp!py¿ .appiwximately' ...' ... tlie.ypupii,c ' ip.Kiiwy ¡i Places. ; It ;is-'gratifyitig: tp ,;mee^mill ^mplpys; ap^^^ timt ahis woi'k \vill be. donò' .'C'CTt hundred licpplei^ ah d i.'^ here at ;hoinp. : -Iti •;a'dditioh; ■ weiikly pay ropl;iS;Way,ilii'into:th^ 0 large numbPr df pèo'pié in,t, thousarid.^. ;. . This .alonolwili: g mpioyment of jtho Company'i'.^’?'', C?°^ceptiph'-; of ; the will increase-pur: population the yoliime of . wliat. Jiist-ns this' tlmo it ^ ; ■ , X;;’ .'' iiHwsible to toll just thé num. -' Another fact ;shpuld': not; ;:be of new folks' it will -b.ving we'i'looked and thati is When this j ; . , ;. .jiay roll money is turned lodsO'in ile filtering' plant has,iie'ne a I town somebody is; Vborie'filed.' now ne fell: need in connectiou with, A!s- money doc.s not only help maybe oven hongry gnats .ain't • • „,i,ìì.j oür town but,Dayie County,,;RoWr à goin’ to tooth jest any ol’.thing np,.rnpi'p. ïnailMfimv, ^ th,e woridns of pollyUcka,' ii‘^’--;tiin.'t :siimc;i;is whv ■ thom. t.'tllari aic>ro''i 'monchuriedibull'gnats ¡';th£;;;wust ■when :you':'gôt;iyer'ihair ;cbmbed. an'. - plastored down' with ..possum grease;v'an’ ' want--hit .to’' .stay sljckan pui'ty, an’ then.don’.t seem to care; about bitln’ ; when; ybu airiit :;combod hit;fer,a ,few,; yvPeks. ;'I';a3t Doc ;;DopurA aiu^ that, cause I thought as how he orter know, an’ i),oc he lows aa how he don’t eiiactly know, but 1 OUi V MOCKSVILLE, N. C. Also J. J. iSiarretl’s , Moclisville, Rt, 1. Day.',P/ho ii.e . . * Night Phono ..■Л64 ;■» I on '16 * I * DR.';-:lESTER ' '’p.■ MARTIN. * i;| * Night PhojÌB ,120; Day ;Phone,*-e * ■' : n . ■ • * ; .Mocksville, N.' C. ,. ;• foil; neeu 111 work and is a valuable addi t„ the-already .large plant; )>ore ¡.ssome rniS' munuj IIUUB iiuu - . . . J __, oiir town but Dayie County,,;TloWr an and the suri:púndiiií.í towns. We hope ' all pur ; neighbors ap- ........-•-1- .. fi,,| "pirWini CottonIio Lilt; ^lorp i.s some talk of a now dye j we 'nopij un ul.l ----- ... .,c but tho report 'dons nottbd,.Erwin- Cotton (.nicially. However. . tho'so 'i' Mill. Company, means to this sec-' : --.A,. .•..,M, u,„.|.tion.' , oiacuiiij', , - к'ксс!) in close touch with theto, think, that will-be t in iirderl 'he rumors árp'íjo jiosl oilice bul iic.i...--- . ,ng tl.int' ,я Misterlliicutur: , , . ■ ' building, and, < thliigs air.a:niovln' along some iti'c will be erected soon.'.the, herebouts, tli'ey air,, ’cause wo todiee building.is now ¡nade-,' j-ocHin as. hoW Spring;is on fer itc for tho great 'vpliinip .of | shore this'tiriio, yes-siree, : an’' twl-xt buH gnat's, red ЧУазрега an', restless wimin fo’ks, hit keeps a folior so busy as to'makQ. any ;thought3 of .11ау1п'; spring fever, , „ as vague an' in-destlnct as the OUR P liO iL b croak of á .frog undeistwo feo't of )ur population is mado up of a 'mud, honi'st-to-gosh; hit do„ an'' i'/.euRhip not cxc.cllccl . in any ^ what’s moát lamentable, one can^t II town. When the mill first „over iell' wliat sVt. bf a.turn tiio iiin operation it drew the, far- zodyack is a goin' to take, ner i-rf from'Davie and Rowan, and what sort of a^unthinkablo olfect iTouiuling counties. Many ;of h}(. ¡ц u goin' to have on -them e folks havo lived here, sinco same she fo'ks What keeps clcan- Í I.eginning of Coo[demo,e and i„- up alers topermpst interwhat is iaterostlng,to hoar thpin toll' little mind they moiit happen to '..... ‘ have, ner what sort of a turn hit i.s a goin' to. give pollyticks, time niOrchants ¿in’ tho like, an’ I'm hero for sayin' right here an’ now, ■Mister Editur,. as how it .чЬоге iá й strange оГ world, yes-siree, an' ¿is full of trials an’, trib'ula.shuns ! an': ;shattorod .hopes of 'á yallei- dawg is \of burdock burrs when he's jest through ;ch'",!':ü’ \ч ribbit I out behirici the barnd an' around i;;the cow-lot. vvhar them things grows profusely as a goat|s whis- i<e'rs, an' rapidly as оГ man -locior Bailey's; tie nails durin' summer ,whon 'he goes barefooted an’ keeps 'em’ moist a -waidin’ creek mud, yos-slrco,' an'..one ' can't never guess guess when trouble air a lurkin' fer his scalp, ner what sort hit air .apt to be, he can’t, rib rriore’n ho can tell when a bl’indle cow .air' a goin’to low. Yesrsii'oe Mister Editur, hit shore township comes to the school .ana I 'jg gtnmgc; how. We can go out to take care, of the work, a mod- j sometimes a feeliri’ ready fer any- - - huntin' trouble, an’ SASSAFRAC RIDGE NEWS Mister :Editur; that Unelo Sam;tninsact e At any rate hore is hoping t this building will not o.niy itinue to bo tlie dream pf many ¡1 realizatlon to all.of us. OURPBOi’LE 13 llltei'usmiíí. i.'*loiit the,beginning of the tbw.n. Some of tiie ; younger people I'l'o born hero, marrlod:horo and; iw havo iU'miHoa. bf'thoir;'Own'.-. noloemeo can boast of . as'littlp oviiig as ,a‘ny’ toWn. ; .Tho''faci; Hit the p.ooplo. romalnl and' aro iti.sfied ,is ;a qompllmdnt ;tp' thp tizeaship jind the mai.iflgcmont; f tlie mll.l. -.. ., ' . ■ • , , ' J In'othor,words Cooleomeo is bpo jig family,'with tho" family loyo, fcio family ties, anct'family interi 1st. 'i’ho f ibs arò so close that ■ive lo not refer lo each other-as'Mr.- lo and So.hut for instanùtì Mr. .'ope, the sherllT, lives here and le is known aa Kelly Cope and ho .samo' application la mado to 'itliers.Churches and School ; , Tho Jerusalem Tqwnship con- linlúlátéd school is in our town. I'Hie children from the entire lownshlp coiiies to the school and 10 uiKo eiuu, UA n.w w..., .. ornly oquipppd biiilditg lias been erected whic.h would do credit to a much larger place, Tho :school i s under the supervision.bf Sup- jei'intendent S. M. Holtpri;jr., and; 2;i teachers, ‘ It , mig}it be.^addod in this connoitioin 1 that thè”child- I'ca have access to; an up-to-date library which larfurriished by tho C'ompa'iiy to ali the”!em])loyees. The library has the 'best; books to be had .<ind ftli the magazines of importance, Mrs, M. B. Eoath- niiiM is the. very:eflicieiit !ibrariiin. The colored children haye ,^a (,'ood building and there,are sev­ eral teachpi'^ for this w.ork.; ■' There' are four progressive churches. Ip ■ town—the ;Baptist, tho Methodist, 'Episeopàl and ROineumea « icv;.,,, ------„ ... thing, an’ a huntin’ trouble, an’ she' can't be found any more than a stray guinea •'hen's nest in a sedge .fieid, an' tlien right when you, git to.feeiin' soi't of peacebly ’ inclined an' as little desireous of 'a sel'ap' ;as a moltin’-rooster what's bin .'licked forty times a day I’ei' the longest, an' you feel so dad-binged“ plus an' peetered out that you ain't got the guts for startin' nothin' with a sick poodle .¡nip,, why then's when trouble' air ontor yer , backW ith teeth- an' claWs same as a;, mammy cat ou­ ter a ha’rriilesa ,PMP. Don't'know. Mister EdJtur-^mnybe hit's je.st the ways of life anyhow, an' ;or- ter be takened as sich. biit I can't see fer the life pf me why a fel-' '-1- 1.^ 'infoi» care à snap Vt^ow thar's .ol’- Aiint Beckle what got run over by.a ox team, tuther 'day, she did, an. is righttUinUl UllJ, , .p„ 1 ,vag -.10 _lV^tbb(nst, ^Episcopal and j gee fer the iite m -------■sbyterian. , The attendance jg alers shortest to slip intei PBU all the^servjeos will com- tho mud when he’s out a airin' his p. re favorably with any p ace,, .„gw Sunday suit , what cost a ^i^nffcmontv^of the, m danged: winter of snssafrac , erestod;',in this;,phase of .the (lijgfgin', ye.H-sirec; an' never don't >.ork and^pppper^iwith all;theJ muchr^when -he gits fed .up -ilotmmijuitiqns'.,. There ri a - ' - ... i^pirit of-■cobperatio'rt' among •the church''folks' an'd this’ is c n c o m ' - aiied by the'mill ofllcials;.T w " 'I tuther'day, she cuu, iui- Ir. ,T. W. _Zachai'y, is, Gteneral! poorly, cause Aunt Becky she was I Y i ^ Sbin’ along down 'tp see that ickt for about ;10' years 'and- he thar .sick child of. Mr^. ,Cy Wat-, nof • <^be mill sons, she was, an' riged out inter cially for about 25, years,: Mr. her Sunday' brst, cause, she ex- /-ichary has not only proved .liiin-j pgetod as how ol’ ; Dock „Dopum t’lni V* ability, mout;make his cair while, as she t h,e ha^ always betn a friorid^^vas tbar. an' hit/shbre was hard . the employees., Mr. J. S. Stroud; on tho ol’ sister, vanityan’ all, Itit . the assistant: Manager and, ^as, an' then what's 'more, they • iperijitendont., -He has.been as- tejj )ioYv'fo'k‘s say.Vas how •;'Ociated with tho mill ;,for about }iit Bcrved' the ol';krittor righ'- fer . 'I,™*' Jntprested ■ ijQiui so hlamed stuck up. Don't nr help.' - iinow; maybo hit .mout a bin so, Mr, tli B. Barnes; like' mapy | ,j,;t ;ni„’t v nothin' compared Qther.s connected >vith tho mill -with yer scribe a gettln' run ov- ''tiirted at tlie bottom and’ stoadl- , pr,.or,under er whatever you'mout ' vnzbr-u’tciii ac tiiu uuui.y*A» »...V. - ly worked his way;to book keeper and cotton buyer. , ;Mr. I. P, Graham, tienei'al bookr keeper,' ha^ bp'en with us for'somp’ A-' rt Mrnlil« or,,or,under er wn«i.uvui ......— call hit, by a- freightenod razor- back hawg last Sunday , a cornin' j.al,ong from raeetiii',, yes-siree, ' right along-slde' of a mud puddle, " —I- !., iiia .t?mulay best,teopor,'haá b&n with iis for'somp l right along-siuB u. « .— ..— :imo and hiis .provee} to ро й «valu-' dressed oiit in his Sunday best. THE - GLDE^THGRIOUL'TURAiJi j'bURNAL-a№^^ '■' ■->^F¿;■.y^ye:;YeaI| ; ;•;: ,;'T^ICE^A-MONTli^ 185,00^. ■ ;;'N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f y - n '------------------- '^ .^ .«1 V*«»« n m r m ,------MOCKSVILLE, n :c., NOW OFFERING EASTER CLOTHES FOR MEN AND BOYS THA'T WILL-SORPASS 'YOUR ;EkpEGTATIOi«;;;i:;':i:-;',;:Sit ^ to indulge in over- ; statements in our advertising-^but we must say that these are the finest i Suits to be had at $12.50 to $25.00 in a splendid range of colors and de­ signs, including plenty of grays or browns—and all Ipng-millage weaves selected for serviceability. Better :. w better workitian^hip or bet­ ter styles are impossible at this price; Men’s Newest SHIRTS From one of the biggest shirt makers—cut full and generous--- carefully finished, sizes 14 to 17, we are showingthewidest select­ ion of madras and broadqloth shirts at the lowpriceof $1.50. up NECKWEAR,; HOSIERY Neckwear—never such values / in colorful Spring Scarfs in all weaves and designs, very special 50 and 95 cents. Lisle and Silk Hosiery, ga:y in color, or somber harmonious shades, or plain blacks iand tans, the. latter in all hues 35 to 75 cents FORBOYS Tlie new Spring twists, tweeds and mixtures, over­ plaids and diamond weaves in pleasing tones of grays and browns and tans. Sons Gomjpanp MOCKSVILLE, N. C. 'V ^ 4 Ï ; w m ''■''Умщ., ìiL.¡t,' ,'Téncher;; "Öurely, , know ^jwhat the avoivi ‘^"iiror* manna, Tôrtirtiy. AfWr iyou've ‘‘washed, what do yoii'ieok nt to See if your , face 13, èîéan?” , '1’отпту!’;The towell" -i..’ . 4>‘ ' V ДOÇKзy^ЬЬE'|¡?<TKRP]RÍЙBfl:.^|^^| .. He kissccMhe pavlor mnid and the «ii’l screnmen. The wife camy 'irt aiui ilookocl around. siiHplcipusly. V "Fift; %yhy did you acypn-m?" ;: "Through joy, miidam. The mas­ ter has. just, doubled my/waiie^ RAT3 GONTROLÈèD iÔŸ r'OISON AND TRAPS ■an OF DAVIE C0UNT1Í f T- N. "Tfee, ‘ V ' “HOMt! COMFORT Wash in g m ach in e . '/Л mI'I i m ' Because It washes aJJ cJoths perfectly clean, including ^the finest of silks, lace, curtains, quilts, overalls, collars nnd cuffs, of shirts, etc., and saves labor, time and moiiey. . Eliminates the back brenkinK riib botu'd and the friction caused by rub board rubbing, rind ennblea you to do your washing nt Ipmc where more sanitary conditions exist. ■Many thousands of satisfied customers are enjoying their Home Comfort Washing Machine each week. Sp«c)al diflcount, »tnrtitiK Aptril Mth, of 10% given on all machines delivGrvd on or before May 14th, List price $29.50, less 10^ $26.55. F.ree demonstration in your home if interested, see or write i l f ' ”(Martin Bros. Store) liiasiiaiiiMiaiBiij V. N.^ODD MOCKSVILLE, N, C, '■/Raleigh,' tile mo3t;;cxpehrilvi!^ntuma)''irr'thd TTriited ,States, ■ destroyinir. and iontamihatiliif millions of dollars, worth of foq^l products each year, yet a fe\v ,simple m«asures,; coh- SЦiitly,; .emp.ldyedi will keep this destructive post under .'Control, ^ ^ k: Aciwding to ekteiiisioli fentomoiogist at.. State Gollcge\ foodstuifs should be stored in rat-pi;oqf containers and the accumulation of trash and re: fuse about the farm must be pre- v?hted. Lack of food and shelt­ er rcdjices tJie breeding rate of .the nats and increased hunger %akes poisoning' and v.trapping more effective. ' , The best poison is barium car-* bonate in.iwwder form. This m a­ terial is jpexpensive; relatively safe and‘baits containing it are readily taken by the rats. , It is slow in action So that the rats have time to get; away from the premises before dying. Three different kinds of foods should be used such'- as different kinds of meats, vegetable« or cereals. The baits should be fresh uuil of good quality. .In preparing poisons, ¡Mr> Bran­ non recommonds that one Part of the barium carbonatg; be used to four parts of tho food. Place a teaspoonful of the bait in each of a number of . smnii sacks, cibae ■the tops of the sacks by twisting iind drap them in place fi'equent- od by the pests. It'is not wise ■toHlrOp.-the; siic. T , I)ut;:8omewlii\t reL^ the . suspicion ■ oif the:- rdti..,,.;j5<^jj b.ii fc^s Ijpu Id i bejDrepftESA and all the ■,old-^bait ip(c¥ed^f’?«-P’ atid;,,deatroy,ec^.^'as .8oUr.,ihait'’Villj ■ not ^attract!- the'^ animals.' ' ■ '; v.,:'.v' V Traps :are recommended where poison is not advisat)ie.,Cribs and warehoukes shouId always be con­ structed : 80 , aS' to keep out, the .iprits as far as/Ppssible, states Mr, Brannon. The Shay method of feediijg hogs is paying many farmers in North Carolina. The man with extra corn should try this method this year. ■ rind 1 jjrobablyu-.y exerciisesi Thé^'i;‘■"V’HchpcVls aré plarining^ 'servioesiv'liiter;:-' ,ii..r>;!| Missesi Elva ,Cartner^nd Howaid' spent Sunduyiat the p son age, ' We are now in íbúr siiiiging at Duiinsv ; Will' begin at' Union Chapel Monday nighti the- 25th, instant. Everybody is welcomed , to 'attend thé siïigings. Report of the Condition of THE SOUTHERN BANK & TRtrSH CO, at Mocksville In the State of North Carolina, at the close of business Mi>rch 23, 1927 , Loans and Discojints RESOURCES-.V ' . ' ' ’ ' 70,292.31„ ........................................................ Demand Loans;,,..................................w........,..,, Overdrafts, secured ..........................................................i...... Expense'acct. k;.; All other Stocks,,Bonds, nnd Mbrtgagos,.;.;,...,..,.,.,........;.... Banking Ho,(ises, Furniture aij,d‘ Fixtures . Miscelaneous. assetij ........... ...... , , j . Cash in vault and net arhounts duu. from Banks, Bankers, and Tru.st Companies . . V - ......'..i.:. Real Estate .................. ' Checks ’ for clearing Invustfak'pt.'). .2,100.00 80.67 • 2,836.96 • 129.91 16,;532.68 464:02t 6,323.41 li959.G0 89.36 3,417.60 ■» # » * M à i iïlan'’,-' ííü íS : ÍÍ¿ Pharn ‘'‘É*,es!(l¿E -.,'СйЩтЕ DENTIST.#' Sanford Bulldm?' ^ MoeksT’ille, Ni C. ’ ;-;îv . Dlagnoa , OiSce Phori0, 110 Residence PÙotie 80 * 2i .80 D r ^ * ' y * 4 -Щ ’# . V # .'}Щ d r E. C. Total Л,’; 'r' WHEN YOÜ BUY FERTILIZER ' ,''VWHYNOT p : ' " m U lb b l'/ b i t ; : .у plenty (tf ZeU> T^^ fertili­ zer, also Royster’s general crop fertilizers now on hand. MARTIN BROS. MOCKSVILLE, N. C, SPECIAL! Our. Spring Shoes and \lry goods are' coming in. We. hnVe i the newest'styles and our prices, nro ri'ght. Wo' have n few Shoos ‘ at half price.^ We aro selling for cash and can'save you money on gobds>, G’iVo us a tWaljnnd'be convinced.!' , ■ Fish.'lOc Ib. 'SausÄge in oil 2Qc, lb. Coffee 2Cc lb. 'good fat'back MeiU, , 16u, jlj). Apple ;iand,;Mulo tobacco 15c plug.vGbldeh! Crown Syruj) Gf)c “gallon,' Square Snuffi 26(! aizo 19c, aOo'fflüp 24c, ' Tile abovo ig .jiirft'a few of our' BARGAINS.; . Wb;''haudlo •■a' füll line of grqcprios. and wilh save ,you money if 'you. will, let us.' Vi.sit us ofien, : • ’ ' ' „ J, PIIANK" HENDRIX / (Daniel-Cartnor) ; S,' Mockavillo # * * # ■ \ i ) k K . - . Dentist * OfTlqe in. Anderson Building * * Phones: Offlce 50; Rea, 37 * Mocksville, N. C,• * •»»»* ■ liabilities'Capital stock pjjjd in' 1. Wptes and Bilia'. rediscounted 131118. P a y a b le .......„........ Deposi.!ii subject to check, Individual Cashieii^ ^Checks outstanding ......................................... Time Certificates of Deposit, Due on or Afte'r 30 Days . Savings ;Depo<iits '.....'..;.....-..-..^.:;.‘.'iC.y;.V,\’';i\Z':iii.;.:^’i:i-^ '' ..$109,016.62 ..$ 25,000.00 6,000.00 ;. 22,600.00 .27,149.69 108.86 19,376.49 8,881.48 BUY AT WHOLESALE I‘Hi( 30x3V, 77 Cord.....„ SOxSYz Cooper Cord...i. i , 29x4.40 77 Cord Balloohi...... 29x4.40 Cooper BalloortiV...., 1 ' ' See us, before buyijii; ROBERTS HARDWA‘k COWinston-Salem. N, C. » *“ « * * * ■., r- * fa rm ers OF DA^m * if'you want to borrow moiioy * on/'improvod* farm lands in * Davie County under a pint ^ .providing for inexpen.sive, * long terin 'oans, call on, oi * write to, > » ROBERT Si. McNEILL, Atty, * at Law, Mocksville, N. C, Total .. $109,016.62 *■ * ¿tnte of North/Garolina—rCoHn;tyi?of;'Dnvie;>;Api'n:'5/ 1927,i;^ ' I, .1.; .p. Murray, 'Cashier'.of the,.above :named B swear thiit the ab0|Ve slatemeiif is irue fd tlie best of-my knowledge and belief. ^ _ 'J. D. MURRAY,'Cnahier, Subscribed and sworn fo before me,, this 5th cla.v of April, 1927. T. M-, HENDRIX, Notary Public., My Commiaaion expires Nov^ ’ 26,- 1928. . ‘ ‘ . ■ Correct—Attest: ■ , • , , G. G.' WALKER ^ j , ' .A. A. IIOUjBMAN, . Divector.s.' . i •» * * * * # * * - * B. C. BROCK * Attorney at Law * ■ MOCKSVILLE, N. C. i ■* Practice in State'and Fedoi'all Courts... Phone 1Б11 *. . ,* *•, » "» #* « S. A. HARDINO. M. D. ,, Sanford Building MockavlIIe, N. C. ^ Oflice phoiie .Í62. , RRsidence phoiie—,on 153,1 Л Offlce hours: 8 to 9:30 a. m,,l « ., * * .0 P, Á N D E ÍtSÓ N To Plant M We would like to call your atten- tion to our line of Cole Planters ■ I Cole Distributors Peg Harrow ' Disc Harrow Ga. Singife Stocks ^Corn Shovels ' - V ; , Heel Sweeps • i Garden Plows , Rakes Hoes ' Lawn Mowers Hedge Shears Yours For Service C. C. « D sops CO. Agents for McCormick Deering Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Riding Cultivators. All Kinds Repairs I ■ 'i i s ■I яII NOTICE OF S ection in TOWN OF MOCKSVILLE At a.regular adjourned meeting of the Commissioners of the Town of Mocksville, duly held in its of- ilco, in the Town .of Mocksville, Tuesdiiy, March 15'thi. 1927, « general election of the Town of Mocksville, Ni G„ was duly called to be held ' at the usual voting pliice in tho Court House in the Tosvn of MocitBiville, Tuesday, May 3rd, 1927, for the election of a Mayor and five cbmmissioners, and constable of tho. Town of Mocksville, N. C., and at tho same time and place an. election to bo hold to elect two membqrij of tho Board of .Trustoes of .the Graclod schools .at which the qualified voters rdskling without the cor­ porate ; limits pf' (.the town .of Alockavillo but within the said scho6|l districtia^'well as those re­ siding within the town of Mocks­ ville will vote, for the trustees. The polls’will bQ'.opeh'oh tho day of ejection froni 8 o'clock a. m., till sunset,; as prescribed by law. J. H. Cain was; duly iippointed Registrar of tho town of Mocka­ villo and of the Mocksville Graded school district and .L L„ Carte)' and W.': N. Smith jiidges'ftf' said elections. ■'■ . -'■ The rogiBtrar shall keep open the registration books for the re­ gistration "of new : electors resid­ ing in the town;of Mocksville and ^ohiitled to register 'and for tho 'registration oi/ electors residing j in the Mocksville Graded and' High School, district and entitled to register whose' names ■ have never before been registered in tho precinct or do not appear in the'rovised list, between the hours of 9 a. m., and 5 o’clock p. m,, on each day (Sunday excepted) opening Friday, April 15th, 192'7 and closing Saturday, April 23rd', 1927—said registration «shall be opon until 9 o’clock p, vn., on each Saturday during the registr­ ation period. By order of tho Board of Com­ missioners of the Town of Mocks- ville. ^ This March 15th, 1927, , T. M, HENDP.IX , , ¡ 'iTown Clerk; "V q u a l it y AT LOW COST Come in today and look over the mp^t , I Economical Automobile On The Market Today. Cheap in price, up4ceep, etc., buti of the highest type in color, design and workman.ship. 1 1925 FORD ROADSTER , . 1 1926 CHEVROLET COUPE 1 1923 BUICK SIX TOURING, EXCELLENT CONDITION 1 TON FORD TRUCK 2 1924/FORD TOURING CARS ' . 1 1924 FORD COUPE \ ' 1 1926 CHEVROLET^ TOURING 1 1924 CHEVROLET TOURING 1 1926 CHEVROLET ROADSTER \ SEE THESE CARS BEFORE YOU BUY ELSEWHERE MOCPVILLE, N. C. \u Í.M' .Ф р Ш TRUTH, HONESTY OF PURPOSE AND UNTIRING FIDELITY TO OUR COJJNtY AND , OUR * FLAG IS OUR AIM AND PURPOSE VOL. 49 MOCKSVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY APRIL'2i; 1927 Àrt of Uviiìg It^^r, № Thoüsands M ade Вё Н Ш on A pril 2 7 and 2 8 Candidate;. Farm Women ató Progrew ; . . « * V. , CONTEST AT GREENSBORO Annual Address By A. C. Huney-. TO CHOOSÉ! BEST SCHOOL cutt at 11 O’clock Thursday On Wedneedaÿ night, Thursday, BAND IN THE STATE Greensboro, April lÒ.^Fifteen April 27th; hundred“ “high sihoof boys “ and mid 28th _ Cana Commencement ■ girls are coming here April 28th will occur. We, are making ex­ tensive preparations iii the way of plays) farces* pantomines,. .songs and; recitations. One of tjie most wonderful things being accomplished by modern science is'that of lepgthening the Spap of human Jife, for; it 1^3, a fact that i;ien and women are today living to*'a riper old, age ;than at any other period in the world’s hiatory. But science, while due much credit for this, is not due all the credit. Teachers, preachers, newspapers and magazines are, and have been, stressing clean, liv­ ing as the rojial road to health and long life, and at last many, many ail orchestra competition, and If you desire riproaring, side-! other instrumental and voice Splitting, tun nnd enjoyment events nre «cheduled for the two- loosen your, belt-and come on. day music ment, which will bo in At H' p’c ock, Thursday, April charge of Wade R. Brown, dean 28Ui,^Mr,'A; C. Huneycutt, , of of the.school of music of tlio Albemarle,'will deliver the an- North .Carolina College ; for Women here. All of 'the music programs Vill be held in tho col- nual address. Mr. 'Huneycutt is owner of .tilb •Miick.syillc Enter­ prise anti' i, ' Staniy News-Heraldi Av'hich papor.4 command tin exten­ sive circulation throughout Pied­ mont Carolina. As'iiii orator Mr. i lege auditorium. Among';the entries in the band contest to date^are: ;The Greens­ boro HigKSchool Baiul, the Wins- Hunoycutt Is logical, forceful,'on-j ton-Snlem School¡ bandrand bani[ls tertaining. As a thinker he has from Lenoir, Cóncordj Shelby and and 29th to take, part in the .eighth iinnual -North Carolina | people who know nothing bout the science of keeping well and livirig .. usic on es . ,etrtion°" nnM i'ii>e old age; are following the simple.allvice'of these preaóhers and teachers and are living çleanér lives,'and this is adding to.the good'Work which'medichi seroiice i,s now attem'ptijng. Speaking of tho prolongiition of hiiman Ufo and the part which medical science isi doing, Holland’s Magazine says: ,, : i" "There is a more widespread intore.st in the fundamental prin­ cipios of health than.'over before'.- And there is less intorest' in facldism. Instead ; of remaining purely a, sewingi'circle topic for those who liave lost', their health and are attempting to regain it, health is taking the fore-front in schools, in magazines, in homos. Tlie mediPalÀprofès^^ long.' l!iijoylng its ; cloak of mystbry, has of. .late years' come to life anct' is taking tho lead in fostering sano vipws'of how to live, happily.;, It is only.as' thb medical profé.s3Ìon , thus serve's ’.that'.it r wilf survive and, prbsper.. ' ' ‘‘HaVingj by brilliant \vork; in research, in practice, ;and in édu­ cation, succeeded in groatlyvlowering' the rate .of infiint mortality,; ! the rapeutics turned its 'attention, to ‘the other major pròbi,ein bf- state at the National School Band lengthenin¿ the. work-life of man-kind., ' And here toó, success is contest. In additibii} a 'trophy ^ell oh tho way. ' Gradually, the years are being .liddéd. '.'l’hby, aro will be awarded th(^,winning band, not., being, added because of their, horprc,' romodlps ilpplled iit, tho and also, a cup to be retained by deathbed; but because of sorisiblo meas.ures applied in yoiith and , . I the winner until the next con- in middle; ago. , ' ■ , ' ' , ■ .,1 ■ , , ' ; . Paul Fraley , H«ire, tha . two-* If tho trophy is \yon for ’ “ By slow decrees, wo'ave learning that the cibanbr, lives wo live, ycnr-old son of, Mr. and Mrs.-Jvh,j,g àiinio'scliool for throo succea- tli6 longer, is pur expectaticih. Wo ai'p bogiiining ,t‘o;soo that b'bdily- S; llairo; died at the hotne of his aiyo'years, it will become the per- ¡ abuses and excesses ;con'8titute thoir own fprm of puhjilhmont.' . The Iiarohta bn Gialisbury. street on , nmiibnt possb^sipn of that school, moro 'exemplary Our'lives, theimorb. conipp'sbd our •coiiscionqes ,aiul Monday, from an attack pf ipnou-. ' The band ¿britest is intended to .tho greator, tho likeHood of’ nttalnihg a rlps .old ago. c'FurthOvmpru,nioilia.; '.rho'llttjo, body vviis.laid; ■ - ■ .................................. . .. , . '»..m.l......... to rest i in the Rosbv.c.cmbtoi'y on Tuesday, aftornbo’n^'l'n- the iibs- si,stei\ ; '\yp'bxtond.our, deep sym­ pathizing'.frib vV B. ,Wafl’ oiIlciiitihg.. Tliórò'wcic ini ny boiuitifuí floral ' dbsigns covoi^ing tho gra'vc^'.' 'Surviving aró ; the, .piu’onts, two brothers, and; 'pn‘q Histçr. Wb xtond, our »deep i s'ym- pa‘thy to the berûiivod fpa'ronts. .. few equals and no poors, and those who'inlss .this atlclross will jmo.",t assuredly' have occasion to I,' reijret it. We extend yoii a most, cordial Avelcome to ', cóme and spend the day with us. . —Tho '’Faculty. PAUL FRALEY iÎa IKE DEAD Gastonia.; The . Wlnnei’, in . the contest will be 'cleolarod the best school band in thp state and will gPbn to Council Bluffs, Iowa, May 27th\and 28ih to represent the LISTENI ^ To a(l thei inani bn I S 'of Raton's Chui4vhj..and ‘to uny bthr interest­ ed-о лев—Grbetihg_;-—. ,■ Not for my sake alóne, but for your q,wn sakp and fqr ■ the .sake of ithbi Clause of piir clear Lordr-i- Pleaub .am uigo ,ta m eet me at the chui'chiSatiirday, April 23 .at 2:30 p . i.'Y;¡ > I ,waht;'-b to you.~abou't; and prbsbnt you with “A Tio;Tliat' Bijuls,’’ Sunday,'îApril 24, at' 9 Í50 sharp,i’ir^vantito,speak to ev, ïhjld within: thre'e or foiir miieSi of thp ' chui'Xihi on some leasohs,' from ;LittIe Mouse." At ; 11. a. in. . the vsbrmoii' will be based, on ■‘‘Wirinlh^;iTO;:’CIJi!rist.’’ May ■'луе ; ,huin,biy i isiuggest ;■ t ch'rl|tinii' jn'áyví work’ “TpiWini Somoipiib'.'to; Je^^ ¡ЗО p. ■nj. ‘‘Tlifl;'Ci'03s’’ will bo 'presented “In Ai'Spng ' Ser^ Bro. : and sister; C./ B. Mooiiey ' aiid others will :as.4is(t:,in;lthis' service. ,. ,' i : R,evi’;'^0. :¡Si;.iGashwon, pastor. i ' . ' \V'OAK'feROVE-NEWS ■ , Easter passed quietly; a num- "'jor spont Monday fi.shing. and en- ioyed the day ;flno. ■ . i^Ir. ,;J,. R., Wellman'',of Goolce- mpe spent Easter with liome folks. Mr. and Mrs;. .1.1-1, Whitaker' •‘uicl childron of, near Union; 'Chapel; sppht';ithb,:w,eck.. ,ehd with her parents; ' Mr, and Mi',s.' J. W .‘ m ils. , : Mr. ,L'.'R. Long ispent Monday in iWin.stonrSalem..:• ■ /. ■ ' . Mr. aiid Mrs! John Jli’oi's and children,,..ofviGooleomee; Mrs.; 0. Poster of Mock.sville, Mr. nnd Mrs, Spencer Summers of Bethel «peiit iSiinidaV' with their fathier, Mr. ,r. W. Summers, ;• , ' Mr. and, Mrs;'I^ilu'l 1 Bpwles of Roiite 3 'spent' thei'wek end with Jiis -sister, Mrs.; C, M, Turntine. Mrs. Fannie- Dunn of Cbolee- mee spent. Eiistor, with Mr. and Mrs. Sanforfl; Nail.. ■’/ Mri and Mrs. Robert Wilson ancl Wiss Flora Baker of Kannapolis spent. Easier with Mr. .and Mrs. W.:F.,.Baker.V' -,v , stimulate ' greatPri’ ;:interest; ; in the н1еер;\уЬ',give our sblyes today,; fhn rational (Jiót \vo follbw now, mu.4k in tho and io laisc the achools'i.pfithq .'state , will bless.f,us through myrld*lo*morrow. ............. tho standards of'регг I. i'Hèalth is' the ; natural .conconlitaiit' of r right living. ' Aiul thö thpr;mU8lcV;;‘signs;'0f;''thlS 'Clvl ■ ■ ■ ... ; .V. ,*•, ., . . ......., . with of disoasos,; and things;mps't.thinWWÿip^bplû4viir^1^^^^^^^ ; contests ciifor the schobls fi (lid oiipoi’tuiiity «t.b' s*e hbv iiTio;aalire,„iiij in com'pai'lson i ibther;ii!choc)ls.: ,T'hey; givo'^pu agree, j th'o¿advantago ,0^-public appear- , , ,, ....... . ance-''underi sui'tivble.-^cohditlbhs,, ■ > Editor Josephus Daniels ,whose*'nnme -has been mentioned In and 'fiibse ,who'excel,ju'e given the cpnnectipn ,with tho pvesidential ,cahdidacy of; Al’Smit.*!, came ^out, in credit they, deserve,; tho open in iettbr to the Boston- ,ilbra d a few days ago'Stritih}? I , . .'i •* . . V . . . r . . 1 . -.1 „ .f i.i. J.1-- ’ ______LThere were .oiily three entrles''4hat he is in hearty accord with the sentiment,.cortainly In' Nortii in la.4t yPar’s , North Carolina Oarolinai thnt.tHe democratic party \vpul(l make a .serious ml.Mtako* ■ - ’ '*■ V'-' ......J?.... n -------------------------------' ', i'. Homeless By Miss. Шо(^в ¡,i лу1Л.,о...... ■'■'"'.'"‘i l"•.'‘Г'v^f, 1^. ш ш TOWN IN OKLAHOMA ISOLAT­ ED BY WATERS OVER­ FLOWING VALLEY , ■ , _____iJL— '<4'. McAloster, Okla., / April 18.“ Wister, ft junction' tovyn bn the Rock Island and thé “Frisco” lines in Leftore.cbiinty was iso­ lated, today, following a cloud­ burst that sent: the , water of Poteau river over, the town to Ja depth,; varying .frbm four ,to 12 'feet. It was 'said the ibusiness Sekion' wns iloqcled to the seieond stbry elevation • a)it!.. .that people sought refuge In iipp'er stprlos whan the warnliig ci'trte last night. So far as known, no lives were lost,' . ^ Relief Armies Feed Refugees Irt Tent Cities (Memphis, : Tenrt,, AptiMS.— Record flood waters hammered reJehtlbssiy tonight- at the great,' dykes of tho Mississippi river as, the ,forcie,'of . man, laihiosif ^ovnr.-; whelthed bh i the Arkansas, flank;; fought valiantly,to hold the major. idofehses,which protect a .vast 'tindi .fertile ,iiiea in sevdn states. ^ René>Hd rainfall'in the upper valloya.gaYei i'eintorcomb’ht to the, ' .'flopd’a'power while human hands' '• arid rnachiiidij pilqd sandbags tt^op , , the leyees'tb iTicet'tho down I'Uslj-' ' I liiJi weight, of waters. . ' w, ,. Sp'riiidingi widely over mi]llond'‘>y;.ì:y5ii'%;ji 'of acre.!), OVerllovving streams . of,'; '...........................ip-'''r?'iii''i^%$50 IN,.A pound 01- DIRT/,.pi uncounted thou- ' Gold-$50 to thé pound of4|irt'«“"‘''’ InhaVitants^^........ .Tills is 'Nevada’s latent' I'omr, aiibe ofrtreasurpi-.vWeepah, yest-' brday. only u' pifii point of .desert and waste land^todtiy a tentcd city about whlchi;fo,r niiles'ihncil nilifes, stakes riiark the. spots /(tock nndicçiuijpment,........... ' ThoutìandiJ p;f,;cloatitutp‘,:rpf^^ vvero bbihg càrètj;' i;o,iv tòniììKÉ|iii^^ crimps:'which ;ofilc;ial. .'anci.iiYP,!^^^^^ áry relief agòtic|es'‘ ha,vfe;:.se.t^ I Iji' >УоЯ1Ьгц‘.,. Kontúcky,' ;sputfâ , ,, ,, - г, 1 Missouri,'ati'several points (n whoro fickle Damq: ,Pprtuííp.,,will i oaatorii" Aikansas 'and . in Missis- reveal her treasure i trbv2-iror 'i,|,^,, ^ In'iiig ■dlsapnoihtthont to t,hoso hot .dostineil ''to .'•find,, the ::poi^' I'M.he ,‘'“li\bibw’3,eml, ,, i : lilut liiuda far-fiomi natural eley*'" Such is theVâtpry .of. Nevada’s tinn • - - ’.•'•^11 n 1 '.‘llv- ’ ¿ ' l ì .1 . I. .-., ■" ,1how igo|d lipldivas itpld b,v li re- Tho kvee top is tho refuge of ninny .IhouHtmdH who iiVo in the .Tho mojt wi()Hsproad'dii(treaa m pi’OHüíitMtfVüÁiol^JJodgp;,,^ ,nÍKi oxtûiuifvu rulní,.,pi'üVallüdi.vlii.'.A:.í..>.ftí.^»/&‘'Inc.;;,Wht)íWaS;;pll^:Ql;‘ on ЛЛм1,ап4, vn (-(„v л l'VÍÍ A tho, sííiono aftorithb ^bwst'oif--thei<_ i • II ■■‘íllvl-i’» Ji'1 ' -T'ii'.í fne.i/.wht)í\v!isi;pii;^‘;Qf ;H ÀVkaiisaf! w'höro thü Àiitji'nsas rlii-- t'ii'ÀÎM ............................ “ .bi'.'thü Whit'0.(hA<îi “ . Il n VA l ‘hr./‘8tril<e’-,;was,;inÿy8Kp^^^^^^ havo b rükP itÎ^e ■In Dodorn Brnihorn Scout Car ^'01d.i,j,„j,, :ábns’'¿'f.;íii)o'qü/^^ ':;;^,;ÍFpri:iÍBtjiít^^ lí!iiisas'^ií''jit^i;,¿i'l^ Öklahomii;;viiiS\v ■ i'i In Dbdgo BrothWB’Scput'Car.^'Old’i 1,500,000,’’ ho-íHVcpt' ovoi* four mountain,. rangts; and’ p(i8Sod hundrod'a ¡ pf^.lpadbd ' cavd'tli and triioksi toilihg, uii, tho. pa88b,i to- wa'rd ; the;liirid''ô'j;ti;eàsure, '■ • 'isos' V ■' were/ òf tholmaiiíÍ.9 flip, pasily : ! from tonirub to. tongue. tdst,,J»t Coiincil Bluffs will he con-1 : , And, too,-as a'imattof of fact, Mr. Daniels is hiniaelf presidentiai, •wasteland-aroiincl Weepah,,ihbro' the'^Arkansas ' Southcasb *oT Ft du^tpd' undor the joint auspices timber rather, than; vice'-'p,re8idénti(il, iand iit:-is not at all improbablci,.'*'«mous . than ialli pf tho rest; of ' sVnith' Vhn' Biirort’s diti'^^^^^ -.A... n ,1^ .. ... ,yj,j have jiis' owii ihat in the ring, before-'the next national ¡ the Weal; for ibi^^ and do- ti^^i fíiviously late to^lay to .sayo'of''tÌ)q, Oommittea on Instrumon-; thint' he tal; AfCairs,, of the Music Super- democratic convention, ' i ; ^ . , v,- y ■ visori’: Niitibnai Cpnfe^nce, and'l . , ; ^ —:_____________' • the, NatibnfvL'Burcau fqr the Ad-. '. In 'Tuesday’s isauoi.of thia ptiper was carriccl the Mineral Springs ’ tile" town"from7iuindatTon,': long distances^byityucks.. It .чоИн • ■ for '>2 II bamlri.-Gasolino is 60 tho town .from;.inundation, , ^ Fuit'ier southeant, I juat Iselow^' :'-Líttle Roc'ki tho Scott:.leveo.crashi.^Ti:riV''ipi)4*,,, vUncement of Music. The prizes' News.i The writer of ;that cpmmunitÿ.;ne\V8.w.Hb,by'tÿei;Wnÿ,- is;ho cents a gi lion. ; Ham; jind'bgga pj today undur~the pressure of ,aro the gift of the Natibnal.Aa'- Hvife of-i'a:farmer,iandia;good ;ono; too,i;iipscle' this statement.'i; i; are 80 cents,' , ; . ,, , , I,j,|,e Ai-)c««aaH-rjvc;u- raJ¡{?-’-iWfllei’.. .«c ,n„„,i TnafvnmBiit-, ' ‘'The' woinoiv of thisi'commiinityiНго irpckingi\the ргосНе'pf'tho J ,v',‘‘I;^Í_l'o ;п11 m^^ swept Inland (juiqkly/to cover a ' ,sociation :;of ;Bai\d Instrument Manufacturers. / SMITiii GROVE NEWS MR. J.B. iCAMPBELL IMPROVES _ The;:man.v^ft'iphcis of Mr. J. B. Canlpboll iivill be pleased to learn ■that ,hb’iis; jmprovlhg sojpe at this *Me, after having beoiv very .bad prj'the.' ;past :week.‘.i,. ■ < ■ ... ;Oth'qr'ii’clbfbipap’ „ r u . , ■. ' ................... angry"'rivei''were wa8,leaving, a,bMte,vpt|;cni.,rniiuia,; believed 1jp.be in danger of a front tire.s; .canio qred\ping along. [ hi.each. ..... ' • . ........i .............-V'”'V ‘‘G*iiesa thiii isiiriy hi iu luclc day,", 'nyiijto river, flowing to the - ' ¡ k was.tho;plaintl\o waih fyom the e,,gt qJ the Arkansas,,is'stretched ' J k dust-stained ’drive Never did „ut ;over a 'valley '''mahy,-'miles v- 'i... have no luck,; ,n^l>. most a bused i hdiiHtry in ^hei'pfpre, have many burdoiis know.'riothing' bjp. ;But ancl .perhaps we shall be dr: Easter was ¿pent .vory.ciuietly sive луа^ч of c|ping 'thiiigs,; ,,*w . . .V ..,« , ■ Г 1 ■ I ' . . ' ' ' I - J..,.,- - .'.........................................................__________________________in ouv burg. ' -Theifc is nuich truth in, this statement,’' Tho,’.farm-Avomon. have , Цево. clays,; ;^A.;.g4mblinK , whrcl)'wns ^leadily сipoping hjgh-' я-; Mi.sfi Haaol Allen of. Salisbury,’many,'many problems ,of Avhich ;oUior claasea-know nothing. Of is runn ng .full.>blnst and st;ud, or tonight and tilling hundieds of , •} jipent Sunday with.her aunt; Mrs, I соиие, other,cia3seai;have;their own individuiil, problprha,.:b’ut it is ini'p.anci rou boing dealt houses, • ...............‘J С Siilith ’ i . ,, . r . , : bv ii4u. Wllfl.Wnat iiinblnn Mnnv 1 r,.. 'mi'. ,J.;: home non say Mr. Grissom Smith'.and .loaeph'-j.toward labor sayiilg. nieinuu.i.., x,iiriii: >у.ц“‘'=м ‘V-"' - " i ‘.тг i ’ i ''т ' ;■ ■‘■-"‘к"«“' -mu nwuni v.t.iu..***. ид^,, Foster- silent Eastc'r , Monday,;at' rapicii prbgiTSa as'niay ibe ;sqph'"iri spriie btherCphasps; of .ilife, but j f^“^д^^nd Hardrock .Jack 0 Bri-„ j3„yoj, ,)pop , loveo r to 'the: Roanoke, Va, ; ; , ' • ',r| th ey'are; mg]dng> prpgrcs8,. ,ne,v6rt^ can bo, en., .V ' . ■ / ;! north o f,tho,'City. ......’ - ' Mrs, J. C. Smith, spent Easter,, fpuncl the latest labor savjng! dsvlccS,' from a modern kit,chen cabinet; . ;,."f pedge Brothoi's party,/ од agjiiust the г .Monday' in Salisbury witi- ho- "lo a.raodera'-'kitchen sink, with.irij-nnl'ii^ ™,.а ln„^,^n.^ „ h-nff..,.r.,i;«,„. , ........... 'sistef', Mrs. W. W. Allen.' ;. . ; Andiwith ,the;coming;of uniyei-sar edurttion among all classes, will Mr. and Mrs'. • George. Hendrix I como, to' a great exteiit, the solution; of the mbst difficult problems,; are .spending a' 'wpek; with .homo I ■ '" '" '■ '' '- '- : -i-:—- folks, i Mr. vJ. I-l.'Foster- celob'rnted his SOth . birthday: Enster Sunday. Those sii^dihg the .clay with .hiin were Mr. ,ancUiMrs;; 'Ray H of Winston^^Salein,' Mr," and Mrs. F. Vi ,iDisher ■ an.d' children of 'Lt,xiiigt9n, also Miss 'Sara, Spry of'‘Lexington.,, i,: ,, Miss Ruth Ahgell of Mocksville, spent the. past ;w’eek with i her: graiidp'arents, Mr.. flTid Mrs. W- L. Вппея. . .' ' ; ; .Mr.'and Mrs. ■\y. R. Beeding and family apeht Eniater with:her brother, Mr. G. B. Taylor of Win­ ston-Salem, - ' , : i' i,. , Mr, and Mra., Jim Smith of High Point spent Easter with his father, Mr. W. J. Sniith. - i • Mr. Duke Whitaker arid, family of High Point spent Sunday with relatives. Mrs. Willie Myers and baby of thfc 'Reynolds-Lybropk farm, apent ,4unday with her, aunt, Mrs. . Joe; Howard. A Great MacGrath Serial Story Begins in This Paper Next Week. Don4 Miss An Issue For twenty-eight years one "of America’s most p'ppular authors, Harold MacGrath needs no introduction to the;rfeaders;of this news­ paper. His new aerial, ‘‘BoundltO;the North,’’'\vhich starts in this issue, teems with action, mystery romance—and the,desperate risks of war. Courage of the enemy is; p thing which Mr, MacGrath makes you see and admire. A winsome, clever, cpuragepug; miss from 'Virginia carnes on; u.Théré; isn’t' a, p?iragr,a'Rji;yqui:Wi|l want to miss-T-if you start to read this great story, • , Harold MacGrath writes'ij hgthing ibiit “best-, sellers.?’ .He is the author of such great bookiv as Arms and ¡the Woman, The,Man on the Box, The Carpet from/Bagdacl, The Raggecl Edge, The Green Stope, Tihe Sporting Spinatwi;"Yellow Typhoon, and 'The Voice in 'the;Fog. ',r,. ‘ Start, nerit week^'and read Bouii'd to the North,’’ then evpvy week, OK'verly il'/jstratod by Henryjay Lee. ' FULTON ITEMS .'Miss -Mollio .Frye iis right sick at this writing, sorry tb say. Miss Iva StcAVfli’t has returned’ homo from High Point,, she will remain at home for some timeTi; Mr, E. Burton had the misfor­ tune to turn his Ford_ over Siiturr day evening, but didn't hurt any­ one. The misfortune happened not very far from his home.' Mr. and Mrs. Ra'ympnd ; Miller of near .Winston-Salem spent Fri­ day hero. ; • ■' ': ; , ■' ,Miss, Beulah Frye of Cobleemee spent Easter Avith homefolks. Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Hendrix .and two children, Doris and Col­ leen of High Point 'apefit Easter hero. Mr. Clarence . Livengood and , Mia8 Panthy Lanier spent Sunday at Coolieemee. ' • wide, brliigiiigi'irideflhlto-‘Buflpen-:: sion of lifgluvay ti;ave'/ and 'in-, terforing'with'traiti selieiUiles. - ' Acute distress i.") bdlng felt in . '' (¡ho' St. 'Francis .basin■ from:!, tho -.j'/r southwest of Mis'sourl tp its en-' ‘ .; trance int;o the Mississippi north' ;of ' Helena.. Hundi’eds ofv, workr .y ' inon were striving latfe . today ...to, . ' j hold the- St. John’s bayou leve(>«t '. ■New .Madri, Mb,i whi,ch is attack- '■ .. ied by crevasse of the Mississippi'» at Qorena, tb the nbrfh. ' St. Francis refugees,, catnps;' ' were cr,owcled,',:with hom>;iv'.'t;,' at Helena'Marianna and Forest Cj.ty, At Forest City,.which rises aorup-,; tly froiU' the watery plain, nearly " i two thousand flood fugitives huve ; i '.gathered. ' ; -, , At ParagoiiÌd,icréwa;p'f men ai’e- ' - fighting {o saveli the’ 'bridge over i the St. Francis riorth bf the city, toss of tho Lbritlgo wiiuld'tifici upl: .>'‘t.:- .-■'-..-•.J 1.1. J.ay I train service tbvo^ got,Id section. ,, Rural Song and Comment MI' I';.’, ; ' (By Arch Hiiiieycult) Eiifctcr 'l'iKiughls ;:-,'Г;Ьо îily of Ihe. viillpy---^ ■ ' ■^The ‘ atar., of iJBethleliom, ■: v , [í'A spOtluSS vílAg of trueo, > i ; Л- .' Lile'-.merginii irom tlvo ;sliudo\va, '¡ Love’s message^iiT^the; (lawn, ■,SunB:8WC(ítly>’tá 'О' ;illÉllíJíhtL4l WÔrltl. : v^ l’IGS PAY PROFIT O'F $13.!»8 , EACH ^ Deiith’a Iron fetldvs broken, ' AiuI. hopû’'flomes: 1 f6rlh, ('a ;'vlctor ;; i '; ^AHciiatiire .toÎld'îthb. story • V ,i >Iii: 'sweetest /gQitiSirof-j'Sontr, :7-ijiAncl svïitis ;it • îii^..h ■' /. Como■'sihg it, .'loudly,- sweetly; ¡VGomeisingi jt biice again, - f -i'-ii: . : A'spotless flag of- truce At‘ last,'unfurled— ,V/.tv iV-'.^!H6sann^i’’i ]QWi riiid high— .1 ; Lpya’s ; message to a -1 OJig, , Benighted ¿worldrV : v , -à ■ÿi iG ; sing''untî^ihè'':I^(>rdt'‘ {,;;ivA‘ncw.':song|j^3;;'i^:fe{^: ;[,vtPor'Ho..‘hath done. ;.v ’ '■ Marvelous thing's;,'- < Hia 1‘ight hand, , , " And 'llis .hoiy' armj ' ' ' ; ' HathI'gotten;Him;<tho'.victory. ' ,, .f(i^i4b.;'jLprd,';liatli madO';krip.wn-;’v1 |ÿ§si|fïfci3>.;'saiyntion : ¡sv: H3ki,3'iirhtpou8nosa'{4uith': ; |;';OpeIUy;víshoWed‘.^^-Vî;^•■;’'.■:;i‘;>''‘''■¿■. , ’;?v. Jn ;'thé ;'Sight : of ;tho'. heath hath'.rememborçd;;Hia'rn^ '■'And 'His truth ■■ 1, ' ‘ 'ï’ ïTowiii’ds ithe -Kousoi'of -ïsrhql l/l^ I; 'All Ihe ends of. tie'earth '•■ 1 'Have seen the salvation Of our God. ' - , ,'..V , ' ; Maifè a jdyful..noisdc, . ;;." i.Unto ’tho-.Lord,V.:.,'..r'.!,;i., ;::i''Allithovéarthî:,i''':y;;':i!;^;;v ;;i;:Make a ; loud ;'noise,' '::;And ‘liojoico . * ' ■' And ’sing ■ praiso’.' ■ i; - J j> \ V ^ JA,'V/ '‘Sing u/ito fhe‘Iiciru''’'i''”':''ij ' Jj!i j',^*A'iWibh,'i:he' Îiarp,'|;j i f i ^ n ’d'tiie voice fè S £ I I'.iQli,*,«•' Psnltn.',, ' ,,f out wharaivithull fer makih'; iiis self prasentiablo ’fore the publicic >—- —— ■ ( snvo for goin’,,to ,thc store fer . Ilaleiirh, April; 13. — Fifty-five ; more, even if his credit is> good pig-s ;on a feeding test ait 'the ; fer that, much, anMikewise Square Drnnch Station in ’ '» ci'edil doalin’, ■ ' vwhat in thunder Js he il iioin <to :,do? , W,ell-sii;ee;v,Miste^ i,yer‘ sci^,be: h8.;g6t .m th 0VaaWbfi n'el' I’ou t,i,.so?i ii*' as n ow •i) I } *(, '-fVftH, ' W th trumpets,'^nrf’soiihdщ к ^ о ,'Л' Make я jojtful noise before’’r* '"v , The Lord fhe King./ " 4“, 'Ч r ''' ' 'i „ O f tho cornet, f V ‘■I-et;'thei:Sea';roar,’''.. ...,■ r -iAnd the fullness thereof ;,The world, and they ,' L' ; That dwell therein. , ' Let the Hoods clap , Their hands: ' “ JLet the hiliS: ,, . .. ,v ■ Be. joyfui;■;together/:;:^.;.;; ¡Before the Jjord: - - .'For: .He'comefch toi'judge ; The/ear th; ' witli rlghteousiiess.'.tihiill..Ho,v;ii 'i-JudgO' thevworld/, . And . the people' ' ; ' ■ ;;With ; oquity.\’i ; :;!.". .i-.pv;' illackland W'ttiJhington , county. paid- . a 'net profit bf ‘ $824.91 or ?ia.9a' piar ■pig after-the c'ttàt, of all. feeds liad been deducted. -^The',: test -AVH^ liy, Eari.ii H.'. Hostetler, "in chargé of swine,:’ t iuvestlgrttions ■ - for. i'.the" N6fth -.Carolina* Experimfnt .Sta- tidn,': ai’d,';'iOKethor with ;. other work'douu at; Wenonn, since 1952; pi'oves conclusi^'clÿ that well, bred hogs*' can, be ; ’produced prolitnbly : a'nd satisfactorily ; on .the black, laiid spil^iiOf .¿astiCrn Carolina. I’The.i'tests.-also show that' corn, ■ ;\vhidh':;is'.vtho,: princ'niiV, money ; crop-ofvthc section-crtn be mîirkét- é'df-to?'V(lttev';;il,dvhnta«0 through ( :hOgs than’•it.',can when, sold for. .èràiiv.;.''' .■ > ■ . v, ■ , v:, ' JÜ’. ' Hostetler,': states that ' two carloads of. pigs, are, produced at .tiio.Wenona farm each year; These, are put' on .oxporimental, feediri'g I'just. as'Soon'ng'they'reach; about 100 ^l1oamds;;inv.^^^¿îghjt.;,i In^ :'the ,'last, test^:Ma^.,ï.Ho3,tetlW‘!:C,c>nçÎud: ;edtt, testi<on- Maroh'>‘ ; 5(5 tJigs '.were -used ' tç': ,cdm^^ the f cod i n g .value * oi i fl3ji,'>m|a L ; a lone and flsh';menkii'nd'.‘s’oy^^^ >mixed.'half. an,d.'htllïî'■íls.;a''.SlП)plo- ;mont,lo^oorn.' :i.Theipiga''wer6di- vided into ,twd groups; andyfed for , 07 ;dnyB. '^^During this‘‘ time, they- made an,.^riverage dailÿ-gain 0'fr.2i25>'p0un'tls.'"’:-:,',. ; •■V:'AIr; i_HpstetloV4fouiitV, that-tho 27.; pigs f.edj.therilsh meal-alone with, cdrn:gftined\M35 pounds and con- ■sufned' 388 ’pouiidgV.of ’ feed' foi' each; 100 -pounds V bf-r; gain. , .Thé cost of: each; 100 '.ppunds of. gain; wàp",$5.52 and thfe‘'pigs paid $1.58 for each bushel of-’corn' consum­ ed/',;;,...... .........■ - ' / ;Thoi28 pigsAvhich.received one- haliiflah. meal .and one-half , Soy-' beai>::^r«eal 'with corn gained.' 4,- 108^poiindri . ftnd;r,i; consumed , 398 pound^ ,'oti" feed., for ; each 100 pou nds'of :gahï.-The cost per 1Ô0 pounds'of aain .\yfts ?5.8G and the pigs'tpnid' $r.j;5 ;f(^r.-,,each, bushel ,of icorniio.'insumod.*;^,';' .i‘- ■ ' ; ; ;, . i i, p;:Tho 'ilnanclnlvi'otui'h jOf • pèr ;i.pig''.'sh9uUÎ N ‘commend : ; this practice ".of,«feeding,. hogs ,^to each iarmer 'tilling';tho^black^8oils o1^, 'eastern iCurollna,'states Mr, Hosr totlcri c Especially'Wsy is: it to lot '; tho' ihogs ;forage': 'untij' .they wolrfh* about 100 pounijS' each and thvsu' : put; them ; on feed f or finiahr ing:;and'fatte;ning:/'': ■ i' j.¡ l'bin\4dayivAn»‘|i - that thiir yo'u'ngdat'ifid'of 01! Miss :.Tòhn8toh'sv>happehed' ,alortfi;;,'-:^,he did, an’ I-'bet -Him a chiiw of-store, backer ,hgih a', frog’s toenail, .us I ■how, he .couldn’t swipe Deacon hia under that; thnr winder,' thoUt of them .same, hit did,:‘cause sup- bein’ nip(Kl ior a thief, .li!>-“ireer’ pose-that thar boy"hndn’tTa.past, an’ he did, which proved tho sal-r an' iikeWlse suppose .as'how'DetU vashun of yer scribe.;- .Course, con hadn’t a had 'a/a^h bilrrel spt Mister Edltiir, I orteiu 'bin. a ■ ji^st out side thO'yard fence, an^ takln’ no chances, cause: I ' s.een I'l rthei'more,,, suiTpo.so,:,-;ovfcnj if '"! the new moon through the brbsh:did wait- till: dark ,'fore' hssendin’^ tuther night, I:.did, . an’ :know^d 'to the degradcid. -.liivel of .a'‘,ash. somethin’ was a ,goin’ to: tlirn up, barj'ol,:! nio'ut a met right up facu' I.'did, but v/arnl iv thinkiii’ about; to iace -with'i'olf' brather ;'McCord, hit, a' bfiin’' that soi't.' .Yes-sirec, cuni;: or ,some-'-olvthc .she. fo’ksi ,on hit shore is a'eventful ol’' Syhero my way to; tho,store, likewise:sup-, what you (Ui’ me is.a;hingin’ onto, .poac'-hit,'mout,«‘SovhappDned iaa but 'they, ain't many events .what. some pesky; (Inwg '.had a disikiver-: couhln’f be WU8,-. they ain’t, an’ , ed me' an-' sot to yelpin' in a waViiiJ« ...... I..- i- ■' ,1- '■ , - i '■• . ' ... .....T I, ^ Luuu.a I ЦВ «UO, UILV am I, an ed me an sot to yelpin’ in a waV Josh \\jl?ons ash barrel an git'this Jiefe one happenetl'to be one lo fetch lever dawg fer , ;miles •atoinld to.'hils aid in.n; MSse,; yus- V sireb, Miater .Eilitür; ;hifemout ц bln ti heap wufi, , hit can Ij^lers lie “ wus,,' thnn what hit :Í9, sliore ¡»ч i kraut: hit'’cnn. , ". :, , 4i .Guoas them’s abo.ut all fer tliis ^imo,,i.oiily:,\vhiJ;st 'l’niri>bou.| hit I ' mout/aa ; w'ell v-ast; vvhiit ■tlm^'.s of the rnpon,,!is well as under ;wli;ii signs^'of-'iKb zodÿack clods у'ои’ич . over <tO!Ítownv.'harig..-out'-'yei>, Avut •riiriiionta 'Id' ctry, sp/а.ч iioboilv tiòh!!; . lake'themv same;,'an!I leave you 'destitute'?.;r'v;’' , ■ : . , Ÿourn’.fer s a f e t y ,' SA N F OR D SPR1NXÍTIME = ' - The wiiitery'i'days'^ how ¡are past, . .Springtime.; has ,coijie ' at last, ;' , : ■ The 'birds aro' jay, : and • sweetly sing, ■ , i WW,W«I r They are glad to' see the bonutifu! Spring., ' , " ’ " ' " The snov/ has'gone, there is not a Лаке, :Beautiful; Spring, all / na'lure ia awnke,, Sweet perfume now fills,the air, Coniing from the beautiful flow- . . ers so rare. , ' : ; i ; . Th^suh№itms have driven away ' ’ the gloom,' • Easter flo'iyerg are now in bloomi This will cheer to sad hearts 'bring,' . . ,*l’he lialmy air of the'beautiful '. ' 'Spring.';,; 'The buds are bursting forth on the trees, . Butterflies : are,' out, and so are, the bees, • ' ; O, 'Springtime ! so bright and fair. There is fullness of life every­ where)' r—Rev. John F. Cartel', J *: 'Winslion-Salem, N. 0. ProtiiTier to CojiHumcjr , ^ “Do you think noultry-keeplng- ' pays'/" , ' " , ' : “Well, that I don’t know; but I think it рцув my .boy Tor..” , , “‘How’s that'/” “Well, you see, I bouglit him ; the fowls, I havo to pay for their keep, I buy the eggs from, him, , .when there are any, and ho eats ' . y-\’ ; SASSAFRAC RIDGE ITUMS .Mister Editui',: ' ; , '' They’» a, heap of,,'qualr things in this here |oi’ world of ourii, they-'is, shore as) kraut, ^an’ tliemv vvhat'.^ain’e right, up:'to 'the ; last ] .miniite as fer the workins:!oÌitlie. • r^odyiick, likewise, thé signs; of the moon; an’ the seasons,'can’t nover teli' B' thing-as to whnt i.i a brò'iv-; in,; fer ther next' step;around 'the 1 co'rnor, ;thoy can’t, caüsé. hit’.s ,al- j irs tho unexpected what is 'With the, best,what ;a'ieller;cah'do;: he ain’t hone .tooVjiiife fi’bm the, grim hand, of trib>ilashü'ns, ;. :]iIkewiat diaapp'lnthients,; also I. done taken notice as how a fe|ier can.-go out a huntin’ fer itiims, nn’ 'git dog bit, cus.sed out an’ heaps of .things ivhat'-hlt mout not be ;perlite to menchun here,: an’: never ' git a danged itum wuth' the ipa'pei’ an’ ink for recording an’ then agin, /leems îiS' .liov.’ ''the very a'Jr Is newsy, > so a.s the most; intrustin’ of "horiist-torgoah'; ;;, picked itums jest' vsim,ply forces the'rs'elves to yer notice; ^llkewise' onter' yer ob- servnshun. I biii "à "'readih'' as how that thar man ,Charlie went ah’ got 'hisself 'sefjarated, lijtewise bereft pf that" thar ,raln-eoat of his’n, vie; the swip6^;i’oute but gosl\ :Mistoi' Editur he ain’t got nothin’ oiv| weuns . herebouts, ' he'.;ain’t, cause ;ye:i’, scribe he ' talfenecl an’ hung’ certniri;itiimst,of -apparel in­ to a clothes ,;iine\'^’h,at, connects wit’h; a • wind'er, : he tlid, an’ hit happened as how hit >as the: on­ ly itimi ■ of that 'same, specese of wearin’ apparer >vhat ;he possess­ ed, liwekise hit: had got^too: fami­ liar with a' mud hole while as he wa^s'fleein^ -from â :'urigentlemanly yaller diiwg, as result of astin' what a certain she thing called purtinent or ;impertinent qüesti- uns or somethin’ of the sort, but honist-to-gosh; Mister Editur I Avarn’t Ù’ doin’ a dangbd thing onlyi.tryin’ to git itums,, I warn’t, but 'anyhow them thivr breaches got wet, they did, likewise had to be dried, an’ if a feller hain’t got no .more, what in thunder is he to do, cept go to beil whilst they dry?" But when somebody comes along, an’, bein’ wise to the détails' of , thrtt.,,thàr affair, jest swipes ithem,'same garments an’ leaves a> feller in the ,bed„ \vith- Started our company with one object in view, to serve thè public by offering gooé merchandise at a fair price which is commonly called a v Let Live Pohcy á \ , ’’This being our sixtieth anniversary we wish to express our appreciation of the business given us by the good pebplé of Davie and adjoining counties, What success we have had all these years is due to the loyalty of our friends which loyalty vire appreciate. ' ' We ask for your continued patronage and we pledge our best service. Л^е Can Take Care Of Your In Most Any Line Otir Furniture Department carries a good line of Bedroom, Dining room and Living room Furniture, Stoves, Chairs, Rug’s, Talking Machines, Pianos, Etc. ■ Our Hardware and Imple­ ment Department will take care your wants whether Farm- er or Builder. Sherwin-Williams Paints need no introduction. OUR GROCERY DEPT. is filled with staple and fancy Groceries. We feature the natioiially known Ferndell and Prattlows lines. Our prices are right. Cash or Credit. Our Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoe Department consists of quality merchandise af reason< able prices. Trade at home and saye thé difference. We want your business. Star Brand Shoes are better PRESENT HEADQUARTERS OF T. J. AUSTIN & COMPANY. WLIL MOVE INTO LARGER QUARTERS SOON.■' * t From The Stanly News-Herald; ■ ’■ Jap-Hatley has closed a contract for the ei’ection of a concrete building in West AlbemiarJe, "40 by 60 feet, single .«tory, acliioining the building now .occupied by.'T. J[. Austin & Company, the building to be completed as (luickly: as pos­ sible. This will be a well built business structure, and is being built for T., J. Austin & .Company, because that con­ cern’s business has outgrown, the old stand. ' The growth of. the business of the Austin Company has been most wonderful. Starting seven years ago in West Albemarle with a small, one-man shop, Mr. Austin has work­ ed faithfully, until his business has grown to be on'9 of tho real big businesses of the town,, with promise of still growing ; -much bigger. Seven years is a long,, time,"but it is also a long step, from ii little one man shop/in a' remote section,; of a small town to a business \y9 rking nine men, all me-: chanics, paihtei'S, and experts in various lines, and all draw­ ing 'high salarie's, and located in a live .business cominunity and a real live town. . But that is the case ;\vii:h the Austin business., Mr. Austin has, also again prpvon tha't ther-e is' such a thing as starting out in' a'new line of business arid putting it across. He die] not jitart somethingwhich was already overdone, but started an eritirely new business-unlike any­ thing else In Albemarl?:’, and by keeping, at it year invand^ year out, he has met;witli 'eii'cbi.iraging success; . '- 'The-T. J., Austin Conipahy now do a feig truck ahd;avito'i body manufacturing Ijusiriess. .»■They dverhaiil old wrecked and worn out ,cars, paiiit: and .do;;uil ¡nnd.s pi: repair work, from the simplest' aiito 'repair \york; to- that p f .practic n^iking new ;aiii^ ,Giistome;’s, h«ve graclually' foin out;,that';this';progreaslve compahy ;dpes,;‘ih(it ;iiiie' W iincl already,v ancl .-without any ' special; elUprt at .adveutising;. their customers ave:,now'coming:fi’om-far' and;near. '-: - ‘ Mr, Au'stirt/has.been a'greai:’R o o s te r u p .t h is ' section oi; the town-.’*' Whon'h'S'started hear his-present stand, seven 'years ago,-his shop was; the .only one in West ' Albe- : marie.; There was.'not even a black ,smith shop, oyer there rcross the crsek. , One 'by one, Mr.: Austin 'Has gullet! for other biisinosse.*?: in hia comiriunity until today are located within a block" of his plac? of business, some of the biggge'st (Continued on page four) HVBSroOK tEC’TURES BRING NEW FACTS' Raleigh, April 13.--That. inter-'- est in livestock grówing.'in North:' Carolina ifl on tho increaau ia-ln- dicatod'by thc continued large:at-' tendance at the aerlea -of live- |*iitock lectures being hpld for the first time at State. College during the'.present ' school year.; -! I Prof.'R.'S. Curtis, animal hus­ bandman, arranged for a aeries of nine lectures, ‘ one to be held each month of the present year, and as speakers, secured some of the most noted livestock men of the United States. . The lectures are being held in the auditorium of the new^ -animal husbandry building,, Polk Hall, and ■ are at­ tended by livestock growers, students and staff membera of the college faculty. . Among those educational lead­ ers who have made addreaaea be­ fore the gatheringa have been such men.aa Clarence Poe, native son and national farm leader; Dr. David Wesson, prominent chemiat and inveatlgator of cot- tonaeed products; John T. Caine, chief ; of the 'Packers and Stock Yarda Adminiatratlon ; Leonard Tufta, 'well knovyn buaineaa man iind Ayrshire breeder; R. G. Pol­ lock, general miinager of the live­ stock and meat board, and Ji A; McLean, dairy feeding expert of Chlèago. ' . : , ’i'he program call.«) for addi­ tional lectiires'froni B. N. Went­ worth,' director of research for the Armour Packing Company, Wa^ne Dinsmore,;sècrétary;òf th,è Horse A.^flpcialioh of' Amori ch and Dr. B. W: Kilgore,, preaident of the : American ; Cotton :; Exchange.' iEnch; of.' tho lectures : ,sb . far glveii haa been' atricfly on some phaae óf the,- liveatbck problem and many new and Mmportniit facts have; been :hi'ought to Npì'^h^ Carolina .cltizena;. aa a reault. Prof. Curtia atatoa ihat the plan has beenexcooditigly . siitiafac- tory nnd Iió'i.s wéÌJ'!pien.sod; w/th the fino attendiihce.: It; ia';.the hope of the .Cbllego authorities that;'thia ^ criea .pf locturea ''\vill stimulate greater' Intereat; in, live-: .stock work throughant the entire Stat'e. 4.Ч ti! ш м .* # .» ■-"» ■» ,<>. -» , * A. F. CAMPRHLL '»• UNDERTAKER . A: complete line of factory ’ and, hand-made Caskets. Motor jHoarso and an Ex- * pert Einb'almor at your * ■ , . Scrvice MOCKSyiLJ.E,.N, C.; Al'Bo5*Ji, J;' Starrett’a , (I i Mocksville, Bt. 1. Day P h b n e ...................-1(54 ^ Night' Phone' — on 45 I How^^ sweetly all cars would run if all motor oils were as good as "Standard оуи o*j As;the silent, miles .slip by in a ribbon of road, you realize how niiichk th</ motor car owes to its lubricating oil and how impor- i tant it. is to have the oil. , .“Stanclard’'’i Motor Oil is tlio result ofover 5« years’experience. The hest qualities claimed for ; various lubricating oils are all in '. this brie oil. It withstands heat, ' holds Its body and guards against carbon deposits.' «.iSTANDAUD OIL COMPANY (N. J.). .^:lstoíi> A R ií MOTOR OIL The McuBurr, of Oil Vulue m i M ' No detours! Here’s the one road to real ciga­ rette enjoyment J ^ t u r a l Tobacco N0TIC13 OP SALE In the Superior Court ' Uefore the Clerk. ,. NORTH CAROLINA, ' ' ' DAVIE COUNTy.' '. .......... Be.saie W, Besseht and huabiind, S. R; Beaaent, 'iDiane' ;pe’an, and' huaba'nd, Raym-ond Deah.'vsiPaul :Wood ai?d; wife,; Cathei'ineviWpdd/ Under 'and by y.ii;tue:<bf an ; or-, dor of - the Supei^br;; • Court of paviq County' North :barblihfi,' in Uie- Special Proceeding ' abbve-^ ,6nfc(t|ed, the underaignpd commis­ si one rs, -\v,i 11, on .^the; 14 th da J,', of May, l,927;;at the coui'f house door in Mbcksyille, North Car Tvvel,yei' -b’clpck, ■.'nbbny . ofler , fot sale i;b - the ' hlgheat '.bidder,' 'for caAh, .the, following ¡deacribed lands, to wit: , - r: y ■; ■ :That;eertain tract or, parcel,of land lyihgrin. 'jMock,sville Town­ ship, Davie'County, 'North Cnror lina, and bounded , as follow^', viz: . . Beginning at ,ii stone on West side of Old Huntsville Rond in ilutehins’;heh's’' line and; running South 87 East 19.80 chains' to a stone, Rose’s corne.r;:ihenup South 50 links , to ,a branch; thence down and with branch to a, pblnt below concrete road; thenceiAvilh branch S6uth\64 Eaat 19.80 chaji'S to Georg?' :McC!ami’och'’s' line; thence North' 59;East';.5.36 chains to a stone; tlience North 09 West 18.50 'Chains to, con'crete ro'ad, a stone.on the North side; thence North:,3; East 25.00; chains to a stone; 'Boose McCIami’och’s cor­ ner; tlience North 86. West; 15.80 chains to Huhtsville Road; thence with Bilid Road South 10 Eaat 3.50 cha; South 2 West 7.50, cha; South '4,15 cha; West 8.50 cha; South 23 West 8.95 chs to the be­ ginning, containing 56.70 acres, more or less. Thia 9th day of April, 1927, A, D. JACOB STEWART & ROBERT S. McNEILL, Commia^ioners, . Date of Sale; Saturday, April 14, VJ27, O’cltwk Noon. Place of Sale: Court,aoiistt Door, Mocksville, N, C. Terms pf Sale: CASH. 4 14 5tf. MEDITATION Thou- ibyejy :Chriai', in the silent; temb, ■ ' fAlas; oh,;what a doarful,day 1 ■ Behold iii awe the, fateft;! yi.Oom, Ho-^v, could ammortai pày‘(; The ,'wprld's IJedeemer dead I 'What;' now, but feur ahd/di'batVi' Tho helpless sheep- are scattered ’ " now,' •• '■ i' What is tlic news thpy'hear'^. .f..,-., ............................ . Trouble,-vwe read, on, each brow, | Ay/ive! ,; ' .........' ... ;; , Oh, whatSvondermont and feftr!''i)|The: Chriat', -!indeed;;''iS'!:rison, <-•«’■ Perhaps ’.ere long they too,,.shall. ' ' '' .....-■■'-.-i :<« icviinn ' ': ' bo, Slain, as their Ma.ster on the tree'. Easy as, one and one,', : Just add one gallon' of linseed oil to one gallon .of Stag seiTif.-pasle Paint; and you have /0)0 gal- : Ions of as fine paint ns'; you cah buy. And it: saves yoii onc-ihird the cost! Morcoyor,; / thia fresh- : mixpd paint spreads eas- , ier and goes further; You add the linseed oil yourself: so you know it’s all' fresh linseed oil paint. "StagM won't crack nor peel. ' . * - ' Bright; pcrmanerit colors, beautiful lustrous finish. There’s a ,'“’Stag” -dealer near you. Sec him—or write'us for literature, and name of deabr. Oh, glorious*joy 1 from out the, ' grave',' He burat the befitterod prison,-...-/ cv,;')*' Oh, shout filoudl ye- banners av -, ' .................................................... Strength, helpless soul, issino* irOU have power.^to ri-so and;, shine I 1 / ' Rqv. John F. Carter, j ■ Wlnaton-Salem, N. C. j N b'f’i 44 r é‘V<xt i I I Made hy HIRSHBERG PAINT CO., ВЛ’шюге, Md. , ' , Sold byi'»' - V MO'CKSVILLE HARDWARUX). . Alocksville, N. C. n'll I .«Î Ы '/f i" 14^ - J ^ - V » I* Wa 'j i-'.. .tii ’ .'¡У' A cbtiven|;Joj) oÎ'the 'Dçniû(3r(vtic;.i;;|ji qiiallfied’.voters of the Town-,of ''f Mocksville will bd hold in tho I ) ¡'y j'-ii';' 'Court .iHouSO.' ln;:;the',';:',Towri';; 'of Moaksville, for, the-, -.purposai oi:{, '' :nomlnatinu:;H ''findidnto-for Mayor;'» and five ^CommlsMonpra ,of tho’' ,'!'OWJj 'Of ''Mpcksvillq;>.an4''ftitown.^.''5 ' Conalable, S/itiirday, Api-ll'SOth/ 1927 'ttt; 2 :30: o’clbijk '.p.:^m., ;'niul - V'ÿ for the -trananctlon, oi',;fiuch .otheiî:;.;;;;.', buainesa as m.ay pr.oporly comO I’oro the :convention;‘-nnd> a eoiVr'Vi. ventioh of-.tho ; Dpmbc,ratic:'quiilii;';i/i^^^ fi'ecr voters. ; of :Mocksvlllo 'Grade(l' - ',ç; and High . Schopl:;:'Platrlct (irt-.'-':. cluding;- thei voter;}.':'\y]io;-i' resi.dçs; within |he corppruto limits those who reside within tho said'\'J; Sclio.ol. di.striet ;'but' 'outside the ^ corporate: limits ;of ;thei town .of ■ Mocksville) will, be. held in tho'; .Vï''.,^ Court, Houae in^the Town of J Mocksville, for the nomination of T , two truslteea ■ of the Mocksvillo- i-'i.'.:’'.’- ■School district: Saturday, '' iApril' 30th, .19?7.at 2 o’clock p. m,,.'ttna.''': :‘ .'|v for the transaction of such ,otb«ïr ; ; .; i . 'î buaineaa . as' may prciperlji. coflBB-i '.i if .before the aaid' convention. , ' /i By order of the Democratic ESeuv : cutive committee ofj the; temiu-off ' ■ wC Mocksville, and Mockaville:®!^^ ;. ''V:..' district ' Thl'a Tt'larch 2'8th, 1927, ,,JAS. ''H.::CArN,.:, f I Chairman/ Democratic . iCsewtiVa ; '’'';.';® VCo'himittee.v ^ , J. .L, CARTER, Secretary. , .................." ............. ' I f 4M 't THE AÎÔCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE ш к т #■’ • # / LIE ENÎERPRISE ^ Published Every Thurs^îay , at Mocksville, North Garolina, • ’Г - . A. с, HUNEYCUTT Publisher. J. F. LEACir ' Managing Editor. atííH'* I 1/- Шй Í ^ W F " ' Subiscription Rales! a year;*Six Months 60 Cenlg. ■ Stnctly in Advance. ■;Entored a t-Üie/'post oíTica at iMocJfsville,'Ni, С<,- as second-class ¡matter under the''aot of ìlàrcl li, 1S79. Mocksvillo, N. C., April 21, 1927 .Three young ,wompn were kiljed' 'jiiiid ià ninni'und iAvomaii :serlpusly' Àìiij(irot1: Tuesday : near, Gastonia, vAvhen'iai 'fasti; m passenger i,tvnin struck,the car in;\vhiclr'they avere riding, as the mnchirie crpasf' ■ ed 'the ' track. ' .This ia unotH'er ro-: minder ■•: to drivers that.. "a|£Ìfety i'firat,” '.when .at'comes to crtìssing 'railroads, :is:.a: mighty; gibm to piii^ into practice. civijiSn ' aviators 'madp .a : rrnew^rTocord for length :of time; to ."retfiaih’ in ,.the' air, at 'Mineolff, New York. ^^Jie highest':'récpr(l imacle : beforó^'was 45 liours. , ; . There is mpre .in this than one vinight,' thinii ' at,,: first ■ glance.'. It. •imoajis. that flying' is being"'jiiade iimore,and more practical; .ey'èiry ; Rionth ■ that I passes. .In the,’ near i .f u tu r’e air travel w i 11 b e the rtiòst i:jusod'/for:'long distances. :- i"?: Tho, Asheboro Courier qubtoa; Judge Harding pf Charlotte ; 'as >; ^having told a Winston-Salem; au- i diopce that soventee-n is the'; dang^ more boys go stray nt teventeen than at any .other,u ‘A fiJ "jh’avQ laid the blame for this more i.ifesi:v.'/:/,i,'jiò Ijarents-than on tho sage, iri',A ■ . for ,it is'abo'ut tho age.pf aeven- V|t8,an'>he,‘say^'that.the boy:is al- v::Oovvod:'tp. go out; at night without "i.' r' > V,, .’permisalon^ and stay out aa ,Iatb; Ì tó, dp,'and he’:a'yérs Vf/i' further'’that", al seventeen while ‘at iiight'thoS''have not roauhod thoy ::knowiiow to ^ %i'4^®î.ïbohav 'hence the evil' results. > I , --------------» — .......... |îl?>.f;:iV’':Ÿ:‘,T Citizen comes In I,./;/'!;.*' i 'for congratulations upon having ¡Ëw'.i.,,'. f „seijUred, as‘ its’ editor ■.■'Robert. V; LatharS, fbrnjerl:^^: ieditor of : ,the 1‘^'iVi ' ' Charleston'News '& ;Courier, and' ^ '' •• !,!‘;who during '.the ;p'aat;.;few years ,has, wont .national' fame as a con- > cise and vigorous writer. .Indeed i tho coming of Mr,’ Latham to ■' Nprth Ciirolinifi is something of ,which I'he entire state may well be proud, . and ' the riovyspaper : 'iruternity hag thereby cUdmed' : another 'real 'jiig editor, ;ç: , : . Mr'i‘'Latharrl>i,is ■ still a young , man. He has. won many cliatinc- 1 tions, ho\vev2rr’during.,his com- , paratively short; hev/spàper, w'oi’k. ;, He has served;as ¡President of the ' :South Carolinil’Press Aâspciationj i President oï the Southern ;Newsr paper Publishers AH^pciatibn, and ■ ho vyon the; Pulitzer, ,prlze for the, . best editorial ; 'vvhich' lipp'earod in; an. American . newspaper ; during the past year. ' . » the Easter h oli days \yith: Vtlioir parents of libu’te 1,. ■ ;■ Commencement ;;,'ejt(.Wcispa of Cana school' Will be held on,;the night of the ^tU\ of April'anil the day and iiight of thb 28th. Literary address will be,; deliverod by Mr. A.'^C. Ilunoycutti Miisic by'Stri.ng band. ' 'Messrs Artluir and Wade Stone- Streeti.and sister, Miss Pearl, all of Winston-Salem; ; spent ' Easter here ;\vith their'father. Mr, ClifTpr'ci’iWlntc, student::of‘ State .University- ’is visiting his piironts cn Houle 1. I Misa Agnes Boger, who. works at Winston-iSaleni spent lE^aster' with. Iter parents, Mr. and ’ Mrs.. R. Li Eoger."; ..i.,| ■ ’ M Ward and Creola Young, of Cooleemee, and Mr. William Wilson,'., were ; here Sunday afternoon. ‘ , i, ,„> ■, , J\Iiss Etta Ciodfelter is /visiting iMrsiiEmma P.opo. , ' Miss; Evelyn Sink; entertained the iJunior , .Philathea class of Eaton's, Chux’ch,' and :fi’ierlds ; at a delightfur irarty, p'n Satii'rday evening, : Aprii 1(5, ; in honor of the members whpse;.birthday, was in'. January, Fébnr<\ry;:anti March. They preaentetl a fi^endshij) ■,quilt to their teacheri : 'Mrsi ■\Vilíi¿A kinsonj; Those :pj;eàent;'were^Miss- es ' Mildred anti:' ,Hele:n ;'-Bréwon, Lucilo and \Eloanurv.Caih, S;íariiie ■Driver, Elmii, Luna and IvavLo\y;- orJí, Wilmn'iind Margaret'Collètte,. Annie LajU’ie . Etchisph,: Paulino and. Juanita BpgeV; Ü^^ and Ola ‘Smith,’ Shirley;: ,'L,o^^^^ Ilarpe, 'Mr.' iind 'Mi‘s.j Willie A kinson.i Messrs„Tóntíysbn Lanier, Paul Laiham/;’;Paul aiid. Charlie I.eagans.,.' .iessi p; ' .Driver, ^; ; Walter Etchison, .Thbinns ' Minor,, Ffoyd Dull', Elton Miiit'n Rby.-Wilspn •Collette, Johnny Lowery, : Duke Boger,,'Robert : Smith, Herman Brewer, Paul, and Lester .'Batoy; Marcellusiand Paul Harijo,' Hom- er.i 'llunter, Mr., ami Mrs. W., S. Collette and ;son'.|G'jlmor.;, ' ; SPECIÀLÌT“ " '■■■■., ' : ;liliSS MILLER ENTERTAINS RejV., McKinney preached an ex-1 ■ Miss, 'Vyillie Millor was graci- cellent sei'mon li't^ Piño Sunday ous,hostess at six tables of bridge night.; i ’A inifc browd was pre- and'rook bn',Wednesday afternpon. sbnt;hnd wo give them, all a hearty ” ” "welcomb ip bu'r chui'ch again.'” ; Our Spring Shoes ' and dry .^goods a^^o coming in; We have tho newest style.s ,and ,our, prices are right. \Vu have a few Shoes at half price. !,We'; aro Bellih'g'i-br •cash and cna saVb you inb'ney'o'h goods. ! Give us a trial and bo convinced: ¡Tish," 10c ,1b. Corn; Flakes :lpo: p'ackago, or ,':.threp packages, for 25c.' : CoiTeo 26c;ib^;good fiit ;baclc •Meat 16c ib.,,,'.'Apple,;i»niV:Mulo/to^^ bacco 15c,,plug, ;Gbldbn ; iCi'bwh Syruj) : 6Sc'.' galloni; Square - SniifT; 25c ..size ДЭс.* ; SOci sizb 24c. : The above ,js just a few' of oiir BARGAINS.'^ We handle : a ; full, line of groceries and луИГ siive you money if you will lot us. Visit us often. ' J. FRANK HENDiilX . (Daniel-CartnerV , S. Mocksvillo. Renew- Yowr Healtli by Funficatioh , " Any ;physicinri ■ wili. toll . jjou ‘ that "Perfect .Purification of tho System la Nature’s Fouiidatioa of Perfect ’Health.” Wiiy, not rid yourself pf chronic'ailments that aro undermin­ ing your vitality? Purify your on- ;tiro system ; by takiiig a ■ thorough; «o'ursò .of Calotabs,—onoo or twic^ a :wask for several weeks—iind see how Natiivb rewnrda you with, lioalth,'' Calotaba arc’ tho greaidat of all system puri.iier,3. Get a family pnck- ЛВО, containin.g full directions. Only 45 cts.., At any drug store. (Adv.) T. J. AUSTiN & CÒ. WILL MO VE INTO NEW tiUARTERS (Continued from page three) bu.gine3ses in the city, including the Hi P.' Efird Company,: doaleKs iri M ^hinery and agents for; thè International Har- ^ The/Gariige;of, the County Board of Educatjónj'-W'h'íte Front v; J''illing Station building^said to be one,oi tli'e rnost e.xpensive:, buildinga'of its:kind h the county and now,,Qccu|)icd,by the ' 'Qldsmobile Automobile.'dealers; Tlie'Peoplo\s',Scrvlce'Station , and other bu'^in'css"concerns.; So that now that coimiiiinity ia one'df tbe I'ivest and'busiest business section!?'to be iourid; ' in;the city. “ * , ■ ■, .The follow \\ho is considering starting out; in..aonie,kind , o:f'b«3ine.sa ,oi-.;trade, might ;do .well to ;consider: the success v/ibh which Mr% Austin has met, largely'becauáe;he used some initiative and :c1id 'riot go into a'lirie of; biisiness álrea'dy over- , done, but brariched.'Out‘ into '‘sc.,methirig; different,’^t ■ avoiding'iieedlees'cpmpetitiori.','^ success with,'Avhich his;busihess, the Albemarle’(Concrete ■W'or]<s, has ' met, shouldibe' another inspiring example; Let more of'"our folies stai’t ‘'something new,*' and let’s not all ,kee!)‘;trying to get'iritb; the .same lund of busin-sss. ' Variety^of'business, isjvyhat makes a good town.-; The various ' l;inds;óf ibusiness suppb)'t diíTererit. salaried,'laboi-ers, arid give • variety^’ofiriterest3.',V;,'.v . ■ ■ ' Wiieiv comfortably in,his new'buiidirigi.Mr. Austin' V wiirbróadén-put ’liis field and extend-^his tradiriiir;'tenutpry to ad.)biriiiig,,counties.. Indeed,even now,,his tniek.and auto - 'bodies-'are'Vifihding ,’puróliasers irom^' b o f the ; Ístate, ;:;arid': people are;, coming,; from adjoining counties to have painting, arid repairing, dóne) at his'shop. : ' , . Editor,' Nflte: Be sure to ■ look for the page nd in this ■ _ issue, and call Mr..Austin wh'en in rieed of anything in this Thur^av^pril 21, 1Ö : ■■ WHiBN YOU BUY'.;': ■: ||R;riLIZEii'f' ^ . THE BEST? We have plenty of Zell’s Tobacco fertili­ zer, also Royster’s general crop fertiliizers now On hand. MARTIN BROS. BIOCKSVILLE, N. C. PINO NEWS Rev. and ,Ml’S.'. B. G. McGlani: rock’’ of- ,MM’s -'Hill, spent;’Easter with tho, lattors. parents, Mrs. B. G. Latham., . '.' , ,| Mrs. Hugh Dixon >nnd littlo son Josei)h'.'Mo6l;e, bf Plohsont Gnr-; chJiii aro._the;‘wbeks-guests of their pa’rontsH'Mr. amL;Mrs. F. 'R. Mc­ Mahan, ■ ■ ' The rooms wbrb attractively de­ corated .with an artistic arrunge- ment of blue iris’and white spirea*. Afteri the . games ■ the hostcs? sb'i'ved- a delightful course of rofreshments.' ' , Mea'clames J. K. Meronoy and J. ,K. .siibek, cut for tho prize, the vlattbr..; winning a lovel,v , haiidmado ‘ hahdkorchiof. Miss Miller was assisted in cn- tbrtaining the guests'iiy hbr moth- ' uri./. ttfiit • .4 ,k..Miss; .'.'Laura i Ward ..returned ; er,' .Mrs, WiUtiim ; 'MÍlitir. '.The hömb 'Satiirday-v' a;fter ' a throeguests on this; pleasant occasipri ■• ■ - ,]\'[Г8. PÌ4co,ShorrllÌ, of Mt; гч^ t it: . webics vislt :witlv hexibrptiibr and sister, 'Mr. andf’Mrs. L. Bi Ward ,of;Bñdiri/:^;K'‘Y’.; '' ' .;"■;’ : ; ; MriioLonnie;;'Turner: and 11 ttlb ;'soh ^pf';Statáávillo, arb the, avocIc guests'of their'li'aronta, Mr. and Mrs.;J.’^L Swing.: ,.- ' Mr, aiid jJllvs. L. B. Wir'd and son,. F.vanki of Badin roturnod to their: home Monday after spend­ ing Easter Avith their ; mother, Mrs. Louise Ward. Miss Flora -^llon spent Easter with friends at Clemmons. Misses Mai'y and Margaret Mc­ Mahan returned to thpir teaching at; .Greensboro Monday, after spending Eastor holidays with home foiks. ; Mr. John:;Miller., had the nais- ::fortunb 'pf sticking a nail throu'gh ilia shoe intp hiq foot, '’Wo hope for him.'a -apeody recovery.'-,,■ ^ ONE’:ST^RE','BUILDIi^,^-T rooriisi’;',, with tqilet "cómi)lete-r- all for ' rent;—^L. G. Horn. GOOD pa stu re' FOli RENT— Apply to Jo.^eph Massey, care of ■Biimuda Farm, 'Advanco, N. C. ' R.'F. Dj ' , -5 21 4t. > “GUANDPAV AND THE , “KLUCKERS « _____' ■ Folks I'm almost sc trod 't} say 'it,' but therc.'wns It ciowcl oi dem Ku Kluxers: .In town Saturday night about nine o’cjoek, and I'm tellin yer son\e ot these people got;kinda:fiightened at ’em too, \ in fact; :one colored man' got so oxcited ;thiit he'^yas’ not able to walk hbriie aiid had to be forded horne.^But I must say that they .carried"out a very-intersting and impressive service on the court . squa'i'eV The''liJth chapter of ■’SI. ■Mark was read by one of the rob­ ed men, after'which aiiother mem­ ber .of the band led in prayer. The buiming of the fiery cross was , very impressive and vyas witness- ed by' a very attentative crowd. . ; CANA;NEVyS . ' Of special interest to friends hero was the marriage, on last; Saturday evening, of Miss Eva ' Collette and Mr. Willio Atkinson of , Winston-Salem. Wc all wish them a long and happy life. ' Mrs. Emma Pope returned Sun- day, from a weeks visit .w-ith her son at Statesvillo. There w'las la 'lively game ,of base ball played on the Cana school grounds on Easter Mon­ day, between the Cana boys and Ijames Cross- Roads, With tho victory for the home team. , Mr. and Mrs, G. V/. Lntham and 'son, Earl, of Winston-Salem spent ‘ • V 1 ’ ■ Bee Keepers^ Supplies Anything You Want In This Line Quaker Oats Co.’s Full o-pep Brand Chick Feeds ' Starter Mash Growing Mash Laying Mash • ’ Scratch Feed Moe’s liiie of Chick Eeedcjrs, Fountains; etc. Charcoal, Oyster shell. ; Let us serve you at The Store of Today’s Best Mocksville Hardware Go. illiai sister';of, the ■■hp.stess', Mes- daihes Cecil Morris; B. C.,CloineiU,' Ji'., J. P. LoGratid, J; K. Mbroney, W; A. Allison, ;'Rby Holthbuspr, ;Percy Brown, J. K. Shook, J. Frank Clembnti'* S.;. A. Harding, E. C. qhoate,. T-'L- Glenn, L. B. Feezor, 0. R., Horn, Misses Sallio Hunter, Ruth Booe, Jilnq'NHayden' Gaither, Ossie Allison,' Hazel Baity, Nina White, Fronie French,. Sophie Richards. , NOTICE 'TO, DODGE OWNERS -^State license for Dodge auto­ mobiles i'or next year will 'be $12,50, instead of $20.00.— ' Groce & Todd, Mocksville, N. C; Jiinoili [iiMiiiwiMwiMiiiBiiro;; инппшиишппашн Kil»№s| .“Hello, Mr. Smith 1 How, are you?” f ' “All right, thanks. Well ; my wife has'sent me after some moro of that good kind of flour; When I get out of wheat I buy your flour as it is the best I can And.” HORNE.JOHNSTONE Ш. .j ♦ V DR. Б. C. CHOATE ' DENTIST : , Sanford Huilding ' ■ Moóksville, Ii. C. ^ ,, * X-Ray . ' Diagnbsis ♦ ; 0(Псе' Çlione Ì1Ò * : Rgsldionoe Phone 30 S. A. HARDING, ¡VL D.,'. Sanford Building Mocksville, N. C. onice phone 1C2. Resideuco phono — — on 163 Offlce hours:' 8 to 9:30 a. ni. ’’ ” 1 to 2:30 p. m. * * », » * ' * » v : " .Sale^ Mouat As Latest - .improvements Become ICiiown ' The insliant'Dodge BrotHers.latest im- proyement's became known, sales be- ' '\ gan to climb. ■ , '■• ' ■ .Ts^ke the'car out for a trial and you’ll understand why! > , .;, :■ , It would require a full page to describe ■ :. -v : , - v , these improvQrnents in deta:if,' but here ' \ ‘ is.a pai4ial,listing: new silent-type '■ , ' clutch, riew;comfort-tilt seats, new five- . ' ' ' bearing crankshaft, new,; stai-ting sys­ tem, new steering ease, smart new , lines and colors, eaisi^er gear shifting, д ; i softer pedal action, new muffler, and ; 'far-reaching improvements in the vital " parts and body ¿rchitecture. ■ / ' ' . Test the car’s new smoothness, cjuiet- - of handling—then re- iiriember, its enviable record for long life and low cost of up-keep! GROGE AND TODD PHONE , lod DEPOT STREET MOCKSVILLE N. C. STANDARD , DELIVlSREDTouring,;...«,;......................,............................................................................ ' 9 0 5 . 0 0 Roadster ....................................................................................... ' ¡¡o'o.OO S o . f l n n ...................................................................................................!...•........................ 1 ,01 ,0 .0 0 Coupe ............................................................................................ ............................... 9 5 5 .0 0 iVo Also Sell Dopisndabie UsQci Cara О йпБё- BraaTHE-RS■';...'■" матога CABS '?■ l.№ í!S № iñ U iH llil№ IIIIB ¡in ;in d ii¿¡¡IIB llíÍB ñ № «IW IB Í¡;iai»M 'illíá¡№nianaiiii ! Important To Dodge Owners ■ ■ ■ We wish to announce that we now have a complete linie of Dodge parts and have employed an expert mechanic, and are now ready to serve you with the very best in the repair line. Bring your troubles' to us—we can fix ’em li!Groce & Todd Dodge Brothers Cars, Trucks, and Repairs At Depot, MocksviUe, N. C. I, ■'’'f' I.''. i f i i TUB M0CK8VÍLLE ENTERPRISE Mr. W. B. Eidsbn left Tuesday for a business trii) to Knoxvi,lle, Tenn. Birth of a Nation, •will; bo shown al the i;’rincGSs MoTuV'iy and Tues­ day, May 2nd and third. Ex-Mayor; Ó. B. .Eaton, of Win- . ston-Salem, , was;::a .visitor here ■ Siinday'. ' ' '■ Mrs. 1Î. I. Rcavio, of Concord, is yisiting' hVri ciiliighter, -Airs. C. L. Thompson. ^ Mr. and btrsi W.iC. Murph and Miss .Inez Ijames’ ai)ent ,ivionday in ■charlotte.' '■.■; . ;;,.■ ■ . , . , .Frank ; liahirfion, J r.. •' of Farm­ ington, spent Easter wltli his,slat' ors. Mesdames Lestiir .Martin and A. Av;Hol,l^uian,, ' . '’ to the' lire department from the Charlotte brlinch of tho;Standard Oil Gompariy'ii'with'' a letter of thiinks'.- for the work which they did ,in tiie- /ite.whlch^ destroyed Ihe cotton gi'i of tho J. P. Green Milling Comi^any somo time '^go,- MOVIE NEWS Tpdày ;;,vi'd' :a new Pai'amoun t idcture,'' “The PopUI lir Sin,’’ ;'F1&^^ bilr , supporting; : cast, Clivo and alao threatened^tho tanks of ,• Gr,eta; Nissen;- and. Philip the Standaid Oil Co. S jStlinge. ^It’s a Malcom St. Clair production and a Mónta Bell story . Miv and .'Mrsi ; J . , P, LeGrand ispbnt Easter;: with :^'eiativcs ‘ ih Allendal.é,;,S. C.; , '!y , \ -o— Mr. .arid;i;Mrs. Cecil Morris an- nofince the birth of a fliio daugh- tcr'eh iApril '• ■. ■■ .. 1 , - :o——^ ' , . •Miss -Lula' Betts, of .Lexington,'; visited , her ; slstbr, iVlrs. ; T. Ni <Chaffln, on Monday. James Moore; Jr;, who teaches •in tile Winstbn-Srtlem high schooli' ,spent Easter at home;- Edivard Crow, ;'jrV, of Monroo, ,si)unt Eastbv with' his grandmotli- er, Mrs. Phillip Hanes, — —0—^ '■ ■ Miss Hanes: Clomnt spent East­ er with her aunt,'-Mrs.^R. D. W. •Connor., in Chapel; Hill. ^' . . -J'" '' •• ,s Mi'i and Mrs. Abram Nail and ■ehildron of’ Hickpry, visited Mrf}, Ida G. Nail this week. jMrs. Roba iMeachum ’ s|)onfc Eastor in Charlotte ; with .her, sister, Mrs. L. A. Barnes. ——0—— ■ Miss Qraco McCulloh, of Salis­ bury, apont the Week j end with' Mr. and ^I's. W. C. Murph; ^ Miss Bello Waliace, whp teach- ois in Winston-Salem, spent Sun­ day with Mra. J. F. Mooro^. , . —0----— Mr. vwuKMrs, (3rant .Daniel and Miss Pauliiru Daniel visited ro- lativoit in Statosvi|o'‘at.;i?aster. ■ Mr.' and Mrs. E. C. LeGrand and; little „son, of iMat.thewa, ^ were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W¡ II. .LeGrand;. at ;Eas,ter.' ‘ ; , ' ; .. ■ , 1..-1. ' ; . »■ .'. Misses' Teresa: /Kerr, , ■ Louise Odurh,; aiid Mr; ‘ Albei't Oduni,- of Hickory, 'apent' Easter .here with relatives and friends. ' - 'Miss Sophie:- Kicharda;,spent:,, M Easter ,in Columbia,!; S. .a i with :, bv^id ^ her uncle, Governor 'Richards. 'Miss Siillie Hiiiite'ii;.viaited’‘fribndB;'ri^ o,'-o,st,v:; It,S^ in Wlnston:Salem at Eastor,'Mis'i ‘Mounted 1 ° ' Louiso Little was nt hoi- home at Curwood s'story, of the Can- Denver'during the hojidiiys, Miss mUan Northwest. lOon t «et the Nina Holt'White at hor home in this is aonie cheai wes ein, Davidson, Mias. Winnie, 'Davis .P'^turp,. but come see thi^3 high Moore.in Burlington, and Miss class; .action . picluie,, Antonio ^ .'Misa Ì31izabeth Naylor, who 'teaches lii Gastoiiia,'spent Easter wi.tli her piirèiits at Cana, and wisp visited Her auht,,Mr3.. J. P.'Green; . -0;■; 'iVIiijsbs; Teresa: Kerr, LOiiise Odurn, Nell.Holthouser, Elia Lee .Surti'mers : aful Mr. Albert Odum spoilt'Monday in 'Vi.Hnston-Salem. ■^08' sir, - Friday and Saturday. James .OliiiCr ;Ciinvo|bd’s FiaiiiiAg Fo'rest :\yill be showii at the^Prln-, cess 'I’heatre at regular admission ; Mr, Charles' Leckey, Mrs, Belle. Lockey,., arid little niece, of near Statesville, spent Еап':эг .\vith Mr.; Lockey’a daughter, Mra.. Oscar Casey..' 1 Mae Pendorgraft al Chapol Hill. Mra. ',A.: T. Grant: dojightfully; surprised her daughter,'lyilss: Re-: becca ; Grant, .by entertaining'^ a,; lew of her friends in honor o,f her, 18th birthday - on Friday evening. .Thei. guests ciijoyed l;s|^veral:; drawing contests' and ;prpgres.sive dates, after which the hpstess;:served ; clelicious chicken saiad, cheesestraWs, iukI ; sand­ wiches. , Besides the hbiioi'ee and- her idater, Mias Adelia ;Gra'ht,'the ihvitt'd quests,were:' 'Misses^;'Mary Alleh yHohdricksi,; ■ Dorothy'v.'Nor-- ringtpn, ;Pansy Wallter, ',>B'onnio Dwiggins, Franltie Criiybn; B&s- srs Arthur Neely,^ 'Adain .Neely,: Walton Dwiggins,'llubert: Moon-1 ey, Üaither Snnford, Sidney: Kirk. Sidney' Kirk, who is studying electrical engineering at the-Stato .Unlversitj'',' is ; siiehding a ’Week with hia 'parents, Rev. ànd 'Mrsv 'ÏÏ. L.: Kirk. ; ' i':; :■ Mrs. ; W, C;- , Martin' spent the week end in Sholby , with'" :hcr daughter, Mrs. Charles Duri'us. Miss' JeaslO’ Waif, .,of Cirec^s- Jboro, spent Eitstor with hei'.par­ ents, Rev. and Mrs.:, W. B.'Wail’. ' -r^O—---' ’ "' Mr. and Mrs.'M. D. Pass and Miss Cordelia Pass spent tho week end with re^tlvos In .Statesville. -------o------ / Miss Mal’y lioi'n, whp teaches :at Advance, spent Easter with hor j)arents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. IIorn. ------_()------ . . : Miss Iva Anderson, of Calahaln, was the guest of tier cousin,-Miss Mary Nelson Andbrson; at Eastor. Quite a number of Mocksville people attended :tho ’fei;inrlso ser­ vice in Salbin bn Eastor. moviiing. Mr. and Mi’S. J. H, Thoijipson; Saraia Thpmpsprti and James, Jr., spent Easter with Mrs. S. M. Call. , Miss Frankie; Craven, a student at Oatiiwba Cbllege, spent Easter with her mother, Mrs. ?J, A. Cra­ ven,' :.■ -6- f Mrs., William Woodruff and |TS. Roy Hoithbuser are attend- g Presbyterial in Mt.''Alry this week. V . ''i , : : ; ' : Mrs. P. ; rieiKlrlx, of,: Fork Church, is spending ; a few days with her daughter, Mrk T. I. Caudoll, ; : ;■ -o^' Misbea.'Mae.aiid.Katherine Kur- ;foes visited their . aunt, ,Mrs. A. E. Bhickburn; in^ Winstbn-Snlem at Easter. , ^ , L, .; Mi.sa ’Vertoe Umstoiiid, of the Davenport College faculty, spent tlie week end’ with Miss Gladys t'wigglns. '■; ; - . ' ' , Miaa Rebecca Griini:, a student at Duke Unlverg4t,y, spent Easter with her jiaronts, ,Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Grant^;,'■;■ Ц ■ ■ --- ’ . ■ , , i Mr. and Mrs. A. Б'. Furr and two children spent the holidays in Albemarle; and Badin ,with ■thoir parents. ; . " : . —---Or——:'’..' Mr; and Mrs, Duke Hendrix, of; Koekingham, ’Spent; - Easter here ’'vith their pareijts, Mr. and:,Mrs. W, S. Hendri.x. Mr. R, B. Sanford and iiohs, Oaithor and Rufus Jr., attended №0 Dnvidson-Carollnn game ii^ iänlisbury Blister Monday. - . 0 - The greatest of all pictures,.№0 There; will be an all-day com­ munity singing at (Bethel M. P. , churcVi next Sunday. Everybody cordially invited to come and en- ,joy the day; , > ■ Mr. and Mra Milton Stevens^ Mias Mii'i'garot Stevenaon, and Robert'Stevenson,(of Winston-Sal­ em, visited Mr. and Mrs. T; Mц Hendrix on Monday. Mrs; W, S.-Stone and ¿little daitghter,' Jessie Palmer, return­ ed to .their ‘homo In ;Hlgh Çoint Tuescíáy,; /after a visit;, to ; Mrs. fiitono’3;paronts. Rev. and Mrs. W;* B.-.Wair.-'..,:У-; - Mrá. E. P..Bradley was gracious :hostess ■ to the Júnior Christian Eridoavpr Society; of the Presby- feriah chiirch .oii Friday after- • iipon lit an egg iiuht on. the manso lawn. ; After playing several gam­ es, the littl.ei giiests engaged: in ■ that most' delightfut game,;'hunt- 'irig the briifHt-eolbred .eggs. .After the hunt tlib ■hostess served :de- llcioua ice bream. ''Thoae iiresent on; this pleasant bccasion -n'ere: Mrs. 13. P. Bradley,' Misses;Fannie G'rogbry „Bradley, Jane Bradley, Мацу' McGuire, Haydon Sanford, Moreno and Renoo Adoree featur­ ed players. ,Two reel Educational Comedy: with,Neal:;Burns in'"Daf- f^Dlll.” • Monday and T.ueisda.v another First National iilcture, “The Mar­ ked Woman’? Featu'red'players are Anna Q. Nil.son, Holbrobiii.Blimn and Charlie; Murray, nuff said. MAKE $40.00. to. $GO.Opr WEEK- ly — An old established Com­ pany seeks a eapable Dealer for the entire County of, Dnvie. Wo : manufacture; 100 useful every day n'eCeasities, extracts, spices, ' 'modicin’ea, etc,‘-.On the,market ; 25 ;yeai's.:' Easy ^to build per- ’/ manont’ /big' paying business. No oxpoi'iencQ, lu'actically no ; capital'needed. Wrlto today ;for full particulars. — Gl C. Heberling ;: Co. .Dept. 1522, , ' Bloomington, III. ; . . SALE GFj REAL^ESTA'i'B! ■ Under, and by .virtue of the au­ thority .contained;’ in a certain mortgage deed executed; on tho :19th /day:.;pf:: August,: 1925 ; by Liiman M.'.iEatbn which mortgage deed is duly:registered in the of flee of Register of deeds of Davie County; Nort^ Carolina, in Вяок, Sadio Hall Woodruff, :' Eleanor ^ -ЧM T .,.I V T,i„„L CharlosiS. Baton, and which saidWoo^'uir, №udia^Benso.,,:Bla,i-‘ -^^^ che Keliei,.Maiy.naiiis,,Mastei3 assigned and transforod by Charles ; S. .Eaton. , to George Wi Mr. iind Mrs. Hurry-; Fyne, of Hondbrson, .Miss, Mabe|; Stewart, Who teaches In Lincolnton, Mr. nnd Mrs'. J. p. Young and' son, of Durham,,spent Eastor with Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Stewart. Mr. T. F. Sanford) and Miss Mary McChes'ney‘ Sanford,, of Chattahoogn, Miss Maude Vinson, of Davidaon, and Mias Hot Fhr- rior, of Lenoir, were guests of Hirs. 'Johii Larew during Easter. * -:■ ■ •; '; . « Mr;-and Mrs. Fred Stockton; of Greonsboro, were guests of Mrs. Ollib Stockton at Easter. ;Mr. Stockton was baggage master on the first train tlia.t ennie through -Mocksyille, find lat^'rwas cOiidu-; ctor on this'division, . ’—----o- — .Mr. .and Mrs. Marvin Adams and ciaughtorsj Misses Evelyn, and Christine Adams,' of . McCall, S. ■C.; were visitors here-Sunday, ,bn route to; \yinston-Saieni, Mrs. Adams waa formerly liiss' Douch- ka Pass'of thiit place. ■ / . — O - r ^ . ^ 'rhero will be a meeting of, all North Carolina Cpllege for Woni-,' en alumnae of Davie county; Mori-! day, April 25th at 3:45, at the' Mocksville high sohool building. Our aliimnab secretai'y, Miss Clara Byrd,' will be with us. Every one come. Marshall Sanford,. Billie Harris, ..Saiiford WoodruiT, Charles Wbpd- rulT, Ji';, Vince Keller, Billie Koi- lor, Lester Keller,' David Cline.: . ;;; .; .0— Í. Jliss Helen Holthouser charm­ ingly entertained aboiit itvventy of. iier^llttlu friends on Friday after-' nooii. The; home was attractivel.v decorated; \Vith ; dogwood, , and a riunibor of games arici the exciting egg hunt;.added pleasure to ;thp occasipn; Mrs. Hplthpu'ser: :^va.s ■assisted by Miss'Proiiie French in entertaining the guests, Delici­ ous pineapple cream and block cake, were served, and each one mouth of old school house branch, thence with- said branch to atone near mouth of A. W. Eatons sjiring branch, thence S.; 4 :BS;chs to stone in A. Wi Eaton’s line, thence E. 19:70 cha to the be­ ginning,, cnnta'ining 65:>acres moro or, less;, For :furthQr description see deed- book 19, .iiage 489, ' oiRco register 'bf deeds Davie': County,' tract and bounded on the’''Wo8br/ai, /'|F| by the lands of above bounded: on ; the - -North ■'■,by.i:;it1ta>..... lands of Rufus Hodgson,.'boUiitled'' on!:the East'.by the lands -of'Nancyi-^ ,, , Carter hbirs, and bounded omth«t,'w;, South by tho laiidhof A. W. Eatojilij:§'iift«,, -containing 5 acres,-more'or. less»i?#''‘" This the 9th day of April, GEORGE W. jVI,cCLATMROCe,ii''!iJ Assignee ;of C. S;.Eaton Mortgitgeei:North -Carolina. _ 2nd tract: Adjoining above JACOB STEWART, Atty. 414 BtJV. , ^ ....... QiiiiâiiiiaiiiiBimiiiiH9iiDiimiiiiDiiiiiai!i!iiiiiiâ»EaiiiiR I Do You Want lyiore Money? Here’s an easy plieasant way tog make more money for tI]kOse luxu^ j rieis you crave. Buy your groceries : from us and save the differenc^l^ for tlie lux:uries. . . '.'siel On The Square L. S'i Kurfees, Manager Н111Ш»1Н1В»1П11М111М11П!111Я1111111!а1тшя111М!111И11Ш1Ш111П1шаи!1ш REFRESH Yourself At Our Fountain McClaihroch and ,the ; asalgninoi^t of the mortgago deed ia, duly re-' cordbd '. in book , page in oifico of_ register -of deeds :for.; Davie County, N. 0;.. de;Cault:liav- ing been made in the pa.vment. g of'the note secured by tlie inort-v^l и i gage' deed,,' the- ilndf-rsigncd as-:^ signee of the-said niortgagb deed I as ; aforesaid, wilt s;eil\ n^t public auction: to the highest :l)j,dder for cash ;at . thé Courtlious^^^^^^^^ of Dfivie. County, North Giirbliria, in Mockaville, North Carolina, - on May l4th, being Satiirday, at 12 o’clock M;,;the'foIhnying roal es- Next time you are down town drop in andptry a nice cool .refreshing drink from our fountain. We serve ail kinds of fountain drinks. Best of all, you’ll more than enjoy a dish of our ice cream—Carolina Cream—the very beat you can find anywhere. You can buy it here by the cone, or in any q^jantity you may want- , was given a dainty yellow basketfilled with mints and ornamented i tateSituate in Clarksvil e Town- with a tiny yellow : chick. The^fW. gubsts present were Misses Heleri,::? Daniel, Ruth Daniel, ..Mildrjjd fil ® 7 ’ Thomi^on, Mary Nelsra . Aiidorii;^’'^“" « ''"t:so.i„Jane McGuire, Ruth Hendrix,'m E L. . Virginia Byerly,, ;Cordelia Pass; Jane, Woodruff, Emily’'Roriw«lI. 'in' June Neely, Rachel Brown;'.Helen w ° ‘ 1 Graiit. Sarah Dwiggins,'Kathleen ^ Craven, ’ Masters Roy Walker,' S Juno Bailed Smith, and Jack San^ dega,' ,;W^ tofmv] ■ ' ^ ..che^itnut (now stone), thence S. Ci.i deg,s; West 6:68 chs to stone, thence S. ,5‘l''/j degs, E. 5:41 ehs ALL “The place you should trade.” MflckHville, N. C. ' ... TO THE CITIZiS Of DAVIE COUNTY SCREEN -DOORS AND WIN- , , ,, , , , .;dows made to'brder .by .Canip- ? in greasy branch under :bell’s Casket Shop, Mocksville, low .bndgs^^ thence to tol-.jif Q : , iow groaay branch to rock at Miss'Sarah Clement, who spent Easter with ¡\Iiss 'Jane liayden Gaither,' returned to ,0.\ford on -Monda,v. She was joined in Win­ ston Jbyh'er.sister, Mrs. F. B'. Blalock,; and Mr, Blalock, who spent Easter with Mr.‘ and Mrs. Norman Stone. Mrs. T. L. Glenn .was hpstess to the Presbyterian . Auxiliary on .Tuesdny afternoon. ‘ Mrs; ’ John '¿arew had charge of. the interest­ ing program in the absence of the president, Mrs. Williarii, Wood- rulT, who is attending the Preaby- torial in Mt. Airy. , '.'■.' ——0—7— . ' ,; Mr. and Mrs,. Sii'annoii, of,;Gas-' tanta, and Miss; Jane Byrd Potts, of the Gastonia faculty; who spent | Easter in' Wytheville, Va., were guests of Miss; Sarah Gaither at dinner on Monday. They were acoompaniod to Gastonia by Miss Gaither,' who teaches in the city schools. :■ ' Piro.Chief,..:C, H.' Tomlinson is in receipt of a check for $25.00 ''ч'||В!1111111111В1Ш01111аЯП1111Ш11П!111а!1Ш!Н!Щ1Ма11Ш1111Ш11Ш11111Я11ПШ;111а!т1Ш111:В111В110^ FERTILIZER NACO PERUVIAN BRAND Yea, I use a— ' HOME COMFORT . WASHING iMACHINE The Kind Your Granfather used. We have it in stock at Green Milling Cornpany’a warehotise, • near the Station. , ’; Materials Of All Kinds We have or can get any kind of material you want ’ Your Patronage Appreciated. Come See, Us. J. W. Cartner Mocksville, N. C» Because it \vashes all cloths perfectly clean; including the finest of silks, lace; curtaiiis, quilts, overalls, collars and iCuifs'of shirts, etc.,; and saves labor, time and money. :’Elimlnates the ;b'ack breaking rub board and the friction caused by rub board rubbing, and enables you to do yoür "washing at home where more 'sanitiiry conditions exist. Many thousands of,satisfied customers áre onjoyinij;,'their Home Comfort Washing Machine each week. ' 'Special discount, starting Ap|ril 14th, of 10% given on ail machines delivered on or befor« May l-Hh. List price $29.50; less 10% $26.55. Free demonstration in your home if interested, see or write ■ , V. N. TODD I (Martin Bros. Store) ' MOCKSVILLE, N. C. líiH lll!B'i!:M i':ail!!!B|i|iB!IIIBIII!BIIIIBIIIIBIIIIBM BIIIIBIIIW IIÍiBi:iiBII!IBIIIIB ' 1 ,,y 4.'WI»I> ■>^^ -‘1* B Ü B U B IlliB lfllIH B IIM ■ lin illlB llliB iB IIIIB III LISTEN! I am pleased to announce to the people of Davie County that I am in position to procure loans on improved farm land ;or city real estiite pro perty. If you want to liorrow, money call on, or vvrite to, J. T. SISK, :, . Mocksville, N. C. ЯВШНИ'И 47 1,“ THE MÓCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE Ш: EfjîERPRISE ' ■ ' - ' f-' ТЬигчс'шд.АрГуЦ^г!;. 1{|; Publiàhed Every Thurs'’-яу at v^^Mocksville, North Carolina., A. C. IIÜKEYCUTT Publisher. J. F. IÆACH ' Managing Editor. the Enster holitlnys witir parnnta of Route 1,. fA Iholr T. .r. AUSTIN & CO. WILL MO VE INTO NfeW tiUARTERS Suiiscripfion Rules: • a Yoari'Six Months 50 Centg, -'"Stdctly in Advance. ■•Entei'ed àt ttie post, officá at Moûlt8ville,'N. C., as aecon^-’cîass matter under the"act of lUurct «J,,1879. MoikèvlJje,Jvf. C., Api-il 21, 1Ü27 Tlii'Rfc yoiniii wùmon werèjÌ4lJpcÌ nnd ,n;:manv'and;i:womnn'"3ei‘iy^ . iiinjutGcl ’ Tuesclii'y,:, nenr .Gnsloniai Avheuia fast movinji passenger / itrnln struek'tlic car in which'they : \AverofridlnK,;aa:the mnehine cro_^8- od .the‘tracl{. This is another ro- minder to' drivers tiiat/.‘‘cjafety v;,flv8t,'I^AV;heu.?it eomes to'-crósàinè^ ,',yuilroadSi iis: a' migiity ¿òòdit'hing! •to put' into'practice. Two civllidn aviators made a .'now'record for lenfflh oÌ'timo,to' •retóain ; iin ,thr; air, tìt ìi Mlneol'ci; 'W eiy fX ó tk , ¿The highest .l'écórd mado'rbefo're'^was 4B hbu’rsi? ^'V Thore is moro in this'than one v:niight; thinlf'.'at rflrst'glànctì. : 'It '(jinouns;..tliat.':flying'is beiii’g liiàdo : imore,i- and moro practical every i'K'i'/V' fflonjth-that/passes. -In the, near jifJ,; -I ■’v.' future air'travd will be tho most tr’ii / II' ’■iiiiod'-fcr .long distances. \ Tho Asheboro Courier quotes, '■ ^ ’ ' ;'Judgo .Ilnrding'of Charlotte as i ,(haying i tiild ; a' Winston-Saiem''aii- ’Ipthor, age. ’Tlio Judge seems to " У V navç.jaid ihò .blame for this more W Y '\ ti ' ' 'j;He ^,îVenta-than on tho age, ■ ior.it is'“rtbout tho age of soven- ■ jteeii i.he';says'*.that(tho boy 1» al- . K ' ,.j'';Jowod to.go out at night \y,ithout !i>! V' l '' • nnd 'stay out «s ,Ialo •Iis ‘‘ ,®® .he',!àu'e&‘f tó do, and íio avers ‘ 'V ' ? \ íurt|iürrfohrit;,'nl,.sovontoen while ,m;v, '' ..these '’ft'«^íówod to go, out I if fV ^jit, ’nIgiitr,th'oyf''liuvb ,nbt reaclibd; ' ''‘■"le' thoy.'lniow'ho<V'tò Ъ : )h\' J . bobft^^h'éín'iólvos/,'lienee-the evil Ashoyill.o. Citizen comos'In 'K"/ <1" C' 't®V 'upon . having '■/•¿A pec(lired'',aB'''Its'■ editor (Robert Lathaht, ,forrijcrly,editor of the tó*'¡i !' <j'hiirlosion News & Courier, .and "’ho during the' ’past 'few years .has won national'fanio as a con-: K cisc and vigorous WI itor. .Indeed the coming of Miv Lhtliam to' ¡ ’• North Carolina ia aomothirig. Of , , vwhich I'he entire stato may wcil bo proud,'und tho i’,o\v.'ip’.Vper'i /iraternity has ■ '''tiici jl',v'' cltilihnil' another real b(g editor, ’ ’ Mr. Lathum-'-is still a yoúiig man. ile has,won many dis^inc- 1 tions, however, during his ;cpm- 'i, pai;iUi vely short newspaper. w’orl^, lie has 8er\ed, as ;l’rosidont of the ; ^fSou'tli'Caroiinupress'As^ Preside»t^,of ihé 'Sóut!íern ; Newsr fiaper Publishers ’Aaso'eiatioh. and J lio won the Pulitzer prlzeVforrt'he t best odltw(al which appeared, iii ' an Amp>'ican newspaper, during . iithe past year, ’ : “GRANDPA’^ AND THÍ3 ; ' "KLUCKBRS”f -::i,____' .Folies.I,'m' almost scared to say ,'it,. but-ihore;wiis a crowd, of dem íKu Kiuxei's:, .in town Saturday .. night about niuc: o’cjocki and I’m ’ tollin yof : some 'of'^these people got kinda fright'ened at ’em too, in .fact ,.one cólóved nian got so, excited ;tha,t- lie 'w'a's not able to wallt home and Iiiid; to be forded iiomo. But I must say that they carried'out a yery.'intersting and impressive' íiérvice oh the court Vv .square./ The'’l6th chapter of'St, 'Alark was ,read by 9»e of the rob- : ,ecl men, after which ajiother mem- (beri.pf the band led in prayer. The !;burning of the fiery crosa wa.s / very Impressive and was witness­ ed,.'by á very attentative crowd. .CANA^NEWS Commencement .ext*rcif.ca of Cana school ^vill be hold on the night of the 27th of April' ançl tho day and night of the 28th.^ Ltternry addres.s will be delivered by Hr, A. ,C. Huneycutt. Music by •slrjjug b'nnd, Messrs Arthur and Wade Stone- street, and sister, Ml,■•is Pearl, all of Winston-Salem;/spent Easter hare with their father, ' ; Mr., .OllfTordüWhite, student of State 'University Is visiting his parents cn Uoilte 1, ^ Lliss Agnes Lioger, who works ajt’Winston-i^alem spent il^asto^ with her parents, Mr. and Mrd.' R. Li Boger. I ^ ' Misses Nannie-Pat Ward and C'reola Young, of Cooleemee, .and Mr.: • AYilliam : Wilson,' were here Sunday afternoon. ; ¡■•MissiEtta.Clpdfolter,is visiting Mrs,'.Emma Pope. • Miss Evelyn Sink entertained the Junior Philathea ‘class of Eatoiits, Chui‘dh,, and friendd at a delightful . party,. on Saturday 'evening, April 1C, in honor of the ménibers whoso birthday was in'JanuaryiFebruar.v,and,Mar6h, They presented a friendship quilt to their teacher, Mrs.’WilUo At- kins'oni-, Those : present wore. Miss­ es- Mildred and,' Helen Brewen, Lucile hnd,(Eleanor.-Cain, Mamie Driver,, Elmîiy Luna^ and Iva 'Low­ ery,, Wilma and Margaret Collette'i Annie Lanrlo. iEtehison,' Pauline nnd Juanita Boger, Lila and Ola Smith, Shirley Lowery, i Leona IIarpe,-Mr. and‘Mrs,,. Willie At­ kinson. Mossrs'.Tennyson Liinier, Paul Latham,'. Paul and„ Charlie Leagana, Jossio Driver, ' Walter Etcl]Î8on, : Thomas '»Minor, Ffoyd Dull, Elton ■ Martin;: Roy •Wilson. Collette, Johnny Lowery, Duke Boger, -Robert Smith, ' Herman Brewer,. Paul and Lester :Eaton, Mareellus'rtnd Paul Har|)o,’-Hom­ er (Hunter, • Mr. and Mrs. W. : S. Cbllotte and son G'ilmer, , SPECIAL! - . Our Spring Shoes and dry^ goods are coming in. Wo have the 'newest styles and our prices are right. We have a few Shoes .at half price. We are selling for cash' and .cnn, savo you money: on goodsi;; Give usv a trial and be convinced! - li.Pish;'’ 10c lb. Corn ..Flakes. lOc' ¡package, ■ or,. three. packages for 2oc.': Qoffeo SSo lb.'igood fat back Meat. 10c lb’.,,,’ Apple;:and?Mu,lo,4o'-> bacoo 16c:',plug,' .Goldbn ;,Crown Syrup iОбе/gnlion; Square-Snuff 2Gc i slzo lOc. 80’c size 2'lc. ■ ' ? Ti:o above,,Is Just a fow of our BARGAINS. ^ Wo . handle a full, line of groceries and ' Vill .save' ,you mone.v; if you will let iia. Visit us often, 'l" J. FRANK; HENDRIX . (Daniel-Cartner)^ S. Mocksville. ,Renevir: Your Health '■ PuHficatibh;'',;■ Any physician will: toll >Vou 'that, “PorXuct Purification of; tho System is Nature's Foundation' of Perfect ilcalth.” Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that aro undormin- mg your vitality? Purify your. eri-J tiro system 'by., taking a' thorough i:our.4o.of Oaloinba.i—ohco or twice a week for .feoveral луоокн—nnd eeo how Nature ro>vacds you v>ltlv haalth.' ' CnlolabH: hrd tho'. greal cat of all ,3j'stem puriflora. Got a family pack- лгс, containing fuU dlrectlona. Only “5 cts. At any driig atoro. (Adv. , ,, . .(Continued, frohr page three) ^' businesses in tho cit.v, including,the И, P,'.Eiii4] Company, dealers in Mtfthinery and agents for thé Intei'natlonal ;Har- yester Conipany'.s line f farm machinei'y j The D. R; Morrow . RolleV, Shops, \Vol'king around a dozen expert laborer^ pThc ,, Cherd-Cola Bottling Companyj The State IIigh\yay Garage;' Thii/G,;::';ige of,,the County Board of Ediicution ¡-White Front Fillin.fi'Al’r.i';!.*;. biiîi‘i|ing-said to bo one of tlie rnost expensive, ; buildings' oi^i ts'-idnd- h the county »and now-occupied'. by 'the - Qldsinobile Auiomobilo ‘dealel’s; ThC'People’s .Sérvice Station and othoi*. bu'giiwss'cpncerns. So tliat now that community , is: onp'of the ilvest and'/busiest business section,? to be found in the city, ' * , The fellow who is considering starting out in.-some kind ,. o:f business bv! trade, might do well to consider the success, y/ith which Mn 'Aiistin has mot, largely because; he used .some ; 'initiative and did пйи go into a line.of business rilready over- :rlone, but branched out, into ."something, different,’’ thereby avoiding needlees competition. Jap Hatley and : the-success ■. with,-which his~'b«,4iness, the Albemarle Concrete Works, has ':met, should be another inspiring example; Let more of‘ov.r folks'.start "something new,” and let’s not' all„kep)y !:i’.viii .,-',to get into the ,same ;kind of business. ■Variety4‘rrbi'.'yh'ies.4 isAvhat makes a good town. The various hinds:6f business siippb^’t différent: salaried laborers and give < variety of int'erests. ' ’ ’ ' , ,When^comfortably located in his new building,:Mr, Austin will ’broaden ,out his field and extend'his trading territory td ad.ioiniilg 'counties. V Indeed even'now,; his'truck ahcl auto bodies-'are. ilndirig-.'purdiasers from ot'hor couhties of the 'state, an d 'peoïilo are . coming from adjoming counties to: have paintlng:^and,fe|jairihg doneikt.his^ '■ ' ' ^' EdItor':Nü,te^;::'Йo-sure to bok’for't page iid in'this issue, and call Mr. Austin when in need of anything in this line.'' >' WHEN YOU BUY WHY NOT BUY We have plenty of Zell’s Tobacco fertili­ zer, also Royster’s gener^r crop fertilizers now on hand. . ! MARTIN BROS. 1\I0CKSVILLB, N. G. PINO NEWS I^ilSS MI LLER ENTERT AI NS : jiinnniiiaiiiiniimiffiiHiniiiiiiaiira aiiiiniiMiiiiBfiiiiuiiiiffliiiiniiiiainoiiBuiMiiiiiiiiiiSiimi fliiiieii Re.vi.McKlnhoy preacliod an ex­cellent MisS; Willie, Miller,-was: gracl- aermon at,: Pine . Sunday ous, hostess at six tables of bridge night. . A largo'..cvowd was ■ pio- anriTook on' WDdnesday aftornpbn, sent,and wo givo th^.all a hearty Tliovrooms wero 'attractively de- welcomo to .du’i' cHiirch,again.Vc -- Rpv. and Mi'S. ; R, Gif MeClam-: rock of Miya •HMIt^^^ sjicnt Eastor with , tho, iattora parent's, Mrs, B, ,G.; Latham.:y :_¿, Mrs..'Hiiglv Dilxon land 11 ttlo son Joseph Л1р0Ге, of Ploasont' Gniv (hm, arc ,,tho ■'^vcoks guoiita öf thoir pa’roiits/' Mr. and, Mrs. F. R, Me-. Mahan,-. • I , ' ' ■Miss ,, Laura ,; Wai'd ruturnod liomo '.Saturday,'' 'after ii .throo wogks'vialt wltlt hò,tibroi;hor, and aister, Mr. and," Mrs.'L. Ü. Ward >of Biidin.I ' Mr;, Lonnie'Turner and little son \of Statdayllloi uro tho week guoats ‘of thói.r' paronts, Mr. and Mrs. :J;7'I. Swliig," \Mr. and Mrs. L, B, .Ward and qprated iwith an artistic arrange;' mont of blue ,iris arid ,white spirea*, ;Aft,ori the; games,' the hostes? served" a; delightful course of rofroshmerits):* / Moadamos Ji: K, Meroney ancl 'J, .'K,.Shook cut for ;tho prize;, the :.Tattor.,\vinning a ; loyol,y , handmade-'- handkorehief. Miss Miller was assisted in'on- toitainmg tho, guests by her moth­ er, Mrs, Wiili.nm ^ ^ MiUor, The guests on this, pleasant occasion •wei’G! Mrs, Price,Sherrill, of i\[tr Ulla,, sister- of. the:-'hostbss'. Mes­ dames Cecil-M9rris;iB,'C,. element;' J I',, J, P, LeGrand, J,< JCi iMoroney; W. A; Allison, Roy Holthouser, Percy Brown, J, .K, Shoek,' J, Frank Clomont,' ,S.'. A, .Harding, E. C. Choate, T, L, Glenn, L, E, 'Feozoi\^C^,R,, Horn, Misses Saiiiosoni F,rank,,'ò£‘Badin roturnqd to thoir homo : Monday after spend- ;Hu ntori' Rii th .Воре; JjmÓAHay don' irig;Eastor -With, thoir '..'mothori' öaithörj ' ids^e :; 'Allison,'- Hazel Н11Н1111Ш1111Нша11М1111еа1111Ё911Ш1||1а1|1|В]|1Ш1111а1111И1111Ш1111Ш1111В||||П11111Ш!1ЖЁа!111П11:1е1»>к|';а : , , ' ' . j “Hello, Mr, Smith! How; are you?” /' “Ali right, thanks. Weil'-my wiCe has sent me after some more of that goo'd kind of floun I'Whoii I get out of wheat I buy your Hour as it is tlib best l ean Iind,” IIORNE-JOHNSTONE СЧ). . .•1111Ш1Я1111Н!111Ш111Ю11111а11111В1111Ш||11га1111В1||1П1111П|11 шштизяптзл Mrs. Louise Ward. ; Mias< Flora •^llon .spont,Eastor with friends; rt't: Clemmons. ' Mias'os ¡^ai’y 'nt|)i, Margaret Mc- JMahari returned tp'iht'ir teaching 'atl .Groonsbora;-;'iilonday, ' after spending .Eastor i .-ji.'-lidnya , with homo’:f6jka;': ; , ; Mr., John , Miijcy;,r;hiid tho ni|a- fortunó of sticking 'a nail through his ;Shoo into hi.<)':fo0t. ' Wo hope for him.a speody recovery,' ONF S i ORE'' BIJILOTNG, . TEN looms with tqiiet'’ complete-^ - all,, for rent,-—L, 'G, Horn. '' (iOOD : PASTUR13 FOR RENT— ; Apply to Joàolih Massey, care of ■; -Búmuda. -Farm, 'Advance, N, -C* R, 'F, D; ■ ,4 ;'5 21 -It, |aiiiiii!iiHinBim:iiitsi:piiiiH:iiiD:!n,'ii!Q!ii!aiiira:iiia[iiiia!ii!aiiiiiiainai!iiBiiiiD Bee Keepers^ Supplies | Anything You Want In This IJne Baity,'iMiria White, Fronie Frencli,' Sophie Richards, NOTICE '■ro, DODGE OWNERS -—Stato licorise for Dodge aiito- mobflpa ior next year will vbo- .$12,C0':' 'in.stead of $20,00,— - Groce iSt Todd,■'Mocksville, N, C. « ■» *: * inuwi.oviut: if * X-Ray Diagn'o'sis ■'* ОШсо* ],’hpnc 110 * Residence'Phone 30 : ♦ » ,*. * 1* *; # DR. E. d CHOATE DENTIST Sanford Building Mocksville, 1^. C. S. A. ilARDING, М.. D.,: ,Sanfor«i Building . . Mocksville, N. C. Offlce-phone 162. Residence plfone — — on 163 * ОШсо hoiirsî’ S to 9:80 a. m; 1 to 2:30 p, m.■If , # p ' ' # ' » * , Sales 'Mount, As Latest ■ Impiwements Become Known ^ The instant Dodge Brothers latest im> • , provements ;became known, sales be- ' • \ gan lo climb, Tf^lte the car out for a trial and you’ll' . , -• understand wh'y! ( • ■ . It would require a full page to describe ■ 'these improvements in detail;*:buthei;e \ ‘ is,a partial listing:,hew silent-type cliatch, new comfort-tilt Seatsi nevv i^ye- " ' bearing cranlishaft, new, startinp; sys- ' - tern, new'steei-ing ,'eas^, ; srnart new < lines and colors, easi^er gear shHting, softer pedal action,; hew muffler, and ;• ’ ’ far-reaching: iniprovements iti the vital parts and body ¿i.’'chitecture. . , . Teat the car’s new smoothness, quict- ' , ' ness and "ease of handling—then re- .tnember its enviable record-for long life and loH'cost of up-keepi • : GROCE AND tQDD PHONE lOG STANDARD Touring Roadster, Sedan ............. , Coupo ,........ DEPOT STREET MOCKSVILLE N, C, DEÚVElíED ..........••■••.....'•,.•••.. ........ '••••V...............-'¡)05,00 ............................................................:....... i)()0.00 ................................................•.!••?......1,010.00 •••••■■■•■•^•■•••v^......................................................; i)53.00 , . : Wo a/bo SelJ D epund’abla JJaecl Cara 'П 'О Й Б Э B R G T M B R S '■-^ MOTOR CARS ' Of special interest to friends here was the marriage, on last Saturday evening, of Miss Eva Collette and Mr. Willie Atkihson of 'Winston-Salem,; We all wish them a long and happy life, ' Mrs. Emma Pope returned Sun­ day,; from a weeks visit with her son at Statesville, There w'fis la 'lively game ,of base bail played on the' Cana school grounds on Easter Mon­ day, between the Cana bnys and I,james Cross Roads, -with the victory for the homo team, Mr, and Mrs, G, W, Latham and yon, Earl, uf Winston-Saleni speni; IIIII IMШitiК ц H i■ гве*3II Г I Quaker Oats Co.’s Full o-pep Brand Chick Feeds ’ Starter Maish , •' i’"'’, ■• ’V;' ''.'.i ' \ ■ ‘Growing Mash : ? Laying Mash Scratch Feed . . 'll¡N¡llíMIII:ailllBi:ilBIIIIBIIIinilllDllllDIIIIBIIIIBIIl:nilliBli:iBI!l!Kllli'ill!Hlipil!lfllIIIBIIIIBIIIIBI Important To Dodge Owners Pi Moe’s line of Chick Eeedcjrs, Fo?i\itains, [ etc. Charcoal, Oyster shell. I Let US ser,vii you at ' ‘ ; | , The Store of Today’s li’est I Mocksville Hardware Go. II niiiiMiiiiMiaiBaiiiiBiiiiHiiiw!iiBiiiiH!iiiBMfliiiiKniBiiiiwMBiiiHea;i9r'niMiiiiaiiiiBiiiiB№^ :111В 1111В 1111В 11» В !111В 1Ш !1;: В1111В 1111В 1111В 1111В 1111В 11П 1111В 111 lüBIIIIBÜIIBIII. iiiî!iiiaiiiia:iM s p ei H ñ p Щ I We wish to announce that we now have a complete line of Dodge J parts and have employed an expert mechanic, and are now ready | to serve you with the very best in the repair line. Bring your troubles to us—we can fix ^em tülBtIl B üilB inn Groce & Todd Dodge Brothers Cars, Trucks, and Repairs ■At Depot, Mocksville, N. C. 7РггР8|Ж5ЖТ iiiiiaiiiBiiniinl!in I Hi f- . 'Thnrs'dav. Am'il 21, ,1027 14‘ r.' k' I ‘ ? ' ' ________ TUB MOÒHSVir.r.E ENTERFRïSTj! ^ ". 1I4 \ Mr, \y.:B, iCidson loft 'ïiie;itlay [or a business trip to Knoxvi,llu, ',Гепп,' ;: Ex-Mayor 0, B, Eaton, of ',Win- . aton-Salom; I W1U4 a ,vi.4Ìtor hero ■Sunday. ------0 - ^ - Mrs., B, 1. RoUVÍH,,;oí Concord, is -\’isiting'her;(lilught'cr, Mrs. C, L, Thompson, ' • - , — ^^0-^—■' Mr. and.MrSi \y, C. Múyph Miss Iriez Ijames' spent Monday in charlotte, / ■■— 0——. ■ Mr.' 'and 'Mrs. J. ' P.; LoG'i'and •spent Eastor with relatives in AilBndale,^S. C. : ' ’ Mr, arid; Mrs, Cecil Morris un- nofineo the birlh of a fluo daugh­ ter bn Aprir-I^yth. . Miss Lilia-Betts', of Lexiiigton, visited her' sister, Mrs, T, N, Chaiiln, on MondAy. • ' ^—__o—— , , ■ . - James Moore, .JiN, who teaches •in tho Wiiiston-aalcni higli school, jipent Eastor at htinie. i’ldward Crow, of Monroe, tipi>nl Eaatof with'!..« gran'dmoth- L>r, iMrs. Phillip linnos,■ ------0-“ — ■' Miss Hnnoa Clomnt spent i'’uat- fi' with her aunt, Mrs. R, D. W. Connor, in Chapul Hill. .' -----0— - Mr. and iviia. Abrtim Nail and children of Hickory, visited Ml'fi. Ida 0. Nall this week. -0- ¡\lra. Reba iMeaehum spent ICiistor in Chiirlnttc with her­ oisier, Mrs. L. Л. Barnes. Misa qraco McCiilloh, of Sails- btii'y, spont the wmik,end wilh Mr. aiui Ml'S. W. G. Murph. , _—0—~ ' Ml«a Hollo Walliieo, who touch- •uH in Winston-Salom, spent Sun­ day with Mrs, J. K. aioori). —:—0------ , Mr. 'aiid' RXi'«' Grant Daniel and MIhs Pauline Daniel visited I'e- lalivoß In Stntesvllu'at, Easter. Mrs. W. C. Miirtin'spent the wiiok end in ShoUty with* her (laiiKhter, I\Irs. Chitrles Buri'us. ------0-——. ‘ Ml»» Jessie WulV, of Gi'oon»- hoi'O, Hpent Eftstoi' with lier pai'- entH, Rev. and Mrs.. W. B. WalT. Jlr. and MiM, M. D. Pass and Misa Cordelia Pnaa apent tho weok end with rel^tlvoii In Stateavlllo. Mins Mai'y iio|Mi, who teacho.t .¡it Advance, spent EuHtor with her liarents, Mr, and Mi'«. G. E, Horn. — ■ Miss Iva Andorson, of Caiahaln, was thu guest of her oousin, Miss Mary Nelson Andorson, nt Easter. Quito a number of Moc|«vllle people attended tlio sunrise ser­ vice in Salem on i'iuator. morning, Mr, and Mrs, J. II. Thompaoni Sarah Thonipsoii, nnd James, Jr., ,spent liastor with Mrs, S. M, Call. ,Mis,s Frankie Craven, a student at (Jatawba College, spent Easter with her rnother, Mrs.'J, A. Cra­ ven. ' ' Birth of i! Ni'.iion. will 1)0 .shown at thd'i’rinciisa Mnncl'iy and Tuea- daj7 May 2nd'and third. —*~o- ....... ,Frank Ba'nnpon. Jr., of Fiirm- irigton, spoilt Enster. with his slst« ers, Mtsdámea Lester 'Martin and A. A. irollcman., . ' .’ — O— Mr, and Mrs. ß, G. LoOrund and iittio son, gue.4ts'of LeGrand at 'Easter.' *.......... -c, MOVIE NEWSto tho lire department from the Churlotto brhnch of the.Stundard Oil Company with - a' letter of Today we aro playing a new thnnl«' for the, work which they | popular 'i l o “ «!!;'’..i-'ih'o J, S ! io.,ii„, «1« Milling .Company some time ;*go, ’ I»»? supporting east, UiVe and also throatoned.tbe tanks of i->jook, Greta «»d Ptiji P tho.Standaj'd OlJ Co, ^ • *^ Stri.ngo, It’s u Malcom S , Clair' ' production and a Monta Dell story ^ridaÿ arid;S^^^^^^^ in Wlhston-Salem ut Eastor. i^Iisa MountEd Epllcoi; : It :if .James: ()!•« ...........................Louise: Little. WUB -t hoi' hotrie' nt: iver Curwood’s story oC thè Cuii. of Matthows, ' woro I l^onvur during thè holidaya. Miss « ‘il“» Northwor.t, Don’t gol thè Mr, and' Mrs, W, H, ' Nln.a Holt White at fi;,;-liome: in this is some cheap westeril Davidson, Mii(s, Wlrihle Oiivls trieture,, but còme «ee this hitiH, Mooro in liùrlltigton, und Miss dnss Uictlón : picturé. Antonio niouth of old sehooi house branch; theirce with said -feuich to stoné near mouth - of A, W. :Eatons ¡•Ui'ing branch, thence S.;4:83 chs to stono in A. Wi ■Eaton’s linoj' til cnee E, : 19:79 chs to the ■ be- gÌ3ining, cMnbaining 55 acres more; oi* loss, Pol' further description sbtj deed boolc lO, page: 489. oiHce fesrister of deeds Davie Counfy, I^ortli Carolina. tract and bounded on the/WcsK''..'' ,';1 by thè landa ' of above ' irnct;t; , bounded on tho Nòrfch by thc.' ^j! lands of Rufua Hodgapa, bouniìpd',, ' on thè East by thè landa of Naiicy'\ Carter 'heirs.^ ■and bannded .oriiitheii' Soulh ijy thè landa of,A, W. eqntaining fi aerea, moro òr less.if^iR ' This thè 9th dày of. Aprii,'1927j;';?b™^ ^ GEORGE ,W. McCLAMROCÌI/'V Asaignee of C. S,' Etjton Mortgag''i’ Misaos’ ÌTorp«a Kerr, Louise Mao Pondorgraft at Chupei И111. Morerio and Roneo ;Adorec featUr- Odum, and Mr. Albert Odum, of* -.-—о— ' , fd pia,vors. ,Two reel Educational Hickory, spent Easter here with ¡Mrs, A.- T. i Grant' delightfully Gomody with Ntìil ,Hums iri'‘‘Daf-».^1..Í . Í 1 t__ -1 ... . «#1. ft-. Pip ТлЛ! M : гrplatives and friends. ^ Misa Kli'/-aljRth Naylor, who teaches In Gastonia, spent Easter surprised her daughter, ijílss Re­ becca Grant, by нп1' '‘1ч1п1пц a few of her friends in hoiior of her 18th birthday bn Friday wi.th her parents at Cana, and «lao ¡ evening. Thef 'aiuests , ('¡ijoyod visited lier aunt, Jtra, .L P.'Oreen. .• several drawing coritests' and , , _*_n_— j prpgreasive duteo, after which tho Misses Teresa Kerr, Louise j ho’stesa aervcd do;iciJua chicken Odum, Nell ilolthouaor, Ella Lee [ salad, choesostraws and sand* Summera and Mt*. Albert OdumiWlchoa, Bc.*ddea the honoteo and siiont Monday In Winston-Salem, her slater. Miss Adelia Grant, the fy.Diil. ■ Monday and, Tuesday tiiiother First National picture, “The ked Woman” Featured iiiayei's are Anna Q. Nllaon, Holbi'po^ Bllmn nnd Charlie Murray, nuff said. Yes alr.,I''riday and Saturday J.'unos Oliver Cili wood’s Flaming Fore'S), will ho shown at the Prin­ cesa Theatre at regular admlasltin Mr. Charlea Lcckey, Mrs. Hello Leekey./amI llHle niece, of near Statuavllle, sin'tit Еаг'зг \vlth Mr. Loekey’a dmighter, ftlra. Oscar Casey. Sidney Kirk, wh(> la sludylng clectrical en^infertiijí nt the State University, is »iiondlng a weok with his parontsi, Uov. and Mrs. ir . L, Kirk, 1^ invited ([Uosts wore: ÄHsues,Alary Allon ilondrieks,; Dôi'oth.v’. Nor- rlngton, Pansy Walkor, ¡ llonnle DwlgghiH, Franklo Craven, Mes­ srs Arthur Neel.v/ Adaln'Neely, Walton Dwlgglna, 'Hubert Moon- ey, t.'.iiilier Sanford, Sidney Kirk. l\Ira, E. P. Bradley was gracious hostaas to the Junior Christian Endeavor Society of the I’resby- torlan church on Friday after­ noon at an egg hunt on tho msnso lawn. After jdaylng soveriil '^am- es, the little guests oii^iiiitid in that most dullghttu! game, hunt* ing thu brlght-colornd eti?..'. ,'\*!t«i‘ tho hunt the hovteas served tl»i- Thero will be tm all-day com- llclou.i leu cream. :.;iae munity singing fit illethel M. P. i on this iiloaaniií ' huñit church next Stinday. Mverybody ! Й1га. i'3, 1’. lirndle.v, Miaste Funaio cordially Invltotl I'lmie ami en- GS'ogory IJninley, .tamv nrmllp.v, i Joy the da,v, n MAKE $40.00 to :f'|().Qp' WEEK, ly — An old eatabliahod Com­ pany seeks a capable Dealer for the onth‘0 County of Davie. We nianufaeture 100 useful every day necessities, extracts, spleoB, inedlclnes, etc. On tho market 25 .vears. Easy to hnlld per* nianont big paying buHlness. No Experience, praolleally no capital needed. Write today for full particulara, —• G'. C. Ilebn'llng Co. Dept. 1522, Bloomington, 111. . . —‘ SALE OF REAL.ESTA'l'BI 2nd tract ; Adjoining above, JACOB S.TEWART", Att.v. 4 '14 ■ " ;'f ||iKn0iiiiHiiiiBiiHniiiaiiiiffli№itiaiiiiBiiiMoaiiiiEliiii Mr. and Мгл MHton Htoveus йПаа Margaret Hlovnnson. arid Robert SteveiiHOHi:iif Wlnston-Sal- im, viailfid Ml', iHhl Mm. T. M., llondrlx on Monday. Mrs, W, S. Sttme and llttlo ЛГ Í1 ..I » I ; i . tl > i i U l l l i \./<l i IM 1и(1| 111 l».nMaiy Л И . .1Г0. Wut ei. « ^ morlgagea No. 22 i.nge 51 i ’ t’harloii Й. l'!nto:i, and which sii,4-us>.* Woodvurr. v....udia НЫ1М0П, mortgage deed have bev« M ’ I*"’ II « r I I'll ^ aaiiigned and tranafonul by:Mnrahii l banh.id, b.llle lini k я. Katon to (lüorjfo W. bantord \Viu)di'ua. Cbai'loa SVmil - лг.,п|,,,,,иш.ь .m,i4 i.<, ; Under and by virtue of the au- tliorlty er.ntalned In a certa/h mortgaiíé ikied e,4ecuted on tho illth .¡Ny of Augusti 1025 by tinman M. Eaton whlcli mortgaifo \ (Iced is duly registered In the of. | lleis of Ueglater of dfodst of Ibivle ; County, Nui’ili Carolina, In Hook i to said .note and mortgage deed liiive Ьегп Do Yoii' Maht Pore Money? : '''"I'-'''■' Here’s an easy pleasant way (o make more money for those luxu- ries you crave. Buy your groceries from us and save thè difference- for tÌie lu3iuries.. ^ Davie Cash Store On The Square I L. S. Kurfees, Manager I' . ^ I/''' /Ят' Чщ . j.fi '.t Ï!l r f i 'M ■41 J i i » n H i i B i n i i i i u i i i a i i i H i i i i B ! i i i B i i n i i i i B i i i i B i i m Yourself A t Our Fouîitain ruIV, Jr., Vinco Kille.-, líllllü Kul­ ler, Luster Koller, David Cline. -о—..— I ■ Mi'H ' I 'ò. imi,. íi'íi. - ( к - 'ti’eiiliiv 1 fter. / in ino i4i,»iii«nt MiH. littl^ ^ ,,*K,|or the noto aocurod b.v the mort.. 1». iioon. uu, l'.ni. ,a,4 attiiwt vyl) . undersigned a«.' ir unos nul- M" aforciiald, will ве1Г at imblle; lU jíU u l t i l f i i U n t í m i i n É b ü b lir lin u É h lf h in i* f n i* i (iiicorated vVüii -logwood., lO'd !• number <il' ftgg hunt: oçcaaion. -'lira. Ili’itliouH^r; wat* assisted by М1ь,ч Fronie «'leneh in ontertainliig thn guo-tta. ПбИс!- Olla |)lnoapplo eroam and Ь lek eako woro aorvod. and üßeh ono wan given a daln\'' yuilov, !;,i?í-ví lllled with niln',!i n/',d ornun “"'«li with a tiny yollow ehlcti. The ìMeClami'och and'the amilgnmenl of the nioi'tgago deed Is. duly re« :! corded in book........ page,.,.. In: daughter, Jiwde I’r.liner, return- 1\11а»| ürlon Itolt'r.ouaor ‘•'h'*'''«’ ' jj',v[L сЛ|ту'*'м luív.* od lo their home in High | Ingly onto«.Ñ,f;d about iwauly of ; Tuoaday, a visit to М гн.'. H iiu h'V.,-k'..iri.44<luv i f t e i s I in uie .•itono’s parunlH, (lev. and Mr 11. Waiï. Mr. and Mi'it. linrry Fyiic, of 'rIondoraon, .MIii» Mabel Stewart, \vho touche» In l.liieolnton, iMr. and Älra. J. 0, Young and son. of Diirhnm, Hppnt Raster with Mr. and Mra. Jncnb Stewart. Mr. T. 1'!. ifiitifonl and AIlss Mary McClieimey Sanford, of Chattunooga, Minn Maude Vinson, of Davldaoa, und .Ml«« Hot Far- rlor, of Luiioir, wer« guests of Mrs, John i-iii'iiw during Eastor.» • auction to the highest blddor foi'|| ea»h at tho Courthouao door nf ;j l>avlo Count.v. North Carolina, In: Mocksville, North Garollna, - on i May l<lth, being Saturday, at 13 ¡'I o'clock M., the following real ís» iaio! .4ltuate In (.'lai'ksvllle Town- ••‘Ыр, Davie County, and iluittrlbed as follows: 1st tract, brglnnliig ,1 Daiilol, Ruth Daniel, .iilblrod Thompson, Mary Nelson Andor- HOU, Jane McGuire, Ruth HomlrI.v, V^lrglnln llycrly, Cordelia Pass, Mr,'and Мгя, Fi’t'd Stockton, of;,Iniio Woodriill’, Emily l(o(i'<'oll. Gi'oonsboro, WHi’e guests of Mrs, Juno Neely, llaehel Orown, ilolen Olile Stoukton at Kastcr. Mr. Grant, Sarah Dwigglna,'Kathleen Stockton wa,4 Imggago master on ,• Craven. Л^аа1ога Roy Wall'or, thu fiist train that eanie through Juno Hailey Smith, inid Jack Kiti Mocksviilo, ami Inter was coiidu- ford. «t dogwood, or нюне! m л. w. Next time you are down town drop in und,.,try a nice cool ,r«yfreshing drink from our fountain:: We serve aii^liinds of fountain drinks, Be.st of all/you’P more than enjoy II disli of our ice cream—Carolina Cream—tho very best you can find anywhere. You can buy it here by the cone, or in any qiiantity you may want- , ALLISON S CLEMEIIT *S'l II к ctor on this dlvbdoii, 0- ^Mrs. William:: WoodrulT and Ara, Roy Ilolthouaor are uttend- mg Presbyterinl in ЙГ1.-' Airy thia. week. * • . ■ Mrs, P, Hendrix, of . Fork Cliiirch, la s'popding a few daya with her duughto'r, Mrs. T. I. Caiidell. -0«' Misses Mae.a-nd iiatherino Kur- J'eea visited their aunt, ,Mrs, A, R. llluekburn, in,Winston-Snlem at Kuster, Mias Verteo Umate^d, of the lîavcnport College faculty, spent tho woelc end with-Mias Glmiys ’ Dwiggins, ; Miss llebocca Gi'ftiit,: a student nt Duke University, spont Eastor with her paronts, .Mr, und Mra. A, T.'Graritv:;-'; ' i.;: ■¿■— 4b-— ' ' ' ‘ Mr, nnd Mrs, A, F,. Furr and two childreiv spoilt the holidnys in Albeniurlo and Badin .with their puvents,, ,——-o-— '! Mr. and-:Mrs, i)idco Hendrix,,of liockingham, apbnt Easter -horp with thoir parents', Mr, nnd',Mrs. S.‘ Hendrixw . M". B. Suritoi'd and sons, Oaithor :and RufusrJr,, attended ihe Davidson-Carolina guriie iij Snlislmry Eastor Monday. . \ I ' . . -o^»T—■ ■ ■ ,1 - The greatest of idl pictures,,the Mr. and Mi'H. .Mni'vln Adams and daughters, JIHses Evelyn, and Christino A(I«n)H, of MfCull, S, C,, were vialtors here Sunday, on route to WlnHton^Sdlem, Mrs, Adams wna forniorly Miss Doiich-, ka Pass of thia plaee, There will he a mooting 'of all North Carolina College for WonK, en alumnae of Havie count,V, Jlon-' dav, April 2Bth at 3'.‘15, nt th o j Mock.svlllo high school building. ■ Our aliimnne seeretary. Miss Clara Byrd, will be with us. Every ono conio. SCREEN DOORS AND Win­ dows mude to order liy Camp* boH’a Casket Shop, Mocksville, N. C. it pd. Eaton’a line, thenco N. 2(1:70 eh« ¡ tit black oak (now stone in It. I.. ;! Ito'dgHon'a line) thence N. 87'/4 i! dogs, W, I I chs to roek In N. II, ; I Katon's line, thenco S, 40 ilogH. ;j W ü:!!!) chs, to Hlliipery elm on " West''Hl(lo of old meadow, tlience N, 8í>'.'ú dogs, W, 2:!Î7 chs. to:! ciieoînut (now stone), thence S. | (li/y dogs, West 0 :(!ii cha tu stono, il thence й, П.Ц.!. »lega, K. П:*!! chs i! to stone ln gro4sy branch undtir|i the old low bridge, thence to fob'j low greasy branch to reck at ' I “The place you should trade. Mocksville, N. C. » ^i^!^;ШIИI5IШIIIIИIIllH!IIIЯИHIIfBl^i|llff!ll!ИI^IIIIИI!IIB;l!IИ^IIIИilliД!MlM^':ИI!;ЯallГИIIIIЙIIIIДIIIIИIIW^■' TO THE CITIZENS Of M l [ COÜNTV BiKl N’ Miss Surnh (¡loment, who spent Easter with Miss Jane ilayden Gnither,< returned to Oxford on Monday, Sho whr joined in Win­ ston' by Iter.Hifltor, Mrs, F, B, Blalock, nnd Mr, Hlniock, who spent Eastor with Mr. and Mra. Norman, Stone, —^0— Mrs, T, L, Glenn was hosteaa to the Preabytorian Auxiliary on Tuesdnv afternoon. Mrs, John Lurew hud charge of the interest- Ing progrum in tho absence of tho president, Mrs, William Wood- vuif, who ia attending the Presby- torial in Mt, Airy, Mr. und Mrs, Shannon, of Gus- tonia, und Miss .Tune Byrd Potts, of the Gastonia faculty, who spent Eastor in Wytheville, Va„ wero guests of Mi.sa Sarah Gaither at dinner on Monday. They wore accompanied to Gaatonia by M ss Gaither,'who teaches In the city schools. - _: ,__0---- Fire Chief, C. H.' Tomlinson is In receipt of a check for ?25.00 FERTIUZE NACO PERUVIAN BRAND The Kind Veur Granfather used. We have It in stock at Green JHlling Company’s warehouse, ntar the Station. Materiais Of All Kinds Wo have or can ¿<it any kind ot material you want Your Patronage Appreciated. Come Seei Us, J. W. Cartner Mocksville, N. C. № > S::iiB 9№ ' и. Ш n № i ',‘lB 'IIIB I»ia !ip illlB illlB lli;H .1 IIB im iii:n i!n Yes!, I use: ri- HOME COMFORT . WASHING MACHINE Because it washes all cloths perfectly clean, Including tho iineat of .silks, lace, curtains, quilts, overiUla, e'illartr and cuift) of shirts, etc., and saves labor,, ¿ir j u'u) .nou'e.v, Ellminate's, the; biVek Ixreaking rub board and the friction caused by rub board rubbing, and enables .vou to do your washing at homeVwhere more sanitiiry conditions exist. Many thousands of satisfied: cuatomers are enjoying, their HotTio Comfort ^Yaahing Machine each week. Special discount, strirting Artidl Mth, of 10% given on all machines delivered on or before May 14th. List price $29.50, less 10% $2i).55. ,F.ree demonstration in your home if intereated, aee or write V. N. TODD (Martin Bros. Store) ; MOCKSVIT.LE, N, C. :l|BIIIIIBin!B»I!Hl!!!BnB№Wifl№BllilB!ll«;UiWUK«i№U,'№'^^ RllltSSMiaVW;;« ■ 11' ’'I <а]жш1ншв11«1111я1111в1ш1ш11п1ш11ш1ш1|ш||ш1щ|г1пш1т)ш;1!1п:1тк1г£<?'^а1111вш11г' LIST E N " I bl I am pleased to annòuncé to tho peoplo of Davie :County ; that'I am in poaition to.pro cure louna on improvecl fari^ ;, land or city reai ostato prò perty, If you want tó borrow, \ mouoy catro'ri; òr writtì to, , ' J.',T. SISK,. , ■Mocka ville, N/0. : , itBi::iB№flii;iMiiiiMiiiimia»!iBiiiiB9iiBiiiinauaiaiai!iim»iii!H3!iB.pii'j«№^^^ . „y '' - ■ ■- - ■ ■ • ■ ■■ ■ ‘f--...:;’,..:!;.!,,' iii'.iiiiiiirnrrmìitTirittn'iìilMj—ì 'ПГ _____ w é ' í'- > fj'. y ‘ ■' THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE CHAPTER XII. TWO BULLETS LEFT She , and the rocks reeled to- •:vBo».hor. Thnt WHS my eyes, giddy : v.with ru8h of blood, surging and “Neverj never, never!” 1 was iBhoutiiig. ,' "You shan't go, I'.shnn’t go. But ! 'whcrevcr'we go;,we!ll g.o.itogetheiv nVe’llv stii'nd ■ them off. Then - if Hheyfcnn'lta^ She answered quietly. “It will be the same. One for you, ono for me!” A double circle hnd been form­ ed, to move in two directions, scudding ring ' reversed . within scudding ring, the bowmen outer­ most. Around ’and ’round and ’rounrr èhey gnlloped,; yelling, gibing, taunting, ' shooting so ,malignantly‘> that the tiir > was in Rivcbnstaht.'ihum'.a Thè must save those.’ “Listen,” she'chided, lier hand ¡lead whined and smacked, '.the '^raspiiig.ky.sleeve,'., '‘They would, 'shafts streaked and clattei-ed— •^tak'e;.me■ nIlywj^y:^don’t you' see? "You must' stop some of those ‘ ...... ....fiendsifrom*sneaking closer,”¡she 9 • They're trying hour bf mine with her. Every note, from ,the .revolver summon­ ed the.end a little nearer. ;^ut we had our game to play; and after all, the end was certain. So when the next', painted ruflian liore down, I guessed shrewdly, arose and let'/him have.it. IfÿShti^rî^-goüÎK^ hands,' ' V- •• • ' ■ ' ' '■Good I Good I” ' ;Tho pony'was sprawling', and free, Iind went jumping and dodg­ ing like a, jack-rabbit. i, Now thé yall'chai’ged reckless- ly.fronvthe four sides; and I ha’d to' stand and fire, right, left, be- fprë, behind, emptying the gun once more ere they scattered and fled. *'jUpon My Lady’s shoulder a challenging oriflamme of scarlet. «st., , n “Not much. A «jcratch. How counting. "Soven ' for "them.'’ ’'*,\yG'loolced one upon the other, ■'thdhall of‘1Нв'ра'и81пк chief.“' ' "Nc»;v = r shouted.-; "YoK_ go -to -Ha;’ utlderstood. ; The phrase ш|ж4 p We fÇi'VM's Г ^;c3iighVivhV;'^|)и№'’-tf ' \vrirfr'’iTi!n'>nmvn'/lp'/ffr¿hh(>rl hlrri. E/'ï'r-' •aVïД''theyлvère:f'ác'i^g'^ Bido by'ë^dü’and slie waà gunning back to mç and thp.^’^i'i’ioi'Si'vere shritìkjng'and brandishing thoir j The Sioux had (luieted, and lol- ing upon the bare gi'ound in the. sun glare they chatted,..laughed, rested, but never for an ¡instant ,were we dismissed from' their eyes and thoughts. "They will wait, too.' They caa afford ‘it,", she murmured. “It is cheaper for them,' than losing lives.” "If they knew we had only the two cartridges—?’| "Where will -you shoot .ms, Frank?" : . This bared the secret heart of me. ' , , "No! No!” '1 .begged. "Don’t' speak of',that.’’ It will be bad enough at the be.st.” ' “You will though," she s_oothed. "I’d rather have it from'you. I think' it 'shpuld be through tho temple. That’s sure. But you 'won’t wait to look,' will you? You’ll spare yo^urgelf that?’’_ This made me groan, craven; and' wipe >my hands across my forehead , to brush av\;ay the frenzy, Thirst and heat -tortured un­ ceasingly. - ‘ . She broke Avith sudden passion of hoarse appeal, "W'hy do' we‘wait. . Why not now?” ' ' "We oughtto.,wait,” I .‘stam- mei'ed, miserable' and pitying. -"Yes,” she, whispered, submis­ sive, "I suppose We. ought. Ono alwa,y.‘( does. But I am so tired. I think,” she said, “that I will Ifi my" hair down. I'shall go with my hair down. Л have a right to, ftt last.”' ' jWhcreiipon .she fell to loosen­ ing her hair and braiding It with 'ànc(. smJled.’i'j^AYp.-Tiiced a,.futur‘e huriied,fingors._ . ' . ,; togiothér, iit,least; we were in'aci ,,Thpn after à time, I said: cord. ‘ w,' ' i- \ / "We’ll «ni)t be much loi ''■'Thè•Sioux'retlr'ed, màinly to'sit dismpunt’éd in ‘closp, cir'ele, l'or a .^¿nfaV.ji h (v ...Th e. i Si ou'xfeh ad »'/c où n c i led;;iA-We'-ii.-i» 'j. >1 1 *■ ready no\y.” ■ ', ' , She e.^claimecl nnd struggled nnd sat'up, and'W(i'both''gazed. Out there tho Sioux, iilv that world .of their own, had arousedj to'energy. I fancied* that they had palled of the in/iclion:’ ' They delayed an instant, gesti­ culating.' "It'will be'soon,’‘ she Whispori-, ed, touching my am . “When 'they are half-way, 'don't fail. I trust you. .Will you kiss mu? il'hat is only the once.” ‘ ^ il kissed her; dry cracked lips niet dry cracked lips. She laid herself :down^'ind closed her eyes, and smiled. ' "I’m all right,” she said. "And tired. . I’ve' worked so .hard; for. only' this, ^ You mustn’t look,” ; , "And you must wait fflr me, somewhere,’* 1 entreated. V JUst a momeirt.” The Sioux charged, shrieking, hammering; lashing, •. all of. - onCj purpose;.that, us; she, I; my life, her body; and quickly kneeling beside her (I was cool, and firm and collected), I felt her hand guide the 'revolver 'barrel.- V. But I 'did .not look. She had forbidden, and I kept my eyes upon, them,; until: they .were, half- w.ay/wnd.'in exultation I'pulled the' trigger, my hand already tensr ed to snatch and cock and de­ liver -m.yseW- under their every grasp. .That was a .sweetness. The 'hamm6r' cHckcd. 'fhere liad been no jar, no report. . The hammer had only clicked, ■I tell,‘you, shocking me to,the core! A missed cartridge? An empty chamber? Which? No matter. 1 should achieve for her, first; then, myself. ;.l hea'rd her gasp. Then , I sensed another soundi and; with sight; sharpened [ saw. Rising I serecched and waved, aa bizarre, no doubt, as any animated' scarecrow. it had been .a trumppt note, andva cavalry guidon and a .rank of- bobbing'.figures had come:gaI- loping, galloping over an im- ptrceptible swell. “We’re saved, the soidiers are here,”' 1 yelled as the Sioux fied, screaming. She tottered up, clin'ging to me. ■ ' ^^'’e^w'ero sitting close together when li liouteiiant-ijcrambled to u.s’among'our rocks; the troopers follovyed, curiously .scanning. 'His stubbled>red face,' dust- .smeared, queried us' kSenly; so waited,' ‘.te'nse. and-' watchfnil,' , 'Then without '"even a premoni­ tory. shout 'a pony bolted for us. ■WDopons aud bullets,spattered the He bore two riddrs. They charg- rocks—all this while yet my hand’ od straight in, and suddenly the '■¿hook todhe.recoil of the rjgvolver,near rider drooped to the ground, and the smokpl'was.still wafting bounded bi;iefly and dived head- from the poised,.muzzle, » ' } long, worming into ajittle hollow '■What'had I d6ne?' But’done it'of the sand. -jyag, , V. ' He lay half concealed; the pony \ She arrived' b'reathle.iis, dis-|had wheeled to a iihnll .jubjlant traught,,instantly to drag’ me'chorus; his remaining rider lash- " •■d'owftl''beiiiar''pr;'''fi'om''Avh'eie''-rred • '<«' retreat,- leaving; the stood stupidly'defiant, « ' ' , “Keep out of sight,’* she pant­ ed. .And-!-"Oh, A'.vhy did you'do, ......... , , it? ' Why did you?/1 think you proi^ph by rushes. "We must Jtllled ,h}m~they’ll',never forgive, “permit it,'' she breathed. " ’,™.aybo before.” . wr,tongua:wa's getting .«"^’W>ng^ble,v^they're^^ Ho brought curious news. Dan­ iel, had ‘not died from my shot after all, but Montoyo tho gamb­ ler had been lynched by Vilgi- lantes,- '■ 'It \yii'sislx ’weei{sjater when we two'-roC,Vi''.lnto;Benton;'iWOn,derlng. •, Roaring Benton Cityi had van- Ifehoii, 'I'he iron vtendrlls' of the i.Pncific;f{ailway,glistoned;.8tr.(’tchr irig-wostwar'd Into,the aurtset, and Benion'ihad :followod.'the ilure, to Rawlins (as .had.been told us), to Green River, to Bryan—likely now traveling fast, charging the moun­ tain slopoii of Utah, ■ The restless dust had settled, >. The Queen Hotel, the Big Tent, the saloons! gambling (fens,- dance halls, the station itself h‘ad sub- si(led 'into .this ! ; a skeleton com­ pany of hacked and weazened posts, a fantastic ojitcrop of cold­ ly blackened - clay ; chimneys, a sprinkling ;of battered canSi The fevei'ed populace/Who had ridden high upon the tide of rapid life had remained only as, ghosts haunting a potter’s field. "It's all, all wiped outj like he js,” she said, i'But I wished to see.” "All, all is wiped out,, dear heart,” said I. “All of that. But here arc you and I." Through star shine we canter-: ed ' Side by side eastward down the old, empty freighting road, for the railway station at Port Steele, • . THE END. (Copyright by Edwin L. Sabin) DAVIE CAFE Sanford Building, on the square,, Mocksville, N. C, T'dbles for, ladies and gentleme« AIi‘als and Lunclics i Ice Qream and Cold Drinks P, -K MANOS,' Prop. •» » *,' * * * ■» 1 * « ВАХТЪЛ BYERLY, M. D. * COObEiüMEE, N. С. * Office, Over Drug Store. Of- * ' cfice .Phone No. , 31;; Real-' '* dence No. 25. * TIRES AT AVHOLESAI,E ' , , Save the. Middleman’s Profit - on: Guaranteed Tires SOxaVa Cords ......: .....................$5,75- SOxSVi Cooper Cords: .it;,..?7.00’ MOxIiVa Cooper OS Cords........¡58.00 20.\‘1.<10 Balloon Cords 29x4.'J0 Cooper Balloons ROBERTS HARDWARE' COMPANY Four Stores in WinstoiirSalem A ALL BE-TTE-R High-grade used cars today bear little resemblance to the used cars of yesterday. Roads are , better, garages are better, auto­mobiles are better and owners take better cato.' And we know better than to -try and build good will with bad goods! . GROCE & TODD Depot Street MOCKSVILLE, N. C. u se a -X A i^ 'IS :o AS :TH e;>ae-A L& R :y/H ov::s ^«|ШйГ1Р'шда'й'1»^йС'ЛВ'111Ш1М1М>'11ИТ'И';1 iiti. af Mf i cff пап lai iitíiíB»! isi4i.äa шин и laí пва incaú шм ы i. и? йь bí liiHiimiiiiffl'iiissiiiicBMiiiisiiiW я ||1й ,а i.b‘i 'и „а i, а « т ¡шши hand They’ll,call it'trqfisçheryl You’i'e .-Inof 'Inof I"■loflt,'lostl ^'But hb siian’t have you,” I first digging, h.<3tily jwith anil knife. That was the .system; an-ap- mu.stii?t: Wo mu^t'u'out him- out. - Can*, you reach him?” , ‘ .'•The tawny,figure, prone upon declared. "Let them kill mo if tawny sand, .was just visible, /they !can. . Till then.you’re mine, lean and snakish, slightly oscil- Mino! , Don’t you linderstand? I , gating aa it worke.d. And I took ■•want you.H . ' I careful aim, ed,‘ leavjng,-the ;ehief' lying, upon sniilce ,had. .flftpr ik .. . ...... the ground,-their fierce coiinten- low, plunged'al r.iill I"i'i,'i,7,''c,-?ide; ^ ances glaring at our asylum. ; had started to ci'fiwl, wriA b A glory glowed in her haggard ‘ recruit took hi.s place int.; tho g face‘aiid shone from, her brim-, hollow ming eyes.' ...;hbb and'.the .courier snai'ihed Í ММШЮШШИИМШаС .:iHiiinili!i^!»ii¡ia!№a<i!!B'íi!iia!i№ii»i!i¡Bii:imiii!Oi{w:ii:a!iiiRii!iEaii!¡0:iiiiBf the' snake from tlie ,ground‘. ; -The I *We will fight, wo wil! fight!”'! fellow in the foregrojiind burrow- she'chanUHl. “Oh, my man! Had ed cleverly. I fired twice—we you kissed me last night we would could not .see that l had even in- have known this longer. We have . eonveniencod him. so littlo time,” She turned from)-- Suddenly, as I craned,,the fel- my lip.';-, "Not now. They’re com- j low, fired again; he had discover- Building' material prices are again noi'mal, not because^'the satiira.tion point in_con­struction has been roached, but bccause all industries have readjusted, laboj- is again on even keel and America is',swinging meri’ily along on a sal'e and sane economical pro­gram, The saturation point in building will nevei* be reached in the United States. An investment in a home or improvements will always be good. Look back' at the- record of the United States—and you vvill fijnd nd reason to-fear the future. , . ing. . Fight :ilrst; and at the end, theii ki,ss me, plea.se; and we'll go together,” ■Furious, yeli.s vibrated among our rocks. Thp S’lT.'x .ill were in niotio)),c.\£i'i)i.' ;,’\c prostr.'ite pd a niche in our-.-rampart, for the baH ' fanned my cheek with the wings of a vicious wasp. On the instant I: replied, ,- snapping quick answer. "I don’t, think yoii hit 'hini,” she chief, straight oiiwaiV' they ¡ said. "Let mo try. T’lr-hold, on charged, al headlong gallop, to I'tho spot—he’ll come up in the ride ■ over us.' ■ It was enough to cow, but she; spoke stoadily.:',' : “You must fire,” ; she . said; "Huri’y !, Fire once, maybe twice, to,split,them,’' " 'V, ' ■ So I rose farther o‘n my iind fired once—and again. . It ■was a miracle. All swooped to right and to left as if the bul­ lets. h«d cleaved them apart, ;5h: tho center, pelting in bullet and: nearly-spent arrow. • , ; , She forced mo down. ."Low, lew," she warned, "You havo fifteen shots left, for them; ihesi, one for me, one for you. You understand?” “I under.stand,” I replied. "And , .if l’m disabled^-,?’’ same place, head and shoulders.' You’ll have to tempt him.’.’ And I edged; farther, and far­ ther, as if seeking for a mark, but with 0,11 my :-fiesh a-prickle and; my. breath fast, -, . Abruptly;- it :came—the , snake’s, strike, stinging, my:face with the sp.^tter of sandstone,and hot lead;: at tho moment her Colt’s bellowed into my ears. ;' "I got him!” "Thank God,”'I rejoiced. She had.-sunk back wearily, "That is the last,” , "Won’t they try again, you think?” "The last spare shot, T rruiin, We have oijly our tv/o Je/'t. Wp Building Materials of All Kind i ' Wo .specialize in, building materials of all ,.klnd.".; .We .handle- only first-grade lumber, which by test has always proved mo.st econo­ mical in the long run. The scienii.st from his laboratory has g^ven us many and varied new composition materials, No matter what you plan on building, repairing or improving, wo have' the materials—and, at a; price as low as can be ‘found anywhere. No Charge for Service If it ia a'new home,' a new barn, a new giirage, a . new silo, or a new grainery, wo have plan books whicli will greatly assist you.ii' deciding what you want and will save you money in cost ,oO plans,, etc. Our -plan book service is but a part of the many ways;we ci'ii assist you, and there is no extra .charge, Come 'in and tell us . your ideas. ' Let :«s' siiow- you plans,' assist you in selection oi materiiln, and thereby save you many.dollars in substitution of mat^erials, where substitution' does not nf" feet quality pr values. No charge.', ; Ш a ,e' a e s Good Building Weather Is Here So Why Put It Off? D. H. Hendricks & Sons я Й ио Й в. в » в , f ЦК-2 й ! ' 0 в в ;;я1:в$ш!11!и1|ш1даию111!ю1м!!;:яйн’::в.;ю:;'|а”в1-;из!ию!|ш1ш1ш1ад|||и1111ш))ш|й1яи8*да|^!!да“®““^ Thursday, April 21,,ЮгТ" * * -* * # » -H * DR. R V . ANDERSON ■ * Dentist * Oific8' in Anderson Building Phones; Office 50; Res. 37 ^ Mocksville, N, C. * I'liiirfi'day; A'pi*-!! 2Í, 1027' ---------— I—--------------- L ---------J ,-----------------------------------------------------!L!-|J.................. .................. I I .iii''i.. ‘ i l l * t* til ...... .............................................................................J.,' I..',:, , f ¡..'.-..¿i.....'s : ,V ^ : Above is illustrated the Universal Tnple Stake Body. This is an all-purpose‘body consisting of platform with stake sections on all sides and rear whiclymay be easily removed when desired. A solid end-gate may be supplied instead of the stake section if de­ sired. Cab and body may be built separately or as a unit. CAB TOP B,X:P.RESS BODY A cab top express body adapted to all kinds of hiid'M' livery, the capacity depending on the type of thiiHHiM it Is mounted. Cab may be endo.sed v/ith gia.sn iniHrh ri rf< with curtains. BE^DES THE BODY TYPES HERE SHOWN,'SCHOOLinJSES, DUMItBODI,ES,G.RA]NBOOiEa AND Л Ni'MMn OTHERS ARE IN WIDE USE. WHATEV USE TO WIIKIH A BODY MAY В.Й PPJT, IT IS NE€ESSA!(Y mV’l‘ П MADE OP THE VERY BEST MATERIALS,BY CAREFUL AND EXP^ERIENCEO-WOEEMEN. .:/ .ALL THE .BODIES ILLUSTOATED, AS WEO. AS OTHliIiS,:MAY BE MADI5 Ш 1-.2T0N: I TON, OE ANY «ШК \}П ED^)EPENDlfe0№THE CAPACITY OF THE CHASSIS UPON WHICH IT IS TO BE MOUNTED. ТИК СЛВ EODt JilAV BUILT SEPARATELY OR MAY BE BUILT TOGETHER. I ■;рш 1Ц cxcoilnnt niajmor in wmcn t.... Kchool has boon conducted this year... Patrons, back \hein up hy'y''"™ U* |.ro„osc-a to pr you" ■M'oi.onee'Monday, Tuesday <‘-"int,v-wule . and WednoHday, . - , •'> the (armer.s- , ■■ chants, iiiiiiuei',---, inaniilactij PLAY AT CANA i-U(.i'H SCHOOL and .stock raj.ser.s of l.lie co ¡WILDING TONWBT : : The achievement of thi.-i )>!a)' ——:— ~ —- - i be a wonderful stop forwaij Don’t fail to attend -the Cana the agiicuitui'ul : and iiulu high school commencemerit today progrp.sa of thi.s cntii'o .se and tonight. Today’s program lUid we takirdeep pleasure in .starts at 10;!10 a.'m., aiul.co.nsists ing all of the good folk of songs,, recitati(n^s,;'ei.■c.: At 11 Davie who are .intere.stcd in a. m., the annual ,addrcs.s,will be - a'movement to attend tho delivered by Mr. A.^C, Huneycutt, ing, which will bo calltjd fos ol' Alhcmarlo, who is the owner ly later, and to Jond thoir hi of the Mocksville Enterprise, and best efforts to all siich Don't tail to hear him. . j ter:-f as may bo ni-ecs;iary i Modal: contest-at at 2 -/). m„;-.suro the ponnano.nt oriiJiniz. . v.inding up .with two pla,ys! ‘,‘My: ,6f a real, live, energetic, coj ]\Iethodist Foot,'.’, and "iMiss Tojisy : wide,' Agricultural Associat ■'luHJUCKRS , , , , ................... APRIL THIday). TOWN C0NV15NTI0N ÍRITE OR CALL FOR INFORMATÎON OR PRICES. lUCLJiuUJ.lit r UUU, , iUiU . .-.V.-, --t,......... Turvyj” which- will begin promt- : pniîi"p'ifY ‘r^Tüí ly .at 7 : o’clock .tonight (Thura-1;‘ y ________ The Diuae County Paultfl AND BLECTION s'oaiuiiem,.wi}i moot... Thi ¡BODY jn/frht, Apri)^,¿8th at 7:i!0 o' , “The convention of the Demo- instead . o f. iM'ida.v, night n-jng-, , May bc SUppllcd cratic aualified voters will be held viou.sly announced J his c , , -m • in the court house- Satnrday. 1« notessary as . thero..wi IfctlQll,; tO ,.load;., ' -ToP;' 1S> room for bulky merchandise. Can be furnished with cab top or canopy top. // PANEL BODY A body for Unhl Chiissis. iUiBl and wciither proof. Espoeiaiiv ailapteii ■ service where load must he protected from th(> weiilhei'._ Our liaufl'» нее ы с.-. S io o i. ,'líio nioulditi.tfs are а!но .steel. This body is of distinciive арреаг.ип'»; а*. дшр)е room for buik.v merdiiuulise. U.-!i, <■( ^ iUt i.< (S’ IN OUR GENERAL BLACKSMITH DEPARTMENT WE ARE PREPARED TO DO HEAVY JOBS OP R I - ' P ill'I ' ' ’ SUCH AS STRAIGHTENING AXLES OR CPIASSIS FRAMES, RECONDITIONING WRECKPJD CARS MAKING ANiriM.^P l''' ■ING PARTS FOR HEAVY MACHINERY, ETC. IN CASE OF WRECKED CARS WE ARE PREPARFD TO RFrnip WOODWORK AS WELL AS THE STEEL PARTS. WE MAKE'A SPECIALTY OF FORQE AND ACETYLENF n' ‘ AND'CUTTING. ' " ’ ' ’ Phone No. 257 . WOOD AND IRON WORKERS .T, J. AUSTIN, Rcsidcnce Phone No. 372 .Albemarle, fl, C. .'ini - ’ . ■ ¿ I-. T l * '^ 'I l ,, I.ti ^J.^>лt^^^^^í,t,-r^iì' .4' M r. Louis JI. Williams who •passed away ¡it his home in W'instoji-Salem April 12 was lai<l to rest April 14 in the cemetery Tiore at the ago of 5-1 years. Funeral service being conihicte^ l)y Rev. J. F. Carter of Waugh- - town; Rev. A. G. Cnrtor of Dan­ ville. Va., and Rev. V. M. Swaim of Winston-Salem. M r. Williams was a i-cisident of Fork until seve­ ral years ago he moved to Win­ ston and was a leading merchant Dierc. Mr. Williams had been ill about three weeks. He is surviv- >'11 iiy pari'nts, .Mr. and .Airs, •i- ii. Williams of tliiH ¡,'lacp, a \v;‘i!v sv.'iH .Miss Xntn (t'anvotuli t'- niarria;;!- fmi;- !■:. W. Tu!-;]-:- i'f ¡l.inipli!!!- i:. cnnv.u.a ,n.i Mrs. Daltoil liondrix and child- ,.00 of HiKii Point spent Easter with ?Irs. Lmma Be.nilon. Frank Ratledgo of Jlocksville «jient the week end with hisgrandparent.«. Mr. „„¡i jj,., g Diivis. Littlo Elinaboth Livengood of the Cooleemee plantation i.s sick, soiry to note. Mr. and Mr.^. w . c: Thompson and Irving Thomp.son of Salis­ bury spent Easter with relatives ! here. Jlr. and Mr.^. P. w. Hairston attended Easter strvice at St ¡Luke church, Salisburv. I Mr. and Mr.,. G. S. Kimmor »Suiifiij> aftornoon with their .l.rii-'ii-i'i. Air.«. \V. .r. Potts of Ad- ' ,vl . .-!• < np,> ,,f C(>oii.pni(>i. ■ ' ' ■ ■ Stii'd.-iy With ‘ '’''-ii'i' and family ■' V ' with ■n liUI N‘ I ERYÇODY READS DAVIE COUNTY’S 1 . • I l - b i t e "/< - vvvM NOTICE OF ELECTION Ш TOWN OF MOCKSVILLE At a regular adjourned meeting of the Commissioners of the Town of ¡Mocksville, duly held ¡n ¡ts of­ fice in tho Town of Mocksville, Tuesday, March 15th, 1027, a general election of tho Town of Mocksville, N. G., wns duly called to be held at the >irii.tI voting I t'lace in the Court IIou.«io in the j 'I'dwii of Jlocksvilltj, Tuesday, 1 Mav lird, 1D1!7. for the olpetion of . .1 .Major and live <’<'mniissi(„ier.s, , .iiid Li nstal'lc of the Town of i'lui'k.'V illf.. .N". ( and <it th(> same tinii' .iiiii an I’ll (.'tion to be VOL. 49 TRUTH. HONESTY OF PURPOSE AND UNTIRING F?D ^kU o'IS OUR AIM AND PURPOSE MOCKSVILLE, N. C.,28, i'Q l ■I aa ■ i И..Ы [■ini two nn'inlH.i-s of the ” " "■ 'iu. fîraded ‘h 11,. !• :s •nialified ■ the I'or- ■”Wn Oi ‘ ..Jiiid ' ro- Mock.4- tru.slci*^-. 'П thp day >-k a. ni., •i by l.iw. 4'l4Ìnì-'(i -s' MiH-kH. Uriiiicd Î.. (';ir!.r of ■■•aid > ! Ì) oi l'!) ' r !’u> r< - % m.' and . i! nsИ!. li h;i »■(' •r.cl ¡il •tl ar in 1Я I B 'B iBв в в в в ви 3 и вв и 0 а в а я n я .1 1 >.! 1 •J л Ü .1 :i I) QUALITY AT LOW COST Catfs Just Arrived Come in today and look over the most Economical Automobile On The Markets Today. Cheap in price, up-keep, etc., but o f the highest type in color, design' an.d workman.«!hip. 1 1!)25 FORI) ROADSTER 1 HI2G CHEVROLET COUPE 1 nuiCK Si.v to uri.n g, k .v c e lle n t c o n d itio n 1 TOX FORI) TRUCK 1 1!.'21 FOHl) con PE I I!12:! TORI) TOUIUNiJ 1 i!i2.{ n o iiT T o v m s a 1 lii2!i CHEVROLET ROADSTER ^ SEE TllE.Si-: CAHS IIEFORE YOU HUY ELSEWHERE îfl ft Л 'Л MOCKSVILLE, N. C. 2 m iq n П IS я .7 я и щ а га п - я т - е т г пч' ы ЕВ а M а> ы ü п а а ;W:ra'::R::s^::Haai;iBi..6rW:‘aKu^ t;с ri li-'îft .л, i ‘L ì i t îiî .'ìli it; •} lif I uF ‘пе, X. ('. ' '■ ‘i* ifU^niOHS { i\ m в в а а в а а в в: ail' -'Dlü't'f.-i ■ 'ilUt.S S.iin.Wd.'iS Si-c-Uivà a :<()XK • ' on 25,(K)0.(K1 .•a 2,it:;;).0ti ‘ ‘ 0.itati; 2,7Г)0.00 r,l п-,Н f;'um i'i- ¡--I : OVi;r -.:я & _ Î 'ч_7 r:ni; î i I : î i î' s ¥571,1.18.05 î 50,i)üii.0i) (io.odo.oi) ваагааав B B B B ■ B ■ a il B n B Uüil rmal Agaiïî щ l'Cl ll) ai(> (,f iJiaLiul iJUt- <•;; ' nf a 13 ts 178,.SVl.",! i.L'i v571.t r„aii- n • Cti! = h un '.vhy Ш a rj Ш SS m , I. !. •'. (.'asliii'i' of (¡¡„ gj üaiiK, dû g ■ ' ■' '■ ‘ i'--’ ■ h." abovt; :;l nt(;i)ujut y !ii f.'h' b'.'.st (il my kiiiiv,'-‘ an.i i.i.-;irf, .1. F. ЛЮОИК, CashiiT. i® Suii.-vrihi-tl ;ui<i .sworn ' tu I,,.. |a n- lue, tlii.'. 5ih (lay (if Лрг]!, jg У, .M, CAI.L, \ot;uy Piildic. .My [■!.iiiü/ii.'.4;i)n l'.xjïire.s Лик. -, ( 'iii-iv;; I, -Ait(>.st : I K. r.. GAiTHER, n. H. .SA.N’KORO, r)iri.4'tors. Ш Sï s . #■ u ( iiir .-bsi'i vai iiin.i (iui’iii}; ri'cont that ,;i U-.-ist umbi'i;]- 1ккЛ;й k‘ipi U::it. • ¡Ш Ш Ш Ш '“ ............ LAUNDRY “Kvcryfhinii wmshed snow ily clean —everylhinf; ironed to pctriCectlon | —every piece iiiven in d iv iilu al { fare—your bundle com plete, I rei'.dy to use or wear.” |' • t We call for yiiur clolhes—wash them im m aculately eleau J in flc.ods of pure, rainsoft water and fiuffy billows of mild, i white suds— ' | Uinse- and djry-iron eveiy thinsr with exquisite care---- ? And return your bundle sweetly clean, wonderfully neat, \ with everything ready to wear or put aw ay. j And this wonderful serv ice, • always dependable, always right, is moderate in cost. WET-WASH-THRlF-T-PBIM-PRESf. Cooleemee к и & L a u n d ry C<5. Cooleemep, N. G. -;g';iiB';::;M;,:B.i~№!::B:!i.aiB:aiiiiBii!iBi!i!Bii"B!i!iBiiiiaiii!aiii!Bi!iiiaiiif:iiin!iiiigiiimnii»ii!iii— iiiiwffl!aiJ^ Closing Exercises Smith G rove School Begin Monday, M ay 2. Annual Atlclrcss by Snntford Martin of Winston-Salem In(f|restinff Progrnms l*repnrcd For Tuestlny nnd Wcdncsdny Tho Commencement txcrcises jf the Smith G'rove high school will begin Monday, May 2nd, at f!:00 p. m., with a program by the Primary nnd Grammar grades de­ partment. The class day cxercis- c.s will be Tuesday, May "rd; be­ ginning nt eight o’clock. This is a very interesting program and you .sfiould not miss it, U’ednesda.v, JL'iy the ‘Uh the CO.MMENCEMENT E.4ERC1SE -OTHER FARMINÎÎTON NEWS The commencement e.\crci,‘ici» of the Farmington high school will he as follows: 3Liy 5th (Thur.'iiiny evening)—' necital given by pupils of Evn Cranlill, .May Gth (Fridfiy at It o'clock) —ad(!re.‘<s delivered by >!udgc Ifyii'es. Friday afternoon “ -Re* citations and Dcclnmalions, Fri* dav cvcnlnjr-“ Pla.v- D eath апЙ )V|,a|k Sabbath !» ....#t iV/ л ^ More Thun 9,000 Square M iM Oncc-RIch Counir.v U Wttstc as Flood Conllniic.»^, Icntlcss Rush lo , .. Three Women atirf ('i'"*’?. | Urownctl In Slnjtlc len Ordtn» SurvjvorH In i Properly Lots Mounts SI«®;') ,■ - 1.Г.. i I ■■ I h; Littlfi Uoc.< Ark., A|iiil family of five, father. )i thrsc children wertì L V evcnink-PIay. I ‘'"J* '!Г!! ' May 7Ui~.Snltir.lay t vening- j '"»о « >. iî according to reproW гт ■ Vt.;y gth-Sumfny morning at ! here from JÌcleo tonijilit , i o’clock at the Mcthodi.«t church j « P •i ' An fnumlatcd nren nf »J ,,piTirram will start promptly at - tiaccalaurtsilc sermon. "li "'r""T 'L 7 ,iTi a* io:00 a. m., by singing .»America .May «;h-».Mondny «vcninK-; f ^ the Beautiful.” Invocation by Rev. i Grudualion e.^rciin.«, i i ' {'. M. .McKinney, song by Seniori The boy,« .ind girl.4 1-H club of, ««?*» - ' ' class, rmmcdiatcly after this tarm i««!«»'»’’i''«'"il *hc| .'ong. Mr.s. W. E. Kennen will in- -rchool bull.ling. Tho m.ctln« ' ^ n s *......... troducc tile .speaker, Editor Sant- r.iu-md wUli "Ami-ricw Ihr R«nutl*|SWi» ford M.irtin, of the Wimston-i rul.” The mimiicrt nf la«l meet-i' S.-Irm .Tournn!. You cevt-iinly do I Init were nm.l by not want to miss this address by Mr. .McMiincy met wUh l.ii* >»»««< j > “ V,, V|u»ì«H I , Mr. Martin, he is one of tho most nn.l discu^id ihe.r plan* for Ihw i laij , Motod sneakers in North Caro- 'mure. Mrs. -L V. .Miller. U,b i Arkai.M^ hii»c Mi-m is«* ina and will tell vou something ifirl.» scwlrtif rliil* «s h/it is reallv worth while. l!;« ^irSf. Mr. (¡« ra.’ Kv? .1er. т н wJlli i Ibr «r,-»» that lÎMî.î iii Иш Ян«^(1 J «•4. ' At eight o’clock Wednesday ^ r.UK F «» liAVIK’ -n», I night thfi school will put on -i — >f. f!|-. i.ir-q< i'omudy drama in three acts, "A ..j „ ..„i ¡»f " Fortunate Calnmily” which in f > ».«. worth driving many miles to see. , n,.. „« ,»f a This nhty iia.s a very large c.-i.sl .? ..n *.: ■ • r; .-f .-iifl is wnll gotten up. Every- "*'5', М.Ц.. 'i'ril М.- wb(;e « ies# ¿7* яо'-.hl 5nic till«*, firt wrtfcsflf *-*f Hot! j«re lotS*)^ ЛИш ol »i ' -“l'a «^îftliof. А '''ï*-a >Л I I îïlü .it«â > Й ' 3*1 sbe di'.« '»n. » ' 1^ I*' rtfesife^g.^ "fe* » ’W ¿{ШЙ «■ =■ r-r: •ЛА ей»If fo, Й| чт tin <ЭД »|ПИ«1 !'i «|й i. N .4iî»wi-,r - - .................‘ ilTti'âtï ptiwjst'î- luuiy, and «.«tmcially the citizen« of Smi'ih Grove school district . Ki'.f.uhl attend the closing exe.r- . , cist! of the «chnol this year, Tho ,, >| ju-incipul. Jlrs. Mary Lee Windsor, r -i . :iiul the entire factilty havo labor- ^ ^ *j cd hard during the schoid> year ¡,jJ. il eonsMftдЬ!(- pIiI-ti! bitfi, ï-n ititir»! Ii.'.vî«* »'* i'i.' /. Л ‘пц-. яа <M. . i'Iisb »««! I BIPÏ ip î<-%, i >• » ilUîhî 4îi-i Î4*r* ;J,. ÎHI* II!»» jSvWlUtf «f il l?,« ç.M îH |i4WS4S ^ Ps<* biiWf v:hh '-I and de.servcs much i;rcdit for tho ^ escfllcnt mnpner in which tho ..v.n-k. ;.j,J Kchool has been conducted this j; is u> ,r .- ,n ’, year. Palron.s, back them up by ¡,,an*r < f 4 s.*.r you- -’resenee Jlonditj', Tuesday ¡i »hr if.-’st?’. ii« ' and Wcdnesday._ chatH.-i. pb>n:i!>. nnnHiiari.i-. * ^ PLAY AI’ CANa HII.'H .S'UIOOL «nd st«-vK «f RUILDING TONIGHT Tht* «chit v. kwjI • f ihw s-si. = ».1 ■ lit. 11 W iin d irJii? li! Don’t fail to attend the Cana ihe iitiikulsui .I «n*l l«*is «• i ;fiïl5 SV-I s.i irti Ht •i--’, f«"“’ ■' Д .<<1 ,i 3.5..- ...4 r- 4'"'* ' • i Ч, î ' - . ' i i r i . t ' r « - % i l l - • T ' i t i ' ' ,>Hr . » i. i ‘ ,f X, ..M.ii.M.I ' ?Ы г ’ «.sfer», . T«'e »■. ii« »iPriii» ■■*1 '* s5* »«-tsareife'f''-''’"''......, r» îi.-te»*, ;k«S*ÌÌm ÏNh%ï*I ‘ ‘ - ,« ШЛ1ф. i»AWmmi» î jm il Aj.ï.fi'i :i. ■ (S'-iStv .Й, li.JriW,!. "■ : fî!t iiiii • V i .1 1 l'rt », Big Junior R ally Saturday Night, M ay 7 th, 7:30 R LOCALS WIN FIR.ST GAME IN STATE ELIMINATION' . CONTEST Ы 22^'' ■' ■ • ;'ДТ; ■ Æ 'i A. C. Huncycutt linci Other» iò' ' Tntk 1 ' . ., local high' school baseball team won the firqt game in the StatG Elimination Contest against N st Bend Friday ■ at Winston- in*^’ tho score of 3 to 2, , Tl'e game was a pitchersibattle "®^"*Oon Neely ,for Jfocksville and ’t for East Bend, the former nllo\v5„g four hits while the lat- *®r iillowed five. Latham scored n the first inning on Anderson’s and in , the - fourtli., inning' ficorod on Owiiig’s single, bast Bond did not score ’till the IftKt inrjinK when they Kcofy nfter two men' were All .Members, WIvt*: nrd Friends' 4 Are Invited' I ^Ж 1 ' " ‘'■Ù's*1 music, songs, etc.». to kcoi^ ybiiSsfe'iiaffi “pepped up.” , , . :’herrf will iil.so be qomc gooU ;.i. -.."V speakers present who will .«ilrcs.'»' .„ nut 'tho principal of the order. , irxvnnf ' We will give you a fall and';,‘•'US’- S'Xï.=î”g S rtsf fcT ? ".5 ьТ”ücofed the winnihff inn nn Гягюг,. possibK. >Vntth for 1.1 arid ^bc i ,ncoftjd the winnitig run on Caner.» ilttuble.—:-------------------- DAVIE CHARGE E. M. Avett, pastor . ' «^teaching next Sunday at Cen- w** l l a. m.; Salem 3 p. m. ; Hardi- iWR 7 :30 p. ” 'e have all iunds for painting parsonage pledperi except two I .suro' thnt .40U «ro on hnndiSuViir- day tiifîht, Mtiy the 7lh ut 7:30 p.,m. , " J STATE’S СЛ8|ГВЛ1Л\СЕ HIGH',’'.; Record Mnrch 'Ta.\ C’ollçeüons' ' ' ltou»l Gcricrni I'und V * Surplus;'''•'‘it .'.К'-Вд) i,' ''tiî.j.i'SÏ ■ —V — ..........: - - j ilnaitcial.sUiomoiil relcftse.! Uulny '■ *''rï Л »ood renort, for the next Quart-! by state Auditor Baxter Durhara' er«y conference; ^ i nnil Trénsurer ■ Lacy. , ' ' ' ^ Ф ш1 C(.lUetIone for the month ra'n, ' MORE CORN PER ACRE ■ t„ 5г,,в2й,а.<}7.й2 which \vwaa th«j , ■ ; f nlMnltnf rtf '‘rs! f<>iî*itions йгг not followed. It ' hcen iiatiniated t high school commencement today progri'M oi ll»is T*^* r.-iuul tonight. Today’s p r o g r a m «nd we i«kedwi.pVware I. •narts at 10:30 a. m., and consists ¡»if ad of ih® ti««l of songs, recitations, etc. At II Davie who pr. «»f. a. m.. the annual address will bo a niovenicn? 1« atteii.l delivered by Mr. -a he tr i bsifi?-s=aSSS=?"’ • |;^Я VU.rifi«'* f "* t,-«i 5,ПЛ1И, IM'Im < . {»¿i ачшл'йч, • ' ft''' ' MU .(,4^1 S iilli ■ J Ih! -«чоь» ^ ’Oli '«1——Bsatf2SC : a- United State! Ti&MMwd f t " i H r S Rights of Ab iksville Enterprise. Hnd be.Ht tirar!» 1« all »•-**-n <-‘j " » thivt wlìenitho | of' cori! aro arómid, Ì4 teshols i>t>r .'icru, it còsts thè fatT ^ *1!J' i" about §1.;J0 pei-, bushel,’ iiut tiio yields «re inore.»sed to 40 j wMRhei» por ìkyv., thè cost isdose GO cents per , IjusheL The not only' nceds more corn, 3‘lso rieeiti^ to ,grow it at cost per bushel. 5 As a generai ruln. è.brn is grown on bottoni l.tndfl. ca soil,!} ‘ " ri are In a lòwer state of culti- *^tjon than/for cotton. making a lolnl of Riuerul. fuud mpnoy «n h«n<! Sq,0(Jtì.2M.29. Dis- biir-semont» for March wuro $1,- , GSìO.C.-iS.lO, h,i\ing xhv ciiah bui- ' :('_у :)Л nuca or •‘siirplu.s" tif Çii,-t7üfi ■, ' or' Albemarle, of the Mocksville Enterprise, Don’t fail to hear him. Modal contEst nt at 2 p. m.. winding up Avith two pl.nys, "My Jfethodist Foot,” and ‘‘.’^riss Topsy tev.t as Ш.1У l«> 1исг*;йгу Î » sure the o»g-4«s2 of a rtal, live. esKTSTi'S;". f« v.id^ .A:-;rii:ul’.ura! .Лз«и!«и-¡s. Ymfk. AjiriJ m -A ^'4'':“'' 8ч|н'У dfeV4.îü*l К» ,-i Аме’ГггйЯ »fi-'z»:®'' " пЫпШщпи^лг tti ÎÎBtiî — —”, . ? iage 9i m k eep 'm ■ The »«vie County l*W;îry Ih ste й-Н." ‘ vi -• sociation. v.-ili r.îfet . pì^..ц|Пi-,j .ь^ ''t Sj.'o'SitlEg' Ivciifm Turvy,” which will begin promt- poULTRY PHOUUCKHî» TO Iv at 7 o’clock tonight (Thura-. MEET APRII. ТНК 2»th day). . Î TOWN CONVENTION ' AND ELECTION В м ы To In- l^f^^asc the jiieldg on these types. ■ soils, it iH necessary, to ferti-,, I ^ »J*wdii .,n; •.{•ogen‘at also':phq>v.. **'*>3 Bull potAsh. ■ ,\\ i There have been hundrecls and tl’^ndrids of experiments made to 9 'tormine the value of fBrtfli/,- GliO.lI). Trwi.Miry oinciitlH ^csp^:ct the . ; ' a^rphiN to drop lo uround n <nll-. , , ’ lion and a half doUaru by the end ‘ ' of tho currcnt fiscal year, which, : Щ will be ubo thi end of tho liiist ' ,1 bleninum of the M<;Lu»n udmln- , 1 iBiratioii, on June Ж April,'*' May and Juno will bring henyy,. ep disbuisimenta while tnx ^ollecn ," , ticn? for ih(> thrre months will . ' ti' !?kely sh V ,fi dccU’'S :;,1‘чс ;.(U* Kp;- on ’:-./ hi»fi;’.v^.y const-tijiioti ¡ai.' Other,, i nermanent improvement.^ tiuring r, March, scconllnjf to the state- ment. The amount brings' the- . total of expenditures for ,these.',.i piirpc.scs for the fiscal year •',to ,' ; §35,9.52,1)78.45, the greater part of course. кЧ’ 'ï« ............ .. _ r.îfet «ii/ht, Ap>-lt,2ii;h at tVSocI;. ^*^1, on corn and thè Experiment «1,,-.* 1,-^ "Sfesjs^i^^tion.s of Virginia and North Sia ua-'UiKja "a ' ¿f'cour'so, for road' i* ....., «« ^;-'ommend.ng hberal application, Tlie special fund .Has 1.5.11 i ti» ' jjpi ' plant tood for hwger corn during tho 'fiscal year, ~ 1 111,'"'i(' ^ . Kenernl, these rccomr j f,-onj bond sales and long term, ? Vi''* I'V si ^ ^ G n iia rtlin a ni'P na TntmiVQ-T Rnni-lu i . . «» j*., , Sin ^,*ai - 5 « « . - - - 7 ------------- siriii jfl'iiiiUfc' iv:.j. bottom lands, 200 Ù.W -'M to 400, ] v u l 1 v o tin g p lace, on T u esd ay , p e ttm i? M ii ; next lew dio^. 1) W ir COURT WILL CONVENE HERE MONDAY, MAY 23 ail .iiibwer within the _ .(i growing t«s . - . . . tioa’s .>>1 '--’i! IsnJGEO. EVANS. County W. P. VOUXG, Agr. Te.-.cher. ^ simauoa ou îb fcw-’ ___ ; rei itu i ‘jnféreniie_ Ъг _isS * ; the Mexit-aa ainb;^si»i'ii; H« rev«î»îesl tfesî 'i'V'i'"* reeeutly Ш- i. ^ li. Sounds of a 10-4-2 fex-tilizer. On ‘ TOWN WELL Dl’sCON'riNUED - (t jii.ii- richer bottom lands and on' '----------------; - / ' ilmi ti;.^ .. ' i^ d s that have had-good cover We feel that the Pub!\c .should "'' jvii«'*'S“ops turne^ .under, acid phos-j bo informed that the Slate Beard. 5)1(1 ‘■'•¿sssiij-fi ***^“*0 is probably ail that will be of Health b.is recommended thr-': ■ t ■ ough their engineer that we di- ' 7,u fr.w »■ a , Corn is a heavy fetjdcr of nitro- continue the use of the municipari''V; - '«»I- "iTen. The abovo applications are well which was completed sohie-', f.' w <,.№'■‘'^1 -T’ ** '. *''"^commcnded to l)0 op'pliod before corn is planted., After the eern gets about knee high, an .u I application of from , 100 to 200 , . — V'l . Sounil.', ,;f sulphai.«; of amnr.iji;ia ¥„T The following ourors have , „,j„ a.-ound on Thurs-i been drawn for the May term of • „«епюип and every one whoSTeHez ------------- . court which convenes here on d. л to th- As- from Mexico Сиу Monday, May 23rd with Jqdg«? for flood suf- property u-ouid wt ш ЛМг Moore on the bench: N. K. Stanly, W. H. Stonestreet. C. W. Lowery, L. M. Tutterow, A. 1). Ratledge, J. B. Cain, Sani- M. Dwigglns, R. L. Wilson, G. E. Gibson, H. M. Harris, A. E. Tatum, E. F. Eaton, H. P. Cor- natzei', Walter M. Shutt, Coleman Foster, 0. R. Allen, L. A'. Clouse, T. F. Koontz. Never Thought of Twelve “I say, Tailor, my bill should be Jhirtedn dollars, a n d you’ve made it fourteen/* "VVeii, I thought you m:;,:it U superstitious, sir!” sociated .............- ferer.s, please have bundle ready on front porch. , „MRS. KENNEN, Pres. notice — CORRESPONDENTS We would like to ask our cor­ respondents to mail their letters in time to reach us not later than Tuesdiiy evening’s mail- We re- c<uved several letters last week after the paper had been irfailed We value your ed bv the Misitaa ■ -I am glad t o r e f c n j » - idge said, "ifcat the » bassiidor has ricectly i;*' me Ihiit she doe^ ^ ^confiscate our property, a* p , has shown diligiE«* is . and punishing t h e s e 'ilii'Jt-«' «• murdered our eitizm, itW . pressed tbe wisfes ?' ’ >« thoroughly entertaiB, ^ cordial and friendly V/ilh a strong ■ ' ' «./£- -^ te d ».iiiSpii? * 1 »«3Ki!l|fr^.3ÌR ■?s s-даг 'i^iaasidier ЛЙЩ «# 5?if w# Ite*» -Щ--.... - Л. . ' ^ bmpleted time ago., dae to eoptejninatipn^ A of the suii'ply of water.’ j The w%U w as found last \yeekiiiit; to be- drawing the supply fr6j^|| nearby small str'-'ms whi^h. are ■, ,‘iii-ate of'snd'a gent’-al^y givcb I ioivs'ced iii the popui.^t<3>{‘,t|reft i»rufitable returns. This npplica- t.ie town an it is the*opinion oi'y,^' -ion is very necessary on the poor- ■c-r set's Aviiere a sufEtient-amount vif or^.mic iuatier is not present. The South needs more feed jrrown on its farm.s. Corn is, a Very fine crop to grow for feed­ ing purposes. Large and' profit­ able crops can be grown by the liberal use of fertilizers. „»Й PRODUCE MARKET for several hours hii?V 'hjul''fhcm '"oV r tut wsinalure, -л-Ы сЬ. I ж т л ' "■ : sr.“ sîiis' '■ _ Corrected wvckly by Martin .aros. Prices subject to change. Wheat......y.„„............$1.35 to $1.40 Corn ............................................... G5c Youne chickens (colored) lb 37c ___ * Rocstera lb. ...................... ..10c I Old Guineas each...............,....,..35c la : Beef tallow (rendered i lb .o c : iu>-b!y chlorinated. the Board of Health : engineer; that the water cannot bo’ made;;, safe for .-’rnie.stic use. Fretjuent cltemical ujia-ivris' of.J all municipiil water supplies ;1.s';;-j maintained by the State Boarel :pf .i.V' Health, and our local supply has" ‘ never shown any marked degyee .iii of contamination until the lust reiiort, which did show that t'iié water was polluted. H.-jwcver, there is no cause for alarm fromv f tho use of our jiresent suppl.v, sin«* the well mentioned' hits-tict/ '^jumped into the system, for mòre: ‘ than 'a week, and -«11 n'e'cessary ; steps have been takqn f.b'ntnke, the other supplies safe,'an,d'iiii;'j watef In reserve baa been-'thor-' Beeswax lb...A. A. IlOLLEMAN. ’йГаург.'^ ■*v’ tl 1 Лг Î :u« rbisij! Svf','1, ‘ tftf: h t I'; . “ Г b V. !- w t 1 t4t'ÿ Л . i'îlîr i';l' ftl-. i^»y wl Г, '.1' wj b 14*"fs A:w| Oh i ^'1* All* . ■ r*. P) ■T l 2 ifi k i ï A '.■'.uii !'Vf biv Л1, T o !■-’ i t4|iitt; * f).'ИГо ■ n *■ P i i o n e s : ‘ .Mo IIII i *7 Ч *■ VÈ MOCKSVILLE ÈXTERPRISE Rural Song and Csfflfnent: <BV' Arsh Hiii(eyculi) s Time И J ' ь t Ъа Sivirvr novT, ■ЛТ:*Д }Г- !П;;' in ,';hù fiut,- >k’i a í- 'lmn -.CNVjÌ I'fiVin’t floKÍí’,. Г » ítm iy 'itv í.iy ih a l ta'íC : j'r 1 г, \i t icH яп.‘-и»с" A?-.í ,-3ì;i>rj vr»i:''(!l U ‘m i > he ' Ч -Il nssi ЛЬс hai: W.)lrt?r. P^ist* Auíinjii? Kiaiiil sbi.>'»< jiìg »! Ihc wiiivi:, ai*- cbìiRì *« hi)\i«c йт«\ irtttfl A-^d bè j» ji'.íT-íioü-^í itw íl, ' lit ir,'»vi>b jíñn i(( lh<- T- T-vr.-; l Ar.} 4<)0(i ?*:ì! 15«?'''® In be Tho f!r.-':ü:h'¥5t П!лп ir t»»wñí 8Ш ЛУ DSEW МОТОШЛЕЬ € Ш Т ^ .nd his ability to pet his iáfore the public, is strik* F.íE.e Splffirjoii '-4 г»Лйт 3|лу 2яа. a raarcTjíífe ílisí, ' is ili . «tfire for* <,f ■' '«* ín ñ’íd ■•' lioñ;p^ ’ rill: ■ ' í.^! i:^íe!e ■' -'fd ail >líva:i- ^ ;ri- Üj .. if- ‘omlrip knck fo what is| ?: $ r. í“í, The Winston-ЯяКт 'Ь l makes mention of ccr- t. .:!fwers io the qiicstiwti jCieaiai Lenin, Louisa M. Alcott, Carot, and Galileo. Other an­ swers Were: "Rj'ckcfellcr—^Leailcr in oil sta­ tions.” J '‘W’ooclrow Wilson—Siirricd the I i fintraet i'cr tho World W.'ir,” M i y l h c worlds proatM»; "Ì.ÌKcnln—Because he u-as Sim- i tMif* by CaHfornia ^chooll pic.” ■' licrc are some of th ;! ‘‘Co-.iidjic—Sees that thn noo- V vhc?p names wcfc r ’vnn pb da viahl hy prohibition.’’ ' »:M o’’innim£'l. n'jffi!!«' Bin.(Lipsolini, Konoiii Aniund* -Jfade his pupils in­ i'« ralv!,*i. Coi'liito. Mfscs ' veni the themonietfr.’’ casens a rule, will bo foun i tt ivith most Kfo'vn-ups. i Several months at'o -'^kbd for all who cared’to do ¡-‘i to intj’« a lisi of persons wM'im ,v would likn bt.ot to hav(j isih them N'ow Years Пау. The í iij^y aninvf’rs, when earefu'U sf . ied, cf iwinccd ВЧ that гол it | '5>ls rejr.iid these frreaiest nhom iiey admivc. 'fhe vaj ; m? *■ »i, - It is very clonr frow fi;. bova j jfivon forced one'to thht conclu- answcrs that people, at) ij t 'tain -' g}ójj. For lrt8t.ince, one little girl ly children, regard thou g3(iUe.H ' « u i m l whom they admire ' lit.i that. years old, wrote us that.><hn would likc beat to h.iVc for flinner New Ycafs D.iy. .lesu.«, W'oodrnw WiS'on. Chàvlif l'ih.'ip. l!ii. .Tnckis CiMi5?an. and ^ack Ti*>ir.p?ey. Thnt little k I’I •.v.ir, cnlirely sincpri!, for thf «n ■.vere il’o <>n»« shé most ad- mircAl, Ard SCI if fs W'ìlh niost of ns when «p coTtG In coiiFider {rreiitnr^s. Wf u««al?y rejtar.i !ho=5« ftrc.ilesl whctn we adijlire most. 5ДЛ M:l C -. P.7W w J Ifs jt iìt* si be fjj.'- lit ШТ I’*"? 0ШШ Гй-дя- n »ЛГ9 |ñ;-. ÍlW Ic' ■?4 f - •rf: «atf InvisrínU!}» Misiláy rtnd bcílra^tfttl, ГЛе f!fvsin,e óf Ihc diiyi. !irt4 as r:V^*- ^ _ _ líon. bul y*íu hear him .«w<ie?ly .''У . í-ay, ‘4‘t.teíí íhc i\'l tSiüEWW, buS ЙА1»К í/f iAAti. tbr í-!>? -*ne loí .чл'яу.” i! HeceWcá wilh ftf Nnl Tiiíiini fltreívfe! <iren«it«sf, l i? ho? a síHiíf'biiiii’.» fr'sbt. 15ví‘ % Gsidìtui *.!Л1^к1с TiíW?*ríí« IS« niiwititeíhV ftirí h<?íBhl t!wí ‘?;í ;ti4l .'»3» rhrap I-í 1« Й chwrv, meirj'. ktv Л» и tr> t<i !í>t* í,ifrrrtlbip Tht? lo l№. r r í- if f S'- í ''•3 '''y is ^ rif ?%(• ЧП- ■■ь".-'.-: síf 4 írrífe'--: rtA-ilsrie« A--'-í í".--.íSíi! «r Г'*» ISííft ÍAV -'■ил--'.- ií‘2r, !).>- Lílais К e 4‘’<t4 I» dal-/ i% ítse -<-t- flíí .■•f ■'■•f e* t-®* í)f PSiV'f i* Ij-f-í-i >■». Sí я! b i SIXTY YEARS AGO «w»d Will Тгч».' t!4t»rr.v ü;iis.<h i-f Atti! raSfl.itrlp ni Мл)'*{»»« Л ^rv.ilb 'if iiU4i' fft.m cf oí" íи*•;■!-;<з W'ipry |к|;{«)| я№ Heureíl bSttf, Vii "vf svtf’ fíjíí* a i;U(S ípíwíí» *>f liíe M».} JtiVí', for ■í(’:i. CKü'TfÉ*' ^ fyti •». Si j5rbй«йе è«y 'eat-s. Sw*ii ,'■-«1^ яМ «)>- rUftlf* ?. t-.?’* ’4"l'líi m í Ifcí i» re--ítf 5''>'-«í rtó' 'f- «««■nlf ,4{<n С(т)рЫпSe»#«»;», (if tvM,*<■««*« Ítí. oí «'iilìi"» Опр We лЬн><* Tht* .ftShf'T Wí *-hírk М0«Ч1Ц' StnrI ^IrfívInK »ЬИ Fí.>r «wiií»hirK‘ *ir r.íiSft,I Where? faiSr ytVktc.tV/, \V|i„.-.fí U(t Site , A h»»««« a€ 3H»y-“ wirj boj’V* VVUH Ufe ай1«йИ. tíjí f-Utfre Ь-л1 Л sí;.4»!»>í\ íife . »■Sir yt s*.«M)ur йп?! }»á)= «1и'Г** ew they? ' *?«♦,» tilay. Г«!#« y<nl«r«*!ty, iír«tiRU li»ve goll? »ki-; -whllber— was*? ' 'Л'гЛ Ь«<1 «иЦ uitsein Wííh flint «mi gkaw, \?iib a=eng oS b\ìù ñ fíú gsld»*a Nam, Oh vt(iterdhv ■ t^mr , il ‘M ГШЯГЗ » .*iber-w»yj Bf’er Joi№K Say*— 1 pail йв »aw aerosi de wood. An' dali'by hnngii a tale— I Ktt il< ain»Ute wh»t'» gootl An' sho' ter never í‘4il. Jfiá i'r'“ '.ni iís^e ■»*■'■* ■£•<( *>« Ш<ф. ’)-•■- 1I4Í to й?- ‘ íj^ í-ф. p./4f l’rHíf »л... I ¡A:tmA *i'S «-Я5 Й*|a» i'-'- Któ»r f*'" li*«' Ч'л-а|^Т!>,И,-*,С. í|fí»r¡.f Kj# t»4íl!í - íjs*!* íf! llíti. m. ís' -P-. - "■ o¥-iil I ®Ы|^„ l%" ' •' '■ ■'• feáeíííiíT^l Í-» * .J|! '--fi 3>; ' • !-'¡S* ^-i-írÍ:»|}ÍÉÍ(l"■%l 4'-íT»- iA> s íSífi/!» SI» W..I;*,*, -K -mm iU l e M 4. i t S i i » I I , | „ , í K«* • j ü t r f - f e W e . l l " i r t i .’ ( « ЩМ4 «34 ì^ 'i fi-, ! KS»?*il** 1»!- *Ì II) iSt.g'i, 53#? ф" «fiS *:}i N. ? ’Л t;W„ >í» líf sv №n"li%Jía <«e*r# ^ e*# »1*^* *6 • I’i* ^3 á| ''^ rt4*.‘í..fe. U Ì» ili.}4fS.<lh ttigíiíl* ir íhe >^Í<| i«« tibuMci- f.4 . Shm. gíf*»r fe44*s»<¿4 ?й Ч’й^ш , flcviia «r «14 «n>ii<K. bruto-h, n m iteP4.rí&i •■.« *tí.rs„ , _ Bb-4ir tfc5.4líli í«.i' A, Ve' |Í<6S*Ji: , 1!1»<.-.Л, aì4,a-iSir« ,f., 0 1 i I s'* W- »' •If. , ! -Aé m V I «Г f'4f : iifi- |У. Ч . ffc^bitr |*л1» Ротй C’íi'UBI,*/. i» ; Kiirt^ CViMÜ«,»., \ t ¡ 2а4 iw«Js abeve , ímri *й4 fct»sdír|. й® üfe* ìli)* Ito? NbíÍí «f »Iw4f* Sra^t. -•' Ц Ii«»«iì4e4 m Ili«. bjf, j}»e ^ ¡ ;'ja,riíjí iti H $fm sV «■orkin’ Í ÜB i*s» l-^si ty 1Ы A: K aniv fi ; C m s r be|J4 i«waaà*4 «su thè ; : ; Samli by ih» w.«4à *if Д. W , B4to» # C. C. SANFO Started om mmpmy with one object in riew* servs ihe public by offering good merchandise at /. iair p ice which IS c«mittonly called a 7live and Let Live Pc icj This b^ing ОИ.Г sixlkth anniversary we'v ish 10е:-.рте1,г. mr appfficialioa of the business given m bj' the go;á pi“*jp!e sttccesii tv£ i-utrye iw!s I of Davie and adjoining coynties. Wha hadall tlifse years ts due to the !оуш;у of от whfch loyalty we appreciate. We ask for your continued pat onageand we pledge our best service. II ■ a ■ ж s e V я 3 a II я ^ м a a ir:it.s м We Can Take Care Of Your Wants In Most Any Line Lifcewise hit kc-^pa my ti^nr From j-'rowin* v.-eak an' stale. Air keens me fit. d» btess<»d j ear,; с«п*а!иш» S вшж-а «Г bssu ?’-?r hiJiia' ’Jong lii’e’s trail. i This ifee ‘*я1' d«jF »# 192?, GEOIiGSi r , If lo’ks what spend de useful lims ei Г Sii^v-s Monaayi't Л c-^anlin* up me’a ИЬ. i JACOR »ТША1П; лад- 4 l\5ь iwkv-wiso a barterin' Ji? dmie : Fe, h!’ cr truvK U-. pills. ' THOSE WK ЛРПШВ A«i? Our Funuture Depaurtment carri^es a srood line of Btdroom, Dining . room and Living room Furniture, Stoves, Chairs, liiugs, Talking Machines, Pianos, Etc, • Our Hardware and* Imple­ ment Depa tment will take care your want i whet her Farm­ er or Builder. Sherw'in-l^iUia ns Paints, need no Introduction. Mo’u spend !'. f«w of shlney dins- ел ' Ter uit a bran-iiew saw, De State sho’ wouid have better timts Lìkp’.vist- lc.4.4 U“!« fer law. Torn Tarheel says one neijihbur .'•i к is cc.t:' !'0|- 7. fi. nts v'-r f -.rL-' .:id l!i- :th-ir .olb iov $2 00 ¡ f_r bushel *hrou«:h liis pigs. TIRE.4 AT WHOLESALE •VP Mii(;i!em'.;a’s Profit on (luaruuiced Tires C.irds ............................1?Л.7Л the iiiur e o r n tr r s40x:i’ m xSl: r,„.¡KT. С. rrf» Си ìjicr О.Ч C'ird;; 29?: l,!0 B;i!;ùoii Cords £9л L-.Ü r%„.¡.. г UalloonH I.-.blORTS HAICDWAUE COMPANY Four Stori s in Winston-Saiem ШШТ, The Stan’.y U sa straíiiá'e bvw sa*.ay pe*j^(e, ani! csSitciiiiìy ..-ìsiliirt«. ciinsider ¡íi-tüiisi:;ás. Thi WíJisííia^Halem Joiunal tkciafi'i ife-al №и «J l.he aices'iry €jusilìk*j.sli/B» ;;f «reai- nt-tó Ir Ы ?, . -■ ЙН nti.' i.:.i ;!‘uivc -.'i-ià ujv 4,)i-‘ that Ls U'Ur t-j a extt-r?. Гог iu tiiià àay wf rush ar.d kur^ oHtt ffiiiv s-ey,E:v tfe jfrcijt, anc <1q ^rtat íhir¡^.i, sB(i vt; be almo?t ur.huürii oí, u n iti' t.*ie ргс;-- ' bfirtids ai-rijcssìi ai his dwnifà t<, j Ì ihe tai'tli. OUR GROCRY DEPT. Is filled with staple and fancy Groceries. We feature the nationally known Fern­ dell and Prattlows lines. Our prices are right. Cash or Credit Our Dry Goods, Cbthi’iig and Shoe Deparline.5?t consists of quality .mercliandi' ie at rea­ sonable prices. Trade at lioni»5 and save the difference. We want your business. Star Brand Shoes i.re B itter. » OJi. Id p. ANÜEUSON * Dentist * O.Tiee in And« rsnn iiuildinK Pilones; Offi/.e .’>0; Hes, li7 ■* .Mocksville. N. C. $7,00 i Si.rae iwrs .;u.i:iisi are ihel.- uw-.. SS.OO j f'* « i Uifcn:!-. They hav¿ a iien- $7.00 tu,i for pubiU'ity. iiiid ihis muns S9.50 times wiih^im appEreiitly roakinfc' !in;' eifort lit that •iiitciiijn. Tukt Hfij/y F ad , ftjr iiistaiiL-e lie ju 4t i,i !>л^ itile to keesi »«micthin:,': ё'Лп^: ail the tim:- which caii.' ft'T ihe use of h'.- . nuniif yn ttit triii: pa¿'es undei ainring iieadimts. Thfc.ja<>!x Itiiose/eli, Wi!lia/;i Jcnninjis Ьг,-- an and others «ère iì№ same .’ t<. BillV Sunday is Ü Ып»е\ in the !>геьа as 'зл ally to hi. SANFORD-SERVICE SATISFACTION SIXTY YEARS SANFORD SONS COMPANY, AIGCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA -о; i 5Íí"'-K?^' ' '•>" ' ■tr íBy t'hsrlfl^a 5kSt*-afn> I am now leilitig t<? Ihí' pubíie ifí íhe fií*t tilííe íJíT «líerieíH:« rsíh a ?a«gí flf bipíswaytwn ««<1 ,f a holclup episodé «a 1 fskh í I pia.ífd lile ehief iriclirSi bcfore or síliCc haVe I b it« hoiTíbly írighten«! as m lf5«l mmorahie íiíghl wlw« m i af Hse ;i5)í>enctralí1« gl&stt! Istw m n Ihftíst ispíittst « y s^.5» aftd 1 w a s c o < n « a n d « d l t o f.m ñ m K* íBy tiiomy.I'. was scVefal ytáirs ajw in íh e ttrlf spHfig; «-jiien in «ith a littWbcr of írtrsKí« i fme nn a tíshíftf iVs h.adl thAt'fiñ {he Yadkín s»,ííií- tfí® i.nttJBf Ferty áiñd ^.«i4 sw si f?ay wIiIkwiI afiy Isjtfe 1^1«. iiflíM'íSWj'i i ítóíii tnj ílith r«S ihj^ :f.ff '.'I í™ ■r'r-i níi? iiftí! }«v riftflí- mí f, Lv^dcrV' FV=jfr ¡¡■ur i-íitJtifíft (im t Íí-í'-ki'.-ítí 1 !.T;. í'í:í*£‘4 í n Á ,»‘*-=mSÍ ??*«•?-! a . = Í!-r.--u ¡tí. r-í ■f t'íSF- ■ ■ il! Ì ' « ■ ìo-.tì » : ía g e 8 FORK NEWS 'Villiíims Ml'S. Dutton HoiuU'ix and chikl- ron of Hisii Point spent Easter who ! with IMi-s. Emma Ben'^on, I in ! Frank Rutk\ii?e oi UtocksviUc yjpeiii the week ond with Jlr. Louis M. iwssed away at his hmne in Winston-Siilom April 1‘2 was laid wun uis to rest April 14 in tho cemeteiy ; irrandpurents, Mr, and Mrs. II. S. luii'o at the asre of 54 years. ; Davis, : Funeral service bciuv; coudiictuij j Little B^liaaboth Livenirood of by Rev. J. F. Carter of WaUirh-, the Cooleemee plantation is .sifk. ’.town; Rev. A. G. Carter of Dan-1 sorry to note, ville. Va., and Rev. V, M. Swaim | Hr. and Mrs. W. Thompson of Winston-Salem. Mr. Williams I and Irving Thompson of Saiis- •was a r«sulent of Fork until seve- I bury spent Easter with relatives ral years ago he moved to Win- j here. , ston and w asa leading mei’chant I Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Hairston there, ^ r . Williams had been ill i attended Easter service at St. *•—.......’ '* ■ Luke church, Salisbury. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Kimmer spent Sunday afternoon with their daughter, Mrs. W. J. Potts of Ad­ vance. j Miss Mozelle Cope of Cooleemee ' plantation sp«nt Sunday with Eloise Bailey. Mr. B. F. Rummage and family spent Sunday at Erlanger, with Mr. B. B. Beaton. 5 * ♦ THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE Fat hor— Fat hor—Fat her I Sho; “t showed father verses yon -4ent me. He his I pleased with them." ^ lie: “Indeed. What dii sny?” She: “He said lie was dtlighted to find that - I wasn’t going to marry a poet.” about three weeks. He is surviv­ ed by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Williams of this place, a ■ft'ife who was iliss Nota Giarwood, prior to marriage, four sisters, • Mrs. E. W. Turner of Hampton- ville, Mr^. S. B. Garwood and Miss Floy Williams of Fork, and Mr. K. L. Jones of Atlanta, four j ■brothers, L. F. Williams of Mar- - tinsviUe. Va., F. E. Williams ot\ Pork and E. R. and C. V. W il-' liams of Winston-Salem, To know * Mr,''Williams was tp love him. J * An immense crowd attended the j * funeral and burial and the floral * * » ♦ * DR. T. L. GLENN Veterinarian WOCKSVIUe, N. c. * Phones:------------- uuiiui u -------- . ^jjones' * offerings were many and .beauti- » 9i Harris llar>ind Phirm icv » ful. We e.xtend .^vmpathy to.the * ^ S a t e ^ e iTen?e *loved ones in their loss. ■ NOTICE OP ^LECTION TOWN OF MOCKSVILLE At a regular adjourned meeting of the Commissioners of the Town of Mocksville, duly held in its of­ fice in the Town of Mocksville, Tuesday, March 15th, 1027, a general election of the Town of Mocksville, N. G., was duly called to be held at the usual voting place in the Court House in the Town of Mocksville, Tuesday, May 3rd. 1927, for the election of a Mayor and five commissioners, and constable of the Town of Mocksville, N. C., and at the same time and plaee an election to be held to elect two members of the j" Board of Trustees of the Graded!® schools at which the qualified | " voters residing without the cor­ porate limits of the town of ' Mocksville byt within rhe said ; g school district as well as those re- i k,, siding within the town of blocks- * \ r ■Thur.4d«y, April l\'|/r W № K 5:e:îr? ш ч ш и т л ш г ' в ч т в а ■ I NEW Bread Is healthful. Every ingredient of it is iiutri- tlous. Bread Is a fundjtmelital food. Give it to growiv.g chtUtrcn. Broad with butter, or jam, makes a, satisfying in- between'imeals snack. ' ' Eat bread with your meals. With it your other foods incrwwe n hiinderdfoUl in health value. Every ingredient in the-breac} we make is carefully ni’leetcil and muasured. That is why our bread is good fo r yoH. l*re,‘<h nt Oiir Bakery or DeliverEd to the Stores Large Loaf, 1.5c; Small Loaf 10c Mocksville Bakery \TAPT/“CTrrT T -n - II MOCKSVILLE, N. C. J ..................... ----------- -..........................................^В ,— ...---- ...? ..vii .IS re siding within the town of ¡Mocks-, ville will vote for the trustees. iB The polls will be open on the day p of election from 8 o'clock a. m!. ^ till sunset, as prescribed by law. | ^ J. H. Cain was duly appointed Í1 Registrar of the town of Mocks- j ville and of the Mocksville Graded 1 ■ ’ school district and J. L. Cartería and W. N. Smith judges of said \ g elections. ¡g The registrar shall keep open i ^ the registration books for the re- j" gistration of new electors resid-11 ing in the town of Mocksville and j ■ entitled to register and for the l i registration of electors residing i |j in the Mocksville Graded andjg High School district and entitled!^ to register whose names have ¡ * ! never before been registered in ; ® the precinct or do not appear in Ó the revised list/ between the hours i a of 9 a. m., and 5 o’clock p. m., on ! § each day -(Sunday excepted) a opening Friday, April 13th, 1927 y and closing Saturday, April 23rd', ]S 1927—sdid registration shall be]B open until 9 o’clock p. m., on hH each Saturday during the registr- ig ation period. Í g By order of the Board of Com- 2 missioners of the Town of blocks- ■ ville. ' This M arch 15th, 1927. t“® T, M. HENDUIX a Town Clerk. Í k » sj — J> QUALITY AT LOW COST Cars Just Arrived rCome in today and look ovsr the mosta I Economical Automobile ^ On The Market«^ Today. Cheap in price,’up-keep, etc., but of the highest type in color, design and workman.«ship. I I ■ Я « в I i il i, ia iiV : -------Report of the Condition of th« i1ШЮ«ИН»ШШЖ8ВВ!ВаВйва.аа!.:в-В-ЛАЯЛШа.И.АИМ| BANK OF DAVIE ■ I j Mocksville, N;C. в ( At the clo.se of businessml • - - - - - 1 1925 FORD R0AH3TER 1 1926 CHEVROLET COUPE I IÖ23 BÜICK Sl.K TOURING, EXCELLENT CONDITION 1 TON FORD TRUCK 1 1921 FORD COUPE 1 192;) rORD TOURl.XG 1 lS2a DORT TDUniN’O I 1926 CHEVROLE’r RO.VDSTER SEE THESE CAR.S liEFOKE YOU IJUY ELSEWHERE iÄRlN CHEVROLET co' MOCKSViLLE, N, C. a s 13 !s a a a a B 'B ca.trra'S-H.fa'm'rji n v ■« Ш It в R e I Я Я Q Б Buy 19 M *"1аГ в-'и' March 2;'.,' 1927 g ! Rcsource.s ^ j Loans and discouata . 9-191,9u0,68 | - j Overdrafts, .secured I and unsecured NONE United States Bonds on hand................................. j Furniture and Fixtures All other real estate owned .................'......... Cash .in vault and net amounts due from Banks,'Bankers and Trust Companies Cash items held over 21 hour.s В b :.b 2.5,000.00 2.939.00 40,420.79 D m Checks for clearing.... 59,4.5 2,:^29.0.‘5:B B-B В Я a в X в я GOODYEAR TIRES y Why spend your money for a tire that is out of date, behind the times? Buy the NEW tire—-the 1927 tire—the tire that is proclaimed as THE GREATEST TIRE IN THE WORLD' Ic’s the NEW-TYPE ALLWEATHER TREAD GOODYEAR BALLOON. It changes all present ideas about ballwon tire mileage. It gives positive traction, protection against skidding. No more tread pot-holes! No more cupping, and uneven, costly wear This new tire fixes that! We have this great new Goodyear, in your size. It costs no more than J. oldfashioned balloons. See it today. You’ll understand better why I ‘‘More people ride on Goodyear Tires than on any other kind!” ' SANFORD MOTOR CO. Phone 77 ’ Mocksville, N. C. Total .......... ..........§571,448.95 Liabilities Capital stock .................i? 50,000.00 Surplus Fund.................. GO,000.00 Undivided prolits, less current txptnses and taxu'< paid ................. •■^1 Dividends unpaixl ......... *; Bills payable .................. B Deposits subject, to is check .............................. B'i Deposits due State of y j N. C. or any Official thereof............................ Cashier’s checks out- l*!| .standing .........../.......... ^jTime .Certiilcatea of Deposit irmal Again ¿ li ' и вв в 9ч I I i “ ( —............. и I Savings Deposits В I Щ в в Щ в I,в 8,813.24 I в l i ;В 14;5,029'02 4,183.55 178,874.31 98,504.24 Total .........................$571,448.95 State of North Carolina—Coun­ ty of Davie. I, J. F. Jloore, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear tliat the above statement is true to the best of my know­ ledge and belief., J. P. MOORE, Ca.shier, Subscribed and s\\''orn' to be-j fore me, this 5th day. of April, | 1927. S. M. CALL, Notary Public. My commission expires Aug. ", 1928. Correct—Attest: ,. E, L. GAITHER, R. B, SANFORD, Directors. «•1I LAUNDRY “Everything washed snowily clean —everything ironed fo (K|rfec(i«n —every piece given individual care—your bundle complete, ready to u.se or wear.” We call for your clothe.s—wash them immaculately clean in floods of pure, nlinsoft water and llufTy billows of mild, white suds— ' Rinse- and djry-iron eve\"y thing with exquisite care— And return your bundle sweitly clean, wonderfully neat, with everything ready to wear m put away. And this wonderful service, always dependable, always right, is moderate in cost. WfT-WASH-THRlF-T-PRIM-PIltSr. "«H. Л.;:в:,:;в-И I Ц a Q n Щ a U s a Ú a Ù à■ t Ш в: 1 i Ш я, i sI »: -1 В Our observations during,recent BI weeks wei’e that at least Umbrel- ' htL> and books kept lent, | ‘ Cooleem ee Ic ii & la u n è y С з. ^ ?■ Cooleemee, N. G. с •iймш|ш|шю1ммм^ ш в а м EVERYBODY READS DAVIE COUNTV’S NEWSPAPER-THE MOCKSVILLE EiNTERPRiSE-Sl.OO PEU VMR-SÎ~^SCKIBE NOWΫ MocksviEe Eníerpri TfilTH. HONESTY OF PURPOSE AND UNTllHNG FIlIfiüTV TO O X JR COUNTY AND nUR FLAG' IS OUlt AI.M AN't> Ж*ШГ08В ■ VOL. 49 MOCK.SVIbLK, N. C., Tll' ';''P,ir. Л Г ’КП,28. 1927 No. 22 Closing Exercises Smith Grove jDeath and Desoiaticn Mark School Begin Monday, May 2. Sabbath In River’s Wake Arnnnl .\d(Ir(S4 by Santfnrd .Martin of WiiiHloti-.Sdcm Int'Ci'sIing I’rounims I’rrtiarcd For Tuesday and Woilneítiliiv Ifs èS'.S The ('(inimciic! ment 4 .if the Smith (¡'rove liii*h ÿi'hiih v. ilt begin .MiiMilay, .^|,■|y Î. ,• ! S:iiO p. П'.. wi'.li a itfovriim bv !Ьг I'rimary anil Cramniar ('пи!г>‘< i!i -| ir pariinenl. Tlio rla.'i't (lav ,, .< will lie Tuo4day. .\|;iy :’.гИ. Ь>‘ fiiHiiiig at (’ighi ii’i'l'Mt;. T!i!« ¡. Viry inli'vv’Miniî nvi'v>"iin Г yvii sfiould nut niiii.s it. ! Wniliu.xdav, May Hi.m l!h il;" I >.ri t'ran! will start ¡irumjiSly ai !0:0n a. m., by .«iniiiii)» ‘'.Sniffi« i the lîeiiiitiful." Invitcaiiiia hy lirv. (’, .M. .SlcKinncy. by rias!«. Immtiliatfly аС;«>г ihî» í song, .Мг.ч. W. Iv. КЧ’ШН'П u'll it;, trniluce ihi. !»piaki*r, tvlilnr Hiim« • f(»nl Martin, iif the Wiii,M»<n= ‘ ; .If’lllMlül. Y"U ly ijil r.«’t want til sl!i■i^ tliN ;t(iitri*4» bv Mr. .^lartin. hi> 1.Ц ttiii* "f sbr i'it'i’, noted .чпеаког.ч in .Vnnh i’-f»» lina and will teil yi'ti <г1П!И|й»)ь* that i.< really worth wb!!«'. The aft( rnoiiii will bf phr» !.. rccitalioni«, tleclamntliin^. (•tr.. with a ball g«m» b-'f-irf« Smith (i)ovi' and SVu'.<'*v'sl*' ,i; .\l eitrh! oVlflfik Wr.llUMhv ni(;h' the schei-,I «Щ »n > cimH'ily ||гл!ча in ihr.» -hU. i-'i':-:!!n;;te Cnlt.mi'y” I* drivi!!!' niHüf ml'i'-i b* Tin.-i r lay l;a>» :i vevy гл=! .' liti î;i «•!• liluîy. a!!;! t fM44'i;dlv И!-- i-lîhrîsi '■i’ Sn!'*.b (î;<'vo si'biii'l ï'ifuld atteni! t:'‘’ lit'«!»}; oít. i'i.<c lif l!u> '■(•luiil l-'U vfN’’, Tîw ;ir!iii'iiij;l, Mvfi. Mürv I.«’ • \V¡*4líuf, ¡nul t'io entiri- i’:u'>iltv li:iVi‘ î„l(ur« Cil hard diirimr lÍ!" ii-!ìtii| >учг and de.m'rvt.s nuu li inntii t»r th« exdlli'itt m.4|iner ill uhliîi Ihn srhi'iil has been mnilurtvil Ì|(U ro.'IMKVi K*.1KNT EXKlU lSKi -OTHi'.H r AlOUNtrro.N NKWS ’•h«” C'--r-et-.ville. .Miis.. Aprii 2I,~ ---------------- (hue-KIch rmittlM 1« Uid T«- n i j -thr«* ivhite women nnd W'aMv iiM Kliwil Cimllhiiti Rf- n who smight rcfuge in a lentie!!.« fltiMh fo ìli Wìniervillf. five mile.« Thrce Wiimert «mi l’WWtiS r * f lure, were swept to thoir Drowni'il in .Single e- Ai n i n thè llimd water;«. .'«»Id n it'n OfCtr* SU“'ÌU'tf! It; l.iui'4 >- ; Prii|HTly l,!»* « MiiiniU t'ipi.liiij, ' T!v Í - ihr - ■'.I nt inicii'. rs^‘rt'i>eí Ilf П ¡lik!h sc ÌHK'I wiii M ' : ’ - Г Î; 1! riitay e vi‘ n i ÎI к I—t r г'-п by pii; iì.** Ili' Kva ■; F' Jit } Î I)‘rh)i-k tÍ '■ livtri«! l»y .iuii't' l'ñiy а:%>гт;».пп -- !¡f- ^ п 4 1'г1;':.!Па;||'П;<, Frí- -f’l.iV. ' ’ í'i»; ;u -bi'.' ‘ % • - • I í rhiii »f,. i;. _ I,it;lo 1!ис.( Лгк„ Л;II?! А family of five, Ííií!i"r, (t . ?*' ■* í-S thr, e i'!iili!r»'ii Win« ilr'.»*,. ? day iw.ii' l\vl‘!n, will’ll *bfif Was i»!|i! iati' a .»Hrlîfi nri-iinlilDÎ til r»’¡'ti4<i fc«;*--.! here fÌ l td J\(>i,.!ii tii»ii?hb Ni'W drltnii', 1hi., Atiii! ÍÍ. - An iautiilaii’i! агсл ut ïl тП-ч Ufi:» tiif.iriliii я> in Hl »tlllin 'Íí i î-l' l iuli Ilf «'■■’i! il'"' il(i,v.". íi>ll‘>ttiM Л ! Aíti -i !".;!( ;H íIíi> < ri'VH,*M41* Jufial* . Thi- im? wa^'ttiiidi i rriirrt4 ttlinr ?'">■ ^hl;’ I)i«¡it4ii>r lir.'’sf ihíí Wi-fií hfiílk liiii». |!t !«fr-,i New Orli'ítm líik* 5íliit-ííí. .'Imi' Hum !МШ «I wfr ? feitì!(> líiiaU ln 5 ArSiai-.-vi!! finir b<i(tî liSi.| ft í-'íí ij r. rn.'t v.|!h ; tb. rri'iil Viiil y П- ..1 ¡’Л ■•!(« \V!|4 .\t !i-«M I nit art: ?» ^di'aii iii till' iliM-ij if.?5 i*i ínuii - f7!>‘ns!iî(f al -h, * .ii-irch .♦( rn;<>n. ■ 'i'ilîii y I viMlinK - ' 1- < «,1 r. ^ ‘i '* u’.'â t hi ÜiMllîl- - il ii')t> » < Í 5îi.'«t mt'i’i* Í ' I liv îiii’ n ;ary. ^ . 'ni ! with r ’ii' bii\4 t: îlil'ir S'I .n* i’i'r Ihl' V. .Mrib r. the F (’г,,':;’’! V-.i|a ' ■= •- !.. I!, in t' Iu'f u.-r , n;i. ■ t' il',:r M;:;i"!i «v Л".), Si'-f * . ((( T'.VlIl’A.îb U"; t'!: --¡¡‘"l .■I- ni •. !!:i .'4, v.’.-’i ll> 'I .1. Il i s. 1Г Ч : V : Aii> î-’;*U ii.WIK ..'si!' i*i I ;i :• • : - ; Л ■ ;îl, 1 ■- ;â. . Í. •■■■ ■ ‘ I f b t iil l'Üi- ...t;;.’. . ■ ;î .î; |î1> !Ü- ■ ^ i U ' - : . ' h ! Í - i i i u l ; .! i'-’,.;. bh-' iü ; ‘ V ! un i ;'|‘Г- ü.î- !'Ч- Í!"ltllSIJÍ иГ i,I- ill •. i-iiun hiiu.*)! ’ ui^'. .i! ', : ; ■ ’b r.: i ; i;: • ; ^liM Wi’li ‘ ! !..•.■ . • 4V, '..-.ll i. •h.. ruH'iv.d hi're today by , Л. ,S, Alien of the army :^ ,»e r '.’огря .«tatloncd here. “ 5- - im rcased the known !fj thi.» area to 2Й and ■Г’ Alien (I:elarod that a eon* ~ e.'ilimate of the total -',3,1.:^ Ill the (U-lta regions * iit lea-«! 200 with a :ii'.4.di)ility îi-.îmîitr will tu« eon.4Ídernbly 5'I*. -Isintary military, rule wa<» put « Л '1't here today with Major P.isiim, of Ihf 17.‘*th llelil ur* > Mi'«<iisiltnd natlonni (fiinrd г . ‘гятат!. Th«« militnry nnd -r tir!îaniifation,4 eo'operating »‘»’ ïîe i wmk propared to mrtln- «*,impi for KM»no people for «"-:riiî!> n i‘f !hp hi(fh water. «nriiS'ur!» for all pro- - ; »V ins'Iwtween tînenvllle and a ¡»tri'toh of nearly 4 1 In !hc (s'lth of onru«h* ;lmd «'¡i!iT< ”!i» g't to the î'!!mi':iÎ!i!<-*y." weri' l.'íüued * * .ijiir Л1!('п. .lit i f «»nlei' Hotiîh ' • V di!î"< f i4< ;>fid !illle)!.4 p<:o- {“.».vn *,n ti*,,- b-vii'i ipiirkly «;il 11" lîrr »>,•!; si." .Majiir Aî- ■ !î‘ r ’Se Ai,«m'iated 1 !.i i.ir' .'nïi*;! .! w.'ii'niiij'ii of . * î'- ,1 nf •!■■■ ■ I «■-;Si>r< whîe!» ! '■ •' П I." % - ! v'ii* U» !!u!< ' - -, r y < Г-- ï.'-«{‘iy. ^ : •:iin P . w . s i'i;i>*ini:.N’T с.\гл. Big Junior Rafclly Saturday Night, RÆsay 7th, 7:30 P. M. I.O(’,M S WIN HII.Sf (Î.AMl .S'I’ATK Ш,Ч1.\‘ЛТ10?» t'ONTlIiO' IN The Infill liliib iirliih'I team wmi llii< llrst tfilMf i?» State Kliiiiii'iilioii ('miltil a En!«t Hi'tiil Wiby lit Saltili. Ii.v llii! smp of .1 !w Till.’ «niilii «11,4 a jiitfhefis betwi'i'ii N'col)' ii.f .1liwl»v.iil Nulln fur liaM llriiJ, Ihe fw№-*Tncr allowliik' fmir tthile lat­ ter alliiWdl llvi’, Lìlhiiftì ssMMEr«»rcd in thi' llrnt liiiiltiif iiH Awislii?«-“5a?^on*.'i hit, filili III I'll! fiiiirih i'S ^ n in g Neely .‘I'oti'il mi tlttiìltf> «■ -S. -rs*ile. Ea.'l Ili'iiil illil III’! .«/ifv- "8n ♦ 1 the lant innlhtf will'll thry tile sieoiv nfli'r l«i> Wfll A. C. Huncvcutt anj Oiherji to Talk Al! .Mcmbcr.4, Wlvc? ard Friends Are Invited Tho local .Iunior.-« will have the formal opening of their new hall on Saturclny evening, Jlsy the 7lh, htginninif at 7:U0 p. m. Al! members are urited to come t ot, brhiK your wife mil friends ' with >‘ou. and let all enjoy fl'good time toK»ither. Plenty of good nui.tie. :»ong», etc., to keep you "pepjKd up." Thcri? will a!.«o be lome good upeakorn pre.sent who will я1гс.чв the principals of the arder. In till« blliihta -wvcnt «»‘ito Ш <ili,iWMlrh hí8. and lirognim'ni.y. week if double. IIAVIHt'IIAIUIK Watch for i*., and be Kure that jjou arc on hand .Satur­ day nijiht. .May the 7th at Y:30 p. m. STATE-S CA^ÍüALAÑCE 11ИШ .March Ta.ii Cullectlnni« JUiuMt General b'untl Surplus I'!, ,И. Avcil, rri'iii'lilDR WM imular Ä "St C en-, terllii,iii.!M'«t'ltt. «#->s lE ^ n rd l- Kccnrd .4(41 (¡111) p. III. Wp liiivii nil fintili f« 1 «ч-яи. ¿ îîtiiig tlu4iiirwiw(fi>|i|(ilj»r«l r«< - ,;u Ï iwo' (if llii.('lraiiliiii..SV.vÍ.'i^ t- - - Î that I iJuloigh. April 25,--.Much tii.x: np ii! i.iim «II Hi! f,3H .the : collcctioii.s broke a ncord ti» boost job. î the .stall»'» guteral fund са.чЬ bal- Tli,. .4!i'«'i,i',l. »' (H s -«^njbrr to a now high level of $3,* tbU li llii- '.'ill ,v 'Í unrt- .17Г,.Г,П0.1 '.1, according lo tho-March (Г iiiti! imi‘.i (, I I . ' bave _ 5,t„ic„ieiit relenned today a (iwvii яооя (nr (it. i f г: ^ Jtiiirt- liv Stato Auilitor Unxttr Durhum criy iiiul Treasurer Hen Ьясу. . лл: \\Ь ‘П íliül .vcar. Patrons, hack tlii'iii Ult liy ‘ ' ' «.•< to ¡,re«.-m ¡r|v,M w.tv, i; ; yoir- -пчичт' Monday, Tiir.iif!iy ’■-■■■ *' cf •!« a.lilitfrtid iift, « nnd Wediurtdav. ' '•••-h w-i* drl\l*!i* «4vr¡,| baMi. S —--------------t - :<.5;i«ufaeturer< their I’LAV A TCANn 11и:и rtt’litwi, r.n .vr^ ,.Г -;н> . l Uiüy, nUU.IÎINC TONIIJUr . í íbi--« píi.a «Ul »reíbahbrl.'»*,. -----------^ .i.a.ri’a! SI-;. f..rw;trd Jíi ! яо Hont fa*’l to iittend the Сйия ■ = 4-.;И:о»“:| u«d iniiu»!ri.d Vä,|r<„ 1’igh school eomnieneenii’iil t«ils>' jwvgrrss of thin entiiv ,M4rti»!i. i,,,,.,,, and tonight. Toiliiy’ji prugrum >-»«.> *»•-• ч.••?:»» .It-eii t.leasure in mrtt. '■ ■ ftarts at I0::!0 ¡I. m„ and io«*l#!i* fc-Sî «»s’ the g. od lolkü of _ _ _of .song.4, recitati:.«., etc. At I I .vh. ar< inu-ust.d in .i.vh Unitcd Statcs X o Guard ТЬв ' • Y «ti, д.„. ; -П.. Л! Kmith. ■ ’ • > ■ .ь ; ч| New v>*!k î ;;' l'rj:¡--4‘* - • -niltbt lo l’rt- K ii *i . i.i'i Kihni.iro * ; b i ' ì ’ . ' ! ) ( l ì i f ! - i h e ' « 0 .1' i.'>i «u-,. i;u !ii(le;l a difi- ;ì i.S ì’tf nrf-.«id(llliid ean- . r ..ii'iìh ¡V Л of l'ìiln r was » d;\iil,;<'il. Л:к..| what ;i*.U!íoíumI ut the Simili ii'! niil.v m i - ,2S*»_» ctirn, ' till” Iii.-r .-^»г-ПЬ, replied: | hui II «le» iiitib ’и »v .- it al ■'î i:d|i I. i.í cu rse, to hid hlm ; Ick» l'Ubt щг liud.tl, ■ - ! -.щс to tht* city, I tuid hi.m Aii:i|/t‘H№il fJli*.n r«* äS « grown : .■ -hl aiiyîhing hl wair.ed lo pro- iixi'i|i| 011 liiiKem Isimä =v hi- illdn’“ emii-'ht »t и.” . thm ¡irc ln и 1шг 4 »8«e- valiiiii Ihiiii fiir v‘*!í4ísw 0|!(i iif Ihl’ ml ri'iriirilliii; ijiii !-• lu |i'V ,■ in “íSí- |д I II,-t: ¡h' liii ij, i ,, J . ei.Hiiii jiil'iiiii â- sr~ riit.’ili'ilH l¡r lì' ’ * J ! t’auctions for the numth ran At'HK to S.*,.(;2ii,'.t.'i7.22 which was thw ' bit!}!!'»! aniiHinl of ct Ul eash ihii ‘ fact.-i r;jt fiiHti nccmint evcr re- .jf thè : fnr a M-d.ny pisrlod.ThlH', On top of that thi! treasury had .To.Mind c::.4h overdraft of $1ИУ.7!:1.2П’ ;-r сюр ; t lîn, beginning of the month. , , , . „ * i mnkiitK a total of gnieral fund r.iii . митя! I’. , 4^ - .:i, the \ „unsey on hami $Ü.00(i.2l4,29. DI.4. e;,.,íN m шг;. «f «d 14 ■ bursenients for March wer« $1,- tiu.«lii'II' p i i'. - = far. ¡ Uaving the ea.sh bal­ ín r .iki» îlÆi i-Imi ,, orIf 1*!|. .vIiltN ¡cT!' iiHrr’.-. - « -.1 to 40 i j'i, liii«!i4MWii'tA<l>.n«'"'*i i.-i clo.-ie ì *r tu 111) ri'iiU l'ii K.Í - t - l. i'he •surpliis" «f $.1,475.» rrvi.fury otllcials «cNpcot thè vurphi.4 to drop lo around a mll- a. m., the annual addrcii* will Iw ^ гк лч-'.u-n'. t» a’.tunl the meet delivered by Mr, A. C. Ihineycuti. №4?. *»vJi.4-h will be i iined I’urmal- : of ..Mbemarle, who is the mvmr I ■ :¡iul to lend their liiu'hi-.-fl of the Mocksville linlerpriiie. nfort;; to all siieh mat- Don’t fail to hear him. Modal conli.4l at at 2 p. m, winding up with two plays’, "My Metliodist Foot," and "Mi.s.s Ti» sy Turvy,” which w'll li'eiii iinmt- Iv at 7 oVh;ck to.ii^'';t Ci'liür,;- day). TOWN CONvivXTlO.N AND KI.IXTKI.V :;-i n;:iy be iKe к ;;iry tii in- • '.h e p.”-!:t.î!!i*aî »■re..i!Í';:il¡i'li, чГ ; live, e!’.v'rt-'et!i-. eo.iiUy- A;-'rii-ti!ttir'i! As.^uiiatioii. Rights of Аш^гкапз Abroad •.N’i« Vmk, ApriU’-’i- Ar.»-: ;-® _________ ______ I'l llcy (|i‘\i)!ed III li:.- ¡.к,,- a 14»î i.Ti:V iWHUJt'KHS TO , ‘-I‘ ДгоеПсап | |!;;.н-< *-sî *&«• .MKIvT Al'h'll. TlíK 2.ч;ь f If__________ ; Iinul tonivhî iiV Pro:’u'-î n w ,- T finuity l'ouitrv vin iiu-et , ThuVsday ae X y v ili^ 'U Ul 7:;;(i oVIock, i <•*:,»! <.f l’nday !!!î>>it a..; pie-’ .^*’7! .................. ЧЧ..-. . 1......... Tai' lai ' . i-j »e;;!-’) an aniicublu .sutilement.’’ Л -.^'.li-.'.ait* wu;i givui by the r*î-i-si.lvat in 1‘.;л addie.ss which ■*v c*:> :» soil>( c»f culti- T'o ill- tvpi's ’t « ferti-i *»t nnly idiosph- The cniivent.ion of the IVna»^ =;;< eratic nualilied volirs will III! heU ü.-=iy :>n;;uiaued. Thi< change. ПК' lu’ori“ ti.ii ' 'i' aiti-il I'ri'.^’ . ì.;5; t a .-» cmisf llic yiiWii щ( sii si-r «f »»Ш, It к Иге liwiicrly. (‘<?в гг.х llfwlii llilliit'cn, Imi аач и;1 |i(i|;iiili, TliPiv liavi' Itaui hìi« i S ; c-mIs and l'.miilr.ih iif Mii.TÌmt =i- niade to il.'tfi'wlni' Ibi* valiH fertili;:- • M 141 iwii iiii.l dit К з«::: l>erinient .''•m!i«i,i iif V'ia'inì;i sa 3s=*«.l North Ciinillim liiivii imhl5.s"ie~^i rtsnits . »«■■■■'>■ ' " ¡ ; Ж Г - r.-.-ii airair.4. that whm'ver an .j.y,,,, lii Kouml. recom- eitizi*,-. goe.s "thè duti- iih'IiiWIhih an* a.s fs»IÌ4-.4fc2i*fc--is : Sandy - ot (u;i- Govèrnmeiu mu.st lol- яоШ, .'100 In 1)00 per acre love liim." Ho .saiii prr.tection of, of (i lO-M ftrllìjier; -« ila y soils court house Satuiilay, r». v-t.-'.-aiy a.-^ ‘ , ,, ...iratia,. |be iv;..;:.^ ’¡’-'■•i "“ .‘r : niveisaò- of Ih.! -\raerii';;n iive.s ;md piopcrty con* jìtitiìtcd tlie main prohleins of the ami bulloni liliali. Sòtìfc to 400 ■))ouiiils of 11 10.14 f«TS H Ш ìzer. On L'niUil State.4 Governmeiit in both the rlt'licr liultuni lì»s#«ia.js and on ! liiwla tbiit bave haiì s ^ ’o o d cover usually iTops lunicil lumler. lit.« ;.nd a half dollar.n by the end i»f tile current ll.scnl y»ar, which v.'iit be also the end of tho fi^t bl>|;i!iu)ni of the McLuan ntimln- If.Sfr: ifon. on Juno ao. April, Jlay and June will bring heavy menta while tax collec* ta’» ns for the thrfe montha will likfly sh(»w a decline. Thu si.ite spent $1,741,966.14 on hi.ij-hway cojistruelion and other rermar.ent impfovemonl.ii during Mi-rch, accordlKg to the state- snont. The amonn: bring.s the total of f.xpenditiiriis for these nurprsts for the fiícal year-to ■?:J5.y.">2,U7S.45, the greater part of it sioir.g, of cour.se. for road building. The special fund ^has received during the fiscal year, from bond sales and long term loan.s, tho amount of $43,575,- 7(i0.i:i, leaving a balance in the .•«pecjal account of $7,C22,781.(>8. t o w n "WELL DÍSCO.N’TINUED trustee.4 for Ihn Moi'k.'^vilb' di.stn’ct. The decliim will 1« du^.y held in the coiirilimi.w, the regular voting place, oa Tiie.silay, ]\Iay ;jrd^;: D.\VIE COURT ^ ,L CO.WE.N’E II1ÍRE .MONDAY, MAY 2.1 iK>t hi ard from' . . „ th.- il'M m eiiL whU h was ! ^ ia.-;t Week, but we ar • e.x ¡t-i.tii’g .‘•I .i.">v.er wiihiii uH- ,nexx f.-w ilav.s'. ’ '“■'I'"'« !-'rou-i«i; cm i.i iiu-• lion’.s oil and liiii’J law; and W e feel that the Pub’.ie .should <2 id pho.s- )»e informed that the Slate Ecard too plinti'b iirotoWy all r S ’^ a . t will be uf Health has recommended thr- ful i'ui|iilreil, i ough their engineer that we di* ho " ад, a.s ihat nf ll¡.,‘ .''i-ni;':? fv;r arlntnition, which Мр<к-е yf ’ lii’.siiiite lii'OH'iai; cui irf iia.- V;c(). KVA.vs. Cour.tv .Agiiit, I “"<1 V/. p. YOL’.N'G. Agr. Tc.'iciier. ¡"«¡саЫе ailjuiirasm o f ----------^ - — i thi.s situatiua oa the basis of a NOriCE The following jurors have ----------------- been drawn for the May term of -A car will he around on Thurs- court which convenes here on day afternoon and every ono who Monday, May 2:5rd with Judge can give any clothing to the .-Vs- Я 00Г0 on the hench: .sociated Charities for flood .suf- N. K. Stanly, W. 11. Stoiie.streft, ¡ ferers, piea.se havo bundle ready C. W. Lowery, L. M, Tutterow, A. D. Ratledge, J. B. Cain, Sum M. Dwiggins, R. L. Wilson, G. E. Gibson, H. M. Harris, A. E. Tatum, E, F. Eaton, II. P. Cor- hatzor, Walter M. Shull, Coleman Foster, 0. R. Allen, h, A. Clouse, T. F. Koontz. Never Thought of Twelve “1 say. Tailor, my bill should be thirteen 'dollars, and you've made it fourteen." ‘‘Well, 1 tlioiiglil you III.’.:!; .superstitious, sir!" on front porch. .AIRS. KENNEN, Pres. .VOTICE — CORRESPONDENTS We would like to ask our cor­ respondents to mail their letters in time to reach us not inter than Tuesday evening’s mail. We re­ ceived several letters fast week after the paper had boon maileii for several hour.s. Wo value your letters very highly and regret lo tinve to hold them over but wo b-forced to do it tiitlenH we re­ ceive same 'I'ui-sdny. --ïiidci. “That has hcon so long our c;',t:;b!iahcd policy that, it i.s i-iîthiT diificult to conceive it as- i.amiüg a truculent and arrogant atiiiiiule.’’ Takinu coiîiiii'anco of conten- tiun.4 in .4ome quarter.s that Ame- ruL-cut confcreaee lie iiail '»vîîii ; rica wa-ч imperialistic Mr. Cool- Com i.i ii heavy fee 5* of nitro-* continue the use of the ntutiicipal "Ul, Till) ahiivc aps;?£=^-=itions are ; Well which was compieteli some- I’l'i'omMi'iiilul ill be -2. i f d before ! tim e ago, due to co|itciuination tlio I'lii'ii i.< iihmted. ^ fte r the i of the supply 01 water, corn (tlwdt knirj"=- high, an The well was found last week aiiplii'iilinn (f from ^ ^ 0 0 to 200 to be drawing the supply from |iiiiitiil.s of .sulphate ammonia nearby .small streams which arc nnillrateof smia g c ii«e -i* aliy gis'cs 1 located in the populatjed area of the Me.\icaii anibuisailur. lili revcaleil that Afflteísí-.doí' Tellez recently bruuglit w o rti from Me.xico City that Ameriean property winihl not be coiifiseat— cil iiy the Mexlean Government- “I am glail |u rB))oi1,’’ Mr. C o o l- irtgc said, "that the Mexican Ana.- bassador Iki.h reci'lilly i|eekre«i t:o me that she ito not intend tro coiifi,scate our property, thai s l i e ha,s shown diligence ia capturings C property of our citizens under nnd punishiiiir those ivjjo h a v e ; a general reign of law in these murdered our citizens, and esc- , countries thaf are near at hniid pressed the wish, which we s o and where w e have large and pe- thoi'oughly entertain, of k e e p in g cuiiar interests." « cordial ami friendly relations. The President said that the re- "With a alrnii),'sentiment of th -is . volutionary forces of Nicaragua nature, which, I am convinced “appear to have received arms and animates the peoplB of both c o n n - ammunition from some source in tries, it will surely be p o ssib le 3Ie.\ico," 0 0 to 200 ammonia ï*aliy gis'cs pi'ofilUilc return.s. applica- n the poor- ïn t amount idge disclaimed any program of j linn is vtry nece.wary _ military aggrandizement. He con-|er,sniln ivhcre a suftitrSl sidcped jt la “curious circuni- stancc" that those who advocated this country taking mandates ov­ er “far-off countries in Asia" wore "most critical when we are attempting to encourage the main­ tenance of order, the continuity of duly established government, and the protection of lives and of oririinli; nialler is The iSaiitli needs pvwii wi its farms*- very lino crop to grc iiii! pui'pose.s, l^arge nlilc crops can be tr use of fertili = o t present. з т о г е feed Corn is a e v for feed- and profit- vvn by the rs. I'llOnUCE M L A JR K E T Corrected weekly b y Martin Uros, Prices subj& e= i: to change. Wlieiit.....................ЗГЗЕ—3 5 to ?1.40 Corn............................. -...................C5c YouiiK chickens (соЖ '0 1 -ed) lb »7c llocsters lb,................. - .....................10c Old fiiiineiis each ...................................:i5e IW liillmv (rende-acr-ed) lb.... 5c -....................25cI llceswiix lb..............- the town an it is the opinion of the Board bf Health engineer that the water cannot be made, saf(i for domestic use. Fretiucnt chemiciil analysis of .^ all municipal water supplies is V maintained by the State Board of Health, and our local supply has never shown any marked degree, of contamination until the last report, which did show that the ' water was polluted. However, ^ there is no cause for alarm from ; the use of, our present supply since the well mentioned htia:’not;, 'pumped into the system for more 1 than it weeki and all rie’cjessary; steps have been taken to hiake the other" supph’es safe;;; and all watb,. in reserve has'be^n.^ thor­ oughly chlorinated. ' ' > A. A. HOLLpiAlsr, M«yor,-,)1 -f f-J f \ ■ « b i P«>fc 2 THE ArOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE Song and Commeni-f ■' » Ч I.» ■! If.-if , - - - - — :—(*лУ ■Arch Huncycutt) FiHhinj'Timu If Joni'h eou’d be jivhiir now, , ' And (toiiiK: in arnl oiit,’ ]fe’d rejiiHt:!' a Kolomn voav, ] haven’t any doubt, Tp .^traiyhuviiy ciill that fish tale in. ' ^ And r/ovur tell anothoi.’ And stion you'd нее Jlc'd claim to be : Old “Hoiiist Abo’a” lialf brother. Poor Ananias wouldn’t stand No showing in thu test— Ho’d waivt all claini to house and land" ; And bd a poor-liouse ti'iest, Or maybe in the fight To bring high prices down, And soon you’d see , He’d claim to be , ^ Tho straighteat mnn in toлvn'. * Ш у - ‘ á f i- SILVA N-DREW MOTORIZED CIRCUS , Invariably ¡Muddy, and bed ragged, at the closing of the day, tired as cren- tion, but you hear him sweetly .'say, “Cotch the li’l minnow, but the big one got away.”. with He Not Deceived Don’t deceive yourself dreaming, ■ -¡_ ;Lil'e is not n sing-bird’s (light, Hut a never'Çnding struggle Towards, the mountain’s airy height , ; ; . Eut^’tia just as cheap to whistle In n cheery, merry, key . A.S it ¡8 to go himenting The calamities to be. , G oodwill The merry splash of April rain, The drip of May-time dew, . A breath of Juno from fields of grain. Where skies are clearest blue, l’d‘weave into a glud refrain Of life iind love, for you. I Still Complain Seaaon.4 of rest-, Seasons of w’ork— One ЛУО nbu.40 Tht! other wo, .shirk Murmur and sigh, ' Jloan and complain Grieving alike For’ sunshine or rain. f: Where? YcHtcrday, fa.ir yesterday, When life was lilco A breeze of May— AkIow with hope, With life agleam, The future but A guilded dream, ■'Oh yesterday, Fair yesterday, y&ur dream and gleam, Say where aro they? Yesterday, false ye.sterday. Your dreams have gone But whither—way? With bud and bloom With glint and gleam, With unng of bird And g‘>i<lcn beam. Oh yesterday, False yesterday Gone with the yearn But whither-wayV Big Fluot of GliUoring Splendiii to L.xhibit here Monday, Jfay 2nd. Ita coming is a guarcnlee thut^ something ;,^new is in store for you. Varie’d collections of mar^^ vc'ioa.sIy educi’lrd and trained Hori:es, Ponie;;, Dt'jrs and Goats. There are i*o many thrilling featured, so much to interest tind i;l(;asc*, it has surpa.s.sed all Silvan- Drcv.-'s ])r(.‘Vious ud'orts, A wonderful f'.])oetacle where you V ;fulwomen, singers I'.eiiclod . by Mr.s. Billie Hopkins. A performance of so many thrill­ ing ¡‘eatures, by .‘ibme of the best ip tlieir particular line. A street parade at noon headed by joyful music, wWh: a- herd of Clowns, Cyclone Bucking Mule bringing up the r&ur will bring sunshine into all amusement loving people. /A big event for all children. ' Mr. Giark, the adverlising man- ager of this institution says thia is one, of the cleanest shows to be found lanywheru. Don’t fail to see this one 1 work, and his ability to get his name before the public, is strik­ ing. I.iut coming kack to what is greatness. The Winston-Salem Journal makes mention of cer­ tain answers to tho cjiiestiou as to who is 'the world’s greatest man, inade by California school children. |Tero are some of the l)orsons whose names were ^ivcn as the world’s greatest! Sherlock Holmes, Andrew Jack.son, Cliarlie^ Chaplin, Mohainnu'd, Buffalo Bill,! Benito Mussolini, Koaold Amund­ sen and Calvin. Cpolidge, Sloses Thurstlny, April 28, 1П2Т Nicaial Lenin, Louisa !M, Alcott, Carol, and Galileo. Other an­ swers were; ' ‘‘Rockefeller—Leader in oil sta­ tions.” V, "Woodrow Wilson—signed the contract for the World War.” "Lincoln—Because he was sim­ ple.” ■ . “ Cooiidge—Sees that the peo­ ple do right by prohibition.” ‘Metïerson — Leader of free love.” “Giilileo—Blade his pupils in­ vent the tlieniometer.” It is very clear from the above answers that tieople, and certain­ ly ciilldren, regard those greatest u’ho/n they admire niosl, and tliat, iis a rule, will be found the case with moat grown-ups. Several montiis ago we aslted for all who cared'to do so to name a list of persons whom' they would like best to have dine with them New Years Day. The many answers, when carefully studied, convinced us that most people regard those greatest wiioni they most admire. , •The various names given, forced one to that conclu­ sion. , For Ir.stance, one little girl about ten years old,, wrote us that sho would like best to have',for dlnnei'.New Years 15ay, Лени.ч, Woodi'ov/ 'Wilson, Charllp Chap- lla, Jackie Googaii, and Jack Dempsey. That littlo girl was doubtless entlrel,y' ' sincere, J'or these wero t)'o ones sho most ad­ mired. And so it is with most of us when we come to consider greatness, Wc usually 'regard those greatest whom we admire most. SALE OF REAL ESTATE! Br’er .Iones Say.s- I pull de .saw acrost de wood, An’ dah-by hangs a tale— I git de apiietlte what’s good An’ sho’ ter never fail. .! Likewi.se hit keeijs my wdrkiri’ gear Fi’om growin’ v/eak an’ stale, An’ keeps me fit, de blessocj year, Fer hikin’ ’long life’s trail. W I'o’ks what .spend do u.seful iimc A countin’ up lIl'e’H ills, Likewise a barterin’ de dime Fei' bittur truck an’ jiills, Mout spend a few of shiney clim­ es Tor git a bi’an-new saw, De State sho’ would have bettor times Likewise less ii«e fer law, 'I’om Tiu'heol says one neighbor sold his corn for 75 cents per bushel and tlie otliei’ sold his for .‘i)2.00 per busliel fhrough his pigs. Under'and by virtue of the au­ thority contained in a certain mortgagG deed executed on the 19th .day of August,' 1925 by Lnmiih M. Eaton which mortgage deect is duly registered in the of­ fice of Register of deeds of Davie County, North Carolina, in Book of mortgages No. 22. piigo 51 to Charles S. Baton, jind which said note and mortgagoideed have been duly assigned aiid transfored by Charles S. Eaton to George W. McClamroch and the assignment of the mortgago dcjed 'is duly re­ corded in book........ page........ in office of register of deeds for Dnvie County, N. G.,' default hav­ ing been made in the payment of the note secured by the mort­ gage deed, tho undersigned as­ signee of the said mortgage deed as aforesaid, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door of Dnvie County, North Carolina, in Mocksvillo, North Carolina, on May I4th, being Saturday, nt 12 o’clock M„ the following real es­ tate: Situate in Clarksville Town- shij), Davio County, and doscribed as follows: 1st -tract, beginning at clpgwoodi or stone, in A. W. Eaton’s line, thonce N; 2G:70 chs to black oak: (now stone in R. L. Hpdgson’s line) thonce N. 87Y j degs. W. 14 chs to rock in N. B. ^Eaton’s line, thence S, 40 degs. W 3:G9 chs. to slippery elm on West side of old meadow, thence N, 85Mi degs, W, 2:!57 chs. to chestnut (now stone), thence S. (il-i degs, West 6:C!J chs to stone, thence S. u4Vi’ degs, E.,5:41 chs to stone in greasy branch under the old^ow briclge, thence to fol­ low grea.sy branch to rock at mouth of old school house branch, thence with said branch to stone near mouth of A, W. Eatons spring branch, thence S. 4:83 chs to stone in A, W, Eaton’s line, thence E, 19:79 chs to the be­ ginning, containing 55'acres more or le.ss. For further de.scrlption .see deed book 19, page 489, oflice register of deeds Davie County, North Carolina. 2nd tract: Adjoining above | trjict and bounded, on tho West by the lands of above tract, bounded on the North Ijy the lands of Eufu.? Hodgson,.bounded on the East by tho lands of Nancy Carter heirs, and bounded on tho South by Iho lands of A. W. Eaton containing .'5 acres more or less. This the 0th day of April, 1927. GEOBGE \V. McCLAl^rROCH, | Assignee of C. S. Eaton Mortgagee JACOB STEWART, Atty. 4 14 5t. -o- THOSE WE ADMIRE ARE (;r e a t. TIRE.S A T WHOLESALE Save the MIddloman’s Profit on Guftranteed Tires liOxiiM- Cords...................................?5,7i5 30.\:iyo Cooper. Cords .........$7.00 JiOxiiMi Cooper OS Cords.........$8.00 29x4,40 Balloon Cords ............$7.00 29x4,40 Coo|)or Balloons ......$9.60 ROBERTS HAHDWAUE COMPANY ]''oui' Stores In Winston-Salom , ----------------------------- « Л- if 'X- * -K- a- * » DIL К P. ANBI3H.S0N * Dentist; * * Ofllce in Anderson Building * Phones: Ofllce 50: Res. 37 * * Mocksville, N. C. "* The Stanly News-Herald: It is strange how many people, and- esijoclally children, consider greatness, 'I'Jie Winston-Salem Journal declares that one of the necessary (lualifications of great­ ness seems to lie to have an,able and active press agent. And that is true to a ^roat extent. F o r in this (lay of rush and hui’- ly, one may really bo groat, and do groat things, and yet be almost unheal’d of, unless the press heralds accounts of his doings to the four corners of the earth. Some personalities are their own ])i'oss agents. Thoy have a gen­ ius foi’ publicity, and this many times without apparently making liny effort in that direction. Take flenry Ford, for instance. He just seems to bo able to keep Homcithing going all the timo which calls for tho use of his niuno on tlie front pages under glaring headlines. Theodore lloosovelt, William Jennings Bry­ an and others were the same wa,v. B illy Sunday Is a great believer in the press as an ally to his SANFOR Started oiir company , with one object in viewj to serve the public by offering good merchandise at a fair price which is commonly called a ■ . . Let This being our sixtieth anniversary wewkh to express ovir appreciation of the business given iis by the good people ,/' ■ of Davie'and'adjoimog counties. 'What success v/e have bad all these years is due to the loyalty of.oor friends' , which loyalty we appreciate., We. ask .for your contmued patronage and we pledge oor best service. H:i3B:in:i»:i!»!iiia'icisiiwi!».!! ra;>ri3iii!a:ii№ :i:a :!in iFia !!:mji:3g i::oi ;i!B m m m:;:a ;m i;:s£: iin "'Oi liisa.iiiia ii:b';!;3I ¡i:B dm ;i;u cih We Can Take Care Of Your Wants In Most Any Line ■ O'iir Furniture Department carrijes a good line of Bedroom, Dining . room and Living room Furniture, Stoves, Chairs, iiug's, Talidng Machines, Pianos, Etc. Our Hardware, and imple­ ment Department >vili take care your wants whether Farm­ er or Builder. Sherwin-Williams Paints, need no introduction. O U R G R O C R Y D E P T . Is filled with staple and fancy Groceries. We feature the nationally known Fern- dell and Prattlow-s lines. Our prices are right. Cash or Credit. Our Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoe Department consists of quality merchandise at rea­ sonable prices. Trade at home and save the difference. We want your business. Star Brand Shoes Are Better. SANFORD-SERVICE SATISFACTION SIXTY YEARS J, SANKORH SONS COMPANY, ¡MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Pngc 3 «TliurHtiayj -.......------------— • — i---------—-,------------------------------ Held Up And Robbed Upon A Dark ' -- - 4VTi‘ Ï . ,r V'. 1 reiaie some ___ i'he enjoyment of the crowd. We wore live in number so I suppo.ie the word crowd is the correct •noun. . I recall that there hap- Iiened to be one fellow of our i wiin ----------------- number whom the rest of us sus- my money. . , i pected as believing in ghosts, siib- It was several years ago in the sequently many ghost yarns wei'u early spring; when in company benefit. These ghost .............friends 1 had tales had the proper psychological■ . - . .1 .....before or sincc n.uv« * ------ horribly frightened as on that memorable night when out of the ,impenetrable gloo.m two guns wero thrust against my skin and 1 was commanded to 'hand over my money early spi'ingi wuc,. ... „ I loui tor nis оепиш,. ___ with a. numhei- ot Iriends 1 had ^ tale.s had the proper psychological jrone on a fishing trip. We had ¡ edect for along about .ten o’clock• ...... '-.I «b.mnmljioiie on a nsniiiB uni/. ... ___ chosen the Yadkin River near the old Lowder Ferry and had spent the day without any luck. Late ’’ ’— ’ ’•■«VinHijrl mv ofl'oct for along IIU U U I- .I.4 I __________ the suspected one had slumped Into a corner and refused to take any further part in the conver- ' ........... nil ('.auirhthe day without any .uc.. .......... that afternoon I had phoned my | sution. 1 suppo.^e we all caught t'krk with orders to the cdtct to ; the same germ for as well as I.....— .n„„ ,4„nnt'Icrk Wltn OniUIH lU „..v; ........ . meet me and my party of friends lit Lov.’elerls Furry immediately lifter closing time with rations and cooking utensils, 1 bcln« en- j.fageil in a small mercantile busl- ni'BS at t'he time. Our Ilians wore to remain on tlie banks of tho river during the iiij'ht for a further test of our niD'ling abilities. About dusk a , .slow dri/.alo of cold rain com-1 nienced and a heavy fog enveloped the river valley. The watsrs. of llie Yadkin, were slightly above normal and the river was rising. We Vt-ero all in high hopes, ex­ pecting to hook many cats that night.My clerk was not expected to i.iiive until a couple of hours after daf^k so we had takon [los- sps.«ion .of an old deserted and dilapidated house which stood al­ most in the edge of tho river. — . ijuiiii lu. ----- remember the conversation soon coased and shortly each of us crouched in a coiner heavy with sleep 1 recsil distinctly of having thrown on a raft of weed so that the lire crackled and burned brightly.The rain contiiuied to pour and the surrounding irloom was one dark opaque blanket not to be 1,’enotrated even an inch by the natural eye. Along toward mul- nii’'!)t 1 was aroused v.’ith i\ shlv- orlng of cold anti replendlshed the fire with abundant fuel. I remember thinking how much like specters the other members of the parly resembled sleeping in distorted postion.'i, but .soon fell asleep.The next thing I recall was that of being sudilenly av.’akened by a fusillade of bulletf. tearing throu.nh ths roof of tho shack 1 u p -«.aiw ____________">• У«» be riddled.”A ; . I stepped forth upon trembling And Rainy Night By Highwaymen „ i.! ----------^------------- mand to explain myself or die the 1 death of a coward, and 1 miulc speech. Incoherent sputtering it ceoded ln freezing our very hearts was, but nevertheless speech of a kill'd. ■ "Who aro your friends? or do you have any?” “I-l-er-I don’t have any sir.” "Don’t you dare SIR us!”.yell­ ed one of the highwaymen. "You got any friends we can send your body to or you want it thrown into the river?” The muzzles of two cold guns were then punched into my belly and I closed my eyes expecting , every moment to go to join Abra­ ham, 1.чаас, and Jacob. ‘‘Don’t shoot yet,” shouted one of the robberf^,” let’s take his money first.” "That’s right; fork over your money, how much .vou got?” ‘‘Don’t give U)) your money, Mac!” yelled one of my com- lianlons and then boom, booml in the speaker's direction. "You open your trap again and you’ll die tho death of a hound!” shouted several of tho hlghwiiy- incii in choiiiH. The poor fellow who )iad spoken fell In a heap on the gi-oiiiul gi<i;aning and praying, shot to ileath, I thought. Iron like hands with a grip of steel jostled rne roughly and quickly went through my clothes. 1 felt my pocket give way as my sl.4'ty-nve (lollars in cash that be­ longed to tho business was wre.st- od from me. 5 was shoved buck and told to sit down and move a peg and oil’ would go my head. I sat very .still shaking and tremb­ ling with a death'gripped fright. "Псу .vou, .standing over there, come out!” .Лп(1 thii.s another of on:' number walked forth to give up his money and probably hia life. ^"Who Is your father?” yelled Ihp rflbliers,"[ don't know—I—1—I—ain’t never, had one that I knov,' about," nuunlilod this young gentleman. I'or thin declaration he was abns- tininvii” fiii'i iold to hold his | hands high. Thoy ravaged him! ,i„r. ' of hi.s watch, money, and several' A ccimmand to walk out and . '-'¿Iier snuui Пе1опк1пк* and kicked ■ '• .......,,.ь,ла ui)/.. I him back into the гапц'о of fire- liliht.Another of our party,v,’as trot­ ted out and commanded to give up his money anil v/hen lie ansv,’- cved;:"!—f--i—ain't !-;ot a cfiil,' plense sir!”"Shoot him down then, shoot him!'' hoarsely shouted the high­ waymen, In a Hash three miiis were punched into the poor fel­ low and -he was asked if he had any message he desired to leave j l'or hi.s friends. From tho flicker I of firelight shining on his face, j 1 detectetl from where I sat that ho' turned a deadly white; the wiiite of a catfish’s belly, and his lips started quivering.“Gimme a few minutes to pray, ])luase,” he begged pltiously. Mo was lold to go to it and ho did, I have never hoard 'such an ar­ dent, heurt-vouding prayer offeral in all my life a.s that young fol­ low oiTerod. 1 don’t remember U n d e r lin e e a c h w o r d , . N a t u r a l t o b a c c o t a s t e — l o t each word means a lot to a Chesterfield smoker (lilapiuaied iiuu,-.v; ..inost in the edge of Ilio rivor. throu.'ili ths ront ol; ine hhhcu Notwithstanding tho shack was nini the «meli of ¡?un-powder. Wo ’.......11 man was said to woro all stin'.lled Into jumpini': to' ' - • • •...... . . . i l . l l v . i h n u t WOÏWUllMl-liii.iilift —haunted ajid a man wa..^ said to j wero ail st;ii'.tlC(i imo ,iumi<...-, have boon murdered there a long . our feet and staring wildly about lime ago, wo kindled a big lire and ц.ч, attemptini.' to |ienelrato t'ie made ncvvy. pitchy .vioom. A i'ov.’ more shots By and by my man arrvied with ; v-'hi у tied Mirmigh the house and .!he grub nnd cooking utensil,s iii i blood cui'dling yells rent tho night l^'ord f'oupo. ■ 'Pile first words j .Gendin); deiuliv cold sliivei s up T remombor having asked upon oiir snincs. 'I’ruly iho house was 'his arrival was if he had fslchod j íturrounded v/ltli murderous rob- any sort of guti. Ho ans\vorotl bors and certain death was Im- thid: ho hÿd not and so we wero i pending, wllhont any kind of .shooting Iron ; ' A communu ч.. ....... .. - amongst us. 'I’hls failed to both- ' f-'--'' "ч account of our.selves sue I )■ us for we gave it little thouirht cooded.in (ho cooking and feasting that “Who's the leader of this followed. gang?” was yelled from out tho Now, this old liouse which wo . gkinm.^'.■eп! in was a funny building. V'/o all «food silent like a liuiic’i Various caniners in limo pa.st had oi' IocoíhI fords , expecting to torn away the woatlior lioardin.ir. fall in a heap r.u ¡.tie wet, ground i>r outer walls wrom fie frame Oi with a bullet through our h;'.n't. the structure for firewood, so that Finnally eno of the jiarty groan- iinl" '’in roof remained. In otl?''>. od;woi';!s tho defunct house was only ‘'l\t::-Mm-Sfc.‘'iwaln—^hero.” a roof on four po'sis. Step out MeSwain, you big bul" When we had finisheil with sup- Iv: wh.-it you doing here at this per the drÍ7.7.le had incroa'-^d to t.bno of night? Como clonr, no .v .d i ,’,’P I ' 'b^iiiral aroma, »atnretl sv/eetnc.ss, natural Qood taste but no "clolling-up” —not by any flieans! JVrt///- ral tobacco taste is v///that it implies in natural good­ ness and character. ' . M Шф!'' ¿ / jé / r e M í L D Liggett & Mvcns Топлссо Co._I А-ШЛЦЦ*. * ж.--------- sure enough there were the head- , Ю«т«1Ш'Ш'Ш1Ш*||еа(11Я|||И1И.ШШ1'1И(|1ИГ1а 1Ш ''т1Ш111И111Ш'1ШМ'111Ш1Ш1111И » IllUc u„ |p . .| M a t^ a ^ a s o lin e s a ls s m a B c la im s a s h is iîr a a î m e a t A a t b is f S pi*© £ÌM ctls a s g o o d ‘‘STANDARD’^ GASOLINE [Made In Norfh Carolina. the road.' •■Oouiiog back to k ill; us for certain this time,” groaned one ¡ Г ‘% ^ ? о Г Л о « Ч ‘'^mmnbcr! / Y - n'nothm., “but his words, except that ho men-! ^ ^^oing t:o g ^ tloned something concerning his ^ ¡ "'w h e n he was Ihrous'h praying feeding the .samb wa.v m.vself.. i| i i . r u i e ; ^ i d = 2 «Дь^агаГ W , ^ ^ ' and commanded him to get hack ^ speaking distance to n ie n r e a m l M d h ls lip , He , ^ m i ..^hcr 'vo^munbcrs of our Ш р Ь о т for the Sherid' call- partv were trotted out and rav-: "1 on't get exci ed boy.s, aged of their valuables in like' Ч-ч^^апк, blank, and me. ; manner. Then the hi;.4nvaymen I . ihose were the sweot,ost sound- proceeded to ,.;ive us a'horrible <ng words that 1 hope .Lwill ever •ussing and asked why and whore !>':;‘г ./ And lo, wlnm hey were we had .stolen the Ford c o u p e .' '« ;l>in our muist . the three new ■ We'answered that we were all iellows were holding the same poor men and that we'had never, wifn. which we ha< -been stolen anrthlng in our liv e s ,, n o t , \\b«n; we divined tho even the Ford' coupe. ' | «‘tuation w« f ung our hat.s Nevertheless, they marched to '•bf iP'ound and challenged the automobile and as luck would to fight it out like men. bu have it wc had loft the .switch ,'kev in it.s socket, so they crowded «”^1 buighec and laughed. '■ <........ through “ bogus holdup and tho ]3ц|. men were not highv/aymen at all. '■M.-... (hwo of' .our frlend.4 .... 'ous ruse upon us which they called a "good joke.'' We got our money aiid valuables back. . As a closing word I would not advise any youngsters or set of young fellows hor old ones eith­ er to try this scheme. Its too dangerous! You might get kill­ ed. For I am confident and fully po^'suaded hud any of our party pojisessed a gun that night there would have been a funeral the ne:j:t day.—Finis— 'key in its socket, so they crowuuu into it and drove away through the daiknos.'i of tho night, But nt;, ^ ..v.. before leaving they admonished ^ three of .our Us not to move a. peg at t'he peril "''ho had played a lúdicro of our lives, ■" I ”15011 us wliieh^ they c I am confUlent that, we remain- ed without even speaking for at least two „solid hours. Then one of the party suggested that wo were in a hell of a fix. We all agreed that we were, but wero thankful that we had been spared our lives.So one of our number'finally agreed to sneak away to a farm house to phono for tho Sheriff, He went alone while the rest of ua waited in dumb silence. He had only beon gone for about fif­ teen minutes when wo 'heard tho Ford coupe coming back again., We peered into the darkness and ' 13 IÎJ Ш a É’ommercial hatching, of eggs in iEitirko county ia standardizing the'^ flocks of' poultry ñ £p- I 1 I Й .w I»'è.-A Щ i 1 1Ш G o o d y e a r T i r e s We u.Sicd to sell anolher line of TIRES, And we believe (hey were gmid ones. Rut we were asked many times,‘‘Do you think fhat Tire is as good as the Good- у yeiir?” ,' .So we figured if our cualoiners made Goodyiear their stundard of value—why try to sail them any / other kind.And for that ireason, we are now selling Goodyears exclusively. . i g MOCKSVILLE, N. C. '•Д' .......... • ■ í . .'Я.'.:! Sanford Motor Co. \ " ■'ъ'/ ¿ '.f A' ' f' О ';« THE MOCKSVILLE ENi'ßUPKISE íif ill -MÖCKSViLLE ENTERPRISE Published Every Thury^luy ul Aiocksvlile, North Carolini',, ' A .^ . HUNEYCUTT PublishV.r. • J. F. LEACFI Managhig Edjtor. . Sutiscripiton Rates: a Year; Sis Months 50 Ceiitf. Strictly in Advance. Everybody,. except tlieso hard boiled politicianR, love lo read Davie County’s Ncwspntier. But the poHticians say \vu aro too hard, Ha,, what do you. think of that? Explorers r: ;')ort more monkeys thUin nien in I'lb;!. But why so !iU the way to Tib^i? Try any Kpeak-casy first. Ferry, but that to reopen tho mat- tci' of site now n\ijrlit result in serious, dehiy. i\Ir. Walser arifu- od that the bi'idgc at Fulton would Thuraday, April 28, Jaa/ ОЛК GROVE NEWS Rev. E. M. Avett [illed hi.n ap­ pointment' here Sundny at 11 o'- , . . clock. Ue (¡roachcd a iiood .sor- serve populous comnuinities on, to a larfic crowd. both sides of the river that would ¡v^-, and Mrs.'Sam Turntiiip of be in a measure isolated il the gouth Carolina and i\Ir, and Mrs. cio.ssinK were moved doU’n the Entered at l-Tie post office, at Mock.4ville, N. C., ias second-clasH mutter under the act of Marci' 0,1879. Mock.'Jville. 'N. C., Aprih 28, 1927 Two; youpg men wore arrested in \Vake couhtjv last week on a ' charge of' having burned, a dwel- lingi and broken .window panes oui; of two school ,ho^3e.s. This brirtga to mind.thi’. fact that hero in Davie it is ii'lmost impossible to save a vacant \dwelling from window i|nd door smasher.s. Own­ ers of vacant homes have possib­ ly noticed this., Why one would go to a vacant dwelling and de- libei’ately jsmash' window panes and breiik ' down doors is more than .we-can understand. The thi,hg .which ought*'to happen is a repetition of what happened in Wake whenJ^the two young men ■ broke just ayfew. too many win­ dow panes^^^^”' ■ ; Ro^rrj;'Batì|^ji, national bus'i- ; ncfls ;.'6x|i^^5s''‘iauoted as having • receiiiÊJj^^mr'that, "Prohibition ,gave Airi'erica wage earners new slnnding.” And ho points with hopeito tho fact tkat such a large per cent, of the nation’s wage earners are building and pur- • chasing homes. That ia u good indication. In the past there has been.'consider- able talk about thi.s being a coun­ try of nou-home owners, and ev- , ery olio knows thnt a nation, or a sta'lo, whose people live in Jiom- es'other,;,than in, their o'vn, has not /the chance, of making the ■ progress and being as substantial as those countries whoso inhabi­ tants arò "Ued to the soil.” , . We'had thought of i't here in . Davie county. Our per cent of home owners is possibly greater than'that of most of the other counties'in the state, and may that not. in a largo, nicatjure ac­ count for our fine, progre.ssive and rapidly growing county. Here in Mocksville more and more peo­ ple purchase homes, or build homes every year that passes. The good work of home owning has been greatly stimulated and en­ couraged by our live building and ioan association's. Let stiir more of our people de­ cide to own their, own homes. Let us all get "tied to the ^soil.” It ' will make us better citizens. There aj'o, perhap.s, ,.fcw men who have the opportunity of "in- s>'r ’ literature which tlitir wife; reads. Perhi.p.s they , . ■ .................- -John Shaw of Winston, .spent Sun- . . .................................d;:;> with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Turn-CnmmiSHionov KallGdj?o, of tine yance, and A. Turner Grant, eoun-1 ¡^iV. sa„|-„,.(i N¡,¡1 t.v attorne.v. 'pru.'fonted the cause „('tornoon with Mr. OT i;ho protoatanta on behali oi Davie county. Poter llairstim, ‘ J.jnnje.H cf , _____ Mr. and Mrs. William’call it ah honor to do this, but ! argued on bohall „f ¡;eiy,e) jmd Mr, and Wo are attempted to call it ignor- the Oakes Fi-rry site already, i.onnie Whitaker ol' Smith ance. ^bosen by the Stato Highway, orovo spent Sunday at Mr, W, Commission. . IC. Wellmans. jNIrs. H. H, Boger and childronHenry Ford sold groceries at-! l-'argo delegations wore present cost in hi.s Dearborn stores last Mocksville Jfor year and made $‘100,000—which is U'unny, if you know what we moan. A seat on Wall Street’s Stock ExchMige at $190,000 is really a bargain—as compared to Illinois and Pennsylvania seats . in the United States Senate. ilocksvilla ior the licnriiiKt Winston Ihc wouk end many goini; from I,exington and „.¡th 1юг mother, Mrs. Emma Yadkin College, while Advance /Whitaker. also IkuI a number of represcnta- ,„ц] m,.s. A. IL Sain and tivds on hand. childron of Smith Grove spent' It/was understood by those p,,„()iiv wiHi his parents, Mr, nnd from hero who attended the hear- q_ Sain, ing that the decision of tho com- jf,._ .„ц] Donny Angoll mittee made the selection >of: „{ Kannapolis si)ont the week ond Oakes Ferry site iicrmanent inso-j „.jti, j,jj, p.,vont.4, Mr. and Мг.ч. far as the Stnte Highway Com-• r, л......м Saturday night with liis fatlier, Mr. ,1. G. ^Anderson. Ml'. F. S. Ijiimes and family of !Iligh Point, visited friends (in this comhiiuiity Saturday night and Sunday. Mrs. Howard Yontz and cliiid- ron, cif Winsto'n-Salom are .spend­ ing Some time with Mr. D. K. Buck iiiid family. Missea Sadie and Mary Cathe­ rine Hendi'ix ol' Salem spent Sat­ urday ni.'.'lit with their sister, Mrs. Elmer Tutterow. Mr. and ¡\frs. W. F. Anderson, of Winston-Sa'om visited'Mr.-,I. G. Anilcrson and family Saturday night. atrs. ,f. G. Murpiiy and Miss Ethel Brooks wero the guests of ¡\tr. W. 0. i\turphy and family Sundny. Mr.s. Nannie Glasscock of ;i(!iu. I,ianies Cross iioads spent .Sanu'- day night witli her daughter, Mvs, W. ¡1. Bariieyca.stlo. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin McCl;im- roek of Coolcemce, visited iMi-, and Blrs. C; \V'. Tutterow Sunday afienioon. Missv Mattie tlendrix of Sulwn WH.S the guest of Mi.sses Ora luui Floella Tutterow Saturday nivi'hl. Mra, W. I\t. Seaford visited Mis- SOS Cora and Lillie Au.slin in MccksviIlo Sunday nJ'ternooii, A number of people from llti.t ciimtniMiity /ittciKlod the siiijriti!; at Bethel Suiiday, There wtiy, h jiiinibor of singers pre.sent iuid 1,hoy certainly did some fine sini;- ing. а!1Ю!111а:Ш!11И1111Б]»1;В||11Ш!Шй81111а!ШиЕП1111В]||11В misi#on is concerned,; W. B. Angoli, and thatl jtiilon WatersNature ordained only one hear) ,• , for one pair of shouldcra, but in i contractors nre at liberty to Iho wook ond with Mr. and this'day of flappers and shieks ' immediately with the^i\rrs. .1, H. Whitaker near Union and potting parties—two seems to ’ „ ,, , be the order. At least so we have The report ol the Commission noted along tho highways t h e s e , ye.sterday ^ spring ;evpnings. Chapel. i\Ir, Ciirl Baker «ml sister. Miss F.'ora of K'îinnapolis si)cnt ihestating that the bridge a,t Oakes: p,.u] „,j|h thoir parents i\Ir, Ferry v.'ould serve at least oightv : Balir-r, Well, we don’t know of any /I’^-’'' poople of David-^ P.ev,' amrMrs, E, M, Avntt and Davie county REPUBLICANS, Davie counties. I'rom j jjttio daughtor 'I'lent Monday who have resigned any jobs eith-! H’® J”'‘dge she the road will run afterii'i'on at Mr. W, C, Wellmans. or, unless they resigned from where several , __________^__________ highways serving a wide territory | in Davio converge, it was stated. little job in order to get one a little higher, for instance it might be discovered «that one man can not hold' two jobs. Girls are leading the boys by a big margin in the national “per­ fect attendance" school contest now being conducted. Cheer up, boys. Ye Editor has been lead by one particular girl for nigh on to nine years and have learned to Jikeit. ' . “A CALL TO P1ÎAYER’’ an n ual MANCJUET VVe don’t ask anyone to sub­ scribe to this newspaper—-‘‘Davie County’s Newspaper’’ — just to show tiiat .they are patriotic. \Ve ask YOU to subscribe to and read this paper because we print the news of Davie County, and we know that you really heed it. “ Jake almost drowned last night.” , ‘‘No! How come?” "Tho pillow slippfid, the hoc! spread and he fell into the springs.” A young Japanese Lieutenant took a force of men ashore at ; Nanking to rescue their coun­ try’s consul. Determined to avoid bloodshed,' and to convince the rioting Chinese that they had no desire to harm tiiem, these Japa- ntse 'troops went ashore uharm- ed. They succeeded in their mis­ sion, but sulfered ail kinds of in­ sults from the Chinese which they could not violently resent. Re­ turning to his ship iiiö yi-.;.ig lieutenant wrote the i'qllowing to his commander: ‘‘In order to insure the safety (if the Japanese residents at Nan­ king, I uiidurecl, from the Chinese, insults which no Jai>anese can to- Mamma; ‘‘I saw the milkman kiss'you this morning. I’ll take the milk in' mj-.4olf a?tcr this.” Bunt: ‘‘It won’t do you any good, mum. ^ Ho promi.sed me ho would kiss no one but me..” Farmington, April 10. — The Cash Literary Society of the Farmington High School gave At ,/the Pastors conference of; their annual r.pring banc|uot tho South Yadkin A.ssociation held i April 14, 1927,-at tho Farniing- i at the First Baptist Church, Snlis- j ton High School auditorium. ! bury, N. C. April 'Itii, 1927. The | About sixty guests and members following Resolution .and call; were seated a‘t the tables which were unanimously adopted and ; were attractive under the glow of Dr. G. W. Choate, Jloderator of|nink and bl0e shaded electric the'As.sociation, together with C. i lljihts and numerous vases of A. Rhyne raid C. S. Casivwell werej spring llowers, asked to arrange to have the saino I The banr(iict consisted of four printed in the local papers and i coursof?, which wtre artistically in the Biblical Reco'rder. i served'by tho Farmington Parenl;- Whereaa there is such 'il wide Tencher Association. ; spread iiiid increasing indilFer-j Mr. D. D. Martin acted as toast, 'once upon the part of all our' master, the address of welcnmo poople, toward spiritual,, things, was given by the principal, Mrs. And whereas there is such an W, S. Welborn. Dinner, ftpiicchos alarming decrease in tho number \vere made by Mr.s. Queen Bess (jf professions of faith ii] Christ, j K'onnen,,Superintendent of Public and in the number of baptisms ..Welfare and Professor Scott, sun- throughout our Baptist Zion. And wherea.s there is such u falling off in our contribuvions to Mis­ sions. And whereas we are deeply con­ scious that this alarming and dis- U•• Jra s is M . i » ra и'ni tsi « RUBBER HOSE FOR THE LAWN AND-GARDEN Goodyear Molded and 5 Ply. 25 and 50 ft. lengths $3.00 to $6.25 , The famous Caldwell lawn Mowers, High Wheels and Ball Bearing $7.50 to $13.50 Bob Your Lawn Often Grass Shears, Hedge Shears, Gracs Hooks Primers. Water Coolers, 3 to 6 gal. $2.75 to $4.50 Challenge Refrigerators, Enamel lined 40 to 100 lb, lee Capacity White Mountain and Artie Frceaers 1 qt* to 8 qt. Prices Right. Let us serve you at The Store of Today’s B'^st Mocksville Hardware Co. Bill Murph: ‘‘This car has ;a wonderful pickup,” Prospcct: "Neither my wife nor myself are interested in that sort of thing,” Mr, Furr: ‘‘I am a self made man, I began life as a barefoot boy,” , Annie: "Well, old sox, I wasn't born with shoes on, either.” THE OAKES Sri’E WINS' DECISION AT iMOCKSVlLLE CEi\'I’EJ{ NEWS tressing condition of things is up­ on us because we have forsaken the fountain of living waters; be­ cause wo have turhec; away from, and forgotten God. And whereas our God and Father, through his 'prophet Joel calls upon us to, “Gird yourselves, and himent Y e; large crowd attended the Priests! howl Ye ministers of tho 1 commencement o.xercises here Altar. Come, lie all night ¡n i>‘'>turday night. The children Sackcloth, Ye ministers of my God; i'or the meat oifering and the drink-ofTering is with-holden oriirtendent of Norwood schools. A program of piano music was i-endered by the Missej; Eva Qran- fill, of Courtney, Grace Blevins, Dorotha Norrington, Francos Rodmon ancl Grace Hendricks. All joined in singing a medley of popular folk song for the closing, led by Miss Blevins. a Я (Й Й n ra 1Я M in и я Я kí ¡I S S ïE ïK ïi? * !!® * ■acted their parts well and every­ body seemed to enjoy the oc­ casion. Miss Emily Powell, of Winston- Salem spent -the week end wi,th her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Powell. ■Mr. and Mrs. Odiis Tutterow Lexington Dispatch : _ - Oakes Ferry iromains as the choice of tho State llighway Com­ mission as the site I'oi- the Yad­ kin River bridge between Dav' frqmjhe house of your G’od. Sanc­ tify Ye a fast, call a solemn as­ sembly, gather tho elders and all ! the' inhabitants of the land into' tho house of the LoVd your God,! ............... ......... .............................. and cry unto the Lord whereas' of High Poini; spent Saturday our Father in heaven has pro-; night with Mr. L, M. 'I’utterou' mised to hear from heaven and and family. forgive our sins—to heal our j Miss Ida Bock spent a few days I backslidings and to love us free- in Winston-Saltm last week visit- ' ly. ' I ing rolatives. ! 'I'herefore be it resolved that IT P A Y S We are frequently asked if it pays to spend so much -iimo in reconditioning and inspecting our used cars before they are offered for sale.- The answer is that a great many of our used car purchasers come back when they want new cars. Doesn’t that pay? GIIOCB & TODD ' Depot street MOCKSVILLE, N. C. A USE-D CAR IS ONLY AS DEReNOASLe: A S тне DE-ALE-R. WHO SE LLS IT decision of the committee of that , I body that heard argument ,iit ^ i Mocksville' yesterday on Davie county’s j)rotest at the selectionrefuges could be saved, but I iim ashamed that the honor of the Japanese navy hits been disgrac­ ed in my ijerson.” After he had written 'the note he committed suicide. His honor and the honor of his country had been outraged ancl he had no oth­ er way, as he thought of resent­ ing the outrage. Such a keen noime of persoirid honor iind love of country is most ¡idmirable. And yet, the young niiin showed a .s.'roak of cowiii-dice in taking hi'S own life. He may have had fine traits of character,,and did. But he hiid no control over his feelings and rather than face the and Davidson, on Highway 7.5, by i from '¡\Iay the 'Hh to May the .'ith ■ ■ ■ - - .................... 'be siinctilied as a season of fast­ ing and lirayer, rending our hearts before God in sackclotli and ashes, iy calling upon God for his forgive­ ness and for his power. That all our peopio be urged to ceasn from thoir daily work ..s much as pos ¡VIr. Claroiicc Anderson spent af that' site. Thirty minutes was Jillotted' to each .side, iifter which-the com- Important To Dodge Owners ; mittee retired ancl made up ¡ts,’ *'''^m broaklast,l\lay the'1th Ípj verdict in written i'orm, justify­ ing the selection of the lower site in preference to the Fulton Fe,rry site arlvocated by the Davie board and by groups of citizens iji both Davidson and Davie, 'I'he com­ mittee wfi’s comiiosed of Chairman I^rank Page, Commissioner John SpruntHill, of Durham, ancl Com­ missioner A. M, Kistlei', of Mor­ ganton, Commissioners Cox and Hanes wore not eligible to ap­ pointment on the committee as Uiehumiliation he took his life, noth- ......ing in the. world but an act of bn Ige c:cmnects the r districts coUrdice.^“ Greater is he who n. wa.s suited l,v the committ. , ............................. that it desired to hear lu'gumencontroleth his own spirit, than he who takoth i city.” gm S aming ' liasobdll gone. is with us.' Jiike’s committee I'guments by representatives from both Davidson and Davie since tlie bi'idgo was of concern to both alike. Z. I. Wiilser, attornoy, pre­ sented tho side of tho I^ulton Ferry advo.c'atos on behalf of D/ividsoj) County. Paul R. Rflper, W. F. Brinkley and T. F, 'Me- Crary, of this city, urged that the building'of the bridge be noDid you over notice that, the peoiilo who speak too lightly— longer delayed since it had been sooner or later have to weigh their ' ......'........................... оч.,„;controversy so long, Thoy tl IliaJ -thov iireferred Fulton till breakfa.st May tho 5th, and to ijg meet iit their respective churches jg from 10 to 12 a. m., and then Я from 8 to to p.^m.. May the 4th, Я and as many as will, till G a. m.jH May the 5th, all night? Yes, all'p night. Calling U))on God in ago-lej nizi'ng and imiiortunate prayer, jy 'I'hat his presence and power mayiy iill all our churches, and that as r? tho representatives of our church- ® es gather in solemn convention at Д Louisville, Ky., on this dato. T hat'i Gods presence in glory and in ja mighty wonder working power, may (ill tho place where they as- jJ semble, t,i It is suggested that the pastcir' Я or some of tho loadei's in each .Я church and community try and ar-|l| range for at least ',‘Two or Threi^” p to remain at the place of prayer |j throughout tho hours sugge,4t(|!d у to lead those who :rmy come arid u go. I A. W. CHOATE C. A. RIIYNE 'и С. S,. CAS 11 WELL ul We wish to announce that we now have a complete line of Dodge parts and have employed an expert mechanic, and are now ready to serve you with the very best in the repair line. Bring your troubles to us—we can fix 'em State license plates now only $12.50 11Н111!Н1111М111Я№1ЯЯ Groce & Todd Dodge Brothers Cars, Trucks, and Repairs At Depot, Mocksville, N. C. ■ a и ■ ■ ш ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ я ■ ■ 'R Committee. ' (!Ш1Н]!1В1Ш1Ш1П ^rhiirsdav. Anril 28. 1927 TUB MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE Born to Dr. and Mrs. Lester Martin Oli Aiiril 2'lth ii line soli. Miss Clara Kiiox, of Salisbury, A'isited relatives here last weelv. Miss Mary Huitman spent tho weelc.end with Misa iìobiiia Mickle în Wiiiston-Salcni. Miss BciP'Sio Neely spent the week Olid in Winston-Salem with 'Mrs. D. A. Parnell. Miss Jessie Waif, of Greens­ boro, is spending a while with her ourents. Rev. and Mrs. W. B. •WalL iciie.ysiui (¡CI egg.s, ancl ico( tea. | charioi;te 1 irs, .i. K. Sheek was awarded a | ively bouciuet ot. narcissus l.pr, r;f' ¡„tore.st. The most • living the highest score, those Mrs. Horace Hayworth and lit­ tle son, of High Pohit visited her '])arcnts, ]\lr. and Mrs, E, II, Mor­ ris, last week. Attorney iiiid Mrs. Robert Mc­ Neill ,si)ent several days last week with rolatives and frionds Jn Fayetteville. ------0— — Don’t 1‘orgot that Drs. K. C. Choate, S. A, Warding, J. W. Rodwell are located in the new Sanford building.----0---- Mr. and i\Irs. D. F. Summers and children, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Everhardt aiid child,- of States­ ville, spent Sunday with Mr. and IMrs. T. Ii. Summers. * ■ Don’t forget the dfiti!. ¡Monday iind Tuesday fur "The Birth of a Niitioii,” only 20 and 40 cunts in ¡ifternoon and 25 iind 50 cents at night. i\'lr, and Mrs. C, T, Rogers and little daugliter, and Mr, W, T, ■Rogers, oC Ilartsvillo, S, 0,. spent the week end with Airs, Uoger’s parents, Mr, iind Mrs, 11, B, Snyder, ----------------Cl----------------- Rev. and Mrs, 11. C. Sprinkle, ■of Salisbury, and Mrs, Milton Call and little daughter, Marjorie, Hpent several days last week at 'the cabin of Mr, and Mrs. Sprin­ kle at Bridgewater. ing ef tho 'I'iiiirsdiiy Afternoon Club on Friday. Yellow tulijjs and white poeticus narcissus formed the artistic decorations ill the rooms where,four tables were ari’aiiged for rook, Tho hos­ tess served delicious saiaiis, sand­ wiches, stull'od eggs, and iced tea. Mrs, .J. K. Sheek was lov hiiv (iresent wero: Jliisdamos J. Frank Clement, Phillip Hanes, E. C. Choate, S. A. Harding, John Larew, Horace Hayworth, of High Point, J, P. Johnson, J. B. Johiir stone, W. H. LeGrand, Rufus B, Siinl'ord, J. K, Sheek, A, A, Hol­ loman, Normaii Clement, T’, A. Stone', A. W. Andrews, Missea Rntli Booe, Hanes Clement, Hazel Baity, Mae Pioidergraft, Willie Miller, Winnie Divvis Moore, Lin­ da Gray Clement, Mary Heitman. On Friday evening the Juniors of the iMocksville high school honored the seniors at a delight­ ful banquet, which was one of the outstanding events , of the school year. A long table in tho hall was )irettily decorated with white flowers in yellow bowls and tempting refresliments in three courses were served, by the Domestic Science Department. A profusion of dogwoo-' and fes­ toons of yellow and white crepe paper olfectively carried out the FORK NEWS. s The Hairston school w'ill give their closing-excrcise ill tlie ftaii at Fork Thursday night, May 5th. The Rowan-Forsyth District meeting of the Woman’s Auxili­ ary of the Episcopal churches will hold their meeting here Tuesday, May !;lrd. Miss .Rosii McCullough, teachet of the Hairston school ^cai^ied her N. C. hi.story class on a plea- I sure trip to Charlotte last Sun- al places in to res t- they re­ ported was the Jackson Training School, where hundreds of little boys were .romping in tho sun­ shine on tho campus. Thos'e in tho party wei'e the toaehcr, .Miss Hii Huniniage, Mattie Sue, Biiiley i:ml Ruth JoiiES, blaster Dt’liiiio Cope and James Livengood. The.y wore accompiiuied by Mr. J. C. Hodges of Lexington. Tho next most interesting pliieo was the natioiial cemetery in Salisbury, where so many graves of unknown brave soldiers lay peacefully awaiting the judg­ ment day. Miss Sallie Taylor of Salj^bury spent last week with l\ii.ss Ruth Hairston, Mr. P. W. Hairston spent the' week end in Raleigh and Mrs. Hairston and Nelson Hairston spent tho week end in Durham the guests of Mrs. Willie Magary. Miss Mabel Livengood has re­ turned home after spending the winter in Winston-Salem. Frieiul,>! here regret to learn of the serious illness of Mr. D. P. JERUSALEIM NEWS siVnior colors. Arthur Neely, prusidint of the junior class, act- | '¿j' M;;ji(^villo. ed as toast master,- toasts being; „umber from here iit given to the luture to the i tended the closing exercises at seniors, he teachers, ’ the;; sh,ithiield .¡«chobl last Saturday sophomores,” and "freshmen. i I’ref. E. C. Staton made the re-!’ J—-------------« —^------------- sponse for the tciichers and; Sherman Hendricks gave the | senior response in the absence of, tlie president, Carl WinecoiT, re-1 We;are glad to say there v/as an increase in attendance at Sunday school Sunday, and we hope to reach the goal we have set for next Sunday. : Lot's not forget what we are working for and'every body come to Sunday.sCiiool Sunday.- B. Y. P; U. Group No. !! gavo'a very Intere.'Sting prognim Sunday evening.'■ Our B. Y'. 'P. U. will meet next Snnchty «t i);SO p. ni. The business mieetiiig of the, Fiiond.ship S, S. /;li!.s,s vvjlj be at' the homo of the, pastor S;»turday night, April ;!Oth, ■ Mr, Dan lirodglep is very sick at thi.s v.’riting, wo iire sorry to note. Mr: R. F. Hamilton and family spent Sunday with Mr, W, H. Ilil- iard and family near Cluirchlaiid. Mr. D. E, Beck ancl family spent Sunday nfternoon with Mrs. Bcck’s parents, Mr. and Sfrs. T., W. Hartley, i\Irs, Willie Aaron .s'pent tho week end with her brother Huston Beck near Fork Church, Mi.sses Kate and Hettie Langs­ ton spent the week end in Wins­ ton-Salem. Mr. Glenn Beck of Sillisbury spent Sunday afternoon with Gil­ mer Hartley. Mr. George Fry of Fulton visit­ ed Mr. C. F. Barnhardt and fami­ ly Sunday. Henry Shoaf, Gilmer and Edna Hartley attended the school en- tovtaiiiment at Gander Hill school house Saturday night. ; Mr;s. 0. H. Hartley ancl son Gilmer, made a business trip to Alocksville Jlonday. ” spiriA L l ~ AUGUS’l’A NEWS 'Misses Bertha Lee „and Mary Heitmaii left Tuesday to attend Ihe \Yoman’s Mis.sionary confer- ■f^nce in Greensboro. . Several oth­ ers will motor over for one day of the conference which is being held in the West Market Street Methodist church. (too late for last week) , Tho health of our community is1.1,ed to their toasts A program lol owed the banquet, w’hicli con-; , Mr, and Mrs, Ed Miller of Wins- .Mislfid ol .humorou.s^ advice to the ¡ j.m-Balem visited her parents; Mr, seniors a.s io what ,m'oIcssious , thoy should follow, impromptu speeches, and guitar music, ----0----- MOVIE NEWS Mesdames A, W, Andi'cws, P, J, Johnson,'Misses Alice Lee, Hazel Baity, Nina Holt White, Sophie Richards, Ossie Allison, Fronie Fi'i'ench and Frances "Woleh attended tho Marion Tal­ ley coiieerl in Winston-Salem Saturday evening. Mr. J. A. Daniel requests ns to announce that tho report which hiis been circulated to tho eirect thill ‘‘Tho Birth of a Nation” will not all be shown the same day is untrue. The entire picture of twelve reels will bo .shown at each ■))orformunce day and night next Monday and l^’uesday. Mr, and Mrs. William LeGran'd, of Jacksonyillb, Fla., are guests of tho former’s parents, I\ir. and , 'Mrs. W. H. LeGrand, 'fuosday BIr. and Mrs. William LeGrand and T\Ir. W. H. LeGi'iind-will visit re­ latives in Richmond county. Mr. and Mrs. LeGriind and Mrs. ^V. H. LeGrand will spend Wednesday •with Mrs, E, C, Clinard in'Wins- ton-Saiem. , Tho Hantisl,'Wn'nii'i’s Mi«"i"n- ary Society hold its regular monthly mepting at the churc-n on Monday iihernoon. After the bu.sirioss session, which was pre- .«ided over by Mrs. C. B. ,I\Ioonoy, an interesting study of "Now Movemeiits In'the Orient” was led by Mesdames F, .M, Carter and J, L.- Kirk, tho members pre­ sent wei’G MoficlnmoN W. B. 'VVa/f, J. P. Greon, C. B, Mooney, J, L. Kirk, F. M. Carter, Jacob Stew­ art, J. T, Baity, W. L. Call. ------0------ Cards reading as follows hnvo been issued: 'i\Ir, and Mrs. Will Miller Howard, senior. Invito you to bo present at the marriage of their daughter, Ro.se Miller, to Mr. John M. MclCnight, on Thurs­ day, tho 28th of April,-1927, at 7 o’clock in tho evening. Bethel M. P. church, Mo"ksvillo, N. C. Tho brido-oloct .is very iittraetive ancl has a sweet poraonality, and tho gl'oom-lo'be'ia a rising young businoss man of Charlotte. The - approaching marriagn is of groat • intorost In this and other countl- diiy. Mr. and Mrs. Wiido Vickers of Cooleetnee have moved back to our community. l\irs. Charlotte DiÌvis and ch'ildr ren of Wiiistou-Salom spciit Ea.st' • or with Mrs. J. L. Smith.- Mr, iind Mrs. J. C. McCulloh and baby of Mockville visited Mr, and Mrs, J. C. Berrier tho past Sunclay. ¡\Iiss Loroan Davis' of Winston- Today wo are plnying the Para nuarnt picture "Stranded In P.aiis,” taken from tho play "Jenny's Escaiiiide” and look wliat stars Bfl-' . Ford Sterling. Jas, ILdl !"vi 1 ''.i) Stu­ art. This is il swell picture, and I il highly romantic comeciy, siiiii j „ , , • to be the runniest thing Bebe has T r l ' ^ ever made. n ^mMr. Paul Hodges ol Rutherlord College spent a few days with hisFriday and Saturday, Thunder, the Rlarvelous dog is coming in a North Woods special "The Phantom of the Forest,” said to be a very due procfuction, \Vill also have two reel Educational comedy,, ".Jelly-Fiah.”; • Monday iiiicl Tue8da,v'nfternoon 1111(1 night wo play tho greatest of all pictures todate, "Tho Birth parents, Mr, and Mrs. J, D, Hodg­ es. Miss Florence Smith, Mr. Vestal Beck and Lorenn Davis, Mr. Walt­ er Crotts and Lettio Bell Srtiith, visited Miss Beatrice Beck tho past Sunday. Iiliss Sudie and Ruth Deadmon visited Miss Willie Utiio Berrier 'S.Renew Yolir Health by Purification Any physician will tell you that '‘I’ei-feet Piirlfioation of tVio Hyutein ¡;j Nature's Foundation, o'f I’erfoCt Health.” Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that are undcrmln- inti' your vitidity? Purify your en- ïij'o sysl-eiri by taking a thorough iinirse ot Calotabs,—once or twice a '.voelc for aeveral v.-eekfl-^and see' h o w Nature rewards you with healtli. Calotabs are the greatest. of all ’^ysteni purlEierg. Ret a-family pack- igo, containing full direètions. ,Only. ’•D eta. At any drug store. ■ (Adv.) B ü lis s liîs , ANYONE IN N E E D O F PEAS for sowing purposes, .call bn D, S. Creason. .'LOST—AUTO LICENSE I^LATE- No, 25(5497, between Mocksvillo." and High Point, Finder notify';: Roy Call, Mocksville, N. C. - WE HAVE CRACKED CORN*' for chicken;fob,cl.‘;,at-the mill ior 2c 'a ])ound;44Mo(i'n-Johnstona ' • Co. ' . 4 28,2t-- FOR SALE — ONE OF THE ino.sl- productive fjirm.*) in pn.vje:.',:'i ; county, about three miles'fronil Mocksvillo, See Cbarlesij 'Cb- Woodruff, Mocksvillc, "0-'. 4.28,4L 105 ACRE FARM FOR RENT, <t'r: miles from Mocksville, known as the Dick Pass farm. Apply . , to Thomas Correll, Box 181.. Mocksvillo, N. C, 4 28 2t pd,. ' HAULING? I Look These Used Trucks Over Ford Vi-Ton, new express body..................................................$125 Dodge Brothers .3-4-Ton, screen, body..'...,...........'............. 2.'30 G'rahani Brothori' 1-Ton, with cab................................250 Garford 2-Ton, solid tires.;................................................... 350 Groham Brothers IVa-Ton, steel givivity dump body... 300' Graham Brothers li/a-Ton, long wheelbase, with'cab.... 550 ■ Graham Brothers lya-Ton, dump body'and hand hoist.... 650 Graham Brothers IVi-Ton, canopy body.’.„,;.....„................ 250 Our Sjiriitg Shoes and dry goods'ai'e coming in. V/e have the newest stylos and our prices are right. We hiive a few Shoes at hiilf pjice. Wo aro .selling for cash and can save you money on goods. Give us a trial and be couvluced: Fish, 10c lb. Corn Flakes lOe ¡lackivíce. or thr'c:e packages for Í-- .;öc. Colfc-e 25c lb. good fat back ,«SMSl'iaiiaiMlMlMMII - ■■ ■ ■ f i i n r i i ^ t i i u m i — These Trucks ''Ai-e I’jrlced Right Terms to Reliabje Parties . i NORFLEET-BAGGS,' INC. DoilgD 15rothcrs Denlera South JIain at Belows Winston-Salem, N. C.i айВ'д1Ю!1»д!1||и1111Ш1111ДИ1Д||||Д1:11И1111И8аш1111П111М11М311И1111И1М111мт' 'Aleut lüe lb. Apple and Mule to-i„,„~" batx'o 15c -plug. Golden Crown r Ä t T Ä TO If I CITIZENS Of Ш \1 COUNTÏ25c .^if!e l!h;. :Wv .w.o 24c, Tile above is just a fow of oui BAiiGAlKS. Vi’e handle a full; line of groceries and will save’ yoy. moniiy, if you will let us. \Hsit us r.ften. J. FRANK HENDRIX (Daniel-Ci’.r nev' S. Mocksville.----------------4».------------------ AH{. CAAH’JIELL LMPilOVING !E!| Yes, I use a—Н0Д1В сомЕодгт W'ASHING MACHINE of a Nation.” Those that biive ; ............ MÍ.SS Maggiine and Mae f’ott.sseen it will want to seec/t agili», and those wlio haven't, centainly •shouldii't miss this opiiortunily, ii.s it will ho nt least two years bofóro its played nour here iigiiin. Tho admission will be 20 cents for children uiidc. thirteen and 40 cents for othors in thè after- noon and 25 and 50 cests at night, llnndreds of thousands . of pcr- sons havo iiiiid .S2.50 to see this picture. lie Oli timo and securo a good seat. Wo will show tho entii'o picture nf twelve 'reels oiiclì porformilnco. Mr. J. B, Campbell la improving'jíj .slowl.í’. Mrs. J, D. Pope, of Stat- “ esville, is spending some time with him. ЙП88 HOLTHOUSER IS LMPUÓVING of Corniitzer visited ¡^liss Beatrice Smith ¡\Ionday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thompson of Winston-Salem spent Easter with ills mother, Mrs. Minnie Barn­ hardt. There will be preaching Augusta' Sunday. TURN'I’INE NEWS at , Preaching every 2nd and 4th ¡Sunday'at 11 o’clock; -".-ayer meet­ ing every Sunday night iit '7:45. Come out and be with us. Mr. R. H. jLiigie .'^ipent Sunday A immhor of tho poopl« here .afternoon with Mr. L. R attended the funeral of Mr. John ' ^ f J " ' ’" ol Winston-' Salem spent Suiulny with hia par- MOCK’S CMURCM NEWS Frank Clement was grn- ;esH at n iVelightful moot- Miltoii iit Aclv/uico SuJiday after­ noon. The monibors of E|)worth Lea­ gue mot at tlic!i.r.^usuai hour Sun­ day and hold an'intoresting ser­ vice, with i\lr. Robert Carter as leitder, Mr. and Mrs, U, 11, Myers iic- coni(iaiiied by ¡\lr, L. V. Myors of Winston-Salom spent Sundny with j^Irs. Myer’.s parent.s in Salisbury. Mrs, M, R, Jones, Misses Ellle Orrell and Mattie Jones spent last Saturday in Winston-Salem shop­ ping, Ml'S, li, V. Myers and littio diuightei’, Lo'''i, viaitod Mri and Mrs. W. J. Jonos Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, G. 'F. Beauchamp and little daughter, Florence, also Mr, J. C. Boiuichamp spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Mock at Old Richmond. Mr. Joseph Jonos, who holds a position in Winston-Salem spent, the week ond with hojnefolka. X- »* » * G, G. WALKÍGU MOTOR CO. * , Mocksville, N. C. * 1 Dealers in * Hudson — Essex — Chrysler Automobiles ents, J[r. and Mrs. .A. K. Plott. Mr. and Mrs. Goshen MeCulloh and Mr. and Mra. Bi’acly Angell of Blocksville spent Sunday after­ noon with Mr. John Howard and family. Miss Creohi PoiTe.st spent Sat­ urday night with her sister, Mrs. Arthur Smoot. Misa Margaret Jamea spent the week end with Miss LuCilo Carter of Fork. Mr. and Sirs. Ernest James of Winston-Salem spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom James. Miss Velma Wagoner spept Sunday afternoon with Miss Eva McCulloh. Sliss Lucy Plott spent last week in Cooleomee with Mrs. Spry. Miss Mable Foster spent Sun­ day with Mias Margaret Wagoner. -----1--------- I The many friends of Jliss An­ nie Holthouser',-'who recently re­ turned from, Long's Sanatorium, will be glad to loar'n that sho is improving and expects to be back at her j)ost of duty with Davie County’s New.spaper very soon. ' ----------«.--------- A twenty-acre field of volunteer votch in which is drillod oat.s inid ■ barley, is one of the most beauti- p ful sights in Union county accord- g ing to reports. Tho Held ia on the I ^ farm-of U. T. Bollc; Because it waahea all cloths perfectly clean, including the liriest of silks, lace, curtains, quilts,, overalls, collars and cult’s of shirts, etc., and saves labor,, time and money. Eliminates the-back breaking rub board and the friction cau.sed by rub board -rubbing, and enables you to do your washing at home where more sanitary conditions exist. jMany thousands of satisfied customei’s are enjoying their Home Comfort Washing ¡Machine each week. S^jecjal discount, starting Apiril I4th, of 10% given on all, machines delivered on or before May 14th. List price $29.50, less 10^ $26.55. , Free demonstration in your home if interested, see or write V. N. TODD . ' (IMartin Bros. Store) MOCKSVILLE, N. C. » P u r e P a in t s. A. HARDING, M. D. . Sanford Building Mocksville, N. C. * onice phono 162, - * Residence phono-------on 158 * Offlce hours: 8 to 9:30 a, m. * *• ” ” 1 to 2:30 p. m. * ■X- *#****♦»* ** * Granitoid Floor Paint Put it on tocliiy. Walk on it to­ morrow, Shines like Enamel. saves the surface longer because .it contains more pure ‘ lead. It’s the lead in paint that forms the protecting film. The paint with the most lead will cover the most surface. Compare- paint formulas — here’s Kurfees: S0% 20%^ . ; ' Pure Carbonate Lead Pure Zinc Oxide 100% “ M ore pure lead ¡)er sallon” ; ^ You can paint for less with Kurfeea, Let ua figure the nniount, for your home and siiow you the beautiful color 3electioris<>. -, • Kurfees makes a Paint for every Purpose—We have them KURFEES & WARD MOCKSVILLE, N. C. Ul Щ- |v' u n , ;Uff ' /,ч,л, Ta'fi-c ß )/ lï'i m ' ТИЕ MOCKSVILLE ENTEHPRISE Thurscliiy, April 28, 1027 OUJMD to ЫОКШ ' ^ H a r o ld M a c G v a t h lliu s t’fAired. by Heiu^ Lee Copyri¿Ki ly Ha.rold Mac GrittW • ÎLeleaeed tlim Au.tocaster Scrvice “BOUND TO THE NORTH” CHAPTER I. It was one of those hot South- •ern midnights, when the stars .themselves seem overtaken with drowsiness and' drop from tho rdnks iis weary soldiers do. Street-lamps threw a circlc of light on the pavement; beyond the circle’s rim was soft, impenetra- We blackness. Out of this a slender young man suddenly emerged and leaned against the lamp-post for a mo­ ment, breathing sharp breaths. A short rest seemed\to revive the youth. He straightened, clickoil his heels together—'¿ind stepped forward. The dim yellow light held his back in view for half a dozen steps. The youth did not reap­ pear in the next circle of light; The quality of the street was good. , The flanking rows of brick residences with their white mar­ ble stops, presented a dignified iront in the daytime. Into one of tliese houses the young man had gone. Silently he mounted the stairs to his room, entered and flung himself upon the bed, .burying his face into the pillows to stifle the wild »nd piissionnte Bobs he could no longer repress. Along the road to the ndrth, beyond the grim cordon of sentri­ es, eleven men were racing their liorsts. They rode like furies,. Death was not only behind them but lay in ambush before them. Death was ready, but the sleeping telegraph opei;ator was not. / By the time he awoke, sensed the message hammeri'ng at his key and gave thb .alarm, tho night- riders had slii'i'cd through into n passively friendly zone. As dawn kindled the tree-tops they drew down to a walk. There was no chatter, no jesting, no ex- jjre.ssion of thankfulness over their escape. Only one made speech. It was a matter of direc­ tions, for now each man must go his-own way, as once more they were in a hostile country. They divided the luot fork in the road, divided at the next( and so on until each man rode alone. Ten eventually reached Wash­ ington.' ;Vhe eleventh, wh^n he луаз positive that his comracie.s ivere wfil on their way, wheeled about hi.s horse and returned to the main pike, and in leisurely stages Vifeiulcd his way back * to Richmond, through blue-lines and butternut, magically. iv’.-ien the brilliant morning sunr,hine poured into a certain лvindow in that beleaguei-cd city (for it was in tho .summer of JSG-l) it gilded a grimy, tear-stained face, small, grimy hand.s Hung out upon the pillow, and ¡jowdtrecl ■Avith fine sparks the tousled locks ■of hail’ which matched the color of tlie copper-heech. Tho tenant of this room might easily have p;..s.-;ed a.s a boy at night, lor ihe iiguro v.'a.‘i boyish; but in thft daylii-rlit the male at­ tire could not wholly di.sgui.se the delicate coniour.^ or the satiny smoolhnf.Hs of- tlie .skin. The tear-.slained face did not speak ol' a higher order of cour­ age; yei .Jeanni; iieaulort wa.-s as brave and darinK as any woman in the South. At that time tho North knew her neilher by name nor by feature; but it liad often Hunsed the liangtr of her; it had often, tlii'on.L'h lier, wit and re­ source, seen a carelully built cam|)ai;.’'n tumble like a lion.se of eards in the wind. So il began to grope for her as one ])ei'son gropes for another in the dark. .So the tears had no bearing upon that attribute called courage. The room she occupied was in the house of her aunt, her molh- e.r’.s sister, a widow. ¿Mrs. Wet- jnore nevci' iiuestioned her neice in regard to her my.sterious ab­ sences. Uj)on a lowboy, which served as a dressing-table, stood three pho- togrnphs. Each rested in a little ‘ frame of mourning: .leanne’s' iather and her two brothers. Presently the girl on the bed «Ighed, turned and awoke. She blinked a little, rubbed her eves and smiled. Hut the siirht of that middle of the room, palsied with terror. With fumbling' fingers she felt into the inner pocket of the coat she wore and drew out a crumpled sheet of paper. It was true, then! This thing, this «b- oniinnble, cowardly thing’ had happened. She made a wild gesture as if to tear this dreadful testimony into tatters, and paused. She laid the' paper on the xlrdsser,. dis­ carded her male attire, bathed, dressed and then sat do\<>n on the edge of the bed and .studied, not, the body of the document, but the hieroglyphics which cascaded from there to the bottom of th'i sheet,' John Kennedy, D,D, C.\VG-I« H -RD-M A-NK-S P-PA-G G-RD-A J-NK-F J-WG-A F-BN-S F-WG-S W-BE-H What the literal translations were she had not the least idea, but she did know that they were codenamcs belonging to a free­ lance organization known only to the War Oflice innd the Secret Service in Washington. Sho had heard of this . little band, but never, until last night, had her path and theirs crossed. This organization was composed, with one exception, of young men, edu,cated, well-born, daring and reckless beyond belief—in other words, spies who individually per­ formed as many wonders for their cause ns she performed of iiers. And for weeks they, had booh hi£Te in Richmord, stealing its hoai'i’s blood, drop by cliv]>l They, had had the daring to permit her to carry away these codB-namesl ^V'as it because their work here was really done and that they would now scatter and keep scat­ tered until the v;ar was at an end? Only ono face she had seen, but sho would remember that—ah, sho would remember that until she died. Eleven men against one woman —so be it! She took up tho gauntlet; and woe to them! One by one would sho track them down, ruthless, . \vithout mercy. They had trampled her pride in dust, moqkod her; so would sh e trample upon' their honor and mock them. Not for nothing had she been given beauty and a facile tongue. She placed the paper in the bosom of hei' dress, roso and wont down to breakfast, smiling. She had the strength to do that. # ________ ■» Jeanne Beaufort was tho daugh­ ter of I,awrence Beaufort, a wealthy Virginia tobacco-plantor. Theru were five in the family: Bcaufo.vi, his sjiinster sistor, his two boys and the girl. 'J’he mother had been dead since Joanne’.s youth. Father and sister took caro of her mind, and the brotiiers saw to it ;hat .she .yhoiild be sane in body al.so. She sang and played d_e- iighifully; her wit was nimble, in niKument she was wise; and her in'otiiers taught her how to walk throu.iih a forest without crack­ ing a twig, to break and tame fitly thoroughbrtds, to shoot, swim, run. 'I'he plantation was like, hund- red.s of its kind: enormous ver- andapilfars and rambling wings mid French windows. l;!olow, on tile river brim, was a eieaii little gathering of caliins for the ])lan- taticj)) .slaves. Upon the j)i:act and plenty oi this happy little duehy fell the lliunderbolt of war. lieaiilort ac- cejited a colonelcy in a local regi- mein, and the boys sought glory under I'ickett. When the news came to Jeanno •that her father had fallen at .Manassas and that his beloved tiody had been burled there, her grief had been terrible, The (loath of her two brothers at Cemetery Hill left her outwardly unmoved. She did not close the piano; she did not wear mourn­ ing; and when the ,spinster-aunt mildiv remonstrated with this conduct, which she said was lack­ ing in reverence to the dead, the gij'l whirled upon heri "I’m a woman^ J can’t shoulder a mus­ ket; I can’t go forth and demand of tlui North an eye for eye, a But hear me t A week Inter Jeanne said: “J am going to Richmond,” “To visit your Aunt Delia; I think it a good plan, child,” “I'll be home from time to time, unless the enemy ,stands in be­ tween, And even then I’ll come," “Shall we win?” "God knows, but win or lose, the Yankee,s shall pay a price,” Jeanne knew but little of Rich­ mond, This turned out very well for her later; neither friend nor foe knew anything about the per­ sonality of Jeanne Beaufort,' This time, however, she dabbled a little,in the frivolous, but all with a .gj'im inirpoae. Step by step aho maneuvered uniil at last she stood in the presence,of the one man she sought,” “But you arò so yniing,” he pro­ tested—“scarcely twenty,” "I am very, very old,” sho re- l)lind with a dry little smile, "And 1 am all alone, besides,” "There are terrible i'isks— death always to face, and perhaps I dishonourable death,” “I am ready, 1 Wiint revenge,” "To play at love, to sull'er the touch of men you despise, in ord­ er to gain their aecret.s—that is not a pleasant task for a well-bred woman, War is not always won by bullets; duplicity plays its part,” "Voii are trying to discourage me. You are wa-sting time,” “Do you love any man?” He eyed her exquisite beauty, "Do you expect to go through life without loving?” "I don’t know,” she answered frankly, "But I hope that I may. I want .revenge. My father, my brothers, whom I loved, have given their lives freely. I wish to add mine-” So young and soJ terribly ser­ ious! "Jeanne Beaufort, you shall have your revenge. Gome; I will take you to tho President himself. We need women. nOed their arts anfl guide. Tomorrow you shall start for Washington. You shiiil become a member of some family there wo trust. Choose some nanic and always in Washingloii be known by it. And find a man by the name of Pai'.soh Kennedy, I'-Nk,’ tiini inlo our lines, and you will have served the. cause lo a far gieater o.'ctont than your ^ father or brothers, To-niorrow I ■ shall give you,all your instruc­ tions, codes and so forth,” An oilicqi- came into the room. He looked like a Creole, Spanish in color and French in gracoful- no.sst Ho pau.sod, ' undecidedly, ' "Ah, i\Iorgan,” said tho Secre­ tary: “this is i\ris3 Beaufort, Just a moment, until I sue if the Presi­ dent is disengaged,” Henry Morgan fell in lovo with Jeanne on the spot, Jeanne, on her side, .saw a handsome young oHlcer in butternut. She forgot all iibout him the moment he wns gone. Later she learned flomething de­ finite regarding Henry Morgan, He gave to the world the im­ pression that he was a rattle- pate; vain he really was; but un­ derneath this vanity was a match­ less valor, 'I'his discovery rather interested her; for no woman is left untouched in the presence of a brave man. Soon she reconstructed her opinion of him as a whole. His grace was duo to muscles as strong and highly tenrpered as watch-springs; and his rattle- pai;ednoKS cloaked a mind as sin­ ister /mil llo>;lble as I\Iachiavelli’s, In their fre(|ucnt encounters in Richmond he fascinated and re­ pelled her at tho same time. He was ahvays about to join his ro- gimont at the front, but some­ how ho never did; and yot i’or weeks he would disappear comp- lotdly, Whon he returned ho was always a littlo thinner, a little- harder, a little less eU'ervescent^ When he began to make love to her, she was at first amused. But when she realized that ho was in earnest, sho broke up his dream somew’hat rudely. That was the last of it, appar­ ently, He disappeared again, and- her duties eompellod her to re­ turn to Washington, (Second fine installment of^this-: story in this paper 'next week.)' Read it every week. * DR. T. L. GLENN * * Veterinnrian * * MOCKSVILLE, N, C. * Phones: ^ * 21 Harris-TJeGrand Pharmacy * HO Dr, E. C, Choato residence * » B. C. HROCK ■* Attorney at Law * MOCKSVILLE, N. C. * Practice in State and Federal ^ » Courts. Phone 161 * * DR. LESTER P. MARTIN * Night Phono 120; Day Phone * * 71. « * Mocksville, N. C. * *— -WE CAN SAVv; \oU MONEY Ilf-; —■ ’OB I'lnNTiN«-: Coming TО Mocksville, Monday, May 2nd. Í.Í 4.‘ Big' Parade at Neen. Doo.rs Open 1:30 and 7:30, P^'ri‘ormance.s start at 2 and 8 o’cioc*k. ' DONT FORGET THE DATE. i::q liiST.iK .:ia 'a :a i.ia ::iQViiBi ' S!9.'.:29! BUILD NOW ■ r,n3 i.'Ki':;И ■ ® ;"я ';Е':"Ит:2!:!|И "¡a,-от :íb¡: ■ sn ..js уш ™!æ ::;и i ■ P! « и й ¡у 0 Ei Щ щ Ëj № а а áí.У 1а иï-iшviI» м£-1яr-J riiii ñiiI J ■ P rices A re N orm a! A g ain even Keel anü A m erica m niytTn,y un ^ p;ram, The satnr.ation point in birildin.c? will never be readied m tlie United States. An investment in a home or improvementE? will always be good. Look back at the record of the United States and you will find no reason to fear the future. M ñ и R M Уi -I ca Buildiní? Materials of Ail Kind Wo specialize in building materials of all kind.-^. V/o handle only firsi:-grado lumber, which by tost has always proved most econo­ mical in the long run. The scientist from his laboratoi'y has given us many and varied now composition materials. No mat'or what you plan on building, repairing or improving, we have the materials—and at a price as low as can be found anywjiore, No Charge for Service If it is a new homo, h ne-,v barn, a new j'.'ir.'igc, il, now silo, or a now grainory, we ' ii.'ue |)lan bookf. wiiich will greatly assist you in deciding what you v,-ant and will save you monoy in cost of Ilians, etc,’ Our |)lan book service is but a part of the many way« wo can assist you, and there is no extra charge. Come in and toll us your ideas. Let us show you plans, assist you in selection or nuitovi'i!;!, and thereby save you many dollars in substitution of materials, whei'e substitution does not af­ fect quality or values. No chnvgc. n Good Building Weather Is Here So Why Put It Off? D. H. Hendricks & Sons T 11 11 rs d av. Anri I 28. 1927 Т1Ш MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE Page T" One day a 'man walked into a I'ur store and salti : “i want to got a set of furs like Ilie black ones in the window,” "Oh, you mean skunk?” said (.he salesman, (Ed, Note, -- May .Jie rest in T)C»CC-) ' ■ Wu don't want any war with China—but if wo do—and this writer is drafted—which he won't be—well, he’s going to "wait until he secs the white of that dross shirt front he lost at Yon Hoey’s laundry in Kalamazoo, before lir- ing.’‘ FARi\HNGTON Two, gallons of better paint; for little more tlum the cost of oncl A gnlloa of linseed oil tnixocl witli a gallon of "Slag” gives two gal­ lons of fresli-mixccl pai.nU riMidy to use. that goes (>i!liirr iini-l sprrati.s eas- ii-r. It won't crack nor pccl. Comes in bright, permanent,colors. You Have a third on account of the low cost of tlic linai;ed oil added for thinning. Tlicre’s (1 dealer near you. See him—or write 118 for literature and name of dealer. Aflk tor rolor cacdaand booklet showing housos in colors. I gallon makes J Med» b HIH.4HHÏ У‘ Г t '0.;.'Ra!iiinore,Md. BIOCKSVILLE HARDWARE CO. Mockaville, N. C, ni. n « a 0 Б1 RÌ !iai»!!aim№Ri?miiim;iiiininaiiiweiiiii6raioiinni!rni№a a'j » (too late fin' ias't week) Tlie Missionary Society met with i\[rs. Floyd Lnshinit 'I'uesday fternoon. An interesting tallc was made by Mra, Chas. Weaver .of Winston-Salem,- and others. After the business mooting de­ lightful refreshments were serv­ ed. Mrs. J. !■'. Johnsnn'.s mother, Mr,*-., Green tif lioone, spent tho Week end \i-itii her. ¡Mr. Jo'in Brock of State Col­ lege spent li.uSter with his iiarents Mr. and Mr:-,. Mose IJrock. I\Ir. and ]\Ira. William Scholtes of Winslon-Salcin spent the wetk end with Mr. and i\lrs. C, A, Hart­ man, M is, R. a, John.son has as hor NOTICE 01’ RE-SALE В Ш в в я II ч щ 'à и ieoov; Wiiat is more delicious tlian a cup of tea? Wo specialize and invite you to try our blends. Our choice of groceries will pi ease you, our prices surpr , you, ALLISON-JOHNSON CO. Sfaie of N<|i'lh Carolina, Davie Ciuinty. . In tlio Superior Court. Before the clerk., Under and by virtue of the pow­ er vested in nie by order of the clerk of the Superior Court M. A. Hartman, I will offer for re-sale on tho 2nd day of May, li)27', at 12;00 o’clock at the court house door in Blocksvillo, N, C,, for cash or one-half down aiid the balance cash the one-half not paid to be secured hy lirst deed of Trust, on the land purchased, the following described property: Beginning: at a stone in M, C. Ijames and R. S. Ijames line, and runs Soiith Iii Mi deg. E, 29 cliains to the middle of the post road from Mocksville, to Statesville; thence with the said road South (!;> deg. West l'.l,;!5 chains to a stal’.o on North side of said road, thenee N, So deg. West 1‘1„S7 chains to a stake, corner of C, J, Anders(uis land: thence N, 5 (leg. East ¡<",20 chains to a stone, Ijames corner: thence South 85 deg, lOast 20.70 chains to begin­ ning, containing acrs. See Book 25, iiage 21, 2nd tract: I’eginning at a fitono, John Tutterow corner, near the old school house spring and down a branch as follows: South S deg. West A chains South 21'/- deg. West 5,!I0 lo a cherry tree; thence down said branch as it meanders 11 chains to W, U, Tut- terow.s, line; thoneo W ,with said W, D. Tutterows line 1”<,2.;1 chi|ins to T. W. Tutterows corner; thence i\'. M deg. East 27.22 chains to a stoiie; thence East 8 deg. North 2,50 to beginning, containing 28 acres, more or less. See Book 29, \ page 20‘l, This the 15th day of April, 1927, B, C, BROCK, Con-imissioner, /1 21' 2t, NOTICE (dF ’^'I^CTION in TOWN OF MOCKSVILLE guest this week, Mrs, J, W, Wil­ liams of Winston-Salem, Mr, Albert Redmon of Duke University spent the Easter holi­ days at home. Fart of the high achool students went on a picnic "iit Pilot Moun­ tain Easter Monday.: Tlio out of town members of the high school faculty spent Easter ;it their fVarious homes: Mrs, - Woll})‘orn at Wilkesboro, ¡MÍS3C.S Somers and Blevens at VVilkesboro; sMrs. Tom Miller, Harmony; i\Ir, Martiii, Y;adkin- ville. ' ' ’■ Mr, Gilmer Graham of Wake l'\)rest spent the week end with Mr, and i\irs, G, H, Graham,' Mrs, Jess Smith had as her Easter guest, Miss Frances John­ son of Winston-Salom, , ’ / Mr, and Mrs, Albert Loiig of Durham have returned after S])ending several days with i^ln and i\lrs, G, C, liong. Miss ¡Margaret Brock of Char­ lotte spent tile week end at home. Miss Lillian James of Winston- Salem returned ¡Monday after Sjiending a few days with her parents, ¡Mr, and Mrs, John James, Mrs,-Woodrufl’ Sink and little daughter áre visiting Mr, and Mrs, Fraiik )Valker, Mr, Lonnie Gray Horne spent the week end with ¡Mr, and ¡Mrs, L. J, Horne,-----------2---.O----------------- FARMERS OF DAVIE * FEÎIUZER ice -GROCERIESИ . MEATS-------------------------------------------------- WE DELIVER THE GOODS g LAUNDRY "Everything wa.shed snowlly clean —everything ironed lo pc|rfecti«n —every piece given, individual care—your bundle complete, ,ready to use or wear.” We call for your.clothes—Vr’ash them immaculately clean ' in n«ods of pure, rainsoft wafer and flufl'y billows of mild, M’hite suds— Rinse- and d|ry-iron every thing with exquisite care— And return your bundle sweetly clean, "wonderfully neat, with everything ready to wear or put away. And this wondej-ful service, always dependable, always right, is niotlerate in cost. WfT-WiSll-TllRIF-T-PIIIIH-PHEST. Co®leemse - Icii & laiiniry Co; Cooieemee, N. C. ¡11111Ш1111в1111а)!1н:11Ш111Н1П11В11пн»М1111нпн1111Ш«11В1||Н1||И!|{) [шн11н11гн111н1п1а!111ш1111ш11ш№ш111п1111амяшн0в«11!я1«1в1шш iLISTEN! I am pleased to announce to the iieople of Davie County that; I am in position to procure loans on improved farm land or city real estate pro perty. If you want to borrow, money call on, or write to, J. T. SISK, • Mocksville, N, C,I At a regular adjourned meeting of the Commissioners of tho Town of Mocksyille, duly held in its of- lice in tho Town of iMocksvllle, Tuesda.v, .^lareh loth, 1027, a general election of tho Town of Jlocksville, N, C„ was duly called to be lield at the usual voting place in the Court House in the Town of Mocksville, Tuesday, May ;ird, 1927, for tho election of a Mayor and f)ve commissioners, and constable of tho Town of ¡Mocksville, N, C., and at the same time and place an election to bo held to olect two members of the Board of Trustees of the Graded schools at which the qualitled voters residing without the cor­ porate limits of the town of Mocksville but within the said school district as well as those re­ siding within the town of Mocks- viilo will vote for tho ti'ustees. The polls will bo open on the day of election from 8 o'clock a, m„ till sunset, as iircseribed by law, J, II, Cain was duly appointed Registrar of tho town of Moeks- viiio and of tho Mocksville Graded school district and J, L, Carter and W. N, Smith judges of said,( elections. The registrar shall keep open the rogisti'ation books for the re­ gistration of new electors resid­ ing in tho town of Mocksville and ontitled to register and for the registration of electors residing in tlio Mocksville Graded and High School district and entitled to register whose nnnies have novel' before'boon rogistered in the precinct or do not appear in the reviijed list, between tho hours of 9 a, m„ and 5 o'clock p, m,, on each day (Sunday excepted) opening Friday, April 15th, 192'7 and. closing Saturday, April 23rd', 1027—said registration shall bo open until 9 o’clock p, m,, on each Saturday during the registr­ ation period. By order of the Board of Com­ missioners of tho Town of Mocks­ ville. This March 15th, 1927. T. M. HENDRIX Town Clerkr if you want to borrow money * * on improved farm lands in * * Davie County under a plan * providing ;for inexpensive, •" S * long term loans, call on, or * ” write to, * » ROBERT S. i\IcNEILL, Atty. * & *■ at Law, Mocksville, N, C, -»¡g The Kind Your Graiifathcr uíüed. We have it in stock at Green Milling Company’s warehouse, near,the Station,' Materials Of A i We have or can get any kind of material you want I“ Your Patronage Appreciated. Come See Us. IW .C artner I . Mocksville, N. C. ‘.!ia;;i!MiiiMiiiiBiii!iB;rmiiiia;ii!Biiiiniiiiipii№iiiiiaiiiiaiiiMiii!B;iiwiiifniiiiBiiiiBii!iB:iiiiaiii!iaiiiiiaiiMiiiiBiiiiaiiir THE 80UIHERN P M R •»' 'J,' # » « fr « A, F. CA1\H»RELL UNDER'fAKER Ч * * » » ' # if * « 4*. * A completo line of factory * ^ and hand-made Caskets. * Motor _Hoarse and an Ex- port’Embalnior at your * | ¿4 Scrvice *!H MOCKSVILLE, N, C, --■ Also J, J, Starrctt’s * t| Semi-Monthly RICHMOND, VIRGINIA THE OLDEST AGRICULTURAI. JOURNAL IN AMERICA 50 Cents for One Year ' ■?1.00 For 'riiren Years .?1.50 For'Five Y’ears , . TWICE-A-MONTH 185,000 TWICE-A-MONTH Mocksville, Rt, 1, Dav Phone .....................:,.....104 * : « Nhrht. Phone_____on 45*, T R A D E \VITH THE MERCHANT THAT ADVERTISE IN ^ iMUnwiu.e ! n ew spaper — 'I'HEY WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. THIS NEW QUALITY AT LOW COST ■ ' Cars Just Arrived, I Come in today and look over the most Economical Automobile On The Market Today. Cheap in price, up-keep, etc., but of the highest type in color, design and workmanship. 1 1925 FORD ROADSTER 1 1926 CHEVROLET COUPE 1 DODGE ROADSTER 1 TON FORD TRUCK 1 1924 FORD COUPE 1 1923 STUDEBAKER ROADSTER 1 1923 DORT TOURING 1 192G CHEVROLET ROADSTER SEE THESE CARS BEFORE YOU BUY ELSEWHERE T '-r ■ MARTIN CHEVROLET Ш MOCKSVILLE, N. C. №И>1Ш1111В»11В!11!В;!11В:1ПВ|111В:111В'llIBülBilllBIIII 'ШИ'ЦГ "'íj . i lí'/l Ч '•V . , / l'ih s , J : ' ;{lÁ*'4Í .TUE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE Thiiradny, April 28, ,1»27 CENTER NEWS > (too laUi for last issue) Mr, Turner Tutterow of Gro.ons- Ijoro spent tlie Easter holidays •with Mr. Elmer Tutterow , and family. Mr. arid Mr.«i. B. P. Gnri-ett, of Thomasville, visited Mr. and Mrs. T. P.'DwiiiKins Monday. iMessrs] Albert Tutterow and Clarence Anderson, of Winston- Salem, spent Monday with home iolks. , ■ ‘ , ■Mr. and Mrs. 'Arthur Stone­ street and children, of Winston- Salem, spent Sunday and Monday ■with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dwiggins. Mr. and Mrs. Odus Tutterow of High Point, were the week end guests of Mr. L. M. Tutterow, and family. ' Mr. arid Mrs. Roy Shelton, and l)aby; land Mr., Clyde Walker, of Wt. Airy, visited .Mr. T. P. Dwig- gines and family Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey. Hoots and children, of . Kannapolis, visited at the home of Mr. T. A. Van- : iiant Sunday. . • ,Mr. Van ■'Barneyc.a.stie, from T’orsyth county is visitiiig, his -brothers,'Messrs E. R. and W. B. Bai'rieybastle.. Mr. and Mr.s. Will McDaniel, of South River, visited Mr. J. S. Mc­ Daniel and family Saturday night. Mr. Walter Parker and ,family, of Wiriston-Saleih, .spent the week pjid with ^Ir. Joe Parker and fami- . 'ly. • Mrs. W. F. Andei;.son, and Miss Emily Powell of Winston-Salem spent the Easter holidays with •their parents, Mr. and JIrs.,R. I. Powell. ■. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walker and son of High Point visited Mr. T. P. Dwig'giris and family Monday. _ Mr. and Mrs.'Lonnie Dwiggins of , Asheville, and Messrs John and Ray Dwiggins, of Winston- Salem wore the week end'guests , of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. fL B. Dwiggina. Miss Geneva Garrett, of near •County Line spent Monday and Tue.sday nights with Miss Myrtle Anderson. ■' i Miss Rulj>\ Ijames, of High Point , s]ient the week end with friends in this community. - Mi.ss Grnce Dwiggins, of Salis­ bury, visited her father, Mr. J. IL Dwiggins during EaHl'or. ,■ Mr. and Mrs. William Dwig- STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF N. Л. UNDERTAKES NEW SERVICE A new service which is exiiect- l^ed to bring',many visitors into this locality will shortly be an­ nounced by the Standard Oil Com­ pany (N. J.) Realizing that va­ cationists now depend on thoir'Au­ tomobiles for most of their out­ ings, this Company has arranged to extend very unusual help to any one planning a trip, whether this journey originates within the area served by the Company's marketing organization or not. As a preliminary to this now departure, an experienced carto­ grapher was engaged to make a personal survey of road condi­ tions up and down the Atlantic seaboard, as'a result of which two special drawn maps, one covering the states of Maryland, North Carolina and South Carolina, Vir­ ginia and West Virginia and Dis­ trict of Columbia,, tho other New Jersey, have been printed. In­ formation-collected in connection with this work has been put on file in an oflice op^ened at 26 Broadway, New York for handl­ ing inquiries. , If it were possible to resurrect the nomadic tribes of Egypt and offer thorn a new begijining in one of the aggressive states along the Atlantic seaboard, these famous travelers of anc'ient civilization would have to learn their trade all over again in the classroom of the American motoristi ■Down through the ages have come great changes in transpor­ tation., In the last decade the garage has , taken the piace of the railroad depot a.s the starting point of mo.st- family outings and vacations.^ There would be end­ less other strange things and situ­ ations with which these venerable citizens of the Nile Valley wo.uld have to acquaint themselves. How many of them, for instance., would bo able to comprehend a touring seryico, which requests all who travel tho roadij, north, south, ea.st and west to lot it assist them without charge? , ‘‘Standiu'd” Touring Service with headquai'ters in room 2(!8, 2G Broadway,, Now York, has been established to ?iid the motoring PltEPARE FOR CO'l'TON WITH UNUSUAL CARE traveler.in planning and ^pmplet- ing trips. Except in cases of un- Kiris and'Mrs. Doii.hin Dwiggi^;' I'SUfilly hoayy demnnd .tho tour- id relatives in 'Cooleemee i service oflice will■visited ;Sundny. , Mrs. C. W. Tutterow and three children visited her mother, !Mrs. Xiiz?:ie McClamrock last week. The commencoment of Center ‘Bchool will be/hi-‘ld Saturday night .„April 2?). Everybody is given a coi’ciial invitfition to^ attfinl. IIURAL COLORED WOMEN MAKE BETTER KITCHENS an.4wor Vv’ith- in twenty-four hours all inquiries coming by mail, telegram or teio- phone. It will furnish routes in detail, baaed on the late;it information regarding road eondiiion.s. It will name .scenic points to' look for along the соиг.че of travel and de­ scribe the condition of roads which will be encountered by the prospective traveler. n t • u A n nr, -u. ,1. I ^his service em-_Raloigh, April 27.-Its rather |bn,ces the United State.4, It is .difflcult to get colored people , available in gcieraJ to the motor- Avho.se time is idready filled wth I iny ч- ЛаЬог to turn their eyes to their - traced in color to make the driv- .nomes and to take .steps to ini-; prove them or add conveniences, „„.swera to all ¡n q u in es whoncvar *But bmma, iVleJ3ouiiald, our possible -jiome agent in Wayne county went Distance barriers have i Tong ■ about It :in the right way, says | „¡nee been broken down. The-iui- 3Irs, Jane S. McKimmon, assi.st-1 tomobiJe with its almo.st unlimit­ ed travel range has contributed, largely toward bringing this ^ ^ about. But improved, roads, congregations. When the pastor, stretching out in everv direction had finished his sermon, she told ; ¡,nd the availabilitv oi’ those pe- ,Jiim that he had been preaching u-oleum products needed in the the gospel of good homes and operation of a motor car havo .happy i'amilie.4 and no sh e wanted ' niado this ])0.4sible, .10 tell the people of her .mission i Tiiero ‘is no article .of cpm- ■among thom. She did. It was „ic-rce, from pins to postage - .ant director of extension at State . College. “Emma found her first «-opportunity in tho rural church ■ea.sy for hor then to meet tho various community groups later Jtnd to get them interosttid in ;:iiome improvement.” Mrs. McKimmon states that though this negro agent was a stranger to the Wayne county colored folks, she soon made her- -self known for hej- burning zeal •and her friendly and sympathetic ■ JdfTorts. She ijersutded many wo- ..-^nen to enter the kitchen cam- sianiijs, so easy to purchase as gasoline and motor oil. One, niiplit think that the automobile wa.'i a stationary consumer judg­ ing by the pains which have been taken to have petroleurti products dispensed at most coiiveiiiont points. The mountain has been taken ’to Mohammed. Nov/ through “Standard’’ Tour­ ing' S(-rvice the nomads of 1027 America have another conveni­ ence, subject only to their beck.■.^'paign. At (irst an inventory was .................. -made to find out the good and'’ ¡,iul call, ■ 13‘ad points in the kitchen and to , ______________________ .score them as they were. Tliere ^ ADVANCE ROUTE :i NICWS .■iolJowod the out oi, .old f ________ rubbish, the accumulation of ,^„s, J. V, Williams of Wifiston- ..f L ^-ears, then came plans tor more | .sp^nt the past week with convenient arrangements of,,,,,, ,^,„ц ■'J^vorking e(|uii)ment, for more win-; Hobertson. îl'î ■ dows, for (inisljing walls and >■ ' jJloors and for 'building such ■j 1,.-..-(,hii,gs as were lacking, the JT. When the cami)iiign was over, cr’s sisiursula Jones had won tirst iirize nior».-' II ,„^^,1’ a kitchen cabinet;, but the best jn rega.Y,.,.j;j(; tiiy clean', improved BCiices, Jkitehens found among the negro Ujion imos of tho county. One hus- a dri'8.‘ii,|;j,and said he would rather have iographpji^iiu pretty kitchen than all the frame lyjrizes and ho was determined iiither a),Q^y iq make the remainder of the house look as nice as the kitchen' ProseaJi^l #iKh«d, -Mr. and i\Irs. C. G. Buiton of Winston-Salem spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. G. W. Waller. Mr. 'I’homas Zimmcrmon of Winston-Salem \ spent Thursday and l'’riday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G, iiimmermon. Mr, and Mrs, Roy Burton visit­ ed Mr, and M'l's, W, M. Seaford of Smithfield Sunday.' tiniu and money to make the cam- paigr. a success anti many prizes were oiVered. White friends wero Colored preachers, doctors, high | ¡'Ino generous and each woman blinkedl„ehool toaî'hers and rural teach- nnd mnll|.,.„ al! contriJiuted liberally in* uiv b' who ‘made an eíTort lo raise hdr standard of living was rewarded. Raleigh, Ajiril 27.~Cptton fai- . niers are boginiiing oiiorations for the annual crop' tind if i)ro; iits are to be mnde this year; the 1 seed bod, the soed and fertilizer i must receive* unurtual attention. "A good seed bed is the first requisite to ii good stand and I vigorously growing plants',” says C. B, Williams, 'head of the dc- , partment of agronomy at State I College. "The soil ought to be ' broken from six to eight inchcs deep and then disked and hnr- roweci. Planting should take •place as soon as spring has well opened uj). An early start is a factor in setting the maximum number of bolls befot^e boll weevil (lamage begins.” lixporiments made by Mr. Wil­ liams and his associates show that cotton cannot be produced eco­ nomically without fertilizer, bwt this material should be used in j proper amounts per acre and so ' proportioned as to fit the crop and l|ie .soil. Tests on Cecil clay loam soils show that (Jsing ООО pounds per acre will increase the yiold ‘150 pounds of cotton more than will the i "e of 200 pounds ot‘ fertilizor. This 600 pound applicatlon*\vill also make 161 more pounds of seed cotton that will 400 pounds of fertiliz­ er. Teats conducted ^'for soven years in the Coastal Plain section show that 800 pounds of fertiliz­ er will producc 711 more pounds of seed cotton than 200 pounds of, fertilizer, 542 more pounds of I seed cotton that 400 pounds of ‘ fertili-/.er and 22!’. more liounds of seed cotton than GOO pounds of fertilizer. ' Mr. AVilliams states, therefore, that from GOO to 800 pounds of fertili^/.er is tho proper amount to use for cotton under ordinary conditions. The most oxponsivo cotton is that not l'ei;ti|ized. For the piedmont area he recommends a mixture anal.vzing 10 to 12 per cent phosphoric acid, 4 to 5 per cent amoniiv and 2 to l>er cent potash. For . the coastal plain area, ho recommends’ a mixture analy/.ing Г) to 8 per cent phos­ phoric acid. :v to 4 por cent am­ monia iind j? to 4 per cent potash. Such .mixtifros should bo supplo- monted-by the addition of nitrate of'.4oda.or sulphate of ammonia applied as a topdrcsser, CLOV^iR AND VETCH GOOD TEAH'ORARV PASTURE Raleiirh, April ^7,—Bur clover and hairy vetch furnish excel­ lent grazing for dairy cattle be­ fore' permanent pasturrfi aro veady, finds II. - A. Patten of Craven county. • ^ “,Mr, Patten hns a herd ol about f)0 pure bred IIosteins and grade Guernse.Vs which are graz­ ing on bur clover at the present timd,” says Sam J. Kirby, pasture, specialist cit State College. “He finds th'af his cows need about ,(m e day 4n become /icciistomed to the bur clover fiavor after which they reli.sh the plant Us much as they do those which aro supijo.s- ed to be more palatable. Mr. Fat­ ten states that bur clover does ■not have .to be reseeded. Ho 'M-azos tho crop fi'om January to May, then saves n crop of seed, plants silai/o corn on tho land and the clover comes up again in the fall ready, for the same treatment,” Another advantage of the bur clover is that the land is grow­ ing richer all the time. Accord­ ing to Mr, Kirbv, tho land to bur clover is producing twice as much silage corn a.s it~was before the clover WAS started three years ago. The clover is grazed ciich year in late w inter and early spring, a seed .crop is harvestod in late I'lay or early June and tho land is then prepared and planted to corn in time to got a fino yield of silaKo, iMext to bur clover, Mr. .Tat-^ ten uses hairv vetch for the same' purposes. This crop gives about the same results though it can­ not bo irra'/.ed so early. In some fields, Mr. Patten has the vetch irrowing with oats and in others with rye. 'I'he temporary pastur­ es are so cut uj) that ho can move his cows from one field to an­ other and thus regulate the amount of grazing^ done,. , ■ Mr. Kirby states that Mr. Pat­ ten is also doing some'other im­ portant pasture work. Ho has a series of plots lo determine the best grasses and clovers for per­ manent pasture in his section. A trip to this farm'is like visiting li pasture exnurimcnt station, ex­ plains Mr, Kirby, ____^ Thirty percent of tho present crop area in Macon county yields no returns because of tho infor- ioi; seed used, estimates ono resi; dent of tho county. American Sailors Are Wounded By Chinese Fire On Auxiliary Ship Shanghai, Ajiril 2G.~Acting as a-convoy for the steamers Tung- wo arid 'i’uckwo down the river Yangtse, the United States aiivili- ary Penguin, was subjected to u hoas’y and persisto'nt fire last night from the south bank of the Yangtse rivor, midway between Nanking and Shanghai, occupied by the Cantonese. , ' A number of bluejackets aboard the Penkuin was wounded, one it is thought mortally. •' This attack proved to be the most serious ¡if- fair that any of tho American warships liave., sustained since DINNER LASTS FOR 24 HOURS Wtddin,g of Rich Ptasanls in Hungary la "Done Up Brown” 282 I’ig.4, i:i Steers,^ !)00 Fowl, Items (in iMunu Ntmesnadudvar, Hungary. — When the son ol' a rich Hungari­ an peasant gets married lie does it up brown. When it so haiiiieiis that tho father of his bride is al.so wealthy, it is browned to a turn. In witness whdreof hero is what happened when Peter Keszernik of this village married Miss Erzsvet Himpelmann of the neighboring village of Bajakut; Wedding invitations wero issu­ ed to six hundred guests, and o:>- actly six hundred not only ac­ cepted I he'invitation with thanks but showed thoir faith in the Hos- ))itality of the groom by arriving early an;! staying late. Nor were thty disapjiointod. For throe days beforc/the cere­ mony thirty horses iiad beendoing nothing but draw wagons loaded with eatables and drinkables to tho Keszernik home. The dinner was a twelve-courso nffaii; and lasted a full twenty-four hours. During thi.4 time the'guests ato steer.-;, 10 calves, 12 fattened hogs, 50 suckling pigs, 220 young pigs. 00 fullgvown chickens, 220 broilfrs, 80 geese, 2,000 oggs, 1,- 250 pounds of iiour, 620'pounds of sugar, !!,I24 pounds of lard and butter and Г)('| gallons of milk. This food was washed down with 1,500 gallons of wino and GOO buttk'.s of beer. Lcciil doctor.s wl'.o attended some of tho guests on tlve days which followed t!io feast, hou'- evcr, stated that from the con­ dition of their patients they could well believo that tho figures .were •not exaggerated while somo old- timo Hungarians ■ who did not happen to be invited damned that if they had been guests the aver- a;rc of food and drink per capita would havo been evon greater. they aiiiieared in Chinese waters. I Immediately the Penguin,opeii- ed up widi macliine guns and i riilos, and tho Cantonese replied with field pieces; whereupon the Penguin brought her big guns to bear u))on tho Chinese, who final­ ly desisted. The American destroyer Paul Jones also was fired on, but from the north bank of the rivor, where the northornors‘ control. Investi­ gating another attack, the United States destroyer John D. i'^rd and the British destroyer Cockchafer discovered six Cantonese gun­ boats all ready for action, Tho Cockchafer was fired on later from the south bank of the river, and opened up with a heavy I shrapnel fire, which was kejit go- j ing niost of’ tho day. While northern Chinese forces have met with reverses in an at­ tempt to cross the Yangtze river from Pukow into Nanking, ' the .seat at Chiang Kai-Shek’s newly founded moderate Cantonese gov- i crnmont, there are rumors of a ^Concentration of noi'therners for an .iittiick on Hankow, the strong­ hold,of tho radical Cantonoso ac- .tion.'' j Fighting between the northern forces in Pukow and the southern trooiis in Nanking, which has been in progress for a long time, reach­ ed the climax last night when the northe.riiers, crowdecl into a score or more of boats, attempted to cro.‘-'t n.oar tho Nanking I'orts. A soarclilight revealed their ap­ proach and a lieavy fire was otion- ed upon them, Reiiorts reacliing Shanghai sav that 2,000 northern soldiers perished when the boats wero ¡•■uiik by/ tho Cantonese shells. Details are lackiiiji, and it is'(liillciilt to find confirmation I'ov this i;eport, A vor(ie battle was also fought last jiight, between five war craft , of th"e Nanking Cantonese and tho northern b.'itten'oH in I’ukoiv, The Oring liistod for hours, but out decisive rosult.4“. ' A in^N (Tl7RoiiriT;r NE The profeaaional nt'the'Counti'ipi Club tells us that riiore than 000,000 men arc now, playing golfj. in, the United States. Which Is Д compliment to more than 2,l)!i(),.:1 000 of theni if score-cards we Iihvq J seen mean anything. NOTICE OF SALE i\Ir. and Airs. li. G. Fo.stor of I\li.iiv;iy vi."ited Foster’s brother, Mr. J. O’, Zimmyrmon Sunday,. i\lr, iiiul Mrs, Joe Scott of near Arccdfa s])ent sevorai days last week \^isit;iig i\Irs, C, C, Zimmor- ! mtjn, who has boen ill for some time, although she is ipjiroving now, glad to note. Mr, Charles Orrell siicnt Sun- da.\; evening with Mj', Heimo'ri Zimmoimon who is * ill with munviis. Mr, and Mrs. Byerly Sidden of Winston-Salem vi.^ited Mr. Iler- mon Zimmermon Sumjay after- IHxn, In the Superior Court lie fore the Clerk. NORTH CAROLINA, DAVIE COUNTY. Bessie W. Bessent nnd husbaiul,, S. R. Bessent, Diane Dean iuu[ husband, Raymond Dean, vs I’aiil Wood and wife, Catherine Wood, Under and by virtue of an or­ der of the Superior Court of Davie County, North Carolina, in, the Special Proceeding above- entitled, the undersigned eommi.^..' sioners, will, on the I'lth day of May, 1!)27, at the court house dour In Moel<sville, North Carolina, nt Twelve o’clock, noon, oll'er I'l,.- sale to the highest bidder, f • cash, the follovving descriliud lands, lo wit: Tliat' certain tract or parcel nf land lying in Mocksville Town­ ship, Davie Cpunty, North Caio- lina, and bounded aa follows, viz: lieginning at a stone on We.st .side of Old Iluiitsville Roiul iu Hutchins’ heirs’ line and runiiiiiir South 87 liast 10.80 chains to ii slcne, Rose’s corner; thence Soiitli 50 links to a branch; theiico down aiul with branch to a poii;t below concrete -road;, thence willi branch South G4 East 19.80 clt .iii.s to Gsorgo McClamrochi's lim-; thence North 59 liast 5.;Ui chiiiiis to a stone,; thence North G!) Wi'st 18.50 chains to concrete road, a stone on the North side; thenci'. North ¡5 East 25.00 chain.s to a stone, Boose ¡\IcClaniroch’s cin- nor; thence North 8G West l.''.«ti chains to Ilunlsvillo lload; tlu'ncc with said Road South 10 I'la.-ti .'¡.50 chs; Soutli 2 W'ost 7.50 cli.'; Soutli 4.15 chs; West 8.50 clis; South W ent 8,05 chs to the be. (,■inning, containiiig 5(j,70 acre.-i, irioi'o or less. This 0th diiv of April, 1027. A. D. ■ ■ . JACOB S'l’EWART & ROllliliT S, .'McKEli^'L, Commissioners, Dntc'of Sal!.': Sulur('ay, April I I, ' fS’J7, 12:00 O’clcck, Noon, Place of Sale: Court House Doin',. I\Ioc!{.sVille, N. C. Terms of Sale: CASH. - 4 14 511'. C:'ONVE^40iNS! “ in Щ ñ Щ и~ Mi-.r? H шw!в HyLCINIZli i -SPECim Every vulcanized tire carries a guarantee of satisfaction. Have your tires vulcaoized and v/ear it completely out without furlher trouble. «1 и; Ш' Goodrich tires - - Goodrich tubes A tire for evmry class^ of aervice ни nr UL MOCKSVILLE, N. C. ■sillailÍMiiiiHiiiaiiiiBiH I “ ìieììa , Mr. Sm ith ¡ How uro you?” ■ “All right, thanks. Well my wife ha.s .sent mo after some i more of that good kind of fioiir. When I get out of wheat I buy your flour us it is the best 1 can find,” Щ 'И и и ■И 1.Ч F,I fe H и fíi M ЙО I-’-’ oi i 1Ш iHiia A convention of the Democrnlii (lualilled voters of the Town m i\iock.-iville will be iiold, in tiu' Court House in the Town oi ¡\Iocksville, for the j)urposo oi noniinat'iig a candidate for Mayor and five Comniissioners of the Town of Mocksville, and a town Constable, Saturdav, April :’>0lh,, 1027 at 2 :a0 .o’clock p. im.,'anii for the transaction of such other- busi ness as may ijrojiorly come Ije- I'ore tho convention:,^and a.con­ vention of the Democratic (|uali-, fied -voters of Mocksville Graded ami llie h Scliool District (in­ cluding the voters who reside, within the corporate limits and those who reside within tho said School di.strict but outside the coriiorate limits of the town o£ Mocksville; will, be held in tlu' Court' House ill tho 'fown ('!' Jlocksville, :for the nomination of two trua'tees Of tho Mocksville School district Saturday, April :!Oth, 191’7 at 2 o’clock p. m„ and I'or tho transaction of such other busine,fis . as may properly/come before tho said convisntion), l-iy order of the Democratic Exe­ cutive committee of the town of Mocksville, and Mocksviile School district^ This March 28th, 1927. JAS. H. CAIN, Chitirmtui Danniarutic Executiva Committee. J. Jj. CARTER, Secretary. I s*. . -B IIORNE-JOHNSTONE CO. I,. ' ^ If * •» •» * « * к » .* * -» * DU.“ E. C. CHOATE . * DENTIST ' * ^Sanford Building Mocksville, N. C. * *.X-Ray Diagnosis '*' *, Olfice Phone 110 , * Residence Phone 30 * DAVIE CAFE Sanford ]3uilding, on the square,. Mocksville, fi'. T-,iblos for ladies and gentlemcji MealH and Liinche.4 Ice Qream nnd Cold t.'rir.ks P . К M A N O S, гор. # * * » * к * BAXTER BYEKLY. М. D. * COOLEEMEE, N. C. . # ■■ « ♦ * *• Ä * «^ Office Ovor' Di'Uif' Store, Off ^ f l o o P h o m . N o, ** donctj 'Koi V Va ’ » » « iè.t/ ' P : « - everybody READS DAVIE COUNTY’S NEWSPAPER--THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE~$1.00 PER Y EAR—SUBSCRIBE NOWI Mocksville Enterprise Г '/ ! TRUTH, HONESTY OF PURPOSE AND UNTHUNG FIDELITY TO OUK COUNTY AND OUR FLAG IS OUR AIM AND PURPOSE I VOL. 49 MOCKSVILLE, N. C., TH URSDAY, MAY 5, 1927 No. 23 Cana School Closes Successful Year; A. C. Huneycutt Talks (Rarely in the days of rural Huneycutt proved by abundant , Pa vie has a community witness-j illustration that in this work-u- ed a more creditable, pleasurable I tlay world "one must pay for what and better attended “school break- gets,” Smooth, glib-talking ing” than that which look place ftock salesmen :.iad invaded Stan- Wednesday and Thursday, April f county and sold one-halt mil- 27tii and 28th at Cana. Another worthless^ corpor- Hiicc'essful school year had come “te stocks nnd .scores ot Stanly -to an end and the. good people of cti/;ens are today paying an ever progressive community ! ‘•I’S"' ioHy in attempting to had assembled in large numbers malce money without honest toil, lo hear the children say'their I'hcodore Roo.sovelt, born « Pl'.V- •vm.:;es.” listen to a literary ml- "'«»kl.i«!?- I'J" t himself into dress,of most excellent duality,'", »trong, powortul, virile man ,v.!n(i-ln i;hife.ther once more in I'.V puyi.Ug themingle together once more in “У payiPB price of ilriendly and iveighborly ¡„tor- temperance, moderation and con- , course and to take 81Ъск of Ihe | « '« " t ‘'nn»bça ion oí the principles many elements that'contribute to ................ »"^1 'I'sciP- tlie making of Cana community «is ii delightful .section in which to live. 'i'he commencement -program ■vvaa rendered in a fashion that re- ilected most abundant ereclit u))on I’-oC. Minor and 'his able corps c. ...-„.iiiawVi;. iOxtreme ^are had !)('.(,II taken in the preparation of j -this ))rogram, and the manner ¡11 which each participant a,c- ipiilted himseli’, or herself, proved nioro tiuui suDicient to compens- fite teachers and Instruelors for all toil that might 'have been en­ dured to insure the success of their cil'orts. ' ^ Tho exorcises Wednesday even­ ing were of a most intoresliiig character and were enjoyed by un audience that taxed the .seat­ ing cajiacity of the arbor. Tho main feature of tho two-day pro­ gram, how'ever, took place Thurs­ day niorniiig, at whicJi time the literary address was delivered by Honorable A, C, Huneycutt, o' r d ill l.. . ---------- of physical training and tliscip- iine.-Communities require church- es, schools and road.i, but those, if aijtained, must be paid for in honest labor and lionest dollars. Beware the man in politics or re­ ligion wiio promises increased benefits without increased ex­ pense-. ■ ,, I Tho address of Sir. lluneycutt could well bo termed ti sermon on human morals as re<[uired of all rural communities. Repeatedly did it stress the fundamental truth that henc.st labor is man’s nio,'.;i golden duty, and tliat dis- hone.st effort'is the-direct source of such majtu' ci'irnos as murder, arson, burglary, ombezzlomont and “bootlegging.” It, contained an earnest anjJfia! to adhere .=itrlct- iy t:o the tenchiii'^s of the lo-.vly Nnzarene, whose life on eai'oh es­ tablished,' beyond all que.stion the full weight of honest toil as one of man’s most luminous vlrtuo.s. , I Build roads'and school house.s; 1.1 erect splondid churches, and then I forget ClirI.st is but' to pr'actico the policy of the man who seeks to g.'iin somothiiig' for noiihing. Albemarle, N. C. Introduction by .liicob Stewart Mr. Huneycutt who is no ' ..........." ,, , stranger to a Davie county audi-i Г £ ................ - .1 civic righeteousnoss and foiSll'JUlg^Ur LU il i-^uviu cuiuitj •«-v.v,. , , . . . . ence, was prvsonted by Hon. Jacob' "'Vf ,‘T I"'Stewart, of tho Davio Bar, in a '^'Tort to give short speech wherein: humor and I'ouwt return for each benefit hard, sound common sense found , down.------1 nf fu>nifiiiRo tnaiamid an ourburst of ai)plaufio that' amui iiji uuj4ui.li. ». ......- ........ „ I bore am))le evidence of the hearty toi^v7‘i\ir. Stewart ro.se above tho words had cilii'! expression. Usually , .‘ipeocii of presentation is perfunc tory; Mr. Stewart ro.se ahove the , . , commoii-place and presented the j ' At 12::.i0 the morning program was concluded and it is needless' to say liiat the good women of Cann community maintained thoir widely known reputation by spreading bel'ore quite n large CContinued on page ,2) i’URITy IN Ol.LAI'ODRIDA. .JACKSON NOT ALL BRUTE “The out of doors season is now here in all its glory. The lime when something pulls into one’s heart-strings and almost compels one lo close up shop and go Out into the fields and woods and saunter and loll along cool and shady streams.” The above remark was made to us Monday afternoon by^a well known Mocksville business man—a poet, who did not know-he* was a poet and may never know, and yet a poet just the same, or at least one with the soul of a poet, for surelysuch a feeling does not come to just anyone. . , , But possibly, after all we may be in error, for surely there is, no person alive who'was brought up on the farm,'br out in the open, who, when, having been penned within the walls •of; a small oflice or place of business for months, hns not felt that saj;ie impulse lo get out in God’s great open and feel the invigorating infiuences of j nature at her best? Surely if there be one who is exempt, he must:' be a queer piece of humanli;y. For vvho with a normal imagination, could romaJ)! within the confines of the office, the store, or the bank j and contomplate upon the free, quiet, fields and woods and streams, al thia season, when birds rind early fiowers and soft breezes and life-giving sunshine are everywhere, v.’ithout feeling an overwhelm­ ing desire to throw down and get out? ' Wo used lo feel intolerant toward the lazy fellow who spent so much of his time hunting and fishing. Wo once thought that tho fellow who would sjiond hours aiid hours of his valuable lime loung­ ing nround on the river bank fishing, was inexcusable nnd worthless. Now wo view him diirerently. We have long since realized that tho big pulling‘pow'er ill tho fishing game is, as a rule, thnt nnturnl long­ ing to gel out in tlio open, nni;l now we love any person who enjoys fishing or hunting, for, as a rule, such person is drnwri out by that love of nature which bespeaks n big, kind henrt. /Coming lo think about il, did you ever see a natural born fisherman who wns not; a big hearted follow, n lover of man and all of Odd's creation? Then, loo, the love of nature is not the only foriie which makes one crave lo get out from among the crowds sometimes, into the open. These strenuous.limefi in which wo are living try one’s nerves to. tho point where soniotiiing in us cries out for relief through the world’s solitude, Lord Byron I'olt that impulse—that call Qf the wild —thnt desire for the big world’s solitude—when he'wrote the fol­ lowing lines ill hi.i masterful Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage:, ■ “Oh! that the desert were my dwelling place. With one fair spirit for my minister, Thai I might all i'orget the human rnce ^ And, hating no one, love but only her!” And at anothor,place'in,the same poem, B.vron said: a ' “There is iilenaure in the pathless woods,,. ■ There in rapture on the lonely shoro. There is society where none intrudes, ' r > . ; ’ By the deep sea, and irtusic in* its roar,” John Charles McN.cil had the same impulse 'pulling onto his soul when ho made otio of his characters say: ' , ’ “Hit’s an actual fr.c’ I sometimes wish Dat 1 wns som’en wile’ , A coon or a fox or a iiossom or crow,. Loas’wise for a littlo while. ' I’d like to sleep in a holler gum. Or roos’ in a loiigleaf jiine, Whar nuthin’ could come to mess wid me Nor ax me whar I’s gwino.” Princess Theatre Is Now In New Home On Main Street ■I'. speaker in a brief bui unique spoech which inot only compliod with thè'requirements of a forma! pivsenl;ation, bui also revealod a ' ,'ieal boiid of common Interòsl be- tweon thè'nudicaco nm! thè'’Slan- ly couhty Citizen .w'ho had come : to addross-it. ^ Hu'ntyeuU’s AddresH Hupeycutt, at'lihe outaet of ^''ìus 'addràss.'èxplained that he wiis li'goii^^ a very simply Mtóilèct’'.an(3 '1ie wanted' t'o do so ¡vì;n;V..Vory;'simpio ' manner, witli u'ords. and tho ®Jìii%on.‘(iIìorpin eontiained might ho ‘^i^f.ijbenefit-, t'o panaiits or ; pupils ,f'i-Whose.i:deHtiny is sò elosely co'"ii- i» .•iioctéd i,wit;h pi'osen t ri ay idrobi emi', à 'J f i n . g tho : §frri ptural story of- |-’;.,Aha'b's."avnrice and gioed as his : , ’centrai ■;'tiliémé, thc spì;aker 1i(u n-- ■ iC.ihedirJhto : AiV' powerful,'^ inddrcBsj hap^'^lión/the admonitionV “Yoii' can't';^ot spmelhiiig l’or, liothing.’’: Actopling ,i.h,e linhiippy- fato of Kin(j.;,Ahab,<'an'd his. f'am 3h’'Li?JthbYKinff‘s - iinwarranted^: FIND 150 PERSONS MAROONED 2 WEEKS Ilickhinn, Ky., May 1.—Rescue ;boats M'hich returned tonight ifrom their third day's trip thr; ough the fiooded lowlands near | Hickr.i.’^ir found 150 persons w.ho ' iiad boen nmroonacl fo r того than two weeks, they reported. Soms families, huddling in at­ tics, had - lieen without food for two da.v.s, the rescuers said.. Two wock.s’ ,Kupi)lios 'of iprovisions, medicines, clothing, and soap wore ■given.tho marooned, iversoiis wlio refused to loavo their homos. Res­ cue boats have found 350 persons • rnai'oonod in houses iuul barns iji th'B flood area ad.iacent to Hick- miui, members ol^ relief parties -----------------------------f----- ^ ^ S L se , o f ' A p|îrox.im ateîy ¿7,500,000; în Federal Tax jHi . Mt\y 1.—An in- ,1'pproximaloly $7,500,-: Jrai'itax :cQlloction'S in ',(biv¡uí! " cór- • thß last fis- ihownxby 'fiB'ures made crofised from $128,420,475.41 to ,?lii4,408,877,G4, The only other slialfcs to .show incrensed payment,» bi’ miscellaneous taxes w,ore Dela­ ware anf Maine. .\ F or tho country.as a whole, tax coiieciions during the irin(^ months ahead) of those of the same periodÄ|je,wn'>'by'figures made, | JUICUUjOl vuuou Ul- bitw a.....- ,—__ Щ|Д^:4|)Ул t of', Ifist year, totals being $2,128,057,- »áyenu'e.iplaciñgi reepipts 864.75|-as compared with ?à,112,--1-nv .(ЧпПпГ*-tfen;«,^;ipl«cingl reepipts ..........................870,1ft 3.44. Income tax collec- .=;!I-tIons'Por the period ended March '..Ins-•'• SlJ-iWit, were $1,647,260,895.82,■ .11,420,0,'36,817',87 a year ;eaae of $227,220,577.05iartere"AZr lax colloc- ).48 against ecrease of So why shouldn’t one throw down once in'a while and take a few hours off in the great open spaces of this big, beautiful, world. Why should one be criticized for sneaking off occasionally to spend a -liall’ da.v, lazily fishing jind dreaming beside a friendly stream? Did you ever stop to look at some simple little wild fiowers, iiiooming in its innocent beauty nnd loveliness, away out somewhere, whore no eye could be expectod to admire its simple beauty and , whore it’s frngraiice might fail to reach the breathing ot mankind, and wondr why it liloomed ut all, whnn both it’s beauty and fragrance i may be wasted “on the desert air?” And then did you ev'|' think, lhai man, wiiilc the crowning glorv of God’s creation, i.s not all?' Did it ever occur to you that nature lieedles.s of mankind, gmss quietly along, even more obedient to the Divine will than ainfjil man? And , these simple little wild flowers, growing all alóne away out- in the big world, can teach us that oven (he gra.ss and (he (lowers the birds nnd ail nature, in ways eniiir.ely unknown (o man, praise thoir M«str|'’, and (hat even (he elements join them in paying homrge to the Great ; Areiiifcct of (he Universe; “The Fool Hath Said in His Heart, There ! is no God.” iI We hnvo been reading a series of articlos carried in,a well'known magazine,dealing with incidents in the life of “Old Hickory” .laek- ,son. The articles were very intoresting, but we didn’t like them for tho reason that thfey only jilnycd up the blood ni^d thunder side of that great warrior and stalesmnn, The nrliclos told of his duels and his rough nnd tumble fights, his politicnl struggles, and roally did not give exact justice to the man who, while'rather i;ough, was yet tender. We looked for incidents in his life showing up the humano side of Jackson, but they were not in the articles, or were so few and far between, that the reader is inclined to gel Andrew Jackson from tho wrong angle.As a matter of fact “Old Hickory” was a born, fighter. He np- pari'ntly loved strife, nnd yet he wns ns tender as a woman. This is proven by a circumstance told by Kendall. After, one of his bat­ tles with the Indians, Jackson’s troops found an Indian woman who hjid boen killed in the fight. Held in her lifeless arms who’i found was her baby, unhurt.. The child, a boy; was carried to Jnckson’s headquarters at tho same time'the other Indifin prisoners wore de­ livered in ennip, G^dnera! Jackso.i’s heart was touclied with sym­ pathy for tlio motherless nnd friendless littlo Indian baby. ' He at- tompjLed to |liire some of the captured Indian women. to nurse and care for the child, but none of them woiild take the job. “His folks are all dead, kill him; too,” they l;old Jackson. But"01d Hickory” Jackson wns too manly and too bravo to allow such. He had a small qunntil,v of brown sugar which he ordered one of his soldiers to use with a little, wnler for the child’s nourishment, ns'th'e little fellow .seemed to be starving. In this way the baby was, kept nliye until the Generarand his nttondnnts nrriyed back in a small town where he was sent lo be nursed nt Jackson’s expense.' Upon his return from the campnign this rough Old Hickory Jackson took the Indian ba)>y home, named him Lincoyer, nnd'with the willing air of Mrs. Jackson, roared him as tenderly as if he had been his own son. Wo ^v^il! leave it to any person who hns made a study of men if thnt did not show up tlie real heart and character of Andrew Jack­ son in n more nccurnte light than' all tho tales of all his duels and fights nnd bnttles,, And yet the writer in Ihe'woll known mazagine, in the’ year 1927, never onie related any such fine story of tho man who was the sub­ ject of the'articles written, iyccaCcd On Main S(|reet, And Ls iVlodirii Jin Every Way C, B. iVlOONEY CONTRACTOR Mocksville and D.ivio ■ counl;y people, aa well as many from acl- joining counties,rpoint with pride; to' th| new Princess ; Theatre, whidr'is iocatod on JIain strebt-,". and right in ’the heart 'of, the busines.s section of thp ' city, tho : plnyhousu is second lo none, eiven ' in 'most larger cities you cannot find ■ a more complele picture j house, everything is so conveni­ ently arranged for your comfort. 'I’he building i.s constructed from the ve.ry best grade oi hard brick, tile and cement, with hard maple floors, while the roof is fireproof, and complies with the latest ' North Carolina theatre building code. Large basement for storage and heating plani;. Coriifort, sanitation' and safety was tho first consideration. ,' This new house has a double enlr,ance from front and rear of the building ^with still another entrance to the Tjnlcony. Built for photo plnya though it iin's singe,'enough PAifiicient to acco- modnte' 'a play with twelve or more persons with dressing rooms under .the stage. ' Another thing which Mr. Daniel look into serious ,consideration w;is the comfort of'his patrons while attending l\ie shows, and determined that they should b(3 as comfort.abio as posssibie, ho .spent maijy,'many dollars inataii- ‘j ing thu famous Scabriaezo ciectric ventilating system which has n ',' capacity of forty tliousand cubic vj feet of air per minutei : Also'.11113 toilets on both fioors'.' . - , .i,, . The projecting room is; abso-.'' lutelj' fireproof- ‘and iH’linod. wj'th ii! 24 'jgiigo ironi Which - makes. it l im-'''; }Vo.Mi!p!e for fire./. -In this ropra ,V is'.two brand new'elcctric Super- ,; lor machine.s of iho vcry/Iiite'st,-: (ypo or : model, which; makes i,<aav;. good / pictures as' ' is now .* made.' , anyv.’hpre in the world. . With.the ;. addition of these new machines, it ' lakes much less time to iihow the ; picluro than horotofore. Iir fact, ' the entiro hou.se is so convonient-. ly arranged that it is indeod a ■: pleasure to sit aiul watch the , .screen for much longer time than it,tnkes;tp show, tho 'picture. Mr. Daniel is to be'highly com- nicnded for the erection of such . high class amusement/house in a city of this size, and is-, justly' ' entitled to the support of every citizen inithis entire section, youi can- rest ¡'assured that you are going to jfeol at homo when in; this-theatl’c and vvill soo nothing;, but the bust'irrade of pictures. ,, Mr. C. jS. Mooney, the contrac-^ tor is, indeed, toibe iOommc,nded ; for tho material" placéd'in ithis ! building, and also in tjie miUiner •iij which; the 'workmanship, was ' carried on, evuryt.hing coming up to, the “T.” ' Mr, Mooney isi a con­ tractor of much experience- and,, is 'a member of the A, G, C. ; "Ö Democratic Moaiicipal, Primary Heîxî Last Saterclay Aftemcosi' A A. HOLLEMAN RENOMINAT- ED FOR MAYOR OF IMOCKSVILLE Strong Ticiict Put Out Ry Dcmo- i crais to Manage Town Gov­ ernment fcjr Ensuing Two Years Another municiipal primary has come to in end nnd* so' far ns wo have been able to learn, the end was peaceful and .satisfying, to a large majority of the citizens of the Town of Mocksviile, whoso civic destinies «re to be guided by the men' who were nominated in tho Democratic municipal pri­ mary held Saturday afternoon, April 30, 1927, in the Davie coun­ ty court 'i-oom. Trup a great many men and- women had sensed a feeling of fear that rumors of war clouds might result in a. storm of dissension, once the primary con­ vened, but if there were i^'ny ele­ ments of war in the air,' such were quickly dispelled by the spirit of friendliness which per­ vaded tho court room at all times I during the proceedings of tihe con vention. ,,,'■■ A weil-attendsd convonliion met Ht^2:!ip o’clock, addre.^sed itself/: , to tlio task of nominating n town I ticket for thé biennium • 1927-28, , completed its \v or к «nd then ad­ journed with no signs of hostility'; , n)ipearing upon the horizon ito , 1 handicap its', deiiberations. Nicc, I clean, cute little spittoons wore- present'in profuse abundance, but this.wn,4 a Democratic iprimary, and Democrats don’t throw spit­ toons ! , Some v there were who ■found occasional^ use for those re-. publican media òf defense as do-.; posltories for quids of the filthy ’ , weed, but none there were who saw fit to invade the realm of-the- lowly cuspidor by seizing upon it IIS a object of personal protou-,' tion-. , \ Tho convention was çiilled to order at; 2:30 p. m„ by Chairman J, H. Cain wiho cnlled Mr, V, Ел 'Swaim to 1;he chair, E. C. Mor- ' ris and Robert S. McNeill ; wero j n'amed as secretaries. ■ Upon moi tion of fir. Jiicob' Stewart thci', temporary organization thus 084,'; (Continued on page 8) ..