09-September-Mocksville Enterprisem : Pa^e 8 fié . h . COOLEEMEE - JEUUSALBJI , BAPTIST CHUUCIIES (D. F. Putnam, pustor.) ; rreneliiiiti uvery Sujiday moi'n- ’ ' Ing and' evening at Cooleemee--. P rayer mooting ovci'y Thursday, vj'?; :iiight--TSunday School every,Siin- day morning at 9:45. ,T. F. Spry ’ Supt.; S(}Hior and Junior B. ■¥. ; , IV V'' nieof every Sunday evening at seven o’clock—Preachfhg ’ at Jerusalem the fii'st and .third Siui- ■ day and fourth Sundays, at' 1:30 the first and thu'd: Sundays. A ■ cordial invitation is extended -to those who read this, to attend all ' those services., . , ' The pastor'has been, out of town for the last few\Vi'eoks hence the failu re to report the happening» , from the chui'ches served by,him. He w ith jiis w ife had a most de- lisfhtful/Vacation^ at Ridgedrest, but was really glad to get (back : hoine and take up the work once again. The w riter is preaching this week at 2 p. m. and 8 p. m., at Turrentine,. assisting Rev. J. L. K irk, the pastor, in a series of ’’ ¡evangelistic services. The meet- iing starts encouragingly. Erskin H eatherly, M isses Cre- ./.i pla and Ethel Young, Ruth Heath- Henry, who ' ^attended the’ M ars Hill Assembly, fl;^port'a.m o8t helpful and joyousi S'etlhg. We feel that this w ill tof great benefit to these young people. v; ; The subject for next Sund m orning w ill be: Godfs Plan in Your Life, How can W e Know? I A t .night ‘-'The Reward of doing :,th e' common place or Little ’■ViTh.lrigS."' !: ^ Sqiith Yadkin Association, lisvili'cionvei^e Wiih the Sou River , - church, in Iredell county, on Sept. '4l'’ The iollow-ing is .the, oi service..: ■ Vi;, 10:00/ a. m.-—Prayer and praise g^vvlpe -rRev. 'D. P. Putnam . ■ '5Mii^‘'r'-''‘‘10:15.,'a. m.—Cali to, order— 'kI"'......... ''’'MrideratorV .V , ■ ing ne.4t Sunctny of the CpbleemcD .ohurcl\ at which time' bfficéi’ii v/iJl be oU’Cïed for the Sun:lu'.’ f*chool, f3v iho next atóoclatioriftl ycai’. The Icltur to the associa­ tion w ih: bti read’ and ,4pproyo.ci. O ther’ matóürs' of , vital inte'.'tíRt, '•■ ill b e . passed on. Lot''v every member v.'hò can. dò so be piv !-'')}t. , ■ ' Л, "~qÒOD MANNERS^^ , THE''MOGKSVILLE-ENTERPRISE^ FROM ■ RESEARCH ‘ DIVISION CAROLINA MOTOR CLUB, Inc. i f e .. Si; »tírewrr.tt; An American woman lelt this >A communication country thirty .yow« ago, is,-being,fom at-decl to motorists turned SIX months ago. The, oui! judgement ia far thing that startled, her in America is signed was the decline of manners. She,the tpayor and constable and color in closed cars, lurgeri low­ er fenders, newly ideslgiied.tieats /md’ larger-, niore i^w erfur'brakes. Ldnger lines, effected, through higher radiator,: and redesigned cowl and bodies are apparelit in all . the improved Ford ¿ars, but iire especially proiiouhced hv tho open tyi^es. . Wide crowri fenders hung close to the yVheols 'contri- ,.bute, to the general-effect of lovv- Greensboro, Aug.' 26.:—As a re­ sult of oom plaintsòf m ail orcler arresta near Gary and of a “speed trap” <it T.nylorsvill^vColoman, W. Roljijrts, vice-president ■ of;the Carolina Motón clti.b hiis. issued the. following bulletin from head­ quarters: ■ .. : ,.DUte, to the general-t , "M ail oi'der arrests havq--broli- ness,;.,and .^martiiesai . . ц en out in another sp otj'this tim ei ;'W h ile Runiibout, and Touring g in Gary, N. С. 'A cornmunicfition.Car l’em àin’ iri black,- the ,closed is beiniï fní’wii'i'fioíi — i.i..) . - '^'^’u rsd n y, August 27 1 « i / ; P Ron* call of churches an d , còl-, lection of letters. ; Election: of officers. , . : .. Adoption of order of buiilncsa. . 10.:45 a, m i^Repdrt of executive committee. , : ' .ii - V TwoVjiii ate roportf from all of th e’.churches.', '¡.'i,,/''. r'^.; ■ 12 iOO—-Introd'uctory sermpn—; '••'‘V'-^‘’2lovji.W ;-B.‘ W aff.’ - ;'. ' 7 '' : làrSO ; p.: • oi u_.:-:,.Y .v,'com m ittoe.?, ' ■■ ■ ' :> v :7 (l)i On N’ominations; ■ , i 'On 'Finance. ‘ , '-(S) Digest of L etters,' I I i ! r ; (4) Time, Placo and Preacher. Ajrijournment. ■ Afternoon i , V 1 :45 p. m.—Prhyei' and praise aervlce—Rev. p . F. Putnam. . ------- WA ». one wrote an article about it for a magazine. Tho most striking thing in Ame­ rica during the last twenty years is a. decline in manners., There has been a decline in manners since the outbreak of the w ar; ' The young people of 1925 ex­ h ib it'less manners than did the young people of 1924. The first books written were devoted largely to 'manners. An English earl wrote a classic, be­ ing letters to his son. This book is mostly about human conduct. M anners are largely interwoven with customs. It is bad manners to break the law, to show a lack of reverence for the old, to break an engagement, to break a conr ttract and to break into a conver­ sation. It’s bad manners to kill. It makes for the personal discom­ fort of others. W hat the returned Ahierican stiw 'w as the liick of courtesy, Mt\iiy of our people confuse courtesy with subservience. Some are so .full of the doctrine of equality that'they are afraid that, if they observe the ordinary rules of personal courtesy they w ill be, set-down as flunkies., A common man is .commoner when he is impolite. An ignorant man shows him self to be a gentle­ man when he is Courteous. B{id manners usually promote ^either bad morals or an obscure m oral. vision. ip< ................. .. “‘>V‘says tha^ ou ¿>r about the blank day* of blank month at about the hour of b'lank time the party ex­ ceeded the speed, restrictions in Gary. 7 . "The letter further states that ‘we hold a State w arrant against you, reckless driving and exceed­ ing the speed lim it. This war­ rant w ill be held for seven days f^om date. You m ay settle .by lending a payment of $5 fine and-i.- -n__» ^ «««ciji/ UJ. ipp iin6 And $3.10 .TOsts, otherwise, it w ill be necessary to have this w arrant served on you by Sheriff.’ It I seems that they" ha.ve an .automa­ tic machine which sets a fine of $5-and costs of 3.10 and automa­ tically charges the motorist with reckless driving,, butf does not state the time or place'or rate of speed. We would urge that peo­ ple receiving these letters do hot remit, because it is not a legal proceeding. “Further complaint comes, to the Carolina Motor ■ club from motorists passing/,thriugh Tijyl- oi'sville who havo had experience with' pollcemon there requiring ' the payment of .$9.40 for thoso who may pass between two given lines a few seconds ,faster than the town law provides.' .It is re­ ported'to .u s'th at ono man waVes a red flag the moment a car pas^ scf} a given point and the other takes the.m otorist up at the o^her end of a "given point, . extracting $9.40. ■ ••--------- . . ' -\. . , Mèn used to o ifer women theh'| ;“It is our belief that'-thore iis 'seats in .the stroot cars. Wòmen.;not (i court thiit ,will uphold this do not thank men. any more and';.unfair 'metho(l' nt’ :«'•'^'''•■•■'“•-^ -■ in most parts of tho country men have stopped offering-their sónts. In the public schools in the north 10 yop.rs, jxgo th ey, '..wtìre '’I'!'-’"-“ ----“ _ ....... ... mu ciosea bcdifis are finished' in harmonic eolor schemes, enhanced by 'nickel I'adiators. th e Coupe and Tudor bodies are finished.in.deep chan­ nel green while the Fordor is rich Windsor Maroon. Greater comfort is provided for driver and passengers in both op­ en and closed cars by larger com­ partments, more deeply cushioned seats and greater leg room. Many nev; conveniences, are also incorporated in the improved cars. In the Runabout, Touring , Car, Coupe and Tudor, the gasoline tank is under the cowl and filled through an ingeniously located filler cap completely hidden from sight by a cover sim iliar In ap­ pearance to a covvl ventilator. One-piec'.- windsnield and narrow­ ed pillars in the Tudor and Coupe offer the driver greatly increased, visibility and improved ' ventila­tion. Driving c<|mfort is m aterially increased by lower seats, scien­ tifically improved back rests, and lovveroci^'steering wheel. Brakes and clutch pedals are wider and more, conveniently spaced. .), Four doors are now provlded„pn the Touring car nnd .two on the RuTiabout perm itting the driver to take his place from the, left side of the car. Curtains, held secure' by rods,, open with the doors. : Most important in the mechani­ cal changes aro the impi'oyed brakes. 'The transm ission ’brake drum and b^nds have been ,cóhsi- derably 'increased in size which gives the fobt brake .so fter‘and moré positivo, .action as well, as longer life/ The rear wheel brake finning Sept. We close our store at 7 o’clock p. m. except Satur­ day..^':’' ',7 ' ^ PHONE IN YOUR ORDERS, EARLY TO ENABLE US TO ' .■ > ' ' i ■ ■' -V ■ GIVE YOU THE ATTENTION WHICH WE DESIRE TO GIVE, AND WHICH YOU SHOULD HÁVE. Allison-Johnson MEATS- ^W Ë DELIVER THE GOODS'~G"O^ERIES ишлпякош inviai'; iilmost ¿s easy Hdiiig m b a l l o o n s K ELLY- S P R IN G F IE p ’S e.\:clusivo new ruetliod ot' ,con8tni«tiou loops tho hond right into tho cm'tls of tho tiro iauric itself. TIjIs luakcs tho new Koliy Bo^ilcxiblc that yonr oar can liOw rido upon thp air in the tire riithcx' tiiun upon • the bumps itttho road. , WcVo heard liro users say that theae Kelly irioxihlo Cords arc alraostfas easy-riding aa balloons. 'I .And that isn’t the only de­ sirable feature about them. ^ Like all Kellys, they give tho ^ long,dependablemilcago every IT c^r-owner wanta. .. uu..u ,>vii. upnoKi thi.H longer life.' The rear wheel braice unfair 'mothod' o'f .enforcing 'the '’'’u™« is^i'Sor an d , thii. brake, la%. ' . ■ i ' of sell! onorgizing typo.’ -: “'ih e C aro lliiaS o io r club ; Cord:;tires,aro jio w ' staiidard ho. every one ! to o b e y th'p' ;iaw and, oQulpment pii all Ford, cars. : re does.'noi^irotoct reckless A t th6,^main';Offices.of tho c>id’l arid ' sneedDw; : " ;Д1ЧУ «JKl; ^ 9.^'d.Ca*'8' ,___... ,^^»o T;noy , -.,wdro ¡does;'not^protect recltleSs ’di'ivGra At the.^maui'.ptli tho eom- itoaching children to say “yes'’ arid'!arid.' speedeiii.but ,‘it ':doeS;' lo.bk pany it was stated today ,|hat "no.” 'They'wore toid'^hat'it was'.with disfavor 'upbn .the. methods production of tlni, new lines, is hot good fbi,*in to; 'say,“yes, ail',’’ practiced by,many constables and under way-in alL.assemwy pliints an"^d "no, sir.’’ police officoi's, Especially ' so of tho conipany, throughout: tho In: Charlestori, Baltimore; New whflt:o the'local town ft"»-'“Orlfl.'ins, . .___ . X ULllillli. 2 :00 p., hi;—Miace'llancpus busi- ness. 2 rlO p. m.—Report on co-ope­ rative program. Including Stew­ ardship and Church Finance— Jlev, J. B. Eller, 8:30 p. m.—Report of commit- ,-tees:on benevolences: ‘ . . (1) Orphanage-—Rev. " A, 0. Moore. ,(2) HoBjiital—^oV. M. -VV. Gov don. , / . „, (8) M inisterial Relief—Rev. C. I*. Mooney. 4:00 p. m.—M iscellaneous busl- jiess. Adjournment. . , Evening Session 7:45 p. ni.—P rayer' and praise 'Service-—Rev. D, P. Putnam. 8:00 p. m.—B. Y. P. U.—Rov. J, G. M urray. ' ' 8:30 p. m.T-WOman's Wdrk- J lis s Laura-Lazenby. .Adjournment, v ’ . ' . Second Day, Morning Session , 10:00 ii. m.^—Prayer arid praise service—Rev. D. F. Putnain.'?; 10:15 a. .m.—Eopoi't on Sunday Schools—Mri3. I. ,P. Erazier. ; ; j 10:45—^Report on the SprearPof i:he Gospel' fl):;i,'State .Missions—Rev.: D.’ F Putnam. ■ ■ ,,. "(,2) Homo M isslons—Rev. W. B -W aff...' a: ' '('3) Foreign Missiqns-7-Mrs. A, P. Newcomb.' ' i •Educatign--Dr.(4) Ghrifitlan F. G. Slfrman., , < Adjournment, ' Afternoon Session 1:45 p , }TV.—Prayer and in’alBfl eervice—R ev., P, P. Putnam. 2:00 p. ni.-^-Report: on Religious L iierature—Rev. Sex: Swan. 2 :20 p m;—Report of committee on social service and public mor­ als-—Rev. L, R. Tato. ■ ?:40 p. m,—Report-on'Obituiiri- en—Rev. 0. S. Ca9liweil,\ , ^ 3 :00 15. m —Report on Digest of Letters—Dr. G.. W f Choato. ; : .i'; ;;, , 3 :15 p. m.—-Report of executive ' C'CTOmllloa. ;!|lft03;3o .p. m,-^Appointment I ii ,Vi w|ffiscoManepu8 ■ bud , ;: _______ jiiapecially ' so oi. №o conipany, throughoui 'theIn : Charlestóri, Bifiltimorei NeW jwhdi:o the local town ■ enacts an country 'and the Impròyed . cars ’ ...... ■ “ ordinance adopting a, speed law are ' M n g sen t. to dpaiers, for contrary .to ihp state la,w, which knowing, it cannot lawfully, do. .‘,‘Mdtorists; traveling' No. 20^ to Wilmington are advised that , . Colunibus county has a spofid' of^, If you \yont to se.e,how manners ficor operating in .and have declined/ióroject yoursdlf Bolton.'v This:officer back 25'years into a hotel dining' *'— roprii. ,, ___ojiui/llliore, INCW Orloans, Natchez arid Columbuf?, Miss., tlie children stlir say “yes, sir,” an d , “noi sir.'. We mention these towns because the, people in them retain their good man ners. ■of , - and our crime '.Ihere ,w ill bo, a.'business'.mect- ' wave .thriyo.».:'-i In those days people entered slowly and quietly, took their seats. An • aid : of serenity; pre- vaded , the y'room. V The,, ' knives, forks arid dishes were as If they were soundpi'bof. ^Peopjo' ^yero patient with the w aiters. : ■, Now ‘ go Into, the' same dining room ■V-” ” Qn ______ wytlOiOLillJj brjiss InstruraSnts and a tin pan piano. If you dq not ■surrender your hat.on'the outside some one growls at, you. Then when you get inside there is a roa:r òf voices. The women gabblo like a- lot of parrots and the men cry from table to table like a lot of bull­ frogs, Then listen to them eating .SDupi" If the w aiter 'is’ a minut'e late there is à row, ;> Bad manners beget bad service in a restaurant, , ^ A few months ago' a man was longing; around tl^c ¡counter of the office of ;a hqtel clerk., There was a party in the front, end of, the hótól. . The man said to tl^e clerk, “ I believe I - will, go over to the ballroom Y and hoar. some noise.” ' : ; . . “If . you want' to hear some, noise,”; the ; clerk ’ said, “ju st .go upstairs and listen to that train-, load o f'to urists, who have just arrived,: eating soup.” ' In some o f our new-fangled clubs it ' is a igreat, thing to cal 1 a fellow ’ member bj' his first, narrici and to shorten that. Wo . once heard;'a baldhe'adod “go-getter" in a place whore you “sold ideas'^ and' “reacted" and “vvere sold" on something tell how it made him feel good every time he called a distinguished rabbi "B ill,” and a distinguished ejergyman, of another denomination, :v Matt. Think òf calling the Apostle Pctoi' “Potè”: iind, the author of thè ;first: Gospel, “M atti”: r; - v . Sociability is never improved by yokelry arid crass vulgarism . If you w ill notice; orir manners decline ju st as our m orals'declino and our crime and lawlessnessWflAfo proper 'FOOD FOR SCHOOl. , ---------........ wours a unl. . ^ Ч, li"“! Т1Ш ПВО (im'la« whicl'i dill,iron nrointoim ed ho is instructed no^' to nttomlliig school nmy iiptly be cnlletl make , arrests -except whorp- tho "Tliu Danget'oua Ago.”'it Is tlio pei'lod party violates the law.” of rapid b'l'owtli mitl ovory cni'o pliould -n/-»TiT"*m'in-------------------Г--------- bo tnl!On,tO Ilism'O tlio clilld of n nor- M O VIN G ' PICTURE imil nnd Healthy 1кк1у. , Tl|o Idoii-ot MACHINE MEMORIAL TO ’ eating only fit and wholusoino foods JOHN. McNAIR PATE aliotild ho oiirly lnipros.4ed on tlio A T S./VNAT0RIUM .уоппког nionihora ot ovory fiirnlly in order to protoet them iiKnlnst Inter • III hcalth'imil Its nceomimn.vliig unlmpr\lnnc«a Ti* *-l.~ -.-1- • . . . —————oiliiju uining Cl i. • A . . ' in heaUh UlDom. "iTour ears are/blasted by Sanatorium, August 25.—As a jiincss. if t n orchestra consisting largely of to their grandson and in iho diet .............«^ч ...r ......ч.ии, I'iiss instrunSnts and a tin pan *’®Priew, Mr. John McNair Pate, chbos of food, poisoning, tndlKi:stl(^n iano. If you do not ■siiwn.>a.,..lMr, John F. McNair and his son, »f«' I'lndvod iillnicnta nmy wsidt. Mr. Jam es L. McNail, of Laurln- boing tho cl^lof Item in burg, have donated funds to tho li? North,,.r the purchase of a moving picture posed to gems «ml tnny: enon Uccome machine lor the benefit of the undt for use. VY^ierevor/there Isstho patients at the institution. ' slightest rciittttffifer dmiiit Mr. John McNair Pate was a Pi'i'lt.'’ foiwl^ii4iie, stops sli'tifihl he patient in tho institution eight ''"1,'!,'*' cuicd .and was one of the most (¡¡f, ргпсПсо of ijMini! successful young business men in mill.- ihiitJs.HhHolntely iiuro .iind .sii'rlie his community. His accidental nnd free'from nay когтя or liliciiM'In, .death last year, brought grief to I'l’® ^ntisfnetory, as woll ;iiK,tl!'; his; host of friends throughout the «»fysi ai'M! used In prepnrlrig foo|rr('f State '\ ' ' the groivlng dliild 1.Ч evnpnnitod iiiH.K’. ' ,riP4- „J! „ i • - If Is storlle. nnd.lhmTl’or« snfe..-Il,™ s g ift; of a woving pioturp^ lg d|ge,st|hlo Uinn iimrla>( milk, niachme lor the bon.ofit o f the pa- its nnlfpriniiy. eonvonlenwbnnd cost v tients here .at the; Sanatorium; is mo' ruinlltlos ilinf .ronnnihii'nd It,' v ’ a iriost. i'it'tirig moniorihl to Mr. ^ Tiio foijmvhig (llNiies ai;e''^nll IPate. Shut in lis they are, the tl'c / needs, of tlie. Ki'<»vlriK ol.iHd*: po^ible foi'ms:of'entertalnment of ¡'I''’ ,i''?“8tod;;:u.id;. yery the imariy .’tuii«'ciilbus: sufforerp "oia'isblng: .y, here at tho ,Sanatorium are ratlj- * caram or limited. .Tlil.4 will take their riiinda off their troubles and will bo a most; useful mearis of enter- KELLY F l e x i b l e C O R B HtjRNIifMOTOR COMPANY ’ ' MOCKSVILLE, N. C, iGas and Oils ВВЕККШ\ ■neiiiÍHiiiiÉiiiHiiiii ÍIÜ69ÍKJ — y* u-L UlllOr- ’ tainmont and insti’uct.ion for years to come. / - :•, I. FORD ANNOUNCES IMPROVED LINE 0É BODY TYPES) J ' Body. ciiaulfds ; arid chassis V ve- finem&pts rriorc pronounced thap any made since thp: adoptionof the Model T chassi.s' woro an­ nounced here today, by the :Pórd Motor Gompany. : 'Thero: w ill, )je no advance in' price, it :alao: ,was •stated. i' Outstiiriding features pi thq;ilm-‘ provements in: both; open and eií- closod type^ are lower, all steel bodies, oiv a lowered chassi,s,vcbm7 plete new dealgri' .in , nipsii body #peSi>.ui>: chari'í^Pv.íi'omvW Caràmol CuBÍa'rd., • ’ ,'i Г oúp 'oviiporiiluíl . V4'.oüp яикаг V w illt dllulód .(oiiratnól|-.<o<l) ;,, with , , i tbsp.-isiilínr .I üup wtitor-, ,, .14 .'tsp iid iilt',II рвь-я . , . . .Ml ,,t«p.'VnalHa, i' чRoiilil tlio (llliitoil mlrit;; Cni'iimollzotho HUKnr nnd ii.dd lo inlíú tn tllssolvo. n«at ОКВ.Ч HllKlUly',. hdd’titib'iir, япИ. luirt lluvorlmï . nnO ., etipiiilno '.w.itli';': scnUloil irnUlc. '. Pour \lnt'o üUiitnr'd 'oiiPH nnd s,ot In.>. pnn ¡wntOr' nnrt üoolt In aniodornilii ovun;,. Wlioii ■ tipno, .ii Itnlfo /blindo run In tho ofintor Win como out ','liloiin. : ,iFlsh Chowder. ' ' i pint rnw nsli nut • il oupa' liolllns i‘ J , In '1-lncll. (Ileo ,^Yfttor0 (¡malí polntoois,, ' 1 oup ovnpornted . Bllport, ;mlll{ ' d\lutoU .8:Onlohs oliopiiod i .;лу1П| ' ,.'■(Ino , r:'... ;. I oup;.water, , , U pnim(l: f(il m'ilt 6 oradliera ’ ., prtrlt, ullocd, ', . Fry.oiit Ilio imlt porlt. Whon brnwn, ronioVo plncos ,n( pnrH.anfl put llBhi PO- .tntoüs, aiul,,«nions In' Icottlo. Covor with holnne wntor. aimmor>untnipo,- tfttooH aro tondpr. ' A(lrt'!tho tnllk'iand’ pooli, 5 mlnulof^ ioiuror. -^ицяип with unit nnd imppór. .lu.4t uofnro uurvlni; àaa tliO'ornaUorn- . ь NORTH CAROLINA POPULAR EXCURSION , ' ) . , . 'to , , , , ‘ ' WASHINGTON, D. C, , . Friday, September 4, 1925. / . - ^ " '' ' '' SOl/THERN 'RAILWAY SYSTEM ., ■ , ■ •. ' Three whole days and two rilghta In Washington. / :' Round trip fare frorn;;Mpclt^llle,;N.:C.,,/...^n;í;.'.,.',:V.^llí()0 Special train leaves íGreeristíbro H Sept.' ;'!, 1925. Arrive 'Washington' 8140:a.inn^ySeiit.^/1925. ; ^ ' Tickets on . salé, Septeipber 4th, fgppd: on’;i;pgular;'trains to unction points, ,thbrico. Snnnlni. 'Pi.ni-o. ^ -____ trains to : junction points, ithbrico. Special Train; - Obpd^^t^ all. regiilar trains ; (except N o''3 7 Í'So 'ris'"tb'reauh br^ starting point prior, to midnight i/of "Tuesday,- ,áop^8th,' 1Í25, ifeturriing regular^trains iloaye Wasíiiíig.ton 8 :2Q,’a."m., 11:00 a; mi, 3 :45 p^ m.j 7 :00 pi'rii., 9 :35 p, m., and'lO :50:.p,,m., > Gig Leagle Uiisebrill Games . , , _ Washington^ Senators i'vs.i Boston Red So x.' 'V> '¿Two gariies--^Sei3tomt)er 5th: and * A finb bpporturiity to ;spo Wt^ltov -íTohnson, star, pitcher,. tl.o Senators; Ike’Boone, íitai’.fielclér,;tho Red Sox, and oth­ er groat stars iii action. ' . r-,., -:'i / Tills: w ill also,; bo .IV wonderful-Vópportunity to visit W ashington’s many public buO Arlington National Cemetery and:the various other;points.of interest, ’’ Tickets good in pullman ,s,lebping^^ra and day coaches, ,' No: stop-overs ¡arid no baggage, checked, . ' ^ 1 : .Make ypiir Blepping,cW rpservations oarly, i ' ; For further Information call bn, any Southern Railway agent or address: ' V''A ,, V V , ' R, H. GRAÍ-ÍÁM, . . : ' ' División Passenger rAgijntV ^ , ■ Charlotte',.N; C. '.... ’t* »/. 'i voJj. y iii/ ’F i ' TRUTH, H0NÍ¡STY^F-;p,ijKPÓSB,,;:4Np;^ TO ioU R COUNTY- IvND OUK ‘PLAQ^ liá OUR/AÍa?A N P PURPOSE ' - ...........................................% fe No:r4Z ':% L kч-'-йт McLean Lauds; Conditions' ' - ' At Tuberculpsis Hospital Governor Finds Sanatorium Im- proVeJ in Service PROBLEM IS MADE TO FIND TRUE FACTS Liberal Policy Exists as Regards D ischarging Sick M c C A l N Hopeless AIDS Patienta f. Months PROBLEM Kept 18 (By Brock^Barkley, in Wlnston- ' Salem Journal). tp;,- Raleigh, ¿jAug. 29.—Conditions at the Statp Sanatorltim for'í tíh'©] tuberculib^istreatment |pf much bettd| now thail.;U.lïey havd been at auj| previous tiiï'iç,” Gov- e a r t Hq u a k e o f m u c h INTENSITY RECORDED New Orleans, A ug.: 29.— An earth shock of great in­ tensity was Recorded on the seismag|raph of Loyola uni­ versity here this afternoon. Father Abel, seismologist in charge, suggested that the shock , was , jioesibly 2,000'. miles distant and probnbly-; teached 1 maximum: ' inten^sity |' tótween 4:55 and 5:03 o’clock^', central standard .time. 'Vlt>'ra- , tlons.^began at 4:55 and. con-:, l>'Hlìited4(»^5:ÒÌ5!-^''.' ernor McLban dpekired ^ a atatemei^f reportinir on' hia In- vestigatibnt'linto affaira a,t the ¡n-¡ stitution.' jS.. ... V “My invp8i;i'gation shóWS).!ÍtnátJ instead; of itho adoption of a new or restricted policy, that tho board of directors In Ju ly adof/tod a more liborhl policy with ,respect to the discharge of tho 3b-called incurable cases,’* he aaid. ' The Statement The full' statement, containing, also a.'lettGr from Suporlntendent ■Piuil ' P.'i.McCairi,, \vas releaaod to the press , tonight./; -. . Governor' McLean 8,aid : -, ’ "It \yill be reçalled that diiriiig, my absoncVi' on a short; vacatipn, the Raleigh Uiorr'estioiidcnt, of, the AsaociatcdjPress on August 16th, in an artiblb published generally, , throughout:' thp. state, miido': the ■ ,stateinent'cpritalning charges as to u-áfaVorablb; ■ coiiditiona at the State Sanatonium' for Tuberculo­ sis, and among, these, .that, a dium-' bor" of • patiórita''wóuíd;;tó orirSbpt'ôrii'Bbr-'rp^^^^ thp fàlW roiof'th''p'last io^lsldtiiro to provide funds- for tho main-, torianco'>'bf ■ the institution',’ Slrico; . niy I iretui'n ,1 hero I : have ' madeVa thorough! 'inv'p3tigatloir..'i'of í thb| chárg03.:árid l am-:fiilly convinced; that -thero' wasi'.nol-basis'¡for ‘thb charge. 10 i'-"i '.i'''''',’-, t!,;oiG6nforericoiiHeld>^i.'i:: Vv", f‘;I haviii had-taiicoriforenoeiwith -Dr; P-.iiP,-jMcGaih, superintendent,'! iiind DriliT, Wc iM, .Long,'. ;óh'aimiáh| of tho board of trustopé btuthej Btaterísanivtorlutnifó’i' tuborculóblsi iandft'also'iiwith i'Dr.’oWf. SíJRíi3ik'iii,| ,foL'munf»6tdte ihímlt}! 1 lo^iiodrj I aiulj iDr.-íGif M.:i;C.ob'poi'-,’!inowi>:ii!úcbing| -atato) hoal'thb0.!;’fi(fcri0'.iIb'‘)WÍllh:bü .renJenvlièifodithutathé Ananwgem'onlj ofuthft.-aaii.'it.oi'iumCví'áá u.ndeiirithp isuporvlsibn/.-oi^níhop.ddpai'tmoril) 10.11 i-health fi\6mrthe) timo coi itailiírda-, fbio'nv.uiítilíi-’.aíbout! /tw.0i;y'6ar!a(.iaB6. ,r.':',í(r l)>iBetteriComlitionaf,'i‘níi 'i'i'i'/J; ■amtíthoa.'ougllüy ,oMíOnvinced| -írom ..tho,!.'! invpsfclgatioh'.íKli have • made ithabícPnd¡ti,Qns^;a'a theynre-j .líate itovthe'icarpfofi patiôhtâ,iin.ith'o •,;sanatoiîtini.: í«'fí- muph'-rbettor -now than they have been at anyiHufe! 8yi,QÙSrt-.timqi ilrM» .f;iinvoâ,tigatioi| i]i8tetid-ibf[)fche ■ Adpptiopjobf-tflipnew^^ .■omlj«5{r ,thani!tM-Ajqard-^Q6 .dio.’tíér , ritov97Íní(iTMily5'jrtdc'P,t.e(l- ti’iipbréitllbp ■)er,a| :,.nbJiey,i,'wi^thl^íespt:ct!j(to^lJ№o -tfliaoiiiiftVffe :u,ioiu'p ,iroftfe',}il[VÇ,:v9.i№Àri,n.t(3ndnnt^ 'Tfad:Y.i)riflp4t(ç^ Sanatorluin •i'niftriti> riilji'y№'t';hifl'tldiscretipri)i^^^^ ,, ,:iiij'i;iaa'Yi?ííblfis:t«!BhaíÍK^ , la r character in the counl.ryoitp ' Í!te8n, 0'ftyMtfe'l.uri<Í^ n;tntppritó[at)ívfrl3(e-;tósfiitp.tí j'lPñriÍilÍSpÍ!'/ri)i$íjÍ3|iH 'I I № ài't pa WJO'flW -I r№.{\i.lab)iP:i foiiïrii^iritfti^ingiiaJ'li)!} •-íil'MriíV ,l?iíÍiq'Wí[i>nd-i •'t'<ieiiÇRnçjl;r#i;ipî^^ ,, ploted, w ill - üivplvo 'à,!n);isxiwridi^ ! i ;turg,, pf- OYfili'H;$J:-iiP,9,f3.0. ) 1 ! ■!/ ,tl ' 'j Tlat , ati tn'eV pre.s'eçAoitiflj«^ J^liij-pijjgjjljge .roeoi] ^ .cil4brtíV(ítl№Íitbbiioiwli№í{iJ^ajth : a so th Í '-ridMndiiis'xaièi^jÿctdthlftaiioBai'iiteQc :. lirisin .'cnb’xwinS oomuoIooO in uoll ■'i\ s > ,rii^ ledmsiqoS . ' ......... ditiOniil room in some of tho do- •par-femont8',?-'thoFOî'i»iasi!Burpluii-'-o:l!" room in- other departments. For eyampio: 'ffln j^he VpKison (»unit A|lülï№iWtt№ .bulltiauder] 'air*approá prtSítíotí ihtia'díí feÿ'‘tliô'*Uenbfàl'*Asi' Bombly of 1923, there Is room'for 48: patients while only 15 pati'erits are confined therein at tho pi'e'- aent . tinie, leaving a surplus of 33 bedsjln that,unit. Iii,.the:q\trir- ,ts);s,|prbvided^for! colored .patients there'Js roorii ftfr 72Hbetls'r'w^lle’ .it‘‘tho present time there are ohly 20 patienta, confined therein, leav­ ing,,á¡;8ui'plus of, ;;52,bed^^ This shows\'i tbtiil of'85 tinoccu- jiied'beda in thpse two units.;. Aa (o Policy ’;“in regard tpitlie policy of dis- chai'girig advanced . or;,Jncu_i;abl.e cases,; I'.find .it,- tb bo^'tho'; (iriarii’r!^ .trioiis'opinbri pf tlioso; with .whom- T 'havb invbstÍKat>ed:. the qubstibnf,- inclildirig Dr.;;Lbng'and 'Dr.: Me-' Cain, that• ,110 'm atter; h.Q\y ; .rn^eh', room there Vvill 'be,rit^ would' bp 'it ;Y0ry:;Unil8\l,n)i,J»)(i;;tip^i!p st'ltiition after a’ reasoi'i^^^^ of tim0''h'irs been 'given'to'aacer- tairi whether o.r nob'iho cases will respond to treatment. \ ‘ ;■ ‘‘■'I "t-find; lilko','thiit lt''lá 'IhP r'una-¡ ;'rilñi'óus'‘opinion; of' the' exports 'il'iiiE'-'ir-'tlib‘átate db^ircs'tb chang'e; [it's' policy iirid 'Hhùs '‘provido ■ an; a'.MH,um',H'o'r’-iiibiU'ri‘bie8 'iristoád/of) á'sa'íifitbrlüm fórí'thd'íreatmaiit'ofí crf'àés 'thàt"WÎlll-reaporid't'd trbát-; ■ÍTÍ'élít .''th'a't‘ ¡t' üdUl(l'ib®sb'^boi_Moné’i ^by'^iiVovidlilg {iíiaeparatot/ln'stitü- íti'0h"fai'^'íhtwí puri‘)0B6/>'í'í .«'I '-‘*1,. i'dgí'ét ' Very I much I that a Iriii s- •í¿iitl-ing!%tÉlt'om’ent'..'ai)pearedí!in'.the íl6\i«spa'íiib'í''sv'but li'tiitsilvqry lgiiati4 fÿilvg<‘4ô3mo''tbi)ibb «ábló, üpóii:ía| ílltíi-'óU'glVsiivWéktl.gatlón,iifi,t'Q:f£find; that' the conditions atr.th'enSana'-:' jtbr'ifimriaTOimoreíiáatrsfactóryiíthaiij th'áyalüvvcíf'eVoi'; bbeiVj and;'artí/Éon- at'a'litlyíim provirigíioiiii this 'çori. iièèti'o'ri, 'H 'sliduldAliKO!!tdu repeat a'gaîri wliat'ili havécsaidiôn iamuni-i boiiiioT-i'occasioiïS'iîiinbo î:I p.becamej Gbvoiinoi',:>fi Iriaín gô'ihg.:tei.eS:ûnt iflveiiy. '¿'ffor't ^toiîHèoi!that';,tho/jin' «titíitlnris'íófíthis) state àrè'prbper tlyi'îak'dh'/careobfp'and L.âhhllnaipt •p'evrriit, anÿ lotfjithpnvtton Bu£féri;br >a<icouiiltiiofi')lacltt of I fúndá’ ruetès- Sary for .thbh(i)súppbl'titif)sl;,*caá' pi'e'Ve'Wtiit.rí, ;№f( •ía.'iqríiiv.i iiilT rriif,'Jriie):btati6monliina to icoiitjitiiprtij *ls gá;veril.irifidet'airá'aiith'ü:fülldwiníi lottôriiKvi'itthiil'toi.mp'ibÿ:! iO!«ri:Mfi,ii iO.')Uilaiii'ri,7'''n'. n’;!) , ;McCnln’a .LettprI. ,iifiini.( ¿Hon.-Angua.;W .:-McLo‘ari^-G.over ÜnMr SpeciaÎ ïerm 0 To Hear Cole G ascf The SaVirig That Is Wé Need Wè Must Pay Fot Whether We Get It Or Not. ■„r,' It Is ,'decidettly utifair to W, B. Cole to call, a special terni of aupei'lpr court just to try him for thé killing of young Ormond two weeks, a'gb. . We ^understand that it is only ; thirty days qr -such :ri matter, itritir.the Iregiilar term of Richmond'suprerior court w ill con-, vene,'and‘ Col^;iS In jail so that his escape Is out of the,question. T ^ t being the-'case, for a special-jury to be summoned—a special', grand jury, rind a special venire from which to pick the t\yolve riien who shall pass upon Cole’s case; see'ms to us a procedure which .wçuld ;Ofv:jnô'cessity impress th e,jiiry and cause theni to 'feel that he' :«ij(ght 'lb bo condemned, even liefore hearing the evidence. . And that ought not to be allowed. W i , t . ^ :>no.-H'5',i:c.':::iOicio TTTTTFTTrT:.-• ■, >, W.' B. Colo Is a rich rnan. Hp is said to bo worth; a million, but, lliAt^ou'iîlif'iîot^'tV be' côri'M'déi'ëdÿ'"phô'^ΣÎ'w.J^ npPbè’^'anfr'lk'^iÎÿÎ' with a criminal ofiense. His wealth should not^iroes.hii-/but ho he is a man of wealth. .гаШои , i^of^vd, /oí ■ (li r e ap-p^ròfir i a 11 ò 1 lifígl« Чпп'1и1п8 эз/лооЬоО: Ib :яб11 , '. ■ .dis •luúmoiqoS He'should bo tried jUst .as all other, men charged with fore hearing the evidence. Let the man go into,court unhamperod. Let him have a fair and Impartial trial, and then, i{ convicteil, \eV him suffer the penalty of the law. ...tc \ Blit to call;a special .^pssìpri^jòf seems to lïs,'decidedly again'si:’hijtì,.'i^|^Ì^('òUght case,. sneclal term of court called. .This , paper ha.9' 'for some J'iá^&||bp'^n ¡;.'tállcli|¿'froiri'^^ tirilo' about'"that economy ‘‘vHiic'li ® i¿ó í;e than,' ia'"m^ biit ' wli'icli tpndoth to‘ pcivei'ty." ,Our reforofice^^.^jtpi■tho,^ecoIшртy:■•,thi\t"'ia ex- tritvaiKané'ò''ajid' 'parslmbny lias ''Ijoe.n 'Vil 'it ' rblated' to- a'taie, cbuiity; .a^id: city gòyeV;nmérits. ’ However, даргр^ òuch thing as „.oxtràya;;: i!?'an,t: 8ÌÌViriiio,ri, tho, farrii and ',in',,lir^f)iriopii.. : .léá'|)if.op.'oy1ítoib .¿obÂol niic.ál at all timeía. It'ì is wisp to aavoi biit»/4vhnOT^'j;p'nliy^^ l»ay'^or.^w|iQ]L.lii^ w;o get it or ribt,” and ' that-ruj|imp^f^^ coptlonrv;' Й 1^1^)1109, iii l^'uBineas, bn; tho ltU'nH*ní'ítl)ov/E()vernríicnt.^ Ú h hiKs. Here’Sj^-wimt 'I'ho Prog^^^^ quoting a -well woll known writer;;-thliilts--abbiit'tHbfiii.4<?teF0f^ ' ‘ “Wo ûfÇSn''h'jt^i^‘^ôï“pxÎT£i^^^ ô.itrâVagaïïrsav-' Ingas' a n^ù'w4hbùglit' to many of' us: "^Boltón i-Iail' ln 'hiü'büok,'','“'ri{q(‘.•ф, •uiiíb’i.í’. > l( 1 и i ; iv;i.s,vîî./'i'' ymj'New ,Thrifli,|!.,wisoly,.8ay.a:— , i .. ,.. , -j '.,,1 V-.v/■ ’'-i' “What';ÿÀ'û.-’rQ^a.ily; rió pay:Jor, ,\vhçthp.rivoli got,;it ior.not,, .bpçaiisp. iti(\ô9ta m4Wj.to dP.iWilthbiit: a '-tiling ith!Ît:;yoù ^uÉht tp-liavç,; than jh;'dnRs,.tovpny>,fbv it.” ;. '“‘‘ï"',: This applioT in-every depnr^mérit pf thb''nbhio a'iid'fôjrW aiih iri' ¡rÿ'biïà'ineÿs'.'l.' “'VVÍiatVbil,'íGÍilly‘'nbó'd,;'yoii!'pay^ 1р'ад);'|\',ГЙ1я; OiV.qr;iagaj)X;fop('.lnliqVriayin.© oqyjpnîp.nt'thivtuwé dfi; ^ftti’(l'(aMÇ-7r-P,ayilinot]ie-jIP3ftjWÎi cldnt eqi.ii'pmerit. over;I rP,ayilinot]ie-jl03ft^íhát -<V.e!!sifffürr¡fl'bmúthei!ühb'!Ó'f‘i‘n(ifi!i>.i eritJ« InuttflîiVgl J.yoflij 'Wéi-mliji>ró’ab>th8'á6s|i’'¿'í •m'tí6h'1iiV>A'h4ri'<\v*s-'H¿ivb'rioine;'4mdiat,the samo tlme lóao. tha oppovíth-í ■j-iml i ; íiofhíí-í., ,' ,b«ó'cri'f,rtH, ’Indi , j \oíÜ jWiq bsót'piQroiithan tho;dGsbibfiia'ini)1>av'(iW”outfit\li»',a!;-ÿbarbyli'lih 7>yA>P4esM'.A«?»aWn.8,f.?P .U;;)VC(ÓrJÜ 4<-t'hOJOÜ4t '?4riC^’ieI<?nnv^l.fffli/а)1(11Л Р р \'jt' PHSsibly/:eyerÿuy,edl;^s'D.)longoii^' iWQ:;fc,ep;;en wnotiiigiigoó'd'/feeclíbi^ '.«ói'ry(mílm‘Ms,''^J- btuj” ; ríj'.'íAit.í) i, >!ÍJ 'SriidKthó: WlápílMáií>/ofií'óld':i''i ;(TKé;^p, tHM-!'3caftol<^Íí:áy''^t .ffi<Îjni.4Pt;jÎ.4cleÇil ite>va,yp., of,,pji,trayiig.an ím'ake.áui'eiíthátbwq ,areinet|,giult'y'’df'VbxU’KVfI^áli,Uító^ bbvb<'Wre '.'wôiiïfV; (fo луеУ^ gonflíàer^ am'l ; aiVd'^íiving.'ii'í'J ';';;í( .ri'nrí([- . ííoV; nií'Ain.im 'tfi \ ' iO'ff. tnoí íXít.'to .9.u,r.,!.',9ful.p,rs■-VlLíTífo u ÎTiT>ÍJV'**jM>;i4 , |ai),-|:p: gq', ipiitho (niiatiéïîôf ieconolny- .M ho UX 'líM ;rïû up fit'H (7{ j ■ '‘'.'У'’'y ' rúl'''«,'i .-¿íilió.#pllPKbA;!th#n(al.sdía,r0tf^^ Farmington School, Wili .Open Monday Morning, Sept. 14th PRIVATE SECRETARY OF LINCOLN PASSES Madison, N. J., Aug. 29.— ; Wlllinm p . Stoddard, 90 years old, once private secre*. taryi.t6 Abraham Lincoln« - died at . Ms i hornet here to- ; night..: Mr. Stoddart, n .vet^ eran of the nawspaper pro«- ‘ fession, had bbeh\ in \ good; healthuntlr^ieMt^^ .-i, ..i r Death“'was ;a^ to " Mr.; Stodda^cl’s adya^^^^ 1; He 'Was tlie :|ir» ' r to iri^iii^iin'l^braKain^^ 'for ythCLir^rcsi'dlsncV-^ <Iand in ¿ISQO-'hVivliecame th< latier!83vsec£etary>.!*Tauo|p(^( j wh)ich'.ho,ihoUI-far';£aur<yoai<s '•’l'HE-«OUNTY-FAm" The Countv P air acaaon, which eagerly iÇokod fbi^l3 > at'h aiid p .^ -^ _ _ -^ .,_____ ;^th‘‘,lld' 1u ia'‘yo’fti^,;'*^l'he' ounty Pair furnishes a meeting place to reiioW acquaintancbs and it'should provide educational fea­ tures arid .,clean ontertalnmerit. • , ^ ^ H tt’he Farmington Consolidated", High School will opori Monday*'' m orning September 14th, Mrs. Laura Scott Wolborne will tak e' her place/ as prlHcipali and Undel; ^ her guidance the best school everV '’ i .Is expected' this year,;.'-:,afr,«Farni».'?t.«Lpwj( ington. Mra. Welborne is an old («l'H#'' graduate, of';Trlhity College;, (now. -........................................................ a to Duke U'nivéYsíty,)'^ánd i , she ft known in: many, liarts'bfithe state ¡ a«_. a: very-:,:ttble,^‘trinci}ial.'S.'{W!r8i.s^^^^ Welborne posaesflos alLHhei like-^ «tjl(ij;íqualltl6s‘ 'which ■‘madevi líGr c '; brother, Mr. Frank Scott, a suc­ cess ña principal; at Firmington,,!^,^ for, the past three years^ :ttnd''’plu8-;ii;;;,^«.j the m any years of ©tpeiience'i) that;she has had in soi^o of the'. bost >}ilgh schoolsi In thá state, it is not o.Mpoctlrig ' tbo inuch tp ,bx; pect' h er, us^ual successfjat iFarm* Ington'. * , ' ' ■! :/í!wó ablo’high'schopl héVo l’eeii ! secured 'to kaalstantq | a ld Цгш irmlrigtbij /11 ■csultlng less a.ttentiorii, being given to low gra^g||li^WH^ú.tí|:>|'th^.-5áj^^ the- management; an,< the 't'eople Wlib,,'.atteiul.y,;^^,: ^ The ' county ngdü't'chaáíbéb'nían iriipurlant ia'ctor:;'iri «t'intilatlng rabro- peonie.^ tof :iirpnare,(}iuicl ;ox- lll|it"pfoduci,a^i^roW fho‘ íáím*.'-Ho: giv,oa instructloiis as to the khul pf'jnial j.'liil tli^i w Ill’niaKo u.jfoijcl Ш^vil.i; and ÌftcoTÌriiges’ ‘firnioVs Uielr ■f^imilloa to mako ex- iV m itr'Sf-tKé'''élioll-cropà" 01''' llVff ritoc)^.í¡l)at,,í.hey jvro producing., JFalV “fiA;niijhea an bxQoííe'ift'timo ìind"plàco‘ for morn;-' bcrs ^bi’ Boys’ and^Girla';’*G|ubs; ibi '^'hibiti'ÚÍ'ii'results of their ’e!ffoi.'ts)i Thoi^"'ó'ííty^-'ílri'Vcompo^ .óa'c|vV(itlléi‘,'‘'lri'.speclal- cla •£i^i^íi:-i'i:báuít'>iéai'n;':-ia''í¿^ «'hieh -isIbfV sili^’ ti) 'them.- The paroiita are eciuall;^’ iifli iiritereH^ed. 'iiW''thli* ch'llcíro'n,‘'i.n ‘tli'b c^ blti!,'iiriá'th ey'tòb'kaiii-^rrilibh ,v^ 'abW 1 iif ótrniitì on';* I t‘?ls f no t' u ncbiri- :'ifi81i t&’sbbJ.áril'ánMiií; 6 l'’tìf'‘ gra*iri'''&ctóbit(5tt^> ¿y '’tí {)oj*'íiír! líri‘l ^'híH'ÍMS :b,ót^ óxliibita'',mado 1 by ' growii' pe'ólM'd;! 3«‘li^r8^'éih«í/(;?^Wdl?atí$'i*gbM»Wv ftíiV'í i8''i%Úlíiii¿i'tiriOiite№áfcc^ ^ ^bonio in making mòi^'g .the :b‘e8t.'èlaàs;B lccr([,ditod, ’’,u high schools in. the c&te. 'l,M r L ,^ 4 i George W. Peter, Jr., frbjm Biitler, | %(' Tennpsseb,, is :; a gi ad u aw o f Enji-. mm ory arid, Henry Cblleges Hnd oomost: w ith; 'the ’, best .rqcomm'ii^ Ho w ill teach two hl(|h school aiibjectii arid cba.ch: athlfc^tlcs.’.Mlss .'i; Flbrenco Thbrribijig fibni 'Npvv|.on'' will teiiely'f';’^rv.liigh school sub­ jects and^K il be tlio yLabratory Instructor. : Misa Tlibriiburg ''grii-iw' du!\tod’,wlth honois fiiin Noith<'‘ Garoliria Collbgo,for-W»mcn Iqsfc : year arid'has taken- special 'stiidyil'if '' ¡, in' tho scionco departniSnts, , \ ji/i Tho teachers in tho (qnd.p|iiV.W^^ havo I all;' i)revibusly «t^iiglUsii' l^Ti'mlngton, and in vi!iw,'ofvi^ fnctithat they havo ■\voi*Pd in ,® o6ri}munity’‘.and 'ti(‘Hbbl;^bpttii'p:'|| Poindpxtér,?îjliss .Manilla» Gl’i i''W 'Bph'á!;jíri'on,'f^^^ 'irfissíi.írPiboblétí; Biitòii arÿfrtW il.iiïv' to''ihe Fawn- j,ngtpiij;,ppb''plft;v ' Л làd'ie'ÿriiàHy'nëetl'nb intiodu¿tlOn n 'I 'rá VI' \^Á (%aiîdhii %e.twó'oli'''¿puiltiy ■'%11Й| frsiéiid.òH Wb'rlcl •iri''№6f"3ta(b;riTWb':bboÿb‘iôi'i.t“ns ■ -- l't.fl(,b,'Kn«ritiiRHK,bí -PfjШЩйтьШШШФШиш 1^арагМтЩ;1т1<>.Ш1р^к^ Ш п-........... ____1 ír,qnKhfl№é;ii,8;jtltPi;;hjíme.^),?p^^ iffjf !1Ш Ш аЩ ощ гМ т ш пЬ1т г es. once a week. W e, кпо'ууда.о.^у íyüiilviifesfioys' :ftt^iKtóyís:’áppr|-. I HÍ!)tP',tJ)i.s., 11ЩР í^xy.sirtl ÇriSft |rtho«lн'яtYvtóç-]^зjч№?^faiÇ.pШíí.Ш^^ 1вачй %Mipí.(ffiP^PfllW fíi£f9il», tïsjp : ^îrapJ’^П£ЩlпЙ^iOl^^WWlадnû^goRйl íMliiitoDfikui'í oi\Tbeuoyi)nBkft8^,sri¿Ii|^ itótf'tóívirjie: iWfltMfíí^s -aulíyiyü worf v/oml v.nr.m v/ori [)«« ,b4«ilo'iO чтЫ '¿плгп ; у/оН - î matli ов« oJ ,\î pci e^’l ^).1й,рй^11 y 1 ^,од',№ tìj:,';rpuii{!t;'::W9)iW,P^ .í’Pnt-.v'ijhoiiftffiüo í: Hep, ’ïtha’t ' ] J’.our; .1?,оу; ,oj- siili ,¿ej¡s ,ih(j ipapQOT^^^ J í|pp.,itIÍiMg ’jab^oiufe)!,ife'íif ’içbvisHUfi ofrílí'o ipapeï:'w ill fl()^j!;(ipril3{¿t}i,e)iertuiyftlerit-of)« ,.fi^;/^fl]pil}'ntlolÎpl:edïita^^^^ ia$i,;bqlj,çg k g(5,ep[<tM.4 iiit', mlndilpt P6VI''S|i()irii;tiwh^ girl leaves.,'. If .yoin'doubtr ■ hbw, mu'çh^they ,wl 1Г appi'ociaiib it> asjlp those' .who g o i, tli'i”й р ег ¡ from honie lartti ÿbar/' ; .................................." 'tiei'^g'iîiéî®''Ти'рр'й'^ ¥йсё‘Ш й'‘ЧИцз •' Ш Ш аТ ,Ш ф ’. Ш'(1'с-;'и|^с1'е1;-- Íp'.'íi.s'ti yb,tìng''s(ied,'?'é'b’iln'’'-tri clisba^e,, ''tgS?yÍÍ?fRH8í'’ 5йй| 'iSpllncr Ì m M ìeiM \ -ì'ofio yt'a"/, ;й-1 oved. Anÿ.. le'eíls'', дрЪог 'é'rii¥)b'tfÍ!"!-,4ié,r',í(home'''foi',' th(P n e4t. I school A ll-'lilis 'Wakò‘i''iVn j’à^ded 4ntei*ei|ít’ in (ho Piirmirigton I schòol,' and"Wlth' th¿* addition '¿f iÎirbiK'erf''Îaï’èo''ti'lic'k' to ^gri ^Pván (' ' ■ 'fááhb)í''mit firiiò4hc distVi^l' itiiÿ ; ¿l<íe:-^i''ó,!'ijhníh'dn Ihd/o'fibVtUhitv 'of ppminF’to an' acf^’èdifpd ¡hljfh nchooi;'it'is‘'ea'4ilj>- Зе'оп fhafí'grn- ) dulil' gdin.4''íi'ro'‘boing mado'4n.tí)o W(ihobr'(vork Iri thi.4'’6o'riini\ínliíy.^ ' 1 f'i I'-,',''! ,'iU J-Û—i-Jli- 5, f M I S jf ñ ip H m 'ti™ ^ ____, !.1 A .í -i)ím,L ï tib l-íj üL L ‘ ' Ki.l'oú'ííty,’ Ktíi#:'W&rit;,'Whqnl'd' ,VM4.UV7W»»i-,y,. MUV.wPC ;'Í\p/gíVérif;ti^iW'Kibrtí|gji;№ - lo I ,r[a,)aj нШ т ь т ш щ л \Í|ÉÍЛ lílf ’i f ? l^ iw ip a iiw ifÁ t)ip ftà- .ë’ i . erá, b,Q };i,jlii;iie tp cqmo.in. >.»:ji,hm*b;Uiayc' ii fi 1 Ipif : Homo ,crop»; i\r,e:; nSi?!^ plívntód,:r ti^i,(;s.qiiR|mpnl! ^ iti.'jïjlnpÆ , vûifc'A jkI ha U'jvt (veto|('i^1|,,S' 'lthe:(;adVicen,ofv^t'àte;.:Cqllô®i'i!épti ’- '"Ш Щ З Р « -.......' tion at CooleointófSatarcto^ tioiLÀt ôiolcdliM b^urtüiv ' > ,n ^“W iŸ o rii..îo 'w w o l4 V . ".lioila -0^1911 liqoBol odi .ni hîtüH «lo^^ •i-Vriionji ".лратпхЯ .о-« Ji oilT" туг. ''‘к ^ < \ ' Ракб 2 ф:л. Щ М \ !)rv íp : - ' к ^ Ь :л \ ¡I •, „У W': ■w-s; b' ' ’yn rr-f’" tù T V i il ' ■'■''* ïf Í f w ■' iV'"'' ' J ^ 1 ï '■ .»'K ílíV 4 S''‘íSV A чм'«/1й' Í чу, ' '■, - С л ‘У\\'^h,h^'^' ! î 'IVCm ;'. i joihf in the Paramount Week Gelebration ! Mocks¥ÍIe, -No C. Л ’-i' ; ' ■V'T'’S 'f.T .......... Sept.' 7th & 8th • . _ SACKCLOTH & SCARLET Alice Terry, Conway Tearle' Sept. 9th ' ',: . СШТКАВАНР : ; ,' , ', SeptЛOth& nth • 0Ш Thotoas j^eigban . _ Sept. 12th ; VÍ / ' ' Billie Dove «É3B t/, ,,i tir.-' 8000 Theatres Join in Movement ‘ Fotr Better FilniH Week '( of Sept. 6-13 ',Con£idpnt that ihe public w ill ■ Bupporfc tho, best.iin screen ontor- : tainment, the more • progreasivq. ; theatre ;dwhersy in thi^iterrt havo ' joindd tho > national ' move: mciit to /celebrate, ¡ Paramount Week, Sept. 0-lii, when 8000 thea- tres throughout, the country will, unite in exhibiting Paramount Pictures exclusively. It is significant that the Famous ■ P layers—i^aaky Corporation haa ' chosen newspa'pers almost ‘ ex­ clusively'to advertise Paramount Week. Coming as it dooB, just after the opening of the Greater Movie Season, it will on this, its eighth annual yeai*, be more.wlde- fiprcad and popular than ever. The past sev,en j'ears have pi'ov- ed Param'junt Week not only a prosperous C)né for çx)iibitors but it novv is reçognized as li national movement giving . prestige ■ Avith .those theatre's, identifying them- aolveS; With the mbvenient. , •., To send'the week off to ^ fly­ ing' start th è‘ Famous Players Cru'/.o- m_a8torpioco. It- is this , latter p ictu rd th at Vico President Dawes hecatpe ko enthusiastic .about it when hdjsiivy,; it being filmed, and he suggested showing it to Preaidcht Coqlidgo when xompleted. ; ;■>. ' Gloria'SvYanson will be seen» in “Tho Coast to Folly,", and “Stago: Struck.” Thomas 'Meighan in a picture iri Sing Sing prii^o'n, "The Man Who Pound Himsolf," and also one now boing made in Ire­ land.;,- ' , Poia Negri \vill be seen in one of Josephs Ilergesheim er’s stffj-i- e'^, "Flower of the Night.” > Betty B ronson'w ill repeat her succesp sheim cr, story ;;,“Nev» Bropmg,” the Wilii«'i?i de M ille production “Lovers in Quarantine,” starrlng- ¡.Bebe rDaniels;; :‘‘The Poiiy, ;Ex- pjL-esSi’V dirocted'^y Jam es Cruze; “The ■Goideri-' pfinces,” ’ ^starririg .Betty Bronson ; • “Seven lipys to Baldpato,” starring Douglas Mac- Lean; "He’s a Prince,"' starring, Raymond G riffith; "The Best people,” directed by Sidney 01- cott; “The King on Main Street,’.’ with Addlpho Mehjou and a star cast.' ^'i'; ' “The A ncient Highway,” di­ rected by Irvin Wfilat, and featur­ ing Jack Holt, Noah Beery, Biliie Dove and Raymond H atton; in “Peter Pan” of Ic^st year with I “Stage, Struck,” starring Gloria a new B am e picture,. "A Kias for | Swanson; “The Vanishing Ame- Cinderellay’ taken from the stage;rician,” a Zane Grey picture, with Richard DÌx and Lois Wilson, di­ rected by George B. Seitz; “Cobra” wi^h Rudolph Valentino; "That Royle Giri,’’ directed\ by D. W. G riffith;. "Lord Jim ,” ,from the Joseph Conrad story featjuring о ',01) ' i' I' V [i., .'Vi Lasky Corporation . is. advertising ;in 3500 newspapers throughout 'the country, , ’rhese includc both daily ancy.\yeekly,: .and ' the „ .sum spent is one of the Jargn.st ever by any one:corporation ip:Amoi’ir' can ne^yapapers in: a sirigip day,' It is only .wi'thin the past ,low years that Paraiiiount, has iriclud-; ed weekly papers Jii,' its ;iisti and it is recognized-as fi'{ti4bute; % power of the.'i’iiral'ijress;^ / A strong bid ' forcontinued popularity among thiii moviegoers M'as , made by, Param piint 'ciuring ,j.he past year; when thatvcompany released such pictures as . “The Covered W agon,’^ ‘‘Thundering Her<L” '‘Tho Teji Comm^iulments,’’ ‘‘Manhandled,’’ ‘SMonaieur. Beau- caire," “Merton of,V,th«V'Movies,” “North of .86,”;, “Peter Pan” and many others of equal note. And tho convpa^y has in store for early release such. pictures, as : arc certain, to keep , Paramount .out.in:;front in public inlorost, . They .includd “ That iiipyle 'G irl;« •incl other productions directecV.by the noted .D. W. Griffith ¡ comedi­ es .with . Harold liloyd starring, comedies with Douglas ItcLean starring; “ A . Beggar on Ilprse- ' ’'badltiifQ Jam es Cruze production; y another .....■; , • play of that name. Joseph Coni'ad’s mnsterpioce “Lord .fim,’.’ will bo filmed with Percy Marmont in tlje title roiei : Those are.,a fevy of the coming pictures^. /;.' ;.,, > ’ ;____........................ . Pai;an)ount week has corne to Percy Marmont. have .considerable im portance,.toj "A Kiss for 'Cinderolla” .with thp pidtiori pictiire/-industry' ^ s . Betty Bronson, directed by Her- publishers of the; country., Tho bert Brenon; “Crjossroads of the jatter gain .-not only the special ¡World” with Pola Ne'gri; “Woman- advertising by the company, but'handled” with Richard Dix; “Polly -------- ’ ’ - .....'o f tho B allet” a W illiam de M ille production; “Stage Door Johnny” with' Raymond G riffith; “The .En­ chanted H ill” directed by Irvin W illat; “Cpnquered” with Gloria Swanson. Besides those there w ill bo a Thomas Meighan picture now, be­ ing made in Ireland; from the Saturday Evening Post^story “The Imperfect Irnppstpr. 'There also' v/iir be a picture mado from tho story v.'inning -a ?5b,000 Liberty M agazine: prize ; offered/ -umo weeks ago. This w ill be diroclsd by J.ames Ci’uze and will have an all star cafet.- Another picture v.'ill be that feai-uring the winner of the forthcoming Atlantic Gi'fy Beauty ■ Pageant, to be directed by Allan Dwan, Increased lineage by ythe exhibi­ tors, .The indiistry lypognizos tho Week aa tho cpmmencemont^.of a new season for .motion pictures; 'i'he.'cbmpleto list of v Para-/ mount’s“ Greater F o rtj” to be re- Ipaspd durliig the coming season follows} V. ’ ‘‘Night Life' of, New (li- rected,: by, A llan Dwan; “In the NiAne iof Love,’’ with ..Greta Nis- Ei?n, . Wallace, Beery and others; fPhe Lucky/bevil,” with; Richard D ix;.‘‘Rugged W ater,’j directed_by Irviri W illat; “Beggar on Horso- backj” directed by Jam es Cruze. ■ ‘"The Street of Forgotten Men,” directed by Herbert Bronon. “'W ild-W ild. Susan”. with Bebe D aniels; “Not So I^ong Ago,” di­ rected by Sidney Olcptt: starring Betty ' Bronson; “ Wild" Horse Mesa" the .Zane, Grey story, di^ rocted by Gp'orgo;B; Seitz;-“ The Coast 'Of. . Polly,” ' with Gloria Swanson; ‘A Son of Hia' Father,’' from 'the .Harold B ell, W right story; ‘‘Trouble with .Wives,’.’ with' Florer^co Vidor, Tom MooreV Ford Sterling, and others; “The Man Who Pound Ilim seif” starring Thoinas Meighan. . “Flower of the Night” starring “WHAT A .COTJHSE, IN AGRI- aJL T biW MEANS ’TO, A HIGH SCHOOL BOY” . AnothcT Senhir . Expresses His .■ Viev/8¡, -o - Tiino 'To Pray The boat was sinkiaig. ,'riie skipper ,rushed up' to the crowd Oi :HCttred .passengers^r ,. ‘ . . . „ “Who aniorig you can p ray?” he asked them. . . ■ “I can,” answered the minister. .“Then Bray, m ister,” ordered the skippe.". “ The rest of you put lifeon lifo preservers. We’re one Pola Negri in thé Joseph Hergo- short.” ’ Every day wo hoar .people, es­ pecially tho farmei|'s wanting, to ici)ow,-Whjit,kind of seed to plant, what lcind of fertilizer' to uso, which acre of land w ill luring the most returns, and miiny other things that nine tenths pf the peo­ ple don’t know about. And thé way they decide the' m atter is through the advice of their neigh­ bor, or from' experiences of form­ er time». It is evident that the advice of the neighbor is not de- pondfvblc, because the 'noigHbgr doesn’t know what w ill suit your land best, ho dosn’t know what kind of fertilizer w ill give the best results, and he doesn’t, know what, w ill suit your needs, as to experience, that' is probably tho next best way of telling what you should do, what seed to plitnt here, and what to, plant there, but why spend a lifetim e experimenting when you can be taught these things while your mind is being trained in schpol, while you are young—that is tlie best'tim e to learn'—and When you begin to do [ihe real луегк you .will feel that you can profit .by the mistakes of others—not by ; the mistake that you have niado . alone. That \is Ayhat .n. courso''in Agriculture will mean to you. It will' meaiV that you w ill know what kiniV of fertir lizer' to put on this aero of laiid, and w hat kind to put on that acre of land. 'This, you w ill know, by the best experience of' others, what will suit your needs, and thus you may prosper, and reap the big harvest that others about you are ti'ying to produce, by ex­ perimenting. Expérimentai' work always costs mony, but if you have learned those things you will bp ablo to turn the loss of others' into cash 'profit for your­ self. A course in Agriculture, not ojiiy-teaches you soils and fprtiliz- ers, but there are;many,.many oth- er things on the farm and around the homo that a farm er needs to know how to manipulate. For instance, how many farm ers iri Davie county realize thp value of pruning shears and saws in their orchard, and how many know how to Ù80 them? How mahy know FOKD H ASvlS FOREIGN \ PLANTS . *rho Ford ' Motpr Company of Mexico has .been oi’ganiiod'.. in Moxicp V City; arid is, now .turning pul u'saembldd \ FPr'd^' • cars and trucks for: distribution' iju that territory. In all its essential de­ tails; tiio Mexican plant is sihil- iar to Ford plants, in other fore­ ign countries and the United States. Productipri has begun and while facilities at present:only permit assembly of chassis, addi­ tional equipment, is now being in­ stalled. This includes enameling ovens'and also facilities for build­ ing bodies. The Ford Motor-Company plant is Mexico’s first automobile fac­ tory and itaoperation ia regarded ,as much a ^ o w place of tlie city as an industrial enterprise by the citizens and .Mexican government officials. The plant is housed in a two-story buildi’rig 48,000 square feet of floor space which has been romodeled'-to conform with Ford standards of production. Gene­ ral offices of the I company are located in the building. The company now has 18. fore­ ign plants ,and associated com- nanies. Other^, in.i(dditiori to Mexico City, established this year are Pernambuco, Braxil and Yoko­ hama, Japan. . . NEW SCHOOL LAWS the proper methods of. .shearing àheep, thé r>roper methods of feed­ ing; cattle,.horses, hogs,’ etc.; .when to feed the cheap ’feeds that will keep' your horse in the best, con­ dition for \york, the feed that will produce, and continue to produce, the greater amount of milk and fat? 'As a general rule .the farm ­ ers buy the feeds th.^it , doesn’t cost so nllfch, not'; realizing that nine times out o f ten it is the most costly of all feeds. ilow many farm ers I’ealizo the value of exterm inating the insects and diseases that prey upon their crops "year after year? / ^ A course in Afrriculturoi ’not Only gives you book knowledge, but it gives, you tho practical, (■veryday, eummon sense that tho greater part of the highly edu\;at- od people of today don’t know about. ' LUTHER CROTTS. , Don’t forget tho fiddlers cpnven- tioti,at Cooleemee Saturday night, September 5th.i > ' ' SoctioU.I. , NP peraon opprutiui!; any motor:'vehicle' on the public road shall i-paas',' or, ,: attériip't to pass, any public schòPl bus while tho same is standing on .the said pùbH^ road tailing'on or putting off school children, without first bringing, said motor vehicle to n full stop at a distance" not leas than fifty feet from the ' said school bus. ... Section2. ' That any person vio lating the provisions of this act shall bo guilty of a misdemcanoi', and upon conviction shall be fined not to exceed fifty dollars, or im- prisonetl not to exceed thirty days. Section li That any person ope rating a bus, carrying school children to or from the schools in this Stato who shall travel nt a I greater' rato of speed than twenty-five m iles per hour along any public street, or public high­ way in the State of North Caro­ lina shall be punished by a fino not in excess of tho sum of fifty dollars. Section 159. ^Health Certificates required for teachers. Any, per­ son serving as county superinten­ dent, city superintendent, t.eacher, ,janitor, or any other omployeo in thè, public schools of the State shall, file in the office of tho sup­ erintendent each.yea*t, before as-, suming hia or her. dutiea, a certi­ ficate from tho county physician, or other reputable physician of the county, certifying th at; tho said person has not an open or active infestious state of.tubçrcu losi's, or any other contagious di­ sease.. ' , : Tho county physician shall make tho aforesaid'certificate on a form supplied ' by the Stato Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, and: without' charge to : tho person applying : for the . certifi­ cation, and any person ' violating any of the prp-visions in this sec­ tion shall' be! guiUy ,of a misde­ meanor and sub,iect to a fine or imprisonment, in the discrotion of tho court,' ' .\ , It w ill 'be nocesaary for pH teachers to file their; health cer­ tificates with'^mo before thei Ppen- ing of school. V ' : , E,: P. BRADLEY, County Superintendent of Schools. Dqn’t forgot the fiddlers conven.-, tion at; Cooleemee Sftturdoy, night, Siptem beiv5th; T-.. .• .|,„„4day, of Colorado. : . The Rt. Revi : Irving .'Peake Johnson, D,- I)., is~ desc).'ibed - as ono of tlie most brilliant thinker.s and oriitors of the , lüpiscopiil chiirch. I'lis dissent scintiliites with barbed aphorisms. -HBpre-: sontatives of'thP church said to­ day that the;publication of his op- ‘‘ *'* lì llVolV L’ljri- W IVES V, OBEY:' ¡TH EIR ^ jlUSiJANDS. ‘ J№ M AN i)S : e p is c o p a l BISHOP ^ ,fiew York.—Ju.Mt when it had ¿cO I'.onceded that the : word „gtiey,” so objected, to many ¡ilasliing: brides, would: b'e stricli- cn from the j d.Ry.that:th.e;p.uDucBnQn «i .or no do- ('position would: provoke a iively hnU-, "■ c«u.!ped, with iCi discussion througHout the ehurd}], sciitliiiig denunemtion, oi:Vmpdcrn j. /Tlie';Tl't:;,Ecv;. Charlds K^Slatt- fjimily lifo i f voiced; by..tho,K ory,; bishop .coadjutor of Maasa^ . MULTIGRAPHiNG ADDRESSING MAILING ' GUARANTEED. MAILING LISTS ' THE LETTER SHOP / 308 WACHOVIA BANK BLDG. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. WE CATER TO, OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS. PROMPT MAIL ORDER SERVICE. C. C. DINGLER. MRS. CRIM’S BUSINESS SCHOOL 308-9 Wachovia Bank , Winston-Salem, N. C. . • . ^ ' , .Phone 1281 1 . Prepares for etficiant office worl<. . Courses'Offered in : \Shorthand and Typevvr^ing. ',',.$60.00 Business Spelling Course 10.00 20th Century Bookkeeping ........85.Q0 W rite for our,“Budget of Information.” .M ,,-----.„,.,„1 v,„g|. nosltiona and aaiarieS. When yoo leave a repair job with iis,; yoii can count on it' being done with an exact­ ness ;.that .will prove;- most.'''satisfyiri'g.^ I Every operation in the coiiipletion of the I work is measured with the utmost care. I ■' M i ^ ;> Gas, Oils and Grease' iraimwiaiiiiQWiinKGiiiiiiaasQaiMai ‘ Ri % chusetts, id chairman of the olnt commitlee on pvayor book which sponsored tho elimination of tncword “ obey’.’':atthO;:;generM>con-, vention-of the chuvch’ > n,loii* , land, Ore., in September. 1022 ,. . The ■eonVenUoiv . virtually ,:With . unanimity approved by two sUc-;i cecding conventiona,' and, accoiu-;, inflv, llie mattei' wril conic ^up, t"" firti'l determination ut tne triei'inial Genoral ,Cpnterence is tp. oiien at New- Orleans, Oc;^ tober 7th. .1 4. 'v,?,I :i iiishop Johnaoi\ia said to bp the first notable lo.ader , ol Inie. church td come-oUt openly afcainSt the proposed'chalige." Ho is alsp the editor of’the Witness, ft chur­ ch publicationi in a forthcoming issue of which his statement w,>11 appe“ar in fulli It is summariz­ ed as follow s;. ; .. ■By the Rt. Rev. Irving . Peake Johnson, D. .D.' “If women do not love men well enough to accept their leadership, .which is the significance of to obey,” they will riot love them any more because their vanity la flattered by the omision. ^‘Why is it proposed to talce tne word ‘obey’ out of the . marriage r.ervice?' In my ,1udgemi3nt bp- causo m odern society has iost tna scnso of proportion whicl} lies at Ithe foundation of tho home,' and,in order ;to Justify, itself,, wishes to accomTnoiliifco the. vvovd jOi: God to palliate, the situiUion..;^'; “The idea that'the word ,oboy, connPtes servility is modern parents and tho . .schism of modern, fam illea. ; 'ThO: >md ■obey’ iff limited ;alwaya the circumatances its use. .When asked if you w ill' obey the-,civjl authoritica, you ,do in any way uponJyouv aa- an American citizen., ^ ^ e a a soldier la' asked to ©bey ,hia,.cap- taln ho does' n ot. surrondoi ^hlamanhood. When a Woman is a ^ od to obey her. husu vna she doOs npt lessen ;the gloiy o£ her .vyo trianhood. . : , .; ‘.'A fnmlly is a. corporation, and either the man. is the head'Ot,the fatnily, or else it^la by a comniittop o£ two, which hi^a no way o.f deterr,lining. a-mu.ipyty vote except by an encUiranco ttst^ ilt'.i'i now proposed to cndoisp a, o i accommodiitiug truth to p t;, '^'•‘Gbd madn'ma^i to¿r thd family, because it was^h| duty to provide iuid. pi;p,toc^ i v^^ Sch .o K iH ta to.set,forth ; c № not to jUHtiCy tho pervorslpni^pt ‘""ib eU sve'C ully in w p M ,;g h ts b u t;I;.d o noty.believ^.^ad^ ship of tl^p finiiily is one I'- • 'Viiiv' bn rtruo that in L'vst head and uses it 'inorp in- U-lligently, .but' wheiv she is^mov. (id to assert her leadership,, thy i n l<S^ Wovy that ;the woman (ines nol gain no matrer Eho may proclaim the fact she .lU.- 'S y e s : veco ^^ii^: npv talen t.en title, nor. , , ,; “This ifJ'^tho, vncum irt corning g'lto: Itii 0^“: Gcd, made man a n , dwoid of' copvictions; 'an emp^’ hnlr cWoid I of : obligationsmi empty life ' devoid of “ “The qv.esMon before ns ln.th n r o p o s e d ' T . m e n d r a e r . t la ^this, t h S - ir ie a n iam ily ,^oday ^ . rsihh thpr'3 'is' little either of ve-'o b edien ce B ping^to be I ' o r ;the.:declaration of ' ,;vii3 dofinItely:. set:,forth.. ^ ■ ' '"‘I 111 Quality Shoes 'I'hais our messisgo :to our: friends. Our fall shoes ^ are ar*;i.t riving and wp have npver . bafore been able to sell better ;• kIiC'CS at: present',p'riees,’ ■ Ч 447r Trade street Ш еЗ &;'СЕМтШ' ; “THE SHOE ME№'I GOOD WILL SOLD ?25,000,000 This Is tte Price Paid for the| Good IWill of the Coca-Cola Co.—Value Bcctiuse of Advertising except Saturday. л''1'.КП0у/- mni,,:P'ittnit fó 'ces ,.fQr-gp^d 't.h/iir;.me‘n. );Iis mother's. name.ijVàs, so'tind-.sp'4 .^ . ^ .... 1 There are so many: iteiiis for the table that you can buy ready to serye, ^prepared even bett9r than : yo^ can make th^ Rieiriijirtibe^^ 7 p. m IPhone y«ur orders’......Allisoe-Jofcisisde y ; • ' “WE DELIVER THE GOODS” : '(ii.‘iiBi)i!M|imiitaiii.iMiiiigiiiiBiaiaii)WtiaaKiiiiiiii!iiiicxrg incapa.ojo oi S iiiiiB iiiim iiigm Q iM iB im ifflib pf:fam ib',lifeH ,haii^ ' a rlca'',tpday,iwhere:i the’ihonie 'has '’ «X1T1TMT?, iPLOUU 'I'HAT IS-- : ' i become a memory: and;fam ily life a tri)gody. ;■ .“ We ;a're not: fit ; t^ miirriago: aeryiep^ b until we, h.^vp'reatorp^l'.thei'frim^ lif^, to the':^uictity;5^hjchi’i^ joyed in thoir timel”' laiiiiBiQ IltUUu.v ,. men ri s m or e ! to; a child., th n ri t h a t ■Ilia father'madp/a lost I liis /humiViv, tôiicii' ;iii''doing. it,'. ’ ! “ Qf coiii;so, ijociety will riot, col- lapsqi by letiyjng out ; the ; >yord; ‘oboy’^.from, the marriage,' servico, ! but I , believe tli'at , the, cli'iira have :le t. down her standards^ iio flatisfy a rationali.4|ic; word which' is more concerneiV.witii syllogisms ithan it is:,with'; facts. ,. ;. . : “Tho ;Roman-ompi),to:insthe days, of. MarciÌ3''Aurèliuà!:was. ncit .morft: incapablo, of ,3etting;tiie.:‘standard "'" fivf! in Ame- Fourth Eatate. ' “The Cfoca-Cpla' company start- t4l .about:25 dr .80 years ago. A cheniist'ddwnrin the south maclp a drink of tho cdla nut and pocpiï bdan and ' everybody liked • it.': So he ciilled it; ‘Gdca-Cdla’ :iind;oopy- .riglitdd the narrie. HP, didn’t liiip-w then'what-ho Vvas 'cpi)yrigh't- irig. Biit ' the ‘ gpverriment made him si;op splling'tiio drink because lt *hád too' much kick in it. Yet eyerybody liked 'it, ,sd; ho, said, ‘I cun make: tlie 'sainé thing: out of tea and sugar, and they, can’t atop me frotri adliiiig that.’ ; ,So hd did it.^\ .Cliarlos Wi 'Duncan, of :'San Prnneiaco, told / the veccnt con- v'ontion of,'tho Oregon’ State: Edi- I t'priril. aasociation. ' “And tho re­ cipe is ,o'n>filo; in ovor.v'driig siord J in thé union.''Anyond can make it' ariiV use it; but ypu' can not pali ^ it; Cpca-Colai ' And others did iriáko Ít-í—tho щ т а thing-i- aiul called it оvdi,*ytliing they coulct think . o:f—Nolii: Ndlfi-b-and 'such imitations, but peojile dichi’t! fall; ■for ilv,. tlie y wanted Coca-Cola-^ ‘Delicious, and Refreshing,. Sd V'hon Mr,'CivniUor got a littlp c‘.x^ tra n\oncy lie began ' to; do somé aclvertitiing-rin ». no'wspnper 'h'erc, u ningaBinc,,ther'e, und:ii:'drug;’atore I ivi ndow-^witli. il’,pretty, ppater;. Ilo, Л! Hcd :a pretty girl (lhat’s thp at;u,l’f . I hat .'(i'cts : 0verybpdy). ï Ир alwà.ys iff-'Pt.Uiivfiíim.n 'script—even.'in the newspaper advo'^tiaingi : And > his buainesa ; grew and . soon .,was ¡uiov/n '.fill oyeritho country,' ,1, :, : : '.‘‘Finally.,a‘pmp -bankersin New York tópkHídtibp'; of : ii;;uh'd .del¡!¡d,-: cф they; .wanied № tiibmsfiivcs, ' So;>a ‘grdnp ;'oÎ:',thêni fprraPd ; a : syiidicfito ' ; and ' wont don’ii to Georgia to яеУ Mr. Cnrid .' 1er. They a'rguddywit.Ii him that' ho \vas getting old'and liad better .(.iiit^:;:’:;': ,. .o..'::':,.; f; B lit th e, more ho pushed : them away, tho more: they pressed him. i^iiiallyiie. said, ‘Como arid see mo iri tiip mov.'iirig.’ . 'Theri'.ho wont ho'iT.e,,, ilo: said td ,h im so lf,'‘I’ll, fix thom,:■ I’ll juBt'put the price so higii thoy will forgot'.all .abotit, wanting to buy 1-his compiiriy, ' > ."V/pII, Mr, Candler, what hav-á ydu docided'ii,” ,“.'.T w iil'sell you tho Coca-Co'a. company for, §26,090,000.' And; l,b у Bald ,‘eold’ , before ho fairly had the : words'\out,pf hI'l ;mouth. :“ And tliey ;.tppk;;|i;, t;o';'New,vY,cij'k and sold .it for i?3Ó,OÓO,ÓÓO, clear­ ing $5;0Ь0,ООО, for rt.hoinsolvos,.and lt:paid; ?ii;o o0,00(i;;ai^. dividends on a business :WÍióse :nct: aasots ,\vprp. ,.t',d80,000. ' .Ndw .; ■\yiiat v did tliey. buy?—"tiieso bankers, don’t beiieve in :' advertising.', I’ll ', toll you what they did. ,They bought ihe name and , a good w ill; that e>:tcnded alji over\tlie: Unitéd Stát- os,' 'of ^an ; ,article ' .that . . anybody could, mako: andj .use .un(,lor any other name' but' C dea-C ola.: ; ■ ; i '.i;'^Wri:;whiv(L)iid.^^ cancplled. every.!;advprti.^ing ; con'-' tract,-jliai;'aalsoon as iidafnblp'^^^ s^roézéd'it.'dóvvn SO''that tiiey lost; 2,6ÓÓ;bÓ0 galions'the.first.y^ sálos,' a,rid: thé ÿ apónt. the'follow- iiig. yo.w more. than:twic^ much in;nclva'rtisipgi;o,re:-estabiÍ8h thoir tíuBinor,.á'.a’s they ’\vould' have had :tp .,caVry;:Qut.:tholr, advertisiiig as Ht had ' been ; before .th eir change, .■'¿íi'po'iióy.'’' ' - '..'A.,./'., A good investment You) feel tiiat. made a good ^ investment wHen you get a return, regu- : 1 larly maintained of'6 to:8 per ceiit on ' '■your principal.;-' : Returna of 100;^ on the original fer­ tilizer investment are very common .among usera of Swift’s Red Steer Fer-; ; tilizers, returns of 200^ are npt excep- tional. ■ Plan now on how much Swift’s Red : ' Steer Fertilizers you can profitably use thia season. .li.'-’.:;,:-'/;:' ', - ' " J i P ay s to Uso T h e m ” ■ J J. C.'CHARLES'J ^ ,'M boK sviL L E ,^N .'> t: (Warehouse ìit GroaW CorndiO, \ s> ^ , > ( /.............................. J.. . •' M I 3Authorized Swift Agent . I , \ 'ЛИ! : ж | U '# f tO-; CO.’S FLOUR. |T VV lux. . í-;v^;:S::'í;swBET;':;wHEÍ^ î ? :. ■ , '; ■.■ л-' i ^ : BRAN^Sr-OV TIIE TOP! OR : M O C ÍiS^teE ' BEST.FARMERS WAY GET THE ABOVE FLOUR IN EXCHANGE ‘POU THEIR WHEAT. ‘ ^ IIORNE-JOHNSÏONE GO. . ' / ■ ,v iv::... . :1йшн|пннр'ш1ю11рз1!в1шаар|1шшш11т1шр|ш»1шат|!111ш1шраппт11' f o r SA L E -2 nORSE POWER gasoline engine, good shape. G G W alker Motor Со, Maybe So. „ ;. Our aonstruction is social. Ev ery inch' of: ОЦГ make-up is human,' warmV with isym pathy,''and alive 'w ith 1 loyp.' i ■ S\)it0i7 envy;;.and r tériiesg: aró'|ciiItiVnted, in,,i^he shad'd pf 'aólfi3iiric'sá';; and ;aro';foreig'if;ito :our;'naturcr' ; Wp'shpiild.1;hink iosa di:,:splf'^an.cii.hiore .í'oií^ ;bp, imnrd'.icon'üGïnc'ct^^ òàn’' givo ’and loss ih ;wiiàt ,'vvp may get. in return.’ ; • ■ You know that you nro'golng to need Coai tfiis wintQjri'ЙО' why deloy^—di,(lcr .now and lia ve it off your mind..,;,'i’ticjn'f the first codi diiy ,you С1Ш start a fi|io and bs çpmfortablé. .' РЬсшса; llfr-l.ir)' %'ЯК1^»'ММаЯГиИ*МпиВШа>(ПЯипММВГМиЬН ' .................. Last .'.year; Fire's fuel 'bill' was. over .?Й06/000,000 I' ,;'Who.Paid'lt?^.íl;-;*■:::^i::,',v';:.’’;,..:;;.¿;..::.;:',:^'!'■'-■A.v.л,;;::ía,S^ -You,! for diie, ydU'':f)aid;Vdur‘sharo: overi-.'^hQUgh'^youfthitui'nd'/^ ' fires./: Higher''ipsurarico' rates/;loss''df';'btj9i.i\eijg;'idlo,il«l5or‘'.!,'?'i'^'i§^ ' dostuoycd ::me^rchand)po,’'depleted;:.; rontstS^all?',’I'he.se'!.coiisor:?'V.::.Sa' I ' \ i ............................................................................qvibnces^df fire';impose a;burdo)i,ithat;'eyery;;dne; ah'ari?3';':^'^';'i'ii^ :,:;'fIt.j;is,;tho ¡businoBS,^f ,tbo,:I'Iartford.Firj2.:^b^^^ ' 'to,, lessen theso: burdons, .’It .'has.:р‘о11сшз'ЧНа1 . соуог^'оУЬгу-‘. : lossi dug: to fir'es-rrsound, investments ■ backed'.'by: nmpIo 're-; , : sourbes and .a cPntury, pid'i racord.-of impotirig'eveVy.ijuk ;claim.".'.''v,-:.^.':-.':,':.:.','.-,.'i>:'.Vi;: : Insure in tho5 ’ :t - '■ '. '’.y) 'у,'"!' i- '-.’i. • ^ . Hartford. Pirc Insurance Company»v v ji:;pD«EII№ ESTp::tto^ MOCKSVILLE, N. С i » íi'íi \ \ ti>' - ;r h ¡ A i‘II insurance á , a g e n t s - ' ' _il I, r 1 -ík,-- Ni '' Ч iHt '-ill ; ' Л '. i'l. ^TI ti.nvv '.Vntxo 4 ' <r T ' r i ТГППП PC .1 Ir- 1 » null SpoHking of the dvunkon driver . iji a rGcent'cihnrtru to a jury, J iuIko MOGKSVILLE jENTBRPRIfîE Published E very T hursday at M ockavilie. Norl,h Carolina.., A. C. HtlNEYCUTT < PiibliRhf'r, J. F. I'JSACH Managing Editor. . Sub.<9Rrlptinn Rntcs: ; i l a Y ear; Six M onths 5Q Cents. ,stric tly in Advance. T¥ COBB PRESENTED WITH : .$10,000 CHECK Entered, at tT)e post office flt •Monkiiville, N. C., as secoiifi-cla.'i.s , mutter under the aflir of March :s, 1879.,:. " Mockavilie, N. C-, Sept 3,1925 TIjo W d “obpy” is orderecl cut out of’ the Efiiscopal'' marriûgo , forèmoiiy., Possibly the idea' is not to mjiko the Avoineii folks teìì „ - , ’ V r.''”TT.-' . Detroit,-Michri Aug-. 20;—Frank Stack, o£ Mpiir.oc,;in«do-this atatjs-- Ndvin,, owner and president of ment : "Give- them a lesson in i tho Dotriot Ainericnn lenjiuo bnac- making roads and they w ill learn | ball club, presented Tyrus Uay- seiise enou('h in im'o fUnm ' mond Cobb, Detroit’s manager and veteran routfioldor, AVith a check foi’ $10,000 Hvhile GOO oh- .thusiastic faiiàj, city; officials arid prohiinent baseball leaders looked oh .a t a " banquet ; given ; to^ Cobb tohight in 1\onor ! of his' coiTipl^ tipii of 2p years of service'oh' the Detroh; club. A $1,000 'grandfather -clbek, ' 4^ Isense enough to use them proper- 'ly.” ", That .is'gettin g to be the^senti- inient of most of ''our - superior court judges.. The ,publics w ill not much longer tolerate the ciruiikeh a'iito driver. ' ДЮСКЙ’ CHURCH yEW S ,M r.-and Mrs. Charlie .Nail unU- ; -Mn., R., T. VANEATON niìT daughter, ol\ .-. Winston-Salom, i , m ur8day,'Scntem l'„..„ ^ Д Thursday, September 3, 1025 THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE ' ‘ • ' T<r ‘ ^ ^ 4 ' fiÆlrm' < щ тI '‘f. f i г " , ' / „ ; 1 í 14<в ' ’ - ' ' / : i ' '" '¡:й :Г R e n e w Y o u r H e a l t h b y P l jr i f l C a t io i I S / i ; A ny physician w ill toll you ■tijift v ‘'Perfect Purification of .tjio'Sy»^.-. tom . is . Notiirc’s foundation: Pcrfcot Health.. W hy ;not: .'iM;(. yonrsoli! of ; chronic ailmeni9‘;thii'fe'i^{i^ are undcrmininK your 'vitaiitjrl'C V'.Sjij Purify/ your. ent|rb system by ing a thorough course o£ Oalotabf^rjWS —once or twice a woek fo rse^ ertlf ^-.iiv 'Nvecks—and see how > N iture "wards you with health. Calotabs aro the greatest oiiolt'. ' i'j eystcm purifiers. Get.: ;,paclcagc, ■ containitig •. fuU tidiiSi'pHcb 35 .ets.' j trial packog«-,...... 10;btB^£iAtftn^ ETHODIST^C^UilCH'^NOTES-i'tfS'ivil An,:inj;erostiiiff aei*yJ^o;:>Ya3;;heid;^^ ‘i i ..........« “ «•'Ji, , . viriiiauon-öiHom, litliel Mae,, the 17 months old apciit Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ........................... , , I iv .¡.i.,uuu granoiatner clock, {i! A Soutk;Carolina'.G onj^'cssm an! a testimonial from the city of De- has asked'the w ar .department-for i-O; one of its ' pVoitiinent .cit- ¡i?BUpply of Wgh, e:^losiveW,to he! ; (W arded to. the used jhear 'preenviife 'in ' aii at­ tempt to buing rain. ■ The cxperi- inpnt- ;i3!:;aakod vas; the result^^ o К . . ’Í ' ' anji:'morei'storie!} nlioutl hpW',thçÿi - ' 4vin''Qbéy'‘th’eir ;husbandSj,vfQi' ev- ч’ о гуЬ с^ «ítn'owa that; there never .■ Hits been 'a m arried; womiin -who "•"^ .. obeyed her- husbat\d. ' ' T' ‘. * i ' ^ ‘ ■ 'V' ....Up., in'N ew Y ork'there-is a man • :'ih 'th o ' St.:, ooseph's Home who ; seems to have co.ntracted the habit I l o i dying., and coming to life again. Twelve years ago he died sud- V. denly on the streets of New York, ^-le w as taken to an undertaking ímany^'e.'íl)re'ssions of opinion from iVoild,' W ar veterans that high explosives iw ill causo^ rain.,, They claim vthat .observations in France during' the w ar - would ' indicate that rain almost invariably «fol­ lowed a seve'i^e, bombardment. There may -be nothing to the the­ ory, but onercan- never tell' .and it^is hoped, that the w ar depart­ ment w ill grant the South Caro­ lina congressman’s request." It m ight mean more than' lujy of us would think at first glance. ....... IT «»Д V«VVl lU UIH '".Georgia peach” as Cobb.ia knowi in fandom. _ ________________ U l u m "iT ■ ‘ , ........- —Mr. R. T . . ,VanEaton,daught'or of Mr. arid Mra. Charlie, , old Coiifcdorate Veteran, (Iii,)' Myers, of Virginia, died laat Mon-.' I‘0«tor and cluklr^n, ]-,ome Saturday moniinji nhn, day n.giit, of pneumonia. And wa-s Salisbiuy, spent Saturday \yith pigyen o’clock. “Uncle Dick" brouglit here for-, biirial last wi°!-V n , » n of Davie’s oldest iimi |,,,Tliiii'Sfifiv I the be- Miss Mabel McCulloh,-oi Gor- (¡¡tizeno and luavcs f great- ««teer, spent, the pa.^t week with •aevenil- clilldi'c.n : I her .grandparents, M r, and ,Mrs. j^^urn his>_ departure. P,„«ra. D. G. McCulloh.^ . , .«evvfeea were conducted by JUST. EKCEIVED—A ' CAR OF A. CJi SwaMord and tho in tcrm j Galvanized 'Roofing, . Barbed followeci iiV Bethel cemetory ¿f'J , '\V.irc and N ails. ,',.C. tf, Sanford guuday afternoon.■ - Sons' .Conipany. I • ' '■ -st-.. -• I'ORK Nbvva Durlng.^tho days when all South I s ï ' t > V.v If/*"'.’ establishhient-where, while wait- tràliw/^vore habit'.ial]y run- ing hia turn to be embalmed; he ^ning,.behind, ;schedule tim e,, ;ivo came to life and walked out. ‘ Ono' happened ,to .bo- in; .n :railifoaxl sta ';<iaÿlhls-wbek hè 'pulled¡the: same; tion; in , a-lnïgû,^^e ^siiunt' afeâinjï a n d ib u t;№ h i^ i’^pminent jlooking .man was pnc- ‘ .'-accord,■ho.might'have'.found him- ing up and doYiv'the .floor of tho, ' ‘¿eîrM U ôf.'cmbnlmirig fluid when 'V«iting room apparently very ner, "i^ü^’canfëvIt^slW voiia^3;tü;j:6tting; started ;som ^ chargo..6fr.tho.-St.r'josoph’s. HomB, wKei'.ç. F.iiially;:«^ cautioned the undçrtfilcer against tickef' ngeut’s Ayindow and inquir- 'crabalniink him 'tbo 80Qri,:86>a:,l6l} fed:as to when his train wo i) f -fliiidM ai 8li\?ôd^and ah uiider- nve.-: ,His, impatiencoj. indicated tiikbr’3i;M r| o t4 a^ thnt ,hb;liad.niade .(ine or-two simi:. ■¿bvbral hbiirs^)\e'goiiiii hnd wttlkr' Inr inquiriea^beforo. .The agent ' cci ' very . courteously told him that ho hiight' expect hia train about such ■ fiii^hour.'’ ; T h o ^ tlh io xiim o '■ ,and V« igrandaonKof ■;tho;iiate;.^^ ;; v ■: ; ■ ■ .................. yipif ,7>: .'o-TT,v.*4 - v* na\,\3 „0 uu^U ’ VV. • • ' <, r» . :^.;-Mputgflmery,;f6ErGo'hcordr':;haS^ Jiqur,,from the time the purchased ^the old Jlontgohiery' .'^"“ld-be itraveler-~had been; told ^homestertd in'M ontgom ery county m'rivb, he again and 13 m aking iniprovuments on ^ in d o w and said lo .thO'pli\ee; '..The Vre.°.t-old'''house, ticko t; agent: “Mr. 'T icket ( which'¿tilnds- a ‘few i iniles'beyond J ifoing to make you tho Sw ift Island bridge on the - '‘"y ° ii°3 about that 'bmarle-Troy ■. highway.', and ‘‘^“ 1 'jvalkod out. '' FULTON. ITEMS AÍtíeniarlo-Tróy .'1, iiigiiw ay,,, and ixyhicii is in.a'.state of^ ;is' being ;repaired.; ....iit ä b ö n is Ä siicii fine My. . Lanier’s baby is very old country hornee, the birthplace much Improved, glad tó note. , of some of oilr greatest men,.be- Mf. and Mrs. Baxter Hendrix ing taken over and re-established. child, have p n e home, :áfter ТЫй is one rbsult- of our fine spending the week wi^h, relatives highw ays.. W e may expect; to see. . M iss' Mózelíe W alls, of Hanes, more of the ;fine old country es- visited her cousin, Misa Iva Stew- tatea being rebuilt in the future, art, the past week. ; : since all secjiions are now,;in easy / ^ r. Charles Uyengobd/of Wins- access to the towns .when one owns week end . with home folks... , ,an automobile. - M isa; Edna Robertsbn of пе.Чг , Elbaville, spent Saturday night ' " S . Ä i - S S Ä . л п .,™-ceased to .operat«, • The su.pen- ,pe(it Snturtay nlBhl In Lojclnj. sion waa due tó the fact that the to ii.. ' . v ' ; ' company operating was: doing so у Мг.ч and Mrs. Pearl Meacham, ' -at a Í083 Pf V.OO a day. ■ That’s of Salisbury, spent Sunday even- the end of^GoiiiortVs:.,^^^^^^^^ Mrs. -George They have, gone 'the w»y/; of the Fikbs-preached 'huro Sun- livery stables; The .automobile day evening at 3:30. The sermon has done for, tiibm w hat; it, did w as,enjoyed by: many, ■ for the old time livery. The fate Miss Iva' Stew art spent Sunday of Concord’s ’street cars i s w h a t ^ « h t üuth her frien d,, Miss i 1 , Ii. V i. > 1, V.elma Hendrix.'' , . 'ЛУ111 oventually be the fate.'of-all ' Mrs. Anne H ego-spenf the past othur street- car lines. And,.may- week in Bíocksville. be, a decade hence the airplane Curing tobacco-seems to be the w ill do for the present day garage occupation for the farm ers iiow- and,'filHng station what; thp auto- й^Ун, m ost'people report of gett- niohile did for« the livery stables and the atreet cars.' Instead of !'I\ils8 Faigo li'anli'aion, spent last weeic with relative.ii in Siiertc-, er. /.Mrs. G. S. Kimmer -returned; 'home - iast ween attur. spending sevbral ' daya with relatives - at Linwbod, Lexington and -Siilis- bury.|' , . , ', •Mrs; Sam Cope^spont lafit'week end with relativea in Saliabury and Morganton. . . . ; ;Mr. W. H; Felder, of Gastonia,. I was a businesa , visitor in , our 'm idst last week. . ,- M aster John Gotten,- of Salis- bui^y, is spending some time; with his cousins, Nelson . and Peter Hairston, Jr. est sympathy. V' ■ - . Mrsi Karl Myers, near , Fork Church is spending some time' with her mother, . Mrs. ; , J. T. PiiDlps. ,’ ;M r.; and Mrs.- - B ryan, Sm itli,, of Forsyth county ■ sp en t' the week end with Mrs; J. H.; Hilton. ; Several c?i our people are at- tendin¿ court; this week. Mr. and.vMrsV M; Jonoa and childrbn . spent last, Monday • in j Mocksviilo with Mrs. ii.- M. J ones. 1 1 Born.'to Mi'i and Mrs. W . S. , Phelps,; A ugiist ;9th, a' fine girh j Mr. and; Mrs. A lbert .-Folds .nnd ; little'son, ,Albeit; Jr., spent Sun- dayiwith'honio folksT ' , ■ ; - ■ Miss Ef fib-O^Tell spent a few I days ’ liiat ; week w ith ' her cousin, MlsaVi Mrtttio. “Bciiuchamp; near P edliljnd." ■ ' y The revival ;..ineetihg begins.|S here Sept,'.áO, Every body isij^ cnydiiilly ,invited to attend' (iacli ind -'oyory .service, ■ ^ COOIÍEEMBb "^ .1EUUS ALBM BAPTIST CHURCHES П«гаж1г;|1ш1»ш№<э|11а№ш»|к1ш11га11»ш11и1шш11рп101ш1111ш|111га|11я||||ш11га11ш119с1^|;я.'11з^1 Ш и .М А К х ч “SAIilfíBU.kY’S. I ’HCGRESSIVE;'DEPARTMENT STOItH' 1 \! (P. P. Putnam, pastor.) Proaching every Sunday morn­ ing and\evening atj Cooleomoe— Prayer meeting every Thursday . , - , night—Sunday School.every Sun- Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Rummage day morning-, a t'9:45. TxF. Spry and chiidron, spent the week end Supt.; Senior and Junior B. Y, with relatives ih ^ Point. P. U., meet eveiy Sunday evening Mrs. 'J.; E. Fosteiv;and M iss 'Jda at seven o’clock—P reaching’' at Nance/contiiiue very sick, .soriV Jerusalem the iir s t and th-kd Sun- ,to nbte.' . ; . ,,, V ' ; day and fourth Sundays, at 1;30 Miss ,Biddle : Davis . returned th e 'Ìirst; an d'th ird Sundays.,' A ,homb‘ la st' week; after spending cordial inyitatiori . is', extended to FALL ARKIVALS I OUR BUYERS'HAVE SHOPPED NEW YORK OVER FOR THE PAST TWO' WEEKS AND HAVE SECURED THK • BEST VAiiUlCS IN UP-TO'-THE-MINUTE STYLES THAT WE HAVE EVER HAD. - COMB IN AND LET US SHOW YOU THESE PRETTY'NEW THINGS FOR FA LL.\ , ~ ~ ^^L S iO c S ~ ~ ~ MATILRIALS: COLORS: V 39, INCH GEORGETTE . ' PANSY .39' INCH FLAT CREPE ■ WILD ASTER ^ , 39 INCH CREPE BLACK SATIN GOLDEN PHEASANT ,39 INCH CHARMEUSE ~ BOKHARH . C-1 INCH CHARMEUSE PENCIL, BLUE A AND-OTHERS ____ those .who read this, to attend all the.4e Hbrvicba'., ' The I'lnstor has been with рая-. % garages we may , have airphuie -3inngers,and landing places. The 1 world is nioving at a rapid rate, and timo makes such , radical - 4.----yjA. ing a good cure on the tobacco. ANOTHER' WATERMELON RAISER V several days w ith - relatives; ; in Gastonia.-'.,' ; ;;; , \ Mr. ;a>id Mrs., Claude B ailey are ___.VWMA i^Kin AVILH liîlii'. all. smiles .oyer the arrival o f'a lor J L.^^Ùrk tind hi.iVpeoplo- iit fine girl, K atharine: Coleeno, Ti'i'i'intino' in a J.n^eeting. which ;;Mr. :and iViis. Frank G'ebrgo,' of ,f on'iiuies at; thia tim T'Aundiiy N“orfolk,- -Va., left':for their home f t-'vho-ia.'il, iVVüOk.% a ^'O/'c. Monday,'' after , spondinib : aeveraj oF-iiitt'rcat ,ia . being jnaviifoiit day.s with'Mr.,Gbbrgb's ;sistbr, M rs;' and ; j ('Amoral have mado‘ ij,i’'-'-!!cssion % /W .'-:Hairston.'',;;:-‘|\';; of/a^th. ,. ' K':- ';,>Mr.yarid 'Mrs.^Albert Sinimbns, ,J ro.'.K irk preachol t'nr ua,,ji of-^ÇhViotte silent; ,Sunjlayilwith C'l'cleemee Sunday ni i ii- at the de- M r.'and''M rsi E.;;!?.! Eaton., \glit;tm d;odif^ation'.o goodl.v; ' M iss Thelma ' Garwood;, spent, cong'rbgatipn.; who wore; preijeht, la 3t ,:Aveek 'w ith ^ relatives ; ; near. The iiastor. proa'chbd at TurrentUiu Spencer. .; ; j at, the, same. hour.‘ . , ; Mrs. Tom FoBtcr,;.of-Hanes, lia -'. /rho; funeral service of • aifjtcr sponding;:thc ; week with her par-, Creason was largely attended laft,t mta, ;;Mr.. and Mrs. ■ S. .■ E. G ar-; Saturday afternoon.; .T he;symph-i wood..'..,!, ; ; thy and prayers'of .the. pastor and ' -Mrs. G, V. i Greene and ; daughtr church go,out-to thQ'bereft fam ily e r,, Lucy Foard, .spcnV .Sunday- iP: May the ,prbmiab';of; the M aater.to Saliabury,-.the. guesta'' ; of :IVIra. a'end-.thol^rcomfortbr bb^gracioualy Fred'Garrett.- ;, verified to | them, ihthis hour lilrs. W iley .PottSi 'of Advance, bereavement, is spending some time with her ' Graham Gobble was: elected parents, Mr. and Mrs. G, S. Kim- suporintohdont ol/ tho Sunday mer. ¡. ' • sciiool at Cooleemee, last Sunday, Quite a.;, large crowd attended S. C. Phelps was olected assist nt the Cope reunion at Mr.,Edd Cop- superintendent, Ben Jbrdan aecre- es lust Sunday, and also the birth- tary and M iss Ruth'J*arvis pianist, day dinner at Mr. W.'*D. Shuler’s., all for the next association year. VMrs;,Vic VanEaton and daught- These arb all true .and tried and er, Opal and,M r. and Mra. . John W3 feel that they w ill do w ell in Wood, attended the fuiieral -of their varioiis duties as required their uncle, Mr. Richard N Van- by their positions. Eaton, at Bethel, last Sunday The follow ing, brethren were afternoon. ' . elected as messengers to the South " '______^___________ Yadkin Association,' which meets ■ at South River church next week; PINO NEWS j; F. Garwood, S. C. Phelps, A. L. ^ rr.i J,.,, Lowder and Graham Gbbblo. TheRev. G. , M. M cKinney^will fill ,p„gtor will also attend being a de- his appointment ^t^.P inrSunday of the constitu morning. Sept 6 at 11 o clock. , 'pakori ,Mrs. J. II Swing is spending members of the body. Mr. J. D. Collette, of Cana, route 2, could also be considered , a man that kiiowa how to raise changes that things do not seeni large watermeloiiB. Mij, Collette tho same, even after a very short pulled one the .other day th'at period of time, -' ' ' weighed exactly 60 and, one-half ! ’ ■ pounds. Theii he pulled.a group '] • of six mêlions whichj weighed 220 The driuiken auto driver should pounds, an average of 38 and one- hcod the warning of, the wise man io«i'th pounds .which .we claim to who said, “He that beldg often had. But strange, indeed, that the editor cannot got hold of atreproved, hardeneth 'h is neck, Qfojor cannot gCt hold of at shall suddenly be destroybd and least one, of these fine mêlions, thiit without remedy.” Tile t.irne Bring them along boya; v,'e lik e nis h e iy when a man con- ’0*^ too. ^ ' JUST REGEIVED-A CAR OP: :’(JtWwk,iW s car W h iln In Jioofing, Barbedcar while in an' in- ' condition, ia' going to get a sure job on the public roads Galvanized ___ W ire and Nails. Sons Company. the week with her daughter, Mrs; Lonnie Turner of Statesville . Mr. arid Mrs. Chariea Tomlinson ’of I Mocksville wore the Sunday guei^ts of Mr, arid Mrsi P. R. Me-. Mahan. • Miss Annie Lois Ferebee, . is spending the, week \yith relatives in Winston-Salem., ''' . M isses Jane and Sadie Wood­ ruff of MocltBville, spent tho wqek with their grandparentaj Mr; iind Mrs. A. H.'McM ahan. Mrs. Roy Deese atid children,, of Saliabury spent the past week with their parenta, Mr., and Mrs, G. B. Harding. , , Mastev- Ray Hardinfe, 'the litlo son of. Mr. and M rs; John Har­ ding was. painfully hurt bn the head by; a car a t W inston-Salem last week. - X ; ; Miss M argret and Mr. John M il­ ler, of Winston-Salem, sjient the wpelc end at home.' ivilss- M ary McMahan le ft,F ri­ day for Greensboro, where ' sho w ill tcach. ' . Mr. ,and Mr.s.;A, M.. Davis and children, of Winston-Saiem wero the weelc end gucats of Mr. and, Mrs. L. L. M iller.; Miv and Mrs; Hause Hunter, of Winston-Salem were the Sunday gue.^ts of Mir. an d'M rs. W, P, Ferebee. 1 Mr, and Mrs. S. R. Lathame and I fam ily, of Mocksville, spent Suri-.............V4KC; 0|-;uil(/ OUJl** C. C. Sanford' day with Mr. and Mra. John La- ■thame. . ' 'rhe financial report of the treasure, showed ¡Í grand total .of pver four thousand dollars raised for all purposes by the church in the last twelve months, which is a' very creditable report for the church,, and yet wo could do a great deal better if all puri people could be enlistee] as stewards of our Gbd. ! Thirty have been baptised into the felJoAVship of thq church and twenty', three ;reCoivècì by letter. About a, dozeiv have boon lost by letter. Taking it ,all in all it-has been a good year, for. the church Let us take eouraije and go for ward to greater' thi.rigs in the fu tUrb. ; „ . The pastor Avill preach next Sunday morning . on ' “Why Droughths Como,” and at night, “How Droughths are Broken."— Cóme and let us study these ques­ tions in tho light of the Gods Truth. t u r r e n iTn b n e w s Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Barney and children,^of Hanesf"spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs; Frank Wagoner. Mrs. W. A. Foster and chiidron. SMART mhh DRESSES, STrJKING, ALLURING, DA2!2;LTNG ARE THESE NEW FROCKS. THEY ARE AUTUMNS NEWEST CREATIONS IN SMART COLORS AND СЩС STYLES. ' - COLORS: BLACK, PENC7T., BLUE, COCOA; PANSY, BOKHARH, GOLDEN PHliASANT, AND.-i;'ANY, OTHER PRETTY SHADES. ■' , ■' '■ v; ' ;,'vi : -NEWEST <30ÄTS ß0i^:;^ SMARTEST LM A iB R IA LS, NEWEST' "STYLES , AND COLORS., ''SOME WITH FUR TRIMING, OTHERS PLAIN, MOST ALL s iz e s; / ' ■ , ' ' ' ' EXCELLENT : QUALITY COl^EY’ № TO BROWN, COCOA,.BLUE, BLACK, CHINCHILLAj WHITE IMITATION ERMINE, ETC. MODERATELY PRICED.:' .; .BQY^S-'‘‘LON G FANTS^^; SUITS:^ BVERY'BOY W ILL WANT ONE OF THESE MANISH LITTLE 'SUITS. THE VERY NEWEST STYLES AND MATERIALS. SIZES UP TO 15. $12.50 to $14.75 NEW FAIL GfldDS ARRIVING DAILY "'"iinipgiii P ^ t up! But pay less for good paint Good, durable paint'makes things last. Now, you can save a third pf your paint coat by , using Stag Semi-Paste Paint. Sim ply mix ' agallón of linseed oil whb a gallon of thia highest quality paint in semi*paste form and you have two gallons of the beat paint a f , a saving of one-third the cost. You X save money two w ays by using-'Stag Semi- Paste Paint. Mixing as you need it asadrea - freah pnint that gfoos further nnd wears longer. - Thoro'u a *'Stag" dealer near you. S09 hlnv—*or wiUo us for lltoraturo and namo of doolor. . . . .__ WMV«^.L («ilU UiliilUUlly of''M ocksville spent Sunday with Mra. ^oatpra parents, Mr, and Mra. Charlie McCulloh. Mr. G. W. McCulloh, of Cor- na^or, spent Sunday in our com­ munity. Hirshbei'g Faint Ca,®íS¡Sf^' L. ' NOW IS THE BEST SEASON OF THE YEAR FOR PAINTIiiG. WE CARRY A LARGE LINE OF PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES. Mocksyille^^^^^ H ',JL O C A L '0 'K № ; The post master is taking his ■vacation in Florida this \Veek.) Mrs. • L. ii. Feezor viaited her parenta- in _Winston-Salem last, week.; \ , . Mr. W illiam Stockton,>of Shel- hy, spent the'week end witlrhome folks., yOOO theatres w ill show nothing but Paramount pictures < next week.; , ■ ' ; ' See a dollar picture for 26 ccnts “Tho Spaniard” ' at the Princes •tonight. , ; ‘ ^^--0—---------— . Mrs, Knox ;SinglHton, . of Red Springa, is visi^ting her father,, Mi\ George W inecoffi, . ■' Rev, A. C. Swtifford left Wed-' ne«d«y for Wtfxhaw, where he will •assist in a meeting . Mr.H. 'Kathorino' Formwajt is spending several days " with SORETHROAT were given attractive ■prizes, and — - Misa Kopelia Hunt won high tonsilitia or hoaraenesa, Vi'ixo. Those pi]esent wero; gargle with warm salt Misses Clerauiit, Larew, Vaughn, water. Rub Vicks over iiopelia Hunt, RulTi Booe, Sarah throat and cover with a Gaither, M argaret Meroney, Ivia hot flannel cloth. Swal- Horn, W illie M iller, Martha- Gall, low slowly small piecc3. , Mary Heitman, Mesdames E. II. iMc'rris, R. B. Sanford, John San- ■ford, G. G. Daniel, J. l^. Johnstone,, ! liatherine Formwalt, .L, E, Feezor, ■ aiñi .Brov/n, J.-F rank Clement, V AP0B% Ulfi !li. C, cibment, Jr., J. K. Moronej', Oocr 17MlUlonJorUUcdYemh \rhomna Meroney, John LbGnuid, ---------- E. C. LeGrand,_.R(V Hoitliouser, w m E vs AFTER' ^ EVERY W MEAL prtnied to Mead, Fla,, ment, ' his home at Form- A- AlliSon, R, D* W-; Günnor, by Ml', and Mrs. Clc- W- Crov«-, ;J,,K,_ Shock,. W- .W- Clement, />■ Mr, and Mrs, o a ri,ra(,um.enter-Miss Ofjsie Allison,,entertained. ----------------------------. ' U r l , , . . ,.............................................- , ----------------------------------------------------------------- . _ tu-ined at a bcautifm dinner party at a very onjoyablo .weinniuvyoast last Tuesday evening at thoir ney/ on Wednesday evening honoringA -nr..- 1V,T!rt^ ,t?An' friend in Cleveland. i.tlorney Jiayden Clemgnt and of: SaH,?bury, .ill.'''' guests of ;ai OS. Ju lia C. Heitman. ' ; , ' Tho next L iv e Stòck Sale at Auction Commission Barn will bp the last Tuesday .in'O ct. 'Mra. G. G. Daniel and daughter, TauHrie, spent the past' week in Statesville w ith relatives. Mrs. Jam es McGuire and child­ ren . havo^returned frorii a , visit to rellitives iri Salisb ury., ' M isslid ith iviiiier, of Phlladol phia w ill spend tho week pud with lier cousin, Mrs. J. A. Daniel. ^^--------------------;----------------, , Miasos M artha Call, Inez Ijam- o a,,arid 'D aisy - Holthouser wore .ahoppors in Saliabury, Friday. Mr8."';M. J; liolthouabr and daughter. Miss Daisy, spent the week biici in Black Mountain. - , ;M iss BladgG ,/Holton, of High I'^oirit, spoilt t'l'id .week' end ^vith her fnthoi, Mr. J.' L. Holton. '■ ' home on ;-N,orth Main, sti'eet'. A foiir cour.se dinner M’aa served. Covers were laid for-Mr; and Mra. John LeGrand, Mias 'Ivie Horne, Olaudo Horn and Mr. and Mrs- Tatum. ■ ■ . ■ -, , :.'-'ll....'.« .......■....O-'"»”-'......... . ' Mr, and M.rs,-Richard ■ Barbor, i)f Vv’ayneavillo, spent a few days here with relatives last ,week and; attended,, the ..Barber reunion \yhich was held in the old Chi;ist Church at Cleveland, Th-„ church •is 181> j'oare old and .was built by the grandm(fther of' tho Barber’s, afforde ' ! O v V ’ well as pleasure,, iicaM ifal cjiorclee for tho toeth , , ond 11 «pue tp'diRcstlon. A U,aß» rcfrAshtncnt, :soot^in¡; to ncfrves and otomii^h. ■ ‘ ' Tha Great'Amsficatt SwceVttjeÎi^'ühtdüchcd' Ь-у; hunçldj-i full of / г ; M isses Sa rali Gai th b>’, 'aHi!“,Eliza- !H-ih Naylp't' - left -Sunday for f iit i! tpiiial wl'.oro \thij ' ' ^?il 1 tcao h. ' , Misa Ethol S.iimmb;r%-of Snlis- bury,; spent Sovora'l days this wook.'.with Mias E lla Lee Sum- mers. '■ ' ,■ ' ■ , iDoïiÆ fbrgbC';thb b ,«nd ifiddlor.s convbntion at Gpol- cemoû 'Satin'dny, afternoon., ,ifind;' : night;' : v;, ■ ' ; Ai'inand ,Daniel loft; last,' -week .'for Columbia, Si , C., to arrange , foivy'entrance in the UnWeraity , "there. ' ' " ' ' , It is earnestly requested that lie soliciting; committee of the JentoivCommunity Pair meet at Center next Saturday, at 3 b’clock p, m. Those who can not be .pre­ sent,- please write what h.is boon collected or promised; in thi,\Yay of premiums, to Sooty, U ,;.!!; 'Bnr- neycastle,, or county .'igent, Evails, !, both, of , Mockavillc, route 5', Hon. Judge Brock w ill speak at thb Methodiat church Sunday, night a t,7:80. Hp is,pne of;the leading lawyers oJ: the strito, ; rt speaker of great ability, a paclcod house ahouid hear him." Services w ill be conducted by Epworth Loiiguors. , A special niripical pro,-^ grani ia being arranged; and-in- ^■roating Bibie , lecturo w ill be given. \ , ' '■ \ Mrs, vT. K, Meroney ontortainpd' on last Friday evening', at. her homo oil South Main stroot at tivo taWea of bridge. Places wore found by ttttractivp tallies; arid .■leverai rubbers' were enjoyed, after which tho hostess, ; assisted by,: Miss Slargurbt Meroney, soi-v- cd , a dolicioria ,salad>cpuröo 'With accesaorips. , The ; gupsts ;/>were Misses M argaret ; Morönöy, iiath- eririe Mprpnoy, Natalie Lare\y, ef Stanton, Va'j Mr. and Mrs. Jphri LeGrand and Knox Johnsto^p'arid Mrs. Charles Vaughan*,Mias Ros- ayls Vaughan and ,S!ublett'Vaug­ han, of Richmond, 'NVa,,- . house gueat.s of i ho'r; sister, Mrs. W.,; A; Alliaon. r'Avcamp fire; was built -and much enjoyment experience'd 'over '¿ooking, the aupner. ' Aftpr tho supper tho .gubsts assembled at tho Allison hpiTie--w>iere' danc­ ing waa bnjoytd for aevcrttl hours. Guests on thia occasion were,'Mrs. Vaughan, Miss Vaughan, • Mr,' Vaughan,:; Misa Julia 'llunt,'- Ko- pclia Hunt, Jane Hayden and dorothy Gaither, Dorothy; Moron- oy, M argaret Thompson, and Cecil Morris, Faye Gaud,ell, Rufiis Brown, Knox Johnatoiie, Franklin Monroe and Councll .Laughlin, of Salisbul'y; and Meadainea B, C, Clement,'Jr,, P. J. Johnston, John 'LeGrand, Norman Clement' arid Mr. and. Mrs, E. C. LeGrand.' ■ -o.- ADVANCE n e w s: ,;Misa Luna Orrell, of Winston- Saloin, is spending the week with her, father,. Mr. U;-vH. Orrell.. Misa. Ruiiy Varner, of Concordi ■ ■ ‘ • * -■ 1. ' . be well tig.n‘n. Quite a uiimber p f “OUT “puo]7ii5-; attended yniviccB at, Bethlehem Sunday afternoon, '.I’eam No, 8; uf the B illy Sunday club of Win.i-- ton-Salem conducting. The meet­ ing was an old time one and many souls wore made happy. \ A new building to be used at a labratory ia being erected on tho achool ground. .- Thé opening will be on Sept. 14; We, hope the coming term may be better, if possible than any in tho' paat. ' ' - Misa Clark Shore: of near Enon ia visiting friends herq thia week;- Mra. W illiarii Scholtes and small' daughter, of Winston-Salem are Yi8itiuK;]MjL‘a. Scholtea pareiit'a; Mr,' and Mrs, C, A . Hartmafi. ; 'v 'Mrfe. Hugh Horn and sbn ; re­ turned to: their. home in' Groena- boro,', Sundiiy, ' a‘fter a ; pleasant visit of three Weeks with Mr; and M rs. L ;.J. Horn ; ’ 'Mr., and M rs.'Sfacy White have moved to- our village, Mr. White has: a': garage in , the- ;:W iiliard i.builtilng, wo yelcome them .Mr, J; Ralph Jàm es, .the cedar, chest maker ha.s' moved his place of business in tho-iold store:own­ ed by Mr. ,G, H. Graham. Mr. anti, Mra. M. C. ■ Ward; --Mr. and Mrs. É. Ç. W alker and child- > m-I _ ------ . ^ 'la viaiting frienda here. - and Mrs. E. ............................. Mr, Baxter Shutt, of Richmond, ren spent Sunday afternoon with I Va., vi'sitod his mother, Mrs. Jake Mrs. H."^ G.'Holman of Holmans i Shutti .the paat week. . j Cross Roads, > A,.birthday dinh'er Mr. and-;Mra. W. H, March a^d <vas very much enjoyed, several children, of Winatbn-Salbm wore of her children and grandchildren theiguosts of Mr, and Mrs, 0 . M .‘ and many rolativea and frienda-----_i. aTtn VVfifl át Bob McNeill, Miv C, L, Thompson,W ife and children returned Blonday after­ noon from': an extondod visit to ■VVestern North Carolina. ; .Quite avlargo crowd havo been attending' coprt this week. We ■will'give a ’ 'complete report of court proceedings next week. Beginning next IWonday thb Moyie vvill open at 7:30 instead of 8 o’clock, children should come for the firat show ao as to be homo for early bedtime, .............M—I 111^—— ' Mr. Jam ie Moore returned homo thia week: from Wilmoro, Ky,, where ho attended tho University. He was accompanied home by his friend, Mr. Pbwbll,who w ill spend .a few days here. P,ev. (iri'd Mrs. M. 0 . C,arpenter and daughters, Elizabeth 'and . M iidred, of Bluo'field, West Va., ' sp en t'iiist Monday night wi,th Mrs. Carpbntbr’s brother^ Rev. W. B,^-Waff. : . *' P)i'of, and*, Mrs, R, D,;W. Con- nor, of Chapel Hill, and Mr. and . Mrs. E, W‘ pi’o y and children, o Monrob, have r.eturnod to ; their , hbmes 'Hfter a v isit to Mrs. Phil-, lip H anes.. ' : .■''Mias'ààrah (jjemeiit, who with : -the :; M iases Giaither , spent trt-o nwnths in. Europe, .spent tho past Hyeek end -with them after yisit- ’ in g ' Mrs. John H. ' Cletiient; Walkbrtowri.' ' , , and ' i/ivss ’M ary Jloltm a.i eritertained •-1 few friends iftforpiallyl\Ion- riiy afternoon in hnior of Mrs. Katherine Formwalt and Miss .‘-'¡ii'uh Clament. A'.‘-;er several gap es of rook an ico c.mrsi*'wiis 6i-i\ed. The guests were Mes­ dames Formwalt, J. B. Johnstonb, .b'. Sanfprd, J. Fra^ii< Okmeiit, }\1 .‘'■'sps Sar-i'i Clbme.I'-, Dorothy Gui'uher, JatiP H ay'lii Gaither, Ruth Boob, ,ir d Plos'i^i .Martlh. at .‘Mrs. R. M. Holthouae^ daughter, H elen,' and Mia^ D aisy 'Holthouser apent a few days in' SttriteaviUo last week, While thore they mo|;orod tb Blowing Rock and Boone^and report a nice trip. ; .DON”i: f o r g e t —The Annual “Old Folks” Binging will be held ■at Centex’, Sunday. Every body ,.:eomo ; and bring dinner.' Plenty : 0f ico w ater w ill be on the ground. A good and enjoyable day ia as- -suretl all- . . Of great intoroat here and thr­ oughout the state is the announce­ ment of the ongagement ofi.Mia.s Dorothy G'aither, daughter of 5tr. and Mrs. E. L. Gaither, to Mr., Edwin Cecil Morris, aon of Mr. and Mrs. E ., H. Morris, Thu bridb-elcct is one\of, Mocksville’s loveliest and most ’btMoved young ladles, and Mr. Mbrria is a .splen­ did young busi'ness man, who has ma.iv frienda. ,Jhe v,;cdding v.'Ir.fh w ill take 'p('';,5 In'Octoii er, w ill be the lei.-iim.'' aoclal c'V'.>nt of the seaaon ; , :''-.. J .........0'”‘ ■ .....——- , i' The Christian Endeavor society of tho Prcsbyt'erian church had a very ■ delightful watermelon feast on the iawn of the church last Wednesday evening, 'Various games were enjoyed aftei’';}vhich the melons \vere cut. Those iiit.e- sont w ere: M isses Dorothy Gaith­ er, Janb Hayden Gaither, Anne, Nell and Daisy Hplthouseiv...,Vir- ginia-'Cherry, Mildrp'd WoodVuff, Lillian Hutchins, Louise Charles; Sara Charles, Katherine Meroney, Ella Leo Summers, and Knox John'atone, Ada'ni N eely,, Tohi Balioy ’Woodruff, Carl; Jpnea, Ar­ thur Neely and Barney. Benson, One of .the prbttiest'partios oif the season \yas oh last Wednesday morh'irig 'when Mrs. 'VV'. ;A.'.'Aliiaon' oytertiinbd honoring' hef' güiJiita, Misses ÍJosalys Vaughan, ;of ;Rlch-; hlo'i)d, Va., iier , s:stpr -Mr.i.'''Ghas.' Vaugiiari, bf .Richmbrid,:' Va;,i;hiid: Miss'Dbrothy Gniwor, who’so m'ar-: riago' to Gbcil Morris v,’iili,trikp place ill October. Mrs; 'AlljBori; met thb gucHts at the frpnt door and preaentbd them to the h'ori' orees. Bridge ;was played-,at five tables .and: rodk, a t . one . Labia. High scPi’c -prizo was awarded tp Mi'as , K opelia: :;Hurit and Mitisr Kath'ryrio Brn-wn v/ori. lov/; scQre pri.i-o, both ^vanity dollp' clrcs'üod iiVicrppe ;paper. M.sp- Vaughan and Mrs;' Vaughan wore both.iglv-i bn; pprfuinb* bottlpa. Miss: Gaith­ er was prbaented with a hand-' rmidp card table cover. Tho rain- b&W: colors wero carried/ out iln' the dpcbration.'i, thp prizes'and the refreslinionts.; The hosto.ss, aa- dlsted ,hy Mrs. E. Ciinard. Lo­ Grand arid 'Miss ' Osie' ;■ Allison, served, delicious ^rpfresliments consisting of,;frozbn fi'iiit aalad,- ruinljów ' sandwicHoa,' - cheoso straws, pickles and iced ton. Encj|i guest was givbn a minaturo paper hat of rainb^pw colors 'filled with mints. Those enjoying Mrs.- Al­ lison’s charm ing-hospitality vyere Mrs. Vaughan, 'Miss Vaughan and Miss Gaither, honoreos; Meadam- ea P. J. Johnson, 'J. K.. ivioronoy, t . P. Meroney, E, H. Morris, John G. Sanford, J, K, Parmwhult, of Asheville; J. P, LcQrand, Norman Clement,, E. G. LeGrand, Lester P. M artin, L, E, Feezor, and JVIis- SOS M argaret Thompson, Kath- erirfe Meroney, Kopelia Hunt, Ju lia Huni, Hazel Baity, Willio M iller, Kathryne Bji’bwn, Glayto.s Brown, Jaiie Hayden Gaither, Ivie Horne. Miir.ch, Sunday., Mr. and .Mrs. L. L. Orrell, of near •Lexington, wero tho guosts of;M r. IJ. ;il. O rrell, "tho fipt-'óf ,thc'''-wóekii .''' ' ■ V-' ' • ’ -• Miss Elòise-,White, of Wihstonr; Salem, .visltpd ' .Miss Ellzabóth Crous.e' la^'t’^.-wcek, '.. ' ; ' ' ,' ' ■: ,,,.Mills' AlTiia.' SjuiU 'holds a rpqaition^ln'^. Win'8tpn-Salem‘,.apont ' the .woelr end. nt. h^lb,, .. 'Jt’.''. E ,. .Tf^r^paon, i,,an(l phildrsn, -of Salisbury, havp’.ro turned. homo : after‘‘apcndingYBorho tim e her,i,-.',,';;; ' ■ of Winston Salem, waa,;i,ho wook end guest of MÌM1 'Ethol ^RmiHitleal.:;- ' ' l ' ■ ■ * Mrs. Grovcir, Shiltt, iind wbro preaont. And while she was unable to 'see them, afte, enjoyed the day, we hope for her many happy,, birthdaya , in - the future. ■ ;y isa,, M ildrod' W alker is cvlait- irifii -relativea In Winston-Salem. f C A LA H ^N ''NEWS v ,,■v .il^ild rc-n, of : I(0xi'ugt0,rij wore ''in );o\Vri ..Frida j^'jii/rh'ti-nttß)idlng:thü;Lawn n«):f-.v,. ijivori' 'Ьу tlio - Mdthod|lst ■Lfid'oa’, AiTVSoclRty. ' ......'. i\Ty. M"'<. _W' V. Poindoxter, of '*ч!ст. ,'v/bre ‘vlBitora at, M ráiF. I.'Pçindcxter’a,'Sutuiay. ’ .Miaa i!ili'?.abGth, and'Aunip And- orsoh,‘-pf WiriStbri-Salem, spent'thp iveek. on’d >yith.'‘their sister, Mrs, ■W^ii^i,iiAnd'brsoh;:;:’:!;:;Vi^ . ,Bh'’.^R.,S. Powoll .maclc a businoss trip ’to' the' Twin-City,,' Satuvd(iy: ’ Miy ,',Wingato Hprn; .^of' -River H ill,’ apbnt^a'^whllQ Sunday with 'Andflrson.:-': , ,,: . ' .Mr.a. -n. L. Anderson and;chlldr reni 'of .Winston-Salom, are spend- J uijr', a- few. days;, with ,hpr' mother, ! ten .'A nn ie E.-.Andorsorir , Messrs RoyiPowell, of Calahalri, and 'paul Ki -Moore of Mocksviilo, left .TuQfiday ,to spend several days„.„1 [„In'nna last .Suriday ::',mprniilg ■ .'foaturing'iy* ¡he E duji^ionai.'intorcsls: of; vthevi congregntiOTis.’-,.-’,.':?' a;-.' Tho following'young; peoplo;;are';; to . go; awiiy to . .oollego: Lpdena u Sain, 'Ervin Boles, Armond' Dun«:*' iol;, Paul- Moore,- CllliO : Howard;.':; Gladys Dwiggins;: Suth'Sw affordj t; W illiam Kerr./ Those ;;iwho; ;'-igoKj away to teach aro : Misaoa ;Glnfa' Moore,,EIva Sheek, Llllle,Moroney;;'i Sbpia'Meroiiey, Rose Owens,.Rosa; I M iliei Howard, M aryjj, Stockt'oni^yiH j ju llh -Hunt, Kopelia, H unt,; Cheshire, and Viijginla. Cnrteivi-'- ” Mjfs. Zi N. ^nderson, nnd, JamiOo Mo'ore. The churph feela p.irtlcu- lar pride In these young people; , The prayora of the chureh follow:; them ;':',-" ‘ Next Sunday morning Rev. Wm;; Kerr, one of pur own community; bdys^ will '¡iroach foiv:Us, :and:willi;- no dbubt bring a miesaago .Worths;» while. ; At the evening, hour, 7:B0[;'%..„_ tlio Epworth: League; w ill glvo!;an,’r'',!i.';'a>|| opeii; :iirbgram.;: ’ Several ,' ;:.opeplal;:;’:'Jg^^^ ^Wt^^S;:aro;,bbingi àrra'nged >fthdvÿ'i. ФКЙ1 íponéregation is ' expected;;iuvliirge^con^rofifiition is expectcu. '.ludgo Brock of Winston-ftnlpm^ will apeak. . ’ i'' It ia now five webka to cbnfer-^ , -y cnee, much . remai ns;; to- vbe,, d'pnp,.,,,,,, ,,¡¡5, among tho apocial daya and.phlns . w ill be 'obaervanco of children » 'i i wt'cli, promotlonQind’ rally day in the ' Sunday ‘ school, collection of o.i-.'L finances.in fujl. ThCiP’* ¡Ire noW'brir^l/for a happy prosperous, tho V losing (if ;n Washington, and other -plafcea, of'iritbrcat,' JUST RECEIVEP-—?A . 'OAR . QF../., . Lúñ. GiUVanizcd .Roofing,^ Bavbed, Ш .'.Т(лЬ^ iwÄ.Wii'o ßnd Nalls, Sons Conip’ariÿ. Sanford, SMirifGrvOVD, NEWS , MOVIE NEWS Midahlpmari, W- R- Hollings­ worth, ' of the U. S.’ - N ayal Ac- .;cademy . at Annapolis, spent the Weel^ end with .his sister, Mra. W. /N,; was Mo'oni': M isses Jane Hayden, and Doro­ thy Gaither entertained ;at. a love­ ly garden party, on Saturday aft­ ernoon, honoring their guest;'M iss Sarah pigment; of Oxford, Miss Natalie' Larew, of ^taunton, Va., iand Miss Roaalys V aughn,' ., of Richmond, Va, Delicious , fruit; punch was served th a’ guests bn arriving,,^and then they were es­ corted into tho beautiful flower garden where five tables were arranged for bridge, ,and three lor rook. Following The games a tenyiting ice coursevWith tv^o kinds of calce and salted nuts wna eerved. Th<i charming hoaoreea “The Sp'aniard” playa here Wednesday and Thursday,, Its thb Sheik of : 1925, but a stroniier story and better \ 'picturo' ' was ' ¡made by Raoul Walsh.:direotor' of tho'“Thief of Bagdad,,” the author of the story is Juanita Sayage iind the boolt is'im nierisely popu­ lar, Never was there a" picturo that points, out so vividly thb ex­ treme peril pf a maiden girl whb amuaps herself by playing with fire. The big stars are Rica,ido portez, Jetta Gpiidal and Noah ^eriV . ' ’.Frida^^ and Saturday—a five reel Western picturo with two,' reel chriatie comedy, “Court Plaatbr.” / Next week is the 8th Annual Paramount week. We begin Mon­ day with "Sackcloth and Scarlet" featuring-A lice Teiuy, Wednea- day ’ "Conti’aband,” Thursday and Friday—Thomas Meighan in "Old Home Wbek,” Saturday—the big­ gest of all, “Tho A ir-M ail,’,’ with a special cast. Come often next week and help us inake tho cele- hrntion successful .enough^to' re­ peat next year. ‘ ' .; Mr," JoT\ttt^Gracoi;,’.'of-, Spartan­ burg, S i; G.',' vii^tocl’.friends ,f\nd; relatives herB last ‘ wc°k ''This was Mr. J(inorf) boyhood homo,“’tvnd this'-, w.".?f - the first ti!|!e':'ho‘''-h!i*d been bttpk ; in ’ about;; twbntv-fiyo |y-'ars. 'it-i^a friends:,waro; glnd.Uo aee him once more,: ' Mr. Frank N. N aylor,.pf Wina- ton-Salom, spent a foiy days hero the past week with his'aunt, Mrs. W ;sli- Haijes..;.,y .: ;. Misa Cbrjielia T(i:^lPr, 'of Farm­ ington, waB.'^thp ■week' end guest of her couains'. Misses' 'Noll and Elizabeth Hendrix. ' , ' ' . Mrs. John Hiatt, arid;.children, of Lexington, ' are visiting Mra. H iatt’s sister, Mrs. J, H. Poatoi'. Mrs. J. R. Beeding and daught­ er. Miss Annie, apent one day the paat week in Winston-Sa.lem with relatives. ' .' Mr. arid Mra; E, L. McClamrock o f. Mocksville route 2 were 'the week , end guests of Mrs.' . Mc- Claml'oek’a mother, Mrs. D. J. Smith. \ ' : - - : .Mr. and Mrs. CAlviri Bowles of near .Mocksville, spep't the weekv end with Mr, and Mrs, J. R. Beed- ingt : ' . ■ • - ' I-:: ' School work is just like any other kind of n Job-rit ls:m ore,? enjoyable 'and bettei; work can bo, accobplished with the .; proper equipment. Come here and Bcleci the proper tools i for your girls and boys. It w ill help them with thelt Btudies. ALUSON & CLEMENT Can5l-That’sUs. CIGARS, ICE CREAM AND ALL KiNbS OF DRINKS' ■ i Al iill v i-i'1 ||||Я1111Я1ЙШ111!И1Г1№ВЯДИМЯ1М** iFARMINGvON NEWS , SCHOOL .OPENS SEPT. 7—GET your School supplies early, we carry ^ a big supply of School books,* tablets, pencils, book straps, and lunch boxes. Yours for service. 0. C. Sanford Sons Company. ■ V : 'The' reviVal began here Sunday at eleven /o’clock. Rev; Welch waa here for tho ,firat sbryice, a large congregation heard, him gladly! H e’alsp preached Sunday night, M-<5nday ,\ afternoon Bear pastor pVeached, as Bro. Welch ■was not .very well and needed rest, We trust he may be able to reriiairi with us and ii'elp during the week. Many of the people here remember the gopd that was done here b;/ him aeveriil j ears ago andlare glad to hbar him again, ' ‘ Several members of the Bihy Sunday elrib team No, 8 : aro: c.x- pected to be here cn W ednesday night of vhis week to help in.,‘‘ii'J abrvico, r.il who can com e'are cordialiy iiiv.<ted to be here and join in ..the worship. Annou^v',!',- imeritis; have bee n made that 'tlie meeting vyill continue 'thipu'gh next Sunday; and possibly into th e I coming week. ' ' ■ , ; ; . | ' "Grandma” Bahnson contiriurs right; sick, v.'e hope she miiy soon recover, ,we ."-.ll misa her at the church services, for she seldom was absent when able to be there. M r.,L. B. Armsworthy is right sickj we .near» hope he m ay soc-n firestone Tirés ' MOST MILES PER DOLLÜR . ■ ' ' ' . ■ ' ' ■ / Neck Ties WE HAVE MOST An y k in d a n d p r ic e y o u w il l \Va NT. ALL COLORS. ' ж , KURFEES AUTO ENAMEL OVEKALLS ARE GOING FAST. TRY Л PAIR. . ICurfees & Ward :B 'Г0 TRADEA GOQD PLACI I Ì Л liWrJp Î '^ , , ' ■ ' ‘ ' |'- 1925 W ashhigton, Aug. 28.—Keprc- ■ sontiitivo ; Willirim ; C. ’ Hammei* of tho stiventh N orth'Pavolinii coh- ■:KreBÌoi(ar,(listi'icf; Is in' Wnshi)ig- ton for n few (lays to look nftqr Bome dcpiirlnÌantal, matt^^ V ccrninir-vhis''constituents ,iin^ confor Avitli Districts of ' Collimliia: ofllcial.s ,'ànd a comniirto oi'teacll-: , era; from.;the'N Educatióital association with respect' to ;tlié V laiv' forbid’dinji : teachers' rfrom , drawlnp; ther pny^Wlien the}; teacli' liny theory of the croati on of iiian .y-which m ay conflict wlth the atory ’• flS'related in the Bible. . , D istrict Còmraitteomnn , By virtue o f'his assignm ent on th e D istrict of Columbia commit­ tee Mr^ Hammer is an interested and active participant in' the af­ fairs of tho district, He said that he was particularly interested ill traffic plans now under severe test and the question of rates charged ■ by the various public utilities of the city. An effort is being made, M r. Haminer said, to repeal 'the Jaw • affecting the teaching of certain text books sustaining the ,theoiy Vof evolutioril He has an engage- ,^j,y/;;.ineilt ■yvUh a com of teachers '?^wh6'have notified W they ex j \!*vpect to show him good reason why .^iiiie^aw ;referred.to should bé;re- . pealed. .•;':t; ,'‘As L am to be one, of many to ipass òri tho question, in congress,” ¡aiSld M ivHammer,‘‘I;Shall give,the v'cimmittee a carefiil and .patiferit i'hearing, and endeavor to decide the matter, in so fay as*my actions , ; are concerned in 'ia'ju st and refts- , ohable way^ 7 ' ' i , L ittle Dispute li V ‘‘There is little conflict of opin- . , io n . as to the superiorty of the ; ■ r.Blble over: all bther productions, 'for those who dispute certain; de- ; clarations ,iri the Bible ■ conceded i>ttiat:\as : a:;Avhole th'e Bible is the greatest of all books. /Ìhò' B 1 hm^told-hàs foivfprty year^ , ‘ taught' in one- .\vay ' or . another in : the public schools, ofi^yasHÌtìgtohi : • nn'1 no doubt w ill contiriue'to ¡¿c^ cupy. .its rightful'^placB: in those ochools. '•Thpmaa H'cinV ][Ìuxlcy, tliò fa- ! : ittous'writer ,fmd:8uccQSSor tOrBa'r: ; vvin hold that tHo'Bilslo is’, n^w.on- .tii'derful .hbblc;' aiid« that itiahòuld ,'bq taugh t ,in; all the; schools .not':only,, vfeV'.'ioP'its, literary'value,,’a^ ¿ia''a guiclo in m'oinlity, .;lf atheists place, auch high value 4-'\, -on the Bible,thpnl',Christian ’'lì pie 'should not be censured for th eir adherence' itó^: (^ V. "of teaching to,theli' ch Idren.’’ -----------—-------J ------------ GO BACK TO SCiioO L (ÄIA- (Chairtown Nows) ■ . , With the approach of the open- , ing of achool, many ^oys and girls are undecided ^v^leth,ql^ to return .. or to cóntinúe.ori.-'the jp6 tliey^^^ secured during' tho;‘ij()irinicr, mon­ ths. ■ If they'only knew the'V of an education, it >yould not take ' but a monieiit to settlei^his, inipor- tant question, for rbga;rdleas :h rosy the present appears,, the fu- , ture ghouUl 'riot: be endangered:,by BO unwise a d'ecision as -tb stop' school uritilithe education is com- , pletod. V We admit there 'are boys and g irls who: are 'not capable 'dff re? tainin g and using;/! cpliege educa- ^iiorii. They have .not tiie * p p : ,1'oundation upon’which to M one, but as a: general :rulé,'' tlipse who complete high achool ;;are ';good, college;','riiatéiUál; f o r . líiey have demonstrated thtír'i^bility, by , m astering the last obsticlp iiirthe ladder of ay fecess;.- ;Theri^ hnving done tiiis,;.they : should’ futher equip thoniRclvc'B for the battle ,pi' life, which is growing more 'keen . W'ith the passing yeai'S. An e.du'ba- tion is avS necessary to the person in the business world, .as a guri is lo a soldier in a ’ba,ttle.';. Ono oi' the groátest sins, bf;,:thp prusent'day youth ,is, dropping but of school after' the complbtiori bf the iiftli or' sixth', grades.,’!';lt ',a- mounts to iibout tile saine 'as ‘an­ nouncing to the world that you am satisfied to be able tb, read and Write, and that you are now ready to accept a job'at a diiy wage, and , :in old ago you w ill depend upon your childron foriailiyirig.. : The state' can offer you no great or opportunity than an .education, and you should avail yourself of i t ' '' ’ ВАШЕ : CAFE TOR LADIES AND GENTLBIMEN MEALS'AND LUNCHES : • ICE CREAM AND COLDiDUINKS ini.ittmANOS, PROPKIBTOR, I Square,i’ Moclcaville,N.C. ;tO MAKE ROOM IJOR NEW STOCK, WHICH OUR BUYER PURCHASED RECENTLY, WE WILL HAVÉ A GÉNÍERAL HOySE-CLEANING. THIS IS NOT A SALE, BUT A SPECIAL EFFORT TO MOVE OUR STOCK BEFORE THE FALL BUSINESS OPENS. SO WE HAVE MADE SUCH PRICES AS TO MAKE IT INTERESTING FOR THOSE NEEDING NEW FURNITURE. -------- ' !¡i¡aBÉaHiiaí¡iiBiiiiEauniiHipiH^^^ miminniBiiiH» iiiiHiiiiBiiiiBiiiniiHiiiÎHiuHiiiniiiiaiiiiianiigiiiiii ' Pleasing ' You’ll be impressed witK the ex­ cellent design and; careful (ion- struction of thiB Soite. Four pieces as pictiired-Dresser, Chif- forobe, Vanity Dresser and Dou­ ble-size Bed. Wialhtit veneer in combination with Giisnwood.Price $ 2 2 0 . 0 0 ■ ^ , Less io per cent for September only We will fii^ish this beautiful five- piece breakfast suite, consisting of a drop-side corner-cut table a|id four elegant Winiispr chairs, in ariy color or combination of colors ypu inayi desire. A real "““ value'for 10-Piece Walnut Dining Room , "S^ite. Less 10 per ccnt for September only Sr., V . 1 ii/r- V m tlie popular Tudor style. The chain Beds,; Springs and M attresses at |,avc scuts otgood'-Braile imitatio,. lea 'prices,,ta'suit any, Less lO per ccnt for September only; The massive Buffet, oblong' extension . Table, iJhiria Cabinet, Server, Ilosfs Chair and five Side Cha:irs ,are beauti^ ; fully finished in Walnut. Constructed , in the popular Tudor style. The chairs , ther. ffiUiDniiBBiiiiegiiiia ■-^''EANGES ÀND^KITCpÈN; ■ ' MB3iiiiiaiiiwiiiiBaiiiie9!iiiQ]iiiiEaiiiii3imiiiiaii№!i№iiiiB)iiiiQinE3i»ieBiiiiraiiiiEa9iimwtai»iBÎii.'tffli№i:^^ CGME 'IN AND SEE OUK .PLACE SINGE, WE HAVE .OVERÏIAULÈd ÏT! ' ' '' .....' ' GO. i ■ : BÎG REDUCTION ON .VICTROLAS 4 L. J i » -________L. rriiiii'•,.4day, September 8, 492Q ' , 1 I í <•(//'M KpÚád'lt ''' I*'“' "í"’ ^THK MOCKSYIIX)!! ENTERPRISE - ' ^ • „niiiíii' ;NB\YS;'TE1MS FKOiVl' '', ^ OVER"THE STATES."OVER:' TIu'oo Greensboro women, bach „ore than 80 years, old, have boon rdgiilin' attendants upon services, „t West .Market church' for the piist forty y e a rs,' These ; women „re Mrs. Cathei'ine; iluttoh, lilrsi j5, L. Sides 'rii’id .Mrs. , Eliisa Hill TtltO. • ■ iie',lei‘t/yest8i'day:':aftefriopn:;,.a^^ o’clock: and did, npt know;;of the :rire until' Sto.kes bounty officers went to his home and arrested:him early this'm orning.' Quc’/.zan, IFr'chch: Morbceo, Aitg. 28.—<rho entire group; of A^ can aviators, here mails their firgt f’igh tin g'fligh t; 'pyer. the enemy ti’ibe^men. campi^;^ ....................................... 24 kilograms p i bbmbn and scor ' Tiie Children’s liomo Society of ing .m any direct hits. The avla- Greoiisbbro, N. C., w ill have leadj^.tors also' dropped food and ain- fnr ¡icloptlon ciuring the nuxt sixty' munition ,'tp one: Spanish and, fivp (lays fifteen Boys of the following Fi-onch' outposts surrounded ■ by‘i я;,,м: '■ 1':>:‘ -.:,the enemy; ■ -- ' ' Three baby' bbys 4 weeks old.- Two baby boys 12, months , old) T w o baby boys 3'years old. О Two boys Г)' years ,old. ; ■ , T w o boye'7 years old. . Throe'boys 10 years old. , ,' Olio boy 12:Voars'old.; Atlanta federal peni tentiasy; has OLD Т11ИЕ FIDDLERS TO MEET; . IN COOliEEMEi'i A ; Cooleomoe, Aiigi 81.—-The annu- PROFITABLE CROP FOR EASTERN CAROLINA . iVbW RÉCORD IN FOREltìN. 'v;DELÍVERY.^r-vV^;'/ ,......... Ilaloigh, Aug. .31.^In recent j : That tHe farme^'il'of Europo^icl ai state conyerition of Old Time years the, dietitiansr’havo; ' been!South Americrt' ’aro' developing Fiddlers will ¡be held here on Sat* ur^dng• us.toicat more-greens, for ¡crop producing land .through use urday, September 5th. ,Tho con- oiiivhealthfsiaake. . .This campaign of motorized equipment to, a higli- tbsts will be ¿ivon in thr) Coolee- has noticeably increased the de-j or degree at this time, than ever mee high achbbl auditorium at 8 .meri'd for this typ'o bf , vegetable “ ' ‘ ‘ e’clock, p .n i. iThe, convention is orop. ........... il. Ihc.handS'of Editor J. C .'Sell “Spinach is prpbably^tho'most of the :Coolcemeo Journal, and ho imjjortani: . of the ::ieafy :greonsi". ivlyu- he is looking for: tho largest ,.^ays "Robert • Schmidtj', h'orticultu- iinmbev, of ■contssfcants ■ both:. In : I'ist .for the extension:, division fat ‘',fiddling’,V.and, ^‘dancing*’ 'Since S iite College, ‘‘and has a,great .tlie’ comhiendement: of. tnose; an- ,nri,vantage' in; iboin'g, a cool,: season nual stale .events. ' The only rbquirements fcr on'i trunco lire that the-pci son d'esir iihoi<‘s;;that '.62;;i3’0r,;cbri|.,;pf,;;the№ l.üiOOÓ^prisbncrá ;.ай aré;, :pf víorelgri ;b{ri:à ------------------------------ er.ia so largo that tho meats have If you aro i.ntorestod in; one of .tQ:;bo taîcçn;. in-:relhys;') arid, three tliese children;' :writo Children’s hours are¡ reqiiirod, to feed all pf Home Society of N. C„ John I’ho- them ono meal. Alargo number, eiii.'i, State' Supt.,‘ ;,(ireonabdro, N. of',the, pi‘ÍRoners:a,ve serving terms, for 'Viollition : 'oi thé .prohibition law.' 'P'‘ 'i; 3,000 : inniatesi' A ' recent: check ing tofenter the cònteats must: be C. North : Carolina pays into,: the , . , , IVdorar treasury 42.0 per cent pf ;,Ijpon affidayil of his. bi'plher, nil tobacco taxes collected in tho thb remains of ,Jim B. Solomon country:-" Of' the cigarette • tax, o f; Peo D'ep,, Richmond „ county, which a pai-fy ,of„ ,the tobacco ’tax, have, been exhumed and the ..vital the State pays 55.6 per cent. ; ' o w n s removed ;and sent ;tp, a. playing. ' chemist, to makoV.extimlnation ::fcr j : y .y—— an old tinie f idcilor or a y old titté dancer.,:, I'hovpriBcs aro 'alj: biis ranging from one to'tv/Cnt;y,fiVp' dollar s., . «,w ::vA small ailmiBsion .fea, w ill: bo^ ofTcharged, ;the.,pvoceeds going,to the' muaicandathlctic'.dopartraoritB'of thp local high- sciiooi. , ' jVIockilville muSiciaiia will- taiie; duo notice to above article : anU: bring these priiies home, ' w’ith them; - All lovers pf music are , insured a 'good time, ;arid you owe 'It^to yourself to: be pn'hand when thé Violators of the narcotic litws trace of pbison. ; Solomon -dibd are by far more numerous in the mysteriously' July 28rd and in a Atlanta federal peniteiitiary than few 1 weeks , his widow marriech | . violators of the foderar prohibí- lIJs relatives are not satisfied ,®®”’® tion laws, according to figures that dehth resulted from 'natural Riven out by the department of causes, justice. On Juno 80th ther^D were in the Atlanta penitentiary 1,40G PROFIT IN POULTRY Raleigh,' Aug. 31.—'.‘While 111 u.v *------------------------— Because sho faiied tb read the ))ur.sons sent np-for yiplation of Bible at the opening ; session .*bf tho narcotic laws, or 32.1 per cent school. Miss Salilo Galdwbll,..''a of the prison’s' entire population, scjiool teafcher in Alabama, will There, were only 4.37'violators of ha,vo tp fiico suit brought b y ,the tlio prohibition laws in the pen,' State Ijoar’d of; edu'catiori, to> re- or 13.5 per cont of ’ tho : prisons’ iiover salary paid her during 1919 populatioiV. Postal law violators and 1020. In Alaljama the law. re? rank, third in number initho'A t- quires that the Bible shall be road lanta penitentiary, with, 420,, or at the opening session of school 12.9 per C2nt. ■ . each morning. ' •. A nows; item from Thomasvillb v;- Cotton m ills ahd other manu- tolls of som e-largo watormelons facturing enterprises .using pow- grown near the town ; by. Clay er from the Southern Pp\vp,r Com- Molsingér. . no took a truck load paiiy havo been requostbd byMho to Thpmaavillo Saturday, thp size company to .stancl one day in each of the .v/at/Jrmolons ranging from week bn ' ;iccount of the lack ;of 40 tP, Q'S; ppunds and; sold them power owing to oxtrembly, .dry from §1 to-ipl.50 oach.; ' Leo Con- weatlior ,which lids diminished the nul, of near :TÌiomasviÌlo, has ii'lso \yator', ; supply.;tb such tiri ::èxtont grown sqme;nice;molona this year, tliat;;'it’;.hiia,;burtailtid tho power some of iii.s; melons weighing from gejioratdd:;by, the Sbiithorn: Power 40 1,0 50 pciirids. : ' ,' ' hydrp-blbqtrlc, plan^^^ N ews. coinos : frpm , Washington , Bimirigha'm,Aln.,'Auj^.2'8.—Two tha't' sinco Ben , Sharpe - has (bpen white miners were killed ;iind t\vb made probitibn , dir.ó'ctor .for' this ribgro miners, today were serious- district;, with ^iieadqiiartbrs ;at; ly iiijurod in;'iiri,;,’explòs,lori at the Charlotte, A,' .B. Cbltriine wjll lj'e- Little; Jim mines^at 'Dogwood.^ ; coriie pinco ; deputy for. W èstern ;' Claytpn Roman arid W ill I-iol- Nortli Carollrin section of thu fli.5- jew w are the' nicn.killed, trict. It is stated that since hb ‘ The injured aro ' Heiirj> and was .not appointed director this Woody Turner. . is the job Coltrano wants and tho . —---------L, new director w ill respect his Now York, Aug, 28,—-The Bank wishes. ■ ■ of Poland,, v/hlch is the central bank of issue of that/ country, out 25,000, has received a credit'of ?10,000,-Prarico, has called — ................... men (ip ,fight the Riffs ip Morocco, ООО frbm tho Now, York foderal re- Spaln has called out a like numb- servo bank to be used'for thb pur­ er,' and Maz’shal Petain of France posb of stabilizing; Polish cur- will plan an offerisive^against the roncy, which . recently has been Riffs that is expected to bring subject to сопзЦогаЫо fluctua- them to terms. tlpn on the exchange marltets. An army aviator and his _me^ . ^ ílíÍí^l'iÍ’secretíry today said xiii iiiiii,y ......„w. .............— Aug. 28.—-Mrs. W. chanic wore killed in an aeroplane J. Bryan’s’ crash near White Sulphur Spriiiga, she had' apj-.w.^„ _ _______ Va., Sunday.’ Tho plane caught of Josephus Danipls, that the ria- on fire in the air and cfiishoe! to tional'm em orial to W illiam Jen- the ground. . > nings Bryan ¿e located at Wiish- ■ —f - —------ ; ington,’’ D.'G. J , , South’s amazing .construc- Mrs. Bryan w ill hot attend a tion record continues' without conference at GreenvillG, S. C.^ checking, its pace; Figures'from called by Mr. Daniels, but, feois 120 lending citics in the South that she will be'peraonaily repre- disclbse.that during Wie month of sented'by i'amily frionds whb will may think that' the hen- is a. useless pest about the place* and consumes more than shp produces, the experience of Mr. Amps Templeton of Iredell cpunty has shown that, when pro­ perly -foci aiid caia'd for; the hen returns a good profit ori'thc in- vbsttaont,” says’ R. W. 'Grabber, farm agent, for, the .State College extension;: divlaipn.’ - In ortlor ; to see whether the hqiv луаз ."profitable or/ i}bt, < Mr, TcmpietpiV’stiu'téd, the'first of last January itp ■ keep; records; ;„dn a flock of 80 '.White; Leghorn hens. These Tecprdf Aviero kept until .Tune 30, with the fpllo\Miig 10 haults,; . С The flock, was .estimated to be n’Orth PO.OO; and thb expenses during ' tiie :'si'x-month' , Ijw’iod amounted; to f 1б5,б5,- including' cost,;pf feed,, oil ' fbr ^liq incuba-. tprs iind bi;oo'4ói's,j а й cldbntái expenses.:' IncUiding\ thb original value ' of 'the'flock, the; totiil expepso «until June aO - was ?235.Ö5. 'During : tho samo period,';,:Mr, Tbmpletpn ciilled the . cockerels and, non-pioducinff^hens froni; tiip flock; rind' sold them for ?37.00.; Ho had, ’also ' sold aiid :iised: ot' home, eggs to the value; of ;523G.36.; On June 30, .tKe' floci:; liad in­ creased to 281 hens ' and pullets,' which at an oHtimatcd ; value of ono dollar each , were worth $281.00. Adding this to the vi\lue of the eggs sold or conflumec^ makr es a total of $554.35 from which is deducted the. original cost of the flock' and th e' expenses for the six months leaving a riot pi'6- flt of ?318,70 foi' the six-month period. According to Mr, Graeb- er, this experience can be dupli­ cated by many North Carolina farm ers if they w ill' go to the trouble of properly feeding] and caring for their birds. crop, throreby;;fitting in yeiT,vyell with an all y e a r' succession of V qgetables; Both the ::climate; and ;thc>; sol 1; of eastern .North,' Carori^iri are- favorable to,;the growth -pf .siiinach.” ' '' ' ' ■' ¡A rich/.well'drained; sandy loam so.fl is bjM?t'Suilcd to the crop._ A coinmercial .ifertilizer, analyain'g - 8' per cent' phbsphoriciacid, ,9 ¿,43er cent nitrogen' and; 8- per cent pot- J.sh is recommended.,' This is us­ ed .at the rate .of • IGO6-2OOO pounds per, acre,: making about four ¡ap­ plications, during'tíié 'growing ,sef(- sbri. : Wnli rotted ¿'table hianurc alsp. gives excellent .results ;as ;a fertilizer. , ; "Spinach is -either drilled • in beds or ; sown broadcast,” says Mr. Schmidt. “The common,prac­ tice in this section. of the coun­ try is to sow in 4 rovV beds, the rows 10 to 12 inches ap^irt; As soon as the plants, have forme^ three or four true leaves thoy are thinned out to stand 4 to 6 inches in the row. About 20 pounds of seed are required to sow a nacre using the ,4-i'OW bed riiothod, a,nd they áhpuld be plaiiled ut intervals diirlng September: aritf, October so as tp iiarvest during Npvembpr and December.” haïaiv in history is' indicated in (Fordson tractor foreign sales re­ ports, just ; made public ‘ iby;.the -Ford.Motoi' Gpmpany. Shipmènts .of tractors during - the seycri’ months;;of . 1925. .ending July 81,; wore moiie than 74 per ev than: during the corr period of 1924. Foi'oign delivca-ics reached ! tlu!/; néw’l'ïiigh'Krècbi-d ■ of .,13,140', during,;'’the 'first: - seven h;pilths';of ;i92í);and Jir:,\'iëtv. ôî.the' ® ________________ to|;ale(T '.•'1^2,300. ,”du,rln^,,.,tl(e; '^n‘m « ? '\,'¿0' montha IMa year.,. ‘ Allhoiigh, the ..',.''■''1 sorption of cars and' truck.f 'is^ ’’ pioporti.Jr.ale over Europ6 an d ’ ' South Am erica,’ the' remarkablaYV., - inereiL'te in Fordson tratftor dnli- , vcries is due prim arily to Eui'ope^s , .' aV/akening to-the need cf miixi- ‘ muni iroiluction, from limited ' areas '.indei* cultivation. . In Soiithj.V'iii.ifeW^^ America, the Tractor haa‘* .K-ng'^ liold a ijlaci). asystandard .dq'lip-' :iiiont an d i:ncreased; (sales the'ro,' ■ 'Я apidly mounting doriiand fo^- pow- ец{ы,шаа11с' .r'farm lng ’nachinory in, the whole trin to w o rld'th e; outlook is bright for FRUITS AND^EGETABLES JN ’I'HiG ’ DIET \ . iAîï ....... „, ,over'.'hi3'^fine,:,cai'ch%tM’t4H«iCtM'ed}i : ......, . V- W his .Wlf6i::Wha:.ii*iftlifei S ^ farm ers have^ ndvaneed;,threo ;or of a’fisiibr;:; iiifi^^i^pribiW biglia;, . .. fpuiv;geno!'^ions in PmiVeBs_ln seven pounds and la -a .beauty;? IToro’s iho reply h e ,g 6 t’ that 'i power. On;.mat^ pt the^ict^re^ afteniooii- ’“So have I.... sque farm |.in;;Fi^nce,: Belg^^ ten pounds.,, Not a •boaut3i--look8.,.. Russia and the .Slovak nations, Come home.” - - the ,Fordson .is taking,-over' work .... which was heretofore done by ox- a Can ; . enough fruits and en. In other .instances,, the new tables :to ifrovido for the yln td r ; tractor la merely being added to nfeeds, .'idvlae' wprkers pf th «. a fleet on some of the larger State Collego honie demon^lrutlon,'^ farm'a. ' , ' division. .-A cofiy; of ExteiKsicn,: Forolig'n'delivorlea of Ford cars, Circular 114, “Canning, of Firujts ,' end trucks, as .well as Lincoln »«(1 Vegetables” may be, socHrotlj cars set a new record durin’g tho writing, to tho AgrioiiUurali;' first seven months of 1925. Sales I'jdllior, State College Station,, Ra- (if Ford-c^ra;'and tiVcka totaled loigh. 124,345 ol* 8?,000 riiore than were - ‘ doHveji'ed iri; fpreign ' • cbiiritnos: during the cprrespondirig period, pf 1924, not;including; fiireign ,iinc| dpmeetic sales of the . Ford iVIot-or Co.mpa'py: of' Canada,. Ltd., which : f é/¡V im DR. R. P. ANDEKSON DENTIST Rpsidence Phonoi 87 ; Offlco Phone"50 Mocksvillo, N. C.' Ju.ly a total of $63,829,237 was spent in building, an increase of sixteen mllli'bns pver July of last year, and twelve millions over Jilne of th is’.voar,' , . , The Preaideiit hacl the tooth­ ache recently requiring two yis^ts to the dentist. . A fter getting 're­ lief ; ]ie4 ooìt an hour’s nap in a hammock in .plain view of sight- soers who,hung;around to catch a gjimps’p of the nation’s Chief Executive. Such ia fame. An or­ dinary 'pér.son can suffer froin toothache wil:haut having to do sp in view 6f the multitude and his name spread across the front page of thb newspapers of tho country. But not so with the Preslden. ;. High Point, Aug. 28.—Max Samet, local merchant, was ar- I'osted here e arly ' today charged : with . settirig:'fire-' to , the, stprb . which he has been conducting at King,’.;stojcos county. The store ' ■'vas destroyed by fire' late last night. Sainet ;accompanied by - a. local attornoy loft hero ct 10 o’­ clock: this morning for Kijig to' ' iirranlib for a prelim inary hearing, H e'is out under...bond of $10,000, Sa^dt denies the charge take part., New York, Aug. 28.—Six huiid- red and twenty-two pounds of proijicl, w;omanhoocl -won the fivst prize in the' anniial' fat: vvombn’s contest at Coney Island Monday, capturing the honors from 187 other; contestants. Possessor pf the', winning poundage ,is Mi.ss DolHe: Marie Jemseii, ■22;year-pld Jersey City girl; En routé to tho contest aho broke the springs of two taxicabs and;bpcamo so Iho- roly lodged in the door of another that twenty miniites.were required to extricate her. ■ ;; ■; The girls wiio finished second and third made slim showing in deed, eompareQ. with thejs'inner. They weighed only 268 arid 230 pounds respectively. DID YOU GET YOUR SHARE 7 Raleigh,'Aug. 31.—'^hb average consumption of , apples pea- per­ son last year, according .to statia- lleians, was three pecks; or, in. other words, it was ari apple every flvp days for the average; persbn. Di^ you get your share'/ “The ‘imnln (i- rlliv 'ko ,]Krst Quality Guaranteed Tires. ' 30x5 Casings 56.75 each 30x3 1-2 Casings $7.50 each 30x3 1-2 cord Casings $8.00 eaci ROBESiSHmmEco Ho said WinftonTSalcm, N. C. __ ripple ;áí day'kpeps; the doctor ; away^ . and 'm issing : four days out of five-gives him an ap­ proach that should be guarded against,’ , says Pro'f. C,' D. Miit- thbws, chairman of the Horticul­ ture Department at State College. ''The production of apploa-iiei- per­ son last year was a fraction und­ er , ono ; bushel. ; This, of : course, applies only to tho commercial production and takes no accourit of home grown apples. .; "Thero is considerable' waste of this useful fruit in: bumper yeai’s and the increase iri consum- ptio.n w.ould readily absorb the total production, \yhile if an en­ tire populace would adopt a prac­ tice of th e ‘apple a day’ principle to its, great benefit, we would not ha-ve apples enough to go around in years of ,a short crop. The ‘apple a day’ principle is one of tho safest, and sanest of practical' iiealth rules. Apples lead aa the popular fruit, a year rouri'd factor in the diet in ono form or anoth- Ralpighj ' Aug. 31.—Nutritibri; exports tell ua th at,w e, muat ,uso ifirgor '(impunts of fru its' arid, ye ' Eetables: Ilian-.we are n(:'i,u<itbriibd io ii we w ish to livo a healthy lifp; and wa'nd ofi- m any. cliseivses which iu'o: broiiirht ■ nbdut,.’'by;; fuully diet. These foocld t'end, to corroct many of tHo lalio'rtc.bmiiigs of : the copirij[oii'?''Amoric_an ' dibt''of meat'., potato'o.H' alid ;wh'ito tlji^'oad.' liberal amount q|^, milk, Trult ;md, vcgotatil.os, ^tho. “protective” foods,'’ Bhoulii. ba' includbf) ini tho diet of vchil(lrpn and 'adults!. ’ ' ''There.: a'ro'/nome,ysimple' rules that ono'may use in fjguring out thb;.,tunpunt3 ' of, fruils'.^cin’cf •lyege- tables which'i,a .family will,’ neod,’^, siiys Maude E. W allace, Aa&lsiant State ' Agent:- in home ■ 'deiiipnntra- tibn work. “Pliin to use two ;vege- ; tables besides pot^ifnnaf ni- y rlce ‘ ayory. day,. . If poaslble,' use one green, uncooked vogotabl't such as celery, cabbage' or lettuce,'pr at least on those days on v/hieh oranges or tomatoes ai'e not serv­ ed, as;this assures one ibf the ne­ cessary; vitamines, being included' in' thb diet. Canned or; a cooked stored;vegetable may;make up/the rest. ' ^ "Plan to use two, fruits, every day nnd v.'lienever posaible use iinr cooked fruiti :This demand -is easily met' during ^the plentiful supply of peaches, and \vith ap­ ples,* pears and grapes ripening jt siiould be easy to havo.fresh, fruit daily , through tho fall months. ' ' , , “In ordei* that fruits and vege-* tables may bo available for use the year around enough should bo cannbd to meet the needs of the family. Gii'ls an^l women in their club work should make an esti­ mate; of the amount, of canning they w ill need to do, to meet the requirements 0|f their fam ilies and this should be so planned that there will be a variety for the months when fresh things are not avjiilable.” ; 'Weak.jE Back: I "B otoro-.tlio>blrth of m y , Iittlo : ßlrl," япуя :'Мгв. Louft Stunoll,' ot n . F .'D .; 2, Mat- tliowii;, M o.,. “I -Vfiis ,80 wuulc In m y back nnd Dldbii Í 'couia ','not go about, 'I \Vfta too i,;:Wonlt: to Btimit iip,i or, : (1Ó arij'' work; I ',1'eU. HIto: iny baule I ; wns ' cotalnß in . two,,i - • ■ ), -wulBht. 'r' lC d lfln 't/c thlag m uch and wns lena ; 'I couldn't slocp. nlßlltfl, ; ■-^"Му motUoi’ . UBod to, tako ..........' "S’ " ' " DR.E. C. CHOATE DENTIST ___íjjjií'i&ti_ li f ha - h w iZ '9 é # » , In Mocksvillo Mondai-, Tups-;* and W ednesday, .Over,.* Ф f;; Southern Bank , & 'Trust Co.- Phono 110 ' i:'f In Cooleemno : Thuradny,' Fri-; :* * day and Sann’ lay; Over C.îobJ.f, ' ebmoe Drug 'Store | , ;* : X-Ray'.Dlügnolsia> , »•« »’'4 -mà: éoìain[iAri :ÙYo,?. rj loat Ш - ч,- ., •луо1в111, Ì‘.iuiH4n't/óHt any* ^I ..PHOJÍES: Residonoo No, 8()i tiling nnioli ami'was ,so'roat * Office « « « * LESTEli P, MARTIN Щ I l i i For Female TrowlilDS BO I flont to gut It. I Im- provort nftor iny first bottlfl. Cardul is cortnlnly a groat holp for noTVOuanogs and woak back, I took six bot- I ties of Cardul and by then I ,.'was woll and strong, just did fine ti;om tben on. Oardul ( bolpod me so.-inuch,"' ; I -Tbouoanda 'o’l weak, But-, ' foring women'' have , taken ) Oardul, knowing that It bad \ helped tholr mothera or tholr ; frlenda, and soon golned 1». strength nnd got rid of ' I)-pains.''I -Cardnl should do you of ' - ' P > Night Phono 120; Day Phone’* ' ^ | ; 71.., ' • • '‘ ■ 'В ВИ Mockaville, N. C ., « * * * .'* »,. * 1». ., * " Т » « # « # '« * IP you want lOff por ccnt pure * * Food, cpoked right, and aerv-:* ** ed In an up-to-date w ay, oa^;^ at, ’ ” , ' * G RIFFS CAFE, *, Ice cream and cold drinkit V'V'* - ■ # * lot good. AU DhiöÖists’ * ■ » » ■ * * • • * BAXTER BYERLY,) M. D. • *.* Office Over Drug Store.' Of-r ,*' * flee Phono -No, 81 í Real-.- • * donee No. 25. " ■ COOLEEMEE, N. C. « « # #' # ,'’i i , .I'll» .<-'-5-w4Y3/“t IW -V; '''is Didn’t Want Ducks er.; ¿(¡cording to Prof. Ma;tthewa, the apple average ia increasing .rapidly due to the improvement in (methods of grading and packing nnd to the production of finer quality of new varieties. . • A vory yreen young woman de­ cided to start'a poultry farm. She bought a hen and a setting of eggs, and, having no knpwledge o|l. poultry, she wrote to ri farm jour­ nal nskirig how long_the eggs vvould take to hatch. The. editcfr replied: “Three'weeks for chick­ ens and four weeks :^oi’ ducka,” ■ Some weeks later she wrote again to the paper: '.^Maiiy thanks for; your information. However nt tho end Of three weeks there I were no chickens, and as I did not want duclcs I took' tiie lien o ff.''‘ ’ . ' ' , *. # * # # * C. C. YOUNG & SON .♦ FUNERAL DIRECTORS . * * AND EMBALMERS , • Mockaville Cooleemee * » Phone 133 Phone 5720 • Prompt nnd Efficient Service • • • * • * • • # n o r t h CAROHiMA POPULAR ^EXCURSION ' ( to s , •^yASPJ^^^^ D, C, , .......... 'C' Friday, Sepfember 4, 1925 ; •via ■ ■ ............ »'’'Vi'V '' SpUTIlERN RAILWAY SYSTEM ' ' 'fhree whole days nnd two nights In Waahirtgtori., , . ; .Round trip fare frpm Mockaville, N. C., , , $11.00 ; i S^ocial train leaves Greensboro 11:55 p. m .,, Sept, 4,;,::: 1925. Arrive Washington 8:40 a. m;. Sept 6, 1925,- . M Tickets on sale September 4th, good' on regular traina to junction points,;^tbence Speciar Train. ' Good to return on} ' all regular .trains (except No., 37) so as to reach: original i * starting point prioi*' to inidnight of Tuesday, September ¿ii 8 th ,:i92 5., . ' Returning regular .trains leave Washington 8:20,n. m.,;V; 11:00 a, rii.; 3:45 p. m.i 7:00 p; m,,-9 :35^p. m.; nnd 10:50 p. mi;,'; Big League Baseball Gumes . : • 'Washington Senators’ va Boston Red Sox.,: , : . Two gan\es-^September 5lh and fith.- A fine 6ppor{uhity to aee Wnlter Johnson, star pitcher,;;! ile Senatdrs; Ike Boorie, star fielder, the Red Sox, and oth­ er gueat stars in actiori.; ' ' - ';;; .! ,'rhis w ill alflp bp a wonderful' opportunity , to, visit' ;W asiiiiigton’s m any. public; buildings; Arlinptdn N ational.’ Cemoteify and the ;varipus other points of interest. '■ Tickets good in pullniari sleeping cars and day coachea. _ . No stop-ov'era 'and no, baggage chocited, ' Make your sleeping’car’reaervationa early. '' ;^ ; ’ For further information call on any Southern Railway; agont or address; ■ V’ ; .................... .............R. H. GRAHAM, . Division Passenger Agents . .;'/’'Chai:lbttvN/C. 'й| ■ , r i f Гл Я I '■ r ‘à-1 H 11’ '.'»I I.. 'ä S I iw r i ' í I i .4 p ] Еа«о,8., W cí^V N LÀÙDS C()Nliï'rtO NS /ГДВЕЦ СЩ дезГН ,(cojjtinúe;tÍ‘ñ%TÍ^^' i.) ; jnt^cl^£ Ш(| {íbíiériil a'sisònjbly' ’for. rraá5|^'\Víll ’))_гдЬаЬ^ silffiçiôiit tp luì{,Q, .cà’r.a:, оЧ! 'tho rcqüi i;émeuts ’ ‘ i’tìr ;; Ы b"egi^'i!íjiig ! íu ly , i,'.1926. I lion'e thia, ■ \yi'll )3¿;;au ffid foi*. tiió. ñiaiiíi¿n¡Ínpe,.:'áf;';i;li6 tuÍ3erciiÍosik l^ 's^ ie iís;'fifteen in ntimbci'i now coniiribcVÌiiì thd' Sanhtori.unvuntlei' ; й д а | ! Щ ? ; у 5 tutions to' be вирроКеЗ/.Тзу/iifióso çoüntjiéa: n ä nt- Vvn^ iig.',,' - illiä ■ 'Tti tífift ■' cióás f li l I ir' ■' Qpi'öf'atinE r-i'Ün\;rbpiy;ïo',yûu Wí'átómoy;a8^'ó:h;óW^ A^ôo'èfat- c'd'Р’гй ^ вШ tofiuni ; jnánh’ÍÍGi¡''óí the ___ai .iïalèigh' лШ1ШЙ8; Lliu : niiïttor t lic ‘pïciyisiBn^^of: iin - act tlíó 'w lth |iiití_ tim,,i>nm.nVVM»rv,KÚt V4í'iaor, чgenov'áVaatiembly bï;i925. No pa-j th'ó'iitíxt'tihil* I w a s'íív I tienir ip ,my; òi)inion Will have lö , лУои1(1 з.ос Him, ¡which I clid! ' I TKis L ett^ "ami" tlie; Wi^ ' ijujic ‘ piibrt' ÍÍM üire ^ ííeunióu Cqpy ' d£ ¿¿М ' Biiitlm oïë’s : tiçtt«ir ■ ' 'f)íí'ec'tin¿’ títíí 'órant' ttí' Drii , íiU|co Barbcv. V ■; ; ^ ^ Philip 'Cíilybrt;, Eäq. ' ' ' ‘ ' licitó'cr "y Concélihing Di*. Lulco'BiU'bor. Galô.î : 'V ■ Hál;i:on, htul a Parker grani;' óf 1000 acres ’ of lanci at I-'' f ' A”< ■►a. bc difichnrgccl ]iQr :Îack oi iuntls : for niaintenalice. '.The resolution /idoptcd by thé board of directors on the eighth of July, 1925, reads aa follow s: ■ , , / - " ‘That the lim it of any patients atay in thd institution be not long- er than eighteen months, if it is decided that it be best that such patient bo discharged.’ , ■ / ' IK. ySo-N ew -P olicy ' “The policy outlined in this ré­ solution ‘is not a néw, policy; but it fia ill' effect the-satne potUcy ad-- opted by thé Institution several years iig ò .' I bèliéyé'i it is'.practi- .cally the saniet.pblicy pursued by other siinilar'institiitiorig.iri other states. ■The"rf£ect.'«f)|the'Tule iti .. _ Cha’pticoj that caiinot‘ now tfiqiight.^ of course,/that the press called, 'aiS ;i ^.un'do'rstaudy he had rtfpres'eHtatiyo' tlesired , ;a; state- there. ' ' ! pray take order that Mr. raent df^rthe general p olicies’.in '’ ’ conducting ihe; instituti.prt, and the' thought ncyer entered my mind that there w as any desir.j to criticize the methods and poli­ cies of this institution when I talked to their representative. Tie afterw ards wrote out a .statement and sent it tò me for approval U p án 'receipt of' the ytatemènt ] irtade a. number of corrections in the copy sentóme, arid at the fe- «iúp.fit óiÈ_the rëpréséntatîvé, caììbil him up over'the't'elcpb'ocr and in- dicf.cfíd', tò hirh .w'haf tbe còriièc- ti'óns'-wéreï". The 'sta'ténl'ent' as; rfiiUlish’ed bÿ í:Hé' Associatéd'Préás S>'V f o r ■ áb'QÚt'; tW eíVb;, m bntXá^'V eíl'ów 'íng '' Sa'éik'fáctoVy’ " ' ín lijr.o fer > ^ m ent¿Jha^^;the)5^W 9^^^ dió- eh n rg c d a n d ^ n e w casesli th a t* áp - р в л 0 о ;* е ;^ и г а Ь 1^ b o a rd , in oi’d e iÿ ^ jm a k e it c ie a r '/ • n d fo r t h e -р ц гр о а е o f lo d g in g d ip c re tio n iti, th e i su p e rirtten d en t it o ta k e C 8 re.(ó f/m o rto to riu s c a se s w h e re th e re ; \^asi^ fo r f i n f t l'a u re , exten d ed th e tim e fo r ^ tre a tm e n t, to [ait^m axim um - o i '“m o n th s, __whi'ch 'tis 'm iîc h * ,lo n g e r , 4 h a ril iH dst^^f^ W e/ o lh e r^ W stitu - ’tio n s o f thc5<?<m’ñ{fJí^% ivo fp r su c h * ; c a s e s .' ; T h o s e "w h o 'h a v e b e e n in , *ihe iH stitii'tib ri-fo y i'a ';' aü ■ ieh g tii o f tiriie''tp ' bn íibió' ú h' fò/dè-: Че^пИ iiè '-A y H e t'h e i:n ò ’b\'thb'''ch'äe^ V e r e , cu ra tílb ' ün'délí' th o I, p o licy; ; / ";wh{cl} .hftà^beéW iti''f0rC<íV'áV^ ‘chhV gèd -rtnd '''sent’" bi'ck*'’ tp''''thoi'K / v íia m ilié s •: or: 'lío .^.the»¥mttWtíé'eV Íf5 4 h e y i^oro (Bent to/ uò - % 4 h e :'cou n -’ ;'%iee';'A:Ti)O0e_^ p atieH te;-v^ tö ______J, direct to. the nqw^’s'iiilii- Ô rß ’^còri'éijtihg ,'h'örfi'ö ’pÿ' £Ííé "cfrórs HVrtÍ!'>V¿r6;'m.adó’'ih tho 'A'syöeinliifl u* ' íb*eft 'iW thèv irtatitutiòn ' for.'sonio с í ! ^fll^’nof brf a menaceyto tlTe' Й 1 ' fíA'-vi Wl ■ K¿ÜtlÍ0iTííi|' t<í tí№ i pthai^ritìèrabors^ been. , i télèphohi i5‘i‘e?'fl ‘gfrcàt’ i'egréi' I did' .nót'send ''.tb public catiòti. ''f ' rcpliéil''tó him th at ' I desired it to'nppehr 'jiist aia'I had w ritten it andrcalled his attention to, the fact that he .had failed to make the correctings which I had recjiiested him to make in,the prl- gindí^зtàtem òht^,'lio: then .repli^ that ,hp liad requested the ;papers | to ' ^yhpm' ',‘th e, original / statem ent had*^ been "sent-- to rriilko ' thè cdr- rq,ctionS(,l),^t thAt for .so.mo roasoh' they ovidsntly.iailflil^to make,o'lich .c o rra c tlP n a i.,,.:,;,',:,^ :,.>v, \ - i,-- / chcipsiflg heréyvith of the!'8tàtémeht>Ì,soi)t’.‘out;to‘the ncv/RpiipovB.'',: 1; ^'Sincerely •vours, ' I "Superiiitendeni;' Stato r ri'''SlVnivtprium ■ ' ■ .V- , ; for/'Tuborculosia,’’ Aug.v 25,, 1925:'T, LiUke Bai'ber ajso have 1800 acres formerly' desired- by him there, and whei^eas he no\(' brings (as he tells.m e) 14 or 15 servants at least which wiiiits but few of 20 persons requisite for a manor of 1000 acres, I have promised him that he shall have as much time for the bringing in thither of so many more p'erSons as to make therii’20 in .all as Capt Lilyham hath to bring in his 20 persons thither by, my w arrant for grant iiig of 1000 acres to him,'arid that in the meaiitiriie, Mr; Barber'shall have, 1000 acres granted to him there arid ' ei'ect'ed in to 'h ' iridnor (aá ;C apt;-Tiíghmán b'áth) 4n cPn- Kïiinâ''‘-'cfiiitiren/imd'', ten /great &îdëMÔ,K''pf'hiá'-sáid 'àÓ/pepsori^' Dr. Barber was evidently a man of - cpnsldej;abíó , ab ility,..,lie', was a personal/friend ■•ó,í‘ ljpn^ Baltly moro. И е‘.sepmod tò .‘hayq much influencé iwïth Ç^'qm\voIl and was çi'obably '‘!a; surgeon lii; his/ашу, and a phy^iciah. ill, li ¡3 hqlшehòlt^’^ Dr,' ;' B'li rbpr.: i s mó it ti Qiiecl i n , ‘ 'Si b- NOÏIGEÎ' "л. 1 .i. D to sdcutò th o ir'hniHi;V tò'’‘th e 'BankJ m û tbat,№,a-he>v.<.Rap5r дссрипЦ D fM jm t ^ 0 0 0 Р Ф Ф Щ , tho^patioittH to whom notico öfK Í . - . .............. - “ ■¡■díBinlpeal '>w««j tpi jbbi given,-; ШиМ '■^evdiscliaiKedïtWÎtlioiibtsuïiiPlerlt; ■4inve Vçb,e *íf;owle(}iíojt;ihtíii1.oai'Q >tò bo arranged for elsewhero« 0£| “(course, (¿»«iÄytfeyilitiHinQf tho in i ‘'etituWöö ■>y;o.uUbijjfltïribo-i^^^^ 5^ivïé, I Sv/ilí;iflólií ábjpúbíi¿ aii'c- .«eny snch*act/of iithum attityî ^ ......- Hegret»-#resfi»-Story- * '**In *со1Тс1и“81оп lát ifte-á'aj .... 1 .fíesM íiíiíipí-tóál Iseems to have-been-inad ^ne¥épap'ei'2atííi<ííé3’'th’át thdiMb^hÄdl ’T)eeh-‘'ol’ W’oÎild/'be^ïjyi'heglèfct ín ^the work-'of .'ctíritíg! 'for tubercü- *lous plitiénts!"álí^)йЫ fiáríátoriuri'i. , ’Íío 'suéh i^urposò \vti8 íntíndóü l^y i;«iB]£iiib£lVeZ!;feel^;tháb«cmditlons. at éthe sanatorium ax'e as good as jtjcan be réáf¿óhábly)>'expát(.«a'lítóá (better than they .Avero a'year ago^ i ¿jpnd certainly constantly iinproy-' ‘Jrig. Of course, we filDwtí v/i6uW Ijke to have facilities^^p take cijro Mof all applicants as i'he>’*'eorii'6'/, St do not know that it, is praci/ii"! ^-^Æable to rcach th.at'j^agq'-p^^^eyf l^ectjon this, early in thé hipory! ¡;¡of, the iriktitU®4'T(!'/(IíV 'práüt^^^^^ ly the institutloris r.íílhiivb'i “'ever' coltic^íiní^co^лУct■ Vith¡^Ч ®W-e waiting.'Hstbi.'aiifli'iir sdömä tö 'ììn ie‘-i)^àì!i'-tì'iitiìr'ób^ ¡a^an'UsHVôrk'èd'.4u't'bÿ^\vhî'ëh‘i_ffi gAvil í i'böi'Vi't pV‘o¡Kü' ^diviHltilV''óli‘''th»'ÌJuM è'n'pï* trilíiti^ wcnre of : tubercnlqus natlénis ‘be- ,%v/peW the'^>'atâi;di''îhô‘eôôiiii(S''^iid! fbiviVftWríhR^l!ubíbns';”th'№ 'íi ^ing • list is incyitííul^ f feómè'-'bf ,Sïthe counties',"'^4%qt'ftfil y'>. *,tàvl;ijîdrtï i;¡jai)d Meckloiilnd'LH jlíttVqilíp’á'lizfct! ^thert’,‘tWÎ5qiVi»bSlity,’ià'n’û','hâyb’^ ..rageb’ù'slÿ'*- ùîi'dertülién'/i'twbtitîilr B ÿ -vilrtlid^of 0ie 'pq\vor /çohtain- I / t l ( t h ¿ ^ 'D o e d ( , o f lAlien a¿d / H ís^ líe 1Й. М. ,|Íl|[epÍtp.^^^^^^^ Д. •'Mporéj'Tíuaiée, 'to sÍícSto tho ir'bnfi;l' tô''‘thô^^^ I , ^ n<ui.«<ibv:vi ii. ilV iiVCa ii! UUIIl« scattered ovei\ piedmoiit Carolina !mu'nity>vhere;M to his and'in other states. ■ l'o%vh'carimbe ^etViVd/'Tlio biiyer : OBITUARY / Mrs.' Belinda Hudson Creasoii v/as torn Mai'ch 2, 1852 and died August 28, 1925, at the age o£ fioventy'three years, five months and twenty six days.. She was m arried,'tq John- Creason, in the j’dor, 1871.' She \yas, the mSther of; seven children,'four, boys and tlireb girls; six; of whoni survive her, while v-'iirs' rtgo, Ayho. Avishe.^/tp purchase; cáttíé in Carload;/Iptf'./cannqf/' afford to spend, hi,a '/timq,;,inspecting cattle for salé/in ^ hfercis, loc^ m iles apart an'á^sp/.he ’goesjtó a com­ munity'.-where the .ji.reejd Pf cattle in - which/he,' if ‘interested pre­ dominates.;; ; Tii^Suc.h a community, several ;herdi^ b'e/Visited in a singlé day'anti many” anim als in spected. D airy aniiifals'/ridtr in milk but p'ñiít'Whereof ái-é ni)\V eiiVrid'cl ancl roIati,\tqs jind/-fri,ei}dsi'!Sprr.o\Y bu- bfi¿ rest/’ tö"be'- héix'áTtbi''çai-ri'ed <ii).usty^of. Ijqr, cleqç.açe, but,, a.qrvow by Л 1г^'B iu'bfe ■ "Ц“ 1ш'(Г p rai^''tel 1' '''tht IGôvéi'nôi-’ ;frtí\n . I ‘ 4v'óliíd *h'á*v'ó’ ,'d'ó'hb 'tó d rtllli'giy ftrt'd''áó'I i'0st.''f SaVior''iiV"lÖ70'4it'''a"'Ba|jti8fc' ''As YÓui”ihb3Ì;-iifìdétloniitó'br6theri #cihtibi|ï 'The lie x t;^ -------- n..wu ou ■ y. V c I giiosviiig^sighs of -ft;b«he,ning with- e , one sort, died soi.-lo j- w ielii% Il'tb /an advan- - Thqae with h e r' hii.s- ¿¿'w'-’iivip'fe.^eshen soon band, t<vb/brothers,-; twenty-two, gho'\vs''ai2e'iliu f cHHaCi^^^ g,iyes ............. a'-goodW dicffi'SnVv^lia^ biped,' th'e'‘'Baptist: -is'nidm'' äü'd/‘'-lätö? 'G.'Bftltiniove. her ' husbiind , Lohdón thé'’22nà of Aug; 1658; church ='at .;7er , ...... moved ' lier ' membership to Cpol- There'isa'hóté^iil^Boam iihs his. tbry of iiaiT lah d ; and -also in thé .ship h i her death. ,;Sho;.wiilked M aryland ' Archives, saying nrniblÿ With her God 'foi' moi'o that/the M anor/was erected jon than _ha f a century and died .as the Wicomico River near Chiipti. »He 1 ved^trusting hqr Savior. Nor CO, and called ‘‘Mi'tcham H ills.” /h^^^^^ spoke of^her* rendinesis to go, if . - — аш ге ciato the importance of having Avaa thè Fiithérs AVÌlb Just a few hours before - sho fe ir pn ; sleep, aho'said ;in;;th‘e prCsÒhc'o ‘òl’ hèr hU.sbaJuU’ Pther ¿ndiribora ' b f .,№0 faniijy and-, hor paotqr;, ‘Я-f : thè bqrd; c'alls .' mò;' iharik 'G I; 'am rea^lyV’’^,' ; ; ^ ' 1/''' !&he' -НУай [ dovoté - cl 't'ò ',hé'r‘' h’iitì‘ :lnd^■hèV.: ‘hómò'’riÌKl Mffiil'V.'iviT/ii'-'A« , ì W,f{y inii^encea in is-.l'i'éíé'ssary thai; "«.Ь'г^Ь/0аГгу/а,--fair'',cohering of tó','seí|;t'o art ad- vantag’e; A 'g ò o à ^ 'ДЬ ¡alzó/■à'i'ìV;:s'moólihiiòas and ornfihasitól'ipíÉ'^^^^^^^^ in à thrifty condition.’J T-iie appear­ ance of a /dairy .nnjma’l кч' groiitly dioai: Atìnala’’;:aiid/Ì8’, frociuchtly' bttnd^.hèr:,hòme-’arid'Hei(^'ò,hirdi:bn mehtÌonbd,''iiV-tìqzm'aii''Ì hÌ‘stóv^^^ thròùgh li'ijp/aii'd tp,th'o;ob^^ 'AiarjHanti:'; 'He was' D.e df her Jnstiéxpvotìsioiis- AY SiulOB'l/tÀrchi-vós'^òf^: tPir.:Wel:fUi<Q. ;':;HBr''Kiisbai)d\iind ÌÌ31-2Ì w as -m ade'Lieut iGov.,'/of her;:childron-àndJthòsq;w hó-^ thò'-Goibiiy i ih' 1650/(Dr.', A llens h et'bòBt rlàa^upinÒw.-cà’ll'hqv bjijs/ M aryland ' Stjato Paijers).. ■: "pr'. ; sedi; and she being gqne'lives : oh IjuWo ' Bftrbciv ^vn9 , ’ cpinmlsMohed' a'n^ lives of thóaù AVith by Gby. stone' tb ' c'arry/ a prò- .'«'I'oni '^.he came in contact'In ^lifé, cliiinatloiv, to the people ;,o,i . Ah The 'sympathy/ Arundel,’’ ''yV/jealoi^^^^^^ " a pro-l.'whdni éh¿ caine in 'cipntact' ïri^lifô The ■ syriipathy/''Pf';thö‘’éomiriu ni'tj gäcä but'tò th'e;'ágéd’ huäb'and lintl T ’ 1 13 -'«Wno ’ T,,n>ti-Uho>loved ionos who hnve'íost wife; ;Er,qtector himpqlf ” :‘,VS: irifiihher, pf the ф уегпоКз cpun9il’’T(Íiozniah’s history,.I'Ve!., '2, htive" ,pl)sti'acts', ôï,/thp/-jYl))H 'psta^llsh- .fiiç^Sy^the ,línp^ frpm ■piv .Lú'ke,’ßiU'be'r./tlf^^ grant of 1300 acres of laru . tp r\«. T ..1.^ •o-.-.i.-- T l— 1- гч'"’*' ; <3í, }&ì},o:mm, -kh,í^;,'í.aa#;‘.f,9f ‘ Joiiri :Iji Riddle, Jam es A. Sbiith^'-W.vS.i í)q,ut)iit, itndifíDthíira}*, beginrilpg- 'a^'à,<Bassafi;üs. stump, tfn'l -fîjC âiâx -^ L Ja aiiM E ^ Jam es At'- Smith còrnèr; thonco: hi^i.^ç^i-|^r,;,.^'tl|p^Pft,,North W ith VVUML WJtn VV» Д1. 'Й[1'(11'е':1УпЬ,.'form erly Dr. Wifua- ' ш р ,, |)ЯЯ'1'^ stone in , G'riffith (Vorry'róad; thprice4yith the Grff- fith Д''е1ту^ to the' bo¿rihni%' о0пШ 1г1пйГЙ/Йсгс8 .1поге -or le??, ^---ЖiàM i [Iì; Ì Ì ! . . 'j !'I о ; ! ; íliv.', !ii4t • *Ut 1 J / ' r í i ¿ ‘- p b a V r f i'f it .4 ■’o 'f ' ;f«kpb'’'.ïrpTp I succession Dr. .Luko, .BavboiV rich ly - ■donif qi't and ’'Mi sta i ri them by his' u'rifüilihg^'rftco.'' ■ ' Th'fi"fuñqval'’'á0vvi¿''o'’‘ Wíi.s ‘iirii;iéi’; 'flirection'i'of Kc-('.'î-p. ''P; ''Putn‘i¡ii;n,! hör-''pa(j|ioi’,' asèisté'iV'fa:^' hei**'fb'rm-; ¿í'r. paatdlV-'ReVJG.'S/'Óifá'liwoIl’, -óf; Stal'ffsvílVó'; «.•1'К^?Ба1-п'й'‘ап'с1 ’T.l ';Ь. i©a»id'ôlî,i-:b'bth'*'pf ’wh'ò'm''HVe'r'o,' 'cfqaó'-'fí'ltítí'dB 'ôÎHÎÎè'‘ïaTïiily. Tfife 8öii\’iod' wrttí'iHdllí 'iit'tlib 'Gôolé& ih»Hö»ßirtjti8t^Ichü\,cH‘'iiit ’ \Vhích] -thé^.'ibodÿ^Wá.4’í'talc'éií'''tb tih'áñy 4^hribtcbdeí*ly>lrtíd'tó''l‘0sffi4ilÍ'¡Jesü¿ oonie-s'íó Л^й1йп Wf/s'e -iVho'^sl'éew Ш ШЫгАЗИё'Ыт'^/ ciuietly'4in'¿M idl’ii a-’iWöU'nfl, aó'WWd !bj^-’bÔaiVf.iftill fioWprs an'rf>’'i‘ÉÍs£S)''^‘*fr(itíí '*l^tJ6'r'a while—hcr-nvm-lflr-fol-lo-^htn’. In' 'tiíé-’'4'^yi'dy;i}'? J^tht“'*Йас^Й^ ЙоШ,! wo can say‘“Airfs"WöH” and )Vell foi'Évér.•■I')'.! .Ал’??г^и,луьр .böya ^a cpw'^ dcltiok4tr^tç4 ..|i>\.,a.èo\Vt,testing ns-‘ ■ ..............1-Жсе.^Й0 ho - f tìiitf ■-Ííhi^'%uyei-*'Í{íWj - m iaiíiíprinéd Ут'оПиЫц sòM’'ée84\8,lt'ò‘'thS'lVi4'óe c,6'WiiV:'.'';fc'áíhhííü'id;‘‘/''¡1^ llúhUr'á‘'hrB’'ó'ftuh'iraitíléd' 'by-' ■lieár- ;iig6nt3''4lh'd ,'B'c'cvotd'i'léa-;ot -uoiiiityl or ‘stale breed associations. f • , M Ò G Ì^ tb L i^ ' \ .:/:УЬк^'-Ггг—г—г^ '. : ■ , •, (J.fT . ,Siak, pViator.) / I ;We are in the midst qf ; a ('Tuat revivrfl at Union Ghapel. Thw'e/ bave been • about,- 40'pròfì'o.hbìous and reclaim ations, ancl tho chui'civ is on fire for thè Lord. We nre tru ly having an ‘‘old-time” rovi, vai. Вго. Morgan is h plain mui. practical preacher of the Gospel in its fullness. Services each dny. at 10 o’clock a.,?n., and 7:80 p, m. Come and worship with us. , Our meeting at D ulins'will be­ gin next Sunday morning with services at 11 o'clock and 7:30 p. m. There.w ill be no afternoon services, as we are expecting to be at Center, for the .afternoon; Services during the! week will be at 10; a.'m i,'and .7 :80 p. m. Rov. D., A.,Braswell,' of Concord is the pulpit, help, for this meeting, iimko your arrangem ents-to. be with ns in-thisim eeting,::,' • • , Important-NotiQe: ■ :y:'I’he. mee,l'ing!ttt Byerly’s Gluiiiol W ill; begin;-;the-! fourth : Sundiiy mornii’ig instead.otSthe,28rd. • :-The: Sunday SchoolH Union’.Ohap6l,'.N 0'. present IGO, ófferirij?,i52;8a;.;E\baville;,'No. pro- Senti .9(J,- :olferihg;:.?li75; Dulin’a, No.;presOnt'-Gl, ,<if.fering -C9c. Union: Chapel.ftakes the lead in both the attendanCo .and offering thia woek.'i r.-r‘ ' ' - ■ ' » v',';-----rr— . , School Days • Again V acation.time; 18; over., Laying- \ by time is ’ at an 'end. Soon the boys and girls..m ust go back to achpql ',agai n .iind dad. .m.ust aoltte 'o>yn.,,.tq Ice,oi-)iiig. ,a /с.чеН bool: :n balance; ah(l -, jv)à> t^uist;,be, u p, early every'.'morning/,tq/aee’'th'rvt^ ; off to , ,sphqp,i,;(/n'-;,tlme,../,’^ of. .id,e,a.4-ffor thyepjiiqiibiv^ (theii!; vj^e^ia; ','{i^tr£lng/,4o/ answur tltè-niimp)ft;q^ but ,с1ВД of! .thoir frqah '-vlevypointà. ■'/ / / ',; .. Fori ypu.th.;:IÌJ.a.flchpoL nu'.i iP i ц.?Я.Рг,;-,]<''/ ]:ò/.,t|ghten np ' .thp(tvaces. - pjicq':'nv^ 'gets .jiiiitb, •harne.4s;;_fqr, ;a ,,y^ of wprk,.,r,Ii;pi;j^pii^ ' y’paiyiipr/agp/jiist anqthe;: .tiii'n 0^ tIiq/Ayh.eél;,pÌE 'tim,e,/^u^t/ti}e' ¡зато '.thp ;'p,ulsi;i'ff,,;h^ WJiJi V/ íí'IJí'O'i ">l . ■•,_n(}‘W{iy''Hf йтат^ school dava, vacations wòuìd moan m i¿ .k ‘/?<i5Ml{)n3.arú;notVnwí • W ?-1 I . ^ , - ' '• ‘ - ' ' ''-NG-'ÎICE-T^Ó'^P' Ol''F!/ÒÌP''W’''''■''п; .'lü : ) hy.'/i Цуеаг agd, thb'rè''is’ia'i4yaltibj;< jîs t ' gialrea'db p, -‘I believe that somo'bf íhtílqth-i иРг strong coii^it!itf¡} 1ií'lilie'''st'tít'e4V{ll' , ' • ‘fíbío''t'ó‘'íli'ké'^uY/'tlié№ jjáít i :of the burden' of caring for at Rleast tho advanFé^UbMÉ^. gWvoffil ■ ■ /^K\i:jUler m y to Inaid sanatorninis, .'ítSÓNER, ROLL м',в'-вйС1''3?&4й; ' j ’А: , | '■î'V , 0,1 Si Ahd'éiis’ô h , f. f’ f- R^'S'’■'Ah(lur'sfolг’'.', ; ' , ■ Ш 4 ’‘'EJ F.! W ¡g¿ÍT Í8-"№ «v; : , jj, ;uayPjjUrptç;çA<;jihi9HSt'!lW'ûlti7i-vPjd!;f|U_«()ir.ï,;,fil;ifruJd-:'^oii'll-f!th.oi»Vi-i’!;q |ÿ-fiViiiqptlMi<in4ÂTO^^ all/dïMSl'i Mv'dsjoSaÿ p-niift:} .pxtonsion )'«>д’}^Фла; •)() id'j-Hft-----^ ^--------------:—— JUST HECEÍVEJ3--A ;CAR Galvanized Roofing, Í5arl W ire hnd Nails. ; Rév^,ft9btrii'J?ii!Uco'(OiiMô^ rcoí tqr ;pî,,.the..çljurch--^'rôf :the Ib :â0d<;;îyïr8i!,-,]\fov .fe-vjsi'i ib-pt!vif>ÍQ^h!i^ gal,j c)ppM)idn nta lofiit’hb Чг^№1ХР/МРД'Ри!Щ!йгЛ4б4?^^ М#'у1йП«1.'-н1|4й y«il'79#t'b u nstipffi '-nfliirJ iit/h 0) ШЬто,; ni\/lon ó Í'íi sottlrfUsi lä'iiiiivn-iQd ‘Wñ-/№ •fili-],д а I '(.í^rj/íí^íf) (,j (I ,,t íj^Í7'í/Í'/7í(^Íjt^T‘i vìi 1 ' ' ¡ ■iMniniÉLpÎNG-^tNEWî^KÔM ,, aá'i ()p»/;.'íb 'у> i fíW'W'prlcitó p rb gÄ fe^ ' f ÿ j f d d Æ íí?P(-‘lls from 5c to hantlíe,titilé” í^aVkér * AVÍll íríi^i> vnn hof>í»V aAi*vi^.íV - ......... ,0 Л1 ,f)0,t^níl j tbíit.ého fàrrrt^r.oiì^lim-jhìi^ gOodJ'Jôôwir^för '' ìàU"ia,.',afi,a P'-W)È:'C'AN”S-A!V® YO'Uf’iVIONÉY » l'ON' YOUR ' JOB ' PRINTING; ' Il ìur,^ P ili ом г'у’лтп'пл?!-""':'! ipmitüaæi!’ ith0i;';no\v<)'ihrt'Thd'^bfi.''tI1e7!St(it0livlil'q Oil ;;Co./ rìiviiNert^-fiMàilVi^ I j uati; ; ábóvffl'i ■J-J ' ^?Л«’-Ай)[?о’)Кв' l”é’tore ®hÍB'/'ivhbWtíürtii)l¿tÓd,4^iIÚ‘6y,oñ )plüri6ityJan(íi\^il'l';'ib,elí,tó00^ iTCiurícétf «íM'íWa'í^^^ ;nifldj tid« ! ( iío'.i ;ilisplÿahdl'feg "'PP't^i ^tatreH.yi 11 ¡3» Ь О j í'-i fOttWp'AÄS:^ ilinp'xii dft!-fi'i»oqoi'ioa;i;!ï-f'ôôçl <^/'àt'iii:^^ lÜint8ivvcte.,i:ithUii 'th'éy - h'A'Vé.íbétí^ ¿bldotff i;çaViwf'Îii.ffth%!pa^il:i*!'®Jlj! ’л«111)(фН''¡ai áp'i'endi'd'UiobütÍ 'libi8iHi'ilortdid’>dp'iicevh'AVh'ò‘hìì^ftifv <ha»tllè(iâ'(isploiYdid, IJiVb'i.öf ' Witó'rtfa Ш|”о|'|-|111|}агЬа';.“са11'агЬ,у ti’s^'rpt niK 'Wîsh then^ thé best bf/aüccesaí'i^ liaya'^thfeiV^Ww 'libtìle.o * • mv>ltipri¿dr-WBURl-| H ’n'Í8iftg'- largfc't"^*'-*-^^'’^"^ ;;>-я1поу» olgga- ;о<» faMffl6b>0Ôntil thei)OlÖ !fÄM iife»> оЛГ0ГШЛГуГШЧ);'1. aÇSTÎiiftft'WÎPod bv trf\f'<^tnffôÀaKÎs;;î'''-*i«'4e>t^^ toinbotHóth«!) G. с; Sanfcjl^ рймвй^^да^оПАЙу1МПсАчШ‘$1П’-\ р Ш «ifle tìiw w t-«^fenpln.tod 1ш§ЙЩ1Н11ШМ1Ш1(9|1ШМ1МШШШ111(МШЯ |bo1^ c<tnn%ctíbnif.art ./fili s*on;*Bar- oí any kiîftii8l'‘ft)fiiftîflgî'’ ■ fj;j;p|i/yi.;.d,fincpji(livnt,'j , )'.;^^ stiJl¡:p-vvn>)it!ho;j4Íd7homni-:¿-lii . :ç9i}ïi4Î,Îthé,hJii3no|iiPn.:i'r’ ^ м‘u'í!hp.>^IVW‘^stPA'él di; ; EUaa.tl í and .i^piifí tbíjiniy/ВАгЬйг, il (¡npis ,0 origi п«1|-; l,Y¡f4OTj,,^ with Lord Baltimorp’s colony in ”].да/ rt l)l( . _ ^ fibriuocr o'fri-x)nò'/f) hiin fjo't, -ia.vo I;/’) o(i:l ;iovf bo.OiirtßmoY/ untuiv/ ïfl'i líiutiíin oriJ, !.'»((оМ, Ьпа(«1 yoitoO í iiioMî ачрлоД./'-э/^’^^Шо I ■'■,M0!L3í‘Büo'I ’.ÿiiih-iÿk^y/i ' ’io, ]<1; ai//,o-si|b'fn;pq, ',ndsraoT/ }:roJ;a.il/p1 7ГЗ: ' '.Í, 1 >i7j/ii4qa'';pi!í,,';o3lol ;(lâ pranoad' bn lo'toob ЬЛЛ 'ПП'( iáÍPm«¿Fleiió'!íí í i'FïÉ ^ÏB^È ï í in«'i'!4'fí'íó';)a!t;':)i;''' ' n i, (ïifti ■ii-'-tbofl 'fra;'3(pp)/;Sil'îü-'‘n fajs Ï'V 7,'SÎV ;,п^^'Гс(;,:ДЩ^Ь^Г1Г?:’1 ir'f ,.'parili : ; 'td ;ríí:riflri'liííf.'!' pi ; (Íáíj,??. ;/'■ .'íj;/};') рэт:!' ___ ---- ---------.»-цпп ; "irtfn^o'q'VvTR'ï) ii' thípo-i'oiev/, Ésáunira-'(Iriowt :1г,ИП Г)ч oh t>-) 7)ni7i!it ;И1р(1|1'-!)';;«Гэ'п(ГЗ«у iééé ii’veéorg^lz'ejd^ ад ,'а»«й а& !ег(Ж|1ППЫ ñq;iiiqían'i ,,[учЬ ■ ' .tbe iiQ W iítreádi « á a Á ^ ¡ № r ¡4 ) f : : y® erÚ 0 n o t Ш т S ’e i^ ic ö sS tä ticíisíio Ой.Тф йангввО £ -í 8x08 Ro 00.8$ В'ап’шйО b^ipó 2-1' 8x08 rii,- о O.l 1>; O’rn/I Jtol. уоптоМ;!, bu\ol O’J ani}! 'joJ gtrìfi'.tom alrfJ obpin n i'J j^ ^ ia ^ illo-tq Л •loì aanr>‘i’''? v'r’r À,t \v 'ÍW:^^■"^pSpî»;:Ç///S/'/;S/;;/;Ç:Ç/r3-^ T h ^ ,O u r k o t t o - .T î ie 'L a r g e s t P A m 4 N - A p V A N t ) f îO m G U b A ï lO N o p ^ ^ ‘ O g l r « » í f e , , / E r t t P í f w 4 ^ ^ ' TRUTH, TÍOMESi’Y OF 'PURPOSíl AND vob. vm S b e B a n d o a h , A m e r i c a ’ s P r i à e , r e c k ­ e d . Ira ,S . t Q i r m , K i l l m g F o i i r i e e n M e n : ‘ - iÇ 'V jè iND.ü ï;^'">lkG*Flñ¿I.'lTY 'r íi’^O^R c k lNTY'’ OUR FL^G S u S ------'"^Гч’ 'T 'V 4’> 'íÍ.'jÜ 0i"i, , J,iqCICSVILLE/ Î4. C.,. TILURSDAt, SLP'^fíMÍER .10, *_________________.'y., I HURLED UPWARD .1,500 FEET I5Y WIND, GREAT DIRIGI- RLE PLUNGliS TO EARTH IN 'niRE E SECTIONS I Control Car Carries Commandcr Lansdowne and 18 Others to Death, But Other Sections Come (0 Earth in Such Fashion as to Save the Lives of Remainder of Crew—Seven Men in Nose .Scction Have a Wild, 'I'hrllling Hide Through the Night, Land­ ing 12 M lies From Scene of the Disaster, Cool-Headed Offic­ ers and Men Guide MPtorless Fragntontfl to Safeiy. , SMITH GROVE SCHOOL TO OPEN SEPTEMBER 14 Smith Gj'ove Consolidated School will . open. Monday, Sipt. 14th., With Prof. R. E. Mills, of Polkton,' as Princi- , pal, with a staff of 6 able teachers to assist him in the. work this year. 'Fhis promis­ es to be the most successful .^year of the scheol and all the children are request.sd to be, present on the opening day. ; POPULATIOiT OF SHELBY DOUBLES IN FIVE YEARS ,p Q .;^ / .,d u r,,,E rie .m ieS ;'^ li^ firle n d s ? ^ ':.',P ro g re !3 ^ 'T B e m a iijd s .'i^ h e ^ ^ L if e O ii'I t ’ s A l t a ic '* ' T h e ’V a iiif t 'O f 'S a V in g ;'' ''Na^^^ t u r e N e v e r C h e a t s . ' , ’ \ \ I The News & Observer raiaes the question aa to who hel^psua most: our frienda on our enemies.' It-ia>cerbainly a deba^ble question to say tho leaat; that paper contends,. " I f there wiiaino hi^h’er reaaph" to.qbej’’^;he cbmmand, ‘.‘Love yqur^ehcriiio3;":the 'very aelfiah one that the good of the enemy arousea td action, Should prompt recognition of'obligation to the enemy.” I > The doctrine that“ every knock is a bdoat” ia not far wrong aft­ er alii' Our frienda can, arid many timda do, encourage and help us, but there , is a big question aa-to whether or not the activities of our onemie!i do not in .tho long run help ua more than the good intbntiona and deeds'of our beat friends.' ; '.. Shelby, Caldwoll, ' phlü, Sept; 3.—Ame- rica'a prido bf tho air, the tìhcnan- dofth, tonight ÍióB eciittérod about thu rugged : hills ‘of -flouthoaitorn Ohio, broke • iind^ tv/^'ütad—only 'a ■memory. . Г'!-,:'.,.■ , In hor plungo to carth during the early movnlng hours sho car. liod to thoir deatha her .command- pr, Coiíimandei’ Zaóhary íjiinádowe of Greenyillo, piyp,’, and 18 other oíficers and ohliated .men of hor ■crow'of ' '13;. "t ■' ; Caught in a: lino: aquall whila nttompting to ride out a Bevoro storm, tlie glarit ship’s massivq framé wü'rk. broke in tWnln moro tljan lialf;í\ mild,up in tho heavena ai!,il plnnged in separate, paría to : tíi(i ground, y-' - ' - . .- '. ,. (•,. . • Eclipaing man,r of tho t.àlcu of diíin.stcr wWch havdi biiion- writen pfitho ■ис«,'теп 'hunií .on to ц1г- and pieoea óf rirein g'o f thé parta of tljo nionster as the.vf joat- 0(1 tlirough tho'all'., Mocitof ihom’ anyod thei.r livea by* Jumping na ;, tKo, partii "pf tho glanl gas bug iiÌìrod ' tHòi 'grduñd'. 'n e r t ,....... , AfboKj|baltllng the elemehto fo^ several /hp'ura, the ’ liiigo' aircrnfl •iiU(ldo_nly/anofc"upwu/di tO' Ju-i--altl'-f ’tudfMiof'iappnpVfniately'^G,50p feet from» ii.,;3,00Q/foot. lever w.he^i'oAiiio. dirig'ib(o‘bm)lvied '.artidshi'p. ТЙ' pi‘'t4SUi*ovfaria'f;4tW'i3tinft IW.4S-; 'so. >rioati;;thai's;iti'bi'okc tho .ship ;Jri tlnpp 4teti,pnR. . /;• The control ,cabin; .-nwung -1)0/ noT.th 4ho ;forc-scc(il6n of the ahip ' proper, brpke/aWay/ancl crashed to the ground whllq a t an alt|tudp of sevoriil'thdusand feet.. It dar- rifid most olf ,'the erewi'who >vord killed. ;.....■ < 4,. lielcased ,'Of the control cabin, the forosoction'';!measbr)n^ about 150. feet;, and \ boariiigvseyen '/sui'i viYor8,'‘froo-l)alloono(i; .,'for more, thnif;rtn hdiir arid fin ally was land-' «1 near Shnron,'' 12 /miles /'frpni where, the- conti’pl cabin crashed near Ava. , ' / ' ,,'; Tho main ’pectibn carrying('2G Burvivois landed with/ a crash which sent,: several o f the crow diving .through: thp outer coyer-; lag to the. ground;~v,A r^pdd^c apc- tion Pf sonio 1 5 ;or 20 feet aettied down ihsPiecesvover,tho countl'y- side.''*'' .... - Lieut. W.,,li!. Sheppard, of Wriah- ington,' D. ;!c., ; e'ngineoi,v dither jumped Or-was wrenched from his .^ding//’His/body w a f the/last ho be; recoyered arid 'identified.' : , The control cabin,'crowdddiWitli .officers arid men in their clespe- vate bnttlo:with tiie elijmonts, wrt« the death - trap. This' apparontly, was: -torn ippso; from 'the ao'etion of tho gas bagv to which it clung Hl'ter the:'fir&t rent,; find fell bp Itself The wreckage of the con­ trol cabin 'gave', up the bp^lies of Gommander Lansdowne and ; ether officers and' enlisted men, Those ^aboard the nose section' )iad a wild; and thrilling ride arid landed 12 У miles ,from-the' plape the cabin ' cdmpartm'ent , crashed.- Several of^ the officers had Just loft the: control cabiii ‘and; Wore climbiiig up the -ladder .intP , th^^^^ “cat walk’’ of thp ./^hip ;;' pi’ppe'^i when the-'cabin brolcp Iqpsd. Susperided ih m idair'ahd hang­ ing to a girder, they crawled 01,' were pulled to places of campara- tivc safety, 1 One, not 80, fortunate; F. J/Mcr Carthy,' .chief. rigger, was : swept from his poriloiis perch in'the, foi> I Ward end-of thb'^rioao to thn ground Avhon the'motorleso -craft ;Strucit ц'.'Ч ‘ 'y-. ', ' (continued .’on'page ,:.?.) '/.;.Д ------- Sept. 4.—iFrom 3,- ) 609 people in. 1920 to a popu­ lation b f 8,854 In'1925, that’s - the official History of tlvj're- , , markable priigrcsB Shelby lias made during reccnt years. An official' census, made by the. ■flrpartinont of cosnmerce, com-', p\';ted here thiia afiernoon,; . gives . Slielby a population ' • double that of 1820, five yetu’si; logo, w ith : over 1,500 people ' extra. Only : five years ago : ' there were Juat • 8,409, people; • living in\ No.: 6 . tovmBhip.. Nov/ more than that live in ^ Slielby nlbne. The rnpf d growth of Shelby : . in the past five year«, more than douWe in, population, IB char«ct'4ris!tic of:.tU'i-’V/ond- crfuI adviuice biing'iu.-tdo in W«‘5tern, North Cnrolinai The : pace contiiuips hero, aná an- , ' ot/icr,d«ublj.',i!i,in expectcid by 1930.. -------------------<J>-------------- , I ,V RüAOiiKi) io:j v f s- TERDAY; .HOTTEST iN 'tí YííS.: Saliapury ,Pqat#SDpt. -4th. .'. Tl)й mbi'cnvy. roi^e'under■ the;.in iluonco'Of'thc'hot;suh.ttf’a:no,w3r6r; coj'd'yestordáy'w\шn,■it'■вt'óppod,чгt' i02.«;p;Mfc '^pó ciálf WQíijihér obisérvór,' a(jya that thl.9',ls;.t1iodio(itp'st'.\wonthBr ,in tho paat eigh t'уоагэ'that lie has had' cíiarge:o:f,tlío rodordingof the:tehr lípvnt'.urosi'.' ,,.i ' . . , , Tqday’s tomperatilre'a at noon wiis 100, but the:sun:waa ntill hit- 11пд;оп all tvydlvo and tlie niorcury rising.' A aligh't; breeze shortly after 'one oj^clocic aprang up aiid heipod ghpatiy./; " ' But the Newa & Qbsorvev goes on.with:thiB vet'y sane statement: ' Thia dooa not meiin 'thut youth ahould bo indifferent to the value of friends. The truth ¡is that'every siiicessful stei) in/tho life of rno.'d men is hided and assisted/by : the good оШсеа Ь'г counsel .oi friend!!. They save nianjj a fall, and if^ trouble comes .are towors: of,’ Etrength.;, Every man ahould aegk every day to :nlako- a new friend and ‘.‘grapple those. :frierida#thou hast, And'their adoption tried’’- .with; 1 “hooks of .steel.’’ EmersonigaVotté' only way'to accuro:frlend8'‘whon ho said: .‘‘.The only.w ay to havo’a friontiis;to/.bO:’ono.'^ , , :So after all; let, us strive to make .and. hold frienda,-'for'although they-may not help/ua to .succeed any more .than do our; enomias< yet '^hey: do* give : one' a deal moro happiriesi-arid ploaauro'in*, this cold ■world.,, m r " - ^ '- -^-» ^ q u è n l l ^ bo ,üi.crlfic^ pp •ite’ßltai: >:;pvér ;tíio'4ioáa bodiài/of IWÉMpRlAL TO WILSON Y.IS / /BEING 'l’ALKED IN GENEVA , ; Giiueva, Seyt. níil- lion^^ollnr ^und i» -establish' iln Geneva some kind of me- ■ morial to Woodrow Wilson is being discussed among the in­ creasingly large gsoup' of Americans ;<^rriving here for vthe opening of tha League of Nations as3embl.v Monday. This movement has,' been; given impetus by the' news that Mrs. VVoodrow Wilson/ will- arrive he,re; tomorrow by tiiitomdbile to ntl'end the loa- giie nsaemblyi , She will, be; given a seat in’ the; diplomatic •gallery; ‘ . O fficials of the league, ■ wishing tq empJiaslze its noiv- artis.nn charncl'ór, áiithhd to. ; give 'Senator . Arthur-Gapper of Kansas and; Senator T. J ; -:.Wal.sh’ of Montnpa one a re-' publlcnn and, the othér a '..tíemócrat, ! se'iits /o n'! either side' of Mrs; Wdaon. ^ It has ;bpp7l sugiycnted ,that ; ythe Wilson memorial bo a con.;.I ‘tribntion toward tho erection ' ' of th» projpoged new assemh'i "ly-hiitl......... ' C.vyTONIA CITIZENS PU/iY ; FOR RAIN AND GOOD i ‘ONE^ COMES " , High School Shows Larg.'< Inüeaáe Over L:iot »Year: — -f— — , ‘ 1 ‘ 4^ ' The h'irgòat:;enrollment'';in,r;'thQ'.4,ïî'?.,ÿ.f history of Mocka%Jile Gr.^dod /'i Schqd^ was ;гесоГ11есГ; Mqndfiy:''.#ñ,k-);;í™ tho oponing,of:the :ffill;tqrn-h four-huncirod' maVk'‘ has' f beon^; ' -----------^ thd oponing:qf:'the':fj!ill; torm;';(rho^-S^^^^^^ four-^hil ridrcd' m a^ki:, h as; Ih been i-'v; reached due-largoly^o a .fifty pdr./'s cent increase in the'high :'nchbol. ’/. t^^ student body over la'st'yoaf;-'SomoJi'.; df tho clas* room sare .¡literally-, ovori'JowingAvlth students',mnkii]^rif.:?j;'^)j|!^^j| it necea'aary to coriipletely ■'¿'pVi^^’’ '‘''^'^ the high school achecfulo it>f aoa and .dlyldo ono of ,th‘0;;giradas;Bfe into'-.two/seqliona.. ' ' -■ 'N,-'-,.-vj,.'--., ■..< ,■■) .m, , ,м,- ......... Thoré;'is a fam iliar 'aaying. somqthirig like th ia: ''Any!spI(I;',fool mayvbo ablp. to: mako, mqriey,, but^lt takoa-n;,wiso.pian,t'o;'aavo, it aftori,-' he такса it.’!, That’s nearly correct. Wo aro all natural waatuia, ,''UMeurbcd-,''.-\vo';thro\v., our ,monly,;huïu.;an(V'::y,onrter,,'a')ïd ïiveyeï.':y(>t\li'A(i;_ I whut "saving-mettila/ until wo ai'G''cioad': In'oko¡'!;;;We';'neocT to.’cuUivato:. ;th o .spirit/'í 4 )^iri-h: pnd.. .‘UivJng. i /It’,4 nothing,;niucli,’ßhort.:of 'va: uisiit'' virtue.^ Tho Qaatonia Gazette, commenting on tho qii'ostion of aav- .itig nnci: 'vvhiit<:it mcrtn8,!inakea thia very'atrilchig’.8’tatomcnt;w.hich’ wo ^would;all .do wollvtovromomb(ir:-:i'.':4;:'.;:-''fl Bankíí:Uüw;aro'iofforlng;tO'pay.yQU .$100 a;month’for ìhè-reat'o í your- li.fe, after you havó;;depoaited;'$l,00; a month' wlth them for 14; ycara.; In 'addition to your monthly checksj-your catrÆe .wiiiirecoive; $24,000 иро1Лyour death,, pr you can draw that amount at Лру time' aftor the: ;W-year periodi; :It aounda: impo^siblo for any bank.tp:make mPnoy by doing buBiii'eaa like that; .But jibero la: no magie td'it.r.The' plan is baaed on the btink paying you Ö per cent, on all the money you< miv0.^ JiRYAN, JR., HEAD Oiiy . • e v o l u t io n f o e s' ; Lcuiavi|lo, :Ky.|: Sept., ■ 4.—The anti-evoiution. ieague; of .America late; tqday ,chose; W. J. Bryan,;Jri, of' Los' Angeles, aa pre8id6iit';h,nci appointpd,n .committee to w ait up­ on him and, detqi'rii'ine ,if ..he would accent tho QlHcq. . Di\ John Roach Siiratbn; of l^iow' ydrlc'^ v/as,,'oleC|tod chairman of ;thb'campaign cqmmjt- ten which will cdhdupt what Was termod a nation-wide drive against tbaching -tho ovdlutlori theory iii public acluuila. DON’irTOKGE'lV.'ra Ga.itonia, Sept.. 7.-rI’rayon by local ciU¥i>ns at 8:80 al m. today for^raln'V/ero ailowered thia afr>)-, mioon ‘ahortly .after' 8 o’clock whoh 1- i iiho ¿cl liy ii' A nd: .ltfl.'i'OHtskl rfcs, i'h.ioycd .(V^8b\iiiiliiulo',ahd'(Vot>^ ac-l cd'nir<i»iod"by'hajl. : ' Cit|aona:!bf ¡Gliat'oriia av.iU'^priiyi; daily f o r ’rain ’ ihia,w eek ab^tl)«; FJrpt Prcib'l^lovinn'' c!hui.‘'ch,t/ thp ?orviccs\td‘be conducted liyjmin-; iaters' ' ) ' I . . A* aA'viye waa hold jthl3„mprn-: Ing.with Dr.,E,'N,'iO'rr’'in chftrgpi A' liundrcd-'perHonn: attended. Sev? eral of'rfHe meii prayed 'qarnoatly; bhs,L . relief. .maj'.' CQ.T.e' from the ’'rH ent drought in thia city nnd; hcctlon.' ; , -----r—- — •‘WATER” IN A PUBLIC WELL A’J - RICHLAND r /VTCHES , / ON FJRC - The, A gricultural., an(l„,,‘IIorj-]ic,.^:Sjjl Economics classes ai'o'/QflpociíUlyó.V favored by: k'-m'ater^hl :ilnoíonstv,^4p'íí^l,.-, tp tho ciu'dllmcitt of,a ri«n\bi'n <>í^4\; boya nticì íjirls .district, .'lÿîM L l'îlii A w Iihalf.oCtheàQ^studcnrii'j-tìapoch^O'. ly oqmiiig t‘i‘ômt:o4hç,rfcommupiw..; es. in'^ âom'o'or. the both^of tlio so 'dopartmoii\á'-nio ]',i - eapael.ty, of ,‘ho--г00ад:>(^й' o.4Ceeded b y , the. muifboi: pïôblom to'reach ,thû , ^гсдицои-;- number ili theáe, ddp,(ir.t^e.nts buti^ the 'prpblétri' h a a f íc h ü n íf C d - .... b’fV''pydv'idi’íiH: ' föiytho^o'i ’ wovk. - ' А long felt need of tr ha8^Ьeon.müfc.,ih^P,,Jçдаtì dltidri df^'á'-P,iib iti- ‘Scho»,™ ,Dopnrtnvo’ntbí:i:MÍP,/^?í^í'Í”i^Jw .. Rdxiipfd -hftâ ■ öh arge'p f tîv •РГ •thV-\»'(Atí'ttná"’,V(iH- 103 in л'о1рК,'р1г.по;\’й1со:.с1иЬ^.И^ work, an d> lb li«' ?chppL|puei,^;,.A,b'’i Thè opnninij üîcovciaoa wèWWoIWJ atícnciqd- by- Iboth' land.'ipafrgM./òf, i¡hp;;M shovt,^ancí’^irÍ4pivíntó№ 'rtwdeí by'imembpw b'oard.' fUftUÍtyí minîèterpî'iP^M 'l t'ow'ñ,’‘and th'd''cpúiiljf/Wfclfí^ í^ í”” ficev. Thè general'« úP|iri,fc,¡,Pf/,t tnlkB'4'ndicáttíc1^i\r}'^bn8^íiitpB^^ l'ntho'.schóÓl and it'iyijn k ^ 'í / iñ tíl й'пiüí)il^ont'•'^eve■'fl>iv•inЛi<í«^în>7‘« ' progressi ' thi8';certairily vpiomia«8Äw(!| ы; bu*U hiun,v ^ It .ia easy for one to let hia imagination run :away| with hiin 'in' apocuiating ,on what v/ouid happen to the country were ;raln not to ■fall in a few months; longer. In' fact aa. atroama iwd' drying up,' and all the water going from springs and wclla, onc.may; without. strain, lot his ini:ìBÌnr.tion cfirry him to the point : where' he aeoa fairiin'd. Cut we should repiòmber that when Ghfl made this old world ho set in motion laws ^yh|ch niuat obey Hjs will, and according to those,laws 8UcH;calandties never happen iniihls, section of tljo earth; So don*t worry,,wo may bo caused spm'e suffering and inconvenience fronj the' i.iffoCta o'f tlie drquih but A'atu're rarely oyer chGat.s herself vpry:i;ii(|ly. In due timp, and in'time' to save tlie country, this - section -\vilt have all'tho;riiin;needed.,. ' ' '......' ‘........' ■ 'ii. Mockdvlllo.. Don't forget tiie ,Genter.iFair, Sept. 80, get: you j'-exhibits, ready and bring them to , Center Sept, 29. Tiiuy will bo taken good care of, we will ■ have a night watch- wnirto look after things,;. , ' We want tp hiivo; everything in jpliico not later than 9:80 );hQ day of the Fair. In order to'accomp­ lish this, all oxhibita except flow- oi:a and . livestock. can bo but in place the evening before; Please co-operate v'yith us so that the judges can.: cpinmenca ,; 'judging [eiU'lior. '..'ISvory body cqmc; and^ brini5; aoinethirig to exhibit', and\;enJo,y yourself, ''lietural' premium^';vvill be offered. Dont fdrget Ulb'cIftte,- |'S¿lit; 30;' '■ ;' ' ‘ GBO';;EVANs;'''.:;::v;,,'::i:V:';'; Fred :Ratledge, vjr.v:;Killek ■• : À u to  r e 6 Îîj‘:T îiés'dày. of Child Killed Instantly; IMrs.' Rbt- ' lodge, Mrs. W. A. Вепвод\ and ; ;' M rk .iGeorge S teel’ Seri-:, , .,,; ,.-'i)USly/;,'Hurt./.^:, . "iFredV'Jr.,'-the;8iyear-ald'.8on.ioi Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ratledge, waa iimtantly kiljod, in an auto wreck Tuesday ''afternoon about 4 .o’,-; clock in front of M. A.' Foster’s store '5 miles' south of 3V|dckavillp, Thdi Buick! Car: in ' -\vhich, the; Ratr /ledges ’’wore, riding headed>iiiit.Q: ft Ford roadster driven , by Mr. Goo'rge Steele,,,of. Rowan,;cquni;y )Vhich was attempting to cross the w,.,,i 111 iirrid'r lo.'null in bv Mr; ,----------------rO-—r-T.-v ............. , Cotton is opening ;ea.rlier 'thjs; year oyer moat o-f' ^orth Carolina duo to ;,drouth :,conditi,ons.. ;T'liis'' afford'3 a good opportunity'; t'd" pick II; ;out, :and- plpw Lundw. the; qottpn ‘stalks' thus.-hitting;tho bolij wepvi); fíTitvtUhy.lick.aay: agronqmy workoi’a of; Sta,te ^.GqllegOi, ' Romemb8i’;tho,ra|ns,of ■'.•;p.nd': pick.'‘c'dttdn;i p!ir}y,':'’i ■Itnsioiv workcrs offStato Goliegd;'- I'l'oad in order, to/pull in , by Mr. F6sl(\r’a .store when the, accident hapjicned, ’ Mrs. ‘ .Steelo ; and , hev mother, Jfra. W. A,, Bqhaon' were both very acriously 'Hurt when thoir 'bar turi'cd over throwing, them out, and the car,turned ov­ er on 'them ,' Some 'say the^aeci-;: deritldduld;'not;be;<ayqlded,:i/Vyhno othera say that ii was duo to ,the. .to-avoic|i the mishap. Wo :'havo' not: learned whether Mr. Ratledge was,''hurt' or j^ot, aa we have been; unuble '.to get in touch wi^h hirrii Mvi),’ .Ratledge was, put,-ni,'/mother auto and ruahed;to the Sallabury. hos'pital. v-'hero she.' still remains and , it is reported that ahe la getting ,along very nicely ;iod?)y|' (\Vednesday,) , Mra, Bonaon ia, being'.cared for in :the homo of .Mr./WiU ; Bi'Pwn', |;^vho ,:.lives' juat across; thq: road from where the accident,,occur-; : cdi/vMrs. : Btcel was brought :tp the'home pi Mra. G. B, Morrell in th is-city where ahe is reported a'a- r'estiiig yqry '.vyoll at thia tiniol, It.ia not known at this when :the/funeral and/hurialyaor-. of. the: little child,:, wrfb-bp ' WOiiiANS’'; wii:siiEY;;^CLASS^ ............Г '........ MET/"........... The : Womans’ 'Wo'sley'-.Glaas , of i greos arid up,;{bé’t,hevjp,b the .M ethodistJchurch'.met -, with:! day'rejffirtered'4,-h,igh^^^^ ,‘MГВ., J,-'L. 'W^iird ,'pf Noi'th ; Mook,a.»'j ddgrpd.s; ’ ' ' ' ÍJoiumbiá^’^iS'^efJlé’e^ i-;prayéiÎR)‘ifoi'/i'£{Î/l'^'ll;l»pa^iîth'o^^^ tí^is/¿écti'oti'/ §qïïiii/;ppïplL.^,^^^^ ■;;;’::'(3ò,'yò'rnpy.;;yhòm an officíáí'iní^Ínffi«.t^ :de8ignatedítqciii^/¿^''^(}*^ '‘fasting;-a¡i;d/^i^i^|tp; ovlI,;of.tp|preapn^';iîr^^ егу/ЪЬигс11'|;срп!^^Щ ■umbía-' nor's:;ra^ié^ti/|c)r||b^i\î|^^ :ЬЩЬ,*('Г'ЬЬСЗ^ i ■ : in,,:;Gol nomo;,-ré,liéf;íírqm/iíip'í^eiM :thb Щаз|;^\^ре|ЩА^ /s;'níi7-ítfemneirüliiresii^^ .............................................................. yiliOí-(fpr'iitB,;Septffmbor meotlng,-|::.,.The IpcíiÍ,'-. weather t.-; f^ ', Mra,'^J,'' A, v\Daniel / presided, howoyov,/ held .iO^it'.little'.hPn?Vof.44«^^*it‘’' Eleven, members, ,;preaent;'','rheJ immediate'relief-from, treasurer, report' ahpwing/';$l\S3i21^med;the ,!‘'mo8t disaatroufi'járQÍi$;ht'=v-:b;;iwá|jÍ5Í mado durin g:, the': •montli’,'-/,Mr8,'/in the/ hЦtory:i;,pf^:thq¿'atatOií^ï^ . ,KiiiGtd^;';fSé^;7.^‘JVa^ public.sveli; inAny years olvi',in the; I An :,n,: V tr,epti.''at .¡-'RiphlViidcan ^ firo: S'aiurday. 'ovehing;,'.i^y]ion;.•/ll lighted ■ match ; waa': :droppodv iicai; il, : .The blaze contiiiiod' to biiiii until tho 'level of. the;, ’s con­ tenta,, was. dropped. ßßveral'.;i;ic)i^ ea;- '^ji'li ng tho welK’ was a com* nmnity. pasttiipe yesterday ah^l ;1p. day. / ' , ' : ‘‘DyiiamHe’’ 'Wilkin4i;famplia,eX' pert, 'w aä’ canbd./. W ilkins .^'id ' . 'U10 iiU'lamm'able fluid ;did iiot"!«oN' J<ifc coniinercial'Oil ;tnd oughdutI.с v’<;s • l^ï.ffiQti. : ,îïo : leak, from filllbg btaiiona could be' found..ed, vices held. ''jOno farm er ';in;-Boaufort.ioqunty; duatod ;hl8 cotton ,añd now averag­ es 20 grown bolls to the plant1 i-i.rate of speed that Mr. RaUedge.'On his'undusted;/cottoli,',: ho ha^^^ was going that provfentedt, li,im.only fp\ir to five grown bollante ïrqm Itopping; hia machi'ne in Èimo tho ç^l(int. Daniel gave; a:.very'interesting'-re-' port of.her trip aa delogateito ih e Junahiska; conforencoi ' j -' ' ; r The clasf)' had :as viaitdra,, Mrs. W illiam, Pf Parmingtdn, arid Mrs: Hudsqn, o f MÎanii,. F|a., Îjqth'sisti ers of the Hostcaa.' „D'uring , tho:' social ' hourthe 'hoatoss;-sef-v'od ^/.'deiiciou'a/ro.fresh- monta/after 'Which' the':' çlass/.a'd- jourhéd, ^..... .. The Pecan ’GroNvovs Society ,pf svhich''W, ' N ;. Roiser of,'!Raleigli ' is secroj:nry'planS':to .hplp;;iti^t memb)(' ership ; inarket: th.eir';output.> of',po- cans 30 E^s tp<receivo'the beat pü.s- .sil)io/priçe$,/ jV 'm ay,,pa'y .çocajij' in tno mscory 01 uiu 4UUU, aome parta of the piodmontì'seè^ ; tion, crops are reppited txtal^faib m-nn fniit and forçat treo4'are-'i. n GBEÈNSBORO PPFNS )V CITY COURT ROOM'’>,'VlT,í:l'í'-'' . A ‘ LIQUOR GASp î ‘t > ‘I Greenaboro, Ç!,ept,' Й.—Pcadipg O'f Scripture pagÿtv'cs. '’’•‘'''f'i’- flashlight phntogi'imhs, find dig-;! rilty;iivgQnerai¡,iiM>!;k^í^>P''PBeM.i...,v^..., iriií of 'the- noW’'jnunlclpAl''Cpurlv.’-í.»-’-f/fir!lí»S 1.Л.ЛТГ. lirrn >rídar. There’. “'‘‘iM чГ.'. illh dt/iídí a,riy/;’cií|m ^ aiüio ','priuup,-!.[*iív iiuij-v, ц«л., I,—,y“ r4-.'ingií'bul¡;itlio.vfirftt icaBei'CaUí’fii''','\y.^'3i¡' g r o v v e r s ' o f ' t h e S t a t o t o ; l n v e s t i g a t e a .b o o z o , ; '. c a s o \ w . it h : t ) ) o .d p f e n \ la ix i( i;,, .ihie„pi8u, : \ •V'-K t I íi f" i p r M-„í-'¡4'»t’í> ■l ' tiANDSOMlO, silv e r CUP FOR IJESr CORN UltO,WER OF- J?EUKD RY SOUTHERN 4 Athintrt, Gti./'Sept. '?.-—'I’o on- ■ tiovii‘a{fti. thciiproduL'lion of nioro 'jim i-better cora: ill the South, the SpiithGnr. lidilvvnj^ Sy,Item w ill ofi fer :u JiaiidHoino silyen; cup, ,to' bo comjioted fo r urtmialiy nncl rtwnrd-; Cl^!to:itllц’ gro^yers of'tho best;,teii . Oiir»’;',;'of^Cbrn: iirownin;.:;V'irgi nia| VNortli;i (^(iroliim,„ South i (Carolina; vGeovyi^iV''Alabama,'I'.M ississippi, icjrnosae«, oiv' Kontuoliy;'tirinrl i.cx' , InbitcU, at wnny,'i0«0!^fli,;<)lj.rht()eii lOadhivr; stato,w'liuVi'yiatrieti iairs,;; lyi'Juiln of , the, 'iJlan 'were an i ■ ii(?uiicD(l ib y/'R ^la^ At- Siintii, ycnova], ¿ir;'ieullurar,aii,enfc; ;fo r: thp/f^buthoVni'.'; ■rhnw lay, Soptembor 10,1026 -.f-rhls moctiii)^'wa.s-liuhl o a jS u ii-,:.......................... (layi.iAuff. EiOth., at E. D. Cope, From ¡ Tho News & Observer. 'No. 3, Mocksvillo, N. C*i It: la a jiroat cpnipliment, iind This ineetinK w as,called to order a (Iqserved.one t6;North ^arbliiui. by,;;E. D. Cope -who cxtoiuled all . and its; road adniinifsti'ation, thnt the rolativea;and frion,(ls a hpurty so great a'journill aa ,The Now welcome; followed by Mr.*Byriartlj York Times : editorially ' should P’oater, who Introduced the prihci-iholcl up.the example ot this State i imli .qnfwilfov ATi- 'I' T n ......1.-11 % !• emulation. . This ia the sea- ^ .'sbg pf(tK^ i i oiia - .of ipepi) te ■ iii'e au toinbbi 1 i ng ;throut?h;Wo ;coun^ -t 4Uhcncuoii..-№ing that exhibits be .dntered ..ih njie of th i , .ttii'w Ip be'höki;iii'sliito'’in ^yhich ^ th e , corn, was j;ro\y^ii ' - - „ , Thè .'■bffitidra b l' each , o f ''the p al( apeaUer> Mv.. .T. I.Gaudjnll'i Jlr. Caiuieli’a;themc w as the “‘.Wis­ dom of Solomon,’’ which: waa pro- nou neediby the mopt critical; hear,-; ei'Kvtp '.be ;hia ,maa,tcr piece_of ',oi‘a-1 tiotoEcihut repair aiul construction toi;y.i>: A t tljP-v.conylusion ,'of: this iof.road;nccesHavily requii'ca many ifreafe talk.and hem-iiiii the befulti> jdetoura, ,and it says ‘^rarely does ful; ¿onjra , t]ie!,Foi‘k!im y, bocjif-’-care that t}iese;-by%yaj’a .Qunr,ti‘tt,| the - emmonso,:crov/^fl enr-'i_in'tha!.b(!ginnini? should.be in, cpn- .loyetl. the I . wholesome . foativula fdition,.to;; carj\y the heavy: iL’alfic v/hich; wa3;(lu ;i‘endin95t3;:prepared ithtife 'impAsetl 'iipou’ tiiom ^and.still j by'tli,e ijapd womeii/ Jlr. Pat/'(\ell,'ni6ro 'riU'ely.^.'iii this, pari Pf the ,said;varapnK^nwi'yi^'f'l''i.Tii.f«:' Ivfc ■* .......' ' • • rin|?;,^.v''t1mt,'‘.whph Jie riuif talking ' \v6 would; be plad to Kot a cliance t‘o- Pnjoy the bountiful supply of ; country,at 'aiiy mto. dooa ..inybod.v, 'Л ,;,. ................................. ,Дхс,с|Щ|2^ ....... -г-.; -л .\tructiy.ei'ètr.A па;t^ ¡К0рс1,!'лоа1а>аИ .in ;3'eadinfiSB to. bó.^pá^q.'óveiv'th'ohr fls well, aá caualiig^ 'devqtired;. by:.tho ; Ii5)ungryi)crow'd i,Wu,le' disconifort tü-' the ’.piisaeng- .thatVsdrroiinddd 'the;.;lorig;'i'ta,ble'|ei‘3.” .b ^ upon'w liich'lt whs spread. Furth-: '0 ^ h i,z ,l^ ;,„röii;’;i:'whiol]}.fe^ thrown open : .'for '■ .t'o .”’8 tne many talks and duggea: V ' ÍS iГ v e «í^ ;¡n A it waa r stat^ p / ,i'S e iU President; Vice ploaident, Sec <!oUimb{a: Tonilesaee rirK '' ^ ‘‘>«^viIle';...Tri,-Stat6, Pdii-„ Memphis, Tenn!; Chattn- . ' i : « ' » / . / I il I .M Jl _ i.J. . 1 (■.,.■ , i .,avuubuuKy,ccave icair, LQÚÍsyillé , Î ^ouUieaBt6rn“Faii‘; Al]atítft ;ría¿fi¿^ ' State /'iijcppsition, , M«cojf Ccort?iÿ stato -Fair, SaVaniiïh' , - ChntínhopchM Vnl>öy ExpÒBitióny .Columbus,; .yVl'abùma Щ Шй У’ ” ''‘?пЛТ’ ® f ’'Mcbpn' , .,,;Seçre ..................., r- Secretary, Фгоааи l'er ¡andí aesiatant Trcaauv- 'or.'.iаВу» tho i; unan'Imou 9 ; .vnto;-. tho ■fôIlôwlnK',л\'еге ' :. elected ; л Q.m ' Ь; eopo,.,'Prosidont; yfc.' D., Gone; ^^icö .................................T:W;v:McCullòch ;Pavidtì|l, ,|(Е FiÄ**'. uit í ';^h.eÎiiïiK{i;ÊfiC9Î^ i|uvoií?giTlÍ0^ t'inèt^№ï!O.’,';îÈiiul^0ôp^^ '^Щ;1Ге^?:ЩЙ01,1Щрйкйу^ /6ÿ§'Jiispér,> 8{Ш и0№ '0|,ЙЙ0<^о:фро; Sani I tiw<:çi0nic{iiiïeallf,<:ijii|jd'^(?0^# .S ^iWÎÔiii^VileÿÎGopçÎ « гг,и<1-г..-1 о Emíd'éíit:'Sioorptivry-ioft^^^ Tréñ'suroi^or «'«8'ißtnntj;;vho9o,diity:, ;íiíéf.'f№,K0^8^ =av^;^'*caU ;'tir:m ^inpfof,:3 tóny|iiripùèK ^öi'iiinc^ i and^^to;i 'aot !bp0 'i^.. ßi;^^ queat|p'nstj;that 'aro: ;presan^ Tbo '' judges 'íixoh of New «гг, . Y*' ver, Extensipji,, l^ u ltry ‘'Spednlj¿| ' fit ”MtUte: ' Coiiego?' The ' ' ’ wJJl be 'Chavlpa Nixo ' ■ ' Jiii-Hoy (ind'■ J.V P.‘ K err of Ilaw „ V Y liivcr.,, :ThÍB ' shówi vlaat; :, year ,■ Ъд-ouííht;. thousands., of the 'finest iiV.- r ■■'. ^Tbird3 g’ro>yn'. in .tl»i.s State and;-:ad4 Í-,' Í' ‘ .-joinmg/'sGctions/ V ,It¡ aleo ' attVact- ; ' ; -ed ToTei'3-of poultry who camo §o, , . 'study tho-!,differont:ientdps made,; ' , .A tótíil 'p’f 'nearly, ?3,000;'уу ' • 40iil In premium money nnd tho ''■/ ' 'same .^mpunt’is 'offci;ed.íigáinTíhís year.,' In •addition: to.ithe îpoùitry; ' Hhow; Dr^?:Бi•,F;^Kaupp'^^p^^ ' i 'ÎCÎoJlego,win hpUVthp.pl^vpn^^^ ' , nlia\ egg Hhow'Av|tVi;prèmivimD ;p^ ■ fercd for the' beat 'pbchiblta mad , . , ^ , in the fancieys claRS.' tlp'^coAimor-; , ’ - cial class,4ind,.that;;,fo% '8tudents and c’ylle'ge'^wbrke.rs., In',the poul- , Iry'departm ent, .the‘ American; Poultry Associintion is offering ' - thia year a^ valuable,, gold medal ■■ io. t}iii. w inner ot the beat-display ' -in tiin .shoWi ’ A handaomc -.sieecial, m edal ia gffered.for,W o firat. prize cockerel Tin; each-i class,r'including - hfuitams, am l'a diploiria 'is offor- ,<!(] to t)ie firiit prize cock, hen, - cof'kf‘i4>l, xnilkt apd'pen in all clasnoa recogni'^e d ;by tlie Amori-, ',£!m Poultry. AflHociation, ' • iM aiiagprlE; V.' ^'alborn .states, thiit this feature'of'theV 'alretidy ai;i.ractiniî much attention • ; iind indicátions are that the nvimb- er of piitrioa w ill be, large. ' ■ , ArvangeiTients ; have, also been comi»leted, for poiiltry lovera to • enjóv, a period of'recreation while ' i ; at. the. Fair. The inimbsr of free ■ ; attractions áre more ;th!vn usual ; ; .with': some /.of, the’ best artlat.a in 1 ' >■■' thc; f4Hiñ1;ry engaged for the \yeelc. ’ /Mr. Wulbórn'Hl;atc8 that the poul- ' try 'iTrpwei;!}. of North , Carolina /i^hould find "the weeic to be both preii.4aiit and, profit^blp. ; ■ , , Cottoii is 'ojluning cailiei this, year over mo,чк of North Carolina . duo, to- di4)uth coijditións.;/‘;T hi0 affoj'da: a good oppoitunilv ..to pick it out and plow undei! ilie , cotton stalka.thus hitting,.the boll Ul.öOil a healthy lick say agrohopiy Г '"Л). i.'Uvorkers of State ;Co}lege. ' ./ , .МП L.lA.f;! (^шШ тЬег tho-rninsiof last fcill and pick cotton; barly /idvise e.v-' J « . „ . . I . . - . . . ’ -;« ----- -- 'liikt cités'Nortb Gai'olina'aii a^mo- apr. fp.r';Ne>y! York ;nnd other stat­ es thus: .................■ . ' “ enough, that ono State; is in ; the South, where apr pWciatiòn ;òf,..the' value ■ t/f;' good roads, and knowledge, of to i.mako them', ; are ' ' sompvvhàt ' newer acquisitions .t'hnt'thèÿ aro' ;ln the North'. ' In North Carolina every' contractor who undoi’takes to re­ pair ;;pr.’i'ebulld:A jV.'highway',']>чоЬ- I ligated ; under .pónalty;-to aoo . to it tlint' n ilëceiitJy,);paaaabIc r,put^^ iorautomobiiips’aivd/othor;yohlcles; ii.4:imaintained;.. oithor'V.on.vài- itial dptóuiv;,or;..be8Ìde:'th'pi scene'pfthia^^ (}pcratlpns,,.;nn‘c!':to dp.'tjiia .during tho/\Yhplrì f/ôurflo\of..]i|8.>vork. That' involves.soine;:expendituro .oil; Ilia part* and'doulitloaft ; the .amou nt'of jt :йрй e a ra. j |:i ’.; hi S ;i b id » ;b u t >• thq v i n- ero,Л(^o;^?p.,<!tцнod for 1119,''1е д 1ау,- 1 or^'. ia,; 'ib 1,11 . Ц, .¡tjj nute i f racti о u . o f- t'he ^'vyholQj cipst;'and^ W rithe rci^aon 8t^ltod'Ahhv'oi,ЛV^ía>:'«^'tlЧ my:'iór;>tliòm,',';; 'i f,'o. ;'.'itfha(i;,v,thia::,v;'P5Ìoplli^it,;là -----€1* U»UI1J(UU r LU theiiiiportainin'g; to the beat in- tóiieiàt/oi th'o re-uriion, and are, io swerve nnd hold' office, uiitll, tlieli* pvedjcfeasors inre; duly elected. ‘ ; V ,p,ri .Ji W. McCulIoch presented ii memorandum of,datta ¡and infpiv matioU; p^rtaininir to, the pedigreó and ;roqprd of :'CTio', (Jppe.l fam ily dating back to the year 1009, aft­ er ,which, he ^yasiih.atructód' to pbr, tain, aa :fa r as:, posaiblo, a^ cpm| piotò copy of all àUeh ;.recprds. liertaihing tp^the Copiò fam ily. A aubacription ■ w as takeri andy'the f ol lo'wi ng^'siibscrlbed : tli e ' ambun-t: opposite''thoir'naiiie ;:for this pii posò:,, f Mr. T. I. Caiidoll, Mockfiviile, N..C.V50C. V', V. Dr. J. W. ‘McCulloch, Lexington, N.;.a..6Gc.„,. .. ,,, /: Gi L., Cope,' Rt. Gi’Lexington,' N. G. ?1.00; ' , ■ ; ;• , Sheriff, Ji; L. iCopei M ocksville, N. G. $i;oo. ■ ' : ,W. T...,Gope,' Winaton-Salom; N. C.-.'50c.‘ i . ' E. D .. Ccipo, R},. '3, Mockaville; N. C..50C. . ' .... : S'. .L. Potts, Lexington, N. C. 50c. . . ’ . J. 1C. Pierce, Cobleemee, N. 'G. :.$i.o0.'■ Joe .Cope; .Charlotte, N. G. 0.00, Mrs. Ellen Goi»e, Spencer, Ni 0, 2Gc;,,: ;V-‘: .. .V : Di F. McCulloch, Lexington, N, C.. 25c.'-'., :.■; , M aking a; total of |7.00, The meeting was adjourned un­ til the Uu^t Siuiid'ay in ;AvS'/. 1020^ to meet at thè same pl.ncbi ' it w.aa adjudged that there wei'p 2D0 p,eOr pie pvespnt' a t thia meeting, and hope to IVave a ’ inuph; larger, al;- tendanco'at the.next meeting.. ': ^ ; [<; »;< «V i'fi. i5r : Harley-DnvidspnMfitorcycIo * and side par for if.'lS.OO,: In good running condttion, and lias, good iiijes. See ; ■1' .T. P. LEAGH,, , ■ . .а.4д.У4 ft «м'Д t)' =■'' at Entp'rprise Ofllce, Москз- -‘';-;ville,'N. C.-, " Г "»ÿ .n« H’ ' »> 'i* í< fit íjí' íj» >J< » ■?■ . '. Ä ' ■ F IR S T Ä 'S S :’.'jiÓB ' « PRINTING COME TÖ THE ENTERPRißE,ONEPIlICE ■" TO ALL. the,;mod61: J.'oad v;regulations arid construction;,in N'orth!, Carolina rathOi'i than: in; ih'e .North. I Tho tribute:to North Oarpilna,' however la-none the leas ^ge'iuilnoi '-"■■-Tr—^— - „ MOGK^S.: CaiUHGIl Ni)WS , ' Rev. ,Fikos;:!‘filled his :'appoint- inont-hero Sunday afternoon‘at;H o’clock,“ I , ■ ‘\j; . /Guring’ tobacco' seems to be the .occupation these da'ya in our com- I'munity. / Litt|e Miss Erma Gi'oyJoneg,'of Mpck'avilip, spent laat wpek> with her'.:grandP‘Uents, '.Mr, aiid- ^Mrs. ' Mr. and Mrs.- J. W.' Bisauchamp .spent one', day liastvwoel,c in- Gool- ebmep>ylth Mva.;'W.; Iy. Shock. They Avere/accomipjuiie by Mias Jjaur<n'Sh(2elc^,'/;';^^ ; ; M asierB|1 ly Bbauchamp, spent a,i;l'pw ■day.s .last \veek with hjs gnmdmothoi’j Mrs. Wi R. Sheek at Cpolaemee.' ' . . Ml’; and' MrBi' Z.-A." Beauclmmij and children, also Mr. land' Mrs". Steve' Beauchamp: of Louisville, apent Sunday with,home''fo}ks., ,.. Mr.' and ; Mv^.-: i '■' V• ;Myera, and M r.v!aiid;:M rai. Al,bprt':' Folds; of ^^inston' :spont' Sunday with M rf 0.' F. Jones! ' ■ ■ • , ■ I;' . B laster. Cicero '-Mock; spent last' week- with hia grandparents, Mr. aiid Mrs. W. C, Howard, near Adr vanco; 1. Mi.sa Elva Howard near Advance spei)t" Saturday :night with ,iMrs,' ;L; B ,.M ock.''; ' ■ . •; ! M essrs ;W.; ,T. ’.Mock nnd W. ;A‘- Howard, oi'. Thomaaville, apoiit Sundfiy: afternoon:with Mr. I. ;H; Mo.ck; '.who' continues sick. , ‘ W. i tt..'‘Jpiie.s im-' prove very faat. Born to’vMr.' tind Mrs. Earl My- e,r^, \Sept;'’,Otli a;son,, Albert Flet-. chard. " ■ Mr; and Mra.;;Proston Ijoonard. also. Mi‘s. i ??,belps.;.: Of, , ! Salisln spent Monday wiihUioine folks. ,;/Cpypr;:ci’.ops '■\yere;.,never needed ntiore than^tlioyi.will J)o this winter arid n’pxt sjn’ing say. agvioultural workers at State Gollege. Plant , rye, clovoiv and niixtui’es to Jur- nish grazing' ari'd prevent the laiid ■. >;< Ж >!(■ ■ *•*!' Ht' >lr . , , . -----к «Л- 1 ■ 1.^ л ь ь . 'Í'í'iUsh gi’flzinb" and prevent the Ifliicl [llll' \ , «f state College. ‘ from Ä WE ARE READY TO DRESS V 1 ; /'f [ y/t \ ^ l i Ц ' i г S , ¥ (iI V \ i'l' ' ' Ш\ \\ \l í il *. J ‘ V )h 'H 'Г b .'K V '.1 » . IK - A L L OUR 16 .Y E A R S ,W K :v ;;.::i" ® A ¥ E ^ N E lIE R F E L T iS O :G O O I) :( ) V E E :T H E :S T Y L E ''E iT ( i ) F i O P R IF A L L L I N E ' A S ,'.T E I S " T IM E . :¥ O X J 'L L ® G ,' :W E L L ';T O .’;G O M E 'i::H E R E i ''^ 'e O R ;'T H O S E ^ :F A L L ;^ ^ ^ ' 'b o y s :S U I T S :w m r 2'/'/::,Ai' ’' - ¿ o ' e^a 1 ,,^ B O Y S s u r r s W IT H 1 LO N G ^1j C A A 1 S H O R T l^ A N T S a f > 1 0 .U U u p B O Y S S U IT S W IT H 2 LO N G C A A ',P A N T S .' : ■ : ' * P ^o . u u ^ o p YOUNG M E N ’S s u Í t s $ 2 0 ' U j P ';N :;'L ìb erty'.an di406„ , í .-,v; /.WiriätoW : S ale m , ^ T H E S O.I-I T H E R M ., S E RV B S T H E S O U T H A buyer 'as well as a carrier'of ’Souihem products The industrial resources of the South are so diversified that the Southern ^ , Railway System is fortunately able , to purchase a large part of its supplies along its own rails. , 'While we are carrying the products of our shippers to the markets of thè country, we .are also buying from them for our own use coal, iron, lumber, cross-ties, equipment, rails— '■ the thousand and oné things that are needed to operate and maintain a railroad system of the magnitude of the Southern. The Southern is a buyer as well as a J carrier of Southern products. S' о 'U T H E Й N R Á I L W A Y , ^ Ÿ?TB M : Despondent over .V her Giara ';iVIcMtlrvay,;,.l7-yenr-pJd/^^g^ ol: ; ;ijaW,tldale/ ; ; citívelancl,'. сои,п1у;. last Th u i'sdil.)f (ifternponv.çpmmitt- èd "suicidâ'ibÿ ........................... ‘ BRIEF NEWS 7ТЕМЙ !f ROM OVER THE SiAl'E ä' Sevpnty-one of O'/, apjfilicantö taking thu-Stftte- Ьаг_кагШа1;1Ш at Raleigh.l.üBfc..week,pa'äs.ed.,'Npi|C heay-h.'ol iho applicants wPre from thia ternoou-uuiiuuiiu-,/::/ïbp.rEirafeÎÎa|6i^^ ec. smcioe shooting h e r s e U \ Chavlottb,,announces,ita p to through the heart with a 22 eal- the erection'of a 20-sloiy bu d- ibre rifle. ' ' |ing to be tho tallest lii'th e two ■ "Ч’.......'CaiоЦй«8."Ч'|?-,■ .. .Contract' has„bepn. awarded,,to ,, „.,.„„^,1,: ¡fí New York Construction company ' 'A woman, 'whose,,.name, la, not for tho erection of the now Wing given, la^t week the Cotton hotel at Greohiiboro to Coat Hardware company,■^ftt Gieenaboio ' .....teñ' cóhtá ïb r ia -bottle^ .0^^^^^^^ /JÍ)VANCE NEWSh’, ,'> div Шва;LÍli'rtJG Äll^, / S V llI Ï iÏM*h,4Tiiu Í'¿\m4 m i !?i„860,OGO, Work to :begin-Nov,':l3t. The holel < will be: ai'tuated'. on the^ corner pf l5avip and Eiiat M pket, ÿhiiîh slip/^i store ,45;, yea^s: ago'.' ''.Thisg^corner 01 .jjavie anu iiiifii/ iviinivui,|cuyiv .j.“-.*-- -c.--, ,— t atrcets; and will have; 240 rooms, ¡second : ^'cbhscience’.’ money . the .1. E. Latham Co. are the owners, company has reoieived in the past ' --------^-------- ■ ' ; two years. The first was $6 from According to reports from a mftn who had gotten rpligipn'and Washington, the drive to be made'wanted to pay; for goods, stolen on the enforcement of prohibition; 10 years before. ’ has been delayed on account ofi - the resignation of many State di-^ The bureau of census finds that rectors of prohibition and field m arriages in the United States men. Tho drastic sbakeup inlthc/jare growing fewer and the numb- personnel of.the enforcement ma-j er of divorces ia on the increase, chinery ia aaid to be throwing (Eor, years the' South had a small many out of jobs and others aro, percentage of divorces,. but the resigning becauae they see the; figurea now ahow that thia section “handwriting on the w all.”; : I of the country is. keeping step right along with the rest, of the country in the jincretise in the ■ di-' Due to, the iinprecodonted ..........- . , drought, the ijouthern Power Co.,1 number and; pprcentage. of has advised ita cus'tpmeia that ''oi'cea (i,nd the decreiise in numb fectivo next Tliiir^lay. manufac-,-er of m arriages. ' ' ’ ' tu rin gen terp riaési^ lh g;; Soiith-—- „ erii power \yill be aaked to' stand ' . A 'm erchanta', tiaspciiitioh with two days inatead o'f one,;iia, first ;fift.v, ,membera ';Wna orgtiniiiéd,' at i-equeatod. ........., . 1 ThomasvllíóVliist Swepk/with^ ; ■ ----------------- j Moore, president, : Ji L. PeriVmani ; Frank Page, chairmiin .of tho vice iiresident, and Arthur-Peace at'ate highway commiaaion, - left treasurer. '' Saturday morning for South'Amp- ripa, where he will be a, delegate to the good roads congreaa at Buenos Aires. ' ' j Q iUlp.ri^ivl,iiunlbei,4. oflíóiir,'-^ attplided.; th.C:--,a:!ng.iiig,!,at,. CpiiÜi.< lX«-^u'H'diiy;'-"74';\;'v'^^ ; MiSB,. Ruthv iTonefi' of. W inf'w -; Йл1ет SiJent. bne iii^ht With »/lor, ■mother j! Mt's.'iJ.-,^V;.tmJcS/ítbó/p week, ,i,i_'‘¿i j, v',,, I -Miss' Mayirie Leé',^hütt yialtéd' 'f),'iend.ij ,inv,ч-:Wina'tori•fSklдm.S^.:lгls^:' лYéЙci^/'% 'M r,',W . T.' Mock ’ 'riibved'/Jhis la m ily to ' Tl’i pm'aavi 11 e; ■ lab t-.vV¿ekí ' Mi‘.‘ ’ ahd ''Mra; ' E;' 'DiViWilliirmíí .nil ¡ children;; :and'^Mr.'::-:;‘Wv'-ir;'Íí.. March. ai!c' chiklron,',all «f Winárí ton-Salem were visitors оЛМг;! and M rs;r:0.'М .;March last’;Siin-: day. . ' '■ , The revival meeting began ' at ,,he .Baptist church Sunday night, .With Mr. Truéblpód, of Thpmaa- villé:;a88iating th'e pastor. ^ ' ' ;; Mi*, and M rs.; C; B. Moohey of Wockaville were in town Sunday liight" attending the prpat;hin¿ ¡■•ervico at the I Baptist church. M'ss ’ Elizabeth March and brother, Harpld i;etiirned to their home in W inston-Salem,' Sunday, af t(;i‘ spending the past Aveek with their grandmotrier,, Mra. 0, M. March., ■. . , , ,' ‘ ' Mr. (H. L. Fpstpr and family, at; tended the ' siiiging ' ,nt.' ;/Mldway: Sunday.; M íi Johil ^pck,; of 'ТЬотазутоу ivcs ,a yisitpr' iri,’ town,' Sundayi',’- ‘ ■Alias, Lúiiii; Ó ,to Wiiloto'niSiilem', ,SUiula.V. : , after CLICK.RÎ3UJSI0N HELD (r=” V 'T FORESHADOWS WHAT CAN HAPPEN TO CROPS AND FARM PRODUCTS.';: ,,'..':’: ..-::-::',, д'.:^v .1 • ., i, ...............y., THE BEST WAY IN THE/WORLD TO GET ALONd IS TO PREPARE FOR FUTURE OCCURRENCES OF LONG DROUQTHS BY SAVING A LliT LE ' TO HAVE IN GASB YOU NEED IT, LATER. ’ .1 ' IT’ COSTS YOU' NOTHING'TO SAVE’ SOMETHING, EX^ PEPT T’HE BFFORt I a n d IT ACTUALLY PAYS YOU TO SAVE BECAUSE YOU NEVER HA"^E T(^.WPRRY IF Y O IJ, KNOW YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO FiiL L ByVCK ON. WE WOULD SUGGEST' THATI YOU iSAVE ::A^,PART ,0 F ' :^’ J WHAT YOU MAKE THIS YEAR AND PLAGE IT IN SOME' GOOD BAl^K WHICH WILL PAY YOU INTEREST ON IT. ’ FOUR .GIANTS ADDED TO EVERY DOLLAR FOR THE\ ' V .,NEX'i’ ;TWBLVE MONTHS WILL PAY YOU TO MAKE THE NECESSARY EFFORT TO SAVE, PROGRESSIVE • ; ' SERVICE J »; Л, j )< A i, t S w i f t ’s R e ^ ;' -We iaelieve in Swift fis Company.' Their ', ' slogan, ‘vÈyery; product tìicj best of its .. kind,’.V has': been maintained for more : '' , than 50 years. i -y- As itiie A. S, A. (Authorized Swift ; : Agent) We arfe in partneirship with'this large company which,has a nation-wide reputation for reliable service and square . dealing. ; The high analysis fertilizers which we sell are those recommended by our ■ State Experiment Station. ' We thoroughly believe that Swift’s Red Steer Fertilizers are the best on the ( market and we know. “ It Pays to Use , , , Them.” / ' Drop in and talk it over. ' , '. .L C. ÇHÀRLES , MOCKSVILLE, N. 0, : ' ^ (Warehouse at Greasy Corner)' , Authorised Sviiift Agent ,.. ________ ,-'';'The :aniuia|.; C Friends of C. L. Bolls,' agPd 29,1 hplcl .nt •r0rusaiem, CIIuiroii. August Pf Rockingham, are w orried' oyer,'8p> VJSC* -i^mong the . moat,"eh'- his proloiigod absence. , (He left.; jóyable part, of ithpá^pgi’am was Rockingham Aug. 22 ior.:u"'br^ef;’ the, special niusic fiirniahed b y;a Visit to Winston-Salem,' The, foi-j.tiuartett fromrtlio; Stallingri Mom- lowing; morning hia- emplo.'ver 'rei orial .Ghurch of Sali^Jiury; ,'A moat 'coivp'd a measage from him' átat-;for?eful and; intorci.stiiig'^addro'sii ing .iic; was sick. ' Since, that time of, welcome ' v/.iia given¿ -by iW; ■ A.- nothing hha been heiinl .frónV'hi'ny. j.Lníigston, to' which'ithp'prot^idont, No cauad can bo aaaigned for h is’J. ^P.' Cnick. 'respoiidod,' giving: the act iiiid I’rioiids fear he,; has 'be-^, alphabet,of -seoneaa frohv,a'',to) z'' cómo demented. ...... 'Another-important eyontj№|Hp .............. fdily\vaWthe.dinnoi',whi,ch,waa;ger- A ilan jlc’vod in,a bountiful way op'tublqs •Mis, ■ bva' bnuti-^wi", (йпо of ЛПад ' Kathryíi 'Ràtledgi? HthkV'y/jm paat>ebk/^ \ ‘ :Мг. and M rs.'Sppnccr Foàtei< ' ' of‘Salisbury, apent the week eildl Vi .'(il Ш Ь 'М!'- ■ ................... loh. Mr. and '.'■:and;iMrs.- :Glenn :,Mc^ttl:'v;(,|ife^5f||p ' ‘ ' ’.i'"’’U/'V'’* »............id Mrs. E. L. Garwood, am i >. . V „ ,S children, of Winston-Salein,: spent, tnj.yjispi. SunSay >vith Mrs. Gaiwooda pai'-i ' ' ents, M|i and Mrs.^.D. G. McCul—,,:j,,p^i, ■ ,,, , , ,| , Sumlny. spóndlng the wppkLwith lier siat- loh. ...................... The Ladies' Home Missionary, /- Society will serve ice cream/!cakei;,, sandwiches and cold ; drinks i on *; the lawn of Mr. Charlie McCulloh; y route 4, Saturday I'evening. Every , one is cordially inVited. - . ' ,v, Mr. and Mrsj Grady Broadway;'; of Lexington, apent Sunday. withiil Mr. and M rs,'A. G, i-Nail Mi lì '■ Mr. and Mrs. Grover. Swicegood J r l ' l i (ind children, apent .Sunday’Ml '»им1И1111И1М1111Ш1Я1ит1|Д11М1111иа|И1111Н1111Ш111М1111И1|||>||||| M rr’ahd-’Mra. 'Lidge Dpadœw‘^?19Ç (è ,;i'i,;Littl« Ruth, Gravea, spo.n1. ' Ä \^epk end w ith.h,er uncle, Mr Н;оУ: ; Gravea, of WinViton-tídlom ^ , Ш STIOOt THE JOB ». ÜRK ' Ш 'Л'Ш?. '„.f’ '.'■r Nét;,enrnlng,s o f. the , ....... ........................... Coast Linó'raiiroa.d fpr thp, month','|n .tbp;yard.,., „ ........... of J'ul.v -amounted to- ?fi24,719, or,;, The afternoon soarii'onìwns'apònt $499,637 more than ¡foiv the, same ínjnterostng dJAcuaaiiiñs bijd:l3uflJ-= month iasfci yearj:. , í ' neaa ¡tranaactlons' «fbp'w lúch the; - ’ , _—^ a s 3embl^ge;icamo to'.ui'i'close 'bv Max .Sameti ; High ;Ppint ' тог-,;1, aiiiging j .'ÌGòd ; Bp ■ ,Wi thv -You, .Till | ■chant, la hold under iiilO,'ooO bond Wo Moot Again." , ’ for Superior court on,chargo ofh ■'----------------------------------- Havingr.aot .firp to hia atoro a l,' Pecan Growers,Society, of King, : :\^ich'w aa buynpd.-,Thura- .y^ich W .^ , Порог; of Riileigíii ia day^nigh^together,w i«i ajlarge secretaif íiilans tb help its rii'emb^i part of the .busliíes3vdistnct of:|,„,¿jj.|,,.,^,^,.l.(,t,thcií, output nf pe- ....1Ш ...... Where to Get The Best? ' ' ' ' AT , ' ' M * tlio Stokes county., villtigOi cans so ns to roqbiyo thomcat ров- siblo’ prices. It may pay pocnn ' “ • ■ • .....1.1 ÍÍ№S:;:&:^GEN'mY ‘‘WCeriainly is a Smart looking Gm В1111И1111Ш1111И1111И1111И1111И«И1111Н11И1111Н1111Ю1Н11Ш1111И к When you leave a repair job with, usÿ you | can coiint on it being* done with aii exact- | ness that will prove most satisfying', i Every operation in the completion of the work is measured with the utmost care. ; ':ï:OvMocfeyiîIe^^ . ;.^,C r;^,:|,O lls:and,i 1 ' '«'I»« !>“ ' J ■' '‘‘THESHO EM EN ’' : Numeroua iorest fires are burn- g,„,vbrs.of thc State to. investigate 447 TRADE STREET WINSTON-SALEM, N. C,',' ing in parts ol Woatern North fuiu >>io« ' m é '__ Carolina. ' One fÍre:,-Ín'.,ííie''„Hay-l:''‘'‘'^ :^ ' : ' : ,r, ‘ wood-Swaiii county aectioii;: haa ' ' '' ' ' ■ - ---------= burned over 8,000 acrpa ■ of-land. A , :fpW ; days ago a' fire : biirned b veri« large tract' of land ' on Grandfather ; ’ mouiitJiih. Other amailer ’ firea are - burning ;in .oth­ er W eaternN or'th: Carolina dis- trictSi . Ovyingto the extreme dry w eathbr;fire fighters are finding it most difficult to extinguish the flames, ; ' ' In Diividsort ; epunty Superior court last week, Mrs; B. F. Brigga aged liidy of. Rocky; Mouril;, plead guilty to , forcible treispiias in charge of ‘inyoluntary, manslaugh­ ter against lier gi'ovying out of the death of Keep Jam es in an autoinòtìilo colliaión and' Was as­ sessed damages in tlie 'amo'iint 'of 5!l,5p0 to b^ paid to: the;:boy’s mo­ ther. Jam es was killed'by a car driven by'M rs. Briggs October 1924, when he' waa. struck while ridliig on the running board of a achooi truck. ; 1 ^ ..I,— - — — - — i , i , . , ^ Raymond , Coggins, youpg. man of Denton neighboi'hood,:.. was ,struclc iiV 'the, .back .of the s’ihend and body by ,a ; i'lumber ;',óf. shot fired by an u nkiio\yniperson, rip'iir Gordontown, Diividsbri'couiity: last; Sunday night. None . 'of, . tíre wounds .' are : fatal. :. Thoro , have been, reports;,of random shooting in that section befcu’o' and': it ; is n,pt thought j thiit 'the person; firn ing, l;ho sliots.knew.'Avhoithey'wei;p sliooting: at,,when tli'e/- fired into tho car occupied by-Coggins.) а1п1191шш1|ддшр. 'ММ:-.....И WV 1 >.- l-i F' The, Davidson ,’.county grand jury at the recent:session of:Sup-; ei'ior court at Lexington made as [ a part.of its roguWuvrepo'rt vecomr mendation for the conatruction' of fl- new court; house :ifor.-t:h.Pi.o.p.untyi The present .couvt .houBei i'accordr, ing to the grand'jury, .ahpuld not be torn down, .but kept as a com­ munity, house 'and4,l(o ,new„'CqiU',t house elected Pls^wheie in Lex T hai’s what everyone has to say who has seen the latest Ford cars. That such attractive motor car.s could be, offered w ith o u t tlic ' slitShtestincreascinpriccs,seemed V incredible to a public lon^ famil- ‘ inr >1111 Ford values. , , ' Yetciithii.siasm for die .smart il^w ■' uppcarance can never supersede the fact tiiajt it is the .quaUty of ; materials and workmansiiiiv that, has* made the Ford the.world’s v leadiniJ 'aiitoinobile value.:,New; ■ beauty ha.s not crowded out trai ditiqnal Ford reliability. . ; ; . ' ifh e very volume of Ford output demands . absolute a'pcuracy : of.l v every wdrking^art. The, steady Jlow of production is; dependent ; upon partsfittjng togeiherjperfect- ’ 'ly; inaccuracies would, interruiit !and delay ass,Qmbly.: Arid to this precision must be largely orediied ; the uniformly fine perform ance;' S260 . 290 520 and freedom ’from trouble of all .Ford.pars,;:,.’ _ Glosed cars now shown ¡n color ;<i are unusually'pleasingj new and;| finer upholstery j|ivcs'aii artistic) harmorij; tb the cars; Bright riic’kr i eled radiators feature .the ;cl6sed cars arid nickeled headlarnp ririiS '; ot^e on all/types. The feri,dei-s are ;; larger and longer, and the running boards are vvider. . ’ ,...... , ', ;Gpmfort is-increased by the cars’ lovver,; center of ¡Jravity, vby the low, deep, i wide seats,, by tiie , ' added foot ; room, and b y m any.; other risfinements that contribute ' to your ease, conyentence: arid 'Safety.', ; Hei:e is the ideiilcai*for a woman's p erso n al usef-rgood.-looking,: trustworthy, easy to handle and' -inexpensive; to imainlain. H ere,; too, IS a practical car for any fam*' i|y,—• ihflt every member of the family can enjoy. ' • ;; Runabout Tourhiä " Coupe - Tudor Sedan - : i^SSO: Fordor Sedan - ; -. 660:'; Pvnmuutublo rlnisahd ‘ ! . ^ atartur extra on ovan cam ; AH prtces f, a, b> Detroit ^ D etroit SEE THE NEAREST ^AUTHORIZED '•'i'viî'r ;;i.; .' .' .'.г.',''.'-''-.!*!’'.'. m"' '' '.'v'!:■■■ '.-V,-- '('1' к,- "fÍ4, Plìi'n л V J M O C K S tŒ E fliE R P IÏ. i'í'Á itisHocl'r whenover ,'ho coukl» with :tlic! Iflssée's .consoliti miikc tho ar- Ч.,— ¿1-^^'irest~¿‘"'-ivifiikára'^i0^-1 avva■ :iii'the"’Хд!- ':S I;üWís1i 0(1 .Evp,ry/^Tburs(láy ■ atigiabtúre : Moc.lc8vn]G,,Norf-h Carolin<i.i ,¡iólgrhi»como forth' and testify! 150- ' ' ' Á • C' HtTNE Y C ^T oí aU rnon t speak up ; luti ‘рц^^ ' perpetrated this , 'J, .ir. LEACir л . . heártlesis cruolly,. speak for him- ...... ■,' Matiiigltíg Editor. ' ■ ■ 8RlCi Well mtuiy tho lovor of a ~n:-[little flexib ility.in the rcgiilation ; - SJiîbsrnptîon^^^^^^^ ■ society throw up Ыя hands antiSlfa ^éàP:,\Rix ;ìyinn|;lis;6a:(^^^ > . Strictly In Advance. ; V courflo, ¡'.the ;boyv: and > girl outrlit i., “- r —:------------------", '■ ; ““ nòt to“,.have oäctilated—shucks 1'&:iEnterçd:vai;;Jhe,>,post,,¿office,, ;h ■',;MocJcsyillsv К 0 . , ; face,.fails t¿ V'TO^tet: ^ “‘^aíunctioil; í. tho voice' Ju^'^, natural^ 8,'1 87 9 .........ly '^'breaks.'' But thìi^policem anìl ENTEKÍ^niST: DAVIB em e Äm stoeBföt*WKWm Jímk , l'íb' ;V Dav’ioj^CircUit is stillìm on ;;,the ì map. Tho' meetijij? at Ccntori Wjis •riftht ‘Well 'attended, and, some SOcftV: reBulted. i'. • > ^ ; v z- :;'The p asto r,hafi'been ff)!V fio?V' days ^with his brother, John;' in a good- meeting; near .Fnllstoii, : № M r.,!K iljjd :Grecn '.haa; returned toschool,; and"CiicsBle and 'Mary| and jJam es Gi'eenj leave for: school I nexE weeli.iione'to-Crreonsboro ;and>' theiothers'to 'KenUtckyr' • :> ^tisa,:iAtólk-l/efler un'di M A. W illianisv’j'Avere "recently ' m ar­ ried at the prtr.'ionaiio. ...........i V Preaching iioxt Sundpyi ; I'l a m,(^LibortУ^^;,,3:•pi■;'nli, Concord ;'■7 p.’ in., Oak Grove. , ’ .■Tfh_ò.pa.^tqrexjjpct8'to ¡spend ^ following; weeks till', cónferfinoci visiting th è' people,, and lielpini? théintcSi;'’their sweet '■ taters,”, aiid .:;ot^ier. <good'vtlilh'ffs,4^^^^^ back^’ihp fat he ,)>as worked' off tills .'sHmmonvApieW' Aiul '’niay,' ,wo 'gpciid;'\thiftli.tinie ¡edifying .ono.‘;an other in, tho L b r'i............. . S b ó i : ¡шргвуетей > "Tho '« r s t Umo I ào òit Onrtlul i I ,wfts : in , au ‘:ftv/fub bad way," says Мга< Oi‘n Car- JH : lllor H; .F. D, 6;. Ti'oup, Toxrni. |i| i; "I v.’ont fishing ono dny. 'A t i heavy :utorm -cnmo up nnd I ” eot soaUlntj, ■\voti Ш :tho m in, i I:; .was , nffllcted w ith: a w íu l. 'smothorlMß siiolla. Ú I could; not get my bvoiith. M y m othor had somo ^T hursday, Slëptombei’ 30,1925 GANA ííEW S ' » .,,,ilavei-wo|:reaehed 'tho placein rour.VciyilizÉttion,: where :ti, yóung .nghtning,” ,лУЬу ìu st, the other day on tho _ highway near Wina- ton-SalGih a 17-year-old girl 'i|it- tipg in an auto "poked her pretty foot out at the doorv-iTiui-Hnuii wHBiu H young - , k / : m an-is a crljnlnal if he kfз¿'e8 a i f T , „ , V.,v’:' .:rirl ^who^ is' w illing to- bo^ k is s e d ^ '^ f "'“«t into,the city ' 'and who entm.« infn fU „V.ninf.i""'* Pinced. < Isn’t that ^ l^ ^ " b « ^ rs :;iiito ::th o .o s p u ^ t, Ш1а8-сп}!Й T O '* '® ’’'’or' almost hints at the idea 1*^9^ he woulci^comc hearer bein^ exchijngo aays that Jupiter(¿> moons can be seen this month! “id of a good pair of- fidid* iflY ' glasses, or,)by,the'uso‘ of a pair M 9t Pri.m.,Djn’oculart,'n.,The.-.plftnet ‘V fv ;,‘can be,^s6en' in the ¡southeast^erií «ÁiiRf. r.skies ■ aijout 0 .vo’clocki.’any í night' ff/''*"' this month/ S:^icc,it\vill,bo.tho jJil, . brightest^ object in the p'kies' it bQ hp.trpi!bjo.toiiijd.Jupiter. Ifs"':',-It is cl.aimed that the position óí ‘íSaRo llnj:(?i:eatln¿..^8tudy a. fori ' ^'‘VO añ ‘ interest, in' » & > á st’rono^ i n ‘ ' Jppaid'mo^'c trian a'th ird 'y'th 'é lectod ou t of Wprth Carolina last Vi3jear.'‘;TllQso';.weve:ihé'''R;'''j:<;Rey^^ nolds Tobado Company,' of Wins- The ' ‘A tlantic Coiistí Line Railway Compaiiy, of Wijni-: .‘ington, and the Duke ;Powor Gbm- 1 i^any,. of Charlottoii ;Now where Is the fellow who said/ this atate • had no "big interests.” l . sim ply too perfectly terrible? Y E S,, THE SHERIFjti’ , Bofprej/leayingr '’"y Ju^o^Stac^ tobjf' time to.coil, gratulate Davie county on havin£ a, compieterit,/-, and', 'courteous Tho.'peopie . Qf, . Davi^ count'y have coin6 .into-'(i ,realiza this .fact, during;.the niii; moAihs -th at'ih e present .sheriff has bfcen in office. The bootleg ger and Jawbreaker is hav a' hayi ing'a hard road'to travel in Davio county thes6’daj;s.—Davie ;Recird] , , understand .that.th is .¿ami) Sheriff ' has appointed ^Dewey ■Srry-:Jriid' E(U/l;';naiatd of^ ’®SfM '^«««i>^n.ty?Shbdffs^ ■ 'more to' .<!?.?.P .i:Pp;ora .of,,tho.sheriff.;' 1 " ‘ ''\J ADVANCE Kt., 3 ' NEWS ‘ Ж . The other' day : a boy and,girl:, 'in an auto on, thov strpets ' ofi Ra^- !,;leighi' engaged in a- bit, of siy kil,'^ ia}hg.' They were ; liailed ' Into,' ; J'court like ;So.‘ many ,horse thieves:' or iholdups, : the; girl ■ put- under 'tij.Jbçnd and the .boy/fined ^ M-j. W hat’s this coiiptry coming to ? Are wc yet'to be forced by-law , 4 'to■; say Olir, prayers thj'ee - times. day with; our faces' toward. Je- ?,t, vusaVemi o r. »nmo <5the?.v dpsicnat- ; .. ed'' place? ' If Old Patrick Henry wore ajife today ^would he noi; ‘ aj'iiin cnil out that game challenge that he ‘did more thani’a^liundrod ; . years ago, -‘‘Give Me ; Liberty ■ or ,G:ve Me Death?” . , , In , disous.'iing this ■ qxtraQrdinr' Rvy affiiiri the Charlotte' ObserVr er,. which can always, be depended , : ,npon for' safe' and 'sane eonserva- . • tism, just, about speak.s the■,senti- ^ menta of us all w hÿn‘it says;: ;, ,, , ; f;0; ,it i8 a crime to,jl(iss a pretty girl, a crim e.for a, pretty girl to, . let herself bo kissed, in an ¡ auto-;: : mobile'' on.: a ; R aleigli . street-—Rà- • lelfîh, Çnptial of a great Gommoni ;: : wealth,.\yhose motto is, It is better ; tò‘'Ì3'é,tlv'ìn to seem; ,A policeman sees the ciiimo being enacted, ar- refli^s lioth boy and' gij'l as dis- ■ turber.H of the peace'iind affront- orK of the idignity of the, state a- foresiud, takes them to headciuart- ■ |0rs'an he would thieves and m ale: factor.s, where ?25 bond is dei 'S^j. xnaiided of tiie girl and later thò pè№-, ,boy: i8'.,i£ined :$10 and cost»-T-$40 j'jiqr. tnqru,.:'S;^r^^ no more than ¡|iiì|éii(t-,i , % t .,you^ say such thinga &^^Îiriç}yi’çaii pot^jbe allowed, Right , :]^;1ада4МгзЖ ;chitdi"0n:i'ir6t6rii'ed?:t6!/the{r®homo iii?:Rlchmotid,’.'.iV;ai^^^ ,si3endin ■? ;;sbftc!:im‘s . wi tli'-^^^ here , and in ,-Winatdn-Saiom. : Л, Mr.^Ployd' Zlmmermliri of B alti­ more, : Md., ¡Bpent - a few ,days .;tho ^past .week vieiting ihis;>parontl3,' >Mr. ■ and :Mra. !„ J. G', ‘ Zimmerman;; Mr. Thodas Zimmerman, of WiiistonrinTem, i,i.^ spent :■ Sunday night ,with JiiHA pareiits,, Mr.. and Mrs. J. G. ZimmorjTian.'^ ' ■;-_Mrs; ,'VV'.'; Mi; Brinkley;,' is 'spend-' ling';Home'itiine. iri:'''Win'st9nTSalem; 'VisitinghorsonV.'M r.O acar'Brink­ ley. . . ' ' ' Mrs. ' llo b a rt' Edwards and sinall idauglitor:' h ave.' rbturned home ■ ail;er apendin'g. Bomi” time wit;ii', rblfitiyes and- .friends,,;; In, Mih-shalh . ■ ' ' ^ ; Mrs. George Bvink'ley’is visiting relativea in Iligli Point. M r.'and Mrs. ■\Vesie,v Sain ancj Mr. and Mrs. C liarles/Sain'anci little'soni Nplare, of'K aiinapolis I spent tho •; week ,e,rid,'with;Mr.; and " Mrs. C,. C.; Zimmerpian. i Mr, and Mrs. J. .G., Zimmerman spent; the week cud, ;in''.^inaton- Salem,^ visiting Mr. and Mrs. R, B. Burton, ' ■' , Misses ;^!!tnnie, and,Mamie. W al­ ler .of near. Advance spent a.wliilo Saturday evouing witli their aunt; Mrs. 'C; C, Zimmerman. , M r..and' M rs.;,H. B. B ailey,'of Advance spent.- Sunday with- Mrs. B ailey's parents, Mr.y,and ;, -Mrs, Frank :Frye. ■ Mr.'and, Mrs. T. W- W aller and M iss; Cletta W aller of near. Fork Church,, Mrs'. R, B. Burton, of.: W instonrSalem;' and Mrs. C. С-' W aller iuui children, of Richmond, ya.,,„spent. 0110;day the past wep| with Mr. and :Mrsi J.:,G man. ' M aster liL:;Jj;;'Zimmorm^ of nigh Point spent the past weeli I w itlr his. aunt, M r* ,G.,_ C. Zimmer-^ inah;. Mr. 'Sanford ^tçnestrôet spon ;last; .Week :;wlth.Vhi8 .brother;. ¡:at Mocksviiro.,' f,„.v, ., ' ,,, ,. 'rilé woriciia iniovi nga'ight' al oii'g on,. thb ;.nsijv.church ! building. Thb .roofi is.;alm o 3t .c,omplot'ed and'tho belfry, tower , is being, bùlli. .. \M is803Periï'l :Stonostreet, Hat­ tie Eaton, iAVilma : ;nnd v^Thelma .Collotto, ; Annie ■ Lauri0 Etchison, Lula R ichie,''‘Aiinie Lagans tind Mr.- Elm er .Lathám 'entered. High School .at¡ MocksyiUe on -Monday morning. ‘ ■*S¡Miss Sebia'JHutcho'hs of ‘Wins- tohrSalem;';was. at ■ home: for;-tho week-ond;',' M ias' Era, Collette, who h'as a position', 'ili . Winstoii-Salém,, is Dpondingv.heii • vac.Ttion ' at* homo thia week. . , ' ................. ' ‘M rs..M ike,Richi’o has gçne fo‘ a',;visit .io'.rcíátives. in Iridinna; ; . .'Mr. 'W^lll; Atkin 8on,”^ of,'Winaton- Salem is i visiting friends hero thi^ week. ' ' ". K' '■O----'ii.;— И . - _ - ,, .íoriSfflá, ÏÏ0i l 8|;:j in.; tli¿\ houso .that .; sho :-'\yiie/ /t.4ltln0,', .SO' she .'Imiuüdlatoly;: . Ъорац. (îlvSûB It 'to . mo. i- In ti •' " t6w (liiya ' I got 'all rlBhti.‘ ;; WLast' fall. I ,Kot run-down ; lir'Honlth. : Г waa ■woalc nndi; hiiny. nnd I. boKnn, to EUffor. I* would cot BO. IÍ could liftrdly ;. wnllt. Ч..Having tnkon; Cnrdul'. boto'i'o, I flPht to Ош otoío'ióí’ a botilo of'ît. Auuont ítórii tliô:flràt- dono; I could' fool :ari; lin'pvnvoiuont.'i ; : ,f, ,. "Cardul ha^ helped me' a, , lot'and: I ’Um ^lad to :тооощг ,!У|, mehd: I t . I don't,fool llkh' thb anmo woman Л whs 1пЛ; . fall., ;M.v.í, appetito'la ; ßood noisr,-and ,auto It’D:Cardiil 4hat'o' mudo U picks up.V AU DniäälstB’ \ " W e lJ o û ^ T b m k there is any ^ , • hcitcr candy titan - , *' I ' y ' , ^ Í f ‘ ► Ш Н Е К у о и send J^andy to "b e r” b'e .q'nre it ilicasurea lip to yo u r opinion o f .lifer, b o n ’fc tK M 'y o u сай fo o l ¡her,-girla Im ów m ore ab o ut can dy than men; th e safe&t thing for уриЧ'о 'do is to take piirs advice and , send \\Л/ггй1га'п’5. , ' ' ’ ; ' ' < We-know what she Üiobses when she haa a chance; cliòoàc it for her s IIAKRIS LEGRAND. PHARMACY Starti MOGKSVILLE, N, C; ’ N, иш1|1ш11110!|1шш111ш1№шшш№1ш:11113га1111о1!1ш1|1ш|'ва!1ю1ш' 1 . ' Î ^ Ч*' . i ■ G a lV a iliz e á ,Z V R p o fm g 6, 7,,8, 9, 10,' 11, arid 12 ft. lengtte at the lowest prices we îiavô had in aeveral years. I As we arisi expèciiîiiî ,an advance any day we advise you to buy roofing now WíeáoTO:>así<3:;^;Dcporsí Saturday -niglit ; «It - 7 :80 .o'clock, Dif:'T;'B.’:Blll'8;"'d£-lotn8vUlc;..:Ky.',N secretary of, the board,»' of!'cxten- sion tb npbak. ; ! LoVc^^ ; Sunday morning -^t i) o’clock a , idvefeast 'w iir be-hc^d under" the „ . . ; ; . ; ; ■ A8heiSus;°R£!‘'&;^hSs^ | i, :Sce :our :styles,, note. the . Qiiaiiiy ;:and, get M. E. CONFERENcF t O BE IN STA/l'ESVILLE , Annual Sèsaion io líe HcKl Oc­ tober ill, ^tó.'lí)'; To Elcc't '* Í D elégales ; • . - ■{ ------........................ I ‘ .,t, , LIS'r,, ,FOUXi:YEAll PASTORS . AIIV3 V*.xj( ; JL’J« Stacy,‘ of'.Lawnsdale, ,;and; R6v.;;‘F, E.' W agg; of Rutherfo'rd Collégei Bishop Denny w ill preach at; 11 o’clock,' the ordination of deacona' and-,,eldors ’to foliqwi Rev. J, F. KirkV: pastor of; Greehaboro, w ill prcach\nt 7:30 o’clock . The; conclu’ding BOBsion v; will likcly .'bo ' 'Monday with' dppolnt-: inetíts latp in' the 'aftornoon; ; Thorprogram ; waa yarran ged at 'Statca'ville a ,few- days 'ago' by Rev. - IW .iR;-'Kelly,fiipaator..of;:Bi;oad:St. 'ohut'c^H';atiSÍatoElvilloj .íRo'^. Dv'Mi Lltiikor,:ípi!o8iding.; eldcr,r.59£ .''tho; StatesyilTa'dlBtrictíi'andíM r. bShei'., rill, cóiíferenco 'aíicretary.'" 1 ¡;, , Tü Maktí Chnnges ' , S ev ó ri’prpáUnnf older's'ii'haVQ,' beeh In,'', th eír" prbsont 'di'síricta four/yoárpi)and.,>willi.l)c triinsforer by.itho ;¿onferencoí r.' ^hoy nre Dr. :J.; B'. Cravon, Charlotte! Rov. -W. P. Womb\e¡ Gi'censborp; Rev; Z. Parla, Marión i Hov. J. li; West/ Mt. A iry.t'D r. T,.' F. M arr, Salla- bury I Rev.' D. > M .-Litaker, 1 State.*!- ville, ,an,(;l líov. -W. A. Newell, Winaton-5alem. ■■ ' 250,000, HALES CüT FÍíOM AUG. :..15tii'ESTIMATE , hayevMrge^ßtoÄ ’ . ^; С Г ® 0 3 а 1 е : .,:Ч; For fence post; wagon frames, gates', out .'’buiíding^Aof,'-.:all-%pesí';^''Preserves ;’-.woo >.75 :.cents;,per^,^■gaUon;:■ ^4/1'... ■ ‘'I. -, / • i,-..',',' ^ -v s. i ,'¡.V -V i] I.гi; I !-1f'irikì t-i iЫЦ riri ri rii Í il New Orleana;'Sept. 8,-—•’The gov- 'brnment’S; indicated.; crop; of ,13,-1 14pj00() bales vvas./miich. sm'ailer 'th,iin>tlie trade'expected todfiy and pricba ; for ' O'ctob'er,'Hminodiately^ advanced : C5 :points and for I3e-' cember GO^. polnta. .At tliese lev­ els the market w as'11 points above, the.oiirly Jow for^Oct'ober and-150; points/'up'Tc ...' RBi) CEDAR s h in g l e s ;” ANl^ .; all hard brick. W alker B a r g ^ ;;;Hoasa., One hundred ,and seven farmbrs of P itt'county visited th'Q/№ ^ Coastal i?lain Station near;B 6cky Mount recently says county agent Tl\e :.pj‘ogram'.!.for. ;tho'. '-tl.iirty- sixth sessjbii'.;of thC| Western,NorUl Onróílna' .Methbdlsl eonfore'ilcb,"'tq, ;bo'; hel^l’ iOctobgr .WiXO :;at ''Stutea-' yille,;,i8 ;annpiincq_d by Rev. A^/L. Sherrill, of Charlotto; for 31 years ila secretary. Prelim inary, to 'Iho genoral me'eting tho conference historical Bocioty ..will meet a t ;7 :llo . o’clock tho evening of Tucadav, October 13 ■ at which timb Rev. W. B. Wo.st, of.vLincolnton,,; vy^lli iniike; a talk oiiv “MÓttíoílism ,■ in : Lincoln . coun-. ty.” Upli'ica|:ion of, tho: southern and iibrthern. bvaiichos' of- the Motho- 'diat church' w ill be ajn outstand*- ing discussion,.'of ^he gathering.' Proponents .of^ thf^iтlea8Ure fe^l confident that the conference w ill vote, favorably 011 it, but tho;thrco fourth vote in:nll;;coníér,onc'o’ííe- rqeasary tb its ratification is; not exjjected. • , '.. . To Nanio .Dolegatea A nother; im portant, .thilig. 'vyill j jiojni^g'^jj,.'^^ be the election of dolegatea to tho, e,,thuHÍasm, due to'^the loW'crop ,4ieneral -.-confwhnnn tn ;ho- -««.i oétiniíUo;. was', somowhivt teinperod by.3"th6 ''hqavy, ginning.’^ bor,;i;;of 1)892,pQQ.'b.nl'es/^ j),;l,;': Ad v,ancei.iV •■:i^e'vy ,,;'Yprk.';.v,,;> Ne^ V York;; ;Sbp t^;'8i^ ihtérpretatÍpn:;bf;‘tÍio!^ ,pbttbn' report'.e dit¡oñ :át''C6.2 per .'Cent':,of.;^^ an d -th e'192/5 yield iit 13,740;ó00 ,bales :,today''iified .'th cotton $•! a bale abWo last'F ri- day’s-'cloaiiig :C[uotati Vance of' 42: to marked the first salc^'óh' the New York c'ottbii ,excha'ngb./af^ of the cbnau.s bureau’s report Oc­ tober soliing at 23.18 cents a pgund and December 23.45 cbnts. 'P rices later reacted 20' points from th e, top when hedge .selling frpm -all-'parta' of^';: t^^ induced by publication'of the gin­ ning figures which . 'vvore the heaviest on recói;d. for 'this tim'e of the year. W. C. Wood of LaG'range enter­ ed twelve pigs in' the; ton litter conte.st and when they, were si.x rpoiith.s ol' age they wolghed. 2,- 72,2. ': The pigs ■\voro:. soki .for. 13 cents: per pound 'at th.o-farm re­ ports farm agent C. 11. Brick- house. ONE 6ALL0N MAKES TWO ' 4 BUY .YOUR FÜRNÎTÜRE , PURING SEPTEMB,ER,,; ; 4 'and. .SAVE general, confer mee to/' bo:' held in M^y, 192C, at placo iiot yet se- loctedi',' A sheviile ’ is making an: effort to havo it th< \^M'll^':be:^ eight lay and eight dele­ gates ,vnamed,v,momborship’: being the basis of-'selociion. 'rBiahoP'. Cojliua-Denny; of Rich-: mondV will call , the - conference to ortlerp, Weclneaday morning ¡at 9 o’clock; : -a comnuinion: servico ,to be followed by a business session. The social ;ser.vicb;^; anniversary will be ^observed'; at ■ 2 !30./o’clock, while at. 7 :30 o’clock/the Sunday school anniversary service w ill.he held with a*talk by /Miss; Minnie Kennedy,! of ; the Sunday;-school board. Busine,s,'3 sessions' will', begin daily at ,9 o’clock; : while special- sorvicea w ill be * conducted from timo to time.' The Epworth Lea­ gue ; anniversary/service ' ■vvill', he held Thuraday afternoon at' 2 ¡30 o’clock , and ' the educational an­ niversary service that evening at 7 :30 o’clock. Dr. Stonewall -And­ erson, secretary: oli the .general board of education, will apeak at the later time, Friday afternoon at 2 :S0 o’clock a brotherhood con-’ ferencb will be. held,' a,:sermon by' •Rev. R. N. Hoyle, of Belmont,, to follow an hour later. The mis- sionary anhiversary': aervice w ill be -conducted that night lit 7:30 o’clock. Tho élmvfih ; nx^nnsinn ; 10 o’clock. The ¿hurch anniversary will bo observed year. ,,J V ------- Chatham; county fa;lr w ill open Octobor 13. A new: exhibít build­ ing is being built for tho fair this We are giving 10% off for September only on all'furnitiire, carpets, chairs and stoves. I This 10% will be withdrawn Oct. ' 1. Our furniture js always priced Ipwancf, " with the extra 10 % we are alloTi'ing for Septeiitjiber only you would be getting a real bargain. Come in and look qver our ■: attractive Jines. -V I ■ ' ■ ' Г .«öl , Tluirstlii es ily,'September 1 0,192t> - , и.,!.-/ ‘ 'V , , , -----' ГГТТТ? Mnr'K<;vTT,T,n KNTPÍRPRISE tr^í--itryi—ч- , i . ¡ ^ ^ |»age’6 , < ' LOCAL ITEiaS Misal'IIazol-.îBaity left 'Wednes­ day for Meridéth College. , 1 . Mrs.-'John LeGrand' la visiting rolati'^^es;- at^' Allendale, S. G.; , ■/., ------0------ Mr. Howard Ijamoa; of the Twin,' City apent Sunday with ' homo iolka. ------0-------‘ BIr. and iMrs.; . Fred Lanier .an­ nounce- the arrival;, of; two;; fine girla. '' _-------0-^—, Mra. 0 . IL P erry,'o f Raleiuh' is visiting her; mother,- Mrs.; W il­ liam M iller. , ------0-----r- ' Misa •gillie ,fe lle r ; is visiting relatives :in,. Mooresvill-, and )Mt; tJlla this week. ^ . Mr..:P. Mi .Floetwood, of Jack­ son, N. Ô.V anont laflt'Friday -with Rev. W. B. 'Waif. --0 ot nose or throat is mado moro endurable, some- tlm esgreatly benefited by applying Vicks up nos­ trils. Also m elt some • and inhale the vapors. ' - j/MillionkTÔŸù Vaod Yearly . Don’t Forget—-You kno,w ' you- 'will v/ant the newa from Davie while you are;; av/ay for - school. Don’t fa il; to stop in -before,.leav- ing and let ut) send you t'he En­ terprise. Y'ou can get thc paper thc entire school - session-¡for--tí.O cents.' .................................'____ ' Miss Elizabeth Rodwell, ac­ companied by 'Mi.sscs Mary; Horn and Mabel Stewart, took Mias Regina Horn to Stateaville to viait her aiaters, Monday. -On the;-re- tiU'U t!rip they weic run into at.Phijin Stowartj of Ñew Orleanar"'"--^.---,.- ........ .........is - viaiting.'liis ;pni:ent3, M l^;and 'by a liuly; dj.^^ Mrs.,; Jacob;.Stèvvarl:. .: " , i'^tudobaker and:the cal-4va'a rii'oi'-' - " ' r- : ,|-ty l^adiy clamaged, the girls4vore M rs.' Glenn ' H endrix' 'Spent a -few dilys-with relatives in Salis­ bury tills week. ' Mias Katherine M lnor'loft:Tiy!5,- ' day for,Raleigh to enter school at Meredith, collegQ. ;;- . ' -----^0------ Mias Katherine Brown left Mon­ day > for;Smithfieldi where sho will teach school this, year,• ' ' —1—0-1— ' , - Mr. ‘nlul M r«..' Charloy Wood­ ruff and daughter, M ildred, spent Saturday in Salisbury. • ' ' .Miaa; Mai’y Heitman spent tho ,-^vcpk : end;'in Salisbury with her unclCi-Dr. L. XL Clement. -: ,' ' ■ '------0- — - ’ - ' Miaaea .Flossie M artin and Rose Qwon have .roturnod to Winftto'n- . Salem where they \ylll-tei|ch. -0 ,1.^. u a u ij ivvì.,v< slightly, but .not .seriously- hurtf ■o FARMINGTON NEWS ___t______ The; meeting which 'has ; been COAL GLEN MINES PRODUC- The use of grou id limestbno cp-. ING AGAIN ' , surea , success,,wllh.,,, clover. 'No one ican jiffbrd iot'-jto beThe meeting which has been i ----------------- i ..u. .u going on for tho-past ten days has Bringing Many 'fona of Coal lo afu this year due tò, lack ol hay bnrni л Лрп»1, апп^опя Thf. nhiirnh I Ihc Surfacc D aily; Plant | and g r a s s .,.................................. , in Hands of;_ Receiver M r.;R. W. Rummage and fam ily of Cana spent. Sunda,V with Mr. C. .S.; Hutchins; Mocksvillo Rt, 1. -,. —0— ^ , '^Mr.w and ,Mrs. :W. :H. LoG'rand ; have;returned homo after;» mdiith' vlslt',Vito ' relatives in , /Ricbmcnd, county. ' • - ; ;!;-.Dr/'iand J; VV.; Spclght,;,oi ;Roiier.':.havo('roturnod< homc,-nfte'r asiviait' i.:tbi'’,tholr daiightor, Mr,", John Sanford.'. ;...' ;—^0——^ Quite ,a crowd 'of Mockflvillians attended Lhe; Labor Day ;colfibra- Hon in Winaton-Salem and Spen­ cor, Monday. ; , ' • School boya road the ■ ad of : Frank'A . .Stith Co., on pngo 2 in : ,'this;'.,iaaue.--, Those school . suits c'ertainly.look good. -; ■ ; ,, One ofv tho precticat' parties ,'of the seaaon waa the linen show- ergiven by Mrs. L.--B. Peeaor'and Mrs. Roy Holthouaer 'at-the home of the fortnor in honor of Mi.ss Dorothy. Gaither, a lovely bride- elect. 'The color scheme of purple and gold waa boautifully, carried out in the decorations of purplo asters and marigolds. Four tabl­ es were arranged for bridge and two for.robk and after:the::gamc8 delicious; brick croiVm, two kinds of cake, and dainty purple con­ tainers'of salted nuts were aerv- ed. : Then, the ,,.two y hostesses brought iin a huge box coverod v.fith purple crepe paper aiul tied w ith a yelloW’ bow whicli co(itain- ed' a linen shbwer of miiiiy beautl- îful articles for ;tiie honorée. Tlio gviostS'-wcrb ; Mias; Dorothy- Guith-. or, MesdaniBs R. P>. Sanfordi'P'. J,. Johnson, , W. 'A. Alliaon,- G. G. D iin iel,Claude, Horn; ,H.' W. ; Har­ ris, Lbstor ;M(U’tin; John ¡LeGrand, B. C; Clement, Jr„ ; J. K. Shook, Miixoy Brown', .Thomaa 'Meròno,v, J. Ki.' Meroney. ; Misses .lanù Hay­ den G^;lthciV Oaslo,,Allfr,oii, Ro'aa-' lys . VaughTl,, of ••Richmond ; Ivie H prn,'Claytoii Brown, ,R uth, Rod- well,/'Margaret' .Moj'onoy,-Fronie French, Hazel,' B aity; and; Natalie L’arbw, of .Staunton, 'Va, ;'---;------' ................ MOVIE. NÌGWS' been a fereat -succeaa. The church has-been ;wonderfully bleat; nnc’i , several unsaved people have been' :■ converted. . MEN : Bro., Welch haa boon very :falth- ful; inibringing, plain: Gospel meW: sages to hia hoarera whq havo been, more, attentive ; tiian .;:usual,' Wo want to .uay that, tho''two aerviceq . conducted ' by the,-‘Billy Synday teama, were glorious:ones, and wo ,,appreciate'itheiiv.holp.^Bo шцсЬ and hope they vmay come to' our church on other occasions, tliey .a\’o (without'a dbubt). doing a grci\t Vv'ork^ln holpiiig to win lost, fOlila for Chri.st., . , Tho-mceting is.expdctod to ¿lose, Tuesday night of this •\veek. .'school opens here-next Monday, w e hope .from tho_ vei^y first day jt will be a auccess., Each par­ ent .'and, intsreat^d 'man ;аяс1 '.wo­ man should bo preaont <for tho opening and show to. th^e^-faculty they: are with them; in.r every vof- fort to hold up the'achbol. ; ,, Tho revi'val servicoVwill;,,begin at Huntavlllo on nu.4t<"Sunday».Th(i: Billy, Sunday: men-vVlll be: there-to take, charge' with' Bi’o. McKinney;' and ,ho'has.invited'every ono 'who can ,go to bo with'them each night. - Francis- Horn/ small aon .of, Mr. arid Mrs. L. Ii; Horn haa, been right sick with meaaioa:.for the past weok>but' is Improving rapid­ ly;..................i'- ’ ' ............. ' • ' ; ;M ra., M aggie; Coley Is-;-.vlaltlnlr herv daughter; Mra."M. - B ;, Brock. BETTER PROTECTED Mra. .Rachel Johnson and, ,v> Mrf\. -OiUe 'Stofikton and Miss Лу1«^,;Horn; took /Miaa M ary Stock­ ton.’ tó'Aahobom. ,Minndiiy, where : , ’I teach this year. ,; ■ : Mr. and Mrs, B, L,- Gaith'bri Mr,; R.i B. Sanford and pons; Gaither and'Rufus, J.r.,rare spending aeve- rai diiya at VVriglitsville. , ----0-----^ -- -, Mr. Paul Mopro and Mias Mar.v- ; . iElla; Moore will leave Friday for ;■ 'WillmorOj.Ky.y wherp thçy w ill iit- ; ,tend .achool-at Asbury college. . '' ■-.....! Mra.' Alma: Davis returned, Sunr ■ day''frbm the Sanatorium at Wins- toiij^Salcm,. \yhcre ahe has been -, -/for;-the ipaat.iwoek for treatment. , v • : : - -Miaa^ Bell roturnod ■ : ,ThursdaiL- -from ; a ,'tour abroad, ; She al_8o|'vlsitod Mrs, Nellie Pow- . /era-, Lonimie, at: KeVtnabiirg, N rY A. v-Born-7^Twina. " Mr. . 'and Mrs. ...-А.'лИоНетап; announce ; tho .birth of .'a Eon and daughter. ';';jVIptlier .,and ' ; children are : doing ЛуоП. ...... . i Miaaba-.'Inoz I.famea -aiid Daisy ¡-^p.l.l-hpi^ser loft Sun Are you mias¡ng^any >.of the Paramount Spqciala thia weok?.,' Wo aro playing big ones with no advance in .admission. Wednesday, billy, , “Cbh'traband’’ , featuring' Lois Wiiaon, Noah Berry, Ray­ mond Hatton and Roy ' ; MtKee. Thuraday and Friday—'rhomna Meighan with Lila Leo in “Old Homb:;'Woek.” Saturday only—a picture every one ia interested in, ‘‘The,Air[Mail,''--fqaUu'ihg'W arn--, or Baxter,' Billie Dovo, M ary Brian and 'iJouglaa Fairlpatika; Jr. Ita a big melodrama maaterpioco and .cai'i'ibs ; tho induscmcnt of ' high govornrnent officials; also two reel: 'VValtei','Hlora Comedy,“ Fat chance.’’ WbUl begin playing the Greiiter 40 next month. : MOCKSYILLE CHARGl? ( J. T. Siak, -pastor.) ' The meeting at Union Chapel' cloBcd' ;Satu.vday ' n'ght with a good serVico, This ' was-a great meeting; There were about, (iO; p'roJ'fe.ssions : and reclamations,; 10 have • united with; the cliurch, and there aro a nuniber yet to join, Bro. Morgan; ;our;help was untiring' in his efforta,, and ,- ho endoarecl himself to the poopio of Union Chapel -and 'hia visit will bo welcomed at any'tim e; .■' Thb'; raeeting: at, Dulin'a' is ,in prbgrbaa ■ thjs vyeek. Rev; D. ' A. Braswell,' of' Concord ia 'our help in " " daughter, Misa Vada, have returii- e_d ihomo after,aeveral days spent a‘t ihe" Boach. , ; ■ SoVeral of.-our , yoiing people will .leave for'coilQge'iin the, next few days, we wish for thom much plehsuro and groat auccoaa as thoy go. Miaa Grey, Johnson goeBV to N. G.V C.>Wi ; Mr. Kbliy. ,ranio>:'tb Chapel - Hill; Meaara John J3ro(!k and Rupert Smith to State .Col­ iege, Ralo;.':h. i. V , ,, Miaa Mafidalene Millor of near hor^e, and\ Mr. Milton Jamea, of thia placo woro-i married Monday,' Sept. 7. May their llf,J bo full of'happineaa and ; auccof-a, ' 'Mr.; William^ Smith„enjoyed n aurpriae,' birthday, at tho' home of lids. Bister, Mra._ McjKinney, S'atur-, day; afternoon.' Sixtooni, boya ''arid girls; wore: .present and tho , time was spoilt playing , games and |haWng a'^ jolly time, '' dolicious waiormblon was bcrvod after [Which the ,l)lrthdiiy cako ''I'vlfh io cahdloa w as. cut, iifter which- tHo, 'gueata doimrled « ishing' him many happy 'birthdaya ill the .fu*- turo..- -’ " ■■ ■ " ■ ■ Saniord;':Sept. 7.-^The Carolina Coal,-company vwhei'c; the moat ca*- lamitioufe -mine diaaster. ,in ' tho hiatory of North Carolina wip'ed out the,, Uvea of 52 minora,aomo mouths ago; is, now operating.ita mip<!'i;neivr'.Cumnock.and :brihging many Iona of coal to the surfacc daily., Deapito‘'thp fact that the rttate'dld |йЫ know of thb lieM gcnfrally,,coal mining waa begun .only a few daya after interest '^n, .Coal *Glen.'dwindled to nothing; w'ith--the;Tecovory:,of :the last'body.: Work, of cleaning up tho mihe; and' putting ,it iiito condition for mining of the coal'was bogjin on­ ly -a 'few daysi after ,tht5..burirtl ;pf the many victims took place. ^As so'on aa this! preliminary ; Woi'k liad..bsart.comp)eted,,jthe.-woi‘k ,of m ining'coal w as.put into' full blast with the'-rQsult that today coal i.4 coming to the surface rb- gularly. • Following Ihe receiverahip; which was taken advantage'of ¿b aa to force:thefiling of any claima against.thc'company, which might havb been.in prospect -and which might’have-bop,n'dolayod fQl‘ years and thus cauae. the company wor-; ry and hardshvp in any poaslble re-organization, inoro ,capital,,was obtained'and, a conmlete reorgan­ ization ; had with V the same offic­ ers, it is undoratood' as fOi;merly. Every 'noasible safeguard,Дог Д !* lives I of the minors haa boon tak-- on and-with, public 'оуо removed to other interoeta, the ^oackera of the mine are working to'put it on a paying jjKsi'a,. at! which ,iiplnt;it had -pracUcally, ctood when the ■toi4'ible''''cala'mity;,occurred.::!.,-::,:„v''. Peopltj in Sa'nford lake the re-, Bumption 'Of tho industry aa a matter of courag and express en­ tile confid'?nce that the mine will jfoon be n'wlng a rich dividend г nd alao > thr.'t, it„v^ll dfiVtdgtj,. into ono of tlip b'f'gest induatri-, ;o'riv.:tO(t(ithör: with:'.,;;.tho:;,,minq..-|.,,{it Cumnoi'k. ' I S .. . ‘— —7:-- 8 U0ÖJ! HOU'iF. ÔLOSE IN'EOK ronl. O. G.- Walker. ; • ' ' I;......'CV. G.; Walker. h A^föBablyiono.iuj: reason fot'jthe \ i'iîb p u la i'it y o f :i-W alO IiB X ’S.^-Ì7 -,thnt:: It ‘Д,1*М ; I 'lio I01Í Í nnd returns ot|<-h ' ar¿At dividends '^for во suit U , i'ûn ouUa'ÿi’V'-'/ït kccpiitccüi •' ' clim i btcatK'^Wcet, ftpjpUiio ; I' kccñ,"dlaeDtlon;nlo0d*. ; ■: Fr,«eh-’, Änd „iiu U iiln y o re d ,.'.ulwnyà In' Im -'»vaxfwrpoiicd ____________iiMjiii j. Renew !¥óurj Heiálf^,V| by Perifícation ’ ' ' I :'i :Atíy-phyaician;will toll you,thirtk''';,,,, ‘'Perfect Purification of ilio S y » -,. ;tonl-'.i,‘ia,.;’.Na turo’s -, - f oiindation 4 ,o£i«ii'í! PbrfoctTIIbalth'.” " ^Vhy ■nöt'■ n iÿ tl'fî vóutaolí, of chronic ailments ihafr I are undermiiiirt'a y’oûr vitaUtHA','»'*,’'^ Purifyiÿqur cnilvb ayateirt ЬуЛакЧт&| —üiioo' ór t.wito a лгсЬк Лс Vóeks-^and jseo' ' hoл^^^ 'Ni Чу.«Г(Ь'уоиЛУ1и|';^1оЛ1111-.-''; , ' .’'Caldtatrt aro дао grßätöätF-.of állí.^;' g pÿr-im P^iriíibí'i. ^ 1 Oçtfta’ ; fam ily :'"'ifî püdliap'c, '( ootrtnimne.'^Îull. < dirco-,-; i-«,! '.;tim W î№ î7 |  ■ Í '.'lÆ 'W ® “ , ..''-Ж «J' ' Í JÍ y, Ì -- t, ■( \ Ч m u - r n r l i n - ''Л Q n n i a t t p n f 1Ч - i r ' i ï »aiuraay ^vuiuuh, -Ks , ,\yi,ll servo,.chicken.aancUvichca, croam:and;cjtkbi-■find''cold, d,VUlkS;,»-^yj,r^ri^ '1 "Proceeda, go for^ ’ bonufit;'•oic.y/r;® 'cW ch . ' ' V v # f 'I'.hc public iM ’cor5linlly';invite^^^^^^ ; SEND US YOUR JOB W O K K ijtPS# « •'•.;.VniT:;WANT:' TO' 'RA'VE'i;M0NEY/M® If you' \yiy spend, a few mlnutdd here'aoon, selecting'the, ’ itciijs you iieiid from our display o f,correspondence'needs. ‘ you w ill be \VoU rcpiUd the naxt'limo you'’want lo v(rlto Boma ^ ie tle r k ' V ' ( ’ ’ AMiisO!^. ''¿’GLEMENT ‘ ”14M ,'S l FORK NEWS isw^u,: yj. vy**'*—.___ ^ Ml this ' meeting. .),J3ro. Brirawell ia '., one of :'i' our ; ; bisst evangelists,' - ■ -.1. , ' ■- ,■ ...iiolthbi^sei; Ibft^^S^ i ÖUllär; i ö .4il'.; .WV ^, w —^т-... г-__ ^ ,bury,v,:where.; they have!; accepted 'you':are aakod- to conic and work lii -- - ,Tv,r Tf n.4leris De-1 witli us in tnia meeting a welcome n. .. 1 .. P08itl0naí;with' Ti M,: Kcaier’s pe- ■ii'Partment,'' Störe.-' : ;; v' . Mr. and Mr.4.' C. R. Horn,, Mr.. ■L,';! G;-; .Horn, Ivie and L. G'., : J r., ■ M issXGilmn^aity; Mr. ^ T. Coop- , 'cr.'and ' Mrij.' J. F.' ; Hawkins :motor- „; e^d«;to:,f:Roarlng,.Gap, i Sunday. ; ,;v ',v.<.;MÍ08oa;M argaret Meronoy, Ruth • "vRprl^ ■V.'iughîfn: :;'midr;î\Ica8r'a^.Faye Caudell; Ro ;M í'ííqillínnd ;Ruffua Brown motbr- ';;; <id:'¿,tQ,fRoarlng Gap, Sunday, . ' vv'iï'sWr.i-'and . Mra. J òhnaon Starnesj fl|i-:',Ch^i'lotte apont the week end...............- . ,■ . ЛГ..М.' j. ....... ;;Will „.. _ ''.week,- «у, with ua in tnia meeting awaits':;you.--... ; . Cliange. in Appointment^ ■ ;Г: wiil:,preach at Union Chapel at :10 a, in. and; nt.;;Bethol at 11 a, m.,' nexi;-.Sunday, instead Ol' the regular hours. ; -, ' :i. The Sunday- Schools :v . Elbavilio, No. preaotit. 97, .offori ing ¡pl.ys.; 'Union Chapel/ Npl, preL; bent • 93, ;offering if 1.86;: Dulin’a,; No present 80,': offering;88c;.Bcth,-,: el; na;pi'esonl 54,v offering $8.-41; - Elbaviile takes the ' loud - - thia week In, attendance/ ;v/ith : Bethel loading in the-offering; ................. Ч, Tom .Tarheel says ho ia 'select­ ing hia; matorlal, to: exhl|tiit.:^t the 'ia ir this fall........ Tho; remains of , Mra. ; Lizzie Pooler, of Saliabury w as, buried ,hoi'G ,la st,'Saturday m orning.'. ■ , -j Miss'. Sallie Hendrix continues' very s/ck; B o rry to note, ' ;;: : Mra. Mamie Carter and .daught-^: ora, will'lbave thia vvoek for-Har­ mony, 'w here'M rs. Cgrter haa charge of the Domit'ory at- tho Farm, Lifo Schooh.; ; ; :• ■ -, ■ -v' Master John Cotton roturnod to hia .homo , in :Saliabury ' after apending somjb time w itii: hia’ cousin. Nelson Hairston. ' Mr. E. D. 'Kinimer and fam ily of Spencer were ,Sunday:; guest.s at.hi.q bi^other’s, M r; G. S. Kimri^ hia mother aocbmpahied ,; thenj homo to spend aome time. ' . ' '. Frank George,, Jr., of Ngrfolk returned to -Ilia home Tuesday,' accompanied by his cousin, W; Hairston, Jr.,; tb ;• eiitcr ■' school there. ' ,.' Mrs. Beatrice Browbaker and, daughter, Ruth; w ill leave next wook whera aho w ill be matron^ in the Ghlldron’s Homo near W in^ ton-Salenr. 'W e - wiali her much succesa in h-br-new hom e,;; -•Mrs. Dalton Heiidrix and"^ child; ren, of; the twinrCity, .apent -last w eek; 'vvith - Mr., aijd Mra. . Frank Barney, Mr. and;. M rs,;.B arney' having-.-.recentiy -inoved to ; : our tow p. ! ' M iss; Ida I'Nance continues very- sickj 'sorry to .note.,;,,!.:': '; . MisBi Bobti v,Wiiliams . waa , car­ ried t'o; a ' hoaiiital;' in Winstonr Salem last 'Woek fo r,an ’ operation M isa; WilHama^viav'dpinii , 'nioply, glad to note. , .........................• ‘DODGE TOUIUNG , CAR- .'IN: ' good- condition' .$350.00. ; G. G;' ,Walkqr :.Motor'' Co. . .-----♦----- NBW-HOME'SEWING-iMACHINi e’s;. ■ caah ‘' or *, term s;; W alker . Bargain ilouse. ,I ■ -- :;-,.',eiurioaiiy!.of?a:,ilet.’'ofi:péoi3lo^,^;^^^^^ going ,4o;';bè;-t’na'iÇi‘fio41.'';thial‘;!!,w‘èqî|^ Any way, ind.c^ions/’point 'in: that;diroc4iQn,;'''’';''''l.''‘';''‘','''^'|'^^^ ■'i!«' Ever '‘since a'iniquhbement ,'‘41 the imp^roved FbrdiCars'ynis’ m adi ju st about every:' - man*.''jwoman aiid child in, town 'haa .boon -on the alert for a ¿rlimpae of the new ,eara;", t -,.' A, few, of the : . ’Гоиring Cara reached :dealers ; during ;tho last v/eok,'',bui; not ; nearVonough - of them' were distributed' to .satisfy thov'ciiriosity of tho,-populace. In the .:.firat' : place,'' overy ; dealer , ex-- perient'od some- .d ifficu ltyin ab- curing cara-^aomo were'only- able t'o' get one—¡-and in the 'second placo;- alter, .the doale'r^.gbt 'the car he ;had a hai’d time' .keeping It—someone' waiited to buy it right away. : : ; ; Several hundred poopio, how­ ever, have been able to got a peep at the ne’w; Touring.' Cars, and 'ev-; oryone of them 'i8;'firnily-cotivinc-;' od that, they, aure: -are ’ attractive automobiles. ' * The Ford dealer of ; Mockaviilo; ia ej:pecting the-coming, w,qek.:wiil bring in all tlie pew .body' typea.i both . 'open andi 'closed! ; 'If this transpires, it is certain that the dealer, show rooms^are going--tr be- iho most, popular ¡ iplaco in ’ town, for everyone• is :;oagor:to нее and inspe(;t;all the ;new,Fords; OAKGROVE NEWS .iniot.'tlieiVs a reason'. Tljcy are n o g getting what they ne^d t9 pro^^ - Try a bag of “Happy Heni Laying Mash" I and watch ’em lay or Bust. ^ Anvil Brand Overalls are still in the lead. Try one pair. Kiirfees Aoto Enam^ll W car look like new* Kurfees & ISVard' Kurfees Piuni Coiitains More Load Per-Gallon., ‘'ÿ àî 'H i® ■;; ;'’i?iiei;^o -will--be preaching at,;,pa^ Gfroyo::i^Sundayr, night.; Every, bod^ welcome. , ' ’ ; Mr: and Mra. M. H;' Sebaatian of '. Twin - City -.apont, the v/eok 'end here with Mra. W. H.-McDnniel. ''"Al\ protractefV''meeting' w ill be- :g(n;;,at: Oak. Grovei..Sundn^, S.opt, 2Ö,' pyery'body conjee. ; Several; of. odr podmle; attended the Old Folka' Singi'irg at Center Sunday, Mr. and Mra. J. M, Il-anolino and'.aon;'of Mockaville, spent Sun-^ d ay'h ere with Mra. Ilanelino’s mother, Mra. C. W. Hepler. * '. Mrs! Kelly W illiama, ot Smith Grove ,waa -a Sundayiviaitor hoi'e sv ; i ÀyM<t>iic%àì'o Buaineas men of Chadbourn plan to hold a .strawberry feati- val during the next berry.shippiiitt aeapon j;eportB .farm agent T., J, . ii'arm ers in Hertford ; county who used magnoaium limeptonb with thoir tobacco this year re­ port to farm agent Ci A, Rose; that . they w ill never plant '^hothor,tb- ;{bacoo ; crop,. without'? U B inglim e-.‘Iii’--......................... ....................' ' ' ........-WHICH COMES FIRST-------............. ..................< ' j| ' f '‘- Yoursolf? Your W ife? Or Your Car? ' . r: :ii!10 Yearly (Xesa:ihan:3c.a day) will insure you orjjour;wifo’ > $ against, loas from an'accident that mayvhappen’ to. you'any day. - ................. '............ ,;.-You ;inaur<3-vyo'ur -' BUT WHAT ABOUT íE ven if yoii are a ...... an other.(Ca rel ess). ;;450,Ó0'0'^,Peppla.\vcro::in ;or klílGcl , dental lasti;yeav.i" You: m ay;.havo. eacuped--rbutvWhV-''trupt';to,:-í-;í,i;5 ‘/ 1 ;,'luck?,'';3c'AvD!A.Y'will-aqfegiiard‘YOU^OR;YOUR*iWIPE-^ : , :lrom ioaa.thru'an aocident-that.may happon^to.you.aVy d ay.' Simply Mail Thisf Cupon today. ' > '...: : ...........: . 'j3;ooo;.fov,?io>............................... •!5.'),000:willhe‘paid 'for lb8H ofv-;Lifc^Siffht-.-o|.' Limbs—thrui‘ ^ any Automobile Accident—U9 matter How—When—or W hcie—thc Accident Occuiva—Riding in yuur own or other cara—or thru the dreaded slreet.'ihaznrdvof'. being struck-'-^ , iando^\n—or I un Over~by any automobile. / . , '' ,‘ Weekly ;,will: be :paid.:f or any-losa of:tim9r^bÍ5e ;;ikj;',to 26;:® w écU a^thru'injuries; received in-any AiÁíoino[)]Í3 :Áccideiit';Í': \^S15 ■Woeklyiad^ditional wil! ;be ;paid if.,coniino(ito;a iioapital ,!thru :any;Automobile Accident (lim it ,'l ;we[0k3.|) : ^ . Issued to Men and Women betAycon the agea of..ií8/ to 6¡í ,fofi $10 yearly.' ' ' '■' ' ':; ; Secured by nsaets of : over; 532,000,000.00 - ; Dayie Real Eatate; Loan and insurance Co., MockijviUj),' №¿’^.1 .'Gehtletnen: - .Withb'uti ;bblJgation; sfind-'.mo..:by.;wai|!fR<?fsoii“* ’Prbt«¿t¡bn-.poiic^?5;000'X«r<;ii;í(^.W^^ ..... ' ' li l,î :ч ft ilúí й» i?.I. «•■i. \Д,'iV Ñamo; Áddr ....K4.Í4.,. mi -'t>' ■ fV' к,’"ля?и Ш .. *' гь Í f ? ,’М Рпй«’ г, hl. : i'V i AÑÓTIIKU MOGKÖVILLK iäEN l-, KEDUCIH) RAILKOAD FARE TO 'OR JSXPK15SS13S'HiS' VIEW S':'-j . MADB-IN-dAftOLINAv'EXi;"-'*’■ • ^ .. , . ^ ■ .«; ■ :; - . ... .;■■■■■■•■ Л» -.; 1.' I. ■' • < ■ » ' ■ ‘- THE MOCKSyiLLE RNTJ3RPKTSÍ'Í 111'" Til« coui'HC i;v.'Vocnti()nuI Ajirl . culturo 8lu»iild rnuan, initrii than itioroiy n hijfh KcJuioi Htiuiy, i‘oi' tiH rt, rosull;ol'. tuklnK ii'.course ,in AKriciilluro .u ; Jjoy. bcconi,«a «c-, , quiiintuci Avith, und -reeoi,vGM-a but- . tor uiulerstamliiiii or tho eaaen- tialH of fnj'miii(|. . , !, Ey tho fltiuly.or Airn'cultiiro a ■boy, booomos iillcd io r a p'rogi'cs- ■: Hive fiu’mev i (vi\d : he has iGavniiil the best iuui: most efficien t" mo- ■ thods of carrying' oii'i'tliG,,work- of :'.:iavming.: Tlio boy^that trtkea a courao' of this kind does: n o t; have ,,to\ take w hat other people have said about when to do. this or that, but he ■ m ust take a project, on \vhich he can best determine the i\ight thing to do and when to do them. He can profit by the m istakes of oth­ ers and get some prActical ex­ perience, which is after all the . best teacher. . Thifi courso is divided into four flections. The first year, farm crops and soils is taken up, under ' w hich the various farm crops are 'studied, both individually and as 'compared w ith each other. The , Boil is also given a thorough study and w ays arid; means of Improv­ in g it'^aro discussed. The second year, Animal Husb­ andry is taken up arid ln,'\yhich a ll the im portant farm; anim als and th eir habits^i ^ are: : . D uring this year the studbri’ts'trer celvo; valuable’-‘iijiformationv^'b /Judising Live, Stock "arid a&!,a ro-; suit, of this training sovcral, boyi of the M ocksville ■ A'gricuitunil class have won . premiums at the tv.! 'riN orth.Jparolina.State/Fa'ir.' ,,,,, ii':* ^The .third ycaïïs Nvork taken ivip V ' .H orticulture in which'ti'UclecropB t' i ' .'i ;,iand . orchards , a'rè;'- given. spécial ■atténtion. ’ • . Tha fourth year- takes,up 'îiiim ^management and.'.how'tO'Wai^ r,;;.'.”;tho h'ome' farm . 1 This course ‘ as. :br|efly /outlinett >:"4 ■ -is the most practical (joursoL-to'.be ; , had in;high school,' '^Thia /co c . shou-ld mean moro ¡to a '.boy; than : any other course of' study ,wÎtH; the possibje excDptjon :of: Éngilsji. A boy becombi; botteiv a'cquainted . ; :.w jth nature and’ after-having com4 ;.;Vi.,.!plèted rliift cour8ù:- should ibo .'ubio ...._ to enter :upbiv: lifo’a:iUutie8i bette^' fitted as a,,ro8Ult:of'haying ;tàkeii ‘ Agrlcuij;uye. ' , ;/ y ,' , • '.'f;; ^,V ’ Although a courso in Agric^l^. 'i^^' .’ tiire requires'physical as 'liell aS' .;i;»;!;iinental ■ labor, »anyone taking ■ tha V «-course I is amply vepuid for the; 1‘O sri’IGN ' A tlanta, Giu> Sept. T.-rReducGd fares .';for the . l\Iadei-Iii-Garolinas Hxpoaition, wliich will bo ,held' at Gharlottc!, N.i C.,‘ were announced, iiero today b,v \V. H. Howa^|rl,’ ciiairmnn of the ‘Soulhorn Pas- .senger Association. ' ■ ; The .rates w ill be .effective iiv North and ¡South Carolina, i.V.ivgi-' Ilia, except on the, Winston-Salem: Southbound l and.^Virginia Rail-: way, from points in Tennessee,on; and cast of tho C. N. 0. & 'T; li,,; railw ays, from points in Georgia,' A ugusta,; A tlanta and intermedi-' ate stationws on the. Seaboard, A ir Line raihvaj' and the Southeri) railw ay, including the Southern’s ferariches,’ Athens to Lula, Ga., and Elbertbn to iToccoa, Ga., and also from W ashington, D. G. Tickets, may be purchased dur­ ing the period Sept. 20th-0ct. 3rd with final return lim it of Oct. 5th. Because of the prospects of an enormous attendance nt the Ex­ position, passenger officials were glad to arrange the reduced fares, which are on the basis of a fare for round trip, and to co-operate in ;making the E.xposition succes­ sfu l./ '': , WHY EDITORS DRlNIi TIÍE J\iAN «EHÍND SMILE' THE .Icloiv’t kritw how. he is on creeds; I iievcv hüiml him ' aay; ■ ‘ But liu'fi got' U ainilc tiuifc íits ;hÍ8 .. ./ace , ,v.. .'... I;.' ‘^Aíul he wear.4 it dyory dny. ■ rf ihings 'go 'wrong. ho woñ’.fc com jíiiiin , ' ' y, «.'I' Just trica :to, seo tlie jokc . lle'a ■ ahvays :fInding; littilo.. wnys ;Gf''helping ;,othor foikai. . H )............íi.'V.; ................................... piit on tho course.; ' _ ' and;,tho:br|díóf’eoiipI^^ óni one in V . Last, of ,nll, th e , coura,e, ,is in-.| jqiin 'Deere gjjng .plow fo r'a ex- Asheboro .Courier., , ': ' “Nereus ' E relative of the: English ' fam ily of T rinity towiisiiip,; .this county, aaya , Eu­ gene .'Alshcrivft in his- ''Gat^ch-All GoTuhniii; in the Monroe. Em iuirer, .“who has. a sense of ^lumor'and ,can ., also . "see’ th.o ridiculousness of a; sltuution, handS i the Enquir­ er‘ thb: f 61 lowii'ig: rclippeid > from - a Georgia,‘ ‘'newspaper, entitled, ‘Wliy.ir'tEditora V D rink,.: Carbolic ■A:cid;’^"':, Somebody) sent .the editor ’a gift of_va i fewi.bottles. of home brew. Tho:,same day he receiiyod^a wed­ ding .annpiiric'ement and also an au(3tipn ‘ sale..'-/Hero are.;'the‘ ror suits that w/ero printed in his, paper:' ‘ ' ■ \Villlam Smi.th’ and Mi.qs Lucy Jones: were.:dlsposodV:of at s'publlc ■auction at m y .farm ’one m ile’oAat of a 'beautiful cluster of roses on hercbreast 'iind' two 'w h ite ' calves .boforo: .u’,bnekgrbun(:l,:.of; farm . im. *■ i"'V , , . ' '■Jie aooA tho Koofl in every;ona, , ' Their faiilts'ho never mentions; lie has a lo t: of confidonae' ,■ : , ■ In people’s good iptentions. . . .............• . . .. .You soon forget. >vhati ails i^ou'. When you happen 'round this ■ -m an.' He can cui'e a^ case of hypo ■ Quicker than the dbotor can.,' No> m atter if the sky is gray/. • You get his point of view ; , And the clouds begin to scatter And the sun comes breaking through. ■ . • , ■’ ■You’!) itnow him if ,you meet him. And you'll find ,iV w oi‘th your , Awhile'■ To cultivate (tHo friendship ofть;, ii-Mn.. ii.- r. i. TWEJ.F'rH ANNUAL PIDDL- Í3US’ CONVENTION vili Furr;' F irst Prizb I'for,, tíi| rBanjo, П.чЬег ■ Uendldy; F lral ....................... .............. ....... .j.PrlÄß, : for,; Diiiieo," ■:iï'ugh.'^.'i’he CoolccmeevJournal. :i . Л!.F Miiy- The t\velfth ;"aiinu'iil .wFl(ldlci'B :.b(irry. '. Other:.-prizes .iWer^e ; alsii |'Сйпус!ПГ.1ои W¡v3 hd(l i,ir4íool(K)- awarded to y¡iripus ’mus|ciilna;v, ' 4iieâ.:, Sàturday;; ;everiin(^i;;’ :.|?ûp(;i^^^^^ Siipiirilitendojit J.:S. StroWcl oiien ■ Thurfl(|1ay, Sepieinbqr 10,~392.'¿ Briuirsda.v,- September; JO,,192b CENTER NE'VVS ed:;:l;he,porivenUoji with:apprb)Mw^...^''. ■ ....... , ... ttto words of appreciation' Lo the ’ l«i'go,cvowd atteiulod tho Old mii.si(;ian,>i who had cunio f;om Singiiig hero Sunday which se\en diilV.roiit c'.pUfttioa to tako enjoyable^ espocialiy io r part in tho prognim. He then pl.der poople;* Tlio song 'ser- t'ón-Siilom ap o nt,a’f«w dayri lii.Mt w'oek wiHi hl.4 faihor,'rirr. J. G. Anderson. л'ГЬояе.from.this cominunlty who ■pntorodjschooi: tij:'Mocksville Mojb day, werbj ЙГг. Jloyd TuXterow, Bliasps'Ecl’na. ''fut(erowy' Myrllc Ander.son, Geneva, ‘Mary ami afaVgilro't Garrett. ' / THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE part :■ in ■ :.th:o:: progi'airi.'iiIi>' ^thdri... ^ f paid a splendid iribuLe to J. C..^ S()llr6dltorbf:thoG obleeiiie^'jii;y,-^:,.9!'^> ^ i^iivwhb^ho sai.l w iS tlio 'M ig i^ ia -'^ ^ ^ to r’ of..:thb: Fiddlo№’ :Coriveriticiii ^ and‘ the only liian' Avhtf cbuld *bar^ ^"°"'- i'y, it du-succW fdlly, Mr. Strowd f ° then said that the purpose 'of the and convention was to keep alive in- Brown and terest in string musier especially Wilborn. Then We heard the old .time music. Because of ""“r Christian harmony the phonograph and the radio 'id.ioumed for din. there: is clanger of our losing the ,, , • • j ' sweet muslc/of the stringed in- , «Ka‘n in the af- Btruments that furnished the whplesome entertainment of our \ forefathers Saciie Jones, qunrtettes A fter th^ brief address of Mr. from the Mocksville quartette and Strowd the program waa render- other things to make the day en- ed. Its beauty and variety held i i * i ii, tha interest of the large audience We were glad to welcome the th?t had gathered iii the hand- vis.to ij from var ous places and some school auditorium, T o-des-!"'“,^°’^° .........r , ... ..cfibe oaih number of.the P'fograni; they, w ill want The “Man, Behind, t|ie Sm ile.''I separateliy would be impo'ssibie ' ^ again.i,. : . —M iisonlii'^TnIl).l^l^f ---t '-M asonic Monlhlj'. MISS ‘COU?HE’ DAVIS PASSES AWAY .(To: late :f,or last 'week.) Late 'Sunday evoiiing, 'Aug. ,80, ‘Obuche’ Davla,. daughter. oP Miv and' M,rs.; H.. S. Davis, fell asltò’p tóNiiwakè. ill a: hotter .world on tho rèflurroetion morningjvghi! was ,30 yea^s.' old' throe 'days I.bfe'fore '.hov death aW h'tCH been an,''|invalid foi 27 .'years, yet , she was j, alw ays cheerfiil and had a'kind and lov­ ing I,disposi tloni.*. a lw a y s ': looking fonviird to the'day thatihei-health might,' be roat'orbd .'thatshe imight attoivi. Sui^day! school in ;tlio llttìo; bhapol. she: always' loved, jh e was for each performer contributed largely to the success of the whole program ■ and roeeived , generous applause frorn the ■^audience; The following: musiciuris' took part iu tlio' entertainm ent of the evening : Prbm ;Irèdóll .Cburily—I'V :E. iWii- liariis, ;Jaadn >^mith, Gbbi;g,o Mar- .lin,' 'Earl Ypirng}, Cecil ;Bro\vri, . P. OnRe.yriolds; fi'bm RbwarilCbuhty .—AV'R,: Kluttà,: S. F.'Rodgers,-M . LKRogers,; I. ” Mrs. Burrua Green a.nd: child­ ren,' of Mock,ovillo yisited , her sister, Mrs. .Edd Anderson, Sun- divy.' '■ Д,".,: . ; . Mr.. and Mrs. W iilter .Parker of Wliiston-Salbrii \yere the w eek ehd guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Park- ■or,: Mr. Fred Arrowpod of Asheville spei]t;n :few days last\wcck':at Mr. B.,,p., 'Garrett’s. . : y':: :■ ,, Mr. /Jim McGiiir'e, Mr.'.and Mrs, fr n i.o a l. U .r«/^..Î.,~ ..- ‘.1 .-U fi:,:..- ■ : :l\v virtue of, the power contain­ ed -in' the Peed of Trust execlited by W.. W .' Allen ‘and his wife M. 1\I. Allen to J., F.'Moore,:iTrustoo. to .Secure ' their boiid to the Bank .of : liaviq ; for . .'pJ.jOOO.OO principal, which Deed bf Trust appears re­ gistered in Book 19 ,pacte 91 in office of Register of Deeds of Davie, N, G., to which reference is made, default Jiaving been made in the payment of saicùbônd, and on application' of tho Bank of Davie, I w ill sell at public auc­ tion to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House in Mocks­ ville, N. C., on Monday the Bth day of October, 1925, that' track of land lying in Davie County, N, C., adjoining the lands of John L. Riddle, Jam es A. Smith, W. S. Douthit. and others; beginninti at a sassafraa stump on the Grif­ fith ferry road on the East side, . Jam es Al Smith corner; thonco East with Jariieu A. Smith line to his corner; thence. North With .fumes A. Siriitli lino,to Wm. Little l.liiie to his corner in the W isemau 'line; thenco West with W, , M. Riddle line, form erly Di‘- Wi»:c~ riian lin o . to 'a 'stone in 'Orif^ith ' F arry road ; théridç with t'he- Grlf- :t’ith F erry road" to the beginning containing 11.'acres m , Fbr.: greater .certaiiitÿ : s,ç^ Deed from :,Tamos A. Smith, t / ’ W/ W. niphd ТЬогпЬц1%,,СЬагИ 'fucker, !®.álph , Ball, 'iiiichel Hpicotne, L. iBÌ^HoIòom'ó, M- S; Raymon Beam, C^jB. Rolierta,: J.. ;L: Erwin ; ;fromalways arixloualy vvatchocf.by thelK^'^v^ ’ vV.*r? fam iiy «ncl had bvory bbmfo'rt р'ад-j ^ C H Hetiiirix c"’ II’ 1-; Davis' iv FtmonU -f aorvico . bolntr iiuiuuuu ot people ii'om pliicp: attonded/the' ! revival ... 'tJnlori: Chapel laaí week.: : ‘; ,Mra^ B.;;F. Tutterow^ arid ch ren arò (Spending': some' timo with Йг, .‘arid ' Mi',4. Hick, Bliickwòldòr |ЬГ-СЬоМпи^;п(,и1Лр/\ ' r , Miv; W alter Дп(1Ьг.чрц: of^: W ------. . ......V , OVilVl I.U. ' the debt secured by said Deed of Ti'USt. Thiâ'Aug'ti I ‘’le t 19’>5. ' . , ’ \J, F. MOORE; Trustee,■' -Jp.U „<3»— : Remember, alw ays come to <he priritiiigipffíc'b fir«t when in need of any Ifirid оГ prliiting. ; I ' . . г : : • ^ * .■»fV'i»*!/" I . .. Г 1 X-«UOrUV.(:S0rVlCC '.¡Doing plcments .too,, numorous to !mon-' conducted, the,,folio,wing Tuesday,Worth Alien, P. cl morninavinr lA'acenslon Chapel a t' МиуЪсггу, Prince Furr, .ßelvln ................................. :MiU'yln 'iFurr;’^ :T^ ■ilayontFuriS::G.;;G."^Ti'..'» I J.l'.-ii'. ;i /S.' — ».41. ilo n .fi'l’ho,. auctioniwas:,performed in the . presence :. of. about .fift.y: guests,. ;i;/ineluding:,':,Two ' : .'milk cows, six mules and one bobsled. : Rev. ; Jaeksoii ' ; tied : the nuptial; knot t^p. hundred feet of, hay rojii '■ John'Deere; gang .¿low fbr^'ah ox- ^ PUi’cha^er. : Thby :will ,be at homo■ler^st.ntr frnn, «fn-f *n ii„.,„i, .,.,1 to t;ioir friends with one good' ter^sting from start to finish and ' m any pf the A gricultural'students ' ia v a said, f'Agricuituro is the ' most interesting stu d y'th at wo K :haVO.” ': . . ' ■ ' Evei’y boy regardless bf what ' he lives should take the course 5n; Vocational A gricultui’e if po.s,r Bible and 'reap some qf the; many ■ advantages 'that the ; course tif- *■■, -fords.''■ MARY’S LITTLE BOND ' M ary had a little:bond,; Secure as bonds can be, • ,T hat p aid . a handsome four per ccnt— . It was a,L iberty; , ■; A faker came to town one day ■With tales of riioney made ' I .In Hokum stocks: o r: something ■si\ch—' And took her bond iri trade. ■Mary sadly wishes, now ; That shc; had been, ppnteht;;: To let her fortune'Slowly'grp>Y; ; A t magic four per; cent,: ^ --- ------ ~..w I3...V/V« baby bugijy and a few kitchen .utensils a'fter ten, mbnth’s 'from date of sale rosponfllble parties and some fifty chickens. ' '' ^ ^ ' First Quality Guaranteed ,'v';':Tires.'' 30x3.Gasings 56.75 each 30x3 1-2 Casings i?7,50 each 30x31-2 cord Casings .№.00 each ROBERTS HARDWARE CO. Winston-Salem, N. G., movnit)a''.:inr:'XBccnsion Chaiioi 10,o'clock,by Bev;^T.,L.,.Tro(;t^ Stateaviile :;ancl..^..',F...Carto .Wa u gh tp w n,^aho w’as tei We;iy ■ I aid ito';:resi;\ ini .ilip; Baptist by 6 of 'iier cousins' under; n banlt of :‘flpworsi'y'i5I|ay >v|i8Q: Father comfort thia gi'lof stricken' family.:yn :;tiiii ; sad ; liip -iCouche' ; has gone ; whore there no Tnore suffering,' no mure pain, but peace, perfect peace. . '■ On tho resurrection morning, Soul arid body meet again,'-; No more sorrow, no more, weeping Np more pain. Herb a whiio they mu^t be parted And the' flesh: its $abbath keep, !,WaitIrig in: it- holy, stillness'' ' ’'i : ' ' W^'apt’in sleep. ’ '' ' Sou'i arid ;bo,dy: reunited «IF, YOU liA vE An y t h in TO .SELL, PLACE YOUR AD IN THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, ONE PRICE 'rO A L t. , «V* * * » , # # « * DR. LESTER P. * # * « MARTIN * * * Night Phone 120; Day Phone * ' • ■ ■ . 1 7U . . ■ ■■ .* *: f. : Mockaville, № C. - it * * . -------- # ». # ##*«*■ ,.*.» # * IF ypu \yant 100 per cent purè * Food, cooko'd right,' and sory'r ■** ^f'.’:éd ili ari ;rip-to-date ■ivay, óat "■ *■ a t ........................................................... *■ GRIFF’S CAFE, , » ^ Ice croam and coki drinks *» . * ’;K ■ ‘ 41 ■ —___ , Read tho news for infqn....iionr— ■'vi iVds far profit. Thenco forth nothing shall dl- - Wakirlg, up, in .C htists'ion likness. Satisfied,'''. ' » " .: Oh; the, boautyj, oh the gladness Of that, resurrection day, , ■ Which shall not'through endless ; ages ■ ' ' ' :'' Pass 'away, C. C. YOUNG & SON FU^NERAL , DIRECTORS ; AND EMBALMERS , »yMocksvlllo Cooleemee « P}ion’e 183 ;■ Phone Б720 “• Prompt and,Efficient Service '/ 'The,use of ground limostono as­ an res. .ниесе.чя with, clover, : No one ;ciiii afford riot' to be isucces- sful'.this year due to laclc( of hay and grass. .., ' :: -r-j , ............... . Bt}Ilrtrd,lOrady Lilly, l'’rank, Mayr i tibrry,; F. a ; , H atleyi'Spencorfllat- ley, .'John'. Page,'' J. A ,. Puge,‘j,‘E.; J. | ,Hatlpy,(..D. E. lienderaoni T.' F; | Crp\ye|l,;: John ¡ Crowell.; from i Dayidson County—J. L. P otts;! from Forsyth County-^R. B. Smith;.;;-: ■: ■ ,,i ;-Tho malingers of tho convention i with to bxprtiss thoir npfireciiitlon and thanks to Mr. Strowd for his kinclriess in prebidirig over i tho Porivention,, to/the adhool trustees fbr, the; use of the ;schbol audltbi'- ium,;;fvrid tb the people,.of' Cbolee- m*ep for thcir nttenda\icb ,'áiúl splendid attentlori to the program. The order : both in - the, .‘building and; on |,tho grounds ,was all that could havb been: Wished ■ for.; Spcr cial thanks are due to the Moorea- ville O^’chestra, ;,thp Alberiiarlo Orchestra, aiid the incliyldual piayers, many of ; whom cariib from , a distance: through,tho heat and the d u st., ; ’ . ; I After the prograrii.an organiza- l.tibn of a State Fiddlers’ Conven­ tio n ,w aa,'perfected, The; purpose of ihi.s organization is to increase the interest of m usicians through­ out the state in tho annual moot­ ing. The following officors, wore eibctod: M'iniigbr, ,L C. Sell, Cool-. eemoe; rAsst. M anager, F, E. W ll- j liariis,'M oprpsville; Secretary arid ] Trétóurer, ;,Fisher Hendley,. Albo-, m arie. '' ; ;Tp;;staiily, County was awiqided tlÍó„.'silvor loving cup.^for the .bost '(Iblegatiori to the convention, 'rho, following pri'/.es wore awiirdocl: ¡F irst Prize; fbr the Flddlo.i'Bbl- IC elly F lex ib le C ord is ^ tlic b c sttiro K e lly h as ever b u ilt. In additio n to givin g th e lo n gjlu n in tcrriip tcd luilc- a g c f o r w h ic h K e lly s h av o alw ays b een noted, th is nfew ■ K e lly tire affords a degree o f rid in g com fort sccond orily to K elly B alloons. ' , W e h ave them in a size to fit-yo u rear. KELLY Flexible CORD HORN MOTOR COMPANY MOCKSVILLE, N. C. Ill n NI)RL4 AND HOWARD NOT 1(;UILTY OF MURDER. OTHER COURT PROCIíEDÍNGtí CÔRPORA'I'IONS IN STATE SlIENANDON, WRECKED IN PAY МАММО'ГН INCOME TAX, , STORM ' D av le Superior, -Court |,;unvenöd here Monday: morning ! good condHloii. Thiv orficea:áü^': allw 'eli kept,' We reccomerid thiit ^ the . toilet be kept more aanittu-yVv .......л, ' "-i.i „й a n d t h a t t h e r a l l l i i g ' l o a d i n g ; t o ¡:' R n I e i g | b : S e i ) t . ; : l . - ^ C M p p r a ^ w ^ ^ ^ ^ w h i c l i t h e t o H e t b e . r b p a i r e d , . / V i i n N o r t h C a r o l i n a w h i c h p a i v : / ................... (continued from page 1.) Jviili his honor Judge A. M, Stack Jury i'oom in.which;a lot of val- ni'usidiiig with ,1.„I. Hayes repre- j.uable records are. :kept be kept .the State was attended 'under loqk, arid not used.for Ma^ l,v ('ue pii the larsestrcrowds ever !,gistvates. Office'. .We rocííomend • ■ " " 'that the key be depoaited-with the Clerlt of,;theCourt,; 'alid that the robiif .'nbt; be used except.lì,y 'thb ;áuthovity.of the Cburityi Conimlsr; alonera. Wo.' reçcomeiid :,,tlVnt...: ihe;;.:;4ni^ cro.4.n...indRXcd/bnokà;!|n:;Óku‘k8 ,0 fico be er'òs3-indexè(} at ii, time when; thè.-Coutity .Òbirimitisiorièrs' have .funds stil’ficic'nt;’to iiKiy,'for iti';v'-:,■}' ;. ■.Tp;.th'o .bbMÌ,:iriformatibri,jW() can,- 'Кй(; thé'Guiirdiiins::luiye^^^^^ per,:rctUrÍ!Si’,i:;í;‘‘;;.;‘:;';'';'/^^^^ Having finished' our duties to tho^ie.nt bf. pur;ability and' kriow- ledgo. we ask .tb'be discharged. '■ i ■ Sept. 3,;;i9 2 6ú ,::.''"^ :;:;;,■ K'.K' ; ; ' I,atta, B; Ratledge, Foreman .. W", 'F. Stonestreet, .Se’crdtary We : recconiund that tho Grand ' Iniiomo taxes ''include tho follov/- t-ul : in . a serloUS; conditioji. vitiica,‘j'jd, hero during the entiro 4-(l:iy session, ; Several of the cas­ es wero hard fought ones 'w ith llu »tato winning in most cases'. ease of,'much interest; was dill 'f A. P. Hendrix and Will Ilov.'ard; charged with the .mtirdor I'lllis Slewavt who vjiis found tioud in .; the roa^;'between Fork Church and; Bixby on,' Juiio Wth The ease w as a hard fought dll.' with able , couiiaol^ repreuent- and statu,ili)., both the deiendant I,lit inaufflci'enL evidence' rdsult- t'd in thb, verdict^ of not guilty. ■ Aiu'/th'er '; case of interest was tluil of II. i C: ' Hunter, ;>yho. was' rhiU'ged vwith attempt .to ;coinrriit j.;iik;., He' ■was finetl $1,000,-and j ¡i.-i.^igilòd •to work' on the public niiu!':>. for' IU- months. He gavp ail appeal bond óf $10,000 for his ¡Uipeariinco at thb .hijrher court. Other caaes folloAVs :. ,. , Sam Lipiwrt, c.; c. w., guilty, fhied P'O and'costs.' ' p. A. ' Brown, possecsibn- of Avliiskoy, judgment suspended - bn .payment of costs. I>. E. ililtpn and Ai'tb', Potts j soiling whiskey,. P(]tts; not-guilty, :Hilton guilty; suspended,.sentence. Galenas ; Bohannon, .' cruelty. to .anim als,'iiot ;guilty. H, N. 'Bowers, ' possession of whiskey near ynt;.ing .place;' jùdg-, ment suspended ';on.'paymerit of 'Costs. Kloiiiio Pboploa, a. w. 'd. , w., judgment' suspended on payment of costa. . :.. Boone Steelman, driving ^ car whilo uiuler 'influence of llquoji', КУ11 suit. ■ • . :. ,. : . J. A. Powell; transporting; and rucoivlug, fined; fflO and costs.' Frank Weaver, transportinff arid vficeivinfr,. 90 :days on chKÌn-gan,g. P. E. IHlton',' drlvjrig car whilo vndcr Influence of liquor, CO days ■on chain-gang.;'; . J. C. .Sriiitli,' driving car whilo under influence of liquor, not ■guilty, Luther iVaughters, transporting. Slid №ooivingv;;fined.!526:aiid,.coats'. Gene.IIobiioii, c. c. w., GO days Oil chriln-ti'ailH, , , , ' 'iMatthcw'Miller, assart with at­ tempt tp commit r.'ipe,'l2'm oiilhii on chain-gang, ' '' ' ; Elmore Click, burglary, apntenc- ed to state . pcnito4atiary„ for', 12 months. й1ел(! Sniith, driving car while under influence of 1,1 quor, 00 daya In jail and to'pay $200 costs. , E. C. CJick, forgery, called and failed, judginerit, nl si, sci fa. Hall‘Bowers, using profano;ltui- guage' pn public: roads;'noi prbs. iletchbr W hitaker, having whis- wey ;iDri; plectioii gi^oiinds, .trans­ porting; and ; receiving, jiidi;ment au8pended'bri:i'mymóri,t of, costs'. ' Arthur 'Sherriidr,; abandonment, agreement between mari; and ,wife to live together under order of Judge;: J. 0. ' Brewbakoi', : Poss.9ssing liquor, .not guilty. ' ThiSj is the са.че iri'which.'thp ju.dsfe. discharg- ' cd thp' jury f'br rio,t;renderini, \еч diet ;àgairist defendant. . ' ■ MaxoiJ’^Bla'ckwcll; breaking and entering, 4 months on chai- - t> E. B. Smith, simple as.sault, liriod-$25 arid costs. A. AV. .Iloge, assault on female, ,iìG days'on chain-gang._ .. . I '.Гот and: John. Chaplin, a.,,w, “' „:,w., John Chaplin 90 days on cliain-.^ .vang.';:;Tbin sGhiiplln to pay costs / and sentence suspended R o n ey Jenkins j a. w. d,,w., with intcnit;to kill, ‘1 'months; on .chain- fi'ang, , t TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE • , ; A. M. S'FACIv Pick AT PROPER' Т1ЛПЗ FOR ' ' APPLES TO KEEP Raleigh, Sept.': 7.—Our. apples do not kebp woll in ' огсИтп'у stpi^age ■(ml'o a niimbor .of liipplo growers' tb the horHcultui'al ' de- jiartment of State College and want information ori how this may beat be corrected, ; / . , The .main trouble, according to W, A. Radspiriner, assistant, horti- cultuWat, ;is;,that thie friiitja not picked ■ lit the ,right<tlmoi‘ ; Apples picked ::green will scakttquickly, and 'tliosb picked too, rljjo will break dowii qulcklyi But ' those picked vyheii Wiq green undercol- ol- begins; to turri yollow \v'iirkeep fine if'cbridltiona are right in the .'itorage house ami the frtiit i,-? not l>rui.4ed in/handling. ; “Th'e cariy fall varieties are rriprO: dil'fidult to stpre becauao otitaide tomperature.s nip not low enough for storagpi’’ ; nays Blr. R'adspinnor, “ Late var^otios such aa thé Winosa'j) and Stavmaii will корр. bettor in: common'farm stor- a,?b. The early ripening variotiea. .«hciuld bo ' kppt ;p'ut of: 'doors, pror tected from 'rain arifl sun ;until tho low temperatures begin. ; 'i?hb length;, of.' Ijinip '.fruit, .can:: be, kept'! dejiends bn lio^V soon a:l!lier plclîiiig thp temporature '4)f‘ the ■; atorag'b hbuiio can be r.e.du'cod to .‘Î2 t;o 40 dogrbba. ■ Thon it is a mattor ofi th'b atbrage house. Tomiicraturo, humidity .and , air' borculation in tho/stprage houso all affect good ■I'osuitii;’’. ‘ i, ; Mr. Radspinner states that low temperature .may be secuT'ed by bpbning thp, ventilators, whon the air 'is copier outside than irisido and closing them' when tho air is warmer outside than insidb. Hu­ midity in the air will preyont tho apple from shrive,ling and may bo securcd by evapoVating water i'«' ■■the hpuab.; Aii; circulation is abasary to carry off the'gases corii- ing'from the frUit and may bp ‘secured by 'wrapping th e; applet in the .spbcial oil paper,\ ov^ »tor-; Ing lA slatted crates, : : 'I’hese things done , the apples Will keep;ittates Mr, Radsplnnor. ' MAKING EN'PRIE.S TO THE MADE-lN-CAROf.lNA, , EXPOSITION ' in g; . : ' , ■ .' With* three men forward and :: R, J,',Reynoldy i 'I’obaccoC o;; ithree aft in the nose: of the craft' Vyinston-Salem,..,?8,52(5,77.4,15, • ' it wasvimaneuvered to' a sale aiti- Atlantic CoastLine Rail way. Go. j'tude'aflci'v brushing'trees anfl at Wllmjnglon, ¡51,292,902,24, ' Ijpast one iavm iroUse. Lieut,- : : Dukp. Power;. companieBi Char.í:;Cbmd^^; C;'';:';■:E,:'¿^ Rosbndhal ' ' and lotto, .‘i>508,008.0ti. ' Llout. J, B .'‘Anderson directed .i.|f‘!'eyiew l'’aik, Inc.,; Asheville, .¡the reldlise'O.f ,;the helium^ gas; and j?12,(i09 8!J. gasohno in such a Way that tho ; ;^St!iiv Furniture Co., 'Lenoir, .¡jSC,-: nose l.andedvwitli,lnit ;sov6rely.: in* . juring any .'aboard, 'rho-'¡dead Gabaiius Cotton M ills, Kan- wdio then taken tb Belle Valley, a napolis,; !j.i!(),78>1.2'J..:, .; i ' . - ^ , noarby' VillagLs:.Where i thoyvwere: ^ Golden IJelt MJ({, Co., Duiharii,, placed: in ;an injproviaod. morgue.' ?G4^J2.;J0, An American Legirti' guard olj Gpnnon , ,Man|ifactUJing :Co,, lioiior/. ia ; on iwatc/i' therej t’onigl’ifcij Kiiiinapolis, ?89,018,43. ■ ■ ' The men; it appeared, were k illi Ii(ipenal,..Cotl:pn ,i\Iill«,v',.Khi:(-:.:ed'.■ins^antly.;i:'yAt./]e'aat':ori'e'imaiv napbliy, ‘pi.OOO W fli’toui in two Otheis had ruverbide, Brick Co., Charlotio, broken bpncs niui skull.s and wore 1,4,181.50. . Dtlieiuif)/! b«dly,..'multihlted.: vThti Standard Ice and Fuel Co., bodies will bo, kept ttL'Pello Val- Clifu'lotte, .'¡iH,22(>.,1.:l, . ., , it-y until.tbniorrbW 'wheii/a;bear'd Ihiift Mfti. Co, Paw Gipok, ol inquiiv officially will, pcjtabliah ,|i;.5,9,85 78 I fhe causo of> de.;th ' i .Ciu'olina Power and Light Co,, j i' iThls board''will':bo "heaciod • by Raloigh, ?58,7G0.71, Com. J. II, Kline,' executive of-; _ Y.'idkin RljVer Povvcr Co., R.'il-, ficer of tho Lakehiu'st station,,who; oigh, $74,074.45. _ I t ■ is on route here, tonight. Anoth- 'Ipmlinaon Chair Mfg. Co., liigh. qr bpurd is cxpectcd' tb investigate Point, li!22,lG4,41. V :;/tlio cause of ■tho:vnccidont. and to ^ Imperial Cptton Mills, Kannapo- determine whajfc dlapoaitlon, if any li.s, $7,426,18. ' 'iwill be made :of the ■svro'ckod'ilir- . Lenoir Furriiture Co.,' Lonoir.' Hhip. , ; : . £ o i ;," ; $10,877.48. V : !. :Tho Shenandoah, started from Pee Dee M aniifacturing ;V Co.; •Lidjbhur»li; N,;;: Ji/ 'l»tb;.yesterday IlockirijjJium, ;$12,518.8G. , i,., :aitornoon and had an uneventful* Pilot Cifeiliisurance Co., Greens-, ti,ip;;(intn :it :croaabd;the Ohio ;riv- boro,. $10,8^(5.84, > • (1), j„(o Ohio. : Jefferapiv Standard Life Insur- '\vhile on 'u ilne'ietw'ooir'Cam- ancb Co., . Greonaboro, $24,759.71. brldgb;;;:innd''i;DyeaVlllb;; hdridlng StQQle':Milla, Rpckinghani,, $13,r th esh lo : encountered;a 68(>;17. .. ;: 'sdvore; clocttical .:'atorm.',';: It ;,v'ils ^ Piedmoiit ; l^ire Insurance Co., u„i,i,le to make tmy 'flpoed, ’.Aiter; Chatlpite, $7,0C().84. Bomo m'ancuverliig officers man-; Erwin, Cotton M illa, West Dur•■^ hiim; .fG8,4po.29. socking to clear the siorjn area.: Bfthlccrs Trust and.,Title liiKiirr.; Near Avii,, bight riiiles:;jiorth .of ance Co,, Asheville,, iJ4,30ri.'.i9,. hsro, .the ship : encountercll ' ;thO; ^ Piedmont Milla, Cp., IIi(!h Point,' .jt^uall, tlio v.'inety of .storm ,?]8,3p,fi8, . nio,st fOiU'cd hy airmen; and;iwas ;,F irst,‘Niit:orial B.ink, Charlotte, jjom a 3,000-i‘ooi level to ,'?12,6;i0,8o.. ■ _ , . 4,f)00 feot whei'e :'it; rGm'aГnod;st•a- purham,•:lU'ld,SonUleru Ualhvay t^pnar.v 'tov- a ’i’ey.;; m'.nute«. '; i'Thenj Co.,;'i)iirhain; $15,117.50, , ,, .: ; ■¿•,ith;tho'«hip's iiose headGclabutH-) : ■No'rtli Cni oHna Ilailioiid : ,Co,, l;)ju Biiriniglon, $'10,1(15.59. ,, |.„ii Dio Voasuro; ;:.piedmrtnt ^Icphpiie :and;:Tdo-,.i,^.il,,;t,oM ¡:Х '!| ^ !1Ш 1сН тз'0р 'Ж Е ;кр ^ If you,'iirtì 'wivitu iiUoiestant native-born d{('/cn of good;'charatíCeiri^ "nnd::bell6vo:'Jn:;:,'■ ; ■> 'í:';'.'’i'i,;':'':;;'::.«.'*;!.::.'!;' Ficbdom' of Speech.and Prjss. ' Closer, rolationahlp betweon 'Capi- .i;' : ;tai *Hn'd,;-Atherlcan''‘Labo^^^ Theillenots ,of the' Christian Re­ ligion. , , , White Supremacy. , IrolecHon oi our pure •vvoman- . hood,.. .. ........................ Just Laws and Liberty. Closer relatlonalup o f Puro Ame­ ricanism, , 'Phe Upholding of the, Con.ititu-i , .lion of .thoae United States. ' The Soverelghty' of pUr ’ State' Rlghti/ , « 'rtio Reparation of Chdi'ch, i and .S ta te ,..................................:.........’ Preventing the cause of mob vio-’ lence and lynchin'gs. ' . '■/ ’ Provontihg unwarranted atjj'ikes -.......... \by .foreign'iabor.agitatora., - Prevention of fires,,tincl destruc-^’" ''' Aj tibn of property by laj>vlesa''ele-." ^ , '¡b.'; r,(‘monta.' • '/iff'.. ■■''" Ч ’’'! "'T,he lihii'tation of'foreigri ^mmi-' ' '' "<'Д| [jgtwvïibiV.,' Г.,.Г.й li Л The" much needed ijlobal ' reforn^s. ' , ' \ Law'amKOrder. < Г ' ' , '■ I ' ' I,'-''' Í ' vi Nam.0 Resi Add'i‘oaâ ^Bus Addresp.' v' ' ' ‘A ''’/(Ad'v ) ' '' ЙЯИ ”^ич.м"1 аяаш ай вв!» ¡a iaiiitM'iiiMiiituiiiiBírniiijiM ii шшфивюшиУяшшяии* ¿ i ‘ IF YOU >WAnÎ а g e n u in e FLOUR 'ГИАТ IS '* ' ■ И К 0Т :0 у М в £ЁАС1Ш>;'Р ,:;;':CO.^S':FLÔURÎ;blT!''AVlLL>BE';^ .SWEET WHEN CQLD. . I BRANDS—OVER TIÌÌE TÒPÌ OR MOCKSVILLE BEST. * FARMERS MAY GET 'ГНЕ Ab OVE FLÓÚR IN EXCHANGE FOR; THEIR WHEAT. - ■ ; :/î; г;' IIORNE-JOHNSTONE CO. 'л^/А T Wш г i.s .й СНЕЛР HOG FEED of r»\ÎVllVlV)ni- .V V*wwi.v,.»w ........ üilfítohin;:< ' Hunf*4 H04Í01'V М|Пч Пп' Win ' ■ ' -0,л).0Д ;С4í()ii-S-iíom' \'>А Й>я'од ' ” ' »inndnr Jianp^îôwrie;''s'uÿVlv'bi^Vaíiy,'1^4^ ¡»ui 'ivuvhiv ■ ;«hH^a;b«,)№çl;Vôn • Wo . theigrancl : ju ry of Davib county liviahjAo subinlt.thè follow-' ing:■report^;•:^.■^:^ ".r.v;..:;:, ■ 31 bills .' have pome boforo; iiS: 'VVe. havbjiioniid ''^7'..tnio ^bi 1 Is arici four.,'.not.'truo. bills. ' . ; .;■::: A.';c()mmittbo'of tlireb' consistlv'ig of ; J..-E;.'McDaniel. John LoGranil I ,. find■H,,sF.,.B]ackwolder visited tho r'-‘9bri"ty;.;Horii6'.,,niid ;found nine in- :.inàiQB,< .7,!;white '¡and . 2 -colored, : fouml- th'm for ■ and ■;':klii(Uy'tréfitod. Everything clean :,^ànd i p'reaontablp. Six fino' :hogs :, .for/'kilHng,'..21'mulca in good cou; , ::;(ltti'piv:;andi:àbout;ono hundred and of good wheat, '‘'v'T;he N,9i;0]p^,*;;'bn ! the . County Iloriib ,.:Mwjn:,i'/i'ro::!vory:'gpod. ;; : »: .":Shor,con[liuitiieo visited tho Coiiu- '. '■■ty ja il lind foundit in .good shape, 'except|!.wa;roccomond that tho .' i^iP.U-iWork; insidb \ bo painted at .eneo'., - h,?hp ' conjmittoe inspected (By W, W. Shay.) • What ia the true measure cost? It' is hard to illustrate луЬа4'1 nieaîi. in tho first place timç ia i'l factor of .primo importance. Lot u’s keep,that in mind. ,T.wo farmers, A.'iand B,' each; o\yn a 40 pound pig. Mr. Al be­ lieves thai If a'thing is produced lit a profit^ 'increased pVoduction ioaulls 111 a n in.creaao In thè toliil, amount of profit.. , ' . jVIr. B. is a firm believer In low cost of production, Hb froq'iioiit-; l.'y’, quotes the'old a!i.ving; '!>Vol! bought lis Jiallí sold,"" ‘ A, turns'h’is pig on er in ’\yhich are kbpt;. lisli:' meal 'and^vhííM?' "1 know tiulto a number' of peO'-, plo who objoet to Bermuda,on oc-"; ' count of, Itk hiibbit of api'Qadlng 1,/u to cultivated land," says Mr, Shu- / i /ord,') "This has not'boon'a se-'^ • ^ rlous objection \s'ith mc as it dqos»;,'' v -'ij'iwy»)' not hiirt wheat aiid oats nor'doosi,' J'i,' 'it inll'rforclw ith’li'ed c'lbvor plaiit-^.'^/'V'' r{'v(0 t!d after my small/grain' cibp." il {VtS, ^ ' ........ ^1 I ..... J I LIME /\ND LiiGUMES GIVE, >V PROFl'i. ii'vyiWl. '\ypBAlV;'"''V';;’; Lenoir,'Septombor 7.—-Limo t/f. ' will hriln* '* ,tM graph Co,*;Tarboro,.$.13,48-1.50., EntoiMu‘isó-Whilc'Villp Lumber Chrr- Go., 'Gpld0,b'oro,'' $13,2(l2i23, Iridbpnedeiieo Trust Co; Ibttei;;i?10,6a2.99,i : ■:■: ' May 'Hoaiery Mills,' Burlington; $11,758.48.; ' ^ i ' ,. ; , \ if-Salom'■ йТ? 557^ .g.rouiul when, moron.&aicm, .>.J , ' tha,v 5,000, ,foot In the air. ,Tho ’ ‘ oqti 0 li j ts . с ros,s : cou ntry;, f ) igh t, 'I'he i, control cabin was twisted off and ton seven moil' aboard ihia wero killed in.4tanily. section R aleigh,, ^I'ho big aoctlbni carrylng’26 oC- . Charlotte, .' September ‘ 8.—^Be- tweoii :200 aiuj :'800.' entries havo idrpady beeii; made -in ;thé'‘cli'oa's clbsigning :cbntesj; of the Madb-In-: Carplirin;Expositlon here this fail aecordlng to; Mrs. Maymo ' Mooro Siffoi’tl, director of Fashion and Fabrics 'Departmont. ; 'M^itli tlio , Co-operation of ;thb home; dembnstratibri, dbpartments 0|f jijbrth ,nnill South Carolina, as well as . faculties of -scliools; and colleges, the cpntest has boon pre- soiited to'thousands,,of women and girls, who .have ;Qyideiiced' :kben interest: in the uncicrfcaking, cal­ culated ;to stimulate iriterost in the art of . dross making : in ; the home. ' Mrs, Siffqrd bxpeots geve- ral 'hundred more'; ;tp' ;,entpiv the event' in which more thaii $l,O0O hiis been offered as prizes. ' Cjrio of the'■chief:'prizes is a scholar­ ship; to Duke; Univcrslt.v, which will be awarded ■to:tho girL under 18 years of .ago: in.rNorth Caro-; lina ■'vyho designs'tho most attrae-; tfve; drpas: of Caroiina-Miide fab^ì; ,rlCS. • ........... ■' .; ' ' The dressés ' made ,by the 'en­ trants will i bo, on. display at tho. rixposition. Hal) d.urinij. tho'entire Sh ow, .from September 121^at. to ; 0 c-,; ioboi-. 3rd. ! • On,'one diiy of;itho:'Ex- poaltlon the drosses: ■vVill ;bQ pre­ sented on jliving niodols in, .a style., roviio which; is expected tp'bpi-ono' of the climnxo.s of the Exi)osition, Styles a'nd fabrics v/ill be the predominating note of thO' show. M ayer designs from New York will, be,shown on 12.models, Lpca) 'stores' ' ' ■ ' " National Dye. Works, Burling ton, $10,110.611 ' . Chorokep Brick Co $11,Q24.1G., , ^ , ficerB and mou, 'tossed about'in " the air for a'short time'whilb^the ;|>.iu,jps,sa.. , ^ ; crew fought heroically to bring it v lS “ M ills, .Staici:- under contnol, iThia> ctlon waà " / ; bo unevenly balanced that it set-; «19 vin tlod tb'grbund where lt was furth-: > l^7JJ.72.-., .■,./:.i..^er'cràeked^.'v:,>;v::;\. The' bulk o f,tho midsection foil .Ti’i V It’! 11 ’/-I ';-i ' into a small g'rovo and threo sui>1 vlvora shinned.their way, down tb ooiv. ^ . .’the grburid.'' .Radio. Gunner Ray- Co„ Albemarle,, Cole,' who: wa's:imakirig/hia Au' flvstfll'ght aboard ithe, Shenando- lotte.; ¡¡,11,22 .90. . - «midaection féll.\ Ho may rccov-‘i :Elk Furniture Co,; Lexlngtoiv,'.^^,; r,..'. ■ • $11,563,67, ^ V ,,'• ■ .:; Officerà .nnd men w.ent about i 7«' -work, with Coolness .doing Winston-^iilem^ >86,281.^.^ ' after ,.thei.bi-bak i^up, : Survivora Homo.Telephone and Telegraph iua.7 TTrt'M/ii-.i.iiÀVi «1K .too /M : V ai.o ioiidi in then . pjaiss, loi tho ^,'.,Hemlerspn, >10,428.4^..,:,^^ iJui'iiiji the: fivu tuu(uhaviii.4". pig,* gained ton pounds at nò cosij' whutovor. ' . , 'Tho^valiio of tho. gains made in both (¡as^s is ten ceuta 'per pound, theruforo,, B’s;pig. during the. five jriónths: period, made' him! ar clear profit of .fl.OO.' During, tho. same timoV-A'a-ipig made gains, valued ;at $15.00 at a costjfof, $10.50, showing',U'.,prof it over.; feed " cbs t aj'f $4,'40, ; ; :. r,;,: ; ; ;0h yesi A. hiul. to look after the’ self fiopderl But tho fertilizer value; of the feed eaten by : the, plg/iWas added to tho lanà,"and that amounted to $2.40 which. If tho feeder were run to its capaci­ ty of 15 head* would amou.nt. to ;$8G.o(), . .. ..'fhero are' doubtless mi\ny;chor-, es. done o'n the ,farm .which pay ■lesy,—--— r.-'.: BERMUDA GRASS STANDS , .CONTINUED DROUTH M/'hoì;b* crVp';,bir' 8^Vb4ti^'^i;]iadV boon turnecl..uhde^r, .l)alíii7Q;^,^a.,al(¡».v.•!I,'^J,U^Í’!é fi or sod' hncl . nntitilor , piìr^ ^o I n!l 01(1,?,, ^vheab'ijBtubbl«?;. land,!^ tsuya ' Ro'bcrts, ‘iPraviouìi vto ;i,Ui.,i- y«ur' all oi; tho'land was thoqght tp be'' / , pf thè samo forllllty.i ,Thp laiul^,, ^ ■ waa [Irepared for whoat* ailko.^ Each plot rocoivod tho samo a-' mpunt and kind of fortilizera, tho' i samo I amou'nt and( kind pf, sood^ ' : and ,waa aown prabtlcally on 'tho'^ > 'i same day. Tho only diffprenco;, > ^ was that limo and alfalfa httd boen,^ /. lisod bn ;ono^ l^lot;''limo :«nd ^soy-; < ^ boana on'ianother ; ' 1 Imb and clpvori l.j ' 'J' ', on tho thlrd and whoat'atubblo^'ii ,ii a^one on tho fourth. ' ' :‘,!When :the crop’', wan hfirvestedìi; ^’ -1 C o .,,.,............. ................. ; Belk ;Brothers,. Charlotte, $17;-042 18 ’’ ’ ' ' ■ ■■ ’■ 'iducted .itself.;;.,Thoro: w as;no dis- ; Natìónai ; F iìrn ìtiirb 'C o .',aio u n t:^ % ÏAii'v SSO 837 04 ■ . ^ / : leaae helium as directed nmi when " UnÌlld',’i^uniii;uro :Cb:;;:''L¿xIng-ton" $1() 217 G6 ' ’ ' ' ’ thrown i through the . outer covern ^,China ;,;:Grove ; 'Cottoii:;'v:Mi China ; Grove,':,^Il,043,ä5.:^.^ '. '^ 8alisbuiìy>;iqptton':'MilÌs,‘ ^nlisÌ of their'ow n accord. ' Spar: bury, : $15,288.73;,................................. ■I'Provlmlty. M anufacturing : (3f>.i Greensboro, $88,827,09. ; , j ;. ; ; Brown and Williamson:./rbbac- ao Coi,- WinstonT^alom,.,$31Ì394,88, Cono Exp'brt and Commisaion Co.,/:G’reensborp,,'$127,7,78.99. ' .American‘Trust Co,' and Aiiieri- can;'.Titlc and V Guarantee ;Go., Charlotte, $22,820.53. f Pibdmbrit: and ' Northern : Rail- wjiy' Co., Charibttb, $10,003.49. Asheville Power and'Liglit Co.', $43,020.64. Al'iautic Bank and Trust Co.' Greepsboro, .$22,157,83. > :;WiImington!■ Saving: Ban]c and Trust 'Co,, 'Wilmington, $13,1154.32, Tomasyille . ì<\irniturp ; Coi;' Thomasville, .$13,408,01, Charleston and W estern .Cavo- lina ,RajlM'ay' Co., ; 'Wilmingto Bkio' Ridtro Power Co., tanbui*g;'.S, C.,;:$ll¡032,77,:'; : ; Revoltition Cottbn M ills, Greena- boro',.$76,U0.Gl. ’ ICiripire . M anufacturing Co., Gokl3bpro;'$12,341.G7; JD^IE- GAFE FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : : MEALS AND LYNCHES ICE CREAM AND COLD DRINKS P; ii, MANOS, PROPRIETOR, "On Tho Square,” Mocksville,N.C, * ; ' ■I*',': ■■•<■ DR. R. p, ANDEKSLVN DENTIST \ IlòsideneevPhone 37:'. Office УУ'УУ: :v.. '.Phoiie..6P‘..-: Newton, ,^epto’niber :;7.-^Dairy-^. men ;and iarm ora whoi'dependetl Olii other grassefi| .than ; Bormudii secured :poor ■grazipg' ;for ,::their.,l cattle: this : year' stales 'R.'. L;; ShUi ' ford,, a leading; dair.vmari ot this; section. : In a letter to S. J;’ Kirby, extension:,pasture ;spooialist.';a£ , State .College,:: Mr.-; Shuiordistatos |.that - pasturlis have :;''boon ‘,5..voiV pocjr ; throughout ;iill: :'of .plodmbnt North (Jarolina and thiit there;was' Httlq. grazing ‘ oxcopt'hvhere.iBei’r; muda grasa was abundant, .. ■ "I. hiivb ; given,' up vail graases,' except Bermuda; i . for : twenty years,'* sayS 'Mr.' Shuford.' *‘I ,am' using bottoi'n or; lowland for my pastures and. they have been good all summer but are :getting;a*;lit- tle short now,In :additlon:l;o the Bermuda grass,: my pa'stures also have quito a good stand ot .white clover. This gives'm e.early graz­ ing, in the spring, :and';'when not top dryj a coiisidorablo nmount of fall grazing." ; ; M r.. Sh ufbrti ' sta tbs - that- ho ; bx^ pect's his pasturo yto : carry/.;two head of ' cattlq, per,, acre 1 awl/liis acreage is arranged.;vvitlv this ! 9}3,i ject '’iu' viow/5 ::He;';pbn9iderè .Ber';^ muda; the only'.pasturo^grasa'for; I tho'South 'Slnco >l|;;is. usually, beat' lin ;J!ily.: and i-Auguat ., wjhon . oth^v■ '■ .........'■'---■.-■■■iiii.i..:-'.-.-.;.---- tflo allaifai plot yloldbd:‘;at ,thu. rate of 34 l-2 .:'biishol8 ; bf wlibiitì; P|)r.'acrp; the: apybeaiv plot'at tl)o. iVi te 'of'27,1-2 ; ; the rclover sod plot '.; at tho ruto of 25 and the’ wheat ' stubble plot :ylelded:'.at l¡he' rate;'; of G 1-^^ b’ushels peivacrü. ', , ' ’'Г''. ',''7Г i,¡J “The'crop cost Mr. Lenoir $15' p0r,.acr'ó-incliiding'ri№rlíbtIiííí'':'añd!.:'í¿'''Sí^^^^^^^^ sold on the local market for $2,001 .perbushel. "'Го mako''a long story shorÊ* : M ï. Lonoiv ,m'ado ,a, not profit .bfi^ $54 per acrejrbm tho alfalfa sod-i plot, $40 jier aoro fiom the soy- ‘ bé'án ])lbt',‘ arid $3Ç 'pbr'’''ac'rö frbni' ' ' the clover sod plot. Whero no* , lime: and jjogumcs,"wo.rp:,;uéedi;oufc'^ only Iho wheat aod planted, hb’r; lost -$^.00: p or' acre on ',thp' von-, ' lure." ..........................................j Is ¥, f 4‘ 45)?‘> '4 crt ' I ' ' ' '-И J * BAXTER BYERLY, M. D. * », / ------------- ^ O ffice'Over Drug Store. Of- * fic o 'Phono No, 31; Resi- * donco No. 25. * , I * COOLEEMEE, N. 0. Ш « « « » V « #Ч '* «• * «. ' *■ -o- DR. # * * "* * # » E. C. CHOÀTE DENTIST » * In Mocksville Monday, Tups-'*' * day and W ednesday; Ovor ^ Southern Bank & Truat Co. * Phone n o ^ '*' In'CoolpomooJThuyaday, Frl-,'^' *'day and Sa'-uiilay; Ovp'r CooJ- '** * eemoo Drug Store; I ’ ,< •(,, ■ * X-Rayi Diai?noiai8„.V,' * ' '’,i..,V.;,,jvfcv* * PHONES': Reaklbn'eo'iNo;*}!«; * ' Oifjco No. 33,<f-' . , '.l * Гг fT • «'f Щ М М Ш 'S <’ ./I '. 1 í'V ííx ■' "'I.. - к- ..... .. ^ í^ S S S í& S i;S ??¡S ?r!® ^ ^ CALAHALiN N'îiWS M r.' and■ Mra; 'Üuka Ijàm ^ ' an ¿ jVli B ,, Ijunict'/ ' üo ih er, Mrs. E. IJoscli, ' of Siilisbury, spent iîunday- evening Witb Mi\4. Bpsclis,': •fiisler, 'ííifíR ' Oa’ry> Antlarson^' ilisa„BotU c Ponry, oí Wirtöton Salem , ìe^s'tiendinK зрте lim e with ■r. -Ь.Ж гв, ìli Я. PíhVoII . ' . / Mr, m id'M ra. F. aM.'^Waikeij oí líifjh; Point, 'sprint: rthe,:, week end •with Mrs. W alkers’, i)aretitoyJ;,jlr.’; iÆTid Mrs. 1'’, S, Ijnnios. Mistrcr; Emily and M ary PoWcÎ], of tlio Tw’in-City, V4poiit. Sunday ■with, their parentHj , Mr.; and : № Ki Si' Pow-êllï •'(Vv I, i t .: ' ,Y o u . k n o w y o u ' a rc p o in g . to n e e d c o a l th lH w lu tc v , 51« w h y dc- hiy-~(:|rtJer to d a y fr o m Ui3. aw d h a v e it o v ir . T li.iii y o u w ill h a v e lile n iV o f fo r th e W in te r. llOMi-MCE & FUEL CO . I ’h o m u : l l C — 1.S5 .>¥61^11 :-9S' ' ........... "CENTS''■¡■ ‘■.T'-s Ohemicnl Valuos In Dody Cata- ]ögued and Priccd ‘ N M iss Y lririilia Goffer,’ of W ins­ ton-Salem is spending a few days w iih M iss R achel Anderson. , ■ M r. FiSton Ijam es, of High Point i^flpent the week end a1^ homq.v v j "Marifect (Jown ' to cpnt.si’.’ iwould 'bd ,.a (iUo'erv'!andVinsulting 'tag io put'on ii'rtian., iiet,tin what a man amounts to, consider­ ed in. lpj:m s o f;h is • chemical ,con- GAKDNEK. IS CHRM. CHKIST- , V M AS'SEAL SALE ' :f, V и 'и : . - “M n О. Max ' Gardner has ac- ' ceptecl^tho State Ghairmanship of i, tho 1925 :TübcrcuIosis Christm as ' S e a r Sale.” This announcement ; .has' ¡recènfly come, f thé 'of- ‘ ‘ fic 4^s of ;thci ,North Carolina Tub- ; «rculosis Association; of which . DA L, B, M cBrayer is M anaging Uirdctoiv Plans fo r'th e sale of Seals in December are already taking de- iin ito form under. the diroction of ■ 'Mr. Gardnei’, ^ w ho‘‘WiJl ; conduct; .the work iron» the Association offices in Southern Pineis. Dr^; ■ M cBrayer and,', Mr. /Gardivpv are : j Tiow at'w ork securing',local ■ch’air- ; -'înon,' organizing.icount^ 7';lôais associatioris,"* ' aiicir* ¿e'tting; things in shape fov ihe'm aU 'sale.’ D n ,M cCrnyer states that iiii 'on- lire ly new idea Was been devised - io r conductingrtho'rm salejtl^is' yeai;, and tho list \vi|l numbqr not m ore than [^''fiftCGn , thousand, дуЬегевй last year, letters wcrç; : sent toisometW ng .like^forty-five; thousand people <in North' Caro- •ijna. ' ; ■ V 1 i Undor^ th'e new,i,order,:‘ and' oar- ryin g'o u t the new ideas of,both: ,'the,:Stato,,i,Ghniïman' ançl ‘the "Man,' ^ aging Director, it' is hoi)ed . the icampalgi\.!wll!lirnafc;,alioufc'?10<),00i ' THR li^ C K S V lL T :E ''iE ^ M l year,i,tho descendants .O'f' the old I familiei!, a'lul forniei' rnenibers,'of th/o - congr ejja ti on; ff o ba clc' f or,' an annlveraaiW, and mernorlal scrvice, '. Last Sunday: waa the \S5th- an- niv^'ersary bi'vthe/'foundinji of 'tli s historic placc Iind the »erv'ine Wi s attondod :by.,H6vGnil hundred pei'- soiii^XTho RovijSidne^ S. Boat,-.o'f Duiham, ■ condu'cted' tne (Tommuni ion: BorvicG,'Whk’h was vary in t proaaive, and preached', i'in »ablqi sermon. ’ 3\Ir. Host is a son of old St;,:Andvcwa,' hia father boinff Mr; H. Boat; a loading vestryman, and influential member of the chui'eli. , Attending the service'fi'onv Sa!- isbury.,, w ere’ Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Rice and; guests, Mrs. Clyde Mc- Connel'l and, s^n; Mr, W alter: Me- '■ i W ^ à n i é n - R û n k W i f k M e w ’ ^ - 3 n ú é f s y S a t y s i ' N o t e d ù S & à t î s i m a n tent,s. The; analysis, ■■isays . 'thol C„ desccn- North urid. South Carolina Public :UtiU,ty /Information bureau, has been mfide by some technicttl sharp, and 'this is, the astounding report;:'''' The ingredients of a m an plus w ater are as follow s: ' , Pat enough for seven bars of soap. Iron enough for a m edium -'siz­ ed nail. Sugar enough',,to fill; a shaker, Lim » enough ■to _jvhitewash a chicken coop. ^ Phosphorus enough to make 2,- 200 match tips. , ;• - M agnesium enough, to m ako; a do k 'oi m agn esia.'^ .:, : , ■ , Potassium enough to oulplodo a toy cannon. Sulphur: enougli' to rid, a clog df '■''.."-•'■j.'/ : • This:'\yhole .collection;, i^ 9S Rpn'tK, a)ui t.hrit whnn things ai'n ihreo 'tinio's; as''high" as 'they used ,to 'b e.'"" dants of tho -Turher fan iily,, wh0 came especially for this eVent; M r.; jiitcl Mr,-?. Ralph; Hortph:''and children. M iss Jesse Lawrence] Miss Sadie Klutt:«, Mias Meek Neely of Statesville; . ; Dinner was served on the lawh adjoining the church. .The grtives were beautifully adorned with flowers and the:'entire, cemetery and church yard' put'in splendid condition. : ' ,An interesting . letter hang.^', in th i ,vestry: I'oom,; written by Bis­ hop lyes, .roeo^hizing, the dedi'ca-, tion of the ^church and extending greeting^ I ; ’ ; ,п:,т:;угп> ' ^Ai.iîJüADY cr,\cnC"M(i A3 ti'oV.'IWCHOT vs, .NOTED, ' ICKCTNKMH. . U N LErrEilED MEN BEST AT.COINAGEi OP WOKDS .....'■...........• 'Tho.best:of'all :word,malccva are tho urilottefed.i/ Profeasor, Gilder'- sloove;;said that j;the; maasen ; own the language, Malherbe, the ex- quisii'e Piii'islan poet and connois­ seur of words,'franW y'owned that his ..masters; of.: speech ;wcre the portersyn the .HaymarkDt. ,;. Whofl Ros'c'Veit was a ranch owner-'and ’had -been, feeling trees <, -thia yèai’ii, Mr. ■ Qavdner states I 'v'jth hia men, ho happened sto' ^ ,'*t'hnt he.'is'>."períectly'w illing and jpvorheiir ono _ofj them ааУ,', “Bill ' ' ' ''' ciit.dovvn filiy-three/1 cut forty-'Tcady to do anything ili, ftis ppwo.r ^"to furtlier tho é a le '01 Sepl's. in, 'oi’der that',cnuaes >fó,r; w hiA Iho .. i- :iponoy ,jis'(i.'cpondocl m ight continue ib help In, V arious'w ays.” /Dr. 'M cBrayer sa'y»,'"thè 'sócuringi.pf Mr'.^ Gardner a a , Stato Seal Salo .Ch^irm an is à >great ;oncoUrage- irient, and botii'.h'é ahd We cxp/ìc ■Deia, greatly increased sale next ■ ccmbcf,” 'riine,; ¿ind tho, boss'’ he beavered ■down*’ BCVonteen.'* ,'r Rooso’\hsltx wlio' alw ays ejjjo.ycd i'ThiosofWiici'/hh^ ' ^ump'^of/aji r w a!^ d ^'dqw n ,.:by, a ibeavo r'^ill taindeistai^ 'act;:fprc||i^'«the i ^ o 'iliaw ’^l'ways" ri^ for mista!tfi;;aa-.aDpne(i^'tO'.iactiph, A ; drawing;; ..BaymoRd;.Gpggins,. .Voung man of : Denton neighborhood, w as sii'uck. in-thej- back of the head and body^' by aMiiumber of. shot fired by an Unknown person,’near Gordontown; Davidaouipounty lust;. Sunday : ,nighf\, ; Nòno :.. of > tho wounds, aro fatal There . havo been reports of'’random shooting, in that section : beforq' and it is Iiot ,ihòufeht;;,th'aÌii'th‘é ing 'the/shots , who ithcj^ Wore shooting at. when rt;hoy fired into the :cav /occupied . by Coggins, sale this year will likely 'bo tho now object of the . Association, P or some time lhs;Association has boon concentrating, '.its qncfrgies xin sec-urlng Health Education in When he runs his caneo upon à rock or clj.o,o.3oa a channel ’>yith insufficient w ater, he , muUés 'a; “miago.”. A liomoapun New Engk-ind ' phi-j the schools ' and^collego8, of, gtate. By. m eans..ot. pAVing. tbe i coined an oxcollent'v^^^^^^^ Ш was v/ay for this accomplishment a «I’b'uuig.^that 8tor]ing.;qua^ aeiiel. of demonstnitipns in c h i l d .............................. ^Oh,':h.-:-I,’ he exclaim ed,;;“Jieaith/have been and'w ill .-be. con­ ducted in some .pfthe^ counties in cooperation wiflKthej/County Ileul- ih Depai'tm/eiits, the , results of. -those demOnstratioha tending! t( prove tlie necepsity of health odii- «iltipn; in the schools. The A.>i- •> isociation,: has; in its em ploy,. at th is . time an; extiert health autho- T ity:, Miss ,Tlioresa. bansdill, who Sunday,' August ;SOth.', v a s the I anniversary of 'the dedication jhS 3s Ipaned -to' the counties con--j St 'Andrews , Episcopal j chi^rch in you ' can, just go,: out' and ;h;u<;kié-' i)erry for brains; but a heart of gold is , ая; ra?';? ,a&;<,f ; dingma'ul.!.’ ANNIVERSARX. MEMORIAL SERVICE AT ST. ANDREWS 'ducting the’demonstratip’ria. Miss paifsdili ’/has 'spen^ mùch; of ;hei: 'tim e thi'fj; summer' in carrying;the idea to thp tarious i)rincip¿l sum;? ;mer . Bchopla ; o.f the . State, ; ,If Health/Education 'ìs put bVer, in N orth'C arolina, it w ill be th'e : TOoiit^magnificent of, tho many [laeated in the midsi of a atroní» ;,FOOD ffQR CM ILCiR£N W H O " ,............TRAVEL y ' - ;■ ' MtmV tl'iiio iv , lim i flspcclall.v.‘ (ItirlnK; Hnin'iner inoniha. mntljoi'H aro; frtiir.i.ji tu' tàkg tlielr chlidi'i’u on ti'liw. ^t'ith'ilit'iii. 'Uui'lnK ili(j.so (l'Ips, (III) ^Iiurunl;!»'ròrcòO toiioónkénd witlirtlwit: t>^;ci'-iH'0iiL')5t|! lui.'l .‘soi’Ious .probloiil , of t'oflil for filo'clillO."* ‘ ■ ■ ■ ' , .rAo ln »iilm o s( i't"<tr,i'-oKiei' caso, tlia ' c lilo i 8(mi',cu of- w oi'ry, O ui'lng tlic iu 'ì ; pCM'Ioil», iiillltT siifiplyi Its sourco,. its ; iw fu y ivn<l ; it» vpoii 'viìm e.' it ' m not iilvyii,v,ii c'<invcnlcut ;to,,R ut nm rltot iiiUk /if doiieniliii''« »'»l'y , ti(!orln)ÌH :o(. tlio ‘c'omUi% Hcloiiiinto' fn-,; cUUlM for' Uh ,tiir(j i\ru rtot iirovUtud. -Tp iiiuei tlio noi!(ls of. imMlio'r.s Ui Uiono 'iryln;', sltiiiitlDii.s, HclonouUm» pi'ovUlid ,11 fona ot inlitsj convciilunily «ni'i'k'd iiud: t’u slly pi'epin'Bd, 'l'Jm c)ina «l'o In l^vo .sliies, U l t i , Olio,. còlitnlnlUK «I.’t m itico».(IH.i,Ilio qtlier sl.vlùoh, ■’ 'liviipiinitod mlilt Is ,1uit,; piiro ,cows’ ;ii,illk'Avitl) iHOl'o tlifin Im if ()f/ìlio water, ■rojiinv'od. .Nono of Its '.food valilo lo lessònÌHÌ'v Ih t'nct Its diKustll/IIIly I» ;iinpi'ovi.HI.'' ; It. Is enslly. ,nil.\-^il wltli wiir lor limi Ih. liiidoiihlodly, Ilio iiio.sl pnic- tk'iil fonn of nilil: fot’ uso n^ifl fnb,il for cliljdi'eii. •Scine of tìio coimti’y'H' loiid-i irif: ;piiillriti'lcriinH rccoiiinVeiul .Ita' uno,' uiiiployìin; tl'O' folIrnvIiiB fiii'iiniln : : Fro'm Sfxth WÒo'k tò Thlrd 'M ó/th. ; .ivlliu, ovaporatfiO Douneo»Ijiniii wiuur ...') ounoofi. Mlll( HiiKar , i 2 ounooa Dollod wiilor ,,.21! oiinqos Suvon fooillnt?.') In. Iwonty-four,lioiiraì 1 to r. ouniiuu ,iit 'tliroo-liour lnlorvnl» auvlnjt ttio duy unii fouri-liovir IntorvM»; !it niBht. ïhagnificieiit accomplishmenòi) óf tlie Nói'th Ciiv'ulina 'l’uberculosis Association. TREASURY TO ISSUE 2ñ0 MIL, LIONS OF CERTIFICATES . W ashington,, Sept.; 8.—The:,tre­ asury ;tonight announced a neyv- isBue of certificates 'of iiide.bl'ed- Tiess, m aturing in n in e. months •from Seiitem ber; 15 and 'bearing' tlivee and 'qnc-quartor , per cent interest,' as th;e ifiscal program •for the, third quai’tor o i'th e cur­ rent ybfir.i The amount of the issue, will; •be about; ¡?2Go,ooo',opp„ ; ■ I’rqceed.M; of the sale óf tho,nov; ,ÌHSuerwi):li,the .September 3.5 tax Ejnscopal community composed of ('fam iliea bearing the-, namea'. Rice, Correll, Tarrh,. Holland, Tui'ner, Fraley, ilputhman and others. On the first Sunday, August 3i), 18dp, the, following persons woro confirmed : ; Philip ,Rice, Daijiel M arlin, Jam es Neely, Jacob Cor- reli,' Eli Correll; . John Riee. and' tiiree colored : perBons, were the 'slaves of : Mr, W illiam Barber. Pout' baptisms , took place. ; Por years the church. thrived and it was not until the m ajority of the' fam iliea ingVed to^otluir parts of the county, and state that is,w as abandoned ;as a regular meeting place. Slncç then : once every the southern :part pf Unity tp>yn- ship. Just 86 years ago the eleven­ th ;.;Sunday after T rinity, the .pbui^ch Wiis dedicated by Bishop From Third Month to Fifth Month. .^ lyes, a s s is t e d by th e R b v e re n d '.%5iu<. .niipoi.uod ............. . „ t a ounoon ,lhom as P, Davis, afterward B is-1 uim«,\vatoi' 3 .,онпооя hPp/of South- Carolina'. It was,' — , Six foodliiKB In tw u n ty-fo iir liotirn;,6 to, O. punc«!! a t throo-linur 'InlBr.vii.!» ;au rln (i tho ;dny and a tpodlhu'at .tO t); m. . ' From Fifth to Seventh ' Month. ' ; : iMIlk ovaporatod . ,10 ouhoon, lilm b w ato r .' n ouiioos :..M ilk aUBur . ........ii .ii 2 bunboo'*B bllodi.w atnr .. V,..., I. , '¿p.QUiyuo?: ;;F1vo: СроДЬГва in , tw en ty -fo u r h o u rsj'C : to 7 (ountioH a t . fourrhoiir, Iritqryai», ”tho,,lu;jt fooillns' to. l)o,.siyi)n,nt; l.P';ij; ; From Seventh tov.NIntfi' Month; : ,4 Miilt, eytti)«ratod‘ i.., . . . ; . ,,U o'undba Llmo AVittor , ; . . . . . . . , . . , . . , . ' 3 \ounoosM ilk ;»u irar , ,„,'i,','i.i . v . ,, .2- oiinbeS; i)o llo d w ater ...,. i ,'... . ; 'i ,.,36; оипо.оя' 7, to.l) 0Ш100Н a t four-hour InterV alai aurln s'.' tho, ;d ay . t,na,t' (oudlng att'te n ’; ,at' ,niBht. From, Ninth to Twelfth Month, ; ;, Mlllt;;;evnporatod .la ouiiop»; Ijfmo AVatcr, i. . .Vi. i .. ii...■ 3 oun«e(i, Mlllt ;aUBar, , Z ouuqen; BiirJoy. ^ivatoj^., ........,., .l^ ouneas.'; 8 to: fi bunooH iit four-hour int^i'vab . ilurlhB.^day.;: t,ast Coedlrij; at tsnxnt;oiniit.' '; ; '■ ■■■; ìiv: w;. a, ,'U i. I; ru:ilOfilt and (Jhiuf nni;ltii!Or.SoiitU-; .; i.'r.n ' l!pv/Qi‘ W rltliiK In .l’UBiiilQ • ilU lttaC .li, ;;I>:satid' ,liy tho N ortli- iind ■ ìMjucn .Otiroiiiin' l’idi.i.o U tility liu ic au . ,;; ----------- J .Tin'n’Jirh p'iblic nddrossfis nnd, nn- ,!ori-\virie corrospondpnqo, :, Governor r’;iieliot; of l'iriiisylvaiiin, is.cndpavor- nà' to U3tabllsh;.n fqarsoine'distiritition .ictwcon "super-ppvver'! ;as; it is boing ' .icvclopdd by thii 'ókcirlc;: tight ,ttnd pov.'or indùstry and ‘‘¿ihiit-pqwor,’’ ti pian bf his.qwn. màking. / ; ' ' ■ "Ciianl-p'òwor” as intovproted by thè reilhsylvriniiin, Is tlie (levolopmont of movo ; okctric onoi'gyj utiliziiig tho èoùnti'y’s; water resources ; togèther '.Vitti thq qstabllshiiioht 'of'pianta ut ;:hL> 'nioùth; pE tho coai; mines; tho ru- (liic tiòii. of ; ¿òàtfl jto ilio sniàll :consum- oi',.fj ' c:{t«ns:onfl óf; ;B:rvicò ; to; villago ¡¡ail 'Civi'u; , xi:()nòMo,;''còhsolitlatipns v.'ith ■!,ro8uÌtaiit!;rcductlo;na ; ;qi oyor- iiOKils; • 'an.i thw regulatlon ,by ;'tho’ '¡nibllc ot tho nation-wldo inpnopòiy to; in j.a'en tn d .' •'Suiioi'-pò'vvoi',”, a a I so e ■,it,,,la th'q devolopniutit o f’ (.¡iq^/lnitustry ato n g ju !,';:;tn o liitOjf .^tidiciiCtadv,by; G overiiòr i^iiicliot'AviU i/one im p o iia n t lixctìptlon,; -.'r,':ci'o i.s, no ri)itÌ!)ii-w ido' ;;nvénòpoly. !'Supur-po'>vor” d o ta 'n c it co n tam p lato (lonaol-cJation.-i o r eom biiiftiionii w hlch. tlK3lro<’-thtì In d ivid uai oV 'ftsiìal idó n ti- tioa o f so p aìato 'co in p an iu ii; it,''g b e3 no, fu rth d r .th an p liy sle a l intoi'-c'onnpì;^ ,Uoa.s dciaighod to inauve morq. stablu and ' l'tfeiiltu' 'sarvicc, Oini'.inlsi t>f' thci „'ptnivor ;induatry will a,'i;r(jò w|th GoVì ;drii6r Pihchot thiit thoirs isva hi|tural niò'nòpoly but ■ nót ,of mltion-■^vido ■scopo, it ia more or lc.г‘) a ;looaV luonopoly, tlio naturo of tho.buHiacaa iimlcini': it so in thu hUqrusts' .of. Bor- v.uo and'ceonoiiyi' •. . ' A lfdftily 1 « P v ii'jre as | y ifte d to fi lin a i a iia ly s ls tho pro- vij'lo n s o f .'‘KÌaat-po\v(!v” a re noJ;hi,^ii in o rc'n o i"!o r)S | th aii '‘suptu '-pow ei'’' au a li'o ad y buin/t' w brkod o u t b y tho ;i> duatry,it3tìil'.','! '' Tho alni , of( "(jiipor^Jowor” ',Ì9-,-; tìic- nipijt,ofi’octivó, and;'oi!Oiiomlo„prodl^e-. tion .;aiid', dl,?lrìbiitloni oi l'oloBlrioily, tlio:^:onf;orvction of waler-pqwer and' .Mcl .and t!io c.ytcnsioM of .strvice to' ,tho liVrg'cat 'liunjboi' of. peoplo'posBlbltf «t èhe lowcst, i;ato posalhio; In 'òu'v; fiv;ii ■SJt)iithoastorn:'.§;tntos and :thB;Pa-' uilil«' Coa.it StalÓ3 ,,thó..'i,(lualf).,of:5!fstipur- powar" havà'iaJr,Ga(ly,/': btìón ^largoly c< alìàcd; wldl'o thq~intqr>oòiihoqtiptì of ir.dupondeat pownr. Syàt,oina ;.bqntinuo; .a vai'Ioua p th o r Boctiotìa of;t|io bona-; i -y. Tho f a o t . th a t tHta .dovqlopm onli j in tho p o w er .iT^usU'y ;la b b ijig w brtced '.iut' to th o d isttiic t, àdvftal;(\^(j;o; q f tho cqiiutiirior la littu.stod ,b y tlm fa o t th a t tiio ; cÓBii o f .o lo clrlclty hall atcad ll'y /lu^'Ìincd 'in th q là « o o f ih cró aain g co si dì oth o r itom a th a t ontor ¡iùq, thq coat a f: ilvin,'?. / rh o p f ,o !o stricity„ in M)21 wii.s B.fl porcoiit I b w b r'itlia a . bc- ;ovu th o W o rld W a r, ; it-b e in g yi.bout^ .ho iONly itu a i in ; tho fa m lly ,budget' j.ial^ h aa doctinod, .'w hbi'oa8 ,tho o th er ionia'' вho^r' in ai'o aaca l'tlia t a v ara ao ,:i'o.und a'd p a ro o u ti:,'(':, ■• ■ ' • ,-/ . : A.>i to ,tho productio n of- m oro oloe- r ,c !ty , it Is p a lu a t, ln m y ó p ln io n ,.th at ' o 'irid u stry 'ià ;^roy/|iig aa .v aiud ly : as, loris ilq :;unji'or :'n jiy;,‘‘achbm ’o’’:f a h (l’as; . ,1'id ly aa tire qn,glriebi'ìha; an d ; finan-' •;>'l: problèm i) in v o ln 'd , in tlip dov.qlopr .lo at 'v/iiri'ant, '■ So i'vice,-w as' ojitohdod ,iy th o 'm d i'iB try luat- yoRr to 1,(100,000 iiuW /'ciiatoinoru; .w nilo tho to ta l o u tp u t ■ e -Ihc in d u stry ; w as ' appro.'cim atoly ;i,0ù0,0ù0,000 U Ìlow alt.'V ioura o£ enor- 'ЛУршоп havo proved thèm iinives Bó ponipotulit in control ot in o tdr m nclU nory, licco rd liiB tó thrt (Uul- . Illg8; ; of F rcd u rlclt ii. : tio ffin un , ÍJL. ‘ Ш In h i» ròcont su rv u y 'o t m o to r trafile ;nni] its lia a ird a ; th iit ho auo.4 n o 'reason why, thoy Hhould lio t Ilo ctiiiitlly HUIIirùl 'ln thp lutaU -; ;; llnflt o f , tho nifi'OPlam), ,:f'’br,, ;th l.4 . ; roàSoh,- ho wiyH', ;il'i« ir u lli 'adòpU id , by tli'O'. tiiiu i'n atlp iih l,; C o iiiùliràlon . o n , ■Avìiililoa, u-iíoládlníf' H iyiii iie iiv lato ra, "la, n o i'tb bp: oom m uiid- ; ■■ o d ,"'; ,, , .. i ,"’rhor(,V tiro, no roasniiH,',', ,пнн';!г1в ', Dr. ' 'Hòft'iiut'n, “ i'pr , a.-Mimilnir U nii , л уо то п , 'In ,lho uoùreu. of liin y ,,;w ill not provo ая oaiidblo of iii'atiattliìii apfopliiiK 'a as ,lh(.y,;hiivu';i)Oun fòm id to hu 111 Uu!¡ (lrlyln it of m o t or оагя.. Tho pro,liidtu(i . ajiU ln!it w om on ; d rl- ,.;,vera p.iiU' lUtt chiu'tw U ir.l U uiy a m ^ ori'atlo o r. im ro llab lo la ,, iiMimtly voluod by 711141 w lio co uld bti* con', .ylotud of rctdsl«Kfliift|ii," i Л а ‘tioiiaul^lnff'D tatlailoIan of thfi P riid e n lla l Inm iranpo Conipuity, D r, rioffum n il.4 now itm itüiK un 1». f|Ulry • Into : itorhil traillo h azards In ' vluw of .thn. pi'oiipocllvo dovul- opiuótit oC com rtm t'cUll av latlo i) In tills t^ u iitry iu id th.o rw iu tu im ,(ll'- for lh<) liiau riin có of avlatoi'a, t ’lyoi'H a ri! now ,an io riif ii.<' '■n o w , a n i ( j t i i { t h o fe w p p r s o h s p o a f t l v o l y d u o l l n o d a .s h\- H i i r a n c u ' r lr d i« ,';;,''i X',,; :' .;i5r. "tloffm an hollovi'fi tliat acrhU tra irlc ,,a a '; rivpld ,; trn n sit ' fo r ,,k)niii IKifiHL'nitC'rii,’ n’iid .'froltrht; ’w )!! l-.c,,- c6i/|e a óòinihphiilfùinvof;;! hi), ni,\t d(K,'ai,Ior'-;,,Tii;;liliV.opiiil6Ìi.''bàsi!d un ila |ii;;pi'ói!iir’b d :f ¡'Olii'.,; hia ;ih\'i'iillt:r:i- 'Woiia ofj r!in,fii,nd m P(ór tralllp . Un; lio o id eilt,; liiiii»t‘(i ;/ivl,ll’ ;d,o(ir(ia6ii h\ ratio...i^O; tho. liicroaBOv là illio : iMiiii- Ix.'r ò f ilylrw\ai(i<;li,IiK’ii/ 'l’hcrii I.t no U'asion, lù l'h o viU viir ihu (.iliiii. 'lioin w a y ., w oinon.; iditnild-v^ not lio 'liornilttod'. lo ;(|\livltfy a s pllotii lo r Ilio pUinofi Ih iil laivry frulB ht, p'.ia- iieii|for'f^ ;o r 'in a li, , ; crfiild . Uve on iv tllc t'O l cheoso, bread niid fi'iiit w ith - Ьч,1>апуth in ;; else, li one crayotl . n o ftiitlierV 'varioty, Thoi'o is ''a t le a st ohe,/casc oii'T.ocoi'd w ìicro il : 'луа.ч' d o n e;fo r il' poriodfof tw o .ycai's. b y> a:yo tÌn g ninfi, ìp r ;th c ;" s u k o ’,o i . Cliso p r pt'cpàratlp n aiid cconom y .1-1 с en jo yed h is m enu an d fcp iitiiiiicd .,.,ia th e Ijest , o f h ealth .; :,Г '. ' , ' elicono ■ la àiia of thè in o st поцг- 'ish in g , iK’ìiU hiul ,and g n itify iiig ,o f ',;fopda, if it;ia priven Its ;p ro p cr, p lacé in th e d ici, ‘ T h e fuel v a lu e .o'f a [làiinfl^o! chäc.iu ¡s cqitnl to ;tli;lt, pf; threc/p o 'tuuls „pf: ,t)cef, o f - uo ai'lv: p' ip illo iì; of ; n illk .-, С'Ное.че; Î.4’. h iiïlicr , ill proteins, th liii IiáUéd hetìus, \vlipto ^ iiiU k or 'cfíga,"ail'd ;iv h cii pateti f(>r , , w h'nt' il' ia, a ‘/m eat,’’ it In ns’, caS ilÿ diiïc.9l'cd and .ij^ iiiu b iied as an y ,.otlior„'protcm ' food, . ■ ' "B iif,” sÍRhs. Iho Ioi4e\(fe'i' .- .('ChSo?e ‘ is hard to.- keep; in hot Ч луса1Ьег; ,; It : eitlier .becomes véíy ' : tiárd or, it gets ' oily ;ánd strong,’f ; ' . All very (nie of fresh'cut сЬео.чЬ. B lit w hy not "tt'y the; cheeses - tliat cpnie in cans? One pairbti,y.praqtl-^ cally every, kind of cheese that way . ,'nowadays,: ' A ','dcH f(htftd ,':clioc8o.'';rcc!pc you сап n h vays! he prepnred lo- »ervc is a eh cc4 ' om eltìt, W ith p o w d ci«! 'oi‘; evaportuèd in ilk ili \the .'hòlisc, it m aites iiot',i_ii; ,w hit o f ; d ilieren i'c if thi^ ‘fresh mlUc'.ROCR .aoiir-.oi' ducsii’t iirn v e, or,,fret.4 .4pHlcd,:.; Talee . (wo , <;giiSL ,6 ' tablcspoòn.sfnl,'.: pf gratini, . catiheti;'cik'0.4e,' :à''b'(?ò'(i: p'lìicli.’pf; .чак 'fS and. iitio th er ; of pai^riUn,' oné iiip ' m ille,-an d-a teasp o ó n ftirm eh b d Imi- . i/ ' t e i ' : . ' ' , : • ' .,4 • ,.B ciit, tlio y p lk f o f thc eg p s mitil llg|it, io ld ' in ' th è icheése,', salt ami ' p;ipril(,'i. ;;add 'tl>'i',;tàill<,.;,il|e!i ;fol(l in y! llie;;,stiflly'b eatcn .' pgg A vliiies, Ponr ,,i| Ì(itci,n‘dcop;i).-i'ii,;,pr,:;griI( ¡11 w liicli tlie " 'ilii'lter. ;lias.'b ecn .'ft'ieltcdi', Coól< Ibr n l)p tit';si.x‘;m ìh4it’es;; (hen, pti’t, it ,'" ■; llih ; ,bvpn' few ■ m im ttcs to , l)|'0«'(i; ,^/Tll(S; ,..;'(leltc/pili .scrvcd 'w llh' :piirrniit:,Vnr,^dhineb|i, jo lly. , ,'v:y5gK-’ :‘',piV';.toa.«t ';;w,ilh>;'crc.iin'; pimi- ' cn to :s'niicc';;<riàUc,'..iiV;e'xpfillciU lira- ; :l‘| c(teott : di.^h, ;;:R nrebi(.4 V are ; n(tv;ivf;‘;-.i re llsh e d 'w lio h t)ie d a y is ;h ò t .hot,' ''S liiflé'd ,;linlv'e'd!'iiip('atòes spi, Ifled .'ivitlv с11еоре.-|Л|Гр";р;п:itisplrniinjv ' 1 ’ - too spria -, ............^p";AnMiisp,iraiior,for a iiié.'il 4 v itli: cjfci'iiìied 'tirn;i iisli' or ch icken ,, nnd chcpae siiiu lv’irlies are nhv,'iy,s-d elicio u s for th è Jigfitet I re fie s h m p n ta ,..................... I P lan 'ì fo r K tn al S erv ice . ; Kj;tem)loìV or. HorvI ;(i - lo rural «aotlóilB la ';of;,.tH'o no-(;ullgd ;,''ffhint-ppwor" ,,-..>,v!(i.o,;iH, ' Л,- eiirvÿy I o f, .cluirolopmoiitii l'o-ff ; llia l Uno, '\vlir convinco tho • roost,'i¡íí;illaár:tl> ,4,'.......' ,no,'Will .................................. th.U.',r u ra l. uxtonAloiiir.'aru' pro- '.«»..■lupt. (IH, rapidly «H. tlio .rural eoo-. 15; At that timo; anoth- » ' > ,] ^'IIEADQUAIITERS POR SCIIOOL.SUPPUES" Icomher r , ¡íjlívéí, isb u p />.f cet tifleak s piobnblyiffl ‘‘I't'oougji thu Oe- и í>níivelng,i,may,i;taHe :.the;:'"^ .;su p p n E S ” SPEGIAL 280 Piigo^ Pencil Tablet OiTii; I Oc Lunch Воч I’’KEE with i50c purpha&c while Ihoyv, Ь oM U v m m >onds , g O n|y«x,e,to«c««t(,m cr. ' Г ’ , ' I '' '' V 13 lUtiUtue SeU’.Pillm g Fcnuitain Pon'-W.OO. AU kimls Pencils, и Ш 'К Ю е д & ф М Е ^ Т Д Е ’î' .■i 'f, И ■,nns,tìii..m:iolYi’U п р ,r.ïilo ,to 'rciìtìlve thûm, i(,.. fimi JiIui;lili;nllm'B . Ooiintli,8 , li! ,4orth aro cìtuolliint oxamnloa ot.Hi!! .worli rifiiit iit'o iir doore." ,;; Gijv,ei'ji?jr Vlnoliol, AvliJIo adm itting; that ,|к ,' f;l;.ju-j,i!,v/oi'onta)!» a n.'ii. '.щи-v.klci -ir.OiipjHiv, winikl hav» tlur.jiuli. ,iiriiliitli ,t,iiu iiionopo.y; ' Uut roanlà- ¡Iriii.' oii tno. liKiuKlr.v—which la ;no\v not' a .-üriVidu ■;::niíiiiope.!,v-r-u)ro¡id}", oxiaío,; (urt.v-.uljí ntu,tö3 , thoro aro-, |iu/)llü uor- оц ri .'»! i4 N 'rd h y 'ti/ i ppoplo,ÍW,JunloiaKtribunal“ ;■ tu;aot ¡hotwoon; tlio ,;аЛ1|1К1 .Ï.1.1. tbu utUilICíti. Clovornorv Pln- r;Uót..,t,fciíUi'OB,;la no- unc^rtnlii i torm'n' that ■i.irj 4'.1í;!í aot ' iuvpr'.,(ïpv.jriimunt ównorfjlilp >.(rninf.¡it oiirtatlon of tito powor ),'.()ll.')t!'.v bl)t ' tlKit : ,1U stiiiidii. ,íor. .. inoro ■,,6;í r,.iq,;;f rcrtUlMloii-und oohti'ol.' ' П. ]н;|п- li3ic;,utipi.:, 1п; Ilio, tor..'to,otlon. )a noto a ri»-^ ;«Riií,. dc-ojíinai«« .óf , fc'úi;r(itary,.,,óf'' 'Com;'; ,,moi№ .Horhurt 1.Пооу(л' 'that an oxhaiiii- „ tlvo '.JnvetiUeAUu.n,... by. '.liifl.,';,dopartn1únt: „irito tho .extent, and; offootívonoHH’ of tijo ;.гокп iUi(injrHir ,Ut|lltiea; ljy lh(i';slat(> 'poiár.. iiilealoiiH, Hliowud:,' thla,-: rtiiíulatloh ^ tp:;,;!)^: ,''suf|it:lHlin;ly.,oll’fint!vo.".; 11:r.;;Hòòvuiv',;la;^. cldonti\l!y, .stroniíly ^advoiiuiid ; ; thftr, 0(in'-;tlmilun-o of HÍH(i) rofruliUlüii,HH oiiposod to:; i'Odfival,nlßuliiHon In J ila u(ldro.4u - to , tho.Natlonjil.. l!. aoti'lc ' bl&ht Convention lat&an l.’iaiKlHOíi „ , O wned Пу tho P eo p le , O no, plindii OI , tho rtovelonuiont: of , s|ipoi-i)ov,er''. th at. ..liaB ,'i4i". Important’ huarlntr iipnn roRiilatlon, la fíiund ’ ln tho , Wido dlHti'lbp tlini of tho :ownorHhi]) o(. the powor inclm itij Thu ^ Bi oui Ule» ot tho ,Hc!Pi tis,,i|iid но1Л'в.ч , i)f ' j)ow(ir., ,|índ -.llalit ;uoinp,iinloa aro hold Ъу то ги .И тр а.ПОО.ООО ;,;'Jiwt evory-daj'*’ ; pe ,'h(1ii8 ; thi'Ouiihoiit;', tho country, M llllami oiiptiior ImllvIdualB aro ¡Indhoüt'y lnt«rii!ftod I throuKh ' tho powor «ooui Itlos hold l.y lianUa, tru st companlUH;ami, lllo Inauranoq :сош1ВДп|с.8.;,.Л11 «, of ivhleh inoumi tliat, щ ailditinn to the lOKU iitlPii 01 ;thu,.|ndii»try ;)ljy .'.ìtaloI'ooin-' inlaatr.na, tho, poopio ot, the ’oountry.' thoin- S?M?r^ ■' ** 'voice; In ,ltB',;inanai;e-" ¡Siti л l' : lì'or ;m oro thiin tò rly -alx , yo ars .Tampa N, D oW ltt lia a dovotoiV h ia llm b 1,0 m ak liiB fiood, u t lila , Joli and- to bolnw tbo pi'ond fath e r of bnu oC th u InrBcat fam lllcH ;flouih ot th o :: M iiaon^D lxon- ,llntv ; • ;: Thoro, ;i,.hti.vo ; boen,,; tw o n ty-o n a , llltlo , D n W ltta.an d üÍKhtfion ,oC tnem ; - aro Btlllr llvlnt?, Ilio igldoHt ,tt' son of ro rly-B lx;ian d ; thtv yoiin(?oat a ' tod-; d lcr ói jiib'l tw o ' „• ,;DQVVltt';|a a carpcntar,'.om ployod ' in . t'ìio I,oulavU lo,, Jvy,; 'co aàh yar(li| .of,li,Ilio;; ,I,oulavlllo,; iind ''N ashville^ :;jC la!lraart,;;;a!id,., :hl3i,.,Kune)'£i|,:-;:,t9J’.p;-', ilo liiv, M arrUUn;;i,who (in'Hiiowj’i', ■".;l,Ird.;abovo pliòtgifrivpli .w ith ;hliiVi U1 ^toll ,yo u ,(hi\jl<,.no, i,no,rpi,cpii^' n ctq iii' ai''t|‘!afi '■ lii'í'W Í'Clé'ií 'fjiiiti'r t'to'. ::i;oal;i'il!;(.',;.i.nnl:,¡t'|)f>;;l!ldtí|!lw,ü,\vo‘rlclii’ií,la,’ .............. euaaoa hia larRo (10(il{ii".De8nHo thit faot th a t inuny ol Ibppi :iìrow n up an d 'in m rrlo d 'v.an d ■ЬЧдЧ in .io lilcs far- dlHtHp’L\';f)‘pm ,'T,,pa!“3iM villo,: ;Uo alili,; dpdsij.tim i); to ' «рпш '' )ttunlealo; wUh thom and'.’.K/Iholr ';.problonia,; 'Avhon.; thoro; apyi ' I V , ,■''^4 i,..I0fidg ti)rod\;-',liHo,i a n , •; a rr’ünefum' Uhi .l'm dentlal'jnljuW ülflD X ,of л-;Л aKh'jeiviSMliím wiHiiíSij ;oïi(i а|ЛсЛ„7(11.''^ ‘íj/ o iá'u d Y ■amouilt„wYL. Ш Ttie G ent« (ÿm niunity Fair То:Ве;МеМ;М>»; 30. TRUTH, HONESTY OF PURPOSE AND UNTIRING PIDELITY TO OUU COUNTY AND OUR FLAG IS OUR AIM AND PURPOSE , .'гЯ .Ji.Ж. ..............' •yO L, VIII;MOCKSVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER W, 1925 ^No. 44 Electrical Storm Takes Toll Of 8 Lives In East Sunday It Takes Real Tests To Show Up The Hero Or The Coward. Mocksville/Man Publishes Book. Advice to Parents Who Haye Children ih School New York,'Sept. 14,—Eight per­ sons itre knpwn^ to be dend as a result of; Sundtty electrical storms 111 the ènat, which broke a record breaking: )ieat vwave, , Property dainage is estimated at $500,000,. ; I ' . Wc.s,tern New York and parts,of New England, Ponnsyjyania and Mai'ylaiid : werß hardest hit. Two women arid' two children were drowned in thè Susquehanna river at Gly, Pai, last night when their ■rowboat;captisized. At Portland, Maine, n';;ialling limb of a tree killed n motorist. Another man wns killed by lightning in .Hagers­ town, Md, Two men drowned höre when a squall upset their boat in the East river. V/hile the rain came as a boon to crops after the prolonged drou­ ght the wind reachinj/ tornado prop'ortions wrecked orchartls, blew down small buildings ahd crippled wire communications, » Traffic at Scranton, Pa,,,was para­ lyzed., In western New York the storm'climaxed 48 hours of rain fall, reaching 4,29 inches in some locftlities, a' record for 45 years. Lightning destroyed scores cf buildings. NEWS OF IN-TEREST FROM OVER THE STATES Rocky Mount, Sept, 15.—George oJyner, young Nash county lad, received painful and what mny prove serious injui'ies early Mon­ day when' a companion with whom ho w$s out squirrel hunting fired into some shaking bushes, think­ ing the boy had gone in the op­ posite direction, the load of fine ; shot ^ k in g effect in the Joyner ' boy’s faee^ back and chest. Tarboro, Sept. lo.-^The fall term of superior court convened here this morning for the trial of ■ crim inal cases. There are 90 eas­ es on the docket, but about 30 of ’them will be disposed of by nol j ros. The remainder w ill be for trial. Tliere, are three capital cases, two for murder and one for killing in ail automobile ac­ cident, Judge e ; H, Cranmer is presiding,. -----------------^ ^------- Greensboro, Sept, 15,—The North Carolina state board of ex­ aminers of trained nurses will hold examinations in Raleigh, Oc­ tober 2l| 22, and 23, Applications for examinations may be procui'ed by w riting Mrs, Z. V. Conyers, P. 0. Box 1307,_Greensboro, CENTER COMiMUNITY FAIR WILL BE HELD SEPT. 30 Every body come across and do your part in pulling the Center Cummunity Pair across in a brief way. This fair w ill b e‘held on Wednea- dayjJSept. 30(h, and Vife trust tlm r every one who can will be on hand and help pull off , something that' we v.'ill all be ^)roud of, something that we w ill want to repent. Mr. -Evans, the county agent, and his well selected committee­ men, e|fe to be congratulated s upon the excellent premium list which they have arranged for this occa.sion. Th,» list appears in this issue, look It over, Vou will find it to be something worth while. We are at the present tinift working Olì a book to be dis­ tributed some time later. This book, when compiste, w ill have the full list of premluiiis, together with a good live, interesting ad­ vertisements from diff«|rent . professions. W atch'for this book, ; ' DAVIE\KLAN PRESENT FLAG TO SMITH GROVE CON- SOLIDATED SCHOOL Last week over in Union County a farm er by thé name of Thomas was plowing his potato patch when a call for help réàched his ears. Running to the place whence,came the cries, ;he found that a man down 32 feet in a well had been overcome ;by gas while working. Thomas immediately rushed down into, the well ,iii an, effort to save the suffocating man and was himself, overcomé, ’ Both riAen lost their lives before they could be rescued,.' . ; ■ ; , . Friends, we never know how many-real heroes ate walking about us. Only great hais'zards bring real hel'oes to .view. Such occa.sibns as the Union county man in the w^llj nearly always serve; to show who tho .real hei'o is. Frequently it is the man at, the plow, in the shop, Sdnietimei^when groat,castrophes htfppen,,the most unauspect- ed man turns hero and his fellow men open their eyes to the fact that the fellow whom they may haive considered commonplace and worthless was a real man. ' (Special to Eliterprise,) The Smith Grove Consulidatet' school opened Monday morning for tho 1925-26 term with a large attendance, Mra, W, E, Keunon, welfare officer, and others wer,e present and made some interest­ ing remarks to tho achool. The school is in charge of Prof. M ills and a successful term is. expect­ ed. ■ Of special interest v.’as the flag raising by a silent band of hooded klansmen. This flag takes the plitco of the ona presented by the P. O. S. of A., last year, which was m utilated just bLfore the closing of the schnnl. After the flag raising the children sang, “America, nnd Star S])angled Ban­ ner,” after which Mrs, Kennon re­ produced a behutiful poem to the flag, ' / Kinston, Sept/ 15,—The pick oi the 1925 tobacco crop in this sec­ tion is just beginning to reach the market, board of trade mem­ bers declared today. The ave­ rage price, they predicted, w ill in­ crease by several cents a pound during the next feW weeks. Harmony, Sept. 15.—With many ^ students still at work on the farms, the Harmony High and Farm Life scho”ol had a record opening here yesterday when 341 students were enrolled for all th'e departments. Of this number 194 were in the high school and 12 in the 'teacher training department. The latter, under the direction of Miss M aurie Simpson for the past ■ two,ye-ars w ill hava a total of 16 or 16 young ladies training for teaching positions. Only 12 of them reported yesterday.■_---------------ф .---------------- , , Columbia; Stipt. 15.—The week­ ly report of the state board of health shows that rialaria eon. tinues in the lead as, the most pi'ovalent commuiiicablo disease ,iti' 'South Garoliiia. M alaria caa- ea numbered 899 for the week coin- pa'red with 365 cases reported for the preceding week, ,, .Kinston, Sept.-15,—Between $3,- 000,000 and' ?5,060,000 has been . Invested in the tobacco, market herermembers of the trtide board estimated today. Tho increase ih ' valuation ;,pf; market properties Wen /heavy. during the past '■ '.th r^ ’yfears,' Selling, storage and ,' “ii)ctPry’!; facilities ^re B4fficleiit tO'handlei40,0b0,p06 pounds of tlie '•'*^1 .-(fWeed in a s'^ason. ........................................................ Guilford College, Sept. . 15.-— With the registration and classi­ fication of 128 freshmen complet­ ed, and the'm atriculation work of the upper classmen going rapidly forward, Guilford college closed the first day of the formal open­ ing week of what promises to be one of the best school years in the history of the institution. -----------------0----------------- Raleigh, Sept. 15.—Indications are that the display of fruits, vegetables and other horticultural crops will be larger than usual at the North Carolina State fair this yeai’. ' Columbia, Sept, 15.—With pros pects for the largest enrollment in its history,' the U niversity of South Carolina w ill open its doors for its 123,rd session tomorrow niorhi|ig. . G'reensboro, Sept. 15.—Commit­ tees of business men representing Gl'eensboro, Winston-Salem and High Point, met Inat night at Sedgefield, near here, to make ar­ rangements to induce the postof­ fice department to name a spot convenient to tlie three cities for a stop on'an air m ail I’outc. > 11 Aiken, S. C., Sept. 15.—Ways and menns of meeting ‘the situa­ tion “brought about by the unpre­ cedented drought and thoijrend of agriculture; since 1920,” w ill be sought at a conference here to­ morrow of bankers, farm demon­ stration agents and agriculturfil leaders of the second congressio­ nal /listrict.---------^--------— _ Raleigh, Sept. 15.—The North Carolina Orphan aasociatlon w ill hold its, annual meeting with Sup­ erintendent Barnes, of the Me­ thodist orphanage, Raleigh; ; oil Wednesday, Sept. 80, it; is, an­ nounced by, officers of the orU ; nization. , After all, a man never knows himself, until he has been tested properly. We heavd u man who served in the Woi’ld W ar вау, that, before he entered battle, the thing he feared most .was that when the test came he would show a yellow streak. . Men never really know whether they are brave 0r;r(0t until some real test brings out the( best, or the worst in them, arid such tests usualjy do show up men as they really are. The real hero will prove himself in time of dang­ er. The coward in one will come to the stifrace, also, under sim jlar conditions. . „ ■ * / J. Raleigh Frost of Mocksville has just gotten out quite an in­ teresting book, “The Universal Empire,” printed by The News-Hernld at Albemarle. It is a rather extiraordinary piece of literature, treat­ ing* many subjects, as its name would imply. It discusses faith heal­ ing, socialism, will power, power of mind over the body and many other phases of life of everyday interest to every person. Frost proves himself to be a rather facinating writer. His style is easy and tho book grips one, even though he may not entirely agree with the author at all times. “The Universal Etnpire” can be secured by addressing the publisher at Mocksville, N. C. The sale price is ?1 a volume., It w ill ho doubt prove to,be a "good seller.” Read the author’s announcement in this issue. , ; ', Griminal pperatip]:! Performed On Unio|i County Farmer Sun. NORTH CAROLINA LEADS SOUTH ATLANTIC STATES Washington, Sept. 15.— , North: Carolina led the states i of the South Atlantic group in the number of miles of road surfaced last year, 'rotiil mileage surfaced in Norfh ’ Carolina during 1924 was 1,- 074.2. The total- mlJeagie sur- fticed at the end of 1923 in that state was ‘1,374.1, and the total mileage in , the state • system 0,101.1 miles. , 'rhje total mileage Surfaced in South Carolina during 1924 wns repoji'ted as 511 miles, and. thq total ihileagG surfaced at' the end of 1923 was 2,293..i. Total mileage' in the stnte system of South Carolina wns given as 4,015.3. -------------—♦----------------. TRIO OF HICKORY YOU-rHS RUNAWAYS Hickory, Sept. 15.—A wholesale runaway was_,effected here, this morning-wheh George Sherrill, aged 13; Brooks Pruitt, aged 14; and a Helton boy saitl to-be about 15 years old, packed up their clothes and departed from the city after telling Mrs. Wade Cutting, a neighbor, that they were-golng to Canada. The local police department is aidlng^in the search. Young'Sher­ rill is*a slender youth and woi;^e white duck trousers when . last aeen. ' ’ LUNCHES PREPARED AT SCHOOL •i ' '4 •/à The Rqckingham Poat Diapatch says'that many of the difficulties which beset children coultl be avoided if the parents understood tjie school better and realized ^how m uch.their cooperation helps. That paper then goes on to give the following suggestions, which readers of this paper, who have children in school, would do well to read and heed: ' ■ ; ■ “Arrange the breakfast and lunch hours ao that there is no rush­ ing nt home or nt school. Encourage punctuality and regular attondiince, not peiTmitting trifles to interfere. i ‘ i See that the children are dressed simply, neatly, modestly and suitably in accordance with the weather. Insist upon children under 14 having at least ten hours sleep. Find out how much t<me should be devoted to home work and see that it is faithfully done. - Provide a quiet place for home study, with good light and venti­ lation. Prevent interruptipns as far as possible. , Show an interest invthe children’s school work, athletics and other activities. Visit the classroom during Open School Week and at otlier times for a better understaiiding, ■' Do not criticize the teachers or school at'all within the childrqu’s hearing. Always hear both sides, of every question and ask the teacher about it. • ; ' i Instill in the children habits of obedience and respect foi’ autho- rity’ ; ^ Picture the achool as a happy, desirable place rather than as one children should dread. ^ , , ' Keep in m in d that the schooloffers unlimited opportunities to those who take advantage of them, liarents as well as pupils.. Plan to meet other parents in the school. It will help you under­ stand your children better. Mothers should arouse the interest of fathers in the school activities and get th|eir cooperation. If t^ere ia a parent’s association in your children’s school, join it. If there is none, why not form one? Intelligent cooperation brings splendid results to all,”, ..The basket luilc^ ihust usually be prepared at a time when the houskeeper is very busy. It ip harder to plan and to prepare than the lunch at home. T o'^gln with, there are many foods that pan not bo included in it, either because they áre not gpod-cqld or because they .can not be con­ veniently packed or carried, tlien too, careful planning is necessary to prevent sameness, and eitra care la needed in the preparation of food that must bo packed in small (iompass and kept for seve­ ral hours before being .eaten. . In many places schools aré be- ginning to serve noon lunches or one or two dishea that can be eaten with food brought from home. Mothers are interesting themselves in this work not only because of lt,s effect upon the health of. their children but also to train 'their children to good’ habits of eating. They realize, however, that tho meal at school is in some v/ays a b etter,oppor­ tunity for training than those served af home. Unlike the pthér meals of the child’s day, it is eat en du'ring the hours set apart for education. The child’s ihind is, therefore, in a receptive condition, and every precaution that is tak- en tp adopt the lunch to his phy­ sical and mental needs is likely to teach a lesson in ’ food PREMIUM LIST CENTER COMMUNITY FAIR TO BEHELD AT CENTER SEPT. 30, 1925 Object of Fair To get together the people of Davie, and surrounding counties and have a day of fun and good'fellowship, 2-To display'the products showing the skill and industry of bur workers on the farm, in the home, in the store, in the m ill'and fact­ ory.' V' ■ Officers ' , , T, P.. Dwiggins ................................'President C. S, Anderson .....Vice Pres. ■ i C.;'H. Barneycastle Sec, Treas, ' ' T. A. V an zant.........Asst, Sec, • D irectors, I. ■ , Mrs. C, H, .Meroney, Mrs. j;;E , Owens, Mrs. Geo Evans, T. P, Dwig­ gins, L, M,'Tutterow'j G, S, Anderson. : (Continued on Page 4,) , : ■ ; Monroo, Sept, 14,—A repotitioh';v: of the Needieman case which set the town of Witliamston in com-.' motion, a f6w woeks ago. occurred'!'.:! on; tho Monroo-CJh'arlotte- hlghwnyj'if'? two miles west of Monioo, oarly Sunday vmorning',;; when Turner Blanchard, aged 32, w as, taken from his home',by>n,.:hootlod mob - ahd subjected t'o a,;crim lnal ; opé- ;; rntion*. ' ; Blnnchard has bèert rt,cot-;;; ton mill ;,operator in Monroe for years, but lecently ' moved to ii, farm west of Monroe on- highway.:. - number 20. i , Several years ago he was mar- ' rled to Mrs. Lula:Grlffin, a widow,; ■ w U li'three childreh. To 'their m arriage five children havo.been ;, born. Ttie eight chiidron and Mr.- . and M rs.lBlanchard live in a farm house about throe hundred yards' from thé highway. A short while before day on • Sunday morning, there was a; call v ; at the door for Blanchard, and he ; wont into the : yard, immediately, ■ an automobile drpye away, ut'd j his wife went to tlie door and called But got not reply. In a ; short while the machine'returned \ ahd the occupants put Blnnchard out at'h is home. This is Mrs. ■ Blanchards story of the affair and ; is all that she knows about it. .Blanchard, \yho has been unable to talk but^ little, says .that when he went out the door he w as'im - > mediately blindfolded and thrown into the car by a party of hooded men, he thinks about four ; Itt, : number. He was then di^von out about the highway and the crlmi- . nnl operation was'performed.' < He was returned to his homq and told ;; that he wouki now pay ;hls groc-;,i . qry bllis, and the men drove away. ' ‘-w 'v''It''*w-a8'''ab6Üt^:Üa^^^^^^^ j:.;] Blanchard was; .ireturned to home. .He went Into hl^ room and he and his wife kept tho affalfl a'vsecret until about noon; About; this time the vlqtim fainted:^oiw‘ V,./| tW loss of blood and Cpunty Phy- ' sioinn G. M. Smoth, was called.. «1' On his arrival he.notified Sheriff , Clifford Fowler and ■ Blanchard- was rushed ,to Ellen Fitzgerald hospital at Mon'.’oo for treatment. . Hospital reports aro to the effect; that Blanchard was almost dead from losB of blood.'Mien he ar­ rived there. He /was given ^ a transfusion ahd revived and re­ ports at 8 o’clock tonight, say that his condition is serious, but there is some hope of his recovery. ; Sherih Clifford Fowlei’. and his .- deputies have worked all day for:; a clue as to; the assailants. Of- , flcal reports late in the day are to the effect that they are reasp- ;; nably cerl;ain as to the . guilty ;; parties, ’ . J:? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MOCKSVILLE CHARGE ,, (J, T, Sisk, pastor.) The m eetbg at Dulin’s Close^ .' Thuraday night. We had a spleh«', did meeting. Thore were; aboht‘i 26 pi'ofeasions, and nitie ne^v;me^n^v bera havo been ree'eived ,to; d ait^ ■, i., ^ u Bro, Bi’flsvvell endeared himself-to n"r fi: sure, but tlie, people, and hia visit will be tiVeiy, Mother.s recogmze, .welcomed at any time, ' therefore, that the lunch nt school may be. of assistance to them in ono of their special tasks. They are realizing, too, that the pre­ paration and serving of lunches at school may improve tho quality of teaching in Home Economics. Thus, the lunch nt school mny be considered a means of strengthen­ ing the courses in cpokery and alied'subjects, and it has already proved as in many places,—Select­ ed i’rom Farmer’s Bulletin, 712. — —- — « -----------------■ ; PARENTS AND FRIE|^DS The' Pareht-TGachers associa­ tion will meet at tho High School building Sept, 17 .it 3:15 o’clock, , This ttioeting will be for-'tbe election of -new officers. Let every body come and help to make this year the most successful in tho hiBtovy of: the organization. Mrs. J. A. Craven, President. ,. Rememlier, always come to the printing office first when in need of any kind of printing. Our ineeting at. Byeriys^begins > Sunday, Sept. 27th, with thiüid ; services. Coriie and bring your; ; luiich, and let’s spend the day-in,;' service, unto the Lord. \ ; The Sunday Schools ' Union Chapel, No. pre.sent 108;, •,' offering $1,89; Elbaville o, pre­ sent 90, offering ?1,25; Bethel,. ¿ No, present 81, oftering . $l,57'j:'' Dulin’s, No,;!pre8ent 02, offeringr • 80 cents;''•, ; , Union Chapel leads this .week, in both number present and,,the,,; offering, and they had thoir, Sun-;':; day school m hour earlier than ' usual, ' ' I The pastor ahd family aré»to ; visit their home folks in Ruther-.,,' ford county this week end -—;-------------♦-------^——r— County Agent Zeno Moore re-o, ports that he was mado referee,, to determine ,w,hich_was the bet;tcr ; of two varieties of. cotton, io.U 'fa,'» field in Nash county.' '"'That' 'ivas,' ^ ¡ easy,; states;. Mr. Moore, ■apí.ione.l.l'Ügi wa8,' Mexicáh,, Big Boll and ‘ 'tho'^ i/, «'i'jji ' other didn’t mattqr,^ / n 0 /Ji, : r/îiî р ’Ь"' Iti;', te'> w ; РлК'3,2 ТНК CONFEDKKATE VETERAN From Thij Ti'oj' Montgomel'inn. Scjitornber lO. • The íóllowiiiír ¡8 an excerpt from an nddresa made by A. C. H iineycutt at the ocasion of the Unveilinjr ,,of the Confederate monument at Albemarle last Sat­ urday! : We have heard the praises of the Confoderate soldier this day from the, lips of, others. I hardly I ciesire to see h is'n ative section see hbw it would be possible for rise from: the ashes of defeat. But me; to sav more. Indppri ’ " cay. There w e re )iq roads, no schools, few churches. But ae ¡Mr. Snotterly said in his uddroas this moriiing honor and firineiple were left. And, iis on the battle­ field, yea,-w ith even greater cou­ rage, he set his hand to tho task of rebuilding tho Southland. He had no m artial m ysic nor battle cry to stim ulate him to the task. ' V that enduring Anglo-Saxon, love of home, and that burning desire tò see his' native sectione___ .« ■ J H E MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRT!=!F . ________ . iiuiii: me asnes oi defeat. Butme; to say more. Indeed, there he laid the foundation deep and is nothing which the world can i solid upon which ho, his sons and say today that would add to th e,his grandsons have built this great..I-..-. <■ ■' - ...........- • . . . _«> «^U4U ilLUl LU cnc «lo ry of' the Conferedate soldier onl tho field of buttle, We may tell of his'bravery at Bull Run, at C hancellopilfe, at Cold Harbor, around Richmond^ at Bentonsville] and ; G ettysbiirg; histoiiaiis may.'-t » ' • '- 4c*iiO liiU^ record his deeds of bravery, poets m ay sliig of his courage and gal- Î lan try and orators may extoll his b rillian t campaigns, but nothing can be'said or Written W'hich w ill make the Confederate soldier's re­ cord as a fighter, more gloiious. W e : may call up history for his equal as a soldier. Let tHe story bd told of the handfull of Spar- ■ tans who died at the pass of Ther- itiopylue; let the poet.sing of the .glorious : charge at B alaklava, when six hundred British cut thoir w ay to the Russian guns ■, 'and ; returned again, but "not the ¡six' hundred.’’ Let the orator tell ' in'rairibow colors of the.fam ous .1G0‘ days campaign of Nap¿lebn, ., •which'bofore Stonewall Jackson’s tiny, was'unequallod in iUl .history. . ' L et us. heflr all this and thoh I . w ill'tell you .thatvPicketf’s charge ■ 'ài;; Gettysburg. sui‘p(issedth'evglòi7 ' '.«f .the.British at Balfvklavá or the 'ii Spartans at! tjiei.pass of .Tliermo- ■ '•“pyjac* ^;I>vill; still 'üontend that, thb' , ; Jorcos, ;Under;'the .'great 'Napoleon .,,'hd\n‘ín g;í¡h at' ’victorious campaign .i ■ again st; Jfiuaaitt; nnd Austria,- . did .ÍÍ not i compiu'è'/îih brilliance . with r í'Stonewall vJaékson’s ; forces, in the :,^Vnlloy ,; of .Virginia, I when^ - t . ' ¡went :up.against the host trained, ,. ;..the best fed, the, best clothed, the best equipped arm y,tlio wbrld had i.ever .aeoni and .with a force .mucli ;,,^inferiori in numbers, H terally cut th at fine Northern arm y to pieces . ' and 'scattered it,; in litter defeat, in every' diregtioii; ' ^' * ; ■ ' ' V 'The? story of ' the aw ful day at :, G ettysburg has nov'el' been dupli- Ï;- cat'od.. "Thoro ;thë' ' .T\yonty-sixth ' Carolina in fantry charged '!With 820 mon arid‘ left 704 killed ^ -.............*M»w wmiL tins gz'eai Southern empire which is today the adm iration of the v/orld. 'The Confederate soldier is due a large part of the credit for this fine civilization .which v.’c have built I up here in the South during thesenfiaf' \»nOl»a A ^ —» StAÑ LY SIMPLY ‘ET ‘EM ALIVE AT OLP FIDDLERS CONVENTION SATURDAY The Stanly .News Herald, s S u n ly coiinty went up to the State Old Fiddler’s Convention, which was held at Cooleemee Saturday night, and brought home practically nil the prizes offered, including the silver loving cup > r ant, extension annually awarded to the county'at State College. i".rnishing the most and b est. Eight varieties of soybeans tii'sic. The cup was taken from j were planted by Mr. Dove in two Rowan, which won it last year, ■ t,f>ctions of the county in order and which made a strong fight, to determine which would thrive L'AREDO s o y b e a n s RESlS'r ROOT-KNOT September 17. im.^1 R.'ildigh, Sept. J.3.'—"Soybean variety demonstrations conducted by J..' L. Dove, Farm Agent in Richmond county, show tiiat tlie Laredo variety can be successful­ ly grown on land infested with the root-knot disease," says G. W. Fant, extension plant pathologist ......'--Opast years. And when ive shall have succeeded in, making this 'very section the heart and center of the finest cii^ilization that this world hac: ever known, the/'^glory of it should largely be given to the Confederate veteran. Wc have erected here a Tionu- ment in memory of the Confeder- ate, soldiers w h o ‘went out from -----. -• tc hold it another year, "We brought back every first prize but' one,’ said Mr, Fisher Hendley who headed the Stanly bunch, and who carried along his organization known over this:sec- tion as the Albemarle Novelty and Amu.^ement Club. About 20 in all attended the state convention from Stanly. The Albemarle No­ velty and Amusement Club was represented, by Mr. Fisher Hend­ ley, m anager;. Grover Thompson, Worth Allen, R, C, Simpson, P. L. JIayberry, Hugh B arrier , arid Hoyle Lowder, all of Alberiiarle. Jlr. P. A. F urr also went with his1»__ -_____, ...... uut irom lUr. F. A. F urr also went with i: Stanly county. It commemorates ¡ four sons, aiges 11, 9, ,8; 6 years— him ns a soldiei* iu the field.; It ¡Belvin, Marvin, Thadeus and Ra­ is well for tliis to have been done. ' von. Then thero were M essrs. But it seems to me .that alongside I Joriah and ,John Page, also Earl this we should erect another'. I Hatley, from Albemarle, T. -F. would ,place on that one, the' fig- Crovveil, violinist, and John Cra- uro of the Stanly, cdunty fam e r, well, guitar player, both of rieai the carpenter,; the workman. In- New London, also DeWitt Hudson stead pf a musket; I would have violin ist,,and Tom Whitlo.v, man •him grasping an axe, a hoe, while dolin player, of near New London „„„.— .1 1.' - -- The following brought .b a c k •liin'a ■)„ „vl.llli—. 'X- *• • . / .. . --------- ...IU jKii,. iu‘* itiiieu ■and Avonndod on /thè, battlefield (tjiiit tiigJit;, ,Qoriipnhy F, from 'one .North Cai'olinaJ county, : charged with ' S)1. mori arid, lòiat,¡every man killed iind wounded! , Foui-teèn ,t,imes;their/colors .were'shot, dow^ and;d’oui’teeri;:,tiriioÌ3, rálséd'úigain, .and, whenvfor theiviasfc tiine the Bonnie Bino Flag wènt 'doWn diii-- , i.ng that gallan t charge, it fell ■.from , thc hands of- Col, ; H arry 'Burgwyn, a more lad of. 21, com­ mander of the vegiment, who hoi d- ^iijg it up for the last time, fel| mortnlI;^/wourided; . Do you \yond- er th at';! .say that,; eyori the last , ’■ stand’of the Swiss Guards, at thei- palace of the French King, whs * a , school iboya fight in ''compari- ' son ? • • To the .memory of the Confede- ., , rate 'soldier we, haVe erected here' i n bekùtifü I riionunient. It depicts ' ' ' the ;bni\ynV figure, of a Confede­ rate soldlorririuskct in hand, clad, in umform of; the Southern Con- federacy. I have long desired to eee juat such a monument erect- ■ ed in our county to stand thi'ough- ; out the years to come' asv,a re- ; . minder to us, and our posterity of ' ■ the heroism of the f Confederate ,' -soMier as a, fighter ori tjie field -of 'battle; ' ■ , . ' But “pence hath her victorie.s no less renowned thaii War.” W ith ■ all his acta of heroism on the bat­ tle field, the Confederate soldier ; served his country much better as a citizen w ith a vision. Toda,y when we have a network of fine ' highways, when our m agnjficant churche.it'e.stify tp our foundation , surely laid, when on almost every h ill can be seen a magriificani; ■ school building, when thè auto has ■' annihilated space and. distaii6e', ■ when the téléphoné, the telegraph and tho radio flashes m essages a- round the world Jn rhe twinkling . ' of an eye, when our great'cities ' hum with the-noise of industry, when our fertile fields produce' food in such abundance and ■\yhen a man can sit down under his “own vine and fig tree ^ylth none to molest òr make him afrpid," ' : we fail' to give the Confedérate soldier who survived the awful ‘ ' conflict of the sixties, due credit fof' the part w’hich he phtyed in . 'Jh^kn the present conditions' ^ possibile,, He returned home at I í.\■',(^^iridícl(^íЦГl the war,to find eyery- " áv*,|diÍap,j.dated. The fences ...... ei.tcijjinj iwi axe, a noe, while arburid him 1,1 would design the vni'l()USilmplpmeiits of huabandfyi- For hfter ali, these are thé tools wlth; whioh..we‘muât' dig deep for, the ;foundtitioni;upon> which shiill rest :all great arid lûstin};,civilizar j tií'Hsy Arid ;thori ; standing'by ;his I'side Vl Avould; doslgri.'tho figu a i>laln woman dressed,in ; hònie- Hpun; ^holding, the'shuttle.and:^ dishpari. iyith■ the';wash bóàrd and the kitchen utensils; around' ''her, and/in;,;front ' o f’ Hhese^:’:!; would place, an ' open Biblb; for it' was through^the, self .sacrifice, the la­ bor, thè prayers .of; thè women of the Southi th at thè Confederate veteran was strengthened to keej)' up th è'fight for ' th is ',glorious civilization. , . , : ' • I sometimes' feel that \ye do not give enóíigh créditi to the womg.ri of the Confederacy.', M ay : wo yet give her,.'het. iiroper place/in th at fereat .conflict w'hich tried women’s souls; as well; na mèri's.. ;Wo read that \yhen;' Israel fought agalrist Amalek;; Moses ,¡took his; plOT the';,nibuhtairi' a n d j while the spllllers' ,under Joshua,;,fought;: But his h p d s becam e'heavy and' fell to hi^ sides i and then i.Amalèk w’#s victoribus,’, ¿nd , \Vheri Mdses’ hands ' were held ; up Israel ,won- So thuse standing by liekl Up his hands,until tho going down of the fiun and Isrivel won the great vic­ tory. But for those who lield up the hands; of 'Moses Josliua and his arm y would never , have won the victory. . That’s the place of 'the Avomen of thé; Confederacy, both during the w'ar and in the more trying reconstruction period. A ll . honor, tp the ; Confederate soldier : on the : battlefield, 'ahdï in civil life, and all honoi' to |iis courageous help' mate. ; Only. : a few; of;them have lived to see this handsome monument, ^Only n few years and they w ill all be gone'. But may you who still survive "So live thnt ^vhen thy summoris ; comes to join ; The innumerable caravan, which moves To th at m ysterious realm , where each, shall’take . His, chamber in the siler.t halls of death, \ Thou go not, like the guarry-slave at: higl]t, ,. ,; - ■ Scourged to his- dungeon, but, sustained and soothed By an nnf^itering trust, approach thy grave. Like one who wraps the drapery of his cpuch ,! 'About him, and lied down to plea­ sant dreams.” uruuJiHl ^ UllCK prizes, in addition to the state ¡^Silver 'loving cup: Fisher ',Herid ley, first prize, banjo; Pi 'L/May- ierry, first ■ prize guitrir; Bel vi n Efuriv -boya' first;vp iiijp ,\ioHn; EarK Hatloy, second prizo;; violin ; Hugh B arrier' first: prize “ buck iirid' wirig’’ danclingi ; ; ; / ^ ; A fter the coritdsts,! officers for the coming yeai/'were elected as follow^:; J. C. Sell, pooleefneij m anager; Frank, W illiam s,; Mocir esyille, assistant m anager; • and Fisher H endley,'' of Albomarlo, secretary' and treasurer. ; ' ; Mr. iHeridi^y hns not only riiade up. his riiindi to keep the ' state silver lovitig cup in Stanly aft^r the . n ext, state conventio,n which ;wlll:, be held ;in,;Septembi)r, lP20;' but hG,,beliovos he will be able to bring; the isijnte ; 'convention to; Albemarle then. . ' V ' ; , ,: 1^10 convenes on wiis hehV 1 n the school auditorium ai: Cpoleemep,,arid tiinHA ----- ............... »ruuil.1 tniiV« best under root-knot conditions.' An examination of the plantings was made early this month and th.e Laredo was the only variety foiind to be free from Injury and thriving on the infested soil. "Since root-knot attacks, a num­ ber of different crops in the State,” says Mr, Faht,“ the,con­ trol of this disease is of consider­ able importance. Among the crops most affected are tobacco, cotton, cowpea, cantaloupe, cu­ cumber, okra, pepper, tomato, arid the peach, and the disease can be controlled only by keeping these crops off the land for two' oi'- more years. This starves out the sm all eal-worms which cause the disease. "Among trie y resistant crops that may be planted are corn, La- ¡redo soybeans, rye, borley, wheat, ‘ tho Iron,; Brabham, and. Monotta varieties of cowpeas, velvet beans, and the peanut. The disease ia becomirig more ..prevalent ; each year and th e ’ planting of these immune crops'should bo made a practice, in those sections where the injury'i.s severe.. This is es- ig pecfnlly iriiportant on the lighter f| soils in the sandliill section;’’ ; . A three-year rotatlbn.which, in- ' eludes onlj''. i;pot-knot 'resi.stant jj ’.plants .w iir freej'the. .soil ,of this ^ j)òst, states Mr. Fant. , ■ g ■ ‘Tli Tell Anybody Under The Sun It Took Karnak To Do The Work For Me, And It Sure Did Do It,” Says Charlotte Mah. “When 1 tell you that since tak­ing thia now mudicine Knrnak I can eat anything I want nnd feel as. fine tts a fiddle aitcrv.’nvd, it meanij more than you might think it does, for before I got this mcd- icino fiftcon \ years suffering from indigestion had gotten my stomach in such bad condition it simply rebelled against any kind of food," declares 'T. ” ....." "R. Harwell, of 1011__ Siegel St,, Chariotto, N. C. ‘‘Yes sir, everything I ate hurt me,” continues Mr. Harwell. ‘‘Food would sour and form gas on my' stomach which was terribly pain- full and aggravating. I felt ад weak and bad for the past several years that I 'Was forced to stop work at times and take a rest try. ing to build up my run-down condi­ tion. I лvould simply get to tho place where I wasn’t able to go. "Well sir, I thank my lucky stars that 1 finally decided to try Knr. nak. Why, . three bottles of this medicine has set me eating like a house afire, and my food is now doing me the good it should bn do.'— ’ ■ it cr—’ *_...gy *iiw viivi циии it miOUlQ On do* ing and is not causing me ono bit of trouble afterward. ‘‘I’ll toll tho world I’m thankful to be rid of all tho suffering 1 went through Avith, and I'll tell anybody under the sun that Knr­ nak is what it took to do the work for me.” Knriml; la sold In Mockavlllo «xcluilvol}- by Hnrrle-LcGrond I’harmncy; and by nil lundln« J uKiilst in evory town. Kllll SCHOOL SHOES Ш 111М1Г'Чии!*:глй S ; ' ' - ' ■■■ Hi STATE PERFECTS ,LOAN FOR i ROADS U .« US HOmn CrOW'd ‘i ,‘fOf 'all,;tho ficldllrig and dancing I,’ have? over iseon,’’ W brie- of thqm !;"I sow it ut/Cooleemoo Saji- :Urdny,;riight,’';',;„ T ', If ,' Albeninrlo keeps .up) her . 'pro ■ suri't'pace;this, town, vvin. w^ few 'ydars becomo known for it'a, ,loye of music. P rof.; Ludwig’s band -is known all over: the atato as one.of, if not the beat, band, in the Carolinas. The ontiro per­ sonnel of the Penny Erbthers band is riiade up oi Albemai’le men, ■.vhile Hendley’.s Amusement Club is advertising Albemarle as a mu­ sical town.. Some day this town may .be better known for its mu- .sical talent than it now Is for its (ilectrical ener'g.y and njanufactur- ing industries. ' THE DOZEN MOST POPULAR SONGS le home wris in' de- Summel' is a time for singing and it is interesting to turn to'a list of thé dozen most i^(/pular songs as recently reported'by di­ rectors of community singing throughout the United States. Here is the list:— America, tho Beautiful ; Sweet Adeline; Old Folks at Homo; Dixie;' My Old Kentucky Home; Carry Mo Back to OUI 'Virginny; Battle I-Iymri of tho Republic; Old Binck Joe; Thérç’s a Long, Long T rail; A m erica; Home, ' Sweei; Home; Star Spangled Banner. , How mnny of thesé twelve most popular songs can ^vour -fam ily sirig. togethoi’?~The Progressive Farmer.. Increase your yield Every acre mu^t be made to yield its best ' to secure satisfactory profit. It takes a certain yield to ¡pay for the cost of production. All over this quantity is almost clear profit. , Your safest way to irisure profit is to use a liberal application of Swift’s Red Steer Fer«/ tilizers. J, C, CHARLES . Mocksville, N. C. ('Warehouse at Greasy Corner.) Authorized Swift Agent ^(By Brock Barkley, in C, 0,) Raleigh, Sopt, IL —-Tho state of North Carolina today boi'rowed iS18,000,000 from New York bank­ ers to fin/inco highway CMs'truc- tion and' institutional improvo- m ents,; . ' ■ , , ''rhe niorioy was obtalried on sliort term notes,' dated Septemb: er 15, m aturing January 15, and .jbearing an Intorest’rrito of 4 1-8 .h e i' n n im i.n r... i \ r ~ r — ' IF YOU WANT GOOD SHOES FOR i SCHOOL CHILDREN COME TO t JONES & GENTRY ! f-!. . ■ ■ H "THE SHOE MEN" y 447 TRADE STREET WlNS’rON-SALEM^ N. C. y i '5 81 Д M .V./UUfÇl ^ _ _____V»* *•* 4.-U arid those atteriding. ' -from, this Jper cent’ . Governor, McLean, and placò:яау-^thdré,w a s ‘‘'somo сч-о«’'' - ' ’ ’- -'.’■■I' , .1,^..«. . v<v,TV>tiiUi , ¿TlUliUiWl- aXKI Troasurer Ben Liicy arranged for tho big loan on a recent, trip to New York,.'and; tho' riegotlations were completod today. ■. Ill ;addltiori Uo the ?18,0d0,000 loan;'the .state has outstaiiding to ninthro Jan uary 16 ohort;- term notes amounting to .$10,000,000 ao that the total, ebllgation January 15 w ill amount to $23,000,000. At thnt time, if the market is favor­ able, atate bondS' w ill probably be Issued ty fund -the notes. If the mui'ket, is unfa'vorablo, tho state w ill continue to finance construc­ tion and' improvementa on short terni paper; . ’ ; The money borrowed, today w ill be used for the following pur­ poses',jGovernor McLean announc- ed.'’ ’ ;,,, , :V- . ’ , . ',' , 5,000,000 to renew' a "note for the same amount given for mbney borrowed on Soptpmbei; 20, 1923, for highway bonds, authorized by the 1923 legislature. ' ' $5,000,000 to provide tempora­ rily for highway\ construction authorized by the highway bond act of 1925., .$3,000,000 r to provide funds tem porarily for permanent im­ provements under tho institutio­ nal bond act of 1925. These notes tho ^governor said, "will be refunded by the issuance of bonds whenever the bond mark et is favorable.” ' The $10,000,000 of notes previ­ ously include nn item of $5,000,- 000 borrowed 'for highway con­ struction purposes under the bond act of 1925 and $5,000,000 in re­ newal of a note given for money borrowed on August 7, 1924, to provide funds for the special schooi building fund authorized by the 1923 general assembly. "The ten.m illion dollars provid­ ed iu the negotiations for high- л\;ау construction represent tho total amount fo.v thot purpose au­ thorized by the last general as­ sembly. Another issue of ten m il­ lions was authorized for next year. FOREST TIMBER FOR SALÉ Oak, Forest pine, Hickory, Dogwood, also second growth pine, a lot of cord- wood. See-T- . W. A. LANGSTON Rt. 4, MOCKSVILLE, N. C. . On highway No. SO. ' It. pd. 3 i:iiinii»BiiiiniiiiHiiiin¡¡iiD:iiaiaiiiin:inniiiia:ii!'Q;n!aíi«cn!9in'«niiiH!i!iB;»n'iiiiH;!i!B' mniiiiBw iea.iiiBiiiiniiiiBi'iiiBiiuBiiiiB!iiiBniiBiiiiB¡iiia!iiifli№B!ii¡BiiiifluÍ!B:iiiB!iiiBii«a!i«ainiai№ei:i»:i'i ^ . R С о A We have told you before to buy Coal early, and we repeat again, buy Coal now while delivery is assur,«! and prices are less than they may be later. ^ HOME ICE & FUEL CO. Phones: 116—135a faaiiiiBiiiiBiiiiBiiiiaMBai * *. C. C. YOUNG & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS * Mocksville Cooleemee 1 * Phorio l33 Phone 5720 * * Prompt and E fficient Serviee ** » # ,, » *' * COMING IN ■ GOING OUT ' of our garage and repair, shop, you have the satisfaction of knowinft that your car w ill be, or has been, properly taken crire of. . ■ -', All kinds of repairs and adjustm ents made .promptly by mechanics who know theiV business; 1 Arid another thing that pleas.sB our customers is the fact that your car w ill be ready at the time proinlsed. . ■ Bring the car In this week. , MocksviUe l^otor Go, Gas, Oi^ and Gre^^ FORK CilURCH NEWS GUERNSEY SALE LARGELY ,LiVINi3 W rW ‘‘T. B.” WITHOUT ^ ’ ..........—............... *' I ‘ 'DANGER.''’' ' Jlrs. D.; V. Dttvia Is v.<(pBtiding some tltne. nt Hdaling Springs In Davidson county.,' , jlr, 'VV. F. M errell; of Statea- villu, iv foi'tner citizen ,of this ^sec­ tion, visited ',In F o rk 'last 'week; He spent: a f^\y daya, with his son, fi- 'E."Merrell,:,; ;i; 7,’ Mrs. B eatrice; Brewbaker and (Iiuighteiv Ruth have movej to Winston-Salern; Mrs. Brewbaker has accepted iu matronahip in the Cliildren's Honie, a Methodist Or- wtt U . O UllVL Uliv; . XK/J. . Sale for which they received $440 'which was , the lowest price. =i' r received at an Auctiori :Sale .held (led « new,,corn and feed m ill: to its present outfit., ,M r,:J; R. Wil- liiim.<3. has beeri genèràl manager of this corporation for'‘ a riumbcr of years, : arid during the";years of Mr. W illlariis’ management, tlie; company has ibeen prosperous -firidi progressive. ' , ^ ; 'i ' ; / Houston S. Davis has apul his house and; lot, here to 'D r.' Crow who,' w ill locato at Fòrk at an early datcl :- Diy Crow n'ow desid- e.s at Héndbrsonviile, : and during the past 'few months.has'.accumu;; Inted quite ;a. practice in thi.q sec­ tion, ; No.'doubt'hia many patients will be glad to ioarri of the Doc­ tor’s decision to, locate among us. Miss Rcba . W illiams, daughter of Lee R. W illiam s of near Fork, was talîeri 111 suddenly‘last week and rushed to the Baptist Hospi­ tal at Wlnaton-Salem where she undoriyent an operation for.'ap­ pendicitis, Miss W illiama la' rè- covering nicely, we .understand. We have had some, rain of iato which broke the three or four weeks drouth that waa upon us. It has been extremely dry during the eritire summer and crops are below the average, ypt this see- tidn Is going to harvest someth­ ing, this fall, ,r! Cotton picking has ajready begun, the earliest hi • years' for this work. There ,will be some upland corn as well aa corn in the bottoms. All crops were cut short at the start, be­ cause the dry weather at planting time preyented a good "stand,” In tobacco, cotton and corn. How­ ever, we aro' not going to starve to death here in Fulton township, by A Jugfull, The rpad work on the Fork- Mocksville 5 division pf thé; state highway which is l^eing carried pn by a' state cpnstruction force is progressing Hntisfactorily, The road is being widened, soiled nnd sanded, and we learn that n coat­ ing of oil w ill be put on later. Sand is: being pumped out of the Yadkin river at Fulton Ferry and hauled and distributed along the' ‘ . -'-1 i?-».. ATTENDED AT MTi ULLA The' Annuai Sale of the North SAhatorium,'; Sept, 12.—There Carolina Guernsey Breeders As- are a few simple precautions and sociation Was held at Mt. ti'llu, N. sanitary/rules that persons living, C. August 2Gth. Thei’R were with a tubei'culoUs patient; and aboiit five; hundred people pre- the patient himself m ay: follow seiit,' although only'a ,feW: buyers that w ili;m nke;a "T." B.’’ - of ; no more danger than ;a well person. When a "T ;;B ;’’:;and those who ctiré forchini follow .th^se rules 'ari unreasonable fear of the per­ son suffering with .tuberculosis is foolish. ' Infection; by the tui?ercle bac­ illus Vcoriies; alrnost exclusively from ,the.'sputtim of the, tubercu- nrKSVILLE ENTERPRISE ^ \ U I J i * ' - * *--------------- __ .........:---------- ---- - .......................... ---- - jihanagG ilear, the Twiii-City. ' ,ia,,mondy irt raising Regiiitdved Fork Milling: Company has ad- Q>-*?i'>'sey Cattle. .--— LI..., »^:i ....................... ‘ ''fwin Brock Farm,;; furniali.cd : i,rotn',the,'sputtim of the, tubercu- fcwo cows arid one ;calf for’ the' Ipus patient. - So the safe disposal Sillo fnv whipVi iiipv vnr'pivdri S4dOiof the spiltuin of the patient is UI/' im - by the . North Ciirolinii' G'iioniàoy Bi'ééders; Association, ibut ;ùt this price 'it' seenis t'hàt .more farmers of Davie Coiutty.;Woiild engage in; raising Registei'ed ' ciittle. ' '’rhero is , no reason wliy Davio, County sliould not have ;a Guernsey cat- tlo,:As3ociatlon and conduct Coun­ ty s!ile.si -' T hé, scrub' cow is- uri- profitabloj'to W’hich ,fact everyone will agree, and; we liope; to see -her replaced by' Registered Guernsey, Jerseys, or some other m|lk strain !., 'under the leadership of the iîpiiturii of the patient is ■ .one of the most Important fh'e-^ Ijdttutioris,.' ,Never spit e.4cept;in, a ' ли... ïirliînli лп|л' bm.íiorl o f cutt^ei _________ of our Very able County, Agent, Miv George E vans,, wo could do wonders by pulling together in the next few yealV, and Davie could be classed among the dairy­ ing 'counties of our , wpnderful state. ,,, i'. : , We hppe at nd distant date that there :will be erieugh gpod milk cows in Davie Counjty to mrtlte.lt possible to ojierate n Cooperative Creamery at Mocksville. At pre­ sent there are , not enough good cows'In the County tò make this a paying proposition, but at the rate that we are progressing we predict that th is,will be possible within the next two or three years. We need more cows, but* we need most of all to replace the cows that we have with better cows. Thè average farmer, sell­ ing cream is producing this cream from cows that do not make ovèr 150 lbs., and certainly not over 250 lbs., per year. Thia is why so many farm ers claim that there is no money in producing cream, and if these farm ers who argue that there is no money 1я this business would exchange their cows producing 150 lbs., for cows producing 50Ó lbs., they would see that there is a profit to be had. It is true that tiiere are many fai'mers who never have, nor ever V— - -------- to'm erchants; there are ,thous ands of merchants that go broke every year because they do not know how to run a store. Thia has always been the case, and al-,, wa.vs w ill.be the case, both aa to! » pnfnmnfn^v' the farm er and the merchant. But, | p,.!iwfm' to the better buaineaa man on the ' nauieu ami uiBmuuvvii, __ nmncio —.......... road, - There lias been a need for .'"’¡Hi make a dollar out of produc- ari Improved "road to Mocksville ing'. cream, nor will they make over so long, A few yoars ago ' ' ' ■ - when many loss important roada In the county werd soiled and im­ proved, thia one remained red and muddy, "rhe mistake- that was made (it first Is now being cor reeted, after th e . roads built in former days have long since worn out,' Anyway, we of this section, shall not kick, in that we were last in those days we are now to be first, Relativea to the recent big court in Davie county, Fulton township had only one little boot leg case and it was laid over to next term because the state’s wit­ nesses failed to appear. We have a m ighty good township or else we have a citizenry none of which cares to report the “ short com­ ings” of their, neighbors, .Saying npu'ght of the neighbor is com­ mendable, in a way, but when there' is habitual and continuous law breaking all about, it no long­ er rem ains a virtue to keep our mouths closed. Fulton town.ship has its share of speeding; and possibly mpre than its share of sugar hootch, otherwise it is alU right. We pay our debts, pay the preachers and love our neighbors as ourselves, but on the matter of a little drink for the stomach’s sake we are sometimes a bit lame on the legs. , . To F iglit' ‘?len t Hogs” RESULTS SH O ^ VALUE C BEAN BEETLE WORIi Raleigh, Sept. IQ.—Observa- IUK-. uicaiu, yv,., tions niade this summer by J. C. money out of produc ng anything crawford, field entomologist for else, for they do not know how to Carolina Experiment iigoi‘0 their cost. This_ a№llc-s station show that .farmers who followed recoramendations in tho Mr. Crawford is stationed at 10 tne ucLwci ..........................^ Mountain Branch Station farm, we do aee a change to make Swannanoa and during the■ * ' - ------ sputurii cup which can be burned when ''uaed,; andi see that' j it;-.-lie burned. Covering the mouth With a rag,-piece Of ; gauze Ьг :П paper ;napkin;wheiii the; patient cough.és pr snopzés ia thè next big; i-ule. Dpn't use .the ;bnre ..hand» 'fhe ■fine apray; in Áyhich the germs live ;wili: be spread ; all over it. If sputrim;is accldentolly spilled cov­ er it \yith' disinfectant, , let stand fpr я AVhilo,' wipòvUp .with a;rag and burn the rag. ;; ;ji V In disinfecting' the room of a '"Í. B.’’ formaldehyde candéis may be used. Every, article .in the room hung In the sunshine for three/days is fu'lly as good. Dis­ infect or boil for fivo- minutes; all dishes or drinking véasela the patient uses, unless the patient uses separate dishes and drinking., vessels. ;'Surplus food should; be¡¡ I boiled ,or burned., Boil ;the poti- ent’s clothes and bed linen five mlniites or soak for two hours in a, disinfectant befoi;e sending to the lauridry. Strew the floor in the patients’ room with damp saw­ dust or bita of wet paper before sweepirig. , ' ' ‘ Don’t kiss the. patient if he coughs and never kiss any one on the lips; even if they do not cough. Never allow the tuberculous pati- [ent to sleep with any one. Every time another person waits on the patient the hands must he wash­ ed in soap and water. ^ , Children are much mpre easily infected than adults. Keep them away from; the person and tho room of the "T. B.” as long as the patient coughs or spits. Never let the patient kiss or fondle theip or allow them to handle or eat food or anything the patient haa had his banda on, WE ARE READY TO DRESS THE BOYS AND YOUNG MÉN , IN AIX'GUR46^YEARS;wii HAVE NEVER FELT SO GOOD OVER THE STYLE PIT AND VALUE OF OUR FALL LINE ¡AS THIS TÍME. Y;0U’LL DO ^E L L TO COME HERÉ FOR THOSE FALL CLOTHES. YOUNG MEN’S SUITS $20 Up BOYS SUITS WITH 2 CÍflPANTS V ;^ O .D U u p BOYS SUITS WITH 1 LONG?¿Í e r t f l 1 SHORT PANTS ;^ 1 0 .U U U p BOYS’ SUITS W rrH TWO, LONG PAN'rS '•;ГЙЬ . . 3 Si ‘SaIi -..iitx.. ‘ jf ‘S Vj . ..yJSiji úb,1.'.. y'tf Í' . m m '-■ 1 Ш > Л '‘c'u'.jiiii .Ш Щ .. .......Ш ili $15.00 up 44Ó N. Liberty and 106 W. Fifth Winston Salem, N. C. ; DAVIE CAFE FOB LADIES AND GENTLEMEN MEALS AND LUNCHES ICE CREAM AND COLD DRINKS I». K. MANOS, PROPRIEl'OR, ‘‘On The Square,” Mocksville,N.C. control of the Mexican Bean Beetle jn weatern North Carolina ¡secured good reaults, states Prof. Fi'anklin Sherman of the Division liU'IU, VVU V*V ............more money and that by the u se;'“^“‘ Tl'il ...... •of good cows and good chickens month has had the opportum- in connection with the regulai of studying the bean beet e f . situation in several mountain The farm er who has eight ten good milk cows, and one hund-'red good hens ahvays has some about May 20 this year which was r * zrse - sitrs: r ; ‘S i farm ers'of this character in Davie ^p , ^ which were poisoned according to ^ _____ rtjcommendationa made by the Di- MBS. BO RKETT..?.^® ™ j , « ; ,..........«0+V.01* ---------- BY LIGHTNING ilVtiU .emu ............- .iury by beetles. The dry v/eather aided in this somewhat its it al-■ -------- Î ^ 4."U _.- ir -n ¡aided in in ia HumctYn«., .. , ’ i'-n' , , lowed the'poison to remain on the ket Bass was killed .by lightnina ^ period of time, at her home on the •‘’«yloi'sv leat higher altitud-it lier nonie uii oiio ___ road, three miles from Statesville, yesterday afternoon during an electrical storm ., Mrs, Bass’s in­ fant daughter,. four months old, lying in its mother’s lap at the time, was not irijurod, Mr. and j Mrs. Bass, and little child and Mr. I and Mrs. A rthur'W ilson were seated in the room, Mrs. Bass be­ ing seated against the w all a few feet from the open fireplace. The bolt appears to have struck, the chimney, ' entering; through thé Some localities ............ - es had less damage than in 1924 even though no poisoning waa done. - ;. - , The pqi.'spns recommended by Mr. Crawford were retested thia ',, ;Florida haa her troubles as '»yell ,a8 'o th er States, It is claimed that literally hupdreds.and thpus- chimney, .......... ands of , peoiile, are being fprced ^.¿^f and pasing through Mrs to , leayp , the .state 01,1 account pi B(,gg>a body, The right shoe was high rents. It is either pay m split, and torn fi;pm her foot and go, and a lot of people, rather « bole wos knocked in, the; tbe ofI— )„r (.),g : , ,ffOj unu il luv ,vi*. , thnn,'''to ;pay, are loavi|ng by, the first^train ; and! . by autdmobile. ,'f'l’he; Governor has been called on ; by ,'the chamber of ccijimerce ,cf M iami,to cpnvene a special session of the Legislature tp relieve the situatlen by legislation. I»A - » iH ' I r ViiV .1Ц iK' v ó l i -HA VE, ANYTHING TO SELL, PLACE YOUR :,I ',^;ïA n,lN THE MOCKSVILLE ^k;i«■,"^Éfe'BN'ГERPRISE, ONE PRICE iVir, ---, year -»vith. success and many ad- jditional' preparations were tried out; in, an experimental way. The Mexican Beiin Beetle lias been in North Caroh'na only a few I years, having spread northward frorii Alabama and invading Che­ rokee county in'1921. Since that time it has spread throughout the mountains and pioved eastward to a line .through Charlotte, States­ ville and Mt. Airy. The pest seems to prefer the higlicr and cooler elevations’ arid it is not known now; whether it Will Invade (the great’" soybean sections pf eastern Carolina. ; Mr. Cwyford also studied a number of' other insect pests in , , the mouritain territory this siim- aon felt the shock but .suiiu.^u ... «„d found that most of these injuries, Mrs. Bas.s waa I"? year^ be';controlled with the usual of age. She was « W riter :C:f ; :. N,'\V. Thpmpsoni^ , , -'.'-i;,^ * DR. E. C. CHOATE * , DENTIST* ____ * In Mockaville Mondoy, Tups- * * day and Wednesday; jOver Southern Bank & Trust Co. ** * Phone 110 ' * In Cooleemeo Thursday, Frl- * * day and SaM irlay; Ovfr Cvol- * * eemee Drug Store; 1 * X-Ray Diagnolsid * * PHONES: Residence No. m , * * Offico No. 33 ♦ *»*#*«***#* Cramped and Suffered "My 'back ond h ead would acbo, and I had to go to bed," Bays Mrs. "W . L. Ennis, of Worthville, Ky. "I iUBt could not stay up, t o r I would cramp and suffer 00. I was very nervous. My ohUdron would ‘got ott roy nervea.' It waen't a pleasure for me to try to go an yw h ere, I tolt so bad. "My mother had taken , : Once yoii have driven the Thei^ ydii will realize fully .1 —*'* that the Better Buick»;;' the left foot. , , .The child fell from its hiothers' lap hs Mrs, Bass fell backward, Mr, Bass was kiiocked uncons­ cious for a time, but soon regoln- ed, coriscjousrie.ss; Mr, ; .Wilson was knocked down, but was not rendered unconscious, Mrs, \yil- spn felt'the shpck but suffered no17 vohvq For Femé Troubles at one tlmo, so she lostiited that i try it, 1 took four bot­ tles ot Cardul, and It one should aee mo now they ■wouldn't think I had" ever been, sick, . '"I have gained twenty pounds, and my cheeks aro rosy, I feel luat fine. I am regular and haven't th* pain. "Life is a pleasur«. l ean do my work with ease. - I ;glve Cardul the praise." ■. Cardul haa relieved many thousands of oaaea o t pain and female trouble, and should help you, too,Tako Cardul. . At AH Druggists'.................... - E-10( J V'UUi; yvfu75 horsepower, 75..mile« . wm ms ___, an«hour Better Buick} with it» 75 horsepower ^Once you have wheeled ‘ inexpensive per;{ forihance like no o W gaining speed all the way; known. Once you have observed ; ^ J how v«y much the Bettei ' lead in traffic} , Buick lias ¿dde4 to the i ^ Once you have checked pleaijure of driving is to ; i its economical gasoline' drive a Better Bwick.* We cons,umption againstyour ‘ have pne waiting for your friends’ cars— telephone call. ; BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FUNT. MICHIGANV D M / iio n 0/ G e n e r a l M o t o r i C o r p o r a t io n o.ui-''-,'V 2'pai#. Road»ur ^ í5«paM. Tourinil Maar«rSi*'$1250 7*pai>, Sidftn- . • 1295 Qrougnam 'i;r.H .2.Jo o ';Scd .n ¡3W -, 3.p,...Sp<„tUo>(d,t,.l49<---- 5-paii. Sport T o u rin g »»»- l e t US DO YOUR JOB WORK REÀD THE NEWS f o r INFOR- MATION-THE ADS FOR .................„H .,, < „ , ' 'fe ............................ ......................... ............ ..V h / 1 I f • 1 ^ /Il , ‘ i 1 ' ni Sca n<Ja rtiSix 2>pa$i, Hondi^cr • $1125 5*paai» Touring • 1150.2«pau. Coupe « 11955<pa«f. 2'door Sedan 1195 • ^ .5*pafi.4'door Sedan 1295 5*p«M. 4*door Sedan H95 S.paii.bppri lourm» 4»paM. Coupe 1275 S-pais; Coupe . J79S , J*pnM, CounCfy ClubAU pric««/. 0. b.J3Mtcf( ^aclor(<i/ O o vtrntn tn t ta x ia be a J ttrJ, ■ ' ■ _ ' 'Mocksyille Autonrobile ■ ,C. G. .Woodruff, Manager' .■ :;:i ■'■4.;’,, When Better Automobiles nre :Bullt, Buick w ilt Build Them t^lf----------------------.----„ - J ----------:----..........---------------------------- ------ „ ■, tiiiiwiMBBiiiMiiiMmBiiiiMiiiiwiMiMiw'JWiMiiMMpMMBiiiiiiiiiwiwiiii IF YOU WANT A GENUINE FLOUR 'I'HAT ia NOT OVERBLEACHED, GET HORN JOHNSTONE CO.’S FLOUR. IT WILL I3E MOIST, SOFT AND SWEET WHEN COLD. ' BRAND$-^OVER THE TOR OR MOCKSVILLE BEST. : -V FARMERS MAY GET TH E ABOVE FLOUR: IN • EXCHANGE FOitt THEIR WHEAT. ^ , ^ HORNE-JOHNSTONE CO. ................. \..........................' . . . ...I. . - <1-. ........... .............. I 'ù i'< t 'i aA Published Every Thursday at ' Mocksville, North Carolin^i, A. C. HUNEYCUTT PubhsRer. J. F. LEACH Managing Editor. ^ From The Cooleemee Journal.$1 a Y e a r; S ix Months 50 Cents. Wetmore and Benson Company Strictly in Advance. (have received another new ship­ ment of F a ll, and W inter .^shoea. They invite you to look them "over.'U.T.* Tt /N 5pry and Paul H ellard had been appointed Deputy Sheriffs. Sheriff Cope says: i "The fpllowing names ai'e a list of the present Deputy Sheriff’s in .Davie County : M. H. Gregory, R. F. Sheek, C. V. M iller,, Coe Jones, Golden Koontz, A. A. Wago­ ner, D, S. and. Jailer.” COOLEEAIEE NEWS Entered at the post office at Moekaville, N.'C., as second-class BMtter under ''the act of March 8,1879. M ocksville, N. C., Sept. 17, 1925 ( Ж Г A lready they have commenced discussing the making of "lighter than >air” dirigibles of metal in­ stead of cloth. The wreck of the i great Shenandoah was an aw ful thing, but it proved that no light- . cr than air aircraft with cloth gas bags can’t withstand storms. The accident, while it deprived the navy of its best dirigible and caus- ;<id the death of several men, w ill have a wholesome effect upon the incvv Bclenco of flying. H' ' ^ is very fitting tliat Editor Josephu Daniels, of the Raleigh . !. ■ i.iNews and Ojjserver should havo iiv,.!,lboon. made presidoiit of-the Bryan ‘3Iem oriai organization, ^as he ser- iv -ùwecl'^witîi the Great _Commoner in cabinet, has been a clo.'^e ;''4 '} ^ sV n a ■ :>i iti mo « he '. was ' 'nominated for the v: ‘ .prcsidency’i firstj tim e in ;189G, un til Mr. Bryan’s death. Dani- 'v|ïpls ;has. alsp ' been-anventlutsiastic ày/r sup^ the J3yyan policies.’ M 's' : A w riter, in the .. Progressive asks' the, question, "W hat ■ ■ are you doing td get move con-. . ycnionces in the farm home and ' .i to .reduce the labor of M ra.,Fni’m „ iie r.” The, sam e w riter ,then says: ^^i3S c< ,ijiVSurely you can ^ ^ o rd $80 for .-a remarkirig' ^ amount is nil . it cost Cumberland County'woiiian. i .. e^tWo; don't kiiovr' 'yiirti kind 'o'f h •system it was, "but wo venturo it 0i'i'/i;w"as: tho'product; of a,brain, long i\!4Avi>;iralncd ^ in getting ' more - ' ; ; with .less muscular effort.’ 'Don’t you ever let anyfòiné make you be- • Jiifivo that thlnlcing on the farm is wcrthleRS. No profession ór cali­ li ng domandfl.,moi'o eilne and sobe.^ ■'.'thought” than does farming. ' Mr. R. G.. Culbertson; of Roa­ noke, "Va., spent last week at home. M iss M argie Shaver, spent last 'week end in Salisbury. We understand that Mr. S, H. i Elliott, form erly of Woodleaf, but now of Spartanburg, S. C., has moved back near us again. He la now living near Salisbury. ■Sevei'al people of our communi-, ty have been attending the daily service in Salisbury. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wetmpre have,moved from the Pj'esbyterlan parso.nage, to Salisbury, N. C. Mr. A. C. Gibson, hns purchas­ ed a new truck which'he w ill haul ^school children in. There is a lot of local cotton hieing sold on the mar!<et this week. ■ . ' : Mr. C. B. M iller and fam ily of :;e.vington, visited his 'brother the week end, Mr. R. ,S. M iller and fnrnlly, cf Gladstone. Mr. Arch Strowd. and wife, .of E.lklh,,i;n,fiut Sunday visiting Mr. R ,S. Iliiier and fam ily • at Glnd- lito'ne..'',' :■■■■' " , ' ■ ' Mr. Holton requests, r that all children .i'ís'pórt liV:the new'school buiidinfe 'M óijdáy^^^ regular tim e. . Those who were in 'the olcl school b;uilcling last yaar are"! reqijested.: .ter Vép thé othersjiiï the! new builcjjng. ^ 'Mr; . Tlie ■ Gitizens; wlio ai'Ovinterest-' ed , in; ;the road ! leading ¡out from Cbolèeinee 'to Salisbury gave' the conyiots a big iiicnic supper last Saturday .evening. which was cn- ........ 1 • a ir n m m m m m m m THE MOCKSVILLE/ENTERPRISE PREMIUM LIST, CENTER COiMMUNlTY PAIR TO BE HELD AT ^ ' CENTER, SEPTEMBER 30, 1925 '/ (Continued from Page 1.) ' Honor'Roil . " ■ - , .A gain bur friends have come to our rescue and have given ua some fine premiums, for which we wish to express our sincere thanks. THE CEi^TER FAIR a s s o c ia t io n . ; Winston-Sakm . Gilmer Bros.' ' Idea.r Dry Goods Ca- ' , ' ^ Winston-Salem Journal V The Vogue , Huntly-Hill Stockton Co. : : • Forsyth Chinn Co. • / : Dalton Bros. J Vaughn & Co. , ^ ^ Stone & Crews „ ' Joyce Bros ;/ .V ^ Gentry Clothing Co. ‘ Rosenbloom-Lcvy Co.^ V ■ ^ ^ W illard Hardware Co. r ■ : \-'Joe\ Jacobs Clothing. Co. ‘ ^ ■ Petty Smoot Co. , StntesvUle • Statosvilie Oil Co. • Salisbury ' ■ Salisbury M arble Co. ',:;W oodieaf ■ i , , . ■.¡■¡„■■■wv'' ' '.: Rice & Ratledge ' : .‘'.■Knoxville, Tenn. V ; Security M illing Co. ............Smlthfield, Tenn. ; Allison Nursery Co. G. P. Parsloy'Rep. ' ; ’ :;1 A''''^ ..-/'-uCooleemee . -v.;'' ,.;spi- J.'W ; ,Zachei'y, ' Ji S. Stroud, I. P. Graham,' John'^ Smith, 0 . C. W alls, K Ledford Co., Mouksville ' ■■■ - a:; ( W. N. Reynolds Brown-Rbgers-Dixon Co. Frank A. Stith Co. J. W. Shipley K. H. Jones Furniture Co/ Love Furniture Co. i Rialto Cafe . Farm ers Bank & Trust Co. Winston Clothing Co. . Tucker Hardware Co. Forsyth Creamery Co. Twin City Sentinel Winaton Shoe Co. Hines M itchell Co. ; Fletcher'Bros. Grimes M illing Co."V. .Wallace & Son /' 5, Г). 7. 8; 9. 10 11. 12. 13. 14. 16. 16. 17. 18. : Cpw two yrs. old-or older 300’* Security Dairy / Feed---By Se,ciii‘ity M ills, Knoxville, .Tente ■; ; 'y V G u c m s e y s ' '';', .,■■■■■■ Cow four yr. old or older,. 2 boxes cigars-r^By ' Joyce . Bros; .............^...............:.........'' • Cow two yrs. old, under four, 5 gal, cans Pola- rine—By Standard Oil Co................... [ Heifer calf 4 mo. old and under 12, pr. $5.00 Shoes—By J. W. Cartner, 2nd., silk shirt—By Hines M itchell’ Guernsey cow.two yrs. old or older „.$10.00; Red Polls Cow 4 yra.; old or older ;.....,1.............................. Cow two yrs.; old arid under four H eifer'calfo v er four mo. under twelve Cow, two yl'S. old or older .......................... '.y:" .|i Holsteins'.;' Cow 4 yrsi^ old or older V Cow 2 yrs. old and under 4-<.........^............1......... H eifer calf over four mo. under twelve ........ Cow two yrs. old.or o ld er ........,...................... Best D airy Cow any age or breed —by Forsyth Daijry Co........'.....................................................•■........ second, áOO" Security Feed by Security M ills Konxville, Tenn. September 17. 2.0Í' i 2,0(1* 4.00 .'.4,00 '4.00 10.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 10.00 10.00 2,00 i; 2,00: 2.000 2.002,00 2.00 Beef Cattle 19, 20, 21, 22, » , ...-----.(3 ^ ' *1 HO Vili* jw ed ,v ery much by the convictN. y ^ h e second 'nirte w ill , play Oak ’Grove here; Saturday, admission 15 cents. , ,' . , ,, ; - , Mr. T. G. Konley w as in our town Tuesday, demonstrating' a 1920 modej Fp’rd which is a beau­ ty. ' Mr. Kenley tellsA is that' Jlr. Mi L. Webb bought the first one in Cooleemee. ^^Mr. W alter Bivens and B ill Mes- Ifiick/had.ii rather bad-ftecldent. last yhursday,:night about dark which came hear 1 jM'oying serioUs. The" t\Vo young, w n had been about M ocksviUe.'and' .oh thejiv,w k f " t e 'b û ‘ К ' .i" ■ ' E ditor Josephus I ' Daniels i has ^:V.•been naniodj;as jPr.o8id^nt:,of/ Bryan 'niemorini organizjition which was,,pei’fectcd in,W ashing' 'ton last week, 'T h e-•id ea'is to a fund, of. a m illion or 'more ¿-'“and build a- m em orial:in.;keeping w ith'.the character 1 of vthp Groat Comjnoner.' It _ i.s fitting that D aniels should .have boon made ' ; 'Pre.sidonti'for hbihas.alw aysibeen ■ ,va great adm irer, of i. Bi’yan, • and ; knowB him as' few' Americans do, ' having served with him' in the iW ilson cabinet, to say nbthing'bf ‘■the long friendship which; existed «between the two greAt Amex’icans'. ''' Mrs. Prank Jones,' of Big; Creek, Tenn,, says she has never heard a name which she cares to give her four year old girl,; who is still nam eless for that reason, That remiiiids us of'the old colored ,wo­ man in Stanly. County who failed - ' to satisfy her. mind as .to thé bek .sounding name for h e r ‘‘chocolate f drops,” F inally she attended a (term of court in Albemarle, and (hearing the law yers talking about ......^.iiiLarceny,’’ she returned liome and her husband that she'had at jf|?i^Ila8t found a pretty name, 'W e’ll w ii.'i'licairher Larceny,’’ she said, and ',•.¡'‘{(0 they did; M ay be “Evolution” vwould make a suitable name for 4'th'e Tennessee baby, • ”k i i THE SHERIPP i . , >Q3pc(i'jfi.fled on UH ]ap,t ‘ Thiir(jday',iUi()^Uenied.that Dewey Г ;,,'' - - CVUA'ii, I saw two:in the road near Liberty, ' (3ne ' of th e,' men M.^ing a lantorn to Vvarn the young men of ,'a deep washout in ■ the road. 'Thinking It; 'ivas a hoidu)) game iir. .Bivens, the driver of the Ford ear increaged tlie speed; runniiig.ViJ'to ittìe ; washolit which was'caused by the.heavy raiii an hour ,;befpre, throwing the occu-; i'pànts:out hoadrforenio.stj breaking I'a i wheel and toarihg^, thè, top off {ho ■ Car. ' Tho'.;ypung:;meiv escap- ied'unhvirt,;aavo slight bruises.,: ' ,; M essrs Ray Bàrnhardt and tw^ others^rtofj;iQhintf^ w ere at-; rested''here ; Su n daj, n igh t. about ten o’clock i.ifpr.. operfitiri'g'? à while clrinklng.; : .Tho Ford’ skéòt., or iiv which they -Were :riding took a : ditch ^pn jCi'pss; street between Erwin and Davie streets.. The ear was, baclly torn . up biit the; occupants escaped unhurt. Bonds were given and ' released; until Monday, morning at,, which .time .settlement w as m ade'with the Re- <;order, ^ . .All members pf the P, 0, S, of A „;are rèquested to be at the hall, iThUrsday night to^^ake ready for. the quarterly meeting of'thé Davie j county P. Q,.'S. of A., Association 'which meets with the Coqleemee Camp on Saturday night, Sept. 2G, 192S.', , ■ ' Rev. W. B. Knox w ill f ill his regular appointments at the Pres- bytprian church Sunday, Sept. 20, morning arid eveiilng. , ; ■ ' ;W . B. Ijam es and fam ily of Elizabeth City, N, J. are spending some tinie visiting I’ilatives in aiul ai’ound Cooleemee, > ; ; i- , Patriotic Sons of , America show your colors liy coming to the Davie , county assoclatioii meeting on Sat-11’,, urday night, Sept.' 2G, 1925, : in Cooleemee, N. C., W’ith Carfip No, 50, ' All members of the P.. 0 . S. of A„ in Davie and surrounding counties have a chance to hear thoir president :Bro, P, B, H arris ■ot Chaj-'lotte, N, C.; on Saturday niglit, Sept,. 26, 1925. A number of other good speakers w ill be' presenti plenty,of good music and refreshments, come all, to Copleo- mee Satvu'dny night, Sept. 20,1925. C;:d. SànW d Sons'Co. Hanes Chair and;Table Co, л 'Southern' Bn!nk;&-Trust.Cb.^ D. H. H endricks‘«fc Sons .j ' ' л blèrchantsj Wholesale: Grpc^,ery Co. ............ Green Milling Co. Dank of D ayle i , ,Mocksville Hardware CoJ^^• - Horn Johnstone Co. ' J. C. Dwiggins-Co. H arris Legrancl Pharmacy, Horn Service Station " Allison-Johnson Co. Kurfees & Granger, Mocksville Motor Co, J. W. Cartner : C ityL iarket , ' ' Dr.'L. P. M artin.- ; Dr.'E. C. Choate •: / John Larew Davie Record . ■ ■ \ w . L. Call ; ■ Cashwell' Angeil■.v Sheriff Cope S. C. .Storiestroot- D. Casey Cp.'; : Kurfees & Ward^ R. G. W ilson ; ; ■ ' C. C. Smoot - V: V A. B. Smith '' W. N, Anderson L: M. Tuttc'i'ow: . G, I'l; Graham.' , , _ . V DavUlson ■ ; 'v;, , ,, , . ' 1 (If thru mlBtako,' wb have' pmittod the: name of any ono'who con- tiibuted to this llst, wo w ill gladly comii; same in .next isaue^ , , .................. .» ■,# ' * '» * ,,# .,. '.• ■■ liuLES^AND R e g u l a t io n s ;; •" , 23. 24, 26, ■4 . ^ •Blartin Bros. , Davie Cafe' ” Vf »J. C. Sanford '* Sanford, & Rich ' , ■; ./'iV.'î',R'. S.BIcNiell , • 'v 't ;.'', .ч:'».. Blpcksvillo Enterprise Allison-Clement ' ,u .Princcaa Theatre •; Dr. J. AV. Rodw'oll • ■ у 'E. D.Ijamea ' ■, V v,> .‘-.'i 'Blnxio Seaford- Sanford Groon W. G,Wil,son . 'V J. P.^CIicfc F. BL Carter ' ‘ , ** ' i' ' 'V ‘i.Dwiggina Tutt'nrow • ‘Ç , . M . 1 C. S.Anderson' ^ V‘ \C ; . .. Г-; » . < ‘;W. E.Bowlos ; .. . 26. Cow two yrs. old or over .......................... J-Ieifer, under two yrs. ............................................. Heifer or cow two yrs. old or older Cow .or heifer owned by boy or girl under J.8' ■ :-\. v ^ * tt,,'1* , •» . i Hogs ' , ; Boar, ahy.brped,‘?6.00 hat by Joe Jacobs Cloth- • .lng''6p.' Sow any,^breed, ,$5.00, hat by: Vbgue Clothing : Co. Winston, second,. $3.00 suit overalls—¡By . : Fletcher. Bros'. : ■ . Sow and litter $5.00 hat—By Frank A. Stith ; . Coi, second, $3.50'shirt by Winston Clothing : it ■■ 4f ■ 'it , - Horses, and Mules P air of horse^l^two bridles by J. W. Shipley, valuo ' ?5.00' ......j.,' P air mules, ?5.00, ^illc shirt by Geiitry Cloth- ;;; ':-lng ';Cp.:; ' "■ ......." ' ' ''' 4.0Q 4.00 10,00 4.00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2;C0 Shodp 28,::P en ;p f;B w by. Ro'seu-. . b'l6pnr;Levy ,Cò.' '.....;i..i. 2.50 2.50 2.00 1,This fa ir w ill'b e open' to all residents: of Davie CountJ^<'- : .' \ Entry books will pelóse, at 9 a, m,, on the day of the fair, 'and exhibits, n^ust ho; in; place by ,9 ;30' a', pi. ■ ; ; > :Cóíripetént,-jüdge3;\vill be'furriishod who will make their dici^ s'ions 'ln accPricl with, the Premium List, an d'th eir judgement and‘ awards ;w ill tie finál. ^ ■ I y A ll;éhtriés’ of .fárm^or home produets,must havo been produced j-;; b y'th e 'persons exhibiting them,: aiVd^^ a livestock must havo ; been, pWnéd^ b^^ thirty days previous to date of i^e.fiiiv:,' 5. A ll.exhibits;pxoept livestock «rid perishable products must be f put vIjv; place ;on the day before the fair, \ 6, f;.; Every reasonable effort will'be made to protect property on / ■'< ; ,exhibit, but the management of the F air w ill not hold itself ' .i‘esponaible in case of loss or damages should any occur in ’any',way, - ' ■; • ,f„', . . ■ ' ; Every, person making entries must register with the Secretary ‘ ' of the P air and place exhibits under the direction 6f the Di- rector's of, the. proper departments. 8. , No exhibit shall be moved until 4 p. m., and exhibits must not J be handled by spectators. - 3 I ; Í x-f. 4, I 7. ás; 30,' 31, 32,: 33, 34,; 35,: 36, 37, 38, 3'9,: ..... . ■ ,, ; l : ;' PREMIUM LIST Dcpnitment A.. Livestock ,D,'0; Helper and W, N, Anderson, Directors; : ...............■ ' . ■ ' ■ , , „ , ,, „Ist.,,.^ B ull:'any age or breed ........$4,00 ^ i« It »• * tt Jerseys I 3. 4. Cow four years ol'd or older, 1st,, 3 bags C. S, „Jkieal; 2nd,, 2 bags C, S, Meal—By Southern Cotton Oil Co. ■' ■ - ■ ' Cow or heifer two years old and under four— B onp gal.i cans ;Polorin6 Oil—By Standard .'Oil C b . ^ . ' . ; : ,..... Heifer calf over four months, nndor twelve ‘ , $5,00 'pr. shoes—-By J, C,, Dwiggins r - i , f ]' Ч'' . .', 1 .2nd ,-?2.00 56; 57. 58. ' 2.00 59. n 't 2,00. .,;,''''Poultry''r:^r;,-':^-'"'" / : . : N,' B, Dyson, ,‘M. D;' PRas,': Directora,..J’i.t........., . , . > . “ , , ’.■•■/r ■ Pen-of' Svhite .Loghorna (pen to consist ;of one cock and four hens) ■ Penvof Maturo.- 'iV'hito Leghorns, . j- Pon of young Brown Le'ghonjs C.v U Poir of maturo Bro\\*nLegliorns '•N Pen,' of iVoung Rhode Island Rods:_;. ,, Pen of. maturo Rhode Island/Reds;.:. Pen' of. young''W hite Wyandpttes ,v P6n of mature W hite Leghorns Pen p f young ;Rhod(risland White i Pen o^^mature Rhode Island Whites, : Pen of .young Sllvor-Laced.,Wyandottes: 40. Pen mature Silver-.Laced W yandottes „....i,,..; 41. Pen youngJPartridge Wyandottes..;........ ,42.. . 'Puri'j.Maturo Partridge . W.varidottes; (' Pen young. Columbia Wyandotte'sr....;i < Pen m ature Columbia Wyandottes\.,..„..,..,;.'..i;.. 45. p Pon .youiig Barred Plymouth Roclts 'j Pen Inature Barred Plymouth Rocks: •i Pen.of any breed !f5.00 in Merchandise by'H . j H. Jones Furniture Co. W, Salem. Best cock in each class ................ Best hen in each class ...... P air .Turkeys,/ any breed P air Ducks, any breed' . P air geese, ?.ny b reed ;........................... P air Guineas .................................................... Any other birds, such as pigeons, owls,,etc,-r-, $1.00 pocket knife by, W illard Hardware C o.' W. Salei^ ........................................................ Best Opossum ............ ' y The abpve Poultry Prizes w ill be dupHcated for any Breed of Chickens owned by boy 'ojv givl \ ''' ;:J:, Under 18 yrs. ' r ' ■ ,< V; ; ' FieldxCrops, Department C. r J.yA. Tutterow, j. G. Anderson,' Directors i; ; ■ t ' • ■ ' — — — — — — — Most prolific whito corn,, any variety ex- ■ , ' : hibitod to consist of ton ears, accompanied, ' , by stalk'w ith ears attach ed ....................................: II.PO; Beat and most prolific Yellow Com,, any y variety, exhibited'to consist of ten oars, ac- . companled' by stalk w ith'cars attached• -Best ten ears white corn', single ear variety, with stalk attached .................................... Best ten-ears yellow corn, 4ihgle ear-varlefy w ith stalk attached .......i-s..; (Continued on Page 8.) ■ ,, ,, ........f , ,........................■ ■ ■, -V ■'*. 42. 43. 44. 46. 47. 48. 49. I'GO. 61. 52. 53. 54. 5«. 1.00 .50 1,00 '• ^ ,50 • ,l-00.' '.50 . 1,00 -, ,50 .. 1.00' ■',50 ., 1.00 ' У50 .. 1.00 ■■.,50 ., 1.00"'„50 ' . 1.00 ' ,50 . 1.00 ■' ,50 1.00 ';50 . 1,00, , :.'.50 . 1.Ò0 .50 . 1.00 ;•\50 , 1.00 '".'50 ■l,00-\., .50 1.00 ,.50 . i.OO V, ,, /50 г ;м '1 ^ Vb ^ . • 1,00s ’ i I'k 1,00 ■' l',00-.50 1,00 .50 1.^0 .50 1,00 ^.50 t ,- ; • . ..50 1.00 ; ,.50 .50 1.00 1.00 1.00 " У :, v;»-■ i'- M ■ 1'.' : ■ f ciontember 17, 1025 'V ИОШл I’TEMS sperit]ylr, W, A, Allison луеек end at home. ' the Rev, 'Ji T. Sisk spent Monday in Winston-Salem o n , buoiness, . — —0—— Mr. R. B. Sanford spent.Tuea­ day in High Point on business, Mr, Joe Long ha^ accepted o position with Allison-Johnson Co, ■ —_ o _ . ' ■ • Mr. G, F. Brown, of Gibsonville, was a vlnitor in this city Sunday. ■, - — 0—^— Miss M argaret Meroney has re­ turned to Greenville after and ex­ tended visit to her mother. > ' ------o------ ■ ' . Misa Sarah GaitKei-, who teo^ch- es at Gastonia, spent the week end at home. ------0—r - Miss Sophia Meroney left Sat­ urday, to teach near High Poin 'this year. ----0---- Mies Ju lia Hunt loft Monday for Hickory wl^ere she w ill teach this, year. ------0------- ' Miss Kopelia Hunt left Monday foiy Stateaville where she will teach this year. —— 0 -— , Miases Ella Lee Summer.s and Nell I-Iolthouser spent the w'ock end in Salisbury. ^ - ■„ Mrs. Lloyd Barnos, of,G'''''l3boro is vlsltirig her. parents, MiS. und Mrs. Hv.;B. "^iyder.;,, y Miss Ruth Sw afford, left last week for Lonoir Where she entered Davenport'College. ,, ' ! ,__1_0-—— .y^ Mr J. T. Angell left Tuesday No“cure"—b’.:t welcome relief from night distres 3 may be had by applying Vicka at badtime—also MOVIE NEWS ("Are Parents People,” will be sliown Wedneaday,and Thursday, This.Is a Saturday Evening Post Vicka at badiim e-alsQ if°fy.'fi’°"\‘i« ' P«" f ^ ‘ice Duer by inhaling vapors at i^i” '«5 “"<^,the first pl^cture dl- freauent intervals. ' ..rected by Malcom St, Claire for /Paramount, Mr, St, Claire will be remembered by his fine work in ‘‘The Lighthouse By The Sea,” Bettie Bronson, of Peter Pan fame I f iA P O I ^ U B ia said to be a knockout In this OtttiTUUUonJanVtuiYwii second contribution to the screen, ----------------------^.... ^ ......- p-lorence Vidor and Adolphe prise to your friends that are away Merjon, also have leading rolls, for, 'school. It w ill be the most ] The picture Is filled with big appreciated gift you can give moments and reflects the experl- tliem. The entire school term for ¡ences .of many folks in real life fifty cents,.- I""'* niire to offer entei’- THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE Renew Your Health by Purification —— V— — Mrs, Della Foster was m ariied Monday to Mr, I, D. 'Boger, of Winston-Salem, The couple, ac­ companied by the bride’s mother, Mrs. M ary Blackwood moved 'to Winston-Salem Tuesday to make their home. iSLV Ot x% .w.- , :for Winston-Salem ,.w'hero he w ill tindbrgo an opei;atipn. -----Ó—— Miss Regina Horn spent the past w eekjn Statesville with her sist- or, Mrs. Scnrr Morrlabn. -----rO—— •' . The Ford csrs are. now op dis­ play at Sanford Motor company. Seo their ad in this issue. • '■; -----Ü.0—---- , , '•Miss Catherine Minor lei^t last Tuesday to enter her second .year of study a t M eredith Collegei - : ,; Mra. P. J.'Johnsou and children are visiting.her sister, Mrs. E, C, LeGrand, in Charlotte this :Wook, -----0------ • , . ',,v ■ . Misa Annie Holthouser. spent the week end in'Mooresvill'c .w'ith ' her riater, Mrs. H. L, BJackwood, : 'M iss; Elizabeth ’ Rodwell '' left Ttio'sday to enter upon hoi' duties as trained nvirse at Jacksonville, I'l«- ", ' ■ Let everyone in ; Davio; county do his or her beat; to. mhko tho Center Community F air'a success, and it w ill: be. so.;-' , .' Don’t forgot^the county mdétirig :bf, thc P. 0 . S. of'Ai, w ill'be held a t Cooleemee soon..' 'Watch :for, y further-nnaouncoments.' ; ' " '';.y.y , :;Rov. J. T. Sisk'and fam ily will ;loavo tod-ny ior,.a trip in W’nstern ;N.: C., andyajao a visit to hpni'er ;ifplks in Rutherford county. , • ’■ M rs.'.. M. , ‘J. ííblihióuflér , and daut,hter, ■ Miss -Anniiui^l; jlrs. Johnson-Starnes, of Charlotte, spent Thursdayvin Statesvilie., ; ■y.y,;;,''y. __ú-0------^All members of the, P. 0 . S. of ’ A.',-ivrp .requested to be present at regular meeting Monday "night. .Degi'ee \TOi’k and other business. — Or------;■ Business men liviiig as far away a's Tennessee aro giving prizes for the' Center Community Fair, Who can say that it w ill not be, a, suc- .' .,pess, ' , ;. ' 'y — ‘v, ' Polks, let’s take our h ats' off 'to, George Evans, . That man simp­ ly knows whfjt to do when it comes to making, up a premium list for ¿:,fair, ,, ,:'■■y.:,y: : —-p-r— ' . Mrs, (Edward Fowler and little . son, Jimmie, and J^f^s Bessie Fo\v- . jler^ of Statesville,'spent a few - days last week with Mrs,' Gi'ant Daniel, - ;>,y, . ------0— Mr, J, K, Meroney has accepted r a position as traveling salesman ■for Sanford Bros,, and loft Mon-. ' day for C h a t t a n o o g a , Tenn,, to en> ter'upon his new duties. ' ' ’. : A hard rain J f e ll: here la.'it .Thuradny, evening. The sovei;o . . .' win^l. accompanied the rain did - .::<mlte'a damage io' small énragea, ,: ;.'^lso.blowing the grfind stand-over \iat.:Sunset-park. . y, Misses Ruth and IvatKerine Leivy, who were, the recent guest' of Mrs. H. W. - Harris, have re­ turned' to their home in New Jer­ sey, where the former will enter upon her second years work at the University of New Jersey. . — 0-:—- ■ Blr. and' Mrs. H. B. Snyder and daughter, Mrs. Reba Meachum, spent the past week in Wilming­ ton with thoir dauchter and sist­ er, Mrs. Cjarence Rogers. They were accompanied iiomo by Mrs. Rogers and little daughter. Jack. The street concrete work lias been ■ completed and the outfit moved to' Elkin Tuesday. 3’^is job of work sjie.iks well for Mr. Franklin i-nd wo*ctin readily re­ commend his w ork' in -'time. Thanks, Mr. Frankliu) come back some time. tillUUS .Ul IIIUIIJ xyi<va .................. arid therefore sure to off^r enter­ tainment, A story with a powerful moral,- rich in comedy and clean in theme, . Friday and Saturday—a five reel Western feature and two reel Mermaid Comedy with Ruth Hiatt in “Poor Butterfly,” Monday and Tuesday—Bettie Compson in “ New Lives for Old,” another big P.irtmount thats worth while. First show 7'.'30, . WOODLEAF NEWS Any physician will tell you that **Perfflot Purifioation of the Sys­ tem is Nature's foundation of Perfect Health.’^ Why not rid yourself bf ohronio ailments that ore underminin? your vitality f Purify your bntire system by tak­ ing a thoro-ugh course of Calotabs, —once or twice a week for several weeks—and see, how Nature re­ wards you with health. Calotabs are the .greatest of all system i»arifiers. Get a family package) containing full direc­ tions, ptice 35 cts,; triafpabkage, lOcts, At any drug store. (Adv.) make* yoltt food , do toote tood. Kota how It mÜ««m that «tiffr feeling - .•(игЪмят •*<>»•• ' SwMtuM th* btMtli, rcmovn food putlciM f M .№• tMth, give« n«w vigor to tltcd BMVM. ComM to Tott fmb, с1еш and fuUlievoMd. turned from a visit to Blowing Rock, and Boone, N, C, It seems ds if something up. there has at­ tracted his attentimi besides the mountains, as he has been np there three times this month. Guess hg is interested in tlie Boone school faculty. . The carpenters are making good progress on fhe homo of Mrs. Jim Pennington and expect it to be completed in 'an early date, Tlie K. K. K. attended the ser­ vice at South River C hurclrtn a body last Friday night. It was a quiet and unusual scene to be in tills neighborhood. . eMeB4USeIl IT WILL I>AV YOU TO SEE ME BEFORE YOU SEI.L VOUR COTTON. J, C. CHARLES DODGE "I’OUIUNG CAR' IN , good condition $350.00, G. G, Walker Motor Co,— NEW HOME Sl^\aNG MACHIN- es,'. casii or ttrms, Walkei*. Bai gain Hoi.iso.. HONOR ROLL . E, B. Hunt, Jr, C. 'A. Biirrus R;, C. Foster ' Misë Ruth Swafford ■ ;G . G, Daniel . ;, W. A. Langston . . I^Irs. C. W, W illiams The women in our community last Saturday evening gave the chaingang a very suraptous sup­ per, which they seemed to enjoy very much. Tlioy report the pre- ¡mises kept very nice arid the yard, swept clean, Although the flio.s ¡were very annoying which came from the stables. , Mr, and Mrs. A. G. Ethrodge have returned from a visit to the fo)-mor’s parents,/ Mr.''ttrid .iMrs. A. D. Ethredgei^ orM anteo, North Carolina. They were a'ccbmpani- ed homo: )jy Ca^it. and 'Mrs. ,M. Lr Johnaton, ' Caiîtiari; Johnston ia captain on the S, S; Thenton,' j which runs from Elizabeth City lo Manteo; ' ,, , ' y., y Wotmore and Benson arò {S:oing to put on a fall sale and are Avarit- ing salesmen, applying in person, to Wetmoro and Benson. Mr. C, 'ÎI. ^Gillian who haàv^b^ep real sick is spending a ,few we'eks in thé mountains, recuperating.y Mr. Jack l^IcOulloh and \viit* -of Globe, Arizona arrived home laat, week to spond'the winter With , „ hia father, B lr.'ai. G’. BlcCulloh. Bopno, Sept. li3,T-At tlie State It will be remembered. that aJcìc .Norrii'Sl there are iiow 64'more col- went out west spveral ye.ni-s ago ibge stndenta^ than ,there 'were at and while out:-thevp ho was mar- thls date last year, or nearly twice ried. Hia many friends welcomb as riiah,v,i,whiie in'thé high schoolare-bight fewer YOUNG LADY .TO ЯВРИЕ- SENT A НЮЙ CLASS MA«A-iy 'V.. ZlNE^Hil;MOCKSVILIE;AM»'"!? VICINITY. ONE WiTHyUSR V OP CAR PREFERRED. GOOl>^<^ PROPOSITION TO RlGll’T . PARTY. APPLY BY „TER': 'GIVING',',: ,','аоеу: : a s »:* QUAUFICATIONS. TER sh o p; 308 WACHOVIA ' BANK BU ILD I^^lN S'l’OM' ^ .-■SALEM,' N ...q.,.„yy^ NEW NUMBERS ARE HERiBi-^ i New supply town« . automobile.! numbers just received, pet ypiira у now and save the cost.. : ■ W. Y. WiUon, ' • ' Chief of;:Pollce.:'iy;vinl:i ' -i» ’.; .. RED: CEDAR ; KIIINGLE3 ' AND:V all hard brlcV Walker Bargalii ' 'Mouse.'-;,. SEND US YOUR JOB WORK YOU WAWP TO SAVE MOM^^ Spartanburg, s. :C.,''Sept, 15, It;w a8 (inripuhced .tdday; that tlie authorities of Clemspn ; college have decidedto' utilize the entire industrial buildlng at'the/Spartan- ;burg -county fair, next month jo r extonslon oxhlbitij,:; The exhibit is expbctQd to fill:a space of 10,0 feet long ' by ' 40 feet ’.wide. Thb fair will take place October 2'7 28,;'29 and 80. y y , y y ' School Children,-. y~; ~ ' . 'I"'.'...,, - \¡y}! fi'" Your Teeth -- '. 7 : 'F o r ^ A - 'D a jT iv a ii ; - ■ ’ " ": Every person—young hnd old—should acquire :lhe habit of;.' brushing the teeth daily,Parents can do their children a lifetime favor by encourngl:; : ing the proper use of the tooth brmnh until it becomes a regular iiablt. The best and easiest way . to acquire this -1 habit—for both parents and child—is to use a tasty dentif- i 'rice, - " ...Í We can furnish ,you with any of the: best dental creams, powders oi liquids..Also tooth brushes In all styles and.: prices. , ALUSON & CL.EMÉOT ; iiiaiMiinaiiiHiiai inniiiniii: 1ШШШЯ , 1 -Л 1 уЛ will / M ost M iles- p e r D o lla r ' - - fCords the most economical tires ever offered motorists. The cord from the fabric mills is first delivered to a separate plant where it is treated in a solution of gum; which insulates every fiber of every cord. This protects against internal friction and heat, giving the sidewalls greater ^exibility and addi­ tional strength.^ , j Prové Firestone’s many' No matter where crude rubber prices may go—Fire- ■ r- stone advantages in securing raw material, in manufactur­ ing and distribution are al- 'ways active to make good the pledge of Most Miles per Dollar, Racing.drivers—hiil-climb- ing and endurance record holders—'taxicab, motor . V truck and bus operators—and hundreds of thousands of car A owners—are daily emphasiz- jr.iuv^ _____ ing the unheard-of mileage superiorities for yourself. If and service delivered by Fire- you have never.had the safety, stone Gum- Dipped Cords. comfort and economy of these Gum-Dipping is one serviceable, long-mileag© of the biggest factors in tires-r go to the nearest ' tire performance and Firestone Dealer-—for long mileage, making Firestone only builds ' Firestone Gum-Dipped Gum-Dipped Cords. i y & W A R D , ■ .''''■-'':'^','''.;:'.'-.'::':>yy>':-.'y-..!'::.y.' Phone 80 . Mocksville, N. C. . ';.:-i:':...;:-...';;-y : y : : : : 'y y : : : ; : ; : : y i ' : ' H . D . D A V I S , .' - : . 'y ': y , : y ': : .: ' ; .'y''' ' ' ' A 'd v an ce, N .. C , ' \v PRODUCE THEIR OWM RU BB BR . . . r Overalls arid shirts, we haves large sizei^ . 'Roof''PaÍnty!;.:Si:ÍM8Éi . Now IS the timé to paint that roof before winter comes. ; ■ Cliioa Floor .Matting^. ' C:;: Wé have a bargain for you. j Koriees Autó Enamel ^ Wili make your car Ic^ok like new. , ' . Kurfees & Ward js Kurfees Painty Contains More Lead Per GaUon« , : . i i Ш i i i ,'iîi- inBHiiuBiifliiiaiiaiiiHismHaai'i ■'.;v'^''.'UGENE'':v'- ' ' ' - '5'' .' '/ .............;y’ ' For Killing Body Lice on Chicken^, PRICE 60 CENTS a ; TUBE, ' 100 per cent Guarantee y ; yy Y’^ If Licene does not Desl)roy Every Louse and "Nit'^ (eggvii of a^louse) or does riot Clean Scaly Legs on your chickens, I? or if applied on Sitting Hens and. does not prevent Head,-i;! Lice- on chicks-^pu Are The Judge—we will refund ypur^| money if you notify us within one montii after teceiving..if Licene and no questions will be asked. ‘ J’ 2 y CRIMP ROOFlNGsl, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 anti 12 ft., lengths at the lovyest we have had in'years.. ,' ' PLOWSHARES ^ Syracuse, Chattanooga, Oliver, South Bend and Imperial^'C'-l —Mouidboards and Landslides, also, ' ■'VM li" Mocksville Hardware Co. i. /, ' ■ 'l' r > I U J ‘ 1 t ' t " ‘ /i' ,V I ' U ’ I* ' ' '■•¡.Ч * ' 'I i' ' ' ' (í , '' <,»0 Pníj-n J>OWI31í CUltTAILHIENT SEEN AS COTTON MILL BLESSING /Я и .i''.:;, (.ж,г:?* f V '. líi lì Charlotte, Sept 11.—The en- Jorccd ciirtnilm ent of operation us n .result of thè ahortnge of power jii the Giirolihfls, Georgia anci AJa- bam a'is gointf to react to the ben­ efit of thfe, textile Jiiclustryj ac- cq^cUng to cotton m ill men in, this eettlon who haVe expressed.thdm- Bcives during the past few days. Tlie liòpé for better times In thè industry, it is stated, lie s' in a ; .steadier market with a Iiyliei';de­ mand for goods. T h e .iv o lu n t'a ry ;cui'tailm enfc a f- ■fectin g s e v e ra l m illio n ' S o u th e n i sp in d le s an d a ;m 'uch, la r g e r inim - b e r in N e w 'E n g la n d d u rin g th e p a s t s e v e ra l m on th s hris sav ed thé in d u s tJy fro rn d isa ste r, b u t m ore c u rta ilm e n t , w a s < n eed ed ' . to stre rig th e n ' th e {m a rk e t ah d ; th is , fu r t h e r c u rta ilm e n t is b e in g ‘ e ib , fo r t ie d .a f a re s u lt o f th e ¿continued d ro u g h t co n d itio n s th a t ,a rc ,;a fe c i- • in g flo t o n ly ; th'is im m e d ia te ; s e c ­ tio n , in 'w W ch .tlieS o ^ ^ Company operatesi but'practicaily all of Geòrgia and A labam a-and:« large part of Teuneasee. - [Textile men see no intliontions LOIS WILSON ATTEND ÄIADE- LN-CARDLINA EXPOSITION T_. MOGKSVJLLE ENTERPRTSF. .Charlotte, Sept. 10.—Lois W il­ son, one of filnulom's most beauti­ ful ; stars, w ill come to Charlotté, Sept.. 25th, to take p art in the style V revues and othereyents. which are expected to attract’ inr IjtensQ public interest, accovdini^ to a ir announcement.;todaÿ; by .J. C. Pattoji, executive secretary of, thé i JIadë-(rii-Carolihas ' ■, Exposition. MisS' W ilsoii :wil} be; t^ the.i,Expositioir;while Hère. : ' v f ; : ' Accèptoncé of.'; th é ;. inyitatfoii' from the Exposition’ n ian agm was^cb'ntained in ¿ a . telegram ; ré .cei^'ed.f,today from M iss ■.Wilson. liThe 'm essage, w as’ séht. through ;the ;;Panïoùs . Players-Lasky ■ orga- nizaztittii, ^linder wWose ban ner she itsvplaylngiin; thé|m^ . :. . :The^■ipresenciei';6^ ' ti’éme'ii- •dousIy;i/pdp'iÜ!Ù'' ,s^ bu nn butstandingi eveii^v'^i^ one of the most:;’elab’pvale hiul , spect.iculai' 'shows,of.iho kind ever held,iivthe 'So\i£h, according toithe^e-HposltioP lioanagemen'tiv ■ VWilsoiii Ayho is nbtéd for.'ithé beauty , and vari­ ety of yher i whrdhobb, m ay find FEDERAL HOAD MONEY TO BE AVAILABLE ON F lliS ’l' OP DECEMBER . ^ ^ Tw muiiyuuf may 1111(1 ____ ...w.. i.u jiiujuuuons much to., interest her in : the style ;ò f'any very marked improvemeni shoWj .to AVhich; her pi'esence Avili; in their industry iii thè immediate add ¿ itìiich; an vgrftCé . a^ iu tu re. 'There are hopeful . signs j The entire main; floor; of thè ex-| ■ ' but better tim es are generally re- position building '.w ill be .nlivc ; : garded as being quite a bit in the witli life and beauty and living ' future. Ásidé.from the steadying models strikingly attired in,-some of the m arket, from curtailm ent of the most, beautiful creations of the most encouraging feature is" the Nation’s most famous design ft)und in the fact that practically ers of women’s apparel. : ‘ .none of the m ills,have any accum- Anothelv phase of the Exposi- , Illation of stocks in their ware- tion somewhat related to the style lioUses. À year' ago.there w as a show w ill be the exhibits of silks ; very considerablq quantity of and other fine dresS. m aterials. , yarnaí and goods in >the warehous- Almost one hundred of the larg- , e* of m anufacturers and the mar- est m anufacturers of fine fabi'ics : ;A jcet w as continually weak as a re- w ill have their, products on diS' sultjOf offerings from these stocks play. - «fteh ' beloW the actual cost of Edward L. M ayer, of New York .production. Inasmuch as accumu- City, regarded as the foremost s lated stocks brought over from the American designer of women's ap- prcvious year, in addition to the parel,, w ill conduct a two days yiear’s products of the m ills, have style show during the Exposition; ^ e n sold it is easy to see, point He w ill bring to the Exposition a fOiit m anufacturers, that the actu-dozezn or more of his sm artest * iy constimption of cotton g o o d s H^^dels and more than 400 'cos- • ifluring thè past twelve months has tumes representing the latest mo- ■ -«xceeded the production. This is des in women’s wear. ' tïégarded as a decidedly hopeful M iss Wilson, who w as born in -.«Ign., ■ - , . Birmingham, Ala., recently en- , Another, hopeful Indication i?'jo yed the proud honor of being found in the evident determina- voted A labam a’s greatest actress .itlon of some m anufacturers, to de- and one of the eight greatest peo- pie the state of Alabam a has ev-tibe/ irieíchandising end of the bus- er ; produced. 'ilness. For ItiHtnnno nt.« .«Ill One of the greatest; honors that 1,1 ■'___i Washington, Sept. i l .—The bu­ reau of public ròada today décidr ed to appoi'tioii, road J!unds‘ authp- rized for the fiscal' year 19‘37 oh Dec’ember 1, a month ahead ;of the usual time. Decision was rea- ched ; foilowing a conference be- t^veeh ;:Gfeprgia ' o fficials■ aiki; actr îng/Chief P. St. J. Wilson, of ;tíi;é büreall". of' ¡public' roadsi' Thè Georgia delegation I'eiiuested thò bureau, to 'maké;\'available for use in its state; money which’would; be GOOD TABLE POULTRY fwi SCARCE IN M ARKETS 11 Rnleigh, Sept. 15.—"Many housewives are complaining' that the; table .poultry, which they got from the niiii'kets is not fattened ,pnd i.r of poor quality," says Dr. Bi P, ,Kaupp, in charge of the Poultry D epartm ent:at State Col-, lege. ■ “This seems to be true thr- ; oùghoùt the State and the better quality poultry and egga are be- iiig sliipped into thè State in large quantities sinvply because we a're not . on the job. ‘'One, of the gre'al;esl; needs of orth OiiPnlitin — _________’September; 17, 1025 __ “HEADtlUARTERS Foil schooi; SUPPLIEiJ’V A g Utility Fountain Pens $1.00. 280 Page Tablet S 5c. Looseleaf Note Books 10c. One 10c Lunch box ^ Firee with 50c purchase one to a customer. $100.00 | worth Rogers Silverware to be given away soon. | g Carolina Cream Daily. / | I E.P.WALKER Farmington, N. C. “ «■■HHinmMMiiMieiaiwniiiHiti ""■»»»■»»■ffliiiiit»-------------- ..yiiiu uu| , ■■une, of tho gre'atest needs of apportipned during the' lie.xt' fis- îiorth Carolina farm ers is to pvo-- cal ÿoar in order lo speedily start vide poultry houses, learn the pro- new projects and give employment jper-niéthôd of handling and feed to farm ers suffering : from the /so as; to moét^thè demand. Poultry di'oughti : ;Ünless relief is obtain-jwhen put on a business basis w ill ed, .the délégation declared, there pay a good profit .and Is ojio of will' bel ft-m igratidii from 'the àf- the, best money crops, bringing ’ fected ,areas; , , ; ' iiv ciish every;,w eek.. Why; not or- ‘ '■ . ■' gunize ;ah(l.;,pl'cduce ;high grade John' D., Jr., ' Pays 'Over .$6,000,- table poultry arid keep the monej ООО Taxes, ■ Henry Foi'cl .Two at home where .it belongs? ' ' ,“111 .the; mid-West states,. com- „ ...V . v»ui>uisiiiis enu OI m e DUS- e r ; pioci flne88.,For,in8tarice, one m ill Irian- One o _________ I ' .ttfacturirig ,which could, come to a motion pictureMsiBihB?';. commi«>iinn i . ■«.. .......lu r wmcn cwuiu, come to a motion picture ; ^cbmmi^ai star fell to M iss W ilson, when she was no demand sent out;one w as recently selected by the Mo- it» pfficials to intevvi^ tion Picture Industry of America f iSOfM'i direct. The officialb'found a as the one official American de- V e ty live derpand for the product legate to the International Con- fij''« a d the liiill is having no trouble ventioa held at London. ■f brcsent diannaJntf nf «■= oil""''*'" , • : c-"fii ,t*>e mid-West states,^ com- .John D. Rbckefelier, Jr., paid mlsiiion houses have been çatab- income ta.xes of • ,5tì,à'77,669 ,'for iished, in niauy to>ynfl \ where a 10‘2‘li it became' giiown last week fàrriier caiv bring liis poultry and I'i.vh'en thè tajç lists were;' made ePTifs .rind ; get the" ^ pi'icea public, - This' was thé largest a- fpr.-them. ’Phase hpusea were es- mount paid by any' individual in tablished by farm ers and they are the downtown M anhattan district, exactly what' the North ; Carolina \Vhich includes . W all street. ; Mr. farm er needs and should have iii Rockefeller paid income, taxés of pract.lcaljy every'county. It;talt- ipT,435/109 irt 1923. ' es thé farm er to do this, however, John D. Rockefellor, Sr., pal«' as he must organize for thia paV- ta.\es of $128,420. J. Pierpont ticular purpose, raise money to M organ’s ta.ves was ^574,379; E. do the jo b'righ t, and mu.<it pro- H. Gray paid ?322,080, and CharÌ- ducè'more of the first class pro- es Evans. Hughes ¡¡>1,654. John duct than he' is now vdoing." W. Davis, Democratic _ candidate According to Diy Kaupp, a hen in the last election, paid $48,588. can be ffcd for $2.(10 a year; that Secretary of the Treasury An- ia, if all the feed has to be bought, drew W. Mellon paid Federal in- which is' hardly over the case, come taxes of $1,182,000.25, which and the hen should lay ten dozen was the largest tax recorded in eggs a year. This w ill return a the Pittsburgh district.^ profit at North Carolina egg pric- his .brother w as'next largest, $1,- e.s, but a greater,production and 180,099.64. the application of business me- Henry Ford and Edsel Ford, his thods w ill greatly increase this •' ” profit, which, after all, is what the farm er wants. i BUY YOUR FURNITURE DURING SEPTEMBER AND SAVE -------J - v4 .«.4M OCI r u m , i l i S ЧОП, together with the Ford Motor Company, paid the largest income ta.4 oh 1924 earnings in the firs'; M ichigan district. Henry Ford paid 82,608.808.8.5, Edsel Ford naid $2,168,065.99, and the Ford Motor Company paid ' $16,493,- 160.91. .-----------------*--------^-- Cool Spring Road Proposnl Statesville Landmarli. ' The county commissioners, Mon­ day, authorized Chairman C. S. CARD OF T H A llks” , 1 ----------------- Wo thank our kind neighbors .and friends for their sw eet. thoughtfulness and kindness to ' us in our sad bereavement. ; Mrs. R, F.'V an Eaton and iam ily. pd. We are giving 10% off for September only on all furniture, carpets^ chairs and stoves. This 10% will be withdrawn Oct. 1. Our iurniture is always priced low and V ith the extra 10% we are alloiiv^ing for September only you would be getting a real bargain. Come in and look over our attractive lines. C. C. SaRford Sons Co. I f is best to sow inoculated secil i in cloudy weather, or at: least,- • , -....u.m in u, s. Jg 1 jlj,_ Tomhn to appoint a coBimittee.to ulaiv, ¿3 direct sunlighr, or clo.10 confer ,'vith State H ighway Com- fertilizera w ill kill missioner W ilkinson, as soon as U f.teria. If fertllf/ev K;,.;<itiuu;:>vne m ill 13 having nu u-ouuie - ................ ^.wiuun. " i»t present disposing of its slightly This Southern girl found quick curtailed butput¡w ithout the ns- fame as heroine in Jam es Cruze’s ..«ietan’ce of the commission men. epic film, "The Covered Wagon.” ..©ther m anufacturers are begin- She has also starred in "Thunder- d in g to do a little m erchandising ing Herd," "Welcome Home,’’ <>n their own account and there “M onsieur Beaucaire,” and other ■^»re ; indications that this trend is productions. Her two future pie­ r c in g to have a decidedly whole- tures are "Irish Luck” and the л о те affect, -"Vanishing Am erican.”' M iss W ilson w ill make her first......o .Tiiouji »vjji шике ner first .....^ ^ 3 8 Care of Peaches Handled appeara.nce at the E.xposition on (■ ¿•ïro e Georgia by Southern the afternoon of September 25th, , __________ where she w ill be presented by I' -.A tlan ta, Ga., Sépt. 15.—In the Governor McLean, w ill make a JBoyement of the 1926 ^ Georgia short talk to the audiencf and will peach crop, the Southern Railw ay be received by Exposition visitors. Byetem set a new high record as A fifteen m inutes’ reel carrying lo number of cars handled, with excerps from some of the produc- (the same practically 100 per cent tions in which she starred w ill , . perform ance which has charact- precede her introduction. - On the ' ' ■ Prized its handling of this highly evening of the 25th, she w ill be ■ ■ perishable fruit in other, years, honored guest at the Textile Di­ l i ;'7,6S8 cars having been transport- versification dinner, which _ w ill I '«d to markets' in other states and be attended by 650 prominent '.186 cars to points in Georgia, bankers and m ill executi.ves from inaking the Southern’s total move- New England and the South. Her , ,jnent,7.674 cars. This compares stay in Charlotte through Satur- ; : ^with 6.014 cars in 1924 and 5Д00 w ill be the occasion of num- ^ jp a rs in 1913, the previous high erous receptions and social events, i,record. -----------------Ф----------------- A ll of the 7,538 cars handled wTvn4 riiO P rONT)TTION4 >to distant markets reached destin- ^ ^ ТИ a n F V P P rT F n .M tlon on time. Through the Sou- , BETTER IIIAN EX l EC ГЕР ■;1:hern’s Atlanta term inals 6,746 о ihrousi, 6i„d n - K .Ï ? Z S Z m o i iw m ti ^ d L o uisyil^ and 93 to de. of Farm Publications for the ex- ■ .«tinations Ш the West and South. „л , , From A tlanta 133 special peach 1 f n V / f, -n ; :dtraina were run to Potomac Yards ««‘f* :,Viand 127 to Cincinnati. Prom• 1Г';.лл«»м*1!п о n 1Q i'll. JôtGl VlSitfiCl thXGG COUTltl** ¡■¿itwere run to Potoinac'Yards, handl- T ~ ^ 'X ° n ia ° ’ ancf^4' inL/ 444 cnv4 -froiri; i'.N«vthen'4t T ransylvania—and he reports From Chattanooga 422 ;.cars wei^ moved t o ^ C i . . « nnvp fn thP "P tlie « .a re not starving by cais to tne , In fact, he sakl; he found'coii- '«•w ^ ^ , slderable optimism among the ,' Farm ers from^ Pamlico county farm ers that the,season would yet ^recently made .a tour hrough tiie turn out better than was expect- .rwestern: part of the State lor the 'vsomo; good crops are reported -V* i» Transylvania. But .in al three counties,' Mr. Jeter said, he 's«w Шйв üibu№ ?'Aîid many of the • , ,, „ , Ш т т Ш М т » Ш т и а г:л Н е s°me good fields of bottohi Jahd a Oniintv ‘сот.: tmnfl v -......- --- ^vtii i\tll « . r t to (he eon.i™ ctl.n .< . ,'i' r : , " . ; ' i l ? . hard-surface road from Stateaviile _ .w h m m m w i i to ' th§ . D p ie c'ounty line. This -------UU ironi Mncon 37 cars to Florida,] from Augusta 7 I’t'Eflst. ' ' -♦ ^^.Ü>llyJ>aV/'?íSi ii.mt.. tim e,.; states W. Galphin. County A g e n t 'eoi'h,' good sorghum, .good crops of potatoes, and considerable hay,' to th^ Dpvie c'ounty line. This was in answer to tlie request of the Cool Spring citizens and oth- urs who appeared before the board in the interest of such a road. Chairman Tomlin appointed the following on the committee: W. C. Johnson, J. M. Deaton, N. San- key Gaither,. L. N. Brown, J. ,B. Roach, D. M. Ausley, H. P. Grier, Sr., J. A. Hartnesa, L.VB. Bristol, C. V. Henkel, D. L. Raym er and N. B. M ills. ' Mr. Tomlin was ad­ ded to the committee. ' ^ --------------, If Editors Told The Truth? Some folks are prone to accuse newspapers of being untruthful. And yet it is the ambition of rep- table newspapers to present facts in the news and editorial columns. It is true that it sometimes be­ comes, necessary to use a little "flower” in presenting the activi­ ties of individuals. Recently the editor of a paper ih Indiana' grew tired of being called a liar and announced that he would tell the truth in the future. The next is­ sue of the paper contained the following item s: , “John Benin, the laziest mer-1 chant in town, niade a trip to | BcoviUe on Monday. “John Coyle, our grocorj'man, is doing poor business. His store is dirty and musty. How can he expect,:to do much?” ; , ‘,‘Dave Conkey died at his home here Tuesday.' 'i?Jie’, doctor gave it out as heart failure.. Whiskey 1 killed him.” ; , ' “ M arried—-Miss Silvia Rhodes and ¿ Jam es Collins last Saturday at: the Baptist parsonage by the Rev. Gordon. ¿The bride is a very ordinary girl- wiio doesn’t know any more aboiit cooking than a jackrabbit and ;neyer helped her niother three days in her life. She is not a beauty by any means and has a gait like a duck. The groom is an up-to-date loafer. He has been living, off the old folks at home all his life and is not worth] shucks, ;lt will be; a hard life.”- DuiVi^Xllspatch. ¿¡p ick''th e .best exhibit at your commupity or county fair for, dis­ p lay a t’ the State F air, say S tate , I College extension ‘worUors, . ---------»...MIMMM»!!«« liUl INTRODUCING ortant ^^nanges, Lowered Chassis, All-stéel Streamlihe Bodies, Many Added Features, NOINCREASFIN C O U N T Y D A I R Y P I C N I C ■ ■■ . O A K G R O V E N E W S Extremelbeauty and attractiveiiess of de­ sign,!? offered in the improved|Ford Cars now on'display. Come in TODAY and look them ovér. Sainford Motor Co, Si Í T h e fa rm e rs of Davie County „¿ill hold'their aniiual picnic at the F a rm of Sanford and Cartnet\ Sept. 17th. T he following program has been iirninged;10;00-10;30 a. m.—Address, H. C. Bates, Southern Railw.ny Dairy Extension Specialist. 10:!50-11:00 a; m.—Adcjres?, Dr. Hicld, Milk Inspector, Wins- ton-Salem, N. C. •11:00-1130 a. m .—Addregs, The R elatio n of the Distributor to the Producer—Chas. E. Land- reth. M anager Forsyth Dairy C om pany. 11:30-12:00 a. m.—Address, Fac­ tors Influencing Economical Milk Production—A. C. Kim^ rey,' Office Dairy Extension, State College. 12:00-1:30 p. m.—Dinner— 1:30-1 ;45 p. m.—Address, Why I prefer Guernsey Cow—^T. D. I3rowni Secretary, . Rowan G u e rn se y Breeders’ Associa­ tion, ■ 1:45-2:00 p. m.—Address, What the Rowan County Creamery ' is Doing—R. D. 'VVatt. ' 2:00 p. m.—Cow Judging Contest ' —J. A. Arey, In Charge, Of- ! fice of D airy Extehoion. A substantiiil preniium w ill be given the winner in Judging con­ test. ■ \ j This will be a day of instruction jukI • reeroation—come and in'iiig ;i full basltet. Dinner will be .Horved in. a model dairy , barn re­ cently erected on, this farm, . Yours truly, y ■ Geo. Evans, County Agt. —--------:. ■ - , DAV1B CIRCUIT , Mrs. M argarett Bowles passed away Friday, Sept, 11, 1925 nt the home; of her gra;ndaughtor, Mrs. C. M. Turrentine, she , was 83 years of age. Mrs. Bowles ha(’ been ill for aome time. She joined Union Chapel M. P. church in ear­ ly girlhood. She leaves to mourn her loss, 1 daughter and 4 sons, M rs, Bettie Sanders, of Kernes-, ville; W, E. Ollie, and Noah Bowl- e.9, of Mocksville; and John Bowl- es, « f Kannapolis, and several grandchildren. Funeral services ¡.were conducted Saturday evening at 3 o’clock at Union Chapel. Blay God comfort the bereaved relativ­ es and friends. Mrs. J. G. Craven spent one day the past week in Winston-Salem [.with her sister, Mrs, E. T. Mc­ Culloh. / , Lester and Hall BlcCulloh of Winston-Salem have returned home after spending the summer here with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Williams. , Messrs, Joe Long and OlHe Par- (ish, of Salisbury were visitors •here one day the past week. Mr, Cheshire, Wellman is sick at this writing, sorry to note,' . H O W T O I N O C U L A T E L E G U M E . S E E D S ' THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE ADVANCE NEWS uV A m P I N O N E W S The p.''.8tor closed a gracious meeting w^th his brother Joirn Gum, near Behvqod last week-r- Ncar 100 souls were blest. We are this week in a meeting at Concord Church—Services 10:;50'a, m,, nnd 7:30 p, m .,'till ;Friday night. Next Sunday, i l a. m., .preach­ ing at Salem, 3, p. m., at Hardison nt 7:30 1). m., we begin our meet- .ing at Oak Grove. • :' Let Center folks call off ser­ vice for the night and cpuie over and help us at Oak Grove. Sp.seial' Thursday of thia week there Is to be h eld'at Bethleheni Church on Farmington Ct., a big Davie Cotiiiiy Rally of all the, jilethodist chai'fgoii'oi the, county, from, 10 a. m„ till; 4 i), in, DinneV on the ground, , a great' day expected, ¿Reader, .you should not miss, lac; Ivinney folks have promised to feed us .so lets go fix thoir I'atibns. I rilncoreiy hope D.avie County will lead tho county in . ‘Amcii, Got UP auto load from yoiii neighborhood—talk it, Brin.fr oth­ ers—Cnme—Bo on time—its for all not onI,v stowards-but ever.v-- bodv. Pray and come\- Let every S. S, Supt,, and Steward have as good-report as possible, if your church should be called on for any Veport or information.----------^-----:--------- BEES STOP TRAFFIC IN DURHAM STREETS Durham,; Sept, ,11.—Approxi­ m ately 150,000 bees which made th eir' np'poaranco bn one of th^ business streets of the city today, ■for the-time being, alniost paralyz­ ed traffic, making it necessary . for members of one of the, fire companies to fin ally visit thej scene and direct a stream bf wat­ er on the busy little workers in order to make them move on. It happened when a drayman drop­ ped a barrel of honey on Parrish street. The ground was literally ; covered with honey and a few minutes later a busy little bee stopped to Investigate 'and then ■ went hastily on his way, bystand­ ers remarked to the, effect that there wduld soon be others there. And sure enough they came. In less than an hour there were a thousand or more bees on the scone, then came other thousands and fin ally 12 hives of them, ac­ cordingto p. E. Oldham, the own-- er, who resides a few miles from the city. Many of the bees were killed and'the'' owner esthnated his loss at $500. Soil from a field of red, white, or alsike clover w ill inoculate for crimson clover. English peas (may peas) or wild vetclv will furnish inoculation for all the cultivated \ etches,; , , , . . , The farm ers are very busy pre­ paring their wheat. iand, after tho the glorious rain that fell Thurs­ day, There w ill be preaching nt Pino Sunday night. Sept, 26. Our pnsr tor will only be ,wHh us three more appolntmonts before leaving for conference and no one; should miss any. of; these sermons for they are always very helpful. Mr. Fred Swin'g,^ of .Salisbury, spent the week end at home, ¿ Mrsi L. il. Ward and little son', Frank, of Badin, returned to thoir home Sunday after spending some time with their mother, Mrs.- Lou W ard.' ' . ■ Born to Mi\ and Jlrs, Harmon JMcMahan, Sept. 14th, a fine girl; M ary Lee, , • j Messrs Lonnie and B:,\van, and b liss Laura Ward took a vory en­ joyable trip to Roaring Gap, Spar­ ta and North Wilksboro, Labor Day, , ¿' :; ' Mr. and Mrs. Luther Dull and son, Vernimi spoilt the wp'ek end with relatives in .'North Wiiks- boro. ... ^ ; , ¿ , Mr. Lacy 'Shelton, of Winston- Sakmf spent the week end with hi.'i mother. ■ :, . : m • (- Ml*, and BIrs,: Bryan Davis of Winston-,Salem were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L„L, M iller, Svuulay. Raleigh, Sept. 15,—"It is well known that legume's are dependent •711 cci'tiiia soil bacteria to help them frether nitrogen ftom the air,” Hoys E. C, Blair, evtension agronomist at State'College, "and that it is usually' necessary to sut I !y these bacteria when grow­ ing r legume on a field for the first line. The last is especially •rue of vetch and crimson clover in the Coastal Plain.” ■ Acer.rding to Mr, Blair, thej .‘lepd n'.ay be inoculated wiiih the proper bacteria by means of commercial culture, or soil from a spot v/here the leguiiie crop has recen'ly grown may be used with e.x-;.'l!ont results, ■ -■ "If sell is used,” says Mr. Rlair, "sciaiT 'off about an inch of the top, and take what is necoled .h'om the ne.st two or thrde inches. Ap- oly about 300 pounda per acre with a fraih drill, like fertilizer, having already mixed the sped with it. Where no 3rai.1l drill avi.ilnbli;, SOW; the seel ar.d soil mixture by hand and disc in at ronce.', ■. ' ¿ ,, ' .¿ , "An easier method sad one .that lequires less soi| is to m oisten the seed w i'h glue and water, molas­ ses and water, or phi 1 . molas­ ses, iiinng just enough t'o ooai every seed. Then mix one'br two quarts f.f soil with each bushel, or I'f.ill the seed in yo'l. Enougl'i '50II for inoculation w i.i stick to itho s')i.h1. ' The drought still continues in and around our little town, . Mr, Geo. Orrell of Winston- Salem' was in town one day last week. Mr, 0. M. March made a busi­ ness trip to Winston-Salem last Friday, Mrs, F, T. Poindexter has been spending a few days with her siiiter, Mrs, Bill Smith and other relatives in Mocksville, Little Miss Alice March of iWinston-Salem is spending a few days here with relatives. Mrs, Lee Sidden of Winston- jSalein visited her mother, Mrs. George Shutt, last week. Miss Annie Talbert returned -Ф- f o r k n e w s iviiss iviiziie xuiucii, home Sunday from a visit to her Ibrother, Mr. Jno, Talbert, at High Point, - Miss Lillian Paraham, a former teacher of this phi'ce, has been spendjng a few days heve, the guest* of Rev, and Mrs. Flkes. Misses Nannie Sue, Cornatzer and "Bill” H^ehdrix' have returned from ‘ a visit to Mrs. Cliirence Peeler at Salisbury. ’ .1 ;. Mrs, Arthur Shutt and mother, Mrs. Geo, ¿hutt, with Mrs, W. A. Leonard and Mrs, 0. M, March spent' one evening last week with Mrs. C. C. March near Winston Sal'em, -' Mrs. Thomas, W aller, of near Fork Church'w as the guest of her sister, Mrs. 0. M, March, Sun Idtiy- ..V .Jlr. and I'll;?. H arry Whitlow of Winston-Salem, have moved in the liouso ^formerly occupied'by i\y, ,T. ;Mock,. ■ ■ - WHICH COMES FIRST--— " " ' Yourself? Your W ife? Or Your Car? , “ ¿Í! $10 Y early (less than 3c a day) w ill insure you or youc w líe ' —against loss from án accident that may happen to you any , 'day.' ■ , ¿ '■ '¿ ' You insure your Car against all kinds of accidents— . BUT WHAT ABOUT YQURSELF—OR YOUR WIFE? ; Even if you are a Careful Driver, an instant's neglect by another (Careless^ Motorist can cause serious Injury. . 450,000 People were Injuréd or killed in Automobile Acci­ dents last year. You may have escaped—but why trust to ■ ' luck? 3c A DAY will safeguard YOU—OR YOUR WIFE— :: from loss thru an accident that may happen to you any day. ¿; Simply M ail This Cupon today. ' , ; ¿, ■ 5,000* for $10 ' $5,000 will be paid for loss of—Life—Sight—or ¿Limbs—thru any Automobile Accident~no' matter How—When—or Wliere—tho Accident Occurs—Riding in your oAVn or other ; curs—or thru the dreaded street hazard of being struck-^- ran down—or run river—by any automobile. .?25 Weekly will bo paid for. any loss of time—ono day to 26 weeks—thru injuries received in *any. Automobile Accident. $15 Weekly additional will; be paid if confined to a hospital' thru any Automobile Accident (lim it 4 \veeks.) Issued to Men and Women between the ages of 18 to 65 for $10 yearly. у .„r .: Secured by assets of oVer $32,000,000.00 Davie Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Co., Mocksville, N. C. Gentlemen; Without obligation send me by mall РсгаолаГ Protection Policy—$5,000 for $10.00. Name ..............u,..:..!...........4..;.,.......... .. ,............................ A ddress..................................................... '............................................... I*-' kS- ■ т а а з м м п 1ПЯ|||!Я1Ш1Я1(Я111!«111!в,®«®' > Mrs. Frank Murkluud; and two children of Winstbn-Salèm spent Sunday' at¿ Mrs. .Mary Hendi‘i'x’.s. Miss F'ay i^iiltz, of-the Twin- City, spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Jim Ratts,v¿ Quite a, largQ^ crowd attended i;he'lIeiKlri.x I'eunlon lact Suncby, at the home oi¿ Mr. Lewis Hendrix', James Garwood, Guy Williams-, W iley Doby and Miss Kathalecn Wilson and Thelma W yatt are at­ tending school at Mocksvillo. Miss Salilo Hendrix continues: very sick, we hope for her a com- ’ plete recovery. Miss Frankie Hoyle has return |6d to \yinston-Salem .after spend­ ing,several week.H with homo folks, -- . «V.... nr.„Ul, ri'UiSlvillnrin ¡SIOCK’S-CH W CH NEWS ■ Mr, and airs, L, B,; Mock ,'and, faniily, ; loft ; bur¿¿(j’ommMnity ,raat'| Tu esday. for ; 0 id Richmond, , : to,' ap.dnd the winter^'season,;,,where' Mr. Mock .will 'teàéh ..school. ; Wq regret Very much to hnye'.thom leavp, \but. wish them iiiuch suc­ cess In their ne\y hòmei ; . Mr,': and' Mrs, Bryan Smith and little,'dnughtbr, Virginia, óf;'near Clemmons spent Sunday aftel’noon 'with Mrs, J. H, Hilton. ; , Mr. Earl Myers of ,near Fork' Church spent',Saturday night with ^ Jlr. J.; T. Ph'olps. ¿ • ;, , ¿ 'Mr, ftiid Mi'S, J, ^V, Beaucfiamp- --- -■ ’>> 1-..-.. Cini.ed .to \yinston-aaiem ¡u.ier ÖliVilM- I ■Tl'l,, tnin l\l and son, of Salisbury .spent Suit- p 'I i„„ пт., ,..;л nt..„ n a ,r', ' \Cornntzer,,noardom inons, . , ,I day w ith M l, and Wis. G. S., Kim- ^ : ánci; ¿ívlrs./Q¿¿;S; Mqck, yi GOOD VICTUALS BY V THE BASKETFUL ^ : Buy yonr Groceries here by the basketful, It (a both eco-* nomlcal and i;|rBctlcnt. The qwalUy of our stocks assures you always seijvlng the best victuals for your fam ily—and •al 'no increiise in cost. ‘ ' , , ¿¿ :' " Allisdn-Johnson Go. auci wuii, UA ...— ,, ,,i nt СЛ Tf'i ' ■ v>OilintiiGl/ liuai' NJiviiuuviio* , . day with Mr. and Mrs. G. s.,Kim- 5ipp ñ,^£| :^.n.s.:; Q. :¿S; M pf "m iss Ethol Hughs of New-York^ J g - ^ I« -uost.of Mr,:and Phono 111 “ W e D e l i v e r ( h e G o o d s ’ ?; C O N C O R D N E W S * «■ .((- » . ,r * ÍBAXTER BYERLY, M. D. ' ■ ■ ' ' : * Offlce' Over Drug Store. Of- ,* flç e .Phone No.; 31; Reai- * dence lío. 26, C^^ N. C.> .'.-к.,..:«; * » ' * * • . . ,— — The revival meeting began at Concord Church Sunday, and will continue- until Friday night. Ev­ ery, oue has a cordial. Invitation to attend. ' Miss Dpliothy Berrier, Mrs, Heilman B errier'and Mrs, J, W, M artin; made, a trip to Winston- Salem,' Friday,Mr, and Mi’S, '\Vorth Thoinpson of Salisbury spent tho week end with parentsj Mr, and Mrs. H. M. Deadmon, - ■ Miss Florence Smith, who has been staying'in' Bixby witi/ ni,- Roberson, has returned home to stay.'i ', V ' Miss Grace Jordan, of Saliabury spent the week end' with Misses Sudi& and Rüth Deadmon, , • Mr, and" ÜIrs, Непп.чп Berrjer are visiting Mr, and Mrs, — C. McCullnTi-rh; r - ' '..... Mr, and Mrs, Paul Cope and children of Spencer, w.ere visitors in this community Sunday, Miss W illie Mde Berrier has re­ turned home after spending some Itimo, in Mocksville, Mr. and Mrs, -Wade Vickers have moved from BIr'si J, W, Mar-- tin’s house to Mr, P, R, Davises in the new house, -ivhlch has just recc-ntl>\ been built, • Messrs, Odell (?rubb and Rufus Dwiggins made a trip’ to the mov.ntains, Sunday. ' ■MiV Paul and Clarence Barn-, hardt, of China Groyo, spent Sun- da.v ■ night with Mrs, Barnhardts' parents, Mr, and M rs,,L C,; Ber­ rier, ,Mrs, Barnhardt will remain with, her; parents the .rest of the week, and attend the revival meet­ ing,'Mrs. C. L, Berrier is, spending thi,j week, in Mocksvilie, County AgenI; Zeno Moore re­ ports that he was liiade referee to determine which was the better of two varieties of cpttoii on a field in Nash county, That; was easy, states Si'Ir, Moore, as one was Mexican Big Boil an^l the other didn't matter. , ‘■■___' , • • nier, MlHS'uviiui ». — City is'the guest,of Mr. a'nd Mr«. P.’ W, Hairston, , Mr, and Mrs. —---------,, , Winaton-Salem spent the n’eok end I with their mother. Sirs, Beatrice Brew.baker. ' - ; ' - , Mr. J,uno Sheets ¿and fam ily; of near Salisbury spent Sunday at Mr, H, H, Praetor's.. -♦-------------^— F U L T O N I T E M S ' V T-r.iiv«i-nn ■- ,'Mr,, and ^'at n i n ; ¿icjiildren,v also M r.iJ, 'C, Beau- Mr^ and Mrs. F rai^ Burt^i «(l^ n in p : ^pent Sunday; with l•olati^y 'inaton-Salem spent the .i-eok «ul,|^g n^/'LouisvU le. : ¿,';¿ i , : ' ¿ftlETHOlij^T NOTES^ A meeting Inis been called for Th.ursflay of tills. wei'.k by pre­ siding Elder Nowell at/Bcthlohom lat 10 o’clock. Dinner w ill he served by the local church.; The officials , of ,tho fiye ■'pastoral charges In the county are urged to attend, Mr, C,' H.. Ireland of Greensboro, H. R. Dwlre.of Wins- Iton-Salem, rind;others will,be pre­ sent to addrees the meeting. (jpolpemee, Mocksville, Davie, Farmington and Advance have |,shown fine growth for the year and. prospects are for; the closing I of, a fine conference year, Mucl) remains to be done the next few weeks, but member,s. aind officials, “have a mind to¿ work,” and it will be done, ' Rev, R, P, Fikes filled his ré guiar appointment here Sunday morning. . , Mrs. E, M. Stew art Is very sick at this writing, we wish hor a speedy recoverjv Mrs, Joe Peoi)les, who has boon sick for some time is very III. ■ Mr. and Mrs.. /ordafi, -of SnlisT bury visited here, Sundaj^,, Mr, Cicero, powey, arid John W alls, of H anes,, visited' ’ hero , Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Cre.ason, of-' Cooleemee spent Saturday and Sunday here. Mrs, Creasori will spend a few days with her aunt, Mrls, E. M, Stewart. ^ ■ , ' Mr, and Mrs, Baxter Hendrix, of Hanes, spent,tlie 'yeok end with Mr, B, M, Lanier.- ‘¿.Martha Lanier, tha little'daugh­ ter of Mr, andvMrs, D, ,L, Lanier is very sick. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. /Fry' and children spent Sunday evening at Advance, ‘ -, Mia^ Panthy Lanlev 'spent Thursday night with Miss Iva Stewart.' ., , , ' / I Mrs, Adam Miller'" of Hanes is visiting her mother. H ORN E SERVICE ‘STATION MOCKSVILLE, N, Cv ,¿ NOTICE T O FARMERS: Remember,: always come to the printlnff office first when in need of any.'kind of printing. The crdam route which ' was started last spring by Luther Crotts is at present wifhout a col-. I lector ;du«N to Mr; Crotts’ ' haiving igone to college, ^ Anyone interest'- èd "in this work wliich requires jonly oiie trip per week during the winter months should get in touch with Mr,' George Evans 0* Ei C, Tatum at once, - Mr. Crotts has developed a nice beginning of a route from Mocksville and neis’h- boring sections to Salisbury and tljis is a work that ..we feel sure some' .one w ill want to coptiniie.' ' ........... ^ ' I- . ICI U W in MU . Mocksville Methodist will ob­ serve Children’s week, Sept. 20-27, with promation day Sept. 27. v ull aii'nouncements w ill be made Sun­ day as to plans.--------_ _ ф ----------------- ; . First Quality Guaranteed Tires. , 30x3 Casings $6,75 each 130x3 1-2 Casings $7.60 each 130x3 1-2 cord Casings $8.00 each ROBEItlS HARDWARE iO . W inston-Sslem , N. C. When sowing legumes, be sure ¡that the land is inoculated, ad­ vise agronomy workers at Stato College. This тцу be Лопе by u.i-^ ing either a' commercial culture or soil from a field that has .pre­ viously grown legumes. N O T I C E ' . •i_--------------^-----------------. The better grade, of table poul try. is being shiiiped into the State in large quantities, find poultry workers at .State Coljege/ Why, not; organize and mfciibthe demand ifpr: quality products, they ask. Read the news for inforw;.tlo^l|- : v<liò ads'fo r profit. / Pick up and-burn all fallen pe- |can twigs, advise workers of lihe [State College division, of ontomo- |logy. . Those twigs are breeding places for the twig-girdler and |should*b6, destroyed aa soon as ¡possible to protcct the trees from next year’s crop of the pests. By virtue of the power contain­ ed in the Deed of Trust executed by W. W. Allen and his wife M, M. Alien to J, F. Moova, Trustee, to secure their bond to the Bank of Davie for $1,000,00 principal, which Deed of Trust appears re­ gistered in Book 10 page 91 in office of Reglstor of Deeds of Davio, N, C„ to which reference is made, default having been made in the payment.of said bond, and on application of the B.Vnk of Davie, I will sell at public auc­ tion to the highest bidder fbr cash at; the Court House;in Moeks- vllle, N, C.,r Oii' Monday; the ,Bth (¡lay of Oetober; 1925,,. th at; tract of land lying in D'ayie County,¿ N, 'C,, adjoining the lands of ; John L, Riddle, Jam es'A ,‘Smithi''>V, S, Douthit, and others; - beginning atia, sassafras stump on the Grif­ fith, ferry road on': the E ast'side, Jam es A',: Smith corner;'; thonce East with Jam es A, Smith line to his corner; thence North With Jam es A, Smith line to 'Wm. Little lino to his corner in the Wiseman lino; thence West >vith W, M, Riddle lino, formerly Dr. Wise­ man line to a stone in Griffith Ferry road; thence with tho Grif­ fith Ferry road to the boginnin," containing 11 acres more or lea' ■ ■ ' . ¿'s ^ / For greater ^certainty 'see Deed . froni Jam es A. Sm ith;t> Vf. ,W. Allen and,M . M. Allen, recorded in Book 24 pago 475 in office of V the Register of Deeds of Davie County, N„ c .¿; ' Said land will be sold to pay the debt secured by said Deed of - ■Trust, , • >..r^ ■;,; This August 31st, 1925, .T. F, MOQRE, Trustee. , . * * '« '¿#¿ '# ■* , *. ; * IP you want 100 per cent puré; * * Food, cooked right, and serv- ? ed in an up-tó-date way, oat * ■ * 'a t : :, ■' ............... * ■ GRIPPS QAFE,' Ice creara and coid dvinka ;*■ ■» <« « '# ♦ » * ■ *: * ■* ' » * *, « » • « D R . R . P . A N D E K S ü N * dentist ê ;'. f.f- tf'ís* Residence î’hone .47: Offiee¿ * ■ Phone 6Q; ¿ v';'¿-í'^É¿f * Mocksville, N.. a ■ * ¿,#, ■» ■ ■* . , DR.. ' LESTER ' P. ' MAÍRTINíÍ^íí^í'I íS ' # ' J’...... ..........‘ *■ Night Phone 120; Day Рлопо? ^ ‘ ''^'• »■¿‘ ..-'TI;,' * , '• Mocksville, «V яа., .: г.;; . ................ :м ?попо t It"1' • (1^ f'i ‘ ' ■’•' Í. Рпкс 8 THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE ........ ‘ ‘ ' '» ï^ ’' ' ' — ■ V :.■ ............................ ••:,■ ' : i ;:lâeptem bei'' PJIBMIUM LIST, CEiNTER COMAIUNITY FAIR TO BE HKLD AT CENTER, SEPTEMBER 30, 1925 ift'fiv Шlu 1I ,co. 61. C2. 63. 64. 6R. 66. 457. 68. 69. 70. ‘ 71. 72. 23. 74. 76. 70. 77.' 78. 79. 80. 81., 82 63. 1.00 1,00 Д.00 1.00 (Contiihiecl from Page <i.) , - ■ St.illc of cotton any variety, three bags of . P-3-3Vfertilizer, second premium,2 bags of 8-3-3 fertilizer by Soutliern. Cotton Oil Co. Hand of tobacco, wrapper grncle, any variety 1.00 Hand , of tobacco, cutter gra'dc, any variety 1.00 Hand of tobacco, itigs*'')ir^de, any . variety Best peck of Leaps, Prolific AVheat Best peck Fulcaster ,W heat ...'...l. Best peck, any other variety Best peck, of any variety of wheat—butcher' • ' knife by if)alton Bros., value $i.60. Peck oats, lany variety ............................................. 1.00 - .Peck B arley, any variety ...................................... ,1.00 Peck ''Rye, any v a r i e t y .........................................1.00 Peck Ambruzzi Rye ......................................... 1.00 Peck Cow Peas, any variety /,'■ ,1.00 . Peek Soy Beans ............................................................. 1.00 Red Clover Hay (15 lb.'buncU ....................... 1.00 Mi.'ted Grass Hay (15 lb. bundle) .;.................... l.QO Soy Bean Hay (i5 lb. bundle) ......................... 1.00 Cow pea hay' (15 lb, bundle) ...... 1.00 12 stalks Soy Beans, , any variety 1.00 12 stalks Cow peas, any .variety 1.00 Bunch of Peanuts,’ any variety . (six vines \ ' with poda attached) ...................... 1.00 Best display of sm all grain and legume seeds- l.OO*" •Best quart of cane syrup ............................ . .50 Any other ex h ib it........................................................ IcOO Fruits and Vegetables, Departmeiit p. W. A. Roberta, S. R. Bessent, Directors. .50 .5,0 .50 .SO .50 127. (ianiled Okra ................................................ ■128. Canned Whole Peaches).. ...... 129. Canned Hu’If P each es.................I.,.,'...;..,....,,.. ..,.;.., : 1^0. Caiined Pears ...... 131. • Conned Strawberries ...... 132. Qailiied Cherries .........i. . . . , ' 133. Caiined Apples 134. Canned Grapes .....I...,v,...,...... 135. Canned Blac.kberi‘ies ;1^86. Canned' Tomatoes v.v.i...,...,.............................................‘ 137. .Catined String Beans ..................................... .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 ..25‘ .25 .26, .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 ' .25 .25 .50 .50 Ч , .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 50 .50 ■.50 .50 .60 .60 .25 .60 .84, 86. 86. ' t.87. 88. 8?. 90. 91. BZ. 98. App.les, bust plate of five specimens— Bonum, first four apple trees a\d four peach trees, second, two peach and two apple trees. W inesaps four apple trees and four peach ' trees, sccond tw o'peach and two apple trees Blacktwig; four apple trees and four peach trees, second, two peach and two apple trees. Any other variety, four apple and four peach trees, second two applea anà two peach trees" K iefer Pear, four apple and four peach trees', - second two apple and two peach trees. A ny other variety, four apple and four peach trees, fiecond two apple and two peach trees \Peck Irish Cobbler Potatoes, -four apple and four peach trees, second, two apple and two peach trees. Peck Irish iotatoos, any other variety, four apple'and four peach trees, second, two peach and two apple trees. All above fruit trees given by Allison Nursery Co. Pqcic S>vèet Potatoes any svariety, four apple , and fqiir peach trees, second, two apple and two peach trees." ’ ' '''■'i-J' .1Л.:Best plate of six tomatoes,' any variety, four ^ apple and four peach,trees, second two apple and twp pead) trees, c '94. Bunch of six turnips, any variety, four ap> pie and four peach trees, second, two peach and two apple trees. ^ , T&5. Six head cabbage, four apple and four peach trees, second two apple and two peach trees. 96. Peck of dried beans four apple and four peach trees, second, two peach and two apple trees. 97. Pumpkin (3 specimen) by Stone & Crews $2.00 second,.two apple trees and two peach-trees. 98. Best general exhibit of fruit and vegetables, ' ■ four apple and four peach trees, second two apple and two peach trees. All above Fruit Trees by Davife Nursey Winners . 1 clioosing ya^’ietie» they wish. N ««««•« vPregerveB, Jellies, Canned Goods. Department E. i Mrs. D. 0 . Helper, Mrs. B, P. Garrett, Mrs. W. A. Griffin, Directors, í;ító! 99. 101. 102, 103. 104. 105. 106. , 107. Best collection canned goods, canning out­ fit by Brown-Rogers-Dixon Co, Winston­ -Salem , second ........................................................ ' Best collection jellies 24 lbs. flour by R Ratledge, Best collection preserves, Aluminum P n ing kettle, by Huntley Hill Stockton second, 24 lbs., flour, by Green Millin] Collection of M armalade and jam , ZA flour, by Green M illing Co., second .. Apple preserves ....................!....'...................,... Pear Preserves .....1.................................i........ Peach Presei’ves ...................................... Damson Preserves ............................................. Fig Preserves .........;............ ; 108.. Cherry Preserves ...............V......... '109. W ater meloni Rind Preserves ................ 110. M armalade .................... 111. Plum je lly .......................................... 112. Apple jelly .......;....................... 113. Grape ielly .......................... 114. Blackberry jelly ............................................................. 115. Cucumber pickles ............................................ , 116, Beet pickles ............................................................. ,) 117, Tomato .................................................................i.. ' 118. P each '........................................... ira , Tomato Ketchup .........i i . . .............. i|!^},'120., Chow-Chow .............................................. Ml-!l2l. Kiaut.......................Ыо 11 V ........ * '^Bittbkljerry . jam ........ ^rape j«m jam , . ■' ..................'* «.1.50 -I.- ■ , ' . .75 .76 .26 .76 • ^;25 • > ’.76 ,,25 .','.76 ■ '.25 ' .76 ■ .26 .76 . .25 •r '■.15 .26 .75 .26 .50 .26 ,50 .25 ••,.50 ,.25 It' ■ .50: :: .25 ,50 , :.26 ;50 ■.25 ..60 : '.26 ,,.50 ' .26 ,.50 .25 ,60 .25 .60 .25 ,.50 .25 .60 ,25 .60 .25 .60 .26 .50 5 .25 138. 139. 140. 141; 142. 143. 144.' 145;: 140; 147. 148.. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. ,154. 155. 156. 157. 158., 159. 160. 161.' Pantry Supplies, Department F. Mrs. W. N. Anderson^ Mrs. T. A. Vanzant, Directors —::—^ ^ . / Butter milk biscuit, 24 lbs. flour by Rice & ;Ratledge ....... Baking'powder, biscuit, 24 ^Iba. flour by Horn ; JoKnstone Co. ;...................................................... Light rolls, 24 lbs. flour by Kurfees & Grang-, - : . Q r ..... Light bread, 24 lbs. flour by Kurfees & Grang- . / , • Corn M uffins ;50 Loaf cake, 24 lbs.. floUi' by Kuri'ees^& Grang- > ' , Chocolate cake, 24,,lb3. flour by Kurfees; & Granger A..', • Caramel cake, 24,lbs, flour by:Horn Johnstone Cocanut cake, 24 lbs., floiir by Hoi'ne . John­ stone ...... Devils Food cake, 24"lbs; fÍoúr by Hoi’ne John­ stone Co. '.i.ó...... Best cake by girl under 16 ..............................;...... Light corn brpad ............................ Plate cookies ...........'.............................;.................. Apple pie .................................. Potatoe Custard ^.....................................;......................., Doz. white eggs .............................................................. ,Doz| Brown Eggs ................................’. Home Made Soap ......................................... Cottage Cheese...................................................... Lb. Butter ............................ Plate ■ Chocolate Fudge ......... Plate any other home made candy Home^cured ham, Aluminum Roaster Dwiggins & Tutterow ......................;.......'..T!;...... Best bread on exhibition, Pyrex Baking Dish by Tucker & Ward Hardware Co. ' ' ' jHomc Furnishing and-Clothing, Depai'tment G. Mrs. T. P. D wiggins,'M rs, Ollie Stockton, D irectors., 1.00 •,50 .60 -;50 ,50 .26' ,26 Í ' .26' .25 .50 .50 .50 .26^ ,25 ".50 .50 .25 .60 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .25 .25 .26 .26 208. Vase Chrya'nthemums '................................ 209. Zinnias ............I....;.,'..........................;......................... 210. Best , collection cut> flowers .................................... 211.'^, Blooming .plaht v ; . , . . ...... 212. Asparagus Fern" .......'■.....................„„.„■...'î......... 213._, Maideli H air Fern ____________ ___.................... 214i .Boston or. Sword Ferii .......•...... .50 ,50 1.00 ;75 .75 .75 .75 215. School Work, Department J. Miss Mary Belle Jones, Miss Tempie-Smoot, Directors. -i-_^, W riting by high school pupil, oine bgx, of box paper, by V. 'Wallact' & Son, Salisbury :....... by ' ■;.25 .25 .26 1.00 162.Knbtted counterpane ......>........:......1.00 .50 1?8.Knit Counterpane, Ç2.00 can coffee by Vaugh J -,& Co........,..........................:............................................................................< • > • • f > < .60 164.'Turfed Counterpane ......1,00 .50 166;Appligue .............;........................1,00 '' . .60 166.Hand made pillow cases , .60 -■ , .26 Ш .Cotton quilt (piecework)1.00 .50 168;Silk quilt (pieced up) ......................................1.00 .60 .169..Wool quilt (pieced up)......V . ,1,00 .60 170.Luncheon set, 24 lbs. flour by Grimes MiN ling Co. ................'.................................s -SO 171,Home made rug, 24 lbs. flour by Grimes' Mil-' , t.. ling Co........................................................................;.,,,,,,,,; .50 172.Home made table cloth and napkins, 24 flour by Grimeo M illing CP................;....... lbs. .6o: 173.Ladies Gingham dress ...............................- г 1.00 .60 174.Childs Gingh.im dress ...................!...................1.00 .60 -76.Gingham dreos made by girl under 16 yrs. Í 1.00 .60 176.Work apron ......................................76'.:.26 177.Night gown ...........76 ,.25 178.Princess slip ..........................75 >,■ .25 179.Hand made towel 60 .60 180.Little boys cotton suit .....l í O O ' .éo 181.Mans shirt ................1.00 .50 183.Bo,ys b lo u se;....................I....r , . , „ . i .■^76 ,.50 1ЙЗ.Fancy apron ...........................................................- .75 ,50. 184.Hand made baby dress «K O M I >Л.ОО A .50 216. Drawing by high school p u p i l ................... 217.' Best theme by 7th grade pupil, “the advantage of a Pair in Davie County’,j’ ........i............ 218; Neatest and best design school dress made by girl under 15 yrs. old, ¿5.00 sweater, by Petty Smoot Co. Winston-Salem. .75 3.00 .25 .25, IM 219."VBest general exhibit.i'rom rliral school, teach- '■■''erS'Chair.-.. 220. iHandwriijng by 5th, 6th' or 7th grade pupil 221, Handwriting by 2nd, 3rd or 4t|i .grade pupil Drawing by boy or girl under liigh school222. ,50 .60 .60 223, Best paper cutting .of flowers ' of ■ anim als : , , . : (colored) by 1st or 2nd grade scholar ...’.......V ,50 224. ,'Best map of Nortli’, Carolina ................... ,50 225; Best map of Davie county ..................;....... .50 , ■' •' ‘ ■ * ' ■ \ ■' . / Arts) ,Crafts and HiaioVy, D epartm entK. I* ' Miss Tempie Smoot, Miss Mary Belle Jònes, Direc'tprs. 226.' Best painting ...........................................;.................... .75 227. Display including articles of historical value ,i7è . Home made broom .;................................................^^60 Split basket .....'......................................................... .75' , R affia basket .......................................• j'.'Te Willow basket ................;................7|5 ” Rabbiti trap made by boy under 16 .50 Rat trap made by boy .tT..................................;:^ .50 ' Bjrd'House made by boy or girl...,.....,........:...... .75 236. Best flower box made by boy or gii'i , . ; 236. Best collection of old relics, $6.00 chair by Love furniture Co. ' \ I ###«*« I Baby Contest, Department L. Mrs, L, B, Ratledge, lilrg, W, A, Ferabee, Directors. -'' 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. .25 .25 .25. .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 Best baby from 3 mo. to 10 mo. ‘of age. Marble Dough Board, by Salipbury Marble Co. „ Best baby from 10 mo. to two yrs, of age pr. , shoes by Winston Shoe Co. ■ # f • # Live at Home Exhibit 1 st ,?25,00 Phonograph'by (Silmer Bl'os, Winston- Salem, ' ■ / 2ndr 82 piece breakfast set by Forsyth China Co. Winston-Salem. ' ' . ' Atbietic Contest • Fancy .Work, Department i|{. Mrs. 0 . R. Allen, M rs, M, D, Pass, Directors. 185. Best exhibit fancy work, bowKand pitcher by t C. C. .Young 186, 187, 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203;, 204. ,50 ,50 ,50 ',25 ■ ,50 .50 .50’; .50 .26,.. .26 .25 .25 .50 205. 206. 207. Embroidered center piece Embroidered table runner , Embroidered dresser scarf Crochet lace ................... Crochet yoke Crochet ........................................................ Tatted baby cap ........................................ Tatted yoke ..................................................... Specimen of tatting ............................ i ....... . Hcmstiched handkerchief .................................... Handkerchief with hand made edging Handkerchief with embroidered initial ......... Hand kit scarf ................................................................. Hand kit sweater, 2 yds. Imported Flannel by,^ V. W allace & Son, Salisbury , Hand made camisole ....................;........ Sofa pillow top ............................ Colla;;’ and, cuff set ...................................................... Hand made hand bag .......L . . ................. , Best piece fancy embroidery, $10.00 Umbrella by Ideal Dry Goods Co. Winston-Salem , Flovyersj Department I - Mrs, Marvin' Keeler,' Miss Stella Tutterow, Directors Vase roses ................................. .......................... .60 Vase Cosmos , ,6o''^ Vase Asters ..............................................................50 .50 ;50 .50 .50 ,1.00 '.25, .26 ,26 .25 .26 ,26 .>■ .25 ..I .25 .26 .25 .26 .26 Running high ju m p .....................................................................■ 100 yd. dash for boys or girls .................................... Fat Man race for men over 200 lbs.................... Pie race for boys .................................... Climbing greasy polo. ............................................................. *• * * »'I * # # ' , M usical program by Rev. J. T. Sisk. :. . PLEASE KEEP THIS FOR YOUR PREMIUM LIST. 1.00 .60 1.00 .60 1.00 . .50 1.00 .60 1.00 .50 2.00 RBiing Young. Star Fond of Cooking .26 .25 ,26 1 \Claibome Korter, that 'olover llttU lady who makes B a rr; CoimorB' ploy, "Applesauce," the out- ■tondlng comedy sue* cess of the jrear, Is aa extraordinary young woman: Slie Is eene^ ally recognized as one of the rising young stars of the American stage and her services and company are always in demand but such Is her nature that Bho shuns tha “bright lights" and leads a sim­ ple and unosten­ tatious life wher­ ever she may be. She ts essentially a home girl, being Claiborne Fost«r. passionately fond of cooking,, an art at which ahe Is very adept, and m uch of her-leisure' time :1s spent In the modest little hltchppette of her apartment. W hen not playing In some production, Mias Poster may bo found at her home a short distance from New York city, where she revels In the Joys of cook­ ing for tho whole fam ily and her friends and spends her vacations do­ ing the worli of tho ordinary house­ wife, • There are tw o dishes which are re­ garded .with mpre favor by Miss Fos­ ter, than are any others, tThese are Brouk shrim ps and chicken en casser­ ole.’ She uses the.sim plest of form u­ las'b u t insists upon the purest of In-' gredlents, using piire butter, an^ evap­ orated m ilk. . The recipes that ahe uses, arer Bronk ahrimp«. . I . 'oup« ; ih rlm p ii : Tollc« t e g g i .c a n n e d o i (re ib H °u p C T aporftttd t,tlufiv tot. - _ .-BlUk-------- ft'TSp: la lt waterFew grains oar* \ 1 tbap. flour •nne I tap, lemon jalo* Clean the shrimps, aod cook In half the fat for 2 m inutes; add seasoning aad lem on; cook 2 m inutes longer. Be- move shrim ps and m ake a w hite sauce of the rem aining'fat, flour and m ilk; '«’ben. thickened add yolks of eggs slightly beaten, stirring In quickly and cooking two m inutes; add the shrimps. Chlckan «n Casssrols. 1 tender chloken 1 oup .evaporated for roasting m ilkS tbep. butter w w l tfesp. ohoppod ,2 tbop. lard pareley 1 Salt and pepper . I oup» ohopped - 1 pint hot water muahrooma Clean chicken, spilt down bock, and lay breast upw ard In casserole. Spread fa t over breast, dust with salt and pep­ per, add hot water, cover closely nnd cook In hot oven ono hour. W hen nearly tender put In evaporated milk. i!,’ushrooras and parsley. Cover again, and cool! 20.. m inutes longer. Serve hot In casserole. n' Л ! ' •25. -,1 .50' ,25.’ .25 .25>::i .25: .........................................................I - te (2ente£ Community Fair To Be Held Sept. 30. Everybody Boost-It - I'l' ........ TRUTH, HONESTY OF PURPOSE AND UNTIRING FIDELITY TO OUR COUNTY AND OUR FLAG IS OUR AIM AND PURPOSE ^VOL. VIII ; ; - MOCKSVTl LE, N. d , THURSDA-y, SEPTEMBER 24, 1925 , ' ,No. 46 Ш п А Ш ^ а г 1 е ^ Д ^ Blown Up By Dirnami^^ " ~ 7 --------- A M artin county. man_ w ith a sick wife and financial - worries lost his courage and .ieaolv.ed to sidestep the game, leaving his sicic wife and financial troubles to worry others. The gun slip­ ped and sent the load into hi'i arm instead of his chest, w here it was supposed to be aimed, Now the trails of existence are in­ creased by the loss of an arm' and the addition of a hospital bill. Better to stand up than tp make ,bad m atters worse by ftrying to dodge.--^Landmai’k.. ," v ' READ THE NEWS^FOR INFOR- - MATIO№-iTHÈ ADS FÇR: • , ! ■ • . ■ ■ .... • .. ’ WE CAPî\f AyjStjpi 4É È Ò J Ч Albemarle, Sept. 11.—One of I'tlic m'osfheartless und cold-blood­ ied altompls at murder ever per- ripBtrivteci.iri the history of Stanly |)¿'óiViity :was that Tuesday night jûvhBn'aème one, thought to be the lÿomari’s son, fired a stick . of [ (Ij'iiamite under the homo of Mrs. Máhe Broadway, who .lives,'.!, nthe ieXti'eme noftliwestern section of Jiilbemurle. The explosion -took I placo aboüt,10:30 to 11:00 o’clock Itiiesday. night, and was so severe J thiit it was heard all over the city, lialthough the affair, was known t( I'oiily a.few Albemarle people until l'.WetlnesdÁy mórning; I As soon as the explosion was l'heaïd the local police got onto tho I jobi with sheriff R. N, Fiirr, Ti. I slieriff and a deputy immediately Ktnrted fpr Thomasville, the home lof Will Broad'away, son of tho wo- Ihian .whose home was dynamited, Ithe : victim having informed ’ the Ibfiicors that she wuh satisfied'the I guilty person was her son. The irnn was tracked from Albemarle [fchd when the sheriff arrived at Brbadaway’s home in Thomasville, fthe, radiator of his car was still Ihot.' He was arrested and told lihat he was wanted at Albemarle. iBroadaway, who a married* man Inbout 80 years old, told the sher- |l(f, it is said, that he had been Int the homa; of an uncle, that he Ijeft. thero about 9 o’clock. The lik riff took him to the home of Ithe uncle and was told by him that |BrORdaway left his home about 5 lo'clock Tuesday afternoon instead |«f,nt ,9 o’clock Tuesday night, as life prlaoneii clàimed was|the case, lile \yas. brought to Albemarle and loâgèd in/jail. I .Oh looki,hg at tho wrecked home, ||èjçan't have. ,a -doubt as to the ptent of the person who dynamit- (d,:'li;, The head of the bed in Mich Mrs. Bi'odaway wos-sleep- Kg was immediately over the fcace where the explosive was fir- Th“ iron bed was wrecked, Iliu railing having been twisted [rio a corkscrew. Tho bod was Urnod over, tho m attress torn in biocDS and set on fire, Mrs, poadaway was blov/n into tho »iddle of the room where she was iqund in an unconscious condi- [lon by Mr. P. L, M ayberry, a arder, A four weeks’ old grand- Ihüd of Mrs. Broadaway, sleeping pith her, was blown out of the 'oom through the'door which was anding open and'across the hall ind was found lying in the open loor of another room. M ilk ves- IíIb in the dining room which ad- loinod the room ' in which Mra; |toadaway was sleeping were |;oken ,and possibly more than alf the dishes were broken by |he jar. Not only was a large lole blown through the floor und- ' Mrs. Broadaway’s bed, but the overhead ceiling was blown full f ilóles by flying particles, th e lontonts of the bed m attress were pewn all over the room with ûfticles'Sticking to the overhead M'ing. The w riter was one of p hundreds' ", who visited the Ifecked home early Wednesday foi'ning, and the, surprise of all fas that either Mrs. Broadaway jj, the four weeks’ infant sleeping ilth her when the explosion oc- fñ'ccl, escaped alive. ■ Of course poy were both badly shocked and I.Wes riecessaryr to bandage the ™ of the baby to save it from fWrinent injury from the effects F the severe jar.- -,I Mrs. Broadaway told the writer p t she was thoroughly- satisfied p t her son was the man who pa'raited hçr homié. She said he Ps mad at her because she would pt, 'deed the hoinp to hiih and he had made: threats that lie TWld either dynamite or burn the l')se. She sai.d/; she knew noth- j about the shock until her son- № y, ,Jnmes MoLester, sleeping I'.ftq house' at the time, .and a ?r(ler,, p,> J,. Moyberry, aroused .some time after the explosion Hi’Vel She -said 'sfie 'did riot wnen the e.xplosion : went |p®P*pg in the house at . J;h'e .iilso. tiie w ives'of '-aiesr, ^íífeetfHViRnd Mayberrjr, Mrs. M ayberry said that the forcc of tljie explosion threw him out of Ded and into the middle of the room on the : floor, Mcl,ester vvould''aIso have been blown out of bed but ^ for the f.ict that he struck the wall. All those iu the house were inore or less addled by the force of the jar. ' Hundreds of peo^ila visited the scene during the morning-hours -Wednqsday and all who saw tho wreck were simply horrified at the evident deliberate attempt to kill Mrs, Broadaway. The man who‘is in jail , charged with th( dastardly crime, it is said, knew- just where the head of the bed was located, a'nd Mrs. Broadaway believes that that accounts for th explosion having occurred just at the point where it did. THE CENTER FAIR A Chip Off The Old Block-Must Begin Iu The Hom^—Coolidge Commended—This Is Sup­ posed To Be A Civilized Country r- Robert M. LaFollette, Jr., was overwhelmingly' nominated by the Republicans of Wiiwconsin, for United States Senator, ^ suc­ ceed-his distinguished father who died som'e moiiths ago.' He seems to be a chip offer old block, as» he w ent’directly to the people for their support ^ and ignored the: "bosses” as his father-did. .Tliat he will be elected at the-regular, election there is littlo doubt, for liis state is unquestionably .Republican. Young ‘'Sentitor’i LaFdllette is oiily 30 years of age.' He made a brilliant campaign, havihg,de^ated throe opponents in first primary, ; ■ : 'i / (By W, Henry Davis.) Wc wero agreeably surprised,to see the' number and extent of the awards and prizes to be given at the Center F air which were listed in last week’s issue of The Enter­ prise, Indeed the list is sufficient for a thrio or four days Fail', ratЪer than the one day exhibition that will come off at Center Sept, 30, Tho ones in charge of tliis F air are to be commended for the fine work in soliciting and ar- rrunging so fine a list of awards in tho different departments of the exhibit; It is hoped that the fineness of tho display, despite the dry year, will be on par with the fipenesa of the inanner in which the'C enter F air is'gotten up. There is no better w-чу for a community or county to shov; it­ self than by its products being displayed each year. Tradition and custom are not easily broken. The historian can trace certain traits of the human race throughout the ages. The Fair season is a_countinuanc4 of tho old time Hafvost Festival. In ye olden days,,, eyon in old Biblo times, the 'peo’ple gathered thoir crops in the -fall of the year and celebrated the fi.nish with a couple weeks revelry—eating and drink­ ing. In those days Volstead and the Volstead law hfvd not beon thought of. It was socir.lly and m orally all right to drink and eat whatever one lieaired and as :nuch of it as could be gotten away v/ith. However, that was wrong, and we of this d.iy h.4Vo found it nuwise to o.'vt and drink to cxcese. But, in the m atter of gala feel­ ings we all take to a season of merriment and laughter occasio­ nally. No m atter how modest a man is, his soul hankers for the oilcloth boots, tKe ice cream pants, the gold-edged coat, the bear skin vest and the dazzling baton of the drum major. We all occasionally want to jump out in front of the band, but only the dirtyfaced street urchin }s brave enough to dare it. . ' Last week there was pulled off a successful Fair at Mebane, this state. Despite the dry weather of this summer the Meb'a’ne\Fair was grand. From the newspaper re­ ports of this F air we gather that it was largely attended and was brought to a conclusion Friday when 16,000 school children, with other thousands of their elders took in the >Fair. Mocksville is about such size town as Mebane arid is equally if not better situat­ ed for a larger than county Fair. Davie and Yadkin might co-6pe- rate successfully, and include North Iredell and oth'er adjacent territory and pull off a big F air in 1926, ' ----------------------------------- EIGHTY FOUR MILES OF PAVEMENT LAID IN AUGUST The federal. council of churches, in reporting on, the effect of prohibition on crime, makes this statement: “The tendency of young people of tht present day td depart from conventional rules of behavior can not be laid entirely at the door of prohibition but the fact that prohibition has made no more de­ cisive effect in heightening their moral tone gives food for earnest thought;” * Prohibition or no prohibition, the ever growing disrespect for- law on the p art,of thè younger genei^atlon is such that all parents should be on the alc|rt. It’s not prohibition, nor lack of proljibition, which is causing the trobule, hut a lack of proper home training, and wc should realize that th « qniy place to check the modern trend to- ward lawlessness is with the young in the home. And it’s time we, w>3re getting busy too. . ' 3hady Grove School Has Most Successful Opening "• >1 Nationi Wide Survey of l*each In­ dustry Being Made by United States Department- of Agriculture - Raleigh.—Thb Ui^itod S^tes Do- partment of Agriculture is at pre­ sent engaged in a nationrwide survey of.the РОс-гсН Industry. Thq object of this is to supply grovVers Meeting of Parents and 'reacheis of Shady Grove School Friday Niglit Sept. 25, 7:30. Miss Fi)lghum, SupervisbV Tench- ] er Training, to; be'pre- ; aeiu. ■ We have the ablest, faculty th a t, has ever enteredt the .schodli . 'ai;: Advance. They are not onlyiwell-: Tho Federal Council of Churches commends President Coolidge,i and^justly BO, for rejecting the plan of tho m ilitarists to.,use Ar-< mistice Day as a "National Defense Day." The president has evid­ ently the right idea, that there is no use to talk world peace so long as we periodically shut out our national guard for review, for this encourages a spirit of m ilitarlsm and creates a sentiment entirely foreign to the "brotherhood of man" spirit. — ' , Around 500 "undesirable" Chinese wero rounded up in New- York tho other night, and it ia reported that they will be shipped back to the land whence they came. That’s the idea. If the Chinese want to wage Tong w arfare and butcher each other, they-should be taught that they can’t do so under the Stars and Stripes. It is, re­ freshing to see the authorities stepping on the On Leongs and Hip Sings in buch a way as to make them tako notice that this country' is supposed to be civilized. Accoi’ding to figures from the Cbnstruction Department of the State Highway Commission 84.23 miles of paving was laid during August. , This was divided as fol- iW s: Concrete 38,22 m iles; As­ phaltic, concrete 17.26;; Sand as­ phalt 8;68 m iles: and concrete base 20,12 miles, Instead of a hooded mob having operated un Blanchard, the Union County farm er a few nights ago as he claimed, it would now seem that the operation was the result of a fam ily row.- The. fact that Blanchard and, his wife both seem to bo unable to give any in­ telligent account of,tho operation has made t'íie cáse moro mysterious. Union County officials have, therefore, about come to tho conclusion that there really was no mob. And they are about right. with the information th^t thoy |p,.cpj,i.e(] educationally, but. ,are i, have needed in the past to make p^gej. to put {icyogg best year's' - reasonable profits growing peach- vvork that has’ever yot beon done in tiio history of tlio'-' -AdvancOi,:. school. The studélits entered biir Î; school with a 'quiokoned step arid'. ciieerful çoünteriarice which are:| indicative of a desire pri their p art ■ to fulti’ co-operate withvthe facu|i :(; ty in maintaining bur high odiioa ■ tionai standard. ‘ The faculty and stùdë^»'ihltyaj^ agreed on one .bommon one common airii and ihat ia jto^ ; : build' uil thjs community iritellccf ;' tually, morally, and rèligibuàlyjîu Inëtead ' of ignorance, ^ drunken- J.'v ness, confusion, filth and, irioom^: petericy,' ;there is an.,etiger ■desire;, on the part of parents, teachers i j and studeiits to have IntelllgencejV:' peace, equity and frietidship rër ' ign in the hearts and minds of our people. : ( Students who live outside the ; district are driving ten • or twelve; miles to our school. A s fac u lty ,, students, and parents, encouragr od by our local scljool board ond' ,i county Supt., let us ever strive that this' community may n ^ in - | a community^ into vvhich ;porenfft‘\ will be glad to move, ii^^ order thoir; children may ayall w th^^ selves of the best schplastlcjad^ vantages -possible,' ' ^ ;;‘S ; In addition to our $70,000 plant. es, , ' . Much difficulty has arisen from the fact that plantings havo been made without a knowledge of tho amount of competition in the rtiar- kets between v.arletios in Pne area and thoso in another, and without sufficient information as to tho buyers likes or dislikes in the matter of ,vari¿ty and quality of peaches. In other words; grow­ ers planning new developments have often been doing it blindly. This, to a considerable extent, has been unavoidable becauSe the ne­ cessary information was not to be had. ( With this in view, the United States Department of Agriculture, in cooperation with the state ex­ periment' stations, state depart­ ments of agriculture, state horti­ cultural societies, various market­ ing agencies, railroads, and indi­ viduals, has started a thof’ough study of the entiro pe.'tch industry. Enthusiastic support has been given by all organizations,' bi|t thP success of the survey w ill de­ pend upon how, carefully ,and promptly the growers lend their support., A part of this study is a com­ plete census df all peach trees on Cp * ч-'гil I ■\ I 'H 1 •I ?» ' farms of 100 trees or more, and put iii last year fl,B84.00 to an inquiry has been sent to «11 finally equip arid furnish our commercial peach growers in building. The' past year we standardized the High School, de­ partment. This term we expect. to standardize tho grade depart- ,ment .from tho frist, through the The defeat of Mayor Hylan for re-election as mayor of New York City Tuesday, seems to have opened the way for Governor Al Smith for the race fpr the presidency. Smith,‘*lent his influence for Hylan’s opponent, ind the termination of the contest m.nkes him tho admitted “big man’’ politically of New York State. PROGRAM Davie County Association of The PatiHotic Order Sonis of Ame­ rica Convenes With Washington Camp No. 56, Cooleemee, N. C. 8 p. m. Sept. 26,1925. TRANSATLANTIC AIR PLIGHT IMPOSSIBLE North Carolina and other states calling for a classification of their trees according, to age and varieti­ es. . . .ii.wi.t. ............ This-study is to'bo completed at acvonth grades, an early date. Prompt reports Qn Friday night, Sept. 25th., •'I'om all growers w ill save much there will ibo in the Shady Grove tiriie and expense for follow-up achopl a ‘“Get Together Meetir(g!^ work. Schedules were sent out of parents and tencheis.. Talks from the Cooper.ative Crop Report-^yj]l jjo made by Miss Fulghum. ing Service at iRaleigh on Sepf, gupt, Bradley, parents and teachr 11th. In case an y grower 'has^¡ga pulghum. Supervisor, failed to receive one of these, it, Training, w ill speak ,to .0 .iiv". ociatod if he will ro-1 concerning the standard- quest one from the Crop Report- -jijntion of the grade departmenti ing Service at Raleigh, parents and students aro urg-» This report is intended solely qjJ to attend this meeting, ; , for the growers benefit and the Meeting called to order by coun­ ty president; Music by Brass Band. ' Song.. Prayer. Appointment of Credential Com­ mittee. ' ■ Address of welcome. : j_, Blusic by String Band. ' ■ Response to address of welcome. Calling roll of Officers. ■ Music by Brass Band. Reading Minutes' of last Meet­ ing. ,' Credential Committee report., Music by String Band. i Counting Number present from various camps. ,< I New Business. Music by Brass Baijd. Financial Business. Talks by State Officers " and visitors from various Camps. Music by String Band. .Place of Next Meeting. Song—God Be With You We Meet Again. Adjournment. . Music by Brass Band . ■ Music by String Band. Refreshments. , . I -------7—;—-♦---------— r- Four thousand pounds of clov­ er seed and 200 bushels of Ab- ruzzi rye were ordered by farm - ers of H alifax County during the week.ending Sept. 5, reports coun ty agent C. E. Littlejohn, ; Till Washington, Sept. 22.—-Testify­ ing before the President’s air board today. Rear Admiral Wil­ liam A. Moffett, naval air chief, said nd naval plane of present de­ sign could cross the Atlantic and carry a 2,000 pound bomb. The admiral, recalled ^to the stand after extensive testimony, made the satement in discussing the powers-of aircraft in national defense. In that connection he remarked that the PN-9 number 1 on its recently attempted flight to HaAvaii from San Francisco, had carried so much gasoline that it cpuld not take along any m ilitary equipment. |—^-------------^---------------- ARMS CONFERENCE UP TO CONGRESS Washington, Sept. 22.—Ameri-, can participation in disarmament conference plans of the league of nations should only be undertaken if Congress authorizes it, in the judgment of President Coolidge, th e President wants to do noth ing to discourage efforts for re­ duction m armament by mutual agreement, but he is not inclined to co-operate in a league of na­ tions disarmament conference if there is a possibility that Con­ gress w ill object.■ YOU WILL KNOW THEN ' ‘ VJ- M , ,) 4) i'¡ Department of Agriculture re­ quests the enthusiastic coopera­ tion of all North Carolina peach growers._______^ ', CENTER FAIR HO,NOB ROLL The following has been added to the Premium list of the Cent­ er Fair since our last issue. $5.00 offered by the Piedmont Wai'ehouse, Winston-Salem, N. C, for first and 2nd premium on Cut­ ter grade tobacco. Wash boiler and kitchen sink, given by Clarence Helem, value $8.00. W ill be substituted for cash premium. The following ..from Cooleemee have made donations: J. D, Goins Dr. M. H. Hoyle Charlie- Alexander L. P. Zachery' , ' J. G. Livengood , Q. M. Goodman i ' Prof. Holton , r Erwin Cotton Mill^, ----------- HIGHWAY SYSTEM INCLUDES 6,444 MILES I 'i ft' к ; A man never fully understands the meaning of court costs, until he has been, the defendant in a breach of promise suit.—Ex. ,.. ----------------0 --------—— fr ■ ■ k SHOOT THE JOB iVORK IN Figures recently complied show that on July 1st, the State High­ way system included 6,444 miles of good roads.,^ Of this, mileage an excess of 2,d0O' miles has beon paved or is 'being paved by the Highwoy Commissjion, exclusive of paving done by Counties and turned over to the State. Route 10, one of the most important routes,in the State has approxi­ mately 500 miles of, paving com­ pleted or under construction .in its total length of 679 miles; i, NEXT LETTING TO BE HELD OCT. 13, 1925 . Nineteen projects aro included in the tentative list of work to be let on October 13th. Nino of, the projects are to bo hard surfaced ■: immediately, while the others ave., to be graded at the present and paved at a later date. ■ , The section of Route 40 between: Rocky Mount and H alifax is in- ■ eluded in the list for paving, aa. is the section of Route 10 be-. : tween Smithfield and the Wayne County line towards Goldsboro. ^ y ^ THE GA*1E LAW . ' Legislative Reference Librarian’ H; _M. London, of Raleigh, has- re-: ceiitly complied and published a- very useful synopsis ol the game, , laws in the various coilnties. Lo­ cal game laws were amended o» changed in 00 of the 100 counties of the state by the. last Legisla-^ ture, so that up to this time it has boon almost impossible to . know just what changes wero , made. The booklet can be ob-,- tained free on application. Davie County. ' I?eer, Nov. 20- Feb. 20; quail (partridge), Dec. 1-Feb. 1; ruffed grousfs (pheas­ ant), Nov. 20-Fob. 20; wild turk-i: ey, no open season; dove, Nov. 20- Fsb. 20; woodcock, Doc. 1-Feb, 1 j ’ other game birds, Dec, 1-Feb. 1.' Unlawful to sell or ship quail or' other game birds. Rabbit, Dec,:: 1-Feb. 1; opossum, Oct. 1-March , 1; squirrel, Aug. 15tFeb, 15; fu r.-1 bearing animals, Nov. 1-M.arcli, l Provided, that opossums' aild'^;: squirrels shall not be construed to be fur-beaiuig animal§. Non.; ' ’<! vWl -.resident of State license, .1 Written-ipermisaiop k'VT Pai»» 2 THE MOCKSVILLE ENTËRPRISE ThurBdi<y, Sept.' 24< liigg.i THE GREATEST MOMENT IN Л MAN’S LIFE N i' *■ f (By Allan L. Benaon, in Deui'boni Independent.) W hy did nature apparently ;n- tprid that mdet men more than 40 years old should be undertnkors? The. intention ia plain enouBh. -.'Iio'ok at their faces. Go wherev­ er crowds are . and study those about you. How many-look hnp- I)y? How many have faces that «re utterly blank? One might chink they wore masks. I’erhaps thay do; prnbabiy they don’t. The rwil man 'usually goes Into eclipse in his twenties and thereaftm ’ em- erKts only at long intervals and • for brief moments. \ Йоте day, when we havu settled everything else,-it may bo wurth .w hile to consider why man i&'such a rcor machine for tho m anufac­ ture of happiness. In hi з nature and -his env.'ronment he has the raw m aterials of happinesss, just ns the locomotive', in coal and wat­ er. has the raw m aterials of pov/- er. The Ibcomotive wastes about ■ 80 per cent of the-power that is stored in the coal. We probably ; -opportunities than does the loco- mitive. W hat is happiness? Happiness is the cstablifihment of a ргорбг relationship betwoen .чп individual and hia environm ent' W hat is a proper relationship? Could it'bo anything else than a relationship that satisfied a» reasonable por- centage of tho ' great number of longings and desires' that cons-, ititute each of us? ' ' . Sm all boyd do ivot fail to satjsfy everything of v/!;ich they become, ' conbcioiis. That is why, sm alf boys aie «о hiippy. That is why ‘lbacl" sA ail boys are tho happiest ‘ of all./ H uckleberry Finn w ill go down the r.ges because he was a “bad" boy. Йе did things. He did: nothing bad, but he moved about and satisfied his n atu re.' TJiat is exactly what men ...'not 'W hen they are in their late teens or early twenties, each o^ ‘ them fits him self into a nice Btraightj2cket. Most of thom do, nt any rate. This jacket is called an occupation—a way of gatting a living. ■ . .т., -Л Worse than that, they do not ' exercise care in ehposihg the jack­ et. ' How mi^ch comfovt would you expect if you b9Ught , your shoes the w ay most of ‘ us chooBO our occupations? "ТЫик of щеп run- i , ing into ,a shoe store a'nd grabbing ..utdver happened to be nearest and then w earing th e‘ shoes for life. You would not expect them to луп1к very well. Yo'\ woulu not : expect them to bo v.'ithout corn's and bunions. Whon then should you expect men to realize mo''o than 20 per cent of the happiness , they m ight have so long; as they continues to choose occupations as m ainacs might ciioo.4e shoesY ■ , Of course,, we do very little cho'osing.' Most of it is. left to chance.. A boy becomes old en­ ough to work , anci looks; around ’ foi' a job; Unlessj he has a woll- , defined bant toward sdmething, he • readii the want ads in the pa- ■ . jiers and takes л'/hr.tever/lie 'c.Hn get. . Because his ilrst blind grop ings are so frightfully out of har­ mony with his nature, he quits a few .joijs, is discharged from a ■ f^w otht-rs and then settles do*vn into one that is just good enough . . so he can stand it and just bad guide their own-steps were poor guides because they did not know the way. They chose occupations without knowing what they were choosing. When it was too late they, found out. Now I know of nothing in a boy’s life that is of such over . whelming ■ importance as the choosing of an occupation for life. Besides, it, aim jst everything else becomes relatively unimportant. A man 50 years old can iv.... back and see that everything that has happened to him in the last 3Q years is due to the decision he made the day he reached the great his Work he wiU havc vory Httle time to get it anywhere else. The men who aro to bo envited are those who take a keen pleasur« in their Work—who are so intereated in it that they seem to forget éverything else while they are at it. There are not mnny such, but tliat is becauae, clioosing an bc- cupation is left, for the most part, to ignorance and to chance. . W heiiever you see a man in thç right piace, you see a happy râan. lîichard V. Lindabury, a New Jersey la^yyer who was thrown from his horse the other day and killed, was, up to his death at the occupation. The choice young man makes that day settles about everything that is after­ wards to be settled for him. After that he m erely gets what logically crossroads of life and chose an, age of 7T;\infatuated with the practice of the law, always liking, as he said, "a good legal scrap.” A few weeks ago I saw great beams/ of satisfaction radiating from the face of a negro who man- comes to one who has chosen as. ipulated a big steam road roller^ .« 1__1. __-1 __he chose. Of course, there are a few glaring exceptions—but they are exceptions. For the great m ajority, life la fixed when the occupation determines what long­ ings» shall be satisfied and whnt shall be starved, what tastes shall be developed and which shall be driven back upon themselves—it even determines what one’s en­ vironment shall be and what kind of neighbors one shall have. My fato was fixed the day I read the headlines that the tele­ graph editor of the Detroit Fret Press put over the account of General Grant’s death. Grant died oh Ju ly 23, 1.885., I was a ..«CiO less than 14 years old. I had Ui tended to be a lawyer. But along came the Free Tress with column rules bottom side up to indicate heavy moifrning. And those fate­ ful headlines—I can see them now, ['though I have never seen 'them since, single column, right-hand side of the front page: ^ GRANT IS DEAD Tho Conqueror of a Nation’s H earts at Rest Sleeping Peacefully on. the Banks of. the Hudson Those, lines went through my mind ilke, the roll of a pipe organ —alnd right on their heels came the thought: "I could w rite a head like that.” So far a f the law busi­ ness was concerned,,it thereafter had no existence for me, T went to achooi, taught school, and fusr ed around a bit, but in five years, I waa in the atmosphere of , print­ ers’ ink—in which I have been ever since. ;But what a way to choose an occupation! It happened to turn out m oderately well, but I think it w as' the wrong occupation at that. ' I think I should have been I ■ believe that evçry back and forth on a paving job that was being performed on mj street. He was about 50 years old nnd of giant build. Inatead of w eariig dirty old clothes he wore a nice, clean summery suit (blouse an trousers) made of some light, striped m aterial. His blouse was carefully buttoned. And no cap­ tain of a great ocean liner »ever maneuvered his craft out into the stream with more diginlty than this black man guided hla pond­ erous roller over the ridges and crevices that it was his business to Iron out. He respected his job becauae he lik ed lti and one could not help noticing that the white men who were,shoveling crushed rock' for him to smooth out re­ spected him. The best occupation for any man is the job thnt enables hin: to satisfy the greatest percentage of his inborn longings ahd de­ sires. To put the same thought In another way) the best job for any man Is the 'job that, connects up, with tho outside . world, the [greatest percentage of the long­ ings that are within him. There arp but two Ingredients of happl- nefea—what is in you and what is outside bf you; The job is the link between the two. r I read the other day about n rather (h tl’iia anything; else in the world, replied! “^ake my business the most efficient bus! contrive to I’lde on the elephant’s neck In quite a different way BEAUTY COMFORT • CONVENI.ENCE « UTILITY The Smart Neiv Tudor Sedan Will Especially Appeal To You Thef^Ford Tudor Sedan, recently announced, is an attractive closed car with oU-stecl body in deep Channel Green, and bright nickeled radiator. , A pronounced stream-line eflfect has been achieved by dropping the chassis and lowering and lengthening the body. This also results in'greater riding comfort because seats are low and deep, and the car is roomier. , See your nearest Ford dealer and have him explain the many new features, such as gas tank that is filled from outside, one-piece venti- TUDOR SEDAN lating windshield, large fenders, attractive upholstery, _ wider running boards and doors and improved brakes. { ) I I Remember—.this added beauty, comfort and con- . venience is oliered at no additional cost.. P-o.B.DETROIT FORD MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICH. RUNABOUT . §260 TOURING CAR . 290 COUPE . , , 520 TORDOR SEDAN 660 Demountftblo RIma And Starter Qxtrt on Open Carj Chitd Cars in Color I N С R E I ¿41! es. It Is a blind rush, for thc most part, but ita meaning cannot be dqubted. Tho young oi to lay believe that greater happiness lies1 I’UUU me OI/HUI- uu,y «uum, a ,, , - “ , m an w ho, ask ed w h a t he ATOuld..........................on Instinct nithcr than upon judi?- mont. Thoir Inatinc't la right, but they need judgment to guide itleni uusi- . v ^ • ,'V i mT ness in the ^Vorld.” Reminded and facts. 1 hey go to that thl? was not an answer ^0 »e t-'v h n t? faomethuig the question, hp ndded: ."I know it isn’t. What^I would rather do ^ fJ 7 7 ?than anything else In the world ««t, know. The fact that almost; w o u ld be: to rid e an e le p h a n t - “right on his neck, the way I used Prosidonts has come to be 'Why| to se e ,fe llo w s d o in a c irc u s w h en 'T w n s 'n hnv ” f a ll ? ” in d ica te s how b h n d ly th e There a rò a few wise man who m onn liv 'Mjillincr? COMING IN GOING OUT of our garage nnt! repair shop, you have the'satisfactlon of knowing thnt your car w ill be, or hns been, properly taken cnre of. - A ll kinds of repairs and adjustm ents made .pvompUy by medhnnics who know their busirieas. And another thin/i thnt plens.'8 our customers is the fact that youj; car w ill bo ready at tho tim e promised. Bring the car in this week. Mocksville Motor Co. Gas, Oils and Grease mean by “fallin g?” Does any man who really tries over fall? It I shoùkrhnv'oleo'n' »«ck svoulcfTeam as If the college and a lawyer as I Intended to bo be- ThaM o to say, not belnfe^whollj fore the gale from the press room blew me off my course. Now what I ani driving at is th is: In the most Important event, of their lives, boys should not be Igft to grope their wny: mucli less should they be forced get thoir great satisfactions at something else.^, Tho ¿houghtful part of the whole v/orld ^ must have glowQd at the story of the mucn less snouici iney oe luruuu London hatter who played so by circum stances Into places that large a, part iri the discovery o'f they do no*'iit. , the cancer germ. Por 40'years he schdol attended to his hat'business > V U U IU 0 «W i* * 4M V..W enamored of their jobs, they-use ! the jobs as a means to an end and r""® ' i"“"'- More light should havo been thrown upon his path. He should have been given better informa, tion with regard to the exiict na­ ture of the business he set out to master. should include a courso on occu- piitlpns, to the end that boys may iiEve definite and, so far as pos­ sib le,. illum inating Information v-fith 'regard to tho chief trades and professions. As nearly as possible, boys should be enabled to understand just what It wlll mean to thom if they,choose this enough ^0 that it loaves'm ost of c7 that calling. There should be his nature unaatisiied. And that|j^ textbook, each chapter of which b'.^v Jl lutìd Ш-0,;си í - 'i . is his job for life. , Nor does the boy who is not pressed by poverty, stand much better chance. He selects an oc­ cupation, and perhaps spends four or five years at highly specialized ^study, without having any clear Videa .pf what it Is for which he, is preparing. An undergraduate at one of the gi-eatest engineering -schools in 'th e United States re­ cently told me thnt 60 per cent of ,the graduates of his schools eith­ er never practice engintoring at ail or abandon it within a year • or two fifter' graduation. In th city, in ,which the scho>l is situat- 'ed, arc two graduates, one of whom is in_ the ice business, while the other sellj coal. Almost every­ body knows an engine jr who isn't engineering, and there must be a great many men who a r j practic­ ing engineering who should be do­ ing something else. The same m ay be sjild of every other calling. Most' of the square pegs seem to be. in round holes. How did they get that w ay? It is quite simple, Moat of ';hem had yery little to say about the mat­ ter. They might havo had some­ thing to say, but they did not rea­ lize, the importance of what was happening when they' permitted ^cirquinst^nc^B to drive them into .should be written by a man who Is practicing the trade or prof- fession that he describes. An old law yer should tell just what it means to establish a law business and practice law, stating, facts just as- they are, neither better nor worse, noting at their fui strength the great satisfaction' and the great discouragements. A physician .should write a chapter about his profession and so on along the line through the vai'jo branches of engineering, includ­ ing industrial pursuits. factory superintendent tell just exactly what it moans to start on a machine and work up to the top. W herever possible, local men should be invited to lecture before classes as a sort of supplementary course. Let the pupils ask ques­ tions, And, above all, stress each occupation in the terms of satis­ factions obtained. W hat does the practitioner of a trade or profes­ sion get out of his work besides money? How interesting. is it? How happy, is ho while 'engaged at it? What money it produces is relatively unimportant. Every­ body must have aomo money, but nobody should work a minute at a thing from whioh he gota noth­ ing but money. Every man ape'nds until noon and devoted the re- maintler of the day to explorationf with a microscope. He made no reputation as a hatter—though he made the business earn him ;a living—but what he doesn’t, know about the use of a microscope, few if any perçons know. One might say that he should have devoted his life to microscopic In­ vestigation, but considering the fact that he ' has made such an enormous success of It* as a side line, who shall, say that he would have done more If he had not been a hatter each day until noon? Perhaps the hut business put him in such a state thnt he waa very eager when he turned to his I microscope; and the eager are the ones who do things in this world, They enjoy their work, because, they fit It and It fits them. I don’t say that everything there Is to do in this world is suffici­ ent to yield great happiness to him who does it. There is a lot of very tedious, dull work ■ that has to be done, though machinery w ill eventually do awny with most if not all of it. ■■ But it is unfortu­ nately true that there are in the world à great number of dull per­ sons who are able to do nothing but this.(iy.ll work. They are late children of the evolutjqnary urge who have not yet caught up with the procession, and until they catch up they w ill havo to< do what they can-do. But I believe that tho great m ajority of thc human race is fit for more happi­ ness than it is getting. Every­ where wo see the race reachin out for more—not always gettm g ,0h, that wonderful hatter in London! There is hope for the world so long as even ono mài Clin do what' he did. But unti' we develop enough Intelligence to flood the crctssronds of youth with a great light, one cannot- help feeling sincerely sorry for the young as they i'lounder about in the dark at the crucial moment of their lives. They 'doiVt know what they want to do becauae they have never lived before and have no knowledge 6f what the wori< holds. They don't know what is inside of them that, if they are ever to be happy, must be brought into touch with the world. Older, men could help-them, if only they would think to do so. Get in the closest possible touch with the life about you. Send youi Imind off into other worlds. Dream. Be£ome more and more of a self­ starter. Don’t be dependent u)' on others for your happiness, Make your own and shed a little, if you can. As Emerson said, ‘‘Keep your friendships in re< pair,” Friencjs are the most Im­ portant things in the world, i most to be desh'ed—and the hard­ est to get if they are wortli while. Reach out in every'direction for things to feed that tireless bit of gray up in your loft that can stand anything hotter J;han dullness. Avoid dull persons. Try not to have others keep aw ay from you on that account. Get what money you need to live decently ami for­ get the rest. Only your mind counts. Satisfy its legitim ate longings and you are happy. The only way to satisfy it is to feed it. It likes more things than there are on the menu of an ocean liner and no elephant has an appetite It is IF YOU WANT A GENUINE FLOUR THAT IS NOT OVERBLEACHED, GET HORN JOHNSTONE CO.’S FLOUR. IT WILL BE MOIST, SOFT AND SWEET WHEN COLD. BRANDS—OVER THE TOP OK MOCKSVILLE BEST. ; FARMERS MAY GET THE ABOVE FLOUR IN EXCHANGE FOR THEIR WHEAT. HORNE-JOHNSTONE CO. ■iiiiiaxi p HORNE SERVICE STATION MOCKSVILLE, N. C.. it but reaching. , the/greater part pf his U f o a t 1 That is tho meaning of the un-1 that can compare with it. ^ which to be happy, but.you have got to give it whnt it wants. • Since each of us la the com­ posite of all of his ancestors, one of your ancestors may now and then call for something you ought not to hav^, but the other ances­ tors, If you w ill listen to them, w ill set ypu right. Your mind can go wherever thought can go—^ and that is everywhere. Make the most of what you have upstiiirs ami you need not worry about the rest of the world.' Do work that you like to do, but don’t bW ' your work, »,*#.»* * » .. ■ , .* DR. R. P. ANDEKSON j * DENTIST * * Residence Phpne 37; * Phone 60 MocksviUò, N. Cl. ; Tniii*sdny, .Set>t. 24, 1925 I .. ..'..........-..'f/A _________ • PagéS M ■ Ч - ' THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE JTH E SO U T H E R N SERVES THE SO U TH a freight car do a bigger day’s work keeps rates down Freight rates are much lower today , In comparison with the prices of goods . than before the war. 'The large sums we have spent for im­ provements eiiable us, with the loyal cooperation of our employees, to haul heavier trains, with a larger load per car, and at a greater rate of speed.* With the assistance of our shippers, we have also reduced delays in load- ' ing and unloading our freight cars. All of these things help us to reduce Qur costs per unit of traffic, and this^ greater efficiency directly benefits our shippers through better service and moderate rates. \ *ТЛв AVeMffe fn/ibt iraln/padon theSouth- t»m in waa g n a lc r <hen /n Í914. SO UTH'ERN RAILWAY SYSTEM ACROSS THE CORN FIELDS 0 F MISSOURI Boone Trail Asaociation. Ho hav­ ing acccpted the Vice Presidency for the Rocky Mountain Division. He carrlcd ua over the great 75 million dollar plant of the I'educ- tion company. W.e saw; ;enoUgh arsenic to kill the worldt The great Mormon tnbernacie was seen and we heard the pin drop 200. feet way, so fine are thé acoustics o£ thia great, building. We sa^v the temple but riot on the inside. None ;but a Morm,on over . sees the Inside' of the temple. A ____ jdlp in .Sfilt lake proved us that Leaving the Missouri Fair at one can not alnk in that salty bud. Jackson’s Hole, Wyoming, Sept. 14.—Five Sundays havu passed over the western weatern wheat- flelds and the Southern corn and cotton fields since last I sent a letter to the papers in the easti It is very probable that the read­ ers of the papers have not mlss%d the letters yet there have been some important things happening to the w riter of these, lines in those' five weeks. ' Trade-—Liberty-^FÍfth Streets; Winaton-Salem, Ni G. Starting Saturday Sep^^ Ending Q¿t. lOtli Gilmers Great ^ _____. 1 X- « i i ill/ Sedalia, across the corn fields of Missouri, we went by motor. Kas- ’sas City_ waa our first stop. Here a great bustling western city ful­ ly awake,^ was letting itself - be heard over the radio and proas aa thc ‘‘he.'irt of the U. S. A.” VVe were invited to spehk'before, the co-operative and rotary clubs of the city. VVe m et,Paul Greiner,’ !a fam iliar face, his was In da.va 'across the waters. The radio, car­ ried out a message from us about the’Boone Trail Highway. A ^yise, selection was made of a Boone Tnvii Chairman for Kansas City in the perspn of Mrs. Judspn'M., Tipton, who ia thc head of several patriotic societies including the Daughters of the Confederacy, I T ______-•-------- *»• ------- A MOCKS'\^ILLE SCHOOL BOY AGAIN WINNER Agricultural Student W ins Prize nt Dairy Picnic Glenn Cartner, one of the agri­ cultural students in Mocksville High School ^^^on tho five dollar prize offered for selecting the iilghest producing cow out of three exhibited at the Davie Coun­ ty Dnlry picnic held at Twin Brook Farm last Thuraday, The contest wna a free for all affair 'conduct­ ed by Mr, J. A. Arey of the office of Dairy Extension nnd something, nenr forty fnrmers turned in their made up of blood vessels and tiiey placlngB. Thirteen of^these pine- are produced by a defective do­ ings were correct and a draw waa velopment of the circulatory ay.<i- .made for the lucky v/innpr. jtem. The excitement the mother It may be said thnt Cnrtner’s may have felt had nothing to do winning wns a m atter of luck and with the matter. — f ------------------------------------=•• CAN A MOTHER MARK HER CHILD? Leaving Salt Lake City the night sje'eper, bore us to the Yellowatone the land of wonder natural phe­ nomena. A land of thç kind that there la none like It. .But before we went /'in we took a hundred mile trlp aroulid it. Here we saw the marveloua wheat fields of Ida^ iioe. 'rhe farmera arc sure In good spirit this year iri Idahqe. 60 bushels to the acre is their yield in many places. Some plac­ es the threashers were running out great stacks of straw. The sugar beet crop is fine is the potato and fruit. We {ire entering.the south gate oi Yellowstone by Jackson Hole. Here thousands of elk and deer feed. Here is the frontir. No.A. good unit of the assochitlon, was formed; 'ticket in our.pocîi'êt for the long swing nrounci the west­ ern part of the United States, touching In the Itinerary, Colora­ do Springs first. Here bright and early on Sept 1st., we put a tablet up on Pikes Peak and it was un­ veiled by 'the help of the repre- i^entatlves of. 20 states. Old Dan­ iel Boone may have never reach­ ed Pikes Peak but some authoriti­ es say he reached the Yellowstone arid if he did wo are convinced that he climbed Pikes Peak on the way. Hence the tablet. V Denver ^yns visited and on In­ vitation a talk was mrtde about the Boone, Trail to, Denver Rotary arid the Chamber of Commerce. We got quite a “kick” out of the .Denver meetings as the-pioneer Many mothers will tell you that ¡spirit and love and reverence...i -..I- — ‘ 1 Leaving Kansa.s City, where a , I'ailroiul.'. The folks live In log .............. ‘ ~ 'houses. The frontier „ ----------- ------— „— ......... ojjuii, aiiu love ana rc they not only can but do.‘ | They therefor are at full tide in.tho will cite all kinds of examples, jtop o’ the world country. Denver tolling you how this one saw an .with- its U, S, Mint, great state accident and the blood formed a I capital zoo, high altitude, .beauti- wing-shapod pool. When the |ful realde'nce district iind wide ___ flavor ia bere. Last night at the little hotel, trout weighing - 7 pounds was our feed at • supper, What wonderful people they are, 60 de­ greea below zero does not phase them in w in tr.j Next time I will tell about thOyYellowstone. J. Hampton Rich. NORTH CAROLINA LEADS IN ELECTRIC POWER Never befora In the history of this store have we been able to offer such money savings.' W e!'invite you here;to see for yourself Just wliul we're offering in thia big event. We w ill win customers by tUo; hundreds becau^c such values ! its these arci the biggest you’ve ever aeon in Winston-Salem ; before. To pròve It we mention here below just it few of the bargains we’re offering the buying public during this ' . . I ’’ stop! Look! Read This! child W!^ born tho next day, it had a birth mark—a red stain just like blood and Its shape waa that of a butterfly. “It was duo to tho sight which the mother had witnessed.” Well—It was not! ' Birth marks are little tumors this Is partially true but this only Some mothers say that they are adds to Mocksvlllo’s record of win- quite sure that because they spent ning a prize in evory animal judg-j hours at the piano before the baby Ing contest they, have enCered so ¡w as born, the child wna a muair far. Previous to this contest thejcian. Others read poetry in the boys have brought home four priz­ es from the State F air whoro the competition is state wide and growing keener every year. Plana are being made to enter this con­ test again ihis year and although handicapped by the loss of one of the best judges of last year, the class ia going to try to uphold ita past record. CENTER NEWS Mr. Jim Anderson, of Salisbui(y, and Mr.'‘'J. C. Anderson, pf Oak Grove spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. J. G\ Anderson nndiam l- 'ly, Mr, und Mrs. P. M. W alker nnd little son, Harold, of High Point, spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. T. P, Dwiggins. Mr, Jam es Garwood, of Fork Church nnd Miss Alma Grubb, of Mocksville, spent' a short while Sunday, afternoon at Mr. B. P. Garrett’s. Mr. T. W. Dwiggins and fam ily. Messrs. T. P. Dwiggins and J. B. Walker, attended'the Rally day at Bethlehem Inst Thursday. '' Mr. L. M. Tutterow mnde a buaineaa trip to Winston-Salem Inst Monday. Mr, and Mys, Frank Hendrix, of Dulin’s -spent Sunday with Mr. T. A. Vanzrint and fam ily. Mr. Eston Ijames and Misses Theo and Ruby Ijames, of Cala- hnln, and Mr. Odus Tutterow and Miaa Myrtle .‘Anderson, of this conimunlty-^attended church at So­ ciety last Sunday night, Mrs, Burrus Green, of Mocks- •ville, sppriisa few days last week with her sister, Mrs, Edd Ander­ son, hope that,they w ill make their off­ spring poets. Many go to the art galleries to study the paintings In the hope that they will have child ren famed as artists. Why la It that aoriie' n^othera who do all these things have com­ monplace children who havo no ear for music, no love for poetry, [and are bored by art? And why is it that the son of a woman who, by some unfortunate turn in af- lfalrs,'"has to scrub floors for a living and ,has to keep up the work until shortly before the baby arrives, does not have a mop-com- ple.\ but may be singularly gifted as a sculptor? Let me tell you something. The moment the'^two gerniinative cells united, a new .life began and its characteristics dominantly the mother’s or they may be those of .he father; certainly they will bo a mixture of qualities which came down from all the ancestors of both parents. A child may be more like his great-great-great grandmother than like either. No riiatter. He will have, inherent talents at the moment of concep­ tion and if he Is not a member of a fam ily with talent or preyloualy active talent, all the houra apent at the piano w ill not make him a musician. What a terrible I’ace.of monst­ ers we should have In the world if maternal emotions, aroused by the sights and accidents of the or if her activities could "mark” 'the unborn, helpless- in^ fant I Thnt it is Impossible for a mother to “mark” a child, we should.be thankful. I c'ivo the milk'cow a rest period before time for'her to freshen again, odvise dairy oxtensio| li;,. Workers of State College. v; atreeta ia moat faacinatlng to the traveller. Vlaiting the Mint was the third in the aeries of gold pro­ duction trips we have made. At Cripple Creek where .we went out expressly ,to see our old i school mate of forty yeara ago, Jim Clif­ ford ^and hia nephew. Bill G'reen, we were taken by these royal good fellows whom we caught in the very act of digging gold out on the Hills, down into a gold mine 2500 feet. .Bill Green had just been projecting with his automo­ bile steering gear on a high moun­ tain climb and it had gone wrong and went over a 32 fooi bank but after gaining consciousness from 6 hours comatose he was atill in the running, but a little sore. Then we visited the Golden Cycle Cynide Reduction plant at Colora- da Springs and saw how the gold waa diaaolved out of the sand with I that deadly poison and then pre­ cipitated, with lead fillinga. At Denver we^vlalted the Print- era Home. Say, boy, If you want to aee a printera haven; I almoat said heaven; go there, with mountains all around, re- [galed \vith the perfume of most beaUtlfiil frowers and cradled with care, these fellows old and young are spending a well earned rest. Leaving Denver, we attended the great international auto races up Pike's Peak. The race was won by a local boy who had been try­ ing 5 years to win and when he reached the top something broke. It was the world record on Pikes Peak racing. Our time- had come to start on |th&' climb through the' Rockies., The train was taken for Salt Lake City. The Rolay George with’awesome cliffs hanging over Raleigh, Sept. 23.—North Caro­ lina stands firat'w ith South Caro­ lina a - close second among the j South Atlantic States In the de­ velopment of electric power, nc-. cording to an Investigation just; completed by tho United States Geological Survey. Figures complied by tho fede­ ral bureau show that the horse­ power capacity of North Carolina developments amount to 534,600,, _ South Carolina 507,215, Georgia! " 394,794 and V irginia 117,869. Ini* 1924 the horser^jwer capacity of' North Carolino was 431,500,'South Carolina 357,610 and V irginia 109,798,, ; ;i, ' Of noteworthy aignificnnce ia the statement by the bureau that tho South Atlantic Statea are mak­ ing more progress in power de­ velopment than the New England group of .States which formerly lead in thnt field uf enterprise. 'rhe report says: ■ “Now England’s relative stand­ ing continues to decrease.” , In 1924 water-powers In New England represented 15.3 per cent of the total in the country, where­ as in 1925 the proportion had dropped to 14 per cent, Thia year the South Atlantic Statea nre operating 15,8' per cent of the total of water-power doing buaineaa aa comiyired with 14,3 per cent in 1924. While New England has drop­ ped 1,2 per .cent In its proportion of the total the South Atlantic States increased 2 per cent. Plants in the South Atlantic Girdled have a capacity of 1,589,- '304 horsepower whereas those of New England have 1,398,803 horsepower. . Only two sections surpass, the Soutll Atlantic States in horse­ power capacity. They are the Pa­ cific States with 2,336,400 horse­ power and the Middle Atlantic States with 1,984,449. '. ' > Thc report shows that the total capacity of water wheels insitall- ed in plants of 100 hoi-aepower or more in the United States , in March, 1925, was 10,038,655 horse­ power, an increase of 951,000 horsepower or nearly 10 1-2 per cent, Pver the total of 9,087,958 horsepower' in March, 1924. Of this Increase 939,000 liorsepower, or 99 per cent, was in ' public .................... ...............■T".' -------------------- Men’s 2 Pants Suits Going for . ,, .......I iFV . $14.85 Men’s''Dress nnd .Work Pants, P air .......................................Ы.98 Men’s Silk Stripad Shirts, Each .., .99c' Boy's 2 Pants Suits fo r ..........................................................$4.95 Men's Winter Overcoats for ..................................j ,.' «12.85 Boy’s Overcoats for ............V.v.,,;...............i.,‘. .(4.98 Ladies New Silk Dresse'i( , i ; ..............>.. $9.75 ^ Ladies New Pall Coats ................................$10.00 Girls Winter Conts, only ...........', ,,$9.95 32 Piece Diner Set,, Only „......., $2.46 32 Inch Gingham—Sp,?cittrat Yard.-,. i i 12»/ac li , ! itf us, ied us through. The moun-/i ,,,,, - ;..........., tain scenery along the Rio Grande'I“ “1? 12,000 nnd Westein j's^ spleridicl. , Soon j Tarheel farm ers w ill secure their best seed corn by selecting loars in i;he field from good plants ^ after tlie corn is mature, say. agro-J car. noniy workers of State Collciie. the plateaus of Utah pushed into the landscape and soon we were In the sugar beet and mountain country. 'I'wo days in Denver was full of pleaaure. A talk to Rotary aiul a message about thje Boorie Trail over the ra^lio intro­ duced us to Pacific Coast friends. Among those we met was Mr. .Ed­ gar M. Ledyard Agricultural Manager fpr the great U. S. Smlet- Ing'and Refining Company. This gentleman literally, fulfilled the scripture In that/he took in the stranger, ahd took him out all pv­ er Utah In his fine ri^'V Motor Mr. Ledyai'd- is.'Vice Presi­ dent now and life rnqmbor of the #• * " # # 4* * IF you want 100 per cent pure * *■ Food, cooked right, and serv-; * * ed in an up-to-date way, oat' * at . : » GRIFF’S CAFE, * Ice cream and cold drinks» « Щ- tt * ;* .* * DR, LESIJER P. ■ ■ * * « MARTIN * » * ^ — ■ - — ------- ^ - 'W * Night Phone 120; Day Phone * *- n . " i * ^ , Mocksville, N. 0. ^ ' ** * » ; * * . .♦ , * , * * : • ‘^“THE UNIVERSAL EMPIRE” ; ^ ; Every page Is filled wlth^.tlirllllng disvlosures. It vis onv of thc most profound and startling books that has appeared-: for cjsnturies—a book that strikes at contcmpory evils w ith. a two-edged sword.....Just the book you should send to .that- wayward boy or girl. Regii|fdleHs of what your problems may be, thc book w.'II help end your troubles.fon life. Here are a fiaw of the subjects discussed in the book: Cause of disease; The Law of Epidemics; Power of Mind; Vac­ cination; The Science of H ealing; The Creative W ord; How ‘ to Develop W lll Power; Dream Control; How to Protect one's self Aghinst Enemies; Protection in B attle; How to ’Frans* , fc|rm Enemies; Thc Great Enquiry Made Plain; The Pifew Humanity; How to Conquer Tobacco; etc. Price $1.00 post­ paid. Agsnts can reap a harvest of dollars. Address the Publisher, J. Raleigh Frost, Mocksville, N. C. This should have appenred last issue but was received too late. ■ . ’■ '■ J- ' 1шап;1яшн119ш111л ' J < \i' We have three well built ¡nn(rntt|i*nctive houses for sale, thipse houses are well situated and equipped with water .\ and.lights. ‘ These are real hom^s and q good buy. Good Terms. i If yo u’are looking for a home, let us serve you. DiVIE REALiSTATf, tOAN « IKSURAIE CO. MMocksvllle, N. C. t ’i l V ‘ aV'rt RE Ad THE NEWS f o r INFOR- MATION^THE ADS FOR READ i 4..^ _-X 4,.-№»í . V , i. »-V J t, t' .V. . ■ í ,«5' „THE MOCKSVILLíí ENTERPRISE .Thliraday, Sept. 24, lii23 M O CKStlE EN ÍEM SE Published Every Thursday' at Mocksville, North Carolin»-, A. C, HTTNEYCUTT Publisher. J. P, LEACH M anaging Editor. Subflcrfption Rates: a Y ear; Six Months 50 Gents. S trictly in Advance. S n ttred a t tne post office at M oebTffle, N. C., as second-class ■M tter under the act of March % 1879. Mocksville, N. G., Sept. 24, 1925 Brother Sell’s Olcl Time Fiddl­ e r’s Convention nt Cooleemee the other night put them to talking . . ■ * I■ • awny up in the regions of the Great Lakfes. Here’s what the 1. Büffalo (N. ,Y.) Express, which , . tooJf note of the enthusiasm mani­ fested at tho convention, had to i ¿ay about it, editorially : “They held a fiddlers’ conven- v tlon down in North Carolina n little \yhllo ago, and the music featured there was what is known ' as the breakdown. It was played hy old-time fiddlers and banjo and , v; : jtuitar piùyerâ. ; Frizes for the best players V spurred the mualclariB on to. rend- . œr their .best. Although in' this :' competition tiiejcontestants played tihç'same tunes, it was noted that I mo tvyo played tliem' alike. Some of thé tunes had never been w rit­ ten down on paper, but woi'e •. taught by fathers to their .sons and so transmitted from genera- •tlon. "When You and I Were • young,:M ngio:" "Old Black Jo e;” ; ^‘Good-bye, My Lover, G'ood-byo:” and ‘^Turkey in the Straw ” were . flomo of tho fam iliar melodie£ . played. ■■. V'. ■ _ " ■ An aScount Of the vent relates how the audieifco was aroused to such a pitch, of enthusiasm that : a general patting of hands and , feet kept time with the players. Anyone who has heard one of these oldtimers draw the bow or make the guitar sing knows how infectious it is. They m ay iack technical training, but they aro full of melody and rhythm, and as thoir admirers put It, they can “make their boxes talk.’ ” I The Winston-Salem Journal, ■editorially suggests tho following as, a good prayer : "God give us men who boast of ' tho money they spend ^for educa tion. Giye us men vyho are un •ashamed to be proud of vast amounts spent in the transmission to the youth our culture, Institu­ tions, and thlng^ wo hold dear to the human spirit. Give us men •who do not quail before the un­ thinking clamor of greed couched in tho man-ploasers’ appeal to tho selfishness of the crowd. Give us ■ men whose courage does not ^all • and whose hearts do not flinch hofoi'e the assault of the self seekers who prey qn the future generations. Give,'us men who w ill not meet the eager enthusiasrfi of our children with niggard penu­ ry. Give us I men whose, answer :to the cry of youth is not empty- handedpss. Give us men whoso l)hilosophy of education is someth­ ing élse than economy. God give' us men who are unafraid to spond public money for the, children of the race. Give us man who dare to refuse to crucify childhood on tho cross of poverty. Oh, God, give us men who believe that the liighoBt function cii the wealth of society is its dedication to the up­ bringing of tho children of men. . God give us men who believe in the race to bo,” We humbly suggest that, if ev­ ery man and woman over 2Ì years of\oge would uso the above pray­ er at frequent intervals for the next few years, this country would be changed I'rom ono whose fair name is daily besmirched by tho THUEE DAYS MAKE UP OUR LIFE YESTERDAY—TODAV—TOMORKOW Today Is the Only Day, the Only Real Life. Millions Neglect TODAY, So W illing To Serve Them, and Waste Foolish Longing For YESTERDAY That W ill Never Returh, and Planning For TO­ MORROW That W ill Never Be Here. Use TODAY, Your Only Friend, Your Entire Life. . ^'here are two w ays'of w asting life, one way of using it. First, there are millions that mourn for departed Y.ESTERDAY. They cry, “Come back; give one mòre chance,” They promise themselves and the vanished day to undo the mistakes of yesterday,' to seize and use the opportunities let slip yesterday. All_ in, vain— the day gone is gone forever, , Second, are those forever planning for a tomorrow that they will never see. ‘‘Tomorrow I shail do it, tomorrow I shall begin again, tomor^ow I shall know better, tomorrow I shall be a different man and.show the world what I can do. I will let opportunity knock at my dooV tomorrow, ' and opportunity w ill find me w aiting and ready. To­ morrow, tomorrow, tomorrow." But TOMORROW NEVER COMES. It is the name for putting off, tho name for NOT doing; it is tho other name for procrastination, the' real name of FAILURE. It Is the excuse of inaction and irresolution. ' ' Mourning for vanished yesterday, nnd w aitin g. for tomorrow, millions pass their lives and lose the only thing of which life is made—TODAY. W hat is tho trouble with us; that so many waste time on YESTERDAY and TOMORROW, and so few use TODAY?The trouble is various, and always simple. In the first place, it is EASY to dream about TOMORROW 'as a big*'unit of time far off. It is easy to think about what wo .will do' in that new, fresh day, , , ■And it is so fiasy, also, to think of YESiPERDAY aa a whole, or yesteryear, and regret it, and plan for what MIGHT, have done, "If only” ,lt. ,But TODAY is commonplace, It is right here. It means that which is most diffiqult'fpr the human mind, CONCENTRATION. It means getting at something NOW. It means putting'aside excuses, changing, planning, into actual POING. ; "All our yesterdays,” says Shakespear, "have lighted fools the way to dusty death.” ^ . TODAY means STARTING SOMETHING, getting at it, doing it. YESTERDAY moans regretting. TOMORROW means planning dreaming. Planning and regretting are easy. Thoy aro dono in every prison, in the mind of every failure—even in the insane asylum. lJut WORKING TODAY Is only done In tho mind that can 'concent­ rate, that cau-cpntrol Itself. • , By working, of coursc, is' not meant going through tho moro daily routine 'that^ somebody else niaps out for you. Going to work at a certain hour because you MUST, leaving at a certain hour because the whistle'blows, going through certain mo­ tions. That la not WORKING. That^ls doing the thing done by lovery horse and mule hitched to a wagon. W hat you do because you are driven is not work. It Is simply OBEYING. Working is the thing that you do for yourself.' Working is thought, execution, pulling yourself i out of the rut. It Is passing others that do not work. It Is making yourself the one man In a thousand, inatoac^ of boing one of tho nine hundred and nlnoty-nino In a thoiiflfiTifi ‘ D m iM e tiie M ileage a t H alf th e “ Millions turn back toward YESTERDAY and Yesterday laiighs at them and'says;, ‘You lot mo go when yoii HAD m e;, no coming back, no return checks. You w ill never see me again. Good-by. "Millions Of others turn their backs on tho opportunity of TO­ DAY, instead of doing something.with it and stretch out thoir hands toward TOMORROW. Tomorrow laughs at them, and says: ‘You’re a fine fool to waste your time looking at me. I am out of your reach and' shall be forever. You will always hear about mo; you will never REACH me. Good-by,’ "Then there is the third day, which is ovory day, and. that id the last of my three, TODAY. ‘ "Most of ua treat •TODA'if as a foolish young man treats a wise father or a good friend. We havo no ears for TODAY, no interest in TODAY; we do not believe in TODAY. , ■ "Therefore, since vi^e do not trust TODAY and do not work 'Today, we amount to as little as YESTERDAY that is gone, or TOMORROW that never w ill come. < Start today and do the thing you ought to do. YOU know what that is; nobody else on earth can tell you. Yesterday is dead forever. Tomorirow’s sua may never rise —It is alw ays TODAY. Do tha work TODAY. (Reprint from Atlanta American.) ) Only a few years ago a 32 x 4 cord tire listed over $50.00. Today, you can buy the highest quality 32 X 4 tire—a Firestone Gbm- Dipped Cord—for about $26.00. < Last spring crude rubber cost tire makers around 40'cents a pound. I Today, it is over 90 cents a pound. It was not so long ago that 7,500 miles represented the average life of a cord tire, while today, 15,000 miles—anc/ /nore—is only the usual performance for a Firestone Gum-Dipped Cord. Due to large, concentrated pro­ duction, specialized machinery and simplified factory methods, together . with economical distribution, Fire- , stone is able to keep tire prices low —no matter where the price-.of ‘ crude rubber goes. And, because of special , Firestone processes, chief among which is Gum-Dip­ ping, motorists are today getting thousands of extra ^ miles by using Gum*Dipped Cords. Gum-Dipping is an exclusive method used by Firestone^ It is an extra process, carried out in special Gum-Dipping plants, after which the cords are put through the usual calendering machines. Gum-Dip­ ping insulates and impregnates every fiber of every cord with rub­ ber, and practically eliminates in­ ternal friction and heat, and builds strength aiid endurance into the tire. In the day-in and day-out serv­ ice of taxicabs, buses and trucks —on the cars of hundreds of tl?ou- sands bf motorists everj^here— Gum-Dipped Cords are giving unheard-of mileage, dependability and satisfaction. Get ready for the coming months of slippery pavements and bad roads. Assure yourself of, greater safety, comfort and economy by equipping now with Firestone Full- Size Gum-Dipped Balloons. J , M O ST M IL E S P E R D O L L A R KURFEES & WARD, Phone 80 Mocksville, N. C. / • H. D. DAVIS, Advance, N. C. _ ' ■• ................. / I ^ ■ \MER1CAKS SHOULD PRODUCE THEIR OWN RUBBERi DAVIE CIRCUIT crimes of young boys and girls to the most ideal place ever- known on this earth, ------------^-----«----------------- Two men in Union County wore overcome by gas while working in a woll two weeks ago. Last week a Stanly County man was suffo­ cated from the same cause while engaged in working in a-30 foot well near Stanfield, That ought to be a warning to others not to go down into a well to woi’k with­ out the necessary arrangements for fresh air. Of late years, it seems, many pay no heed to tho fact that it is dangerous to at­ tempt to work in a doop well with­ out arrangements for ventilation. The old timers used a pipe and windmill, and, by that protect the fellow who might go down to work. Laat week over at Albemarle somebody attempted to blow up a widow lady with a stick of dyna­ mite. Her. life was spared, but only in a manner which seemed miraculous, The I'eports indicate that the crime was committed by the woman’s own son, who has be­ come enraged ^t her bocause she refused to make over her proper­ ty to him. It all goes to show how desperately mean and sneaking many of our peoplo aro becoming. Surely it is. getting time that pai'- ents, teachers, and all others en­ gaged in training the ybung should commence to take notice that something ia going wrong. It ,, , ia said that a large per cent of they could clear the well of smoko the crim inals of this day and very quickly after a blast, boya under 21 years old. At this , time things are “ look­ ing up,” "and picking ;up speed.” Tho people seem sunny nnd cheor- iul- Tho financial condition are in better condition than, last year. The ehurche.^ are coming “out in full,” some of them, Salem, Liber­ ty, Hardison and Oak Grovo near­ ly out on collection already. Hardison and Salem are nearer out on salary. Last week wo had a good meet­ ing at Coijcord. This week we are in a meeting ot Ook Grove, The .attendance is fine, Tho .in­ terest is good. Soturday, October 11 a. m., we expect, td .dedicate Liberty church. jWe hope to have Bishop DuBose to p'reach the sermon. This is to be a great occassion for Liberty. Lot all friends notify all formei;- members of Liberty, peoplo who have moved away, and former pbstors and friends, and invite them to be with- us. "Diner on the ground.” In the afternoon let us have our fifth quarterly conference, to set­ tle up for the year. Let all atewards and missionary commit­ tees be faithful on your job, tell them. Preaching next Sunday 11 a, m., Oak Grove; 8 p. m.. Liberty; 7 p. m.. Concord. There is to be a children’s day picnic at Hardison Saturday, Oct. 10th. ; Monday, Oct. 12th., the people of Hardison are to meet and cover their church. C. W. Seaford and John Emmergon are Ithe cdmmittoos to raise the money and buy the m aterial. -----------------0----------------- OVER 6,000 MILES UNDER MAINTENANCE JU THE CHARLOTTE OBSEjRVER is carrying more high class, features. In connection'with receiving.tho latest nows,from the ASSOCIATED PRESS, the CONSOLIDATED PRESS, and the NORTH AMERICAN NEWSPAPER ALLIANCE, than any Other newapaper pub- ' libhed in the Carolinas. IC you aro not a reader of Carolinas’ biggest and foremost newspaper, there must bo a reason. If The OBSERVER knew the rea'aon, no doubt you would be a reader. ^ ' ' '.' , ■ , . , , If you are not a.subscrlber-aifd w ill kindly fill in and clip the coupon below and/ send to thp. Circulation Depart­ ment, The OBSERVER w ill send you free sample cbples of The OBSERVER, or better still, fiy in and mall the cupon with a small rem ittance and The OBSERVER w ill put you on as a subscriber. You don’t have to pay for a year at one time, A shorter period will be appraciated and will perhaps be more convenien't for you at this time. Send your rem ittance for ány amount you wish. By all moans, don’t overlook sending in the cupon filled in and let us send,, I -, you sample copies of The OBSERVER. Subscription Ratea By M ail 1 mos. 3 mos. 6 mos. 1 year D aily and. Sunday ............... 75c D aily without Sunday ........ ,65c Sunday only ........ ' 40c Tho Charlotte Observer, ' ' Circulation Department, • ; ■ Charlotte, N. C arolina." ' ■ ' ■ ' Gentlemen: Enclosed find ......„.for,.months subscription.' OBSERVER.,: ' :2lb> . ?2.25 1<75 1.0Ó' $4.60 < .8.50 1,76 : $ 9 . 0 0 7,00 8,60 state Maintenance Forces are m aintaining 6,156 miles of State highway .system, according to fig­ ures from the M aintenance De­ partment of the Conjimission. These Forces arc at work daily to keep tho State Highway system in first class condition and are doing so. The cost of this work is being paid by those who use the roads since the revenue for carrying on the work is derived from the license tax on automo­ biles and tho tax on gasoline. -----------------^— Remember, alw ays come to the printing office first when In need of any kind of printing. Send sample copies to!M.V.¿.,'...i...v!'.... NAME ...V., Address ........................... .......' '■ A cow that produces 30 pounds or more of m ilk per day require? a ration rich in lim e.' Clover or other legumes w ill supply thi|3 need. ■ ' ■" ■H n<: >K I'» IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING * to : SELL, PLACE„ YOUR ' * AD IN THE MOCKSVILLE ^ ENTERPRISE, ONE PRICE . * , TO'ALL.,', Tl.'nrflday,. Sept. 24, 1925 Miv W aiter Campbell loft Mon-i day for Florida. :-~ o — — Mr., J. Minor spent 'ruesday in ^alisbiiii*y 'on business. Mr. Ernest Holthouser, of Char­ lotte,, spent Sunday with home folks. Rev. W* 'L. Sherrill, òf Char­ lotte, was, a visitor ih town k'wt week. .. Lois Wilson uc the Princess Monday and Tdesday in “Welcome jTome." Mrs. W. M. Furr, of Albemarle, spent the week end with her aon, A. p.- Furr. Mr. M arshal Click, who holds a position in Concord, spent Sun­ day at home. WRKlEYS AFTER EVERY MEÁL affords benefit as well as pleasure. Healthful exercke for the teeth Md . ,pM to dlgeitlon. A long. iMtIng refreshment, lootiilng to nervei and itomach. The Great American Sweetmeat, untouched by hands, fu ll of , THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISR Fronle French. , ------ - « ,■ Mrs. Thom.Ti Meroney was gra­ cious hostes.3 on \Vednesday .'ift- ernoon In hon-jr of Mias D om tiy Gaither, a charming brlde-elecl; cf October. P.md:{9 was played at tuo tables an i ronk at. one, the cdor schemi of pink being ar- ti.stically car<'..‘ l I'lt ‘n a flion of pink rosfis. After tha gt mes. a delicl./i.n snlnd '.'oUi'ne ¡with pink and white mints wa.-< strved. Then the hostess projent- ed Miss Gait.'er 'vi^h a datii'.y pink box whi.;h containfd a Iv shower of handkerchiefs. In cutting for th'3 prize Mis.'-'. Osaie- jAllison won a pretty pink lintn towel which ah-; gave ,the fair honoree. The gue.-?t'j were Mias Dorothy Gaither. Mesdames R. B. Sanford, J. K. ftieroney, B. C. Clement, Jr., Ml'3siis Jane Hayden Gaither, Ruth Rodwell, Elizabeth Rodwell, K atno’ino Meroney, Dorothy Meroni.v, Ossie Allison, Fronie French, and Mary Heit- man. M rs. J. Pi LeGrand has return­ ed from a visit; to relatives in Allendale, S. C. Miss Sallie Kelly, has returned from a visit to her sister, Mrs. T H. Gaither, at Montreat. Capt. C. N. Christian left last week for an extended visit in the eastern part of the atato. it is earnestly requested by the Center Fair Association that all exhibits e.\cept livestock and per­ ishable products’ be brought to the arbor at Center on the day be­ fore the i'air. Competent night watchmen w ill be on duty' and every leasonable effort will be made to protect exhibits. MoViE NEWS Miss Ruby Holthouser, of Char- , lotto, is visiting her pai'cnts, Mr, and Mrs. M. J. Holthouser. Mr, John N,' Waters, who has held a position in'Florida for the last, several months, has returned homo, ' Miss Linda ,Gray Clement has returned from Oxford where she visited her aistor, Mrs., W, T, Yancey, 1 ■, Misaos Jano Hayden and Doro­ thy Gaither will spond tho wook end in Oxford with Miss Sarah Clomont. /■ , Mrs. E. II. M orris has return­ ed from High Point, whoro sho visited her daughter, Mra. Horace Hayworth. Mra, Bettie Danner and Miss Effio Booe, of Cana, Rt, 1, have recently returned from a two weeks visit at Charleston and Columbia, S, C„ and Concord, ,N, C„ at the city by the sea, they were in the home of Rov. J, Harv­ ey Danner, son'of .first mentioned and cousin of latter, Mr, Danner has been pastor of one of the lead­ ing M, E. churches in that city for five years. Mr. M. L, Wobja of CooieomeO, purchased ihe first 192G model . Ford from Sanford Motor Co., sold In Davio County. ■■-------o - — ’ A ll men hr,v/fce,i G2 and 92 ad­ mitted free Monday and Tuooda.v a'l tho .Princjj.3 to seo,Loi.s W il­ son in “Wel-^'m-j Home.” The Senior Christian Endeavor Society, of the Presbyterian church, held the election of new officers Sunday night. The fol­ lowing officers were elected: Pre­ sident, Knox Johnson. Vico Pre­ sident, Gaither Sanford, Secretary, Sarah Charles and Treasurer, Fannie Gregory Bradley. Several no\y members wore also added to the roll. Next Sunday night a special collection w ill bo taken for Beechwood Swminary so rememb­ er the time, 7:S0, Visitors are alwa,';s welcome. Mra. Robt. L. Booo of Clarks- vlllo township Is spending several week with relatives nt Lexington and Denton, Davidson county, -----Lo------ MisB Elizabeth Redvvell hila re­ turned to .Tacksonvitb, F !^ after spending her vacation «*fth het parents. Dr, and Mrs, J. \V, Rod- ■well. M rs. R. D. W. Connor, of Chapel H ill, Mrs. W. B, Drake, and Mrs. ;Susio Wb.st, of Raleigh, nro guests of Mra, Connor’s mother, Mrs Phillip Hanes, , Mr, and Mrs. S. A. Woodruff, Mrs. 0. H, Wopdruff, Tom Biiily, Mildred, Sadie H all and Eleanor Woodruff spent the week end in Montreat with relativea. All officers and all directors -of the Contpr Community F-air w ill meet at the arbor the day be­ fore the P air and-m ake all ar­ rangements for oxhibita. --------0------- Mr. and Mrs. R. Baxter Booo, north of town, have had aa their gueata, Mr. and Mra. Henderson, from Raleigh, for four days. These friends of theirs W9re on their honey-moon. - 0 Tommie, Jr., son of Mr, and Mrs. Tommie Stone, was acci­ dentally hit by a Ford automobile driven by Mr. Lonnie Hopkins, Tuesday afternooii, but was not seriously injured. Ralph Mooney, son of Mr. and Mrs. C, B. Mooney was accidentiy ally run over by a car driven by Mr, Maxey Seaford Tueaday even­ ing; Although ho waa hurt rath­ er bad hia injuries are not thought to be serious. . Mrs. H, C, Sprinkle, and son. Rev. Henry Sprinkle, of Asheville, spent the week end with the for­ mer's mother, Mrs, S. M. Call, Sr. Mr. Sprinkle occupied tho pulpit at the Methodist church on Sun­ day morning, preaching a fine «ermoii. , . Miss Ruth Booo graciously en­ tertained a few frienda on Thurs­ day evening in honor of Mrs. Kath­ erine Formwalt. A number of interesting games and contests were engaged in and Miss Jane Ilaydon Gaither won the prize. Mrs. Formwalt and Miss I)orothy Gaither were given attractive gifts. Delicious block cream, an­ gel cake, nnd m ints'were served. The guests were: Mra. Foi;mwalt, Mosdamos J. B. Johnstone, R. B. Sanford, Miaaea Dorothy Gaither, Jane Hayden Gaither, Alice Lee, \yillie M iller, and Mary Jleiiimnn. ■0 ‘‘One crowded hour of glorious life la worth' an age without a ni.me,”t,po sang the poet Sir Walter Scott. Bebe Daniel’s ‘ in "Tho Crowded Hour”, here \Vednesday and Thursday prnmiios lautihs, tears and spinal anivera. It’s one of thoso pictures that hold you from start to finish, Miss Daniel i.« supported in ihiH b'g 'pi''*i’ro by six othfti' popular .stars. Friv.i>' and Saturday wo will hav.^ probali- ly the best acticiii feature picture in n long time, it'i Reed Howes in "Lightning llomnnc';'.’.” It's pretty well known that Mr. Howo^is the logical auccos" j" to the late Wal .i.ico lleid, any;vai' he is making a bit hit every pla,e .‘itM-1 -.ve 'vani you to see hl*n in this Huy Ar! picture. AlS''< two reel comedy v-'ith Larry Semon In "I'ler Boy Prlond.” M oida;' and Tuesday, ‘■Welcome H.vm'.,” another big Jnmes Cruze conit;dy hit fi!a!,ui'>ng, L(.iia Wilaoil Wai’no,' Baxter and Luke Casgrova. a plctur^o that will please the wluili family. CMeB4USell IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE iMK BEFORE YOU SELL VOUR COTTON. J. C. CHARLES ADVANCE .yEWS On Thursday evening Mias Ruth Booe entertained very delighliful- ly in honor of Mra, Katherine Formwalt, Each guest was giv­ en a card with the honoree’s name written on'(it and aaked-to.make aa many, worda out of it aa pos- aibie. In this contest Misa Jane Hayden Gaither made 175 words and was given n dainty prize. A number of amusing games were played, following which the hos- teaa aerved delicious block cream, angel cake and minta. Mrs, Form- walt and Mias Dorothy Gaither were given attractive gifts, Thoae preaont were Mra. Katherine Formwalt, Meadames Phillip Hanea, J. Frank Clement, R. B. Sanford, J. B. Johnstone, Miss W illie M iller, Jane Hayden Gialth- er, Dorothy Gaither, Alice Lee, Hanes Clement, and M ary Heit- man. ^ Mrs. Thomas Meroney was gra­ cious hostess on Wednesday after­ noon in honor of Miss Dorothy Gaither, a charming bwde-elect of October. Bridge was played at two tables and rook at one, the score cards having dainty brides on them. The color scheme of pinkwas carried out with- a pro­ fusion of pink'roses, and follow­ ing the games a delicious salad course with pink and white mints wore served. The hostess then presented Miss Gaither with a dainty pink box which contained a shower of lovely handkerchiefs. Miss O ssie,Allison cut for prize, a pretty pink linen towel, which she gave to the honoree. Those present were Miss -Dorothy Gaith­ er, Mesdames R, B, Sanford, B, C. Clement, Jr., J. K. Meroney, Mia- sea Ruth Rodwell, Elizabeth Rod- well, Katherine Meroney, Dorothy Meroney, Jane Hayden Gaither, Oesio Allison, M ary Heitman, and Several of oiii' people have been attending the meetipig at Mocks Church'this week, Mri Sam Taiberc left IVIonday for Durham where he will enter I^ukes Univeraity, Mr. and Mrs. W. V, Poindexter and Mr. and Mrs, John Bailey of Winston-Salem .spent Sunday with Mrs, F. Q, Poindexter. Mr. and Mrs. George Shutt and son, Arthur, spent Sunday ^yith Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sidden at Wins­ ton-Salem. - Mias Amy Talbert who teaches in the Mineral Springs school, Forsyth county, spent the week end at home. Mr. J. E. B. Shutt made a.busi­ neaa trip to Winaton-Salem, Mon­ day. Mra. Clarence Peeler of Salia- bury is visiting her mother, Mrs; Hendrix this week. Quite a large number of peo­ ple from this place attended the hineral of Mrs, Joe Peebles, Mon day, at Fulion. * IF you want 100 per cent pure * * Food, cooked right, and serv- * * ed in an up-to-date way, oat * * at , ' , * » GRIFF’S CAFE, , >• * Ice cream and cold drinks * »»*-»»***«*« Renew Your Health by Purification Any physician will tell you that “Perfect Purification o£ the Sys­ tem is Nature's foundation of Perfect Health.” Why not rid yourself of chronio ailments that are undermining your vitality t Purify your entire system by tak­ ing a thorough course of Calotabs, —once or twice a week for several ■weeks—and see how Nature re ■wards you with'health. Calotatis are the greatest of all system purifiers. Get a fainily package, containing full direc­ tions, price 85 cts.; trial package, 10 cts. At any drug store. (Adv.) For the, doll in neatest i nurses ■ uniform, box of candy. For the doll in neatest sailor suit, a rub­ ber ball. ' • * Chrysanthemum Show Will Be Given by Cooleemee Methodist Ladies Aid Societj/, Exact Date to be Given Lai^x RULES FOR THE SHOW * # ’, # # # # * « # ,# * DR. LESTER P. MARTIN * • ---------------- V ■ " * Night Phone 120; Day Phone * * 71. , , ', • * Mocksville, N. C. * «**«*#•*•*• ----------- ♦ ------"r" * DR. R. P. ANDERSON « * DENTIST, . ^ Every one must grow her own flowers, no one can exchange with members of the Aid Society. 1 Flowers must be at the School building on Friday p. m., as they will be judged Saturday morn­ ing. ' No flowers can be sold and tak­ en away until the show is over. Any kind of flowers .and. ferns can be used, for decorating, but proniiums will only be given for Chryaanthomuma. Ton cents' ad­ mission will be charged aV'the door. ' ,, Premiumá to be given for the Chrysanthemum show are a s' fol- low: For the Inrgeat Chrysanthemuin 'in the ahow—two dollara caah giv­ en by the Erwin Cottom Mill Co. For the most artistically de corated table^—cake given by the Rabon Bakary, Salisbury, N. C. ' 'fo form moat perfect blooms on single potted plant—ono pair silk hose given by Mr. J. E. Smith. For best collection of potted plants—one jar packed , honey, given by 0. C. WaJl GVo. Co. To pot contaning largest numb er blooms—ono aluminum dish pan, given by Mr. J. E. Smith. I^or basket containing largest number of Chrysanthomunis-rrone dollar cash given by Prof. S. M. Holton. For prettiest pot- of mixed Chryaanthomuma—one dollarica.<ih given by Mias Elsie Farrington. For largest and moat perfect bronzo'in aingle basket—one dol­ lar box of stationary, given by Cooleeinee Drug Store. For prettiest basket of mixed Chryaanthomuma-one dol,lar’cash given by Mi-a. J. S. Strowd, For 'm ost perfect basket of whito Chrysanthemums—hand em­ broidered center piece, given by Mrs, 0, C, Wall, Moat perfect basket yellow Chrysanthemums—vanity set, giv en by Mrs, C, C, Tiller, For baakot containing alx prot- tleat bronzy Chrysanthemums— one two pouiid box of mints, given by Mrs, G, L, Murr, For prettiest basket contaning four or more pink Chryaanthem- ums—vality set given by Francis Vi/ginia Tiller, For most nicely arranged basket of mixed Chrysanthemums con­ taining six or more—One angel food cake given by Mrs, Addle B, Ramsey, Salisbury, N. C. Piiamiums to be given for Cakes For best cake of any kind eith­ er layer or loaf c-nke—two dol­ lars cash given .by Peerless Theat ­ er Co. ■ For best, Japrineao fruit cake— one ja r of pi'eserves given by Mrs. C, D. Lefler. . For best layer cake of any kind —one' dollar caah given by Rev. J. A. J. Farrington. , For best caramel cake—one dol­ lar caah given by Mrs. J. A, J, Farrington, For the prettie.st cake—^one pair toweia given by Miaa Addie Hoyle. P9r second prettieat cake—one pound coffee given by Joaeph Farrington. , DOLL^SHOW t I * FOR /fIRST-CLASS JOB * : PRINTING COMB TO THE * 1 i* ENTERPRISE,ONE PRICE •* TO ALL. * water. Rub !'Vickii|oir«r throat and coV<^'^Ut a hot flannel .dotli. SwiI» low slowly imiiU pIeeili» 7 7" ► » li (^ irì4 tìtM S «éV i» iy^ I SCHOOL SUPPUES Dont forget that we hàyei a complete line of schooll supplies. get yours TODAY. ALLISON ENT I uainniiiiBM ■■iiniannaiaii Anvil Brand ;' • ., 1 ■■,.■.'■ Г ■ . ,',i :Overalls and shirts, we, have large sizes. R:oof Paint Now is the time to paint that roof before winter comes. , Chinia П00 Г Matting^^,^^^ : i We have a bargain for you. Киг(её8 Aiito Enamel Will make your car look like new. Kurfeleai & Ward Kurfees. Paint Contaiiie More Lead Per Ga%n. ^ 1 ' ■ íí- , V. -f ■‘ , '•'I ' (I áÍíÁi A LIGHT SUBJECT- * Residence Phone 37: Office * * Phone 60 * * Mocksville, N. C. * —— ^--------«►—-------------- Six new water systems have been installed by farm ers of Leo Cqunty this aummer, reports coun­ ty agent E. 0 . McMahon. Two surveys for installing hydraulic rams were made recently, he stat­ es, ' ■ ------^--------■■■♦" ■-------------; , ■ V ariety.in the diet, is essential to health and growth, so recent experiments, show. This w ill be given in connec-1 tion with the Chrysanthemum show. We want talent shown in the art of dressing dolls. • WJll also have a candy booth. Bring all of your little girl friends and their dolls. For information about the doll show ask Mrs. J. S. StroVvd. First prize for the , prettiest dressed doll, a pretty'doll baby given by Mrs. J. A. J. Farrington. For the doll dressed‘in daintiest baby clothes, one dollar bill giv­ en by Mra. J. W. Zachery. For the neatest kitchen dreaa, a serv­ ing basket. For the prettiest doll in evening dress, box of candy. Darker Days Again! And longer nights, lanterns that have bete^n out of use during the' summer arc noW' being . denned and put back to work. Some have seen thel|r best days—should ^ replaced with new ones. We 8,ejl DIETZ , Lanterns, the best made, lantern globes and burners.. We sell Coleman Lanterns and Lamps also. Prices right. , : ' Mocksville Hardware CoK ‘ p /Í^ O N E GALLON MAKES TWO - \ r i 'V. r ' /Aii Ч' “HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES” Utility Fountain Pens $1.00. 280 Page Tablet Sc. Looseleaf Note Books 10c. One 10c Lunch box Free with SOc purchase one to a customer. $100.00 worth Rogers Silveryeare to be given away soon. Carolina Cream Daily. E. p. WALKER Farmington, N. C. Pngo 6 , '■, • ■■ ;,.. Г Г ^ ' ' THEMOCKSVItLE ENTERPRISE ■ .... '> COOLEEMEE ■ JERUSALEM BAPTIST CHURCHES r * ‘ а й ; Ш\ ■ (D. F, Putnnm, pastor.) Preaching every Sunday morn­ ing and evening at Cooleemee— P rayer meeting every Tliuráday .. night^—Sunday School every Sun­ day morning at 9:45; T. F .Sp ry Supt. Senior and Junior B. Y. ■P. U., meet every Sunday evening at seven o’clock—Preaching at Jerusalem the fii'st and third Sun- • day and fourth Sundays, at 1:30 the firat and third Sundays. A cordial invitation is extended to those who read this, to attend all these services. The attendance at Sunday achool for the last two Sundays Jias been very encouraging to our new Superintendent. There were three hundred and seventy six last Sunday, with three hundred and ■seventy-one the previous Sunday. Let us make it four hundred next Sunday. ; ' The pastor and his wife have ' returned from Washington county ‘ where they visited their, daughter; and held a meeting at the'Roper Baptist church. This is thé se­ cond meeting held with this, church, in succession. A,meeting Is in progress at the Baptist church at Cooleemee this ,"week, the pastor doing the,preach- . ing. » The attendance and interest has been encouraging to begin with. The service will most like / iy continue all this week and long er ifih e interest demands it.’Scr- : vicos'at night only are being held 80 far. The public is cordially in­ vited to attend thè services. The following young people bf our church at Cooleemee have Kone away to school : Roy House to Diike University, Eugene Barn- , en to Mt. Ple^isáñt, Charles Walt- ere to Chapel Hill, and Miss Ruth . fleatherly to Raleigh where she ; ’-will teach music in tho school for . the blind. From Jerusalem ; Frank English' and Claude Crump, have entered the N. C. State College at Jtaleigh, Miss Annlô Peorl Ta­ tum has returned to the Conserva­ tory of ^Muqic, at Durham, and M iss Mary Tatum is teaching in Iredell County. We misa these splendid young people, but follow <them in all good wishes for their future, success and great useful-' лева. ' ' " The pastor extends о hearty wel- come ;to the ieachera' who have come to; our town to train and in- etruct our young peopio. Not having an opportunity to meet •them personally, the wish is hero expreaaed, that'they may find a splendid aort of cooperation on Í the part of the, Cooleemee people. We w ill be gjad to have them wor­ ship with us when it auits their convenience. FARMINGTON NEWS ■' ; .......) ■■ }■ Thuradny, Sept. 24. 1925 Our pastor preached one of the best sermoiis we havevheard him deliver on last Sunday al^ 11 o’­ clock, The words of his text wet’e, “Whnt shall it profit a mah, if he shaJl gain thc whole world, and loose his own soul—or what shall a man give in exchange for his'soul?” ' The sermon was made so plain, and impres.slve that none C ou ld ' h|ave failed ■ to understand wh(V followed with him. ’ A large number Of our people attendfed the meeting at Hunters­ ville the .past .week, which was conducted by different groups of the B illy Sunday inen. The church' was almost full ev­ ery night and the'services were splendid, fctíVf-val were converted anti joinadHhe ':hurch and the iii- ,flutíiice left ill the community we' feel "ill be as seed sown in gcod 1',1'oundi. May God add hig bles- bii}ge iin^ give ¡greater .itrength i nd power to each one whd goéá out in his.nam e, trying to lead loíií souls Ho Christ. ' ¡Promotion day was observed in the Methodist church Sunday m’orning immediately after the Sunday schocil holir. We aro glad to say our attendance and inter­ ests in other ways áre good, and we liope to grow larger in numbers und stronger in service aa the weeks come i^nd go. Several members of the church here attended the meeting at Bethlehem last Aveelc, and greatly enjoyed the day. It waa an- in­ spiration to hear the report.^ giv­ en by pastors and laymen of '.hn churches in our county. The aermori by Biahop DuBose, was very atrong »and brought a new vision to many who listened. Winston-Salem , Citizenship More be amazed Enthusiastic .Over Their Fair, '" October 6,1 TV 8, »,,192.'), Than Evijr Before Since A citizen of W inston-Salem,'aft­ er a visit to the grounds of the Winston-Salem and Forsyth Coun­ ty F air Association, writes the following for publication; “I am- just from among them. They tell you that they'gave the best fair in the State in 1924 and that their plans for 1925 are broader and more pretentious than ever .before. 1 am* impressed with the confidence they have I n '^ J ’ m..r>*'cihnuUl arise those who make the fair possible looking into the motivc|3 that are behind the Winston-SalRni Fair I can reitdily see why the. attendance is increas­ ing each year and why I hear,from all people that I come in contact witli this, 'They'certainly gave us a satisfactory all round enjoyable fair in 1924.’ Cóme and bring your fam ily and make your ar­ rangements to remain on the grounds for the evening perfor­ mance.” THE UNSPENT HOUR .r i.'l ‘ Wnhe up from a sleèp, A nd'learn to realize. each year. They do not hesitate to tell you tha^ it is their duty to give a fair of the very highest type. The^say- they want to hear its patrons'aay after having spent, a day and evening at their fair, ‘Boys you have the best fair of all others.’ In this I. give you-, some, inside information. For twenty-five years every cent taken in at the gates has been spent in|^‘‘'*'[V . • the enlargement and improvement ' up to a 1. of the grounds, increasing the , ,s'i ,, premium, offerings each year foi^ next thing o con ider. , r. ¡Ts the company we.keep, 'I'lv’ man of good fiharacter Jsii-.he man we should mei:c. Theres a task before you .In which We shoul.d meet. To b'« honest and true. Am! always stand firm. In business or/in 'pport \^'hniever it may be. M the ' exhibitor.^, bringing the very.j highest class of race horses, se­ curing the cleanest and, most up- to-date Midway, bringing amuse­ ment features of thé very highest type and making tho conveniences on the grounds such as local and long distance telephones and a check room where a visitor can have hia packages cheeked. I wa^'partlcularly; struck with one arrangement that I found on the grounds and that is 'a ladies rest room. In order ,to make this mod­ ern in every particular, I was sur­ prised to find that the Associa Then make sure of your step. Wherever you trcid/ Make it the right step, .nd make it for God. He is your'groat author.'^ . Venr savior and king. Your help in great trouUle,, And your helper in need. ?hrqught hardships and sorrow, \The burden iie V/-11 bear If you will be faithful \ And trust in his care. i , ’*■ Look back to the days, When you were a.3leep. What you could have done l^’or tho Master complete. 31ULTILATION WAS SELF- ÏNFLICTED , Union County Man Says He Con­ sented to Serious Operation. Monroe, Sept. 19.—Local au-: ; thoritiea have dropped their in- veatigation into a m utilating oper­ ation performed near here last Suriday upon Turner Blailchard, following an alleged confeaaion by Blanchard in which he implicated a'g irl, relative of hia wife. Blanchard first told the authori­ ties he had been the victim of a hooded band because of his fail­ ure to pay grocery bills. Accord­ ing to Blanchard’s statements to Sheriff Clifford fowler-today Mrs. Blanchard witnessed the opera­ tion which was performed with hia own consent after he; had been accused of too friendly relations w ith the girl. •----------------«-----------!---- The dusting by airplane to con­ trol boll weevil in Scotland Coun­ ty was a fine adyertisement for people to watch the boll weevi'l. The presence of the plane did lots of good, says County Agent S. B. Evans. ___ ......... . tion had spent this seaaon in this Mrs. Leo: F. Brock haa return- department alone over' $1500.00, ed from an extended Visit with built broad porches, beautiful her father, Mr. Flowers of Free- beds of flowers, arranged a large moiit.' lawn whereon patrons could feel Miss Elizabeth Graham left for safe from automobiles and erect- Fork Church, where ahe will teach ing sanitary drinking fountaina. thia year. With all of this expense I waa I „ , , , Mr. Jam es Hendrix, of Smith struck with the fact 'that their '^ts wake up, Grove visited Mr. W illio Taylor, admission for adults remained 50 cio vvnat we can Sunday. cents and for children 25 cents.! " oyal true service, 'Miss Jane Amanda Bahnson go- I received a very quick reply and * Ma.steia command, ea to Cooleemee to accept a posi- a very short one 'Only our duty tion as'teacher. ' to give the patron.s of Winston- Mr. W illie Taylor has accepted Salem F air the. very best from a position in Charlotte. every standpoint that can be had.’ Mr. and Mrs! Thomaa Swing of “You cannot hblp being impres- Winaton-Salem visited relatives sed when you talk to the Manage- here Sunday. mont with this Idea, that here isl. , u, . Mra. J. F. Johnson is viaiting being managed one fair that ia her parenta at Boone. .alone foivthu benefit of|^^the com- m f ui i ' We hope to have out- village'munity and have one ;p&ramount w i .I'u well. repreaented at the County¡i,dea of giving the patroiis fourl^"'* F air at Center Wednesday, Sept. 30th. V ^ MOCK’S CHURCH NEWS JV SPLENDID VALUE IN BOYS' SCHOOLSHOES Made from the toughest of Leather, they w ill last much longtir than the ordinary Shoes—yet they are neat and stylish in nppen|rance. ' JONES & GENTRY “THE SHOE MEN” 447 TRADE STREET . , WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. IHf'tCOAL Our daya are now passing. Gliding closer to that homo. To be with our dear loved onea. Gathered ^ound that white throne./, ' days and four evenings of educa­ tional features made pleasant by amuaementa of the very higheat class aniid arrangem ents and con­ veniences that make the patrons’. . iiictnv tjic puLruna There v;ere a large crowd at- foel that they havo speiit four tended tho revival servl9e h ere' «l^ys profitable from every stand- Su'nday. Rev. Fitzgeraldi"of W el-,point. come circuit is assisting in the, meeting. I Mrs. Earl Myers returned to her. “I have been very much im­ pressed with a question that 1 hear everywhere in the city—________ ___^ *wvu*iiwvl VV l*Ci— ''»•* V »W* J »TiiCl V lil UlC Uiiy— home near Fork Church last Sat-i "Are you coming to our F air?” urday after spending a few w eeks, We are planning to,give you a big with her mother, Mrs. J. T. Phelps, time. Bring your fam ily.”H,T-. i -mr/. . . . __________...................................— 1 Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Mock i\nd cannot help admiring the Manage, children, of Old Richmond, spent nient in inviting all the white Sunday with homefolka. ’ school children in North Carolina Mr; I. H. Mock, is wo’.'se, sorry to attend on Friday free. I could to note. nyt help asking why thia was. I Mr. and Mrs. P. R, Carter and received thia reply. “The child- Misa Effle Orrell made a businesa ren of today w ill decide how liv- trip to Jiocksville one day last «ble tomorrow w ill be.” Furth- week. or they said at this'day, October Mr. B. S. Orrell made a busi- 9th, is the happiest day of all the|\viii oe given a pageant entitled, ness trip to Old Richmond o n e 'fa ir to those in charge. Their ¡‘^‘The voice of the Future.” This Now men its you nnd I To do with all oui- might, Always doing something. And keeping in the riglit. —C. R. Melton. METHODIST ^CHURCH NOTES Next Sunday will bo eyangelistic day in Sunday school, with illust­ rated sermon to Prim ary J*unior Intermediate and Senior Depart­ ments. At the 11 o’clock service Bap |tism of children and announce­ ment of certificates of new mem­ bers. Sermon subject, the “child ,in the midst.” Sunday, October 4 v/ill be ob­ served as promotion day. with service beginning at 10 o'clock and close at 11:30. Sunday night of October 4th., w ill be given a pageant entitled. We have told you before to buy Coal early, and we repeat again, buy Coal now while delivery is assuiyed and prices are less than they may be later. HOME ICE & FUEL CO. - 1 Phones: 116—135 hearts are njade glad when theday last week. ---------- »luu ivncn wie Mr. Glenn Jones spent last Sat- children begin to arrive in the urday in Winston-Salem, On buai- morning. ness. "I am aure that those who an- -----------------♦ —........... nually patronize the fair w ill be » # * # « **»### delighted to know that they have * BAXTER BYERLY, M. D. made arrangem ents' fpr ample » ----------------- «¡parking space free and you can * Office Over Drug Store. Of- »¡com e feeling that there will not * fice Phono No. 31; Real- «.b e any inqonvenienco on account <*!of not having room to park. If *; each one who roads this short ar- *,ticle could visit the fair grounds ' and see how carefully every little dence No. 25. COOLEEMEE, Ni C, SEND US YOUR JOB WORK IF YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY w ill close the observance of child- i-ens’ week. , Six new water systems have been installed by farm ers of Lee County this summer, reports coun­ ty agent E. 0 . McMahon. Two surveys for installing hydraulic rams were made recently, he stat- iea. ------^ Four thousand pounda of clov­ er seed and 200 bushels of Ab­ ruzzi rye were ordered by farm- . ___.............-je rs of H alifax County-during the detail haa been carried out for the week ending Sept. 5, reports coun-nnmfnvf- nf I'fa i-Jin.. ,..«..1.1 , . _ —,-------- ' ~ wuuiv uiiuinK deni, o, renor comlort of Its patrons, they would ty agent C. E. Littlejohn. THU GËEVUM GIRLS A sign of service As the Authorized Swift Agent in thia community we are able and anxious to give you a real service—a service which will be worth while. We h^ve given careful consideration to the crop and soil needs of tliis com­munity, and have worked out with Swift 6б Company thé analyses which conform to these needs and to the rec­ommendations of the state experiment stations. When we sell Swift’s Red Steer Fer­tilizers to you, we are selling fertilizers which,are made right-^badced by the fifty year old Swift reputation for mak-, ing each product the beat of its kind. , JOCHARLES MOCKSVILLE, ,N. C. ' (W arehouse, at Greasy Corner) A u th o rizjed S’wift Agent //rl> -, 5 ‘ - Í / “ , "'1 (I'l / THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE SOME RECENT CHANGES IN. . EXTENSION WORK Raleigh, Sept. 23.—Prof. Frank­ lin Shérnian, who for over.25 years haa headed the work in entomology for the North Carolina Experiment Station Service, has- resigned hia position to go with Clemaon Col­ lege, ,S;fC . Proft“ Sherman is a native of V irginia but has been in North Carolina since Sept. 1900 when he established Hhe Division of Eritomqlogy for the State De­ partment of Agriculture. In the future, the entomology work of the College w ill be headed iby Dr. Z. P. M etcalf, head of the depart­ ment 6f entomology and Zoology. Mr. H. A. McGee, extension to- Ijaccò specialist for the College, haa resigned hia position effec­ tive Sept. 15 to take up tobacco production work in Australia. Mr. McGee w ill aail for Australia on Sept, 29 and w ill land at Sydney early in Oct. He has a three year contract with the syndicate em­ ploying him. Mr.'McGeé was one of the most efficient men in the extension division and according to Dii-ector Schaub, his loss, will be keenly felt. But to a division of the work of the College and Department, H, M, Curran, formerly e.xtension forester, remains with the Stato Department and will do work in marketing timber. Director I. 0. Schaub announcQS that effective Dec. 1, R^ W, Graeber, now county agent in Iredell County, will be­ come extension forestry specialist. Mr. Graeber has devoted much at«, tention to the forestry problems of hia county and Js well qualified ■ from training and experience to do good work in helping farmers to handle their farm woodjot prob lema. /-----------^-------------------— HAVE EXHIHIT POTATOES OF UNIFORM SIZE PLANT WINTER CHOPS IN PECAN GROVES R alei^ , Sept. 23.~Cultivation of the pecan groves should have ended in July so that the trees might have time to harden before cold weather; but, now, it becom­ es time to plant winter cover crops in the groVes and there is nothing better than rye and vetch for thia purpose. "Crimson clover is also good as a cover crop for the pecan groves," says horticultural .workers of State College. “Whatever crop is used, it should be turned under early in spring before growth be­ gins in tiie trees.” ’ . Adding to this suggestion, W.' N. Roper, secretary of the North Carolina Pecan Grower’s Society, states that the trees should be watched for any , leaf eating in sects. The second brood of cater­ pillars will be at work this month. They are found -in largfe colonies and often defoliate small trees. If the pests are not found on tho leaves, they will often be located near the base of the branches or along tho trunk. They aiiould be knocked off and maahed or spray­ ed. They may alao be burned but care must be used not to injure the tree. This *form of eradica­ tion is not advised. The second brood of fall web- worm wilH also be at wf^rk this mouijth, states Mr. Roper. He ad­ vises u spray mixture for those or at least twist the web around a polo and remove it.' "Keep tho trees free of leaf eat­ ing insects,” says' Mr. Roper. “Where the foliage is destroyed new growth will start and will not lUpen before cold weather. In such ca.<jos the tree will be hurt by winter freezes. Sometimes the entire tree is permanently killed by such troubles.” Raleigh, Sept. 23.—Because the sweet pptnto is a fall crop, It naturally forms an important part of the vegetable exhibit mado at fairs in North Carolina and moro care should be used in the selec- tWn and pi'epiivation of these roots for exhibition. , “Formerly, only the largest po­ tatoes woro Holoctod for exhibit purposes,” says Robert Schmidt, .assistant horticulturist for the College of Agriculture. “Now it is gerjerally- .accepted that only marketable. hIkcs should be con sidered. An exhibit of potatoes should bo so selected that all of ■the roots arc of tho same size. They should have tho shape and color typical of tho variety', and should be uniform. Those pota­ toes 'generally given tho highest places are smooth, clean and free from disease and blemishes, If necesaary, they may be washed.” ^ Prof. Schmidt states that care- . less handling, of the- roots ;,will iauao bruises which detract from ,th e exhibit. It should be kept in mind that one defective potato in an exhibit w ill result in the loss of tho premium. If tlie exhibit ia to be shipped or transported for any distance, each potato ahould be carefully wrapped in paper to prevent bruising. Enough , extra potatoe.s should be aorit ■ along to replace any that need to be thrown out when setting up the display. , Mr. Schmidt give’s the following score card to show how potatoes w ill be scored by judges at fairs: Uniformity, 40 points;. Smooth­ ness, 20 points; Trueness to type, .20 points; Freedom from blemish­ es, 10 points; Marketable size, 10 points. This makes a total of 100 points, on which basis ju(^ges will «w ard premiums. '—_ — * ----------------- NOTICE 'TO TURKEY AND POULTRY RAISERS OF DAVIE COUNTY MARKET FARfti TIMBER DROUTH AREAS IN T i|^ t Feeling "I uied Tbedford's Blaok- Draught first for conatipa- tion," tald Mrs. C. E. Buntin, ot R. F. D. 6, Starkvllle, Mtaa. "I would feel dull, stupid, and have severe headaches, even feverUta. I had an uneasjr, tight feeling In my stomach. I read quite a bit about BLACK-DRAUGHT Liver Medicine I began using it and aoon my bowels acted regularly and I was greatly relieved. I used it every once in a wltila tor about 18 years. “About two year« ago I found I was having Indiges­ tion, a tight smothering in my chest, then severe pain, especially after eating sweets. I commenced taking Just a pinch ot Black-Draught after mealB,l and by doing this I could eat anything, , "1 gave Black-Draught to'] my children for colds and headaches. I can certainly recommend it.”Black-Draught Is used, with satlstactlon, by millions. Get Thedtord’s. Sold Everywhere BUILDING AND LOAl<i AS AN INVESTMENT NOT WELL UND- ERSTOOD. SUBSTANTIAL PROGRESS MADE BUT MUCH ROOM FOR EXPANSION I Raloigh, Sept. 28.—From If. M, Curran, Forester, comes the time­ ly auggostion that formers in the drougth stricken areas of North Carolino might add to. their in­ come this fall and winter by marketing somo of the mature timber now on tho farms. Mr, Ciirran will assist any farm er who wishes to engage in this work and ho states that recent surveys have shown that there is a largo amount of merchantable timber on the va- 'ious farms of tho drouth area. “The' stands are not large in tho hand of rfny individual but the aggregate amounts are astonish­ ing,” says IMr. Curran. "Farmers may do group marketing nnd mako cooporativo carlot shipments of timber to tho largo State markets. The furniture and veneer manu­ facturers are in the market for oak, poplar, gum and walnut. Tho handle factories are buying hick­ ory and ash. Dogwood is being sought by the bobbin mills and there is always a demand for stave ^vood, posts, poles and firewood.” ■ Mr. Curran plans to work thia group marketing through the me­ dium of the county agents of State College employed in tho varioua countl(^a of the State. Many of them have already expressed an interest in the plan. Mr. Curran states that County Agent W. Keev Scott of Alamance is the first to plan for a solid car shipment. W alnut w iir be the first wood cut and ihe prices for this timber range as high as $150 per thous­ and for the large trees. Mx', Curran states that farmers who wish to have help in market­ ing their timber, either singly or cooperatively, should get in touch witil their county agent so that prices and shipping problems may be worked out.-----------------«----------------- INCREASED INTEREST IN NEW FORD CARS among dealers so far- has been limited principally to Touring Cars. In fact dealers in ma'ny sections are still awaiting/their first car. In spito of this,.^rders continue to come in from aU polnts not only,, for cars of the type shown, but the rest of the open and closed lines as well, and in­ dications that prospective pur­ chasers aro impressed with the soundness,of the redosigning and refining oi the cars nnd are' satis- ,fled that they will find the same standard reflected in the type of their preference. , Assembly at the Charlotte branch of the company which sup- pllesj this territory Is increasing daily and distribution among deal- era.w ill'be much mòro rapid from now on than It haa been up to the present time. However, tiiose desiring a new Ford car for use during thc coming fall and winter will do well to enter their ordei'a early and avoid delay in delivery. Im p r o v e d fo r d c a r s w in FAVOR h e r e Mocksville has seen the Improved Ford Cars. Earnings to Shamholdejrs Last Year Close to в per cent— н ,\ Keeps Money at Home The building and loan associa­ tions In North ' Carolina ahow a gain last year of $14,000,000.00 in assets. They loaned $25,000,- 000.00 to build 8,000 - homes to house 40,000 of our citizens. In the past five years these, as­ sociations ahow a gain in assets from $29,000,000.00 to $70,000,- ¡000.00. Tilia is a splendid record, and one in which we ahould feei much pride. However, when we compare North Carolina with other states in thia particular, we find ahe falls far sl\ort of the position she should occupy. We find there are fifteen other states with a'great­ er Investment in building and loan stock. Twelve of tKese show a greater gain in assets in 1924, and three states each show a gain greater than the total investment in building and loan in North Carolina. We find also that twenty states have a larger In- . vestment per capita than does ¡North Carolina, and the per capita 'investment of ton of these is more thon, double thot of North Caro­ lina. Of the more than twd^ and a half million population iii this state only 81,474 of thia number ■were patrons of these great agen­ cies of thrift nnd home building. Of this number probably-80 por cent are either borrowers or anti­ cipate borrowing in the future for' the purpose of paying-for homea. It ia evident therefore that the building ahd, loan ,nBsoclations in North Caroliiia so. far have failed to properly inform the pubHc.j^,at large- of tlie splendid advtirit'â'ges of building and loan, stock as a medium for the invéstment of the savings of the people. No gróüp of finan.clal institu­ tions Ini the'igtalo can boast of a j,'loanor record of stability'than can our building and loan nsso''- cintlona, ,and the average interest yield on, money invested in these associations last year Xv'rts .05928, or nearly G per cent. Yet milllona of dollars went out of the .itate in various forms of securities, paying not any better return, anc no doubt many of them of do4bt, ful value. It is safe to assume that 90 per ... “Why, The Second I After I Took This Kar nak I Was Improved;, fo Ten Days I Felt Like N jb w Woman,” SayS Mrs. Wright. “I just couldn’t say too much for ’ this glorious new medicine, Kar­nak, lor in ten days’ time It has given me complete relief from trouble^ from which I had suffered ' over five years,” declares Mrs. IjOU • Wright, of 18 Wright St., Rook Hill, S. G. “Why, it's Just miraculous what Karnak has done for me," continues Mrs. Wright, *'P,or. the gast six Ш rheumatism/ ; for eevdnl months 1 had Men .tmtt« I couldn't ¥ • - raise my hands up abòvt shottl'v ders or put them to ll “Finally, .1 be(^n taking;KinoAe ¡aiid the Kamak PUlii; ana theM la simply nò way of oVei^irating:this eat medicine. Why, the ; second;- ty’s treatment began to! showi . . .— » nie; ,and lil ;great, improvement ______only ten days' time I now feel I1m ‘ a person all made over."If there’s a trace of... or rheumatism left in my ' don't' kndw it. Wh^i no#, ; r , Kamek> condition The North Carolina Division of M arkets contemplates running live poultry cars through this county this fall, and will take on poultry at Mocksviilo at different intervals; They will alao intereat buyers who w ill pay regulfir mar- Icet prices for ^produce at the car when delivered. Notice w ill be publishod in this paper later giving dates when these cars w ill come through. Those interested in selling chick­ ens, and turkeys this way, w ill please let me know and I y/ill noti­ fy them a few daya in'advance . of the shipment, stating price that V w ill be paid, etc. ' , ' Geo. Evans, County Agt--------------— ■■ Cotton w ilt disease is getting to 'h e a aerioua matter in Richmond 'County nnd County Agent J. L. .. Dove Is now recommending a crop •\ Totation that w ill help to control As people become more fam iliar with" thè attractiveness of the im­ proved Ford cars interest not on­ ly increases, but orders for cars are growing in numbers, accord ing to local Ford dealers. Probably the best evidence of the widespread interest niainfest in these cars comes from, the gen­ eral offices of the Ford Motor Company at Detroit where It was stated that since the new cars were a n n o u n c e d orders for more than 192,368 have been booked by dealers throughout the United States. Thousands of orders are coming in every day. Thia ia not only a striking ex- I ample.of public confidence in the Icompany’s products but is also a aales record without precedent. Added significance is given thé sales reports by the fact that the public generally haa not yet had' an opportunity to inspect all the hew types. Distribution of cars I^arly In the weak, they woro on riisplay in the showrooms of i.uthorlzed Ford dealers and ovor since have been *’he ce,iiter ,of ciu;io,ua and admiring groups, “Havo you seen tho ne wFords?” !h lapidly eclipsins- as a nee.'llena iiuc-ation to the time honored “la it hot enough for you?" when the temperature atands at blood heat. Ever since t)io first display of the new Ford models, Mocksville has been examining tho caVs until now there is searceiy ai^vono who isn't fam iliar with their improved ap­ pearance and increased riding comfort. Lower bodies on a low­ ered chassis • frame, one-piece windshield in the Coupe and Tu­ dor, lower windshields which con­ form to the shape of the cowl in the open cars, closed cars colors ahd especially designed low seats are now popular topics of conversation wherever Ford cars are mentioned. The gasoline tank under the cowl which may be filled without disturbing any of the occupants of the car benefits carbui’etion and makes poasible comfort fea­ tures in the tonneau heretofore unknown. Open car devotees have found the new Foi’d Touring Car ideal for general use. The Coupes new Standard color of channel green together with its many improvements and refine­ ments, is a magnet for all those who are interested iii a two pas­ senger closed car. The Runabout is frequently termed the sport model of the Ford line. The cor ifl built low with low windshield and low set top. ■ The effect ia accentuated by the lowered c h a s . sis frame and gives to the observ­ er a suggestion of speed and abi­ lity to cling to theA’Oadj’ Seekers for all-year,all-w eath er closed car comfort at moderate cost ai'e enthusiastic over the Ford- Tudor which combines the sma,rt featur­ es of tho c.oupe, with the added at­ traction of com fortable, accomo­ dations for all the fam ily, WE CAN S A v i YOU MONBÌ^ cent of our people do not ui]'^!er stand the functions of these in­ stitutions, and this con bo over­ come only by concent^’oted ei:fort and judicloiis advertising on the part of the iiuilding and loan as­ sociations. ', l u n c h e s AGAIN. SERVED AT , HIGH SCHOOL ' This week we are again starting to serve our school luiich. It was through the cooperotioh of the Twin Brook Farm Dairy and the merchants of the town, whp allow­ ed us to buy in ,biiik, that it wns a success last year. We are not going to give such a variety this year. Ono hot dish, one large sandwich, one half pint bottle of milk, and some kind of fi^ult will make up our menu each da*y. Each of these may be bought for the meager sum of five cents. Our suggestion is that the children who bring thoir lunch from home buy one 'of the above from us. This will entitle the® to a chair in the lunch rOom, and a place to spread their-own lunch where they may. eat in an environ­ ment inducive to good digestion. Cool water will be provided free of cost and that should be quite an inducement these warm. days. Last year quite a number took advantage of our lunch and we are hoping that this year many others in the interest of their health will take advantage of this opportu­ nity. This new part of our dally school program has no little place in the educational program'of the child’s school day. Home Economics Department. -----------^-----— FOR SALE CHEAP-p ON YOUR JOB PRINTING. all kinds of building stoae (Granite) quarfried . with ”■ square sides and suitable for underpinning houses, steps, , retaining w alls, 'etc. Special price for stone at the ■*’ Quarry. Apply, GEO. WAIN ■' at,K urfees Farm Cooleemee, N. C. 9 24 2ti pd. * 1)1 1|(N # !(l , 1(1 . Ill JUOb' UTV4V»ia»«i . .«.iw««. of my stomach at once, and I noir eat tnything I want and never fed; a particle of. trauble.from it oftep- . years i had Kastritis and t^e worst form of Indication, and oh, how 1 did suffer. It Just seemed like a large lump would form In my chest almost smother me to death.an^_____‘♦Havinj etomach 80 much acid , in . my ' giveQ ne B zom of Ward. Mights I UMd smother from gas bio., that's all gone how.: and I slei sound as a t red child. ,Oh,___ n akjs Just ^he grandttit medlclM' in tho world.". Kornak >«wld tn-Mook«vl\le *i(i!luilT*ly | Hanla-LtQnnd PhuniM)ri «nd br ail lutd ' rfruiKhe(h»v«rytown.- ‘ ' o re M e id e n á Once you have driven the 75 horsepower, 75-m ile- aD'Kour Better Buick*, Onco you have wheeled it over some particularly tough h ill—in.high gear— : gaining speed all the w ay; ' ■ Once .you have observed ■ Ihe w ay It assunies the ead in trsifFic; ., O nce you liav e checked its econom ical gasoline Then you \ylll reaUze fully. th?»t the Better Buick» - - with its 75 horsepower .. ! Valvc'|n>Head engine» j gives you power—speed—• V and inexpensive per» v formance like no other' ^ car .you have known. ' ’if, The best way to discover H how very much the Better f\ Bulck hat added, to th«^:^| pleasure 6f driving,!» to; , ilrive a Better Buick.; ,W«;;^ts economical gasounc .unv» » consumption against your have one ><'aitln8 tor your friend^’cars-!- • tejephonepll.^^^^.^^^^^^ ■ U BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FLIliJT, MICHIGAN , ^ bMsiono/ Giincr«rM«tori Cor|ioraiion . . . . 9Ì--------------—------Sf(tmlar<{ Six Hofuiitor « $1125 5.ru«.TouHn« ,r 'П 50 2.p,,It. Couru „ ; .JX5 2'dpof Sedan llOj 4«Лоиг4‘pnW'CüUp« • 1275 A(l(>riccs/< u. (er2*pnai. RuQcUccr «. $1250 ' 7>pai«« SeJan ■ . * $19M • ourinu > ' t29S 5'rai9i nroKghAm < ‘ ;193S.. Sodnn 1395 3*|74i«.S|>oi‘inoaH«t*rl495 4-(loor Soiinn H95 5<pnHi*Sport Tourlnii 153S ' Coupi; < t?QS ' 3*PAii* Country Club Ì76S r* Mocksville Automobile Cq. C. G. WoodruiF, Manager When Better Anfomoblles are ßuilt, Ruick wll| Build Them DAVIE GAFE FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN MEALS AND LUNCHES ICE CREAM AND COLD DRINKS K, MANOS, PROPRIETOR. “On The Square,” Mocksville,N.C. C. C. YOUNG & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Mocksville Phone 183 Cooleemee * Phone 5720 • •• Prompt and Efficient Service* * » * DK. E. C. JCHOATE I^ENTIST In Mocksville Monday, Tues­ day and W ednesday; Over Southern Bank & Trust Co. Phone 110 In Cooleemoo Thuraday, Frl- day and Satur Jay; Over Cool­ eemee Drug Store; X-Ray Diagnolaia PHONES: Residence No. aiV. ' Office No. 33 First Quality Guaranteed Tires. 80x3 Casings $6.75 each 30x3 1-2 Casings $7.50 each 30x31-2 cord Casings $8.00 each ROBERTS HARDWARE CO. Winston-Salem, N. C. ' Rememiber, alw ays come to the printing office first when in need of any kind of printing. : • N0TIÇE1 : By virtue of the power contain-' i ed ih the Deed of ,Trùst/’executed, by W. W. Allen and his wife M. ; M. Allenato J. F. Moore,,Trustee, ' tp secure thoir bond bo the .Bank: of Davie for $1,000.00 principal, which Deed of T riist appears re-', gistored in Book ’ 19 page in , office of Registor’'o f Deeds of ^ ; Davie, N. C., to \vhich'reference ^ is made, default having been made ' i in thé payment of said bond, and > on application of th'o ; Bn>Jk of i ^ Davio, I w ill sell at public auc­ tion to thè hig;he8t j biddei';for cash at the Court House in Moiiks- ville, N. C.', on 'Monday the" Bth I day- of October, ^925, that tract ' of land lying in Davie County; N. C.,1 adjoining tho lands of,: Jo h n , ; L. 'Riddle, James A. Smith, W.' S., Douthit, and others: beginning "■ at n sassafraa atump on the.G rif- fith ferry roadi oil the Eaat side, : Jam es A', Smith corner; thence ; East with Jam es A. Smith, lino to , his corner; thence North. W ith Jam es A; Smith line to Wm. Little s line to his corner in the W iseipan. - lino; thence W est with W. 'M. Riddle line, formerly Dr. Wise-. / man line to a stone in Griffith Ferry road; thence with the Grif- . fith Fei'ry road to tho beginning containing 11 acres more or le ss,. For greater certainty aee Deed , from Jam es A. Smith t> W.. W,'; Allen and M. M. Allen, recorded in Book 24 pago 475 in office of the Register of Deeda of Davie County, N. C. ,,s Said land will bo sold to pay..- the debt secured by said DeodfOf,.-; Trust.' ................... Thia August 81st, 1925. . J. F, MOORE, Truste^j ii:;; j : SHOOT THE JOB' WORK Щ л. ...............................^ ' •/ ’ '" ’Г " '- - - - - ' Thuraday, :Se;^i;;24^4^^^ PRESIDENT MOYER TALKS Salisbury, Septr ‘,22.—With nn j\ttendance ofitirfre than 200, the; iintionni ennijj of Patriotic Sons , of Am'ertda got down to buaines's'j rtoday in its first, biennial session ever, held in the south. ', • - . The morning sossionAvns n; pub­ lic •'one given mainly..to speech making. Mayor, Henderlite threw open tlie gates of the city for the, visitors , and bade them weleohle. Senator Lee S. Overman not only spoke for, his!,home town but wel- i,'(i ' V ■ .Л ■ . corned the visitors on the part of the’state. and in-his remarks call­ ed -attention to the part North Car.olina had played in the early days, of the republic to lay soli-iì :,‘. V foundatipns for good government: '■lie praised the order represented • ' «t the meeting, and bid them 'go i'orward in making America a bet-: ter place in which to live. ' 'J. C. Kesler, of Salisbury, gene-^ la l chairman of the convention, presided at the session, which was held In the community building ’ and.the meetihgswas opened with prayer by Rev. to y D. Thompson. The response ' io the addresse ■ : of celcome mas made by Gabriel H. .Moybri of Peiinsclvania, presi- ç ' " dent of : the national conventiohy <«vho praised the hospitality of the >. ' Bòuthern people, lauded the prin- ' iciplea of the order and declared " ih àt thé only language the P. 0. ;;Ì5, 0^ of the de- .tÌai^àtiótt ^ and the....:H!IÌn8tÌtUtìon.'Ìy-,i:‘,;:\:' < " , ThiSv aitêrni^n' wa^ given to .... l)UëirieB'8 and w ban­ quet was, tendered the delegates and >^sitòrs at the Yadkin Hotel. ' Tomorrow will be devoted to busi- ' :ïnoi8 thé Convention is expect­ ed to close before the day is over. • In !hfs ^ aiddresB, Presi- ' dent JUoy.çr urged such action aa woüÎd':'téhd to prevent amend- i m ents-to the inlmigratipii laws and the legislative committee promis- « to fight efforts that It is under- , if- ; , «tood' ,wll^;\b(s: ,br^ up at the ¡(1^ J, Urgfi''Quotas òf^ i ' ' rln^from f 8^ ^national : president,also suggested .the appointment',0^^ -to: ta k f tìp thé for jnore: on>^n8. The order now has .one 'orphanage .in JPennaylvani^.. ^he order approved the action of ittie' state camp In | . «xpulsloh of 'Congressman Wil- 31aih' S. Vare from the- order ior «pposing the passage of thé John-j «on immigration] bill. ; •Richmond, Va., wns selected as ’ the next place of meeting. A plan , -was presented looking to the or­ ganization of an auxiliary made ! up of young people betvyeen the ages of 12 arid 16. Gabriel H. Moyer, of Lebanon, P a., ;ls unopposed and will con- tin ue'aa president of the national camp. Other officers' selected ■today without opposition are to be formally elected and installeci tomorrow Include : Vice presi­ dent, H. H. Koontz, of Lexington, 2i. C.; master of forms, Neil L. Jam ieson, <?f Gloucester, N. J.; conductor, Charles A. Gillespie oi -Chicago; inspector, H. M. Bradley •of Clarksburg, W. V a.; guard. Al- ired Bowen, of Comberland, Md.; secretary, Herman A, M iller, of Easton, Pa. ; assistant secretary, E. B, Adams, of Richmond, Va.; treasurer, John W. Reese, of St. Claire, Pa., chaplain, W alter A. Edge, of Lebanon, Pa. __________ -------- Our Sept. House Cleaning Closes Sept. 30 THIS WILL BE YOUR LAST CHANCE TO BUY FURNITURE AT THESE LOW PRICES. COME LET US SERVE YOU BEFORE THIS REDUCTION SALE CLOSES.' ■ ■ ■ . - ■ ' ■ ' ..V. ' ODD DRESSERS FROM $ 13 .0 0 to $ 3 2 .5 0 Less 10 per cent for September only 3Pi. $ 13 5 .0 0 Less 10 per-cent for September only SHELBY HAS A LAUGH AT CHARLOTTE FAIR Pleasing Bedroom Suite You’ll be impressed with the excelknt design ‘ nnd careful construction of this Suite. Four pieces as pictured—D|resser, Chifforobe, Vanity Dresser nnd Doubls-siTie Bed. W alnut veneer— in combination with Gumwood. Price, ' • ' $ 2 2 a 0 0 LessJO per cen(i for September only Cards Advertising ‘‘Made-ln-Caro- Unas” Exposition Were Printed In Michigan Shelby, Sept.' 18.-^Shel’jy ia having a laugh today at Char­ lotte’s ‘‘Made-in-Caroiinas" expo­ sition. Why exposition officals, "Who advocnto .hom e'products in ; their big show, dp ■ not “practice ■what they preach” is the mirth producer. In the windows about to w n - all over several states it is pre­ sumed—are placards and display card telling of the coming event IjooHtlng Carolina goods nnd work, But down in the cornor of the placards is a discordant line—the imprent of a Michigan printing firm that printed the cards. Now, many people propp'so to ask the buyer of the big Made-in- Carolinaa exposition why he had to go to Michigan for his print­ ing. IW e w ill finish this beautiful five-piece break­ fast suite, consisting of a drop-side corne|r-out table and four elegant Windsor chairs, in any color or combination of colors you may desire. i A real $50 value for 10-Piece Walnut Dining: Room Suite ", $15p.po /,, Less io per cent for September only $ 3 7.5 0 Less 10 p*er cent for September only Beds, Springs and Mattresses at Prices to suit any piirse.' V ! '■ RANGES AND KITCHEN CABINETS AT SAME REDUCTIONS COME IN AND SEE OUR PLACE SINCE WE HAVE OVERHAULED ITl C. C. SANFORD SONS CO. BIG REDUCTION ON VICTROLAS ' T h e massive Buffet, oblong extension Table, . China Cabinet, Server, Host’s Chair and fiv« Side Chairs are beautifully finished in W al­ nut. Constructed in thé popular Tudor style. The chairs have sea^s of good grade im itation: leather. " ■ •• и . t \p Л Д у CALAHALN NEWS Read tho ne<vs for inform úion— Иго ads for profit. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wilson, and fam ily, from Jericho, spent Sun­ day with Mrs. Wilson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Powell. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. W alker, and son, Harold, of High Point spent the week end with Mrs. W alkers’ parents, Mr. and Blrs. P. S. Ijam ­ es. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Spurgeon lAnder.son, Friday, a son. Mr. R, S. Powell, made a busi- ¡ness trip to the Twin-City, Satur- day. ■ . Ml', and Mrs. W. N. Anderson, and ■ fam ily, spent Sunday in Winston-Salem. Mr. and l^Irs. Bon Tutterow, nnd children, of Center, spent Sunday evening with Mr. Tuttorow’s sister, M rs: W. 0 . Murphy. READ THE E N lP filS E AIOCKSVILLE CHARGE (J, T. Sisk, pastor.) We have just retui'ned from our trip in th e. western part of the state, afid don’t have a full re­ port for this week, so we are not giving a I'eport of the Sunday schools this time. Our meeting nt B yerly’s Chapel begins' Sunday, with thr^e ser­ vices at 11:00 a. m., 2 :00'nnd 7:30 p. m, Bring yoiir lunch nnd enjoy the day in the service of tho Lord. Rev. J. B. Sisk, of Caroleen, N. C. is our help for this meeting. (He is the father of the pastor.) Let all pray for a great meeting, and.I’m sure wo will not be disap­ pointed. WE GAN SAVE Y'OU MONEY ON YOUR JOB PRINTING. ' METHODIST CHURCH NOTES, IN CAROLINA EXPOblTION, CHARLOTTE N. C. ---------------- ' SEPT, 2 M C T . 3, 1925Next Sunday w ill be evangelistic day in Sunday school, with illust­ rated sermon to Prim ary Junior Intermediate and Senior Depart­ments. At the 11 o’clock seryico Bap­ tism of children and announce­ ment of certificates of new mem­ bers. Sermon subject, the “child in the midst.” < Sunday, Octobor 4 v;ill be ob­ served as promotion dny with scrvice beginning at 10 o’clock nnd close at 11:30. Sunday night of October 4th., w ill be given a pagennt, entitled, “The voice of tho Future,” This I w ill close the obsorvance of child­ rens’ week. READ THE NEWS FOR INFOR­ MATION—THE ADS FOR '. Southern Ra^il^ay System Announces reduced fares for this occasion'from the • following territory: ■ , ■ ' ^ '■ ;V ' North Carolina, South Cnrolinn, Virginia, including.'W ashington; ,, D. C., Eastern Tennessee, also from, Atlanta and all stations in Geor­ gia east thereof, including Augusta. " .1 Tickets on sale Sept. 20th to October 3, 1925, inclusive. . Final lim it all tickets good to reach original starting point prior to mid­ night October 5, 1925. ■ ' ' befoS® Carolinas Exposition is blgger and better-than ever Wonderful program has been arranged foi’ this show this year.. For dotailed information call on any • Southern Railw ay, agent or, address, ........ ... ‘ 1 R. II. GRAHAM, ' ^ ' . , Divisi,op .Passenger Agent, ''.......................... ' ' i , ' ...................................... ‘ - ТНВ ENTERPRISE “АН 'ГКе 1лса1 News.^ Our M o t t o —Tliej.ygestPAU>IN-ApVANCE ClKCVbAT10N <)l ANY PAPER m Davie ' ..........^ " ■■■' ......................................................................................................... SiSSliS tV. ’V'-iT -, )Mocksviiie Elnterprise —— ■" ' TRU'ril, HONESTY OF PURPOSE AND UNTIRING FIDELITY TO OUl^ COUNTY AND OUR : FLAG IS OUR AIM AND PURPOSE .................i.........w ‘ - ^ VOL, VIII MOCKSVILLB, N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1st., .1925 . '■ N'o.,4tt '/".■■■"■“Г— 37 Are Drowned As U. S. Submarine Goes Down. Collision Off Rhode Island Coast vWih Steam er Sendb A ll But Three of Sub’a Cbiw to Death; Meager Radio McHsiijies 'I’ell of Crash and Drowning of Sailors or Board. Providence, II. I,, Sept. I J S .- Tho submarine S-51 wns sung twunty miles east:of Block Island tonight after collision with' the steamship City of Romo. It was reported that 87 men of the sub­ marine’s crew wore drowned. Three of the crcw wore picked L'l, by the City of Rome, which .sent « radio message to the sub­ marine base at Nev/ London, tel­ ling 6f the nccident, 'I'he stenmship (3ity of Rome \vas en route from Savanah ^o Boston nnd. was due in that city Friday. THANKS MU. BARNEYCASTLE Mocksviiie, N. 0. ............ Sept. 28, 1925. : Jtr. J. F. Loach Editor Mocksviiie Enterprise , Mocksviiie, N. C. V ' We, the Center Fair Association, take this method to expresa our gi'atitude to you for ^ publishing and printing the premium list in book form. ' ' : Evidently this proves to us thnt we hnve an editor that ia willing to do'something for the interest of the county at large. C. H. Bnvnoji castle, See. 'I'he Sccond Quartley Meeting of Davie County P. O. S. of A. As­ sociation Was Held at Cool- e.imco Saturday Night, September 26. , Was.hington,' Sept., 26.— Tho navy department early today had received nò official: confirmation ' of tlie reportfd sinking of the sub­ marine S-51 off Block Island. The ship left New London Septen’ber 20 on what waa understood to be' a practice cruise. The S-51 mounted a four^jnch gun forward and five torpedo tubes firing j21-inch projojfil'.s. Ihe vessel’s complement ■ .when filled was of 36 . meri and four officers. The commander was Lieutenant Dobson. The Boston navy yard had no details. It was said thero that a radio message by one station to the City of Romo brought the reply that there was no informa­ tion to give out at present. Lieutenant ' G. Bannerman and Lieutenant H. M. Pine were also on the submarine’s complement. The' S-51: Avas • of the first :liné. ol that cinas of ships in the navy. Sho was attached to, the patrol force,, operating in the Atlantic under*;the flagahip U. S. S. Cam­ den,' and waa a member of divi­ sion, number ¡two, 'stationed at New London. Thirty-seven men are presumed to hnvo been drowned on the U. S. submnrino S-51 when tho crnft wns rammed while under wator by the stenmship City of Rome The, steamer sent a radio meásage that three men wei'o saved but gave no details as to the others. The collision occurred at 7:30 o’- clock last night and it was sòme hours later that the radio mes­ sage w as'sent. ------------------♦------------------ POSTOFFICE CLERK HELD Oi FOR BIG THEFT REALIZATION John Burgess Arrested At Rochy Mount Charged With Stealing ,. ¡535,000 The meeting was called to ord­ er by C. B. Hoover, president bf the asaociation, and opened, with prayer by Rev. Sisk, of Moclcs- ville. ; ' The address of welcome was de­ livered by H. B. Barnes,, who made .ft'll feel at home. The response to the address of welcome was by Bro. F. A. Poster, of Mocksviiie. The speakers: • for the night wero as ,followa: Bro. Fred 0., Sink of Lexington, atate Rec. Sec.,' A. M. M iller, of M ill Bridge, Siiite Vice President; M. F. Hatcher, of Greensboro, State Organizer; J, T. Robertson, of Mooreaville; J. A. B: Goodman, of Mo'ores- .ville.. Music was furnished by the bands of Cooleemee, .which’ was real good. . .. I am sure the patriotic’s of Davie county thnt didn’t attend this rheetirig w ill ieql’ like',giving themselves a horse whlping for not attending. .After'some of the brethern- toll them .pf th'o 'great speeches the above speakers miidel in behalf of the P. 0 , S^ of A., rtnr another great treat ,they. miasw' was the refreshmaiits that were served by the Cooleemee Camp. I am suro nil of the visiting P. 0. S. of A., members would like for all the meetings to bo held at Cooleemee. For those boys’ sure did:glve, us something worth while, and we still have the' music in our bones 'that was furnished by the string and brass band p , Cdoleemee. So look out P. 0. S. of A., of Davie county, for the next meeting of the Asspciation that will be held at Fork Church sometime iri January, 1926, for there is something going to be pulled worth while ao don’t mias it.—“R. S." CO-OPERA-riV * POUL'rRY SALE WAS BIG SUCCESS HE CLAIMED A HOLDrUP Rocky Mount, Sept. 28.—John Burgeaa, local postofiice. clerk, was placed under arrest here to­ day i.n a federal warrant charging embezzieriient of the United States malls. The w arrant charged Bur­ gess with purloining two register­ ed packages of money valued at $35,000 from tho local postoffice two weeks ngo. At the time Bur­ gess was wounded and said thnt he had been, attacked by robbers who took the packages; ■, ' ------ , CHINESE riRED ON AN AMERICAN-OWNED SHIP Shanghai, Sept. 29.—An Ameri­ can-owned vessel, the stenmer Chi Chuen, was .hit by 200 shots fired by Chinese troops today from ft point op,tho Yangtze river be­ tween Ichang and Shungking. This information was communi­ cated to the offices of the own­ ers of the vessel, the Yangtze River Naylgntion Company. The American boats Palos ,waa order­ ed to the scene as a convoy for the attacked vessel. . — ♦—-----------^ Alamance County farm ers ship­ ped 6,700 pounds of poultry on f'riday Sept. 11. Cash was paid to- the 111 farm ers contributing to, the shipment and they aSked that the work be continued, re­ ports County Agent Kerr Scott. (By Arch Iluneycutt.) • Once more dame Autumn comes unfolding her stock of merchan-, disc: Tho beauties of-Spring have been :fprgotten in the joys'of the' more m ature Summer. . The many joys of Summor .hilve-ia'ded into the haze of Autumn. The-birds hhvc'ceascd their love-calls and.£U‘e faring Southward, 'fhe fiery shafts .of the'm erciless aun have tem­ pered down into'the midnsas of;the slant-rays of the season,’ of rest. Autumn lis here. She dipa her brush in liquid, dreams to paint 'n ’ world of subiime, beauty beforo which the master artist is dumb­ founded. The morning haze, the.: sunset gold, the noontide calm, the rhythm ic'Chatter of countless insects in the . fielda, mcndov/ aand hcdgca, all voice .the realization of a •promise—the: fulfillm ent of п' pledge, and reviewing it all, wo can but remember the fulilllment of that pledge of all pledges, finished on the croas when the central figure of all the ages,_ cried "It is flnished.” Our eyes turn to_ Gol­ gotha, the highland of all the ages:’ There stands the old rugged cross, casting ita reiiection alike into the future and the past. From it time ia reckoned either way. It.is the center of all things for earth and heaven. Far away in the. dim ages of semi-night, in the purple haze that hangs around the dawn, it’s farstretchcd shadow first appears, and out of the discord caused by the red hand of sin, patriarchal Enoch moves, to walk with God for three hundred years. It’s shade falls glimmeririgly across the trail of Abram converting him into Abraham the father of a nation. By virtue of his faith in it Jacob becoines lsriislj lloshea the son of Nun Ьёсотсй Jchoahuu (Joshua) going into he enemy’a country and bringing back the fruits of hia quest as symbol of Jeaua returning from hia earthly career bearing his own resurrected body as tlie first fruits of ,tho rederiip- tion, since we write it-(Hebrew) Joshua, (English) Jesus. It is the shadow of the cross. Out’ of the haze of the unknown ages mon have lifted their eyes to follow the varied trail of hope onward and Upward, to the end—till worn out with the journey, they have fallen aalcep by the way-side where their aona havo taken the lead and aa unfalteringly pushed ahead. Into the future it casts tho only ray of light knov/n. Aside fj'om it all is dnrknesa. We strain our eyea in a vain effort for even a single glimmer. \V& cup our hands about the mouth and shout into the inky blackness of this awful land of m ystery,'but no echo returns. "The voiceless lips of the dead give back no ."answer.” "Across the^e borders science dares not pass, and proud philosophy with gathered skirts and hands'to brow, рпцаеа on the threshold, to peW’ with wide wondering eyes, arid silent lips, into the'.darknesa she dares.not trust.’! But faith, love’s white-^yipg- ed daughter, -lifts the veil th at’shiits.'therfuturo out, and^ \^hispers hope; and the soul wlth;an un-erring instinct, that us Г.яг transerids the utmost reach of faltering reason, aa the stars their pale reflection in, the. trouijled pool', proclaims herself a thing of birth divine and crowps herself immci'tal.” It is truth, the samo yesterday, today and f 9reyer. "For whoever enlists under it’s' spotless banner,/tho’ he may suffer terribly, victory is' assured, with a crown of life in the, end,"as a.fitting .reward. For whoever encamps against, it, theie awiitta defeat as complete а.ч that of tho^ prophets of Baal at the hands of Elijah,' or the' dofendera of Scopea nt the hands of Bryan. It la, the Jacob’s ladder connecting earth and he.iven. It is "The golden chain that binds the world about the feet of God.” , . m - ?Autos Killed 533'In'57,, . Cities In Four Weéks COTTON REl’ORT AROUSES' HEFLIN Figures of Larger Yield Said to Be Founded on Fact But the Boi'lrd Stands by Fore- cast YOUNG BOB LA FOLLETTE IS ACCORDED OVERWHELMING MAJORITY IN ELECTION NEW EVIDENCE Saliabury, Sept. 28,—The first co-oporativó salo of poultry to be made from - Rowan county was held on Friday under tho direc­ tion of the state division of mark- ets in co-operation with County Agent Yeagei’ and farmers of the county. Poultry of all descrip­ tions was received at the car, in­ cluding ducks and geese, - Blr, H, L, Hollman from near Cleveland brought in the largest., lot of poultry valued at $49.61- and W il­ liam Crowell, a colored employee at the Southern freigh t. yard, brought the smallest lot, an old ropster that brought him'72 cents. The entire lot of poultry received, moré than 1800, wa.s practically, all surplus , old hens .that should, be removed from the farm er’s flock, hens that would not pny for their feed any longer and too many of them to be marketed to a d v a n t a g e on the local markets. BUMPER CORN^ROP IN EASTERN CAROLINA Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 29.— Yourig Bob La Follette, of Madi. son, haa been elected United Stat­ es senator from the Badger state, the voters today sweeping him into office by a m ajority thnt will more than double his margin in tho primary September 15. ' Returns from 2,350 precincts out of 2,692 in the state i-epresenting 'complete votes from 14 counties,. nnd partial votes from 53 others out of 71 counties show him with a plurality of 133,343 over Edward F. Dithmar, of Bamboo, Republi- ean, running ns an independent, and a majority of 111,775 over his four opponents. His total vote in these 1,350 (precincts was 220,285, Ditchmar j obtained 86,892, W illiam George Bruce, independent Democrat,-8,-, GH; John M. Work, socialist, 11,- 063, and George Bauman, socialist- labor, 694. ,' An indication of the complete manner in which the scion of th' houae of La Follette bowled over all oppoaition was his victor in Racine county, former stronghold o fth e regular Coolidge Republi­ cans. Young La Follette carrie'd this country by a vote of 5,308 to 8,187 for Dithmar.L—_-----.. DAUGHERTY’S SON IS SENT TO ASYLUM Joseph Hamlin, who travels North Carplina for the Interna­ tional Harvester , Company, of America, is spending a few days at his home, in' Winston-Salem. Mr. Hamlin has just returned from a business trip to Eastern Carolina. "I have never seen any thing to compare with the corn crop in some sections of Eastern Carolina," states Mr. Hamlin. Columbus, 0„ Sept.: 29.—Drap­ er W. Daugherty, 88, only son of H arry M. Daugherty, former at­ torney. general of the United Stati es, hiia been committed to the state hospital for criminal insane at Lima, 0., by probate Judge Homer Bostwick, of Franklin county. Daugherty -was sentenc-, ed upon the medical recommenda­ tion of two Columbus alienists. E very, day new evidence comes in of the popularity of the Im­ proved Ford Cars. It ia not only expresaed in the crowds which fill dealer ahow rooms all over the country and the groups which pause to inspect the' cars wherever they appear on the streets nor alone in the thousands of orders being booked for im­ mediate delivery, but also in or­ ders entered for future delivery. Probably the best index to'fu- ture deliveries of these cars, is found in enrollments in the Ford Weekly Purchase plan, which have shown a remarkalîlo increase since the cars made thoir appearance. This increase was first noticed tho last ten daya in Augu.st, dur­ ing which the announcement of the cars was mado. In that period enrollments under the plan reach­ ed a total of 13,167 and in the ten' days following, the first io Sep- tombei’, the. number of new pur­ chasers under the plan totaled 16,054. Those enrolled under the plan at the time the' improved cars were announced all benefited by the change, for they will receive the new types .and will be given preference when they desire, do­ ji very ;0f cars., More thari 175,000 ai'e now en- rplled under the plan and with others coming in at- the rate of 1,600'a day it,w ill not be long be­ fore the enrollment list w ill ex­ ceed 200,000. Those who are ordering cars under the plan at thé present tiipe for the most part contemplate de livery either during the coming holiday season or for early spring nextyenr.. '■ (By Frank W. Lewis.) Wnshlngton, Sept. '28.—There aro manifestations of widespread dissntiafaction in the cotton belt over the optimiatic view taken oí: the cotton crop in the September 23 cotton report lüado by ih e United -States crop reporting board, which indicated a marked improvement and prob.ibly produc­ tion greatly in excesa of what had previously been expected. The.re-- port had a depreasing effect on the cotton market, which it is claimed resulted from the government re­ port; claimed by many to have been baaed on atatements,' that were: not juatifled b'y^ the .. real facts. ' ' 'V Among the . numerous one's 'in the cotton belt who repudiate and sharply criticiae the govornriiènt report is Senator Thomas J. Heff lin, of Alabama, a member. Of 'the senate .agricultural commitlee; who riiade a public stateiúerit, any- ing: , "The crop estimat'ing board at Washington stands discredited The adding of 200,000 bales, wheri; rapid and widespread deteriora­ tion of cotton in two-thirds of the cotton belt justified the déduction bf more than’ 500,000 bales,-from the estimate of two weeks' ago,ne- calls the Holmes and Hyde scnnr dal of 20 years ' ago, when they as members Of the, crop estimating board at Washington added 20pi- 000 b’hles at'thV 'iri8trtn(!e''p£;'beiat' speculators in New York for WhicH they were paid $40,000.” , , , Many people in the cotton belt take Senator Heflin’s view of the matter^ believing as they do that tho real facts in the reports did ijiot justify the September 23 re-, port. However, the board standa by its report, as naturally it muat do, and atrikes back at the critica inaisting thnt the report was baa­ ed on nctunl coridition of the cot­ ton crçp nt the timo it waa made. ','Thê board-reaiizea at all times thé riiagnitude''of this responsi­ bility and the necessity always to act upon the evidence beforo it,’ a , statement made by fhe board says, “It calls attention to thé fact that critics are free to make NO ONE KILLED THERE ; Thus Far During the Year in the ’ ’ 57 Cities,On Which Figures Are^ ', Kopt Shows 4,992 Lives Hnve ' ,V' 'i:u MW i Bcvn Crushed O ut;; Now . '. .'„''Wpi-.r—I r 1 I i_i (i.ijii- l i i w a 1 This W as'A n Increase Over^itho":, \ Month of July of 61; Nor- folk ’Made Record > York Leads List 'W ith : 638 and Chicn«;» i Is Second With ^10 Washington, Sept. bile 'fab lities in American cities showed siderable Increase durinij the fokir i. a-rTüF»- weeks ending September i 1. ..''Rfli , porting the: results of. its 'currenti' monthly, survey today, department.;/; of commerc.0 plnced the totid of deat'/3 at 483, ^ as compared with 'ï 369 in the-'same preoeding fourii weeks. Norfolk is the only city in';whieh| thé; kvoup hasi'shown no fatallt|,oa¡| ín'"the last period , COvdrédî^ih'^tHff.t .report,'while'cltie8'hiiving';n;cíea¡!Íif.'ijst|^'4|&^^^ record duvlhg the lost four weeks. J lire Albany,, Cambridge,' lïaiinaif E l'Paso, '-Fair.Rlyèr, Fort and Sbmervi 1 le, Mass. Tho'^latte^'^. city also holds the best record the ybar,' with orilÿ four déathaï: Froni January 1 to Septemberv 12, the department’s figures show*.' ed 8,331 deaths from automobile; nccident.s in the 57 cities,: which ; was, compared with « total of ; 8,-,! 319 fatalities in the period fronn January 1 to September 30, 1928; Comparable figures, for last.iyear. were not, given* but the total i deaths for the;Entire .year was 4,992, an increase from .the :1028 i total: w hich'w as'4,827. ' 'iii ;..,':So,|ft>'.............. •reported '■dsi;'!Chlci.„., _.,, , ,, ...... Detroit; ; 183 ^ and' Cleveland:'‘ and?;;;pyn Loa., .Àngoléa^ each :',164;; .■’For;:.the;iv.'i::;)^-f|^ laai'tour'.'.^oeki I'opcjrted' 79/'’'CHicagb’; 06; VPhilii.i dplphia'18, Detroit 25, Cleveland ' 19, and Los Angeles' 15,";,,,;; . percentage of the crop picked and ; ginned to September 16, fully eon- , tirmed the data received from oth-. or sources. “Contrary to some of the atatoi. ments which havo áppeared to th e ', effect that the crop was going to ;, pieces, many correspondents and ^tata^ statisticians' reported that the yieldwas turning! out much better than oxpe'cted In some stat :' I es and that the recent rains had any estimate they with based upon 'halped the late crops in some secr as much or as little evidence they may. have. Statements that the board erred in certain reports are frequently m erely. expressions of opinion based upon scant evidence and superficial, observation.” . The complete I'ccords of the bpard are on file at the depart­ ment of agriculture, tho . board points out, and members of con­ gress and others have frequently been invited to inspect then). These records contain the data upon which the September 23 and earlier, reports were based and "refute the insinuations which have been made that tho board is affected by outside influonco in arriving at its forecasts.” The board declared in connec­ tion with its report issued Sep- teriiber 23, that every source of information available to the board including reports of townships and county coiTespondenta numb­ ering many thouaanda, which ai'o received direct at Washington, the reports of the thouaanda oi field correapondenta , who report to .the state at^titicia'na, the report ot the state stntisticinris themselves bas­ ed on persorial field observations and'inquiries, as w eir as estimat­ es from' key men in hundreds of ;-counties as to the'number of bales of cotton likely to be produced in their own-counties, showed a mn- terinl increnso in the projinble crop out-turn ns to September 16 compared with the previous: rt- port, Furthermore,-tho board, ad-^ ded, a careful, anal.vsis of the'gin­ ning report, which tho board had before it in making its last esti­ mate, combined with estimatesSEND US YOUR JOB WORK IF YOU WANT 'ro SAVE MONEY from the correspondents aa to theplaint against tho board. tions,’! tho board statement said ;, "When tho September 1st repoirt : wns' issued exceasive drought and ' tho threatened Invasion of num er-'; ous insects in various sectlonr gave a decidedly pessim istic tone;.' to many of the reporta’ received.'. This'pessimism' was largely missr' | ing from tho reports received for the September 16 report> except ' in North Cnrolina, Tennessee, Mlsi; souri, Arkansas and OklahOma, , where a decline in crop prospects • occurred.!’,' ' V -'rhe functions of the board, it.ia v pointed out, is-to review carefully : all of the evidence before it and to ' arrive at the beat possible estimato oi the crop a^ it nppears from tho data available. A m ajority of. th’e , board which makes the cptton-re- port arrive at Washington'/rom the cotton belt the day. previous ,' to the. report, while :the other members of the boni’d mako fre- . quent trips to various sections of ., the belt where conditions seem un-v certain, Ever.v- member of . the.’ board, it is claimed, is thoroughly fam iliar with the methods-used in estimating the crop, and moat of. them have many years’ experience in the work. If,it should develop that:tjie, rq-,: port oi the United Stntoa crop rd- : porting board IS not sustainedi'by' the final results it 13 possible ^ihati, its failure to meet the situation w ill bo made a m atter of investh. gation by the forthcoming con-c gross. Southern senators and rop ,. I'oaentatives, in deference to thoir conbtituents, will probably . look' careiully into tho matter to.aao.if: there,has been real cause fo.i.;’com. . . 3 !'4') if*> 1 1' ■ Щ j 'S ivt .iia ' i 4Í l’6i