08-August-Mocksville Enterprise8 ^ ^ " ' v,-> ' ,‘ Г ' ' ^ ; 'T ' > 4 !,. ^ " ; . . ; . tk.. '■' , ~ ~ ' ~ -~' ----------"'"' ..:r._ _ Т1Ш MOCKSVILLE -ТЗКТЁЯРШЗЁ " "■"• "-----------:-----------------------i— ^---------- ----------- - ,■ ,W . II. Cali, ô£ Sehna/ speni Iho „,\усек ,c^d ,w:ih .h i8 mottmr. ’’"S l'etiirnôfi iiom .il in j) to',Cni)iiclfi and North-? u4i *cï|,ioô. ■ ■ Sbo пКчо vi.4ltpd М1НЙ Bt-Hhii Jackeon, iji. I3mnin¿hnm,,Alci. ‘ , { , ЛГг.'я!. IL Meroney, who hcjdà ot nööe or throat is m odo, more endurable, б о 'г п с - tiiîlosgreatlybônünied by - npplylniî V id a up noa- ;irila. Aliîo m clt soiiid - . ond -inhale tho vnpors»" ‘ '■ . ______S. A. •MoBoo, of Tilusy.llo, . ■ m Mr. Richiii-d Yntea loft Monday £ ' •' «I’einiinji some timie with > • ' 0* io r a six; weeifs visit ih Asho’ M cVpp^hnr'l ---------, 'county. V ' |Mcljce ha^ been hero for-'.Ho«ie hyterians, I , '-----------------------:__- / itimo.- ,, / ' There is a . 'M rs. W. C. Denilv.vwhn ----------^------------------------ • .. V a IP Otiur 17 MiiUanJ^a Used Yaàrtÿ^ )jiit,ffi;,ihtehdc!'d^, ,. , ,;... . . j; neve ís;a^.Blblc!:'V^^^ .....,-----------------,'j ellidas .'us all,' “and:’ono\i's;;youi’.............;?:Mrs. ;:W.r 0. .-.De^ , Mr^ RiOpH. Dwiggins, who: holds-M a'sler, even "Christ,i und alhvJe a pdsition w ith the SolithDvn Powrj are b ■' . ,i,'.. .., or company at-Gi'oenHhoro,.spent'r ^Ehli 'v;; ''- --------—^ " the week end with >hia,.parents, on route !>: , . ,Î:ï ï S ' » N Ä t t 5 f Ж ' íB E íS ís ivhoop íoi-.""como seo wiint^ о\^рЬ(! n öGi-vice of MrjJ. Ò'.; NiïMGU thinlttì'about it 'M onday « ’ Lonir’b' nnd TuuMday, ' Sanatorium last -TucHiday ni^li<i" R e B c w Y W î - H e a Ü b ■ , ; b y ; P f e - Í f i « t í o n ^ ^ ^ tem' ís Vrhii>3dy^ ,j újl^l} Mr. wid M rä.'b. I'l. Horn spont ,'thé' \yeok (ini^y.Aviiiii friendo ; ii< GIon;v'Alpine. .......... ; ¡ . Oak'Grove anti the second nine nT_ nir«„ “t v a),nal nnrt frb'ii Cooleemee crossed bats in r S S „ i ¿ - 0 » ” ' ,™v S « « ;e t .I '« k .fter„p ,„, Cooleemee^ won the game by a n 4-rx ^ _V • . AA. son ; have ■: returned from li at Lake Junaluska. / , ---rr-»—— — -M rs. W. H/LeGrand is the guest , of her,'sister, Mrs. E. C. Glinard, inW iriston-Salern. ,'■• ' Mrsr E. C. LeGrand is-viaitin s yiouuauoro lo r tne set .^ Jie r si^vcr, Mrs. C. M. СатрЪ'еИ; sion of summer sohopl.'j:iin AVinston-Salem. f|"ï*v: ; Mr. . A bram 'N ail, of Hickory, *'■' vBpent’ Siinday with his ' molhçr, M rs. Íaá:G :-N aiK^‘^^ 6 to 4 score. .M iss M ary Stockton spent the week end with her mother and returned Tueisday evening to Greensboro for the second ses- gion of QlHVlfVtn». artU^^I Quito a,number of M ptksvilliah's took in .the bail 'game at : Coolee- meo . Saturday '' afternoon.- Th.o game Was a - land: slide''in favor pf-CooleGmeo—17;to' G;.. .7 innings. ; ; : M r. and Mra,’, J i ,-И., -Gain havb aa thoii* guests, their son. Б. GaiJi,‘',ï;his.,'.v.'ife, • and^;^c id Lpuiso'. and- -the "laltei’a . ' friend; :'MisÄ, J l?r,0j;lfiJ Clariti ;al li of £hwn,-Ohio.' .. ...... V----- H;Мга.;'ЛУ^ .Scamon; and; Çlay- Ml‘a;i CEiÍví; ^Wia8t//of^■ Rollte l .arG .YéVy¿8i¿lc'-;¡at’',tó !x';{pectin{ç.”:.to.v':undQrgoi:aii'v,opôrar tion’very^'ôoortv. .................-Vv ......î '-'' .............. ' Ш p.4i‘ad to'fltay, nil', day and bring a-.bjisl«t:i:.dlnnor. .............. ■■ ............ 'Miseea /IgH and R.iitlv ¡'ÌRodwéll.V.vjm : Black Moun^ ;^lia1ii-f la .it-wcSk end, ,. ' , M rs; Ji Bj Johnstoue' aticl Knoj^- r Jfohnstopo jhàvoi'vottirriGd, fi'òto ■Vii'H'inif ^to\Motitroàt;-'i--'’^--^‘''-''v^'-'i-‘>;^ •;iiiw;.iiMi\:.U;:.l-.f:Bustic;'-s « f ;thc ;P. 0;-:S.;ojfyj4:.;?8pént'a;;sh9^ |L^iiTio;.hé«v;,Sai'ivr^ l|!Ìíi!Í^Mifls ■ Clnyton;v]3rowrt':! .||Mjcida,v.^’^^^^^ i^ttónaédyfl'um m oM pi.Jr'liiÌ-iss'vMaxinojS ;^ari8)‘jé«iJ^-spéndihii " .Mra.'.“ Alni li^Clai-diifloii,- Texas is :itho\-guc8ti.oC pÌhisÌBÌ8tei,M rs;:.&-É,CaM i;-SKi ■' Rev.' and Mrs. Lcary ' G nshw ell,rett aiVd.R.'C. We-st,' were visitòva Ì-';Gharlottej visitod .ln; -the ihpmo jlieror^flday. vf 'Younii- Mr; 'VVoic is p IV»..: - - •- ,r.ii(5 .happy ipotóeàp^o Jfu(Hy'n|ch'^ 'Siàrrctt. ,, ' ' 'i'J'^iKiiÌìiid .iMra;p,pjÌÌ^^ ^n^A ster, j^SPa^,' :pìàrtìnÌ8^;ÌMrì|;a^ Clement, cortìpv Salisbury and -Lexingt'onf-'stroetsSVv^ ,:Sj^ii;;jancÌ;;tM M iv and ' Mi’sV Frank • Hanès, òf \Vi»,lìiorio\y^¡thoir' mpthèj^^^^^^^ Mis^' jHaJiea’;- GÌomeht ;; accompanl- {iU';thoy :homOr J Mpstlariics.Lfv; FrànH;G^ Mi' J olfri-'iòri; -:Mln'a^^.'№ ■Gi.emoiiti , Miss Casio Allison entertained the bridge club oh last Wednes­ day morning at her attractive home on Maple avenue. Three tables wore arranged on the spar cious veranda for bridge. Crepe M yrtle was used in profusion in decorations.' At the conclusion of the games the hostess served a delicious dinner consisting of boiled ham, hot rolls and iced tea. Gu6sts on this occasion were Mis­ ses :\Elizabcth Rodwell, Bonnie Brown, M argaret Meroney, W illie M iller, Mesdames John LeGrand, E. Glinard LeGrand, J. K. Me­ roney, ;Th6mas- Mproney, Roy TIolthouBoi' and B. C. ClemeritjrJi'.. - in ■ w.‘^erfect'^PuWiJtiatiOiri ol!;:tho:;Syn--:i:.; i ^ ■ m i m ’4 ' fm itjdaiidii'; Of dauiihters) Mrs. Robort-^G, rcrilcct ■HQaltli;V:v..-'VVhy ,nc)t:frid 'Senber,:MisSos :G\vyn,-^^^^^^ yoursolJl oi- chronic niLmeiits that . n or,. Vii'ginlii and Carolyn; " nl.sti m dcrm iivinii .Vitality .mothfe 'MrsiiGdo; Sheek, iftiuK P ursly your oufciro system;by:;talc- .,..,v , ingttilioroupheovirM oil-O aiotabs,:^® ^^^ -7,onco oi\ twice foivBpveral mpurn her cleptirtuvo. Sho was \vooks—and ^¿bo lioW ''Nature' re- h loyal- mchiber of th^ Mothodisi •wards you with liealth. ■ 1 church. A ■ lo yal ;.iric<ther and' a Calotaba are thp |reatcst^of all ' ,,„g system punlier.s. Got a fum uy . , •. , m. m t package, containhig full dirco-, : her reward.. The Enterprise tions, price 35 cts.j,trial package,'joins the entire community in ex- 10 ots. A t afay t o g store. (Ad v .), tending our'deepest sympathy to . ' O Ali^'G IiO VEv'ivB'^i'‘'''% 4 J ",“ /*'*•' ' ;W.optílóoii »'MätlifnÄ^'V' of1 ,HPônding.\üom hci'o w ith.hen brother, ¿Iv." Ö* С Sain,.' r ' Æ<?hn ;;,:l;i00Ativd(ïiô loji, spent Sunday Lore. Mr.-.aiid ,M l'S.'Iliii’p''Boger,' of CANA NEWS . .....uo WA« Smith Grove^ sp en t: Siinday.Vwith; -Mias,-Minni^'MeGlararoPlci':. . Mrs. Bettie Saunders of-'Kernusf_ Villo is visiting her motheri Mr.s. M argaret Bowles, who ¿till re­ mains ill. ' ■ , . Mr. 0 . G}.' ' McClamrock ' ahd fam ily, of Durham wore Sunday visitors here. ■ Miss Annie Hall Saiindera, of Kernesville spent Sunday night with Miss- Fiona Bivkor.bereaved ones. ^ . ............. №i^”neighborho^^^^^ °^^j^^°’^®^^*’°j|^|M!iiia:iiitaii«aiiiiia!i!ifaiiiiaiiiraiiiraiira!i!!m'i(aiiiime«^ . Fÿvmers Picnic at Pilot, Mountiiin I era ^ // -•••• м last Saturday. t - , . ■ : ; В шя i-i' T^C V V • oasnwoll,'Charlotte, visited in''fhe'homo is;,cf M r..^|^ Mrg;' C.''B-;^' M it ' '.’V A. ■ AUj,«0.V rpV Monda.v OV'-I iji.ct fnm i' a> , -Fol'osVi fiq^prk'ind Mrs. E.'P.'Cr^wford, bf fMi^oIjV-li^attonded;. tho'^flihe^ Cherry lnst,Thursdaj;.; .“MTMra. W illiam has rgj -turned from, a visit to. her daiight-' ;/w,,M rs. H. T. K elly,,in, .Taylòrs: 3 “ ^ ■ 'p..^ r^''M ra. Z. N. Anderson returned * o m N. C. C. W .,,in.Grceneboro ■Avhei-e she "attended f summer f fiCnOpl. ( .1^ , I ’ Y ea,,'there w ill be a--real ball game at Cooleemeo Saturday iift- qrnoon!, at fouij'i',o’clock when >.the Taat team fromi'Badln' willv come up to i try ito : givo.: the Cooloomoo boys .■: ranpther. v: '^vhipplngi.v.- But :'‘B ill!!-M illy saya i;thiit;'they gòing.^td got .^whát; •is',.;du■o:-'•tl1üm' t.hin -timdi .ri.‘‘.Tlmfc:: i'beat'us : this .garnp’.’.^ to u ii; ^pndayvaf tdrnoon Hvhilp.'vH' .woro:>dov/n iii, - that city.'; ; If : ypu .¡ivantito sop-a -good- gamo of; ball drive ,do‘wn and t'ak'c in .'tliiá gàmo.‘ Tho,y,Badiiv; liòyaibeat'',0.poloemcó abouti:tw^.weeks agO'Aiidv^lvey áre ,do,tormiiicd:'to- ke‘pi),tho'V|ctory in Cooleemeo ■ thiB - tlina. , Mr. and Mrs. W. B...Cain;''and Miss Louise Dennis; aiitl Fre.da^^ Clark,- of Middletown; Ohio,, who ai’P spending, the w.pek with ; Mr. Gains pai’onts at Mocfevillo, visit­ ed, rolativos hero Tt^esday.^ ' Jas. n . .Cain, .William, and .’ihick Rodwell ahd-:Sii\s. T. :F,;Mo'rbrióy, all*of Mocksvillo; \vorb:with t'ljoni here;,'-;..,/' ;,-Mr. Sanford Stonfiwtroòt iii r.till unablo', ito ' be out, but - is. -gaining. in'-.,8t.vunKth,.., i - ,(;l' its4lis^r •|Ell?^Fвn•dЦo.n,^of• '.W^lch,- l,'W^;|;'Và.,'; is lyieitiii^. her -: father,, ’A'.. Ston'oatr'deti;, - .;;■ • i\[r: G.. - W .. Lowory. and farai ly, and'-Miv Wi B. Naylor spent Sun'.. ‘day.: at. ilarm ony. • : ••• - ■ Mv.‘ - and. Jlra. 0 rrell Etciii,‘ion, M iss ■ Era- Colletts '-and. .yMessrs.' Guy - Colletto- and' W ill. Atkinson, of Wljiaton-Saloni apenti tli’o- -week' end with , homo folks horu. , ; IfelatiVQ..» .nnd frieuda of-M r.' Urtrvoy Stoncs.treot gave i him - a birthday dinner Inst Sunday.' ; : Miss ,Scbia. Hutchens of Wina- ton-Salcm spent ' tho ; week. ond. with hor.-paronta,. M r.: and Mrs.' '.W. '!R;-:,HllttìhOÌl3.;Ì^':^/ v■^^- •MÒCKSVÌÌ^B GHÀUGE"I -!' •;• " , -■'■;XJ.’T.,''SÌQki'pastor.')"' ' ' /V-'Our, Revival ;moetln^ ;at ;Elbh-'j ville wa‘fl’;“a' groat -mooting, there were ; about i 30 \r)roffpsaipns .of / M r.. and ' Mra.,. 0 . И. Perry,, left ■Monday for Rálolgh afterigpom lrInir tfrrr, ' ' .......... ... ^ ; 5' Ono' pf . the, prbttiest affiiira 'of -the-sumrrior/fieaaon w as: tho gard- en'‘partyrgivdii,by. Mra.'L;'IS^ i.pr; oriVWodncsday ;evenlng 'at 0 :80 ,'o’clocli at^i'pi'^^p new home o'h North' M ain. atroot; M ra.; I^’eozor niot hor gnosts and diroctod them: to. thc':punch bowl iwhorb: MlBHes! .Catherine GnliiU arid VallipiWood- ,ard,' of; ;\Vihat6n-iSaleni; :'pi;j38icle.d.; Si.x tables were: arranged ' lri.-1-thd garden,j for ro o k .;Jajin ndse-; ltint-; orna!;'Hvero; . uaed - in 'l.lghtingi- - At tho ’ conclusion ¿ of/ thp: gameaviit ;iva8 found .that Mrs. Thomas P. Meroney hold high acoro and ' was tivvardod 'w ith a pirotty.. box of candy.; She asked that the two yisitprsi'M isses Cahill and Wood­ ard, cut for it and it foil.to Jfiss Woodard who in turn prcaontod it to Mrs. Claude'R. horn, a bride of this month. ; = ' ■' .' Delicious'; chDcolato and vanilla blqek-.cream and.-dovila fop^l cako .!л. D A ' i " . Evoi'y day if in к pitT'àir.' (>, çtiîp îrf4j^iivs .nsd allow из to ■Titn-Vü ycu-í'iie di‘5r;îlt er tì;o centcctiojí. of' year ■■ipate. : Thc:. íí'i'.t'nl'vnv.íí.'y cü drîîiild г::;1’Eca'’croíiréí v/c ol'íai-a'bw i'! you' fv;;r.-i'-.\';Í4,-L‘h.-ío ,t-s’Icat' .t;’íc-'.-coÍT.f¿üí;tfi:i ymi 1;1-;ü , : best.','.;: А1«'Кув sarvod iu.a'clonn; üítótr.ry а'Ы (-«'■'-У maniici* ■ ö l С Ь Е Ш Й Н - ' Г ; € £ ^ îi^ '6 î- - T iîa f таа1-а’|ВЮ1||1Иииш|Ын!1Шг1|Ш1.'ШП1йга111й!)|;(арл;||1кач:1!П;'{^ ................................................. r .tended" thö 1ж,!’■ Л !;'’ 5 Albert w ie. relatives; ;wh& ■' :át-: ' Ulla ;;-Jafnca-;^^i:fü n ¿ral:'d f,№ a:^ C iy tlQ v P í№ ^ ita Thùv'idàV " weíe Mr J .......................... .,. ,.0. onurrii’-anci .and ':Mrs;;: ■ Albei-t : 'steod' ;■ :¿ c k ; ??ргрдеу,.'llittlè aon, of Mt; U llá,-spdnt'^un- Shpok, and;,Bailoy Shook, of , Nor- ttìà y with ' Mra: . S^errils' ffldthor;: folk,- Vn., Misa C herry,-of ;<Char- M rs. WilliiiTti Miller.* .' ■ - lotto, 'M iss' Coxwoll, ;pf -Bariinn ;;.i:;.' , -1— Spritvßci, M r.'íand M rs.''J, A:;'Kim-^hpusei;-.and ;Mrsi^Clii)idc:,R;:.Hprn, .V M i f l s ..V.Í.. - ’ ;brw;'ph',and;;B0h3,>c)f Winatbri-SaU : ', • ;. ' ' ■■ ''"'л'«, "-ял-'.i-'.- , ------- ijjii/iJiuBHiunB ; '01’ faith ;'in; Christ ai^d the dhurch as a whole waa greatly i;evlsed. Bro. Braswell ia a; aplendid preacher i^nd: fu^Il;,tii ;'the, Holy'Ghost. ;Hi8 sermons woro full ;òf. spirit and power. . We recoivod- ; nino now, mombers Into;'tho church at tho j close ' of the mooting, arid moro arc to come in later, ' . , : . Sunday Schools Wei;ljayo .been ,ao busy for. tho' last f.ew, weeks.that we hav-ent re­ ported, for some, time and; a numbt or of. Good Dads, have come duri ing; bur absence froin:those, colu- mna.; The ro;)ort''for'last Siin'day ia as follows: . . Union/Chapel' proacnt'12Q, oCr fering;-?4 .CG;' Bethel, present 101, offering: 5’2>38; , Elbaville, ,i)rcaent 72,.' offering: ,74c-;; Dullns, presept 61; offorlivg' 88e. - / - .Wo are ploàseà ■ to ' announce thairlTnion;Chapel .\yon-the .Davie K i a r f e e s - , A i a i i of " ^ Е о а ш е ! Чк.> I f ■ w o K id e .r a . o n i b ¿ t :O Í d 'C a r v : M a k ß s it 'lo p k ,I i¿ íe . o é w .: ; ... S i " a K i á . . . .-'-------—T-^v ; ':. Sprihgi), .Mr. '-aiid M rs. 'J, A'. ICim-i , Mi.4.4 Ilarrlette "Keiine. roturncd .brinv^h and вопз, of W inston-Sal- i to her homo' in Grif^iji, Ga.,' Мол- , om. M iss - A. v M. Kimbrough, of ' .———r— —0—------- I ;Mrs. Roy Holthousor entòrtain-; ^ I Mr. .iuid Mrs. ; Charles Lasley; ,od ,at two tablos of bridge on inst bf ].,ewiHvillo, apont thè week end' Saturday evening; at her homo on Keynolda, Wal.lape w ith Mr.'i., ,L.4(ìì(iy\'i'..pare,nta',-..vMr.'^.ivi:iipi avanue.' Siimmer; flowers : hiiid Mra. E. E, liunt. were used v o v y attviif.iivohr R<:oi’v 1« лпоп. '.M O V íÍN E W S^ m iô NÎKht Club” .opens''at theíi-iiíoó ' .. ___________ K^u.iiiiici iiuwuri- ,, -х;.«линиа.л/;^^^ were used vory attractivel}' ¡in ’8 based on the stAgp.vTllay the living room where the ;tableii “After Fivo’V by ,Wm., .De, Mille Iiako woro arranged for playing; De- has to do with a yôun,gi,lol-■- ■ , „ ' „ 1 low ------- Д1ГЯ. Й., ciia.4. Green of ......... woro arranged for playing; De- ha'a-to do \vith- a y6un,g.^fol- >ity, S. ),/•, ia spending several licjpiiR .'block cream am i'^ aiiger *^’"' .''''ho'leosos all faiUvin women; ler. parents, Mr. and .food-pako v/ore served b‘y tho 'hos- situation, ono .(Ь-п+rown. Sr. ;V:' ,r ■ -I-"--' ' ::;'Mi.4s Bonnie Browu. retuniod tri 'G;reonaboro thia mo'rning after fepcndinp; a week with her paronifi, and Мгк. 1). EVo\Vn..;,;.l , ':>Mis,4 .Flossie M artin has' retiirn- '»d-.frpm "a' visit t'o her',fl'istef,’'Mr,4,’ ^i-iarloa Bui'rus, in Sholbv,; and li^o.visited at Clouciland, Ga, ................ : ..UKT-.i,u uu ' wii;n; a; youiigyfel-. - ................ -MBvorai Hcipuft block crwmv ami ."^nngel looses'ivll faith in women, \yeelcs ^vlib her. parents, Mr, and {‘ood-cake лусге served by tho 'hoa- ^ groat aituation, onp that R'lrs. M. D. ]3rown. Sr. .. teas; assisted by Mrs. J. K .'M e-■ no end of laughs for . ^ ' rnnoV. -vJiWited 'guests' were'Mes-. i^^'i aiulionco. If you don’t bblieveJIi.Ms ]..oj!nie .Lrowu retiirnnH tn ^,^(„.,¿3 .7,. is . a ..Icnockout, see B, C. Clement, Jr., Thoiiias F. Mo- ^‘The; roney, E.. Glinard Leprande^ Mis- I Vi';; :seR M argaret'M eroney,'KЙhorine '^l•i«ЦУ .,nw^. Saturday--W e; play Meroney: and lyid ИопЙ:' 'л' - ■ .Buddy Roosevelt )again Лп ;‘‘B iff ; ;.v: V-: ' B iiiig B iid d y’’'/ппЙ - a two. ' I’ool, ‘' We uhderatand 'tiiat : bpen^'a mormald ■ comdcly, i‘‘Rptigh '. and ] ii'vicos are being 'conductod e'i’- Ready.'''yinight this Wnotr 1« I ч г . . — — ....... -...v.. :,wimiJui-,won-tno'' Davie 1 county iSunday : sch^ipl ; banner,. at Fork .Church'for the'largest numb-; er.'atteniling the convention,. - - >-I.'am' glad to say .that; Mrs. Sisk iS; improving ;.some at thia time,' Wo deaire your prayers in her be­half.'-;; .. '1 The normal school.of m.u^ic.^hat is, being taught.-' at. the .. graded' school building:, is . wellv. under sway and ;if you are not one; of us you arc missing the best chancfj ,vou v/ili evor' have of; studying with such an able teaehor as-Prof;; Sebreui ^ If you " doubt' what we say just tune:in on, US' some night and see for yourself; .,v^: :;\ a a 4 ;-slb is^ ;£ sv '-l;a a :v -t«.'. ,, .vZ. ^. ' "У ' ... v' .. . ..io e e n , fc3bvt0¿b ■ ¿ r y о п е р а л \ w ' ■......: ï & r f e e s á , W a Ä i Ä ■'K u rfe e s ' P ill à i C ón'tíühé; M o ré ;l,iead ',Peif'G allo n ,. 'I',- lliÁ in'L ,' I ' : ' " ' i -'g- ::a ' u ä .ti: i :M ■ i . ■■■i' . ■ f ':-" r f ' É-:-' tt-'v :Ш: . tf. ', Гл ; -' -. ‘liy-, á ) ' To Whom- TliiH May, Concern i; ..The' city Av.'iter supply is getting: very shorhiand it is earnestly and respoGtfully requested that all -patrons w ill refrain- from sprinkl­ ing then* lav/ns or streota or waah- ing!thoir'autom obiloa during this phortage ’ ‘ 1 'i . m i u j j f.-.PriiMC.-ICtO C G 'Í2D ' I а11ЮАа'|||И11Ш1Ш1111а111га1111И111'и»1И1ВД11|/и11И1ЮИ1!3|||1га||1И|||Ю1111И1шии1|1'пЬг('-~^^ ...............................................................................................-.........' ■■ :r£: v i'-.EV';'' .sai. i fi-7.; ■m : 'P FJ i g [ií-i «I :'':;5Tra. G. M. i^irkman.-of "tìrpoiV'rчлЧтл .î ' И* -...-v-ц*.) ... ..1* .,1,4101111(1 comedy, ■"Rpíigh '. and';' af'rvi'ces .are .‘boiiíg''cbndúpto.d ..ev- .Ready." > ; - : V;;'; 'ery night this week iii Gooleemee | : Monday and Tuesday—is “Lost ' on '-Park "Hill. - The ^ poolepmee', n";W?^*’-” brillinnt, uoiwnly' gem ,)■'band aiid, ti lf\rgb'choir of. biiiicì^;frprh .the BroadWi^v stag'o hit |. :reil’s voices furnish: - ■- .... .y...n,.u.-.u,-(ji ■ ,uooieqmeovH,'Wife”; 1 •pi'd ; and Mi,4s';B^^^^^ Cain of^I'gb.'chblr of, biiilii^: ;frorn the Broa.dwi^v im, ial'r'biiry' are the; ciinsv i i ^ i r “Voices fui'^ musi’c-^-^the |‘‘13ancp’’. .; Doe.4. 'a rnan. loose his¡n 'childi'bn being nuhiin ’ , ^ .»-»Ji «« Uitlll Oi ^ SaV^'ibury'aro 'tho,.gUGst'of tlieir ' *'^b’s' Vi ............ ;u u i, , — , , tv umuvioose nia lâiéü M iMr;'r«ÚJjdÍJ¿rs.--'JÍ'и. :Gaift;'‘«hildròn'. being .impila . attending jlnddriendence When' he m arries? ,...,. ^ the Daily Vacation IBible'- School 1-'«^»’"'" ' ....’ ' '^"Kii-tìa i V.i’fùnXiJi TJr.ii. -!-» “ - ^ -Tl-----vncuT/ion iriible''^SchoolflJliss HUtc,W Wins?'mooting.' each- morning from :8 :45 ^bri-SHlorriVri^'4fii§^^ 'week ^ ith 'to 11:30 in the school'house.' Tho i/ir;ti«'ilillA,4,'*iiiiiia'^!4W and Bible acho.ol and night meetings (iutchina of Moeltsvillei N. C.R, 1. are aporisorod by Cooleemeo Pres- ......_...-K.w .rilVXI liU IXl .Who’s, bp.ss five ‘itiimitos after bri db ;and groom, promise to ; Id^ve. hdild'r and 'obey?' ' “Lost a W ife" brings it all out on the soroon. Would a woman rather be misera- We hope to have the new well done very soon and be able to н furnish as much w ater aa w ill beita iVoedbd. 'In ; v;V: ; e , E i'iru N ^ g . ' ■ Ma:yor. ji ' V - ''I'll» , :» .!»,,■ * ; « . . #1 . .» ' -If I ■ II' you want 100 per cent pure I:** Food, cooked-right,’ ap.d serv- ed in ah up-to-d(itb way.' nat »-«*; ■ ' ............ .......... ,Kelly;Springfield;Tfires:haTO;:hei<l,.' | , a n . ' e e № b i e r e c o r d ' f o r m a n y y e a r , s | a n d o o w . w i'llh i. m ' I i e - . ^ e e p i e g . w i i l i - t h e ¡¡^ a d d e d . . t m c ' t m ■ b y - i t s - , i i i w d e s i g ! i i ; . , i t . . i s ^ ^ h a v d s. a » a t Ifr * GRIFF’S CAFE, Ice cream and cold drinks # -# . * * * # Tijres, Tubes and Accessories H o rp M o to r G o m p á n y I y I " • iil i l i É l l i i S l í i i i i S ......................... vol.. v m » a vfwvweee Iff‘-W- TÎÏUTIb HONESTY OF PURPOSE AND UNTIRING FIDKLITY TO ÓUU COUNTY Г]\1о CKs v il l Í ^ 7 íc; ; ^í А Щ Щ трГ Ш Ш FLAG la’ Olftî ЛШ AND PURPOSE ■ V / i!li?> m J a u ' 3 n f r s B r y a n F i 'n d s L a s t . ' r G a t h e r i n M o c k s ,v ille N e x t o J I A r* ' *. YT* A ‘Thursday On The Occasion of The 471h Annual ■ - .I t e 8 t ’ ' ^ l « » . l r , . A r i l l l g t o n G e m e h W : M » c k s r i l l e A n d D a v ie W il l HUNDREDS AT THE CRAVE If fg Simple Citizen Bather Than M ilitary Or Political Lender , .That Is Buried CHURCH SERVICE BRIEF In Torrent of Rain Funeral T] .•o- ccssions Makes W ay From Church trt Cemetery Where Last Tribute To Fallen J Leader Is Paid .ond. It 'was the sunset gun, W e lc o m e A l l W it h O p e n A r m s , navking the lowering ol the gar-| ■ .'Ison colors for the night, the 1 ' — ^ ' . , ' , , soldier aignal that another day’s; A Week from today, Thursday, August 13th, ia annual picnic toil ia ended and the houra ''of' day. These big annual picnica have grown into aomething idecid- reat at hand. . 1 edly more than a day' on which the local folka meet to renew their -.nm fiiendships, cut a big dinner together and hear the Oxford Singing waa Surrendered to aokHer °ke°ep- claaa, give a aplendid concert.- It has grown to be a regular ‘-home ing at the southgate of the old coming” day. Hundreds of former^ residents of Mocksville, Davie cemetery, ho was received down in and ad.ioinlng counties, now make jt a poinf to arrange for a visit tho haze covered city beyond tho "back home” on these picnic daya. It is a day when "everybody river, the solemn service that men expects to see about everybody else,” therefore about everybody is here. This year promises to be the biggest yet. Word comes from Waahington, July 31,—Beneath ^ citiven^”Vhat sections that more visitors are expected this year than ever be-II tjeaceful grass grown hillsidew aimpie Lituen, that ' . . William Jennings, Brylin liea to- thia ber.n,I,cHo-i wn., offered. night to sleep_ time away. T h . 7 1? ," b eSe^’’ h il'*g n iv r' lT^cpm m oii U ’'‘^io°"^t^«t' t'ho” Chriatkn fa°th iolks are always pleaaed to ic e the old "boys" nnd "girla" re- wlth the valoroua company'of aol- the dear bnea left ^ turn, and tho visitors delight in jigaln clasping the hands of the dier and aailor dead'among whom I ’ -old friends of childhood days. ho rests in Arlington N ational' “ hin thoxrnm ped.audto It ¡¡j nothing shprt of wonderful how our affections and recpl- cemotery, only the quiet tread “*'_?■ lesbj'- jections do hang on to thoae peoplo who were the'flrat to enter our ■ -> i.. «■.¡.iho«. T h „ . o,d, „..«hbo,-. „ „ . „ i , - rwound above the comminer’s'^® had worshipped in life, the they may forget, but we never forget them. One holds a peculiar burial plot. |funcral seenc was dim and sha- respect and reverence for them, and this respect and reverence in- He is in the keeping of the GodI''°"'‘''* h e half light of tho dloud-l creases as we approach middle age. Of such, , one always, feelq like ed rainwnshed da.v. .The few who' g„yi„g .yjth the' poet: ' ■ ' ' -• could find room had taken their And it's nice to be able, to enjoy auch a home coming. The and of the nation to whoae ser­ vice his life w as. given. , In common, too, with the vet­ eran dead about him, a simple, white painted • wooden marker, placed at the head of the grave, ■ notes that here lies W illiam Jen­ nings Bryan, .colonel ' of infantry,' The form' and .inwcriptipn of the stone tribute to hia meliiory that planes and the echoes oi the two old hymna Mr. Bryan most loved» "Lead Kindly Light,” and "One Sweetly Solemn .thou.gh,’’ still, lurked in-the' reoena of the high! "Forever mind, mysfriend, , From June to life’s ; December; Not mine to have behold, , ' Bu t 10 pray for a nd iremember.” iu J. 11 . , We aomotlmea wonder if the loyo and reapeîct our \.p(ironta held bv"nev!°Dr Joseph ^R^^Siao'o" the -foi'- these old friends ia 'ii^tncídod: to oura aftor it.'ia’'suppoaed to paalo)‘. “Гм- r'isurroetion and thoultimatd’y will-.roplace that mark- ^ '’'i-surroc or .still is'to 1^0 planndd .by thethe m inist'; ■ grloving widow and the many frienda ^yhp would ;tlo him honor. Long Journey Ends hiive boon lost with them lil 1:lio grave. It is this spirit of genuine. friendahii). and-: Ipvo > pfi ónp’s .-bici 01' stili la to bo nl'inndd by the ' ''' ’'Rl'oat- ' homo aection and ' old homo friends of, early i.yeara' which bringa ................ 'moved clown the isle to-, (¡houaanda back hero fron: all ovor- the country on the oecaalon of , s ï ‘S Ä ! e t í : »"■" ___________: palejjj'f'ijpe cileav,'ffg?iinst, her .'blackThe long,' last .iourhey of, Thbso picnics havo done m’ubh' to aclvortiab Mocksville as'.thero commpnor J ’roin tho! ^Tenno,s.aoe „lon'p % % rs'M thousands>and thousands of folks in thi's and*''-othor ataies v '/ , Ldor^thi hoai'd.„aL4hia..,town.. tlirough tlip -big-.masonic- pienica,., who' army .-tout, sm'ead to siiellor wheel chair to which'otherwise poasibly never would have known such'u town oxlsloct. expectation in 'aotijig', Every hom^'’lh the . , . ....... . , ^tobk thoir'Places in the long iiew lt""'n is ready to be thrown open to the «frionds, relativda and visl- funoraljjarty arrived at the cemo.|jj^.j.j^p ]g£(,;V . :.;.V, tory, W ithin'that small oncloauro thoi'oi was no' room savo for the tora. Mocltsville has for this'reason becorrte knbwri far and y.'ide Brief Service ¡as the one old Soiitliern town rolaliiing that fine'.vl'tuo .for it hi ri Through the^ services that fol-'virtue, of hoapltallty,, \yhich made the “Old South’’ fnmoiis.' . 'i^hd Inv/ed, the brief jjrayers, the read- ye^. not full 'behind \yhat '^0 have done in formerI , ......................... m in j-uill «u OIIHH iiui, iUll uuillliu ÌVIIUI wu llllVU UOIIO III lUmlUl dcnd man hàd ai'rved,li', i;.ea.ce .Hml -pf.'édipasto»-; .thè' widpw 'aat'with thè locai,ma,sonic lodge and'ovor>"ros»do~*• thè Utt).tì: gróup of noartet ; l<ln.'eycs Intent 011 thp 'spcakor’a face. |;1!)25 picnic -thè- vory biggest ,ahd . gi'oa iuid a hpndfull of Iho miniy ¿he' ^ iriurifla • oiV.'hia....throa.: decadoj ol^^ fiowovbortlevcd :,'chaiuioÌ _;to '.talco | fjlivi'i,)lg l’fo,.., ,. , Ili!) nl.'ipo ili Iho lUilnit flbovn thn. esident 'of tho town tp majjò tlio greatest -in every w ay,' cf.:any Statement laaued by E'secutive Is , Aimed at “The Elforta of a Few Persons In the State to Create The' Impression That Constru­ ctive Progress Has Been Arresti ed”—Refers to Braxton’s Speéch —Denies any idea of Presenting Comp: I Ison Between McLean and Morrison Adminlsirations. (By Brock Barkley in The Char- , lotte Obaerver) Raleigh, July 31.—A atatement by'Gbvernor McLeahi aimed : at h e,efforts on the part of a few rsoha in the atate to create the impreaaion/that conatructive pro- greaa haa been arreated,” eatimat- ed that North Carolina wili'apend on highway conatruction in the next two yoara between forty .and forty-five million dollars. "Thia ia far in.excesa of any a- mount that has' been expended for ¡»ny sim ilar periocY in the past,” tho statement added. . - When asked by newspaper Tneri if he would designate some of'tho. '■'crsons, the governor aaid thore-jto fü!l';«ipacity. were several. He i;eferred, as an Instance, to ,the recent specch" be­ fore the state' presa convention by H. öalt Braxton, editor of ' the Kinoton Frop Presa, ‘ - What Is Included. ataled: "ri;om all the^ inf‘ rnia-i ilon I hiiye the indlcatioiÍ3 ar.i tlitó ? the statÍD .WJÍi expend for highway.1 conátriíctión 'fo ^ two yeari period, begiiinlnt; Ju ly 1, 1925; and;i ending Junip 30, 1927, between 40 , an d' 40 millions of dollars. 'This ! Is far in exeesR of ,an y. amoiin.t > that .has been expended tor ány : simila'r period in the pasti I do i not think; therefore, that the char-; i ge that there ii< an;^’ letting up In^ ; road construction is ' Justified <;by the. ^facts.”;;:: / t ; ENjOirAULE^FOSTElR RE>' ' -/.UNION , . \ mр'Г The reunion of the John G.' Foster fam ily was held -as, sohe-.' dulcd at’ the home of Rynard Fo.stor, neai old Foi'K (Jnurjbh. The assembly of th e ,'fam ily and^ relatives - numbered about i\iKi hundred. Four counties lyere rer'\ presented, and Author t'oater.,apd|-‘;’,,V.^i:*‘i^" wife, of Norfolk, Va., after a plea- >>) ; sant social morning, the ladieffJV'.\,Y«':i-|^ loaded a seventy-five foot,¡table ‘ 'MProf, Coll/n8,.;artd' thrèdóof /hie'/r'.a music students'8a‘ng;twp''èxc'eïlè'ritli^^^^^ ijuartetta,-after .;W hich;i:'r,'^G Ä öä?i?^i^ doII,,'beh.g;:wo«nd.;:uft^tàiiçdcW 80 minutos to,the'ploaa.urp finii ХУЪЛп 1.4. 4. i m > . f' C1W( of hunirrv Poqt-'^VWhilo iho ftatprnont о1Гогя póm- érs. -Thc.-talk was onwLj ti.a,ion, :tho gpvoi‘1,or assured, : :;ih : ^moÆfty,;chilSÎ4in,^t , , hia placo in tho piilplt abovo the; Thp problem ia feeding liio -ijm ’vu. It. ia nothing .Thriip..and :1;ho m inisters of iKe .ho/tiükdd aa': |;o tliat: -how- .«uoh- it- does takd vto.vfodd - snrrowing >vorhan alone,. Not un- 'tovattpncl'^t^^gospel who’ said-iabovo hint t"i' short,-,'01/ 'niinibeii'':‘df,: :But thp, best;,'copjiaj-ort^^^ 'th'p":f4ô9,'-p.f: tho -earth. Our gobdi vwmon seem to (Ic.Ught iiv cxertlllg■.tИG^r;culli■)^^ П()d bless and hallow the heri- ary skill to'lho very limit, and-tho-pvoiipoi'pua ciilKcnahip, the bii; ........ ,: : ,,, ..„ri'owing worhdriia'lo'no.; ' Not un- ' , , .ап<Л who n lil-,t„ ho. closed his nddl'eaa did liev У®“'* tie tn;ie ifc-tpro had,given nira Di» ,-,1(-р,,(,,(;за varv. Tlion, aa Dr. and Davio County, have , last bon.j.’ü'íion of tho fihurah, ‘ : • '................ - alo'no saw-' l5io';casket-sink ..«lowl.v-,- -Vir« ; down ; into'-the;.e'arth; as' ,tlui Mnft and 'ha' t’r flgur a wcro' paring ; administr!\tions■: iods. Tho oatlmate of forty, ilvo ; million ' dollars i .includeg ilpm-of froni’ ton to flftdcn million .A'opeiit''thp-‘Bamo'-g«thoi*lng>’:',i..>'^^ dollars which it ia cxpociod''lh'o ^ ' ‘ , ' ’-^ho'presdnt,' 4^ atate will oxpnnd from loans' * by м гл уГ ^ Г .^ .’и 'кТ ч'гп ПР Ги- r t ' Г . S V I » proaent yoai',,eouhtic8',. havo. аЦ ...'-..-.чЛЛ rd,r'ly conl-rnotod io loan ihe'statb p .j д p-iNextw^ntobvili'V'ir™ around .?10,000,000 and-hlghw.ny , V i 1 < ' twenty millitna - by 1927.' loans from the counties'ar« with tho ox'oi)l;ion that Uio; legialaturo will i&suo atate i ПРХ', twi! years. In additir/n' to'tlii.s f n?o <1^ millicna or so will bo provided ; 3 s s i e ' - ' « s « s ^ ^ ^ hit'dç'ai’e.'ït carc-and who b.'i<l the uomiiian«'i‘'had''«l'n)k'’.i ,, -, '. t /' sat bpaido',ihis.-casket througlioi.it.|'g/,,.f).j, 14 j.g n p,,,ouji pf i)tudf<nl,a' ? f” and women of Davie County, le», ua every c/ic make it a 1 in a W ishing. П\vP4tPrii Г.п11'пте -The nloon tliia.year to mak^ all visitors enioy the big picnic day,;, ., -i' V- : *a a wc Jtpl n ÇplIOtO. 1 ne elpqib Т í^;;ho и 11 ; im un Imulfnl-c, «»лП I 1 ni- : nil : í ...')t Uio I'un'ov^l ,'Ser^Cn . ton church:;did ’not • sceneof. infirmitloa ‘‘ clo.sed fro'ni'thi) bugle jiotea .Lvought to he;.’, ih niMsago that ine long stra',) 'wji.t oviir, ; and vlier ;;iiead 'at poa.i.'o,. ,'\t Inst. j j , Hi\pdrpds Attend Outkide the shdltor, around the roped in . enclosure ; and , among ' many now made graves on the ti'ee .'.bdi'dered'. sweep : of' sodden award .cvpwded tlie : hunt\red3 who had; ti'Udged or. rlddeii^thé long'w ay from Washington, despite thè ear-; Her ; delude • of rain, to bid j the .conimonèr' :_i;hèiv own faro\yell. There, too, stood the''dou.blo rarik of iirtiilery, men frbni.Fort Méyor, caps alici: rWncoata^dark: with the watery .downpour tjirough which they haci vifaited: to form the laat escort; '-.".V' A.S the; simple service was said . the troopa,:;carryitlg only side ' *'i'nis, ;atóbd' at rigid salute until the iauglb : notea had died away over .the /gentle, wooded hilla fibout, ÌThere-was no drumming dr rifle fil'd to play last honors to the. dead. But' as the column lormed to swing away_;and the nKuirnora'tiirned back up tho.alopr ■ .' to t'ne.'waiviiiij mplprs, tho distant, muffieci i'thunder of a single 'can. :noii; shot '. Came from ; the poiit be • ZlD>r. V ¡...én" G. ■ B.roughton' Starts Movement ]''roin an ethical', standpoint S ; „ S t » r : i S " ' l i l ; “‘ J i ; T o w a r d s ; E r e c t m g M o n u m e n t T 6 B r y ^ (iaiiies. hiiyd’^'a marked advantage dyer the , big ' metrbpol itan iisw a-' 'patJ0rs;y.•;- , T he' amallor papol ), are con- ductecr by- their owners who are I)er,sbnally kiigwn to the ..people ' .\DVANCE OF SMALL ]’Al;'E!iS churches of America to join in a movement to- erect a' monument over, the gi’ave bf W illiam Jen­ nings ‘Bryan ;in' Arlington Natio- 'ind% yiheaa“men''of' Iho'coAi'mui' nal Cemetery sounded -in • Rich-' nity and read in' nearly^' every.mond, ya.,,laat Thursday..night at fam iiy ' ■ ' ' a Bryan memorial service' ' coli- ‘ The'bwiiers, editors a'nd pub-'ducted by Dr. Lon ,G. Broughton, lishers are freer to expreaa their lpaator of the F irst Baptist church honest cohvictions than tlie high- A call to the cdmbii^od Chri.4tian prófossing'belief in the Christian religion.' Dr. Bi’piightoii said Mr;-Daniels si^ould be asked,.to tiike step’s to .orgiiiiize' .the- canipaigii/ "ДAn.: i ntima1;d 'friend of 'Mr, Bry­ an, Dr. Broughton lauded v,“th.d: Christian (statesmanship’’ of the с oró ni p n e r. : He ' sa i d h 0 w a s; par- ticuKirly gratified: tliat. Mi'.' Bryan livdcl to 'see the succöas of many ly commerciaílzecí city 'press,: too '.'.W iliam '' Jennings ’Brya'n, -de-'national'-nnl'l^ba fv,n'v,. ' ‘Г'1. The amali .daily - w inding the sword of,the.'-spirit his'political Hoieats-' ' ■ ........... or ; eounti'y ftifftinat a r-lentleaa and:acoffing “ T lonk fm-Wnv,-] < j. 1. weekly that lives, up ;tp|its op- 'V.Thls^-was the inscription:; revival of religibn thrit A n iS S .iortunltles represents ;fthe standtD»’- Broughton proposed. - has ever soon 'M iil. « j « f ■, ?.)f personil'.Journalls'^ih- b e h a l f "--------eve».se«!. the.m inister said. of the community/ '''' ' '/'.The m inister suggested thnt, ,fo- *'¥[umanlv "sDPnk7iw;“i r ‘,v^ . .................. . , . N. :C., out of this Dayton row Mr BrvAs long as the small city daili- « follow cabinet niember. with '- ,7 .)s ahd country .weeklies remain Bryan; in the Wilson protfolio', be -.T . 'r, '-Won, as termed by rue to their best traditions, with ?’o<]uest^cl io act /iS cusLodlan of ' in the court house.at ■.heii; editorial^ devptecl to .eon- funds'...'njjil ifKnt nat’Onalij can- ^ “J'ton, w ill become the dynamic -.truotive nolioiea, their .'influence- launchec! r.t bjsolpaii'tici- of the’ greatest revival of religion n journaiism , ^yl^^,i}^c.rpiis ,in! by eyery ’dbnoriiination that we have'ever aeon," -'. .........................-.................. .......L ...± ::\ . / . of statement • n v n v 'flC thUtililJiöyiiUQ rwni.beJ-^’iy iS ?. ovoi fiom ,'(,voro.av le’nt oij^-.rv^'-tions are'.bused 'о-ПгЛга*^ construction j)rogress haa ,bqen arrested. It is"manifest that •thoso who ai0 acllvP in nyin.- lo anrc'id 1 Arioa, Chilft, Aug,'^3,-Genbi'All this propaganda aro the very oneav joh,, j. Per^hhigi president of'iliti whp. ORP«)SR ;iiiy ollort to liTiproyo. Tacna-Arlcn-;plebiscite ..=-.cpmmli.“ th2 -nethods of ftdminislratnn of „¡0,,, aVrlved here';this mor’ik f ,stale goveriimpnt by reduciiii-' u'c-1 on bbarcl. tho Unilecl-State,s.:crui9i penae-> whoio ,’or ih,s ,ran be done er Rochester, Augustin Edwards withojt ni]'U'v to the public ‘¡<■1'- formei president of t:^ie naawml?l> J.V. ' JU. I, 1’ league of nations, headi;of*M?,,i "Among other things- chargpcl the .Chiienn plebiscite, gi'pup. UmT'-iv-.l by those critics is that there has moaiateiy boarded tjio Roch'^atpr been .a .slowing down in road con-'welcomed General Perahirigl'^' atruction-. A few days ago l aak-t"" ' . ■■ • . ed Mr, Frank Page, chairm an,of the highway commiaaion, to give, me the facta aa to thd relative pro­ greaa in road conatruction laat year and,thia year, I-quote the following i-from vBIr.; Page's state-, ment to me, ' / Page Jilnkes: Statement, in : cpinplianbb, 'ivith; your re­ quest, I iind that there is certainly no letting up In road construction in 1025 compared with 1924, : “ /Inytho moiith.s bf April, May and June', 1924, we :paicl out on constriiction iJrojects $5,983.81. In the same period in 1925 we paid oiit S5,978,836;S5.' ; ' ; I ; "From January I, 1924 to AH,g- ustl, li)24, we awarded Contracts for construction apibunting to ,‘57,21^)77.00 and lit the same per­ iod in 1925 we awaded contract? for construction amountini^ lb ?]1„1627,919.00.’ ' In concluflion Govdrnor McLean , Í ,>wtiiLco;wia: ’'^o Arica, ’ciiilß,'Äü'f?,^3,- ' Thè Clìllpaii.,. eru.iacr ,0’i n g g i n e ^ ilrod wiluteai lo r both G en o rak i.и’.tiíjí Porshing and Senator Eclwarcls.'^‘'f;‘Íl^‘£ f e 1Щ Full m ilitary h'ónbi;s' ^wcre, jiiçp''''‘'’'W * ''SA corded'*General ,:Pershing;,-‘-;;as,-ihe' stopped on the.plor and ho-waa ac; cordecl an'yvationiby a кгкеГpor-; tion of ceeded; he ipopulatlon aa ho proi eland. •á/л 10.000 PRISONERS FREED ON BIRTHDAY OF ITALIAN; lilN a y i^ : Romo. Aug. 1.—An amne.sty de- creo ,ot far-reach 1 ng proportlona;.;, freein.g all political offenders, ;eX''’ (iept murderera and releaaing-: from the jaila prlsonera < of all ,, kinds, has'boon gi'antod/aa an .act.,.; of royal cienieiicy nnd ns a ,contri- i''-'' bution to national;pnalficrttiop on, > { ' the occasion of tho completion ^ thbi'quarter century .ro/rln,'o:P^iBrffe.|?j^^#i Victor Eiimnniiel. Tt' is ,3atiihatpd.! 4 that, betAvfion 10,000. and- ; lajOOO: ^ " чзо1'.<5р11я/м'111: lio ;affeoted; -‘ ’о Ф / 'i' ' ' ' Д '/' '''< V I''1 4,\\ Д .: « И1* ^ | M •"n ¡ ,™j"XWTJ^ t '‘1 ' P ííw 2 M-fiiy- Aúguat i5, '1336 ТНИ MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE , '■ л , .P .aglîî,, ‘ 'ò ' ' THE JtlOOKSVILT.E ENTERPRISE l!/IOCKSÏ!L[[' EHÍEÍÍPÍ^ISE -'w'™i'‘”“'” ''”'•'. : / rrj.i':xr:i“t:.:r.*;:tsi-",* ':vrrrrrr““‘'“’"'"““''*-‘'~"“-“:-‘-~ • . Д « »^1 Qf t*}»o í'ubjiHh(K| fívery Thursday at pio 1,0 ^аи U.o ..¡uul, if If í'ítür íi;ëinsîlô dofoat:fO); tuo pro- PHEWIDENT .OF FAlÌiVIÉiiS’ ^ ' i UNIUN WOULI> KNOW CANBI- iVlocltBvilie, North Cai'Oliiw, A. С. R üK K Y C U T ï l’ublïrttlHr. '• J. F. LKACn ;, ■ :: M anaging. ICditor^';V. Hiibijcriptlon U<4l(i8: Д Y w ir; Six Months 60 Conts. S trictly in Advànçe. T^ntProfl at tTipV post; office at Mocksville,' N. C., аз second-çlass metter under the act of M àrch 3, 1879. MocltHVille, N. С., Aujî. О, 1925 l'.YlOiVIJCÎO- , . .11(1): th<! , ■ As й* foil г-' > ilicUoil ill ih oxci'sn oni ______ . b 111 i 011 tvy.o:' h ii n cl I'etl mi 1110n ii 01 • DATES’ BOSS . \ I liira* nil iivariiitc of Onp-third, ovei the-Btiite/'v Ml'. Stoiie I’cviewcd hia auecos . ,., , . ;,, sill I efforts to tret n discount ofcnndul-vteforthe^ogls.;^ ispn; as niv ova-ioT"“ " ■*v, V isla—the milniifncturBrs had beoh if .he ■ever, had t offoririK ;union farniors only IS d-s history/ . : :: '^'''^/North Cardinu F nrnim V «^ cent discou.it, he said/: He richii^ f^el thfit^ those; uttOnduia ;t„|^ • " f acliivities'in which S. W.ganliiation today at St.; Matth^VH- church camp meoting;ground, two * - • suDorior. to Lincoiii, . As ai fe a r-', July: au.-'íllei-cafter Im « f!"b|ov ioi- whiit ho l,èli6ved- before p u vote .borsui^ to ; see to be the right, ilio .was t h e - ö q i i « ! - ' cnndu)?itçlor .tho¿oria- of líno.c^■.lt or^WnscjiK as an o r a - ¡ g ; ; ^ ^ i W ^ J ^ ^ tor, it ii doubtful if ’ a К ';!'-Ч thß’woVld’ ........ , M illions of> Arneric.ahs feel that their chamiiion is go n e;'T h e pii0-; lio i)liínderors w ill réjoic'e at his psvssin'g as the lifioál stubborn In ; his death, grea.te.st citizen.. will reiojce at nis VBnilcj^ was'.crCditedvfor кivl^l|?he riddance of . theii': church, camp meptinii ground^ valuable aicl without charce. Ef- 1^ HJdance of. tneli „¡,03 fvom M aideiv: "If you find ^0 place th e'o ffite of, com- ^ n erica lost he d iw s^ a sa aiy frorji some missioner of ' agriculture under “ 1 biiil corporation, leave, him nt........... ■ “...............1 big'i corporation, .leave him at |i.»_L__ ‘1. < . . . t . , w -------T ..i-x''-"**'» •>* i/v/*T\3i ,w(ji’o : condomnod as “an attempt ................ — 'to briniu; about;the short ballot.FINDS LAST ;RBSTING PLACE ;Prosident Stones’ .address: fea- As> usual they start with the far-IN ARLINGTON CEMETERY tured ^d a y ’8 ..proc9odinBs. 'Ho „.„P.,;,„ 1 . , . ...*wu«uitux , ux ilMi.ll^UilUrU unucr j rngp. cprpom pn,. jle«yo :him at tho lgovernor-s apppintivo power . ; !home;.. hp..h^as. 110»b.umnees,.trying wtfro^Wndomnorl "m \yiLLlAM; , yj^N IN G S .. BRYAN. ,to represent the poople." l^ îO :'^ I5 № p 'iT U B É R Ç U -::.-5 ^ i ' i” i ’ Vr ' i‘UT, TO w üií,k ; ' " ■ КЩЛ Before The Fall N ow IS THE TIME TO LOOK AFTER YOUR ROOFS AND MAKE THE NECESSARY REPAIRS BEFORE THE FALL RAINS START. LET US QUOTE YOU Oi^ THE NEEDED SUPPLIES. ' n . pointed to thè organized ; farm ers, n(.ííriiost. oi ufi squander our health , (cbiitiimedi from page 1) before-, we v.0“li?'0 it- Ihiii fact one had;,changed,the whole course is Ilearl.v,.brought ..to .pur .atten- o f.Jiia:iite-'aiid -led him' into, thOj--i uiiunB, »ug-i vtioni.hy» the srocent .sudden death ipinistrv;. • ; .i 'lgestihg: that'they: were prepared'¡■'.ol'kW^illiam'Jenniiigs Jiryan,;.w hilc (jvng ■' • v. ... . ,. , sj._ .. .. . . . ;hiS:.\V,itlnAV, ..\vhp;:.hn,s,;:bec— ‘‘ ’ ,;valid for. severalVj'eiirs llVinpfV' '‘Mri!:/Bryiiiv,'j;.iii' . ....... ;thpiifeht;;to,^ham;ibepnK.«firi,vi»»a<. (lead here among^^u^ od his belief th;it, the thousands Pi.'Vy.: .7 - 'hPalth, and he,w as.,'D oubtless he my witness to his,'influpnco in this of unionists w ill neVer leave the . ^yas,■,„v:fnvvhettel• •phv<■lcnl con- moMt'soleniii hbiir.”" ' blittle’froht so long .as' any" part,№,:his f9|'' ..¿h'. .. . . .......T.i„ ........................................... - ¿ - 'ol. .theinv pi'ogivarir: rem ains: un^^ nhn.<,n.nf ... . r- -vr:-,'-..............sung': anti, tne peneuiction :: saiij;; iinlsliod.' ;•,, . - y'-.-iy' f. ,Brynn' ahowfe' 'promise of hvin^ just for ;a7i,momenti the coverii^[ The heacl of the state organizi^ v: flag was linid'back'again and the tioii ;of. farmersV champiohed ^ ♦ bronze plate that had shut the s till‘■8'i;cat trinity—producting, :'mark- .canning and .. preserving feature^ from' view -w as lifted a oting, financing.” Triple.;plaiited is now ho*!<i' Our fruit iitt)e. Mi's. Bryan was rolled for-; programs';' can proudly be traced etablo crop Avill hardly_^e ward a step for one filial, fleet- to Biblical'authorltv.-' W « tvi'Aif« D, Ц. Héndricfe ,, Roiigh and Finished Lumber 'O n s Bo Sure to Attend tho Picnic' iV'cV'. 1^'' Г v,\ The seasoi ... .............iii,t;i;, iviia. jDiyun w as roiieci lor-: can prouci and rvdgetnblo crop w ill havdly.be ward a step for one fiiliil, fleet- to Biblical authority, ■'»»•.■'large,-this-; yVttr'.ia8' M'ino '.ojijier ing glimpso, then the cover_'was properly developed,‘veiirSi but. Drivio piMiT't-« «'!'• ----- •' His trinity, would trans-„ ------- - -T-— -r-— iiiB Kiliiipsu, men ino cover w asipjoperiy ueveiopeci, would trans- i’ ' years, but Davie county w ill have replaceci for the last time and the form North Carolina, bringing a ' ‘ an abundance,-if we w ill; :just oaskU tenderly raiijed by, the I veritiible era of prosperity for the'r.4, ;....... . Bnvn if: ‘: TViri-friiU «till ' • - ¿ . . . - — -_ j _i ' Юг farm ers and al the people, Mr. Stone declare'ci. . , . Presenting the trinity '(idea iij a soniewhat different pymse. tho apeuker urgt’d .the unionists to continue to insist upon adoption of the demi'iids which they had ^ - -- - i;uoiv«i, Lemiuriy ruisea uy, ' tne .save it^,"The fru it win go to waste hands of old| frienxls to be car- ■iinless tàkèn care .of at; the proper rled out into the downpour of - ; time;.' Therefore,^^^^k^^^^^ eve- rain and' set into'the hoarse. , It ry.person having any kind of fruit was thought that blinding deluge S to/ican it, or .lireserve it. A few tha<A the 'commpner was carried ^ays./ivybrk nbw.in proaerving, can- doVvn through . the city past the . nlhg and otherwise takiniJ, care of great memorials to TVashington , me ciemcnas wnich they had . ,.th c;fru it: w hich;w ill; otherwise go and. Lincoln- and oVer the I long presented to the genPnil assombly. ., to iw astei‘ w ill .mean much to any bridge „to the w inding-road that Ho would repeal ..the law exempt- fam ily :ncxtyintervW ^^ leads up to; Arlington cemetery,, luif from taxation shares of stock no longòr .plòntifuj oh the fflrm., ' Just-as the'tugging motors drew In foreign coi’pprntions: increaso ----------------the funeral, cars'up the long slope, the franchise , tax of the railroad . : Those Chicago holdu|)s the oth- the;,rain ceased. A faint, w aterj* cpr/iorations from one-tenth olM ' . or day fountV results quite dlffo- burst' óf, lig h t. camb out of thè. P^'’ cent to 1 per cent, im increaso, ' rout from w hat they evidently-ex-i w est,.the first break in the drip^ which would; yield revenue esti- pectod., Four of them entered a pinii.iduy. ilt touched, the muddy ”i«ted at^three million, dollars; Chii'ago hotel in broad o'pon-llay- tph-ehtSr pouring down the hard ,«Pl”'0P'’i«te -to . tli'o, public school light, àbPtit'S o’eJocikdh'tho nftoì'- paVed .roadway on .either :8idó';o£'joqw«l*.2«tloh^fiind;t^o,..veyqnué;dói. r.5Ìpon:,e;T he;^*usual the cllmbinir funeral, tráin. ;.moY^(l';off.'at';half:;8top\up;the:lh8t pn pi .mipportlng.rthe $2o,00q,000 .. ,yj,pV j.ç^ult'^ wliiding rise'o f thè road to .thè schiol svstem.;. ‘ t e ' ‘ij;';^ thpï.bftd;mwv':RÜ(’(idqdodMn‘ihi.kihiï ffvay Conimisalonpr of •' his -'escnpp, . T àlli Hboùt '))venV*'’ ^ .' .i .M asse« of ,Flowers, . . Agr;culture',-\y. A. Graham and "v^up sncli aóts-bf laWlo8snes8,:a fnw . .■,When, th:e ,9plidery...swuhg {iside ^ College Président rE.^;;C. . ':-,' ex:amJ>le.‘i''suchV!^^^^ to;stand: at salute, :eight non-com-|Bi’poks w as voicea by M r, Stono, . mòro tó^hrds stóppiirg' bóld' rób- miisaionedi offieers slepped' ; for-lwho strongly commendod'thomifor, bórios thaii rill thè law - éhfdroo'- ward to lift thè oaaket down' and j th^ir work in bohalf of a 'fcppiprò- ment. ' : ■ ■ - ' - carvy' it slowly toward tho tent hensivp:'schcmo the^mai-kot- ■ — i-ii- ■ ' thnt shclterod tho Br,‘ive.'T he’.wny lng,f;f fnr'm Products..- The speuk- M r s . Bryan lÿpiira ago roalizod *va;vdoubly<linòd with jjreat fiorai ; or 'ras not thinking of.tho Tri- that ; pho muât, falco caro Of her- 'oiecos .'brought ivom ..thè: church, ,^tirtpi|Po-opcrativfe assOcijitions óf : ¡BèlfHor phVsicftl'Aveaknças forc- and' among thqra -iw.ore-:tbe.'*droiS-5ti>t>»cçô J and cotton./grp-wers.; : It ' èd h er tp .bóiòji'ÎhO alcirt'"^ pin'fi wlthcrct\ blossom sithat h ad 'w as oyldont;th'at ;ho:i8 .^0t/chjam- :i f-sorvirig ■ ' :,.<ì)Ir;-;Bi,'yai;i, conit a ll tho.long^way from Ton-;/PÌonini.t^_hat ■causo,.- Ilia/idea^^^o^^,' •hO(lVtyi'';ï’obÙEit!:v:Viill ‘Ai;-■lif/.-,-.-.-'-' i-ioo^o/'n ■ ■ ' ' • ■ ' w,, .w MAI ijl -tilO ' to ji'ushvthis phn<ìo oí tHo v/ork to aucoóàaful/opération in', thè.m iirk- otin;^!: òf '/all farm tii'oduqts,' Mr. Stono said. “Mr. Gi’aham hasra body Of fino helpers in thiiî'^ivi- aiop. : Ho «Iso -haa., tho full co­ operation pf Dr- E- C. Brooks, pre­ sident of , Stato college, in this work. Now. with the co-opóratlon of the organized farm er wo w ill make of the old north .state tl.o garden spot of the world, with money enough for every, need. ' "We also W£ii\^t to call your' at­ tention ■to tho fuct-that in the past tl.io Farm ers’ union has had to .itaì^d out boldly and alone to get those needed vefovms in our gov- tirniiient.: W ell we remember tlin 1920 legislature when we cried out for equal dish'ibutlon of tho oax burden nnd for , lower aasonaod values on our lands, When the logislntiiro adjourntìd everybody was sa.ving that, wo w ere whippi;d. However, today, thoy are pointing to a. law that was passed,■'a law fur which wp fought mightly, a law w}iich 'allow s Ithe; boards of cpuhtyj.’ c.flm'mÌBaiònera tp. act up oq Ú a 1 i za ti oh boa rds to h ear c oni- plaints ' as to .ovorrValuiitipn ain't to reduc'e' the, sànió; \vhoi\ proven' to theii* satl^iaction' that tlib larixl I« ', top: highly nasoasod; This, .is inccoWllng to the report, made 'by the, state bpard pf/education vvilh- Ih the: la s t. three : months ; and publitì|iod. in thé .newspapers of the, state: r This law hhs; caiised a reduction in values' in' e.xcofl.M of ono billion two huiidrúd million dollars, an ' avorage of one-third, over tho state.;,. , “We w ill continue to fight:fear­ lessly for 'the great nieasuros which .give consideriition to 'th e farmp.r and 'vyhich , qrhbraco ,due regalò fo r the .welfare .of /all the people of; this great "state'. : 'I .ask,, ,Tj Í 1 ’ « I i/viv/wiw; Ui. i/iliO HbUlOi ' I "UflKpinning tivat cause.• ilia idea. of. ^ raii'ew -your'pledge of sup- co-oporotivo m arketing, avo along , mighty. .iii-ЬЙ ат' of different linos, ^ .’ ; ' ::' v la..rÁ ■■'- ’ ■ÍÍT-Wf '• у. .. rr.;*«-,/:».» .V hofu'ty;.-:robuflt;,,full of'Jifo: land neasofi. , ^ vigor,; no .dcmjjtioveryvpvkod-'iiin'i^ ' ryVtt tlio w ldlera-set their burden .............. ....y». ,y . , - . ;: ; ;'nr'o(.iroii8'-a S r 80tin^ seI.f, :.pp,‘i8lbIy;./priid;;littl,ò attéiitioW on ith e'»trap sth at „would ,lowor it “We. also .want ;to call your, atr mnnf T nlediro mV Oontiriiied'ief to.his dailyihabits of:éating;.ale0ni to .its.'ilast, .resting.; placo,.;:Kelsc.,fention, tp the :fact ; that in .the foi.ts’'along, that Hiio tb tliie vòrv ng or exorci.sing. So it goes. Wo nicij, tho youhg Chattanooga po-jpast,the/FarmOra’ uinion has had oC'my ubiUty zeal and de-lu v e.all'aóén'aitnlinv-.> vo.;,v,v---ii^= -■—..................... .................................................... tprmination ” ’ * . ' ■ ' ■ ••■r.#i .* '., it : n ^ ^ ,'ic.iG. YOUNG & SON * F'dNERAL DIRECTORS >-n AND EMBALMERS r "v,' ,i^ Mocksviile Cooleemee » Phono 133 ' Phone 5720 » ^ Prompt and Efficient Service *' » » , -» •» * * * # * # » ......... , ___, v.ni iii.iyo. UUMVOCIl . tllB per^sohi fjtVbng’and V)vicious.,':;He two, clergyjneni;:; Thua^ thinks . nothing of consorving his stood,. a ’ rigid reverent .aontirielj; energies.; ThervpsuU is' ho often through the 'church service .'ind it squanders: hiti hcnlth : and- dies wtfp h is h.-ind ,th at oom parativcly youngj .while - the tto t at last ironii l.ts place tb pro- orstwhilo weakling, or near inva- sent it to thb aorrowful widb>y. , lid, frequently lives to II i-ipe bid . Aivthe nipurners moved;tp their iige, ; : ' . . , plneck,;Secretary‘.Koliogg and hia ■ lh<3 bxample'- of Mr.; an d . Mrs. chief, aides from the: sfinte.dftpart- B-L'yaiV Khould cause those posBos-- ment .standing,-bareheaded at the cbnhty , commissioriers to :,sot up equalization^ bpard.s to .hoar com- ' plaints aa to bverrcaluiitibn and to red tico ,the ; sámO": when proved .to their satisfaction' that the ■land is. top highly assessbd. “This la\y,” ,ho said, “haa caused a re- 'Я11Ш s iiM iir a iii ашшипаппшпнши ■ Red with robust health lo stop and' '.think and, start the habit of coii- servnfion. ■ " : |j'* I'cv/ gcDorations in;a nations -hia'vory arp blessed’ with .such a 'iiowerful. pori on ilitA aa;.wa»,‘ Wil-,' ., ■ liiim ,Jcnninj5s iiij in ::.,vvhO'died : suddenly iii , Dayton.' .Toiini, : last S-utidiiy ,afternoon, iris"lifo;'hs a: v.’holc , proved ,:him to , have'; .lieeh' u big man, but the grejitest ;prpol' ■of liis :dorhinatiirg charuetor was the- fact,', that,, dol'eatbdV for th e presidency . in .:Ì8!)0, ho continued tp.dominate, the-demaci'atic party. Deieat;ed,:,a second time, and yet he remained the outstanding lead- • ,er, defeated it third; timo, he forc- ed himaeti, by the power of; his pe)'.sonality,- to ,a place of loi;lder- ship in the councils of his party, : despito tho'efforts of...those who would have f-oen him shelved, lib ref used,to “down,” although ;many i * *i l'iitìrt powerful men of liis party and the ' t'l (M) ,. w eight of the democratic prb.s.s ,, ;\i) thb iiatibn,' wore , bitterly op- ijilA fri'f'i'.viijipsed to his leadership. No oth- ! er American lias ever been able to monsui'o.iip to that record. In fact, Henry Clay excepted, no can­ didato haa ever been able to main­ tain a place of party loadership ntrance to'th e tont; shelter, 'the bancV played softly, “Lead Kindly Light.” Then Dr. Sizoo prohoiinc- ,od the short service and gave place to jtho ;Rov. ;br, G'aprge 'R, Stu.'irt, pastor,,o f. thiv-Firat:;M e­ thodist church, o f: Birmhigham, Ala., who prayed , with ,:^reakinsr yoice for God’s blessingi bh an old time friehdj Come to': liis last i.q. 'w ard,, ,■; ■;,: : ‘JThank God for his valor to support tho causes th a t; needed his,' support.” the m inistei’ cri.ed. T’hei benediction fpllowed. Then “taps.’f; ririging from, tho biighvr that ■ called tho : last sweef, fare- weli to the ;Uhknown Soldier, sleeping there. ,iu?i ovor the hill and: to Woodrovy '\Vilson, resting in a stone crype'in the,grbat cath­ edral' looming dimly; thi'ough the haze on,:its high,ridge far beyond the city. ...;i ; ,, W illiam Jennings, Bryian had en­ ded his lon.c" ¡;fe;j.iburney,'.:; . THE;^ HQ'USBKEEPBRS: • OP Mocksville that'can accomodate any of the visitors during Stockmen’a Reunion Aug. 25, 20 and ,27, w ill kindly oblige ,, by lotting : it known to W. Raloigh Clement. It, pd. | ': FRIDAY AUGUST 7th IS WINSTON- - . ^ SALEM’S SEMI-ANNUAL DQLLAR.'DAY BE SURE THAT YOU CALL ON LASH- / . MIT’S ON; THIS OCCASION. ■ ' ' ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ ^ ' ' M , ■ ’ Simmons Beds . “BUiLT FOR SLEEP” ' ■ ^ •' ' ' You will find a Simmons Bed here to suit you. Two new styles just in and the price is less than ten dollars. Springs and Maîtresses ' Mocksvilj e tïârcî ware Go. t O T f .‘Ж Е GALLON МАКЕЙ 1#0'; ARE YOU A CO-OPERATOK? Llfo^liisuranco la co-operation. If you w ant lo inauro your life for $5,000, you must put (!|i5,000 in the, savings bunk right;now , for you niight dlo tomorrow. But in Co-opera­ tion with thbusnnds of others,'j^ou can invest; a sm all an- niml Slim and'hayo the ?5,ООО protection for as many years '■•■'" jia-ypir^vyish. . Plnep you inauraijco money with a ^ountl, home company, уод co-opcrate then with yo u r neighbors. Their money and yours is kept invested at home, vvliero it.aaaists hanking and Teal estate deyelopmerit nnd thus beneuts tho Avhoie com- munity. ■■,'-'(i," ::i ' i '''' ' There is a more personal feeling, too in dealing Syith a , company near you,, as, for ihstanco, the Piipt Company, bf Greeiisboro. It has no ambition to lie the largest company ., in the vvprld, but has constantly aimed to be, and is, one ijij V pf the safesti mp,'?t siiccessful, most serviceable to its policy- lii ■■',’holders. I INSURE TODAY WITH T H E ^ ' .;. , ' MVIE BEAl estate; L p & INSilRANCE CO. AiGENTS, PILOT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY | ONE LOT LADIES’ AND- CHILDREN’S STRAP- : PUMPS, PAIR . . . . A ll R e g u la r S to c k R e d u c e d ]F o r T h is D a y . O n ly J. L. LASHMIT 417 North Llbarty St. , WiiMtoD-Sal«^ N, C. V FORTY-SEVENTH ANNÜAL M asonic Fteoic CLEMENT GROVE, MOCKSVILLE, N. C! ■ Thursday Aug.j 13th, 1925 ■',•■- '. r ',. ANNUAL ADDRESS BY REV. CHAS. C, WEAVER, D. D., . . , . , ■ 'i-, ; OF,WINSTON-SALEM,.’N/C.-'; 'i ^ ,i,/,;J A GLASS OF ORPHANS;rROM OXFORI^ ORPHAN’S ' .i ■■"■i'i ‘-'-'ii.-,'' ' HOME : i'i; ,;i A FINI^, DINNER, REFRESHMENTS AND VARIOUS ' ’- AMUSEMENTS,;';,' COME JOIN THE THOUSANDS >yHO WILL BE HERE. I 'g e t r e a d y f o r t h e 47th ANNUAL PICNIC—SEE Poges 4-S ‘-..I I/- -FAliivi: CONVENTieiN ■ DiiOLAK^: E^ SUCCESS S„,,.,toHu^, iu ly :150:-A-pbrsbn; ;-Rnlei;rhi'Au;rust ■ s._-rh t 'tlie . Raleigh," A iiiuaL' twOn^: t’l'« '»ntl .to work and inBtead (.v-third annual , convcnLlon , of „1 , ".Yiuciufl that he haa tuijoicu- oi i-Jt'urIng returns from u ccrtaiM farmers and farm women wlii-.-h inuat ;giVo,;Up ,wpr)£;.and,,iaho, aroai,ior , f)i tho: yeai-'m i't at''Stntb;-:ColIefrb: la8t;;:Ai'(iek |.c;i(mont,,,;.pr;: soon,,,uo .■will. tho,. fullWas declarbtl aVauCceas .'iJy^^'thp ' ■ '■',,:lMdihg.:'farmci%' yAKE.ÍRONUX TO CONQUER , NERVOUSNESS jjp n 't: Let'.Lacli , of Gonfidcnco, íNfcrva; Í^rce and .'Vit!’^ m crsjwno aii-enaeo.., ' a P itiful Weak lin g ; I'ei'lHtorod at tlio -^^“Pondcht, me'htcilly,' or physical- i,p|.,.Uloais,!, . v,.„ , xi.«x-; uuu.S,; ;:.OÍ!.thÍníhüáhí'*^^‘í^^’ Tiilierculoaia.in the lungs ia .ua- mer has more land than he haa or nearly GOO were-womem....V ' - e -9W Ty .to acoomplmh thinga ................... .................... ............. " “ ’‘•'-‘"'<=°l>^o^iniriir iihll'fb^^^ of about: 1,000 gueat3rat ciibh m b h i% ^ -^ J¿ * ^ ^ ^ at ri .coat;to;: the'; Visitbi^:^oi: ;dlf-,.„„1 : ferencc:.a few .daya;,uae^vill make 1 TlU)CiiXUIU010 lii Vkiw ...... I«|jy chron|c.,;'ani}' iMig dniw,n;bui;:/moiioy. " ¿(¡'Vaya'^taxor"^ Saniitonum- treatm ent and; proper land for tvvelve months in’ the lionut care nl.ter leiiying the anna- year yet much of tho liighbat pi-ie- |lo).iiim, and intelligent, selection od farm land in the State worka’ ’ -......-- .iLI|tOVi’>nn, UUU liiiciiiisw.iu , -................................... of work, w ill cure .the m ajority only aix montha” 'stiliw o rae "thie l«l't and .medium casea, and , land ia damaged by Sts winter va- ¡onw aeemingly hopel)3aa onea.; cation.” iix months is generally the short. ‘ . Mr. B lair states that it is en ,ie in which a patient may tirely feasible to make North Igniuiy be retiirned to active life. — >- There ia no medicine that will Icure tuperculpaia. Patent medl- Caroliua form landa • Work the year around and give good returns while doing. 80. The way to do claim ing' to cure the, disease I this, he states, ia to plant another, Л. i._ _ • «.•illuni- л-Р /1»4ппа in ♦•Viri ínll oífo»« fVin ишкшы oiiiiiiBtiiEici nftQimiaiii eiiiiiziiii rainito шс наш 'i о.» й№в( 1шшл.аш1в(|111в1!шв1»||,‘ t i ; у;А] ' ' i"' ï l « • •I 'frt il L O .O K ’ ) / ceiits per meal and aprved.i^od', ij lf yoi. ;:are‘;hervous .hbcauae of fare, we 1 cooked and aatiafying. ^^,r-work, worry or lack of ’prop- The whole tenor ol the Conven^^.j. „oi„.|flhment or rest, the amaz- 1 r ing value of Burcher's Ironux dent L C. Brooks sounded a note pitself to your ijtmoat t tv? ^'’""’‘" ‘^ satisfaction in less than Ms hoursn the S ate in his opening you'U know for sure why dress and the aame thought was „» +vn,_ „„„ !<.carried forward in thO n iL y dis- of other iolka uae it cusyiona anti talks which follow-'; affections of the Nervous $ 1 .0 0 IliJ tu MUIX: VJIC, V4*.;JVM«W I -...w, _____^ nrp fnkes... Only right living will act of crops in the" faii,'afterth e ed. . ■ - - ---------------c“''<= regular crops.nre mature nnd let Forsyth Co'unty won the allvnr POor blood, i[ pusaible, a sanatorium is the ¡this ndditioral aet grow during I loving cup for having the lanreat fever, m alaria, loss of ap-' plnce to go in order, to get well, the winter. number of farm ers reiriatered confidence, sleep- But it is not imposaible to get W inter cover crops give returns having traveled the gr^'atest num’ ^s^sncss, exhausted vitality and «•cll in the patients own home, in five ways, states Mr, Blair, ber of miles. Hyde came second "'c«'^"es.s—the use of Burcher’s“ • . .. m i...........Ml —............. j,,.„ — n„,| Pnnnnntank third. Ironux is abaolutely guaranteed ' WHAT ONE DOLLAR WILL BUY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY V , 50 Pair §2.00 .’i'ine Silk Hose For Women In Cci'.'irs, Dollar Bay Only.,,;,,.,;..,. ,,.. 200 Pair Fine Shoes for Women, Some W liite, Black, Brown and Black Suede’s, 34.00 to 57.00 a Values, Friday and Sati'lcdny • I 'J ■ '-1'' I , ONLYi per pair..................................... . ^ ■I BE HERE FRIDAY WITHOUT FAIL ' I SIMMONS SHOE STORE WINSTON-SALEM, N. C; Кпишешячпяшиашн)Ui ‘ K iK m ia iim iM iiiiD iiiia ix a iiin iiiia iii' SUl«;i Y.o.v... — ----------- patient gets out of bed. When the aymptoma of tubercu­ losis kave dlaappe’ared the patient must contim:e to take care of liim- seir itis disease is not well, but wliiit doctor.» .apeak 'of as an '4m'- pi'ovcd" casi . . In ' oji'dcr to make arrest a final cure, ho must continue to take good care of hini- seU’ for a number of years. In climate arjd suitable aanato- liiim, a person becoming ill with tubei'culoais in North Carolina liiH unusual Opporrunitiea for cui'(> within his o\Vn State. Tho mmint,Tina,and the aniidhill coun­ try offers a wonderful clim ate foi' tlio cure of tho dinonae. Tlio Stillo Sanatorium cares, for ;l’82 wliite piitienta and GO colored ■ Gi.illff.rd, OiHiilt''hna',a mo- (Inni, woll-en,vipppcl,;pcunty напа^ toi'ium,: : Mecklqnbiirg' is buildinti ono, and -a n,limber;:of ptho),* coun- tlea arò 'planning to; biiild tsana- torium.' In tiio nipuritalna and tho Ran'JIhiil section;thero;’,nro a numb- 01' of priyiite. ¿ah'iitprluhla;fbr, tho cni'e’: of thpeo caaes ' whoi cip:, not .;gb;;;tp/;statb:.:' òr’ :cbu inaUtiitiPiia. ; There is ho iiocd; of nny pprs.pn :.ill with' ‘tuboi'cuio'aia in Mbrth' Gnrpljna going : West tp sock a cure. ' ' ' ' TO STREiyG’i ' ! * « .;, ЛiWt<'ENSfe OF THE PACIFIC A t ONCE tion on any problem affecting tho farmeta. ' . Officera for the coming year, for 'the men are i ' Preaident, Drl S. H. Croclior, ^'ilsoii. County; first vicc-presidcnt, E. D. Weaver, Bu iicombe County: Second vice- president, V Tom Griffin,' Bertie County and Secretary-treasurer, J. M. Gray. .For the women, the following cinnr yioKi 01 inipii m-iiuu iiii.v were clected;.President, Mrs. T. which may be cut at a time wheii Dickens, Fran.dln County;' - . -TV'Tt.ia T ..R helps to prevent the loss of soil and plant foOct by erosion. Third, the cover crop when turned und­ er w ill add more • nitrogen per acrc) than is ever likely to be ap­ plied at one time in commercial fertilizers. A. good crop of vetcii ■or crimson clover will furnish more nitrogen than 300 pounds per acre of nitrate of aoda. Fifth, cover crppa w ill furnish, an abun­ dant yield of ^high grade hay of feed WniL'II Hm.y UC <v VXIUV3 i , . » 1 1. i\T..«tho farm is apt to Ц getting ebort 'vice-profli(len^ \^^^^ 102nd YEAR Of ” JOHN líOBÍN-^ ' • SON’S . eiK cü g .Toini Rohinapn'a' Circua, the earth’s oldest “white top” ia com­ ing to Winaton-Sal,em for nfter- iiobn; and night iJOrformancea on P’rida.'/j; A iigust 14th,; and ciI’cua; lovers of tliis vicinity are looking I’brv/ai'd with great liitorest to the .'ippparaiice iif tliia; cbnimunity of ;hifi fr.'mbua old circus.-; ' ‘ :For tho' 1025 tour, the ;102nd in the history; of thb 'prgaiiizritibn; John ;R 0bini brt. has,;' arraiii^ed a program tiiat Isi bulabiipg ; Over witil .fbaturofj;and;;extraordin'iir^^ pumbera, ,:Ei'om thp Pai*:;. /East, Eui’ope, South America and from iirnetleally every.: ,'cb'untry and Turr>er, Rockingham County:' ae cond vice-pi'esideht, . Mrs. I. P. (-Hod,'.’'es, Beaufort Coiinty: record; ing abcretary, Mrs. ;E. P. , Pago, Mecklnifbtii'g Cntmtv, nnd, aecret- pr,v-trp.'i,st'.for Mif'S Paulino Smith, rti'itrict iigoi't of the ;extpnsion e^evvico, Waahingt'oii, N. ,C, ' KEEP TIIE MILK CLEAN 'a n d COOL P-B-S Brake Relining on FORDS a 30-MINU'rE SBRVICE, Without Removing Transm is-' untv" ' Cover J, s’ l Costs No Alore the First Tima and Less the Next Time WE SAVE YOU TIiVIB -AND ■ MONEY ON ALL RE- i , 1 LINING .rOBS . Authoi'iiied Service St.'itioii for P-I!-S Quick-ChaiTge Trahs-/; mission'Bnnda. Brnke Band IleliivCd Sopaintbi.V —,Anytimo— : Queens College 'CHARLOTTE, N. C. ч'' .- .Raleigh, Aug.ust. ,'5.— During liHim'mer riiorithB, ;mnhy. dairymen lo3e/icbnsideriiiblo;'money;:bbcau,se of imilk Souring,,s^ that it cann’ot j ' bo sold as swept,,'triilk but; mus^ hb ,mado i htO| ”buttei' 6r . ufjed ■ i ij | ;otilior''H'aya; ' W , h - ■ ■', “Milk; ia; natui'e’p’ moat ;perfect i . , ifood,” anyn John A.,(Ai'cy, dairy practically every,-country _ and (extension specialist for the' State clLmc, p.iirforraors .and .,iinirnals,(;,j,,,-y ^ ILL!; Mil ¡’81 CO. MGC^KSVILLE, N. C; A HIGH GRADE INSTITUTION FOR TIIE’ - ^ EDUCATION of' YOUNG iWOMEN ’I'j-.,’- ' í'jK « _ф.. □ D;аа )ViiHhlni''i:ohi Àiif.;. l.—Tho long (lobiyod hro,1ect of> ^trenitthcnlnti Piidl'ie 'Conift dofpnae, b.v .placinit n nnmber pi tho most modorn. long niiige riflea nt selected poaitions i.s Mi)proaching nctunK execution. Tho \v;.ii' dopartment ìa conciud-, injr arrniigenieiits by, vyhic^i pno; of thè post war 14- linch coiiat lartilv loi',v modola, mountod .pn a railwny cai".i,age, 'w iii be ;Eont ut an early , dntij l,p ,st; base in: tlrn. LoH Angole.i, n,'iìiftu'nia; ;co.;!8i;;,dofon.se 'di.strlct, )V'',l,uU)!y,':ih,,ihe ylcln’H.y:of ;S!'.n Pn.- (li'o. ■ ' Oth.br Wir gun’s nr'e : expected to b(i 'moved 'griujually ,to,,.\yefl uiiim;, J VM «»»V.4.... havoifepen imported, a n № w ^aj'c^niiqbtbd ' with its- alw ays f/o^n Robinson- ></111 give j ^ j j 'he best c reus pii'iorinnnco that- ^^¡„j^- auinoy-and brains can ;<3agomblo., . . , ;. , Such; noted'trainerg of i;ho atool' ai'ona a 3 ;Capt. /RicnrdO, ,, ; Nellie I iibtli,: 'riibo Schrobdoi', ’ , Ijoi'raine \” a.'lad<v''iVlr,'jc ’ Weaver,'Mar,TOrot Thympsoh, Bob Thornton, Dewey SUV/ANNER ' ' \ COUNTY, ГLOïгU>.^ germs or orgiinisma in milk when it ia fre,4h!y drawn from healthy cowa and thè secret of producing clPo.ii; milk ia,4p .keep. ali dirt' and. byctei'iii.frdm'jgettlng into it while, ii.jwii,'..,,.., *...~ and ,,then : tb :cQol , tlie Th.tl'3r,':and :ctho!'s will:^end;then' miik immedlatoly.’’:' i ■ . i ' i oh«i'.Grcs^thrpugh. ..'emarkable rovi- д,. , tinea.' One,-ot thè extvaprdinary, cr.„i/,nient: is nbt ; ; necesshry to' produce 'iciean' inilk; ^ The. ataKe ni yiMtti^; ;tjif,,.;^n!y;: ;wr?sth^in ¡a be:clenn:und'4Yell.-lighted. t,geiv.ni^the,uniyeri,e,;.wh!ch;wi combat in..:a -reguhitloir bout-\vil:b{^j,^ l^^^, - f thb coW, sho; ahouìd FACTS АКК yA L U A B L E .; Bi'ight.'Leaf 'robacco;.gi:o,\vn Dy W., И, Lyle, in Suwannee (. '0Ц n ty, i FI or i d a,' a ii с ti onod ofi at Alliance. Warehouse, Viddos: til, Ga., brought ii!36.75 per 1 undi’od.. ;^;Appiibxiinateiy; 15. "onts per poitncl; higher than ^ any other tobniico on the flo'br. W piuloi'fulop))ortunities ;for tl.e home^eekei; an'd I’armpr.' flao excellent .Poul'try and,Live Stock country. Cotton, Corp,' i’.tsuma.; Oranges, Grnpes, Pe-: Cans, Ppl^topa;:;\Vater: Melbiis,- VoKetribl6fj;,iare very ;p'rolific;: "■ l\I6''t'chHrthinK;clitn,atp,in.the;. world.; ,L^ne.^x:cel!bd living cbn- dUions. 'Splehdid railroad faci- iitip s.i;'::''■•:■, • Fai'ins: Hri'c].'acroage; at reaso­ nable prices. A cbmfoi'tablo in­ come haaured. Cf^ah for youi producta.: in the Land of the '''imnim , ;“Suw)ipiiee River.’' Contentment and . happiness ro- l«n here. Illustrated litera­ ture’ sent free, .i ' W rite to L .I. WILLIAMS ' - of Commerce ^ T,ivp, Oak. Florida Mis.o.AVallaco.. ,,:ïlic,:■regular circua . fenturoa and nct.4;,will also h|iyo ,prprainont positions, bh; the lehiithy iîrogram. ,l''rom Chin.a ;,\viir';comp.;^thb, Sing- Sin";.;.Tnng,ns'ai,troupe,'from Mexi­ co, ;;the’;fáinoüa; 1\1ога1са Family, from - Austria, the Iluily ’Rudynoff :Pnniilÿ:bf;‘Equb3trlaha,; from 'tho Argbhtine, Spiibrita, ‘Pbidad, the demure and.petite wii'c-ai'tist.' and: ail btÌier; bbuhtrioà: wiil..havo: re­ présentât ioii;¡iv, thé "di-'oasing tenta bf;:.íbhn‘;Rpbinspn;’': : GhHvh allbj'iivill havb n contin- , ........... ‘v: ;Uhd, ípid. - jt ; .'.N iir; lie a. cmnpletp ánit'pérl'pc', pei''f(ii'iii[;hce in évf'irv ,«-'а.у,а.1м1 Jí.hn J;.ilw'naon ,wiI] .'f,;! r fi 'real ; Roman ÍíoI iday in oveiy i'Or siject.-': ['У/у'-'У' NOTICE! leapi : .^o,; aliould ,' the ;; tho\m ilkers.: A il, ,'<{0п be kept cleap. handa,;:pf,; tho\... tainera,,used;in;:hándiing the; fluid shpiild.;ije, .of im etai ii.ixcl; thc:' c'oin;', ora 'fillbd;'With colder, yo'.'.'thrit ; no, -Jruvlc.çà',: is',left, for milk;,,te-lodge ■ a.hd ;abur.;Thpse: cpntalncr3:sh9uld : lie/fiif'sti ’rinaed, ; :tiien ; iscru^^ with a,';g'obd ;wi>shin'g pbwder, ;aft-,; or .v/hich ahb^hbi' washing in bbil- 'njr'V.i’^cí'/alnVuld iie'/^ i, V ;. TJ^e milk; shpiiId be ; cooled ; iinr •iediiitoly;;aftei';: milldilg, : atatbs : Ml Al cy.!; liiexpensive'. côoling •igg'ód j сдцдет So Weak x Goiilèiiì Slarad’ ' "My wife's liciilth brolto ilown and tor years bUo wiih Just a phyBloiil wreck,” вауи MK Thomim Olynn, of Gib- .eofi, Ln. “Wo did ovorytlilng ' we Icnoy, yot Bho enc'inort to* ! - got woiîo and 'woriie; Sho .was Я0 weak till и1ю couldn't Bliiiui, ond Jtrnd to bo cniTletl llUo n baby, It Idoltod Ulta notlilng would Bávo her that had bocii dopo. , ; '’ ; Christian. Idcrtla const'i\ntly held boforo;:;tho:Studentaj' ' - Christian, Charactera -in the ' chnii's of- ench‘';\DiipaiHmontj i .Christian Atmospheve.-pi'omoating the:Student I^dy,'-I . ' ‘ < ' i , > ^ "'f,'' ' ’ ‘ Location, tho very best: Myei.s Park, Charlotlo. Equip-' i mont meets •Btflndardire'quiroment3;:':'Gurrlculuni...equal’'-to: ;,that of .;any ihstitutioii in the’State; ,- .'Expon,3Qs; vel7 ,';modo-:' .: rate indeed, considering advantages ,,offorod''and wor)c ;d0T}0;>'.'; .,. p u r M o tto :“Christian':Women'for.Ghristlun-Homos, I i ^ 4 Send ua your; daughtei*,-auppo^'t- ua^:!in ;oi\rt.administration wf and I instruction, iind wo w ill return a;thoroughly.; doyelopodi'’i\:, ' ' I ' f ", and fully refined Chris^tian'woman."; For catalog and other information, w rlto' .: : i У 'Ш : r | ® l w m dairyhib'n ,;who; fil'ip;- a 'vyhpipsale: riiirjcet .’shbuld u se'a ' I felt jacket: to ;;i..'( ep :,’thp..;milk cool 'wiiile, In trf‘niiit.;:;'’.If,' ',the.'.j:icketi cannot 1.0 had,Va good burlap brig soaked f T watcn'.Will fill thb heed. LET Utì IJO YOt'K WORK Having qualified' aa’: executrex oi Jacob Shphf, deed., notice, is hereby giyeh to all persons hold­ ing ciaima against said estate to present thb в.^те duly verifieijl to the undersigned for payment on or before tho 6th day of July, 1926, or thia notice w ill be plead in . bar of their recovery. All peraona indebted to said estate are requested to mako im­ mediate payment. This the 6th day of July, 1925. ■ MRS, LIZZIE SHOAF ELLIS, Ext., of Jacob Shoaf, deed. E. L. Gaitl\pr, Attorney. 7 9 6t. I For Female TíOüilles . . ‘t tioGnn ilpoklhii .around. I ; knoW; tliul Cnrdnt.wiis for I'/o- inon. : l.idòolded- io try It for : I hor :ns< nil óIbo; hud fallod. :; -Sbo (jonldn't enti‘uho Jsouldn’tj sloop,; ; «nd I wus ; dosporate, , : 'I'Attor tnltlng.'ii tow ‘ddaps’ . ot Cardul, wo,;wnrp: so glad :t6 nótfl that oho -w.nntod Boiiio- thlne to (.■at,.:nnd:.wltli oaoh ; b it ot iiòurlalim énti and ouoh , day's j;tìoàos of; Cardul; iihis .;grp-\y.:BtroiiEór!niùreot lip but of bed. ' Sho :1s now able tb cook, and stronger than In a long tim o." : :,,.,, . Cardul'1ms boon In.suoooaa- ,.ful uso ' for notti'Iy 50~yonrs; ;;in thtf treatment of maiiy coni-, mon temalo .troubles. ___ A ll Dnigijists|______g.ics___ \ tnp F7n tlC!l El DMig IfKttk pBLW.V.'f-VTTryi'l i * -K- «•-laKed n warerj'wiii 1111 tno ПИОЧ.. • „ "If such simple preçaiitiohsVns « If you want the ,best^ ¿ hese '1 re bbaCrv'cd,"' 'anya• Mr. | :niádo,, ubo Mockaville a ■,Best \rey,^ ^'thöre,:-a; ilio ,rcaab n .:,w h y■'tbere is.,no better. 1 1 ^ ¡ filli- l'.ie fr ii% :liiictori;t ;may not ,^a;j,'ket,;. If you want^he'Solf.i, , le, pi'ii ui-ed .“¡ici .^оШ.’,'- ;, - :v , ,| •':iîi-4ipg..i„womake . Over-,rhe,.* J.— ■ -._i_ !» Ton!’ the bi'and that Can’t be F ir s t Q u a lify G u a ra n te e d Tires.' 30x3 Casings 56.75 each 30x3 1-2 Casings $7,50 each . , 30x3 12 cord Casiniis $8.00 pacb *' ROBEKTS HARDWARE CO. " ' W inr"'-’ ..... 0 _' __________1 ______. . ' i f , Î B, ' ) 'AVILtllAM IL FRAZER^ President l''i'l ’ s Pnv.4nn ' ^ ,v: IВоч 300 Charlotte, N. C. ' ’1 I,, Ш'» .............f...................i-fVnTÂ-illf ЧЮ /t v'W Î 3 ' " 's' ■; ........... ;'" '■■■ -■■■■■,■'"■'......... ......... ito ww(iBwirfiaw a^Blwp»!ataaiiiB»pitwiw ^- --f-. ni rniiAi'. •riiri1lVni‘¿i^iV»»l>Mmin»wlÍll^'Í«llW«iV.PW;illiwiW№WUW¿WW>M'^»M-TrwinOTn-'fWÍlWyMM¿MWIM¿HW y ■‘■■Y’' f f Sjii:ia¡iiitaiiiiraiiiiiaiiiiraíii¡E|.:i¡!Wi;nii¡ÍEdíiiifaÍ^ / í f _j A.' progressive newspaper, published' ii^ :n prpgross¡vp state, :.’ for n progrefiaivo pooplo.:^' ' ■.-•v"- ^ . .. : , \V¡th a record .of: service and :achisvcmenI;.' in Uio pífst;■,.wO't yun t you to kno^'|V also, of: our, plans foí' the I-futuro;...E ffort ;- and money will, not be: atinted in'glving yoo.a woll^balanébd, new»y,„viriie,: dependable daily'paper; doctor,.;,iawyeiv buai-.; ness m an-or'laborer,; iyoh^ w ill need : this " newspaper for < !^1, , a'll thp ppoplo,” , ,* „ . Independent.in politics,’ or policy calls. /or,.fuH>ai^cí;:unbias-‘.. (>.d newa, and views touching all questions of ' into'rest to . thp ; ■; general' public and the state’s .pro^rbss and •\yelfnro.::;..Á/‘Í wondorful growrh .in circulation each year is our aasiurahcb’y; that, moro and more,,tho -poople-,who think for. thomsolvos are turning to an independent newapaper.> Subscription rates, are as:: low. as the , present day ,cost;;pt:;t publishing such a;newspaper permits. : : : , ; . Six months, daijy and Sunday, H50:^: . . v; Six months, daily only,; $3.50 : Samples on requoat. .- : t. Top!' tho bi'and that cah’t be ■*‘' beat.. Our flóilr, meal and * * ahip àtuff is; on siile at all thè ^ ‘k'adihg grocery .stores. . 1 * * HORN-JO;)INSTONE COMP’Y ■"■ ' / ¡\IamifaCtureray. ■'*■ ^ That good kind of flour Mockaville,: N. C.* ■ # * «; « # , * # •GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS ^ GREENSBORÓ/N. C. i : ' .' ■. !■ ifMiiMiHiiw»iw.'i«w»M»»w»iWBwwM»iiBiiMiMiMa;wB;iiiniiiiiaii»iiii!iaiii.'aiii|iiiiwi(iimi»iiiita TOm ' Tarheel aaya ,the thing he likea about' club work is' that- it* • ' ‘ .iVMVVIW . Read the news for inforir.:.tlpn— ean. ed hia boy; to want, to .go to îho oda for profit. 'College. ' « ■# # n # * » » ♦ » * * IF you want 100 per cent pure * Food, cooked right, and aerv* ^ * ed in ah up-to-date way, oat * ■* at » GRIFF’S CAFE, Icb сгеащ and cold drinka » # » » # » » * # # ■ # » BAXTER BYERLY, M. D.» ______ * Office Qve'r Drugj'Siiore. Of- fico Pliono No. ;81; Raai-,:;^*.: * dehco No.;:25. * '■ * c o o le e m e e ; N .;a. : < 4t » ......... s' it X .' ì'у « í ;?• • ' Í ' 1.1, / / . ' ^ г г л Í ¡. I',/ i '■. ’/'■■f' V ,. / . í' ' H tiid'- f ,•> í,<< t <ИЛ' í t ?«" ' £ íí2 ll!á L l¿ÍL U ''i> ^ '''-' • t " y Í V / ' , ‘Л “ ;t, \ >p ‘ b V ^ >'' ! 'fr>J К ........; : : : . , v : : i ' i : : ; v ; S s Z ^ E 5 S 5 i H E ^ 5 5 P ^ ^ ^ ' " ............A-,.УМ.,l < : ä A , ij,..,,^,..~r¡ t '. i'- ^ Ш ' < ' ■ ‘ '-r ll I ' I ' J ‘ ,, - * ' l l l’, , 1 I ) , ' . ,!'■ <>1 . ^ , l J \ •' >• '' " , ^ ‘Ic. я ,• > - n ^ ' , . ' '>:.J,^;^hui'tfcÍíiy,'4Álígust G ’iB-r¡iur.MC1tfy7iAuguHbG,-1926.i: ...........' ................ .. ... d ’‘4i ‘ í ’ Л Гч\ ¥ ж ■Л .Ì s ,^;31м1Л'Ш1Ич|И||#Мй11ШШ}М1|11м*М1Ш1«||а1Ш||||1ь*1Л11111а1111Ю1'|1ю1К1|вшиД ■ '-'1 V'Tiíj MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE. ■• ■ ■ .......! b r taíf'e &•V,? f e штаШ» л/. <SJP j'-;'|,v',r Wéli Meet'You At The Picnic L/' V. .-..-..NV, .. M-' .■'• i/ ." I -V ' ' Л ’ 1 *, I A l l --i , ' v'.’Ai^>uu 1 . • ......^ . .... V;........,.».1............I. . ..-. t’, - 'ЛГОТГД Г',' Íi"í''> ' ■ ; , V 'í Í : 5 n f í - i l ''í . , ? v / I [, V' r f í 4 , W 'л ©AY' Y fv' |’5‘ SPKIAIS e ^ -J V-, i ^ \ 'y '\r- r ‘i Í ,/ 'I ' '' ;i*4< ''‘ : м ш т .,'Г 'i C o m - f ; I n - A r i d i | I è à r . ^ ^ ' ■ ' ^ ■ K atest^-R éco rds*.'''’**'"'*™'*'''' ' •• .................................................. >*' '■У' 1 'I' Ш1 t i i ^ :í:;- | p p Í é s ¿ ^ e y '- :a r e .b e a « t ie a ;r Í 3 u t ''t Í ió iú o ^ ^ í our ^shóes are ,in the xiuality;^ ■■ ■ ^ The proof of this statement is in , the wearing. Our new v^hoès for fall are now arrivinff.. Come to our ‘ ¡ store and let us have your shoe'w^orries. ;!:o ÌI»É # N E 3 ;& pENTRY'v;- У Ш Ш ё М . ' вГ ./:v % Ш >íí vf :■ ._ _ THAI “SELL'f:OR LESS/’ IT’S 'BEOTER:’^ Wi GIVE FROM DAY TO DAY’t HAT^IIASiMADE OUL STORE SALISBURY’S LARGEST AND BEST DE- ■PARTMENT STORE ,: : Uoin TAFFETA— laffelii Silk Bro...N, Ulue, ^1. I{liiu-I51k.— , ^ [$1.!)8 Spec. ?1.00 |361n FANCY SILK ancy and FiKiircd'Crepc ?l.r.() Spec. $L00 / ' BELK-HARf^V' GO. ■ 4PH0NES n , 1016 ajjtl 187 . H' >i ,> j# ?,% % ífS T O N ;áA L E M NORTIbCAROLINA'^', ...v.Vi;;,-, -SGin FLANNEL— Stripe and Check -Flnnnel ilue-:!yds., fOT $1.U(). ...... FLORAL VOILE Il'liH'al Figured Voilo. Big 1 of proUy patterns 4i) |0c value. Uyda for $1.00 UNDEKWEAR ■ If Ladle’s Silk and Nnin- ’edtlios and (¡owns, values to S1.98. Spec. $1.00 IIUOWN SHEETING - !c viilue—10yds for $1.00 (ÍAZE MAKVEL ¡52in Gaze Marvel Fast Color Tissue. (5l)c value. 3yds l't|r $1.00 ,___>■....>--------------------------------- 2nd FLOOR , Laclle’B^‘Silk Hose Lot of Ladle’s Silk Hose, all Llglit Shades, all Sizes, $1.00 vahies—2 Pair for ..„,...$1.00 S IVIILLINEKY DEPT, $ .All Liulitì’s Summer Iluta I Trimmed and Untrinimed llatS; value $2.i)5 to $7.í)ñ— Special ,.,..,............................$Д.ОО BUNGALOW APRONS nuns'alow Aprons,. Gingham and i’ercale, $1.00 values 2 for . , .................!..'$1.'00^ -, SALISBURY, N. C,i LADIE’S SILK HOSE Lol of Ijadie’s Silk, Plain nnd Fancy—50c value— 0 Pair $1.00 CIIILI)RE№S SOCKS One Lot Children’s Socks, IK and 20c value—10 Pairs’ for— $ 1 . 0 0 . «CORSETS, One Lot Corsets $1.S0, $2.00, $2.50 American Ladie’a W. T. Wht.- and Flesh— \ Special ................... $i:00 >MEN’S WORK'SHIRTS, > ■ I'liji Lot', of Blen’s Work Shiictsi' viilues,..?fic !«c. 2 for .,.;;.$L00 ,: BOY’S.,PANT!^-:V:vC,r ": One Lot Boys Woo] Pants $1.50 ' to $1.98 value—Special; $1.00: ^ BIG VALUES ,IN 'EVBjtY WEPAiiTMENT, DRY GOODS; READY TO AVEAR JIILLIN- ERY , «16 picnicdi, portable CTKOLA ' ¡ ‘i A f n Ä M Be .‘iilfó to attend. this salo, Й u s fo 'r tb © -т и З Ю !> ■ ■ ''■ ‘ c . ' c ; .........................;;:^i:2S8É::co. ' .... ■■ ■' .... i.'-' . ,'■.■•,■■ .И, ..,■■■ Ч. A£boiv tbo;bqs£'i'oí\'‘oáts,” and betweein^'' •m o r< s''o trö n \ iö u p ,‘':d 2 ^ r 3 jp n s , i i ’s a ' 1геа'1Ь:;::’:;;'Я ’^;^'Лл^ just to1 on’bene,':a{;|!i^ ^be cliy, ^ the^'Virqrld'irfs ¿by /' .rio Suro, To Attend Tho Piciric s '' North Liberty St. l'ln.4ton-Salern, N. C. “SALISBURY’S PROGRESSIVE DEPARTMENT STORE ' AUGUST CLEAR4NCE SALE- .;,. . vSTARTS FRIDAY AUGUST^ 7ТН,-, , v ' CONTINUES 15 DAYS, ^ . NEVEil'BEFORE HAVE WE OFFERED IIIGn^QUA.LlTY MERCHANDISE. : ' . AT SUCH GREAT REDUCTIONS. THIS SALE Il^^AUGURATED iO 'CLEAR /'OUR STOCK OP ALL SUMMER MERCilANDlSE AND MAKE,,ROOM FOR 'THE,HUGE QUANTri;iES OF FALL GOODS THAT WILL BEGIN; COMING : IN AT AN EARLY DATE, OOME EACH AND EVERY DAY AS NEW ' SPECIALS W L L BE ADDED DAILY. I ,F|.'iday and Saturday ■ While- it Lasts. SUGAR! Best Gnule Granulated Sugar. 10 lbs, r>0c w ith' . any purchas'cj of $1.00. or more. ' , (Limite 10 lbs., to ,Cus­ tomer) • MOHAIR - PALM' BEACH ^ AND COOL ' CLOTH SUITS FOR MEN. Final . Reduction on^ Men’s High Grade Sum­ mer Suits. Size up to no Special $7.95 MEN’S 220 WEIGHT ' OVERALLS■ ■ Full Cut Made to Stand - : Hard Wear. All Sizes. ' i August Ciearfince , V $1.38, TH ESE___________________ -- . WÌLLÌ-HAVE ;F0R; ^HIS SALE, Be Sure Tc Attnnd Tho Picnic, n ' W r ?ШШ 4\и ■<184 NortJi Liborty ;át. ' Wiiistoii-Salem, N. C. ’ Incorpcnaied ^ J ( «*úaL*tóialAMs.Wiiu<w*e*«»iA« .. .. .... Be S’ui'o To Attend Tho Picnic ) ‘ Ч \ \ , s t / ' ''Welcome ii&fiitiJfeliillli®®® .........................................................................................- ' The Big Piciiic-:,-....;., ,{ / ' / / .* > V \ ^ ' ‘ . 1 , , ^ , I , ' r , ) t A '-r'u'T' ' 1 " ' ’ ' - / ‘> "i You en|py thi^ big dayonly, once during’ the year, but- ' I ■■■■■- ............................... ,..„ ,, ,,* ' ' 1 ,1, , ' ^you can enjoy doing your . ^ ‘i , ^ ^ v ; / '; ' banking with us every day of . i k L „ v :..................................................c , , '...............................................................................................,,:,.,,;,,,v U i';::..,::;. , Squthem Bank & Trust Co. } ....... , - ' i ■'. ' ‘ I ' ■ i .! . I I ,> >i t I I u' ‘V ' /, • / I', 1 Ч *1 .1, ,1^, 1, I i Ì : jf HANES & TABLE /CO. ' ^ Mnniifnctiirers of High Grade Chairé',. . ........ . ....- .... I, ' , , f J ' ) Í’ Ч " N. C. ,ry- 'r - 'i ''- ;' ''V'V I u ^ ’ i' яЧ'д [ /к'i ' p ig i // \*1 ir V r ' ‘j 1 1ií II ' t*•1,1 к i j, 1 Í г Í i',/ >> . IU'.< \ *i '\ ( A ' M , a J’' 1 i. ' ' У 1 ni ',j i 1 i - ,<• I. Isstì I '¿И h M \ ’’ " ’ò'}, ................................. ......PROGRESSIVE ' /■ V ■ Bo Sure To Attend The Picnic. ‘ ! 1У1И1|11М11«1111та1111ЮН11Я1111И1111М11111И11М1111И1111Я’111Я11Н11Я1!11ав1Г11Я111 B o Sure To Attend The Picnic } •< Be Sure Tq Attend The Picnic ;. sm \ .(.V-!?))■• (f / IMIIIIWII b p n a s j ^ 'u :! 4, ,.,tr,la4 Ä l ‘u i .''*1 и'тД'ч ' i:^ ^ i l l ' T i l z M = ■ I»► .it»., у . '■ M / ‘ i' ■' ■ V ' Лгч .V1 '< i' l4i « И* WVÍjAíií Png^ G THP, jMOOK-SVTT,T>E ENTERPRISE Tliui'sclny, AuBMsl Ö, loa.’i :| , sД.BRÎEF NEWS FROM ' ■ ÔÿER THE STATES•. V р':г>гй^ A survey mado by ,t}io bureau of ^I'oac, labor. Ktiitistica finds thnt thc coat ■ ■of livints in, Iho U ^tcd Rtiitea has Inei'oiiaod 73.5 perdóni; from 1.013 lo 102fi. Hoii-io ftirnishii’.FS show­ ed the iargrat incrG<isc„ 11'1,3 per ccnl, i ?At !l mcGtiriK of the Jatookholdera :pf fyio Link-Pjckoiia J^ubliishihg' ,Comi3uny held n Yance'iibtel assembly vrbom '\VecInuSdai', iiiirht, R. B.' Pickens was elected ----------------- ■ •• ' I pi^siUeni; W. D. Turner, vice-pro, F/ E. Coman, Avho operates a h i, \V. Link, sec.-treaa; Th6 fol- . thr'jshJng outfit in the ThomnsvillQ lowing,were named as directors; flection .of •Davidson county, ha.s R. S. Pickens, H. V/. Link, W.,D. , threshed 12,577 hfishols of >vheat, Turner, I. T; Speaks. C. A. Stearns in ithis season. V The ia r crop ! N .;S. Gaither, Cowless Brictol, J, threshed waii that of Harrison Hel per,' who farnris Col. F. S. Lam­ beth’s farm , totaling' 1,461 bushels He .threshed 1,310 bushels for Ben Lambeth: Geot;de Eastman, m illionaire ko­ dak m anufacturer, has announced that he w ill spend the first months of his retirem ent from business in big game hunting in A frica. East­ man is 70. Considering Eastman's age, ,Jt is evident that a man’s re­ tirem ent in the.<?e youthful days doesn’t alw ays mean that he is go­ ing to some secluded' nook and A. Harthess,. W. M. BarrinBer, F. D edton.' The new afternoon pa­ per, which w ill be known as the Statesville Evejping Ledger, wiU begin i)ublicati8n,,on Monday, Au­ gu st 10th, .according to a state- mehi;^madc today by .¡Mr, Pickens. It is hot the purpLQse of the publi­ shers to issue a Sunday edition at the beginning. ”• John A. Kennedy, Davidson county man, who ’ dissappeared from his hot*e several days ago in the Thomasville community 'and who is repo’ éd to have m arried n apend his days in á restful a r m - ,Stokes couniy woman,_ cató^back chair, but that vetivement i.s but a signial for adveiitures in living. I ;<’V‘ Accoi'ding. to figures given oiit by the ;federi.r buren\i' of public roads, North Carolina has 217.1 , mllós of new ronds under constru­ ction through: fédéral aid at a cost of ?8,280,397i44 and 43.6 miles in ne\y projects approved for con- ; rtilictlbii; at a cbsit of ,802,882.10 Other .ifedéral fiinds available fpr nevj^projectp total $1, 054,848.35. since the fiscal year of 1917 this tnaites a grand, total of more than ! ?80,000(d00 expended and yet to b? ; expended in . this state as federal r»Jd ’to highw ays. V North ip.w l)ha has 186,000 white i-illltern te^n nd nil biit 5,000 of . ’■thc'.'e live in the: rural distvicts L Thh4 Is wha' Dri E.' C. P/ranson or?. incul'ty 6i th e,, University^ of : North ^Garpljna: told the niombex’S . ;;pf “hd public W elfare institute in. ; EestforiV'at, Cfiapel' HilJ , riecontly,; ,’In IS cpiintios of tho state one] oiit ; of ev ery; flve; voters cannot ready l^a!iptih¥ ,-i ^, Iir.- BTariton pointed out- that 'il-i ^,"^r’iite ra c y i w^ not b e' banished fe%from ;th'e',s^te until; the 58 ireligi-;. iWifiOuelprgahiK fltato.tpok r я ham i in wiping it out. Iloniii ; m iisiona go a long w ay toward sdl- , 'viniv this pi’pblem. ' . .North'Cnrolinii has a number of; ' things 'of ,w|iich she is proud to ‘i'-llonRt. ; Illiteracy is not one of ;;!’them.':'’' - ■■ ■ Coal ratGft fi’om the CUnchftoUV and Pocahontas districts ; into North Carolina will, be reduced from 17!ito 20 ci4\ta pn the ton; of- iective August 20,'due to the ac- tiv!tio,4 on the phrt of the 'Nprtli Carolina..Corporation Commiaslon putting the m atter up tp tho Tnter- . ataco .Commprce 'Gommissjonv’ThP' cousumo'r ÎH wondoriiig if thove: Avill be n^coi'pflponding roduotion in the price,pf;,coal thi.q fall and '■winter., • Л ,i: . . .. '. lust week and visited in his home neigfiborh'ood , but did riot go hoif.u. He is 73 years old. FARMING'l'ON NEWS ■ THE ^""STOCÎiMËNÎtîSiilÈüÎ^fâ^ 'W ILL 'BE IIELD,26, ^(KAND 27 ,1’hu acrvitos at thc Baptist ^ '----------^ <.’hurch wero well attondod at both ' The StlJckiiion’S ’iiQXfc-. Rounion .'^ci'vioea Sundiiy. Rev, .Тптс-ч will be iii Jlockaviilo, N, C., Aug. Groae, of Ciina preached a migh‘i;j' 26,' 2G 'and 27, ' 1Ü25.’ 'I'ho first good sermon , at oloven- o’clock, two nhxyii are gala daya, ist.^rting:g Rev.' C., M; 'McKinney preaehod pn . \vi,th' ' horse ■ parade 'over ^ prayor at tho night aorvico, j own. , ' ? j ;Rev, ;.J. F. ' Carter of Waugh-1 ; 'j.pio firat, ,armed ;ßoldlor ift-om il, town arrived Moilday and preach-,U. S. A>, to put his foot on french |J! cd at ' 3 o’clPck, hia aubjoct waa soil w ill ride a ■\vhito 'hbrao in pcrfonal work. TLe Uaed aa jbtextithis piu'ade, dresaod in hia snldi- Ist., John, Ist'Ohanter, 3i'd' verse, joi- costume. > • ; V. ■ „ , ;, ' ' ■ J-ast day is sale day. All'stock ;0{№та1Ш1июшш1оши11шжп111Ш1111В!11111В11га1111Ш1111П1111Ю11Шншкв11{1Е3111Ю11||С11тав(111^%к:^ The sermon was a strong appeal toi-the Christians to do their dut.v. Monday n igh t he used as a text, Luke 1.3-24 .and preached a migh­ ty, good seAion.i We feel fortu­ nate in having him in ‘our com­ munity, in the meeting and be­ lieve tiiat there ■ft'ill bo ii great revival if each one'^vill do as they feel led by God. Every body welcome. Services 3 p. m. 8 at night! M iss Florence Thompson of Statesville w ill be, at the Baptist consigned.to Reunion Simile AVill be sold' Aug. 27.' Thore will 'bo good band and barbecue each day. , Races v and riding contests. : ' , i ‘W. Raleigh Clement. ■, , • ' ■ CE'nTEH , NEW S. ; KELìlv .SPßfMGnt£!.0 For Sale Mrs. Burrus Gi'een of Mocks­ ville spent Monday, afternoon with her sister, Mrs. Edd Anderson. Prof. Paul B. Collins, who is 0L «.«vi..c music near Winston-church this .week each a f t e r n o o n ...ili.C i l U l V l t H U O .»У С С Л I __ 1 ft i у * t . I ll at 1:45 to teach a W. M. U. C la ss jS«!®'". apent Sa urday night with and organize other m issionary societies. Miss Thompson is a ialftnted speak^er and all who can hear her w ill be much benefitted. Mr. B. P. G'arrett. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Dwiggins of Winston-Salem spent Sunday with the formers parents, Mi\ and Mrs. E.’ C. Jam es who-has been ■{ ^'^‘Kginsat the L a w r e n c e h o s p i t a l f o r a b o u t W illard P oster oi i- orK two w-eeks underwent an opera- tion Monday. Last reports a a y ¡“^ ^ r. B. P G arrett’s.-. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Tutterow attended the revival meeting atshe is doing very well, we hope io r her a speedy recovery. Oificials of the > Taljahasseo Pov/er Company,have stetfed that th • company has no plans for-the im -.ediate construction of a dam n ei High Rock. Rumor has had it for some time that the power company contempua^d the erec­ tion at an early date a ‘lai'Ko dam on this si,to.' ‘ ' Brewbaker seems to be more se­ rious for the last few, days, re-i Samuel H arris, who committed suicide by drowning in, the Yadkin rlyer.n ear Fugerson one day last week, was a Confederate veteran nearing the age of '80 years. He had been in- ill health for years and' his suicide is attributed to thij.-'- iiv iiuuo лих "“’’ „ 7 ;;'“’ '.;';w a lk e r of Mocksville.atiyes and dends h i.v e je iy *.t-j. tle^hopes of he xe . ' j M isses Kathaleen and Vaata Mae:Mrs. M nggie.C P^v IS visiting ^ «hoit While with Mr. B. P. Gar- Mr. and Mrs. 0 «Mndiiv ‘ “nd fnmily last wecinesdnyfnmily of Winston were Sunday from Asheville. The revival meeting closed at Mt. Tabor last Wednesday night. Mr. Jam es Foster of nonr Cool- ee’mee is visiting his sisteiS Mrs. Samuel Tutterow. '. ' Bepnuse he hnd b‘een paying at- 'tention to h il girl,- Herbert Love, eightéon-year-old ■ 'Charlótte ', boy, shot' and seriously ^vounded; Iler- bort Lackey, nged 20.. Love is in jaii ’nnd to;mtìl«-nVnttcrs.w girl has; Informed 'liim tliat .alio ‘is pavtial tq Lackey; . 1 , High. Point hi)s hópes qf’getting fi pinnt for thè inanufnctiiro of aiv tiiìcinl 'siile. ,A corporation Avhicli, is ,not''nnmod in thè ,'newspap£;rs haa ,made overtlirps tp H igh Poiiii; butiinèss mbn witjv viow to^ estab- lishingi a pJnrit of this naturo ih thnt city, ', : , ' Dnvid li. Blnir, Cpmmissionoi’ ol' intórnal revcniio,’ and his .iiìstev» Kn vò .óiTerocl to donato to tho ¿ity High Point;-n ti’nct of land contain ing betwoon .10. iind ' 25 ncres for sito foì-tho {'repl;ion cf n‘ high school building.: vTho iproporty ;if'-, Aerosa the-road from -thè,the;'òld B là(),• homo pUicei on SoutVi /Maili streót.' , ' ' I ’ guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. W ard. ; Mrs. A. A. Holloman is much better, we are glad to hear. She has been right sick for several- days nt the homo of her pnrents, Mr', and lyirs. F. H. Bnhnson. Mr, Mjlton James," of West Jef­ ferson '^pent_ the week end with his, paventa. M r,' arid Mrs, J. C; •Jnmes., ,■; , .: ¡Messrs 'G rady'.M iller. niid An­ drew Yates visitpci friends in our village Sunday'.afternoon. ' ;BIrV G66rg'o,Hartnnini4 spent Sun­ day ;.wlth,hpmci]|plksl,v; ■ . ; ; M iss’. iNellVTeiig^^^ Salem spent several 'idnys .last vvoek yisiting Miss’rNoil' Johriaon/ ■; Mr, ‘ iilnd ‘ ;M rs.E/,iE ; 'Jnmes : of Wiii|>tbn-Snlcm siieiVt'.Sm^ Mr. and''Mrs.', SV; F, 'Wniker. i .'Misses, JRiibj'inricliEiilnii;, steel-: FouJi’ huncirodpooplo wore killod by.iuitoniobilea in Chicago during the first two hundred'days of this year. Two hundred, and ten, peo- -l)le were killed .by'.guns and niatolp and 1!)1 ' by^ moo)v\hln,e' 'liftuoi' This, m-akes a r.taggefing total of 741 people killed -in 200 daya, . or' . nearly 4 a day. .'Of tlie400 killed by automobilesi 13,1 ;\vcrQ; school' children, The death toll for the , period was 22 per .cent ; grcatci', than; last y e a r.; > State' Auditor Baxter Durham has preparecl'for ex-governor Cam eron Morriaori a firianci.til Rtate:- moi't whicn fixe.4 the d'jficit fit the end of the- M orrison. admini.stra- tion at $8,126,000 including the ‘$710,000 school; debt and the defi­ cit under the Bicket. adm inistra- tion. Lçxingtpn,- August l,~ F ire this aftfivnoon d(‘,4tro,vod a Iüí’bÓ barp igi'íHriery- oí TI Ç.'Efijiea imö of K. R. Surnitt! One horse, n bulldog, a large'tru ck, several ^Vagon,ч, aiu l a large amount, of food.«tuff beloniTing. tn the Lexingtoii led Vnd .ОоаЬсот- п.чггу: were destroyed, . The -total loss is estimated at close-to $10,т ООО,, T he blaze ЛУН8 a very, stub­ born one and n e a rb y ro!)i'dencG.s were threatened. At nlBht nitcv Ihe eveitln» miMl ia ths VVrmht liour", .IThirn read alnuil to lUe.(iimily, ■ Й ГагЬЩ B o U ,H a r b lc ^ B o i liitpst nWl bc« Btory,‘”A Son of fllà l'filhnr", .'.‘vor» huncirt-d UVouahud fam- aro iNnti l )is u* hin « \v<’t'k nfu-r nuhMc-uon. lieoi-éof Uifiin' S.'.rOn cc pV _©~_i_ W ith the birth of'ii boy to her 16 j year-old m arried' daughter, Mrs. Lola Disoii, aged 30, lays claim to rb'eing the younge.st graridmothev ’ '’e United States, says a dia; pateh froiiV Hagerstown, Md,, Mrs. Pixon was m arried when sho was 13 and her daughter w as'm arried when she wes 16, Tho'grandmo- -ther is a devotee of the rnodorn llapper, boing of that type herself, having bobbed hair, and loves to dance ■ FROM THE OFFICE OP THE ' , COUNTY AGENT . The warm aun hatched 'J.7 t«v- pggiiX?ih-;(}|ifi(OOfrf "of Charles Kelflo, fi«nr\Wpi'5l3eld, Mass, The moth(UM,'|«vkLl9-ii3i|J.ii;j her ncist, ,l;)Ui(^)t4-.teo siiS'fi b'A',A|№^ first was hatcKod. ' Old pol did the T ^ с ; ж ш 4 ; J. T. 'Boar Crook Church Sunday. Mrs. Nellie Anderson is spend­ ing some time with Mrs. "Bob” 'tìMlTH GUuVE NEW'S , Mrs. J, -B, Cundiff and baby', of .HaneSj s'lient a few 'days here' Iasi w eek; with relatives and friunds!,. : ■ I V : Mn- and Mi’fl, ,,^Vatt Bo\vd,en o:^ Groiiriwnod,“ Tnd.ian'aj’ .yisitpd Mr; and Ml'S,- ,'V\''m, Foote, one dny tho past week. , Mrs. Calvin I Bowels, of near Mocksville, spent a fe\v days last week with hei' pnrents, j\lr.’ and Mr.>:. J. Л,- Beeding. Miss Evbiyn i'o'ster., of Winston- „ TI f 'i ■ 111 ■ , Tir Salem,: spent'^Sundny here with man* o f’ Han^ptpnville, and Mr. home folks ' ’ Courtney visited, nnd'M rs. S,™ ‘ W alker, of Miss Lilhnn Jam es, Sunday nlterr Bnltimore were the guests of Mfs, ripon; ■Miss Grey •.^phnspn. visited ve- intives and friends' in \Vinston- Salem last week; : / Mias Kate- Brown of W ashing­ ton, ,p. C.; is ajibnding. some time w ith 'h er parents, Mr, and Mrs, ■R, C, Brown. RESOLUTION OF RESPECT A i W.efjlpy Aid Societ^f have passe’d 'the' foi-: IciwingVresolution of тезресС 'in L. J. 'Taylor, iSunclny. Ml', John Gregory spoht a few days in. Winatbn-Salem last week with>rolnti'('cs,; V : , ' ' : '’ Mr. and Mrii. G,' B,' Taylor and child ren,' of . Clemmons, ' .-jpent a few days last week w ithM rs,' M, J, Taylor, - v.Mrs.j;Wllliam Foote: went, to the Lawreiice ; hoapital, W instoniSal- om, Monday, for another treat- NEW SET OF DEMOUNTABLE WHEELS, CONSrSTING OF FOUR WHEELS AND FIVE RIMS, COMPLETE WITH RIM BOLTS AND LUGS, WITH OK WITHOUT TIJRES AND .TUBES. '-I ■: MAKE OUR PLACE HEADQUARTERS DURING THE PICNIC. GAS, OIL, KELLYSPRINGFIELD AND GOODRICH TIRES AND ’TUBES, i FREE AIR AND WATER I Horn Motor Company Á . PROMPT AND COURTEOUS ATTENTION. : ' COME TO The .Pienic’ , ■ 'THURSDAY, AUGUST, 13th, and leave your package at our store. I am jiQw dosing straw hats at 7.9c up. I also have a lot ol other bargains. Call '¿in.-and,see them, ' J. C. DWIGGINS' " ; , ; V . , , ' wiil, . .lUJ. IX A joint com,, ,rrpm tho Womtins’ „lont, Hope. slio • will' soon bo ’efjloy Biblo Claaa, and Ladies’ |home ngain, much' improved, ■ ,Mr, unci'Mrs; Roy McGlanu'ock; of reav', Oak Gi-uvu, were tho OTomoj(3rr:'P.f'.:MM;., -.^Clyde.-; -,81»чек. lof '.н;Мгв.;.' rMcGlñm>*ocK’a’-l-.... ,, ,, ., , , . - Therefore be resolved : , 'j ? 'P- "i, Augiiat 17, 1925. \\4ierens : T he.,. л'еарег . v.dioae name |is death,with sicklevso keen hn,^ .taken a worthy.' sister of : the Womans' Wo.sloy Bible Glassi' and N O R'ill CAIiOLINA SEASHORE EXCURSION ' '"‘'TO ^ ' NORFOLK AND VIRGINIA UBi^CH, VA. '' , ^: 'V ' v,..-, ■„ 'VIA' ^ . '' , ^ ' • SOUTHERN I R^ULWAY SYSTEM Friday, August 14, 1925., ’ ' Throe whole days and-two nightS'in Noi'follc. ■ ■ ■ ' I : Round trip fare from Mocksville (to Norfolk !ii0,75 I (to Va. Beach $7.25 Special train leaves Greensboro 10:20 p, m,,'"’Aug, 14, 1925, Arrives Norfolk 8:15 a. ni. Aiig, 1-5^ 1(125, .Tickets ori sale August I'lih iOnly, limited good tfo rctui;iV. on all trqiri;-;Np.v3ileavih^ MOCltSVKJ.E CHARGE :í.¿i':í:(;J?'T¿;-SÍ^^ S.unday,'. .ладя a: good' day for : us valued: on-workpr^ of -the, Ladles,’ ¡at-lOlbuville and Dulin’e. • We re- Aid Society,.ceived .fchrcV -.liew ■ members at First, ' That in-her vdoath-,tlVci,ie. Elbaville \ Sunday morning, * M r.!, organiisations'have lost a true and BIrs,'G. .A ,'Tucker and J, T, and faithful.,,member. ' '; . jTucker. were eortainly de- Second. That out of .tlie fam ily lighted to'see these ,voung people liasg o n e ii" loving kjnd mother ^ unite with _the:, church. and companion. Third. That community has lo.st a good iieigtlbor and friend, .Fourth, That a copy of these The Sunday Schools ’ ■'. Elbayiljei -''No.iT-prpsont; 90, ;■ of- ioririg '$1.14; Union Chai bl, No. present ,80, oJ'feriiig,$1.25; Bethel, resolutions bo spread on a pagelNo. present ;03,, offering ' , $3.35'; bf - th e ' minutes, and 'a : copy bo , Dulins, No. Present 57, offering! t q tt a'tutp - s6nt to eaclv of ithe cbunty pHpcrS|85r- - - ' ' - ' - : ' -i J-.S..IIA ipL, Afcont, TiclMts from m ai;i IJfae pointa w ill bu honored only on Special Train. , ,, , , . Pullman sleeping can and day conches. ' F i’ie opportunity to spend the .week en'd at Vlvginia Beach,.Ocean View an.l other reaoi'ts ' Good.surf bathing, boat e.xeursions,and sight.,seeing'trips; ....... i - .............................;..............................- ______. No stop-overs , and' no baggage w ill be .chocked,; - '' ■ for publication. ■ y , (By Geo, Evans,) ■ The : Farm ' Tour w ill leave M ocksville Aiijiuu; 27, making the first stop at the Oxford Test Farm,' spending the night, then by way of Fredricksburg to Rich­ mond, arrive Wnshington Satur- day;. Spend Sunday, Monday and Tuesday looking over the U, S, Experiment Stations and Depart­ ment of , Agriculture, Leave 'IVashington on Wednesday for Shannbndoah Valley, arrive Blacksburg Saturday, spend Sun­ day ‘and part of Monday, arrive M pcksyille Tuesday, Sep't, 8, All pxpeoting to go on this trip ’will please let the County Agent know not later than August 22. Mrs, J, : A, Daniels Mrs, Milton Call 1 Mrs, Ollio Stockton, HONOR ROLL Mrs, M artha ■ Barneycastle Mrs, Ida Boger ■ 1-L A. Gaither A, D, Ratledge Ml'S, J. C, Stimpson J, G; Tatum- P, V-, Hairston T, W. Dwiggins G , A, Koontv, ' i . S, ]> \Vellman • W, L, Summers , W, M. W illiam s -, Mrs, M; E. A'nderson, i W. D. Tutterow Mrs. G, W. Miaenhoimor D. J, McClamroch : ' / i; John F, Mock ! Elbaville takes the lend in-'rium-; bor pfosenti nnd 'Betlfel leads in , ,, offering. There see'ms ; to be n ,teridanc,v at this : sbason of the Com. lyoari toward neglegenco Sunday .school. Your 'Sunday, school is Igoing tOi be,,iust what you -make ;.There w ill be. a concert given at the- High School building next Saturday night by the class; be­ ing taught in' the Normal at, the Graded school building; A small ndmismpn foe w ill \be charged. Como and bring your friends, A splendid progi’am is beingA pre- pnred.i.. ■ Make your sleeping car resorvationa-early, 'i, , ' ,' . : . - ; V For further informaticn and pullman sleeping ■•car resoryation.s call on any-Southeni Railway Agent or address: . i . li, П, GRAHAM, .DPA, Mocksville, N. C. "' ' Charlotte, N. C. DR.tE. C. CHOATE ' DENTIST In Mocksville Monday, Tuna f. day and W ednesday; Ovor * Southern Bank &. Trust Co. '■* * , Phono 110 1* * In Cooleemoe Thursday, Frl-' * * day and SaT irlay; Over C:ol- * *■ oemee Dluig Store; * f PHONES: Residence No, W * Office >:,■). 33 * * - X-Rav Diagnoisis .* #, # » », * * *■ ■» DR. R, P. ANDEbSf'N '* D EN Tlbï ’’ * Residence J'hono 87 *1 * j:^hone 50 Office Soil fertility is still the biggest problem to be solved b y: Tiirhpel, . .¿very dollar invested in farm ers, says one investigator I ■ , .v, ,'v ‘ • jt- who claims that if our,,'icro yiolds poultry in >iorth Carolina fnore^ w ere-as ^good as- thq average-of is a return of $2,26, says V. W. the country, we would have, added' Lewis, livestock m arketing specia- f?60,0p0,000,to our income in 1924, list, Moeksville, N. С. .* W * , W ,’O, Davis of Upper H alifax inapectod 21 farm s and founds the boll weevil doing dam'age in a m ajority of the fileds visited, Mr, Davis ,states that the farm ers of H alifax are now learning to make infestation counts so. as to tell when dusting is needed, - ~-r^-— ■; , Approximately 1,SOO farm men and women gathereci at State Col- leg'i: for the iwenty-third annual convention Ju ly 23, 29innd 80, MOCli’S C iluivC ll' NiiiSv^oV ; - ¡1)1- and Mrs.'lJ. 'r. Phelps spent il'uw days last'.\vuok With rdlutiy- iKJiir Fork';Churchi jlv, and MrSi Frank Beauchamp children .of «ConiTord, spent lii3l Saturday - with. Miv ¡and ■Mra.; J W. Doauchamp, -'i, ■' ■ ;:: - C,' Jla^ter Norman Jones, oi jlockuvilie,, spent the. week, 'cnti ,vit!i hia grnnclparenta, ■ Mr; and W, J, Jones.' ' , V- ¡\li-H. M aggie Potts, and daught^ of Kannupolls are spending ¿onit! time : with , Mvsi , Will've- jlvcrs. ■ Jli-ss Claudio Jones.' spent the vvci k end wi-ch hor brothei*, .Mr. j3. ,M. Jones of Mocksville. -' 'jMinii Helen Orrell spent. Satur (liiv night with Miss Eva Phelps. Ml', and Mrs. Steve Beauchamp, ol' Lwiiavillo, spent one day last wct'li with^home folks,', iUi'3, W, J, Jones IS woi'se, sorry to !iote. ■ , „ .... • -1 Mv, arid Mrs. W. A. Howard arid chiUli'un, iilso Mr. John Mock of Tliumasvillc spent Sunday with homo folks. . iUr, and . Mrs,; E.; M.; Jpnea,.; o,t ;5Ioi-lt»ville;,::8pent’:,,;S'ut|idS^ home, folks..; '; Jlr. iiniiyMrS.., V, ;llij'tr3;-^ilsd 3Ir. arid Mrs. A.', M. Folds, A IVin.Mton-Snlbm spent Sunday with ili'a. 0. F. Jones. Miss Muttio Jones ia spending a few dai'S in. Mockaville, having- dental work done, V ' A LITTLE S i oHY DID 'THIS Raleigh, Auguat 3.—Sometime Inst year, M rs.' Irina W allace, home' demonstration agent of Clovclnrid County, made a report of the'fine basketry ,\york ; being done by one of hor home demort,-. sti'ation club women. It told how : thia ivomep ' had been m aking ' ■ baskets for n number of yearR iind j ■ how the agent learned of her' in -' tci'ost, gave her new weaves to try and sought new markets for her oiitpiit.' The vvholo, thing re^ suited in a visit of. the extension editor to Mrs, Canlpo’s home nnd his learning .that tho little home ahe hud paid'for on tho edge,of King’s ' Mountain was made pos­ sible solely' by her bnaltetry work. Picturbs' woro madp of thb home and of Mrs.' Cnnipb and a nevva story seiit out'/ ■ •• " ■■ The :annuiü, aavvicüvnt’:'bid: St. Androw’a ISpiacopal church will ■а'ГЛ'ГЕ' OÒLLECTS.; . 5727,(iOO DURING JULY Raleigh, Aug.;4.~The state dc- pfircment ot i^'ovcnuo : collected l?727,8^75 in taxes, exclusive of I'Utpn^iobiU) taxpa in the month of'' '' ' ■ '• ' '' *i'* ' : npf(4 liOBBED HAIR IS BADGE OF WOMAN’S NEW STATUS (By Gynthiii Grey) '' "A iitii'ow - [f JJjpiHCUinil liliutv,,! , Th(! : world has hoard- li great be held aa usual, on the last ,Sun^ deni about revolutions in the last, day in this month, at 11 o'clock;few years, ' - . .iTho'Rovi Sidney': S,,,;.Bbst,^' roctor lt'-UtoniobiU) taxes in vne .li. There.was the. Ruaauin llcvoiu- ot St, .Phillipa' church,,’D uvham ,'July, na compared!.,with -$187,379 tion, the-'Uiiheaval in . Germany, N. U.,- one of the ablest'preach- coliectcd in July, 1924* it was an- and-recently the Bulgarian revoH;, era in. the state ,will; ddliver the' iiouneisd yesterday.' • : , B u tl wonder it meil ever realine. sermon.' At the ;Conclusicn of'.the - v U’he :1925 'collections -,include the Woffian’." Revolution that haa ,sorvice; 'a 'basket dinner will' bo .".bout ,?2b0j000 ' coliectcd, ' in in- been going on around them for: anread in the betijitiful grove ad- auvivnce taxes and $15,000 in bus the last 20 year.'tl ■'ftc.ent to the cl-\uvch; Come and'tine taxes which were not avail- I'wonder if they stop to think bring a well-filled basket.‘ able in 1924, :,bui/the other itemd that bobbed hair Is noi; frivolity. On Sunday; August 16lh at 11 showed big increases.,' Inherl- but a.badge of ii'eeciom. 1,-doubt o’clock,, the,,Rt. ,Rev. Edwin; A, tanco taxes,'.inmped from $44,000 i f : it ever occurs-to them that Penick, D. :D.', Bishop :Coatljutor ^:o P258,000,. licenae taxes, from short skir.ts stand for Liberty,>-of the'Diocese of North.Carolina, SG;000 to ¡812,000 and income tax- juai; na much as the red hat of iw ill proKch and administer the os from ,?35,000 to $40,000, the Fren'ch revolutioniat stood for' Holy '.Communion in G'ood . Shep- ■ ' ," ----- it! :: . „.jherd Episcopal church),and "As-, n 0 i r(«p 0(14 (» Women’a.clotnos are more than cen.sIon.clUirch, Fork, nt"3:30. in' n 11 T I llA n costumes today,. They are uni-;,ths.iaiternoon. ' Bishpp Penick, ia ■ ■■‘* 7 , . forms .';...„.to.work ini . 'V ’in .great, fivvorlte'.,with tho.'Cooi- FOR REN'l’—ONE 5 ROOM, AND .-VA few yeara'ago th'evc was .niat'ebmec people/.arid it goes .without -.'one 8. room house, , G. 0, Wnlk- ns miichfrcGdbm inwomen’s drp.ss' aaying that ho wil};be, gr6Gt.ed;,by ., ioi< ' us there w ap'for,'them in iilioir, a. goodly ;!congregn'ti6n.::v-' ..r; . . ~. - ,. daily life, ' ' ■ ■ ' ,■■ Mr;-^A;vTiia'l№xlor^.:luVd,■'family, SRVI3RAL USED ,qARS - ON They wore light cor'^cts, bustles, nttendcd, -the funeral,,,and bvlrial - terms, G, G, AValker Motor ,Cb falae hair and' ‘'rala,’’ 'highMieol-:;qi ^ Mrs.:, Esther, /r.ve.xler/,, a t:,Ca.lv-,;:... ., -----— • ed ahoea iu .which it was difficult «iT 'finP tist, church, ,:',in‘ 'Rowan CAR, .ALL ¡‘HARD BRICK, JUST to work. The woman. who cliscard- .<-’o«iit,v, Sunday, in. ,,Wiilker. Bargain Houae. ed her coi'aettt and \% rbfiatrcom -l‘ ,Misa:Ida: and Lacy, Snead • —4— —..... ........... : Vwna i ttvmed ‘iM)e-ln few. days laat ■sveck .inj SUitea- rTi’JÆip/b Ш Raiïroa Ч ^ to w o rk.'in e, wonmui,Will.» mao... V.. . . .ed her corsets and wore flat, com-1' , Mias:Ida: and Lacy: Snead s'pent • : .--i— ; , . Ìortaijì'e ‘-’shoe’s ' M 's ' tèririèd ''i'pe-':^n few. days last -week .in Statea- , GAL. ; FRUIT' JARS $1.15. culiar," ' ‘w*»- • ■ I'ville, ;vlsitihg .their brothers.. ‘ i , . Walker Bargain House. ; ■ If a woriian'worked' but'side her', 'fhe infant diiugllter of Mr,,'and.. home, all she could dp, was to Mrs. Lester Spillman died 'Fridav^ BUFF: ORPINGTON HENS, PUL- tencil achooi oV make,clothes. Any morning at the' .home, of .Mra, v- lets and roosters for sale. Am other kind •■pf, labor -vvaa called Spillman’s mother, in Wiristoi^- brenldiig 'np m.v'pens for the "ninvnmnnlv,” ' Salem, and was burled Saturday, I season, arid,'these birds can bo ht Deep Creek Church.; ., ' " ^ Mr.; J. J. Snunders,^ 'of North Cooieemeb, is right sick at this '* ’........ H lii, couipluU on. o illiu iw w ClifCHKo: , t.’ u lo iv : ..SfiitloTi;: ninrUs ■ ti notc-J «•iii'/li.v- m 't'tuD pil.ilijnoiii ‘ 111 lliu h lstiiry' Im iw rtiinr piialnooi'lrii,* iinOui'WiUin«»,; . tvnDi w\ilch tvi\veUii’«-t'i'flH !'«ll;i)iii'ta of; -tliu U iiiii-d '¿UiiU's ''w ill; d tv lv e .pleas-' ■lire iiiid ¡lonotlt, .........' <■ , « Tho statio n : 1« W ltllO)lf llOllbt ;0H(!,-0f tlieJIn cst nnd m ost o in clo n tiy;(lfslgn o il W illi’oatl tei'iM liinls.J n • (lie worlO; fol'iiis a :Vltal lin k in tlio I'OHlliintlou of;, ilie ‘iC liicngo C ity B o iuitlC il l’ltm ,” Sltti-,: pU ultyi . accessib ility nii(,I; (ionveiiteiici.'' ,fnr tlic tt'av e llii^ p u b lic‘.are; tliq essen ­ tial,'v irtu es o t th e nqjvjytci'inlrini. B oat and recreatio n ;rocnii^i:;:tlcket, olIlceH, Jiaiuj. .w "uinvomnnly,’ Todny 'ivpmen dp .just ns they please. There ia nothing thnt men -• -C u . „„,1 please. There ia nothing thnt men |'-'ooiuuumu, dp in tho world of business and ,writing .^yith rheumatism, \vo nve politics. '"m - . : 'sorry'to hoto; 1'' Florence Allen is a supreme Mr,, Jerry IJnmea arid fam ily court ijudgc. , ' spent n iovy diiys last week in the I MiVium Ferbguson ia 'a gover- ^andhiliai They : reports- a fine' nor. Ja n e t, Scudder takes , heiv; trip, '-. ■ , ' place nmong the world’a foremost' , un .nccount of the dry weather aculptpi'S, '■ Anne Nlcliols is the! the ¡vegetnbi'e -crops aeom very, most successful plny-prodiicer Uv-'ahort and thc riversUind creeks iiurl And so it^goes! ' jaro nimost dry. ; • ' Women have freed themselvca ■ , There aro .« lot 'of visitor,*) hero from sox-slnvery, : from Itannapolis as tiie inilla are. And they hnvo done-it so clever- stntiding there this Avpbic, iy; so quietly, so cunningly that Mr.-S. B. Gruriip, apeiit, some of whilo. men wore stiir wondering weolt' iu Raleigh nttondiiig ;vhnt it wn.s' all about it was doriel .file fnrmora’ conveniion. . ................. -_.i 'Don't fail to see t^ie t U llU .' Iiiliy a u .4,. [v , bought cheap. See J. K .. Me roriey at .Mockaville Hnrdwnre Co. ■ ' "'■ (T— —-----^ ■ ■' BUY OUR HIGH GRADE COAL FOR $7.50 to $8.00 This Summer Price will .. la^t until Sept. 15th. GIvonI ud youir orders nt your • earliest convlence. . Guarnrileed more hent per pound than any other conl produced. HQIVIE ICE & FUEL CO. Phones 'H6 and 105 \yhnt it >vn.4'all about it vifas doriel ,tnc inriiiuvij .. .Women go to the pblis .and vote aoe t^ie ball game -» " ns n miitter of course, , not- only'Saturday, Cboleomeo will cross jv; h'ore'but in England, wiierb Mra,,.bfil;s ,with Stony Point,„. A good'» ■■ ' '.ml uume ia oxpectod, I'' » DR. LESTER Л', * » -* .MAlVriN * fllîd iX'L'lCUVÍUU ________ . bnrlior sliop, (lining foome, stores of, viirlous kinds, anil niniost every con­ venience Itnow'n to t.)'.iivelev8, uro to bo foirid: on the one level, no steps to; clinil), ; , ■ . . ; Tbe tiialn station Is'ti low inomimcn-' till type : of InilVdlng with a row of ninKsive cfllimins; of classic design пЬтя tlie entire east front. Once In­ side, ; the traveler limls lihnaeU hi II plifimtlc widtlng room iiioi'o tlian 100 ■foet liiglr and , brlllliiritly Ilglited tbrniigb sk,vll(:bts in-'tlie great areb celling, .Colonnn'iloB Incloso the rooni, tiie Avails of ivlileii are pntterned after tlio iircb'lfeetui’o of artdent Itonie, Шг- rtcrlnit this room arò tbe nttra-cqmplétq р!18.чеп!Г01'1('Г'у11ппГ‘Тпе111иса, Лп Inno- vntloa la rnllwiiy terminal, (1ея1кп IS a confereace room, accoimnodatlnpt iun pe.òrile, Avlilcb is nvallnbto,,^Wltii'ovit IJny i'hone *HNight Phone 1Î10 ■' ' ■ ■. 71. Mockavlllo, N. G. \ * « I' » cluu'ue, to tmtrons ofv'thp Union Sfn* : tloh lilies' lor. cbnferencea .,rt'tid other: ‘ .niuethiiM. ';':i To give simie Idea of, tlio itnm cnslty ^'.■ of ; the now r^atloh, it ’ may f)o': stated i ' that tbo innhi-bulVdlhg 'covera.'an,-.area of about ; tbrnn aci-os' w ith . a > concourse ' ' covering 00,000 sitnaro- fuelv; i^Tho on- , . tirò ttinnlnal'faclllflt's covcr.moro than '. '.^б асгря and ,w ill expedìte tlie prom pt ч arid; ' sutlstilctory \iiivndUng -ofo BO,ООО , passengers, ■dOO tons 'of baggago nnd '- : JlOO trains dally w ith room for. future ' e.xpanslqn. , ITlftcen jicres ' o i glnsa iV wore used in .the yarloiis coverings 11: oyer the train sheds, which' extend , more than 3,200 feet,bb.vbmi thb m ain strticfiire, Л total o f ; 17,000; tons o f structural steel,. 17C,000. cable feet o f Indiana limestone ancl 10,000 cubic feet nf nranlti! were used In the sta­ tion Imlldtng and cnncoarSe,, Tbe foua- datlna (.’onslsts of 449 cylindrical coq-/ ; crete piers from four to .ten feet la diameter, reaching to n depth o f more, than GO feet below thb level of the. . Chicago rlvo^ . dj'hoso who have had ,th o ’ privilege , of Inspecting the new station pro- .? llounoe¿lt a marvel In ternllnal con* ; strlicl'lon nnd are urging tbolr friend» to eoe It on their до.\1 Visit to Olilcngo, The atirtlon Is used, ilnlritly by the Peans.vlyànla Itallroacl! Chicago, Ш * ; waiikeo ii ' St, P a n t Ky, ; Chicago, Bur- lliigton iit Qnlney 11. K,, and ию .ОЫ- Ч'нйЬ & Alton n ; it . ' ‘ ', J ' ^д.' ■ ' ' ' :ЫО;;.:рАУИЩ|г siurí- aulii, ’.This aoiiçited in- qiiirica for ^ moro./Qxtdndbcl stoi4- cfi from .sovei^il of'.thb i'firge fnvrn miignzinofl;:and ña .a: resu .Canipo. and ' her . biiskbta; ;b'ccnme known-/,fiir^arid ;Wiçlo ;! irt'pv ' tho South, . ;М'’а'Д ' waà;,pailod ! u pon ' tb , answer ; riürribr i pu a in- fiuiriea about tho work nnd pvbr twenty роо[Лб in difforbnt states wrotb in requpatliig tli,nt Mrs, Canipo'to'nch them by mail tho aro.of making baskets. Finally n mpthpd, of ■"teaching by m ail” was ' worked out ; 'nnd, (Hiitc a ' i hurii.ber. : o f ' pppple p'aid'l Mrs, Canipp^n ¿aninll feo'fpr; the instruction given, ' Tliia ■ incbmo' brought in' tho bnly mbripy - cbrri- ing to the fnmil,v fbr. orie'riipritli Iocontly Avilen a ll■ throo.lmombora.i wero stricken - ,:with: linfinonzall They .were ’ u nnbie;: to ; work ; or. t o T.wrket ; thp baakpta ; alroady made and, thb ■ huaband: stutocl thcit but for thp'.baakptry 'iriatri/ctiona nnd tlio ioi'ders for; bnakots ,fTom' thoab who had I'oud, bf the vyork, hi.s fariiiiy \vouJd hnvo auffered grpat- ly. r Mr. and Mra'; Cnriipe,are both, rather; old and ú.riabld to do active work prif their little farm . . : ’ 1C Ch ÍCAGO POLICEMEN : ; CHARGFJ)' w it h STEALING Chiciigp, Aug. 4.—Sixteen, poli­ cemen ' attached to tliG detbctiyo bureau' and', thb . ñ^ritpn : Avenue Station , hnyp^ been ; ;\inÿo.l'Vç'd':,';ih' churgesioï bnvticipatirik in a raicl on stolon: pr.operty, valued at $90,-;. ООО,: whicir-had' been hold, under l^liao guard.".I ', Y - . ■, ' Unless 'thoy. :can givo, a ■ sntia- ■factbry expia,nation of' the diaap- pearancQ of thp.'prbperty, the'cnab will bo,laid bol^oro |/hoo)pli,ço.tri?il . bojirdj said John Stogo,''aetirig dp- toctiVG’ chififi'.;:': who' made . i;the chargea., ‘ .Hu said -witndsses’ told’ him thby ад\у роНс|етоп drive lip, to the,:placé' where tho; property waa storod; in :empty taxicabs and drive awny .with the vehicles load- , p ( l. . : ,.,,.,N ,. SNOW ' AND ! HAIL IN -o - hoi'o'but in Bnglami, лупого m ra,.,“- - ,Panidiurat freed her cbuntry-wo- Bni»e ia oxpectpd, , .f. : •inen, j: Get rpndy'for the .old timo lid-:« ,V The American^ conatitutlon no diets' couventioni: , longer blnsiacB tho;riiothbra of the i ; Mr, Q, 'M, Goodman and his ,, íátid .'With "children, nnd -idiota,’.' for.'.o'are doing aomo good;.work.as it: onco did—arid not so .'long- on the atropta alnce tlip rain. ' ■ •-aiwi.y™. agoi'at -'that l.'.l ' ■ ■, ' ' '' ■ :;. Mrs. 'J. S, Strowd ■ tmd 'children b'-J f>:' \ ■ In 'Д909, II.'iG. i' Wolla wrote:'a ure, visiting Miv Sti'owd’s relativ- .<1 'Я j bopk about .an,English 8uffrngottb: û»' ,::i?V' Chatham, coiVnty;., and : \vho. was' thrbwriiritb iiriabn be- Grbénsboro.' ' ' ; , ' .--'.H ■ I: :Mr,' Hugh;'Г, .Lefleri riiother, ,'>VIUr . . causb she 'Wantecl to vote. , i , : And ; those werp aonie of t|i(arid Mrs, F. K, Futrell and cliild-; And : those werp: soine of trie uu» ^....................... tl(oughts ho put Ijito: tho suffra!- ;ren made u flying trip to Morgan- get'o's brain, as alio lay in priaon: iton and other towns of Western ‘‘A man can kick—his .skirt« North Carolina laat Friday,. ■ ■■■ ■'’ ->■' -r U„,l ,, --• ' don't tear. A man: acores ,always—every. |.where.;:,;*‘A .nian; CHiv;8itnbke^ a man can awear, , The men . score- always, every, whorq,I.V-';,: ; “Jj’or men have reaapn, women rh,yme, С А П а 'Ъ р CONVAUESCENT IN ; аи!'Л(У|ЕР ; - F o r ' (vtxt.iin*; r,i‘< 'o v .(;i'la i( 8 ll(nt',SS (llU Ill'Mlill'ill о/ .'1(11111 IM II M:i'ìim.‘<:-ión(i ;'.Tlm |iiil.lf'nl, - (iiÌMiKli; iv,«ll;-(<n;'*,ht‘ niiii). r<i..;ri>i'ï>vi!ry .....•■l'i.'» illl. -p'iL'dt'S (Il Í V I t i i v /(*« ..... Mi’, C, D, Lefior had a finii гог-пюж! v » " .......hbrso Ijillod on ]ast Friday, by an f.roiii « ««riiui« il(iu'.ss( (hu rirMiii|>iii о/ lautcrtnbbilP,: ' driven by Rujfua ^aster -'(colored ) " - ' Н«н1«й; Hmìi) го.'.пч'т'му, M i«;; I\largar(;tfâali, bf Æaiti Foster, (colored.) , is, ■ Miss '. Margaretr Hail, of Æalti-' '¡ii/iS'àmlVln-’Mi't moro,.-. Maryland: is spending -the.iyeck with -Mi‘, •:0, C,. Wall aiid^:itii,it: ijr.o Ипг1пн ;thlH purioti j.'ui 1..U1. ,.„.w fa.fiily of North. Coolcismoo, 'i<íHiiil(!'',li'e 'cnn.sliiorwr ciiriii’iili.v^ ■hvmo, ' , ; ,Mr.'and Ml®, J,: 0,; Beale and i : . » IÈ '» J .. t » S l ' í ' í i S ' S : " S Î 'i S .time, . , -Ml. and ЙДа. C. D. :,.|ii||v . wticn, iliu ainaumiir. Is ,mii ; Welle wrote that only sixteen .Lefler, laat ounday, mWm,!iVi!ml, hciilthy, , ' ,, years - ago ! Only 5'eatoi'day l : 'A big foêd^barn on the ;farni of ; ijì- ilio pm>, wlio I» wn-* ■ • ’ ---------------------------------------------------------------- I ■ ' : . ...iti, in ■ h||*í?( Ш Щ 1 '■'1 ...... • (Copj,mm i.y.11 a- o'o'W«"“»"' 'oara-agoi. Only, yoatoi'dayl j : 'A uiK iueu u.i.i, v,„ ....v. ,....... Juat'think, for a moment, hbw Mrfi. .Lizzie Barnhardt,; oyoiv' near, timea, hbye changed aince 1909. tlib river was destroyed by firb .'A vVbman dan kiqk,: or run, or Sunday about 3 b’clocli ^yith;a;;lot play .tennis- thpse 'days without.| feed of jrill kinds, Alsb.- ono-pliVy 'XCniUa ; tiivovj tearing h(3r skirt-—her ahort akirta that ;aro; no mpro 'trouble , to 'her th.^i a man’s trousers are to liini, , B.foi’eover, tlicro:' are hundrodii of reataurarita in ' Amorica sindi » - .1 wyinvh .*4.1 ; ' PAR’rS :0 F ,:WISCONSIN Maviriptte, 'W is,,Augv 8.-—Sim^^^^ fell;, for five,.inimitba over: an: arpa of','spve):tti'.,;^quarp,;'mUes|..' ypiiter- daj;;near ■ Amb^^Wes t 'b f ,,: Mariri'ette;,:: V Advices ■ tb- d.ny sriici.tliat th.p fvealc storm was follbwbd by hail that level grain and stripped green corn to the stalks.'' t t ■ " ' " ' ' I : ' ....'■ ■■■' ■ >■ a '■ ( 01 rUMLllUAttiiwo _____ England . and France 'jvhorò a ;vvoi nvan;,. even a lady I—can > amPke withbut'beirig atared ai; too mucíi. In New York City, she is. allowed tci 'Smolce ;on ' Street ciu'B. ;; . i 'And when it comes tb men hay­ ing thè-,;'power, of reaabning, ■ bx- blusively--)Ye ail knbw/tbday that that's absur'd, 'Np one doubts any moro:’;that thè,; i’orainierit. ijrain ia just; aa good ■.aa the ; maaculine montai /óqiiipmerit' over dared to 'be!,': ■:■,' '■ ' ■■ : Only, ten yeara'’ago, 'Alice Duor Miilci^ wroto a rebellious book en­ titled ‘.fAro ■\Voinon ; Poopio V,’’ . :^Since, that,;..timo ■vyomen, -hayo, proyeti ithat' tiiby .arelpeoplo, who kn(iw how to vote, libw’ tp gb;but into tiie worid ;and 'barn ' a -man’s wagea, lipw .tp ivoki 'i^ff^ many; othor;;;thingS; that' .women ri e vt r, had ' cl pno^ .tiiif ore; ! Í ; ; V ;;, ■ '; V, ,;And now .’for'; the'.'first' Xime'jp cerituriea, ;thpy áre \voaring.cloth- 'es that dbn't hampbjVi.tiiem physi- ¡4*:\lly;br;, nicntaliy---elotlies 'r.thnt .“stay put,!’ hair that isn't iovq-vov; püllin¿ away -from, its hairpins, 'Women areV not ; only ipeopie^ but;;“free” people, at last, in every sènso' of that fine word ! leeci Oi u u jviiiuo. ,w..^ hundred, and forty bushels 'i.of wheat and., r.ye ^yaв . destroyed, about two Ipads of; watcrmtilona ¡v^sis stored in the, barn ready for t'lio iniirker, : Monday inorning we ¡(larned' the’’fl, Avas, no insurance on thjB buiiding. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO , P, 0. S. of Av'MEMBERS WE CAN SAVE Yq ON YOUR JOB PRÍNTING. An imporfarit niiiiouncbmeiit'is that, liro. C G'.! Leach lun boon elected financial secretary to till tiiu unexpired term of.J, A. Crav­ en. Please remember ■: : thi.a - , in riiailing in your dues, - A full'attendance IB: desired at next meeting, '■^-------— ' BE HELD IN MOiiGUE AN ' . HOUR WITH DEAD VICTIM , Indiana polla, Aug. '4,—An hour albiie in tho moi'giii' with tho body of the p.erspn(for whQae'dpcitli lio, I wiia 'reapoimi ble .will Tbe ^a. part of. the intnishmont: inflicted. ; Iience- forth,,,, iijioii' any:! Iiidi;anapbiia mb- iiòri si; wh b bri rigs' cl bath; to a ped e- strajn or oth,ej\:mbtoyi8t;by cavo7 , Ibas pr rocklbaa driyirig:. or. :, by ilriving ^yhil è intoxicated,. This punishirieiit: wi'ià deviaed today by Chief, of Police Herman E, .Dop­ perà, deputy corbneiy ; V ; j ; .The \ officials belieVo auch a (yigil w ill prove aa effective tt; icure^'for reckless or illegal ope­ ration of a motpr car as a prison sentertce or fine. ;viilcH('lH8 coiia'mm ifi' inllk .:.;ln ■ largo : ({iiiintlilm, Tlii.s fi'wij íi'iin tiiin s a ll ni' ili(> lìlt'n'u'iit.s (luit 'uro oiis(.‘iiiliii;. to tbt! h o i l .v 11 ; n illi! ' Is :; Duro und ¿a ra i lo'as, ‘it :,is :;(!(isiiy,;,(iigc':ìto(i:,';iin(i. iissiiiiu >yiii!ro; tho .)| tiiirsu n iiiy; la'-un ciirtaiii br;;<|ti>',;q!W!llty;'nol','or.th^ /C'i'ni)-, i>v;\i('d;uUlU .(.ilioiikl bo pm ployòd, ; It Ih ! It 18 ju at; i)u rò ;n iili! ,W ltll,:l)lilhU .Hlxty'-.'poi' ; (!nnf Qf, ■tiiò.' w a'lcr : reniin-oil. I i.if : iliMiblu vlciinoss mt\y :iy^; liuKlÜU'd.^ if (Í(!Kli'tí(li by tilo ÍKlílIfclOn of; Wlllur or: |t 'fiiuybe;íüÑud ,',1ust .as.' It - lui ;ivhere' rhii, f-'fi'nniy cllsbe»: ariv ,i)08!rBd,. i.'Mari.V: ,i)(i»i)l(j umico; tho iiilKfa'k« , <>f; i'i)nfi)NÌng;''ovaiif)i;ntnìÌ,,’ innit,I;\vlt c;nn.' (lónHtid'inlll!,: Tliif.r lire m itàt iill.ululi'. In»'':; ' la ; iipi)Brirani!e,' cmuiiósltlóa :_ ’(ir tiiKl'fv,' 'Tliùy' 'winimr :i,io iined, for thn Mimi' purpobc'ii (;v.,:iluast'd iiilll; ls,ii ( i>nil)lnuùi>n of - su(j); r. aud inUli,;. wi'l'- -» 1...I iVnlnii -Mnrt-y 'nre tho tríeles rcsortcd to by tho “ontliiiv'' bor,s(j, io i;n'i»^'blB rlilbr. !.i; ritchlliij, bucltliig evory: aet'oud of tbo ttinij liu Ih (n tlie. iiruna, :(lio ;brouctio W: istriigglta: (KTcoly ,t<!( v,'lc (Ile deelNlitn, No buchuroo riiusi ' '‘Hbinv iliiyllght'' botivoon: hJm solf and b is siiddlo, or liu;liy,dlH (iuulI(li!il. : ,.; ' d'ho’ aport of sports la tho roal iioivlioy.eoinoai, and tltliis top.ibusloudor-i.,í shlp hi rldlng, “bulldOKglng" und roplUK wll|;g() to tho,;'bu«l(iii'o«a',iin(|: (?o\VKlrl(i Ì'' wlio competo in tho üblcdco Hoiindiip and World’sChiiilipInnüblp'Holhm, whjcli ili; wlll brlng nino daya of frontlor Ufó to tho inutroiióllii bii'glnhliiB :AUSiist''Ì5,Ì^^^^^^ Tcx Austin, ;faraoiis for pecp»^fulj()(loo8_h(i Jias; biild. wlll .dli'eiit: tlio ovonts. - ,. - - ^ .................., -.......... ■ ,(;|'UU,Hna.i.ii»i :i>i-.oini„,......... .......... ifUiU‘i'1 lulllt ^ui8-no added sugiu’, iic'lug pure, ailllrt-pf . dqiil)Ìo-rleh , iiuaÌlty: ami ’rood valmv’: , , . : ' , . [''iill(<\i'l'iig,:n'p'roclpcs, ot oasily jjrtì-; imri'id i dlsbvH :iind,,i'o(Hl's that ; are woll': piilf'oil J'or: :tbu, ’‘lny'a|ld ' liiid ' tlie , c(j,n-: ■vàluscùnt,";':,^;','' ., ^ Log,mberry Cream, . ' v ?i : oup -evaporaW(I : % oiiii. ioe-anUorry -.,. in'U U -;i ' :, :, '■; ' - Jul00‘-' li -oup wator, V 2 tbsp, iqmon Juioe,- .Pinoli unii : r*ul,all InBrofllon.to^ln 'n. Ma«on 'fn ilt Jnr, tiiid i BhaUo: tliorouKhly., ; ;C1>UI : and; «(•r,vo::ln ,i:S)ns!i6ti ' filVofl l' Vl t'Ul ;ot. ioa’: ,<j1iI|)u, , ...linspborry, ;’i;bIàoUb(>.rry, : ;an;l elipi'i'y ;Julflo inny ,bo UBod Instead,: o(. :Ui<) iQeni!Uorry,,;'. :'.;v,',:': : lo'ad': C o ò ò à ,. n.'. ■' ■; V'‘ ,'v,' 3 tap, oooòfi C ' ','a'tsp, susnr ‘ ■ milk (Jllutofl ' oup:: wator:;;; ■ ;; ■.::-\v)th - .> . i Plnoh, salt i i ';. ;■ % oup w ater oui):ovaporato<J : V4 t«ip,: vanina ) Mix coooa'and sugar thoroushly aiji> adii the U aup water and boli ovor a low flame for ' 16 , mlnutce. Saald the diluted mille an.d add ooooa oyrup and salt. Continue oooltlng (or 15 minuta« In double boiler. Add vanrilo, CtiDI Rnd serve with chipped loe. 'Cop «Uh whipped oream. UTiîW'-— » w -: , . -- (Copyright by n, n, Doubleday,) “Export and daring” londors In the great sport to Which thoy hiivü brought : tam o, aro thq cowgirls from thé western rangea who \yiU competo !a the - Chicago Roundup aud W orld's Obamploushlp llodoo, to bo held for nine days beginning Aubnist 15, Ohnmploiis past und present, as well, as now seekure ' niter fame, 'Wilt add thrills to the cowboy contests which wlU be preacuted In tbo now $5,000,000 stadium under tbo auspices oí the Chicago Assoclatloa ; of Coniroerce. A groijp of tlifso cowgirls startled tho Staid Drlttshor when they : appeared lii the Intem uttom il Championship held tiiy Tex A uaila at Wembley, .Bagtand, recently; acid,tlie same champions w ill com pete.b the Oltlcago.speoi : tecle. Austin 18 organizing the Chicago ronndnp w ill manage It, oad tk« 1000,000 io priM S Is the largest am ouat offered for вяу contest tbla yettr. ; ; ’”i ' ' ■'* ■ . r>,\ ijij (Шя1ш1111м1ш11ш1тйиш1м11ви;|!1и11111амят11111аяш1и11й1а№а ANNUAL WASONIC I’ICNIC, Olvc Ihc youngslfiva , Ihiff iiiïioîofiom<?.Ioni*: »Jailing .sweet - tbi- pleswu-g лЫ benefit. RESPONDENTS “.Vs^il ynirielf Й ' iemoJ<lrit|\ö>- * ' ......... -jv'ui I We want to ask >all our cpÍTea- visit'ors to the'róovio. n big P a ra -'pondants to have us «■■nlce.-'iiew-. mount nintiiffi «vm"v „irHif '-^sy letter for next/ week. ,We konw you w ill be buay.prepuri,n{; W e are all glad to know that Mr. J. B. Campbell is able to be out again. ' . >■■.■■-« .1 ’ ■ .1 ' Mrs. J. T, B aity is visiting hei^ daughter, Mrs, Jim Newman, of Danville, Va. Mrs. Ida; Yates is visiting friends in Minnesota. Miss Daisy Holthouser is supplying as clerk in the post office in Mrs. Yates’ absence. _44« WXUT7A that part of the force may be able to'attend tho picnic. Thanking you in advance for same and trusting that you w ill enjoy the' picnic to the fullest extent. ПЕНЕ.” YOU ARi3 WELCOME, J, „ AUG.. /: 13th.“iil ALLISON & CLEMENT -That’s UsGall 51- , ' a il« CIGARS, ICÉ GKEAM AND ALL KINDS OF DRINKS JMre. Clay Lane, of Rogersvllle Tenn.i Is visiting her father, Mr, John Ijam es. ^ . M iss Ivie Horn and L. G. Horn, Jr., spent n while Sunday with £11ч M ae Campbell. M essrs. Kirk and Dcadmon, 81 year-old veterans, of Salisbury, RED MEN TO MEET AT' LEXINGTON SATURDAY: OFFICE HOURS FOR t'ICNIC DAY w ereívisitérs in thi^s^c^^^^^ Sleasrs,. R. B. and John .San- 1 ford spent Tuesday in Charlotte yOB< business. ,'<i'iMrs.' B. C. Clement., Jr., and 'Jjlttlc son left Friday for a visit ' to W est Virginia. day. They accompanied ''Mr. D. B. Spry and spent a very enjoy­ able day talking to the boys of the older days. Mrs. Eliza'aeth Burgman, Grand Matron of. 0 . E. S., and other members of the Twin-City chapter, cnme oyer and constitut­ ed the M ocksviiie chapter last night. A fter the business hour, a social^ hour was enjoyed and refreshment's served. , . M rs. Horace Hayworth,'' of High Point, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr^. E. C.^ M orris. , Mrff', Ailce Hutchins, öi Wins- ’ ton-Salem 'spent the ' week end ■with M rs. W ill Moroneyi - Ы ,>,( ^Mrs. H. Ç.,Mei'oncy 'and dnu'uht-:- «í,*M rs. P;'< G. Brown, spent Mon- 'day >in Saliftburj^' shopping. ’ .,i. A, WV i' . M esdames 'Z. N, Anderson nnd ■R] M, Hqlthouaov spent Thursday i Jn 'W inston-Siilem, shopping, v M r. Ci Hi Tomlinaon and fivmilj are spending this week ^ylth rë- Jativcs and frionds iiji Winstpn- SaK’m. ' M iss' Pauline Caaey, a' trained nurse of : Baltimore, arrived last луеек to spend some'time .with her parents.' ..’ M isa E lla Mae Campbell -spent » few days last w e e k Avith her iiu'nt, M isfl. Lau ra : Cainpbel 1,,, on 3pUtp.;l,.\' '■ Mrs. E. L. 'GaUhor abd duught-; er, ;M iss VSarah, , spent j Monday ai’ternoon , ,i'íi ■ VVinKton-Snlom, . shopping. . ■ '/ ' .. V" ' ;'-у ■ M isses-MainiD'Hendrix, Nell and A nie' Holthouaer a n d '‘.Krank iiuîieyçu tt spoiit'thc 'week end in 'Mooreaville. r ' : . Mr. W. W. Spry; of route 4 tells us a spake story which seems to be very unquire. The snake was found hanging ,on a small limb by his\mouth, and looked as if he wns craw ling down tho limb ami fell ofi catching by his mouth ind would not turn loose his grip. Hr. Spry says that the snake waa 'ilpiost dead when he found it,,,bo- ing^unablo to move but very little. IVIr. Spry removed the snake froni the tree and then kllled'it. . be Préceded by Torchlight P a­ rade—Several Speakers. MOVIE NEWS W'e,:CÎill ybur attonlion to ,1эиг advertisem ents ; in. i this' issue. Read them all before you' lay the paper down'..' \ ^ There w ill be^a cliihlrcn's (5.xer- císé at Oak Grove chw ch Sunday' evening at, 7:3(), Every . one is, cordially invitedi •: Home .Corning‘season for Dayio folks; next,week; 47th Aiinual iVIa- uonic Picnic, ’' firing^ yrfur 'vlsitprs ';o‘ the Princes '.we, w ill have' a Tood Ì10W ■ ' Paranióiint Picture en>ery !nisiht. - 'л Today and tomorrow we put on -“The Little Prencb Girl,” the atory.is fam iiiiar to many as ov­ er 800,000 copies; of tho book have been' siild which proves its popularity, the , story is by Annie Douglas 'SedgWich, transfntod' tó 'the screen by Herbert : Brenon. .Fesitured players, Alice Jpyce, Mary;- Brian,' Noil Hamilton and Esther,*. Riilston. ■ ' ■ . Friday and Saturday,' Ueed flows with Mildred llarriò' in' j “Si’iiior Speed;” ; ii W’estorii drama, ‘also t^vo rGél' PAluunlionai Comedy ■“N fivorAgiiiÙ.” ‘ . Monday and Tuesday, “Men and' Women,’’ , .чртр111']пу. different las there iSi Vio Иег’'о, 'iip *Иего1пе or no' Y il'biri.;;• The • chdiuicters^^^ arc juat men an^ riiodern i«)cioty, '.Its^^^^a Wm. Demi lie pro-; (luction,''i'eaturing Riuliàrd ЮЬс| Nei).; Ilarrlilton, ; ' Claire 'Adams and Robert E dipii, 'i'he iPicTilc pictu! e-y i.4 a:' J^is. ..Cruze 'prrjduc- .tion, "Th'o.;';QooRe-'Hàngs ITlgli” nnd "■iO W inks” Comes Pri'day and Saturday. '' Lexington, Aug., 4.—Nokomos tribe No." 168, of Lexington, w ill be host to Red Men of the sixth district Saturday. A business meeting w ill be held at the court­ house at 2 o’clock and at 8 o’­ clock at the same place there will be a public meeting. Delegates aro expected from High Point, Gibsonville and Danville. Addresses w ill be rtiade by D, ,H. Milton, of High Point, Fred 0. Sink, of Lexington, Heehan Hughes, of Graham, Clifton J. Parrot, of Danville, 0 . R. York, of High Point, B. A. Simpson, oi^ Greensboro, Rov. R. A. Whitten, of Reidsvilie, and W. Bcn/'6ood- win, of Elizabeth City.,' A torch­ light parade will bo held prior to tho public meeting. •Ф ' Our, office w ill be open Picnic Day from 7 to 11 a. m., from 2 to p. m. Gall around, leave your bundles and use . us in any other way you may desire. Plenty of ice water and daily newspapers j at your convenience. DEMOCRAT^ ARE VERY HOPEFUL 1^1 PRISON AUDIT NOT COM- '■'Л^LETB ' ' ■ -Ф- Í Mr. CANA NEWS M r.i:^iil ■ ,Mi'sj Clyde Hutchens sperit'rsa^ew/hours Sundiiy with M rs. ríüt’bhens parents, Mr. .and ■ lli-s. J. B. Campbell. M iss Isoabfil De'Vlaming, of Rocksboro, and Mrs. Carlos Coop­ er, of Clemmons are visiting Mrs. Coopera sister, ■ Miss Ivie Horn. s Mrs. Emma Hutchins and dau- ghtei', Lillian,.,-Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hutchins and Mr. John Camp­ bell, Jr., made a trip to Roaring Gap Sunday. Cooleemee ball team w iil play Stony Point at Cooleemee Satur­ day afte,ijR<{V!«); a^ji^fjP. n). This , prtlm iies'ciji, lie of the^ best garnes Next week is Home Coming 'j.'G ; Ferebee an d'fam ily spent Monday in Winston-Salem, . pev. E. W. Turner preached an excellent sermon to a large con­ gregation at Eatons’ Church last Sunday m orning.' Mr; Sanford Stonestreet -weiit to Mocksvilli; the first of the week to have some 'dental work done. Mx\ and Mrs. John A. Naylor, of Winston-Salem visited here Sunday afternoon... Miss Lucile. Cain accoinpanied them home foi a weeks visit. Work, was delayed on the new ehuroh building last week for lack of brick The brick are now on hand nnd we hope there will bo no further delay. We have had a , good rain this week for which our peoplo are ypry thankful. , ■' • A few of our farm ers'are cur­ in g tobacco this week.". Many of the folks from this neigl^borhood attended , church services at..Beai\ Creek last Sun­ day and at Pnrmlngtdn Sunday night. Ralèigh,' Aug.'l.---.Th0: stato pri- 80n Vi3 no\v : inaking,a botter shó)V- in ¿ thari' it-liàS '.made" yenrs, ; and : if ttio:' proB'ent ' ! condii tions as tp'fi'rm ìng opor,nti,orls. and tho . empi oy meii 1; of con victs ; con­ ti n iió, i t \y^i 11, ì:h o\v- Qx'^el 1 ent, r.esii Its for thè ypar." Govérnpr '-MuLean nasuròd in 'a 'Statement roieased tociay by bis socrptary Ch.lrles H. Bnglànd; ' ; ' • j ; ' The .govertior ieft òn a late traili last liight for a vacaticn trip into tjAo W isconsin .wóód». Boforo.go- ing, hp\'/eyc.r he, uvi-angcd for thc' relea.'ie.of tho auditor’^rpp o rt oh thè fljiancinl coiidition oi', (he àtate pri.^i'ón 'ivhon it shall bo compipted. . ;Tho statem ent ?nado■ today;’was dpparontly; for tho _pui'poso di' as-' isurinif. thè piìbliq Ìji tha face pf thòscirlaa'Ol’;as.snuU.s ,on tho 'prisoir iTlàPàgomeilt by >the locai; pàpèr;, Thi^ Nev.'s and; Obaérvor, which havp bo^n'runnini.? furiously siuee nvisòri ' 'i.sùpei’ihtendent,', ':Ge'orgò. ;Ro3‘i Pouj an(l .repúrtoi v Jonathaii; , DaiiipÌs ^onga'K'ed in si. fisticufi’ and .wrestling bout on th'e prisori ground«., ,/ ' :"'!ri}e aceoiintiijit. assijrned ; tO ;tlu!''st.ate prison 'wo!,'k by. thè :8tiit,e audit'ór'has-npt coihpleted' bis re- pqrt /incl thprófoj'é it' càrinot bp siivu’v uut.”. Iho ;goyornpr’s àtaior mept ' àiii'd a,'lviHÌÌH? Ihat,,. he ' Ìiatì ‘^i'equfìsteci, ■ •' t''e.; .':accou n<;ant to check overy. ' itcm: in thè:'o;iera- of.y he "stato prisori àccountsti . , T - _____ vt ry narofully aiid, go ;ovor the ,VouchPi s f"r p'lub farm and oth­ er m ajor activities of, the prison to Bfio that all items aro proror- ly cii^tributdd to re'flect thp tru<j status.” He said he had “suffiiiien'' lim inary i’lf.'-rm.'ition’,’ to convince hin'. 'ohat the prison is now mak­ ing a satiafactory showing with prospectii for excellent results for the year.' ^ ' -----------------♦----------^------ Rtenew Your Health by Purification I (By IL E. C. B ryant) Washington, Aug. 4.—Rev. W il­ liam A. Oldfield, of Arkansas, is checking up' on the various stat­ es to see how many democrats he can expect in the next Congress. As chairman of the democratic congressional campaign commit­ tee, he is trying -to captjure thc house. He said today that^North Carolina shows'no sign of waver­ ing." Ho .expects Senator Over­ man to win easily and all of the representatives to return. He it; sure no republican can get in. ' Mr. Oldfield has recently rtv turned irpm* a tour of doubtful states. 'He reports th at. tho peo­ ple generali'.' feel that the Wash­ ington'govemmont Is; in thè hand.“! of 0 ciais cohtróllod by ¡ilutocr.'i- cy.';;:i!;ver,v, ma'n appbintod to of- fico, .ho'said,Sis piclîod to. deliyor votes to the Coolidgo udipihistra- tipn.''v"': ' ■ i '■ ''THa tatk' of swleôting llpckóí.el- ler or G'Uiy m'en' to enforce prohi­ bition,”' said ho,; “is' just part of tho program of thfe I plutocrats to cohtrolXthe gpvórnment. Tho dry law should be enforced like other iiiwi.’. Wiieti General Andrewf seeks to take politics out of, pro­ hibition' onforceraont; ho w ill have to do it some other w ay than through, repres'entatlves of big business, \yho arp: the'pliief-con­ tributors to, tho republican,vcam- paign funds.. ,; . ■‘‘Tho peopip iiavo permitted tho sotting up of a plutocratic gover­ nm ent'by thè ultriy rich, ’rhis ;move;for' prohibitiáií/onfor'ccineni: is ju st another evidence of. it. Tho répnbiicán.í won’ by such an dvoiv whelming. m ajorlty;,'in 1924 ,that thPy can go a.s far as they liko.‘ . Th.it i$ shown by the'appointment i of'm en to thovarious'/pom m iii- f sioils, and the'Pro.s'idfint's attitude S pn tax rcductinn 'and ^àriff mat- " ter.i. " 'When ■ the republicana; :say they hjivo.'cut 'politics : out," they state; wliat/i.'s not true. .The /pro­ hibition ^idmiriistratora will, be so disti’ibutèd, as to ' count, most for standpat renu bllcaiis of, the Watr son, of ' .indiana ; Cummins, 'or Iowa; and W aijsworth, of New Yprk, typci in, tho 19,20. olectibn.” Be Sure tottend the Picnic '- Kurfees Auto ' ' Enamel _ Works wonders on that old car. Makes it look like new. ANVIL BRAND- ,Overalls and shirts have never been beaten. Try one p&ir. - V.. ; K e r f e e S ' & , W a Ä " Kurfees Paint Contuhis More Lead Per Gallon r«n«ra№iiU!imiwt№iiiaiiiiai№№ii9iimiiii»!o:Q№itaiiiitaiiwi»ffiiœwranni№fflia:^ u _ '.'ÍT a ', ■ ' . ' " Ы и eí у ’■} 'i FiftM''two-row dusting machin-: PS and 20 thrpe-i’ow dusters were purchased and put to v.’ork in boll >VDevll icoh.trol in Holv'o County this summer, states County Agent L .B .'B ran d o n ;: "tou Sh«>.!ltl Take Siîècial Çp-re In li’repalringi Yoùr P ii^ic ' Dinner, Tliis thaï yo'ii w ill Want Ô nly'The'Besi,,. .You W iil Pind It A Weijsuro^ ._WANT;în The ftieat Liue A| This St(TO complote lluo of vavious kiiVrld of monts foi Ihc^'pic'hic ‘ dinner.■' ' -'■- '‘V ' - : ' \ Allistiijohnsoe-'' " . HEAVY AND FANCY G,«ÔCERIES . ^ м1»|||1га111!Ю№1Ш1111Еа«шш1а!1Ш1111Ш1Ш1а11Ш11га1п;1яш1вш1иш(Шнгаш1№ш>Ш!такгашга1«1Вшга KBiiiiaiimiiíieiiiieimi3iiiiiiiii№MD8iiiiaiiiiiaiiiíanírjí:,uiiiininiQiiiiimiimiiiiaiiiia:iiiniiiitáiiiiез A ny physician w ill toll you that “ Perfect Purification of tho Sys­ tem ia 'N ature’s foundation o£ Perfect H ealth.” W hy not rid yoiu'self of chronic ailments that aro _ undermining your vitality? Purify your entire system by tak­ ing n thorough course of Oalotabs, —once or twice rt week for severfll weeks—and see how Nature re­ g ard s you with health. Oalotabs are the greatest of all Bystem purifiers. Got a fam ily package, containing fnll direc­ tions, p.ricp 35 cts.; The campaign for w inter cover, crops has now begun. Farm ers oi: Montgomery C(^unty have al­ ready ordered a carload of hairy vetcli sepd for planting this fali.' TO STRENGTHEN DEFENSE I OP THE PACIFIC AT ONCE C e r t a i n l y I tions, p,riae .45 cts,; trial package, ,'Miss Florence Thomasson, of i Ю pts. A t any drug storo. (Adv.) ’\^ashingt;3n, Aug. 1.—^The long delayed project of strengthening Pacific Coast defense by’ placing a number of the most modern long range rifles nt selected positions is approaching adtual execution. Tho war department is conclud­ ing arrnngomcnts by which one of the post w ar 14 inch'coast artil­ lery models, mounted on a railw ay cari'iage, will bo sent at an early date to a baso in the Los Angeles, California, const' defense district, probably in the vicinity of San Pe­ dro. Other big guns fire expected to bo moved gradually to West coa.it points. YOU WILL WANT TO LOOK YOUR BEST FOR TiAE PICNIC.. THIS MEANS YOU SHOULD CALL JE i?F’S SHOP nnd FET THEM RENEW your CLOTHES—WE’LL TAKE ALL THE i;POTS OUT, GIVE THEM A GOOD SMOOTH PRESSING' -AND THEN YOU'LL BE READY. FOR THE PICNIC. V I Work Called for and Deliveved. ■ JEFFS SHOF I FOR.HIGH g r a d e CLEANING AND PRESING, Phoiie 120 f IJ if f ; EJNTKKi^KlStó “ A li The l.()cUl INews.’’ Mur M otto-The Largest P A ID -IN -^ ^ A N C E CIRCULATION of A N Y PAPER -----------------’ ... ..................................^” ’''í k 'D a v 4 e '¿ o u á i : ^ ^ 'if VOL. V n r TRUTH,,HONÈSTY ÓF,PURPOSE AND UNTIRING ,FIDELI'rŸ ’TO,;;oUR ';;C p ^ T ¿ . FLAG IS OUK A IM ^N P ...... 7 " мос1<^Щб â @ û s t/ o , ;Ì025 ; ________- 1 , ' '' , VI'ATB TO PROFIT BY THE ¡ GOVERNMENT; CITES 03 ■ ' :'NEW v;ЙÁTES■^;;;^^^^;V 7 j^viM'agc' 'Reciuctip^ . About 2ó Cunts ■ Ptìr 1ÒÒ. Pounds from - Poiiits North: of Oliio 01SCRIM1XATIÓN IS ENDED , Kaie'ighi Auii. G.—Wednesday’s swooping ; decision of tho. inter- gtnte, commerc^ conimissioji;' low­ ering freight rates applicaiilo to North Carolina points could only bo partially summed up by Cor;)! ; poration Commlsaioner Aliiin ,J, Miixj.veil, wlio has waged tiie bat­ tio for the ' state. ' '' ' Mr. M axwell made the follbwirlg statement' in, explanation of the 'i’ake Teapot Dome Oil Lease Case ' T oHiglier Court-^Says Judge !!', Erred■■ Grossly. , : ? Tha Goycrnment Saturday filed its appeal in federal court in Wy­ oming in tho Teafiot 'Domò iieval oil reserve case, citing 64 on'ors in cpnclusions set forth by the judge.'iri dism issing; the Govern- merit’s caso in its suit for ' an- nullmont. of the lease held' by the Marpmoth Oil Company, Harry F. Sinclair president. Fifty of tho errors involve the exclusion by the court of testim bijy'‘and ex­ hibits offered by' the govorhmeiit and objected tò by the defence % > t e d B y ® e ® e l l o w : W h o D o e s * T I u b g ^ féfèr.tly! Instead of Tlie Strawslied on a Rainy Day> It' Is hë. ‘Ford . And''Tó Town.. ‘ :. ' Many Сок-Ьписч-W ill Come to Lesinglon fot' Occasioi».',:,! IjUsI Tuesday w as;a ji!yiiical rain> summer day. The slow,drip, | d.';ipj tho'soft but cobl,air, tiiat stillness; it made ono want.to crawi into''a'strawshed nnd sleep away tho day, forgetful 'of the cares and; worrie.s and ■ stvugglos of. the street, the store, the off ice. :'It' is ; strange ho\v one who wan brought up on the farm ,recalls boyhood days Avhen such ain ideal rainy summer day comes. There is a well known expression that, “You may get a inan out of the country, but y6u can’t get 'the country-of a man.” Little as one may thipk, there was-never a'trtier oaying. ' "' | , ■ A fellow who has been reared on the farm may move to town. Ho may. engage in .any kind of work he chbosea. He may think his ' ‘ ^ t- i - ,1 i „ „ ‘’" " S l i t o an alysis'o h th o im |and the flbjebtions^pheld ^ y'th e ,,01-tant decision,pf'com m ission ini«ourt, inchuhng thc courts re- thu big southeastern rate case can- , not, of course, be macie until aft­ er receipt and .careful study pf the decision, which is said to coy­ er more than 700 printed pages. ■‘Prelim inary press 'reports and advices by ’ wii'e from our' coun- .sol, Clark and Laroo, of- W ashing­ ton,' are, withhold congpitulatpry. comment to the siiippers . of ' tho state. ' , ' ; ' '" “Tho phase of this ' proceeding wiiich most engaged the attóntion of the'corporation commissicin was tliu adjustment of, rates from iho middle west—all ', the tprritory north of the Ohio river. I'hv,this whole ‘ adjustment of .rates, sub- ' stantial cuts are made. Thé bas­ is of these rates at the present time is the acìditiori of^70 cents, first class, to the rates up to YJrr ginia cities from all central west­ ern territori. Thd average dis- tanco south of the noarost Vir­ ginia city to tho cities in North Cnrolinii zone ono is 105 milps. Tliu rates now proscribed in lieu he 70 cents, is 42 cents for distances south pf V irginia cities up to 100 miles, with sligihtly iiigher differential for ,g!renter distances, ' This seems to mean an average réduction of something like 25 cents first class per WO pounds to and from all the popu­ lar territory north of Ohio river, “The significance of this fea­ ture of the order may be apprc-; ciatod by recalling that the 70 cents difference basis; thus re? diici'd, and v/hich the carrier r in this proceeding fought desperate­ ly to have increased is itself the compromise basis made by ,agree­ ment with ’ he carriers in 1924 after prolonged' controversy be­ tween-the carriers on the ' on hand and tho gen,eral assembly Governor Craig and the corpora tion commission on the other. “Another pleasing feature the decision is its sympathetic considei’ntion for and treatment of our peculiar situation 'as I'o- lated to the 'Virginia cities on the north, and also of thq balance of the southeast. In language as just as, it should be pleasing to the shippers ,pf this state the cpin- raiasion finds that no such dis . parity in domestic rates (as dis tinguished from rates for export) as now exists in rates to V irginia and North Carolina cities from tho central west can be justified, and at the same, time finda that transportation tonnage and car- riur profita ili North Carolina arc lii’uater than, in ' states of tho fioiitheast .other than Virginia. • “Thia findings, in a case con- tü.sled by the carriers for three .inrt a hailf years; w ill be, of in- pfîtiinable value to North Carolina in other sources and in others which we w ill have to meet in future. . - . ‘These^findings do not in full monsure meet the contest pre­ sented ,nnd'pressed in .goo(J faith throughout the three find a half yuars of the pendency of this pro- • coQ(li;ig, but with the information now available I can'but see it as groat' victory for North .Caro­ lina shippers and'in the direction '>f a removal *of unjust .discrimi- »ntipn. . ■ ; 'i ' , 7 ■ "I wish to mali;# acknpwlbdge- iHont of the ' fine': sj^irlt; of ' co-ope- I’iitipn by ; my,'' .assOciatéÉ) ,^ii-. ¡the commission, arid- évery otie con­ nected with "the department thru- 'Hit thia proceeding and. to niak« ixu'tie'uiar aclcnowledgemqnt; Aof tho untiring and valuable ■ ser- viciis ' oi' ■^^'G. Wpmblo, th e, able I'ate expert.of thoì^cómnussioh,'i AN ELABORATE PROGRAM National Board ot.Dr|rcctors E.\- pectcd to be Present ORDER SOLID IN SOUTH fusal to compel Albert B. F all’s son-in-law to testify.':, , , •' 'I'ho evidence, the exchisipn of whici\ the petition of; appeal as- aerts,';,w,as erronisous; relates tp certain Liberty Iponds, \vhieh tlie government chargea found their way from Hayry F., Sinclair; pre­ sident of the Mammoth Oil.com­ pany, to Fall, then' .accrotary of fciiy; interior, ijuvsunjit to collusion and fraud alleged in tho granting of 'the -lease. ■ ; > This testimony and these ex­ hibits havo to clo with the pur- chitso by the Continental 'Trad- iiig Company, Ltd., of Liberty bonds, wlifcli are shown later to have been in the possession of Fall or Everhart. The govern-' ment’s contèiition was ; that cer­ tain of tho bonds passed into pos­ session pf Sinclair and went from Sinclair, to Fall ■ or Everhart. Counsel for the, Mammoth com­ pany objected to the admission of this evidence at tho trial oii ground that it related lo trans actions between parties other than those involved in the annullment suit. . Judge Kennedy sustained tho objection, Everhart, when called by tho government to testify concerning tho Liberty , bonds, which found their way into his pos.session, de­ clined to testify, asserting to- do so ^yould “incriminate” him. The petition for appeal assigns error to Judge Kennedy’s decision be- causo the witness was not com* pellod to testify.^ interests are. so uuiuruin, tum mc.u ............... . er things that he,is no Icngor a "son of title, fields.” He may think that the smei| of the soil and the i}ow mown liay and the fresh wheat straw is no longer on his garmenta. But just let such a day as last, Tueaday come along;and.before he know's it he is longing for,tho strawslied and; his ears prick up to hoar again tiiat drowsy, monoto­ nous piittfi.r of tho..>viin on the board roof, as, in hia'fancy he again strotchos liimsolf out. fiill length on a'bod Of fresh meadow hay or elonn, fresh v/hoat straw, , How many of you fòllow& 'vvhò spent, yrfiir boybood tW s on the farm felt the impulse to, laze. a\vay the d.4y,:Tue.3dhy? It would be safo to bet that every; ono ol yo«vj:lreamed'o'f that,porfect rolaxatioii you used to enjoy bn a rainy day ¡in the '‘barii-Iöft.” No doubt the.-i-bni- mnnv of vou listened again to the I Lexirigi;on; council of ,. . , Institution \Vill be a Model of its .Kind, W ith;Perfect Equipment Lexington, Aug. 8.r-^Tho 'grcat- eat day in the history of thir'.tuni- br Order of United American Mo- chanica for the member's " whc? reside in North Carolina will b.6' Wednesday, AugusI;'19/ when tho cornerstone ,^Уiil be laid at thè branch of the Orcier’a National orphan’s home near Lexington. An elaborate program is beiug prepared and tiip cpremonics wiii 1)0 attended by the most pr.omiiicnt officiills of ' the mechanics; maii'y, city, county, and state dignitnriea, and thoiisnnds of tlip order in this and otlier states of thp southland, ,1И51Ч)ГП’.; OFÍ'-'ÍO'Í’I#PIE.S AT 'гнЕ'атл;с-1^^ i^riisoN , Prtpulhtiou Incrc.i'icy^Öät'Revenue D cc'iéa.^ts— M a in te n a n c è C o st ^ ^ Relatively Ijowov ' ¡-’J _________ clltor, of Philadelphia, Pa., will The watermelon patch, tiie swimming hole, the.grape "inc sw in g .¡¿o sid c^ ^ .ljie^ ^ —those all bring back memories of boyhood days toihe man n u moved from the farm to town, bi\t give us tho strawahcd on a i’«*"!'- summer day for solid comfort. There ia nothing.-elso.like it in ,this world, neither in tho city or on the farm. . , x , principal ioatiires of Some of our readers may feel that this' a waste of space; but to th« big w ent w ill be the ái^pcaiv such we would q-uote a great man as having once said, “It ia a wise «"op ot tho'national oyphans home man that carries hla.bov heart up into munhopd,” deem it. tho part of wisdom to carry along tho memories of those P f om ^ good old days back on the farm, and to dream of tho ,atraw-shed thc rainy days, and we arc ono of,those who believe t^nt one reaped K it in his .power to CIO so. , , see first band ,what the order is able to dO'with the'chiidren that it is given to educate and train. Iri the evening, this band will give But the country boy of toc^y, is not what he was 20 jrears ago With thc American boy, ¿renernily, hé has changed, InstoAd of! spending hip rainy summer days sleeping ori a bed, of fresh sweet, straw, he now gets into hia automobile, when that rainy,day comes, on open air concert ih Lexington’ ------J- i-i_ i3„t. iin la „ v,nv and there will bo a program of It Pays to Advertise—Butt Baltimore Ad Club Bullotim rl lion met a tiger As they drank beside a pool. Said the tiger, “Tell me why You’re roaring like a fool.” "That’s not foolish,” said the lion, With a twinkle, in his cyea, ч They will me king of all tho beasts— Because I advertise!” A rabbit heard them talking And ran home like a streak; Hje thought he’d try the lion’a plan. But his roar was a qiieak, A fox'cam e to investigate— LADIES WESLEY CLASS MET. Tho Ladie’a WcHley Class of the Methodist church held a very in- tere.sting monthly meeting last Thursday the 6tli, with Мг.ч., T. A .Stone in Nortli Mocksvillo. The Vice President, Mra. P. G! Brown ' opened the ' meeting v/ith a scripture .reading and prayer, Thu variou.s reports show a splen­ did months . work done by the class. ', . During tho .social hour delici­ ous roiVe.shmen.ts were served, aft­ er which tho cla.ss ad,iburnod to with Mrs, J. L., Ward' in havQ sent telegrams of thanks and congratulations to our 'ci)un- sol, Edgar ,E. Clark, of W ashing­ ton, fôrnior chairman of the In­ terstate Commercé commiesioii and tho aiinic' telegrams to _ rate oxperts representing large ship­ pers’ organizations, whose const­ ant advices end completj co-ope­ ration has bóen of invalnnhlc n«- sia.tance; J. L. Graham; Winston- Salem ; J. T.' Ryan, High I’oint; W-, :S. Groighton, Charlol-.tc; C. <!. 'Yaces, Groon.sL'oro; С. P. B.iuso- man, Winston-Salem; R. A. Poole, Wiimingtori; W. L.' Thorton', Jr. now of Wilson; R. L, Aske.ij Ra. Jp^h, and others.” ll«3 lli.MT ..... -----------------, and drives over to town where .he'spends his time. But he is a boy I’i* mere wm di just the same, and is laying the foundation for bigger and better i.bigh class, music, thinga for his community 8nd\bÍ8 ‘countr.v, an d'if he will carry h ts! ’I'ho national |joard of officOra boy jfieart up in,t« manhood he will be strengthencfd and sustiilned Inf the juniors, the state iobiird lis endeavors, ' of officerfi and otlior prominent —---------------- monibcrs will be invitee! to join The country boy of a dozen years ago—the follow who frequent- ;with Loxington on this.big occaa- ecl the swimming hole, the melon patch—^the. fellow who boasted of In fact, a special Invitation hia physical proAveas as .a boxer, a heavy lifter, a ^hampion wrestler, b'oeri sent to every subordi- has given place to the baslcet ball enthusiast, tho base ball fan whoso natb couricil in th‘o‘iítñfé"wítTÍ'‘{íí'e determination is to become a winner of tho penant. Tho country »'oault that the ttityw«8houldu*j-be'■ ■ ■ ’ ■ ......i..„-thvonired all'tlnv,--lonBr^rr;--t-~.-;-~ CONDITIONS ARB BETTEli ^ Raloigh, Aug, G.^^IncvHase -, of G5' per centj in, prison' popuIftCion, ' a por;cpnt andTin'increase in-.ma- intenanco of 26 per cdnt woie amoiig'i the ■ outstanding»; figures ■ ■; (¡riven in a statement issued to- ; tiay by state prison iofficittls. Tho ;■ statement compares': the 'obnditibn ' and bpciati6n of tho state piison ; for 'the past two years,'’ 1923-Z4jj '; witb; 1919-20. ^ ’ " ‘fTho 'per capita coat of malntfl« ,: rian.bp,”’isaul thc ioport,.“in‘ \hd i fapO ' bf; the C5 p^r cent increase« in popiilation, dropped from $1.40 to • ?lv20 and underthp lowisr, figure- the 'prisoners have bofin given icoftcp, 8ugi\r:,and smoking tobacco;',whicM' they did not havo , iri any prec,oclinji acjm iiiistration.y;; .' “WhippiiVg' hasf been al^blislibdi' ■ '“Racca have been segtegatpd, ' '‘‘Prisoners ii'avo boon graded acir. cbl’dirig to: phy3ical abllllyi/,aud' :^ffici(riicy,”'. '.‘v ; Tho'statem ent sot foith- thrtt .^ rti’drp than 200 priaonors •suffering';; frprii' an intcctioua disease, had boon ciii'od, and continued:^, “A tubercular colony, has- been eatablished. ,, . , “ Criminal insane have . been,! transferred tp ,the state hospital/,; “A system ot sanitation v/hich,; has met cvciy rcquiicmcnt of'tha stati) board ibf healjth has ; been,! insl’itiiiitPd. ” ' ; ' ‘'Prisoners' have boon ' given:! siii'gical, medical and dental at­ tention] ... “Prisoners have boon ro-gi'aded* aowrding, to conduct, , ; , , “All iJrisoners have been placed: on indetnimlnate sentences, r , , . ‘iHpspital facilities,-, operating' table, aterlizer, etc^, have boonviA- stalled, . "A first class laundry has been installed, . “Tiio average number of prison, ers during li/10-l№0 was Vd3; asj compared with a daily overage of ,; l4Uo. d u rib . 192S and 1924. The' 'i'¡•ii.i.. ..J.:,!.;...' ,.v ii « '■’Ml ш '¡Ml í ni'■та «Sui■ft ’ЗТ' determination is to oecome a whmh;i ui ............... ------, . , , boy of today is bncoming the ambitioua apeculator, the inteniiivo tlay-long.-^— farmer,' the educated builder. Blessed with opV>ortunitiea which his I ^bei.o vviii be sqmoiyo,ry pj^ppii- enjoyed, he is starting in the race at about the point at-i*e-eor«eratone=- Mnthiiifr nii'/7:lp.q him. for he ia himself a i^'^ng. Ono of thp most distin-father neverwhere his father stopped. Nothing puzzles him, for hp is himself .. puzzle. There is nothing new to him, for he is the emoodimont of suiahed men ol tho stnto, in fact newness himself. 'Preach a acrmon to him, point out a fine picture '>no who has a'world-wide reputa­ to him, tell him a story, and he takes in half of them all at a glance, tion, iias boon Jipi^t^tc),T.deii,ViH; and then improves on them ail. ' n i ^ ^ JoaetiTiutÌi Daniela ot Raleigh, ^oJ-morly se- aVei’a^c .niJnibor of • escapes dyr-,- .019-20 was 136 aa compayêd , with 129 in 1928 and A924, .a de- ' crease'ot 2Ö jjor cent. The ave-{ rage-num ber of rcc!ipturp|j in:/i'.; 19Í9-20 was 40 compared wit'll 88 ' tdurlng-thiH ast two yiidrö,'An''lH:* xagca)un4№ji^oJ:,.deaths y/uß (¡pmpared, wit^ait^vetr;,; It lor li tiiuuouuu. .................. careworn expression .which characterizes too many older; business and professional men, but with thai; boyhood enthusiasm. The, new qountry boy “carries his boy heart into maphood” .with him, and it’ helps him to serve others cheerfully, it gives him hope, it supra him into the conflict for accomplishments. But with ail his ability, with all his.modcm pleasures and ain;p and ambitions, it is doubtful whether or not; ho can bonst of nny'- thing in, the way of pleaGuro which can outclass the old straw-shetl on a rainy summer da.v. of the orphans homo at Lexing­ ton. The principal.^ono ia that tho Tiffin home has'-roacbed 'its lim it as to the numbei*;''of‘-chiidren:*thaf can be accomodated ,uiuler,' the suggestion'' of thip p\i^lic .health ;aervicd. ' Ahnost''i;050'''bciyii ,'atycV girla are at the'O hio 'homP 'aritl thoy are being'•;takeh 'ca're<'<!if in' tho best, possiblo, manner, but the National Bank Resources Show Gain of .$1, 781,944,000 Dur­ ing The? Past Year. ,auigo_oi.2DaiiXiinis-jiiuit.uv,ou''4afr4' a docroaae in the m ortality rk ti according to population of '¡iGi per ccnt, ' otSthe Bickctt administration 1 1; hayo bccfli^ .f932,000, oa cpmpare; b ■ durlng'’th i' MorriBO: I; deoreaacij 0 ; maintendiia i _________ . ........... ing 191i|riij> aa compared with a maintenance coat 91 .'?1.002,000 during 1923|2< i ,or-A ■marntdnanco 'incroaso .ofj 2 i perifcent with an' iilcreaae off.C i ppr,;.c.ent'i.n -popula^inn, ; ; ' i j ' ‘‘13xpc;iulltur.oa \vhich reficct’jth i iiicre'Bsirig- cds't''’bfVth'o priaon lin i)l'adO;::;,'Sugar,i $20,584; smoklntj, $.1:^31L'44'; exooas •cpmmutat)^on 1 last throb months of that period. A 8ta,toment issued today by the office pf the comptroller of, the currency, based on reports fromj; Thb increase in the-’reserves the country banka, or those out­ side 'of reserve cities was $88,787,- OOO;' New Jersey banlta ahowed the largest amount of'inci'ease; $88,435,000,' : - Loans and diacounta :totalled $12,674,0(57,000 on June 30, "com- un.. uu. uuu.:ä^3Ä 72,, excess lor p h ^ ick ii number is bound<tp-grow.s t o a ^ l i l y ' - ‘ioutiats, $Ij,QO0 Ln'iivl +*nl. fhia vnnsnn n*hi.ani,K 0XCÖS3. fOl clangC.loUa ,11Ша.П( 3>14,20:î.'42, or ' a totfll inci’piis^ largely ,'i n oxpòudituró.s initij^^ Washington, Aug. 7.—National bank reaodrces showed an increa­ se of $1,784,944;,000 during the year ended last June 30, including an advance of,?518,400,000 in the,'pared with .?12,468,888,000 on June 30! 1924. ■ Paid in capital of the banks in­ creased' 424,000 during the .year and $7,991,0OO'frbm April 6 waa cl.i A'no' 1 cunenuy, V/** ....... • iha last national bank call, placedìtò Juno ЗО.^ Surplus and unaivuU IIIC lUM . . . I. . .1' ПЛ Г70 1-Л ______Ф Ю /4ЛК .ЛЛЛ n «the total resource's of the 8,072 I'banks nt $24,360,863,999, tho lar- ed profits advanced $18,406;000 as comnared with June a, year ago Lrost of',record except fo,r the per- and $3,638.000 froni April 6. iod end'ed December 81, 1924 Eighty two and eighty seven hundredths per cent of the increa­ se in resources from April to June \yas shown by the banks in central reserve' and reserve;cities. \ New York city banks.alone showed an advance of i?353,440,000; C.hicagp banks $24,901,000 ,and; Detroit banks .$42,008,000, ;' 'Total deposit liabilities amount­ ed til $19,909,669,000 exceeding by $1,561,882,000, those 01) June 80; 1924; and by $526,722,000 those on April 6. 'ffime deppa;ita, including poatid sayings, amounted to 924,658,000, an 'ipcreaae of $664;- 725.000 foi' the year anci :cf,'$139,- slo\A d47';000 ■^luring the three months,, sevcb'a period. , I ( , /,i this reason a ’branch hoinej cidod upon'. :her reaspn'j.is that,';1)he,' pa^.| council desired . to 1 pay, a, to tho 8p.iitbiarid;''mQniborr lebause ,cif;'its :lpyalt;if' find ie^ic.' work''''='duii;ing -'several The organization hits.'.en- fin^’ boom, ;ip,.;tjig ¿pu the;:']!; i. and tlie, national officers ¡iate this '''Moiehoarted 's'up- |n th e, qup,st;i,Qn -.of a .;braiiph;' ,vas broached at tho natip- 'scissipii Burlirigbon, Vt., tw'o ycai’9 ¡ago, the North Carolina Juniors with their usual dipiiiay ressiveness camo forward proposition that waif eiiger- . ppted. They offered a freb a?id a contribution otV.$256',- start the branch oii it's,way,: ational offic.ors w.ero'^-ij^i p act. ' iThey aoon irispectM ¡1 proposed sites and finally tiori tribij ship enei' year joyoi di.4ti; ■appi port; 'Wlhe homp , nal ................................... I.,. 'dii'r/ng the Pou aclmiiiistratiori,:^..' '$8'4,8.27;4'2;............... -■;..‘Лп addition-to-these figures’ thp;',repQi(; adds, “thp pnson litid to. by'ild- up, two ¡largo tarma tota i.ng.7j^00 ací^JS. ; 4’his was dono^ ' ä' pei'jod oi acuto :doiirc.4sion.(,: №rio>,’ to M atch '!, ^1925, alai thofРГ18о(Г,'.undcr,:iho l«w,,'c'(ju|d not, ,^Y-ork priaonera (pxcopt upc(n the îarm , Jn quamea,:ov:upoii:tí¡ higlw ava; • 'th e' restriction', ; m coi^sflriiy, .-ihut off much rovenU ras',ic was not possible ttf seçu 'woi'k bh such projects, due tp j jfof\pi ibon officals.” 'V'.,J . , b"; 'j ;,íRyo is tiie surest^cover ic.ro|ii sriÿà extension workers :of; St.a ' ,:С'б)1ё80, bi'(,t It-, does not furnr [•riitngen. ' Plant legumes thm¡ to cut down the leod and, feriiilife y f •4«„У U i, ЬУ* * Лч ''Ллш <'!* l-lw' I' ,■ ■ p.nf»n (» DO YOU OWN YOUR OWN HOME? 'T^>TTi) MnCTC.qy)tT,l[,E ENTRnPnrgn the(By M iirj' W illis Shuoy, in ■ Doarborn_IiuHipen(lunl) There &У0 aomo pcoiile who cannot bo repinced. They have chai'uctor, ■ unci it takes time to build that in wood, or trees, or furniture. There are not tnany of those placcs in cities, iiowever. Growth a’u! cliangintr residential think that c\erything that is | sections, with encroaching busi- r I m i t*a 1 a , 11f r«(- *• < t ^ .. K ii. i ■ ■ . . . •'Tí m ||,Лitr.4 ife ä Hill г~:~ tíM»J Ä ' " theirs/is just a iittle bit better than any other like it. Their egoi extend until the least of their . possession.'!, and everything re­ lated ;to thoni3elvo.s is magnified. But-w e are ail like that'rtbout , tw o-thiii3'B: our lionieà and our : children.''T hey are the things ¡•• that really have to belong to us before AVO iippv,éclate th em. O ur’ friends' children? They m ay be the dearest, most attrac­ tive children in the world to their own parents, but thore is no es- , pecial th rill'in them for the rest :■ o f. U.S. Rather plain, everyday . childreh,' anyhov.'. Dozens a lot • like them. But our own? That’s V differènti We tr y not to Ijoast of ' it, but we can’t help knowing what superibr children our own a i'e l^ . ..■ Our friends’ homes? Some of ’ . them have very nice places. \Vo*ll even go so far as to adm it that they are larger and cost quite ,« bit more than our own.' But when •it comes to thé little things that V inake a place individual, ourj hafi it all -over the rest of them i We never:do, care very much for our. friends % tastes in some things, you j Know. A House nnd a Home are two ■ very different places.' A House is a dwelling, a structure, an edi- : fice—whatever your cross-word " puzzle defines it. It Is an inani; mate, soulless thing. But a Home I is alive. It is a house that has . had 80 m any plans and memòrie» " , ir. it aníí arqun^d it that it has be- ■ ^ como ,a ~vital' . Ju st riay ."Home” yourself. It , doesn’t ^jnean the apartm ent you : are renting. The chanffCs^, are that if you are not living ^ in a ' . }jome thiit you own your thoughts ' go back, to your childhood home. , ; . Yes, a crosa-s.ectipn of the Hu­ lm án Heart shows a strong streak ' : of Bcntiment ïo r Home. There is r no placé like ours-^until sómeono ■: comes along and offers us enough I profit' to really' pay ua to 109k' for ' another one! . ‘ V. Homes and ¿children do not be- jlong in, tho flame category after '>;.'4ili, :for .almost/,every one of us > "vhaa in the' back of his mind .the exact, figuró that y'ill ; induce him i.;to sell his home.: ,’!ln g \v¿ ' w ill¿b ffe. of ' our price,', and JL'Pi vided be- twoeri' Hope iincl;i'o!\r thüt the dffer ‘wUrbó raised. ; ;!i,, As to whetho,r it pays to sèll ;:ia;hoitaéj-that depends òn.'the price :■ f;hhd;the‘faniilyT '-'Thtíré'ar^^ w^ich/ have been in fám illes for 'B'evèr^l genòrations, arid they have come to stand for something de­ finite in thQ minds and hearts of children and grandchildren. They , » ness districts, rai'ely let fam ilies live several . generations in one house. We find them in the coun­ try and in small towns, and as a rule/tliey are not listed for sale. To some fam ilies moving is ah actual uprooting. They feel _ the .train and stress, and a move uieans a complete readjustm ent to a new set of conditions.- It would take^a large profit to make 'a fam ily move vvhen moving means an upheaval. Some of us move easily, and do not object to ‘ the excitement of change if wb have a larger house, or a larger equity in the new one, in exchange for our trouble. 1 know pebole who have made seve­ ral moves actually buy substantial homes. 'They feel that it has paid them well, to take profits on each* .house. ' X Your disposition and your fin­ ancial code w ill determine v.'heth- ier it pays you to sell a home. But there is little question in my mind as to whether it p ay s. to buy one. W,e are coriiirmed home owners—even if the homo isn’t entirely paid fori - It pays to buy a house .because it is much easier to make a home, in property that we own that in ! property we rent. Any place, can bo home, but a home usually is where we are w 6rking to make it ours. Not long ago I looked over some “Better Homes” definitions, and the one that had the truest j Not only is-it paid for, I understanding was w ritten by a|ha.) been improved. A rented Httle boy. It ran like th is: "A.house may go to pieces,^but an , Thursday, fAu'gUBt;10; И)Цй | bo.4Utiful.hbme8;: The tilDcffvery of years. , / milk would cause Hq ohe to becomo , ‘,‘Tho dairy cow iilwuys bring i immediately rich, but the average diversification, and in thia your citizen would ,,be independent,; to which I refer the produclion happy and contented. , In 'a few ¡w as 187,000'bushels of potatoea, years the ,lt(nd would be richer ,56,000 tons of hhy, 96,000 bushels and would continue to get richer'.of barley, 1,770,06 bushels of corn,l i n f t i fV>/a n n T M t n t iv iif t r 14 nfn\ Л "I Am Certainly Feeling Fine Silice Taking This Splendid Medicine,” Says Envoy George Best, of Charlotte. \ ^ "I just want 'to tell everybody about this wonderful medicine Kar- . link and how it has overcome trou^ bles from which I sufTevctKthe past eleven years,” dccl.irca Envoy George E. Best, Box 82,'Charlotte. N. C., assistant to the qomniantline' officer of the Charlotte Salvation Army Corps. _ I ' “I suffered ' fro,m intestinal indi gestion, arid my stomach had got- ten'into Euch an ulcerated condition that it pained me terribly in the lower ^part of my bowels. I had been under many dift'orent treat­ ments but continued to grow v('orae until I had to live on such things os sweet milk, toast and soft boiled eggs, and even then I suiTered af- tenvard. I waa hungry all the time, but I didn’t dare eat. "Well, sir, money couldn’t buy the good six bottles of Karnak has done for mo. I am now eating choose and other . suol^ foods ■ couldn’t cat at all bcfofc, and au>' not haWng, a bit of trouble .nfter- ward. If that doesn’t speak - for ■ICnrnak, I’d like to know, whut does. , “And i- have, so much npw strength nnd energy it just makea me feel i*ke a liew , man nt my work. Yes, sir, I’m Rure feeling fine since I takinc: Krivnak, and I hone mv statement w'il lead othpr.n ' to try Kanlak and get the wonder­ ful relief I have." , '■ I I Kitrnuk Ib nold In Mockov lllo iixclurlvvly bV Iln r r ls - L o Q r u tid r h u r m u c y ; a n d b y n il lu u d lu K (ltu « B l8 t in « v e r y to w n . until the community would sup- -port a population almost equal to thril of a city. Go to Texus, Okla­ homa, Pennsylvania, and you will вез the first picture. Go to Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin ;arid’ Minne- soti. and you w ill see tho other picture/ .' ■ "An idea of ¡what the dairy cow has done, for prosperity may be gained,by a few specific instanc- l,870i bushels of oats, 2()0,000 bushels of -spring wheat, 65,000 cows, ,401,987 chickens, and 881,- 359 dozens of eggs. These are the figures from the cdunty that n few years ago was financially bankrupt. The dairy cow did |'t all.'. "Some- people think the dairy indii.stry exists iri. only a I'uw •ncatter^d communities and is of1 iii 1 _ -......_ . - •Í3S. |Some íTGnerations aisO Den-1 litLIc consequencG as compared mai'lc • vvas poverty stricken. Her soils ;V/ere depleted, .her people poor. J Then came the dairy cow. Today Denmark is the richest country per capita in £he world. The cow did it. ■ • 'In our own country two gene- with other great industries. Лз a m atter of fact the value of the daii'ry cows alone is $1,278,000,- ООО. If wo took all the gold miti- od in the United States since 188,'j vve would have barely enough to pay for the dairy products for tho № ST PROSPERITY IS , BASED ON MILK jCow W ells Are F ar Better Than Oil W ells for D iffuse Richies ¡Better Home is one my F ath ir is proud to live' in, our friends en­ jo y, coming to, and we children are happy to grow up in.” That home is liaually an own^'d home. Any place that can give gladness in w'ork, p^ide in. living, enjoy- me.iit 01' friends and happiness of children is a m ighty good invest­ m ent! . Home-owning pays in money, too. . Saving in most cases' is d purely: acquired habit, tviid it takes both incentive and plan to make us do it. B aying a h,ome furnish- es botli. The incentive to own a place that is ours is so. strbpg »,0 w onder'if itJust this mom-1 that we sometimes 21’ >vithin, ?300 -ian’t a fundam ental, trait. 'The ” ’ ■ ■ plan 1« furnished by'the'building good residential property. The one per cent of the loan a month, 'which is the rule of mast home finance, plans, plus taxes, insur­ ance arid repairs, amounts to just about what the rent of the house would be. In about ten years the I "M ilk well.'t," supplied by the home is'com pletelji paid for. Dur- dairy cow, are of far greater Im- ing all that time the purchaser ^ortanco to hlim anity than all the has had pride and joy of home “oil w ells” of the wbrjd. If you ownership, and the chance for a wish a brief prosperity, seek oil. profit on' it, and' at-th e end he If you wish a permanent prospe- really has the house. jrit.v, seek milk. ..........................................................This placing of the dairy cow on prosperity’s pedestal as a greater permanent money maker than the, profits to be gained from | tha oil “guiihers” was contained 1 in ’I talk made by C. M. Long, con­ nected with a large creamery., who declared that no greater misfor­ tune could befall an agricultural cpmmiinity than to have''it discov­ er oil. ‘iLet us see what it would mean f.,nmmunl'i,y if oil were discovered,” said Mr. Long. “There would be' a great rush of •people. Bpth tho morale and mo­ rals of the community, would be lowered. The countryside would be covered with ugly derricks iind Uiisightly shacks. A few . people -------...............................I owned home is kept in good re­ glad to woVk for, my Mother is ¡pair, and little"improvements arenroild to liVA in ntiv «« t i t » _ .added çach . year. .Perhaps we value those improvementaf above the amount they add to the house, but .who doesn’t think the porch he screened or , ,tho flovyera she pla'iited inci'ense , the valtie? We may overestimate the,■jo perscfnal touchés, but the .thingo added to living comfort add appi^edably.to the selling: price too;' , ^ ' Budget authorities have diffe­ rent rules ns to tho price of the" houge we,can afford to buy. One rule is' that the house should.not coat moi'e than 2 to 2 1-2 times __ _________ v.rw j/tij lui tiic uuiiy jnuuuCDS lor IhG rations ago Wisconsin was. bank-: ^^ingle year 'of 1924. Agijjn, if rupt. The dairy cow was brought |\>/e took' all the wheat, corn, onts to this state, and today Wisbon-i and rice produced in America in sin is the most prosperous com- 1924 and sold it we would-h.nvu monwealth in the Unil'od States, I just'.enought to buy the . dairy f l i o ¡— tu .;:!.- !.---- * - the yearly incoine of the purcha.4-«would become rich. Th'e greater or, (|Thi,a is for pur old friends, the "average* man” and the “mo- O r-apply the. _ - ----------I derate incomes.”) Ur .apply th( and loan assocm tions,. or . the ]f.ent'baai^ figures to y o u r mont'h-,i.'''o'i,ld be pumped out of the laat banks, and aa a rule it does notl v payments. Our budgets say .well, and there would be an eXo- taku a lai’ge cash payment t'j buv 4.1,«*. ■ • - ‘(lu« p i.the oil chasers. , ■ "Now,'look at the other picture. Io8,tead.of the oil gushei- .vou have the' dairy cow. The countryside ------------------- I V payments, u u r budgets say take 0 .large cash payment t-j buy thiit one-fifth of the income should a home. Granting thiit the, pur-. | coyer rient, and ,that orie-fourth chaser uaea fair judgement in thei fa’ VWn price paid for a home, thQre is nlruist no chance of loaing. Wo avei'age of (;ho community \yould not be any better off than before. In li few years the laat drop of oil j woMld be pumped out. of thè laat is’ the highest possible figu’re. You can go a trifle higher ih pay-vi.,1 Ku a i-iu.it! iiiisiiur in pay-i''<‘° uuiij- uuw. m e councryaiae iln iist no chance of loaing. Wo ments on a home, but do not be'niarked with stately silos, .3an always find poasimis;ts wht m, carried away that you forget 1 fl®!''» covered with waving crops, oredict a rnnid fli>f.Hni> In ni<nTin,.fiF.................. ..jvî'i.', S '1^'! r« -THE .SOUTHERN SERVES THE SOUTH cangtow ño fasteif than its railroads l I Ç ' I It is recognized that the South today offers remarkable opportunities for the ' profitable investment of capital. But, if freight service is to be adequate to care for the increased output of factories, mines, farms and forests, a very considerable part of, this ne'W Capital will have to be devoted to railroad development. In;i7est(;/rs will naturally place their funds in securities yielding attractive and assured returns. The Southern Railway Company, like any other business, will have to bid for its funds in the general investment markets. I The ability of the Southern to obtain needed new capital will depend on its earning power and the rate of return it offers investors. O’H I SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM *—........................HO carnea away tiiat you forget oredict a rapid decline in property, that living expenses go on just /niufifl, but we haven t seen, it in the pame, and that buying a home ----------:— —--------------------- should be a joy, not a ourde'n. We. have.to live in keeping with our houae a’fter we buy it, ao it is test for us tq. 'Corisider tha standards that "the .house reeiuir-« ea, as well as its firat cost. We aren't hide*bound conservativea, but it ia uaually unfortunate''to buy in a neighborhood where you do-not live by the accepted for­ m ula. Now we live in a city of a/little more than 400,000, in a two-to-three children, one-aervant' $8,000 to $12,000 houae block. It is perfectly proper in our neigh­ borhood to sweep our own porch­ es, or hammer and saw on trel­ lises, or dabble in paints, it we feel like it. If you have an in­ corile of around $4,000 a year—a' little niore or a little leas w ill npt, bar you!—you cari aafely buy in o.ur neighborhood, if you budget dt all w isely, and live a a ’we do while you pay for your home and save a little money each year be- aides. . ,, But don’t buy around ,ub, if your back yard is going to be a patio, or a courtyard, or boaat an outdoor living room, or any of those Home Beautiful ideas, for the vest of ua have bought for the aake of a plain, boy-made . back yard ! Swings, trapezes and tents have crowded out aome of our flowera, and at .yarioua tlmea/we have dogs, rabbita, cats and^pet chickens, with,a squirrel or two for good measure. We feel that the biggést ad­ vantage iri our own home ia free­ dom for our children, and a pride of. possession. If there ia^ any­ thing in the theory of being root­ ed in the soil, our children have the privilege! Once they told us tliat wo had to be good to^be happj».' No>v WQ are learning that v.’e-i-ospocially children—^ave to be happy to be good! Which may have little to do with owning your own home, but I think it hlie. 'fields covered with waving crops, of corn, alfalfa and clover, big red barns on every ,hilltop, and the greatest dairy state in thè union. Her farm s are covered with fine fields of alf^ilfa, corn and clover. Silos, beautiful homes and well equipped farms abound everywhere. Her farm ers ore proaperous \ and contented. Dui4 ing the 1920 slump Wisconsin sent $50,000,000 to the Federal loan bank of ,Chicago. In the last twenty years Wisconsin has not had a bank failure attrib u ti' to business causes. “I w ill give you another out .^tnndirig e.xariiple of the value of the dairy cow. It is Steen county Minnesota. Crops ^had failed. The Hoil livaa depleted. Condi­ tions grew worse 4intil the bank­ ers hud a better claim to the h'.nd than the man-who I'vod ori it, One day a'farm er tried to bor- rn;v aome money. He wanted to buy dairy cowa. The banker de­ murred, but finally, lot the farm ­ er have this- money. Thu cowa wore purchaaed. The loan vvaa aoon paid. 'I'he soil began to im­ prove. Then another did tho same, thing and still more farm ers. ' , "Three yoara ago I learned of the prosperity that came to this, the sm allest county in Minnesota, having only an arpa of 432 aquare miles and a population of 18,000. Their bank deposits wore about ,$4()0 per capita; 'Phey had 18,- 00Ò COWS on '800 farma, or ten cows for each farm , “one,cow for each inhabitant, and, theae powa produced 5,000,000 pounda of but­ ter annually. Thia butter brought into the county $2,500^000, or an averat|:o.of almost $140 for each man, woman and child. Theii* bank deposits had reached $7,- 000,000 and increased at .the rate of more than a quarter of a mil- c6wa and" pay for their products for the same year. If we took nil the be6f ateers, pigs and lambs produced in the United States ami with all their dames and aires, put them on the market, we would •lack $^00,060,000 having enough to pay for the dairy products pro- duced in that year.” MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS Full ia thi'i worjd of old tuttl.iva and fools. . Weak is their mirids when com­ pared with a mulo’a; Food up your brain let you.'' sens- ea bo prowu. Mind .youv ,nwn business le': oth- . era’ iik'ne. ■ Why. do y<‘U stand in aome other man’s w »y? If he iieeds council he’lL offer , you pay; • S'ou w ill 'i\o well if you. lend 10 your own, Mind your,own buftinoaa ic': oth- ' ers' niore. ; •V ■ ■ • ’ Keep Ihirt in min.; whorfl'iocver ,yoU g(l, ; . , , ' Toll not ir thing that you'know . is not !.o; ' ' ' Troubles onco . buried , tion’.;- dly ' iip il bone. i\llt,'d yoiir .,'wn business lol. oth- erti’ jilono. \ ^ ЗотГ Bill A Cliinoso taxi driver rendered tho following bill, which at least ia as reaaonnble aà any taxi faro, L ever paid : / ■ ' Bill for taxi rid e., ,* Ten gorea. — Ton ’comes. At SO cents a went. , ,, ^ ^ dollars.—Cleveland Plainlion dollars each' year for eight Dealer. Out W b ere th e PaVlng Ends ------------------------ • tjjgt jt (.gn pyll through where heavy cars must balk. " Take your Ford this summer and i explore. There are dieligh'ts await­ ing you away from the beaten,path that few know. Leave the crowds arid the highvtrays behind you. It costs but'little—and it will be a vacation you will never forget. Ever noticed the cai's you meet in out-of-the-way places, approached by narrow, twisting trails, or.rough country roads ? Th«y are Fords— nearly every one. To the Ford car no going is too hard. Every road is open.to it—by-ways and highways alike. Ir is so light it rarely ever “mires in-' .so powerful Runabout - - $260 ^Touring Cat' - 2 9 0 Coupe' - • $SZO Vor dor Sedan -.660 On open cars demountublo rim« And itnrter ar« 185 oztra. A ^ P u U t l z o l ) o U o o n t l r c s $ 2 5 o u r o . A I I P W c m A o , ^ . D f l r o U ^ SE’fe ANY AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER OR M^IL THIS GDUPON P k a s e te ll m e how I can se cu re a F ord C a r o n e a sy p<>ynients: 'Nam*---------------^ Tudor Sedan f , O. A. D ttreU ; j. Г ............ pt„.rsday. August 1!3', 1025 \ \ ■ THE MOCKS'VILLE ENTERPRISE SMITH GROVE NEWS I iiuv. C. IVI. McKinney filled hia |j.t.j,niliir appointment here Sunday Ijitfi'inng. - ‘ • Kuv. !<irk\began a revival meet'. IjnK ill th6 old school building Siuulay afternoon. Services af- ternoon.'i’ at 3 o’clock' nnd at 8. All this week. , '. V, ' (Tho revival begins at the Me- tliudist church'Friday ni^ht at g o’clock. A warm welcome to all. , \ : IMr.s. Fowler, of Thomasville, i.s vi.siting her sister, Mrs. J. II, F oster this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. R.. Beeding ¡ind Miaa Annie Beeding visited jlr, and Mrs W illis Riddle of the Yadkin Valley neighbor­ hood, Sunday afternoon. Mr, L. IW. Hendrix, of Gilkey, N. C., is visiting his aiater, Mra. M. J. Taylor, and other relatives nnd frienda. Mrs. ■ C. R. Albea nnd Miala Evelyn Foster, of Winaton-Salem,' visited their parents, Mr. nnd M ra,' J. H. Foster, Sunday. ' c e n t e r NEWS Mrs. Nancy Glascock, of Ijarncs, «pent Sunday w ith her daughter, Mra. Httrvey Barneycaatle. Mr. Spencer Dwiggins spent the week end; w ith,his uncle, Mr. G. C; Dwiggins, at Kappa. Mr. W. *J. S. Walker, of k t. Airy, slieiit a few days liist week witii.his Bister, Mrs. T. P. Dwig- gina. ; : ■ Mr. and Mra. Frank Hendrix,, of Dulina, spent Sunday at Mil T. A. Vanzants’. , j Mr. ,T. W. Dwigis'ina and fam ily apent a ahort, vvhile Saturday night at Mr: J.'C . DwigL'ina’, at Mocksville. Several of our people attended the concert at Mocksville Satur­ day night. Mrs. J. H,. B. Dwiggins and Mr. end Mrs. H. A. Walker, of Mocks­ ville, apent a few days last week ot Camp 1’ ree. , COOLEEMEE NEWS Mr. Earnest 'Tiller «ncí fam ily of Draper are visiting relatives in ijur town this week. Cooleemee will croaa bats with the Gibsoiv Mill team' of Coricord this evening on the home dlm^ond, a.good game is e.xpected. Mr. G. W. Jordtin who haa been sick for some time is now taking a treatment under. Dr. West of Salisbury, :fiope ho vvill be better ; soon. 1 : : J. M.'Tlitterow.of Sali'sbury for­ merly a barber in this place was killed' iji an automobile accident Tuesday’^morning near Saliabury. Rev. J. A. J. Farrington will preach at 11 o’clock Siinday and Sunday night at the M. E. church, everybody cordially invited. Mr. D. D. Bennett, of Cornatz­ er, and Mr. R. J. Bennett, of Greensboro, visited their brother, -Mr. Z. L. Bennett, here laat week. FORK NEWS Hev. Edward A, Penick, BishoH Covijutor, of Charlotte, will preach next Sunday evening, Aug. .tOth., lit !>.‘M o’clock at Asconaion Chap­ el. Warm welcome to all. Mra. Frank Burton, of Winaton- Salem, spent several days last week with her mother, Mrs. Bea­ trice Brewbaker. Jlr. and Mra. Lock Aaron have, as their guesta for scyeral weeks, ‘ Jfra. Dewey Aaron, of Norfolk, I Va., and their daughter, Miss Iva, | of Winaton-Salein, Little Misa Delpine Jonea iind bi;other, Leon, of, Atlanta, Ga., arc spending some time with thoir in'iindparonta, Mr. and Mrs. J. R., Williams. V ■ Mr, R. W. Rummage and family, of Cana, .spent Sunday with hia brother, Mr, B. F, Rumninge. Mr, and Mrs. A. M. Foster have a.s their guest, thoir three sons, Mr. and Mrs. Abner Foster ancS two children, Mr. Garland Foster, all of Suffolk, Vtt„ and Mr. Glenn; Poster. , — • Mr. P. B. Swift and children, of Lexington, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mra. G. S.' Kimmeji’. Mra. Cayro Jonea'and aon, Mil­ lard, ofsSharpsburg, apent seve­ ral days last week'with her aiater, Jlrs. G. V. Green. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ratts and baby, and Mr. J. B. Ratta and daughter, Miaa Stellii, of near Winstop-Salem, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mra. Jim Ratta, and took in the home-coming. The protracted meeting ia in progress at the ' Baptiat church this week, good crowds are ot- tendlng each aervice. Mra. S. E. Garwood is on'the sick list, sorry to note. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Foster, of Norfolk, Va., are spending some timo with hifl parents, Mr. jind Mrs. J. R, Foster. MOCKSVILLE CHARGE (J. T. Sisk, pastor) Sunday was a good (lay us at Union Ch?ipel and Bethel. We adminstered the Lord's Supper at each place and a large crowd par­ ticipated. , The Sцnday Schools Union Chapel, No, present 127, offering $3.19; Elbaville, No. pre.. .sent 87, offering $127; Bethel, No, present 72, offering $185; Dulins, No. present 56, offering 22c. Union Chapel takes the lead this week in both the number preaent and offering. . Revival at Bethel The revival meeting at Bethel begins next Sunday at 11 o’clock with Rev. N. G. Bethea of Lex- ' ington as pulpit help. Bro. Bethea is one of our beat preachers. He has had wondei’fiil success as a pastor and Evangelist. You will be pleased with hia aermons. We invite all who posaibaly can, to come and worahip with us, you will find a giad welcome to greet you. Miss Lillie Pplgrim and Miss Loxie Sisk, of Ruti\erford county, who were students in the Normal here have returned to their homoa. Mr. Glenn Cartner aiid fam ily, of Salem, .-isent Sunday with Mr. and Mr.«. E, R. Barneycaatle. . Mr. and Mi'8. T. P. Dvviggina and J. .B. Walker attended the meeting at Camvp Free Sunday. Quite a number from this com­ munity atieuded church at Salem Sunday'night ‘ Don't 'fdrjjet that Saturday is the time to clean loff the Center cemetery. All that are ij;to.'o.sted come early as the -Quartlry Con- fertnce will be lier'e Saturday, also, nnd we do not want to enter- fere with it. Miaaea Gertrude Hendrix, of Mockavilie. and Pauline Hnmter, of Okl Ric.imond, spent lost Tues­ day al'terndon with Miaa G'Oneva Gairott. Prof. P.nul B. Colli/s. of Arkan- .«iis and Mr. Odell Foster, of I'ork Church, anent 'Saturday night with Mr. B. P. Garrett. Mia-s, Polly Tuttorow spent Sat- I 'r d a y night with hor giater, Mrs. Zurrus Green at Mocksviilo. MOCK’S' CHuifclrNEVVS • __, A number of our peojile spent last Sunday^ in Cooleeriiee attend- |n^i.a,irovlvai meeting. ? Mr..'arid Mrs. Z. A. Beauchamp and children, of Lewisville, spent Sunday .with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Beauchamp. Mr. and Mrs. U. H. Phelps spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Joel Sheek, at Cooleemee. Born to Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Or­ rell, August 9th., a fine son. Prof, Thomos Cash, of Forsyth cqunty, apent Sunday afternoon in our community, shaking hands with old friends. Mr. and Mra. Steve Beauchamp and children, of Lewiaville, apent Sunday with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Mock, alao Ml', and Mrs. W. T. Mock, of Ad- vancp, spent Sunday a^ernoon with Mr. I, H. 'Mock, who con­ tinue^ very sick. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fold and Mias Zella W eisner, of Winston- Salem, spent Sunday with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. 0 . p. Jopes visited Mrs. J. T, fh fjfis, Suriday. The farm ers were very glad of the nice rain that c?ime last week. Canning^^fruit seems to be the order of the day in our communi­ ty these days. ' / Mr. C. D. Ward, of Advance, was here this week displaying some very nice samples of suits for tailor make. Wo are .sorry to learn that Mr. Baxter Young haa been confined to hia bed for the past week. We will be glad to aee him out again Soon. Mr. Pink Hinkle, of Fork, apent the dny Saturday with his sister, Mrs. W. L.\ Poster. • ,. Mr. L. C. Dedmon, is getting out some large timber for the Erwin Colton Mill Company, thia week. ■ , ' ^ ; Mr. W. S. Greon, has discontinu­ ed his ice cream aales for awhile on account of ahort water supply nnd ia taking hia wic.ntion in the shade. . Mr. Nath Baity, of Winston- Salem vvaa in town this week on business./ The people of this place have enjoyed a series of meetingt. which w hopewill prove a groat blessing and benefit to the conimuiiity and be tho cnuso of aettllng up^ their old accounts and gotting ‘right with the merchants for' the' time Is near whon we w ill have to set­ tle all. '' Misses Lois Tillor and M argaret Hall returned to Baltimore, Md., Saturday night after spending a vveok with rolativea in town.' Mra. K. T. Futroll and child­ ren, aro spending the week in Spencer, vvith Mra. Futrell’a sist­ or, Mrs. J. 0. Beale, and Mra. C. W. Gordan. Mr. and Mrs. George Lefler made an automobile trip to St. Paul, Wilmington, and other points of intereat iri eastern Caro­ lina, last week. Mr. Otis Zachary, wife, and son, Otis Allen, Jr., are the guests of ! Mr. Zachary’s parents, Mi\ and Mrs. ■ J. .W, Zachary. Mr. Jam es Zachary, Jr., of Greensboro, apent the week end with hia parenta, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Zachary. M l ' S . L. C. W illiams, who under­ went a very aerioua, but succes­ sful operation in tlie Salisbury hospital about five weeka ago has returned home, very much im­ proved. Her many frienda hope for her a complete i’ecovery. Mra. S. A. Bailey went to States­ ville Sunday to aee her slater, Mrs. Penix Click who waa operated on for appendlcitia a few daya ago. The tent meeting at North Cool­ eemee closed last night. , Suriday morning at 11 o’clock the Rt. Rev. [3dwin A. Penick, D. D., BiaHop Cadjutor of thè Dio- oeSe of N. C., ',will preach and ad­ minister: tho ;Holy Cómmuniqri in the Good Shiiphord,'church. The public is cordlaly ,;invited. / Mr. J. J; SririddrsV of North Cooleemee Who' has tseen confin­ ed to Ills bed for sòme time Is better at this w riting we are glad to not\i. , ' , Mr. 0 . D. Booe and fam ily have moved in their new-'homeWhich they -purchased from Mr/ A. C. Walker. Mr. Ray Shore, who has been in the Baptist /hospital at Winaton- Salem, has returned home miich improved. It is important,that every fami­ ly in Cooleemee ahould have a turnip pivtch thia fall ¿a the gardena have been cut short on account of the dry weather. Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Ballard, of G'reensboro, and Mr. and Mrs. John-'Cof, were the week end guesta at' Mr. and Mrs. Z. V. Smith’s òn Erwin street. We (lie sorry to note tho illness of Mr. Emmett Koonts, we hope he vvill soon be better. Mr. L. Allen Koontz,' of Chapel Hill, is sponding.ttho week with h ii pavents,, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Koontz... Mr. Koontz, is a senior at „the Tjniversity thia year. Save a y&'mr' pamt emt A gallon of Stag Semi-Paate Paint—a pal- lon of linseed oil —mi..{ them and you have two gallons of the highest quahtj^ paint you ... can buy—at a third leas than tho cost of mixed paint of equal quality. If your paint ; bill is $30.00, Stag Paint will aave _you $10.00 for a few extra minutes! Yet Stag Paint 13 long lasting >lnd brilliant. Mixes to : - the right consistency—spreads easily—won’t peel or crack. There’s a “Stag” dealer near ’ you. See him—or write us for literature • and name of dealer. STArPAIilT Qss ^Hirshfeerg Paint Mocksville Hardware Co. COOPERA'riVE EXTENSION ' : WORK T he,,North Carolina Guernaey Breeder^, 4asPcation will hold its ...nriuali meeting and , sale at Mt. Ulln- N.' C., August 26th, ut the farm of-M r. S. ,W. M iller. Mr. M iller is cpnsiidercd ono of tho Iipst.- cattle feeders and breodera in tl\j! State and he now owna tho State Champion Guern.sey cow, as well aa other co\va of good record. Everyone intoror.ted in cattle should aep Mr. M lller’a, placo and the herd that he hns built *Bp, for I-.'’ 1« jiiflt an ordinary/farm er, which aho\va that whore there’a a will theix’s a way. The morning of August 2Cth w ill bo given over to several apenkers, among whom will be Mr, ■Roland Turner. Genomi Agricul­ tural Agent of tho Southern Rail­ way of .^tlanta, Miv John Arey of the State Divisinii of Raleigh and Mr.‘ 'W. W. FitJipatrick, of the American. Guernsey Cattle Club, Petterboro, N. H. I-unch will be served by the church women of the town and a large enthusiastic audience Is expected, 'fhe Sale starts at one o'clock aharp and more than twenty-five herid of Guernaey cattle will be aold at auction.' Wn hon'o thnt the farm ers of Davie, will bring back aome of theae Gusrnséy cattle and h^lP promote better cattle raising fit homey Remember: Prosperity fol­ lows the Guernsey Cow. ■-----------------^-------------- ,By using ft pure bred Dor.iett ram in his flock of native ewea, L. ].. Druughon of Edgecombe County sold eight /lambs for $96.30. The ' lamba averaged 104 pounds and showed distinct improvement over their mother.s, reports County Agent Zeno Moore. KELLY SPRINGFIELD riEXIBILE 30 X 3 BUCKEYE FABRIC 30 X 31/2 BUCKEYE FABRIC 30 X 3Vá BUCKEYE CORD 30 X 3'/a KELFLEX CORD ,, ................... .$7.00 ..............:\„$8.ob ............ .......... $8.50 ........................ $14.26 ?) GAS, OIL AND ACCESSORIES. ^PARK YOUR CAR HERF^ AWAY FROM TRAFFIC, PICNIC DAY. Horn Motor Company PROMPT AND COURTEOUS A'FfENTION.I ТЩ FITTERS OF FEET H i J. A . JonM J . J t G antry W .H . M arch E liih aH .L ittU F . N>t W a it S id n ey Boone O delt C olem an The Bitterness oi Poor Quality Kills the Sweetness of Low Prices When You Want Good Shoes Come to JONES & GENTRY’S and get the best, Our Fall Shoes arriving and we have the best school and vii^ork shoes ever. Our DRESS UP SHOES ARE SECOND TO NONE. , All Kinds of Rubbers and Rubber Boots. A School Tablet Free With Each Pair of School Shoes. ON TO MT. UtW, N. C A W T, 26L MANY DAVIE COUN'rY FOLKS HAVE HEARD US TALK ABOUT GUERNSEY COWS, MANY HAVE SEEN OUR GUERNSEY COWS AND.MANY HAVE HEARD OF THE PRICES WHICH WE HAVE RECEIVED FOR OUB GUERNSEY CAT'fLE, BU'f FEW HAVE EVER ArPEND- ED A REAL GUERNSEY .SAL E. WE WANT EVERY MAN INTERESTED IN BETTER MILK COWS 'I’O ATTEND THE ANNUAL SALE OF THE NORTH CAROLINA GUERNSEY BREEDERS ASSOCIA- TION TO BE HELD AT MT. ULLA, N. C., AUGUST 26th, RAIN OR SHINE. WE WANT YOU TO SEE GUERNSEYS SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION AND BE CONVINCED THAT IT PAYS TO RAISE GUERNSEY CATTLE. WE ARE CONSIGNING 'I'HREE SPLENDID FEMALES TO THIS SALE AND WE WOULD LIKE TO SEE SOME FARMER IN DAVIE COUNTY BUY THESE GUERNSEYS, AND RETURN THEM TO DAVIE COUN'fY. ' ANY ONE DESIRING CATALOGUES OP SALE, AD- V IS E - TWIN BROOK FARM . SANFORD & CARTNER Livestock grov^^ers in the drou­ th stricken areas should plant) some, emergency hay and' grazing crop,'like Sudan : graaa, German millet , or Abruzzi rye, recom­ mends Prof. C. B. iWilliam.s. JONES & GENTRY 447 TRADE STREET WINSTQN-SALEM, N. С. ■’■ s» COOLEEMEE ■ JERUSALEM BAPTIST CHURCHES (D. F. Putnam, pastor.) Preaching every Sunday morn­ ing and 'evening at Cooleemee— Prayer meeting every Thursday night—Sunday School every Sun­ day n^orning at 9:45. T, F. Spry Supt. Senior and Junior B. Y. P. U., meet every Sunday evening at aeven o’clock—Preaching at Jerusalem the firat and third Sun­ day and fourth Sundays, at 1:30 tho first and third Sundays. A cordial invitation ia extended to those who read this, to attend all theae services. ■» » 41 •» # # # # * If you want the beat Flour * * made, use Mockaville’s Boat * * there 18 no better flour on the * market. If you want tho Self- * Rl.sing, we mako ‘Over-The * * Top” the brand that can’t be * * beat., Our- flour, meal and * * ship atuft is on sale nt all the * leading grocery .stores. * * HORiN-JOHNS'rONE COMFY * M anufacturers ■ * * That good kind of flour. * * Mocksvilio, N. C. . Л #.. * * * * ' tí : ■» ,; « *. LET us DO'YOUR JOB WORK;. "IV ...»•I ■-'irí!; . i''V r, I't t ' \r',' л' 1 ГР ‘«'пЯг/Ц!?! Pnfro 4 T4F. MOCKSVILLÍO ENTERPRISE liOC!(SlLEviTE№ i?iS[ . Pubii’ahwV' Bverÿ * Thüifsdáy at Mítííksvillé. North Carolina-, ■ A. C. l-fUNEYCUTT Publisher. ,T. • í'.-, LKACH M anaging; . Subscription fiatesi - Ç l a YearSix M ontlis 60 Cen'tsl 'J S trictly in AclvaVlcii.:' ^E ntered al ttie post office «. ; RloekHvilJe, N, C...as aeeond-clafia inutter under the £wt of March 3. 1879. - UBTAIL COSTS O F, FOOD IN- CHEESED PROM I TÖ 7 PER CENT DUniNG JULY, “HOME COMING” DAY-AT FORK jVIodccville, N. C., Auk. О, 1925 ,• Tho Mockleiibin%>- Times qùòtes li'v in 'S . iCobb, tlio iioteti Svrilur, hs ., - having^ atutecl Uiut “Ii*ydu’rc rislt ' iiiff' liie Swhat is .Uie matte)' ! with thè (Unitoli Stiitès.’of America' ai; ■ tliis-'tlniui l!d say tiiat wu are turiv- , ing;';oiil so many younir men -enti :woinen .who aro wiliinK :to begin , ¿ t thè (oj) and Nvork dowii.” , 'This is very interesting when oonoidaieJ along ;\vith -Cobb’s ex- -1 periencc at grinding away ; for a score of years at ’the bottom as 'a' w riter ’ bei!oro he became, fam- ^ous; And it is a fact that the de- ' ajiand for effiolehcy can’t be met today in any line of work, and , Jargeiy for tlie very reason that :v' thevo nve two many of our young ' men and young women who are unw illing to begin at the bottotn. They insist upon starting at the • . top and, unable to make it there, i-work themselves down rather than ,«Pv . . .......................... . Sunday ' Vvaa Pork’s annual Washington, Aug. 10.—An in- "Home-Coming” day.. These yeai;- ^rease in t:)ic retnil co.‘it;of loods, ly Home Comings at Pork'are get- viwiging from one to seven per ting to be occasions that are look- cant, was roported for thé month ed for\yard to by many people. ending July 15 in twenty-two . T,ast Sunday the folks came in citi'cs. In Salt 'L ake City, • how- masses. They were Here from the ever, there was u two^ por cent surroundindin|B counties and m.oré decrohoe.-,/h . ; . V distant sections. ' Old friends and The report made- public today relatives gathered, talked.'feasted by, tlio labor statistics bureau of ahd faréçl'woll for a day. ;Local the labor departm ent covered 23' residents'and visitors met face'to of the .61 cities included in the face and incidents of formqr days burertu’s survey. ■ ; were recalled. Memories that had The increases« were Boston, 7 almost faded away, by old father per cent;.M ilw aukee, si^c; ,Bridge- time were vcvived. : ' port,'; Manchestei; and - The ‘ day^was given over to the five; Buffalo, iridianapblis. Jack- enjoyment of the hour, .There sonville and '. Portland, Maine, w ere, e.xerciaes in Fork' ¡jBaptist ¡four;-A tlanta; Baltim ore, Chicago, church in the,morning aiul after- Cincinnati, CleVelamU.Little Rock, noon, while the overflow gathered Jiiemphis. ; Norfbiic, ; Omahai and in. grouiis abbiit thn liivirp iri-nvo the t<ame to be teiide, Und the coats of ' niakinglsuch. còniiectiòns con- ¿«titute . and be a ;11еп; on the jjro- pert^'Of such ownoi‘3 as shall fail to make such conhecticns as hero- 'in .provided; ’ ■1’. M. Hanciri.Kj Mocksville, N. C. Dated this Aug. C, 1926. DETERMINÂÏTON' ” o 'p ''^ THE BOARD OF SUFFICIENCY OF PETITION DISTRICT ‘NU.MÎîEIi i, Oueens I College '; tiJ Thursday, August la, Thitrsday, .August ,18, Iflürt THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPBISE Page 6, Í ' CHARLOTTE, N. C. Memphis, Norfbllcv; 6 mahaj and in, groups abbiit the large 'grove W ashington, three; -Charleston, S. that sü.rrounds tho church. Public C., and Richnioud, Va., two; and talks.w.ei-e the order of e.vercises. Louisville; Ky.; one per cent. ' Among the home comers who made IS HIGH SCHOOL A GRICÍlL- : TURE WORTH WHILE? it reaolvod ant) ordained by th<j Mayor and Bonrd'of AUlcr- inen of the town of ]\Iocksvilio, h North Carolina, that tho ^letition fo r ' i he creation of a .local iii)- iirovomorit diatrict out of thc land ^ abutting uiion North Main street,- h in the town of Mpck-wille,. North Carolina, and 'described ‘ in pcti.-.p tion and prelim inary resblutloii of fe D istrict Number 0 and being de- | signaled Number G as provided iii | Article 9 of Consolidivtecl Statutes of . the. State of North Carolina and acts amendatory thereto. A h ig h 'ÒRADlB INSTITUTION FOR THE EDUCATION ÖF YOUNG WOMEN - „ - . ,,, - “ and acts amendatory thereto, talks wove Mr.^ W. ; 1'. .Morrell, ^^vKlcK- petition has been duly pvc- Revs. Richard Redwine, Jiuip and’ Jjented to this Board together with Mr. ,lom Caudell tho certificate of the City Clerk; ceremonieo With 111. ii-i •__________ . . - -........the certificate of the City Clerk:- -" i " r ' o £ ,i“ , 1 s r . r t S t r t ^ s ; AtiiM'onlfiivf.-nlon» with oMi. • P>'fenc naci pie- statues of the state of North CarA gucm tuie along witn tn t Oon- eminence in the day’s,, iftcerciaes.'u.,., ......i --------’ •er liiiih school stihinora ti’av fvm .Mnniriivn niontr with tvip nMi “ T *...................", “‘‘M statues of the State of North Caro-iicu iiu ie aionfc with the odi- eminence in the day s„ (J^erciaes,' Hnji and 'lctц amendntorv there- ' u e stio r'm f'% rL '^ 5 s Tuch^^^ pleasant talk, recalled many alM ’espects sufficient; and that ■?0°«™ rw „“ h S “7 Bd“ v ’ U I»»'"™ ...' If lit , Wí’М Пш .Sam -Bryson, lonner mayor of I. Hendersonville, was shot to; death on the Btroets'of the city ovei Avhich he form erly I'lresidcd ns v-chief > oxccutive; . T he man who .viliU tho shooting was-‘B, L.: Brooks , Aiipthcr citizen . of llendersbn- vil/e. I • . : Last -December Bryson^ then . Mayor.!;'.';, of, HendovaonviUe, was ¿ caught ;in; Brooks' home with the ilattqr's wife. ...He w as, forced to -. resig n ; his . offico, ])ay; Bro'oka, ’ a ; sbscified sum of money ahd agree ' to lci^vc to'vyii for a year. 'He did leave, 'but' cam o'biick in seven m oillhs. - ’ ‘ 1'' ' I ' '“Can a man take fire ^into his .;;bosom.'.and ' his .' Clothedv; • not - be .‘burned?’’ ..’' , . ' ’i' The News and Obsovver saya that a college has given John T. , ^ Scopes a iicholarship to enable . ' ,him'4o study science ” Гог some ,;reason the nanie;of the coll9go;was •. 'not giveiV, ) but •: will:;\s,ome .college i.i«ir university^eht 'upbiV "freedorn t” 'not.give;the Tchnes . bent 'ùpóiV "freedom of / tliought” 'not. give ; the Teiines- isc'o "ßcientiat" an honorary de- !>{гео? Dr. Edwin R. Scott, who claims to be the .inventor of cynthotin ' iiasolino, sayi).;he ..has nqw . per- - fected another invention which is ■tiestined' to revolutionize w arfare. It ' is ; called ."canned lightning,” and Dr. Scott claims that by his 'device he can absolutely destroy <U1 life on laiid, or sea. Or, in (\ir; ■ fo r twenty miles, in the twinkling , of an. eye. ; He has aske.d the navy .before governm.e.in experts with th e view to thè n.ivv taking it ' over 'as - a part of its fighting equipment. ‘ ; The best way for the state Uni- ' versity to find out whether Judge ':©iiaw exaggerated conditions when at Shelby sbme, days ago he stat­ ed that possibly ;for-;v; per cent of tho graduates from the universlti- -ties of this country are skopticB, is to have some trusty senibr ; •whose faith .in the old.,time reli­ gion ia questionable to ])oll the .•siiideht body. If- after that Judge ;Shaw sliould be -foilnd guilty "of ''oxaggeration. tlien it would be .time enough'for friends of the univei-sity and the pres,s to call 'down upon the head of this wise and vererable jurist such criti­ cism as may be deserying. But we '.doubt very seriously whethe-^ or not, after such action, Judge Shaw should feel tlie^necessity of chang­ ing his atatoment into ono of a m ilder form..,'-: - : , AVrfiCUlr > llllVl i<rmr 3 course worth w hile? Bnlpw ’ is [hn^wm-o petition has been’'signed by g given the statem ents of a numb* ¡ntereatiiig He called-n^moa in ^er of bovs in a neiirhborhood hiu'h called n..moa in era of real estate abutting upon school, telling what Vocational S idded h “; A griculture has meant to^,them, his t o l l Ì t L Ì ^ Ì r g o ^ l l T t i ^ o w n :n " X t .e n ig a Soon w e;shall publish, what some fi,n) in m,Viv ; S“'« »w neis lepiesenn a M ocksville bova have to aav nlonw ,m>Hdo in oaily m ajority oi all-the linked feet of S e t r t i^ lin ^ ' ■ yoim. are last ng.;, .; ■ frontage of -lands abutting upon g '‘It'hn*! fni/iriit mo timw onvo pi'escnt SUn- -said sìdcwalk proposed to bo im- Il^ It has. taught me how to save ,,,,v th9t.there will be\mttny move V oved v ' '«^•¿^>!"oducUve"“ ^ H^ rHomo-Comlw" V14v8:V«i^,Pd.ic; " D atcd:this Hho Gth day, of Aug. |moi e pi oductivo. --llojaco Wood, The annuar event “ i->. . It .has given me .many nermanently for second Siìnd.*'«.in points in poultry, raising. -rrLai,y Aiigust,bach year. Let^Oyefylio •omehiH^v ^hi« datb'and com^^^ .It has kept, me in .school, .v e ar.F o rk is ijver-a'.'good¡place crcasiid my 'desire for farm ing. );ó come to, and for that mnttnr 'incl;holped;mp,do hotter work,,:on vou need not w ait until ncxt'^year riy., homo farm . ,--- EdWitjf'.^ jo como, Come aga:n this year! , “ I have loarnedto look o n.farm -'' ' - i'lig as an important industry.'*-— .■ ^ ^ ■ Howard Gates. : . ‘ PRELIMINARY RESOLUTION , -. Christian Ideals constfintly' held beforo the Students; C.hvistian, Characters in the chairs of each Pepartment; Christian Atrtiosphbre premeating the Studen.t Body, , Location^ the very best ¡ Myers Park, Charlotte. Equip­ ment' meets standard requirements. Curriculum equal to that of any institution in the State. Expenses very mode­ rate indeed, considering advantages offered and work done. Our Motto: "Christian Women for Christian Homes.” Send us your daughter, support us in our administration and instruction, and vve w ill return a thoroughly developed and fu lly refinod''Christian woman. For catalog and other information, w rite. / ............ «. nrJöjUJ-iU'l'lUIN •■It li^s'^toöught ;out tlíe p^ OF SiDmVALK IMPlîOVEMIi^T .biiities of ;Шу farm to mo.”— OP DISTRICT NUMBER SIX Gooi'ige . A}brl(iht.f " ‘ .''It has'caused'nie to rofe Bo it resolved by the Mayor and s'chbol and croatod a greater de- Board o f. Commissioners;' of the ':3ire ! for nn , qducation.”—Oacar Town of Moclwville,- North; Ciiro- -.He'niy.'v . lina, th at a Ipcol ■ Impiyyemniit “It has taught me to select imd DiHtrict bo and. tho;sajne;is liero- appvecintb'good farm anim aia and by created undori anlv 'by virtue givon mo,a vlsion,q.f the.businoas pf,the powers contdined.in Article side 'aa wbli as, th^ 9 Chapter 66 of Consoll.diited Sta- bf farm ing.”-i--Arciilbaii Cooko, \ tubs of, North' Carolina',. and acts . '■Animai: Husbandry h a s ’t aihendatpry thereto, oft- that p^ riio. how to care for, and feed a of the sidewalk > on the East side iialancod ration to farm anim aia." of Main street, bet^yeot intersec- —Coy Davis-. , tion of North lino of High School "It haa opened my eyes to now lot with Giles Howard ’ corner posiibilitios of tho farm ."—Dance North Main stroot and, intcrsec- liussell. tion of Mrs. M aggie M iller’s South “ I have learned how to, prepare '^ne with' North JVIain; alt;oet,'in sbils for different crops and how *'be town of Mocksyilfe, North, tb'take care of the farm tools.” Carolina, and,the land's abutting — V errant Wood. or'naid part of sa\d sidewalks of -'“It has taught me to look,upon streets; that said part bf tho farm ing as the greatest of all in- sii'ew alk of said streets be paved dustries,”~-Hermdn Crawford. ■ , eoncrefo nnd of tho ithicl?- “ I am more ihteroated: in farm- "ess of four inches, and five feet ini: because of my# work in it/'— the same being Diot'rict Dewey Farrell. . . / ^9*. <5 ami all ^ccordinii to .the 'it has taught me to'appreciftt.e and_ specifications of {he our farm to a greater extent.”:— Engineer; nnd that the cost Ted Crawford. : • ' ' of paving including the fine grad- ‘ It has opened my eyes to the price of ^1.55 per )f,.farm ing, I am now AVILLï AM H. FKAZER, President ’ , Box 300 , ' ' : Charlotte, N. C. T M Hendricks City Cl rk 'moil n DR. * tt.Mr , П * . # « K.'p.;ANDEiySON DENTIaT * Residence J’hone .47. * Phone 60 * Mocksville, N. C.* * ' i # # * # # # Office »#1 Í SUWANNEE COUNTY, FLORIDA business of, .farm ing.,. * keoping strict account on the part of the farm work which come.T under my. 'supervl3ion.”-r-Frank Lby, '!It has greatly increased'm y re­ turns on the 'farm .”—Clarence Mebane, I :,- , Í.' • ' ' 'lict those who are trying to mako Judge Shaw out an exagge- . rator because he said a large per­ cent of pvcftent liny university students are skeptics, remember . that the Judge has been many a •i ''’l<i.if/iïu'até from this and other 1 fcliitate universities, and ihey should S rl,V H ii^iitber that .ludge Shaw is a U. fÜïMfeiiÎÜbserver, and that he is well versed in the fundamentals of the C hristian religion. ■ OÀK GROVE NEWS Mr, and, Mrs. M, H, Sebastian, of tho Twin'-Cit.v, spent one night here tho past week. Mr. and Mrs. ,E. T.'M cCulloh, pf Winston-Salem, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. R, L. Williams', . '- . ' Mrs. M argaret Bbwlea still ro­ m ains ill, sorry to note, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Haneline; of Mocksvillo, spent the past \yebk 1-here; , ' ' •. Mr. C. L, W alls made a busi­ ness , trip ;.tp Win,ston-Salem one day the past - Sveok. Mr. C. W. Hepler spent one day the pa.st week in '^Vinstoh-Salorn with hia aon, Mi'i Ji] D. Hepler.' »/> « H * » -» * » tt * * C. C. YOUNG & SON « FUNERAL, DIRECTORS' » ' AND EMBALMERS * Mooksvills Cooleemee ** * Phone 133 Phone 5720 * * Prompt and Efficient Service * improvement mentioned and peti­ tioned for boing a.ssDssed upon the abutting property e.Ycept street in­ tersection, .and the rem ainder of such co.4ts shall be b'orno b y the m unicipality at "large as provided in article 9 Chapter 56, of the consolidated Statutes of North Carolina and Acts amendatory thereto; that the ownera of the abutting property effected hereby shall pay the amount ;jt.s.s.ossed against their property V/n, cash upon completion of.thii.jivork and the /confirmation of ,thb Assess­ ment roll, as provi’ded , ;in sajd A rticle, or in 3 equal annual i^i- stalim euta bearing interest nt the rate' of six per centum per annun) froni date of tho confirmation aiid ascertainm ent by tho gbverning body after,the complotion of the local improvement of the total cost, thereof of the asses.sment roll; and bf! it further resolved, and ordained, that the owners of all property abutting oh the pro­ perty on tho above mentioned im­ provem ents'shall connect their seyerai premises with w ater maina aud ,sewer pipes located in said district adjacent to thoir several premises, in' the usual.,manner and under the direction and super­ vision of tho Town Engineer: and bo it further resolved and ordain­ ed, that unle,ss such owners shall cause auch connections to he made ,on or before the 17th day of Aug. 1925, the governing body of the Town of Mocksville shall cauao FACTS ARE VALUAULE Bright Leaf Tobacco gr^^n; by W. II. Lyle, in Suwannee County, Florida, auctioned off at Alliance Warehouse, V/ildos- fca, Ga., brought' .'?3б.7б per hundred.. Approximately 16 cents per pound higher than any other tobac-'co on the floor. Wonderful opportunities for tho liomeseeker and farmer. А1.Ч0 excoll'int Poultry and Live Stock country. Cotton, Corn, •iiitsuma O ranges,. Grapes, Pe­ cans, Pot'vtoes, V^ater Melons, Vegetabler иге' very prctlific. Most charming climate ih tho world. Unexcelled living con- 'lition.4. Splendid railroad f<ici- litii'^. Farm s and ncrenge- at reaso­ nable prices. A‘;eomfortable in­ come a§.4ured. Cash for your products. In tho Land of the fnmoua “Suwannee River.” Contentment and happiness re- '..ign here. Illustrated litera­ ture sent free. W rite to I. J. WILLIAMS of Commerce Live Oak, Florida ;^ii»eaii)ini№niiiaiiis)iiiiKtHniiiiDiii№iimniirawi№iiiieS№!i7!«ra7:esiii:№i№d№ FARMS FOB SALE IN MONTGOMERY , ' • COUNTY V , I am offoriiig FAIRVIEW ,FARM, 2 i -2 .miles ' from M t: Gilead, 12 miles from Albemarle, G miles -■ from'Norwood, 10 miles from Troy, consisting of B85 acrès, moi'b or Ipss, on State Highway No. 61 ■ . which about dlvidos'tho farm into tv^o parts' with ■* 11-2 m iles ^road i;rontagb'and adjoins H.ighway No. 74,en-the,iiorth. ,! . ';• •; ■ ;■ The, pocul,ia^; location and natUriil. -advantages of thi^ iai;m;'iu unexcelled .-iUvthe Piodmpnt section of the Cttrolinas and lf you are at all intorested in a rbal' farm and -home site ;ypu can not find.ti better one. ' ■ V Church and school "adyantages arò all tliat'cbuld \ bo^ expeotcd, -;,A new conaolidiated, school adioins tfio / propòrty.,1 R/F. D.; m ail voutd by the'cloor at 10;00 a. m., daily,. . Buildings all that could he expected ' and painted and in good repair. The highway thr­ ough this farm will l»e hard surfaced within 6 years. W ill sell equipment with farm if wanted. I V ' I also offer another farm 3 m iles .south of Mt. :i ' Giload, cm Highway No. 61 conaiating of 236 acres {ji,- ' aiid the higliway, about equally divide,s thia farm i?.' nnd becauae of the location and surrouhdinga this r '';. ; farm ia very do.sirable with sufficient buildings for • tv/o ,farm.s of about 116 aerea each, i r . 'This .property is free from encumbrance and 'iV ' title beyond question. Terms can be arranged with substanti'il paymeiit with respo.nsibio parties.. Pos­ session given on short notice. W rite or see - O. C. BRUTON, Mt. Gilead, N. C. n я I шапп P-B-S Brake Relining on FORDS A ,30-MINUTE SERVICE Without Removing , Transmis­ sion Coyer / ' Costs No More the F irst Time and Les.s the Next Time WE SAVE YOU TIME AND MONEY ON ALL RE- LINING JOBS Authorized Service Station for P-B-S Quick-Change Trans­ mission Banda Brake Band Rolined Separately —rAnytime— MOCKSVILIE MOTOR CO. MOCKSVILLE, N. C. ------------------------------------- ! WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON YOUR JOB PRINTING. C U iO LviA SEASHORE' EXCURSION To^ NOR OLK AND VIRGINIA BEACH, VA. ' . SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Friday, August' 14,1925. , N ’ / < vThreo whole days and two nights in Norfolk, ' Round trip fare from-Mocksvillo (to Norfolk , , . - ; : (to.-,Va. :Bench . . ,1.. $6,75 ?7.25 ' Special train ioaves Greensboro 10 ;20. p; m'.i, Aug. Idj 1925. ’ Arrives Norfolk 8 :1? a,-m. Aug. 15,,1926, ; . ■ ’ Tickets on sale August 14th ohly,' limited good to return ,on all regular trains up to and including train No, .3 leaving Norfolk'C; 10 p. m,' August 17, 1^25. ' ; . ' ' .:;.Tickets frorii main lino points .will bo . honored-only on Special Train;;-^V' Pullm an' sleeping саг'з and day, coaches'. - ' ' . ,Pino^oppbvtunity to spend t\io week.ond at'V irginia Beach, Oconn View 'and other resorts , Good surf bathing, boat oxcursions and sight-seeing trips, . No stop-ovcra .and no baggage will bo.checlcod, . .Make your sleeping car reservations early, . F or,further inf,-rmatKn and pullman sleeping car reservations call on any Southern Railway Agent or address; J. S. НАШЕ, Agent, R; H. GRAHAM, DPA. M ockevilk, N. C. : , ; Л Charlotte, N. ' ,1 . ITEMS Jlr. M arfliall Click has accepted ,'i position In Coiic'ord. . Mr. C. N Christian rnade a busi- 1,ess trip , ip Concord this week. , Tilis^ Bonnie Brown of Greens- boro spent last \yj3ek end at home. Rev. J, T. Sisk was a busineaa viaitor In Winston-Salem Monday. I Ail Avho . are intere.“ted ; in tlie 'j,Conter cemetery, co'inc early Sat- ■ urday. morning, August 16th pre-■ pared to clean off adme. .; ; '>j Idr. and Mi'S. R. T. Faucette, | nnd Miss M ary Cathei'inb PEU.cet- ' te -^vho have becn^ visiting Mra. Faucette’s -sister, Mrs. John -La- revv, left Thursday fov their home in. Tennessee. ■ !, Miss Mabel -Stewart' left for Hohderaon Thursday to join her ,^Jster, Mrs. A.-II. Fyne nnt! Mr. ¥Í¡.v.» ji Renew Y Oür Health by Fàrîficatîoîî Mr.“G, p . AVaiker was', in Wins- Групс’ in *n trìr'tò * W rigïitsviiï! tòn-Salèm (last Friday on biiai-'Beach Avhere they will spend ness. -. .about a week. •' l>To“cure".~l;i.U',vo/t'0!:.'ifi rcli'ef fronV tiiKllC dii.'trojE 1 : may be 'nad fay fappjyirig j^ y physician w ill toll you that V ido ut bedi;m o--al3J "perfect Purifioation of tho Sya- tem is N ature’s . foundation of Perfect Health. .Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that are undermining your vitality? Purify your entire aystcm by tak­ ing a thorough course of Calotaba, —onco or twice a week for sovoral weeks—and see how Nature re- warda you with health. Oalotabs arc the greatest of all• ••• . n___ itev. A,' 0 . SwaJTord Wa.') busi- rvisitor in’the Twln-Ci';v last I''r'C'i.y.: i '. ' ' Mrs. J. L. ’V.U'd M id ohildreii Hjicni Fi'iduy in 'Winston-Salem' .shopping. . ; i Miss Teresa i'Ccn,;ot' Hicltory, V'siting Mis.-ies Noll and *Anni2 Holthouser. Mr. R pyft W alker and b uight- (>!• wf'c shoirior'i ill The Twiii-Citv liist l'’rlday. Iil-'as M argaret Thomp.soh has nturned from a visit to ri'iative.s at Advance. ’ Mr. E. P. Leach haa returned from ‘a weeks’ visit to relatives in Salisbury. Miss Gv.’yij Cherry has return* ed from a weeks’ visit to frlnnd.s in Charlotte.' Mrs,' C. R. Horn apeht Monday v.'ith her^aunt, Misa Lena Cooper, in Clemmons. “Capt.” ' Qhristian and Mr. Franklin attended the Elkin Pic- ni'6^ Thursday. Misa Dorothy Meroney is visit­ ing her sister, Jlra. R. Lee Mor­ row, in Albemarit'. M!ss*''.,KopoIin'-^ Hunt arrived liome Monday after a month’s visit to friends ill Baltimore. ' Mr. nnd Mrs. H. L. Blackwood and children, of Mooreaville, spent the week end with relatives here. Mr. Cophu!, Chrifitian, of Con. cord, apent the week end with his father,' Mrl. 0. N,'\ Christian. Mra.' Boaaip Hoifab and Miss Ol­ ga Denny, of New York, are viait- in;; their ai.’tei*, Mrs. W. A-. Gi’ii- 'iin. ; ■ Mrs. J. T. Biiity returiiod Thura day from a visit to her , daughter, Mrs. Jam es Newman, at Danville 'i^a. ^ '- 'V ■ ■ ....... - Attornoy.i Jacob .Stewart and R. S. McNeill made a buainess trip to Eastern part of tho State F i‘ day. Mi.sses Ruby and Annie Holt- housor and Miss Teresa Kerr, spent Tuesday in Salisbury, shop­ ping. ; • J^ioisrs.' Г. ,1.Rid- by inhaling vapors al fiequii'nt intervals.\liCKS' f W V A P O ^ y B Oiiar 17 Million Jam Uiad ¡’carl) ouicer. lie .'has beco-.ne a resi­ dent ol' the town and has rented und witl equip his office. BE HEATHY, flAPPy, VIGOiOUS Dpn’t Give Up to Sickness, "Old Age” or Nervousness—Let Ironux Keep You F it! iviursi». I . ,J. ,-Mi; , IJ, .J. i-iiu- rn, ---------c~r"7<-----T'l------ son, F. W. ll.uieycu-t, G,. P Call, ,,, S’bei-iner .m, ..,o. , ........ ,(; 'A. Sheek, M. 1 . DwiiStfinii, M. U. ior aoandonnicnt ot 10 cts. A t.any drug store. (Adv.). f^ctly Ratisfied ' - ........- -, - his wile and t-ivo VBiii' nld ch"-'Jr., PonvB.'iili'y Woj''.rmT,t. 1. '■ ■ íL " 1 i waa heard before 13. E. l-Iunt,:Sr.l.'.\,C!Ü am. 'II', . ones attended the Peace, 'Saturday at l;hO,mciiic at I-.lk'n.hst rhuriuir.y, g ,,efondnnt waivoû.,:■ --------------------;--------- “ Mr. iind Mrs. W.altol'Rol)ertsori, Mr. C. J. Angel, Mr. and Mrs, .examination and was-.bound QVor, of^Pultohr'speftt'-Tliursclay '•■aftor- A. Shook and Mr. John Smith to-the August Term of Davio Mr.:" and' ..Mrs. 5. A spent 'Sunday ill Sparta. They Superior Court in bond in '.«i™ Zimnierman. " ' wero accompanied home', by'M rs. of three hundred dollars, juatifi- Angell and children, who had od bond, his fathei-'going oii hia anent the past week with veiativos nrPoavenci bond. Jacob Stewart there. , jprosecuting^and A. T. Grant ap-j pearing, for the-defendant. ! -T o prove ita amazing value, ev­ ery pale, thin, weak,, rundown, nervous person in this sectipn. is invited to try a Big.vtfl.OO' bottle of Burcher’a Ironux'todayr^W lth- oiit risk of a pbhnyipost. umoiuus <iru mu w... ...», Alilaon & Clernent and all good system purifiers. _ Get a fam ily druggiats .pverywhere a re , autho- paekage,^ containing fulP .,riy...?d tb promptly refund the full tions, price 35 cts. ; trial package, ].eta(i ;pi.ice; to .anyone not per- factly Ratisfied a'fter a week’s ua.e; of :Irpnux. .; ;Thk makes trial of .Irbnuk .h si ye; .inattor'. and; aiiroiy the trial w ill tell. ' ' ' ; Don’t ; delay i^.,.,Thou8a^ , have gained strength, vigor, weiglit, ainbitibn ",'and '.eiibr^ by use of Burcher’s’lirpnitx—^ case aiiould bo nb; different;' ADVANGE.ROUTE 3 NEWS ., Tlio Mockcsvilie Public Library , ------— ^----------------------- announces the approaching niarri-l On last Tuesday morning Mis. age of Mrs, Agnes Sanford to Mr, 'noa M argaret and Katherine; Мвг J. Kimbrough Sheek Aug. the 20th, -roney entertained,, honoring their at 8 p. m. in the Mocksville High cousin. Miss Mary Katherine Pau- School Auditorium. The public cotte, of Chattanooga, Tenn. Seven 1s invited. . ¡tables were placed in the living Mr. J. M. Roberta tnd family, rf Ka.'iiopolis, were ->'s!tors 11 'ils iily i.nd sunound'i g last week. 'Miv T ravis,Burton, of Winston- ’Salem, spent' the' week end -iWth ills brother,vRiiy ,Burton, .v , i - Mr. ' Ai-thur Foster and- wife, of Nbi'fplk,, Vai, ; spent, one- .day thè past webk ; with hia uncje; C. C. Zimmerman.;,; ', Mr. and Mra. R. B, Burton spent Saturday afternoon, with the hit­ ters aister, Mra. J, G. Zimmerman. 'Miaa Eudene Zimmerman is spending some" time in Winston- !’ Don’t grow; old; befoi-e youi'IflmiS;- ;':] and don’t; let lack oii.nerve force/' and yitaiity miike ^bli a weaklins —-whenHhe joys of perfect liealth ' may be waiting: just around the , corner for youl;/ ' Ш JiTfi # . * . DR. -» » Т,- * * ■.# < E.j c i, CHOATE DENTIST In Mock,'3ville Monday, Tups-' * day and . ■\Vedhedday: Over ,*, 1 * Southorn Bank & 'Trust Co. * t ^ Phone lip . ..............* i*'In .Cooleethfic Thursday, F il. * day-and SaM irlay; Over C;ol-* eemee Drug Store*, '* * ' • X-Ray Diagnoisis * * PHONES : Residence No * » : Office N.I. 33 * LESTER P. '.MARTIN *•- ; ’;;v; ......... » : Night Phone 120 ;’ Day Phone *" ... .71." ;;'’/ V *'■ / M ocksville, N/C. , , « « # # » # . •* * # • *. , * * DR. * .# YOU’L L ,ENJOY THE PICNIC MUCH BETTEÏI IK Y O ü é GIVE US A CALL , n .11, Ч room, veception room and library, I ----- „ , , . where a profusion of 8Uinméi",,Salem, vÌBÌting relatives, flowers were attractively used. ................... - ¡Bridge was played nt seven tables Mf iioborts la a native of.Davie, ¡„ml rook at one, - “ •havir g residud oi. v ute 1 until 18 ihontha ago when 1( moN'e'.l tp Kannapolis mona, who have been visiting the latter’a sinter. Miss Ivle Ilorn, havo returned.home.i • ■ Mr. W. R. Clomeni; nttonded the Mauouic PIcnir at K 1 in laat Thurrt d.'i.v nnd rc.|ii'rled a fins time, “Cleii'ontiny ■ aa,’. a he told throe lliOi,?!ind pooplc'-all lit ono tim e— abnul' the st.ickmen's reunl'u! to I'O hold at Monks'! I'.Jo Aug, 25-20- 27. - ' ’ ■ ' We had quité a severe wind ..V storm and rain Wednesday even- -Coca-Cbla a n d ing) .'damaging crops-to some ex- salied nuts wore served durinjj; tent. ; ' , . the games. At the conclusion ofi' ^Mr. W alterG lenn' Jarvis,' of- '‘‘‘■“'1-'"“ ''’ ; itlie ,games a delicious salted col-'Advance,’spent the week end with Miss Isabel DeVlaming, of Rox- .with;nccessorlóa was served'his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. boro,who has been elected'to teach l!i!^ goeats; M issesjP. A. Frye. _ _ _ inuaic in tho school here this yoar,'| ^''i-'^on,. Mary L Mr. and BIrs. Tom Sidden spen and Mrs. Carlos Cooper, of Clem-. Ivie Sunday.w ith their son, Mr. L cit ................. iHorn, Kathryne, Brown, Cla.vton Sidden. ' ' Brown, Mabel Stewart, 1 The farm crs.in nur community M iller, Julia Hunt, Kopelia Hunt, ..are; busy turning \\dieat land since PvLilh R.>dwoll, Klixfiliulh .Rudwell, the goodá-aina of the p.nst week. Ha-.!ol Baity, Mondambs R M. | ivin (1./. C, Croii.ie ha’d quité a Holthouser, G. G. Daniels, John’ narrow csoapo the pas.kuveek, hia (T.oGrinidc, Clniide Horno, Laster horse góttin¿r ticárod at an auto- jP. M artin,' Pi. 0. LeGrande, Jnek mobile and threw him out of the, Allison, J. K. Me'ronny, T. P, M”- bugg.v, lie waa not hurt •serious- roney and S. Chaa. Green, of .L'l'i ly; - ' . City, S. O., and Fnvaoe HavwovHi. ■ , Mni. Rutli WiiUer and littl^ spn, of High Point,' -Tho honorpn. Mólvln.-,.'8i’o»Íi-' the-. past,'''w'obk''':in Faucette, was glv ci' a noveltvV^'''-'' '’^bint visiting relatives and powder box. The . high ; score ; friends.,.. i ’ ; ' ; ;v :'a; ."rj.’ e«. were daintv.hanr.l. p,iiinted - ; ivii,;;iind' Mrs. .J.v R/Poster,; of epnipacl.'i. MÍR.1. .Ti'lin Hut''- v’p;r. Pork. Gh'unih, ardent ono'..day ..thè the. rook prize ¿pd; Jlrs. ;Claude’,;oii‘rtt':AVc^k ;wIl’h,"',;Mrö/;; Fos^^ Horno tho bridge prize,' ','brnth'or, Mr.,T/.-G, .5'irnmor^ rr — ;--- ,. ;M r.4nd tói'è. H. ,B.'Bailey.;s”ènt Honoring Mrs. John LeGrande, Sunday 'afternoon with Mrsi Bail- a recent bride. Misses Clayton and .„v's ■pnrent3,'.Mr. and'M rai ,W'. A. Kathorine Brown entertained most pi-yo' ' - - ■ charmingly at the home of their parenta on North Main street on last, Thursday afternoon. The veranda and living room, «'here IVO tables were placed for bridge /ll ■'I ''.i' , ■> 1” ‘ ‘ ••'/•и' / Л",Г- ALLISON & CLEMENT Call 51-That’s Us CIGARS, ICE CREAM AND ALL KINDS OP DRINlis li'' ^ ,4 ■ '»'hi’ ■'» ’ ■ Ш fi.9 : : Æ -!Wл.{1 И . ■ ' Ш1ш»«п1||1ш111|гашшт1111шв11111ш1ш'.1ш1|ж Mra. S. Chaa. Green, Miaaes Clayton and Kathryn Brown apent 'irday :n Greensboro shop­ ping, . . BIra. E, Cjinard LeOrande has arrived home after viaiting Mr. and Mrs. B C. Clinard in W instin- Saiem. M aster Carl Sherrill,, of Mt. Uila, ia spending some time with his grandmother, Mrs. W illiam M iller. ' Mr. and' Mrs. Ray W yatt, of , Winston-Salem, spent Sunday with Mr. W yatt’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. W yatt. ' ■Q N Mrs. Horace Hayworth and son, of High Point are visiting Mrs. Hayworth’s parents, Mr. ' and Mrs, E. H. Morris. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Allison, Miss Ossie Alli,';on and Mi\s. E, C. LeGrand, spent Mond.^y in W ins­ ton-Salem ahopping. Mr, tind Mrs. Roy Holthouaor and Ml'S. L. E., Feezor attended Ea.itern Star Picnic in Greens­ boro last Friday night. Mrs. Jam es Dickerson and lit­ tle daughter, of Groenaboro, are viaiting Mra. Dickerson’s parents'. Dr. and Mrs. J., W. Rodwell. Mr, and Mrs, J. W. Kurfees and neico, of -Richmond, Va., are sp.'nding.. 'omo time with relativr OS in tiiia an d . Rowan; counties. Mrs, W. B. W aff, who recently luiderwent an operation at tiio Baptist Hospital in W insto'i-Sal- era,. haa' returned home and ij do'-, ing very nicely.' '' ' It might be well for some Auto­ ist to read some of the “Motor Vehicle” town Ordinances which' wore publiflhed on the Enterprise a few weelfs ago. The second reunion of the Brown faniil) will bo hcld Aiigust the 23rd., at the old home , oi! Diiniel Hnniptbi; nnd C. A. Brown, ¿ miles Nqrth Wcfit of Mocksville. AM relativea and frionds are in- !vited , to tako a part in this roV union. : "------:— I,-----------------; , ;. Mrs. 0. G. Hutchons, a f^ormer residont of Davio county, but foi; iatOr years a rosident of Winston- Saioni, spent, several d'u'« recently with Mrs. W. R. Meroney and oth­ er friends. Mrs. Hutchens aa,ys ouii city has made wonderful improvo- Iments since she left here.' * - ■ Don’t forget the Old Tinie Sin­ gers Association will hold their annual singing at Old Center the first Sunday in September. This is ono of the largest gatherings in the county and a good time is as­ sured all \vhb attpiid. Dinner will bo .spread on the grounds and the entire day spent in singling. Mrs. J-. A. Daniel left Thursdav for Indianapolis, Ind.,-in response to a message announcing, the se­ rious illness of-'her mother, Mrs. M ary Armond,/cletith. stilled the .......... mothers hand- several - hours b«-. riossie M artin, M argaret Meroney.-i-1 U.v,t -.t . ........ . TT- —- 11Ц11И loiniiiiaiMMH FIRESTONE vi ) ' ^ Í! ' ' Í >'. ' 'H 1 A V ^ ч Fii’vSt Quality Guaranteetl ■'Tires. live tauiea were piaceu lor oritige . , • , and rook, wore arranged with aum- 30x3 <^nsings o6.7.i rn''h mer flpwera. The hoatesses wore 30x8 1-2 Cavings $7,50 Q'lch laasiated in entertaining by their 30x3 1 2 cord Gamings ,1i8,00 oach' sister, Mrs. S, Charles Greon,-of onDCUTC UKSinU/AOr f il Lake City, S. C. Places wcrol uU,DtKlo HAHIIli'AKL uU. found' by attractive tallies. The Misses Brown and their aister, Mrs. P. G. Brown, aerved delicious peach sundae and two kinds of cake and mints. Mi-s. LeGrande was given a beautiful pair of silk hose ns honor prize. High score prize in bridge was awarded Mrs. Jack Allison, a stationery case, and Mrs. P. G, Brown won the rook prize, a bud vase. Guests- present on this occasion were Mis-1 ■ ses Will.ie M iller, Linda Grey !Clement, Julia Hunt, Hazel Baiie.v, Wins'.<m-'-a!QiP, N. C. ----------------------------- 4» # # • # » # ♦ BYERLY, # # f # * BAXTER# * Office Over Drug Store, Of- * * flee Phono’ No, 31; Real- * '* donee No, 26, » * I’oro Mrs. Daniel rOiich^d her. Buyial eerylcos were conducted at Olive Braiich Metho'dist church. Madison, Ind., Sunday mbriiing at 11 o'clock. A ' The Town- Com'missipnera are to bo commonded for th f splendid^ .concrete sidewaiifs' >vhich they have had built on many of the main and important streets in, the, 'Tou'n.- And in this connection we desire to express our appreciation for splendi.d system of sidewalks built in the school v zone.' The citizenship of a town is judged largely by its schools. '-------;-----o_---;------- ■ The town commissioners grant­ ed a petition of the abutting own­ ers to. build, a ;concrete sidewalk on East side of North Main street from the north line of Moclcaville High. School lot, where Di.strict No. '5 .stops, to Mrs. M aggie 'Mil- Icr’fl South line’ oil North IWaiii Street, being Improvement Dist­ rict No. 6. and work, w ilf begin on this aidew aik,, within a few days./' Katherine Meroney, M ary Horne, Ossie Allison, Ivie Hbrne, Mes­ dames J. K. Sheek, P. G. Brown, Le.'ter P. M artin, John LeGrande, Rufus B. Sanford, Claude Horne, J. K. Meroney, Thos. F, Meroney, R. M.,Holthouser arid G". G. Dani­ els. ' ' ‘ ' MOVIE NEWS COOLEEMEE, N. C. ■ • ■ e iM S iiiiif Frequent' ¡ Bilieas Attads ! Give Most Miles Per Dollar^ [/^e hiftve; The Prices right. . *I Fancy Dress !^hirts Collars, Ties, all color^ Socks. Anvil Brand Overalls and Shirts; all sizes, Vt Kurfees & Ward ^ Kurfees ^áint Contains More Lead Per Gallon Ь' 'ÍÍ® '111e Town Commissioners have elected W. Y. Wilson, Chief of Police of the Town of Mocksvillo, and he has accepted the position nnd qualified and entei'ed upon the discharge of his duties. Mr. Wilaon is w ell qualified to fill thin important position nnd will make an efficient and faithful Myrtl^e Stedmdp once more juatifies her title, "The Sweetest - ^ M other' on the-;Screen,” she has Juat comploted another of her fa- j '^ mens mother roles in a new James I Cruzo production fbr Paramount,! "The .Gopse Hangs High,” which plays he,r'e Wednesday and Thurs­ day. It solves the Universal ^ American farnily problem and of- ||g fei's a laugh, a tear, a gasp and, |jm a thought to carry home. B rin g 'K the children tp see this one. Pri- ^ day i^'nd Saturday, {i big P ara-| ® mount special, but no advance ' ® in , admission. Three big stars, 1^ I Viola Dana,. Theodore Roberts and ^ Raymond Griffith in.' 'T orty “ Winks.” Here is action, thrills, galore; and breath-taking atunta, and there are laughs, laughs, laughs 1 Do you remember “ Changing Huabands,” W ell here is one better, also two reel mur- maid comedy. Monday and Tuesday—“Salome of the Tenements,” a Param ent 2nd Famous Forty. m m m1^ "I sufteroa ■with sevore bill- ^ ous attacks that camo on two ^ or tliroo tlmoa oach month," ® saya Mr. J. P.. NovJna, of ® Lawroncoburg, Ky. " I -would got nouseatod. I ■would havo ■m (llzzlnosa nnd couldn’t worlt. «jm I V o uld talCQ pills until I was ^ ■wornniut w ith them. I didn't ^ m ■iitiHiniBiiiiniiiiaiipiiiiHiHiHii Boom to got loUet. "A neighbor told m e of вшшиент Ш Liver Medicine Ш вm and I boenn its use. I never hava found ao m uch relief aa It gave me. I would not bo w ithout It for anything. It Boemod to cleanse m y wholo syBtom and mado tao fool Uko ^ now. I would tako a fow l a doBoa—got rid ot the bile and | a hava m y usual clear hoad, S H tool full of pop, and could do H P riffl twice the work."S / Bilious attacks are "soa- S W ’éonal" w ith many people. ® d H M illions hare taken Thoil- № M ford's Blaok-Dráught to ward ^ W off Buoh attaoka, and the good w t i resulté they have reported № m «hould Induce you to try it. g hm im iA TO THE PROGRESSIVE FAKMÉR ' ' ' ■ ■ ' f .-I ‘ '.»'-Va.'- A Pilot Lifs Inauvance Policy establishoa a aaving|;.i; fund against unforséen calamity; and a- complete protectiph;;;’ for home and family. - ■ It creates an immediate estate;-it'guarantees payment/ of mortgages, safety to loved ones, comfort and independ-; once in old. age; it prpvldos a systematic form of saying, ; guaranteeing a cash fund in any time of atross, An inyèfltmont of $100 a year w ill-carry between:$8i000' and $5,000 in. life insurance, the amount depending upon the^: age of the insuYed.—and it is ono of the best investments^; a farm er can make., INSURE T O D i^'-W ira .............. DAVIE né E W LOÂN1 INSIIiUNCE CO. AGEN'iS, f i ^ Il OT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ::‘î ’¡етенш , - .‘. > ...... .., , ................ ................. ...............г ‘ # i J , i , TI-IB MOCKSVILLE'ENTERPRISE ->•ThurH'tlny, AugUBt, 18,1025 . ■ August : 18, .1925; ■w^rmrm ,t'¿ ?!'ï I - ' i п/ íJ'*'Пи li )', , ■CAKS COLLIDE IN SALISBURY j S j. Л1, TUTTEROW IS KILLED SftlJsbury, Aug. 11.~ J. M. Tut- terow, )ocnl barber,-io dead, and a little son of L. D. Hendricks, of Lakeland, Fla., Is in a liospital hero with a broken arm, while oth- cr' membel'S of ; t^e HendriekB- futnily ;'ai'e more or less bruised' ,;is.a . result' of an' iiUtomobile- ac^ cidbnt'\thla m orninii' about 9 o’­ clock, wiiicli occured just inside tb6 city lim its where; the fetatos- -ville road intersects . with West Jnncs street . Tutterow wiis leaving (:lie city in a sm all touring car and the P lorida fam ily, occupying a large sedan, was coming, into the city irom W estern North Carolina -when th e' two ■ cars met. The smnll car was completely demo- liahed and Tuttorow was dead ^ h c n an eye-witness reached him. The large car was badly wrecked and hurled in the edge of a field, turnin g over several tim es. A ' corner’s inquest la to be held,— Mr. Tutterow is \yell known in ■ th is city, having held a position cw ith C all’s Barber Shop.—Editor, GET THE CHILDREN READY FOR SCHOOL Begins Second Week in . Septenb, bt(r; Dr. Pafion, of Newar/f, Makes Timely Suggestions ' MUST BE PHYSICALLY FIT ASHEVILLE BAPTISTS RAISE $250,000 IN DAY V ' 'AsheyiHe, Aug, 10.—Workers in ?tho caingpaign to raise ?3,00,000 tow ard’ the erection of the nevy plant of the F irst Baptist ehurcji, at the conclusion of the first day « f the -drive., la st night, reported ■that more ,than $250,000 had been obtained. O fficials of the chuvclii declav- ed that the results foiv the first d ay are for beyond the amount anticipated and they believe; that little trouble w ill Be experienced in raising the'additional ?50,000 of the'quota, ' ' . The new plant to be ereted at tho corner of Woodfin and Oak streets, w ill represent an invest- .TOont of approxim ately $525,000. Announcement 'was made last .night that the raising of tho |2B0,- 000 Sunday assures that work/will start, at once, as the present pro,» perty is valued at around $800,000, Present plans call for work to start Nvithin GO days aa tentative plans are already in hand and nvork is being rushed on the detail plans, , ■ The hew plant of the F irst Bap­ tis t church, which w ill be locuted in a section easily reached for the Tesidential and business sections, •will be one^of the finest in the country, according to the archi­ tects. W hile officials have plac­ e d 'no price on the property now utilized by the church they pre­ d ict that little lirouble w ill bo ex­ perienced in .securing at least 9300,000 for the tract. No\V is the time to get the school child in physical trim for the com­ ing year, says Dr, J. Alien Patton, of Newark, N. .1., mcdicìTl director of tlie Prudential In-^iurunce Com­ pany of America. ‘‘Almost any teacher w ill bear witness that much valuable time and instruction is, lost each year because of the ailm ents of child­ hood,” Dr. Patton_ states. “Many of these might be prevented by the exercise of simple precaution. “Few experienced motorists would undertake a nine months’ tour without first having the car overhauled and all necessary re­ pairs made. Yet comparatively few parents take tho tiouble to have their children gone over by a doctor and put in shape before starting thuin on a nine-months tour in search of kno>vledge. ' As a result there are frequent and sometimes prolonged stops for re­ pairs. “A simple examination by a competent doctor would detect adenoids, bad tonsils or defective vision, three of the most commoa causes of scholastic absenteeism, A good dentist could anticipate the pangs of a toothache, Tho result would be that! the child's chances of haying a school year uninterrupted by sickness for cause Avould ■ be great increased, “Unfortunately there arc too many parents who consult a dent­ ist only in case of a violent tooth­ ache;» who think headaches are generally attributable to a disord­ ered stomach; or thfit glasscis are v:OOLEE^(EE A\S. CONCGTÍI» The Cooleemee ball, team will play Gibson M ills, : of Concord at Cooleemee .this afternoon- (Thursday) at 4p. m. This w ill bo a good game and everyone de­ siring. to, see a real game aro in­ vited to drive down atid take this one in. C/ibson Mill ha.9 one of the , very best ball (cUibs in tjiis sGctipji, ’but B ill Miloy says. Jie must keep the victorywhere .it be-' iongs—in Cooleemee, Go down, you will enjoy it. GONE 'rO ^FLdRID A' Mr. J, A, Craven, who has been connected^ with the ,G, G, W alker Motor Co,', has resigned his posi­ tion and gone to'Tam pa';'..Fla,, where he has accepted a position with the Railw ay Co, Mrs, A, C, Penry and .children, who . have been visiting Jlr. Craven, and other relatives here, accompanied him home, , f • * 5T~ih*~» 5 * * # IF you want 100 per cent pure * * Food.icooked right; and sery- * * ed in an up-to-date w ay, oat * * at . " * G R IFPSC A FE , * Ice cream and cold drink« *•#•*'«««*#* ^ HONOK ROLL / ,T, N, Hoberts T.om Poplin ix'u's, C, y, DeWttse dohn N, W aters Healt; Hoïï^ ICED,DRINKä IN THE SUMMER On n wiirm nnd sultry suinmor day, thoro Is.iiotlilni; moi'u rutresblni,' to thenot, necessary unless the eyes hurt. Accbrdingly there o re , niid lo tlie body than tm tccil many apparently stupid children j-iHnli, Of cniir.io, wjiun such'drlnUs whose sole trouijle is duo to some |'urn being u.sed. iuodonitinn sjioiild liu SURVEY FOR NEW POINT-GREENSBORO COMPLETED HIGH ROAD Surveys have been completed fo r the new highway between (ireensboro and High Point and . it is probable that plans w ill be - >i'orkfid up at an early date. The I'ltsen t road, built by the County BOtne years ago, and considered at the time the last word in high­ w ay construction, has for some tim e past been inadequate to take care of the traffic. It is planned to make the new road a paved boulevard thirty feet wide ex­ clusive of shoulders and to eli­ m inate the dangerous curves thatj DOW exist. This is the second of the super-width highways that ■will be built by the State High- •way Commission, the first being thè Salisbury-Spencer boulevard, ------------------♦----------------- >. ■ . The farm forests of North Carolina are ono of the last great undeveloped, natural re- rources of the State and when they arii properly developed w ill ■be a snurce of fiiture wealth. of these defects which a brief pxamination would reveal. ' , ‘"i'he advice and suggostions of visiting nurses or ytchool doctors should not be dismissed as unwar­ ranted interference," the doctor w ar ■¡3. “Their opinions are more export and theilifore more reliable than those of the most watchful parent. They are trained to re­ cognize symptoms which are m eaningless to the layman. ‘T he.sti’ain of a nine months’ term can be greatly relieved by an tirhandlcapped'start. Headach­ es, pnemia, listlessnes^ are not common associates of good health, and they are great handicaps to tie child student, "Give the child a fair start,” Dr, Patton urges, 'and increase his capacity for learning,” BUSINESS LOCALS RED CEDAR SHINGLES, WALK- er’s B argain House. HAVE YOUR BATTERY WORK done at W alker’s Garage, FEW USED GARSREDUCED prices. W alker Motor Co. FOR SALE OR RENT-^5 ROOM house. G, G, Walker.' MAKE OUR STORE YOUR headquarters when you come to the Masonic Picnic, W alker’s Bargain House, HUDSON., COACH.. SLIGHTL-i! used—^'A'ill sell at Bargain W alker Motor Co. If the lawn is growing bald, it needs a little tonic in tne shape of fertilizers and a little scratch­ ing to put in more seed, say hor- ticui<uval workers of State Col­ lege. pi'iictlcetii liocatiso If taken In o.vccss- or too rapidly, tlioy are^ liable to bo Injiirldiig to tliQ stoiiiac'U, Uowevur, when taken In li aeaalblo aiannor, Uiuy (ire rofrcsliIaK and bonoilcldl to 'ilie futlgii'pd, la the nianufacturo of theso drinks, cnrc should ho 'taken to avoid any couiblnatton that may bo IndlROH- tlhle or hard to assUuUuto. The drink Bhoiild bo eonsumcd In a slow and lei­ surely aiannor. ’ri'io greatcBt danger present In the asn ot Icod drinks Is tho one that In­ volves tho «80 of lngro<llcntB that are possibly Im pure or coatam lnated In nny way. This Is very liable to happun li tho Juices that aro usod are alloweil to stnnd until they become soured anil unOt, ior use, or tho nalUi or other Ingredient used Is not strictly fresh.. The predlspoiltlon of m ilk to spoil ' quickly nt Bii/niiwr temperatures makes It otttlm es necessary to uso evaporated mtllc, which after all Is Just pure freoh m ilk w ith more than half the water taken away. It Is sterile and, there* fore, always ^anfe. For use In Iced drinks, It Is Ideal, Following are several form nlas used In the m anufacture of Iced beverages. If these form ulas are followed relig­ iously, the results w ill be found to be very satisfactory. Choeolati Malted Milk. 1 cup evaporated t teaapoontuls m ilk ' cocoat cup water 1 teaspoonful*m alted m tlk M is 0000» w ith water until lyrup la obtained. P ut aU Invrodlenta In Maaon lar and ihake thorougbly and aervo w ith «hipped loe< Milk Punch. 1 cup evaporaled 1 tbap, orang* m ilk ~ Juloe Suear to (U lt H cup watertaste Bm all «tick oIb> 1 gup tea namont tbsp, leraoa H cup trult Juloelutce (currant or ber­ry preferred) Bon alowly the olnnamon, a lemon rind and orange rind In water for ton mluutea. Strain and when oool add tho other IngredlentB. Place In a Mason fruit Jar and shake well. Serve In tall glaaaea ivitli chopped loe. Egg Nob* 1 e g g IH tbap, pow-Pinch salt dorod auanr H oup oold evop- a Ibsp. trull Juloe oratod m ilk Nutmeg gratlngaM oup loo w ater' Add Eiilt to egg w hite and boat to a sttti froth. Add tho sugar, tho well boaton yolk ot the ogg and tho fruit Julco and nutmeg. H’lll glaaa with m ilk and cold water. Sprinkle top w ith chopped nuts. ' \ 7 . Л- ' Л We welcome you to the 47th annual picnic. У (-ЛIf you want the news of Davie County subscribe to The Mocksvilie Enterprise--Davie County’s newspaper Y. $1.00 Per Year ■./ .V THE ишУиМ GIRLS I'VE TUiaNEE» E V œ V OûCKi |N THE HOUSE: L AN MOUre a h e a d ,S O THAT £EAU OF VOURSJ WONV' STAY SO lATE ! ^ ' GO, GUS,-IT & 1Лте!) " ■ l(í»>n |‘í t x ш а д 'w t o '‘^ ¿s e a o f ^ ^ MATieiMONV, o je a r! We welcome you to the 47th Annual ' Masonic Picnic. ..... "V ; ■ ■■■ . V M ak e this store your headquarters while down town. Leave your bundles here, drink our ice water and just make your­ self at home. AlUson-Johnson ' COMPLETE LINE OF MEATS AND GROCERIES Phono lit . ' WEATHER DURING iULY SERIOUSLY HURT^ CROPS Nation's Corn Vrop Reduced 145 Million Ilushels As Cont- ppred With June. | SPRING WHEAT DECLINES Washington. Aug. 10,—Weather and other coi.ditibns/during July WPi'e shown today to have been detoi‘ininent'\i to crops generally NEARLY FIVE HUNDRED AC< CIDENTS ON STATE HIGH­ WAYS In PAST SIX MON'fHS . h r------r ~ Some startling fi^'iu/es avù shown in the semi-annual accident report recently complied by the Maintenance Department of the State Highway Commission, which shov/a that accidents are on the ■increase' on the State Highway RYE SUREST CROP FOR i WINTER COVER Raleigh,'Aug. ;1Q(—Of all w int­ er cover croiJS, rye is the surest and tho nearest fool proof, • ' ‘‘It, will make mjjre growth on poor soil; whether xldy or sandy, than any other. It 1.« resisfaiit to winter-killlngi' ¿nd niay he^own succo-ssfuily froni Augiist ’tio\p«- cember; but, October 1 18 pibbaij-• ' •» -A._ «.^,eV»i«r#’“'^#Sy MN'l' EMERGENdv TO PROVIDE FOHA0B\ R.^l5igh, Aug. 10.-^Thoji fnr№ V'/V-, ' \K brs Avho wllbîhave no fed for th e.r ^ _ i livestock-i.nÍE wintér hcciiUaa of-, increase on tne auue .nignwuy --------- . System and that, Speeding” still ly tho beit data of .sotving''for in the depi>.r'r.ient ot agriculture’s leads tho list pf causes bf fatal 'uo&t i.ocaiities,” oays E, C, Blojr, monthly report accidents while “ intoxicated driv- a¡;ronqmist fór th,i) Statt; College •vimiGi’s” and“ cnreles8ness” tie for of Agriculture. ‘‘A , ;b'ushel of' ’ • . J -----i......... oiu„ theajrolórigtd droiilH; shoültí; cr ■the, first ' rain plattt . somp-, I , ui'giticy cifops for hay an J >jraa.>' \ ; !lng;^:'":'V;■^^ ■ .......... In' tlU' ¿«lílral and tower piedi; moiit sectit|ríí»:.af. North :\Cárolina¿ German iiiillel:. and S'ld.iin grass, w ill profltlce good:hay if planted' bgfore A,ii/hist 15 tO' 20.'.^lr) thr*. Hendricks-Hendrioks I Wonder If Wo'll Ever Meel Again DearOld Cill ot Mine ullh 'Cello anil PlanaTommy Lyman Montmartre Ro^e Ulll/l t'iolln, 'Cello am/ Plano “ Tommy Lyman Vicior Rccoid No. 19712, lO-lneh , Howl Rowl Rojlo—Fox Ttot mlih uoco/ tettala Coorso Obonj^and His Music Say Araliolia—Fox Trot ’ uitih vocal refrainGourgo Oltcn am] Hit M utu Victor Rccotcl No, I97J0. IO.inch Tho Prisonot’» Song—Waltl allhvoeal . ■ . rt/riiin Inlotiiallunal Novolty Orcliasira /liter ilio Bali—Wallz eo^at r^rain ‘ . * Intornollonal Nóvolly'Orchcetfa . VlotOftlecota No, ,IÒ7H, lOflnol. , X’-r’ ' " ' ' Mr. Glenn Hendricks,of thia city and Miss Thelma Hendricks, of Ad vance, were married one day last week at the home of the bride’s sis ter in Lexington. After a weeks’ visit, to W rightsville Beach they returned Monday and- w ill make their home in thj.s city. Mr. Hen­ dricks is one of Mocksyille’s most promising young men. The bride is a daughter of Mr, and Mrs, W, A, Hendricks, of Ad- vam;eva^cf The Enterprise joins their many friends in wishing them a long and happy married life ■ . ---------------------------—r —. T, FORD BUSINESS IMPROVING NEW SHIPMENT OF VlC- TROLAS AT GREA'fLY RE- DUCED PRICES^ COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU. • ■ C. C. SANFORD SONS CO. 176 STILLS DES’TROYED IN THE STATE IN JULY BY FEDERAL OFFICERS Salisbury, iiug. 11,—Thp month of July was one of tho beii, yet for tho icderai'r.ohibltlon .'itrcea, of this state in^ point of pr<'.4.,.cu tions and. according .c the monthly u i < rt issued today by State Director A, B. Col'.ranri from the central offices hove. Pi'osecutions if'tiiied 307, while 125'arre8ts were made. Stills and tlisvillories seiiedTirt. given at 17C;fo«ty.;two stiti worma were also taken. The oilicers de­ stroyed . 1,663 gallons of spirits, 137,020 gallons of beer, 1,743 gal­ lons of wine, 1,188 gallcns of mash, 500 gallons of pomace, and 1,501 fei’menterSi Eighteen automobiles valued at ?5,375 were taken. Property seiz­ ed and destroyed is appraised at $57,814, while, that neized and not destroyed is given at ,?5,538,50 Busines is steadily improving according to reports fiom the local branch of tho Ford Motor Company, Figures released to­ day'show car sales for .July to be 5,088, an increase of 100 cars over June, or (iOO more than were re­ tailed in Ju ly 1.924, 'Ггиск sales are reported for th^c month at |GG1, Tractors 183, an increase of, (appro.\imately 10 per cent over June or SO per cont over sales ioi< Ju ly'last year, ^ Ii’igures released from Detroit today indicate that the Ford Motor Company did a , remarkable July business in every division, Po- nifcstic sales of cars alul. trucks totalled 107,626 in July, exceed­ ing by 6,082 those of a year ago, sales of Fordson tractors were more than 3,300 greater than last year and 207 more Lincoln cars were delivered to customers dur^ Ing the month than in the pre­ vious July, On the basis of branch i-eports received early in July the company anticipated an increased volume of business and while It predict­ ed that summer buying would rise to a higher level than' usual, the demand for all Ford Products during the month exceeded ex­ pectations, ih e outlook is for Increasing business in August. One of the chief indicvitioiis of this' appears in agricultural sections of the country, where farmer's are com­ ing into the m pketi, in rapidly growing numbers. Evidence of this , is found in the remarkable sales of Fordson Tractors 'during July, * , :, 1 a.v.j.v*w. , Tha large prospective corn crop'ei’s” and"carelessness was reduced 145,000,000 bushels (second place,. ; , as_ compared with a .month ago, ti e 'jroductibn now indicated be inir 2,950,000,000 bushels, Hye, fla\ .«eed, rice, sweet potatoes, to­ bacco, hay nnd grapes also show­ ed losses frnr.i forecasts made last month., ' , W inter wheat, for'which a pre­ lim inary estimate of 416,000,000 biiahcls wan,given, showed an in­ crease over j ant month but,spring wheat with a total of 263,000,00.^ os bushels declined 18,000,000 blac-' ing the entire wheat crop-7,000,- OOfl bushels below the estimate in July. There was an improvement in oats, the crop forecast being 1,- 387,000,000 bushels, or 95,000,000 more than a mobth ago. Barley, white potatoes, apple's; peaches and pears also recordtd increases in 'th eir prospective production.,. Drought was the principal'cause of the heavy decline in corn pros­ pects. The damage from., thnt cause was progressively severe westward through the corn belt. The crop is beginninir to suffer from lack or' moisture.in soutliern Indianji (ind Illinois, but tho out­ look continues favorable in those states us a whole, ‘Iowa had only twVi-thlrds of its normal rainfall in*July and drought prevailed in tho western p art,', A general drought developed iu Missouri ir the !'.\'rt 1 0 'daya of July' and there wan a generili drought in South Dakota, Corn sufl’ered''severe injury from heat anddroughi;' in Nebraska ¡whore. ; aeed^Xould be used per here; The Four hundred and ninety seven>eed m ay: be, scattered over; ^ accidents are reported during the «orn or cotton fiejd^ and .cov^ed period fi‘om January 1, -1925 to with^a one-horse, cwltivatoiv This July 1, 1925, jn which fifty foiir may be done at laying-by, time,pr, persons-were killed and fo ur,3«st,after the first picking of co^t- hundred and sixty nine injiu'od.i^o”-The Fifth District, composed 'o f,in'.a coi^.-ileld, olv the^cprn may counties in the Piedmont S e c t i o n , ^ be reraoyed, , the hand disced; and leads the list with one hiindred' and nineteen accidents, seventeen fatalities, and ninety five injuri- Mr, Biair. states that i*ye often gives' good /grazing in ,the fjill when sown early. It ¿ w ill. /also a giyo grazing. in: the early'spring; given as follows: Speeding 13; ¡n-|LiVcstock should be taken-;ofl in; toxieated drivers 7; cars p a r k e d ! time for the :arop to,; make good, on highwaysS; skidding on wetlBVOwth forH urning highway 6; carelessness 7; reck­ less di’iving 4); inexperienced drivers 2; causes unknown 2, Al­ most half of the total accidents occuVVed on straight roads, while The rye should be turned und­ er aS soon as the heads ^ g ih to show» os ot that time it w ill rot quickly in the soil. If ollowed to become too ripe, the stems mayoyuuritivi un »bltViB»»'* w, ' Jeleven occurred at gradej croa-.with cultivation . and^ aing, careleaanesa and ..apeedinij: moisture conditions sum- being the cause of theso accidents nier. ■ ; « in every casoj ^ T he' best variety of- Froni the above figures it would rye I to grow is Abruzzl,” says Mr, Blniri "This variety is i^uch eitrlier than the others. The next best is. the Tlipfp nrp those' comm jn . rye. The' variety' known who“do not yet know that-gaso- '«B K<-«en. line and alcohol will not mjx «nd r ^ties>^Mve very^ that one cannot, take a nap^ while , ' driving along the road. ^ appear that motor car drivers in North Carolina atill have aome-j thing to learn. GOT Т кЕ BOOZE Rye is not a jegume Mr. B lair pointe out and takes no nitrogon fnyn the.rtir Its value is in the prevention of soluble plant food frofti leaching out'of the aoil, the Rovenue officer, Ratledge, and .checking of erosion and in adding several Davie Deputies captured organic Inatter: to the.èòil wiiòn and poured out about 157 gallons .turned under. It-’io one' of tho' of : “Bug-.Tuice” in. Davie durihg best crojis to improVo the tilth of the past week. Wo .undertfciiul, thorpoil in this y;áy,; 'VVhenevor they aUio canturec^ aevet’ttl men, the succeim of ц leguminou« coyer ' ■ ■' " ......-*■ -■ oV.ni,lrr <hn upper ' piedmuii t :and Mower.; moun*. .'=• tain' section, Сч'гтап m illet alont}.¿.i.\ i':; willi prpyide^this hay, Limd to .be,.-^^ u,sed feiv^ crops should 'be^^ , , i pV*C'p'arèd: itir.iif'diatoly and p'rnt-‘" > , eri at the I-'‘.to of 40 te óO poUud*. w ‘ per acre of 'the millet ao°d aiiit 20 to 25 iHiiinds per acre iif^’the' " Sudan-grasii‘\'‘ ( Ы,' Tf> gei the besiSiuallty. ’ cf . hay, the 'jn rils \ i? j should be,cut when the seed heads \ are in (full bloom.. ' If it ¡арреаг* v*) that frost .,vvi.’l,.(!atch the:-:ci'o¡v;.:lt. : shAnld be ciit • before this ^tin»e, .>i5;.. .T his is the li commendati 01 »Г i"^ Prof. U. ÍÍ..AVill!ams, chief of tivc ,., division of «i.'ronom,y at Stato CoU,; '1.yw leL'e. Ite ,;'.laiea that merjntìiit!» lind' òther.s AvdUid -be^rendevin^' fi public service by getting these seed hncl: selling them at .cost to-: the drouth '.ifli'icfcen fnrmordJ. ..vìì Mi'i > W illinnis states, that Ab- : ; ruzzi туе Is л good eme .'gen*./; ■ d'op for ínll i.Hd,.spring grttilnu ^ ; j i( and should ,>,(• seeded as swr^ м >'! good land cun be 'prepared \ Each of thbsp three crops bhmlW bo fertilized: at planting 4viih a'lrV! ’ applicatbu (if from' SOO to •<«(! pounds of a fertilizer'contniníníf :;-,^^.\C from 1(! to J2 pc.r cent phosph^iric,üv;;! acid: and about four per cent ЛШг •. ¡л nionia, V,.. , ‘‘It is not yet tyo late, to:grow ! some hay,'and piovidi some gn»/.-^ S ing for our v.'tirkstock and dnirj»: i . ' cattle nnd we 'hould by altm tanii r. take aiivatit.igo cf those three em­ ergency crops," says Mr. /W il- 4 llama, '"['hoso who .wish fartherj^.,,. tnfj/rtn'atton about the .!iiattei,‘.i:.,i Altould write to this office or con- )i':'; suit with }heir.^coni)ty agent n t. : i; the .'first;, ( port unity." ‘ ¡ .v'.:v ¡ :'*•- ------ , w .,.. ,o j„ , I.Í ''..........vir /гмAfu.R T n ! ; :in Ыю western two^thirds' of the j ¡;;“^ ¡] ' i0'^w ait the Augiiat court C W. - UNAB ^stiito early^éoi^n jvfU^№ « e n r - ^ ^ court- ..'JHECEiyE. C. w . UNABLE т о APPLICANTS failure. .July drought, heat,, arid hot winds were extremely uhiavn- 'ible in Oklahoma and Texas. • W heat production in 18 countri-; es of tiie northern hemisr)h.ore this year including the United States and Canada v/as annriunc- ed, by the departmen! as indi/;at- ed to ,be 2,140,711,000 bushels, or ,2.2 per cent more than the same countries produced ' a year ago. These countries .'produced three- fourths of tiib northern he nls- phnre crop and about two-thirds of the total world crop outside I^ussia and China. Argentina has seeded a record wheat acreage and conditions generally have been favorable. In Australia, the out­ look coming season is favorable. The outlook for the European corn crop also is favorable, - in'tiio hi'sto!\y.,of Davie county.^\tм^fly^cn^):/Mo,re ' Yoiitiç Women * 'ihnn Caií Jio Enrolk'ti Have , ■ I'licatioiv ■ RiODUCED A MPR0PKvATK»N : There have already been almost Ö00 'more applications for euroll- NOTICE ! MORTGAOE‘,:SALEVO i:,"'VÄIitßlS:fi^ : ■ 'ÀBLË^B■^ÎSTNESS. PROPERWïiï'ï/S'ÎÂÏ IN TIIE.:T0WN. '0F-':M0GKSí;;;ÍM№ VIb'.Ç..4.*. ‘ ,' ..... . Pursuant to ¡authority.'¿ontain- .i'/ ji’.jXV ed in a. certain morti^ft’ge .deod,".pf'V.iA'iÂi.^^^ truRt,' execiitet^ by G. 0 , W 'alker '"''v ' aud wife, Ella' Waikcir, to 'W i'.ki' ¡Л'*'’!’' SIcWhlrteiv Truatee, *on the ÓOlh? . day of Mn^clf; ,19,23,’ iind register- ’ eci. in' 0,¿ Régistei’’s .office.;: Qt in Book ,(>.'■ .M ortg-,,i(iliMH.v riii(idluwi>i(;lit HiriîN- 600'more applications tor enroii- i:u,m tiinK climiiiiitm uf the win'ld,:ls Rti'<ins- -ment' at North. Carolina college Davlff County, in Book of -Mdrtg-' ly In fiivoi'Ilf III« than the institution will be able ages"No. If* page 114, . default iwc of sclciiillli’iii- to receive, if: was announced yest- having been nj«de in. the pay-• ■ ------ i:v,„ «ntn ■ «ntîni'Ofl thtire- ■ ANNOUNCEMENT! We tvish to announce to the ' public ih at we have install­ ed a nice an up-to-date line of staple,and fancy grocer­ ies iri, addition to oitr regu­ lar line of meats, and can Sfupply yours needs in any thipg in the line of grocer- * )és,meats, ice and feed stuff ’* We dèliver anywhere in the * city, , ' Giye us a call, when you are in need, of anything In '* our line. Gur prices are as , * “low as you would expect to * pay, for; first-class mercha- * ndise. . ., / CALAHALii''NEWS , Mr, W. N. Anderson and fam ily spent Sunday at Denton. Mr. R. S. Powell, and children', Bernice and Harrell spent last Monday and Tuesday in Winston- Salem. ‘ Mrs, Spurgen Anderson spent several days last week with her mother, Mrs, Julia Shaw, Mr, and Mrs, Duke Ijames, of Salisbury, spent a while Thurs­ day everting with Mrs. Ij'ames’ aunt. Miss Cary Anderson, NOTICE! WOMAN’S CLUBS TO BEAUTI- FY CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD The civic departments of the Woman's Clubs of Durham and Chapel Hill are planning to make the 12-mile boulevard connecting North Carolina's two great uni­ versities, Carolina and- Duke, a “Highway beautiful” and to this end are offering prizes to the pro­ perty owners along the highway who do the most towards beautify­ ing their land. This is indeed a' commendable movement and one vyhich could well bo followed by other civic organizations’ in var­ ious sections of the State, North Carolina's wonderful highway sys­ tem is attracting thousands of visitors from other states' and citizens of this State should take pride in making their roadsides as attractive as possible. - Johnny Meyeri. 1} (iropiiri'd riioilH, orday, ther‘redU(iod appropriation il(> I"''-''-'’® for,the college causing the sltua-Kl'lOW tiUU All“ , , l'(l(i(l lU! Is cntlna ''‘op-’” » , JIs lau’c and wiiiiit!- : On account of tne xorcert de- soaiu ratlmr than crease in numbers of faculty mem,- to tdUe II t'liuiifo bers adm inistrative heads; thjnk with nny itlnil ot it wottld be unwise to attempt to rood iKiUonlni; l),v than’l,C50 young woi- nn ‘“unknown enter the institution. All Hiiurfc. In a re- would suffer through inability of I'cnf Interview on instructors to handle the result- th« eve of 111«ing large', olassfis correctly if iiiutcli wltli Lou larger enrollment is "allowed, it The faculty last year ...........CÍ - iment of the note spcuréd there- ' by, and. request of foreelosuro .■ havln.i!r ^been made, by Salisbury " Bank & Trust Conipaiiy, the hold« oir of said note, the underalRitod i; Trustee w ill , sell at public auo-!;' tion, to the 'highest, bidder,;for;) cash,- ut the Courthouse door' in Mocksville, N, C„ on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER nth, 1925, a t 12 o’clock, Noon, th^' following de-- scribed real estatei to-w it:............i I Bounded bn the North' by.' laiids of J. C, Dwiggins; lot No.;B crown, cri)\vn T fl I n b 0 r, iro™ jg thought. A no lacuiiywhom lie won ills composed of 172 men and wo- town plat, on Ea;Bt,by.!Ne.\v Street; mon Thia vear-i on account of on the South by Southern Bank,- ' • • '■ nr—i'-'ii.**.;-vti, l)D Biild: “1 expect :to win the I” “’’ ; 'from Tiiliibor. Ho la a l i n o |'«en. This yeavi on account oi u„■ -.......... »nipnne than :reduced appropriations, there w ill and Trust Company, ; on W est bj^i be only 159, Of this number there North Main Stree^t,, and’d e a c ^ .^onooonviiv Vifi 'finite a few as follows, tp-w it; . Beginningi>aii- rcatler and usos more science than I WILL PAY A REWARD OP $5.00 FOR INFORMATION SUF- FICENT TO CONVICT THE PER­ SON OF PERSONS THAT HAVE BEEN STEALINp MY WATER- MELONS. ' - any im ihiof tho mat today. 'However, oe o n iy т у . v/j. i I I’oel, sare .that niy saiierlrr phystcal will necessarily be 'quite a few ________ .- condition will prevaU and that I will w h o w ill n o t be ab ie to do a c tu a l a n iro n stake in ■ W estíílné o f :íó t tiint part of my program In tralnln« w ill requiie the entire time for (I match, I The system thitt I use n large number. Thus it is Is really very simple, Involving only thought, if more than 1,650 young good Jadgincnt and caution In the se- ^women were allowed to enter lection of food; I prefer to eiit sclen- school the classes would be toó'• “ --i ---- 77' MILES OF STATE HIGH WAYS PAVED IN JULY » » CITY MARKET ' Phone ..98 ’ Mockeville. N. • C. # * * * * * * BEND Ш YOUR JOB WORK IP YOU WAW TO ÒAVB MOlíí^ BUY OUR HIGH GRADE COAL F O R $7.50 to $.8,00 This Summer Price ‘w ill last until Sept.-15th. Give ' us you|r orders a t. your earliest conyience. Guaranteed more heat per pound' than any other coal produced. HOME ICjEl & FUEL CO. Phones, 116 and 185 ..............................'» w for efficient work. which la .«ttached the sllKhtest doubt I ■ ^^6 middle of the summer Of Its puHty. ,I eiu. a greak deni of had been 2,000 app|icn|[,ions tlllcHlly prepared foods whenever pos- alhle and I never oat anythlnt, lo According to figures complied by the State Highway Commission 77 miles of paved roads were com­ pleted during the month of July Of this mileage 36 miles, of cement concrete construction;' 13 miles of asphaltic concreté; 18 iniles of concrete base course wei'e laid; and ,10 miles of sand asphalt, bituminous macadam, etc., were completed. , live, is the surest cover, crop, says extension .^orkeiri of State Collegé, but it does not furnish nitrogen. Plant legumes this fall to cut dowr, the feed an J fertJlii> i er b ill next year. ' I'anncd foods hecnuse I am sure they, are p u re nnd w ill have no HI ef­ fects on my digestive systom. Taae. Jiist as an example o f w hat food can do for the bpdy-^inllU, ' It is tlio gi'cat- est of body builders and a very Impor­ tant part of any man's diet. B ut la sometlnie'i} Impuro or contaminated and may he tlie source of . Illness If used. BeciiUBfi of this fact, I use evaporated milk entirely and find It very satlafac- tory. I know that <ít is pure' and that Ijjl w ill not suffer from I t i use, I know V that 'It IS 'a' great body .builder be­ cause tho concentration of It gives It sacli food value, I know that It Is easily'digested,.'inora so than market Billk, In ■ fact; because, 1 drink It be-, fore going to bed and feol no effectii’ of It In the morning, This Is usually hard to do with ordinary market nillk. This > plan, In substance, Is the samo one that Ï uso regarding other foods. If there Is any .clinnco or suspicion of Im purity or low food value, I use sometlilng else. , ,“And if-a m an Is so situated that It Is Impossible for lilra to get the proper am onn^ of exercise, he must be doubly cautious not to partake of any but the purest food. > O n the whole, if a m an eats w ith wisdom and observes tbe fundam ental. rulés for good bealtU, tb w * U DO reason wby bé sb o ^d ever l»T # à ild i M f n c o m f o r t t ) ^ ^ ' " tiint'.for'enrollment and other applica in llnèvof Main Street, being,'N. W, . corner o f.: lot ;bf :.,,. Southern ^ Bank & Trust Company; thencél- N. with line of lots ;Nos.‘“8 A, .D.’! . and “4 E. F,;” in tbivn- plat : to S. W. corner of J, C. Dwigginp • -'4^ tions have been I'ec'eived. steadi­ ly. Yesterday the number stood at 2,238 and applications are ar­ riving by almbftt .every mail. Of this number of applicants, 1,148 were filed by: students who were alkth'e institution last year, and 1,090 from students who desire to enter the - college for the first time, Sinoe in most cases last year’s stuclèntB filed ,their appli­ cations early it seems thot tho greatest curtailment in nun^bers w ill ' be noticed in the freshman class, !»■'' Safety First. : (formerly E.. E, Htjnt) lot in;line; o f dt No, "4 l5J¿;F.’^: thence East’ ■ with J, C, D'^;i]^glns’ lino 00: ft., ; to his South E^st .corner; thence North with his line 31 ft,, to "his' N, E, corner; , 'thence -East . with i line of lot No. 5 abo^t 61, ft., to, stone in Nest Street; thence; South with line parallel , wlth< Eastern botindary of Bfain:, ;ór.:: Henderson Street about 77 ft., tp N, E, corner of Southern < Banlt & Trust Co,’s lot; thenco . West, with line of Southern Bank' and: Trust Company’s lot 151 feet' to, the beginning corner, containing .\sq, ft. Tramp—“Pardon m e,’ sir,: but have you aeon a policeman round here?" . _ ' Polite Pedeatrain—“No, J am sorry.” '' ' N Tramp—“Thank you,'. No-^v will you kindly hand oyer your watch and purse?”~Buffalo, Bisori, A baby boy was born 6,600 fe< up in the 4ir in/an alrplwie, ~ ^ route, ffom Budapeft to ................ ■-V': Л ..iv ' , For particular description see ;; deed from E, L. Gaither and wife to D. ;H, Hendri.x, Tru.stee,. ro- : corded in Book 26, page 381, and deed from Southern Bank . 'Trust Company to W, C. W alker,, recorded in Book 26, page 630, ■ Register’s office, Davie County, N, c,^-"'"- For further information, seo; either of the undersigned.. This the, 6th day of ;^|,uguat, ii)26., .'. .!;.,v; ,V V WiB^MeWHIRTER, Trustee. 'iP. S. QARITON, Atlwrpey, ------ a 13 to » Srdi ' 'ijj S V, Vv,<»rÍ:Í«^Wt ‘ (.ir'wA^BíÍj^A . . . . Гада 8 iiUlEV NEWS ITI3r,lS FROM O Vtííi THE ST A l'iil' .,' In Greusitiboro muriiclpal uourl Satui'clay tiio iiasiataiit rnuniijfer of tho Ok rionry hotul waa aci- quiUoil uii charge , of aiciiDK anil iibetting ill : immorality. M ajor . ■'i'uTnbe«, imlicted on simiiuV war-' \jviiitr waH convictcci and fiiioci §200 aiul (JoatB. - ' Forty thousand I'BvlUsh:; miners ■in tlio B nlish .isloa have struck io r hi«hev wrtgea. ; ‘ ■ Twclvu prohibition agents arid liv e other men .were arreated ,ii\ New York Sátürdny when offib- urs battered: down cloora; of ex­ clusive . clubs, in \^¡hich ■ it was .charged liquor was being served. Ill addition to the /hatii of, men thousands of dollars worth of H- <juor waa seized in the raid. .JUNIO RS.OF STATE TO LAY CORNERSTOiNE, AUGUST 19 THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Fewer Farms A-Good. • (cohtlmiod from pagc l ) ' ;seloct<id the ono nijar 'Lexington. . ‘ ■ The LeiiiiiKtonhuve pvc- ^ aeritcd to the national eo u m iil-a'jj, ,clo6tr in Cue sim ple'for ,300 acres- ,of. ground, .three niiles i'rom.' thc: cit>y located on the So'iithern rail- rmui. . It in) a ijeautiful‘,trac;t ^,of lanil, part o.f Whiqli is .well-w ater­ ed, ihys well .'iJitl ' is spiehdidly, iidnptCd for the• looatioii <rf iin br- phaiifl home. ' ; The thing we,;,iiext| seo is. th'iít ,thtí fai'mér, without an.v údviue from the city, luia from the first bouii doing the right . thing :.by KNOW--STEER' - MARKET ükT'Í - ЙЗКВ BUYING : ■ .FEJEDlOii« 1824 .There Were 97, Farm ers Per 100; Iu 1!)21 Only aO— Cau^o;_ Greater Efficicdoy V(By Allan L. ЙепяЬп, In Dear- ' born íiidependeut.) 'Nobody hasvevur got rich: IJy faraiiiig. Fdrhiera wao have bc- Exclusive of express shipments, there had beon shipped from Scot­ lan d county this season, ,up to A u gu st 1st 383 carloada of cutita- Joupes. The cantaloupe season in Scotland i&.abo^ut over. It is estim ated that the ’crop was cut . jn half by the extrem ely dry wea­ ther. V, ,, • , i i 'come wenlthy 'have done'So "by■ ;)H a, situated .In- Ihe heart,.of the. la iu r aud , waitingpiedmont section, Adjacent , to fho Paviclsph ■ ■ hbmd ■-----„„uiiiB iuuu HUH never maue a iJigwithin close .distance of the home lurtune for anybtdy. :ln, the old 'days it w as because nobody could Ihe-land is conservatively esti- pi'-cuu-je much m ore'than he had malted to be worth $50,OOT) mid tlio to co'uaume. Now that'production i j r s t u n it is^now under construc, has enormously incrnaaed, condi- tion and w ill cost $250,000, as the better, but farm ers still new home w ill start off with a .^ork har<l and feel that, in coni- ,valuation of !?300,000. I'parison with the rest of the popu- The national council is benefit- they are'getting the worst ing by the experiences at the.Tif- of it. . waa once rather lonely. ' ,tíaéh, farmer wlio reinoved to a iity not only took a .mail av/ay ................... i—--o- **• ■ччи.-iniiuitting, thè farni, libad •ustin‘íiii;‘<irc) thr.t nìore .than th.j ц , , od,'.and ‘lie .¡я liuinber of ;¡bee/.!,cattle v.l'i i¿ readjusting himàélf; The process: boitaht. by ,crop,::farmtir.4 for ----■ ■ ililL' f i n ' . . -""'■1 - waa',what «"is :neodod’.' creasing .'tho competitioiv nvviong i’aifmbra,: for .etnijioiynlcnt and b.v increasing thb .demand of the citi­ es for farm jiraductia.: But more machinery and more: power in- cl-easetl the, productivity of, the farm er'm ore rapidly than eniigra- tion from the farnia helped him. As more m achinery moved pn to the land, still more men moved off. And now only» 30 men out of each hundred are engaged in agriculture and thoy are produc­ ing aJI the food wo can oat and all that we can sell abroad. This ■ Carolina cot ton m ills to be plabed on exhibit' a t the M ade-in-Carolina exposi- ;tIon to be held In Charlotte soon. The plant of -^he . Star Furhi- tu ie Company, at Lenoir, deatiMy; ed by fire about three Aveeks ago, -will be rebuilt 'on the 'same «round. Building (5'on.^tructed ■jwll! have 50,000 square feet floor •pace. According to offical government «tím a te , the population of Ral­ eigh . is now 80,371. Raleigh, analysis seems fairly .. ^ Tr 1 I- ' sound, but here ia the proof offin, 0., Home m starting otf th is, çonditiona are not bad, il. What would result if 97 per branch in such manner that it however, for lack of advice from cem; of our population moved back can be added to in units from,time;^he city; nor would they rem ain to the land taid thua restored the as the needs nihy require. _ Ibad if advice from the city were I conditions that existed in 1790? The contract for-the first unit „„y jj. ,-g j, ^jyj| ^,j,y when W hat should we do witii all tho was awarded some time ago and Hnrn„t,r.Vi,r i>, +,— ■ ■ •• food they could produce under modern conditions? If the pre- .•ieii!; ,30 per, cent can produce all we can oat and. all we can export,, -- ------— llinrilTllVn hnr.nn£jn -X* I------ ',..1.^1. -----»chitect. Joseph'T ur _ ................. York, past national councilor, la „f coursé, more législation. More-^ agriculture?" superintendent of construction. ' - ... ii country fiible," suya Prof. Ri"S. Curtis of ; like America which, agricultural Stiite College. ‘‘There ia no IjiihI. ly, is still so far from -develop-|neaa in which this is so Im portant ed in comparison with ' countries aa in buying feeder steers for vc. ; like Denmark, equilibrium may sale after they aire ; finished. Tliig | not be, reached for a loilg tim e.¡is due to ,1ihe long period'ehip.iing :i Evolutionary processes usually (between the tiníe',of p.urchaae and ! move slbwly. But it seems that ■ T ' c*»f€*iuv;u ouliiu tiriiu ago iiiui somoboclv in town cloos not toll ■xt. .nnnounces the work is well under way. I’he tj,e farm er what ia the m atter th at if it 13 practicable he w ill of- goi,ti.j,gtorg ai-e Joe W. Stout & C o .'^ ith him. The feeling in tho city beRt'^diapHv of drones'* mad'e of farm ing is u n -.-v v-..., vawinu. an we can c.sport, i r o L S i o m er of High Point, N. C., is the ar- lucrative because of lack of laws.' what would happen if three timesproducts iiom lN oithO aiolina cot- . Tunison, of New of this conclusion, is, a s ,many were to bo engaged in ional councilor, is „f coIIVHi* mn,.Q H,r.— .......> —----" fh V rw i‘ii''bn a I'aim ers-havV'be-! “No\770mes a hai^der question: « beautitul and come convinced that this is true with 70 per cent of our popula- 1,^ .......... . IÍ-Í . ... .......................... como convinced that this is true with 70 per cent of our popula- healthful home for many of the and aro clamoring for help fi'om tion living in cities aiid towns order's little charges and just as Congress. • ’ Л why is farm ing atill unprofitable?soon, as the place is in ret^ingss, i vm«. —— - < ■ some of Ihe'children from “ im portant ti^ ieecier steers foi- vc. they aire : finished. This period 'elapsing , _ of pturchase and_ _____ ..,..„ithe time W hen the animals are the,-worat is over. Farm machin- I'eady for sale after going through àry has come generally into use.'the fattening process. Indi.scii. Power, as expressed by gasoline m inate buying,-iwithout regard foi- and electricity, is ju st beginning 1 tne probable market condition at to go on to the land. Men w ill,th e time for selling w ill lead to haVe to leave the land as power trouble.” comes to take their places. But^ Prof. Curtis states that if cot- why.ahould men complain? P.ow- tonseed rtieal ia to be lised as liiu er, by stim ulating .science, in- fattening concenti'ate or grain vention and discovery, is 'respon- feed, it will pay to bliy the laraor sibie for about all the improve-jand more m ature'steers; CoKmi- ment in the condition of human seed meal is a\ nitrogenpua feed beings that has taken place in aland will make a young steer gruw thousnnd years. Power produces ¡’instead of getting fat. The lari', wealth and takes}tha load from or anim als will consume moro of human backs. , . the meal w ithout injury and thus Farm lif'ejjis destined soon to .produce the desirable ' finiali, be a very,different thing than it|Sm aller cattle niay be' Now these few remarks w ill be \Vhy is farm ing atill unprofitable. Too many men are still engaged --'icu ltu rc—that is the ansv,-- .............. - ^.ichinery'has more than kept— ........m u naiio- ers is not lack of laws, and that up with migration. iVIako all the nal council realizes^ that the legislation has no power to get as necpssary allowances for lack of phange in clim até .w ill be quite the real cause. If this'reasoning organization ' in agriculture, the bei:eficial to many of the young- be I’orrect we' a t least have an ex- ffict still remaina that our present SterS, • , ................................................. ‘ ^ 1 •! 1. !• • -ii. ................. j-oiiuu-Ra win oei .»ou many m . f assumption that In agricultur mothei home .it Tiffin, 0„ ''iH ,what is the m atter with the farm- or. M achiner; be transferred here. The natio-pr.« is nnf t....... . i ............ a -•pr f e '': OA.ir , ik } . ............... uur present pliination of tho failure of all relatively sm all agricultural po- This branch home wll| not bo farm legislation enacted up to this pulation is more than large en- i 'Y"T:“"'|txclusivcly fo" the children sent tim e.' tough to do the work. Is not tíiis«laim s dp,ООО people, including jg ni^^iy t^at the “homeldda" as Tiiko the facta ns we find them proved by the fact that we always those, living in the suDuros. 'they are known, w ill hail from all in history and they point to a'h ave not only enough but an ab- aectibna of the country. Thia w ill coni.liiaion. M'hen our firat cen-'undance of food? Wo never havo bo becauae of the fact that a sus was talcen, in 17У0, of each « iw which there is not chang9 in climate w ill Be quite 100 of our population 97 ' were ough. Wo never have d year beneficial to many of them. How- engaged in agriculture. 'They which our farm era are not lomv ovor, the national officers plan to raised food for themselvea and ¡“lí foreign mai'kets. What have many North Carolina child- -(or'•hree others in the cities v/"' reh placed in home, also children none for export. They couldfr o m a d io in ltiff B m ifbnvii i- — ^ ia now or haa ever been. ’And a.s ,farni lifo changes, ao will city liie. IHr,, .Ford probably has tho right idea in aasuming that the trend of development w ill be to­ ward ■ village industriea in which farm,era' can be profitably ' em­ ployed during perioda when there is no work ioi them on the farm. No development of power or ma­ chinery on the land ciin ever I change thè fact that there is verj^“““ I e-- '• ' - M ajor Wade V. Bowman, of H ickory, commander ;of the se­ cond squadron of North Carolina cavalry. National Guard, nnd ve- ternn of the^World W ar, ifl hold «n d er $7,600 bond, on charge of .u a a u lt w ith attempt to commit n p e on ' a thirteen-year-old girl •Jn Hickory. J. The mid'tiummer eeeeion of ;the Ci^nd ï.iodï* ûf North Gnrol'na JL 1?. fi À. М.;will .be. hèld at -Jforth :>Vllkes|boro. for fotir days fteginning -\uguet 24th. ' r' The tenth annual report of the i //*fricultural extension service of jBtate College has now been re­ ceived from the printers, Copies ' o f this »eport may be had on ap- Tillcatlon to the agricultural edi- ^ r , State College, Raleigh. ; ; Announcement made by a num- . .1>«r of automobile m anufacturers -oi ft' drastic cut in the jprice of earij ^ looked upon in W all Street £ • the beginning of inten’ne com- ,petltlon'in the automobile field Ib is fall. Financiers are expect- .irg to , see some of the sm aller jnanufacturcrs go to tho wall or absorbed by the larger companies. Tho State Department has lic­ ensed ihe Thomaavilie Credit Company, of Thomnaviiln, autho- Tized (i.Tii'al of $100,00-0 with *50,COO J aid in by T. .1. Finch, of T rinity, this county, G. \V. l.yles, . Thom aavilie Ford dealer, and J, ,F. Garner, formerly of this oi ,ii- ty, but noW of Thomas vfilln and cashier of the Bank offfDenion, at Denton. ff-' -, -------: , ' ■ ' The Uav f.laon county boaid of conimissioners voted Mondiiy to ____ ___________... .«.a« moj-e becauae they v/orked to produce enough food hasorder that their relatives may visit under disadvantages. P art of them often and not be compelled to their timé was spent clearing land pay thp big expense of traveling and shooting Indians. Having no to thè T lffiii home. . ' ------_ . ----- J4U ______— , • 1 m achineryi they d,ld everything; The branch home ^111 be up-to- by hand. W heat was c late in every particular. It w ill sickle or a cradle nnd bo along the same; lines as the on the barn floor w ith a flail. •«•‘BO ones, '«.ill ^ - never been brought against him,--ailllli« Some say that the farm er should organize hia business and cut down production. They cite the ___ ------imuu. . Yvneat was cut with a f#ct that sm all crops oftentimes Idate in every particular. It w ill sickle oir a cradle nnd threshed bring the farm er more money than ___ as the on the barn floor with a flail, large ones. <^s a n . example, the mother” home and w ill be under Bach 97 farm ers did pretty w ell, corn crop o fl^^4 .was 20 per cent the same general management to raise' enough for themselves | sm aller than^ the Tiffin home. There w ill be'apd three others in the cities. brought the aame system as In vogue at j Vpry different conditions 'ex- this would le parent institution. listed when the census for 1920 tion in All of the appliances in the v ari- was taken, ,v'pnly 30 persona out would 18 buiiflinir« iwin I'«' - cròp of M23 but brought i?20a;000,000 m ob. But ous, buildings w ill be modem in of eacH ^00 ôf our po¿ulation Й7- num ber'ôf’fa m workers than to be reducing produc- a dangerous way. It be wiser to reduce the ,-----411011 and stilli who are not nòoded on a job to remain and produce leas, is ap­ parent to any mind. In the long run, we get only what we produco„ „ , 1 i-c --- ' ^ -----— 4 W .41V W 40 («Jitevery i'espect. The boys and girls ed on farfti^ <ind the other 70 jjv- I’educe the productivity of our w ill be taught various tradesi, ed in citieii^v^.Each group of, 30 fai'ms. The economic unsound- there, w ill be a very fine school farm ers was able to, produce en- *i®ss of trying to solve an induat- with competent' teachers, there ough food for themsolvea, and for problem by perm itting men w ill bo religious instruction, the 70 others in,, th e'cities and still ¡who are nnf. пло/-!/.-! «« - j-*- formation of 'т.и81еа1 organiza- have a considerable m argin for tions and ma,py other things that export. • ■ i have proven' so successful a t T if W hat had happened fin. " these ISO years so'enormously to The work of construction w ill increase the productivity of the be pushed as rapidly as possible farm worker? ,Two things-^ 4nd the Cornerstone-laying w ill agricultural m achinery and tho mark another great step forward use of m echanical\power. F lails by the loyal juniors of the state gave w ay to threatong inachinea of North Carolina. ' driven by steam engines. Gaso] The “ mother" home is located lint tractors bega'n to be seen in near Tiffin, 0., along the banks of the fieldft, each doi^g the work ......, — ^ .lurmcr the beautiful Sandusky river. Ov- of- moro than twertty horses, “веп caught in the great er 1,000 children are being cared Binders, mowers, hayl.oaders and °''°iutionary development that be- for there. 'The estimated value a long procession of other m achin ' ii." ....... of the home property is one and es. had come into common uae, one-half million dollara, but tho Power farm ing! value of the, good done 'for the W ith w hat result? W ith the children, of decoaseti membera of reault that each worker on a farm thoi.,ip|*i|i, beyond price or esti- • '»re than „ ........ u“‘J' w " « we 1theso'lSO years soVenormousIy toj »nt> we don’t produce, we do increaae tho not long get. Everybody aliould be uaefully employed. Loafing on the job is not the right way to remedy the defect of too man;) jpon on the pay roll. Everybpdy iS needed aomewhere. The thing tb' dp is to find the place. The truth is that the farm er niay be' aeioctcd with good prospects for resale it the feeder ha& a supply of corn, corn silage or both. Thu local markets usually prefer the smal­ ler and leaa expensive cattle aa thia', enters intp' the price for which the retail cuts of meat may be sold. •To market the finished cattle most satisfactorily it is always; be^t; to have a ' carload either on one farm or in the nearby cora-.........u. Ill biivj uouroj little for farm ers 'to'-'do'” in the.m unity, states Prof. Curtis. wintbr. They ca,n employ them- guRVEY SUUVvo MuicHi vviiEV- selves after a fashion, but it is* — emjiioyment ^hat is economically unproductive and therefore eco­ nomically unremunerative. Timo that goes to waste is like w ater that', goes over a dam without turning tho millwheels. It en­ riches nobody. Farm ers would be better off if they had something useful to do during the periods when farm ing' is at a standstill. If work луого to bo done in vil­ lage factories that ia now done in the cities it would naturally foi- low that some of the workers who are in the cities would have to go back to the country to get jobs. That would be a good thing for the workmen and a good thing for the country. Every city is, in the main, a hideous place in which to domicile human beings. So far as population is ‘ concerned, the cities are too large and the coun­ try too small. The same evolutio­ nary processes that have 'brought about these conditions are now on tho w ay toward remedying .them. But the, situation cannot be . re­ medied by any man-made “back to'the land” movement. Men can­ not go back to the land until, the land—that- is to say, the country —offers them something to do. V illage industries w ill do this. Farm ing w ill yet get its just re­ wards, but the rewards w ill not come by act of Congress. ILS I’HIS ,YEAK .................... . - ---- - -iti Uimii any far,rhatp,Ti(()I;|ie home was established worker had ever produced bofori in' iaOG.'' The h,^^^o grounds con- Thirty farmfers can and'Btì more than the 97 iaHstate higinvay commission for tho c.-'UM'y 'i an pf ?'i00,000 to tbo state. The highway commission assured tho commiB.^ioners thut i't would J «'locate, grade, topsoil and oil highw.'iy 75 from tlio I)avie county line to Ashcboro. 4,000 'fóns of Copper Going into - Radio Sets Four thovi.aand tons of yopppj; : , ' -tvill be used this year.in tho nianu- iactu re of rudio’,;sets, .according l()i the Copper ! and.- 'Brass Re- .. . ,ficarch, asaooiaiion. ; ■ It was estimated ìlio 192!j .pro- , duction.would reach 2,000,OO'J sets .and.ibring the total of rfidi'D'sUts ;i IIfiOin ,use to »ipproxima'icly 6,000,000 ■¡¡)i,l:l) ■»Mith^.iiíú'^áii.mtion •ci’.’mÒre'>':t'iian', -íajíi5,000,(!00;000.vi..;.;:',j м:: ï' |í| U U'í'^vriiìtìfi^ubiic'-ùiterò^trfrè radibúijipár- I)-.' now; raisbj -............. ----- mo i iiirmer's who buildings, iribl|!|l|f;|'',c^ high could only raise onouB;h to feed school, hof^'iiiiii^graded school, themselves and three others in nursery, laiinclry. cannery, green- the cities. liouse, print .shop, garage, etc. ^. | When more men are. on a 'job The program lor the corner- than are needed to do the work, stone laying is announced aa foi- somebody has to go. As machin- lows; / and power,moved on to tho Intrbductoiiyrfeli'S'iiiVu^^—T. H. farms, human beings had to niovo W alters, n'iitloM leouncilor. |9ff. W hy? Because there was SeJ'ectidn'-^B^ of or-''Iiot worlj for them. We thus havo phiinW<'}i6me. an explanation of the movement lii'vocation—Rev. Odall Leonard. ,irom the farm s to tho cities that Siigin g—“America.”, ', 'began moro than half a, century Aililross—Josephus Daniels.* awo and is continuing to;this day. Selection—Boy’s band.'. This movement was accelerated, Address—By member of natib- cpui'se, by other forcjis, but the nnl council. '¡basis o f.it was lack of work on Selection—-Band. Addre,aa—.Tohn J;,.>Voitzeí'., ! Address—R. M, Gantt,, stato ently h>.a continued unabatxVff,^ W»et;ia'rfSao1SlT¿M"^recí(ír&á. ’^'"The' man uf aijl'urpMtrtd tiád i5 r|- BeUvHra.'i htí'a 'íe stabfi alí|d';tt ;lor rapid industrial cquij'cilpr. , ^ .Address- Íiííyin'g'.'üf tion tioiial the farm s, due to the fact that ma-. chinery ahd power had enormous-; in^reaflpS.iijis, ijrbcl^ ¡pf the farmoriK Ghieii'.-among the'^at- чп-.лпо ^VmîrÎhflfiligMiîWi-î^oxHir shnrt- iial board of officers nnd stntn' ■ ...............- ■ expan,sion." LET US DO YOUR JOB WORK gan with the invention of the steam engine and the introduc- tion.|pf machinery. The aame thing has occurred in tho cities, b u t'\with perhaps a more rapid ficiju4fniont to the changed con­ ditions. Power and mrtchinery havP vVastly increaaod tho produc­ tivity'of city worlcera, but for tho city ,\v;orker’s products there is no fixed lim its to his marketa. Tho man who was quite comfor- tablo'^Swithout lin automobile bo- forp'jjie over heard of one must have 'pno now. By buying a mo­ tor', he gives employment to those who make it. But there ia a very rigid lim it to the market for food. One can eat so much and no more. He may eat food that is better pared and pay more for BIRTHDAY EVENT IN DAVIE COUNTY SUNDAY Salisbury Post. Sunday, August 2, being Mrs. M. C. Ijam es’ 56th birthday the, stated th a t' dusti'n7 ”iBoccasion was celebrated at their 1 ^ . ^ „ . ^ lovfly country home in Davio^,^,^^ ___. . . Raleigh, Aug. 10.—Survoy.i made by the twenty field men and county agents of tho Agricultural Extension Service up until July 30 show that there Is a greater infestation of boil weevils in tne cotton crop of North Carolina this yea.r. than last. This infestation is heavier in the coastal and eastern counties and grows jno- gressively; less toward ' the hill ■ country. “At the same tim e,” says Prof. Franklin Sherman of the State Division of Entomoligy,” the sur­ vey also ahowa a better attitude of mind on, the part of tho cot­ ton grower toward using the, atandard, approved method of fighting the weevil aa recommend­ ed by the College and Department workers. Cultural methods and conditions have averaged good and tho cotton ns a general rule ia making excellpnt growth, and is fruiting heavily. Mo^e larm- ers are dusting with calcium ar­ senate for, diteCt weevil control than ever before in North Uaru- lina.” : , . In some parts of eaatern Caro­ lina weevil infestation haa reach­ ed the high point of 25 tb 50 per­ cent. In a number of cases tiie number of weevils has increaaua three times , during one week and on' nearly every farm studied, nt least one field would have an in- , festation of from 10 to 25 per­ cent. In the southeastern section, the field workers found • t'he weevil 'prevalent in nearly'every cotton county and was largely attended by ,relatives and friends, A splendid time was enjoyed by all. A long table in the grove was fill­ ed with delicious eats. Songs and other features made the day very attractive and of great pleasure for all. Tho prolonged dry, hot weatliei' was having some effect in weevil control but with coming of show-, era and wet, weather, it is bein;i advised that the field be watched closely and that dusEing be done 'when yueeded. , : \ ' ' In tho piedmont area, weevil pre- . . -,___ it, li,ut tho excess', that he paya goes to chief ' and' thotho managomont, not to the farm ers who produced tho beef, wheat or other ingro- dionta. As a man becomes more prosperous, V.o can buy more of tho things that industrial workers mako, but he dooa not appreciab­ ly, increaso his daily number of Ibiives of bread, potatoes, or oth- eri.fjf tho fil'r'm'or’s I'lrb'diiots! \ The riiKa".ilrtd,-'((He ''A'^'pacity 'of liiW stb- mU'fch^-Weriii'Siiib'd ^A''^Tnillibn’ Among those present were Mr. from the Winter was aj - and Mrs. M, C. Ijames, Sebe and P‘‘»'ently light and dusting is noed- Louis Ijames, and Mr. Dent Ijam- scattered area,. l)'áfaP6'; ikr.iwiW'-b’^rn •'■'iiiitì' 'tití' il'- mount of moneÿ -’ihVtlw^baiilî.'oiïn crave, companionship. Farm lifo'^ifi'ÇatlJ'change tliom, : ' , ,, >-;= ,nds;tió^;nròiit. ea o f M bcksviiie; Mr. iind Mrs. Duke Ijames, of Salisbury; Mra. Alice Goble and son, Fred, Jr., J. A. Jones, and fam ily and W. ,T. Leacli, of Salisbury; Mr. and Mrs. Stapy Chofin, of near Cooleemee; Mr. Barney Ca,st|e and farhily, Mr. Goble and fam ily, M isses Nannie, Edna and Pearle Powell, of Har­ mony; Mrs. Cleave Ijames and lit­ tle sou Laird, of-Youngstown, Ohio; Mr. Ireland and fam ily, BTr. Joe Powell and wife,' also Mrs.’ Mauci Powell, Mr. and Mrs, Hub Davis. Tiioro. wore 51 present all of whom"' wished Mrs._ Ijamoa. many i ■ith'i--;hiTt—»♦i— — Bnnrt'the Mnwg.-f«* iHfqfwuiWaw ■In the upper piedmont, to>vards thci outer edge of the cotton grow­ ing area, tho infestation is light w ith no reports of serious,damage. NOITGE! ^ . Having qualified as exocutre.v of Jacob Shoaf, deed., notice i.‘i hereby 'given to all persons hold­ ing claims against s.aid estato to present the samp duly verified to the undersigned for payment on or , before the 6th day. of July, 1926; or this notice w ill be plead in bar of their recovery. A ll persona indebted to said estato are requested to make im­ mediate payn^ont.- ’ day of July, 1925- ■ ----------'-'.Hiqyyi'.jELLIS, ?ecè " li'-' ' ^ ...... .......................................................... ' - ' У ^ i j lK E N T E K F K lS li “ A ll T h e U ) c a i N e w s .” О ц г L a r g e s t Í ^ I 1 ) - 1 N - A I ) V A N C E C lK C Ì lL A T lO N o f A N Y P A P E R in D a v :пщ т щ т R aleigh,,'Aug. i l . —Ind-Iiiiitìoiis i ' " , iisiiid'i cattlo v.i'i ' ‘ ‘ ¿ rí\ ___ . . -J .iuiiiiui.-i, lor I'at-1of readjiistm uiit ris stili gnín'j.' ohi 'lehing and .finishing, thi« \viiuer,,i| M i g i ' a t i b n . i t o t h e . c i t y . 'H h i - n w . t ; - - — - ■ irom^thc farina but . h e - p i á c e í ' ^ .r-.-.u con, man in 'tiic c ity ibr some one 0П Ч ^Щ ^«1а 1;П тке m igr.^^ h,'. .market ai^ .,tr^ to i, a f a r m t o : f e e t : : , : J ’ l n i s : w a s a g r i c u l - S«m,'ûi'o:.irtl ,in,;opem^^ he, canjBeliy:he„ltu.i'hoJ^ i ü r e J i e l l j e d W n : t w o . w a ÿ a - - - b y : d c - 'St4te; ot .equ hbnum, Will :i^ot,;be¡animals^ '• " hr.' ,.nmñM,'fi„n 1‘eitaltc.d unCl hi 1 1.1.1. ............................ TRU'm , HONESTY C)F PURPOSE AND UN'l'IRING FlD ELrrY TO OUR COUN'fY AND OUR FLAG IS OUR AIM AND PURPOSE MOCKSVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, ^UGUST;20,;1925 , :l‘GacItccl Aiutu >лисЬ1П'р‘УлУ111''1ояо ■ niüiíqys.^ and: ijosyér' that cair^ be uab'd ,;on |.,' „“Noi;, only ■ this,- 'but ' the l)u,vi,'i'. ' the liinti are there and all the should' ¡3qleiit 'hia:’Btéeí‘fl' 'w oai-e farm ers that are, not there-need-, aiid buy ' at tnpr'tìeat^^ ро,^. , ed ' ai'e'elsew here, in ii country sibie.” siiVH Ti-nf. n -'s o. 'ubercular Santorium is Turning . Patients OutЛп Shadow of Death hviiiit of Sufficient Maintenance Makes Action Neccssary VILL , AFFECT INCURABLES ouniies Blust Take vure of Dis­ missed Sufferers , ,'titution which the board con^ lidera to be vitally neceaaary'. 'Phe sanatorium, continued Doc- ;or McCain, has 'diningijoom, kit­ chen, and all basis units except building for bedS' to. care for dou­ ble its present capacity. Had the appropriation requested of ?480,000 been allowed the capaci­ ty could have been doubled and the children’s wm-d added. Had the first request of something over a million dollars been grant­ ed 1,000 cases could have been cared for and this would have only been half of the' number of beds Doctor McCain believes tho sanatorium aliould have in view of the number of deatha by tuber­ culosis each year in the state. Just acrosa the road from the main buiiding of Sanatorium ia a ward for prisoners of the state who have tubjerculoaia. 'I'he board pf Sanatorium haa jjeen re­ quired' tq set aside 48 bods for the crim inal tuberculosis casos and also ia required to care for these men out of the regular ap­ propriation for maintenance, of tho instituí ion. No ^extra funds have been allowed for thia pur-, poae and the fact that these beda can not be iised for caaea com­ ing from’the Гапка bj: the citizen­ ry is partly responsible for the crowded conditions new existing which make the. new policy necea- sary. • ,' Tiie plan of tho institution, ac­ cording, to Ita superintendent is to care for the curable caaes. Patients who remain 18 months or longer without responding to the cure generally are classed as advunijed cases not always cur- ablo.' A much shorter time if neccssary a t . the inatitution in prdor to. eatablish tho progress Hhe diaeaso has-m^de. In arrest­ ed cases, patTonta have left Sana- ¡SEVERAL ARE BEDRIDDEN ; : —-------— Institution Crowdei to Fullest Capacity W ith W aiting List Seeking Admission.' Sanatorium, Aug. -IS.—Sixteen ipntients, all suffering from tuber­ culosis ill serious stages, hlive been requesii^d to leave the state annatoriumi here for the treat'-i meat of tho disease by September 1 if po.saible and if not then, at tiie parliest possible date after­ ward. Within the'Jioxt five or six months, 18 to 20 other pati­ ents in a sim ilar condition w ill be served with the notices to leave. This policy adopted by tho laòk of necesaary buildinga, beds and miiintenance fund.s, waa ordered put into effect within two montha by a meeting of tho board held iicre on Ju ly 7. Specifically, tho board decided that all patienta who had been at the inatitution 18 montha “or longer muat bo re­ quired to leave in order, to make room for other.pfttients. Many Are Dependent Tlie 30 patients who will bo af- feeled iiy the policy during the no.vt five montha will go to var­ ious parts of'tho state. I'l’hose wlio havo fnmiiiea and friSnds ablo to pay for their support will go to privato institutions, thoso with.homes but without funds to afford privtijto sanatbria will re­ turn to ‘their, homes, tho.'je with., out funds or homear 'vviii bo re­ turned to thoir, homo, counties >vhere tiiey w ill be placed in tho county homes ii; the counties havo iio tubercular institutions in which tp treat-tiien'. Some of thoi;e patients are bedridden, some of them' are able tb bo about for Iirncticaliy all or tneni nave cuuer-i ; , „ -, , ^ culosia in a atage of development themaelvca. Thai'itì, they have boon taught tao pro­ per precautions to take both tc Lei’s Have More Eetil Estate Owners. Can’t Expect To Develop Our People As Great ¡Home Town and County Boosters Unless More of Them Own Land. Prospects For More And Better North Carolina Meats. Dr. E. ,C. Branson says'that''|there are one millibn, t\Vo liundred and forty-one thousand citi.'’ins of the State of North Carolina who dp not own a single inch of the ground they cultivate or a iihiugle of the roof over thoir lieada,” was the astounding fact'revealed by Dr. E. C. Branson in addressing the puWic welfare institute nt Cldnpol Hill. The problem of the landless, homeless people of the state is one v/hicli must be reckoned with some day.’ Oiir ciyili-ation is so groiiiulud in the hf.me-lpvin^,,^'iii)me-owning instinct; that the remedy will come through creating a rtiore satiafying country civilizotiuii;' for a largo proportion, of our landless, homeless'population live in the open country. ' — ' ' , ' l.ir. Branson compared conditions in North C^olina .with t'nose in Denmark, whei'e he lately ¡'pent’^'many months* “There are,” he 3aid, “ ¿10 problem of hohie ownership nor are there problems of illit- ui4icy. Tliey have instillqd within their very beings Ji thrift which compal.t them tc own their’ homes.” ^ • We need'huch a thrift ruling ouij'own people, that thbr'e will bo ever beforo all the honest and determined desire to own the home room. The per centage ia far too large in this state; something like a million and a quarter of our own people who do not own the lionie. Too good a peoplo'to have ao many in thia clhas. - We'need not expect one who does not,own ,at least a small tract, or lot, 'to become a Very strong booster. Of course, ther'eiaro some such, but they aré rare, ' ’rhere are soipie people who do not own land Who are. jiist as good us those \vho do, of course, but these woiild be still bettor were they to invest in a bit Of Mocksville and Davie coun- ';y dirt. There is. something about real eatate ownerahip that-makea .1 ffcliow feel better, makes one more interested in hia town ahd county generally. If you don’twiwn any real estiite, make up your nind that you are going to become a “freeW lder,” before another jcniion comes, and goes. , , / , ' torium in leaa than three months and after that long a atay are able to care for themselves, and also tc protect tho public from any me- )r a limited period each day; 1 «ace which might arise from theii rnctically all of them have tuber- had they not beeniaughi- • ' fn pnrn fni. f-.hnmsnlvna. Thai which presents littlo hope o f a cure. Death, with good troat- mont may not summon them for protect themselvea and their fel­ low citizena.ye,1rs; death, without good treat- ment, may visit them within a the stato for the treatment of tu- ahort period. Ih practically ev-j;^"“cry case tho disease has made j berculosi^s patients, declareci ' Doctor McCain in citing • somesuch progress that a total cure ’ regarded as close to impo,ssible. Ail of them to live must have facta concerning the disease and I ita presence in North Carolina. 2,500 deaths ^romUl. bilUIIl bV/ «.«TW rest—by far the greatest factor There were 2,500 deaths i;rom in the treatm ent of the white , it. last year and there should beI Krt/1 Pav nxrnrv rlAnih. Thnplague. "The feeling of tho board,” as- lorie bed for every death. The state has only 848 beda which in: elude a Pnvate tendent of the institution spealt- Ing of the board of trustees, “is one of extreme regret that any such ruling-" became necessary, hut, in the face of conditibna, it Was felt to be tho beat course when the good of all was consid­ ered.’' • The institution is crowded to its fullest cap ^ ity, stated Doctor McCain. The institution has room for, 300 tubercular patients niid a waiting list at the present time of 135, all of whom havo the di.4oaso in varying stages and who niight be restored to usefulness if taken, into the institution at once. Under present' conditions it is tliree months after a person with-the disease applies for арт plication before he or she can be admitted and three months within the institution may be the neces- P»ry time to save a life while out pf it the disease may have de­ veloped to such a state that the case becomes a,m ost serious one; i^onietirnes impossible to cure. When the 1925 legislature met, stated Doctor McCain, the, sana­ torium asked' for an appropria­ tion for permanent improvements of something over a million dol­ lars to care for about 1,000 cas­ es. Told to trini this-request by the legislators in charge^, the amount was cut to $480,000, which wbuld have for tiie waiting list as -vyoU as (ill p atien ti now at tao .hospital. The legislature ^ЧчаПу allowed $137,000, wl\ich ir only sufficient to build a chil- [Iren's' ljuilding and ' a. nursoF sanatoria treating- many cases from out pf the-stqto. We have 300 beds but not all aro availablu as 48 are reserved for prisoners, “No appropriation for prison­ ers and we have to take care of them from our regular apprbpria- tion. “Tho I'lan of the board tr' for the institution' [to care for the curable casea at state e.vpense and have counties care for the more advanced eaaea. , “Wo' are urging, thoae able to pay to g o ’to private institutions and make 'toom for thoso unable to pay, “A case that stays threo^ years takes the room of 12 c.a3Gi3 who could be restored to useful ca­ pacity . and who if kept iivvay would become incurable.” Doctor McCain stated that tho counties pay one dollar a day for those patients sent to Sanatorium who nre unable to pay for them­ selves and those able to p.ny have a rate of $1.50 to $2.50 a day, ac­ cording to. ability to pay. Some counties, he added, are now builfi- ing sanatoria for tubercular pa­ tients,'' some already havo them and some of tho sm aller counties expect to combine nnd build such institutions. In counties where the state sanatorium has been caring for the, consumptive pa-' tienta'and where there are no ■jounty ,inatitution of thi's^ nature, the patients who are forced to leave sanatorium w|ll have to be larod for the best pf the'county’s. Thero is not now nor haa-there over bpbn. any excuse for >{brth Oai'o^ina to ship meat'.ih from other: states.. But we have been doing .that for all time. Tho people of this state'liave''not ralaed enough .heat to feed the folks at homo, hehco qvory-ybar thousands of dollara lave been aent to the west and tho middle we.'^t for ipieats of various cinds. But with Purirecent progress along all lines, it, can bo scon :hat the time is not far distant when old North Carolina may pro- iuce all the meat her population needs, and some to spare. And why lot?I.•) Here comes a bit of good news from State Collegp. Editor P. ■I. Jeter, of the Extension Department, w rites,this, which should bo I,source of, interest and pride to every North Carolinian': ; "W hen the now animal industry building is; completed at State College this winter, the animal husbandry division will give a course n the study of meats that will eventually aid in lessoning'the meat Dill which North Carolina pays annually to other sections. , . ^ “Practically one whole ^in g arid most of the basement of this 'Duilding will be devoted to a meat , laboratory in which will be a judging pavillion, a killing room, a cutting room, a lard laboratory, lauaage room, cooling room, amoke house and retail market. The student will be carried through the entiro process from studying ';he animal to be killed until the carcass has been prepared and cut up, the by-products made and all the meats sold ot the market. “Thia worlt^ according to Prof. L. H. HcKay, who will ,have it In charge, w ill help to aolve the problem pf having better meata ori the farm. “Every good farm meal,” aaya Prof McKay,- “is biiilt around the m eat,platter; yet, the average meat part of our diet is- made up almost eiitirely of pork with some chicken and .an occasional piece of fresh beef br veal from town.. In other parts of the United States the farmer has better meats on hiB table than he can buy.r'He has a variety • of fresh meats tl^rpughout the year, simply because he raises it and butchers and cures it at home.”' ' ■ This meat course at State College will be something, new to the South, though the .need is more urgent herb than anywhere else, states Prof. McKay. The new building wiil bo completely equipped for both insU'Uctional and experimental work in farm meats. Thé work w ill talce into"Oonaideration the reaulta secured in research by Prof. Earl Hostetler and in swine extension by Prof. W. W .-Shay. The total rbsult wiil be that th^e annual bill of over forty million doU lara paid for side meat or saltpork will be greatly reduced. North Caroliiia Contributes To The blation’s Vast Crime Winre = ■ . '4 7 ', -................ ■i' i / WILL ABANDON A PART OF OLD ROAD Stateeville-Mockeville Highway To Use Part .of Turnc|rsburg г Hard Suírace CHANGE AT COUNTY LINE Statesville, Aug. .17.—It is und- erstobd that a p art the oj'igi- nal North Carolihtt.post road friln Statesville to i, Winstpn-Sal6in-^ the first highway of anyVgreat length biiil,t in this State under tho original Federul-aid arrange­ ment—is to bc Aaba^tioriedi as a state highway.' , The nipat ,reient| road map published by ttteS State' Highday Commiaa'ion shows that the portion of this, road from, Statesville to tho . Iredoil-iJavie county line has already been dis­ continued as a regularly-marked route of the State ‘highway sys­ tem. , . . 'f he npw map shows ,Roi|to >No. 75, forhieily designated over the post road all the,way frgm Mocks­ ville to' Statesville, now changed ap as to go, direct-from- -vunty Lino lOver the old Salisbury‘road to Turnersburg, where it tiips the new hard-tmrface highway from^ Stateaviile to Brooks Cross Roads —Route No. 2(5. It is a direct line from .Mocksviilo to Turne'r's- i^rncticnlly 300 Homicides R&I ; .ported in YcKjr, STATE TAKES jHIGH RANK Thiriy-Scven ChanceA < to. One: to Escape Death; P eh aI^ ?«T ' - т о TO ONE TO GO Щ ЁЕ ' , ■ < . I i Murder ahd Auto Acctdenti Lcvjr Greater;Human Toll TIiui Dread Typhoid , . ^ (By Brock Barkley), . Raleigh, Aug. 16;—TwiSiQte of records, one from tho state'board' i, of I,ealth,,'reporting 299 homicid-i / os: fop 1924, and' tho other from,I;' ' ' ' the ^tate RriBon,’ showing 18 com<i:>-. 'mittments*"ior; murder and man* ■ (Slaughter, toll i aT^atbry^L.iof . North , Carbliha’a. contriljution to tho crime' wave of theVnation. , i 111 reporting the';hpnilcido figUrj .' ,08 in a statenieht, released'ito the: press today, the health bojiid ]^ta the state ‘'woll'iiup, in_the-ii«j;ii?l^J front” with a contribution'great*^; .or “,than,.;ts quoth.",' ’ '' 'Viir ^ 'The pri.ipn records speak for thcinselyes, shbwing that for . ev­ ery two homicides onjB man »was' sentenced to prison, The repoVt ' of the attorney general for iihe liiat year has not been comploteti,, t figtirea arti not yet avail-'.;: aequonce, 'fhe State -hi$rhway signboards No. 75 haVe. already been ? ‘ k ЛШ able as to liow many peraons .woro' burg, ’with hardly a curve of con-ji^.ought to trial i a '1924 for‘kill- .................. ing otheiM. ' ' , , : •' ., . T he prison records fpr 1924 rei i ' port the'conenittm ent'of 79.РОГ- chaiige'd' from i;he portion of the : sons .Vfor seopnd degree, mui'doi, post road '.from ': Stntppvillo to 45 fol-'imaiislaughtor, one Providence' church-^abput ' eight !fantlcidp- am i ДЗ. i'oii first ч И Н lies—and placbd on the no\v ¡iri'ú^i>.:,r-0'f,' tha;': tor’ We capital to the electric'Chair,'V;Thp¿fi¿ííl^;i^^^^ i3S 'Oii,'.tho' 'capital'b ffp n B ^ ;^ r:ft^ if miles hard'!iui\fii'''c>d .road—:the. Turnerp- burg rond or Route 2(l^but, as far as the J.. Ci> Dunlap place,,I __________________ _ where (raffle is for the -presoht tho,pers.bnfj cbnvictod; tind’e?{’ecut» ^ r u ) ’'Mj directed noross_ to ;tho post 'roiul od ,for;niurdbrii committed in'l024' y ‘i/v :| ^ a iJoInt t Oiir Prov,ldonce church, |ajjjj not The '■^“uting of No. 75^ traffic tho, prinbn'last year fpr, murders i from the Dunl.'ip placo-TTOross to ¿one, in the proceeding year. 1 the Post road^hnd on to_ county- . ]vtore thnii t^yicb aa many, negro* , ‘ 'i-'« lii,e_ wilJ bo discontinued later, ,^pa .vhUes were the A/lctims 'of ' after-Route 20 la^open all the way Homicide. Thp death records list ’ ’ ; ’i.: thru to Broo,ks Cross Roads. By 94 wliite powi6ns,.201 nngioea and ’ / \ using./ the lard-surfaced^ road 4 Indian,,. The homicidoii aro di- , ' from Statasv ile to the Dunlap ^ided into four clnaaifleations. Of n nco, only about 18 or 19 mllos ^the -total, 235 wero killed with^ ': o! r 11/ "“ 1 I t'ire arm.s, 47 by knives or otf\erState^avillo and Mocksville, from I pie'i-cing instruments'. 6 wero.babi^............. ,>A which point there s a hard-sur-'oa killed .•k\sely following birtli^......... faced roa dto Winston-Salem and .11 ,vere killed by other means;further east.In giving the homicide figurea," the health departmont makes the ROVi SHOT H AW K :'rilEV GOT following comment ! <B U Y S bHUi MAW V, . ..Typhoid fever not so long ago , ’ ■ ' ' was a large factor in the ddath Bird F ell J n Woods ami o n AW ^t^/^f^he rtate. tomobiie Used By Bandits of the causes o f: death against .t^H aul Off Booty ' .w hich both,state and local au- ’■ Vi STOLEN GOODS ^ ithoritles have, waged a mojor of-;:; LOCAFED fcnsive. .Now niurdor and auto- , mobile accidents levy a greater ,___Ann. ’ 'i s — annuar toll of human life than №i„rth.b.„<i tective envioua. The'hawk .fòli pn. on records as ^a ba-is >for S o Ii dcnae wood directly into an figuring a _man^s .chances of es- ^ "ban oned automobile, half buri- caping:puniahment for k lling in , cd n un lerbruah. ■ And aa -a ,e-; Noith Carolina, the chances would suit of thai diacovery, Jack ami «“ »«J to be tw o,to one/that he, Wayne K irkp atriW the hunt.^^ S 'L ^ ^ e o u ^ l^ fesr^ c o ^ iU “on°:;i jroo'o’ r e ^ rd offered in connec- '>';Sree murder, which carJ * tion-Vith th«'8olution of the i'pb.;i''«« t’’« term, and "m Л’ Advertising Did It W rigley, the chewing gum man, has explained how he'bu' business of millions.of packages a day. ^ He has done it by sticking to I'ome, two a d d i t i o n s to the in-, ability at the county homes./ WILL HOLD REUNION SOON IN MOCKSVILLE Avreunion of the W eanf .family w ill b e'h eld in MocksviHe on Sunday, September "13th., at ..the. his one line and ddvertisiris it. | residence pf W. A. Weanf. All ,T- -------............... „ i.uiativpB and friends of the fam i­ ly a re . invited to attend and to bring a, 'well filleti baaket, as a picnic dinner w ill be a, feature bf the reuriioKi. He apenda over a million dollars a year in buying newspapér apace to tell the world about, -5 cent chewing, gum. He has educated neople to chew gum and to chew W rigley'a. He did not stop ahout-i 'tier as soon', as he, attracted, at­ tention.. ,' Fn says you must keep it up or the buyers w ill forget Vou. Whether youra 'is' a. 5 peht. o r' a $50,000 bu^nesa, keep telling about it. ....................................................... Doii’t forget the Tom , 'I^humb \V[edding at M ocksviilo, High Sbhool building :Thursd'ay even- i\iiï. at 8 o’clock. , ' ijery of*a $R2,500 payroll from'the Lakey foundry 4nd,_ Machine Co., on July 20. The automobile was found on the farm cf W illiam J, Kettle, where a large quantity, of stolen prpperty was discovered today, the authorities declared; Frank Kettle; alleged owner of the abandoned a'uto, has disap­ peared and is being .sought in Detroit. The authorities declare it was Kettlela car and that it was used in the robbery.' Clyde Clark, a friend of Kettel is sought as one of the bandits, his.'brother John, 20, was taken into cuatody today, For nearly a month a aearch'has more than 37 to one Ihiit he would * escape ¡the death penalty. 9-YEAR-OLD,BOY WAS STRUCK AND K1MÆD BY C A « IN ' . HIGH POINT S 'ÿ High, Point,' Aug. 18.—Struck , yesterday afternpbn by a sedan driveh'by Mias laabel,'rate, daugh-. tor of A, F'; Tate, .wealthy furni-:, ture manufacturer, of thia pity,-i John-: Lee 'liarbiaon, 9 years of- age, died last night in a local hos-"i pital from a frectuied skull. The boy is declared to have darted suddenly in the street in ÿi'ont of tlio sedan and '110 blamo; been made for the Kettle'automor ¡3 attachd to'M iaa Tate. He had bile. Thb rearch was futile until the hawk huntera brought dowp the bird.' ' ! r -7—-----:— :— Don’t forget the Tom Thumb Wecldin'g at Mocksviilo ■ High School building Thursday even­ ing lit a ofcVock. : , been sent to a'^atore by his mother.' A fender of the car knocked him against the curbing, and thi.s fractured the base of. his al^ull. He never regained conactousneMSjv J' ^— Read the news for inforrju.iion— «(is fbr proflt. , , i U i . ' г 'v >V'V'V^| ^ М > ; " - '..■ ' v A , , r : - . - . v , . ■■■■ ■■■■.'■'■...■•■ ■■■■■■■ - ’■ - I' ^PtlRO 2 ^ H E MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE More Markets For The Farmer Is Plan Of Agriculture Chiet -L i» t e « ií ы Ks,. ¿л'' l'A. и ] ■■ Í 'í ', / ■ : Cìrociiiiboro .’jniiy -Nowa. nioorc ni'.ikets fcT the fiiniiGW ■ of North ( aroliim, cash luurKcttf, v.'ith ‘Ihi, n.t/iiey rollliife' 111 ail limun cf L’.id. yeni', ia; tl'.o iiirti; of I'hovatatc r.t[inrtnuMil of ..ktTricu! ■ nirc* ' p.'; /.tn-'i'Lincecl ’ of !ho ^h CivvcHtifa 1?-I'lii ers uiiioti at frheir'•¿ulnmc'r eii cnmpnioMt'by W/.AV'Gi'iihiini, !utu . ' < o!:iiris«iòr.ui' i.f'ttgi'leultiifo. ' ‘‘ii!','.)u ;irn)W. Hie“' Btuff anrl \V'. ■vVili rntiWi.cl il.'for ytui,” liv Inid . thtv- unioy i'iiioiubtirH_ iit, St. Wnl- Ihrw'R «•n'lii’ii'Tcuiui)’” iir 'ij' lUCiln ciiifniSiAì'iTh.i; i;:pr.’.'t;'.iunt of nKri- •V cultur^.pxpc is to bo ablo: t!) .<;i;' ■ J...ti'iiil ":-!>ooii.V,'A.^ it ^ia..'thei: ili)la.i‘v:. ' jnent, '.hròufili^ 'its ; buiX'R i : ;of. ;•, -ninykeby, 1» lities. I’oailry and egg'shiprc !■ iiiwù I’l'oviiii ':tvy prof it,abler: r;iir^ iloruls 1n‘in}: ! (^nt to -PhilaUsl'l^hir r: : : j\ncl otlioi niarlieta'; lintj cash iijaid; ; 'I’o S e ll, Su|i'pius «■''¡¿•Jt ia the 8urplus::;in‘oductjoii1;^iat; ;^s boinst aold thajt w dyiaiul w ill be • sold; in.'increaèlnsf.^y Such mnrketin^r iaiv éry iiidéar to the •heart of R. Wv vH. Stone, of Guil- . ford county, president of the (.ini: ii ion. ;.iHo aays he has , no desire tg, ' farm ers-m akin'g North". Carolina ^ people or.»: any other people pay- v in g. oxcieaaive ' prices for 'things to eat, but the excess production m u st bo sold if the farm er is to live and prosper.. ^ 'I’he economic ’ development on ..„■North Carolina,farm s is one-sidedi M r. Graham ^aid, following a.sur- v<!v -ajrriciiituwiì-^c^^^^ "We are forcin.ii'theqret.VCiil- in- mai'Uet specialist, co-operating .with youi' farm demonstration agent, will atimu.late the-produc- 'tioii of surplus hogs oi‘ cattle or poultry or potatoes fiir beyond what cari be profitable disposed Thursday, August'20, 1925 \ ..г,.,,.:..,....,,, Y n i f r H M l f h l’«*SÖNEIi WIÍITES PAL > i x e n e w I our neaiiii! a b o u t h is a d ^ e n tu b e s by t^urif¡cation GOOlV HORSE\nACES ASSUR.' S'l’OLE GIRL’S ПШГ. м -.п ..И 'ihui'sday, August 20, 1926 ЕЦ FOR FAIR ' ■ Г ‘ n ii'r мг»'гг»1ямг1 —OUT MOTORING was written back Ж ixi ljfl/ t o « ', Ш4"' ,' struclion too far alioad oC 'iiracti- c a r 'developn^ont, 'i'o iilustrate, , -vvo'havo ben tt ichi li o ur'íarm- : era io buijd modern potato houses »without orofttint a Btt of:màrket- , -^iiig conditions to 11 event Ahe ip tntooi) from roitinj, fiom too long ii storage period.' i' We,havjB shoiivn ' the farmci' the à'cH'antiVicèl of purc- :brcd livestock andtenijbled. hinri to ., ^pr»duco’the be8t■^p|•farìт^ nnlmals only to ;^lut tho l^nl:(iiihrket; linci ' :j,i smother,I his,'.ambiHdnsiiiV the .ex- t'ess*of'^hia own pipd\ictio)is.'Yoii; ¿J.' ^ yours'elvos,' \<'iU recUl sim ilar'W - 1' »■, Jimples of this unbalhnced cbn- ' ^liti.on jn pur, .agrfculturo.’' ') , ^ Ei«u>husis on M arketing; ' ; ’‘Ertiphaajs is ‘ b(*ing' placed ‘/by tlie' depnrfmfent- of iufi’lcuiture; on ‘ m arketing work; for one reason r, -lieCiiUsu 'tho ■ cost/ of 'living òn ^ thè ' , .farn j is constantly incrofising. Mr. .Graham said concerning th at^ '’ “'rho farm er.ih as, tin ovei\ in- Any' physician w ill tell you that "P erfect Punficatiou of the Sys­ tem is Natui’c's fouudaiiion 'of ■perfect H ealth.” W hy not rid yourself, of chronic ailments that are undermining your vitality? ^ P urify youi’ cnlii'o system by talc-,six monthH oh of in that/particular section. T6n' ing a thoi,!ongh cour.se oil Calotabs,. bi'oaking. The fanners, says, in ono of those i-e-1— -piicc oivtwico a; week for Oovoral e.xperieince, but niotti :eomniunitiL’a, w ill raise and | weeks-—find see hoAv Nature re- refei'onco t fatten six'm oi’e.hogs each than he! wards y6u v;ith health. • haii -been 'ilbliv'heretofore tp, mar- ; Ciilotahs are tho greatest of all ket.: ; Sixty hogs \vill make, a car- gysteiUv pin'ifi^M Get a fam ily load.: .puiv miirkel/ specialist .will packagOi; coiitniniri^' full., direc- be iri "constant toucjh ' with the tionsl’pi'ibci 35 cla. ; trial package, packing Jiousesi ; ;!^^ 10 ots. jA't any dnig store. (Adv.) beHready' fo r: delivery^ .veinber;!, w6 w ill say., Wlien't^’o market.;is,'’ready^'-y l]og3 A\;ill delivered,; a| ;C^ point;! and ;sh ii->ped ,;a hd thei Ket ;procefcdi pi-p.' I’ritK dainorig.ii ,m arket .^spocialist.y," V : ; ;;,‘;W e;wil 1 ^ iiot bG- iible to guaran-T •tee ,nny dsfinitel prices :fpi‘’ any ■giycn loiigih pf',’t|me, but Avb \yill- be able to get tho/beat ,'prico*'pre-’| vailing : at tho . t.iipe ..of;; ahipmeftt. tfhere is a packing: house in \yil- mingtpn, one in ,/Ashevilld, ■ one .'in Richmpn'd hnd one in Atlanta, all accijsSjblo^fo N0i'th GarpUna.” •. • Xet it is not iibgs. alone. • “These carload shipments could be repeated any, ijumber. of .'timea and with a dozen different fai‘m products,, and hundreda pf thou­ sands of dollars distributed thr-, oughout sections of the state where it is hot now thought pos- WilSon, Aug. I6._charl(}.4 w I '■ Henderson,Aug. iG.-^Informa-1 ik t,„p‘j* j } I i" !» • it/f J* 1 1 XCnlCl^fl* , 10«““ J./0VG1 s o i Conn ”as t6 how'to travelTirt^llo tiioroughbred horses will ' be ts, who, it is alleged, robbed JIls,.Conn., as to How to liavcl i I the , ^ Carolina Statu M argaret Parker of Georgia, wlil ..rihcX ».“ollw: «- V -»• A ’, ft ''nt. ---------- — .1 few........wi, v*ivi.vi uiiu ui Liv^ gy which have beeri arranged foi' days ago while motoring in Jolin. younger men who have ljuen ai‘- G e n e r a l Manag- 3to\\-n county is in custody |„ rested and cbnvicted and sent to j|,_ y_ Walborni 'fhe State ,Norfolk, Va.' Although almost a ;he roads of Vanco county foi'| p „ir is a member of the North comparative stranger to Mijj a charge of store- Grand Circuit antf w ill Parker, at; his request she allcw. boys speak, ii'om races. during th e, ed him to take thi'ee diamond fail to m ill« any October 12. Four stake rings from .her . fingers after tc being cauglU. in tho p[. the,v stopped on the ct of 'robbery. ■ TUat, _ liowoyovj .j ; an. pntrj', list of eighty-..of ihe road and atoiu'ncli.- Then ccured after the letter wKs w rit: ¿jjg very bbst horsoa ray- JVatts c'onipl'aiiiod of; beinir nin,i.>11. Tlie iHtt.nv'wils fhitnri nil hio-.. |rom Kor(;h' Caroiimi. sible to place<a dollar. Throul^h our miirket/ijg‘ service \ye e.xpect', Mthin. - ta-be ablci to' sav •tawtUe, furmersi 'you grow tiio stiiff;'ànd we w ill market if for .you’.” ' •" ; ' A fter D ollars •r ■ .> • •! : ' ' ; 'rhat is,: tho ambition '• of tlic commisifioner of ngriculturo is to .nìakò . dollars .grow' wherevthai'c have’ been ' rip'; dpilars ; ;■ to;'ha;yo' cash; corhihg iri wli,en„it is needed to iricreaao - the iitcome of ; the farm ór arici, make, lli’e. ìnipplór. for. j)lm iind ills fam ily.' ' j Separ(iti()h oi ^ho ' ^ork of ; the dòpiirtmenì* and state '’college waà a . good thing, :;Mrl> Gu'aliairi saldi ‘"liie State cVllpgo,’.with its» .teach'-- ing;;foriitìs ancl Its'pxtensiori fbrc- 'cs,,:i.ii ' bending ,its^pi^ promotion )ineg,lwW meiit"jpf ; agrici^ltur^ ' ■ po 1 i ¿0 còli tr ol i i w p rlc, i ts ; 0 the r r,e- I gul at ory, wòi,'k' '.a nil ,i tfj: ma rké ti jig work, its livestock BÌinìtàtiòii woi;i^^ ia'fiihpharfi^ingitho;distribution Or inarkqting^ fildo > oif:, agricultiire. .Ayiiat are the principal ,:pb.iects jii the farriiers .hanging together? ’tor. GraìjanV;;sóes therii as ‘‘to se- ipiiie b^ttei| pHces for:,yòur.;ifarm products ;and ,to oljtiihi better fin-.' anciiii services iri' your handling of .pjipclucia btand .by tiie or- ganizii(;ion, ' lio f. » ^Ofilecl,.; ‘‘proi clairii its pin cipiypt\,add ;tò ■ its meriibei'ship ai,id'/;hang together.^ Bulldog tenacity i?, the thing;n'eé(l-' ed, he said, to' bring about 'the right relationship between 'com­ modities and prices. V "We are going to co-openite not only in ciuliivatinu and harvesting but Also in marke||rig. 'I’oday co-' òperatiòn is the password in agri­ culture arid soon , he who does not know the password w ill not bo able to get in. You may not a)| agree with the preaent co-opera­ tive movements in the selling of cottpn, but .co-operate, in, some way, \ve iniistr ; ' |,m6rid''aiul.:!\v'asi:bifceri, to Nü1',;í)1;¡. ,. . - , , ■ . : 1 i . VII vveanesciay: Win Po tile 2 :2O '\''h‘4’0 ibei'O.wtis.a sim ilar clijirKe W'éiiV ^ ■Wot'witli;a:$1000;00 purae and lh e-a¿a’,««l^ ;robbing a West •ГЬе^цг ero f: th e№ ^ ^ is,Li(-; 2Лй trot ancl‘.2:16: space ; w ith :,^in iin ia: ».!ll(V;TlnVhleiltn: nnil .ni Ч'Ьп ; . ,On'\Vednesday;Vi}.l bo'the 2:20 .......;л .. ^ ; * ? *'AU tl4)t nntl Z lib Л PUCOgene ;D artlettc,,.onp.of the ; t^ ÿoi^thsv np^y doing: time on, the.I TÍíursda^ aftorno^ ' with i Uujy. . ..;Mi(i4i.ì’ ;_u'k.eÌ*rotu,rried from Хсц.. ,fnílt:’Saturc!ay ,'nigh^.,; Sha idc'nti. 'Гio,d■V^■l.ttз ;as: thp''ni4n,who ■ ¿ ' “r ii” - “'v — Tiuirsclay iiftorno'Pri:. w ill .be roads here,' andv.it was writthn to .i,»],] м,,, ,.'u í.,4.íí i ' S, З айк,-0Й 1:?Г«1. S tf .o l,ite r i- ;„ W.“! i tb«.irep-for-al] pácc! aiid: the 2:12 üe'covííi-pd th e;most;,,valuable nn« ot|iei youth helping to build rotula witii $j00;00 Ípursea.í ' The'!- ’''! .'^’’^^^ in >''nwn. The- vance ..county gave the,'nam e!rf.i,i b w „/ill .............in of Stariley flill. ; Tho letter dated in'Henderson, August, 1925, which was many interesting sidelights in it, following in full: 2 ;14 trot' w ill be heU! oh 'F riday: ’'»nvmibrpktirs: ntt/iciwl^the money afternoon, ,.and>wiil :also 'b e fpr that was fpiirid oii .^ att s the purae of lflO00;00 ari|t tho 2:20. W atts is, in jail,-in, default of Si\. pace, ' arid ; 2 :19 trot for .?400;0 0 'ООО bond. , ' ■ . icacll. :¡A total offering for th e'-- “Dear S ir: This is,the first tim ejw ceks races of .$7,200.00 the'great- WiI“''v”«:to« Р'’У, 1ч In Jail For Э havo ever had a; chance to-jcai; am ount;of money over ЬпГпт' ' Пя‘.u« mu^ ------------‘................- ' ' ferciising atTioiyit of .biUs to pay; So^V— niuV tho .dopb.t- 4iicl' his ta.x receipts and o th e r ment,'unhampered by any co-op,e- civic oxpe.ises are getting lnrgerj'fft£o,1e&ahzecl iirrangemen an d 'larger - - - 'v ital matter HGCuro ” Not" Now Competing "F or' years the State college and ,,thç :Stato, ciepartment' pf agri- cult uro-^ied to co-opei'iite, in their servi.pes 'to you .but somohow thp^ could ; never’ quite gci't ; tiie sairi'e Ht'op nnd.> one \yàs .'forever thrciw- Jng\; thè ' other out; 'áf line.'.ii But tpdiiy; wo',are co-operating land not íóm peting?’ . 'AucI pepiile/„'shouicl not get thé idea, that because li fiigiTOer is a farm er ho is incapable, of pursij- ing any ¿ther calling, Mrl Gràham. said. :. ,;^'Mp8't' gre'at mtjri, ai'e 'l^rò- /U\çt8!:',èf’4ho i\irni ancl tlio nil riris of inc)si(:ygrònt.mo tho farniya^: thtiiplabe', par \víi'ero;réfreshirig'.,cjui :trU0;;liappi^ness^ .'íhbrp(há'a always boen^^^^a fasciì|àtibri.‘priVthe. .part ' of ^ g mori f ov, ' ag j;i,c il itu r o ; pu r s u 1 ts. ” I ri: one c itìis ^vÎiçiV'JRç^^^ oried, vyh'p' saved hdiv Mr, G askod.. pincihiiatus.- "Rome sought, tho fiirm of 'old Cin,ciiiri'atus an iriacle hini/cjictalor ' the-;: second tirile., vHe acceptqd, (;colloctec) a small force, relived t'iio arriiies of \ve write. The reason why is wd i'a'n out of the money in W est'Virginia, and wp lost the road that leads tó Florida. Wo took thp western route, but: found the'right road iii Tennessee, 'rhe same day we money over before ' ' Usiri,g Knife On Ariothcr XveTit’^brolco w e trie d ' to rob a ia rm e r’8' N vaterm elon' pA'tch , tiiid g o t" caiig h t. Aÿé ;tpld him . '^óur tro u b le s, .iincl so. ho g.avo u s.a m eal a ri d 1 e t ЧШ '¿0.' 'ГЬ'а t ' w ii s M n ' P 1 ii- wicidio; "Va; 'I’h e 'n e x t ^ iy \y b 'had nòtiiifi'g'tòi’oàt; so.W e'' w'ajkdd uii- tir, we: cam e to .a oiie.-ihórso tow n. W e h u n g arouricl u n til ■; 12.'a , m. W hen everybody W ent.V tp' slijicp. offered within ‘the State for a week's racing. progWim. Thp.3e races ..will.' all bo run on the ,tiii‘oe heat pl.an, 'under the Natibrini. 'rrotting. Association rirr!e,i -ftiid-'C n'erj^ Wa v riice. ^"1110 'Isfqi'tli Cchrpiina 'state, Fair ;is, also a riiember '. cif the ivVjrth Carolina, Sh,6rt Ship Cii;- qiiit, thereby receiving '.'qritirb.<i from : botii cire.uits ■\vhiel| In ad- ;dition tp: tho eighty-five ; already received guarantees a big;field of liorf?es.\' jn adclition tp tho i’ac- iiig. tho Fair this yeiW' has provid­ ed for elaiioratd free acta which we sneaked into' a atore-iand got ] ^¡11 be given, at the grand stand ckbiigii 'gooda, that lasted 'itwoio,, the nicd,;triclf. , An effortW ill lif ........... ....................I. , , " me armies ot rger every, year. It is opinion, in a better ppsitiop Rome, sent jie r enemlps under the latter, therefore,' that ho!!^P ''“'”*‘■‘1’ Ki'oater service to tho yoke, rpturned to Romo, gave up sufficient funds, over ijnd People of the state thari ever bo- his commlRslon and returned to, - '■•••••"- '........I fore.” , I ■ : • Hia plow;, Not only Cincinnatus .'fhe commissioner paid n tribute but most of the great statesmen to tho. efficacy of organizationi ipf jboth Europe and America have W herever « largo ^community of beftn large landholders and foj- interest hari been found, there has lowed Franklin's inn).(;n nf' ‘Hn above n living, to paj[ the-ever i.ncreasing expenses, ofthe farm . T he department of, agriculture, is undertaking thp. task' of helping .the farm er to a better and wider m arket for his product that he .may tha more e asily , finance his ■«domestic problems. ' •‘W hen'the' banker opens his , - ------i'.iiiiiiv im ,'i m o n o ,01 been cb}5o'and. eoTripact ol'ganiza-, that by the ploW‘ would thrive tion for self-protection. He went him self must either hold.or drive.’ back to the organization of thè W ashington owned Mijunt Vornoiiton n i . i - i t . . I -National Grange'in 1867, told b; 1 JjOn Ш {0 .floors to the piiblic ho expects tol^^'^^ it had grown to a member- malfe enough pi-ofit-.out of his business to provide him self'and his fam ily a comfortable living ' plus a reasonable competence ov- ■ 'Iir and above a living. In thd ::.fields of m anufacturlrig, transpor- ' tatioii and m erchandising - the sam e objectives control those whb ■ontor, and in all: these fields the ■ ‘living phis a competenije' idea has been pretty well realized. But in the field of agriculture we have, . in the past, got.-little further than a living.' 'riiere-has been preci- ,ou8 little ‘plus' about the income of the' average farm .” :Therefore, Mr. Graham régaids wider marliets,. “Imperative.” He lias n o 'criticism , of theoretical teaching, “but we . insist the time has riow ' arrived to I'educe our • theories to practice, ; arid that it -IS a (iruei and short!sighted policy ' |hat fosters incroasect production without pvoviding for a parallel •jncre.ise ill tlie returns from this production. Through our m ais ket division W’e have determined to co ncen trate the energies and ■'et'for'ts p i. the;entire department viii: îigi'icùltUvû ,011 the bne object oi fiiiding the tiest niiirkets for the iiiioduct^ ,of pur farm s.” Hoiy II» W in Be I)'>v.e . Farmers > living iioiir t)io large cities of the state'^'geiieraliy have a fair local market, he found in ; his survey, but tlipse in the back • country are at a distinct diaacl- vft’ntage oven with the fi ne system oJ goqd roads. "It is here tliat ,we expect . to do d u r .best m arW - ing.' wOi^k.; “He tells, ju st wliat definite 'staps w ill be taken.i with its thousands of acres and hundreds of slaves. Jefferson wns ¡,,‘ihip of 800,000, “Mucij^good was the proud possessor of Monticello done by the Grange in; the ad- with its wide fields and great pas- varicement of the social and ocii- tures. Rosevelt raised many herds nbmic life of the farpi before its bn his:D akato ranch and Coolidge influence began ,to wane and it s ‘.’vak.es hay on his New -England diiys. Wo Vswipod , a cpuplei of guns, Ijioth; U2, and..s'oriie bullots.' W(v„tri veiled ' all > night lorig and durlnfa:, tho day ,:^jWe, sleplj. Of 'cpiiysb,' wo got $8,, too,';, and couple; of hvritchoi. ;I'd\a days itttor we robbed iftiiotlier store and g o t,son,10 .goods ancl:nibnoy;, . v i‘‘Wo; iiiave .'l^enU Tsland'in Newl'yprk,: ani;) took^^^^^^ feriy: l;p ‘Now';J^rsoy. - Wo m et: a cpriplq, of. iiida pp. tho ',rbiidl; aiitl that , sairib night:.wo": Mooiii.cav. - ^ e ^odo';:i(ntil .’it ,raii out of'gas;. The kids' J w ere: ¿ill good drivers'; for they all' took turns iri cli‘iving. 'i’iipy wore abopt 17 to 19 years .old. 'Thore ^ya'a afx of thoni and both of us.^ Wd. left them in .Delaware. ''I'hey wore on the road themselves. "We sleep in schools. I am' w riting this letter in a schpol houap in Henderson, North Caro­ lin a.’ ' If you ever hit the road bo sure, to take enough ^inonoy, be­ cause you have to pay tb cross the rivors. Wo crossed, the Delaware river and the Potoiriac and many other' big rivers I can't remember. And if you ovor hit the road be .«uro; to take some extra clothes with you, because the,cops w ill g«t , you if yoii look dirty. We got caught once, but we told them we lived,in the next city; that is mVlfPfi nn i farm when he is not raking the ¡why they let ils go. The states ' __> and cai rind forward bv backs of somn of thn l»iirlni<a we.travelled were as follows .■ Nowtho A lliance in 18j89. The A lli­ ance, aa tho name im plies, em- hnjrecl sevcrnl hitherto indepen­ dent farm ers' oriranizations and ronohed its (i-vffatest iiower and ^i-n!;t!co it: 18П0, when ‘it had a membership of oyer 5,000,000,” 'Gains Through Legislation A vast amount oij^gppcVwas ac- pomplished by .these \fariiiers’ ,or- ganizatlbns. Mr.», Graham .-iaid, crediting to /thdnf the enactment of the puro food law, the inter­ state commerce law, railw ay rate law s-and the àliti-trust Ктлув; "Thp Allianc'd was bottom ''d' Or; th# idea of ‘ethical gains thrbiigli legislation.”’ And Mr. Graham is assured that the Farm ers Co-bperative,,^ and Educatipnal Union of America is founded on the;sam e board prin­ ciples. "Much , of' our present economic I and social, development has been bropglit ,n^ou't by the organized farm ers'; of America, whp' have never been afraid to speak and stand for Avhat,ito them appearecl to bo th è 'best for the nation.” Organization must be the wat- clnyord today oven more than in, former years, he fincls. Why "Be­ cause the time is at hand when every business, trade and profes­ sion must loolc after the affairs of its own household, and the farm er, along with the rest, must/ backs of some of the leaders in the Republican party.” . M r.,Graham has a , high appre­ ciation of the fundamentaji call­ ing, he saidi It is his ambition to jmake it a paj'ing calling for North' Carolinians. •■'T ^ ' Milk is said tp be the best food of all, .but to live up to its rapu- tation, it must bo kept clean and cool, aays John Are/, dairy ‘Spe- •‘In those remote je tio n s our get and keep his house in order” cialist at State College. MUCH BUILDING DONE IN , STATE ■ Ju ly construction contracts in North' Cai'dHna amounted to iiilS,- ,742,2boj according to F. W, Doge. Corporation. This' Was , a 13 per cent increase over June ancl an 84 por cent iricrcaso over July of/ last ye.ar, liis t month’s ‘recorcl incUuloci: $0,370,000, or 46 per cent of iill construction for educa­ tional jbuildiriga' (including the 6- m lllion-dollar project for ‘Duke Uni's^eraity) ; $2,13Q^,900,"or 16 per cent, for r^iclpnti'al buildings; $2,076,000, or 15 per cent, for public works and utilities; and $1,216,100; or 9'por cent, for com­ m ercial buildings. " ,>icw consti'uctibn started in Nortii , Carolina during the past seven, months, amounting to !f)67,-. 131,600, has increafsfld 40 per cent over tho corresjionding period of last year. .; , ' we ti’avelJed were as follows; New York, New Jessey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Blaiyiand, V irginia. W est V irginia, Kentucky, Tennea- see and North Carolina. In a few weeks wo expect to reach Florida, for we only have to go through South Carolina and Geor­ gia. We are on the national higliwaj^ now'that lea^s to Flori­ da. We were on the Lincoln high­ w ay, but 'w e lost feat when wo wo'nt to КепЬирку and Tennessee. You■ ought;to^see.the nice hPrse.V they got in Kentucky and all the- 'гасч! tracks. When you get as far .as V irginia you'll only see tobac­ co and cotton fields,': arid niggers, too, Thore'a moro niggers out south than white people, When you hit the road and seo soma follows I v.'orkiiig, on the I’oad, be sure to sneak them, because there is a fpllow sitting right riext, to tho road. He’ll grab you nnd prit you to work on the road, because that happened to us, but we sneak, ed aw ay from the camp. Wo found out that'^they start picking oranges in November. Thia montll they ai’e picking,beans. Ho said you make as much as .f6 a day picking oranges. Let my brother see l;hia letter, tool” But Eugene and .Stanley »won't pick orangea in Florida this w int­ er, unless they ‘.‘sneak aw ay from the Vance county; roads, which isn’t so easy as it may веет, o'r 'get a pardon, which is unlllcoly. be nuuia to,'provide .patròna of tho '".п.; with, a 'greater, diversity,, of í;loán attriidtipjia '^thnn 'oyqi; i be- Гоге,, Tho Johnny J, Лоноч' Спг: nival, with a': nuiribor of now at­ tractions,''lyill , bd;, the ;EiiterUij Il­ men t‘;-rb\y;,foat\ire'n(q yèilr, A’ijcoi’dlii’g to Mr, Walborri., tiró ox- h Ihita ;tìisb ,gi vp : in d iciition s, of bO; ill« of :better ;qunllty-inhrt variety ,t,hia year ■'>I’d w.fil ;be ai>lo to ;(!Отг!- ]betc Vnncçc.'isfullÿ' >,for aftciitipn ■'ith tl]o, attractions ,;proyidqti.:' ,, FIRST HIGHWAY IN STATE ABÔÙT 'rO BE ABANDONED , Statesville, Aug. 16.—It Is und--| erstood that a part of tho origi­ nal /North Carolina Post Road from Statesvillq to W inston-Sal­ em, the first highway of any great length built in this state' under tire original ,Foderal-aid arrange­ ment—-'is to be abandoriod as a state highway. The moat recent road riiap publiahed by the Stato Highway Commiaslon shows that the portion of this' road from Statesville to the Iredell-Davie lipe haa already been discontinu­ ed as a regular-markofi route pf the State H ighway syatom, ---------- ,. ♦ '•— ^---------- Pains p Very Severe ^ "I BUffored (rom ivomanly troubles w hich grovf worse and -worse as tho m onths ||L wont by,” Baya Mra, L, H , ^ Cantrell, of R, P. D, £», GalnoB- vHlo, Georgia, ' " I freqnontly had very sovoro patnH.: Those w oro oo' b ad that I was forced to gn to bed a n d stay thoro. It Boomed to mo my b ac k wo,uld сот о, In two. r / Wilmington, Aug.. 16,—Lloyll Hcidf'e, 1'1-year-old whi'to boy, Is ■’1 ji'iil horo'witliout bail pending the .QUtcomo of .knifо .wo» nds al; 1(^o'ciriö'niave iît'uii: íi!flictc'7l Ьу bim upiyi Marion ;Mònr(!a, (If,, nft- sr nn,:arguo|iient that is stiitl to bavo Rtavl'.ed wh'ilo ’the two Imv.s. (tlid others were swlmmiiiic In . .Greentield lake,, .The"iMeiu'c.K Lid w'a^'.badly ,'cut'about‘tho byt I'lrl it,is atatdd at'the.liosn'itfil l'44'''lif it could not be dolermiíioíl v.'jicth- or or, not hi.s condition is Hovioiis. PU'fS >JP DÉSPERAT.R FIGHT WITH ’GA'i’OR .Houston,'^ox.i; Aug, 10.—Kifrht- Irig/ doM^eratoly foi’.,' his 11'o In about fiyo foot of.„\yatoi', Uimk ' ámnbell¿4rf..Hou9torii';finallv я«с- cebded, inj;^vyrenchirig hlmscir i'lec « I frdn?, n‘:lnrgbihligator; in a (.'ток ne'arvh.orp.',,t o d a , .'His right Ioï 4rifi .left.' t'oot лУего,' badly niiiiii-'l- od. Canipbell whb ,is ,.62 yoavn of 'agi,>,4yn,ii, wlt.h ^ party of nio'iiiit'li- ■! or's.;and fjahprriion ,pn the Ьапкя of 'lil'r;. Су.’^1,;оаз ,icreók. : .Но wucled into'the writer shoiildër deen awl siiddorily fidt somçthiiig grab Ы.ч fight knee and log. Ho beg/ín to fight clospoi'atel.y. Cithers i'li the party, hearing the screams, want to his rescue, . ' The alligator got away, '— —— — 1— LAW REQUIRES SANATORIUM CARE FOR STATE. PRISONERS For Female Troubles " I taught Bohool for a. ■while, but m y health wap, bo bod I would have to stay out sometimes. This went on till I got so bad I didn't Icnow w hat to do, "Ono day I road about tho merltfi oC Cardui, and ns I had somo friends who hud ' been holpod by it, I thought I would try It, ■ I began to get bettor a:iter I had taken bait n bottle, I decided to keep ' on and give it a thorough ' trial and I did. I took in all about 12 bottles and now 1 am perfectly well, I do uo't suffer any pain and can do a ll m y houaework." ‘ At AU DruMlBti* "••••••••••ri Raleigh, Aug. 15.—It i.", against tho law for the state prison to | keep tubercular patients at the plant in Raleigh, atatod Hr U. Norman, prison warden and nli-v- sician, her'j today in a st.^itoment '’ommontinQ on con^lltions at tho state sanatorium. The statonicnt wa.J issued follbwing public.ntion ofiifinnq' todav nf a stnr.v from Sanatorium that it had be- '■.'•'me necs°arv to request .‘iR l)!>- tients 'vith tho cliaease to leave Sanatorium , partly becausc the state required the tubercular in­ stitution to reserve fort.v-oijrht ’\eds for .irisoners affected with tho disease. Dr. Norrriari did not deny that there was room at state 'prison for patients, but said the ¡»'¡■‘ion could not' properly care for them and keen such prisoners soparale from other prisoners. He atldwl that the legislature had authoriz­ ed .such .irisopers to bo turned over to sanatorium authoritio-‘i he- cauiie of the. bettor'facililit's foi' treatm ent at the latter place. Dr, Norman'expressed sur|ii'i.':0; at the reports 'from, Sanatoriiiw toclay, Stiite prison officialf^ ¡"ul Sanatorium officials had ahv«.vs co-operated tq. tho utmost, he said, ' ' ' !— ^--------- Fairs aro held to show improve­ ment made during the year in community and its products' Therefore tlie best should bo se­ lected for exhibition, say cxieii- sjon workers at State College. Farm ers wlio jiut all their eggs : in one iiasket arid sold them co­ operatively this year mad9 a profit, say marketing specipHst^S’ The cooperative marketing poultry and eggs paid„handsome returns in sbme North Carolin» j .counties. • шюиати: c a u s e s STUDY;;OF ;X)0 60 YEARS «nuFACB'W A'l’ERING ,1 OLD AGE? llaleigh, Ailgitst 19,p-The lopg continued drouglvt in certain sce- tj/iii.M of North Carolina this yoar liati caused; some farmors to look to suriaqe. irw gatioii'fo r their giu'dons arid truck patches, Ex- l(;;i.'!Íoii wbi'kqrS;; át State, College state that this Js; certainly feasi­ ble on some farm s wiiero the hind slopea : aiid'■ w here.■ gravity . 1 ines may be piit in so that water cari be made to' run .clown the middle of rows.' ’ . , , ; ’ “Surface irrigation has'paid its way on at least two farms in Polk nnd Hendersbn counties,” says E. E, Raney, e.x.tension farm eriign- ecr. "J. R. Sams, county agent in Polk Cpunty, has had a suc­ cessful garden this year by div­ erting the stream from a big spring. Other gardens in 'his imediate vicinity have been almost worthless. Mr. Sams -plans to use his idea In watering several acres on his farm and is encour­ aging others in the county to adopt the idea, “In Henderson county, the farm agent, E. F. Arnold, took me to a farm pwned by Hooper Broth­ ers near Fletcher who proved this year that it paid to put in e.'cponsivo equipm ent.: Thaaa men hacl six acres in cabbage locat­ ed in a bottom near the river. Apjiarently the eabbiigo crop waa to prove a total failure, ,so the owners invested $200 in a,,ptimp nnd pipe) to':deliver 60 gallons of water per minute. ''Tnóy''p“uT lri'a'‘pfpd'liñodiorig tho grctind across the upper end of the flold, making a hose con- ncctibn at each 20 feet of pipo. Four ten-;foot hose lines were connected and a Fordtfon tractor put to work, at the pump. Tho four hose lines delivered about 15 gallons per minutp and were al- lowed to run until -the middles were 'thorqugijly wet, w^en they were shifted to four dry middles nnd the process repoatbd. 'I’hese men expect al crop of about 15 tons of cabba'g per acre for ^vhich they aro getting $100 per ton at the farm. 'Phe differenco in yield secured on one acre will more than'pay for tho outfit.” NORTHERN M ?N HERE PLEASED WITH SOUTH ■gome Say “Yea,” Some Say-“No'’ .. Doctors and Scientists Claim ' Old Age May-Be Controlled . .l J j M . : . , , - !...... .1 ,* I / », / ......................................vA.u.».). ...I. J\. .rri.f-,-Х а.-й ,\ж ш Ш га ' ' THE MOCKSVILLli ENTERPRÍSE .________' ____________ - ^ ^ LARGE TOBACCO CROP . EASTERN CAROLINA IN Kihston Authoi-'itids Considering Ordinance to Compel Vacci- i ; nation , of ,Do¿B ' . . Greensboro Daily News, Opening of three additional higliways, augmenting tho two main arteries that liave served heretofore, has , resulted' in - an' immense increase of northerners touring southward,, accorciing to D, L. Robinson, business man­ ager of the American Motorist, official publication of the Amerl- can Automobile association, who spent yesteiday at the Carolina Biotor club while' on a sv/ing thr­ ough the., south. Mr. Robin^pn has been particul­ arly impressed with the marked improvement in hotel facilities ,in the south, “Practically ’every town and village on the main highways now boast of hotel ac- commoclations that compare favo­ rably with those in the east and other sections of. the cdUntr,y,” he said, “North Carolina’s hotels particularly the resort centers, are known far and wide among tourists,” “The south is the new play­ ground of tho niition,” Mr, Robin­ son said, “and tourists, particul­ arly northern motorists, are swinging southward,. Most tou­ rists have Florida as their ob­ jective, This state is the mag­ net that iad raw in g travel to tho During the past few years, most of us have, rend'a great deal 'about "old age”—when and.why it cprii-, es—-and various ways to coiit;rbli it.^' ..Old- age cornea to aome people in early middle life. In other cases, it seems to be a long w ay off even at 75—so. you .see, a mere passing of 50, ,60 or even 70 birth­ days does not mean old age. Re­ gardless of recorded years gone by—How You , Feel and How You Act—are the only reliable “measuring sticks” of Age! ' And "How you feel and act” is largely governed by your Nerve Force—that “vital spark” , that gives enduring energy, youthful courage, confidence, ambition'and povver to do things in a Big and worthwhile way. Whether you are 40, 50; or 70, if your_nerves are on edge, fraz­ zled and jaded—if you lack the ambition and energy to do things or tiie power to carry them thr­ ough—if the' work and pleasures that iised to. be ,a joy are begin­ ning to be a boi'd—you will soon know the full moaning of “old age” unless you build up your no'rvo force npw—at oncel For this particular purpose— for depleted nerve force, lack of strength and energy, sleeplesnesa, worry,.despoi^denoy,.^and-oigns-of prematurq old •age—7the Ironux discover^ of a' well known Vir­ ginian Chemist has brought joy and a foeiing of youthful strength and vigdr to many,, ma'ny thous­ ands, Ono well known Norfolk man says, “Since taking Ironux, I have felt better, than anytime in 20 years!” A Richmond .Dentist says, “Ironux changpd me from a sickly part-time worker \to a strong, hoaltliy, happy nuin~who knows .life ia worth living!” Ano­ ther man says, “After faking, two hottjea of ' Ironux, I have gained 12 pounds in weight arid, fool like a :boy .iigain !”—and ;so it gp.os, hundreds of report.s .of a sim ilar nature all: praising tho powers of Irpnux. 'rills is ivinarkable ,ovi- denco! '' ,;, . . : ; ■ Don't grow ..old ^ ‘before your time—and don’t let* lack of riorye force and vitality “sap” your en­ ergy, steal your, pleasures ' and mako you a weakling. For drily $1.00, Allison & Clement or any good druggist w ill supply you with a big bottle of genuine Bur- chor’s Ironux on a binding guar­ antee of riionoy promptly refund­ ed if you aifo not wonderfully pleased. This is your, opportuni­ ty t'o quickly and surely prove thj; value of Ironux without r is k ^ penny—ask your druggist today! — — —— - • —------------ SUGGESTIONS IMPROVE RADIO RECEPTION Kinston, Aug. 13.—¡More than half of North Carolina’s estimat­ ed tobacco •cirpp.l 'd i . 333,500,000 UOW TO KEEP \yELL :_ (By Dr. W. A .'tìvans.5 Jii: spite; of : all: that has been liwritt'dri about scurvey, there still seorii ,.to be pepplo' y/lio never iitan^,;qf i t br,;if tlip r t,hlM; of it'M s ;a menace to arctic cx-^ piorérá; o n ly,.F o r', instance, on« Of .thé iil'édical*ijournals,.tellinç of pouncls h as b e en 'p ro d u ced : in'the‘uiJ'Child riearly .okl,enough to go eastern belt this year, it iS rbiigh-1 to schpol,.;,\yho-'had' spurvdy aiul ly festlmated 'by market authoriti-ipvobabiy.^iac'! it for.several years, 0. here. Through reports indi-.Although'V'thls ;chi1d; waSrln h^ cate the upstate crop.to haye suf­ fered from adverse weather con­ ditions, at ieasiJ;, 150,000,000‘ b i 176,000,000 pounds w ill be market. тшннптшапяпшжцшшш» ' f i N T 0 . M T seventh ’year,, she;У аз' still clrliik- ing milk from a' bottle' arid thr- ough-a nipple. 'The child sucked ......... .................... 3 1-2 pints of pasteurizoci milk ,cd o i l the bright leaf m a r k e t s a f t -'a day, ate one or two saucers of or the first,o f next month, it-is ice croarii, and finished .Witfi ,hot calculated. From all indications muffins, crackers, cakdsi' cancly, the production in this part of tfie and waffles with sirup, belt is'one of the largest on re- Eggs were never, eaten ;'nèith- cord. Curing operatio,ns c o n t i n u e er were milk and bread; a t Vare in full blast seven weeks after intervals the,, child .would'eat a the beginning. lifw vegetables and occasionally. Local authorities, taking tho some fruit. The occasional eàt- recent hydrophOphia scare upstate i"K of vègetables and'cjaily drinlc- seriously, are'considering on or- ¡"ß of m ilk, held the.'scurvy so dinance to compel vaccination of much within bounds that ÿie na-- all dogs. Annual' inoculation of the trouble was not made would be required. T h e r e - h a s 'certain until years after its on- been an iiicroase In cases of, ra- ■ bles among animals in this sec-j The diagnosis was made on tion iri recent years, anci iii 1921 spongy, bleeding gums* some aixteen persoris wore bitten by bleeding elsewhere, and pain .in, dogs ond cats s u f f e r i n g f r o m 'tlie '”id almost paralysis ,p/ the leg», disease. : ' ' The diet was changed to oi'ange Greene county-’s progrès» during .iuice, vogotables, good meats, ancl tho paat few years has been im-, broad and milk taken in the re- lV!'L44ive. ' “For poultry and live gular way. The child had to be stock this is an ideal courit.v on b'iven a godd “licking” before she account of the-natural p a a t u r e s , ” '"'o^ld eat what she \vas told to. the. Eastern .Carolina ChambcL’-^pf Had discipline bee/i begiin in f-Tomriierce- here....statp^.- Voivot- babyhood, this young4ac!y would beans arid soy boans and otitcir never haye had scurvy., If her pasture crops .do belter In Greene teachers can be given carte Wan- than in most.other parts of Jîast- el?o sho will grow up a sanq, pois- orn Carolina, .it seems. “FoA ed individual. If not, she will de- trucking, G'reene county has thé ''eiop hysteria, neura.sthenia,: or Norfolk fine sandy loam‘soil' that aomethirig .else that'iS just as bad is fertile and well drained T h e as sgurvy. :' > \ soil is particularly adajited to', Jules Comby fin d s'a good blackberries, cabbage, lettuce, iis- many French babies have,scurvy, raragus, carrots and .melons and He* reeognizcs it Йу^а pain like the R0u.'it,v( is close to good mark|- I’iioumntism ,in the joints. Some of them arb so-\voak iii' tho legs It 'C>rcorie e^ole lia a produc- that' they are suspected of being 1.right'tob'acco of a'V vcry ' They walk ;late. Some «no ’ li'xiiiro,” -iThis , iaoageri'v <ti;p so tender' in ' the .joints that bid for ty cigarette riia;iufactüv- «»'У move(,l Or lifted, Ano- brs. From, $500. to ; $1.400',, " per sign is awolling' and sporigi- acro -has been made by гЬЬаЙсо.^'о«» of the upper gums in.front, growers In: tiie courity. ‘ -ThÎp''is f.,lho.,gu,m8.''.ai‘e ,,exuroliiO(| close;, perhaps the most valuüi'.e ci*op; i'9‘l bloodshot spots 'are found СгеоП'Э, having produced 20i(i1(''0.-: them.. The; lo'iveiv. ^guriis, .aro ООО pourids or mord, in ■ s o m b r e - ■' fiont years. Largo areas ire.JoVo-,' : Comby says if, a baby cuts his ted tr the cluture of cotton, also, lowei’ fi'ont toeth'but has no,up- and batwcen 10,000 furl iö.nro Poi'Iront ones, or only cuts those balea ard made annually, despit» uppers after aHong time. Scurvy tho fact ihat it is a small . •■ jniy almost cortainljf, the ' cause, and its population is'le ss' than Scurvi*d babies .have a tendency 17,000, to:bleod. Blood in the urine, when -------------------------------^— . it occurs, is very apt to be due' HOGGING DOWN CORN to scurvy. Scurvy rarely devo- -------------— 'lops in a child leas, than six Raleigh, Augusf" 19,—If, the mpnths'okl,. It is mo.st frequent hogs break Into the corn field in children from ß môntha old to this month,' let them sti^y there, la. months. It is'caused ' by'im - feed some Hsh' meal to balance proper diet, but the, error must tlip corn and sell tho hogs on trie be continued for several nionths high market in September for betöre the effect is-noted, 'The more profit than was ever riiade remedy is easily applied and is ots. But or ol' A few simple suggestions from radio engineers as tp the value of ovorhaluing and putting in first class shape, radio equipment for summer use, have mi(torially aid­ ed in overcoming static troubles The further suggestion that radio users, during the summer, take^ advantage of programs from broadcasting stations nearer home instead of trying to get: China or Timbuktu haa increased the use of radio equi^pment and added greatly^to the pleasure of li,steners, . Announcement ia now , made -—............= -- ,that it is virtually assured that south but'm any tourists aro not-:the radio audierice in the United mg o.vcollentdppprtunitiea in oth-[states may nightly listen to radio er southern states and arp mak ing heavy, invostmonts where they remain long enough to become ac­ quainted, 'rho A, A, A., is striv-. programs bi;oadcast froni England in the late i’all and winter of this y ear,; as the result of an agroo ment mado betwoori tho British ing to break iip ‘endurance runs'|Broadcast Company .Ч1К1 the Ràdio aiul stim ulate more touring. It's Co,.poi.atipn of ' America, Thia' idea ia to intereat touriata in the |vvill give further incentivo to ra fiouth and have them tako cogni-jfiio fans ; to perfect and tujie up zaiice of the regiona through'their equipm ent’for winter pro- "'hich they раза,and not figure on MANY DAVIE COUN'FY FOLKS HAV^ H13ABD US TALK ABOUT GUERNSEY COWS, MANY HAVE SEEIS' OUR GUERi^SEY COWS ANP MAN\ HAVE HEARD Oli. THE PRICES WHICH VVE HAVE .RECEIVED FOR OUK GUERNSEY CA'FrLE,, BUT FEW'HAVE EVER A'FI’END-: ED A REAL G U E R N S E Y S A L E. • if WE WANT EVERY MAN INTERESTED IN BE’F^rER . MILK COWS TO A'rTEND THE ANNUAL SALE OF THE NOR'I’H CAROLINA GUERNSEY BREEDERS ASSOCIA-; 'flON TO BE HELD AT MT. ULEA; N. C., AUGUST 2fith, RAIN OR SHINE. ' > WE WANT YOU TO SEE GUERNSEYS SELL (ATP PUBLIC AUCTION AND BE CONVINCED THAT IT PAYS TO RAISE GUERNSEY CAT'i’LE. ^ WE ARE CONSIGNING THREE SPLENDID F E M A L^ ■iO THIS SALE AND WE WOULD LIKE TO SEE SOME FARMER |N DAVIE COUNTY BUY THESE GUERNSEYS AND RETURN THEM TO DAVIE COUNTY. ANY ONE DESIRING CATALOGUES OP SALE, ADi I r V IS E - TWIN BROOK FARM SANFORD & CARTNER Vi mai before on torn aa grain. will it pay'i Listen to what W. W, Shay, swine extension spe- practically always effective. It consists in giving a proper diet. This is the sovereign re- cialist at State College, has to say med.y.- Next in value tiome fruit about hogging down corn. 'anci'' vegetables as medicines. To- "Say, ten pigs averaging, 150 mato juice, orange juice,' lemon pounds each broke into the corn juice, raisins, soups, and vege. flold on August 12 and tho corn ¿b les are specifics. 61-YEAR-OLD DAVIE MAN BACK FOR THE PICNIC w as in the dough stage, 'fhe field contained 1 1-4 acres ■ and would yield 30 bushels per acre or a total'yield of 37 1-4 bushels o r m i i i i i,for the field. Ninety pounds of Mr- 0, L, Naylor, of Raleigh, fish meal was put into a self- was here .foj- the, picnic, Mr, feeder and. given'them. The corn Nay or was "bread and born' in would carry the pigsJntiijiAPUL®'i!^,® "li:.«- - - - - Fh-rt-QwUli rjvnvo f*nTYIT>innn\V out ai^O;September 12 during which per- Spilth Grove community, ioti they should gain 500 pounds. 'here a number of years “For 18 j'oars, the average , , - : prifce for ,',uch hogs in September ooen a raili^Dad, engineer for more has been .?10,63 per h u n d red . On l^l^nn 25 years, ‘Mr. Naylor t.iid that average, our 500 pounds'gain Enterprise reporter that he is worth $53,15 .leas the cost of ati;ended the first picnic, held in the 90 pounds of fish meal which ^^«vie, but this was his; first Pije is $3,15. a t pVeserit prices, Thia ¡n sixteen years and he was Pur- leaves eyactly $50 return for the I'ied away with the imprpvemniits 11-4 ac i«i oi corn, ■ ' made in this county during, his “But the price of'good hogs is absence, but lie told our old high this yoar. They are ' quoted f^'iond, Mr. U on Cash,' that ho as $15,40 ; er hundred this week still'rem'eniberod; the “bull hole’ on the Ricfimonci market. If they but that did not even look natural • - - to ,him now. Mr, Naylpr spent locating in Raleigh where ho haS ' FARMS FOR SALE IN MONTGOMERY ' ', COUN'l'Y I am. offering FAIRVIEW FARM, 2 1-2. mllos from Mt: Gilead, 12 miles from Albemarle, ,0 miles . 'from''Nonyood, 10 miiSs from 'rroy, consisting'of , ; i385 acres, more or loss, on Stato Highway, No. 51;: ' which about'divides the farm into two parts with; ' 1 1-2,mllos road frontage and adjoins Highway No.' 74 on’ the north. . , . , The pocullav location nnd natural advantages . of this;farm is unexcelled in the'Piedmont aectlon of the Carolinas aiid if, you aro at all interosted in a real farm, and home site'you can not find a better .ono,' ' • '< ; Chui’ch and school advantages are all that could bo qxpectdd, ,'A ’rio)y consolidated school adjoins the property. : Ri F. p.i niall route by tho door,at: 10:00 a. m., daily.. Buildings all'th at csould,;bo expected and painted arid;iri'ijcjod repair.; :Tlio;highway: th r-. Щ pugh thUvfarm w ill'be harci'surfaced withlri S' ydars,; Will ‘sell; qquipiridnt w ith farm if wanted, ( •; { ; ’ 3 'i': , I. alab/qffQr i'ari,dth^ 3 iniles south of M t., ^ ' Gild'ad;,dji.Hlgh^^ of 285 acrea; arid thohigli>yay .about equally divides- Ihis.rfnrmj (and becnuse;bf: tlio'location .and surroundings this ' ;i’arni is;vei'y, clesirablo with suil'lcTent buildlriifsydi''; tv/o 'farm'i.bj abouii 1J5 aci'e.S'oach.. - ' This 'jii’oporty' is free from oncUmbrancd and ■ title boyoiid (¡.ubstion, Torms can bo arranged with; .aubs’tantiil payment wit^ r,espo;islble parties..: PoS';'' session given on short notice. = W rite or see O. C. BRUTON, C ^ Mt. Gileitcl, N. 0«. 9iMiiiiwiiiniwHiiiiaiiW'iiiea'ii!6i’inn«ii,B'iiin>ni)iiii'iiiiiiaiwa'iiiniin9ii.iiia«'a'iiiUiiin>iiM!ttuiiiiMiiHii|iiiii»'' .1 üiiBüiiBiiiiaiinaiiiiii ------ ||||1Н1»1П'11П1111а»1Я1911Н:11Нй11И1| Q u e e n s C o l l e g e grama. Iircomnieiiting on thp ar- rangm enta,' Davicl Sarnoff, of .tho Radio Corporation of America aays: / ’ . , . (“ I a m confident of the ulti- ,.ato toclVnical success of internnr /ional broadcasting and its un- ino.asiirod poasiVilities for priblic ............................ . . .____ - - , isefulness as an instrument of lidvo that throivgh this increas-Sniornntionnl goodwill and'world od trevel the south is entering the [peace.” greatest.; ora of prosperity it Даа' ever known and thd entire south/ is teeming with , opportuiiitio8,| This^ is tho general opinion in . the making SO'many miles each day. "A big- increaso in the number of ‘combination tours’ also is .aid­ ing in pulling tourists southward. Motorists m ay'm ake any number of selections in branching off ninin routes and visiting moun­ tain and seashore rc;ports. I be- V,'ill. ba quoted'at only ,?14,00 per Hundred o ri'September 12, ' the sqmo time in the Smith Grove 37 1-4 bushels of corn in thè field rieighborhoqd rambling over the has returned $66.85 or $1,79 per ¡bills of his boyhood days. Ho bushel when sold in; the skin of made tho trip from Raleigh in his the hog as a sack, ' auto,for two reasons, as he told “It cost about 75 1-2 cents per his wife, first he wanted to see bushel to.produce and harvest a tbe country side somo other way bushel df corn and so the field besides looking ' out tho window of '--------------------------------------- north,- M'hicii 'feels that thd sout,h is the world of opportunity toc^uy and is on the upward mpvo.” 'i Mr.' Robinaon visited 'Winstdn- Salerii yesterday afternoon and will leave Greensboro today,y Read the news for. int'orr.li.tlíэn■ '^v:■^l';^;K•cSaaз;'for;'proíii;■" #'##.'* * « # , # ,* * * IF you want 100 per cdntp.ure * Food, cooked right, and serv- * ed in an up-to-data way, oat » at * GRIFF'S CAFE, Ice creahi'and cold drink.i « * # # # * * » « # WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON YOUR JOB PRINTING. CHARLOTTE, N. C. A HIGH-GRADE INSTITUTION FOB THE „ Ji EDUCA'WON OF YOUNG WOMEN ...A'--: -'" ........ Christiaii 'ldeala constantly held before the Students;.; Christian Characters in tlie chairs of ;cach Department;: Christian ._A|;niospherO 'premoating the'Student 'Body; _ . , Location, the .very best; Myera Park, Charlotte.' Equip-; ment nieeta standard requirements. Curriculuiii equal to . that of;ariy ;institution in the State. Expenses very mode­ rate indepd.coiisideringadvantagoB offerecj and work done;. Our. Mottb: ; “Christian Women for Christian Homes.!’ , Send usVyour daughter, support.^us in our administration and instruction,' and we wiH 'roturn a thoroughly developed , . arid i'ully 'refined .Christian woman, ; - , For catalog and other'information, write ' ' ' ähel ' 0 I ,1-44 acres had when the . hogs so fortunately broke, into it and made a profit for the owner of $44,22 on the field or $35i21 per a'cie.”''j cost $22.63 I of his cab, and he also wanted to drive a Packard where he one timo drove a muloi ' ;Wo wero glad of the opportuni­ ty of meeting Mr. Naylor, becaiise ho was a Davie county citizen, apd we are always glad, to wol- como them back to the lands they love to rovoi’and tho picnic brings WILLIAM II; FRAZER, President : ' ' Box iiOO - Charlotte, N. C. ' NOTICE! I WILL PAY A REWARD OF $3.00 FOR INFORMATION SUF- I'FICENT TO CONVICT 'PHE PER- thousands of this kind pach year. SON OR PERSONS'fHAT.HAVE I ---------- )NEY BEEN STEALING MY WATER- SEND US YOUR JOB WORK IJP i MELONS.';'f^' ^ V E ';MONEY SAVE MONEY BY PATRONIZING EN'TERPRIÇE ADVÈRTlZEl^ I I S Í, "V Л 1 ;-?K Ч t ?акаЛ I C R S V L iI N ìM S f . 'ТПИ MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE ODDELL ATTENDED THE : . PICNIC '. Puljlished liv tìry, T hursday at > Mocksvillö. North Carqliiiri. • A .,С, HUNEYCUTT Publisher. J. F. LEi\Cir . M anaging Editor. ' Л, • Subscription R ates: $1 ft Y eal'; Six. M i^itiia, 60 ,Сёд1з. Strictly in Adyaoce. Ètiftìnui at n ie ';post office ;ii MöfkMville, N. C., as Becond-da.4.s m(i(Tt!r under thè lu;'. oi' M arch li. tV' Mo-jksvillfe.'K, C.. Auíí.;20, 1926. .• Thg'.GoñcovcI Tribune comes; for-, ^•.wiu'd^w.'ith t^ie arguement lh al Ca-, ; .A-bntPafeTCöunty cnn,'with .tiie riroji- ’er ft£tenl;itìn,:ifrow as'fine-peach- * ' es аз Staniy and’; Montgomery- ■. ■ ¿foúntioa. Tiiat is no àoutìt There aro^^pme foilts . in thi? slate Avhp ■wiSW; d«em:to >vaht‘td ,. ■ Ч' : malce^ tile impression^ lh at North ' Carolina o\ve$’’n}Iarg6r bonded in- 'itL- ■' debetedneaa^ithd,p anyother/state in. the UnloriV but, iiccoiKiing to Now Yovi? Journal of'>;Commerce, I ■ North Carolina's bonded indebted- ness ia $106,847i'G00., as against New Yorlt, with ?126,046,961., and M assachusetts $112,071,000. M essrs. W. II. March and Odell, Coleman, of Winston-Salem, wore among tho thousands of picnic visitors here last Thui'sday. Ñ aturally, Mr. M arch being a Davie county boy, very seídonr passes the opportunity of attend­ ing t^ie picnics and passing the "hollo, there, ,boy.” on. t'o his old friends.','; Now this was Odell’s first viéit tÓAOur fair city,, but >vo, aré ox peetihg , liirii to . be a regular ai- tendant in . the, future, accordiii., to his ■ reniarkVto an 'Eiitoi'prisu rejiorter.'during the dinner, -hour abóüt nthe D aylecou'lfty ohitficen, and -.^'■:.;‘;^'7‘/;0h, Weil; Odeíl. come again, .you w ill alw ays fiiitl ;plenty.,of.'both; ■' ■ íry;.But,!:reálly... wo oKpect^ tliat ,Chiblccn ;‘.ditJ,: taste pretty good fo Odell'’ftt thiit time,' because AVi'.i M arch'im d ijeeii working the iiar^ out :of inm all’ morning advertis­ ing Johes' A* Gentry’s Good Shoes ■CENTEa 'n e w s [V i;;Ujii' I ' 1 Ж’\p„¿: - \ Boys and girls, take courage, r.,—lYoUhTiTiay .-hií\^é'":flüiik'cd ' youi' French last schcol year, but ypu , are not alone. , jphn Coolidge did i.i:, the'sam p thing; ^But the result ia ; , l\ has been'shingling''roofs and ' doing other, hard work Vhilo his ■'college ;jiiates have mahy of them been, on joying their,, vacations at . Various/Hummor resorts. Possibly .' ■ John’a-daddy had moré syiso than youra,' though; for ^he put John ' down;. to fcard work, and jnaybe yoap^d¡<}ц%. . ' ■ . 'A , ' '„Forty ,t\Vo^garages and filling ' • -r ‘. stations' i n ’tho.'Citylof Charlótto ' ■'/ ,h‘ayo signed up an agíeem ent to ’ i close th o ir' pl(ices on Sunclays'.' ;. The agreem'eni- went’ to’ effect last . Sunilay, so that nclw no gas .can .purchased on the Sabbath day. -^;The‘! Chiirlotte ;b\isines;s men airo ; to ^ Reading the ' account of ih e , signing up of this agreement, tho otHei^ day, a well known citizen* rem_arked, "Well 'Chai'iottev,is not only a leader in' m any other w ays;’but religiously, that city certainly is a leader.” T hat's a m ighty fine piece of ad-' vertisinj^ for any city,- to be known /'as a leader in things religious." Ml Ч An old Athans, Ga„^ takba, the ,• position, says the Monroe En­ quirer, that Adam was red head­ ed and freckle fnced 'iind that his ' .wife Eva was a brunette. The- old m inister >/8, 95 years old, and ■ -ought to know what ho is tallc- ing about, but we siiould like to know whero 'he go|;\iis informa­ tion about the'co lpr of v\dam^ hair and froclcle.'fнее. ;,Th<i only ri.'.'ison hq gives J s . that ,-Adam could not Jiave loved Eve as ho did but for the fact that they wh'u so different, There’s aW e- thiug to that, but wliy not have ¿Ive red headed’/ There would be more grounds for arguement from tha theory, for Eve certainli' w!\^s ■ an jimpolsive creature, and im- ; tiisiveness 'is a charactei'istic t.'b’it for rod headed people. And, too, Adain complained when he wns turned out of .the garden of Eden and ordered to go to work, whereas, Eve never uttered a jvoril of ooniplaint, and that’s ■ anollier arguement in favor of ,, the position that. Eve. was rod headed 'and .fr'eckie faced, for you never aaw a red headed person in - your life who was^ the least'b it : f;la.xy. . , Winsto,n.7Salem Journal. , ,, Tho fiict ‘th at North Carolina has -only one-thifd tho hospitali-. '¿ation neoded. fór handling cases of tuberculosis lis a disgrace to the State and should not be tolû- ratec) longorr- , ' • i 'J'he Jpurnal finds it impossible to believe th'at'Gov.ernor ¡McLean, vvhen he faces the facts as pre­ sented by Dr. McCain, w ill fail, to : meet the chairenge with the coúráge of an Executive who ia not afraid vto adopt h ero ic'méa-’ su rès. to -combat-a disease that- ia taking a death-toll annually of two thpusand and five hundred mon and women/ili North Caro lina./ The last Legislature made a horrible blunder-^a ' bluiider 'that w ill ■ bo 'paid for by the lives of hundreds of .óuì^ pc'ople—when it refused adequately to increase tho capacity.,of thé State .Sanatorium for men and w om en auffering from tuberculosis, Tho State miiBt now find a )Wiy, or niàko oho toi meet the, alarm ­ ing ’conditions that' haye resulted from tfio Logislaturo’s grave mis­ take.'- liuborculosis . is a curable disoa'so.’ The "Great W hite . Pla-*i gue’" is no longer uncohçiuerable. Science has y dombnstratod ■ tliat man is m aster-of it. ^ S tato 'and county' and city :au- thoritioH should cooperate to tl^o liin it of their resources, if .¡necea-' sary,’ to win the, battle against tuberculosis in Noi’th Carolina. The..vast woafth of North Carolina áñd'tho great heat of North Caro­ lina ought to guarantee Lhat no diaoase for laçk of propjer treat­ ment, ' ■ jO. Hardison, Snlom, Liberty and- Oak Orove aro each, nearly up in fujl oh their m issionary pledges fol’. this; conferonce year. i All aboard i’or a good ."home run” during the. next two montlis ' M essrs, Clyde ^and Lawrence W alker of Jit, A iry spont^'the week, end with theii* cousihi :Mn L, Dwiggiiis, Miss Grace Dwiggins of^Salla- bury is visiting licr fatherl Mr, J, H, Dwiggins^ J '.""'■'Z/-. Bliss, ‘^ u la h White,' of; COol Spi ings iV spending/"so'me, tifje .with othoi fchis community, , > - r , . Mr: Joliii Dwiggins of \Viiiaton-| •. program Salem spent laat week With .'Sunday night parents, Mr, and m ' J3;wiEginS„. ' V - . f f hc’ Game b f,L iie ,’ l^ 'o spe. : -tr , Paul Evana. of: Lsxingtqn: were very ^mUch enjoy- ‘ijperit a .short while Tuesclay aftei^V®^;;., ’ : v , n , ’ ' • ‘ • j • ■ .,'Art.v T\i.. T,: ' - I Mrs. J, A,.Bahnson is-suffenjig '...•j-i-t': ..1 ’ • - Thursday, August 20, ifjggj I, Thursday, Auguat 20) 192G ■ . • ■ " .................................................................................. ^ Í '........... ’, -,............................^ ’ . <. !>iÇ lU<, THE MOCKSVtLLE ËNTERPhïSIiî ' ‘ ' ------ FARMINGTON NEWS As bro. McKinney wna in. his „ «.n ss 13'spending.,"some ti« e services at;-Sm ith Grove vith M iss Sadie-'I'ut'liero^ ' ^ d tiiáw was no, service here, ithor relatives an d ’ frfcnds'^'.dSf 1 '“ "1®u!.. . 4pllowing Sunday scliool. ■ Tlio: Epworth League, program nÿo;i w ith'M r.;B.^P. J. с. Dwiggins,'. ôi-Moçiw- .vitlöSspeut SundajVafternoon with his: fáúier; Mr.' A. a ; ^Dwlgginsi i-i M isses :4liiry'and";Aiinio Whik9r bf Mt, • A iry are - sp.ending :’aome- tirne With theiv: uunt, Mrs. T; P, D.w.iggijia.V,, ■ ■. " . M iaj':M argarot Gari,'’ett .spent .a few daj's/’last;w eek with Bliss-An­ nie Bariiliai'dt,' and Mrs, •' Leii'a Ó wens of Pork Church. ' Ml'. Lonnie Dvviggiria, ’ who holds a position at Brown RogeJ's Hardware, Winston-Saleni is at liibme w ith Jilr. and ÍVIrá, J.'H . Í!. Dwiggins on his vacatión. Ml'. N. T. Anderson and fam ily ahd-Mias Sarah Anderson of-Cala- haln spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Bárheycíistle, Mrs, W. S. Parker and little aon, of Wihston-iSAlom is . visiting her m pther-inJaw, Mrs. Joe Parker BIrs. Jam es Glasscock, ofj^eun oa visited i Mra. A. A, '-Dwiggins Monda/. Miss Geneva Garrett spent Sun day and Monday with Bfra. M or ris Phil,lips nnd Bli's. Clayton Bui |lock of '-'Lexingbon. ‘ ' Mr. Glarunce Anderson-of W ins ton-Saiem^waa ih our midst Sat uVdiiyvhight,'-':*' ' . -M rr^p o teh of Oklahoma spent a few days last' week with Mr.- T , A, Vanzant nnd fam ily. . DA Vie CIRCUIT ВП) ' ti ; Don’t'fo rget the Tom 'Tliumb jyedding at Blocksville .High 'lilüniool, building Tluu'sday eyen- THE CLICK JtBUNION, AUGUST LSth AT JERUSALEM, DAVIE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA , The annual reunion of the Click fam ily; has become ah event of unusual interest not only to the nipinbers of the fam ily but to a large circic of friends, who bMng baskKta and heartily join in the pl(3.'iflùres and ifestivitfea of thr) ■c.casion. W’f. Hc »> ahvavfj glad to have our friendi-' meet with uh, and v/c cordiaiJy invite them to meet v/ith u< again th.'-î year, Th:/i«is 0:10 of the oldest fp.ni'- lius in -the <community, as, îiIsm oni' of the'n) 'i;3t numerous. Tho'io I'dunlons, av2 attended by larg 3 limbers of I'JnvIc .’l ur.ty p ejp lj itiil bj', members of the fam'ilv, from the counties of Forsyth,Row- ’tn, Mecklo'ib'iisr, Jrt’dell, CIbv’.'- .liMid, Catawb/i, aiulI'o rry, A rtiember .iamily, wha ',8 ... touch,;by corrosnondi-ncé, witti; lie 'lücks ,in Tenn,,Jlnd., Va., Texas Utal and Uiani-as thinks in iJossible tiial. representatives of ihe lam ily’ irpin one 01 more or (hisii states m.iy be prgsent lit thi.s reunion,'^ ; ■ / ■ , Exercises begin at 10' à, m. Welcome address \yill be made by a member of the chiirch at Jerusa- Ifif, The I'esponse w ill be by our president j, P. Click, of Hickory, N. C. ■ ■„ , Special music will be rendered by a quartétte from the choir of “Stall’ings Blemorial - Church” Sa­ lisbury,'N .0 ;^ A. large attendance is desired as'm atters of importance, includ­ ing plans for bringing out of thç proposed “History' of the Click Fam ily" are to bo discussed and acted upon. ^ EASTERN S'l^ R TQ MEET • ■',s ; . (By Jim : Grcien)’ .- Our lilh tiuartprly was hold-at Cqniier last Saturday. ; Oiily ^^цо chiingo was made in -officiai boiivds ior>tho chargei Bro. Grov­ er Crikven Ávás at'his: own' request released and Roy McCiamvock put ÍIJ hia.placo as S. S. Supt,, at Oak Grove. , We ave , now in a revival .jat Center, under the Arbor. .:...Buoll and ,, Jessie Bingham ojj *' Me- bohe,^ N. C„ are 4eli'vering tho people and praiaing the Lord in special songs of ' tho’ Gospel. Ser, vices at 10 a. m,, and at Thursday night of thiii' week, thq, band orchestra- from Gods Bible School in Greensboro arc to be vyith us, and furnish music. This w ill be a real ^ent. Reader come. Preaching, next Sunday at 11 a. ni., at Oafe Orove; probably by brother Buell Bingham, L e t. all attend and'hear him and his sister sing, and him preach; ‘ 3 p. m.,-. preaching at Liberty. The Liberty Gospel Teams are right în the homes, Oiir- next meeting aftor Center on this circuit is to be at Concor^ about thé 3rd Sunday ih Septemb­ er, week,; wo ¡hope she . m ay . soon ■ be ivble;;to' go ii g a i n i :,: : ’ i - BIra, Ev' C. ^ikmes’-is' expected iiome Tliui'sdiiy.i of, this Vv'eelc, we are gh d to know alle is jmpi'oving s’o;,.nicely.:'.' ' ,V' M rs,,’BIllls;'nhd son,'H arold of Fill,, are, visiting;Birs, Blax Brock, ‘'jvrisa Nell Johnaoif is 'spending several 'days v)i*iti?g;fi’ionds iind rpl^tives' in. W iriaton-Saieni .: OliaV. No, 5,.': of the 'M ethodist Sv.:'S., '¿ave a 'picnic in Yftdkin county, at the 'river bridge, Blon- diiy. eveniiigj honoring the' boya of the class who are leaving fpr| Florida. The teacher, Blr. W. X. I, Taylor, accompanied them, all re-| ported a. good time with lots of eats.’ '- ' ' I Prof. Cannon of Kannapolis I « spent the week end viaiting frienda in our 'village. Pfcficction biilccs and coofcfi everything pcrlictly. It’s the popular oil litovc you’^ rciid nbout so much in your in.ig.i- ,zincs~the stove with the quick-lighting JLoiig Bltiu Chim- «9<,.j5«rni!r. Come in—we’ll demonstrate to you wkatclcan, intense cookitig heaf tcally is. BIOCKSVILLE HARD'W^ARE CO. ■ Mockavllie, N. C. _ ... ----- .-..„4,.«. t Mi;. Grebne .of Boone is vi.siting j:-i; his; sister, BIra;^J.^P. Jóhnaori. |ii;i B irs.;'J. F. Johnson reached iiji /home ' last week after ' spvorai il weeks in the hospital. . M iss Z elm a'B rock'left Sundi^'iii; >r Blars H ill, where ^she w ill bo jjiL in achooi the cominfif term ,' , ' liiji,' Messrs,, Kenneth W alker and |j jOdell Jam es left Tuesday for Fla,, i|j ,.’wo hope they may have a safe and ' '' '¿leiiaant, trip, .and ,a / profitable atay. ^vhile there. Mrs; T. H. Nicholspn and sons, LawI'eucQ linci Thomaa rotuvned to thoir homo in.' liiioxville,* Tenn.,! Monday, a'tter a weeka visit with-l reUitives arid frienda. ' ; . . ■ ';: Mra. Hugh Horn: and ^/sdn, ,of Grepiisboro are' £|pending -sovoral .divyiv with Mr. and ‘ Mrs. L.' - J. Hori|i:;v ‘ Meski'fii’ .Gilmer Grahatn .¡and Burk Furchess /left' Sunday for Mara Hi|l. , Mr, F, James, pf Kannapolis spent the week end with home folks,,. ' ' Mr, George' Hartman oif High Point and M taa''Minnie Rathrock of Winston-Salem were ploaaant visifors at the homo of Mr, and BIrii. C.. A. Hartman Sunday. Ш Т Ш Е л о ш ' SB Ю oa A регыоп is twice ns liable toMdie from. aCcident as from :old ago? . ^ . ,,, '-.i ■' ■ ■ 'V'-' ; A person is more liable lo Ше from nticldoninl injuiV tlian from uny diseiiae that can b(i riiimed? - s, iiji ■ ■ There are five times m^re peoplo. killed and injured ovck'y iiij ; year than die from naturiil cfti'ises? , , Й Then why let this coutiuuc Avithout protecUng your family.. s-. ............> ■ > • • •■ ■ ' - ’ - ■ I-i;i: of thp future '?ictihi3 ? INSURE WITH— :DHIÉ:BEâi ШШ, iOANlllilSURl'Ci CO. AGENTS, PILOT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY niio DUO 1-2 GAL. MASON JARS $1.10. W aiker B argain House. SOME GOOD SECONI> HAND cars on easy terms. G .. G. W alker Motor Co.\ I HAVE BIONEY TO LOAN TO the farm ers of D avii County on long terms at five and ono half per cent; B, 0. Morris. REDUCED PRICES QN DOÛOE Cars, G. G. W alker Motor Co, дашншвшшш , Ing iit 8 o’clock; \ii\ 1 . . , ■ ■ |i/,l fu.«, tif.'iiJlitU ~ . WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON YOUR JOB PRINTING. The regular meeting" of the or­ der of Thi! Eastern Star wiH be Friday aftornobn at 8:30 pV m. All members"iire requested to bo present, , Mi'S. Jennie Anderson,. Worth Blatron. Mra. E lla Holthouser, Secretary. w, SALISBURY’S PRQGRESSIVE DEPARTMENT STORÇ” FjilDAY-SATURDAY-MONDAY LAST DAYS OF OUR AUG­ UST CLEARANCE SALE,* VISIT OUR STORE and LET US PROV(E THAT WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. “TRAl»E AT W. D. MANN'S WHERE THRIFT AND PROSPERITY GO HAND IN HAND.” . 'I WHY WE CAN SELL FOR LESS Because we do not have a Great “red tape” Sys­ tem to maintain for a main office with a crew of men and women drawing larger salaries and spending lots of money-that has to be paid by the stores with such a system. We are continually in touch with market conditions and buy as cheap as any one ^nd with a very small expense. We are in position to save you considerable sum on ypur pi^rchase. ^ '' ' n All You KELLYSPHINOFICLD fiexible C O R D Kelly Springfield TJres gi.ve you all'yo u, would expeCib in> service, iind in moat instances a little bit mc|re. They are built to give extra m ileage even under extraordinary con­ ditions. . ^ V\ ,- ,._■■■ ' ^ , Horn Motor Company PROMPT AND CO]JRTEOUS ATTENTION. ашда Immediate .,8c|rvice. is our motto when ] you drive in to have your car greased and the oil changed. We are fully bquip- .»r ^ - ned to render this service in n Highly satisfactory manner. It w ill soon be'tim e for4tighte)('oils. m o c k sv il l e; ¡m o to r со. ; jL Ö C A L 'iT E M ö i ;,, ......................................... Mr. Jui;'o Meroney, of Loncir ,<spont the week end at home. M iss,Ruby Holthouser spent the wuuk ¿nd in Wiiiston-Saleni, Bliss Hilda Smith', of G'rconS- boi'o, ia-visiting Mi'S, B. I, Smith. Miss Patsy Clement is visiting frioilils ahd rela'tive,4 in Winston- Siilcm, ,. N ' - , OAK GROVE NEV>^S CûKtiORl) NEWS ABY’SCOLDS I — , ---------„ j Sevelar of oiir people at,tended . . Mr. -Hennan Berrler and Mias can often bo nipped in quarterly conference a t ; Center, Dorii .Thonipsoh made a trip to ♦ Via ,......, ^ ,.jl. WE HANDLE 'i'HE BEST,/ the little one’s nostrils. '“Ft-cu Ul quìll-ltìliy --------, .....................,----- ----- V ' ¡South Carolina last Thursday and ^ ® A u Mrs. R. L. W illiam s spenl Sun-'were happily united in marriagc, the throat and chest and. |(ia.y with Miss Sallie BurgesB, .They will, make their home with fflso applying .a httle up I jjj.g, Baxter Griffin and child,-.î/Ir. J. C. Berrier for thè present.,,- ren, of Salisbury,. Mi'.' and M rkjW e wish this’voung couple much j W alter Horn;and son, of Roxboro, ! f’liBcoss as they journey thrpugh ^ spent the week end-with' Blr. and lifc. ■ ’ . : ; . . ’ ; ■- B'Irs. C. C, Craven, ¡lud' Blrs;'Conrad .Aaron BIra, T, H. W alls is. on the sick .'iiid children of”, Lexington, spent list, hope'for her a speedy recov- the Week end wjth B lr.-and Mrs. _______—-r-n----------^— , I , 'cry, ' ' p.-R, .Davis,: ''i':';:: Rev. Jjm Gre<2n and son, Jiimea,! Mr, iiiui BIra. G. O. Walker M’’- ancl B.lrS. Andy Casady, of Mias I<Gna: Weddington,; of spent Monday in Greensboro on baby, and Mr, and -BIra,-Jim W al- Soulih Carolina Spent a-fow days.'China Oroyc spèVit Thursday riigjit 'business. ' It:- . - -n— ,1, — tlin nji.qh I'AiPfik h£>re \vitlì" frioiids v/itli Miss Dol'othy Btìrfier. O virir V a p o R u b ir Mlllton Jam Uivd Blr. Gaiiher: J«ikin8.,:of \V lns-i,,, ton-Salem is spending this w.eokl'''"^,'^'’^^’^',: - with rclçitives.:, ^ ' I ' ^ ' ker, of Danville, spent a few days in Asheville and C^himney Rock M rs. E, H, Frost and Blrs. H. M e ^ G .'E .'aM i:^G :H ■spending some tinie in South Carov ” ’ attended the ,Stikeleal!he,r-. ’ ' ■ - . I Henry’ wedding, - at Statesville, oouvn vHi piiiiH tv-J.U.. u..,,.J,,,— the past'j'Afeek höre Witlivfriohda I,with Miss Dorothy; BöVt'ier, ' ' jQ and relative's.:^',;,' :., ;- j .M rs. Ah<>. Jtijtledgei'of Winston-'i^ ¡Vlrs.i Clevand vpwon, of ¡South- Sal'im, .?p'oi;,t k'^oral ;d aya lastf-’i' mont speni Thursday here with v/ith her : narenta, -Mr.. and her ßlater,'Blrs, S,'G,: Bpcer. Blrs. H. BI. Deadmon'; . , Bird. SaKie Beck ,spent.,'a few | BI>'. and Blrs,-J,' G.-BlcCullou'gh,' lina on business. B'iiaa Ruth IjCiby, ; of Bergèn- field, N. .1,, is .visiting her aunt, Mr.s, H, W; H arris, ■, Bliss Bo'isie Swaim, of Winston- Salem, spent the week ènd with MÌHB Mae Kurfees. ..— ___—:. BTr, ahd Blrs; Frank Eaton spent Bion^iay with Blr, and Blrs, C, S, Illitchina on Rou),e 1. Bliaa M ary Lee Smith, of Liber­ ty, N. C., apent the past week with Blrs, R. M, HolthqUser. jiis s Ivie Horn left Tuesday to .join friends at W rightsville Beach for a 10 day pkasure trip. I Blisses Jane Hayden; and Dortì- I ------thy-Gaither. hove_rotuttio.d-fr.om. a'twò montlis' tour in Europe. Mr, and BIra. P. J. Rouae, di, Kannapolis, were visitora in- this city and Winston-Salem this week. Blr. and Birs.' Lofton Hutchins i'hu'i'sday I'ftornoon.- spent Friday; night ‘with Mr. and Blrs, C, 'S, Hutchins bn Route 1. Blr. and BIra, Jim W alker and baby, oi' Danville, Va., are ivisit- ing -Blr. and BIrs. 'G... G. Walker.—............ ■ —..... ', * ' Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Ros's, of Wi.nston-Salem, wore i guests - of IVIra E., H. Frost lapt Thursday. Mi'si N, S. Blulllgan and child­ ren, o f W alnut Cove, spent tii'e ’ laat . week with BIra, E,; H.'Frost'.- Blr. and Blrs, Fi'nuk Eliott, and children,,;of Catawba, spent Tues­ day with Dr, and Bli’s. H, W, l-^ar- -I’lS. , ■ ' ■ : ’ : Mrs, M arvin .Brown and child­ ren,, of 'Taylorsviio, ' sppn% a few days hei’o with:' friends' and re­ latives. ., ■ Mrs, T. E. Odupi nnd d.Tughter, Louise, of Hickory are visiting the formers brother,. Blr, W, A. Griffin. ■ • I Mr, and Blrs. Aimer Furr a,nd little son, and Miss Nell Holthoua- er, ape(it/the week end in Albe­ marle, Blias Hslen Holthouser apent 'the week end in Lenoir with little M isses Katherine and Evelyn Crawfor.d, M isses Elizabeth and Hazel Parneli, of Winston-Salem, arc viaiting their grandmother, Mrs. J. T. Parnell. \—— ■—»—C j ■■ ' —....- ' ’■ Blr. and Mra, Chai'les Flem ming,' of Bast Qrange, N. J., were guests of Dr. and Mrs., H, W, H arris Tuesday, B'Irs, Blartin Hendrix and daughter, Sarah Louise, of Char­ lotte, are visiting relatives in and around the city., ;— o-»«— —....— , IVlr. and Blrs. Erne.qt Holthouaer :and small son, of Charlitte, spent the week '¡nd with Mr, and Mrs, ^BI,(’'J, Hblthouaer,’; '-----------------(1----^ ^ Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Barnes, of Goldsboro,, spent the week end w ith'the .iattera pai'enta, Mr. and Blrs,.Henry Snyder. Blrs. R, L, . Morrow and little aon, .Bobbie, of AlTiemarle, are- visiting .the formers parents,' Mr, and Mi'S. C, F; Meroney, Biissesa- Katherine and Dorothy Meroney spent a few -days the past vv6ek in Asheville,'.Ciiimney Rocii,/,and Hendersonville, ■ Don’t forget the Tom\'Thumb W edding'at the High School .^udi- torium, Thursday nigjht at 8 p. m. Admission 10 andi25 cents. ----------®--------------------' , ' iWr. and Blrs, J, .W. Fowler, Blr. : and iilrs. J. E, Fowler, and Master Jimmie .Fowler, of Statesville at- . tended the Masonic Picniij last Thursday, ' /■ I'onuThum W edding'Thursday night, at 8 p. m, Mocksville High School buiiding. Aduijs -25c, Chilclreir under 12. 10c.. Benefit; Blocknville Public Libary. .\ ' Mr. and Blrs! H. F, Frost andj daughter, IVIiss Liliiani of Rich­ mond, Va,, and Dr,\W, BI. Frost, of Cliatariopga, Tenn., are Visit­ ing Bir. and Blrs. E. H.’ Frost. Blr.. A. C. Huneycutt,'daughter, Miss jaunita, ,a.nd son, V/tnce, of Albemarle, were hero for tho pic­ nic. Mias Ivie Horn accomparii-- ed them home for a few daya visit.' , The second reunion of the 'Brown fam ily will -be-hold Aug'ust the 28rd., at the old home of Daniel Hugh and C. S. Brown. All relativt's and frienda are in­ vited to jome and bring a Welj filled baaket,', - ^ Dr. and Blrs, A. F, Sonntag; of Bnrtlessvilie, Okla., and Blrs, Oeorge W’. Adams, of Tulsa, Okla., will arrive Friday' to visit their parents, Bb'. and Bl'rs: B. F. Hoi-; ton on Route 2. Dr. .i|- S.'Frost, of Burlington, DK W. M, Frost, of’.Chattaiiooga, B'lr, and Blrs, H, F, Frost and daughter,, Bliss Lillian, and :Blr. and BIra. E.; H. Frost and .child-' ren spent S|uulay in’ 'western North Carolina.;; ■' -t) days thpi'piist week 'lit Biocksville With; her; daughter, :BIrs; ;nairson Hai'feliijo. ■ ' ' .1"' ‘ ‘iMi'. and BIra. Harp Boger, of Wiiiaton-Saleni, spent onef day'-the past week. here. . . . - Blrs, Agnes iind Mrs; Hqilig and clii'ldfeii, ofrSalisbu ry ^ycro visi- tora here, the.,,past: weiek, :' ' ;;-’M rs;' O, ;R:- pakley leii?; T hur^ day for ,JackSpnviili, ’Fla.,' after spending. .T' fbw .dtiys- witii her niolhoi', BliiiJ C,'W, Heplbiv,, ; ; B’Irs. W ill Foster; and children, of Drapiery spent the past we'ek' here with her brother, Blr. C. L. BlcClami'ock, Mr. Ollie^ Parish, of Salisbury spent one 'iiight the paat week with Mr, W. H,, McDaniel. , ,: Blr. A.’ A. Long, of Durham, rif, BiocJiaVillo,' and Blr. and M,ra. '''larence: Barhhardt, of ' -.China -Grove speht the, vvéék erld in this 'lAtnhuinity'\vith::pa'rents,: BIiv and Mrs..L' C,:Berrier; . ' Bir. and Blrs. Joe Thompson and children, of'Salisbury', visited Blr. J. W. BInrl,ln, Sund.ay. • . . . ' BIr.Owens Thompson, of Wins- 'ton-Saierñ, ’ spent the - week end with hia mother, BIra; BI, L. Barn- hardt,' i' .'v„. :, ' Blr, an.d BIi's. WiHi«*^ Vickers and children, spent aeveral days last Week in the mountains, with relatives. Blr. Ppu! Thompson, of Sali.s- bury, is spending some time with Blr. and'BIra. P, R, Davis. Miss Pearl Beck, who has been visiting her aiater, BIra. . Wade i >V\ .>¡5 y H, i ; COME IN AND GET ^ OURS TODAY Д.,CLEMENT,: Call 51—That’.« Us . CIGARS, ICE CREAM AND ALL KINDS 0 Í DRINKS TRY A BAG OF «HAPPY HEN LAYING MASH”—AND BE ... ‘ c o n v in c e d ' ■' J\l 1, Bli. and .Mrs, W. K;' Clomont left Sunday with their Son; Blr. |.C. F. Clement, wife and little son, C. F., Jr., for Lan'itaster, Pa. They went b y,auto. , BIi\ VV. K. Clement expects to return - ivithin > two Ч, Clement will re­ main in Lancaster; until, Chriat- ma,a, ' ' A good ball game is expected Saturday when the,fast team from Cornelius will cross bats with Cooleemee to play off the" tie,■''Cool­ eemee having won two of tho four gam es'played and loat two. This w ill be à good game, and Mocks­ ville people have an invitation to come dowi(|j{^nd нее the. boat game of the aeason,i) ---—„.q .... .. ■ Charlea Satchel Morris, Jr., coming. The famous negro or­ ator Cliarles Satchell Morris will address the white and coloi'ed citizens of Mocksville and vicini­ ty on tho subject, “The measuro of the Man,” at tho auditorium of the new colored school building, Wedneaday, Aug. 19th at 8 o’­ clock, p. m. Every body invited, Admission_frcc, , , \ — —— Ч— I— |П— ■ ■.II—.-.— The protracted meeting at tho Mocksville Baptist /¡hurch w ill be­ gin next Sunday, thé 23rd, and go on the following week. Servicea at 3 p. m,, and 8 p, m. Rev, J. Ben Eller, pastor of the First Baptist church of Statesville, N, C,, \yill lid in the meeting. He expects to bo here next Sunday night. Everybody is cordially invited to attend the meeting and get àil' the good possible out of it. IVir. Л,‘ /V* Ul ■ 1./U1 llUill) Л---'«--•o ---- spent Thursday here with Mi'. C, iVickei's, for the past two weeks H. Long, V , '¡returned to her h^^ in 'F aith , Soverar'of oui'folks are titfend- -gaturdayr -Her -brotherj-Grey; is ing the meetings at Smith, Grove now viaiting BIra. Vickei;a for two and Bethel. . . ; .iveeksl ' ' ; - = ^'herp will be proaching at Blisses Beulah and Pearl ;11епс1- Oak Oi’ove Sunday at 11 o’clpclc, I'en, ''vho. are worlting *in Cpolee- Everybody welcome, ' . i*iipe spent the week end,.v/itli their ;Мг8./Oscar Sijiith, bf Spencer parents, Mr, and'-BIrs, Ilaiil -Hon- wria a/Sunday viaitor iiore,' . dren. ' ". ’ ■ .;. Mr. Oscar Hutch^ii) of Twin- ' Ml'- I’nul Cope, \vifo and two City 'has returned horno after'^ons returned to their home in spending a few .days here with Spencer, aCtor-apénding some time her mother, 'iVIrs. ,Sallie BleQlam- in tiiii.' comnuinity witii. friends rock, ‘ V’ ' . and'rolf.tivoG,:, . , : ', Mr, aii(l,M i'8, Bla'rion Richard-’'' Corl .WilUiuns nnd 'p.iater, son, oC' Unipn Chapel ^ Epent»Sun- ’ Pii'ba, and ‘Blis'i Tliolma 'Wyatt, all day wlth-B’ir, and BIra, J, R, Long, e t iiefir Forit'OhurcIi, visited Mis-' .-..Bliss B iizabetli; Ward and/B 'lr,S-вя Dorothy' and W illie Mae Bor- John Parker of Suliabury. ^vaa riei', Sundfly:nfternoon,, visitora here ThursdiiVi-; ' В'Ггз. .Ellep Cope, of Snenoer is "■ '.'and BIrs,'R, G,>McCÍ!Ímrock,, yiBitihg in this community, ■ I 0Í Mai's Hili, an(l Blr. iLloyd 'Blc-i'. Mr. a n d 't e V/orth Thornpaon Ciamrock,; of' High Point,, spent коп.'of S.aliHbury si.iout sovo.- Inst week with Blr, a n d Mrs, J , II,'Ч’ч] la'at .wock v.’ith.;BIr,:H. BI.' McClanii'ock: , ' , - ' . ’ M iss Katherine W alls, , pC this' place and. Blr. Milton 'W ^ers motorod to Pali^ietto'S'tate, Satur- day, and wore united in marriajie. We wi.4h for them a long and hap- I.py life, V ' , BIOCKSyiLLE CHARGE J, V S I OVERALLS AND SHIRTS AlllETIIE BEST, ALL SIZES la'-'INSTOCK ' 4| L i j ä . t ) :, rjry. . ..... ..... .; KURFBES AUTO ENAMEL WILL Й1ЛКЕ YOUR CAR LOOK LIKE NEW I K ró ríe e s & :^ a r d ' 1 GRArilTOID FLOOI^ ENAMEL, DJRIES OVER NlfcSHT ’ »iweia'witiiHiiiMiiini №caiiiinininiiaiiiiBii|i!Ri -< v- - CAMIIALN',;,riEW 3 'Mrs, Enima Роро; , of Cana- is visiting ho;, ais^ter, Blrs, ,,N, :T. Anderson, , . itlr. and Mrs. J. B. Wilson, and children, of Jericjio, spent Sa'tur- day evening with Mrs, Wilsons’ parents, BL', and Birs, J, R. Powell. -M r.’ R. S. Powell, left'F riday to spend ae’verar daya in Norfolk, Va, Blr, and Mi'8, Wingate Horn an.i children of River 'Hill apent SundaV with Mra. Horna' iiunt, Miss. Cary Anderson. ! Miases Emily and Powell of the Twin-City, spent the Week end at homo.Bliss Rachel Anderson returned homo Thursday aftei' apending aome time in .'VVinston-Salem.- Blr, and. Mrs: R, S, Powell had iis their week end gueats, Blr, nnd Mrs. C. В Penry, Mrs. Hattie W illet, nnd little son, Camilus, Biia.4 Lossie Penry, o f’Winston- Saioni, ivnd Blisses Mary, Sarah, and Hazel, and Master J. L' Fish­ er, of Washington. (J, T, Sisk, pastor) < Our meeting at Bethel.ia start­ ing off hieply, Bro. Bethea ia preaohing plain and forceful ser­ mons. We are Iiaying splendid congregations, last 'Monday'^nlght the church was practically ’full. Services for thia week at 10 a, m„ and. 7:30 p. m. 'Come and wor­ ship with iis. The Sunday Schools Union Chapel, No, present 95, offering ?l,.'i2; Elbaville, No, pre­ sent 74, offering $12,78; Bethel, No present 73, . offering $5.04; Dulins, No. present 62,- offering 54c, ' - Union Chapel still takes thè lead in,, the number present,-whi.le'l Elbaville takes the lead in the of­ fering, Each-school hnd a good increase over last year. , Important Notice The third Q uarterly oonferenco. for the year will be iield at Dulins I • pon-t forget the Toni Thumb Tuesday the 25th at 2:00 p, m. ' „ , ,,, . . htAll official's are expected ''o W edding at Mocksyille High .present aa this is an im p o rtan t | School b'uilding Thursday even- meeting. ing at 8, o’clock. PREPARE FDR WINTER ’‘ I FIXING UP THE LIVINdl^ ROOIVI FOR WINTER IS A SENSIBLE THING TO DO, FOR MANY HOURS OF THE LONG WINTER EVENING.S W|LL Bl| SPENT THERIl.* COME IN AND SEE THE SPLENDID VALUES Wfi AliEv OFFERING IN LIVING ROOM SE IЪ. ',ä ; MOVIE NEWS M essrs; F.'A. Foster, W. P.' Hen- dricks and C. G. Leach attended ‘t'fie State meeting qi the Jr. O. U._ ' A; M.i.jin W/nston-Salem Tuesday! i ftnd Wednesday., : . | Tom Bloore, Paulino Stark and W allace Berry three- big stars in a Vidtor Fleming production, “Ad­ venture” here Wedneaday and Thursday. Friday »and Saturday, Buffalo Bill, Jr., in "Fast and Fearreaa” and a two reel Juvenile Comedy, ‘,‘Oh, Teacher,” iVIonday and Tueaday—a big paramount feati)i'ing liichard Dix in "The Shock Punch,” / ' ’ X The firat week in Sept is the Eighth Annual Paramount week. It's a nation wide affair aa a great m ajority .of theatres w ill play nothing but Paramount pic­ tures that; week. Wo have book­ ed four gpod ones, begining Sept. 7th, "Sack, Cloth and Scarlet," "Contraband," Old Home Week” and “The A ir M ail.” LET US DO YOU» JOB W^RK % The l)raç Sta firsr YOUR DRUGGIST IS MORE THAN A MERCHANT. NIGHT OR-DAY HE STANDS READY TO SERVE YOU. WE ARE DESERVING OF^YOUR PATRONAGE AND ARE STRIVING TO MERIT IT. GIVE US A TRIAL. Harne-LeGrand Pharmacy 9Ал 1^амаЛЛЛаг» Mocksville, N. С. .' ' ' -' '-''iï . </ 'U IN OUR SHOWING OF BED ROOM PIECES YOU WILL'; SEE MANY SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVING THE AP-^i PEARANCE OF YOUR BED ROOM AT VERY LITTLE' .COST. ■ . ■ -I-' C C. Salford Sons Щ ш д е ' л ' : ; . , : r " ■ ” :'■ |>< ^ ‘ '‘Pjtigo Ò THF'AíbCKáVILLE 'ENÏEÜPRISB ч '' • j?l7b, ¡'■Г\ '4 'Г ' ЕД .‘: FACTS ТО KNOW ABOUT SOWING OATS i líj'ír b # w ,';. Ш}г h % ' Kiiloigh, AugUHy-lO;—Oats :are used mainly, for hay . or,'grain, ; ^seldoni 'being turned under. Tiioy should'be sown oh good land/ Oh ■ poor soils/they do, not gi ve satis-; lxh)tory, 1‘etiiriis ih eitlicr hay .or. iprain, an'd make less growth than rye forH uriiing under. "Yet, Oats make a fine cropi.for North Carolina fiiriner.s,”' says ’Ii. C. RInir, I oxtehaion: agronomist iit State College. ‘‘Under iihyornblo : conditions they may; b6 expected ¡'to yield 2500 to 3560'pouiKla of ^ cured hay per. ¿ere. The hay contains 9.3 per; cent proteiUi as . compared to 5.9 per cent of timo­ thy and 15.4 per ceht for soy­ b ean s.-.A point in favor o f oats la that hairy vetch sown w ith them w ill m ature at the ■ame tim e, making a hay richer 'In protein than oats alone; “Oats often w inter-kill aevere- ,ljr. The best w ay to avoid this ■'is to sow plenty of seed. Use at least two bushels per acre, sow .them early enough to get a good atart before cold weather._ The lesK tim e is October^ ; A good w ay to BOW is to disc the seed in, or better still drill, them in, aifter corn or soybeona;; It would be too late to> sow cotton; • V In Edgecbrtibe county some farm - era like to; plant oats in cotton, at the last ' plowing. Octob'fer, sown oats far out-yield late fall or spring-sown oats in both hay and grain.” , ' , Mr. B lair suggesta that if pats • begin to run up in the falli, they should be grazed down or cold w eather w ill damage them. Thiey m&i’ be grazed for a while in the spring, but care should be iakeo ' not to'graze them! too long. ■' 1 FertiliZer',experim ents made in 'N orth Caroiinavshow that oats ' 1‘eapond w ell to nitrogen., Howev­ er, If thei jarid is fertile, or has received a good applicatibn of fer- tHi^ier In the s'pring, oats need not bo feriilized in the fall. They ■ m ay be, given 100 pounds''of ni­ trate of, soda per abre eflrly in tho spring if they appear to need It-, ,.The .best varieties ,for North / C arolina are the Fulghum, and 'tho A pplcr, which is-tho 'tiaiiio as ;Red; B uat Proof.' ;iThV; ; F^l,g^ is earlier than the A^lJler,; but less hardy The: Ful^huin vrt should^always' be'used when oats aro sown j ih i thp; spring O at h'a;^. afioujd be^^^ when the g rain s ^ th e , dough stage, then it is easy to cure and'excel- lefat in quality ' Y C O M M t : POULTRY DISEASES ' BY PREVEN'riNG THEM CLUB-WORK ETIMULATES DE­ SÌDIE rO R COLLEGE EDU- CÁíriON ÌA, Raleigh; August 19;—^The best w ay ^ to combat poultry aiàeases , Ja to prevent them. Insanitary conditions about the poultry i: bouse; poor living condition's, damp floors, coid drafts and oth­ er faulta, that easily may be cor- lected are predispoalng'i factors tow arda disease.. One of the first things to do after these things are looked after, properly^ is to , isolate any sick bird that m ay ap­ pear in the, flock. ■ ■•The poultry industry of North C arolina ¡3 rapidly glowing," says P rof. R. S. Dear.styne of the poul- •try department at State College. “This increase is noticed not only .Jn thé larger numberVof poultry- .men but also in the intensity of , production. W ith i an increase of birds on the farm comes an in- ■ creased disease hazard and the most ,8Uccossful methcd- of com­ batting those disdases ia to pro­ vent them from occurring." Prof. Dear.styne states that autumn weather usually marks outbreaks of seasonal diseases :8uch as pox,- roup, poultry ty­ phoid, coniagiouR , bronchitis’ ajid pneum onia.. The- yearly m ortality , among domestioated ■ bix’ds from those diseases is very large and ia usually i-ausod by the owner al­ lowing such diseases : to ' become w e il establisVind, befor^ taking .steps to cjm bat them. ■■ ' , ; , “The poultryman 'should look ■ over hia flock each day ior sus- peels,” .says Prof. De.'ìratyne. , • ‘Confine 1) e sick; bords in sepa-, >', .rate cjuarters and do not place ’them back in; the' flocks if they rof,over for tTiny: hiav nn carriers of disoaae. ;Keep birds boiiglit from neighboring flocks in qua- , Tantino at • least a wo(?k before jMitting them with the other birds. .' If outbreaks occur. ci'H on tho I county agent or tho farm life srliool teacher for help ■ and if , they think it necessary, send a w s flncclmen to thé poultry laboi’á- State Collocro.”^ 1 .Tarheel says he went out ovor tho old cane mill this ....... Soon :be tim e for making ;'';:vinolassc.=i. A,noteworthy by-product of th<'. pa-j-ticipution in agricultural club work; by farm- boys and girls is, -tho incentive it gives them to réa¿h out for a highor education. More than ' B,600 formor, I niemb- ‘ei's of 4-H\clubs, asithese • agri- cu)tural clubfi are known,- etiro11- "d in colleges ;last yeai’V (accord-i ing to* reports', gathered by the. United^ Sta*í¿s;. Department of Agriculturoi ' V, , ^ ; \Sbmo of these young' ‘people would have entered college in any event, but a large number had found from their experiences in tryin g to perform Bonie farm or homemaking enterprise in a bet­ ter way than was usually 1 done in their communities, that know­ ledge and training áre to be high­ ly prized. .A larger number have gone to college as a result of the stim ulation derived from club work. A survéy of the new students in the University of Tennessee Ctjllege of A gricultüre at the ,1924-25 session showed that 61 per cent had been club members. In the freshman' class of Pennsyl­ vania State College, 73 club mem- l: trs were enrolled, more than h.^lf of them taking agricultural subjects.-, , M ichigan State Col- loge" registered, 133 club members. N early IpO ;Vermont club memb A 01MÍÍi»p VVORTH OF HEAVEN . ( 'L'he; !<• Ml meutionvd ih; this póenv !ivv;c in n; certain tíonú'al Stato! .чЬ:)10 thirty yea' ago; ile app'aiently'was dead and r (;imi- ly ' vvoro preparing for the fune­ ral; when ho' came' lo l|fe. ilo gave all- lllS;Ayealth awu:-'. a' .vear .ator Ho died.) 'ГИЙ WRECK OF OLD SEVEN ■ ,■ .'.Thursday, A ugust 20, 1905 i'- in c r e a s e AND PUNISHMENT OF CRIME, -Aimhii of Iifluenco an I w'eMth'' Ownod i'nuses, lands, and earth ly .ture, , , But only lived to spend on self; And Oi.unt his tre.’,i.nvrca o’er and 'O'-er;- ■ One day vvhile sitting:pi. tho porch In idle .'uxury iihti ehie, I-Ie h éard'a littfe ragg'i'd boy. Come (.rying but,“ On, help us ■ pb>.-. <" . . . ' ; “H ey! what is all th i.j; noise about’i” • i ' ■ , / 'The miin demanded of the lad. “I'm starving, sir, ami Mother’s sick '“ , . The weel'ing little fe'.luv said. This woaithy man d rj v out hii) j)urso , And gave the sobbing child a dime. The angels, doubtless looking down ^ E.\pectant of an act sublime. ,. Shed tears of sadness, overWhelm- \ ed, i _ W ith disappointm ent; at the deed; ' ' ' ^ On a cold frcjsty morn.lng I stood , ; 'O njlie mountaiii 'V;;-:,;: ' W atching thc amoke' from ;th,é ' '/,-.-;'road; ■.- Vv SJ ,|It was flj'ii’g away from, a long, A bout' sleiuier snibkeatack, . VVay dp\yn bn-the '.Southern Îload. It- old' Ninnty.-Seveiv^^ ; / ilT.stost .mail -train ; .■ 'Cy- Thai tho South' hr.tl ever'Reeh,:’; ': But she ran too fast, on that fatal Sunday evening, :v And> the doatn^ Iiot aumbere’d foifrtoon. / Bhe runs from WaBhliigton to At- lanta. Arid she runs in rain or. shino; All freight' trains .'vnd passengers ' take hold for Ninety-Seven For she's bound to bo at stotions on time. ers entered the State university ¡ For they perchance had felt aasur- or other schocfls of college rank k a t year. ' Cooperation in work and play, practiced in the boys nnd girls’ clubs, has ; continued in col lege hffii many institutions, having-or- ÿanizatioris of former club mem­ bers. Th'e 75 former club mehi- bers now ; attending Louisiana State U niyersity meet regularly to help those who are newcom­ ers to get acquainted, an d / o r business and social programs for the henefit of all members. W ash­ ington State A gricultural Col­ lege >has, an honorary fraternity for foi'mer club members with .1 membership of more' than ' 170. Colorado’s , club members at the State, agricultural collège have, a social organization with 70 mum- ,bGrH.;;;':>':/';,'r ;, Mbethig. thb; 'desii:o for ; more educatioriiofteh has required sonib years pi'hard: work and planning. Frequ bntly th e enterpilse wh ich' waa started .during plubwbrk days has paid , all or a' good, share bf the college' expenses; aa Avell as furnishing .the incentive to ob­ tain more,education) ', Oil He’d fill the little fellow’s need, And thereby lay some treasure up Where moss and rust corruntejh ■ r.ot, --Ì-- And-;hisrcffectlons"sei ori hlgh^; Instead of on, his eanVily lot. ■ \ SUWANNEE, COUNTY, FLORIDA FACTS ARE VALUABLE B right Leaf Tobacco grown by W. -H. Lyle, in Suwannee County, Florida, auctioned off at Alliance Warehouse, Valdos­ ta. Gi^i, brought .$35.75 per hundred. Approximately IB cents per poUnd h'ifher than any other tobacco on the floor. iW onderful opportunities for the homeseeker and farm er. -A,lso excellent Poultry and Live Stock country. Cotton, Corn, iSatsuma Oriinges, Grapes,. Pe­ cans,. Potatoes, W ater Melons. Vegetables nro very prolific. Most charming climate in'tho world. Unexcelled living, con­ ditions. Splendid railroad faci- Uties. • Farm s and acreage at reaso- nablo prices. A pomfortable in­ come assured. Cash for your products. In the Land of the famous “ Suwannee lliver." Contentment and happiness re- gn here. Illustrated litera- ;uro sent, free. ; W rite , to . ■ . L J, WILLIAMS of Commoi'ce Live Oak, Florida / ANNOUNCEMENT!:.-, W e;wish to announce to the. ^ public ih at wo havo install- ■** ed a;nice ,ah up-to-date line , ? "of staple and fancy grocer-; :* ies in addition to our i’ogu- ■ lar, line of meats, and can, * supply yours;*needs in any * thing in the line of grocer-f iÓ8,meats, ice and feed stuiT ■ We deliver anywhere in the * . city., ' - ^ Give US a call when you are iri need of anything in ' bur line. Our prices aro as * lo\y as you would expect to ^ *J piiy; for first-ciaíís m ercha-.' * ■ ndise.' . ; ; ' ' ' ' B ut-this pvoud m illionaire, alasi W as humbled by diseases, dread, Ànd, Asa-like sought not tho Lord,; Blit untb 'earthly help instead (It seemed to death's unyielding clasp . ’ , He rjust desi^airingly sucaumb, [■That all hia yaat estates ; and , wealth ■ I. , '. Could not redeem him from 'hia tomb. , ' , ;i His loosened apirit took its flight Thrbiigh endless'’space to worlds' above. Knocking trem blingly at-'heaven’s gate, /'Sought enti'uncQ; to, that 'home, of love,' An engel at the portal stood, ■ ; Asked, ; “ On w hat -merit . dost thou come Í Has Jesus, Christ redeemed fhy ■■ ' soul, ^ And promised th ee'a heavenly home?” ' ,- “I know him not,” he sadly said. “ Perchance good' works, then, is thy plea? Perhaps thy neighbor in distress Thou’st I’uccord, -vyith thy'ch a- ;;,'rity .'' , ;/ . ,■ Ashamed, he could but hang his hetad ' \ V Could think of naught of good he’d done' ;. ' ; Except the,:day he gave a dime Unto a widow’s starving, son. “Receive thy dime’s worth,” said • the jono 7 ' , In shining raim ent,'at the gate Of glittering pearls; which stood .ajar. ' ■ • ,, . “ Thy starved and fam ished soul now/ sate Upon the glories just inside.” ' Here dazzling gems and streets of gold; And mans;ions bright of beauty rare,.' ;' ■ ■ ' y , " In awe his wide-eyes : did be- ' hold. ’ ' , Oh! glorious, , soul-i'inspiring giim pae,,, '■ ;; , ' , ■ For just one paltry little dim e' “ Why dici I '-not invest up here, In ail my idle years of tim e? Oh’ had I back m y lifo bri earth, *My millions rd ;i invest, abbve. Instead of ;idlenes3 arid ,case, ' I’d spenci my time/in deeds of ■'■'ioye.' '.y',', Tho : arigel took hihi^, at his word. And sent him back to, epi'th a'i g ain .. , lic ' camo to jiv o a chajígod man, • And strov'o to' bless his; fellow , , m oii;.,, ' ;■ , ■ . I-> .sòld his lands and'*&tQcka and /' - .bonds,.,' ,, '■ I. '< gave his hbuses.tb the'poor, And -tod and clothed the orpli- ans free. Steve Broady was the brave engi­ neer On that fatal Sunday, eve; And his fireman leaning f.iri out • in Lynchburg W aiting for the oighal to leave. He threw ,b.*ck his throttle when , h e'left Porter St.'itloh, - Altho’;his a ir was ^b.id; And the people alV' said when ho , passed Franjtlin .Tunct’oh Ho was half way out of the cab. They gave him his orders nt Mon­ roe, Yil'ginia,' Said, “Steve, you’re aw ay behind V'- '' tim e;, This is not Thirty-Eight, ,t)ut it’s ' Old/Ninoty-Soven,'. ■ , Ypu^mi[st BU_t;her.into .Spencer-on K- . I» ' ' >1’’ ' « 4r CITY MARKET Phone ,.98 Mocksviiie, N. C. '■K ■'t '* # # « # « In just one year he’d spent his wealth, ‘ His troasuros all had laid a- , bove; \ H ad''satisfied his' longing soul ; ,j;i With Jesus’ truo--undying lovo, iv And now, his labors^ b'eihg o'er, : He winged his flight to realm s tim e.” .V ■ ' . I. • ' . He climbed to th e'cab w ith his ; orders in his hand 'i\nd he,.said, "It’s to, do or die,” He reyereed his lever,, threw his throttÌc--;widé open And watchud old Ninety-Seven fly. Falling down grade about nienty '/miles ah hour \ /, > His whibtid began to, ao.voam,! , He w.aa/found; in ,,the'wreek/wlth - ’ 'his haiul bh thb thi'bttlo ; Whero ho scalded to death by tho » steam. ' ( The news, came in on ;tolog;.aph '.''/'•,'';wiroa,': :y-y :y"yy-yr':'i ■■y^y'^'j And thia is what it said, y i‘That,bravo engineer left Monroe; ; '.V-,yirgh;iia,; .,-:V v''“''''''i Now he’s lying in North Dahvill . ..Vléad.” ; ./■'■; pi'd he ever pull thru ? No, ho nev­ er pulled thru; ' It w,aa one forty-five he -.v.w, due; For riihny long hours wns the ifond . w ife w a itin g ', .Foivthe husband that never pulled •thru.------------ INCREASED EFFICIENCY OF­ FSETS, INCREASED EXPENSE By the use, of gas and electricity ’j’ailrpads aie reducing cpst of re­ pairs nnd incr^afeing efficiency in freight yards. A number of railroads'over the country are using gas, turned in­ to heat-treating furnaces' and portable blow torches. It Jias been foUnd possible, by usifig gas, to salvagi^ much rolling stock and other m aterial which had former­ ly been scrapped. )L a st year-a large railroad in- ■stalled a scientific system of elec- trio-flood lights in ita classifica­ tion freight yard. After several months opcratiori, a/comparison of freight handled during this period witli that handled in a sim i­ lar. previous 'period w.as made. It was found that number of cars; handled at night had increased 15 1-2 per cent, and average coat of dariiage to cars handled at nlEht had decreased 21 par cent. yn-' » ,« # , Ht, * C. C. YOUNG & SON FUNERAL DllîECTORS ' / AND EMBALMERS '•^ Mocksviiie Cooleemee «• Phone 133 Phone 6720 • Prompt and Efficient Service * » .if # - # 4 '» '» ■» * ■» * First Quality Guaranteed Tires. 30x3 Casings 56.75 each 30x3 1-2 Casings $7.50 each 303:3 1-2 cord Casings $8.00 each ROBERTS HARDWARE CO. Wintiton-Salem, N. C. sublime, To rogin forever mid those scon- “Lospedozzer” Broom, ' 'OS ■ ■ ■ ■. ■ ■ . He’d a glimpse of for a dime...................-......— —Eva M. Wrijiy, Union County farm ers, 1 al so. News , & ; Observer, : ' , I '' Thei'e are- many things we cian ¡(Icárii from ' England ; us 'well as teach our;; British' cousins .some thiuiîs , wb do, bettei'. The ■ prie thing;;Wp,'chóUld leiirn is ;:how'; to secure a ‘i’ediiction- in crimp. Sir \yiniam / Jbhnsph-i:iicl<s,; .who beeii ; studylrig -conditions now with ;. conditions 'fifty: yea^^ ' ngo,, iay^:, th at’ fifty'/.ve.'ir.s /agb there \’irerp 2Ó,ÓÓ0 pbrsbns in, local ‘jails in/Ehgland and 10,900 persons;cior ing pénal servitude. ;'Todny t^iere are only ;8,ООО persona in local jails and 'i,600 doing penal .servi­ tude. T h e population, tt)o, has increâsed in that time. Why has crime increased in this country? Here are some of the anawers: 1. So. many half-baked nnd un­ taught im m igrants have come in­ to this country, unaccustomed to oUr ideas of liberty, that they think it m îans they can do n^ they please and neither try to acquit thйmaeWcз ^vith the law s nor tp obey them. * 2. Prohibition is held, respon­ sible for the'crim e wave in some sections, the argument_belng that many pe,oplo break that l<jw be­ cause they re.<)ent it, and become accustomed to break one law they Llose all restraint,and bi'eak other laws, It is agreed that prohibí'- tion having made the sale and manuf.'KifMfn of liquor thoretoforo legal, illegal, the number of vio- latibna of law has increaaed. , 3. The nutomobile comes iij fPr jts share of the binme./Much of-the-tim a^of' COTrfs' is taken up with suits growing out of automo­ bile accidents and th'e stealing, ftnd reckless .drivipg add to the number of cases on the crim inal docket. This is now. 4. The absence of home train ­ ing and homo discipline is blam­ ed* fo r'th e increase of crime, by youthful nffendcr.4. . JiulgoM fre­ quently call .attention to the in- crbaced number, of hoys , and ■ yoiitjhs/ :nrrosted for ''crimlnnl ae- tiorisJ 'There seems to; be no doubt that thero is neotl for botteV liomo training and a- restoration; of old timo-i insti'uetion.; In an '.’article in The; A tlantic. Mpnthly for''Au­ gust oh the religibua revolution, Dr. Charles W .;Elibt touched up­ on. a hoed th at Christian poopio hnvo been troubled about. NOTICE t: MORTGAOB SALE OF : VALU- : ABLE' BUSINESS' PROPEU'i'Y 'IN THE .TOWN OF MOCl.:^. ;.'::viL i.,B ,'N .c.. ; Pursuant to authority cotituiu- ed iri.va certain ;mortigage/deed of ;irust(/'execiil:ed- by;;G. ,G. VVniitei* ai(''d; ;\yife; Elia' W alker, to \V. i:;. Mc.Whirter. .Trustee, on the :)oih day- o:f Marc'h, 1923^' and regi.stoi'. ed i-n;;<tiP i^vegister’s ol'tii.o. of Davie County,;iiv Book ages No. IP i)age; 114/ duriuili,-- having been made in the puy- ment of the note secured tliorc- by» and request of forecloaure httt^iu!? iieen made by .Salisbury Bank & Tru^t Company, the hold- er of said riPte, the undersigned Trustee w ill sell at public auc­ tion, to the- highest bidder, for cash, at the Courthouse door in Mockaville, N. C., on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11th, 1925, at 12 o’clock Noon, the following de­ scribed real eatate, to-wit: Bounded , on the North by larids of J. C. Dwiggins, lot No. 5 town plat, on East by New Street, on the South by Southern Bank and Trust Company, on West by North Main Street, and described |as follows, to-w it: Beginning nt an iron stake in W est line, of lot “No. 3 A. D.” in town plat and in line of Main Street, Ijeiiig N. W. cornor bf ,lot of Southern Bank & 'i’rust Company; thonco N. with lino of lots Nos. “3 A. i;).” and “4 E. F.” in town plat 4G it., to S. W. corner of J. C. Dwiggins ■^formerly E E. Hunt) lot in line of .lot No.' “4 E. F.” ; thenco Ba-st with J. C, Dwiggins’ line 90 ft,, to his South East corner; thence 'North with his line 31 ft., to his N. E. corner; thence East with line of lot No. 5 about 61 ft., to stone in Nest Street; thence South with lino pnrnllel with Eastern boundary of Main or Henderson Street'about 77 it., to N. E. corner of Southern Bank & Trust Co.’s- lot; thence We,st w ith;lino of Southern Bank and Trh'st; Cpmpany’s lot 151 feet to Ithe beginning corner,' containing sq. -ft.' TAKE PHOTOGRAPHS OF SPEE'DING BULLE'fS , 'Wushing|;on, Aug. 16.-7-By, work­ ing out electrically timed photo- gV'aphs apparatus, the bureau of standards has been .enabled to tako a new series of photographs of rifle bullets, and time the re­ lease of gas and sound wave frorii the weapons used. Tho first re­ sult of the operatioits, described by Philip, P.,Q uayle, has been to throw new Hgiit on tho theory of ballistics, of which m ilitary ex­ perts have worked ÉI developing wea't)ons. ,Mr. Quayle.^ gets his photo­ graphs by t}iQ light of an electric spark which has roughly a. dura­ tion of a millionth of ,a second. With new, and speedier types of plates it j^a thus possiblo to get a number of entirely senarate pic­ tures of each bUliet, though the; projecticle is speeding at the rate of 2,700 feet a second. The sound wave, tho disturbanc­ es in the air,,from the bullet’s pas­ sage and the gas,-blast behind the bullet are recorded on tho plates.. One of the ordia^ce theories to fall before sthe, evidence of the. photographs is that the' speed, of a bullet from an arriiy rifle in­ creases for some distance after it emerges fropi the muzzle. The blast of tho explosive cases in its rear was supposed to accomplish ,tliis, acceleration but Mr. Quayle’s photographs show, tho propectile drawing sw iftly away i’rbip the gas within a few, inches from the muzzle. ! ;, ' Likewise, another of his photo­ graphs“ demonstrates the futili­ ty of attom;pting to silence n re­ volver by' attnciiing various con­ traptions to, the muzzle." A sound >vave on firing was found to bo propagating, itsolf m errily from the junction of the revolver cylin­ der and the barrel, well back of tho muzzlo.' ' ; For particular description see cldod from H.'b.G niliher and wil’o to ' D, H. Hoiuivis, Tni?i1;eo, re­ corded in :-Book 20, ;pago 381, nnd deed from / Soiithprh; Bank Л .Trust Company to W. C.'Walicer, recorded in BPok 2C, paiip 5!iO, Register’s office, Davio* County, iN./C. - ,- ' For further information, see either pf the undersigned. This the 6th day of August, 1926. ' : W. E. McWHIRTER; Trustee. P. S. CARLTON, Attorney. Salisbury, N. C. ' 8 13 to 9 3rd. tt tf *■ -* If you want the be.'it Flour * made, use M ocksville’s Best * thcre ia no better flour on the *■ * market. If you want the Self- * Rlsing, we make ‘OA'er-The * * Top” tho brand that-can’t bo * * beat.. Our flour, meal nnd * * ,ship stuff is on salo n’t ail the * * Icading’grocery stores. . * * HÔRN-J0;)1NST0NE COMP’Y M anufacturers , '*'■ Thnt good kinci nf flour ** ' M ocksville, N. C. ; "* # » * #, # * '# » «• ■» ■#.*'» * « 4 DR. R; P. ANDEKSON DENTIST Every business h^uso iii Apex, Wake County, save two/ offered to contribute one or more prem­ iums for tho communitv fair to be held there this fall, reports county Agent John C. Anderson. Forty-eight farm ers of Union county pooled 800 pounds of wool. and sold it at a profit of'eight cents pov pound by ao doing, says “Lespedezzer” Broom. Ovor 2,-1 ООО, pounds of vetch seed have been ordered cooperatively by * Residence .Phone .47. Office * * , Phone, 60 V * * Moeksvillo, N. C. ,* # # * # . * » # » * DR.E. C. CHOATE , DENTIST If In Mockavillo Monday, Tues- * day and W ednesday; Over ^ Southern Bank & 'Trust Co. * -iPhone 110 / * » * In^'Cooleeriifio Thursday,. F ri- * * ;,day and Sa»-ur.lay; Over C:ol- * * eemee D jug S to re ;, * , * ■ X-Ray Diagnoisi.s / * PH(^NES: -Residence No. 8(5. * * i , ../ Offico; N.-), 33* #. #, # # /'■»( «• # ‘ * * DR. LESTER P. * , Night 'Phone 120; Day tjhoiie 71. Mocksvillo, N. C. ; * . * * i BAXTER BYERLY, * M.D. Office Over Drug Store. Of- *' fii;e Phono No. 81; Resi- * :’ N ; dence No. 25.-' , COOLEEMEE, N. C. *. « * # » # * * * # » READ THE ENraPfflSE : ;;í ;TH13': MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE ; ' ; ; ...■ ..v....-,,.,, .................................. ss > M . Ы ' ■ :......................."'7'' '....................................■' -................•■S ' ' i' • M ( '* ' , y¡ \ L ^ m á m ' í ; . ü l í , !цчЖ!| и, и' у :v ■ ^ 1. í .... Jutffl.-feá ашшптшшп ^...........“- i-у -гт 'i" ....„'V , > 'i" ' , ';t. ' ” ' '1- = '’- ' 7 ' ч',;;;* ‘ }” ' ч . « u r . ^ Л I- Í Î fJ ' * FALL IS ON THE LINE' ALL SET FOR A STI^F BATTLE, ;,1T W ILt BE B Y 'T H E M ERCHAN T ADVERTISER WHO IS PREPARED TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF EVERY OPPORTUNITY PRESEN'TED. W E CAN H ELP YOU TO PREPARE YOUR CAMPAIGN OF ADVERTISING IN A MANNER TflA'T ' * c!iim v vniT VVHAT WE CAN DO. iPRESENTED. Wlii n iib i- ivii/ - - ------- WILL GO A LONG WAY TOWARD HELPING YOU 'Г0 ^IN , LET US CALL AND SHOW YOU WHAT WE CAN DO. ;< $. rX' . 7 SSI . А ЙЛТ^.О-'ВЕ WÍ«,' ; , 7 | Щ | | Р 7 t o ______nnnnnTITNlTY / s - , ' " ‘S '* ,-/iîf...... «DAVIE COUNTY’S NEWSPAPER” ------------------- __________MOCKSVILLE, N. С. ' V Г ' S' THE ENTERPRISE IS READ BY MORE PEOPLE ’•<1 THAN ANY OTHER NEWSPAPER EVER PUBLISH- <‘<> :;'>‘7;ED :IN,'DAVIE'COUNTY—THEUE’S A REASON.;:-:: ->¡1 H<, m ' lU . il< ’ ' ,y ih'/. - I и '.V........ < i,, i 1 ?» W 4 i •' e 1Ü3' ' ' i {( 1 i' 'i I . Ч ï. " ,• ,'h 'I L Í ' l' m' ’■* IÍ' u Ч J ..... g .:7 7 .7 7 .'-';,7 ‘7 ;'''- 'C,';' V7.': 7 .... ............... . .......... " -......... ■ ......... ...... ............... ............ T ‘ ■ ..............-........ ■ , ; 7 ^.............. • • . ’‘jj h., ì V.* ............... :;Х '7 . ' \ " ' -'-'J' " У ' ' ^^ , ' ' ' - ^ •' S « j5 ) i¿ v \ ’ ' ^*1 Í* ‘ , ‘i " ' ' ' , ' ' W , .1Я’ЧУ * , , - . J ' ’-Ì , М\. '?.•, .-/ ,,>, и г, » . f i : , i - m a,.«SBBÍSS!S , ,. , ..... , , . THE ,M0CKSV1LLE ENTEKPRISE ' KÜRK NEWS The seriís ot scrvicuA closcil i\t ------tí»-; üíiptist : church Inst Silii'clny -\viUi la additions to tlic church. Next Suiìdny, Aug. 23rd.,'/tho SOUTHEUN- MUST PAY líV- СОМЕ TAX ON N. C. KAIL- ROAD ç'. ^ 'Thtiradny^'August 20, 1926 Riileighi Aug. 18.—The Sbuth- ertl itiUiway IS liiibiu X'or the pny- annual linrnhardt reunion w ill be-nient oi incunic taxes ol' the iNorch held at thv lute G. E. Barnhurdt (^arohViiv uaiiroau to tnu bcato ni Jionte near, Augusta, all relatives *uul irjends are cordially inVitod ueepriuiig to u ruiuig chat Jiaa tne Suiu 01 aiHjroximateiy $iJ0,00u to. come:,and bring' a basket, bh'á.y, Amanda Garwood,. vMrs, Deeii maue b y^ ssiscan t Attorney Ù. i' raii^ i'^ush. " M ittic Foster and daugh^ri vLii- Mr. Nash's ruling, it is 'stated, jn n , Qf\Kanes, were guests of re- has riietw itfi tii’e aijprovai ot u iu latives here last wook. ' ; ; : attorney general and is now be- Miss Ida Nance contih'ues very ing considered by Cqmmissioners sick, sorry to note, we hope for ot Revenue R. A. Doughton. , ic v a coSnplete recovery. | The m atter has been under con- ■Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Davii and sidération for some time and Mv fam ily attended the ’funeràl of iNasn stated lasr'n igh t that the th e ir neice, Mrs. Lola Davis Hun-|North Carolina incomc tax law iy c u tt, in M ocksville last Satur- does not exeitipt the North Caro- d ay afternoon. THOUSANDS THRONG OUR thin g;' --------------------------------------- . .STREETS FOR MASONIC | “There is another clnss'of peo- I’lCNIC ------ " jplo who live a life of rosourcoful- — : / ■■•■■■■■ ■— T ■ ness and adaptability. They are Ltirgcsf Crowd in History Gathers to meet now situations and thpy J'i|' Annual Event; Dr. Ci C. W eaver is Principal Sjieaker of Day h i lina Railroad, altho seventy-fiv_p M rs. B eatrice Brew{)aker and per cent of the stock is owned by daughter, Riith, spent, the week the State. He also held that the end Jri with her tax m ust be borne by the South- daughter, Mrs. Prank Burton. ern Railw ay, as under the terms M rs, J. E. Foster, who has been pf the-99-year lease for . tho ope­ ration of the railroad, it is pro vided that all taxes be paid by the leese as well as the-yearly rental. The amount involved/ $80,000, covers income taxes of thé rail- flfek. for several days shows some in4>rovement, we wish her atl en­ tire recovery. L ittle Lucy Ford Green, daught­ e r of: Dr. and/M rs., G. V. Green, ............................... ........... „ ...... ........ •was christened at Ascension Chap- road for ,a period of three years. wñ' "J s el last Sunday afternoon, by Xiohop Penlck of' Charlotte, ; M rs. M ary Hendrix • is Very m uch Indisposed, sorry to say. ------------^ ^ — CANA NEWS A young m inisterial student, M r. Linnet Potts'of Pork, preach­ e d 'a t Eaton’s Sunday morning in th e absence of the pastor, Rev< 'Em W. Turner, who w as in a meet- ,la g at 'P ork Church. / t M r. and M rs, Frank Cavls, of -.Halelgh, spent the ■week end with ..jM latives in the lieighborhood.- Miltalino^ Collette entertained a ;auniber of her \ little friends ni. a p arty Saturday .evening, it being ll«r^ninth' birthday. About twen­ t y little- folks 'w ere present. Ice :cream and cuke were served for re fre s h m e n ts .'' \ Mr. and I Mrs. W. H. Howard and fam ily, Avith, Mrs. J. W. and ilv erett Etchison, wpnK to Mocks- -ville last Saturday to attend the :iun eral‘of Mrs. MolUb Davis Honi- .^jutt, who died at her home at Chapel H ill and wan, liuricd at th e Rose. cemetery at Mocksvillo. Prior to the 1926 general assemb­ ly the income tax rate upon cor­ porations was 3 per cent and Alex'ander Webb, of Aaleigh, who represents the private stockhold­ ers on the board 'of directors, ptates that the tax a f this rate would amount ^ to approximately $10,580 a year. PiNO NEWS Rev. McKinney did not fill his app.bintment_at Pino Sunday night OS he was holding a revival meet­ ing a t ,Smith Grove. Rev, and Mrs. R. G. McClam- rock of Ivey, %iere the guests of the latters niothei^ Mrs. B. G. Lathame, the past week. Mri W. T, M iller, Jr., of Wins- ton-Salem is spendin'g the week vvith relatives in Pino. Mr. Frod Swi^g of Salisbury spent the weok-ehd with his par­ ents, TMr. and M rs./J. H. Swing. The little soh^-of ^ r . and Mrs. Noah Grimes, -of Cooleemee'was buried at Pino W ednesday'after­ noon. ,; _ ' Born to Mr. and M ra., Charlie aro not easily pnnic-atrieken. Mobs do not bother them. This is n^ot a static world. No m atter ■' 1 ---------------- it started it has not stopped. Tho .forty-aei'enth annual Ma- Tho man Avho cannot adapt him- sdnic picnic held Thursday \Vaa s e lf,to ,the new conditions ia a attended by more than 11,000 peb- “has been." Some people statô that pie, which is tho; largest number they are not interosted in the that, has, over attended a' picnic Birth'G erm ans, politics, stars,' .acbording to statement of tho music, social' (juostions'and edu- MOCK’S CHURCH NEWS chairman of committee,, The program for the day in­ cluded the principal address by Dr. C, C. W eaver, pastor of Cen­ tenary Methodist church, of W ins­ ton-Salem, and remarks by Loon Cash, grand master of the grarici lodge of North Carolina, who con- gratul;i|t,edl those Iin charge for the iu c’cess of the event, ond a talk by R. L. Brown, superinten­ dent of the Children’s Home at Oxford, who told of the work there, which was followed by a short talk by T. H. Cush, superin- tendent of Forsyth county schools. Jacob Stewart, attorney, j'n a few well selected words welcomed the vast throng who attended the pic- 'nic. i . During thp day’ a concert was iindered by a chorus composed of childiw . from the Children’s Home at Oxford. Music for tho cccasion was furnished by the Cooieemee'band. ' Dr. W eaver’s Addrejis Since he was speaking to people of all w a!i;s of life Dr* W eaver chose a subject of interest to all, speaking on "The Growing Life.’’ His addres'; follows in part: ( "There is a great danger in the prosenf. age of getting into a rut and living a narrow life, io just be a cog in the great machinery of the world. Business of the, present ago had a tenclency to catch mon and make a slave of thein, creating in them a desire to be eiiicicnt but at the same time keeping them from becomin'g big­ ger., The only solution to this gi'bat problem is to keep; growing Rov. R. P. Fikes filled his re­ gular. appointment here. (Sunday afternoon at. 3 o’clock, and 8 o’­ clock in the evening. Mr. aiid IVfi's. W. ,C. Allen, und children, of near Fork Church, spen't Sun'day with Mr. and Mrs. J. T.,,Phelps. , ' ‘ •' Mis'^and Mrs. Stove Beauchamp, bf Lousiville^' spent Sunday with home folks. . , Mr. and'M rs. E. M. Jones and children, of Mocksvilloj spent cation. Yo'u may cut them ovit |Sui\d;»y with home folks, but you are cutting down yourj Mi‘. and I^Irs. John Spainhour, life and you are narrowing youribf Winston-Salenl, .spent Sunday world. "We should be Interested wiftornoon in our community. in home and foreign problems and current events,; We must get ,a- way from clannishnesij and showi a spirit of true Americanism. This broadness is especially needed in the southi^ I "In this of vexing problems' of .race hatred and prejudices, of nationail wars, labor and capital j nnd the other big questions that constantly arise to be settled there is only one solution—to'live a life of io\'cr afid sympathy und broth­ erly love." ‘ _ . , , The lawn party' given at night was the best ever witnessed and was attended by the largest crowd, in the history pf tho,.occa^h. Moqksville and pavie ^ouiity peopio In^jk fprward to the com­ ing of -these concerts, each year, und are ajways ready to lend the helping hand , to the worthy. , The diiy and night/passed off, very qtiietly,. and no disturbance ot any kind was I'oported. , The total receiptii canngt be given at this time, but we aro in­ formed that oyer'$2,600 w ill be turned over to tho Orphans Home fund. Miss Grace Jones is spending -..........- I - III» I .11 . I a few days in Mocksvillo. Miaa Ntkrthle Poarl Plielps piium. Saturday night with Mias Jluth Jones. ' The sicl^in our) community do not Improvfi very much,, sorry .fo note. . • • The H ilton'plant of the Fisiior- ies Products Compiiny was reaold on last Monday at uuctioh.iiiW il. mington. The plant was bid in by B. .F. Keith for $44,830. . This is the company that fa.'.led a year or so ago and .caused a loss of sever, a'l, million dollars to its Dtockhol- ders. There are reports that the former president of the company may be prosecuted. TO FARMERS OF COUN’fY DAVIE \ Plans for the 2nd Dt^Vie Furm j tour in , connection with Rowan, L Cabarrus and Stanly counties are '*’' w.orking out fine. At ai meeting of the fotir county agents from ' OUR PHONE NUMBER IS 111 , When you need anything in Groceries; stiep to the phone and ^tell us what it is. We will deliver , your order promptly, using t|ie choicest of our products to fill the order. Allison-Johnson ».■' -W ork on,the n.ew church build-»M cBride, August the 13, a fine »8 '»olng: right along. : i t |s son, Charles Vernbii.' ‘t'V ready for the roof „to be put Miss Flora Allen, ls^ /visiting’ %} ■ Our people are haiipy 'to seqf t h e progress lieing made, with the -work. /’I'; There was a reunion of the riu iiily of the ilate J. W. Collette, mt the hbm e.pf Mr. and M rs.'R . ‘■W. Collect last Sunday. Almo'^at every lAember of the fam ily %vas -present. , ■ . V ' Mrs. Bessis Ferebee assembled the children in the new church* .t>uilding last Sunday' afterflbdn «nd organized ji Sunbeam Band, H»ith M argaret Collett, president, P au l Eaton, vice president, Min- ; Harp secretary, Fragelle Cain 'lUHit. Secretary,, and Gladys Cain ^treasurer. W alter Etchison spent a few d ays la st week with his brother ■*t W inston-Salem. ' . M rs. Emma Pope is spending '.-the week with her sisteri Mrs.. liNelBon Anderson at Calahaln.^ MRS, J. A. HONNICUTT BURIED Friends; in Richmondi Va;, this ■WBek.^'' r '' •" . . Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Ferabee, Sunday. , Miss , M argaret M iller and Mr. ^ohn ^M iller of Winston-Salem spent the week end with home folks. . ' ■ ■ Miss F]rances Leo Ward ia spending tho week with her nunt, Mrs. Charlie Angell. Mr. and ,Mrs. C. S. Lathame of W inaton-Salem, and Mr, and Mrs; Richard Lathame of Kannapolis were the, week end gueats of .their mother, Mrs, B,. G. Lathame. MiSs EtherCranflll, of 'Winston- Salem , is spending the week with her mo'ther„Mrs. A. H. McMaboh. JSTATE MUSEUM OPEN AGAIN • Mrs, J. A. Honnicutt, wife of Bev. J. A. Honnicutt, pastor of the F irst Baptist church of Car- rboro, N, C., w as buried in the Bose cenietery Saturday afternoon a t' 1:.30 o’clock. Mrs. Honnicutt died at her home on Thursday afternoon, being a sufferer from jBleepintj fever for the past five year.'. Pneumonia waa the im- iinediate cause„of her death. • Funeral servicos were conduct­ ed by Rev. C. A. Rhyne of Salifi- ■bury. Rev. Mr. W aff, of this city, and Rev. Jam es Cartner, of Wina- ;^n-Salem . The floral tributes /■were unusually large a.nd beauti­ fu l. , M rs. Honnicutt was a daughter ; p f Mrs. W. M. Davis, of 624 North iprulton street, Salisbury, but was |!;,'dreared (near Mocksville. In, ad- iJ;';jdition to her' husband and moth- Ijjier, ehe ia aurvived by two small :|:;^ons, Davis and J. Allen, Jr., “^ j^ in sisters. Miss Ola Davis of ‘ "idlisbury, and Mrs. C. A. Felvey (jpf ^Richmond; and fivo brothers, J. Davis of Cooleemee; II. jg^i p ayis, W. J. Davis, D. D-, Davis ‘find-Sanford Davis, of Salisbury. № M iss Sojihie Meroney returned “Ip-rae .Tuesday from Cullowhee, j^hei'G She has been in summer (ichool for the past twelve weeks, I jp was npcoinpnniod by her sist- .....M iss Lillie Meroney,. of High Eföint, who w ill spend, sdveral reek iit'ihomey gently. They are like the Chinese,¡M onday, and Tuesday, and leave the past is good enough and they'.W . 'ihinpton Wcc|n63dnv mov'i"-'• Jiave no desire to ^become , acip P '' Royal, 'Va,, thr.t nighti Thursd.'iy v.'d w ill drive to Stan­ ton,'V a., nd spend the night RaleiBh,< Aug. 16.—Rural yisi- tora w ho -Ijfive been coming to Raleigh three years to see a state museum closed for extensive re­ pairs, w ill be able after Monday to behold the .Bradley 800-gallon copper still, the bones of the eastern mastodon dug up many years ago, the frame of a great whale captured near Beaufort 51 years ago, and-sundry other stuff­ ed wondera which have been in hiding since the state atarted its agcicultuKi) tcmnle. y Tho distillery haa a hi.story as notable as that of the mastodon, whale, or any other t.hings of ani­ mate nature. This hurre institu­ tion, which operated with a worm that dieth not, a-fire that ia not onenfihed, was owhod 'by the Bradleys of Northampton. One of them has been sprviPfr in tho federal prison, another has been hunted by state and federal of­ ficers and a third ia dnnd after a 'Tiix-itn with federal Officer W. E. Woodfir. \ The still which th'> Tiradloys made famous and wh'Vh mn.qt have helped, to mako .them sub- .‘<tantiul citizens, is in the museum. Curator H ,’ H, Brim ley does not know how the public will react to this institution, but he is an Englishman and has tho courage of his emotions. Ho w ill try it out. And nobody who comes to Raleigh these days can say that he ever saw a bigger still, govern­ mental or blockade. They .have boon bigger ones, but them days aro gone forever. Thia distillorv, solid conpor, wna while becoming- more efficient. "Many people.gr6w up phyai-ithe above co.mmittees a,t' oally. but lhey are dwarfs when it ■August 17, i comes to cultivating their in te lle c t................... find the growth of thoir nsefiil- heaa. Ono, should possess' a stoi’e of knowledge that covora iis many things as ih humanly possible, tlie taw L’j.-..iimimi!iigiiiniiii(ai№»iniDia!iiiB9iieiiiimiiB:ira:i!:i -r gtili^. Í «||»в||||ш!№аш|1ш1аш1ашя1шшшш«ш1шв1№шш1ш1№га1п it was. M dqcided /or all to ipeet at Loxini.?- ton, N; C., from thore wo go by Groonsbpro, Hillsboro, .Durham, to Oxford. We w ill spend a short while at the Oxford Orphanage ran^e of knowledge should be wide niul'then go to the experiment and at, the same time should bo abcu'rnto. In learning of new things one should try to learn from, all angles and be able to grasp any question' that may a- rise; ., . "Some folks think in a groove. They have one stai^dard, and by that standard they settle every question, 'rhey aro never able to discuss current questions intelli- farm to spend the night. We will arrive there in time to.,,look over the expferiinent work and farm, Tiuirsday evening. Drive to Pet­ ersburg and Richmond, Friday in time to visit in and' around Petersburg and Richmond Friday ovoning, camp on the F air Ground at Richmond Friday night ond 'drive to \Vfishington, D. C. Satur­ day'cam p in Washington Sunday, t o y quainted with npW,-;ideas and new methods. ' „ "There is.'anothor class of peo- there, Friday drive to Roanoke, pie who take up every "ism” that'^*^» th‘i nightj Saturday drive comes along. This class .of peopio 1*° Blacksburg and spend the night is easily influenced, they are,'easi-'«nd Sunday, perhaps, Monday ly prejudiced, and their-lineVf,home T uesday.' ^ - thinking is easily rearranged be-'! K «'«» w ill know be- causii their knowledge ;is imper-'lfo*"® ju st where ho w ill feet. "During this great age we should seek to broaden oiir into be every night and his folks w ill know just how to reach him with a lettpr or telegram any day while rests,' There is a tendency to take '’P is «one there w ill bo no wor- things, as a grocer; There is much ‘'t home while you are away truth in the statement^T"Born a|«nd y «“ w ill have no worry about man; but died a grocer." Every- foljis at home. one admires a leader, a 'g e n iu s., Every day we hoar people t^lkjngj Tho necessary expense of the' trip need noi; be ovei- twenty dol- of W esley nnd Luther. They were,.where leaders and.the essence of their,provisiojis, as b'acon or ham greatness was . their ability to «n'i other provisions that will break bands of tradition. They had'i^^eop are taken from home. On visions and they followed their ^^our last year which covered^ A « • « ni • n Mconvictiona, ‘There ia such a thing as rich- over twelve hundred miles.wo had boys from 17 to men past 75 and ness anci, life. All that w e know i^oth w/ire welcpme, bst a special about Metliulielah is tjiat he lived ;invitatioh is extended to the yoing to be more than one hundred years ,o>i the farm s tp m ake'this old, und the only statement the • ■, Bible makes about him is “a^id hei l i you or your neighboy is in- died.” Drummer at 36 aaid, il™P-ni^ a line "Tired of the game,’’ but as a mat­ ter of fact he had scarcely tried the game. “Tiie individual,who lives a life so that I may send you other in­ formation about the trip before it comes time to start. Hope that you can go and I assure you filled'w ith inspiration and has a | that 1 will do a|l that I can to vision is the one that gets some-1.the trip ji/at as interesting whore, for this life Jeads to sup- « « ‘1 safe as is possible to get. fnifh Tf io Vp.rV J-.lMllv VAnva CENTER COMMUNITY FAIR orb faith. It is the growing life that does not bielieve in stopping. Don’t simply spread -out and stretch, but reach up. There are many I'oads that lead to the tomb, but wo should follow the highway. . We should be like a treo, growing «'»ler way to have one broader, deeper and higher. Tho|°f beat fairs ever held in the person who lives,th is kind of a county, at Center, September 30, life possesses sane jucjgement. IJe 1925. We hope everyone in the ""II« « in iw. Very truly youra. Goo. Evans, County Agent. be scared with new ideas,‘ with ..... , ,, evolution, with socialism, or with county. the yellow ' poril. He keeps his ' -------------,;. , ; brought to Raleigh on a special ground and does not ^sb n d IJS Y O ll« JOB WORK IP car. , go up in the air at the-lea?t little YOU WANT -:iO SAVE. MONEY Two Car Loads .»щцишиишкиш« I ; Ы a'¿at'4 Just Arrìved. $6.00 Per Ton, I Come And Get Yours NOW. Near Depot. iiiiiaiiiioiii FLORIDA EXCURSION .'VIA' ' *» • ' ^ ‘ J SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM ^ - , Thursday, August 27, 1925 / The Southern Railw ay System announces very low round trip fares to Jaclcsonville, Fla., and other southern Florida points'as shown below: ' ' " Round trip farcii from Mocksville, N. C. Jacksonville $17.00 Pablo Beach; St. Augustine 18.50 Daytona Sebring, 24,50 Ocala .■ ^ Avon Park ’ , ^4,50 . W, Palm Beach M iami. V 26.0^ ' W, Lake,W ales Orlando ' . ; 24'.00 "Tampa > ■ W inter Haven 24,00 M anatee . ■ St. Petersburg : ' 24,00. . Fort Myers, Moòre Haven :^4.00- ' Palniéttó ‘ , / Saràaota >: 24.00 Aub-irndale B arto w '. / . “24,00. . < л ' '' Tickets on-|S*aie for iill trains (except 37 and Ì8) T hurs-. day, August 27th, 1925. ■ , / ^ Final lim it of tickets to Jacksonville, Pablo'Beach, St. Augustine, Qci^la and Daytona, w ill bo seven days, and final lim it of tickets to all other destinations shown w ill be ten days. Tickets goocl in puljman sleeping cars .and parlor cars, and baggage w ill be checked. *■ A great opportunity to visit thè wonder State. For further information and pullman reservations call ■ ' on any Southern Railw ay agent or address: ' J. S. НАШЕ, ' , Ì H. GRAHAM, Ticket Agent ■ ' Division Passenger Agent , - Mocks-ville, N..C, = ;Cliarlptte,,N. ,C. $17.50 19.75 ' ■\19.75 24,50 . 24.Ö0 24.00 24.00 • 24.00., . 24.00 '. . 24.00 .................. ' , .. l- H K E N T B E P R IS E ^-AU T he 1л с а 1 N e w s .” O u r M o tto — The L a rg e s t F A U )- U 5I.:A 1)V A N C E C 1K O U L A T IO N o f A N Y P A P E R in D a v ie 0 )m íty i;‘ ‘ ¡ ’''. 'Г Э ' ' ..................... ' 'Г .J , TRUTH, HONESTY OF PURPOSE AND UNTIRING FIDELITY TO OUR COUNTY AND OUR FLAG IS OUR ALU AI^D PURPOSE ^■. ; '. * .-■■ .'- i ,* VOL. VIH 'MOCKSVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1025. : . , ' ; ':No. 41 fr '- 'Л ' m \ . Thousands Attend Goraerstone Laying Junior Orphans’ Home NA'riONAL ÒPFICERS LEAD IN CEREMONIES Nationiil Councilor W alters Charge of Program In STATE IS REPRESENTED Councilor Gantt Saya He Stands For Religious Freedom, Free Speech >TWAS RED LETTER DAY One of the Big Hits of the IJay Was the Orphans’. Band from the Nntiohnl Home at Tiffin, Ohio. Barbecue Winds up Day (By E. B.. Hunter.) Lexington, Auíií. 19.—Tho Juni­ or Order of United American Me­ chanics today laid the cornerstone to the administration building of the fraternity’s orplians’ homo, now under construction,, three miles south of here, and thereby wrote another glowing chapter to its brilliant history. 'Phe actuol placing of the beau­ tiful granite took place near the approach of evening following two hours of oratory in which the speaiiors lauded the fraternity for ita fin e , constructive work in the imtion, es))ccially its unsurpassed care in dealing with tho homeless child. . A Red Letter Day It waa a rod letter day in the (iiinuals of the fraternity. Tho na­ tional organi.'iution \vaS' well re- pi-e.sfintodj 'I’homas II. W alters, of Philadelphia, national councillor, being in charge of the ceremony. II was Mr. W altersw ho sealed tho stone,onto'the main ¿uilding. The, mortar wan handled w ith.a silver li'owol pi-oSented.for the/occasion by Lexington council No. 21; it will now be placed In tho archives ot the organization. Perhaps Davidson county never bclore had the opportunity of playing host to a more imposing aggregation of souls. In addition to the national olTlcera, thore wei-e Juniors hero from all com­ erá of tho atato, from JIurphy to Slantpo. The stato counbil is now in session at Winston-S\lem and a ma.iority of the delegates took tho afternoon off and came over lor the occasion. Some of tho chief loaders in Junior Order work in North Carolina wore in tha caravan that swept down on a sweltering crowd of over 4,000, persons at tho home. Tiffin Band Features Ono of the outstanding'features of tho program was tho student band from the Tiffin, 0., Juniors’ orphan home.- Theae boys. 35 strong, nine of whom aro from North Carolina, mado a tremen­ dous hit , with the crowd. Thoy cnrnjiosed easily the finest body ol youths' seen in Lexington for unnny, a. moon,' i If an.vono present wore in doubt ii.'i to the justification of an or- ph.-ins’ home he must have had «11 doubt removed when he saw Uiftno boys who were snatclied up hy the Juniors and placcd in a liomo whore they aro getting the cluince every ■ American boy and tiii'l is entitled to enjoy. l''ollo,winp: the laying of the cor- npi'iitone,%\ ok\ fashiono.d coun*-- >.v barbecue was spread beneath pines standing on the'’300-odd acrc.s donated’ by the Juniors of t''« stato to the national .body for ihn purnosG'; of building the se­ cond unit to' tho' Tiffin homo. Klan Oii Han« \ While Lexington hedockod'-it- in,gala:colors for the coming '’f tho. Junior^, tho ' 'nroiri’r>HKi'i'<> lilUn city tonight-is al.‘!0 'host i.o ''''ifitlior organization—the Ku 'l«y that Judge IIonry Graov, of Sunoricr court honch of the f'i.Uo, and putativo father of the in. th?-state, woiild ppoak in ^'^0 Loxingtoh- theatre. However, '‘hiioat.ovory dqjegate to tho state '■'’iinoil meeting roturhod to V^^in- ■"I on-Snlem to bo- present for to- , "inht’a conclave. 'i'ho spealcing took, placo on an »^M'l'oved'stand built under anci- enfc oaks that have grown up on what will be campus of the home. The oratois include men promin­ ent in Junior order work bcth in the nation and North Carolina. Josephus Daniels drove over from Raleigh to represent tho public at largn. The J. 0 . U. A. М., as the world knows, believes implicity in Old Glory. So naturally there hud to be a flag vi-aising, and it was a solemn, impressive hoisting. A flug polo, cut from the forest of tho plantation, toworaig 85 feet in the air, 'l as been erected on'the proposed campus. Flag Is Hoisted' ' The flag was elowly drawn atop' the pole by, John Raymond Mc­ Crary, small son pf Mr. and Mra. J. R, ]\IcCrary, and Mias Rachel Christine Sinlc, daughter of Mr. nnd Mra. Fred 0 . Sinlc., Yoijiig JIi^M cCrary represented Uncle Sam, while little Miss Sink served as Misa Columbia. ’ Tlio flower girls . were' little Miaaea Mao Veatul Leonard, daughter'of Mayor and Mra. Leonard, and Caroline Critcher, sm alf daught­ er of Mv. and Mrs. P. v;. Critcher. These four children live in Lex­ ington. ' : ' '•(■ ■Aa those striking youngsters carried on the .Tiffin band played the Star Spangled Banner. Then two largo American flags were shot l)y a contraption into tho air, When thtijo fl.ags asfjendod to г> great heighth, thoy unfolded and released hundreda ot miniature American i;!ags, literally shower­ ing the onlookers, Tho program commenced iWith J> T. Hoclricic, of Lexington, whci 'did con.4plcuous work in landing the_Jj(iijjo; for Davidson , county,, presiding. Rov. Odell Leonard) ol Lexingion',' spoke tho invoca- jtion, Mr. liedrlck then introduc­ ed M r..W alters, the national coun­ cilor. Mr. W alters spoke feeling of the fine roceptfon. the Juniors have received at tho hand of North Carolina, praising'especially the ideals of our peopio. Has No' Sccrets . ' Ono of the big things the natio­ nal chief said was that the Juni­ or Order has no secrets; its pro­ paganda ia printed und broadcast in order that everyone may know just whero the fraternity stands. He reviewed- trosoly the forma­ tion of the organization about thi'oe qu!)j>tora of u .century ago l)y H) men in Phiiadeljihia. .The spirit that dwelt w’ithin those 19 men today remains in every Juni­ or. The organization’s foromoat principlea are the advancement of of achools and tho maintenance of tho Holy Bible as the corner­ stone to the republic. He . said the Juniors believe in bringing the flag into its ccromoniea be- cau so jt ia a valuable aid in in­ stilling patriotism into tho hearts of children. Mr. W alters .very improsaivoly told of the-fraternity’s decision to provide homes for tlie children of decoa.sod members. Once the Tif­ fin homo—the first and only one authorized until Lexington won out—wna osta\)lished the nuthori-' ties commoncod 'to build charactr or in the boys and girls admitted to tho institution’s oortals. Since its organization, it has sent hund­ reds of »boys and .girls into the world.to take their rightful places in society. At present there are 1,020 children in Tiffin, ranging from: two months up to 18 year" of fige. Thirt,v-.five hundred liave been educated iu'the homo. Mr. W alters admitted that he is glad that the vision of North Caro­ lina Juniors is now heing put int', brick and niqrtar. He related how the Tar Heel Juniors - fought in- cossantly for a branch of the Tif­ fin establishment. At first there was opposition, but onco the Caro-^ linians got into action all . barri- cadea were beaten down—today the first building is nearing com­ pletion; When the unit is round­ ed into full being it will -accpm- modatc 1,000 children. , - The: .speaker congratulated North Carolina ou landing tho (Continued on page ,2) : As Bryan Was The Leader of The Fundamenta­ list Forces At The Scopes Trial, So Was Clar­ ence Darrow The Spokesman of The Evolution­ ists. Cut Out The Store of Creation And We Have No New Testament. á.l'íi Mocksville■ Schools Will О й ^ г''"’I The evolutioii'lsts are, putting on a fine pretense of haying fal­ len out with Clarence Dhrrow, because they say he muddled things in conducting the Dayton trial of Prof., Scopes, but the jfact is Clar­ ence let the cat out of the'w ailet and showed his real coloring, which, of all things, was just what they'didn’t want at that time. In like manner the wolf always snarls at whoever strips him of the lamb’s skin, and shows him up' in hia savage ferocity. So would Satan have fallen out with tiny one who might havo striped him of the snake skin and revealed to the wavering Eve the real devil in all his hideous corrupt'punning. The creation is u child’is Santa Claus story," miracles are the soul-of superstition, Jesus Christ only,a good Jew ,‘and in fact, the Holy Bible as a whole, i.s only a good piece of literature, yet evolution thoy say, dooan’t conflict with the Bibbe. story of creation. ' ■ Cut out tiio atory of creation and we have no "Fall of Man.’’ Cut out the miracles and we have no faith in apything unseen. Cut out the divinity of .Christ and we have the whole plan desecrated that it’s death is assured. Well the devil knpws-pretty well what hurts and w h at doesn’t, but if .we doubt he will ever be liblo to havo .tho old book made over to suit his owii purpose. The fine cry for constitutional liberty is tVi^'most flim sy ex­ cuse of all others. T hey'talk of "Poor, ’ ignorant, superstitious, priest-ridden South, rave over "frepdom pf thought,’! howl: religioua oppression, but it all seemingly defends on whose oX ia goretU To tax a m ajority and fo rce-itto patronize a school:that teachoX the reverse of whaf*that m ajority beljcvos, might be a finoisam ple.of conatitutional liberty for the sm|ll minority, but if Satan wants' revelry in thi.S' countr,y/lie is going to'find himself paying his own bills. No oneya objoctlvo' to any one huvlng froo thought. Let who­ ever will, think what ho w ill; but therA is a difference between h-ee thought and free-action. If' evolutitin must bo taught in the public schools and the people forced to pend their’ children and to. pay tho billa, then whore is our free thought? , ^ Think what you like Mr. Evolutioniat, hut don’t try s'lipjiiiig your thought into the minds of the' children of this country,, and forcing -the fiaronts to stand by helpless.' Sopio one Tins, made the statement that there nre a, lot of Christiana in this country .who do not believe in a literal interpretation of tho Bible, which we dispute since whoever they may bo, we v.’ish to say they have not yot learned tho first letter of vhe niouninjrot Chriatianity. '' Monday Morning, Sept<embier 7 — " , ' '“I'........V ' ^ ''r.-lv-'.-V Splendid Corps of Teachers Have Been Selected. Everj--^ thing Points To A Very^ Successf ul Year. All Pupils Are Urged To Enter On tlie First Day At 8:45. Total JReceipt^ aii^: Disbursements ' of 47th Annual : Masonic PlcniciMocksville ■ ' Receipts. West Gate .................. East Gate ............ Dinner ................I................ Merry-Go-Round Fisk Shows, etc., ........... Mrs. T. B. Bailey .....i....... Mr8. :S / 0 . Rich Mrs. Ji, C, Meroney/,,.,.., Miss Kathryn Hanes-.,.... Hams ...................................... R^freahmenfc Stand ......... Rent of- Groundq^.,.. 760.80 115.61 724.65 276.80 129.90 15.00 , 10,00 2.00 25.00 13.40 1,408.80 40.00 Л . \ Total ........................$3,521.96 ' , ', , Di.gbursementsY, • Davio Record ......................$ 5.00 Mocksvillo Enterprise .... ' 3.20 Win^on Seminal ............. 22.40 Mox. Hdw. Co..................... 20.’/2 Biu'tiecue .............................. 11,40 Labor '.................., 9.00 Band .1.....................’............................................................... 85.00 Cash for Change ............ 50,(00 E.^ponao, Rofroshinont S. 510.00 D.>H.: H endrix'& Son 8.80 Labbr ..................................... I 54,18 Ballanco . , . 2,741.60 iTotal -o - .$ 3,521.90 FAHÄlING'jl’ON NEWS If fundamentalism is a thing right to be taught privatolyi but must bo jealously barred from tho stato, and especially from the ])ublic schools, then why are wo'to turn the state and tho sohoola( over to pagans,nnd allow them to shape'>tho futuro citizenship. Per­ haps a better working knowledge of the golden rule would help. ' Bryap, the modern Moaea haa'paaaed on to his'reward^ but like Samson ho slow moie v/ith liis death than he had in all hia lifetime. Ten thousa^id champions of Christianity w ill rise up in his stead. As Clarence Darrow lost out in the Scopes trial, so will ho and all oïhers lose, who f'i\i-get God. Our Bible has boon here too long. It is too full of .'truth to bo discarded at this late, day. It has stood every test and will stand every ono yet to come. It is tho inspired word of God and whoever daros put his strength against it, i.'îi.i liciijc only for defeat, and'disaster, . , DON’T PLAY HUNCHES IN SELLING PIGS I Raleigh, Aug. 26.—-Once upon a time, a certain man in North Carolina owned 80 pigs which averaged 28 pounds. Ho put them on a self feeder, and about iive weeks later killed one' which weighed 85 pounds. This left 29 pigs in tho lot. Seventy ilays from tho time they weighed 2(3 pounds each, because' he either "needed the, money" or "had 'a hunch”' that it was a: good time, to soli, and contrary too of the ropouted rocommendationa from the office of Swine Exten­ sion at Stato College, Ihe sojd' tho 29 pigs at an average weight of 98 1-3 pounds for,S11.00 per 100 pounda live w eight*.T his ■’ waa done when: the aniihuls were of tho right si-'io to make profitable gains and when tho price w as-ris­ ing. , The feed cost whs $7.23 per 100 pounds gain; hjs profit over feed cost; on the entire lot during the seventy day period, was $78.87.'■ "But had tiña man continued his pigs on feed for another ,70 days, at a feed costxjf .?8.23 per 100 pounds gain,, he could have"BPld them - for $13.25 per.- hundred.V' says W. W. Shay, Swine 'Extent sion specialiat. "This'.was actu­ ally done by a farm er in an ad- the owner could have added 2000 pounds in weight to tho lot and his ..profit over feed cost woald have been .$202,37 ■ ; instead - of $78,87, an increase of $183,50 dur­ ing the aecond 70 day period." - : Mr. Shay states that ns a guide to the realization of maximum profits from :foeding and market­ ing hogs, existing conditions aro more reliable than a "hunch,” and tho man wh'b sacrifices future profits for Immediato cash, fre­ quently makes a real sacrifice and then blames the. hog. ' ' STROUDS NEWS Tho revival meeting v.'ill begin here at thi,M ethodist'church next jundny morning at 11, o’clock, .4ar'vlco4 at' night abjo. iiihrW JW fi* is expected to bp here for tjnj services on i-Sunday' and 'during tho mooting. Every ono is cordi- allv invited-to bewil'.h ua and hnin in th work, Wo'oxtond ,-» special invitation to the pasvor and топь bers of the Uaptist chureii. Rev. C. . M. McKinney 1s at Smith Grqvo this week in the re­ vival. • ,■ Mrs. E. C. James reached home Thursday of last week and is hblo to be up, wo are so .glad to,know sho, is, improving, and hoiio sl^o may soon be strong nigain^ ' - Mr. W illiam Smith, Jr„i;;')f I-Iors« hoe, ia spending a while with his sister, Mrs, C,- M, MnKi.nii'"', Mr, Flowers and'daughters, of Ti’reemont, are visiting M^-s, Leo F. Brock, daughter of Mr. Flow­ er,ч^, ' /'■ Miss Cornelia Taylor Is at homo after having had her tonsils^ ro-. moved at the Baotist hoap'ttal, ,)Vlnaton-Salom, hope aho may soon be entirely well. / _ Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Ward, Mr.' and Mrs. E..P, W alker ,<md child­ ren met at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Jam es on last Sunday' and celebrated Mr. I Wards 76th birthday, dinner was spread in the yard and each one? en.joyod the occasion. We hope to spend many; more happy birthdays with him.- Mrs. Thomaa Swing is visiting' her parents, M r,'and: Mrs, W. F. Walker. ' , Miss Nell Johnson has returned from a visit w ith .relatives and fi lends in |Winston-Salom. ' -------i-,——O'—- -T-T-TT-— . t-' DISCOUNT ON FURINTURE A'l! C. C. SANFORD SONS' CO. ! The Mocksvillo School will open i Monday morning, Sept. 7, at 8 :45 * o’clock. A splendid corps' of teachers has been selected, and • the outlook for the year is'v ery promising. All pupils are,urged to enter on iho first day and to come ‘prepared for n full day's - work., • j : iArrnngement has been mndo' for pupils who wish ,to taker both . ; . , Latin and Homo Economics o rt'" '“ Aaiiculturo to do so, This has done in order lo give more lional trulninij^ Any ' liigh^^ |1 pupil in the. county; may • school here without paying,Vf'vi provided thoy take Hoimp,;S*;i (hies or Agriculture.: Th<irej£tii iliiumber of districts - in ¡■ithat do , not : have .; hi^|y|\ s;’' The pupils from thestj’ districts, who have finisiicd th o "., seventh grade aro especially in­ vited to attend our scho'bl. . Pupils who wish, to discuss y . ¿heir work for the year w ill pleaso ' t meet tljfeVuiinciiiai at the school'j i.v building Friday aftoinoon, Sept. 4th.,i at, 2 o’clock. / ' Chlldi;oh, in tho first, through | the; fifth^ grades will uasembl6 at ' tiic graded school building bn thq ,, first day, and all othip-s ,wlll go s lo the high school building. ^ Let us nil Avork together ^ njid ': try to make this',the best year in , the liistorv of 1 tho’ • Mocicsvlllo school! I 'i 'è 'i ì I ■« «;Г З.М.*5 (fC ‘ ■a y , . , 1ov!; jiMjiejSMIf i'F S I w | M É f '-----------r r r Î T - ; fi ' MOÜK’S CHURCH “NEWS ' .w rm leoplo IWICQS n)»' 'vk ' '(■[ A: . number, ;of iou.r..ip,eoplo tended ; the’- ,revivi\l." ser Bethlehem, Sunday; , Mrs.'-.J. T. 'Phelpo is spending'.;', sometime with her daughtnr, Mrs., Earl Myer,4, near Fork Church, >, Mr, and Mra, L, B, Mock ro -'' turned homo last Friday from Doone. Mrs. 0. F. Гопоа nnd children ppont tho wook end with ’ Mrs. Al|)crt Folds, of Winaion-Salem, Mr. !\nd Mrs. Clay Wolf, oi* ' Winston-Salom spent,Sunday oft-.'' ' ■ er noon with Mis. J. 11. Hilton. , h| ,' Mias Chioe Jones is vjaiting ro- lativos in Winston-Salom this i week. , С Mr. and Mrs.' Bryan Jones, of ', Winston.Siili'm, npont P,undny wltli Mr. J. T. Phelps. • ' Mil I. II. Mock is worse, so rry' to note. i ■ Mrs. W, 'J. Jones is some 'Worse at thia writing, sorry to note, Mr, and Mrs, John Allon, ■ of^ Fork Church spent one day last" wook with homo folks, Mr, and Mrs, T, S. Mock, also Mr, and Mrs, W, T, Mock, of Ad- vnnco, spent Sunday-" aiternoon'. with'home folks, ' ' ' Mrs.-John-/Mockj of Thomasvillo spent a, short time .last.vveek-witb' Mrs. I, II. Mock, ' ' ------------------^ ' X CALAHALN I^EWS Mrs, 'da- Jcjnos and children, sjjcnt Fi'iday night with JI'.-i,,' Alicp Peacofh, Mrs. Della Campbell and daugh­ ter, ]'*aulinc, spent Friday wUh Mias Laura Campbell, ' , 'Miss ',Luc-y, Click fjpont !:h(i'pact week with Miss Beulah ,Peai:otk. ^ Misses; Beulah Peacock, Ruby and .IIarvio rUn-aey took ' a, plea­ sure trip to Yadkin, Sunday.; Messrs. G. W. Felker nnd Willi PeacflCK -and fam ilies attendod the birthday: dinner at Rev. Stanley M ay’s, Sunday,, ' \ Tho-fall of the year nieans-new furniture, and, realizing \thia,- C, C .Santord Sona Cp.i aro^fferiug you the advantage of 10. ]!)er'cent Mr. uiid Mrs. JJuko Ijames and Mrs, Ija'mes’ niothor,. Slr.'j. MaA'y E. ,Boach, of Sali.sbur,v, spent Sun- ’ day with Mrs, Bosch’s aiator, Mis!^. Cary Anderson,' ^ I ‘Mr, and ¡\Ii-s, R, D. Peeler,'of the Twin City, spent Sunday Vvith, Mrs. Peeler’s parents, Mr. ' and > Mrs. N. T. Anderson. ■. 'î Carl, the lit'tlo son of Mr." find ' ì'ìì reduction on their oniire stock of ¡M rs. AV, 0, Murphy, who has besn-,'v', ¡■'у.Й'’ ; lf.ow aero yields ' are -tO '-be ox- poctod thrcughout' tiip . State this year according to agrictilturai' .wpri?ers of State College,:: Dr'outlr. in somo, of, the best counties iS' joining county, ' By; doi;ig; this ro,^ponsibl'3 for this condition..' furnitui’e, ranges and stoves dur­ ing. tho month of: Septemtier. Read (heii- ad in this issue and call on them and get your supply- at this: reduction in: price and you iwill save quite a.b it in the purchase price of your supplies. : . ; .' -------;--------«----------------- W hile the county agont does not use;;the siimo ¡methods: practised in the class room, he. is a teach­ er- and of great value when used by adultrfarm ers says Director I. O/Schaub of St.-ito, College. Remember, nlwu.vs come to, tlie .-o r, li- " ^ '''-'щ ч right sick is improvi,ng, wo aro glad lo note.' Mr, W. N. Anderson, aj^d fumi ly, spent Sunday in W inston-Sal-' , '.I'i iii'/«. em. . ; C iffir Mr. and Mrs. F. M. AValker-of' t i High Point, ajient tlio week end;,i with i\Irs. W alkers’ parents,, IMr, and I\lrs. F. S.,Ijam es. , '-’i ' Mr. Tommie Anderson-and 8isj:-'''"i or, Mra, C L. Anderson, bf Wins- lent Mondey'ton-Salom spent 'their mother, Mrs. Annie E.,_ Anderson. ' ' Mr. Eaton liamea, who hojds aKeniember, alwu.vs come 10 tne , . , ,, w printing office fii-ht when in need position in High Ponic, spent'iho^^ ■ i-j.}.'■\f n f L-ln.l iif. „i.iiifiiin. woolf fit. homo. . : *. .. - Ш т. 'it ' ' Dining county, By doi;ig thia roaponbibli for this condition. ' of any kind of printing. week end fit homo. 'itV' - 1 ^ . ' ' '' 7^* , l /■<* „ '' CijffW •■'(■í* K^v ■s!*C И,Л;)У V'f''^ ^т;''™тî^p/д■'^т■]fpí^ -^ ^ * '4 . <1 1 '* ^4mi ^ '‘ ’ í'^ laiÄ sifi '■ r 1 J- >1 Ì1 I» i'‘ W.¡>r ^ ',';«^ '^ ;;n '^ v ’ , if" *-p' / M, „ . .,Л ;> . », f i ' Ç Pngo 2 THE MOCKSVILLE BNTEKPRISB li?' I THOUSANDS ATTEND COUNEK STÖNE LAYING JUNIOR OK- PHAS’ HOME I/ I' fÍA. u r ,'. tfVi ' •' *Vi'i" ' fc' ! I ’ Ia’ ‘ i S " 5 f e ; “ T h is W o u d c riu l S ted iicin e M a d e L iie W o r tii L iv ­ in g F o r M é ,’^ D e(;Iai’es Jo h n L . RoE Tíinger. a fact.’i isáiil 'SÍiv HbminB^^^ “I'vo been tntdiiB'ell klhda of niccK' ■ icin'Js for ton '01' fi£to':ii years try- inji.to feet I'sllfeC, but I riuvei- nifet Avith anythinji Init disnnnointment. ,Now ..three ibotllos of ICarnak has niada a WeiVuiaii il rii3. tho il onthasirtitic state­ment of 'John L. Romir.ffor, R.' P. ! D. No.- G,' Win’aton'rSaleni; N. G.*, in his imquulified ' iniioráümont of Kam alc. , ’ > “My troublo,Gccmod to bo in my stomach. I always iolt drowsy; like I: was in a stupor, for two ov; throo hours after my hitáis.' Í Ava’á . depressed all tile time ht\d tho lijast little exertion would; cause Aiie tb • get so^ired I; ■would ache all ovois especially in my legs, Í . “I was troubled with constipai tion, too, and just felt so miserablq (lifit notliint? (joomed worth while, I began tojiobv so mup.h about this^ Karnak that I decided to try-it and SGe if iti WouUl help mo. W ellrii you ciill iputtinfr mo back to ieeU iiifi? I ike a real m nri ac'ain and over- cpminfT'airth&t ¿h'owsy, stupid fRnl- i;iff-aiid filling'mo'full of now life am(, cncri5y doing,, me any good, then: Karnck'Guro did it., "Yes, ?ir, Karnak liaa made life w6rtli living I’or m6^ airnin. It’s ovi-rcome nH ; ;my . constipation. I am jusfc-oa.ïceular, cSfi;lockv.rörk, and I nev'er cicem to 'gfct liircd. Wiio'i I CAt I enjoy my rood\ind fool like a ru.il person Jaftorw.irds’’ '■ and iiofc’ like a half man as I ? used tû. I „ "You can’tvtell me. If Karnak- ‘ w iir do that for inoi it is surely í the medicine for everybody.” ; , Knrnñk In Bold In Mockevillo oxcluHlvely by ., H^rrlp-L^OrntKl PiuirmHcyj nMd by nil |<>i«r|{ntr ' (IrugKÍHt in ovory towii. Ш ,r i m ' : . 6 ^' j, ■ Pv'' ^».t ' DA>4E-F0BSYTH COUNTIES COW TESTING ASSOCIATION A cow testing rissociatlon was ■ organiat-.d . jointly between Davio and' Forsyth counities this spring ami 7 .of our dairymen joined this association ahd employed a man to work jointly Jn the two counties. Ml'. .1. It. JimerK lil is employt d full time in the two counties and travels from one members :favm to another testing tlie m iilt-given , .by the cows V , tAc different! meip- Ьогй, Mr. Jiiriel'son spends 9-day^ ill J, Davio county; the ronir.iiider in Forsyth. ' ' Tho reason for this work .is > to detennino; whichi cows are:; profi-' tablo and the^'ones 'th at-are not. ^ A rpcord isikopt;of the amount of 'feed: consumed; and. .■'pounds, of mjlk i3roduced, also > am9'unt of Д butter fat, Wo w ill publish every month, i.'tho, name, of cow and owner pro­ ducing fVcr 40 pourds of blittov f a t .' - '\ Last month tho 3 cows at th County Homo Farm were thq only ones that went ov,o“r ‘40 pounds'of butter'riat;,:' This niouth the following cowa w'^'ni over 40 pounds! ■': ', ,, Twin Brook F.irni, Likeness of Gqornsey Home Farm, Guernsey, 80C lbs., milk, 43 lbs,, butter fat. Twin Brook , F arm ,: Mashes of Guernsey Home Farm, Guerrisey, 939 lbs,, milk, 47 lbs., blitter fat. Twin Brook, Farm ' No. 9G, Guernsey, 9?9 ■ lbs., inilk, 48.,lbs., butter fat, I ■ v '.'i . Twin Brpok^Farm, 'Jersey, 818 lbs,, inilk, 4 2'lbs,, blitter fat, : r ;13avie County , • Honie Banner Jersey, 697 lbs,, milk, *14 lbs., but­ ter fat.^ ! . , -----------------■ . (Continued from page 1) home, becalise the boy.s and girls who leave its doora will go out in­ to the w orld-singing the praises of tiie,state, Lu.\lngton especial- ly. ' , V'.'-' ' ^ Diiniols Aslts Question. - ; Mr. Daniels, si^arted,his.address nan, also' laiided for her: kitidncaa -o uie -I,pOO-oi'phanS,-ioiiov.-od h er husband to'the stand. . . , Tim; nine North Carolina boys in tho band were introduced, as was the mother of'dne, Mr«. Char­ les iíoselló. Mrs.' lloaeiio pi'obab- iyriiadp tho moat efi'octlve speech of the day. She verily sung the praises of. the Tiffin homo, de­ clarin g;; ‘‘If you knew \yhat I do about the honio every one of you Thu,.d.,, Aum .t27.i.„ ■ iTHE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE by askin.g.; the .question: ‘‘Is, the 4\’ould bo Juniors from your head world -growing worse He cit^d. to your" feet,’! : "The youiig врп figure's ;;indíciiting that,Й | l;hon spoke thooo words : "It is youths vtoda'ÿ'aro in court thai: ,unÿ time im thç history òf thea republic, I Olio i:6asoii for,:this al- iirming increase is; there .are hiol'o opportunities given the' .youth to, swerve from the path of righteou.'i-i' noas. Thou again^the Ten'Coni-i mapdmenta havo been changed to read ‘.'parents.obey your childrert." Ho 'said there, must be more dis­ cipline; influences that are hann- ,£ul to tho''i;outh must be vsterii- mod. The news'pa permen .said' he' believes 'in the' qlcl'age tliat child w ill :go, 'right' if the parents, w ill give it the proper training. He had very llttlh dri.ticism for th^ ¿hild- ron, ‘b u t,ho-,did 'admdhish '.the pa­ rents to ;a; -very, great extent,- ' ,,'M r, i)aniels told how yeal'S ago ilj was. hard to/ got_.taxed -for and tiib bi'otherhood of ,man ' bpneficiftl- in-^ '• Mr, Gantt s^ted^'that a com the best; homo, in the world,” Jnnîes i',’ Wilmbuth; national aecretaryj '.Iqsepii ': Dj . TuiiiBOii, past natibniii counciloi^;. and Dr, Charlea E,‘’‘BVe\ve'r,-;^^,P of Alerodith collogo, Riiloigh, wore introduced and ‘ spoke . brief ly, GiinU Is Heard R. M, Ganttj; of liurham , stato councilor, ,w'as ,amphii_ the iast'to spe.uk, ^-Ip çàid ; he' Wasn’t present today .so i much.,f or ‘ thè? làyijijï' of tho 'cornei'stone 'as ;tb. :rodddicat him self vto'.his pledge, of setwice. No greatei-' woijc could ibe rencler .cd, tiR/saiVI,, than: tii'er molding of flhrir.ncttW:that:.\v’iIl enable^cit en.s to grasp a high ideal. Ni civilisation .will aiirvivp that does n'i haVo, th e : Fatherhood of God atitutiona. . It waa tho untiring work of tho Junior Order that mad6 it poDaible to a large extent in putting tho school system a- croas. ^He concluded his address with' the statement that he hopes to live to see the day when there will be no orphans in the state without a home, , Omer C, Stubbs, of Covington, Ky., member of the‘board of trus­ tees of Ihp Tif:Ein homo, said he vcit.ed with North, Carolina in her fight for, the; ,home ¡ ho cast his I‘hope all dairymen in.the conn- yòtii Svhóii. pradtically every, mtìm- ty .Will keep in touch with the .'bcr preseni.froni iils state opposed hei'ds that arc on test, .they are the issue.': ,He said he is glad to- as follows: Twin Brook Farm s,l.day that he did/not'falter. In hia MockSjVille, N. C.; ' Rynqlds ;'Ly-j Convictl.on that .North Carolina is brook-'Parma, Advance, ,’R.i;,M. ’’ " • ' - J .; Hbndrlcks, Cana,:R. F.: D .;"0, R. Allen;, Mocksvilio, R. 2; ¡L, L. MilloiV Mocksvillo/ R; 2; 'W, 'VV. -West,' Mocksvillo, R, 2 ; A,:'h.,.Mc­ Mahan, Mocksville R. 2.' GEO,','EVANS' ' capable of. caring for the hpme. Praises Kernan Mr, .Stubbä informed hia hear­ ers. of ,4he greitt aervice чС, H. m unity.m iiy be', judged by ita hoa pitiila, orphanages and aaylum s, he followed iwith "and we are not ashamed to'.havo our visitors hei'e today.” S ' : Iri this'age of jazz and gas; Mr. Gantt said the orphanage niay yet b e; the .Salvation of' the nation. The. speaker forcefully piit him­ self on record as being in favor of religious freedom ,'free speech and freedoiT) of the,prosaj. in oth­ er worda.hp favors a broad inter­ pretation 'o f the .^vord freedom. Spruill Ends It • ■ : J; F, Spruill, ' of Lexington, brought tho’speaking to a cloae by royiewihg ,iho work of his council. Wii-h a 'Tnembdrahip, of 874, Loxj Ington council: No. 21 is tho third laVgeat. in 'th e-state.. When ithe drive was'; on;,to bring the home to_,Lexington, the, local • council tori Tiffin homo,^ia, doing. He is.the vyorkflnd ctyivasabd .‘p22,000 bring- ing: lihoir'total : up to ¡¡!МО.ООО, 'Mr, Spruill tbld'tho national of- Changes in Bodies and' Gliassis Added Beauty and Utility Closed Cars in Color - •STo Increase io Prices All-steel bodies on Tudor Sedan, Coupe and open cars. Bodies and chassis .both lowered. Larger, more attractive fenders, affording greater protection. New ini- proved transrnission and rear axle brakes on all types. One-piece ventilat­ ing windshield on closed cars; double ventilating type on open cars. Curtains opening with all doors on Touring car and Runabout. Closed cars in colors, with upholstery of finer quality'to har­ monize; and nickeled radiator shells. Many other refinements now add to the beauty and quality of these cars. See your nearest Authorized Ford Deal­ er today for complete details. » ^ ! DETROIT, MICH. ficors that tii.ey had given Lex­ ington a new biinnbr oi; work in the form of i,hq ho^o,, :-'Wo ac- copt it," ho Hqid; adding " and wo nhall not only? bring :' matorial I'ei’o. :WQ shal 1>',bring a vheavt.ifull .of lovp, for these boys andi,girla,Vi:We'accept tho banner, wo' sh'all caiTy on,*’ " ' . • The crowd of aeveral thbuaand then' mo^ved hurriedly to whei'o Mr, 'Wa^H^ officially laid tho corncratone. Ho wfis aaaistod by tho nattiomil board, of officera, the state ,board and local memb­ ers, A list of the committees that worked to bring thb home to Lex­ ington were placed in tho stone as was a list of tho contributors to money i'aised to swing the deal. , As the hot, sultry, sun was ra­ pidly disappearing, the mammoth crowd made its way'into tho pino foresi: where a'sum ptuous barbe­ cue was enjoyed. ■ It’ Vr'aa a groat day; Lexington acquitted, herself in style, : Many farm folks of North Caro­ lina-got their firat glimpse pf the moyioa when a county agent of State College brings his outfit'in tho neighborhood. SUWANNEE COUNTY, FLORIDA FACTS ARB VALUABLE Bright Leaf Tobacco grown by W, .H, Ijyle; in Suvyannee County, Florida, -auctioned off at Aiiiarico Warehouse, Valdos:- ta, Ga,, brought" !p36,75 por hundred. Approxiijiately ,15 cents per .pound higher than any other tobacco on tho floor. •Wonderful opportunities for the homespel&r and farm er. Also excellent Poultry and Live Stock country. Cotton, Corn, .Si^tauma Oranges, Grapes, Pe­ cans, Potatoes, W ater Melons, Vegetablee are very prolific. Moat charining climate in the world. Unexcelled living con­ ditions. Splendid railroad faci- 'itios, ■ . Farms and acreage at reaso­ nable prices, A comfortable in­ come assured. Cash for j'our products. In ,the'Land of the famous : “Suwannee River.” Contentment And happiness re­ ign hero,. Illustrated litera- , ture sent free, ; W rite to I. J. WILLIAMS of Commerce Live Oak, Florida ТНБ SOUTHERN SHRVE^ THE SOUTH ; ( As the South grows the Southern must ace Freig.ht traffic on the Squthem R ail-. •Way. System has nearly doubled in ;-ten,„years.";/ W ith tile South growing’ at ita. pres­ ent irate,' traffic: a; few years ■will beSdbuble whkt it nb'w is. M any millions of dbllars of new capital wili have to be found for increasihg the capacity of tracks, yards/ terminals and shops, and the purchase' of cars and engih'2S. ' ' This needed ne;w capital will be at- tract|sd to the Southern if the profits from its operation are maintained at a level to establish a broad marliet for its s e c u ritie s .> />. S O и T H E.R N R A I L\V A Y : S Y S T В M 1гшш»АП1'э«:Г|аУ№.шпаг«гпп^юшк .тегтгг в i FLORIDA' EXCURSION VIA I. SOUTIIBRN RAILWAY SYSTEM I Thursday/ Auguat 27, 1Э2й ' Thé .Southern Riiihvay System announces very low round trip fares to iTnck8on'vlllo,';Fla„i and qthpr’southern Florida points as-Dhowh; below :v : V ■ Round.trip fares from Mocltsvllle, N. C.'- Jackoonvillo if 17.00 Pablo Beach , $17,00 St, Auguatino ■ " ! 18,60, Daytona i , 19,75 Sebring ' , -.24,60 Ocala , ,19.75 Avon Рцгк ' 24.60 . ' W. Palm Beach 24.50 Miami ’ 20,00 " W . Lake ,Waloa 24.00 Orlando, , , ' 24.00 Tampa ■ ^ 24,00 W inter Haven 24,Q0 г ' ;M anateo, ' 24.00 St,' Poterabiirg 24,00: ■ ' Fort Myers 24,00 Moore Haven ' 24.00 ' Palnictto 24.00\ Sarasota — ,24.00 ' Aub’irndfile . : 24.00 Bartov' -■ - 1 ' 24,00 . Tickets on sale for all trains (except ?7 and 38) Thurs­ day, August 27th, 1925, Final lim it of ticketo to Jacksqnvillo, PabÎo Beach, St. Augnatine,' Ocala arid Daytona, w ill be aeven days, and final lim it of tickets to all other deatiriationa .ahowh w ill be ten days.' :’ . Tickets good in pullman sleeping cars and parlor cars, and baggage,w ill be,checked. ■ A great opportunity t^ Visit the wqnder State. - , For further information and ;pullman'rese.vvatlons call on any Southern Railw ay agent or address; J, S. НАШЕ, ' • R. H, ,GRA'h AM, Ticket Agent Division Passenger Agent Mocksville, N. C. Charlotte, N, C. аншпшншштгашт mima FORTUNE IN PRIZES OFFER- ED BY STATE FAIR Raleigh, Aug, 26,—Offering a total of .$32,316 in prizes to suc­ cessful competitors, the official premium list of the North Caro­ lina State Fair to bo held in Ra­ leigh on October 12 has been re­ ceived from the printer,; and Is now being distributed ' by the manager, E, V. Walborn. W ith’ t.he exception of $7,200 offered jn the races arid .$600 offered in the fine arts department nearly all of this Sum goes for agricultural producta. There are twenty de­ partments of the fair„eiich head­ ed by à member of the Boai’d of Directora apppinted under the law paaaod by the last General As­ sembly which, njiido 'the . faii'-a public in,stitutlon' iargely. con- troliod by -the. State , Col¡'Qge; of Agriculture, ' Nearly, all of the .departments have a member of tho faculty of tho Colljpgo : in actual charge as superirittìndont, : ; v : ¡-. The preni|um lis t , shpws . that class free acts put on at tlu' nice track each afternoon and iiiiiM. An. excellent racing program lins been secured with 'some ol' H'“ ilneat trotting and pacing tl'of' oug^hbroda in North Carolina en­ tered .'A n enlarged horse .show, is alab expected to bring many lov­ ers of good horae flesh to Ra'ioipii this fall. As was the 'case laat year, priz- es' of .$B00, $400,, $,300 and ?200 are offeited .for, the beat county diaplays. These, prizes go 0» down to $60 for tenth place. Tlio I best livo-at-homo, farm displW' \yill win $250, ■with socond .| bringing .$176 and so on down to $25 for sixth place, Conimn''*^''' displays w ill win at the sànie rato as the individuar farms and ac-.; cording to Mr, Wijilborn should tract considerable interiest, ■ I . Mri .Woibbrn states,^ that .|j ia already in'uch ' intei’eat. ■ alinwi' ::| in^tho falr this ypai and that exhibitors are :■ wrliinaf ¡in to servo space. - - --- --- ---------SEND US YQUR^ JiW:WORK IK| T— J thoro \vill be a 'number , of high «‘BASKET CONTRIBUTOTiS” Again the: hand ’ of ,timo has; litriied a page o f. histoi'y and the ¿7th Annual Picriic Is a matter of, jpcord. 'It, is indeeil most gratlfy- jii({ that again all previous re.^ r ords haVe been brokeriV aiicl: this picnic' was t the moat'; successful ct held. This waa mado pbiSBible pnlii'oiy through the Untiring cf-, iort.'i of ,the;good ladieit'of thiR and adjoining commUriitiea,; who, j.jive so libes'iilly of thoir time arid substance,’.'that an even , larger check can be aont to Oxford Or- piuuiage: ’ '. - : , ,r Wo take great pleasure in, liat- . ing below the namea of those ladi­ es recorded aa /'Baaket Contribu­ tors,” ^ ' ' ' If thru error any names have' been ommitted, this paper, wiiV gladly rectify, the mistake if it Is called to our atteni;lon, Alliaon, Mrs, *Jack, Angell, Mrs, W, Brady. ,Angell, Mra, J. Tilderi, . Anderaon, Mrs, W iley. Anderson. Mrs. Z, N, Allen, Miaa Mattie, Binkley, Mra, Sam F. Binkley, Mra. Bottle. • Bcnaon, Mrs, Chaa. Benaori; Mra, Kim, , ' Bi^ikley, Mra, Robt, L. ' , Boaaentl Mra. Russell, ' Brown, Mrs. Percy. ' ^ Bowen, Mi'S, B, M,, Salisbury. , Byeriy, Mias Vick, ■ Bahnsdn,' M rs,'F, H, Boob; M iss Ruth. , i Craven, iWrs. C, C, ______ Campbeil, Mi’^, J,'. p, Cartner, Mrs. Pearl. Cooper, Mrs. Charlea T. Clom- niona. .. Cartner, Mrs, John W. , Chaffin, Mra, J. A., Jennings. Couch, Mrs, T, E., jenninga. Crump, Mra. S, B, Current, Mrs. W, R,, Cleveland. Current, Mrs. R, C,, Cleveland. Clement, MrSj, Clegg. , Choat, Mra, E, C,, 1 Cool?, Mrs. C, L„ Cooleqmqo., Crawford, Mra, E, P,, Lo'iiolr,, , C all,'M rs. Grady. ' Stonestreet, Mrs, Bborie.': ., Stone,' Mrs. T.:'A; > Smoot, Mrs. Audry. : Swing, ; Mrs. J, H. •■:' : Stonpatreet,, Mri,. W. F, ■ . . Stroud, Mrs. . W illiam D., :illgh Point,' Sain, Mrs.: Franki ' , , Smoot, Miss Temple,: . ' , Swlggert, Mrs,' II, G„, Greens­ boro, . .Stockton, Mr.^,; Ollie, ■ ■ ,'':Stbrie3trobt, ,'.Mr^ ,, : ' .' :'..,:S,rriith, Mra, J, E.;. Adv.inco, ' . ,; Sinith,,Mi‘H' J, E,,, Cooleemee.. S'anford, Mra. John G, . : Steel, Mra, AV. L., Cleveland. ■ Sheek, Mra. Jfts. L. ^ Sanford, Mra. Rufus B., Seaber, Mrs.’ Robt, Seaford, Mrs,: w . i\I, Si;roud,: J lrs ., J, S.,' Cooleemee. Stephehaon, Mrs. T, A, Tutterow, Mrs. Luther. • Tutterow, Mrs, Hbnry F. ■ Thomason, Mrs. George, Salis­ bury. , N ;■ Woodruff, Mr«;, Alice. Woodruff. Mrs. San^rd.: Ward, Mrs. Bruce. ■ W alker, Mrs. Roy; G .' • . Wilson, Mra, Robt, L, . ', . W atters, Mr.a. Mai*vin, ’ , WaH. Mrs, G.' W„ Cooleemee, Winior, Mrs; Emory A'., Hamp- tonvillo. ;, :, W illiams, Mrs, 0,, ■\Vlnston- Salom,/ : W illiams. Mra, 0, C, i , Woodruff, Mrs, C, 'Gli: , / ; Wellman, Mrs. W, F,, Salisbury, Ward, Mrs, Jas. L,. : , ■ , i- Youngblood, Mrs. T.' S.' Coolee- friber..........; , , , - J Don,ny,,Mi'8. :W. C, I ■ V ' . firiver, Mra, W aiter N„ Yadkin, iville, :"'vv', : ' j Driver. .M rs; Frank, ' Danioi,, Mra. J, Arthur, . Dari ioi, Mrs, Grant, Dwiggina,, Mrs. J. Caleb. GOVÈRNOU H ALT¿ MOVE TO ^B N li lie PÀTflKNTS’ FítOíVl^ THE STATE SANATORIUM ' Zachary, Mrs. : L. ; P. ,'■ AN OLD C ra z W l PASSES :■' '/.AWAY' ' ■ Ed\yarda, Mrs, Flora. Foster, Mrs. J. B. ' f FebzoiV'Mrs. Roy. '■ '"■ ’ T. (jraves, Mrs. Louis. • Granger, Mrs, D. W.' Cvaither, Mrs, E, L, ', Howard, Mrs, W, H,,^Cooloomoo. Horidricica, Mrs, M, J. Haiies, Mrs, W ill. . .. Hanea, Mra, Philip, Howard, Mrs, W ill, ' Hepler, Mrs. Ott, H, Haire,, Mra, F, M„ Yadkinville. Haire, Mra, J. М., Yadkinville. HoricU'ick.s, Mra, G, R, ; Hendricks, Mrs, Clarence.' ' ; Horn, MVs. Louis, G. ' - r Horn, Mrs. Claud H, Hendricks, Mrs, D. H, . Heltman, Mra, Julia. ' ', , ‘ Hutchens, Mr,i s, C. ■ . Hodgea, Mrs. J, .D, . Holthouser, Mrs. Roy M. H arris,'M rs, W, H, I Jlahea, Miss Sallio. Hoyle, Mrs. Mi H,, Cooleemee, Ilutcliens,: Miss Lillian,- Ijames, Mrs. J, L .' Johnson, Mrs.: F,:M . ' Johnstone, ;M ra,:J,: B. Johnson, Miss Vada, Johnson, Mrs. Phil J. Keller, Mi'S. E. M. Koontz, Mrs.: E, E. Keller, Mrs. R. L. Latham ,'M rs,-Sam R, l.arew,:.M'ra, Jno. ' Larfloy, Mrs, C, M„ Clemmons, Lasley;. Mrs.i W,:'E. LeGrahdo,. Mrs, John P. McGuire, Mrs. Jas. Л Mcl\[ahan, Mrs. Ilamp, , 'M iller,'M rs, L, ,L. if Moore, Mi'a, R. N„ Cleyeland, Moore, Ml’S, J, Г ■ Mooi-o, .Mra. W. L.. Cool. Spi’i ngs. M iirr, l\’rrs, G M Cooleemee, Morris, Mrs, E. П. ' M artin, Mra, Lester P, , Meroney, Mra. H, C. Myers,s M,rs. P, A., Lexington. 'W aii;‘Mrb‘. Ida, J , P hifer; j/ra."‘J. AV-, Cleveland. Д, Ratlpdgo,^iMrs, J, F{ 1 ТЧ ‘ .'•I T ' W illiam Franklin Andorsbii died at his home In Clarlisville toWn- ahlp, Aug.' 14, ;1926, after an Ill­ ness of sixtcon da.vs from a atrok« of paralysis at tllo' 'aga 'of 78 yrs, 9‘ months, ,, Ho was a faithful soldie!» dur-i ing ^ho w ar between the 'states arid had boon a Mason for a nurri- bor of yoars. He was *a .faithful father arid; liusibiuid and will b« groatly miiiaed In hlii ho™9 mu'nity whjrb ho had:hi\ya.V8 lived. In Soptembbir 1888; hb: married M iss' Fr'aricoa :'Reavla, of;' Yadkin coun.U,:, Thb \yldbw, M^ Cora aiul Blah'cii.lAndoraqn arp left at the homo. ,,iOthor-, children aro; Mra, Dalton'.'Boger,: Mbcicsvilio,' N, C, ¡1 Mrs. Ralph Ratledge, Cana, R t.'l; Mrs. Robt.; L.,Coo)V of Iredell county;' and Jack Ander­ son, Calahain, Rt. 1, About twonty-ono grandchlldrpn aiid many roUvtivcs are grieved at his paaaing aw ay; beaidea a slater, Mrsv Robt, L, Booe, Cana, N. C.,' nnd five brothcra, Mesars. Chas. F, A, Jack, Aiiderson, Calahain, .Rt, 1; Gteo. L. Anderson, Cana, Rt, 1; Dr, Abe A, Anderson, Denton, N, ,C„ and Dr. Richard A, Arider- aqn, Lorpna, Okla, ' , Ho was a member of Rocky Springs Baptist church, and was laid to rest at: Bear Creek Bap­ tist church. The funeral was ■ at-' torided by a ! largo: cpricourae of frlonds and-relativea. To,tho be- reave^l ■we*'express our heart-felt sympathj', ' . ^ AUTOMOBILE DOINGS New' car sales In North Caro­ lina for Julv exceeded'tho.se. for tho 1924 me nth by more than.800, iiccording to the recapitulation: re. port of tiie'North Carolina Aul.i- rnobilo Trade 'association which shojva 6,247. sales.::Laat year the registration waa 4,913. Truck aa|os were 349. ' Mecklenburg oountv l)l.r/.ed the w ay in naw car aalob with 297, cloaoly foll.owed) by Forsyth' \vith' 290;. Bunpombe was thii'd with .279i and .Guilford founli wilh 272, . Fords, aa:.uauai, top tha Hat with 3,707, South Carolinu snlea.for Ju ly )925 wffi'« 3,168, with : 2,222;: Fords rogiatbr- cd, . Paimetto truck sale« wore 262. ' On His Return to Raleigh from Vacation He Expressly Much St),'prine ut. the P lan' .. , DENIES FUNDp ARE iSIIORT italeigh, Aug, 24.—No ^patients •.vii) bo sent away from tho State Sanatorium for : Tuberculosis; :Ui>; til Governor McLean liííaopade' a personal investigation of:■ condi­ tions' there,, which ;were recently said to be such that sixteen pati­ ents must leave in the:in.iri:ipdiute future and tweiity others within the iioxt alx montha tb make way for' caaes on the waiting liat pre­ senting more hope qf being/curbd.' In a atatemerit issued last night after his return from;his vacation,' Governor McLean asserted he waa “very much surprised” : to learn that an; emergency^ exiated .at Sa- riatorium, and addo'd ; "There muat be some, mistake about the mat­ ter,” pending completion of a personal investigation the gover­ nor said ho would at once request the board of,directors to refrain 'from "disinlflalng” any of the pati-, bnts in'question, / : Governor McLean returned late' Saturday night to Raleigh.’ Ho re­ ceived in the'm iddle west ; the nòws of*thc Sanatorium.^sitURtiori. The publication was news* but thb proapocts for : Homothlng rnoro nowv doubtless consldorablo his­ tory, are ’ éxcollent, ‘T intend maki'ng a ^full- irivpatigatiori per- aonally-'at' the 'parljeat moment,” ho said, :‘‘t-o :-a3certain , thb W true iab ta aiid to also' fìnà óùt Associated 'Proas ;3tatemont, as'it appeared In the newspapera.'.was made.: I,'will thbn giVe-.the pub­ lic a full statbmentl” ; “Amnle Funds Available” He asks no",more of the newspa­ pers nrinting this m atter than that they give 'the aatpo' positipii of publicity to his atatom’ent a's was given to.tho Asaociated Pi’csa nublication. qf, a v/ook ago. The governor saya;'^ , , , “On Friday, aa I wag. returhing homo, I aaw, for the :|irat time, a nowapapor contai nirig tho' i’ccont Aasociatcd Press stfttemont,:in, re- rd, to the, State Sanatorium or. Aubprcular,i.. :'Il'.waa. ,vory,'!': rpubK aiirpriaod -to learn of; thb charge that: very :slck;pittiohts would :bo dlnchn'rged : on 'nccqurit:::of;':Iiw^ funds tb :i:obo;;thpm at thb;: saiia^ i;orlum.‘ "I boilpvo thoi’o must bo lomo ; mistake about, tho ; matteVi booauiio tho sariatbrium . áUlhbrl- ties kno\y, as I kno\y'i ta|?t; nmplp funds are i^vailablo tb-take'.coré of all patiohts at t’*o institution, na lwoil ba others that may'; bo ad- mitted under tho regular policy w.hich haa been iu forco-for aomu ,tlme. ,' ' To Make Peraonnl Invostigntion "Tho last legislature appropri­ ated $105,000 for maintonarice for. Sanatorium,' which, with ;tho re- ceiit tentative five per cent re­ duction leavos a fund of $ÍB6,7B0 annually. ' This ariVount even; if thofiVo per cent reduction sbanda, is a little liirger tlian-the annual apprbpriations-available for ^the past two; years; Very-little of the money appropriated by the 1925, general assembly for miilntbnanco hna'been expended since the be­ ginning of the fiscal yoar on July first.' , “1 intend making an investigar tion peraonally at,the oarlieat po.S: siblo moment to ascertain,the; true facts, and to also find out why the Asaobiatod Press statement aa it appeared in tho newapapel'.s, waa made. I w ill thenJgivo tho puiilic a full, atatoment. In the meantime, I intend to re,quoat that the boiu’d of. directora refrairi; from diamiaaing anyone of the eighteen patienta in qupation uur, til the facts In regard to oach caso ai3 well as tho general: policy In^ volved,' can be aacortained. . • "I truat thO' newapapera; of thè: atato w ill give the^aame position 'of the publicity to ,t)tiis atatemeni;' which they gave to, the Associati od Proas statements.” PINO NEWS . The cool, wind has come to re-^ mind us that fall la near. ;:Severar people irom Pino at­ tended preaching at Bethlchonij M, Ё, church Sunday, Rov, Mc- Kinncy preached a ' %Vonderfu! sermon which was enjoyed by'all who heard him. ,' Miaa lithpl Cranfiil.-rcturnod: to Winaton-Salom ' Sunday.'' ,aftoi* spending a wci'k’s vacation vnth her mother, Mra. A, H, McMahan; , Mr. and Mrs, Roy Deese 'and children of Salisbury, wero.= the g'Uests of their 'parents,.M ivland Mra;;©, B! Harding, Sunday: t Mrs. Hugh Dixon; of Pleasant Garden, was the (meat of ' her parents, Mr, and Mrs, F. R. Me Mahan, the past week, Mra. T, H, M iller.. of . North Wilkaboro, waa iho gtieat of Mit, and Mra. L. L, M iller, the pas'- weok. ■ ; . ) Mrs, Edwin Shelvon is very sicjt nt this writing, wb are sorry tb note. Mr, and Mra. Holloway Roger, of Turneraburg,' .apnnt the w'eck end with their mother, Mra, B., G. Lathame, , Mr. and Mra, Thomaa Swing, of Winaton-Salem, and Mr. Prod, Swing, of Salisbury, spent i tlie week end with homo fojka. Dr, Charlie Revla, of Paris, 'eyas, ha's been the gno.at of his aunt, Mrs, A,'И, McMahan, tlie paat week, p r, Revia has not been in . Davie county in twonty-fivo years and hia many frienda aro glad to:spe him, . GOOD TNVESTMRNT-—1 FOR SALE—Г : SHARE OF stock Jn Southern Bank arid Triiat' Co. ’ W rite mo your boat offer. 'M rs. J, H, Gilley, Mai­ den, N.i.C. : , ' It, pd. Hog off tho corn, advises W. W. Shay of State Collbgo, who states that none of the^nut'rlonta of the corn, crop aro loat'in thia Way. Wilmington :dealera. .are - bend'; ing all efforts to’ asauro, dealers, aaloamen and :'shop: ,foromon. at­ tending thg aurnmor conv,ontion o£ the ,North Carolina.' ■Automotive Trade association a t W rightayille: Boach, Sept. 7-3, a, large time. S, G.' McMllllan, diatrict vice-prosi-i dont. Is putting in some hard licks and'has " about „completed details for thO'. gathering which ■vvill bo tho largest assembly of automo­ tive mon: In. the; St.itc. ; The Alamance,'Burlington’s npv/ hi.tol, has been p]aced'on the/‘ap­ proved”, list of the Carolina Mo­ tor club : and recommended -'to members of its organization and es of tho: American Automobilo as­ sociation. ' Permit to do a general v/hole .sale petrolMi ipbusineas in GreenS' boro : haa been' granted .the ..Sin: d all Oil C'J„ of New York, by city council, F, A, Thompson,', agont of the company,: arranged,, for i;ract on. Spring G.ardon ',;ot*'eet about 200 feet incido tho city limits. The. premisoa: w ill .bo in closed by wire, a warehouae will be erected and tanka installed Railroad fncllities .we. accossible Tho plant w ill cost approximate $10,000, — ^--------p o — :----------- Read the news for infon.’.:,tion— •;h; ads for,'profit; «МШ An Announcement i ' W e a re p leased to an n o u n cé th at w e h av e secu red ' the E xelu sive A g e n c y for, G E E -E S C Q ,, ^i^late in this city. G E E 'E S G O . P late, .m ade b y . the GlastonlDUty S ilv er C o m p an y, is p lated silver':.!, w a r e o f the highest quality. > ,, ^ Itri ' A'ïÎUirivJÎV ' iJ'SCi iii ЫШ G E E -E S C O w a r e is p lated w ith p u re silver on the p u re^ o b tain ab le w h ite m etal b ase, gu aran teed w ith o u t restriction. T h is elim in ates ail possibility o f the u g ly b la tk e d g e w h ic h g ra d u a lly ap p ears on o rd in ary p lated w a r e w h e n th e silver w « « , off. S o en d urin g is G E E 'E S C O P late thstt its m akers p la c e on e v e ry p iec e am U n co n d itio n al ..................... R eplacem er^t, N o 'T im c " L im it G u aran tee. ^ ^ V V e ;c o rd ially in v ite,th e pub lic to in sp e ct,tlw I three b eaytifu l p attern s in this'finest o f silver p iatft ' C. J. j r ; ’ ! 'IF YOU WANT A GEN(№«l!i THAT IS NOT OVEKBLEACHED, GET HORN .lOH.NSTONE CO.’S FLOUR. IT Vi'ILL Bip3 MOIST, SOFT AND SWEET WHEN, COLD. ; BRAND3—OVER THE .TOP OR MOCKSVILLE B E ST.-■ ' ■ ' FARMERS MAY GET THE ABOVE FLOUR IN ' EXCHANGE FOR THEIR p iE A T . HO RN E..IO H N ^i^E CO. «iiiaiiiiiaHiiiimiiraiiiiraiiiiàiiiiciiiiKfliiiiaiiiiniiiMiiiiisiBiiiitiiin^ i'is Ш .'rSijtÏTi ^dson -’ Ess^x'World's Selling б-^Çylîncler Car' . .Sweeping ■ ■ ' ' , " ï, Price Reductions >ч COACH Now : $119 5' COACH Now $ 7 9 5 ' É M 3,^^Iis¿’ ]víamio.:'... ' 712 other motor clubs,i-.nd branch- ads for profit. Hunisoii Bro-agbtam $ 1 4 9 5 | Kiadson (pals!) Sedan $ 1 6 9 5 ‘ All Pricea Freight and Ta\cs E,4tra ‘ , World’s'Greatest Values' Now' More Outstanding Than Ever i \ ' ■ 106,369 H u d so h -E ysex s a le s fo r th e eig h t m onth p eriod en d in g August 1 s t represents the: largest six-cylinder output. In the world’^ history.,,',„Ihi£\, спогг',,, ,'nious produiHion makes possible the finest quality at thc lowest pricea Hudson-^ Essex ever offered.') Tlie same ' management vrhich established: the Hudaoni.JIotpr. Car Company,;.< now, as for sixteen years, controls and directs the design of its product'and! ;i polioiUj^ o f th e com p an y. ’ ' f , I/»' -v \ ñ I n I'ihm G. G. WALKER Motor Ço..:/éi;J% lili_____ Mocksville, N. С ёшшт br í \f''‘JPnfíQ 4цг-Li__ / LLE ШШШ1 ^V bliíhed E very T hursday ä t M ocksville, N orth СагоИп^“,., 1У.1 Ш,. ir< < ' A. C. HUNEYCUTT Publisher. , J. F, LEACII- Managing Editor. dit to >vhich’ they arc entitled,' foy \vorltl, wns. oiia of the features оГ 'iòrtainlv no picnic r.oukl be h ‘ ^ cesa w iÄ dut the biK bttslcets of . State; ^ îs^çno of, ......... . the grout fUira in the mul \voötwell prepared food. . ^ rcircuit nloiir with Рд1!пй^ ^H I3.M 0C K SV IL I.E ENTKRPRTOff As- U'iiial, piir. good inena, (rVahdiTiastér 'lieon Cash, ■ was bn hand: No . picnic V would b -—-----------plete without him,: Ainr hShibacrlption R ates: * , ? . ' t ■ v ■ ir-rf v S ir • Six Months .5,0 Gonts. ‘loca «”J°y fomnig,;; It malcoa one ' Strictly in Advance. foel good,just to watch him as ho __f—--------~ I'oiic-wa old acquaintances, tickles; Enteroci at, ttie : P03t ;Otiice tjje: imbiéa,, under : 'S v Í l ] ^ i C € . v аз second-class .............. ; m atier undbr th e ; Ы'Х o í M arch '«»P i Ti tÓ70 ■ ■ ' ■ ' ''•*'*'*?JV /”?Hl'4.oliBh.t,; to; every • .wíth Avhom:he comes in (joniaet.' Moeltsvilie/ 'N'.i'C., lAug.■ 27, 1925 Л1г^^,СлаЬ,is ñ-iiative Davíe cóun.ty —-^•‘r— ^---^ "boy,'’: aiul,’; aithouyh he has been ''StilirT hihldng;'A bout the ;P icn k ;thc^^^ office iu'tho!.[íift!o£itho maaons -of Norlli, »V., V .Eiciiic: ,Oarpliiia,ihe/,i{i; stili 'proud to' say Ivík, i ^ 'rtamo and w ;t\íln^.he^ is a nativo óf Davie'с^иг!- ,, cÉ98---a-,.,8Ucce;93,, lin,, ty .-----. . . ... , , .. . , . á.. . .... The cfowd was ui) tpj if .if did iiot 'aurlpa88,.all paat.yeaía.v^:A«d.yoU: s^ipposc aro:here;7’(-:-a’friend aslc- — .>.v al , as second-cla.SH :'íh e chin : and ' R e n e w Y o e r ' , i i e a . l l i ■ by. Fwrifka'&n^.-------- ...w.h: ivjon ju.aiias Texas, I . , . „ Nebraska, K ansas-and others. T he' physician w ilU oll you tha) proyram i of amuaeinents waa i Purification ot thQ.fc!yн• ’ • tom is N ature’s foundation oi' , Perfect H ealth.” W hy not. ria anil ..... . .I./- friend, !i W '’a » ':'o F '“a »vas bn iP Bui Í must say tluìt.,'*®® is Naturo ■ :?/■ ;/ Pi‘oKram' ahd'.i Perfect Health.Mi-.urviim iio aitn ." Why ni)t. ria «ehörii^iinity; the^ W inston-Saleïn J^oursolf oï ,chronic ailmonbr thát F á ir:la st ycn^ :wiÍ8 Лпоге iittrab- .naÜormimnß your .vituUty? tive. • ^ Purify yonr oiitirp Bystem‘by t!ik- "i: tf'-'ft . p . . I f fi.* Ï H hil.g.but pro8pci:lty’.,t^^^^^ cd;,of' us. .'i\yhat .would'you have ■V' !v.^'did.:i8pend:,:mo.neyiv;v^ answered? There, w as sim ply :no ,.niorry-go- vvny of even ifueasing. - And it is remarkabld, and a bc)Ost‘,to-thb •' chail^-^yes .;th.0, whips, and,. bal- (¡on^mon: sense . of.; the. people ol . Thiä is 4 h e'year / of tho ’2l3th ianniversarj' of .l.the . Oid; Sata ; F Trail.^ A^li; ',along : thia: pld^ through ithe/far west the’follcs «ro m aking merry. -„Every;: body is dreaseci up. The girl ' at- the. dry Igoods countcr. is - dre.ssed up in coatamo as is the: jçirl at'tho .soda foun.tain, -The.Corn Dances wora ' held :by. tlio Indiailti iip among :tho ;Piieb]o:Ji!cliaiiSi . -The::'okl city 'o'f iSahta Fo 'wa.4 íoumlecí 150. уеягя. before the . Pilgrim 'Fathers 'land- è'd '¡a't .Plymoutii ‘Rocki The' . Old T rail movement-is a very live o«e i in ,the w est. ', The m arking óf the iBoono T rail is • of .great interest thrqiighout the'westiAvith ail. othi I er trail .movements; - IAi;Cfimp!, in ./Ye'llowstoiió>: Park' I will^ bO /O'stablished and ' call ed the'iDiinio] ' КЛпг»л J СЗлл^.*- b- ',yuu i.' ,ViI«U u c y : PiU'ify your entirp system ‘b.y tak­ ing a thorough courso oil Gulotab.s, —once or twice « week.for Severn! wooks-*-and see how Naturo re­ wards you with health, . '• Oalotrfbs 'nro the ffrentest o i till ¡s system pvirifinr.s',^ Got ii fnmiN i| ()aelciif!,'0,_ eontiiininp,' ;. £viU dire-.;; E tions, price 35 .<ita. ; trial' package; e 10 eta. A t any-d-fufj store. (Aciv.) i ’ JUST ■ IlECEIVED ; A ' : CAR ' - OF- Galvaiiiaod.' iron. .' Oi '-G; San­ ford. Soiis.iO oi:'......... ____________ _________ . . , ^ ' Thuraday, August 27, IflgB ^»ш11гаш113!1ш111па111ш««»>!яш1111ап1в:111я»11пв№ш ® P o c k e t K n i v e s -.. ' | 300 sample Hammer Brand рос- | ket knives, comprising all sizes, | shapes and styles, ' i .. Priced 40c to $3.00 . <&- ‘mocksvillé charge . „ (J/ T , Sisk, pastor) ^ ' i . -We imvo. just . cl0.«)od' ii great ^ |TÌeetlng at -B.uthol :iiirW hich Uiero (i^ wero^hirteeri professîons o f f aith ^ ' in • Christ . w itli, .10 addition i .- ' :i-Wnll:e.ini .giiaranteb wi.ib .each ^ W r. $ 2 , 5 0 / u p . . ' I ' . •■' ^ ' ■■ ............. ' .N., ^ C la p s s ^ S h e a rs 'a e d -A S c issö rs'. | ' :. ' ' CMdi reliable :.':brá!íd. Í be best* on. i tbe'mairkeL ;M o cík s¥ Ílíe H a r d w a r e :.C - l l p o n i ^ i ' the^ county: and S d u n S ^ e c .rm isslpn tickets and dinnoriicket^ tions* that, w ith all the cars pre- called for small ex^end^ui^, but 3ent;.:and the thou^anils of people;tho:.fpilt8 measured up tp the-o<>^ /'casion. _ , .serious accident during the eh- .'. - ”■— , tiro day. And did you sefe a single ■ POBDlbly^t free'Spending, was,' pei'son undpv fhn influence of in- .disregard' toxicants?; 'W e did not; That rhoney.},^^^ It, .-w a sra th e r , .the speaks well • for our bounty and ^¿■iui|r.spirlt: 0^ ioV the thousands of visitor^), who ^ «^ .«‘'-^«¿•knew.^ihat ihe money he .spent attended th e picnic.; • : ^ '' ■ Syok to a.lgood cau^di the ci^use ............. .' ' . u^'of-tho fathW lXisa^childreayatipx-. DLE WEST ,, ,, , , -ifprd.:' .MÁiit'Tieople:Ny !Ì®Éfe'%4Ìi^^piir8ó;r^ ........ . the orphan. That is especially ■ SEDALIA, MO.\AUGÜSÍM22 ;’tryó-;òì':Kprth^ /" Wí hi ansi' And i Tliia year is j t hotable ,pnp.in the li -- T ■ m lddieiwest.'’ ' In M issouri it is the - - 2iîth^birt^lday, of - the, , MissbùÆ. tho: good'work'.of;.h«‘Piiili: t*,”i^ State: P air; < Àttendahccj ;.on:v thiâ', ¥i'^è-^Horplihnngo3;.. :'ThaVs,'J^ great - display, of - the i'product.^,' oï, #'Vi'i\A'out’ the'^graih,-live.stock and farm .itia- ■ ^J<y.;j7l-0(tucprst6^ w est wits' to; ;' No; fiiir^ .?v«!Jaltendbd‘:,)vn8 vsojflile^ Vît « il'Tho'iUs^o .in.t,erestiilg';cve'nt,3; ,tp; say nothing; itabVf 'a.fontuvp .0^^^ i!S'SnBSO M ri}statc:;i< ^ir i^'su Îrtiiiità a -b y / ^ a 'stà to -a ^oi ,;$50;00di; ' ’ , ing Hun and 'that' brfwsy skyt,.iifri|4-- n.> 'Uv\4.^ ...1 n » .1 ’ J.t. J'l.„ , v » . Î'“?* 'V‘í!; poitòd ,. .. «nii^'opriatton of : $50,000 i îiiniüally. ^ The bülld- рда§-^;'й10'^ ¿roühd.s;!^ in gs'.are.-ipermanohtibi'hik’istruc-^ iW 'i^ ip '^iÿëd:dow ri therc^vet^ ' ....-.................... , f jvho' stayed,— hope that they w ill never visit a hotter place in; this world .(nor in the world to come).The re- markablp Vhing is that there were i'\ot;a. number of prostrations. But, we folks 'down hero ii\ the south aTp'./icc^^ to 'g6od old ',fash- ;;iohe!d;.h6aithful/liot summer, wea- ther.' so.’it never hurts us. exeepi to cause tem porary discomfort.; ; The v^isitors were here in- the usual good, spirits and. Mpcksyille did tho parj; of :he.titess i^ith moré > than the usual gvaciousjiess. We hav(* of ten watched the^o -Mpcks- ■' vide peòpié on; picnic days/ to thoi e is no que-stion but that .they really enjoyed the dtiy a« well as' any of tho,9e who arc ykitors. Our people;are the soul ,of hospitality. . Surely no- other place can hardly match'it. ■ ,■. . .....y s,; : We я11 .n atu rally: give much crcdit for the success of our: an- '. nual picnics to tho Jocal'm aaonic lodge and the sitjt'er lotlge« of ' tilia section, and it ia . right artd .- just that we should.- This'i.s es­ pecially true а.ч to the niembera ■ of the various local committees. It ia no sm all -job; to serve as ' cliairm an of the .basket eommit- (leu, the grounds committee, the 'coramittee’ on''nrrangemonta and 'otVicra. Thö lii'en ■\vHo take these places áre called upon; tc^ ' give: much time aiid' hard woriC All honor to 'them,’ .. ’ . t » , - But not the least factor in riiak-. ing the, annual . inasonic ;picnics a" success,/are the good \vonien.' who .work in the ;kitcheii nvb or •¿hi’CO rln'ira Ka^x.., «1 —... . tvivuuv:!! ,,,y,.(|;^yivcwò.pr •ihree^d^ picnic i ;;' :;;: .'; had for tho feodingi of thè m ultl- ui- : : tudo'. :Mon; lot’s tender them pur , thanks.: ,Lot's givo them the. ero- v««»v < i/l- ictv ‘ BVrUC"for ; the ; moat part and- íu'q, very , modern', fitted w ith eveiw convenienco .for ■ the display of live'stock; and. swino. Tbo s.wino buildiiig 10 the? outstanding one on the groiinda.. ' Situated high up on a knoll, it ia built of brick an^l- contains iron stalls oi\ a cement floor,, A .sellihg^arena is in the center for' the; benefit of the ex- Ihib^tora and patrons.' I never saw i SO', many fine hogsj Poland China láhd Duroe aepmed to have the prepminehce, though Chester W hite, .as they cail here, were n’umeroUa in the exhibit. 'The farm ers'-get porkers C montila ¿id to weigh 250 pounds gross. Hogs are bringing 14c per pound how and the hog raisers are' in good heart. . The cattle display w as' of the fineat, coming from - the great est exhibitors .in the nation; E s; pecially was. thè beef exhibit good. The A yershire and Guern­ sey -svere some of the, finesti in tlie country. But it took the mule exhibit to draw your attention, In the big, Uyo million- dollar live stock parade before 'the's grand sl;and and' the, 15000 speetatorp thei’o, the M issouri mvilo held'the .center of the stage, They w‘orQ there with bells on and the moth­ er, and': father did :not need bells. They made noise enough -\y ith out, ::■ The Boone T rail High\vay .was given a place on the: program; and on F riday: evening at 8 o’clock a t^vblet w as psesehted to the schobl children of the. state and placed, in the custody of the school boys and girls of Sedalia by J. H. Rich of the Boone ;TraH H ighway As-, aociation and M rs. Jennie C., L'. F pristell-chairm an of the com­ m ittee bn Histoi^ic sites of tiie M issouri D. 'A, E. It w as receiv­ ed by Supt. C. A.- Crocker pf the city schools, ' ' ' , \ ' An air plane wreck in ' which two army planes/gave the' grand stand, a th rill Saturday as one of the 8 big arm y planes 'from: .the Kansas City Field struck'another plane as it taxied to its place after descent. No one^was hurt. Los Angeles, California had.vñiiVlftvP.ii-----I-il». , , ,*r..........- .„.„^.luc ulty iieauty'CoM - and'a total of -9(i fpi',the present 1 test) ■' has : beeh chosen'' /as the pastorate of a^little l.eaa than two Sl)onaor'for the'cam p. A 'tablet years,; , i ^ : *' w ill be placed there de-sigjiating p urlng the meeting at Bethel 'the place. , there 3178 chapters of the-Bible The last few weeics : rain has read by.GS persons, an average’of boon fallin g through M issouri and 'to the person, and a daily avo- the crops look; fine. Corn is go- rage of 853 chapters, with 6 as the ¡ing to bo a record,crop. Thé fig daily ayerage. per person. 1 fields, are being, brPken fprwheat'-. OuiV-next m eeting begins at At thC' Missouri F.^ir all ;the fin- Union chapel ‘Thursday nighti of oat. and mbst modern harve'stihg this :\veek .with Rev. ; J, M. Mor- ,and throahing. machinery was on gan; of ; Fallstoiy as;, pulpit help, display; including the new binder Br.o, Morgan is-a groat worlcer, he ' gotton out by the 'McCprmick Co,,' has .iuat'a-ocently hold a . meeting I wliicli cuta";whèat by traciior.pow- pn hia own charge -^yilih over, three 01% ; Np. mattei'^ hundred; :pr.bfe|si6ns. We : are igrbund is, tlîià bihde^^ ipoking idrVv-ard and trusting the: |aa; ‘,thd machiné i l ;piH Iiordsior;a great meeting; come ' tractor and the : cutter bar; ië ppo- a,hd worship^ with us. '' - '. , 'rated w ith power from-Ùid tr.nctor Î , . Tlie Suiidiay .S^ by^aidrive shaft./: Bethel, No., proapht 'Î02, pffeiv : 'The ÇoPno T m il Work’ w ill >he i«ir .?2;98;, Union Chapel, No. pre- caia'ied :on- to'thp.'Pacific.. Goa .-?ent 10,Î, pfforing ,$?$?: Elbayille, and ',a'|àblet'placed at' tho' end 'of- ,No', ; préKent,y90,; o.ffbrlng ¡58.05'; ! the/'Trail , at the '^olden Giito' ht^vr bulins>vNo, : present 40, offering the Indian ond Pony Statue of '22c,'; -i ,i ... Jam es Earle" Fraaior. I haVe rh,et : Bethel takes tho.lcad iu .tho'at- manyvnamea .here like the names tcndaneo and Elbavnip'lpadà again Mn ,Piedniont. ,North Carolina,', and iihis woeki 'with .the oMerihg, - . ; niany o i them claim kindahip v/ilh ' ' The- third ;quiirterly: conférence.^tho' Nprth CarriHnN. : - ......... .. Д . ONE gallon MAKES TWO, ■.! IB' ' '< '№МяЛ11ШЯ1лн9В11т1111Я11т»№11т1шга)П1П1111ШМ111а'.;Ев11111Э!1111а;|111ЯИ!1а|1Ш11т1п1011111Япт!1чс1з,<‘:и‘^ temifflaiiM'i«»«««“"«"““ '“'"'"'—.........-..... 1И!«1М;Ш:111Й,Й|1в;|||Ш)Ш»Ша,'1’| a tho W th С а г ы Х ™ ^ ^ ...... , J HAWPTON RIGll. . ..*v, vju.uluriy conierencp was hel(i:,a.t P *nbdn' at: 2 o’clock, Lwith;,. ',Q'v01’y ^ .. ^hurch’ "„Weli'. rcproflentpdi^ Thp; ' CANA- NEWS ' 'f ;' - busineaa > o f.-tho conforen^o. \^vas : ,' trrih8acl;ed':h<ii'bmonlbusly, : Good: , M ria.'J;:'p;'.'Pppe^ of'Stat6svlllo; v#ovts wprp^¿clOron the nct|- sper.t 'iioviiral days this weok v/ith :'of w C. S, relativoa raid :fribnd3 here. - ^ Summer^ of Bethel waa -declared -M iv JohnfAvNayior; of Win,iton- Pelegatef;elect ;and Bro, VM. F,wns VinvA CJ..--T- “- , School daya are alnioat here. Tlie boat abhool shócs, you : will, find at our .store.', f- g W ith each pair school shoen sold. y ' . V isit ,our store, we aell 100 per cent leather shoes. : JO N ES-& G Eí^fE'y ‘147 Trade Street' "THE SH 0E MENI’ ' Vr'inslon-Sulum, N. C., _____ 1^». O* . . . . M,.u.rt.-ivayior, of \Yin,nor.- !tho ne^t' a L .ii0 « iiH iiiia « i« ii« B iiiiff liiiits :iiin iiiw ii« « iiiiO B tiu i» iiiw iiio iiiio iiiiin iiir a iiii« iw iM iiiiia iin ^ Saldm was horo>Sunday afternoon,' .^icnoia aiceinacc co ’y '“ ^ . Mra, 'J , H, Grace lias bop.i aSj «««I f i l o i ........ tho bedside of her'm other, I>,Ir.s. Church, High Point, Nov. 4- . ........ Calvin CrF.nfill, near Oourtn-jy, . . ____ for bcveral ovveeks,'' ; ' JUST. RECEIVED A CAR ^.01 Mr. J. W.'.Etchison has' -mov'-d Galvanized iron. C. C, San- ihia .lumber plant to'tho^ lot ('td- :ford Sons. Co. v ioiniriii' fUr. -4.-1-- ' .............. ___ iJiuuc ro tne.'Io!, <kl- joining, th^ store building occupi­ ed by Air. W. B. Naylor, and is making things lively with the liui.i of machinery^ ' ' ■ ■C» -1-Sonie of our folks attended ths, birthday dinn'er of Rev. Stiiul-iygiven at. lib w itev. StiiiUoy given, at his home near ’Coui'they laat Sunday.' y , M rs. W. H, Howard la spending the week w ith , her sisters,' Mrs, W. M, Davis and Mrs. Jesse G, Foster at Salisbury. Mr. and Mrs. F. I,. Thorpe, with their daughter, M uriel, and moth­ er,^ Mrs. Brown, and Mr. Orreii Etchison, all of Winston-Salem, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. J,- W. Etehispji, ’Mias Lizzie Latham of Fort M ills, S. C.', is visiting relatives iri the neighborhood, :■ Mrs. M attie McCiamrock has re- tui’ned irom an 'extended visit at Spencer and other places. '■----------------_ i. PULTON ITEMS IMPROVED BODIES FOR FOKD , - ' c a r s : ., o^,v.o, »jiuuornia had a wonderful ■ exhibit of fruits and resources,, A Boy Scout Band of 118 pieces from Springfield, Mo„ the largest Boy ^cout; Band in the Tobacco curing seems; to be the chief ;qccupation, along now, ; ' Mra, Joe Peoliles v/ho has'been sick for some, tim e doesn’t se.em to impi'ove very fast, - ; ■ ;M r, and M rs. D. L. Lanier's baby is very sick:at this writing, sorry to note. ; vM iss Beuiah , Frye, of Coole'e- mee spent the week end with homo- folks, ■ Mr, ' iind Mrs. :B axter Hendrix and shiall child, Colleen aré spend­ ing the week with Mr. B, M. L anier,: ; ; • M iss Myrtl*! Allen of'noav, Pork, ' spent Sunday evening Syith Miss Noniio Ilogo, ' Mt. and Mrs, Rayinoncl, M iller spent Sunday evening here, visit­ing relati vea. Mesara; John Livingood and Roosevelt Lanier of Fulton, and M essrs Fostor and Davis, of Pork left Monday morning ^by motor, for Florida, They w ill' stay aome tim e if they got work. ; , Edsol B, Ford, pwjsident of the Ford Motor Company, In a state- ihent iaaued yesterday following tlio announcem ent' of Improved I''ord 'bodies and chaasia refine- menis, said : ■ , - "We do not w ant tho JmiWcs- r.<on to prevail that we are pro- Iclucing now,Ford, cara. ; "Bodies for TJord earn hftve been m aterially imftrov’ed but th-a aMocIoI ,T; chassis rem ains unchanged ox- V'Ppt for a lowering' of th j fram e and a fev.’ other.import-i’it chang­ es; Bodi^a, in four types, -Imvo been completely redesigm.’d- and '(.uiit 1о\у'Л' to„contribu‘.j to bet­ tor appe.nranco, driving' and rid­ ing comfort and roadabil!t;r of the 'curs.,; i '■ :■;> , : -. • "ВоДу improvements and chaa-' aia- refinements at this 'tim e jiro moro pronounced than at any jive- vious tim e sihco the', adoplion. of the Model T.iChaasis. They are, iiowever, entirely in accoi'dance ' with the; policy of the ,Ford Motor, Company to give to.the public^ the benefit of ^ every ’ ,improvement I which we find pi'aeticai 'for Foi'd cars.. \ “By proserving the design of the T Chaasia, the company is saf¿guarding cohtinuod good sei’- vice for- owners of approximately 9,000,000 Ford cars and' ti-u^ks no\y in iiao throughout the country as well as for new car purchas­ ers,” Did You That—VÎ • A person'is twice as liable to die from accident ns from old age? ' ; A person is more liable to die fron\ accidental in jury than from any disease that can be named? Tifcrc are five tim es more people killed and injured evejiy year than die from natural causes? , Then why let this continue without protecting your fam ily of the future victim s? ' , INSUREWITH— J ' 61IVIE BEAl ESTATE, LOAN & 15IS1 ANCE.GB. AGENTS, PILOT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 4.,.......—--------^---- D R I V E IN ' j u s t re c e t v e d a . c a r o f I Galvanized iron. C. C. San-1 ford Sons. Co, H a s Y o u r Come in and S u b s c rip tio n " wXpired? biiawn. Immediato ..sc(i'vice: is our motto when you drive in to luive your car greased and thè oil changed. We are fully, equips - péd to render this service in a highly satisfactory manner, n It,w ill soon be time for lightey* oils. - i»riinra(l»y» August 27,1926 r} к THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE LOCAL ITEMS jli-, J, F. Hawkins.left-M onday foi' i'^lorida, , ’ jirs, J. A, Daniel arrived home Ti'iday from Indianapolis, ■. —f)- ...i.iiii-.i... Miss Amile Carter spent Tues- (Iny in Salisbury, shopping, . jlr. Duke Hendrix, of Charlot-te, jg spending this week at home, • , No advance in admission for “The Dresainakera from Paris,”: ; 5IÌH3 ' Mae ,,Gi‘een,. of ' Winston- ■Snlem, was a visitor in town Tues- (l.-iy. ____ ^ _________ Mr. .Jim Sheelc ' was a business I visitor in Winatori-SaIem, ’ruus- <tny. • ^ ^ .______ Mrs. C. jR. Horn attended the', funoral of a friend, in 'Raleigh, Tuesday, ' , , , ;- Ik Miss; Mary Horn ia visiting her ¿^.iister, Mrs. Scarr Morrison, of Statesviiici ; : Mr,; арсГМга, Roy^.Wiilker ai^d little son, spent ' Sunday ■' in Thomasvillc, Mr. f'vnd: Mrs; G'rady Taylor, of Clommoiis,'were;-vlsitor3,in ilo cks; ville, Moriday. . - , Mra. J. F. Lpach.aniJ children spent Sunday in Charlotte, with Mrs, Leach’s mo.ther; Miss Leila M artin has réturned from Hendersonville, where she attended summer schPol, Mias M ary B elle'jPnea return­ ed from "Boone last week where icWlshe attenc aummer school,,/ Miss Ha,ttie' Fowler, of States­ ville, w as'the guest of her sister, JlrSi Grant Daniels the past \veok, Mrs, W- D, Horii and apn; W‘'ilt- er, Jr,,' of, Roxboro, are visiting reiatives in. and around the city. Miss; M ary Alloii Hendri.x spent aoveral days this ^veek . with: ;Criends Jh Troy and Albema^'le, Mrs, J, D. Pope 'of ; Statesviile ia spending the' .week -yvith her parents, Mr, and'M ra. J. B, Camp^ ' bcli,',: . Mr. and, M rs,‘:'r. L,. M artin and ■family, of Elloreo,; S. C,, are visit-: in g’ relatives, in ■•i'lnd; around tha town, ‘ • , ^very,' pnp intoi;e8ted in 'Oak Grovo Gemetery w ill please moot there Sept. 4, 1025 , (;o:help' olean off sam e,' ., Йг, J, B. Cirmpbell and children,; W alter and Elia Mae and Miy nnd' Mrs. J. D, Pope,- spent Sunday in High Point,. • , \ ; Mr. and Mrs. H. L, Humplp .and children,^, of .Troutmans,, spent Sunday with Mr, arid Mra.-iVf. J, Holthouser. . ,. Mr. John Campbell, Jr., pulled a\watermollon Monday morning th at, weighed -45 lbs. Who can beat this? Miss Dora Safret'returned horiie Wednesday after spending a few days with friends arid relatives near Kappa. i\Ira, S. C, Hutchina of. Mocksr ville Rt. 2 is spending the week with har parents, Mr. and Mrs, J, B, Campbell. Mrs. H, W, H arria and children, retuijjed Wednesday frorii i a few days visit to her mother and sist­ er, in Catawba, ', v ■’ .______■ V _ /______ Mrs, Price Sherrill an'd little son, 'of- Mt, Ulla, spent the week­ end -with Mra. Sherrill's mother, Mrs, W illiam M iller, , Miss Rosalys Vaughan arid Mr, Sublett Vaughan,, 'o f Richmond, Va,, are the.;guests of their sister, Mrs.VW, A ; Allison. ' '• • ^ • ' : A; singing scjiool, conducted .by Mr.-; Paul Collins, will, begin at Eatonp- Church, Monday night; ■'Aüg. :31,;at 8. o’clock, j Ladies 1'you’ll learn more about the latest stylos from “The Dross- makera from P aris’,’ than from a hundred fashion magazines, . , ; Wheri: yo u, comn to court, Mon- _ .day put an .extra dollar in your ">pocket for liavie County’ci news­ paper for ,tho coming year, , Your;,'frienda aro . coming tp coiirt and Vonew, thoir snbaerip- tioris' tó thq, Enterprise. ' Don’t lot; th'cjm'got ahead of you—otmiu bar.- M iu -H. ;L, Blackwood and childrenj of Mooresvillo, spont tho past week with Mrs. Blackwoods : larents, Mi< and Mrs, M, J, Holt- louaer. , .'Míesee Nell, Annie, an4 Daley- ITES-STWSS“' ■ For all inaect bltoo, red bug, cliiggor, boo, v/asp, mosquito, otc., apply vvct baiting Boda or houcehold nmmonin, followed by cooling applications of— Owy Jr Million Jam Q,cd Yeart-J UoithouBev attended tho Holt- liouser, .[iargcr, Ti'cxlcr (ind Ly- rley- reunion at Ivockv.'oll last Thursday. The large.st court in the'history of Da^ie county w ill convepe here Monday; .'Bring a. d6llar w'ith you; for the. news ,of Davie county for another year';. ' .' M issis; Alm a.and Clara .Grubb, and Jessie Wai/f and Messrs W il­ lie and Paul Grubb .spent Sunday a'fterhoon ■«'ith Mias Lailra and John Cam,-)bell.'' y ^ ; ~~An“ excslÌGiri;“fttculty-ha3 been secured for-the Mocksville school session, 1025.26, with an agricul­ tural department welT eçiuipped, an Home Economics department furnished and equipped Avith most modern apparatus and pub­ lic achool muaic and piano teach­ er, having been added to the fa­ culty, Mocksville school ranks with the best standard a credited achooi.-) in the slate. Many J-Iigh school pypils from ; the county w i.ïhing'to .study agriculture and Home Economies ; will be in ■ at- tendiince. 'Ihe largest attondanen in the history of the schooli? is as­ sured at the opening, Çopt, 7th, Mrs, .1), C, Clement waa charm­ ing hostess to the brid'îe club and .s.everi}.! ' other gueata."bn Wednes­ day ovoninri, A profusion of summer flowers were used in the parlor - ivrid -livinnr yroom, ; where l:)rîdge was played at .four-tables, Aft'er,the games;,the hostess-serv­ ed a delibioua irozen salad course with - mints, .:'fhosévpresent v/ere Mesdames E, C, LeGrand, W. A. ■Ailisoni E. L, Morrov,*, Charles Buri'iisfW 'Sheib'y ; J. K. Meroney, T .; Mérpneyi;;,Roy»H ' Mis,') Laura Wil.«on of Los Angl- os, Calif,, arid, little hiéce,; Dora Alexander, , of. , Wlriston-Snlem,.! Mis.ses Margare^' Merpuey,': Jane spent Monday nlgh1> ■with Mr. a,nd Hayden ,arid;,Dprpthy Gaither, - Os- U m J, B. Campbell, / ' : , ;jsie Allison,'W illió'M iller, Clayton „ I ■ °~'ri —“ ,;■, Brown, Kopelia‘Hunt, Ruth Rod- Nhtnlie L a ri'newspaper,—represents ^the peo- j y a, pie, and always try to give yoli the nows 'of Davie county as it actually is ^ year,' .z: rew, of Stan- "Г , 'i г-ц . 'rV'wjm -..i-? Л Sweet Breath ^ai alt times / la •Afl^r cntlnâ or вшок!»^ Wrlgley'u iwslieiis tho moutli niiJ swoelcna thî b^atli. Kervtíu ore aootI\C(l,thront, is rífreahcd mid dijí.catlon nldçil ' So'casy <0 cwi7 thcUIiíc wchetf, ■/-jL ■ - ' ■ ' . -:«'l Coolepmee Methodist Church Home Coníing, August ,30th, 1925 A delightful .swimming party Only one dollar p er, was; given by Mrs. W. A. Allison Sptvirday ovening iri honpr of Misa ,Rosalys y.'iughan tind'Mr. Sublett ■Vaughan of ;Richmorid,; Va. 'After,'Mr. and P 'S . T. m ; Hendrix and daughter, Mary Allen, and „ '‘{]ip” Icbd' watprmellbri was serv-. ■Miss Wooley of Troy i-e- ; : .rpj^ggQ , turned Saturday Irom; a: weeks’, „ „ d Mrs; W, H; Aliisbn;;M iss visit to /m i^rngton, '■ ■ CarpUna |Ro8aiy8'',VaW».an'ini'',-Ru’th''% d-' Beach and Raleigh, . .jw ell, Mr, Kriox Johnston, JIisa6s, Mrs, 0, T, Cooper, of Clemmons, '•¿■pent Tueaday ;with her m other,; Ic tt; VnugHrin,M isses ,M a ,w e t Mrs,, l ;/'G, Horn, ■ She was ac- Mei:oney„Mr,;Rpbt. companied home by her sister, Mrs. J, F. H aw kins^ who , will visit her for if few days. Mrs.' Tom Holthousor and son, Papni'se,. Mrs, Georgia Brown, of 'rroutnfans; and Mrs, Johnson Bass, of Orlanda Fla., spent last 'I'hursday with Mrs. M, J, Holl- houscr,' ■ ' ' . . ■ ElisS Mabel Stew art' ■ returned from’W rlglitsviile Beach 'ruosda,v-,: ,aecoiinpanied' by, 'h er;,sister, .;Slrs, Harry Fyno and Mr, Fyne, of Hori(lcrsoni -,who left;fo r Ma,s;tori F riday to visit Mr, Fyno'a par­ ents, i: ■' . Mr,' Tom Mock, : of Advance canio over iind , challenged tho Mockaville , “checker boya” M i'j. Milton C all;won 10 games to Mr, Mock 5, while Mr, W ilburn Stone- atreet . boat hi:--n 1 1 'to 2. ,Comb again Tom, .when you learn ho\y to play' .' A large number of Mocksville Juniors attended the cornerstone laying and flag raising at; the Junior Order Orphans’ Home at Lexington last Wednesday even­ ing, Several remaining ^pver for the concert which was hold on the square at night, Mr, and Mrs, Carl Tatum de­ lightfully entertained at a ^din­ ner party Tueaday evening at 8 o’clock. Covers were laid f6r six and four courses were served, Thoso present were Mr, and Mrs., J,ohn LeGrand, Mr, C, R, Horn, Misa Ivio .Horn and Mr. and. Mra, Tatum, , McNeil, Misses Natalio Larew ;of Stanton, arid Ossie ,Allison, Mr, Fay Caudell, Misses Jane líayden and Dortiiy Gnitiier, Mr,; ' Cecil Morris, and Messrs, B, C; Clomeiit, E, C. LeGrand, aijd John LeGrand.; 11 o'clock ii, m, Music by orchestra Pianlst--M iss Lillian Zachffry, Violiniiit-TrMiss Sarah ,Zachary. Cornetists—B ili 'Howard, Henry Zachary, Floyd Nall. Trombohe-^Coiriielius Howard and Glenn Evans. \ / Clarinet—Ray House and ...Fred­ rick Byerly. \ Saxaphone—Robert Bferly. Song—By Congregation--Hymn No', 180, ' Scripture Reading—Rov. C, M, Choate, Prayer—Rov. Pj L, Shore. Instrumental -Music. ■ : Addroaa of V/elcome-:;Mr. J. ' S, Strowd, Kosponse—^Wr, J. P, .Curlee. - , Duet—Rev. J. A/ J. : Farrington ■ and L. J,‘ Davis, - / s Offering. •llriSO to 11:40 A- .Remarki'-cRevi N. Tl. Riciiardsok' :The county commis^onors and gong-B y" Cmig'regation-lHymn Board of: tCommissioners of town ; мл ,пк ’ , : School Starts Monday, Septembet* 7th, Come here for your school siippliestr W E S E L L ^ A N D R E G O M M E K D T H E ' .W A T E R M A N 'f o u n t a i n P E N F O R , A L L P U R P O S E S . ^ . '' ALLISON & CLEMENT Call 51—That’s Us . CIGARS, ICE CREAM AND ALL KINDS OF DRINK^ ' - i l "t ". гл" |1!апшшнтн1ш111я1т1а1111Ю1|Швг1шя1Ш;|11Ш11Ш1111Ш1Е mm iiPiieiii Firestone Tires MOST MILES PER DOLLCR NeckTi^Ci WE HAVE MOST ANY KIND AND PRICE YQU WILL WAN'l’.^ ALL COLORS. ^ Try One Can Of KURFEi^lS AU'rO ENiVMEL of MocksviJ.le have sighed ft con- -hi tract :w ith ' M essrs: Frkklirijindi;''”^” '^ ^ - ' : Blatthis to connect state highway npm nri:,s-iiev. Marvin Wellman, ■Npi;.7i6.'.%vifcli;Btote''gl|fh^:#i'Ni) «'ft at Tnnirnmental Music, the. centeiv-pf 'thecpubiic square,-11:50 to 12:00 oacK 'tb 'pay;'orie-,haif of:;tho cost Remarks—Rev.- H. C, Byrum; of.Baid ipiprovomcnt. This ia as it Khould;he,VJccauso nothing will. , add more to ;'the, io^ka ; of the ' the t«roun,d:i, si^iiarp'and nothing is*nioro necri- aary thaii ■properly filling: in thia "missing link.” By ill! 'means tho link of : sidewalk: betweon tho North side of public square and improvement district No. ' ’5,; on da'at aide of North Main St., Khbukl bo built. 'The old "funnel nock” of yeAra ago .near tho “old Metho- diat Church” was an eyo sore, and now do not force the school ehikV ren arid traveling public to traVol in the mud or cross to side walk on ■west side of street,' Both sifhool buildings and one of tho three churches (white) are on the east side of thi^ street.' \ 1 ' 9 0 .' 0 , A fter spending several days with h er, parents, Mr,> and "I^Ii’s," Jacob Stei(yart, Mra, and Mr. J, 0. Young returned to their homo in Durham Friday, accompanied by Mra, Jacob Stewart, who w ill alao visit her other daughtera, Mra. H arry Fyne Henderson, nnd Mrs. W ilbur Collina of Gates, bofpro returning. -;M ra. J, K, Meroney delightful-¡"■*^'’*sbt Iiights,” OVERALLS ARE GOING FAST. TRY'A PAIR.I / Korfees A GOOD PLACE 'fОTRADE ' V . l ,....."’nSvt ' ' Ÿ ii ' v'î' Ц т Ì I« «"'ЛЩ '/V'ì' fttáVWíi' и >' t í'l :MOVIE NEWS Beautiful girls and gowns in “Dressmaker from P aria” hero Wednesday and 'fhursday, Loat- rice Joy arid Ernest Torreneé play the leading rolls,, but listen the worlds fourteen most , beautiful girls also appear, each girl, has four or .five changes'of gowns to­ taling moro ' thari- sixty '.of this years Paris, production; you have seen faahiori showa on the screei^ before of coursci but. Paramount claima you’ve, (never witrieaaed anything that'can come up to "Thé Dresairiuicer from Paria,” / Friday and Saturday,' we have Jiiek Pprrin in' “Coyote Fanga” arid two reel pducational comedy. 'га:||'Ш!1)Я1ШШ11|>!)Э1>ш11Ю!111Ш1111а111П1111га11101№П11||Ш1111а11К1Ш я M'fi< «I. 1 9 2 5 S*,i{ia'',___ ofQtjaUbf ■■Ml iii'® ly entbrtained 'on Saturday even- irig honoring'Mi'S,. R, L, Morrow, cf ; Albemarle; The living room was charm ingly decorated w itli summer flowers and here bridge was played "at; two tables. After the game the hoateas served block ice cream and cake, 'Phoae pre- aent were MoadamesJU, h. Morrow, Charlea Green, of,Lake City, S, C„ T, F, Meroney,' Missea M argaret Meroney, Clayton arid Kathryn Brown, arid Fronie French, JTlas' Ivio^ Horn returned Tuea­ day frpm a dolightCul trip to W rightsvillo Boach with a party b f' friends from Gastonia, She aays ; a seven-day northeast is lilowiii'k there and that they aaw a very unusual storm at sea Sun­ day. The party also made a trip to tlio.beautiful o|d town of South­ port, where they had been tho worst hail storm in: tho town’s^ history the evening previous. A number of tho huge live-oaks were blown down and others badly M onday and Tuesday,' Pola ' Negri in her first picture ;k id ;in an Americpn setting ini'two,years, "The: Charmer^’ its proving more p op u 1 il r th a H:; "Fo rb i d den Para­ dise” or "Ba.st'; of Suez,” author Henry iüooi'loin rprbdueer Sidney Oicot w,i(h Soda ; Cowan ,'3.cona- rist. Remembp/ ths 8th annual para­ mount week begins Monday Sept. 7th,; all big Paramouni; pictures that week as follow s: “Sac Cloth and Scarlet,” Contraband,” “Old Home Week,” and “The Air M ail,” HONOR ROLL P. J. Rouse. ,1. S, Stroud J, F, Ridenhour , F, A, Nail' . Mrs, H, C. Lane Roland Granfili \ G, L. Howard W. C, Correli , j u s t I ie c e iv e Ì) a c a r " OF Gajvnnizod iron. C, G, San­ ford Sonv. Co. \ S e r v i e e t o H i g h w a y T r a r a s g i o r t a i t o t t МФ z iJ l’L Y! '.' if i I This Firestone record could: y only have been made through furnishing the public w it h .'i outstanding values and is , cohsequently, your assur-: 25 years of anticipating the requirements of motorists— making manufacturing pro­ cesses more certain—produc­ ing a higher standard of quality—25years cfunswerv- ance of quality and lovi^est ' ’ ‘ ing adherence to the Firestone prices. r~i pledge, “Most .Miles per Dol- / : :,v,';v<'v--b;4|^p lar”.-summarizes Firestone’.? you woiild like to know • „,more of this wonderful record,: I , , , ' # . .. >,л.д..I \ ri’ record of service to car owners. Firestone; factories have grown from a small building . approximately 75 x 150 feet to mammoth plants laying floor area of over 60 acres— ask your Firestone dealer to, send you an illustrated folder.; ; With today’s high cost of y crude rubber and other raw materials, Firestone’s oppor- il mf from a capital of $50,000 toover tunity to serve the public was $50,000,000—from ah annual never better, due to, its great saléis volume of $100,000 to over, $100,000,000-~alUn ihe short репой of 25: years. volume and special advanta­ ges in buying, manufacturing; and distribution. - KURFEES & WARD, 'Phone 80 Mocksville, N. C. H. D. DAVIS, " . ■ Advance, N. C. , ШM : ; Ï', tm il ' Í' c,>,î I AMBRICAN8«SHOULO PRODUCE ^H B IR * 0W> и '11' i'W'ä' RUbB B R ... .......!...............,,, 1 j-. , .i,.....;.!,.л1рт • r'\ I / v' т т т т ^ i'K- М .0 ì Pngi? в h : >iimeilcan Tractoie Made to Sell ‘ in Soviet Russia; llow a yoiinif Àmoriciin farm cx- ,P(iit by tlie name of Wtti'u took u ahlpJoad pi' tractora to Rusaia and taujiht tho petisanta Bcientiiic Btfneultufe,' la related by , Bruco ; Biivojl i» the;№ w In nó time àt all evei-y ;tÌ4ictór ;; watf out ón a Circus tour òf:, ite ^ own, tfóiiiir 'ù'om tow n'. to't^ . Olio’ Arii'órlcah withVquch" trnctor and an Intiìrpreter with etich Ame- , rican. ^ Deopitp; the еацегпезз of the boarded délegationg, cautious salcsm anahip ,had to be .used. Long ago,-he village priests had , told tho ipensants that tractots were the work of the devil. The priesta’ influence w as at a dis­ count now, but still— Here is the M achiavellian do- . Vico the Americans used. In evr cry village a delegation from the Jiext one was w aiting to escort the tractor on its way. The Ame­ rican bOy driving the machine would invite a likely looking mem­ ber of thia Jelegation to ride with him. H alf w ay between tcw nsj\e would .'persuade the Russian to V. Bit in the drivers’ seat and hold the wheel. If the pupil were ex- / ceptionully prom ising ho would • bo ?hown the starting and slop­ ping mechanism. Then behold the m iracle 1 Down thq road comes this stranger, roaring mon- ■ flter, from Amorica, which is said to have à hundred horses, no less coneealed in its belly. And who I Je sitting grandly on top pf the |)ea4t. riding it as St. George i m ight have ridden a- dragon,'caus­ing it to 80 y/here he pleases while it-obeys'Лп по1чу . meekness^ who but our pwn Ivan Ivanovitch, .husband of, Mar.ve and the father V of Ilttle.Iyanj W hat villager aft- , eij thot pould be cov/ardly enough to run and hide under the,feather- ; i ¡bed, lest the ; boast put oi^t its .forked tongue of lightning and : bu rill him t'l \4 c.inder?; That Was Aot'the only Yankee trick which W arp and ‘ Ìie ,crow played. Th^re was, io r example, ' tho matter, of little fields.'' ' Wbon tlio;<rao'.or,'arriving:in a village, had boon sufflcioritljr ,ad- , m ired, Its / services'w ere pron^pt- ly,i demaiuledi ; Each man wanted ,; a field iof^his plowed,; an plowed , flr«t;!arid;!ploy;ed at once..' Ac- icordingly,’ ;thO American and his ■(Bussiari, assistant . would ; select , à plot near^^iown, and /would begin. W hile the crowd ’loolced on and; m arveled, tlio long, clean furrow ■»vpuld be thrown up, straight and blsck and m oist., Another jbesiide ,,,. :lt, and another ; and then—Merci- ■fill ) Saints Peter and Paul I—the Aihjpricanski is stappingl He haa driven the Yankee , bea.4t out of - the field into, tho ror(d again. A hasty demand for explanation; and the Yankee, undisturbed, giv­ es it: "Your fields are too sm«|l. The tractor cannot turn around in them. It can only work in big ,, ones. If I m ust plow o nly,these littlo patches,.then I shall, go on to the next village.” Feverish debate. W hat did the American'ski say? But . Nvhat shall we dp?'/Our horsbs ai’e all dead. If he goes aw ay we are ruined. At this point the Amcvicanski drops a careless word. Of course, , you could make all these little land demnants into .one big field, and plant and ,harvest;it, and give cach man v aiiaro of the harvoat according to the prpportion o’f hià ■land to thii whole. ■ ■ More feverish debate; an d 'in ,a m iraculously ahbrt. tlm e^sofne- times only thred or four; Ночгй-^ the proposal is accepted. ; 3omo- thinga has, been ; accomplÌBhèd which the Qommunist orators have tried with daylong spcecho.4, over and over, to achieve but in v ain ., —— 7T--—=■- ON ТИБ JOB A girl from'a telephone ex­ change foil asleep w iiiie ' at] '.cliureh.,, , ' , V ;-j The preacher .-innouncing the liymn, said : '“Number 428." : “I’ll ring ’em .again,” she mur-, mered.'—The Progreasivo Grocer. ■ -----------------O ,- ' . . , The' spring lamb ja the^rf : in'ofiti^ble i'àrm' product on, ninny farm s in North .CaròÌÌna. How- ,over, this Iamb inust he born early iind fed well to. make the most . profit flay livestock workers. / / ....- ' , Parm ors who 'poisoned 'the boll weevil according to methods; ad-' vocatod by the A gricultural' Ex- tenaipn Service now ■ have ,eom- pletc control of Uie pest. :Infea^ tiition counts run from hothing to 10 per cent whore poisoning was dono right and from -26 to 76 pòi; ‘ ''ето, no poispning was dprie ':!mo county, agcntsiii;’i;>'v ’ ! , ‘'V/ I ^ ‘ У' ' ' J ' '. • ' ^ I ' I ■* ' Í, ■ 'V'. ' ' THK'MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE TO MAKE HOOM'FOR NEW STOCK, WHICH OUR BUYER PURCHASED RECENTLY, WE WILL HAVE A GENERAL HOUSE-CLEANING. THIS IS NOT A SALE, BUT A SPEjCIAL EFFORT TO MOVE OUR STOCK BEFORE THE FALL|BUSINESS OPENS. SO WE HAVE MADJj] SUCH PRICES AS TO MAKE IT INTEltESTING FOR THOSEfNEEDING NEW FURNITURE. «■■«»■»■■■iBiiiM ii»«"-'»-»"-""-'''-''"-“ “--------------------- i«iwiiWBHi!i'!3aj,;ffliM.i,:a3Miis(Hiiiii 3 Piece Suite Lesa, Ï0 per cent for .September only Less 10 per cent for September onÜy :'Pleasing Beclroiim. Suite Yoiifll be impressed with the eii- cellent design arid careful con­ struction 0 f thisH Suite. Four pieces as pipiured-Dresser, Chif- forobe, Vanity Dresser and Dou­ ble-size Bed. Walnut veneer-in combination with Gumwood. } Price . ' $ 2 2 0 .0 0 Less 10 per cent for September only We will finish this beautiful five-piece breakfast suite, con­ sistili^ of a drop-side corner-cut, table and four elegant Windsor chairs, in any color or combina­ tion of colorsyou may desire. A rear$50'v4tie;for ■ ■ V '■ ' ■ 10“]^iece Walnut Dining Room . .Suite. , и . / Less' 10 per cei^t for September only'v‘ ‘ The massive Buffet, oblong extension Table, China Cabinet, Server, Host’s Chair and ISve Side Chairs are beauti­ fully finished in Walnut. Constructediw + l,«--------« ' -Beds, Springs and Mattresses at The c h a irs Less 10 per cent ifor S e p t^ ^ ^ Prices t o S U it any purse. S e a ts o t g-ood g r a d e im ita tio n le a - ' ^ RANGES AND lOTCHEN CABINETS'AT SAME, REDUCTIONS' 'ciiHiBiniiiiMiHiiiiiaiiiiHiaiiiiaiiiiiaiiiisfiaiiiiaim^^ ----------- ,,---------------,,.»a.,,,.Mi»imiiiii»iiiiMiiiiaiiiiraiii!saiii!a!iira T COME'IN AND SEE OUR PLACE SINCE WE HAVE OVERHAULED IT! :e.. c : ■sANFOMp:': so ns : CO. • ’ BiG,REDUCTION;'ONyiCTROLAS ; Aíáá is.;t I I |,»'ч '’I 'I \ August 27;:i926;TT-TW MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE 'ÎliriblÆ D G E Й REPORT District Deputy Preparea Sli’-teiu«ht of the Year's Work For State Council , L ead TIMBER’ REMOVED ;^ctiyities of the 'past year in flic eigóth district of the state council Junipr 0 1'der,Uilited-Ame- rlcnn Mechanics aro related in an; jntereating report prepared for submission to the annUal meeting l,y Archie filledgo, district depu,ty. llic district includes' the subordi­ nate bodies in Fdrsytli :aiid Diivio counties., ■ ' jlr, Elleclge received -his comr niiásion on Septembor; 7, ;aiid dnr- ini? tlie yo.ir visitisd the,following councils! Salem ,,,No.' l/li”: Riira'I jliiil No. 79, >ValitertOWn NO. 30, Fnh'vicw No. ;19, -Mocksviilo' No. 22G, Southsidc No,,: 80,’ Centerville Nu. ¡20, Kétnórsvilio No. 54, Livcr- [)’ No. 3. , ;, , Two district meetings have Ijpcn held, states 'the , report. The first was held pn .; December 20, IO ;M , with Mocksville council. Re­ presentatives; w ere. present from Shunls No. 92, Liberty No. 3, Sal­ em No, 14, Fairvie>v No. l9, South- side No. 80, Jefferson No. 290/ Mocksville No. 226. State Coun­ cilor R. M. Gftntt was present and iiinde an address, a period was spent in,receiving suggestions for tlie good of the order, and the entire session proved of decided benefit. Tho second meeting, held oh Au- ¡nist l. vv.ith Salem council, was attended by representatives; of Sowthsldo No. 80, Shoals No. 92, ,JtííToraoi\ No. 290, Fork Church , No. 051, Liberty No. 3, Kerners- villc No. 54, Fairviwv No. 19, •Salem No.' 14. A feature of this meeting W.n<4 the adoption of re solutions of recommendation of F. W, Woolen, of Kernersvillo, as next district deputy.' T. H. Cash. suiSorlntondo'nt o f■ public* instruc­ tion of Forsyth county,' made a talk to’ the Juniors, presenting tiioughts for future work of tho district. During tho year flags and Bibl­ es have been presented to schools by the following councils; South- aide NoV 80, Liberty No. S. Fair- yiow No. 19,. Salem Np. 14,': Jo.f- I'crson No. 290. ‘ Mr.:EÍledKC\:statr 0(1 in his .ropprt tiiat. ho 'hnS^at' ' tended two * public mootlngs'-^at Siilem No, 14 and at. Southsidc No, 80, each , of these gatherings hcliig largely attended and prov­ ing of much ■value to the members and othor.s present. The report for thp'year shows a loss of 28 members, but these Jlr. Elledgo has, termed "dead limber,” forth littlo to the order,' in that they neglected to attohd meetings and'wero in arrears in dues. /' No new councils were or- Kanized', during the' past twelve months.,: - ; , \ iti referring to' loss in mombci- ship, Mr; Eiledge expressed tho opinion that “drives” to^.decuro now members are not beneficial to tho order, in that frequently the council is not selective enougli in receiving candidates. He urg­ ed close attention to all applica­ tions, and stressed the importance of having, tho highest typo of manhood compose the various subordinate bodies, pointing oiit th6 great opportunity open to the order to render national and local service, (ind with the proper typo of membership, this service may i)o .accompliahed with docid'ed credit. . Mr. Eiledge haa given much of his time and attention to the dis- tvict during the past year, for in addition to visits to the vni’ioi|s councils and^attendaiice upon ape-’ ciul gatherings, hé has held a nuubei' Of cdnforences on yariou matt'ers.-i lie is: Iceenly interesto^d in ;a ll. m atters pertaining to the ivolfare’; of, the Junior Order, and has rendei’pdi a notable service, according to members of the ord­ er, who haye Vnecoived - an inspi- rntion under his leadership that 'vili bo manifested 'in tho future success of the organization. THERE’S MONEY IN PECANS ' .• V'y ■, Raleigh, August. 26.—There’s nipney in pecans, especially when thoso trees are set out properly, . nro of tho right varieties and aro cared for as they should bo. The -Agricultural Extension Service of State College is cooperating in a mo's'oment to place one million peCan _trees i,n ■ eastern North Giircilina; during 'the next, throe years. , i , j ■ •'‘One . additional reason why I know; there is .money in pecans is n study, of'tbe results secured by Dr. J. M; Baker of Tarboro," says :■ , Glenn Of; Randall,' extension hor- .tipultudst,’;»t.:Stat^ GoUegoi ; “In PRISONER AT WiSTON GiETS OUT ON .‘LEG^BAIL’ , J oi! laiid near Tarboro containing w o and dne-half acrcs.''He plant­ ed piicun trees arid took fairly goud cave of his grove. When the trees cunie .into commercial bear­ ing in 1918, he sold in that ono your enough nuts to pay all costs of producing his grove including cho plirchase p rice' of the! land and tlie interest on his invest- ----------------. ment.” . • i prisoner was nowhere to be found» Mr. Randall states that this iS He had miulo “log ball” and de-, only another'^'example of What parted for parts unknown. , pecans will do in addiiig to'the 'I’be cscaped prisoner v/na ra- faim income.' Jle states that far- contly, convicted, along with a mors' in the coastal plaih section >vw.an, ol' committing a Efatutory and in the eastern piedmont sec- ^be city of Winsion- tion should noi; overlook the fact' fi«>pnV i‘d'r‘‘'>is.l;erod Wlnston-Ualem,' Aug. 22.“t:Gon- sternation spread .through;’ the Forsyth county convict camp one morning this week v.'hen.: the guards,.in chocking.up tho prison- crs, lound'the leg of convict No. ■chained to the bunk,; but the , *■ * * If n DR. R. P ANDEbSON DENTItiT : Residence J'hono .-<7. '. ' Phono 50 I : MockBville, N. G. é 4 * * * * M O ffic e' J* * IF you want 100 per cent pure * Food, cooked right, and serv- *“ed in an up-to-date way, nat * a t ' » GRIFF'S CAFE, * Ice cream an,d cold drink«» * jt f * * kt ■ * . * DR. I E. G. CHOATE DENTIST ■» ■ * * BAXTER BYERLY, М/ D. tion should not overlook' the fact' thiit the'.climatic and soil condi- « each c.ise, but there waa ¡tiona in these parts of the'State -»t enough money between the are ideal for the production of ’’"■y two lines, r,o the.'m an standard'varieties like the Schkey thp: case” , did tho, herp, act-^, .¿nel gtunrt ' ' ' . V : ' thc.womun paul hov yuo uiulwont' “Pccancultùrè l3 due'tobecomo f’oi^'w ay-tho man was^ sojit ,to á great ihdiistry''in; North Caro-tbe^ , Hna,i-‘ saya',Mr;\RahdhU, “a n d 'l' Jt'W ^,/lato in ike for tiiiis prophecy to, cómo ^hc' prisoner roachec he, rue not many years, honco.” , «chedцl^, ,. /' ■ • \o '-' ' ■ ■ ;'' ¡9i3oncV a terrti ’Of 00^dnysv. Night FKESil FRUIT .FINE AS SUlVl-^ came; ' The ifiiard shackled '«ib MER FOOD : ' leg|.; .'to,' the .'.bunk; . : on' I • '■ : ' 'which he was to sleep and sought Raloigh, 'Aug. 2(3.-Fruits are ^comfortable .quarters. ", no longer to bo classed'as luxuries' '.^.^3® guard.now has^in hia pos­ to be used as appetizers only, but. fusion _one wooden leg, w hich, aro necessary in the diet.duringpromises to return to the own- summer, are important the yearj “ ; if he will apnly in person. THE BROWN REUNION In Mocksville Monday, Tues , day and W ednesday; Over .Southorn Bank '& Trust C',o. '» ■ Phonb'llO ^ In GooJeomno Thursday, F ri- day and Sa-nr lay.; Ovef- C-.ol- ** oemce Drug Store; , X - R av D iagnojs’.ls •''^ P H O N E S ; R esid e n ce N o. SO. * O ffic e ^:.r ¡53 Office Over Drug Store. Of-^ fioe ! Phono No. ,31; Reui- ' donee No. 26, .. ' COOLEEMEE, N. C. ЛУВ. CAN: SAVM YOU MONEY ON ; YOUR .ÏOB PRINTING. ''Page:i7i,' First Qualiiiy G^arantee^ Tires. 80x3 Caaings 56.75 each ' v 30x3 1-2 Ca8ing8)$7.50 each 30x3 1-2 cord Casings .$8.1)0 each ROBERTS HARDWARE CO. iiWinst<>n-.'?«lem, N. C.::, :' * If ' * * # 1» » » » * C. C. YOUNG & SON * FUNERAL DIRECTORS j * , AND EMBALMERS. , » _____' Mocksville Cooloemoe *: Phono 183. Phone 6720 * Prompt and Efficient Service'):* ........... ' J»' и >5 \'4 # - afr aiiiiaHiiœiiiiâiiiâi;,Й 1М вв»«Й Я 1Ь Ш Thé Brown reunion waa held at the home of Mr. C. S. Brov/ii, About two miles from. Mo«ksvill« ------------- _ . on Sunday, Aug. 23. ' Relatives Prof. C. D. Mat-,j(ficl. friojiclS:.,from Winsto.n-Salcm, the Department of j Spehfter, Salisbury. StatesVjlie t State ’ College.” ! C'boieemGC |and: Mocksville wOro arpund and aró of greatest value during hob months when many body processes becomO sluggish. “Fruits are regulators of intes­ tinal activity and stimulate many of our i)ody processes during th.e. summer,” , says Prof. C. D. Mat­ thews, heacl of Horticulture at "Thoy aro iho best tOifics and w ill jproaént. help to keep the human machine in working trim. The mineral salts in fruit\aro of the most value; the yltamines are a necea- sity in m aintainir^ health and vigor while the roughage aids in digestipn.” ; ; ■ ;' Prof. Matthews states ' Wiat dietitians attached; to modical schools give to fruits - this, im-i' portant place. 'Thoy should, be oaten at least twice each day and it iS'tho poorest sort of ocoiipmy to cut down on tho'fruit suiiply or to buy.'the poorest, quality. Fruit is OMSontinl 'in hot 'Wenthor and should''bo used either frpsh from tiio riuu'ket or in tho vaiiious cooked dishosr ; ';, v' -' ; ‘ . “Fruit ia; one .of tho 'choa'pp.st articlos .of food,’.! fi.iys Prof.'.Mfltr thowi),; “There is a ' small per-' .contage of waste, and household ecorionij; in buying fruit ia best practiioed by buying a; supply in sOaaon. Some frulta’ may bo pur­ chased .throughoui; the year ' but a t ;higher prlcca; than 'when, in awson. Apples remain the most roaaonable in prico of all fruits an^^l ilre always available.” DR. LESTER P. if;. » #• .M A R T IN , Night. Phono 120; Day Phono 'Mocksville, N. G. „V..... table, 65 .foot .Ji'ntr jwndor the shade of beautiful tree.'i v.as loaded with cver.y good thing to oat imaginable,, 25 largo,cakes were on the table, arid every thing else- good tliat cpulil bb thought of, 125 guostfi were presopt, and oiioughx dinner left to 'feed that rhfinyj'more, E vely. one preaont ,en,ioyod themselves, fuul tim .day pant .'{jvUetly, All loft,hoping to moot lihoro, again on tlio 4th Sun­ day in August, ;192G, ■' , .One profiont. 'iM 'aiW C B 'l : ^ M A H i The Famil;^ S "W e use Blnck-Drnught In k our fam ily of six ohlldron and “ ffl iin d It a good llvor nnd bowol I m rogu'ator,": says Mrs. C. B. i ^ Nutt, o f . M luornl. Springs, I §3 Ark. " I littvo tnkon It my- L HS Bolt In ithe last two or three ™ ycnra for Indigestion. I . “ 3 'would fool dlw,y, havo g n s ^ ivi nnd Bour Dtomnoh, (ulao feol a ™ tightness In .niy cUest. I'd S ia talfo. a good cloao ,o( W m m M HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR, THINK AGRICULTURE A GOOD COURSE Q u e e n s College CHARLOTTE, N. GJ A HIGH GRADE ÍIN»rÍTUTÍbN : ; ■ 'ЕОиСАТЮ1<,:ОР.Y0UNG.';«V0^EN|;^^^ An Agrlcultui‘al course does not only riiean |inrd work but a succosaful start ^towards a prac­ tical education. It not only teaches one how to farm but, in my opinion, it trains his mind fully, to the extent that Latin does, if not more. i ^ Since the term “A griculture” means farm ing lots of people may think that it is not at all interest­ ing and that there is nothing to' it but hard work; but this is a mis­ take, for a course in A gricaltùre is ono of the most interesting aubjects that a high achool boy can take, and when he haa pro- perly finislied an . agricultural course he ki ows much mòre about everyday life than one wiio. takes, a straight academic coui-se. When, one is studying Agriculture he is not only loarnii^g how to grow corn or judge cattlo, but he is learning about riatttre and other practical things as well. ." . In Agriculture the high scl^ool boy first takes up farm crops and learna about '.tiie soil, cui,turai, : and. plant', food requirementa' of each. In the Animal Husbandry department he leai'ns h o w to feed and care'for animals to get highest production arid how to; diatingiiish a good animal from a' poor ono. In the Horticultural course ho learna how to grow early truck, good fruits and vege­ tables and liow to , b eautify.,thè homestead. In thp course in Farm Management, ho learns how to properly matjage tho f,arm so as to'm ake the ^ s t living. Although Agriculture 'requires work, both ^physical and mental, I consider ii,’ one of the best cours­ es that a high schpoliboy can take. Hubert Gartner, ‘ ' • ' Mockaville, N. C. MORTGACÌ.É SALE . 'OF' : VALU ; kBLE BUSINESS ■PROPER'"Y: V W'^THE ', TOWN :OF'"MOGKSi y;-VÌLLÉ,:'N.:C;: : •' ,' Puilsuanf'to ;authpriti,’ . corifain- qd' in' ii 'certain mortgage depd ol trust, ; pxoeufed by, G.', 0. WiriUer and wife,' Ella .Walker,^ to -'»y. 1,'. WpU'hirtor. Trustc/'o, on tho 30(Ji cjiiy of MArch', 1923, and registor- ed ' in M.« PvCgister’s^^ bl’fuw of Davie County, in Book oi' Mprtpr- agos ,No,’ 39 page 114, ' default having boon made in tho pay­ ment of the noto Becurod there­ by, ..and request of foreclosure hayin,? beent made by Salisbury Bank &■ Triist Company, tho hold­ er óf said, note, the underaigried Trustee w ill soil. at . public auc­ tion, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Courthouse door in Mocksville, N. C., on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11th, 1925, at 12 o'clock Noon, the-follow ing do- scribed real estate, to-wlt: Bounded on the North ^by lands of J. ,C. Dwiggins, lot No. 5 town plat, on East by New Street, on the South by Southern Bank and Trust Company,' on West by NorW: Main Street, and described as follows, to-'wit: Beginning at an iron stake in West liiie of lot “No^S A. D.” -in town plat and in line of Blain Street, being N. W.' corner of lot of Southorji Bank 1&, Trust Company; thenco N. with line of lots Nos. “3 A. D.” land "4 E. F.” in town plat 46 ft. to S. W.-corner of J. G. Dwiggins (formerly B E. riunt)/lot in line of lot No. “4 E, F.” ; thence Eaat ,\vith J.' C.*' Dwiggins’ lino 90 :ft., to his South East corner; thence i.North With his line 31 ft., to his N. ,E, corner ¡ ; thenco East with line' of'lot No. 5 'about 61 ft,, to jstone;.in. Neat /Street; thence South, with line' parallel with Eastern : boundary of Main or Henderson Street- aljout 77, ft,, to N, É, corner of Southern Bank & Trust Co.’s lo t; thence West I w ith'lino of Southern Bank and Trust Company’s lot 151, feet to the beginning cprner, containing sq! ft. :á when. 1 t«lt tliiit -wny. and It ^ would.rnliovo mo, aiid I would fo ol. bettor for days, ■ .. {<# 'Щ "M y Iiimbond. tnUoB It for (¡<v. ¿ I ЫИоивпозз, Hp .enya Iio Ьпя ^ '■<1 nnvori found -Itrt ociuiil, Whoti ‘ij ho has ' tho tli’ül,; Uoiivy feel- i|g| , « Inff,’ ho talíóa BUiolc-.Dr4ii(.iIit E ' m nlffht (md moi'nlnsi for a fuw S¡«) diiyo, and ho dooaii't coml)l«jn . Ш : "■¡.niiÿ more. ■(' • "1 a II i-o: do: rocomm on d T h o:l • ■ w v'ford’a B laclt-Drniicht,".......... Й■yoiir: llvor Ы tho jlargoBt ог{Г.1 п:: In .your body. . W hon o ut,o f pr'dor. It (jrt'.iaoBÑmtuiy :¡í& compliilntSv':■; :P\it your livur hv' abftpo’ by. :tïilcluiï'131nRk- DraUB'Iiti ; , Piin.ly vogaUiblo,:; ,, : ■ ; ■ Sold, Evnrywlwrc ‘ I Christian Ideals constantly hold^bofore :the Students;;' ................>' ..........I 1 Christian : Chiiractora . in ^the, chairi|Ll-,Abftoh: Depnrtmo Christian Atmosphere prehiofttlng tho: Student Body.;".;: ;',:. Location, the very bost: Myora Park,(Charloi;loi 'Equip-, : ment meota standard roquiromenta. ,: Curriculum equal io that of any inijtitution in.,tho State,, Expenaoa: vory modQ-r rate indoed, considering advantagda offerod and work done. Our, Motto: ' VChristlnn,Women fo r Chrlstiail KomoaV' •Send us your daughter, , support» uS :in ..our ndinlnlstratlon ' -.■■«.r;',-';: >,v. ...vV ' ‘‘v- t '■'' 'V 'i'' \ i and inatructioni and wo: w ill .return a thoroughly; developed , and fully refined. Ghristlall^womnri. ; ,^^^ ..' ;:Г’рг catalog:and.;pth^ iiifprni'ation,..write W ILÚAl^ H. FRAZER, W csldeáf^¿ Dos 300 " ' \ -у: : Charlotte, N. C. : ' COOLEEMEE, NORTH CAROUNAi SATURDAY, SEPT,5,1925 THIS IS A STATE WIDE CONVENTION AND WILL BE HELD IN THE AUDITORIUM OP THE 'CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL BUILDING. I . ' . ■ - . ■ f ________ Bail Game at 4 p. m. Moving Pictures 6 p. 'in. Fiddlers Convention Will Start at 8 p. m. Arrangements have been inade for parkiÄg cars in enclosed ball park, next to Auditorium in care of a special officer. The pro- | ceeds from this Convent!rm svill go to prizes for the competing- musicians and for the benefit of the Musical and Athletic Depart- ments^of the CoUsolidated School. Refresh^ients Will Be Sold On The örounds. ALL MUSICIANS AlSiD DANCERS WILL BE ADMITTED FREE WHETHER, ENTERING THE COMPETITION OR NOT. LADIES WHO ARE MUSICIANS--TMViTRn. -V./ " Ì ‘ » 4 ' : ' 4 Remember, always corae to tho ti.pulturist ’at State College, -in | printing offic'e first when In lieed IdOQ Dr, Baker purchased a tract ¡«f any klud of prlntiBg. For particular-description see deed from E, L, Gaither and wife to D, H, Hendrix, Trustee, re- porded in Boole 26; page 381, and deed from Southern Bank & .Trust;Company to W, G. Walker, Irecorded in , Boole 26, page 530, Register's office, Davie County, In . c.. : ' For further information, see either of the undersigned.’, . This, the 6th day of August, 1925. : W. E. McWHIRTER, Trustee. P. S. GARLTON, Attorney. Salisbury, N. 0. 8 1 3 to 9 8rd. 1Í' y ' FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ADDRESS J# p SELL, Manager, ' COOLiiiEMEE, NORTH CAROLINA. f ' , ' Í И 1 '' 1 4; I-,. . . . ^ (''iîïiSi m : Pa^e 8 fié . h . COOLEEMEE - JEUUSALBJI , BAPTIST CHUUCIIES (D. F. Putnam, pustor.) ; rreneliiiiti uvery Sujiday moi'n- ’ ' Ing and' evening at Cooleemee--. P rayer mooting ovci'y Thursday, vj'?; :iiight--TSunday School every,Siin- day morning at 9:45. ,T. F. Spry ’ Supt.; S(}Hior and Junior B. ■¥. ; , IV V'' nieof every Sunday evening at seven o’clock—Preachfhg ’ at Jerusalem the fii'st and .third Siui- ■ day and fourth Sundays, at' 1:30 the first and thu'd: Sundays. A ■ cordial invitation is extended -to those who read this, to attend all ' those services., . , ' The pastor'has been, out of town for the last few\Vi'eoks hence the failu re to report the happening» , from the chui'ches served by,him. He w ith jiis w ife had a most de- lisfhtful/Vacation^ at Ridgedrest, but was really glad to get (back : hoine and take up the work once again. The w riter is preaching this week at 2 p. m. and 8 p. m., at Turrentine,. assisting Rev. J. L. K irk, the pastor, in a series of ’’ ¡evangelistic services. The meet- iing starts encouragingly. Erskin H eatherly, M isses Cre- ./.i pla and Ethel Young, Ruth Heath- Henry, who ' ^attended the’ M ars Hill Assembly, fl;^port'a.m o8t helpful and joyousi S'etlhg. We feel that this w ill tof great benefit to these young people. v; ; The subject for next Sund m orning w ill be: Godfs Plan in Your Life, How can W e Know? I A t .night ‘-'The Reward of doing :,th e' common place or Little ’■ViTh.lrigS."' !: ^ Sqiith Yadkin Association, lisvili'cionvei^e Wiih the Sou River , - church, in Iredell county, on Sept. '4l'’ The iollow-ing is .the, oi service..: ■ Vi;, 10:00/ a. m.-—Prayer and praise g^vvlpe -rRev. 'D. P. Putnam . ■ '5Mii^‘'r'-''‘‘10:15.,'a. m.—Cali to, order— 'kI"'......... ''’'MrideratorV .V , ■ ing ne.4t Sunctny of the CpbleemcD .ohurcl\ at which time' bfficéi’ii v/iJl be oU’Cïed for the Sun:lu'.’ f*chool, f3v iho next atóoclatioriftl ycai’. The Icltur to the associa­ tion w ih: bti read’ and ,4pproyo.ci. O ther’ matóürs' of , vital inte'.'tíRt, '•■ ill b e . passed on. Lot''v every member v.'hò can. dò so be piv !-'')}t. , ■ ' Л, "~qÒOD MANNERS^^ , THE''MOGKSVILLE-ENTERPRISE^ FROM ■ RESEARCH ‘ DIVISION CAROLINA MOTOR CLUB, Inc. i f e .. Si; »tírewrr.tt; An American woman lelt this >A communication country thirty .yow« ago, is,-being,fom at-decl to motorists turned SIX months ago. The, oui! judgement ia far thing that startled, her in America is signed was the decline of manners. She,the tpayor and constable and color in closed cars, lurgeri low­ er fenders, newly ideslgiied.tieats /md’ larger-, niore i^w erfur'brakes. Ldnger lines, effected, through higher radiator,: and redesigned cowl and bodies are apparelit in all . the improved Ford ¿ars, but iire especially proiiouhced hv tho open tyi^es. . Wide crowri fenders hung close to the yVheols 'contri- ,.bute, to the general-effect of lovv- Greensboro, Aug.' 26.:—As a re­ sult of oom plaintsòf m ail orcler arresta near Gary and of a “speed trap” <it T.nylorsvill^vColoman, W. Roljijrts, vice-president ■ of;the Carolina Motón clti.b hiis. issued the. following bulletin from head­ quarters: ■ .. : ,.DUte, to the general-t , "M ail oi'der arrests havq--broli- ness,;.,and .^martiiesai . . ц en out in another sp otj'this tim ei ;'W h ile Runiibout, and Touring g in Gary, N. С. 'A cornmunicfition.Car l’em àin’ iri black,- the ,closed is beiniï fní’wii'i'fioíi — i.i..) . - '^'^’u rsd n y, August 27 1 « i / ; P Ron* call of churches an d , còl-, lection of letters. ; Election: of officers. , . : .. Adoption of order of buiilncsa. . 10.:45 a, m i^Repdrt of executive committee. , : ' .ii - V TwoVjiii ate roportf from all of th e’.churches.', '¡.'i,,/''. r'^.; ■ 12 iOO—-Introd'uctory sermpn—; '••'‘V'-^‘’2lovji.W ;-B.‘ W aff.’ - ;'. ' 7 '' : làrSO ; p.: • oi u_.:-:,.Y .v,'com m ittoe.?, ' ■■ ■ ' :> v :7 (l)i On N’ominations; ■ , i 'On 'Finance. ‘ , '-(S) Digest of L etters,' I I i ! r ; (4) Time, Placo and Preacher. Ajrijournment. ■ Afternoon i , V 1 :45 p. m.—Prhyei' and praise aervlce—Rev. p . F. Putnam. . ------- WA ». one wrote an article about it for a magazine. Tho most striking thing in Ame­ rica during the last twenty years is a. decline in manners., There has been a decline in manners since the outbreak of the w ar; ' The young people of 1925 ex­ h ib it'less manners than did the young people of 1924. The first books written were devoted largely to 'manners. An English earl wrote a classic, be­ ing letters to his son. This book is mostly about human conduct. M anners are largely interwoven with customs. It is bad manners to break the law, to show a lack of reverence for the old, to break an engagement, to break a conr ttract and to break into a conver­ sation. It’s bad manners to kill. It makes for the personal discom­ fort of others. W hat the returned Ahierican stiw 'w as the liick of courtesy, Mt\iiy of our people confuse courtesy with subservience. Some are so .full of the doctrine of equality that'they are afraid that, if they observe the ordinary rules of personal courtesy they w ill be, set-down as flunkies., A common man is .commoner when he is impolite. An ignorant man shows him self to be a gentle­ man when he is Courteous. B{id manners usually promote ^either bad morals or an obscure m oral. vision. ip< ................. .. “‘>V‘says tha^ ou ¿>r about the blank day* of blank month at about the hour of b'lank time the party ex­ ceeded the speed, restrictions in Gary. 7 . "The letter further states that ‘we hold a State w arrant against you, reckless driving and exceed­ ing the speed lim it. This war­ rant w ill be held for seven days f^om date. You m ay settle .by lending a payment of $5 fine and-i.- -n__» ^ «««ciji/ UJ. ipp iin6 And $3.10 .TOsts, otherwise, it w ill be necessary to have this w arrant served on you by Sheriff.’ It I seems that they" ha.ve an .automa­ tic machine which sets a fine of $5-and costs of 3.10 and automa­ tically charges the motorist with reckless driving,, butf does not state the time or place'or rate of speed. We would urge that peo­ ple receiving these letters do hot remit, because it is not a legal proceeding. “Further complaint comes, to the Carolina Motor ■ club from motorists passing/,thriugh Tijyl- oi'sville who havo had experience with' pollcemon there requiring ' the payment of .$9.40 for thoso who may pass between two given lines a few seconds ,faster than the town law provides.' .It is re­ ported'to .u s'th at ono man waVes a red flag the moment a car pas^ scf} a given point and the other takes the.m otorist up at the o^her end of a "given point, . extracting $9.40. ■ ••--------- . . ' -\. . , Mèn used to o ifer women theh'| ;“It is our belief that'-thore iis 'seats in .the stroot cars. Wòmen.;not (i court thiit ,will uphold this do not thank men. any more and';.unfair 'metho(l' nt’ :«'•'^'''•■•■'“•-^ -■ in most parts of tho country men have stopped offering-their sónts. In the public schools in the north 10 yop.rs, jxgo th ey, '..wtìre '’I'!'-’"-“ ----“ _ ....... ... mu ciosea bcdifis are finished' in harmonic eolor schemes, enhanced by 'nickel I'adiators. th e Coupe and Tudor bodies are finished.in.deep chan­ nel green while the Fordor is rich Windsor Maroon. Greater comfort is provided for driver and passengers in both op­ en and closed cars by larger com­ partments, more deeply cushioned seats and greater leg room. Many nev; conveniences, are also incorporated in the improved cars. In the Runabout, Touring , Car, Coupe and Tudor, the gasoline tank is under the cowl and filled through an ingeniously located filler cap completely hidden from sight by a cover sim iliar In ap­ pearance to a covvl ventilator. One-piec'.- windsnield and narrow­ ed pillars in the Tudor and Coupe offer the driver greatly increased, visibility and improved ' ventila­tion. Driving c<|mfort is m aterially increased by lower seats, scien­ tifically improved back rests, and lovveroci^'steering wheel. Brakes and clutch pedals are wider and more, conveniently spaced. .), Four doors are now provlded„pn the Touring car nnd .two on the RuTiabout perm itting the driver to take his place from the, left side of the car. Curtains, held secure' by rods,, open with the doors. : Most important in the mechani­ cal changes aro the impi'oyed brakes. 'The transm ission ’brake drum and b^nds have been ,cóhsi- derably 'increased in size which gives the fobt brake .so fter‘and moré positivo, .action as well, as longer life/ The rear wheel brake finning Sept. We close our store at 7 o’clock p. m. except Satur­ day..^':’' ',7 ' ^ PHONE IN YOUR ORDERS, EARLY TO ENABLE US TO ' .■ > ' ' i ■ ■' -V ■ GIVE YOU THE ATTENTION WHICH WE DESIRE TO GIVE, AND WHICH YOU SHOULD HÁVE. Allison-Johnson MEATS- ^W Ë DELIVER THE GOODS'~G"O^ERIES ишлпякош inviai'; iilmost ¿s easy Hdiiig m b a l l o o n s K ELLY- S P R IN G F IE p ’S e.\:clusivo new ruetliod ot' ,con8tni«tiou loops tho hond right into tho cm'tls of tho tiro iauric itself. TIjIs luakcs tho new Koliy Bo^ilcxiblc that yonr oar can liOw rido upon thp air in the tire riithcx' tiiun upon • the bumps itttho road. , WcVo heard liro users say that theae Kelly irioxihlo Cords arc alraostfas easy-riding aa balloons. 'I .And that isn’t the only de­ sirable feature about them. ^ Like all Kellys, they give tho ^ long,dependablemilcago every IT c^r-owner wanta. .. uu..u ,>vii. upnoKi thi.H longer life.' The rear wheel braice unfair 'mothod' o'f .enforcing 'the '’'’u™« is^i'Sor an d , thii. brake, la%. ' . ■ i ' of sell! onorgizing typo.’ -: “'ih e C aro lliiaS o io r club ; Cord:;tires,aro jio w ' staiidard ho. every one ! to o b e y th'p' ;iaw and, oQulpment pii all Ford, cars. : re does.'noi^irotoct reckless A t th6,^main';Offices.of tho c>id’l arid ' sneedDw; : " ;Д1ЧУ «JKl; ^ 9.^'d.Ca*'8' ,___... ,^^»o T;noy , -.,wdro ¡does;'not^protect recltleSs ’di'ivGra At the.^maui'.ptli tho eom- itoaching children to say “yes'’ arid'!arid.' speedeiii.but ,‘it ':doeS;' lo.bk pany it was stated today ,|hat "no.” 'They'wore toid'^hat'it was'.with disfavor 'upbn .the. methods production of tlni, new lines, is hot good fbi,*in to; 'say,“yes, ail',’’ practiced by,many constables and under way-in alL.assemwy pliints an"^d "no, sir.’’ police officoi's, Especially ' so of tho conipany, throughout: tho In: Charlestori, Baltimore; New whflt:o the'local town ft"»-'“Orlfl.'ins, . .___ . X ULllillli. 2 :00 p., hi;—Miace'llancpus busi- ness. 2 rlO p. m.—Report on co-ope­ rative program. Including Stew­ ardship and Church Finance— Jlev, J. B. Eller, 8:30 p. m.—Report of commit- ,-tees:on benevolences: ‘ . . (1) Orphanage-—Rev. " A, 0. Moore. ,(2) HoBjiital—^oV. M. -VV. Gov don. , / . „, (8) M inisterial Relief—Rev. C. I*. Mooney. 4:00 p. m.—M iscellaneous busl- jiess. Adjournment. . , Evening Session 7:45 p. ni.—P rayer' and praise 'Service-—Rev. D, P. Putnam. 8:00 p. m.—B. Y. P. U.—Rov. J, G. M urray. ' ' 8:30 p. m.T-WOman's Wdrk- J lis s Laura-Lazenby. .Adjournment, v ’ . ' . Second Day, Morning Session , 10:00 ii. m.^—Prayer arid praise service—Rev. D. F. Putnain.'?; 10:15 a. .m.—Eopoi't on Sunday Schools—Mri3. I. ,P. Erazier. ; ; j 10:45—^Report on the SprearPof i:he Gospel' fl):;i,'State .Missions—Rev.: D.’ F Putnam. ■ ■ ,,. "(,2) Homo M isslons—Rev. W. B -W aff...' a: ' '('3) Foreign Missiqns-7-Mrs. A, P. Newcomb.' ' i •Educatign--Dr.(4) Ghrifitlan F. G. Slfrman., , < Adjournment, ' Afternoon Session 1:45 p , }TV.—Prayer and in’alBfl eervice—R ev., P, P. Putnam. 2:00 p. ni.-^-Report: on Religious L iierature—Rev. Sex: Swan. 2 :20 p m;—Report of committee on social service and public mor­ als-—Rev. L, R. Tato. ■ ?:40 p. m,—Report-on'Obituiiri- en—Rev. 0. S. Ca9liweil,\ , ^ 3 :00 15. m —Report on Digest of Letters—Dr. G.. W f Choato. ; : .i'; ;;, , 3 :15 p. m.—-Report of executive ' C'CTOmllloa. ;!|lft03;3o .p. m,-^Appointment I ii ,Vi w|ffiscoManepu8 ■ bud , ;: _______ jiiapecially ' so oi. №o conipany, throughoui 'theIn : Charlestóri, Bifiltimorei NeW jwhdi:o the local town ■ enacts an country 'and the Impròyed . cars ’ ...... ■ “ ordinance adopting a, speed law are ' M n g sen t. to dpaiers, for contrary .to ihp state la,w, which knowing, it cannot lawfully, do. .‘,‘Mdtorists; traveling' No. 20^ to Wilmington are advised that , . Colunibus county has a spofid' of^, If you \yont to se.e,how manners ficor operating in .and have declined/ióroject yoursdlf Bolton.'v This:officer back 25'years into a hotel dining' *'— roprii. ,, ___ojiui/llliore, INCW Orloans, Natchez arid Columbuf?, Miss., tlie children stlir say “yes, sir,” an d , “noi sir.'. We mention these towns because the, people in them retain their good man ners. ■of , - and our crime '.Ihere ,w ill bo, a.'business'.mect- ' wave .thriyo.».:'-i In those days people entered slowly and quietly, took their seats. An • aid : of serenity; pre- vaded , the y'room. V The,, ' knives, forks arid dishes were as If they were soundpi'bof. ^Peopjo' ^yero patient with the w aiters. : ■, Now ‘ go Into, the' same dining room ■V-” ” Qn ______ wytlOiOLillJj brjiss InstruraSnts and a tin pan piano. If you dq not ■surrender your hat.on'the outside some one growls at, you. Then when you get inside there is a roa:r òf voices. The women gabblo like a- lot of parrots and the men cry from table to table like a lot of bull­ frogs, Then listen to them eating .SDupi" If the w aiter 'is’ a minut'e late there is à row, ;> Bad manners beget bad service in a restaurant, , ^ A few months ago' a man was longing; around tl^c ¡counter of the office of ;a hqtel clerk., There was a party in the front, end of, the hótól. . The man said to tl^e clerk, “ I believe I - will, go over to the ballroom Y and hoar. some noise.” ' : ; . . “If . you want' to hear some, noise,”; the ; clerk ’ said, “ju st .go upstairs and listen to that train-, load o f'to urists, who have just arrived,: eating soup.” ' In some o f our new-fangled clubs it ' is a igreat, thing to cal 1 a fellow ’ member bj' his first, narrici and to shorten that. Wo . once heard;'a baldhe'adod “go-getter" in a place whore you “sold ideas'^ and' “reacted" and “vvere sold" on something tell how it made him feel good every time he called a distinguished rabbi "B ill,” and a distinguished ejergyman, of another denomination, :v Matt. Think òf calling the Apostle Pctoi' “Potè”: iind, the author of thè ;first: Gospel, “M atti”: r; - v . Sociability is never improved by yokelry arid crass vulgarism . If you w ill notice; orir manners decline ju st as our m orals'declino and our crime and lawlessnessWflAfo proper 'FOOD FOR SCHOOl. , ---------........ wours a unl. . ^ Ч, li"“! Т1Ш ПВО (im'la« whicl'i dill,iron nrointoim ed ho is instructed no^' to nttomlliig school nmy iiptly be cnlletl make , arrests -except whorp- tho "Tliu Danget'oua Ago.”'it Is tlio pei'lod party violates the law.” of rapid b'l'owtli mitl ovory cni'o pliould -n/-»TiT"*m'in-------------------Г--------- bo tnl!On,tO Ilism'O tlio clilld of n nor- M O VIN G ' PICTURE imil nnd Healthy 1кк1у. , Tl|o Idoii-ot MACHINE MEMORIAL TO ’ eating only fit and wholusoino foods JOHN. McNAIR PATE aliotild ho oiirly lnipros.4ed on tlio A T S./VNAT0RIUM .уоппког nionihora ot ovory fiirnlly in order to protoet them iiKnlnst Inter • III hcalth'imil Its nceomimn.vliig unlmpr\lnnc«a Ti* *-l.~ -.-1- • . . . —————oiliiju uining Cl i. • A . . ' in heaUh UlDom. "iTour ears are/blasted by Sanatorium, August 25.—As a jiincss. if t n orchestra consisting largely of to their grandson and in iho diet .............«^ч ...r ......ч.ии, I'iiss instrunSnts and a tin pan *’®Priew, Mr. John McNair Pate, chbos of food, poisoning, tndlKi:stl(^n iano. If you do not ■siiwn.>a.,..lMr, John F. McNair and his son, »f«' I'lndvod iillnicnta nmy wsidt. Mr. Jam es L. McNail, of Laurln- boing tho cl^lof Item in burg, have donated funds to tho li? North,,.r the purchase of a moving picture posed to gems «ml tnny: enon Uccome machine lor the benefit of the undt for use. VY^ierevor/there Isstho patients at the institution. ' slightest rciittttffifer dmiiit Mr. John McNair Pate was a Pi'i'lt.'’ foiwl^ii4iie, stops sli'tifihl he patient in tho institution eight ''"1,'!,'*' cuicd .and was one of the most (¡¡f, ргпсПсо of ijMini! successful young business men in mill.- ihiitJs.HhHolntely iiuro .iind .sii'rlie his community. His accidental nnd free'from nay когтя or liliciiM'In, .death last year, brought grief to I'l’® ^ntisfnetory, as woll ;iiK,tl!'; his; host of friends throughout the «»fysi ai'M! used In prepnrlrig foo|rr('f State '\ ' ' the groivlng dliild 1.Ч evnpnnitod iiiH.K’. ' ,riP4- „J! „ i • - If Is storlle. nnd.lhmTl’or« snfe..-Il,™ s g ift; of a woving pioturp^ lg d|ge,st|hlo Uinn iimrla>( milk, niachme lor the bon.ofit o f the pa- its nnlfpriniiy. eonvonlenwbnnd cost v tients here .at the; Sanatorium; is mo' ruinlltlos ilinf .ronnnihii'nd It,' v ’ a iriost. i'it'tirig moniorihl to Mr. ^ Tiio foijmvhig (llNiies ai;e''^nll IPate. Shut in lis they are, the tl'c / needs, of tlie. Ki'<»vlriK ol.iHd*: po^ible foi'ms:of'entertalnment of ¡'I''’ ,i''?“8tod;;:u.id;. yery the imariy .’tuii«'ciilbus: sufforerp "oia'isblng: .y, here at tho ,Sanatorium are ratlj- * caram or limited. .Tlil.4 will take their riiinda off their troubles and will bo a most; useful mearis of enter- KELLY F l e x i b l e C O R B HtjRNIifMOTOR COMPANY ’ ' MOCKSVILLE, N. C, iGas and Oils ВВЕККШ\ ■neiiiÍHiiiiÉiiiHiiiii ÍIÜ69ÍKJ — y* u-L UlllOr- ’ tainmont and insti’uct.ion for years to come. / - :•, I. FORD ANNOUNCES IMPROVED LINE 0É BODY TYPES) J ' Body. ciiaulfds ; arid chassis V ve- finem&pts rriorc pronounced thap any made since thp: adoptionof the Model T chassi.s' woro an­ nounced here today, by the :Pórd Motor Gompany. : 'Thero: w ill, )je no advance in' price, it :alao: ,was •stated. i' Outstiiriding features pi thq;ilm-‘ provements in: both; open and eií- closod type^ are lower, all steel bodies, oiv a lowered chassi,s,vcbm7 plete new dealgri' .in , nipsii body #peSi>.ui>: chari'í^Pv.íi'omvW Caràmol CuBÍa'rd., • ’ ,'i Г oúp 'oviiporiiluíl . V4'.oüp яикаг V w illt dllulód .(oiiratnól|-.<o<l) ;,, with , , i tbsp.-isiilínr .I üup wtitor-, ,, .14 .'tsp iid iilt',II рвь-я . , . . .Ml ,,t«p.'VnalHa, i' чRoiilil tlio (llliitoil mlrit;; Cni'iimollzotho HUKnr nnd ii.dd lo inlíú tn tllssolvo. n«at ОКВ.Ч HllKlUly',. hdd’titib'iir, япИ. luirt lluvorlmï . nnO ., etipiiilno '.w.itli';': scnUloil irnUlc. '. Pour \lnt'o üUiitnr'd 'oiiPH nnd s,ot In.>. pnn ¡wntOr' nnrt üoolt In aniodornilii ovun;,. Wlioii ■ tipno, .ii Itnlfo /blindo run In tho ofintor Win como out ','liloiin. : ,iFlsh Chowder. ' ' i pint rnw nsli nut • il oupa' liolllns i‘ J , In '1-lncll. (Ileo ,^Yfttor0 (¡malí polntoois,, ' 1 oup ovnpornted . Bllport, ;mlll{ ' d\lutoU .8:Onlohs oliopiiod i .;лу1П| ' ,.'■(Ino , r:'... ;. I oup;.water, , , U pnim(l: f(il m'ilt 6 oradliera ’ ., prtrlt, ullocd, ', . Fry.oiit Ilio imlt porlt. Whon brnwn, ronioVo plncos ,n( pnrH.anfl put llBhi PO- .tntoüs, aiul,,«nions In' Icottlo. Covor with holnne wntor. aimmor>untnipo,- tfttooH aro tondpr. ' A(lrt'!tho tnllk'iand’ pooli, 5 mlnulof^ ioiuror. -^ицяип with unit nnd imppór. .lu.4t uofnro uurvlni; àaa tliO'ornaUorn- . ь NORTH CAROLINA POPULAR EXCURSION , ' ) . , . 'to , , , , ‘ ' WASHINGTON, D. C, , . Friday, September 4, 1925. / . - ^ " '' ' '' SOl/THERN 'RAILWAY SYSTEM ., ■ , ■ •. ' Three whole days and two rilghta In Washington. / :' Round trip fare frorn;;Mpclt^llle,;N.:C.,,/...^n;í;.'.,.',:V.^llí()0 Special train leaves íGreeristíbro H Sept.' ;'!, 1925. Arrive 'Washington' 8140:a.inn^ySeiit.^/1925. ; ^ ' Tickets on . salé, Septeipber 4th, fgppd: on’;i;pgular;'trains to unction points, ,thbrico. Snnnlni. 'Pi.ni-o. ^ -____ trains to : junction points, ithbrico. Special Train; - Obpd^^t^ all. regiilar trains ; (except N o''3 7 Í'So 'ris'"tb'reauh br^ starting point prior, to midnight i/of "Tuesday,- ,áop^8th,' 1Í25, ifeturriing regular^trains iloaye Wasíiiíig.ton 8 :2Q,’a."m., 11:00 a; mi, 3 :45 p^ m.j 7 :00 pi'rii., 9 :35 p, m., and'lO :50:.p,,m., > Gig Leagle Uiisebrill Games . , , _ Washington^ Senators i'vs.i Boston Red So x.' 'V> '¿Two gariies--^Sei3tomt)er 5th: and * A finb bpporturiity to ;spo Wt^ltov -íTohnson, star, pitcher,. tl.o Senators; Ike’Boone, íitai’.fielclér,;tho Red Sox, and oth­ er groat stars iii action. ' . r-,., -:'i / Tills: w ill also,; bo .IV wonderful-Vópportunity to visit W ashington’s many public buO Arlington National Cemetery and:the various other;points.of interest, ’’ Tickets good in pullman ,s,lebping^^ra and day coaches, ,' No: stop-overs ¡arid no baggage, checked, . ' ^ 1 : .Make ypiir Blepping,cW rpservations oarly, i ' ; For further Information call bn, any Southern Railway agent or address: ' V''A ,, V V , ' R, H. GRAÍ-ÍÁM, . . : ' ' División Passenger rAgijntV ^ , ■ Charlotte',.N; C. '.... ’t* »/. 'i voJj. y iii/ ’F i ' TRUTH, H0NÍ¡STY^F-;p,ijKPÓSB,,;:4Np;^ TO ioU R COUNTY- IvND OUK ‘PLAQ^ liá OUR/AÍa?A N P PURPOSE ' - ...........................................% fe No:r4Z ':% L kч-'-йт McLean Lauds; Conditions' ' - ' At Tuberculpsis Hospital Governor Finds Sanatorium Im- proVeJ in Service PROBLEM IS MADE TO FIND TRUE FACTS Liberal Policy Exists as Regards D ischarging Sick M c C A l N Hopeless AIDS Patienta f. Months PROBLEM Kept 18 (By Brock^Barkley, in Wlnston- ' Salem Journal). tp;,- Raleigh, ¿jAug. 29.—Conditions at the Statp Sanatorltim for'í tíh'©] tuberculib^istreatment |pf much bettd| now thail.;U.lïey havd been at auj| previous tiiï'iç,” Gov- e a r t Hq u a k e o f m u c h INTENSITY RECORDED New Orleans, A ug.: 29.— An earth shock of great in­ tensity was Recorded on the seismag|raph of Loyola uni­ versity here this afternoon. Father Abel, seismologist in charge, suggested that the shock , was , jioesibly 2,000'. miles distant and probnbly-; teached 1 maximum: ' inten^sity |' tótween 4:55 and 5:03 o’clock^', central standard .time. 'Vlt>'ra- , tlons.^began at 4:55 and. con-:, l>'Hlìited4(»^5:ÒÌ5!-^''.' ernor McLban dpekired ^ a atatemei^f reportinir on' hia In- vestigatibnt'linto affaira a,t the ¡n-¡ stitution.' jS.. ... V “My invp8i;i'gation shóWS).!ÍtnátJ instead; of itho adoption of a new or restricted policy, that tho board of directors In Ju ly adof/tod a more liborhl policy with ,respect to the discharge of tho 3b-called incurable cases,’* he aaid. ' The Statement The full' statement, containing, also a.'lettGr from Suporlntendent ■Piuil ' P.'i.McCairi,, \vas releaaod to the press , tonight./; -. . Governor' McLean 8,aid : -, ’ "It \yill be reçalled that diiriiig, my absoncVi' on a short; vacatipn, the Raleigh Uiorr'estioiidcnt, of, the AsaociatcdjPress on August 16th, in an artiblb published generally, , throughout:' thp. state, miido': the ■ ,stateinent'cpritalning charges as to u-áfaVorablb; ■ coiiditiona at the State Sanatonium' for Tuberculo­ sis, and among, these, .that, a dium-' bor" of • patiórita''wóuíd;;tó orirSbpt'ôrii'Bbr-'rp^^^^ thp fàlW roiof'th''p'last io^lsldtiiro to provide funds- for tho main-, torianco'>'bf ■ the institution',’ Slrico; . niy I iretui'n ,1 hero I : have ' madeVa thorough! 'inv'p3tigatloir..'i'of í thb| chárg03.:árid l am-:fiilly convinced; that -thero' wasi'.nol-basis'¡for ‘thb charge. 10 i'-"i '.i'''''',’-, t!,;oiG6nforericoiiHeld>^i.'i:: Vv", f‘;I haviii had-taiicoriforenoeiwith -Dr; P-.iiP,-jMcGaih, superintendent,'! iiind DriliT, Wc iM, .Long,'. ;óh'aimiáh| of tho board of trustopé btuthej Btaterísanivtorlutnifó’i' tuborculóblsi iandft'also'iiwith i'Dr.’oWf. SíJRíi3ik'iii,| ,foL'munf»6tdte ihímlt}! 1 lo^iiodrj I aiulj iDr.-íGif M.:i;C.ob'poi'-,’!inowi>:ii!úcbing| -atato) hoal'thb0.!;’fi(fcri0'.iIb'‘)WÍllh:bü .renJenvlièifodithutathé Ananwgem'onlj ofuthft.-aaii.'it.oi'iumCví'áá u.ndeiirithp isuporvlsibn/.-oi^níhop.ddpai'tmoril) 10.11 i-health fi\6mrthe) timo coi itailiírda-, fbio'nv.uiítilíi-’.aíbout! /tw.0i;y'6ar!a(.iaB6. ,r.':',í(r l)>iBetteriComlitionaf,'i‘níi 'i'i'i'/J; ■amtíthoa.'ougllüy ,oMíOnvinced| -írom ..tho,!.'! invpsfclgatioh'.íKli have • made ithabícPnd¡ti,Qns^;a'a theynre-j .líate itovthe'icarpfofi patiôhtâ,iin.ith'o •,;sanatoiîtini.: í«'fí- muph'-rbettor -now than they have been at anyiHufe! 8yi,QÙSrt-.timqi ilrM» .f;iinvoâ,tigatioi| i]i8tetid-ibf[)fche ■ Adpptiopjobf-tflipnew^^ .■omlj«5{r ,thani!tM-Ajqard-^Q6 .dio.’tíér , ritov97Íní(iTMily5'jrtdc'P,t.e(l- ti’iipbréitllbp ■)er,a| :,.nbJiey,i,'wi^thl^íespt:ct!j(to^lJ№o -tfliaoiiiiftVffe :u,ioiu'p ,iroftfe',}il[VÇ,:v9.i№Àri,n.t(3ndnnt^ 'Tfad:Y.i)riflp4t(ç^ Sanatorluin •i'niftriti> riilji'y№'t';hifl'tldiscretipri)i^^^^ ,, ,:iiij'i;iaa'Yi?ííblfis:t«!BhaíÍK^ , la r character in the counl.ryoitp ' Í!te8n, 0'ftyMtfe'l.uri<Í^ n;tntppritó[at)ívfrl3(e-;tósfiitp.tí j'lPñriÍilÍSpÍ!'/ri)i$íjÍ3|iH 'I I № ài't pa WJO'flW -I r№.{\i.lab)iP:i foiiïrii^iritfti^ingiiaJ'li)!} •-íil'MriíV ,l?iíÍiq'Wí[i>nd-i •'t'<ieiiÇRnçjl;r#i;ipî^^ ,, ploted, w ill - üivplvo 'à,!n);isxiwridi^ ! i ;turg,, pf- OYfili'H;$J:-iiP,9,f3.0. ) 1 ! ■!/ ,tl ' 'j Tlat , ati tn'eV pre.s'eçAoitiflj«^ J^liij-pijjgjjljge .roeoi] ^ .cil4brtíV(ítl№Íitbbiioiwli№í{iJ^ajth : a so th Í '-ridMndiiis'xaièi^jÿctdthlftaiioBai'iiteQc :. lirisin .'cnb’xwinS oomuoIooO in uoll ■'i\ s > ,rii^ ledmsiqoS . ' ......... ditiOniil room in some of tho do- •par-femont8',?-'thoFOî'i»iasi!Burpluii-'-o:l!" room in- other departments. For eyampio: 'ffln j^he VpKison (»unit A|lülï№iWtt№ .bulltiauder] 'air*approá prtSítíotí ihtia'díí feÿ'‘tliô'*Uenbfàl'*Asi' Bombly of 1923, there Is room'for 48: patients while only 15 pati'erits are confined therein at tho pi'e'- aent . tinie, leaving a surplus of 33 bedsjln that,unit. Iii,.the:q\trir- ,ts);s,|prbvided^for! colored .patients there'Js roorii ftfr 72Hbetls'r'w^lle’ .it‘‘tho present time there are ohly 20 patienta, confined therein, leav­ ing,,á¡;8ui'plus of, ;;52,bed^^ This shows\'i tbtiil of'85 tinoccu- jiied'beda in thpse two units.;. Aa (o Policy ’;“in regard tpitlie policy of dis- chai'girig advanced . or;,Jncu_i;abl.e cases,; I'.find .it,- tb bo^'tho'; (iriarii’r!^ .trioiis'opinbri pf tlioso; with .whom- T 'havb invbstÍKat>ed:. the qubstibnf,- inclildirig Dr.;;Lbng'and 'Dr.: Me-' Cain, that• ,110 'm atter; h.Q\y ; .rn^eh', room there Vvill 'be,rit^ would' bp 'it ;Y0ry:;Unil8\l,n)i,J»)(i;;tip^i!p st'ltiition after a’ reasoi'i^^^^ of tim0''h'irs been 'given'to'aacer- tairi whether o.r nob'iho cases will respond to treatment. \ ‘ ;■ ‘‘■'I "t-find; lilko','thiit lt''lá 'IhP r'una-¡ ;'rilñi'óus'‘opinion; of' the' exports 'il'iiiE'-'ir-'tlib‘átate db^ircs'tb chang'e; [it's' policy iirid 'Hhùs '‘provido ■ an; a'.MH,um',H'o'r’-iiibiU'ri‘bie8 'iristoád/of) á'sa'íifitbrlüm fórí'thd'íreatmaiit'ofí crf'àés 'thàt"WÎlll-reaporid't'd trbát-; ■ÍTÍ'élít .''th'a't‘ ¡t' üdUl(l'ib®sb'^boi_Moné’i ^by'^iiVovidlilg {iíiaeparatot/ln'stitü- íti'0h"fai'^'íhtwí puri‘)0B6/>'í'í .«'I '-‘*1,. i'dgí'ét ' Very I much I that a Iriii s- •í¿iitl-ing!%tÉlt'om’ent'..'ai)pearedí!in'.the íl6\i«spa'íiib'í''sv'but li'tiitsilvqry lgiiati4 fÿilvg<‘4ô3mo''tbi)ibb «ábló, üpóii:ía| ílltíi-'óU'glVsiivWéktl.gatlón,iifi,t'Q:f£find; that' the conditions atr.th'enSana'-:' jtbr'ifimriaTOimoreíiáatrsfactóryiíthaiij th'áyalüvvcíf'eVoi'; bbeiVj and;'artí/Éon- at'a'litlyíim provirigíioiiii this 'çori. iièèti'o'ri, 'H 'sliduldAliKO!!tdu repeat a'gaîri wliat'ili havécsaidiôn iamuni-i boiiiioT-i'occasioiïS'iîiinbo î:I p.becamej Gbvoiinoi',:>fi Iriaín gô'ihg.:tei.eS:ûnt iflveiiy. '¿'ffor't ^toiîHèoi!that';,tho/jin' «titíitlnris'íófíthis) state àrè'prbper tlyi'îak'dh'/careobfp'and L.âhhllnaipt •p'evrriit, anÿ lotfjithpnvtton Bu£féri;br >a<icouiiltiiofi')lacltt of I fúndá’ ruetès- Sary for .thbh(i)súppbl'titif)sl;,*caá' pi'e'Ve'Wtiit.rí, ;№f( •ía.'iqríiiv.i iiilT rriif,'Jriie):btati6monliina to icoiitjitiiprtij *ls gá;veril.irifidet'airá'aiith'ü:fülldwiníi lottôriiKvi'itthiil'toi.mp'ibÿ:! iO!«ri:Mfi,ii iO.')Uilaiii'ri,7'''n'. n’;!) , ;McCnln’a .LettprI. ,iifiini.( ¿Hon.-Angua.;W .:-McLo‘ari^-G.over ÜnMr SpeciaÎ ïerm 0 To Hear Cole G ascf The SaVirig That Is Wé Need Wè Must Pay Fot Whether We Get It Or Not. ■„r,' It Is ,'decidettly utifair to W, B. Cole to call, a special terni of aupei'lpr court just to try him for thé killing of young Ormond two weeks, a'gb. . We ^understand that it is only ; thirty days qr -such :ri matter, itritir.the Iregiilar term of Richmond'suprerior court w ill con-, vene,'and‘ Col^;iS In jail so that his escape Is out of the,question. T ^ t being the-'case, for a special-jury to be summoned—a special', grand jury, rind a special venire from which to pick the t\yolve riien who shall pass upon Cole’s case; see'ms to us a procedure which .wçuld ;Ofv:jnô'cessity impress th e,jiiry and cause theni to 'feel that he' :«ij(ght 'lb bo condemned, even liefore hearing the evidence. . And that ought not to be allowed. W i , t . ^ :>no.-H'5',i:c.':::iOicio TTTTTFTTrT:.-• ■, >, W.' B. Colo Is a rich rnan. Hp is said to bo worth; a million, but, lliAt^ou'iîlif'iîot^'tV be' côri'M'déi'ëdÿ'"phô'^ΣÎ'w.J^ npPbè’^'anfr'lk'^iÎÿÎ' with a criminal ofiense. His wealth should not^iroes.hii-/but ho he is a man of wealth. .гаШои , i^of^vd, /oí ■ (li r e ap-p^ròfir i a 11 ò 1 lifígl« Чпп'1и1п8 эз/лооЬоО: Ib :яб11 , '. ■ .dis •luúmoiqoS He'should bo tried jUst .as all other, men charged with fore hearing the evidence. Let the man go into,court unhamperod. Let him have a fair and Impartial trial, and then, i{ convicteil, \eV him suffer the penalty of the law. ...tc \ Blit to call;a special .^pssìpri^jòf seems to lïs,'decidedly again'si:’hijtì,.'i^|^Ì^('òUght case,. sneclal term of court called. .This , paper ha.9' 'for some J'iá^&||bp'^n ¡;.'tállcli|¿'froiri'^^ tirilo' about'"that economy ‘‘vHiic'li ® i¿ó í;e than,' ia'"m^ biit ' wli'icli tpndoth to‘ pcivei'ty." ,Our reforofice^^.^jtpi■tho,^ecoIшртy:■•,thi\t"'ia ex- tritvaiKané'ò''ajid' 'parslmbny lias ''Ijoe.n 'Vil 'it ' rblated' to- a'taie, cbuiity; .a^id: city gòyeV;nmérits. ’ However, даргр^ òuch thing as „.oxtràya;;: i!?'an,t: 8ÌÌViriiio,ri, tho, farrii and ',in',,lir^f)iriopii.. : .léá'|)if.op.'oy1ítoib .¿obÂol niic.ál at all timeía. It'ì is wisp to aavoi biit»/4vhnOT^'j;p'nliy^^ l»ay'^or.^w|iQ]L.lii^ w;o get it or ribt,” and ' that-ruj|imp^f^^ coptlonrv;' Й 1^1^)1109, iii l^'uBineas, bn; tho ltU'nH*ní'ítl)ov/E()vernríicnt.^ Ú h hiKs. Here’Sj^-wimt 'I'ho Prog^^^^ quoting a -well woll known writer;;-thliilts--abbiit'tHbfiii.4<?teF0f^ ' ‘ “Wo ûfÇSn''h'jt^i^‘^ôï“pxÎT£i^^^ ô.itrâVagaïïrsav-' Ingas' a n^ù'w4hbùglit' to many of' us: "^Boltón i-Iail' ln 'hiü'büok,'','“'ri{q(‘.•ф, •uiiíb’i.í’. > l( 1 и i ; iv;i.s,vîî./'i'' ymj'New ,Thrifli,|!.,wisoly,.8ay.a:— , i .. ,.. , -j '.,,1 V-.v/■ ’'-i' “What';ÿÀ'û.-’rQ^a.ily; rió pay:Jor, ,\vhçthp.rivoli got,;it ior.not,, .bpçaiisp. iti(\ô9ta m4Wj.to dP.iWilthbiit: a '-tiling ith!Ît:;yoù ^uÉht tp-liavç,; than jh;'dnRs,.tovpny>,fbv it.” ;. '“‘‘ï"',: This applioT in-every depnr^mérit pf thb''nbhio a'iid'fôjrW aiih iri' ¡rÿ'biïà'ineÿs'.'l.' “'VVÍiatVbil,'íGÍilly‘'nbó'd,;'yoii!'pay^ 1р'ад);'|\',ГЙ1я; OiV.qr;iagaj)X;fop('.lnliqVriayin.© oqyjpnîp.nt'thivtuwé dfi; ^ftti’(l'(aMÇ-7r-P,ayilinot]ie-jIP3ftjWÎi cldnt eqi.ii'pmerit. over;I rP,ayilinot]ie-jl03ft^íhát -<V.e!!sifffürr¡fl'bmúthei!ühb'!Ó'f‘i‘n(ifi!i>.i eritJ« InuttflîiVgl J.yoflij 'Wéi-mliji>ró’ab>th8'á6s|i’'¿'í •m'tí6h'1iiV>A'h4ri'<\v*s-'H¿ivb'rioine;'4mdiat,the samo tlme lóao. tha oppovíth-í ■j-iml i ; íiofhíí-í., ,' ,b«ó'cri'f,rtH, ’Indi , j \oíÜ jWiq bsót'piQroiithan tho;dGsbibfiia'ini)1>av'(iW”outfit\li»',a!;-ÿbarbyli'lih 7>yA>P4esM'.A«?»aWn.8,f.?P .U;;)VC(ÓrJÜ 4<-t'hOJOÜ4t '?4riC^’ieI<?nnv^l.fffli/а)1(11Л Р р \'jt' PHSsibly/:eyerÿuy,edl;^s'D.)longoii^' iWQ:;fc,ep;;en wnotiiigiigoó'd'/feeclíbi^ '.«ói'ry(mílm‘Ms,''^J- btuj” ; ríj'.'íAit.í) i, >!ÍJ 'SriidKthó: WlápílMáií>/ofií'óld':i''i ;(TKé;^p, tHM-!'3caftol<^Íí:áy''^t .ffi<Îjni.4Pt;jÎ.4cleÇil ite>va,yp., of,,pji,trayiig.an ím'ake.áui'eiíthátbwq ,areinet|,giult'y'’df'VbxU’KVfI^áli,Uító^ bbvb<'Wre '.'wôiiïfV; (fo луеУ^ gonflíàer^ am'l ; aiVd'^íiving.'ii'í'J ';';;í( .ri'nrí([- . ííoV; nií'Ain.im 'tfi \ ' iO'ff. tnoí íXít.'to .9.u,r.,!.',9ful.p,rs■-VlLíTífo u ÎTiT>ÍJV'**jM>;i4 , |ai),-|:p: gq', ipiitho (niiatiéïîôf ieconolny- .M ho UX 'líM ;rïû up fit'H (7{ j ■ '‘'.'У'’'y ' rúl'''«,'i .-¿íilió.#pllPKbA;!th#n(al.sdía,r0tf^^ Farmington School, Wili .Open Monday Morning, Sept. 14th PRIVATE SECRETARY OF LINCOLN PASSES Madison, N. J., Aug. 29.— ; Wlllinm p . Stoddard, 90 years old, once private secre*. taryi.t6 Abraham Lincoln« - died at . Ms i hornet here to- ; night..: Mr. Stoddart, n .vet^ eran of the nawspaper pro«- ‘ fession, had bbeh\ in \ good; healthuntlr^ieMt^^ .-i, ..i r Death“'was ;a^ to " Mr.; Stodda^cl’s adya^^^^ 1; He 'Was tlie :|ir» ' r to iri^iii^iin'l^braKain^^ 'for ythCLir^rcsi'dlsncV-^ <Iand in ¿ISQO-'hVivliecame th< latier!83vsec£etary>.!*Tauo|p(^( j wh)ich'.ho,ihoUI-far';£aur<yoai<s '•’l'HE-«OUNTY-FAm" The Countv P air acaaon, which eagerly iÇokod fbi^l3 > at'h aiid p .^ -^ _ _ -^ .,_____ ;^th‘‘,lld' 1u ia'‘yo’fti^,;'*^l'he' ounty Pair furnishes a meeting place to reiioW acquaintancbs and it'should provide educational fea­ tures arid .,clean ontertalnmerit. • , ^ ^ H tt’he Farmington Consolidated", High School will opori Monday*'' m orning September 14th, Mrs. Laura Scott Wolborne will tak e' her place/ as prlHcipali and Undel; ^ her guidance the best school everV '’ i .Is expected' this year,;.'-:,afr,«Farni».'?t.«Lpwj( ington. Mra. Welborne is an old («l'H#'' graduate, of';Trlhity College;, (now. -........................................................ a to Duke U'nivéYsíty,)'^ánd i , she ft known in: many, liarts'bfithe state ¡ a«_. a: very-:,:ttble,^‘trinci}ial.'S.'{W!r8i.s^^^^ Welborne posaesflos alLHhei like-^ «tjl(ij;íqualltl6s‘ 'which ■‘madevi líGr c '; brother, Mr. Frank Scott, a suc­ cess ña principal; at Firmington,,!^,^ for, the past three years^ :ttnd''’plu8-;ii;;;,^«.j the m any years of ©tpeiience'i) that;she has had in soi^o of the'. bost >}ilgh schoolsi In thá state, it is not o.Mpoctlrig ' tbo inuch tp ,bx; pect' h er, us^ual successfjat iFarm* Ington'. * , ' ' ■! :/í!wó ablo’high'schopl héVo l’eeii ! secured 'to kaalstantq | a ld Цгш irmlrigtbij /11 ■csultlng less a.ttentiorii, being given to low gra^g||li^WH^ú.tí|:>|'th^.-5áj^^ the- management; an,< the 't'eople Wlib,,'.atteiul.y,;^^,: ^ The ' county ngdü't'chaáíbéb'nían iriipurlant ia'ctor:;'iri «t'intilatlng rabro- peonie.^ tof :iirpnare,(}iuicl ;ox- lll|it"pfoduci,a^i^roW fho‘ íáím*.'-Ho: giv,oa instructloiis as to the khul pf'jnial j.'liil tli^i w Ill’niaKo u.jfoijcl Ш^vil.i; and ÌftcoTÌriiges’ ‘firnioVs Uielr ■f^imilloa to mako ex- iV m itr'Sf-tKé'''élioll-cropà" 01''' llVff ritoc)^.í¡l)at,,í.hey jvro producing., JFalV “fiA;niijhea an bxQoííe'ift'timo ìind"plàco‘ for morn;-' bcrs ^bi’ Boys’ and^Girla';’*G|ubs; ibi '^'hibiti'ÚÍ'ii'results of their ’e!ffoi.'ts)i Thoi^"'ó'ííty^-'ílri'Vcompo^ .óa'c|vV(itlléi‘,'‘'lri'.speclal- cla •£i^i^íi:-i'i:báuít'>iéai'n;':-ia''í¿^ «'hieh -isIbfV sili^’ ti) 'them.- The paroiita are eciuall;^’ iifli iiritereH^ed. 'iiW''thli* ch'llcíro'n,‘'i.n ‘tli'b c^ blti!,'iiriá'th ey'tòb'kaiii-^rrilibh ,v^ 'abW 1 iif ótrniitì on';* I t‘?ls f no t' u ncbiri- :'ifi81i t&’sbbJ.áril'ánMiií; 6 l'’tìf'‘ gra*iri'''&ctóbit(5tt^> ¿y '’tí {)oj*'íiír! líri‘l ^'híH'ÍMS :b,ót^ óxliibita'',mado 1 by ' growii' pe'ólM'd;! 3«‘li^r8^'éih«í/(;?^Wdl?atí$'i*gbM»Wv ftíiV'í i8''i%Úlíiii¿i'tiriOiite№áfcc^ ^ ^bonio in making mòi^'g .the :b‘e8t.'èlaàs;B lccr([,ditod, ’’,u high schools in. the c&te. 'l,M r L ,^ 4 i George W. Peter, Jr., frbjm Biitler, | %(' Tennpsseb,, is :; a gi ad u aw o f Enji-. mm ory arid, Henry Cblleges Hnd oomost: w ith; 'the ’, best .rqcomm'ii^ Ho w ill teach two hl(|h school aiibjectii arid cba.ch: athlfc^tlcs.’.Mlss .'i; Flbrenco Thbrribijig fibni 'Npvv|.on'' will teiiely'f';’^rv.liigh school sub­ jects and^K il be tlio yLabratory Instructor. : Misa Tlibriiburg ''grii-iw' du!\tod’,wlth honois fiiin Noith<'‘ Garoliria Collbgo,for-W»mcn Iqsfc : year arid'has taken- special 'stiidyil'if '' ¡, in' tho scionco departniSnts, , \ ji/i Tho teachers in tho (qnd.p|iiV.W^^ havo I all;' i)revibusly «t^iiglUsii' l^Ti'mlngton, and in vi!iw,'ofvi^ fnctithat they havo ■\voi*Pd in ,® o6ri}munity’‘.and 'ti(‘Hbbl;^bpttii'p:'|| Poindpxtér,?îjliss .Manilla» Gl’i i''W 'Bph'á!;jíri'on,'f^^^ 'irfissíi.írPiboblétí; Biitòii arÿfrtW il.iiïv' to''ihe Fawn- j,ngtpiij;,ppb''plft;v ' Л làd'ie'ÿriiàHy'nëetl'nb intiodu¿tlOn n 'I 'rá VI' \^Á (%aiîdhii %e.twó'oli'''¿puiltiy ■'%11Й| frsiéiid.òH Wb'rlcl •iri''№6f"3ta(b;riTWb':bboÿb‘iôi'i.t“ns ■ -- l't.fl(,b,'Kn«ritiiRHK,bí -PfjШЩйтьШШШФШиш 1^арагМтЩ;1т1<>.Ш1р^к^ Ш п-........... ____1 ír,qnKhfl№é;ii,8;jtltPi;;hjíme.^),?p^^ iffjf !1Ш Ш аЩ ощ гМ т ш пЬ1т г es. once a week. W e, кпо'ууда.о.^у íyüiilviifesfioys' :ftt^iKtóyís:’áppr|-. I HÍ!)tP',tJ)i.s., 11ЩР í^xy.sirtl ÇriSft |rtho«lн'яtYvtóç-]^зjч№?^faiÇ.pШíí.Ш^^ 1вачй %Mipí.(ffiP^PfllW fíi£f9il», tïsjp : ^îrapJ’^П£ЩlпЙ^iOl^^WWlадnû^goRйl íMliiitoDfikui'í oi\Tbeuoyi)nBkft8^,sri¿Ii|^ itótf'tóívirjie: iWfltMfíí^s -aulíyiyü worf v/oml v.nr.m v/ori [)«« ,b4«ilo'iO чтЫ '¿плгп ; у/оН - î matli ов« oJ ,\î pci e^’l ^).1й,рй^11 y 1 ^,од',№ tìj:,';rpuii{!t;'::W9)iW,P^ .í’Pnt-.v'ijhoiiftffiüo í: Hep, ’ïtha’t ' ] J’.our; .1?,оу; ,oj- siili ,¿ej¡s ,ih(j ipapQOT^^^ J í|pp.,itIÍiMg ’jab^oiufe)!,ife'íif ’içbvisHUfi ofrílí'o ipapeï:'w ill fl()^j!;(ipril3{¿t}i,e)iertuiyftlerit-of)« ,.fi^;/^fl]pil}'ntlolÎpl:edïita^^^^ ia$i,;bqlj,çg k g(5,ep[<tM.4 iiit', mlndilpt P6VI''S|i()irii;tiwh^ girl leaves.,'. If .yoin'doubtr ■ hbw, mu'çh^they ,wl 1Г appi'ociaiib it> asjlp those' .who g o i, tli'i”й р ег ¡ from honie lartti ÿbar/' ; .................................." 'tiei'^g'iîiéî®''Ти'рр'й'^ ¥йсё‘Ш й'‘ЧИцз •' Ш Ш аТ ,Ш ф ’. Ш'(1'с-;'и|^с1'е1;-- Íp'.'íi.s'ti yb,tìng''s(ied,'?'é'b’iln'’'-tri clisba^e,, ''tgS?yÍÍ?fRH8í'’ 5йй| 'iSpllncr Ì m M ìeiM \ -ì'ofio yt'a"/, ;й-1 oved. Anÿ.. le'eíls'', дрЪог 'é'rii¥)b'tfÍ!"!-,4ié,r',í(home'''foi',' th(P n e4t. I school A ll-'lilis 'Wakò‘i''iVn j’à^ded 4ntei*ei|ít’ in (ho Piirmirigton I schòol,' and"Wlth' th¿* addition '¿f iÎirbiK'erf''Îaï’èo''ti'lic'k' to ^gri ^Pván (' ' ■ 'fááhb)í''mit firiiò4hc distVi^l' itiiÿ ; ¿l<íe:-^i''ó,!'ijhníh'dn Ihd/o'fibVtUhitv 'of ppminF’to an' acf^’èdifpd ¡hljfh nchooi;'it'is‘'ea'4ilj>- Зе'оп fhafí'grn- ) dulil' gdin.4''íi'ro'‘boing mado'4n.tí)o W(ihobr'(vork Iri thi.4'’6o'riini\ínliíy.^ ' 1 f'i I'-,',''! ,'iU J-Û—i-Jli- 5, f M I S jf ñ ip H m 'ti™ ^ ____, !.1 A .í -i)ím,L ï tib l-íj üL L ‘ ' Ki.l'oú'ííty,’ Ktíi#:'W&rit;,'Whqnl'd' ,VM4.UV7W»»i-,y,. MUV.wPC ;'Í\p/gíVérif;ti^iW'Kibrtí|gji;№ - lo I ,r[a,)aj нШ т ь т ш щ л \Í|ÉÍЛ lílf ’i f ? l^ iw ip a iiw ifÁ t)ip ftà- .ë’ i . erá, b,Q };i,jlii;iie tp cqmo.in. >.»:ji,hm*b;Uiayc' ii fi 1 Ipif : Homo ,crop»; i\r,e:; nSi?!^ plívntód,:r ti^i,(;s.qiiR|mpnl! ^ iti.'jïjlnpÆ , vûifc'A jkI ha U'jvt (veto|('i^1|,,S' 'lthe:(;adVicen,ofv^t'àte;.:Cqllô®i'i!épti ’- '"Ш Щ З Р « -.......' tion at CooleointófSatarcto^ tioiLÀt ôiolcdliM b^urtüiv ' > ,n ^“W iŸ o rii..îo 'w w o l4 V . ".lioila -0^1911 liqoBol odi .ni hîtüH «lo^^ •i-Vriionji ".лратпхЯ .о-« Ji oilT"