03-MarchfSgv; l i ® iPAQfiFOVlil Christ mdHieOity f f ttH f tr c li4 » im O E 14& V S ta k e n h a v e lo n i b e e n ^ d lv id in r US A m eiiean* into ••Bttral*' M d -'UrtMi.** T he «»ct J». w h erev er w e m x f Uve» i t w e eve n o t in a city w e e re In m an y w ays affected b y c i ^ . T h e m asM ine* an d p a p e rs w e re a d a re often pub- lU h c d in eitie*. M ost o t th e things ' a fa rm e r uses—tra eto ra . com bines, fe rtiliz e ^ tools, ca m e from cities. O u r clo th es w ere m a d e in citieB, our law s w ere m ade th ere. Y our casket A a y h a v e alread y b e e n m a d e Iq som e c i^ . T h ere is a s ta te in A m erica w hich h a s ju st one la rg e city. A for* m e r resid en t of th a t sta te told th e Dr. Foreman w rite r th a t v e ry lew sm all tow ns th e re am oxm ted to anything, be­ ca u se aU th e young people Jn the s ta te w ho b a d an y am bition stru ck o u t to r th a t b ig city a s soon a s they couW . O no w a y o r an o ther, w e a re a ll becom ing “ u rb an ” p re tty fast, Ei»lllUSl«*M It FrtsMg T h e la rg e s t city Je su s e v e r «aw bro u g h t te a rs to h is eyes, and no w onder. S om e of th e th in g s h e saw a r e tru e o t cities an d of u rb an clvi. llsaU on today. T hey a re tru e of our A m erican w ay of life, JO th-eentury style. O ne w as Che sw iftly rising, an d a» sw iftly falling, enthusiasm of th e crow ds. T h ere th ey cam e w ith Joyful shouts of w elcom e on P a lm S unday m o rn in g : an d b y F ri. d a y m orning som e o f th e sam e m ob w ould b e scream ing. **Cruclly h im !" C ity people taite «uicW y to n o w ideas and new h ero es — and q iickly d ro p th e m . T hey wiU strew . Ions of tlcker*tapc and torn-up tele­ phone booits (for lacJc o f p alm bran cliesj on som e retu rn in g hero, b u t la six m onths' tim e won’t be ab le to rem e m b e r h is nam e. Ex> l lain It a s you like, th e fac t Is th at \krban entlTOslasms a te fragile. T h a t goes for m ost o f us. W hat w e liv e for in our u rb a n A m erica is m ostly excH em eot. W e liv e from head lin e to headline, from th rill to th rill. A d vcitisers do th eir b e st to s tir tis op. Tliey taBc of “ exciting' new coloi-is. exciting new fU hions. e v e n (bcl ev e it o r not> exciting new toothpaste. T he advertiser* know tha» W we can really b e p e r­ su ad ed th at s thing Is exciting, w e'U buy it I W e w ould ra th e r 11s* te n to a new id e a th a n a tru e one. T h a t's city fever. Matt Man la th e d a y s o f D avy C rockett, w hose ghost, w e tru st. wlU have b e en la id to re s t b efo re th ese lines m e e t th e public eye—in th e d ay s of D av y C. an d o f Oan*l Boone, n early aU A m erican s w ere liv in g in th e country, a s w e w ould call it today. E v e n th e cities w ere sm all. T hose w ere th e days of rugged individual* ism . W hen a neighbor cam e w ithin 90 m ile s o t D aniel B oone, h e thought th e woods w ere g etting too crowd* ed, s o th e legend h a s it—an d m oved on. N ow aday^ in o u r m o re u rb an e ra , w e h a v e com e to th e tim e of ''M a s s M an'* a s philosopher* call him . T he city is th e L and of Fol- k>w -m y-Lcsder. U la th e dwelltag* place o f th e Join ers. M r. B oone did belong; to m a n y so cieties; b u t w h ere is th e m a n to d ay w ho If hap* p y w ithout belonging to enough c lu tu a n d KocicUes to^keep h im o u t e v e ry night? M ass M an is a ra th e r sad spectacle. Je su s w ept o v erh im th e re in Je ru sa lem . T he people of th a t c ity wei-e lik e ' sheep, doing, say in g , e v e n tliin k li^ wlMit th eir S cribes and P h arisees told th e m to. T h e m e n of Jei-uralcm w ould n o t look fo r them selves, th ey “knew n o t th e tim e of. th o ir visitation.*' T h ey d id n o t know w hen G od w as knocking a t th e ir door, C hrist c o m e to A m erica today, wouM M ass M an reco g n iie W m ? O r w ould h e b e u n d er snsi^eion b e­ c a u se he w ould not O t the linlveraal p a ttern ? O t n v l l M b m T h e c ity o v er w hich Jes-iS w ept w a s th e site o f a m agm ttcent T em ­ p le , b u ilt a s a p la c e o f worstUp. B u t w hen Je su s v isited it. h e found a catU e*m atket koing on In th e v e ry m iddle o f it. W h^t , should h a v e b een w orship h a d 'tu rn e d m oney*m aldag. So it is to o often w ith a n u rb a n civilixation. Bulll o n business, o n th e m arket«place, ' it te n d s to tu rn ev erything into a ^ m arket*p)aee. A rt is com m ercial­ ized: so is education, so a re a th ­ letics. politics, so m etim es religion. I f th e re a d e r ihittk# th is I* cxag- g e ia te d , le t h im look aro u n d d u d n g th is m w th a n d «ee som e ev ery ­ d a y e x a m in e s of how i«ligioji is co m m ercia lise d In A m erica. W c a r e a p p ro a ch in g th e Joylul.CawlB. tia n fe stiv a l o f E a ste r. M ow m any ' th o u sa n d s o f people in otir land a r e plan n in g to m a k e m oney out of It? i 6AVUi Rljfoku. MOCMVliUM c . riBRUAHY » ,« ( N O TICE O F R E S A L E Pursuant to an order of re*gale made by S. H. Chaffin. Oerk of the Superior Court in -the special proceeding ettihtcd. **Marv Potts* George H* Mvera, etaP^vs ‘*Hfiden F» Myers et aV* the undersized iCommi«ftioner-will» on Saturday. 3td day of MarcK 1956« at 12:00 o’clock M., offer for re-sale to tlie highest bidder ar the Court House ’dour of Davk* Councy, in Mocks- ville, rhe follow ngde^cribt^d lands: 1st Tract: A tract b^innins at ft iton«» aouthwest comer of lx»t No. 4 in the division of the lands of fohn Phelpt, thence £. 40.19 chs, to a stake, thence S.tl0.82chs. to a stakes thence W« 5.31 cha. toa stake. theiMe N, 3S dess, W. 7.24 chs. to an ash on bank of ditch, thence W, 20.X8 chs» to a stake on edge of Htehwav. thence N. 42 degs. W. 3.10 chs. to the beidn- ningf containing 15 acres more or less* and being Lot No.5 in the di> vision of the lands ot John Phelps, deceased, allotted to Fallfe Mvcrs, deceased* as appeare aecorded in Book No. 28. wges 499 50J. Regis­ter’s office of Davie Conntv, N. C The bidding'on this tract will start at $l,500UM. 2nd Tract: A tracr known ns a part o f the “Thornton** lands. Be­ ginning at an iron stake, comer ol S. P. Potts and Wesley larvis, thence N, 12 degs. E« 10.20 chs. to a rock at foot of twin pines, corn­ er of Lewis Hartman and Wesley Jarvis, thence 8. B8 de^s. E. &75 ' chs, to a stone, S. F. Potts* corner in line of Gray Hartman, thcnce S. 43 dvgH. E. 2.8C chs. to a stone, comer of S. F. Potts and ]im Harr man, thence S* 10 degs. W. 8,62, chs, to a stone, comer of Will] Crews* and Frank'Potts in Charley Vogler’s line, thence N. 84 d«gs. W. 11.13 chs. to the beginning, containing 11.09 acres more or less. The bidding on this tracr, will start at $385.00. EPSSlll Hinif a c j:0 9 $1. Incite 8 .A d a n d y < B rit slgA fl •.DweU T10.Nobl«ma»It. f1oW«ra 14. fivenint $. H M f 4. Go down .ft, Lukewarm 0. Rowing ir .S u n iMlft.H e b iw .NCler It.G eodeU a 18. company at musiciaai 9 9 .m M d u p 24. P roduce M.SimpletMia 97. Wavy < R cr,| W.TImt » . « ru sh terri* toryinllM Yukon f tt.G m k U ittr 8S,6xcUma* ttM Krft«» aeenltttha eomlcs)34, past 8S.M errtinciA d6. N o t ever '4 9 v S iw rp p tu )t p ro c e ss' 41 .P i« v alen t 42, M elodies 43, P laces 44. Identical t.Back •.A^ieater InJIew tya lt.TwUled fabric 4MMr tl.Confnmtgl9.'Tn^for . d r y i n g bricks It. A Greek ^ physician 10. Appearing as if eaten tl.S e d i.m«nt . 19. B edeek V to b s.1' M . R iver <AIas* k a i t8 . M asses . ■ o f •• a t r a u . M ed rock (G eoLl . 2 d .8 io u an , In d ian s M .6 w in e 30, V entures 3]. Pocketbook lAtr WUKt ANSwn . n a i j n a a u a a a a 3 L :;u 'jy a u y a n aCJLJ a n ■ aajr^riH 'J f lL lu a ii ulJCSLJ □ r t i 4 j a ailiUlLJIlLiL! Q u a u L j y uliL iL u a n n a r f I i l i S y - m , Small hotel 3$.Fuhlbn 87: Compel#. 9S.Newt 40. Hawk, parrot mmmmwmmmmmammmmammmmmammummmmmmm IF YOU H A V E- ",bMh bn ii'ttip; .,V : -'v.. .....m tetnlned;8u«b/".. cekbnMd > bicthdav . cikuitht • big. fish . moved ■ ..doped ■ . ^ ^ ..... bed a babv . ^ bem In a 6|}it ■ . ' vpur hog,.. . had.an operaijon! : 'bought ’a car palnti^ vour'bouEe i . been married cutanew tooth beenahot , atolen anvthing been robbed •old bur to»t \out hair been arretted , ' Or Done Anytiiing At All Telephone, Or Drop a Potteard, Or'Come In,' Or In Any Convenient Way Infom . . . THE DAVIE REGORD NOTICE OF RESALE I Parsuan' to an ordvr and decree 3rd Tratc: A tract known as .the ttiade and entered by S. H. ChalB , Thornton" lands: Beginning' at clerk of tha Superi^ Court of O* vie Conntv. K, C., In the sptrcia' oroeeediit« entitk^d **S. Call, Almr. of Jobo H. Pea. de€s»*d v»*| AH the nnknowi helt* of fohn H. a roc5| (stone) Wesley Jarvis* com­er, thence N. .3 dej». E 2J.38 chs to a stone on Nonh side of Creek,, l^wis Hartman's corner in March- ..........—•••■rti* *ne nnanown neir«oi |0nn H.line, thence S. 84 de©. W. 2,571Pea and George W. Maithi.Otiard chs. to an ash, Richard H.ir(m^n*sl Ad Litem.**comer in line of March land. w n a v le C o n n iT , <n M o ckavH le. N .cns. in rtartman s line to an iron r> C i...aJ<«» stake, Richard Hartman*s corner, V ch* rAiiA»^&tb*n« N. 84 d«p. W. 9.75 ch^ in ? '? T « n ;Hanman*s line to a sweet gum tree, r«timv »a vii;Hartman's corner, thence N. 31 •* "*'*deg». W. 1.50 chs. to a gum tree, t«t, Lou No.. 99 30 awl ji. Hartman’s comer, rhence N. Bvtenlne at » wake 00 Baat clrfe •!eg>. W 1.73ch>.ti>a blacic oal' of E. Brmdway ro»<l. comer of .tump, Hartman's corner, thence. Lot Nn. *S. tlwnce N, *5 joN. 53 decs. E. 140 ch.. with Hart- i.ilti. E 150 feet to « atnke, corner man*, line to an iron stake. H?tt- ®f to ' No. »8 «i> >hf or(|(na( .Hue, (ttlan’. comet at\d comer of Mr*. th«ice «Uh (tie xrittloal Mu* S. -4 ' r. T. Phelp., thence S. 3 dtg«. W. Jega so ml» W. 75 feet to a at.ke,17.B ch.. to a stone Earl Myen.’ comer of I/m No. with ^oroer, thence S. 87 degs. E. 12.11 '(ne o* !>»» No. Js 8. *s •'♦*«. SO[chs. to the beninning, cnhtainirg min. W. 150 feel to • atake on the 34.7 acre, more'or lem. Tlie bid 'a*' •irte of Bri>«>*«>av »«aif, tfietireling on this tract will tian at $4,- »t*ne «*M road N 4 liegt, 30 mln. 125.00, E. IS f"* •" heelnnliiF. W««Said lands will be . ff red in a m n of the r»»Dev«v conrpvrd hy three aeparatf tracts. R. B Broadw..’ to N. A. TrexW Terms of Sale: One-Third Cash, Aiw t o n . N«. ,4 3 s i ,1« a n d th e b a la n c e o n 3 0 d a y s tim e ^ , V e t l W « , > . , w J k e m F . 1with boi^ and appm v^ security ^ B™.d*»y r««t. comet of or all cash at the option of the i,„t No. j j tfceaee with line «i lot wyof, No». 17, 1941, and being a part of the R, B. Brosdway prop, ertv. Seed Deed from R, B. Mil. let and wife to John Pea aad wife, • BMk 45. pace 95. said Reicister’s ofiice. Terms of Sa'e: Oaeitfaird cash, iMlance 011 30 daya time with bond and approved aeearily or all cash n option ol pureliasDr npnn can. firtna im of rale The bidding will siyt at the ammnt of the apwt '■M.-yi*. #16500. Tbla the Bth day of P.bro'iry, t9S«A. T. GRANT, Conimlssloner. puichaiet.Place of Sale:m oaie! CoUTt House in a «take oti t^e oriitinal Hw. Ooot o f Davie County, Modes, thence whh ori»ln*l Hue S. 4 ville, N. C ___ , 1. 'Ie»«. JO mt». W , too f ^ <« aTltne: 12.«> o’doek M., Match corner of lot No. jR. f hmc- • 1956. ■ „ , wl>li line "/ M No. 3» H, »$ Arg<.us 11th dayof February, 1956. jowUi. W, iso feet In » A. T. GRANT. Commissioner, comer of lot No. j», then<^ N. 4 Pee». .10 ml", B. •Innr ««i Br«>»il. 'wav r<Mrt too fee* totheheeinnlmr. «ee Owl re<nn<e<) i« Rnnk 44. ns«e 174. WBce of T>«vle Jo,- N. C . for nnte particular lie. «'ilo»lon.' N o . ■ Many Families Help Support Their Elders M I.N N EA PO IJS — O n e mldtHe- class A m erican couple o u t of fvcj-j' s e '’«n partially' o r com plcls- ly supports one o r.m o re a n sd rcl* aU ves. H c w d in g to a - ••••jr of 7.00U puficytintder fam ilii?. Of the 7.000 fam ilies covered by the survey, 984 o r 14 p e r cen t ve*' ported th a t they w ere w holly or pnrlfolly su p p orting o ld er rc»a- tivps, tis'jally th e ir paren ts. . . E ld erly m o th e rs b e in ; so su p ' o iitn u m b ^ ta th c rs by near- - ty four to one. T he m o tliirs’ aver- a e r i* 72; th e fath ers' is 74. Av«rt)gc ag e of th e hesdK of 7,000 households covered b y the survfjr If y e a rs. A verage an- n*ia» inconic of those supporting o r h<;JpInn su p p o rt eld erly rela- Mves is $6.^03. A verage incom e of :hnr.e not contributing to stip' {Tor'l of an y «ilder re la tiv e is $0.> 771. the survey show s. 3'd. Beelnnlnxat a slake on !«• »li*e of Hrowlway r.nA, corner M loi No, J I . !h.in» with line of (ot Nn. 3t N. «s flec<.,30 itiin. R. l.v> feet lit a Make, rornei of |.-t No. JI oo the orlcinal inie. ih.nct •Ith (aid lliii. S. 4 de*». min, W. y> feet-to a «t»k*, corner of l<>. Vo. 34, thence with l!nr »f lo t N. 34 I'eea. 30 mln. W. ijo feet to a stake on the eatt aide of East Broadway road, thence t1on( saH road N. 4 de«s. jo mln. E. 50 fe»- >0 the heciDntite, hefn» lots No«.. U and 33 of Ira Bm.dwav proner. t -11 - v e - .. I r» ' ...I - S ir ^ SSI" l( *• DAVIF'CODNTY Walter 1 .r«a and wife. Sadie Jones, Aribur Bailey and wlf.-, Amelia P.' Howard Bailey Notice of S ervi^ S i i ^ ^ B^PuUication Tb d fmlants M’aUer Jone« aad bis wife,.Sadie Joi^; >ill take no. tice tha' an sction,' s« entitled a^ ahove his been cotnmen'eti in the Superior Cnttri of Davie woiinty. Kotih Csrofins. %hv aam^ helne f*n aeUoo b f tbe pishitlff. to for«<«i’<e • tape^fieM n on roal est«»e o rned by Ida Howarl, defendant^ Sadie )oBea. anCHaier. in reimhnrse Davie Con'oty for mon^ tnrnished Ha Howard on.i c'mi I of Old Ace A<i* •i tance. end the Nstd . dt'fenrfanto wiU fitrtb>*f lake n itic? that tH(*v •ra rtqnired t<. appeal; n| the office of the Clerk «f the S<iperu»r Court of saM Cotinty' in the .roun hi»w«e in Mocl^Ue, North Carntini. on- S4*nrdav, the 941!} dav of March. 1956^ and answer or demur to tbe cnmplaiot in saM aetloD. or the ptalntlflf «ni apply ip the Cooit for tho reHef deoiarded tbereio. Tbla tdtb dar of PebmafT* t956. S. a CHAFFIN. .Cterk Sn^rior Coon The Davie Record Has Been Published Since 1899 56 Years t Ihfita h»»* come and' gone-your county n ew tparcr kerii* coing. S'>inetime* it h«( tecntecl Uard tn m ake *'t>uckte and toitgua" ireet, but aoon the tu n fhine* and we m a t e b 'a n . O ur faithful aub(crib«n ' aw »t of w>hom pay.|>roinptly, Kive u» courage and abiding faith in o«nr fellow m an.' If your noighbor it nut taking The — R econl tell him t<> ■itbacribe. The : price ia ’an'y $ i . ^ p e r je a r in iho , ' St«tr, ar<d $2 0 0 lit other st«te«. V^en You Cc'me To ToMmi Make'Our Office -Your Headqt-ai’ter*. We Are Always Glad To See You. Opporinnit K M c k « C K K A P I b e A B g LET trs DO New LitHe Rich Boy G'ves His Money Av/ay N SW Y O R K -'H enry M orales. 7. w ns very po p u lar Uie d ay he 9;{.940 to school w ith lilm .’ H e b?. ca n p arsin g it o u t to h is ftJ.nd^ ‘bticausc U»ey v ery nice to mu.'* U etccU vcs found th e boy phUan- lhfi>i>lst. Ills sebool boff cram m ed w ith m cncy.. in th e c c n tsr o t ait Interesled th rong o ( pupils. At hl« hom e they found a fra n tic ' g ra n j- father, w ho h a d com e b ^ rc from P u erto R ico jrecen tly w ith lUs he.-i;t Patrcn»ze:.ybvr i.i mt inihxhanu and | .ietp build up ycur tv Wn and Munty. egg. hoping to guy a Uttte busi' ♦ FOR RENT ♦ SPACE IN THIS PAPER W iir^na. To s«»' GOOD MSK3HBORS-.WICES TO P r v o u » ' b u ^ s s c a ii s a v e y o u m o n e y - o n - y o t i f '^ : - ENVEL0PF5, CEtTtF HEADS STATEMENT^, POSTEf^^ HEADS PACKET filADS^ : Pa troiiize your Koj^e tiiewspaper and: thf*rebv h*?lp bisiW up your ' t o w i i a riid C O O T T « E D?i VIE RlflEORD. s:k s h b ;« y . ' j aw © The D A T IB IC O U N T T 'S O E D B ST N E!W SPA .PS:R~TH£ P A P E R T H B PEO PIiiB H BA O •w m sHAa THB.*r««K Tlie n o H .n M iiin maintaini uhawed iir mfuiencc and unbribeo «v c a w VOLUUS LVL MOCKSVILt,B. H pR -m C A I^O U M ^ WBONItSOAT; HARCH 7, 1456 NEWS OF LONG AGO. W hat W m th p p m h ii In D»> ''vialB afoN P a.khic M rtar* A nd A U w « ^ a ia Skirl*. (Davie Record, Mar. ,10, 1901) .. E,'H. Paaa who haa tw o quite III; la aotne better. Prank Stroud apnd Soaday at hla home In HleVo^. lake Ranea la traveling (or tke > Bob Cooki of Parmlagtoo left laat week (ortbe mat,- . Thoa. Poaier killed a auvpo^ mad dog Friday,. Cov;- I.; Wltay Shook' ptased ihr^Ch Mockavine laat week. , H;- Bailey and Edgar Green, of Cana, were ta town Saturday. Mir. David ^inhaek. of VeldM, la aetUngtviie lor;the'DavleTlnMa. Burt Kelly, of Gaatoa connty, la vlaltliig retatlvea In Moekavllte., Mlaa Annte: Hobwn, ot Jesna. alem. apent Sundav night I n Moekavllle witb relattvea. J<ibn H,-FnrebM. of Panning, ton; fa v*ry atek, (. B.‘JohoBtone apmt Snnday In Cleveland with the hmily'of B.; A. . Knox. V . Ughtnlng atrttek P. M. John. ~aon'ai«8ldeiiM Sondav.evealng do. fng., ci>naldmble damage to tbel RIehittood P. Hobaon, of We^tnri! fame, la vlaltlttg relallvea In Rowan and Iredell.' Kra B. O. Painter, of Xewia. bury, W. Va , la vlalting relatlvea loMoekavllle. Jobs, Boger and Snninete wei» laarrled leal Wedneaday, Rev, . Kr. TM tn ^ d a tin g .' A. C. Wood and O. Talbett, of Advance, were in town tM . week atteadliig-a trial; C. M. Goodby. ett CouulT Line, waa In town Prlday and. reiMtted that tbe alck In bti tamlly m re te tt^ ' -B. H. Paaa, jr.; eomehotacSna. day and found bU broHkw dead and hla father very III, , ^ Black Sam Totiea win (Hcach here Sunday at 11 a. m„ 7 T>.-m. j . C. PandM at lila tonie UMrj town on Satuiday afternoon. - ageil t'9 yeen, Hla b ^ y 'waT'Iald to reat Monday a t. Jdpna^ Hr. Paw had keen III for: acme time wUb tvpbold fever; ' Wedneaday nfcM 'the rl^dennl of T;i»' keUv waa dMlror fft»i Mr., Kelly aav^ bv a,, aiiial) nett of hla houaeb'oM gooda. . Tbei realdmee and all out-bulldlnca wfre totally deatroyed.r Mr. Rally hail Inaiiranee im h'la boaae aM cohtenta. Mopitaville baa no 6re depaitmrat. m t Ita citlieiia re. api^ed .to the call- and workeit bmlcally to aave other property from the f re,. ■ Rev. J. M. Dowunm pAad Intereatlbg aermou: at tbe Cooler, mee Malllodtat church ^nday. Egga a n i^ ' per ddxen; benr iaJio, cijn- joc.;'^^ btiabei atid bacon 91! per pound. : ' (bavie Record. Mar, 3, rvw,): ~ Re*. R M. Avietr h h e ^ g an did taahtoned working a t the !»•- aonace on Wedoeaday of thb.m k, tearing, dowd -hla; oM barn and b«ndlnriiew,; alao; ander|4alng the! ' p ^ i^ a ^ w itb eraolte. A regu|.| ar chlckeii diowr 'will i Mhethe p a ^ la galag to ."rabe, chfckra tbe ollcM befm*. D: B. .Koont*, of CooIeea>», : atid Mlaa Naaale Jonaa, dangbler Mra.'. I.' W. Jonea, ; of Advene*. Were united la : narrlaga. at the ‘ boat* of the bilde’a mother 00 Wed. nMky :e*afilag; ' Be*. . I;' A. PattbM of CoOleemee. ofidal - The 'aUrriagc waa a very-qnlet at. w ly a fkw tflenda of the WMa and g w beln* ateaen T lM lU eog4i»M dhpS'cnl> • w M k. S u b tiM k ld a a f. GQODOLDPAfS Btick In tbe good oidtlayaMtK^ *ll|e had-but two white barber [aboiu and one Negto ahop. Bd Girlffiu operated a ahop i where the Prlnceas Theatre la now located, and Ed- B<int, a Negto bartier ran a abop (or white people h ^. hla b;ialneas (n the old Weaat block on the east ^de o( the aqoare, where’the Rardlog.aoro' KnlMlng now atanda." Torn Lyona, Negro, operated a ahop In en otd .areodea tmlldtng where the Sanford Motor Co.. now atanda. Re aerved the colored population, Mmetlmea the two white bar. her aho(K had moie than they could do, eapeelally court weekaj when meny (ermera came to town to .have their barbe^ng dona; In tboM daya a hair cat coat you 15 Iceiita and a ahave aet you back t» centa After the Erwin cotton mllla weft bdllt at Cooleemee tone of tbe young fellowa would bire a horae and hnegy and go to Cooleemee to a shave and a bair cut There waa a barber aho|^ In the baaenent of tbeJ. N Ledford atore, but I can’t remember'the namM of the three barbera.who worked there. Moat of the merebanta who were tn bnalneaahere soor more yeara ago, have heeo called to their re-] C. C. Sanford Sona Co.. atore l» the only atore now operat­ ing which waa In bnalneaa’ when I arrived here aome 50 odd yeara ago W. L. Call move'd from Advance to MockavMIe aiid opened" a atore In the L. G. Horn bulMlnc.on North Main Street which la now o^pled bv the Wallaoe Store and theLlttle Jewelrv Store. Mr. Call eartled a We tine of graceHea aboea, drv, gooda and.iibilona. Mlaa Dalav Tnraer‘.had a . mlllloiiwT Iti tbh atore. Mr. Call deddM Aat would bnv-a boiw and.mgoa : dellter gooda free to hla cnatomera Wh6:llved within't ha oorpairale Hinlta M the toirn. At thif time I waa iM ngjn North Mocktvine. a.j bout a mlle.frnm tha aquare In the hcnae! where :Prof W. P, RoM . |aon now llvea. ^ My'office wiu over f. T. Angell’a atore. and I had to walk about-fouif mllea-^i day: gefc. ting to mv office jnd hacki home; t. M. Horn, a voung man fromthe Smith Grove aec Ion. took a Job with Mr. Call aa a cterk. He alao rtea and other foMa for the atore. - On ralov dava' I would croaa the utrwt to Mr; Call'a atore and tell him I had to bav*::a few gm»rl»» d’Hvwed t o bonae that afternoon.. I would Irtiy two or thre,i dollars worth of gro. eerlea and hang aroniid the atore nnlll the dry.wagoo waa'ready to Idellver. my «ood«. In tbla way aaved walking a mile In bad weath. er. Mr. Call waa ln bn<lneaa brae (or many, yeara ' He later btougbt lihe Red Pront store from-Dr: R, P. AadmiM, located neat door to the| Atti^l atore: building and tnoved hla atock of gooda aeroaa the atreet' He operatM tbla atore until bhj death aboni is yeara ago. Mra. W t . (Sir atlllowna the building. Which U occupied by the United Varliitv Store, After Mr, Coll moved ‘ftom the Haro building It waa occupied byi AlllMd:iohn«oo Co . for neaflv Jo veara antllthev moved their atore to the W. W -Smith bnlMlhg t^ Sallabnry a l ^ Nearly 40 yeara ago Charlea Hooper of Wloatoa Salem, -togetb. (er Wlth bla brother. Ben Hooper, a hardware. More la the rbkh tbev From A^evifk In writiug about the; orlatera of gone by daya la Modcavllle Mr. Stnad probably never kuMr Mr. |T: R. Walah, orlf hedld, be baa (alM to meatloB him. Mr. Walah came to MockavUle fnm Racking, beat, .where titafatUHr publlabed a weekly paper, to aw k for Mr. Bd, Morrla.'. After a year w'mm on The Reemd Mr.. Walah'waa forced to qalt on accotmt nl falling health. Aboat tbla tlaie a company waa formed In Moekavllle to launch paper. The man selected to manage and edit the new paper bad tor a abort lime had charge of the old Davie TImea. and had poaea. alon of tbe Tlmea outfit when Mr. Walah bought tbla, with the Inten­ tion ot continuing the publication of-the Davt* TImea. Re look po».j aeaalonof tbe-old printing outfit; but the Big Editor ot the new p a ^ , who had tbe mailing llai of the Davie'TImea In hla poaaeaslnn retnaed t o releaae tbla to Mr, Walah. The anbaerlptlon Hat of a imMlcathm being one-of the mmt Important tblpga, Mr. Walah found It Impoaalble to make a go of the TImea without tbla. And being a aodeat, unaanming man, and alao ta bad health, he forfeited wh.t rightly belonged to him ratNer than eater lata -.a legal eeatroversy. There wereacoundrela In that day, the aame aa there are M ayl Walah later aold tbe old Ttmea outfit to Mr. Sella; of the Cooleemec'Ionrnal, and he and my. Nil went to Cooleemee and aet the trpe and printed the firat two Ir. iau<» of the Cooleemee Journal that were ever printed in that town. |Soam rime after tbla Mr. Walah hotitbt a amall farm a n r Hickory, Iwbere he apent hla laat dava. and » h m I vlaltMl h'm aeveral Hmea. He dM M HIckory. and waa bnrl.| led at Mociiavlli*. ta the Roae Ceme. H r Walah waa one of the] kiadaat aad araat generoaa men evary kii«m, and to myl yoiiag daya he waa a great bdp to me, both at MoekavHle ^ and at Hlckoity. Ita mighty pleasant to Ithluklliiek afetd tr l ^ a Siicii aa iTracy R, Walah waa. R. S. MBRONBY , HER HUSBAND At ai banquet the a ieaker had finiahed a tlrtng ovation and one of Ac gucta exhaled a puff of in tense relief. "I’m glad that bombeatic wind jammer ia thtDagh,” he told the pretty ivomaa beaide him. ”To me he’, pu.iilanimon., and a pre- meditated and deliberate hypo* eriie.r ' “Would you mind aaylngthat a- gain2” amiledtbcladv. “I m l^ t aome dav have occaaion to use die woida on him. He’amy huiband,’ •United Mine Woikera loural. DRINKS OUR MILK Two daitlea were engaged in an adverting war.- One of the com- paniea'hired a darcslevil racer to drive a car aiood town, with large placarda, "Thia daredml dtinka out milk.’' The rival company came out [with placards twice as targe re^- «g. "You don’t, have to be a date devil to drink our milk.”— ;eii. ' - HomjblOck for- aeveral .; yeara. Later C. P; . bought their atock of lhardware. ^-Mri.Mc. , . , [a t-a t^ brick hhildlng .adibliiing |thc M«aoole-temolei -where ha 'and ^ W a rim irhaM*are. atarc «atU| b a d ^ b ahonrthreeyeata'ilii^ D» Ym RmS Tto tUeairiiT Poto Jb France T a v i . ' f i m e e - S p c e i ^ T h ic d |0aaa Ctetua'A. IVittai aon of Na-j tiuunC ^atta; SouM 3. Mocfca. viOa,kN. C . ia aaalgiid to thej Ahmr:Unft of the U. & Ainiy: Etirbpa ..Cbraraiinicatioaaj Z o n a in M H ic e .. Spadalbt Potta, a atore keeper! hi the unit’a StarwOampaity, en- tetadA aA fm yln October. 1954, and cooaplcted baak training at Fcntjadim . S. C -He.anived in |Europa In M ai^ 1955. Fotia wmsndttatedfnimShadyl Grove H i^ School, Advatice. N. C . to 195 ^, B altor a t ^ «Hie* n o w an d g at r m k « d po« ta n Iwfag* ^ M W lr if «k Hl«S. PM piM m Sm v * Ic g ^ 'b a iM SO b-iW ' dwND. Aanabtratoi^ Notice! HvriM laiificdaaAdminlatia. iMi of the ailate df H. :C' : Vbimt, d e a n ^ hte of Davie Uountv. iNonh Catottna, Ala la to n o t^ ijh i i d e i d a t o wda ttheia to ifce lemoniKa____o r ^ n o ti c a i^ fa bat ofntenm. - All peiaona '1 eatate wMplean laiUEc tli(a the 3l2 day of Bebniary; I# 5 i—--" ■■■ ■ ■- V . MARY VOSIBR AMD. iHiH & ZM bw . AtMHM«i.; Oar County And Social Security R tn rra R 31 Sen Aloag Mua Street By TIM StfMrRamMw. ' Ry Lotiia H. Qe ,Mai Now that Taniiary 1956 haa come and gone, workera haqe received atatementa of their 195S earning their emplppera. Theap atatementa, known, as Form W-2, are fiim iah^ to workera as re. quired by law. and ..show the wotlcer'a name, aocial aeciirltv number: total wages paid to him in that vear, amount of income taq withheld and amount of wages p o rte d for racial security ciedita. Workers who have b m paid Doer, aalaries, etc. KEPT MISSING BUS Youngatcta are different nowa- daya—you never know how tbeyll react to your fovorite old atoriea. I recently told a 12-yearold about aom eonalna of mine who lived seven miles iMit in the cotmtrv b i^ In the M days, and bad to «^lc to acbool ea^, morning and home cad) night. They all grew up to be succeasful, tea^onsible liien and wometi. ItoM all thia l«D the U.yearold and addd diat diiswaa K>mcthlng to thiitk a. Ibout, Ife thought for a few minutes, and remarked. "Craty kids. They kept inisaing the bua, ch.” SHORT ON GOLD “Why.” asked the teacher, “did Aaron ma^e a golifen caU?" Replied a hrii^t little girl from [the country: “Becauae he did not have gold enough to inake a cow."| BONES ADDED 'Haven’t you any' more recenl booka on anatomy^ complained the student,. 'Tlieae ari at Icaat ten years old." "Look. Bud." aaid the Ubrarlan, "there have been no honca added to the human body in the last, ten yeara." MUST BE COLD All excited as she intrt the cddntitv to her party guests, the hostess said. ■‘Thia U Captain Banka.. He haa just tetumedfrom [the Arctb; tctfooa.” *V3hr burat out one pretty gnest. l"Do come over to the fire. You Itmut coldl" of $4,200 or more dating 1955, should check their Forms W-2 to make sure they will receive credlt| Jfor $4,000 on their social accounts (Prior to 1955, the maximum so­ cial security wage credits allowable for a worker for any one year was ♦3.600.) If a worker was paid at least $4,200 in 1955. but his F<wm W.2. shows PICA (or DAIS) wagesles. than this amount, he should im- mediatdly contact bia employer or payroll supervisor the amount of nwucity eantlngs reporfed for him If. for some reason, the employer cannot or will not correct the Form W-2 and hla social aecurity tau remrns, the worker should get in touch with his Social Secotityl Administration district office, lofiice, where he will receive assist­ ance to have his social security ac>1 count cotected. When he comes to the soda) security office, the worker should bring with aim his 1855 Form W-2. The worker should also com- ipare the name and aocial security number adpearing on his sosial se. |curity card wiih the name and number ahown on hia Form W*2, If they are not the same, he should^ also ttU his employer or payroll aupervisot about thia, ao the em-^ ployet’a tecotda can be corrected to Aow the cotract information. If you have any question con­ cerning your aocial security, you might write us at 301 Post Office Bjilding, Sallaburv, N. C.. or see our reprwntative who visits tfte Court House; Mocksvllle N. C.,1 on the first and third Fridava of each month from 1230-1:30. duced Jerry: Were you out in all that tain?Rufua: No. Juat that pan that fell around me. NOTICE TO CREDTORS, Having quaUfied at A dm ii^tor of the estate of Mra. E. M. Kdler, deceased, notice i. hereby given M all persons holdingdainis a^lnst the said deceaaed, to pre­ sent them,' properly venlled, to the undersigned, on or before the< 1st day of fobraaty, 1957. or this otica will be plead in bar- of_ re. AU personf Jndebted to niflcv 1956alOEHBNlEyKEUER. Admr; Mia. E. M- deci’d. OiudaHldai,AHHiicr. Shoof Coal & Sand Co, We Can Supply J(o u r Needs IN GOOD COAL, SAND and BRICK Call ot Phone Ua At Any Time PHONE 194 Fotmerlv Davie Bride &Coal Co Gilmer Brewer on hla way down Maiti street on chilly momteg— Jack Crouch on his way ud M ^ stteet through heavy traffic—Mta. . Nera Godbey crossing the sqtiate with hand .fail of mon«)r-r*MiaMa Beaveylella and Shirt^ Gaithei do­ ing some Saturday inomiiig ahop- pin^H appv Cozart on Wa way across ^ e sqinre—Rlke W ithon dispenaing hen fhiit around the squar.—Dr. Mutt busy Gountfatg pills—George Hendridu standtag ill front of Mocksvllle Cash Store getting a litde fresh alt—Wood, row Wilson doing some s h o p i^ in drug .store—Malden h ir !*• irking that whatthls town need- was a KuKlux Klan lodge- Bob Charles talking wid> fUeods on Main atreet—A. E. Alford busy waitfaig on customers in Mooee^a department store—Kermir Snddi standing in store door w atck ^ part of the world go. by—Mias Martha Call talking about spend­ ing a month recently in Florida— Man carrying big oil can down Main street-Robt.Baalnget load­ ing up faithful old ^ p e at Be me­ anders down Depot strectr-Mta. Fletcher Clii^ on het way to work as the clock strikes the how— Young couple walking atoond the square holding hands on warm af­ ternoon—lake Metoney looking over cars ill used car lot—I. B« Howard rambling around town |on rainy mom ing-C. T. Hupp hurrying into apothecary ahop in jearly aftcnvoon-Matvin Wateia on his way down Main street— Mra. Conrad Chappell gsttbig tea- dv to go to work on.-rainy morn­ ing—R. H. Johnson dtivfag laun­ dry truck down Main atre^R cv . Robert Oakley walking up Main street on rainy afternoon, mintn hat, rain-«oat ot uaabtetta—M n. Spurgeon Anderson doing saOM afternoon shopping—Dr. and Mw. S. A. Harding walking down S. Main atieet—Rev. G. W . Rnk on hia way up Mata atieee-Chatll* Com looking for Blum’s Almanac —Haines Yates greeting fUenda in front of drug store. NOTICE TO CREDrFORS Haqing qualified-aa adminstta- tor of A lf ^ Cleveland. deccaKd. Inotice is hereby given to all per­ sons boldiiig daims against the ea- tateofaaid deceaaed, to-present the same ptopedy verified to the iiundersigncd on or before the 2Sth llday of Januaay 1657. or thia notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to aaid estate will please make prompt satde- ment. This 2Sth day of Janturv. 19S& S. M. CALL. A dm t.O f A lf ^ aevdend,.Deeeaaed. ByA.T.GRAM T.Attv: HILLTOP Service & Supply 1 ^ PLACE TO GET rr ' ia», Oil, Tires And Supplies Staple Grocerieg [SnMtt Enough To Appreciate Your Bufiaeai' Large Eaough To .-FW Your Tank J.W .HILL OWBW Prince Tbeatre CINEMASCOPE WEDNESDAY •SCARLET COAT»ln Colot With Cornel Wilde & Anne Francis Cartoon . CINEMASCOPE THURSDAY & FRIDAY “BLOOD ALLEY” In C«*»t With John Wayne fit Laonea Bacall. News! SATURDAY "IDAHO” with Roy Rogaia Also Cartom & Seiial CINEMASCOPE MONDAY & TUESDAY "REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSET In Color With James Dean. Newa pmCB: CIMSMASOOPBAMtsNaCHiinBtia DJiVIE tXNINtrS liQGER■aowvikuic : I. ij V PKQCTWO i DAviBKiacoRD. M ocK avitJj. w. c . m abcb t. \ m TUe DAVIE RECORD. a m A N K STROUD. EUITOR. TELBMIONe ■atend at the Poitofllea in Modn- *nto. N. C.. M Sceoiid-Rluii Mall nkttoT.Unrch 1.19m. ;suBscmpnoi« rates*. OIIBYBA]t.WN.CAROLIN/^ • $1.80 SIX UONTHS IN N. CAROUNA - TSe. ONEYeAR.OimiDeSTATi: • fLOO SIX MONTHS. OUTSIDE 8TATR • $140 Ike WillRun Ptealdent Eisenhower h u told the wocld t(iat he'will be a candt date for a second term if the peo­ ple want iiim. We chink a great majority oi the vocen. tegatdless of politici. are glad tbat be ia go­ing to stand for te election. With peace a n d prosperity in o u r tounttv we don’t believe there is a Demexrat who could defeat Pre­ sident Eisenhower. W e often wonder if Dollar and Trade Davs are put on for the be­ nefit of the merchants or for the benefit of the newspapers. The good people of Hendemm. ville marched to the polls bst week and voted by a big majority against opening a liquor store in that progreislve mountain city. Three cheers for Hendersonville. ' W hen Harry Truman heard that President Eisenhower waa going to run for a second term he re­ marked chat any Democrat in the country could be elected. Harry was talking through his hat white passing through a graveyard after dark. ■ • ftew Arrivals .Three babies arrived at Davie County Hospital. Mocksvilte, on March Ur» the opening day at the hospital. Tlie first baby was Barbara Saunders, daughter o f Doris Saunders, colored, of Mocksville, the second was a boy to Mr.i and Mts« lister Blackwetder, of Route 5/ and the third was a son to Mr- and Mra. Chas. Robins.of Route 4. The $10.00 given by The Davie Reeord for the first b<«bv bom In tbe new hospital, goes to Dorik Saunders. A^edLadylll Mrs. I. D. Frost recently suffer­ ed a stroke at her home on Route 5, Mocksville. She waa taken to Oavie County Hospital and thi latest report is that she is holding her own. Mrs, Frost will observe her 102nd birthday on Thursday. March 8th. Reject yi/ine And Beer Lexington, Feb. 28—Davldsoo County . voters turned thumbs dorni on the legal sale of beer and wine in the eounty today. The vote in 37 county precincts was 12.239 against the ale of beei and 4,051 for. On wine It wa» 12,343 against the saU and 4.216 foi Both Lexington and Thomas- villej the two largest totvns In ihc county, were almost uverwhelm ingly against the legal sale of the two alcohsllc heveranges. In Korea Court Conoenes The March term of Davie Su> perior Court convened in this cily at 10 o’clock Monday morning, with ludge Walter E. Johnson Jr.. of Winaton-Salem. presidinff. On­ ly civil cases are being trie J and the attendance on openins dav was small. The court will likely finish the docket today. NEW CITIZENS Mr. and Mra. Bill Cooper, of W int^n'Salem, have moved to Mocksville and are occupying the Miss Amy Talbert house i n Noith Mocksville. Mr. Cooper has purchased from H. R. Harris and Robert Hendricks an' interest in the ‘ Dayie Auto Parts Co ^ ic h has been in bu«ine«s on Wilk«sboiro,6treet for the’ the pa^ several years. The Record is ^ad to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Cooper to our town. Hold Convention Davie Republicans held their county convention at- the court house Saturday afternoon at 2:00 o’clock. All 11 precincts were presented with abont 70 delej>ates presentOfficers were elected as follows: Chairman. Duke WhitiakenS.crc* tary. G. G. Daniel; Vice Chairm«n, Mrs. L. R. Powell; Co<!hairman, E M. Shermer. Delesates were electcd to the Congressional convention, which meels in Lexington at 2 o'clock Priday, and to the State Cv nven- tiou. which meets at Durham Sat­urday, March 10th. Contribute to Heart Fund. It supports heart rsearch, educa­ tion and community heart projects Class wife, ..... .Mocksvllle, N. C., recently com­pleted a battalion test with the 1 Corps in Korea. The test, held in snow and sub' zero weather, measured the com batedidencv of Phillips* unit, the 19th Infantry Regiment's 2nd Bat talion topped all previous scorn with 92 6 per cent. A squad leader in Company F. he entered the Armv in Septem' ber 1054 and arrived overseas the following March. Hla parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Phillips liye on Route 3» Mrs, D. H. York Mrs. Mary Heath York, 72. widow of David Herbert York, died at 6;S0 a. m., Feb. 27th at her home on Avon Street. She was bom in Irede^ County, tbe daughter of Samuel and Sarah Ann Foster Heath. Surviving are two aon«, R. P. York of Mocksville and David Rex York of Las V<.>gas, NeV., two daughters, Mrs. Ben Bow es an i Mrs. Howaid Danner, both of Mocksville; one brother,' Henry Heath of Harmcmy, Route I; two alsten. Mrs, R. Lee Campbell and Mr.. Amos York, both of Har­mony,. Route I, seven grandchild­ ren and one great-grandchild, f Funeral aerviee. ' 12:30 ParmingtoD High School News By Johiidie Ellit nad Joe BnMek. Last week die main topic for conversation was the basketha 1 tournament. Farmington's *'B** boya were defeat d Wednes<day nicht but the *'A** team girl? heM their own and came throuffh with a victory of 32 to 29 over A<1> yance. On Thursday night the B** team girls lost by 9 poinM and the ”A” team b o ^ were ‘also de­ feated bv Cooleemee. The "A** team girls were finally defeated by Mocksvllle in the finals on Frld»y night. The county tournament was sincerely enjoyed by all and our spectators enjoved watching the other teams in the county play as well as our own.Everything has been rushed up this week because of the touma ment last week and (he students . are being given tesK ro complete. his six weeks report period. 'A rei we passing all of diem? ' Well, at least we'retaking them. The Tuniorshave been quite busy working on their play which is scheduled for March 17. Be sure and remember this date and plan to come. . The Seniors have chosen ihelr superlatives as follows: Best looking. Gene Sheek. Cutest. Jean Sharpe. Most studious. Johnney Hauser and Ann Harding. Most courteous, Peggy Dull and Leo Vestal. Friendliest, Bessie Seats and Jim mySmith. Best dressed, Helen Collins and Lawrence Gregory. Wittiest, Bruce Whitaker and Wilma Booe. Most athletic, Johnny Hauser and Rachel Langston. Mosr popular, Lawrence Greg- >fy and Olena Groce. Best all around, Rosalene Gen succeed, Johnnv tlt> and Joe Busiek ____likely to s Hausvr and loyce Piiyne. Moatl Most dependable, Clarence Bl- ore and Margaret Adams. Most orMnal, Gray Laymon and Patsy Cline andBruce Whitaker. Qnletieat, Leo Vestal and Evonne Shore.Most talkative, Lester Phillips and Ruth Howard. Flower—Red K«>se. Colors-Blue and Whice. Motto—One step at a time but focward. 1 These Prices Effective Wednesday Morning Mar. 7th Only MEN'S SPORT SHIRtS Long Sleeve,, SoUil,, Plaidt Value, To $3.95 $2-00 Each CHENILLE BED SPREADS 12 Cohn and White Fart Ct^r, Regular $3.95 $3.33 COTTON PRINTS Value, To 29c Yard 19c Yard LADIES COTTON SLIPS Size, 32 To 52 Full And Half Slip, 88c BOY’S SPORT SHIRTS Plaid,, Solid*, Dan River Fabric, ReH «-> $1-98 $1.19 100^ NYLON MATERIALS 8 Beautiful Shade,, New Spring Color* Regular 79c Yard - 2 Yards $1.00 B. C. MOORE & SONS “BUY FROM MOORE AND SAVE MORE” MbCKSVILLE, N. C; IN eiTV tlMFnc where tensions usually mQunt. Chonsler’t csMike Aexibilhy brines a wondcrrul sense of calm..And those admiring j^nccs confirm your iudsment that (his i» AmcrJca'j bijuest fine car buy T H E Y U . T H IN K Y O U P A ID H O O O w h e n y o u d r i v e t h e y e a r - a h e a d c a r t Hie only cars with which you can comjure a Oirysla Windsor V>8 are the oiber luxuiy can... because that'i : tbe Chrysler Windfo ‘ lor the cost of a luxuiy cars. .. because tl jr Windsor Vt8 is. Bui ; lavs can own _________________ e o rt And atthii pric^ it simply, defies c o m ^ riso n . Take the way it handles in city trafRc. Som^htng quite «x€lu8iveA. You'ie handling a 1^ poa^ul car tbat r e ^ n d s Jikc a m ind reader. It docs Ujc w ork fo r you. Y o u r C hrysler is beautifully , b alanced betw een th e (or- ; w ard th ru st o f Its m ighty alrplane-typc engine a n d iHe m ost pow erful brakes m th e industry. T hfs car flows! y « , if you can a ffo rd 'a n y car in the m cdium -priccd fcW , y o u can -affo rd to step u p to a Cfarj-sler V /m dsor V ^ . p r e p a r e its y ear ah ead n e w -^ r features w ith the ; « h e r la d in g cars m its p n c c class. W e iWnJc you’ll agree ; th a t II looks an d acts Uke a co r th a t costs $1,000 m ore th a n U does! “P o w e r S ty te ” CHRYSLER SEE YOUR CHRYSLEfit DEALER FOR THE BtQQEST BUY OF ALL FINE CARS CHRYSLER SETS NEW WORLD’S RECdRD! WINS DAYTONA "RYING MIIS" AT 139.373 tn.p.h, A OnTsler 300-B'wept Ijie J956 NASCAR Sored Tiiai OwlJrt b?lJ- m.p$’*= K o fth M a in S tn rt DAVIE MOTORS, Inc. FRANCHISED DEA LER U C EN SE 763 MociuviUe, N, C o iiiet^ WiMW- lB T he No U quoir. W ine. B m r-A d* tu BAVU BIKOm. Upomitie. It, C.. MAKCH 7. I»M,rAos] NEW S A R O U N D TO W N . The aecohd Hoot of . Sanford’a pepartmmt Store was the « last Wdtiesday evening for liuhion show. J; a Howard, VrfCI( anniiaLsDring I Guuts wete welco ed bv R. a one day bat week havingin (own one day bat wee aome denMl work done. Rw . R. A. Massey, of Fayette­ ville apent the week end In town with honie tolks. R. B. Forrest, of Woodleaf and R. W. Nance, of near SalUbuiy, were in town WedneMUr on busl- Mrs. Elsie Poryls, of Norfolkt Va., was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Purvis and family. The P. T. A ,. will meet Mon day. night, March 12d>, at 7:30 o’clock. Patent, and. ftienda are utged to attend: . R. D. Hartman; a progress former, who dwells in the classic abadea of Shady Grove, was In town Wednesilav on bmloesa. Mrs. R W. Turner is recover­ing nicely from an operation which ahe underwent at Baptist Hospital Winston-Salem, Monday. Fd>. 27th Hatley Sofley has begun the erecti.nofa 6<room ranch type house oil Gwyn street which will be for sale ot tent when complet­ ed. Mrs. Frances lames and daudv ter. Misa lulia Jamea, and Mr. and Mra. Lawrence Smith spent one day last week in Salisbury ahop- Plng. . FOR SAEE—Three room house, 8 acres bnd with out biiildingsi on Yadkinvllle bli^way n m I. G. Roberts store. P rii^ SeeWADE.VIS. Wednesday tabmlngba aat & t ) ^ , which Mrs. - Ella Holtiiouser presented the inodela. ( beautiful new suits. dustefa,dreta- es forevery occasion,evening wear, tats and accessories wete modeled W Mesdamea HenryS. Anderaon, Robert Hall, WlUiam Long; W ard Hanes. .Ie« Caudell. D. J. Man- do, James York and Miss Adiel^e Sanford. .The models wete lovely in the many beatitiful styles and shades offered for spring and mm- met. The linen weave and f a ^ dusteta were particularly attractive. In addition to'the nationally ad­vertised Swansdown, Jaunty Jun­ ior, Handmacher, Jonathan L i ^ , Don, U dy Petite andL’Alg- ..nes regularly carried bv San- brd’s, two new lines, Kotet of Califoriiia, and Tack ^uire, have been added this year. After the showing, guests wete Invited to the first floor > for te- freshments. The show was well attended not only by Mocksville and D ^ County people, but also by i^num- ber of out-of-the-cotmty gueata. Smith-Daniel Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Smirft of Mocksville announce the ment of their daughter, Hope, to Douglas Curtis Daniel of Mocksville, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J, S. Daniel. The wed- t ling is planned for April .14. Comatzer-haire Mr. and Mn. Samuel R Comat- zer of Mocksville announce the en* lent of their daughter. Lena ^ .. of Mocksville and Washing­ ton, D. C., to George Cleveland iaire, also o f Mocksvllle and Washington, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Stokes Ibire, also of Mocka- ville. No date has been set for the tvedding^ dieB. C. Muore & Sona atore, are » f t r ’'tes:ir'".d*i2 today’aiI paper. Tbc frienda of Albert Sheek, ol Portsmouth. Va., will be aortv to learn that he has been confined to bis bed for several weeks. ^All hope that he will aoon be well. Read the big ad of ModtavBle Cash Store which appear, in diis paper today. Thia s»i« ia offer* ing many batgaina to thrifty ahop- pen. Look over thdr stock. Army Pvt, william H. Lagle. son of Mr and M rs.‘Thom M j. Lagle. Route 4, Mocksville N. C , rccmtlv arrivi^ at Fort Lewis, Wash., and is now a member of the 2nd In&ntry Dlvisioii. . Mr. and Mrs. & & Blakely and dau^tera, Mrs. Gtace Call and Mta.NetaGodbev. a ^ t S tn ^y In , Charlotte'with Mra. .^Call’s dai^ter. Miss Dot Call, who ia Charlotte City Librarian. '' Mr. m A Mra. P. E. SherrUl of thb city are the p a m u a fine aon who arrived at D ai^ Hospital, SUteaville, Feb. 29th. Thiamung than will celebrate his first bir h- dav'fpur yeaia hence.. A door to door canvaaa for tbe American Red Cross, sponsored by the Jr. Jayceea. wlllbe m i^ o n Thutvdav evening, March 8th. b<^ ginning at 7:30 o’ctock. AH'are urged to donate gimetoiialy to this w om y cause. , ; Babies bom at Rtiwan Menwrial H o ^ a l. on Fdl>. 28tb Included a girl for Mr. and Mtfc John Head, of Cooleemee. A boy im i Mr. andMra. T.M.B«tney.MockaviUe, a giri for Mr. and Mra.:Relza Mil­ler, Mocbville^Route 3. ^ M r.and Mrs. Hatold Early, of WInaton-Salem, were In town Fri d ^ on thdr wav home from aw o wwka sojourn in Florida- They ■ have our thanka for a big bo* p oranges and grapefruit. Maydi'eir shadows never grow less. D r.b. R. Stroud, Jr„ optome- triat, opened hia office at Rocky Mount on March lat.^ Dr. . will move hla family to that in the wlsh« Dr family fiature. :The Recon id Mra. Stroud and success in their new The I r friends of Chat. H. -----------Atbnta. Ga:, a form-erdtlaeiiafthbeity.w aibeac . toleara thathe laaerioMtlr »■ *t MocksTiDe High SchoolNewt . LYNDA CRAWFORD. Rcpontr The Mocksville basketball fana are very proud of our teama* show­ ings in the tournament, whidi was held'lh bur win on Feb. 22 25th. Wednesday bur B-Boya played Advance and won; the Vataltv Girls played Cooleemw and won. The other teams playing Wednes-' The winners were Cooleemee B- Bovs and Farmington Varaity Giris. Thursday night our B<jirls pby ed Advance and won. In a very exciting Rune our Vataltv bova b ^ t the Advance team. ‘Rumin«- ton and Cooleemee B-Girla pbyed with Cooleemee, taking the bon ors; also, the .Cooleemee Varsity Boys trampled Farmington Varsity. This brought all four of into the finals. ; Friday night our B-Bovs pbtved Cooleemee and lost, but they fought all the wav, atid when the Varsity Girls topped the Farming, toil GMa by more than a doubled scoie for the' trophy, everyone felt better. Saturday n i^ t the B-Girls play- ed Cooleemee B Girls and came through to take the trophy, but iti tbe very close game with the Coo­ leemee Varsity Boys, our boys lost by a small margin. Mr. Price presented the trophies after the game. The trophleawent to Mocksville B Glrls. -----------B -^ s , Mocksville.Vataltv GIrla, Cooleemee’- ’ “ ^ * mee Varsity aitv.Bovs for of wins this season. sented to the Mocksvllle V a ^ ^ Girls and dte Cooleemee VMsity fora. The Mocksvillians are proud of the spirit of good aportsmanship that prevailed during the tourna­ ment.. sented the The devotio Miss Martinis home-toom pte- ■ chapel program Friday. ________johal was very Inapiritig. The stage sitting was a cross a Bible in a table and two candlea on each side of the Lorraine McDaiiiel, acting as nar- rator. read scripnire re f^ c e s on the sheltering rock, orthestrennh of God, and bymna were aung by a diolr behind the curwlns. Af tec the davotkinal period some of the distinguished j^ o m mle HI paraded their talent, e Jimmy FuUer.Melalde Tex Foster and Gene ENDICOTT JOHNSON EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED y CHILDREN’S SANDALS $1.98 White Or'Brown PATTY JOHNSON VEDGIES ' $1.98 AU Colors MISSES White Nylon PUMPS $2.98 MISSES PAT PUMPS $2.d8 Low Heel CHILDRENS PAT STRAPS $2.98 All Sizes LADIES PAT PUMPS $2.98 Medium Heel LADIES SANDALS White. Yellow. Beige $2.98 lg a th b r LOOK POLO SHIRTS 2 For $1.00 Stripes BOVS SPORT SHIRTS 98c QUILT COTTbN 97c Roll Stltehed FuD Size MEN'S SPORT SLACKS $4.98 Nylon & Dacron FRUrr OF LOOM ANKLETS 29c . All Colors LO O K ! LADIES FREE-SlmplieSty Drew Pattern Wednemiay Morning With Purchase Of Dren Material _____All New Spring Pnttem, In Cotton,, Wadi SUk, And Print, Be Sure Wednawlny Morning To Get Free Simpllci^ Pattern Of Your Choice i .-rl I' i | MOCKSVILLE CASH STORE «THE FRibiDLY STORE” Mnr HecivywaHdit Jh m t N e w '5 6 C »E «m »letl> M ac< F D i!ceT hrucln C h a m p s o f fiSEMgr w e ig h t c la s s I J Naw n ed * b to do biggwr lelM-nrted up to %UKW lbs. G.V.W.I N«w pewwr l i^ t «Mtoss dte bocDrd-wilh a brand-new big V8 for ^h-tom rage hcniUngl New auto­ matic and S^peed tecmwiiiMfangt Meet today’s most modem trock fleet! It offeis new cham ^ of every w el^t class, including four new heavy-duty series. It brings you new power for evety job, with a modem short- stroke V8* for every model. Then theie's a wider range of Hydra-Matlc models and Poweimatic, a.Tiiew six-speed automatte, plus new five-speed Come in and these new Chevrolet trucks! •F« «<mdard In UCS. and Serks 8000 and iOOOO models, m €*tr*<ou option, ia (ill other modth. " ~ .^Bxtro-cost options avaUabte in o vide eange of models ifive-speed tntismlsslon sundard In Series 9000 end lOgOO). Aaythiat h f i * an oU'loMbiwd ItuekI PENNINGTON CHEVROLET CO., INC FRANCHISED DEALER U C E ^ 789 PHONE 1 5 6 - • MOCKSVILLE, N. C. M ISi . { I. !'■ < ■ <*AGB M)oii i l l i>A m inoDBD, M oonvoL B N c . h a b cb t. ivie P J-'aK-.: • |xi;::^X- i i - Ha l f w ay tiurough a m ovie you m ay see peoi^e getting u p an d w alking out. T h a t does not necessarily m e a n th ey a re di** gusted w ith th e pictu re. IV * lu st th a t they ca m e in rig h t th e re in ■the first show . *‘T his is w here w e cam e in /' th ey say, an d (h ey don’t ca re to se e th e second h a lf of th e film tw ice. (Q uery, b y th e w ay; ts a m ovie, o r a book, t h a t is n ’t woi-th s e e in g o r r e a d in g tw ic e , w orth seeing a t all?) In ancient tim es, th e learn ed Greelcs th o u g h t th a t h istory w as like a m otion pic* tu re show n over and ov er again. D r. F o rem aft If a m a n lived long enough h e could see histo ry re p e a t Itself, they thought. T he d ia g ra m w hich to th e G reek m ind b est represent* cd histot-y w ould b e a circle. F ly. m oth o r m an. going around in cir* cles wHl nev er get anyw here. HU* lory, th e G reeks thought, Is like tiM t. It m oves, b u t it nev er gets anyw tiere. History Qom S*m ew htr« T he B ible’s view of h is ^ ry is a d (Tcrent one. H istory is m ore Uke a stra ig h t line th a n a circle. ‘•S t.a iB h f line is too sim ple. If you will re a d the book of Ju d g es in the Old T estam en t you w ill find a line of histo ry th a t goes uphill and dow n in dizzy succession. B ut c.-ooked o r straig h t, it is a line go ng som ew here. O n a circle, you pass a R'.vcn point. Now. afte r you have p.assed th a t point, a re you settin g fa rth e r aw a y fro m it as N(tu nio'^'c, o r a re you getting n e ar* . c!-7 Tlie an sw er i« both, of course. if histoi-y is a kind o f clr* cl'c. tl.cn if you a sk th e question: A ie n*c gfstting fa rth e r aw ay from barb u r.frn , is Uw. • world getting bettet' a t all? T he an sw er w ill h:^ve to be: It d o e sn 't m ak e any d.li'e cnce. W e a re fa rth e r fro m th a t |x; iud of I>arl>ari8m th rough w hifh wo la st p assed ; b u t w » a re gcU:n^r clo?cr to th e n ex t period ol bat b.iii:im . H isto ry .. Iia4 and go i^. w>U rep e at itself. N ow th« B ible, an d J e s u t «lp«* c:aily. h av e a different view . T he w orld is m oving aw ay fro m a p a st th at will nev er h appen again. It is m oving, w e a re m oving, to* w ard a fu tu re th a t h as n o t y e t happened and w ill h appen only once. T he course of histo ry is n o t like a to y a irp la n e th a t buzzes around nnd around, cap tiv e o n a w ire; b u t like a re a l p lane th a t so ars sw iftly to Its d istan t port. Hitforr KMiMtetRff H um an histo ry w ill h av e an end, so fa r a s th is e a rth Is con* cem ed. som e day. (O f co urse no hum an being’s ftnal d estiny w ould be ended ev en If the w hole h um an ra c e w ei e destro y ed by H*bombs. B ut w e a re taltcing a to u t histo ry on th is green p lan et.) B ut It is a m istake, a s Je su s pointed out, to ju m p to th e conclusion th a t w e . are living in h isto ry 's la st chap* ter. "T h e en d w ill n o t b e a t once,” lie said. M any tim es m en and w om en h av e oeen su re th ey knew the end o f th e w orld w as a t h a n d ; bu t th ey h av e alw ays b een mis* taken. 'H iere is a theological eem* innry w hich w as built b y contrl* butions from th e churches wtkich it serv es. B ut th e re w ere aom e ch u rchcs b a ck w hen th e sem io acy w as built, th a t w ould n o t con* tribute. T he end of th e w orld ta too close, th ey said, to b e waft* «ng m oney on b ric k buildings. I t la nev er w ise to refu se to build fo r (am orrow . to r it Is n e v e r w ise to assu m e th e re isn’t going to b e a tom orrow . H istory is going some* w liere; b u t it w ill n o t re a c h !(• desU natlon ”ln n o th l^ flat'* Tilt a»al d Hlitwy W here ts h isto ry g o ingf T he Q iristla n an sw er is: 1 ->war4 th e reign o f th e L o rd Je su s ov«r a lt m ankind. Je su s ta u g h t h is disei< pies to look fo rw ard to one e v en t above a ll o th ers: h is com ing again. N ow th e C h ristian c h u rch fro m e a rlie st tim e s h a s h a d vari* ous id eas ab o u t how an d w hen C hrist’s C om ing wUl ^ a n d w h at it wiU m e a n in d e ta il B u t su rely no C h ristian ca n a c cep t M iiously th e id ea th a t h isto ry Ju st goes on an d on. a lin e th a t h a s n o di­ rectio n an d n o end. G od a n d ' ev il a re in conflict: m u st w e be* lievc th a t th is w a r w U n e v e r e n d t O n Uie co n trary , C b ristlan t g re un ited In believing th a t wlyat C h rist b a d e u s h o p e fo r w ill com e . tru e , an d Indeed m a n y C hristiana ;b c l.e v e th a t it is beginning to eom e tiy , th a t G od in h it b rin g o u r tim e to an en d . th a t soon o r la te a s w e '<>;;;'couttt J t . b u t su rely , th e Son of M an. .in -g o w er an d glory, w ill b e an . Modem Glasses Offer Protection From Eye InjEry CfttCA G O — In th ese m odem .iiim s eyeglasses a re u se d not'<Mi* ly to co rre ct v isual e rro rs, b u t ^Iso to pro tect eyes fro m dam ag e. One of the new er ty p e inact*re> distant lens is “ case hard en ed " by h'^ating an d chilling w ith an lir b la st u n d er rigid tem p eratu re ionirols. T his lens is th ic k er th an 1 reg u lar one (3m m . m tolm um ), ir.d h as to p ass a te s t In w hich a :'n-inch steel baU ts dropped from a height of 50 toches onto Its front .urface. I t is good fo r in d u strial vorkers. A niithcr type Is h eated and ool«>d under spccial stress. It .in’i un*.istmlly thick, b u t m u st re* n ain in ta c t w hen a %*inch steel >all is dropped from a h eight of 30 inchcs onto Us fro n t surface. !n o th e r w ords, 11 h a s about tw ice 'he im p act stre n g th of a reg u lar lens of equal thickness. A nd It's tpproxim ately five tim es a s re ­ sistant to b reak ag e w hen dropped on th e floor. T his lens is helpful tn children o r ad u lts w ho w ant aom e protection, a s it provides con.Hlderabte e x tra stre n g th a t m oderate cost. StlU another type is th e lam l* o ated lens, w hich Is m ad e in tiie sam e w ay a s an autom obU e w ind­ shield and h a s the sam e “shatter* proof" quality, ^ s costs m ore than the above types an d is m o re ap t to crack, but. on th e o th er hand, it affords g re a te r safety. So it’s recom m ended fo r a c d d en t- nronc children, one*eyed people, athletes, and c e rtain in d u strial w orkers. •• ;.;b'cl-.eve th a t it Is b eg ?£p';f;-T-’"‘!.l.':'.tt-ue now : nam ely , t c n i j j l A - '. ow n tim e w ill brini -:-ah/end, th a t soon ' Skeletal Criteria Determines Age W ASH IN G TO N ^H ow old w as a d ead m an? How old. fo r th a t m a tter, is a living m an ? . T here a re num erous sk eltal crl* le ria for determ inhig age. none by itse lf coro p letd y conclusive b u t a com bination of w hich h a s a ligh reliability. S uch a n age* tn easuring rod often is a n ixnpor* ta n t req u irem en t In crim e dctec* •ion, positive identification o f w ar Jcad. validiflcation of w ills, and .Many o th er fields. A liUle>cxplored su b jec t Is the relation of th e soft p a rts o f the body ' to th e underlying bones. F rom a skull a thousand y ears old. for exam ple, it probably would b e possible to co n slm ct a quite realistic p o rtra it of tlie livtag In* .lividual. In establishing IdenUflcation, scientists say, a cc u rate im p res­ sions of th e teeth, in w hich all contotu-s of th e o riginal teeth a re recorded, con b e a s valuable and MS reliable a s fingerprints, T he blood group to w hidk one belongs c a n b e d eterm hied Iw jg after d eath fro m 'th e bones. 'Advertised' Husband Leaves 17 Applicants SYD N EY . A u stralia .-A siste r's w orry o ver a b ach clo r b rolher brought about th e c ase o f 17 pros­ pective brides. M rs. Je a n F ox w orried th at her 37*ycar*old b ro ther, R oy. w as not m arried, so sh e ad v ertised for a w ife f<^ him , she rcve<i1cd. N ow sh e h a s 17 prospective prospective b rides, R oy is not to b e found. ’ * Mrs.^ F o x adverti.stid, **Good husband m a te ria l going to w aste.” and pointed o u t h e r b rother had a c a r a n d a good job. She received 17 appUcaUons. . H er b ro th er, how ever, le ft town, leaving a m essage, **Oon*t try to find m e." Mental Health . No Worse Problem NEW Y O R K -A lth o u ^ the men* ta l h ealth problem in th e U nited S tates h a s b een grow ing in m ag* nitude o v er th e p a st 20 years, c ertain fe atu re s o f th e problem ap p e ar w orse th an they really are , ee y s a life in surance com* pany*s re c e n t rep o rt. A lthough th e n u m b er of first ad> m issions of p sy ch iatric p atients to hospitids to r long-term c a re h as in creased m o re th a n 60 p er cent ov er Uie 20*year period, an d th e nundM r o f paU enU u n d e r c a re h a s risen alm o st a s rapidly, a •u b stan tial p a rt of th e rise re- fleets m e rely th e in c rea se tai popu­ latio n an d th e grow ing « ro p (^ o n o f peoiOe a t th e <dder a f k « In N ew Y ork S tate, fo r exam ple, ab o u t M p e r « en t of th e hicrease la first ad m lssioas M w om en to a u B ta l b o spltels d u rin g th e p a st tw o .d ee a d e s is accounted fo r by Ih e ie pop u latio n facto rs. Dtloycd Action SPO K A N B, W ash. - G eorge C risp in p u t o u t a ru b b ish fire th a t Ib i^ tM ie d h is g a ra g e an d con- C r»tidnted h in se U . fo r hav in g sav e d th e fire d e p a rtm e n t a run. B u t • Urn m in u tes U te r h e fli«m eii. B e h a d bung the ■ w M ler u se d to tm oM ier th e rub. UA AM In lh» »M»ga. taB' tt* Mt tiM buUdlng mm FDQiE u n w nrs .............. ACROSSlAnihtrlTM « .A a ta g e « <develop*.mcnt'ttisim doffVenegtMl# nlcknaiM •.Y o u th«.UIcebtCt«SVOneeftw* •kttamtHM«tdfUC(xudiiir) t t A .AZi'A ’A7.nt U[Jj : 1 j.-in u I y u::;[i L!:-ja uziu uLj^irj uaLuua □ IlLIJ QUuia ■JiUiLi n'j’iii.’i I notice OF R&SALE Purmant to M ofd*r ind 4<cree nude «nd entered bv S. H. Cbiffin, Cletk of tli« Sniwrior Coartof D* »le Connty, N. C.. In' tie spvdal ororeedinK entitled *'S. M. Call, Almr. of John H. Pea. <teoi’d w All the nnknowD helt< of lohn H. Pea and GeoT(e W. Martin. Guard Ad Litem.” Tlie underslEned Cnmmlasloner will offer for re sate tn the btelieat Mdder. at the Courthouse door of Davie ConntT, in MocktTine. C., on Satnrdav. Mareb, to, I9S^, at ta:oo n'clocit M.. tbe lollowJnB descrlhed lots in Jem«alem To»n- ahip, Da»le Cnuatv, to.wHr’^WT' t»t. Lota No«. *g. JO and ji. Beflnnlnt at a stake on Bast drfr of B. Broadwav nnd, comer of 1.01 N®. j8. theiwe H. #5 de»s. jo i.iln. E. t50 feet to a atake, corner n( w No. 18 on the orlclnal line, •hence with the oWdnal line S. 4 decs .^o mln. W. 7s feet to a stake, comer MLot No.':t>. thence witli Mm of Lot No. 39 S. 8J ■I'**- 30 m)n, W. ijo feet to a atake on the •We of Brositwav foad. thenre alone said road N. 4 dec*, jo mln‘. E, 75 feet to the hettlnnlnv, .helnv a fisrt of the" proper*ir auivrvnl hr R,'B. Braadwav to N. .A, Trexler. *»i). Also Lots No. m 35. s* and 37, heclnnlne at a Make on E. side of Broadway mart, comer of Lot No. jj, thence wl«h line of lot No, j j N. *5 de*s. JO mtn. E. 150 feet to a stake on the orlslnal Iloe, thenee with the orlclnal llrte R. dei«. joniin, W, too feet .to stske. romei: ol lot No. 3S. theoce with line* of lot No, J8 S, 85 dec*. JO mln. W; iJo feM fo a st«ke, romer of lot No. j8, thenw- N, 4 ■leri, JO ml". E. alon* east Bronrt- wav ronti 100 feet .otheh^lnnlncr. See Deed rerordeH In Book 44, os«e 174. Re>>i<ters office ol Dan'e Co. N, C., for liiore particniar de» sctlntlon. jrd. Beclnning at a stake on east stir'e of Broadway raad. comer ol lot Noi jt, therce with line of lot No. 31 N. «s JO niln. E. if^.feet to a stake, mm'er of Jot No. JI on'th* orliHnal line,^thence arlth saM lln' S. 4 decs, jo mln, W. so feet to a stake, comer of !«• No. J4. thence with line of lot N. J4 S. 85 decs. JO mln. W. ijo feet to a stake on tbe cart aide of East Brosdwav road, thence alone said road N. 4 decs. ,jo mln. E. JO feet totheh^nnlnir.'beinc lota Nos. ja and 33 of Ira Broadway prooer* . snrveyed hv-T. T>. Inall'*, Sdr* yeyor, Nov, 17, 1941, and being a part of the R. B. Broadway pro] crty. Seed Deed liom.R. B. Ml ler and wile to John Pea and wile. Book 4 5, |»ee 9 5, said ReKlster's office. Terms ol Sa!e: One third cash, balance on jo days ilme witb bond and approved secnrliy or all cash St option ol iwrchaser noon coo. 6rmailon ol sale. Tbe blddlou wll) start at tbe amount ol tbe o ^ t bid, v iz , f t 6 s 00. Thia tbe I6tb day of Pahrnary, ' ’l^ T . GRANT, Commissioner. } InTb**•!»■<«C«,. DAVIE COUNTY . y»Waller tnnet tudwlfe, Ssdlejooes, Arthur Bailey niid wife* Aaelft P, Howard Bafley Notice of Serving Summoiis By Pablicatioii Tbe defendants Walter J.oneK and bis wife» Sadie Jones, will take no tice lb«t ao action, aa entitled a- above ha« been coumeneed lit ilt*r Superior Conn of Davie County North Carolina, tbe saoe being an aeilon by tbe plaintiff to foreelo<r a speetfie lein on i«al estate owned byjda HowarJ, defendant Sadie Jones, anciistcr, to reimburse Davie County for moneiT furnished Ma Howard on account of Old Ate As. id-lancei and tbe said defendmts will fonber tabe notice tba^ tbev a^e Veqttlred to appear at ibe office of the Clerk of the SapeHor Court of said County in the court hou«*' in MockaviUe, Ncirih Carolina, oi Satufdav* the a4tb day of March 1956, and anawer or demur to th«' complaint In said ' action, or the plaintiff wilt apply to the Court f6r Ibe relief, demanded therein.Tbia i6lb dav of Pebmary« 1956* S. H. CHAFFIN. Clark Superior Court Opportuiiitv K a o c k tc I f f i A O l l w S i Patronize your Lome merchants am hetp build up your town and.county. ♦ FOR RENT ♦ SPACE IN THIS PAPER Will Air«n9« To Suit c o c o NEIGHBOIIS-niCES TO n r youK 8USMESS IF YOU H A V E- * bcqi CO a trip entettaiaed guetn cckbratedra blrthdav ' ' u iith t ablgfiah : "moved.'' , ■ - eloped .' had'C babv . :been in a'fight '.•old your hugs^ "’'bought a'car. ■ , ............ , painted vour house. ........... been married ■ -.cufa.-ncwlooih '..V. bcen^ahot’C:.:". atolen anything ■' .been robbed- .aoldout: > . . ..lost your hair ^ been arrested Or Done Anything At All; Telephone, Or Drop a Pottcard, Or Come In; Or In Anjr. Convenient Wajr ^ Inform THE DAVIE RECORD Davie Record Has Been Published Since 18d9 56 Yeaurs CtW* have come and gone-your coiinty nc«r«parer keep* KPmg. Simetinef ba* teemed liard tn . / ' ' • ’’vmake "tucltle andloiiguo” meet, , bilt loon the aun shine* and we maircli on. Oor faithful iubtcribeir* mort of whom pay proinptly. pve in ieourage and abhling faith in oiir felloW man. If your neighbor i« nut takitig The Recwd tell him to.tubicribe. : The .price it only $1.50 per year in Ihe ' ■ : State, at)d $2 00. in other «tatat. j When You CoBoe To T^ Make Hea[dqi^arters. , W t Are Alway» Glad Tqi ; See Vou.-.’,V' We can save yoti -brt yotir.V' ENVELOPES, LETTF R HEADS STATEMENTS. POSTERS, BIU HEADS, JACKET HkAIW. i ^ Patronize your honvfc newspaper : and thprelbv' b( Ip build ;i up your: home town ^and county. — "~ THE DAVIE RECORD. The Davie Record I'.'■ ■ .r.r,. Z " f '‘ - • • . v. •V'.'-'-, D A V IE G Q U N T T 'S p isD IilS T N E W S P A P E R -T H 'B ! P A P E R T E E P E O P I .E K E A D .•WKE sMftu. thb m H o n r s u o irn MAmAmi iima^ w ih fu w«c* Jw® uhbrwed sv oaw." VOI.XJMW-I.VI.-M pC K S m tB . NORTH CAROUHA, #BRlW t3DAy; M AR^^ t4. io?6 innrBBK J t NEWSOF,M)WC AGO. >Wlial Waa IbppMiiig la D»- BaftiM Parhinf Matan And AbbraViaiad Skirla: . - (Otvie Record, Mtr. t 7. 1901) Tboa. Banser, ol the . Farming, too aection died last week. Mias Sallle Ward, daugbter ol John t . Waril, of Partdlngioii died taat week. B. T. Poster died last week at hla home near Yadkla Valley cburcb. vHtos Mamie Steel, oI RoeklUK* bati^ la ,visitlag her sister,. Mrs. Jobii H. Stewart bieic. - '? It b reported that revenue of. fieett aelzed t qtianitr of wbM r Id Iblaconntv iaat week.. Will X Coiev who baa been tp ^ lo R some tlntt here with' bis fa tW t (amllv. left for boibe laM week. Onr old Irienda P, L. Benler. of Attgnata, was in town . Iaat week rctacmber^ na. J, W. B tebl^, eonaty tretmrer will te la Hocksvnie on.Saturdays ■ ter aoWlme to invoSvotiehera. • : Jfcfc Idol, of Forsyth county, and ■ Frank Pdndealer, ol Ad. ed' the tntttlng ol tbe M ^ te lodge last w«k. i**Ried Buck” Bryant, r*|ms«it. biKJho Charlotte Obanver, apeoi , aev»al dava in towa last' week. ‘ • Win Dalton, oI Tampt, Fla., baa nxm dto Miiekavllle and it living with Ua mother, Ura.U. B. Dal- ton. . The Governor : has . appdnted Isaac RobertN of tbla conntv a dir. eetor of tbe Deaf and ’ Dtitnb Asy> .'lam of Horgantoii. i liba Saltle Sue Blllt. who baa hem vislling Menda In totvs: the pttl week, letumed to Advano Hondey, aceonpanied by Miss jeialeCbtlEn. B s President Benjamin Hartl. sou of Indiana, died last W^nes: day at Ms nooie In Inniant^les: Only one Bx-Pceald«it la now Hr. Ing.Onnter Cleveland. Tbe letHslatntfii adjonmed iSat. ntday tin Amll jid. It baglna 'to look like we win have a dog dW : The .peanut polltielana In Rs* lelgh haw p l ^ Davie, Yadkin ard WHkesi witb a popiiiatlaii of SSiOoo, In one ^natorial dblrlrt tiid li^veo them only one Senator. Rowan, with 31,000, and Porayth with 3S.t*». and given a Senator GOODOLDDAYS A sKorf^htle ago my. old printer friend, R. S. Meroney. of Aab»> yille,' who set iype on^Tte ReeeoM over 40 years ago,; wrote an article alMut tbe old Wiiev Cfement store bnildihg 00 the .North Mde of the sqitsn; ' I have mentioned tbia old wooden bulMIng several tlmaa in my writings. When I eamelwre the old building was not ocrapled bv a store. James Poplin bad a shw shop iu oiie end of tbe build- Mr. Meroney write* ihat a man came here and opened a soda water bbltling piMt in the Wiley Clem* ent store room. He did not men. tlon the man’a name and perham' had forgotten It. The man waa a Mr. Archibald, and he had a aon named Clarence. I met Clarence a few mantbs ago. wbeu bewaapaia. log through towp. He la up in years now and is living io Baatern Carolina. If I am not mlataken, Mr. Arcbihald and family came here from Reldsvllle. Be operated the hottllng plant for a number of years here aiid on the .Feeior farm. 'Tohn Bsiley,. a former Davie County man, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Booe Bailey, of Hocka. vllle, who now lives In R lcbm ^. Va„ was s yonne man at that time. Be took a job with the bottling plant selling and delivering billed dridks to the rural stores through, out the county. .Hedroyea scmU hoiae to a one.hor«^ vehicle In which the bottles were pscked. He aaked me one day! If I wooldn’i make a trip with him. I wt< very busy ,in: the good; old daya and told him I would be glad to g0 out In the country. W e'to^ri op the wagon .with soda WatM, straw, berry I' lemon nrsapariila, root beer cherry, etc.^snd headed out the old ditt toad hy . Main aid on ni>: to Firmington,' sto^pidic at alt tte conutrv atores. /Some-mar^anta o ^ ld hny a, crate dr-two of Ihe d^nka. I think the price waa 75 iMta f«r '»4 'hottles. ^ FromUParm- ington we trawled the old )Wlna. W roaddowii to whatMater waa called Wlnday : CTtys tiear.; Zeh Ccok'a store, end then bn to Red. land,. I iWpk we sold oM Uncle Henry Dulin. a colored merchant, two or three crates. We retbr Horn. Bros. &Tohnran request na to annouDce that they expect to begin putting in their new mad cry about April tat, and thaMheir mill win lie ahtit down four or dvc; weeka. ' ' :; T. I.' SyMly. "f loalsburg, waa In town Iaat week In the Intereat of a bank at tbia p9ace; ontalde par. ties wilUiig to Inmish .a goodly a. mount of the money iif the home fidka will do the rest/. ..Prom pres, ent indicatlona dnr chaooe* for t ,:bank are go<ri. Put your ahould. ’er» fo.lbe wheel, gentlemen,', (tid move up, It’a a puUic nee^ty. Twojrelghteara were wrecked last m k jn a t this side , of Dirtd man Credc and abont !(0 varda <ll the trsck tiira-op. The fralti delayed n bouta. The. .mtll' -'dne here at 6:t5.p. m., retchedrMoeka. viilethe new', morning tt :' T:j6. No livaa were lost, but a good deal of dtm ge was done. Luther Leach, of Hickory. a vMtor.in lhe leildioaectloii Itat '. w * .' . F M w S to n ^r^ haa the grippe tnd D ol^ Kwfecaia oa ;tht tick ' litt; ■ : l.te e KttrUei and 'fatally, ol Route li have bera right! •U t for Olt SiDiib dW sunlay night afc tera tnonth'a lllneaa. He . wta a ypnng b«v luat entering hia teeiM ^' Mias Litdc Grangw.^oT .Caolce' inee;':is speadlng aome.; tlme.-jrilb htr gttadmolber, Ibi. Chtl Btewa w m fO R m la the tblrtMntb chapter of Re* TClatIca, John saw t heaat riae tip otii'of tht aea, haidng a e ^ heads aiid ten horat and tan crowna on the borntaad apoa Ms beidt the ntiM d hltthemy. VThia. beasts looked like a lewaid, bed feet like ahear, hla mouth, w tt like a lion, auch t tirtage tnlmai would with­ in itaelf arouae curioiity; however Ibe had part ol.it waa this, atrange animal held great power and attthor. Itv which he r^ y e d from tKe dragoa. lobn saw one head re< crfved t deadly anmnd, but the w u healed, and healed, and all the world wondet^ at the The people worshiped the a which gave the beast'bis they alao worahlped - the heaat aaying, who la like uuro the beast? \iniolaahIe to make war with him? “And theie was given onto hhn a mouth. apMkleg great tbhigaaodhla8phemi«i, tnd power w u given iinto him to continns f ^ y and twe months." This heaat John saw rejneaented a o r ganlzation to come’upon the earth to repltce the Church of Chris', and,the author of tbie organlza. tion waa -tatan. Tbe people fell proud ol tbe cult and worshiped both the drtgon and the heat (or ganteatlonl) Again we have Joho r e f ^ g to fMty'and two months, at we have formerly discussed as mlng twelve bnndred and alxty to town bv Smith Grove, and ar. rived home Iste In the afternoon. Snms that John sold 6ve or six dollsrs worth of bottled goods that day. i remenihw when the late John Jones bought-chickens and egita and occupied the Clement atOrc hnildlng..’ He Imnght fryera and paid, ts'to as cent* each, for them aiid from six io ten cehts.per dozen fof eggs. He shipped tnbst; of bis chickens snd eggs toia hriikerage lirnrin New, Jersey; Mr. Meronev meotI.ined that the late Dick Austin had a smaH gro­ cery store aear the Clement bulM. Ing intbe rear ol E. B. Hunt's hardware.: I don’t remember tbia !ry store. « It waso’t in oper- ycoti wnen the gaapei of Chrisi waa not upon tbe earth. John sa' the Chnivh of Christ repluced with abetstly Ungdom posseaaing autho­ rity from the dragon (d ^l) the pfi^bood. Jctua endowed the a. poatlat which htd ainee depaned, now the aathoriiy waa luH of bias, pliemy and deiriring to wage war iukleadofhlnllnglhe rick, ctean. aing the l e ^ , raisint the dead, and loving tltote w b ^, d^red to mist rest yod, this new; pom . was eraal, wicked poaseaaing all the tralto of wfld heaat auch aa tbe leop­ ard, the bear, Md the lion led ,iiy salaaagataat;: those who might opote it. History Infoims ui thous- andt, and ^ milliona were' killed hecanae th » relnaed to accept tbe doctriaea ol tbh orgtnlzation lohn saw repreaented aa tbia terrible binsi rising op'ont of the aea. We read in vaiae 6, “And be opened ation I came here j6 yeara ago Sevaial years before I ar. rived here along In the early 1890* * Burt Henley, al.hrotber of Mrfc Kate Holman, told me that Dick AusHo ran a 'ssloon for a nnmher of years in' thIa smaU ball.dlng. At that time .there were 30 dr 40 .dia- tilleries operstlng In Davie Coaniy, and llijuor 8ow ^ aa frwly aa ter. Von could rhnv liquor or toandy at from 750 >0 ft-5o a gal.' Ion. and tto headiiaiea didn’t cost yoti^'an^liing: extrau How vjtimea have elMUged In tiie p ^ so jy ty IMW ciJi a ibto; n W i w d ^ T o w lata t e f m IIm m p i^ ia «k- mIM; Piriaiad M hasvT boMd. sac; par daawik WHATFLOPR In a New York ^ o o l,' looited to'a crowded tenement district, the tm h er was talking about George WasMngton. She illtistrKtxd her te m i^ by showing the voungs- tera a picture of Mount Vernon. ‘This,” the explained, ’’is where George Washington lived,’ One little fellow looked at the picture earoMtlv for a and then asked, “What floor?" hla .niontb In hlawhemy againat God, to btaapheme bis name,, and. tabernade, aiid tlm i'that dsnll in Tbcdlctldaary gives Ibe dielinlllim of Maapheme aa "apeak abont God or aacted things" most of us no doubt think : to bissheme bea reference duly to c u m or con< tenpt; hut accoidlng to the dtetl- tlonary. It ia to -apeak about God or aacted things, ^thahuae or eon. tempt, tlilat,i:^lk’dohe by sttbatl.- tnttagTtte-iniMig tar the right In in -.teoditeg. sjeted, things, Tbe tetehhigi.<« tbe apoatia ted jesus, were dbtngat' tlie dttk: tgta aiid «ay aacted apd .'preclooa 'things wete'done twty with c o ^ p t doefriM iostitnted tt the law ol .God, Veree 7, we read. 'And lt wat .glveB h'm to make wsr w ith,the saiijts. (memben) and (b overcome th ^ ; WM given him o m tH kindreds, tnd longoet, ttid' ntthms." ThU v ^ Inlormt ut in no ancertsin termtthis hcait (kiogdom) went oat to make war aiilh the aalnts, and teovercan«,them, and power waa.glvro bimevw.kiodreda, ton gnct, and nations. This took In the then keoira worM, and tbia king, dam tel ao,.oodtr the devil repre- seated at a' minstiens betat iMth iiilVvtiithority' Im Ita fd<ageny to snft war npoa ths ................" T,.lhe ttinti ntbr^ kiud ightby tbcnvi mtnhled Tcsat Christ, OMea It It la I . ATRUCK DRIVER “He nioved sttaiidit toward t his goal,” aaid the political orator. "He looked neither to the ri^ t nor to the left; but pressed ibtwatd. trtov- ed by a definite purpose. Neither friend nor foe could delay him nor turn him from hia course, and all who ctossed his path did so at their own peril. You all know whom I’m talking about, do you not?” "Yeah," came a vosce frotnie the crowd, "a truck driver.'. ON AND ON' The young bachelor had been invited to lunch by a very good friend of his wife, who was.a m»r- riedman with a charming two- year-old son. After the tneal they were watch­ ing the youngster toddling around happily, when the wife turned to her guest and remailced: ■•You wouldn’t believe it. but litde Tackle has b u n walking a- lound like that now for almost year.” “Good heavenal’* exclaimed the bachelor. Then, in s more aym- pathetic voice: "Is there nothing yoii can do to get hhn to rit down?” Our County And Sdcidl Security By Louis R Clement, Manager. Social security coverage has re cently been extended to many ad­ ditional thousands of domestic .workers. Ihese new regularions went into ePjct on lanuaryt, 1955.' This means that nearly all cooks, maids, gardeners will now be able to build up the saml type of old- age and survivors insurance pro­ tection which the fectory and store worker has had in the past. Some domestic workers have been cov­ ered by social security in the. past four years, but only if they .york' ed for their em plo^ on at least 24 daya in a calendar quarter and werepaid at least $50 cash in tiiat quarter by the employer. Begin- ling lanuary 1, 1955, the 24 day Seea Along Ifua Street BrTlisSnnstgaaiblet. Three rounty commlsaioners on their way to court house paostaig to chat with ChariieStUey—R. D. Poole gettbig ah early.momtag hair cut after being .ill for tome time-Gradv Watd making bank George Barney dolnc a requirement was dropped, and now any worker who is paid at least $50 cash by an employet in a three month calendar qtiarter JUST SINGING Boss; I wish you wouldn’t siiig when you ara working.^ Helper: I w m ’t Woridng, sir; Iwnjustslngiiig. friends'and discuss tbe revelstious giveo to the apostle John, and these people tail to nndcrsisn.1 this reve­ lation, used 6gmative speech to de­ scribe tbe (uture events to come a- bout soon after Ihe death of Christ and bis apo ties. Tbe few vertet have discussed here In this short article inform ns in dear cut laogn. age toe Church ol, Christ would be substituied «lth a kingdom aet up under satan and kill those not con- ceeditig'to t'le beast. ■i 1.1. BENNETT. . } ? Durham N .C . be reported for social security pur­ poses. Both the household employer and the worker have itnportant responsibilities in seeing that the worker’s wages ate reported for social security. The worker must obtain a social security number, for which he can get an applica­ tion at tbe nearest social security office or his local postoffice When he obtains his number, he should show it to the emplovn for her to copy down on her records. The household employer needs to ob­ tain an employer identilicatidn tiumber frorii the Intemal Reve­ nue Servfee. She can get this by writing directly to'her local Inter­ nal Revenue Service director, or by asking her social security office for booklet OASI-21 which con­ tains an applicadon blank for the employer number. The tax rate is4!S oftheworlter’tto n l wages, 'file employer deducts 2% from the werker’t wages each pav day, adds another 2X and then sends in the entire 4* with her quarter­ ly tax return. These tax payments ■le the first step in insuring tliat die household worker will be able to build up old-age and survivors insurance protcction'imder the so­ cial seturity law. U you have any question con­ ing your social security, you little shopping in Moore’s l»i|aiB . basement-Miss Lillie Leak eating sandwich and drinking coea-cola Miss Ruby Shoaf ctttyfaig dieck up Mate Street-Small boys pity­ ing marbles on South Main street which is a sign that sprhig is Jutt around the comer^Mia. Btyait ' Sell busy cashbig checkt-MUton Call and Ernest Hunt talking over current events in front of San- - ford's—Mrs. C. P. Johnson hurry­ ing up Main street on chilly day —Lonnie DwigginB ttying to find a Blum’s Altmnac so he would ' know when to go fishing—Harold Badv carrying box of oratiaH and apefrait into newspaper office— Haines Yates carrying white pine and tar around the squaie—Gia- ham Madison and Atlas Smoot. chatting in front of bank build­ ing-Rev. Donald Reavis talking with friend on Msin sticet—Yo- man Smith walking in final of court house wearing big white t- pron-M rs. Jimmy Nicholt dobig Itemoon'shopping In m i^ t write us at 101 Post Office BaUding, Salisbury, N. C , or see burieprcsentativewho visits the Court House, Modcsville N. C , on.the first and third Fridays of month from 12:30-1:30. m U -T O P Service & Supply PLA CE T O G E T rr Oil, Tires Supplies Staple Groceries Small E no^T o Appreciata Your BiMiiieM' Larga Enough to Fill Your Tank J . W . H ILL Shoaf Coal & Sand Co, We Can Supply Your Needs IN GOOD COAt, SAND and BRICK Call or Phone Ua At Any Tinie P H O ^ 194 Fbrmetlv Davie Brick'&Coal Co dime store—Mrs. Robert Lyetly talking with friend in parked auto —Mrs. WiHlam Cartner thopphig around in dime store—Sheek Bow den,'Jr., making folks happy a- ^ n d die square—Mrs. Joan Pil­ cher temarking that the w tt doiiig her first day’s work in nkkd and dime store—Bin Howard geltfaig hair cut arul shampoo while Geo. Rowland sits around and w tin to get a hair trim—Roy Dhton mak­ ing good time around the aqutie on foot—Jane Allen canyinghtnd full of ice cream conea out of a- podiectry 'thop—Miss JuUt Janet carrying big handfidi ^ cutrency across the square—Mit. Thomas Talbert and little ton on thdrway to bank—Mr. and Mrs. Pink Hta- kle doing some dtilly morning shopping—Miss Joyce Gteeiie do­ ing Saturday morning ahoppbig hi Moore’s department store—Mitt Mary Foster tnaucting bmbiea in banking house—Young lady buying football in dime stote- Mrs. Jim Willson canying empty egg cartons down Main ttreet— Duke Whittaker on his way to temple of justice—Dr. Robt. Low. cry greeting old friends nound the town-M rs. George Shutt do- hig some drug store shopirfog— Johnny White pausing t q s |i^ to lady friend as he hurries up Maht street on warm afternoon—Mrs. Jbnmy Allen and small daurfitet shopping anmnd In dime stoic. Admbiitrator’s Notice Having qualified as Administra­ tors of &e esnte of H. C Foster, deceased, lite of Davie County North Carolina, dtit is to notify all petsont having claims against said estate to present them to the undersignedwii'' |P ri^ n . Theatre CINEMASCOPE WEDNESDAY “SEVEN CITIES OF G O L ir In Color With Richard Egan &. Anthony Qiriim Caitoon. THURSDAY &. FRTOAY “ARTISTS ANUMODEIS” In Teghnicolot With M ^ & Lewis, Also Dorodiv Mtlone Ncta ----------SATURDAY ~ "FORT YUMA- In Technt color W i* loan .Taytoe & Peter Gtaves Cartoon & Serial finmdate hereof or this notice will be pleaded in bar of dieir right to recover. All persons owing said estate will please make ‘ This die 22 day of February, 19S6. MARY FdSTER AND J.H FOSTER, Adminl. O f a C . Potter, HtU & Zachny. Attomeyt. CINEMASOGPe MONDAY &. T O ^ Y Jack Pahmce In T DIED A THOUSAND TIMES'* In Technicolor Wld> ShcUcy Wintera Alao Newt PRICE: .talar SkmwAMiaWe OWMna I ^ dHBtlAgOOPEAdaltalleCMIi.il KDAVB coDHm Hoeesr gaow VAWB - I -V, I',-'- v'v.*? -vL': PWBTWO THE DAVIE RECORD. C. FRANK STROUD, EDITOR. ' TELCPRONe __•tthePottonee In Modn-N. G.. u SteonMiiMi U«ll '.Hnrch1.190S. , :SUBSCnraOII rates: •ME YEAR. IN N. CAROLINA - SIX HOiniiS IN H. CAROUNA ’ IffWt4n.M*i.w The slogan of th* 1956 Heart Fund is "Help Your Heart Fund -H elp Your Heart.” Cheer up, bovs. only a little more than three months until the lucious bU ckM ry^iljbe ripe. No, Pauline, we don’t know who is going to run for Register of Deeds on the Republican ticket. We read in our favorite dailv that Ford made more than $437,- 000,000 after all taxes were paid last year. And we don't own a share of F o rd sto c k ^ ^ What happened to that Davie Countv Democrat who told us four vears ago that the Erwin cot ton mills would close down if Ike was elected president? Many Republicans in Davie say that Senator B. C Brock should be nominated for Reprei from Davie in the May primary, Mne Divorces The March term of Davie'Su­ perior court adjourned Thucsdav. Only civil Ciises were tried. Nine divorces were granted. as| follows: Grady B. Coinaizer vs Pearl P Comaizer. Allcne Yates vs Raymond Yates James David. Boggt vs Georgia Willard Graham Boggs, Polly Haywood Ward vs Wa- UunaWard. Louise E LIngeiielt ys Claude C. Lingerfiiit. William I. Flint vs Grace B. FIvnt. Mabel E. Crider vs Willis S. Crider. Alice Goolsby Allen vs Robert Alle.>. Evelyn Lovell vs Robert Lovell. Senator Brock has been running for office since the memory of man runneth not to the contrarv, and if he has ever been defeated it has slipped out memory. It was away back in 1916 when he made his first race for Representative and was elected bv a big majority. So here’s hoping Senator Brock will get In the race for this im' portant position. March 23rd Final Date The final date for accepting rc' quests from farmers to have their tobacco and cotton acreage pre- measured has been set a* Mareh 23. according to C. V. Smoct, Chairman of the Davie County ASC Committee* According to ' Smoot, this is the final date and applications will not be accepted after this time. Mrs. C ft. Sprve . Mrs. C. N. Sprye, 55, died unex' pectedly March 6th at her home in Cleveland, Rowdn County, fol, lowing a heart attack. Mra. Sprye, the former Miss Beulah Mae Ridenhour, was bom In Cooleemee, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, S,im Ridenhour. Survivors include her husband, the Rev. C, N. Sprya, a Baptist minister; a son, Arnold Sprye of Dallas, Texas; a daughter Mrs. Fred Bost of Woodleaft two sisters Mrs. Gladys Messick of Coolee- met, and Mrs, Pauline Howard of Greensboro and two grandchildren Funeral <ervices were held at 3;30p. m-, Wednesday ~ at Cleve. land Baptist Church, with Rev.' A. T. Stroudenmire, officiating. Burial was in Liberty Church cemetery. _______ Mrs. tula. Beauchamp Mrs. Lula B. Beauchamp, 79, of tbe Mock’s. Church community, died in the Davie County Hospi­ tal at 1:20 p. m. Thursday. She was born in Forsytl) Coun­ ty July 13,1876. Prattically all her Itfe had been spent in the Mock’s Methodist Church. Surviving are six dauahter, two aoiis, 12 grandchildren and- great grandchildren. Here’s to Farmington Gym. Long has it faithfully served us whether the years proved fat or lean Now it echoes hollowly with the forgotten games of ves tetyear when out of the past came the thundering footbeats of the great-no, not the great horse Si|. vet—but the great Farmington Blue Devils* teams. Yes. the cvm s ands empiv except for a few die­ hard basketball players practicing for next year. For next year the old gvm will yield to progress and the new county gym. True, there will be the elementary grades hut no mote will be the Tuesday and Friday n i^ts when fans gatheretl from far and nsar t„ the mlRh. ty Blue Devils sWv, ano>h. Farmington High School News By Johnnie Fi*i« end Joe r notch to their Pc’liai,, tBK OAVIB RtXXIKD. KOCKSVtLtS, R. C . MASC^ U. 19t* 'i >iNrVr m * trom r e t coM Krm oN rOR MfASUM IN I wono's KST MOTOKWU Bill’s Cvde Shop Triumph-B.S.A. & Sunbeam Mototcycler OPEN 5.60 To 9.-00 P. M. WeekEml Days Open All Day Satinday Advance N. C. Franchised Dealfts License TH E CALL DRIVE IS NOW ON never again will th, „M evm rort to the strains of “s r i e * " 'O"” ' doors, atthougH'’, ’; ' ; ^n U e h t d o « w<*elc■»nd MannM pmipctii for the cf*m *ne w^V«. Oitr n w orr ch«frm*n A^stm« Tohnnv nnoil nro- T tWr»It alf of MS fntinil m^ny m annw w**^irp zloTi**-, \f. th^home,thA«^ «*ho ta pe* •om'» wwfl Th#* 4-K sr**! Teart ;spcw* n*v. mpt 1:1 In«re*i1 of the cu«^mfirv h«»- Oulce Power C<\. GrAen^hAvn. iw a vprv on the m-nv.of light hti1h«. Wa* Kara wnn our nrindi****: flfl?ht-K»i1h.heat twter. AVthone^, the '••m«*»«t^tlon r»hi« the refw'*-’ l*r prowrain r*rov?(< r»tl>er It«va« all i»erw ln te re « t{ n ff. . j Th^ fieW U the centerof atttactton as the«e warm «t»rt fhe hasebal* •#'»m rolHn*? '**h^ team ahow h*<» n«'o«nect» an«1 •we of Parm*n<»tf»r» Join ^oc'ik'hrr to 8’»T« **We*te wi*h v«o ►he wav, team. More power to von!” . NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administra­ tor of the €sta»e of Mrs, E. M. Keller, deceased* norii^ is her>;by isiven to all pt-rsons holding cl»ims jguinsc the said, dereased* to pre* sent them, properly venfted, to •he undersigned, on or before the- 1st day of February, 1957. or this n<>tice wi]{ be p]<rad in bar of re^ coveiy* AU perbonn indebted to said ^tate, will please make prompt settlement. This 1st day of F«b* ruary,1956. JOE HE.VLEY KELLER, Admr. Mrn. £. M. Keller, decsM.Claude Hicks, Attorney. Fire! Fiood! Tornado! A--1 Any One Could Make thousands Homeless Tomoriow So we must be ready! ''e can’t afford not to [be! Ready with blood! Ready with people who know what to do! Ready with supplies food and shelter! And You Can Be Ready To H^Ip Through Yoer Red Cross. So Give Generourly . .. Give And Give. Keep Your Rfed Cross Ready - -Ready To Help Whenever Needed Answer The Call The Red Cross Answers The Call Of Humanity!Give Generously And Don’t Forget The Millions Of Men In Our Armed Forces NOTICE OF RE-SALE Puiauant to an order of re-sale made by S. H. Chaffin, Clerk of the Superior Court in the apecialproceeding entitled,' **Marv Georgy H. Mvera, etal” vs "Hdden F. Myeis et al,” the undersi ned Commiwioner will, on Satuniav, 24ih day of March, 1956, at 12:00 o’clock M., offer (or re-iste to the higheat bidder at the Court Houae door of Davie County, in Moclcs- vllle, the following deacrihed tract of land, to wic lat Tract: A tract beginning at • atone, aouthweat comer of Lot No. 4 In the division of the lands of |.>hn Phelps, (hence E. 40:19 cha to a a<alw, thence S. laSZcha to « a>ake, thence W. 5.JI chs. loa stake, thence Nt. 35 degs; W. 7.24 icha. to an ash on bank of ditch* 12 :^encc W. 20.18 chs* to a stake on edge of Highway, (hence N. 42 VALUES Thursday, Friday, Saturday, March 15th, 16th, 17th Funeral service, w m held to the begin- 2^0 p. m. Saturday « R^dland tJ /^ r5 % ;rre dT Pentecostal Hohness Church with .vision of the lands ot John Phelpn, Rev. Paul A. lones and Rev. L. A. deceased, allotted to Fallie Mv,;r8, Terrell officiaiing, and the body deceased, as appears accorded in laid to rest in Advance Methodiol No. 2A wges W 501, Regto- ~ ter*, office of Davie Countv, N. C.Church cemetery. .The bidding on diia tract wiU start ^M ra. R. H. Shank, of Dallas [at $I,7fi0.00 the amount of the Texas, in renewing her subicrip. ^ ' don to T h e R«H,.d, TlwRecotd. It's been a part of putchaaet. mr lifc •• long at Icannmem^i Thi<lhc6thdayo(Maidi>19S6. . bar.. Hop* to ICC you tn Auput.'* A. T. GRAOT. Commlidoaer. V- MEN’S SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS $1.49 Value $1.00 ONLY 500 AZALEAS 2 Year Old Planlt 15c Each LADIES COSTUME JEWtLRY^1 -In Sunimer White- Value»To$2 00 59c EACH ’ 2 For $1.00 MEN’S DRESS PANTS Gabardines, lUjron, Nylon Fabric* $3.88 CANNON TOWELS IRREGULAU ' Bath Siie Face Towelt - 2For$100 3for$1.60 HmdToweig 4For$!.00 LADIES HATS AND BAGS $1.00 ■X B . G M O O R E & S O N S “buy; ntoM MOORE And s^e more” - MdCKSVlLLE, N. C. PAWE k ^ k a y rii.R H. C. PAGE IHE_nAVKjmro.Tejj.SF O iiM ^p«ir In Tlie Countjr No Liquw. Win*. B w A * NEWS AROUND TOWN. p t.'and Mrt- S. B Ifall spent one day last week wtU» telatlvea n m Payetti^ e . Thoa.L, Martin, of Sumter. S. C,. laapendingtwo weeka at hia fara home near l^ h e l Chutch, , Mr. and Mrs. George WiUiama, of.Clemmoha, were recent gue»ta of M t.and Mra; Charlea Wood- mff. _ _ _ _ Dr. R okrt Lowery, of Salisbury, Was in town one day laat week looking after aome buBineBa mat- tets; Mr. and Mrs. Everett Horn, of ■Atlanta, were recent gueats of Mr, Hotn’a sister, Mrs. A. M Kim­ brough. ____ Alvin Dyaon. a - aalesman at W ntetn Auto Store* waa confined to hia home on Route 4. aevetal daya laat week by illness. ■ A niimber of Davie County Re . piAllcans spent Saturday in. Dur­ ham attending the North Carolina Republican State Convmtion. Mr. and Mra. Herman-Praflier and children of High Point apent the week-end with Mr. and Mra, limmt Sheek James, on Rouae 4. WANtED—To buy good gen­ tle bonre. Will pay cash forsame. “'e a r l y WILUAMS, .■Mocksville, Route4.Near Greasy Comet. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Holmea are the proud parenia of a fine daughter,KathyJane, who arrived at Davis Hosirital, Statesville m Match 4th. .. Misses lane Robinaon and Nd- lie Bennett, student at Aopala* diien State Teachera College, Boone, apent the wieek-end iif town with home folks. Misa Evona York arrived last thuradav night from Aabury Col­ lege. Wilmote. Ky, to spend die spring holidays with her l^ n ts , Mr. and Mra. Jamea R. York. ' InviciHonahave beeii recehed ^jW ends in this city ;Madlng ,u Mr. and Mrs. William Dossy Todd request the. honour of your pres- r ence at the marrlase of their daui^ter Peggy Jean i . .-'<6 Mfe Avalon Hall S^llman on Sundav, thetwentv*fifthof / ' March at half after font o'clock Yadkinville ^piist C hur^ and afterwards at the recepifon ----the-Communitv BiiUdlng ' Yadkinville« N o ^ Carolina Mr. and Mn. Eari Green, ^ Mr.atidM rs. W. B. Allen of Windsor, Canada, arrived hoe last Mocks^li^ R<^ute 3. observed Tupsdavtospehd a week In the their 50th wedding anniversay •M home town. Mr. and Mr&>Match 4th. :-Their childr^ are| Gteeti aie on th i^ m y to Florida ! r Rivard : Alim; of Mocksville, to visit a dster of Mta. Oteen. Mr;cRoute 3, and Mrs. Herman Brewer Oteen’am odiet;M ia.Ei^rGreen,'of MocksviU^ Route 2. '■ They Is buried in Roae C^eieTv, Mr. Gicen’s gtandpuenu Mr. and Mrs, Geoige W. G m n tfo v ^ tj diis dty fiom Canada, some SS'yem ago. He and hia apn Edgar, w«ie in thehm dierbiuinra hete for. a niimher of yeat^ a ^ w hicb'th^ Mocksville High 3<hool News LVND* CRAWFORD. R ^ w C nM m Viators have two grandehildren. Do You The Record? -Majpiolia Tabor, who Uvea in ' Bobetown, btbuffht os a hen egg • last week that waa ahapeq exactly llkea gourd wldi a crooked han- dlcu The egg was two inches long, life, and M ta.rc. R. Madtaon and daughter. Gene* have tetumed from Clupel Hill where diev visir -ed:M t.-and Mta. Fred Lo"». D a ^ Long and'their new gtahd- daagliter. Karan Madiaon Ung. : Theie will be a meeting ot the V .F.W ., Post4024 Fri<&y nighs ■Ktotchlfifhat 8:00 Thete wffl be nomination of officera for the enauingyear. RefKshmenU will be served. Trv to come out . Cmdr. James Swicegood. \ l t . and Mts. Fted Long, Jr., of Chapel Hill, ate die ptoud patents of a fine dau^ter, Karan Madison. ~«ho arrived at Chapel HiU Mem- otial Hospital Tuesday, MiMch 6lh, Mta. Long is the former . Miss Glebda Madison of this city. Li B. Forrest an^daughtet,Mrs. Nonella Salley and two daughteii, dif MockBville,-Route 4, and grand- ■ daughter Beaulah Boger, of Mock­ aviiie, R. 5, spent the week-end with Mr. Fonest m , L. C. Forrest ; at N ew Poit,N ,C ,; Mr. and Mta. John C. James, of Wiiislon-Salero, ate theplo;udpaf- . ent» of twiii sons. Ji C., Jit, Lawrence Hoy, who arrived at Baptist Hospital, Winston-Sal . on-Tuesday, Match 6lh. Mrs. James was before maraiage Miss Ann Poston, of Mocksville,' Now that the basketball has come to an exciting dose, the bovs are beginnitig to practice this week, so we will have a good base­ ball team this spAng. We diink wewill,too. ih e Mocksville students wete all entertained by Mrs. CUnaid’s sixth grade chapel progtam Friday. The devotional consisted of hymns and scripture passages. Then a Southern scene depleting early Southern life in out country was presented with ‘‘UndeRemus”-as one of the main characters. Folk songs such as “Dixie” and "Mv Old Kentucky Home,” wete stmg very eHratively. T heF.H .A . held a business meeting Mondav morning at ac­tivity period. The president, Lyn­da Ciawford, presided. There waa a discussion concemin« the State F. H. A. Rally, which will be held in Raleigh April 7th. T h l ^ members are allowed to go from the Mocksville Chapter. Another itxm nf business was a project for the dub. The project committee suggested buying an electric percu- lator for the Home Eu department. The members voted to take the money out of the treasury and purchase it. .cards were given out on _______ There were inanv very proud pupils, and a few who were pretty discouraged, but I heatd t em reinnrk that they planned to improve next time. Let’s hopean The Senior.4-H C ub met Wed- niesdw at alctlviiy D ^ o d for Ita regular meetinii. The meetfaig um called to ord« bv vice-presidcnt JnhniiyWatd. Two delegates wete dected to attend the recreational prosrain. They were Nancy Blown and Keiuiv Walker. . The minutes were icad and iapproved, afbir which an Irish program waa pie* N 011C E T O CREDITORS 'Hailing < ja a ite d » l& ^ of letutnedto Canada. Earl waa a'*««*«ateof Iulia Si^nkle Zim- leshlent of M o d a ^ when he merman, decewed, notke Is hete- nis ^ to present diem, ^ t l y verified. Wfc ^ o S this notice^^M be plead in tor of' ' recovery. All persons Indebted to Mr. and Mis. Bstdl Fair, of said estate, wffl please make prompt Mfs. Willie Walker, near Fatm- inglon. Harvey HarrdI Zimmerma . Ext. Julia Sprinkle Zimmerman. B. C Brocb Attorney. Large Stock Of Gaiden And flower Seeds, Gladiolus Bulbs, B^^ma Tuben, Cabbage And Onran Plants, Baby Chicks, Purina Chows “Yoor FriOTdlyPdriM M**"’ Davie Feed & Seed Co. Phone 17 Depot Street Modnvflle. N. C if you own one of these cars... sented by Johnny Ward, ____ Sheek and Sylvia StrouiL An- nouneements weiemade by Msa Warlick, who introduced thespea- ker. Mr. Bill Mitchell, of Green ■ boro, who gave a very Inteteadngdemonstration on lighting. The Beta Club, met at activity peridd and definite plana were made (nr getting teaervatlons at AshevUle for the week-end of the Beta Cluh Convention. - All he membeis ace antidpating a won­ derful time. S^t.:Simon Dalton Funeral servieea for Sgt. 1C Simon Zelotes.Dalton, 29, son of Chades E. aod Bula Mae Hudson Dalton of M w ksv^, R ^ te were6di a t - - Holiness Church. Rev. Thomas T. Lindsey ’ and Rev, Mr. Terrell officiated. Burial in the National Cemetery at Sails* bury with full militatv rites at die graveside. ' Sgt' Dalton was killed Mar. 2nd in an automobile accident in Wis­ consin'. i conducted at 4. t^. m., Matdt a t the Redland Peniecoalal WANT ADS PAY. WANTED—Expetienced s» i n g m a c h i n e ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ FOR SALE— Six room .house with bath,-|ocated on large lot ISO feet front 314 feet^deep. slonted on Highway 601, diiiee miles ttem M elv ille: E.C. MORRIS Pianos tuned, tepdted, tdiuilf. .finished or. testyled. Flee esti-tefinished -.. Dr.VanceG.M «Gu««. «««»»■ ?«“ hin.” S u s S l "SSyteSS^ .d hU Ucense to M aidi 3rd. Gugan haa been with HaU D»g'629 N. Co.. since last Octobcr. co m p le^ cxpettence requiiem^ts.,Hc ^ ^o^'bndw idiourbuiidinin, on ations on Fdk VadkihviUe hi^w av neat L C.State Board) 21-23itd. O u r CO FOR S AEE—Thrie r o ^ house, M»idiptttt YadUhviUe .*^““^WADE Itll pay you to trade now for a new 1 9 S 6 PlYMOUTH P erhaps you havrn’t bought a new model of yw xr present m ake o f because you've been tlW ppbinted a t how little th a tc arh asd ia n g ed th is year. F act is, the only really N E W low- price c a r titis y ear is PLY M O U TH , and it’ll p ay you to buy a new 1956 Plym outh N OW . Y our present c ar is a t the peak of its trade-in value today, and rig h t now you’ll g e ta m oney- saving H igh Volum e D eal a t your Plym outh dealer’s. See him today—you’ll glad you did. OM.V rm ioim rs new this veml in a ' year of otherwise “wanned-over” car ^lln g , Plymouth brings you tomor­ row’s styling today in its ail-new Aei^ynamic Design. Pius the biggest alM at any low-price car. NOr niSH«ITnM mwim-piymouth’s alone in tbe low-price three! A posi­ tive mechanical control, Push-Button Drive is the safest and easiest ever designed! Optional on all 29 new Plymouth models. Try itt PLYMOUTH GIVES ^ your dollar with f trie windshield wheels, t'vln-i that the other Oow-priCe cars have. See the NEW Plymouth tt ' 'I '■i| PDTIMOUTH costs les's yMn v«w owa il... yitVUol'* OM «MM» MM* w* weed « IpEie Aw •iNr ^ «w l*^ page voim i l i m Vw BttJOlO). IIOCKSVItLBMuC.. MARCii U. iW< : P P ii;isK Sai p liR IS T IA K S a re d ivided afctout m a n y tbingflj b u t ttiey a r t all one in th e L ord’s S upper. **What?’' so m e one wlU ask. **Don*t to m e ch u rch es refu se to le t m em b ers of. any chu rch es b u t th e ir o ^ p a r t a k e o f the C om m union w ith th em ? Don’t dif. feren t c h u r c h e s h a v e different ex* planations of w hat this s a c r a m e n t m enns? D on’t var* ious d e n o m in a . tions o bserve it in v ario u s w ays? How can you say all D f. F oi C h ristians a re united in th e L ord's S up p er?” we Think of HIM I t is tru e , th e re a re seem ingly endless v ariatio n s in th e w ay th e L o rd 's Supper is observed. E ven th e n a m e is n o t alw ays th e sanVe, som e p re ferrin g to call it th e E u ch arist, oth ers H oly Com* m union. T here a rc also theology ans’ deb ates about it. B ut p lain C hrisU ans do unite h ere e v ca w hen they m ay not b e quite aw are of i t F o r th e re a re th ree (acts th a t a r c alw ay s tru e of this sa cred ob« sci-vance, how ever o r w herever it is held. F irs t of aU. in th e 'L o rd 's S upper w e th in k of C hrist. I t fs possible to go even to a C hristian ch urch and n o t h e a r v ery m uch ab o u t Je su s C h rist o n th a t par* t cultir d ay . (Jesu s’ ow n teaching w as not alw ays ab o u t him self.) B ut it is n o t possible to go into a ciiu 'ch w here th e L ord’s Supper is being ta k en by th e people, with* o u t b eln s rem in d ed d irectly of iJhrlst. E v ery C h ristian jia s h ea rd tiic wo d s m an y U m es—“m y body,” “ m y blood,” “ in rem e m ­ b ran ce or m e." H ere a re bread and w ine, but e v e ry w orshipper know s thfit th ese a re not sim ple oiii:n:u-y ic fre sh m c n t T hey a re syniboia and signs of C hrist, his actu al surrcring and d eath on tile cross. W hatever th e ch u rch m ay be, its m cm ijers alw ays th in k of C h rist w hen th ey ta k e Com m union. V«'e Pine! Uln T h ere is som ething m o re th an thtnk nR tibout Je su s and h is saC ' li/Tce, w hen w e ta k e Conununlon. In th is sac ra m e n t w e And H im . It is q u ite true, different churches h av e daTcrcut om ciat explanations about how w e flri* C h rist h ere. B u t fro m “ Higi» ^C hurch" to “ Low,” in “L iberal” an d “ Con­ serv ativ e.” in C atholic and Pro* te sta n t congrcg:ations alike, if you could a sk the people a s th ey com e o u t of doors again, “W hat d id th a t serv ice m ean to you?” It m ig h t b e th a t som e w ould hard ly know ivhat to say, for it is alw aya pos» ^ sib le to go through th e m otions w ithout really thinking w h at one is doing. D ut those w ho h a d en* te re d w hole-heartedly Into the service, w ho h ad com e “ in love and ch a rity ” and In faith, w ould all te ll you about th e sa m e thing: “ C h rl^ ca m e v«ry a e a r to If C iirlst seem s ju st a t fa r aw ay a lte r th e L ord’s S upper a s before, th e n tliere h a s b een lom ething w rong ab o u t us. T h at Is w hy the R om an C atholic ch u rch w ill not adm it any one to com m union it h e h a s not been to C onfession first. T h a t is w iiy in m a n y P ro fe tte n t churches the people a re w arned to a b stain fro m C om m union If th ey h a rb o r m alice o r ugly feel­ ing tow ard th e ir neighbors. Wt Shan HIM If it is tru e th a t in L o rd 's S upper w e flmt tb e L o rd him self, it should b e tru e ^ a n d h appily It Is so—th a t a fterw ard s lU e fhould go o n a t a h ig h er level th a n be* fore. T he l<oid*s S upper is le ts like a doorw ay lead in g from one room to an o th er ju st like it. th an It U like a gatew ay a c ro tt a bound* a ry fro m one country lo another. C h rist com es to us In th e Sac- l am ent, b u t n o t a s a fleeting g u e st If w e a re serious a s w e tak e th e b re a d an d w ine an d think about all this in th e q u iet o f pray ar. w e w ill so en te r into th e sp irit o f C hrU t h lm teU th a t w e shaU re-dedicate ourselves In h is ferv - ice. I t is a kind o f ifarody on C h ristian id eas to think o t C h rist's sacrifice a s alone an d b y Its e ll H is cro ss m u st b e follow ed b y o th er cro sses. H is outpoured Ufa m u st be sh a red b y o th ers w ho a re wlU* in g to p o u r th e ir liv es o u t in lu re . And it is th is, again, w hich u n lle i all th e C h ristians w ho In th a lr . m an y v aried fashions h a v e tak en th is L o rd 's S upper w ith devoted h e arts. F o r th e re Is a fam ily re­ sem blance am o n g all re a l C hrit* tians. w h atev er th e ir ehurcb*laM l m a y tie. A nd th e resem b lan ce goes b ack to th e sam e r v i s t , w ho h a t w . * ev ery Chris* anil alw ays w ho' ar<d C u p . I'ija eic sii'S Hiilnofes r>- Lsnnls E. Legge L'lFTY years agu'doctors paid ^ fancy prices foi human bodisis •iisscct. as you might say. for in We tnlormatlun. Val Jcnkin was *ust one of the men who could loyally Val was.an •jnd.'i taker in a small niid-*.vesl‘ tun and .vhal Val iniencdcould resurrect, that is, with he aid of Ruhen, his assistant. Ruben did 'liu work while Vu] iot the credit; ilso t(i<? cash. R:t<'on got along fine at funerals with a tot ol (oiks around for company; but grave* obbing M’ar a Itors^ of anothci- color and Ruben's couragc need­ed a liltle boosting which Vnl fur­nished in tltc way of a pint of “rcd-cyc” ju.«( before a midnight operaiion.- Vr\wn old men Henderson, who nad been an ir^Jdcl all his life, kickcd Ihe bic!'.-t. Ruben dug his gravu while Mr. Jcnidn worked the old man over until his few distant relatives hardly recog' nizcd him When U came time <n pay his funeral expenses, (he •(upposed heirs found out Utcre 3 -MiltDii FicUofi Tkc c u k e t Ufted. oul, holh i tn MU in th e omr>t> grav e. w as nothing to ini<erit su they shifted th e responsiuU lty ofl onto the coim ty. a n d V al got only thiv- ty-flve d o llars for w liat h»? call <l a “ bang'U p hundred a:ir( uvcn ty-flve dollar funeioi.’*_ U iat sam e day a ccriain d%>-;vo. contacted V a l. In rcg a .d to a corpse th a t h e m u st have at onr«< A fter m uch hagslteR . one eW ’r ly m ale cadavci w as to bi* de liv e re d '^ o r th r sum of one h m- d red doUaV&. Mr. Jenkln iho iylU; “A n e a t p ru h ^ a fte i a ll/’ A t n o’clock tnw t night Ruben, w ho w a s In high sp irits a fter a couple o f sn orts of apple-jack, hitched V aV t borse to a ilght sp rin g w agon and M r Juiikin in high silk h a t d rove lo tlie ccm e tery . A fter driving the mso som e screening shrubbery,- Ruben w as se t to shoveling th e lou:r e a rth from the Creslib' m nd grav e, w hile V al sa t and'Sr.iokcU hom espun tobacco in a cor»i*i.Vo pipe. Soon th e lid o f the box 'v;i; b a red ; opened an< lthe csi^sKct lif ■ ed out, carried and lordoi! :n i> th e w agon. B oth m un ri*» iin .d tu fUl m th e em pty gi avc. Val use th a t knotty-pino, blacJt. c r .- ,* covered cask et again for a o t- t su m provided it w asn’t a charity case. O f cotirse, M r. Jen k in had cum petition in th e black-n»aiktl»ns h um an bodies and a rival c.tihv ’th a t v ery night bent on stcaiini: from th e sa m e grave. Fiiid'n.K h lm se li a U tile late and tli.* t.c/!]v> a lre ad y In th e w agon, lie caitnh- opened th e casket. URed th<? corpse o u t and hid it in the nbar- by w eeds. H e th en lay dow n in- sid e tbe- coflin * W hen R uben flnlshed flUiug and rounding up th e grave to Va! s saU sfacU on th ey retui-ned to Uis; w agon. V al w hispered: te e If everything is aU rig h t wi;.h th e coffin.” R uben cU m bed into th e w agon and r a n h is hands ov er tho casket, th e n w hispered b ack: “Boss, the U d's loose.” V al cursed, thinktog somcon«r b a d b e a t hU n to it. “ Ju st m> hide! F e e l inside and see If the old m a n ’s A s R ubon laid th a Ud aside h is h an d c am e in eo n U ct w ith th e supposed c o r ) ^ , , , H e je rk ed h is h an d b a ck U kenit: h a d to u d ied a red-hot cm be>. yelling in a h o arse tone: “ H c'^ w a rm , b o ssl”J u s t th en ttie co rp se ea m e to a tltU ng position saytog In a deep b a ts voice: “ Y es. and If you had been in h ell a s long a s I, you’d b e w a rm to o ." .. V a l ra n ov er R uben a s they w ent o u t th e gate, but Ruben m a d e a com e-back an d th ey w ere n a d c an d n e c k a s th e y wont into th e ho m e stretch . Idom hig found a sobci >Si>be:> an d • m u ch w iser V al. A* c r trk- In c tim e to study th e wlw-^ thins o v e r tbcgr realised ju st w hat h:^d V al knew it would n v e r d o to try and claim his ho;*se a n d w agon a t gravc*robb>»g ".-as • te tto u t crim e. 80 V al quit >ud> an d w ent o u t of the b u sin est entirely imm mm u m W H K1 ACROM tionoffilieI M B '. I . * .8 « :re d flahUna l«.Tan->c««l .nlettalt.llaird(Q liWMtd> ----neaa--—.U.Board«r * OrdauMt *’Sft.TrceIt. Greek Ml«v SO.Combedl . aahemp 9S.Thlnll» 3ft.FisSl« focki n.cuatemuy procedure tS. Repeat tnm memoQT 30. Aanare 33.Weattby respect .M .T ro u b l«Sr.OlstTMfaisnal39. Thus40.Mumer 4S. Young «< th e d og 4&PoUto • (d ia l.) « « .* rh en M tm a47. Guide48. Shinto teniplea , DO^VK l.L o n g . haired cat 1 . ^ S S im«.OMieh tl.Flah fpm> ttS S S t «t.Oarm«i ‘Kses*. fiber ofaUlt tf.An ' iBdiaa M .C o e k ifi an oven «».H eiro(o tl.P»af .. .'lagea ■ betwteft . aeata . it. Sumoila’' S4..Munlclpa| wrporn., tiona P-178 I ' 1$; T itle d f i : ' ntfe». •' .•• 4 tN a C T W ' _ In let (geoi;). ‘ N ourished - 4 tB p a c b , : , t S A ' • I NOTICE OF R&SALE Panuant to m onler «iid deem made and entered bv S. H. Cbaffin, Clerk of Mt* Sncerlnr Conrt Da. vIe ConntT. N. C., «n the. apodal Drweedlnii entitled "S. M. Call, Almr. ot}obn H. Pea. deea’d v« AU Hie nnfcnown belt« of lolin H. Pea and Qeoree W. Martin. Guard Ad Utein.” The nnderslEned Comnrisalaiier will offer (or re Mie to the hlfbeat bidder, at the Coiir>l>Dnae door of Davie CountV. in Moctevllle. N. C., on Satnrdav. Ma»h. to, 1956, at laioo o’clock M., the follawinc deacrlhed Iot« In Jem«al*in Town- «hlp, Davie Coontv, to-wlti?.SW^ i»t. Lota Nw. *9. 30 and jt. Brrlnnlnc at a a<ake on East aide of E. Broadway road, -Mther of Lot No. *8. thence N. 85 detra. go i.iln. E. 1.^0 feet to a atake, »m er of Lot No. 98 on thr orltlnal line, •hence with the orldnal line S. 4 de*a, JO tnln. W. 75 feet to a »t«ke. corner of Lot No. j>. then« witii line of Lot No. 3s 8. 8s de«a. jo iJo, W. ISO f«i to ( atake on the east «He of Broadwav road, thrare aloBE aald road N. 4 data. 3 0 tnln. E. 7S feet to the heirfnnlne, ■ heln» a iMrt of the property conveyed hy R. B. Broadwav to*N. A. Trexlet. »Bd. Alw Lota No. js. and yi, hednnlne at a atake on E. aide of Broadway mart, comer of Lot No. }3. thence with tlne'of tot No. j3,N. 85 de«a. 30 mtn. E.- i.v> feet >0 a atake on the orlffinal line, •hence wtih Ihe orlefnal Iloe 8. 4 deV». 30 roln. W, 100 fert to •lake, comer of lot No. 38. thence with Hne of lot No. j8 S. 85 deea. 30 mli>. W. ISO feet to a rtake, comer of lot No. 38, thence N.' 4 "•eea. ito mio. B. ajon* eaat Brnad. wav road too feet totheheeltihlntr. ^ Deed reenrded In Bnok 44, pane 174. Rect«tera office of Dav'e Co. N. C.. for laore partlenlar de. actlptlon. 3rd. Bednnlnc at a atake on e.at .We of Broadway r»ad, corner ol lot No. 3 1. th fce with line of lot'Nn. 31 N. 8s de(«. JO mlr>. B. i.^o feet to ii aiake, comer of lot No. 31 on the orlsfnal tine, thtnre with aald lln» Si 4 de«a. .to mln. W. so feet to aatake. comer of lot No. '34. thence with line of lot N. 34 S. 8s de»a. 30 mln. W. iso feet to a atake on the eaat aide of Eaa* Broadwav road, thence alone aald mad N. 4 de«a.'jo mln. E. 50 feet to Ihe hcKlnnlni,'heinc lota Noa. M and j j of Ira Btoadimv proper* •v. a n r n ^ hv T. D. Inati**, Sot. veyor, Nov. 17, I94i.and beinc part of the R. B, Broadway prop. eHy. Seed Deed ftom R. B. Mil. ler and wife to }obn Pea and wife. Book 45, pace 95, aald Retilater’a office. Ternia of Sale: One-tbird caah, balance on 30daya time with bond and approved aecurltv or all caah at opilan of pnrchaw upon con Srmailoa of aale. Tbe bidding will •tart at the anoant of the npset hid, viz. ji«s oo-Thia the I6tb day of’ Pshrnary; T. GRANT, Con DAVIBCOONTY 'V*-.Waller Tonea and wife,.8adleJonea, ArUinr Bailey and wife, Amelia P, Howard Bailey Notice o(‘S«winB SuminoiM B rl^U iM tio D Tbe defendanta Walier]oaeaand his wife, Sadie jonea, will lake no tice that an ictioo, aa entitled • above baa been coumenced in th<; S n p ^ r Court of Davie County, North Carolina, ibe aanejMlae «■> acdoo by the plaiotiS lo foteclosr a aceclfie Irin on roal eatate owned hy'Ida Howarl, defendant Sadir Jonea, aucaMer.'tp reimhnrae Davi. Cotinty for nionev furniahed I1» Howard on account of Old A(e A«. ai tance. and the aaid 'defendant' will further take notice that the- are reqnired to appear at tbe office of the Clerk of the Superior Conn of aald County In the court hoiiM- lo Mocksvine, North Carolina, 01 Saturday, the !34tb day of March 1956, and aoawer or demur to (h, complaint In aald actfon, or'the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein. . ThIa i6th dav of PebriMiy, I9SC S. H. CBAPPIN. Clerk a n ^ o r Coor Opportuhi K M c k a " KRAO tiM i i 6 Patrc nize your home merckanti and help build up your town and county. ♦ FOR RENT ♦ S P A C E IN T H IS P A P E R W iH A n « m « To Suit GOOD NEK3HebRS-P«iCES TO " HI VOW BOSNESS IF YOU HAVE- ■ ■been otta'trlR,-: ■ enteitahied (ueata. . celebrated a birthday .. caught a b l| fiah : moved. d o D c d '■ ■ ■ ' had a baby beeit In alight. •old your hoga had aii,operation : bought a nt paitited vdur Kouac !' I . been matticd cut'a.new tooth been.^ot.'?; •tolen anything been i^bb^ • . aold out- ' ' : / lost Vour hair ■beedarre.trf Or l^ne Anything At All Teiephme, Or Drop a P o it^ d , (V Come.In, Or In Any Convenient W ay Inform V.. THE DAVIE RECORD The Davie Record Hds Been Published Since 1899 56 Years Othet* have come and gone.your county newaparef keep* Roing. Sometime* it baxeemed bard tn . make “bucUe and loiigus” meel, ' bat aoon the *un ahine* aiid we marelii an.'Our (aithfvl aubicribcn ociat of whom pair proinplW, give u( eourafo anid Bbiding faith in oar fellow map. Ifyour neiglibor i» nul taking The ' Record tell him to tubtc'ribe.' The : , price w <mly $].SO per year in . ihe ‘ , St%te, and $2.00 in other atate*. W To Town Make Our Off Headquarters. / We Are Always Glad To See You. LET US DO YOUR ^OB PRINTING 7 We can save you mon^: on your ~ ENVELOPES, LETTFR HEADS sta tem en ts, POSTERS, BILL HEADS, PACKET HEADS. Etc. Petroniie yoor home newspaper and ikerelt^ h^p'buUd your Iwme town and; county. ________ v ^ ^ E DAVIE REGORa \ The Davie v o u o r a iCVI. D A .V IB G O U N T T ’S ;G I .p B S T N B W S P A P E H “ T H E P A P E R T H E P E O P L E K E A D < SHALL t m M W TW r iO n » JUGHTS MAIfn’AMi UlUWID BV IMnJUEIKB MW UNBRIBED BY GAIN.” W p C iE S V n X B . N O R T H C A K O U N A , W B D H B 9 0 A T , M A R C H *8 . i<w6 N D M B B K OFLONGJ^Gp^: W hat W«B HappM iiiig b bii- B itoM Pai k in t M blar* A b b r ^ t e d S k irji (Davie Record, Apriil 7lb„ t9J6) Mtea Tberna K m , of Bickoiy, apeui &Mer here «itb (rietida:' . Mt. apd Hra. Oieun H ^rleka ol taington, a ^ t Eaater lure with rdailveg. Mlaa BiVa Sbeek wbo-la teaebluR at .toulabnrg. apent Baater here with bone (Olka; Hisaea Hamle Hendrix and M l Hohbotiaer aim t TbtiTtday after noon In Sallabnry abopptoe. M r .B o d M n . W . T , Y a u c e y , o f O x fo rd , a p e n l .tlw w eek ^eu d , h e re w ith T fla tle e a a n d (rle u d s. Uf. and Mra. Julio* Young, of Darbam, jiprol Baater bere with Ura. Yotinc intcnta. Mba Mabel Slewart, a nemberof tbe Spencer ; aebool faculty, apent Baater here wltB.ber parents. Mra. C; B. Mooney, and tbree nnall'cMldren apeut Bastar 'Mm. day In Bnnteravllle with telatlvea. HIsa Katbiyn Brown a member oftba.Smltbftld aebool fBcuitv, apent Baater b m with berparenta. W. Bl and B. H.,Sinltb. two of The ReCotd'a goad frienda from Itedell county, were In town'^rl. day and called to aee na. Mn. R. P. Henaon. and balie of Sallabnry, apent laat.week In town the gueataof berparenta,:Mr. aud Mta R. L. Walker. Mlaa Liideua Sain, a. atndent at N. C. c; W.. Orcenaboro, apent tbe Batter holldada here with her pawnta. Mlaaei Bnde and Bya Call, atnd. en tirt jN. C. C. t., Greenahoro airivM, home Thnraday ,for_ the VM tti iiolldaya. Mlaa Kathiyn Minor, a atndent at M er^lth College. Raleigh, apent the Baat«'lioildaya here with ter ^rcnta. Httbiert' Ctrtvzr.. a elndent at K. ■ c: .Stali College,; Weat Raleigh, waa a ^ n r tboae who apeni Baater In town with home folka. . •Bnrto Bowlea, *attldeotat;polre ttnlmr^ty Durhani,>aa hra. fm the Baater holldaya. Mln Hazel Baity, a Stndent at - Hereditib College^ Raleigh, apent '.^a The frienda of Capti C. N. Chrlatian. who.la taking .Ireaiment at the Baptlat Hoapltal In Wtnaton. •Salethl win be glad to leani that . hlaconditlnnlaaonie what lnproyed , R. O;. Seaber baa aold; hla liiter. eat In the Caudell Seaber alore and preaidtig elnb to T. J. Candell; On Monday. Mr.-Candell' arild/tbr tmariniTclnb andatore to George ' Hendflcka. BmeatLacle, aon of Mr. and Mr*. A. I Lagfe. and Mlaa Mary Belle jrmiea, daughter of . Mr. and Mra. H. .c‘ JOIIM, wwe united In marriage Tbnraday afternoon at the : Metbiidlit paiimiiage. Re». E,i M. SOODOLDDitrS Bvery once . In . a while an old friend of the daya of kng ago^ drooalnto aee me when P ^ n g tbroagb toim.^ A abort wbll^ age, Mr. and Mra. Harold Early, of Whialod^aleio, dropped In to chat abort while about t h e good old daya, They were ou their tray home Irom a two weeka ncatloh lii the land of tow en.. Haix>l<l la ol tbe owners of the Morrla-Barly Fnmiture Store In tbe' Twin Cltv. Pnrnltnre dealera are unlike edlton country weekliea. They take a vacatlen ' trip to Callforala Piorlda wben the notion - ttrtkea them. Who eeerheardjif a conn- tty.^ltor who waa abl^to. take a two weeka eaeatlon at one time. Talking with Harold temhided me of‘the. time over a halt, century ago when. Harold and 1 would load up In hla buggy and .drive to tbe old Center arbor west of Mocka. vnte. to attend the annual revival meeting beld every aummer at that bl9torle.camp ground. The paator of the chnreh waa named MeLanr* He wontd-lay hla coat and tell the world what he thought about tbe wlekedneaa that am go. In* on. ■ targe crowd* attended theae annual revival meeting*, think Hatoldhtd aglrl friend who elm attended tbew r^vala, which might have had aometblng to do with bia attending the«e meetlmn>. He wab a atrong: Baptlat and he and hla family were membera of tbe MockaHlle Bantiat Church. Har. old and I were In Mra! C. S. Caabwell’a Sunday aehool .elaaa at the chtireh;. Other teachen that remember were ■ Mra.’ I. P. Avett, performing the. ee* ' The Record wlahea for thia vouiiy couple a loue and Sappy life. C .y , Mlllw, of tWa dty, and Mi» iinle Waamner of R; », were iinlted In tnarrlai^ Tbnraday after, noon., They atole a mareb on frienda and hied themaelvea to the Twin City, where the marriece ceremony waa performed' Tbe Re^ - cord j6ina;th^r frienda In .wlabhig for them a longa prgapema nar. Hed life. ■ R«»jr ;T. lohnaon, of ., Charlotte, and Mlaa.. M tttle. Baton' Carter, jlanghter of Mr: and Mra. Joe C*'. ter; of thia dty,’ aiwvtinlled m*rrlair« at the Methodlat Patm ^ age Saterday monilug at i i o 'd ^ :• Rey. ’R. 8 . Howie pettormin* . nMrrlagercetenioay Mr. andMr^ lohnaon leH Iminedlitely after the M frlage lbra motor trip to Waah. Ington and athe;. nnlnta of Intereat.. Thev . iHir make Ihclr :hoM ' CtaariotlB. Putting Weight t bn Beef Cotrie ' I Tertilixfd Pmtiim ^ Best, Tnis Show - D w U e 'v a r y p o o r w e a th e r an d gr'ashig condltlona, fe rU lb e d pea- tu rea ca m e o u t ta r a h ^ a t un- terU lized in p u ttin g w eig h t « l h e e l eatU e ta a t n u n m e r a t th e V nl- v m ity o l M lnneaota'a R o M n u u n t E x p erim en t Statfcat. P a id K . B uraon. U n lv e c a l^ ao tb p r d m m . aaya th e fertilized pasto rea w ere n o t a e t b a c k aa m uch' b y d ro u g h t aa w e re th e un- ferU lbed. S teer gahl p e r a c r e - o n . fertll- lie d p a a U re w aa 222.3 pounda, on uatertlllzed, 1*1 pounda. A nd c a t­ tle paatu red In rotattO B o n let> tilb e d p a alu rea aoM O r a UtOe m ore th a n a n im ala g ra ia d on on- fertn iied p aaturea. S leera on te rtlU ie d p aato re aoU to r $20.S# p e r hun d red polinda, thoae on n o fcrtlllied *«• *20. V alue ot-b ee l produced p e r a c re on ler- tU bed p a a tu re w a i $49.44. on un- te rtn iied , tU .2 2 . In N H . a bet- ter-m olB ture' y e ar. lerU lized p as­ tu re produced m .4 * w o rth 'o t beef per a c K . w hile u n t e r t l l i ^ pro- Green and Mia* tm o ra Tavior. The Berlv fainlly; eonalatlng of Mr. andr Mra. V. S. r Early, two’ dangbtera, Grace and Blanche, *lid fotir aona, Rowland. Harold, Fnnh and Ateh, lived about three mllM aontb of Moclnvllle. on- the old Baldy Carter farm, which Mr. Early'bought when he moved to thia county aome aeventy od ‘ ago The hbnac-1 n which Ih e Beriya lived for many -yeBta inlll they moved ,t b Wli^tiorSalem nearly hall a centnry ago. Thia bonae waa deatroyed by Bre weeka ago," It waa one of the old. eat farm houiira in th^ county, hav: lag been bnllt long before the Chrtl Wer. Flw of the aix Early ^lldren tire atlll llvlbg, Rowland, the oMnt eon. died aeveral yeara ago. Har. old haa been In bualaeaa In Wlna- ton Salem nearly so v**r». H« iKid e poaltton with the HuMlsv. Rm-stoekton Fumiture Co.. for • number of yeara before organhlng the > MorrI -Rarly., Fumiture Co., ^ e *5 oir more jeara ago.. Her. old ha* made a ancceaa In Ilf* "end h*a many frienda lii Dav'e County. Frank Karly, the aecond i moved to San Franclaco aome *s ynra ajto. About two Veera *go he moved to Sab Carlo*. Cailf., where be la taking life eaay. Frank haa written aeveral Intereating aitl- de* for th e Record. *od we ate hodng tbM he w lir (^ntlnue thia good work Hla anlclea are en- J o ^ by>nr a^bacribera throngh. out tiie. country. ,Aw!h Early, the yimngeat aon, holda an Important'poaltlou In Ral. elgh. with the State. He dippe to aee-tiie occaalondl heeomM.tolbwpan Mliaca Bl inche and Grac* Barly Mve in Wto«on:Salemi trhwe on* of them b u held a W ltloo with * banking home for maoy yeara. Many changea haveW*k*n p alnoe the Early cblldfeu .wBlked three mile* each way to atteni th* Mockatrllle aebool and Ith* B*iHM dintch, Fine aebool bnlldlnga*od mtdein'iAarch building* a m iiriie«*ih*ilia*|l M h o u * M O B C ^ * ie * d , •h aw n th a t y en g e t u h ik a ^ . duced $ » M w orth-*ST .4» per a c re leai. ' ,A n .p a a tu re a g o t th re e -to n s of lim e p a r a im in 1D5S!. H alf of e a c h p a ato re w a s lerU llzed w ith 90* pounda o l o-ao-so p e r a c re as b u n d M c a s a r y b y sofl test*. B oaenw unt's' 1*99 p a a tu re sea- •0 0 w aa UBuniaU]' p oor. In A pril. M ay an d m o st y l Ju n e th e re w as drought an d p a stu re y ield w as cut a e r lo u ^ . T h m w aa an o th er lone d ry ap e u fro m A uguat I through W. New Mrat Ideas May Increase Retail Soles T h e U veatodt to d uatry belteves th a t aa a h ^ ro ie n . n o -in a te m ea t « m b rin e g ie a t d irid e n d a in the a e U o l a n h m l a g ricu ltu re. A dev eh v n n en t o l th e Indus- tn r'e 'e R o rt lo r m e a t th a t la sim ­ p le to p re p e re a n d e aay to store, ta a h - b e e d n g 'la done a t 9* de-greea bdow teror Five mtautes helore dhmer the froated meats cen he placed on a broUer or in a fryhig pan. Alter a or S nihuiles ol coofciBg they are ready to serve. The phraae ••no waate” haa dou- hle tiie conaumer gets meat lh*» la trhnmed and less bulky. Fata and honefc.uw^ waatad «n*r Oiey leave paefchu plaula. can’now he kept at the •ganl* where they are valuable lor many useful by-products. Centrallaed butchering-and pro- caadig WlU o«ar the houMwife better m**t* hi amaller packages . and at the aama thne a lm |^ meat pnparatibn hi the Wtehen. Ita * t ^ r ^ e a . it la believed, wU eam inaat aalea to Inerease •harply. - vlali to a raceS recowr mlaaad tt* Our County And Security Seen Aloiiff Main Stfcet By T he s tre e t R am M er. • SLEPT WITH THEM 'Did you fiah with fllear aaked iHend of the retiiined vaca­ tioner. 'Fiah'with flieal” exclaimed the vacationer. “I hope to tell you we did. We fiahe^ cam pd, dined and alept with titem.” TOEPARROT Orville Wright, guest at a din* ner, waa, reproached by a friend for not nking up die challenge of •ome that it waa Profnaor Lang* ley. and not the Wright brothers, who flew fitat. “Your tiouhle,’* aaid the friend, 'la that you’re too taciturn. You don’t aaaeit youradf enough. You ahould preas-agcntiie more. Talk, fnantalU" il'MyiMend,’* replied Mt. Wright, 'the beat talker and the worjt flier among the hlida Is the parrotT’ ITW ASM OTHcR Mother and daui^ter were in the kitchen washing-dishea, while father and aeven-vearold Warren w m ln th e living room leading die evening t»pcr. SuJdenly. there •ounded a ctaah of felling diahea. Father and Warren listened ex­ pectantly to the enauing silence. “It waa Mother, Warren finally announced. - "How do you know?” Father in­ quired. ‘Hecauae,*’ answered Warren firmly, "ahe lan’t aaving anything.' MORE CENTS Slap; A dime *nd nickel were ilUng across a bridge, and the nickel fell to. Why didnft the dime? H*o; The dime h*d moie cent*. UNARMED Politiciaii (opentog * campaign debate): This I* * battle of brains* RhnV How htave fot you to fight unamed. - HE WAS ALABAMA A story Is told that during th* war Louis Montbatten conducted an teapecdon tour of his command in the Indo-Chtoa-Butma theatre. A t an outpost, he stopped to talk |0 a Negro soldier. ’Ate you IndoChlnese, *aked Lofd MontbatteA. “No. suh.” Ihe Ol replied, ‘Ah’s outdo’ Alabama." Binks: Did you ever try to climb a gtirased pole? Itoks: -No, but I’ve tried to ■ t^ to good resohitioiu. Bv Louis H. Clement, M*nager. April 15,1956, is a very Import­ ant date for clergymen who desire 10 receive credit for their 1955 eamtoga under aodal securitv. Thisf^ the laat date for filing Form 2031 (Waiver Certlfiinte) with the Director of Internal Re­ venue in order to h a ^ 1955 earn- inip counted for sodal aecurity protection. •The Waiver Certificate is effec­ tive for a taxable year only if it is filed on or before the date for fil­ ing die Income tax report of that year. That means that those min­ isters or members of religious or­ ders who want to begiti earning their social •ecurlay credits in 1955 must file the certificates on or be­ fore April 15, 1956. Under the 1954 Amendmeflta to the Social Security Act, only or- datoed, commissioned, or licensed clergymen; Christian Science Prac­ titioners, and members of relig. ious orders who have iiot taken a vow •of poverty acquire old-age and survivors Insurance protection like that of self-employed persons but on an individual elective basis. This election does not involve the church or institution in any wav. These Individuals have approxi­ mately two years after 1954 or af­ ter they have $400 or more of net earnings, any part of which came from religious activities to dedde whether or not they tvish to [lac- tidfiate in the program. Those who do not elect to be­ come coveted' by the program withto the two-year period cannot later have their earnings from their teligioiu dudes covered by .the law. Those who do elect to par- ticb>atecatmot later withdraw. Copies of Vonn 2031 (Waiver Cdxificate) ate available at the of­ fice of the Diiector of Internal Revenue, Greensboto, N. C. In­ formational pamphlets are avait able free of charge at the social security office neatest you. If you have any question con. cemlng-your social security, you SMembers of Gossip a u b w*nt- tag to know when the dty fathers were going to have the hitching posts around the-aquate Knunred. —David Rankin on his w tv «s work all dressed up.-Chatlie Vo- gler remarktog that hi* .ofBce had iust about quit telling mwtiage li­ cense—Mrs. Roy Sailcy doing a might write us at 301 Post Office Binding, Salishurv. N. C., or see out teptesentative who visits the Court House, Mocksville N. C , on the first and third Fridays each month from I2d0-ia0. little aftm oon shopptog In drug store—Mrs. Mary Smith wantbig .’ange for a $20 bill—A. E. Al­ ford busy answering telephone calls-Bill Leach hurrying up dw Main street with his coat hung on one arm—Mr. and Mrs. Bill Daniel and small daughter doing some mid'week shopping—Ray. mond Faster getttog early m orn­ ing shave-Brvan Sell looktog at empty liquor hotde-M r*. Phillip Young shopping around to gtocera and market—Thtee Concord, la­ dies trying to get into dime atotes on Wednesday afternoon—Wiley Anderson doing some before Eas­ ter shopptog in.Sanford’a Depart­ ment Store—Ernest Hunt on hla way down Main street on wtoter day minus hat and overcoat—At­ torney George Manta taking giant strides across Main street—Pieice Foster doing some early morning drug store shopping—Young lady hurrying across the squate ta the carrying a rake In one hand— F- Curtis Ptice and Nick Man­ do talking thiugs over to post- office lobbr-O . K. Pope and J. S. Haire getting ready to go to work—Mrs. Clay Allen shopping around ta dime store on ratoy af­ ternoon—Mts. C. CChapmantlo- ingsome ratoy day shopptog— Chat MOIer remaiMng diat bu*|. ness was ptettv good—Mrs; H enn Taylor biiytag toasted aandwi^ to drug store—Tall man weattag waist length rairu»at up Mato street as Ihe rato wa* feUtag fc*t— Happy Cotatt on hi* way down Main streetr-BllI Mason taktog a look in his mail box-^Miss Hilda Markham on her way to baiddng house—Mrs. C. P. Johnsoii and small daughter doing some, week­ end grocery shopping—MH.’ loan Pilcher selling stack of paper plat** In dime store-W oman patked ta front of bank soliciting fund* fot church building—Mr*. I. D. F uf ches looking at costume iewehy— Shoaf Coal & Sand Co. WeCMi Supply Your Needs IN G Q PD COAL, SAND and BRICK Call or Phone U* At Any Time PHONE 194 Fotmetlv Dayle Brick &.Coal Co Mayor John Durham. C- C. Oiap- man, Jim Thompson and Sell holding consultation I of postoffice—Mts. Ed ing striped ice cream on tetnoon—Mr*. Paul lone some afternoon shopping -S girls busy chewing bubble, gut quiet altetooon—lohn Junes ing to find a sheet of white i board. M iss Paul* huver, e*m — » • su * ♦ *. t t t a n t bets. ’Hm ~0» nmI The B m em it HILLTOP Service & Supply BEST PLACE TO GET IT Gas, Oil, Tires And Supplies Staple Groceries Snuiii Enough To Apprwiate Your BiMiDUB Larce Enough To FOI Your Tank j ' w . H I U - Administrator’s Notice Ibving qusllfied as Administra­ tors o( the estate of H. C. Foster, d e c e a ^ late of Davie Uonntv Nonh Carolina, this is to notify all persons having daims against hi estate to present them to the sdersigned within twelvemonthsfrom date hereof or thta notice will be pleaded ta bar of their right to reeover. All persons owing said esute will please nuke immedii setdement. Th's the • 22 day of February, 1956. MARY FOSTER AND I. H FOSTER. Administrators Of H. C Foster, Deceased. {U l & ZachaW. Attorneys. Princess Theatre W TONKDAY ■ “PURPlE.PLAlN"ln Technlcofot Wld« Ctegocy Beck Cartoon __ CINEMASCOPE THURSDAY & FRIDAY “LIEUTENANT W( SKIRTS” In CotetW h North & Tom Ewell SATURDAY JohnPayiwta DENVER” With Freeman Caroion & TO READ THE APf Alut WMk tha Watw • CINEMASCOPE . MONDAY &. TUESDAY 'W S ® ““ Jennifer lone* & B«r PRICE; CINEHASOOKAdataNsCUHssalA I - OAVB IWWTrS “ “ “ • ' SHOWV* ■ r A PAORTWO S I DAV1£ RElioitb. NOCKSVlixE. R f MABCB 28. t9C« THE DAVIE RECORD. C. FRANK STROUD. EUrrOR. TELEPHONE Bntoml »tthePorto«ce ln M < ^ *ill», N. C... u Swond-clMP Mill oikttor. H*rch S. IMS. :WBSCRIPTION RATES: ONE YEAR. IN H. CAROUNA SIX MONTHS IN H. CAROUNA ONf YEAR, OUTSIDE STATE SIXM---------------------------- File For Office Administratrix Notice NOTICE T O C R to lT O R S j , NOTICE T O C I^ IT O R S Only a few men have filed nStiM 1o*“ i are: a A. ,„h.«o„ and W«lard jU J •'»« >h*» .othe:under,ten«dwlth- “ ‘h* [ MQNTO8. OUTSIDE STATE *iSti.00 tl.00 The next thini we have to look (oiward to is the blackbetiy crop and the Fourth of July- Cheer up, boys, tSe ice man will soon be a- round. The Record makes many mis­ take*, some of them due to new type we ate using. Last week in the death of Thomas Franklin Sanford the type read that Mt •Sanford moved to Hendersonville in 1996. It should have read 1936. Mistakes will happ n, even in the best newspapers_______ The Record doesn’t carry big advertisements begging out read eistodo their shopping outside the county. We are trying th help build up our town and county bv asking our subscribers to patronize their home merchants, the men who pay their taxes, donate to all worthy causes and keep the home town growing. Some of out Democratic poli- ticians are yellini that this coun try needs a full-time president. What kind of a president did we have during President Roosevelt’s last two terms? We are not aphy- sician or a son of a physician, but we believe President Eisenhower is in better physical condition to­ day than Franklin Roosevelt was when he took his seat in 1933. It all depends on whose ox is gored. The many friends of Chas. R, Vogler, who has filled the office ot Register of Deeds since December. 1944, will be sotrv to learn that Mr. Vogler will not be a candi. date for this office in the May primary- Mr. Vogler has been in bad health for some time and will lake life easy after his tenure of olGce expires next December. Mr. Vogler has filled this office with honor to. himself and his party, and he will be missed by his many friends throughout the county. The Record is hoping he will live to be at least a hundred years old, Farm flews The State ASC Committee, at in meeting in March reviewed the effect of the adverse weather conditions oti the forage supply in all counties in North Carolina. The determination of the Com. mittee was that there is a serious shortage of forage in all counties and the gtowth harvested is need, ed for use on farms in the area and. therefore, the State Commit tee will permit uaderpractice 14, Winter Covet crops, the harvest­ ing of the gtowth nude in the fa 1 of 1955 and 1956 ACP for hay or silage, provided all other eligi­ bility requarements a n d condi­ tions are met. Crops included in the Winter Cover Crop Practice in Davie Covnty are: Seeding Crimson Clover^ Vetch, Wheat, Rye, Oats, Barley, or mixture of Oats and Wheat. Farmers who received ACP as­ sistance on this practice in the fall of-l95S may now harvest the acre­ age for or silage if thev wish. A Correction The Record stated last week that Mrs. Gene Miller had resign ed her position on the nursing staff of the Davie County Hpspi' cal to accept a position on the staff of the Hoots Memorial Hospital ' at Yadklnville. Mra. Miller has never been member of the Davie Coutity Hos­ pital staff and has not accepted position with the hospital at Yad- kinville. Dae,to her re^nsibili tica, which include the care of a on the Democratic ticket a n d Clarence Carter and Allas Smoot for county commiitsl.oncrs on the Republican ticket. W. L. Ijames hasfiledfor Register of Deeds on the RepuW icantickt^_ TrttckRam B ttS- in twelve monthB from dace heie* Wih day of MaKh, 1957* or i of. or tMs notice will l>e pleaded notice will be plead In bar of in bat of their recovery. All per- I’^covery All penona indebted to •ona Giving said estate will please said estate, will please make prompt A Ford pickup truck, driven by Lsster Phillips, 16, of Route 5. slid into the rear of a school bus on Hii^way 601, last Tuesd-v. Children in the bus escaped in jury, but three children on the ck were treated at the DaWe County Hospitel for cuts aitd This 21st dav of M irch, 1956. EMILY RODW..LLCARTMELU Admrx. of GrayJon SinclairCartmelK ______. Marlin Martin, Attys, bruises, and released. Phillips was indicted for foUowinc a school bus too close. Damage to the bus and truck was about $600. Revivalin Progress Revival services are now being conducted at Hardison Methovlist Church each evening at 7:30. R«v. Hubert Clinard is the guest evan­ gelist. Mr. Clinard will pr ach each evening through Friday cx* c pt for Thursday, at which time Rev. I oh n Oakley will bring the message. The public is cordially invited to attend these servic s. At Gardner-}Hfehh Boiling Springs—Bob Montgom­ ery. of Mocksville, and Bill Walk er, of Farmington, are seeking saidjdeceased, to present them properly verified, to the undersign edKonor beiofethe 21st ,diy of March, 1957. or this no lee will be make in ^ a te sentement. NOTICE OF RESALE OF LAND ^ Pur^uflnt to an order cf re-sale made bv S. H. Chaffin, C. S. C. in the procct'ding entitled **S. M. Call, Admr. of John H» Pea, de* ceased, vs a I unknown heirs of lohn H. Pea,*' nuw pending in the Superior Court of Davie Coiinty. N. C., the un'iersigned will re sell publiwlv t ■ the highest bidder at the Courthouse door of Davie C o, in Mi'cksville, at 12:00 o'clock M.. ihe foUowinc descilbed ■ lots or pa cels of land belonging to the estate vf said deceased, to wit: Nos. 29.30, 31, 32, 33,34, 35, 36 und 37 as shown on the m^p or plat oi the M. A. Trvxier subdi*- \isicn of <he R.B BroadwjyUnds foc ttvd itear the Pine Ridtje Road in Jerusalem township, about two miles cast of Coolet-mee, N. C. TetmscfSale: Onc-^ird cash Sind balance on 30 days time, or all cash at option of die purchaser, will start at the Increased settlement. This Ipdj dayof March, 1956.Harvey Harrell Zimmerman, ' Exr 'ulia Sprinkle Zimmerman. B. C, Brock, Attorney. m M Bidding bid of $220.00. This 21st day of Match. 1956. A. T. GRANT, CommiS'ioner. plead Ih bar of terovery. All per- • sons indebted to said estate, will please make prompt settlemeiit. . This 21st dav of March, 1956. H.X, BRYANT, Exr: Bessie Browii, decs’d. Brock & Brock. Attorneys. Do You Read The Reeortl? NOTICE TO CREDrrORS Having qualified as Adminlstca- ro* SPOUT ,Olt CpMHTiriOH fOK ntASURt THE WOUD'S UST MOTMCmib^hsontheCarJ,:er.W ebbCc.l., lege baseball team. I given to all ptrsons holding claims Montgomery, a freshman, is out against the said deceased, to pre* for a shortstop position, tu t is bes' sent them, pit>perlv venfted, to,H, udca j l c u ing seriously threatened by Bobby he undersgi.ed, on or ^ o r e the rnum ph-H .S. A. * Sunbeam Crew.ofMor«anton. and Jam.s -I;:: BilFs Cycle Shop fohnson, of Marshall.coveiy. All persons indebted to Mototcydev OPEN Walker, also a newcomer to the said estate, will please make prompt A.AADae w i r%Bulldog team, is trying out for settlemeiit. This 1st day of Feb* 5.30 To 9KK) r.M . W eek Day* the mound. He looks good In 1 9 ^ pre-season practice, altho Coach Norman Harris is noncom.nital about his chances. Ths Gardner-Webb team won the championship of the Western Carolinas Tunlor College Confer* ence last year. Business Census Receipts of 42 service establish- m ^ts enumerated in Davie Coun­ ty in the 1954 Census of Business amounted to about $279,000, acS cording to a preliminary report covering service trades* publi-ihed bv the Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Commerce. The combined yearly payroll of the county’s service ntablishments was $40,000. Thev reported 28 em­ ployees of whom 26 worked full time in the pay period' ending nearest Nov. 15. Proprietors at* tivelv employed in the operation of unincorporated business ' num. bered 42. Escablishments providing per; sonal service numbered 16 and re­ ported receipts of (114,000. Es­ tablishments primarily engaged In automotive repair, parking and other automotive s.-rvices number* ed 12, and had receipts of $91,000, Establishments listed as **all oth«.r services” in the preliminary* report numbered 14, and had receipts of $74,000.00. Owen Infant The two^Jay old son of Chart>e Franklin anid Peart Grubb Owen* of Mocksville, Route 2, died Mar. 13 it! the Davie Countv Hospital In addition to the parents, sur­ vivors Include a halfbrother, las. Spurgeon Goss, thr e half-sisters, Mrs. Nathan Smith, of M.>cksville, Route 3i Rebecca Ann and Annie Ruth Goss, of the home, the ma. ternal. grandmother, Mrs. Sallie Grubb, Roure 3. Lexington, and the paternal grandparents. Mr* an l Mrs. Joe V. Owen, Route 3 JOE HE.MLEY KELLER, O pen All Day SiUuHay Admr. Mri. d. M. Keder, decs’d* Advance N. C. paude Hicks, A'tomev. . SFranchisvd Dt*al>*n License 3011 Spring Is Just Aroiind “^ ~ ^ h tn G o r n e r ^ ^ - HEADQUARTERS FOR Lawii And Garden Tools Let Us Supply Your Need* Garden Rakes Hoes Spading Forks Sliovels Spadef Mattocks Wh:e’barrow8 Hedje Sheafs Pruning Shears Visero Fertilizer Spreaders Topping Shears ' Ferry's Garden Seeds Ferry’s Howe*- Seeds TOBACCO CANVASS 3 A nd 4 Y ard W idtha C. C. Sahfdrd Sons Co. Phone 7 - Mocltsville, N. C. We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps These Prices Efftclive Weditesday Morning Mar. 28th Only Mocksville. Graveside serv c.^s were held at 11 a. m. on March 14th, at Smith . . Grove Methodist Church with ^ 'p f i n i c euM wbeit to '" '* " ometety. ALL - GIRLS DRESSES Any Dress In Our Stock 15% Off WKDNESDAY MORNING ONLY ALL MEN’S SPORTCOATS In All Wool Flannels Regular $22 50 $17.88 ON SALE WEDNESDAY MORNING ONLY ANY LADIES HATS From $1.98 Up 20% Off 4 HOURS ONLY MEN'S AND BOYS DRESS SOCKS Regular 25c Pair 2 Pairs 25c WEDNESDAY MORNING ONLY LADIES COTTON DRESSES Regular $5 95 ' $544EBch 2 For $10;00 WEDNESDAY MORNING ONLY ALL MEN’S FELT HATS Any Of Our Stock Of Hats From $2.98 To $6 95 25% Off ON SALE WEDNESDAY ONLY B. C MOORE & S ONS “BUY FROM MOORE AiND SAVE MDSE” MOCKSVILLE. N. C. ! PATOC RBCORO. MOCKSVIUB. W. C. MAKCH 28. 19W PAGE THMCe —-rrj-— •’ iV-lHospltal, is now at the h o n ie d OM«St'Piftper In her son; E. H. Frost, on Route 5. No Liquor, Wine, Beer A * Mrs. Frost, who obse^d her ===========., lQ2nd bittbday on Matcb 8th, hai NEWS AROUND TOWN. ,bMn quite iU, bat is impiovl Senator B. C. Brock made a biulnes, trip toRalditfi TTmisdav. Mb aiid Mrs. C. A.BIackwetdec ■nd daii^ter, Venita, spent the ; w ^-cn d in Miami, Fla. we are g lad ^ team. If-you-«e-looldn«-fot-b»tg»iiis- W the big ad of B. C Moore & S<ms and visit their store on Wed' ; n «idav:poT ^t , M t.'an^ Mrs. Charles M. Pitta* nid Mt. and Mrs. Isaac Webb, of Alexand^i Va., were week-end KUCTts of Mw. H a B. Tuttetowr. Mta. lames Poole. , who entered Davie County Hospital on Match 19th for.tteatment is much better, hiet f ^ d s will be Rlad to learn. Georii^ R. Hendricks and Und' say Sink spent several days last week at Myrtle B ead, S. C„ look, itig after some business matters. M rs.S.S. BIakley. of Advance. Route I, has been quite ill with . flu aince last Tuesday.. Her ftiends h o ^ for her a speedy recovery. Misses lane Robinson and Nell Bennett, studmts at Appalachian State Teachers College, Bc»ne, spent the week-end In town with home foiks. , A bam belonging to; R.. B. San* ferd in the rear o( hia home on Church street, was totally destroy­ ed by ^ shortly after noon on' Thursday, The fire was started by sparks from burning brush. A _<»jir,^8([tmeJha^andJumbeT-jW!HS, in the bam. The-cow was s a ^ . (^ick work bv the local fire d» partment saved two s ^ ll build­ ings No insurance on the bam. Loss about $l,00a The Mocksville students were honored Thufadfiy at activity pep. iod wnen Mr. Jameraon, the per sonnd director of the Brwin Cot- tm Mills, spoke about the quali­ ties the personnel look for before thev hire a worker for the mill. Mra. Frank. Wood. ofChatlotte, and Miss Norma Furches, of M6oiesyilte, spent the week-end with their father, D. K. .Furches, neat Smith Grom. Ite. and Mrs. W. M. Long and Dr. and Mrs. H enn S. Anderson spimt last week tn Washington, D. C , where Drs. Long and Ander­ son attended a medical conven- ' tion.. Miss Frankie lunker, Edward Rowland, lohnny Johnstone and Duke James, students at Sute Uni­ versity. Chapel Hill, wiU arrive home today to spend the Easter holiihya. Mis; Gail Walker, of Route 1 spent the week«ndat BaptistHoa- pital Winston-Salem, where abe will go in training early next fall, ^ e is a daughter o f Mr. ahd Mrs. E G . Walker. . Miss Amy Talbett^ county wel- fore oiScer, who has been ill at the home her sister. Mrs. Min­ nie T. Bryson, at Advanc,. foisev- etal weeks, hopes M be able to tetum to her home hetc sixm. Mdckiville High SdioolNews LYNDA CRAWFORD. RepoftM ftahory-CaU Invitatlo beien received Sndth-D am el InWtations have bem i^ v e d by fiflends in this, city leading as in this dty reading as follovn: follow- ' Mis. Grace Blakley .Call - fi^ucsts the hm our of your ^sm cie , ■ . at the marriage of her daughter SuO iD ot . '■■to \ Mr. William Franc s Nahoty on ^tiitday the fourteenth of April to the moming_ Saint Leo’s Catholic Chureh Winston-SUem.North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Iphn Thomas Smith request the honour of your presence • at the marriage of their daughter Carolyn Hope ' ‘ to Mr. Dougbs Oirds Daniel on, Saturday, the fourteen^ of April nineteeti hundred and fifky-siif at seven o’clock in the evening Liberty Pilgrim ChurcK------ Mocksville, Nordi Carolina. desire to do a JobWlI second. Rood personalitv traits, ^third. His talk was very beneficial to those who will be seeking work soon. Thursday night saw the Com­mercial Club members at the home of Marcia Lagle. She had d of the devotional, which was lowed by a panel discussioti by some of the membets. New offi­cers were elected fix>m the Junior class. Mary LouQuillian is presi­dent, Ruth Greene, The Easter Cantata The Crud- fictipn” will be given Friday niidit, M atdt 30, at 7:30> at the Fatmlng- Km Baptist C h u ^ . The choirs ..of the.Farmington .and Advance Baptist Churches are presenting it. Henry Shutt, 'on of Mr.' and Mts. OMtge Shutt, I of this city, has been awarded a $600 scholar­ ship at Duke University for 1956- 57. Henry is a Senior In Mocks­ ville Hi^-School. Ourcongtatu- btions. Henry. iOuvFaitliing. who holds a 'posi H o n with the Getwral EleetricCo.. tn Schenectdav. N. Y.. spent the wedc-end with hia patents, Mr. and M.S. C. I. Fanhinc. Uoyd F a^ ln ft student a t A.&T.C. Bocme, was. also the guest of his parents; _________, vice-presbient Martha McDaniel, secretary, and Nancy Cozart. treasurer. Ddicions refreshments were served by the hostess. lhe4'H County Council Thursday night in the Davie Couii- ty office building. Smith Grove 4-H Chapter, had charge of die program and .Mocksville served re­ freshments. A recreatioiul pro­ gram was enjoyed by all. . Mrs. Farthini^s fourth grade had a very enjoyable chapel program Friday. Judy Langston r ^ the scripture and Johnnv Johnson sang a prayer. Then a akit abouta very useful and important thing in but lives, the alphabet, ptesented. Penny A n d e r^ and David Walk­ er sang a duet. We are all verv pleased to ___ that Miss Brumfield is well on the m y to recovery. Mtmdiiv afternoon die firat base­ball game of the season was plav- edat RockwelL Ourboya bwan the season well, wfaining 5-2. The return game was played here Tues­day afteiiioon. Our bovs won 30. A v>od Stan, bovs. Keep it up. The schedule tor the i ext ten days follows: Mar; 27 Advance, here.Mar. 29—Omleemee. there. April 4-<!ooleemee. hetc.April 6—Lewisville, there. April 10—Farmington, there. Chief Miller, from Salisbury, and Chief Jones, from Hickory, made interesting tsdks about our chancea in military se^ce Wedneaday at actlvityperiod. H' ANT ADS PAY. FOR RENT—Six-room house widi two baths, 200 Soudi Main street. Phone 115-W.G.G. DANIEL. WANTED—Experienced sei ingmachineo^per«o„.^ ^ Mocksville. N.C. Pianos tuned, repaired, rebuilt refinishedor restyled. Free esti _______ mates. New and used pianos. week-end Anythtog musical. Easy tenns. Write for p to s. ^ Sterling-Thomn MusC Co. 629 N, Trade St. Winston-SaleiMrs. Ottis H m td , 75. died,____________________________suddenly at her home in States-1 pOR RENT-New^-nomdwel* ville' bn. March 18th.' Mrs. Ho> |{ng and 29 acre <i»m with' tSi9 ward wiis ihe inothn of Mrs. T;C. ,cks tbbam allotment. Will rent Gtaham,ofthiseity. . 'FunfetaIser- .house and tobacco allotment. in' vicn were, held at Broad Street ~ther or ^aratdv. Known as Methodist Church. Statesville.' at' Haywood Hawkins Property in 2 p. in.. March t9th, and the'bbdy Courtney section. Promptly write laid’to test In Oakwood Ceme- or call Hoyle Ripple. Attorney.Ury. „ |iO }F ltstN ^onal»ok B ^ to g , Winston-Salem.. Phone 5:0251. Last Tuesday. Match 20«h, was suppose to be die'first day of PIANO BARGAIN -WeOn looking at bur diet- transfer to somewe^ta this vi.iti morning, but It m elid as It folL written g u ^ te e . Saw Thelow reading Wednesday mom- new planopng. ^ Wm- Ing.waa 26 degrees. If diis is niatltmwriy., Credlt^Py.K M C spring eive us some more winlet. Box , 1166. Salitbuty. N. C. FOR EASTER WE HAVE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Hollingsworth And W hitman’s Candies In Attractive Easter Boxes At Price* That Will Appeal To You Attractive Line Of HALLMARK EASTER CARDS Bill Folds, Cosmetics Fountain Pens and Pencils Sungkam For LmUe,, And Men In All The Latert . Styles And Colors At Greatly Reduced Price, Get Ready For The Hot, Sumner Days Ahead When In Need Of Fresh Drugs And Anything To Be Found III A First-Class Drug Store " VISIT US U t Us FUi Your Pmcriptions Drug Co. We Give S. & Hi Seen Stempt A Good Drug Store In A Good . Town Phone 141 ’ N. Midn Street Is Herd We Gan Furnish Your NEEDS h AU Kinds Garden And Farm Took Call And Look Over Our Big Stock ^fore You Buy Shovels Hoes Rakes Posthole Diggers Screen Wire Eclipse Power Lawn Mowers Tobacco Canvas $8.50 Junker Brothers Fanners Hardware & Supply Company Phone 46 SidUbury Street FREE TRIP We Are Giving For A Limited Time Only A Free Trip To The htemational Harvester WorksTO EVERY PEitSpN BUVlNG A NEW HIACTOR ' SM Us ForD eiailt Ranlcin-Sanford bn|diement Co. Phoie 96 Modnville, N. C Fiddler’s Convention! There Will Be An Old Time Fiddler’s Convention At Shady Grove High Sdiool ADVANCE, N. C Easter Monday Night, April 2,8 P.M.. Prizes Will Be Awarded As Follows: STRING BAND CONTEST I FIRST PRIZE - SECOND PRIZE THIRD PRIZE FOURTH PRIZE FIRST PRIZE - FIRST PRIZE . FIRST PRIZE - - - • DANCING CONTEST FIRSTPRIZE - - - - - SECOND PRIZE - - - - - - THE PUBLIC IS tXtRDlAlXY INVtTTO VIOLIN CONTEST BANJO COimST GUrrAR CONTEST $iSM $20M $10M $5M $SM $ !M $BM $2M ■ t u n Admission AlHJLtiB'ISc CHILbltENSOe P » fS F F O tiH 1 DAVU BBOttD. MOCnvilXB N. C.. MARCB g . I'wi fl “ /-W H IS T Is n i e w c r a i ^ wiU b e said an d tu n < m a n y thousand tim es th is E aatar. W hat d o th ey m ean? L e t u i le a v e o u t o f sight all th ose to w hom th e w ords m e a n nothing b u t a v estig e o t superstition a t th e w orst, a pictur* esq u e sym bol o t aom ething alto> g e th er different, a t b est. W hat do ttiese w ords m e a n ' to th o se w ho do believe th em ? It Is possible to be­ lieve t h i s sen * ten ce litera lly and A im ly. a n d y et b e a s d ea d to th e ir joyous m eaning as if th e y w e re a w e ath er re p o rt o f -------------------40 y e a rs ago. T hey O r, F o re m a n po rten d a m ira c le ; b u t y e ste r­ d a y 's m irac les m ay n o t b e espe­ cially interesting. D o you feel a kin d of ra p tu re on read in g about th e frogs In P h a ra o h 's p a lac e, th e m iracle-trogs? D oes it h elp y o u r m a la ria to re a d ab o u t th e curcff St. P a u l did a t E phesus? y e ste rd a y ’s m ira c le s m a y ev en b e discouraging, ju st b ecau se th ey a rc y e ste rd a y 's. T he R esu rrectio n o f C h rist Is not in a class w ith any other m iracle. F o r th e ea rly C hris­ tian s it w as T H E ev en t of history. Til* Ope«H Eyt I t is no accident th a t th e ch u rch say s an d sings, "C h rist is risen” ■more often th a n “ C h rist ro se." T he R esu rrectio n is a k ind o t con­ tem p o ra ry m iracle, f t h a s m atty m eanings, b u t consider th re e of them , in th e liv es o f th e p lain peo­ ple w ho ftrst ex p erien ced th e tru th of it. R e m em b er, th e R esu rrectio n ..was nothing th e y h a d -been look­ ing for, nothing th ey h a d th e w it to in v e n t It ca m e as a shock, it up set a ll th eir id eas. It rem ad e th e ir w orld. F irs t o f aO a n d In­ cluding ev erything else, th e R es­ urrectio n means- th e presence, h e .o a n J today n o t less th a n th e re in th e daw n of C h ristian U m e, th e presen ce ot th e living C hrist, th e p resen t com panion of all w ho love him . F irs t of all, h is presen ce th e re in E m m au s and indeed on th e ro a d acros.-; 'h e hlUs. m e an t th e opened eye W ith h im fo r guide, th e m a n C ieopas an d h it friend saw th in ^ In th e S crip tu res th ey h ad n e v e r seen before. T he S criptures, like a closed gate, opened to th e ir in w ard eye. T hen in th e supper-room a s th e b re ad w as broken, a g ain th e ir ? y e s w ere opened, and th ey knew him . So th e rise n O iris t to d ay a n d alw ay s opcM - th e ey es o f m en ; Inspired b y 'h im , w e u n d e rsta n d G o d 's Book an d G od’s Son a s w e ca n nev er do atone. TfM iM niliic Hurt T h e second th in g th e d is e ii^ f felt w as a burning h e a rt. Jo h n C alvin invented a c o a t o f a rm s fo r him self, show ing a n o u t­ stretch ed h an d a n d a b u rn in g h e art, oiT ered.to G od. It m ig h t serve a s th e c o a t o f a rm s fo r all w ho h av e fe lt th e p resen c e o f th e living risen C hrist. T w o young m en w e re arg u in g ab o u t th e Res* uri-ecUon. arid th ey w ere g rea tly puzzled ab o u t i t T h ey a sk ed a m uch o ld er m a n w h at w ere his reasons for believing it to b e tru e. "W hy.” the old m a n said, " I Just talk ed w ith H im th is m o m in tt* ' Life gains a w arm th , a flam e, from co n tact w ith C h rist a s from n o o th e r c o n tac t possible. Je su s a s a h isto rical c h a ra c te r excites o u r cu riosity, o u r Im agination. C hrist a's a p roblem in theology cxcites u s to tliink. B u t C h rist a s a living p resen ce sets life on flre. W ho a re th e people w ho w it­ ness m ost enth u siastically about Jesu s? T hey a re th e ones w ho w in sing. “H e w alks w ith m e and h e talks, w ith m e - , .** T h a t Jesu s lived is in tere stin g a n d im p o rtan t. T h at h e lives, liv e s now . in m e - th a t is life-chant^ing. ' Tin MaitoiU«g FHt A ll around th e w orld th is E a ste r chu rch es wlU b e rlnghig w ith song a n & b rig h t w ith flow ers. In th e m o st unlikely places, th e re a ra C hristians. Y o u wiU find th a t tboM chu rch es in ta r p laces w ere s ta rt­ e d th e re b y m e n a n d w om en w ho believed in and k new th e risen ' Chi-jsL If th e re Is a c h u rch w hich calls itself ‘'C h ristia n " b u t does not beU eve In th e R esu rrectio n , its C ir is t is a s d e a d a s a n y o th e r Iv* gone. hero. S uch a ch u rch wiU n o t sen d m a n y m issio n aries. A d e a d C u .is('h u rrie s no m a n ‘s to b ts t^ s ; e a s0$ n o m a n ’s bu rd en , lig h ts n o m a n 's liour .of sorrow . O nly the - liv in g C h rist k in d les th e bu rn in g t i c a t l o p ^ th e blind ey es, sets ri. - m ^ ’s-fcM upon a ro ck , an d sends th e m o u t, ^ (h e ftrst C hristians, ■ ;tio c K a U ^ e a w orld in hla nam e. f..-. CMt o t th e tw o m en hasten in g ■> " tid m iB m n w u s w e -e b u t th e first ^ h a U ^ > « | e . ^<1 G od’s good WOMAN'S WOBLD . f ' Holiday Mey DesermB^ EfforlsofCook lA o n v U r d t t d m m rlghl . ^ good flavor a n d g e n e ra l attra c. tlveness th a t h a s becom e th e sym . bol of A m erican T hanksgiving de* serv e s th e best o ilo rts of ev ery cooJc. T urkeys a re av ailab le in a w ide v a rie tjT o f sires tro m m e sm all" to u r pound v a riety to la rg e Tom a W eighing w ell ov er 20 pounds. F ig ­ u re onc-half pound o t' ready-to- cook turkey (ev iscerated type) p e r serving. If th e bird is frozen it m ay be iett in its o riginal m oisture-proof w rapping to th aw in th e refrigero- to t. T h is w B i ta k e tw o to th ree d ay s depending upon th e size. If y o u 're in a h u rry , place th e un­ w rapped bird u n d e r running tool w ater. T his w ill ta k e fo u r to six Hours. Cook pro m p tly a fte r de­ frosting. F o r stuffing y ou'll like this slm* • pie b u t good and popular type: B reail Stuffing . <Pe» 14 to Ig pound bird I cu p ra t 1 cup m lneed onion i q u arts b re ail cubcs. firm ty packed (2-4 d a y old bread ) 1 tablespoon s a lt » teaspoon p ep p er 2 teaspoons p oultry seasoning m u z cu p s broth, m ilk o r w a ter Cook onion an d celery in fa t over low h eat, stirrin g occasion* aUy. pof»k until onion is so ft b u t not brow n. M eanw hile, blend sea­ sonings w ith b re a d cubes. Add onion, celery a n d fa t. B lend. P o u r b roth gradually o v e r th e su rto c t, stirring lightly. A dd m o re season­ ing if desired. If you h av e stuffing leftover bake in a g reased loaf p a n o r cas­ serole during th e la s t h o u r of cook- placed lu ld e thigh m usele. the tv k e y is done w hen It reglatera 1M »P. Y en wlU th e n b e a U e to m ove th e d m n u d c k v p and dow n and th e leg Jblni w ill give easily . O r, It yon p re ss th e fleshy p aH o f th e d n n n stiek . H’a d e a « if th e m e a l feels soft. ta g turkey. B a ste w itt) p a n d rip ­ pings If desired. P la n to h a v e tu rk e y o u t o t tike oven 20 to 30 m in u tes before serv ­ ing tim e a s It w ill b e e a sie r to carve, and it w ill give m e a t a chance to ab so rb juices. L im it th e . garnish to p arsle y o r sala d g reens so a s n o t to h an d icap th e c arv er. Gettysburg Gets Bock in Spotlight WASHIMGTON- — G ettysburg, a - ■ isylva ' ------------—so u thern ------------------- •big new s w as once m ade. Is get­ ting b a c k Into th e spotlight. O n Ju ly 1. 2 and 3. 1063. G eneral R obert E . L e e 's A m ^ o t N orthern V irginia a n d G en e ra l G ordon ^(aade*8 A rm y of th e P otom ac (ought one o f'h is to ry 's decisive b a ttles th e re. • F o u r m o n th s la te r P resid en tU n * coin u ttere d “A few ap propriate rem ark s” a t a battlefield cem etery th e re w hich th e w orld h a s noted and r^ n e m b e re d e v e r since. N ow a p resid e n t w ho is also a g en eral is a g a in b rta g in g th e n a ­ tio n 's atten tio n to G ettysburg b y converting a c e n tu ry -o ld fa rm ­ house Into a m odern co u n try hom e only a sh o rt distan ce fro m the I>attlefield a n d 05 m iles fro m th e V ^ ite H ouse. M ore an d m ore. P resid e n t B lseohow er is turning to this esta te to find p riv ac y and >e8ce. ACROSSFormernameotTbkyo•.Painful,tnvoluntattmuscle contractionll.Wide.awok* U .O «M W h9fails to win IS.Oiri'anama 'l.-A-depresslr tothedtfih l».OId m ;t6.T«apoiit«fslanr>IT.Piffpen Known lorm' «fanim«l Hf»91. one who employs tiM MfWcetcC T .A g y p ay •.V ip era •.P la sU v * 10. C om m it depreda* Uona 14. A song fo r tw o people l«.A tiC | a« -v ary ii» f w eig h t (Ind.) ds: E quipm ent 30. T o cook in w a ter 32. F ilam ehU 33. B elow ., (n a u t.) ‘ 35. S ource o fin d lfo 36. R om an poet 39. V inous 41. G olf m ound :4a.M ar«hy m eM ow 44. S pain •(ab b r.) IF YOU HAVE^ been on a'trip';, entertained gue.n - celebrated a birthday caught a biefiih moved.:' eloped'.: - ‘ ^ ' hadababv Iw enlnafight . • o ld y o u r h o g » h a d a n p p e r a tio n b o u g h m a t , , p a in te d v o u r h o u s e IT .P o ln te t M ,A « n a llwood W.C<imiMW 3(>.T«rariw rai.Shaiiowaja.wuwcup ST. In W hat b e e n m a rr ie d c u t a n e w to o lh b ^ t h o t tto le n a n y th in g b e e n r o b b e d • o ld o u r lo tt'v o iir h a ir ' b e e n a r r n t e d Paniiiisa Of Birds SySM ltybiltln* JE B H O W ELL w as n e ith e r pious n o r eloquent, b u t h e w as a good m an.' O nly once w hile I. w orked fo r h im did I know h im to a c t vengefiilly. T hen' h e m ad e use o f b oth p ie ty ' an d eloqum ce. I t c a m e ab o u t th ro u g h Jeb*a hiordbiate fondness to r a ^ itln g cocks. H e h a d several, an d s p m t m u c h of h is lies- ure In groom ing th e m an d p itting th em . T h is la s t w as m u ch de* plored b y 'h la w ife,. M artha. '^Only th e b ru te in m an,*’ She aw rred.** p ro in p ts^ liiin id en ­ cou rag e G od's le sse r c re a tu re s to flght an d k in e a ch other:'* To d riv e th is, p o in t hom e, q u ite oft^ en sh e w ould sa v e one of je b 's ro o sters fro m th is fa te by killing Voiunteers Mon Needed Mobile Unit P IT T S B U R G H -T y p lcal of vol­ u n teer flre d ep a rtm en t units In a sm all conm kunlty is th e B erryville. A rkansas u n it h e ad ed by ^ e f O w en P ay n e. - W hen P a y n e retu rn ed fro m w a r service in 19K h e led a group o t veteran s in a d riv e to provide B erryville w ith a m obile u nit equipped to aid v ictim s o f em er* gencies an d disasters. T he resp o n se w as quick an d generous. A n autom obile . agency p rovided a tru c k a t cost, a tire d e a le r t i e r e d new tire s a t a fra rtio n o f th e ir value. T he v e t­ era n s ' p a in te d th e tru c k them *, selves. S tretc h ers, first aid* sup­ plies. axes.'^t> hovels an d otiter em erg en cy equipm ent flooded in a s th e co m m unity rallied to the ca ll fo r h elp. F u n d s w ere raised fo r th e p u rc h a se o f a n au tom atic artificial raap iratio n Instrum ent. *«W aUll V aauny* Ha*a a wMs.** i t herseU ; a n d cooU ng It u p In • p o t o t W h atev er . w i t c h e r y M arth a p ra c tise d in h e r cooking, Je b 'a ro o sters In h e r dum pU ogs h a d m y unqualified approvaL A t le a st ooa w ho sh a ra d th is view w a s A m oa H e n d e ^ a iriko p re ach ed a t tb a little co m m unity church. H en d e d y w a s young a n d lank» a n d I susp ect, could sm ell -Mar*^ th a 's cooU ng a t a consideraU a d istance. I t w a s rem ark a b le how often hla 'i u s t hapetihtg by** co- inclded w ith th e d em ise o f Je b ’a p e ts a t M a rth a ’s handa. « T h is d a y J e b an d I h a d sto p p e i fo r d inner. A s usu al b e w as talk* ing about h is roosters, particu larly a young new one h e h a d lu st acquired. *‘W ait'U you see B lizzard, Tom* m y. H e’s a « h iz. H is flrst flght wlO b e tom orrow , a n d a fte r th a t .. r i l se t him ag ain st any chicken to th is K C v rA y ." A s w e reach ed B lizzard’s cage ' h e st(44>ed. I'k n e w b y h is face^^ w h at h a d happened. T hen iron­ ically. a w isp o t breeze b rought . th e odor o f chicken dum plings and th e Jovial voice o t A m o s . H enderly. A fter a crestfaU en m om ent Jeb said feelingly rT a m a tlo n l" Then m o re qiA et^. "T om m y, it je st d o n 't seem rlb h t for B lizzard to go^ th a t way..*' T h en . .M arth a ' h ustled him into th e kitchen, try* h)g to do th e sa m e w ith m e. T h e re w as a scrap in g of ch airs, a sen se o f ^ w e d heads, then A m os - H enddrly's voice, ,calling dow n blesstogs on "th is househoU 'a n d these-flne people w hose;w orits a ra evidence of thehr w orthiness.’* T h e re w as a h individual bless* ing for th e “ w orker hi th e field," -- '-.(me. 1 guess) an d a collective ■ one to r th e land, the equipm ent, ■ and everything th a t contributed to th e bounty w hich '/b tess- to th e ir use. an d to the" iile o f th l^ T hy serv an t.” T he *‘Am en'*^-was strong, r knew th a t * H enderly's •: h a d Ufted to ^ re stm iiarely . on th at . b ig bow l of dum p lftg s. Ti^en Je b : .spoke.,.-:. **p2« a eh e r. I’d like to ad d a m ite to th a t blessin .'* • . T h e sh a rp In take of M arth a's b re a th w as covered by the preach* e r's puzzled. "W h y .''o f courael B ro th e r H o w ell." A gain ( to sense o f bow ed heads, th e n J e b 's voice, stro n g a n d clear. “O ur L ord; it seem s lik e we’ve le ft o u t one Im portant contribu* to r to>^thls occasion. T h at’s Blit* za rd ..M 'p ro m lsin a b ird a s I ever see n .' K e h a d sp irit, a n d flre. and w ould'a m ade> a re a l fighter. Now I know fighting' ain’t y o u r w ay, L ord, b u t y ou'll understand, seeln' you’r e th e one m ad e g a m e chick* e n sv th a t w ay. B esides. B lizzard n e v e r done no fightin*. H e novar h a d a chance. S o L ord, if th e re 's a n y a rran g em en ts u p th e re for ^ h t i n ’ ro o sters; I'm asldng you to re m e m b e r. B U zsard. T hank you. L ord. A m en." • H enderly’s ^ l y w as a m um * b le o t w hich I cau g h t only the tw o la s t w ords, “ p o t a t o In* steads” A m ihuie la te r M artha a p p eared in th e door w ith a heap* ing p late, a b ead of sw eat glis* tening hig h on her cheek. “ E a t a ll you w an t o f these. T om m y.” 8h aald. "T here’s plenty. »> d no one else seem s v a ry h ungt^. U m ight b e a long tim e before w e h av e chicken d um plings again.’: Patronizie your home merchants ap^ hdp build up your town a ^ county. ♦ FOR RENT ♦ SPACE IN THIt PAfE* AiTMfe T« Suft V GOOD NEKMSORS-raOES TO Hryow su sM S t Or Done Anything At All Telephone, Or Drop a Postcard, Or Come In, Or In Any Convenient Way Inform ... THE DAVIE RECORD Davie Record Has Been Published Since 1899 56 Years Ctheia have come and gone-your county newipaFer keep* (oing. STtnvtime* it lia< aeem ed bard tn m ake "buckle and toDgua" m eet, -but aoon the tu n ahlnea and we m arch on. O ur faithful M ibtcribert . oiint o f wh<m prom ptly, given* ‘ c b u ra ^ and ^ abiding faith in our . fellDW m an. ' If ^ u r neighbor ia nut taking The Record tell him to aubtcriba. The . price it otfy $1.50 per re a r in . (he State, «r,d $2.00 in other itate*. When You Come To TbWn Make pur Office Your Headqi^arters We Are Always Glad To See You. I lllllBaiMIIIIIIBIIIIIMIIIW .........'........................................^..........r - LET US b o YOUR ^OB PRINTING We can save you money . Orf your/^ ENVELOPES, LETTER HEA bs STATEMENT! k)STERS, BILL HEAP^,JPA:CKET HEADS, E ^ Patronize your hoir.e rtewspaper and W»er<^V^^ liutld up your I tw n and county. THE DAVIE RECORD. D A .yiE COUNTY»8 O IjD B ST N B W S P A P B H -T H E P A P B R t h e P E O P L iE h e a d t THE HOWL'S nOHTS MAINTAINt UNAWKO BT INPLUEMCE AM O u i m u m B Y C A IN ." VOltlMW LVI. HEVS OFtONG AGO What Wat HanMDint bi Da. '^ v l* B r f o M p M h i i K M a l m ^ AbbreviaM Skittal (DiiTie R < r^i Apll 14, 1901) O. W; Sheek tod dtncbter Mlm Clyde, iipcnt Frldiy ta Sillibtity. HIn Bmma Brown, of Sttlsbarr vtalM .H n. 'J. H. S«c«*n list • week. O, U, Hant retunied to bb post • t Cooleenee Jnnctlon Hondar ettalnc, R«r. W. L. Sberrill will be ovl oMown Sanday and'Rev. ). H. Downuin wntpreaeh al ti a. m. Thoa. N. Chaffin ahowcd ns nice buneb'ot tadlabea Monday, the Stat webaveaeen Ihia year. Jacob Stewart and T. B. Baiter left foe Staleatrllle Hradav e*enlB|t to attend Federal court. H la Bmma Brawn wbo attend­ ed the DoatIill.Ppwen wedding re. ta ri^ to ber bone la Sdlsbnry Monday. Hlaa Hamle Sieele, of Rocking, ham, who baa b m vlsltlag her idilei. Mrs. J. Stewart, baa re. inmed home, C. C, Wllllama.baa botiRht' oat O. h. Wrtllaoia and Is now asso dated with Z. N. Aaderaon In the mercantlle.baalaen. F, M. fobn. Bon la no loacer with the firm. Mrs. James McMarila and Httlej daagbter. Bessle, of 'Johnstown, N. T „ retnrned last week after spend­ ing a monlh at Inglealde, Inn. Mrs. E. G. Painter, of Weat Vir­ ginia, who bas been visiting , rels. laHvea and frlrnds la pavie, went to Advance Saturday to vWl her sister,. Mrs. G. A. Alllaon. She will return borne soon. Mrs. (3e'meat. wife of Capt. W. A. Ckment of tbh place, died Mon. day. She bad been alek a lonir while wltb consumption, leam a bnsband, three sons and one da.aghler. The ev»t of the put week In MoeksilUe wab tbe marriage of one of Hoekavllle'a prettleat. fairest and most popnisr yoang ladles, Miss ^ Minnie Douthlt to Mr. T-6 . Powell of Mt; A ry. The marriage took place Wednesdsy evening at "the Metbodfst ehnrcb. Rev. nr. t . Sherrill, aatlated by Rev.' .W. C. Wllllson perioraied the 1 In an Impressive manner.' After tbe w ^ in g the bridal .' party re. paired to tbe residence of P. M. Jobnsmi. nnde of the bride, wbrar a reception was tendered them sod • anmptuous renast was The happy couple left Tbntsdav moraine for a brldlal trip to Florida ' J.'1>« Karfees made bnslnea> trip to Statesville las} week. Mr, and Mra. Tobn Karfees, of Rowan. eoanty,. visited relatlvea near Jericho recently. A preacher Is needed at Tor. lentlne Kbool boase, aa the yonnr people gather there, preach or no] preach. Mrs. V. A. Foster, of Angnsta. bss.a cnrlosltv—an. egg seven and a half Inches Inng. shsped like « common guard with a well devel^j ed handle four Inebes long. H ath Sanford and brother John. W. H. Graves and son Rar)ey, sdent Easier Monday .fishing near Angusia, J. M. .Leelon and Mias Bnmn ^«nl> were married at Advance, Snndsy, G. Tsihert Bsq., offidat. Mrs,^ I, C. iJelllnger whti hss been sick for some lime, died this nwrnlnv at her home at Advance. The b»dv waa shipped to Uncoln ten ihb afsemoan for bnrlal; A husband and four children aurvlve. Tbomm Pmts, son of Oeo. W. Potts, died April titb. at hb home nesr Advance, aged a 1 veara. Re was.one of Dtvie'a briclitaat y ; The boAv was laid to rest in StedvG nm cemetery, ..Rw, V . I,. Slierrill of Mneksvltte, condnct.{ ing the Ittneral wrvlna .• MOCK8Vn.I,B. NORTH CAROUNA, WBDNBSDAY: APRIL 4, iof6 G00D0U)DA1S . Every once In a while an old frhnd of long standing will drop into mv office to talk abotit what was happening in Moeksvllte some 50 veara ago. ' Not long ago Everette Horn, an Old-Hoeksyllte boy who ] now lives in Atlanta and operates a hotel In that buatllng city, dropped arbund to renew bis subscription, and pass the time of day. Everette Is a son of the late Mr. snd Mrs. Osstoa Horn, who moved 10 Mocksvlile from nrsrConnty Line some ..jo^d yesrs ago.' Mr, Horn and hb brother, L. G. Born, cbine here, to build and operate a flour mill. They, wltbthelateT.B. Johnstone, |bnilt their mill nesr the Southern Railway depot, wiiere tbe Moeks- ville Flour Mills sr( now located. For many yesr« tbis mill was mo under tbe name of Horn Brothers & Johnstone. Gaston Horn finnlly soMhb interest In the mill and operated the Mocksvlile Chair Co., for a'uumber of years. This fao* tory was . locotnl on Sallabury Street, abont where Ssm T.atbam's bouse now stands, Aftsr tbe chair factory went out of business Mr. Horn went Into the lumber bust, ness and bought many traels of timber, not only in Davie Ciranty, but lu Eastern Carolina, Mr. and Mra. Horn lived I n the Dolpb GrIflIn house on Lexlngtoa sireet, until their deaths. Mra. A. M. KlmbroOKb, a daogbter ot Mt. and Mrs. Hon< Is still ocen^ng . ITOHIillR 33 theBomhonse.Byerettwas a'stud­ ent St Sunny Side Seminary when a small boy in the early part of the soth century. This sebooi was operated by Misses Hattie '^ to n and Lanra Clemem two of 'the best teachera in tbis section, Htaa Maude Encland, of Lenoir, waa the' music tescber. If I aia a taken she b still litrtng^ A few devs ago. mv old Dr Robert L<^ry, of SaiUbury droDped around to see me. Dr. Boh, as man^ people call him. a aon of the late Hr, and Hra. D. Progress Against tymphomotosis | T«s»HmsP(m *' RMistonce Tlii;u Egg ' An importint tt«p hu been tWten toward eontrrt of . t ott- e n ealled *1» l|:u v er in chickens. In experim ente a t E a tl Ing. H Iehi«ao» reslatan ee to the d ise ase w as p asse d fro m v a c ^ n a te d b en s to ttie ir chicks th r o u ^ th e « if s . I t Is-bcved th a t th is dis­ c o v ery m a y vventuaU y b rin g tld s - $S O *m ilU on^lsyear. p ro U em un> d e r controL • I t h a s b een pointed out, how* ev er, th a t t t e llndlngs m u st be conform ed u n d er a w ide v a rie d o f c o n d itit^ th e technique for vaccination m u st l>e g rea tly siin* piifled an d th e vaccin e produc* tion p u t <m a m o re p rs c tte s l ba«fs. T b e ^ I c k s hatch ed from eggs to ld b y th e te s t h » » b e fo re vac* cinatitm suffered 41 to 70 p e r cent d e a tt\ IM S w h ra liu>eulaled w ith lym phom atosis. H ow ever, after th e te s t h en s w ere vaccin ated only 3 to 13 p e r M n t of th e chicks de­ veloped th e disease, and on the a v e ra g e they survived longer than A. Lower, ot .Connty Llae^ In hla late teena be ctine to Hocks* vine to attend Mbckavilte Adtdemjr selKMl. T think ft «r«ii lo 1S991 tWst be entered tM:hool bere. He ^Tded Wltli Mr. and Mr*. B. .H; ifnrrls. who Uv^ on . Stllsboty . He.left liern atid entered c o it^ tnore than 50 yef>»e aRO. He finlsHH bts collece course and sltsdled medlclae for several ^ara. Some 40 veara ago he went to Ra* llelirb where be waa a pbVtfQlan for many ve*r«a Wblle tbere be our* jchased a lurse farm liear Pavette- vllte. where be planted i petcb or^ard akd sold lbonMt)da of bttsbela ot peacbea eacb rear, Lftter'^on be pnrcbased ae«era|| botidred acres of land near Coun» tr .leioe, where he raised tbonftandi ofbusbelaoff apoUs. ' Dr. Lowenr left - Raleijcb abottl joeodd years ago. moving to Sails*! hnry. where be owned and'operat»| ed tbe Lowery Hoitpltat for at lesst as yetfrs. Tbe doctor and Mrs. Lowery bnilt abeanti in Milford ,HIIU. near Sallsbnry. wben they now reside, and are] taklnc life, easy. Dr. Bob la at. wavs clad to come back to tbe old jbomrconnty and mlnffle wltb Mb' boybood friends, a few of wbotn laresthl.living.' Hla bobby, acver* al years ago, was old gnns and jborae i^at'oU. H re*sboplnc tbat be will live to be a btindred years old and tbat bis shadow will never-i grow leffi. -He baa'one brother j llylng near Connty Line, It. T.| Low^y. wbo is a progressive far Iw. -tarn alwaya glad to meet op, wltb t^e men and women I knew in Davie t ^ good old daya of lone W d w T K h T tT lw h e X| |«arin aftar row n m MANY CHABGES Haa your* wife changed much since you married her?" ‘'Yeatl My hours, mv friends, and my habits]" GET STING "Everyone of Uod’s creatures Is here for a useful purpose. Now what do we learn to m tbe mos­ quito, Willie?” ■‘We learn from the mosquito,' anawered W illie,'I10W easy It b te get stung," COULD CUT IT A lady^ waa entertaining the small son’of a friend, 'Are von suie you can cut your own meal. Tommy?” she inquired, **Oh, yes, thanks,” Tommy an> mered Dolitely. “I've often had it as tough as this at home.” A WIDOWER Defendant (being questioned on the stand): I’ve been wedded to the truth from infoncyt Prosecutor: Is the court to im-1 ply Irom this statement that you are now a’widower! »csl m ay k o U th e a n sw er lo tk e p rrtlc m s« Irm flw nM tM la In b a m y a rd th e I U elUcks In otb- . « » A m erican V ettnarjr M cdteal A a s o ^ tio ii, cam m eaU ng the e ap e ru n a als. noted th s t dndiiiEs w e n u n d er lab oratarjr condttlonB m a rd a tlv e ly sm all n m b e r o f b ird s. .A ddtU onal experim ental w w * an d reflnem ents a re needed b e lo re v etln arlan s w ill h av e this m a te ria l evaH atde la r u se In av­ e ra g e pouK iy flocks. Strong Toes Save Man Falling From Roof > B O STO N — G eorge A . L a c a n e , “ s life to a tro ag tM s a n d t b e _ ^ o t u s u n g ra v e l N e lg b b o r a I n v e s tig a tin g a t o a n g e n a t o e a rly In th e m bm - JW flxm d L ac asse 'auspended by ^ t o e a ^ t h e r o o t o t a l l v e - atorjf ap a rtm en t. Police arrived on tbe aeene %nd U e m was puUed onto the top ®*„*he roof seeonds betora he < «aa^ <Mm exhaustion and By Loub H. Cletnen^ Manager. I was deeply engrossed In psper work wheira-voung lady came in to see ine. Upon looking up I saw a petson I remembered as a young*wldow. You’see our’office had assistedjher at one~titne in fiU ins for mother's benefits. It seem- ed like oiily three or four months ago when she had returned to the office to report remarriage. I could think of no reason for her present call, except that per­ haps It might be to change her address. To start the conversa­ tion I asked her how she and her husband were getting along. Her! reply was; “H iat is why I’m here.] I am a widow again, but relatives told me that because I was not married to my second husband a fiiU year that I caniu>t expect so-) cial security benefits. Is this true?” Questioning revealed that a child by the aecond marriage was bom just a month before his father’s death. Even though the MEET MIS MOTHER Note from teacher to father: 'Johntiv b agood worker but he talka too much.” Reply from bther to teachen “Come home with Johnny some thne and meet hb mother.” had hot been in effect for a full year the mother qualifies for a mother’s benefit because of - the minor child. This young mother b just 2$ years of age but now she |has,a minor child by each marriage six years of age, and one [two months of age. She has al­ ready received mo,ithly benefits for three years for the six year-old child, baaed on her first husband’s earnings, and she will now receive monthly benefits for the second child that will be based on her se­ cond husband’s earnings. She te- wlved 28 monthly payments for elf during the .period after her Laeaasa said he went up to the M< tor some treih air, but stum-M aad slid down the slopT^ iUI bgr holding onto K edge by hb (set Copturad Eagle Proved BoriMnome Guest. MCBBR, Mah. — Kanketh and INdt uwbbe and stanby stasel eai^.baldeagtew llh .bU o a«n lt was wouaded. Then t ^ r bort tker eoii^-t keep up wWi eagla’a cabMtaSay appeWa. eeUldnt km It b e e ^ ^ a W M an. hapeaed i o l ^ ^ peetetype ot tho national «n- btam, and eoaldn’t let It go-Im^ ^ i^ w o a H pray on amaO tern .Ifefecaska’a Oama nttstnn flaalhr to* the Uid loe ai» pur- Hm iUcotd i* on^r«3 cants a n m k. Snhicribe toJ«y. Do i«a iMd Tbe Rmm^? HARD TO GET Calling my wife on the telephone Is a task that makes me dizsy, Vrhen the wire b clear, she bn’t home. And when she's home, it’s busy. JUST TOOT An Indian petitioned a judge of an Ariiona court to give him a shorter name. “What b vour name now?” asked the judge. “Chief Screechtatg Trdn Whb- tle,” aiMwercd the Indian. "And lo what do you- wish to shorten itr asked the judge. The ^ ie f folded hb arms majesUcally and grunted, “Toot.” HONESTY PAYS One of two women riding on a bus suddenly realized that she had neaJected » pay her fore deciue^ right up and pay iC she “Why bother," adced herfrlend. "You got away with it. Why wotiy?" "I’ve found that honesty alw . pays, ahe decUrcd virtuously, and with that ahe hurtled forward to pay ihe driver. In • moment she tjetumed trium^antly. "Tliere, I told you honesty al* ways pays. I handed the driver a larter and he gave me change 50 cental” HILLTOP Service & Supply BEST ^ C E TO GET IT Gas, Oil, Tires And Supplies Staple Groceries Snudl': Enough To Appreciate } Your ButmMt U ife Enoiigli To FiS Your Tm k J. W. HILL Our County And Social Security first husband’s death and 'up to the time she remarried. She will st^i;eceiving mondily payments| herself again, and it b possi­ ble that she may conUnue to re­ ceive these payments for 17 years and 11 months more assuming the second child lives until he is 1^ and she does not remarry in the meantime, Thb b an example of the obli. gallons involved in paying surviv­ ors benefits to childre., and young widows under the Federal Old- Age and Survivots Insurance pro. gram. If you have any question con­ cerning your social security, you might write us at 301 Post Office Bjilding, Salbburv, N. C , or see our (eprcsentative who visits the Court House, Mockavitle N. C., on the first and third Fridays of, each month from IZi30-l:30. Se«i Along Msia Stf^t BHenrv Daniel!ttying to iind 'a - lawyer’a office-Cedi Morrb be­ ing held up alongside bank bulld> ing—Miss Julb James buying pair of blue shoes with two4nch h ^ s -^Mrs. E. A. Eckerdltalking about driving throuidi snow on her way home from Winston-Salem—M k. Henry Poplin looking over display of greeting cards—Attorney Geo. Martin vbidng Mocksvttle Cash Store-Mrs, Jack Sanford looking over mail in postoffice lobby— Louise Blackwelder pausing .fet refreshments In drug store—lohn ' Groce and Clarence Carter doing some work in court house—Mrs. B, Boone hurrving up Main atictc Ion chilly altembon—Young lady buying 14 Easter baskets in dime store—Duke Whittaicer doltig' a U. tie clerical work In court house -M ts. lack Pennington and small daughter getting ready to go home -Rev. Robert Oaklev buyhig new Easter suit In Men’s Shop—A, E. Alford talking about driving A m snow on his way to South Caro­ lina—J. K. Sheek famblhsg around the square on cold morning—Mr, and Mrs. C J. Cohen shoppliig a- round in Moore’s store pIcUng up bargains on Wednesday moin- Ing-D r. and Mrs. S. A. Haidlog and Senator B. C. Brock chatting in front of Davie Cafe—Mra. T. W. Brown doing some drug store shopping C. J.' Wilson ahoppfatg around in depannient store on cold m o rn in g ^ . R. ABen and J.L.JoHyahoptdngin apothecarr shop—Young ladies loqkhig at ihoe dbplay in Sanford's window Shoaf Coal & Sand Co, We Can Supply Your Needs IN GOOD COAL, SAND and BRICK Call or Phone Ua At Any Time PHONE 194 Formerlv Davie Brick &Coal Co —Young children skating In 6 ont of court house and getting some hard bumps-M bs SalUe Hanes parting vrith steel engravings of George Washington—Elderly wo­ man walUng up Main street cat- rvlng rod and red—Mrs. Friese Bowden loolcing for a Blum's Al- >ac—Mrs. Frank Fowler buay selling movie tickets—Sheek Bow­ den getting ati early noming cut while Fletdin Oidc gets' a shave—Mrs. Raymond Foster in town on cold momiog getting ber driving license—Mrs. L, I. Hunt­ er rolling baby In baby cart around the square on warm afternoon- Fmnk Smith wielding a broom in front of drug store -M bs Osalc Allison wanting spring to come— Mrs, Clifford Reavis taking a u>f lee break with no coffee in sight !—Mrs. James Wall, Tr^ look^ig at greeting cards—George Hendricks busy selling brooms around the square^M rsV#, M. Umg remark­ ing that ahe didn’t see General Ike while in Washington, but' did Vice-President Nbion. Adminutrator's Notm| Having qualified as Admintetra- m of the estate of H. C. Foster, deceased, late of Davie Countv North Carolina, thb b to notify all persons having claims against said estate lo present them to the undersigned within twelvemonths from date hereof or this notice will be pleaded in bar of Ihehr r i^ t to reeover. All perauns owing said estate will please make immediate Thb the 22 day of February, 1956. • MARY FOSTER AND ER,AdminlI. H FOSTER,/Of a C. Foatet, Deceased. HaU&!ZaehatT.Altoioevs. Priiiicess Tlicatre WEDNESDAY “TRAIL OF THE U5NE- SOMEPINE” In Technicolor W ith Henry Fonda & Fred MacMurray Caitoon THURSDAY & FRIDAY ‘MAN WITH A GUN” W hh Boh Mitchum & Ian Sttrtlng . Cartoon & News SATURDAY “FOUR GUNS TO THE BORDER” In Color With Rory Calhoun &Coleen Mnirr Caitoon & Serial CINEMASCOPE MONDAY & TUESDAY “RAINS OF RANCHIPUR” In Color WIdi tana Tomer & Richard Burnm. Nct« PRICE: R.«.lac£hon*dalisiic CMIdisn lia GINBIIASOOPE Adana NaOMMssa t e OAVIB (XHINTrg SnOWVAUIE