01-January'^1:■ W The pavie Hecord D A V I E C O U K T T T 'S O X .D B S T N B W S P A P S B - T H E P A P E S T H E P E O P L E K B A D 'iSsi -IWtt SHALL THt KMS. THE PlO nm MOHTS MAMTAlHi IINAWID OT IMfLUIMCC AMS UNMUKD »r OAIM • VOLUMN LVI.HOOKSVtLLB; NORTH CAROLINA. W BDNBSDAT M NHARY 4, ti,6 NUHBBR at MEWS OF LONG AGO. WIiiU .WM Happmtat In Du- via.iBafora Paihint' M«t^ And Abbreviatod Skirtt. : (Pwle Record, J>d. ‘ 8, 193a) r Howard, of Dotham, vbit; cd reUfins in iiimi lut week. ► - I. R.Bnit^^ of Hickory, was t jrtMMr liere dntInK tbetaalMiys, :v-viRt*. J, W Braxton, a nudent ' .at Duke Unlveraltv, vlnlled triendt '•■..bere'iait »«!k. ■ > Poatmarter I. L. Staeek and «on '.'I. i;K; Staeek spcnt'One days Iasi i^ .wcekjln Charlotte on buatooss. ; “ Rack'’ Allison of WllmloKlon, • . ■pent''several day a In town witb .vhome folka dorlng the holldaya. ' Mr. land Ura. Dewey Casey, ol I Sonttaem pines; spent the Cbrlsi , mas holidays in town with home ;-folka.'. - " E . H, Frost,-who rambles a- rotisd old Kentocky selliDK tobacco 'apent the Cbrlslmas holidays hen wItb bis family. , \ Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Daniel and dtaglitet. Mlis Pauline, spent Christmas in Slatesville with Mr*. Orant’a ^rentsi. . MIsa Elira Sbeek. of lK>nisbqri! , ColleiEC facnlty spent th« holidays In town tb« guest of Mr, and Mrs. 7 L. Sbeek. Thos W Rich Is spendinc the winter at Miami Beach, Florida, in Ihe annshlne stale. Mr..Rich will be (way uniil'sprlng. Mr. an*» Mrs. J. F. Adcock and little daughter, of Cumnock, speui ^jCjii>Chtl|itmia in town with- Mra._Ad- cock's parents, Mr. and Hrs.~ W. L.C*U. ; QIann Cartiier, a atnent at H. C. State, Raleigh, spent Cbristmss bare, with bis pannts. Hubert Caniicr, a former aiudent at N. C. State haa accepted a position wii^ th« Methodist Children’s Home, Wlnatao-Saleo, and will look after i tlie dairy there. f W. F. Stonestreet was right bad* lir^bniiaed op last Toesday morn, lag aa a result of the Uerchanta wbolessle Grocery truck turning oyeron bim near conrtney Mr. Ston^rM said tbc brakes failed 10 •rorfc. Hiaa Doutbit a nieceof Mr. Stmestreet was with him, but snf. fared only slight braises' The :track was damaged rigbt mach. : June Meroney, of Lenoir, spent Christmas in town with hone folks. : B. H. Woodruff, of Gadsden, Ala , was a visitor here d'uring dur. Ing the holidays. ■ ’ Misses Hsiel Walker and Rnih Daniel spent one day the past ' week in Wi»ston.Salijm. Mr. and Mra. Jobn ^.' IxGrand apent the Cbri^mu holldaya with r ^ relatim and friends at Allendale, 8v C. Mr. and Mra. W. B LeOrand, ol Florida, spent the Cbristmaa holi. ' Vava In town, gueats of Hr. and K n. W. R. UGrand. ; William Stockton. Who la super^ .'•Intendcnt ol the . Charles Cotton iftji.;': Hills at R«d Sprints, spent Christa %f i imaa in town with home lolks. ,'l\, Mra.' Leonard Ballentine, ol Car 1:^5 i'- . -denas, spen) the holidays with her ® ' ' fpirenta, Mr, and Mrs. W. S. Wal ' . kcri on Route 1. 1.' Mtronev left Sundav on a " ' '' Easiness trip <u Cbatlanaoga. V :,Mr. and Mrs.. f^ A. Diniel nsailj iJi ' business trip to Charlotte -Wed, '■eaday. ■ 1 W-i' -'i ^ AnJeraon MIss.Sallie Kanes’.were' shap> ‘ 'S v ^ug in Wlnston^slem Prlday^ Mr, and Mr*. G. N. Ward, Mias - '.'Raiel Ktirfeea and Loonle Lanier ''attendee a party lb Winston Salem ! 'list-w*k. Klven/by :Mr. and ' Mi». Chnrcb. ■ . S. M. Call apeiit the Chrtstmaa l'\T bolidaya witb hia brothers at ^Ima i.l.and Wllaon. Do ran rmd TIm liUewra? t W}&- OPEH FORUM Accordltiff to wtait we btve ben Uaghi, Cbristmii was tt«rted to lebrete tbe birtbdev of the I^rd Jesvi Cbrlet. tbe Prinee of Peaee, Ibe creator of the worMa end tbe redeemer of mankind, tike tbe wise ffleo 00 tbe blsbt of bis birtb. veve gifts to him. It became etiato. toerv. for tbe people celabraHB'fr Cbristmaa In tbsM last da^a tbslve to their friends and relatives gifta. It abould be «tven in tbe name of tbe tord it we are trnly celebrctloS bis birthday. As time went on our ahrewd mercbanta saw tbe oppor* tnnltv of commereiallzlnK tbe oc- <«fiion and inereaae the volume of btialneiis done,- So today ' a loog month before Cbrlatmaa the salH campaiffQ la on and even tbe goiv. ernment predicts great bnalneaa for tbe Cbrlatmaa.festlvltlea. As time went on the a|^ltlo«r of Cbrlatmaa was altered to 'read Xmaa. Some one has aald ‘*X*’ was used to de­note m)metblne not oaderstood, sticb aa X«ray. Thia waa naed b<^ cause when x.rav was f rat discoy. ered they did not know what It so they placed In front ofrsy to denote they did not know estct. 1y wbat or how tbe rav operated. So somMtie has changed tbe apelU Ins of Chrlstmaa hv n«lng Xmaa. One man has well stated his viewa In regard to this change of apelUoff hy saying they droptwd! Christ from Mss, and placed'In front of M an In other worda said be, tbey took out tbe welt known name of Cbrlst and not In something they do’ not know abont. He added tbat completely leaves out the Kedee«» er of tbe world. A« I often see and read abont drtinkett ptrtles eod reckless drlvlrig resulting In deaths on *he highways, makes roe tbink of tbe time Jestis watched ' peoDle come to tbe temple from varlotis. lands* and while there s^k to make aacrlfices in the temple, io tbev would purchase tbe gifta for bnrni offerings, and because they bad money from their own countries it bad to be changed Into coins of tbe land where tbe temple was located. So wise merchants, realUiog ibeir opportunity, set op banka to n . cbtnge ibe money for Interest; then tbedoiw aad lamb merchants.'1b stalled cages and pens to bold their fowls and stock; tbeo tbe caltleneo, set up tbeir pena to bold tbe., btiU locks for sacrifice. t*be place mob resembled a falrgronnd. Ko doobt Ibe vendor of food set ap bis grill and iHirked bis atock In trade to the traveler. As cbe Lord wltseaacd this festivity end jnbilsnt spirit dla playod by everyone present to . tbe extent the mission to be perfofmed Inside the sacred walls had been lost and In its piace;.the spirit of feativity. waa the real 'tbing. Cbriat conld not endure longdr to see tbe, Bouse ibat bad been dedicated uo to bim many irears Iwlare. desecra. ted by those who did not appreci* ate the true meaning of tbe .sawd or^tnabces to be aitended to in the temple, so tbe Master made a wblp from cords and proceeded to clear tbe groundH oF tbe stills aod cagea : of fowls and animala. Be lik^wiae kicked over the mnneycbcngefi te bles and rebuked everyone partici pating, .We have no record of any one cballenglng bis act. W beo't boy .1 remember bearing older mei reter to buying tbeir Cbristmaa \\ quor. Some said they . needed Irtm to Kiv.e them tbe Cbristmaa spirit. I don't know, not l^avidg experience, but judging from^'r.ob servatlon^Hquor can glve;pne oicMt any type Mpirit deblrt-d, providinV they use It in right qnantiiiea. to produce tbe desired fcfling. When we put Christ back into Cbrlatmaa aod replfiiee fejttiviry.ivhb' worship and give gifta Hite • the wise men gave and sing songs of worabtp, no doubt heaven will join In with us end tile angels will slog songs sjllw oeace.on earih and good „will, toi ward ibt'U. and the apirit of^ the Lord will be witb ns in ’ sbundance abd men will not ne^ spfritsw lb toxican s'to give }be true mcanlof of CbfiMmss When the world tea* cties tbe point thev are ^ni^lona. to get tbe spirit Of the Lord, he will icohie to 114 as'a nation aod..sa world and give us ble^ings'tevbpd our capacilv cf endurfnee, Sucb a tife la not too rigid.fo’t anyone .to live. All we OMd Js i,? siody. tbe gospel aod seek the bl^Kinea pram* ised to.tbe faitbfcl.: Tb«i ''peaiee will come to'our minds'Wd in'^ 11 be pr^parittg for hla conuog,' ' I.L. r" lk a m N .C GOOD OLD DAY& VfCenllnncd Fiam .Laat Wcck)« In looking back' throtigb tVe vesrs I am reminded of the wonder. ftil atrldea that have been ui Iranaportatlon. Half a ceialnry ago there were no trucks or buses oper. sting throngb Davie County. All freight waa handled by the Souths em Railway Into Hocksvllle. Some of the rural merchants would go to Saliabnry or W<naton and .baul tbeir go^s in wsgoiM There were no ice planta In Davie couiiiv and Ice was shipped here from Wins, ton by freight Ernat Hunt hand led Ice and soda pop In hia father’s hardware store, if t am not mis­ taken.' ' Coming back to some. forty.odd yesraago I can remember when Uncle” Milaa Foater. a merchant at Bphnus, boogkt a Ford touring car from Sanford Motor Co. Mr. Foster used tbe car to baul freight from tbe Mockavllle depot Io his ston. He also occaslon.lly hauled drummers iq different psrts of; the snrfonnding Mnntrv, and ao^e* times be woul<1 csrry yoiing men to Ssiisbnry. One day some of tbe iMiva hired Mr.. Foster to^carry them to Coeleemee. On hia way down .the dirt highway be atepped dowti on tbe gaaand rbe Ford, waa makitig good speed~ |Mrhaps 15 or 30 miles per bnar: One of the yonng'men on tbe back atat Iraned forward and asked Mr., Foster if be didn't'tbiDk he wss rnnning too faat • that tbe car might turn over and kill (he^ Mr. Poster didn’t slack np, bui tutaWl ' bla head a ronnd and said, “ well. I'm ready 10 go, aint you." The boya aaid they wire not leady. On another pc. caalon be had a aaleaaan in hla car. Tbe car waa bnuping along ovet the rough toads, and the ulm an Wanted to know what was the mat­ ter with tbe car. Mr. Foster told himtbat, one of hia tires bad a bole Io It, and that be staffed the caateg witb atraw. He aaid bis Fori wbiiU tnn with or wllhoui air.' ’ T. M. Hendtix, who lives on North Msin street, ifss another man who purchasing a Fard tour, ingcar Ifom Sanford's about 40 yeara ago. Tbeae cara aold from a. I»ui f49B,to ^00', .The cara weie ^nipF^ with cuftalna ai^ when it rained tbe ear waa itopp^ and the eiittaina buttoned on. Iii raid weather the pasaengera wdnid ‘ al> most.fime,.! ' I uade one trip with Mr. Hand. rtic wbicb I will never fbrgei, and my wife and three chil<lrM< and Mr.' ani Mra, Hendrix and dangb^ ter. Harv Alien., decided we wanld make a tili> to Hickory In Tom'a Ford and apend a taw. days In my. old boma town. We left Mocka^ ylllc'abont 9:39 a. m , one morn, Ing and went via SaUsbnty, wbeie Mra. Hendrix atopped - long en. «ngb Is bar Mary.Allen. beraaall dangbter. anew bat::. W*vl*>t:’Sa liabncr abortlv befwe.'^itrfc ironble didn't t*gin .nniil'fwe. gbt beyond Staiasvllle. We mre roll­ ing aloiig about ao tnlles:' per;, Ifont when all a once a bark tire blew out. , In thaw davs .ibe cara. bad to be jacked, up. ibe tire priztd off and the inner tube vnlnnlc^ It iobk aboai.'aii hour to ddthla wurli. We got back in ibe o r and.hcaded arest.' In'abont: to minnfea. an- other tire blew oni,‘ Tbisrbappen. ed thrM timea In a distance; of. a. bont'15 miles We arrived in New ton: abont 8 o’clock that night. All tbe More«;weie cloard and, we bad to liunta tn'eubani abd,get. him 10 go to feia aiiile’and sell ns a. c^ngj In tboae daya: ihe;e were few aer viix. :atailoaa and, fewer garages. We Bnallv.'got lbe new ^ t , and eifrted on tbe laatlapof onrdo mile trip. -We a rrl^ lor-Blckorr abont io o'clock tbat l'nlgbt;. titjM land tadngry Altihad riaken.. naVa- boni itabonrato 'oneeir the te mitee'. With good anloawIlM. and fine blfbwaya we can iiow' niak: ; tbia trip in about one'toiir- .BowilnMa bate diangnd In tlie ^ 40 :4^ n .J rm anhoneat man. It’s printed all overmy face." Editor: We, top, make some ty­ pographical errora' now and then. There’ll have to be some proof­ reading.” I HOPED SO Tourist: Looks like we might have some rain. Arizona'Native: iSould be. I sure hope so . . . not for myself, but for the kids. I’ve seen it raiii. AGREE W,1TO THEM An Air Force maater sergeant in North Africa was briefing his fel­ low Texws. "Our job here la to ^rontot«;good will and/frlendli- nesa, . We’ve got to be polite to the natives^ K.diev say' Afriia is bigger than 'Tena, just agree with them.”'., • DAT AM ORATORY A Negro was ettdeav NEW ORDER “Dear Sandy Klavva; I wanna put in a nety order quick', as I jest found all the tiiinga which I ast you for undnthespateroombed.' SOMfe PROoiREADING Man, applying for placeinnevn- paper ■ office said. ."Mr. Editor, OttrComtyAnd Social Security: By Louis H. Clement. Manager., ‘n ia year for'the fine time all famera who netted IMOO or mote lit 1955 from farming must file ttx retuti)S by April 15,1956. Proper tax.retuma and advice coiiceming taxea cati be obtain^ from the Federal Revenue Department. This ^ocial secunty credit: will mean,much to farm famlllrs. Sup. we take the case uf a youtig make cleu to a ftlend juw what constitutes ontory. . •1 wilt etuddate,*; he said. —If you say black am white,, dat am foolish. But if you aay black ara white and bellera like a boH. «n’ pounds de table with both fists, dat ain iwatdtvr -.1.'. - - • HONEST CONEESSION A TOollbby had to apologlte for fbigenlng bis aunVa l^ h ^ y . He sm te: ”I ain sor^ I forgot vout bitthday. I have no excuse, and h VouId serve ine right if you fbr- got n r ^ on Priday.” , BETTER MOVE Agentle.’Q w ^ , who hnting'a Mlse at l/ob a. ni,i got up tad dissiwered'a hiiti^aT liuslly at y i ^ titling lUa giiii' lw came tack'0^ : atood quietly V In the doorway. “Frlind," he said, “I imiild do^thee TO harm' tor the world;^ biiC:: thou aiandeit right where l am j|boutt& s|^^ DoYotiRM 4riM iUconir WE'VE SCOOPED THE MARKET siiomuKisiiviMs m s o M s i w i ; ^ TOWiMM'iW.',' V rWWHAI>«PA'-.V ' NSSrON^ 0 A .a n ImplcmeDt Co. '■J ■' numa96 M o c k ^ K C . and prasperous brmerwith a wife and child. His eanusgs up to $ 4 ^ a year are’taxable for aocUl security. In the event he should die soon after the close of ^ his sc; cond crop year under social secur­ ity and had tnade the maximum of S4 06 in both years, the widow and amall child would receive a monihlv benefit of $162,80. Few farmera-make $4200 a year. Let us consider an instance where the farmer makes llZiDO a year on an average. At that.rate, he can qualify for $55 per month when he ls iS5. Hia wife, after .reaching 65.' may qualify for ^7.50 W month, ora total of 182.50 for the two. If a farmer who inakes $lv 200 eai^ year crop years' If the minimum requiremmr) aftw 1954 ahould die surviWdbya widr ow and two young children, $82.50 could be paid them , every ^ n th , terminating ?when the youtigett chUd reaches 18. Payments to the widow could be m um ed when she reaches 65. Wifte your Social Security Qf- fice'for a htkiklet showing ^nefiu i^^U e fam families under. sMial security. Fanners are'iremlnded not to overlook the fillip of that tax letuth before AprU 1 5 .1 ^ ' >U you haw any question cm> cetnlng your social seciiritji, y<m might write us at 36l 7Post O & e B jildlng. Salisbury. N. C„ or see bur TcpreMntative who'visits the Court House, Mocksvllle’ N. :C, oh the first and th ld ; Fridays of nch month from UrJO-f^. Shoaf r ; ^ ;■ We <2an Supply Your, tfeeda - IN GOOD COAL, SAND , and BRICK Call or Phonic Os At Any Time PH O N EW Fdrmerhr D^vle ^ & C o a lC O Se^ Aloof Main Street Br Tba Street Rambler. ' ’ ‘ ^ ooonoo . . ■' Mn.:Woo<Iraw Howell io a l^ ; ‘ throuf^'sibty bbolu lit drug stoic' --Chariie Vbgin l i b a ^ V a ^ d folloHlng a foN on liy toornloc^’ M es people busy exchW ng tlea ' atid ;Bbcb.'for>'uabmda\ who' rC' ^w d'glA s fioni t^M 1^ ^ !C- C.'CWapmati' ^lldng''a-; "■ bout' goiiig. tib the ihountsilaa— She^Beii'Boyle's bn his way. to bank wlA liitid: ^ dollar bills^P^m inim tdtim ^ k in g tiiat he ^ w m ’i ' t ^ n | any New Year resoludons;' so h « ' wouldn’thave to tirak any-^Mrs. Ciairence Hartman carrying large baskn of . sandwiches ; ;iii'to drug store—Johnny. Whiw rambling up and doym Main street; bn. « ^try r morning-Philip S tbttesn^ part- ; ing with stMl 'ctigraving of Aba Lincoln- Tiller of the soil;' want^ ihit coknciw how foHce got dim the Christniaa seasbtk without g^.. trig bi:bke-Vance McOugai.i who fills preiii^ptiohs, haWng to te r n ' tJwii^tO'buy a cake plate-r-Mh.B^ I. Smith, Tr., dc^gsomb s^bpplnt in ^Moore’s ' D i^im efit Stoiv—; a Sheek fowden, Ir., stat^ l^, to ; . f m t of drug stoic wiidi a big auii clutched tlghthr In Ohe han j^Jim : Siiiith vituiiag to know s i ^ the but sniiW feU oit a mas day^LMUaOahleidrlitUnga Clip of hot eoSti bni- taw,'nibtnliiili: ^N lck Mando busy as abee ill tw ^cket—M lu S a r^ ' Oatiliicr looking' over 'niiili -Io ; poaMflkei Ibbl^-MrsVRi Wi soine cold afteriipdh} shbpploi:: in diiM'sebn M »' D; G.' T ii^ ^ shopping aroiund towtt' cm nchttly' ■norniiW '^^ln'M ^iSiie R anto i bn Ker'way^dbwh^Maln iatreet^ ' Youhg la ^ rm aHdngr dui^ slie waa '^ d tiiat Oiristmas wai'o«<F— -T^ior Call gi>4ng aged iciliiea .*i dollar ib;gMa hate^biit-^Don Hca-\ den g^eetltii fcienda 'Id frodt'. of - pbstblBecrrBol^ tu n - busy filt. Ing pit^ptlpoer'R ibbcit Baatof-: er hur^iig diMi> D «ot atnet—; Gebrge'lfattinjan ahoi^taig aioutid, in apothecary shop—Pink RirtUdgt' hiirrying Qut j^'Sanferd’a sto^ to naei^ a i ^ ^ I n a c Quno raoAU^V around town on a cold dmr-4tcy. W a^ H ota>ena,:M (^ey er <*d‘? NaiMileonV. to b b t, talktog tliiniis over In fim t t^baribwsli HILLTOP -rMiss Jblinale Ellla/dbiv a : afte^oon shoppmg^l|it>nca- Ndt ' aiid: ,Flo Bennett, rdaxtog afcw: the holiday rush -rR b b en oS^ and Frmk StKH^, Jt.,talk^oycr j coming events ill front Moito; I villbCashStore-GalthetSaitfMMf , Jr.; ciiutlng wiih threi) pret^ |irb , In Leslie's Men’s : Shop r A .toppif - New,.Year tovall folka 'who iW ,; this columit and to aOmrwho' a te, tob^busyto.rcad aitythlng. . C a » , O U i T j r w i And Supfdles Staple’Grbrerieii Small Enough To Appreciate Your Biuineu . Large Enough T o. FiU , Your Tank J. W. HILL Owner r: i i v:.: WEDNBSDAY V ^ “MAGNIFICENT MATADOR* In Color With ' Maureen O ’Hara & A n ^ T Quem' Oartgoo Princess "^C IN E M A SC O PE . THUKSDAy &. PRlDAy ■ -6 > HELL AND BACIP ^ In Color With Aiidte M i i ^ /; SATURDAY ' -iSHOTGUN'’- With SterU og.lU y^ Yvonne D e ^ o ...'CartooD' '&■ Seilal ^ aN E M A seoPE , MONDAY &iTHS LEFT HAND^^-, T; In Color W tt^.Ifofflpbr ' BoliattifiLGma.Ticnicy; ’’.fe'r:, i-Ri'f CiS:OMdssa Us - P^OBTWO rV v \ n i OAVIB RW»RD. MOCKSVlIXe. H. r JANl ART i. IM( THE DAVIE RECORD. C. F i U ^ STROUD, EDITOR. TELBPBOMS _____J ■ttiMPiMtafflM inMoeta;*m«. N. C.. M Sceond-elaw IT iMtUr.Ifucli^.l9M>. ^SUBSCnrnON KATIS: s n m m ^ M 'K C ^ ^ A * om YBA*. OUTSIDE STATE • I SIXMOimKOinSIDBSrATIi - I l i i . A haopT m d ptoipecoui 1956 M an of OUT naden everrwhcre. \tTe have lecelved an intentting letter fiom out old friend Frank T. Bativ, of San Carlo*. CalKbmia. which will appear next week. It It well worth reading. When the editor «ee< a fsUow who ow n hlm a two or three doh -|ar auhtciiption, huv a bratid new automoUle and drive away. It makea raid.editor feel like making ■oine remarkt that wouldn’t aound good in a newtpaper, much left a Sunday, fchool quattely. We apeak from experience. Don*t Forqet That Marketing Card Tobacco farmers ace required by law to return their marketing carda lo-die local ASC Office at the'close of the marketing season. H. b. Godfrey. Administrative Ofllcerfor the ASC State Com­ mittee, predicts that again this year many farmers will ne^ect to return their marketing cards and will have tfaeir 1955 allotmenla re­ duced f<n failure to tetuin mark­ eting c at^ and other violations. Out of thelarge number of tobac­ co growera in the slate only a few win forget to turn in their book: however, hUure tu tetuin chese cards defoitely hurts the fnmera whose allotments are reduced and It also slows up the work, in the C ^ l y ASC office considerably. .'Godficy says that regulationa provid. that the producer must return fo the countv ASC office each tobacco marketing card is­ sued (or t h e farm within 30 , days after the close of the markea In the mnerar locality. Many 6irmeta are putting off returning the tobacco maketing cards. Flue cured tobacca farmers, with a percmt acreage eut last year and another cut in acreage for the next year should not uke a chance of losing more acreage fi»m mote caideasneas, . Mrs. S. i4. Bailey M n. Mittie Jane Bailev, 77, wife o( S. A. Bailev of Mock^llei Route 4, died at 9 a. m.. Wednes' day, at idte home afm a brief ill- One of the most enji^ble events' '■ of the holiday season was the big, Christmas party given % e em­ ployees of the Monleigh Garmmt Co., at their plant in W itt M o ^ - viUe on Wecteesday, Dec. Zlst . I A bounteous dinner,. consisctog. of barbecue sandwiches, weliiets, saladsi deviled e m hot and cqld drinks, 6ne homerbaked cdcM and pies, pickles of all kinds, waa en. joyed by the employees, the o ^ - ers of the plant and the Record editor.: ' Following the dinner, w en ex^anged by the emptoyen, and the rompany gaveall their work­ ers bonus checks and beautiful comforts. The gifts were placed under and around a lovely Christ­ mas tree. The employees ptesenv ed Mrs. C. A. Blackwelder a love­ ly dinner ring, and to Mr. Black- welder a suit of clothes. The Monleigh Garment Com­ pany has been in business here for nearly eit^t yeitts. They be­ gan operations widi seven em­ ployees. Today tile company ex- ploys 135 workers and has a floor space of 21,000 square feet. The annual payroll is $225,000. The plant manu&ctures ladies pajamas and sport shirts.. C. A. Blackwel­ der is presMent of die company, and Mrs. C. A. Blackwelder Is vice-president- The happiest one at the party was litde Miss Venita, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Blick- welder, who reeved enough gifts to make the party one tliat she win never forget. Plant No. 2, of the Monleigh Garment Co., located four miles west of MocksviUe on the Yadkin- ville Highway, is expected to be | ready to begin operations in the near futuie. This plant will em­ ploy about 100 woikecs. *ne Monleigh Ga.ment Co. hat helped our town to grow and has given employment to manv Davie w d adjoining county people. We trust that 1956 will be the best year the company ha* enjoyed since going inro business here in 1948. A happv New Year to die M i^ Bailey was bom in Davie County. She was married to Mr. Bailey In 1900. Surviving ate the husband; four tons, Farris biley of Mocksvilie, Route 3,OdeU and Sam Bailey of Cooleemee and James Bailev of Speiice^ two daughters. Mis. Hsiel Cioitt of Lexington and Mrs. . Sallie McDaniel of Charlotte; 15 grandchildren; seven meat-grand . Children; three brothers, and one aiater, :' Funeral services were held at 3:30'p. m., Fiidav at No. Creek jBapiriM EMer W. W. . 'iPagg officiated. Burial was in the I ' ■ In the church cemetery. . t r Mrs. J:B, Walker Mrs. I. B. Walker, 77, of Mocks- Ivyf.i-?; «ill« Route 1, died Dec. list, at native of li’tetSKjiiiOavteA-oum of tlie »nd;Mts. Richard .Stroud. V „ ' d«iglM*ft»«taMM7 Ellen Walk- libnie; and a half broth- 'of Mocksvilie.' ^' nd'’ae^f^'w ere, heldvat ■■ 2 Metho- aim M iriih' Rm. Robert •iRw. C. W. Fink of- owners and employees. The Johnson building on D» pot street, adjoining the Mocka^ ville Lautidty, was dam ac^ sever­ al hundred dollars by lire, water and smoke about 10 o’clock on Friday evening, Dec. 23rd. It is thought the fire was caused by an oil heater. Pact ol the celling was burned. The building was occu­ pied by Pratts* radioandtelev sion shop. The contents weie i m ­ aged tome by water and snioke. Pratt brothers, owners of the shop, have moved their business to the rooms formerly occupied by the Health Department in the Knox Johnstone building o n South Main street, and are prepared to do vour radio and television work at anytime. C.,11 and seethemin their new location. Mrs. E. M. Keller Mrs. a M. Keller; 74. of Mocks- ville. Route 4, died unexpectedly Dec. 26. at the hotne of her- son, Joe Henley Keller, in OrMnsboro, where she was visitiiui. Mrti Keller was bora in Rowan County, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Henly. In addition ’to' her son, Mr^ Keller is survivd by two grand children. Funeral services wererheM a t,2 p, m. Wednes&y at South River Methodist Church In ^w an . Mrs. Keller had m any friends in the K ap^ community, where ' ahe Ihred for inanv yearsi M r s .J .F .€ n m Mrs. I. K Griffiihi 69. of Ad- va'iiee. Route.I, died at her home Dec. 2ist. She had been Ul for tome tiine. Funeral services were held at Y ^kin : Valley Bapri'st dhiirch church un Dec. 22, with Rev. George Bruner and Revl' Al- vis Cheshiie officiatitig and the boJvlaid to If H ill the chiirch cemetety. Among the autvlvlng tW d w b p d r U d lo icst cbad.enm M n.U w rcnceSm lth. V lhtocity; To All Our Friends And Cnttomers We Wish To Extend Our Sincere Wishes For A Very Happy And Prosperous NEW YEAR Visit Oar Store Often During The Combg Year Hall Drug Co. Phone 141 N. Main Street We Give S & H Green Stamps Our Sincere Thanks For Your Patronage During The Year That Has Just, Come To A Close. We Will Strive To Serve You Even ' Better During The G>ming Year. REMEMBER *Happy Motoring Starts At The Esso Si?n” W. N. SMITH ESSO SERVICE PHONE 227 N. MAIN STREET ■!4 # '■ INTEREST ON 1955 TAXES Goes hto Effect Feb. 1st PAY NOW 'And Save Additional Costs KATHLYN REAVIS Davie County Tax Collector • I I t lo o k iB h i g h p r i c e d / . . . b u t t V s t h e ' 5 6 C h e v r o l e t ! ! W ho tPonMii’t mUtadie thli nmr Chevrolet for • hlgh-prleed ca rl: It looks, (trletlr "upper bracked’. with' its bold newi Hotorsmle styl- Ins ..... its longer,towerhtMd.;. Its proud new fvll-widtfa grille.' ' . But, even beyond the oostly" gpr. ' peann<» of Its beautiful Fisher, Chevy gi<«s the hiL . can • ran tor thirir monegr. I ’ THf Niw in AM won cotwt ' you Hghtalng acceleration for safer ; passing; Horsepower ranges up to . v205l AD engines now have hydrau* . lie-hushed valve lifters.: ; Besides, you' get safety door Utches In aU models. You can also have ; seat belts; wiiii ;0r..wlfli0ut shoulder hamessi; and:;^instmment\ panel padding at extra cost . Come hii^way^est a, Chevroktt THB HOT W II^K V K N HOTTKR-\ PENNINGTON C H lfi® , PHONE 1S6 'St* IfffiDlVlEltECQM). OUkrt b Tlw No'Liquor. WiM.BMT Ads Mrs. A. W . Cos and 'lAlldfCn spent .Qiclstmas widi her. paien«, Mr. and Mrsi AT... A;< Burfo«a. at Asheboto.:. V ' NEWS AROUND TOWN. , Mr. snd Mrs. Frank Cecoal and litde -son vapent the ChI«a^ mas holid^ widi nladvea . at KellT,N .C Mbs Mattie KUIian spent tlie Chfisunas holldsvB with her par ants, Mr. aid Mrs. S. A. KUIIan, ^ Chaster,'& C. Mia.L.R winings, of India­ napolis, liid.; spent the Chrlaonaf ; httlidavs with her son Holt Howel I ' at Smith Grove. :: Misa Dot Call, Charlotte Cltv U< brarisn, spent the Chrlstmaa holi- dm iirttK het mother Mrs. Grace Call Advance, R. 1. T\ MlasMm Ratledge, of New- . Deleware, spent die: Christ- rholldays with Mr. and Mta. Miss Flossie: ManhT spent the Chrlstmaa liolldavs In Shelby, the suest of.her sister, Mrs. Chas. A. Burrus:and Mr. Buttus.: Mr. sod M ts.S.8. Btakdy, Mit. Grace Call and Mrs. NeteOodbey. spent Friday In Charlone ahop^ pmg. ■ ■■ Lieut -Col. ^ M r s . I. A. Yatea. of Favetteville, spent die week-end in town,. guestt of Col. Yatea* mother,:Mta. C. N. Christian.. Mr. and m Z g^ Mason and children have moved ftom vthe Eamell house on Sabsbury atreet, to one of the C. C. Craven, Jt.. houses on Mumfotd avenue. Mr. and Mn. Leslie Danid, Missca Nell and Flo Bennett'^snd Master .Hetman Bennett, spent ildava last week at New Ft»t Latta Ratlege, on Route 1. ^ Mr. and Mis. S. M. Call spent the Chilstmas holidava with their daughter, Mn. C. a Smith and Me. Sinith at Eliiabethtown, N.C. Miia Robetn Bowles, of Wash- ington; D. C., spent the. Christ­ inas holidava with her perents, Mr. and Mrs. a ; L. Bowies, on Route 4. Mr. and Mta. X. O. Ch and; Mta;.: Howard anbu Riiiiev; Fla., guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. A. UanieL o f S. C , w oe IwUday gdcala of Mr. and Mca. C. C Chap: D t.abd Mrs. E. P. Ellia and Utile aon of BaWmore, spent the Chttoimaa holidays guesta of Mra. BUia’ p^ti.M r.andM ita. aaude Horn. Mrs. Leonard Ballendne. of Va­ tina. N .C . spent the Chrlstmaa hblldaya with her modier Mra. 8. Walker snd htothet McKinley \V|slkec on Route. 1. Mr. and MiT T R. RandaU and chiUfSB spent the Chtiannas boli (dsva with Mia. Rasdairs patcnta, Mr. and Mta. J L. TIunipson . at* . . ^1. . . .. . . •. Huincnoriiion» : Ueuc and M n, Bematd Cro­ well, o« Pott B ^ apent die Chtistmss hoUdsya in towa.guean of Mta; Crowell'a patents. Mr. and :'M n;K no»Johnstimc. :' Mts.:P. G. Brown and dau^ler, Misa Sue, and Mr. andMca. Jamea Bogn and little daughter left E>ee. ZSdi for a 10.daya. motor, ttlp- to p o h in ^ Inteteat to Florida. . Jerry Call, of the U. 8. ^Navy eon of Mr. and Mn. >H. O. CaU of Route 4, ' who la statlonsd Great Lakea, lU., apent'the Chrlat- mas hoUdays w lthW parcnta. Mr. and M n. W. W . Howell and chlldren.Df R. 2, spent , Ae Christmas holidava ihe gueata . of Mn..:HoWell*S':0arc0ta, ;Mr.; and Mrs.vP. E: S t e ^ at Bristol, Va. Mr. and M n Geoige Martin and amsll aon, spent the Chrlst­ maa holidava at B n Head, N. In i.giieata Of Mra.'Martins's., parents. Mr. and Mn.Dougal White Mr. and M n. Chas. H Pitts, of Alexandita, V a, and Mr. and M n. . D.O.-Tutterawvend, children. :of ,Waahiogton. D. C . apent die . Chrisonas holldsvs gueata of their miidicr, Mrs. D. a Tuttcrow. Mr. and Mnr"BiUv" Jonea and ehildicn,of Fort Worth, Tana. t u t OATffi anoR D , M o o cv im t, B. 0.' m n u a r t* u r t' a / a m e s 5 . Creason Randv Ellis lames Samuel Reason. 84, .re- , M . f * ^ U ^ ’i ^ d l l e tited •«««>* worker.bladtsmidi and “ q , “1 b! fctmar, dted Dec. 24di. at hi. ^ ^ ^ S d a f IS Iw hisS n-S airm home on Routt 4* He htd been. hospl^ efier an iltaesc, of coly tn dedinlna health for, e number •' few hours* • >. r f ^ n and serioualy ID for three Mr. Cteaapn was anatlveof ^ ° o f vie County, w herebe ::spenc his Mocksvilie, Route 3. and Mrs. etitinlife. He was a ^ bf the Marv Smith of M<»l»vilje.- late Mr. and Mn. J. A.Creason. I- Siirvhnngare hia wife; two dau-,!^” - ghten, Mis, Carl Blackwood, of He,,Xommy .Hvnn officiated. Bu- Woodleaf. Route 1. and> Mrs. O. rial was la the church cemeterv. »ANT AOS PAT. A. Sbbsl, of Mockaville, Route 4; IS gtsndcblldren and 13 Kreat- andchlMren. Funeral services were held at 2dOp.rn.Dee. 26th, at Uheitvl FOR SALE-F6ut Bundy eUc- witk * H*v n ' IncubatorSi one Bundy hatch* MeAodlst Church, widi Rev. Total cayKity^^OOO. Bargain childnn. ofRevnolds, hn^f!ramU,'Mr!1nid Mrii! Liith' ' Starlins-Thomas Music Co. erTtlvltt. 629,N. Trade St. Winston-Salem The Etwin Cotton Mills at Coo­ leemee. has . the thanks of the editor and familv for a fine basket ofVruits, nuts and candies, which Bill Howard delivered to our shop just in time for Chrlstmaa. M Sgt Bill t^ l. who has been stationed at Tripoli, Libya, for the past 30 months, arrived home Christmas to spend a 30-dav fur­ lough with Mn. Nail, who has been living in this citv forthe past vearormore. . Miss Ann Owings, who is in mining at the Cahatius Memorial Hospital, Concord, returned to her post of doty yesterday after spending a week in town with her parents, Mr. and.Mrs.Jas.Owings. Rev. H .N . Jessup, of Faicview, Buncombe CountV) a fonner pas­ tor on the Davie. Methodist CiiS cult, was a Mocksvilie visitor Ffij day. He owns a large apple oi* chard in Buncombe. Mr. Jessup says he harvested 5,000 buaheb of .pplea in 1954, and only 75 bush­ els la sty m WilUamS'^Brashier Mr. snd Mn. R. R Williams, of Advance, Route 1, announce of their dau^ Marlenei to James W. Bnshier,of Winston-Salein, son of Mr. and Mra. R..Q. Brashier, of Knoxville, Tenn.- No date has been set for ih * 'w e d d lo » ^ _ _ v ^ , Miller^ Atkins Mr. and Mrs. Guy Miller, of Advance. Route I, announce the engagement of their dau^ier. Wanda Lou, to Wade Calvin At­ kins, son of Mr. and Mrs, Willey Atkins; of Winston-Salem, Route 5. No date has been set for die wedding. Fo^er-Sp&icer Miss Bettv Ruth Sp«;c«, d a u * in of Mr. and Mn. William T.Spencer, of MocksyBle. tje aSTbridi of Fijncis M ^ R soii ofM r; and Mrs. Joseph W.Foster, of Mocksvilie. at 4 p. m. SSM sS& Jif ty Jo Ftoater. sister of the groom, l ^ e d wedding music. ' The couple entered togethergdie bride weatins » ball* ' “white vehet. She »rrl«l a ^Jilte brook, topped wWr whte ttaa riiowered with satiii spent th^ Chrlstmaa holMava wid. g S S S " * “ Mr. Joni'patents, Mr. apd Mn. son's beat. •____ 1. C....I. U...L..JII. Mr. Foster was hia sons MatJ. W . Jonea to Sooth Mockaville. M ii!ndM n.P.RBIsckw efcte A teeeptioo atdie hon» of die follawcd, .ihe - - “1 F * ^ Z d ^1?:^and Jane Rowland will tctum , honeymoon. They aic oc- Mxt 'week «tom Florida, where c u ^ n g their new tnller home on diCT'apciitdie past two wscts va- O dtatn I Tin lirldela a'i^ u ifciif Mocfc. toy*Mr Fower, w J ammM the bsdomolUieT^aswenashc iMfics. jiilosDs^CowijW Hb ftienda Onlvmembenof{thelmmcdiMc w e ie ^ io se e h lm . famlUes sttendcd or quick S ^ S .Seott,ElixabediCity.N.C C Adams, Rw. E W. Sellan and: Rev. a W. Fink. 6fficiuini and,die body laid««teat to diechutch: —^ . , ., . cemetery;--------------------- l , , l ! a “ y1 ; s ; ^ r ‘F t«‘’«l{; Mr. sndMn. J. E. Jarvis and mates. New and used pianos-Anvthing musical, [n. Write for prices. Easy terms. OUR SINCERE THANKS TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS FOR THE BUSINESS GLVEN US IN 1955 VISIT US OFTEN IN 1956 C J. Angell Jewelry & Ap- plianceCoe 119 N. Main Street Mockaville, N.C Phone 60 n m » w YEA ft Bank Of Davie. KNOX JOHNSTONK Pies. S. M; CALU Caahlet MOCKSVILLE,'N<C. To Exeiybody, Everywhere We Extend Our Sincere Wishei For A Happy And Prosperous NEW YEAR When In Ne<Ml Of BUILDING MATERIAL Call On Us Caudell Lumber Co. Phone 139 Mocksvilie N. C. An Age-Old Wish To Everybody* Everywhere . We l^end A Hearty New Year Greeting WHEN IN NEED OF Building Material We WUl Be Glad To Serve Yon Davie Lumber Co. Phone 207 Railroad Street A Happy New Year To All Our Friends 4nd Customers We Cannot Let The New Year Pass Without Extending Oui' Sincere Thanks For The Patronage You Have Given Us During The Past Ye«r; We Will Stiive To Serve Ton Better DuriDK Uie Year 19S6 VUit Us Often The Soda Shoppe JOHN N. WATERS r ^ I S '" . “ i ’S ! S s «1 S |e : P A O B ro ttR r a t DAflB RBOORU. MOCKSmtB H, C, JAMUART 4: IW< BRWaiS'A'.'iKri ^S8.“.;t8i Cura ter Worry Umm l«r JuMrr •, 19M « « T ‘AKB no thought tor your • > life, w hat y« shaU eat. neith­ er; for the body, w hat ye shall put on.** Did Jesu i aay this? There It stands In Luke 12:22. But how foolish it sounds! Christiana do take thought tor what^they eat; they plan meals, they ea t in Qrado-A resU uranti If possible; they m ake out iro cery lUts, they s to re food in fr e e z e rs . TKey take thought for th e b o d y .^ to o : .didn’t you get out your winter un­ derw ear and your o v e rc o a t, and d id n ’t you store those last sum m er where the moths couldn't g e t a t *>»• Perema® them ? Very good Christians act as. if Jesus never said “Take no thought . . /* As a m atter oJ fact, the instinct of such Chris­ tians has always been right. Jesus never did say this. The Revised Standard Version gives the word of Jesus the r i ^ trans­ lation which Greek scholars have always known was correct; **De nol be aaxtons.*’ Thought for the future is not wrong; anxiety about the fitture is wrong for a Chris­ tian, and. not good sense for any­ body. "fourFUhir KiBia...** Worry is a kind of disease, and Jesus offers a cure for it. He bad tested it In his own life first, and countless Christiana have dis­ covered that it wUl work. F irst and m ost, im portant ingredient in this cure for w orry is tm at In God. Many people believe, in God. after a fashion, without trusting him. Jcsi|s rem inds us that God Is Our Father, and that he knows what we need. He knows we need food and clothing. He win not see to it Ihnt we shall get w hat we need .wiUuTUt our having to lilt a finger. He will not prom ise to give us" all we want. B ut we can be cbnfldcnt that our F a ^ r in heav­ en is none other than the In­ finite and AU-wise God. What­ ever is real, is known to him. however small. The needs of the , flowers in the meadow, the needs of the bit^s oif the wing. God - knows theru^and'how , m uch m ore we his' chlldien haye a right to depend on him! W orry is a sign we have forgotten God, or don't think he Is wise enough, or Strang enough, to do w hat is rig h t M oiitain agil MoltMIIU ost hum an minds are pretty active. They are like a sweet- pea vine; its tendrils reach out an^ it they don’t find a fence or a trellis they will climb up the near* eat weed. So our m inds get twist* ' ed around weeds and get lost in the high grass when they should be lim bing into the sunshine. A second Ingredient in Jesus’ cure for w orry could be expressed In ■: the proverb: Put first things flrtt ' Most worries are caused by the things that are least im portant. Jesus picks out food, drink and .clothing, as the things which ”aU the nations of the world”: are seek­ ing. Now these things are im­ portant It is not wrong to buy groceries nor to plan a garden. But' when they take first place in our minds, when we are anxious about these things forgetting oth­ ers. m ore im portant, we deserve all the trouble our worrying causes us. The preacher who wor­ ries m ore over how he says a t h i ^ than about w hat to say; the 'm other urtw worries m ore over her children's clothes than over their m inds; the M arthas of the world who are "anxious and troiibled ■about m any things” so that they never have tim e for the heaven­ ly Guest: these all, carry burdens of w ony which would drop off if tliey would put first things flr«t Tlw llli« it W ark-ti Whitt.'W orry ia not to be got rid of sim ply by sitting down in an easy* d ia lr and saylnf **Worry« fo away!** You ean't even pray it . aw ay, though prayer does help eiMMmously - and <as was said) without trust Id God. w orry is inevitable. Worry haa to be worked away. Jesus* cure for w orry In­ cludes this: *'8eek Ood’a kinc* d ^ ' ’ P aul .w rites: 'T h e klnf* dom ci God does not m ean food and drink but rlghteousnesa and peace and Joy in the Holy S pirit^ <Rom. 14:1T.> iUqr C hristian who will reanjr put his m ind and his energies to worit in the aervice of Ood's K ingdom -4hat Is to say.> addihc to the too-smaU sum of righteousness, peace and Joy in this world, working to m ake this earth m ore like heavea.-w U l find that his etorrles have m ostly evap- t>rated. Agoinst Khapra. Beetle A grain-storage-lMiildlnK fum iga­ tion program th at the V . s. De­ partm ent of Agriculture believes is the largest ct Its type ever un­ dertaken is now underway against the K hapra b ^ e in California. Arizona and New M exico, in this unique program . entlz» buildings - n o t Just their contents— are sealed over, so ttie fum igant wID reach every crevice th at might conccal Um eranny-seeklng beeOe. Fifteen large Callfom ta grato warehouses w ere fum igated with methyl-bromlde gas in an all-out effort to eradicate this recently introduced, stored-grain p est first discovered In this country in 1959. State pest CMitrol agencies, prop­ erly owners, eh«nlcal companies and pest ccmtrol ftrm£.>USDA’s Agriculture R eseardi pest-control personnel and Agricultural M ar­ keting Service research entomolo­ gists are cooperating in the work. ITie beetle was eradicated from an infested California warehouse in an experim ent last January. This and other tests have ^ w n the effectiveness of the wily prac­ tical method yet developed for elim inattog this h a r d - to ^ in­ sect from infested buildings. More .than a million cubic feet of stor­ age were wrapped In a gas-tight' cover of sealed tarpaulins and given 2% tim es the methyl-bro- m ide dosage and 12 tim es the ex­ posure duration norm ally required to kfll exposed Khapra beetles. . Wi)rth Carolitin J Suw‘ri«>r (U»uiiDsvti* County } Pollv Haywood Ward, Plaintiff V8 William B. Wsird, Defendant. ORDER It appearing to the Court from che affidavit of the plaintifF in the 4bove entitled action that William B. Ward, the defenda t thereit*, cannor after due dillieence i search be found in the Stale cf North Carolina; that a cause ofar« don exi to in favor of the plaintiff against said defendant and ic fur rher appearing from s Id affidavit chat the above entitled action h n action for the Court. It is now ordered ciiat a notice be published once a wei-k for four successive weeks in one ncwspa* per published in Davie Countv. North Carolina, givins the title 4t)d purpose of this action and rrquirtng the said defendant to appear in the office of the under- <ti«ned Clerk of the Superior Coun of Davie Countv, on the 21st dav of February, 1956, and answer or iemur to the complaint. This 16 dav of D*»cember, 1955 S- H. CHAFFIN, Clerk of the Superior <^urt. mu PoniE AMtWEt -AOSUod l.Ac^imn»oa weed . C lg n o m ln y - U. Similar 12.P ushod a pole la . Isla n d in M.8uHan'a IS. A aly gtaaea l« .L a lr. ir A tb o a a a lt.W adlB g U rd sap erso n al Sl.A rtlclea ofvalue Cavern2«.Im perioua 3. River (Ger.)a. River (Aft.> 4.Aatatle herbs •.A fflrm a ttv t T .H u a lS W ind '• in stru m en t8.Wing i t i. Of the Middle Ages 10. Paradise l« .F a r 19.LU&0A m Uv« ' 80.POKt ■ »t.O irt’anam e S lD eviM•tord«ad* . ' a fire*' r LdJ i j i i -DLiaHaLj S8.C lcatrlx l M .A . bttttof* eup . S0.1S!evated tra in s . (shortened) 27.'Siouan ■ Indian living in ^ O klahom a $I.Flovm ofistringa p * l« . «LM w ptaiA ‘ In T hessaly W.Ahandle, (R o m .A n tlq .r M . R iver (lt.> :« .W ln -'^,•<,• ST.K11I S». C uckoo nsatlosiof. amrrow ' S » .R in f. ahaped coral islands 80.Brbium (sym.) 81. R ecognita 32. Ahead SS. Island In a river (Bng.) S4.CigareU . Istang) » . M eager 40. O f the hours 41. M eaning42. Ancient regionon w est coast ofX sia 4S. Operatic melodies 44. Covered with stones . OOV^’^f l.V a lto f weipi^t (O-'T.*.) mmmmmmwMmum COMMISSIONER’S NOTICE OFSALEOFREAL ESTATE Under and bv virruc of* an or dei of the Superior Court of Dd vie County, North Carolina, made in an aciion entitled **F. F. Bran Jon v« loe Sill Coert »!,** the un- dersittned CommissioiuT wiU, on he 28th d av of January. 1956, a> U o'clock noon, at the Court- tou^e door in MocJcsvilie. North Carolina, offer ^^r sile to the hi^< bt bidder for cash, th.»: certaii tract of I nd lying and being in Clarksville Township. D^vie Coun- 'v. North Carolina, and mi're par- ticularly described as tollowt: Lvintf and bci g in Clarksville Tonin.^hip, DavJe Countv, North Carolina. Bcglnni g at a stake >n the East bank ot Steelman creek, tuna South East 37.00chs. o a stake. Hayf a line, theii^c S. 5 degs. West 46.20 chK. to a atake, hen North 85 degs. West 17 cha. o a, stake, then South 56 desi«- W. { cK:iin« to the.cri-ak, then up :rt-ek 2h chs. to a stake on the »ank of the creek, then up the reek as it meanders about N. 15 degs. W 16.50 ch^ to a stake on fhe West bank of crrek, ihen still tip (he creek, N .10W .I250 cha. o a stake on the East- bank of -reek, then s'ill op the creek' N. '0 W. 17.50 chs. to a stake »n >V i *t b nk of creek, ihence still ip the cteek N. JO W. 2 87 chs to be bcginmng, coitia'ninj; 147 •cies, iTH*re or. less This l9ihf^svofDtfcen>ber.l955. AVALON E HALL.Con missioner. List Your Proper^ During January Uidns.of laxM for the year of 1956 i. beinc held during Janutry for Davie County. All persons re- •idlne within the county and. owning taxable prop. etty are required by law c.> meet the Hit takfW for the Township in which he Ch «he reiide. or own. taxable property, and (ive a foil and complete liw; of the «me. All male penoii. between the age. of 21 and SO ar. 'to list their polls at the satne time. All perrons who are liable for the poll tax and fall to list It, .will be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviciion fined or imprisoned. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1 'avinu qiintiiied as Administta* tor t<f litr cHia(e oi W. C. Jones. decra^.d* notice is hereby given to ,11 r«‘rh<>ni> iioldiitt: claims against tile said deceased, to present them proper.'v vitrified, *o rhc uodersiKn- ed, on r befo'e llw 19<b dav of Novprr i'rr, T9!i6, or ihis notice wil' i-e pVad in bar of rccoverv. All pti.rns ind.bted to said es- rate, will r'e>‘»e mnke prompt •ei- ileitt»'nt This 19«h, d.ay of Nr* veittbtT. j955- .• W .B. TONES. Admr. ofW .C.Jone<,.d«s’d. CUude Hide, Anomcy. Dogs must be Ibted. TIte State law requires th at. everv dog. REGARDLESS OF AGB-shall be listed.. The owner of home (or leswe ihereot) is responsi. ble for the listing of all dogs found on his place. Onlv;femalL'S and niHfrcidents of townships and ' persons physically unable to attend a ^ iUe their lists can appoint agents to Iht property. All persons, firms or corporationf . owning ma­ chinery, materials in process of manufacture or stock of goods, will be requir^ to .futnish Inventory of Please List As Early As Potsible To Save Penaltyi t here Will Be No'Second! Notice. ELObE C. STEPHENS, Tax Supervisor, Davie County. ♦ FOR RENT ♦ St>ACE IN THiiS MPER ^ Afrtnji !• SuH GOOD NEKjHBORS^ICES TO n r VOUR 8U9NESS IF YOU HAV&- ^ n o n a .ttlp / / ; V^tertained. guests.' “ celebntiid a birthday ; caught a fish' ^ ' ■^■■''^ntaved■'■ ■, doped .■; had:, baby,. ' been in a fi^ t' . ■ ■ •old your had an operatlisn . - '; ' . Jboiight a car;- ^int^.'vour hbiise '... bem m a rrie d . ' cut anew tooth beettshot , m ien anythitig been robbd . ' .sold out ' lost your hait ^ bm arrested : Or Done Any thing At All T d ^ o n e ) Or Drop P««tc«H, Or Come In, O r In Any Cimvement Way Inform . . , THE DAVIE RECORD Davie Record Has Been Published Since 1899 5^ Years . 6thM. come anti gohe>yaur / county newtpaper keep, xoing.' ' Simetime* a ha* teemed hard to ' make "buckle and tongue" meet, but iooNH the lun (hinei and' we y march on. Oiir faithful lubicribara ■ ^ whom pay promptly, p*e ii* ' 'courage and abiding faith in our fellow) Ifyour neighbor i, nut Uking the Recold tell him to tuUcrilM. . The |wiM it only $1.50 per year in the State, apd $2.00 in other ttatet. Wh«» You Come To ToWn Make Our Office Your Headquarters. We Are Always Glad To See You. , LET US DO PRINTING :^vie Reccitfir^i^^ cati »?n^e you money oil your i ENVELOPES, LtTTER HEADS §t Xtem ents, posters , bill HEAj]^; PACKET HEADS, Etc. , Patrcinize your home newspaper and thei^y l^ ^ fW up iroiir: home tq ^ and coiinty. "I- a- . The Davie Record D A V IB O O U i n ; T 3 ; 6 li .j b j B S T ^ ^ W S P i L ^ i l M T H B P A P B R T H B F E O P I .E H E A D 1 SHALL THB THt HQim'iMiin'AiNi uNAwn> sy mnjucHCE and uhmubed sr gain.' VOLOMH LVl. NORTH CARO UNA. W BDNBSbAT J/VNUAitV ii, to<t6. MEVS OF LONG AGO. What W ^ H ftjp p c^ ' vie Befoih* P arl^-M M m '' A n d A b b r i y i a t a d S h i r t y (Davie Rec0f4,; J*o. i.V «9Jo) .. R C. CIrnent made a baaipu trip to wioStoo'Saiem Thtttsday;'' Cecil Morris to coafined to bis bone with a Mvere cold. • Bora, to Mr. iod Mrs'. /Normaii Clement., oficiiarlotte on Wednes liav, Jan. Stli a fine sou. ' UlM Ossie A lH ^ *P««t . ilw . week.«id at~H»llbera,' tiie rnen of ber sister, .Mrs. Cllusrd LtOirand. Dr. and Mill.. T.vU Olena have moved lato tbelr new resldeiice (usl ira t o( town on tbe Slalcsvllle Mr, and Ste^. who have bem rooming wtiW M n,' MoHie Jcmes, have moved Into tbe Mooney . hoiiK on Wilkestmro'strMt. • Ml* Gimle Simmons and Mra. Ed^piir Blanton, ol Asheville, spent •evoi^ .days III tom last week cneMs of Hr^ P. J. TohnMn and Mbs Oinie Allison. . Martin Brothers have patated their atore balldlnit, near the dejxM which (dds innch to its appearance^ The balldInK Is white witb the «■ cepitoii of the «t<we front,;wjileb’lii finished In walnut. Theae yovng tnen. or . wMe.awake, proicma OPEW H W P f In readieg the book' ^ Rcvelsi. tioiia it Inform us of many; ]odg. m^la the tord will pqnr.,ont upon 'liie p ^ lt becsose they, refuse to repnt of their evil tialilta and te eept the plan of ralvatl^. As ara discussed In ati article on the aevim aeala that they represent the 'seven tboossnd yeaN'the\earth will nand Mr. and Mm. J. T. Baity and danghtw. Mias Baxel, Mrs. l. C. Sanfdid, Mrs. B P. Briley. Mrs. Alice Woodrnff. Mrs, J. F Clf. ment.'Mrs. Roy HolthOuser, Prof. and Mra.~-E. C. -Siaton were' a. m onk thoK from Mocksvnie* who moved to Charlotte Satniday toace the Passion Ptsv. Mr. Francis Smitb died at bis hmne near Redland Friday, aged 78 year*;< Mr. Smith bad been In bad health for some time, bnt hts death ■ waa sodden and uneapected. The body' was laid to rest Saturday aft«no<H>n'at three o’dped Jn ■ the Bethtemien granyard. Rev. Mr^ - Bell of. ParmloRtnn, cm dnctiD P the. fiiritral and bnrlal' servicea. Mr. Smith ia survived bjr: M« wife 'and seyeral cb|ldi«n. 'A County-meeting of tbe Bp.^ worth tea«!», waa held at Parni Ington .Methodist Oiureh Thor*, day :^nl«br. ; About oiie hnodf^ jnemben 'w«e present' Inc Coo>«nnce, Mock,. Centn and . Familiicton. The penut waa won Iff; the Cboleetnee I.eagne, and the ■ cup by.C»nter League. After .thr jneetinc a social honr »a«, m]<qred and deiidom refreshme^ .: aerved. - the nexf.meeting wlir.he held on the.aecond Thursday even. liiK In Fehruaiy at the Co<de«mee MethodiskChnnih. W. H. CaMell, of Wtoatoa Ss. t o was .ln loam H ^ a v . ■. Boii. to Uti %pi Mra. W. N. Smltb of thto diy. Monday, Tan. ■jtb. a fineten pound danchtef. ' ;Mr^ and (Lira. B. C. Lane, of ' MlaaouH, tie spending severaldays ' In town 'the gueM of Mra. Lane'i ' fjliier. Mr. J. N. Iji • Mlsa Lodena Sain, who under. . simt so operation for,, apperdldtl' ■it a Statei^ne hospllal aeo, was, able.'to return to 'her . .hoine near MoeksvilleTerterdav. '. ' A um sge from Salem yesfefday said that M». W. , W. Sirond hroiber of ft e Remid-MI. torribad undergone a .aeHoh« ..iBpw. htioo >t the.. Twin-CIt V Hoapitsl 'caVytniMday.morning. Lwt ;-w. P ^ a mid he bad ^ e ont frOjo .. undK the'. ons'ratloni:. Hit. frteiids vm libHncfdr^ rei^erv : :0 .'F . Mltehell., ati tiled eiiited, •rirte V e ^ ?>: bto am fn »at«Mlle oii;..jap; ,^h aWtf'''M.\yea»: ::.''Thi\h«y: w laM to r**t at Ho«y Sprti.ga grave. ■is a week'wilb the.Lord, Jiidglng by His time, 'in tlw Stb ehtper of Revelations we are told that wiien the angel opened the sevenjb •eat there was. sllenoe In heaven for aboni-a half hour, then wven -an­ gels wbieii stood before God, were given seven trnmiMta, then another augei esme and stood at the! riter having a itblden censer, and he bad incense to offer along with the pray­ ers of the saints (members of Chrisi Church were called saliits), .' The angel threw the censer into the earih; then folibwed tiinndetinge, lightnings and earthquakes. Then the seven, angete prepsr^ to <6nnd tbe Im pels. When .the 'first an­ gel sounded, I here folio^. bail and fire mtogled with Moi^. and they werr'ca<t nppn tbe earth, and one-third of the trees bnmed: npr and all green grass was bnined. Now if we meditate for, a 1 meat upon the mixtnre of thw plagnes we see hatl and fire m l^ witb bhxid. Mmt of lis have s«n hail, enow rain and such cold mois­ ture mixed when we have a atonn. Bnt when ,we consider M l and fire mixrf together, it reqntrea differeni condition from what we oiortals'can realize. ' T im to tider mixing tiibed . whi) tltt fira and hall, tSaVla quite a difficult thing to antlel^te. No wonder oi)e third of the treea and grass hbrned up: Then'tbe second angel, sonnd^ and a great mountain bnnlng with fire, was cut Into tbe^aea and one hird part lit the aM<te^ine blood, Ihen one-thii^ of ili'iife In the tea died rod one-tblrd ;or the-ahlpt mre destroved.r We notice that a lot of blood la mm tion^rfi whieb no doubt refers to deiith ; This calam. ity not only klilii the iblid of the fish 'and otbeVyaea' ereaturet. bnt ^a nqra ihe tame'iwriiaii bt tlw ship, sailing tiie seaa.' Wten tim Jndgmenta come nothing la aafel When-tbe tbird ’ anfcel' .sotuided there fell a great star, frim ,^ven bnrning as a lamp. ^ it: fell, upon one-third of the livers and fbnn. tdns of wiitera.' this stai was call­ ed; wormwood, ‘rheu-the ihiid part of the waters Iwcame worm, •bod, and many men died the watera because they were bitter. Tbe fonftii angel aonnded a qne-ihlrd of the;snn.a^ ;s»ira and inobn were •mitten . to the ext|eol tbat tbey failed to ahine and ' tltt ligbt wasahoilened bneahird wbicb likewise ilie nlgbi as It did the day. Then 'anolber_ engel flying in.t^he midst of beann, de. elaring woe, woe; woe :lo jh e, Ini habitania becausebt ihe jndggienia that bad come, and warning tbai three nore.angels wifb.' Plaguw •era yei to cone.’ .Wben we are wtrntd by angels to reprat and eape the indgments of ibe Und, it wmmDAfs (( ^ tip i^ F ^ LM Week) ? Many cbsingn can take plaei In SSyetra. Thlakliig'eycr tbe.pto- pie who were living .In.'. Mock^te ai that'tiiat7‘ and tbetc who are atill llvlni( today, I find that ; most of ihm I knew then have, paased bvn the great divide. Among those allil living are Col. Jacob Stewerl, Wiib is the oldest alien In Mocks, vllle: Attorney A. T. Qttnt, who had just begun the praalce of law here jiiiat about the turn of the eentnry; Rnfna B: Sanford, head of the firm of C. C.’Sanford SeosCo.; wbb aias living In Mock^lle. hni who held a position in Winston a bout, tbe time I came here. Marvin Waters, Willltm Ctll t ^ . t few otbeia who were young men then, tie Mill ( ving. Among the young nm tt that time atlll living here are iiarley' Grave.!, Hilton Call, Braett Hnnt, Roy Hoithooser, and aeveral othm Thinking Iwck to those dsy, I reiaember some well‘known men' a. ronnd town who' bave long gone to tbelr reward. One of the men I Tommie Yonug, an oldlhachek>r who lived In a small frame hoiise on the lot - now accused by Wsde W. Smilb. M'. Vonng waa a great booster anif wroie many Inters' 10 nempapers aetting foith Ibe advantages b I ilockavllle and inviting manufac. luting entnprisn to come south and hicate iiere Mr. Young wrote several articles fur ,Ibe Manafac-. tnren Rmrd. He alwaya had a fine garden a ^ one bf <Se fineu little brebania in town. He ah» owned an oKhard near the old Muoitord hoise. Whlch'is now the Lloyd aparimenis.' He was a great should Isbn to ael himself in Older witb the cbmmandmeiilb of God, To the rigbtebna people upon theeartb it loi>ks to them like ever- wicked person wonid quit'everything theyare doing that ih'ev know " the Lord, then teek ; ft . throngh lepentance trd nol. bring lhesb.ctlamatlnopoii.;tbe inhabl': laiite of the eartb.:. It. lii not tbe. will bf. tbe.Loid ib deetroy. hlschll. dien to aaiiufy a capiiciona; mind, bnt tbsr Lord .aa a lovfiig and kfna Father, tends servanta to wain notify bia'cbltdieo boai' .10: m p e tbeae .|aagmcnia.:^' Tbe ttctpe: la aimpib and the.mapnet ftrtain, .an til wc-need do la .repent' and Ht» righteona. . KUIIBNNBTr. Our County And Social Security By Louis H. Clement, Manager. Hie other day a 68-yeamld man called at the sodal security office. “Tust want to chrck upon my old- 1 insurance account," he said. . 'Are you working^ the tecep. Seeo Aloag Msia Slieel BrTkfSmMRaaiblsf ? . ,. friend to Ibe young people of. tbe town and gave away much fruit and garden products I remember that Charlie Leonard,, who bu been a Baplbt Missibneiy to China for many yeara, and. nfs brother, Paul Leonard, who llveii In' Staianrtlle, to Mockaville fr^nebt ] ly to visit thdr sister, Mra. S. b. Swaim. wife of the paator of ibr Bapttot chuicb here. They spent tine visiting Mr Young than they spent witb tbeir aisler. He wss an inte^lng ttiker ; a n d would alwaya glm >■>« boys fruit, candy, hmonadt or aoda-pop aa the botiled ditnka were then called. Dr. lamea McGul^"who! ptacil. ced awdlciiie ben for. many; yeara ^ a .a ataiiiicb re^bilean and was cbuntv treasurer (iw sim time, if I am nol'mistaken. ' Hie oiBce waa loieaied in « fraibe: bnlMlag' Wliere the isew cbuntv ,office building la located He waa advanced in ^ r a when I 6rai ;:knew nlm. hut bad an estcnriye practice in and a- iltown. luat before Christ ma^'ln the year tfto, I wtt work. Ing,ili I print thof^ th e Davie Re cord, W .B. H MbrtHa. He M an old Washington hand presa . m wblch' tbe paper was piintiHl. I waa in t ruth to print Ibe laleU iameol the paper before leaviog tor my in Hickory'for. tlw liolldaya. in my burry I . gave the j^reaa leaver an.exirt hard yank and: the eblne stsiied tb tbppib bVer, typ* I all.; I. made t grab M 'k e^ tlK .type from: Mling the floor,. and tbe press carirbt'sid cni .'oil the tbfidfingcr^af my ; right' band. p<efccd ui> the end of the fingiiir and to ,Dr . ' M Guire'a l bffice thiliking he ,w «M : alick .or aew I b e , ;fl»*«r fcacik.; Hi diess^ the; flnge^; but tbrtw fthe ebd; isay and m t! tifl another , piece. ««the linger^ ^ doctor Mid .be Hibugbi' ihejhbnelwbnld :,graimlatc and ihc fiWr.ii»w.bt;:k; - He-did t good pim of anrgtol mtk, but I bad to liMf fbr ihtte'; M ba! wbile the Bilge ; Oo^yiw iM rfiriM ' WANTS TO KNOW The celebrated aoprano waa in the middle <>f her solo when little limmysaidto bis mother, refer ring to the the conductor of the orchestra: “Why doea this inan h ita tA e woman with his stickP’ “He is not hitting at hsr,” re plied the mother, v Keep quiet. "W,ll. then.'why is she hollet- ior-C opled. HUM a’u TTLE Tooting loudly on- his saxophone late a n i^ t, the amateur musician was interrupted by ’his landlord, who said. “Do you know ihere’a a little old lady sick upstairs?" “No, I'don't,” answered the mu* sician^ Hum a little of it." HE DIDNT Uncle Henpeck: You boys of today want too much money. Do vou know what I was getting when 1 waa married to your aunt? Nephews No; but 1*11 bet you didn’t, either. MUST BE COLD All excfted as ahe introduced the cdebritytoher'tiarty guests, , the hostess said. "This is Captain Banks. He has just returned from the Arctic tenons.** •*Oh!’’burst put ope pretty guest. Do come over to the fire. You. must be eoldl** . NO BAIT The teacher asked the class how Noah spent his time on the Ark, Seeing no: response from the tots, she.addcd, Do.vou auppost he did t lot of flslilfig?’' “Vi^at?” Jeered little Freddie, “with only two woruis?” , NO NEW ONES “Haven’t yon ahv more recent books on anatomyl’’ complained theatudent.^*'These are at least ***’S 3 cJBud” said the librarian “there have been no bones added to the human tody in the last 10 yeara.’? MEAN TO ALL “She’tm ein. air rlghfc” aaid t boy about his tetcher, ‘hut she’s fair.”“What 3o you mean by thttT aakrf hla modier. ..‘'Well," he ^ lie d ,’^ she’s mean THE USUAL WAY PorreK ShaU Iw hiskyw i^alt? ‘ Passenger No. I will get oft In ^ e usual way. Yes. and I know I can’t dniw my old-age benefits,’’ he repli^, b ^ u se I intend to' go right on working. Throught it wouldn’t a gjod idea, though, to see that tverything’sO. K. inm v anoutit. Never can tell when I tiiight have to quit. Can’t do aa much now as I used to, but I have an easy job Make $150 a month.' “Let's see, that’s <1800 a year.” the receptionist said, as she pulled out a little leaflet. “If your total annual earnings are between $1,- 760.01 and $1,840, vou can receive 4months benefits for this year and for every year as long as vou con­ tinue working at that rate: And wben voii teach age 72, you can re- LCiveyour benefits ’ regardless of your earnings. Don’t you want to talk to one of our claims people and file your applicaiionr’ The caller filed his claim, As he left, he paused for a moment at the receptionist’s desk. “S are am glad I stopped in to check up on my oidrage insurance aceount!” he said with a grin. If you have any question con­ cerning your social security, you might write us at 361 Post OflSce Building, Salisburv, N. C., or see our representadve who visits the Court House, Mocksvllle N. C , on the first and third Fridavs of each month from lZr30.1:30. Ocieon Fishes Differ Around the World WASHINGTON—f ishes keep to their own sides of the sea. Ih e Smittisoolan Instttutton has a eogeetion of m ore than Judge Dodges Answer To Defendonfs Quiz CHICOPEE. Mass. - District Judge Daniel M.' Knet bad the tftUee tutmil m him and he fe< teeed to answer the^ttestloii.Kayat waa asked by a nun In eout on a dninkamieu .diarie U— him, a qiMsttcsi. Keyea aaM ha'ebidd..■•Were ever under On In- of I The Judge snmed, "I refuse to answer oA the grounds it mlthl tend to hlertailnate. me^'-and dl- reeted the delsndan' be heU for payeblatrle tests. E>ft<i«ntWit*tr PBOVIOENCE.' »; t -r; DWUd-B.: Jaekson. Jr„ t dhU. ■&\«ninandet of l«ilg-In.Hoc.. pttal's bunding fund drive went te the nee track and pUyed a hsrse 1,000 speetmens of Liberian Ashes, mostly from salt and brackish w ater. oiJtaiiKd over a two-year- period by George C HlUer, of the F ish and wadltfe Service of the Departm ent ol the Interier. This eontalns m sny species and varie­ ties bitherto n o t'r^ re s e n t^ in the national collections, but its par­ ticular hlterest Is in the dWer- ence It shows between tbe sea creaturea of the eastern and west-' era Atlantic. SuperfleiaUy they m ay be quite shniiar. When studied, however, they are found to represent quite diKerent types. Thus, an oeean turns out to be far from a “melt- Shoal Ceal ic Sand Ca. We C tn Supply Your Needs IN GOOD COAL, SAND and BRICK Ctll or Phone Us At Any Time PHONE 194 Formeriv Davie Brick fcCoal Co and Deanna Silverdis talking ovtt current eventa in fi»nt of Davie Cafe-M»xie Swicegood on hit down Main atrett to conauh^ with Iqtallight. HILLTOP Service & Supply BEST PLACE TO GET i t Gas, 6il,.; Tirw Supplies Staple Groceries SbmII Emtugk To A nirackte Yoor B m in ^ Lur«e Enough To fiD YoiirTM k j.wTiiiu- O w M ir Princess Thcatra WEDNESDAY "GIRL RUSH" With Rosalind Rutsell InCblot Cartoon & Short '__^ CINEMASCOPE THURSDAY & FRIDAY “W itCHITA" In T«amfc6lof W ith Joel; McRei Ctirtoon ~ & N «m SATURDAY "I KILLED WILD BILL HICKOK? W ith Ouy CINEMASCOPE MONDAY 6t. TUESDAY •WtBItRUPtED MEWDY'. J o C ol~ W ith Gleon Fold : & Eleanor Pkrkcr Newt . pjtl CE: M lliH lit k ItM I. teittt aoW TSPriW tre^ *«■” ” »< repent t«l M« h t d r o lit f ^ ^ ; * ^ ^ ^ paid ' CINlMAWOPe»daluila C ^ - ‘b e flpger s r e a ^ n * ^ ; M rs:. Jackson donated «» - J W HIIJ. , ^ OOUim r i : j I M W f - r . !i:lIIs r 'I Country lass wearing brand new diamond ring on third finger, left haiid—Attorney George Martin on his wav to postoffice-KcUeyCbpc . parting with steel eiigraving of Alexander Hamilton-M rt. L. T. Hunter looking at display win* dows in department atore follow* ing the holiday nish-r-Two young ladies sitting in drug store walling for movie diow to open—). 1C Sheek dispensing news in apothe­ cary shop-Young lady ulklng a*, bout eating chidcen and dump- lin t^ F o u r tillers of the aoil lean. ingagainrt brick wall at Davit Furniture Store trying to keep., warm on cold day—Young lady shopping around In drug store wearing three diamond rings on left hand—^Tommie Meroney on his wiy toward movie theatre— Mrs. Frank Fowler looking over rack of new magazines—Miss Va- da Johnson telling about how well Santa Claus treated her on Christmas day—Roy'Brown com­ ing to town on cold day to buy t new hat—Philip Young looking over big batch of mail in postof. fice lobby-Miss Aleue Groce hur­ rying to dental office—Dr. S. A. Harding getting ready to go home —Jim Foster busy washing win- dows at Foster’s Watch Shop^ Mrs., Clay Tutterow declaring that she broke, following the holt* days—Young ladv standing be­ hind counter reading an exciting love story-M rs. Gene Smith and Miss Sarah Foster doing tome tf. ter ChristmaJ birthday ahoppini^ Mack Kimbrough, Ir., greeting old friends in Wilkins Dnig Store -Claude Horn looking at white shirts in Men's Shop—Miss Amy Moore greeting old friends around . town on rainy day—Kermlt Smith remarking that business waan’t to hot- Fiank Safley on his wav lip Main stre e f^ a rlie Reevet do­ ing a little rainy day trading— Rev. E. M. Avett wending hit way up Main street witpped In big overcoat—Mrs. fed Junker and daughter motoring around town —Mrs. Ilmmy Nichbb doing t liide New Year shopping in dieaa store-Four small girls buying 4 quarts of ice cream on cold after. noon and saving thev were going to sit on the front porch and ett the cream!while the metinitv hoy- e ed around the freezing point— Mrs. Sam Howard buying pair of red slippers at Sanfoid’t on cold Misses Ann Owiiigt ;'■ ';'-r'/■>>-'.;-'O'.v-v^ ' : ! l i OAVlBiaWOHD. MOCKSVILLE.iji.,r JANf aW it. w e - - ■ C. FRANK STROUD. BUITOR.! From California January Jarors San Carius. Califi. Decl ^ I The fottowlnK Juton have been = I Dear Col. Stroud:—I always en- d n '^ Yor the^tanuacy MrmofDa* TELCPHCmE I jov reading every line in llie' Re* vi^^^perior'court* .which om^ - ^ =9a s a ^ = = ^ = » s 99!^ ^ = cord» advertisements and all. Ies« venes in thit city on Monday, Jan* latthePoatoneeinlloeln-'peeiailvenioythe column* *tSeen 23* with ludge Walter B. lohn- ONE ............SIX MONTHS.IDE STATE • $t.00 J I Republican Dinner Wintton-Salem will be amoiiK the more than 60 cities which wil] participate in the natian.wide te, ties of ‘-SALirrE TO EISEN. HOWLR” dinners ■cheduled for Jannatv 20. The Winston-Saletn function will be held at the Hotel Robert B. Lee. Frederick C. Crawford of Cleveland, National Chairman of the “SALUTE TO EISENHOW ER" dinne-, has named Chaslei D. Owen, ]r.. Aoheville, North Caro­ lina, as Chairman of the Sponsot- Inc Committe of the. Wlnston-Sa em dmnen____________ I Elect Officers Cooleemee, Jan. 4—Officers and Shop Stewards who were elected for 1956 were installed today by Laical 251, U nitd Textile Work' ers of America, AFL, at Cooleemee. The following officers were in­stalled: Paul R. Hoftman, Presi­ dent; Howard Swain, V.-President! William F. Owens, Financial Sec- ^ ceterv and Chaplain; Emma Rae - Spry, Recording Secretary, Law- tenceF.M ais.Ch»irm an Finance Committee: Charles W. Iacobs» Sergeant ot Arms; Robt. L. Webb, John W. Ridenhour, Curnie Mes* •fek. Haro’d Foster and Paul Hoff- ii an* Gei eral Shop Committee.Harold F. Poster was elected . Business Agent of tne, Local for * the seventh consecutive year. 55 ; Shop Stewards were elected to re* present the more than 1200 em- . ployees in the 13 departments of . Erwin Mll*sNo. 3 plant here. Jesse F. Butler Tesse F. Budet* 87, well known retired Granite Quarry resident, died at 2:45 p. m., >Vednesday at his home after two davs illneM. He. was bom March 6, 18^ in Davie ^unty* son of the late John Hmry and Frances Click Butter. He was the oldest mem* ber of the Stallings Memorial Bap tiat Oiurch in Salisburv He was married Jan. 21, 1892 to Miss Mary B. Foster. She di d June ~21* 1952. She died June 21, 1953. survivors include four sons, five daughters* two brothers, one sistsr, IS grandehildren and 20 great* grandehildren. Funeral services were held at < p m-Friday at Stallings Memoria Bapt St Church in-Salisbury, with Rev. R. A. Propst ofliciating, an< . the body lain to rest in Rowan Memorial Park. James Ijames James Marvin [James* 45, of Lex, ington* was burned to death a* bout 2 a* m., fan 2nd. when flames co*>sumM the house in which he had lived alone since his mother^ death. Firemen made a fruitless effort to save the structure, and Mr. Ijames was burned beyond recog­nition. : activities in and around the Mocksville High School, so well written by Lynda Crawiord, it brings back memories of my school daw at the old Mocksvil e Academy. I will never forget the time when Fred Anderson agreed to sav, "Good morning, Professor,'* in Latin,, to Prof. Downum. Yes* Fred fell for that old gag, hook, line and sinker. What Fred actu­ ally said to Prof. Downum was 'Tm a fool, Professor,” in Latin. So when Pcof; Downum said to Fred, *‘Ye«. you look like it.” Fred realized he had b«.en tricked. 1 guess I am putting the cart before the horse though in the story. When Prof. Downum came to teach school in Mocksvilje in 1900, one of the first things he did was to organize a Latin class. He was a great lover of Latin and could speak it fluendy. 1 can't recall the names of all those' who were' in the Latin class* but I do remem ber some. There was Fred An> derson, lohn Sanford, Harold Ear­ ly, Walter Call and Robert Wood< ruff. My memory feils me . there. Anyhow. Fred Anderson never seemed to depend on himself to learn his Latin. lessons. He was thenci W. 20.18 chs. to a stake on whole in the discretion of the un ■a»eof Highway, thence N. 42 dersigo?J. 1^ the begin. TERMS OF.SALE; R R A 'l M l l . nlng S ta in in g IS acres more orl l b YYv l«„% pdbeing lotNo. 5in thedl. i^ioii of the lands of John Phelps, Along Main Street,” and Lynda' ston, )r., of Winston-Salem, pre* Otawford’s High School report.' siding and Solicitor J. Allie H ay^ M IIM rM vnnii B a m iThe Farmington High School re. of Wilkesb. to, prosKuting: ;SUIiSI.KirilUII M lia : . 'port is fine too, but I was never j Calahain—Mrs. Inez N. W »v- * V!? to F»«“toBon er. W. M. Stroud, O. L. Stroud, “ r S T o S H S b B ^ - f When I read of the activities in B. S. Beck. ........... - - .................... aarksville-L. L. Whitaker, A. R; Caudle, Wade Cleary, R. L. Peoples, J. H. Qentle. - Farmington W. A. Allen, R. H. Howard, Wm. S. Boger, J. I. Dulin, Bishop Rucker, A. G. Smith. Fulton lames A. Shdaf, Mrs. Robert Lee Seaford, W. B. Jones, Calvin S. Barney. Jerusalem—<%as A. Owms, A- dam Lagle, Raymond Pierce. Jo­ seph M. Bivens, C. W. Rowell, W. E. King. Mocksville -R. U Danner, Hen­ ry D. E>s('X, James E Cassidy, B. 0. Young,. Hasten Carter, .Ray Wall. Shady Grove R. D. Hartman, Mrs, Virail Potts, Mrs. N. S. Cha- Gas Make Me.N -r • An Offer ^estero ^ ib y^ssodate §tpre ModcsviH^ N. C. NOTICE OF SALE deceased, alloted to Faille Myers, decs’d as appears tecorded in Book No: ZSf ^age 499-501, Register’s of- fice.ofiDavie Coiiniy,' N. C. Znd.TracH A tract known ' as part of the “Thornton ’ lands: Be- ginning at an iron stake, corner of S; F.' Pott, and Wesley Jarvis, thence N. 12 degs. E. 1020 chs. to a ro.k.arfoot of twin pines, com. in of Lewis Hartman and Weslev Jarvis, dience S. 88' degs. < E. 8.75 chs. to a stone, S. F. Potts' corner in line of O nv Hartman, thence S. 43.degs. E.' 2 80 chs. to a stone, conier of S. F. Potts and Jim Hart­man, thence S. 10 deas. W 8.62 chs. to a stone , corner of Will Crews’ and Frank Potts in Charlie Vogler’s line; thence N. 84 degs. W, 11.13 chs. to the beginnine. containing 11.09 acres more or less. 3rd Tract; A tract known as the "Thornton” lands: Beginning at a rock (stone), Weslev Jarvis’ corner, thence N. 3 degs. E. 21.38 chs. to a stone on north side of Creek. Lewis Hartman’s comer in March line, thence S. 84 degs. W. 2.57 chs, to an ash, Richard Hart, man’s corner in line of March land, thence S. 24 degs. W. .A25 chs. to an iron stake, Richard Hart, man’s comer, thence S. 58 degs. Pursuant to an order or Judg- flin, Arnold D. Chaplin, Alden raent of S..H. Chaffin, Clerk of Ledford Superior Court nude in the _1 u .. ...—u TAt special proceeding ,ntiileil, “Mary IW. 2 83 chs. in Hartman’s line to Up to last w «k 147 cases had p ',,,. George N. Myers, et al, vs an iron stake, Richard Hartman's b en docketed for tnal at thia term Haden F. Myers, et al.” the under, comer, thence N. 84 dees. W, 9 75 of court. signed Commissioner will on Sat- chs. in Hartman’s line to a sweet urdav, the 4th day of February, gum tree, HartmanVcomer, thence ................dew. W. 1.50 chs. to a gum ic 4x*r*wv» —___ One*Thlrd^Cash, and the balance on 30. days time, with bond and J.pproved ae- . curity, or all cash at the.op»ion of, the purchaser. Place of Sale: On premises near Advance, N. C. on H ighly 801, at 12:00 M , February 4.1^6- - This 2nd dav of lanuarv. 1956.A. T, GRANT. Comroissio»ier. COMMISSIONER’S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of an or- dei of the Superior Court of Da* vie County, North Carolina, made in ah action entitled *'F. F.* Bran­ don vs loe SiirCoeet al.” the un­ dersigned Commissioner will, on the 28th dav of'January, 1956, ,at 12 o’clock noon, at the Court* house door in Mocksville, North Carolina, offer for sale to the high* • est bidder for cash, that ceriain tract of Und Iving and being in Clarksville Township, Davie Coun­ ty, North Carolina, and more par* ticularly described as followt: Lyins and being in Clarksville Tomnship, Davie Countv. North Carolina. Beginning at a stake oh the Bast bank of Steehnan. creek, runs South East 37.00chs. . to a stake, Hayes .line, thence S*5 degs. West 46 20 chs. to a stake,. then North 85 degs. West 17 chs. to a stake, then South 56 degs. W*3 chains to the creek; then ui> the • creek 2i chs. to a stake on the E. bank of the creek, then. uo_ the- -- - - - „ creek as It meanders about N. 15.. Hartman's corner, thence. N. Jeg*. W. 16.50 chs. to a stake on degs. W. 1.73 chs. lo a bl.ick oak the West bank of creek, then still up the creek, N. 10 W. 12 50 chs. to a stake on the East bank of creek, then still up the creek N» . ll^f/ZffiVffn T U v a r c 1956. at 12 o'clock. M.. offer for N. 31 J « iw jy c F ^ sale to the highest bidder* on the tree, 1 William T. Mvers, Infont son of premises of the late George Z. Mv* 85 det- ,Mrs. Bernice Seaford Mvers and ers, on Highway 60l,^near Ad* stump, Hartman's comer, thence the late Tom Myets, Advance* vance, N. C„ Davie. Co., the fol N 53 degs. E. 3.40 chs. with Hart- Route 2, died in a ^isbury' hos- lowing described lands: man’s line to an Iron stake. Hart- ...... .............. ________ pital at 3 a. m., Wednesday* v Ibt Tract: A tract beginning at *0 ^^*88* W. 1750 chs. to a iitakeThe child is surviyed bv ihe a stone, souttiwest corner of Loc -!• T. Phelps, thence S. 3 de^. W. on West bunk of creek, thence still mother* one half brother* three No. 4 in the division of the lands 1715 chs. to a 8t<we, Earl Myew’ op the creek N. 10 W. 2.87 chs to . V y , grandparents; of John Phelps, thence E. 30.19 87 degs. E. 22.11 the beginning, containing 147forever getting help from th^ oth-j Graveside services were conducr chs. to a stake, thence S. 10.82chs. chs. to the beginning, contnining acres, more or less er members of the class, sp they ed at II a. m * Thursday at Fork to a s ake, thence W. 5.31 chs to 34.7 acres more or less. | This 19th day of December, 1955. framed poor Fred in order to try Baptist Church cemetcry by Rev- a stake, thence N. 35 degs W. 7-24 Said lands will be offered in AVALON E. HaLL. . and stop him from depending on ^ Kiser, others for help in his Latin les­ sons. Fred was terribly upset, but he was not a quitter as his future life Vroved. He went on through college, had a frw years in major league baseball pitching, then stu* died dentistry. As far as I know* he is a wdl*known and successful dentist In. Wimton* Salem today. i As the tw ili^t of, my life be­ gins to cast its shadows around me, my memory seems to dwell on the days of my boyhood. I guess we old timers are -inclined] to be in our second-childhood. . FRANK T. EARLY. hs. to an ash on bank of ditch, three seperate tracts and then as a Commissioner. Fannington High School Niews' y Johnsit! Ellio nod Jiw Bu<*t«>k. Y o u c a n ’t d e a l b e t t e r t h a n a t 3 ^ u r F o r d Before the Christmas holidays the Farmington Blue Devils de-l feated Woodleaf in two very ex- ■ citing basketball games. The girls ' came out on top with a winning score ot 35 to 25. Camilla Jarvis • did a swell job for the blue devils 'by scoring 17 points. The boys . game was equally exciting as ihe Blue Devils claimed their second victory of the season with a score of 36 to 29. Johnny McBrld.- led the scaring s^ ad with 12 points. On Jan. 3, die Blue Devils wel­ comed Lewisville for the first game in 1956. The visitors won buth He was bom in Davie County Lewisville girls 38, Farm- ■ .on of the late George Frmklln ington girls 27; Lewisville boys 50,' and Mertie Call Ijames. Mr. Ijames Farm ngton boys 34. , O " Tuisday, Dec. 20. we were' with hM mother untU her death. | very happy to have two of our stu- SurWvIng are two brothers, and on WSJS-TV. Margaret lo tw oalste^ Harpe. a Sophomore, sang "Star Funeral s lic e s were conducted rf,heEa«," while Linda Ann El ; accompanied ’■ 1 . K p'P '® her on the accordion. S S ciSr C e t ^ " " ” *■! Some ot our student, who en-' lOOMrvyemetetT. 'joyed various New Year patties ' W U D ___L B..rbara Wright. Vivian Mc- B m T8* W . j 1 . r a C R Knight, luliiisir E lis andhercoua- V . . . » „ , „ in Ann Carol Ellis, from Clirm- ; .« 1 ^ Ida Stewart Pack, 87, of mons.Gail Bennett. Patsy EllH,• A e Po k Church community, wid- Polly and » ^cts. m of WilMam H. Pack, died a We*re the only D^ers who can offer you-a “factory-fi^h” FORD . . . the car at half the firie-car M k ^ ^ ? k ^ n c ^ in ? ss alteiMled a fare-'— hom ■ in **" Shirley Roval,'P^^'^^lone of our basketball players on Several of our basketball and cheerleaders attended No matter what you've heard . .. or read .... or seen . . . our deal stiD stands. We Ford Dealers offer you a Hiuiiderbird>styled, Thun.' \ derbird-powered. Lifegtiard-designed Ford at - far lesw than the Ane-c»r pnce. ' A lot of folks have us up on our offer for we’re currently scUliig mote cars per d^er than any othw d<«ilers in tlie industiv. Natur­ ally, we can afford to offer fust raot mudt more on your car whwi you come in to trade: fhundM M rd When yev cfioose Hw ont of Ford’s .18 m o^lt which belt. wHs you, yov gtf th* kind ef string tho» only Ihs Thundsrbird could inipirs. ' Every'le\« fine WiUpsn.. •Thuftdsrblrd.- . Y-t Ingin*, Whtn you ehooie a Ford !tairion« or StoKen Wogoo ^Y-8.: you gsf the ThHi^srbirdV: own mVsMy engine. And ai no 9Ml(a <osi ... wirh oil fix tafce^off and ' tifert-.:; ' . When Y.'U ihv--, Ford, yotf j 'h? ' sJqering !door Ifc'it, 'cr.-l rcai-vicwpoddiiifj o-id f 3rd «cai i are avoi!ab!e. ___Stew«t. lib 1927.I'ncoiw .Mn . Gumey ., dght grand- 1 1 1 (latiiTandchil- held at 2 .....• yiit IM ..B ap t|n Many new gifts ate being seen around school along.now and ev­ eryone seems to f.ave had a very Merry Christmas. i Miss Flossie Foster, of Route 3,^ who recently underwent a major . Kiser Operatic Rowan Memorial i 1 iiha;> r to Hospital, continue, quite ill, her .. lew w w r.-" ., friend, will be M»tv to leant. ■ We Want V. V We’ll appr^e it ami to get it in a SANFORD MOTOR COMPANY ^ ■ :Ford; Dealc^ins,: if YWi* liitwMtodiuia iw i DATIB ItBOOHD. llW lM yiiiii. M. & JANIfAKy 11. LyMD* tniAWFORD. R»^iH«r r o M . r t > W i - n » c « « ^ . No Liquw. W in ,. B w A A i NEWS A R O U N D TO W N . iM .^ e n t. T ' ' --------- slowly and heartlessly ^ r a e d toI? biil^jam es, ^Sudeiit MtlNC..'school Monday; January % rftet a iCh«pet Hlll. spent the week-end very excirtng and ratful vacation. \ e t e with home fblk.. . Afi« teUlog about all.th* In i . : , • ./ „ m '~ ' ■ - ^! ing happenings of the holi&ys, the imd M irs.^ Q •» e*'"*^ o n Sammy, o f Gteen.boto, spent one do»n for the serious procen ® n e day last week in the old home of studying. ' Motiday at activity period the , Annual staff had a meeting.lp di.- p ; Rev; J.;H. Groce, who fives |n ,1,^ materiji for the Annual Itbts dasslc shades of FarmingtonHenry Shutt, the . editor,fTotwnship. was in tow n‘Wednes. Kdav on business. ^----r tors or.me FOR SALE -Foiir Bundy elec-1 trie incubators, one Bundy haKh-j>” P 'W foVSSiX%KnS''^'Hpr*o^W SdbySco.t.Eli..be.hCUy,N.G|‘^ ^ ' j ^ « ^ ^ ^ jbe p l ^ in tar of teeoyety. All1 m.oac w niiK.vpenoi.. indebted to said estate. » r<cc CBti-, Will please make prompt seitle- New and u s ^ plaiios^ ment. This 4th 'day ol January, . Emv terms;, 1956. F. M. and ChanceCar-I .ter, Admrs.of Neiale Carter, 629 N.'Tra^de W ^W IiM m u-& ^ deoS «\?, Maftin, Attoniey. /^ I n g " m u a i^ Write for prices. » ; FOR SALE-Several pork hom, | ^ . , 5 0 , 6 ^ ^ g ^ h : s Mocksville,' Roiite 2. Mir. and Kirs. Jack ElUoit and |d>ildcen.:of Shelby, were recent Is u n t. of Mrs. Elliots’a parents, iM r. and Mrs. L. E. Feeiot. . ‘ O. L. Hark^, who now dwells The basketball games Tiiesday nii^t with Reeds, were both cloie. The Mxire for tfie girla gatne was 41 to 39; for the b<^ 55 to 51 lit favor of Reeds. Catheritie Fkrtiah ' waa high scoier for the girl, with IS .points; Morgan Chaffin waa high scorer for the boys with 35. The tegilar'4-H Club meeting waa'held Wednesday at activity period in the auditorium. Itu . 1-. narKey, wno iiuw uw*... r ------ —r .---------------, . ill the clissle «h«tes of Iredell pened with tl>e pledge to the Uni- I'rouiity was a- M ock^lle ^sitor I'one day iMt week. k Mr, and Ml*. L. K. Uwiggitw are the proud parents, of a fine son. » Lo'a Kenneth, Jr., who arrived at I Rowan Memorial Hospital on Dec. ■ Slat., •;.- - - - . ' Wali»n Dwlggins. who.holds a poeitioii with a big department sto re in Davenport Iowa, Is spend­ ing three weeks with hi. parents, Mr;and M rs.}, C, Dwiggin.; Dr. and Mrs. Winiam 'Angell and children, of Wi.ke ^teat, were recent guMn of Dr. A nnll’a nioth- er. Mra. J. T Angell and .later, ted S^tes ^ . Johnny ElchiMn, die president, had charge. The de­ votional was led by Yvonne Hutch­ ens, who was elected secretary to fill;the vacancy caused by the re­ signation o ij. T Smith. The pro­ gram was turned over to Johnny Ward, program chairman. Betty Jo Smoot read apoetn, “My Health House.” Oiscussions about im proving health habits were given by Jimmy Lookabill, Audrey Bail­ ey, Gene Baker and Veona Wel- bome. The song “S-m-i 1-e,” waa sung by all. Miss Warlick and Catol Baker gave out t ^ r d books. The meeting clos^ with th e 4-H Clubpl.idg& r M . M n FM efMr.; Frank Stroud. Jr., County H ^ th Niiine, carried little 9-yc.r- old ‘ Carolyn Binkley, ol. South Malti Stteet to theH . C. Orthop^ die Hospital at Gaatonia last Tues­ day, w iiw she,w ill spend some tim ew ki^ treatym t. Mia. Amy Talbert, County 8u- perintmdent of WdfaK, who ba. been in for the paK »i»o months, ia adll confined tothehom eofher rist«r.Mr,; Bryson, at AdvMwe. Her liiiitiv friends hope Ae will aoon be touch improved.- ' Rufiii ^nterd, Jr., Cad &toi- J, C Joiies. I. D. Farvis retumed Mrs. Texie Bailey Foster, 78, of Advance died in a Mocka^le nursing honie,' Jan. 3rd.' She had been a .padent there for ,b6ui five year*. Mra. Foster was a' member of £lbaville Methodist Church since eMv childhood. She apeiit most Of her life In the /^vance com- munliy. ^ She waa the widow of , John G. Foster who disd Jan. 25,,1926. four sons,seven grandchild eight great-grandchiMreh;; o n e brotheti and a aister. Funeral' services were conducted «t the home at 2 p. ni:. Friday and at.Elbaville MethodlM .ChurA at W a n t AUC d a v l noticeTOCREDnORS rr n i l I A U p 1 . 1 Having qualifid as AJmtoUtra-tors of the estate of Neale Carter, jonest.j. y . rorv-*.t«wM-w iit Eib^ville Methodist Ciiutcii at last week froim a hunting trip to|3 p. j„;,|,y Re^. W. E Fitzgerald. Oregoii ln*e^T he bova reibrt Burial waa in thechurdi cernetery. kUling a fewducka and ^ese,> ut x Atmv■kUiuiK m uwvM — ' didh'thave tohirt atraUer tohaul them hpmfc 'j ■ Miss Camilla James; ;wHb has b ^ .s ta ti^ e d on an Army Air Biae at 'San Atitpnio, Texas . for ihiee mdiiths, is spending a , 10 daya fiirlou^ t^th her parents, Mt. aikdMrs., J. C. James. She ■fOea fioiii here :to Keslet. Field, ':Missis.lpi^, A rci»eaentative 'of the Atmy Reserve Advisor Group from Winston-Salem will be. available at the Mocksvttle Post Ofliix Jniu- atv lU 1956 from one o'clock un­ til four o*el<K^ ThoK having questions or desiring information on the Army ReMtye Progrinn. ' ■ wa. ^ le to tnim e her'diitie. as a vm onberW the Mpckw^le s<*ool iMulty Thursday, following an ill- ':n«s’o f three w ^ . ' Miss Chaffin ' ap^nt lO ^yi^ar Davii; Ho.pit.1, : Statesville, taking treatment for iflii.':.Het inanv friends are glad ; . that ahe ia able lo be out again. MAN OR WOMAN. BE YOUR OWN BOSS-J400 MONTHLY SPARE TIME Refilling aiid, col-• . . lecdng money from out/five centMiss Mabel Chaffin, of Route 1, Gnde Nui machines in this area. No Selling! To qualify for work'you must have car, referen­ ces, cash, secured by inwti tbry. Devoting 6 liours a week to business, vour end on percentage coUectionii'will net up . to monthly with very good possiUli- ties of taking over full time. In- Lome increasing aowrdin^v. ro. interview, include phone In appli- ^ - . cation.' Write Norih AmericanMr. and Mrs; Thbmjtt Foster.o„ Inc, 27 William Strret, tged 88 ahd76 yean of Routt 3, N .v York5. N: Y. ^ -Mochville,'enjoyed,.for-^he first time, ihe Mocksvttle- Christmas , *„oi4n-. . jjttee lights; alM enjoy^ ,the Uwns. D«VIE rouNTY . imd. ;dobr dec^tions p f hoines. N OTICE O F blSSOLlTTION . 'M rt. Fost«M id thev n e w went O F PARTNERSHIP ; but after dark and tfie liiht. were ^ . not nirneJ bn unHI -after dark. N tice js hereby given that the : M^ Foster said t b ^ J ^ w e r e ^ ^ P ^ ^ DREADER 3 Hendfix & Ward Imple­ m e n t Companv is |here^*,.disswy r' pretty.: % ; : ' . - : • ment LX>mpaiw i», S?8&Wart Wiikler^ si, died sud- .ed as of this date, aiid tlut no per , gd«I^M his home i«i Boiim^: at son i» a iith o ^ .(o »“Y jvlM4WWTabn>th;er of : Mockwilk,‘Nortti Carolir.a., All ^Divi.; of.thl. city. M r,:W i^ e r to^ebted to Hendiis ?i. «iiviva iiy Kii wlfe;ybnev »n^ liMd.u(#»teri; fiy e^',b ^' ' • m i e d . u t f i t e r . '<!»• ;.b r p t h c n . a n a a u m o r ^ w w . He bad been b and tak*V* ' >utomobilc>iaiiM.,;;|tl 5* day oif Jaiiuaty. . 20 yttth: : M c.,'0(vl. biu the nafe.||fndrix & Ward Im pleam t <^. _ paihyof ahottoffrim d* in the By J. Frank Hendri*. Partner. ,dcM lia(het bradicr. > Owen Ward, Parmer > Your Property Diiriiig January Usting of iaxei fpr the year of 1956 Is being held during Jmuary for Davie County. All persons re­ siding within the ^ n t y and owning Mxable prop­ erty ate required ^ law to meet the' list taker for the Tbwnship in which he Ol she resides or owns taxable property; and give a full and complete list of the same. All male persons between the ages of 21 and 50 ar. to list, th ^ polls af the same tlnie. All pemons who are liable for the poll tax and fall to list it, will be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction fined or imprisoned. Dogs must be listed. The State law requires that every dog, r eg a r d less OF AGE-shall be listed. . The owner of home (or lessee thereof) Is-responsi­ ble for thelisling of all dogs found on his- place. Onlyfemales and non.residcnts:of fownships and , person, physically unable to attend and file their llw. can appoint agents to list nropertv. All I ; firms or corporations owning" ma­ chinery; matertja in process of mnufacture or stock of goods, will he tequired to furnish inventory of Please List As Early As Poisible To Save Penalty. There Wai Be No Se^nd Notice. EliW SEX: S T E P ^ ^ Tax Siii^visbr, Da^e County. To AU Oar Friends And Patrons We Express Our Sincere H'is/ies For A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR May All Your Dreams Come True Before The Close Of 1956 VISIT US OFTEN V/e Appreciate Your Business Hendricks & Merrell Furiiitare Co. - Phone 342 Mocksville, N. C. INTEREST ON 1955 TAXES Goes Into Effect Feb. 1st PAY NOW And Save Additioiial Costs KATHLYN REAVIS Davie County Tax Collector DAVIE TRACTOR & IM P U a ^ T . SalUsi^ Mocksville, N. C. u |ST' 1 I'' itm n u DAVm RBOORD, MOCKSVttXBM. C. gTAHUAUr II. ««« r.s'.ssv.ixrii.'isji.'iij.ts: How to Ropont U ssoii for JaUHfttr IS. 19N f \N C E upon a time, so the »tory goes, there w as a young m an who had just come to a chutvh'as their preacher. He was barely out ol the sem inary, and his note> books and his head were well filled. He started out one Sunday m orning with a sermon on Re* pentance. He analyzed the. mean* ins of the word, he traced It through Scripture, he esfamined it th e o lo g ic a l? * ------------------------ and psyehologict ly,—in short, 1 laid down the Do trine ol Rcper ance, as he hid been ta u g h t i When he sat dow . an old m inister In the congregation got to his feet and up to the pulpit Forem an as fast as he could m ake it ••Young m an,” he said, *‘you quit just before you got to the point. You told these people what re* pentance is: now stand up there and tell ’em to repent!" SybtlHutn In R«|witaiiM So. nothing in this column should be taken to m ean that knowing what repentance is, can be a substitute for repenting. Knowing what Ashing is is not Ashing; knowing what a doctor does will not m ake one a doctor. So knowing what repentance is, is not repenting. And still it helps. You can't flsh i( you’ve no idea what "Ashing” m eans.- You can't be a doclor if you don’t know what doctors do. Some people never really repent, only because they have got into the habit of doing something else they call repent* ing, but is not really that at all. R opcnunce is not just being sorry for something you have done. You m ay be sorry for the wrong rea* son,—because you have been found out. o r.. because your sin has caused you trouble, or l>e>' cM se your pride in yourself has been dented. Repentance is being sorry but it is m ore than that. R epenunce In the Bible sense of the word alM is m ore than re* gretting particular sins. 1 m ay be truly sorry I was harsh to a loved one; but next day I n u y be just as harsh and unkind. The harshness and unktodness are symptoms, they are not the dift* case; I nc«d to repent of what it is In. m e that causes roe to mis* treat others. RtMntanet It ehMclit 111 Mlil Don’t let any one tell you that Christians do not need to re p m t Only those who argue that Christ's com m ands are not for lu can sup* pose ^ t repentance is not our own duty. As for Paul, he m ade it about as plain as words can m ake it: God calls on all m en every* where to repent (Acts 17:30). Be* ware of "Bible studenU” who try to evade the plain teaching of Jesus. He certainly taught re* pentance as well as faith. Now the Greek word used to translsts Jesus' word (which no doubt was in Aram aic, the language of'Pal* estine in those days) Is “me* tanoeo” which literally m eans to change the mind. This is m uch deeper than changing your mind about what to take at a cafeteria or when to .do the washing. It m eans, as Jesus' whole teaching shows, that total change of out* ' look.'oloving what one hated, hat* ing what one loved,— which changes the whole person from within. What Is the center ol your llfo? Is It yourself? Then no mat* te r iu>w m any sins you m ay re* gret having com m itt^, you have not repented In Jesus’ sense of the word. Your life m ust be shift­ ed over from love of y o u rse U to love of God and .your neighbor. Repentance is the outworking of the new birth. A person who pro* fesses to have been bom again but who still looks at life,from a self-centered standpoint, has prob* .ably not been bom again. Re­ pentance. in this deep and real sense of a radical change in at­ titude, aim s and desires, is not so m e^ n g you can do in a flash and be done' with forever. In 2 P eter 3:9 (a little book w ritten to Christians) it is said the Lord wishes all to. ’*reach repentance. ” It is actually a conttnulnc life­ long process. Ho« H Wfrits B ut this profound inner change of m ind (which in the Bible Is in sep an U e Irom «h» he»«> wOa work out in n penlance tor p»r- ticglar ilns. Some people, per­ haps m ost-people, and it eaiiei' to rep en t'o f ' W <or w hat they call repentinO than of particular sina. B ut true repentance It both profound and parttaular. In falae repentance, a person li "sorry" lor a sin but goes on doing It.. . . . 1 i"T hes.p«,«o... IPoHv HavwooJ Waid, Platatiff WUtiam b. W aU Defendant. ORDER It appearing to the Court from the affidavit of the plaintiff in the above entitled action that William B. Ward, the defendant thereiriv cannot after due dilUeence an<i search be found In the State of North Carolina; that a cause ofac* tion exi ts in favor of the plaintiff against said defendant and ic fur* ther appearing from s td affidavit that the above entitled action is iti action for the Court. ; It is how ordered that a notice be published once a week for four successive weeks in one newspa* per published in Davie Countv» North Carolina, giving the ;title 4nd pprpose of this action 'and requiring the said defendant appear in the office of the under­signed Clerk ol I he Superior Court of Davie Couniv* on the 21st day of February^ 1956, and answer or demur to the complaint.• iThis 16 day of December, 1955* S. H. CHAFFIN. ’ Clerk of the Superior Court. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administra* cor of the estate of W. C. Jones, deceased, notice is herebv given to iill persons lioldlng claims against (he said deceased, to present them property verified, to the undersign^ ed, on or before the 19th day of November, 1956. or ibis notice will be plead in bar of recovery< All persons indebted to said eS' .dte, will please make prompt 'set* dement, lliis 19th day of «.No< vember, 1955.W. B. 10NES,Admr;’!^; of W .C.Jones, decsUfc Claude Hicks, Attorney, nb NOnCEOF SAI£ OF LAND JlPam nnt to an order and' decree made and enteied by S. H. ChaSn, Clerk of the Snperior Conitof Da vie Coonlr, N. C., in the spwlal proceedink entitled "S. M, Call, Aimr. o( John H. Pea, decs'd va All tlie unknown heirs of Fohn H. Hea and Georce W, Martin, Guard Ad Utem.” The anderslitned Cammlssloner will offer for aale to the blKbest Udder, at tbelCourthouse door of Uavie County, io HocfcsviUe. N. C., on Monday, Febrnary 6, 1956, at l2»joo*clock M., the followloK tacritied lots in Jerusalem Town- sbi]gj_^vle Countv, to-wit: i,iat. Lota Nos. 29, 30 and ji Uecinning at a slake on East side 111 E. Broadway toad, corner of Lot No. 38. thence N, 85 deics 30 ..iiD. B ISO tea to a slake, coiner u< Lot No. >8 on the original line, ■ hence with the original line S. degs. 30 min. W. 75 feet to a atakc, corner of Lot No. }>, thence witb I ne of Lot No. is S. 85 decs. 30 mln. W. ISO feel to a slake on the aat side of Broadway road, thence alone aaid road N. 4 degs. 3p uin. G. 75 feet to ibe beclnnloK, ' being 1 pan of tbie property ranveyed by R. B Broadway to N. A. Trexler. Sand. Alio Lots No. 34, 35, 36 snd 37. beginning at a Make on B. side of Broadway road..cornet ol i:,ot No. 33, thence witb line of lot No. 33 N. 8s degs. 30 mln E. 150 feet to a stake on the original line, beoce with ibe original line S. (legs. 30 mln. W, 100 feet to stake, corner of lot No. 38,' tbence witb line of lot No. 38 S. 85 degs. 30 Bln. W. ISO feet to a stake, corner of lot No. 38, thence N. 4 ‘tegs. 30.mln. B. alooK east Broad­ way road too feet to the beginning. See Deed recorded in Book 44, psg.: . Registers office of Darle Jo. C , (or more particular de> sciiptlon. 3rd. Beginning at a stake on eaat side of Bnndway rMd, corner o( lot No. 3 1, thence with line of 1ot)No. 31 N. 8s degs. 30 min. E. p> feet to a stake, comer of lot ro. 31 oo the original line, tbtnce with aaid line S. 4 degs. 36 min. W. .V> leel 10 a slake, corner of.loi No. 34, tbence with line of lot N. 34 S. 8sdega 30 mln W 150 fee to a stake on Ibe east side of Bast Broadway road, thence along said rond N. 4 dees. 30 mln. E. so feet •o Ibe beginning, being lota Nos. 32 and 33 of Ira Broadway proper, •y, mrveyed bv J. D Justice. Snr- »ev<'r. Nov. 17, 1941, and being a part nf (he R. B. Broadway prop­ erty. Seed Deed from R. B. Mil­ ler and wife 10 John Pea and wifi-. Book 45. page 95, aaid -Register office. T tm of Si e; One ihinl cash, balance on 30 days lime with ho <1 snd appn ved security or all ca«l> at option of purchaser. This the i8ih day of Decembe', g r a n t, Commlatlooer. TIm Raeora b «nly 3 cMitt • treelb Sulxcribe today. [afliiQ iE M tw m ACROSS 1. Buffoon e. Man’s nam s (abbr.) •.M o n t------» « pass in the Alps between France and lu ly to. Milk: eom k form t t . Filmy fahrles IS. Mistake14. A month e l the Blndtii calendar 15. Of the sea 16. A genus of swine 17. Apportions . 16. Furthers 20. W ithered . ai.E skers 25. Reprove gently 2». Cents 32. Sure (dial.) 39. Ate away34.Tovm (O.) 35. French river '(poss.) 36. Give forth music, as a beU 37. Tapering sum m it of a tower 38. Sharpens, as a razor 39. Soviet - News agency40. Filled With solemn wimdcr DOWS 1. A metrical unit. 2.A tooth3. Bearing4. Largo worm g. Split 6.A U .S . president T. Bitterly •.Fam ous American actor O.Bmbraees ll.M etalUc rocks 16. Fingerless glove <var.) 17. Note of - the scale W .W and. ers • aim* , lessly 12. Of a pope named Sixtus t3.Abashr •d u.SiM dm Aegean • M . Double annua□auaLiIIHHUU UGL1QJnz][:jj3L3a,1 □ L<nw[ir^L5;j:j □□□□ [r3:jan:i niarkL27. Medical <abbr.) 28. Bone - fanat.> P-163 HsUttaffae thealphtbit 10. Burst forth, as a voleaap ttVttdenhot l4.ExMbtt M sM andaitti . u% ■z "s- ■itr^ ■iT i I 17 ■i By F. L. Howley OWENS is extrem ely popu­ lar in H ilicrest He owns a big barn where the stock shows play eadk sum m er. He even serves cof­ fee and sandwiches to hts "guests" they in to watch <me of the shows. The truth is that Mr. Owens is a lonely old m an who., likes to surround him self with hap* py people. Several years ago today, when Christm as cheer abounded and glowing parlor windows warm ed the hearts ot passersby, M r, Owens w as lonelier than usual. He bad not even set up a tree that year; w hat good w as a trae without someone to adm ire it? Christm as Eve, and M r. Owens strolled down M ain Street alone, peering into the few shop win* dowa that w ere still lighted. In fr<mt the ten*cent rtore he saw young Jim lU rder. Jim was watch, ing the U ^ ts go out with an ex. pressloa dism ay or bis fredded face. . V'— eao’t be that bad. m y boy.'* the m an said kindly. Jim tried to sm ile when be saw M r; Owens. **tVa bad enough, r u sure catch it from m om when I get hom e. She sent m e out to buy some Christm as-tree ornam ents." **Tree o rn am ents? A t th is ho u rr***Yes sir. L ast sum m er we had s .M gM ir fire in the woodshed.** explained Jim , '‘nothing , serious. , but our Christm as stuff was destroyed. We forgot aU about it untU we set the tree up this morning.” "And you waited until now. to buy ornam ents?" **That's just it,'* groaned Jim " I left home over an hour ago. It's lust that—well. I’ve been looking In store windows—and—" Problem Solvad **I understand." said M r. Owens with a twinkle In his eye. "Used to do the sam e thing when I was a lad. Never could figure out w l^ clocks were invented. Say, l*ve got an Idea! I have some old oraa*. m ents—" "You have?'* cMed Jim eagerly. "On second ttiought," M r. Owens went on, "I don’t think they'd do. • Too old. m ost of them , with cracked sides and hairpins stuck in their tops. Had one box ot good ones, but I stepped on i t “ Jim didn't smile. He look miser* able. "W aitr* cried Mr. Owens, laying a hand on the boy’s shoulder. "I've go iti You’ll have your Christmas- tree ornam ents yet." . With Jim H arder striding hope* fully beside him. Mr. Owens set off at a brisk trot that belled his years. A happy sm ile played upon the wrinkled face. He w as doing someone a favor at Christm as; he w as part of the scene. He Joined Jim In a chorus of ‘White Christ, m as.' Hiding flo M When they reached his place be surprised Jim by taking the path. ■ that led to the bam . The boy fol­ lowed. Once inside, he gr<q»ed around imti) he located an old 1^ tern. After squeeztog b e t w ^ dusty ' props they reached a huge chest. Mr. Owens puUed out*a draw er to reveal several dozen brightly col* o r ^ balla: ' • "W owl- They're perfectl" cried Jim . "W hat are they?" • ’ M r. Ownes laughed. *'Ut*s see now; those plastic ones are plums,: and those press^^paper ones are ^ oranges. This other draw er is f ^ of stars: It’s all part of the seen, ery. t do hope you'll bring them back .after the holidays.'* s " I sure wiUI** prom ised Jim w ith. a blg’grin. It was outside church the next . morning that Jim approached him breathlessly: “We got turicey, and you're going to get a drum stick. Mr. Owens)": "Me? Now Jim , you n ee d n 't-’*. M rs. H arder cam e up.. ’*1 a s k ^ Jim to invite you to dlim er,^ she .explained. “Besides, you w»ist see our beautiful orange covered C hristm as tree. Or would you rath* er spend C hristm as Day in that big. lonely house of yours?" Mr; Owens couldn’t think of a single reason for not going, “f—I reckon I .would like to see the tree.'!, be adm itted., ' ' „ ♦ FQR RENT ♦ SPACE IN THIt PAPER W i AirMf* T« GOOO NBOHBOIIS.-Mi» 10 n r y o M a u N N » The Davie Record is ovmed ami edi­ ted by anative of Davie County. IF YOU HAVE- been oil a trip , ' entertained gueau celebrated a birthday caught a big fish 'moved ' doped ■ had a baby , " been in a fight ' • •bid your hogs . bad an operation bought a car painted vour bouse beeii married cut a new tooth been ahot .. stolen anything . robbed sold out _ lost your hair beeoarreated Or Done Anything At All Telephone, Or Drop « Postcard, Or Come In, Or In Any Convenient W«y Inform ...' THE DAVIE RECORD niiy The Davie Record Has Been Published Since 1899 56 Years O ther* have iom e and gone.]roar county new tpaper keep* Roing. S'lmetime* it ha* aeem ed h ard 'to m ake * ^ c k le and tongue” m tiet, but *oon the aun ahine* a n d we m arch on. O ur faithful •ub*eriber« m olt of whom pay prom ptly, give u t courage and abiding faith in our fellow m a n . If your neighbor it out taking The R e c ^ d tell him to (u b u tib e. The price i* only $1.60. per year in the ' . S t«tr, and $2 00 in other state*. 'Whien You Gome To Town Make Our Office Your Headquarters We Are Always Glad To See You. I P i - ' I ■ LET US DO YOUR >0B PRINTING We can save you money <m your ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS sta tem en ts, POSTERS, BIU HEADS, PACKET HE^PS,^Etc. Patronize your home newspaper and therebi^^ hdp build up.your homiB town and .county. ;THE DAVIE REGORD. ’V D A V IB . C O U N T ’S O IsO JS S T N B W S P A i* E R “ T H E P A P E R T H E P E O P i:.E H E A D •«m e SHAIi. Tm TMB MMMTS n o im MAMTim UNAWtD w ikfluence and UNMWED gv CAIN -V V b L t m N L V I. MOCKSVltLB. NORTH CAROLINA, WBDNMDAT'JANUARY i8. tort.NUMBER >4 N^WS OF LONG AGO. Wiiii Wm HamiMiiBg In D>. vie; BefoMPai king :Ktoer* And Abbrevial^J^i^l*. (Davie Reeotd, Jan. aa, l«}o) ' : J. S. Daniel maile a linalnest trip . to WinatoD^alem Tliaradav.. . John p0|w; of Statesrllle, was in town laat yi.itiit* relatlyea. Hr. and Mr«. I. A. Daoiei apent Wedtiesday i n . Winaton-Salem Sbopoing. •Attorney Jolin Lewis, of States. yilie.'Was a, bnstueas visitor bere one day last week. ' Mjasea Lois Daniel and Sarab Swaiin spent one-day last week' in Wioaton Salem shopping. Hra. Will Bowaro apent laat 'week Id Charlotte, tbe gaest of Mra, W. T. Starrette. ' \ , Mr. and Mra. M. D. Pass and little daogbter spent Tbnrsday In Wlas-on^aleffl abopping. J, R, Foster, of R. "3, was in town Friday morning on his «(ay to Stateaville on • bnsinesa trip ' Mr. and Mrs. J. P. LeGraitd re. torii^ bone Friday, from a visit to relativea and friends at Allen dale, S. C., arid. Angnata Ga. W. B. Kennen who has been saBering witb blood poison in bis band (or tbe pssl ten days kas coai. pletelv recovered, bla friends will be glad to learn. Miss Matgaret Wlllia died at ber bome in Lexington Tbnrsday, and was laid to r«t in tbat city on Fri. day. Mr. Willis was a consin of o«r townsman. W. M. Howard. Boyce Cain, of Cana, arrived bone Friday, from Middletown. ' Ohio, where be bad apent the peat montb settling up the estate of bis brotber; Boone Cain, who died sometinieago. . Attorney B. L. Oaltber attend, ied a meeting of the dirertors of tie Wacho^a Bank & Trust Co„ WiDSton-Salcm last week ■ Mr. Gaither t»a« re elected as a directoi of this Ug banking bouse. Mlaws Nina White .and Sophia Rlcbarda.of Davidson, apent the week.end here witb Mrs; Jamea HcGWre. Hisses White and Rieb* ■rda were memtwra ot the Mocks, lol facttlty foraei’eraly ' and have'many friends here, A peeuiar week happened iti ■ MosksvlMe Iasi Thursday afremoob when'ari aniomobile and an air. •hiphad a wreck just north of tbi square. The alrabip was owned by Ben Seagle . of -Hickory, and woa being carried 10 that town on a truck. The irnck was psrked near 'Booe’s store, with a part of the ahip extending iwvord the troelr. Leslie Daoiei. driving bis father's - aniomobile, ran into the obstmc. tion doing some damage to the car and also bending the part of the ship tbit extended from the truck. No one waa itijttr^. ~ Mrs. ^ h e it L. Booe, who b«s : 'been very "sick at her botueon Sal l.hury St.. ia OPEHFOWM ' tn our Isst article w« diacussed the four angels out of the tent) who were to p<rar out plagues up. on the earth hefore tb e s ^ d com. ing of tlie Lord. So In thla article we will use the nintb rhapter - of Revelations and Study the plaguea poured out by the other ihrM an­ gels.Tbe fifth angel aounded and a star fell from heaven to Ibe earth, and this angel was given the key to the bottomlesa pit. The npgel opened the b&ttomless pit snd smoke arose ont of. the pit ss the smoke from a great (umace.. and the sun was darkened because of tbeanwke, and ont of the smoke came Incnats upon the earth and unto them was given ^w er as the scorpions of tbe earth have power, and they were commanded not tohnrt the grass, neither any vegetation upr the trees, only contd they hnrt those men who have not the «eal of God In their forpheads. However theae tocnsts rrnld not kill men, only conid they tonnent them for' 6ve mnntha; and their torment waa like nnto the hite of a seorplon Per. aonallt, I don't know how the Ute of a scorpion Is, bnt with my uat. nral f rar of the serfwot family this would be veVv frlebtening to me. Now this judgment must he very had to all those who receive the Indements he>-ause we are told men will seek death and can’t find It. The power to commit snIcMe will leave men'for thaf period- and they will have to stand 00 nnderthe jndgment The shapes of the creatures are qnite striking. They were ll»e -into horses prepared no. >o hsttle. and on tbelr heada m e n it were, crowns like gQld, and their feres were as'the faces of men. and they b»i h«lr * the- hair nf wo en and teeth like lions. They bad. breastplst.-. )s i; were breastplates of Iron, and themnnd of their wings wasas the wund of chariots of many, horses running to oaitle Tbey had tails itke unto scorptons, .and they wore iiloga'In their tails, and their pow. •r was to hurt men five .months. Theirklng was the angel of the hottomleas pit. Tlie sngel stairs one woe is past ■nd two more a« to come. Then Ihe aixtb angel founded and loosed the four angels which ate hound in ibe great river Eupbratea They were given an hoar and a day and GOODOLDDAYS (Contlnu^ From Last Week) Wbra I arrived In MoeksWlle sbortly after the end of the Span. bb.Anierlcao war there were hnt nawa^peia In Davie'County, Tbe Davie TImea and Tb< Davie Recoitl. The Timea was tbe oM. M paper lu tbe eountyl hsving been estsbllshed In 1879 by the late Tobn H. Blount and ISA W. Mooting. This paper cbanced bands sew si lines and was pub. Ilabed by Will X Coley fot a num. ber of yean.. The paper was a re^- Demoeratle paper. The Davie Record was founded Itgg, by the Isle B. H. Morris, Needless to say, It was as strong Republieab as the Tinea wss De. mocratle. Mr. Morris was post, nsster bere when be l^ s n pub. Ilshlng Tbe Reeotd. He was a t had • w ... — ------— - . Mr. F. W. Hiller end family,^ ol Mt. Ulla, have noved to the D.'C Peiily far'n, 00 R. - which waa recently puKhaaed by H. A; San. ford Mr Miller is In .the cattle bnsinesa and waa the first to get aa oSvial rtco-d on a Guernaey con In North Carolina r ; Hr. and Mrs ;S. A. McAlraib and daughter Miss'Sylvla, and Mr. and Mra, T. H. MiAlratb, ol Lan. tel, Iowa, viaited, Mr and Mra. H. B Ward; : Sonday _ evening. They were enrouie-io Florida to apend the winter. Tbey were ^ conpanied as far as Mbcksvillc bv ~,M» TantSbeek. a lorner Davir 'jnao, who apenda «veral day* wilb - his latber. Hr. Leavl ShMk and bis biother John and Will Sb«k, of - -this couuiy. ' ______and a year 10 slay — ihlrdof-men' In other worda tbw oere cH-en eleven montha, oueday ind line hour to kill a third ot the ^ople. The armv was two hood red thousand, ihonsand: the men on the horses had breasipiatea ol fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone, ind- the beads of the horses were as ibe heada of lions, and ont of tbeli inotilbs iMued file and smoke and brims-one. Bv these three wan tbe ihird part of men killed by the fire ind by the smoke a d bi- the brlnT stone which issued out of their months For their power ia In their Mionib.80d in iheh lails, for their tails were like onto aerpenta and had heads, and with them they do bnri^ In verses joiji, we are told ihai iho<e who escaped - death from iheae plagues did not repent nor accept the Lord. Ti looks like alter seeing snch judgmenta come npon the wicked they would, slop the r evil deeds and turn uuto tbe Lord and plead for bis mercy, but (bey will ujt repent of their wick; ednesa. N.> datibi.ibev < will be like Ihe people were in the dava ol tbe flood.-'keep on doiog their evil il^ s and'scoff at tbe suggestionof repentance until their lives-ate taken with the jndgnienta aent up on the ooes fuU of-iniquitv.. Aa we ataied in another article, most Chris'Ians steer aaray from Reveiationa heeanse it has too strong doctrines against the people who fail to repent, and seek the Lord. Tbe oeople who never read read the am Abu^ With the Netie U'liu. • —theacriptnrea at all argue they can not Ubderstaud ,tbe hook of Reve .lailons and thev don't try'to Inaa innch as they think It Is a waste ol lime. The things are all atated In plain facts; h nay be we fall to In terpret every detail exsetly aa John saw It. but there iao't any aeoyiug tbe fad all ol us can see that dread ful judginenla await .the; wicked. Siich detailaare not importaM e nougb for os to Ignore'all the Re- p«M every detail. The tblttf Is do our best. " ■ 'L U BENNETT, N .C many frienda, he made many cue. mica aa a reatlt of. some of the ted. hot edltorisls be printed about ot the leading Domocrata In the county. He could not be boll, dozed or Intimidated. Alto be w.a cripple and used a cmtch to VNilk, ht could put np a stiff fight whra Imposed noon; . We know whereof we apeak. Tbe Davie Times was under ibe editorship of Rev. J. M. Downom wbea I came here to work on Tbe Record. Both oBces were lo the Weaut b l ^ on the east aide ol the square oely two doora apart. Mr Downunbad a young man from B ^eru Caroliua. worklnj on tbe Timea. BSnh papeta were amall sheets, each being 4.psg<e papers a bout Ihe aiseof The Record today. Ail of the type on to h papera waa bandjiet, aa tbe linotype waa oaed only lu daily paper officea In the early part of tbe aoih onitury . I trill not pnMlsh the panie of .the young maii working on the Ti*m •bortiyaftertcamehere. He good heaited fellew but wotOd sometlmea take on loo much Davie "moooahlne.'* One week he failed toaober bp lo time to set tbe type and priet the paper. Mr. Dowti. jm waa very mnt'h aiorricd. I drop pad In bis print shop and told him tbat I srasn'l so bosy tM would get the pspir out lor bias that He wa* very graUlul for ■ly aMistance. Back lu IboM days politics w u V*iy hot and Demo, craisnnd Re^ubliranadid not ( t along aa well they do in ligbieuMage Many lolka would not even Msocfailc with lolka who la al adiSereiil political faith. I remember that ahnrtly after came to Hoeiiaville on* of tbe ^ost drwtte Demoerata In the jounty asked me one day where I was llv. log. I told blm'wher* I wssbosrd. log; He remsrked tbat If I aiaut. ad to get along well and aaaoclat witb the better el*aa of people in Ibla town tbat I.would bay* to change .loiging places~.tb*t f h* DAVY CROCKETT Our feur-yearKild- came . home (nm Sunday school and I a^ed her'what her lesson story was a< boiit, “Daw Crockett.” she an­ swer^ promptly. ‘It wasn’t either!” her big broth- er protested. “Yes’ it was, too,” insisted little sister. “And he killed a giant with Ms slingshot” STUFFioTOMATO "We’ve often - wondered how waitresses could remember the va- rioua orders for different meala that they receive day in and day out, and now we kiiow, because we were getting impatient at our table this noon and called lo the girl; “Waitress, have vou forgoi- ten meJ" AnA to the amusement of everyone around, she answered penlev, "Oh, no sir! Indeed not. You are dte atuffed tomato,' aince I came here in 1900. I can not remember the naisies of all the editors, but most of them didn’t retire and Ifve on tbe money they aceumulaiM aa editors aud pub. Ushers. HanhCatrilaa ( sm«l.rCmm Margaret L, Moore vs William Lee Moore NOTICE. SUMMONS BY PUBUCATION The defendant. William L ee Moote, will take uotlce that an ac tion entitled aa *hov* h*a been con- m en ^ In Ihe Superior Court ol Davie County, North Carorlna, 10 otder an abwluie dlvoTce; and tbe said defebdant will further lake notice that he is reiinired toapi»ar >1 tbeoflice ol tbeCletk of IheSu. wrior Conn of said county to the Court: house in Davta County. Mockavllle, North Carolina, with, to a ^ days sfter tbe Sib day ol February. 1956. and. anawer « de. mur to the complaint in said ac. tion, or me ptolntW vrtll apply to tbe court for the relief demanded lu aaid complaint. ,T b l.,.h d .y o U s « a « .., aerk of Superior Court. man I was living with waa a Re publican. The Davie Times went out isinesa aome.ilne alter I came 10 Hoek.«ille, and for a abbri lime Tbe Record' was tbe onlv paper In Ihe county. Lat« on W. K. Cle. rnenl b^gan the publhi^ilon ol Tbe Mockavllle Couiier. Thepape waa iiaally suspended and. the Mecka rllle Herald was founded by Ibe late. I- Hampton Rich. He finally moved ihS office to WInalou bout this lime a Mr Misepbeimer caoie to Mockavllle *«d began Ibe pnMlnlion of the Mockavlll* Bo- tcrprlae^ -He dldVi aiayiiere long Bis . paper waa vcty< much opposed to tbe Uuiled StatW entering the Phai''Woii.i War and he printed *ome drastic ailk la about oer De­ mocratic Corressmm from thla disiilei. -The DemocrMIc paper, which aianed.~but as Tb* Davie Tima, cbMged W s 15 Uses Stockholders Meeting Oar County And Social Secarity Bv Louis H. Oement, Manager. Farm operators who figure their farm income on a calendar year basis will be paving social security Isxea on their selfemplovment In- come for the first time between Tantiary I and April 16,1956; The payment of social security taxes net earnings from operating a form ia compulsory, provided the net eamlnra amount to $400 or more during the year. The farrh operator who had net earnings from fanning o f S400 or more in 1955 should first inske sure that he has adequate recorda hla farm income and. expenses for the year. Next, he should get social security account number from his nearest social security of- Gee if he does not already have one. If he has had a number but lost It. he should apply for a du­ plicate number. This should be done soon to avoid the last min ute rush, since -the number will have to be shown on his income tax return. Even though the farm operator mav not make enough to have to pay income taxes, he will still need file an income lax return in or­ der to pay his sticial security taxes. Social security taxes ate paid on net earnings of *400 ot more be- i.e taking off for personal ex emptlons. For example, a married farm operator whose net earnings were SI .000 in 1955 would not owe any income taxea, since he Is allowed $1400 personal exemp* tlons, $600 for himself and $600 Cor his wife. In this <a^. how­ ever, h^ would pay the social se curitytaxon $1,000. A recently issued firee booklet, "How Social Security Covera Farmers," outlin­ ing the details of this new law at applies to faim operators, can be secured by getting in touch with the Salisbury Social Security Office, located 301 Post Office Building. If you have any question con* ceming your social security, you might write us ar 361 Post Office B.iildlng, Salisbury, N. C., or see our representative who visit* the Court House, Mocksville N. C., S«eo Along Main Street By Tlir^rml RamUat oooooa Mrs. L. T. Hunter eating chocd- late ice cream on cold winter day —Sheriff Boyles bldd ng goodbye to steel enitnvtne of Ai>e LIkcoIh - Rey. J. H. Groce being held up In front of postoffice-Sales force in Western Auio Store buay taking stock—Leslie Daniel trying to get a cheek casbed-MIss Jo Cooley on her way to movie theatre to see "Seven Year Itch”—Man fmm Spencer wanting ^ know where Calahain got lia name Jim Fuller getting early morning hair cut— LatU Harkey. interviewing police­ man—Mrs. Johnny Naylor carry­ ing bandfuil of money Into bank­ ing hous ;—Mist Julia James de­ livering cold drinks on cold day— Norman Chaffin declaring that he didn’t have rime to read a dally paper—Prof. I. D. Parker carrying a big. bnx of money Into banking bouse^W ill Sain remarking that he would soon be 88 yeara young —Philip Stroud wearing a noble beard around the square on cold afternoon-Prospective'bride do­ ing some afternoon shopping in dime store—Guilford Miller wear­ ing a broad smile—Mrs. James La­ tham pausing in' drug store for re­ freshments—Mrs. S. M. Brewer doing some dime store shopping— Mrs. O. R. Allen looking for a Blum’s Almanac Lonnie Wago. ner starting the New Year tight— Miss Sarah Gaither mailing letters -G irl trying to learn a new dance siepr-KIm Furchea and daugli’er Miss Niirma. on their way to mo­ vie show to see. “To Hell And Back”—Walton Dwiggins gimting oid friends around the sq u a i^ J. K. Sheek getting a Friday afier. noon haircut—Mrs. E. W. Turn* __ and Mrs, JoePalnerdotogsome week end sh-.pping—Mra. Wood­ row Howell hurrying out of .dime store—D. F. Stillwell carrying Ug bag of money to bank. on the first and third Fridava of each month from 12:30-1:30. NOKTH rAROUNA I DAVIE COUNTT f NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby given that the jrtnership existing In the name of J. Frank HendWx and Oiv«» W ardt 'a.H endrix* Ward Imple­ ment Company is herebv dissolv­ ed at of thla date, and that no pe^ son is authorited to contract any debu or liability in the name of The Annual Stockhold ers Meeting Of The Mocksville Building & Loan Association Win Be Held In Tbeir Office Thursday Jaikuary 26th At 7KK) P. M. Shoaf Coal & Sand Co. We Can Supply Vour Needa IN GOOD COAL, ySAND and BRICK Call or Phone Ua At Any Time ^ PHONE 194 Formerly Davie Brick &Coal Co Hendrix Si Ward Implement Cpj Mocksville, North Carolio*. All peraons indebted to Hendnx & Ward Implement Company ate atithorized to pay L ■ Frank Hm - drix and take hla receipt for the same.This 5th day of January, 195& Hendrix & Ward fa 'plei Co. Bv J. Frank Hendrix, Partner. Owen Ward, Partner. HILLTOP Service & Supply BEST PLAC^ TO GET IT Gas, Oil, Tires And Supplies Staple Groceries Small Enough To Appreeimte Your Burine** Large Enough To Fill Your Tank Princess Theatre | WEDNESDAY. “HUMAN lUNGLE" WUh Gary Merrill & lao Sterling Cartoon & Comedy J. W. HILL Owner CINEMASCOPE ' THUKSDAY;& FRIDAY •LOVE 18 A mXny s n ^ -DORED THING" to W ith W im a in H o l^ a. lenniter lones New* Wo doii'tBlM to mulw aftM r^ r name. SATURDAY Wi&Roy Cartoon t BAY«: CINEMASCOPEj Sl MONDAY & T U B g O ^ “HOUSE OB BAMBOCr W ith Robect R m & - ShlriW YaiBigMchi. New* P R I C f c iMalat Shews ASnlttMCkM CUWHMOOfE AAdlsMeCIMia* I davk txN m m M am r * 'M niB DAVIE BBCOBP. MOCKBVlLLE. H. r JANUARV 18 I«E6 THE DAVIE KECORD. C. FRANK STROXro, EUITOR. TELEPHONE Bntond stUMPoMofflee InHadn- *nie. N G., u SacondttiM T ' mkttor. March ^ l« n . :SUB8aUniOII rates; ONE VBAR.INN. CAROLINA ■ • t.M SIX MONTHS IN N. CAROLINA ■ 7te. ONF YEA*. OUTSIDE STATT - «.M SIX MONTHS. OUTSIDC STATE • $140 From Asheville , Gir«^w-McPoU^gIi nliig containing IS and beini lot No. 5 m.the d(-le««.vitlon of the-----deceaUd,>l|ote<i > flcrat more or W. 11.13 chi. to the beglnnlna, N. 53 degs E 340ch» with Hart* containing 11,09 acres more or Ii:«s. mao 8 line to an J(on. st<ike,,.:Hart>.□I iw. S'ln.cne ui* concamioK -------------- —- , w - ' idabfJohnPhelp., 3kI Tract! A tract known as_________J to Faiie; Klyer., the-"Thbrnlon" lands: _Be*inn.ng J T. Phelps thence S. 3 <W^ deca’d atilp^rsfCcoiiledin Book ata rock(s>o.»)^ Wesley^ Jarvis’ 17 15 chs. to a stone^rbM yeni*No: 2& page 499 501, Register-sflf. corner, thence N. 3 degs. E. 21.38 corner, thence S. 87 degs. fice of Davie County, N .C ' Ichs to a stone on north side of chs. to .the beginnjne, contBinln« 2ndTrac« A tract known as W wpart of the “Thothton" land Be “ ""h line, thence S 84 d ^ W Said lands wUl.^be offe^^ in ginning at an iron stake, corner ot 2 S7 chs. to an a»h, Richard Harl- ,h„e seperate ractsaijd ^ en as a vllle. McUUIoui* I. atallon-S-P- Po>tt and Wesley Jarvis,' man’s corner in line of M..rch hole in the discretion of the un. ed at ” * y thence N. 12 degt. E. 1020 chs. to land, thence S. 24 d w W 6 25 jersisne J■° "fc I* " " - *■ * a rock at foot of .twin pines, corn. chs. to an iron stake. Rkhard Hart- TERMS OF SALE: One-.ThirdtheU . S; Ma!toeCotpi. The wed- „ of Uwls Hartman and Wesley man’s comer, thence S. ,58 dew. „nd the balance on 30 davs Dear Col. Stroud:-Notiie tL t ^ you are having leiien from Cali- Western North Carolina for the ^ f, I? Tourist Trade.!',bought I wbuld slip in a little publid.y for this neck of the woods. “ *• McCuIlou* to atailon- Mr. J. Uoyd Britt. ABC BoaidOialtittin. reoorted that- for the ••—--- cr ox-mwis naciman anu w^mBv ~ « u-..« »iiu me Li<iiBin.c AJH'.^vi tuivBv<«rlO>i<:A.hn>ill.1innr>F <*lng date ifill be iat later. Jarvis, thence S 88. degs. E. 875 83 chs. in Hartmans line lo bond and approved, se-year Ii»&5 Asheville Liquor Store. " *hs: to a stone, S. F. Potts’ comer an it .n stake. Richiird Hartman s ,he <>p,ibn of■ ■■ thenceN .M degs.W .97f . Bicycle tiding and roller skating on the sidewalks around t h e equate should be prohibited be. foreVomeone gelt killed ot badly crippled. During the holldayt a number of pedestruns had narrow escapes. ______________ (^ndidates f.r thevariou sold a toul of $4,818,024.00 worth of liquor. Mr. B. A. Manley, Jr., City Buil­ ding Inspector, reported that for s coun­ ty oiGcers are earnestly requested to i^ a in very quiet untU after grpii id-hoR day, lest they scare the bog when he comes out, which would m.»n six extra weeks of winter weather, ______ On t>ec. 28th we mailed 17 ot our subscribers' in Winston-Salem •tatements for their subscriptions. Up'to J.an. 12th we had received four replies. Maybe the fellows haven’t fully recovered from the Christmas holidays. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst. This is election year in ihe good old U. S. A. Let’s all try to hold our tempers and when election day rolls around vole for the men of your choice and give the other fellow the tame privi­ lege. Card parties, radios, dances, jov riding, town gossips and other attractions sa.roetimes help to break the monotony uf an other­ wise quiet village. The day of jan is with us, and as Mark Twain remarked about the weath­ er, what can we do about it. Jacob Stewart Jacob Stewart, 96, of this city, believed to be the oldest practicing ' at’omev in this State, died early 1 .St Tuesday morning at Lynn Ha­ ven Nursing Home, following a heart attack, "Colonel Stewart," as he had been known for many years, was bom in Davie County. He attend ed Fork Academy. Wake Forest College and rhe Dick and Dillard Law School in Greensboro. He wail, the second oldest alumnus of Wake Forest College. He begun the practice of law in Mocksville in 1888. He was attorney tor the Davie Board of Education and the jtown of Mocksville. and chairman of the Mocksville School Board. He was very active in behalf of the Mocksville Masonic ~ Picnic, and bad been chairman of the pic­ nic since 1917. and had taken an active part In these annual affairs for the past 65 years. He was married to Miss Fannie Dulin in 1890. She died in 1953. Mr. Stewart was a member of the Mocksville Baptist Church. Surviving ate two sons, Roger andJPhilip Stewart; five daughters. Mrs. H. W. Collins, Mrs. I. O. Young, Mrs. Harry Fyne, Mrsl Hoy Poston and Miss Marjorie Stewart. Funeral s- tvices were held at 3 in line of Gray Hartman, thence: comer.JamesWagoner James F. Wagoner, 45,j>fGa* ia<Rrl»'«>fn 950 no fro™ “ 'C hs. to a stone comer of Will This 2nd div of lanuary 1956. g r a n t. Lmmi^sloner. On premises: near hway 801. 1956. additions and repairs, an amount _ ’ ^ which was away Over a million less • * than the liquor bill. The Grand Jury made their an* nual re|wrt and said that 'the Quean-Carson high school was in Aiserable condition; delapidated, unsanitan, a fire hazard and a dis­ grace to the community. The School Board read this report and spid, "Great gdodness alive, the Grand Jury report is nothing new to us. We have known for a long time that some of the school buil- dings were in a helu’va fix, but we Mr. and Mrs. The body was son of the late Price Wai to CONDENSED STATEMENT OroyeMeAodist CSJrch, w h« R A N K O F DA V IEthe funeral was held on jan. 7th. Surviving are th« wtfe and •ona son. MOCK9VILl.£. C At The Close of Business Dee. >31,1955- NOTICE OF SALE RESOURCES Pursuant to an order or Judg- C ** atid Due From Banks m entofs. H. Chaflhi, Clerk of Loans and Discounts S ^ iS * S JS S L S iS S riH ''4 V rJ U. S.Govemment-Bonds Potts, George N. Myers, et al, vs- State and Municipal Bonds ___________________________Haden F. Myers, et al.” the under- Other Bonds FumUure and Fixture. money and patch ’em up a little.’' So come on up and drink with us. If you can*( find a house with a roof on it, you can always sleep on a oark bench. R.S. MERONEY. Farmington High School News By Johnnir Eilm nnil -T-ie nunleli 1956. at 12 o’clock. Kt. offer for Income Earned, Uncollected sale to the highest bidder, on the _ , premises of the late George Z.Mv- Total . - . $ 875,767.58 990,425.49 1.045.312.50 766.351,14 446,250.00 4.513.23 7.886.00 $4,136,505.94 LIABILITIESerSfOn Highway 601, near Ad­vance, N. C , Davie'Co., the fol­ lowing described lands; Canltal Stodc 1st Tract: A tract beginning at „ ^ a stone, southwest corner of Lot Surplus - No. 4 in Ae division of the lands Undivided Profits Ihs-m " stake.’thlnM 's. 1 0 , 8 2 Discount and Accrued to a s-ake, thence W. 5,31 chs to Interest and Taxes 50,039.28 a stake, thence N. 35 degs. W< 7-24'n,.nnBir*'chs. to an ash on bank of ditch. 3,738.478.19 thence W. 20.18 chs. to a slake on edseof Highway, Aence N. 42 $ 50,000.00 250,000.00 47,988.47 OFFICERS KNOX JOHNSTONE, President R. B. SANFORD, Vice-President ; • S. M. CALL, Cashier MRS- TILTHIA M. HANES, Asst. Casfeier DIRECTORS . S. M. CALL KNOXIOHNSTONE. . R.B. SANFORD v R. B. SANFORD, Jr. T. J. CAUDELL. C. A. BLACK WELDER ^ ATLAS SMOOT JASON BRANCH Get to work, you can’t ,hirk.'^ The clock seems to tick this mo- — —— - —- ----------- notonous rhyme over and over, now that Christmas holidays are tehind us. Tired and' weary we " have staggered through exams. Triumphant! Well, anyway we’re through with them. (. On Jan. 10, Farmington Blue Devils played Lewisville there. Both games were lost but burglrjs gave Lewisville a lot of excitement and worry by coming within 3 points of lying them in the last quarter, "nte oys had an off night and didn’t do as well as they know how. Lewisville girls 37, Farmington girls 26; Lewisville boys 48, Farmington bovs 21. We were handicapped in the girls game ' when Carolyn Boger injured her knee and was taken our for the, temainder of the game. The monthly 4-H Club meeting was held Thursday In the auditor, ium at activity period. In the ab­ sence of our. president. - Johnny Hauser, Margaret To Harpe, vice- president took charge. Tlie pro­ gram was based on health improve­ ments which are beneficial to you, ]your family, and other peiiple. .... The meeting adjourned with the Club pledge. Miss Wariick and - Mr. Baker gave out record books. The Beta Club met Tuesdav and decided on'their delegates to the Beta Club Conyeution. at Ashe­ ville. After long deliberation and mueh consideration, two boys, Johnny Hauser and Joe Busiek were selected to represent Furm-. ingion at the convention. Total - - $4,136,505.94 . MEMBER OF FEDERAL DEPOSITINSURANCB CORPORATION STAS CHIEF FOUB-OOM CATALINA The ear tayt 99 and the pnce won't slop yml ______ , ____ ___________ _ Yes, y'all be. sure and ~ come. r,m . Wednesday at the Mocksville jWhereT Why. Farmington High Baptist Church, Rev. J. P. Davis School’s .annual HomeCommg ^ Rev. Paul Rkharfs officiated, It’, to be held in Farming. .sharpi- Farmington Blue Devils:' ' f - I _ D * J •'*" P'** “ Mocksville Wild- j n r s . j o n n n i a a l e « ts in two games .. which show . ' Mr»- Nancy Ridule. 85, died ««at promise of tough competk-'i . Jan. 7th, as .the home of a sister, I®!* From the representatives of Mrs. S. W. Bowden, of Advdncr, cach high school classroom, the ^5^“ I •” V» and girls basketball team.lUmng health fo several moii h», ^.e cheerleaders will but death was unexpected l She was bom M uch 18, 1870.™ . in Davie County, daughterof'ohn ’* J"*'?' '•'* queen, willand ' EUtabeth Plott. She was crown her auccessor. Be on haitd , nurflcd to John Riddle who died to see who the ‘Home raming , ial93fi. Queen for'56’^ will be , &.»lvtog « « a Iwthgr. Tf.om- We extend a special inviution » the school and county boird of m drcn: g ra n d c h ild re n . «^«caMon, the faculty and gradu- :»pi^eral aervidM were conducted students. , *« 3 |> . ^ J « . 9 ^ . |Wf8etoIehem yjH make January^ DRIVE THIS BIG BEAUTY'w ITH STOATO-STREAK POWER - AND NEW^STRATO-HjiSHT HYDRA-MATIC m FMitiac’s migh^ 227-hc Shtato- Stiedc VrS is. tto roost modem high-onnineaBkm, hij^-foique cngiiie--^insra than a nmt<^ fiorcan (!08^Jiuiid>^ doJins mine, aU this bltiziiig p o ^ b smoothed "to per- fisction by Ptmtii^s exduslvai new SIzato^Flight Hydta-I^tic* Drive. Iir foct, iWtidc (iito A m all. on—HO i haUt And in eveiy otber raspect this car overtalies the. 'finest in featune althouj^.it overiaps'^the lowest ' inpiioer ■ Certainly no car is ntore distinctively beautiful. -W itt stjitog eo new and firaJi the experts ate amngU a tijhottou attend. - ^ cm put rote road-levehng length between' front and rear wheels—where it counts—or give yon tto safety of,80 much sure-footid solidness. Came in and see for yourself why Pontiac has thein commg from both ends of the price scale- how it’s duinging iHa buying habits of many who previously ^ much m o n ^ ^ stiU didn’t get < all of Ptm^t^s. p^rm ance; - size and luxiity. SPBCJAt"BULLETIN-AU PoaUacs are mm omtUaikmthaeoptimialXCLPaiierpack'deliuer^ •--------- ratSlOORPM , AVIB KBCOBO, MOCKSVILLE. ■. C. JW m R Y 18 t9M THE DAVIE RECORD. 0 1 ^ P ap er la T he Cbonly No Liquor, W in*. B e«r Ads Moduville High School New* 4.VNDJI CRAWFOItD. R.pw.r Mas Lttbt h ia Miss Lula Eliiabeth Nail. TO, of Wintton-Saltm, died at 9:15 a. m., , . , „ Jan. 7th a. a local hospitd NEW S A RO U N D TO W N . | Friday at activity period the I , Monoeram Club met with Jimmy Lewis Foiteat, of Route 4. te. Kelly* tKe president, in charge. A turned recmtly ftoni a visit to re committee was appointed to plan la tl^ at High Pbint. Spencer, Sal- the initiation of new memben, ‘ labiiTv and Kannapolis.' ' .. IThose on the committee aie Ken- ■ ' neth Howell, Hazel Clement, Ann ::Mr. and M rt Sidnm Durham Rfchardson and - Willi™ Long. of.Route ^ are the parents of a The date for the initiation is Tan- . son, who arrived at Rowan Mem- uary20. A committee was also ■ orial Hospital on Jan. lOih. .. appointed to plan a SocJc Hop for ■ i n u n some time in the future.-Monday Mr and Mrs H ^ were still ,a progress as theof this city, are the of a son who arrived at Rowan | «^*i. Memorial Hospital on Jan. 8th i giU,' baskediall • ^ -Mr and Mrs. Paul Robertson. I score was 40-36 in feivor of M»Hs of Advancier, R. 2,Bre the parenu Home. The bovs played a good Chuich. Surviving siti three brothers, Adrancfc_______ P.N all.andR L.N anof\V ins‘ W o don 'tlik e to m ake X ton-Salem; and A. C. Nail of m arks after your nam e. o f a son who artivjd at Rowan Memorial Hospital on Jan. 8 th.' . Charles Messick. Ir,v of the .U. 8; Navy, who is stationed at Nor; folk, was the week-end- guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Messick. .i^M tfc Roy Hoithouser left last Tuesday for New York, where she is bnying spring and summer mer­ chandise for Sanford’s Depart­ ment Store, _ ■ • Pfc. E. B. Moote; Jr., of Fort Hauchuca, Arizona,, spent a . few days last week In toiwn, the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Frank Fowler and Mr.- Fowler. - Sgt.and Mrs. Charles Wrenn and little daughter, of Fayetteville, were week-end guesn o f Mrs. ■ Wrenn’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will N. Smith, There will be'a V. F, W. meet- game and won 60,48. Mid-terms kept busy all week, and there was much relief and rejoicing over the week­ end because of the completion of these. Now everyone is anxiously awaiting the results. At Dlvis-Townsend last Tues­ day night the girls lost 39-33' and the hoys loss 64-_59. The high school. had assembly Wednesday at activity period. Mr. Farthing made several announce­ ments. Then the opera, "Cat» men,” on a record given the school by the P. “T. A- several years ago, was heard. It was announced that arrangements would be Smade for those who wished to hear more of the pieces. Edwin Kyles It is with sadness that we chron­ icle the death of out friend:. Ed­ win K. Kyles. 46, who died sud­ denly at his home in Troutmaning at the Hut. Friday, Jan, 20th. Wednesday Mt. Kyles has at7:30p.m r lw ouldliketohave.,, ,jj,p j„ .„„ „ p ^ (,y a lot of the , 1 terian Orphanage,3arium .Springs ja m b s SWlCEGOOq-Cmdr. fo, ,he p a t 26 years. Heinstalled Mrs. Clarence ; Hendricks wus our newspaper press about IS carried io Rowan Meiriortal Hoi- y«ts ago. and ha. visited our of- pital early last week to spend sev- - eraldays undergoing observation and treatment.. Rev. and Mrs. Archie Jones, of Wake Forest, are the proud pat­ ents »if a 6ne daughter, . Gwendo- . lyn. who arrived at a Rakigh hos- ' pital on January 9ih. Mr.. Jones Is the soo of Mr^and. .Ntrs. J. C. Jones, itf Mocksville. M lisS u e Browu, who has hekl . a position with Ford-Mercury Mt • tor Co., Lenoir,-for years, has a:cepted a position In the office of Erwin Mills, at Ctwleemee, and entered upon her new duties Mon­ day;' She wid make herhomewith her mother, Mrs. P. G. Brown,,in this city. . A revival meeting will begin at Calvary Baptist Church on Mon day Jan. 3rd through 28ih. : Ser- vici.-i ejch evening at 7:30 p. m, fice many times since when the press needed attention. Mr. Kyles is survived by hia wife, one son and one daughter, his father. Rev. Robert R. Kvies. three biothets and two sisters. He was a fine Christian gentleman. : We shall miss his friendly visits, to our print shop., ... D R, Beck David R,3eck, 70, a native of Davie County, who lived near Wulkertown, died in a Winston^ Sakm hospital Wednesday. Suiviving are three sons, one daughter,. two sisters and two brothers. Funeral services were held at the home at 1:30 p. m., Thursday and at Ij»mes X Roads Baptist Church at 3 30 p. m , with Rev, W. E. Barkley and Rev. C, C. Vaughn officiating, and the body Rev J-Harold Laman. of Green - laid to rest m. the church cemc- boro, wiH assist the pasior Rev. tery. . Mr. Beck had many friends lames B.eedsole In the preaching. The public it fordially invited to attend all the servkxs. in Davie who were saddened bv his death. ’ William Call and sister, Miss Manha Call, left vesterday for Elisabethtown and Selma, where they.will visit relatives.. From •'. M m a they will visit points of in­ terest hi Florldi^ Mr. Call will be r away for several months, but Miss Csli will return , home In .four ■> weeks. »AHT ADS PAY, FOR SALE- One fresh cowand two to fieshen shortly. •G -t. FOSTER; Route 3, Mocksville. N. C FOR SALE-Seversl ptjrk how weighing 150 to 200 ^ung^cw h. Call on W,Mocksville, Route Elder li A, Fag*. 78, pastor of :Mo Creek Primitive Baptist ^Church in Davie Counrvi. died -.- Wednesday morning at the home of a son. lit Winston Salem, ..Sur- ' : viving'are three spns, o.ie. daugh ter, three sisters and one brother, ineral services were held at 2 p. . Friday at Saint's Delight. Bap -.tlst .Church- . Pianos tuned, repaired, tebu|lt refinished or j(es(yled. Ftee esti mates. New and- used pianos- ' Anything musical. Easy terms Write for prices. „Starling Thomas Music Co. ’629 N. Trade St, Winston-Salem V ------ you e m msluatty buy a bit, gbam rm n PotUiae 860for less"Pom iAc Do you rmd TIm itecaH7 IRVIN PONTIAC COMPANY W iH w .boroSlroot ' MocksMUe, N. C. 2nd Lieut. C. N. Powell. Jr, of. Henr ctta; Texas, spent Tuesday ’ Wednesday in town the guest _'ofM r.andM rs E. L McClom- roch. Lieut. Puweh’s grandmot­ h er was a nativef of Davie county. wUI be sta- I $400 MONTHLY SPARE TIW ■Reiilling and collecoijg, money ; from our five cent Hisn e Nut machines in thU awa. No Sellitig! To qualify for work you musr have car, references,-$6« iMured bv inenrory. Dcvpdng i hours a week co buSiness, ypur.eod oci pcicenwie collectfons net u p to $400 momhiv with v ^ Bood pbssibllcies of caking over lul dme; ■ Intome incte^ng ac«»rf- ^ For- interview, include iM sM m m m MoiJcsviUe,' Route -4; ; and nekes and nephews. ; ' : i Funeral servicea were- cdnduct- ed at 12:45 p, m , Tuesday st Vog- D: b . Broom and Dr. R. E. Wall ^'"T:^officiatin■I: Burial was in Shady i « o f C om sber. Memodlst _ r™.iGiove Methodis. Chureh.Ceme- r o u m Yoiir M sidi of DImn taais a n pnvlilins ilK csi. 111. net*. Itot (In is ew ot lin in u «( Uwimnib of poUo vicums "liom ux> soon''— bstoie Hie qilc polio vscciab Today, M sidi ot Dimes funtiiDlilch dm iopal sad tested Ow vscciae sn fiaaactog lesarch to imi»ov. It, But tim . iUn ate polis victio» who need Aad liiete win be teas of tlwuuads aun. Mticliea l>e(6ns the natioa Ins its U satet el piD- tccUoo. Much ot Dimes plus Uie heutsmdluiKlsot poUaashlos evetjwiiei. mini cottiaae tepnyideoiir msiatiulwaiic sgaiaMpcligk M ARCH OF DflMES '.fanun/^'3 List Your Propertj^ During January Listing of taxef for the year of 1956 Is being held durms January for Davie County. All persons re­ siding within the county and ownmg taxable prop* erty are required by Taw to meet the list taker for the Township in which he oi she resides or tkwns taxable property, and give a tuH and complete list of the same. All male persons between the ages of ^ 21 and 50 ar. to list their polls at the same time.^ All pernons who are hable for the poll tax and fall to list it, will be deemed gulliy of a misdemeanor and upon conviction fined or Imprisoned. Dogs must be listed. The State law requires that every dog, RECJa RDLESS OF AGE—shall be listed. The owner oT^ home (or lessee thereof) is response bte for the listing of all dogs found on hts place. Only females and non*residents of townships a^nd persons physically unable to attend and flie their* lists can appomr agents to list property. All persons, firms or corporations owning ma* chinery, niaiena;s iii process ot manufacture or stock of goods, wri be required co« furnish inventory of same. Please List As Early As Possible To Save Penalty. There Will Be No Second Notice. ELOI5E C STEPHEN.S, Tax Supervisor, Davie County. 1 ■» / I v e g o t r o o m f o r 9 o f u s " Chevrolet oflFen jwu a choitre of six gpri^dy new station wagons—' induding two new S-passenger modds-aU with beautiful Body by Fisher, all with plenty of cargo . spacer all with new horsepower langins up to a hot 2051 . Hera’s a appy, exciting land ot power that's lUn to handle. And the doaest thing to sports car perform­ance—spht4ei»nd steering reaction and . the knack of holding fast around curves—that you’ll find in a full-size automobile. Seat belts, with or without shoulder harness, and ulstniment panel padding, are . optional at extra cost. Safety door latches and directional signals are standard.. Come in soon and drive t real road car! Bel Air I 4 Doors, 9 Pass.nget< r m H O T O N m 'e mvSN HOTTBR . . 1 Doors, « Pi PENNINGTON CHEVROLET CO.* IMG. PHOt«E156 - MOCKSVIUX, N -C V'-r a --'- t L iiie OAvii m c o b u. m o c k w iix e h c.. m iiu a b y » ; »<«« U O W can we teU w hether a per- son iB a Christian or hott Is there anything th at m arks all C hristians? There Js faitii. of course; but only God can see laith itselL Jesus said: “By th e ^ fruits y e shall know them .” W hat kind of “fruits'* should we look for, in others<iand in our* selv es^ to s e e w h e th e r w e a r e Christians? Only • God is the final Judge. We should not be too <]utck to say brashly, " I know . . B etter say, ‘*t have good reason to believe . So, w hat Dr. Forem an are'-the good reasons for believ* ing that a person is a Christian? Sticking to our one chapter in Luke to r this week, we can take note of three m arks of a Chris> tian, th at is, of Jesus* followers, those w ho.take his word a s Jn order. They sound quite simple and ordinary; w hat Is exlraordin* ary, what is specially Christian about tliem» is the thoroughgoing quality Jesus expects. Three m arks which we can read* ily see suggested, in this chapter oC sayings of our Lord, are: Help« fulness, hum ility, and honesty. Everyday qualities, aren't they? In fact, you can't get along with* out them in ti\e civilized world. Nobody likes a m an who brags all the time..Nobody likes a m an who never lends a hand to anybody in trouble. Kobody likes a m an who can’t be trusted. Helpfulness. hu> miUty and honesty are not. in thcmsclvos specially Christian at­ titudes. Jesus certainly did not in> vent these' qualities. They are found am ong people ot m any re­ligions and of no religion. What Jesus did was to dem and an ex­ traordinary high degree of these everyday virtues. F irst, as to hdpfulnes?: Not only In the words quoted in Luke 14 but In m any other ways and places, Jesus em< phasizes how far his friends are cxpected (o go. M ost people are willing to helpf others, if tt Isn’t l>other8omc or expensive. Jesus' idea of helpftUness was of some* tWng quite costly, something that calls for elTort. scif'sacriflce. Help* tuineaa as he sees it is not just doing something for somebody who will do as m uch for you. It m eans doing for people who never can pay you back. You can’t Ike sure you are helpful as C hrist was unless you are willing, as he was, ^ to put out m ore for others than, you are going to get back. We aU expect hum ility from other people, and we even practice It ourselves, In the form of cour­ tesy, F or courtesy is a form of humility.—"A fter youl*' “Please." “ Thank you,” "Pardon m e." and the lUce. are hum ble expressions, when you come to think of it. B ut Jesus expects H is disciples to ,b e hum ble and not just to talk hum­ ble. A re you a Christian at this point? A few questions are In order, to ask yourselt Am I al­ ways thinking that other p e ^ le don’t appreciate m e? Am I a Ut» tie sore because I don't get the prom otions I deserve? When I say. ’’What’s he got that I haven’t got?” Do 1 feel a Uttle peevish, as If th e answ er I expect is *’Noth« tag” ? Have I often been able to forget m y own Interests on be­ half of others? One of the m ost strllcing stories about Jesus Js told by John, who records that Jesus, "’’knowing h e cam e from God and ' w as going to God,” leok a towel and did the ’'m enial” service that every one of his disciples v a s too proud to do. The highest is the • hum blest. Oavl» County I [Pollv Havwood Ward, PUintiff William B. Ward, Defendant. ORDER It appearing to (hn Cotirt from the affidavit of the plaitttiff in the above entitled action that William B, Ward, the defendattt .thenin, cannot after due dilligence and, search be found in the State of North Carolina; that a<caufe ofac» I tion exi is in favor of the plaintiff I against said defendant and it fur­ ther appearing Irom e ,id affidavit I that the above entitled action is I in action for the Court. Ic is now ordered that a notice I be published once a week for four I successive weeks in one newspa* per published in Davie Countv, North Carolina, giving the title andpurpoaeof this a<^ioit J>nd requiring the said defendant to appear in the office of the under signed Cleric of the Superior Court of Davie Countv, on the 21st dav of February, 1956, atid answer orI demur to the complaint.This 16 dav of December, 1955 S. H. CHAFFIN, Clerk of ti^e Superior Court. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administra* cors of the estate of Nezzic Caru r, deceased, notice is herebv given to all persons holding claims against the said deceased, to present them properlv verified, to the undersign-’ ed, on or befoie the 4th, day of lanuarv, 1957* or this notice w-i I be plead in bar of reeoverv. All persons indebted to said estate, .vdl plense make prompt seltle ment This 4ih day of January 1956. F. M. and Clarence Car­ ter, Admrs of Nczzie Carter, decs'd.George W, Mariin, Attorney. NOnCEOF SALE OF LAND F a ia m n t «o m o rfe r «iid d«w ee n u d e and entered b v S . H . C baffin, C lerk of th e S uperior C o n ito f !)»• vie C o n n ir, N . C .. In th e » p ^ « l proceeding en titled " S . M . C ell, A lm r. o f Jo h n f l. P ee. dera’d ot All th e unknow n h eirs of fohn H . P ee and G eorce W . M ertln. G n«rd A d L llem ." The underelened ■ C Everybody k hom th at honesty if a (ood policy. B ut one m ark ol a Christian is that be' wiU be honest at two points w h e re <strangely enough) m ost people are least honest: that Is, with him self and with God. The par­ ables about coim ting the cost are really about the im portance of toeing the facts, adm itting to yourself w here you com e diort. H um an capacity for seU*deceptimi is astounding. Why a m an takes h im sd f for a sucker, in other w ordi. is som ething hard to un­ derstand. B ut It is even more am azing th a t m en will think they can ’’s e t by’* w ith God. Those ex- eusM m add 'b y the utiwUling guests, in Jesus’ parable,—did they feel th eir bosl7 Excuses of- f e i ^ to God are worse than waste ot tim e. V .........f e a ■ lOC UUMC.B.K««u -----------------will offer for sate to the hlKheat Mdder. at «h4 Conrthon» door of Davie Conaty, In Mocksvllle,. N. C., on MoDdey, Febmsnr«. 1956, at 13:00 o’clock M., the following dencrlhed lota in Jernmlem T om ablp, Davie Coomv, lo>wlt: tat. Lota No«, *9, 30 and BesinnlnK at a stake on Bast side of E. Broadway road, corner of tot No. a8. thence N, 85 degs, 30 tiiin. B 150 feet to a stake,, comer of Lot No. 18 on til. orlelaal line, thence with the orlRinal line S. 4 decs 30 mln. W. 75 feel to a stake, comer of Lot No, thence wfth 'Ine of Lot No. 3a S. 8s degs. 30I min. W. ISO feet to a stake on «he| east aide of Broad wav road, thence ’one said road N. 4 dees. ,v> mln. H. 75 feet to the hetinntne. helnv part of the propertr conveyed by R. B. Broadway to N. A. Trexler. snd. Also Lots No. 34, 3s, 36 and 37. heglnnlne at a stake on B. side of Broadway rosi*, comer of t No. 33.* thence with line of (ot No. 33 N. Ss dees. .10 mln. B. iso I feet to a stake on the orletnal Hoe.orleliial line S. •lOrniTc w,iM ....- . - -SO mln. W, feet to atake, conier of lot Nn. .^8, thence with line of lot Nn. 38 85 .deca. I30 mill-W. 150 feet to a stake, corner of lot No. 38. tbenc^ N. 4 ^egs. 30 mln. B. alone eaat Broad.' wav road too feet lothehesrlnnlnar., «ee Deed recorded (n Book 44,.i>aiee 174. ReeKtent nfSce of Davie Co.' N. C , for more particular de« <etlpt1oii. 5^ . Beclnnine at a atake on eaat aide of Broadway road, cnm«>r of IM Vo. tbenee with line of lot No. 31 N.' 8s dega. 30 mln. E 150 feet to a stake, comer of to* No. 31 on the origfnaf line, thence with said Him 5$. 4 dega. 30 mln, W. 50 feet to a atake. comer of lot No. 34s thence wl*h line of lot N. 34S. B5 deca 30 mfn 150 fleet to a stake on eaat idde of Baa* Broad wav road, thenee alnncr sali* iroftd N. 4 deea. 30 mln. E. 50 feet to the herittnfiiflr. Heine lota Noa; 32 attd 33 of Tra Bmadwav t>roi)er*l •v, anrreve<1 hv T* H. Ttwdlce. 8«^ vevnr. Noe. 17. 1941, and heinc a nart of the R. B. Broadway pron- erte. Senf Deed from R. B.. 9fil» W and wife John Pea and wife. BrK>1r 45. naee 95, aald ^Reglater'a oflRee. T Tni« of Sa^e: One><blrd eaah, Halance on 30 dava time with hon'* and anprryed aeenrlty or all ea«h «t ontlon of pnrehaaer. '**Tfifa tfw s8rh day of Deceoiher. '*A .'t . GRANT. Co i>Th« RmotI b «ilr S c ^wtA. SulMerSw today.] IASI WCEKf ■ Aomm2fiovrarei . tree IPae. tosl «.8trUa ^ . Stan IlM or. _ UitrsiiaMI M.Dlachti|<* M . All ax DOWN1. Opposed t» right ,. Assam aUkworm I. Drtsdlu)«. Employ ».ltoman . money , ,.French If. Malt bmraf*tt.8Ka of OonMUVniverglty UWtUH, a name ST. south* east S«h <abbr.) » .B nU re amount SI. A. fruit 33. Covered' with m osi ‘'• & s i » churchea 35. Brightly* colored fHh36. Queen of heaven (Or. M yth.) t». Birds a t a elaaa 40.MounUlA tfiSwclud^4S.Coverlnt of' falaa hair il.S a st* • northeaat (abbr.) l0.MarmonlgaSOeFMtllaflowtntavbitancM af S4.M!ST.KtaffOf (Bib.) SI. Head covering4t. facing awords. O .M ake. aa cloth 49. Cautions 46. Bury 47. QuesUon- able <coUo(|.)48.Web-(ooted ON 1955 TAXES . Goes Into Effect Feb. 1st PAY NOW And Save Additional Costs KATHLYN REAVIS Davie County Tax Collector ♦ FOR RENT ♦ SPACE IN THIS PAPER Will Arrange T« Suit GOOD N5lGHBORS~-MIC£S TO fir v o w BUSINESS . COM M ISSIONER’S N O TICE O F SA LE O F R EA L ESTATE • Under and by virtue of an Wr* dec of the Superior Court of Da­ vie County. North Carolina, made in an action entitled **F. F« Bran* don vs |oe Bill Coe et al/^ the uh* derslgned Cotnmissioner will, on the ^ th dav of January, 1956, at 12 o’clock noon, at the Court* house door in Mocksville, North Carolina, offer for sale to the high­ est bidder for cash, that certain tract of land lylnit and being in Clarksville Township, Davie Coun­ ty, North Carolina, and more par- . ticularlv described as followi: Lying and beios in Clarksville Tomnship, Pavie Countv, North Carolina. Beginniag at a stake on the East bank of Steelman creek, runs-South East 37.00cha.I to a stake, Haves line, thence 8. 5degs. W est'46.20chs.toa stake, - then North 85 degs. West 17 cha. to a stake, then South 56 de«s. W.3 chains to the creek, then up the ^ creek 2i chs. to a stake on the E. bank of the creek, then up the [creek as it nieanders about N. 15 I degs. W. 46.50 chs. to a stake oti ithe West bank of creeld then still up the creek, N. 10 W. ,12 50 chs. I to a stake on the East bank of. rcreek, chen sitll up the creek N. 10 degs. W. 17-50 chs. to a stake on West bank of creek, thence still up the creek N. 10 W. 2.87 chs to the - beginning, containing 147 acres, more or less This 19th day of December, 1955* AVALON E. HALL, Commissioner. Do you rea d I he R ecord? •56 DtendMMrd 4ntf $ m r M M h o ITafm n a m M M fiHlMk THunhftM Strffni M Onigaf With Ae introduction the new, distinguished Parklone, Arnica's hivorite station wagons now are six/ And ”FUN* . and "ffANOlT are the wofds for all six of them! AU six of these haulersK>f-fame offer you the Thunderbird's cum Y-S engine . . . the power plant dut means instant power when instants count Extra charge? Not a cent, ‘be­ cause Ae Thuiuieihird Y-8 Is the sfondsrd eight the linel And to guard you and yours against accident injuries you get^ Lif^uard Design. Lifeguard features su^ as. a new deep-center steering wheel, dbuMe-grip door locks, shatter* resistant rear.view mliror, optimial seat helts and padding for the contn^ panel and sun visors . . . literally suirou^ you and'y^ur fandly with added protection. ■ CMne %^For a Test Drive today. Find, out all the other leasum w^'Ford SUtioii Wagons outsell tlietn aUl ' « (NOW THERE ARE SIXl) / SANFORD MOTOR eOMPANY Fore! pipafew Since 1913 If Yeu’rc InteMtald In «n A-I U*ied C «r~^ Sw» lo Sm Y w Fonl DMier • .--r w D A .V IE O O lT IirrT ’S O liJD B S T N B V r S P A P lS R - T H E P A P E R T H E P E O P I .E K E A D -NEMB SHALL TUB M«M. THB FlOnVS MGHTS MAINTAMi UNAWCO MT INnUCNCE AND UNBIUKO BY GAIN.* VOLUMN LVl.MOCKSVILLB. NORTH CAROLINA, WBDNBaDAT. JANUARy »s, i<«6. M<iWS OF LONG AGO W haiW uH*■cfaiD k- a«fara P«ikiii( M«t«n And AbliMvikted SIcirto. (Davie R«otd, )in; 29,' 1930) Wnibn CHnard, of Hlckotr. w.sj * hnrlnrn visitor hen Thntiday. Ml» JohD Smoot, ot R. 1, Kpent Kveral days laat w«k In Winston. Sa’em.. MIsH Zeola Crea8on,-of Thomas. ; vhlr, apent the « « k .n d with re. Iatlv«t near Mockavllje. Dr. and Mrs. Roy Bnrgess. of Soatta. apcnt the weekend In town iinests of Dr. md Mrs. B; C. Cboale. Mr. and Mm, }. C. Sanford and Rny HoltboKser spent Wednesday In HlKb Point taking In the Sotith ' etn Pnmlture Exposition. 'Charles. Call, o f Parnlncton tonnxhlp baa purchased the T. A Stone firm, jnM beyond Bear Creek on the old Stateavllle biRbway. R M. Holthonser and T. h. Baker oill relura borne today from Atlanta, where they spent two daya atiendlnK.the Purjna Convention. The Sanford Uolor Co.. hi pnfchast'd from W. B. Foote,, of Ciewe, Va., Bve booMS and ay.lots near Winaton-Salem, on the Sallp-j bnrvroad. M ^amea S A. Hardlnx and L. E. Fermr apent, Friday in Slates vllle with Hlas Willie Mae Foote, . who is__recoverin( from an opera. 'tion at~ tone’s Sanatorium Hiss P o ^ 's fileads will be Rlad to leain Ithat ahe Is gettinc alonR nlceiv. » Rtv. »trt;;l*ra R. C. .Gofoftb. en. leitaincd J&e Bp^rth LeaRde at the twrsonaRe Thursday evenin,. Alter the Inirineia aeinloii a ntim-. ber of names were enjoyed, and de. liclons refnaliment. were ' served the Rnests before their departnre, awrne Hendrick, and alater, Urt. G.orge Walker, motored to Norfolk, V a„ Saturday atid rr. tnrneJ home Snndtv. ' T h n were •ccompanied home by Alton Walk, er and Cleiand Craven,'of the U. S. Niyy, who will apend ten days hete wiib tliielr patients. * Hilary Meroney and Z. N An* deraon. repreaentinR MoAavllle Lodge, Master Baan, FarmluRton Loave, and Master f. D, Wiiklna, repr<''*”flt»( Covrtney Lodge te. tnmeil home Thursday from. Ral. elRlii whrre they attended a inert, ing of the Grand LbdRC of North Carolina Masons They npoit • fine meetinR in the Cs|>ltal City, License was iasned Tbnraday for the marriage of I, L. Holton, Jr., tn Mias-Linda 4Sray Allen, both ofj Mocksville. ' Mills Gladvf Little, of Denver, apent the weekend here, the Ruest of ber auler, Ulaa Loniae Little, She wa. on ber way to Virginia for a two weeks visit. Him Bernice Avett, a teacher at| ]erlchn, apent the week-end In town, the Rnest of her alater, Mlsa] Lonlw Avett, A'Whippet! car cootalnlng two yonnR mrn and two yo waa -recked at the comer ol Avon and’ Wiikeaboro alreel» on Snndav niitht ahnnt elcht o'cfock. High speed In inmInt a enrve. No < - was aerionaly injnred. Misars Lnev Tatnm and Phoebe] RMon oi near Farmington, .enter lained at a als o’clock. dinner on Sainrday, bowling the olBcltIa of the Farnini^oo, Baptist Cbnreb; The n<ra< Intere ting featnrcof the eveiilne was tiie anggeailve planof i Gov Morrison "Live at Home.' Thiiw pnsent wet* Supt,, O. M. finwell Joe Blake. Mra, Lnke M, Pnn^heii, H ik Snaie Richie, Mr*. G H Graham Tinotby Eaton, Fled L<>k^. M>* O. U. Howell. Mra Henry B 1ake,-H I^ Martha Fiirebe*. Rath Lakey and' B tiw betb^amci. ’ASC Ch*m Lists APChacHces Farmers of Dav'e County who sign up to cooperate ill the 1956 Agrlcnlthral Conservation Program may select from a w|ae list of jwac. tices the ones needed on their In* dlvldnal farms to check and con­ trol soil erosion, bniid up the stock, piles of wll fertility and make bet. ter use of water. The list Inclndes: Practice I ^ Establlabing t nent pasture, or alfalfa on land not to be brongbt back Into cnitlvatloo. Practice d. Estahliihing vegeta tive cover in crop rotatloti (seeding pasture, alfalfa, sweet cinver and red.clover.) On these'two pr'actl ces the farmer must follow a aol test lecoromendation or nae 1 ton ot lime If limed In the past s ycara or t tons if not limed In j years, and 1,000 lbs. a.ia.i, for paature and alfalfa and joo liis. o 14 14 |m red, or sweet clover. Must ni of the seed recommendatloi nntlined In the County Handbook. Practice 3. Applying limeatone to Farmland. Follow aoll teat re. commendations or qse f ton of lime It limed In 5 years, or 3 tona It not limed in s years. . Practice 6. Improving perma. nent pastore. In the aluence of a laoil teat uae I ton of lime' if not limed lu 5 years, and no lime la re.| quired If the land has been limed in s years. Uk 666- 11m. - 9-13.19, 400 lbs. o 9.37, SCO lbs. o-f 0.10 or 560 lbs. 0-14-14. Use one of the seed nixtnres aa outlined In the County Handhook: Practice 7, 9, to. Farm Fonda, wd water ways and terracing. The| SCS must determine the n ^ nd practicability, and performance- «f| these practlcea. Practice 14, Bstabllabing wint«r| cover crop, (Vetch, ciimion dov er,>arley, oale,''rye;wbeat or tnls.| tare.) Growth ‘ muat .remain on the laiid to March i;,' I9S7>; ■•■d none of the growth may be; bat. vested for bay or seed, Paator. lug evnalsteiit; with (ood manage ment may be permitted, ' Praciice i.f. Snmitm Annna Legumes. Seeding .cowpeaa, aoy Imne or leapMeia for aummcrpm. t^lon from erosion, Paataring consistent with good oanagi NOMBBR 95 may he permitted but nniie of the growth may be harvested lor ba> seed,. Explaining bow the Individnal uses the Agricutiural Conservation Program on bis farm, C. V. Smoot, Chairman ot the Connty ASC Com.{ mittee, said-that fint a farmer should study his own .farm to de. termine .the consetvatibn needs. Are gnliies cntiiuK back Into the cropland? Oo cover crops protect the land atler the regular cropa ate bar. vested; Is enough of the land proleclrd with a good sod? 'Is the land in ahape to producr tbie desired proiecilve cover? These are just a lew of tbequea tiona eacb farmer abould aak a. bont bis farm The Chairman sireases that the opst aerlcus problema abould be given priority'In planning 1956 {conservation practisea. In tbc Cbairmin's words, "The Commit­teeman has a responsibiiltv to tlw nation to.utie-ihe funds tirovlded for conservation so that the people who put op these funds gin tM c monet’a worth. Tbe prognm be nefits the naiioo.by aiding the far.| met to Keep bla land nrodncti'c,^' G o m m D A fs (Cnrtliiaed Prom Lut Week) Robert Ballty mi old Mqdtmille boy who la now aa Baao dealer In Pobom Pa„ wrote ne a few daya ago that be enjoyed reading the “ Good Old Dava," and want to couiinue tlie articles. Re ea. closed 16,00 for three year’.a anK MllpllOD. A Moekavlile ladvcame In our office a few days ago and told aa bow iftne ot ber relatives in other atatea enjoyed the articles. She aald I mnat have a good mem. ory to naember .wbat waa happen­ ing here a half cntnry ago. I thonght I would say some­ thing about the printera this week, aa Printing Week w u observed thronghoat the United States from ry 15.31. Moat of the old printers I ktiiew Koie 50 yeara ago have pasaed oa. Maybe they were like McArtbnr’a arW officera, |didti>l die bat jnat faded away. Charlie Granger was one of the Brat printera I harned to know after coming to Moekavlile. He worked on the Davie ‘times when Will X Coley , waa editor, for many yeara He later moved to Char lolteami held a poallion with the Charhttte Newa, a ddly newspaper (or nwny yeais. He was a fine fellow, a aoD ot the lata Mr, and Mra, David Granger, of tbla city. Charlie died about 15 yeara ago. Other printcni who'* worked-o n Uockaville papers many yean ago, weie.Cbarlea and Bngh Pamell, They have been dead aome years. David Stalnbacfc. of Halifax., alao aet type In the Dat^ Tlnics; office, for aome time. Later on John Leach, who h still Hving, worked on the Hodtav lie Courier fo r several ears. If I am not mistaken R. S Rnll” Merooey, worked « tW pavie Tlioea or the Courier ’nearly bM ceutniy-ago. The Irat office ‘'devil” I hired after buf Ing The Record from B. H. Monla uMtly jo yeara ago, waa Dennis WIiltlcy He set type oa The Record far three, or foar ywia ler moved to aeit paatam Denab I* «lll living and getting a- long well when I heard Irom hini. Sra Lawreim and Friacis'. Click mttt two of our .firat .typeartie^ Ajnthei' l»li«*t oa The Rerard RnO” McraneV: Bfii wotkcd for nne tiaic bm , later go<ait'to HIcfcatv to work in a aawspaper {office, My next priaier waa Joba P. LeOra'bd; who a« type oa fthe paper tor about four yeara.. loba eatlat^lntiie FirA WoM Wiar, and aifter, tMnraluR boase be later hecaueone of Uncle Sam's rtini letter carrietk, and la still d ell^ ing The Davie Record oa mral ioate No. 9 ' ,Anotlmr young man; wboworkM oa tbe> Record wai' Prad Wllaon. Fred la, still living and holds a poaitloa wlta tho Br vin Cotton MHIa at'Cnoleemee After Fred left aie, I area witlwol a printer for aeveral weeks, t to Newton and foaad a young lady who wanted a lob iu’a print shop. Ulaa Lula Watts worked on The Rieeotd for several nmntha and fien Ktaroedtoberboiae.' After Mietelt our iiext priater was Sherman Spry, who w u a printer for several yeara. He is ■tiu IMng My nex ininter waa MIsa Dnkt S b M wbb afsrted aet. ting ty[^ for iMa paper nearly 3«{ yean ago. and who U •till aetting iVpe on The Record. Other pr*nl- cn on 1%e'Record in the paat 3s yean nwra Clarence and C, ' C. Craven,.,Lawtcnee Tarnrr, Robert Postei, HaniM C, Young, Leioy Bailey Kermi Smith and on^ or two others. All of the'iMiva er* ailll living v d getting along well so far as I.know. Many changes have ukea pla<» la tbc newapapn feld, bat The Record la one of only a few pnpera wbm tbc type ia allll baad-ici. A BROAD HINT "You’re sweet enough to eat,' He said in accents warm and low, ;. "I do eat,” said the sweet younR thing, ' "Where do you want to goP’ A NEW CAR Upon due reflection, a rural school teacher decided to give full credit to a pupil for his answer to an arithmetic problem. The question: "If your father sold 15 hundred bushels of grain for t 2 per bushel, what would, he getr The answer; ’*A new car.” WAIT FOR CLARENCE The twins, five years old. had knelt for bedftane prayers. Li.tle Clara prayed firat, conc uding: "A- inen. Goodnight, God. And now Slav tuned for Clarence.” IT ALL DEPENDS Sonny: Dad, what do vou call man who drives a car? Dad (a pedestrian): It all de­ pends 0n bow close he comcs to m my boy. IN HEAVEN “How is your wife?" the man asked an old friend he hadn’t seen far yeara. "She’s in heaven," replied the Ifriend. ”Oh, I’m sorry,’' Then he rcal- iied that was not the thing to say, so he added, "1 mean. I'm glad.” And that was even wone. He finally cainc out with, “Well, I’m surprlsedl” ' CORRECT DIAGNOSIS “Yes,^ said the doctM, "I'm {couvln^ that it’s aome chronic M l that hat deprived you of health and happiness” ' "Sndrf For heaven's sake, speak sofdy: she's wdting outside forme tibw.** ■ par County And Social Secarity By Louis H. Qement, Manager. Are you self.employed as the owner or partner of a business? If so, and your business is coveted bv Federal social security for .self-ein- plqyme it purposes, you should be sut« to file reports on such busi. nesss eardings (Schedule C) with Federal Income lax retuma. Seen Aloaf Main Stieel Byniistieetltaaililer If vour net business profit' is at least J400 a year, vour social se­ curity account is^ then credited with these earnings. Many persons still make a num.| ber of erron in filing these re­ turns. Since the rights of the selfemploymed taxpayer and his Roy bixbn' sitring in parked au- Ito while his wife has a' to ^ h ex­ tracted—Mrs. C. P. lohnsoii hur­ rying into drug stose and h'uityltig out again—Miss Rebecca Taftcit looking for a Blum's Almanac— Billy Ellis and lack Vogler tamb-' ling around town on wlntet 'Mias Nancv OlatMvdt pausing for lunch in drug store— Albert Howard talking about die dry weathei—Mn, C C Chapman on her v t f to postoffice—Lady r«- matking that there was a shortage of chicken and dumplings-W , H. Clay Lawson transacting some bus. iness around town on cold morn­ ing—Rural lady trying to get Into accuracy of these returns, it is just good business for the penon to | see that his reporti are prepared and filed correetlv. The follow­ ing suggestions as a guide ate of-j tered. It is highly important that the aelf.employed penon show his in­ dividual social security on every day afternoon while three out-of- town ladies were trying to get In­ to the Wallace dime store—Dr. Mutt as busy as two bees in acou- ple of tar buckets—M n. - S. B. Hall buying a box of HoIUngs worth candy—Mr. and M n. Jay Smith-doing some Wednesday af­ ternoon shopping around town — return filed. This is not the same I •'‘W itig to as the eibptover's edeniification "tekel and *««e More-Local me^ number assigned to his business, cham remarking that there W t The person sLouldcIearlydescribe »ny buMness-Mn. J. D. H < ^ thespecifiinaturiofhis business do'ng «>■»«-cold m ^ ta g diop- and not use such vague terms as P>ng around town-Ioel Daywdt “owner”, "odd Jobs”,-various en- “ '^"8 ‘hat h b unde. Bill Beck, terpriscs,” ctc. Income from real » man, once o ^ ^ estate should not be combined on » School C with selfemplovment COMMISSIONER'S NOTICE OFSALEOFREAL , Under and by virtue of an or> {dec of the Siuierior'Oiurt of Da­vie County, North Cm lina, made In an acdon entitlad‘*F. R Bran­ don vs Joe 3ttl Coe e td ,”-die un- denigned CotntnMonet-wlll, on Ae 28tb'dav'6f January, 19S6, at U o'clock noon, at the Coutt- house to MocksvUle, North Candlna, offer (or sale to theUi^- est bidder for cash, that cettato tract of land lying and being in CtarksvilleTownAip, Davie Coun tv. North Caroltoa, and more par- ticiilariy described as followt: Lytog and being in Clarksville Tomnship, Oavie County. North Carolina. Bcgtoni.ig at a stake on the East bank ot Steelman creek, runs South--East 37.00cha. to a atake, Hayes line, thence S. 5 degs. West 46J0 chs. to a stake, then North 85 degs. West 17 chs. to a stake, then South S6 degs. W. 3 chains to the creek, then up the creek 2i chs. to a stakeon the E. bank of the creek, khen uo the creek as It meandeis about N. 15 degs. W. 16.50 chs. to a stake on the West bank of creek, then arill up the cieek, N. 10 W. U 50 chs. to a stake on the East' bank of creek, thm still up the cteek N, 10 dew. W. 17.50 dis.tb a stake on West b<nk of cnek, theiue still up the ctaek N, 10 W , 2.87 chs to the iMgihnliig, containing 147acres, more or less Thb 19th dw of December.1955, V: AVALON E. Ha l l, CommlMknar. business income unless received in ^ Alford and Jim Fuller talking the coune of taking as a dealer in l»«office real estate. Bonafide parmerahips ~G>enn Smith rambling around - •houM tile Informational Form windy day-M m 1065 from which the idividual part- Mando hurrying into Uttle’s nen file their own separate Sche- “ ore-Ypung saleslady re- dulesC In case of a,ole ownet. ‘•Idn't have a hit Schedule C should show gross diamond ring, but waa going to business receipts sepetately from Set one-Brvan Sell getttog a 90 the business expense and net pro .*ent Thursday afternoon hair cut fit. All expenses and deprecia- 1- S. Braswell, Tr , opening lion telathig to the business should “’ail box in postoffice lobbv^Mra. be completely accounted for and Roy Brown. Jr., buying large ba*- deducted, whether or not they af- ** ' ^ek-end groecrlea- feet the person’s fncome tax Habi- Veroon Miller 3lttiag' in oaiiced litv. ^ truck on Main sttee^R ison Hen- If you have any question con^ drix shaking hands with Demo- cemlng your social security, you cralic candidate for Lleuc-Govec- mlgbt write us at 361 Post Office “or-M rs. Howard Hanes buying Building, Salisburv, N. C., or see «andy in drag store after a our reprewnrarive who visits the •‘ardMay’s work-Six mnaU boys , Court House, Mocksville N. C , and girls enjoying ice cream party v; on the fint and third Fridays of •" drug store on cold afternoon- each month from 12:30-1:30, I Mra. James Ellis and dauf^ter, Missjohnsie, doing some after- j noon shopping around town on ^ cool afternoon—Mrs. Wayne Fete- bee, Mn. Ramey Kemp and Mr*. Abee Short distributing Mardi of Dime pins around the squatc— ■ Miss lulia James taking' time out to eat a hot hambuigec—MIss Flo Bennett waiting on shoppen in Gift Shop. Shoaf Coal & Sand Co./ We Can Supply \o u r Needs IN GOOD COAL, SAND and BRICK Call or Phone Us At Any Time PHONE 194 Formerly Davie Brick {kCoal Co HILLTOP Service & Supply BEST PLACE TO GET IT Gas, Oil, Tires And Supplies Staple Groceries |Sm^ Enough To AppreciMe Your Biumeia Luge Enough To Fill Your Tank Princess Theatre WEDNESDAY "GLASS SLIPPER" In Color With Leslie Caron & Michael Wilding Cartoon & Shott J . W . H ILL Owner -. -D e y e u re»d fh * Rocbril? CINEMASCOPE THURSDAY & FRIDAY •^H E TALL ktEN" In Techntcolor W ith Clark GaUe & lane Russell' Newa SATURDAY “DESTRY" In te c h n l< ^ With. Audie Mutpby , Cirtooo:,<^ SetW_. MONDAY «!. TUESDAY <FEAMALE0M TH E BEACH' WitjhlefT Chandler & Ioatk ■ C raw ford. PRi'cii: ■ . ■. liwCMMnalla ,CIMtllMOOIC AMtf MeOMMM Me DAVK- OOONTrS : MaaSI%^{V -sim w yM A m M M iM PAGE TWO ^ PATIB B ^ D . MOCKSVltXE, y. C JANi ABY M. 1 ^ TH£ DAVIE RECORD. Court Convenes C. FRANK STROXJD, EDITOR. TBLBPHONE The Januuv tctm of D..vie Su­ perior Court convened in ihii city Monday m rning at 10 o’clock ■ntanil *tth«Peitofflee tnUocto- yfll*. N C„ M Second-eliOT M«ll nnttar.lUKh<l,19(n. with ludge Walter E.' lohnston, Jr., of Wlnaton-Salcm, preaidini^ and Solicitor Altie Hayet. of Wilkesboro, proiecuting. About 7UBSCHPTI0M RATES: •MEVEAI<.mN.CAmLIN* ■ t I.M SIX MONTHS m H. CAROUNA • 76c. ONtYBAIt.OinSIDESTATt ■ 11.00 SIX MONTHS. OUTSIDE 9TATF, • tl.00 ”» m noHt WHKH m uub> wW MM. SHUl MMM IMMaVK «M m t t m m m f K t i m i m m iRUM IKK WKKD WAISi IWK WU I MEtt ROM HUVm. AND WU RWHVt IHEW SINS. AMD 1MU NE«l HC» IMD.'7 am. 7M. 170 caaea are docketed for trial at tU i term of court- Most of the cases arc for trafEc violations. There are four ladies and two Ncsnwson die jury. The couR is expected to consume most of Many Democrats are hopinR that Eisenhower will not run for te election. A good Democrat told ns a few days ago that there wasn’t a Democrat in the United States who could defeat Ike if he ran again. The merchant who lives in ^he town, who owns property and pays taxes to help educate your children and who keeps his money at home is the merchant that de serves the patronage of the tax­ payers. Help the man who helps the town. We haven’t been -able to find out just how many Davie County folks attended the big Republican dinner at Winston-Salem Friday evening. It only cost tlOO per plate. It couldn’t have been the scarcity of money that kept some of the folk) away. If you haven’t made a dona­ tion in the March of Uimcl Cam­ paign please see the County Cair- man Wayne Ferebee and help in this, worthy cause. Your dimes and dollars will mean much - In figh^g this dread disease, polio. Doti’t put this matter ofl. Give generously and you may help save the lives of the children. Politics is very quite in Davie County up to ibis good hour. The Republicans will nominate three County Commissioners, a Register of Deeds. Surveyor and a Representative in the May pri­ mary. It is said that Charles R. Vogler, Republican, who has heen Register of Deeds for the past 12 years, will not run again. Mr. Vogler has filled this olfice with honor to himself and his party and has made hundreds of friends throughout the county. LeeV Birthday JauUary 19th, was th«* o f R o b e rt E . L «e. T h e re U n o atrt^ 10 tell S outher«er» thitl here a m ill w o rth y (o b e b e io y td a n d boH ort-d p i-r^ tD s uho'*e a ll o th e ia o f o u r K reat tu en W e hII k n o w th a i. Bat reBdintt BCCotintA of his lift leave« us atUAzed at his woitdertu' fenins as a miHtarv stratefi'ist «rtd leader. hlH »kill m iiii e>iititief‘r, his firmness wUh kitidneiii. ait a com- cnandrf hiw calmueNS and d1|(ni'v as.a defeated etneral Toall these quaittieA -were addtd hit a d,i-t)t loyally 10 his na<lve Mate and his de«p splritUil devoiloo. Surely he was as one anthor has aaid,' mm with whom none ( erer kne^v, •o4 very few of whom I bav« were worthv 10 ne cla;ise«l.**.. Ex Taq Sales Up to Jan, 17th 1200 automo bile tags had been sold at the distributing office over the local postoffice. To the same date 259 tracks tags, 39 farm trucks, 35 all trailers and two large trailer tags were sold. The ratal car re­ gistration'in Davie County is a- hout 6300. The first auto tag was sold to ]. T. Campbell on Jan. 3rd. Tags can be purchased daily from 9 a. m., to 4 p. m., except on Wed­ nesdays when the office closM at noon. Davie Ahead For pretty homes, fine tobacco and true men, Davie County is haid to beat and now Esquire Ber­ ry Foster of that county comes to the front and lays claim to the big­ gest hog in the state, and to prove it, he killed on last jiveek—one three year old—that netted 895 pounds (Western Sentinel of Jan­ uary 13, i m __________ Old house Burns A bou«« on the old Bar]y farm two miles Bouth of Mocksyille, now owned by R T. Lowery* of. County Line, was destroyed by fire on Jan. 14th. The house wa§ | occupied by a Walt family. Thej house and contents were desttov* cd* This house was once the I hom« of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Earfv,' and was about 100 years old. i Farmington High SchooLNews By Jolm ilr n iir anil J rr B<»M. Holding the spotlight for one big occasion last. week, was the basketball game played at Ad­ vance Friday, /annarv ISth. The Farmington girls’ team was handi- c«pped because watds Carolyn Boger, had a sprain­ ed knee. In spite of this, howev­ er, the Blue Devils m anag^ to play a very exciting game. The fi­nal score was: Advance 41, Farm­ ington 24. Marie Absher was our highest scorer with 13 points and Camilla Jarvis was not far behind with 9 points. ( The boys’ game was really ex­ citing During the first half of the game the scores were tied over and over again. The hard-playing Blue Devils missed a cnnsiderable number of foul shots, putting the Advance Panthers in the lead. Both te.ms played very well, and ' the game proved to be one of the most exciting ones of the season. The final score was: Advance 48, Farmington 28. lohnnv McBride and Leonard Shelton led the Blue Devils in scoring. . One of our Seniors, Olena Groce, went to Durham Sunday evening m d spent the night iit the nursing home there. Monday morning she took an entrance test to see if she is.qualified for nurses' training. Olena, we are all hoping to hear that you will rceeive aome good news soon. i Wednesday evening many stur dents held their breath as report , Offie R. Richardson, 64, of Har< cards weie passed out and mid- mony, Route 1, died Friday of term grades were announced. Some aelf inflicted suxshot wt-unds in •""?* frownej, dtechest. Hi. bod, •"E v lth T t^e'IT n u in ^ ^^In the livingr^m byasister. Gladys Richardson, of the home. t|„ |,oin< .coming baskeiMI game. Mr. Richardson was a native of The cheerleadets were busy deco- Davie County, a son of the late raring the gym. while the ball Mr, and Mrs. I.M . Richardson. .2 “ * "> Takes Own Life Survlvim tone sister and the games. , .J .__• Here’s some.new dates to adjbrother. Uayton Richardson, of ^ basketball fchedule. On Elfcln. January 24. the Bfue Devils will . Funeral services were heW at 11 plav the All Stars at 7:30 p. m. a. m. Sunday at New Union Me- The procee* go to the Fire De. *odlw Chuieh. *lth Rev. C M £ S r :':i.° S a m '^U nlav T ^jaissridSTbj;;!’blidr lald loi fMt to the chinch p|gy Heritage Funiituie Co. Come cnuM ttr. ^ ogtMuliuppoitTOUf team. -: , 4r A V«ry Important Feature When You Consider A SYSTEM Not only service from a durable atandpoint but service in case of repairs. With the famous Myers line of Water System you get this service. Experience Has Proved That Any thing Mechanical Will Need Attention Sometime During The Use Of That Product So keep in mind the important fact that we can give you th^ re­ liable service. We carry a complete line of parts for our Myers line . of pumps and service men with years of Myers Pump experience. You Can Own A Myers 1*2 Hp. Pump Installed In A Well 40 Feet For As Littlei As $5.00 Per Week, LET us FIGURE YOUR PUMP INSTALLATION TOPAY We Also Carry 4 Line Of Plumbing Supplies And Are Equipped To Make Plumbing Installations. SANFORD-MANDO CO. Phone 175 Mocksville, N. C H e r e T h e y A r e I N e w C h e v r o le t T a s k * F o rc e T r u c k s f o r '5 6 2 • New ihtr* or* mora r^Miit than *ver why *• a n y th in g | e ^ Is d if o ld -fa sh i t r u c k I I for tnurr swfMl A i»|i»r—>llcl« t , short* stroke VS for «vwy nwdall Hlghar pvw w id, Mglm i 6'al Itow, Mflhw <0|McH)fI Cmw to asd «m s« ffwiasw lMis«( riHM’H wMM* dmirn baulliia Hma Md allM y w w slii New' *56 Chevrolet miclcs bring you: new power-a dioil^troke VS* for every model, and higher com pr^bn .. 6’s that pad; a bigger power punch than evert And you can haul bigger loads! These new Chevrolet trucks ate rated ' up to « hefty, 19,S00-lb. O.V.W. Then there's an automatie traas* mission for eteiy series-a wider ranje of Hydia-Matict models, plus Powermatiet, • new six ^ p ^ hea:i^ duty automatiCi . Come in aiul look ’em im l S5f*.^*g*g A bout N *w '. ’®® Taslc-PorM T r u o k a A Shoii-Slrok. V« foi Ev.ry M odsI ♦ M e n Powstful V elve-in. • An Automalic Drivs fa r $ trie i * !New RvAiSpe*d Sv"- V siillM w ♦ C o tinoled Sofsty Slept . T v M sii Tlrai, Standard on All Mod£frsA , functlenol M'eii Styling. •va nmiml In LiCf. moidi. an extra- con option in at! oibers, iOpilonat atm^coit In a wiat nttit of modtU. PENNINGTON CHEVROLET CO., INC. PHONE 156 V • MbCKSVIlxi I M DATO MOORD. M00IC3V11AB. H. <i TOE DAVIE RECOW). V * . Mocksville Hiih School Newt LYNOA CRAWFORO, R .^ltM N o L lq n ^ . n e w tO W N ^ W hata relief! Exams ate over .. V; :^-r—r v t attd fotRotten, and everyone is T. Ciudell has begun the atjhe M rourine a«ahi. __A« nakS*rMe» • The Beta Club meroben met aterecdoi> or»cota«e ot» Ortt S t ^ school Thursday night, lanuaty 12 at 7:30 for their month, tv meeting. The president, HenrvMIss'Matti^Knito spenit Ae first mretins of the newvear,tLete was a discussion of the platu for the coming year. Fridav night at Mocksville, the Mrs. Frank Mocksville Wildcats met the Coo- leemee Indians In two excitim The teams ^lay^ w ^ RA..IflHian.:itighesl«r,S. C - Mr; and Mrs, Worth MiUer. of Be^ Air. M ^ wet* Monday night g u m of ;^r.' .and Stroud, Jr. . ■ Ur. and Mrs^ Glenn Bitln. and e n d g u e s t ^ K t d l S ^ i ^ ^ r the b o v s in f^ of Coo- . . .___ _______I scores were fir the diUdren, of Rilelgli, week.|6863 in fewr of Codeemetu «•<] M aW n.W ■ Lester McCullough is eieeting a 4robm cottage- o n CWnetery s t ^ , which he willjoffcr for rent when com plo^' ' ‘ Frank Fowler of die Princess Theatre, riipotts that .the theatre collections for the Ivlaich of Dimes amounted to $454)0. leemee. _____at Lexington f u e s ^ nii^t the Mocksville teams plaved well and both of our teams triumphed. Thesirls score was 44-27, with Patty Taylor taking the lead with 21 points. The boys score was 89-45 with Kenneth Howard head­ ing die list with 25 points and Mackie Desdnion a close second with 24 points. - Mr. and Mrs; John F; Forrest, o t Routt . ate the patents of a daughtn who arrived at Rowan M em o ^ Hospital on Jan. 16th. Mist Mary Sue Rankin, a stu- dent at Woman’s College, Greens- boioi will arrive here Thursday to spend several days with her par­ ents, Mr. and:Mrs. David Rankin. Geoi«eG. Walker tmd son « v erette, of Gastonia, imd son Wade, who is football coach at Missis­ sippi State College, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. G epr^ R. Hendrlcfcs. The eW snpw of_ the year fell hcte'on Monday aftmpcm of last wjeki The stiow was mixed with talnand'm eltd as itfell. {Therain and snow measuted . one-tendi‘ of ^ an-'lnch.'-'':"'-; ' T. I. Cauddl* of die .Caiidell Lumber C o. has recetirty .sold thrw five-room housM oh Spring s tt^ . «4>Ieh he biiilt a short while ago. This housM wer ^ chased by Frank Cenmii Kenneth Btown and Henry Cole Tomllsonj who have already tnoyisd into thete n m hiunca. Cheshire-Hodgson Rev. and Mrs. A. C. Cheshire of Mocksville announce, the engage­ ment bf . their daughter. Nancy Louise, to Lt. John H, Hodgson, U. S. Air Force, son of Mrs. W, H. K>yd of Mocksville, Route .1. and the late John H. Hodgson. The wedding is planned for lime. PoUo Vaccine Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gnig- , ofvi of Rbutt 5, are die ^tents 3f Polio vacdne is avaihble free to “ toti i j o a ^ at Rowaii Me- aUchUdren underlSyearsof age monal Hospital on January 18th. whose parents request it. at th el. ■>. ■ —____7 Hedth Cetitn, in Mocksville ev- ciyThutsdiv afkemoon ilrom 1 to 4, and at the Recteadon Center, ill' Cooleemeei evety Thursday ling ftom 9-JO to 11. Parents ate urged to have didr childKn proiecttd uefote die polio m so n '' teachcs its peak. A Sun Do^ Last Wednesday afternoon b» tweeu four and five o’dock a aiin dog was plainly visible tn the wcnem skv, fallowing a beiudful sunny day. We have always heard thatwhen a sun dog appeared in die sky W w i^ e r was in the of' ffaig. On Thursday morning'early risers were greeted by snow, sleet and rdn. Many oM signs prove tobetrue. Many petsonssav they have never seen a sun dog. It has', been 25 or 30 years since we saw one.’ The precipitation Thursday amounted, to 39 of one inch, the largest amount that has fallen in Davie since Nov. I7di. ~ | Sgt. Rdph Ftv, who has been statiohed with the Medical Corps, in Oemanv for' 3 years, arrived home last week to visit his pat> ents M r.and M rs.R.L.Fn. Afier a 30 day furlough he will Kport at Fort Bennitig, Ga., for further as- .ignment. I Stockholders M eeting T ^ e ^ A n n u a l S tockholders Meetihg Of The Mocksvilte gilding £ loair Association Wm Be Htdd In T h * Office Thursday Janiia^ 26th At 7;66 P. M. H’ANTADSPAY. STRAYED-Redpiff, .who left home Dec. 24. Finder t E D D W lb ^ l^ '“ ~ Mocksville, Route 4. FOR SALE- One fnsh cow and two to freshen shortly.G.L. FOSTER. Route 3, Mocksyiilf, N. C. FOR SA U —A' Myers shallow ell pump Will sell at a Imgain. See & H. Chaffin, at Mocksville Cburt House, Modcsvill^ N. C Dr. S. & HaB, willknovn Mocksvilledroggisti tells us'diat dnc^ opening Msdrug store here, they iieve filled' over two hund­ red thousand oritinal prescrip thins.' This is-a 1 ^ nutnlm < f preactiptions Aw one drag sune in a small town die siie of Mocks- ville. - John Smoot, who has om ed : and opet^n^ the Smoot Shdl &rr vice Stadon <>n die comer of (M dier iuid Wilkesboio stteeta; ior severd years, has sold die busi- nen to T. A. Leiler, who hasbecn 1^ Davie Motora for some dme. Mr. teflei njok dpnjan. 120i.- . . I. Lee. Cartner, . of hear Davie Aodeniv, who underwent a m«ior operation a t Iredell Memorial : Hospital, Statesville, neatly diree wedcsago,was able to .leave the hoiipltd lastwcdc andgo to the home of a daughter in StatesvUle, his many ftiendrwiU be glad to The Ardiur Smith Tdent show, ^H>niortd by Mocksville Chapter & s ^ Stw,will appear at Modca. vUle High SdioolAuditorium urday.eveiiing, Jan. 28di. Aduhs. $1,00. childreti 50c. FOR SALE-Sewrd Jersey and Guernsey rfresh milch cows. voiing Guernsey bull. Will sella trade for dry cattle. : ’ TAYLOR CA U, MocksyUle, Route 4. Pianos tuned, repaired, rebuilt refinishedor restyled. F t^ esd- mates. New and used pianoe- Anvthing musicd. Easy terms. Write for prices.Starling'Thomas Music Co. « 2 9 N .T ^ S r. Winsnm-Salem _ LIABILITIES The Asaodadon Oiwes: - To Shaieholdjts Fun^entiusted toour cate in die form ot pav- ments on ^ te s as fallows; - FultPddShaics - $M9A>ad0 Opdond Shares • - 704,3&233 It'* ceiiv«nl«»n» IKgl»<e«lglM g - SOOTHBOUNIi ..BuM*Leave: 6:4Sa.m lltMa. ni, •;9S a m. 2t4S p. tn. Ga. 8:44 p Ni T:4S p. m. Cbarletten. S. C. Chailoite-.JtfctoonvMle. na. 'NORTHBOUND BuMB Leave: 11:40 a.m. , 'Zitl p. m. 4:S9^m.MSo.*. £ M.«gt.:and Mrs. W. F. Nail lefi : WednesdavJor Washington. D.:C, . Whet^ Sgt. NaU will be stadoned. He ^ beien sproding a inondi in •mm sdtK hia.mother. Mrs. W .F. (..ji. n. Nail, after bdng owarseas for 30 month'a. Mra; N dl has spent the i>. c. ■ past y m in town with Mrs. Mary 8midi. during her husband’s ab- “ > i„ u s T««. sence overseas, a it EXTRA s.«inta EACH WAV Hiram Davidson, a -well-known cobted dtisen of Jerusalem Town- : shin W.S in town last week and cdiedaiojnd to renew his sub- :' acrlpiion. Hiram idls us diat . he IsdiefadiCT of .lO diildrdi. five bovaandfive«ii1s^die oldest be- - Ing 31 yeara old and the youngest one 12 W«n bU. AU dw lOdilM- . renwcstUl llvimi; and seven-of . them are married. ___SMMMksfiiiShii.a...ondlohuodrsdtcfploeas . (heMDMliMMllWW S C B N ie ilU IS B M ondiheHlghiMirTrwMlw P A O B T am ( la TlMSsiialat C M ^Jfargatel L, MooreV# ' " 'WiiiiainXre Moare ■ .SUMMONS BY iPtW U qA T iPN :'d«fendaot. William L ee / is'ill'take notice tttat an ac. itiiini as aiiove.bb beeocom- J in liie Superior Court of JCouoir, North Carorina, to lin abrolute divdice; and. the dant will fntfber take' ■that he is required to appear ■office of ibe Cleik of the So. irt o' ssid. county in Ibe I house in..Davie Connty. iiie, JJortb Csrolina. with. H days after the Sita dsr of. lfy.‘ i9J6. smi answer OJ de. ytbeccmplsini in said sc. ' tde ptaliitlit will appiv lo III for'the tdid dfmauded [iiiipptaint■ ‘7tii:di>.y of lannarv. 1956. r '" ^ S. H. CHAFFIN, . Clerk of Superior Coutt, REPORT OF C O ilD inO N OF Mocksville BaUding& Loan Association OF MOCKSVILUE, N. C , AS OF DliCEMBER 3i. 1955 ASSETS THE ASSOCIATION OWNS: ’ Cadi on Hand and in Banks $ 149.481.26 Cadi 00 hand and in Banks $ U9,481.26 State of Notth C m lina and U. S. Govemmcnr Bonds 65,000.00 Stodc in Federd Home Loan Bank 16j00,00 ON 1955 TAXES Gr.es Into Effect Feb. 1st PAY NOW And Save Additional Costs KATHLYN REAVIS Davie County TTax Collector kiottgage Loana • r_ kicmey loaned to tndnbers for the purpoM of en abUng diem to own their homes. Each loan se­ cured byfirst mottgsge- on local improved real 1.025.457X)1 ShatcLoatu " - - • - iy tvaim made to our shareholdeis against their ' shatea. No loan aceeda 90% cif amount actually paiditi. ' Office Furniture aitd Fixiutw . -' 3,754.46 .t o t a l -y - - V - . *1,261,002.73 6 d i« Shares ; - : ■ .Account* Payable Loans in PnMess .; Undivided Ptofita Bainings h dd in trust' for 1,17332.23 263.76 8.226,32 23,713.98 distribu to shaie- boldets at maturity of dwir shares. Federd Insuiance Reserve (If Insuted) I&anvrfmCondngeacie* To be used for die payment of any U»ses. if sus­ tained." This tesetve increases, the safety and stretigth oftheAssdtiadon. OdietUdiilides ^ • 9 .8 1 0 ^ ^ ; 43,82ifft'' 1.674.12 t o t a l • . • • - $1,261,002.73 Sim* of North Carbliiia, County of D avi. as;- Mr*. Mm K. Click, SeeretaryTteasareroJ die above .naniel As- lidatioo. personady appealed before me thte day, rod b ^ g duly awom, says diat the fotegoing statement is true to die beit of her nriedgeandbelid. ' ' MAB'K. c lic k . Secrctarv-Treasurer. S « v ^ to and subscribed before me. this M day o f. lanuary, 1956, HILDA W ARkHAM.Noutv Public. My commiwion eq^irea Fd>. 16,1957. OUR CVRREIfr DIVIbpiDvRATE IS . 3 Per Annum DEPOSITS INSURED U P TO »UMN» BY FEDERAL S A V ltk » « U>AN c o r p6 r a t k >n list Your Property During January Listing of taxes for the year of 1956 is being held during January for Davie County. All persons re­ siding within the county and owning taxable prop­ erty are required by law to meet the list taker for the Township in which he oi she resides or owns taxable property, and give a full and complM list of the same. Ail male persons between the ages of 21 and 50 ar. to list their polls at the same dme. . All persons who are Pable for the poll tax and foil to list it, will be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction fined or imprisoned.- D on must be listed. The State law requires that every dog, REGARDLESS OF AGE—shdl be listed. The owner of home (or lessee thereof) is responsi­ ble for the lisdng of all dogs found on his place. Onlv femdes and non-residents of townships and persons physically unable to attend and lllc their lists can appoint agents to list propertv. • All persons, firms or corporations owning iha- chinery, materials in process of manufaqture.or stock of goods, will be required to . furnish in v ^to ^ ‘ of Please List As Early At Potsible To Save Penalty. There WUI Be No S ^ h d Notice. ELOISE C STEPHENS, Tax Supervisor, Davie Coun^. 1 si ■ ' i i DAViit laabDRti. hocksvillbn Cv jaruary A coin, a sheep, m »ii—what do theae three have In eom« mon? JesuB told a triple atory using these three so. different ob' iccta to brine out the' «am e point. What the coin, the iheep. m an had In common” was each was lost. They were out ol place, useless, in lact doing m ore harm than g o od. B u t th e youfig m an who w e n t to a. ta r country w as differ* ent in an impor* ta n t w ay . H e knew w hat he was doing, or thought] he knew. He want­ ed life, and he got it. only it was the F*w m an wrong sort If you had asked him a t first why he was going away, he would have said. - I want to live!" B ut he ended In a pig-pen. m U tlA rtA II AnuN , M en and women get lost today for the aam e reason. They look fdr life fci the wrong place. Vic* tim s of narcotics, or of alcoliol, wanted something m ore out of life than they had, and they thought drink or drugs would help them. Every patient in an alcoholic w ard is m issing somewhere,— m issing from payroDs,. from homes they had or m ight have had, m issing from the ports they might have reached if they had not m ade shipwreck of themselves. An<r tor every patient in some alcoholic ward there are a gieat m any others who. though they m ay not have gone so far. are just as lost. What ought a Chris* tian*s attitude to be, toward such people? . Surely U Jesus taught anything p la ii^ . It is that God does not despise or hate lost per* sons; he loves them and does not w ant , them to stay lo st So the Christian who shares the m ind ot Christ will neither hate nor de* apise the lest people aU around us today. PftvtntioR li tgltor One of the commonest ways of getting lost is through drink. Cv> erythlng is done in advertising and in other ways to m ake it . . that you haven’t really I till you use “our old famous off expensive alcohol Young people need to have the other side ot it shown to them, not in DoB'ts but in De'a. Educa* tor H. H. Hill (as adapted in ‘•Listen’’) has put it something Uke this. W hat do you w ant from lite? Topnotch health? You can'l have ii if you drink. A serene, satisfying. law*abidlng life? .Not with liquor for your companion! LJle on the highest m oral level? Mot lor drinkers and dopera. Do you w ant to wake up every morn* Ing w ith a clear head? Do you want uninterrupted success in a profession? Do you w ant to save money? To be a g < ^ driver? To Itorm the habit ot m eeting your problerhs squarely without a fto* *y m ind? Do you want to be able to enjoy a good tim e without the danger ot flirting with a habit* forming drug? Do you want guar* anteed im m unity to one of Am er­ ica’s four m ost dam aging dis­ eases? Do you want to be an ex­ am ple of good and not evil, tor the young people in your commu* nity? AU right,—Umt's Uving, and you can't have that kind of living and the alcohol habit too. T f ttln a ltltM aybe the m ain reason why the prodigal son went wrong w as that he listened to the wrong people. M en can always ■ be found who tUn be paid to pose in liquor ads. How about listening to some trse testim onials on the other side? Ezra Benson. Secretary AgH- culture, says: ‘'Knowing the in* finite joy and peaco of mind which rMUlt from never having used m rcotic*. sm oked eigarette, or taken a drink of liquor . . . or knowingly profaning the nam e of Deity, I can sincere^ recom m end a course to all.*' Dr. K ate Mewcomb, w ritten up in the Read- Court Convenes The Januatv tetm of D..vie Su­ perior Court convened in thto city Mondav m ining at 10 o’clock, with ludge Walter E.' lohnitoii, Jr.. of Winston-Salem, presiding, and Solicitor Allie Haye*. of Wilkesboro, prosecuting. About 170 cases are docketed for trial at' this term of court. Most of the' cases ate for trafltc violations.: Ihere ate four ladles and two Negroes on the jury. The court is expected to consume most of the week. Tag Sales Up to Jan, I7th 1200 automo bile tags had been sold at thi distributing office over the loca postoffice. To the same date 2K trucks tags, 39 farm trucka, 3! small trailers and two large trailei tags were sold. The total cat re gtstration’in Davie Countv is a bout 6300. The first auto tag wat Having qualified as Admlniitra- tors of the estate of Neziie Carter, deceased, notice is hereby givvn t» all tJeraons holding claims ngainsi the said deceased, to present ihem properly verified, to the undersign­ed, on or befoie the 4th day of Tanuary, 1957, or this notice wi 1 be plead in bar of reeovery. AH persons indebted to said estate, will ple;ise make prompt seitle- ment. This 4ih day ol January, 1956. F. M. and Clarfnce Car­ter, Admrs of Nezzie Carter, decs’^. ■ George W, Martin, Attorney. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND PnimiDl to an otder and decree tntde and eoterU by S. H. Chaffin, Clerk of the Superior Court of Da. vie CountT, N. C., In tte special proceedlns entitled "S. M. Call, A-)ar. ol Jolin H. Pea, decs’d vs All tbe nnknown belts of lobn H. Pea anil George W,|Martiii, Guard A d ' The undettlgiied Commlsslooer will offer (or sale to Ibe blEbesi bidder, at the Courthouse door ol Davie Comity, In Mocksvllle. N. C., on Monday, Febmary 6, 1956, at I arao o’clock H., tbe foltowlng described lots in Jernsaleffl- Town* «hlp, Davie Conntv, to-wit: tat, Lots Nos. »9, 30 and 31. Beginning at a stake on Bast side of B, Broadway road, comer of Lot No. *8, thence N, 85 degs. 30 uiln. B. 150 feet to • stake, corner of trOt No. >8 00 tbe original line, tbenoe with tbe orlglaal line S. 4 dega jomlo. W. 75 (eetto a comer of lAt No. 3a, thence witb line of Lot No. 3s S. 85 degs. 30 mln. W. ISO feet to a stake on tbe east sMe o( Broadway road, thence said road N. 4 dees. 30 B. 75 feet to tbe bednning, being « part of tbe property conveyed by R. B. Broadway to N. A. Trexler. and. Also Lota No. 34, 35, and 37, beginning at a stake on side ol Broadway road, cornet of Lot No. 33, .thence with line of lot No. 33 N. 8s degs. 30 mto. E. iso feet to a stake on tbe original line, tbence with Ibe original line S.1'4 degs. 30 mln, W, too feet to stake, corner of lot No. 38. thence witb line of lot No. 38 S. 8.^ deg«. 30 mln, W. 150 feet to a stake; comer of lot No. 38, tbence N. 4 (lee*. 30 mln. E. alone east Broad­way rosd 100 feel to the beginning. See Deed recorded iu Book 44, page 174, Regtstera office of Davte Co. N. C , for more particular de. rlpHon. 3rd. Beginning at a stake on east aide of Broadway road, corner of lot No. 3 1. thence with line ol lot'No. 31 N. 8s degs. 30 mln. B. 150 feel to a stake, comer of lot No. 31 on tbe original line, tbence wllh said tine S. 4 degs. .30 mln. W. so f*« *0 a Slake, comer of lot No. 34. thence with line of lot N. 34 S, »n dega 30 mitt. W. 150 feel to a atake on the east side of Bast Btwadwav road, thence along said roid N. 4 dees. 30 mln. B. so feel 10 tbe becinnlnr, being Iota Nos. 3»'and 33 of fra Broadway prooer- "NaturaUy I do not use Intoxi- ,*y, anrveyed b y | . D . c a n tt Why slaH a habit s» n«nj> veyor, N ov. ,7, 1941, and being • neople m ust bivakT” Lewis Hoad p a rt o f th e R . B . B roadw ay p ro p , of tennis fam e speaks for m any M tv. Seed D eed from R . B . M il- a n th e r athlete: • " » Is hard |( r m d « |f e to Jo b n P ea ao d w ife, e ^ g h to get anyw here h i We. bo< * 45. P » » 9 5 . R e g la te fa w ithout U w or or to b a w Sb Z i f Term, of Sale: One-tblrt » h tfiven m® a body which on 30 d*y* ilme ^ th ^ n d I should not deAle." Do you w ant a e d a p p l e t^ a e w rity o r „«n*|baab to Wve? Sttcfc know how. it o|iUoii of parditser*rTblttbeaSibdtveff D«cenibef, . T. ORA NT, Coo tile EecoH it onV 3cento SuWribeltoifey.] [n g n iP u n iE lA S r^W K K t A N t W t t ^ ' ACfCOW L A wrinkto «r fold . (anat.) 8.F a a MC ♦.P er. to U .A U .fSmS u« i€ .rrM ty n .O a s sH f of iee M.6ook ot the Old Testament S9.One«1)0 doean't work ti. Consctoua 36.fUver present» .B Ib U c a In am eM.WriUnfffluidThickset55. DlmlnuUve of“S tan ley ”56. Of houra STsMake amends fo r a s. H aran g u e 9 6 . Legendary' enchan*' 40. M att f .bevera«(>4 41.Scottis;t* G aelic DOWN t.T h e k in tn g d a k in r 1. A w heeled vehlite -**-r?‘4. Malt beverttge 5. A buses •.S im p le to n , r S earch S. A ro m atie apice f . L an guage o f th e B uddhiat acrip tu rcs U . S ou th east b y so u th (abbr.) 19. Coin (Peru) 17. Mixea togethei con» . fusedly 10. T hat la- (abbr.) aO.Care. takera of build* Inga11. Cannon or artillery 23.Fl9h . 25. Plural pronoun 28. Playthinf 20. Subside 31.1.«g joint y]T : nf-iauzi 33. Sun (dial.) 33.The(lv«, . b o o k a e f ^ M.JWVW m u a s.) SO. M ix S?.< m 3S- r a - iT i - ♦ FOR RENT ♦ SPACE IN THIS PAPER Will ArrM9« To Suit GOOD NEK3HBORS-WICES TO fir VOUR BUSINESS NOTICE OF SALE Pursiiant'to an order or Judg­ ment of S. H. Chaffin, Clerk of The Superior Court made in the ding entitled, "Mary _ - N. Myers, et al, vs Haden F. Myers, et al." the under­ signed Commisslotier will on Sat­urday, the 4th day of Febmaiy, 1956, at 12 o’clock, M.. offer for sale to the highest bidder, on the premises of the late George Z. Mv- ets, on Highway 601, near Ad­vance, N. C„ Davte Co., the fol­lowing described lands: 1st Tract: . A tract beginning at a stdnej southwest corner of Lot No. 4 in the division of the lands of John Phelps, thence E. 30,19 chs. to a stake, thence S. 10.62 chs. to a S'ake, thence W . 5.il chs to a stake, thence N. 35 degs. W. 7.24 chs. to an ash on bank of ditch, thmce W . 20.18 chs. to a stake on edge'of Highway, thence N. 42 degs. W. 3,10 chs. to the begin­ ning containing 15 acres more or less, and being lot No. 5 in the di­ vision of the lands of John Phelps, A. T. GRANT, Comt ___________________f j. deceased, alloted to Faille Myers,!the purchaser. County. N C. j2:00 k , February 4.1956.2nd-TtacK A tract Jcnown as; .jhU 2nd dav of lanuatv, 1956. pa« ot the *‘Thornton" lands: Be*' ginning at an iron stake, corner of ^ S. F. Potts and Wesley Jarvis, *. thence N. 12 de^> E. 10 20 chs. to a ro k at foot of twin pines, corn* er ot Lewis Hartman and Weslev Jarvis, thence S. 88 deffs. 6 . 8.75 chs. to a ston'e, S. F. Potta’ comer in tine of Gray Hartman, thence S. 43 degs. 6 . Z80 chs. to a stone, corner of S. F. Potts and Jim Hart* man, thence S. 10 dess. W 8.62 cHs. to a stone comer of Will Crews* and Frank Pdtrs in Charlie VoKler’s line; thenc^ N. 84 degs, W. 11.13 chs. to the beginning, containing 11.09 acres more or less. 3rd Tract: A tract known as. the'"Thomton*’ lands: Beginning at a rock (stone), Wesley Jarvis' corner, thence N, 3 degs. E 21.38 chs to a stone on norrh side of Creek, Lewis Hartman's corner !n March line, thence S. 84 degs. W. N E W u m w v « o aYOUK OLD THIN6S tww Piiisilil tailiM Isa • « . Ma W tS i >1* * V4RT A* M _______r.«MS-n.nd»|i,ovw«,o<ioiiN. Ctwle. . t I3].|>*. S« V y-*, iM lliiliM Slral... It^ h e r e ... th e n e w Fofdom citic P icku p for 5 6 Fordomotic in o Pickup saves money for you rhese seven new woysl Ford Atk Pickup takea 4. ^The, 90% of the work out ot driving, puto more ptoasuie in! And Fordomatic is • sound buBineaa inveatment that ^aoocajfottmomy; 2 . N o'm ore dutuh espenaea because the d u tch ia gone.2 F o rd o n atk enas the ooatly trouble * th at can comt from the shock loads ott th e drive line with a conventional transiaission. S.Yotii in ato 16 b »time, particulaiiy atic cuta out tia fle a lo p . t operations a t every ic power*cut-H down chancM of spinning yourn4ieft]/);.L}rd of your tires is prolonRfid. 5 . Costly holdups in mud or snow are iess Ukoty. thanks io Fonjoroatic'o low wJieel speedR •uiUiout Dtallit^g. 0, There's no wattle of goit ihrougli faulty gcarHbifi. judnnaenl. Fordo* Uatio sliifbi automalitially with apUt* second precision. 7^ A t, trade*in time, your Pickup is * abnost oeitaln bo vvortii more because It hn« Fordomatic. AU in all. Pordomatic can pay for itaelf—and thenaom e! m srp(m »i Fbrd Tnicki give yov more utoble |>ower Ihon ony other tru<k llae—up to 44% more. Motl fiortepower tfeffsr, foe—proved by compor(ton» of'net hempower and ;l nit prk«> of oil trueks. . msrcMnenyf New e*ft. Pkkup boa available at tew •Rtro cost In Ford F*100 Serlei fllve* you m ore.loodtpace Ihon oey iother Vi*lon Pkkup—up to 19 eg. fl. more. Bigger p o y toadi throughout the line. New safer tube* less lires standard on off model*, at ne extra eoill OntV Ford gives you oddlHenoi lefely fea­ tures sudi oi the new Ufegvord tteerfog wheel and aew Ufeguord' door lotdie*. New ferd seat bells oveHoWe. Kggert ‘ - sinthe Vi-tonlleldl I ® ' ”' 1 2.57 ehis. to an ash; Rlchaid . man's corner In line . of Match land, thence S. 24 dess. W. 6.2S chs. to an iron stake, Richard Hatt- mah'a corner, thence S. 58 degs. W. 2,83 chs. in Hartman’s line I o an iron stake, Richard Harthian’a comer, thence N. 84 dens. W. 9.75 chs. in Hartman’s line to a Kum tree, Hartman’s cotner*theiice N. 31 de«s. W. 1.50 chs. to a gum tree. Hartman’s cumer, thence. N. 85 degs. W. 1.73 chs.toablackoak stump, Hartman’s comer, thence N. 53 dess. E. 3.40 chs. with Hart} man’s line to an iron stake. -Hart­ man's comer and comer ' of Mrs. J. T. Phelps, thence' S. 3 degs. W, 17.15 chs. to a stone, Earl Myers’ corner,;thence S. 87 degs. E. 22.11 chs. to the beginninR, conuining 34.7 acres more or less. Said lands will be offered in three seperate tracts and then as a. whole in the discretion of the un- dersigneJ, TERMS OF SALE! One-Third C'ash, and the balance on 30 d m ime, with bond and approved se­curity, or all cash at the option of If for yo u rself! Take th e w h e e l tn your Ford D ealer's ...g o in g o n all this m o n th ! C o m e In riow t SANFORD MOTOR COMPANY Ford Dealer*,Since 1913 tt Vaa»«i iBtMMited i n n A-1 U ieJ T ru d i~ fe Siira to S»> Y <w F o rf Pariwr. HEWS OF LONG AGO. What Wtu H iitn ^ f III Difr *i« Bator* Paikint'Matm. Anti Abbn^Med Skirt*. (Davie Record. Feb. *, 'SSo) ' L. J; Horne, o( Patmitigton, has been cammissioned as Notary Pub. lie. - . Mr. . J. T. Batty and M«- Kov Hnitbans^f are in New Yorit this wetk buyittK spritiK goods for C. C. Sanford Sons Co. Mrs. Laiia Deal left Friday ,»or mrbtnond. Va.,-where she. wiil he nleht snperintetidenl ol the Child reti's bo^tsl in that etly.. Miss Lndle Horn, a student >t N C. C. W.; Oreeusboro. apent the week-end in-town with ber par. ents. Hr. and Mrs; J. H, Horn. Mr. atid Mrs. Clyde Jarvis' aod hmlly of Farmlngtpii have HH»ed tn. town and are ocMpying tbe Racer botiae jttst off Wilkeaboro street. . Tbe road Irom Caunly Lliie t« Harmony la being anrveyed aod it is tepotted that an oil road will he hnili. The distance Is abont five mites. Mr. add Mra. I;nke Smith and family, of Galax, Vat. have moved to Mockavflle and ate, oeenpylnc the Sbeek cottage near the Wil- li^tna venMrlng mills. - The S. B. Crump farm In Tern- sa'em township, containing. 375 acres, wu aiild at auction Satatdsy and was bid off by J. M. Call at fl Ota. liie frtenda of Miss Mae Foote, will be glad to that she was able to retnm la<t week ftorn a Statnvllle hospi. tal. where she m de'wmt an opera, tloa for idtiaa tio a ^ . Thos. N. ChaCBn attended a btg bsnqnet of the VlrglnU Fire and Manne Insurance C o. at Rich. nond. Va . fiuit week. Mr. Cbaf. 60 reporta a Sne trip and a ban qnet fit for the god^ ' . Biliv RayV little m «f Mr. and Mrs. Rair Cornatier; o f Smiib Grove, dkd of pnmmonla Friday ntnrnlog and waa laid to rest in Snllb Grove graveyard .Saturday. Llcraae were imned lu t week ' for the matriage of G. A. Cante< of Advt^ce, R. i, to Miss Njettler Benegar. cf Winston-Salem; Via fst Beck, of jenisalem to Miss Lula pickier, of Rowan Conntv. Hiss Bopnie I.oftin. who teachfs in tbe Coocotd elty schools, spent tlie week-end In town the gnest of ber psrente. Rev. and Mrs. A. G. Loltin. Miss Loftin bad as hei guest Hlas'Eula Wilson, of Con> cord, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wagoner ' who have beeti. living in Mwks- ville for the pan six years, moved back to tbeir farm near Oak Grove, Mr. Wagoner , held' a position aa saleaman for tbe Turolinson Chev rolet Co.. but dedded tbat be bad rather farm. Mr. B. P. Sisk, bl Lexington with four young ladtea ftoin Hr. langer. m re <n Mocksvllle Sun day. They did aome good ainging at the Methodist church Tbr singing was i.oiov»d by the c»n tiregstlon; Mr. Sink la cannected with tbe pnsloBiae at Lexittglan being a mill carrier Miss Mildred Woodri.S returne.i b 'tne Mjnday from a month's visit 10 her nncle. Mr B H: WoadrnC at Uadsdro, Ala. Lonnie Gaither, of Calabaln. R t. and MlavOnia Albes. of neat Ha'niony, ware united In marrt ~. age iaat Widne^day on highway No. 90. lour mllmi west of Mocka- Wile. N B. DyM>n. ;Rs4., tied the knot while the bspoy couple wete seated In Ford car, a n d tbe /now' was falllug fast. GOOD OLD DAYS ((^ntinued From Laat-Week) The. recent 'death' ofj Attorney lacob Stewart, who Ifved to be 96 vftars old. reminds me that moat of the people I knew In D«<de tr^ balf a reoturjr^ago, haw over tbe river. Thinking back throngb tbe years I can retnenber sii.h men as Alex 'Ballc*, C A. Hartman, C..C. Bailey, Herbert and Walter Clement. Dr, M, D. Kimbrough, A. T. Grant, Sr., \nek Moss, Ellis Swlcegtiod. Gllea Howard, Pleas Hanes, Drs. James McGuire and B. C. Clement, South Grant, Peter Green. Gaston White, D. A, Lnwery aod manv other .mil-known citizens of the county. When I csme to Davie County iqoo there_ were' three livery stabtes here and one or two trade atables. South Grant owned a Hv. ry stable on' Deimt atreet where the Mocksvllle Lshndry Is now lo­ cated Ellis Swicegodd bsd a llv ery and trade stable where the fire Is now located, and M. D. Brown & Son operated a livery stable Just south ot where Ssnfbrd Motor. Co.. is now located. The old Brown stable la still standing. Mr. Swiceiood would bny a car READ THE ADI ^ W ith a load of Texas ponies and break them to; harness before putting them on the market for sale. While be was In his barn lot breaking tbe ponies, crowds would gather a- round tbe fence to watch the “ breaking” proceas going on. It dangerous business trying to ride tbe ponies, and Mr. Swiee. .received minor Injtirlea on many occasions. Walter Clethent also operate : a aates atable. for many yeara. He would buy car lo^a of Tenues^ we hones st^d .mnlea to aall to famera In Itavle. and adjoining eountlM.' ; Herbert Clement.'a well knjwn Mocksvllle citlzeo spent many va cations at Atlantic Beach. N. J. He took life eaav and watched the go by. There were two thinn Ihat'he really enjoyid-;-eafi Ing cbeese'‘and smoking Vliginl* Cheroots. The small cigara were packed .In a paper cation and aold at igc a csrton. I think there five Cheroots to the package. One day I met Mr Zlenent cominii down Main'sireet from tbe home of hia . Wra. Jolla Heltmao. I told him that I bad e bunch of circna tickets fo r Hagenback-Wallace rtahows which would exhibit tbe next day In Saliabnrv. I told him tbist I would be glad to lake to the circus ..that I aod two or three ot'ne.r fellows were hiring To . Foster to carry os down to the circus Io . his new Model T. Fo:d. Mr piement said he cer­ tainly would like go 'along. We left to.wn in tbe early altcmoon and arrived In plenty of time for lbe..afterooi>n performance. On the-wav to Saliabnry. I aaked Mr. Clement If I could gtve him a.good cigar'., a . toe well.known bratid. He thanked me vetv kindly for tbe cigar and asked me II. h wjuld be all-right for .him. to keep the cigar until be got boine that ei»n; ing and smoke it •ttersnppn~>'bat be-cotild enjoy It mujb better. Thinking bick over.the limes. I can remember when large eronds assembled every year on the fin-t Sunday Ip September at tbe Old Center arl-or lour miles w»at 61 Mocksvllle lor t b-e. annual 6 'd Folka singing... A.iiong )how Lte. t:.ember who KKik an active part In the singing, all are now d. ad. A mong those I-, knew . were . Pe ct Gteen, Caa'on 'Whiie, Wilbnrli Stowestrevt, Luther Tnttetow Hcniy Tntteraw, |lm Leach and otben wbow.mme. 'rin ra fw i^.' tea. T h ^ Scntdons m a 'enjoy' m a tn tm y little boy,^ 'fo.^ two pountla of pluma, and you have •ent' me only a pound and a half.” “My acalca ate all fl^'t, madam. Have you welghid the little bovr WANTED. TO SHOOT Enraged becaiuae two teeth kept him oht the army, young mao wrote the President at thebeednningof Wotld W arl: “I don’t want to bite the enemy, want to ahoot hitnl” : MARK THINOS DOWN In lanuary, when little Fohnny brought his report <ad home, his merchant father waa pertrubed bv hla lowgradea “Johnny, what'a w tongr • “Dad, yoii know how it la,” aaid Johnny. “They alwam liurk things down after die holidays.' Climotie Study May Aid Oops Microclimate: Down Next To Ground SHE W ANTEUrrOM' In the high school English class, the teachec trying to Impress tfie class wlA ^ e importance of a large Vocdiulary. He said ^ a t if the atudeut . took a word and uscd It ten tunes'it would be hla for life. • One girl tnn heard to murmun "Tom, T oiu .'Tom, Tom. Tom, Tbiii, Toin, ’Totni^'irm, Tom.” I W ^ V A R I E D i itotli^'diat in telling aboutt^ 6 A you omghti.you vary this:'size rf it different liste te » .. Ye«, In e m te ll a man more than I think he will believe. ONLY ONE ON HER SIDE There's (he atory of a little girl who caused quite a atit at a recent wediJbig rec^ulon, ’ A grcrap of wom.-n had cluster­ ed at ohe end of the room. where they weie busily recoimtkig all ««eddiiigs' th ^ d ever attended. After liatening to the grownups ramble on and on. dte cherub fin. ally interrupted: ''W hen 1 'get big,” die said, "I’m going to mar­ ry Ttmimy.” “How can you be so suref’ ask- ed ah.amuaed woman. “Oh, III have to,”'was her inno­ cent reply. “You see. he If right next door.” ,lB utthat doesn’t mean you’ll have to marry him." , “Oh, yea it does. Mother won’t let me cross the-sttcet and that la t^ ete all the odier boys live.” ed by ..singers and others froth DaWe aod a tinmher of adjoining conntles. They meant to Davie Conntv what tbe old Harmony Campmeeting meant to Harmcmy le so Io 7$ years ago. Many changes Jiave taiRp • place'‘si n; some for better and some pnbaiw for worse. A. time roila OB tbea* old days will be' forgotten b]p the coming generations. , NOTICE TO c r e d it o r s:: Plant 'scientists are concerning them selves with an unusual kind of climate, known as mlcrocU- m ate. It's the environm ent down next to the ground. M icroclimate, a c c o rd in g to agronomists at the.U . s. R,;glonaI Pasture Eesearch Laboratory at the Pennsylvania State University, differs frotn the generally ob­ served cllm ste In many -ways Klght tem peratures' next to a blucgrasB sod. for'exam ple, may bo as m uch as *6 degrees lower at shoulder height. In cliuic- ' e crops wh^ro plants re- air m ovem im t.. tem'ij-ra- during the night _mnv rjin-re as 12 -deBiTe.s hl-r'.or atm osphere stwifder Our County And Social Security By Louis R Clement. Manager. Reporting .earningt and paving the aodal security tax vrfU be a nenr experience for many employ­ ers and self^mployed people In this area, especially those engaged in farming. Many (arm operators will be re­ quired to report their agricultural employees for the first time. Be­ ginning with 1955* the regularity teat, used before 1955, was abol­ ished* and (arm operators are now tequired to repi>rtfonly their farm workers to whom thev have paid cash wages of $100 or more in the calendar year. They must make their report and remit the social tax on or before Tanuary ("Hipcratore at gravni hf as Im po'tnnt assoil tiul pioflurhti; cnce mnv ^ ceptlbic to hieb and lls science Ira m s a elTcct of It cnn)v*$ to siMCC sc!- arc stis-' Id low tern- ehrnccK. As e alMift Ibe .te’ n ors. tbc farm er ibottld »**lc H protect U s cropn andtet h'-Tbor yields. lelrh t . - Th-'se-dir^rencM are^of great con? 'rn , -10 pr;onUsts and hnvc ' «icce3si'.ftterl tha dcvclontn: nl i»f special Instrm ents to m easure- moisture. lig-'it, cemperotures. and other^condiUons of both tow>frow- Ing iad taller, plailts. ^ Shidiea under way l i r past five years have re y aaM . some plants arc suaeaplM a Ii light deficiencies. • som e Ift .lMT tem peratures and stUI othSW to wide variance in daily tempara> ture. e . ’ ^ Tlie studies also ar« revealing information affecting the breed- ing quality, growth habits, and lo> sectMUseasek-relations to plants- particularly forage, crop*. 20/20 Vision ^ ^ Doesn't Indicate Perfect Eyesight NEW ;Y O B K -lt often comes as a shock to a -middle-aged person when he Ands be can no lopger read- sm all print a t tbe ordinary reading' distance. Oddly enough, he m ay stm come up to the 20/20 standaM even though be has to hold arbook Ift Inches or so away to reajl i t The techniea] term for this diiD- cuHsr of the 40-plus group is pres- byopla. W hat happens Is a per- nonnal d e v d i^ e iit The Uttle lens vithto tbe eye loses its while the eiUary mus- |ob tt la to change the ei the lens for near or far Consequently. .......................... 1 a t accommo. d a tln f-o r ehangtag fticus to see dearly a t different " at » Uet iriMt a t » fe e t If a an Inad. ndard. 'in that It tells nothing about the effletency at M any piesby. 31.19Sd The rax rate on work ers ia 2 percent each from the em< ployee and emplover. By the end of January, also, household employers are required to report wag^s and to remit the social security tax on their do­ mestic employees who were paid of $50 or more In the last quarter of 1955. The reason of thia was the-removal of the re­ gularity provision which was in the old law. B^dnning with 1955» domestic worker, other than one emoloycd on a farm operated for profit, is covered by social secur­ ity if she is paid $50 or more cash bv a.)v one household em­ ployer in a calendar quar^r of the year. A domestic worker em- oioyed on a farm operated for profit eomes under the $100 cash pay.test which applies to other farm employees. If you have any question con< ceming your social security, you might write us at 361 Post Office Bjilding. Salisbury, N. C., or see our representative who visit« the Court House, Mocksyille N, C., on the first and third Fridavs of each month from lZ:30'h30. Having qualified as A<lmini'stra .ors of the etcare of Nezzie Carter, deceasnJ* notice is hereby given to all personi h«'ldlng claims against; the stfid Jeteased, ro present ih m pr«>t>crly wrified,tothe undersign­ ed, on t^pt^oe the 4ti) day of January, f9S7. or this notice wi I be plead In h.ir of reeovery. AU % indebt,........................d to said* estate, will plesie. make prompt settle­ment ThU4th d n ot January, 1956. ?P.M .am iaareiiceCar-% A ^ ra ol Negate Catter, J e W, Maflim AtMiiu^ '* £ot 4^ but the eni« Urn. JagmiMnmtwtTear^ A W a^erloeM It tu m t than • to- boat pmon. Baca M • fador, tM. loe'TuidlsoB an4to ti ttuA jum ttt thaii Anari. Shoaf Coal & Sand Co. We Can Supply Vour Needa IN GOOD COAL, SAND and BRICK Call or Phone Us At Any Time PHONE 194 Forroerlv Davie Brick fiLCoal Co I Seen Along Main Sticet By The Street RamiUer. HILLTOP Service & Supply BEST PtACE TO GET it Gas, Oil, Tires And Supplies Staple Groceries Smtdl Enough To Appreciate Your Bumm Large Enough To Fill Your Tank Mr. and Mra. Will Allen ahop> ping in drug n o n on cold, ninir day—Mra. Roy Holtliouaer. look­ ing over mail in departnimt (tote —Mias Annie Pearl Tatum on h«t wav to poatoffice in the mln—Jim Fuller buying a aupply of ovei*ni -M ra. Fr^nk Hendrix warning in dime store on cold dav-~Mia( Ed- rie Willaon ahopplng In Sanfoid’t Department Store-Aged lady te- marking that when the town got rid of one big nulaance another one came along—Quince Powell shaking hands with old ftienda «• round town -Tommey Mnoney carrying big load of ma^iinea iti- to drtig store—Matron and ptoa- pecHye bride buying Valentine cards in drug store—Claude Hotn and George' Rowland holdlti» a consuItaHon—Mra. Nera (kdbty on her way to beauty ahop—C. C. Chapman greeting frienda In post- office lobby—A. R Alford hutry- ing across Main atreet on his way to banking hotise—Sam lonea tty- ing to find Attorney B. C. Bro«^ —Mrs. Lee Lverly mailing large parcel post package—Mra. Paul Richards on her way down Main street—Mrs. Henry Davis diop- ping around town on cold ing—Dick Brenegar looking gry as he wends his Main street—Miss Floretkce ie and ftiend being held up i side bank bulldint^j. J. son trying to locate a friend—lee Bowlea carrying big paper down Main street—Ted wearing a big am ie-E d Latta In front of postoffice chatting with a friend—O. K. Pope nicking up a hitch-hiker on the square—Mrs. Etobbie Dwiggins shopping around In dime store—Mrs. Chas. Farth­ ing doing some afternoon shop­ ping and wanting It to snow— Mra. R. }. Randall buying Urth- day present in new department store—Fiank Ceruni hurrying in­ to po>:office on cold morning - David Rankin on Hia way doM Main stre-'t smoking his faithiiil old pipe—lady in dime atore te- marking that the reaaon, she was in town so early waa that her cat had bitten her on one finger— Kim Sheek hanging around bar* b.;r shop like Grant hung twDund Richmond—BUly Ellis looking af­ ter some business around tomi— Rev. E. C. Crawford doing tome late afternoon shopping in drug store—Master Jerry Barber gettiitg a Saturday afternoon hair cut— J. D. Collette doing tome cold af­ ternoon shoppin*—June Griffiin ig new auto tag down Main street—“Snow" Beck walking a- round town in the tain—Miaa Gertrude Sherrill polishing china and tinware in dime store. Princess Theatre WEDNESDAY ' "BATrLEGROUND" With Van lohnton fit lohn Hodiak Cartoon & Newt ____ J. W. HILL ' Owner Do yon rend * he Record? THUKSDAY fii FRIDAY “ULYSSES” In Color W tth Kirk Douglas & Anthony Quinn News SATURDAY "THE MARAUDERS"tn Technicolor With , Dan Duryea & leff Richardt C noon fit Serial CINEMASCOPE MONDAY; & -TUESDAY “GENTLEMEN MARRY BRUNETTES” In'Technfcafcw With Jane Rutaell & Jeanna Crain Cartoon &. Net»a PRICE: Retutor Sli.<» AoeuluH IMUiaa Me CINEH MOOPC AMI. gleCMUlw Me DAVie OOUNTTS BWGESr ■SMOWVAUIP