05-MayTBI^Ig^iPpilD.'IIOCE8VIUJt N.X., APltIL 27:: (M —' " "" \ i ' ■' ' i \ * •, ^ , r < ''■t' ^'li .......... '.PR. KENNETH J. ^^OREMAN 3- Chronicles "ptyMUtwl ne*4la« NehemUh t:!-*. Faith and Action LeMon for Mftjr 1, J955 ^ H E church l8 not the state aod u r J J ,1®'® •** *^e church, wjen elUier one tries to be (he Is trouble. Church aod state are ® <leep.rooted American prt.«pfe. But that flow not mean that a waU should be run up between the »fafe and r«li* gJon. That doesjjot m enn th at the state can afford to bo indittcrcnt (o religion. You are not I and I am not you; but that does not mean there Dr. Foreman ought to be a stone wall standing hiGh between us. It docs not mean that either of us should be Jndlf. XcT^nt to the other. The church can help the state, and vice versa. Executive** fttHglea Most American churches, ftj. eluding those denominations fboth large »nd small) sponsor this col­ umn. bcMcve that the state ought m)t to help the church by direct "establishm<int’* of any chureh by public low. No Presbyterian. AJclhrdj.sl or Baptist, for instance, and sUJI loss a Quaker or a Pentcco.stnl Christian,. wants his own church given government svpoort. by money grants or any other way. Nevertheless, Chris­ tians of every label rejoice when a President or other leader pro* iesscs w s faith openly, We all feel. Quiio rightly, that we shall be bPiivr off when our leaders in si.i{c and society are genuinely rcJii»nHis men and'women. There is on interesting anc* instructive imtstration of this li. ihe Bible. In tJjc coursc ot the history of Judah we como on the adminis* t»-atlon of a king named Jehosha- nhat. He was a good itjng and ho leU his country Jar better than be foisjjd it. Now we hear very litUe about this king's beUefs. He was no m.'jrc nor Jess orthodox than kiiiR^ before or after him. He was not a better king because be could pass a better examina­ tion In theology. He was better because he put his beliefs iota action. A creed that can't get light and nir and exercise turns hold'it B w lM |« (M « k tS n » rfn M rNow many acts of a hi«h execu- ' live may not seem to be religious or to have anylblnfi to do with « Won. and yet they may affect rdiglon stronely. For examBle, r " . •''■'oEhaphat, a king whose Brst recorded act was one ’i'l' defense. He SotUfled his border garrisons and he developed a weU-organized and -quipped ,m r . Seilgioa can­ not be upheld on the points of , bayonets, that. Is aU true; but Ihe fact remains that in the time of lehoshaphat there iv«s real danger from invasion, and a suc­ cessful Invasion meant that the true relleion would have to go un- dorsround. Korean Chri«ti/ins know this today perhaps better than anybody. What South Korean Qirlslian^ wants the V. ti. forccs to to home? So. even so seemine- ly non-relicious a business as re- orfiaoliine an army for greater "olablereligious elTccts loo. im M n n p lo ft. PH fit Before Billy Grahar- visited Dcnrnark. ^It was said, the preach­ ers In that country, who were men of high education, preachcd so far over the heads ot thi- p.„, M tllsmolly , small congregations, it is tlie people’s buslnesa to rise to ou. level, said the prcachors. noi us to oink to iheir.!. Tli'n Sillj- Graham eam^ along ind showed wliat would hai.pen If ,,. eBchvi» reallj-, Sol down where the people are. Since that time, it If report, ed, the ministers have t.-,ken th. hint and the churches are gsttinc more people interested. You can put religion In a beautiful Ivory tower, or gothic cathedral tor that matter, and iieople may ad mire it but that'i rtt Sdlgion has got to be put wMWn reach "J"'”'- Jehoshaphat did this by putting hli •tcachlii* prlnli” on the road, taking the W ’Pl'> <he)Law which had so much to say about everyday Uvin*. In oar country,, on the contrary, though the one place where you can reach all the people is in the public schools and state coUeges, the law generally permits any sub- ^ taughl-cxcepi the Bible, which cannoi m-cn bp legally read aloud! WOMAN'S W->.'?U> Frequent Smile ^ H Can DoWonden p For PerMily F SOMEONE bas, said to 7011. 'You*d be prettier it you smiled more oftai** .this should be • cue to ask yourself -or. some close Irlend or- relative some questions. People close to you may hesitate to speak ot how often you l^own, squint, arch your brows, s^w l or other facial misb^avior; but an open atittude «o yow part'm ay help elicit some fnformati<M). - Fre<iuent:6mUlngi>e8peak« hap* piness and the lack ot smiles m ay. point to conditions you should do something obout. Sometimes the solution may be very simple. For example, short stockings and tight shoes may put an unconscious When lt*8 too warm for a coat and too cool for Jost a shirt and blouse. yon*ll Hfce this Inferest- Ing knitted sweater wUcIi lea* tures loose bat not faO sleeves, a braided effeot from shoulders lo the pecfceto aad bright clrcih . lar buttons. scowl on your lace and prevent a ready smile. Face Tour Oondltton When your smile is not as nat­ural as it should be. it may be that you‘re trying to hide some defect of the teeth. This would be a good time to have the cimdition given attention. Squinting may indicate a need for having the eyes checked or glasses changed. U your face Is listless and it’s an effort to smOe. then your i^sical cooditioe may require improvement. Kegativc personality traits can niin your disposition «s well as your smile so you mJgtit ehedt up on little things that upset you and see what can be done to resolve your problems. A desire to do • something about being irrttftted over certain small things can often 4o wcmders in hdptaig ironing tben miL V Y«vr imfle wilL be lovdier, toe. It you wiU select a good Upstlek tad then use It to advantage. A Broperlsr made-up moufh ofTera the frtm e tor a lovely smile, color should gOi wltk the tone ot your sMa as well as enamel on the teeth and be flatter- iag to both. Buy several smaB •ises of lipsUck and tb eA them caretolly under durereat ligfatliic (0 choose the one wfaleh looks best. Appljrtbe color wWk m good ImiA for a <aeui Una. A smile is often marred if you hare teeth smeared wltli Upsdck. Be certain to blot the access. T9ien face the world aod smile your loveliest. Colors W ill Add Spice to Drab Rooms Color la the least expensive ot all home furnishing decorations. Tet» tb b ^ how tnucb color can do to enliven your hom«l It inalmi drab rooms cheerfid. tt fives tba pUUn 'a touch ot glamor. One ot the best eotart to be used lor a lively and twarming ac> cent is red because tt Is* ey«> catching and Uvely. However, if you don't care for red, there ar* other colorf whleh serve the pur­ pose lust as well. Periiapt ycRl might like to consider turquotM or aquamarine or even brass or “S 'peclaBy latdycon ot these suggestloas It m - ly Important it you Itav* ' come to.teel that jm ir hom* Is not warm enough as Ihr as tha eolor choice is cooMmed.' {wedomliftfllUg- iA » AOROM1.8hut -6. Plant of .mint (amity tl. Long-legged wading bird . l3.Las«o13. First man14. Passige. wiiy»19.0newho .readspalma IT. Typo measures15. Appearing as if eaten20.Maleawan 33. Land.. measure 24. A style of 4. Rlver (Fr.) 5. Half an em g. Touingh e n ^ * (poss.)7. Sloths . g.AucUon •.Article l«.TounirgM M. Hebrew . ' instrument 16. Persia 19. Organ > otslght SO. Lettuce iV.8.)81. Coin (Swcd.)33.Morsel. . bookbindingin limp leather 2S.Conatel.lation30. WlM 91. Third son otAdam32. Argon (abbr,) 33. Famous cathedral town (Eng.)34. Path described by a planet37. Immense10. City (Pa.) 44.InfuHate <6. Flourished 47. A moment48. Analyze grammatico ally49. Dwellings60. Deeds DOK’N 1. Fellow2. Girl’s name3. Verbal "to be” 26. Chum ;27. Travel ^ back and forth 3».6»da.mation 80. Fused material (Ceram* Ics) SlD ex. terout SS.Storma 36. Roman - outer.garmenta ST.Girri nickname 38. Set of boxes tJap.) 113:1 iiu tin’j-ja u ii uirjLJU II .vj n a i’j M :rjau LirjflL3i! 30. Stem41.0dd(S eot|. . 43. Snug retreat : 43..Fillswlth sotemn . wonder 45. High card >' 48. Pfennig tabbr.) > If' H la Pmm It j n f n airaJd ot a bvigbt flash el color, then atari bgr • cbigle addttien or two. Fredi lanpdiBdes, new cushions, a new dado or some pottery may be aU that you need.Once you have achieved suectM with a lew simple addltioas you can go ahead and make addltloiial ones. Changes can' be gradoal and still be effective. W arning Colora Do you have rooms which are ntty cool in tone and Culture of East And West I49et In Puerto Rico CAYEY, PUERTO RlCO-Hlgh in the hills of taterior Puerto Rico a private and personal good-wm campaign Is bringing together the cultures ot east and west.• Ever since W tsue Shigeno Klolzbach moved to the .Common* wealth with her fanOly a year ago. the arep around this pictur­esque mountain agricultural 'cen- . ter has been treated to a taste of Old Nippon.Mitsue is the wife of Kentuckian CarrOU L. Klotzbach who had to ilght Congress to get her tato the United States. She is the first Jap­anese woiran to have been per­ mitted to enter the country after the war to marty an American- citiaen->nid It toidc a special pri­ vate law to get her to.Klotzbach met Mitsue In 1948 in Chotu. Japan, where he was civilian chief cf the Army's larg­ est hydroponic farming. unit, in' Japan. When lie returned Ho the states In 1949, his attempts to bring Mitsue to this country were ham­ pered- iv the A ct no machinery had been set up lor Japanese na­ tionals and the War Brides Act, pertaining to servlcen^. had « • pired hi 1947.living in Florida;, fdota- bach took his plea to Governor Spessard I*. Holland who intro­duced the Special Private Law in ttie Senate. The House passed it on February 7. 19S0. and MiUue soon Jt^ned her husband In Wash­ ington.Now. «4iUe- her husband man> ages a hydrcqpcmle unit being ad- , vanced to teach the science to Puerto Kico's farmers. Mitsue dresses herselt and two cbildren in ieimonos and prepares pungant sukiyaU tor vistttog guesta. Titanium Strong, Shibbbrri Metal WASniNGtON-TUantam. re­cently added to the United States s tra t^ c stodti^e. Is a real mod- , em ^%onder metal" whose pbten- , tial for war or peacetime industi7 Is equalled only by Its problems and contradictions. ‘ Although distributed throughout tiie wortd. titanium is lo u ^ In low cMcentrations, taivartably nUxed with other elements. ft is one of the most abundant structural metals in t ^ earth's crust.. after alumhium. iron te d magnesium, it a light, strn g . and resistMit to heat, shock and cor­rosion. Yet Ita disadvantages, par* ticularly Us tendency lo absorb gaseous ImpurlUes at high tem­ peratures. make it a stubborn, costly mhterial to process. . Consequently. United States con­ cerns have taken even,less than the ten per cent of the limited sup­ ply opened to civUians earlier this year. The metal is particuUrly suit- ' aUe for hi^-speed, high-aylng jets. It also seems ideal for light­weight tank armor, gun parts, guided missfles and portable . bridges. The Navy finds titanium's resistance to salt water hivaluable ‘ for submarine snorke uses and the Atomic Energy Commission puta titanium to secret tisee ' Best of Six Husbondis Turns Sour From Sweet ^DETROIT—Sweet can cha^e to sour awful fast. b'-"eves a local Judge. \When Roy M. l*^y. 26, won a suspended sentence on a mteor traOlc violation last May, his wife. Sally; 96. told the court: . "Judge, he's sweet. He doesn't drink or carouse an^ he's the best husband 1 ever bad. I oughta know.' I've had she ot them.!' Recently Roy and Sally were back in coturt. Sally as the plain­ tiff. ’She i tenderly rubbed a bruised mouth and told .fudge W. McKay Skillman: “Judge, he*s’ awtul. He's ornery and cheap and common. He's the v'orat husband I ever had.'* You'd be surprised how these can be warm^ without i.iiMiging the basic color schema ' -ot the room or without- draslto ¥ FOR RENT ♦ SPACtiN THtS PAPER W AiTMst T* S«tt GOOD NEKSHBORS-PtKES to \ F ir v c H * BiisNess : , IP YOU HAVE- . beenion a ^uip' entenalned (uefM celebrated a biithday . caught • big 6ah i ..-moved ...... i, ' . tioped . Iw d'ab^ . ■ : bm'lii'avii^t' . . ■■■ ' told yoiit hop Ind an oi»ntlon ' ■ '.boui^t a c»: palh^vbuthbuse ' been' inattted' ; .'cata;n«w’’tooth, : "■■ ■ been’shot ' ■ : v:':' ;»tolet>'an^teg ’ .b^'.fobbed _ /■ . , ioldottt ' . / . lofltvvour bair .. ’b e e d ;* ^ ^ ';'" . ■'n--'' Or ip>one Anything At AU TeleplioBc^ Or Drop a PoatcBrd, Or Come In, ' QT: In Any Conv^ment Way Inform . .. t h e PAViE RECORD Heart Disease, Cancer Second to Accidents NEW VORK-Only heart diBeue and cancer cause more deaths than, accidenta among American men at the principal, working ages ot IS through 04. At ages IS through 39 moK men die through accident^ al hijuries than from any other ’cause. ' • 'More than 40.000 accideht fataU- ties each yean occur among men under OS. ■ A leading' life tosuranee; com­ pany says nearly hatt.ot the ac­ cidental deaths among policyhold­ ers are the afterm ath-ot motor, v e h i^ misliaips. Falls, ra n k ^ second m a cause of fatal ac- '- cidenu among the insured men. accounted for one<ninth of the ta- , talities. and drownings for nearly as great a loss of life as falls.Altofetlwr, the three leediiw causes-^motor vehicles, falls and <frownfogii7*w«re responsfbte Ibr %bout seven tint of every ten ae- cidental deaths In this r insured . vmp. — d A V I B CO TTN TT’S O X.bXSST N B W S P A iP B R -T H B P A P jt lt » H B P B 6 p I .B M B A D •MtMC a i u i t i m i i o i ^ u a ^ tiiw w iD «■ a m u B K t M p m m i m m r o a h*.* VOI.HMN XV.ItOCKSyiLLB. NORTH CAROUNA, W B D im pA T MAV 4. IW - NUM BBR S9 Dayife Record Has Boen Pdblished Since 1899 NEWS OF liOHG AGO. W M W M H a p p M ih itliiD a - vi* B ator* P to k hif M alar* A nd A U>ra«M te4SM rti^^ (bavie Reeded, Hay 8ih 'i^ i) V Aren't Tltlett Parnell’s re d cates pretty? W . A . Ballejr, o f Advance, was In io m i M ondar. S hirt waists ate becoming popa a t in M ockivllle.' T . C. ShM is, ot BIxby paid n<< • !>Ieaaant call Mondav. Oannon Talbert, aaslstanl 'pnat. niaster at AdTance, was In town M onday. < ' G. H .'G rabanI, of Farm locton. . waSa btislness Wsilor here Hon* , W . F . Ftirches one oftheconhtv eommlssloners. Is v<|nlte, sick, and conld not he here Monday. , JudKe Bowden o( C hieaeo,. was Olhea* h»*e come and cone.your' county newspaper keep* ffoing. S->melime« it bat Mamed hard to make "buckle and longue" meet, but *oon the tun shine* and we ntarch on. CJw faithful tubtcrib ert otdit of whom pay prom ptly, p v e u t courage and abiding faith in our fellow man. / If your neighbor it nut tid in g The Record tell ^m ' tn tubtcrihe. T he price it onlyI.so per year , in 'th e Slate, and iS.OO in other ttatet. When You Gome To Town Make Our Office Your Headquarters. W e Are Always Glad To :iS4e You. y~I S ^ «Safi, aS.n..^wHh. ^ Tj»e J)ayie RccoH rteb Shade of cranberiF r«L «led bjT a iiativ^e o f D«(vie G>unt]r« Booms la which blue or Uulsh green la the predominant dMde LET u s DO yW jobprinung We can sav«» you money -.on'your ;v.;, ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS STATEMENTS, POSTERS, BILL HEADS, PACKET HEADS, Etc. Patronize your home niewspaper and }diereby help build up your ' IwMi# town andvcoupty.^ ; : <: y l H E B A V i ^ ^ m w -■ ,'A ' {n thft cotiatir BToiNfav .abd Toe*. day taklne denosltlona to b« used In a trail la Texas. ' r» S. Leotiard, of Stateevllle. ba» Vwfin yttittfnR fits dati?liter. Bfrs/S. Swaim, loir the past week. ; J. Pink Beck, of trear SbeffieW, ‘was In town last week ob btndnew. Tames Welker, who ‘ tiear KaptM. lost hfe house, wheat aod baenn« and part .of hU com aud out* bulldlttca by fire ^ttirday mom Vtof- ' • ■ ■■ ■: %Mr: Villen, of Blxhy, la MnhInK ot.itnoytng Us 4onr mlllto Mocks, ^tte; \ ■ l;‘ w . ana 1. Ci ChailW loat ten to 8f ) ^ t e 61 Innber last week hr fi(%, aho a .^anw and a lot of saw mill fistttfea. ' T. H. Ratledce haa opened np ' encory and dry (roods stole In the OnMI bitndlBC at Advan^ ^ e conmenceaient a't Smith Ofove . Academy will take ^ place 'Wednesdav, May land. The liter, m addrem -win he dellveied by Rer. Ch»» H Dtl»v. ' The folln«»lnK list taken were appolnted.hy the county comnili. slmen Mondav: Advance, O. TaU hert-.Caiahaln.' T. F. Mcorej Clark.. *llle, M; P. Rlchardmn; Jerjisalem, W. D. FMier; M«cka»Hle. 6. W. Shwk, Fnitoii ti. A. Ballev; Pannlncton. C. A. Hall. Dr. Jas. H ^Qlre was elected superlniend m N F m v M Another Oi the rather- a ta rtll^ ptedlettons of cbaoges te cam e dajiy Ing the M lileanlnm lath e p ro |A e^ that animals will lose their en i* l^ oine towarif another. Isaiah t^ c e describes this pbenomennm. and makes K definitely clear that "th e wolf stso ahsll dwell ^ t h th e lamb, aod the leopard shall Ilf down with the kid. and Ihe calt and theyoanc Hon and the fatllnc.toEether ” las. lah II. 6-g and (>s:>S! Bosea 9;tg. H e even Koes farther and ptedlcits that the animal species which have formerly been clsmlfied as *'cam |. varons" because of the!* depend, ence oh Sesh from other snimals will therefore become herblverotn W that they can exist npon plant Hie rather than meat. '•The Hon shaH eat straw like the bnHock, and dnsi shaH be the serpent’s m a t. They shall not h nrt . nor d c strov In mv holy monntaln. sslth the Lord.’< Tsalab 65;>,i;. In an. other place he again refers to tkl^ Molojrieal cbanee when he says: "ilie Hon shall eat strew like the lox.” Isaiah ii:a . Not only win lenmltv bMween memhers o f . the aolm ^ kinadnm disappear, bntfear enmity between me • and ,anl. ent of the Board of Health: T he to m election la oragf aa w e g o to p re n .The old tidiet ISSlf 1^ - ' ft being voM for: Repb^lcans are taking no pan In llte election. Flah weighing; from la to ig vonndi each were caught at Coo. Iwmee Saturda*." ;W. W. Strand, of Hickory ap^t one day last week M town with :his btothef, .C. Frsnk Strond. TheConfederate pimic will he field In Hoekavllle on' iSatnrd'ay, Mayasth. Among those selected to solicit bsskets for Ihe occasion ^ were: Capt.' lohn H .' i%menti HlasSallleHanea, Jas H. Culev, Min Laiira Clement. Mra. Ida O Nall, John B Poaid, Bph Bara hanlt. Mias M. B. Uvragnod. Mis. Lila Chatin, John PeeMea; Mrs. U n Hanes, C. O. Baley, W. ‘ A. Bailey, Mra.'Belle Peebles^ Mn. Eugeiila Lebtiardj N. A. Peebles. Mta. W. A, Bailey. S. A. Janris M in Bmrns Jahnsoal Thos. Pera. bee. Mas. W. A BHIa, Isaac Rob. ens, Mrs. B. Frost, P. A. Baity, M ir A H. McMahan, Ab' Avder. SOB. Min Ulllan Smoot, Rey; W R. fCetchle. MIsaNantle Rattedge. John C>. Hodgea, Mra. Emily Black, -■taetl. ' '. ' . -.lOnlytwoof the above people a n still alive- Min: SalMe Hanes, nl Modsvllle. and Min Lillian Sao.)t,.a6w Mra. lahn-Koontz, of .Soiitb Ctlthain. Bdltor.] . A lohr.bnrae teaai helongieg io J a ^ h H endrh^ of. Teaoysop,! rta away and ran into the SiMitb Valklii river at Poid/ft Ulidaay’a frrfr.-btn weicKaened. hy. Thoa. Spry a e d o tb ^ ; No' aadont. . jtnlw ntidM ^ UHReporiS^s folks Around World Are Uving Beffer ^ WA8HINGT0N--An insight hito the compMitivc Uv^ .ttandards ot the Vnited SUtes 'and cert^ countries for which suiistics mats wfit tikewim cease. Referrlafr to It, Isalsh ^avfl; ^ 'A n d th t «ttck* Inc ebltd shall play on the bole of the asp» and tbe weancd^chlM ah4n out bis hand on the cM katrlce'a deo.^' Tiiey flball not biirt nor de. rtroy In all mv holy monntftlu.** ilsalab Bom lty between la* dlvidnals will a1«o be elemlnatedi For ,eentbrle«i. poHtleal aeleotlsta h aw dfeam edof tbe.anpreeldeBted, proirrea« w hich' maokind c o titd make If their I n m to ^ ts o f money and tnnt«ria1a conM be dlrectad ex- eltia^vety toward, peaieeful pdrm lts. Tn tfie Wfllenltim tbie will occur, Soeakftteof' tbe ivlsttotMblp be< tWMO IndM duaU aod nitlono. Im* i«b Mve? **Tb^ nball beat iword^ Into plnwabarefl, and their «oeara Into oronln« hooka; natloo 4ball oot lift op swomS aealost on. tion. neither sthiafl t h ^ learn any tnw ,** tsalab *»t4; One of tbe creat so ^ a l. stnmblltiflr <b1oeka jin thia Ihe twentieth eenturyfa o«r jinablli.tv to eommnnteate Ifeely with tbe.peoote of cither nattonfi. |;Laaciiaffe has degenerated Into tboitMiid^ d r dialect*, end m who can apeak or understand eWn or seven Is cnnrfdered^ eeb<^ .*rly ex p ert/ Tbc relep pf cnnfna* AVS .vwaWM are available, and dianges ttuit have occurred since the late lUr* ties,' are given In a special study made by the United Nations sta- . tistical organisation.^ In addition to the United States, the countries covered are ttie Unit* ed Kingdom. Canada, Sweden. Norway, West Gennany, Irdand and Japan. Belgian fli^rA are ' given only tot the post^Wwld War II period. The study is based on Uie personal consumption expendi*. turcs lor' each county in th'eir're* spcctlve currencies, and gives a breakdown ot outlays lor -food, shelter, dbthtog and a selected list ot othi»r foods and nrvices. In most cases, the year 1036 is the pre^WorM War n base, while tbe Ictest flgUTM ai« tor 10S2.. ■ : The. study shows certain com* mon tendencies in the personal ex> penditure pattern hi all cm ^les^ over the last decade' and a ludt. For exapiple; tiie pr««ortion ot total consumption outlays going for food in most countries has riJKn In ttie pMod. Pai% ot this is due to higher prieee. but the fiSiires also suggest tiiat people are eating beiter than before hi , countries as well as In the ^United States.Another common trend has been ,a decided decUne In tiie proportion ot personal « ^hdltures on shel­ ter, which includes the cost of fuel and light, furniture and household <«eration as Well as rent. I960; More Pay > For Less Work NOTRG DtAME, lnd.~>By IIWO, " will be earning 40 per cent more and buyhig 40 per cent more but wtn'ldng about five hours, less each wedc, according to a pre­ diction made here by a fdrmer presidential advlMr teaching at Notre Dame.' Dr. Roheri C Turner, viatting profesw in the- U niversi^s C<d« lege ot Cwtnmerce, . forecast that within IS years the United States will have a toUl national output “in excess of 000 billion doliBr8'^ as compared with 985 billions iii 1058. .j A framer member of Resident Truman's Council c< Economic Ad­ visers,' Dr. ftoner said that Amer­ica's population will be nearing the 200 million m ark by 1070. Although Ms head, stuck iD^tbe hub hole ‘ of a'd^arded.autom obile wheel M «. Eteanor Rowe and ber tour children couldn't get it out. Sit. I . C .-E ai-.,l of Uw. sher- ttTs fore. (oUe(. he pup's ears hack clou and pulled It out bj-the tan. The ears (Cocker s^oicl had trapped, tt.t»pe> Ion which h«ao with the cnntonn. ding of tonnes, at ’ the Toyer Bshel-silll prevails The onlv snc eeasfnl stiemnt to ovemme It been the agreeniFtit s'mong sden- tists to nse the dead langnages the GrMk and the Latin for terms ai|« appellations In the various branch, eaof scientific stiidv> There are wme who think language haa e. volved. that it.lalmnrovlng and he. iexIM eand e s n r m bioN ’T LiKB HIM - , Joiinnvm HhwlcliigatliblAby ibtothetfor the'fint time. “Wbtt dovm diiiik of himr asked hta mother. Tohnny alglied: T h e J<mea> liavt a new car.’thc'Brwwn’s hkve a new radio,' and we've got tUt." WBDCaNGCAKE Speaking on die dm gm of mo*, dem fbod,'the speaker pointed a finger at a hanessed looking Hst- ener and demanded, "What la It that we all aat, at some' time -or aiiolher, Kat b the' worn ‘tKli^ imaginable ior its? Do yoa know, sir?" , Softly came tfie ^aaw t |the little man, “Wedding cake.' TIT FOR TAT A tath« coi^ted bachdorwas in y l^ lo dinnerby a wbinm of his acquaintance, but did not accept. Afinirdan Uter, oieiMng (iw in the street, he saJd in his. biiA Inanner, "I believe you ask«l linie to dine' with you last wcci^^ Ih e woman toofced at thout^tfuUy.' ; “Why, Vcs., I believe 1 did,” ^ answered brightly, “Atiddid yDu conM?** BEYbNDTHE LAW I These Ruys iltUiig around out* j ridc the coindiouse 'mxe 'tiUdnii labout thevecy tough old iud^ who w u holding'cbun Inside, “He's toiii^” one ,dF the guvs said, “but auce believa In justic.." *-8uce ,doM,” agned anodier. #iw> o ^ rei^tly bad 'b m ‘' sm- teiiced by ihe judge, “lie’a tbie moat iustice Jud^ I ever saw— just aa Moii hang youas not!'' SUltABUi R ^ Y , “H a« vau'.ever aprieaM IwlAeaa In a auit'ibefoie?" l* ^ W ^ o f’coufid” I tell the jury liurt w hatm itit w a^' __ However, prominent Mholars sgree'wlth the scrlntcyres that the very.oppoalle Is the case.- Lan. gnage haa develoned. Adam a^ke the perfect. Ian«maee hef«ire It be. nerated at the Tower of Babel.. We .rtlthave a feilltotteo of all tjilngs like'Peter Informs us, aiidthe Adainic language which was the langnage given -to Adam In the'gsrden of ^ e n by. the.I/ird himself. With thst Isngnage man ean expre*< himself so .perfectly thei« conld not he any miannder. a tan W beanse of the olainuen and force every e*pre«s!oo ha*. [Ze^anlah 3;g, Informaiw as (ol. " '‘Fw. then .will I tnm to the people a pnre langnage, that th ^ .W a ll call ni»n the nam< of the Lord, io serve, him with n L. BENNGTt, ) N . C ItAOTIFUl fsTEIUNC $llVEIt\ iV B A R T O M AND OTHER FAMOUS .SIIVHSMITHS, THE GIFT SHOP IB( WIIW •«» « . . . .“It was a blue aoir,’' she leiilicd quIcUy, "with whltt^collar-and cuA, and buttona all the t»ay down d » e f r o n t.^ _ ^ _ _ i_ ^ _ j.- ^ail In Germany Munich, Getmany-Aif Force M-Sgt. William F. KaU, whose wife, Laura, iind motherV Mi*. W. B. NaO, live in MMksvUle, N. C , leoentW waa graduated (iom the ISeventh Army Non-Commi led'OIBGet Academy InMnnidt. Getmany. . ^ ' i A auperviaor with the 34th Rai dio Squadion Mobile he auccaat- fullycompleteda6ve.wcekt cowae inkadetship, map-ready and odxr miUtan- aubjecta. Sergeant NaU, who arrived aeaseaa to Jtdy 1953, U a'veteraft' 'ofmoietbanl6:veaiain the Ait !P6ice. Oar County And Sodal Security By Louis a Oement. Mimager. Qiustion; Will a farmer who imis iM iiUa social s e ^ ty liiany yean ago but never worked under tocbl aCcutity and haa sinw lost his card, be requhcd to get a new account number for his fium iUMieilage? ' Anawerr:. This farmer, or any other peison similariv situated, will not need a new aodal security aecoimt niimbet. OMe account liiiinfcer is ail any one ever needs. The numbet on the first card that is issued to an ihdi^dual idenii- ties the accdtmt that has K-en set up for him and all earnings re­ ported by and for him duting bis lifetime wilt be credited to that account. There hat been no oth­ er card Inued to another person showing (be same nnmber. If a person’s social security card is lost or destfoyed. he should apply for a duplicate account number card from his nearut social security office. Without a person’s own social Kcutity account number, there is no-way to establish social security protection for him or his iamily. For further infoimation, con­ tact the Social Security Office, 301 Post Office Building, Satis- burv.R C . . If you have any question con­ cerning your social aecuritv, you might write us I t 3<1 Post Office Bjilding, Salisbury, N. C , or' see out reptesentative who visits the Court House, MocfcsvUle N. C , 6n the t o and thbrd Fridays of e ^ month from 12;30.t;3(X NOTICE OF SALE IJoder and by virtne .if the pow- ,=.• of ante cootalned In a ceitsla deed of jrnst exrcnied by Boone Poster and wile Sal-y Foster, to Robert S. McNeill. I'tnstee, dated the ^jrd day of M.y. I9SJ, and « . cordedinBookaa. OSKC23, m tbe office or tbe Reeioter ol Deeds of Day e County; and' under and by virine ol the anthotliy vested in the d as snbstituied truster byan Insirnment of writing d.ted ibe 4th day of April 19SS. •«'* « . coi'ded in Book — . page — . in the ol8.i. o( Jleglste: o( Deeds of Da­ vie Comity, delanit having been made in Ihe payment ol the io. ■ theiehv secured and the Mid deed i.l trosl being oy the 1 terms thereof snbjeei to lorrolosnre. :t,ofthe IndabiednesBland the-bolder----------------------ibereby,secured having demanded a foreclosure thereof for the pur. pose of satisfying said Indebtedness, the undersigned snhbtitnted trnstee wHI offer for nie si public auction to the hlgW i iridder lor cash, at the conn house door in Mocks, ville. N. C . oil' the 7»< <*»T May, I9SS, •••* conveyed In said deed of lrn<t, the same lying and being In Jerusalem Township. Davie County, North Caiolina, and more particularly described as fol I Being lots Nos 62. 63. 64, «s «6, «7, 6». «9, 70. 7«. 7». 73. 41 Seen Aloaf Msia Shell . B, The Street RamUar. ooooso Three high school gitls pimifti On pancbiriime show in tbell'gtiNih -M rs. Mary Crow and MlAliltfiy Heilman enjoying cold ^rlnxa hot attcmmn -M in Maitle.-^Ktt.^ lian talking about going to Similt Carolina-LcRoy Poplin w aM ^ for movie show to open—Bddc Oreene drinking large coca-coh«it extra warm afternoon—Mra. Lm Lverly lookiog at new sutnmM dresses In Sanfotd’s display w ^ dow—rack FenninffoncpmingoM- of banking house—Bryan Sell oik street cumer watching t i ^ paat -M rs. S. B. Hall doing som c.t^ ly morning shopping-Miaa S ii^ Hanes on her way. to apothecait ahop-M rs. C F. Meioney htiim ing down South AMn street on I warm aftetnoo.i—Dick on his way south as die dinntt hour apptoaehes-7 0 . 1C. Popt’and Alvin Dvson talking thingaovct— J. K. Sheek greeting old friends a- lound the square—Mrs. C. P. lohnson talking about taking .> half holiday—Mrs. Wayne Maiicll trimming window at Moefcavilt* ■ I Cash Store—Roy Harris on hla way to banking house—David Rni> kin and Robert Bawitigerexcbanp ing greetings on Mafai street—At* tornev George Martin bcowaliig «. round in aiito n o te - Bank cleili* working overtime on aultty aikar- noon - Miss losie Foster m Ik( way to doctor's i^ce—Mra. Jam n Foster shopping acound in d h « store—Homer Latham buyinf a eamp chair to alt on whilesQutml hunting—J.D. Purvis loadini • lawn mower into auto trunk bd Main street-Leslie Daold geitl^ a 75 cent lialr cut—New btlda t«- matkbig that the hadn’t had any lights vet, and hoped slwwoalda*t —Bobby Hall hurrying into dmg store with two paint brushes In one hand—Allen Parks getting a Friday morning hair cut^M r. and Mrs. John Swing shopping aiound town—Rev. A. M. Kiser teltliit tonsoral work-Eighteen -atudania from Mars Hill College paualng for refreshments while on fbab wav to Lexington—Sammy PowCH rambline around the squaic on hot afternoon—James Yodc tod^ ing a book aa he makes hit « w through heavy traffic across the square—Man driivng mule Midi. ed to sled down Depot atieiet— M ani^W aters, A ',^ W agner, theN. B. D ^ n and Harvey Bl welder talking about when [world was young. I, 43 44'and 45 of the Sam Fo». T Snb.divlsion. as n o t ic e T O C R E prrO R S I Having q u ^ ^ M eaecutrta of dieeatateofH. l.a ite r. d e « ^ cd. late of Davie County, North Ckiollna, tbia la to notify all per- Mma holdingclainn acatnatsaid ea- tate, to pnaent them to dw under, algned withhi « m c ^ date heteof. or thU notice wUI Iw plead In bar of their tecovety. All pctac^a owing said estate ^ 1 m a k e hnmediale settlcincnt. This A pt«16>19S5. . VIRGINIA POWEUUEnx. of H. I; CanM,.Dec^d. a C Block, Attorney. auaf Coal i Smd Ct . Iw eCan Supply Vour Nceda IN GO O D CO XL. SAND and BRICK Can or PhoineUrAt Any Time .. PHONE 194 PonneitoDwteBHdt&CtiilO* ier'Snb.dlvlsion. as per survey and nlatmadehvA. L. Bowles. Sur veydr, May, 1953- And ssid pisi Kcotded in Map Book No. 3, i»ge IS. In the Regislei ol Deeds rIBce of Davie County, North. Carolina, to which reference is hereby made for a more partieular description For title see deed from E. C. Morris to Boone Foster aod wife, Sally Foster, dated May no, 1953. aiid duly recorded In ssid office. T his 1st day of April, I95.V CLAUDE HICKS. ' ; Substituted Trusiee. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified aa execii^ of the estate of Charlie Hege, d e e m ed. late of Davie Counn. Notth Carolina, this is to notify all p » sons holding claitns againM said estate, to present them to the im- deisigned wirtiln 12 months hw n dale hereof, or this notice win plead in bar of their recovety. A't persons owing said estate wM make immediate settlement. Thia .htarch 21. »55.BOBBY CLAY H EpR E n. of Charlie Hege, I W d . -B. C. Block, Attorney. HIU-TOP Servi<^ & Supply HOPES TO SERVE YOU EVEN BETTER IN 19SS Gaa, OU SuppliM Also A Nice line Of ^ e g e t a U M . And Staple C^oceriM We AppreciiM Ymir J. W . HILL .'O w ner m m m 1 j!' ’ ■*; . I - ’ir m PAGE TWO ¥iiE DAVIE RECORD.H0 CKSV1U .G .1). C HAY 4. 'l»BB THE DAVIE RECORD. C. FRANK STROUD. EDITOR. TELeFHONE A Stormy Day i Grew-HffiWam Sundav, April 24th, will be a day I Mr, and Mf*. WllUam Giteen, of long to be Kinembered in Davie* Modcsvltte, Ro^te I, announce the Bntoraa atthePortofllce.in MmIm. »«to. N. C-. u SecowtT.laM « •« nmttei. March S. 1908. :smSCiHFTIOII RATES; ONE .YEAR. IN N, CAROUN* StX MONTHS m N. CAROLINA ONE YEA R. O in s m E ST A T J- • SIX MONTHS. OtJTSIDE STATC «I.SO7S<!.n .utveo The North Carolina »olons, or whatever vou care to call that body of lawmakers who have been <ampinE around R alel^ for the «aM four months, are still tr.ing •to find enough money to keep the pld ship of state sailing on an even Jceel. No end is vet in sight. ' Every fellow is yelling to tax the Mher fellow. Nobody wants to pay any extra tax. Nobody wants ItU s..Iaty cut. The school teach- 'er» say they can’t sta. d a salary 'cut. The farmers and property •owners swear they can’t pay an in- 'creased tax. Tobacco and bot- Uing companies sweat they are in ihe same fix, while merchants througho..t the' tOO counties are V;ussing about the sales tax. Such 'is life in the good old Democratic State of North Carolina. • The columns of this paper are open to all who want to discuss t>ublic puViIic affairs and anything that is for the upbuilding of the town or countv, but the time has passed when we can devote much space to helping to any individual politician who has it for himfelf ' or his worst enemy. If there is anything mean to be said about dircv politicians, whisky ring, of­ ficers not doing their duty, pie- hunters buying their wav in and other things too tedious to men tion. the editor will say these things, take the whippings, the blame and the praise i f any. Others saying mean thi..gs about ench other through The Record are taxed at the rate of 2 cent i word with no discount for time. Oar Candidate For Mayor He must be a leader. • He must know \ h»t the com- munitv needs. ’ He mu6t-knovtr how to get on with his fellow citizens without <»u8ing friction. ’ He must be unwilling to favor any partifculjf set—not even the "peanut politicians.” He must be (air and unbiased. He must be oblivious to criti cUm because he cerMinlygets it. He must put aside personal pre­ judices and become a public ser­ vant. He must be a business man of inore than average ability. He must have the energy to work for the community and to induce others to work with Him. He must place duty abovfe party. . He must be a firm believer in and a defender of his town. . He must be a leader. Ye Ed Declares himself In ' Mv friend, help the editor in his wild eyed search for news. When your friends come to see vou, if you are not .nshamed of it; tell him: when vour wife cives a tea party, if vou have recovered from the effects, drop in with the news; when a new badv arrivrs. fill your packets with cigars and call: if you gotoapaity, sreal some of the good ihings and leave them at the •anct.im.>-Rockingham Post Dis­ patch. Poole-Laney Mr. and Mrs. E* D. Poole, of Harmonv, announce the eng;ige' meat of their daughter. Mild<ed Louise, to George B. Laney. of Charlotte, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Lsnev, of Monroe. A fall wed- _dU»g.l* p la o n e d ^ ^ ^ ^ Do You R«ftd The Record? County. It wasn’t a cyclone and perhaps not a tornado, but the afternoon and evening p^roduced a mixture of wind, hail, rain and one of the worst looking cloud^ that this scribe has ever seen* The fitst wind,rain and hail storm arrived about 2 p. m. Much dam* age was done in Cooleemee and in lower Jemsalem. A number of houses in Cooleemee were badly damaged, and falling trees dam aged several autemobiles. Many trees blown down through, out the county and outbuildings damaged by the high wind. The second and worst hail storm, hit this city shortly before 7 p. Hail covered the ground and some stones were as litrge as marbles. Crops were not damaged as bai as first thought. But little corn and tobacco had been planted. We are glad that no one in the. coun* ly was Injured. FM.A. Rally held The Davie*Rowan Countv F.H A . District Rally was held Tues­ day night. April 19, at .Rockwell Three hundred thirty F.H.A’ers attended. Mt. Ulla and Cleveland tied for the attendance prize; ^ Special guests were Mr-Charlps Irwin, Superintendent of Row^n County Schools, the school prin­ cipals, and chapter mothers and fathers. Th'e Rev. Emraeti Mclarity pas­ tor of the First Methodist Church in Sal sbury, gave a very inspira tional talk on “Buildine a Home ” The essence of his speech was that F.HA'ers are building hoaies in the present and no in the future. A talent show was held after which refreshments were served. engagement of their daughter, Phyllis Ann, to Charles LeRoy Williams, son of .Mr. and Mrs. Carl Williams, of Admmce, Route The w ading b planned for this summer. Mr. and Mrs.-L. E. Green, who have occupied one of die Dodd a- l>attmetits on'Norith Main stteet, lave purchased one of thk 6Toom H ub«t Ea«m houses on Avon stteet, and moved into their new home last week. NOTICE OF SALE .Under and by vlttne o( the pow­ er of sale In that certain Deed of Trust executed! by Csrl C. HcDan. lei and wife Azile B. McDnnlel to the undersigned Tiastee to secure a note in the snte ot |8,ooo oo p*v< able to Durban Bank and Trust Compsny of Cooleemee. N. C. bearing date of July i. ,1946. ant duljr recorded In-^ook of Deeds ot Trust Mo. S3, page 349, In the of. 6ceoftbe Reglater of Deeds of Davie County, N. C., def,iiU itay. ing been made in the payment of said note and at the reqnest of ssid Bank and' Trust Company, the payee and bolder tbereoft The undersigned Trustee will sell pnWiely for easii at tbe Court House door of. Uavie County, In Moeksvilte. N. C., on Sstnrday. the 28tl> day of Hay, l9SS> at o’clock, M., the foljowing deserih ed lands situate In Jerusalem Town­ ship, Davie County, to wU: jst Traet; A tract lying on West side of Stale Highway No. So (now 601) about two miles from Sonth River: - Beginning at a point in the center of Stale Highway No 80 (now 6ot) OB O. E. Peebles' line; thence S. S3 degs. jo W. 1366 feet to a Hickory, the oti- glnai comer; thence N. 18 degs. E. 343 feet to an iron pipe; thence N 5 decs. B. 836 feet 10 a stake on the original line, corner of LoiNo. Two Negro V conviMS, James Graham, serving 2 5 3 0 y^rs, and William Lucas, sening from 3-5 years, made their escape from) the' Davie County. prison camp, two miles from Mocksville on Monday o f last week, by climbing over the camp fence. Bloodhounds firom the Forsvth Camp'were put on, the trail, but it was lost near ! County Line. One of theN ^roesj said to have high blood pressure, the other heart trouble -but they could run. Lucas gave himself up to the chief of police In Statesville Wed­ nesday after calltaig up his mother who llyes New Jersey. % e told him CO <urr.:nder which he did. Violating Law Whereas it has come-to the at* tentlon of the Department of In* surance that non*Hcensed empl ees o f insurance companies are telephone and personal Union Go Quickly and Tell," th e theme o f the 53rd annual meeting of Woman’s Missionary Unioil, South Yadkin Baptist Association, that convened last Tuesday morn­ ing in the First Baptist Church, in this city. Mrs. C. L. Weston, president ot the Association presided. The program “Telling (he story” was presented in three progran features in the division, in the as­ sociation through Mission stndv. through literature, through com­ munity missions a n d through stewardship o f possessions and “Telling the story to our youth' wrfs given by Mrs. C. W. Apple- white, associational young people’s ■eader. There was special music bv Rev. Elmer Thomas and “ Telling the story in China and the Phiilippi- nes” ^ Mrs. W. W. Lawton. Lunch was served .-it 12:45. In the afternoon tTelling the story” was continued though the Mar­ gate Fund and through Carver School ot Missions by Mrs. J. S, Potter. The meeting closed wth elec­ tion of officeri and a final saee by Dr. Claude Brown, pastbr 7; thence N. 84 degs. 30 min. B. 1868 feet to a point In the center of State Highway No. 80 (former, ly) comer to lot No. S; thence with the center of iiald Slate Highway, S. 15 degs E. 1100 feet t« the he. ginning, containing so and 7 to acre* more or leas) and being Lois No. 9 and 10 ky map of Snssn Langston farm made by N. Trexler, April 39th, 193a. Fora more psrllcnlar tion reference is hereby made Deed from Greensboro Joint Stock Land Bsnk to T. W. Sui Sr., recorded In Book 33. P *« <79 Re^ster’s Office of Davie County. N C. and Traet; Lying on We^ side of State Highway No So (former. Iv) about two miles from Sonib River; Beginning at a point In the center of said Highway comer to Lota Nos 4 and 5 on Crai^’a line; thence S. 15 dega. B 743 feet to 1 stake in center of said Highway, comer of Lot No 9; thence with line of Lot No 9, Sonth 83 degs. 30 mln. W. tS68 feet to a atake, corners of Lot No 9 on the orlgi. nal line; thence N. s degs B. 717 4eet to in Iron stake, Cralge’s cor ner; thence N. 83 degs 30 mln W. i66i feet to the beginning, con talniug *7 and 85 too acres mote or less, and being lots Noa. 5, 6, and 8 by olat ot Snsan Langston' farm made bv W. A'Trexler April 49 193a Foi a more particular description see deed from Greeosb<>ro loint 3.1.of Stock Land Bank toT. W Sum merset, Jr . tecorded in Book , page ate, said Register’s Office Pavie Coooty, N. C. TERM S OP SA LE; CASH. _ TIM E OF SA LE: MayaS, t95S. of Greensboro Fitst BaptistChutch This tbe 97th day ot April, 195S. About 300 were present. GRANT. Tmstee. Get Ready For The Planting Season Now SEE u s FOR Cole Planters and Distributors Complete Line Of Repairs Rankin - Sanford Implement Co. Your Icterralicpal Haiv*»ter Dealtr Phone 96 Moclwv^le, N. C 'Convicts gaged in the following acts; arrang­ ing appointments and distributing Insurance lite.ature and literature and informatton as to policy bene, fits for the purpose ot selling or ar­ ranging for a sale of insurance through a licensed agent, It being the opinion of the un­ dersigned Commissioner that the aforementioned practices ate not in the public ititerest- it is here­ by ordei'ed that effective April 18, 1955, no company! manager, gener- agent, ot other representative shall knowingly permit any noni licensed employee by telephone or personal contact to: Arrange appointments and dis­ tribute insurance literature and in­ formation as £0 policy benefits for the purpose of selling or arranging for a sale of insurance through a l|. censed agent, or any other act cf solicitation, except as pCTmltted in sub-paragraphs 1 and . 2, of G, S. 58-51:3, CHARLES F: GOUD, CommissioneroHnsurance Do you read TKe Record? r e m e m b e r Oil Mother’s Day Sunday, May 8th We Have A Fine Selection OF : G IF T S Gloves, Pocketbooks, Hosiery, Dresses^ Blouses, Hats, Lingerie, And Costume Jewelry From Which To Make Your Selection C. C. Sanford Sons Go. We Give S & H Green Sumps With All Purchases Store Closes At Noon On Wednesday MOTHER’S DA Y SUNDAY, MAY 8TH For This Happy Occslsioii W e Have Many Useful Gifts Which Will Appeal to M dtHER Kelvinator Automatic Washers ' Lebtkard Refrigerators, Electric Ranges^ . Electric Window Fans In Different Sizes And Prices ' Tables Fans From |5.95 Up / Motorola Home And Auto Raidios Ansrr OUR STORE OFTEN Mocksville Home & Auto Supply C. K CRENSHAW, Owiwr , I>lM»e36 Salubuiy Street jiO CK gm iJ! .W.-C^ y A r .d'. ijirin lc m iil^ ri^ ; 5||sadi|y Shrinking ^ Crop U • ; ^ u s t P ^ u ^ e Mioire ' , ' ,Sarm ecomnilsts • reprat ifliat America's .larm land acreage U si^dlly : lia?toO T asli?u S’® i( '* a c S. afes for the conUrueticih of super . Ughwairs and toll, roads, lar .de. fcnse and industrial iP|ints, y ports, military reservations,■ M i^ l and >fame . c^ erv p^ccts;,-- • •' . :1%>tin8 .this trend, M. Cl M. Case, Havtngqiiaiified.ai A dm lnl^- »il* of die.intate of FtedS-Onell, ‘ • of Davie .C^^ , ,----------------la, this Is, to tioitfy •II peisona binrlog claims, against to'present them to the undmlgned wlthiii twelve months fnte'date heceof,' or this. iiOti<w wlltibe'pleaded in .bar of th « t lb recover. ' All persotis ow- n« siMd estate will pUase make tomedlate settlement: ' Thiathe4thdayof Aoril. 1955.. SARAH E.ORRELL, Admrk. of Fied S. Ottell, DecsU I Zuhary, Attotnns: i trlx of the estate of Henrietta Dlx- oht;dcce*sed, notice is hereby giv .ch ^.all :peraons holding l.daims niiinst nid;;,deceased to present the tame, properly ve^ ed , to the deialgn^, on orbeltm the 14th r. of. April, 1956, or this -notice ...Jl be plead lii bar of r«ovety. All peraona itidebied to said estate will plinae call and make ptoiopt settlement;: 1 This-die l4ih day of April, 18S5, ROS A S. MILLER, Adnirx. o f Henrietta Dixon; Decs'd. Mocksville, N. C , Route 4. avalU^^lai^.^^«|!,afe, shrtnkliii; each jaar. t<ook a long. looK at our .fuihire ■ nwds for-land/'J.«c points out that everj tinw a , ^ l a n e U ^w ay p u ^ l ^ a^rjUl- . ijbad, a strip ot land 413 feet wMe : ls:kfr(*quently taken for the .,t^ed use.-. This, means 80, acres: . u s ^ for .every^I^e. pn9'atrip ttie entire le n ^ nUm ^ weiOd rep* ; resent 120 farms o( 100 acres each. Belt agronopiists point out:, tiM} m<Tst of the national profltaUe 'to m land Is:already under crop. 1 ^ . means, they say. acre of existing crop land miiii.4o Bb1l>lgeer pfoduc»on Job to feed to? steadfljr growfnf U. S.. p ^ a - tijon wWch ls. eiipec^,,to..ijBac^ .200 million tqr m s. ’ '>'•(1^ bigger crop produeiiic Job «isn be dtrne. they say* by: _1<—. Building the soU's crop feeding p ^ lw ltti.b aV m eed 'iS u p rt^ o l, nutrients. provided .by, eommardal fertnixer; 2~Impn>vlnf soil. tnth. drainage and aeration bjr regular ../additions of organic'm atter by - plowing undor legume grass erops : and by. adding fertilizer to com , ' stulits and oiher ' crop . tv^idueii 'that are turny-d.imdsr. NOTICE OF SALE OF R E A tE SplPE R T Y Pnmuit to tbe^rathoiltv vested In-an br.'Viitnebl an atder of the Clark o( Superior Coiirt of Davie Cbnntr, dated April ao, 195s. In m tdal Ptooeedloc entitled L. P. 'aid, et al m, FtuikBelloD et al, the nirfenlciied eouiiilialoner will arill.aCer for sale,.,at. pnhlle aac> tIoD, (orcsiiih, on the airt day of May,.19(5, at laKio noon, at the conn boGse door In Davie Count?, H. C., to theVhlglfeat bidder, the -rttad rnl property. 'Or!?#!B anning at a atone comer ot Lht Noj’ s In the line of tbe ronnd b.ltt tract and running North 3j ehi, te « atbae,’L « i Ward's Hoe. thence Weat .s,92 .cha. to a atone comer:of Lot No. s: thenceaych^ toatiibecbnierot'lAt No. % In tbe l ln e ^ round hid. tractj thence Baat3 .9a;dis. to the beginning. New Angle of A tt«k For Conle .Grubs VeterinaV. scientists.. 8e»icl»i?i ^ . .for'better ways to.'controj ca'*t ■■ grubs, have come up with anoUi new angle of attack. .......\ Research vetcrbarians. of- Ui U. S. Dq^artmcnt ^ A^Kultur- ' . have TeiKMicd encourn*!n|i; resulb with d ^ Intalte of pUcnfitJU&zln-‘ durtag the months when;heel:flier . dciiosit eggs on the leg«;of cattle The, drugs:iare ^abspfbed' into, thv- animal's Mood .i strcam.' so can attadc;/grub«.- before: cxton-:' damageJs dene. -Treatedcattle'',averaged^ s^nic.c - 80 per c ^ fewer gnilw tlum-un-. , treated animals, and some., wure . completely treet of infestation.' Grubb are the larvae ot the heel fly and burrow Into the animal from eggs deposited mi tlie hide by the adult dy. After living yriUi-i ..in catae several months, thcy^ puncture their way out again, tisua^ tbe bade, and inso doing cost ^ U v e s^ ,)i^us. tnlltlons oTdollarf levery jwa/ lamaged hld.|M andiPrime .meat cuts. Some success -in cattle grab con­trol alsb has,.been.;i!MPP^ with, drug'injections‘wlitdi accomplish 'much the same-,r«sults;j,as ;the. , feeding pro^ant; . , | NOTICE TO. c ; ^ qualified aa Administi i6acrea more or leas, I being htt.No. 4 Jn the divl. akia.^ P: ,B, Watd. ; , BatUnMgat a atone comer of lot Mo: 4 In line of round hill tract and.vtonlnc North 27 chs/ to a atone .Id Laal Ward’a line; thmce Weat.'5.54’cba. to a atone corner of lot' Ndi C; thence South arcba. to ( aim Id tine of round hill traet; t h m Enat-5t:S4 «ha. to the be (, containing 15 acres more or leia. and being lot No..s, alloted to J. P. Watd. .Thia the ao day of April. 1935.' : JOHN T. BROCK, i N O !IiC E -.S iM £ p F tA IW '-Under, and bv flitu.of.tb^ n ^ « o f nie contained ; in • .certain d ^ 'o f trnatyenented bv; B;;;D. and vlte, Jane J. :Thtta< tow. datad: the 18th of' Pebrnary; ti)<i4;; and . recoided' In Baok, 44, M'gf 71. In tbe'olEce of Reglatero DM a of Davie Conntv, North Car> olinWdetaohhaflng been made.Ip tki iMjrmni of the lodebtednew IlHifcfar aecared, and aald deed^, of troat belng.by the . terms . thereof aubjart to foradosute, the nnder. algaad trtutee will offer for aale .at pnblle anctlon to the highest bid. dCT^IOf caA, at the Conrthbuae door. In' Davie County, North Caro^ Uoa,,at,odon,.ontbe' 14th day of ■ay, the propiMy ^ «rav^edin aald dead of trnsf, the same ly. hig-and being tn the County of Davie, and fitate of North Carolina, and more partlcalarly described as .followa: Adjoining the lands of J. B. Tut. terow, N. B. Dvaoui Ralph Dwig. gin gnd'Otheri. and> .bounded -:.aa Mloira,.la.srit: Beginning-at..an Iron atake on.West aide of road and tuna N ^h, 5tdega. Weat .1.7s .ehs. with road.to Iron stake; thence N. Tt;W, >.j8 cba to a atake; thence S,al degs. W. t.86chi to.ah'irqp alakei'thence'S. Ji.degs. .W. 9 38 ehalna to the beginning, coi)taining cpc and .<o.ioo (| . jo 100)-.. par tit le.aee deed froni T. & Tui terow at nx. to R. .D. Tnttoow, at n«v tended in the office of tbe Register of Deeds for Davie .Coint). ty, N. C;, In Book 54, page 214. See airo Coninlssloner's deM froa R L. Baker; I; P.. Click. et . alA CdbnitaBlanefS; to ;. B. Tuttetow. Book aS, oage. 33s. •Ilotilng, Lo> Ko f to J. E. Totterow. : ‘Tbla i4tb dsiy:of April,' I9SS. ■ alloy M fluid: .Chief deity : iBabyl.) i JlAfcind...i,-grade-.ormake H. U(t \ petty . a (^oRtJMner, rvr20.rTay^ms» . Crafty . M.Publio notice IT. Measure ortand' •>, ^,».}Wfath 40.'sma)lnur _ 48.Ashowy. p ' flowered . 1_ M lB x cesso f v 'chm ces .DPWNJ I. K een relish w indow C onflict ~ . 4. N ew line . <ab)>r.i V S. 8m al|.be!dy .^ o f ,^ te r Sm alf ' ::riv u le U . beverage '-• .In te rfe re s v ,i.m v e r <l?eth.» 11. S cribble idly ..18.N a U v ^ o r . T u rk e y ^ 15. Ward . .oft ,18. Clamor' I 20;sa8h iJap.l .23: Aminister ofFrance <84. A circle. 95; Beard . of.iye . V.Inrfequeni imet . ,/agon . .AujctionS 13. A cruel or , ..wicked . ..person ^..34. Incites ’ . S6..Inffe ^.87; timir -.'».'Wag 39rMantsname 38. To.wrap. in cerecloth 41. ^sam e ,:48,.Man-s. ^ nickname «4tB«hold» II ■m i iT" ft r - , p ie n t ,.48^^1th.ler>s ’ , ^ m o is tu r e ' 44 A fab ric . ^ :.ih«ie.from t t 'S t h e i ^ s e THEY WOULD R ^D YOUR AO : TOO, IF IT APPEARED HERE IF YOU been on a. trip entertain.ed guests. celebrated a birthdav caught a big fish 'moved ..eloped . had a baby I, been iti a.fight sold your hogs had an operation . . . -. bought a car ■ painted, your house . been married , , cut a new to o * beeiiahot stolen anything been robbed Bold out . lost vour hair . been arrested Or Done Anything At i^ll ;. Telephone, Or Drop a Pottciird,: Or Come In, Or In Any'Convenient Way Inform . . . THE DAVIE RECORD ♦ FOR RENT ♦ SPACE IN THIS PAPER Will Aifonge To Suit GOOD NEIGHBORS^BICES TO fir XOOU BUSINESS 'The^ Dayie Record is owned , and .edi* ted by .a: native of Davie County. nsn IBS ms m CM .IIS MO loisiNnirai U you delight In llaahlng perfoimanoe, heie’a aU < i.tlie ream you iMad to j«n the record-breiddng - . /thojaaandB who am awinging to ^ tia o . The 200 IciUveied by the economical Sliato- .^Sto^/V^B^with the fobt-band carbuntor, lyOptioml ^ eiitocoat, is the highest power ever ..ud^iyiiired: by. a car at Pontiac'a price—higher ,!t|wn;thati<!t;,im coating conaidetahly more. For i ^ a n d .t h ^ M. Name Msis Ids tc m m y c m tm u n W Ilf UMS WMHMSE > Model.for model, Pontiac haa a l< V than any car at its piice->122''(Nrl24% dep^in8 on FheU ^ yoii select an 860,670, or Star Chief Tbat's am iidine it realty counis—and ' • it’a important because a long wbeelbaae is tbe I £dt Pwtlac's aaiooth, ioad«leveling ride ■mKm SULK / 3 ofoiin«c..(m T s lESs w m m t c m a 1QIUUIIIW ITS imiN|lY4;M STMUmr •) The .l^„hi^y,Poi|itiac with rugged X-member ' - frame givea you the safe, solid feel at cruising apesds'that motorola have, formerly paid high prlce8,.to..enjoy„And it links tlds road-holding 'c«)n(i|irt with:ease (^.coftrd like that ot,costly aporta You trovd in superlative comfort in a Bontiac.for-tlie lowest price.ever placed on such '- l^-caratabiUty. 4 rm »cs » « .« N M T c s » A f M T - r im n . .F^mtiac’s style.and beaul^y are a perfect match : fWiita colotfiil ..performance, Future-fashioned lines. Vogue Two-Toning and\ Twin-Streaked .hood provide daah elnd glamour unsurpassed by ::.aiiy:other .car.at any price. and tbe roomy^ comfort of Pontiac*a lar^'luxu* lioiU 'Bc^y by .Fishw—advantages that put Pontiac on a level with far coatUer cars for aheer riding pleasure. I g "V«i «M.lray • Uk .Im « Hmm Mony.MMlelt.or,(to low«it-pri«nl and Mvch l«M'tii«n dulppad •mmmv k.1 ■ M M Iv .'.V f'■■■■•> ...860,S^oor, 6-po38enger . ^edati —,8tate and low . taxesjfanpftfxtra-^rices ; may vary m stfrround^ eom m unities-'due to freightdifferentiat.'^ !2210.45 MOK HMH «IW:teW MW yoV'U « 0 P o n t M c ..1 .r^ IRVIN PONTIAC/COMPANY ! WUkotliaro Street Mocktville, N. C. m tBBO A rai«0(nD ,.llO O K ^LLB. B.C. mAIT < tW ^a^»r«w > 4 II CbroolelM . 0«v«tl*ulRta<taftlKlBffteiS7«9«. Financing Railgion Leuon tor May 8.* IMS COME peop}« don't like to heat money mentioned in church, and religion, they say. are two different thing?. Religion is spiritual and money is material and one ought not to be mixed up with tiie other. This kind ol rea­ soning is partly Tight, but only partly. It Is quite tru e th a t faith, hope and love, w h ic h a re the. heart of religion, cannot be paid for. No church .can sell you a dol* Foi'emaii lar’s worth of faith. The grace ot God is not on sale, at any price. .Jt is al50 true Ibat ilnancing a church, even when well and hand* somely done, won’t by Itself keep religion from dying. The writer knew a church that had been endowed. They never mentioned money in that church, they never took up on offering. No one gave anything, no one had to. There was enough money in the endow­ ment to pay the minister's salary, keep up the building and grounds, and hire a smail choir. Why Giving h Good for People But what liappencd? Tbat church ran down. The preacher preached, tbe choir sang, the janitor dusted. But TObody came. Th^re were mornings when literally not one soul was there outside parson and choir, and ^one su^ected they would not have been there If it had not been for Ihe pay check. ' (How would you like to preach or sing to an empty church ) Peo­ ple are quite mistaken when they think it would be better (f money were never mentioned in church,' II people were never asked to give. A Church where that happens just runa down. Giving is good for people,->not iust any kind of giv­ ing. not throwing your money to the nearest beggars, but the kind of ^ving the church tovites and challenges. You never give to the church, not to a good church; you give through the church, to Christ‘8 numu nnd for purposes which he surely approves. Giving is good for people because money is life~concentrated, portable Ufe- energy. The money you have earned represents work you have done, thoughts you have tiad. en> ergy you have spent. Now the money is in your hand, or in the bank. The thought, the work, the energy is gone, the time is gone; but the money has come back. It 'ia your life. Now a church that does not chall<>nge us to put our lives toto it will in the long run interest no one.^ Where treasure goes, the heart follows, as Jesus pointed out. Giving is good for peotde because not-giving makes them sluggish and selfish. Where Does the Money Go? Nobody particularly likes gWe in the dark. U doean't do a lot of good to siiout at people. Be generous!—For what? is a fair question. So the wise church will see to it that all its people know where the nioney goes after It disappears up front somewhere on Sunday mornlngsr Our Scripture reading tells of a succcssCu) llnan- clal campaign carried on by King Josiah. There wei-e pohrts in his si^wme that were then and are now sound principle.*^ for giving through the church. One is that the people could sec exactly why their money was needed. There bad been an unsuccessful attempt to coUect money for the same purpose, namely repairing the Temple; but the collectors had bera told to go out and get the money in other cities. That metii- od did not work: one reason was that the coiiectors were in no rush, and the other was that pdo* pie living at a distance had no idea of the need for repairs on the Temple. When they came up to Jerusalem, they coi;ld -;eo vm-y well that the shrine was about lo tall down. . Giving Is o F^m of Worship Another notowortliy ' feature of King Joslah’s success in money- raising was that he got the money from the people who cajiie lo %vor- ship at the Temple. The first nt- tempt was to approach the citi* zens at large; this fcil<.*d. Tlu* sec<md was to give the worship­pers a chance to give; and th:;.v gave, literally till the money-chesi ran over. The church can make a strong appeal to those wiio aio dedicated to the Kingdom of Love. -^Sod’oonseious folk; but to <>u.- aiders, still Uving by the la'v Creed and Grab, notluns ih cburch does or tries to du will seem worth a dime. « Invest Wisely On Limited Capitol Fertilizers Might Surpass Machines Farmers with limited eapttal can often get greoter returns by investing in ferUUzer than to pur* chasing equipment, says A. Qor* don Ball, Iowa State College term economist. This may meon that some of tbe field work must be done by custom operators, but it oan release funds for income-boosting improvement work. Says Ball: "A farmer with Itm* ited capital has to budget his ex« pcnditures carefully. He may have to give priority to investments that will Immediately bring him tbe best return for the dollar he . spends. “If his day-toHlay operating funds are, tied up In the purchase .of expensive equipment he may not have sufndent amounts left to invest In higher returning fer. tUizer that can yield as much as $1 to $3 for every dollar spent.” Ball points out that plows, plant* ers, etc., arc essential in any farming operation, and represent MocksviUe Man Receives Award Bkmingham, Ala;, April 29.— The Brmie Star for "meritorious service** durlnR die Iforean: War was conferr.d today oin Robert 8. McNeill. United Press concspond. ent in Blrmlngbam. McNeill, lormer chief of the Koiean News Bureau of the Pact: lie Sf.irs and Stripes, was cited for **outstanding Initiative and pro* fesiional skill that conttibiited significantly to die United Nation’s first armed bid for world peace*’ FerUHiers are the farmera* best bet for increased predae. tion. Man abown above is top dressing pastores wflfe a balanced nutrlent» a praotlee that wUI pay dividends la more hay and forage par aore. only average biveatments. Full use-can be made of these Imple* ments, so that their total cost Is spread over a large area. "But larger investments should be closely scanned*by farmers with limited capital. Such invest* ments may not be adviseable If they mean skimping on the use of lime and fertilizer.*’ ReporUng on 10S5 fertiUser proa* pects. |T. L. Jackson. Oregon State college soils specialists, aaya slightly larger supplies are in s l^ t with prices expected to be about the same or possibly lower tliaa In 1B54. Hie estimated supply ot .ntlrD< gen, phosphate and j ^ a h on the national scene Is eiq>eeted lo es* ceed the 1953*54 supply by about five per cent. Dehorn Dairy Cqlvei Before Three Months Dehorning dairy calvea is aafs, simple and easy It you do It be*. fore tiiey are three monOis old «r before the horns gel larger than • quarter*dollar at ttie basa. You can bum (he bom tissue to stop further growth or cut aw aj the hom-producing tissue.An electric dehomer or hot iron is probably safest for calves less than three months old. says J. J>. Burite, extension dairy specialist at the University ot Illinois Col* . lege ot Agriculture. The dehocaer looks like a soldering iron except that the heating unit is designed to At around the hom. Ap(dy like a branding Iron, and bum. a quar- ter*lncb circle around tlie base of the hom to a cherry>red cOlo^ The electric dehdmer d e s tn ^ the skin tissue from triiicb tbe hom develops. This method avcdda problems ot InTection and bleeding . that result from the use of other methods. Calves feel lltUe or no shock and return to the teed bos as if notlUng had happ^Md. You can get similar results with horri paints or caustic potash, but they must be applied before the calf is three weeks old. shower certain hoeka Imbv an an overhead wire. At equaUy spaced intervals, cord la pteaaed into Che narrow part ol the beeks where tt Is gripped and iMid securely. When not In me. eeri is easilr pmhed lo ene eai a# the ttne. f Davie Stadei^ in Auto The 26-vcai«M McNeill w»« no* (tfdofthem edri.by Maj. Oen. L. D. Catter, A m y chief -of (<w the Fat East command in Tokvo. The dtaiiott ttated. “StaS Sergeant KkMein distinRutehd hlmwlf by metiiorioiu Kcviceua combat cotreqmndent. His out- •landing initiative and profmion- al skill contributed significantly to die.Udited Nations' fiist aimed bid for world peace. "Hia notable achievements and steadfiut devotion to duty—ielleet ctedit upon himself and the mili- taiy Mtvice.” McNeiU also was cited,for “fK- tutal reporting, supervision' o f other correspondents and achiev ing and mainlainc the highest journalistic standards.” McNdll served in the Far East from January 1952, to- March 1954. He joined the United Press in Atlanta last April and transferred to Birmini^am as night m anaw in October. Htohomeis in Mocksville N. C [Robert is the son of Mrs. Rob­ ert McNeill and the late Mr. Me- Neill, of this city. His friends ex­ tend warm congratulations to this local boy on the high honor be has won. Editor Record.] Bqonviile. May 1—Font- Mocks­ ville teenagers ;wen slightly: hurt about S p. m. pday on : Highway, 601 two miles south of hne whm their car was smick bv a hlt-a^- tun vehicle. State Highwa Patrolman Bobby Holler said Johnny . S. BtasweU was driving Ate a t and dte ;pasr sengers were limmy Spillinan. Ed' rie Greene and Hajel Clcinent, all students at the Mocksyilte High School. They' wete en loute honw after a ttip to West Vitginib The pairolmaii said two cats darted out of a sMe road and tbe first nUssed the Bnswell eai, but the second hit the machine and knocked it off the hl^way. The crippled car was diiven away and die patrolman found it abuidon- ed on a s i^ road some tiine latet. The officer sakl die Braswell car was damaged about *400 to >500. The four teen ^fs received cuts and'bruises W t did not requite hospltiHwtion.-Mie-ownef-o^di« ^ not, inieiM td m o ^ ';in the/ towii ele^on to Ake a W miiiutM off . tosgo to i$e polls ann' cut a vote,for mav:; or and town cummiMioners. So ichm in prim es ink and ai* won* ed dfitthanthedeyklia of ter,’ Such is llke taia abandoned car had notbeen Idea* tiiied late tonight. Mrs. B, P. Seats Mrs. Amanda Seats, 74. wife of Phillio.Thomas Seats of Mocks­ ville, Route 2, died at bet. home |Fo lowing an illness of one week. ' She is auryived by her husbandi four daughters, four sons, 23 grandchildren a n d aeven great- Ktand-chlldteoi one brotber, and one .sister. Funeral services are lmcomptete. Laniston-Carter ,Mr. and Mrs. William Macy Langston of Mocksville, Route 5, announce the engaiement of their daughter, Frances ^ a x in e , t o Richard Lee Carter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clatenee S. Carter of Mockaville. Route 2. The wed­ ding i. planned for June. W e don't Bke le im ke X OthM^ luiVe come M d goBD^your /'county' n m w liai^; k « ^ Rofatf. Ssm atim et it h w Memjsd hni^ t« o u k « Iw e k le mm) tonguo” but toon the tun (hinM •n d ; .wa m w eh on. Our W thtuI *ub•crib•r• ;. ■ ’ m ^ ^ whom courage and abiding failb' ift eur laUow man. . If ^ u r neighbor to not talcing The Record tell bim to aubteribe. The price ii oaljr SI.SO per year in the State, and $2 .0 0 in other atate^ When Yoii Come Tq Town Make Our Qffk;e Your Headquartws. We Are Always Glad To S ee You. Punehrlhie to C hevrolet This is the engbie that’a writing a whole new ciiapter in the book of ■ antomobiie performance records. This is the engine that has stock car ttmers^ doing a “double take” at thdr stop­watches wherever eiperts gather to c o m ^ .^ e abUiUee ol the 19S5 ears.. ■■ Fore^ple,inthareceiitNASCAR*'. stockV. w eompetitton at Daytona Besch, Florida, Chevrohit Uterally ran away trom every other car in ita eiaas S ir-and a raft ot othen beaidea. In the t'-Ione^Ue str^ ta w ay . run .lor fciwr. v .%ji*ri«^-car«, the first two placea-and;:. of the first ten—went to Ch*i. i rolels. And in jusehratte standing start against’ theMotoramic- iniivftam a aUdievTOlstbeatallo^ aiidevilow-iirleede carexcqitonet , What’abeWnd tlilaWaaliifperto^ ^anceT A compart honey ot a VS Uwt' only the world’a leading produ« ot: valv»4n4 ead enginsa e a a b ^ Cbev* tolef a new “TurboiFire W *. ft pate a tut) i» iKmrWe- You’re <» «tor»» ef It*- IMlMpuM * o rs« j^ -O f jfjwu'w U)Oki»t for etwt im m tte a m a ^ ,a u w v <fBup«'T«rto.F<«. V»” (e|i««i^ a n m toiD jMito i.M Ihp. uvi^ iioiir Piek’^ oneiyoVd rather have tmi- with, tlien eonie in,s«d;*et Iwhtod the wheeli You'U s^* h y ,th e.M o ^ CheVroletisshowingitaheetatoevety- <$e else oa the w ad!, - ■ - ■ ■ ■ 1 I Oidv . OimAa ilimiSk at fl* > «e*!»• 1W" Caene.OT . • PEN^JINGTON CHEVRCttET COj, INC. PHONE 156 - MOCKSVlLLk N. C. THE DAVIE RBOORO. ■OCiaVIHB, It, C.. MAT t. iw PAQB THRBB tN d ert In T he CoatOy No liiiu o r; W iiie^ B eer Ad« AROUND TOWN. 1 Mrs. S. B. Hall spent s e ^ ' days last week In New Y m o a . - ■ ' I W. B: LeGrand, of Day. idna Besch Fia,,'is spendteg some tfii^'in town with Mends. iMr. and .Mrs. John Hodge;, of L «^gion, ; s ^ t Thursday in t o ^ with Miss Lillie M eron^. ;.^hos. .L. Martin returned to his ho^eaf iSuniter, S. C ,' Saturday, a^'spending ten davs on his far)n!^near'toivn. , F<ank Stroud, Jr., is spend- ini:wme time. at famestowo, the ■ " to f her ncice, Mrs. Eugene I and Mr. Slatfe. c-Colonel and Mrs. J. A. , of lumber Bridge s|>ent the . . . in town, guests of CoL Tfat^s niotlrer,'Mrsrer-Ni- Gbtls- ti«i. . . and Mrs, Ceeil Leagans are the ;^ u d patents of a tine son, Henry, who arrived at ^ w a n Memorial. Hospital Sun. <fe^-{April 24th. SALE—Two'black Angus a few________ old> cows. Also - 'litfiy heifers^x i --*----'gjMn. Roscoe §ntondi Jc„ and 'l^ e ( son and daughter, of Fort *"%N. St are spending some time he'Mrs. Stroud's parents, Mr. I'Mrs. Ray C .r..atm . Monday . morning th e ' High School students w m asaohbled in the auditorium immediately be­ fore, first period. Sospenw'waa high, (or this was the edhour—the time when A e first annual would be presented to the one to whom it was dedicated. This would start th^ sale of the yearbooks Ann Kiitfees, editor oftheM oc svilHan, arose and re­ quested that Coach Bill Peeler come on the stage. Aoplause i^ g loud as the stunned cmlch nude his way to the front of the Midi* torium. The'sludeitthody ro be very much in agreonent th the Senior Class who thought the coach was worthy of' this hon­ or, This year the covers ofthe an­ nuals arc black with the standard Wlldqit on them, a The Jnnior class is making many preparations tor next year. A t rea^ythe Editotjn-Chief of the -IJi-Life'’,.Ae_scha6l.,paper_has b m chosen. Betty Lou Awards will serve , in this high position. The Business Manager has also been cbasen. she is leanette But- ner. Sport Editor will be Henry Shutt- Mrs. Durham's fifth, grade was in charge -of chapel Friday. Thev presented short skits show­ ing what they have learned this year. Lynda Crawford, a Junior at M.H.8„ has won her State Home­ maker's Degree, She did this by preparing several tests sent out by is progressing rapidly on iiom eofM r. and Mis- R- J. L on the Hardison Road, iisnd Mra. Randall wbo live on ^.Winston-Salenk highway, will the,new hiune when ready 'occnoancv.' ' Miss~Jane Rowland 13- J daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. W. Rowland, underwent im. operation fcit appendici ia at Rowan Memorial HospM - Tuesday evening. She is getting alongnicely. \ Work on the-hew brick'resM- eacc of Mi. Mrs. Eugene Smith, just no^ii o f town, bn the Winston-Salem hlglfway. Is pro­ gressing rapidlv. ; Mr. and Mrs. . Smith win occupy the new house' whMi completed. . .Mr, and Mr*. Eugene Slate of lamcstowrn; are Ae proud paiei ' of a fine son, Brandon Eugene, - w ^ arrived at Cone Meinotial Hoapital. Greensboro, on Sunday, AptH24th.- M n. Slate was die fotmerMim .Virginia Foster, of Route I, M t^ville. Someone broke into the oifice of the Shady Grove High School I iurne tiine Wednesday night and . stole a small amount of cash be- :hmgtng to ^ f . I. D. Parker, prin- dpU of the K hoo. There is no clue aa to who :did the breaking. Mias Kathryh Taylor, of War- lenton, who spent two weeks in town with her aunt, Mrs. W. H. Dodd, letunied home Friday. Her bther. Dr. W - W. Tayter came up and accompanied h « home; to-__r with'Mrs. Dodd, who; spent ! week-end widi them at War- WUI Burton of Rowan County. . was In town Wednesday on bmi- .' ness. Mr. Burton reports that his sister, Mrs. Sallie Bowles, o f Mocksvtlle, Route 4, is ^ i i s l v ill at. City Manorial H o s ^ ^ Winston-Salem, where she has \ been, a patient for.about tw o the State. Tuesday night the .W h’s sup- cesrfully baseball playing .(cats met Norwood here in Rich Park. The Wildcats were victors 3 0. The Glee Club under the direc­ tion of Mrs. Eugene Smith wishesto' invite vou to tbeir gram which will be ___ _____, night May 8, at 7:30-at the Fint M ^odist Ghutch i M r.sndM rt.'Jam es Etaily ^ ckildren- who have heen living ~ the Winston-Salem highway, hk™ . moved to Rockwell, wlwee Mr. / Daily will be connected with' a ■ fomiture .plant. Mr. Dally: was with tbe Young Furniture Co„in - this dty for several years, until Ae ^ ■ plant was destroyed by fire several wedisago. Yhe Record is sqrty to lose these good people but wish • them well in dieirnew home. MocksvineHi^ School News. OBANNA silv er n^ ReponM Recital Mrs. Gene Smith present m e group of her piano and voice pupils in a redtal at die Mocksville H i^ School Audltpriunv < Tues­ day evening, Khy 10th: The pub- lie is invited. - Theatre WEDNESDAY John Agar In “GOLDEN MIS­ TRESS” With JcflF Richards Cartoon & Comedy. THUI^DAY & FRIDAY Sterling Hayden In * ENTER- NAL SEA” W idi Alexis Cmidi New. SATURDAY "HEIi*S OUTPOST” Rod Cameron & Joan Leslie Cartoon & Serial MONDAY & TUESDA Y Marlon Brando lo ■‘ON THB . WATER FRONT” With Eva Marie &int. News DAVIE-C0aNT.1«_BIG6EST SHOW VALUE AHb Ka snd 3Sc ANT ADS PAY. FOR RENT—Three room partment widi bath. 410 North Main Street Mrs. W. H. Dodd. Pianos turned, re ed. rebuilt.refinished or tcsty l^ Free esti- inatea. New and used pianos. Anything miisicaL Easy terms. Write fm prices. Starltng-Thomas Music Co. 629 N. Trade St. Winston-Salem MAN WANTED—To operate Waddns Business In Davie Couit- ty. Hundreds of timllles needing servke on finned Watkins Pro­ducts. now Nationally Advertised. Must be ovn'21 and ham car: Mother’s Day Gifte Sunday, May 8th We Have An Attractive Line Of Hollingsworth Candy Whitman Candy Cosmetic Sets Comb and Brush Sets Ladies’ BUI Folds H all M airk Cards Katharine Beecher Butter Mints Sheaffer Fountain Pens For Ladies And Blanj Other Items Suitable For Mother’s Day VISIT OUR STORE FIRST ^ We Give S & H Green Stanmps Hall Drug Company Phone 141 North IViain Street > 60 Guage Nylon Hose 1st Ouaiity 97c Nyjpn Slips, Lace Trim $298 Cotton Slips Lace Trim $139 Large Beach Towels - 97c Rajron Panties - - - . 59^ Fast Color Prints - *39c y(| Printed Nylon 4S Inches Wide ^ ^ • 89c yd ' Chambiray 36 Inches Wide, Fast Color . - 29c yd Laces, Buttons, Trimmings sod Zippers See Our Complete Une Of Endicott^ohnson Shoc^; For The Entire Family : Mocksville Cash Store Pbone.;■ v.V- **The Friendly Store’' S N.MMnStreet FOR MOTHER’S DAY a W e Have A Wonderful Selection Of Gifts Suitable For Mother’s Day Sunday May 8A - Table Ii^(% AH Sizes And Colors Tdevisions andRadipfiiPiairsOf All Kinds Electric Toasteri, Waffle Irons, Sunbeam Mixmasters, Electric Irons, Electric Fans, Vaccum Cleaners, End and Side Tables, Hot W ater Heaters, F rig iito e E le ctric Ranges, C o u c h s. And A Large Election Of Gifts Suitable For This Happy Occasion JuiJc» Brothers Farmers Ihrdware & Supply Co.. Phone 46 SalisiMnry Street VAGETOOR TBB OATUi KEGOW). MOCKSVILLE M. C.. MAY *. iW ■ m y mm sm WOMAN'S WOKLD Party Desseris' Yet Glamorous XifOST of us rather Mke out ' party desserts to be stuimtal or glamorous so that guests.will oh and ah at their sight, but this doesn’t mean that thejr^ 'complicated. The base for many et them might be an easily made take mbc fancied with whipped cream and berries while stm another starts with a store bought cake treated with fruit, cream or sauc*. Peach Chocolate Skacteate (Senrea M ) 1 small c^ocotaM loal cake M eup keaTT cream, whipped t liiblespoona grasibtea aagar Adminutratrix Notic» Having qualified as Administra* trix of ihe estate of FtedS.Orrell, deceased^late of Davie County* North Carolina, diis is to notify all persons having claims awltwt said estate to present them to the undersigned within twelve months from date hereof, or this notice wlU be pleaded in bar of their right to recover. All persons ow­ ing said estate will please make immediate settlement. - This the'4th day of Aoril. 1955 , SARAH E.ORRELU }Admrx..of Fred S. Orrell, Decs'd. Hall & Zachary, Attornevs. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Adminlscra' trix of the estate of Henrietta Dix* oh, deceased, notice is hereby Riv­ en to all peisons holding claims cups c4BM« cUm peMh against said deceased to present the same, properly verified, to’ the Cake may be purchased or made undersigned, on or before the 14th r own or Jay of April, ^ creased will he niead loaf pan (7« X * 3 inches, if indeb.ed to said estate will please call and make prompt setVlement. iliis the 14th dav of April, 18S5« ROSA S. MILLER, Admrx. of Henrietta Dixon, Decs'd Mocksvtlle. N. C , Route 4. from H recipe' of your own or Jay of A pril, 1956, or this notice packaged mix. Pow Into a P«ased be plead in bar o f recovery, loat pan (7% x 3% x 3 inches) if am - - you are baking your own. Bake as spcciOed in recipe or on paefc* age. Remove from pan and coot Slit into two layers. To- itifRy whipped cream add ' the sugar gradunlly. Place layers together shortcake style, with whipped crcam and drained peaches be* twceii layers and on top. ' Here’s an elegant frozen con^ coction which is delicious ju&t by itself or nice to serve with cookies made with yoi cbssed cake whUh U treated ahoHcake style wttk whipped eream and sUoed or a slice of angel food eake. It’s aimplicity Itself to make. Plsiachlo Creme (Serves 1 can frosen cmoeBlralei limeade 1 cup wblppUic e r e « (er <chilled evapersled aUlll) cup sugarGreen food coloriac H cop shelled plrtaefele M Defrost fruit juice to a mushy 'consistency^ Whip cream in drilled bowl. Gradually add sugar and concentrated juice. Add a drop or two of the food coloring to make tt a pale green. Pour Into a <reei* inf tray or a one pint mold. Plaee to freezing com pertm eat «n< freeze until firm. « Bring Beouty Ideas Up-to-Dote Now . These are the times whaa II doesnH matter what generatleo you represent as far as beaotr i* eoaeemed. In other words, jou may be under twenty or over flftj and stm be beautiful. V bat ,doea eount is the outlook you take and Just what you do about It. U you think current hair e^plea are not flattering to you or ttiat fashions for years can't hold a candle to the ones created some ■ time ago, then, ’ladles, your age la showing. ' Perhaps Ihe clothes doo*t de what they should for you. Wbat about taking a good look-at your figure?' Other people do, every day» unless you've become a re* eluse which is not healthy either. A few simple exercises nay flatten the tummy, trim the hips or slenderize the waistUne. A brisk out-of-doors walk with bead held high, shoulders back and down and the abdomen sueked in with hips tucked under wlU do wonders for posture and seme of those new clothes fbr which you*M yearning. Weight Pn»blema Did you know that you could lose six pounds within the next m rath with a few change* in the diet? Limit bread and butter to tsro servings a day; use one starchy vegetable daQy and make ttie rest green, bulky types; broO jour meat, choosing lean kinds; and, lor dessert, use fruit or geU* tin to reji^ce w e l^ additions . auch as pastries, rich puddings, gftuces or ice creams. Bktn Perfectfsn Healthy skins t don't need loo inncb attention. They aro a ro> aeetion of general physleal ^heaWi M weU as cleanliness. If the skin Is in this condition, you need oidy « - ninim um of makemp to en« ^hance what's already there. : Sumdent sleep is essential as M as a balanced diet AU traces of - mafce^ shovld be remftvii •ith cream. soap.and>water before f^yrinff. This should be drae dur>' me the- S^.; too* before makft^v Is Tenewed. Dirt left in naajr cause Usekheada Md give the skin • ^gsnerally muddr appearanc*. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Pisnaaat to the authority vested in me by virtue of an order of the Clerk of Superior^Court of Davie County, dated April 20, 1955. In ^ Kpeciat Proceeding entitled L. Ward, et a) vs Frank Holton et al the ntidersigued commissioner will will offer for ale. at public auc« tion, for cash, on the 21st 'day of May, 1955, at 12:00 nonn. at the court house door In Davie Count? N. C „ to the hiehest bidder, the tollowiug described real properly, to. wit; Beelnninc a( a stone corner of Lot No 3 in the line of the round hill tract and i;unnine North 27 cbs» to a stune, Lee\t IVard'K iicie. thence West 5.92 chs. to a stone comer of Lot No. 5.* thence ^^cbs. to stone corner of Lot No. 5 In the line of ronwi bJIl tractj tbence East 5 93 ohs to the beginning, containing 16 acres more or less, and being lot No. 4- in the divi. Sion of F, B. Ward, Beginning at a stone corner of lot No. 4 in line of round hill tract and running North 27 ch< to a stone in Lsvi Ward’s line; thence West 5 .^ chs. to a stone corner of lot No. 6; tbence South 27 chs to a stone in line of round hill tract; thence Enst 57:54 chs. to the be ginning, con'aining 15 acres more or less, and being lot No. 5, alloted to F. Ward. This the 20 day of Aoril. t9.S5« JOHN T. BROCK.Commissioner. ACH0 8 8 I. Arrived 8. Marinefoodfiah . •.Irefand 10.Abedeo( the Messed dead iBgypt ReUg.)II.YSodofwar IScand.)12.DUUB 14. Of shepherds 1«. Music noU 17. Before 20. Metal container21. Stagger22.GomfoH 25.Dto2$. Affected manners27.Puton,as ■ clothes28. Praise iiuincerely30. Resort S3.Eleva^ train 34. Hermits 36. Flew aloft38. Timid39. American Zndiait40. Reach 41. Sheep ticks .Points •; Lettuce <V^8.} (var.)7. Vase with afootaSoldier*a leggings ;11. Open ipoet)12. Young herring 13. Move sideways •lS.SmeU19. Wreath of dowers (Hawaii)20. Plagued C lim ^ At liie Foiioi^ Plates Against RABIES 37;*>artof.••tobe" 40. Sooth'>Ameriea(abbr.) F 42.' DOWN. l.Pinaccoua tree 2. Ascend ,' 9.-Coin rftoney 4. Half an cm P r - F T ? iCboleomeeSdtool • • 'Mbnday.Mav9;ftOQ p.in.-7!00p, m. ^Cbmatzer.ConnrzcrOro'cerT Tiieaday, May 10.4'OOp. m,- 4:30 m> [■■■'■SteirtnySwre • ; '5'MUa ^ t of'MpcktvtUe • Tueiday, May 10,- SiOO p. m. • 5:30 p. m. liT iim nitneC hu^. - Tueadav. May 10,6:00 p. m. • 6:30 p. m- ^MockiyUle D«ipot • • Tu^aviM aylO , 7:p0p. mi-7:30 p. m.. ';Davi«'Sfot«;-, . ' ' ' Near.Union Chaiiel Chnteh Wednetday, May Uv5:00p;ni. -'5:30V- m; G ^ n ’iS toK / Wednesday,Mayil,6:00p.tA.-6:30p.m . Swic'esdod’t Store ' ■ , W^tieadky, May 11,7,-OOp, m. • 7>30 p. m. An Dbgt Finir (4) MoA ^ OM Or Older Should ■ ' Be'yacdnated.- The Cbarce. Special At CUnict Only, l«^ $l;00 Per Dog. JUl Vaedne Win Be Admihutered By A .Veteiinarliui Dayie County Health P^a^tm ^ V 7 DAVIE COtTNTT'S OLDEST NBW SPA;PEH-THB PA PE R TH E PE O PI.E READ ■ w M s i u u W K ’igs.iiB Pm PLB fsaioim M A iin'A iM tm A W w irim iM M ctA im iM M nH oaTC A iN .'' VOLUMK LV. ’HaCK SV n.tB. NORTH CAROUNA, WBOIfBSDAT MAY It t4t5.NUMBBK 4b NOTICE-SALEOF LAND Under and bv virtt^e of (be now er of sale cnotflioed in li cerrain deed of tru't exrciiitrt bv R. D. rntterow and wife, J. Tutte- row, dated the i8th of Kebrnary. 1954 recordfd m Book 44, Dnge 71, in ihe office i>f Kcisisterof Oeedsof Oavtt! Couniy, N«>rtb Car olina, detanlt having I eeu umde in the peyment of thf! . inde()iednesi> tbeteby secured, and s^id deed of trust heinc by the (*rtms thereof SJbject to fo'rcloKure. the nnder.' signed trn^tee will offer tor sale at pttblic snction 10 ibtr tiiuhest bid­ der fot cash', at (he Courthouse Joor in Davie County. North Caro, llna, at noon, on the 141b day ol May. 1955, the pioperty conveyed m «aid deed of ttnst, ihe >aiiie |y log and beini! in the CtMintv of Da« ie, and'StHlv nf North Caro iita,' and more paricuUrly described ss follows: ' IAdjoiiiinii the lands or J £ . Tut. terow. N. B Dvson, Ralph Ewig.) gins and others and bonndi'd as' 'utlowa. (n.wit: Beginnins at an Ifon *:tak<* on West side of road and rnns North 5 deK« West 1 75 chs. with road to itoi* Make; thence' N.- 71 W. 8.38 th< to It stakf.:; tlieoce 5-2« decs. W (.to chfS. (u all iron | stake; thence S. 71 degs. W. 9 38 j Chains to the begttiniifg. containing j one and 50-100 (1 50 too) acres, more or.less. , ' r For title see deed f*om T. E. Tn» 1 terow et nx to R. D, T^utemw, J? et ‘nx., recorded in the office of the ■ < Keister of Deeds for D4V'te Couiu I ly, N. C.. in Book 54, «i4>Sm at o CnmmlKsiotier’s dr< d frnni R L. Biker. 1. F Click, et ai.; [ Connnis«ionf*rs. tn J K TnMero'v, • Book 2S. (Mge 335. aMot jDir lv'»i No* 7 to J, F.. Ti»'t-r»*m'. Thi-s 14th day of Anri*. i9,S5. MAH K. CLICK. LITTLE’S /FORMERLY STRATFORD’S JEWELEM) Invites You To Cotne In And See Them In Their New Location Next Door To Wallace 5 ^ IBc Store ; , V, . SEE OUR (DOMPLETE LINE OF Diathonds» Watches And Jewelry. China Patterns* Sterling) Silver and Grystal Dayie Record Has Been Pablished Since 1899 55 NEWSOF IONG AGO. Wh*t Wa« H a p p ^ i In Da. We Betora'Ptorkint M alm AndAStwaviaMSkirta: (Davie Record, M ay 15. 1901) ‘ B. A. K n i^ of CImtand, was Jo town last week. . Mni. J.. M. pownnm and Miss Maud Bnffland spcDt Satuiday' In Wlnaton. L. M. MeClamtoeb and dauRb. ter spent Satnrday In Winston. C. L. Gran^r Is restinc after s^ d in R some lime at work In Cbartntte. , L. K. Ba'ney, of Cripple Creek. Cole., Is visllinc relatives In Davie. Horn Bros. & lobnston are pnt tloR In tbdr new maetalnerr at Ibelr roller mill. Mrs. J. B. Jobnson atid son Knox, have retnmed borne frem a visit to ber narents at Cleveland. H. Gmtaam; of Famlneton. killed a hawk last week that mea- snrad 45^ fe:t from tip to tin. S. B. Ballev «nd Oeoree Rardl^ son. of Satlsbnrv. spent Saturdar In town with relatives. G. W. Green and son, with their fai..llles, have moved to town /and are boardlm with M. R. Cbaf. A heavy ball storm was reported Little’s Jeweler I Othei* have come and gone-your county new*pap«r keepa Koins- Sometime* it ba« teemed bard tn ' make "buckle and tongue” meet, ' but eoon tbe sun ahinet and we march on. Our faithful'fiibicribera mot! of whom pay promptW, give u» courage and aUding faith in our fellow man. ■ ' ' V Ifyour neighbor i» nut Uking The Record lell him to iaubaciribe. The price i('only $I.SO per year in the Slate, and $2 00. in other state*. When You Come To Town Malce Our Office Your He&dquarter*. ~ We Are Always Glad To See You. MoclnviUa, N. C. r e a d t h e a d $ Ah>n« WHh th f LET U§ DO YOUR JOB I^NTING W e can save you ihohey on your ENVELOPES, LETTER HEA1>S STATEMENTS, POSTCRS, BILL HEADS, PACKET HEADS, Etc. Patronize your hoioe newspaper and thereby ii«ilp |)uilcjl up yoiir^ __________________ ___ home town and county. , The Davie RecordV ow n^ and edi- | T H F tlA V iP R F rO lin M by a native oft>ayie County. [ ^ KfctAJKMv ♦ FOR RENT ♦ SPACE IN THIS PAPER AirwSc T« Si» GOOO Nf IGHBORS-MKES TO Fir yO l« BUSINFSS in varlons seetlons of the rannty. In North Moeksvllle It is reported that drifts m n a foot deep. Uebtnlne did some damate a..] round Fork Chnreb last Pridav. tonW cronse's barn ■ was strtick and a fine horse k^lM. Mr. Csi- mlchall was stunned badiv durlne tbe storm. Cbeeki.of Vadkin conntv. cot 17 tears In tbe penltentlarv for kill J A. Plnnlx Many thonKht .b e abonid have been banc^.' S. A. Ballev wbo’lived uesr Pork Cbvrcb. died last Satnrdav, acnl 4 0 y e m , and w m bnrled Siir., day cvenlns at Fork Church. Hr. Bailey Is survived by bis widow. A horse helnnvlne to Georte ■ Crotts. of near Fork Cbnreb, was almck bv IlKbtnInc last Pridav and kflled. • t. L' Sheek has a fish ,farm near Smith Grove. -Lart weex so re ol the Smith Grow fishermen cancht • ^carp I n Cedar Creek which welched ponnds. It is said tbe fisb'was as. laree ' aronnd tbe Rirtb as Prank Naylor. The Bank of Davie was orcanlzed last week wllb'tTb.ooo. capital W. A. Bailey was elected president, T1 B. Bailey and Jas MeGnire.. vice. , prnldenta, and T. J. Byerly casli E. L ' Gaither Is tbe' sttomev. Dl.| rectors I. P. Hanes. H, Clement, Jas. McGuire, Ir, B. M. Armfield, W. J. Byerly, Z. N. Anderson. C. C. Sanford. W. A. T. B. Bailey. A. M. McGlamery. B. R; Hunt,' 0 .1 . Williams,-W. J. Armfield and B .'T. Smitbdeal. . . Prank Stbneatmt made a busl. ness trip to Mt. Vernon Saturday. Lather I,ea<!b, of Hickory, visit-1 ed relatives here last week,' (Davie Record, May Ij. ii>ji) . One of the ciwatest events In tbe lifeofaiaiKb Scbool studem oc­ curred at Moeksville, Friday ui«bt w bn tbe ontfolnE Senior clasa was; banqueted by the I^nnior class. MissVlriinia Byerlv; presided, and aiao delivered the address of wei. come. .The Toast to Senlw waa liyl Cilnton Wald ^ witb response by JaneMeGnlre .'T oto Sopbomorea' 1^ Hate! Walker and responae by Danhl Davto. ' Toaat to Preabuien by Helen Grant with responae bv Dwtibt Grubbs. .Toaat to Faculty liy Ruttt Danila witb Pmfesaor O., . R. Madison respondlnar Toast to ■irisby Marsbaii Saqford witi a reainnael^Pranece Smitb, Toast to Pntuw, Bob Watera. . W e d M 'tS k * to la iln aflar ym ir M OPflVfOWilf NIneteeii centurlas ago when leaua was beglnuInK bis eartitlv ministry b e cammaoded cerUin evil spirits to leave the afflicted bodies of two men. Immediately the spirits cried out and said: 'Wbat'bsre we to do witb tbee, Jesus, thou Spn of Ooii? Art tbou come bitber to torment us before tbe time? Mathew' S:9q. . Tbese spirits were refarrinic to "the time” of tbe Millennium wbleb Is tbe oc­ casion appointed by God wben Sa­ tan and all lallen boats will be cut oS from their association with tbe human .family. Lucifer and bis multitude of..evil companions are ■‘the apRels which kept not tbeir first estate, (suejnde 1:6,) but left tbeIr own bsbitatlon. We read In Peter tbe followi'nR; for If God spared aot the anitels that sinner, nut cast them down to bell, and de. Ilvered tbem Into chains of dark­ ness. to be rOTrred.unto jndRment (1 Peter *.4) They are tbe angels that sinned In the first estate re. fered to' by J ide when'be said; "And tbe angels wblch kept not tbeir fim astate, but' left tbeir own babltallon, be bath rcservetl in everlastioE chains under darkum unto tbe {udgment of tbe ircM day.** (Jude 1:6) Lucifer has an unbolr ambtilbn to overthrow'tbe KimRdon of God, Isalab accused him him openly. “ O Lucifer, son 'of the momlne. Thou bas said In thy heart; " I wlir ascxnd into heaven, I will ex^alt my throne a. bore the stats of God; I will si* si. so upon the mount ot the couRra. tion. in the sides of the north; I will ascend above the bei|bts ofj the clouds; will be like the H ost HlKb." KIsalab I4:ia-i4) ,In bis, divine economy God has tolerat. ed Lnclfir and his boats for a sea. son onW. As tbc'Propliet of the Lord bas said, h e has allowed tbem to use ibelr rebellious inflU: imce to test the human family; **Wbel«fore, men are free accord luR to the flesh; and all tbin(a: are (Iven .them whIcTi are; expedient unto man. knd thev are free to choose liheriv and eternal life, throntb Ibe Rreat meilialion of all men, or choose Mptlvltv aii'd death sccordiuR lb tbe captivity a^d pow­ er of the devil; for’be srkelh that all men uiiRlit be miserable like 10 himself. Satan Bas Riven bim.^ self over coniplelelv 10 tbe destruc. tIon of all tblnits which are good He has sn perverted bis own course at existence that he has tierome perpetnally miserable and there, fore finds salanic oleasnre ,iu pro. voklnR the whole human family to a similar- state of dlwontent ,and‘ misery. Those who respond to bis temptioK became blsserranta. Lu.| clfer’s prosence on Ibe earth is per. milted onlv throneb the sufferance of tbe Lord Jesu. ^ Christ. Sataq bas noleeal rigbi here merely a temporary license. With Ibc ush. ering iu .'.all of tiie Millenninm, Ibat.license expires. Porone tliou. aand years be wjll h'ave noinflu. euK. He cannot ensnare nor bring a rallinR accuaatlon agalnat any mail, whether living or dead. It may seem strange to some tbat SttuU 'Will be prohibited fromoper^ atlng even lb the spirit world, but merely restricted.. However,; tbe{ fact tbat be will be cut oS from the apirit woild as well aa nwrlal. Ityaceoputa for Ibe nubampe^ facility and speed with . which the plan of salvation will be promnl. gated amoug the ap'rits *ln prison" (see I Peter 4:6) during the M llli^ ninm. I. L. BENNEIT. . Pw h»iD N .& rtlie R ec^ 'U einhr 3 centoim ieB Sukterilw today. w m w r s w o n o . Grpoiii Yourself Now ToBringForfb ^ RealBeaiily |?*W women are bora beantttufl. " but good care and careful croomlnff can make most women beinitlfnl or at least m attraetWe tiiat people wttl think ot them at beautlfttL The time to start putting your* •alt to shape for the newer^ lighter tsshionii^ls rIgKt now. Winter may have woiked havoc with your skfn» your hair style'may no longer be - beeozniog and your figure may need a Ut ot reforming. \ Grooming is not achieved over* algMi but it is the sum total ot many small habits worked at' dally. Let them bccome a habit with you, and wittito a few weeks llwr won't be any kind of,an et* l9rt at alL ^8kto and Bair A« the days become Iwtger and --------- muricy complexions willlook even worse. .The remedy? Tit esctra deansings and plenty ot rich ccaams or oils to get rid of winter dryness and scaling; The same goes for body skin, especial- ly albows. legs and hands which may have chapped and roughened during the cold weather. ■ Put tha accent on plenty of green salads, tcash traits and milk to h ^ bUQd beauty from within as •Ml MIsAa M aa tmparteirt tta «a'at • MIsa is the otM. af r rbaned with a bath----------. tcgiy arins foUowad by a glossing wiOl aflbamooth totion wiU get |<M taady I6r those days when yw <»fcoaalasa and in sunbaeked irtyte «w so te t ndthln • month you win know feMT to manage it easily and be taady Isr the season. INTELLIGENT BOY TommTwas tunning em ods for| his sistet and made a ttip to the drug stbte. , *'I would liice a box of powderj for my 8liter»” he said* rCertainlv/' replied the cleric, and aiming to have a joke» he ad* ded, **Some that goes off with a hang?" But Tommv was equal to the oc* I CMion. he anawcted'^bright* Wt **^e kind that goes on with a ,v- ■ SHE WAS1DOZING Mrs. SUjold: Dear, did you no­ tice die handsome for coat worn bvi the young lady in front of us in church todai^ Mr-Skijoldt No, Pm afraid I didn’t. I waa d o d ^ nuMt of the time. ' • • ■ Mrs. SkQold;. Hugh, a lot of| good it docs you to go to church. A BUM WAY Maty, aged five, was facinga ^-] nor aurgical operation, and moth- et told her "Be a brkve little girl, and mama will get you a nice kitie ' Mother waa aitting doae by when Mary came outoftlw ether. She leaned forwaid to, catch the youngster’s first wotds. The.child opened her eves, gri­ maced; wea)cly, a n d .mutteied, "What a bum way to get a cat.' W OinXINTBITE After several houta of fishing, the litde girlsudd^y thiewdouM h » pole and cried, ”I quid” ‘■WhRfa the m atted her (ather "Holhing,’’ saM the Btile child, "exccpt Ant I ain't seem to get wattedon." o iJk w A Y O fto wbm lp tu a duicb I drop In (or a visit. So chat when I’m carried in ' The lx>rd won't my, "Who i#lt?” Potash Mine fo Hove laOi^st Conveyor Belt STAICFOltD. Conn. * A potash mtaw in Carlsbad, K M., wlU soon ba aquipped with tbe longest con* vayor system in the United States, ar t ^ n g seven and one^quarler miles underground. Hm longest eonveyce.. system cow in operatim Is to a' western . Pennsylvania coal mtoe, measur* The new, recoidvlength '“rubber railroad** .wiU operate 1,000 feet down in a potash ore seam at>out fsur taet thick. Continuous mining machines wiU extract the potash ore from tbe woridng face of the mtoa and d^Kisit it bn shuttle ty|w eoQveybrs known as Hine-aveyors, which automaUcaily tcansfar It by Intermediate belts v> the 'main line or **mother** belts. From there the potash WiU bai carried more tttan five miles to a 9,000*ton under­ ground stor^e picke: from which Ilw 0 lb (‘ HEAR IT FIRST I see you have a room for rent How much (to you wanf for ir,{ including the use of your piano! r A « m ’t be able to tell you imiil a t o I hear yon play. .. HE WOULD AGB *‘l hope you don’t think me too vouiig for nuniage with your, dau­ ghter,'* aaid the young man anx> ioudy. "That’s all light, my boy," i the cheerful ieply. '.‘You’H . fast eitough." . Teachei^ W hatuallood? Bright .Pupl: A river that’a too big for ita bridges. Atoraalckyoath aent hit baac girl an orchid. The card tead^ ^ i d i all my love and most of my money." I be'withdrawn as ne^ed. the slse ot tbe lator la'rce wiU^ grow, bmirs workM per week witt'. probably decline to about 35. com­ pared with lust under 4» today, ha., said. Turner lorecsst- a level of consumpUon M'perV cent bitfiar than todoy. assuming that defense eirpendltures remain at Ihe saine absoMe level as now and tbat oth­ er government e x p ^ tu re a and busbiest mvestmaafI .exIrMndtbiras mabHain tbe sama n u tiv a bivat as •tr»M nt; Shoaf Coal & 5oml Co. W eCkn Supply Your Needa INGOODOOAL, SAND and BRICK Call o^ Phone Ua At Any Time PHONE 194 Pormedv Dayie Brick&CoalCo Oar County And Social Security By Louis H. Cleinent, Manager. Prior of l9SS 'a domeatic em­ ployee in a private home was cov­ ered by the Social Security Act if the individual performed work in the home on at least M diSm nt days in a calemdar quarter and m » paid at least $50in cash wages in a calendar quarter by a single Beginning lanuarv 1, 195S, a domestic employee Is now covsr- ed under the sodai security law if she la paid $50,00 in caah wages or more durlnit the quarter. Employets under this part of thelawate required to make a quartdy report of wages paid each em ploy^ These reports should contain tbe name, ao.ial security number, and of course, the a. mount ^'wagea paid. They should befil^w ltfa the D irector'of .In tenul Revenue for the sute. in which the employer lives. The present tax on employment under the Social Security ,Aa is 2% each from the employers and employees on the first 14200 in wages paid during the edendar year. We.feel that many householders inoursento area are going to| Ine^.and w » t more information ceming their liability as em- Iployers under the Social Security! Act. Of course, our office is al­ ways available for retulining any assistance which may be necessary. We have available a pamphlet which briefly outlines the employ er’s and employee's duties as they apply to domeatic employment. We shall be glad to furnish any intereated individuala with a copy, uponrequeat. R>r Cutthcr information, con tact the Social Security Office, 301 Post OiBce BuUding, Salis­ bury, N.C. If you have any question con­ cerning vour social security, you might write us at 361 Post Office Bjflding, Salisbury, N .C., or see out repiesentative who visit* the Court House, MocksvUIe N. C., on the first and third Fridays of each month from 1^30.1:30. ; IfAKTIfUl i^SKIUNC i\m t% R E E B & BA RTO N , m OTHfl fAMOOS .SIIVIKMITHS, THE GIFT SHOP Mfg. Oiriiline W. Duiiel. Seen Along Msis StfSil By T he stre e t R am bler. oodooo Aged citizen remarking that tt didn’t pay to sm p old (licnds for new, ones—High school gltla buay - writing good wishes in annu^a— Lady walking up Main street wnp- ped id heavy winter coat—kiia. J, T. Angell buying greeting carda— O; K. Pope hurrying down Mibi street on.cold morningweartnf die first new straw hat of the aeaaon —Mrs. Roscoe Stroud, Jr,, lo o l^ at birthday cards—Local miniBla pausing long enough for cold drink on cool morning—“Pardner'’ Me- Clamrock getting ready to take a half holi^ay-MIss Faith Dead- mon looking over mail in poatof- lice lobby—Clifibrd Rea vis walk* ing around the square batehcaded on chilly afternoon—Lima-tinie ci­ tizen wanting to know if thli was town election year—Small youngi^ tet looking widi Itmging eyea at cone of ice cream spilled on side­ walk in iiront of ^ a Shoppe— Miss Faye Allen buying ticket to see T arsin”—School girls buying 'get well” cards to mall to claia mate in hospital —Dime stonaalaa lady buying eone of ice cream on warm afternoon—Jimmy Kelly do­ ing some sweeping in postoHice lobby as the sun sinks in the m at —Mrs. B. T. Browder and daugh­ ter hurrying into fiirnituie atoic las the clock strikes five—B. G. Shore leaning against a lamp poat in finnt of bank waiting for doora . toopen—H.R. Johnson tutninf around small park in atation wag­ on and stopping just in time to avoid a bump-Rev. E. M. Avett and Walter F o l^ talking things lover on Main street—The same mule pulling the same sled acnaa the square with the same man driving the mule—SaleahMly buay jchewing bubblegum—Mrs. J. W. Hill wearing big ried rose—Don Headen hurrying inro Dayie Cafe —Man burr ing out of drug store with a fiill gallon jug in each hand -W ayne Eaton motori..g around town in a 1925 Model T. Fotd se­ dan—Mrs. L. T. Hunter sitting in parked auto in front of FtrcMone ' Istore Leslie Daniel looking over stock market reports—Miss Mat­ tie Killian chatting with friend on South Main street—Tom Turten* tine lalang giant strides tip Main street—Hungry tnan trytng to lo­ cate a pie—Phil G odlw and Tom VanZant holding down a lawn set­ tee In front of' furniture saofc— DeWitt Ratledge doing some be­ fore dinner trading around town —George Hendricks hutrying to­ wards postofBce—Senator Brack discussing doinss of thekgislattttc —Mrs. Flake Hayes looking at flowers in Sanford’a Depattment Store—Vestal Spry looking for * Bium’s Almanac—John. R. Smith waiting ibc NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as executrix of .the catateofR I. Carter, deceas­ ed, late of Davie County, North Carolina, thia la to notify aU- per­sona holdiagclaima against said ea- tate, to present them to ehe ,under- aigiicd w ithin' U months from datelieteof, or this notice will be plead in bar of ^ eir recovery. All persona owing said eatate will diate settlement. This Anril 16:1955. VIRGINIA JARTER POWELL. Estx. of R J . Carter. D ea’d. B. C. B to A A ttm n ^ Suitor call at Ibi* ofSer jnow uid gat yovr luia por 'tww bafora tha mpply w ak kMMtad. Prinlad on haavi cari bawd. SOe.’ par dasan. hanging aroi clock to strike nine timeg'-Old maid combing voung bachdot** hair on cool morning-Poatat em­ ployees rejoicing over new oeoA lights in postoflicee HILLTOP Service & Supply HOPES TO SERVE YOU EVEN BETTER IN 195* Cm, Oa.Supplia* Alio A Nke Uae Of And Staple Gncariaa We Appraeiafi4Y«iir J. W. HILL Ovmer V : i! I.y- m ■^VT:ff-'-‘r-i^^-r;V^- PAGBTWO M b OATIE RECORD. MOCKSVlIXe. S. C . HAY ll' tSSS THE DAVIE RECORD. C. FRANK STROUD, EDITOR. ■ntcred'atthePoitofflce in'Kneki- »ni». N. C.. u Secona-<-l*w MMl matter. March i;J908. :S in ^ F T IO N RATES; litle V'EiMt. IN N. CAROUN A I'l.lO SIX MONTHS ra N. CAROLINA - 7lic. i'Om-YEA*iOlirSinEST»TV • 12.«» .,fHC»WNrHS.OCTSIDE STATE - $tM VBfltH *K tttm VI W JUME SHAll HUMHE THEMSRVES. MD PRAY. MD SEEK NV FACE. AND HIM AWAY FPOM IHBi; WKKED WAVS, 1HM WU I HUt.HiQM HIAVtH, AND WU EOKIVE niEIR.SIIIS, AKO Will HEAl THEIR lAW.'-2 cmww. 7»iil^ , ReDdrcs rcacKing our office say that the blackbe^ crop, promised to be gbc^ this y«ar. There is ab ways<86ine*thinR to be thankfuHor. Moscrof the fruit crop was de- stroyedf'bv ‘the severe freeze in March.* With th. bl-ckberry and sheep rains oyer the farmers are n o w tryinK to catch up with their corn, cotton and tobacco planting. One of our farmer friends cotd us last week that he had just finished planting a big watermelon patch. lust when the North Carolina legislature: will adjourn no one knows. 'Ti)e sooner (he boys fin­ ish in Raleigh and get back home the betceV off the state will be. No one'wahts their taxes raised. It rakea'a lot of moaey to keep the old' Ship of State rolling along. Mof^svUle citizens take very lit* tie interest- in their town Rovern-^ men^vOudging from the small nuin^iO f votes cast last week in the municipal election. Only 83 votes was cast for the highest man on the ticket. If we are not mis* taken there ate about 700 eligible voteis in our town» Many peeple who receive mail addressed to **Boxhotder/* throw the mail into the waste bnsket, if there is one. handy, while others throw it on the floor or the desks in the pbstoffice lobby. This was bcought*'to our attention only a few ^^ays aco. Folks don^t take time now to look over their se* cond-class m i) i^ke they did in the good old days. An ad in a newspaper which is carried home and read by ult the tamilly» is worth many times more than a circular^ wiiich so often is never carried home.__________ Try It Here The following recently appeared in the Commcrce» Ga.» News *'When it comes to pulling for his town six days in the week and praying for it on Sunday there is nor an editor in the state who leads Editor Tack WillUms» 6 f theWaycross lournal-Herald. In recognition of his valued service, the business men of Waycroas' have on foot a plan to place the paper in every home in the couni ty at the expense of the business men of Waycross That’s a fine compliment to Editor Williams and his good work» and one he richly deserves.*' Talk about real living" how is that? The average editor gets “cussed'' for every* thing he does do or fails to do» but there is a fellow who actually has rhe community workinc for him. It seems that wonders will never cease. May Jurors The follow hg jurors have been drawn for the May te4ni of Davie Superior court which convenes In this city on Monday. May 30th, with his Honor, Judge T> A. Rous* s^u presiding: Calahain—Fred E. Cartner, f J. Wooten. Ode I Williams. Clarksville—Luther Evans, Carl Richie, Paul Jones. Farmington—I. Hall Walker. J. F. Cope, C. E. Leaganf, C!ayton Groce. Fulton—1. M. Livengood, Clar* ence Jones. James C. Ratt*. Jerusalem—R. H. Lagle. June Jarvis. Wiilard Foster, G. H. Ste* phens. Richard^io Attend Atlanta'Ga., May 2,—The Rev' Paul H. Rtckatds o( MockaviUe, N. C„ todaVjim officially certi6ed by Dr. E. C.. Scott, Stated Cleik of the PreB^vterlan Church, U. S., . as a coinmlnionet to the General As- semblv of the denomiitaiion. The Amemblv, which Mr. Rich­ ards wi 1 attend as an official vot­ ing rerres^nUrtve ot Winston-Sa-' lem Pretl>ytery, will be held in Richmond. Vi., .^une 2-7. I is the highest couirt of the Presbyterian Church, and meets annually. > Some 460 commissioners from seventeen states attend and re. view the i ork of th^. Church for the past year; and set in motion Mocksville - Hugh S. Larew.| the ptogiam for the cominBvear. Robert L. Safley. Sam Binklev, ,C. Mr. Richards, who isminister of F. Seats. both the Presbyterian Church iii Shady Grove—Charlie Howard, Mocksville and the Bixby Ptesby- lohn F. Crrell, G. W. Mock. terian in Advance, wj» selected aa a commissioner by W^instonrSalem J. S, Bogen, of Greensboro, who pre,bvtery, and is cine of four owns and operates the Davie Dry commissioneni. two ministers and Goods Store in this citv, suifered a jia t presbyterv. Stroke and a heart attack in his % store about 3 o'clock o^ Monday . Mr. and Mrs. J* L. Hill, of Hat* afternoon of last week, was car* mony. Route I, were among the ried to C one‘Memorial. Hospital, out^of'town shoppers here Satur* Greensboro, where he is under- day. Mrs. Hill has been in bad going treatment. health but Is improving. . Vfilson To Participate W. i. Wilson, Davie Countv Veterans Service OlBce, of Mocks­ ville, N. C , is scheduled to parti­ cipate, as a member of a panel, at the Statewide Veterans ^Service Officers School, sponsored bv the North Carolina Veterans ,Comr mission, to be held at Hotd Ro> hert E. Lee Winston-Salem, North Carolina, May 23 24, 1955.: This Statewide Veterans & ^ c e Officers S^ool is exp.cted. to 'be one of the best and la.gest of, its kind ever held in North Carolina, it was announced today bv J. M. Caldwell, Director, North Carolina Veterans Commission. Army hews Pacific Fleet (FRTNC)-Among those who visisited the city of Bangkok, Thailan i in March while serving aboard the destroyer USS Jame« E, Kyes was, Lerov , Bailey seaman, USN, son of Mr. an^ Mrs. Carl S. BaUev of 663 S. Main Street, Mocksville, N. C.. and hus­ band of the former Miss Ester L. Powets of Compton, Calif; BOB POdl4 pepukirredte|tarafVrai6 nv«,"M/wffelHis oAm9« immI Kara for cootcAie...0x1 on tfw toUe;—if’• dark Karo for me, the bsst-tosfing eating syrup of ’em a ir Yea, indeed...Mscuits go like hot cakes when you pour on pleniy of delicious dark Karo... there’s like it &r good eating. Satis-^rin’ flavor. So rich it stan^ light up on top of (keeps ’em light and fluflV). KeepKaro on your table morning, noon and night ...it tops anytfaingl A(k your groew for DARK Karo, In pinl and quart belUM A Lii(ht Vote Mocksville voters staved a t home,, went fishing or forgot to vote last Tuesday in the mun'ci- pal elec ion. Only one ticket was in the field. Mayor John Durham was‘e ected for a third term. He received 82 votes. For town com- miuioneri L. £. Bowden received 82 votes! T J. Caudell 82, J. C. U tt e 82. Harry Murrey 33. and R B .8antord.Jt..8Z. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whittaker and little daughter, of Wekh, W. Va., spent the week-end with re; laiives in Mocksville and Lewis­ ville.' Robert teporti business in good ahape nodet Ptesideot Ike. > cle/s! Look for the greatest truck ccc.'^omy advancement in years— shaiO-sSroke engine design. ONLY FORD giviss you Short Stroke power in every truck! A inMl«rn shert-strotc* cneln* uuU i:uurn,:lM ^ q n B8 m uch as 35% . I^to n ringa lent up mi\ longer. You save up to 1 gallon of ans i Fora*8 got a Short Stroke .cnpino m «<. . 'truck. No wonder Ford was the only ieaditi}: Iruci;.' manufiacturer to show saira incrcDses In 1^54! Haw l*«rd F-100 6H 'ft. Pickuo. Short Stroke 132-h.p. V -8-or ,i thwlest'^roke Six of any lenrithc- V-8 l»lckup-FOR . Now ihert-M reko V -*'* aie revolutionizing truck per­ formance! ONLY FORD offins Short Stroke V-S’a with aU th« engineering refinements resulting from over ^iree yeans and five ' billion miles of eiperience! And only Ford ofiins a Short Stroke V-8 jPickup for so little money! Get better value now, b ett« vtdue later when you trade—00 modem—go Short Stroke! 7M£ MOMeymMKMM* fW SANFORP MOTOR COMPANY Ford D riers Since 1913 If Vou'i» Interarted fai on A-1 U»ed Trudc-.Be Sure to See Your Ford Dealer THE DATiE R B o d ^. lib o tB T n xB ;». C-. Oldert Pmpw In The Cowiti No Liquor. Wine. Boer Ailt Eled (Micen NEWS AROUND TOWN, R. a.Sanford is spending a few days at his cot'tafe'at Myrtle Beach- la c k Naylor, a riiidisnt. at Mats Hill College, spent the weeW-end in town with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Austin, of Statesville, visited Mr. Anttn's aunt Miss Cora Anstin. one day Im week. The interior of Hall Drug Co. has bean giyeh> new paint job, which adds much to its appeat- Mrs. w i'L. Nail spent last week in High Point. visUing her sister Mrs. I. A. Wagoner and Mr. Wagoner. . . Mts. Thom u Turtenjine l.s spending some time with her alster, Mrs. a L. Hartley, at West Palm Beach, Ha. Mrs. Gaither Sanfbrd and Mrs. Harry Osbome returned Saturday from Myrtle Beach, where they spent severer days. 6 eoree Hendricks and Undsay Swink spent several days last week fishing at Myrtle Beach. Don't know how many they caughi Dr. W. M. Long spent several days'last week at Pinehurst at- tendinsa meeting^ of the North Carolina Medical, Association. Neon lights have been installed in the postoffice, which adds mnch to the looks of the office and faci­ litates faster handling of the mails. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cope Young and son Rfcky. spent Sun­ day in Greensboro, guests of Mrs. Young's intents. Mr. and Mts.']oe Graham. Mrs. C M. Tnrrentine tetumed W e^esday ftom a month's visit with het acjn. W. C. Ttincndne. and her brother, H. R. Bowles ,at Pageland, S. C Mastffi Jerry Bather! son of Mr. and M ri Russdl Barber, of Maple avenue; underwent a tonsil opm- H on at Rowan Memorial Hosintal Monday morning. Mrs. Maigatet Can, who holds a position with the Bastetn Star Home at G r^sboto, spent Wed nesday with her sister, Mrs. Wil- Uam Howard, on Route 3, Mr. and Mrfc Ragnal Bagwell, o( Rock Hill, S. C . and Mr. and M n. Gene Bagwell a n d little dautfiter Robin,.of^keo, & C.. were Tuesday g n ^ ’‘ of Mr.> and Mrs. Lotmie Whitaker. Mr. and Mrs lack Pennington have begun the erection of an 8- room brick veneer house on the Winston-Salem H l^way in North Mocksville, which diey will oc­ cupy when completed. . Revival Services are In progress at ^ C hur^ of Gtid of Prophecy Mission at Efdiesas, and wiU con . tinue through May 22nd. Rev. JohnMuiphy. of . High Point, Is : guest Speaker. Evetycmewdc Miss lane aitek. who hw held a position in the hw office of (SeorgeW. Martin for'the four months, went to ,Winston- at their rcgularmeedngFtidav her liiano pupils in their annual second grong of j^ n p ^ .ing,electedthefollowing of. spring recital In the-MocksviUe High School Audltetium, Friday ^ K c is invited. Mocksville Post No. 4024; V. F. W. m ning, elected ficers for the coining yesK Commanderr-James Swicegood. Sr. Vice-Comu- Ray Lai^. |r.ViceCom.-Ben EIUs. Qumermastei - Gilbert Aiwood. Chaplain—Kermit iSmldt. Judge Advocaite—Clay Bogefr. Trus^e—Howard Barron, elect, ed fur tj-.rae vtiars. ■ SurB «n-D tW ^>L_^ng. Men Reclassified The Davie Board of Selective Service met last week and redasst fied. the following registrants into 1-A: Garland A. Btnvers, Mocksville, Route 3. lohn Knox Johnstone, Mocks­ ville. \ Donald G. Hursey, Mocksville. George B. Winters Mocksville AoaA A, Boqer Noiah A. Boger» 75. a tetired 6armer of -R.2» Clarksville Town* ship, died Friday evening at 8:30 oVImIc in a Salik>urv hospital. He had been ill for the past month. He was<a native of Davie Couu* ty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Boger. Surviving are the wife, two sons, four daughters, eight grandchild* one greatgrandchild, three sisters. Funeral services were held at 3 p. m. Sunday at Union Chapel Methodist Church, with Rev. W. C. Anderson and Rev. G. B. Fer* ree officiating, and the body laid to test in the church cemetery. y\f. F. McSwain William McSwain,'16., son of Mr; and Mrs. R. J. McSwain. ot Jerusalem Township, died last Tueidav afternoon in Rotvan Memorial Hospitnl following an illness of three days. Surviving are the parents, two brothers and one sister. Funeral services were held Fri­ day at Liberty Methodist Church, with Rev. B. C Adams ofEciatlug and the body laid to rest in dis church cemetery. PianoJUdtal M ^ Loiilse'Stroud will present Recifal Mts. Gene Smith wiU pnsent a The public is Invited.: tig May 13th at &00 o’clock. ] The !. C. Sprinkle Yesterda I Southern Memo­ rial Day, biiit business went on as .usual wid> the eaception of thci The entire'town was saddened^ banl^ btiildittg and loan and a few last Tuesday mortiing when it was other o ffi^ learned that Rev. Henry C. Sprinkle, 86, had pused away at Lynn Haven Nurs'ng Home, fol- knvlng an Illness of several weeks. He was a native of Buncombe Coiin^. but had lived in Mocks­ ville for many years. He was an acdve' mltdster'i in the Western North Carolina Methodiijt Con- fem cefor 46 ye^rs and was past orof many chur^es, ammg them ElUn. Albemarle, Spencer, Mt. Atoy.'Reidsville. Greensboro, Salis­ bury. Asheville and several others. »A N t ADS PAY. PASTURE FOR R EN T^C an take care ot 25 head of catde. _ Phone ZOO. . Mocksvttle. FOR RENT—Three room a- partment with bath. 410 N<mh % in Street Mrs. W. H. Dodd. Hybrid Seed D lX li 82-42-27- C White N. C. 29 Mia 31 Garden Seeds .Ajid Planti Purina Chows and Baby Chicks ‘XmCKERBOARD Davie Feed & Serf Co* FOR RENT - 4-room, housenear UamesX Roads, with l«bts and water, bath and id ^ o n e . G ^ dilwen house. C alljc^or 207 Depot Street Mocksville, N. C F.V; GOBBLE. Mocksville. Route!. ned,ed,rebuUt; During World War II, after he;write. had retired from active service, he!________ accepted th e pastorite o f the' Pianos I---------- Mocksville Mediodbt Church and refinished or testyled. Free estl- Rev. Mr. Sorin le was twice i Stading-Thomas Music Co. married. His fint wife died in 62» N. Trade St. Winston-Salem 1895. His second, wife was Miss Annie Call, daughter of die late Mr..aiid Mrs. S. M. Call, of this city, who died four years ago. Surviving are three sons. Thom­ as W. Sprinkle, of High Point; Henry CvSprinkle, editor of World Outlook. New York Utv, and Wihiam Sprinkle, of Durham, and one grandson. Funeral services were conducted at 3 p. m., last Wednesday at the Mocksville Methodist Church, with Rev. W. Q. Grigg offidating. Formany years Mrs. Sprinkle was chairman ot the board o f trustees of Brevaia College. He was for many years an active Ro tarlan, a charter member of the Mocksville Club. He wm a Ma­ so n and served as grand chaplain' of the Grand Lodge of North Cii- rolina. A mighty oak has fallen. His placej*fllbe1»atdJofill. The Record tt centt a ^edi. Subscribe today. Mock*viU« High SdioolNewt : A sitVERWS. Rqnnn. Dr. E. A. Eckerd wlH , postgtaduate ^ rs e s - a.t Ohio State University stsrtlng the 9th of May and the week.________ ________ unlbiSMO ^ h e win be back in his office ^ Salurdav, the foil ST h e schedule for cored tobacOT plmt atrations will he held on T u ^ay, Mav 17th at ftSO a. m. at 9 iady Ciove. and at M S a. ro, at Farm- N. C Sine ColM f»..E.y.,Floyd, Teachey, 111 ehai«e Vocational A«- ridiltnie. Friday night the Junior Class presented iheit plav. “Peck’s Bad Boy.” to a filled auditorium. The complete'cast was:, Henry Pedc, Sr.,' Mac Kiin- brough. Henry Peck, Jr., • Billy Sell. Mrs. Hannah Peck - Christine Beauchamp. Jimmy Duffy - Charles Messick, Mitinie-KadjrinePlott. Luella Horne • Nijncy Reavis.' Clifford Jennings - Henry Shutt Melville B^umont - AltpnSheek Uztie - Lynda Crawford. Dallie' Emily Sparks. Schultz • Gaither Sanford. Dora - Patricia Smith. Flora • Faye Wilson. Lora - Hatriet Tutterow. The Smior's Graduation Invi- .tions w d calling.eards have finally arrived.' Also rental on caps and gowns h u been paid. All of die Seniors have faraway looks I n their eyes which can mean only one thino-tKey tealixe, for die ^ t time, perhaps, that their days at M .H . S.. are numbered. The Baseball Boys, who had second of nine straight wins,btolw that record Monday, whm they ttaveledto Advance'and wera de­ feated '6-3. . In chapel Friday ‘we w ere shown skits froni the lunior PIwp. Mr.Crotts. director, also issued aii inyiudon for everyone tocome and see the preformance Friday night. . Ths Featuie Editor a n d the News Editor for next year’s “HI Ufe” have' been chosent lankc Smoot, a Sophomore, is Featute Editor, and Gaither Si^ford. a Junior. Is News Editor. Princess Theah-e , WEDNESDAY -KHYBER PATROL” In Cokir With Richaid English & Dawn Addams Cartoon & Comedy THURSDAY fit FRIDAY "AMERICANO” In Technicolor With Glenn Ford& U rsuhThless Cartoon & News SATURDAY Edgar Bu^anan In."SILVER STAR” With Marie Windsor & Lon Chaney Cartoon & Serial MONDAYS. TUESDAY H u n p h te y B ^ I n "CAINE MUTINY” With Jose Fem r In T echniet^ News DAVIE tXWNTY S; BWGCST SHOW VAUJE AaH.)«aaad»c G o o d a u i o m o b i l e in s u r a n c e m a y h e l p t o ic e p p y o u o u t itff a p a « k o f tr o u b U ! E. C. Morris Insurance Agency . ^ Modnville^N.CPlMmel96 (lew Cab Forward) Chevrolet Powered by themoU mo^am V8 in any trudt . C hevrons new Taskmaster V8 engine! Yt»rafltrytar,Amttiaf$ '■ Cfaevrolsfs giM new L.C.F.’s bring you sU die advantages of a CO.E.-plus new advances yon wont Und anywhere ehel ; Hiey’ie tower^-seven inches tower than former C.O.B. modeb. Only two steps up to the cabt uThe cab is more.comfohabie and conveaient, with t level floor, softer seals, broad panoramic wiaiUiiehi ^ a kmg iisl of odier new featuics. They're powered by the most modem, shortest- stroke truck V* of them all-thc new Taskmaster Vgr^fscking 145 high-compression hotaepowerl Bf you don't get die all-modem features offeied’ by the new Chewolet Task-Foree trucks, you’ie actually getting an old-fashioned truck and stand to lose money on the job loday-and again at Irade-iii dmel Come see today's most modem trucks! P B ^ G T O N CHEVROLET C0-, INC FHONE IM . - , MOCKSVILLE, N. C Pr PERHAPS the mott timouf dream mentioned in the Btbtt. an immense statue appeared, with a head;ot fold and the r««t « ittfe ot other materials down to the feet which .were mixed ot iron and elay. that dream p ^ t a good.many tnor* als; OM of which is that such a stat* ue will soon ^p le o ver. An iron foundation Is strong but a foun­dation only partly strong won’t do. So th e foundations of life. If th ey a re p a r t l y s t r e n g t h r w t m M and p a rtly w eatoiess. wlU n o t en* d u re . W e h a v e w ith u s today^ (in*^ th is w eek 's B ible study) a m a n w ho lik e th a t fam ed dream *im age w as p a rt iron, p a rt clay. H e h ad his stro n g points and h is w eak ones, and h e finally toppled. He Loved the Soil T hi.5 m a n w a s K ing U zziah. one o f the b e tte r kings of Ju d a h . H e w as a strong king in m any w ays. I t is tru e, h e w as king o v er a v e ry sm all te rrito ry a s w e see it today. D r. S tapp’s ro ck et* sled could cover it end to end in about 20 scconds. I t is said by h is biog* ra p h c r th a t his fam e extended to;- th e b o rd er of E gypt . . . n o t o ver 200 m iles a t m ost. H ow ever, w hile h is kingdom w as a tiny one as co u n tries go today, the* beau ty of th e O ld T esU m en t is th a t w e h av e som ething like very la rg e -sc a le m a p s o f sm all areas, blow n up- so w e ca n see th e detail; T his K ing U zziah succeeded in resist­ ing ruinous in v asio n 'b y the ever- g reedy ru th less countries around h im . H e strengthened the n ational d efense: h e reorganized the arm y ; h e introduced (then) m o d ern eq u ip m en t for his arm ed, forces. H e conserved the country’s sm all w ater-supply. H e developed fa rm ­ ing. both stock-raising an d a g ri­ cu lture. He "loved the soil" (II C hr. 26:10.) B est of all. he m ad e a serious effort ("h e set h im self” a s h is b iographer says) to keep G od’s law s. H e listened to the p ro p h et Zc‘c ip ria h . h e w as w illing to l>e "instru cted in tike fe a r of G od." A ltogether, for a la rg e p a rt ot h is life, h e gave th e 'country a w ise an d strong ad m in istratio n b ecau se h e w as him self w ise and itro n g . He Grew Proud N ev erth eless h e finally, tum bled dow n. H is c lay , underpinning a t la s t g a v e w ay. T he inspired biog­ ra p h e r p uts his finger on the w eakness and nam es it: "H e grew p ro u d " ~ a n d adds, *‘to h is de­ struction.*' P roud m en do not th in k of th e ir pride a s a weak* n ess, th ey consider th a t strength a n d p rid e go together. So they o ften do. only the pride te a rs dow n th e strength. W hat happened to U zziah h a s happened to m any a d ic ta to r since. H e thought he coiild do a s h e pleased. H e scoffed a t th e law s h e had once supported. H e ca m e to think of h im self as a h u m a n exception to (Jod’s law . H e declined to tak e advice. H e no lo n g er would listen to m en of G od. It is this ballooning conceit, th is tm w lU lngness to listen to any one. this feeling oneself D estiny’s . child, th a t trap p ed Julius C aesar a n d P ontius P ilate and N apoleon a n d H itle r and m any another ty ­ r a n t in history. Pride is alw ays a w eakness. It blinds the proud m a n to h is ow n defects, it blinds h im to th e w isdom of others. It tu rn s- h im from* a good strong m a n into a little tin god. from so m ething genuine into som ething •'phony.*' It isn 't only kings of o ld an d d ic tato rs of today, it isn 't only th e fam ed in history, it can h a p p e n to obscure people too. He Was False to the Lord T he m o st serious charge brought - a g a in st U zziah is th a t h e w as "fa lse to th e L ord" (II C hr. 26: 16)..T o p u t w h at he did into mod< e m te rm s, th is king-dictator. who h a d n m ev erything else success­ fully, a t la s t trie d to run the 'ch u rch . T he p riests took thsii o rd e rs, -^as th ey understood it. fro m G od: tbfs b rash U zziah said, in effect, "N ow nev er m ind w hal G od h a s ord ered : from now on you w ill listen to M E ." T o p u t it into m o d ern te rm s again U^iriah w anted to p u t th e C hurch und^i the d ire c t ' co n tro l of th e S;uiu A g ain st th is, th e ' high p rie st o : th a t d ay pro tested , and religioui p e rjo n s w ill still p ro te st U n a - b e tru e th a t fro m th e sta n d ioin o f p u re e A clen ey m o st churcho.- a re n o t too w ell ru n ; it is t :>e m a t w ith go v ern m en t fr op hark o f th e m ch u rc h es coul<’ ,;ot m > • m e m b e rs—o f a s o r t TIB PAWS M OftW ,V6S : Admbistratrix Notice tiavitte qualified as Administra> trix o f the estate ut Fred S. Orrell, deceased, late *of Davie Countv» North Carolina, this is ro notiiy all persons havlne claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned within twelve months from date hereof, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their riRht to recover. All |>ersons oW- in« said ntate will please make immediate settlement. This the 4th day of April* 1955. SARAH E. ORRELL» Admrx. of Fred S. Orrell, Decs’d. Hall & Zachary, Attorneys. NOTICE TO CREDITORS .' Having quiilified as Administra- trix of the estate of Henrietta Dix­ on, deceased, notice is hereby giv* en to all peisous holdine claims instsaid deceased to present . same» properly verified, to the undersigned, on orljcforethc 14th day of April, 1956, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please call and make prompt settlement. This the 1 l‘rh day of April, 1855. ROSA S. MILLER, Admrx. • of Henrietta Dixon, Decs'd.Mocksvilte, N. C., Route 4. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Pntsuant to tbe authority vested lotoebr virtue of ao order of the Cltrk o( Superior Court of Davie County, dated April 3o. 1955, in a special Proceeding entitled L. F. Ward, et al vs. Frank Holton et al, tbe UDdersigued commissioner will will offer for sale, at public atie- tloo, forcasb,*’oo tbe 7 i s t day of May, 1955, at 12:00 noon, at the court bouse door In Davie Count?, N;^C., to the blebest bidder, the following described real property, to.wlt; Beclnuioff at a stone* corner of Lot No. 3 in tbe line of *tbe round bill tract and runnlue *Nortb 37 cbs, to a stone, t,eAi Ward's line, tbeuce IWest'5,92 chs. to a stone comer of Lot N o.'s: thence 27 chs. to stone comer of Cot No. s In tbe Moe 'of rdndd'blK tract; tbeoce East 5.92 cbs. to tbe beelnninif. coutalnittfir i6 acres more or less, and being lot No. 4 fin tbe*;d!vi. slon*of F.*B. Ward. BeglnuloE at a stone comer of lot No. 4 In line of round bill tract and mnulflff North 27 cbs. to a «tone in Lsvi Ward's line; tbeuce West 5.54 cbs. to a stone comer of let No. 6; tbence South 37'cbs. to a stooe*ln line of round bill tract; tbeuce Enst 51:54 cbs. *to tbe be* Rlntiing, contalninf; 15 acres more or less, and being lot No.*5. atloted to J, P. Ward. Tbls*tbe*2o*day of Aorll. I955. JOHN'T. BROCK, Commissioner. INOTICE-SALE OHLAND Under and bv virtue of the oow^ er of sale coniaiued in a certain deed of tmst execuied bv kR, D. Tutterow and wife. Jane J. Tntte> row, dated tbe i8th of February, >9.<(4i and recorded In Book 44. page 71, In tbe office of Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Car* olina, default baying bMn made in tbe payment of the Indebtednesii tberel^ secured, and said deed of trttfte Mug’ bv tbe terms^ thereof ajbject to foreclosure, tbe nnder. signed trastee will offer for sale at pnblk auction to tbe highest Md» der for^casb. at tbe Courthouae door in'Davie County, North Caro. Ilna, at noon, on tbe t4th day of ^ay. ig.S5> tbe property conveyed in sairt of trust, the same lv< ing and being In the CounfV of Davie, and State of North Carolina, and more particularly described a« follows: Adjoining tbe lands of J. E. Tut. terow, N. B Dvson, Ralph Dwig. gins and others and honnded as follows. to.wlt: Beginning at an iron atak'e on West side of rosd and runs North 5'degs. West 1.75 eb«. with road to iron stake; tbence N. yr W. s.s$ chs. to a stake; tbenci* 5.28 decs. W. t.80 cbs. to an iron stake; thenee S. 7t degs. W. 9 38 chains to the beginning, contalnlti? one and 50-100 (t 50 too) acres, more or less. . • For title see deed from'T. E. Tut­ terow et ux. to R. D. Tutterow, et MX., recorded In the office of tbe Regkter o f,Deeds for Davie Conii. ty. N. C.. in Book 54, page 214. See a1«A Commissioner's deed frota R. t . Baker. I. F. Click, et a!.. Commissioners, to J. B. Tutterow. Book 28. nave allottiog Lo* No 7 to J. E. Tutterow..This i4tb day of April, 1955. MAH K. CU C K, Tnistee. READ THE AD$ A lca t >b» I fa y i A CRO SS 1 t'bllow . 9 M anu. facture 9. A shos^; tie 10 M etal 11 C om m ander o f a m erchant vessel 13. A counter* p a rt 15. Rom an ae spill over IS. Guided )0 Em ploy 21 M ilitary officers' (In d iai 23 lU lian coins 25 Gam e a t cards 26.M um er 28. R ods 32. V ex 34 Infrequent 35 G ift ' 39 A scat in a church 40 H elp 41 Civil w rong 43 Personal . pronoun 44 Pin for ' roasting m eat 46 Sluggish 48 Ancicnt country 50 B ritish m anor coui-t 5J C ity iN ev * S2 T he sm ooth ' breathing (P honet > DOW N ] C harac- te ru ittco f G reek o r R om an a rt3. O w ns •3. P erform s 4. Skins 5 N ote of th e scale6 ForU fy7 A n a rln ria l m arsupial (A u s tra l» 8 Com e in .11 H andles ■ roughly 12 R ender Hirbid 14 M an's nicknam e (poss I 1? Support 20.Epocli 22 Movable. b a riie r S4 G oddess I . of , discord^ I<Gr' I Myth», 27. Worry29 fold over '30 Hermit * ’31 Stitched 33. A •node ' ,35 Dance .step ’ as Mon?- ■ mat\ire 97 Roman njagistrate nm-jis arsoB'w i P-130 NOTICE OF S A L E IB Uuder and bv.yirtue of tbe pbw. er of sale In that certain Dtted of Trust executed by Carl C* McDan^ iel and wife Aeile B. McDaniel to tbe uudersigoed Ttustee to secure a note In the snm ot $8,000.00 pav* able to Durham Bank and Trust Company of Cooleemee* N. C.. bearing date of July i. 1946, and duty reconled in Book of De^s of Tmst No. 33. page 349* In the of* fice of tbe Register of Deeds of Davie County, N. C., default hav. Ing been made in tbe payment of said note and at. tbe requeatof said Bank and Trust Company, tbe payee and. holder tbereof; Tbe uudersig'ied Trustee will sell publicly for casb at tbe Court House door of Davie Cnuntv, in Mocksville. N. C.,' on Saturday, tbe 28tb day of May, l9S5» at t2 o'clock, M.. Ibe following drscrib* ed lands situate in Jeruttlem Town­ ship, Davie County, to wit: 1st Tract; A tract lying on West side of State Highway No. 80 (^ow fot) about two miles from . Snntb Rivv^r: Beginning at a point in tbe center of State Highway No 80 (now fot) on G. B. Ptebtes' line; thence S.. 83 degs. 30. min« W. 2366 feet to a Hickory, tbe orl. ginal corner; tbence N. 28 degs E. 343 feet to* an iron pipe; tbence K. 5 decs, E .'826 feet to a stake o'n the original line, comer of Lot No; 7: tbeoce N. 84 dega. 30 mln. S. t868 feet to a point io tbe center of State Highway No. 80 (former- ly) comer to lot No. 8;tb*nce with tbe center of a<iid State Highway. S. 15 degs 6^ I too feet to tbe he. ginning, containing 50 and 7 10 acres more or less, and being Lots No. 9 and 10 by map of Sn«ah LaogHtoo farm made .Iqr K. A. Trexter, April 2^b. 1932. For a mote particular descrlp tion reference is hereby made fn Deed from Greena1»oro Joint Stock Land Bank to T. W« Summerset. Sr., recorded In-Book 33, paiff 279. Register's Office of Davie Cotinty. N c. • ; \ ' 2nd Tract: Lying on West side of State Highway No 80 (former, ly) about two miles from Sonih River: Beginning at a point in the center of said Higbw^v corner to Lots Nos. 4 and 5 0*1 Cralgt*a line; tbence S. ts degs. E 74s faat to a •itake In center of said Highway rorner of Lot No g; tbenee witjn line of Lot No 9. Sotttb. 83: degs. 30 mln. W. 1868 feet to stake^ corners of Lot No 9*on the. origl- naf line; tbeuM N. 5 degs R. 727 feet to S|n iron stake, Cratea's cor ner; tbence N. 8 3. degs 130 min. W. tfot feet to tbe beginning, con. tainlng 27 and 85 too acres mere or less, and being lots Nos. 5. 6, 7 and 8 by plat of Susan Langstoo*s farm made by W. A Trexler April 29. 1932. Fot a more particntar description see deed from Greensboro foint Slock Land Bank to't.S W. Sum< merset, Jr., recorded in. Book. 33, page 26b, ssld Register’s Office of Daeie County, N .,C. ' TERM S OF SA LE: CASH. TlMB*OF SA LE: May 28, 1955* ^ Tbia the 27th day ot April, 1955. A . T. GRANT, Trtistee. No Known Curefor New- Found Cottle DiseaseAn entirely new.disease threat which kills eatlle and for which us yet no^remedy bas bMn found • -«s reported recently by Or. P. K. «msey. of Iowa-State CoUejie. .tnewn as ‘’mucosal disease.’* it has already been Identiftod In 78 herds/ot cattle in Iowa. Onset of the disease is greatast dnring winter and early spring, with Feb* ruary and March the periods greatest danger. Among’ cattle ebntractlng mucosal disease, the death rate was 90 pec cent, the veterinaryi patbolofist: reported; Highlights in ; tbit deseriptlon' of symptoms: an Initial sharp rise In temperatures to 106 degrees, then a rapid drop to normal; a watery scouring, emadatlrni; erosions and . and ulcerationa ot the nostrils., muuie. lips, guitis. ^tonj^ arid oral eavity. • • ’Postmortem exatnlnation of anl« mala which died of the disease, showed evidence ct enteritis and cysUc poHtls plus great enlarger ment of,the lymph nodes and fatty degeneration in the. kidneys.No’ bacteria have been found In connection with postmortem ex* amlnatlons and no successful treat­ments have been diacovered. .The report was presented re* eently to aleH veterinarians throughout the country'against the disease. It seems to occur only In or near Iowa, biit If it follows the blstocy of most other .'Uve. stock diseases, it might be e»> pected to spread to other states. ' The Da^e Riscio^'is ovmed and edi ted by a native of Davia County. ♦ fO R RENT ♦ S P A C E IN T H IS P A P E R W ill A ir« .i9* T « ShR GOOD NEISHBOUS-rflWS TO ■ fir .VOW BiiSiN«ss ' been on a trip entettalned gue«ta celebrated a bitthdav' caught a big fiih moved . ' '■ eloped . ' . ■ • hadababv 'beenin afii^t M>Id your hog. - 'had an operation' - bought a cat painted vour house been inarried cut a new tooth < been (hot . noltn anvthtng , been robbed •old out loarvour hair been arreited Or Done Anything At All te l^ h o n e , Ot Drop a Poiteai^, O r Come In, ' O r In Any Convenient W ay Inform . . . THE DAVIE RECORD V ■■ . * I(k y iB COUWTT’S O libB ST N B W SPA ^B R -TH B PA PE R TH E PE<)PL.E HEAD aNAtL W i w w 1 W M O M 'S IH W rS MAMTAmi UHAWiD i r jNVUIlllCB AND i n « l^ y o L n u N LV. IIOCK8V IU A . NORTH CAROLkNA, W BDNBSDAT H AY |8. )«<5.NUHBBR 41 T h e D a v i e R e c o r d Has Been Pubiished Since 1899 5 5 Y e a r i Olhet* have come and gone-your county newspaper keept going. S-imetime* it hai teemed hard to make "buckle'and tqnguo” meet, l>ut toon the sun shine* and we march on. Our faithful tubtcribert ' most of whom pay proinpllv. give us courage and abiding faith: in our fellow^man. ^ If your neighbor i( nut taking T)ie Record'tcU him to aubtcribe. The ' price only S I.SO per'year in the' Slate, and $ 200 in other states. - I . ' , ■ / When You Come To Town Make Our Office Your . lieadquarters v • )Ve Are Always Glad To See You. . ; fP T i iQ nrv ■ Your >0BPiuNTiNG We can save jrou m ^ ey bn ypuf. ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS STATEMENTS, POSTERS, BILL HEADS, I^ K E T HEAE«.^^^ Patronize vy<Mr hon^ new and thereby help l>uild up your honie town aiiid count^^^ T H E D A V IE R E C O R D . NEWS OF LONG AGO. W hitl W at Happwlnff h Da. vi«; B aton P krkin t M alan A lH iA biw eviBtodSbirtik (Davie RecoM. May >3,1934) Roy Call speot a day or two las) week with ff!« d3 at Brevard. . Rev. W. M. Howard, a mlah terlal student at Mcttmlnlster Sem Inarv, Md., to aimdlaK tbe mm- mer-taere witb bis parents, Mr. and Hrs.; ^ . M. Howard. ; Miss Blva Canoer. a teacher In tbe Kannapniis;;eltT.iw^mls, srrlv ^ borne WedBMdiiy li;; st)end the svinner vaeatlonf' Hiss Gartner will teacb at Kannapolja the 'Inevear. A number of Meltaodlat pastors and laymen, from Davie attei^ed tbe Hetkodbt DIslrlet Conference which was held at Midway chtireb la Davidson cmiirty.'last Tuesday and Wedacsllay. In the list of those cradttaiiiiK sf the Mocksville hlKh school whieb appeared lo i.'last week’s Record, the'name. Of’ Miss- Lbuise’-'Smlrt of this eltv. was acddently omitted. We are virv sorry this mistake oc. cnred. ■ T . r1 Cope, Jr.. and Miss Ora Lee Sommers, oopnlar young, peo pie of Cooleemee, were united tn . maMagie at the BaptM mraonage ait Cooleemee,’ last ’ Ssturdsy noon Rev. A. T. Stondenmire per- hmlhgtthe marriage ceremony. Hisses BliEabelh and I|^ e U t James, daughters of Mr. and Mn A p. Tame*, of Parmlncton, ham e n t ^ suit In the Davie Supertal Conrt lor damages In the:^anm of <T5.ooo.fro'm the Sontheni Pobllc ntilitles company for Ininries al- ' leigni to have been renlved In an automomlle accident at the inlcr. . sMiion of North Hsiln and -West Ponrth streeta In Wlnston.Salem In Mareh; 1931 •: The eomplalnt al.; legeMhat an atttomoMIe In, which the'MleaM JamM w ^ riding waa almek hy a motor tr& k of the P. tJi was rmibonsiMe for the col- llsim In which the ptalotlSs’ snttw ed aerions and permanent injuries including broken hones, cuts aboni . the; face and eye Injuries. ' Attorney, B. C. Brack « Ralelgb last Tnesdav to attend the funeral and burial of Mrs. Will Coiey, who was killed In an auto. moiille srreck on tbe 13th. Mr. Coley wa* seriously injured in the wrMk. H eisanative of Davl* a aon. of the late Mr, and Mrs. Jamea Coiev, of this city. ' Misses Ruth and Rebecca Foster, local telephone operators, .tteuded a meeting of the_ Southern . Tele, phone Co., operaiats at ^Danville. , V» , Thursday. After the bosl. ness meeting a banquet . was held at the Burton Hotel. There were about 60 present, and the young ladles report a delightful tir Jack Alllsoii and Cecil Morrla., of this eltyj IBnck Allison, of Wll. thington and Willlaui LeGrand of ' Florida, spent the past week on crute of the .miiico ,Radio a«id Television corpWation to Bermuda: They made the trip aboard ;the S. Mobareh of ^ermnda, and at* expected home today. ■ Mra. Dewev Casev.,of Fayette- J, ville,' is speindlng this ;'week'ia tow wUhhoipe'fplk*.- S '’ i ' ’ .' Rev; and Mr*. W. H.'Dodd'aod ' aoii. Waltei are apending the aum. mer al their home.at Ridgecreat. Mra. H. D Ward, of Greens horo spent the week end in town wit'b her parent, Revi and Mn. 'O . Banks. ' f . Mr. and Mra. Cepbaa Chrlallau and Mra Brokwhrough. of Lyneb- horg. Va., spent Friday itight and : Saturday io town with reii m K f m m It can he readily viahalli^ that the pawing of event* as p^ipualy described will cause \all functions of govemmeni to auto* matically gravitate towaM the Kinc of Kings and I^ d ot Lords whose right it is to reign. He will tabllsb a single kingdom a perfSct theocracy. He w o rk ^ aeodlng forth t44.oob em. basssdors to teach principles of rigbteousneni to all. who. aurvived the pre Millennial Cleaning tit tbi earth; The prinelples of theocrat. Ic govemihent will then be estab. tlshed. It will promote righteous, m s rather thsn l^slate It, There will te a uniform world wide ap. plication of all laws and adminis. tratlve tioHeles with two great world caoltol. from which the so. pervlsi ry funettons of government will go forth; All genius and en. ergv, government, economlea and sodalii.4encewlll .be gekr^ to single aim, the . ■ comfort, reSne. ment, Instrnelibn and Improvement the hnman fsm llvVTbe regula. tIon of affairs, righteously admin. Istered bv bumble servants of tbe Priesthood, will provide at laat the ntopian perfection for which men have dreamed and dM dowo\tbru tbe,'eentnries. In an atmosphere of^harroooy and acb.ieven»mt tbet* will be neither armi« nor navie*. prisons nor policemen—onlv jud. «es, whMl< and temple.. For all who dwell on the earth during the thousand .vears of peace there will he no shadow of Ignorance concern. Ing the reality .of Cod or the. ptir. pose of hi* plsns'for the welfare'of the race. As has been pointed out^ijBt tlw very beginning of the'Millen|um every knee ■ ahati bow and tonicne cnnfesa the! Jeans is the Chrls|.-.far'in that day they shall see with tbeir own eyes and marvel at His glory. They may not all agree to im ^ latd ir accent the divine IfREAD THEtADi I woMAtrswoiuj> ^ Stniwliernf Time ' OiHs Forth Your Canning Efforts XXTHEN the strawberries ban# VV bright and inacious on tbe plittta and the Aubarb is phik and tender, get out the kettle and put up rour flrat bitches <d Jam •nd'idbr. Their luscious flavors nudte tiiem a- favorite spread and their lovely ceiors will cheer you. 00 any'drieary day. Bhnbarb«tr»wberry Jnm (Makee • medhun flasaea)1 penna tUe re«.atolked rhe. IM «nM le rip e i • 4 w berrlea j b e x p e w « e r^ p ectb i SUee H iubarb th in b u t do n o t peeL C rush fully rip e w ashed b e r­ ries. o ne la y e r a t.a tim e so th a t e a c h b e n y Is red u ced to a pulp. C om bine IrulU . P la c e in larg e aaucepan an d add pectin. SU r un> til.m b ctu re 'm m es to a h a rd bolL S tir In su g ar a t once. B ring to a ttia roO ing boQ an d boU h a iil oiie m inute, stirrin g cM istantly. Re* m ove fro m h e at; sk im off foam wlQi m e tal spoon. L e t stand for 9 ;to 7 m inutes, stirrin g o n c e .in a w hile to p re v e n t floating fruit. L adle q u id cly , into g lasses and of God, ;bnt lieitber will they! be able to 'claim' agnostic'Ignorauee cbaeeming b'i* exisfencei Sptnk. ing of tbia fact the prophet lere- miab declared: "And they shall teach no inore every mau bis tielgh., bor,'and every mati ' hie lirotlier, savins; Know the Lord, for they shall know me,.from the'least of them unto the greatest of them, leremlab. 31 !34. Another prophet •••nieearth shall he. {nil of the knowledge of the Lord ,aa the waters cover' the aea,’' All prayera will receive a direct, .and prompt rehponse. Io fact, the Lord told the prophet Isaiah that 'Before thev call, .I siiir aoaws and while they are yet speaking, win bear..’* In that day what*®, ever yoy man shall a«k shall* be given him. Dnring the Millenium the • glass darkly,” spoken by Paul in I Cor. isiia. wblch.be. clondatbe perspective of mortd men will he nnioved and we ah^l to koow and nnderatand ail things. Yes. the Xonl has said hefor£ that day He'Will revejl ail tblngs which have passed and bid. den things which no mao knew. Among theae tressorea to he reveal, ed will he many., .of tfie ancient Jcrlptureii wjilch, hav* -.hera, lost Among t h » will be Includ^ the fkwk M B'noch,'(we r«<< ii« fade Where the apoatle quoted from tbe book of Enoch, .about the comlog of the Lord) Tbia. Book 'will throw addrf light u pij suhjecta we now are. not .^ 11 . formed abont. „We ire given amall amount ot Informaiioh'ln the old testsment about the lost trihea led away In the land ot the ndiih; and we only had tbe kingdom 01 Judah left of the . twelve tribea Some day we will 'receive them with iheir history M ore the ae. cond cbmiog of tbe Lord. P .- M -l-B B N N B rr. -i-. T an oan b e na' p ^ d d t yen r la m an d leH y aa' tb ia hinnem afc- e r. P eeU n Is p k fc rre d to r a tra w berry beean se Jt e n ts d e im cook*i^aaves ,ti»e.itta-.. elana ra d color and fl»Vair, 'er'tbe. Im ry . B b a b a ^ m a k es n gaad le a rn w U b a tr a w b e ^ foe; J ' c o ^ ^ w ith a la y e r o f m elted S lra^ rry J««y iltakea t medbiro glaases) tH ^ a a rta rip e rtraw b errtea t k w p a w te re l pecO a .. S cn * a s a s a r' ■ . . W ash b erries an d . b u n . C rush thsrousK lr. P la ce In a jolly b a l (you'U noU ce H u t cookU a t o ; « t tra c t th e iu lce h as b een etlm i- n a ted to p reserv e th e color and O avor a t th is .jm lnt). p r t s l the h a s a n d M u leeiT o u t Juice. PreM file b ag w ith a m a sh e r to ex tra c t a ll Juice. T his should give you SW cups. A trac tio n o f th e la st h alf cup m ay b e RUed w ith w ater. B lend Juice w ith pectin a n d - u ls c o ver heat. L e t m ix tu re com * to a b a rd boll. sU r in su g ar, th en coo* a t a h a rd boll lo r one m inute, stir, rtn g constantly. R e m o v e J e B y l^ beat, sum an d p o u r Into sterllteed d a S se s; C over w ith m elted pae^ trW ASiNICE A doMor tells about the oM gen­ tleman who was; , sick. 80 aide, in that Kir family waa gathered at the bedside. As fami- lie* will do, they all ’ srare trvim to cheer him up. “ilTour color It better,” a son said. "You’re breathing easier," aii. other temarkcd.. , ‘ “Thank goodness,” sighed the old man. “It'» nice to know Tm going to die cured.” ) lO O MUCH WASHING Old Gent: What are y o u cty- ifig for, sonny? » ':i.Small Father if ain t (or a new soap, and every'time a cus> tomer C o rn e l l get washed to show It o f t j INIBADSHAPB Dorothy, leamhig to dress her- adf. tearfully approached her mo- thcB, *l'can*t fasten my dress, Mama.' The buttons are all in the back and I’m' in .'the front.' D EN O T ES Moore—Did 1 understand that you hoiieht this house (or a aong? Lease—Welj, no. not ezaaly; what I did waa >0 buy it on note*. W jlONGSTRAW At adrras a >houghtful4oofcing gentleman «ood {or a long time, stuilving a camel. At length, he stooped, picked up a straw, and fUeed it on' the camel'a back. Nothing iiappened. , "Wiong atraw," the man shrug­ ged, then walked away. THB STAIT P F LIFE A buahiesaman thought hla staff rather laxy.and_ indifferent, so he pitmed up die following notice on the bulletin board. “Hriadiatheaiaii of life, but that is no reason the life of our staff ahould be one continual loaf.* Our County And Sodal Secarity Bv Louis H. Clement, Manager. ' Many young people, think of »o- cial security as something exclus­ ively for old , folks—people over 65. Of course, it is important to folks when they retire, but it mav lie of even greater importance to the family of a voung married man, should he die leaving a young md- ow and little children. Every iiigh school pupil should know about the many important changes that the 1954 amendments made in the social security law. Not only were ten million more people brought under thelptotection of the old- age and survivors insurance pro. gram, but heneiit^ amounts were increased. In addition, the maxi­ mum possible payments, were rais ed by incteasing the amount of wages of seK-empiovment income on which ''social security taxes must be paid from $3,600 a year to *4,200, ■Jhe la r^ t single new group brought utider the program for the iirst time is faitn operators to the tune of 3.6 million. Adding in the 2.2 million^ farm worliers also newly covered, the new farm coverage will make it possible for nearly six million more Ameri­ cans to have, .'the same insurance protection already available to wor. kers in commerce and industry Other newly included groups are clergymen, professional engineers, architects, accountants, funeral di tutors, and more employees of State and local government. Your district social security of­ fice will be happy to provide apeaker for h i^ school classes in government, social studies, accoun ting, etc Your teacher can make arrangements quickly over' the telephone. For further iuformatioo, con tact the Social Security Office. 301 Post Office Building, Salis­ bury, N. C. Ifyou have any question con cemhigvour social security, you might write us at 361 Post Office BjUding, Salisbury, N. C., or ace out representative who visits the Court House, Mocksville N. C., on the first and third Fridavs each moiith from 12:30-1:30. Eye U s a s Vitamin A to Help ^5 See J ^ ^ ^ J T S L T u s l o 'r i ; **** . ._____• cftva it's^ K t a r k n e s s t sc ie n c e say s It's ■ates from V itam in A NODDED m s HEAD ' He wa* agreen Scotti*h ladand one of hit duties was to the telephone. The first time he wat called to do *0, in reply ’to the usual query, “Are you there?" he nodded assent. Agai. the question came, I Wlien.itjwa* lepeated for the '1 fourth ilitte, however, the boy, losing his temper, roared through the ttaiMmitter: r "Man.'^eve Win'? I’ve ijeen iMi4din'nu held for the last half •otirl" ■' CAME W rn i HBR HEAD The yolmg. lover was obviously ------------------ feeling out a heavy line trying to '^JS?»r«ll?°Wn5“ X imptea*4hebeaatlfol young girl .«m»lbina headllrt\*‘ because at hit aide.'"Those warm lip*. ,ffi°b ie a c to ^ jh ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ And those beautiful evetl Where did you g«.ho.c.year- W ^rtoTup a new supply. . The girl, unimpressed. -They millions 61 nerve ends. /---------. a o n e caU ed ■‘ro d s" a n d o th ers ■■eones,t! becau se o f th^jlr different sh tp M . t h e ro d s a re sp reth e euU re surface o f th e retin a, an d re sp o u l w ithout g re a t d e tail to . lig h t «C v a ty ln c brighbteas___dod toTbe efaw* t n bi ttw center only, and «s-> «ond bi anest detail to color, as «eU aa to Ulbt, form, ^ move­ment Weisee mabily witb the cotwa b> dayllgbb'when the pup0opening la amall, but the rsda take over tbe principal lob m dbn light dwt tlw pupa ia wide epsa. ;y '-■ - • ■ • ' Shoaf Coal & ; Sajnd Co, We Cm Supply Your Needa INGOOD'COAL,v S M b rad BRICK oc ^oneU a At Any Time PHONE m iotaM lP iw teB tlckfcC o«ieo THE GIFT SHOP Mr*. Chriitine W . DanieK Seen Along Main Stieet Ry T he S tieet Ram bler 000000 George Hendric'<s drinking Urge vanilla milksliake—Mrs. R ot Saf* lev trvinR to cross Main street on foot througii lieaw traffic—Will Markland and Lonnie Wagoner loitering around in front of bus station—lim Fuller buUdine fine shoe display in SanfonI*s Depart, ment Store window—Mrs. William Murchison doing some warm dav shopping—lune Greene sitting in Soda Shoppe perusing movie ma- Qazinc—Mrs. S. B. H all. pausing drug store for refreshments— Miss Bettie Messick buving birth*’' day present—Miss Eva McCulloh doing some shopping in apothe­ cary shoo—I. M. McDaniel part* ins with steel engraving of Abe Lincoln—Mrs. E. H. Clontz look* ing at spring dresses in drv goods store—Miss Cornelia Hendridca sclUnp theatre tickets while eating cone of chocolate ice cream —Snow Beck rambling around town on hot morning—Young tourist from ; . Ontario, Canada, borrowing ^ ket­ tle of water to cool his motor af­ ter driving 2,600 miles —Woodrow Wilson and James Thompson on street corner conversing on warm afternoon—^Jason Branch on his ■ wav to local cafe—Miss Josie Fos­ ter doing a little before dinner shopping-Miss Saltie Hanes on her wav to banking house—Mrs* C. J. Wilson and Mrs. Robert Fos­ ter sittinR' in parked auto near court house watching the world go bv—Miss Ossie’AllisOT talking about recent sojourn in Florida- Three legal lights lined up in a row alongside, bank building—Mrs, W. Hill working in dry good* store display window—Mrs. D r J. Mando and small son doing some early morning week*end shopping —Dave Beck on his way aroiuid the square, pausing to remark that be had.just finished planting his watermelon patch - Bailev Walker carrying col^ drinks into movie theatre—Edward Hooper caught washing svrup containers in drug store-M rs. A. T. Grant and Mrs. Harry Murray shopping around in Sanford’s Department Store— Mrs. Jack Pennin^n looking at shirts of many colors in Men*s Shop—Gilmer Brewer a.id George Shutt discussing automobiles iii front of Davie Cafe—O. L. Hark- ev on his wav down Main street —Mrs. pd Howard looking -with lonKing eves at Henrv Poplin sllc* ing lean country cured ham—Les­ lie Daniel buying gallon of straw­ berries tresh off the vines—Mavor fohn Durham and Countv School Suberintendent Curtis Price talk* ing over the situation in front of auto store—^Mfs. J. A. Daniel en­ joying cone of ice cream in drug store—Mack Kimbrough. Jr.» be­ ing fitted up with some new spring clothes in Men's Shop -M r*. S. S. Short looking ac prettv shopping bag at Saiiford’s big store—Mrs. Lester .McCulloh on her wav up Main street—Small boys riding on merrygo-round in Wallace 5 and dime store. of 4' . NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ha^hg qualified as executrix of the estate of H. h Carter, deceas­ ed* late of Davie County, North Carolifiap this la to notify all pei • holding claims against said es> __J, to present them to ehe under­ signed within 12 months from date hereof, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recoverv. All peraont. owing said Mtate will make immediate settlement. This Aprtil6.1955a VIRGINIA .vARTBR POWELL. Exrx. of R J. Carter. Decs'd. B. C. Brock; Attorney. W« don't Hke to make nwrk* aflcr.roariuuii*. HILLTOP Service & Supply HOPES TO SERVE YOU EVEN BETTER IN 19S5 Gas, Oil Suppliet Also A Nice Line Of {Vegetable*, And; Staple Giucerie* W e Appreciate|Your ^ B ndneti J. wTlilLL Owner m mm■i-ifihsv PAGBTWO THE DAVIE RECORD. C. FRANK STROUD, EDITOR. TELEPHONE Bntered »ttb«Poatofflce inMoeln- *01*. N. C.. u Saeond-itlum Mull mttter. March <t. IMS. :SOBSCRIPnON RATES: ONE YEAR. INN, CAROLINA 11.80 StX MONTHS m N. OAROUNA • TSc. ONE YEAR. OUTSniC ATATK > SIX MONTHS. OUTSTDESTATR • tl.OO Don’t worrv about ihe^ orher f«11ow8 troubles'—think ik vour own and vou will be kept pretty busy. ______________ Onlv a short month until the blackberry season will be on in full blast. And the price of sugar doesn’t come down fast. All are hoping that the North Carolina legislature .will adjourn soon and let that body of law* makers come home and so to work at manual labor—those who know how to eain a living from the sweat of their brow. The strawberry crop in Davie this spring has been about as large as usual despite the severe freeze about the time early berries were beginning to bloom. With a good blackberry crop in prospect this summer we mav be able to make tongue and buckle meet if our de­ linquent subscribers will come a. round and shell out the amount they are due as.________ Vacation Bible School T h e Daily Vacation Bible Sdiool will be held at Eaton Bap* tist Church beginning on Monday May 23rd at 9:00 ofclock and will continue each day for one week. Commencement exercises or par* ents night will be held Friday even­ ing* May 27 th at 8KX) o*clock. We Invite all children in the c urch coinmnnitv and surround­ ing communities to attend. Plans are beinc made for a good school. Bowden Overseas 7th Biv., Korea—Pyt. lohn M. Bowden. |r., whose wife Bettv, lives a^435 Wilkesboro St.» Mocks* ville N. C., recently arrived in Korea and is now a member of the 7th Infontcy Division. Continuing its traini ig, th Boyonec” division the only U. S. Army division ihat has remain^ ed in Korea sinec the cease fire. ' Bowden, son of fohn M. Bow* den, Advance, entered the Army in November 1954 and completed basic training at Fon Jackeon* S. C. He'is a 1947 graduate of Clem­mons High Sschool. Mrs. John Kimmer happy Occasion The children and friends of Mr* and Mrs. Tavlor Call, of Mocks- ville. Route 4, gathered at their home on Sunday for **Mo^er*s Day.’' Dinner was spm d.on large tc^le in the yard. About fifty were present for the ocaasion. Mrs. Call received a large corsage at Liberty Methodist Church for having the most children preseri^t, six. Ail were present except Os car who is in the Armed Forws in Korea. The day wm happily spent in singing and talking of old times. Those present were: Mls Seth McDaniel and child* Ten Patty* Bemis, Joyce and Linda Sue, and Mis-s Edna Mae Call, of Washington, D. C., Mr. and Mrs. Graham Call, and son Michae of Greensboro, Mr' and Mrs. Ralph Call and chiUren Barbara, Janet and Sarah of MocksviUe, Route 4« Mr.‘ and Mrs. Charles Call and daughter Peggy o f Mocksville Route 3, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Call and son Perry, of Salisbury, 'Mrs. Oscar Call and children, Linda lo and Bobby, Modteville Route 2, Pfc. Jimmie Call, otCamp Lajune, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Doss and son o f Salisbury, Charles Roseman, of Salisbury,' Mrs Min> nie Mavbury, of Mocksville Route 4, Mr. and Mrs. Oicar Lee Poplin of Mocksville, Route 3. Bud B. Drury, Washington, D. O, Miss Tenkie Doss, Woodleaf, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Tutterow and child* ren of Mocksville Route 2. Mr. and Mrs. Eleragr, of Mocksville, Rouk 4. All left wishing Mrs. Call many more happy 'Mother's Days. t t lt DAVIB RBOORD. lioCKBVlLt.E.' B. C .'MAT 18, IMS Duke lam ^ t ttudent tt N .ll 'C. Chapel Hill, q>ent tiro d.y* ~ with bis pattnla. Mr. and Mn. CUrence }amn. icemtir. C C Walker Chatmei C. Walker^ 80. of Bix' by, died at 10:30 liSt Tuesday night ac Lvnn Haven Nursing Home in this dty. ' Mr. Walker had been in declining health for some time. He was a native of Davie Coun* IV, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Walker, and spent his entire life in the countv. He was in the mercantile business at Bixby iPor about 35 years. Surviving are the wife, o n e da’ ghrer, Mra. G^'orge R. Hend* ricks, of this city; two) brothers. Roy C. Walker, of Winston-Salem and Charles P. Walker, of Lexing* ton; o n e granddaughter, Mrs. Charles Woodruff, cf this dry. Funeral services were held at 5 p. m., Thursday at Macedonia Mo* ravian Church, with his pastor,> Rev. Norman Byerly officiating, assisted by Rev. Georgs Bruner, and the body laid to rest in die cborch cemererv. In the death of Mr. Walker the editor of Tlie Record lias lost a long rime friend. We have known him for nearlv* half a ^ntury. He will b« sadly missed in bis community, wliere he spent a long and useful life. He was a Chris* tian-gentleman, one of the noblest works of God. To the beneav^Mrs Emma Beck Kimmer, 70, d j j ^widow of lohn Kimmer, died »l f™ ilv The Record extends deep Il:15 p. m.. Tuesday at her home In Calahain Township. She had been in declining heahh several months and seriously ill three days. sympathy. Vl^illiam Stiroud Surviving are three daughti-rs, William (Bill) Stroud, 71. re*:four sons, nine grandchildren; one, farnier of Harmony Route 1,brothtr, and one «i.^ter. was found dead at the barn near Funeral services were held ar-2 » May 9th. p2 m., Thursday at Ijames Cross Mr. Stroud reportedly had suftRoads Baptist Church. Rev. fered from a heart ailment ondC. Barkley and Rev. O. E Ward was due to natural causes. officiated. Burial was in the church cemetery.He had been at home alone all dav while Mrs. Stroud was at work , Statesville. A neighbor had Mrs. MaryMessick Mrs. Marv Me««lck, 71. diad at! the widow, fom>-her home near Countv Line last criv Miss Hattie White; and two Tuesday, [brothers, Wheeler Stroud and Survivng are one wn. Henrv Stroud of Harmonv. Route daughter, a number of sttpchild-, ' . , . .ren, :imone them, Mr*. Jack Bow* Fun^l sewces were held at les, of Mocksville, and one brother. Glarksbury Methodist Church, Funeral «tvice. were held at Society Baptist Church at 2!30 p. Wedntidw m., with Rev. C. C. H.'lard, Rev.Ltland Rovsrer, and Rev. a wHutchins officiating, and ibebodv well Hendenan. and the body Uid laid to re« in the church cemetery. “ .'I* <* . .. The <udden death of Mr. Stroud J. E, Burton J. 6. Burton, 82. died at the |;C'me of his tmn, T. R. Burton, at Jerusalem at noon Friday. He hud been sick for the past 24 years. Surviving are one son, three daughter «rwo brothers and two btouj^tsadness to a host of friends in Dave and Iredell coui to the c«Mnmunitv where he spent a long and useful life. Mrs. Gwyn Keys of Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Slierman Uendrieks and son, of Deritia, Mrs. Robert McCanless. and daughters, of Sal* isbury. Mr. and Mts. Lawrence Funeral services were held at 3 Smith and children of Coolcemee, p. m Sunday at Corinth Church and Mr. and Mrs. Robert James of Chnsr, and the body laid to and children of this city, spent rest in the Providence Lutheran Sunday with Mrs. Frances James Church cemetery.. . ahi daii^ter Jiilia« No.otker IS so r ic fr ta ^ vet so mid m PA T O jB iC i^. MOCa^LLR' B. c.. MATf-18. tWS PAGE TBRBE ftlG DIAMOND Going Strong Ladies and Men's Diamond Rings Reduced 25% Six Piainond Wedding Sat In White Gold Reduced From $79 50 To $59.63 Watches For Men And Ladies Bulova, Elgin, Gruen Watches At Atlracfive Prices. Beautiful Selection Of Costume Jewelry Fountain Pens and Pencils. Nice Line Greeting Cards For All Occasions Look Oyer Our Stock Of Graduation Cards Foster’s Watch Shop Piione 247 Court Square ■ We Are Celebrating Our For 32 Years We Have Been Serving The People In Mocksville And Surrounding Territory W e Have Tried At All Times To Handle The B st In Fresh and Cured Meats, Poultry, Fish, Vegetables, Fruits, Heavy apd Fancy Groceries We Appreciate The SusineM You H*ve' Given Us In The Pa>t • And Trust That You Will Let; Us Serve You In The Future We Appreciate Your Business ALLISON JOHNSON CO. PHONE ill SALISBURY STREET THE RECORD. dideiit Pkper In nw Coontir N o U q w o r. yVine^ Beer Ad* NEWS AROUND TOWn. Roy Holthouaer spent Thurs­ day morning In Wlmton-Salem on bu^cM . ' Mrs. Cbnrod Chappell and Mira Jeiiie Libby Sttoud spent Wednes­ day in Chatlotce on business. I M k Adam LeoniTd, Mis. Demp- syCllnardand Mrs. Oscar Poln- dextet, df Advm«e,'wefe in town shopping Thursday. Insnilladi^ oCV F. W, officers will take place Friday evening at 8 o’clock the hut. All members utged to be present. ^ Dr. and Mrs. Henry S. Ander­ son returned Sunday hom Nor^ folk, Va., where Dr. A nd er^'at­ tended a medical meeting.' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott and children, of Shelby, were week­ end guests of Mrs. Elliott’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L E. Feeior. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marshall, of Route 3. are the proud parents of a son who arrived at Rowan Memorial Hospital on May 10th. Mr. and Mn, Alton Smith and little daughter, Roxanne, of Green- aboro, spent Thursday in town with Mr. Smith's father, Robert L. Smith. ' - Mr. and Mrs, Lonnie Whitaker and Mr. and Mis. Jack McClam- rock were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raynal Bsgwdl in Rock Hill, S. C. Mr. <»>d Mrs. Zollie M. Ander­son, of Calahain. ate the proud pareiits of a fine son wbo arrived . at Rowan Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, May nth. - James Dally/of Rockwell was in towti'one day last week on busi­ ness. Mr. Daily reports that work on his new fumltuie plant in that town is pf0gr|ssslhg rapidly. Miss Josephitie Millet; a stud­ ent at Mary Washington College. Pianof ^ Louise S ^ d ptesented her piano pupils in their, amual Vting recilal in die Moc|wvin« High ^ o O l Auditorium Friday evening. May 13th, at 8:00 o’clock. Pupils taking part on tke pto- gram were Jane Hbwatd, Karlin Walker, Aiine Foster. Batbira Ann Davis, Maretha Ann Foatn, ~Dt. anne Hendrkks. V\mita Blackwe^ der, Martha Kiser, Barbara and Kay Chapman, Melva lean Carter, Rachel Bowles, Linda Shertill, Lin­ da Carter, Elaine Smith, Kay La­ nier, Marv Ann Glasscock, Barba­ ra Ann Smoot, Linda Hendricki, Connie Dell Wagner, Jane Row. land, Jackie Dult; MatOyn Spen­ cer, Sue Carmer, Dianne Smith, Linda Hartley, Gail Tones', lune Gieene, Sylvia, Unda and Brenda Stroud, Getald jones, Jimmie Tut< tetdwi-Dwain Furches and P. C Grubbs,Jr. At the conclusion of the. pro. gram, awatds - were piesented a number of the students for out* standing ^ievement. Miss Stroud was presented a gift from the class. Ushers tor the occasion were Lynda Crawford and Clara Sykes Grduun. ; • Ft^eticksbuiai, Va., went days teelratly widi her patents, Mr. and Mrs. “Buck" Millet. • At omev George W. Martin and Don Headen attended a Ro.tary luncheon at Leaksville last Tuesd . to the Tuesday. Attorney, Martin q>^e K> the dub f ollowfaig the luncheon.. 'Michael, little son of Mr. and M n G«>r^ E. Smith, ot Route 5. who has been quite 111 at Davia Hospital, Statesville, is much to- tet and was btou^t home iHt week. Mr. andM is.B. H. Float re­ turned Sunday from Anderson, S; C , where thfv spent two'weeks with Mrs. Froi^s father, who re- cendy fell and sustained painful injuiies, Mr. and Mrs. William Call, ot Sehna, arrived here last week «> apend aeveral days with Mr..Ca!l> Inother. S. M. Call, and sisters. Mrs. James Thompson and Miss Martha Can. Miss Marilyn Spncer.'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Spencer, re. turned la st week ftom Rowan Memorial Hospital, where she spent several days reeovering from an appendicitis opeotion: Rev. and Mri. Alyii /%eshlie .attended iKe M avDw ptogtam at Catdner Wdib Golfege,, Birfllog Springs- N*. C. ■ ----- — "vi' “■Mias l^ancy wHI arrive home Msv 23rd. to spend the soihmer holh days, following the gra^thm ek- C’dses; -.desses TaneRol^ionjM ™«st CVwt, Nancy Ladiam, Bill S o ^ I BUI Benson^stiidenn ^t_Ap- dn summer...------- ----- .am was a member of the gtaduat* Ingdass. . ; Mr. and Mts. Mts.' K enn^ 1e dftUBntw who s. C ., fo r th e p art tw o w a » , where Sgc D w latlnt WM t t t t l ^ i t Port ed bis hononble d w A im v. _____'discharge (nm ______T hey win occupy dieif ___/ h ^ o n W llkesboio sA ld i: has Just been Zaiit^ of Route It celebrated their tetlal and ^ipm ent for the new aolden wcddlnganiilveisary Sun-'Davie County consolidated high A n n i^ ro f ^ v i » and'jdioolbuildlnv are bemgsought. “•* V . ! - tpt them many more' an n lvet^ Ies. Mr. and Mrs. VanZaht have •«>» containing a total of 50,000 S l^ t diek m :te life in' ^ their square'f«t, are to bc.bullt. mtlyeoounrr.:H>e.Reeetd joins ftiends In wishing for them many more years lii this good world. »ANT ADS PAT. Win cate for sman childten at mv home. ANNIE LBEO’NEAL Route 4 Modcsvme.N: C WAZ4TED—Several tirb to ad­ dress, mad postcards, spare time every week. Write Box 161, Bd- mont, Mass. Mocksville High School News e a n n a SILVERDIS. Reporter. ;Mre and M fte lh o m tt A . Van- Bids For Ikhool Bids for fom ishing o f la b o r,) FOR RENT — 4-taom house near Qames X Roads, with lights and water, bath and telephone. Good chicken home.' Call on or write. . F. V. GOBBLE,Modcsville, Route 1. Plai med, repaired, rebuilt, refinished or restyM. Free esti­mate*. New and used pianos. Anything musical. Easy terms. Write for prices. 8tarlitig.Thomas Music Co. 629 N. Trade St. Winston-Salem Princess Theatre WEDNESDAY , Johnny WeissMuller In “TARZAN E SC ^ E S" ■ Cartoon & Cumdly IN CINEMASCOPE THURSDAY & FRIDAY “3EVEN BRIDES FOR SEVEN BROTHERS” Widi Howad I M & lane Powell In Technicolor News SATURDAY “THUNDER PASS” With Dane Ctark, Andy Devine & Dorodiy Patrick Cartoon - Serial IN CINEMASCOPE MONDAY & TUESDAY ‘HIT THE DECK” In Techni- Jane 1) Tony I PoweU News DAVIE UOUNTTS BIGGEST SHOW VALUE ADM. I«e aDd 9Be Get Ready For The Planting Season Now SEE u s FOR Cole Planters and Distributors The Se iois are headlintiig the news at M. H. S. these days. ' much seems to be'golng on, prac­ ticing for gtaduatloii,,havln* final exams, and the like. Seniors who winbe ;«alking down the aisle come May 20th, are: John Sam- uel Braswell. Ill, Charles Wayne Hendtickfc Edward Lee Hooper, Wayne Leonard, Blllv Gene Mel­ ton. Wade Junior Richardson, Jas. Norman Riddle, George EdwaM Rowland, Troy Wilson Taylor, Bil­ ly WatsoA Trlvette, Harold Gene Trivette, Samuel Edwin Waters, Jn Shelbv lean' Allen, Donna Lee Anderson, Constance Bernice At­ wood, Dtelsa Atm Barnette, Betty Grey Beauchamp, Virginia Grey Boger, Alice Faye Ellb Clonts, Ola Mae Cook, Peggy Louise Cook, Lena Grey Comatier, Carol For­ rest, Reba Ann Furches,. Oara Sykes Grahain, Joyce Marie Greene Bdtie Chunn Greene; Doris Jane Jones, Shi.le. Mav Jones. Elisa­ beth Ann Kutfees, Sylvia Anii Laird, M.irv Belle Lanieri Mary Nell McChnirock, Alice Marie McDaniel, Bettie Sue Messic, Ann Anderson Owing*, Margatet Ma­ rie Pendry. Marietta Rumniaae^ Diann Sheek, Deanna A le i^ dra SUveidis. Matcle Joett Thom­ as, Shirley Ann Wyatt, lane Carol York, and Evona York. Mondav n ig h ty P.T. A. met fora brief business session after which was held a -teceptidn for the ^ io r» in the Home ix. Lab. Sunday evening tW baccalaur­ eate sermon vui delivered in the auditorium at 8 o'clock by Prof. E. H. Beaty fflfn Davidson Collece: fh e graduatioil exercises wiH be, held Friday evening. May ZOdi, at 8 o’dock. The speaker for thi* occasion will be Dr. B. G. Chads, ftom Duke Univetnty. After a vety brief campaign BU. ly Sell won over Hentr Schuttthe title of Student Com al President for next year. It was voted by .the Student Council of this year that the Student Body President ,for next yearsliouKi be elected in the spring so that be would be better prepatnJ for hie job next falL Mrs. C. C Smodf Mrs. Mary I^ ie' Smoot, 67, Wife of Charies ainton f n ^ of: the Kappa Community, d id May^ 9th, at her home, following, a per­iod of dediniiig health and one.; month's serious illness. '' j , ^irvivots, in . addition to her ■sb^'indude tivo sotu and a daui^ter, Adas md John SmoM and Mrs. M. C. Deadmon, att of Mocksville. Funetal a e tv ^ w w heU^M 3; S S g-»*fi£S !S FISHERMEN! I Have Bought TQM’S LAKE North of Mocksville/on 601, ' And Have Juit R elived The Lake With Cats and Carp One Lake Vith Brim And Ban W. A. ELLIS Complete Line Of Repairs Rankin - Sanford Implement Co. Your International Haivester Dealer Phone 96 M o ^ v !U e ,N .C ■ -.i ■ .5 ' r JOHNNY MIUER, popular radio star of WTOB so/s, "My wMe has always used light Karo for cooUng ...and on the foWe—if’s dark Karo for me, the best-tasting eating syrup of ’em all" Yes, indeed.Mbiscuits go like hot calces wlieil you pour on plenty of delicious dark Karo... there’s nothing like it for good eating. Satas- fyin* flavor. So rich it stands rigi»t up on top « of biflcuita (keeps 'em light and flufly). Keep • Kaio on your table moming> noon and n^hl ... it tops anything! A«k yoor grocer for DARK Karo, In ,pinl ond quart boHiOt 4fivt in. hoks ■ (MycortoHsRsM w M lo d ,b ,m H Aliw in power Alive in features A new V8 and two new Sims raadi nw Mgks ii kofsapewsr and perfermoKa Yoii certainh watt life in your . And wllh the choice of poi. Yee^m l get:aiqr more life in auto- aafeife a^^£idiaa'Clie«inlet's “BodyhrFishn/^TIiose Otee words say -------------------^Ikei^ieassutiiigdiiiim youcan v year, you’ve got wliat it takes to cany. sw about automobile bodies. "Bod|y. you into a whole new world otmotor- by Fishei" is found in many of mg confidence and pleasure. How gine. And wilh the choice of power- Uirillets that Cheviolet offers you tills AmoicB's most hixuiiaus cats.about (tying the V8 soon? Never found on o car of Chevrolet's price fcefore Ami-dive brakingthat means heads-up stopping. 12-volt electrical system.de- livers twice Ute punch. Ball-Race steering malccs steering and parking easier. But try these things for your­ self. Teli^honc or come in and let us arrange a demoiistration soon. SAIES ilADM FOR I* STRAIOHr YEAM OtOtt o MW amvnl9> Ihraufh m, tbw pick II «t th* plant In rilM. MIcM- 9on, ««« ChevroUH l>vlll. if VM llto, and drive b»m«.. Cttoncnyou'll (ova • (vMMittuI *h«« al yvtt PE34NINGTON CHEVROLET CO, INC IW • - MOCKSVILLE, N. ci \ ' PAQBVOUII. , . ■ ■■ / . .■ ■ • ' ? tB B O A m RtX»RD, MQCKSVIUE M. C.. MAY Is. iWC; BY DR KENNETH J. FOREMAN n Clir«nlcle» [•MiBt: U Corlnttiiiiw 'T ^ H E R E a re only th re e po»^ » A bilities w hen tw o perso n s or groups a re lined up o n opposite sid es of a fence. U jm y b e a fam ily q u a rre l, a a atto n a l crisi». a split in a d u ird ), a com m unity flght . . . IV hatever b e th e cause, w h atev er th e *‘fence” m ay be. th e re a rc really only th re e w ays th e tw o fa c tio n s can b e re la te d to each other. O ne is th e w a y o f bo a- lllity . T h e y c a n cut o(T all commu* n ication; they can refu se to h e a r any g o o d o f e a c h o th e r ; th e y c a n h a r p o n p a s t ^ — — w rongs: they can F o rem an open a shooting w ar. A nother w ay is th a t of com prom ise. They can each a g ree to som ething neither of th e m w ants, in o rd er to keep the other one from getting w hat he does w ant. O ne side can yield to the other not because of any friendliness b u t only because of fear. R«conciliotion T he tro u b le w ith both these w ays is th a t eith er one of th em leaves the tw o p artie s Just w here they w e re . H ostilities (cold o r hot) h a rm both sides. C om prom ise for selfish reasons actu ally brings th e p artie s no closer together: they w ill stay to g eth er only so long a s selfishness dictates, and they wiU split a p a rt a t th e next opportunity. T h ere U a b etter w ay: the w ay of recM iclliatlon. A part from religion, it is doubtful w hcttier tru e reoonefU ation ev er ta k es p lace; fo r it can b e fully done only in th e sp irit o f repent* ance first of all. and is nourished and strengthened only through the joining of h e a rts In w orship: This, b y th e w ay. Is w hy C hristian m a r­ riages hold together fa r. b ette r th a n m arriag es betw een people of little o r no religion. Q uarrels oc* cu r fn m ost m a rria g e s sooner o r la ter, C hristian o r not, T he b attle uf th e sexes is one fro m w hich no fam ily is free. B ut In a couple w ithout religion, U ttle q u arrels grow to big ones, husband and w ife e ith e r becom e enem ies and go se p ara te w ays, o r stay together only for the sake o f appearances, o r th e m oney, — not because of love. W ithout religion i« ra re . It is only in th e fam ily w ith a com m on fa ith ttiftt recon* d lia tio n is possible. W baa tta* end com es and it If ttm * fo r pray ers. It Hos W o rk ed R econciU atioa 1» n e t a th eo ry i tt is a f a c t tt h as a e tu a llr w m k t i. T h e H ebrew Book of O ironicle td ls of K ing H ezekiah's ezparience w ith h is neighbors to th e n o rth of him . T hey h ad b een d tlx en s of a seceding group, no doubt in* heriting m uch of th e b itte m e u th a t alw ays underlies secession a t an y tim e or place in history. T o th e ir inherited prejudices a g ain st th e K in g d o m o f J u d a h , fro m w hich th e ir fo refathers b a d re* volted, th ere w as ad ded th e sting of poverty and d efeat; fo r the seceding kingdom of Isra el liad finally gone down in w eakness to a final sm aah-up. Ih e left*behlnd citiz m s m u st h av e b een a n cm* b ittered lot. B ut K ing H esekiah se n t invitations to aU th ese peo­ ple,: recen tly his enem ies, to com e u p to th e T em ple and Join in th e g re a t P assover festlvaL M en enem ies w ere d raw n to g eth er in a com m on confession sin, and In a united w orship U th e ir one . G od. In th is sp irit broken P u r d ie s h a v e com e together again, in th if sp irit broken hom es h a v e been m ended, north ern ers end south* ero ers in the U nited S tates lieve forgotten th eir gran d fath ers' q u a r rels. It w a s In this sp irit th a t in 1948. com ing out of n a tid le th a t only’ th re e sh o rt y ea rs before h a d b een a t violent w ar. C hristian ch u rches around th e w orld cam e to g eth er for the first tim e In th e W orld C ounctt of C hurches,—bon* - o f repentance, cradled in w orship. Newr 100 Per Cent • I t n e v e r w orks 100%. T b ere w er4 unreconciled b ra e llte e w ho did n o t com e to the P assover; th ere a re Irishm en today w ho h av e n e v e r forgotten Crom w ell, aoulb> e m e rs w ho cannot forget Sber* m an , b itterly proud churchm en w ho refu se to be reconciled w ith a n y ch u rch b u t th eir own. W hen w e a tte m p t recondU ation w ith o th e rs, w e m ay not alw ays suc­ ceed. B u t w hich ,8 b etter, to try G o d 's w e y — fo r reconciliation is th d w a y h e h as show n us—even if w e d o n o t alw ays succeed, o r n o t to tr y a t all. and end in d a rk w ild ern ess of b itte r isolation? Model Broves Flames To Save—Lipstick SAN P R A H C IS C O -P at Ja m e s, a p re tty 21-ycar*old m odel, w ouldn i M caught dead w ithout h e r lip­ stick on. She proved th a t w hen a n early m orning A re sw ept th rough an old S an F ran cisco m ansion, trapping h e r and seven o th er re sid en ts in u p sta irs apartm en ts.W h e n F ir e m a n L e o S u tto n scram b led up an extension ladder to pluck M iss Ja m e s oft a th ird floor ledge, the g irl suddenly, d ucked b ack in to h e r smoke-fiUcd room . She app eared a few seconds la te r, explaining she h ad gone b a ck fo r h er lipstick. Pc>ien» FIcss ' GALAX. V irginia—Ja ck ie -F e lts. 10. just w asn’i in the m ood for « tonsillectom y nnd n eith e r snow, n u rse, nor c;*rcf«lly rispetl o p erat­ ing room c ciid fran .ce his ni.iid . Jnckie Jun-p:d the o n eral u? table, ran •>«» "-'ffooted, ihvougii a kv'- v in . n> t\w safety ol .:.s honit H e d=d strt.ie Cr.n.i ■ on -.otvt running In tfl.ttUng -i? nosi'l a statT, pol ce. ..nd cih o r n .er.-!; The n. High School Report Cord Tokes On New.Look CHICAGO—T he old re p o rt card isn 't Quite w hat it u sed to be. H V. H ennlger, sup erin ten d en t o f th e L ftk e v ie w c o m m u n ity schools a t D ecatur, Illinois, told the Illinois A ssoclaton of School B oards about h is d istric t’s new high school report.^ is a lolder 19 b>- 10 inchM w hich gives paren ts a com prchon. sive scven-lioilrt evalu au o ti ot the Student's progress in each study. R atings used ore sup erio r, above average, average, below av erage, and faUlng.T he puptt is rate d on how h e gets along w ith o thers, w hether he show s self-direcU cn. how critically h e read s and thinks, h is skill m speaking, listening and w riting, know ledge of su b ject m a tte r, use of special class skills, and total developirent Administratrix Notice Havins qualified as Administra­ trix of the estate of Fred S Orrell, deceased, late of Davie County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned within twelve months from date hereof, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their right to recover. AH persons ow- inc said estate will pi. ase make immediate feitU-mcnt. T h is th e 4 th day of Aiwil. I9S5. SARAH E. O RRELU Admrx. of Fred S. Orrell, Decs'd, Hall & Zacharv. Attorneys. NOTICE TO CREDrrORS Having qualified as Admlnlstra. trlx of the estate of Henrietta Dix on, deceased, nctlce is Kerebv- glv* en to.all peisons holdtnc claims aeainst said deceased to present the san:e, propany verified, to the undersitined, on or before the I4th Jay of April. 1956. or ihis notice will be plead in bur of recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please call and make prompt .etileinent. This the 14th dav of April, 1855. ROSA S.MIL1.ER. AJmtx. of Henrietta Dixon, Decs'd,Mocfcsville, N.C., Route 4, NOTICE OF SALE OF REALPROPERTY Pursuant to Ih* anthoritr vested ■D me by vhtueol an order of tke Clerk of Superior Court of Davie County, dated April 3o, tgss. In • special Proceeding entitled L. Word, et al vs. FrankHoUi . . . .__________ P. m «u, c. » FrankHoUon et al the nndentlgued eoiumlnioner wll will ofer far sale, at public aac. lion, for cash, oto the iist day of May, t955, at latoo noon, at the court bouse door In. Davie County, N. C., to the hiKbest bidder, .the followlDg described real property to.wit; Beghininc at a stone* conier .. Lot No. 3 l« the line of^be rooiid bill tract and rdnning TNortb 37 cbs, to a sioue, Le*i Ward's Hue. tbence IWeat's.q* eba. to « stone »ra<r of Lot N o.'s: tbence >7 cbs.■ Lot No. inlo atone corner o f i ~ — line 'of ronnd bill tract; tbence East S 9J cbs. to. the b e E ln n ln g , containloR I6 acres more or less, and being lot N o . 4 Fin tbe!}llvl. alenVf F . B . W a t * ReKlnnlncat a atone corner . . „ t N o . 4 In line of round hill tract «od rnnntne N o ttb 27 cbs. to a stone in .Ls vi W ard’ a llnej tbeuM West 5 S4 cbs. to a stone comer it N o . 6: tbence South »rc b s .. . stone in line ot round hill tract tbence Boat 51:54 «<•«. ■«» »•>« ginning, coutalninc i j »cie» or leas, and being lot M L F . Ward. ^ T'tbelioTdav of Atwil. l9S5- J O H N J T . B R O C K , .C opw M m a. to ____more ro.*s,alloted A CRO SS l.A co lu n u i. 6. A n Inflorea* ccnce (B o tl I t. K ind o f bear 12. S tir up 13. C onscious 14. Purxe (B rit) 15. A nxious 17. Slice 80.2.0001b*. 81. U g h t bedstead li.O H e n ta l nurses 26. V estig« 88. T itle of ' respect 8 9 .A kU ler w hale 30. Sm all m ountain lakes 32. R oyal title In E thiopia . M .T he 34. G arden tool 36. M etallic ~ rock 37. C leanse- OfaOBD \ 39. B lem ish 12. A compan* lo nof AposUe P aul <6. U nit of w eight * 47. M use o f lyric ] ^ t r y 48. C ute w ith th e teeth 40. E rased (P rin t) DOW N t . R esort 9. th w h a l n a n n e r IF YOU HAVE^ ^ oiti/tHpV ^ ■ -t ' ratenalned gtieM' cekbtat^ a bi^dav caught a big fish moved. . v : • 7 . , ' eloped ^ ■ had * baby beenJtia6ght . lold youthoga ..r had an operation b p u ^ ta a r painted vo'ut hotitt ' . been tnarried'; / !oit ( new tooth ' '' beenahot . atol«n anything been robbed '''aoldont; ■ ' ' ' ■ lost yotir halt b ^ arrested' O r bone Anything A t A il . Telephone,' O r Drop a Pottsard^: Or Come In, Or In A liy C onvm ent Way. In fom . . . TH E D AVIE RECORD NOTICE OF SALE Uuder and by virttie of Ihe pow. .. of aale In that ciirtaiD Deed of Trust executed by Carl C.;McDan- lei and wife Azile B.- McDaniel to the undersigned Tiustee to secure a note In the sum ot$S.ooo.oop*v> able to Durham Bank and Trust Company of Cooleemee, N. C.. bearing date of Jnly i. t946, and duly recorded In Book of Deeds of Trust No. JJ; page 349, In the of. 6ceoftbe Register of Deeds of Davie County, N. C., default hav. lug been made in the payment of said note and at the reqneatof said Bank and Trust Con>P*<>y> ‘be payee and bolder thereof: The uudersig-ied Tmrtee will sell publicly for cash at the Court House door of D.vie County, in Macksville. N. C., on Saturday, the J8th day of May. i9S5. at 11 o'clock, M.. the following describ. ed lands sitnste in Jemsalem Town­ ship, Davie County, to wit! ■St Tract: A tract tying on West side, of State Highway No. 80 (aow 6oi) about two miles from Snntb River: Beginning at a point in the center of State. Hiihway" No 80 (now 601) -on i-G. B . PetWes* line; thence S.’ .83 degs. mln. W. »j«6 feet to a Hickory, the ori. ginsi comer; thence N. degs E. 343 feet to'an iron pipe; thence N. 5 degs. E. »a6 feet to a stake mu the orUinal-llne, cnmefof tiit .No. 7j tbence N. 84 degai^so “ <"• E- 1868 feet to a pnitit in (be cen*er of State Highway No. 80 (fotmer, ly) corner to lot No. 8;thence with the center of s«M State Hlehwav, S. IS degs E. 1100 feet to the he. ginning, containing 50 and 7 to acres note or less, and being Lots No. 9 and 10 hy map "f Sn«»n Langston fsrm made by N. A. Ttfxier. April :39th, I9ja. Fora moreipsriicnlar descrin tlon reference is heretiy made t- Deed from Oreenshoro Joint .Stock Land Bank to T. W. 'Sumoierset, Sr., recorded In'Bcnk *3; page »79 Register’s Office of Dwie County. C. ner; thence N. 83 degs 30 min V .' t6of feet to tbeb^inniifg, con talnliig 27 and 85 100 acres more or less, and being lots Nos. 5. 6. ? and 8'by plat ot Susan Langston’, faim made by W. A Trexicr April »9. '93».■Foi a more particular description see deed from Greensboro loint Slock Laitd Bauk toT. W. Sum. merset, Jr., recorded in B«>k 33, page a6o, aaid Register’s OlEce ot Davie County, N. C, TERM S OF SA LE; CASH. T tM BO FSA LE: Hay 28. 1955. Thla the 17th day ot April, 1955. A. T. GRANT, Trnatee. N ind Tract: Lying on We.« .He otSUIe Highway No 80 (former, ly) about' two miles from South Rivnt'Beginning at a point’In the center of said Highway copier to Lnts Nos. 4 and s on Craige’a line; thence S. IS'<(eK« E 743 f«et t(> t stake in center-of said Blghwoy corner of Lot ;No 9: tbenci- with line of Lot No 9, South 83 deg«.30 min. W. 1868 feet to a r«ake. the corners'of Lot No 9 on'the ‘■nrlgi- nal Ilui! thence N. 5 <»««• E ,. 7J 7 , feel to an iroii stake, Cralge’s .'ior . ^ No Knof n Cure for Nowt Found (battle Disease A n enttreljr new d ise ase th re a t w hich kills c a ttle an d to r w hich a s y e t no rem e d y h a s b aen foimS ns re p o rted recently iiy D r. F . K. m sey of Iow a S tate C ollege. .:now n a s "m n co sal d lse ssa ," 11 h a s a lre a d y b een Id n itM ed In 72 h erd s of c a ttle In Iow a. O nset of th e disease Is (re a te s t during w in ter snd. e a rly spring, w ith F eb . ru a ry atUx M arch th e p erio d s ot rg re a te rt'i d a n g er. A m ong cattle ■contracting m ucosal d isea se , the d e a th ra te w a s W p e r cen t, the v e terin a ry pathologisl reported. H lghU ghts in th e descrip tio n of sym ptom s: a n initial a h a rp rise In te m p e ra tu re s to IM d e g rees, th en a ra p id d ro p to no rm al: a w atery scouring, em aciatio n ; erosions and and ulceratio n s o t th e nostrU s, m uzzle, lips, gum s, tongue and o ra l c a v ity .. . . P o stm o rtem exam ination of ani­ m a ls w hich > died of th e d isease show ed evidence of e n te rltu aiid cy stic coU tls plus g re a t en larg e­ m e n t 61 th e lym ph nodes and fatty degen eratio n In the kidneys. N o jjacterla .have b een tound In connection' w l^ p o stm o rtem ex- am ln atio iu an d no successful tre a t­ m e n ts hai< e.been discovered. T he r e ^ r t w as p resen ted re- cen tly (o a le rt v e terin a rian s Ihroughoat th e country ag a in st th e d ise a se ;' It s ^ s to o ccu r only In or n e a r Iow a, b u t If It follows th e h istory of m o st o th e r live- stock d iseases, it m ig h t b* en- o ected to sp rea d to o th e r atates. ted by si natiye <rf Davie County. ♦ F-0R-R€NT ♦ SPACE IN TNIS paper WiH Ait«i9* To Suit GOOD MEIGHBORS.-P«ICM TO nt youR BUSINESS DAVIE pOTTMrrT’S 6 i.D B S t <NE!WSPA.PBR--THE PA PES THB PEO PI.E READ ■wm SHAIL tm n w Tm n o i w u i ^ iumAiNi uiuww VOLOMM LW' ..' MOCrSVILLB. NORTH CAROLINA, WBDNM0AT MAY »5. 10^5. - * ' NU MBBR o NEWS OF LONG AGO. WInl Wat H antn^ Ib b». vfoiBotato PwUof i M M I m n i a M S U r t ^ (Davie Record; Hay j|D, 193J ) ' ^ o f.J. D. Ht^ges, of Aagnsia, was in town Saturday. Q. R. Horn made a business ttip to Charlotte liist week. W. P. Sbasw, of Woodle^^ wm In town Thursday op bualti^. H, T .' Smitbdeal, of Advance, ./wu a btuincas visitor hei» Friday. ; Stone Rndisal of KannepoHa was The Davie Record- Has Been PoUisM Smce l899 55 Years Olhei* have come and gone.your county newtpaper keepi going, Simetimeg it hag. teem ed hard tn make “buckle and longua" m eet, but toon the tun ahinet and we/ march on. Our faithful tubieribert o o it of whom pay promptly. gWe ui courage and abiding faitir in our fellow man. • If your neighbor it not taking th e Record tell him to tubfcribe. The price it only $1.50 per year in the Slate, and $2.00 in other ttatei. When You Come To Town Make Our Office Your' / Headquarters We Are Always Glad Tb See You. LEXUS DO YOUR ^OB PRINTING We can save you ipiohey on your tNVELOPES, LETTER. MEADS STATEMENtS, P6STEfe, BlU HEADS, PACKET HEADS. Etc. Paiteonize your home newspaper and thtfeby help build up your home town and county. THE DAVIE R E ^ tniong the btislhess vialtpra’ here Monday."'' R. L. Pry will bej^ii the er^lon of hit new hjonae on Salisbury'St., lhto,m k. . .Hn.' Klza ^rnell baa bera III atj.1|^bonie on Salltbnty atrMt for:tb£^>aat.teo days. ' M'la.'Ida Yates apent aeveni d ays . ,:0>lf8t WMk with Mr. and Mra. Abe ;• Hiaiory. ; ^‘Mias ' FInirace Foole went to ~ C b ati^ last week to i^n d some . ' time with raiatlvaa and frlcnda. t Mte Clyde Fisher, of St. Paul. v 'N ..C., Is the guest ot her siMer. ' Mrs. T ; J, Caodell. The Otvl^ Rowan aiid Davld- aon cnrai letter carriers and clerks •te ptenldng today at Boone’s cave. H R. M. I]affleaalteiMled the North • Ctrbllna Undertaker’s ConyUitlon ' In Wlnaton-Salem last week.- Miss Faille Cttidell, of Charlotte, apent.several daya here last sm k tbe goest of Mr. and Mrs. William Crottk ' Attorney Prank'Banes,'of Wins. ton.Salem, apent the week-end In town witb.hia mother, Mra, Philip , Hanes. ■ Miss Gladva Dwigglns who has been In aehool at Oreendwro Col-, lege, arr<ved hotne Friday after. nnoK ;. Paul Leonard, of Statesville, • SeM^ary of the - Hottb Carolina Meirtbanta’ Assoidstlon, was a yis Itor here Thursday. Mr. and Mra. Seanoo aitd datighter. ofSt::P«ol, N. C , who . . .have been visiting relttlves on R i. telnmed home yesterday. Floyd Swisher, of Calehaln, wsa glym a'bearing before 6 . B. Horn Esq. Friday Mterneon on a warrant awom ontbyC H MIehael, char* j ging Swisher with tbrestenlnc to shnot him. After hearlns’.the evi­ dence. Swisher, was put -inder (toobond for'-his anpearance al the August t m of Davie Saner- ler'eonrt. Miss BllsaM h WoMraff. a atu- ^ d « t at Flora McDonald :Collegie, \ Red Sprlufts, arrived home 'Satnr. day for the summer vacation. . . Misses Bye Call. Andrey Brene- ■ gar, Ellzsbe'hNaylor, and.MpM S'ewsrt. Btndefnts at the North Ca. rollna State College, Greensboro, will arrive bonw tomorrow for the aummer bolldaya. Mrs. Ollle S ti^ o n aiid. . ilaugb. ter. Miss Mety, lelt Sunday Raleigh, where th ^ srill t r i ^ tbe cbmme!iee.ment eJterda s' at- the N. C. State Collegit. Mra. S ti^ - ion’eMU Wiltlain, Is ataong .the g n d ii^ this yegr. - He will ac edtnbgnV bla mother n i abler OPEN FmUM HAnyone who baa aat beiMttli tb* dotne_t>f an .aMtonomleal.OlMervtV and gazed tbtoagh'the M of a giant telescope wiirteallie the Inestimable worth ol a ‘ revelation on tbe sehmce of sttfOMny. TiwTBSt proportions of this fileld of lesntih are comparatively nn«pk)C^ by man, therefore the I«rd hat' pro. mlaed thst he will tm b It to as la bis own way. It will prnbably be like tbe vision which Giiid gave, te Abraham when he said: "And I show ym these things nnto Von, Abraham, before you go Into Bgypt that you night declare all these unto them.” ’’Thus, w e shall learn. Jnst ss the teacher of the Fgyotians, what the relations la between onr own tolar system and tbe rest of tbe gslaxy of whicb we are a part. We shall pierce tbe radious of onr Heavenly - Father’s astronomical kingdom snd see Ko. lob; the governing one the great central dvnaino through wbleb all tbe rest of our galaxy receives. Ita light and nower. We shall see other governing spheres and leatn he siHencfs bf: mctbematlcs b y which ibev tnaintsin their III seastms siM ordn. Men who ealiV ed themselves sstibnomen Tbe Con rllle high I at Mockt-^ I W ^ b fane «h . Il be delly- and'cnntlnues throagh- fnae The Literary address will eied lane Stb.by Dr. C. M. |tlch^ ards, of Davldaim. Tbe - - tlag elaastbiayearconalBla .of ft members, two boys.and nine girla. ''The daas graduating eaerebet In. dude: Saltttatory, 'todena Sato; Cltas BiMory. Jobnde Miller; U st Will. Patil K.. Moote; Praphacv Mary Hpriii Poem. Roae Miller Howard; Valedtoory. Ladle Mtr. tin. Ft^well'teiig. T1i« R e c ^ b cw|y 8 the lived upon the earth, will, in that day, m am i as they beheld tbe secret, of the heavens which their mobt 'pow^ul telescopes and thdr most sensitive. photograbble tdates couM nnt dlsdnse or detect, Stirely, they shall prsise the m of the Omnlnotent Elobim In thst dav for in this revelstion they will behold tbsir God moving In In bis eterual m iijei^ and power, Tbe Lord has promised to bring to light all (h m . Ibinvs before tbe grent d av of jndgment; referied to by Panl as the dispensstioh,of the full- ness of times, and by Peter as the restltation of all things. And In AiiiericansTour W Presidents'Homes W A S H IN G T O N ^H laloryrm lB iii A m erie sn t a re e ach r e a r fipandlag m o re and m o re o f flw ir vacA ttea h oure visiting th e m anor. booM i; te rm hom eitteads. shops MMl fia*. tic cabins in 13 sta te s w here F m K d ents of th e U nited S ta tw k tv * Uved. T he hom es o | a t le a st sa P ra ttr den ts a re now pubUc ^ x ts e u n s and n e arly ; a l l . o f th e m con tiin jU m l8bin«sV aod^ m anw rabiU a th e ir fam ous oecupants.) . H yde P a rk , n e ar ^oughkeepsta, N . Y.s residence o t F ran k lin O ; ‘ R oosevelt, w as m ad e a- natioiM l historJc site in 1M4. A lso in Y ork S ta te is ihe birthpU c* « l T heodore R oosevelt, now a mu* scum and S agam ore Hill.- T eddy*t L ong Islan d residence, also • ttft- tico al sh rin e; tb e hom e o t M artia .V an .B u rc n . and the co ttag e a t W Uton. w here U lysses S. O r a ^ A t H illsborough. N. H . i t f te eaisr borne of P ran k lln P ierc e and a t P lym outh. V t.. th e c o m b in atk a store, p osi officej an d cottage w h ere C alvin CooUdge w a s b o ta a n d vrtiere he w as sw orn la n P resid e n t by h is fath er. A t ey. M ass.. is a m em o rial to Jo h a A dam s and h is w n , Jo h a Q ulacy A dam s. . , T ennessee boasts th e hom as o ( th re e P residenU . all m useum s. Ilo s t fam ous is AndreNV Jacksoa*s m ansion. T he H erm itage, n e a r ^H ashvlU e. Ja m e s K . Polk’s lw « ^ w a s a t C olim ibla an d A ndrew Jo h n so n 's hom e. taU or riM p and< g ra v e a t G reenville a re natfcm gl “ r h T S y 'h o m c A b raham L i n ^ tv s ry ow ned, a t SprlngfleW , ui*. l a ) cfMMtantly full o l visitors, aa la HodgenvlUe, K entucky. ^ lo t cabin considered to b * lif t­ e r ' s birthptoce. Our County And Sodal Security Smb Akmg Main Streiet By Tbs Smet Rsmbler. By touis H. Clei ,Mai si^hfrpliice the serlptnic tey»; ‘Verily I ssv nnto you. In that, dsv when the Dord shall come, be abtll reveal- all tbinga — .thinct things which no inah knew, things nfesrcb bv which It was nadSi and tWe pnmose of tiiee d thereof , tbinn thst sre In tbe earth, apd ^pon the earth. Much time lu t Iffort biis been expendnl by stud­ ents of both sdrace and religion to determine frotn their resoiectlve s'nthorltlea whst psttem of exist, ence the .esrth nsssed throngh be- fore It hecsmes » «t hsbllallon for. tnsn. Tbe scientist has gcme to <>tbereaird of the r o c k s T h e student of religion has gone to the scriptures to the recorded lesfl. nwny.of tbe esrtb’s creator. M t snt^slngly enongh, tbe Lord haa never reveaM or at least It . hn't recorded what the pattera of ihls eartb^a mortal ••creation” reation' reallv was. The ••creation” in G e n ^ makes no leference to out lilanetary home. In all ihe Lord dellbef- hyPasM' the shbject of tbe egrt^’s inorttlemtlon. Tbelotd’a retreiajlira at tbe.beginnlng 'i>t,tbe MUImninm wilt, therefore be new knnwiedge for t^e atadmt of the scripylrcs.gs m il st the stndent of science. As ; we behold Ike true genasls of the estth w e, Jn*y • isiar* yel to ficd out bow maeh '.of; the trne story bur atodents of geoingy wen' able to aaravel; or on fb* other band, we may dtacom that the aceeiMed thnriM of the^Mrtb’s ereatlon were in fact, native < and child like aa the anperatlona of the dark ages seem to ns now. Of this IK may be sa^e, bbwem , tbtt all ibe truih relating tn tbe, m . Iloii -will 6nally b e recondled whether. 11 was dlscoyercd' b y adeace or revealed to a pro|ibet. tIt.BENNETr. D atii«D N .C Nine Out o^Teii Smokers Cdncerless MBW Y O R K -* lesd to g c sn e sr taboratorr. the Stosn-Kctterlng In- •titu te—say s th a t nhie o u t o t . l f heavy w nokers do .n o t got ean car—although fo u r o f e a A f m lu n g ca n ce rs a re believed to b a hits sdds, that tlie bslisnee.ctsnd oU ier,!------------" S A F ^ P R K A im O N “Would you love your husband if he had only one eye?” ■nxniy.iio-howhottiblel’’ "Then let me catty that urn- btena.” .; , . MA'TTER 0 5 CHOICE "I don’t know whether tomarry a woniai> 10 years older than my self, or 10 years younger.'* I t all depends on whedier you want to be mothered ot smoth­ ered.” NO VACANCY Jane: I ace by the paper. Swee­ tie, It looks like they’te gohig 'to make Alaska the 49th'stat;:. Irma; But where kte they go­ ing to put it,')an^ I've seen the map of the United States and it’s all fitted up. ‘ OLD EMPLOYEE A six.yearold was looking at photographs of her parents* wed­ ding; Her father d e^ b ed the ce­ remony and tried to explain its meaning. Suddenly light dawn­ ed. ,*‘Oh!" Mary lane exclaimed. •Is that'whenfyougot Mother to come to work for usr’ '' tamiloes sii toalvidosl s resistance o( suseepUMIItyto c y w r. . In a progress report the msHtMe said that it bas succeeded In g ro ^ Ing iwrmsi human lung tissue In Uboeatorjr snim slssand wM yta this tissus to determine, "w bstly oe not' tbe componeiito « dgsreUesmsks that cause cancer in mouse sk in wfli a lso do So to tbs b n m an inilflale uses a smoking w cUne toconddise cigsrette smoke, wUch to tbsn dlvld!rf tailo leallr dsHnaUe f^cttoos. Tlw dwmleaU see than tested to d ^ mine fAleh contsln t e egstf tk tt causes csncei hi a -------- While Traveling Naturally you want to 1^ ^ b e s t;^ h*l ■toayduw b e lten yiu r . , trip or n «odarnii vacatioa. Grooming to e s s ^ ^ w y m travsl. but H nsed l « be consumhig If you pa^ only .ttie essentiato and have jevetyWng you need In the way oreosmetlcs. spilled cosmettes a ^ U portion of the lrip,_sojw s*.»^ In ptoce c* loose poiider. sdect the cake type. It’s wise to choose a sbsde darker ttisn the om yw usttsny wear B you’re going to be esposed to the . sim Put your tetlons snd sMn fresh- m rs into plastic s « ^ bottles with a dispenser to»i thMS are spmmool. UghtweitW and easl- •est to use. {. . Ose double duti . cosmetles . , TH AT DID IT ; In Adanta, a man suing for di- voice charged diat his wife shjot at hiin. The judge, to clear up a technicality, asked the man when the separation from his wife he- “ • ■**She fired at me five dmes your Honof,” the man replied. "I star­ ted separating on the first shot. Bythefiffhshotlh'ad completely a e p t n ^ ’ ' ON BOTH SIDES "So what if your hudnnd dora snore?" aaid the neighbor. "Lots ofhiHbands.srioK.” ’Tes.” tlghed die baggy^yed wife, "but my George is a vennri loquist and he snotes on both sides of me gt once. Seriously disabled | :^ le who used to work in emoloyment or self-employment coveted by the social security law should get in touch with the social security of­ fice by June 30. .People who have been totally disabled foi 6 months or longeri and who worked in employment ^lf«mplovment covei^ bv the sodal security law for as Inuny as veatt out of A e 10 years bdore th ^ were disabled should get fur* rher inibnnation about this law. Active military secyice and em­ ployment in the raUroad industry may count toward the needed mount of work. By applying to have their social security earnings records. frozen, disabled people may prevent loss or reduction of future benefits. Some people now receiving old- age instirance payments or who will become eligible for old age paren ts in July were disabled for long periods before they reach­ ed age 65 and are still disabled. They may scar getting laiger pay- menW as of luly and will get them more piomptly if they file. an ap­ plication for a “disability freeze” by June 30. If the disabM person dies after June 30, the disability freeze can protect his family's rights to survivors payments: but only if he had applied for it be fore death. For this reason, it is important for every person who meets the requirements for the “freeze” to apply for It by June 30. The law protects the sodal se­ curity rifdtts of a worker who is suffering from prolonged total dis­ ability butdoes not pay cash beii. efits to him be^re he is 65. For further information, con. tact the Social S ^ r ity Office, 301 Post Office BuOding, Salis­ bury, N. C. If you have any questioit con- ccming.voaT sodal security, you might write us at 361 Post Office Bailding, Salisbury, N. C., or see our representative who visits the Court House, MoiksvUle N. C , on the first and thitd Fridays of each month from lZ:30'ls30. G E ^ N G TIRED Is your married life a happy one? Yes, I maMed the wonun of my dreams. - She is as bnutiful to me as the day I inet her. Her handa ate always white and soft. Her bait is dever tmtidy, and her dresses ate ^w aw the latest. So you daa't regret It? No, but .i'm getting pretty tired o f eating in lesuurants. ■ t o o m u c h t Al k Tliie custtm a settled hltnself a i^ l^ ^ fb a ib e t put the towel Customen Before i*e start, Iknow the wetthet's atsful, I don'.: care who .!wlns the next big figh% and 1 don’t bet on the horse races. I know I'm getting thin on top, blit I don't mind that. Ntnv get oni wilh' It. Batheti W ellsir.it you don't inlnd,riibe able to concentrate ----------better if ^ don’t talk so mudi,lDptckhig.Absndlo^can«TO ------^ ----------------------- :.iis a toModstlon eream aod Its « wsnderlul soothing ................... > wMp|ied skill. Ais wsadntid fw lEAVTIFUl ^ S lflllN G SIIVEK^ •V R £ E 1D > &BAmON m OTHEI FAMOUS .SIIVEISMITHS, THE GIFT SHOP M is.C hrittm eW .D nna Barbara Wright and JoKnsie Bi­ lls, two Farmington:Sophomo.et. trying to locate a dentist—M n. Roy Safley driving a station .wag­ on around town on hot day—Met. Kermit Smith and tmall son visit* . ing Men’s Shop-Chatlie BgUey talcing in S a tu ^ y afternoon mov­ ie show -Tw o pretty cotmttv Itt- ses sitting on lawn chair in ftont of furniture store painting theb lils—fanef ice cream in Soda Haynes and Henry Shutt sittliig in drug store eating two tundtet and only paying for one—Smtil son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold COpe Young getting morning htlr cut and not enjoying it—Mr*. Nem Godbey hurrylng.up Main ttreet carrying iFour b ^ ’sandwich foavtt -Young ladv out trying to position—D. J. Mando gettiiig' 'g 75c. morning hair cut—O. R . Al­ len transacting some business a- raund town—Spencer Foster and Arthur Baker talking things over in front of bank buildbig—M n. Wilson Brown doing some eatly morning shopping—Mr. and M n. . Rufus Beck k in g held up while on their w w . to doctoi’t office— Curtis Price and Sam Shott get- dng 85c. cent hair cuts ori Satur­ day morning—Miss lane Robin, son greedng friends atbund the square—Frank Hendtte hanglnc around the bank like Grant hung atound Richmond—Mrs. Wade Futches shopping around in dhne ' store on doudy morning—Ptal Angelion his way down M ^n street leading small child—Pctee Smith and Junie Beaudtamp'con- versing alongside bank buiMIng— Colored man telling about sedng cat and big wharf rat eating to­ gether in his kitdien—Miss Joui Bowles walking around wearing a big smile—Mrs. Robert Davis and daughter and sihall. son bn thdr way from dental office—Miss Aim Owings carrylngarmloadof Ito ^ t down Main street—Mt8. :W ."L. . Call shopping atound In furntture store—A ^ fiirm woman wend, ing her way down Peimt street carrying half a bush» bucket hdl of eggs—Gwyn Robetn and J . . Wade Hendtida3ioldfa>g caucus , in front of postoffice—B t ^ Mil­ ler buying supplies for his bathe- cue establisbawnt—Robert Smith buying week-end rations in AiU. son-Johnson grocery and matket— Joe Ferebee rambling around die town on..clpudv afternoon—Henry Shutt a n d 'T ’ Haynes eattau two sundaes for the price o f one—D. C. Rankin on his way across the square through heavy traffic-MIss Evelyn GtifBti hurrying up Main street as the supper hour draweth nigh-W . M. Langston discuning the weath.r—Johnny White hur. tying across Depot s t t ^ wealing a broad smile-Attorney Hicks sitdng in local cafe < hot coffee and conversing friends. . T Have your hair c«t and perma- . naulM before : trayellog so It inm-t be too mm!b: woilt. to looklog nice while oway. Set the ms(or curls >t hli^t snd wear a "i^ersplrstion has s w ay of straighteninc neclillno curls, Ool iBlo tbe haMt ol bnishiiu the b a irupward ;to .keep the eurto trom OMrtactlag Uie sWii. _ Shhaf Coal & Sand Co. W e Can Supply Your . Needs . IN GOOD COAL. SAN D a i^ BRICK Call or Phone U s A t Any lim e PHONE 19 4 ' Fotmetlv Davie Btlcfc&Coal Co NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as executrbc of the estate o f H. I. Qntcr, deceas­ed, late of Davie County, Nottb CaroUna, this is to notify all per­ sons holding claims Agaiiist said es­ tate, to present them to die under­signed within. 12 moiidis from date hereof, or dils notibe will be p l ^ in bar of their recovery.'All petsbns owing said estate will make immediate settlement. This A ptai6,1955- VIRGINIA CA RTER POWELL, E xrx.o fR J.C to er,D eca’d. B. C. Brock. Attorney. W * don't Bln to m iuin •ftw ro u r HILLTOP Service & Supply HOPES TO SERVE YO U EVEN BETTER IN 195S - G at, oa S u n d iw Also A Nke line Of V e frtd A w . A n d S iH ik G ro M rin W e A n > raci«to Y «n r '■M I • V # J.W . H IU p it! Ir- r II ■' PAOITWO M b d a tib b b o o s d . iio o k8v ilU ;.]i. c . h a t » . THE DAVIE RECORD. C. FRA N K STRO IJD , EDITO R. TELCPHOME Injured In Mfreck M us Dceba Barnette, of S^lt- bury streu. deceived in)urie« a- I bout the h « d and her collartibne land some libs broken when i4n We wteti.to ext^d ou^; :slnceM attbePostofllce in Moek»> vin«, N . G.. at Seeond-clMf :SUBSCR1PT10N RATES: ONE YEAR, m N> CAROUNA SIX MONTHS IN N. CAROUNA ONE YEAR. OUTSIDE STATF • SIX MONTHS. OUTSIDE STATE . 1 1.80 tl.00 There ate all .kinds of judges and almott all kinds of lawyets in thiscountry. When a man Kcts above the laws of the land and defies the officers of the law he doesn’t like much of being an a n a rc h lst^ ^ Beet manufacturers are cartving large ads in newapapers (but not in The Davie Record) say ng that "there is no such thing as f dry county.” maybe not, but there ate some counties much wetter' than othm . We once knew a man who worked regular, paid his debts and ' fed his family .three meals a day. Com liquor and bfter finally got the best of him, he lost his job and got in debt to everyone who would credit him. There a re manv such cases in this conntry. Just so long as the North Caro lina counties elect wet men to the legislature the good people of this state will be denied the privilege of votiug on a liquor referendum. W e ^ are hoping to see the dav when liquor stores in North Ca­ rolina will be outlawed. Liquor will not bring prosperty to our people, but it will bring death and want to many hemes. A business man wants to know what we think of a man who will take a newspaper three or fonr years on a credit and then refuse to pay for it and run up a big gro­ cery bill and then move his busi­ ness .to another grocery. Well brother, we know exactly what wc think of such men but if we print­ ed what we thought our paper might be debarred from the U. S, mails. ^ Mrs, J. C. Bowles Sallie Walker Bowles passed S' wav in Citv Memorial Hospital Winston-Salem, on May 17. Mrs. Bowles had been . in declining health for several months and ser- iouslv ill four weeks. Bom in Caswell County, N. C , March 7,1871. daughter of John and Alice Roper Burton, Mrs. Bov> les spent most of her life in' the Jericho Community of 'Davie Countv and was married to John Columbus Bowles on May 29th, 1887. Her husband preceded her in death on May 23, 1937. Survivors include four sons and six daughters: A Lee and James A., Mocksville, Route 4; Charles C., Walnut Covej Howard H. Bowles. Wilmington N. C.; Mrs. 1951 Oldsmobile she was driving left the highway on the Bixhy-Ad- vance road uboui 5 o'clock Wed­ nesday afternoon. The cat was badly damaged. An Eaton Funcr al Home ambulance went to the scene of the wreck and carried Miss Bamette to Rowan Memor­ ial hospital. She was alone in the car when the accident occur­ red. Miss Bamette is a m m ber of tbe Senior class o f Mocksville High School. hunting Regula­ tions The sportsmen’s ofDavieO>un< tv and Wildlife District seven will again have the opportunity to eX" press their views regarding the 1955-56 hunting season. This apportunitv will be at the district meettng held by the N. C Wildl'fe Ufe Resources Commit Sion in Dobson Courthouse, v'ur« ry County May 2 6 ,1 ^ at 7:30 p.m, At this meeting Representatives of the Commission will present a set of tenative rules for the con«l« deration of the sportsmen. All sportsmen In Davie Ccunty and District Seven are invited to attend this meeting and let them- selve. be heard from. Mrs. L, A. Smith L. A. Smitli, 75, of Mocksville, Route 3, died unexpectedly at 7:30 p. m„ last Tuesday at his home in the Smith Grove Com­ munity. She had been in declin­ ing health for two vears, . Mrs. Smith was bom in Djvie County Ian. 18,1880, daughter of John R. and Jane Canter James. Surviving ate the husband three daughters, and two grandchildren Funeral services were held at 2a0 p. m., Thursday at Bethle­ hem' Methodist Church. Rev. George Smith and Rev. Mr. Free­ man officiated. Burial was in the church cemetery. , Over H a rv e y s PravUkm E lin u iM ^ We have been intiJiincd thitt •. ;vryt______ ^___._______• .thinks to Ml our ttien ds.an dCongress Im dim inated ^ re» „elghbonfof the'manv-acts of quifcment that ft pecaon harv^t kindness shown u a during the within the allotroetit for all bulc illness and afiter the death of our agrkniltural commodities on the'dear wife and _mother. W e.wiU -•---------------------------- kindness C a S M O b t AN D CHILDREN ‘ 'f : IT i ' 'N. C i recently arrived In Korea i n fL O T e a and is now a meihber o f the 7th In^intrv Division. . i ' , 7th Div.. K orw -Pvt. Billy G. *h b entered the Potts, son of Mr. and Mts. Bar-October, completd ba- M . Pom, Route 3. Mocksville, sic training at Fort Jackson. S. C. form to be eligible to pattlclprte.?»” «y« ,««memb« you r. IntheA C P, acdndlng to O. E .'^ . c . sMOOT A N 0 CH Driver. Chairman o f the DavIe County A SC Committee. This means that even houid> a farmet'is overplanted on wheat he would atin be eligibie to o»op- erate in the A CP Ptogtam; Airman 1st Class Frederick & Smith and wife, who have bem spending some time herewith Mr. Smith’s mother, Mrs. Maty Smith, will leave Sundwfot their home at San Marcus. Texas. Mrs. Marv Smith will go with them to visit hetM>n. Master Sgt. William L. Smith, at San Antonio, and anoth­ er son, Lonnie Harold Smith, who holds a Civil-Service position at Lubbock, Texas. ,. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified asErautora of the will of H. W. -Brown, decs’d, noUce Is hereby given to all pet; sons holding claims against said deceased to present the same, pro­ perly verified, to the tindeislgned, on or before the I6th day o f May, 1956, otthis notice wiU be pleaded in bar of recovety. All persons ra- debt^ to said esUte will please call arid make prompt setdemeht. ' Tliis the 16th dav of April, 1855, (Mrs.). Miiittie Crater Brown. . E. R. Crater, txts. of H. W. Brown, decs’d.^ Mocksville. N. C A. T. Grant, Atty. The Record it onljr 3 cent* a week. Subtinnbe today. ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROPOSALS Pursuant to General Statutes of Noith Carolina, Section 143-129, sealed ptoposiUs will be received by tbe Board of County Commis­ sioners of the Davie County Health Center, Mocksville, North Cato- lina, until 2K» o’clock P. M., on Wednesdav,'the 29th day of lune, 1955, a.- which time at a meeting of the Board of County Commis­ sioners at Countv Cuurlhouse. Mocksville, N. C . the sealed pro- posals will be opened for the fol- lowiniiwing; A. Office and Reception Fur­ niture. Mary Willy Wilson, Route 4, and j^ / '^ r f i c a l . Surgical, and Mts. Ida B. Tutteiow, Route 1; botatory Equipment. Mrs. Edna E. Everhart, Route 3,' R Electrical AMIances. M6cksville; Mrs. Pauline M. Car-1 F«>“ * e <late of tl(b advertlse- .„.W in .ton -Sal™ , M rs Ruby J S X 3 Frankfc Long ^ach , f^H fJ and ^ | | p, be on file and a- Mrs. Grace E Webb, Alexandria, vallable to prospective bidders bv Virginia; thiriy one grandchildten contacting Miss Jessie Stroud, Da- and twenty-two great grandchild- *•* J?'?*-'*’ren: also one sister. Mrs. Nora Mo«fav«le. N- C. No proysal ers. Will H. Burton* Cleveland,-sameshall be accompanied bv a and James P. Burton, Hickory. ! depos t of cash or certified check Services we.e held on Wedn«s- on. f • > « > < ' «o»P“"T '*««"• day at lericho Church of Christ, of ‘., . , , . , ws. . surance Corporation in an amountwhich she was a member. Paul equal to five per cent (5%) o f the •Sykes oflicia ed and burial was in proposal or In lieu thereof a 5% the Church Cemetery. , bid bond In accordance with NC­OS 143129 as amended. Tbe bid der to whom the hward of -^con* tract is made shall himlsh l^nd In some surety cumpanv nuthotfs» ed to do business in the State of North Carolina or requtr^ m’ make a deposit of moifev.^ertifi^d check or government seiuti it s for Taking Training d«irwhom .he .w,rd Greui Lakes, III.- Charles Rich, le, son of Mr. and Mrs. lohn Rich­ ie, of Advance, Route 2, and Lew. is G-Barnhardt, son of Mr. andi-,—-t-.t---------- ^ _OH,. nf I the full amount of sa’d contractMrs-OHu Bam barit,also of Ad-,^ vance. Route 2. enUsted under the of The bid-Navy’s new "Buddy” recruiting pm ram , ahd are undergoing train*, Ing together at the Naval Training Center here. Both toen tttended the Shady Grove High ScKjol in Advance bcfbw enteiinf the Navy. der to whom contract may be a- warded must'i ments o f NC-GS ded. with require- .43-129 as amen- Thls 25th day o f May, 1955. Davie Countv Health Center R. P. Martin, (%ainnan, o f County Commiaaioacn Nationally Advertised Brandt Ladies Wool Suits And Toppers Us To l|2 Off CHILDREN’S DRESSES One Group 2 For $1.00 Sizes 1 To 3 One Group $1.00 Sizes 3 to 7 Many Pretty Colon One Group $1.98 Sizes 5-14 ReaUy Lovely Other Children’s DreMes $2.98 To $5.95 So Cute Fam oiu-‘‘Lovef A “Kite G reenw a^ M odeb EXTRA SPECIAL One Group Ladies Strkw Hate Only $1.00 G. C. SanfordSonS Co. TO THE We w a i Be Oosed On MONDAY, MAY 30th MEMORIAL DAY Transact Your Busin.e8s With Us On Saturday Bank Of Davie Mocksville Building & Loan Association Hybrid Seed Com Dixie 82, Dbde 42, N. C 27. N. C 1032 N. C 31, N. C 29 And 710 and 704 G ai^ Seejds And Plants ‘‘CHECKERB^Rl) STORE” Davie Feed & Co. Phone n Depot St. ■ M oeln«ilkN .C D A V I E T R ^ C ) R ^1M P L E M E ^ ^ CO. Phone 3l0<^ Salisbury HighMfar ; MocksvUle, N. C 1 8 m D A vn lugpoiRO, m o o m y il l b . m. a . PA O ITBIR the DAVi|5^l^ d ^ n > | w l > T l M C a ^ W«> L i4 "o r. W faie, B e a r Ad« NEWS AROUND TOWN. R w Brown, of Woodleal, was In Wednesdw on bu^ess. Mr. MidMtKHiirleTSoflev spent , twodi^lntwedt at Myrde,Beachi Vs.a'..' •; ^ ' M is.Ju k Peimlniltpn ilud Ut­ ile daua^ut ate spending this w eA w lth relatives in Washing­ ton. D. c. p.'IL'.Stroud and Hobart Hoots apeiit .Thurs&y arid Friday i n S t a b ile attmdine; die P. O. S. of A. ^ t e Convention. • Mr. and Smith, of Cooleemee are'die parents o( a aoit who arrived at Rowan Mem- orirt Hospital May 16th. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ba^be^ of Route 1, Mocksvlile. announee dte airiyal of a daughter on Miqr l6th. at Rowaii Memorial HospI - **'■ ' C V . (Pop) Miller, was taken . ill T huis^y at'hls home on R2. _ and was carried to Rowait Memo- rial Hospital Saturdm; Hts friends hope for him an eariy lecovery. - Ml*. George W . Mattit^ return­ ed home Saturday from byhead, N..)„ where ahe spehca w e^ with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. O. WhiltL - Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Haire and dilldren spent the week-end in Sava nah. Ga., with their son Charles, who is stationed on an alt base there. L. K t Dwiggins, a I. Angell, Tom Glasscock and B. C Taylor spent Wednesday and Thursday of last week fishtaigat Santee Coo­per, S. C:, They report an enjoy able trip'aiul a fine catch. A series of meattaigs are fai pro­gress at Jericho Chuich of: Christ, and will coniihue thr.ugh this ' wedciWldiserviceB each evening ■ tS b ’clodc. C. W. Brawl^. ot Statesville is die guest spe^er. Tlie public is cordially invited. ' Htncv Meioney. aged Ne| who lives at Oak Gtovc,.and w ... has worked around the bus station henfbrm anyTeais.suffieieda ae. veic strode eariy Saturdar morn­ ing, his Mends will be sorry to Bin Sofley .'tetmied ^lu)^ day from a several days sojourn at Myrtle B each ;s.:a' . ( . ■ / M r .'^ Mrs. Quince PowdI and son .Sammy, of Greenabdto, wele MocksviUe vlsltats Friday. Sanuny remainedi over Cot the w eek-«^ . Rev: and MhTa Tm . Kiset aitd Utde daughter Mardia, of Folk, ^ t Ust week in Miami, Fla., at­ tending the-Southern BsptinConi- vmtion, Mr. Kisef is pastor of Fork Baptist chur^. HaUmray B fa ^ ^ i!^ o f Wins- tan-^alm, was in tkwn looking after some buriness Wednessday. Holloway ia ap old Mocksvdle boy and harbeen a printer.for nrarly a century. . Mr. and Mrs. ]|. R. Bostala and son, who have lieen living iti the Moody houae oti Salisbury Street ■for several years, are moving this week to Mooresville. where diey will make theb home. A totalofll^ Seniors gtaduat* ed last week from the five hlifr' schools in Davie County, as fol­ lows: Mocksville 44. Cooleemee 25, Farmington 20, Shady Grove 17, and Davie Training School 10. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Co Itoe and Mr. and Mi^. Bob Hall attended the annual North Carolina Phar- maceutical Association m ee^g which was in session three days last week at the O'Henry Hotel, in G t^sbozo, About 750 werepre- aent for the convention. S400 MONTHLY SPARE TIME Refillliig atid. cbllecdng money fmmfive (cat Hl|^ Grade l^ut. machinca in iUs area. Nosellingt' To quaUfyfot wedt you must have' vrdietenees,$640ca^ aeci^red by.taiven ^. Devoling6hours a I Lester Reynolds who waa «4th 'Pennington: Chevrolet fO f ^ I yeal^ has gtme to Norfolk, Va. . where he h a a position.. to fmstaiess, your end oh peicentage colleciions'will net up to MOO aaonthly wldi voir- good pp^blHiies o f taking over full tta^ Income incieasfaig aeeoid- U i^. F o r interview. Include phone In applkatton. Write Nut. O. M atk Co., Inc.. 40 Enhange nace,N ew Y oik.5. N .Y . Mr. and Mrs. A. a Alfoh] aod little'son. who h'aye been' <)ccupy- ing.one of the Raymond Foster houses on Avon street, moved Thursday, t o the new Cllnard Howard 5-room house on Hardi­ son s t r ^ . .-Mr. Alford is manager of the new B. C Moore & Sons store in this city. Mod»vineHigh School New* DEANNA SILVCRHS. R .|» lt« . L'-' ; - . f ': Thomas Spry, of Route 4, — soloustv Injured about the chest F i i ^ about noon, when his team, hitched to a hay rake, ran away, H^ was cHirled. from Dr. Henry S. Anderson's office to RiMjran Memorial Hospital. • Mr. and M i*.'L.,E. F ^ r tm ' moving this week from the R. B. ;j.6rafi>tdhooseion the comer of ■^^aHAury and Water streeti.» tbe ncw:4-room Ranch type house 2S5£aSc& "!« . A e 'l e ^ o road. Services wU be held at Calvm Bwnlat Chuich, ^ S a n ^ night at 7:30. with Preachet Willie Jo n n hoMbig the s e r ^ also the 3rd Sunday ■ evening \at 3 o'clodt. Preacher O w igg h M f^ 'Cahraty Baptist in O reen^ro. will do the preaching. Bvery- ■body ln » lte d ^ _ _ ^ ,, ' Mr. and Mta. H am B a ^ . of Lm olr, have inoved to * h cto i 6d are occiipyw o « p f tto ' Dodd apartmen<*,on-North Main ^street' Mr. Barney is co n n et^ with Hanea Chair SF u m itu n Co. TheRecotii is ^ to .wekome Mr,>and Mrs: Barney to our.grow- ;inilM etow n; Mr. and Mrs. Alvta Y o u ^ and dUUIren; o f High Ptoin^ have moved to Mocksville and are oc' Ocopying the^Bryan Sdl hotne on Gaither Street. -Mr. Y o ^ t o « dbn with Heii aoe Fomituie ' TKfe Record la glad, to wel- „ „ e -Mr. Young « d :<amU»^t6 the town to Noith Carolina. Like everything else, sduol waa over almost before anyone knew what was happening. Last wedc was really a whirl of events jvith every club and. every homeroom trying to aqueeze .to time tor apattv. and.of couiae ex­ ams were also scheduled. The Monogram Oub hdd a briefmeetiiig Monday to make last-ndnute plana for their patty witich waa hdd ThiirsJay night at Tanglewctod. Wednesday te chapel duee atu< dents, Yvonne Hutchens,. Jane York and Doris Jonea spolce on die topic “ World Peace.’’ Four membera the faculty served as judges and chose Jane York winner. Saturday die Senior girk w en guests of Divie Fumimre Com­ pany.. Minatun Lane cedar cheata were given to the girls upon ar­ rival. Later aitaw lng waa held to determine die wHiiner of di* large cedar chest. The lucky gid was JoAnnBowlM , froin Farm- tagion;. . Thunday ficpm. la o to 130 die SenioiS'practiced matching asthey wo^d Friday night. At 2-JO die gia ^ mothers. Mrs. J: S., Braswell and M ^ 'D . Silveidis served lefre^miuus to the gniiip. Mis.v Eugene Smidi piesented Mrs. Heater Rowhmd, o f Ware iudv. ofOlanta 8. C ; Mr. and W | . R. Caldwdr.o( C o h ^ ia . & C4 Mr. and Mrt. i. .C ■IprmorB . pure pleasure, havea No other clgarttteis seridK^UjS yit se wM Princess Theatre V i^ N B S D A Y “A C T O F LO V F” WlthKlrit Douidas & Dany Rohto „ • Cartoon THURSDAY & FRID AY “TEN WANTED M EN” In Technicolor W idi Randolph Scott & Jotcelyn Brando' Cartoon & News SATURDAY T W O GUNS AND A BADGE” Widi Wayne Mortis & Bever' Garland Cartoon & Serial ‘ M ONDAY & ,T U ESD A Y ”G A R D ^ " ^ r o E N ,” In T e^icolor. With Gary Coop­ er, andSusan Howard. A d u l g ^ ChUdren 25c. DAVIE V O U N TrS BIGGEST SHOW VALUE . ADM. ISc anS W e »AN T ADS PAT. JWANTED-Several girls to ad. dress, mail postcards, apais time every week. Write Box 161, Bel- mont, Mass. FO R SAL—53 acre farm, locat­ ed on blacktop road, good 5-toom house, barn, and other outbuild* iiigs- If you are looking for a small farm in the countty thia is it. B. C MORRIS. FOR RENT — 4«K>m house near Ijames X Roads, with lights and water, bath and telephoiie. Good chicken house. Call on' ot write. F .V . GOBBLE,Modcsvdle, Route 1. aed,i ed, rebuilt^.Pianos I . . , refinished or r e ^ l ^ ' Free esti­ mates. New and used pianos. Anything ihusicaL Easy terms. Write for prie»' Statliiig.Thomas Music Co. 629 N . Trade St. Winston-Salem W ANTED—Salesman for dut- aide woric. Commission. Cbn- tract can make up to $40jOO a dav. Part time otftiU time work. Write or can Mr. HiU, Singer Sewing MachtoeCo.' Phone 2238 11 Soudi Main Street Lentogton, N . C. LADIES HATS AND BAGS $ 1 .0 0 e a c h “ AU Metal ~ VENETIAN BLINDS White and Eggshell Sizes 27” to 36” Wide 64” Long $2.66 Each 2 For $5.00 Special Group LADIES COTTON PRINT DRESSES $i98VaIue $1.99 B. C. MOORE & SONS MOCKSVILLE, N. C IMoM Trucks Ybur Money Can Buyl Only new Chwroht Toslc-Fcree trucks bring you dl rinse Mily aiedam^faotoratl If you <#ob;» gel IhM. up-lo-ihe-mtnul. adwanhvas.* ^ 're , getting on old-fothloned iruclc—and stond to lalie a licMng ot trade-in tinwl I . na*ar ak laall Hads ef waaMisc. Nair: High-Level vadBilion takes ' ta : . air'- throuih 'igovais- at cowl ■ I f t - " ' ■|««f Ovwdrtve. ' Optiaaai at extra cost - on U-ton models; Hydn- Maticoptiooalon t i ; a - and 1- lon models. «of*iy A safety fcature- steps stay clear of . ice and mud. Out of sight with doors closed. tir«s ilondofd on ton m odels.Greater blovnut protection - they deflate moresk>w> ly if punctured. ’I Power Brokes ttandofd on 2-ton «models. An extra­cost option on all others. .Reduce driver effort} add to safety. Power Stoovlnf. Driving*ssomiich easier with tutB' ing effort reduced as much as 80%. Available as to extra<cost optioo. lar yeu. In iwo . design neameals -a ty lin g that catches , the eye, calls aUentioa to yourtasiMst. Hw lotMl 1* cab- c*m f*rl and ■afsly. More diu> ' able constnictioii; softer seat actktn; 'maof iMw coo- lOnMM )2*vol» oloctrical system.Count <m quicker starts even in cold weather, and still have a husky re> serve of power. ^ .r A For a broader, safer view of tbe road. And ihece^s more glass -area all around. fr«nt ond r«or.For a smoother ride. Frames are more durable with full paraUel side members;y«>r after yeor, Anwico's ' iMStsalKnelnidl:! ' Caaw.h andsa.:. "" ' « . vasl aie4«il tnidks far eay leb.. h « voice and piano ^ p ib to a recital T u e ^ y night. ' The SophomoresheMtheirdass party Wednesday aftemim. at RIdiPadt, ' I want to take this oppoitahity to tell everyone how much I have enjbyed writing dila column and how much 1 appiedateall theha^ that I have ; received. My beat widiN go tS my mctessor that h e . or she may recdve as mucli pleaa- ute f i ^ wridng dlls »lum n ais .1 have. i t l ie Record editor wlahes so dumit Miss Deimna for dw fine uthdn;:die hasfomlshed us duc- ing dte past iitoe tiionllta and for get^gdiem to o n d ra eca d iw ^ W».widi her unbounded su c m wfacr^m she may go. : Editot.[ N « w C h e v r o l e t i c k s M iONE 156 - - M OCKSVILLE, N iC . ...W . ffeS?^ S:& B i?SS fejSsfe itS 3 ® S -v ~ -. v v l w f M G B VOOR., THBiPAjna lutopw). M0CK8V1LLE M. C.. MAT 25. tl»^V . DR. KENNETH J. FOREMftN Chr«nicl«t 'itS ita g : PM lm IM. Reiourcet Of Qii, i;M M a H r m r » , » M A C R IP P L E D A m trica n c a rrie r a fte r th e batU e o f L eyte w as zig.zagginB M w ay to w h at lookad lik e certain death. F a tte r /ap a* n e se c ra ft w ere a fte r It. th etr shots w ere c o m ta t closer. T he only hope any m e on b o a rd could h ay e w as th a t by shifting course and s p e e d in g a g a in a n d a g a in , th e y m ig h t b e able to :p u t off the Inevit­ able end. F inally in m id • afternoon, ju st w hen drown* ing seem ed closer t h a n e v e r , f o r so m e re a s o n th e A m ericans nev er understood, the enem y ships gave u p th e chase and puUed aw ay. H»e chaplain g athered the m en on d eck and th e re re ad th e 124th P sa lm (our devoU onal reading fo r the w eek) as if it h ad b een w ritten fo r the occasion: “If It h ad n o t b een the L ord w ho w as on our side, w hen m en rose up a g ain st us. th en they w ould have sw allow ed u s up quick . . . then the w aters b ad over' w helm ed us.’* TIieResoarMSofGdJ G od (said N apoleon) is on the side w ith the larg e st battalions. N apoleon w as not acquainted w ith G od o r h e would hard ly h av e said th at. T here h av e been to m an y oc­ casions w hen the b iggest b a ttal­ ions. the best nU litary m a teria l (sic), the ablest generalship, did n o t tu rn the trick . <3od h a s some> tim es appeared to b e o n th e side of very sm all battalions. Some* . tim es it's a kind of m y ste ry how it's done. B ut histo ry c a rrie s the re c < ^ . T here w as tto tim e w hen th e H ebrew slaves le ft E gypt in spite o t the best arm y in th e w orld. T here w as the tim e described in th e Bible reading th is w eek, w hen the (jod'fearing K ing H ezekiah and his people.—a m u ch sm aller litU c country th a n m an y another th a t had faUen to d e fe at b y m ighty A s ^ r ia .— w as saved b y a m ir­ acle. T here w as th e tim e la te r in B ebrew history (betw een the Old an d th e New T estam ents) w hen th e little arm y of the M accabees stood oft th e g re a t arm ies o f th e Beleucld Icings; the asto n isb in f d a y w hen the “Invincible’* A rm a­ d a . th e enorm ous n a v a l expedi­ tio n of Spain, w hich could never hav e b een b eaten b y E nglish arm s a t th a t tim e, w as sm ashed b y a hu rrica n e on the rocky eo asts of tb e Islands th e S peniarda Intended t» o islav e. S ay •o m e v ictoriei cannot b e e ty U ilw i u n less you can aaa *'Oed w llhln fh e shadow s, keeping wiiteH abovg h is o w n ." t V ie lo ritio fH ifS p M t T h ere h av e been v teteries th e spirit, too. w hich e a o h a rd ly b e explained unless you c an see G od in the p icture. U b e s Jo h o W oolm an w as bo m . alav ary WM talran for g ran ted e v e r y v A ^ In tb e civilized w orld. Y ou w ould n e t h av e thought M r. W oolm an could m a k e a dent in so w ell-established a custom . H e h a d n o m oney,' n o p restige, not m uch educathm . B ut ttie L ord laid on h is soul a bur* d eo . and he w ent fro m one Q uak­ e r m eeting to another, s h a rio f h lf b u rd e n of concern for slaves; and c u t o f h is one-m an cru sad e cam e th e Q uaker opposition to slav e ry a n d th e g radual aw akening of ' C h ristian conscience everyw hei So, n e arer o u r tim es, w hen W i' R auschenbusch w as a boy. relii ion w as g enerally supposed h a v e to do only w ith a m an ’s n o t w ith h is business o r h li poll- tlca o r anything outside hia ch u rch an d hom e. R auschenbusch becaraa a new so rt of prophetoatU C kedt o f course, a s p r o p h ^ a re ; btit « 4 iat seem ed to b e h eresy to d a y is p reached today in a ll churches. 0 ia t th e C hriatiaa re ­ ligion is concerned w ith ev e ry side an d ev e ry in tere st a n d re ­ lationship of lift . ptthUe v a te toe. Not tht logy t t is a serious m istak e to aup- pose th a t G od alw ays rew ard s the w eak, o r th a t h e w jjl do fo r us w h at w e a re eiq>ectM ' to d o our- id v e s . H ie sto ry e f H esekish b rings this o u t H e felt, and tb e w hole country felt, th a t G od h a d , sav ed them In th eir tim e of need;" a n d th is w as tru e. B u t it sbouM b e noted th a t H ezekiah. faced .with invasion, took intelligent (and ex- pensive, m easu res for def«iise. H e sec u red a reliable w ater stipply ta r u se In c ase of siege, h e d i­ v e rte d w a te r a w ay from th e p laees w h e re th e besieging a rm y w as h m to be. H e built up th e annjr.. h e m an u factu red new eq u ip m en t I f b e h a d screens h e w ould Mosquitoes May Cause Diseases ‘ Transmit Pox From InlFected Flocks F ow l pox. o r sore head, of dkickens, th e dread ed disease w h ich c a rrie s w ith It a g rea t lose in egg profits for th e poultry- m an , m a y b e tra n sm itted b y the m osquitoes. A t least, it’s a logical conclu- s i ^ sa y poultry ex p erts a t som o th e nation’s leading colleges T hey point out th at th e disuasc is alw ay s m ore pj-cvalcnt during the seaso n w hen m osquitoes a re plen­ tiful. m aking ” ii ap p ea r th a t m os­ q uitoes m ay be one m edium through w hich the fowl pox is tran sm itted from flock to flock." W here lay ln s flocks com e down w ith fowl pox. sev eral w eeks is required for th em to recover. M ortality is usually low b u t the losses of egg proflts a re trem en d ­ ous. Som e poultrym en rep o rt the loss of 7S cents a bird in-egg prof­ its a s the resu lt of fowl pox. T his is a g re a t loss thoush not unusual, b u t still a toss tiint can b e avoided. It costs approxir.ir.te- ly one cent to hnmu:H.vj a b:»d ag ain st fowl pox. 15 can rc.id':y b e seen th a t farnv'^j: who arc? \ » .~ fir- u n . v w o R i A C R O SS t . B iblical ’ n am e • .L u re 9 . S lan t to . G erm an. H ver (poea.) l lP r o je c tin f end o f* ch u rch - W . S m all, em* broidered hole14. F em inine pronoun 15.N aU onal god (T ahiU ) td . S ign o f inflniUve i T .a t y m G erm any 21. R om an • m oney 92. In th is place 23. L eprechaun 26. T ra n a p a re n t_ aubsU nee jT .W a v y (H er.» 28. A nnam ese m easure 29. A r to f de­ term in in g volum es 94. sam ariu m (sym .) 35. Solem n w onder 36. C rested hawk' p a rro t 37. B u rsts fo rth 40. Inside Of th e h and 41. T h ick ;'.42. C overings of som e seeds 43. T o cross oneself <E>iaI.> 44. K nob o f a shield D O W N 1 . G reek le tte r IS. C om ply 18. M ore infre- ! q u e n t> ' lft.G irl'a . wmn kiWRl «rati S2rr;aaa the< T estam en t S. S im ian 4 .B x iat 5.AnouUet ot«lake (southera • U .S .) • .M a li bevet^e ' T .S ick 8. 8eeaaw a ' 9. S auce (C0ll0tl.| t l . P ebbles 13. B lunders 20. P a rro t (N .Z O 3 1 B oth. ered • 34. G iant . a ta r / . in SM rfilo- 28. P la n U - 30. D evoured 31. A n o p e ra b y M assenet 32. S m all ’ . brftoka GlHsray i-mvi mEH' nn[4t-j -raf3[nr^ra P p - t « . a s. S w eet ; , p o ta to e f , 38. A lady .in . S pcnscr'a '. y.'paerie-^ ^ Q ucene" , 3 9 . 'letter4 0 .F o r 42. Jew ish m onth ‘ \ m ^ m \ m ^ m \ ' ^ m m \ ■ ■ H I ■ ■■ d If • —— mmm PouH ry ex p erts say It l5 a 1<*k- leai conclusion tliat fowl m ay b e csiu.sca l»y m osnuil'»cs. aince th e ' d isease in >n»st prp- v alen t w hen inosnuitocK n.r«' p le n tlM . E a rly Im m unization of b ird s w ith sta n d a rd (nvr) pox v a e i ^ la recom m ended. selling iiatchbig eggs lose enough in one y e a r to m ore th an p a y for th e vaccine necessary to im m u­ nize th e sa m e size flock fo r m any y ears. P o u ltry fa rm e rs should Im m u­ nize th e ir b ird s w hen they arc betw een eig h t and 14 w eeks of ag e and on range, using any stan d ard fow l pox vaccine. T he vaccine should b e flrst checked fb r th e expiration date. Bromfield Conducts European Form Tour H ow farm in g is done in other p a rts of th e w orld w ill b e seen by a nim iber of A m erican fa rm ­ e rs accom panying L ouis B rom - fleld, au th o r and farm er, on a F rien d ly F a rm e rs T our to E urope M arch 6 to A pril 13. S candanavian A irlines System . Inc., announced recently th a t M r. Brom field w ill conduct th e to u r for tw o groups of fa rm e rs and th eir friends. O ne group w ill leave from Los A ngeles, th e o ther from TIew Y ork, w ith th e tw o groups m eet- Ing in C openhagen. U tilizing th e facu lties of priv ate m otor coach, plane, tra in and special tra v e l counsel, th e toui- w ill cover th e rich e st farm ing sections o f D enm ark. Spahi. Italy. Sw itzerland. F r a n c e . B elgium . E n gland and Scotland and w ill :u elude v isits to fam ous agricul­ tu ra l accom plishm ents a s w ell ax th e o riginal stock fa rm s of breeds.T hose fro m the N ew Y ojk a r" - tak ln g th e trip w ill pay an ui: :v elusive p rice of $2.0!Kj.7‘': ih ■* fro m L os A ngeles, 'vh Includes hotels. m;ral<^ ing, etc. M r. B rom flcld is a» ta..i. h is potatoes, totiio'ocs. v. veg etab les and ^al».u-a ■ '^M alabar F u n n ." a s •*« > b e st sellers, -M rs. F.. an d •T h e R ains C ara Mpvafcis Fsncs NOTICE OF S A L E lff Under »nd by virtu of the pow­ er of In that cerlala Deed of Trust executed by Carl C. McOan- I«1 end wife Azile B. McDaniel to . the uodeniiicned Tiuitee to Becnre ' a note In the auui ol (8,000.00 par- t.bleto Dorbam Bank and Trnat Companjr of Coolecmee, N. C.. bearinc date of Jnlv i. I94«.. duly recorded In Book of Deeda of , Troat No. 33, pane J4fl. •" tt* ficeoftbe Re«ister of Deeda ol Davie Conaty, N. C., default bav. In« been made in the payment of said note and a« the reqneatof aald Bank and . Trust Company, <lw ' payee and holder thereof: Tbe nuderalgaed Truatee wW sell publicly for caah at the Conn House door of Davie County, in Mockwllle. N. C.. on &rto»day. tbe 38th day of May. i9S5. •« .»» o'clock, M.. the followloR deacrlb. ed landa situate In Jernaalen Town­ ship, Davie County, to wit: ist Tract: A tract tyinn on West side of State BIcbway No, 80 (now 6oi)a«onltwo miles from South River: Beiinnlnc at a point J n the center of State Hichway No So (now 601) on.IG; E . PeeMea' line; thence S. 8.u dega. 30 mill. W. >366 feet to a Hickory, the ori- islnal comer; thence N, »8 dcRa. B. 343 feet to an iron pipe; thence N. s decs. E. 8*6 feet to a rtake on the orininat line, cower of No 7j thence N 84<le»a.3 0 min B 1868 feet to a point In , the center of Stale Hichway No. 80 (former­ly) comer to lot No. 8:,th»nce with tbeceoterof aald State Hlihwav, 8. 15 de*« E. 1100 feet to the he Klnninc, containln* so «nd 710 acres more or lean, and :heiOK Lot* N o.9 and io by m ap <if Sn.«n Lantaton farm made ihy N. A. Tiexler, April »9th, I93». Fora more particular"descrip­ tion reference Is hereby made t« Deed from Greensboto'Joint Stock Land Bank to T. W. Summerset, Sr., recorded In Book pase »?». Register’s Office of Davie Conniy, N C and Tract: Lyin« on West fMe of sute BiRbway No 80 (formyr; ly).bont two miles t'om South River: BecinnlnE at a point in the center ol aald Hicbwav corner to Lots Noa. 4 auds onCraiue’a Hoe; thence S . is de«a. E 7 « •«« «® • atake In center of aald H ig h ^ . corner of Lot No «; thence wrth line of Lot No 9. Sonth 83 de»s. 30 mill. W. 1868 feet .10 • atake. m mna of Lot No 9 on tbe_orl*l nal line; thence N. S 7»7 (eet tS> an Irjon atake, Cralfc a ior ner; thence N. 83 degs 30 min W. t«bt feet totbebeglntilng.'^MO taininK 37 and 85-too acres' more or less, and being lots Nos. s, 6, • snd 8 by,plat ol Susan,. LangstonV farm made by W, A Trexler,. April »9. «93*. -Pot a more particular description see deed from OrceualMro fbint Stock Land Bant to T.U W, Suui. merset, Jr., recorded In -Book 33, page 360, aald Register’s Office o DavIe Connty, N; C. .TERMS'OF SA LE: CASH. t im e OF SA LE: Hay 38. 1955- This tbe iTth day ol April, 1955. A. T. GRANT. Tfuaiee. Administratrix Notice Having qualified as Administi» ttlx of the estate of FtedS.OrreH. deceased, late of Davie Coun^ North Carolina, this Is to notl., all persons Kaving claims against aald estate to-prcsent them to the undersigned within twelve months from date hereof,'Or this notice wlll'bc pleaded in b i* of their right to tccover. AH peraons ow­ ing said estate will please make immediate «itlement.■' This the 4th day of Aoril, 1955.SARAH E .O R R E U . Admrx. o f Fred. S. Orrell, Decs d. Hall & Zachary, Attornevs. NOTia TO qu® ITORS Having.quailiSed as Admiiiiura* tri* of the estate of Henrietta Dix oh, dcceaaed,;notice is'hereby giv ento all pe.aons holding claims against said deceased to present the aanie, properly verilied. to the undfrsign^, on or before the 14th day of Ap^l. 1956, ot this notice will be plead in bar o f recovery. All persoiw indebted to said estate will please call and make prompt "T O a^h e 14th dav of April, 1855 RO SA S. MILLER, A dm n.., of Henrietta Dixon, Decs'd Mocksvllle. N. C ; Route 4. ^ ^ i r o n w o d d Q t h e Davie R econl is te J by a native of Davie f,y-,T^TT li to • u twn tf lime I* Unw.' aene teraasa r^Sa'-.irijr.aSSi: ♦ FO R RENT ♦SPACE IN tHIS PAPER WillrAfranse To S«a GOOD l«l6H80ltS-l>«ICES TO flT.VOUR BUSINESS , IF YOU HAVE^ ■ ' beeiioiiia tH p ''--■ ' -mtcttalhed''guests" '-r - ctlebtated a binhdav " V n u ^ ta b l|(6ah moved ■ , '' ■ dcq)^:.. V , / ., had a.baby,'; b e e n 'in a ^ t ‘ ^ - , - : aoldvotit liogs , _ - ; . ' 1 had an operation ~ 'b d u gh tacar ' , painted your house * , been tnarried '' cuta new tooth becnahot:: . stolen anything ^ bm 'ftjbbed sold out lost'your hair beenarnsted Or Done Anything At All Tdephone, O r Drop a PotteaH , O r Coine Iii, O r In Any Convenient W ay Inform . . . THE DAVIE RECORD m m m m I - Payie Record Has Been Pabiisli^ Since 1899 55 Years O lh eas'h ave com e and s«n«>your county n ew ipaper keep* >oins. S'lm elilttes it h at teem ed h ard to m aice % u ek le and tdn'guV’ m eet, b u tao o n th e aun ahinei and w e m arch on. O ur fiith fu l tubtcribera moat o f w h m p ay prom ptly, g ire ut courage anil abiding faith in our ..fellotw.man.- If your neighbor it not taking The R ecord tell him to •ubacribe. T he price ii only S t.5 0 per y w in the Stale, and S 2 0 0 in other atatea. When You Gome To Town Make Our Office Your Headquarters.' , We Are Alway# Glad To See You. LEX US DO IO0PRINTIN6 We can «ave you moiiey on your ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS STATEMENTS; POStE^^ ^ HEADS, PACKET HEADS. Et*:. PatronoK your hom e hew spapw , and diereby h ^ p build ^ you r hom e tow n jwid cbuntyi , ; T H E D A V lE fR E C O M )^ ■/ m DAVIE COUNTY'S O tD B ST N EW SPA PB R -TH E PA PER TH E PEO PI^E READ - >NBM SHAU. n a M W T « MOKJVS WOHTS MAtNTAINi (IHAWCD BT UHrUICNCE AND t/NBRIBEO > r CAIN.' V O L U ltN L V .lioCK SV ILI^. N O R ^ CAROLINA, WBDNB8DAT JUNE i. tg^s- 'NUMBER 43 NEWS OF LONG AGO; What Wm H an m rfn g in D a. v ia I M o m P a ik to f M n lw i ' A n d A b^M viaied S k ir ls (Davie Record, June ist 1909) Mrs. R. N. .Bather spent'Friday lit Wihston shopplni, ^ .T. W. 'Caraer la recovering from a ease ot iiieasles. . ' Mra. t. N. Ijames is recovetlBk ffom a seriods lllaeas. : Mocksville needs'anotli'er . hotel. It would be a paying Investment, ‘ . Him Sarah Galtker attended the commencement e^ietclses of Salem Academy last' week.: .. -Prof, and Mn. Brace Craven,- of LaaaiMer, S. C., are visiting re- ■ lativea and friends In town. ' Ben Cooper, of Statesville; spent several days In town last week wltb Prank Clement. ■_ Dr. Jss. MeOnIre, who has been qnlte 111 for several daya,^ la mncb better, — Casbler T. J. Byerly attended the annual meeting of tlie North Caro. Una Banker's Association at Char. iMte last week. Miss Maggie Call, who has been teaching at Albemarle, returned home Tuesday. . Hra. Addle Foard, of Winston, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ’ W. a: TJTeant. last »eek- ■ The ehali factory is oalv mn. ning five days out of eve^ i> now O. C. Austin, o f Statesvlite, apent Friday and Saturday lu town with bla mother, wbo is quite feeble, ' . Hlas Xosephlne Parris, ol Bills, boro, one of tbe Salem Academy teacbera. I s visiting Miss Mary Heltman. Lee Daniel, son of'Jonaa Daniel of near Augusta ;dled Monday of Bricbta;dlsea« an d was buried Tneaday lu the Dsnlel graveyard. Illse 3 vnr.old child of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Beard, of County Line died Mav 93rd; and was burled at Providence dinrcb Tuesday. Miss Maud Weaver, of Lenoir, Is viaHing In tbla city, the g n ^ of tbe MIsses-Allison. ' ■Mr. and Mrs Will Btcblson, of Columbia, S. C., arrived in town Sattirday to vlait bis parents. 'Mrs. Julb Anderson, of States, vllle, I. the guest of heir daughter, Mrs. Z, N. Anderson The Masons sre figuring on a ‘ new Masonic temple, and we bore they will bnlld this fall. Misses Vada and Lena lohnson, of Farmington, naased through' I .town Tuesday on thelr way bome . from Greensboro Female College. ' wbeie tber haye Been atteirfing ’ adfooi. • R. B. Sanford la having the land he recently nnrehased from Wi K. Clemrat. laid off into lota and will offer them at' auction sale. Tliey are lonted o n Salisbury street, near the chair factory. ' Mra. a. H. paas returned laat week from a few daya visit to re. ' latlves In Winston. ' tila Nellie Newby, of Hertford, Is tbe guest of tbe Mlssea Miller, on North Main atreel.' Miss Mabel Knrfees, of O06 eemee fnnciioti apent Sunday a ^ Monday In town with fclatlra. . Mra. S. b. Swalu and chlldRn, of Lexington, vliilted frienda in loain last week. Some 40profeaslonal men.of the county most o f them lawyera. atand to lose their, licensea w>en Inly comes for not paying the atate'a tribute. But wbo'd wlab I to hire a lawyer ao inept that be couldn't beat a caae like that a. galnat blmaelN-^reenshoro News ^ a t t u ; < ^ now and girt y m lan d per b in b efo re th e tv p p lr b bMwtod; P rin lad on b aavt card boards SOc. p w dM NB. OPm FORUM , All of our liveswe nodonbtbatre beard tne expreaslim that the wlck< ed would be punlabed by Satin or the Devil; It seems to be the un­ derstanding of most people tba Devill wlll.be the one to' do the punisblog of the wicked. ' This motl9n .no doubt came Into exiM ence dnring the dark agea. We havo discussed In the laat few ar. tieles on. the Millennium where Satan will be bonnd during that period. Vfe read In Revelation chapter ta, beginning wltb vene •And there « s war In heaven; Michael and hla angda fought a- galnat the dragon; and tbe dragon fought and bla angels. And 'pie> vailed not, neltber was their place fonnd any more In heaven. And Satan, wblcb deeelvetb the whole world; be was cast out Into tbe earth, and his nngels.were ciiat out with him. This war was held In Heaven before tbe foundation of the .world when Satan or Liidfer trycd to bccome t b c preelding anthorlly even anrpassinc God the Father''Of our spirits. Isaiah re. fered to this When be wrote. "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Ln. dfer. aon Of the morning, how art thou cut down to the ground, which didat weaken the . nations. For thou has aald in thine heart. I, will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stara 'ol Ood: will sit also In tbe sides of tbe north: I will ascend above the heights of tbe clonds; I will be like the most High. (Isaiah 14:13.13 14. IS) On one occasion tbe mast* er caat out demons from a m and iMfore they.csme out they testified to knowing who Jeaua waa and ask if he waa going to torment them' before the time. They no' doubt remember^ tbe Lord from previoua experience with him In’tbe Igreat war in heaven. Evil plrlts have not lost their reeolleellon from that great coiifllct when a third of tbe bosi of beaveu \wera caat out after the war.In heaven.. On an. other occaalon.Jeans said. “ And heafid hnto them. I beheld Sat. an as lightning fall from heaven. (Luke 14:18.) ]nde the apoatle in bis.sbort epiiiile refered to thls«n. fllct bvfore the fonndation of the world as the firat eatate" when be aald. "And the angels which kept not their firpt estate, hut left their own habitation, he hath te- aervcd lu everlasting cbalna under darknesa unto tbe jndgement of the great >lay. (Tnde 1:6) In the above scripture we are not only in­ formed atxint the fall of Satan and hla angels; but we are reminded Ihelr'doom la to,come at the laat day . And again if we will refreah our memory of the teatlmonv of tbe evil apl'rit to Je.ua when be waa gidug to east them out of the aBirtrd man; they teatlfied to their acquaintance of the maater and like wlae ask him If be waa going , t o torment tbem'bcforc tbe time. In thia question to Jesus, they bore IMImony they, look for pnuiah ment at their time which will be at the end. of tbe world. We read In Revelation that Satan the old Ser. pant.la to be bound for a tbotiaand yeara while Christ reigns on the enrth aa King'of Kinga a ^ Lord of Lotda. ' We further read In. Revelation that at tbe end of lha great Millennium then Satan will be looaed for a "llitle aeaaon" will go to battle G. d againat Me. gog, and after this he will receive hU etemaa pnnishment the mlaerv nor the place no one baa ever been able to understand. So Saton la a ware of the fact his t|me,ia limited and he baa failed in leolaclng the t«rd ab bis only aim Is to take aa many aa possible with him. - ' b n ffaam i«.C ll^ tn c Brake , For Form Trailers Runs From System OfTowing Vehicle ; T he la te st step tow ard modern* teation of farm e q iiii^ c n t is. grow ing use of sm all-size electxlo b ra k e s on fai-m utility tra iler# and j ■' . T he elc<?tric tfaf!(;r b rak es range in s!r.e frnm 12 by inches to 14 b y '2 inchcs. T his size ra n g e w ill acconrftnodatc m ost' (arm tra U e rt . and w(tt!or/s having a gross loed o f Uf). to d.dOO pounds.• Th<^ grow ing • use of th e new brakdR .cnm c as a resu lt o f,many S tates instituting . legislation: .'re* quh'ing the use.of a' sep arate Iwafe^ ing system on any fa rm 'tra ile rs ,or wngonK n'hicb i^ere used to any ex ten t hi ‘Viver th e high­ w ay*’ oj^srations. T he ‘ra ile r' o r ' w agon b rak es a re controlit'd. from the tru c k o r tra c to r by m eans o t a h a n d con« t i ^ .m ounted on th e steerin g col­ um n. T he op erato r ean ap p ly his tra a c r b rak es sim ultaneously w ith his tru ck o r tra c to r' b ra k e s o r W h eth er'y o u pnll your fa rm tra ile rs liy tn irlt. c a r. o r trao> ler. It's dftnecrouK if th e traU er h a s no hrak ln g racHIUee. N ew eleelric b rak es fo r tra ile rs o r - tragons, w hich m ay b e o p erated fre m eteeriiw iM»st of tew tng veU ele. a re U te st safety fe atare . e ith er system ' c a a .b e . used it^ self in em ergency. • T he sim plicity and fa st stopping pow er o t th e electric b ra k es should m ak e ' th em increasingly popu« la r. T he electric tra ile r b rak es <W erate fro m ' th e ele ctrica l sys* ta n i o f th e tow ing vehicle. T o vohaeet them , the te n n e r sim ply in serts a p k ig ^ ln to th e . sgrstem socket, sim ilar u> plugging a lanqji' into a n o u tlet in your ow n hom e. Ome farmer whe gat ticc4 of - ■eatag Us eUMrea wait in tlie ralii far a seheelbw oeMtr«ete« are WMHOly arevad 0 ms averaaverage farm* !• keep them o«t ef Om weather. Tb» ehetter may be erMled at a •eataal cost by maiMg r x r» M tll «f CORRECTION Little Girl (aficr. first morning atacbooD: Mother, vou’te wtong about "b” fbr bunny. Miss Chad­ wick says itfa for bread. COULD H AVE BEEN Am ! the first girl you ever kissed? You may have been. Were you ever in Atlanta? (hr County Andl Sojcial Security By Louis H. Clement, Manager. H tm d ^ s of per ons in Davie County may benefit from the drop-out provisions of the ame^d. ed social security law. The drop-out provision allows as many aa'four or five years of low or no earnings to be dropped out when figuring in a person’s benefit rate. This provision results in a high­ er average monthly earning which is the 1m s for computing social tty benefits. CLOSED FOR REPAIRS A theological student was ^cnt one Sunday to supply a vacant pulpit in a certain town.' Later he received a copv of the weekly paper from the town in which this item appeared: “ Rev. So-and- so of the senior dass ofiYale Sem- inatv supplied the pulpit at the Congregational Church laat Sun­ day.- The church .will now be closed three weeks for repairs.’ EXPECTING IT Will your patents ■ be surprised when you graduate? Oh, no. ThevVe,. been expect- ing'it.for aeveral years now. ALREADY SCALPED Jimmy needed a playmate. His grandpa said if Jimmy would stop crying, he would play Indians with hlml Jimmy sobbed even* harder. •‘B-b*ut it won't be any fun. You're already scalped." To qualify for this provision, an lndlvidual!innst have six quarters ot coveraiee (about ii years of work) after June 1953. However, persons beconilng 65 years of after August, 1954, will automatically qualify. Persons who were receiving be­ nefits before September, 1954. should contact thete nearest social security office If they’meet the re­ quirements mentioned above. For further information, con­ tact the Social' Security Office. 301 Post' Office Building, Salis­ bury, N. C. If you have any question^ con­ cerning your'social security, you might write us at 361 Post Office BuUdihg, Salisbury, N . C., or see onr reprenentative who visits the Court House, Mocksvllle N. C , on the first and third Fridays of each nion^ from 1230-1:30. B^EAD AND BUTTER Befoie I married Maggie‘dear I waa her pumpkht pie, her precious peach, her honey ^n ch , the ap­ ple of.her eye. 'But aftn years of married life, this thought 1 pause to niter; those'fancy names are S S to , th. tact that they do fv- left her a set'dW a PUM a«et tha man lelt rta rtte * b rfa re a recM ri f f S w r t r o m th e gaU erytl» recital wMit «*-l» - "-1 lata. and ntnv I’m just her bread OU> AGE PENSION Teacher: Have you ever heard of JuUua Caesiit? Pupa- Y< Tgwhcn he would be doing now, if he were alive? . Pupih Drawing an old-age pen­sion. Yea, sir.!T. Vi^atdo you think ■EAUTIfUl irSIEIlINC SU V »\ sr BARHDN (SS OTHEK FAMOUS vSllVERSMITHS; THE GIFT SHOP Mn.Chrirtii>eW.Daiiid. Shmf Coal & Sand Co, W e Can Supply Your Needs IN G O O PC O A L, SAN D «>d BRICK Call or P h o n e y ji^ ^ n y Time P H O N E ^ : Potmerlv Davie B i^ & .C o «l Co Army Nfodernlzation Prosram Includes Mo:8 Helicopters W ASHrNCTON - T h e a n i t e d S trte s A rm y is due have n new 3>D look by mid-l9.‘ig am* the th ird ' dim en.slon will be one of hei;;ht In a m ocJcrniaatloa prof.ram d e­ signed to bolster the A rm y’s a v ia ­ tion strengtli o ver the next 37 m onths, plans call for a six*fi:ld Increase in A rm y h e lic o p te r stren g th . In addition, g reatly in-, creased num bers of light utilJt} a irc ra ft will go into service for artille ry spotting. reconnal5i;.‘tn"c*. eom m ond and '>our‘e r m issions, colum n control, transportation of A rm y supplies and units. m<^(licnl evacuation and aeriat phnidgrnphy E xperience in K orea and W orld W ar II alread y h as restiitcd In establishm ent of a sizeubic A rm y a ir service. Today, the A rm y op­ e ra tes 3.300 aircraft, w ith an ad* ditional 600 light planes assigned to th e N ational G uard. These p lanes give the traditionally earth- bound troops v astly im proved m o­ bility, freeing both m en and equip­ m en t from th e lim itations of mucic. m ounlains, m oras.ses, and roads. E m p h a sis will be filaccd on a build-up of A rm y h e lic o p te r stren g th , w hich now stands a t less th an 200. U nder the present setup, m o st of the . 200 helicopters are assigned to six Arm>' tran sp o rta ­ tion com panies (each w ith 21 cnrgt> and tw o utility ’copters), w ith the rem aining ro to rcraft distributed am ong th e A rm y’s 17 divisions. B y mid*1951. the A rm y’s heli­ co p ter stren g th should rise to about 1.200. T w elve carg o battalions (3G com panies) w ill account for 756 carg o and 72 utility helicopters. In addition. 26 to 28 helicopters and 16 fixed'W ing a irc ra ft'w ill be a s­ signed to each o f the A rm y’s di­ visions. W rites 14 Miliion Words, No Cromp! P O R T M ADISON. la .-F o u rtc e n nuiU on w ords of handw riting w ith­ out a tra c e o t w rite r’s cranin. T h a t’s th e reeo rd o f Irene w il­ liam s. this city ’s nom inee fo r the n atio n 's penathon title. M iss W illiam s te sts w rithes in­ stru m en ts in th e w orld’s biggest P ^ facto iy i?ere. S he w rtles con­ tinuously n e arly ev ery w orking Iw iir o f h e r w orking day. W hen she‘s n o t w riting, sh e's ex am in ­ in g w h at she h a s w ritte n and for th e p a st seven years, she h a s pv- e ra g ed 7.QOO W A ri, and figures daily. HILLTOP Service & Supply HOPES TO STOVE YO U EVEN BETTER IN 195S Gas, O a Suppliet Also A Nke Line Of Vegetablet, A n d Stap le G roeeriei W e A itpreciate Y o u r Jf. W. HILL Owner D o ro u fWkd TIm R acord? Seen Along Main Stieet By The Stfset Ranblsr. OOODOO Miss Lynda Oiawfotd on her way to movie ahow—Mra. W. C Murchison and Mrs. Tohn San­ ford chatting In front of banking house-M ts, Holland Chaffin ^ ill son pausfaigfotrelnshnients ■ in.dtug store—Miss Camilla Jai on her way to work—Mrs. I. K , Sheek doing some chilly motnbig shopDing—Ann Rankin hurrying up Mate street—Rutal citizen tty ing to get into banking houae on Wednesday afternoon—Robert Ba* singer out looking for something to eat—School principal buying a tin of smoking tobacco—Polfce- man .happy because Mhool la out for the summer -High School Se­ nior expiessfatg her joy by dancing in local store while spectaton pause on their way up Main street—M i.s Faye Allen on her way down Main street eating big cone of pink ice cream—Young couple trying to lo­ cate doctor’s office—George R o w land and Leslie Danld talking things over on hot aftetnoon— C. A.BIackwelderbelng held up on Main street—Miss Clara Sykn Graham talking o m telephone— B. W. Ladd parting with sled cn> gravings of George Washingtnn— M rs.R. W; Feimster and Utile dauaJtter dohig some aftetnoon ahopptaig—Mrs. J. D. Furcbes tiy- ing to do some shopping on Wed* iftemoon—Ge vrorkfaig in displaV window on warm aitemoon—I itn Kelly con­ suming large chocolatc milkshake —W .G. Booe rambling orotic town on hot afternoon—M n. C. I. Wilson and chiMien sitting in parked auto on Main street—M n. Ruth Markland doing some after- nc»n furniture 'store shopping— Two Kurfees sisters dritikfaig large ice crram sodas—Quince Poweli remarking that he had traveled all the way ftom Greensboro on Fri­ day afternoon to get an old home town 75c. hair cut—^Jane York looking at movie show which kept her crying niost of .he time—^Rev. E. W . Turner getting some Friday afternoon tonsoral work-M ts.|aa. Owings doing some dfane stoM- shopping on hot afternoon—Mra, Joe Patner and litde daughtet on their wav to movie show—Harry' Murray and Jeff' Caudell lookinc at new fire truck—Miss Deaima Silverdis leading black dog across the square. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O itS Having qualified aa esecuttte of ^ »<1 the eatate o f H. I. Catter. decctf ed, hite o( Davie County,. Nmlh Carolina, this ia to notify an ncf> sons hohUogdaima agaiM sud es­ tate, to preiMnt diem to dw under signed twUhbi U niondu in m date hereof, or.dilanotkxwUI Iw plead fat bar of their iceovetT. M persons owing said estate will make immediate Setdement. This A prai6,l9 55. BeCBfodc. Attoiiicf