08-AugustPAGE EOUR THE HA VIE REiCOfttI, U0CK8VILLE N, C. JULY 80. l«E2 C IlB S S li Pllll IASI WEEK'S ANSWER ACROSS I. Wing 4. Mineral spring 7. Ink Btaln ^7. Mntlem 39. Jog 40 F nlllo u in 41. Manner of walking8. Flat«toppeO 42. Suprcmtbin10. Spill over 11. Having • sickly appearance (slang) 13. U nllof weight14. Short, plnltcd skirt (Scot.) 16. Cold(Heraldry) 16.Increase 18. Upward curving of a ship's plnnklng M. Part of ■■to be” 20 AfUrmntlve vote21. Greek letter22. Title of Etbloplfln rulfir24. Open spacc In a town (It.)27. Wan’* nicknnme28. Connict 20- Tncieflnltcarticle 30. Moving pnri (Mcch.)32. Hungers 34. Jpwlsh month 36 Mlniilp kMw opening 36. Before Being 43. Kctlsh (Afr.) DOWN 1. Onward 3. Cut off. as tree tops B.Ncar ♦.Silvery food-fish B. Kind of fuel 6. Question 10. TarniKh 11 Cone*bf>ar ing tree 12. Thirsty 14. Uowlslnndi 17. Mnnhandio 18 TuJftl 21. Impreralon 23. Herd of whales 24. Wniking stick2b. Brightly* colored bird 26. Beginning 28. Small sitin excrescence 30. Vehicle 7. I^oaewaist 31. A son of 9. An oge A*lam NAME THEM A prize of $1.C0 to the first per- son Bcndlnj; in thcit corrcct names. O NCE IN A W H IL E ir.cn nrc Irr who hove more cnreors jV one. Tlwmns Jefferson wr.s t c tect, educolor, lawyer, w ril. r « ecutlve; Sam uel P. B . M orcc v, • painter and also the invcnior n i si MTICEOF SALE Under and by virtue of on order of the Superior Court of Davie County, North Qnrolina, madu lu a spceiiil pro* ceoding entitled “ N. B. Dysoii, Ad- niinistrntor of A. M. McClinnrouk, Do- censed vs. June Hopler, el a l" , tUc undersigned Coniiuissioni'r will, on Ibe a2lh day of July, 1952, ut 12:00 noon, at the Courthouse door in Mocks- ville, North Carolina, offer for anio to the liighnst bidder for cassli, those cer­ tain tracts of hind lying nnd l>enig in Mocksville Township, Davio Conn-| • ly, North Carolina, adjoining Dutch- ^ Mi»n Creok iiud Highwijy No. 158, and more pnrli«uliirly described as fol­ lows: FIR ST T RACT:Beginning nt an iron slnke on the Northwest bIiIc of U. S. Highway No. 3B8 j»nd riJiw Norlli 33 dogs. Rnst 20/)0 ohti. to an ir«)U Ktiikc; Uionei* North 62 deg«. Knst 2.4U cliR. to nn iron stake on the bank of Dutulunun Creek; lhoni*c clown isiild «»*uok South 30 degs. lilast I cIis. to an iron stake': thunce down said creok South 59 dogs. ISflst 6.50 chs. to an Iron stake under (ho bridge on U. S. Highway No. 158; thence Soudi 43 dcjra- West with U. S. Highway No. ]68 .10.50 uhs. to an iron stake; thoucu South 53 dogs. W est 3.03 cIiB, to the place of boginning, contain­ ing 12.85 acres moiu or less. SECO ND THACT:Beginning >il an iron stake on the ■\Vt»9t side of U. S. Highway No. 158 on the bank of Dulvhnmn Creek nn- dur the bridcp nnd runs South 50 dogs. Kast with said creek 5.00 chs.; thenco "■ South 21 dp»«. Mast .1 chs.; thonc«* South 8 degs. Ka»t 5 d is.; thence Novlh an. tlegs. KnsL H ehs.; Iltonrc North degs. Knst 8.23 uhs. to an iron stake; tlience North 65 degs. Wcsl 7.2.*^ chri. io nn iron stake; (henn> Noffh .'IS degs. Wiwt- 4 e)>s. io «» iron stake on the'‘West side of U. S. nigh- ■way No. 358; thence South <13 degs. West with said highway 2.50 chs. to the place of beginning eontnining jUMtis more or less. The First Tract w ill bo divided Into Boger & Howard PU R E S ER V IC E T ir s Batteries And Accessories Kurfccs Paints Comer N . Main 5t G .ilrlicr Sts Phone 80 Shoaf Coal & Sand 'Co. Wc Can Sorpfv ^t ur Ncutls IN GOOD CO A L, SAN D and B R IC K Call or Phone Us A r Any Time PHO N E 194 Formerly Davie Brick &Coal Co S IL E R Funeral Home A N D Flower Shop - Phone 113 S. M ain St. M ocksville. N, C . Ambulance Service American People Enjoyed Very Good Koallh in 1351 Dci^pHo the strains of Ihe . . five lota nnd sold snpnralely and then arm nm ent program and the Ko- ns n whole, nnd the bid most ndvan- tiisfpotis will be accepted. Tins (lie 0th day of June, 1052. renn wnr. the American people en joyed excepUonaJly good heaUh in 1951. and the outlook tor 1052 ap i.'thN. b ! D YSON , CiimmiBsioncr Pears equally good, health o«ic;. ITnll & >5achnry, Attys. fioticeto Creditors report. The steady advances In medical science, more efficient use of the nation’s mcdical and public health facilities, and the prospect of good economic conditions are the prime factors in assuring good health con* ditions In the year ahead. Only the outbreak of a m ajor w ar or an epi­dem ic for which measures of con Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Mactle Ada G riffith, dcceascdi t^otice is herchv given ---- ------------- to all persons h o i Hng claim s a- trol are as yet Ineffective would g ainst safd estate to present th e Ukely to m ar this outlook, sam e, properly v erififd . to the un- ^ The death rate <>« the United dcrslgned at327 Vintage Avenue, "n iv * i n S ce^S“above ?heWinston-Salem. N . C ., on ,bc- the previousfore the 30tll Hay of June. 1953, or jj vir- th ii noC'ce w ill be plead in par ot maUy wiped out when allowance ri'covcrv. A ll persons indebt*;) to made for the increased number S!liJ estate w ill please call lipon tlie undersigned nod make prompt sfftlem ent. T ills 30lh dav of Uine, 1952.^ G R IF F IT H , Exr. of Martie Ada G riffith. Dpcs’J . Bv A T . Grant. Atty. B M ter caM at (his o ffiM n ow an<l g '< vmii- land pn«- t« r. b forp the m ipplv i« h » u .t-d Printed h e a v - card b oard 50c. p er dozan. In.'onts ond older persons, among whom the death rate is norm ally above the overage for the popuJu* t!on as a whole. Tlie excellent rec­ord of 1951 was achieved, moreover, In the face of a wave of respiratory di;c35e in February and M arch vhich caused a m oderate increase »i' the death rate in that period o£ the year. Y n ur n f'g h b o r re'tds R ecord. le g r a p h ; Theo* re Roosevelt was ^dore m a n so cany* sided that some one has w r it t e n a n am using a r t i c 1 c showing t h a t sev­eral t h o u s a n d s of years f r o m now. scholars mlE^bt cus iJy concluoo that T.Roosevelt w a s noi one m an but sev­eral different men .with the siiiti Many>Sidvd M an AM U EL WAS O N E of the thcF many-.Hided m en. We call hiti' Samuel the prophet, but. we couir Just os well coll him judtie, priest preacher, general w riter and kin'.' maker. He was a prophet, for the poopli who knew him turned to him when they wanted to know what Gnr thought. We can call him a prcach er, for we know of one very suc­ cessful revival which he conductor (1 Sam . 7). He was also w hat wc call a circuit judge, going from town to town to hold court. He wap a successful general, for wc know he'not only advised m ilitary lead­ ers but took the lead in raising an arm y him self and directing It in a successful cam paign. He was a priest, not only In „ form al w ay, offering saorl- ffees a t various places; but he also once said a mem orable thing which m arks bim as a priest In the tm est sense: **Tc have done all this Aviekedness, y e l. . . God forbid (hat I should sin against you In ceasing to pray for you.” (Chap. 12.) He was a writer, lor though he could not have w ritten both book, that bear his nam e, he did write “ the m anner of the Kingdom ” — perhaps a kind of constitution. And next week’s study w ill show him as klng*maker.• * • N'o Dictator r H E M ANY-SIDED M AN . the m nn of m any talents, always has one ‘•reat tem ptation; to be a dictator. It isn't bad people who become die- i.ntors; it isn’t the w eak; it Is the strong and able. A very able president, for In­ stance, w ill take it on himse/f to run (he State departm ent and any other departments that specially interest b lm ; in a sm all town a many-sided m an m ay bo superintendent of fhe m ill, chairm an of the sohool board, chief deacon In the i ohureh, superintendent of the I Sunday sohool, m ajor and post- | m aster besides. It Is not alone In public that the dictator flo u rl^e s . Sometimes In a home the father, or the mother, will be so energetic and brainy Ih-'t he (or she) finds it m uch easier to do things than to w ait for the children to do them, or to teach the children huw it is done.Now- the prophet Samuel, who towered high above the average m an of his country, m ust have been tempted to be a dictator.Sar..Mi;l perhaps could have done it all, but he knew when to retire' from the foreground. N O T IC E O F S P E C I A L E L E C T IO N AND S U P P L E M E N T A L E E G IS T R A T I O N ■m T H E C O U N T Y O P D A V I E , N O R T H C A R O L IN AA irmiB] elcolion w ill bo held on Saturday, August SO, 1052, between 0*.30 A. M . nnd 0:30 1^ Eastern Stiinilnrd Time, nt which lim e there w ill bo B u ^ffte d fo (ho qnaHllcd voters o f the County o f Davio tho following questions: □ For tho legal snlo of wine. □ Against U)c legal sale of witte. [3 For the legal sale of buer. □ A ^ iu s t tho legal sale of beer. ' For said olcetion the regular rcgi&trnlion books for elections in said 'County will bo used, and such hooks w ill be open for the registration of voters, not heretofore regintcre<l, from 0:00 A . M., until sunset on each day beginning Saturday, August 2, 1052, and closing.Snturday, August 16, 1052. On each Saturday <luring such registration period such books w ill be open at (lie ]julling places. Snturduy^ August 23, 1852, is Chnllcngo Day. Tliu polling plaecs in the several preolnctH nnd the judges and registrar for each precinct are as follows: JUDGES Luke Wallscc Lennlc Driver Adam Jordan W m. P. Owins Sam L. Heg«« Jack Vesler- Buck Garrltan Wilburn : Ray Burtan J. L Luper Mrs. Kate Peitar Tom W. Spry ‘ Bill UQrsnd Atlas Smoot Raleigh QIastcock E. D. Ijimes Harman Bofloi I>REC1NCTS— POUING PUCES Clarkivlltc! W . R. Davie School Coeleemeet Ceolcemea School East Shsdr Grove: Shady Grove School Pulton: Fork Community Jcruialem; Shoal Servlea SlaHon Moctuvillei Courthouie > North Calihsn: Canter Community Bldg. W . F. Pt^rebce REGISTRARS Robart Back Harold F. Foster C. D. Peeples Bill McC’amroek M n. Odell Foster Ray McClamroek Smith Grove: Smith Grove Scheol South CalahMi: Davie Academy West Shady Grovct Bennatt't Store Glenn Alton Ma}er Beauchamp Claude Cartner T. G. Carlnar Paul Stroud Mrs. Plorence Staf* Geerflo Mock ford Thomas Browder B y order of the Board o f Glcetiuns of Diivio County. This 21st day of June, 1052. D A V IE COU N TY HOAR.D 01^’ KLKCT10N8 B y G. Aubrey Merrell, Chairman F . J. Seders, . Seexetary The Record has the largest white circulation ot any Davie paper. FO R PURE C RY ST A L ICE C O A L FO R G R A TES, STO V ES, FU R N A C E AN D STO K ER S It W ill Pav You To Cull O r Phone Ua. W c M jkc Prompt Delivery Mocksville Ice & Fuel Co. ■ Phone 116 M ocksville, N. C . , Public Spirit SA M U EL him self is a model for all the many-gifted men wtio reach and deserve positions of power. He never milked the people tor his own benefit; he never used, public office for private gain. (With one sad exception; he kept his worthless sons on the public pay­roll.) He was a m an of true public spirit.This m eans two things, and Sam ­ uel had them both. One is a wide vision; being able to see all sides of a question, and to sec not only his own advantage, hut how decisions and policies affect all kinds of per­ sons.• ♦ • Most polltioians w ill have at heart the* interests of their own lltUe bailiw ick; how m any have the interests of the nation at heart?Public spirit m eans wide vision. It means a wide concern, not only seeing but caring. In an election year, when politicians are clam or­ing a i us from all sides, we ma.v well inquire about every candidate Does this m an have any resemb lance to G od's m an Samuel? Doei- he have a sense of responslbilit to God? Does he have a wide vision, a wide concern? Whose side is he on? Is he out for himself, or foi God and the whole people? T h e D a v i e R e c o r d Has Been Published Since 1899 5 2 Y e a r s O thers h.-'ve coii-.u an i'« .ne-ynHr fountv n ew sp B i'cr l.e .}.« gning. a m lim s it h ,(.i aeftnsd hard to ■i nltu “ bu< kJe »nd tongue” m eet, but li.e tu n Fhincs and w e m atch t:n . O i r.f» ilh fu l su b scrib ers m ont.of w io'm pay prom ptlv. g iv r u> courage anJ abiding faith in our ■)fellow m an If your neighbor ie nut taking The R ecord tell bim to subscribe. T h e price i« only $ 1.50 per year in the Slate, and $2 00 in oth er'states. \Vhen You Come To Town Make Our Office Your ■Headquarters. W e Are Alwavs Glad To See You. D o Y o u R ead T he R ecord? j The Davife j^ecord D A V I E d O U N X T ’S O X . D E S T N E W S P A . P E R - - T H B P A P E R T H E P E O P I . B K E A D -HERE SHALL THE P P < ^ . THE PEOPLE'S RIGHTS MAINTAINi UNA W ED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN " VOI.UM N U I I M O CK5SVILLE. NO RTH C A R O LIN A , W BDNKSDAY AUGU ST 6 lOH.N U M B E R I NEWS OF LONG AGO. W h a l W as H ap pen ing In D a­ v ie Ba^ore P u k in g M eters A n d A b b reviated Skirt*. (Davie Record, August 3, 1927). Miss Sniflh Chaffin Isspendine a week with relatives nt Albemarle. Miss Lillian Mnnnev is spendln? this week in Leaksvllle, the euesl of Mrs. R . W. Tennv. Mr. and Mrs. K . H . Cartner, of Kannapolis, spent last week with relatives in and around Mocksville Mrs. J , S . H aire and children spent several days last week in Greenshoro, euests of Mrs. Haire'.'i mother. Mrs. E . T . Phelps and Htlle daughter, of Whislon-Salem, spent several days last week with rela. tive« near, town, .M r. and M rs R . S . M eroney and little danghter. o f Asheville, sneut several days last week in tow n the guests of Mfsjses L lliie and Sophin M eronev. '.Sonford H utchens, of R i, wa« he/e T hursday e x h ih itln e an Irish potato w hich w eiglipd more than tw o pounds. M r. H nfchen^ plant, ed a little over one hnshe! o f notn- foes atid hrrvested 37 bushel.**. M r. and M rs. F . A CHck and H itle dflwehter, of W a.shineton C Itv w ho have been v tsltin? relatlvps here and at H lk in for the past len davs. left F ridav for thoir hom e. W . L . C all, w ho has been In tbi» Jo hn s R n n k ln s ho«nital a* Bairi m ore for the past seven weeks pr riven hom e last w rek. M r. C n'l was tpklner treatm ent for eye trow. ____rtn^rat«1 .-on. Roy Brown, proprietor of tl||(rht M ocksville Ice & Fuel Co., h| been spending a week^or two j 1 and his hrn ihe r Toe K iniha ll. of M acon. G a .. were In tow n last jve«*V shak ing hands w ith old frlendj*. and iicqMalntanpes T h4*<»e e ^ tle m e « are- form er D avie hov**, having iiv M aHout one w ile south of tow n ItnfH they hare some fortv years aeo. Jam es M . Hatr>n w ho earries the U . S. M all hMween Cana and M ocksville. is a farm er as well ps n m ail carrier. Tim ti*ll< ws that hp thrpfihed 5.S7 h.«shels of whpp». ' off his farm thl« vear. T en acrp' o f h<s w hewi.land nrodnced over 9t Knshels to the aere. T his Is eor*d w heat for thi*> vear. T . H . G ih«on, and «si«»ter M rs. . B . J. Foster and daughter Jtiila.P oster, of R oute i . report um nd trip to Asheville Tennessee, V lrirlnia an-l on to P lnpville. K v .. to visit thair hroiher, !.• M arsh O ihson. T he brothers hadn’t each other In nearlv 30 vears. T hev stonned over . In fJfatesvUlp. «and visited th e ir sUt**r, M rs. JuHa Ans tin on 'th a ir return hom e. T hev motored th ro u e h . I t is estim ate^ that fnllv ."^.ooo person attendpd the Reavls reunion hpld at the hom e of I. S. Reaves seven mUes fr«m Y ad k inv ille , Ya<1 fcin county S n nd av. T he dinne- wa« spread on a tshie 125 feet lone —E x . Thnrsday of next week is the Mecest dav of the 365 In Davio eountv. For fortvnlne .years the Masonic nim ic has drawn tbon.s ands ot visitors lo the county an. nuallv to meet their old frlonds and relatives—to eniov a fine coun. trv dinner. li«»ten-to good speakers, enjov good music and |^elp a worthy cause. This year w ill he no ex< ception to the rnle. People will he here from manv sections of North Carolina and also from distant states Kome eomine from' one l($ three Thousand miles for this big day. The various committees are doing everything io''their power to make this the biggest and best pic­ nic in the bisipTy of the country, A ^Iftd welcome awaits all Who come. What Does The^ Public Want? Rev. Walter E.lneohnut. Tavl J.N.C Within the last year 1 have con­ tacted over a hundred newspspers in the state of North Caroltna in regard to a sinall amount of space weekly, or as ofien as It might he granted, that I may get something into their colnrons by the way of poetry, sermons, or short articles, that I fA l would be worth ’ much to the public; but ont of* all these t>nper5 contacted only one has giv. en me a small amount of space once a week. Really I have been al. most dumfoniided. I sent some material to every paper I wrote fl Dersonal letter to—and I wrote lo each one>~and ^ven sent stamps for a reply, or for the return of the material, and manv of the papers not only failed to reply, and of course gave no space to mv materi. al. hut didn*t even return the ma. terial, as I asked them to. I know the material I have write 1s for the uplift of the people mornlly and spiritunllv. and even physically. I never write anything of an un* clean natnre, but alwavs oray for God to direct me in my composi- tions. and In my articles tnd short messages. Really I am astonished at the way newspaper men, generally speaking, treat what I have written. One of these newspapers not only onlv refuseft me space, hut gives much space each week to advertis. ing whiskey. Others give much space to sports, tobacco advertising, and the news of crime, and much that Is degrading and demoralising. Manv <if the newspatwrs have very little In them that It lakes to read their columns T have come to the definite conclusion that the news­ papers of our country are tremend. ouslv responsible for the low moral conditions of the nation. . They throw Into Ihe waste basket that which would be uplffting and en nobling to the people, and that which would help save our youth from degradation, crime and de struction, snd then give their space to that which is very largely de- trimental morally ohvsicaliy and spirituailv. Is It only the plan of rbe .majority of our newspapers to give the public the cheapest stufl they can pick up because it Is wanted, or because It is in demand, and because it. brings in money? Are our newspaper men interested onlv in money? Do the majority of them care nothing for ihe mor- als of our couturv and Ihe »alva> (ion of the souls of mankind? If this is true, and it seems to be, therefore we are in a deplorable condition in regard 10 the reading matter of our newspapers W« greatly appreciate tt'e space some editors give us. Notice to Creditors Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Mattie Ada G riffith, deceased, notice is hereby, given to all persons holding claims a- gainst said estate to present; the same, properly verified, to the un­ dersigned at 327 Vintage Avenue, Winston-Salem. N . C ., on or be­fore the 30th day of June, 1953, or this notice w ill be plead in bar of recovery. A l! persons indebted to said estate w ill please call upon the undersigned and make prompt settlement. Th is 30th dav of Tune» 1952.TEF G R IF F IT H . E xr. of Mattie Ada G riffith, Decs*d. By A . T . Grant, Atty. T HE itiG GUl^.SS M E R B FO R M A LIT Y The young m an who had been calling frequently a t last spoke lo M abel’s father about m arrying the daughter.. “ It’s a mere form ality, I know,” he began, "but wc thought it would be pleasing to you, if it were ob­served in the usual w ay." “ And m ay I inquire,” the'fatber asked, "w ho suggested that asking m y consent to M abel’s m arriage was a mere form ality?”"Mabel’s mother.” H abitA lum berm an driving to town one m orning saw his neighbor busily chopping down a tree. The m an wus clad in a long flannel nightshirt."O laf,” he yelled, ’'why are you chopping wood in your nightshirt?” "W ell,” replied Olaf, "1 always have dressed beside a- wood fire in the m orning and, by cracky. I ain't aim ing to stop now ." Fish Tale 'A friend of ours returned frcim r fishing trip and gave an enthusi^.'^'- tic report of a favorite spot he’c! found. " I caught a lot of big ones,” he boasted, "ten inchcs, twelve inch­ es— " " ’Twelves Inches!” 1 interrupted. "T hat isn't a big fish!” "Betw een the eyes?” he snapped. Short Time Courtship—The short interlude be­tween lipstick and mupstick I The rector had m viiud the villa- boys to the rectory for a strawber. tea. A fter they had finished he, seek­ing to point the m oral, said: "Now, boys, w asn’t that nicer than break­ ing Into m y garden and helping yourselves?” • “Oh, yes,” chorused the boys. "And' why was it nicer?” he asked a chubby-faced boy. ."Because, sir,” was the reply, "w e shouldn't-have had any sugar and cream with them ." Etiquette A, spinster was shocked ot the language used by workmen repair­ ing cables near, her home, so she wrote to the company tlint owned the cables. The m anager liTimedi- ately asked .the foreman on the job lo m ake a report and here's what the forem an .said: "M e and Spike W illuuns were on this job. I was up the pole and ac­ cidentally let the hot lead fall rm Spike— and it went down his neck Then Spike looked up a t me ant’ paid:. "U eolly, Horry, ou mu-«t bt- i\:iore carofpl.” Weight of an Obfect Deptnds on Your Aftitude We’ve all experienced how short tim e seems when you’re having fun — and how the hours seem to drag when you’re doing something that's boring. But oUier things besides tim e are influenced by your likes or dislikes. How heavy an object is and how big- it seems to be, can depend a lot on your attitude toward it. A l Emory University, in Georgia it was found that a ja r of candy seemed heavier to a child than 'a ja r of sand, even when the candy ia r weighed less. And, am ong 8 'to 10-year-old boyp and girls, real coins seemed larger than gray disks of the sam e size, while poor .children saw the real coins as niuch larger, than did chil­dren of the .rjch. Everything is reUtive. Am ong , the new pieces of fine furniture being shown currently, the general tendency , is to have the finish bring out the true beauty and texture of the wood. Moder­ ately light finishes continue to lead, w ith taw ny tones running a close second. New "aged*;- effects are now increasingly popular. The usual crowd of sm all boys was gathered about the entrance uf a circus tent in a small town one day, pushing each other and tryinp lo get a glimpse of the interior. A m an standing near watched them fcr a few minutes, then walking; up to the tlckct-taker he said with an air of authority:"L e t these boys In, nnd couiu them as they pass."The gateman did as requested and when the last one hnd gone Ir, he turned and said: "Twcnty-r»*'hi sir.” “ Good,” said the m an. smilinp. as he walked away, " I thought ( guessed right.” R ah! R ah! Rah! College-bred—A four year loal nn father’s dough. THE M O D ER N W ORM ) Smith—The average m an lives 30 years longer than he did tn 1800. Jones—He has to, in order lu get his taxes paid. Spring Sign The arrival of the first robin Is a sign of Spring to children today. To the Grecian child of 2500 years ago, the arrival of the first swal­ low was the sign of Spring. They celebrated the event “by marchinp joyously from door to door, singinr and hopl.'tg that those who hear them would give them gifts of ca* or fruit or cheese.” NOTICE Commissioner’s Re-Sale of Land Under and by virtue of an order of re-sale of the Superior Court of Davie County, made in a special proceeding entitled “ N . B. Dyson, Adm r. of A . M. McClamroek, De­ceased vs. June Uepler, et al’*, the undersigned ConimiBsioner will, on the 9th dav of August, 1952, at 12 noon, at tlie Courtliousc door in Mocks- viDc, North Carolina, offer for re­sale to the highest bidder for cash, those certain tracts of land lying and being in Mocksville Town­ ship, Davie County, North Caro­ lina, adjoining Dutchman Creek and Highway No. 15 8, and more particularly described as fol­lows- Pm ST 'TftACT: Beginning at an iron stake on the Nuribwesl side of U. S. Highway No. 158 and riuis North 13 degs. East 20.50 chs. to an iron stake} thence Nortii 02 <Jeg«. Kast 2.40 clis. to au iron slake on the bank oi! Dutehmuu Ci-eek; thence down said creck South 39 degs. East 4 chs. to an iron stake; Ihence down said crock South GO deg^. Kast .'i.fitl «liR. lo an ii*on stake imder Ihe'liridge on U. S. Highway No. 158; tli»nce South 43 dogs. W est with U. S. Highway No. 158 lti.50 ehs. lo nn iron stake; thence South 53 degs. \S'est 3.0.S «^li8. lo the place of boginniiig, contain­ ing: 12.85 acres more or less. SECOND TRACT: Beginning nt an Iron stake on the W esl side of U. S. Tiighway No. 158 on .the bank of Dutchman Creek un­ der the bridge »nd runs Soulh 50 degs. E»Ht with said creek 5.00 chs.; thence South 21 degs. Kasl 3 'chs.; Ihcnce S(uilh 8 dt^gs. East 5 ciis.; tiience North 83 degs. East 3 chs.; thence North I I degs. East 8.23 elis. lo an Iron Slake; thence North 85 degs. West 7.23 ehs. lo an iron Kinke; thence North 38 degs. W esl 4 ehs. to nn iron stake on the W est side of U. S. H igh­ way No; ]58; thence South 43 degs. West with said highxvny 2.50 chs. to the place of bcgjnuing containing 4% aM*eB more or less. :The First Tract will be divided into (ive lots and sold separately and then as a whole, nnd tho bid most advau- ta'geops w ill he accepted. m V i8 the.25rd day of lu lv, 1952 ”T N. B, D YSON , Commissioner H all & Zachary, Attya. Our County And Social Security Bv W . K . W hite. Manager. Many people in this area w ill receive higbcr social security pay­ ments as a result of the social se­ curity amendments which Prcsf* denr Truman signed Into law on July 18th, 1952. The first increas­ ed checks w ill be for the month of September, delivered early in October. Let us emphashe that no one needs to applv for the increased payments. The Social Security Administration is already chanc­ ing the accounts. We expect to get them changed in rime to have them in the mail October 3, the regular delivery date, but if in a few cases we don^t meet that sche­ dule we’ll send the regular check and make up the difference in a later check. I would like also to point out ihat although nearly every fam ily receiving pavments would receive an increase, the additional amount would not alwavs be divided ar mong all the members of the fam­ ily receiving monthly checks. In some cases the entire increase w ill go ro the retired worker. Under the terms of the law, most families w ill receive an In­ crease of about $5; some w ill get less; some w ill get more. A few benefits now being paid, and most of those payable in the future, w ill be based on earnings after 1950 instead of alter 1936. The amended law provides a new for­ mula for determining the amount of the payments in these cases. Under it, a retired worker's mon­ thly benefit would be 55 per cent of the first r$IOO o f his average monthly earnings plus 15 per cent of the remainder up to $300. A representative of this office w ill be in M ocksville again on August I3th, at the court house, second floor, at 12:30 p. m ., and on the same date In Cooleemee, at the old Band H all, over Led­ ford’s Store, at 11 a. m. British Coal Production 1$ Increasing Steadily British coal production h^is beeri going up steadily ever since- the w*ar. Last year it was 21 per cent higher than in 1045. The miners have begun 1962 well, with a record-breaking production in the first six weeks of 532,000 tons above the level of a sim ilar period a year ago. Tlie m ining labor forca has risen to 705,300. fron* 696,500 a year ago. Shifts worked per m iner are up; overall output per m anshift is up by 21 per cent since 1045, to an all-time high of 1.21 tons; coal exports so far this year are running 30 per cent higher than In I9S1; tim e lost by strikes is less than half w hat it was before the war. • B ut Britain Is still not producing as much coal as her own expanding industries require, nor is she ex­porting as much coal as her Euro­ pean allies w ant M uch more m ech­anization m ust be carried out be­ fore the British pits are properly modernized. Women Are Helplni OltUi Solve Their Labor Noedi Cities faced with Increasing com ­petition for employees from expand­ ing defense industry, are turning to women to help solve their labor problems. According to the Am erican M u­ nicipal Association. New Orleans re- centiy employed 32 women for part- lim e traffic duty. These policewom­ en are under the jurisdiction of the Police Departm ent and wear uid« forms. They w ill be stationed along the city’s downtown business streetaduring peak traffic hours to prevent motorists from parking in m oving traffic lanes. Norfolk. Va., is experim enting with the use of- women as stree cleaners. Eight women have been hired on a trial basis to w ork side by aide with m en cleaners. The women are divided into -two groups of four each and work from 6 a.m . to 2 p.m . They go ahead ot the tfg trucksstrei piles of dirt.I and sweep up Seen Along Main Street By The Streni Rambler. onnntin Tw o small boys standing on Main street smoking big cigars—' Miss Frankie Junker modeling new summer dresses—M r. and M rs. Robert Vogler and children visiting around the court house~- Turner Grant and M ilton Call listening to Governor Byrnes tell­ ing world where he stood—Miss Glenda Madison and sister buy­ ing movie tickets and popcorn— Jack LeGrand wearing pair of red pants, partly concealed bv a big apron Felix W illiam s distribut­ ing extra fine home-grown canta­ loupes around the square—Miss Claire W all trying to get across Main street on busy afternoon— Albert Boger drinking big m ilk­ shake in drug store trying to keep cool—M rs. Tom Lagle and small daughter doing some hot after­ noon shopping—Rufus Sanford, Jr., getting a shampoo in consoral parlor—Glenn Hammer and Ros- coe Stroud talking things over tn front of postoffice- J . M. Horn sitting in furniture store listening in on Democratic convention - M rs. M . C . Deadmon lookihg at jewelry dltplay in Stratford’s win­ dow—Stranger demonstrating new street cleaner in front of hotel— B ill Sofley talking about how it rained In the mountains—Dick Brenegar sitting in furniture store looking at television—^Three coun­ try lasses in drug store doing a little pre-Christmas shopping ~ M rs. Nera Godbey carrying beau­ tifu l dressed-up doll down Main street—George Barney taking up collection for neighbor in distress Miss Mary McGuire carrvlng big pouch of monev to bank—Dugan O rrell in court house greeting old friends—Miss Flossie Foster lunch­ ing in drug store in mid-afternoon —M rs. Harry Fyne greeting frends in the G ift Shop -D r. R . P . An­ derson taking time off to look at television during big convention —Lawrence Carter recovering af­ ter a three weeks Illness—Miss Louise Dwiggins jumping In car and hurrying out of town on hot afternoon • Roy Daniel reaching in hip pocket for billfold, as he hurries into hank— W . H ill parting with steel engraving o f Andrew Jackson—Ernest Hunt en * joying early morning coca-cola “ M rs. Sam Jones browsing around in nickel and dime store—M rs. Paul Richards hurrying down S. Main street on hot and humid moming—M rs. W illiam Daniel and small daughter doing some shoppi.tg in grocery store—-Mrs. Eugene Seats spending most of her time trying to keep cool— Wayne M errell busy counting $20 bills. Preacher expounding scrip­ tures on ..aturday afternoon in small park on the square with but few pedestrians pausing to listen —Young country lass looking at silverware In jewelry store win­ dow trying to decide which pat­ tern she Ilked—Two charming farmerettes standing in front of courthouse talking about their crops of cotton and tobacco which they are cultivating this summer —Mn and M rs. James H . Jones and daughter G ail, doing some af­ ternoon shopping—^Jesse McDan­ iel looking around the square in search of his daughter—Stanley party in fu ll swing in hotel lobby —lim W illson standing on street corner listening to bunch of poli­ ticians air their views about the presidential nominee— Members of Gossip Club wanting to know why house rent was so high in M ocksville with more empty hous­ es and stores than at any time since before the sccond world war. /' D o yo u rea d The R ecord? PAGE TWO tHE DAVIE REICORD. UOCKSVILLE, N. C.. AUGUST 6. t9S2 THE DAVIE RECORD.U'illiiims, Troy V............ 17 4.39 Wjlllaras, Baxter K........ 15 2Ml Viscmiin, T. 2 7.17 Wiljiams, ^as^cr M. ..... 635S C . F R A N K STR O U D , E D IT O R . Commander John Dcwev T o p -g & c y , Carl Nolsoii . ''■'''moCKSVILLE TO ^____________ - .-------------- pinB, 54, U . S. Naval Reserve, A l- 'a c t s O Ptl927, AND AMEND- Hnil'y. .lolui M............ 1 cxandria, V a., and his wife, were M ENTS TH ERETO . i’ll;',""'" instanlly killed about 8:30 o'clock ri!<|iiiretiinils ol acts 1037 lid,HiV' LucianTEI EPHONE 17.27 Nnme ,1,57 Alien,, 2.05 . 6 2l,iw Ilaiicy, Ciiri ............ (iM Hycrly, M. D. ........ ▼1H6, N. Cm as of M ocksvillc, on the Winston- SEPTEM BER 2, 19S2 al 12 oclock, Cravcr. hawrcjicc K. 1.8 15.09 Co|>c. Charles VV...........^ ttO T. March 8.1908, Salem HiRhway when their car is v______________________ __________ .j IS Mocksvillc, N. C , sell for unpaHl Mltcliell Odell 1 1/5 N.48 Cozarl. C I?said to nave skidded into the tiixcs due the Counly of Davic for the H5„„iHo» ] ula B Sylvia Crew.s, H. L. .pathway of a Greyhound bus on il‘c/oHowiuR lands as set ' o lots 1.80 pilworili. V. L..............L u .» .,r X I U « . ! Head. Waller Carson ... 12 WM Dw gg «.s l-vcrcHc ......a wet highway. The bus was go--the acrcauc ami amounts of taxes Bohhiu Clay 2 2.79 DwiKBin.s, Al. L.ing north and the car coming to- >»;•!’« oppo^'c each tiamc in iicd rix. A. I-.. Jr. ......................., „ , . . winch the lax ts listed. ti,,,,. u Vnjward MoCKSVille. It was raining These taxe.« may he pid on or Kcion’tz, l.onnic.............at the time of rhc accident. hcfort sale dale by addmR accrucd Uavsoii, William If. W .F . W ic k e r, o f W ins.on-Sal- S . " ’"' " " K r c ' c ^ ' : cm, was driving the bus. Deputy „ CALAHALN I'otig! Fred’ I).. Sn SUBSCRIPTION RATES; ONE YEAR. IN N. C.AROLIN J SIX MnNTUS IN N. CAROLINA ONE YEAR. OtlTSIl'E RT\TI ■ SIX MONTHS. OUT.SIDE STATE S 1.511 ■ 75p. '8.00 n.oo "IF MY PEOPLE, WHICH M!E CAllED BV MY H4ME. SHAa HUMBlt IHIMSRVH. »HD PRAY, AND SEEK MV FACE, AHD « AWAY FSOM THEIR WICKED WAYS: THBI WIU 1 HEAR FROM HEAVEN. AHD WIU rojOlVE IHtlR SIHS, AHD Will HEAl THEIR UHO. - ? CHROH. 7 :a _______________ Where is the man who said last tprini! that we would have no hot weather this summer? A Ilbcml reward w ill be offered for his ap­ prehension._____________ Gov. Adlai Stevenson’s divorced wife savs she is a Democrat but that she is soini; to vote for Gen­ eral Eis.nhow er. She savs the Democratic have been in power too long. Ransom Cook said that W icker |< q reported the Topping car skidwlcd Caudell, John ........ on the wet pavement and that he ChckT’ V'ctra........... was unable ro stop the bus he* F.<hvards. MurIi . .. fore smashii^ inl^n the right side S h c r . m';?.''Lee ........„ , of the car. The bus was damaged Kollcr. K. M. Heirs ....4Bi Acre* Amount Mi,rklan<|. S. O.6 $ K..S9 Mycr.s liva ... ■JAl ......J5.52 Potts. 1 honias N. .. A-' 33 37¥j5915... 80 nnd the car demoJislted. •Tfl.io Shnaf. Uoy Vcta9.51 Shuler, Glenn .......22.92 Shuler. ). Dwiuhl 21.77 SImkr. Will C. .... 1.91 8.07 Foster. O. F........IfrI 44JW Grnhl), D. G:. list.2 5.68 M»iicliiic. Kobcrt i t 24 27.772^\, 4 lots 114.28 Mines. Mrs. Linda .....75 43.50 ilohtian, Clyde I'l........57- 17.57 G. B. Hohnan ............1.0 10.335 .89 llohiniii. MnNalcite M.1 26.10 llohnan. W. 11............2 5.26 HoH'finl, K<|«-anl O. .19.88 James, Harold ..........4.(M Jphn.son. J. W. Commander Topping’s body Md?anWl.' Cccu'K. Keller. Joe Hcniy ........272 (Bal) 49.94 Sniijh, Clarciice R.......37. . . . .., ........... 8.8 was brought here to Siler Funeral Snnih. L. G. 28.3, , j » I I ,-1/ ^ Tntterow. I. R.................44%Home, and the body of Mrs.'Top- williams.' H. G.................27 ping was taken to W alker Funeral COLORED Home, Clement. Frc<l J'8 The body of M rs. Topping was q S ii! W iS n ^..... shipped to Birmingham, Alabama l^ose. W. V .. -]», Snturd.,v niBht. Donald Toppins, ^ of Pomte-Vedra Beach, Fla., a .Williams.CLARK S V ILC iiIn the recent Texas Democra- brother of Commander Topping, ticprim arv the Truman fellows arrived here Saturday night and R .who were runnina for office were spent the night. The body of his \ v snowed under bv the anti-Tru-i brother was shipped to BirminH- jleck. Waller Taft man Democrats. Seems that Mr. h ™ Sunday evening- 40.54 Smilh, .lohii W. .......7.32 Weavil, Howard C..........5.01 William.s, C. F................13.60 Williams, F. Edward .... 22.44 Zinunernian. Klmer T. .COLORED2.37 Brown. Odell .................17.09 Hairslon. leffer.son .....17.^ Hairslon. Mary. Heirs ..13.72 Hairston, Mollie, li.<t......18.53 Hairslon, Rufu.s, list. ...6.46 Mason, Charlie ...............2.37 Mason. Catherine ..........Masott. Sam, Heirs ...... .719.4102lVj10 ( m22.765 2.24 Keller, L. J. .16.96 Kelly, A. Y. & R.2.06 Knox, C. H. ...AZ Lakey, Wayne ......S0.95 Leach. Haliic .27.00 LeCrand, L l>. .26.W LeCrand, W. B.5.8 ? 42.47 LivcnROOil, J. M. Acrea Amount Mason, Willie li. Truman is on his wav to oblivion. , , , , itUKUi, mil*. ,.i>-Up to this writing seven per* ikmles, T. M. sons have lost their lives in auto Bunwarner, .lames/E. Some of the Democratic papers;„.recks this year in Davic Countv., - 1 ---------- •—-------------------(ones, S. A........are saying that thousands of De- Jordan, J. H. - mocrats w ill not vote for Steven- J son because he is a divorced man. t j U T ^ l C L Y S X ^ O L p t U T C d s7iiiiu'cl Some Democrats and .some Rc-| Some time during Wednesday L i'c i' publicans would vote for the de- burglars entered H all Drug Keavis,' Uocer • v ilifh is name h.nrpcncd to be Co.. store through a rear door. S e ? , Asl>'.rv on their ticket. They attempted to open the safe Sicelniaii. I’auf A South Carolina lady-a life by knocking off the combination, " ’ieuers. long Democrat, told us a few days A tear gas bomb inside the .safe Fmie, Allie ago that she was goini! to vute a exploded, and the thieves did not Republican ticket this fall—that Be< the safe open. They took p i,k s.' AJdine she was for Eisenhower. We inv off to enjoy a lunch of m ilk Parks. Dewey . , , I , c , and sandwiches. It is not knownagme that tho.isands of South „,j,s ,|,e N.mc# __ I: _ ^ ...211 1 1 ___ _ ... , . 63 . 44% . 38% ■> . 15.4 25 f ' . 26% . 4.1 . 29 ..1.35 . 3.3 . 30 .. 88 . 2 .. 75 . 16% 2 83 388 $ 76.58 Nlorrison, Foy ............Joe .lasiier ...JERUSALEM16.9a Nftme11.81 Adams, Mr.s. Mary I0.2y Alc.samlcr, Clarence 8.28 Barnliardt, F.. P. . .12.91 Heck, Alvin T. . .16.69 Bcn-son, W. F. .......11.41 Hower.s, Horace ....21.52 Broadway. J. W, 70 oy,2 65%I loi 8 4S%1 lot VA2% 41.31 , l-o»K. Connie MI Loiln, lislhcr ..............16.01 McCIamrock, A, M, ....1.03 AlcChunrock. Walter S2.19 Mecham. Klden S.........5.20 Mocksvillc Motor Co.IJ7 Myers, C. R.................5.60 Nichols, Roy L. .........4.22 I’lott, Milton ..............Z.43 I'opUn, Jlcnry T............14 Powell, Kno.x " Acreo Amount 71% $ 29..S2 1 lot 7M2 Jois J5..144 2.75 2 lols .383 13.75 1 14.913 lots lOJO -.- 31/i lot.s .W.43 ........12 19.41 5 lots 19.48. 1 loi 28.W1 lot 26.ri-l....... 1 lot 17.30SaUie A.2 Jcil.s 8.51...... 2 lols 8.20.. 2% lots 27.40 .... 74 A. 2 lots 44.0r> 34 lois 6.183.1 I7.D.II Jot 30.41I 1(1.52 5 li>ls 124.36 % loi 8.884 lots 19.47 I loi 10J6 8 lots 11.29 1 lot .27 I loi 43.081 loi 26.262 lots H.5.i I Im 21.50 41 17.9 • I loi 20 1 Idi5 lots Giulher, Rosa ^ EstherGaither. Thomas ..........Garrett, Sara J*. ^*1- -Grani, Mozella N..........llairsKni, GcorHC .........Howell, Lniher .............Ilntlson, Susan, hsl. ...Iludscm, Tom ................Ijamcs .1. C.Ijanics, .losepli 4.17 Rodwell, .r. W. ......9.84 Rodwell, Mrs. Mary Stone rI rot I lot 25.6 UK678.2427.68322 27 J2 1.7215.1915.6,1H.2624.3222.10 Acres Amount ^iiin, L. W.................. 4 lols $ 1.37 Sain, Mrs. L. W............ 8 lots 27.99 Shoaf, G. A. ................ 7 13.02 Smith. A. U.................... 1% 14.12 SwiccBood. H. H........... 10% 26.34 Walker, G. G................23, 3 lois 4l.0fi Widkcr. W. S., Fst............................ . . . . . ....... 6 lols .37.86 VV.'ird, John J. ...........19.91 Caot»|i|i. Mr-5. Ola Mae 2.lols 22.57 Waters. S. I-...............Z6./9 Carter, Carl ............. 40. 4 lots 16.95 Weavil, K. C.5.28 Caricr. John W. , . 18%. 3 lots 37.89 D. K. 3 lols 58.05 2 lots 9.214 lois . 5 lols14 lots 2 lotsI lot 1 lot 5.911 lot 8.291 lot .621 lot 6,332 lots 19,05 1 lot 14.791 lot I lot I lot I ]ot 1 lot 13%1 lot 1 lot1 lot •162 lots I lotI lot .7911.5612i»99.14 4.642.7810.97 14,68 16.449.97 1.6613.4712.24 Ijanies, Joscjih Wni. &Annie M. Walson .....McMahan, Ernest ........March, lirnest ...............March. Jessie Lee ........March, Troy A...............Marlin. Albert ...............Mason. James ...............Mayfield. C. T................Neeley. Golden .........-Parks, Pewey ................ Bldg. 23.48Rliynchardj. 'I'lunnas ....ISO 49.^Rose, Charles. list.......... 1 lot 1.03Sanders, Izell ................. 1 lot 4.WSinooi, idisha 1............... 2 lols 8.MSteele, Fred W, ...... 1.4, -1 lot 11.33Stuilcvatil. Clyde .......... 1 loi 21.55Tahor. Calvin ................. 2 lots 14.11VanKaton, Jake ............. 3 lots 10.82Vanl-'aton, Mary ............ 3 .84Wils<Mi, John Obie ....... 1 lot 19.80 Name Hailey, B. R.• I II IJ I.* SHADV GROVEAerea Amount-183% $ 7.06Hailev. H- K. B t......... 10, I lotBailey, B. R. it Edith M. 3%Barncycastle, W. T......... lOVSBlake. W. A.....................103Cornalzer. G. G.............. SyiCornalzer. Lin«lsay ........ 5Cnrnalzer. Loiniie ........ 7.6Girnatzcr, R. C. .......... 65rornalver, Z. C. Fst...... I lotCrews, I. C...................... 1 lotCrews. W. 1...................... 1 lotDavis. Mr.H. Annie Bnrion 6%Davis. Iltd)t*rl H........... 1 loti'.ichison. W. B. . Vt. 1 lot 36.18 ilarlman, F.. M. Fsl. -.118% 37.45 llarinian. Mrs. Kssie 3 6.66 Hendrix, W. A., Jr. 3VS, 1 lot 33.42 • ndrix, Mrs. W. A. 2%. 1 lot 11.95 8,4914,3426.1638.0226.8517.2610.4530.691.371.729.0032.6114.93 33.90 Carter, Vicior W.8.98 Clenienl. Esi. ....31.76 Cook, W, Ransom . . I ’Vt.32.00 Correll. OeorKe C.......... 30.45.W CorrelJ, Mrs. W. K......... J lot14.49 Creason, Thomas R........ 1 lot 5 lots 36.44 VVhilakcr, R. L., Jr.1 lot .69 Whitaker, W. A....... 298.46 Crotts, Mrs.’ Ola Crolls. V. B.7‘/2 2%8 I •Ti FARM IN G T ON Klli.'. I'-yil ........................................................................... Acre. Amount Carolina Democrats will follow stock, but no narcotics were miss- .Jrmsworihy, B. K...........F°5™r.' Mrs'. Frances the example ot this lady. ing. This is the third ime tb's i.-..........71U. ' S7(IS I'o.Mer, Hnberl TI ■ • XI • • • u store has been burgalarized. B c le ii. RWm«n'l‘ ^ T w r ’ 1°''-? 1Tlie big Masonic p.cmc, the They then smashed a plate glass Blake. Clini™i .................124.9 « « 'r. S, ,............... 72nd, w ill be held at Clement window In the Strarlord Jewe!r^' lames ............... 3 ^ * 19^44 T‘osteri T . R. .......... Gro\ e. M ocksviilf, on Thursday store and several hundred dollars Cnndic ft White..............2, 2 lots 12!ofi Foster, Williard E. of next week Hundreds of form- worth of d amt)mls and jewe!r\' Cook. VVillic Zeb ' p , V.71 C. er Davie cititens w ill return here taken from the d isjlav >vin Crews K- IV ............^ e '- , . , . , . . . dow. The thieves did not get Cnihrcll, C. 1*. » , ^ Ho.lircs Pml Vfor this big annual picnic and inside ,|,e building. .................../s iS Is llocfe,'I home coming. Two prominent Lester Campbell, 21. and Glenn ' Homei 23, 52 lots li^ ',!.':'rr‘'v r .”;;speakers; D r. I. G. Grier and Dr. Xrexler, 35. both of M ocksville. 1-airelr.ih. Mrs. F. E........2I'A J. S. Hiatt w ill deliver addresses Route 4. were arrested at Halifax, ....... ifo t during the day. Thci e w ill be V a., Thursday because their hands | plentyofnuisic, n hi^oUl fashion, were covered with lacerations r.rcKory! Harold C. 935J ,. , , . . . when troopers Stopped them for Hanes, Harrison l*-st. ... 9%^ country dinner the L e ndinu ^ ,jccn.e check. Sheriff Hanes. Leonard .............. 4% devices, a tnidsvav full ot aurac- Tucker identified the men, who tions and a good time w ill be were out on bond charged with ^ • had by all who nttend, IBcjjiii to breaking and entering. Hcjder. Annie Lee ......... 2 get ready now to be here next The men are charced with steal- Tliursday, Aug. 14th. The re- ing a car in Cooleemee after brea- i^conard ....' 3% c.ip t^ r.m tb^p^nic w ill go ... |- :S : .01 the Oxford Orphanage. Come and parked their car near the lames, S. C. . 51 early and stay late. jewelry store. Johnson, Mrs. Bcrlha • « ^ _ The men are said to have ad- lohnson. lohn Francis . ! I i h ^ o f l i r t miwcdthe breaking here Wed- Ki«er, Gladys ScjUs 12 • J L I H ^ S i i l € i \ € C O Y ( l nesdav night. Vii^inia ofTicer* Kiwhroijirh. Con 1- ......217 M V J c I I 1C said the men had jewelry valued I'*’’*'®''.*, V ',, ' ; ...... lU 'Navy Yard, S. C luly 25. when ’/ / a ! ;:';;:' i'’ d. I 7S •Dear Brother Stroud:—As I tiave arrested. They were brought to McCnlloniih, Wrs. G. W said often, my main reason for Mocksville Friday and lodged in Miller. Kenncih II........ taking The Record is your stand ja il to await trial. Sai.i^ W. A^ ^ against alcoholic beverages and of jv q «) I D I Seats! R. H. course many other good features. U C V l l S Z o U r S Q U n gj;,'®,;; £[|'' including jokes . ____Smith’, B. L.. T t 42.^...................... ................. I lot ... .............. ..1.28 Daniel, Roy Wasliinu'ton 8 lois 56.21 Caricr, Kenneth ......5.25 D:ivis, Irvin ............... 2K*(Bal) 4.35 Clement, Alonzo, Est.6.0? Dea«lmon, G. H.......... 22. 8 lots 40.41 Cockcrham, Clifton .1.03 Ocdmon. L. C., Sr. Cody, f'lorcncc ........8.62 TOM. 3 lots (Bal) 76.27 Dalion, Nick ................ I lot 21.55 Dillard, Alfreil, Est.36 28.44 Dulin, Charlie L. ....1% lots 19.71 Diilin, John Lewis ...Vi lot 10.57 Foster, Alberta ........ 2 lois 17.13 Foster, Avery ...........36, I lot 53J16 Foster, Johusie ........ ..197.6 99.86 Fowler, Thomas J. .. 12 18.15 Gailher, Charlie A. ..., I lot .18 Gaither, Frances ....... 154 72.63 Gaither, Frances. Est42, 2 lols 50.69 Giuther, Julia, Ivsl. .. 5 1.37. 7 lots 8.51 ...390 195.64.. • 6W 92.13^..... 2 lots 21.13..... I lot 9.71..... 1 lot 28.0476.9, 8 lots 77.552 13.404 lots 4.14.96 27.7979.55 55.1153 40.8> Howard. Charlie W, larvis, Mrs. L. B.lollv. .r,. W.............lones, J. VV. .........lones, Mrs. W. H. McDaniel. Brnre E. McMahan. VVilbnrMiller. Mrs. Fcli.x .......Mock, K. S.....................Afnck, Mr«. Fannie Esf.Myers. Raymond .........Mvcrs. W. A...................Orrell. Miss Lillie B. ..Peebles. Mrs. C. 0........Potts, l.oiijiie .............- , , Spry. Elmer W.2 lots 11.50 VoKler, W. F......I lot •3..'.6 Vouler, W. T.2 IR \\T__I M.._ I lot 41 I Jot I lot 8% 1% 30 4.8 I..34 1.9!22.5228.5610.9125.8926.4718.50II.34 54142418^I 25.2183413.71-9.86 2.887.94 22M York, N. S.29.13 COLORED.34 AJJi.so», Leon G...............16.75 Brown, Hannah ............... Mot .3..S6 VoJl..r w ' T .............Vni .69 Burke, Hallie Lony, bst. 1 lot lS..i4 ' williams, B. G................. 38.911 lot 2.42 Ximmertnan. W. J. 15 1, I lot 13.88 2.92 12.95 L72 10.38 4.33 1.85 18.70 2.53 8.74 17 5.81 J Jot.47%6%IM '2^1 lot (I^al) 71.02 1.38 8.07 . 19%. 1 lot 1 lot83.4 I lot , I loi 1 lot . I lot I .... COLORED10.31'Alien. Coveite ............ 6*A6.W Bojrer. Joint E.st............... 329.0.1 Dniin. Ellen ................... 37.02 l')nlin, Lillie ................... 217.19 Ellis. Collette .................2513.60 Flynt, Stella .................. 1 loi•52 Foster, Ennna F.st. ...... 516,74 Henry Es<...... 41.35 Harj)cr, Dnke EsI........... Vt6.31 Motley, Fannie ............. 1 loi.5.68 Scott. Clifton 19.0334.36 7.042.58LOO.8222.192.066.27J.031.79.34 ml E. jl'oj Ijames, Glenn ..........5J5 Ijames, William M. 10571767 Langston, Dallas S.2904 l^uKene ....1?’^ McCnllontjh. Clinard \'206 McDaniel. C. 0...........llS Mcf^»“'cL Robert LMiller. R. S.^Q2 Myers. A. M. ............V77 Mvcrs. Captain A........ IflO O’Neal, Wilbert ........ oi c? Fauc, Lawrence .........5q V Pierce, W illiam S.........Ratf/., John .................. 441 Mi.s.s Maude ...■j/na Reeves, Writ;lit (OwncWallcr-Gnrley) .......<>111 Ridenhonr, Richard E. 2S47 Ridenhour, Robert (Jack) 7i73 49..S6 Safrct, MaKiiic Crolls .. MatiKie ClSpiHniaii, W. H........Spry, James C. ........Sunnner.s, James W. It was so nice of yoti writing an r n 'S ^ '^ J r n 'Ic T “jfe g S lI;; 3«/i106.821075125%4353 W aKiier.C. F........‘-7,2 WaKiier, D. Pant goci Walker, Robert ... 1502 Wall. Willie Rob 5*yieditorial and giving space co Rev. ^naketh me to He down in filthy Smith, Richar<I B. G , W . Fink, giving information places. He leadeth me beside ^ofl«y* Msirie & Ethel Cook on the voting against legiilUing drunks and harlots. He saith to sweariiiger. Cliarley G. 70 America's gre.a.st enemy, Lifu o r m"yTiSe'’o“ ;7 :;p ’ of " i Interests, and I m so glad a notice Jaugherh at me. Webber. C. B. & of special election, showing vot' Yea. though I ride on thin \vmi-nns^ RoK^^ ^45ers what to expect in voting. I w ill cleave to the botde, the Sa,|jc \) I see every day in the Navy the DeyiHs with me. Th v saloons COLORED t __ £^ I- s . I L !• and beer joints, they guide me. Allen. Charlie .............................................harm of legahiins sin s alcoholic „ „ t^ble AUcn. Rosa beverages ts domg to our men— before rhe presence of my g S ’ A ........ far more harm than enemy In family. Thou anointest my head Rrowii, lolm, Esicombat. body with bruises. My dem» Eaion,* Alta ' 1 xsould be happy to have pub- Uo'’ '' i-unnetli over. Kaloi., Giiy 1 lish edinyou r paper during the , Surely mi.serv and shame shall w . II 'rtf A.n»ii«r l..rr.v« folJow me the fc.w of my life and Ecklcs. Afcxandcr. Jr. .. I totmonth ot Augu.st. Ltrtrs from | demons and Evans, loe Henry !.............. .5.32men in service on what they feel die old Serpent In H ell forever Gibspn. James. F.si .............4.3 legalized liquor i, doing. If it may and ever.” H m J^ r'M ^ S u l 2 help your countv to remain true Remember: Saturday, Aug. 9- Lyons,'lames ......................"................................................. ....................... 2% ro God. 16, are da«s to register, if you are l.vons. Nellie 5 My father being born in Mocks- a>^eady registered. urv'""** ille , and a newspaper man, I Remember: Auu. 30th is your Hi.v»chari. Isaiah ...36have a tie and interest for you great opportunity to vote beer out Rhynehari, Killiam R, L. 2 and your county, and proud of of Davic County. Go early and Rhyncharj, Odell ’ your stand against U'galiztng al. cv- take others with you, who nc.d ‘'j^^nlTerr * holic beverages. help to the polls. Spillman. Nick ................. Sit^cercly yours, U N ITED D R Y FO RC ES. Siccle, .lohn^ C^. COLORED 7 ,n ..... VVJIIIC ........ Yw/^ n wn5 Waller, M. I.........7 19/50 37.04 Waltcr.Gnrley ....13. .3.50 Watson, E. C........Webb, M. 1............, , , , Webb, Wm. W. .. il’at White, James T, i i'tX Williams, Albert .. im Williams, John F. Williams, Junie .... WiJliam.s, T. E, - 25.97 ^H-.in Carson, Adam ..........Clumn, GeorijC ..............9.60 riinnn, Harding ..............69 Clumn, Hubert ...............6.12 Clcmeni, Hubert ...........15.14 Clement, Jesse ...............2.06 Dement, l^yal' .............8.1S Clemcni. Miller ...........31.29 Clement, Mrs. W. C. ...in.61 Collins. Foard ...............10.85 Davidson, Fred.H...........18.32 Foslcr, Fannie, Esf. ..16.63 Foster, R. C....................9.00 Foslcr. William .............Foivler, Jasper .............1.37 Hairston, F. C, Est. ...52 Hairston, Raymo.nd D.3.09 Hairston, Raphel .........52 Hall, Mrs. Cassle. Esi. UA •A2321 3/5 79 19 31 23 lots 24.4813.8 5.972 lots 24.743.4 11.861 lot 10.222 lots 10.925 lois 13.024 lols 3.10by4 lots .661 lot 17.56 \ o 27.76 ^11.27|} lot 30.46'1 loi 18.35 . 6 lots 25.16 ‘1. I lot .6934 29.994 lols 2K.981526.96I lot 13.609 2.752 lots 19.78 i3 1/5 24.93 i36 lols 6.18 .2 lots 1.377Vj6.45 !1 lot 21.73 '4 lots 9.47.1 lot 6.693% 2.4010 lots 7.877&4 41.65 2 9.0745Vj34.82 4K>7.163832.701 lot 1.971 lot 9.322 lols 6.661 lot . 8.34 ,2 lots 6.22, 48 20.381 10.45. 2.4 2.751 lot 9.16. .6 10.953^1 9.46, 4 2.751 lot 2.66. I lot 14.84 Portable Irrigation Systems You Can’t Afford To Be. W ithout One Free Engineering Service See, Call Or Write Leinbach Machinery Co. Route 1 Winston-Salem Phone Old Town 537 I loi 7 ^96 lohnson,I lot .15 5.64.5,963 lots 16.98 PRESTO N R ETC H ISO N . ' M r. and Mrs. Ted Junker and il u t r ’ Mar'Jha'”" ''' rOur columns arc open to iu.y children, and M r and M rs.David Mf.”* •••• ,iArm y or Navy man who car s to Rankin and children are spend Cliarlie 12 use them to help In c>ur fight a- ing several davs this week at Car- west’, L. R. gainst liquor arid beer. Editor.] olina Be^ch and W hite Lake, WiiiiamsI John ... 22 12 24 lot 1.26 2 lot 12% 8%10 28.49 lohnson, W. ___1485 McCoueyhcad, James 5 lol.s (Bal) 11.07 J67 ^’oble, Ale.'i .............. .... 1 lot 4.867.97 l*arker, Hen«lerson, EsU . 1 lot4 39 Patterson, A. J................ I lot3 09 I’fiyne, Delose W............ 1 lot20.14 Payne. Kelly .................... 1 lot 3.797.1110.1911.4316.8756.739.22 97 Peck. James .....................40726 ^’ruilt. Self Quentin ......1201185 Ronsseau, William, Est. 2 lots .664 Shannon, Lymas ............. 4 lots 27.557J9 Vension, Lonnie ......... 1 lot 7.082242 Walker, Zcola ................. 1 lot ^65 ts2 Watkins. Samuel ........... 4% 13.71 H e l p T o M a k e T h e 72nd Annual Masonic Picnic The Best Ever Held In Mocksville We Extend To A ll O ur Friends And Customers A Warm Welcome ,To Be W ith Tlie Big Crowd Here Thursday, Aug. 14th. Plenty O f Fun A nd Amusements Good Speaking-Fine Dinner. Come Early A nd Stay Late. R a n k in - S a n fo rd Im p le m e n t C o . Phone 96 Mocksville, N. C. THE DAVIE RECORD. I N E W S A R O U N D T O W N . m D A V IE R E C O R D R ev.an d M «. R . H . Weaver,U a V lE lU IiW IV U . ^ ^ . D I -n . /<• ^ (wo last week in town, guests of 0 1 d |» l P ap er In T h e C o »n^ N o L iquor, W m e, B eer A ob r -----------------------------------M r. and M rs. Sam -artncr and small son o f Newland N . C ., Mrs. George H all, of Hickory and W . M. Gartner visited at the hom.: of J . K . Shcck returned last week M rs. W . C W ilson Sunday from a business trip to New __^ Yo rk. I M r. and M rs. Ralph Law , of M rs. W . C . W ilson visited her ^ * 7 * ' P'”- . Tuesday and sister, M rs. W . G . C lick, of Sails- " “ ‘’“V " T " r V ■■■ bury, one day recently. | J " ”'"-” ' ____ ' Law IS a sister of M r. Fowier. R . B. Sanford spent Wednes-1 M rs. J. A rtliu r Daniel lc ft| urday morning for Philti to attend the funcra and b l of her cousin, M rs. Lucy m I 87, who died of a heart attaci her home in that city Frid av.l last rites were held Monday, j M iller had visited here a nu of times, and her friends saddened by her death. day in WinstoivSalem looking' S .A . Lindsay C . Dwiggins, son after some business matters. of M r. and M rs. E . F . Dwiggins of R t. I, is now aboard the U . S. S. C . V . M iller and sons W . M. Battleship, Iowa, somewhere in and Sheek M iller made a business waters, trip to Greensboro Wednesday. Miss Carol Forrest spent sever al day's recently with her aunt. M rs. Roswell Matthews and fami­ ly of East Bend. M r. and M rs. Guerney Jyyner and daughter, Miss Mary Jane, of Lone Hickory, were Mocksville visitors Friday afternoon. Nearly two inches of rain fell in M ocksville from Wednesday until noon Saturday. The rains were badly needed, but came too late to repair all the damage done by the two months drought. To­ bacco and com was jbadly damag* ed by the dry weather. Smith-Barney Miss Ella Barney, daughter of M r. and M rs. G . A . Barney, of Mocksville, Route 3, became the bride of Norman T . Sm ith, son Mrs. Roland Haneline, of Mocks- ville, and the late M r. Talmadge Sm ith, Saturday evening, August 2nd, at 8 o’clock at the home of B ill SofTey, Johnny Braswell, Rev. B . A . Carroll, the officiating Robert Sechrest, Bobby Mack' minister, in Winston-Salem. Foster, Johnny Naylor and Robert j The bride wore a street length Latham spent last week at Myrtle dress of white marquis tte over Beach. I satin. Her corsage was of red «■ * rosebuds. M r. and M rs. Brady M r. and M rs. Robert H all m ov Barney and M r. and M rs. Worth ed last week from Wilkesboro Potts, of M ocksville, sisters and street to their modern new home bii>thers-in-laws of the bride and on Hallander Drive North Mocks- groom, were the couple’s attend- ville. fants. »r J k < ~ AII T 1..1 e M rs. Smith is a gradnate of Sha- w ,,™ ..a attended the preaching at lericho ' . M r. and M rs. Frank Stroud, Jr.* spent Saturday and Sunday at the Southern Railway Clerk’s Moun* tain Home, at waluda, N . C. M rs. W , M . Pennington left Tnursday for Asheville, where she w ill spend some time with her mother, M rs. W . F , Poindexter. Church.M r. Smith is a graduate of ' Mocksville High School and is Roy Brown, proprietor of the employed by Vaughn’s Hardware, M ocksville Ice &. Fuel Co., has Winston-Salem, been spending a week or two en- The couple w ill make dieir joying the Mountain breezes at home o .i M ocksville, Route 3, Newland, away up in Avery coun* _ .>v ' I New Attorney M rs. Paul Fotrest, of Route 1, George W* M artin, son o f Dr who has been a patien^at W .N .C. g. Lester P . M artin, of th’' Sanatorium for the past 40 mondis city, is now a full-pledged lawyeij has returned home fully recover* baving completed his law coursi eid, her friends w ill be glad to ^ jgys * George hasn’t learn. ' decided where he w ill hang pV S % . , win S ' h i sM r. and M rs. W ilson Brown, re- ^ ^ ^ turned home last week from Ro- ^ wan Memorial Hospital, where she underwent an appendicitis b e fo re decldJ o p e ra tio n .________, where he w ill locate for the p J The office of the State High- tice of law. The Record w oj way License Bureau, neat the be glad if these young brr County Prison Camp, w ill be would locate In their old open all day Tuesdays and Wed- town of M ocksville. nesdays. Get your auto license ^ I . Jon these days. ( Larew hraduat{ M r. and Mra. E . W . Flowers Naval Supply School, U ,. and daughter Eugenia, of Char- n . I.-R ecen tly graduated lotte, and M r. and M rs. Roy ,| ,j school here was Ens. R j Flowers and children, Jimmie and p Larew, USN , son of M rs, I A m e lia, of Concord, were Sunday j_ Larew of 518 Salisb ur' iuests of M r. and Mrs. Ted Junk- M ocksville, N . C . Ens. Lari er. tered the Naval service jJ M - .Jo Ann Alien of R t. 1, Advance, ] Miss Genevra Beaver of Salisbury > V ____ and three of Jane’s classmates J | I H O r e Q from Greensboro College sprat , last w eA vacatlomne at Ocean K „ „ a - Charles K . Turn D rive. S. C . Route 1, M ocksville. N . M r. and Mrs. Frank W illiam s, cently was promoted to a of Route 1 entertained for their while serving with the 25 daughter Ruth at a surprise birth- fantry Division in eastern » day supper at Rich Park on Sun The 25th, approaching its. I day evening. Those present en- year on the peninsula, held r joyed the occasion, and wish Ruth Reds at Pusan in the sumtn many mote happy birthdayi. • 1950. Now the senior ur _ _ Korea, its patrols are han M r. and M rs. J E . K elly and enemy positions northwest < fam ily are moving this week from Punchbowl, the R . A . Allen house on North Seegeant Turner, squad M ain street to their new home in Company C . of the 35th just completed o n Hallander try Regiment, arrived in ” D rive, in North M ocksville. We last January, understand that M r. and M rs.' Employed as a dry cleane Allen w ill move here from Den. civilian life, he entered the to n and occupy their home. in July 1952. Princess Theal] TH U R SD A Y & FR ID A I ean Peters S i Jeffrey Hunts "Lu re O fT h e Wildernes W ith W alter Brennan Constance Smith. In Technicolor Added News &. Carl SA TU R D A Y W illiam Powell &. Julia i_ In “TH E TR EA S U R E < LO ST CAN YO N ” witl Tommy Ivo. In Technic Added Serial &. Cartoo, M ONDAY &. TU ESD ^ Jeanne Crain &. Edwan In “ B ELLES ON TH E TO ES” Hoagy Carmlchae Debra Paget. In Tcchnlq Added News and Cart( ---------W ED N ESD AY Tom Ewell & Julia Adan FIN D ER S K EEP ER S” . Evelyn Varden &. Dusty Hc| Added Comedy & Can DAVIE COUNTY'S BIGGEST S VALUE ADM 12c and I Use Our N« Ownings To Rest Under In | Sunshine O r Rain WALLACl 5,10, 25c Storij North Main St. PAGE TWO tBE DAVIE RECORD. UOCKE N..C. AUGUST 6, IUB2 ' THE DAVIE RECORO. J^jo Killed N A M THEM C. FRAN K ST ROU D , ED ITO R. Commander John Dowev Top- ^ip R O ^ M D In A prise o f $1.00 to the fim per^ -----------a m e n d . j|,on scndtaR in their correct nnm ». TE! RPHONE * cxandria, Va., and his wife, were MEMTS THERETO. {{ ■I . ■ " . . . - f inacantly kiltud abouc 8:30 o’clock Umlcr rcqiiirctttetils of acts 1927 jj Bnt.r.d atth«Po»tcfficB ^ Frid,v evcniny. fiv. miles north X ' ^ S r t^ T '& E S v : g viHa, N. C., a; Secon<i-"'iwi' of Mocksvillo, on the Winston- SEPTEMBER z, 1952 ai 12 o'dncU, ^ W.tt«r.March3.19Da,_ -----^ ^ Salem Hiehwav when tl,eir car is rXii3</;!!irN.' £ g said to h.ive skidded into the Inxcs iliic llic Coiinly of Davie lor the pathway of a Grevhound bus on > '’S', tlic follmviiiK Ta,„ls as set, , , 1 .<><*( iwloH' tiiulcr lcnt’nsl}ir> siit>l>c.ids u,a wet highwav* The bus was go ? the sicrcnKc tmd ainonnts of taxes j-j ins north and the car coming to- ' "' * "............'* *’ ward MocksvOIc. It was raining ac the time of the accidcnt. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ONE YEAR. IN N. nAROUNA SIX MONTHS »N N. CAROUNA ONE YEAR. OIJTRIPR RTATV gfX MONTHS. OUTSIDE STATE \ 1.S<* . 7Sp. *2M. $i.no “If MY PEOPlt WHICH ME CAllB) BV MY NAME. SHAa HUMBLE pray, and seek hy face and toph away FROM IHEIR WICKED hear from HEAVEH, and Will WMlVf IHEIR SINS, AHD WUl HEAl IHEIR UNO. - 2 CHROH. 7iU. _____ liciitK shown opiiositc cach nnmc in n which Ihe lax is ItRlcd. UThese taxes may )*c paid on or Ki before s«Ie <lntc by acbbtiR accrncil «7 D 1 . , COM anO any i.enallic5 tbai may al-W . R VVfckcr, of Winsrott'SaJ- ccHt was driving the bus. Dcputv CALAHALN Ransom Cook said tim W icker ,‘S * ,, „ reported the Topping car skiJJcd Caiiirdl,' J„iin ; ;; ; ;; on the wet pavement antf that he ........- was unable to stop the bus he- fore smashing into the right side !!*■’>'"■ ....... of the car. ^ le bus was damaged Kdlc'rV’t;! M. lfci,s ana t/ie car dcmoiishud. ^.'el/er. .Me Hctth Commander Topping's bodv M X n icr'cL T K . M was brought here to Siler Funeral f-. <7, 2R1 Home, and the body of Mrs.-Top. 11 r ping was taken to W alker Funeral " COLOREDHome. Clement, Fred ............. 6.8 siiipped to HirminKham, Alabama Kosc, W. V...................21Saturd.,y night. Donald Topping. Suuicvmi, Kiclrard i2?i - .................... of Pomte-Vedra Beach, Fla., a \ Siros ^Ma«iiic C icn ^ In the recent Texas Democra* brother of Commander Topping, f. CLARKSVtLLE tic primary the Truman fellows arrived here Saturday night and A Ser. N. K......... .who were riinnini; for office were spcnt the night. The body of his A‘ulc:rson. Joltn ...— ...„e j ^ D . . licck, R. W ............. Acre* Amount6 $ K.59 Where is the man who said last spring that we would have no hot weather this summer? A liberal reward will be ofTered for his ap­ p rehension.^_________ Gov. Adlai Stevenson’s divorccd wife savs she is a Democrat but that she is going to vote for Gen- eral Eis-nhower. She savs the Democrats have been in power too Ions. 2.37 •'17.(» II,17.20 ]| It 13.72 | l,\ ^ 18.53 1 1 ,.- '*' 6.46 M ~ 2.37 \i MiAcre* Amount 63.. snowed under by the anti-TrU' man Democrats. Seems that Mr. Truman is on his way to oblivion. 4«.9(116.93 Na11.81 Ad‘10.29 Ak8.28 r12.91 i:_______16.69 n e ilB11.41 Bd®“21.52 Bn19.91 C 26.;y C5.28 C .33.90 Cai8.98 Clel31.76 Co.XZJXi Coi5.S« Cof14.49 Cr<298.46 Cri bjos Si'1.03 n*8JS2 , F.| 164.20 g ______________________ K. The big Masonic picnic, the “ '^cv 'dre n smashed a plate bIjiss n'ate ............ j brother was shipped to Birmini;' Wjilier Tafi ! h ™ Sunday evening. } « . ^ Up to this writing seven per- BoVvlcs. T. M. ......- I sons have lost their lives in auto JlmnKafiK'.Some of the Democratic papers ^ ,|,js Countv. arc saving that thousands o f De- Int.li'ni. j. M. .............mocrats will not vote for Steven-' D I _ /> . I ilicliacl. A vv son because he is a divorced man. H U T ^ lO L Y S i^ O p t U T e O D. .. Some Democrats and some Re-j Some time during Wednesday & L !i' I' publicans would vote for the de- burglars entered Hall Drug Kra,iW KoB.r •vilif his name happened to be Co.. store through a rear door. on their tickct.____ They attempted to open the safe Rilelmaii, i’aiil ^ A South Carolina lady-a life bv knocking oif the combinarion. 'Vieiters, long Democrat, told US a few days A tear gas bomb inside the safe Fooie. Allie ...................... 3 aKO that she was goinu to vote a exploded, and ihe thieves did not fc'j'VM .. .. i Republican ticket this fall—that «e' * e safe open. TT^eY took Parks.’ Adeline ................ she was for Eisenhower. We im- tin^e off to enjoy a lunch of milk Turks,, , j / p , and sandwiches. It is not known FARMINGTONagme that thousands of South .^^at was taken from the N«me A .r.» Amour^Carolina Democrats w ill follow stock, but no narcotics were miss- Amisworthy. B. R. 254.7 164.^ y. ing. T h isisrh e third, ime th=s 57^8 44¥i38%215.4 25 2'A226%4.1 29 1353-1 30 88 ?L 2 83.188 the example ot this lady. --- -store has been burgalarized. They then smajihed a plai------ 72nd, will be held at Clement \vindow in the Stratford Jewelry Curler, home coming. Two prominent '" lZ '.7 c 7 n j^ Q u 2,. and G/enn & j ' " ’ f b ' speakers; Dr. I. G. Grier and Dr. Trexler. 35, both of Mocksviile. Faireloth. Mrs. F. E......21g 11.01 { j°[ J. S. HiattwHI deliver addresses Route 4. were arrested at Halifax. J}nnKli. G. U. • ......22% jH ! U bIc, * W. C..............76.9, R lotb during the dav. There will be Va., Thursday because their hands /’'p'"!!!; ‘h ‘*b *”' .... 31 17167 V'i”KS«on, Dallas S......... 2 plenty of music, a ^1H0W.fiIshI0n. covered with lacerations fjrcKorj! H.^roW C ...... 9.^ L»nk.. EMBcne_,......4Jots ^4 1 -:4; when troopers Stopped them for Hnncs, Harrison Usi...... 9%ed country dmner, the L e ridmg ^ jjcen.^ check. Sheriff Hanes’. Leonard ............ 4% devices, a midwav full of attrac- Tucker identiHed the nien, who .....•...5: t r tions and a good time will be were out on bond charged with ^ ^ * had by all who attend. Begirt to breaking and entering. Henlcr, A»inie Uc ........ 2— ................... • ...... Mrs. John L.get ready now to be here next The men ^re charged with steal- ll”;™;!; SIM i’S v ' S f E " ffV2 McChIIomkIi. Clinard F. .96 2 7 .«McDaniel, C. 0................79JS SS.Ig;.?'§A McDaniel. Robert L.......S3Miller. R. S. ---------23 lots 24.; XM Myers. A. M................... 13.8 S.«t 72 Mvers, Captain A............ 2 lotsJ S Q'Ncal,. Will«r. .......... lU Thu«d7y, ‘ Aug.” l4th. ‘"'-nie"re- ins a car in Cooleemee after brea- ?^Sr<l ceipts from thU picnic will go ti. lir.S llo , the Oxford Orphanage. Come a„d parked their car near the lames. S. C ..............St early a n d stay late. jew elry store. lohnsoji, Mrs. Bertha Green The men are said to have ad- lobnson^Johu Francis .. ! ®...3.10T a « Rail*. John ....................4.43 Miss. Matule .... _ 4 lotsRufivua, Wrifjht (Owned by26-08 Walter-Gurley) ......... 4 lots M 11 Rldenhour, Richurd E. .. 1 lot 17.56 2547 Uidenboiir, Robert (Jack) Likes The Record Navy Yard S C lulv 25 said the men had jewelr^• valued ' ....... ..... slIrrM m c rc Hot n n o.. ’ j 4 T poss'^'ion when I/jOnnnmi ; D ..........OH Summers. Jniiics W.Dear Brother Stroud! AsI.iave arrested. They were brought to McCiIlloaoll, Mrs.’ a W . 3/. said often, my mam reason for Mocksviile Friday and lodged in Miller. Kenneth H........106A taking The Record is your stand jail to await trial.________ W. A................... 2 27.7611.2730.4618.15 .ic u 31%, 6 lots 25.1655-” S^viceK00d. Harry C., ILst. 1 lot .6925.02 Sain. W. A. ...^Seals, Charles H............. 10 course many other good features . including jokes . DeviVs 23d Psalm Vm Tutterow, Jiiliiis C.J'SS Wagner, C P. ......2*40 Wn.rn«r D. Paul Sbcek, Gray ......Smith. Bat ............. , f , j Sniitli, B. I-... Esi. .•‘King alcohol is my shepherd, r.ruy ....125%....43...53 It so nice of you writing an „ e U o ir:::... 13 editoriaJandg^vmifspacero Rev. ^nalcech me to iie dotvn in S«>i>K Ricbard B. . . .sy, G. W . Fin k, giving information places. He leadeth me beside Marie & F.ibel Cook on the voting against legalizing Simirifijjer, Charley a 70 America’s greatest enemy. Liquor on"*';? ^.................... 1, , „ , / . find my lizzie on top or me, be W.ilker. & V..... 4Interests, and I m so glad a noticc laugheth at me. Webber. C. B. & of special election, showing vot' Yea. though I ride on thin ice, ^ ers what to expect in voting. I wilJ cleave (o the hotde. the wllliar?!*’ Mrs***Satlic............ H ' 1 see every tiay in the Navy the Devil is with me. Thy saloons * COLOREDI.....,!:.:.... «;*». ..i__u i- and beer jo in is, they guide me. Allen. Charlie^ ^ alcoholic T'l,..,,. an <»rnnpu taKl/. Allen. Rosa . 5A7R Wagner, U. PanM Walker. Robert ......VJ'JI Wall. Henry, Esf......Wall. Willie ............Waller. M. 1.............. 14. Horsd'Bfoot15.FoodflBh16. Any nmv'erfui deity 17. Land- m«asur« 18. Absent 20. Part of••lobe" 31. Contagious diseaseof sheep 22. Mole 23.Quot<25. Fraetions26. In bed 27.Ctty (Ind.: 28. A veterinary surgeon (Slang) •20. Puppet pla:> thing 30. River (It)32. Qotd' (HeraWiyf 33. Morsel34. Wild ox (Asia)36. lilrearm 3& Blow air nnislly' through nose 39. BlWlcalweed40. Silent 41. Minute crystals of Jce 48. To anoint (arebalo) oUkt oidYTMe ...... •■wriffrAPUNCHl! . Beginning Monday, August 4lh, We Will Discontinue Pick Up And Delivery. 7 19/so .17.« '(“ Ic^lcy Walson. E. C. . 3.43 YVcbb, M. L, .. Webb. Wm. W.WUUH. VV»M. ..................W f . White, James T............. } ? « Williams, A»>crl ...........fioi Willinms. Joijn F. .......8-^^ Williams, Jiinie .............Williams, t . E................. 2W7 COLORED I4.J0 C'lrson, Adam ..........:.... 2 34 29.994 lots 28.9815 26.9fi1 lot 13.609 2.752 lots 19.78 I3 1/5 24.93) 36 lots 6.18.2 lots 1.377% 645 ‘1 lot 21.734 lots 9.47. 1 lot 10 lots 78.4 6.692.<107.8741.65 y/2............ I Cbuttn. George ...............45%9.60 Clumn. Harding 321 3/5 79 dtcmn.’ Hubert ................386.12 Clemenl. Hubert ............ 4/, I5;i4 demcnl, Ji 2.06 Clemenl. I. 8.55 Clemenl. V~...............r J . Thou prepare-st an empty table Alien. Rosabeverages is doing to our men— before me in the presence of my far more harm Uwn enemy in fam ily, Thoti anointest my head joi„V e s i............ combat. and body with bruises. My dem» Eaton.’ AUa ' "L.’ I iiould be happy to have Dub- runneth over. & I011, Oiiy J. lished in your paper during the , S“ « 'v misery and shame shall ............„month of August, letters from , , m n rest of my life and Eckles. Alexander. Jr. .. I lot 18.X Foster, Fannie, Est......... , , > . I sl>aIJ dwell with demons and Evan.s. Joe Ucnrv' ......... 5.32 16.63 Foster, U. C.....................men m service on what they feel the old Serpent In Hell forever Gibson. James. Esi..........43 W5UW.m legalized liquor i i doing. If it may and ever.” lloIbRier, Ressie & Edgar 3 h elp you r county ro rem ain true Rememhor: SnCurdav, Aug. 9- 2%to God. 16, are davs to register, if you are I.vons. Neljie . 5 My father being born in Mocks- already rejiistered. McMalian.^^pnesi ^ Id ille , and a newspaper man, 1 Remember Aui?. 30ih is your pi.vncbiirt. Isaiah.............36 have a tie and interest for you great opportunity to vote beer out Rhynebart. Killiam R. L. 2 3K29 ricnient. Mrs. W. C. ....laei ColWm, IW d ..........16.85 n»vitlson. Fred . H. 9’on Foster. William .....69 Fou'Ier, Jn.sper ................1,37 Hairston, F. C , ILst.........52 Hnirston, Raymond D. 3JXf Hairston. R«|jliel ............52 Mall, Mrs. Ciissie, Est. .. 28.49 1 lot 1 lot . 2 lots1 lot2 lots 4812.4 i lot .6 m 41 lot 1 lot 1 lot nave U li«: rtiiu iiiiuruai lui ywn .................- ---- - ___ _and your ciiunty, and proud <jf o f Davie County. Go earfv and RbyiwliarJ, OiJcJJ .....2 your stand agninst li‘galizlna al» o- take others with you, who ne.d RHynchart, Tbomas ........2 holicbeveniges.Sincerely yours, U N ITED D R Y FO R C ES. Steele, fohn 0* ............i lot PRESTON R ETCHISON. i Mr. and Mm. Ted Junker and IrieT 'M ar^S i''"" .2“ [Our columns are open ro jji«y children, and M r <ind Mrs. David Tatum. Mrs. Bernard .... 1 lot Army or Navy man who ctir s m Rankin and chiWrcn are spend * Charlie 12 use them to help in our ftght a- ing several davs this week at Car-^0*1 1 1 ? .............. ««gainst Wqacf and beer. Btikor.] olina Be^jch and W hite Lake, Wiliiams, John i.™.™. 10 '96 loimson, George ............\15 l« s McConcylicail. j'nmos 5 lots (Bai) il.07 f ijy . N o lilc , A le x .............................. 1 lo t757 Farker. Henderson. Est. . t lot 9.07 34.827.16 32.701.97 9.32 6.86 8.34 6.22 20.38 10.452.759.16 1&959.462.75 2M 14.84 ]ols 16.98 1 lot 4J9 Patterson. A. J............................................. I lotr09 Payne, Delose W............. I lot 20.14 Payjl". K 'l'y ..................... J , I”*97 Peck. James ....................40726 Pruiit, Self Quentin ......12011.85 Rousseau, Wnliam. Est.6.64 Shannon, Lymas ...........7 w Vension, Lonnie -----2242 Walker, Zeola ...............4,92 Watkins, Samuel ......... 4.86 3.79 7.11 10.19 11.43 1657 56.73 2 lots 9.22 4 lots 27.55 ] lot 7.08 1 lot 5.6S 4% 13.71 C A S H a n d C A R R Y |15^ Discount On Everything M o c k s v iile D r y C le a n in g A n d L a u n d r y S e rv ic e PVIocksviJle - - N. C. FO R PURE CRYSTA L ICE . C O A L FO R G R A TES, STO V ES, FU R N A CE AN D STO KER S It W ill Pay You To Call O r Phone Ua. We Make Prompt Delivery Mocksviile Ice & Fuel Co. Phone 116 M ocksviile, N , C . The Davie Record D A V I E C O U N T Y ’S O I . J P E S T N E W S P A P E B - - T H E P A P E R T H E P 3 E O P I . B K E A D . THE Plf<3S. THE PEOPLE'S KfCHTS M Am TA IN i U N AW ED BY INFLUENCE ANO UNBRIBED BV C A IN .” V O U J M N LiTTI MOCKSVILLE. NORTH C A RO U N A , W BDNBSDAY AUGUST 13 m ,,.NUMBER J NEWS OF LONG AGO. Wha» Wm HappenioB In Da- »ie Before Parlting Meter* ' And Abbreviated Skirti. (D avie Record. A u g . to . 1947) M rs. W . C . M arliti spent las' week In Sbelbv with her daoEHter. Mrs. C A . Burras. Misses Mary and Jane McGuire spent last week in texlnglon, the guests of Miss Lula Bett5. Miss Hattie Fowler, of Slates- ville. spent last week In town w ltli her sister. Mrs 0 . G . Daniel. Miss Ann HarWson, of Morgan- ton, who has been the guest of Miss Rfljiecca Grant, returned to her home Monday, The Click Reunion w ill be held at Jerusalem Banllst Church Sun­ day, August sSih. A big crowd I.1 expected. Mr. rnd Mts. Phil I . Johnson and children spent several «ays last week in Lenoir, the KOests of Mr. Johnson’s TOoihet. M r. and Mrs. L . W , Googe, of Allendale, S . C „ are snendlne sev eral days in town the enestsof Mr and Mr.*.. J. P. TMeGranii, Mrs. James MeOnire Is havlni her residence on .Sallshiiry .street enlargeii and remodeled, which w ill add much to Its appearance. J. M. Horn went to Wlnston-Sa lenl last week and niiderwent an operation al the Lawrence Hosplt- si. He is M liin * alone nicelv. M r. and Mts Allen Ko onll, nf Chapel H ill, are enests of MrF. Konntj’s parents, Mr, and Mrs, I. C. Dwiirsins. W . H . - Clement. Prof. J. r>. Hodges and J. L Clement atten.' ed the Confederate Reunion at Rnl- eigh last week and report a erani' time. Mlaa Kathryn Price, of TCanna- poWs. Is spend ne this week will- little Mhises Theoleoe and Marga­ ret Ward. Miss Dorothy Norrineton left Snnday for Wa.shinglon C lly and Indianapolis. liid .. where she . w ill spend two weeks with relative., and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Baller- tine, ol Cardenas, Wake County, spent several davs last week wllh Wr, and Mrs. W , S . W alker, near Coun*v Line, . E H . Hampton and son. of the TwIn-CHv. and Mrs. Lonnie Knr- fees, of this chv. I=f» noon for Green Mountain. Iowa, where they w ill spend a month with their sister. Mrs, Gwyn Ward. A h o iit is o S o n th e rn R a ilw a y em ­ ployees plcnlced at C lem ent G rove Thtirsday afternoon and evenine. Variona games,^ sneh as baseball, haskelball. pitching horseshoes, etr. A big pfcnic supper was enjoyed, and a good lime had by all. Gaorge Hendricks underwent an operation foi appendicitis at the Lawrence'Hospital, Winston-Salem Irst Tuesday. He Is getting along Blcelv. Frank and H arry Stroud, who bold posltkms at Etird ’s and Belk. Stevens stores In Winston-Salem,' arespend'ng this week in town' with their parents, A number of Mocksvllllans at­ tended the Masonic picnic at Elkin last Thursday. A large wowd was present and a neat sum was real. Ized tor the Oxford Orphanage. D r. Lester Martin carried Master 'Thomas Evan i.' son'of -M r. and Mrs. George Evans, to the Ortho­ pedic Hospital a t, Gastonia Wed. nesday. where be w ill undergo treatment. The best hews that we have prtnled in many months is to the eflect that the public square In this city ia to be paved and otherwise Improved In the near future. The telephone poles which have long been an eyesore, are to come down, the square graded and a small grass plot w ill be put in each of the four blocks on the square. Fountain of Truth Rev. Walter E. Isenhmir. Tavtotsvllle.’N. 0 I have never seen a m an yet th at reicretted belne a teetotaler, b u t no doubt m illions resret that they (ailed to let alcohol alone. T hose w bo ' fonee th e ir w ay heavenw ard h^ve no tim e to glide hellw ard. A ll traveller.*^ to the C ity of G od have all their tim e w ell 61led. I t Is betler to be a srood w histler th a n a bad «riim bler. .M e n ofte n, tim es w histle ^ood .^ p s , b u t never e^rtiinble them . I f voM are poor ia grace it Is not because G od Is p overty ^trlck eo. T he tronhle Is v ou are llvln e far beneath your privileges In the Lord. T he otb e i fellow m ay throw n atum hline'Slone In your w ay heav* enw ard, h u t v nur business shotild be to surm onnt them , hy the crane of G od. W h e n the devil takes you off on a aoree don’t for«et th a t yon w ill pay for It later oo. either tb ro u e b remorse of conscience and repeot- aare before G od , or In held. I ’ve nevw been a great deal In th is w orld that Is free and w orth w hile. U<tually that w hich we re ceive costs us our best »o obtain If It is w orth a ereat deal. I f vou sell you principle to the devlJ jn st rem em ber th at your soul eoes w ith It. M o real eodly tnan sells bis principle, or If he does he he barters his ^oul In the trans* action. T he devil has the glitter, hnt G od has the G old, T he devil has the shadow , but .God has the sn h . stance. It is belter to pray because bed th ing s have haooened. How ever, it seems lhat some People w ait n r . til s nm fih ine had has happened be* fore they pray. It Is like pla>i*iK w ith forked IlK htnlne to take a de6nite stand aeianat holiness^ W e are to fol> low pesce w ith all m en aiid h o li. ness If we are to see the L o rd and be wltb^ H im forever. A brillian m ind (tlven to the devil tnsy do . the w orld a Rreat deal of harm ; bnt a d u ll m ind given to G od m av do th e w orld a great deal of good. Few men ever regret their slow­ ness to speak under prevoeation, b ut m any regret their hasty words. H e w ho is m aster o f bis tongue and tem per m ay be a greater m an th a t a general In a great arm y. I f vou w ill do the praying w hile your enem y does th ^ ta lk in g I ’ll assure y o u that you w ill be the victor. Those w ho keeo sweet in their hearts a nd sonls along life’s jour* nev certainly have, good com pany to live w ith : b u t those w ho keep b ille r have had bad com pany to live w ith. Indeed ves' indeed. H e w ho enjoys the rugged truth m ost, of necessity, be in touch w ith the G od of truth. , Goes After Liquor Forces W P H atLLY COU N TRY A tourist Xrom the prairie country, on stopping in a W est Virginia m ountain ham lot, approached mountaineer who whittled aw ay on a twig as he leaned against the vil- lage post office. “TeU m e,” he said, ''is this whole area as mountainous as this town?” “Shore is,” replied the native. ” Why, if we could get this one coun­ty smoothed out Hat, it would be bigger than the state of Texas.” Honest Emjiloyee To a tram p, who wanted to earn a bite to eat, the farm ers’ wife said: " If I thought you were honest, I'd let you go into the chicicen house and gather eggs.” “ Lady,” he replied, w ith offendotf dignity, ”I w as m anager of a bath­house Sot J5 years and I nevei look a bath.” <iualiffed The Interviewer w as questionin'- a young girl applicant for a job i a defense plant. “ H ave you hud ai. experience In defense worle?” ‘•Plenty,” she replied con/WcnJ ly. "A ll during the w ar I went witl % sailor.” Com m a, Dash Em ployer, to newly hired stcno “Now I hope you thoroughly under stand the im portance of punctur tion.” Sleno: "O il, yes. indeed, I alway.- get to work on tim e ." ACCOM M ODATING A iiromaa w alked fato a m illinery silop and painted out a iiat in the window, "T h at red one with the feathers and berries," she said. "W ould you take It out ol tiie win- dow for m e?” “Certainly, m a d a m ,” the clerk replied. “We’d W glad to.”“Thank you very m uch,” said the woman m ovhig tow ard the exit. “The horrible thing bothers me every Ume I pass.’' Juniors to Meet Plans have v irtually been com pleted for the 62nd A n n u a l Session of the State C ouncil of th e Ju n io r O rder U nited A m erican M echanics w hich w ill be held A u g 19 30, at C arolina Beach. T he State C ouncil w ill convene at tw o o’clock T uesday afternoon A u g 19, and the banquet sessioo w ill be held at the R oyal P alm H o . tel et 7 p. m . th at evening. P rior to the ooenlng of the meeU lo g on Tuesday, the State Board of Officers w ill hold th e ir executive ssssiou at 8 p m . on A u g . i8th , al 8 o’clock, tm m edintely after this session the Stale C ouncil officers w ill meet at 9 o ’clock for the exe. Icutlve session. T he first session of th e annual m eeting of the Board of Trustees of the L e x ing ton N a tio n , al C hildren’s H om e w ill be held at the R oyal P alm H otel at 10 a. m ., on A u g . 19th , and th e final session of the Trustees w ill be held W ed. nesday, A u g . 20th , follow ing the I close-of the State C onvention. Overtim e Sleeper Chief: “H ow come you’re late this morning, Joe?” Firem an: “ I overslept.” Chief: “W hatl D o you sleep at home, too?” First Problem 'My hardest Job alw ays cornea before breakfast.** “ W hat’s that?” “ Getting up.** H igh Boper The m an who m arries his secre­ tary and thinks he’ll continue dictat­ ing to her is realty an optimist. Leap i'enr ‘ About two m illion sirls w ill nccept wedding proposal.® this Leap Year. Further, the fair sex w ill recotve a helping hand from ring de.sitjnefs. who are styling m en’s marrtal bands in the new precious jewelri’ metal palladium , with diamonds, to entice eligible bachelors to tlie altar. This palladium and diamond combination* is In keeping with the trend toward 3-piece decorative wed­ ding sets, and is reportedly in high favor among grooms-to-be. Bread and Syeova G el ready to have bread and sycova with your meals. Accordfaig to the N .Y . Journal of Commewe® “sycova” is a new butter aubsUtute, less costty than either butter or margarine. M ade from raw soya beans, cured, crushed, and rendered sweet without use of chemicals or sim ilar elements, the new product will not turn ranckl even after long storage. K ililo r 'I'hft avc true to form in bcstirriiia them­selves as the “deadline” of August 30 upproatjhes. I t is nUogether uftturiil Ihttt those who have been foolish enough to invest money atid 'rcptitation in the nefarious b u s in e s s of w iling alcoholic drink to their fellow men, or yet more foolish to become addicts in its ust*—that these people vioMW hecdinu ugilaled when they see the inevitable doom oC their bus- ini'ss and soureo ot snpply. NcvCTtheless, these people ar“now on a “dead-end ,‘itrcct' my opiiiioll. 1 think tliw ni-c oiiimgli inmi women o£ sober .swi.se ill Davie County who havr nlr(!nd,v .iudged this infamous njrciit Ilf liiiman depravity to pul. it under the Icjsal ban on Atignal. 3(Mh. 1 believe this viper's head is Koill}! to lie crushed oi Blit one is astonished to sec tliat whole eolumns in the paper were ei)ii.siiined in an attempt to insUtv, it not to glorify the bus­ iness of selling beer and wine ill the eouiity. These people do not we, or admit, thut beer is tiie univer.siil aitent that starts mil­lions ot aleoliolie addicts on tlie road to alcoholism. Evidentl.v (liey are not even aware that 1,1-c'iverins and distilleries operate a veritable Avertloelc that is world­wide, heenitse their produets are a (lovo-tailing i*(nnblntit.ion to <.atch and to (‘itsiave victims. Uavo these p e o p le been so naive and sleepy that they have not spcn how many tens ot thousnndfi of tlrin^erR the oecT liarons have made of our young men who return from Uio m ili t,irv oatablishmcntet Do ^o> not know of the vile schemes that these bloated barons uso, suet as “fr<M. hoer” parties and service men’s «lnhs “flooded with beer. (T l.c unvarying pattern m the training camps is “Liquor for of- «ccrs, beer for onl)stcd m ^ . } Anyhow, the parents »t /Je se bovs know the damage that beer drinking does, both at home and in the tvniniug catnps or W * where else; and they know that thev w<»uhl be utter fools to legalize this evil, or to go o« tolerating those beer dispcnsarios «t every road fork.And, believe it or not, one oi U)e “wet” scribes delivered a long tirade against “ Prohibition and made the colossal error oE speaking of the Irtst twenty years as an era of prohibition. He .slioiild have spoken of these twenty years as the cm durm t which the aftermath of the be- Iravnl and cvucifixion of pro­hibition has been M'itncssed. Bnt that has long been the stock m trade of the liqnor people—to hmite prohiiiition and make it the scjipegoai tor a tojIUou crmies that nmior itself has instigated. pj-nhihition is of divme ongtn. According to the holy writ itm wt\R given u strict prohibition for tins di.soii>Jine of his sp irit while he was yet witliout transgression. The story relates that man camc under ileparvity and a fallen state when he violated the pro­hibition, at tlic promptwg Stitau. B ut tlie “ prohibition was n()t repealed. M ail’s iiiiioecncy was repealed, and he was sent forth to (tontend with ‘ thorns and briars.” So, man’s perverse­ ness and wilfulness is the prob- h‘in, not prohibition. V!i\ t'.itiy.ens of l^avio County (•annot drive the lit|UOr traffic out of the United States, and by that retrieve the honor and bene­ fit that eaine to this nation nnder the Kighteenth Aiuondment to the Constitution (and help to lift the jndgmeiit of a curse that I believe w ill rest upon the nation until the repudiation ot prohibi- tVoii is reversed); but we con pttj its sale tuulcr the heel of law and moke it an outlaw by voting overwhelmingly against it on August 30th. And, remember voters that the hardest blow you can deliver to ihe villain y of bootlegging liquor in the County is to destroy thesp “breastworks” of the booUeggws Our County And Social Security B v W . K . W hite. Manager. Beginning Sept. 1, the New S(^ cial Security Law increased to $75 a m ooA instead of $50 the mount of naoney a beneficiary mav earn atid still receive the monthly benefits. Self-employed praple entitled to Old-Age and Survivors Insurance benefits may receive the payments for each month of the vear if their net cim ings during the entire veatj are not over $700. The amended law contains a provision of special importance to self-emploved people who have retired or plan to retire during 1952. Before the passage o f the amendments their earnings for the year in which an applicadon was made could not be used to figure their Old-Age payments. Now. those self-employed people who originally applied for bene­ fits in 1952 may re-apply at the close of the taxable year and have their 1952 earnings used in figur­ ing their monthly benefit pay­ ments. In general this w ill in­ crease the monthly benefit pay­ ment to self-employed persons. A simUar change in law now per­ mits insurance wage earners who retire in 1952 to have their wages for this year used im m rfiately in figuring the amount of thetr benefit payments. Heretofore, it w as necessary fo r th e m to com e back after the end of the year in order to have all of their covered wages for 1952 included m the computation of thebenefitamount Another amendment allows be- ncficierles aged 75 or over already on the rolls to take advantage of| the higher btnefit payments pro- vided under the new fisrmula, it| they have h a d at least a year ^ a half of covered work after 19TO.1 The amended law security wage credits of $160 for|eachm onthofactlve mmtary or n a v al service after Ju ly 24. 1947, T h is provision is simply « ' tcision of the one which akeady gives Social Security wage « « ' its to servicemen of W orld W ar IL It applies to service in the armed forces up to Jan. I, 1954. O f advantage to the survivors of deceased service people « provision in thcam end^ law ex­ tending the time for claimmg lump sum payment. Th is appli to servicemen who die abroad a ^ are later States for burial or reburial. Sur­ vivors who pay the burial expen ses may no^^ dahn UP to ten years after the tcbunal instead of two years af.er the ser­ viceman’s death. , , , , A representative of this office w ill be in M ocksviile again on August I3th , ac the court house, second floor, at 12-30 p. m-. attd on the same date in Cooleemee, at the old Band H all, over Led- lord’s Store, at 11 a. m . —the beer and wino joints. Fin ally, in regard to the threat ol' increased taxes, this fallacy has boon exposed (especially by Bov, 0 . W . Pink and others) by in­fallible proof. Don’t he misled by croeodile tears over the loss uf $16,000 ot tainted money. Wo eun “pay our way’* and have a countenance to “look our neigh­ bor In the eye.’’ Good people, let’s roffain our honor :,and keep it. i/ct’s close our “slbj) johits” on August 30th. 6. 0 , GEAHAM Farmmgton, N, 0, B etter call a t this o ffice now and g e t yo u r land p o t­ ters b efo re the tiip p ly ia ex- haotted. Printed on h eavy card hoard. 50c. p er d ozen. Seen Along Main Street By The Street Rambler. 000000 Fred Furchcs minus teeth after visit to dental office-^Miss Bon* nic D river wishing It would rain —Parmer from Jerusalem declare ing that hailstones as big as hen eggs demolished even* cantaloupe in his field Miss Blanche Brown talking with country lasses from way up in Clarksvillc^^Tom Bail- ev WoodrafF taking a day ofFfirom watching Hshermen and hunters ~ Miss Lydia H all talking about a week spent at My«tle Beach— Clarencc Carter busy selling pea­ ches in front of court house— M iss Eva McCullough waiting for way to go home—M r. and M rs. Vernon D u ll motoring west—1. 5. Haire standing on Main strcec wiping perspiration from his brow —Roy Holchouscr getcfng ready to go home after hard day’s work M iller talking abouc how It rained in Greensboro—M rs. Leo Cozarc sitting in court house wait­ ing for electric storm to vamoose —R . C . Lee putting Masonic pic* nic ad on front o f his automobile —Country lass wearing pair of bright red. trousers around town while high school boys stare — Tohn Ijames getting tonsoral work in barber shop—M r. and M rs. A . D . Koontz transacting some bank­ ing business—M iss Sarah Gaither {doing some early afternoon shop­ ping—M rs. E W . Crow mailing letters—M rs. Roy Holthouser sell­ ing new ladles apparel—Miss Peg­ gy Beck talking about getting a newhair cut—^Harley W alker amb­ ling up Main street reading adver­ tisement—Farmer giving away fine cantaloupes on Depot street—M rs. H . R . Johnson and small son on their way down Depot street— M rs. Alpha and Bobby Barney do* ling some morning shopping a- round town—Hubert Lashmltdis<> Cributing Eisenhower photographs —Young fellow pricing turkey in G ift Shop. Shoaf Coal & Sand Co. W e Can Supply Your Needs IN GOOD C O A L, SAN D and B R IC K C all or Phone U s A t Any Time PH O N E 194 Formerly Davie Brick &Coal Co S IL E R Funeral Home A N D Flower Shop P h o n e 1 1 3 S. M ain St. M ocksviile. N, C . Ambulance Service Ploticeto Creditors Having qualified as Executor of the estate of M attie Ada G riflith, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims a- gainst said estate to present the same, properly verified, to the un« dersigned at 327 Vintage Avenue, W inston*Sabm . N* C , on or be­fore the 30th day of June, 1953, or this notice w ill be plead in bar of I recovery. A ll persons indebted to said estate w ill please call upon the undersigned and make prompt settlement. Th is 30th day of lune, 1952. IB F G R IF F IT H . E xr. of M attie Ada G riffith, DecsM.By A . T . Grant, A tty. i l l PAGE TWO THE DAVIE RECORD. MOCKSVILLE, H. 0., AUGUST IS. tSES THE DAVIE RECORD. C . FR A N K STR O U D . E D IT O R . Elntered BtthePostoffice InMnckB- *iHe, N, C., SB Seconii-cliiiiii HbII matter. March 3,1903. dra w n for th e A u g u st te rm o f ' •Tlic pWrostil in Ihi: isMDavie Superior Court which con- Coui|i,nn/s ralc schcillilcs iiiMlves in- Bcck. W aller Taft .......... 2, , , 1 . rrcascs HVcraKin^ somcwluit less than Ilcck, Will ................vcnes in this cltv o n M o n d a y . Iwcntj-fivc cents |icr incinlh (or rcsi-i lluKcr. Mrs. MarKarct A u g . 25, w ith Ju d c c H o y le S in k SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ONE YEAIi. IN N. OAROUN* I SIX MONTHS IN N. CAROLINA 7Sc. QNF YE.\R. nnTSIIlKSTsTf • »8.n0 SIX MONTHS, OUTSIDE STATF. ■ $1.00 "IF MY PEOPLE. WHICH ME UllED BY MV NAME. SHAU HUMBIE THEMSaVES, AND , PRAY. AND SEEK MY FACE, AND TURN AWAY ROM THEIR WICKED WAVS; THEN Will I HEAR FROM HEAVEN. AND WIU FORGIVE THEIR SINS. ANO WIU HEAl THEIR lAND."- 2 CHROH. 7iR^ 72 Masonic Picnic Former Davie County people who hnve migrated to all pprts of the country, hove already bcRut» to arrive here for the big Masonic picnic and home coming on Auk, 14th. Some have already arrived trom as far away as Texas. Additional parking spacc has been arranged to take care of the hundreds of automobiles expect* ed here this week. D r. L G . Greer, of Chapel H ill, w ill deliver the annual address at 11 o*c!ock. D r. J. S. Hiatt, of El kin , w ill speak at 2 o’clock. Evening program w ill feature the prize-winning FFA String Band of Farmington, and Joe King. ven. triloquist of Winston-Salem. The 37 piece band of Appalach­ ian State Teachers College, Boonci Auqust Jurors r " - ': local tcici»lionc scrvic« in Norlli Caro- WIlHnnis, MaKi;ic Clement, 2.fi 2.37 Carter, Victor W.lina cxchaitRCS has been announced by CLARKSVILLE Clement, Est. .......................IW. S. Hcddintsficld, Monnt Airy. (Name Aerea 'Amaunt Cook, VV. Ransom .......2%The foilntvtnif Sitrr.r. North Cnrolina Manager of Central Al>shcr, N. R..................63 $ 76i8 Corrcll, George C .......3tt4Ihc loilowtng jurors have been Telephone Company. Andersi)n, John ............44% 11.51 Correli; Mrs. W. IC. ...... 1 lot •The pro|»o!icci ndjtislmcnt in the 1 neck, R. W ...... 5 lots 36.44 Lcach, Hallic . I lot .69 LcGrand, J. r. presiding and Solicitor J . A llie Haves prosecuting: Calahaln R , C . Dyson, Dewey Tutterow, S. A . loncs, 1. H . Foster. Clarksville—O . T . Boger, Stacy Beck» Fred Brackcn, G . K . Jones, Zeb Brinkley. Farmington—^T. M . Hutchins, W . L . Pope, 1. N . Seats. T . D. Dixon, J. W . b iird . Norman Cook. Fulton G . E . Barnhardr, 1. P. Grubbs, D . M. Bailey, Jr., Fov Bailey. Jerusalem—Herbert N ollcv, A . E. Coble, Hubert C all, Guy Fos> ter, C . H . Brogdon, M . Broad­ way. Mocksvillc—Paul E . Foster. R . O . Kiger, Hasten Carter, Alton Foster. Paul F. Dwiggins, T , L . Junker. Shady Grove—H . L . Frank, H . B, Bailey, George Cornatzer, H T . Nancc, L . B. Sheets. It would cake at lease two weeks to try all the cases that have been docketed up to this time. Many cases w ill have to be continued, with only a one week term sche* duled for this court. Evils of Alcohol The United Dry Forces of Davie nmnKanicr, James iv. Giintcr, Linxey ones, S. A. , ordan, J. H WicIiMcl. A. W.Maylor, L. F,'arkcr, Snimicl D. ....>ottR, C F.*ott*, Junie F.............tcuvis, Roger ...........iolltns, G. ».Itanlcy, Asbury .........Sictilman, Paul '*nii(i by coiii|inrisoii with this small iiicrensc for rcsitlcncc scrtHcc. bus­iness tclciihone rale increases avcrag’ ing niipruximately one dollar and fifty ccnts licr main business tc!c|ihone, will carry the Kreater portion of the increase in lclc|ihonc rates required lo meet the higher wages, higher taxes, and higher material costs int> j)ose<l upon Ihe Telephone Company by the cofithming spiral of inflntion. iiowcvur, HcddiiiKfield added, "(he policy of placing a small percentage of ihc nccessary increase on residence rates is largely the result of sug- ftcstiuns of thoughtful businessmen and othur students of economics in connuunitics served by the Company, who haw pointed out that the value of telephone servicc lo business insti* tuiions has increased greatly with in­creases of from fifty to one hundred percent or more in telephones during the post-war years, and that for this and other reasons they would much prefer to have a larger portion of the increase in telephone rates in their business rather than their household cxpcji.«c budgets.“Continue*! rising costs of providing ser%'ice makes the increase nccessary Ucddingrield said. “Principal items affecting costs are wages, taxes and materials,"W.iges are our biggest item of ex- ^...................pensc", he said. "Wage increases Graham, Miss Leona since 1941, including the most recent j Gregory. H. 1). 15.425 f '26 Vi 4.129 1353.330 K8 i283 40.90 Crotts. Mrs. Ota 16,95 CroUs, V. B.42.9 1 lot 2266 IJvcng^l. J. M. - 1 lot .271 lot 43.082 lots 11.SS 41 10.67 17.9 824 ___ . jtts, .. .................... -11.81 D.iniel, Roy Washington R Inis io,29 I^vis, Irvin — H.67 McClanirock, Waller S. I lol 27.6|.69 Mccliam, EMcii S. ...... 20 5.2256.21 Mmksvillc Molor Co. .. tat 2>J2:i 0 lois 3U.6I ftiocKsvmi: .i.-w —• ....... ........, ........................ 2j/j(Bal) 4..15 Nichols. Roy 1...............4m8.Z8 Dc.idmon. G. H.........22, 8 lots 40.41 Plott. Milton ^............ 312.91 Dedmon, L. C„ Sr. Toiilin. Henry T............ j Jot16.69 79JJ, 3 Jols (B.il) 76.27 rowcll. Knox H............. 1 lotn.41 Ellis, Paul ................... 1 lot 21.55 Rodwell. I W. ......... 25.621J2 Forrest, Willie ......... \Vj lots 19.71 Rndwell, Mrs. Mary19.91 Foster, Mrs. Frances M lot 10.57 _.',3215.1915.6311.2624.322240 Wieners, Dr. John C. 3RH COLOREDNaylor, W. M................ 8Parks, Adeline ............. 1l^arks, Dewey ............ %FARMINGTONN«meArmsworlhy, B. R. -Hailey, James ....Tleauchamp, M. K. .. nennett, Raymond ...Blake, Clinton .........Carter, James ........Candle & White ......Cook, Willie Zeb Crens, E. D.Cuthrcll, C. F Douthit, H. F Dunn. W. A.Economy Homes ...Faircloth, Mrs. F. K. GouRh, G. L. 26.79 Foster, Hiibcrt5.28 Faster, John .......33.90 Foster, S. T.. Est. ..8.98 Foster, T. R. .31.76 Foster, WilHard E. .32.00 Codhy, C. C .. S.S8 Griffill,, .1. S. .14.49 Hnikle, Dallas29«.46 Hodges, Paul Eriodges, Mrs. Patil E.6.05 f'iowani, Roy ...........1.03 Tjamcs, Glenn ..........8.62 Ijames. William M. . .....2 lots 17.13 Shnaf, G. A.............Jfi, 1 lol S3M Smith. A. U. ............197.6 KM SwircRoMl, M. H. ..... I lol .18 Walker, G. Ct. ................. - , .....11>4 72.6,1, Walker. W . S„ list........ 1 lot 42, 2 lol! .m.69, Ward. Jolm J .....................-tj.... 5 .1.37 Waters, S, E..................... ».... 7 lols 8,51 Wcavll. H. C..................... 1 jot....390 195.64 I Wliilakcr, D, K ................. 8J4 6'A 92.1.1 Wliilakcr, R. I... Jr.........Wliilakcr. W. A................... 36 York, N. S.......................... 3 lots SB.OS Slots 2,14 M lots 3,162 lots 1.471 lot 1.34 . 2 lols 21.13 1 lol 9,71 I lol 28,(H______________UiBle, W. C. ........3 is , 8 lols 77,55Aeiv» Amount Link, Eugene ................ 4 lots 4J4254.7 164.20 McCullough. Clinard F. • .96 27.79. 4 lots 2.75 McDaniel. C. 0. ......... 79.55 55.11. 71 Vj 57.08 McDaniel, Robert L.......S3 m 7, 2 1.37 Myers, A. M.................13.8 5.97,124.9 42,83 Myers, Captain A........... 2 tots 24.74*4.9 42,83 Myers, Captain A............2 t<4 lots .69 O'Neal. Wilbert .............1.42, 2 lots 12JJ6 Page, Lawrence ............I lot ____5.3 17.71 Picrce, William S.......... 2 lots 10.9225 18.M Raltz, ^hn ------- 5 lols 13,02 10.22 ... 4 lots 3.106 lots 20.89 Reeves, Wright (Owned by38 14.55 Walter-Gurley) ......... 423, 52 lols 15.48 Ridenhonr, Richard R . 1 Jot 22Vj 1 lot 3.1one. have raised our annual wage Gregory, Harold C.......... 9.35cost in Norib Carolina more than Hanes, Harrison Est.......$341,001). compared lo $269,000 added Munes. Leonard ............. mlo annual revenues by rate increases Manes, W. H................... 1.8•iod. Since pay- Mauser. Mrs. Maggie & L. G. 4 lots .66—......................- ....... 1 lot 17.5611.01 Safret, MoRKie Crotis .... 13Vj 11.275.15 Spillman. W. H............ I lol 30.4610.57 Spry, James C............... 1 lot 18..iS17.67 Summers, James W.29.W 31*54, 6 lots 2.1.1611.16 Swicegood, Harry G.. Esi. 1 lot .692.06 Tutterow, Julius C. 11.20 Wall, Henry. Hsi Wall, Willie ..3J02 WalJer, Jkf. L.during tlie same peri . , ..........roll c.^|it*nse rcpresenis neariy two- ’ 22thirds of the Company’s operating Hepler, Annie Lee ........ 2 1.72 Walter-Gnrlej- .cosis, a major general wage increase Hillman. Mrs. lohn U .. 1 lot 5.80-Watson, E. C. . ..................................... ' ..... 12.^,^ 3Q 93 52 Webb, M. L. .drastically affects the Company’s cost Mowanl. Albert ..of furnishing service. Howard. Leonard .......... 3*14"Taxes, paid by the Company in James. Mrs. Bessie Est. 22North Carolma. are also an increas- Jauics, C, D. ............... 1 lolingly heavy item of expense, having lames, S. C. 51risen from about $6.73 per telephone toimson, John Francis .. 1t .Im IWl to thii iwint wlicre .itoul KIger, GI.Ws Seats .... 12 7.73County have a very striking Visual j$I«.44 per Company telephone in KimhrouKli, Con L.........217 49.56isting of eight'Carolina is expected in 1952, Lakey. R. W.................. 6 lots 4A2Aid Program, consisting . . .. ..........v.................■uit ct... J • J . mchidmg Federal Excise Taxes Lee, RoIktI B......will give both morning and after* | /*’'Pi«ing m a very dramatic, on local and toll service paid by the McClaniion. J. D.o ^wavthe evil effects of Bevcrauc:«V®’°'"S^ uveraged M,ller, Kenneth H.noon conccrtS. Inc Oxford Or- . j i> j = about $14,13 per telephone. Sain. W. A.ph^nagcGlee Club will be heard Alcohol. ^ Mtnd and Body. bo-, ‘.mrhtion has forccd up the price Seats. Charles E.____,____ X ,___ . Ciecy and Traffic, which is being «»* Jihiiost everyihmg we buy, many Seat.<, R. H.th ro u g h o u t the day. M a n y n o ta . . . ...... . „ iiem.s of which have more ihaii Sheek, Grayble Masonic and Eastern Star of- Pre8c«'«^ with brief talks by dif- j„ t|,e „„st ten years. Smith, Bat . ..,.sn ferents ministers and laymen, ac "Higher wsigcs and material costs Smith, Gray ..........................ficials will be present. . folloxvinti dmt, a,u4 operating Smith Isaac Rob ......... 13The picnic wouldn’t be a sue- , costs seriously, but also result in Smith. Richard B.......... 5% ccss without the R .C .L e e riding t '" " f devices. Mr. Lee has been a part « , , r. .. .. higher and higher unit costs,—higher Swearinger, Charley G. 70Smith Grove School Building, ilian ever before. In 1941. for cx- Tucker. George N.......... 1' invested an aver- Walker, S, P.................. 4 .. 98 .106.8 ... 2 ... 10 ... 75 )25i/& 43 29.06 Webb, Wm. W16.82 White, James T. .........4.43 Williams, Albert26.08 Williams, John F. .......25.47 Williams, JunieWiJliams, T. E............. COLORED Carson, Adam ............. 2 M 29.999 Z7S2 lots 19.783 1/5 2^.93 36 lots 6.18 2 lots 1.37 7Vj 6.45 1 lot 21.734 lots 9.47 1 lot 6.69 3% 2.4010 lots 7.87 78.4 4165 o f the M aso nic p icn ic fo r nearly30 years, and h i; ride, have been ^ edn-dav ni«h<. 8M o ’clo ck , I .’ri. ¥.......... enjoyed bverandpa and grandma ........„ , . , R oberts a n d J. G . B ru n er, in "hnost doubled due lo incrt^sed costs Williams, Robert ............. .45as w ell as th e cou rting couples ^ ™ " .o f conslruction since that time. Williarcl, Mrs. Sadie ..... 11 a nd th e sm all tots. T h e rid in c j "The Company's plant investment in C O LO RED devices w ill ooerate every n io lit S c h o o l B u ild in e , Norlli Qirolina increaseil $2,148,000 or Allen. Charliedevii.es w ill operate every n ig n t liC a.nn *^2% during the past five years to Allen, Rosa . this week, a n d all day T luirsdav. \ , 'L ^ incre.'ise in tele- Bowman, Clarence .........i..............« ; u .. o ’clock, Revs. W a d e H u tc h in s a n d phones. This is the result of an al- Brock, A. L.Refre sh m e nt i,t.inds, m a n n e d by in sp«tacular increase in demand Eaton, Alta ., m em bers o f the M aso nic Lodge. W . U A n d e rs o n in «-ha^e. 1 for telephone service which in turn Eaton. Guy J w ill dianenfie ice cream n m l m id W e s l e y C hap e l M e th o d ist resulted from a phenomenal progress Hanes. Rufus, Eat...........w i I dispense ice cream a n d cold ,nrc, connnerce. and industry, Eaton. W H d rin ks. , o , i . >» « y. , hoiisiHg <levc{opincnt m the JSckJcs, Alexnntlcr. Jr. ..Kitirp lir«f nls-ntr Jn 1H7R oiOO o clock. Kcv. G . . G ra h am , eonnnunities served by the Company Evans, Joe Henry .........btnce IhC nrs p icn ic m 1878, ^ ^ CaroHn.i. W e arc now serv- Gibson, James. Est........... the M ocksville M asontc Lodge has o f e i i o . u . 21,5(X) iclephoncs in North How’cll, M innie Lee .....dnn.ii-ed m nre fh.nn « Iin o n o n n ^n rarm tn g to n d c lio o l U iiild ine , Carolina, an increase of over 13,300 in Lyons, James ................... n r l r , . ! , . 1 8 * , M o n d a y n ig h t, 8:00 i''*' l'« ' >en years Bn, the demand Li-ons k ilie ...................th e O x fo rd O rp hanag e. , , i ^ . keeps up and we know that we must McMahan, Ernest .........0 clock. M inisters o f c o m m u n ity conlinnc to build and expand, since March. Lncy .................... 9.07 34.827.16 32.701.97 9.32 6.86 8.34 6.22 20.38 10,45 2.759.16 10.959.46 “2.75 2,66 14.84 5.641 VlUUIJfU .......... JJ 5.96M-30 Johnson. W. F............. 3 lots 16.98OM J/cConey lead, James 5 lots (Ba " " 9-60 Noble, Aiex .................. 1 lot Chunn, George ............. Chunn, Harding ...........25.02 chnnn. Hubert ............. V2n Huherl ..........-“■^'Cieinent, Jesse .............^•7? Clement, Loyal ............f^81 Clement, Miller .......... , Clement, Mrs. W . C. .7 19/50 37.W Collins, Foard ..............3.50 Dnvldson. Fred H......... 3.43 Foster. Fannie, list. ...W .1 Foster, R. C................... i l « 'Vllliam ............15.83 Fowler, Jasper ............. i'5? Hairston. P- C., Est. ...8.91 Hairston, R.tyntiMid D. , „ Hairston, Raphcl ........... i 6-SO Hall, Mrs. Cassic, Est. .. 1 lot iiw Johnson, George ............. 15 45Vj 4'A 38 1 lot 1 lot2 lots1 lot2 lots 4812.4 I lot .63% ' 41 lot 1 lot 21 3/5 79 19 I,"?' v S n '; ’ S i e5.32 16.63 Walker. Zeola .......?-55 Watkins, Samuel ...Williams. Baxter JC •?? Williams, fasper M. 43229451 lot 7 James 5 lots (Bal) 11.07 Al*? Parker, l;Icnderson,""Est’’ 1 lot 3.79 1§11 1 Jot 10-1915.14 ta ,e . Kelly . ] Jot 11.43■*195 * Ja««cs , 40 16.87 10.61 R oussW w iiiS ^ Etchi^oiii'w.'B.",;..;:::....%.iTo\ S is.I--- I - 27.« ....,8H C OLO REDAllison, Leon G............Brown, Hannah ............Hrown. Mary, Est......... 1 jotCarter. Kcnncih ^........ 1 lotClement. Alonzo. Est..... 19%Cnckeriiam, Clifton ...... 1 jotDalton. Nick .......- 83.4Dillard, Alfred, Est....... 1 lotDulin. Charlie L. ......... 1 lot I.91 2ZS228.56 1051 2SX9 26A?18.56II.34 Dnlin, John Lewis ....... 1 lotFf>.stcr, AlbertaFowler, Thwnas J.........Gaither. Charlie A.........Gaither. FrancosGaither. Frances. Est.....Gaither. Jiilln, Est. ......Gaither, Rosa & EstherGaither, .Thomas ..........Garrett, Sara J., Est......Grant, Mozclla N......„...Hairston. George .........Howell, Luther j-lndiio\t, Susan, Est. ■■■■Hudson, Tom ...............ijames. .1. C. ...............■■ lines, Joseph 2 tots 11.50 1 lot 3.56 2.18 .2.422.6710.31 29.037.02 17.19 13.60 .526.315.68 1.66 1,59 8.42 5.91 -8.29.62 6.33 1 lot 1 lot } lot.............................. 1 lotiames, Joseph Win. &Annie ^[. Watson .... 1 lotMcMahan, Ernest March, Ernest ... 1 lot1 lot2 lots 1 lot 1 lot ! lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot1 lot __2 lots 19.05 1 lot 14.79 Ijailiaiija: March, Jessie Lee March, Troy A. .. Martin, AlbertMnsoit, James ........Mayfield, C T. ...Neeley. Golden .....Parks, De\vey ........Rliynehardt, Thoma!Rose, Charles, l^t......... 1Sanders, Ixell ............... 1Smoot, Elisiia I... ......... 2 ots .79 11.56 12.99 9.14 4.64 2.78 10.97 14.68 16.44 9.97 ______ 1.661 lot 13.47 1 lot 12.24 BIdg. 23.48 .150 4924 ' ot IJOS ot 4.99 8.00 13%1 lot 1 lot1 lot 16 2 lois Slecle, Fred W......... 1.4, >1 lot 11.33Stttdevniil, Clyde ......... 1 lot 21,55..Tabor, Calvin ............... 2 lols 14.11VanRaton, Jake ............ 3 lots 10.82VaiiEaton, Mary .......... 3 .84Wilson. John Obie ...... 1 lot 19.80 SHADY GROVE Nnms Aerot AmountBailey, B. R...............183% $ 7.06Bailey, B. R. Est........ 10, 1 lot &49Bailey, B. R, * Edtlh M. 3%Barnoycnstle, W . T.......... 10j4Blake. W . A......................103 Cornatzer, G. G. .. Cornatzer, Lindsay Cornatzer, Lonnie Cornat'/er, R. C.7.6 ...................................65Cornatzer. Z. C. Est....... 1 lotCrews, .T. C........................ 1 lotCrews. W . L...................... 1 lot D.'ivis. Mrs. Annie Burton 6% . I!)avis, Hubert H .............. 1 lot 14.3426.1638.0226:85 172610.4530.69 1.371.72 9.00 32.6114.93 3.09 \vilso7 . 15 . 63% 13.71 Hendrix, Mrs. ... ... 28.01 no«-ard. Charlie W . 39.59 7arvi.s. Mr.^i, L. B. I lot 11.95 -1.21 I K . Sheek is tiie uffiricnt Gen* M inisters o t c o m m u n ity conlinnc to build and expand, since March, Lncy ..........................V I.« . , Z A. . cooperating w ith R ev. G . C Gra- « « every;day evidence of further Rhynehart, Isaiah ...........36eral M an ; gcr o f th e p icn ic this ^ . ** , new re.sideniiaJ, commercial and jji- Rhynehart, Killiam R. L. 2 year. J. C . Jones, G eneral M ana- charge. .jdusiriul expansion in these com- Rhynehart, Odell ............ 2 - - T-\ • Tj T? A • A ll above p icture diplaNs free, mumtics. Rhynehart, Thomas ........ 2gsr o f the D avie R . E. A ., is the ,, • I “This further improvement and cx- Smoot. Ambers ................ 12 M a n e r o f the M ocksville M asunic ® ,1 ^ d to atte n d a ll o f ,,ansion of telephone plant will re- Spillman, Nick ................. 2 them , for different pictures w ill be qmre targe amounts of additional in- Steele, John Q. ............. I Jo(~ . ■‘"nihaniel .... B a i : ^ l , l n c e g f/s l H " ' ................................................................................................................................ ^ S e s 7 H a - ”5 Kayniond 175.81 797 Jieuian 4 2,75 Myers. Raymond ........... A 4^39 S S ? w 'V. A..................... 7%3.0? g “ii.'w J ........... 52 Ljllie^B, .. 6% Lodge. Thanks, Brother shown at most of these places. G. W . FIN K , Chairman I Concli, W aller F. i lisi 20-lj Cozart, C F.........................3 lols 1030 D i S l h V L ..............“ S '"'!"' toVrojier Tiiluinl Mrs. Scrraril ... 1 lot 11.85 nlvS .n's, Eyeralte '“!Z !! 5 lols 1?!48 vestincni money. Good earnings are Studevent, Nathaniel necessary to attract this money; and Sutzer, M artha ....... 1.26 2 Davie County United Dry Forces “ ‘."""R?- "I'y we must raise Tomlin Ella & Charlie 12prices for telephone service. West, Glenn ..................... 12w n(*ar C o l S fm iid .__1 w ick trx ‘‘Telephone service will conlinnc to West, L. R...........................8%U car 1.01. S tro u d . I w ish «> / p , J , he an oiilslanding l)ar|!.-iin," Bcl.lhiB- Williams, John ............... 10 congratulate you o n th e 6fty th ird I U C R eT ilY tld U tlte S f’'''' »“i<i- "Prices tor it have risen Williams, Troy V.............. 17 b irthd ay o f T h e D iivic R eco rd. 1 'l!' I>™“ for most Wiseman, T, M. ..™ . 2 believe 1 have read ju s t a b o u t ev- , E ellbrow n. G e rm a n y G p l. " ,j!:? r h ''S li„ I'" = ^ 1 , ' " N .m J ery issue of T h e Record since it 1®*^®* T ucker, w hose w ife increases, including ihis one amounts Bailey, Carl Nelson ........ 8 was founded in 1899, and I have jive , in M ocksville, N -C ; - e " ,- -J ^ alw ays fo u n d It interesting a nd graduated fro m th e U 2 th In- ibe pasi ten years, and ihe value of Boger, Hal ......................... 6 info rm ativ e a n d fair ^ " '^ y R e g im e nt’s N on-C om m is- ‘dephon^. service has increased greatly Burton, nobbie Lncian .. 2lurorniduv^. d iiu lair. ^ a j each community.” T^iin*r„. \fnii.« I r I was w orkin g fo r E. H . M orris O n c e rs A c ad e m y a t H e iJ., w h e n you cam e to M ocksville a n d b ro n n , G erm any. 6.64 . l l i Hosier, :, M. L. 2 2 ^ Grabb.’ D.’ G.i Est’" "! J'” Hanelinc, Robert & Hines, Mrs. Linda 1 lot 28/iO1 lot 26.641 lol 17.30 Sallic A.2 lots 8.51 Peebles, Mr.s. C, D. ....... 1J4Potts. Lonnie ................... VASpry, Elmer W . ............. 2.1 Voglcr, W . F. ....... 1 lot (Bal) Vogler, W . T...................... 3% W anI, Mary Henrietta .. 3Williams, B. G. ...............38.91 • Zimmerman, W , T........... 15 ^ C O LO RED Allen, Coyette ................. 6j4.......•;.,y2.lotB 8.20 Boger, Tohn Est. .............. 3Diiljn, Ellc Burton, MolUe j............... 1% Cornelison. George A, 22, 8 lols Craver. Lawrence R....... 1.8 Amount ^ •••"""‘2% lots 27.40 Dulln, Ellen ...................... 3 T 6.99 ...............A- Dulin,' L'illie ........................ 2 17 27 TT I nx 1 nr J, 1^1**®! Colletle ................... 25' ' j ' Hobnan, M.i*alcne M . .. 34 lots 6.18 Flynt. Stella 1 lot21S Holman, W . H................. 3.1 17.94 Foster, Em m a'Est............ 5 Howard,_Edward D......... 1 lot M.41 Hairslon, lUmy_ Est'.'......6.569.42 w r.en you cam e CO M OCKSVuieand . u ‘ M £ C I £ I 1 Foster, Jennie. Heirs 6 1.10 b o u g h t T he R ccord, a n d 1 w ish H e w as selectod to atte n d ih e W o ilC * « I b(i\t i}t L a n d Foster, M iichcll Odell .. 1 1/5 14.48 to take this opportunity to say f t r il T d ^ r s v l 'I r e ^ ^XES FO R TH E Y E A S K r i x ^ t 't ? T " ...: !.'»■that Ed Morris was one of the leadership potential and q j, PRO VIDED B Y Koonl*. Lonnie .............. 2 .5,68 best and fairest men that it has P™ '’" ' in the line of duty. a o TS OF 1027, AND AMEND- g j f ,? I S ever been, my pleasure to have Corporal Tucker, an 8l-mm. MEMTS TH ER ETO . i dealings w ith . M r. M nrr!< N plnnc. m o rtar g u n ne r in th e U2th*S C om - Under requirements of acts 1927 Markland. S, 0 .................. 1,6 10.33 ed to the minority political partv pany D i entered the Arm y in Feb- u m S S w SlT 'oT ^ 1 o f th e to w n , a nd therefore sufler* ruarv 1951. SE PT E M B ER 2. 19S2 at 12 o'clock, Potts, Thomas N ............... 2 e d a lo t o f criticism a nd opposit- “ »n front of the courthouse door Rice, Thomas A., J r ..7 io n , b u t he carried o n in a digni- F i * •" Mocksville. N. C . sell for unp.iid Shoaf, Roy & Veta ........... 19.4 " * ’ ■ I i O n i € " ‘C O n i t t i f f taxes due the Coumy of Oavic for the Shnlcr, Glenn .................. 10 |2 t e v r : . . : : 'ames. Harold ................. 1rplmson,^ J. W . ............... 5 lots 124.36 _ % lot &fi8 Scott, Clifton ^.41 Hairslon, Henry Est....... 410.52 Harper. Duke Est............. ' Mollcy, Fannie ............... 1 S....... 4 lots 19.47- - ' .............................1 lot 10.36Lakey. Wayne ....... 8 lots 11.29 %lot 13.71 7.94 2.9212.951.72ias84.331.85 IS.7D2.538,7471.02 1.38 8.07 19.03 34.36 7.04 2.58 1.00.82 22.192.05 6.27 1.03 1.79 .3410.73 K A T H LY N R E A V IS , County Tax Collector. Hed and courageous way and kept The Record going when the going was hard. year 1951, the following lands as set Shuler, J. Dwight ...........21% ■ ...............................................................W ill C . Brown, Odell .................Hairston, lefferson .....Aerea Amount Hairston, Mary, Heirs ' ■ 8.59 Hafrston, Moine. Est. ,6 . ,. 33 85 .... 37% .. . IS .... 80 41-14 272 ■ 7.62 Hairston, Rufus, E.st. 35.52 Mason. Charlie 9%26 5%I lot . . If out below under township subheads Sliuler. ’W ill c :...............10T lie a n n u a l h o m e 'C o m m g w in iiic acrcagc and amounts of taxes Smith, Clarence R......... I 1 th in k you have d o n e m ig hty be h e ld Aui-ust i7 th a t Jerusalem '“ ''.’B oiiposite cach name in Smiih, Jolm W , ..........m w ell, M r. S tro u d , w ith the paper B aptist C h u rc h . T h e speaker w ill " Thise "laxcs m a ? b.; paid on or w 'lliam s, rT E dw ani :.; 5,8 Since It passed to your hands, be R ev. J. M . H aves. Special mti- before .wic dale by adding accrued Zimmerman, Elmer T. .. 70 ?rS m b o t1 ,‘' X r 1 s ^ r r r d “ ” ^^^^^ S^ate q - »nd any C O LO RED scribers, b u t us the nld saving C ooleem ce T rio a n d N o r th Coo- ^ CALAH ALN goes, o n e cari som etim es be hap- leem ee T rio , a n d m a n y o th e r sing* py *'about th e enem ies he m akes” , ers. Everyone is in v ite d to com e Caud'ell, Joim .......... and maybe that applies to you. a„d bring a wel|.filled basket. giek’\ t i l '............... W ell, I hope that you have ' i S r , u S tv .... m a n y nic**'c birthdays, a nd n o w M rs C arl S h e ll a n d o n e dnug\ Gaiihcr, Mrs.’ Lee that Stevenson and Sparkman ter are spending some time wiih w ill be our next President and jVice-President, you should pros- " ' “‘I™ '« “ m n.- Mc^nicl, Cccil K. per and do well. sota. R . S. M ERO N EY. Asheville, N . C. [W e th in k o u r friend M oron I’v . is m ista k en ab o u t o n r nc.xr Prc «i 45% 26.10 5.26 19.88 4.04 2.24 16.96 2.06 .42 50.95 27.06 $ 42.47 41.31 16.01 1.03 2.19 5.20 1.37 5.60 4.22 2.43.344.179.84 8.32 Masoii, Catherine ..9.51 Mason, Sam, Heirs ..............22.92 Mason, W illie B............. 1 lot21.77 Morrison. Foy .................19.94 Peebles. Joe Jasper ......7.32 JE R U SA LE M 5X)1 Name Aerea Amount13.66 Adams. Mrs. M ary ,... 4 lots $ 1.3722A4 Alexander, Clarencc ..... 8 lots 27.99Barnhardt. E. P............... 7 13.02^37 Bcck. Alvin T. ............... 1% 14.1217.09 Benson, W . F.........-......... 10% 26.3417.20 Bowers, Horace .........23, 3 lots 41.06 13.72 Broadway, J. W ............... 6 lots 37.86.... _____________ ____________ ___________ -............................ 18:53 Canupp, Mrs. Ola Mae 2 lots 22.57(he schedutes of m onthly charges for Turner, Fred ....................20 6.46 Carter. John W . .... 1S%, 3 Jots 37.89 Tutterow, J. E. ........ IS, H. G. 28.344%27C EN T R A L T E L E P H O N E Williams, C O M PA N Y RE Q U E ST S cicmenl. Fred “ 6 i RA TE A D JU ST M EN T Clement. GcorBc ............. 14%1. ............................ Filins of a petition with the North CIcmcnl, W illnin .17% W e th in k it w ill he (ie n Carolina Public Utilities Commission Rose, W . V. ..................... 21Efcifflhowcr. Editor.] ’ f?' ""•l'Mi.'“'ion of an adjustment ,ot Sludeyen^, Richard ...... \Z% W e E x te n d A S p e c ia l I n v i t a t i o n To Our Friends And Cus|pmers To Attend The Big Masonic Picnic Thursday, A ug. 14th W e Appreciate Your Business VISIT US OFTEN W a lla c e 5 -1 0 -2 5 c S to r e TBB OAVIE RBGORD. UOOESVILLB, N. C. AUGUST 13. 1062 PA6 B TH REE M rs. Ravmond Foster, of Turk* cy Foot, was In town shoppingTHE DAVIE RECORD. O ld ett P ap e r In T h e County No L iq u o r, W in e , B e e r A d s O ur old A-iend C . C . N EW S A R O U N D T O W N . Gaither and Rufut Sanford. Jr., spent a few days recently at the Sanford^Cottage at M yrtle Bcach. Miss Claire W all spent the week'Cnd at Vale, Uncoln Coun­ ty, the guest of Miss Margaret W ray. Rev. and M rs. A . J . C ox and small son, returned last week from a ten days sojourn a t Mvrtle Beach. M r. and M rs. George Rowland and sons Edward and Philip mot. ored to Boone Wednesday to see “ H orn in The W est.” M r. and M rs. Jack Sanford are the proud parents of a fine 8^ pound son who arrived at Baptist Hospital, Winston-Salem on Mon* dav, Aug. 4th. M rs. John Ferebee and child, ren Barbara and Dian, and Miss Luella Ferebee, and James and Jerry Berrler, spent the past week at M yrtle Beach, S. C . M rs. W . I . Sowers and two children, of Fort W orth. Texas, spent last week In town, guests of M r. and M rs. Sam A llen. M rs. Sowers is a nelce of M rs. A llen. W alkerj o f tiixby, was a M ocksville visitor Thursday. M r. and M rs. J. K . Sheck, Jr., arc the proud parents of a fine son who arrived at Twin-City Me* morlal Hospital on Aug* 5th. M r. and M rs. Paul Saunter of Wiishington, D . C ., spent several days last week In town, guests of M rs. Sauniur*s parents, M r. and M rs. E . C . M orris. Charlie Brown and son Amos, of Route 2, have returned from a visit to the Cherokee Indian Re­ servation, Smoky Mountains and points'of interest In Tennessee. Misses lane M arklln, Louise and lessie Libby Stroud returned Sunday night from Ridgecrest, where they attended Business Woman's Circle Week-end of the W . M. U . Conference. M r. and M rs. J . F . Hickm an, who have been making their home w ith .V rs. Hickman's father. Sam F. Binkley, have moved to Lynch­ burg. Va. M r. Hickman is with the Durham Life Insurance Co., and has received a promotion. A targe barn on the farm of Turner Shaw, about three miles west of Sheffield, In Iredell coun­ ty, was struck by lightning during a severe, electric storm abo ut 5 o’clock on Monday evening of Roy C all, who has been with ^eek. The bam, together Sanford's Department Store for some farm machinery, feed Family Reunion A fam ily reunion was held at the home of M rs. J. A . Reynolds on Sunday, Aug. 3rd. A picnic dinner was spread at the noon hour, which was enjoyed bv all. Those present were: M r. and M rs. L . C . Hoover and son, of Hickory; M r. and M rs. A . C . Rey­ nolds and children, M r. and M rs. Harlev Reynolds and son, M r. and M rs. Johnnie Reynolds and daughter, M r. and M rs. I. B. Rey­ nolds, all of Winston-Salem; M r. and M rs. Ross Rummage and daughter, M r. and • M rs. H . E . Reeves and daughter, M rs. Asbury Stanley and children, of Route 2; M r. and M rs. Lester Reynolds and children, M r. and M rs. A lvin Richardson, M rs. Ada Howard, M ocksville; M rs. D . C . Jenkins, Route 4, and M r. and M rs. John­ nie Rummage, Route 2. Cicero Ridenhour Cicero Franklin Ridenhour, 58, of Cooleemee, died at a Salisburv hospital at 3.05 p. m .. Aug. 3. after an illn'^s of eight months. He had been seriously ill for the past two months. He was bom in Davie County Sept^ 6.1893, son of John Frank Hn and Louise Foster Ridenhour. He was n^arried Nov. 13, 1915. to Miss Sally M cDaniel, who sur­ vives. Other survivors are. two sons, five daughters, two brothers, five sisters, and eight grandchildren, Funeral services were conduct­ ed a t Cooleemee Methodist Church at 4 p. m., Tuesday by M rs. Olga Gaither and children spent Thursday in Winston-Sal­ em shopping. WANT ADS PAY. FO R SA LE — Barbe W ire & Galvanized Roofing.M ilier-Evans Hardware Co. FO R SA LE O R REN T—Four- room house on Hardison street. W rite or call ’phone 6617.R EV . R .M . H A R D EE. ■ 310 N . HiKhland St„ Gastonia. several years is now with West & ‘ e .c . was to«,lly destroyed by fire. ’h ^ Shinn.* R r .“ 'Ke“n- Coleman, in Winston-Salem. M r. Th is is a heavy loss for M r. Shaw. and Re’ . Wendell J n t h c Im p le m e n t FO R R E N T —Some Rooms M RS. R . L . W A LK ER . Use Our New Ownings To Rest Under In Sunshine O r Rain WALLACE 5, 10, 25c Store North Main St. SEE US FOR T RA C T O R GAS or Deisel Power U-I nits, Mowers. Rakes Plows, Harrows and L e t U s S u p p ly Y o u r N E E D S For The 72nd Annual M ASON IC PICNIC Thursday, Aug. 14th A Full Line Of Fresh And Cured Meats Poultry, Fish, Fruits and Vegetables Come To The Picnic And Help A W orthy Cause A llis o n -Jo h n s o n C o . Phone 111 Mocksville, N. C. Call held a position with lones & , Gentry shoe store in W inston-' Salem for a number of years.Sanford homed R . B . Sanford, Sanford. Motor neth Pollack and Re K le in . Burial was in Liberty M ethodist Church cemetery. I Line. For the B EST in Quality, Best *inM r. and Mrs. Curtis Price, M rs. Co., M ocksville. has been named! Lucky Lady , _ RoyFeezor and M iss Jane Me- to serve on thc Highway Safety q . M . Boger, who lives on Service. Guire, of this city, and M rs. Jack Committee of the North Carolina gauford avenue, was the winner? B . W n r f t E llio tt, of Shelby, returned last Automobile Dealers Association ^eek in the "Name Them” ; n e n u F lX O c VV a r u week front a short stay at Myrtle it was revealed today bv T . A . The boys were W illiam ' Portable Irrigation Systems You Can’t Afford To Be W ithout One Free Engiaeeriag Service See, Call Or Write Leinbach Machinery Co. Koute 1 Winston-Salem Phone O ld Town 537 Beach.contest. The boys were j W illiam s. Greensboro, Dunn, Douthit W hitaker. Bruce j of the committee. 1Claude Boger and Benjam in' W IN STO N -SALEM H IG H W A Y M r. and M rs. I. F. Stonestreet, making the announcement, X ™ ’ Jr.,o n e 8onandtwodauKhtets,of v/jHiams pointed out that.San- ■ San Antonio, Texas, arrived here (he dealers in i Friday to spend ten days with the planning and their parents, M r. and M rs. J. F . „ proRtam designed Stonestreet: on Hardison street. in„ease highway safety. M rs. L e slii Daniel and M rs. A t their ^ n t conventiot., the Roy Holthouser attended a ban- members of the deaer ass .catio n quetat Hotel W ilkes, in North unanimously adopted two resolu- W ilkesboro Wednesday evening dons, relative to bighM y safew, honoring the worthy grand ma- which were presmted by the safe- tron of the Eastern Star, M rs. Hel- tv committee. They endo.sed a en B . Rimmer. of Sanford. State financed dnver-traioinR pro- ______ gram in the high schools, with A revival meedng well begin t cant to be furnished by the d. al- Cornatier Baptist Cha.ch o n ers. A t the present tim e, a num- Sunday,'Ang. 17th, and continue bet of North Carolina dealers do through the 24th. Services each (end new cars without cost to thc evening at 7-30 o’clock. Rev. ,«;hools. The assembi d dealers W alter “ B ill” Johnson, of James- also went on record as fevoring a town, N . C .. w ill do tfle preach- workable vehicle inspection law. ing. V. pecial singing at eaeh set- Chairman W illiam s indicated vice. Everybody invited. his pleasure at Sanford’s accept- „ ------, ,, ance of this appointment and ex-Grady C all, a former well- ,ijg hope that his commit- known M.ocksvillo barber, who is working with other new car now with the O . K . Barber Shop, dealers and the people 121 E . Council Street, Salisbury, of North Carolina, w ill be able towas a M ocksville visitor last week, provide some answer to the pro- Grady would be glad to have his blem of Increasing highway ac- Davie friends 'call on him when in cidents. Salisbury. He has been with the - — O . K . Shop for the past two years. M r. and M ts. H . F . Creason, of Siler C itv, and Rev. J. C . Creason and little daughter Dianne, ot Guilford, were Mocksville visitors. They were on their way home from a trip to Endless Caverns, and point of interest in Virginia aiid Western Carolina. Rev. J . C Creason is pastor of Guilford Baptist Church. They are form­ er lesidents of Davie County. The annual home coming w ill ,be held a t Bethel Methodist Church, located about three miles east of M ocksville, on the third Sunday in August. W alter F , Anderson, director of state pri­ sons at Raleigh, w ill speak at the eleven o’clock hour. Dinner w ill be served on the grounds There w ill be special .ingine in the after noon. The revival w ill begin that night with preaching each night throu^ the week by the pastor. Rev. W . C . Anderson at 7)45. A ll arc invited to come. Princess Theatre TH U R SD A Y & FR ID A Y Saga O f Thc Blue Grass In Technicolor “ K EN T U C K Y ” W ith Loretta YoungSt Richard Green. Also W alter Brennan Added News & Cartoon SA TU R D A Y In Technicolor. John Lund & Joyce Holden In BRO N CO B U STER ’ W ith Scott Brady Sl C h ill W ills Added Serial &. Cart.ion M O N DAY & TU ESD A Y W alt Disney’s ‘SNOW W H IT E AN D T H E SEV EN D W ARFS” Added News and Cartoon W ED N ESD AY M A R K O F T H E REN EG A D E W ith Ricardo Montalbatv &. Cyd Charisse In Technicolor Added Comedy & Carioom DAVIE COUNTY’S BlGGbST SHOW VALUE ADM. 12c and 35c You Can Help The Orphans By A ttending The Big Masonic Picnic Thursday, Aag. 14th You Can Help Your Appearance By ■ Purchasing Your Clothing and Gent^s Furnishings From LESLIE’S MEN’S SHOP On The Square M ocksville, N . C . WAGE RATES MORI! THAN DOORLR — BtfWm wnc« incmM »ln(« lS4t •nMR (tnt tflfltliime «mK« rmtn mrti tiMic iM n time Ui«*e ten »-c«r« »c«. W is « M m t (ke iHrt I TAXRK IfALl'-AaAIR HinHKII— MtM* wM rk wrr» S S .n ^ tm lt<l. mrr mmw •■.73 «• ••t« n«L«4 IMn rfr. Telephone costs are up... telephone rates m u st go up, too T he price you pay for telephone service Is based on the eeet of providing H, The principal Items of cost are wagei, materials and taxes. W hen th .M coals IncnaM greatly we, like other buslnesset, must meet them promptly with an IncreaK la price.. I n order to furnUh good telephone service w age, must be high enough I . attract and keep the kind of skilled people needed t» operate and maintain I t Wages— our la rjM t cost Hem—amount to nearly two-thirds of our operating expense.. T hl. Is greater than in most other businesses. The latest wage IncreaK and others which have been made ince 1941 have added over $341,000 t . our annual wage costs In North Carolina compared to the K69.000 In annual revenue from rate Increases In the same peeled. I f we are to fulfill our role a . a public K rvant In ' these critical tim e, and provide the telephone service to the people who w ant and need It In the eommunltle. we .erve, we must m eit these higher costs and maintain reasonable earnings. Telephone semce will continue to be one of yourBIGGEST VALUES Th^ prIfM «f trl«ph0Be tenrtee twr* .rlM>n much ttan tk* prtfe* •» iwo*t albw «Wmr«. TI» ImpnvernMH In mt Nnrth Carallmi rrvrnun f»m n*l« l»- erMWR. lneliHlln« Ihli one. Mnounts to «nly Uiree 4iwrtera «f Ihe InereM* k» the c«ner*l rotl of llvtor 4nrtaK Ike Ask for tile infonaative booklet “Your Telephon. and Spiral- in e Costs”. Our Business Office w ill be glad t« fu m isii it. CRMTiRtAL TELEPHONS CO M PA N Y I s i t. i ' PAGE EOUR THE DAVIE RECORD, MOCKSVILLB: N. C., AUGUST 13. 1962 COME TO TOWN Thursday, ^ug. 14lh And Help Us Make The 72nd Annual Masonic P ic n ic The Biggest And Best Picnic Ever Held In Mocksville WHEN IN NEED OF BUILDING MATERIAL O f AH Kinds Call On Us We Can SuppV Your Needs DAVIE LUMBER CO Phone 207 907 Railroad Stroct The 72nd Annua! MASONIC PICNIC Thursday, August 14th Corne And Bring Your Friends . And Enjoy This A' NUAL PICNIC AND HOME-COMING 0 € c c Phone 116 s V i 1 1 e Fuel Co. Mocksville, N. C. HELP THE ORPHANS By Coming To The 72nd Annual Masonic Picnic Thursday, Aug. 14th This Is A Worrhv Cause And A ll Davie Countv People SluiiiM Help To Make It A Big Succcss Come And Bring Your Frit nds And Neighbors E . P i e r c e F o s t e r BiJVf-r And G>nn#*r Of Cotton . Phone 89 Salisburv Highway NAME THEM A prise of $1,00 to the first per­ son sending in their corrcct names. CROSSWORD P022LE ^TCRIPTUnB: 1 Bamu*! Ws WS bsVOTlONAL nCADINO: P«alm 1. Why He Failed Lesson r<ir Auin»< 17> 'T H E R E IS N O such thing as a ’’nation" apart Irom the pcoph who composc il. Destroy the peo­ ple, destroy the na­ tion; build up the people, build up the nation. Some people are, of course, key persons. W hat they do and are affects a vast num ber of people besides themselves. S u c h persons can make tlie difference be­ tween failure and success for an entire nation. Their trafsedy or trium ph is their nation's troijedy or trium ph. Suppose No- noleon and H itler had been at la.vt .'Successful? Suppose Alfred the Great and A braham Lincoln hud failed?• • • :\ Double-M inded M an C !AU L, first lUng of Israel, is a ^ tragic illustration of all this. He was a big handsome m an with a creditable war-record; so the peo­ple elected h im as their flrst king. It was not the first tim e, nor the last, that a m an's m ilitary record has misled people to believe that he was good in other respects as a leader. Saul had some serious defccts in his chararcter, so serious tliat they led to his personal failure. One of these faults w as a general in.stabliity. He would make promises and not keep them. You could not be sure whether he was friend or toe. He turned against ntembers of his own fam ily. He pro­ fessed to want to know God’s will 'jnd yet he would not do it. He ol- ticially stamped out w itchcraft and vet be consulted a witch when in rouble. He would m ake vows and then back down from them . “ A double-minded m a n ia unstable in nil his ways,” It would be written m any ccntuiiea later. Such a man makes a poor follower, and a fa­ tally bad leader.* * * A Jealous M an JEALOU SY is a word too often lim ited. It should not be confined to ll)c way a boy feels when another '.\c is stealing his girl, or vice *ersa. It relers to the m ean fcclinr; )Cople have about any one who in -ny way, as they think^ is out to *'do •hem in.” Now this K ing Saul was a jealous nan, as m ost dictators are. One of he great kings of Egypt could not car to think of any other Icing as inving built better buildings than )c: so he employed the royal ciU^el- .rs to remove from every public >uiiding the nam e of any other Pharaoh and replace It with hi.s own. K in^ Saul could not be jcaJ ous of the kings before h im ; for (here.w ere none. B at he could be insanely jealous of any one lie thought m ight be more pop­ular than him self. So we find h im pursuing David virtdicliveJy, relentlessly, first malt- mg an outlaw of him , then a fugi­ tive am ong Israel’s enemies. A Superstitious M an *T»HE FAM OU S ST ORY (Chap. 28) of Saul and the witch at KnDor raises a num ber of questions to which nobody has the guaranteed answers. One thing, however, is clear from that story; Saul was a .superstitious m an. He thought tiiat the dead could be conjured right out of the ground. W hether the w om an of Cn- D or actually conjured Samuel up, or oidy Induced Saul to tliink she did, the reader must judge for him self. The point is U ial Saul, who paid sm all atten­ tion to Sam uel llviiig, was very eager to talk w ith his ghost. Superstition m arks a m an as full of fears, for fear is the food of su perstitions. P ear also was the root •>f Saul’s jealously; and fear at last <1i*ove him to suicide. True leaders m ust be m ade of sterner stuff.• • • A Disloyal M an SAU L F A IL E D not only because h<' was shifty, jealous and a cow­ ard. He failed because he was dis­ loyal to God. His public career began by his recognizing in Sam uel a prophet of God, and in SaniueVs instructions the w ill of God. B ut as tim e went (in he took counsel only with him- self; he listened Co Sam uel only when it was convenient. And so God rejected him . W hatever a m an's qualifications m ay be, if he compromises his own ideals, if he wHI not live up to w hat he recognizes to be best, if he will not listen to men of God, il he sets his own w ill above the will of the people, even ahove the will of God, then he is not only not a wise leader, he is a very bad one Staiea of Amerle* n«lcA»e« lijr WKU 15. Seize17. ToAVftrd 18. Girl'a nickname 19. Give over id. Goddessofdeath <Norse) 31. Noses of beasts 33. Weary 2i. God of pleasure (Egypt.) 25. Comrad#2«. Peat 3S. Dusting cloth 31. Atjounding in ore A2. Lie hidden In ambush ZH. Mu5Ic note 34 Conjunction 35. Perishes 36. Drinking vessttl37. Thick cord.« 3B. Leave off.rtsasyllnhlc 41. Small sirean of wrater42. Ceremony43. An exchnngc' of goniiB44. Obser\'es FOR PURE CRYSTAL ICE C O A L FO R G R A TES, STO V ES, 1-URN A C E AN D STO K ER S It W ill Pav You To Call O r Phone U s.. We Make Prompt Delivery Mocksville Ice & Fuel Co. Phone 116 M ocksville, N . C D o n ’ t F o r g e t The Big Masonic Picnic Thursday, Aug. 14th Help The Orphans By Coming To The Picnic And Help Yourself By Using Good Sh .ll Gas And Oil We Are Always Glad To Have You Stop And See U.' S m o o t S h e ll S e rv ic e W ilkesboro Street M ocksville, N . C ,a D o Y o u R ead T h e R ecord? The Davie Record • • I . / D A V I E O O U N T T 'S O l i D E S T N E W S P A P E R - - T H E P A P E R T H E P E O P I - E R E A D •*HERE SHALL THB PP*?-SS. THE PEOPLE'S RIGHTS MAINTAINi UN A W ED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN.** V O L U M N L I I I M O C K S V IL L E . N O R T H C A R O L IN A , W B D N B w SD A Y A U G U S T to w .N U M B B R 3 NEWS OF LONG AGO.Fountain of Truth W h at W a s H ap pening In D a­ vie Be^ore P afk in g M eters A n d A b b reviated Skirts. (D iivie Record, A u e . i6, 1953) Jutie M eroney and M iss Eliza- bcih T rloletf, o l Lenolrs. were Suoday visitors here. M iss M ary Sum m er, of H ertford, spedt last week In tow n, the enest of M rs. L . P . M artin. M r. and M rs. T . H . Brice and M r, 0 .‘ L . W illiam s, of Sum ter, S C ., were araone Ibe picnic vistors T hursday. M r. and Mr.n* M . R . Bailey and M r. and M « . I. W . RatlcdEC, of E lk in , were here T hursday for the picnic. M rs. Ferry Ashe a n d little datiiEhter, of M ayodnn, «neni last week in tow n, cnests of M r. and M rs. M . D . BroWn. A ttorney and M rs. C . A . Btirrus and children, o fS h e lh y , com edow n last week to atlend the picnic and visit relatives. Re v . and M rs. M . C . M cK lnne r and children, and M iss M ary Sm ith of W a ln u t Covp, were here Thnrs- d ay for the picnic. M l. and M rs. J- F . M oore have m oved from Ijam es X Roads to to this city, and are occupylne the T l M , V o u n e house on N orth M ain Street. M r. and M rs. Claretice Penry And children, of E rv in . T enn., re- ttirtied hom e S un day after spend. In e some tim e here w ith M rs, J, A , Craven. M . C . H ow ard, of K noxville. T en n., spent .several days last week In D avie and Sallsharv, visiting re­ latives and takinfif in the picnic. M r. and M rs, J, S . Steelmatr and son, of D u rham . si>ent several days last week in the county w ith relatives and friends and attended the picnic T hursday. • M r. and M rs. H a rrv Strond, of Brevard, announce the arrW al of o dctiehter, N ancv Claire^ on Tues <J«y. A ll? . Sth. Y e editor Is now an acred erandpa. M r. and M rs. J. F . D w irc. of .‘Salfshurv, soent T hursday here tflkincf In the p*enle. T hey left M ondflv for C hicago t-> take in th» b ip Pair. O . r . A ustin find three crand- children. of S»flte.«i'il1e. were her* for ih»* rienle. O . C . never misses one of these hltr events, and al. wuvs hrinffs a froe skin. M r. and Mrs I. R McDanie> and tw’O rhlld»en, of W ashin ^tor C Itv, spent several, days last and th is week w ith rHntlves In Davie. T hey u»ere am one the picnic visit­ ors T hnrsdav. M iss Ossie A llison enlertained a. hout a dozen y oune ladies last T uesday evenlne a» a watermelf.t' feast at her hom e on M aple Ave h onorine her neice. Miss H elen C am pdell. of Winston-Salem.- A n etijoyaW e evenlne was spent by the y o u n s folks. M r. and M rs. J . F . Stsrline. of D tm n. were euests of D r. and M rs. S . B . H a ll last week. M r. and ftfrs. T . I. C andell of this city, and M r. and M rs. P . J . C aw dell’and M rs. Carey Catidell. o f S t. P a u l, -N C ., spent Friday to urin e th rough the m ountains of western Carolina. P rohihltlon Investlirator J. F . Ratledee, of Greensooro w as If tow n last T uesday on business. W h e n a s k ^ how lo ne he w ould he able to hold his present job under M r. Roosevelt, M r.'Ratliedee stated th at no one could tell. H e has m ade an excellent prohibition offi cer. W e heard T bttrsday that M r. Ratledgft had been reappointed, after being one of the 1800 oflScer* relieved b y a Presidental order ef fectlve at m ldnigbt on W ednesday D o Y o u R ead T h e R ecord ? Rev. Waller B. Isenhour. Tavlor»vllle.’N. C D p vou know w )iv I am not a eam bler? W e ll, it Is heemise I have never niaved the first crame of cards. D o you k now w hy T am not a stave to tobacco? I t Is he- canse I have alw ays let It M one. D o you th in k I refl^ret it? N o , a thousand tim es N O ! D id you ever see a m an that you th o u e h t ws« handsom e, noble and flrrand because he cursed and swore need profane latiffttaire? D id v o n ever see a m an th a t vou ad* m ired he«;ause he was a drunkard, or helped to m ake dru n kards of o th e r r»ertote? N o , N E V E R . D o vou k now w hv m<»ii often tim es become crim inals? W e ll, It Is t'e c a iw thev h»ve let the other lenow »til<*r thlnkiuer and failed to th h ik for them selvM T he other ft^llow th oug h t to lead them into had entnranv. or In to drlnklnff. or aramSlJnfr. or in the w ronff dlrer- tlon, ni»d thev follow ed. rpffrets th in k in ? honest Iv , ;;nherlv, eftutiow«ty and prayer- fu llv for hlm «eK . i»ut m ultitude* repret lettlh<» others th in k for them , whose m inds were hent on evll^ Do you k n o w w h v m en are rtrtinkfl ds? T he qttc«tirtn l« verv easy to answer, and don’t fortret the answ er Tt Is slm nlv because thev took their first d rin k of whls-i k ev . or alcohol. T hose w ho hsve alw ay s let the first d rin k atone are never bothered w ith th e tnsi d rin k I had rather be branded by the w orld as a fool, and k n o w th a t I am rieh t In th e slc b l of G od , than be called a w ise m an by the world and in the m eantim e realize th a t I am .w rontr before O o d . W e ta lk ab out "ho rse sense,' b n t'd o we realise th a t n’uitltnde** of pennie fall to nrncti*^ It? Y o u never saw a hft»*se d rfn k in e heer, w ine, liquor, or che w ln ? and sm ok­ in g tobacco. Offer it to h im and he w ill turn his hand aw av in dis- ?«s t. H e has too m u ch sense to ont som ethinff Into his system that is poisonous and daneerous, that w ould eventually k ill him . Horse sense js a m (?h tv coo'd thfnir w hen p ut Into nractice. L nt« of peof>le w ant good breaks on their autom obiles .so they w on’t run aw av and endancer th e ir lives, also the lives o f others or so thev w on't run aw ay and endanerer their lives, also the llve“ of 01 hers, or so ihey w on't «ret killed, nr Icill others, T his is reasonable and riffht It shotild b». B ut d o vgu realize that m ultlindes of p**op?e turn tbclr children loose w ithout anv di.sci. pHne. fled w lth o n i anythinar to holH them in check, and m aybe in after years yonder w hy thev m ade snch wreck? of themselves? T hey wav to the ja il, or the chainRanB , or penitentiary, or tq th e gas cham ­ ber, or the electric chair, or the callow s, started w ith lots o f people in their home. I f you take a child to the w rong place w hiie he is R row lne itp, you w on't have to take him to (he w rong place w hen he is grow n. H e naturally know s th e w ay and the place, and w ill find It for him self, T hen don’t be surprised a l th e ou t­ come. Lots of children have ever heard their parents pray, h u t they have heard them curse, or quarrel, or use profrane languaee, or say hard ib lng s about their neighbors. T hey have likew ise seen them set had exam ples In the hom e, and consequence .such children crow up ifnd become crin^lnals in th e ir coun try. A m an uever carries a gtillty. lasblnts. tb fm e o tinc conscience be cause he has lived for G od aeross the years, b u t he carries anch conscience l>ecatsse he hasn't lived for G od , W h a t k in d o f conscience do yon have to h e ip com pany with? N o com pany,is so ftood or bad as that w hich is in vour ow n heart atid soul. KNOW S EV ER Y T H IN G "So, God* has sent you two more little brothers, Sally,” said the m inister to the sm all daughter of a fam ily recently blessed with twins. ’*Ycs,” said Solly, ’‘and He knows where the money is coming from, too. I heard Daddy say so." Sorroivful Place "W hat a sad-looking store.” *'Why, because it has panes In the w indow s?" “N o, the books are in tiers.” G randpa Says The trouble w ith some of today's sm art children is that they don’t sm art in the right place. And Prediction Fashion Note: There w ill be little change in m en's pockets this year. W rites Checks "W ho’s your favorite author?” *‘M y dad.'*"W hy, docs he, w rite?” "Y e s, checks.” It M ight Workr wife L first; T ry praising your wife even If i< does frighten her at “ Y ou Figure It!A stethoscope is a spyglass for looking into people’s chests with your ears. LO N G STAN DIN G AM BITION A Detroit schoolteacher was giv­ en a tldceC tor driving through stop light which called ior her ap> pearance In traftic court the follow­ing M onday. She went at once to the judge, explained that she had to teach on M onday, and asked for im ­ m ediate disposal of her case. “S< you’re a schoolteacher,” said th< judge. "M ad am ’, your presence here fulfills a long-standing am bition of m ine. Y ou sit' right down at that table and w rite T went through a stop sign' 500 tim es.” Should Be Experienced The very rich m an was interview­ ing an applicant for the job as his personal valet, "Y o u may have trouble w ith m e,” he said. " I have a wooden leg, a glass eye, a toupee, an artificial arm and false teeth..’’ “ That won’t bother m e,” replied the applicant. " I used to be on tlu> assembly line a t Lockheed.” A G R E A T ID G A A farm er visited his son's col­ lege.W atching students in a chem-stry class, he w a s' told the; were ■ looking tor a unix'crsal solvent. "W hat’s^ that?” asked the farm- " A liquid that w ill dlsolve any­thing.” "T hat’s a great idea,” agreed the farm er, "W hen you find it, what are you going to keep it in ?” S m art Fellow Junkm an: "A ny rags, paper, old h"on?”M an: "N o t this tim e—m y wife'i out of town.”Junkm an: "A ny bottles?” Think he's Wronq Dnh* Mr. Str<aiil:—1 liiive jnsl. r«‘n<i llic ai'fi«Je in your Inst issue by Rev. W. Fh ik, luul UWHS iiilur(>Kthi{! lo me htiwuisi* it iiK'tilioiK'd tlM! iNinuM ot wnuy of. I lie proutiiieiil people who were utivo ill intiktut' North Carolina pmltibilion .stale. 1 rcroewbcr how eam eslly, conscientiously and vigorous the enwipuign was condiiclcd, «nd w'bfll great things were promised if the old saloons were nholished. A.s I reinenihor, at that time, Siilishtiry, Winston-Salem, W il* ininifton, Asheville uiid Reids- villi* were llio only towns in the slate Unit had saloons. In Iliek- <n*y, Newton, Orceiishoro, Chnr- iotte, and the many other Caro­ lina towns and eities, it was just ahoul impossible to secure any sort of iileoholie drink.I thought then that when these five saloon towns were knocked out Hint drinking in North Caro- ;ina would end, and that coming Kenerations would not know what whiskey was.But the hopes aiul aspirations of the preachers and dry forces did uoi niatevialize. In less than year after the sUile went dry liiiuor was being sold in almost tiv e r v lown, eity and hamlet m the slate. Por iiistaiiee, |«‘ior to state prohibition one eoiiW not hiiv a drink in Hickory. When I left that fine Httle city m 1912 I knew seven men who were mak- inir a verv good living peddJmg li<,uor l»y‘tlM* |n »l. Hickory was tvpieal of the l^rn^lred8 of other towns in the stale. And it must jiavc got worse in Hickory, lor I have noted that the eity has recently voted for liquor stores. I fllw» remember reading the strong sermons against tiie saloon bv the great B illy Sunday. Mr. •Smidav predicted that the abol­ ishment of the saloons wouhl close the poor houses, the insane a.sylnms, the ja ils, and make l^v courts almost unnecessary, lo niv astonishment, M r. Sundays pjVdielions worked exactly in re­ verse. National proliibition filled the .iails and work houses and chain }?aiigs, and cluttered \ip the courts. It created gangsters and cihninals oC various sorts, and helped ihe nndertakcT« ^ d .rravcvard people, and debauched thousands of our young men and women J hceatiso the era ot bootleg-ring »ihI secret drinking di«niilied it in the eyes oE the yo n n ^ 'e r set, and it became ‘‘smart" to know your Iwotlegger and have a pint on yonr hip. In contrast to this, the old saloon was lust losing «tiy 1‘orm of re- Kpeetahilily, and were not bemg patronized by the yotnig people, r believe tlie drink question is moral <iuestion, and should be so treated. The preachers (that ure oprw.swl lo strong drink) should <;ome out tIat-Coolcd and loiir-suuare against it, and not f.derate anyone in theit- church that drinks or deals in drnik. Today they are not doing that, Clmreh members are drinking liquor, and selling beer and wmc ainl the ehitrcli is not canecllinij aijv memberships, or doing muc \ else in a moral wtiy t« deteat the “demtvn rum” . They have pas.sed np the moral law, and arc holler­ ing loud and long l!or a civil law to do wdiat should he their duty and purpose.Since the dawn 61' history alco­ hol has been a problem. A s I understand it, Peter, Paul, and all the old .saints, were opposed to strong drhtk, but T can find nu ic c o n l o t niiy ol' them over asking Cor a civil law to restrain it. ir we eotdd abolish sin by civil law there would be no need for-the chnrclt and preachei«; be­ cause a halC doy.eu men down in Ualeisb could accomplish what .several tlioiifiaiid preachers arc trying to aeeomplish, with little succcss. 'R. S. M13R0NBY W c think Brother Meroney is mistaken about what happened in Hickory awav hack in tlic good old days. The Record editor moved to Hickory in 1887, before M r. Meroney was born and lived there for 20 years. In the early I890’s the Hickory folks voted for Our County \And Social Security Bv W . K . W hite. Manager. Neatly every family tn the Da­ vie County area now getting Old- Age and Survivors Insur nee pay* ments w ill receive more money beginning with the September payments due about October 3rd. If the increase does not show on check when It arrives early in October, and an increase is due, a later check w ill make up the dif­ ference. It is not necessary for oeople alreadv receiving benefits to apply for the increased pay­ ments. The recent amendments to the law w ill mean monthly payment increases ranging from $5 to $8.60 for practically all of the retired insured workers in Davie County. T lic average Increase for retired workers w ill be about $6.00. In general, benefit payments to wives, widows, children, or parents w ill be increased proportionately, how­ ever, the increases for dependents and survivocs would be less than those for ictircd workers. In mo.st cases, these increases w ill be about $2 to $5. In a few fam­ ilies the Increase w ill go only to the retired insured worker. The reason for this is that the law has already provided lim its to the total of benefits which may be paid to any one fam ily in s month. In some cases, d)C ia creased benefit of the retired w or. kcr alone w ill absorb all of the permissable increase. Under these circumstances the h ill increase w ill be given In the check to the retired worker and the benefits to the remaining members of his family w ill remain unchanged. The 1952 amendments to the /aw provides for larger payments to future beneficiaries. U n til now, the law has provided for payments to most such newly retired per so.is, equal to 50% of the first $100 of his average monthlv wage after 1950, plus 15% of the next $200. The new law just passed provides for a benefit of 55% o f the first $100 of average monthlv earnings, plus 15% of the next $200. T lic effect is an increase of up to $5 a month. Proportionate increases for dependents and sur­ vivors benefits w ill be based on that of the worker. Th is revised formula w ill .applv generally to most persons who w ill become eligible for benefit payments in the future. A representative of this office w ill be in M ocksville again on August 27th, at the court house, second floor, at 12:30 p. m ., and on die same date in Cooleemee, at the old Band H all, over Led­ ford’s Store, at 11 a. m. saloons, and bar-rooms were open­ ed In the town. A t that time the town had a small ” ?alaboose” which would hold two or three prisoners. After t h e saloons opened a larger ja il was built and two extra white policemen and one Negro policeman were put on the force to take care of the drunks and local crimes. For several years for the but in the ____ rose up in their might and voted out the saloons. For many years conditions improved In that good town and one hardly ever saw a drunken man on the streets. A- boot two years ago the Hickory folks decided they wanted liquor stores and voted for them, lust how conditions are in that town now, we can’t sav, bu*. we know that hundreds of thousands of dollars are leaving Catawba coun> tv every year for Uquor. North ern distilleries get the money and the Catawba women and children get the heartaches. Seen Along Main Street Br The Street Rambler. nooooo Frank Fox standing In postoffice lobby reading **Seen on Main St.*' —M rs. L . T . Hunter and Miss Cornelia Hendricks walking up Main street in the rain—Richard Ferebee talking about Adlai and Ike—Miss Ruth Lakey trying to get to work on time—Rev. Geo. Fink putting cash in parking me- tei—Chal W alker shaking hands with friends around town—Geo. Rowland talking about "Horn In The West’*—Miss Jeanette Smoot paying electric bill—Claud Ward talking about 23rd Psalm—^Mrs. Joe Ferebee doing some shopping in Sanford’s D.partment Store— Sadie Hendon and Phyllis Wood* ruff riding bicycles down South Main strcet—M r. and M rs. Carl Gocrch eating lunch in drug store on their wav to the mountains— Floretta Collette sorrv that school is about to open—Lawrence Car­ ter missing ride to Twin-City and getting a dav’s vacation without pay—M rs. Henrv S. Anderson and small daughter enjoying cold drinks in drug store^JefF Caudell and Ben Boyles getting everything lined up—M rs. Kimbrough Sheck and Miss Mary Heitman chatting in front of department store— Miss Marv Lois W illson eating ice cream In drug store—Lee Baker rambling around town on show, erv afternoon—^Mrs. Velma Snow walking up M ain street doing a little window shopping—^Under­ taker making his way slowly a- cross the squarc—Miss Bonnie Peoples driving new green Pon­ tiac down highway Gail W alker doing some early Christmas shop' ping in dime store—New Yorkers wanting to know where to find a good place to eat—Transient min­ ister standing in small park ex­ pounding the go (pel to all who would stop and listen—M r. and Mrs. B ill Stroud motoring down South Main street. Notice to Creditors Having qualified as Administra­ trix of the estate of G . C . Dwig­ gins. deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said estate to present the same, properly verified, to the un­ dersigned on or before the 12th day of August, 1953, or this noticc w ill be plead in bar of recovery. A ll persons indebted to said es­ tate w ill please call upon the un- dersigned at Route 4, M ocksville, N . C , and make prompt settle­ment.Th is 12th day of August. 1952.B ES S IE D W IG G IN S, Adm rx. of G . C . Dwiggins, deceased. By A . T . G R A N T, Atty, Shoaf Coal & Sand Co. W e Can Supply Y o m Needs IN GOOD CO A L, SAN D and B R IC K C all or Phone U s A t Any rim e PH O N E 194 Formerly Davie Brick &Coal Co SILER Funeral Home AND Flower Shop P h o n e 1 1 3 S. M ain St. M oclaviU e. N. C. Ambulance Service PAGE TWO THE DAVIE RECORD. HOCESVILLF, N. C , AUGUST 20. IBS2 TELEPHONE THE DAVIE RECORD. Q P P A in W r . f Thousands 4 «e n d —2' o, J S 'S „ | ir =— ____I-.---- k jr I L A lV lllO 1 ^ subscfiucm amcndmentB thereto, Sni»U». John VV. ....................................68J4 C . F R A N K S T R O U D , E U I T O U . , " ^ * f -------------- .- .---■■ ■ - - Rev. T . L . C iishw cll. o f Gaston- I ^ n O . IlC IllC i„ from of the cotirihousc iloor ™ 1 ia, a n d M rs. W . H . C ausey, Prcsi- y h e 72nd M aso nic oicn ic has !" .F:' '5! Drown. Odcll ............ 9% Entered atthe Poatnfflce In ^ vIHe, N. C .. A8 Seeond-elftflp matter. March 3 .190B. SUBSCRIPTION RATESt ONK YRAK. IN N, CAROLINA S 1.S’- SIX MONTHS IN N. CAROLINA 78.*. ONF. YE NK, OUTSIMB STMh « «2.0n SIX MONTHS, OUTSIDE STATE • $1.00 S u n d a y , A u k . 24. at 2:30 p. m . fro m d ista nt p o in ts Texas, O h io . the ^ ^'Mnson. 4 AU D a v ic citizens arc urRcd to be pi„rUh,, V ire in ia , T en .esscc, ’ “ l i e Hy ^-.ddlng accr»cd‘ ....... ? toi pre.scnt a n d licar these speakers. - • - ................................... W ijhe B............. I fpi m Hanclliic, Robtrt & Sallie A. 42 ^ f « 4 7 G. li. Hol.nn.l ...............V l i u 44.M ■ lloLm n, Maxattnc M. .. 34 lot, 6.W 'l.M T l m S ’, IM wiirt {'lot 3M1II t e M 5!fiO k S % *A . Y /& * R r s ;“.... 4 lots 19.47 8.518.20 W e w on de r w lio is paving fo.' the b ig beer iids w h ic h are ru n ­ n in g in the "w e t” papers? W e arc sure it is n o t th e C hristian people in the coun ty . I t m u s t be th e b(e breweries w h o are ficttin{! h u nd re d s o f thousands o f D avte C o u n ty dollars w hicl^ are needed to b u y fo o d and c lo th in g fo r o u r fam ilies. Before v otin g to r beer o n A u g u st 30th, c o n su lt y ou r pas­ to r a n d read your B ible. Picnic Visitors A m o n g th e picnic vj.sitors here T hursd ay were M rs. Jo h n C le­ m ents and little son , of H inlenh, Fla., M rs. laeic M oo n e y a n d chi d rc n . o f E d e n to n , Jo h n Feezor o f AsheviJIe, J. W n d e H e.idricks, Statesville, M r. a n d M rs. L. P. H o p k in s , M artinsville, V a., R . K urfees, K in g ’s M o u n ta in , Rev. an d M rs. E . M . A v utt, H ig h P o in t, Rev- a n d M rs. II. C, G o fo rth , C on co rd ; Rev. R , G . M cC la m rock, C h in a G rove, M rs, H . H . M ortensen, O rla n d o , Fla., Mr.«s. M ary L . Kurfees, R ic h m o n d , V a., M r, a n d M rs. D anie l K . S h ru m , a sm all son and a sm all daughter. A k ro n , O h io , M arshall Bailey and M iss B u rt H u tch ins, F olsom , Pa.« M r. a n d rs. M . R . Bailey, E lk in , Rev, a n d M rs. \V. C . C oo per and daughter, o f Texas, D r. W illia m T aylor, W arre nto n; C larence A r c hibald, o f Leaksvllle; M . B. C o o n , Dallas, Texas; M r. and M rs. L on nie P. H op k ins, M artinsville, V a., and 9,995 others. house Burns A tw o storv !ip;irim ent house on C herry screes ow ned by M rs. R* L . W alker, was alm ost com pletely destroyed by fire shortly after 3 o'clock W ednesday aftern oon. T he fire wan caused by an o il stove exploding in ihe ell o f rhe house. S o m e o^ rhe hotiseht'ld g.jods were saved. T he h<mse was part­ ly covered by insjra nc e . T lie a partm ent was occupied by four S o u th C a ro lin a a n d othe r states. T he highlights o f the day was an address by D r. I. G . G reer in ' the m o rn in g . A fine o ld country M ocksville, N . C ., 8-5, 1952 Jj.jn c r, a n d a n address ar 2 Stooping Low Name ____neck, R. C....................... 6CatKlell, Jolin ...............33__________________________ _ Cleary. ). H........................8S D e ar E d it o n - A n u m b e r o f w et q , . J. S. H iatt, o f t i k i n . , , -...........J§ articles appeared in th e N W ks- j h c O x fo rd 0 *p h a n a t!e G lee 'Ki-llcr,'l!. M. lle irs '.....4144 v ille Enterprise m id th e Co.^Iee- c i,.b was heard tliro u y h o u t the S n ! ; , i i P ' c S ‘^c inee Jo u rn a l, w h ic h after laniliast- j A p p alach ian State Smith, l ! G.......................28J inK P ro h ib itio n a n d the w ho le Teachers Collei-e B and furn ishe d I- ^.................. b u rd e n o f th e ir laborious mes- m u sic durin K th e dav. | " ™ ’ ra L O R E D sages was Texas a n d M one y , in F arm irujton F. F. A . S tring g e n im l, Fred ................. 6.8 b r ie f l desire to sav; 'B a n d , a n d Joe K in g , the W ins- g ™ l ' , W i S 17K 1 d o n o t k n o w w h o w rote the ,on.S;,|em V e n trilo q u is t enter-! Rose, W . V ....................21.... . « . xyl. iteiore snie aaie iiy amuvg accmcu «/{ii cost a...l aay rcnahics lllat may at- ....... CALAHALN •'“'jte A L E M 4.22 Knox, C. H.2 .« Lakey, W y.34 Lcacn, Halfie .........4.17 UveiiROotl, J. M..........9.84 I^n g . Esther ............. Aeret Amount$B CQ Name Acres .%'li Adams. Mrs. Mary .... 4 lots ^ ..................................... W*?! Alexander. Gurencc ..... R lots 27.99 Nichols, Jioy L, ^ i f Bamhardt. K. J>. ........... 7 13.02 pjoit. Milton Acres Ameuni ^^cClan1rock, W alter S. i $ 1.37 Mcchani, RIdcn S......... Becic, Alvin T. ft fj Benson, W . F. I\6 . IOVj 14.12 PopliH, Henry T. 26.34 Powell. Knox H. lyu. Bowers, Horace .........23, 3 lots 4l.0fi Shoaf, G. A.7M Brosidway, J. W............... 6 lots 37.86 Snillli, A. U.............. eni Canu])]), Mrs. Oltt Mac 2 lots 22.57 Swicegood, II. H......... Carter, John W ....... 18Vt, 3 lols 37.89 W alker, C,. G97 w 2 i Carler, Victor W . ---- S lols 36.44 Walker. W . S , Est.27 ZZ.44 Clement,, Est...................... 1 lot .69 Ward, John J AR 2W Cook, W . Ransom .........2% 22.66 Waters. S. E n'no Ccrrcll, George C........... 30.4 29.13 Weavil, H . C17^ Correll, Mrs. W , K.......... .M ot _.34 Wjiliaker, D. K. 1 lot ia s68 lots 11.291 lot 272 lots nj&S 41 10.67 17.9 8.24I lot 27.6820 S.2241J4 IS.193 1&63 1 lot 11.26 1 lot 24.32 S lots 2.14 14 lots 3.16 2 lots 1.47 I lot .1.34 J V « Croits, Mrs. Ola ...........42.9 14^7 Whitaker. R. U Jr. . 18.53 .... 1!®^ .-‘5? W hitaker. _W . A......... E H Jh!’ iVvYn 2^^^ ■ c o l o r e d ,Dcadmon, G. H ...........22, 8 lots 40.41 Allison. T.eon G................ 2 lots 11.50 Aerci Amount Dedmon, L. C., Sr. Brown, Hannah ............... 1 lot 3.56 63 $ 76.58 79.8, 3 lots (Bal) 76.27 ivown, Mary, Est............ 1 lot 2.1844% 11.51 Ellis. Paul ........................ 1 lot 21.55 Clement. Alonzo, Est....... 19% 2.6740.90 Forrest, W illie ........... 1 Ms lots 19.71 ’ Cockcrham. Clifton .......... H o t lO Jl16.95 Foster, Mrs. Frances '/i lot 10.57 5nlton. Nick ..................... 83.4 29.031J.81 Foster, John ...............36, 1 lot 53.8rt DiHard, Alfred, Est. ...... 1 tot 7.02 ia29 Foster, S. T.. Est...........197.6 99.86 Dulin, Charlie L................ ’ * ’ &28 Foster, T. R...................... 1 lot .18 Hnlin. John Lewis ..........12.91 Foster. WilHard E..........154 72.63 . Foster. Alberta ..........................16.69 Godhy, G. C. ..............42, 2 lots 50.69 Fowler, Thomas J............ il-^^ ................. ^ '^•3? Gaither, Charlie A.2U 2 Hinkle, Dallas ‘‘ ‘ “ Wasliington 8 lots 56.21 York, N. S. .articles, b u t th e ru m o r has been ,.,ined the larRe c .o w d d u rin g the f.;;^ '™ ’,!red .......X go ing th e ro u n d s th at som e wet evening. 1 ' C LA R K SV ILLE w it w ith prepared articles for pub-i j„ | ,„ n lj,i„,e s, 90-vcar-oId N »m . licatio n was go ing a ro u n d trying M ocksville citiie n w as present for i „ to get others sign th e m as their 72n d p icn ic . H e is the o n ly m a n Beck, K .'W ......... ....:.:Z m i o w n sentim ents. It was reported ),„sn't missed a picnic [J"k. Taft ......... 2 th a t at least o n e m a n denied ,|,e first o n e was h e ld at mVs. M ^ r 'c t I w ritin g the article w ith his nam e „|,cre th e C ooleem ec M ills T. M.......... .. V/, signed to it. b u t a d m itte d th a t he „ „ „ " llm c r " u i'i« r “ .......26Vj signed th e article. S o the .senti-^ T h e crow d d u rin g the day this Jones,'s. A. .................... 4.1 m e n t o f o u r citizens m ig h t n o t be year; a n d th e evettinu crow d was {?• j \y'..................J35 as great fo r w riting a nd signing ab o u t equal to th a t o f lact year. It x/,yio?*L F, ....... ....... i3 w et articles as these articles m ig h t th o u g h t th e receipts this year Potts. ’c. F. ......................88 I J , , u IS-.... w ill show a good gaui over the Potts, Janie F.................... 2lead on e to bcheve. ,,,^5, receipts. Keavis, Roger .................75 W h e n one considers th e fact' ,> a,..:.. Hollins, G. B.....................16V4, , , ^ I I T iie K. C . Lee ridin g devices, ctnHiev. Asburv ............... 2th a t at least h a lf the price o f th e , retreshm ent stands, VVieUers, Ur. John G.......388 beer «old goes o u t o i th e state to !o u ;., d id a land office business, C OLO RED th e brew eries, a n.i th in k s o f court b o fh dav a nd n ig ht. T h e day was « .................... l costs caused by beer, property lu>t a nd pard v clo u dy , b u t n o t as Scwey*^ .7 % dam age, tim e lost at w ork b e cause , w arm as last year. ‘ ' FARM IN G T ON B. R. 1«;20 Pidfee, W l ^ ^...... . 2 .,f the m a ny othe r losses; w e m ^.c h ‘ r d . I . : : lots .66 w o u ld soon fin d th .it ih e liirU- it for th e m .m n e r in w hic h the Bennett, Raymond ......... 2 U 7 Ridenhour, Richard E. .. 1 lot 17.56 we%'S?h^rr^ Bethlehem Home ^ ... If w e s h o u ld get th e $13,000 or $13,000,000. o r th e entire $6,000,-. 000,000 liq u o r ind u strv o f Ameri- ca as o u r very o w n , h o w c o u ld ' T h e w e lie d o w n a t n ig h t to sleeji a nd Bcihleh*.^ . 1 lot 41 . 1 ot . 1 ot . 8%.. 1% 36 4.8 I.91 22.5228.56 1&91 25.89 26A718.56II.34 7 lots 8.51 • Gaither.’ Frances 1 lot 17.19 lot 13.60 lot .52 lot2 lots 1 lot 6.315.681.661.59 8.42 5.91 ^.91 Hodges, Paul E. .............390 19S.M Gajtlier. Frances. Esi. .. ot ^...... G.iithcr, Julia, Est........... I ot33.90 Ho^vBrd. Roy .................. 2 lots 21.13 ■ r.alllier, Rosa 8: Esther I ot8.98 Ijames, Glenn .................. 1 lot 9.71 Gaither. Thonwa ............... 1 lot _31.76 Ijames, W illiam M .......... 1 lot 28.04 Garrett Sara J., Est........ 1 lot .32.00 Lasle, W . C...............76.9, 8 lots 77.55 S M ozella‘'n .............. H o t 6. ......4.14 Hairston, George ........................................ 2 lots 19...298.46 McCnllongh, Chnard F. J J6 27.^ . Ho^veil, Liithcr ............ H o t 14.79McDaniel, C. 0 ................ 79.55 55.11 - - ’ -6.05 McDaniel, Robert L....... 53 40.871.03 Myers. A. M .....................13.8 5.97 8.62 Myers. Captain A............ 2 lots 24.74____ O’Neal, Wilbert ............! 3.4 11.86Aeres Amount P.;ige, Lawrence _............ 1 lot 10.22 Hndson, Snsun, Est..........H o tHudson, Tom .....................1 lot Ijames, J. C.........................1 lot- * • 1 lot 2 lots 10.92 Cook, W illie Zeh ...................Crews, E. D. ................... 25 — ■ ^ •Cuthrcil. C. F. —........ 1 , .69 Ji'tlerow, Julias C.Doiitliil, H. F................ 6 lols 2059 Wa , Hcnr^, EstIJnnn, W . A. .................38 4.5 Wall.C O n i l f l ^ iJunn, W . A........................w “'lV ' L- a n n u a l hom e-com ing al silS Walter-Guriey ehvm M e 'h o d is t C h u rc h w ill Graham. Miss Leona 1 lot iaS7 Watson, E. C. 17.71 ^ . 31%, 6 lots 25.1618.54 Swicegood, Harry G., Est. 1 lot .69"* ------- V ^ 24 29.99 9 2.752 lots 19.783 1/5 24.93 36 lots 6.182 lots 1.37 7% 6.45 I lot 21.73 4 lots 9.47 6.69 2.40 7.8778.4 41.65 17.67 W cbh, M. L ....... 29.04 Webb, W m . W.11.16 W hite, James T. ....................2.06 Williams, Albert ............. 1 lot 11.20 Wilhams, John F. ......... 3% Williams, Tunie ...............10 lots sec th e alcoholics, th e blightevl be h e ld i>ext S u n day , A u g . 24th. Gregory, H, B.................... 3.1^ y o u th , physically, m e ntally a n d ! .A bii; d ir.ni'r w ill be spread o n Gregory, Harold C. ........ W 5 m orallv. resulting fro m th is bust- th e church law n at the n o o n h o u r. I!'"*®'*' ....... ness. I f w e could see m a ny n a k » ,In the a lte rn o o n the B lin d D avis 1.8 ed, hungry , sickly c h ild re n o f al-! Q u a rte t, o f G astonia w ill be pres Hauser. Mrs. M areic &^ coholics, crying to see us fo r help, s*nt, n»itcther w iih othe r singers. 22 1 sav h o w c o u ld e sle-.p, k n o w-1 large crow d is expected i^or this v...... ? in c th a t w e h ad invested o u r vote 1 occ.-xsion. T lie p u b lic is in v iie d r°i„.o oi*5? rV.'..V«' .................aci/ for it w ith h o p e o f m aterial g a li..:t . com e a nd b rin g w e ll. filled hU,,!,,,]; Lconani .........3 « 29:06 Clmnn! 4j4 regardless o f a m o u n t w e sho uld | baskets so n o o n e w ill go aw ay James. Mrs. Bessie Est. 22 16.82 Chunn, Hubert ..................38 get. H ear w h a t lesus said a b o u t: h u n g ry . James, C. D....................... 1 lot 4.43 Cement, Hubert ............. 1 lotrhe m o n e v w orshlnner « * ' James, S. C..........................51 M.08 Clement, Jesse ................... 1 lot« o T ?V O' 1 ^ in J • C* i* J iol»nson, John Francis .. 1 25.47 Clement, Loyal ............. 2 lotsSt. L u k e 12:16-21. T ake vour £ W r | ; f n t O d U tO Y U KisH"* Gladys Seats ...... 2 ^7.73 Clement. M ,1lqr..„..^.._ H o t 8J4 kit 3.02 Williams, 1.72 COLO RED 5.80 Carson, Adam ................. 2 lai Jai Jh' lol Kit,-. -.....Kimhrough, Con L. ... E. c . S anfo rd , 73. w ell-know n , II 1 U h fc'lo n g cicisen o f th is city, McClannon. T. D..........peason w h o sells ir, the person ^ le d at M ocksvule N u rsin g H o m e Miller, Kenneth IT. ... 9.0734.82 7.1632.701.979.32 B ibles a nd read this n o w please. 1 love th e person th a t m akes liq u o r • in all o f its form s, the th a t d rin ks It, a n d th e o n e w h o votes lo r it, a n d 1 pray d ia t G o d 49J6 Clement, Mrs. W . C....... 2 lots 622 fam ilies, M rs. C arrie G roce, M r. (have m ercy u p o n all w h o con a n d M rs. W e stm o rla n d , M r. a n d tin u e to b lin d ly in such w.iys. M rs. Ju n io r B eaucham p, a nd M r. a n d M rs. G arla n d Lapish. N i* o n e was in ju re d . Recreation ^ews A pet show was given a t R ic h P ark T uesday m o rn in g at 9:30 o'clock, w ith m a n v c hild re n pre­ sent w ith their pets o f all kinds. It was a d e lig h tfu l occasion, and w ell attended. P lans are n o w u n d e r w ay for th e child re n to go to C ooleem ec T hursd ay afte rn oo n for a s w im ­ m in g parto. A ll child re n are re quested to m eet in fro nt o f the Presbyterian C h u rc h at 2 o ’clock sharp. T h e play ground w ill close for the season on F riday, A u g . 22nd. Mrs. Sarah Eaton Mra. SAfflh Jane Entnn. HS. nf Moclm- vllle, Rouie 2. died at h#r hnm« Tu««Jnr evenlns. fiillnwlnfi n Mroke nine weelm Alin. She wHi married June 2, 18B7. to Daniel Richard Eaton, who aurvivM. Mr. ftiid vir^ Baton had CfslebratHd thefr 6.*irh rsary a few days b«/nrH Re*»ppcrfiil!v, G . W . F IN K . early Friday m o rn in g , f Iktw ing Sain, W . A. an extended iJJi»e.ss. H is d u m h o b ro u g h t sadness lo th e entire ciiy. s[,ggiJ G ^y T he e d ito r h ad k n o w n h im for a Smitli,’ Bat h a lf century a n d w u shall m iss his Smith, Gray .........Smith, Isaac Rob 6 lots 4.62 Collins, Foard .......m 13.43 Davidson, Fred H. ...106.8 ... 2 ... 10 ... 75 ...125% ...43 . 48 1 crlierrv arcetines Smith, Isaac Rob ........... 13 3.50 Jolinson, GeorRC .............. 15 5.96Lhcrry ^rtLCint,s. uidinrd B............. 5% 3.43 Johnson, W . F. .............. 3 lots 16.98 S u rv iv in g are tw o sons, E d w in SoBey, Marie & Ethel Cook Noble, Alex ........................ 1 lot 4.86 S anfo rd , of this city, «iid C a lv in 3 |1.62 Pjirlfcr, Henderson, Est. J Jot 3.79 47.63 Foster, Fannie. Est........2.425.02 Foster, R. C. .....................1 lot1.03 Foster, W illiam ................ .62.40 Fo%vler, Jasper ....................3% 24.78 Hairston, F. C , Est.......... 488.81 Hairston, Raymond D. 1 lot15.02 Hairston, Raphef ........... I lot7^19/50 37.04 Hall, Mrs.^Cassle, Est. .. lot 5% 20.3810.45 ijames. Joseph .7911.5612.999.14 4.64 2.7810.97 14.68 16.449.97 tjnmes, Joseph W m . &Annie M . Watson ..... 1 lotM cMahan, Ernest .........13%March. Ernest ................ 1 lot March, Tessie Lee ......... 1 lot March. Yroy A................ 1 lot M arlin. Albert ..............- 16Mason, James .............. 2 lots 1.66Maviield, C. T................. 1 lot 13.47Neeley, Golden .............. 1 lot 12.24Parks, Dewey .................. Bldg. 23.48 Rhynebardt; Thomas .....150 49.24 Rose, Charles. Est........... 1 lot 1.03 Sanders, I*ell .................. 1 lot 4.99Smoot, Elisha L. ........... 2 lots 8.00Steele. Fred W .......... 1.4, 1 lot 11.33Sludevant, Clyde .........- 1 lot 21,55Tabor, Calvin .................. 2 lots 14.11VanEaton, Jake .............. 3 lots 10il2 VunE.'iton, M ary ............ 3 .84 Wilson, John Obie ....... 1 lot 19.80 SH A D Y G ROVE Name Acras AmountBnlley, B. R ..................183% $ 7.06 Bailey, B. R. Est..........10, 1 lot 8.49 Bailey. B. R. & Edith M. 3% 14J4BarneycaBtle. W . T..........1054 26.16 Blake. W . A....................103 Cornatxer, Lonnie ......... 7.6 10.45Cornatzer, R. C................ 65 30.69Cornatzer, Z. C. Est....... 1 lot 1.37Crews, T. C........................ 1 lot 1.72Crtnvs, W. L................... 1 tot. 9.00 Davts, Mrs. Annie Burton 6% 32.61Davis. Hubert H .............. 1 lot 14.93 Etchlson, W . B.......... -14, 1 lot 36.182.75 Hartman, E. M . Est.......118% 37.45j9.16 Hartman, Mrs. I^sie .... 3 6.M 9!462.75 2.66 14.845.64 Hendrix, W . A., Jr. 3J4, 1 lot 33.42 Hendrix, Mrs. W A. 2 « , 1 1 Howard. Charlie W .........Jarvis, Mrs. L. B.jolly, G. W . ....................14 McDaniel, Bruce E ....... M O C K S V I L L E .. Sani'Or.I. FOR TODAY’S FINEST BUS SERVICE..ftHO TODftY’S BEST BUYS IN TRAVEL C H A R L O T T E W A S H IN G T O N , D . . A T L A N T A , G A . J A C K S O .N V IL L E . F LA . I S a n fo rd , o f near Salisbury; three Sn eariagcr, Charley C. 70 'brotlie rs, R . B. a n d l. C . S anfo rd , T '^ken George N ............. 1 ;i.t C..IS ciiv, iir.d Fra k Sar.f.»rd, j p ’MOTisinger ......... 2 o^ H e n . eiS-. n v i lu; t.vo » st.*r>, williams, Robert ............. .45 M rs. K o b c it I*aucette, o f i..harts« Wiliiard, Mrs. Sadie .....It mKtga, T cnn.. iim l Mr.-=. Jo h n J , C O LO RE D Larew, o f this city. ii'S !; 1’'^, Funeral services were h e ld at Bo^vman, Clarence ......... ih e h o rn , o f his sister, M rs. o h n Brock, A. L........................ 2Larew at 11 o ’clock Saturday morn- Eaton, Alta ....................... iiig. w itii R ev H ow ard P aul olficia- ring, a n d the b o d y laid to rcsc in Eaton, W . H. ................. lo pp a cemeterv. H e was a sun ot Eckles, Alexander, Jr. .. the lau - M r. a n d Mr.s. C a lv in C . Evans, Joe Henry .........Gibson, James, Lst...........43Howell, Minnie Lee ....Lyons. Jan Lyons, NeL- .McMahan. Ernest .............. March, Lucy ..................... 7Rhynehart, Killiam R. L. 2Rhynehart. Odell ........... 2Khynchart, Thomas ....... 2Smoot, Ambers 11.62 Pjirlfcr, Henderson, Est. J Jot15.83 Payne, Dclose W ............. 1 lot11.29 Payne, Kelly .................... 1 lotPeck, James ....................40 SEE U S F O R T R A C i : O K 21 3/5 79 19 31 1 lot 5.32 2 29451 lot 3.79 10.19 1U3 6.50 Pruitt, ■'Seif Quentin ....!!l20 56.73 25.97 Rousseau. Willlnm, Est. 2 lots 9.22 14.30 Shannon, Lymas ............. 4 lots 27..SS Vension, Lonnie ............. 1 lot 7.089.60 Walker, Zeola ................. 1 lot 5.65.69 Watkins, Samuel ........... 4% 13.716.12 Williams, Baxter K. ..... 15 28.01 ^^'11 ^.........^5^-S98.55 Wilson, Maggie ............. 2 lots 4.9431.2? M O CK SV ILLE T O W N SH IP Name Acra^ AmountAllen, Clyde ....................71% $29.52Bailey, Carl ...................... I lot 7.66Campbell, Mrs. Beulah" Cope, Charles W . Z7513.7514.91Conch, W alter P. ........... I C ourt, C. F. ............ 3 lots 10.30 Crews, H. L ................... 3fi lols 30.43Dihvorlh, V. L. ...............42 W.41Foster, 0 . F...................... 1 lot 26.64Grubb, D. G., Est............ 1 lot 17.30 Mock, E. S. ....................Mock, Mrs. Fannie Est. Myers. Raymond Myers. I5.81 1 lot . .'yers; W .'A .' ............. 7% Orrell, Miss Lillie B. .. 6% Peeldes, Mrs. C. D.......... 1.84Potts, Lonnie .................. l*^ Spry, Elmer W ................ 21Vogler, W . F.......... 1 lot (Hal)VoRler, W . T. .................. 3% Ward, M aiy Henrietta .. 3 Williams, B. G. ........... 38.91Zhnnienuan, W . J...........15 . COLOREDAllen, Coyette ................ 6J4Boger. John Est................ 3Dulin, Ellen .................... 3Dulin, Lillie ...................... 2Ellis, Collette ..................25Flynt, Stella ................... 1 lot Foster, Emma E.st........... 5Hainston, Henry Est....... 4Harper. Duke Est............ %Motley, Fannie .............. 1 lotScott, Clifton .................. I54 I lot 11.95 25.21 8.34 13.71 7.94 12.95 1.72 ia38 4.33 1.85 18.70 2.53 8.7471.02 U 8 8.0719.03 34J6 7.04 2.58 1.00 .82 22.19 2.06 6.27 1.03 1.79 .34 ia73 K A TH LY N R E A V IS , County Tax Collector. r D ^ - S . - E U - i i ^ l ! i r ' i o ! S ; % r E z ; : : : : l i o . * l4c ; w-k. t Sludevent, Nathaniel .... 1.26 V t.. *-*' b J Tutum, Mrs. Bernard .... H o t8.10, n J T - ., iV - t , Ella & Charlie 12. I nUnn 12M 10 Mrs. Baton ma atrickeii. Mr. Kntm In 92 B O O N E , N . C . years old. Mra. Eaton Hpeni moM uf her N B W P O R T N E W S , V A . life In Davie Couniy and was a member G R B E N S B G R O , N . C . 7 2*> - , West, Glenn ......... 9;4, , P i . . v v - „ I - U i r r o w s a n d w e ;.. ...... Williams, Troy V.......... 173 05 1, i . J >v imams, iroy v7.10 Aiv 'ibJiyg you n e e d vvi*cn«.n, t. 1 sb . 1 ¥ t . Name Acrea a h6.9s:m the Implement — I , » 11.75 - , Bailey, Nathan G.............26^^■1 Biirtoii, Bobbie Lucian .. 2 6.564.03 • n„Pinr.. Mnllitt 1............... 1% 9.42 of Eaton’s IJatHlst Church. Surviving in addition to her hushnr<d are three damthcera, Mrs. Knbm Smoot, of Route J; Mrs. Zeh Binkley and Mrs. W. 0. Eotou. uf Rnnte i\ three suns, J. L„ W. B. and R. M Catnn, all of KiiiiIh 2; iwn h'lir bruiht^rti, Charjaa and Jue Graves, uf YndKinvlile; 11 Jrandchllilren and ll great firsndchildreo. Sarvjcea WHte held 4i )1 a. m. ThuraiJAy, At Eatnn's Baptist Church with Rev. K.' W, Turner Rev. Wade tlutehens and Rev.' J P DivU nfllciadnfi. and tha body laid to rest in the church eemetery. A noble, Chrniiiin woman has been eall-ii to her reward. To the atfed huo band and childrnn Tha Record exianda heartfelt sympaiby in this sad hour. R IC H M O N D . V A . N E W Y O R K . N . Y . C O L U M B L A , S. C . C H A R L E S T O N , S. C . R A L E IG H . N . C . Pliu U. S. Tnx. Snw «n Bxirtt 10% £AC.' WAY with 4* Raund’Tfip Tkkot. Aerea Amount 6.99 17.27 3.57 Burton, Mollie j ...............nulisti ~F or the B E S T in Q u a litv . nest In ^ f ^ - P ,ice, ;le a in Service. \ 1/5 l i l ^ } . ' e T > d r ! s & W a r d [end. W aller & rson .... 12fondrix, A. E.. Jr......... 1.91Koontx, Lonnie ............... 2 W IL K IN S D R U G C O . Ph Beton you toko your noxt trip any^ ---- where get Groyhound's low torosi ; V V IN S T O N - S A L B M H IG H W A Y L?vw goo.r T M ' i ^ , flo ts l l J S -------Long,' C. G. ...................... 75 43.56, , Mnrkland, S. 0 ................. 1.0* ' " POU. T A X E S F O E T H E Y E A .E T hm as N. ......... 2 O F 1051 A S P R O V ID E D B Y fl!;;?/;, "okaa 10 A C T S O F 1927, A N D A M E N D - Shnler, J. Dwight ...........2154 N4ocltsville, N . C . G R E Y H O U O f ^ THE DAVIE RECORD. M OCKSVILLE. N. C. AOGUST 20. 1952 PAGE TH REE THE DAVIE RECORD.M rs. Gwvn Keys, of Charlotte,' U T * M fT A H C D A V spent Thursday and Friday in WAIN 1 A U d 1 A I .town with relatives. O ld eat P a p e r In T h e C ounty u » u j .*.* ■ . A M r: and M rs. H . R . Hendrix,N o L iq u o r, w m C t B eer A d small daushtcr are spend* NEWS AROUND TOWN. M r. aitd M rs. Frank Stroud, Ir., •pent the week-end in Asheville. Miss Martha C all spent last week with relatives In New York C ity. M is. V . E .S iv a in . o f B u rlin g to n , spe n t last w eek in to w n w ith frie n ds. Henry Taylor returned Thurs­ day from a business trip to De­ troit, M ich. M rs. Earl Lam b, of Greensboro, spent last week in town with her mother, M rs. W . F. N ail. Charlie Cope, of North W ilkes- bore, spent last week in town with relatives and friends. M rs. Howard McLnmb a n d children, of Dunn, were guests last week of M r. and M rs. Floyd Nay­ lo r. Miss Becky Lowderm ilk, o f Greensboro, spent lost week in this city the t-uest of Miss Helen Sm ith. M iss Colean Sm ith is at home from Wake Forest Colleee. where she spent nine weeks in Summer school. ing ten days at Carolina Beach. M r. and M rs. Stanley Childrers and clitldren, have moved from M ocksville, Route 3, to Salisbury Route 1. M r. Childers holds a position at Spencer. The Record 1, sorry to lose these good people. FO R SALE-20-acre tract, with 4-room house, basement, built-in- cabinet, tile floor, barn, outbuild----'ings, fruit .rees. Lot’s of wood- FO R SA LE — Barbe W ire & land, good pasture, with water. Galvanized Roo5ng. Near Turrentine Church, o nM ilier-Evans Hardware Co. I school bus route. See or write■ FR ED C . W H ITE. Advance. N .C . FO R S A LE O R R E N T -$ 2 5 0 0 — . . ,_____ per month. W rite or call R . M . .1H A R D EE, 'phone 6617. Gaston- I’ ouS' ^ ia N C avenue, with 10,000 feet oak* ’ * and pine Umber. Fruit trees and Lieut, and M rs. Clarence Elam , ir.. who have been located at Tal< ihassee Fla.» are spei ' time in and around town with re« latives. Lieut. Blam with he sta* tioned at Ft. Bragg when he re­ports for dutv. M rs. J . T . Angelt, was called to DeLand, Fla., last week to be at the bedside of her son, D r. W il liam Angell, who underwent a major operation in DeLand hos* hospital. We learn that D r. An gell is getting along nicelv. M rs. ElizabethHester, 92. died at the home of her daughter, M rs. Alspaugh, in Winston.Salem, last Wednesday. Funeral and burial took place at Lew isville Thursday afternoon. M rs. Hester was an aunt of Sam Binkley, o f this city. Anyone wishing to work as a good bam. Lights and water, with nurse’s aid. between ages of 1845, electric hot water Sm white, write Z. Care Davie Record SAM F.for appointment. ' M ocksville, N . C. ig dav w ill be ob{ serv^ at the Dulin’s Methodist Church Sunday, Aug. 24th. A revival w ill begin that evening at 7:30 o’clock, with Rev. Harold Lowman, of Greensboro, as the guest speak, r. The public Is cor­dially invited. J^ F . Clodfelter, of Knoxville, Tenn., come down Wednesday afternoon to visit his sister, M rs. Tliom as Lakey, I n Clarksville Township, and to take in the Masonic Picnic. M r. ClodM ter Is Sam Latham , who holds a posi- Cion at Aiken, S. C ., spent the ija vic County boy, and has weekend In town with home been with the vouthcm Railwaywcek« folks. M rs. Jessie Henry, of Salisbury, is spendi Co., for the past 45 years. M r. and M rs. Ralph Kurfees, _______ some time in town, who have been living in Marion w ith her daughter, M rs. Harley for several months, moved to Sofley. (Harmony last week, where they —----- ' w ill make dieir home. M r. Kur- R E P A IR S —Plumbing, pumps, elected agricultural motors and electrical appliances, teacher at Harmony High School. Contact N O R R IS FR Y E , Mocks Ku*fees is a daughter of M r. ville, or call 165-W. and M rs. H . S. Chaffin, of Route ;;—s f . 1, M ocksville.Dessie, little daughter of M r. and M rs. H . R . Johnson, under­ went a tonsil operation at Mocks-^ ville Hospital last Tueaday mom- , ing. Society Meets Farmington Methodist Wom­an's Society of Christian Service met Thursday afternoon at the M r. and M rs. Hoyt Blackwood hoine of M rs. Kenneth Tavlor. and two daughters, of Guilford, r i ' ‘'r .o r M t r M a '’tSrr;fBro“ck. w ere in town last week vlsltmR re- Greensboro, and M rs. J. C. latives and attending the Masonic Galloway, of Greenville, picnic. The devotional services was led —-*•—- bv M rsi B . C . Brock, who is direct-1M r. and M rs. J. C . Jones and or of spiritual life in ' the society.i children spent the week-end at The hymn was *‘The M orning, Carolina Beach, where M r. J^ e s Light is Breaking.*’ and the theme i attended a meeting of R .E .A . Ger* ^as the topic for the year. “T1>e; eral Managers. Earth Is The Lord's.” ( , J . , J i.« .i The subjectfor the program wasM rs. Vance Kendrick and little W orld Federation of Wom*j son and daughter, of Charlotte, ^he Program dealth withspent .everal days last week in acrivities of the W SCS in town, guests of Mrs. Kendrick .s China, the Philippines, and,mother, M rs. Frank Clement. ' South American countries. , — ^^-*7 ^ , The meeting closed with the sing-M r. and M rs. Dyel Cranford, of j„ “Xn Christ Eldorado. N . C ., were week-end there is no east or west.” ^este of M r. and Mk . b. H . president, O iaffin ,o n R o u te l. | then preflded over the business ford is a sister of M r. Chaffin. session. The social hour follow- ^ , .n ’ c i -^•11- ...- ed during which the Hostess, Mrs.The MocksviHeinour mills we^^ Taylor, assisted by her daughter, closed last week for the annual p Wallace, served re- vacation. A number of etnployees. f^^hments. The September meet- with their (amilies. spent several j„„ „ jn be held at the home ofdays at M yrtle Beach. S. C. There was no winner last week in the Name Them contest. The soldiers were; W illiam McClam- rock, John H . W hite, Henry Sty- ers, Harold Seamon, W ni. Owens. Prof. and M rs. J . D . Parker, of Advance, r-turned home la s t Tuesday from Sylva, N . C ., where thev spent the summer* Prof. Parker is the efficient principal of Shadv Grove High School. * M r. and M rs. Robert O’Nea' and little daughter, of East H arrfo rf. C o n n ., spent last week with relatives and friends in Clarksville Township, and also took in the big Masonic picnic. M r. and M rs. D . K . McClam- rock, spent ten days recenrfy with relatives and friends in Charles­ton; W . V a. Kim says he slept under a blanket at night but roasted in the day time. M rs. Beulah W right, of Ruther- fordton died at Charlotte Mem­orial Hospital last Tuesday night. Funeral and burial sehilc^es were held at Ruthe. fordton Thursday. M rs. W right Is the mother of W allace W right, a former resident of this dtv. in g 'M rs. R . C . Brown. M RS. G . C . G RAH AM . Princess Theatre TH U R SD A Y &. FR ID A Y Tvron Power & Nancy K e llv in “ IliS S IE JA M ES” In Technicolor with Randolph Scott & Brian Donlevy Added News - SA TU R D A Y Ruth Roman St Dane Clark In “ B A R R IC A D E" In Technicolor with Raymond Massey Added Serial & Cartoon M ONDAY & TU ES D A Y Rock Hudson & Piper Laurie In "H A S A N YBO D Y SEEN M Y G A L” with Charles Coburn In Technicolor.Added News and Cartoon W ED N ESD A Y Shelly W inters &. Bette Davis In “ PH O N E C A L L FROM A STR A N G ER " with Gary M errill Added Cartoon DAVIE COUNTY’S BIGGEST SHOW VALUE ADM. 12c and 33c C lo s e O u t ! S p e c ia ls ! We Need Room You Need These Bargains Dresses Shoes , - ' - Hats! Bags! Blouses Skirts Thread, 3 for Patterns G RO U P C H ILD REN S DRESSES O IL C LO TH M EN ’S $10.00 SU N D IA L O XFO RD S Men’s Hats Men’s Pants Boys’ Pants Men’s Shorts Swim Trunks B .V .D ’s ~ Men’s vShirts - $1 $2 $3 $1 $2.98 $3.98 $1 - 75c $1 $2 10% O ff - lOc 10c and 15c $1.98 58c a n d 68c Y D $4.98 - $1 $2 $2 $1 25c - ?5c 50c - $1.98 FISHING! G R E E N ’ S L A K E S $200 Free $100.00 For Biggest Carp $50.00 For Next Biggest Carp $50.00 For Biggest Bass This Contest Begins Monday, Aug. 18th and Ends Oct. 18th. 2 1-2 Miles West of Mocksville 6 a. m. to 10 p. m. D a v ie D r y G o o d s C o . Between Postoffice And Bank Now Is The Time To Get Set For F a ll A n d W in te r F a r m M a c h in e ry N e e d s W e H A V E A TRACTOR TO FIT EVERY FARM NEED a n d A MACHINE TO DO EVERY JOB R a n k in - S a n fo rd Im p le m e n t C o . Y O U R Farmall & McCormick Dealer A T T E N T I O N M r . F a r m e r It Is Time Now To Sow That] Fail Pasture You Have Been Planning And W e Have Everything It Takes I Fe s c u e , O r c h a r d G r a s s , { L a d in o C lo v e r , C rim s o n C lo v e r And Many Other Grass And Field Seeds LIME Both Bulk A nd In Bags F E R T IL IZ E R In Bulk A nd Bags It W ill Be W ell W orth Your Time To See Us About Spreading Your Fertilizer. It W ill Cost You No More Spread Than It W ill In Bags. M c C la m r o c k S e e d C o . PHO N E 307 Depot Street Portable Irrigation Systems You Can't Afford To Be W ithout One Free Engineering Service See,. Call Or Write Leinbach Machinery Co. Route 1 Phone O ld Town 537 Winston-Salem PAGE EOUB THE DATIE RECORD, MOCKSVILLE N. a , AUGUST 20. t«62 Proper Drainage Means Better Crops Under Drainage System Quickly Pays for Itself U Is n wcU'known and established fact that more crops and better qual­ity crops are grown on land Ihot is properly drained than con be grown on imdrnined land. More and bet* ter crops m ean larger incomes, and for this reason alone every farm er should investigate the benefits of droinage to his land. A farm underdrainage system m ay easily pay for itself in irom one to five ycnrs. Often Ihc loss ol a single crop that could have been prevenled by proper drainage will Amount to more than Ihc entire cost oi the syslem. The actual cash return comos from the basic benefita. Thoy include: It deepens the soil bed: it con.servcs the top soil; it IcriRthens the ?ro\v The r..uhl Jincj wror.R na.v I*, lay U'c line. !?■* sin-c th:it gratae Is evni .it all tinjcs. inp scJison; il raises .soil tt;m|;orj! lure.'*, it permits uiirUer cultiv: tion a'lcr ruins; it protects crop, from n'ost dam age; it incrcus vnlun of fertilizing; it reduces In bor and machinery costs; it tend; lo make crops drouaht-resistant; ano it increases value of any farm . Sheep Become Popular With Midwest Farmers Sheep arc seen more and more o.- midwest farms. Many of these rarm- ers are finding that the “ woolies' m ake good ufo of soil-conncrving crops and can be produced with less labor than other livostock. According to Succcssfiil Farm ing m agazine, the lonq-{:me price out* lonk for a nalivc-.-lmcp flock is ex­ cellent comnjsrod with that for bcrf and dairy ca‘.t'<?. '’’lie total numbci of sheep has fnlion f.o much in cent years th;3l consumer demand should take all lam b and mittlon production at relatively high price: for a long tim e to come. Most farm ers prefer to start the sheep hnsino?:? with a sm:*l1 flock. This hrs adiantn.i’cs, for il docs not serlou.^ly disrupt olhc form work. .A smrJJ Hock can brln; in additional income, help clean up odd corners about the farm , and use roughage.The same am ount of pasture is needed for five esves and the lambs, as for <^np row and <‘alf, cow n-pis a half*acre of hr*y dtirl Ihc win'cj-—n evx; rc-'ds nb^'ut nnf'- p-’urier acre. Th<* carrying o.npi iiv of a a f " ! riK:i!f:!.brorne :«■ arotf'^'l ji’.v c u e .' pnd I.-i/j;per acrc. Whcl will il ers; to uc) -nto ih> «hc-!-'p bcsiness? C'’:i'.pnrod to be 'he coct is kiwcr F:ir instarce. o- H-ref cow will cost from S3U0 it) One calf fnim lhi.s,<-ow per yonr wiii he worth about S160. Five ewc« •.•.•■n cost anywh'?re from $I?F> to Five ewes pr«bably will give you seven lambs worth about SI70. CAN YOU NAME THESE MEN? A p riic o f $J.OO to the first person scndinR in th e ir corrcct nam es. Making of a King Lesson for Au^bI 24, 1052 To sim plify drcnching u sick cow or horse, as well as pre* vftntln; the anim al breaking the neck of the bottle and swalloW' ing a piece uf glass, fit the bot­ tle with a rubber hose extension. American Diets Improve During Past 15 Years Americans as a whole are better Jed than they wore 15 years a|io. nutritionists report. Compared to the period before World War II. people In the U.S. are eating 19 pci cent more meat, poultry and fish: 42 per cenr more eggs; IJ per cent more fruits and vegetables; and 2n per cent more dalrj’-products except butter. They are eating 24 p(*r cent less potatoes and JV per cent Je.ss (Train products. ON E of the m ost rom antic and heroic figures known to song and story Js that of DovJd. K ing of Dr. Fortmon C B O S S W illM li lA Sr WEfK*S ANSWER ^ ACROSS 1.6oxsclen« tlflcally 6. Planet B.Gaxe flxedljr 10. Regions 13. Canal connecting two oceans M.Wheaten U U lU U lJ IIk i U Qjul aian i ram Hiaigra nium ti[!i[gpinH niin ii4 IK in [iM Il UUa iJ 'fijIlliH a q id IdBlJ 4H lilM Iu n n ii iumi i Israel. Even when Christ cam e to earth, his fellowrcountrymen could think of no grander title for him than “Son of D avid.” Now David h a s b e e n idealized al> most beyond recog. niUon. T h e whole story of his life (as seen in the Bible) reveals a m an in w hom strength and weakness, good and evil, were strangely m ingled. B ut that is not the m ain point here. The fact is, D avid m ade a strong and successful k in g ;'a n d if there "was evil In him , It was more in the older m an than in the young one. The story of how he be­cam e king is too long even to re­ view here. L et us concentrate on lhat eloquent little one-sentcnce por­ trait of him draw n for a description of him by one of his friends when they both were young. It Is found in I Sam . 16.'J8.• • • His Fam ily and His Fun 'HE FIRST thing that is said of D avid by his friend who was recommending h im to the king, is that he was son of Jesse of Bethle­ hem. A m an’s fam ily is not an Impor­tant fact. M en do not often reach high places m erely on the reputa- lion of their ancestors; but having the right parents w ill make « good start. This is seriously (rue; for a m an's heredity Is what goes Into the m aking of his bone and muscle, brain and nerves. The kind of place where a m an lived as a boy, the kind of father he had, spells volumes about the m an, even years later. C an we forget that D avid was the son of a sheep-rancher, a boy who grew up working out of doors? That his parents were God-fearing people? D avid’s friend also mentioned his playing tJie harp. No doubt David did this as a recreation; he was no professional m usician. But his avo­ cation, his spare-time enjoyment, turned out to be the first rung on his clim b to fame. It is im portant to know about any m an: How does he spend his spare time? Ills Braw n and His Brains DA V ID’S F R IE N D , recommending him for a position in the royal cour^ spoke of him as a “ mighty m an of valor, and a m an of v/ar.” This was an exaggeration, for David at that tim e had never seen m ili­ tary service, as the story in Samuel shows. However, it was a good prophecy; ond so far as the valor went, it hnd well been proved. A m an who can t;ike a bear by the beard and kill h'm , nioy be a bit tash but he is certainly no coward. A n d w hai iTiu.scles that young m an m ust have hodi Never think of David as a litlU* buy when he Icllled Goliath the siont; he was an athlete better than most. lliit David, unlike some ath­ letes, did not need a manager.was a “ m an of w a r," or at least the young friend who was describhig him thougiit he was; and time proved him right.Now it takes more than muscle lo va a successiul general. Almo.st anybody can be a privtite; and u m an can rise .somewhat in the ranks on sheer brute power. B ut when il comcs to staff work, planning cam* paigns, handling large numbers of m en and supplies, fitting everything together like a gigantic chess game with nations at stake,—that calls organizing ability, farsightedness, m ental powers of a high order.• • • Ills'P a c e , His Fluency, His Failh *t>HE XJNKNOWN young m an whose ■*’ word-picture of David we are following, was like m any young people In m ixing together items that an older person would take up {Separately. Alm ost in one breath he reported that D avid was a good speaker, good-looking and godly. But (he best thing about him , his friend saved (o (he last: the Lord is w ith him . We make a mistake if we think (hat high* ly gifted, fortunate people can afford to get on without God. It Is just these who need God most, If we ean say that any one person needs God more than others. L et us rather say that it is more im portant tor the rest of us that the superior m en and women am ong us be God-fearing, God-loving, God- obeying m en and women, than that less im portant persons should be FOR PURE CRYSTAL ICE C O A L F O R G llA T E S , S T O V E S , F U R N A C E A N D S T O K E R S It W ill P av Y o u T o C all O r P h o n e U s. W c M aicc P ro m p t D elivery Mocksville Ice & Fuel Co. P h o n e 116 M ocksv ille , N . C . T h e D a v i e R e c o r d Has Been Published Since 1899 5 3 Y e a r s O thers have com e and gone-your county new spaper Uecps jzoing. il h *s hnrW t<» n ijiku "bijckl«» rthti- io.igu»t” m «et, but so 'rii th e i^binfs nnd w c m arch o n . O ur fa ith ftil 8u b scrib *i’8 most of whom pai- prom ptly, give us courage anU abiding fnith in our fellow m an. U your ni'ighbof *s n«A taking The H^cord tel! him to sub& cribe. • Th e price ie only $1,50 per year in the. State, and $ 2 .0 0 in other stales. When You Come T o Town Make Our Office Your Headquarters. We Are Alwavs Glad To See You. ♦ FO R RENT ♦ SPACE IN THIS p a p e r Will Arrange To Suit GOOD NEIGHBORS--P«ICES TO FIT YOUR BUSINESS The Davie Record D A V I E C O U N T Y ’S O L D E S T N E W S P A .P E R - - T H E P A P E R T H E P E O P L E K E A D ^«HERC SHALL THE P P *as. THE PEOPLE'S RIGHTS MAtNTAMt U N AW ED BY INFLUENCE AND tW BRIBED BY GAIN.*’ V O tU M N L J I I M O C K S V IL L E , N O R T H C A R O L IN A , W E D N E S D A Y A U G U S T lo w .N U M B E R 4 NEWS OF LONG AGO. Be Still •W hat W a s H ap p en ing In D a­ vie B efore P ark in ? M eters A n d A b b reviate') Skirts. (Davie Record. A u e . 17, 1910) P . S. E arly , of W io stou, was In (ow n T hursday. Miss M agRie C all spent Friday in W inston sbopplng. M rs. Jo h n D . K im b a ll, of States ville , was here for the picnic. R ev. J . P , Rogers, of W inston, spent T hursday in tow n. P . R . K lm b ro n s h has returned from a trip to D allas, Texas. M iss C arrie F oy , of W inston, Is the euost o f D r. and M rs. A . Z . T nylor. W . W , S tro ud, of Statesville, spent S aturd ay in tow n w ith rela* tlves, H . T . K e lly of T aylorsville, was am onR the pleolc vlsltot^ here last T btirsday. M iss fu lia L o ckh art, of R ocklne b am , Is v lsitln s M rs. P h ilip H anes. O . B . S m ith and little daughter, o f Spencer, spent T hursday here. Mlif.>;es A n nie , E lla and M argaret C lick, ot Statesville, were here for the picote T hursday, M r. and M rs. R a y Clem ent, of Asheville, visited relatives here the past week. M iss M ary G lb b s, of Reldsvllle, is the euest o f Miss Iv e y NaU. A , K . Sheek, of Bow er's H ilt, V a ., spent several days in tow n last week w ith his m other. M iss M vrtle G rah am , ot States vllle, spent last week in tow n, the cuest o f M iss O cta H orn. T om m ie S tone, o f A tla n ta , sgent last week in tow n w ith his m otb<r M rs. F . M . Johnson. M r. and M rs. E^ L . G aithe r and danehters. Mlsse.« Jane and Doro thv,’ left M onday for Leesbnrgr. V a „ to spend a few days w Hh M rs. G aithe r's sister,;M rs. H , H . . T rundle. M rs. D ouscbka Af^ams of South C arolina. Is v isitin c her m other, M rs. E . H . P ass, near tow n. Clefeg C lem ent w ill leave" in a few davs for A tlanta, where he eoes to enter a business college. M iss G ertrude Terrell, o f RaK eleh, is v isiting in th is city, tVe Riiest of M rs. A . T . G ra n t, Jr. ■^Mlss G ertrude P alm er, of Alhe* m arie. Is th e euest of M iss M innie Coley. M iss C lara F ord, ol Statesville, was the guest of M iss M ary M e­ roney last week. M iss G ussle Bo'oe, of Davidson, returned hom e S u n day after soen- d ln g several days In tow n w ith friends. C . F . Sheek and daughter, M lfs F annie, of V irg inia , soent oart of la«t week In tow n w ith relatives. C . L . G rang e r, o f C harlotte w ho . bas been spending some lim e here w ith his parents, returned hom e last week. Misses E v e lv n Sheoherd and E lizabeth Sherrill, of Statesville, were guests of M iss B onule Brow n 'la st week, K im b ro u g h Sheek .who was burl b adly hy being h it b y a train Us) W ednesdav, Is getting along 6oe. O . C . A u s tin , of StatesW Ile, wa.« in tow n for the picnic,; D o n 't th ink he got b u t tw o meats,, iju t he left w ith a b o x of rations under one a rm . w earing a broad smile. H r. and M rs R . B . H enley, of R ich m o nd , V a ., were am ong the picnic visitors here last week. - Dr. M . D . Klm hroug:h was taken to L o n g ’s S anatorium at States, vllle last tveek for treatm ent. G eorge E verhardt carried bia w ife'to a'S talesvllle hospital M on­ day to undergo an operation. T he 32o d annual M asonic picnic, held at C lem ent G rove T hursday, was a h ie success lo every way, Between.^1200 and $1500 was clear, ed for th e O x ford O rpbaoape, Rev. Walter C.lMnhmir. TaTloravllle.'N. C * 'Be still, and k uo w n th a t am God.**— Psalm 46:10. G o ous somewhere and meet w ith God W h e re throngs o f people do not trod; W h e re distance shuts aw ay the the sound O f m en, m achines and th ing s around W here crystal streams reflect the skv W ith clouds that float calm ly by; W here mosses grow along their brink A n d you m ay sit and deeply th in k . Be still and let G od soeak to you B v cooling breeze, sparkling dew , W H ere flowers bloom and birds sing &weet A w a y from noisy tow n and street; B u t if you cannot flee from these A n d 6ud the quietness of th e trees. T hen seek a room w here all alone. G od pours out blessings from H is throne. Be still, O weary heart and m ind, O soul that longs sweet peace to find; T ake G od 's good W o rd , and page b v page. Read w hat has m ade the saint and sage; T hen in the stillness o f the n ig h t A sk G o d to m ake v ou r nathw ay brig ht, O r In Ihe day w hen d u tie s urge A sk G o d to keep v o u In th e surge. Be sllll, for nofby (s th e w orld; W hose business banners fly an. fnrted; W hose modes of travel bid for speed A nd m any w ant and seek the lead; W hose games excite, who.se plea«i> ures th rill. U n til m en’.s heart and sonl grows 111; S o traveler on the shores of tim e, Be still and seek G o d 's grace sub. lim e Be still and m ed'tate and pray A n d reKt v our nvrves from d a y to day; R enew your strength, refresh your soul. W here traffic's noises do not roll; W here G od reveals H is holy w ill T o tho«eswbo listen, ualm and still F or In the secret place o f prayer God' alwavs meets H is children there. Lay Down Your Shovels Dear Fellow Traveler;— I have the distinguished honor of being m em ber of a com m ittee to raise 50 B illion dollars to he used for the pnrpose of placing a statue o f T ru ­ m an In the H a ll ol Fam e In W ash. Ington. D . C. W e have oeclded not to tease It by olacing It next to W a sblng io n, w ho never told a lie. nor ne x t to L incoln, w ho l.< know n as **Hone«it A be” nor next to T hom as. Jeffer. son, w ho spurned a third term . T h e com m ittee was in a quand* ary, b u t after careful deliberation it was decided to place Ihe stature next to C olum bus, w ho after all. did not know w here be was going did not know w here he was w hen he got (here, no r w here he bad been w hen he returned hom e, b ut did the w hole trip on borrowed m oney. T he Inscrlotlon to be engraved on Ihe T rum an S late w ill read: " I pledge allegiance to H a rry T ru m an and to the Indebtedness for w hich he stands, one m an Indispensable w ith cortupilon for all.*' Five Ihousand years ago Mcses said to his oeople, "p ie k u p your Rhovels, m o unt y our asses, lead voiijr camels and I w ill take you to the Promised L a n d ” F ive thou- and years later T ru m an said, **Lay d ow n your shovels, sit on vour donkey, lig h t u p a cam el, th is Is the Promised L a n d .” I f you are one o f those w ho dare have any money left after taxes ere paid , we w ill expect a liberal con. trlbutlon. Sincerely voura, ,A Fellow T raveler. In G renada C ounty (M iss.) W eekly. SA M E F E E L IN G ? Visitor: “1 can't tell you how delighted 1 am . M rs. Giles. M y son, Reggie, has won a scholarship."Farm er's W ife: “ I can understand your feelings, m a'am . I felt just the same when our pig won o medal at the agricultural show." Regular as Rain Some doctors believe in shock treatmenta—m ailed out the first of every month. » 's the Truth Sttln* and wishln*W on't im prove.our fate; tlie Lord provides the fishes, B ut wc gotta dig the bait. D iplom at H im : **Wm you, m arry m e t” H er: "N o. b u t I w ill alw ays a4> m ire your taste.'*; Souoda Better City Banker (visiting the farm ): **I suppose that's the hhred m ao."P arm e r (who has visited banks): *Tfo, that's the first vice presiden< in charge ol cow s." B ig Eyes M ore people die by the spoon and fork than by the gun and sword. $64 Questton "O h M aw , there’s a fly in my coffee." “O h P aw l don't be selfish. How- m uch coffee can a little fly drink?' T H E BUSINESS C YCLE When Sm ith walked into his friend’s office he found him sitting in his chair looking very depressed. "W hat's the m atter, old m an?" Sm ith asked solicitously. "O h. just m y w ile," his friend said. '*l%e's engaged a new secre* tary for m e.""W ell. there*8 nothing so bad about th a t," Sm ith said. " Is she blonde or brunette?" "H e ’s bald ," Ihe friend answered. Vicious Circle A m arried m an's idea of monot* ony: giving dictation all day and getting It all evening. N ice Father G irrs lather: "Young m an. we turn out the lights at 10:30 in this house."Boy Friend: "Gee, that's darn nice of you, sir.** And W ho Has Both? . Women and money are both alike. If you don't keep them both busy tfiey lose Interest. Unusual Courtesy Cop: "H ow did you knock him dow n?" D river; " I didn’tl I pulled up to 1st him go across and he fainted.''' SP E C IA L HAN DICAP D uring an am ateur golf touma* m ent, a- contestant w as seen by one of the tournam ent officials driving off about two feet in front of the tee m arkers. "H ere you can’t do that,' aaid the official. "Y o u're disquali­ fied.*'"W hat fo r?" to u te d the golfer. "W hy, you’re driving off in front of the m arkers." "A w , g'wan back to the club* bouse," said the disgruntled golfer.third strokp "*T m playing ray 1 %adio Hoaxes Not Confined To Americans W ASHINGTON, D. 0 . - C o m lr books, science fiction and juvenile radio and television programs seem <0 have conditioned the American people against radio hoaxes .<;incc 1938, but citlzcns of other lnnds~ lacking .such cultural achievement! —m ay still be victimized. Lalesl people to be alarm ed by r "M en from M ors" scare were tlw of Thailand. A Bangkok radio rr>' ui'nm celebrating the blrthd.'iy of tb T h«‘ Royal Air Force warned th: Ihe "w orld is faced by calamh- cnuscd by dangerous rays from an n'licr pinnet.” !t was hours later before all list- ! crs were reassured that tlie an- •uimi.-ement was pure fiction. "W ar of the Worlds'* M«n3t famous U.S. radio hoax w.^‘ OrFon Wollcs* stunt on Halloween in.l8. A| that tim e Welles brond cast a network thriller adapted from H. G. Wells "The W ar of the W orlds." The show was billed as a dram atic program and was ex* plained at both beginning and end. Nevertheless, the story of inva- sion of men from M ars, carr'ed through interplanetary space In a cylinder that landed in New Jersey, started something closely akin to national hysteria. Some listeners wrapped their faces in wet towels in llcu of gas m asks scientists set out to find the M artian cylinder; at least one big newspaper assembled its staff for an invasion extra, and newspaper and police telephones were hopeless­ ly clogged by an apprehensive pub* lie that wanted to know the worst. W ith explanations, the flurry soon passed but the technique for scarm? the public via the air waves re* m ained. It came into play with new twists—mostly atom ic—after World W ar II. Irate Parisians ITie general director of the Prencli N ational Radio was replaced be cause a 1940 program warned that wave of disintegration set off by its was rolling east across the Atlantic. Like the Welles program , this one was announced as fiction but tlie French listening public did not appreciate the broad* cast and troops had to be called to protect headquarters of the radio network from irate Partstans. N ot as fortunate as the French radio personnel were occupants of the building that housed station ^ Q R X in Quito, Equador, after a...... ...............................Anangry m ob burned the building, kill­ ing 15 persons trapped inside, be­fore troops restored order. Even the traditionally placid Scan­ dinavians were not im m une. In Sep­ tem ber of a spcciai program on the Swedish radio, announced as fictional, told of hivasion of Sweden by a foreign power. In some places the home guard was mobilized, and thousands of persons pre­ pared lor trouble before they learned that the broadcast onl>* recalled the Napoleonic invasion ol 18)2.TtSS OK MO Our County And Social Security Bv W . K . W hite. Jvlanager., Tliere comes a time when each of us muse ask these questions: What is going to happen to me ivhcn 1 am too old to work? What w ill happen to my family when I die? These are vital matters af* fecting our lives and the lives of tho.<(c close to us. The primnrv purpose of old'age and survivors insurance is to pro­ vide a foundation of fam ily prO' tection and to minimize the ser­ ious financial results of old age and premature death. During its 15^ years of operation, ic has be­ come the Nation’s basic familv in­ surance program. It Is insurance for which ue pay during ourwor* king years. For the retired work er at 65 or later, it is an assurance of a definite Income. In the event of death of the younger worker, it is real orotcction for his widow and children. No communitv can afford overlook the serious financial pro« blems which confront its families when their income is reduced or eliminated as a result of old age or death, at any age, of the bread' winner, tach community is stren- gchened by the stabalizing cflects of the m illions of social security dollars coming into local business or industry. Benefit payments help to build familv security, and a communitv whose fiuniltes arc free from economic insecurity is a strong community. Monthly payments t o t a lin g thousands of dollars are being made to many persons in die area serviced by the Winston*Sal* em social security office. W ith­ out these payments earned by wor­ kers under this contributary sys* tem, the ability of many people 10 pay for necessities would be dras­ tically curtailed or entirely ended These payments are making it possible to keep families together and, at the same tim e, lessening the drain on both public and pri­ vate welfare funds. A representative of this office w ill be in Mocksville again on August 27th, at the court house, second floor, at 12:30 p. m .. and on the same date in Cooleemee, at the old Band H all, over Led­ ford's Store, ac 11 a. m. A browbeating lawyer was de­ m anding that a witness answer a certain question either in the nega­tive or affirm ative. ■ " I cannot do it," said tlie witness. "There are some questions that can­not be,answ ered by a *yes' or a ‘no,’ as any one knows." " I defy you to give an example to the court," thundered the law'yer. The retort cam e like a flash; "Are you stlU beating your w ife?" N atural Failing The trouble w ith most of us is that we are too lond of people who agree w ith us and with food that doesn't. GALLANT JU D G E ISie w om an called to the stand iras handsome but no longer young.* The Judge gallantly In­ structed. "L e i the witness slate her age, after wftieh she m ay be sworn.** NO ALM ANAC A U.S. Weather Bureau lora- , caster at the W ashlogtM Natioa- ial Airport reported that a w om aa .called up one day la M arch to ask what the exact weather would be on June 18. She was planning a bang-up outdoor wedding for her daughter. "W e can't look that tar ahead," Uie weaUiermaa toM her. "W hat's the m atter w ith you people?" she snapped. "H aven't you got an a lm anae t" Seen Along Main Street By The Slreei Ramblftr. 000000 Frank Smith making Plantation Lime Julips—Gray Sheets carrying baby dog around town M r. and M rs. R . A . Coon getting ready to leave town—M rs. W . F. Robinson and daughter Jane, and Nancy Cheshire motoring down to m ilk shake bar—Young fellow trying to get Avon street girl to take him for auto ride—R . P . M artin conferring with chief o'f police— George Rowland and C, I, W il­ son talking things over—Jack Mc­ Clamrock and Buddy Stroud busy consuming three bottles of orange ade—Tom Towell trying to work his wav across Main street—M rs. Norman Chaffin and little son visiting around in the temple of justice - Bryan Smith leaning a* gainst parking meter on hot dav —Miss Josie Foster riding in big cat across the square—Miss Jean­ ette Smoot modeling new fall foot­ wear—Lena Cornatzcr and Carol M iller roller skating around'town Vkith thermometers in the high nineties—Miss Mary Foster look­ ing at glassware and china in G ift Shop—M rs. I. K . Sheek doing some afternoon shopping—M rs. Kenneth Dwiggms sitting in park' ed auto near court house chatting with friends—M rs. Leslie Daniel transporting three bottles of coca- cola- M rs. Johnson M arklin do­ ing some afternoon shopping— Sheek Bowden and M ilton Call leaning on Chevrolet auto talking things over—Ed Lagle standing on street comer smoking cooked cigar—Mayor John Durham tak­ ing in cash on Main street—M rs. Roy Holthouser mailing big pack­ age—Miss Mary Jane McClamrock busy counting cash-Am bulance hurrying up M ain street and high­ way patrolman motoring south down M ain street—George M ir- tin and Claude Hicks discussing coming events on bank comer— Mesdames John Kim ble. Robert Smith and Raymond Foster eat­ ing ice cream in drug store white hungrt man sits at table looking on—Stamey Edwards talking a- bout going to picnic—R . S . Coi- natzer parting with Steel engrav ing of Abe Lincoln—Country lass wearing pink dress, standing in front of drug store eating cone ot ice cream—^Mrs. Leon Beck hold­ ing small daughter in front of a- pothecary shop on not afternoon —M rs. W orth Hendriclu rolling baby in baby cart down Main street—Miss Glenda Madison talk­ing about missing the big picnic— Mrs Ralph Graves doing a little morning shopping—Miss Ella Mae Nail counting big bunch of dol­lar bills. Boss' W orry" Em ployee: “Boss. I cam e to see if you could raise m y salary ." Boss: "G o back lo work and don't worry. I've managed to raise each pay day so far, haven't I?' Notice to Creditors Having qualified as Adm inistra­trix of the estate of G . C . Dwig- Bins, deceased, notice is hereby Kiven to all persons holding claims against said estate to present the same, prooerlv verified, to the un­dersigned on or before the 12th day of August, 1953, or this notice w ill be plead in bar of recovery. A ll persons indebted to said es­ tate w ill please call upon the un­dersigned at Route 4, M ocksville, N . C , and make prompt settle- B ESSIE D W ll of Augu IGGIN S, Adm rx. o f G . C . Dwiggins, deceased. ByA.T.GRANT, Atty. Shoaf Coal & Sand Co. W e Can Supply Tiour Needs IN GOOD COAT,, SAN D and B R IC K C all or Phone U s A t Any Time PH O N E 194 Form erly Davie Brick &Coal Co SILER Funeral Home A N D Flower Shop P h o n e t 1 3 S. M ain St. M o cb .vm e, N, C . Ambulance Service PAGE TWO THE OAVIB RECORD. HOCKSVILLr, C . AUGUST 27, 1952 THE DAVIE RECORD. Evils of Alcohol , Is It True? Court In Session S S r k S C . F R A N K S T R O U D , E D IT O R . O u r frie n d Preston E (c h is o n ,' Is ic tru e tliac a D nv ic C o u n tv ' T h e A u g ast rcrm w h o h as been in th e U . S. N avy new spaper actually charged the pcrlo r court convened fintered at th e HoHtnnire inMockB- ville, N C.. M Seconrl'plnsp M all m a tter. M arch 8 . 190». I fo r m a n y years, sends us som e U n ite d D ry Forces 50 cents an w ith statem ents fro m N avy m e n as to in c h fo r advertising? T h e g o od a nd S o licito r , ....... .................. w h a t they th in k a b o u t alco h o lic people o t D avie C o u n ty s h o u ld scculing* A b o u t 300 cases are o n M arklan^ S. O., th e docket, b u t m a n y o f th e m w ill Myers, Eva -have to be c o n tin u e d for 1a ^ o f N. n f n™ l.- 9,1 M ilcliell Odell .. 1 I/S C o m t, C. 1'....................... ^Of D avic hu-cnraon ....12 10.60 Crews, H. I- ............- m incd M o n d a y Hendrix, A. E„ Jr......... 1.91 8.M Dilworlli, V. I....................« beverages. H ere are a few: ' m ake a no te o f this. ‘Se lling liq u o r to service m e n ’ SUBSCRIPTION RATES: OME YEAR. IN N. CAR0MN4 S «.RH SIX MONTHS IN N. CAROLINA 7Sn. ONF YEVR. nUTStnE STaTI- ■ *2,00 SIX MONTHS. OUTSIDE STATE • $1.00 T he cham eleon blow s neither h o t n o r cold o n tho p ro h ib itio n election. H e seems to be astride th e fence, n o t k n o w in g w hich side to fall on . R e m e m b e r nex t Saturday N election day in D avic C ounty . C hoose you th a t day w h o m you w a nt CO serx'c — G o d o r m a m ­ m o n ? R ead v our B ible, consult y ou r pastor a n d cast votir vote as y ou r conscicnce dictates. D on*t forget to go to tbe polls a n d vote o n Saturday, A ugust 30ch. T his is the day th at D avie C o u n ty w ill vote o n w hether we shall co n tin u e to sell beer, or w hether we shall closc the beer saloons th ro u g h o u t the county. V ote as y ou r conscience dictates. lu d B . H o v ic S in k p « .id i„ B “ ois u S & S ' a , s r >ollcitor J. A llie Hayes pro* Long, C. G.............-......... 75 43.56 Hancline. Robert & 9.42 Campbell, M rs Jle u W . 4 « S- - Cope, Cll»rl=5 W ------- 3 j3 .« ^ lota 1o!30 3 ^ lots 30/» 17.301 lot I lot , , „ tim e, as w c have o n lv o n e w e ek Vein ' ! ! ! IM o r alcoholic bcvcm gcs lik e beer. C o n U C O f g C term o f c rim in a l court. causes m o re illness, accidents, a b ' sences a n d inefficiency, a n d h in d - : ^A^u„. 1 Les«*-‘r P* M a rtin , o f thisers th e w ar effort a n d delays vie- city, w as o n e o f t h e 159 applicants tory. . 1 feel th a t selling a n d legal- fo r law licenses w h o passed writ* izing a destroyer to m a n k in d is as te n p o rtio ns o f th e ir b ar examina- Shu , Shu Shu cr, Glennr. J. Ihvipht . r, W ill C ...~ 1021Vj10 & Sallic A. ■■ 2 lots .89 Hines, Mrs. Linda ......... 2 lots 26.10 nolliian, Clyilc E. ..... 2 » lots 27M SM G. D .H o t a „ ...............V l o t . 44.96 &51 &20 2.24 ITolnwa, Mnxnlcne M . .. 34 lots 6.18 16.96 Holnmn, W . H................ 3.1 1J94 P O K T A X E S .O K T H E V E A . 1 S ^— «. Wayne ................. 8 loffi II.2? Notice of Salt of Land Imlu,; jo?m"w. . O P 19B1 A S P R O V ID E D B Y Zimmerman, Elmer T. .. 70 h u rtfu l as a llo w in g a sm all b o m b T h e R ecord is h o p in g th a t A C T S O F 1927, A N D A M E N D - C OLO RED M B N T S T H E R E T O . iluirsion, Jefferson .........2 Un.lcr requirMnents of acts 1927 j-fairston. Mary. Heirs .. 6— - ^ « hihI subsequent amendnicnis thereto, viairsion Mollic Est. 516Phillips Has Polio _ noon, In front of Ihe courthouse door Mason, Catlicrinc .............4 _A lle n P liiilip s , 17, son ot M r. ;in Mocksville, N. C , sell for unpaid Mason, Sam. Heirs .........S*A w . » .wi,u ..n d M rs. CiiUi>. W . P h illip s, o f : laxcs due tlic Coimly of D.ivje for the Mason, W illie B...............I jotn tfx . nnnr vvK<^ vv'ic «-irri<id J'cflf 19SJ, I IC foJImviJiff l»iids as sct Mornson, Foy .................JVaEgypt, 30?5 out below under township subheads Peebles, Joe Jasper .........2% .ron anuth- ° ‘V“ ,!he acreage a n d _ ™ „ , . of taxes JE r SsA LEM Brown, Odell 9%Lead ty, Was :li. H alf 16.01 Livengo^t J* 1.0.^ Lons. Esther . 41 2.19 McClamrock, A. M . ........ 17.9 5.20 McOumrock, W alter S. 1 lot U 7 Nichols. Roy L ..................41J4S.60 Plotl, M ilton .................. 34.22 poplin. Henry T. ............ 1 lot2.43 Powell. Knox H ................ 1 lot .34 Shoaf, G. A........................ S lots4.17 Smith. A. U. ....................14 lots in o u r w .ir p lants o r o n sh ip G eorge w llllo c a te in his o l.lh o m e go o ff.'* " lacob B. T avlor, O h io . 'A lc o h o l and veneral diseases arc tw in enem ies o f service m e n .” — M aurice C raig. 2CO.COO cases o f beer o n a le n d a n d lease sh ip b o u n d for Egypt. 30?^ nm l^ ^ ^ ^ im d ^ lo w ll^ Iiii^ - T ^ 2^4 m Yi. K Z:..:. 2 jots of cargo space for beer o n anoch- to H o ^p ltal la b p v e e k , has amounis of taxes j £ r 6s a lE M W alker. G. G.^....^........... ot n • vv; 11 \\; i i i i ► p o lio , according to diagnosis by being shown opposite each name m Name Aerei Amount W alker, W . S., Est........ p o tcr. D u rin g W o rld \\ .ir 11 1 hat- doctors Tl\«rsday. T he cuse was ! which the tax is listed. Adnms, Mrs. Mary .... 4 lots $ 1.37 Ward, John J .....................41 ed to see beer a n d w ine for Alas* classified as “ m oderately severe ” These taxes may be paid on or Alexander, Clarence ..... 8 lots 27.99 Waters. S. E..................... 1 lot ka, w h ile food and necessities re- ' il3 W s . V : -....... ............=“ m a in e d at d o c U ”- A „ th o n v De- i l C . i c a ^ CALA H ALN . . & IS fiA c ........ I f beer wasn\ allow ed o n mili- 1 lot .27 2 lots n.5S 14^2 Whitaker. D. \C . CALA H ALN ............... ....... ............ ,Dnvle Rownn Hiiniu EcoiiiKMicTesohers' Name Acre* Amount Broadway. J. W ............... 6 met InihB Knckwcll Hume EeimumicB 1)6 ! ? c c h '......................,6 $ 8.59 Canupp, Mrs. Ola M ac,. 2 tarv bases m e n w o u ld n 't have the ,,nTtnieoi FtM«y, A uin T M ^to pUa iW r S y ' ' j : ^ n " ..................' Z 10% 26.34 Wiiliakcr,' R. T.., Jr. 23, 3 lots 41.06 W hitaker, W . A........* ots 37.86 York, N. S...................ots 22.57 C O LO RED hangovers and be useless the next i»roflrnm of work for the coniinii dcboo, peikcV, 15 Randolph. "Isa Louise Lowe, district Bupervls I Gaither, Mrs.^ Lee ....... 80 35.52 Carter, Victor W . 9.51 Clement. Est........ ....36 4.8 ia678.2427.6815.19 15.6311.2624.322.14 3.16 U 7 1.34 1.9t22.5228.56 ia 9 l 25.89 26.4718.56 11.34 ots 37.89 Allison, Leon G........... 2 ktts 11.50 .................................... .........-........................................ 22.92 Cook, W . Ransom .........2% ' or from GrfcnslMini. met with the tirnuo I^cHer, Joe Hcnly ........272 (Bal) 49.94 Corrcll, George. C............30.41 w as b orn m a p o o r neighbor-, ^ M u . I Z Cecil K........... SS ■ ^7.32 Corrcll, Mrs. W . I C .......^ lot 1 lot ots 36/W Prown, Hannah ................ t lot • ol .W Brown, Mary. E s t ........ I lot22.66 Clement, Alonzo, Rst........19%29.13 Cockcrham, Clifton ........ 1 lot T he D avie C o u n tv tax race is o n e o f th e low est rates o f anv c o u n ty in th e State, For m any years th is co u n ty m anaged to pay all its debts, b u ild roads and bridges a n d keep th e schools ru n ­ n in g w ith o u t any beer taxes.. T he sam e th in g can still be d one. T he brew eries get th ousand s o f d o l' lars a n n u a lly fo r th e beer shipped to this c o u n tv - a t least five tn ne .^ asm .,dh as we get out of beer' ^ ^ ........................... -StaBB, Chicago. i O u r c rim in a l courts* tw o term s “ I am glad "E tc h ,” as we call a year, several years ago, consum- h im , asked m e to say w h a tl th in k h o o d . f f j .t o r v w o r ^ r s g iv ™ t o ; beer d rm k m g . . a n d as a boy 1 mlttees are: Procrnm of work. Buie C O LO RED Daniel, Roy WasC OLO RED saw th e heads ot n in e o u t o f 12 Lmdis: AImn Hudson. Mt. blln; Lnnna Clement, Fred .3*1 D,-»Uon, Nick 14.67 Dlllnnl, Alfred, Est. •W Dulin, Charlie L......... fam ilies in o n e block d ru n k a n d Sides. Ea«i S|»nee,i Jo Al«,ii.der. Muck. Cjemeat, fighting. S o m e s a v v o u can't get ^ 14Vj. 17% , Ruth WlHwrd. Chino Grove, Soclnl. Julia Su,",|event. Richard . 1294 _ Daniel, Roy Washington 8 lots 56.21 Dulin. John Lewis .........2.37 D<ivis. Irvin ................. 2J^(Bal) 4.35 Fo.stcr, Alberta ...............17.09 Deadmon, G. H .........- 22, 8 lots 40.41 Fowler, Thomas T........... Criiither, Charlie A........... d ru n k o n beer. I saw the bovs gp^^cer; Nnncy R«ibroek. Cuolee Turner. Fred .......20 a n d m e n get d ru n k , a n d w o m e n , m 'e; M aiiha C«ul.le.Gr«nUft Quarry. Ku C LA RK SV ILLE to o (in th e service also. T he state-1 lure Home makers of Amtricn. Ann lidll. Name Acre m e n t th rt p ro h ib itio n has p r o d u c Woodlesf; Doro- .................... ed these c o n d itio n s is an absur I « r e h e r . Ci«v«ianrt:Uc»l« .Morrison '...................! 38%, , , , , , , I The mfiKtlng adjourned to meet Septem> '' • dity a n d pure b u n k . If a speed h*, ,7,h. «t Oiolcemee. sone law is enforced, so can coun- 17i20 Dedmon, L. C., Sr.13.72 79.8, 3 lots18.53 Ellis, Paul lot 76.27 Oaither, Frances .............21.55 Gaither, Frances, Esl....... 83.4 1 lot 1 tot 1 lot 1 lot1 tot2 lots 1 ot 3.562,16 2.67 ia31 17.19 6.315.68 1.66 1,59 8.42 5,91 829.62 ^33 Notice— Commissioner’s Re-Sale of Land tieek, W alter Tafl .Heck, W ill ........Bowles, T. M. . Gunter, Litizcy ..‘ones, S. A........ ordun, J. H ......lichael. A. W .Maylor, L. F. Under and by virtue of an order of pousi Jimie F. J , .1 . re^saie o f the S u p e rio r C ^u rc o t Reavls, Roger ..................ed b u t fro m tw o to three days, alcoholic beverages is d o in g to Qavie C o u n ty , m a d e in a special ^ » W ith beer saloons in D avie Coun- o u r m e n a n d w o m e n in service. I proceediiig e n title d *’N . B . D yson, tv a nd liq u o r stores In Solisburv fe%.l it is h e lp in g to destroy those A d m r. o f A . M . M cC lam roe k , De- " " " d o L O R E D a n d W inston- Salem , o u r crim in al m o ral tru th s w c lecrned at h o m e .' " '.I''" '' 'V-,.*''.................... , courts usuallv ru n five days and It is a false escape » h en h om esick, ‘ at ™ ^ ^ % th e n d o n o t d e a r the.dncket. T he sad a n d discouraged. I feel ih a r noon, at the Counhousc door in Mocks- „ 6.46 Forrest. W illie ........... VA lots 19.71 Gaither, hilia, Esi......................... Foster, Mrs. Frances % lot 10.57 Gaither, Ro.sa & Esther 1 lotAcres Amount Foster, Totm ................36, 1 lot 53.86 Gaither, Thomas .............. 1 lot$ 76.58 Foster, S. T., Est............197.6 99.86 Garrett, Sara J.. Est. .... 1 lot 11.51 Foster. T. R....................... 1 tot .Ifr Grant, Mo*clla N.............. 1 lot 40.90 Foster, W illlard E ...........154 72.63 Hairston, GcorRc ............ 2 lots 19.05 16.95 Godby, G. C. ................42, 2 lots 50.69 Howell, Luther ................. 1 lot11.81 J* S. .................. S 1.37 Hudson, Susan, Est......... 1 lot8.28 Hmkic, D.illas ................. 7 lots 8.51 Huilson, Tom16.69 Hot^ffcs, Paul R ~:....~ 390 1 95 ^ I amc.s. J. C.11.41 Hodges, Mrs. Paul E....... 6U 92.13 I21i2 Howard. Roy .................... 2 lots 21.13 I19.91 Ijamcs. Glenn ................... 1 lot 9.7-1 2 .. 15.4 21441 .. 29 .135 . 3.3 .. 88 .. 2 .. 75 16M .. 2 > J, Joseph ................. , Jj 1 lot 1 lot 1 lotames, .........................ames, Joseph W m . &Annie M . Watson ..... 1 lot 14.79.7911J612.99 9.14 26.79 Lagle, W . C................76.9, 8 lots 77.55 McMahan, Ernest ..........13%33.90 Lmk, Eugene .................... 4 lots 4,14 March, Ernest .................. 1 lot8.98 McCullough, Chnard F. J6 27.79 March. Jessie Lee .......... 1 lot31.76 McDaniel, C. 0 .................. 79.55 55.11 March, Troy A ................... 1 lot 32.TO McDaniel, Robert L .... 53 40.87 Martin, Albert .................. 16 5.S8 Myers, A. M . .. .............. 13.8 5.97 Mason. James .................... 2 298.46 Mywa. Captam A.............. 2 lots 24.74 Mayfield, C. T................... 1O'Neal,. W ilbert -........... 3.4 11.86 Neeley, Golden ................ 1<5.05 Page, Lawrence 4.64 2.78 10.97 14.68 16.44 9.97 ots 1.66 ot 13.47 ot 12.24 present court, n o w in session, has it sh o u ld n o t be p erm itted o n ville. N o rth C aro lina, offer fo r re- Amwwortby, B. R...........2M.7 164.20 Safret, Maggie Crotts ..I 13% ll!27 Steele,’ Fred W . a b o u t 300 cases on the docket, bases o r legalized by counties. 1 sale to th e highest b id d e r for cash, n.'iiley. James H.............. 4 lots 2.75 Sprnman, W . H. .......... 1 lot 30.46 Tabor, Calvin .. ^............. 1 lot 10,22 Parks, D «rey .................... BWg. 23jiS\m P«erce, W illiam S. ..... 2 lots 10.92 Rhynehardt. Thomas ......ISO 49.248.62 Reeves, W right (Owned by Rose, Charles, Est. ....... 1 lot 1.03ijW ^'liW ’Gurl.cy) .... 4 ots .66 Sanders, Tzell ................. H o t 4.99 Aeref Amount Ridenhour, Richard E. .. 1 lot 17.56 Smoot, Elisha L................ 2 lots 8.00- - ------ u , 1 lot 11.33 .... 2 tots 14.11AiKjui. j w i.«i9ko *Ji, iiic uui,ivut, i^ir 1. »iiie lu m e iiijjiicsi U luuui iu( kuaii, jauica ............... t .w.a «.rw w,t _ ..............................................— w ith a b o u t h a lf n r mort- cases in- T h e D avie R ecord w o n ’t this certain tract o f la n d ly ing ...........V " ^?S5 ’ ' 31% g lots 2516 V ^!!r?!o!!’ &............... 5 S volving drunken diiving. reckless ‘-X M -t^-ille Town- "bhujr"'...:;::::::i^.9 4 ^^ - ------ ^ ‘ d riv inu etc up , D avie C o u n ty . W h a t has a nd ship, D avie C o u n ty , N o rth Caro- Q,rter. James .................. 4 lots .69 c . , _ 31%, 6 lots 25.16 VanEaton, M ary _______ 3 .84Swicegood, Harry G., Est. 1 lot .69 Wilson. Jolin Oble 1 lot 19.80u p , u a v ic o o u n iv . w n a c n a s a n o ship, U avle b o u n ty , IN orth «^aro- jamcs ................ 4 lots .69 T u tte r^ , Julius C........... 34 29.99 SHADV n R O V e is h ap p e n in g to m a n y counties iina, a d jo in in g D u tc h m a n C reek Oiiidlc & W hile ..............2, 2 lots 12.06 W a j. Est.............. 9 2.75 Name Aerei Amount can hap p e n to you. V o te it o u t a nd H i,?hw av N o . 1 5 8 , a n d Cook, W llie Z c b ............. 5.3 17.71 Walj, Wrfhe ................... 2 loU I9.7S Raiiey, b. R...................183% $ 7.06 o f your cou -ty.”— Jo h n R yback. moi c jHu ticulurly described aa fol- Crews, E. D. ..................25 18.W w .u - ’ ...................... -J |'f Bailey, R. R. Est..........10, 1 lotN o rth e m , 111. low.s: Sithrc l, C. F. ................. 1 . .69 3| j j » j«iiey. B. R. & Edith M .’ 3% M rs. Id a M ille r T atu m , 84, died “A lco ho lic deverages arc h u rt Begiiinlns «t an iron stake on the D ^lm l'w . A. l . ”. Z Z Z 38 w h !? ' V* t" ................... ^ A u g . 16, at her h i m e at M ocks^ in g m e n a nd w o m e n in service Sin thwi-st side of IJ. .S. Highway No. Econoni)^ Homes .....i f William^^ d riv ing , etc. Mrs. Ida Tatum ville, R o u te 4. after a short illness, c o m m u n itie s as m u c h as narcot- 15S jjiul runs iNorlli 13 ilcfs. Hast Gousli, G. L. • .......2214 S.15 She h ad lived there for th e past A . B rw c n , N a sh v ille , .« c ) elis. to .m iron »tako; tl.ci.ca “ZZ 3.1 IW ? W jlljams, 56 vears a n d was a m . n.l er o f Tennessee. X„rtl. Itt .log». i;«»u 2.40 cl,s. la an Gregory, Harold C -....... M S ’ " 'v W .ll.ams. e- F or lack o f space w c were n o t stake on the hnnk of Dutehiuan l-ianes. Harrison Est....... 9% able to p u b lish all the com m e n ts Creek; tliencu down said crock Sotilli ------- is John F. .........J .......Junie .....................29*04 Williams, T, E ............. H.16 ^ C OLO RED■2.06 Cnrson,, Adam 11.20 Chunn, George . i-»: r i i jJHMcy, w. i\, or jmuii. . .._7« H e Barueycastle. W , T, ........lOH o i l W . A...................'.1031 1a! ?’S Cornatzcr. Lonnie .......... 7.3% Cornatzer, R. C. ........... 657.6 Cornatzerl Z. C. E s t ...~ 1 lotirt iV.4. To5 ^-«^nalzcr.Crews. J. C. .. 78.4 41.65 cre^vs. W . L. 1 lot 1 lot Chunn, Harding ....3.02 Chunn. Hubert ......1.72 Clement, Hubert .. 5.80 Clement, Jesse .. Jerusalem B aptist C hurc h ^ sent US. O u r th ank s are due o u r 30 degs. Kasi I i-hs. lo un iron stiike; tV‘ *; M rs .'M a M ir& L. a S h e was m arried A p ril, 1897, to friend b tc h iso n for fu rn is h in g us ihenco down said ci’et-k Soulh 60 dags. ' 22 A lb e rt E T atu m , x\ho; died in the.<c lctt.*rs fro m N avy m en. Hast o..'jO dis. to an iron stake midur Hepler, Annie Lee .......... 21Q40 :lie bridge on U. S, Highw ay No. JS8; Hillnian, M p . John L. . . 1 lo. ..................... S u rv iv in g arc a son, E . C ar! I f B ob think.'! the gond people llV™ ' ' ‘ Hmrilnl’, L ^ n in i .........3-K " Clement; Mrs.” W C T a tu m C o o le e n ^e ; tw o daughters. w H : ; S 1 = ' ; f ^ lot M rs. H arry B. M oore o f States- ‘ ctio n to get rid o f w ine a n d jo tho plaec oC beginning, contain- James, S. C...............................-...51 viDe a n d M iss A n n ie Pearl T atu m iiijf 12.8.5 aercs more or less. " iJ o f t h e h om e; a half-brother, Er- j" ’® “ ''“'P hiroxicants, he T his the 21 d»v o f A u .w s l, 1952. nest M ille r o f Spencer; six grand- ” m ighty sorry o p in io n of the N. B. D YSON , Cojumissionor Lakey, R. W . ..................................... 6 lots child re n. good citizens o f D .ivie C o u nty . ila ll & Zauhary, Attys. M c Q a n n m rj D ..............98 Funeral services were conduct- ---- • --------------- . . ....... ._r-:jr=>r=-=-------' t;: Miller, Kenneth H ............106.8 ?. E V E R Y O N F W E I C O M E i r » Smith, G ray'.................. 7 19/SO 37.04 1 U ( - ? U K Smith, Isaac Rob ............ 13 245% 8.4914.3426.1638.02 ia45sa691.371.729.0032,61 34.93 Davis, Mrs. Annie Burton 6%9J>7 Davis, T-Inlwrt H . ......_... 1 lot _____34.82 Etchison, W . B.......... %, .1 lot 36.18 « •- Hartman. E. M . Est.......118% 37.45 . 1 lot 1.97 Hendrix, Mrs. W . A. 2%, I lot 11,95. 1 lot 9J2 Howard. Charlie W . ..... 5 25.212 lots 48 was in th e church cemetery. Mrs. Carrie Orrell 4A3 Davidson, Fred H ..............126.08 Foster, Fannie. Est...........2.425.47 Foster, R. C .....................1 lot7.73 Foster, W illiam _______.649.56 Fowler, Jasper ...................3%4.62 Hairston, F. C., Est; .......4 13.43 Hairston,- Raymond D. 1 lot47.63 . Hairston, Raphef .............1 ot25X)2'Hall, Mrs. Cassle. Est. - 1 lot1.03 Johnson, George .............152.40 Johnson, W . F. ...24.78 Noble. Alex ............Payne. Delose W . ...........1 lotPayne, Kelly .......................1 lot Peck, James -...................40 9J2 Howard, Charlie W . .......56.86 Tarvis, Mrs, L. B...............46. ^ Jolly, G. W , ............... 1420.38 McD.*inicl, Bruce E............110.45 Mock, E. S.........................5.81 2-75 Mock, Mrs. Fannie Est. 1 lot tS lt ..............410.95 Myers, W . A.......................7% 5 .^ Orrell. Miss Lillie B. .. 6%2.75 Peebles, Mra. C. D............1.842.66 Potts, Lonnie .....................M14.84 . Spry. Elmer W . ...............2.1S.64'VoRlcr, W . F.......... 1 lot5.96iVoglcr, W . T. M rs. C arrie O rre ll, 74, o f near H O M E C O M I N G A d v an ce, d ie d at 9 o ’clock S u n ­ day evening, A ug . 17ch, ac the M ockav ill N ursing H o m e . She V V 1 1 6 3 * 0 / h id been critically ill for a w eek. x i t r i 1 t H e rh u s b a d d i.d a n u tnb e r o f W h c n ? O U n d a " ^ A u g f U S t 3 l s t . years ago. ■* * Survivors In clu d e tw o daughters Smith. Richard B............. S%Soflcy, Marie & Ethel Cook Swcaringcr, Charley G. 70Tucker, George N........— 1Webber, C. B. & L i b e r l v M e t h c d i s t C h u r c h ■ COLO RED J. F. Moutsinger ........., Willi;liliams. Robert .45 ____________Bowman, Clarence ......... yi Brock, A. L........................ 2' Eaton. Alta ....................21 3/5 Allen, Charlie Allen, Rosa M trlf P.m n,»ll S u n day S ch oo l at 9-45, pre achin g at 11:00 o ’cU»ck. D in n e r ...........toM rs. M ac k P c n n e l o f Tavlors* groun d s betw een 12 a n d I o ’cl .ck. Evcryon-.* b rin g th a t w ell 31 ville , R o u te 2, M rs. L u uie Zim m er- fiHuJ, packed d o w n a n d ru n n in u o\'er basket. W e all lik e to eat, so Jlcklcs, Alexander, jr. .. 1 th u r R ip p le o f W e lcom e, M rs. H .:k to tlie B ible a n d to G o d . L et’s all trv let- March. Lucy ................. U . O akes o f H ig h P oin t, M rs. tin g G o d have H is w ay. M en hav.* m ad e a mes< .uri f iilu r.‘ o u t o f \ B srth a M o to n o f '^^ashington, D . everything, for w ith o u t G o d w e are n o th in g a n d can ilo n o t'iin ‘», so )i|,J.„eliari| T h o m a r""Z 2 P anA M rs Sat B aker nf H?..k try reading the B ible m o re a n d arr. n d in a chu rch .services regularly. Smoot. Ambers C ., a n d M rs. b a t B aker o t H igh ^ f a ll, let us try three ..^mes dailv a few w ords o f prayer. Spillman. Nick^ . . . . . Let's w ear o u t the knees o f o u r p;M ts insre.ul o f the scats, a nd we Slcclc. John F une ral services were held last „ ill w in in T S m 'M r s .......................... T uesday afte rn oo n at 3 o ’clock, at T U C * R E T 1 7 R F I F r ' l ' I O N A l i n T U liil. Ella & Charlie" 12 E lb a v liie M e c h o d is tC h u re h , w ith * t l C - O V . ^^cst, Glenn ....................12> R e v . W . E . Fritzgcrald officiati .g. T ho se w h o w ork fo r th e d e vil c jo iv .t pray, b u t die y can feel th; West. L. R. a n d th e b od y laid to rest In the W ith m o ne v a n d the devil y ............. w o rkin g o n o n e side, a n d G o d o!» ours, wi* w ill b«; b o u n d to w in . wiscman, T. M................ 2 12 2............... ^................. -1 lot Siudcveut, Nathaniel .... 1.26 Talum, Mrs. Bernard .... 1 lot 12VIm10 FULTONAerea 3.503.43 11.6215.83 11.29 6 i025.97 9.60.696.12 15.14 &S531.29 10.6116.85 18.32 16.63 9.00 1.37i2 3.09 .52 .9614.85 8.67 7.974.393.0920.14 .97 11.85 6.64 7.192^424.924.39 7.17church cem et.rv. The weapon tliat is inoro pnivert'u' than rhe atom bomb is tlie weap M rs. O rrell was a resident of o„ of praver. Chiistlan sister. C l. •istir.n brothei-, our pr.iyers are N«m,this city for several years and ha,l „-orth more than all the beer monvy in the worl J. toward wmning “ W ....... “ . » many friends here who were soriv „ r election, and w ill win the war quicker than all monev or bombs c, ....Z x i 3S7to learn ot her death. ■ ' > • nn .viM rs? tin the world. A R E YO U P R A Y IN G !Burton, Bobbie Lucian .. 2 Pruitt, Sell Quentin ....JM Ronsseau, William. Est. 2 lotsShannon, Lymas ........... 4 lots 27.55Vension. Lonnie ............. 1 lot 7.08W alker, Zeola .............. 1 lot 5.65 Watkins, Samuel —.... 4 H 13.71 W i Hams. Jasper M .........63% 39.59W ilson, Maggie ........«... 2 lots 4.94M O C K SV ILL E T O W N SH IP Name Acre* AmountAllen, Q vde .....................71% $ 29.52Badey, Carl ...................... 1 lot 7.66 3 lots 16.98 I W ard, Mary Henrietta*'''. 3 I .5-?$ Williams, B. G. ............... 38i>lZimmerman, W . J. .......15 Allen, Coyette°.^°!!.f.™ 6'AIDulin. Lillie ... 2 Ellis. Collette ....... ’ 25 Flynt. Stella ............... i ]ot Fo.qter. Emma Est........... 5Hairston, Henry Est....... 4 *Motley. Fannie ............... | lotScott, Clifton .................. Ijij 10.191M3 16.8756,739.22 25.21 &34 13.71 7.94 12.951.7210,38433I.8S 18.702.538.7471.02 1J 8 8.07 19.03 34J6 7JM2.58 1,00 ,82 22,19Z066.271.03.34 10.73 K A TH LY N R E A V IS , County Tax Collector. 6J6 Lafest published figures show that Camel li America's most popular clgareHe by the widest margin in cigarette history I Try Camels for 30 days ond see for younelf why Camel leads oil other brands — by feffMensf •I ■ TH E DAVIB RECORD, MOCKSVILLE. N, C. AUGUST 27. 1962 P A G B T H R B B THE DAVIE RECORD.M r. and M rs. Aldcn Taylor and children, and M r. and M rs. K . B. Graves and children spent last O M eit P ap er In T h e C ou nty week at M yrtle Beach. N o L iq u or, W in e , B eer A d t NEWS AROUND TOWN. Mrs. Mary Peiaro returned last week from a visit with relatives and Mends in Baltimore. Harry Childers, of Petersbui V a., and Hugh ChlldersI of Rl M issO paLashm it,pf Winston- Salem, was the euests ot Miss Jane M arklin Wednesday an d Thuisday. M rs. Ernest Kluttz, of Char­lotte, was the Saturday guest of FO R SA LE — Barbe W ire & Galvanized Roofine.Miller-Evans Hardware Co. FO R SA LE—Grade Guernsey milch cow. JOHN BRO W N , M ocksville, Route 2. Miss Nancy Bessent, of Char­ lotte, vwis the recent guest of M r. and M rs. L . M . Graves. M r. and M rs. Bryan Sell and children spent last .\eek taking in the siRhts in New Orleans. M rs. George Rowland and two children, Jane and Robert, visited relatives at Due West and Ware Shoals, S. C ., last week. M rs. Harry Kosma, of R ich, mond, V a., Is spending a month in this city, the guest of her daugh- ■ ter, M rs. Dennis Silverdis. M rs. David Layton and son, David, Jr., of Greensboro, spent several days last week in town, guests of M rs. M . J. Holthouser and fam ily. M rs. George Fielding Ellio tt and Miss Mary Hodges, of New York C itv, and M rs. Ruth Bordne, of New Jersey, have been spendii mond, V a., were Kuests of their her parents, M r. and Mrs. J . S. sister, M rs. Henry Taylor one day Braswel, Jr. last week. , — '■ * ■■ M r. and M rs. Cecil Peoples and M rs. W . M . Pennington return- daughter. Miss Doris, returned ed last week from a visit with her Sunday from a motor trip to De­mother, M rs. W . F . Poindexter, at troit and other cities.Asheville. Her mother accom- ------ panied her home and w ill spend If you have the welfare of your some time here. county and the vo'ung people at ■*— heart, go to your voting place next Miss Shirley Shell, who Is in Saturday and vote to close the training at Berea Col lege School of beer saloons in Davie County. Nursing, at Berea, K v ., is spending '■ ■ , ______________ ...a month with her parents, M r. We wonder why the gospel „ i,j,e , write Z. Care Davie Record and M rs. Carl E . Shell, on the singers were billed to sing at Rich appointment.Statesville Highway. Park on the same day and hour - Miss Lucile Taylor, of Route 1, spent last week at Carolina Beach. WANT ADS PAY. FO R SA LE O R R EN T-$25 00 per month. W rite or call R . M. H A R D EE, 'phone 6617, Gaston- ia. N . C . Anyone wishing to work as a nurse’s aid. between ages of 1845, ----- thut the prohibition rally was'. REPA IRS-Plum bm g, pumps.Ellio tt and Miss held in Mocksville High School motors and elwtrical appliances. report for duty. After his basic training he w ill take a years course at the A ir Cadet Training School. M rs. George F ............................... ..........................Mary Hodges, of New York City, Auditorium?M rs. Ruth Bordne, of New Tersey, m and M rs. J .p . Hodges of Route, ^ D u ll,, of Route 2, has 4 ,w e re W e d n e s d a v evening sup- j i d j h e A i n y A ir C orps, a ndgj^SuestsofM r.and Mrs. Luk= '„ n t to Bartoi Fla., last week to M r. and M rs. Archie L . Hausard,M r. and M rs. Sam Hausard and Miss M yrtle Hausard; of Knox­ ville, Tenn.. spent several days last week with the Smoots in Mocksville and Calahaln Town­ships. _____________ Marklin-Latham M r. and M rs. W illiam Marion M arklin, of this city, announce the engagement of their daughter,Jane Frances, to Samuel W . Lath­am, son of M r. and M rs. Samuel R . Latham, also of M ocksville. The wedding w ill take place on October 26th. __________ Schools Open Today Davie County schools are sche- Contact N O RRIS FR Y E, Mocks­ ville, or call 165-W . W AN TED —Poplar Lumber 4x4 Log Run and Clear 2 j. E LK IN FU R N ITU R E CO . Elkin , N . C . some time with their mother, M rs. J . D . Hodgra, on Route 4. M rs. Helen Rimmer of Sanford, Grand W orthy Matron o f die Grand Chapter, Order Eastern Star, spent last week in town, the guest of M r. and M rs. Roy Holt­ houser. H all Drug Co.. have ptjt in a , newsodafountam whlch is 29,^ em and up-to-date, replacing a the earliest date that the schools fountain which had been in use have opened in this county since for the past 16 years. They are the memory of man runneth not ready to serve vou the best of “ T tlm S lr l^ e a f e fountain drm ks, icc cream, sand wiches, etc. Cooleemee schools opened yes'-—----- , . , terday and w ill close Monday forHelp save the lives of both our Labor x>ay. young and c^der people by going , to the polls Saturday and voting for God and Country—to remove the sale of alcoholic beverages from our county. One life eaved cannot be computed in dollars and cents. Miss Helen Smith was the win­ ner in the "Name Them” contest last week. The soldiers were Grimes and Gilm er Beck, B ill and W orth Hendricks, th e Foster brothers, Kerm it. Quiton, an d Norman Sm ith, Magness Howard and John Foster. ’ C . T . C . Holland Chaffin and M rs. Chaffin and children, who have been stationed at Kodak, Alaska, for the past two years, are spending a month in town, guests of his mother, M rs. T . N . O iaffin. M r. Chaffin w ill be sta­tion^ at Sheltenham, M d.. at the expiration of his leave. F . E . Peebles, Davie Farm Agent for five vears, has accepted a pO' sltlon as field representative for the Yadkin Valley Dairy Co-oper­ative, with headquarters In Wilkes- boro. Leo W illiam s, assistant agent, w ill succeed M r. Peebles on Sept. 1st. The Record is sorry to lose M r, Peebles and fam ily, but . wish him well in his new work. • Homecoming at the Bixby Pres­byterian Church w ill be held on Sunday, August 31. D r. Robert King, former pastor of rhe Bixby Church w ill conduct the morning service of worship at 11 o’clock. Sunday school w ill be at 10. Tbe picnic dinner w ill follow the 11 o’clock service. A n afternoon service with special music is being planned. A ll friends of the Bixby Presbyterian Church are cordially invited to attend the homecoming festivities. Joppa cemetery, near this city, w here the father and mother of Daniel Boone are buried; is kept, in fin^ condition from a small fund which has been left by friends to help keep the c c m m ry mowed and looked after* fund is deposited with Bank ot Davie. Anyone having relatives or friends who are buried m ails old Presbyterian cemetery, aiid who want to assist in keeping it in good condirion. can send their contributions to R . B . Sanford,M ocksville. A ll donations w ill be appreciated. Princess Theatre TH U R SD A Y & FR ID A Y Ann Sheridan In “S T E E L TO W N " W ith John Lund & Howard Duff In Technicolor Added News & Cartoon FO R S A L E -A good 6-room house with 3 acres of land on San­ford avenue, with 10,000 feet oak and pine timber. Fruit trees and I good barn. Lights and water, with ’ electric hot water heater. See SAM F . B IN K LE Y , M ocksville, N . C . SA TU R D A Y George O’Brien In -G O LD EN R A ID ER S” W ith The Three Stooges Added Serial & Cartoon M ONDAY &. TU ESD A Y ■•THE S C A R LET A N G EL” W ith Yvonne DeCarlo & Rock Hudson In Technicolor Added News and Cartoon W ED N ESD AY •‘T H E M AG IC C A R P ET” with Lucille Ball &. )ohn Agar In Technicolor. Added Comedy &. Carton DAVIE t»UNTY-S BIGGEST SHOW VALUB ADM 12c and S.'ic SEE US FOR T RA C T O R GAS or Deisel Power U- nits, Mowers. Rakes Plows, Harrows and Anything you need in the Implement Line. For the B EST in Quality, Best in Price, Best in Service. Hendrix & W ard nopi^i 'or • •e cov\ y nnr triitn: ivn? , oft or movi ‘ny b: >ds i:- nnir' OSS R •pytnn ?nt? W IN STO N -SALEM H IG H W A Y_________________________________icni 1?•e nr»\ ’won' ►K S IM P L E A U r«ro « lis w * f a ille , designed ♦ w y « r t«41or*d tM rdrobe. The jewel n e c kline la b f a b r t i M band th f « d 9 t tin t M v llM d b— 6 Irtm. Colors: troMi, firean. Red. Gold. •M jr, M agnolia, P ink. Black, P urple. $izm 92 to 38 T h e G i f t S h o p Mrs. Christine W . Daniel PH O N E 241 M O C K SV ILLE, N . C . To Our Many Friends in D A V I E C O U N T Y W e Are The Oldest Fuel Dealers in Davie County A nd Have Now Added Fuel Oil And Kerosene To O ur Line. This Oil Distribution Will Be Under The Supervision Of Mr. Fletcher Click. W E HAVE AM PLE STORAGE TANKS New Truck, And All New Equipment To Give Yoii Complete And Satisfactory Service At All Timeis. FO R PROM PT A N D EFFICIENT SERVICE CALL 116 OR I79W O R D E R Y O U R F U E L N O W M o c k s v i l l e I c e A n d F u e l C o . assist K—ne begun the practice "ST law in Monroe after obtaining law license. He is President of the Union Coun^ Bar Association; past President of the D istrict Bar Association; member of the State Bar and the American Bar Asso­ ciation. M r. Love is former attorney for County Board of Education; for­ mer Chairmt'Ci of Board of Trus­ tees for Monroe City Schools; member of Monroe M . E . Church; member of Board of Stewards and teaqher of Men’s Bible Class* M r. Love was reared on a farm, and he has never lost interest in firm ing activities. He is verv much interested i.i soil preserva tion, diversified farming and cat­ tle growing, and has been very ac­ tive in civic activities. Davic County w ill no doubt give Hon. W alter Love a good ma­ jority in the November election. C . B Deane, our present Con^ gressman. has been a great friend of Harry Trum an, a man many folks in Davic don*; like Our County And Social Security Bv W . K . W hite. Manager. Workers and their fam ilies now have greater financial protection tmder social security than ever before. Beginning with the month of September, retired workers 65 or over now receiving old-age Insur­ ance benefits, w ill get more mon' cy. Monthly checks, to survivors of most insured workers who have died also w ill be increased. These larger monthly checks are the re result of the 1952 amendments to the social security law enacted oti July 18, 1952.. if asked just how much these increases w ill amount to in dol lars and cents for workers and their families now receiving old- age and survivors insurance bene­ fits. I would like to pointout-that the amount of the increase w ill vary, but the new law provides generally for a 12^% increase over the present payments. Most peo' pie now receiving old-age . insuir osrer talking about voting in the beer election—M rs. Ralph Ku r­ fees buying children’s shoes in dry goods store - M n. Mack Kim * brough and sm 11 daughter doing some afternoon shopping—^Leslie Deniel cleaning up cash register, getting ready for big fiill rush—> Miss Bonnie Peoples driving new Pontiac up Main street - C arence Grant talking about hot, sticky weather before the cold wave ar- rlved—Small girl leading small dog down Main street—Chas. W . Woodruff doing some early fall campaigning- Miss Nancy Glass­ cock hurrving up Main street— Miss Jane M arklin bidding friend goodbye at bus station—^Thomas lefferson Beck talking about mak­ ing about making trip to moun- talns—David Koontz chatting with friends on street cornet—M rs. W . P. Hendricks buying belated wed­ ding gift—Miss Mary Foster do­ ing some before Christmas shop­ ping—Gilm er Brewer and Lonnie Wagoner talking about what is in store for the country—Miss Car­ men Greene looking over greet­ ing cards M rs. Dwight Myers purchasing belated wedding gift— Mrs. Tom Bailey W oodruff doing some morning shopping— Olena Groce buying two boxes of pop­ corn—Miss Amy Ratledge shop­ ping around towu on rainy day— Miss Hazel Baity doing some fur­ niture shopping at Farmers Hard­ ware & Supply C o .-Jack Vogler rambling around town greeting old friends. In Korea W ith The 7th Infantry D iv. In K o rea-P vt. David Reavis, whose wife, Vernell, lives in Cooleemee, N . C ., is now serving with the 7th Infantry Division on the west central front in N o.th Korea. Private Reavis is the son of M r. and M rs. David M . Reavls. of Cooleemee. He entered the Arm y in January, 1951- Notice to Creditors Having qualified as Admlnistra--------/ o n — Portable Irrigation Systems You Can’t Afford To Be W ithout OneFree Engineering Service See, Call Or Write Leinbach Machinery Co. Route 1 Winston-Salem Phone O ld Town 537 ' PAGE EOUR THE DAVIE RECOKD, MOCKSVILLE N. C.. AUGUST 27. 19B2 IHfle People Should Never Be Annoyed WASHTNCTON, D.C. - Nle^ttlm e ■is the tim e for the little people to be abroad, dancinp their danccs. doing their work and repairinp dama{[« done by ordinary people. Nowhere is this belter known than in Ireland. There the little people are hoiisehold fnmilinrs. T h e r e m any floors are not swept between 5unset and sunrise lor /car of dust* ins tho tiny i'ucpt‘5 out the door, and there food is left by dwirstep or hearth when ordinary people go .to bed. Ire lnrd ’s lillh* people are mostly benovolcr.t. even ••.opeful. and guilty only of innofont inlschiof, such a; hoopin': buth'r churning, oiteasinji luirvtJi* in the ytables. In he Cr;».s,vcd But iho !ittlp {'2op!o .are not to be cro.*s;c:i- be they Ic.n'cchiun.s. thr shwtnal'.cr.s nr.ci of treasurein the fairy woi-iii. or imy of tiieii numerous kinfolk.A captured lcprcol»aun. if heir firm ly and loo’avl stniiqht in the eye, has no choice but to tell thr location of buried gold. But he i tricky, and can always divert otten Won. When his captor glances awa;> —as the little m an w ill n^ake hin-. do».the leprechaun disappears, n« m atter how firm ly he is held. There is a recent news story of ; leprechaun mound on the yj'ounds o. a housing project near Limerick W orkm en orderecl to bulldoze th« m ound refused. They had no desir< to di.sturb and displease the littl« people. Outside workmen were called in and soon had the hill half removed That night the mound was rebuilt The newcomers then wisely aban^ doned the job, and the project wn> built around the mound.The worknten were only follw^^ iars a n o u ailv for'^che beer shipped CAH W U NAME THESE M EK CBOSSWlOiME A prfcc o f $1.00 to th e first person sc n d in s In th e ir correct nam es. * The Statesman Lesson for August 31, 1052 PO LIT IC IA N is han who A goes into politics os a man soc.s into any game— to win. We wants office, wants people to vote for him . popularity is his stock In trade. A statesman, on the other hand. Is not Temembcred f o r t h e n u m b e r o f votes he com m and­ ed, nor (or the num* her of times he was electcd, nor (or the particular titles he held. A statesm an’s claim to fam e is not based on w hat he did .(or himself, but on w hat he did for his countrj*. That is why a '^statesman is a dca<l politician/'. Some tim e has to go by, before it can be finally said whether any particular politician's career w as good for his country or not. Achieving U nity tn A V ID , K ing o( Israel, has been ^ dead long enough now so that wc can w ith great assurance call him a statesman. W e saw a few weeks ago (Aug, 10 and 17) that Saul faced m uch the sam e problems that face nations today, but (ailed to solve them, largely because he was the wrong kind of m an. David had the same problem s; but he solved them. We m ust rem em ber that I d k f a o d p u f r M . ” . , , 20110 law is enforced, so can cc.to c o u n tv ~ a t le.ist five t.m e.s, a s m .,c h as w c « « o u t o f b e e r: j ., . ^ n .............................. ! Stagg, C hicago. -a O u r crim in al courts, tw o term s a m glad “ E tch," as w e ” a year, several years ago, consum * h im , askod m e to sav w liat 1 tl ed b u t fro m tw o to three days, alcoholic beverages is doinge a W ith beer saloons in D avie C oun- o u r m e n a n d w om e n in servii*'^' (V a n d liq u o r stores in Salisbury fcvl Ic is heipitiR Co destroy a n d W in s to n 'S u le m , o u r crim in al m o ral truth s w c lecrncd at hcbe- courts usuallv ru n five days and I t is a false escape w lien hom e^’g®® th e n d o n o t clear rhctdocket. T he sad and discouraged. 1 feel \ a present court, n o w ii^ sc.'^sion, has it sho u ld n o t be perm itted Ity a h o u t 300 eases on ilie docket, bases o r IcRalized by c o u n d e s J” a m ulad T h e D avie Record w of; advertise w ine an J beer. ^ up, D avie C o u n ty . W h a t has at, is h ap p e n in g to m a n y counti^ can happen to you. V ote It o«. o f your cou ity.”— ^John R ybaci N o rd ie m , 111. . ' 'A lcoholic deveraftes arc h u n W'ith a b o u t h a lf ('r m ore cases in* v o lv in g d ru n k e n driving, rccklcss drivlnti, etc. Mrs. Ida Tatum M rs. Id a M ille r T atu m . 84, died A u g . 16, at her h i n'c at Mocks- in g m e n a n d w om en in servic. ville. R o u te 4. after a short illness, c om m u n itie s as m u c h as narcO; S h e h ad lived thcTc for the p.ist A . B n v e n , N ashvlll. 56 vears and was a n v n il cr o f Tennessee. Jerusalem Baptise C u r c h for 55 ^ b l l ^ ' p u ^ & t L T c Z ^ e " 4 sent us. O u r thanks arc d u e oO S he was m arried A p ril, 1897, co friend E tchison for fu rn ishin g A lb e rt E T atim ), w ho: died in the?c Ictt.’rs fro m N avy men- sJrv iv in B are a son, E. C arl I f B ob chinks the Rood peopl T a tu m C oo ie em ee it,vo daughters, 'vho signed a p etiti,.n to call a> M rs. H arry B. M oore o f States- <’f " ’h 'e an. v ille a n d M iss A n n ie Pearl T atu m ^ o f th e hom e , a half-brother, Er- P i " r o x i c a n t s , h. nest M ille r o f Spencer, six grand- '’ =>» “ 'h.c h ild re n . good cm zons o f D avic C ou nty . F uneral scrviccs were conduct- ed at lerusnlem B aptist C h u rc h at 11 a. m ., A u g . 18th. by Rev. E. W . T urn e r an d J. W. K le in . Burial was in the church cem etcrv. ] Mrs. Carrie Orrell M rs. Carrie O rrell, 74, o f near A d v an ce, died nc 9 o ’clock S u n ­ day evening, A ujj. 17th, at the Mock-ivill- N u rsing H o m e . She h a d been criticallv ill for a week. H e r hu sb a J died a nu m b e r o f years ago. Survivors include tw’o daughters M rs. M ac k Penneti o f Tavlors* ville, R o u te 2, M rs. L im ie Z im m e r­ m a n o f d ie h om e; tw o b»'others O d e ll T h o m p s o n o f W ashin gto n, D . C ., a n d C harles T h o m p s o n o f M ocksville; four sisters, M rs. A r­ th u r R ip p le o f W e lcom e, M rs. H . U . O akes,j>f^t^j|di I w ant a verdict of guilty," said C arlton Owen in U.S. district court turning down a directed verdict of not guilty.H is testimony led a jury to find h im giiilty of failing to register un­der the selective service law. ?he Incident drew from Federal District Judge C arl A. Hatch the commen*- “ This is the .-nost unusual ease Tve even seen. I've been practicing law-for 40 years. Tve never seen a crim in al defendant refuse to accert a verdict of not guilty.” Judge H atch directed (hat Owen be exam ined by a psychiatrist be­fore sentencing. 33. Voknnte rock 24. PftradlBe25. Girl's nickname27. Not Arm 20. Of a variety o( tartaric acid t2. Partly fuflcd Ingrcdlenta of glass 84. Performer 89. Sacred pictures muss. Ch.) 8«. Piece ot land 87. Part In aplay E V E R Y O N E TO H O M E ' , W h e r e ? Liberl: W h e n ? Sund: S u n d a y S choo l at 9 4 5 , preac, the grounds betw een 12 a n d 1 o'. Blled, packed d o w n a n d runnlnu- let’s all b rin g a little extra along w ill be k in d < no tig h co com e anr day there is go ing to be n great B' est q ue stion o n earth is» are w c r let*s get ready. T h e C o u n ty , Sta else except tu rn in g back to d ie f ..'ite'?...'’- tional good w llli but It was David's sUtesm anlike pollclcs that m ade the prosperity possl- Ths thfrd Idnd of security is mcn- intcrnai. and more a m atter of t!;> spirit tlian the sword, m ore of th m ind than of money. It is the nr tional security w hich can exist oul' where there is a luiited and unilinr loyalty on the part of the citizens David had the rare gift which a politician uses fbr selfish ends, a I statesm an for the sood of tas coun­ try: the ability to m aite friends out ' of potential enemies. FOR PURE CRYSTAL ICE C O A L F O R G R A T E S , S T O V E S , F U R N A C E A N D S T O K E R S It W ill Pav Y o u T o C all O r P h o n e U s. W c M ake P ro m p t D elivery Mocksville Ice & Fuel Co. P h o n e 116 M ocksville, N . C . U ST WHK'S ANSWER ^ - B B B 0 BID13H s ra Q B n n n n u B s d ia E H H n ^ B D nntacs [3p]n0a| □ □ DDS'’IH i3 ia i3 B E E H 0-198$.AneientmusicalInstrument41. Man’s name42. Dancer’s cymbals48. Undivided 40. Music noU T h e D a v i e R e c o r d Has Been Published Since 1899 5 3 Y e a r s O thers h ave com e and gone-your county new spaper keeps Koing. S ’>melime« it has seem ed hard to m ake “ buckle and ton gue" m eet, but soon the s u n shines and, w e m arch on. O ur faith ful subscribers m ost of w hom pay proinptlv. give us courage and abiding faith in out fellow man. If y«»ur n«-ighbor is nut taking The Record tell him to subscribe. T h e price is only $1.50 p e r year in the State, and $2.00 in other states. When You Come ' I o Town M»ke Our Office Your Headquarters. We Are Alwavs Glad To See You. THEY WOULD READ YOUR AD TOO, IF IT APPEARED HERE ♦ FOR RENT ♦ SPACE IN THIS.PAPER Will Arrange To Suit GOOD NEIGHBORS--PRICES TO FIT yOUR BUSINESS The Davie Record D A V I E O O U N X X ’ S O I - D E S T N E W S P A P E R - T H E P A P E R T H E P E O P L E K E A B ^E R E SHALL THE n^SS. THE PEOPLE'S RIGHTS MAINTAINt UNA WED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRfBEO B Y GAIN." V O L U M N T illl M O C K SV ILLE. N O RTH C A R O LIN A , W ED N ESD AY SEPTEN fBER 3. iQSa.N U M B E R 5 NEWS OF LONG AGO. W h at W as H appeninff In D a­ vie Sa^o^e PaiK ing M «ters' A n d A b b reviated Skirt*. (Davie Record. A u g . 30, 1906) Sanoyslde SemlDary w ill open M onday. Sept. 3rd. T he first story of the brick w ork has beeo completed od J .T . B altv’it Dew store. P rof. W . P . Eiclilsoii and fam llv, o f E lleoton, S . C . are visltlne bi;i parents here this week. M rs. E . H . M orris soent Satnr day and Sunday w ith her parents near Clem m ons. W alter Clem ent w ho has been sick for some tim e w ith m alarial fever, is ranch better. M rs. Jam es M artin died at her hom e in S m ith G rove M onday evcnloK. Rev. J . P. Rocers Is spending h is vacation at Carlersville» V a. C lifton M eronev visited friends io Staiesvltle the past week. M rs. T. P* Roeers and children are vlsltlnR relatives at Concord. Miss Leonora T aylor w ho is ct- tending Sum m er School at U nlver. sity of V lrc ln la . w ill return home the first o f September. She anti M iss Mar«;eret Bell w ill open school at the A cadem y on M onday, Sept. lo th . T hom as Bennet. of N ew Y ork, ■ has at last .«wcceef1ed In eettlne a location for his plant an<^ isbusvn* w ork preparine bis ntiUdins. W i‘ understand Up w ill erect a door, sash a lilind factory. IVTrs. Clem entine M nore, molb*** o f Register of D^eds J. P . Moore, died last T bnrsdnv. M rs. M oorr was 65 years o f «ee. H er rem airs were laid to resst Friday afternnoi in C hestnut S tum p gravpyard. th* funeral being conducted bv Rev. C. S. Cashwell. M rs. J , A . Llnt'ille and dangl’* ter Beatrice, visited at B. F . Stone streret’s la^t week. M r. and M rs, f R. Price, w ho have bepii visliitip their parent}* M r. and .Mrs. B. F . Stonestreel for some tim e, rstn'ned to Ibeir home at Concord Friday T hev wer<- accompanied by their sister, M ifs M argaret Stone.street. George Ratledge, of R . 1. w ho has been v^ry 111 w ith fever for sev­ eral weeks, is able to be out again. J . S. Green and Mls,s Stella Soa. fo ld , o f Jericho spent Sundav In M ocksville M rs Jane Stew art, w idow of the U te H . H > Stew art, died on Ihe 3ist and was laid to rest in Foek C hurch cemetery T hursday m om ioB . M r. and Mr.s. F . M . Carter, w ho have been visiting relatives at Fork C hnrch, returned to their hom e In Salisbury Sunday. Misa EflBe Brown la visiting her couslo^. Miss G ertrude G ranger at N o rth Cooleemee this week. M ack Fraley, w ho left Davie county ahout 20 years ago, is back on a visit to relatives and friends U Jernsaiem tow nship. T he protracted meeting closed at F ork Baptist church F riday. There were a large num ber of conversions and i6 accessions to the church. S J . W altz, contractor on the ^ J. T . B aity buildlnir* left for his hom e M onday. A sore hnnd forced h im to q u it work for the ptesent M iss R u th Bradford, of H igh P olot, Is the guest of the Mii H ege, at F u lto n this w eek. * Corn is 75 cents per bushel, and w heat $1.00 per bushel on the local m arket. H am s are brioKiog M cents per pound and eggs 12 cents per dozen. B etter call at this o ffice now an d g e t your land pos­ ters b efo re the supply is ex- . hausteJ. Printed on heavy ' card board* 50c. per dozen* Fountain of Truth Rev. W»1i« :e. laenliniir. Tav1orsvHIe.rN. C A liu le m an In the right Is far safer to follow thnn a great m an In the w rong. H e w ho Idles his tim e aw ay wIP leave no m ark upon the shores of tim e to bless the world w hen he l<« gone. L u x u ry and ease never m ake for greatness. Hardness m akes a good soldier and the rugged road In life’s goal. Those w ho fight the good* fight of faith w ill have no sad regrets w hen the battles of this life are over and the final victory is w on. T o be A soldier ttnder the flag of one's country m ay m ean th a t he shall have to fight and k ill In or. der to defend It, but to be a sold, ler nnder the banner of o u r Lord means that we save life In order to defend It, or In Its defence m ay give our lines. I t IS better to fill a lltfle com er In the w ill of G od than to rule a nation out of the w ill of G od. I f a roan’s occupation Is a ne. cesslty and a blessing, and lie ple­ ases G od In his labors, he Isn't llv . In g In vain. Those w ho pluck thorns and plant roses w ill have som ething lovely to look upon and Ih ln k a , hour as they go through life, for in doing so Ihev bless and cheer ihe lives of others^ A saint m ay not occupy a high seat in this w orld, b nt he w ill sit in a high seat in the next w orld, therefore it Is good to l)e saintly. Jesus prayed for H is disciples and tollow ers, w hich comes dow n to it« . todav, saying. ‘ Sanctlf*'^ them through ib y trnth; th y word is tru th ,*' bur m any cbnrchm en re« fuse to let this prayer be answered in ihelr lives. It i« more ble.s«ed, honorahJe and gloHims to be a holy m an on the footstool than a wicked m an on the throne. T he m an w ho upholds .sinning religion certainly has little Chris> tian religion to upho'd. M odernism is a wolf In sheep's cloihlng T Sete is a w olf w ithin when yon hear anyone d e o v ln e th e virgin blrih of our Lond Jeans Christ, and saying the blood of Christ l«n*t necessary for the clean. Ing of onr hearts, etc T o deny a tru th don't m ake it a falsehood. T o m y m ind the saint w ho pral« es God reveals more good com m on sense than <hose w ho scream them , selves hoarse at a bal) gaioe o f a political convention. I f a ’mon Isn't born w ith some com m on sense you can't load him w ith It In schools and colleges. Educated fools m ake poor leaders. T he m an who prays earnestly w ill accomnllsh more than the m an who preaches eloquently I t if better to pray earnestly and preach poorly than prearh eloquently and pray poorly. Shoaf Coal & Sand Co. W e Can Supply Vour Needs IN GOOD C O A L, SAND and B R IC K Call or Phone U< A t Any rim e PHO N E 194 Fonnetiv Davie Brick &Coal Co SILER Funeral Home A N D Flower Shop P hone 1 1 3 S. M ain St. M ocln ville. N, C . AmbulaDce Service DU PLICA TIO K An efficiency expert walked Into an office and asked the first claik he m et, “ W hat do you do liere?" "N othing," answered the cledc, who was obviously getting tired of efficiency experts. The efficiency e x p e r t m ade a note, Uien asked a clerk, "A nd you, w hat’s your Job here?'* **I don’t do a thing either.*' said the efficiency expert, "duplication." Fem inine Agents There arc three things a woman con m ake oul of nothing— a hat, a salad and a quarrel. Absohitely Right Two children were talking. "Know how to tell a lady worm from a igen* tlem an w orm ?” one asked.*'0h, sure,’’ said the other. "Y o u ’ve heard that a worm turns. W ell, If It turns without putting-out its hand it’a a lady w orm ." Nearly Always Dotty: “ A husband like youra m ust have been hard to find.’’ Ruth: "H e still is when I want h im ." Can't Miss A friend of ours was advising his younger brother, who had inquired as to the proper w ay to ask a girl tor a date: "Shucks, bud, there just lan’t any wrong w ay!" Big Difference j M illionaire to beggar: " B e 'o ff w ith you this m inute!"B eggar: "Look here, mister; Iht* only difference between you and me is that you are m akin’ your second m illion while I ’m still workin’ at my first.’’ M ight Be Dream ing . Youth: "D id any one ever tell you how wonderful you are?" M iss: "N o, I don’t think anyone ever did." ‘ i ' Youth : "Then I ’d . like ,to Mov. where you got the idea.’’ . j; DOUBLIi: INDEMNKTT On running over a chicken, thr motorist went back to the farm house to compensate the farm er for his loss. "W ould two dollars pay for her?” he asked. "F o r most of ’em. It w ould," re­ plied the farm er, Vbut maybe you’d better m ake it four dollars. You see. I huve a rooster who was niighty fond of that hen and I ’m afraid the shock m ight kill h im .” Right Hook-Up M any a live w ire would be a dead one except for his connections. Cold Idea Boxer: "H ave I done him an; dam age?" Disgusted Second: "N o, but keep swinging, the draft m ight give him a cold.” Pahre Privilege Legally, the husband Is head of the house and the pedestrian has the right-of-way. Both husband and (}«• destrian are fairly safe unless they try to exercise their rights. Sooner or Later Don’t worry about finding yow station in life; somebody will be sure to tell you whel-e to get off. D O V B LB DUTY The chief constable of a sm all home town was also the veterinary surgeon. One night the telephone rang and his wife answered. "M r. Thomas there?” asked aa agitated voice. "D o you w ant m y husband as a veterinarian or as constableT” 'Both," came the breathless ro-ply. "V/e can’t get our bulldog to open his mouth, and there’s a bur^ glar in it l" Farnier^s <|uesflon C o r n e r ! ^ W H A T A B O U T T H E D O W N C O W ? Q: W hat cnuBva cowi to ro ciown*.A: There are several caus^: amun. them are leukemia, acctonomln. mil! fever, “hanlwarv disease”, and nuiri tional deficiencies. Or the u-ouhI< may stem from fractured hono: nerve injuries and various pol.^oi): from Infections and food sources. Q: Are tliese diseases very <ii>adl,v'. A; Most ot them can prow (niu< Q i WImt KliAiilct tliu owner do if » cow Koun down?A: H is fii^i step sliould tH> l(- coll a x'eiiTina rlon, so the trouble can be diaRnoscd and comectlve treatment started While waiting for professional Ih*I|' It’s a good idea 10 cover the cou with warm, heavy blankets, bccaus in most of these cases the cow's icm pcrature usually drops. 1'his is c: peclally true of milk fever. Koo|>i:i: her warm helps her chance for • ro covery. Do not try 1.0 move the cn\\ as It may lead to further Injury an< complications.Q: Is tiicre any advntice warutii; that a eow is alioiit to ro ttnwn?A: In *nllk fever, tho cow oficr looks 'Uill and doesn’t like Io mov< around. In ..|cu1;c;'.iia. iSi^re may b> a swelling of \'ao Jyniph glands I: the neck. ecneral,.jvcr.t;re?s. loss o- appetite and a wnstlns a-.ay. '■H.iir ware disease" Is marked i)y a Id&s r appetite, Rrunting and olher synip toms.Q: flow succcssrut is irratincnt? A: it depends on the indlvidiia case and how quickly trcninicnj. i« stalled. -Modern .technintiop rro rti‘« saving many down cfws whlcli'v/ou' have been considered l:o;iclcr? rar a few years ago. NOTK—Duo Io space lirriiin:it»-- general questions rannol be by this column. T REA C H E RY A sailor stationed on a far-'flung U.S. outpost was noted for his loyalty to his fiancee. Then one day he received a callous letter tellini: him that she was going to m arry a 4-F, and would he please return iier picture. He was so upset by this treachcry that his buddies rallied to avenge their pal. A collection of phot<i- graphs, snapshots and pin-up girls was made from every fellow on lhi> base. They were packed Into a huge crate and shipped to the fickle wench. Upon opening the crate, she found a note reading: "Please pick out your picture and return the rest to me. This Is a little embnrrnssing*but I don't rem ember which one is yours."____________________ _____ Walter B. Love SEN D IT COLLECT M am a: If this telegram Is from one of our relatives, it must be bad news.M illie: How do you know? M am a: If It were good news, they’d send It eolleet. Boys and Gals The old m an ncglectcd to assist his wife out of the street car."Jo h n,” she said, "you are not Su gallant as when you were a boy.""N o ," he replied, "an d you're not so buoyant as when you were a girl, either." She was an optometrist's daugh­ ter: two glasses and she m ade a spectacle of herself. N E E D S B IS BUTTONS W ife: "H ow helpless you m en are! W hat would you do if there were no wom en to sew on your buttons for you?"H usband: **Has It occurred to you, m y dear, th at It there were no women we m en would need no buttons?" W alter B , Love, well-known attorney of Monroe, R C , is the Republican nominee for Congress in this, the Eighth Congressional District. Born and reared on a farm in Union County, and Is a graduate of the University of North Caro­ lina. He begun the practice of law in Monroe after obtaining law liccnse. He is President of the Union County Bar Association; past President of the D istrict Bar Association; member of the State Bar and the American Bar Asso* ciation. M r. Love is former attorney for County Board of Education; for* mer Chairman of Board of Trus* tees for Monroe City Schools; member of Monroe M . E . Church; member of Board of Stewards and teacher of Men's Bible Class* M r. Love was reared on a farm, and he has never lost interest in farming activities. He is verv much interested l.i soil preserva tion, diversified farming and cat­ tle Krowing, and has been very ac­ tive in civic activities. Davie County w ill no doubt Rive Hon. W alter Love a good ma­ jority in the November election. C . B Deane, our present Con­ gressman, has been a gteat friend of Harry Trum an, a man many folks in Davie don’t like Oar County And Social Security Bv W . K . W hite. Manaeer. Workers and their families now have greater financial protection tmder social security than ever before. Beginning with the month of September, retired workers 65 or over now receiving old-age insur­ ance benefits. wiH get more mon­ ey. Monthly checks to survivors of most insured workers who have died also w ill be increased. These larger monthiv checks are the result of the 1952 amendments to the social security law enacted on July 18, 1952,. If asked just how much these increases w ill amount to in dot lars and cents for workers and their families now receiving old- age and survivors insurance bene­ fits, 1 would like to point out-that the amount of the increase w ill vary> but the new law provides generally for a 12^% increase over the present payments. Most peo­ple now rcceivinR old-age insur­ ance payments w ill get about $6 month more; some w ill get more, some less. ' These increases w ill be made autotnaticnllv and w ill be includ* ed in the September checks which w ill be sent out at the regular mailing early in October. A representative of this ofEce w ill be in Mocksville again on Sept. 10th, at the court house, second floor, at 12:30 p. m ., and on the same date in Cooleemee, at the old Band H all, over Led­ ford's Store, at U a. m. Seea Along Main Street By The Street Rambler. BM iss Lydia H all talking about getting ready to enter college— Miss Frankie Junker visiting In dry goods store—Big fot boy shak­ ing hands with Henry Meroney^ Saleslady wanting to know what had happened to business in this village—Duke W hittaker standing in front of drug store all dressed up, with nowhere to go>«Bapti8C and Methodist clergymen stand­ ing on side of highway discussing coming events—Kenneth Uw i e gins driving big new Chrysler a- round town * Big man standing In froMt of department store try­ ing to hold on to his trousers— Two Thom asvillians wearing fu ll beards, dress suits and high hats, and two ladies dressed in fashions of SO vears ago, pausing for re­ freshments in drug store—Ed Lat- ta talking with friend under shade tree on bank corner-Boys ex­ ceeding speed lim its turning corn­ ers 0.1 roller skates—Miss Josie Foster talking about voting in the beer election—M rs. Ralph Kur- fees buying children's shoes in dry goods store - M rs. Mack Kim ­ brough and sm II daughter doing some afternoon shopping—^Leslie Dcniel cleaning up cash register^ getting ready for big fall rush-~ Miss Bonnie Peoples driving new Pontiac up M ain street - C arencc Grant talking about hot. sticky weather before the cold wave ar« rived—Small girl leading small dog down Main street—Chas. W . Woodruff doing some early fall campaigning- Miss Nancy Glass­ cock hurrving up Main street— Miss Jane M arklin bidding friend goodbye at bus stadon—‘Thomas ieffeison Beck talking about mak­ ing about making trip to moun­ tains—David Koontz chatting with friends on street corner—M rs. W . P . Hendricks buying belated wed­ ding gift—Miss Mary Foster do­ ing some before Christmas shop­ ping—Gilm er Brewer and Lonnie Wagoner talking about what is in store for the country—Miss Car­ men Greene looking over greet­ ing cards M rs. Dwight Myers purchasing belated wedding gift— Mrs., Tom Bailey W oodruff doing some morning shopping-Olena Groce buying two boxes of pop­ corn—Miss Amy Ratledge shop­ ping around towu on rainy day— Miss Hazel Baity doing some fur­ niture shopping at Farmers Hard­ ware & Supply C o .-Jack Vogler rambling around town greeting old friends. In Korea W ith The 7th Infantry D iv. In Korea—Pvt. David Reavis, whose wife, Vernell, lives in Cooleemee, N . C ., is now serving with the 7th Infantry D ivision on the west central front in N o.th Korea. Private Reavis is the son of M r. and M rs. David M . Reavls. of Cooleemee. He entered the Arm y in January, 1951. ^otice to Creditors Having qualified as Adm inistra­trix of the estate of G . C . Dwig- gins, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said estate to present the same, properly verified, to the un­dersigned oa or before the 12th day of August, 1953, or this notice . w ill be plead in bar of recovery. A ll persons indebted to said es­tate w ill please call upon the un­ dersigned at Route 4» M ocksville, N . C ., and make prompt settle­ment.T h is 12th day of August, 1952.B E S S IE D W IG G IN S, A dm rx. of G . C . Dwiggins, deceas<^. By A . T . G R A O T, A tty. 111