11-NovemberT h e D ayie "HERE SHALL THE PRESS, THE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS MAINTAIN; UNAWEO BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN.” V o l . X I. M O C K S V I L L E . N . C .. T U E S D A Y . N O V E M B E R 1 6 . 1 9 0 9 .N o . 1 9 . A Good Showing For Dixie. Do you know that the South’s agri­ cultural productisns now exceed the to ‘al value of the agricultural out­ put of the United Stages, in 188 '* and are almost as great in value as the total of the United States in 1890? Doyouknow that the South is mining more than twice as much bituminous coal as the United States mined in 1880? Do you know that the Southern railroads must spend $2,000,090,000 in ten years to provide facilities needed in Southern growth? • Do you know that the most com­ prehensive and remarkable ware­ housing system in the world is in operation in a Southern town? Do you know that the South is building two of the most remarkable railroads ever constructed in Ameri­ ca, and that one of them is the most unique ever built in the world? Do you know that the South is no w sgendifig $20,000,000 in building cot- Do you know that the Steel Cor­ poration having $50,000,000 invested in Alakma is carrying out vast im­ provements which will add immense­ ly to the prosperity of the whole South? Doyou know that good roads, which mean move for agricultural prosperity than anything.else before the public, are being built all over the South as never before at a cost of many millions of dollars? Do you know that all of the pres­ ent development of the railroad and industrial work in the South is only the revival of what was being done prior to 1860 on a relatively still large-. -W s which shows the inborn trait of Southern people to turn to industrial interests? Do you know that the South lost by emigration between 1865 and 1900 about 2,500,090 of its own white pe. - p’e, and that this was a far greater loss than the ruin and destruction by war; Do you know that this drain has largely stopped, and that Southern men afld boys are now finding more avenues of employment at home than elsewhere? Do you know that the tide of in­ vestment of American and foreign capital and the movement of popula­ tion is turning southward as never before, and that wonderful things are in store for this section? Do vou know that the biggest im­ migration movement in the country’s history is going on in Texas, where about 200,000 people a year are set­ tling, coming in from the North and West, and that this movement of population is tending to other South­ ern States as well as to Texas? Do you know that though the value of the South’s cotton crop with s ’'d is between $700,000,000 and „>800,000,000 a year, that value is less ’than a third of the total value of the South’s annual agricultural produc­ tion? ’ Do you know that with a popula­ tion less by 3,000,000 or 4,000,000 than what the total population of the United States was in 1860, the wealth of the South is $5,000,000,000 greater than the total wealth of the whole country in 1860? —Manufac­ turers Record. The old Gaither store building is being remodeled, new floors and ceil­ ings being put in. When completed, it will be a first-class business house. The two new store buildings will be completed some time this year, which makes three more store buildings for this city. _______________ Lame back comes on suddenly and is extremely painful. It is caused by rheumatism of the mus­ cles. Quick relief is afforded by applying Chamberlain’s Liniment. Sold by C. O. Sanford Sons Co. Up Against It. Beggar—Say, mister, would yonse give a pore feller a dime ter save bis lifel Stranger—I should say not. I’m an undertaker.—Chicago D. News. When a cold becomes settled in the system, it will take several days’ treatment to cure it, and the best remedy to use is Ohainberb in’s Coijih Remedy. It will cure quick­ er than any other, and also leaves the system in a na ural and heal­ thy condition. Sold by C C. Sau ford Sons Co, Fashion’s Foppish Fools. James Larkin Pearson. I would like awful well to be the fool-killer for about a thousand years. My first duty in that ca­ pacity would be to grab up the gccl of fashion by the nape of the necoj and the bosom of the breech­ es and slam him against the shriek­ ing face of nature so hard it would raise blisters on the bottom of the Dead Sea. ThenIwouId go over the earth with a fine-tooth comb and gather iuto a pile those mien . icopio mites of mortality who have spent their little lives fawning at the feet of fashion. I would rip their regulation rags off of their foppish frames, dress them in de­ cent duds and put them to work. The willing workers are the peo­ ple who produce the wealth of the world; and they are seldom known to get above their business. But the pampered plutocrats—those slimy social vampires who are too infernal lazy to do an honest day’s work, and who steal the life-blood from the veins of labor—they have formed a compact to ’ labor dishonorable, and to outlaw the very foundation of human exiat- auce. Tlie yoiiDg man who works for an honest living, ami whose wardrobe cannot boast a score ol “evening suits” aud a dozen high silk hats, is not allowed to bow and scrape among the “best peo pie” of the towD. Themodest type­ writer girl who works in the of­ fice of the millionaire, although her soul is as pure and spotless as the beautiful snow, cannot associ­ ate as an equal with her employ­ er’s dancing, dope eating, disrepu­ table daughter, in a hose eyes lie the sinister shadows of the prim­ rose path. I freely admit that working peo­ ple are not the equals of the kid- glove push, but they are ten thous­ and times the superior of those graceless, good-for-nothing, gold worshiping slaves of sensuality and sin. Just why these poor, miserable mud-lizzards of “sawsiety” should call themselves the “ best people” is a puzzle, unless they have refer­ ence to their superior skill and ac complishments in all the low-down devil begotten dissipations of mod­ ern life. The silk-hatted scion of society will turn up his nose at the solid old farmer who drives into town with a load of produce, aud I’ll bet a dollar you could scrape e nough material from under the old farmer’s toe-nails to make a dozen better men than the society sprout. Much as can be said in condem nation of the pantaloon racks of “society,” I believe the pctticoat- racks are still worse. There is a limit to the amount' of gew-gaws that a man cau get fastened onto his festive frame, but if any such limit applies to the other horn of the human dilemma it has not yet been discovered. I have seen wo men with a whole dry goods store flopping around them as they walk­ ed the streets, while a buggy wheel trimmed with feather beds set bal­ anced on their pondeious pompa­ dours. Again I have seen these same “ women” at a society blow out, and, before God, I had to look twice to see if they had on anythiug at-all. With the exception of fops and dudes, men have adopted a very- sensible form of dress, and they stick to it fairly well. But with the women it is different. They never know one minute what the fashion will be the next. When they go to bed at night they lie awake racked with mortal fear lest all their glad rags may be out of date before roorniDg. If a' man buys the queen of his realm a new head-piece, he has. to run like a scared turkey to get home with it before the fashion changes. > And so, brethren, I pronounce Baiiley & Martin A r e n o w g e ttin g in t h e i r H o lid a y g o o d s . S u c h a s T o y s , D o lls, V a c e s a n d lo ts o f o th e r th in g s w h ic h m a k e s n ic e p re s e n ts . A n d w e h a v e s o m e n ic e b a r g in s in D r y G o o d , N o tio n s , H a ts C a p s , S h o e s , U n d e r w e a r f o r M e n L a d ie s a n d C h ild re n . A n ic e q u a lity o f T a n a n d B lu e B r o a d C loth 5 4 in . w id e f o r 8 0 c ., p e r y a r d . O th e r g o o d a s c h e a p a s t h e c h e a p e s t. B e s u r e to c o m e to s e e u s , b e f o r e y o u b u y , f o r w e w ill c e r ta in ly s a v e y o u m o n e y . Y O U R S T O P L E A S E , I -H Bailey & Martin. I r S T A T E O F N O R T H C A R O L I N A ) Com m issioners O ffic e C O U N T Y O F D A V IE , t O c t 4 th , 1909. Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed in this office for a change in the public road in G arksville township, that leads from J. F. Frost's to Courtney. The distance to be changed is about 200yards, from a poiht at the crook of the road near the upper side of a field through to the meadow near the creek, and to be on the line in the division of land and running on Frost land only. The same will come up for our .consider­ ation on 1st Monday in Dec., 1909. If any objection, let it be heard then. By order of the Board of Commissioners of Davie Conntv, N Carolina. This Oct. 25,1909. J, F. MOORE, Clerk of Board. IMCMMIMTtD CAPITAL STOCK, $30,000.00 RALEIGH, N. C. CHARLOTTE, N. C * V,* Pullen Building. Piedmont Ins. Bldg. THESE SCHOOLS GIVE the world’s best in modem Business Education. Oldest Business College in North Carolina. Poations guaranteed, backed by a written contract. No vacation. Individ­ ual insstruction. We also teach Book-keeping, Shorthand, Pen. manship, by mail. Send for Home Study rates. Write today for our Catalogue, Offersand High Endorsements They are free. Address KING’S BUSINESS COLLEGE, R A L E IG H , N . C ., o r C H A R L O T T E , N . C . N O R T H C A R O L I N A ) \ j , . r n o I d a v i e c o u n t y . J N o t i c e o r K e o a l e . W. K. Clemeut and Kerr M. Clement Executors of W. B. Clement, Dec’d, against M. M. Clement, W. G. Clement., et al. In pursuance of an order of the Superior Court of Davie county, made by A. T. Grant, C. C. C., in the above entitled cause, we will re-sell at the court house door in Mocksville, Davie county, N. C., on Saturday, the 20th day of November, 1909, at 12 o’clock, m., to the highest bidder at public auction, to make assets to pay debts, the following lands situate in Mocksville township, Davie county, N. C., and within one mile of the court house, adjoining the lands of W. R. Clement and W. A. Griffin on the north, John H. Clement on the west, M. D. Brown and W. R. Clem­ ent on the east, by the new Statesville public roadon the south, and known as the "Knight place,” containing 80 acres more or less. Terms of Sale: Seventy-five dollars of purchase money to be paid in cash, balance on a credit of 6 months, secured by bond with approved se­curity. Title reserved until the purchase money is paid in full. This Oct. 18th, 1909, W. K. Clement and Kerb M. Clement , 8y Jacob Stewart, Attorney. Ex’rs of W. B. Clement, Dec’d. McELWEE’S PLANTERS’ WAREHOUSE W efeelthatourrecord for high prices made last year will induce the farmers to sell their tobacco with us igain. We are better prepared than aver before to make your tobacco bring as much here as anywhere, and se are always on the floor for that purpose. Our manufacturers and buyers have to have it. Here is- where they want it. This being your iearest market and prices being as good here, accomodations, dry stalls, etc., we know you can’t do better. So bring us your tobacco. Albert Matlock is our auctioneer and holds to a pile as long as there is a chance for another bid. You can leave home >ne day and get back next without being hard on your stock. You can depend on us doing our best for you »t all times. Very truly, PLANTERS’ WAREHOUSE, _________________Statesville, N. C. . A.Z. TAYLOR, D E N T IS T , Office over Baity’s Store. f ALL GOODS, OurFall line of Clothing, Hats and Shoes will embrace all the newest and ast styles. What we can't sup­ ply no other store In this sec­ tion can. Ourline of heavy and fancy groceries are com­ plete. We also carry hard­ ware, furniture and farm­ ing em piemen ts. People like . to trade with us. C. C. Sanford Sons Co. ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW. The Ideal Remedy. For subduing all inflamations and Congestions, and Croup, Colds, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Burns, Scalds, Itching Kies, Etc., is Vick’s Croup and Pneu­ monia Salve. Its simply the greatest and best. 25, 50 and $1.00 !monuments and ! * • * * * * * ❖ * *TOMBSTONES f A N Y S IZ E —A N Y S H A P E - A N Y C O L O R . Call on us, Phone us, or .Write us for Designs and Prices. MILLER-REiNS COM PANY, NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. T H E P E O P L E ’S N A T I O N A L B A N K u n it e d S t a t e s d e p o s it a r y . W i n s t o n - S a l e m , - - - N . C C A P I T A L , $ 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 . ASSETS A MILLION AND A HALF. Takes care of its customers when money is firm or easy, keeps every transaction confidential, allows inter­ est at 4 per cent, from date on Certificates of Deposit, has a Savings De­ partment, loans money to you. or for you, and does everything a well con­ ducted up-to-date bank should do. Let us have your business. No better place. You can send your deposits by mail. JOHN W. FRIES, President. WM. A. BLAIR, Vice-Pres. and Cashier. DR. FRANCIS S. PACKARD O F G R E E N S B O R O , N . C . Expert Physician, Surgeon and Specialist, Will visit Mocksville, N. C., on Wednesday, November 24th,^at Mocks­ ville Hotel, and every month regularly thereafter. . 8:00 A. M .to I 6:00 P. M. M adieal Expert in T reatm ent of Chronic D iseaseso f Men, Women and C hiidren. One Day OnIy 8M r BritIshCanadIan M odleai E xpert, Surgeon and D iagnostician. Sr. Packard sdiiealed in hospitals sod soilages of Europe and America. Special EiamioerUoifed States Pension Bureau. Consullationaod Eiam- ination Free, Invited S Strictly Confidential. No eases taken or without s per- eiamination Con­or interview. Southern Railroad. Operates over I 9000 Miles of Railroad, Q U I C K R O U T E T O A L L P O I N T S North—South-East—West. Ttu-ough Trains Between Principal Cities and Resorts A F F O R D IN G F IR S T -C L A S S A CCO M M O D A TIO N AUU ULCmtCU, L this whole fad.followiug busirtiss ouc great, grand, glorious, uumi|L I gated fraud| Elegant Pullman Sleeping Cars on all Through Trains, Dining, Club And Observation Gars. For Speed, Comfort and Courteous Employes, travel via the South­ ern Railway. Bates, Schedules and other information furnished by addressing the DEjlereigned: B, L. Yebnon, Trav. Pass. A gt- V Jj. H. W ood, Dist.Pass. Agent Charlotte. N O , Jt ARheville, N. C. S. H. Hardwick lass. TrafficMgr f h H TAYLOE,Geu’l Pass Agt Wa s h in g t o ^d c Sr. Packard ha. made more remarksbl? cures in the Southern States than any living physi­cian. No incurable cases taken for treatment. All cases taken for treatment will be guar­ anteed a cure, I see all patients in person. No substitutes or assistants employed NiiniiIarderbusiunioM •r cormnondence solicited Read tbis carefully. Ityou ore is load heillb, glie it C o n s u lta tio n & E x a m in a tio n a t a ll tim e s F R E E a n d I n v ite d . their nor- !I without their ill att ta srf* censulUttso , bwtheir Itetl physic tno. It its iiek friend wht will ItMnkyeiio I cur© to sta y c u re d every case I ta k e fo r m ediately rep laced in a v ery few m inutes, treatm en t. S u rg ical C ases I t r e a t w ith o u t Op* D iseases p ec u lia r to m en, o r an y com plicated © ration o r suffering. W ith o u t E th e r o r Chio- tro u b le beyond th e a id of th e , gen eral F rae - ioform , w ith o u t d e te n tio n from B usiness, o r titio n e r. A nd if y ou h av e trie d everything P le asu re . else a n d foiled, a n d if you w a n t to g et w ell T h is N o rth C arolina D octor, re g iste red a n d again. T hen G o .an d S ee th is advanced an a licensed b y th e S ta te fo r th e C ure of all N er- p rogressive S pecialist o f experience a n d rep- vous. S pecial a n d C hronic D iseases of M en, u ta tio n W ho, I f th e re is a cu re fo r you,, w ill W om en a n d C hildren, T re a ts a ll h is P a tie n ts b rin g i t ab o u t .and p roduce it w ith th e aid of in person. N o h ire d A ssistan ts to sp lit th e re - th e g re a te st Scienfcifac achievem ents of m o d em sp onsibility. H e tre a ts th e follow ing D iseases tim es, w hich ho h a s m astered a n d h a s a t h is o n ly : AU N ervous D iseases such a s N euras- com m ands. H ,th en ia. N eu ralg ia, M elancholia, N ervous D e- N O M A T T E B — W h a t y o u r ailm en t m ay b ility , S p in al Irrita tio n , H y steria , P ara ly sis, b e ; N O M A T T E R w h a t o th e rs m ay have to ld EnileDBV. P its o r F allin g S ickness, C horea, you, N o M a tte r w h a t y o u r experience .m ay D izziness, S leeplessness, H e ad ac h e o r M i- have b een w ith O th er P h y sician s, H ospitals, g rain e H e a rt D isease lik e p alp itatio n , gen- S an itariu m s, In s titu tio n s o r P a te n t M edicines, e ra l W eakness o r sin k in g spells. D ise a se so f i t w ill b e to y o u r ad v a n tag e to see th is re- th e B lood o r S k in lik e A nem ia, Scrofula.Eeze* m ark ab le D octor o f EN G LA N D , everyw here m a, U lcers, T um ors, G row ths, Sw ellings, acknow ledged to b e th e g re a te st ce n ter of uim ples, etc. H e w a n ts to m eet all sick per- M edical L ea rn in g m th e w o rld to d ay . G o sons w ho su ffer fro m C hronic C onstipation, th en , an d have i t fo rev er settled in y o u r m ind O bstipation, In te s tin a l irrita tio n , In digestion, if y o u r case is one fo r w hich a C ure can D yspepsia, U lceratio n o r . D ilatio n o f th e bo h ad . I f y o u r case is curable, h e w ill p u t S tom ach or In te stin e s, H e rn ia, R u p tu re o f y ou on tre a tm e n t a t once, a n d g iv e y o u all the B ow els, A ppendicitis, P iles, itching,bleed- such m edicines o r rem edies a n d p re p ara tio n s ine, p ro tru d in g o r in te rn a l in C h aracter, needed to effect y o u r C ure. I f in cu rab le, H e T apew orm , D iseases o f th e liv er, auch a s en- w ill te ll y ou so, an d give y o u such eoun- largem m it or displacem ent, o r congestion, sel a n d advice a s m ay p rolong y o u r life. C irrhosis, h ard en in g o r engorgem ent. D iseas- eR E M E M B E B — T his is n p t a schem e o r catch ©s of th e K id n ey s U ke B rig h t’s D isease, D ia- o r sn are to g et y o u r m oney a n d ru n , a s i& b ete s, D ropsy, G ravel, U ric A cid, S cald in g to o o ften th e case. T h is is a leg itim ate pro p ­ e r b u rn in g U rin e, B e d w e ttin g o r to o freq u en t o sitio n a n d .y o u d eal w ith y o u r D octor Your- U rin a tio n ,S exual Im potence, w eak n ess o r irri* self a n d -d ire c t. E very S ta tem en t h ere mad© la b ility . D iseases o f th e b lad d e r. C atarrh in is g u aran teed a s T ru e . A v is it fo r ConsiU- a tt its form s; P u ru le n t, d isch arg in g o r D ry ta tio n a n d ex am ination w ill co st y o u notfa-M.._. _ , j•_L.. J m . I. M. Th..,. 2mm a«4 tvntht:AA AA nnlitPahiATI Whflt.aPT Tf S ystem ic. T h is enem y »uo u u m au «*« *•--—:• — ——^ —7 _ ,- v - H e is now a b le to cu re in a sh o rt tim e b y m ean th e sav in g o f y o u r life. A N om inal fee a n o rig in al a n d n ew m ethod o f O sm osis o r w ill b e charg ed o nly if th e C ase c a n b e tre a t- ab so rp tio n . A sthm a in a ll its form a, C on- e d w ith a view to a cu re, sum ption o f th e m an y stages. A C u re gu ar- D o n o t p u t off th is d u ty y o u ow e to y o u r- an te ed if in th e e a rly S tages, b efo re d estru c- self, Y o u r F am ily, y o u r F rie n d a a n d y o u r tio n o f tissu e s h a s s e t In. D e afn e ss caused re la tiv e s ^ w ho a re now o r m ay la te r b y it. I h av e cu red freq u en tly in 3 0 m in- b e suffering becau se o f y o u r neglect to fight u tes. S o m e tim e sa cc o m p a m ed b y H e ad noises, D isease a n d p ro cu re H e a lth w ith o u t w hich C ured to S tay C ured. D iseases of W om en, L ife in ste ad of a P le asu re becom es a susera* U terin e o r O varian a re m ost successfully W e a n d p a in fu l B u rd en . • • -Vfi { 44 THE DAVIE RECORD, ^ilmingtonwelcomestaft- C. FRANK STROUD - - Editor. EnteredatthePostoffiee in Moeks- ville, N. C., as Seeond-class Mail matter, MarcIi 3.1903. T E R M S O F S U B S C R IP T IO N : O n e Y e a r, in A d v a n c e ...........................5 0 c S ix M o n th 's, in A d v a n c e ...'■................2 5 c THOUSANDS GREET THE PRESIDENT. TUESDAY. - N ovember 16, 1909. OUR MOTTO. "We will speak out; we will be heard Though all earth’s systems crf>nk; VVe will not bate a single word Nor take a letter back. Wespeakthetruth and what care we For hissing and for scorn, While some faint gleanings we can Sec Cf freedom’s coming morn? Lot liars fear, let cowards shrink, Let traitors turn away; Whatever we have dared to think That dared we also say.” Nation’s Chief Executive and Partyt the Guests For One Day of the City by the Sea. Wilmington, Nov. 9.—Wilmington was at home to President Taft and traveling party and ten or fifteen thousand local visitors today. Homes, larders, lockers and hearts were thrown open. Everybody ate, drank, shook hands and were merry. The long leaf pine and the American flag were the chief decorations. “Hurrah for ’Possum Bill, the man with the smile that will not wear off,” and “Welcome all," were the slogans. Governor Kitchin, Sen­ ator Overman and Representatives Page, Small, Goodwin, Cowles and Thomas were among those eo greet the President. Ad- ; jutant General J. F. Armfield1 members of the Governor’s staff, several companies of I the national guard, Gen. Julian S. Carr i and other veterans in gray were present. ! The program was carried out with dis- ■ patch. The local authorities, under the I supervision of Mayor Walter G. McRae, Therewere 717 whiskey prescriptions j acquitted themselves handsomely and with filled in Winston during the month of Oc- • great credit to the State. Order prevailed tober. Pretty good for a solid prohibition j everywhere. State. Those who want a drink get it, I President Taft, when he appeared on even if the price is a little higher. I the streets this morning, was in the pink • j of condition. His large, joyful1 face was We notice that Editor Sell, of the Coo- i wreathed in smiles and he lifted his hat e<^'"; showed his teeth and bowed to the thous- Poor Old Melchisedec. We note the query recently in your pa­ per concerning Melchisedec, and the only apology for offering an answer is the sat­ isfaction the average man feels in having his say; besides; a courteous interchange of ideas upon subjects ofinterest is both pleasing and profitable. The meager information given us in the Bible concerning Melchisedec rather inten­ sifies than clears up the mystery that en­ shrouds nis name. Josephus in his “An­ tiquities of the Jews,” dismissed him with a brief sentence or two, and only reiter­ ates the statements of Genesis 14:18-20. AU the scriptural references given us of this priest-king of Salem, or Jerusalem, as it was later called, are found in the fol­ lowing passages: Gen. 14:18-20, Psa. 110:4, Hebrews.5:6-10, Heb. 6:20, and a few vers­ es in seventh chapter. The statements concerning him in Hebrews 7:3, “without father, without mother, without descent,” etc., discloses the mystery that stimulates .the desire to know more. A sidelight may be thrown upon these striking statements by ascertaining the setting in which they are placed. The point the writer desired to illustrate being determined, we may the better interpret the language here used in describing this righteous king. We recall the fact that this letter was written primarily to that portion of the Jews who had embraced Christianity. These early Christian Jews, or Hebrews, as here called, were beset on every side by friends and relatives to renounce this new, and return to the old faith, the faith of their fathers. To this end they were taunted with the simplicity of their Chris­ tian worship. Why, said the scoffers, com­ pare your puny religion inspired by a cru­ cified Nazarine with our magnificent ser­ vices. You have no sanctuary, no sacri­ fices, no priests, while we have the gor­ geous temple upon Mt. Zion with all its solemn ritual breathing the very spirit of priest that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the son of God, let us hold fast our profession.” Heb. 4:14. X. Nov. 10th, 1909. Ieemee Journal, is filling part of his IS1 S L tL itlS f i i S i - * •» * <-**-• s s K s s a s a s w wtable, behind which is seated sometmng,way I the vicegerent of Jehovah, to lead our resembling a man who has treed a tiger: Fram tl]e station the presjdential party I solemn devotions. A religion without tem- or a sI uirre1- When the Picture first aP- i drove directly to the elegant home of pcared, we took it for our friend Sell, but'Mr. I James Sprunt, on Front street, where an Whenhekeptitdishedout to us ever/, ^ time Souther„ bieaMast was served. week, we decided that it was an adver- j A( t)[is funct:on Mayor McRae formerly tisement for the Salisbury fair, setting | time, but it wouldn’t work. If Editor Sell wonid have waited until April he would have conferred a favor upon the tillers of the soil. pie, without priest, is preposterous. Un­ derstanding the power of ridicule we can readily see what effect this would have upon these illy-taught Christian Jews. It came to the ear of the Apostle that many wel.-oir.-il th» I were on the Point of VieldinS to this pres-forth one of the wonders to be seen there I d , , visitor to the s abandon the faith and return to thei CIts- Thc President made a most happy j oW church in which they had been reared. But not so. For beaold the fair came and . re3[K)nse He declared that he had got- j Stirred with the gravity of this crisis, the went and still the apparition appears be-, t(Jn the tar on his hee,s an(j jt wou]d not, Apostle throws himself into the impend fore us every week. We tried running a j CQme off am a full_fledged Tar Heel>.. — - ---------* --------- photograph of our ink waster once upon a ; vowed i The day was a most delightful one. At 1 7 o’clock Mr. Taft left for Virginia. This j evening a smoker, complimentary to the I press of thc State, was given. One of tlie features of the morning was i the reviewing of a human flag, formed by Mr. H. L. Wliite is very much better, we Sci100I i,oys an,i j.;r[s, at Third and Mar- are glad to note. ; kei streets. Mr. Jona Danner and-Miss Meadie Hun- j Tonight at supper in the Masonic Tem- ter made a flying trip to Cooleemee rc- pie Mr. Taft said that he had learned dur- cently. : in;; Uk1 Federal judgeship contest that We are sorry to note the .leatii of Mr.; North Camlina was not far from Wash- NoahDanner, which occurred 'Monday, j ingtou, and that when he returned home Oct. 31st. j he would hang out the latch string for Several from here attended the box sup-1 any Tar Heel that would call. He added per at Cheslnut Grove Saturday night, thc j that evc-ry moment of the day here had Cana News. Honor to Whom Honor is Due. Editor Record:—Some things should not go unmentioned, and I shall not withhold my mead of praise for those who took ; part in the chase of the two safe crackers. I In the first place, I think it is more than ] probable that the dead bodies of these j two foot-pads can be found, if dilligent I search was made in and around the Clem- j ent graveyard woods, and as representa- j tives of a civilized community I think we should make a search, and if the bodies are found, we should give them proper burial, and over their last resting place, I would suggest a monument be erected bearing the following inscription: ‘To the unknown dead. Two safe crack­ ers. who lost their lives from pistol shot wounds inflicted by Mt. T. J. Byerly, Cash­ ier of the Bank of Davie, who pursued them alone, on fleet-footed Dixie, and fired four shots at them, with a pistol found in the postoffice at Mocksville, left there by safe crackers a few years ago. These men, though outlaws and daring criminals; deserve some consideration at our hands for so generously sparing the life of our sheriff, who found them in a brier thicket within a mile of the corporate limits of our town Monday evening, and who, after commanding them to hold up, they walked off leaving behind them in their lair a grip containing a full set of burglar tools, etc. The only reason we can think they had in not killing the sheriff on the spot, was their great desire to run a- way in hopes of fighting another day. Such considerate conduct deserves some reward, either jn this life, or. the life to come.” Fair Play. No Man is StrcMger Than His Stomach A strong man is strong all over. No man can be strong who is suffering from weak stomach with its consequent indigestion, or from some other disease of tlie stomach and its associated organs, which im­ pairs digestion and nutrition. For when the stomach is weak or diseased there is a loss of the nutrition contained in food, which is tlie source of all physical strength. When a man “ doesn’t Ieel just right, when he doesn’t sleep well, has an uncomfortable _feeling i.i the stomach after eating, is languid, nervous, irritable and despond ent, he is losing the nutrition needed to make strength. SaeA a man should use Dr. Pierce? s Golden Medical Discovery. It cares diseases of the stomach and other Ste organs of digestion and nutrition. It enriches the Mood, . p ii, invigorates the liver, strengthens the kU*W3,noWishe3the nerves, and so GIVES UEatTH-SXD STRENGTH TO THE WHOLE BODY. . ’ You can’t afford*to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this non*• alcoholic medicine o? known composition, not even though the urgent dealer • may thereby make a little bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper* Young Grls Are Victims. of headache, as well as older wo­ men, but all get quick relief aud prompt care from Dr. King’s Ifew Life Pills, the world’s best remedy for sick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood, aud strong nerves and build up your health. Try them, 25c. at C1 C Banford’s. LOOK HERE! I am in the new Clement build­ ing- on Salisbury street, and am prepared to repair Organs, Sew­ ing: machines and Furniture, and would bo glad to do your work in that line. Ail work guaran­ teed. Yours to please, J. R. BROWN, Mocksville, N. G. ficii. About $8 was realis'd for the organ. Miss Liln Hunter and mother, visited at II. 0. Hunter’s last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wadson Lowery and link: son spent Sunday with their paients, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Richardson. Misses Mattie and Alpha Eaton went been a pleasant one.- Charlotte Observer. ing breach with one of the most master­ ful arguments in the sacred record. One by one he answers these objections, now and again pausing ’mid the heat of his fiery argument to exhort them to “hold fast their profession without wavering," for they know not what a priceless treas­ ure they are about to give. up. The par­ ticular portion of this argument with which we are now concerned is that re- T here will be preaching 'a t Chest- lating to the priesthood. Does Judaism (Jrove n ex t Sunday. It is very say Christianity has no priest, the Apostle'... , ,would ask; let us see about that. Aaron hkely th at the services m ay be coti- of the tribe of Levi, was appointed high S tinued through the week. priest, Exod. 28, and this office thereafter I ;----- was transmitted by natural descent, being Mrs. Louie Hite, 428 Outlen St., at all times confined to the!tribe of Levi.. E)anVille, III., writes, October 1st:i 3 is ^bOTe theSantets in^DW t W a° "Foley's Kidney Pills started me on | j bove Moses, Heb. 3:1-3, Fs of the ’tribe of i the road to health. I was treated ; j Juda after the flesh, Heb. 6:14, and is of i by four doctors and took other kid j j that order of priesthood whereof we read ney remedies but grew worse, and in the Jewish scriptures, Psa. 110:4, “The [ was unable to do my housework, and At Mocksviile Drug Co. Fresh medicines and drugs of all sorts, writing tablets, soaps, per fumes, composition books, pens, ink, paper, envelopes, pencils, etc., cut glass, piclurc frames made any size. Flavoring extracts, and oils, of all sorts, visiting cards, purses, etc. Come iu and look around. i of Melchizedec.” As this priesthood of ■ ■ I Melchisedec did not come to him by nat- If you desire a clear complexion uraZ descent, as is expressed by the figu- ; take Foley’s Orino Laxative for con- rative.Ian^uaSe Heb. 7:3, it is of a high- E l e c t r i c B iffe r s Succccd when everything else falls. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified* FOR KIDNEY,LIVER ANO ___________STOMACH TROUBLE T houartapriestforeverafter the order I from two to six m onths/ I a m now' § St “ the best medicine ever sold -H. E. C. Bryant, iu-l Lord hath sworn, and will not repent,! the doctor told m e I only could live I stipation and liver trouble as it will stim ulate these organs and thorough- to Mocksville shopping one day recently, j Iy cleanse your system , which is w hat er and more ancient order than the Aaron- ic priesthood, for did not Levi, from whom the Aaronic priesthood sprang, pay tithes through Abraham, to this very Melchise- Miss Katie Baity, of Cooleemee, is vis-; everyone needs in order to feel well, dec, and thus acknowledge his superior- iting at Mr. Coe Jones’. Miss Effie Booe, who is in school at Harmony, visited her parents recently. Miss Tenie Belk, while on her way to Courtney last Saturday after her brother who is in school there, happened to an accident. Her mule fell down and’ broke the bug4y right badly, but no one hurt. Lrrn-E Country Giei.. Harmony, Route One Items. There is a great deal of sickness in this section now. f Messrs. Tom and John Whitaker, John ^ Smoot and Pearl Richardson made a bus- > iness trip to Winston last week. ' Mr. W. L. Gaither made a business trip to Mocksville last week. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Pink Dyson died last week and was buried at ___New Union. '' Mrs. Thos. Wright died last Wednesday and was buried at New Union Thursday. Sold by all druggists. What Meaneth The Journal? Editor Sell of the Cooleemee Jour­ nal runs his picture at the top of the editorial column, next to reading matter. It is a striking likeness — Winston Journal. ity? Heb. 7:9-10. Therefore this Chris­ tian religion you are about to abandon for want of a priest, actually has one after the order of Melchisedec, which is proven i by their own scriptures to be superior to ' that order to which Judaism still renders allegiance. The force of this language, “without father, without mother, without descent.” Heb. 7:3, is more striking when we interpret it to refer to the priestly of­ fice of Melchisedec and not to his natural personality. Melchisedec received not his Notice. so much better that I do all oi my own work, and I shall be very glad to tell any one afflicted with kidney or bladder trouble the good results I received from taking Foley’s Kid­ ney Pills.” Commence today and be well. Do not risk having Bright’s Disease or Diabetes. Hold by all druggists. We learn that Mrs. PinkTutterow of near Cana, is very ill. over a druggist’s counter. Kills Her Foe of 20 Years. I GOING I |> t rnQ T I * * * % «§* * * 4* & 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* I have a few Domestic Sewing Machines as listed below, that I will sell at cost. I Improved Domestic, 4 drawer, drop head, nicely finished $24.98. I New Domestic 2 drawer drop head, light oak fin­ ish $18.67 I Charlotte drop head, 5 drawer, good quality style and finish $16.37. I Queen Bess drop head, 3 drawer, extra good value for money. Only $13.87. 4 - 3r *!* * * ■ 4These machines are new. I am going to close out all my machines and these are at just what they cost me In- eluding full set of attach- f,' ments with each machine. If .. yon don’t think they are bar- 4* gains drop in and let me ^ show you. . ^ I E . E . H U N T ’ I HARDWARE OF QUALITY. % 4? #> “The most merciless enemy I had for 20 years, declares Mrs. James i - . ...... I Duncan, of Havuesville, Me., waspriesthood by inheritance from his father,'n ’j„ r M1« w i JnlP11Kel v nor transmitted it to his son, as was the lJ J 8PePfla - feuitereil intense } ............................... _ - after eatiug or drinking and could l e a d e r s Rosenbacher &Bro. F O R 2 9 T H E B U S Y S T O R E . Y E A R S . W IN S T O N -S A L E M , N . C . G R O W N T O 4 4 D E P T ’S . „ t . established law of the Levitical priest-Pursuaiit to a request made upon me | hood, rendered necessary on account of by B. F. Stonestreet, a member of the Board of County Commissioners, a special call meeting of said Board is hereby call­ ed to meet at the Court House in Mocks­ ville, N. C., on Thursday, the IStli day of November, 1909, to transact any and all business that may come before said Board. This Nov. 12, ’09. C/G. Bailey, Chairman Board County Commissioners. scarcely sleep. A Card. After many reme- death, and in this he is a special and | dies hiM failed and doctors gave unique type of the priesthood of Christ in ! up, I tried Electric Bitters, which cured me completely.who was cailed of God, Heb. 5:4-6, and has entered upon his unchanging priest­ hood, Heb. 7:23-28, ‘,without beginnirg of days nor end of life.” Whatever reasons, therefore, O wavering Hebrews, may Now I can eat anything. I am 70 years old and am overjoyed to get iny health and strength back again.” For Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, duce you to give up Christianity, away j Kidney Trouble, Lame Back, Fe with this one that you have no priest.' j male Complaints, its uueqi ‘Seeing then that we have a great high iOnly 50c. at 0. C. Sanford’s. Mrs. J. P. Beck is very ill at this time. I ' Mrs. Walter Joyner, who has been very i This is to certify th at all druggists sick is improving iare authorized to refund your m on-: ' M r.T.P. Whitaker, of the Whitaker! W if Foley’s H “ ley an<L TarT!ail! to I si 01. jn it I I • I cure your cough or cold. It stops*MTgCo.,Shei«eW ,madea business the cough, heals the lungs and pre- to Winston last week. . vcn(s serious results from a cold, A. W. Edwards still skin on Saittle Ridge. Mr. P. R. W. looks sad since Miss L ha gone back on him. Unci.e Joe. holds the sheep j-prevents pneumonia and consump­ tion. Contains no opiates. The gen­ uine is in a yellow package. Refuse j sujistitutes. Sold by all druggists. Reedy Creek News. /j W. I. Leach left last week for Newcas- Mr. Dock Hill and wife have roturrie| 1, Ind., to accept a position. from a pleasant trip to the mountains, j''— M. S. Crows has pulled up stakes in ; 1 law i.i I w]10 has been very ill, is better, we C roup is m ore prevalent d uring Stokes county and moved to Winston. ! the d ry cold w eather of th e early Ir. W. Crews died near Advance Nov.' winter m onths. P aren tso f young 8th, and was buried at Advance the 9tli. I children should be prepared for it. Mr. Ed Hill hss returned from the moun- AU that is needed is a bottle of tains with a load of apples, cabbage, etc. Ch.'imherluill’s Cough Rem edy. W. A. Bailey was paying S.7S for cotton Many mothers are never without last week when it was only 8 1-8 at J.ex- if in their homos and it haB never i(lliton j disappointed them. Sold by C. C Wiley Zimmerman is very sick with ’ Baiil^fd-Sei^s Co. dyphtharia at this writing. j J - »------- Reedy Crock folks raise birds and Lcx-J-* Miss Gloise Hunter, of near Cana, iugton folks kill them before the law i !1 ,,-I .out. Court is going on at Lervington this week. Mrs. Annie Markland near Advance, is very sick. HiKi. The old, old story, told limes without utiniber, and repealed over and over ngiiiii f jr the last .°.0 .years, Iini it is always a welcome story Io ihwo in search of health iiotliing in the world that cures coughs aud colds as quickly as Ohamberlain’s Congh Remedy. iSold by 0. 0. Banford Sous, Co. I to note. j Many school children suffer from I constipation, which is often the j cause of secmii g stupidity at Ies : sans. Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets are an ideal medi- : cine to give a child, for they are mild and gentle in their effect, and even chronic constipa tion. Sold by C. Sanford Sons Co.T h ere is ^ il1 t,,re Several articles were ^crowded j this week Jor lack of sjjBce. out StSTEMCLOTHES I f y o u a r e o n e o f t h e f e w w h o h a v e n e v e r B o u g h t a S u i t f r o m u s y o u * ! ! b e wonderfully surprised when you See the Suits We Sell From $6 Up. J E S S E J . M O C K A L O N Z O B A G B Y N O R M O N V S T O C K T O N . uThe Store That Makes You Feel at Home/’ MOCK-BAGBY-STOCKTON CO. C L O T H IE R S A N D M E N ’S F U R N IS H IN G S . WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. IT PAYS TO DEAL AT ROSENBACHER’S. I t p a y s b e c a u s e e v e r y t h i n g y o u b u y h e r e h a s a n i r o n c l a d g u a r a n t e e o f q u a l i t y b e h i n d i t . I t p a y s b e c a u s e p r i c e s a r e l o w e r t h a n e l s e w h e r e . I t p a y s b e c a u s e y o u c a n a l w a y s f i n d w h a t y o u w a n t a t R o s e n b a c h e r ’s — a s s o r t m e n t s a r e a l w a y s c o m p l e t e . BIG SALE OF THANKSGIVING LIN­ ENS NOW GOING ON. T a b le c lo th s , ta b le lin e n b y t h e y a r d , ta b l e n a p ltin a , h o u s e h o ld lin e n s , to w e ls , s h e e ts a n d p illo w c a s e s a t m o n e y s a v in g p r ic e s . T h is s a le o f f e r s th e b e s t v a lu e s in y e a r s in s tr ic tly h ig h - g r a d e lin e n s . Home-Made Working Shoesand High-Grade Sunday Shoes. The best place to buy your shoes is at Rosenbacher’s because no matter what kind of shoe you want you’ll find it here, and at a lower price than elsewhere. Our shoes are made of carefully se­ lected leathers that stands all the wear and tear you can srfve them; Styles are the best—and the style r,tays with the. shoe until it is worn out. R a r e v a lu e s in a ll o f o u r 4 4 d e p a r t m e n t s j u s t n o w . I f e c o n o m y c o u n ts w ith y o u , y o u w ill c o m e to th e B u s y S to r e f o r e v e r y th in g y o u n e e d . THE LARGEST CIR( EVER PUBL LOCAL kb Don’t ask th The court hi week. That court h Friday. ^ J. T. Baity s \ on business. T. L. KeUy s I ston on busini A gobbler fo highly appreci Thursday, N as a day of th Underwear ( S ' E. E. H unt,. ^ urday in Wins Cotton is 14 flour 3, tobacci More and rive Monday H, M. Harrii J. M. Rickerl the city Saturi Big lot secon to C. A. Atwooi relatives in thi f Bom, to Mr. _ I Nov. 7th, a fim Pure harm Little Miss terrspent Tues f J. T. Angell j where he said Bargains in I / Miss Anneta / Mt. UIla, visite last week. Miss Ella Wa . Raleigh to acce ' grapher. 900 pair n( opened up at North Cbolee . Miss Cora M [froni a plsasan friends at Woo Another ne Shoes at Thi Ephesus. J. A. Lapish, Thursday buyii thanks for a Iif 2,500 yards nd chambry Vfhe 0. C. See, while i We are glad streets again al room for more t Nine hund ' just received North Coolee W. N. Kurfee a load of tobac returning horn prices pretty fa W. H. Cartne us a pleasant c cart wheel on our profound t D. F. Safley, bid waters of ant caller at o left a life prese To our ma we show Bat ’em open fro M. Harris Co The Juniors parations to ho the 4th Sunday ients as to pi text week. I Mrs. Mary Su \ near Oak Grov v \ inii\and was b '(lay morning a leaves many \ moum her loss. Our shoes prices we ar quick if you 0. C. Wall C- The supreme down an opini Guilford superi Shemwell, of L jail for assaui . conductor beca his orders and Lexington. We sell be ey than othe our fall stoe' ed. ; The 0. .Cooleemee./ / The W. N. C. . Church, is in a ’ this week. Se city are in a tf the Conference Kirk to the ch pointments wi\ Our stock in Davie cou and price, gain can get Co., North C LARGEST ClRCULAtlON OF ANY PAPER- EYER PUBLISHED IN DAYIE COUNTY, t f LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS. Don’t ask the time—look at the clock. THE DAVIE REGORDid J inLwc; taond WU1 Lagle spent Satur' Jacob Stewart, Esq., attended States- ville court last week. New clothing at the H. M. Harris Co., Ephesus. R. G. Daywalt1 of Route I, was in our midst the other day on businest. Lap robes and horse blankets to beat the band at H o lto n B ros. Misses Frankie and Henrietta Willson spent Friday in Winston shopping. A complete line of dishware. The H. M. Harris Co., Ephesus. W. F. Potts, of R. 3, gave us a pleasant call Saturday, and handed us a preserver. FOR SALE—A fine pointer bird dog, cheap. Call or address W. C. Willson, Moeksville, N. C., Route I. The court house will week. be finished this offThat court house clock was started Friday. J. T. Baity spent Tuesday in Winston on business. T. L. Kelly spent Wednesday in Win­ ston on business. A gobbler for Thanksgiving would be highly appreciated. Thursday, Nov. 25th has been set aside as a day of thanksgiving. Underwear going at low prices at J. L ee K u rfe e s. '> E. E. Hunt, Jr., spent Friday and Sat­ urday in Winston on business. Cotton is 141-4, com 75, wheat $1.25, flour 3, tobacco about 8c. More and better dry goods to ar­ rive Monday and Tuesday for The H, M. Harris Co., Ephesus. J. M. Rickert, of County Line, was in the city Saturday on business. Big lot second-hand clothing. Hurry up to J. L ee K u rfe es. C. A. Atwood, of Thomasville, visited relatives in this city last week. Bom, to Mt. and Mrs. R. N. Barber, on Uov. 7th, a fine daughter. Pure harness oil at Holton Bros. Little Miss Mattie May Smoot, of Cen­ ter-spent Tuesday with Mrs. C. F. Stroud. J. T. Angell left last week for Winston, where he said he proposed to go to work. Bargains in ladies cloaks at J. L ee K u rfees. Miss Anneta Miller, who is teaching at Mt. Ulla1 visited her mother in this city last week. Miss Ella Walker, of R. I, has gone to , Raleigh to accept a position as steno­ grapher. 900 pair new sample shoes just opened up at The 0. C. Wall Co., North C Mleemee. Miss Cora Myers returned last week roih a pleasant visit to relatives and 'riends at Woodleaf. The burglars who broke into the post- office Monday morning and blew open the safe, seemed to like this section right much, They remained around town -for citizens jumped them about a mile soutl of town. The yeggmen were in such rush that they departed leaving behim them a satchel containing a pistol, som< dynamite and caps, a flashlight, cloth and about $3 in pennies, and also a~ rubber coat. The burglars were chased into a piece of thick woods near the old Clement graveyard, and on account of darkness, pursuit was abandoned. Tues­ day afternoon it was reported that the robbers were on the Hanes farm. A posse from this city set out in pursuit, and track­ ed them until they waded Dutchman creek, and darkness having fallen, the pursuit was again given up. It would ap­ pear that the robbers wanted to be cap- Another new line of Battle Axe Shoes at The H. M. Harris Co., Ephesus. J. A. Lapish, of Kappa, was in town Thursday buying furniture. He has our thanks for a life preserver. 2,500 yards 7J and 10c. ginghams d chambry to go at 5c. per yard The O. C. Wall Co., North Goolj ee, while it lasts. We are glad to see R. B. Sanford on the' streets again after being confined to his room for more than a week with illness. Nine hundred pairs sample Shoes just received at the 0: C. Wall Co.. North Cooleemee. W. N. Kurfees and F. G. Foster carried a load of tobacco to Winston Thursday, returning home Saturday. They repoit prices pretty fair. W. H. Cartner, of Cleveland, R. I, gave- us a pleasant call Wednesday and lefpa cart wheel on our desk for which he has our profound thanks. 'i D. F. Safley, who lives beyond the tur­ bid waters of Hunting creek, was a pleas-: ant caller at our sanctum Wednesday, and left a life preserver. To our many customers and friends we show Battle Axe Shoes. We chop ’em open from heel to toe. The H. M. Harris Co., Ephesus. The Juniors of this city are making pre­ parations to hold thanksgiving services on the 4th Sunday in this month. Announce- ents as to place and hour will appear ext week. Mrs. Mary Summers, an aged lady ol L near Oak Grove, died early Friday morn­ ing, and was buried at Oak Grove Satur­ day morning at 11 o’clock. Mrs. Summers leaves many friends and relatives to .. mourn her loss. Our shoes will go fast at the low prices we are offering them. Come quick if you want a bargain. The 0. C. Wall Co , North Cooleemee. The supreme court on Thursday handed down an opinion affirming the decision of Guilford superior court sentencing Baxter Shemwell, of Lexington to six months in jail for assaulting a Southern Railway __ ..conductor because he would not violate Iiis orders and stop a through train at Lexington. We sell better shoes for less mon­ ey than others; because we bought our fall stock before prices advanc­ ed. The 0. C. Wall Co.,. North ^Gooleemee. f The W. N. C. Conference of the M. E. r Church, is in annual session at Hickory this week. Several delegates from this city are in attendance. It is hoped that the Conference will see fit to return Rev. Kirk to the church here. The various ap- pointments will appear in our next issue. V Our stock of shoes cannot be beat in Davie county for comfort, style and price. Those who want a bar­ gain can get it at The 0. C. Wall Co., North Cpoleemee. Harding, of Farmington, passed through this city Friday on their way to visit friends at Winston. A big line of shoes, hats, clothing, dress goods and notions, just receiv­ ed at The Big Store, The O C. Wall Co., North Cooleemee. On Thursday night, Nov. 18th, a box supper will be given at Oak Grove church to which the public is invited. A hand­ some cake will be given to the most pop­ ular young lady. The proceeds will be used to buy furnishings for the church. 100 pairs of Battle AxeShoes—the latest thing out, at The H. M. Har­ ris Co., Ephesus. The Methodist brethren have gotten out j some beautiful calendars for 1910. On the calendar is a half-tone cut of the Methodist church, showing the new annex that is to be built early in the spring. The hours of service is also printed on the calendar, the whole being overshad­ owed by a beautiful bunch of coronations and holly. Pastor Kirk has our thanks for a copy. FOR SALE—The E. Frost home place, containing 53 acres of good land, for $2,500. Address Mrs . C. J. S h o a f, ' Rocky Mount, Va. Our old friend J. J. Starrette, of Kappa, was in to see us Thursday. He never for­ gets the hungry editor. He handed us $1.50, along with this item: “Thou shalt pay all thy just debts whilst thou art here, for thou mightest be called to anoth­ er world, where collectors do not care to follow thee." If all men were like friend Starrette, that admonition would never be necessary. Foley’s Honey and Tar cures coughs quickly, strengthens the lungs and expels colds. Get the genuine in a yejlpw package. Sold by all druggists. / The friends of Mrs. H. E. Ellis, of near Smith Grove, gave her a delightful birth­ day dinner on November 3rd, it being her birthday. About sixty were present, the ladies carrying boxes of chick­ en, beef and other good things to eat. Billy ’Possum also had a prominent place on the menu. Every one present, includ­ ing Mrs. Ellis, the guest of honor, had a delightful day. May she live to enjoy many more such occasions. , Mrs. J. T. Eaton, of Cana, and Miss Phisa tured’ or were mighty green in the busiiness. Had a bloodhound been secured Monday or Tuesday, the robbers would have now been resting in the county jail. But it is not our funeral. Those burglars treated us mighty nice. While in our of­ fice Monday morning before day, they could have ruined our type and presses but no damage was done save a broken door. Those who got a glimpse of the burglars, describe one of them as being rather tall and heavy built, weighing a- bout 200, the other a small man, weigh­ ing about 130. ! DeallT of Mrs. E. Frost, of Davie. /The Salisdury Post of Wednesday says: Mrs. E. Front, of Cana, Davie a vtivvl In Si ing at 1:45 o’clock and the remains were taken to Cana this morning on the westbound train. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at2 o’clock. Mrs. Frost came to Salisbury in­ curably ill for treatment and has been at the point of death for a week. She was a most estimable woman. Denied children of her own, she took under her care at various times dur­ ing her life six orphans and brought them tp maturity with all the consid­ eration that love for the parentless could inspire. A large number of family connec­ tions, among them Mr. E. Walter Tattum, a nephew, of this city, sur­ vive. The Mc iC*s I jl Hfi,, ~ - 3 l _ ,ir' Ar - « S V W -CjT a j Iy day dinn 1T 76th birt C JIM S t o f t _ We have a sweet and up-to-date line of groceries. TheH. M. Harris Co. ,.Ephesus. / Mr. W. A. Meroney1 who left Winston 'Oct. 18th for San Francisco to spend the winter with his daughter, Mrs. Stoddard, died last Thursday, four days after reach­ ing San Francisco. He was 84 years old but was in good health when he started on the trip. Mr. Meroney was a native of Yadkin county, was long time a resi­ dent of Davie and once sheriff of that county. He was for several gears a mer­ chant and hotel keeper at Orangeburg, S. C., and for the last 20 years had lived in Winston.—Statesville Landmark. Peoplefrom the uttermost parts of the county buy their shoes from The 0. G. Wall Co., North Coolee­ mee, because they save from 20 to 40 per cent, on each pair. LeRoy Rainey, colored, who claims for his home Chillicothe, O., was arrested at the depot Tuesday, charged with drawing a pistol and threatening to shoot a Mr. Isenhower, while beating a freight train. When the train arrived at Cornatzer, the negro got off. Mr. Isenhower came on to this city on the train to load some lum­ ber. About I o’clock the negro came by the depot walking. Policeman Etchison was notified and arrested him. He tried to get his gun out of his bosom when ar­ rested, but failed. When searched a 32 calibre pistol was found on him, but it harmless, being empty. Rainey was giv­ en a preliminary hearing before ’Squire E. E. Hunt, and bound over to court in a $100 bond. Failing to give bond he was assigned to rooms at Hotel de Harbin. Forced Into Exile. Wm. Upchurch, of Glen Oak, Okla., was an exile from home. Mouutain air, he thought, would cure a frightful lung-racking cough that had defied all remedies for two years. After six months he returned, death dogging his steps. “Then I began to use Dr. King’s New Discovery,’’ he writes, “and after taking six bottles I am as well as ever.” It saves thousands year­ ly from desperate lung diseases. Infallible for Coughs and Colds, it dispels Hoarsness and Sore Throat. Cures Grip, Bronchitis, Hemor­ rhages, Asthma, Croup, Whopp­ ing Cough. 50cand $1, trial bottle free, guaranteed bj C. 0. SautofiJ, Foley’s Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medi­ cine. Cures backache and irregu­ larities that if neglected might result in Bright’s disease or diabetes. Sold by all druggists. Two Good Gtizens Gone. It is seldom that we are called up­ on to chronicle the death of two of our best and most beloved citizens in the same issue of The Record, and it is with sadness that we have to do so now. On Saturday, Nov. 13th, Mr. W. T. Woodrulf, who had been ill for about two months as a result of a stroke of paralysis, was called to his reward. The funeral and burial ser­ vices took place Sunday afternoon, and the body was laid to rest in Rose cemetery with Masonic honors. Mr. Woodruff was a member of the Pres­ byterian church. A good man has been called from earth unto life ev erlasting. On Sunday, Nov. 14th, the news of the death of Miss Mattie Eaton, which occurred at 4 o’clock, p. m., brought sadness to every home in Moeksville and throughout the whole county. No better woman has ever tiy.ed in Moeksville than Miss Eaton, and her friends were only limited by her acquaintances, for to know her was to love her. She had been suf­ fering for many months with cancer, having underwent two operations recently, but to no avil. In her death, this city and county loses one of their best women, one who will be missed as the years go by. The funeral and burial services took place Monday afternoon in the presence of a large concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives. The body was laid to rest in Clement Cemetery. MissEatonwas a consistent member of the Methodist church. A good woman has indeed been called to her reward. $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that sci­ ence has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cnre is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con­ stitutional disease, requires a con­ stitutional treatment. Hall’s Ca- tarrli Cure is taken internally, act­ ing directly upon the blood and mucous 'surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation if the disease, and giving the pa­ tient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprie­ tors have so much faith in its cura­ tive powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send fqr list of testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, 0 . Postmaster J. M. Bailey, of Cana, was preambulating around on our streets Saturday. A Scalded Boy’s Shrieks horrified his grandmother, Mrs. Maria Taylor, of Nebo, Ny., who writes that, when all thought he would die, Bncklen’s Arnica Salve wholly cured him. Infallible for Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Corns, Bruis­ es, Wounds, Cures Fever-Sores,- Boils, Skin Eruptions, Chilblains, Chapped Hands. Soon routs Piles. 25e. at C. C. Sanford’s. William Cartner and son, Jesse, of Kappa, were in town Saturday. No Case on Record. There is no case on record of a cough or cold resulting in pneumon­ ia or consumption after Foley’s Hon­ ey and Tar has been taken, as it will stop your cough and break up your cold quickly. Refuse any but the genuine Foley’s I-Ioney and Tar in yellow package. Containsno opiates and is safe and sure. Sold by all druggists. Choosing a Christmas Present. When you make a present of a periodical to a friend or a family you are really selecting a companion to influence them for good or ill during a whole year. If the acquaintances of your sons and daughters were to talk to them aloud as some periodi­ cals -talk to them silently, how quick­ ly you would forbid the companion­ ship! In the one case as in the other, the best Coui1Se is to supplant the in­ jurious with something equally at­ tractive and at the same time “worth while.” A food can be wholesome and utterly distasteful. Reading can be made so, too. But The Youth’s Companion not only nourishes the mind, but delights it, just like that ideal human associate whom you would choose. The Youth’s Com­ panion fills that place now in more than half a million homes. Can you not think of another family in which it is not now known where it would be joyfully welcomed? If the $1.75 for the 1910 Volume is sent now. the new subscriber will be entitled to all the remaining issues of 1909. If desired, the publishers will hold these back or send them at Chi istmas time, together with the Christmas Number and The Compan­ ion’s new “Venetian” Calender for 1910, lithographed in thirteen colors and gold. THE YOUTH’S COMPANION, Companion Building, Boston, Mass. New Subscriptions Received at this ■ Office. W Iu I is admitted by tn m any slight d o effective, it must De tue genm. Sunny TnE C Wliie - TnE ©t7*wi JsffL SUNNY BI OOI s stim u la n t o r : n n ag ed a n d b o tn a a un rig r In s p e c to rs a n d u s atisoint safe a n d free tro m tiam n o v er th e co rk o r each com SUNN' •SC )D i . Bu a i i to be s C SHIPPED SN FtAlN BOXES. NO L i Ff1• .tv__ CRCOIC D ISTiLLSU V CO. =FULL QUARTS B Y E X P R E SS PR EPA S E N D Y O U R O R D E R T o H. Clarke & Sons, Inc., 1205 E. Main St.. Richmond ¥-•> LAZARUS-GOODMAN CO.. Rcanoke V* SIXTY DAYS SALE. For the next sixty days I will sell at reduced prices as follows: S3 50 Shoes now §3.00 3.00 Shoes now 2 25 2.25 Shoes now 2.00 2.25 Ladies Shoes now 1.90 3.50 Pants now 3.00 3 00 Pants now 2.50 1.00 Dress Shirts now S3c. 50c. Dress Shirts now 45c. 50e. Work Shirts now J5e. 50c. fleece lined UuderSbirts 40c. 1.00 Overalls now S5e. 75c. Overalls now (i5i-. New Olnb shells per liov -!(}<-. Hats, Caps, Hosiery, Hunting Coals. Leggings, seasonable Dress Goods etc. I have the Goods and they must go. Give mo n call, and lie pb-usr-il. R. H. ROLLINS. Executor’s Notice. Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of Mrs. M. T. Frost, late of Davie county, N. C., this is to no­ tify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of November, 1910, on this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. AU per­ sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 1st day of November, 1909.M. L. K e sle r, Executor. Ja co b S te w a rt, Attorney. THOMPSON DRUGSTORE. FITTING OF TRUSSES A SPFFIALTY NO CHARGE FOR FITTING, FVERYTHING IN DRUGS. MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. THOMPSON DRUG STORE. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. IGITT H I I have opened a first-class meat market and restaurant in the Gaither building, on the Square. I solicit the patronage of the public. A fresh line of meats always iu stock. Meals served at all hours. Only white mar­ ket and restaurant in town. j . L. SM OOT. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. mwmwmmwmmm ; SOMETHING GOOD FOE EVERYBODY. We invite you to come and inspect our new line of Fall and Winter j goods th.it we have just received and placed on sale. VVe are better pre­ pared to serve you than we have ever been, as our line is more complete in every department. Weare showing a nice lot of outings at 8 and 30c. yard. Flannelettes at. 10c. yard. A nice line of dress ginghams at 10c. yard, and also a nice line of linen finished goods and dress suitings at IOc. yard. A good line of nice dress goods in the latest colors at surprisingly low prices. Ladies heavy ribbed bleached underwear at 25c. We are showing a good line women’s rnd ehildren’s'hosiery from 10 to 25c. pair. Men’s heavy fleeced and ribbed underwear at 50c. We have just put in a I new line of fall and winter shoes; we are now prepared to furnish you. ’ most any kind of shoe you want from a good work shoe to a nice Sunday ! shoe. We have an extra good line of women and children’s shoes, and •I would be glad to show them to you any time you are in our store, Wo i know of no one that can sell you a oetter blanket for 75c. or $1.00 than we lean—we have other mighty good ones at $1.50 and $1.75, We have a good j line of suit cases ancj' trunks —we can furnish you a good trunk from $2.00 I to $5 00. If you want a good clinch collar lamp come to see us: we can ! furnish you a good lamp from 25 to 60 cents. China and glassware at I very moderate prices. We carry a good line of groceries all the time, anil ; you will always find our prices right. We pay highest market price for I eggs and chickens, and all kinds of country produce. Gome to see us. I I Youre to serve, CASEY & STONESTREET, NORTH MOCKSVILLE. DR. A. Z. TAYLOR, DENTIST, Office over Baity’s Store. Mammmoth Black Pigs. A pair of this famous breed of hogs will lay the foundation for a nice income as the pigs sell readily for cash at big -prices. One that I sold dressed 978 pounds. Yours truly, JOHN A. YOUNG, Greensboro, N. C. frequently suffer great pafn and misery during ihe$| change of life. It is at this time {hat the beneficial jp| effect of taking Oardui is most appreciated, by those|p who find that it relieves their distress. fM It Will Help You Mrs, Lucinda Cl Hill, of Freeland, O., write: “ Before I began to take Cardui, I suffered so badly I was afraid to lie down at night. After I began to ||j j take it I felt better in a week. Now my pains have | | gone. I can sleep like a girl of 16 and the change |pjj I of life has nearly left me.” Try Cardni. AT ALL D E H d STOEEB BAITY PREACHING THE PRACTICAL. Our ads are our business sermons. Through them we preach the principles of practical economy. Theworld is made up mainly of practical people—people who have a just regard for the value of a dollar and its purchasing power. Money honestly and economically spent is money satisfactorily spent. As example is better than precept, so is practice better than preaching. Read what this store preaches and profit by what it practices. OUR DISPLAY OF DRESS GOODS MARVELOUS. Fashion Envolves Many New Ideas—Shown Here. Xowhere around here will you find a store so brilliantly illuminated with the new ideas as are to b5 seen here. New shades and weaves galore from the best foreign and domestic mills adorn our shelves. In getting the stylo of goods that dame fashion pronoances correct is not the only advantage you have in buying at this store. For here quality must' at least balance the price. Yon can find in any depart­ ment goods marked far below their true worth—genuine bargains. Here we list a few specials just to show you what’s doing iu this part of our- store, and there are many more: Special—75c. Dress Goods suitable lor coat suits Cr skirts 59c. Special—iiUc. Dress Goods in different weaves and shades. You’ve only to see them Io appreciate lhcir value 39c, You can bny here at a considerably saving for wh it othar stores wonld charge you. We bought our goods early—foresaw the sharp advaucos and laid in our stock accordingly. Jnsfetake the time to compare qualities and prices and see the difference we make. You know we do not advertise what we do not fell. Put us to the test. Here we mention a few staples for your benefit. Seeing jou know, is believing: Heaviest weight unbleached sheeting, full three yard goods, no better made 7c. the yard. Good weight unbleached A A A sheeting fall yard wide 6}c. yard. Father George Sea Island, known from the mountains to the seashore 7c. the yard. 12|c, heavy cotton flannel 10c. the yard, 10c. heavy outing, dark shades Sc. the yard. True Values in Clothes Demonstrated Here. Nowhere in our store does value ring more elearly than in this department. Nowhere in our store will you find the saving more pronounced than iu the sui'.s and overcoats we are selliug. It is true you can buy clothes most anywhere, but it is ceitiiiu you will not get quality coupled with such prices as you find here aronnd this place. Many have al­ ready seen the advantages we offer and have gladdeued their hearts with a new suit or overcoat. ' • Itrs easy though, (or us to do it. We bought early and bought right Knew when we had a bargain offered us and 'f I l-'ok it in. Now we ofier you the opportunity to share our good fortune. Boys’ suits, sizes 3 to 14 years from $1.95 up. JIatch them if you can. Boys’ Knickerbocker suits, sizes 8 to 17 years, $2.98 to $5.48. Match them if you can, Youth’s loug trouser suits, sizes 15 to 20 years, from $4.4S to $9 9S. Match them if you can. Men’s suits iu a great variety of patterns, $5.98, $6.43, $8.98, $9.98, $11.98 and up. Match the style and quality of these garments at the price, if you cau. Men’s overcoats, sizes run like this, 33 to 42. Prices $5.4S, 16.48 up to $9-98, Match them for one third and one- lialf more if you cau. S JlLuYLORftCa rf Afflvriec T Sboes of Servicess=Sboes of Mortb==Sboes of St^le. We have shoes for the whole family that will stand the rigid tests. For shoe value is certainly to be found here. It’s simple too, when you consider tW we only buy makes that have won success through their merits. Listen here, Hamilton-Brown Shoe Co., are the largest manufacturers of shoe3 in the worll. Taair shoes are sai l iu all parts of the civilize! globe. Uacle Sam buys these shoes fjr his soldier bjys because they wear. Birnum & Bailjy, the largest circus in the world, buys Hamilton A SWELL SHOE ^American Brown’s shoes became they stand the wear add tear of the circus man better than auy other. njaofc in all leathers and With such a great concern as this buying everything they use in such enormous quantities, is it not reasonable to believe that they are able . sty le S. to make better shoes tor less money? The wonderful success they have attained is prqpf of this. such Jm ady SHOE This make with others such as Endieott-Johnson Co., Craddock-Terry Co , are showu here in styles to suit every walk of life as well as nil ages. Your shoe bill will be lighteued much if you wear these makes. For the best servicable shoes ask to see the “Kromelk’’ and “Highland Calf.” HighlandCalfiustyIes for meu, women and children. You wouldn’t believe what some of our customers say about these shoes. Try them. ItiIS IS ONE flften’s ani> ISo^s IHats are by no means a side line with us. Just n >te the values we give for 98e., $1 25, $2,00 and will find the goods here to back what we say. $2.50. You /■ten's IHeav^ jfleeceb THrtberwear. Now these goods are not secouds, but just the qualities that others are getting 50c. for. Here 38c 75 cents per suit. each, If you find anything wrong about the goods you purchase from us, bring them back without a moment's hesitation. You will find us more eager to meet mirfaVrs than you are to discern them. Satisfaction every time or no sale. J. T BAITY