05-MayISSUES MISSING ■■ A T h e •HERE SHALL THE PRESS, THE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS MAINTAIN; UNAWED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN.” V o l . X.MOCKSVILLE. N. C.. TUESDAY. MAY 11. 1909.No. 44 The Menu for Taft. Roosevelt Bags Another. Charlotte Opserver. Nairobi, British ICast Africa, Concerning The Observe’s can- May 3.—TheoiIore Boosevelt bag- tion that wheu here ou May 20 *?ed oue more lion yesterday at Sounds Like a Lie. ! “Death ran an obstacle race with j Prank Mareis at White Plains, N .; Y., the other day, and finally woa. NOTICE!THE CURSE OF THE SOUTH. Sale of Valuable Real Estate. I By order of the United States i What is the matter with the South? According to Government report T> , t l W nm i I.'n n riti This aives Mnieis avert 70 was ernssine' a ' Court, I shall on Monday, May 31, of 1908, ‘‘The Secret is out at Last:”—The Southerner, contrary to cufePresident fiift must not have Hiorei ” ami, ueai Kaptiti. this gives Mai eis, aged .0, was crossing a at 12 o'clock, m.V?at the Court rent opinion is not Lazy. Shiftless, Indifferent, or Careless. "He is Sick.’* than three helps to Mcore county I ll'ln a total of three lions and one; railroad track when an engine nar- ■ House door in Mocksville, N. C., sell !The South is afflicted with and harbors that most dreaded treacherous and th’p lioness on the present expedition.! rowly missed him. Jumping, out1 for cash to the highest bidder the I destructive of all diseases, Anemia, Pernicious Anemia. Tlie average .. t, !revisionary interest after the home- Southerner is a sufferer of this Health destroying Parasite which destroysKernnt Roosevelt succeeded in (of the nay of the engine, be got in gtead jn the ^ of w p j ameS;: the red blood cells producing an impoverished condition of the Bipod; razor-back, IesLhe burst with good cheer, The Charleston News • and Couiiersuperciliouslysets it self up as advi-’er. “Mr. Tall ought to have what he asks for, of course,” says this sour and dis­ gruntled contemporary; “but it is hoped that nobody in Cliariottei will be common enough to ask him: ‘Will you have another piece of him!’ etc., etc. Whal they ought to say is: ‘Mr. Talt, may I help you! to this, that or the other ol ■whatever they may have to offer him. There ought to be no slouch hat business in the entertainment of the President when he goes to Charlotte. What he is going there for is more than we can tell, and more than he could explain. But now that he is going, it would be a great blunder if his entertainers should keep tab on the number of times he is helped to any of the dishes he may be able to eat.” Much more reasonable and in much better temper are some ob­ servations by TheNorfolk Yirgin iau-Pilot, “In entertaining si rang ers,” The Tirginian-Pilot admon­ ishes us, “ the mistake is often made of assuming that their tastes will incline to local products, which we ourselves estimate as the best there is. Ou the contrary the average palate is most ticket by viands to which it is accustomed. Petersburg, too. should bear this fact in mind. Some years ago a banquet was spread in the latter city in which seafood figured pro­ minently, though the guests were largely from the mountainous re­ gion. Among ihe dishes was one of superb terrapin flavored with priceless Madeiruj and when a dis tinguished siatemau from south­ west Virginia was invited to par­ take of a second helping he said: ‘No, thank you, TH take a piece of that shoat. The hash is too hot for me.’ ” The Norfolk YirginiauPilot means well and The Charleston News aud Courier means ill, but we must tell both alike that they have evidently never tasted Moore county razor-back. When artisti­ cally prepared this viand possesses a flavor which defies all descrip- bringing down a cheetah, hunting was exciting and both marksmen did excellent work. The lion killed by Mr. Roosevelt yesterday was brought down at close range Hisquick work with The front of a carriage aud was almost under the feet of the horses when he made his first leap. That car­ ried him on a trolley track on which a car was bowling along at 20 miles an hour only a few feet away. bankrupt, situate at Farmington, Davie County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as fol­lows: “Twenty-five acres more or less on which the said W. F. James now the rifle saved the lives of some of! Making a flying leap he got away his mounted escort, who had nar- from the trolley car, only to find row escapes from the infuriated j an automobile bearing down on him beast. The acciuacy of Mr. Roose-!and‘honking’ to beat tli3 band, vclt’s marksmanship is a matter ; Once more Mareis leaping, not to of astonishment. Wonder if Sunday didn’t come on May 2nd, in Alriea. Surely our ex President wasn't out killing lions on Sunday, as the above re­ ports go to show. Total Eclipse of Moon Jane 3rd. Local astronomers are greatly interested in the eoraiug total eclipse of the moon, which occurs on the evening of Thursday, June 3rd. The phenomena may be ob­ served all over the continent if the sky is clear. Inthissection the rise of the moon will be almost normal aud the people may watch the shadow of the earth gradually steal over the lunar body. But further in the continent, probably on the oth­ er side of the Mississippi, the in­ habitants will first sea an odd look­ ing disc of a faint reddish color rise from the east. When the moon rises here only a narrow portion of it will be ob served. Gradually it will enter deeper aud deeper into the earth's shadow until the moon gives no light and is only barely percepti­ ble. This year the moon does not euter into the heart of the earth’s shadow, so there will not be a black eclipse. The moon, how­ ever, will be in the earth’s shadow for over an hour, and practically the only light from the heavens will be that of the stars.—Raleigh Times, which .is characterized by extreme Pallor, General Debility, Weakness, Loss of Vigor—Lack of Ambition, and general undermining of Vitality.The Climate and Atmospheric conditions destroy the Vitality. Let him get over it, get rid of it, get well, and he is as good physically as the bestAmerica can boast. If there is health of the slightest degree in your sys­tem, Walce it up, call it forth. Pull yourself together, man, woman or lives, bounded on the North by the'child; all can and should be well. Toneglectyourselfis to reflect upon lands of C. F. and J. A. James’ heirs,; the wisdom of your Maker. Nature intends all Humanity to enjoy a full on the east by the lands of Mrs. I measure of Health and Vigor. If you do not,"the fault is your own, for Hauser, on the south by the lands you are yourself to blame for it. Wonders have been accomplished for of Thomas Dixon and others, and on i the People of Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi. Let us now7 the west by D. F. Bassett, consisting I do as much for the People of the Carolinas. A postal will bring you the of five adjoining tracts particularly; necessary information. Send no money. Write today. Don’t neglect described as follows: ; this chance here offered you. Address, „ , . ., . .• „ , . . e f FIRST TRACT. Beginning at a 1safety this time, but m front of a stone on the East side of the Hunts-> »*h rii 1 1 ? • i £ M J* * A J C motor cycle, which knocked hiui, ville road, thence S. 88 E. 10 chains j I AG U eV elaR G I n s titu te Ol M edlC ine A n d OUTgerV, down. AshefelIhishead struck I to a stone, thence North two chains ) ^ the curbing and his skull was frac 1 ‘^,n^IheH untsvflle K h e n c e ' C° r* R°ad ^ 62d St‘ CleveIand’ 0 h i° ’ tured. He died in an hour. Death : two chains in the said had him tagged, couldn’t get away. aud he just Large Granite Company. Salisbury, April 28.—A charter for the W. A. Esson Granite Com­ pany, was sei t to Raleigh today which involves the biggest transac­ tion in granite ever consnmoted in the south and oue of the largest ir, the country. With the organization of the new company aud the execution of the plans now made the granite beds of Rowan county aie destined to become fain ms the world over aud the inexhaustible supply of the stone will bring into this town and county millious.of dollars. Some figures are necessary to give an idea of the scale npon which this company is to operate. It is capitalized at $1,250,000, and all the stock is paid in. The woiks it takes over now employ 500 men and this number will be increased to 2 ' S Pp , . . . -----------u p ..\N I ite fur illitffrated catalogue. REACH Rev. Thos. Dixon, Sr., Dead. Rev. Thomas Dixon, Sr., a noted i Baptist minister, died Saturday night in Raleigh, at the home of his daughter, Dr. Delia Dixon Carroll. He was the father of Rev. Dr. A. C. Dixon, a noted Baptist divine and tion. Mr. Taft, perhaps fresh from pastor of the Moody church, Chicago, a bant, should not be left unaided : and of ^Thos. Dixon, Jr., former to its seductions. There is no dan-1 preacher, now noted playwright and ger that his palate, as cosmopolitan | author. Another son, Frank Dixon, as the southwest Virginia states- j °f Washington, is a lecturer, men’s was provincial, will prefer j Mr. Dixon was in his 90th year, anything inferior. For Mr. Taft’s ' H,is home ,waf ,in cleveland c°unty sake aud for the country’s sake we purpose seeing that proper safe­ guards are thrown around him this matter. where he had been a pastor of one church for 60 years, and his remains j were taken there for burial. Dur- 111] ing his ministerial career he had 1 baptized more than 5,000 persons. Bnt razor-back alone does not ] ----------------------- fill out the full measure of a. diu-1 An Editor’s Love Letter. uer. Amongthenum erous other] . . . .,,, . . . “Dear darling delinquent! OhNorth Carolinadainties which were I . . . . . .revealed by The Observer’s ten. ] Precious subscriber in arrears! You best-eatables contest two years ago!are sh^ Do ^ou think we hav? sold which ten or more shall be chosen ; ou^ and §one? No, little sugar- to serve as accompaniment! Doubt-iTtIam-wCcouldnotgetaw ay if we less Mr. C. S. Woolen, of LaGrange, i wanted to. Wo are still at the same and ’Squire J. M. Wolfe, of Greeus-! olfl stand dishing out the advertisers boro, Prize-WinnersontheoccasionlOnsweet promises and bright ex- mentioued, can prodflce even more’pectations. Theymake an excell­ noteworthy lists now than they did ■ ent diet, darling, with a little pud- then. Intlieinterestsof a Irulyidjngflavoredwith a word of noble spread thoughtful suggcs-1, i couragement to serve as a tions from any source will be wel-1... ... , v corned.-------------------- thee, our turtle dove. W on't Slight a Good Friend. en- dessert. j We are waiting and Vatching for We long to reeeu et an cons was in w stroii ten may be a very religious man, but bis language wouldn’t indicati ! that he is. road to the beginning, containing two acres more or less, being the same tract conveyed to W. F. James by D, F. Bassett: see deed recorded in Book 6, pg-154, office Register of Deeds Davie County. SECOND TRACT. Adjoining the foregoing. . Beginning at a post oak on east side of public road, runs S. 88 E. 10 chains to a stone, thence N. 2 chains to a stone, thence N. 88 W 10 chains to a rock at public road, thence S with said road 2 chains to the beginning, containing two acres more or less, being the same tract conveyed to W. F. James by J. H. James and wife. See book 90, page 7, office Register Deeds, Davie Co. THIRD TRACT. Adjoining the foregoing. Beginning at a po^t oak James’ corner, east side of public road, running S 35 yards to a stone or cedar tree, thence East 70 yards to a stone, John Kelley's comer, thence N 35 yards to a stone in' W.F. James’ line, thence 70 yards with said line to the beginning, contain­ ing one-half acre more or less, being the same tract conveyed to W. F. James by the School Committee of District No. 4 white race, as per deed recorded in Book 13, pg. 571, office Register Deeds, Davie County. FOURTH TRACT. Adjoining the oing. Beginning at a stone in James’ corner, 361 feet South, Ie East 947 feet to the branch,]e with the branch to C. F. 1’ line to a stone, thence West iet to the beginning, contain­e rs more or less, being the land conveyed to W. F. James V James and wife, see deed Base Balls, Mitts, Gloves, d in Book 13 of Deeds, page I Ce Register of Deeds of Da-1 nty. 1R TRACT. Adjoining the; ng. Beginning at the branch . James and W. F. James’ thence south-east with branch James’ line, thence East |id line to W. F. James and baffin’s line. Thence with auser’s line to a stone, thence |f South to the beginning at C. es’ corner in the branch, con- twelve acres more or less, he same tract conveyed to W. ies by S. A. James, see deed ’ in Book 16 of Deeds, page ee Register of Deeds of Da- nty.” _ foregoing tract is a valu- isidence, a store house and uildings. This Apr. 22,1909. W. N. H orn , Trustee, East Bend, N. C. FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLAfCfS GUARANTEED TO SATISFY PURCHASERS __ wiaw^wiw LAuwB BUOOtSBBlOK AIiouaTA TSIVKtiift BMOETBTKMMBD ‘11 it. n.skE H B L D TheBiHfcat A tittlatotor TLATDUlVHJU mruflbt. Ftotltod VaHct/. than Boeewim. JAfalnd UtotCaliIag*, e I Is < h. al 51.50 per m., 51, 8 ■. Si Slii per m, 1« B-Sttsvcr, Si ILMmrB. sG a inl and, s. c. Onr Special Express Kales on Plants IsVery Low. -" -nt. 1.1.1 KOit Proof Plants in 1868. N ow have over twenty thousand d we ha e grown and sold more cabbage plants than all other m me SuUthem states combined. W H Y ? because our plants must please or - .iuui ni-nc, back. Order now; it is time to set these plants in your sec- i;et extra early cabbage, and they are the ones that sell for the most money. «***• W BX feM Q rCft* I k 227 Yotmg’s lslud,S. L OFFICIAL AMERICAN LEAGUE The Davie Record, The Nut Shell and the Toledo Blade all one year for only one dollar. Masks, Croup When a child wakes up in the middl” ~.t the ulght with a severe 'attack of croup as fre­quently happens, no time should be lost iu experimenting w ith remedies of a <’ “•■. >»*ul value. Prompt action is often neces?* ' o save life.Chamberlain* a Cough Remedy has never been known to fail in any case and it has been in use for over one-third of a cen­tury. There is none better. It can be de­pended upon. Why experiment? Itispleasant to take and contains 110 Iiarmfnl drug; Pr4 £a» 85 cents; Iargosizet SOceuts. Bats and 1909 Guides Jnst Received at K IL L the COUCH a n d CURE t h e LUNCSI *>™ Dr. King’s New Disc F O R C O U C H S S0T F g 1.. O L D S Trial SoUic F m AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TR0UBLL3. Jf GTJABAtJTEED SATISFACTORY OB H O N EY REFUNDED. LE. HUNT’S hoar thy gentle footsteps on the m ™ ™ i to 1,« » th . * * Mrs. A. T j. Alley, of Beals, Mo., "fur ; i , f happy dollars within our office, after IiKing ten bottles of Dr. K inr’s; „ , „ , , New Discovery, and seeing its excell - 1 Jiear one, we feel unusually sad and ent results in my own family and otli-1 |one]y'without you, dear Now, lit­ers. I am convinced it is the best: ‘"“‘“■t j medicine made for CouShs1 Colds and Ue pie-crust, will you come? Do long trouble.” Every one who triesit fe e ls just that way7. Relief is felt we hear you answer m a voice so at once and its quick cure surprises sweet and beguiling: ‘I am C O tn -you. For ihonchitis, Asthma, Hem- . morrhage, Croup, LaGrtppe1 Sore ing,’ or is it only the winds Throat, pain in chest 01-lungs its su- , 0preme. 50c and $1. Trial bottle free. I around otti office ioar. for further developments,” says an that [•We imagine that Patten is the same kiud of a Christian that John Rockefeller is. He will have to make much restitution ere he de­ parts this life.—Ed .] Smashes All Recosds. Guaranteed by C C. Sanford. ,Subscribe for The Record—only 50c.exchange. As an all-round laxative tonic and health-builder no other pills can com­ pare with Dr. King’s New—Iiife Pills. Tney tone and regulate stomach, liv­ er and Kidneys, purify the biuod. pause , strengthen the nerves: cure.Constipa- j t ion, Dyspepsia, Billiousness, .Taun- ] dice, Headache, Chills and Malaria. I Try them. 2ac. at C. 0. Sanford's. . fell in portions of Virginia 'ennsylvauia May 1st. town of Murphy has let a ct for a system of water to cost §33,000. Miles Pi 11 nix, aged 52 years, iVednesday at his home near rove, I'adkin county. A iicd eight children survive. beat still sells at §1.5« ________________ j IiEAFNESS CANNOT BE CliftiiLF :al applications, as they can :ach the diseased portion ot r. There is only one >vay to [deafness, and that is by con- ional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the inncniisliningof the Euslnchian I Tube. When this Iulm is inflamed 1 yon have a rumbling sound or im­ perfect hearing, aud when it is en­ tirely closed. Deafness is the result, ] and unless the iiiflamnnilion can be taken out aud this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine Ca- [ ses out of ten arc caused* >y Catarrh j which is nothing but an, inflamed ’ condition of the mucous surfaces. Wewill give one linndred dol­ lars for any eascof Deafness (cans- ■ ed Viy catarrh] that cannot be cured ; Iiy Hall's Galarrh Cure. Send for! circulars, free. Sold by Druggists, 75c. ’ I H O L LISTER ’SRocky IBouDtainTea Ruggeis A Busy Mijdicine for Busy People. Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. A specific for Constipation, Indigestion, Livei ami Kidney troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Impure Blood, Bad Brealh,Sluggish Bowels,Headache and Backache. IisRocky Honntaiii Teain tab* let form, 35 cents a box. Genuine made by H o l l i s t e r D k u g C oM PA N Y jM adiriont W is. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE K ILL the COUGH AND CURE t h e L U N G & WITH Dr. King’s New Discovery PRICE S f i s — IOc Se $1.00.OLDS Trial BoiHe Free AND ALL THROAT AND LtING TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR H O N EY REFUNDED. P. P. P.Rheumatism Read what Nicholas Lana, the largest retail grocer In Savannah says about P. P. P. r. V. Lir-PMAN, Savannah. Ga.. Deer Sir: — many years I onsiraed much medicine-, and in fact tried every meant In nty po'ver to get ctsrsd ot that terrible disease, rheumatism, which had UfidermiDcd my health. I visited Hot Springs, Ark., without gaining relTef, and at last sit sheer desperation I took i*. P . P . (Lippman’s great remedy), and was in a short time en­ tirely Cw/ed. In ihe eight years since that time I have not had a symptom of rlteu* matism. P , P. P 4 did'ths work to my entire satisfaction and made a quick and p erm a­ nent cure. Yours truly, Hicholai Lang. THE DAVlE RECORD. ISSUED EVERY TUESDAY MORNING C. FRANK STROUD, .EDITOR TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION; One Year, in Advance ...........................SOc Six Months, in Advance .............. ..25c TUESDAY.May 11,1909 COUNTRY NEWS ITEMS. FROM OUR HUSTLERS. Harmony, Route One Items. Mr. Joseph P. Cash, who has been quite sick, is couvalesceut,We wish to thank all of our ene­ mies who have renewed their sub- we are glad to-learn, scriptions since our last issue.Mr. N. B. Dysou has -been try­ ing bis new Sunny South corn Lincoln, Nebraska, the home of planter, and is well satisfied. AlfalfaiBill, went dry by a majority of 500. A Republican was elected mayor by 300 majority. This reads curious to its, and we pass it on to the Cooleemee Journal for an ex­ planation. We notice in the press dispatches that Teddy R. has been bitten by an African flea, and hasn’t taken the fever. Lotsof people get bit by worse things than fleas and don’t take anything worse than a drink of mean liquor. J. D. Dorsett, the Republican at Spencer, who threw up a $1,500 job as postmaster of that town to run for mayor, which pays $25 per year, was elected by 117 majority. If he had been defeated it would have been horrible. Mr. Jas. P. Beck is going to have bis house painted some time in the near future. Mr. N. B. Dyson has purchased the T. P. Richardson farm lying south of Sheffield, containing ten acres, more or less. Mr. W. S. Reavis has his house near Sheffield about half way com­ pleted. Mr. Marvin C. has been going down on Hunting creek. There is much attraction there. Caither Bros.’ are running their saw mill near Sandy Springs. Mr. Walter Joyner has bought a cotton gin. It is said there will be a new holiness church In this part of the county. Let it come. It is a hard matter to get too much of any­ thing that is good. Mr. Marvin Chaffin is the proud I possessor of a new bicycle. . To a delegation of Chicago women, who called on him to protest against an increase in the tariff on stockings Speakpr Cannon said: "With $60 hats you surely can afford to pay 6 Mr. Noah Dyson has purchased a uew organ. Mr. Thos. Whitaker has return­ ed from a business trip to Winston. Corn planting is the order of the A uboea Bo eea lis . ,.... I ,I r>r ,I i day now, and cotton planting will cents additional on the 25 centstock- y 6. I begin this week* ings yon are wearing. | Croquet is the order of the day Some of our neighboring towns \ n°w. An interesting game was are busy these days boasting of their I P^yed at the old Cheshire school beautiful shaded sidewalks. Thatlbouse ^ Saturday is one thing that we are particularly blessed with, and our town presents I a beautiful picture of coolness and ! The tent meetiuS wiU beSuu the loveliness hard to find anywhere. In | ^th> °“ the old Che8hi,e 8011001 , , , I house lot. tact, we have too many shade trees, , r ., . T. M. Smith made a businessand not enough houses and factor- j W p to Sali8bury ,ast Monday. ic« The lazy man is happy and con-, T p w hjtaker ma(Je a business tented here, for there is so much j trip to Winston Thursday, shade that he never has to move to | Berry Horn has purchased a new get out of the sun. ; wagon, ---------------- I Miss Lizzie Reeves and sister, of Davie county needs good roads, Harm0Dyi visited relatives recent- su«i the people are willing to pay j |y ou Scuttle Ridge, for them. We notice that Catawba and Davidson counties are taking ac­ tive steps along this line. If we don’t soon do something, our roads will be beyond repair. This county should issue at least $300,000 of good roads bonds. We have talked to many farmers of every section of the county about a bond issue, and Mr. J. P. B. still monrus the loss of his herse, but R. W. P. went bis security, and he has a:< - other, but it is a gray. T. P. R. still leads his little mule. He has never rode it, but lays across its back and looks like a sweep on a ginger gritter. Boys, you ought to see him. Corn planting is over. Wheat we have yet to find a man opposed j is Iooklng fine to it. Good roads is the best asset \ Th e Ca t e k pii la e that a county can have. They i n - 1 -----------_________ crease the value of land, and are a ] Bailey Items. help to every man in the county. a | Mr and Mr8 Lueill8 Walker good roads mass meeting should Ire j spe|lt part of ]a8t week witb thdr held and plans discussed. Why not call a meeting at an early date and get down to business. It takes work to get good roads. They won’t come without a united effort on the part of the people. Let’s get down to business and do something now. Many of our enemies have come to son, Crawford, at Cooleemee. Mrs. A. A Dwiggius spent part of this week with her daughter, Mrs. Jame3 Godbey, at Calabaln. Misses Louisa and Lucy Blount, of Cooleemee, are visiting their grandparents. Mr. and MrB. S. C. Gowans. Miss Lucy Dwiggins spent Sun town and examined the court house j ^aJr evening with her cousin, Miss and jail for themselves, and maybe I Blanche Dwiggins. found OUt mdre than we. But to| Mr-JamesOartner and family, those who haven’t had time to come, Kappa, visited relatives in our we want to assure them that work is moving along nicely and the goose hangs high. We learn that the top of the said temple of justice or in­ justice, (whichever it is), is to reach its gaunt peak.70 feet above terra firma. It is also'said that.. a clock and bell, costing $900, will be put in the dome of the said temple. It is to be hoped that this report will prove true, for the town needs a .clock. The Record man watched operations until the weather got so warm that it became dangerous to remain on the grounds, besides, the accomodations for loafers are limi­ ted, and we had to give our seat to the president of the “Ancient Order of the Sons of Rest.” Should any i mportant development? -. Oeeurs Hbe- fore our next issue, we will • issue a*special edition which will be mailed pnly to pauTup subscribers. burg Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dwiggins and little son Speucer, spent Sun­ day with their uncle, Mr. J. P. Dwiggins. Miss Blanche Dwiggins and brother Stokes, visited their uncle, Mr. Jas. Gartner, near Kappa, last week. Will K. Stonestreet, of R. I, is a frequent visitor in our berg. G. C. Dwiggins wanders around -much on Route I, dear Martha. Work on Mr. A. A. Dwiggins new store is progressing nicely. J olly G ie l. Mrs. Mattie Thompson. Mrs. Jce Williams, of Orrum, is at her father’s home very ill. The Sunday school has started at Cherayr Hill, and is progressing niceiy. Mr. Editor, I thank you for the book I eained last month. As news is scare, I’ll ring off. Success to The Record. D ix ie . Reedy Creek News. Our old sweets is baking 5 ’cent biscuits now. A pound cake and a peach bask­ et hat is about the same price. The cake is sweeter than the hat, but how about the one under it. J. M. Crews and wife were visit­ ing their daughter, Mrs. Oscar Hartley, near Tyroa few days ago. In their rounds they met Mr. San­ dy Swicegood and wife, the best looking and gayrest, aged couple they have met in a time. Mr. Swicegood will be S6 this month. Never learned the lady’s age. Jim says Hi asked one woman her age and that broke him. Mr. F. P. Crotts has traded his auto for a house and lot in Lexing­ ton. William James is grandpa again, with Mrs. Arch Walser the mother. Reedy Creek was past crossiug last. Friday and Saturday, we got no mail. Mr. John Zimmerman has a new wagon. No boy to drive. M. S. Crews, of Stokes, is visit­ ing his son, J. M. Crews, near Yadkin College, and other rela­ tives at Advance. Reedy Creek township has neith­ er preacher, lawyer, doctor or mil­ lionaire living in it, but has ten nice families who take The Davie Record, one roller mill, two grist mills, four saw mills, five dairies, some of the finest of farms, a few stores that don’t’ advertise, don’tA. 'know how many, and won’t take a paper that is printed in 300 miles of the stores, so they need not ex­ pect to do much business. We al­ so have six democrats and five hypocrites. Dr. Joel Hill and wife, who have been in Texas all winter for their health, have returned to their homein Lexington much improved, we are glad to note, Mrs. John Potts has been on the sick list a few days. Mrs. Jack Owens is improving H iKi. Tennyson Items. The farmers in this section are real late planting their crop on ac­ count of so much rain. Mrs. John Ford visited Mrs. Lnla Ward IasLWeek. Miss Sallie Martin, of Augusta, spent last week with her gister, Cana News. Their was a large crowd attendei preaching Sunday at Bear Creek The youngest child of Mr. W. Foote is very sick, we are sorry t| note. Mr. Marshel Swisher got frigh ened very bad the other day by team of mules running away wit him, which belonged to Mr. Cook Mr. Willard Whitaker was sport ing his best girl Sunday. Mr. .Oi W. Lowery was unabli tq make his trip on Route 2 Satur day, oh accounkpf high water The com uni ty w**s shocked oveil the death of Mr. J. E. Godby1] which occurred last Monday night We extend sympathy to the lerear-] ed ones. Mr. Alford Peoples who is saw. ing for Mr. J. H. Cain, is prepar­ ing to move his saw mill toanother place. Mr, W. H. Foote made a busi ness trip iu Irdell county this week. The relati ves aud friends of Mrs. J. F, Harkey gave her a surprise birthday dinner last Sunday. Miss Efifie Booe made a trip to Mocksville this week. Mis James Eaton, of Mocksville, is visiting her children, near Cana. Mrs. Emma Hunter has purchas­ ed a new Crgan. Mr. Claud Peoples is a frequent visiter near Chestnut Grove. There must be some attraction. Litt le Country G ir l . A Good Woman Gone. On Thursday eve, April 29th, at five o’clock, the death angel claim­ ed Miss Anue Watford, aged 18 years. She had been . sick more than a j ear with consumption, but was patient during all her suffer­ ing. To mourn her loss, she leaves a mother, one sister, four brothers and many friends. Sad for one so young to be taken away, but our blessed Saviour knows best, and we must humbly submit to his will. May our lives be such here that we may meet with Annie in heaven, where there is no parting. May sorrowing ones look through their tears to the Lord, who doeth all things well. Annie was a mem­ ber of the Cooleemee Baptist church, and was a good Christian girl, loved by all who knew her. She was buried at Liberty church April 30th, at four o’clock, funeral services being conducted by her pastor. Rev. E. L. Weston. She was buried by the Daughters of Liberty, of which she was a mem­ ber, and will be sadly missed in our Council. The pall-bearers were: J. F. Grimes, A. E. Sain, J. F. Thomson, J. R. Page, Claud Tiller and Wesley Wellman. We ex- (endtpthe bereaved family our heartfelt sjmpathy in this sad hour. A place is vacant in that home that cannot be filled. May they, through faith in Jesus, and the life he has given, try to meet dear Annie up yonder, and make the home complete in heaven. Sleep on. dear Annie, and take thy rest, We loved thee well, but God loved thee best. O n e W ho L oved H e r . State Normal Commencement. The following invitation has been received at this office: The Faculty and Senior Class of The North Carolina State Normal and Industrial College invite you to be present at the Seventeenth Annual Commencement May twenty-second to twenty-fifth nineteen hundred and nine Greensboro Read This. A professor has discovered that some ancient runs what is supposed to be the eleventh commandment. The text is as follows: “ Eiuas rof yltpmojrp tseyap uoht sweu a^jjaer ton tlahs uoht COiumandmerit is easily -translated by beginning at the eud and read­ ing backward.—Exchange. Card of Thanks. We desire, hereby, to return our sincere thanks to our friends who on the night of April 26th, visited the parsonage, bringing with them so many of the necessities of life, ‘an odor.of a sweet smell.’ We are grateful to all who helped. We greatly enjoyed having yon with us for the little while that you tarried. We pray that the blessing of the Lord may be upon you all and that we may be more abundant in service to you. Rev. and Mis, 0. S. Casbwell.' ...iyDrwII e v o e i r r t THE DAVII C. FRANK STROl Entered at the P ville, N. C., as I matter, March 3, I LARGEST CIRCULATH EVER PUBLISHED I ARRIVALofPAS GOING ] -Whiskey for the Sick Room should be selected with the greatest care, as m ^ h depends upon its rich, nutritious properties and absolute purity* You can always rely upon SunnyBrook THE PURE FOODWhiskey answ ering every requirem ent. I t is distilled, aged and b o t* tied with special care and for the ex press Purpose of being used” » healthlul stimulant or tonic in the home. SUNNY BROOK Bottiea iu Bond is U. S. Government standard (100%) proof and eveW ^ u Iandti the “Green Government Stamp” showing the correct age and quantity. Iiaitt on felting the genuine, accept no law nfm e. SUNNY BROOK DISTILLERY CO.. Jefieraon Co., Ky. 4 — F U L L Q U A R T S = $ t r BY EXPRESS PREPAID W From any of the following Distributors: H. GURKE & SNOS, Inc. Richmond, Va. The Phiiip G. Kelly Co., Inc. Richmond, Va. SHIPPED IN PLAIN BOXES. SEND REMITTANCE WITH YOUB 0RDEfL_ NO GOODS SHIPPED C. 0. 0. No. 26 No. 28 No. 27 No. 25 Anniversary of Mecklenburg Declaration of Inde­ pendence, Charlotte, N. C., May 18tb, 19fh, 20th, 1909. On account of above occasion, the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets at very low rates. Round triprate from Mocksville, N C., $2.65. Tickets on sale May 17th, 28th, 19th, and for trains arriving Charlotte I p. m., May 20th. Final limit May 22nd, 1909. President 7 aft w ill be the Guest o, Honor on May 20th, and to ac­ comodate those desiring to visit Charlotte on that date, a special train will be operated to leave Winston- Salem at 6 a. m., May 20th; return­ ing leave Charlotte 8 p. m., same date. Far further information see large flyer, or call on your depot agent. R. L. Vernon, D. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. A man is up against a hard game when he goes to have his picture taken and is expected to look [pleasant while his wife is off buy­ ing her new spring hat. When the ball player is out on trikes he realizes that many are ialled, but few are chosen. Nervous Collapse “I have traveled for th irty years continually, I lost a great deal of sleep, which together with constant worry left me in such a nervous state that finally, after having two collapses, of nervous prostration, I was obliged to give up traveling al­ together. I doctored continually but with no relief. Dr. Miles’ Nervine came to my rescue—I cannot describe the suffering which this Nervine saved me. Whenever I am particularly nervous a few doses relieve me.” A. G. C. LIBBY, Wells, Me. There are many nervous wrecks. There is nervous pros­ tration of the stomach, of the bowels, and other organs. TIie brain, the kidneys, the liver, the nerve centers are all exhausted. There is but one thing to do— build up the nervous system by the use of Dr. Miles’ Restora­ tive Nervine. Its strength­ ening influence upon the nerv­ ous system restores normal action to the organs, and when they all work in harmony, health is assured. Get a bottle from your druggist. Take it all ac­ cording to directions, and it it does not benefit he will return your money. H O LLISTER'SRocky Mountain Tea Nuggets' A’ Busy Mcdicl rte Ior Busy People. ] Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. _.v j,A specific for Constipation, Indigestion, Liver • and Kidney troubles, Phnpies.Eczema,'Impure Blood, Bad B reath, Slugrgish Bowels,Headache and Backache. Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab­ let forui. 85 cents a box. Genuine made by H o l l i s t b k D k u q C o m p an y , Madison, W is. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE BAITY’S v v ■£* k . * American f £ a d y SHOE, Style 6047 A patent kid blucher I it,k “VassToe itAmerican Lady Shoes” are quite the thing when it comes to proper dress. Yet its popularity is not only due to the up to-date- ness of its styles for there are many other vital points in which this wonderful shoe excells—ease, fit and durability. We show the ‘'American Lady” in Patent, Gun Metal, Tan and Wine kid leathers .in straps, san­ dals and other new sty les. $2.50 and $3.00. Should you desire a less expen­ sive oxford we have a wide range of styles iu patent, vicis and tans at $1.50 anil $2 00. “American Gentleman” is a shoe built for men that leads too in style, comfort and durability. The wide range of styles shown in this shoe makes it easy for you g®t j ast the shape that’s best snited to your foot. Call in and let us show you the many different styles of the Amer­ ican Gentleman, in patent, glazed kid, tan and ox blook. $3.50,4.00. J- T. BAITY. QR. ROBT. ANDERSON,1 '.-SJar ’ DENTIST, Office over Bank of Davie Lv. Mock Lv. Mock GOING E Lv. Mocl Lv. Mocl LOCAL AND PE Miss Marie Allis in Greensboro. Fork Church cor place May 20th. M. B. Brock, of in town Thursday A sanctified met at Sheffield this w. W. A. Weant sp last week with rel Grant Daniel I stock of goods in Brown’s New Cl get your meals a only cafe in town. Mrs. Green Lea visiting relatives a city. R. N. Barber, a came in last wet folks. Get strawperrie or leave your ord at Foster’s store. 0. B. 1Saton w~ of Winston Tuesd of 159. D. D. Bennett, in town last wee* for The Record. Mrs. B. D. Gra Miss Myrtle, spen ston shopping. We sell the sh sell them. The 0. Cooleemee. R. M. Ijames to Salisbury last nig 1 operated on. The 0. C . Wall mee. are giving dry goods and sh J. M. Roberts, was in town last a pleasant call. Roy Holtshouse spent Thursday a fessional business Virginius Shoe wear for comfort C. Wall-Co., Nor Miss Maud Mi days last week friends at Walke Miss Gelene Salem Female Co tives in this city I must collect Unless the remai at once, I will and sell. J. H. G. Stroud, gave us a pleas and renewed his Kerr Swicego working in Spen is visiting his pa Sweet Briar tion. Every pai 0. C. Wall Co., * Rev. F. M. Wr ton, Tenn., has i ter spending tw< cousin, L. B. W' WANTED--E has not paid his and save being a J. . Mrs. H. C, Sp who have been v returned to thei last week. J. F. C. Baity Greensboro subs Tuesday and Ief turn, for which If its milliner’ to Winston or S C. Wall Co., No what you want. The municipa Tuesday was vei ticket being in votes were cast, i mayor, receivin . .|he old alderme G. A. Allison ru - present mayor, come to the fro officers to back THE DAVIE RECORD. C. FRANS STROOD - - Editor. Entered at the Postofflce in Mocks- ville, N. C., as Second-class Mail matter, MarcIi 3, 1903. LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER EVER PUBLISHED IN DAVIE COUNTY. I John Hendrix, of Bend, was in the i' 1 city Saturday. jj DEATHS. I , . „ „ „ I Caxe«toaK»xSx65<6»:Bcexexe)eexfl6ee<SMB»<ex»6e;*x»>i«x#s<8s<5Cotton is 10 cents, flour »3.50 per ,«■ „ T i- 0l „T .i », , ,Z Mrs. Julia Stone, of Iredell coun­hundred, eggs 15c. I. , i, „ ,I ty, died May 2nd, after a liager- W. A. Bailey, of Advance, was on j jng jj]ne9s 0f several months. Oiu stieetsSatuiday. j J0Jln E Qodbey, of Calahaln, A. T. Grant, Jr., spent Friday in • t]je(j May 4, of erysipelas, and was Winston on business. j buried the same day at Centre. SheriftSheek returned Saturday He leaves a wife and several child - ARRIVAL of PASSENGER TRAINS GOING NORTH. No 26 Lv. Mocksville 10:25 a. m. No. 28 Lv. Mocksville 1:18 p. m. GOING SOUTH. No. 27 Lv. Mocksville 3:33 p. m. No. 25 Lv. Mocksville 6:25 p. m. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS. Miss Marie Allison spent Tuesday in Greensboro. Fork Church commencement takes place Miiy 20th. M. B. Brock, of Farmington, was in town Thursday. A sanctified meeting is in progress at Sheffield this week. W. A. Weant spent several days last week with relatives at Winston. Grant Daniel has opened up a stock of goods in the Yellow Front. Brown’s New Cafe is the place to get your meals and lunches. Tlie only cafe in town. Mrs. Green Leach, of Hickory, is visiting relatives and friends in this city. R. N. Barber, a knight of the grip, came in last week to visit home folks. Get strawperries of T. M. Young, or leave your order for strawberries at Foster’s store. 0. B. Eaton was re-elected mayor of Winston Tuesday by a majority of 159. D. D. Bennett, of Cornatzer, was in town last week, and subscribed for The Record. Mrs. B. D. Graham and daughter, Miss Myrtle, spent Tuesday in Win­ ston shopping. We sell the shoes—others try to sell them. The 0. C. Wall Co., North Cooleemee. R. M. Ijames took his little son to Salisbury last night to have his eyes operated on. The 0. C. Wall Co., North Goolee- mee, are giving many bargains in dry goods and shoes. J. M. Roberts, of County Line, was in town last week, arid gave us a pleasant call. Roy Holtshouser and the “devil” spent Thursday at Advance on pro­ fessional business. from a business trip to Charlotte. J. D. McClamroch went over to the sleepy village of Winston Satur­ day. Mrs. W. R. Eanes and sister, Mrs. T. F. Call, are visiting their cousin, D. M. Miller, at Salisbury. Editor Harris, of the Courier, re­ turned Saturday from a business trip to Concord and Charlotte. J. D. Cartner, of County Line, was in town last week with a couple of \ hams. We are gnawing one of ’em.! A. L. Chaffin, of Calahaln, and J. j reh. A good man is gone. MissMargaretBoyd, of Concord township, Iredell county, died last Monday, after several months suf­ fering from cancer. Mr. Robert Hartness died at his home five miles north of States­ ville Wednesday. He was a broth* er of J. A. Hartuess, Clerk of the Court, of Statesville. BANK OF DAVIE. STATE DEPOSITARY. ASSETS OVER - $200,000. A growing bank able to meet the legitimate requirements of growing business enterpiises. We invite the attention of every wage earner to the advantage of our Savings Department. We pay 4 per cent, compounded in­ terest every quarter. Accounts solicited. CAPITAL STOCK, $30,000.00. RALEIGH, N. C. CHARLOTTE, N. C. MARRIAGES. H. B. Dwiggins, of Route 5, called at our office Friday and contributed to the orphans. Mayor G. E. Horn has purchased the W. A. Griffin house and lot on Second street, and we learn that C. C. Cherry will occupy it.' A portrait of the late Judge D. M. Furches, of Statesville, will be pre­ sented to the State Supreme Court at Raleigh this morning. The Davie Record, The Toledo Blade «nd The Nut Shell all year for only one dollar. Mr. J. A. Templeton, of States ville, and Sirs. Ella York, of Har­ mony, were united in marriage May 2nd. Mr. John M. Mills and Miss Hat­ tie Britton were married Saturday night, May 1st, at Statesville. Mr. Leon Sloop, of Salisbury, and Miss Yiola Wertz, of Faith, were married Sunday, May 2nd. License were issued Wednesday for the marriage of Mr. E. E. Hen- o n e I drix and Miss Nannie Foote, both of I near Fork Church. T. J. Byerly spent Thursday after- j Mr. A. P. Ostwalt, of Cooleemee, noon on the turbid W atei1S of the; and Miss Cora Foster, of n e a r Jeru- North Yadkin. He was accompan- j salem, were united in marriage last ied home by the usual bunch of fish.I week. The Hotel March, Lexington’s best \ ■ hotel, was destroyed by fire Satur-1 day morning. AU the guests es­ caped without injury. I Yesterday was a legal holiday of A special train will run from Win-, some description, we know not. ston to Gharlotte May 20th. passing ] Pressed brick for the court house through this city at 7 a. m., and re- is being hauled up from the depot* turning about 10 p. m same day. The shpwers d were badl Fare for round trip. $2.65. H. G. Meroney spent Sunday at I Sheffield. SEE HOLTON BROS.’ FOR ALL KINDS OF Harness, Collars, Lap Robes, Har­ ness Oils, Whips, Saddles, Pads, and in fact anything carried in a first-class harness shop. Repair work a Specialty. Pullen Building.Piedmont Ins. Bldga. J. T. ANGELL, DEALER IN General Merchandise. A nice line of fresh groceries al­ ways on hand. Country produce bought and sold. I also carry a full line of dry goods, notions, hats and shoes. MORE GOODS FOR SAME MONEY SAME GOODS FOR LESS MONEY. THESE SCHOOLS GIVE the world’s best in modem Business Education. Oldest Business College in North Carolina. Positions guaranteed, backed by a written contract. No vacation. Individ­ ual instruction. We also teach Book-keeping, Shorthand, Pen­ manship, by mail. Send for Home Stiidy rates. Write today for our Catalogue, Offers and High Endorsement^ They are free. Address KING’S BUSINESS COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C., or CHARLOTTE, N. C. R.M. IJ AMES, § * &Depot St. Mocksville, N. C. j 4? !MONUMENTS ANDl The Liveryman. w e lX comfo°rtSand st?ie. kThe 0. b?,?k! a.nd.P,ai er?-.“ ins.- Ita" " ? C. Wall Co., North Cooleemee. Miss Maud Miller spent several anddays last week with relatives friends at Walkertown. Miss Gelene Gall, a student of Salem Female College, visited rela­ tives in this city last week. I must collect all of the taxes. Unless the remaining taxes are paid Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McDaniel, who reside on the turbid waters of the South Yadkin, were in town-. Satur­ day shopping. Jim remembered the starving editor. Prospects for a bumper crop of delicious blackberries are very en­ couraging. In the meantime, a few dollars on subscription will be glad­ ly accepted, for flour remains $3.50 per sack. J. C. Holman, of Route 2, one of the best colored men in the county, was in town Saturday, and called at our office and renewed his subscrip­ tion, which he never permits to get the tombstones 0f a North Carolina moonshiner, according to the Atlanta Constitution: “Killed by the Government needed, and growing crops have ta­ ken on new life. Wlt A..: Bailey, r^of Advance,. left Saturday evening for a months’ so journ at Hot Springs, Ark.. L. B. Walker, who has been visit­ ing his parents on Route I, returned to his home at Roanoke Sunday. Relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mrs. W. F. Nail last Wednesday night and enjoyed some good music. Itwasquiteasurprise to her, it being her birthday. Danger of Free Seeds. Here is the inscription carved on New turnouts, gentle horses, good I i. drivers. Prices to suit the times.! v The patronage of the public is re-J ^ spectfully solicited. When in need; ‘ of a good team, ’phone No. 2. Satis-! faction guaranteed. TOMBSTONES ANY SIZE--ANY SHAPE--ANY COLOR. Call on us, Phone us, or Write us for Designs and Prices. MILLER-REINS COMPANY, NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. *T ^ 4* ^4^4* 4^4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* iIi4*-4*4*4*14**S*4*^ JUST A WORD; to the wise is enough. When you have anything in the way of eggs, poultry, hides, tallow, bees­ wax and country produce in gen- ! : ;eral for sale, it will pay you to call on us before you sell. We pay the cash. We also carry a nice line of groceries, hay, etc: ' I BYERLY & WHITLEY,! SALISBURY ST. MOCKSVILLE. C. C. Sanford Sons Co. 42 YEARS OF HONEST DEALING. Our Clothiag makes the young men bappy, Onr Sboes makes life’s walk easy, far behind. Wanted for cash—all kinds of old relics, jewelry, pottery and furni­ture, Old Book Store, Raleigh, N. C. We furnish all kinds of School Books at half price. For Making Whiskey Out of Corn Grown from Seed Furnished by a Congressman." Another solemn warning against the use of free seeds. In our next issue will appear a big bargain ad of J. Feldman, Salis­ bury’s largest and best clothier and shoe merchant. Don’t buy your shoes until you see their big bar­ gains, which will appear on our first ICiltailllllg IfAAM »1.^ Jimu , «at once, I will advertise property | riex^ wee^* and sell. J. L. Sheek, Sheriff, i jt coaxes back that well feeling, i Notice of Sale Under Mortgage Deed H.G. Stroud, of County Line , 1 healthV >ook> Pu*s the sap of life in i Ru virtue of the DOWers contained1 4. „„,1 rpU„„0j„, your system, protects you from dis- . Jiy virtue 01 ine powers coniameagave us a pleasant call Thursday, ease_ Hollister’s Rocky Mountain!«» a certain mortgage deed executed Tea has no equal as a spring tonic for; by R. L. Craver and wife Martha the whole family. 35 cents, Tea ori Graver, to the State of North Caro- Tablets. C. C. Sanford Sons Co. 1 lma, in lieu of bond m the sum It is very mortifying for a wo man to discover that her husband doesn’t love her aDy more than she loves him. and renewed his subscription. Kerr Swicegood, who has been working in Spencer for some time, is visiting his parents in this city. Sweet Briar Shoes give satisfac tion. Every pair guaranteed. The 0. C. Wall Co., North Cooleemee. Rev. F. M. Walker, of Elizabeth- ton, Tenn., has returned home, af­ ter spending two months with his cousin, L. B. Walker, on Route 5. WANTED—Every taxpayer who has not paid his taxes to pay at once and save being advertised.J. L. Sheek, Sheriff. . Mrs. H. C. Sprinkle and little son, who have been visiting in this city, returned to their home at Albemarle last week. J. F. C. Baity, one of our good Greensboro subscribers, was in town Tuesday and left a buck in our sanc­ tum, for which he has our thanks. If its millinery you want, don’t go to Winston or Salisbury, for the O C. Wall Co., North Cooleemee, have what you want. The municipal election in this city Tuesday was very quiet, only one ticket being in the field. Only 63 votes were cast, G. E. Horn, for ... mayor, receiving 61 of them. AU ^h e old aldermen were elected, with G. A. AUisoitrunning in place of the- - present mayor. Mocksville should' come to the front now, with good officers to back her up. of The Junior Order picnic will be held in this city on Saturday, July 3rd. Prominent speakers will be present, and the program will be interesting from start to finish. Full particulars will appear in these col­ umns later. At least 3,000 people should be present on that day. Be­ gin making your arrangements now to be with us July 4rd. $100 for the personal appearance of the said R. L. Craver, at SpringTerm 1908, of Davie Superior Court, to an­ swer an indictment for fornication and adultery (said mortgage being recorded in Book No. 4, page 331, Register’s office of Yadkin Co., N. C.,) and the said R. L. Craver .being solemnly called and having failed,,..to answer at said term of court;" ’judg­ment Ni Si was rendered against the said R. L. Craygr^in the Superior Court of Eja1Vfe County, N. C., for IT . . . „ , said sum<6f $100, and notice havitigHundreds of thousands of people ; been i&ued to said R. L. Craver and use Hollister s Rocky Mguntam Tea ; Martha Craver. his surety of said as a family tonic. If taken this ? judgment, and at Spring Term 1909,+ftmi Ivt ttrAl I 11 A 0 . « « « . ■ ■ yi ,of said court, said judgment Ni Simonth it will keep the family well all spring. If it fails get your money back. 35 cents. C. C. Sanford Sons Co. Our enemies had trouble finding us at Advance Friday. There were _ so many ugly people present that we j §er at the court house door in Mocics- were hard to single out. Those who' ville, Davie County, N. C., on the didn’t get to see us, may send the 112th day of June, 1909, the following cash to us through the mails at I S S & S S H. C? £ % £ % expense. The people around Ad- 1 tract beginning at the southwest vance are good, clever, hospitable | corner of clover lot and runs east was made absolute, and the under­ signed was ordered by the court to foreclose said mortgage and execute the power of sale therein, to satisfy said judgment: I will therefore sell publicly foa cash to the highest bid- Our chairs make the a; Our groceries make cookmg a pleasure, Oar wagons and buggies make the horses* bur­ den light The people of Davie trade with us because they Iiln oar goods and are pleased with oar prices. Do you trade with us? U noty then get the habit and yon will be happy, too. LARGEST STORE IN THE CITY. H. A. HOW ARD, JEWELER. WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. I also carry a nice line of watches and jewelry. I do strictly first class work on watches and jewelry. I guarantee all watches that will bear a guarantee Cheap watches repair­ ed but not guaranteed. Prices right. WLetter Heads, Note Heads, - 4- BiJl H ellllll l l Statements and Envelopes." WORK GUARANTEED. PRICES REASONABLE. XTJbe Bavte IRecorb 3ob p rin t. DR. W. C. MARTIN, In connection with General Prac­ tice gives special attention to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Fits Spectacles by the aid of Retinoscopy, removes moles and facial blemishes by Electrolysis. Office Over Baity’s Store. MOCKSVILLE - N. C. Jones & Williams, DEALERS IN :. Chickens, Eggs, Hides, Tallow and Beeswax. We PgSrIftore than anyone'else and pay cash. Don’t sell before you see us’and get our prices. GAITHER BUILDING, Known as old Farmers’ Alliance store North of Court House. coooooooooocoooooooooooooo !* - OO!Q I DAVIE 1 SHAVING PARLOR! 8 is the place to go to get your 2 barber work done if you want O the best. Special attention 2 given to all customers. g Yours to please, § G. ARMITTE SHEEK, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOC M. D. BROWN & SON, UVERr AKD FEES STABLE. Phone No. 12. Salisbury Street. Nice horses and vehicles. Careful drivers. Prices Reasonable. THE BEST STABLE Of THE CITY, This Space Belongs to D. D. BENNETT, Cornatzer, N. G. Keep Your Eye on it, for it means money to you- - folks, but like a young lady over there remarked about one of our merchants, “they ain’t much when it comes to good looks.” with the same 15.25 chs. to a stone in the line of lot No. 2; thence south with the line of lot No. 2 and lot No. 5,10.80 chs. to a stone; thence west 5.87 chs. to a stone; thence south 3 chs. to a stone: thence west 10 chs. to a stone; thence north to the be­ ginning, containing twenty-two acres more or less, being a paft*&f the JessStewart plantation allotted to Martha Craver. This the 8th day of C? c! Sanford' Sons! May, 1909. A T. GrantI Clerk Superior Court, Davie Co. N C. Sluggish livers and bowels are the cause of nearly every disease. Cleanse your system and regulate the bowels ^Bd-Iiveftito healthy, natural^ action bjKBtfiltster’s Rocky Mountain Tea. The surest remedy known. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets.Co, M. B. RICHARDSON, BLACKSMITH1NG AND WOOD- * WORKING SHOP. AU kinds of shoeing, buggy and wagon^repairing at reasonable prici^sr -Wh^n you need anything in_ triy liri’e of work, give me a trial. Shop located on Wilkes- boro Street, in rear of Byerly & Whitley’s store. G.G. DANIEL, I Yellow Front. On The Square. A nice line of cigars, tobaccos, cold drinks, perfumery, toilet soaps and confectionaries. ■ My goods are fresh. Give me yoiir patronage, and go home a pleas- j ed customer. Sweet Potato Slips It matters not where you live, you can raise Sweet Potatoes from my slips. Yours truly, JOHN A. YOUNG, Greensboro, N. C. Mocksville Drug Co. New Guilt Picture Framing, Bargains in Kodacks,. Drink RED TAME CHERRY Chicken, Hog, Co«. and Cat Medicine. LICE KILLER, JUDGMENT. Did you ever haar anything but praise for Vick’s Croup and Pneumonia Salve? • » "It is the best. f It’s worth 25 and 50 dollars to any family and offen tnore. 2-5, 50 and Si.00. - From the Caucasian. There are do Chmtiuas chimes in Turkey. Some have eoihe to the conclusion that Ihe way of the wates wagon is hard. It is io be noticed that the ladies are still buying hosiery regardless ut the tarifl' legislation. Wanted An Ugly Teacher. A mountain romance has been brought to light at Foit Collins, Col., through the following queer advertisement inserted in the local paper by a member of the Virgin­ ia Dale District School board: “Wanted—For School District j No. 12, a teacher with a glass eye, •Some ot the cadidates for the S[ay headed, a wooden or cork leg, Fartern judgeship are now wearing'80 8^e can^ dance, aud is sure to the smile that will soon come off. i take to the woods if she sees a man Mr. Jliyau has reiterated in an I coining,” emphatic any that he has no inten- -M'ss Myrtle Pardee ,taught the lion of retiring Iroiu polities. The. I irginia Dale school. She was reiteration was altogeather un-|prelty. Shewasdelugedwithin- neeossarv. vitations to dances, aud a dozen:® Siuee the outbreak of the revolu-1 youths of the tarming eouutry laid tion iu Turkey the poet might a-. their hearts at the alter of her gaiusay-. “ At midnight, iu hisjbeauty. guarded tent the Turk Iajr dream- ] ^he grave heads ot the school of the hour." board soon decided that a teacher Judge Landis, of 829,000,000 fine who tipped the light fantastic so fame, has now lined a man oue divinely and so frequently at night cent. Hcprobably imposed the ^ nkl not properly work her head .------------- latterfine justtoseeifthe higher! during the day. j T H E court would reverse him. Then enter the school board with; Charlotte will probably make: its outspoken ad.—Ls. ! some money out of President Taft’s ' msssssmsm I I WhereAreYouGoing?! THE DAVIE RECORD jjg| I am going to Bailey & Martins, to buy my Spring sjg| goods, for they are so cheap. IU 15c. Lawns for 121c, and 12 jo. Lawns for 10c. |H 10c. Lawns tor Sc. and 50c. Silk Mulls for 35e. 50e. Dress Mohair for 15c. I yard wide 15c. Dress Mohair for SSc.. I yard wide Shadow Plaids, 15c. to lSe. Ladies Muslins Skirts, 75 to $1.00 Iu<ant Summer Caps, J Uc. to 50c. New line Mensand Boys Straws cheap Men aud Boys Clothing to go at some price Nice line of Trunks. YOURS TO PLEASE, f -Ti Bailey & M artin. Ir \ 8 % *#<KKfK>4b<g:Oxt>:<0 ca*nkKCM>;9.-<n:«^0:cS.xS.-«B<S9'‘«k<&<n»<B>'«'-'&«eKB3 The Cheapest W eekly Printed Il PEOPLE’S NATIONAL BANK UNlTEO STATES DEPOSITARY, W i n s t o n - S a l e m , - CAPITAL, $300,000.00. N. CHOT SPRINGS, AltK., \ isit to that, city on May 20th. n0 competition against Lipp- Thcyhave announced that they man's Great, Remedyfor the cure will charge $1 00 it you stand near ot Rheumatism. ^ : ASSETS A MILLION AND A HALF. Takes care of its customers when the President, or $2.00 if yon sit James Newlon. Aberdeen, Ohio, j m0ney is firm or easy, keeps every transaction confidential,, allows inter- [ says I5. P. P. did him more good ! est a{4 per cent, from date on Certificates of Deposit, has a Savings De- Iluin three months treatment at ■ partment, loans money to you, or for you, and does everything a well eon- . Hot Springs, Ark. j ducted up-to-date bank should do. Let us have your business. Nobetter W.T. Timmons, of Waxahatchie, place. You can send your deposits by mail. vU*w n. Bread that intoxicates. Tkronghont the eastern part of Tex., says bis rheumatism was so Bibcria it is no extraordinary sight bad that he was confined to his bed to see peasants in the h ila rio u s' lor months. Physicians advised . . .. . .Hot. Spriugs, Ark., aud Mineralstages ot intoxication, brought on „ .,,* 5 , 6 , , .' . , 6 Wells, Texas, at which places heby rating bread. Intheregioube-Ispellt seven weeks in vaitlj witll I ween the sea and the river called knees so badly swollen that his Missouri, the humidity of the tortures wrere beyond endurance, elimalc as well as the soil is re • I’- I’- I’- made the cure aud proved , , , .. , itself as in thousands of other casesmarkable. In many parts the Iiu the Wood pm-fler in tbe W0)W midityis so intense that there ;ami superior to all Sarsaparillas grows upon ears of corn a species aud the so-called Rheumatic of fungus. A sa result of this, I Springs, i he bread made from the eo.rn gives- Sold by All Druggists, all the rcults of an over dose of alcohol. Wholedistrictsaresome . times inbriated by this strange Mmy IkhI a new slicath gown, kind of alcoholic bread.”—Ex. ' rJ1Iiat was split almost in half; Who gives a dam for Mary’s lamo, When they can see her calf. JOHN W. FRIES, President.WM. A. BLAIR, Vice-Pres. and Cashier. FOR LADIES ONLY. Red Buck, the Charlotte Ob server's Washington correspon­ dent, has figured it out that more than 200 calls have been made al V. W ALLACE & SONS, WHOLESALE Dry Goods, Notions and Clothing. DROP US A CARD AND OUR SALESMAN WILL CALL. SALISBURY, N. C. Lived 152 Years.m s m In Davie County. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. I Wm. Parr—England’s oldest man— , r r ^ j married the third time at 120, worked II lie \\ llito aJOUSC to sec Mr. Talt \ the fields till 13*2 and lived 20 years : in regard to the Eastean Judge-; longer. People should be youthful a t;. 80. .Inmes Wnght, of Spurlock, Ky.,ship nno more than ^lOjOOO have j shows how to remain young. “I feel been spent in railroad tickets, hotelIJls? like a lO-year-old boy,” he writes lolls, etc., etc., and still point.ment has been made. no ap-, ‘after taking six bottles of Electric !B itte rs . F o r th ir ty yre a rs K id n e y , stomach trouble is but a symptom of. rind nnt ■ I j tro u b le m a d e life a b u rd en , b u t th e In itself a true disease. We think of Dyspepsia, j & I fir^t Iin ttlp o f this; w o n d erfu l m pdi- : Heartburn, and Indigestion as real diseases, yet $ F OtLJL . o n a e riu m ^ a i ore symptoms only of & certain specific, t; cin e c o n v in ced m e L h a d fo u n d th e Kerve sickness-nothing else. ! | j g re a ta s t c u re on e a rth .” T h e y ’re a i It was this fact that first correctly led Dr. Slvoop 11 publication of tbe Industrial News j godsend to w eak, sick ly , run-aown o r j r I at Greensboro will be resumed at 1 _____________________ : out that original and highly vital principle, no I_ A n _____ • such lastingaccomplishinents were ever to be had. aFOR MEN ONLY * For stomach distress, bloating, biliousness, bad hi v i v iUL.ii v n u , hreath and Sallow complexion, try Dr. Shoop’a i Itisnow understood that thej I a early day. SHOES AT COST. \ I have decided to close out my I entire stock of shoes at. cost * consisting of Southern King, | City Park, Mutual, Southern I Girl, Pyramid and many other J brands, in both gents and la- I dies. If you want shoes, now | is the time to buy them. Call f and get my prices. | Four Brouthers Surviving the War. We do not suppose that it is gen-j in the face ihese days. The peach orally known that Caldwell county j basket turn down hats keep him has four living brothers, old veter- j from doing it.—Ex. us of the war of the GO’s, but we' have and here they are: John M. Hndderth , C. M. Sudderth, J. Deye, of Gladwin, Mlch., was a run-; I, in o i ... i rr, t-> a i : nimf ulcer. He paid doctors overM llburu Sudderth and I. F. Snd- -J400 tt.ithout benefit. Then Bucklen’s: dcrtb, alt four living within IonriArnicaSalve killed the ulcer and I miles of each other, all strong and Cure? Ffver-Sores, Boils, j^ : Felons, Eczema, Salt Rheum. Infall- 1 iiblefor Piles, Burns, Scalds, Cuts,; Corns. 25c. at C. C. Sanford’s. XT . i i_ , i , ; Eestoraiive—Tablets or LIqiuO—and see for your-No man is able to look a woman j self what it can and will do. We sell and cheer.I fully recommendI \ D r. S hoop’s Kills to Stop the Fiend. : , The worst foe for 12 years of John; B C. C. SANFORD SONS CO. C. C. DANIEL, R. F. D. I. Mocksville, N. C. El e c t r ic b it t e r s THE BEST FOR BILIOUSNESS AND KIDNEYS. tbuckien's Arnica SaSve The Best Selve In The World. healthy for meu of Lenior News. (^SSSBBSBaSSS their age.—; Headache TeJts ONE of the Little Tablets and the Pain isMt' Gone NEURALGIA BACKACHE u I have used Dr. Aliles’ A n tl-P ain PiIii for years and find chat they are the one thing that will certainly give a suf­ ferer the d esire d relief.’’ Mrs. J. P Briytfll1 Tonapaht Nev AND THL FAINS OFRHEUMATISM ,and SCIATICA What ShaH We Do? j If Merry Widow hats get much j larger, and summer hosiery gets] .any thinner, the American people! ' are going to find themselves in a | bad row for stumps. The hats are so wide now that doors have to ‘ be taken off the hinges to admit them, aud vehicle seats had to be widened, not mentioning many oth er items. Hosiery has become so 'I bin that many people are laboring : under the impression that the fair ones are going stockingless. Every farmer and business man in Davie and adjoining counties should take The Record and give it their hearty support for the following reasons: REASON NO. I. The Record is working for the benefit of the town, the county and the State REASON NO. 2. The Record gives the news that inter­ ests all classes of people at half the price charged by other papers. REASON NO. 3. The Record always comes out on time and never misses an issue. The paper is the friend of the laboring man and its columns are open to all men of all faiths and all political creeds, and the editor says what he thinks, regardless of boycotters and criticisers. The price of our paper is Try This Once. Ifyouknowafresh young man, i and want to take him down a noteh, i young ladies, call him up over the ] telephone and ask him if he likes to j go fishing. If he does, tell him to bold the line, hang up the receiver : and let him fish. 25 Doses 25 Cents Yi>ur Druggist sells Dr. Miles* Antl-Ram Pills and be is autbomed to return the price <4 the first package ionI> J if it fails to benefit you. Help Wanted. i If the Republicans put stockings ; much higher, the undervest will have j to go out of business, or be put over . the head; at least that is what we j hear whispered.—Ex. j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I A Good Excuse.I The Durham Herald says that if it did not run a whiskey advertise­ ment once in a while those who crit­ icise it for doing so might not know where to get it. I , The Davie Record AND THE Weekly Toledo BladejSO CENTS A YEAR Both Papers One Year FOR ONLY 75 CENTS. Southern Railroad. Operates over 7,000 Miles of Railroad. QUICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS North-South-East-West. Tnrotigh Trains Between Principal Cities and Resorts AFFORDING FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION Elegant Pullman Sleeping Care on all Through Trains. Dining, Club And Observation Cara. For Speed, Comfort and Courteous Employes, travel via the South­ ern Bailway. Bates, Schedules and other information furnished by addressing the undersigned: R, L. V e k n o n , Trav. Pass. Agt., J. H. W o o d , Dist. Pass. Agenl Charlotte, N C, Asheville. N. C. 9. H. H ardw ick . lass. TraffieM gr. W . H. TATLOEjGen-I Pass Agt WASHINGTON, D. C. To Everybody, Rich and Poor Alike. OUR GRAND OFFER To induce those who are not taking the paper to become subscribers, we will receive new subscriptions until May 1st, and send paper from date of subscribing until July 1st, 1910, for the small sum of 50 cents. This applies only to new subscribers, people who do not now take the paper. Tell your neighbors and friends about this Grand Offer before it too late. Now is tbe time to subscribe. is 886138 I he i f O T ^w r ‘‘HERE SHALL THE PRESS, THE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS MAINTAIN; UNAWED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN.” V o l . X.M O CKSVILLE. N. C.. TUESDAY. MAY 18.1909.No. 45. An Interesling Letter. E d it o r R e c o r d :—A s p e r p ro m ise I my Vi WhiteSalmon and went down to RorLland and spent the night. Port­ land is one of the IinesL ports on tile Pacific coast, and is a city of over 200,000, and is growing rapidly. On April 1st, I sociiivd a ticket by vva\ St. Louis, one of the largest and most progressive cities on the Mis- Why Moi Use The Road Brag? There is much discussion tlirough- need of me not ht be then on through Eastern Tennessee I taken to indicate that we are ready to North Carolina, my home state. right ut \v to build the best roads My letter is already too long, and . possible. The advantages of good for fear of getting in the waste. roads aie enumered with apparent (v S iasket I will close, but before I do, J eonvieti )n, and although those of Tacoma, with a two days stop-[ wish to say that after passing staled are great and many, it must i through over 20 Stat<>s going andover, and I spent those two davs I"......"sl' 7 ‘ “ i4uIu* “uu I he admitted the case has not been, ’ ., r , T \ coming and after a stay of ncarlv, ,1 i> . . .pleasantly with Lx.-Judge Jan. A., . - er-sla cd. Lin, are He makingJ1,.,,. ‘ , , I chree months 1 1 1 Washington, I can'Williamson and. iamnv, iormeriy 0 1 . . , . XT , - . use ot tlie means at our command'onsistenlly advise North Carolinians I! ro better the roads we liavef InMocksville. Tacoma is on Puget Sound, and is one of the j growing cities of the Northwest. Twenty- one years ago, when Mr. Wiiliam- son located there, it had a popula­ tion of about 25,1)00. Now it claims about 120,000, and is growing rap­ idly. It has one of the finest high schools in the United States, and is building a stadium that will cost nearly one hundred thousand dollars. Mr. Williamson lias succeeded in his new home, and has the satisfaction of seeing all of his children educa­ ted and nicely located. His oldest, son, George, is his law partner, and is doing finely. He was recently elected Supreme Ruler of the Elks, of Tafioina, with several candidates against him. This shows his popu­ larity and how highly esteemed he is. It was a great pleasure to me to be with them.' I had not seen Mr. Williamson since 1SS9, the year to remain at home, for here, all j | ”“ 5 x,e hings considered, is one of the most j ilanJ seLtions eaitti roads are all desirable places to live in the Union. I 've «*ul ;,°Pe for within life-time of The same energy expended h e r e , I those new living, for the simple 1 hat you will have to put forth out I reason t nit all others are too ex- West, will bring success, more of the-pensive to build. These earth real comforts and necessities of life I romls aie in 110 better condition, than can be found elsewhere, under! n n m t eascS) than they were five, more desirable and favorablecondit-1. en ol. n ^teen years a.-0 ]s this a ions to a native Tar Heel, than can } fn, R. for ^ imcdillte ini. be touno 1 11 any other state. South- 1 .". , , . ,,, , , . j -movement in our Mails us a whole?orn customs get some rude shocks in , the West; if you don’t believe it, go I and see as I did. E. IR M orris. ! Mocksville, N. C., May 10,1009. Court of Honor. Special to The Havie Record. UhurloUe, May IS.— Lliailotle' ft must be apparent to all that our only hope Ior good roads is to im- piove the common dirt road Even the building of the so-called sand' clay road is beyoi d the financial possibilities of many sections: It is pretty well known by our lie left North Carolina for ('oiirt of Honor during the visit ol j people that the road drag—-the President and Mis. Taft, the 20th split log drag—is an economical, of May will almost equal, certain (effective and practical means of Iy in point ol brilliancy and decora-; improving earth roads. We know I willing, for the sake of a good road I in front of his place, so spent fifty : cents to a dollar a month in labor I of men and teams '•> drag the roads passing his own lands, then, and , hot until then, shall we have pass I eil beyond the talking stage on the ; working stage of a desire good roads. Uy all odds, this is the cheapest and most effective means of improving our earth roads which is within out reach. It is so cheap, and yet so effective, that it ought to be in use on every mile of earth road in our territory; but we ven­ ture to guess that there is uot now in use an average of oiip»r'Split log Jrag to the county throughout our territory. Can any one tell us why?.—Prcgressive Farmer. OUR BUYER HAS PURCHASED We Will Try It. A paper in a good sized town in -Dklahoma recently published this tern: ;*Tbe business man of this town who is in the habit of hugging his typewriter had better quit, or we will publish his name.” The next day thirty-seven business men call cd at the office, paid their sub­ scriptions, and Ielt behind them t hi rty-se veu col u 1 11 ns of ad vertisi ng, and told the editor uot to pay any attention to foolish stories.—Bot­ tle’s Gazette. - ifV ■ 1 Si < 'M t' \ P ' I/ \ fcderheimer, Stein & Co. MAKERS home. I was made sad to see my old friend suffering from a bad case of asthma. This visit was one of the most pleasant incidents of my trip to the Northwest, for the en­ tire family did everything possible to make my stay pleasant. I felt when I took leave of them, that, in all probability some or all of us would never meet again, but the Ius new j iion, Ihe magnificent court of houoi Uiili well that our past methods of j in Washington when the President 1 working the roads have not very was inaugurated. From the South- rapidly or materially improved orn passenger depot to the square their condition. It has been de­ nial 0 1 1 Tryon street, three blocks i uionslrated beyond doubt that Jthe from the square in each direction best, easiest and cheapest means tIscre will be thousands of glitter- of improving eartheu roads is by ing lights in the streets and 0 1 1 the : the use of the road drag. We buildings. Besides this three beau-j want better roads, and we know tifully illuminated arches spauniug ■ that the road drag will give them renewed friendship will always be j the entire width of the street, from j to 1 1s, We know further, that its one of my pleasantest recollections, sidewalk to sidewalk, will add I use is simple and inexpensive and Saturday evening, Apr. ord, I took I ,, ]-e:i.t Iy to the beauty of the scene, i the benefit large, but we do tut my departure on the Northern Pa-! O n c i l h e r s i l l e o(- the curbing | use it. from the Sonflierii station to the! Inview of all these facts, will More- . someone tell us why we do uot use - on the Northern Pa­ cific Railroad, which carried me through central Washington and Lhe,..., , r, , . - , itquare, Iroin the -Square tobeautiful Cascade mountains. 11 1 ’ 1 passed throu storm that night Ii snow and a snow nil Sunday morn-: :llK* ; I bend street on South Tryon street the split log drag on our roads? beyond Seventh street on We confess we have been compelled ing early reached Spokane, a largo i NoHh Tryox will be placed TfilLogiveiip the conundrum. Nd hustling city. Sundayand Monday snow while monuments towering long since the writer heard a man was passed in going through the' 20 Icct high with a United StatcsldisonssiLgtheadvautagesof good states of Idaho and Montana, which ; Ilag unfurled on top and the words roads, and in course of his talk lie carried me near the Yellowstone ; jfa,y 20, 1775 standing out in bold ; stated lie would give SI an acre to Natioiial Park Ialso passed through ^ re!icf 0 1 1 the sides. have a good road in front of his two Indian 1 eseitations the I Iat-j Thedecoraiionson the square . farm of 640 acres. Auexamination heads and the Grows. These reser-i . r , . ,,. , .... „ . w illbe extraordinary. Uie Illu I ot Ilie rood in front of his placevations are 1 1 1 beautiful valleys in . . . - j . 1 Montana, and in the Crow Veserva-Imiliatl0118 Wl11 1,6 111 rei1 whlte au(1 Ishowel1 1110 1,0 faiHy wel1 Sraded tion I passed in sight of the Custer I blue !l»hts’ 1,1 lhe filiatio n of an ; and- drained, but in very bad con- battle-ground which is marked bv a 111 mli.ella spreading out from a I ditiou otherwise because rough and splendid monument erected in honor! I-innacle bight above the street to ; badly cut up. In fact it was just of the brave Gen. Custer and the Uie four corners. There will be in !such a dirt road as could be kept 267 men who lost their lives at the !addition to all this hundreds o f, in good condition at the merest hands of Sitting Buil and his war- big United States flags 'secured ; fraction of the amount this man riors. Sunday evening I passed; from the W ar Uepartnient and !stated lie would he willing to pay for a good road, Oti beiug ques-through the nice little city of Mis- (t h o u s a n d s of small iiags !lowing in soula, the home of the Hon. Jos.' t-,e hreozes. Dixon, U. S. Senator from Montana, I ---------------------- a native of North Carolina, who has ( Won’*slight a Good Friend- won fame and fortune in the West, j ‘!,f l-vcr 1 necd a cough medicine a- Sunday night I passed through B utte,; AU^ M ^ ‘“for and one could see the electric lights ; after using ten bottles of Dr. King’s all over the mountains surrounding I Su"' Discovery, and seeing its excell- ., .. , ,, „ 0 I unt results 111 Uiv own familv;uid otli-the city, where the famous copper, ors, 1 ;un convinced it is 'the best mines were in full blast day and 1 medicine made for CouSlia, Colds and night, Sunday and every other day.! 'itelief V f l h I- rom Montana I passed on to South ; at once tind its quick cure surpvises Dakota'and Wyoming, and then en-'>'im- For B.-oncnitis, Asthma, Hem- tered western Nebraska, in the E ast-: .'.VurrllaK "'. c P uD UaGrippe, Sore era portion of which is locrted LinThroat, pain in chest or lungs its su­ preme. 50c and $1. Trial bottle free, coin, the home of the Peerless lead- '■ Guaranteed by C (-'. Sanford. er of Democracy, Hon. W. J. Bryan. | PorJl Church ComraencemenL I vvasndmg 0 1 1 a limited ticket or 11 should have stopped over and paid 1 - The oommenceinent exercised ofjbnt it is certain we do not want tioned admitted he knew of the split-log drag and-had every reason to believe that the statements made of the iesults obtained from its use were correct. When asked why he (.id not use the drag him­ self and obtain and maintain a good roa I at much less cost than he had slated he was willing to Diiy he Laukly admitted that he considered it too much trouble. Good roads are expensive to build and cost money and trouble to maintain in good condition. We appear to want good roads . . . I i’ork Church Academy takes n acemy respects to the sage of Fairview, on , „ , . 1i ,i i. t-r i er- i ’ : inursday, May JOtli. Following and the beautiful city of Lnwnln. I: is lhe p)0grani: met a gentleman from Lincom, who! ” “IO a. in.— Exercises bv Prim ary was personally acquainted with M r.! Department,, Bryan, and although he was a ' 11 a .m .— Address, Prof. P-. S, staunch Republican I could not help; Vann. Lexington, but admire his broad liberality to -1 1:30 J>. m .— Declamations and ward Mr. Bryan. He remarked that | ^''cibdioiis. Mr. Bryan was a good man and hon- • „ 8 p’ V1 ’ ^layets and,. , ,, . , j Pa 11 tom lines.est, and that ne was glad he carried I . ^r - ___ Nebraska in 1908 for president. His j ., .'J-iv,®.d 1 5 2 Years. admiration of the man, and his state j Wm. Paiw-r KngtaiuTs oldest man— pride was stronger than his partizah- married lhe fbirrt time at 120. worked ^ . . . ------- i- tir i f,i c n i m the Iiclds till l->2 and lived 20 years ; Ivl,.jii.,oship. We people of the south haven t ; i<mger. People-should be youthful at jp i ^ got much of that spirit, but inde- 180- Janies Wright, of Spurlock. Kv- I I-I-I- Lfis 1« pendence is growing in the South a s ! ^ H k c a b i-^ a r-t well as elsewhere in the United :'‘after taking six bottles” of Kllctric Bitters. For thirty years Kidney them as ,1 1 ueli as we profess, or there would he more split-log drags in use. When each land owner is NERVOUSNESS. By properly toning aud feeding the nerves with pure blood which is done by using P. P. P., Lipp- mau’s Great Remedy, the most marvelous cures of nervousness are made, restoring health immediate Iy to the patient, aud making him st;rong and vigorousiu a little while. P. P. P. is superior in all Sarsa- 1 States, and it portends good for the -.sv, , ,, , XT , , . itniuiilcmadcbtoa burden; b u t thepeople. EasternNehraskaisawon-InrstbouIe o ftllis v.oll,|erflll medi_ I del fully rich and prosperous section, jcine convinced me I bad found the its formula on eve­ ry carton. Any physician will tell you that P. P. P. is the best combination of green roots and harks that was ev­ er put together for the cure of weak- . ! ....... . ness, general debility and ucrvou- 1 the beautiful farms a!nd homes are a i K1u cliru uJl Ta.1!1, Theyre • a , ness B js a good tonic and the a . _ „ , , . i g:id;i,.-nd to neak. sickly. 1-un-uown or , . . . , r. . ., '* so. e sign. From Nebraska I passed oal people. Try them. 00c. at C. C. 'best blood purifier 1 1 1 the world, iitfc'ough a portion of Missouri, 0 1 1 to iS:i:-ford's, . | Sold by All Druggists. I ' He Went to Sleep, But— Recently a friend who had heard that I sometimes suffer from insom­ nia told me of a sure cure. “ Eat a pint of peanuts and drink two or three glasses of milk betore going to bed” said fie, “ and I ’ll warrant you’ll be asleep within half an hour.” I did as fie suggested, and now for the. benefit of others who may be afflicted with insomnia, I Ieel it to be my duty to report what happened, so far as I am able to recall the details. First, let me say my friend was right. I did go to sleep soon after my retirement. Theu a friend with his head under his arm came aloug and asked me if I wanted to buy his feet. I was negotiating with him, when the dragon on which I was riding slipped out of his skia anil Ielt me Iloaling in mid air. While I was considering how I should get down, a bull with two heads peered over the edge of the wall and said he would haul me lip if I would first climb up aud rig a windless for him. So as I was sliding down the mountain side the brakeman came in, I asked him when the train would reach my station. “ We passed your station four hundred years ago,” he said calm­ ly folding the train up and slippiug it into his vest pocket. A t thiej UIictiire the clown bound - ed into the ring aud pulled the centerpole out of the ground, Iift- iag the tent and all the people iu i: up, while I stood on the earth I eIow watching myself go out of sight among the clouds above. Then I awoke, aud I found I had been asleep almost ten minutes. —The Good Health Clinic. The entire Bankrupt Stock from the Strauss Clothing Co., of New York, who went bankrupt. We offer to yon up-to-date MenjS and Boysj Clothing at less than 50 cents on the dollar. We have no space to mention prices. AU we ask you is to come and look these goods over. No trouble to show goods. She Got the Money. T heyoungw iteofa Kaslo, B. C., Man, who is not especially sweet-tempered, one day approach­ ed her lord concerning the matter of one hundred dollars or so. “ I’d like to let yon have it, my dear,” began the husband, “ but Ihe fact is I haven’t that amount io the bank this morning—that is to say, I haven’t that amount to spare, in asmuch as I must take up a note for two hundred dollars this afternoon.” “ Oh, very well, James said tliej wife, wjth an ominous calmne.*s, j “ if you think the man who holds; the note can make things any hot-1 ter for you than I can—why do a s! you say, James.” I Kills Io Stop the Fiend. Tlie worst foe for I'.' years of ,Ir>l.m 1 Dcye, of Gladwin, Mlrh., wes a run-! ning ulcer. He paid doctors over I iUW without benefit. Then Hbcklen’s Arnicasalve killed the ulcer and cured him. Cures l"ever-;5ores. Boils. • Felons, Kczema. Salt Rheum. Infall- j SPECIAL IN MEN’S SHOES AND OXFORDS. We offer you 500 pairs of MEN’S SHOES and Qx- f o r d s , made by the best SHOE Manufacturers of this country, Walk= over, King Quality, Geo. G. Snow, Hanan $5 and $6 Oxfords in ers: Tans, Metals and Leathers, Pair. & Son, Shoes and a ll leath- Wines, Gun Patent at $2.85 a j* I FELDMAN, Felons, Kczema. SaR Rheum. 'Infall-I^npi P BI * P . A I* I Mctfr b. Mam Dt. Salisbury, M. G4 THE DAVlE REcORDJiSW SM W BM aw^!' ISSUED EVERY TUESDAY MORNING1 & COUNTRY 1«EVv > >’ " aer hist wcfi:. C. FRANK STROUD, EDITOR TERMS CF SUBSCRIPTION: One Year, in A - - < Six Monlhit ’■ TUESDAY. FROM OUk HUi1J.... tffffi^ M rtsS ^ r^ J a i \ Bixh ; I x,'.,. . ..IIMii', Ii;, pcrUii^i^il ; !I «:i- gi\ u a Ie it iicia:: iVoai Bii-Iiy. Mr. George Sheet;;, of HtMisvsne, is OO a Vi-It i.j I-’1^ I ; i'i'JiI -dr 'ii'-'1 .Mrs. T. *.'. Slr.-eis. i ihe !'iwfoliife at this uiaee svh." . :-.n i:..._ .i ibbed o! ovj*“ ;J. Mr. (5. S. Jiom-tsmi who »>t fie at Those o:’ I .''- I-I:''-. wis .in;,; to rene*-th .i:-? „ ieia;, will tir.d us down L.. :: c 'hne; it mi the south­ east side of ?*■«■ ** ° '"'t hen='- js ! j we hav :- i««»i ‘.\1 to chief j ^ lime watehei. j —- I noiifi.v hurt ai !he !'-(.-X Up to tlii< bio^-.-d hour, our old: Ijljlli Jlliw ^>e;;s friend Theod=Tf R.M-.sa.-dc. who is v Vi hunting big VravU -* in Africa, has shot! j i r. Hiia IO. Ue;*.d.ix half a dozen h.-::s r.-.t:;; b‘;-r rhinoce-! Xuonis: Foolct of Fnri ros, besides other game tra insigr-i- wrr* married :i! tl.jc r h ficent to Ho u«.-n‘t seen : **•-1- Nv illi-.n.s, I1--Vj., ’s Uu. 1 T G;v> neie : :< i Oooll rIilCC I M t. &r.<i 51H ..? 1 ilf.i 1 W.- i - I I rip Iflf W fll IP T m sywuw .Iiy s.-'t :..i, : oeii o organ, auu a”; ascs, rm>.5- U-. >; U'- c;r-. ;-c < T :-s, in its; last iss; ihafc re. . ■ *v'e wiil take up The Recordn>.Si. week/' f ..,,; .- .,; _ , r . . - - o“ an:r! f’C ,-LiiY 11'I this . I tins rat oi irecnoin. it ^Ll I'mci o.-. ; ihe huUw.t ^rliCie -I v<:i* I;^u t!i 0‘ j w rtortiw i to “ take r*?,” er.d- v%«*; i 1 .uLiu.iaiitC‘0 LuUt it Wiii IiittiiiV lot viS I Mr. Iduwn. W ecarenot #\vt the euitw : ifl Uio Journal Uiiv^ to 1;Ir,I;j v.]., •Ii-.ii-' Kecord, iv!. Itti be priV;.itG scc- i Vvitnry, rreache,.', rnoreh-Ant, ; j Ii*;V Jlr (i - I ist or Vvhat roV, \ by eive him fair wa.nir.g who ii2:'G3 i .f iit:;: less end •.(' n Horn-; , the tiO SiiV-!t'■■■' v.1?Li) r. r--*. irapiiticuce t;i lay eyea c,n i.-suc of xne JMirnrl is u^ClCSC'-! • to mind tf.v > ;.vai’\ surprise >«; ;i,iu;r •{ hundred thousand <. nd it jiov. rraitK ilci oftliQ t ‘••e ri’ii--fiu- that sr'?n' i)K:'lri|Pll Hjvrardv school o;iarj;J.. ., ' !i>« last &ttujKi»iy f.»ght ami SunI in 1312, provided he (!< c - yet receive linisl: I. L.:n ilia i<iLvi of a ilea. u;i Heiir-eritativc: Grant, of Davie, while, in one day recently, wasqu.^ti-d 1 j" i’ (?-1' iurnal, of that city, as sa m . i. . -d to a Demo­ crat being appointed Federal judge: “Oh, that is a!! right. What the President miglu to do is to appoint Waltar Clarke, of New Herne, Fed­ eral judge, Josephus Danieis coiiec tor of inK'nw! reverv v >'vd Si<) Woodw:.ru, -if hoc-ky Iviount. dis- trii't attorney in Harry okuiner’s piace. That’s about what Bryan would have done had he been elected. \j J\„ t j ^ j In:''?. a curiosity iu the way of ti hen egg. The egg is about the size of a goose egg, and has two yellows !•ml 8 white, with a hard shell iu- si'.ie of it. B«iit rgt' is now on i'x- ibiiiou at. . T. Mock's store; at Advsi nee. MessiH. Sheppard ami Piiilips are ;.nrt:ii!ing a double-head er pliinci- i:i lin-ii* Imx factory here pivisv hi;.s anoiiror new store ViSi •stor0 jS ab!-3. rs. ham jjii*:cn?y lives here Ins-t There wiil bf- ■ n:;; Jeri- •::lO 4fh buuday ..t, Li Iti., hj Elder M. A. Foster, of Ephesus. Mrs. Siiicier is very ill at her daughter’s, uea-r Cana. Womier if Osior-n o*.er the creeu ^et1? Mav Fr.owKE. CooIeemee !terns. Sir. Cleve WeHiLiHii, ci' !JanviIle 1 M r. I .. f n ( } . « * F * T! - II i/if. Ir &i£S DaSTs b V C $ C '.i fcy > - CaSt Killed, hist Mo;];' 6cVCi'6 Cl' When we need any assistance in e liting this rag of freedom, we will; iintf- has uit g-o out and hire a man to lieip us. It is not our intention to |i’e;;sa all the people. If we aid, what would become of us when we laid off this mortal coil? No, thanks. We cart not to please all this generation of vipers. TIiose who cannot swallow our logic, can pass it on to their sen­ sible neighbors, who know how to appreciate a good thing when they K«o it. Thienearer the blackberry season approaches, the more inde­ pendent we gei, and the crop will lie extra Iargv thi ■ sa^s.-.n. We didn’t g.-t oui, a special editi'n of The Record last w=ek. Nothing extraordinary . a. p n d expert a dog fight, a h 'rs i a heavy rain and a half do/.on ca-s of material ar­ rived for the new co'irt house, con­ sisting of Salisbury crushed rock, Yadkin ri» *r * i-vl.Wa-hington ,<rray pressed brick, ami lime irom an un­ known source. Ths town remains Vnry quiet, with iuthing to eat and the wells drying up. The cool and frosty mornings prevented a full gathering of the Ancient Knights of the Sons of Rest, and the number of hangers-on around the temple of in­ justice has been limited. Keep your eye on The Record. Something is likely to happen almost any minute. Should a;.,, oi our delinquent sub­ scribers be found banging around the lie.-; court house asking ques­ tions, they will be cast into that big vat of slacked lime. , ;.s vUiting bis brother, »k WeliiOiiii this ’.icek. : c.cvt.-Wi, j 5'.,. Kuyuivml BMiifh Ima i»ece>it- ati £< , I he lfiiioi: Re- eu a position iu Cuueocd as loom Iixer. Sirs. A. I). Waiters was culled home iatit Tuesday ou accuuut; ol her lather’s sickccss. ilrs. Kora is v is it!h e ;: parents at Olcvelaml this week. W eareisorrvtoiiiiie ii*at, Miss Augie Smith is sick a,!; tins writing. Messrs. D, \V. iirown, IvIarviu Vvciiiiiar, a ad AriLiir Foster re- tiiraed home Tiiursday lrciii !.’, eay- erville, where they have bee.i iu school. Little Sidney Welhnaa is sick at tins Vi'rifiiiu. Tiie viv Hei publican two days Hefrer in the way uf strawberry pie. Wo had strawberry pie for dinner Aprii 28th. We also have a leniosi bush j j!-.* lo;>if,;.S oil it; A Si. IMl KIUEJi. The Easts.-".! ^udjjeship question has flunked. cousin William Howard Tait ^as appointed to that exalted position Judge Henry Groves Connor, leading Democrat of Wilson. We are glad this piece of pie has beendup- .-ed jf, and we trust that Judge Conner appreciates the honor and the salary. We realize that the Cliief Executive has ignored us and the great county of Davie, but why ween over spilt slop. Iliere are 'iiany of our enemies in this county who would have taken that '.job at half the price. But greatness is of­ tentimes i ; - ; e . ’ , W0'?'. stiS& power some giftiegie ’ja, to We our- sel’es as une” - sp<-- ’• «• * =Hle- did W eesrefTUK _ judgeship. ) f it had been forcef I on us, we might have accented; - r • v..: J we ccr.'.d have rem -iried Moc yille until the court i i , , ! . - , - jau iiiii^ncd. ’Tis u pity Ta r. fo*\, could "Ct have given the j n.tjn -«4 to tome De­ mocrat ia Haiif ^as. turfy. Keedy U eek News. Bub Massey and Charley Builey had a ii«t figi-t "t A'lv:ii«e hut Fi iiiay uigbt.. i he latter « as kuo?k- ed down ami bruised up about the iace ami I*cad right b.-idly. The heirs of the late Jeif Youuts will iu a short time sell his hind fora division, subject to the wid­ ows dowery. YT"U can hear Aycock mockii g iiiriis at about all gathering* alona this I a Mt ,.,iMlubi j One man lost his gun at Advance coinmeucenieut Mrs. Dan HnIihv i ' eoufiu^d to ' er Iv-Oni with rlieiimntisiii. Mrs. .tank Cwens is improving slowly. Mr. Cl,,de Gobble is getting bet­ ter of the uiumps. lint slow. Sir. LafHYetteScott has bought s5•• -i-t. jo Dg I*- ev.hviE . F. Piek- le. Heed.*,-Oreek has some of the esittJe to be fosnid, and Iofs of other pretty thiugr. M n. ,Susan Kiiies, living -I in ties this wide oi Wiiislon, was bitten on the arm by u vicious borse and will probnbly loose her left hand. She is ttie daiighter ol the late Davn! Zimmerman. A team belonging to Joe Suider ran away in Lexiugton Thursday, Se--U-;!!.;' down the- corner of Moflifs lot, also tore a hole iu Br. Biicli- han non's lenee, and broke the wag­ on tongue. Aro one was ou iue wag­ on, which was loaded with hay. The horses were not hurt. Ephram Crews had a stroke of paraljsis a lew days ago, and is veiy poorly. He is one <--f three living brothers who went thiough the eivil war and neither were ■'vouuded. Their uames were K. AV., M. S., »nd W. A. Crews, fiiey have 24 living chiklie:!, and i!“i!iier were rIiairied but onefi. K. Miss M. M. on Davie street, is all smiles since Mr. I). W. B. cauie homo. Eose Bud . Harmony, Route One Items. Si iss Elizabeth Ijarnes is sick, we are sorry Ui uote. Farmers are r.usy plowing their i-oi-ii and preparing u.i.acco laud. Several have been converted at cue teut meeting. Our good oid Kentucky mule ii- der is iuiproviug. dmiw Iieck is stiil lookiug across Ih:* -iiuddy Wuteis Ol ILu^ting cieek i . F . Vt 1.1L-H\t: IK:i: g ii- i.Lv\ dweiiiug Uo.ise. o. ti. I., has ^ouc in .. lho erow hnn iiig business and will prob- it:6C U2S ('IOp4 Th ;- CATJikmi-LAu. Cuua i\c v, s. A large CKnvd went to hear the Siiueiiiied lady ii» ae-hers at Shef- tield last Sunday.. The youngest child of Mr. J. Yvr. Iiteiiisun is very siek, we are so ry to note. flir. J. C. Booe is ropareiug his mill house at Cana. Misses Ora Lakey and STancy W iufrey are visiting relatives at IOast Bern!. i'r . Xoni Eiilon auu daughter Miss Bessie, went to MoeksviMe shovipiug Thursday. Mr. Duke Peoples took his wife to HiocksviUe Tuesday, to have her sy.es treated. W. f». Kuiiter is very sick^ Iag--VOiV av?rf Ab *ut o’e.h*ek moi-ui.% duriog i.110 trie, rain and wind storm, Mr. Eas Watis barn, at his home iu Shiloh townsUp. tive miles from StateB- viilo. w iissfrnoir by Iisr1'-* a cow and calf iu a stall of the barn Vews kii’ed. The roof uf the barn was damaged by the lightning and 'firc, wi-.ieh was stuited by the bolt, slightly damaged a portion of Iiie weauiei bear !:rig. Ii1Crfanatel,')' the IbKies had gained little headway when discovei-ed ajd estiuguisheil by Mr. W atts.—KtiitesviIlij Land mark. Pure^WMskcy Often Prevents Sickness Many a serious sickness has been checked in time by the judicious use of ;SumiyBrooK THE PURE FOODWhiskey As a healthful tonic for home use or a wholesome stimulant in case of accidents or sudden illness, it has no equal. No hom e should be w ithout it. Its moderate use is.highly beneficial to those who are ainnff and It will increase the vigor of ihose who are well. Genuine SUNNY BROOK Pure Food Whiskey i i U. S. Standard (100%) proof and every bottle bears the “Government Ureeo Stamp*' showing the correct age and measure. SUNNY BROOK DISTILLERY CO.. Jefferson Co., Ey. = F U L L Q U A R T 5 = $ J BY E X PR E SS P R E P A ID From any of ihe fallowing Distributors: ke & Sons, Inc- Specia! School Ta^ Carried. Two school districts iu the coun­ ty—Uo. T1Shiloii co'.vnship, known as the Bethlehem school, and J?o. • >. i>*i liUoO'j '•.'<» liddlpj &*»•.>«'JLt KJ* the BrawrIey school—voted’ special taxes for school purposes in elee .,ions held Lai'.dnmik. iuay Tfh _ Bad Blaze at Winston. Winston, May 10.—Losses ag­ gregating $20,000 >vcre caused b> iire discovered shortly after I l o’clock last night in Ihe A. F, Messick Grocery Company build- iug. owneu by R. J . Reynolds, 011 Third street, near the Foisyth Ho tel. There was $13,000 insurance ou the Messick stu-k, aud §5,000 Ou me buiiding. Ugly Flood at Asheville. Asheville, May 10.—Theie was a reigu oi terror iu the Southside avenue aud depot sections of the town for a time eariy ^his morning when a i aincform of great violence s>»ept over the city, sending the sjinall streams aloug Sou'lisiut aveuue oui of its bauks and flood­ ing the eutire Ioiv section aronud the Oieu Rock Hotel aud i n lrout of the passenger stati in ou Depot street Io a depth of from ^everal inches to several feet iu water. The bridge across the stream in Ihe rear of the hotel, was swept away and also a house belonging to Mrs. JSlse. Nooue was in the house at the time. 'Ihe house rested on the bosom of the wateis afier being caught by another structure further down stream, where it floated and later fell with the going down o? the floor. Cbisdien coops, chairs, bed linen, furniture end oi her household ef­ fects were caught up somewhere higher up strann and tnonght .-Jowa aloug with timbers, small trees and ojhe* debris. id, Va. SHtPPES IN PLAIN 30XE5. SEND REMITTANCE WITH YOUR OROES. ND GOODS SKIPPED C. 0. D. ’i'he Medtf;! ChL LI ii!e--s. curveless, long and lanky r« the girl cf r.:;:?iri-* ’ Wonld’t you be cross and cranky BAiTYyS I / ’-4* -T I Foolish virgins change I heir ft"ur<s At. Dame Iftioljion’s Vild eanriee U wompiaiuiug, ;iie rign«..;-c, Dreaming, ilio-igii. of night’* re­ lease! —Mabel K- Bixioks in Puck. Amuversary of Mecklenbnrg Declaration of Inde­ pendence, Charlotte, N. C., May 18th, 19fh, 20th, 1909. On account of above occasion, the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets at very low , rates.' Round trip rate from Mocksville, N C., $2 65. Tickets on sale May 17th, 28th, 19th, and for trains arriving Charlotte I p. m., May 20th. Final limit May 22nd, 1909. President 7 aft will be the Guest o, Hi .nor on May 20th, and to ac­ comodate those desiring to visit Charlotte on that date, a special train wi.l be operated to le-'ve Winston- Salem at 6 a. m., IViay 20th; return ing leave Charlwtte 8 p. m., same date. ?ar further information see large flyer, or cail on your depot agent. R. L. Veknon , D. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. i Style tMr\) A pat-sat J-i;binzl.'.T o*«*J % VwcS^-I- '.:Imjj-I. 41 *.. ^American Lady Sfecss are quite th e ‘liing when it comes to proper dress, i et its popularity is not only due to the np to-daie- ness of its styles usr there are many other viral poiuls in which this wonderful ■-Loe cxcelis—ease, fit and dnral.ility. W e show the ‘-American Lady” in Patent, Gun .Metal. Tail and W inekidleatheis iu straps, s.m-" dais and other new st\ les. §2.50 and $3.00. Sho.uld you desire a less expen­ sive oxford we have a wide rauge of styles in patent, vicis and tans at $1.50 and $2 00. vV ., aud Vv, . have liviiip- wives, j are sorry to note. Bent that.I Mrs. R. JLi. McCiamroch Mi s. EIiza Byerjy is visiting re I mother, have i.t-. -i very sick, but latives in Lexington. i are eouralesceut, we are glad to Mr. F. P. Croits has ie.*n right i ;eai'-... sick from inhaling smoke wheie he! Mr. .Chas iTartmon auu wife ol has been blasting. ; Salisbiii-y, ate visiting bis Iather- Looks as if some of oui- old -.vid-! iu-law Mr J{ichard‘<ou , i»ir. «.i. «< -vi. visiting his T>arents near Courttey. Messrs. Fred Iiat -VJiJjiI -Gradie .I-.rf., . above Roosevelt’s Luck Coatiuues.I 1 Nairobi, Kast Africa, Miiy 13.— ! Theodore Roosevelt's huuting liiek I joijtinuts. Thefornier pj-esiiieiit, j on his last expedition, shot a Ieop- iird aud captured I he animal’s two cubs. A bnfliilo aud two giraffes also have been captured \r: the. ex- OwevS live iiv.iC'ft 'iv ’g.ei';^w<sy will have to trot iu douMe harwiss. Ill Kr. Kurfce? Ii? \Ve congratulate “ Dixie” in win tiiug the recoini prize. ^edition. The party is still in camp at Maehakos. No further cases of smallpox have developed •unong the porters of tlso cxpedil- ioa. The portrait of Salmon B. ChaseMrs. Annie Peoples is visiting her sister, Mrs. Liz/.ie Itjackweld-1 i-? to be placed, on the ue-v $500 BconeStonestreel.spentoKeuightj-er this week. . . | note: Itw ilib e a great pleasure i;i«i. wee!, ai bis .:L2’:e:s, i'-. ii'. 5uy. mg- : to n* i*» i*e perniiUcil to ioi.k so of- Sionest.reet.’s. tie gray n:nle isi ami .Out; of town I ten upon the coiiidenaiiee of this Mrs Green Leaeh, of Hickoiy, safe.y last Thursday. Jdistinguished Oiiiiin.—ThuevMer- visited her sister, Mrs. Mary Gran- " " ' L m x ii Co u s t k y G im -- cury. The pleasure is all yours. Ten Doctors Said He Would Die “In 1903 we wrote you regard­ ing my husband, who was Mif- fering from heart trouble. He was super-anuated by the North Georgian Conference. Ten doc­ tors at -different times said he would die. You advised Dr. Miles’ H eart Remedy and Re­ storative Nervine; we did as advised, and improvement was apparent from the very first. He recovered and the Conference in 1904 gave him a charge. He never felt better, although he has very heavy work and does a great deal of camp meeting work. I am so glad we took your advice and gave him the medicine, and feel that I ought to let you know of the woiider- ful good results from its V-SS^i MRS. T, S-IED W APvp^/ Milner, <ja. This proves w hat Dr. Miles’ H eart Remedy will do. Get a bottle from your druggist and take it according to directions. It does not matter whether your heart is merely weak, or you have organic trouble-, if it does not benefit you take the empty bottle to your druggist and get your money back. / j , "American Gentleman” is a shoe built for meti that leads loo in style, comfort and durability. Tlie wide range of styles shown in this shoe makes it easy for you to get jiiss ihe shape that's best suited to your foot. Call iu and let us show you the many different style? of the Amer­ ican Gentleman, in patent, glazed kid, tan and ox blook. $ J. T. BAITY. J)R. ROBT. ANDERSON, DENTIST, Office over Bank of Davie -C town j : - in t ... '.t he IxiiKaid fai-t' pot is n; :-.ring com] IT. M. Dead:.-! i> . ! '..V-• William G <iuito sick. -V-- a! i- .- who hav.- ihe > .- J. P. 0. :;aity, house. Sweet P-i'iiii* 4-h-o tion. n ' ;-. ' 0. C. Wail SheriiT Slieei:. V. 15. Johns:...no Sih-ul Winston. Dr. Iien Andei;-.-)'. visited relatives in week. The chair factory three days I *st * breakdown. Brown’s New Cal get your meals an only cafe in tov/n. IL R. !Sha'.V. ol H XVBt- 'I t‘‘,x-n Tnei-Jlii pieTVinf "aii. J. A. and J. D ty Line, wer.. in week on i<.i ;i‘V'; We sell t.ie si-.-:-e sell them. The U. 1 Cooleeme.:. A geVily ri'unbe v-'iil go dot;> Cl. to see President Ta T. J. ByerIy s,i. Thursday ia uie 'i ing a rneefi/:;'. oi' Ih G. P. D aau','.: The RoeoniV b.>s:. town last we.'--; a-- The 0. f. V-Mi inee. are : di'V goods i Woi-k on C. ' - merrily o;i, walls wiil i-' i 1 terrific raie 0. c. a .■ • t*nen...-, last wee1 ' of cash ;.i - d Virgin!.;:; wear for eo-i.i- C. Wall Co.. Korti W. A. Iiyeriy ai Troy, of Roui-J I, last week to ail;;.: inent, a; J 1..L p' ■: W. R. CUt I'.= by f.re Muy 7:h. ground, the b:n-.' aid was des:.r • On and arter Jr Sprinkle will ;•><■ '■ h-.iardet.-s wiih r-r’ best fare Lhai ti:" E. H. F r -si. vi­ tally cu ;, a wee ; putting up a teiet.r to be out a;;ai.i. An iron f' Rose cemetery and ments made, Wii appearance If its millinery y to Winston or Sali.- C. Wall Co. Mo' what you want. Miss E/a Pein her home at Wir.st ter sjiending seve city, the guest of 3 son, on North Mail WANTEii f-ivei has not paid his ta: and save being adv 1 J.L . v r. »i<vi: i Iri1J v: ■ ' Ia';. I'' /r.. K 2 ' No.::: No. 2 : No. i j ^ptntt I,.C T rii- 'H, ,-.11.'(rtjr.ty I.Ir;". .'■r Stt .'V.'t.uii oi: : j D EA T I S. I I':;- 5!,c;ifT^ H. Kiiiio;-. of Snl- ;s:»»!rjs - a .0:1 ^.Hldsiiiy Fi-Way at; Iiis In: u: os V. e-H Jtenk street. !‘!is CtvvyJiiiH jIi'Farlanrt, o l' Sirlii.'h township, JrcrSvii ronnfy, j Tt.tiv y± , at the Ijc ; of fcerj i'iO;.n ^ v t-:; V-:.I . Aj _' i-;, LOCAL W;.-. :t CV.L. ■ tliWU '■ !■-. ' • J. '.V. '■ - ■ - ■ i;i i.-v.:■ ; ... ............ '.he Riiivraiu factory M ar the de- ]iot is nearing completion. istti, was i , tin: .;'iU liiiV:, ; {•> V i. wsi.t .n;-: i\'WiX 1 U8;.::..v .X-J vi*. in Ym I' at t!jo 1 -i ola s»lil:er, :\l Jiifr Lome near tukhi countv. lie of I ^Vcdnesday | 1 , . . . . . / UliVt .1 ric Htnrtftv r- ii i :u;s •; wife. atr. -Ziiua-;! I). Vi iJ!-»fonl, '.-iIt;■ 5iO:iresvi!le. dial i'K 'r si few days ilinesj. He leaves ;i v.-ii'.f itu! OI;U oh I; I, !>:•. .iohn F. FoarJ (IittI Ht Iiis .'■ ;:t;‘ ii> v;.;;t‘-ivi!ie Tuesday. Iiit •t.ul '»«.•.ti5!;- bad Iteaith fur some tii V,. BANK OF DAVIE. STATE DEPOSITARY. MSETS OVER • $200,000. A growing bank able to meet the legitimate requirements of growing business enterprises. We invite the attention of every wage earner to the advantage of our Savings Department. We pay 4 per cent, compounded in­ terest every quarter. Accounts solicited. I'L / j t & U r Z i IMC3BP0 KATiO CAPITAL STOCK, $30,000.00. RALEIGH, N. C CHARLOTTE, N. C. . :i V V . .. , . ;t '-I - -3 !:. Ahv.:. ■ lT'bei- of our ; 'I r. U t I After J -- >."-v , tt. u v‘ll, . . oil Wilkesboi-u street. ltabiu, of Clem- Sliil aged 37 years. >i;.t in Uethlebeta of Purlear, R. He v.as a Jiap- I?. M. Deadmtir., of Av h, ! ^ .• •• ' ' William G \ner, of Koute I, is quite sick, we avo sorry Io r.ote. Stiwvb?:-.-’' - - . ' ' t : i l to iil! wno haw the p.iC» - .-1J co.its pel. i!;i!ti\\Tiihurt!(i;iyo"l i.-; way home J. F. C. !!uity, ut G iw boro, has I from Rutherford College, where he■ ^ ;v.-c( jloil a '.!Ofiiitin on tiie court i aitenu . t'-s 'tomn.eitramert. house. Tie 'Vjst^es of the Cnided School ’’ V . P.. CiMKilWitJ-. \ --1 fv.r Louiifil.le, Kv., v.'h<!re lie went to Dt1Pnd Iho SuitUieri- Baptist Con- Vtiitii:::. SrtViLl-., of F=IZrtiingiOii, war: r. nv-t.-i, T je 11; .!!.TKStut v I, vjiei Jiiuy nil ,an get the t*st p .-acher. .. SnHnitle': Mr. Walter Hoover, of Barriu ' ger tovnship, Iredell comity, died TudSiitiy afici- u liriti iliness, aged f>0 ><ta;.s. O. Vr. He'idrix, of this city, who had been UnfTerhig from heart dis­ ease fo several months, died Thnrs- wtia buried Friday at Siiiith 3rove. He leaves » vvife ai'tl sc eral i..lii!tjreu. SEE HOLTON BROS/ FOIi ALL KINDS OF Harness, Cellars, Lap Robes, Har­ ness Oils, Whips, Saddles, Pads, and in fad anything carried in a first-class harness shop. T,/crk a Specially. Pullen Building. Piedmont Ins, Bldf. THESE SCHOOLS GIVE the world’s best in modern Buaness Education. Oldest Business College in North Carolina. Positions guaranteed, backed by a written contract. No vacation. Individ­ ual insstruction. We also teach Book-keeping, Shorthand, Pen­ manship, by mail. Send for Honie Study rates. Write today for our Catalogue, Offers and High Endorsements They are free. Address Sweet Briar Shoes Hve K itbfac ; miiu TI rsdav r.ij-^t Cud an>on£ oth-! Craven, tioii. Erery jtuir ,.'itv. ..;i‘-t-'. i ue j.'e,. malt^rs, r&cected '.he same corps • 0. C. Wall G. ^ ’ ------Xiifth Ci--MJieetnoe. Shennt Shook, V. E. Swaim and J. I!. Johnstone SiJent Wednesday in Winston. Dr. Ben Anderson, o: IjOOneville, visited relatives in this city tne past week. The chair factory was closed down three days h-st >. ’ek oil account of a breakdown. Brown’s New Cafe it i-he place to ~ eet your meals and lunches. The only cafe in town. H, R. Shaw1 of Houstonville.H. I, Vrsci t''"-" Tuesdav s^id pave ns a ple^'tant '■aii. J. A. F.ti-.; J. D. Cartnor, of Coun­ ty Line. wpr.. in to?/n otic day Ittct week on iwsinew. We SlTi ciie shoes --ouhers try tu siill them. The 0. C. Wall r,o., North Cooleemej. A go'-u’y iiumber of our peopie viil go down to CSiarlotts ThnrsJ;".- to see President Taft. T. J. Byerly spciit Wednesday and Thursday in die Twin-Gity 1 attend­ ing a meeting of the Masons. G. i’. Dattiiel1 ol Ejihe.;:-)*, otic- c. r .-nloretl,Vhich was Uvracht Tne i"*.cc-jni-s best j i it..it..-), ,\itS i-: ,^t-> (Ivi--Itri-^rtiin f]^ tt ■- --■ tw n l ist week and rememoere-.i u?. | .-nariin^- ;;iad. It is always best The 0. C Wall Co.. NnrUi Coole:--. '.ak( .o chances with w k dogs. L i 1MARRIAGES.'"I (i; teachers for the ensuing year. W. H, Shelton, -,,f Concord thi ough this city Sunday on his way home from Courtney., where he at­ tended the commencement of Court­ ney High School. Im ust collect all? of - the taxes.. Unless the remaining taxes are ‘p'aid, a. once, I will advertise pro'perty- and sell. J. L. Shack, SberifL T. F. Ra^lcdgelt/ of GreeE^boroi! vi-jited in this city last and this week.: Miss Uannie W alker and- Mr. He left yesterday afternoon, for Henry Huff, of Boonville, were Charlotte, where he goes to enter; aiam cii May 9th, K \g’c Business Colleee. ^ ; M r, m p eddycord and iiir= Tlia juiiioi Cuvltii'hfi.-i dL'tiiled n o t: -.SrJiiiasa? cf T mCKinv' , to have a p'cnie Juir 3rd- Those1 „-3fe m ;r i„a a’y -i - _ '.vho figured on Rettina to attend - . . j - . . Miss Jjy-.!e Mitrh-J and j/.of.i.utte and ires am.ier Li is year in J ^ , M-C1- -ill.?, wid he badly ; J. IJritt. both o 'vtst ^enc., -.cere pointed as the editor. Therewitlbe married ednesdsy. no picn!.. : Xdiss Venia .Tahaslou, and Mr. Wanted for cash-all'iinds of old Eienry Sherrill, uolh Oi Shiloh Sooks and papers., ioin>, stamps, and lownsbip, Iredtlt county, wero ani- relics, jewelry, gotte.y and furni- tta iu Illllrl.i.lgeMay IOth Ctire1Oiii \>ok Store. Raleigh, N. • i’. We ftrr.ish all kiiids of School; Mr. J [ugl) R. Seott - '..I Miss Books at lialf price. ; Fjossie Brewer, of Rei ‘sviiie. were Pi'.'iiiter an Etchison itad a dog shot I married ’i!ay Gtii. T h e’" ide is a ?r;d.iy, bvlonginsr to Rjv. Vviiliams. j Hisiei1 ol ?Jr. S. M. Brewer, of near to be j Ctuia. K r. and Mrs. Seott left ini a A nice line of fresh groceries al­ ways on hand. Country produce bought and sold. I also carry a full line of dry goods, notions, hats and shoes. MORE GOODS FOR SAME MONEY SAME GOODS FOR LESS MONEY. * •______ r m T ija m e s ’ T h e L i T e s y x n a n . of near’ Depot St Mocksville, N. C. OiemnniiSjan invalid for years,. New turnouts, gentle horses, good died Miv 9th. an ’ was brought to ; drivers. Prisesto suit the times, this coi.nty and buried at Bethle- j The^patronageiof the ,public _fe_r^ hem church. Mrs. Siilli^ Joot1--. of (Joiii'tn-sy,' aged 5S years, died in the Morgau- tou Hoi pit 'I Saturday, and was brought home /or bnrial Sunday. J.T.ANGELL, DEALER IN ; GensraI MsrcliandisejKINGjS IS LI SlNESS C0LJLE1GL.9 RALEIGH. U . C ., or CHARLOTTE, N. C. I ^rrtrrt'M rSft !MONUMENTS ANDl TOMBSTONES ipectfuily solicited. When in need of a good team, ’phone No. 2. Satis­ faction guaranteed. : *h & X-- ❖ •S* * * * ANY SIZE- -ANY SHAPE—ANY COLOR. Ca!! on us, Phoue us. or Write us for Designs and Pt-ices. MILLER-REINS COMPANY, NORTH WILKE3B0R0, N. C. ♦ % to iiseo. nve giving nar.y barrt-i, s in ; dry c-’-'-'ils and :-l'.-)O t. Work on the ctouri horss ;-ti:l . merrily on, and ere m-tny days l!u< walls wiil b" going ^ky.vard at a terrific rate 0. Ai.iv.in, our Uui!s?ry looi- irg enen.., ;;f hj.itesviilf, was ir. town It coax's back that well feeling, healthy I- ok, puts the s.ip of life in voar Kj1Ki jTn1 protects you from dis- •ass*. H >llister’s Rneky Mountain Tea has ’to equal as a spring- tonic for the whole family. 35 cent?. Tea or Tablets. C. C. Sanford Sens Co. : j Cana. .nesiiattly aitcr : o rsarrisa*o for ionr of Europe. Mr. A. CS. Deweese1 of Murphy, and Miss Bessie Stouev 1 of Ashe­ ville, were united iu marriage May 7th. The ..ride ia a nieee of Mr. George Feer/ir, of near this city, ■iti-l her many friends in this see tic,ii wish her much happiness. Prof. E. W . Cobb, of Mt. TJlla, VirginiusShoesare the kind to U r Nocauseis assigned for the Mrs. Julia Shores, of Shore, Yf.tl- kir, eourty, tried to commit suicide, last week, <n..i .eft the ut.-ual amount j Tuesday morning by taking chinch I and Miss Lizzie Shore, of Forsyth of ca.-h in our dtn. | killer, ft is thouphi she will reeov- j eoiinty, were united iu marriage at the /^ii zeihiorf Hotel, Winston, TliU r Sd;,y . Miss Annie Gray and Mr. Neill Garriso i, both of Statesville, were nnited in marriage W ednesday. I.-icmse were issned Saturday for the TnMMage of Mr Ulatid Reavis iuil Mi;s Iiessifc /rogdou, both of jook-en ee. wear Tnr eoinfrvt and style. Tue O ‘C. Wall Co., North Cooleemee. W. A. Byerly and daughter, Mi's Troy, of Route I, went to Denton last . eek to attend the commence:- li-ent at that place. VV. R. Cler ■ tnt lost a small bat ii bj nre May 7th. In burnirg ole new ground, the barn ae-ndontally caught aid was destroyed. On and after Juna Isc., Mrs. J. H. rash tic*. Hundreds of thousands of people ass HoliStei-lS Rooky Mountain Tea .is a ffinily t'-nic. JC taken this month it will keep the family well ail w ing. Tf it fails jjet your money 'iack. >5 cents. C. C. Sanford Sons Co. MissvIary Mingis, sales lady at tha J. [. F'l'-tttche" Dry Goods Co., ’this city, fell at the skating rink one evenin; !.Iis yast week and broke JUST A WORD to the wise is enough. When j yon have anything in the way of 5 ; eggs/poultry, hides, tallow, bees- ■ wax and country produce in gen- > V fa ? fo r^ :e:, it will pay you to call on us b«S8re you sellr-tWe*^ t pay the cash. We also carry a j nice line of groceries, hay, etc. SYERLY & WHITLEY, SllUSBDRt ST. MOCKSVILLE. JOB Letter Heads, Note Heads, €. C. Sanford Sons Co. 42 YEARS OF HONEST DEALING. Our CIotbing makes the young men happy, Our Shoes makes life’s walk easy, Our chairs make the aged comfortable, Onr groceries make cooking a pleasure, Our wagons and baggies make the horses’ bur­ den IighL The people of Davie trade with us because Ihey hke our goods and are pleased with our prices, Doyoutrade with us? Ifnoty Ihen get the habit and you will be happy, too* LARGEST STORE IN THE CITY. H. A. HOWARD, JEWELER. WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. I also carry a nice line of watches and jewelry. I do strictly first work on watches and jewelry. -I guarantee all watches that will bear a guarantee Cheap watches repair­ ed. but not guaranteed. Prices right. Statements and Envelopes, WORK GUARANTEED. PRICES REASONABLE. XCbe Davie IRecorb 3ob !Print.WORK DR. W. C. MARTIN, In connection with General Prac­ tice gives special attention to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Fits Spectacles by the aid of Retinoseopyl removes moles and facial blemishes by Electrolysis. Office Over BaityrS Store. m ocksville - n . C iy gg |jye, you can rair<“ Sweet Potato Slips It matters not where SiirinkIe will be prepared to care fo r; .-wo brnes above Gie Iefi: ankle. Sh.; b iarders with private rooms rnd the best fare that the ronntry affords.«11 be ciinriiied to hor.-.‘t limits sev­ eral ir itbs, says the XTr.ion Repnb- E. H. Frost, tffto got b:s foot pain- j iean. I. ss Mingii has many friends fully cut a week or two ago, whil *j In itloik. ville, v,-»o will be sorry to putting up a telephone line, is a’.ve le irn >f her mtsforltine. to be out again, we are glad to note, i Slurglsh Jhrere bowels are the An iron fence is oeing put around! Jajseif nearly every Ci«iase. Cleanse Rose cemetery and other improve­ ments made, Which pdds itucii to its appearance. * If its millinery you want, don’t go to Winston or Salisbury, for the 0. C. Wall Co.. North Cooleemee, have what you want. Miss Eva Poindesu-r, returned *o her home at Winston Thursday, af­ ter spending several days in this ,-c"i-.-,ystem and regulate the bowels in.! liv-er to ^eajjJiy 1 nature) action ay Kockv Mountain Tea. The jfii-est remedy knev.-n. 35 cents, Tt a jLr Tablets. C. C. Sanford Sons Jo.; Ihj case of Mrs. S. J. Dulin, of itj .oroer, against the Western Union Tdl?i'raph Company, which came up p1' in Eowan court last i»-,"ek resulted in favor of the defendant company. Sam I .utchins, of Route 2, lost a ■550 cow last week. Miltoi Gp.ither, of Harmony, R. I, was in u>wn Saturday on business. An ini eresting article in regard to the boy jorn clubs, will appear in jur next issue. Rev. M. Dowr.um, of Lenoir, SiientFiid^j I Saturday in this city. His many lri€n> were glad to see hi m looking so well. Chestnut Hill Council, Jr. 0. U. A. M., Salisbury, will hoid memor­ ial servi’ies at Centre next Sunday. The public is cordially invited to be t. Joaes & WillianiSj DEALERS IN CIiickens, Eggs, Hides, Talkw and j Beeswax. I We pay more than anyone else and j ps" cash. Don’t sell before you see ut and get our prices. GAITHER BUILDING, Known as old Fanners’ Alliance store North of Court House. city, the guest of Mrs. Z. N. Ander- ■ I e plaintiff sougnt to recover $500 son, on North Main street. WANTE!) —Every taxpayer who has not paid his taxes to pay at orco and save beiner advertised. i f« I i being a J. L. Sheek1 Sheriff. iages for mental anguish lire aiiege-.' negiigeiife in failing wLii'ei tt tBiegratn * t IttT ir.se May m Advance, announcing t ne death of her father. An appeal was taken. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank all onr friends I ;i?id oeiichViors who so kindly ru»»fc- ..ini durini! : tie ill - * ’ -,i-i:] death of onr bu«’ jd an*1 ' ^ ! er. Mrs. C-. W7-Heuiiris na<iSous. M . D. EROWN & SOM, UVERY AND FEED STABLE. PIione No. 12. 'Saiiibnry Street. Nicehorses and vehicles. THIS SPACE BELONGS TO DAYIE SHAVING PARLOR. Too busy to write rds, but wstch this space Shaves, J;? 'tents, hair cuts, 20 cents. Bhainpov. -, massages. Nwtli Kain St. MocksviUe, N. C Careful drivers. Reasonable. Prices D. D. BENNETT, Comatzer, N. C. 1,000 Pair Ladies and Gents Hase to go at Sc. per pair. A large lot cf PMiiS1 Goods Sweet Potatoes from my slips. Yours truly, JOHN A. YOUNG, Greensboro. N. C. TtIE BEST STABLE IN THE CITY, frst Received, M. B. RICHARDSON,! G. G. DANIEL, BLACKSMITHING AND WOOD- I Yettow Front. On The Square. WORKING SHOP. AU kinds of shoeing, buggy and wagon repairing a;t reasonable prices. When you need anything in my line of work.' give me a trial. Shop located on Wilkes- boro Street, in rear of Byerly & Whitley’s store. A nice line of cigars, tobaccos, cold drinks, perfumery, toilet soaps and confectionaries. My goods are fresh. Giveme your patronage, and go home a pleas­ ed customer. Mocksville Drug Co. New GUt Picture Framing. Bargains in Kodaks. Drink RED TAME CHERRY Chicken, Hqg, Cow and Cat Medicine. LICE KILLER, =H*"jbfes)Sar Weather may be treacherous—Cronp,: Pneumonia and Colds inmji on you suddenly, i’ou are pro­ tected if yon liave Vick’s Cronp and Pneumonia Salve ready. 25, 50 and 81.00. AU Druggists. Sayings of Mrs.'Solomon. Washington Herald. j!y liter, whoti a y en Ui Jia llish iiv e d b u trtire e tim es and IuiiU know u one chorus girl, he -hall come unto Ihee sayings. \ eriiy, I iuideistiiiid women; lor lin y are us easy m see Iluough as a in ok a bon w aist!'’ T hen, mock Iila in u t wilii Lu,,-Iia-has lor he w ill Jearn In I te r! Y et, to day, in an airie ol Ihe harem , even lie ueaih hi.-; ti-diiug oiotheE, I Jound rlie diary < I ihy <".-th<‘r, Solomon, and 111 Use e.ilaui'i.- lire-vcjrotU: ••L /hold, I aia aeeoiuted the w isrsl: ol' men! K ivgs cjm e to sit a I. m y Iw tn u tl Jeirn—yet my wives IIiink me a som ewhat am using slm pli-l.m, to he eajoh.d w ith baby i.i'k . A nd M hy i- th is' ‘•W hen the Itu e ta of Sheiia cam e in shining robes, Ihe wives of my Iiareni did tiiier am ong them selves, saying: ‘W idl, i'm sure I don'I see wiiai m en see iu Jierd' Y et. I he Iievt day they ail wore robes and headdresses a Ja H eine de din-ha. .\ ud w Iiy is. Iiiis.' i I a m an would lie a pink tey idol am ong women, iet Jiiin acquire a ban repntalion. Joir every wo­ man shall yearn In Iind out for her- s'df if the beast is us bad as he is sii]ijiosed to be: and each shall think th a t she alone, eau m ake i Iui briito -to tricks and eat sugar vane. ,Vud why is this! -W inn a wouhtn biddeth thee go. salaam a go, tjidckly: Jor ere I .Pm hast closed tiie front floor she shall run alter thee, bidding thee i i-i in n a I once. •• lfait io, w lien a woman begin nclii Io surprise thy dress, saying. •I (in fer thee in a blue lie and thy b a il-1 desire jiurted in the m iddle,' then give uwaji thy Kreneh posters and be; low she trophies ol th y den upon tliy bacheloi friends. For thy tim e is come, and th e lam b is < r daincd for the sacrifice! Yea. thou art a., good as m arried! \ ‘•Yet, when a m an hath u.chance I" Cl Uii a woman, and letteth itslip Jie sailh u I ways th at it was ‘honor’ whie.li prevented him . A m l by I tit is m eans canst thou get out of it! t This is the diary of S olom on,: the m arried m an. H eaven pre ; serve thee from a like fate! Y et I ; charge liiee tell not w hat thou I know est of any w om an, for- there j be seven hells and beneath ail ol ihcse a hotter place for the U iaul who tells!'' Jiehold, my beloved, was not thy 1 J.ifher a wise man? F or it is a wise : m an th a t kuow eth how littte h e | k uowctb about ..-oman! S elab! j Smsshes Ali Recosds. .'.san ali-roi'iJ biMiti. u to.iic and; hcaith-builiK ■ n.. .-iiii.-i piils can coin- I-Iire with Dr. King’s Kevv life Pills.: Tuev lone and regulate stomach, Jiv-1 i-r anil Kidneys, purify the blood. [ Mivngtliou Lhe a.-rvcs: cure Constipa-; non, Dyspepsia, liilliotisness. Jaun­ dice, Headache, Chills and Malaria. I Try them. 25c. at C. C. Sanford's. j Women and Worldly Pleasures. : Tho tendency of much of our mod­ ern society is to destroy the home I by rendering- our women unhappy in : the ordinary channels of home du­ ties and real home-making. How ot ten is a woman who lias been placed providentially at the head of, a home, disqualified for tier duties in the home by the disipating pleas- ures of society. One of our contem-1 poraries says truly: “ When women I become posessed of a passion fori AVbrldly pleasures and get a false! idea of liberty atui independence, j there is danger for the nation. It, i ' the dutv of every woman who is' married to rear a family. God in-i tended that she should.”—Greens-! boro Cliristian Advocate. , DEAFNESS CANNO'i hi- CURED by local applications, as they can ,-IiSt reach the diseased portion o) the cur, There is only one way to cnrct deafness, and that is by con­ stitutional remedies. Deafness is ,.eansc.d Iiy an inHumed condition of! the mucous Iiiiingof Ihe Kusfaiehian i JJhibe-. ( When this In be is inIlamed j yon have a rumbiiiig sound or Sm-; jirrfeeiJMStrrnjc, and when it:is en-' I ifoty ehisjid. Tfeifnesa is t.lie result, and itiiless the inllammalion can 1'ife‘fakeii'Vifit aiid 'triis tube restored to its normal'.condition, hearing' VViIFbe destroyed'forever; nine ca­ ses out of Ie rM irecaused by Catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed conditiou of the mucous siirlaces. MVe will give one humlred dol- Iurs for auy case of Deafness (caus­ ed by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's (Mitarrh Cure. Beud for circulars, free. Bold by Druggists, 75c. NOTICE! ' Sale of Valuable Real Esia(e. By order of the United SLue Court, I shall on Monday, May .F 1909, at 12 o’clock, m., at the Court House door in Mocksville, N. C.. sell for cash to the highest bidder the revisionary interest after the home­ stead in the lands of W. F. Tames, bankrupt, situate at Farmington. Davie County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as ioi- lows: “Twenty-Jive acres more or lesson which the said W. F. James now lives,'bounded on the North , by the lands of C. F. and.T. A. .James’ heirs, on the east by the lands of Mrs. Hauser, on the south by the Ian of Thomas Dixon and others, and on the west by D. F. Bassett, consisting of five adjoining tracts particularly described as follows: FIRST TRACT. Beginning at a stone on the East side of the Hunts­ ville road, thence S. 88 E. 10 chains to a stone, thence North two ci un to a stone, thence N. 88 W. ten chains to the Huntsville road, thence two chains in the said road to the beginning, containing two acres more or less, being the same trace conveyed to W. F. James by D. n. Bassetf: see deed recorded in Book 6. pg-154, office Resistor of Deeds Davie Count’/. SECOND TRACT. Adjoining the foregoing. Beginning at a post oak on east side of public road, runs S. 88 E. 10 chains to a stone, thence N. Scliains to a stone, thence N. 88 W 10 chains to a rock at public road, thence S with said road 2 chains to the beginning, containing two acres more or less, being the same tract conveyed to W. IA James by J. H. James and wife. Seebook 90, page 7, office Register Deeds, Davie Co. THIRD TRACT. Adjoining the foregoing. Beginning at a post oak Janies’ corner, east side of public road, running S Sfiyardsto a stone or cedar tree, thence East 70 y I to a stone, John Kelley’s corner, thence N 85 yards to a stone in W. F. James’ line, thence 70 yards with said line to the beginning, contain­ ing one-half acre more or less, I e g Ihesametractconveyed to W. F. James by the School Committee of District No. J white race, as per deed recorded in Book 13, pg. 571, office Register Deeds, Davie County. Fi JURTH TRACT. Adjoining the foregoing. Beginning at a stone in MV. L . James' corner, 301 feet South, thence East 947 feet to the branch, thence with the branch to C. F. Janies' line to a stone, thence MVest F5Ji feet, to the beginning, contain­ ing 7 acres more or less, being the same land conveyed to MV. F. James by C, F. James and wife, see deed recorded in Book 13 of Deeds, page 569, office Register of Deeds of Da­ vie County. FIFTH TRACT. Adjoining the foregoing. Beginning at the branch in C. F. Jarnes and MV. F. James’ corner, thence south-east with branch to MV. F. James’ line, thence East with said line to MV. F. James and MV. R. Chaffin’s line. Thence with M . E. Hauser’s line to a stone, thence West of South to the beginning at C. F. James’ corner in the branch, con­ taining twelve acres more or less, being the same tract conveyed to W. F. James by S. A. James, see deed recorded in Book 16 of Deeds, page 509, office Register of Deeds of Da­ vie County.” On the foregoing tract is a valu­ able residence, a store house and otlier buildings. This Apr. 22,1909. W. N. H ohn , Trustee, ________________East Bend. N. 0. Kotice of Sale Under Mortgage Deed By virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by R. L. Craver and wife Martha Graver, to the State of North Caro­ lina, in lieu of bond in the sum of $100 for the personal appearance of the said R. L. Craver, at SpringTerm 1908, of Davie Superior Court, to an­ swer an indictment for fornication and adultery (said mortgage being recorded in Book No. 4, page 331, Register’s office of Yadkin Co., N. C.,) and the said R. I-. Craver being solemnly called and having failed to answer at said term of court, judg­ ment Ni Si was rendered against the said R. I-. Craver in the Superior Court of Davie County, N. C., for said sum of $100, and notice having been issued to said R. L. Craver and Martha Craver, his surety of said judgment, and at Spring Term 1909, of said court, said judgment Ni Si was made absolute, and the under­ signed was ordered by the court to foreclose said mortgage and execute the power of sale therein, to satisfv said judgment: I will therefore sell publicly i'oa cash to the highest bid­ der at the court house door in Mocks­ ville, Davie County, N. C., on the 12 th day of June, 1999, the following described tract of land situate in VIadkin County, N. C., to wit: A tract beginning at the southwest corner of clover lot and runs east with the same 15.25 ehs. to a stone in the line of lot No. 2; thence south with the Ime of lot No. 2 and lot No. 5 ,10.S0 chs. to a stone; thence west 5.87 chs. to a stone; thence .south 3 chs. to a stone: thence west 10 chs to a stone; thence north to the ' be­ ginning, containing twenty-two acres more or less, being a part of the -JessStewart plantation allotted to Martha Craver. This the 8th day of May, 1909; A. T. G rant , Clerk Superior Court, Davie Co. N C. HOLLISTER'S Is u n fa jn T $a K u g g sfs A Busy Medicine for Busy People.Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. A specific fo r C o n stip atio n , In d ig estio n , Live- am i lu d iio v tro u b les, P im p le* E c ze m a , Im p u re B W J , Bfi4 B rea t Ii, S lu g g ish B o v e tst H ead ach e P1?,’ ,-1' I l s -Rocky M ountain T e a in tab* lot fo rm . & c e n ts a box. G e n u in e m ad e bv tfoLUssTEU D ulhj CoMPANr, M adison, W is OOi-BtN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPU ( I M I i a f t I ’ WhereAreYou Going? p I am going Io Bailey & Martins, to buy my goods, for they are so cheap. t^j I i I iwus lor I J jc.. and 121c. Lawns for 10c. m 10c. Lawns lor Sc. aud 50c. Silk Miills for 3oc. tea nOc. Dress Mohair for 45c. .1 yard wide ££ -i >u. Dress Mohair for !!Sc. I yard wide ' H liil w Plaids. 15c. to I Se. f t i i lies Muslins flkirfs, 75 In 81.00 IIi1Htit !summer Caps, IOe. to 50c. ' t In e Meusand Boys Btraw s cheap tea M en and Boys C lothing to go a t som e price Nice line of Truuks. J j YOURS TO PLEASE, Ntf- (Cs*. ,OstivixaxiL-OK . vt.tsxo. ox_a: -»-:sv.b>:s> ;#.<*>.-Lttxl « EfoiIey & Martin. Spring - gll' » f t f t T H E PEOPLE’S NATIONAL BANK N. C u n i t e d S t a t e s d e p o s i t a r y , W i n s t o n - S a l e m , CAPITAL, $300,000.00. ASSETS A MILLION AND A HALF. Takes care of its customers when money is firm or easy, keeps every transaction confidential, allows inter­ est at 4 per cent, from date on Certificates of Deposit, has a Savings De­ partment, loans money to you, or for you, and does everything a well con­ ducted up-to-date bank should do. Let us have your business. No bettc-i place. You can send your deposits by mail. JOHN W. FRIES, President. * VVM. A. BLAIR, Vice-Pres. and Cashier. m a m m w B M U K u m CE Sr QnWQ * WHOLESALE I V. WALLACE & SONS % m I H Dry Goods, Notions and Clothing. I N o etii C a ro lin a 11» Superior Court, be-,! j D a v ieC o u n ty fi°»A .T. Grant, CS Cl j , I I Frank E. Uriridle, Adm’r I i I of Alexander Phelps, dec’d | v I i vs : Hood Phelps. WarrenPhc-Ips i 01^jaie Mary Phelps, et al j Pursuant to an order made in the above entitled cause by A. T. Grant, C. S. Ik the undersigned Commis­ sioner. will sell publicly to the high­ est binder at the court house door in trie town of Mocksville, N. C., oii Monday the 7l’n day of June, 1909, KheloIIowing tract of !and situate in Uie town of Advance, to wit; A tract beginning at an oak tree m Sheet s line, ther.ee N. TIo K. 3.20 chants to a stone, thence E. 6.25 chs. to a stone near a cherry tree, thence iM 3.20 chs. to a stone in Sheet s line, thence with Sheet’s line b.itochs. to the beginning containing Ivo and one half acres more or less, save UiHt except ONE acre and 11 I E I )LL'S heretofore allotted to Mary Phelj):-:, a widow, as her Qo-.vet-. J iie tract to be sold under jai.I order is a vacant lot in the vil­ las e of Advance containing one aero me re or less not incumbered by said cower. j.lie sine will sta rt at. Iho presen­ ter, per cent. bid of $33(i.oi) and will be on (.he following term s, In wit: $5(-.00 cash and the balance on six Liovitlio time with bond and approved security, o- all cash tit the option of the purchaser. F r a n k E. Br in d l k , Commissioner. Per A. T. Grant, Jr.. At.t.y. rPhe Davie Record. The Nut Shell and the Toledo Blade all one year for only one dollar. tsssaasesKBT AMD e u n e th e L y s s a a s I REACH ,i . OFFICIAL AMERICAN league Base Balls, Mitts, Gloves, Masks, Bats and 1909 Guides Jost Received at L L HUNT’S Dr. King's Nsw Discovery FORCSIIgfs AiID ALL THROAT AND LHKG TROUBLES. GtJAEAETTEED SATISFACTORY OB IffiOErEY REFUNDED. C r o « .p When a child wakes up in the middle of the bight, with a severe attack of croup as fre­quently happens, no time should be lost in experimenting with remedies of a douhtl ul value. Prompt acliou is ofteu uecess«ry to save life. . C H am berlain’s C o u g h R e m e d y has never been Icuown to fail In any case and it has been in use for over oue-lhird of a cen­ tury. There is none butter. I t can bo de­pended upon. Why experiment? Itispleasaut to take and contains no Iiarmful drug. P fce, 25 conLs; lai^o size. ;~>Q cents. DROP US A CARD AND OUR SALESMAN WILL CALL. SALISBURY, N. C. Constipation' | Baked swo-t apples, with some people, br’Tifi I Pl-oiupt 1-,-lief for const i puff on. With olh.-rs, : Cirarse all-wheat bread will have the sutne elicct. Naline UmIonMeilljt has a vegetable remedy to : relieve eyery.ailmeutknown toman, if PhvsioiaM can hut nnd Nature's way to health. And this H Strttaisrly true with regard to Constipation.'I he Iinrk of a certain tree in Cnlfioniia-Cas- cara Siigraiki—offers a most excellent aid to this end. But,, combined will, Egyptinn Senna, slip­ pery E.m Bark, Solid Extruet of Prunes, etc.. this same Cascara hark is given its greatest possible power Iii com et constipation. A toothsome Cutidy -Tablet, called Luxuits, is now made ut tne Dr. Shoop La boratories. front this ingenuous and raoste,.eetiv-e prescription, ils effect on Consti­pation, Biliousness. Sour stomach. Bad Breath, Sallow Complexion, etc., is indeed prompt and , satisfying. No griping, no tuipleusant after effects are ex­perienced. and Lnx-ets are put up in beautiful : .ithographod metal boxes at 5 cents and 25 centsP T box. I For something new, uice, economical and effective, try a box of R EA D Tlie Ctalotte Daily Oliseryer AND KEEP POSTED ON THE EVENTS OF THE DAY. We lead in Local, State and Foreign News. I L a x - e ts C. fc. SflNFOHO SONS CO. 8L E G T I R i a _ TJIE BEST FOE «B ETTER S BILIOUSNESS AND KIDNEYS, I a£akse§di©BBss A r a tic a S a lY ® The Oest Salve In The World. THE CURSE OF THE SOUTH. I What is the matter with the South? According to Government report i of 1908. “The Secret is out at Last:”—The Southerner, contrary to cur- - rent opinion is not Lazy, Shiftless, Indifferent, or Careless. “He is Sick.” . [The South is afflicted with and harbors that most dreaded treacherous and 11 destructive of all diseases, Anemia, Pernicious Anemia. The average 11 Southerner is a sufferer of this Health destroying Parasite which destroys I; the red blood cells producing an impoverished condition of the Blood; I, which is characterized by extreme Pallor, General Debility, Weakness, I j Loss of Vigor-Lack of Ambition, and general undermining of Vitality. EI The Climate and Atmospheric conditions destroy the Vitality. Let him II get over it, get rid of it, get well, and he is as good physically as the best I; America can boast. If there is health of the slightest degree in your tys- 11 tem, Wake it up, call it forth. Pull yourself together, man, woman or I j child; all can and should be well. Tonegleetyourselfis to reflect upon I I the wisdom of your Maker. Nature intends al) Humanity to enjoy a full 11 measure of Health and Vigor. If yon do not, the fault is your own, for I j you are yourself to blame for it. Wonders have been accomplished for I I the People of Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi. Let us now 11 do as much for the People of the Carolinas. A postal will bring you the I; necessary information. Send no money. W rite today. Don’t neglect |l this chance here offered you. Address, TIie Cleveland Institute of Medicine And Surgery, Cor. Kinsman Road and 62d St. Cleveland, Ohio. The Davie Record AND THE W eekly Toledo Blade Both Papers One Year FOR ONLY 75 CENTS. /r * \ _ #L, . ” LvC ':h'ri n iA m , S. Cl Otiri w Ilcrq? I®»• SMIflver,si SS.Min. V1;,: v:cv |i,v Kw Lass Proof Hanls'ii 1868.' Now havem4, us,K i ciist!vncri; and wc ireve growitadttM more cabbage plants than all otlier ; ';k::-;:s Li b,-; Iraaaeni states combined. WHY? because our plants must please or , 0 re-r'iii your mont;/ Buck Unier nowj lt is time to set these plants in your sec- : .!"Vl’.K:' 'u!n! tlleXare the one* that sell for the most money.■ a !;:' w I L - r 1,0 HSL €. (ipraly Co.*, B«x 227 Yoasg’s fclsad, S. €. S outhern Railroad. Operates over 7,000 Miles of Railroad. QUICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS Mortli--SoutIi-East-West. 9 TnrOiigh Titkins-Between Principal Citiesand Resorts AVVCmplNQ X=1RST-CLASS accom m odation Elegant Pullmaii Sleeping.Cars on all Through Trains. Dining, Clnh And Observation Ca ra. For Speed, Comfort and Courteous Employes, travel via the South­ ern Rai I way. Rates, Rc.heduies and other information Iurnislied by addressing the undersigned: R, L. V erjtojj , Tray. Pass. Agt., J. H . W ood , Dist,. Pass. Agent Charlotte, NYC,- : - Asheville. N. C. '3. H. Hardwick; Faes-. Traffic Mgr. W. H. TAYLOE1GeuT Puss A-H WASHINGTON, D. C. P. P. P. Read what Nicholas Li grocer in Savannah si F. V. LIPPMAW, Savanna!], Ga., G jis — F or many years I consumed much po'cer to £&. curv'd Oi ihnt terrible dises ciy hur.Uh. I Vi1ItGd U ct Springs, Acu.» \vi 2os.D-5Ira-OVt 2 iick P. P 9 P. (Lippman’s £ llrtly cured. Sn the el£h: years since fchai i rna.Uvn. I*. P a JP• eld the work to my entire sal C u res Mkeumatiam ig, the largest retail 'S about P . P . p , 611?. and in fact tried every meant !a riieumatuan; which had undermined •ut gaining relief, and at last in sheer 1« remedy), and was in a short time en. ie - have not had a symptom of rhe.3- I^acdon and made a quick and perma- Yaars truly, Nicholas i,sn£. T he D avie If f$ V o l . X. “HERE SHALL THE PRESS, THE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS MAINTAIN; UNAWED EY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN.” MOCKSVILLE, N. C., TUESDAY. MAY 25. 1909.No. 46. Boy Corn Clubs. I wish again to direct the atten­ tion of boys and others to prizes of­ fered by the Stale, the county and individuals. > The State offers three prizes as j follows; Fiftydollarsforthe most I corn grown on one acre; thirty dol- j Iars for the next most, and twenty dollars for the thin! most bushels of of corn grown on one acre. Davie county, through the County Commissioners, offers Sibil as prizes for various crops, as noted in a for­ mer issue of this paper. Those pri- zss are offered to men and women as well as to boys. In other words, any one may contest for the prizes offer­ ed by the county. The following prizes are also of­ fered to any one in the county —that is the contest is open to all persons in the county; Horn-Johnstone Co., $10 to the one making the most bushels of clean wheat to the acre, in 191(1. j A. T, Crant 1 Sr., one self-dump, I 8 ft. close tooth hay rake, which sells for $23.50 cash, to the one mak­ ing the most wheat to the acre in 1910. The following give $5 each; C. C, Sanford, E. E. Hunt, G. E. Horn, rJ . J. Byerly, and E. L. Gaither, mak­ ing a total of $25, which is offered as a prize for the most com pro­ duced by any one in the county. J. P. Green offers $10, B. D. Gra­ ham, $5, J. F. Moore, $5, and J. T. 1 ($10 for the fourth most corn. The Of Interest to Undertakers. ; South River Milling Co., $15 for the The AsheviHe oitken sav9 that best, acre oi clean wheat, the prize „ T. __T . , T ,, , n , til- j lii. Rogers, ol Horseshoe, Hemler-.to apply to Company s lioltungs 111 f » » ? I Rowan county, and to Jerusalem . *>n couatJr* by.th e ; township. Messrs. Swink & D e a d - : !l*'ast's ''^ u'k kccrets'’ and E. Rog-, mon $5 to the one producing the1 c,s Supply Company, was on trial, heaviest porker at ten months old. ; in the Federal Gourt at Asheville Dr. A. Z. Tavlor, a good hat to last week for using the mails with one making most com on acre of up- intent to defraud. It was alleged laud corn. M. A. Foster $5 to one making best acre of com on hisland. I regret t o have to say that I found no man in Calaluun township, who could he interested in this corn club business. The truth is, I called up- an every man in the county, to whose! orIlutl tc best, old libcralily and patriotism I thought i ,:,)|,n, hut the gov eminent — | this proposition might appeal. 11 tluR the plan was oue to part tools ! may have omitted some through j from their cash. Llml Iltgers sent circulars through the nuiiis offering to sell for the sum of SIO receipts for making, at 25 cents a gallon, arlilical whiskej , which i i flavor and effect would be j Hmirbon oi j alleges oversight or otherwise. If so, I humbly apologize and herewith re spectfully invite any one who has been omitted to write me at once, naming the amount lliey wish to give, anil the crop to which they, wish their prize to apply, I may add that the Editor of The Davie Record has offered $5 in gold to the one in Davie county, who shall produce the largest ear of com. Ceo. Feezor and J. E. Jones give $5 each, the prizes to be named later. The Editor of the Cooleemee Jour­ nal will give a year’s subscription of his paper to all contestants in the county drawing prizes. Any contestant may secure on the same acre of land a State prize, a D ■/ ’ V- ’!tic (county prize and a township prize, eBaity, $5, making a total of $2o, | .. J 1I1 . , ’ ; son The first receipt calls for one in­ gredient which is not so easy to get as the others, and that is a gallon of fresh com whiskey, To this add two gallons of rain water, oue ounie each of prickley ash, Aiiyenne pepper anil lttndannm. dhake well and take as directed, ffnot itrong enough add more pepper. The reeeipe is supposed to produce two extra gallons. D one drink does not fetch the coro net- or the police no charge will be made. The second recipe is a little more complicated, aud perhaps it is well t.bat this is so because most of the ingredients are rank poisons. Take Nothing Wasted. One great reason why onr friends north ol the Mason and Dixou line have taken the lead in making money is the fad that they utilize every part of everything they deal with. Ifa IieeI is killed, not only is the flesh of the animal used, Im his hair, his hide, bis horns, his hoofs, and every part of the ani riial is tm ned into account, while with us practically all is lost savt the flesh, T hisistrue of timber; we see a tine tree cut down and ouly a Ieav feet of it, used and (In rest goes to waste, while they might work lip every foot of it. It is not so much what a people have and what they make as it is what they save and take care of.—Gatawba County News. OUR BUYER HAS PURCHASED ETllt which is offered as a prize, to all in the county, for most com to the acre. The following prizes are offered to farmers in Fulton township; C. G. Bailey, $25 for most com to the acre. J. F. Hanes, $5, C. A. Peebles, $5, Joe Peebles $5, W. F. Merrill $5, making a total of $20, which is of­ fered as a prize for the one making the second largest yield of corn to , the acre. P. W. Hairston $10 for iieyT^ making three prizes on the same »*i.ic .julllaya, extract of cannabis acre; but no contestant will be al­ lowed to draw more than one State, county or township prize. I may ade that White & Co., at Advance, Sanford Sons and Charlie Clementand Sheriff Slieek1 at Mocks- ville, have intimated that they would offer prizes, but Iiave^as yet named I no amount, so also Postmaster Bail- the third largest yield of com. The following prizes are offered in I Quite a ncmber have their names j on file with me as contestants. Oth- Farmington township:ers who may wish to enter the con- I test are "requested to write me.Hom & Sanford $5 to the boy „ „ . ,. making the most com to the acre. I f ul't!,er lnfonnatlOn10" aJjJjhcatlon- Dr. W. G. Johnson, $5 to the one j _ „ T , J - D. H odges . making most oats to the aere. 1. k S; ^ may have made sonle mls- E. C. Smith $5 to the boy under! Jakcs in ^ is stateinent^f pnzeS; 21 years of age, making the most wheat to the acre in 1910. Some do nor may liave desired his prize to apply upon some other crop, Dr. Griffin, $5 to the one making; or 111 *»me 0Oier way. If so, and I the most sweet potatoes on I of acre, ^am fdviscd’ 1 vvI11 have, correetlons methods of culture to be published ;nlade ln future ,ssues oUhe papel'- in county papers. | On The Move. C. F. Bahnson, Jr., $5 to the ono! ,ri u ,.. Lt • . ilje iSorth Carolina luiuor deal-making the most corn to the acre on ; . the Farmington "black lands.” MZera Wll° u,oved t0 kca,ucky u0'v J. Hendricks, $5 to the one making; a" ,,0U1,re Jllat after July tl,e-y 'vi!l the most Alfalfa to the acre in 1910.1 *IC! *)1M,d 111 G.ucinnati. Just go- Thefollowingisoffered as prizes 'iT Iiom bad to worse, as it were, in Shady Grove township: j—Audersou Dailv Mail. Wood & Mock, one Roarch & Mc-' W , Lean spike tooth harrow worth $13,; They Both Changed, to the one making most com to the! Asheville Citizen, acre. I Politics aud religion were (he The mail carriers at Advance,-two determining features of a inar- Messrs. Tolbert, IIatledge and Smith j riage performed Tuesday uight at $10 to the one who shall be second [ IO o’clock by Dr. Giltiert T. Rowe in producing corn. ' j a t the parsonage. Tlie bride, Mrs. W. A. Bailey, $10 to the one who , Catherine P. Chase, had solemnly shall be thiid in the production °f declared unto the brideiroom, Jo- :sep!i I). Field, of Letcher county.corn. W. L. Crews, one South Bend plow I , ,, , , ,, worth $8.50 to the one who shall oe' keatuckyI111:11 shc 'v0llld ao- Ill;i1’ fourth in production of corn. Iry 1,1,11 uni,U 'e shonld l>ec,Mne a ,........ ■- - ................................ J. W. Jones, $10 to the one pro-;yIetI10lilst- T heydidnot stop to, that mm as deep as that?” ducing a hog over six months old, IarSue D|C difference?! in doctrine j “ Deep?” cried the vic'iin. ‘-Why whose average daily increase in between the Baptist church, <d | nian alive, I ’m standing on a load Iudiau, tincture of guinea pepper, j tincture of pillitory, acetic ether, j sulphuric acid and powdered opium ' and mix with four gallons of water. Shake well aud place in the sun to cool. To produce the genuine flavor of old Bourbon, add three drops of wintergreen, and to make real Irish whiskey add three drops of creosote. Some connoisseurs add a little tincture of Tobacco to give the stuff the right grip. The plan of adding domestic lye is uot approved. W hile it is not so stated in the directions, the whiskey might also be guaranteed to produce sure death; patrons of blind tigers may not always get iuedioDe made up after these receipes but the stuff they get is something similar. How’s TLis For Mud? Of all the yarns that ever c::me down the line, regarding deep mud, the following should be entitled to the blue ribbon. It happened in the place where mud originated. A man was walking along the roadside one summer day and no­ ticed a fairly good looking hat out in Ilie road. Reaching out with his cane, he gave it a cut and was | startled to hear a voice exclaim; “ Here, vhat the deuce are you doing?’’ Then be made the astonishing discovery that the owner of the head pie :e was under the hat, up to his ear in mud. “ GreaL Heavens!” exclaimed the nan who had hit the hat. “ Is A Question Answered. Young Wife: You ask how fai should a married man go with hit look? That is how familiar should he be—should he call her by her first, name. It seems that a slight tinge of jealousy has already entered youi aome. Ordinariiy it is proper for the man of the house to call the cook by her first name. But as to now far he should go with her— —that is another question. Some very good husbands have slipped their moorings and gone clear to - we almost said a bad word then, with their cooks. Ifyou think your hus­ band is becoming enamored of the cook—fire her J Shoot her out witli- tiee. One timewe etty lively with the 5; our darling and H the Lady of the jjing water on her; cased her out and !after her and bolt- tdown and wept bitterly for ah hour. When we came in, looking as solemn and as innocent as a new born babe she told us what she had done. It served her right, we manfully exclaimed, because she put poison in our coffee this morn- ing. Thereupon the angel wept bit terly again and said she wished to goodness she had kept hei—she might have succeeded in getting rid of us next time. So there you are. We mention this little domestic scene; this littlelightfeathered trag­ edy which cast a gloom over oui household a hundred years ago to morrow, only to show you that where love abideth a cook shouldn’t put in her oars,—Exchange. !M Jy- it a 9derheimer, Stein & Co. out a moment: got to talking1 cook; we call a few like thd House pou reel took a broom threw her truj ed the door The entire Bankrupt Stock from die Strauss Clothing Co., of New \ York, who went bankrupt We offer to you up-to-date MenjS and Boysj Clothing- at less than *4- 50 cents on the dollar. We IiaYe no space to mention prices. AU we ask you is to come and look these goods over. No trouble to show goods* Won't Slight a Good Friend. tiIf CTer I need a cough medicine a - 1 gain I know what Io declares. Mrs. A. U Alley, of B eaK Mo.. a fte r using ton bottles of Dr. K in rY ' Xew Discovery, and seeing its excell- • ent results in my own family and o(h - 1 ers I am convinced it is the b ts t. medicine iiiatk- for Coughs, Colds and ! 'lung trouble.” K reryoue who triis. it feels just. 1 hat way. I teiiei is lull: a t once and its quick cure surprises, you. Ror K. onchitis. Asthm a. Tlea, | rnorrliage, < rouji, LaCrippe. bore ‘ Throat, pain in chest or Iuu t prtine. 50c and ♦!. Trial bottle tree. G uaranteed by C (-’* Sanford. weight shall be the greatest. I which he was a member, aud Ihe The following prizes are offered in Methodist church, to which she Clarksville township: ,belonged. Thesedilfereuees were T. W. Smith, $5 to one making Jil Hm eyes of these ardent lovers, most corn to the acre. , ^jle js and the •Ji'iW' f 'f- Wl^iCh I i2’ but lner® incidentals. Sucb aWfll be added to T. W. Smil.i s prize, I [.-,.,n,,,. iis Hm change of InitIx was other $5 added to corn prize No. I, as nothing to the groom. So he in Mocksville township. j changed, but on one condition. The following prizes are offered in ; Certainly it was fair that if he had Jerusalem township: I elfljfriged his religion in order to The Erwin Cotton Mills, $100— j wiL the wife, it was but a fair ex- S.25 for the most corn per acre; $25 «ckituKe Hiat she should change hei­ fer most cotton; $25 for the IhostiJjolitIcsfr0111 lyculutuacVtu Repub white and $25 for the most red Clov- !Clll,f ^ ml bho acT llescctl lu . , this demand,er per acre. Tnese prizes apply to ; _______________ the holdings of the Company in Row- j Lived 152 Years. an county as well as to the people of i W rit P a rr— England’s oldest man— Jerusalem township. j married the third time at 120, worked of hay!”—Exchange. Truth Plainly Told. f yon have a candidate for the groom judgeshiu it is high time yon were trotting him out. They were af­ ter Purnell’s job six weeks before he died and they were going after Connor's five days before he was named.—Winston Journal.. , , ,, i , i in the Iieldw till 1:12 and iiveddo years I the maidens wear.Mr. Robert Elhott $10 to the one I longer. People should he youthful a t ' making most Irish potatoes to the so- Jam es W right, of Spurlock, Ky., shows how to rem ain young. “I. feelaere. The 0. C. Wall Co., $15, C. C. Young $5, Elijah Broadway $5, mak­ ing a prize of $25 for the second most corn to the acre. The J. N. Ledford Co. $10 for the third most corn. Postmaster Caudle and J. H. ' Coley, each $5, making a prize of The Wearers Do The Blushing. FnlI many a flower is born to blush unseen aud waste its sweet- uess on the desert air, but not those posies, red and blue and green, that deck the baskets that Durham Snu. THE TIRED FEELING is cured by Lippman’sGrea! Deme-Jiistliku a lli-vuar-ohi hoy,"he writes •‘aEtcv taking six bott’.us °f E lectric (jv aiso cures N euralgia aud B itters. Eor th irty years Kidney , . T. . ,trouble made life a burden, but the I !O'Cnt H eadache. I t feeds the lirst bottle of this wonderful m edi-! nerves, m akes the blood rich and cine convinced me I had ,found the i the p atien t Strong If you would greatest cure on earth .” They’re a be well an(1 ha] to weak, sickly, run-ciown 0“ The Retort Courteous. An oid darkey wanted to join a fashionable city church, and the min­ ister, knowing it was hardly the tmr-g to do and not w anting to Iinrt ms ladings, told him to go home and prni over it. In a few days the darky came | hack. “ Well, what do you think oi n i by this tim e'r” asked the preacher. I “ Well, sail,” replied the colhred man. i “All prayed an ’ de good LawiL lie ! -ay-; to me, - Laaiu:;. Aii ................ Ixuideruiah hah! ahcnu dal n„ m „.; A h’ve been trying to git into dat ] chu’ch mahsuT for de las' tv.vnli yeahs and Ah ain’tdone had no luck. V ■Christian l’egis'r-r. Behold The Fisherman. He riseth up early in the morn inganil disturbeth the whole house I hold; mighty are his preparalions. ' He goeth forth full of liopc'. When the day is far spent- he retum ctb, ’ smelling of strong drink, and the truth is not inhim. O rce a fisher­ man always a liar.—Ex. SPECIAL IN MEN’S SHOES AND o x fo r d s : We offer you 500 pairs of MEN'S SHOES aud Gx- f or d s, made by the best S H GE Manufacturers of this c oluxitrv* Walk­ over, King Quality, Geo. Sc Son, $4, Shoes and a ll Ieath- ^ W P a te n t at $2.85 a < old |ieoplet Sa- ford’;;/Trv them . otic, a t G. C. happy use P. P. I’. Lippman’s Great Remedy. Bold by AU Druggists, Kills to Slop Ihe Fiend. The worst foe for I? years of Jnbn ; Deye, of Gladwin, Mlrh., wi s a run ring ulcer. Tie paid doctors over StOrt without benefit. Then ihirklen’s Arnica Balve killed Uiu ulcer and cured him. Cures Ft-Vcr-Sotcs, Boils, Felons, Kczema. S alt Rheum. Infall­ ible for Piles, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Corns, 25c, at C. 0, Sanford’s, J. FELDM >125 S. Main St THE DAVIE RECORD. C. FRANK STROUD - - Editor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: s Y e a r , in A d v a n c e.............................5 0 c ........................2 5 c May 25,1909TUESDAY, If you don’t like our town, consult the Southern lime table on 3rd page. Tlieblackberry crop is very prom­ ising indeed. None, to our knowl­ edge. have yet dropped off the briars and it. is hoped that not a one will fall to earth until ye editor getteth his share. We have many things to be thank­ ful for in this world. Among them might be mentioned the new peach basket hat, that the price of flour is not five bucks a sack, and that the baseball season draweth to a close. A doctor charges you $1 a visit; writes a prescription and his work is over. The editor pays you fifty- two virits, w . firing of copy ten thousand miles long, and works all the time; and all lor 50 cents a year. Now kick yourself for not taking your county paper and pay­ ing for it. Hon. R. Z. Linney didn’t like it beeause President Taft appointed Connor to the Eastern judgeship, so he gets mad and compares Taft to a deformed jackass. Col. Linney nev­ er fails to express his opinion. It will be remembered that he is the gentleman who wanted Mr. Roose­ velt impeached. William Etchison, of the GoIum- bia State staff, son of our towns­ man, W. C. P. Etchison, has a four- page write-up of Georgetown, S. C., in The State of May 14th, which is not only a credit to the <^ty of G<|0/,get0wn and The State, but to the writer, who is one of our boys. Mr. Etchison cannot help but a- ehieve success in the journalistic line, and no one will be prouder of Jiis success than the people in his own little home town. j§ COUNTRY NEWS ITEMS. |g ! § FROM OUR HUSTLERS. H B lO in im r a n Ln an ii r m - I ^ Tennyson Items. Mi's E. E. Aaron has been very tick for some tiiue but is improv­ ing we are glad to s;iy. Mrs. Eeury Trotr anil family Irom 2few Leudou, is visiting her lather, Mr. J. P>. Fon!. Misses Pearl and Bernice Stewart spent Kuuday with Catheiine TvIii- lcr. Mr. anil Mrs. Humphrey, from near Cleveland, sprat Sunday with his brother, Mr. Janies Humphrey. Little Johnsie MilSer is visiting her giaudfather, Mr. P, J. Thomp- Miss Sallie Ford, wbo nurses iu the hospital at Chapel Hill, is spending some time witn her mother, Mrs. Johu Ford, Mr. O. L. Casey has lound five bee trees iu tlie pasc few weeks. <i. L. Thompson has purchased a new horse anil buggy. Better watch out girls. Bonner Martin, of Augusta, spent the past week with his sister Mrs. Mattie Thompson. Oasey & Redwine are pulling lumber out of the Fish Trap UilIs with their traction engine. Miss Dotsey Ford attended the commencement at Statesville last week. Miss W illie May Stewart, who has been iu school at Hickory, will return home in a few days to spend the summer vacation- The Sunday rchool is progress­ ing nicely here and hope we v.'iii have a better school than we hav«* ever had before. Misses Catherine ami Mary Mil­ ler spent one day last week with Dinah Wood. D ix ie . Nothing of importance has hap­ pened around the new court house. The weather was so warm last week that we resigned our job with the lime department and was transferr­ ed to the tool box force. Our work consists in holding down the lid of the said tool box by placing our body on the box in a reclining position. Jt is hinted, but not sworn to, that a cement sidewalk will be placed in front of the court house. The jail will be completed first, we think. Both buildings will, it is hoped, be completed by turkey dinner time. WHY WON’T IT PAY HERE. Some of the people in this city claim that a hosiery mill does not pay, and that it would be foolish­ ness to start one here. The Nut !!hell, published at Hickory, N. C., has this to say in regard to a mill at that place: “Little, infiu j areoften over­ looked and i:-ot _ Iveii the credit due them. The Hickory Hosiery Mill is one. It is capitalized only at $20,- 000. It has been running tinder its present management. 2 1-2 years. I >uring that time, it Bas paid out fifteen totwenty thousand dollars to laborers. It is out of debt, and at its last meeting declared and paid to th£ stockholders a 6 perct. dividend. CooIeemee Items. I Mrs. Marry Foster came up from j Salisbury last Sunday to visit her ! son, Mr. W. T. Foster in NorthI 7 * Cooleemee. j Mr. Charley Tutterow and fam- jily, of near Center, visited his I father last Saturday and Sunday. Miss Nellie McClamroeh, who j has been visiting relatives an-1 I friends near Mocbsville, was in our town Saturday on her way to her home at Kanappolis. The mill shut down last Thurs­ day for the celebration at Charlotte bnt it rained so bard that only a few got to go. The mill stood Friday and Sat­ urday last, on ai'count of high waters. Miss Mary Tutterow has returned from a week’s visit near Motiksville. Mr. A. L. George returned last Friday from Gastonia where he has beea visiting relatives and friends the past week. Mr. Hooker has moved his fam­ ily back to our town. He says there is no place like Cooleemee. As news is scarce I will ring off. B a s h f u l G i e l . Cana News. A large crowd attended the en­ tertainment at Courtney May 16th. Mrs. W. B. Hunter is no better, we are sorry to note. Mr. Albert Graves has been on the sick list. Mr. J. H. Martin, of EastBend, had the misfortune to get his barn and some horses burned last F ri­ day night. How did V. S. make the trip home Sunday night? The meeting at SheQield closed Tuesday night. They will pitch their tent in Virginia next week. SanetificaUon takes well in this section. Mrs. Sarah Stonestreet and Mis? j Bettie spent last Wednesday night at Mrs. W . B. H unter’s-. Mr. Hiram Cook toot'his future ife over to the tent meeting Sun­ day. I will ring off as news is scarce. L ittle Countey G iel. is my w ay of doing it: After the j hills are vnade a-mi Iheseeils plant - 1 «•«1 keep Ibem covered with air! slake:: When ic5»ove«i l>y wind or :a!a re;.--'>*.•:• 2 it. In tiie iccrci : :i;e .'my :-J- i'i-•= n :, is the best time to civer tha kiiis. Whec the piaais i:p rue n o t will a-uiii n: to »!:•£ n:: Icre-idc of the IttiVos. I have !;.«! m.hMi tAperi- eoee »••(!: ihi* rstt.-vy «»n*l have aHvnys f->rr:;1 i i—.- 'v . L aUo i:i-' il o-:. uuJ Tihmtfc ai, I get re-Q'ia — .... iMr- set. It Oor Cciie.'JiK’e Fiicii.'s. F. W. Fry, on of Cui icpreseuui- tives, will be at Cooleemee today and tomorrow in the interest of The Record. He will be at the Cooleemee postornee this afternoon between 5 and 7 o’clock, where "If our enemies who wibi'i to renew uieirisy uscripiion are earnestly requeued to meet Iiim and pay up. He will spend tomor­ row morning soHcitia;? sub­ scriptions. W j -Yould appreciate any assistance r.ar friends will' ren­ der Mr. Fry. The Keeord is only 50 cents a year, j List half the amount charged by either of the other coun­ ty papers. Its columns are always filled with interesting. instructive news matter, and is worth twice the subscription price. If you don’t take TheRecord1 see Mr. Fry and subscribe. Tfee Dog That San “Some.” A. writer, ict5iiiga.story of Ken­ tucky dops. iiixj-i i:uii he boughI {Youi u «1 L-(is:ltd Tiilfv, am: after feed; 1:3 I-Ici on ueeisieak at l?-s sad IGs per pound for ..o\v wests, was \va!k- ibg wii-fi him Si, a fraii’Oud J oad crossing wh?i-e Taffy gat h jfcirst hasts &'■■■■- par'.,a! gianee ir.Oi.ivc. ■ • ri •, cised his h qii.ckvir '.Sj.--.i-, £ « :js fts Ktartei I r:-.I of <:n c'd degi b!"Ci.s C:-vc,i Cd* scraet if see;: g. a * - pass.” The ok: negro nrplter* as. follows: ilBoss, ef I did, I jess barely did. We*e be a dog ’bo-jtt a dog 8Dtl a htt;f Kiug: Ku;! a half dog hit:)! rhat was bi-ekliox and on- liuekliu j IrisselI Iak a jac»-Ainfe so fast yon couldn’t tel! whether he war roau^’g er fl; iu,< »ad de dus’ a'oi g Whar be e.rai dk'n’c raise till he was oarej Mgal?” Beiug t:»l-" t!:uc I description sort of Sited :: i.s Knpear- auee 0: -.ut dog ft.;.-:- :teu by its (i,'. ..e., ;..e uey;:. tai.•.: “ Well, boss. . uioi-,-hi i-. j-c-.v-.i I’im, 1-iii I et.'. t pas<,ain't Ce: but h tabr.gSit I ee::. a iiaut.” I/ t*ie aegre- m;w Ii.m, says the w rier, he v.Kfc'ke iaei who saw him u site A nsaflieiuatic- mi; figure'1. <>nt that it .'e nail not changed his di;ve[.,-i! 0 ! >)i..dified iiis spie.1, he i- iov.-; e I iiinsseif in the Golf Cf Sfesu'3 the J'oilowirig Eoriiicg at 27 Eifa’»&-, past two o’clock. Baffling the Bugs. M.y attention was called to an inquirer who asked for a method, of keeping bugs from diistroyiug- squasb, cucumber vines, etc. Here We wo^ld ipgi ecUte it i? all our correspondent-- would send in a few items eacb week. A Vsisa&n krjih'acldaffi. Owsosbcro I;:c;v;r=r. JSotice —K new rtieu I y these presecis, tLat I, iiLadi-asIi H. AnBatrong-, Lave eoa' oil for sale at j.5 ce:ia ;. ’:>•«?».!. Some s»y it ai:.:?t -..ii. .... I o.iy it is, I wili uiso lie your bro..‘inecro. cae- fcalf ifcr tie other. I crush corn every Ti.uiv.aay by t- ilraie. Turk­ eys pieka:. very pr..r.-c.t!y any day of week. II'.TSe-fthaeiiigsi-e‘-.iniiy ai. C bits p.r.v -.Vtfh and pistvl repaiii”"£uar#.-.(i?c!!. Sooes hitii-f ::s:! v. ..-h: vitii. Iiji- Iire1:..;, tix^i c: Cl ass tta><d!ca inaiiv 14<i- 15 c:rts. \vii‘ Boataer:: hav-uony and il:c '•"it.blue IVi Vi* >no. PieUnes er in vgei! Viyr t--:w process-, ^ari ^ jgf bti*. tam ak »u< "air oil re. ei'pi 330 t'.sys f«: 25 {-en'.s. FalwsuUiug 0 0.} ,CutHUiii- ,/ ! 20 eecES per tie.i-5 A guod eoo- for sale, j-r.sj age.-: lot- Voe 'r f>»i«t, ti-e fom Mel im .i T-jbaue.) Dssier. «u-'. Pool’s Medi­ cal Advertiser. K ife fj>:ngstoa is iui attorney and mj: terms ia '.iasL —first, because I kuo.v .yon: sec­ ond, because I don’t kiiow yoa, DIDN’T TAKE US UP. If the editor of f 0 Cooleemee Journal paid a very high price for the column and a half of slop that was dished up to The Record in its issue of last week, he got buncoed. I There was not a point made in the j article, and we have reasons for be-; Sieving that, the readers of The - Journal, or at least a number of j them, went out in their back yards; and took a good puke after reading it. Of course Cooleemee is a good 1 town—couldn’t help but be since! our Sheriff has invested so heaviiy down that way, but it will never be the town that Mocksville is. The Journal claims that Cooleemee has 3,000 population. Maybe so, but w e: haven’t been able to find them. I t ! also claims that over a million and a ' quarter dollars are paid out yearly to laborers, but it fails to say that the men who pay it out are the ones who get it back, or the most of it.; It lurther says that they have a; moving picture shew equal to those; oi' 2Jew York, Chicago or St. Louis.; Ye gods and little fishes. If the editor of the Journal would wake up in either of these cities he would have to be carried out in a box. But what else could be expected of a fel­ low who never Eaw a show. The article in the Journal does not call for a reply—there being nothing to reply to, but we occasionally hesitate long enough to smite it on the] cheek and spit in its face. No dear-1 Iy beloved,S&jar paper is not a boiler­ plate sheet—it is manufactuaed at home, not in Statesville or Charlotte. The Hornet is not dead, neither does it sleep, as you will find if you keep fooling with its stinger, In conclusion, dear enemy, take our advice and never fool with poetry again. Get the preacher to write the next article for the Jour­ nal, and pay him a little more than you did the fellow who tried in your last issue, and caused Hiore vomiting than all the epicac that has ever been taken by your 400 subscribers. We-apologize to our many readers for using as much space as we have on such a big nothing. A Letter From T. B. Parker. D eak Sir : Will youplease send me any applications yoa have for toys who are contesting for thf corn premiums offered Dy the State Board of Agriculture. Our Board meets the second of J nue and I desire to get the ap­ plications at the earliest possible moment so I can make out my re­ port and submit the same to the Board at their meeting. Will you also please sead me a list of the premiums offered by your people for the boys of your county, cash premiums and other donations and by whom given. Thanking you in advance for your kindness Ia f.he matter, I am, Y7Ours very U-Hly, T. B. Paukhi;,. Demonstrator. The above letter explains itself. I have a Bnmber of applications for boys and others who are con­ testing for the various premiums offered by the Staic1 * the coiiuty and patriotic citizens of the coun­ ty. If there be others who wiih to contest for any of these prem­ iums, they will please write me at once. If there be other citizens who would like to offer premiums, they will please advise me at once, that they may be iucluded iu my report soon to be made to the agri­ cultural department at Ealeigh. J. D. H o d g es , Iu charge of Davie Co. Iioy Clubs rJsMir eoURSQHWhi$kct Good W biskey Stimulates the circulation of the blood—makes the liver active ana the bowels regular. For most headaches and simple complaittfcsit is better than any drugs or medicines. Next time you teei “run down** or ill, trySunnyBrooK TRE PURE FOODWhiskey It is bottled in bond, therefore absolutely pure, natural, straight whiskey, mellowed by age only and with a delicious flavor. Usea judiciously, its effect is both invigorating and exhilarating, ine “ Green G overnm ent Stam p” on each bottle is the official prooi that it has been distilled, aged and bottled under th e super­ vision of U. S. Government Inspectors. SUNNY BROOK DISTILLERY CO.. Jeffersoo Co., K?. =FULL QUAR:t s = $c PA ID WBY E X PR E SS P R E P A ID From an; of the following Distributors: H. CURKE & SONS, Inc.; Richmond, Va. Tlie PMlip G. Kelly Co., Inc. Richmond, Va. SHIPPED IN PLAIN BOXES. SEND REMITTANCE WITH YOUB ORDER. NO GOODS SHIPPED C. 0 . D. I-.a-, iigant fancy gone mad. They are hideous in de-i^u and, mon- iitr>Kis in execution. They compel the male observer to sigh for the very bin hats of last fall. Those seetiied theu evils s Iarcely endnr- abfe, bat fashion has bronght us iithers that sve know not of. These l<ot like effects and inverted bash- ets covered with artificial flowers »ik; p:aafs that seem to have been derived from the Ir.Teniw have no beauty at all, acd when Rev. Dr. ''TiieArthui saysthey tgake their wearers look like gargoyles, one infers timt ' he does not care for gai goy I es. ’ ’—E z. The Davie Record, Kc. the year. Ladle8' Ksts. bill recently iufrodnced iu the I.IinolB Fouse of Representatives provides, that it shall be nDlawfnl r. - sell or to offer for sale any hat m o reu at-8 i:<ches in diameter, or with plume, aigrette, pin or other ornament projecting more t! ai) six inches beyond tiie rim, or bsariu^ t‘-e dead body or stuffed skiii of a bird, snake, lizard or oKser animal, re; iiile or iusect sub j>3t to decay, sn3 likely to become a ..-ree.hiy ;.-k?e for gem s, Y/ear* it,g I-.;;-; ;iats contrary to the stat ute is prohibited in public places or thoroughfares, and violations are made puuishable by fines. Those Big Hats. “ The movement in some of the chuiuhes to ierinee the wome i to recr-re ILeir ints daring the ser- 'vices is reasonable. The things 111ar-y women wear on their heads nowadays are so grote>.,jue as to divert the at-tei-tioa of others from the religions exercises,” says the i'le'V Yoi'i: Times. “They are so big that they obstruct the congre­ gation’s view of the pulpit.- They are grossly inappropriate to a house of worship. The spring! bats are the worst examples of ex-j % ■ ij. -iit.' Pains “My mother is a great suf­ ferer from rheumatism, and Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pilis is the only remedy that relieves her.” MRS. G. DAVENPORT, Roycefield, N. J. The pains of rheumatism are almost invariably relieved with Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. They aiso overcome that nervous irri­ tation which prevents sleep be­ cause they soothe the nerves. To chronic suffers they are invalu­ able. WIien taken as directed, tli-' • relieve the distress and save the Treakening influence of pain, which so frequently pros­ trates. Many sufferers use them whenever occasion,requires -,vith the greatest satisfaction, why not you? They do not derange the stomach nor create a habit. W hy not try them ? Get a pack­ age from your druggi-a. Take it according to directions, and if it does not benefit he will return your money. BAITYS Jtrstevican dy SHOE Style 6047 A pntonl Vi() bluehQf oxtoFQ weltedaole Kiiiitairbed. “Vassal"Tos ‘‘American Lady Shoes” are quite the thing when it comes to proper dress. Yet its popularity is not only due to the np to-date- ness of its styles for there are many other vital points in whieh this wonderful shoe excells—ease, fit and durability. W e show the. “ American Lady” id Patent, Gun Metal, Tan and Wine kid leatheis in straps, sau- dals and other new sty Ies. 82.50 and $3 00. Should yon desire a less expen­ sive oxford we have a wide rauge of styles in patent, vieis and tans at $1.50 and $2 00. “American Gentleman” is a shoe bnilt for men that leads too in style, comfort and durability. Thew iderangeof styles shown in this shoe makes it easy for you to ge^j>ist the shape that’s best suited to your foot. Call in and let us show you the many different styles of the Amer­ ican Gentleman, in patent, glazed kic£ tan and ox blook. $3.50,4.00. J. T. BAIT Y. DR. ROBT. ANDERSON, DENTIST, Office over Bank of Davie THE DAY Rntered ■' thi' Viii-;, N. C.. - matter, ''Hr-'; LAituwr «:ir.;uLA EVSR F "-' 3 ARRIVAL -if P A GO: No. 26 Lv. No. 2S L -. I - No. 27 I-V. JTv jSlO. .• Lj\ . .-i.1. i LOCAL A:.. Cotton i- :' Mocksviiie i When dv walks? R. S. Meritii:- tewn la.-:t we.-!-:. J. M. Popiin v Cooieemei.- last Miss Puttie Iia fe-v her home a I ? Yadkin Coliej.; takes place tom:. It is to be I will build their year. Virginius Shoes w^arfor comfort C WallCo.. Non’ Misses Marie a spent one day in V s,-.opping. Mrs. A. H. Wiil is visiting relative this county. Remember, nie and free this year. I. A. White, of town last week an The Record. Sweet Briar Sh tion. Every pair 0. C. Waii Co., N Owing to the iu Church commenc poned until today. It is said that t1 Co., is to be re-of date, and work re Brown’s New C get your meals on\y cafe in town. Miss Maud Mill time with relative Charlotte and mo- Every boy in t work for one of t See article on firs We sell the shr sell them. The 0. Cooleemee. Miss Elfie Atki spent Tuesday in some dental work A fterJune 1st, best board at Mrr on Wiikesboro st Mr. a:i-i Mrs. J little son spent se lotte last week. The 0. C Wall mee, are giving dry goods and sh Z. N. Anderson a few day’s visit friends at Koonvi On and after J Sprinkle will be I boarders with pr best fare that Ih Correspondent, articles so they later than 8 a. m Wr. A. Weant to Spencer la it w of an air-brake a has had patent'd If its millinery to Winston or Sa C. Wall Co., Nor what you want. Many of our c called around subscriptions, ward for we nee Boone Stone; Route 3. has pur buggy—not only mail, but female WANTED-K has not paid Iiis and save being a J. Harmony con Saturday. The and the crowd I Self, of Hickory, ary address. I must collect Unless the rt ma at once, I will and sell. J. 3s n ou 2St be I 00. • THE DMIE RntemI Si M he Forir Vii!' inn. N. C., :-s I •v. Mnveli 3, Miss AniU Miiier spent Friday in Wiii • :on shopping. W. H. Csiil .taste it business trip ! I" Vi r:;ri on Friday. a 1 I' V* Bi B.iB BBB -.Bl-Si .B-B-Sl-Bi-Oi ft J j D E A T H S . Ii ,>.$■ 1>Tt- :»xp. jllrs. SjSaiu Ueeker1 of Mill Hritlye1 Rowan county, died May 15, just . __ . ney E. L. GaitIier attended ;l Week ufler Ihe death of her Iins- LAiia-jl’ Cii-.OULATiON c? AKf FAFER. Vwiir- at. r.unesvillo last week. hand. Three children survive. EVSlt PU-' • J I?! BAVlS COUNTY. . Di‘. M. D. Kimbrough and T. B J Mr. J. W. Mise, of Eivor Hill, - Bailey spent Friday in Winston. i Jredell ^ u i l t y j ( J i e t i May 17th, af Wtes Mary Fitzgerald spent Thuvs- er an illness of three weeks. “• inston shophiiiK. Mis. Ciutrlotte Darr1 wife of Mr. Mrs. Vv. V. Deeriug is spending \ . L. D irr 1 died May 15th, niter a ARRIVAL of PASSENGER TRAINS No. 2d No. 2d No. 27 No. 21 GOING NON Lv. Moeksvith I.-.-. Ici--SVld- . " . .1O U V ii.".'- ,v. M-.-cks- I OyjTa. m. 1:1b p. m. r it. ; : :so p. Ti i. BANK OF DAVSE.:' STATE DEPOSITARY. ASSETS/OVER - $280,000. j A growing bank able to meet the legitimate requirements of ^rovrfng business enterprises. Vjje invite the attention of every wage earner to the advantage of 0.tir .Savings Department. We d|y 4 per cent, compounded in- 1,|iTst every quarter. Accounts solicited. 1NCMPQBAT6D LO ■-i «..‘iclsy iioip lor I the Ar;ne.:ian.Jf. if. Eogeis1 the Stumiard Oil ^apitaliit1 died at his home in Airs. C. A. Jenkins and children, i Xfiw York. Wednesday. ;of Win, .n, came over last week to j ^ 2 ld soa of M r. !lnd ! Viut rs-tatives m this city. Cotton is I<■ I !•'• Moeksvilie is g.’owing. When do '.re get those new side­ walk-? R. S. Meroney1 of Winslcn, w town last week. J. M. Poplin visited relatives Cooleemee last week. MissPattie Battle left Tuesday! Rural carriers on Route I. 2 and 3 failed to make their rounds Friday and Saturday on account of high mmo I-me v.it.q reir.tiv::* at Lexing-. long illi ess, at her home three ion. aiiss. : ^ jje3 w,_st 0f rJYontniau. Mrs. 0. L. Wiiliamsietumed last’ Mr. .famesSeolt, of Statesville, •,•Ce.: a visit to relatives Uti-^od id. ,tad a Conk dc:ate Soiuier1 I1IecnsBjoro. i died May Eitii 1 nL the Billingsley Two Armenian preachers were in 'iosnita! Idicl a month’s illness. G. W. Green will leave the latter at I part of next week for ,a three months ,.Jjurc], Jile ^oth : virit to his old home in Canada. Mrs. Harrison Cuthrell dipd May I Pth1 auri was buried at Liberty for her home at Poe Dee, N. C. Yadkin College commencement takes place tomorrow and Thursday. It is to be hoped that the masons will build their temple here this year. Virgpnius Shoes are the kind to Wiarfor comfort and style. The 0. C WallCp., North Cooleemee. Misses Marie and Helen Allison spent one day in Winston last week shopping. Mrs. A. H. Wiilson1 of Asheville, is visiting relatives and friends in this county. Remember, there will be no pic­ nic and free dinner in Mocksville this year. water. Mrs. J. F. Kirk attended a meet, ing of the Women’s Missionary So­ ciety of the M. E. Church at Con­ cord last week. The ii fant of Mr. av.d Mrs. Max Foster, of near Tennyson, died May ISth 1 and was buried at Je rusalem the 19th. Mrs. J. Vj . Gwaltney. of Sharpes- biirg township, Iredell county, died May 13th, of pneumonia. Gny Jones, aged 15 years, of BobandJoeGloer1 the notorious | W estBcnd1 Yadkin county, died check forgers, were tried at States-; -^aY U ki, of heights disease, vilie court Thursday and given two Miss Percy Brock, of Williams,= years in the penitentiary. « Yadkin county, died May 19th, The heavy rains last week washed aged 19 years. away much corn and cotton, doing thousands of dollars of damage to growing crops and lands. A large crowd from this section took in the Jwentiedi ot May Cele­ bration at Charlotte, and report a grand tune. Tne crowd was enorm-. I. A. White, of Cana, R. 2, was m ; cus. town last week and subscribed for The Record. Sweet Briar Shoes give satisfac tion. Every pair guaranteed. The 0. C. Waii Co., North Cooleemee. Owing to the heavy rains the Fork Church commencement was post­ poned until today. It is said that the Whitney Power Co., is to be re-organized at an early date, and work resumed. Brown’s New Cafe is the place to get your meals and lunches. The only cafe in town. MiSS Maud Miller is spending some time with relatives and friends at I Every boy in the county should work for one of the corn club prizes. See article on first page. We sell the shoes-others try to sell them. The 0. C. Wall Co., North Cooleemee. Miss Elfie Atkinson, of Route 3, spent Tuesday in the city, having some dental work done. After June 1st, you can get the best board at Mrs. J. H. Sprinkle’s on Wilkesboro street. Mis, TIuifet Allison left Friday evening for GJeyeland. From there sue will go toijpnoir to be present at the Davenporj^Gollege commence­ ment. ! ofitms city; who iiierent schools, The voung have been aw are arriving -hiWfr and eFfTTohg they will be m our nimst again. TIit closing exercises.. f Cool Spring Academy will take place Friday, May 2Sth, beginning at IO a. m. The afternoon and evening exercises will oegin at 2:13 and 8:1-5. rIhomas Smoot, of Wilmington, will deliver Bishop Charles B. Galloway, o' the SIetapdist Episcopal Church, youth, died of pneumonia at his home in Jackson, Miss., May 12th. M i. D. \V. Kestler, Bjijjrt Slay 20tb,- at 2 o’clock, at his. home m Salisbury, after^,long illness with consumption • iMrs. Morris Myers died May 14th and was buried in.the Jones- ville Cemetery, Satuubv She .!Saves a husband aud one child. ^The 2^eai old sou of Sir. and Mrs Tfay ev parents east of Statesville. 3Ir. G rceu A . II.-i.gei, of the Mayhew section of Iredell county, died in a hospital at Charlotte Monday night from the results of an operation. HjiLTON BROS. 5 FOR ALL KINDS OF Harness, Collar?, Lap Robes, Har- j uejsiGii?-, V/'ihY Saddles, Pads,, and in fact anything carried in a first-class harness shop. Repair rVork a Specialty. CAPITAL STOCK, $ RALEIGH, N. C. CHAR Pullen BuiMing. Pi J. I. ANGELL, DEALER IN GenerM Merchandise. A nice line of fresh groceries al­ ways on hand. Country produce bough!; and sold. I also carry a full line of dry goods, notions, liats and shoes. MORE GOODS FOR SAME MONEY SAME GOODS FOR LESS MONEY. r Tm I ja m e s The Liveryman. Depot St. Moeksville, N. €. New turnouts, gentle horses, good drivers. Prices to suit the times. The patronage of the public is re- soheited. When in need team, ’phone No. 2. Satis- aranteed. THESE SCHOOLS GIVE the world’s besi Education. Oldest Business College in No; guaranteed, backed by a written contract, ual insstruction. We also teach Book-keej manship, by mail. Send for Home Study our Catalogue, Offers and High Endorsemi Address KING’S BUSINESS RA LEIG H . N. C., or CHAR! iIMONUMENT spectfullj s of a good I faction gi i ev^mig at the home of his the literary address. Tlie E-L. G riffinkiseeam e near Mr. Hager was 67 age. Mr, John R. M od, of Salisbury, , , was found dead in bed in Atlanta being destroyed by fire Thursday T morI]1 Reart failure afternoon, caused by a defective .. , , stove flue. Prompt work by the cit- ^ the alleged cause of deash. izens saved the house. Thedamagei Mr John Swicegood, aged 43, of to the house was slight, and the!Tyro1 Davinson county, aud a household goods were damaged by j brother of our townsman, M. E. water and moving. Thehouse was! .-,wieegocd, died Friday of pneu- fionia, and was buried Suuday. j ou ha egg's, . wax am eral for call-on pay the nice Iim A WORD enough. When ung in the way o f j .es, tallow, bees- .^roduce in gen- jV pay, you to you seffij&gi" We also carry groceries, hay. etc. BYERflY & WHITLEY, SALISBURY ST. MOCKSVILLE. C. C. Sanford Sons Co. 42 YEARS OF HONEST DEALING. Our Clotliing makes tlie young men hai Our Shoes makes life’s walk easy, Our ctiairs make tke aged coinfoilaMe, Onr groceries make cooking a pleasure, i Our wagons and buggies make the horses’ bur- ' dcn light. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Johnstone and little son spent several days in Char­ lotte last week. The 0. G Wall Co.. North Coolee­ mee, are giving many bargains in dry goods and shoes. Z. N. Anderson left last week for a few day’s visit to relatives and occupied by Superinteiident Cahow, of the Falls City Construction Co. It coaxes back that well feeling, healthy look, puts the sap of life _ in j f your system, protects you from dis- 1 * ease. Hollister’s Rocky Mountain j Tea has no equal as a spring tonic for I :gxsxg>.3>tsxt Cnxg--CttcsxfcsfccaxgxsxB -fccsxvxtt .e-Bxgxfc-g>a MARRIAGES. | 31r. O B. Fraley, of Sampson t h T X f f f iil y “ S f S t a i Or; « "“ «*, m d Miss Elizabeth Knox, Tablets. C. C. Sanford Sons Co. of Cool Spring, Iredell county, TI„ . 1 - 0 : were united in marriage May 19tb.While going from preaching Sun­ day evening Shirley Stroud suffered ! Mr. Sanford Weatherman of a serious accident. He was riding] Jonesvil e 1 aud Miss Ella Carter of horseback and tried to pass some State Road, were married May one when the horse reared, throw- ! 15th, at the home of the bride’s friends at Boonville and East Bend, j ing him off under its feet, stepping j father. on him and cutting an ugly wound] Ml._ M_ Ru Civ, of Salisbury, on bis neck. Medicalaidwas given. •:. . , . u * >*n • i aud Miss Lsther Shaver, of Goldhim but he is still m a critical con- _ , m dition, says the Harmony correspon- i weie mfweetI Tuesday after- dent to the Statesville Landmark, j110011 • On MayiIGth, at the home of the On and after June 1st, Mrs. J. H. Sprinkle will be prepared to care for boarders with private rooms and the best fare that the country affords. Correspondents should send their articles so they will reach us not later than 8 a. m. Monday morning. W. A. Weant made a business trip to Spencer last week in the rSnterest of an air-brake attachment which he has had patented. If its millinery you want, don’t go The people of Davle trade with us because tiey like on: goods and are pleased with our prices. Do you trade with us? If not, then get the habit and you will be happy, too. LARGEST STORE IN THE CITY. H. A. HOW ARD, JEWELER.i WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING I A SPECIALTY. Hundredsofthousands of people, , use Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea onrte near Snnthtown, Mr: Frank us a family tonic. If taken this] Kirk and Miss Bertha Mathews month it will keep the family well all, ve|,e Jla -,pjiy united iu marriage, spring. If it fails get your money I back. 35 cents. C. C. Sanford Sons j License were issued last week for C°- j he mar -iage of Mr. I’hos. Sfaicy Ye editor had the misfortune to be I aud Miss Nettie Mason, both to Winston or Salisbury, for the 0 .. iUnong those who went down to1 Cooleemee; aud Mr. T. F. SmithM v TXT1- U C l* MT j. w/-1, f 'K ci c m _ i TC. Wall Co., North Cooleemee, have what you want. Many of our country friends have called around and renewed their subscriptions. Let others come for­ ward for we need the money. Jones & Williams, DEALERS IN Chickens, Eggs, Hides, TaiIow and Beeswax. W epaymore than anyone else and pay cash. Don’t sell before you see us and get onr prices. GiUTHER BUILDING, Known aso'd Farmers' Alliance store North of Court House. TOMBSTO ANY SIZE—ANY SHAPE Jall on us, Phone us, or Write us MlLLER-REiNS C NOKTH WILKESBORO JOB Statements and WORK GUARANTEED. PRICES {[be Bavfe Ifecoro 3ob IPnnt. Po I also carry a nice line of watches! and jewelry. I do strictly first class work on watches and jewelry. Ij guarantee all watches that will bear j a guarantee Cheap watches repair- ] MOCKSVILLE ed but not guaranteed. Prices right.! DR. W. C. MARTIN, In connection with General Prac­ tice gives special attention to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Fits Spectacles by the aid of Retinoscopy, removes moles and facial blemishes by Electrolysis. Office Over Baity’s Store. N.C. Charlotte Wednesday afternoon to and Mins Maliuda Saunders, both 1 * of near Red land. FOR E ALE-An odorless refriger­ ator, with water cooler, faucet and ;hree compartments. Nearly new. rake in the 20th. The merchants and business men of Charlotte are in about .$400,000 and lots of. free advertising, while those who parted with the cash got—well a good soak- Boone Stonestreet, carrier on i ng. It is needless to say that it j wjn sell cheap. Apply at this office. Route 3. has purchased him a new 1 rained. About 50,000 people were] w R> Felker of Kappa buggy—not "Only made for carrying Dresent.- The cekhration was grand; , mail, but female also. -but';theTainApbm all the pleasure, j *' * We saw Billy T. and his bewitching j Mrs. II. S. Grant, of Charlotte, is smile,;, If the weather had been fair, j visiting relatives on Route I. at-least-75,000 people would have] Mr. Figleman1 of Salisbury, spent WANTED—Every taxpayer who has not paid his taxes to pay at once' and save being advertised. J. L. Sheek, Sheriff.been present. No one regrets mak-, gaturday night and Sunday in this ing the trip. The decorations were the best we ever saw. Sluggish livers and bowels are the city. G. W. Green has sold a fifty-acre tract oi land near Cana to S. Ivl. Harmony conmmencement closed Saturday. The exercises were good,; and the crowd large. Hon. W. A. j Self, of Hickory, delivered the litei- cause of nearly every disease Cleanse I “ "T te'““T ~ arv address • I your system an<l regulate the bowels, 0 1 Piaee- and liver to healthy, natural action: ^ council of the Daughters of I must collect all of the taxes, i by Hollister s Rocky Mountain Tea., JjJJlerJy the ladies’ auxiliary of the Unless the remaining taxes are paid i Tnesurestremedy known. -3o cents, -L, , M . , . . -at once, I will advertise property Tea or Tablets. C. C. Sanford SonsiJ r- 0. L. A. M., is being talked of and sell. J. L. Sheek, Sheriff. Co. ' ‘ for Moeksville. D. BROWN & SON, LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. Phone No. 12. Salisbury Street. Nice horses and vehicles. Careful drive!-.,. Prices Reasonable. IHE 8EST®8LE IN THE CITY. THIS SPACE BELONGS TO DAYIE SHAVING PARLOR. Too busy to write ads, but watch this space. Shaves, 10 cents, hair cuts, 20 cents. Shampoos, massages. North Main St. Moeksville, N. C. D. D. BENNETT, A nice line of pants just re­ ceived. Latest styles, $2.25 to $5. A Iipe of Geo. D. W itt’s shoos just received. AU samples. Comeaud get a pair. Ceniaiser, N-C. It maf you Iive3 you can raise Sweet Potatoes froi my slips. Yours truly, JOHN A. YOUNG, Greensboro N. C. Mocksvffle Drug Co. s — - ; New Gilt Pirtur e J Bargainsfm !Kodaks. j Drink RED TAME CHERRY [Chicken, Hog, Cow and Cat M. B. RICHARDSON, BLACKSMITHING AND WOOD­ WORKING SHOP. AU kinds of shoeing, buggy and wagon repairing at reasonable prices. When you need anything in my line of work, give me a trial. Shop located on Wilkes- boro Street, in rear of Byerly & Whitley’s store. UCE KILLER, " f c t Forget!THE MAD RING of the telephone for the doc­ tor when child has croup! If you only had ready Vick’s Cronp and Pneumonia Salve 10 minutes would have brought relief. Have ready. 25,50 and $1. All Druggists. that our line of Groceries, S Confectioneries and Cold B Drinks are fresh and up to B the minute. Call and get S our prices and look over our B stock. Very respectfully, B DANIEL BROS, f 1874257^3426 i't IoVP your enemy: il' from .Ciliuv Iipa a !.or.!. Iildo -'cl:. ih e s A U R e c o r d s . -ou.al i - xative tonic and _Rer no -.,-ilier i'I!Is can com- ^Pbr, King’s Ne*W l.ife Pills. Bie :mtl rey:: lfile 'stoniach, !tv- ™ iw_Hiiluevs. purify the blood, -^njrthen the’nerves: cure Constipa- Jt-B. Dyspcnsia, 'Billiousness. daun- •h«.e, Headaoiie/Chills and Malaria. ' theme S c ." at C.. C-Sanford’s. v NOTK -• S ale o f V aiiiable I i If-:-. H By order of I lie U ; Court, I shall on Monda t 11 Hf III. at 12 o'clock, in., ai mo coin House door in Mocksvilie, M. s-.il Lureaslitotlio hifrhest Iiiddor li,o,j;¥. I rcvisionary Iidercsf ufior the Iiorno-j ^ lslead in the Iaiius of Vv F. .Isato:-, ;"d I bankrupt, Kiluato at Farmington. I'.') I Havie County, Norih GariiIina. and |>-vy I more JKirUeuInrIv described as fol-1 at- I lows: j|3 “Twerdy-five aeriv nioroor lesson lSyd Iwhiehvhcsaid Vv. p. .lames now I lives, lioiindod on (Ini No-,-;]! Iiy the I kinds of (.1. !<’. and J. A. .Iariios' Iieir-St I oil the east Iiy (lie lands id’ Mrs. Ul» JjSiLilK SLni^Uitul IlM UJi © I Where AreMt Going?Notice! ol’Saie: t - s.- vs.- e. i ->-JXpreK--O I am going to Bailey & Marlj goods, t or they; to buy my Spvtrg so cheap. i&i jhe. Tiawns for Idle, and I: !He. I,iiu-na Ior Me. ami 50e, ei>e. Dress jilolinir for -Ine I Hauser, on Ilio south of Timnins I(i\on and I the wist by D. P. i Iiy the Innils oilier.', and 011 e: I. eonsistini llnrlv lc. Lsf iis for lOe. Hillcs'jfdls lor due. J Vitl wkIp -lne. Dress Mohair Ior MN-. J yard ll^e .Shadow Plaids, I Pm. to JSe. Ladies Muslins Skirls, Ta to SI Ob IiDiml. Siinimer Cups, JOc. Io .die:- New line .Mensand Boys Straws chap Men mid Boys ('IotUiiig to go at so,f- Vrice Niee Hue of Triuiks. -t- YOURS I O PLEASE. N in C a r o lin a 11* Superior Court, C -1 ■ Pt LVIF, COKMTV \ *ofc A. T. Grant, CSC; F c E. P.rindle, Adm’r 'j I exander Phelps, dec’d | I vs ; Pheljts. WarrenPheIps I I Mary Phelps, et al ... j : Fursiiant to an order made in the •; I e entitled cause by A. T. Grant, j 1O. m. C. the undersigned Coniniis-I r, will sell jiubiiciy to the high- 1 I I dder at t.he court house door in j Itne town of Mocksvilie, N. C., on I IIV lay the TLh day of June, WO!!, I >iinw!!!;>’ tract of land situate In i t i .non of Advance, Lo wit: I I A rraetbeyinniiiyatan oak tree! in Mieei s line. I lienee N. 7.V» R 2.2u. to a stone, thence E. (5.25 chs. i Qase Balls, Mitts, Gloves, Masks, REACH KgS OFFICIAL AMERICAN LEAGUE ;’P§| i 4! Bailey & (Martin. Sr Ioffive udjoiuin.it tracts, jiari ieulurlv ' !described as follow-;: ' , FIRST TB ACT. beginning at a I stone on the Knst side of I lie Hunls- ■ vilic rend, tlienee S. MS 11. IO chain-; j to a si one, Iheiice North Iwo chains j 1,1 ;1 Kifine. theuee .N. SM W. chain.- to the 11:1: i: v i 11 <' load. the . I two chains in the said road In l h e : ^I tlio ?s*: eoinc.-ed io YV. F. Jatim s by I). I-’., -------- :---------------------:------------i—;------T rr ------------:—~— : : T H E P E O P L E ’S H X T I O N A L B A N K i Unvie County. _ PiCdND TRACT. Adjoining Ihe I foi-cr'cing. Beginning a! a post. oak Ioneastsiilfiof public road, runs p. I PM P. 10 ehuins to u stone, thence N. ms to a steme, theiiee N. PM VV I 10 t-hains Io a rock at public road, I Lheii.-e S with said road, p chains to I Urn Iieginninp Imo!'. or Ie i IC Ir. eyed to VV. I u n it e d S t a t ^ -ID e p o s it a r y , W i n s t o n - S a l e m , -j . - - F CAPITAL, $300,000.00. ASSETS A MILLION AND A HALF. rLkes care of its customers iing. containing t wo acres money is firm or easy, keeps every transaction confidential, allow.-; ii ss, being the same tract eat at. <1 per cent, from date on Certilicites of Deposit, has a Savings i cherry tree, thence VV. 3.20 chs. 1.0 a stone in ; line, thence with Sheet’s line s. to the beginning containing id one half acres more or less, nid except ONF acre and G FOURS heretofore allotted •y Phelps, a, widow, as her The tract to be sold under ■del1 is a vacant lot-in the vii- Advaneo containing one acre n' less not. incumbered by said sale will start at the present r cent, bid of $330.1)0 and will tlie following' terms, to wit: cash and the lndance on six s time with bond and approved :y, O- all cash at the option oi the purchaser. FitANitF,. BniNPLi-:, Commissioner. Per A. T. Grant. Jr.. Atty. Bats and 1909 Guides lie on -ianies Jain*- and wife. Seebook 7, olii'-e Begijter Deeds, if _ TiIiItU TRACT. _ Adi bui .-.-ing. Ueginni-ig ai Jam corner, east side roii.i, runnings 35 yarc!« i ,,,. ,--,Ti-Ul- tv-.,-., thence Eu t el lev’ J. 11. ‘.Mi, IKlgl ivie Co. 11 I I I a j-ii IB' L 'Vri :: I»<«« Ii-LiiIr:.-,! •.'jiii’t I of, -Iam IW. I Itlr -IiiIihenr Ihlll:.- ’Mim-jamm yet alon?' . tnr.ai -i .11.-rri-rf-h- 1' -,m'v — rc scionti st. . very wed Jtnouij StbmairhVvSiiy :-in.l while mail may not .believe, it, 1 n,-rr is precedent for belilTviiig that i-juic v,-i.,,iiar, will try it. Mafnesscannoi be cured bv iocal ap p lication?-.they eiur. not reach the diseased .’portion oi the ear. There is oifly one way In mire deafness -;5 siud that, is by con­ stitutional remedies. Deafness is • Aiised by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining-of the Eustacliiaii Tube, When thistnbeisiuflam ed you have a rumbling sound or'im ­ perfect hearing, and when it is en­ tirely closed. Deafness is the result, and uuless the .inflammation can be taken out. and this tube restored its normal condition, bearing will he destroyed forever; uine ca *es out of ten Iu e caused by Catarrl hieh is nothing but an inflamed ""lllIdion of the°mneous surfaces. We will give one hundred «1 o I - 1 m for any (..(se 0f Deafness (eaus,- ‘ d by catarrh) that'cannot be cured ''VHair8CatarrJl Cure. Sendfor radars, free Uold by Druggists, 75c. - ? tone, John i- -I- N "o yards t I n W. uifis’ lino, the e Ik with itifi Lu tin* beginning, contain- ■ic-half itcrfi more or less, bfiinp: .mm tract eonveyed to V-V. F. i by I In-iSchui J ('ornrnittfifi Ul-No. i will!..- rucfi, as per •ecordfid in Book Bk j'g. 571, Besrisler l)i*ei!s, Davie County. IRTH TRACT. Adjoining the If-j fi- iing. Bfiijimiiny at a stone in James’ fw t South, 'i East ftf'V feet to tin- brunch, ^5- ) with the l.-ram-ii Io C. .' line to a alone, thence West |i.;.: I--et In tin- beginning, contain- more <ir less, boiiiy; tilt ; 'jd “ -h'fi'fi' s -- TUTibK !'I oi D..’(-d:J, loi^Cofeee Rfigister of DcotlK ol' Da- Ivie Countv.FIFTH'TRACT. Adjoining the !foregoing. Beginning at the-branch Iin C. F. James and VY. F. James’ !corner, thence south-east with branch ■to W. F. James’ IiiK11 thence Hast lwirh said lino to Vvk F. Janies and lVV. It. Chaiiin’s line. Tnenoe with |M . E. Hauser’s line to astone, thence IVVfi.sf o f,south to the beginning at C. IF. James’ corner in the branch, eon- Ilaining twelve acres more or less, Ibeing the same tract conveyed to W. IF. James by S. A, James, see deed Ireeordetl in Book Ifi of Deeds. Jiago 1509, office ltogisler of Deeds of Du- |vie County.” On the foregoing tract is a valu- Iable residence, a store house and Iotlifi!' LuiiilinfiV. This Apr. 22, iPuP. \V. Nk HViiiN. Xrnwtfifi. F isl Bend. N. I NoSieo of SaSe Under Mortgage JJetd By virtue of I lie powers c.ontainr-ii Iin a certain mortgage deed o.\ficulfi<i Iby it. 1 1. Cravcr and wife Martha ICrnver, to the Slate of Norlii Garo- lin.’i.’iii Iifiii of bom! in the sum ol' JlilO for thfi Jvrsiirial ai'ijit-arance of the said R. L. Cravi::-, at .''.IiriiigTerm 1.902, of Duvie Supfii ior Cnurt, t.n an­ swer an imiifitment for fornication and adultery (said mortgage being- recorded in Book No. -I. page J".!, -Rcgistit's oliii-fi of Vadiiin tlo., N. . C., I and thfi said R. I,. Cravor being solemnly called and ha1, iag failed to answer at said term of ra n ;, judg­ ment Ni Si was i endi-rc-d against the • said R. I,. Cravcr in the Superior .CourfofDavieCounty, N. C., for said sum of !|d.OO, and notice having been issued to said R. L. Craver and PJartha Graver, his surety of said, judgment., and at Spring Term ISMKl,: of said court, said judgment Ni Si \ was made absolute, and the under - 1 signed, was ordered by the court -to' -foreclose said mortgage and execute .: the .powe.r of sale therein, to satisfy | said judgment: I will therefore sell | I publicly foa ca»ii to tno highest bid- j -[•rler at-.the court house door in Mocks- 1 ■• ville, Davie County, N. C., on the; 112th day of June, 1909, the following | '■'described tract of land situate in j ; Vailkin Countv, N. C., to wit: Al 1 tract beginning- at the southwest "corner of clover lot and runs east with the same 15.25 chs. to a stone in the line of lot N o . Ihencc south with ihi) liiu' of Int. Ku. 2 and lot No. 5, 10.20 chs. to a stone; Uience west 5!s? fibs, to'a stone; thence south 3 ‘ chs. to a stone: thc-ncc west. 10 chs. • to a si one: thence north to the be- 1 ginning, containing twenty-two acres. j more <Tr less, 'being a part of the I : jess Stewart' plantation allotted to j ! Martha Graver. 'This the Rfli dav of i I May, 1909. A. T. G rant , 1Ierk Sujierior CiiuI-1, Davie Co. N C. j HOLLISTER’S ................... v^v.w.,v»~---------j-----.----i The Davic Record. The Nut Shell jKirttnent, loans m oney to you, or for you, and does everything a well eon-; .in (; .j1(, 'JviJouo Blade all one year ducted uji-to-date hank should do. I. e; us have your business. N o b e tte r itjr o n Iy 0nc, Ji0Ija n jaac-. Vou can send your deposits by mail. j . j cNutnt. . WM. A. BLAIR, V Prc— n J ----L.e.. , p s^ sr;ssls^ amsBs^ sss!s:2Si^ smssss&E K I L S . T H C IiAFJaeiIIlETHS LUNGS I S = j Just Received at TK 11 ms.yiLairr-iv,• z r > 3 ,7 • a j i j & i x s s t j u i w s s ' ^ V. WALLACE & SONS,WITH WHOLESALE Dry Goods, N c^ns and Clothing. t I Dr. icing’s lew Dissmrit FffllCSU G H SILDS R SALESMAN WILL CALL.DROP US A CARD AN OSBOS m in t PSICE 50c & $1.00. Trial BoItIe Freo AF D A U THBOAT AND LUNG TROUBLES, jaguMfl nininrM~rm~*~~"*^i'»niiIinnHTiTiVTiTiM iimiTiiMriiiiiMiii G GABAlfiEEED SAHSFAGXOBT OB HtOHEY BEFUHDED. E. L HUNTS I Croup i W lien a c h ild w a k es u p In th e m id d le o f th® i u l^hb w it lt a se v e re a tta c k o f c ro u p a s fre - ! Q iiently h a p p e n s, no tim e sh o u ld b e lo s t In I e x p e rim e n tin g w ith re m e d ie s o f a d o u b tfu l j v a lu e . E ro u ip t a c tio n is o fte n n e c e ssa ry to [ sa v e life. ; G ham berlain5S I Cough Rem edy I h a s n e v e r b ee n k n o w n to fa ll In a n y c a s e a n d j Ie h a s been in u se fo r o v e r o n e -th ird o f a cen* ! tu ry . T lie re is n o n e b e tte r. I t c a u b e d e - l p e o d c d u p o u . W hy e x p e rim e n t? Itis p lc a s a n t I to ta k e a n d c.o u iain s no h a rm fu l (lrujf. P r1CO, j Sf> c e n ts : la rg e size, 50 c e n ts. Wuulc I1TldiiDj?,S'tVv**:;. Tlie . ................. f.in>ma(-li, ShMi th e ir v.’caUneSA. u o t in tlie organ iL' di. but in the nerves th a t control and guide jiPii srrepsstheri thm n. Dr. whoop’s Ilestorative is s lij.-diriviD SDecitkTilly prepared to reach these {•tiptroiiiiig nerves. To doctor th e K idneys alone, is an lie. I t is a w aste o i tim e, an d of m oney as wi-n.ii yo u r back aches o r is w eak, if th e urine Sf-;: ids. o r i <( Li He si m l <1 roiif?. i f y on Iutvo sym ptom s oi LU’L'ht ' OS’ Gtln r distressing o r dangerous kid* uir-'-'jso. try V»r. Whoop's Ilestortttivest m o uth-- i abl- F Oi-Li<iitid—and sue u fm t it «‘<in au d w:U d o fo ry u h . D ru g g istrc co u m ieiid an d sell R E A D The Charlotte Daily Oteerver AND KEEP POSTED ON THF- EVENTS OF THE DAY. C. I’ Ifir itifi We lead in Local, State aca Foreign News. E S L B G T R m & BITTERS THK BlilST FOR BILIOUSNESS AND KIDNEYS. CURSE OF THE SOUTH. rtMi, Whut is the matter with the South? According to Government report : of 1908, "The Secret is out at Last:”—The Southerner, contrary to _cur- j rer.t opinion is not Lazy, Shiftless, Indifferent, or Careless. “He is Sick.” „ I The South is afflicted with and harbors that most dreaded treacherous and I destructive of all diseases, Anemia, Pernicious Anemia. The average ; Southerner is a sufferer of this Health destroying Parasite which destroys I the red blood cells producing an impoverished condition of the Blood; which is characterized hy extreme Pallor, General Debility, Weakness, I Loss of Vigor—Lack of Ambition, and general undermining of Vitality. 11 The Climate and Atmospheric conditions destroy the Vitality. Let him I j get over it, get rid of it, get well, and he is as good physically as the best I Amoriea can boast. If there is health of the slightest degree in your tys- p ’ tom. Wake it up, call it forth. Pull yourself together, man, woman or I I child; all can and should be well. Toneglectyourselfis to reflect upon I the wisdom of your Maker. Nature intends all Humanity to enjoy a full measure of Health and Vigor. If you do not, the fault is your own, for \ ou are yourself to blame for it. Wonders have been accomplished for ‘ the People of Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi. Let us now do as much for the People of the Carolinas. A postal will bring you the necessarj'.information. Send no money. W'rite today. Don’t neglect I this chance here offered you. Address, j The Cleveland Institute of Medicine And Surgery, I Cor. Kinsman Road and 62d St. Cleveland, Ohio. SANFOttD SOWS CO. I auusefkS esa’g A r s s iic a S a l 1 The Best Salve le The World. The Davie Record AND THE Weekly Toledo Blade Both Papers One Year FOR ONLY 75 CENTS. S LI I S ,O jSx CTB 3-aJ:C & B C iT T H r n i S IQ S A T IS F Y * U fiC h i S ikR S r <? AUOU Southern Railroad. Operates over 7,000 Miles of Railroad. QUICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS North--South—East—West. .J f l:sjjgf TnroiHth Trains Rotween Principal CMIiesand Hcsorta APFOliDLNG FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION SfeA JJl-*: Albbagt ; Ig Ii..: I? I ; s : B. U per a .. S D t f c >1 Sl-Sa ^ r f c , W fc M f m r . i l I U t per a. vjjv j.c. ViLKij. J, x c . e a r S p z cIa l E x p r e s s R a le s o n P la n ts i s v e r y L o w . ;;■!:iv I.-W jiist i res; now Piams in 1868. Now have over twenty thousand : i ; ai.rl mi1 have grown and sold more cabbage plants than all other ia the StiLikifa stales combined. WHY? because our plants must please or IS mtr iii.-mc.-. beck. Order now; it is time to set these plants in your sec- . i act extm i-,.:!-.- cnbbr.ge.and they are the ones thatsell for the most money. Wffl. C. GeraSy Co.„ Box 227 Ywaifl’s Island, s. c. Diuiug, Chtli I le s k v I t a l f a i a T e a H llg fflfs I F’or ftI ^ L Oomfovt, and Courteous Employes, travel via the f a Basy M edicine tor Busy People : oi’i),HailNv:iy. lliit.e.s, Si‘.hedules,and other information furnish Brings Galden Health and Renewed Viflijp.A **1« *'iU<* for •’VmsI ilful)>>>>, J Jit)i;'t*slIon. 1.5Vi?- ;i:Ki Kitluuy trouUU's. i‘u:i|iU\s, Eezoma. I id. pur"Blood, Bftd Bi’L-iith.yillL'Jij-ii Rowi is. llvailjifiieand HaoUaehi'. It^Rovky SloiiniainIValn JaJ,. let forni.::5 cents a box'. Gc-nttine mule by HoLLJiiVEit JMhv. ClOlEavv, 5/;uli««>it, XVis. QOl-DFN NUfiGETS Fvfi SALtCW PEOPkc Elegant Pullman Sleepiug Oars on al! Through Trains. And Observation Cars. South- fnrnished by nddri-ssing the undersigned: R; Tj. V ebnon, Trav. Pass. Agt., J. H . W ood, D ist.Pass. Agent Charlotte, K C, Asheville. K. 0. S. FT. H akdwice lass. TraffieMgr. Wr. FT. TiYLOEjGeirT Pass Agt WASHINGTON, D. 0. Cures Rheum atism Resd what Nicholas Lang, the largest retail grocer In Savannah says about P. P. P. S’. V. UPPMA?*. Savannah, Ga., DevX SI:’; — F ir ciariy years I consumed much merl'cin®, and in fact tried every meant In p;> vc-r io c«r»*d oi terri'j'e disease, tlieumatiam. which had UndermuJei; U- kc->:.‘.' .i. \ Springs, Ark., v/Uhmsi gaining rel'ef, and at Iait in sheet In .Ji i-uj;.;:' I t-Aji: i** t** P. (Lipj>;n.\n’s great remedy), and was in a ahort time en- Iir iy cu.-ccL I:: Uu; esgh: years since that time I have not had a symptom of rhea- fcr.• v*orIc to my cntlio saiisfadion and made a quick and perma- Voun truly, Nicholas Lftsg. Vt L. X. Boy Corn Ciul I wish again Io dii'i-ctl .ion of boys and ot'nn IVrfid hy the State, th individual.--.. The State olfer?. l’m-*:| follow:’.: Fifty dollar.; i corn grown on one ncre| ii'.rs for the next nmsi, dollars for the tliinl mol of corn grown on one an Davie county, thn.u.<>| Commissioners, offer.-'. S| for various crops, as. m mer issue of this pn.pcil 2 s are offered to men :| 'Veil as to boys. In oih-| Wio may contest for ! eil by the county. The following nri;:: feml to any one in t is the contest is open t<| in the county: Ihirn-Johnstoiie C<..,| one making the most In.I .wheat to the acre, in I ‘.I A. T. Grant, Sr., on| 8 ft., close tooth hay sells for $23.50 cash, o ing the most wheat to 1910. The following give I Sanford, E. E. Hunt, til J. Byevly, and E. L. (I ing a total of $25, whid as a jirize tor the ihiced by any one in till J. P. Green offers $'l ham, $5, J. F. Moore. :f Baity, $5, making a which is offered as a pi the county, for most c-.J The following jrrizesl farmers in Fulton tovl Hailey, $25 for most ccl J. F. Hanes, $5, C. A. | Joe Peebles $5, W. making a total of $20,1 fered as a prize for thl the second largest yiel the acre. P. W. Haiif r the third largest yield! The following prized Farmington township:! Horn & Sanford $1 making the most corn! Dr. W. G. JohnsonT making most oats to t| K. C. Smith $5 to t | 21 years of age, rnakl wheat to the acre in ]| Dr. Griffin, $5 to thl the most sweet potatcl methods of culture to| in county iiapers. C. F. Bahnson, Jr.,| making the most corr the Farmington “hlad J. Hendricks, $5 to til the most Alfalfa to t.| The following is of in Shady Grove town! Wood & Mock, one| Lean spike tooth harf to the one making mi| acre. The mail carnor.fl Messrs. Tolbert, Uaill $10 to the one who s| in producing corn. W. A. Hailey, $10 shall be third in Lhc Col1Il. W. L. Crews, onetl worth $8.50 to the oil fourth in production! J. W. Jones, $10 t.i| during a hog over s whose average dai| weight shall be the The following p: iJ Clarksville toivnskip| T. W. Smith, $5 most corn to the acil J. W. Gtchison, S l | will be added to T. other $5 added to eo| in Mocksvilie town:-: The following pr::| .1 crusaiem township! The Erwin Cottol ; 25 for the most con for most cotton; $2.j| white and $25 for thl cr per acre. Tnese I 1 ho holdings of the < an county as well a: Jerusalem townshijl Mr. Robert El liot| making most Irish acre. The 0. C. Wnl ' 5 oung $5, Elijah Hij ing a prize of $25 | most corn to the Ledford Co. $10 foil orn. Pcstmaster ' Coley, each $5, mall