10-OctoberT he -IN OOD WE TEUST-ALL OTHERS CASH.- D avie R ecord Y o l . x.M Q C K S V IL L E . N. C.. T U E SD A Y . O C T O B E R 6. 1 9 0 8 .No. 14 A STAGGERING BLOW. It would be idle to deny th a t the Pemoeratic presidential cam paign has received an awfnl if not fats I setback in President Roosevelt’s reply to Mr. B ryan as regards the connection of C. N, H askell w ith the Standard Oil Com pany. In the absence of w hat the law yers call a dem urer, we cannot b u t re­ gard the Piesident’s rejoinder as complete. To Dem ocrats who d e ­ lighted in the boldness of M r. Bryan’s challenge, the develop­ ments of this m orning a ie discon­ certing; to Kepublicans they are sure to bring much glee. A s the case stands—we tru st there will be mitigating evidence— H askell ap pears, as Foraker does, as a creat­ ure of the Standard O il corpora­ tion. Tlie case is worse Ibr the Democratic party than for the .Re­ publican. H askell is th e G over­ nor of his State, the national com oitteeman for it, is th e treasurer of tbe uational com m ittee ai d was the chairman of the platform com­ mittee of the D euver convention. Forakti, on the contrary, was a repudiated, discredited member of his party, with whom its,presiden­ tial candidate w autedto have noth­ ing to do and who greeted him on the platform a t Youngstow n, O ., only on persuasion. She President w ith biscustom ary unfairness, taxes M r. B ryan w ith' the responsibility for H askell. N o i one with an honest m ind should ; believe tnat M r. B ryan did not re gard Haskell as other than a cor­ rect man. T hat the facts develop otherwise should not be charged against him or the Dem ocratic par ty, but the public, disregarding de­ tails, looks at all cases in bulk and today’s judgm ent will be, on ac­ count of one insignificant m an, a- gainst and we fear fatefully against a great party w hich, tw enty-four hours before, had most encourag­ ing prospeU.—C harlotte O bserver, Sept. 24th THE HASKELL CASE'S MORAL. W katever headw ay G overnor Haskell ma., be able to m ake a gainst President Roosevelt’s strong­ ly supporieiI charges, it is clear enough that he stands before the public a discredited man and th a t bis conspicuous association w ith the Democratic cam paign has prov­ ed a great political m isfortune. Apart from the evidence, m ainly circumstantial and inferential but in its cum ulative effect alm ost overwhelming, of his official m is­ demeanors in O klahom a, and ap art, likewise, from his alleged activity under cover as a S tandard Oil agent in his native Stade of O hio, Haskell has a record which com­ ports exceedingly ill w ith his po­ sition in the forefrout of the Demo Wtic party. W allS treet rem em ­ bers him as one of the m ost plaus­ ible JOnug promoters who ever in duced th e money kings to pour I th eir w ealth into hot air schemes. A re-organization of several Ohio railroads, and, later, Southw estern prospects of various descriptions, turned out thoroughly bad in every ease for his associates, w hether or not calculating dishonestly enabled him to profit thereby, A financial and political adventurer, he was naturally draw n tow ard O klahom a and Indian T erritory, where, a- Iong w ith the new-country oppor­ tunities w hich attracted num ber­ less good men, conditions favored th e get-rich-quick schem er in a m ost peculiar and em inent degree. In these T erritories there were both the Indian and tne governm eut to be defrauded of valuable lands and m iaeral rights, and for men both enterprising and unscrupu­ lous the graft was long very easy. M oreover, the presence of petrol­ eum brought in that arch political corruptionist, the standard O il Com pany. To such an extent, have th e various forms of c irruption gone On th at tbe people of the new State have undoubtedly had th eir m oral sensibilities dulleu. Gover­ nor H askell’s O klahom a career is now in controversy and we shall say nothing about it here further than to express an earnest hope th at the national Democracy, for a t least four years, will not choose another party ^enen I from this p articu lir go.erum eutal sub d iv is-: ioii of the country .—C harlotte Ob­ server, Sept. 25th. A rtu u r Lee, a prom iuent Demo­ crat of Sampson county, has sever­ ed his connection w ith that party, aud in the future he will be fouud affiliating w ith the R epublican, party. A pain prescription is printed upon each 25c box of Dr. shoop’s Pink Pain Tablets Ask your doctor or druggist if this formula is not complete. Head pains, womanly pains, pains j anywhere get instant relief from a Pink Pain Tablet. C. C . Sanford Sons Co. N othing dulls th e poiot of a joke like having to listeu to it when you were going to tell it.— Exchange. W here Bullets Flew. David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y,, a veteran of the civil war, who lost a foot a t Gettysburg, says: “The good Electric B itteis have done is worth more than five hundred dollars to me. I spent much money doctoring for a bad case of stomach trouble, to little purpose. I then tried Electric Bit­ ters, and they cured me. I now take them as a ionic, and they keep me strong and well. 50c a t C C Sanford Sons Co. A safe racetrack bet is one you didn’t get there in tim e to m ake. For Chrome Diarrhoea. “While in the army in 1863 I was taken with chronic dia. rhoea,” says George M. Felton of South Gibson, Pa. “I have since tried many remedies but without any perm enant. relief, until Mr. A. W. Miles, of this place, persuaded me to try Chamberlain’s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­ edy, one Dottle of which stopped it at once.” For sale by C. C. Sanford Sons Co. THE BROKHI QUIVER. Teddy made a statement, Bryan called for proof, Teddy made rejoinder, Bryan hit the roof. Bryan now is wondering Why he was so silly, Boosting Standard Oil-ers man, T aft’s the people’s Billy. See the dust and feathers, Teddy has looped Ihe loop, On the lawn a t Fairview Bryan is serving soup. See the vast destruction Cyclone passed this way, Bryan’s in his cellar Dream ing of his hay. Ain’t a coming out now ’Till the storm is over, 1912 is soon enough, Then I’ll be- in clover. Eighteen-ninety-six passed by, So has nineteen hundred, N ineteen-eight is on the fly, Haskell—go to thunder. Back to the farm I’m going, To nurse my broken quiver, A lfalfa right now needs mowing, It’s a tonic for stomach and liver. Billy T aft can go to the W hite House, It’s a place I care not to see, Fairview ’s the place for a statesm an To dream of the glories to be. —E. H. Morris. Mocksvllle, N . C., 9 25-1908. TME TIRED FEEUNG is cured by Lippm an’sG rea Reme­ dy, it also cures N euralgia and Violent H eadache. I t feeds the nerves, m akes the blood rich and the patient strong I f you would be well and happy use P . P . P . L ippm an’s G reat Remedy. Sold by A ll D ruggists A Boston girl paid $10 for a bot­ tle of w hite tasteless liquid which, she was assured, when adm inis­ tered to him . would win the love of any man. She tried it three tim es an d ' didn’t work. She also paid $25 for two lucky stones which would bring her good for­ tune and m ake her m arried life happy. B elief in th e potency of charm s, incantations and witches seems to linger in Boston.—N ash­ ville A m erican. Up Against It. You ask who I weep and moan like SOiiie lost spirit in despair, and w hy I w ander off alone, and paw the grouud and tear my hair! You ask m ew hy I pack my gun all loaded up, prepared to shoot! Alas! m y troubles have begun—the women folks are canning fruit! There is no place for me to eat, un­ less I eat upon tbe floor; and peelings get beneath my feet, and make me fall a block or more; the odors from the boiling jam , all day assails my weary snoot; you find me, then, th e wreck I am—the women folks are canning fruit! O, they:have peaches on the chairs, and mouldy apples on the floor, and wormy plum s upon the stairs, and jpiles of pears outside the door; and they . are boiling pulp and juice, arid you may hear them yell and hoot; a m an’s existance is the deuce-T-the women folks are can ning frnit!— Em poria (K an.) Ga­ zette. Go to the blood, if you w ant to drive out Rheutriaiism. A Wisconsm physician, D r, Shoop, does this with his Bheumatic Remedy—and with seeming success. Rub-on’s, says the doctor, never did cuae Rhevmatism. Itis riiore than skin deep—it is con­ stitutional, always. Because of this principle, Dr. Shoop’s Rheumatic Remedy is perhaps the most popular in existance. It goes by word of mouth, from one to another, every­ where. G rateful patients gladly spread results. It is an act of hu- mariy to tell the sick of a way t<> health. Tell some sick one. Sold by. C. C. Sanford Sons Go. 20,000 TELEGRAPH OPERATORS NEEDED YOUNG MFN PREPARE YOUR­ SELVES FOR GOOD POSITIONS. On account of the new 8-hour law passed by congress in the interest of telegraphers, and also on account of so many new railroads being built and old lines extended,’ an unusual demand for operators has been cre­ ated. Conservative estim ates have placed the num ber of additional Op­ erators that will be required during the next ten months atapproxim ate- ly20,000 YOUNG MEN NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY! Enroll in our School NOW and in only four to six months we will have you qualified for splendid positions. Telegraph Ope­ rators receive from $50.00 upwards. Our school has been established 20 years; its equipment is perfect; in­ struction thorough and practical; po­ sitions positively guaranteed our graduates. Board in Newnan is very cheap; the towri is healthful and the people are cordial. Two Main Line Railroad Wires run into our School rooms. No other school in the Uni­ ted States has such up-to-date and practical facilities for the benefit of its students. W rite at' once for free, descriptive literature. Southern School of Telegraphy, NEW NAN, GEORGIA. ANDREW SCHENCK, President of the Germ aniaFire Insurance Co., Recommends Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. I have used Chamberlain’s Gough Remedy In my family for over a year and car. sav that it never failed to cure the most stubborn cough or cold I can recommend it to any family as a sure and safe children’s cough remedy.— A n d r e w S c h e n c k , Ayton, Ont. This remedy is for sale by C. G. Sanford Sons Co. R E P O R T OF THE CONDITION OF (Bbe Banfc of D avie — AT— M o c k s v i l l e , N . C . IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAR­ OLINA, At the close of business Sept. 23rd, 1908. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts, - $ 131,939.27 Overdrafts. - 688.31 U.-S. Bonds on hand, - - 800,00 Premium on Bonds, - 40 00 Banking house, and fixtures, 3,590.00 Due from Banks & Bankers, 50,136.81 Cash items - - 420.33 Gold coin, - 2,060.00 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency, - 2,049.00 National Bank notes and other U. S. notes, - 4,317.00 Total, $196,040.75 LIABILITIES.Capital stock, $ 20,000.00 Undivided profits, 5,877 15 Time Certificates of Deposit 93,225.62 D epositssubjecttocheck 60,784.80 Due to banks and bankers, 15,644.54 Cashier’s Checks outstanding, 508.64 I t’s unfortunate for a tem perance lecturer to have a boil on his nose. To quickly check a cold, druggists are dispensing everywhere, a clever Canciy Cold (Jure Tablet called Pre- ventics. Preventics are also fine for feverish children. Take Preventics i at the sneeze stage, to head off all I colds. Box of 40—25c. C. C. Sanford Sons Co The long hair fad is here again. T he football season is on. Weak Women To weak and ailing women, there is at least on* way to help. But with that way, two treatments, must be combined. One is local, one is constitu* > tlonal. but both are important, both essential. I Dr. Shoop’s Niglit Cure is the Local. jDr. Shoop’s Restorative, the Constitutional.The former—Dr. Shoop’s'Night Cure—is a topical mucous membrane suppository remedy, while Dr* Shoop’s Restorative is wholly an internal treat* meat. The Restorative reaches throughout the entire system, seeking the repair ol all nerve* all tissue, and all blood ailments.The “Night Cure”, as its name implies, does Its work while you sleep. It soothes soie and lnflam- ed mucous surfaces, heals local weaknesses and discharges, while the Restorative, eases nervoua excitement, gives renewed vigor and ambition* builds up wasted tissues, bringing about renewed strength, vigor, and energy. Take Dr. Shoop’s Restorative—Tablets or Liquid—as a general tonic to the system. For positive local help, use as well D r. iShoop’s N i g K t C ure C. u. SANFORD SOWS CO. Total, N o r t h C a r o l in a $196,040.75 County of Davie. I I, T-. J. Byerly. Cashierof the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statem ent is true to the best of my knowledge and beli ;f. T. J. B y e rly , Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 23rd day of S ept., 1908. [S e a l ] ifi. E . Hu n t , Notary Public. Correct—Attest: J am es McGu ir e. J r ., Z. .4. A n derson. Her b er t Cle m e n t. Directors. A CLEAR CUT, CLEAN UP-TO-DATE BARBER SHOP, Situated in the Pass building on Depot St. Call in and give me a trial. Also cle.aning and pressing clothes. W . H. PEARSON. Grand Contest* OurSecond Grand Contest began September 15, 1908. To every old or new subscri­ ber who pays 50 cents on ; subscription to The Dayie Record between Sept. 15th andNov. 5th, will be given a receipt, bearing a number on it. A. ticket bearing a correspond­ ing number, will be deposit-. ed in a box and all tickets will be kept in this box until Nov. 5th, when tickets will be taken out and shuffled, ’ after which a boy will draw one of the tickets, the one < he draws first being the one that wins the Pretty Gold Watch, which will be presented to the person holding the re­ ceipt whose number corres­ ponds w ith the ticket drawn by boy. The Second Prize is a beautiful watch chain or solid gold ring, whichever the winner prefers. Our Second Contest will be conducted in the same m anner as the one we ran last December, and will be fair and open to all. Re­ member Uiat every 50 cents paid on subscription entitles you to one ticket in this big contest. Some one will get these nice presents. Why not you. T hew atchw eare going to . give away is a 12 size, 20- year gold filled, Elgin move­ ment, fully guaranteed by us. Call a t our office and examine the presents. Subscribe Now. IiDiarrhoe .When you want a quick cure without any loss of time, and one that is followed by no bad results, use Chamberlain’s Colic, ChoEera and Diarrhoea Remedy It never fails and is pleasant to take. It is equally valuable for children. It is famous for its cures over a large part of the CtvjHyftd world KILL the COUCH ANP CURE THE LUNCS Dr. King’s New Discovery FOR CSifgi13 AND ALL THBOAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACXOBY OB MONEY SEFtm DED. US m i*** 4 * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ____________ . 4 malrl-,,g Jhe Second Annual Fair of the Yadkin Valley Fair Association the great event of the year. The Association represents the Six Counties of the Great 4. Yadkin Valley: Rowan, Davie, Davidson, Iredell, Stanley and Cabarrus, and a Big Display of Exhibits from each County will be shown. 4_ _ , , , , _ ~ ^ 4 4 4 4 X *4tj*,jr,jf,|*,|!f,j,,$.,f?,4Mj f » t f 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 l 4 4 4 S 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1THE GREAT YADKIN 7ALLE7 FAIR! At SALISBURY, N. C.. 4 DAYS, BEGINNING OCT. 2 0 th . M. L. JACKSON, Pres. $8,000.00 IN PURSES AND PREMIUMS. $4,500.00 IN PRIZES FOR RACES.Wm. JAMES, Sec. v x "™ # StrobeTs Air Ship in daily Flights; John L. Sullivan, the Great American Prize Fighter, and his sparring partner, Jake KiI- 4 % NlimoC F v aa A H ra rfl OTIS! rain in daily bouts; BALLOON Ascentioiis; Jones’ Animal Arena; Barney Demarest’s Sensational Wild West Show; 4 £ K M V T n e rv Jmrnir Coney Island and Jamestown Attractions. THREE BANDS OF MUSIC.* Lapt. Socho’s Deep Sea Divers and many ioney j I Dm’t Miss a single day of this Feast of Fun and good fellowship. Write Secretary for Premium LisL | THE DAVIE RECORD. I! ' I' I Ii ' 1M 1 IWfc I Ti |iI / i.I 'Uk 1I I iIW - [ M t 'l i f e m Ir C. FRANK STROUD - - Editor Entered at the PostoIBce in Mocks- ville, N . C., as Seeond-class Mail m atter, M arch 3.1903. ________ Torms of Subscription: One copy, One Y ear,---------- One copy, Six M onths.------- _50c. _25c. LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER EVER PUBLISHED IN DAVIE COUNTY. MOCKSVILLE, N. C., OCT. 6 , 1908. OUR TICKET. For President, WM. H. TAFT of Ohio.For Vice-Presidents JAMES S. SHERMAN, of New York. For Governor J. ELWOOD COX. For U eutenant Governor CHARLES FRENCH TOMS. Secretary of State DR. CYRUS THOMPSON. For Auditor JOHN QUINCY ADAMS WOOD. For Treasurer W . E. GRIGGS. Superintendent of Public Instruction H tE V . DR. J. L. M. LYERLY. For A ttorney General JAKE F. NEWELL. For Commissioner of Agriculture J. M. MEWBORNE. For Corporation Commissioner HARRY G. ELMORE. For Insurance Commissioner J.B . NORRIS. Commissioner of ’Labor and PHnting C M. RAY. ForElectors-At-Large A. A. WHITENER, THOMAS SETTLE. For State Senate W .M . LEE. For Congress ZEB V JlNCE WALSER. For Representative A. T. GRANT, Jr. ForSberiff J. L. SHEER. For Register of Deeds J. F. MOORE. For Treasnrer J. W. ETCHISON. For Surveyor M. C. IJAMES. ForCoroner W. D. FOSTER. For County Connnissioners J M CAIN, C G BAILEY, B F STONESTREET. T aft is gaining ground daily, and -the A lfalfa King is sinking into pale . insignificence____________ The New Yorkers are still betting three to one on Taft, which makes Democrats feel bad all over. Our watch contest will close soon. Have you subscribed or renewed your subscription yet? The editor of that rag, the Lying ton Dispatch, is still advising his subscribers and the public generally, to vote for that ass, Kitchin. Will all the editors and owners of the Charlotte Observer vote for W. J. Bryan? If Editor Caldwell will answer, he shall have our everlast­ ing thanks._______________ A libelsuithas been brought a- gainst Editor Click, of the Hickory Mercury, for charging through his paper that B. F. Aycock was drunk in that town four years ago. Gharles Cowles is giving poor old Dick Hackett more than he can han­ dle. The Asheville Citizen, a Demo­ cratic paper, says Richard ought to be defeated, and we take pleasure in announcing that he will be. Som epftheD em ocrats of Davie have become so enthused that they are telling it around th at the coun­ ty will go Democratic this fall. If we remember correctly they always elect their ticket in October and de­ feat it in November. Will some subscriber of the Nuis­ ance and Corruptor tell us w hat Joe Daniels, the great W hite Supremacy leader is doing up in Ohio and other N orthwestern states? Is he trying to play the part of Moses, and lead the colored brethren into the W hite Supremacy (?) camp? Surely not. It is expected that every preacher in Davie county will march up like nem on the 3rd day of November and vote the NationalProhibition ticket. Their votes will be recorded in heav enand also by men. A preacher cannot afford to vote for a man for president who has fought against prohibition from one end of hisstate to the other. Thecam paign poem w ritten by M r vE. H. Morris, which appears in this issue of The Record, has been highly complimented by the press of the State, and Mr. M om s has re­ ceived numerous letters congratu­ lating him on his effort. He" IH S i The Mocksville Courier, in its last week’s issue, is very solicitious a- bout proving that Mr. J. G. Peebles, its candidate for Sheriff, voted for prohibition and worked for it a t the polls. Now, Mr. Courier, you know very well prohibition is not an issue in this campaign, but the enforce­ m ent of the law in the future is the duly of every law-abiding citizen of the State. Now take the records of the two candidates. J. L. Sheek and J. G. Peebles, and see which is most likely to do his duty. J. L. Sheek has never operated a rectifier in his smokehouse or anywhere else in defiance of the laws of the state and nation. Canyou say as much for your candidate for Sheriff? Peo­ ple who live in glass houses shoulc not throw stones, Mr. Courier. Nov Mr. Voter, you put this in_your_hat and use it for future reference. M. The registration f books are now open and you should see th at your name and th at of your neighbor is duly recorded. The books will close Oct. 24th. Go today and register before it is too late. Coiinly News. Rev. W . H . Wilson, of Madison, will assist Pastor Cashwell in a meet­ ing at the Baptist church, following the third Sunday in this month. -Floyd Jones, of Route I, was bit­ ten by a mad dog last week. A m ad stone was applied, and it stuck for about 40 hours. The 18-months old child of Rev. W. J. S. Walker, on Route 5, was bitten recently by a copper-head snake, and for several days was dan gerously ill, but has recovered. Mr. E. E. Koontz and Miss Rebec­ ca Ratledge, both of Route I, were united in m arriage a t the home of the bride’s father, Mr. J. F. Rat­ ledge, on Thursday evening. Oct. I The Record extends congratulations to this popular young couple, and wishes for them a happy journey along life’s rugged pathway. Mr. W. H. Brewbaker, and Miss Beatrice Smith, both of near Fork Church, were united in m arriage Wednesday, Sept. 30. The Record extends congratulations to this hap­ py couple. Mr. I. H. Smith, of Purion, Ind is visiting relatives and friends at Mocksville, Farniington. Advance and Smith Grove. He has a host of friends in this county who were de lighted to see him. His parents are natives of this State. Democrats Nominate Ticket. The Democratic county convention met in the court house Sept. 26th, and nominated the following ticket: Representative—M- J. Hendricks. Sheriff—J. G. Peoples. Register of Deeds—N. S. Gaither. Treasurer—J. P. Green. Surveyor—Spencer Hanes. Coroner—Dr. J.W . Rod well. Commissioners—R. W. Kurfees, 0 . L. Williams, W. T. Mock. Spencer Shops Wrecked. Spencer, N . C., Oct. I.—Two men killed outright, two so badly hurt that they can hardly recover, and 15 or more slightly injured, w ith a de struction of thousands of dollars worth of property, is the result of a terrible blow-up this afternoon of the house in which the Southern RailwayCompany kept stored its powder and other explosives used in connection with the work a t its large shops here. The plant is badly wrecked and work is a t a. standstill for some time. The explosion was caused by a caboose .which caught on fire near the powder house. L. C. Caldwell, of Statesville, was sent to Mocksville Sept. 26th, to ad dress the Democratic county con­ vention, in place of J. W Bailey, who had doubtless read an old copy of the Biblical Recorder, and could notrcome. Caldwell spoke for near­ ly an hour, but didn't say anything. He did manage to pull, in the old wool hat argum ent, but found that it had been vaccinated and would not take. r every reader of this paper who will call at our place of business during the Big FORSYTH COUNH FAIR, OCT., 6-7-8-9, we will give a large handsonae card of uOLD UNCLE NED” litho­ graphed in six colors, portray­ ing a typical Southern “Be- fo-de-war” darkey, the original of the familiar plantation melody. Come early. Supply Limited. CRIM - CANTRELL FURNI- TURE COMPANY Winston-Salem, - - N. C. Next door to Kress 10 Cent Store, The GREATEST DISPLAY OF- Ladies’ Tailor Made Suits ever shown in Salisbury, in all the neff shades and styles Arey Hardware Co. I ™E Pj Fire Arms, Fishing Tackle, Cutlery, Etc. 123 South Mam St.SALISBURY, N. C. ALL KINDS OF REPAIR WORK PROMPTLY EXECUTED. $1,000 w orth of V ictor records and machines in stock all the time. Ko­ daks and supplies. RIFLES. j REMINGTON, 22, Single shot, WINCHESTER, 22; Single shot, “ 22, Repeater from $10 to “ 22, Automatic, special price, “ Long range rifles, from $17.50 to Full line standard makes of shot guns, double barrel from $10 up. Single barrel from $4.50 up. Special order for high grade guns. Also complete line of Pistols and Ammunition of ail kinds. The people of Davie county wii’ receive special attention when they call on us. AREY HARDWARE CO. 5.00 $12.50 17.50 20.00 PUNTERS' WAREHOUSE j is now open for the sale of leaf I tobacco. Accomodations are first | class. Good day stall fo r. stock, f We guarantee you highest prices | and will see that your interests I are taken care of. W ritefor any $ information. We w ant your pat­ ronage and will do our best to please you. Don’t fail to bring us your tobacco. A lbert Matlock never lets a pile of tobacco go for less than it is worth. The roads to Statesville are good, 5 miles of the Tum ersburg road being ma­ cadamized. Planters’ Warehouse, | A. G. MATLOCK, Auctioneer. jj We can give you iver 200 suits to se­ lect from with a range of prices from $10.00 to $50.00. We can also boast of a Mg line of Skirts and he prettiest and most up-to-date styles of any city in North Carolina, We can simply Ht anybody in a suit or skirt. Our suits run in sizes from a Misses and junior 13 to 20, Ladies 32 to 44. We also have suits made to fit stout ladies. Ladies who have 5 . short waist, we car fit you. as good as one that has a regu­ lar figure. We have skirts the same way We can fit a Miss of 14 years and a lad; that has a 36 incl waist, all lengths. We have a good lint of mourning suits and skirts. Now we want to talk Coats to you for we think and believe th a t we bave the greatest line of these th at is carried by any house in N orth Carolina. W e k n o w th isissa y in g a great deal b u t we can deliver the goods. W e have them in all the new styles and colors, prices from $1.00 £0 $35,00 w ith best tine from $3.50 to $10.00 th at h«*s evei been made. ©ttr Xine of Sircss (Soobs and silks can’t be m atched neither in price, style or colorings. Think of a 50 inch panam a for 50c., and big lot- of suitings th at sold for 25 cents we are selling nf 12} cents. Dress goods th at sold for 5Oc., we are selling lor 80 and 35ets. : . Cut this ad out and bring to Brittain & Campbell's and get 10 per cent, dis­ count on your purchase. O ur store will be full of B argains for the B IG Y A D K IN V A LLEY F A IR . M ake it your headquarters. We IReep Zhc Sicbool Books, u. Brittain & CampbelL ■ ■■■■■'• I V *■ • 120 South Main. Salisbury, N. C. Pr ices Lowered Dry Goods raucli lower than a year ag o .' Proof—see my prices. My U nderw ear prices will astonish you. Men’s P ants extra low. Some dress gO"ds w oith 25c to go at I5c per yd. Splendid line of men’s glowes. Dig iine of m en’s, ladies’ and children's hose. Second-hand Clothing—well, we don’t quite give them away, but next thin* to it, C om etosee me this fall, I’ll m ake you say it. paid you, '!'hanking you one and all for your pat ronage, I am the sam e Old Reliable, ” . J. LEE KURFEES. WCMPOSATIO CAPITAL STOCK, $30,090.00. RALEIGH, N. C CHARLOTTE, N. C. Pullen BuiMing. Kedmbnt Ins. BMf THESE SCHOOLS GIVE the world’s best in . modem Business Education. Oldest Business College in N orth Carolina. Positions guaranteed, backed by a w ritten contract. No vacation. Individ­ ual insstruction. W ealsoteach Book-keeping, Shorthand, Pen­ manship, by mail. Send for Home Study rates. W rite today for our Catalogue, Offers and High Endorsements. They are ffee. Address KING’S BUSINESS COLLEGE, RALEIGH. N. C , or CHARLOTTE, N. C. T H E P E O P L E ’S N A T IO N A L BANK. UNITED S T A T E S D EPO SITA R Y . W in sto n -S a le m , - - ^ - N. C. CAPITAL, $300,00000. ASSETS A MILLION AND A HALF; Takes care of its customers when money is firm or easy, keeps every transaction confidential, allows inter­ est a t 4 per cent, from date on Certificates, of Deposit, has a_ Savings De­ partm ent, loans money to you, o r for you, and does everything a well con­ ducted up-to-date bank should do. Let us have your business. No better place. You can send your deposits by mail. JOHN W. FRIES, Preiident. WRt A. BLAIR, Vice-Preu. und Cwbier. V. WALLACE & SONS, WHOLESALE Dry Goods, Notions and Clothing; DROP US ACARD AND OUR SALESMAN WILL CALL SALISBURY, N. C ecu C FRANK I LOCAL Thos. J. putting up i C. C. Sanf Chattanoog . M issM ag tim e w ith re) Payyour ticket in our H orn-Johj coal for $4. i Miss O cta| w ith her sis brough, a t ' ' A rbuckle | oil, 16c., 5 ] 0 . C. Wall I A protracj a t Cherry day night. W e have i novels a t rel them . Moq J . A. Dan Tuesday, th and smashiij M r. Daniel I he receivedl I . / . W ei things I is this:) DoNc Commq your He_, Parlor Sn ture line j treatme to give uj A stoti have the I extra prd i city. Cd brick stol and in frT our store spxtendsi Roi 422 THE DAVIE RECORD. C FRANK STROUD - -• Editor. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS. Thos. J. Hendrix, of Route 4, is putting up o cotton gin. C. C. Sanford visited his son a t Chattanooga last week. Miss Maggie Call is spending some time with relatives a t Albemarle. Payyour subscription and g e t a ticket in our watch contest. Hom -Johnstone Co., will sell lum p coal for $4.75, delivered. Miss Octa Horn spent last week w ith her sister, Mrs. Alex. Kim­ brough, at Mt. Ulia. Arbuckle coffee, 15c. Ib , kerosene oil 16c., 5 gallons or m ore, 15c. The O.’C. Wall Co. A protracted m eeting will begin at Cherry Hill school house Satur­ day night. We have a large stock of standard novels at reduced prices. Ask to see them. Mocksville D rug Co. J. A. Daniel’s horse fan away last Tuesday, throwing Mr. Daniel out and smashing up the buggy. W hile Mr. Daniel was not seriously hu rt, he received several painful injuries. a ®?®2; 1?. Anderson’s great Quick- Action Sale ad in this issue 0 u r Shoestockis complete. You cannot afford to buy till you see our gaods The O. C W all Co., Brick btore, N orth Cooleemee. _ The little child of Mr. and Mrs Jam es Craver, a t Courtney, is very low w ith scarlet fever. 7 he circus was well patronized yesterday, and those who took it in, pronounce it a first-class show. The Mocksville Cafe is the place to g et your meals. Coffeeserved free w ith each meal. Sam J. Lawrence, of Salisbury, brightened the streets of Mocksville last week w ith his be-nign counte- enance., T. A. Gaither, of Harmony, was in town last week and caPed around at our office and took a couple of tick­ ets in our watch contest. Call a t the Mocksville D rug Co. for your stationery, school supplies and toilet articles A num ber of our citizens will go over to W inston this m orning to take in the Fair, and others will go tom orrow. AU kinds school books on sale at The 0 . C. Wall Co., N orth Coolee­ mee. T h elittle daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Summers, on Route 3, died Monday and was buried Tues­ day a t Smith Grove. i I WISH Tfl AliMflUHEt that alter Oct. 5th, 1908, I will begin work lor BOYLES BROS. CO., new Clothing Store. Winston- Salem, and will appre­ ciate anything my friends may do lor me. I will he with a good concern and they guarantee mon­ ey’s worth or money hack. Give me a call. THOMPSON’S DRUG STORE We give prompt and careful atten­ tion to mail orders. We carry the lar­ gest and most complete stock of Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Cigars, Rub­ ber Goods and everything carried in a first-class drug store in the city. Special attention given to the fitting of Trusses. Private room. Thompson’s Drag Store. Winston-Salem, N. C. . W e are putting in a line of dress goods. These goods are all new patterns.. The 0 . C. Wall Co. . Court convened in this city yester­ day w ith JudgeL ong presiding. A large crow dis in attendance. Will give the proceedings in our next issue. The latest thing out in tiny gold- plated safety pins. They are cute, and the price is 5c. each. Some­ thing every one needs. Call at our ffice and see them . C. D. Crouch, of near County Line, is a model farm er. He raises peas extensively and last week he had 26 hands in his field picking them , says our Statesville, Route 7, correspon dent. TheCrim-Cantrell Furniture Co., at W inston, w ants to give every sub­ scriber of The Record a large, hand­ some picture of “Old Uncle N ed,” lithographed in six colors. Cut out their ad which appears in this issue of The Record and take it to them when you go to W inston this week, and they will present you “ Uncle Ned’s” picture free of cost. An old-time fiddlers’ convention was pulled off a t Cooleernee Wed­ nesday night. Many fine fiddlers were present and took part. H ill, Yours To Please* Cana, N. C. J. T. Baity spent Wednesday in W inston. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Collins, of Trap Hill, spent last week w ith relatives in this city. Rev. W . J. S. W alker is conduct­ ing a m eeting a t Clinton this week. We wish to apologise to our cor­ respondents for leaving out their interesting communications, but the crowded condition of our columns prevented their appearance. We beg them to bear w ith us for a few weeks until we can increase the a- m ount of reading m atter. AVe take ,pleasure in directing our readers’ attention to the adver­ tisem ent appearing elsewhere in our colurar.sof tb Southern Scboo- ofT elegraphy,located at Newnan. G a. There is a great aud constant Iy growing dem and for telegrnpi operators, and we are glad to se< this w orthy and weil-.eeognize< institution doing such creditabU woik in helping supply tha dem and. A nv young man wishing to learn a good profession sbouli investigate the opportunities oi fered it the telegraph field l>> w riting at once lot the School’.- free, discriplive literature. H. D. Pomdexfer9 Winston-Salem, N. C. APPLER AND TURF OATS Iju s t w ant to say to the Farm ­ ers, don’t, lose sigbt of these two money crops for tall seed­ ing, and till the 1st of October don’t neglect sowing Crimson Ciover and Rye. It will give your stock early spring graz­ ing, is a fine tonic for your cattle anti will keep yoor land from washing and save you from buying high price ferti­ lizers in the spring. We have a New line of Seeds—Red Clo­ ver, B ar, A lsike, W hite and A lfalfa Clover, O rchard, Oat, Ky Blue, Tim othy, H ungar­ ian and Fiscue seed. Clover, is a li;t.le lower in price than last spring. W e also haudle W arner Moore’s Anchor Lime. You shogld ose it liberally in the soil, it pay3 and is cheap­ er than any of the prepared Limes yc& buy, I will also have some new seed wheats a liitle later on and will do all I can to push the Farm er up the hill l»y selling the best of all kinds of Seeds and Sw ift’s FB RTIL12ER. I want to im­ press yon th at while I use the word Best a great many times. I have not got the word p at­ ented and if I had I would loan it to the farm er to dis pose of his product raised trom the Seeds I sold him . I sim ­ ply try to can y the Best ot every thing I sell. M y stock, my Fall Stock, is complete. It is with our prices sim ply a slight of hand performance for us to sell you. W e sell you Best Sheeting, Best Carpet U arp —Amos Green’s, Best Coiiee, Bacon and Lard, and in Ship Stuffs, F loarand Meal our claim is ondless. In H ea­ vy Jeans we carry a line th at will make you think cf the old tim es in prices and Peel prpud winter is near a t hand, Aud we have a stock of Shoes to beat the band The Best of everything in town vnd Cotton Bats th at weigh a pound, A t POINDEXTER’S. Tbe Time is Coming PREPARE NOW. We mean th at Christm as is soon coming and you will need a lot of things to make your house and home com fortable. O ur advise to you is this: - Do Not Wait Until Yon Have to Bny Everything At Once. Commence now to buy your Suit of Furniture, your <Carpet ir M s , your Heating or Cooking Stoves, your Blankets or Quilts, P ianoor Parlor Suit, Couches or Lounges, or anything you may need m the Furni­ ture line. R em em b er w e have the goods, the prices and the courteous treatm ent that will m ake a lasting custom er out of any one who is willing to give us a trial. ________________ W. B.SUMMERSETT 108-110 W. Ennis St. SALISBURY, N. C Three or five piece iron beds. Pricesfroic the cheapest to the highest, $2.50 to $60. Wrought iron beds, guaranteed to stand better than wood or other material. This is of course only one of our many values. We keep everything t< be found in a first class furniture store from a 45c. chair to the best sur of Furniture. For good M attings, Rugs and A rt Squares, we cannot be excelled, neither in quality or prices. When m town com e^and see us, whether you w ant anything or not. Let s get acquainted. If you will mention The Davie Record when trading with us, you wall receive W. B. SUMMERSETT. D rop. I G. L. SCOTT I I i JT Garries on hand a complete Y ilSr line of Groceries, Glassware, C r 4$ Tobaccos, Cigars and Snuff. jfe, Also a nice line of Notions, j l Garries on hatid a complete line of Groceries, Glassware, Tobaccos, Cigars and Snuff. Also a nice line of Notions, - B<>y’s Suits and Men's _ tQt Pants, Sweaters and Woolen O £b Jackets. Complete' line of A a Men’s and Ladies’ Under- I Y wear. A well assoated J O lineof V S Ladies’ Coats. % «8* •9» G. L. SGOTT, I Near Depot. JgJ Ifs on Staples This Time, Too. Such as the best qualities of Gingham s th a t have been selling for 12-1 aud 15c. Large range of colors—stripes, plaids and solids— 10c. now. Cbam brays come next—soft-fin­ ished kind that'suits so well for dresses and boys w aists all 12Je. quality—colors solids, blue, tan, pink and grey, stripes also. I t will wash, and pricejhere—10c. Then the Lawns in stripes and figures so suitable for th e . cool knock-about sum m er]dresses—gee! they are great—for the price we mean—you’ll think so too. Some of them brought IOc., you can have them now for—well say 5}c. M ore Lawns, some of them found iu stripes, floral designs, dots and figures, w orth 12£c.- 10c. price now. A n d h ere we jum p to bleached domestics and take ju st the best brands th at you know so well like “ B arker M ills,” “ F ru it of the Loom” and “ A ndroscroggin” th at you have been paying 12ic. for and probably m ore,. and p u t .it back to the old price, 10c. F ather George Sea Island, an unbleached domestic w ith an extm finish—7c. R egular 8o. value. Men’s Odd Suits. To be closed out a t a consider- ! able saving to you. If you are needing one, better take tim e and see w hat we are offeling. Odd Pants, Too. J. T. BAITY. H ighest price paid for country produce. When in town call and see me. , As to exclusive Bed Rbom Furniture, we m anufacture our own Ime and have the best made in the South, h e n c e we c a n save y w a ff fre ^ h ts and extra profits, and give you a line of goods th at J« " , in. city. Gome to see us and be convinced, and rem em ber tneplacej the large brick store exactly in front of Brown s W arehouse door, o and in front of A. Daye’s store, on Liberty street. So you can come mtc our store either from Main or Liberty street, ju st as you like, as our store extends all the way through from Main to Liberty streets. __________ Rominger & Blackburn Furnishing Company. 422 Main Street and 423 liberty Si, Winston C U T PRICES Nice lawns from 5 to 12ic. per yard. M ohairs from 37* to 45c. per yard. Sbadoweil Plaids from 18 to 20c. per yard. Bleach Domestic from 8 to 10c. per yard. ' Fruit of Loom bleach, 10c. per yard. * Ginghams, 6 to IOc. per yard . Domestic from 5 to 8c; per yard. Sea Island Domestic, 8 to 9c. per yard. Silk M ulls, 38c. per yard. Percals 10 to 12}c. per yard W aist goods from 10 to 22ie. per yard. P rints 6c. per yard 42 inch Lawn, 10 to 12Jc. per yard. M en’s $1 hats for 85c. M en’s $1.25 hats for $1. Men’s $2.50 hats for $2.25. Ladies Brabroideried Lawn Skirts at 75c. to $1. Ladies Em broideried P ants 45c. Nice line infant caps from 15 to65c. W e have only mentioned a few thiugs, but we have most any thing you may w ant th at is kept iD a general store, and ask you to call and see us before you buy, for we will certainly save yon money. YOURS TO PLEASE, BAILEY & MARTIN. Our contest closes Nov. 5th. you want that pretty watch? Do Tombstones. If you need anything like Tombstones Tab lets or Monuments call on C L A U D E M IL L E K . N orth W ilkesboio, N . O |)R . ROBT. ANDERSON, DENTIST, OfRce over Bank of Davle T A X N O T I C E I I will meet the tax-payers of Davie County at the following places to col­ lect taxes for the year 1908: S5 I r S •15th,1908 Clarksville,Friday, “16th,it Farmington, Saturday, “17th,it Smith Grove, Wednesday, “21st,it Advance,Saturday, “24th,it Fork Church, Wednesday, “28th,it Jerusalem, Thursday, “29th,U Mocksville9 Saturday, “ 31st, « Please meet me and pay your taxes promptly. The Legislative and County Candidates will be present and discuss the issues of the Campaign. J. L. SHEEK, Sheriff, SAVE THIS TiD Thursday Morning, Oct., 15th, at 9 o clock. FOR Anderson’s Great Quick-action Mocksville, North Carolina. This Entire Etock of Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing, Fnnmhings, Crockery, Glassware, Groceries, Etc., will be placed on sale, and *•* MUST BE TURNED INTO MONEY IN THIRTY DAYS No matter what the price, or how great the loss. This will positively be the most liberal, Money-saving Sale ever known in this locality GOODS WILL BE SOLD FOR LESS THAN COST OF PRODUCTION. In many instances, one dollar will do the work of three, m m IP w Si W W W W W ! In this limited space we can mention but a few of the Hundreds of Surprising Bar=5 gains, but it will give you an idea of the VALUES THAT AWAIT YOU. DON’T WAIT, HOP THE FIRST TRAIN, HORSE MULE OR WAGON AND GET HERE! ONE LOT CHILDREN’S SHOES 7c MEN'S SUITS i A O WORTH $5.00 I MX will go at 1 ^ u ONE LOT BOY’S SUITS 89c LOT, BOYS’ & MISSES’ SHOES 48c! Isr 69c CM ebly Asb1 P obe B oot ao4 Potassium .) wHAKRS POSITIVE mJttES OJ ATiIi FORlH AIliD fflTASES (BP' FhyridansMidorBe P. 2 . P. as » splen­ did combination, andpreaaribo it with great Mttefectioa tor the cores ©f all • f Qrrofl and stages of Primary, Secondary . and Tortiaty Sypkilis. ByphJlitiC Hheu* matism, .Scrofulons TJlcers asd P' GJandular SweIImgs, Eboamc’- jiey Complaints, old.ChronioI?lc6ri» I*** §y6a V:;i >.. I TTasteotencr.* t r \ . ifirfea c- -Iunenaistea all treatment, Catarrh. B h | Dlseueaa Eczema, - Cbronio JVmsaJoji Complaints, Mercurial Polsoa, Tet'o- BcaMhead, ete., etc. P. t , P. to a powerful tmilo .sp excellent .pplnzer, tuading v j tystenl iapidly. If you are w ’" faeble,*na fed badly te7 P. P. J RHE Operates over 7,000 Miles of Railroad. QUICK ROUTE TO AllL POINTS North—South—East—West. T lirough T rains Betw eea P rincipal C ities and Besorto AFFORDING OTBST-CfcAgS ACCOMMODATION Klegant Pullm an Sleeping Oare on all T hrongh T rains. D ining, * lu* A nd O bservation C ars. For Speed, Com fort and Courteous Kraployes1 travel’ via the South era R ailw ay. B ates, Schedules and other Inform ation furnished h> addressing th e undersigned: B, L . Y een on, T rav. Pass. A gt., J . H . Wood, D ist. Pass. Ageni Charlotte, C, AsbeviUe, IT. C. 3. H . H a sd w ic k I ass. Traffic M gr. W . H . TA TLO E,G en’l Pass Agt W A SH IN G TO N . D 0 . Double-Refined, W ater-W hite 20 lbs. G ranulated SugarK eroseneO il 15c gal f D . « u AU O ther Groceries at Prices which I _ f S ° ee Will Move Them Quick. ■ I Lot Laundry Soap $1031 CROCKERY, GLASSWARE. j 15c f I Ic I Pricies Snoashed to Smithereens.) Doors Closed Tuesday and Wednesday in order to mark stock and arrange for this great sale. The Goods are liere to M the prices. A Mighty Movement ol all Goods, Nothing Reserved. Everything marked in Large Plain Figures, and at MtJST-GO-PRICES You Can’t Afford to Stay Away.You must and will be here. REMEMBER, the Big Sale starts Thursday morning, Oct. 15, at 9 o’clock. A HATK e &co / V ^ r f l BLlgHgD 186; LOCATED IN THE HEART OF R I C . H A l K P w A D A M s f v Be I e I * S T I L L E r s a m dFINE WHISKEYS I P P E R S Q F ilN E W HIbH F=-V=! SOUTHERN E X P R E S S R E T A i L D E P tl» WHOLESALE! Io f f i c e I P R O M P T S H IP M E N T S ^ Si-'u- P R lV A ff STO CK *C ^ N ^ T I s * m iu T a n d *!?** b ee" 8 # ,,i"8 fo r ,o r*» 3»® » * S 2 5 0 $ 4 j5 0 S6J& 0 $ 9 .0 0wni i T '. 8 *"*■« “no m ellow , try it o n ee, th e n alw ay s - - . * 2 .5 0 i s o r m q nnPRIVATE B T ^ ic r ft" N-.4 . ,.J, '"rtlistoYwe have been selling for ^ sold^t^thlaloW PrTcolw" “ °n°!’ t^ " “'Way8. f I ! | |g 2 |§ PEACH BR A N m T M V ears erPfJ' bot '•*",s PURE BRANDY - - -i . . . . • f 'f o 450PEACH BRANDY-Made especially for its in MaryIaHd. - - . . i - - - 2 .6 0 4 .6 0 AOO IO CCIVirs EXTRA PCR GAUOiV FOR A m OF THE ABOVE BM HDS UV FVLL QUARTS.” 2* Pintaor QB HaH-PInts of Any Above Bram talnP SatnC asssSTM .' wa prices and guarantee eafe delivery. Write for complete price Hst, as these ate only a far Send Money Order or Begisteted Letter with order. 6 .5 0 6 .5 0 6 .6 0 6 .6 0 9 .0 0 9 .0 0 9 .0 0 9 .0 0 800-802-804-806E.CARY ST, A. H ATEE & COM PANY, BOX3T1,R ic h m o n d , V a . Express Paid to your city. W e die only whiskey House that manufactures our own whiskey. Send all orders to The Clarksville Wluskey House. O ldR . W . Jones corn W hiskey 8 years old— Old E. W. Jones com W hiskey 4 years old-.... Old R. W. Jones com W hiskey# years old— Com W hiskey by the half gallon, -----1------- Com Whiskey 4 gal 2 years old,------------------- Com W hiskey 2 gal 2 years old,. ...$3.50 -*2.75 42.50 .....1.50 ___ Com W hiskey 3 gal 2 years old,_.---------------------------- &50 — - " Per Ga). Three Feathers 4 qts------------- —-------------------------------------— $8.00 Rye Whiskey, old velvet 4 years old ---------------....------— < 4.00 M ountain Rye 2 years o ld ------------------------------------- 2.76 Kentucky Bell Rye 8 years old -----------------------------------------------. 5.00 Echo Spring Rye 8 years old...-----------------------------—--------------.-----..— ..5.00 Silver Brook Rye 6 years old... .................—______-------------------.:____4.00 M ountain Spring Rye xxx 4 years old.. Log Cabin Rye 3 years old._--------------- Mountain Spring R yexx —------ — Excelsior Rye 2 years old.. Golden Crown Rye 3 years old.. Professor JonesRye.,. .3.50 .2.75 ._2.75 -.2.75 „.3 00 „2.50 Apple Brandy Home Made 8 years o ld . Baltim ore Apple Bandy 3 years old,.™™ Ginger Brandy,.. Peach Brandy 10 years old.. Peach and H oney------ „4.50 ...3.00 „2.90 -5.00 ...2.00 Barrel Goods. Cherry Wine.. --------- Old Cherry 8 years old . Port W ine ---------- $3.00 .....____.4.00 .50 _____.2.50Scuppernong Wine..---------- C larret W ine ----------- Black Berry W ine .......------------...2.25 .2.25 Bottled Goods. French Brandy Per Q t..— „.__$3.50; Rye Whiskey. Green IUver Rye 4 Qts .„.™„.$5.00 Three Feather Rye 4 Q ts ___.8.00 Canadian Club 4 Qts ---------.5.00 Old Prentice 4 Qte.._._A-..'..-.™:..™._5.00 „...„5 50 _ 5 .0 0 :.-.5.00 -....5.50 .5.00 5.00 :___5.50 „."...5.00 „„...5.00 Mums Rye 4 Qts ....... Full Dress 4 Qts......___„ Four Aces 4 Q ts. ... Echo Springs 4 Qts__ M ark Rogers 4 Q ts... JefFersoii Club 4 Qts... Golden Rye 4 Qts _ _ Fitz H ugh Lee 4 Qts . Blue Blood 4 Qts ...__ M ontreal M alt Whiskey 4 Qts...-.5,00 Jam esonlrish Whiskey 4 Q ts.....$5.00 Dewar’s Scotch ______ 5.00 Royal Arch‘4 Q ts.^.^.____I:____4.50 Rooney’s M ait 4 Qts.___________.4.50 Duffy’s M alt4 Qts. ___ 5.00 Duffy’sfMalt bythu case_^._.._..12.00 American M alt 4 Qts._____*___..4.50 Casey M alt. i__________4.50 Rose Valley Rye 4 Qts... GIenn Lilly Rye 4 Qts..... Old Velvet 4 Qts*______ G. P. R, 4 Qts ____ Silus Dean 4 Q ts ___ Old H enry 4 Qts_______ .$4.80 „4.00 .„4.00 ...4.00 ...4.00 __4.50 B ottledW ine. V irginia D are 4 Qts.... St. Estephe 4 Q ts..___ „.„.$3.50 3.50 St. Julean 4 Qts ; ;___...____3.50 Virginia G arret 4 Qts. ____3.50 Emperial Sherry W ine 8 yrs 4 Qts 5.00 D om estic4 Qts.._.._„____...._____.3.50 Alcohol best grade I q t _______12.00 Minnehaha 4 Q te ...________3.50 Pocahontas 4 Qts ________ 4.50 Emperial Black Berry 4 Qts. 3.50 Scuppem ong 4 Qts____________.3.50 P ort 4 Qts .3.25 Black Brandy 4 Qts. _____5.00 E xtra D ry Muhnns 4 Q ts______16.00 Take my advice and buy Home-made Copper-Distilled Gnra Wbisbey mide by as in the old fashion way. We are OBti of the few that make our own Corn Whiskey, so yoa get it direct from Ae Still. AU orders must be accompanied by Cashier’s Check, Postoffice Money Order, or Express Monqr Order. . No individual checks takes araless known by the firm, as we lw6w.no on^: and :tio one knows ns. No stamps taken for Whiskey. No goods seht C O. IK? REFERENCE: First State Bank and Planters of ClarksriQe, Ya., and First Naiinnal Bank, Oxford, N. C. Send all orders to The CLARKSVILLE WHISKEY HOUSE Clarksville, Va. P. S. AU Whiskeys Delivered Express Preptud in plain boxes if dewed. : v - V o l . X. GOES A nother evid< and hypocrisy v anite cam paign the disclosure 0 tion of $20,0001 D idn't Bryan to accept iftorel any one person] piteously implo farm ers to chip didn't his FinaiJ and pester ever] in the effort to | a hat-passe dollars? The Jeffersoj this Bryanite pij ness was put or so, tim e and ag out th at Gover homa, g av e! fund; Moses Trust plute—34 gum saying i t 1 for the cocktail] at campaign he In th a t case, be using m ight lots of it.—Waij sonian. A T I A n account 1 plosion appear T. Goebel, whc died last Satud deaths thus fa | j ears old and W . F . Hfafto Gkirge H oneyt tioi8 of th e traj a desperate a l feared they w il shock. T he fij are rapidly im j The loss to p i estimated a t f r | OOd and th e Io by the tim e all I settled, w ill h ej amount. . A pain preset eacK 25c box of L Tablets Ask yl if this formula Head pains, wl anywhere get : Pink Pain Tab Sons Co,, Two can live one if the m aul There is m orl tion of the coil diseases p u t tofi last few years ]| incurable. Fob doctors pronom ease and prescj and by consta with local ir^ it incurable, catarrh to be « ease and th e re | tutioual treat n t!ure, ibannfac ®ey & Co., TJ only const!tu til I t is takq ,from 10 dropsl aCts directly o j cOns surfaces ( offer one h an d casC it fails to l CQlarb and tesij * * * * * ❖ ❖ * * * * * Join 113 el Sol ,! Wtl CBP — rdBOrtti Dining. « Illi ia th e South turuislipil 1» it. Pass. Ageai Ie, S . C. 3en’l Pas* Agt SKIES s k e y house ill o rd e rs to House. -...$3.50 ------.*2.75 — — $2.50 __________ 1.50 ___8.50 ___450 ................6.50 PerGil , 18.00 _________ .4.00 ..................... .2.71 ____________,5.00 ..............„„..5.00 _____________4.00 ____________.3.50 _______2.75 ...............5.75 ._.__________2.75 ________300 ______2.50 _____________4.50 __3-00 „...2.50 ~______ 5.00 2.00 .......4.50 ts____________<-50 5.00 case— ------12*®® Jts -------4.50 ............................4.50 Q ts_________^ 80 Qts_________4-®° 4.00 .4.00 4.00 4.50 W in e . __________$3.50 .3.50 .3.50 Qts.....- -----3.50 fine 8 yrs 4 Qt« 5.00 3.50 ■T q z :z :...- 2 .M . .3.50 ______4.50 erry 4 Qts 3 ^ „ _..3.5v 3.25 - 5,00 Ued Cora W Jud** o f the few that rom the Still- le e k , Postoffice Jttal checks tot*® do oae knows n**: C .O .D . j rksviO e, V a., *** to IN GOB WE TOTST-ALL OTHERS CASH.* V o l . X.MOCKSVILLE. N. C.. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 13. 1908.No. 15 GOES AFTER BRYAN. Another evidence of the hum bug and hypocrisy with which the Bry- jmite campaign reeks is furnished by the disclosure of Haskell’s contribu­ tion of $20,000 to the campaign fund. Didn’t Bryan pledge him self not to accept more than $10,000 from any one person? And did he not piteously implore the horny handed farmers to chip in $1 apiece? And didn’t his Finance Committee tease and pester every Democratic editor, in the effort to turn said editor into a hat-pasaer for dimes, puarters and dollars? The Jeffersonian knew th at all this Bryanite pretense of hard up- ness was put on for effect. W e said so, time and again. It now comes out that Governor Haskell, of Okla­ homa, gave $20,000 to the campaign fund; Moses W etmore — Tobacco1 Trust plute—jauntily belittles the sum saying it wasn’t enough to pay for the cocktails they are drinking at campaign headquarters. In that case, the Bryanites m ust be using mighty good liquor, - and lotsof it.—W atson’s W eekly Je ife r-' sonian. A Third Victim. A naccountof the Spencfer ex­ plosion appeared last w eek.. Jas. T. Goebel, who was fatally injured died last Saturday, m aking th re e ; deaths thus far. Goebel was 38 jears old and 'eaves a wife. W. F. S'afford, W ill Loflin and George Honeycutt, three other vic­ tims of the tragic accident, are in a desperate condition and it is feared they will not surviue the shock. The fifteen others injured are rapidly im proving. The loss to property is variously estimated at front $75,000 to $100,- 000 and the loss to the railroads, by the time all dam age suits are BCttled, will be m any tim es th at amount. Another Demhcrat Heard From. “ I am a K orth Carolinian by b itth and a lifelong Democi at. I shall vote for M r. T aft because he haa in his heart to.bring my peo­ ple of th e South back into abso­ lu te union w ith the national life and to th eir historic place as a con­ trolling force in th e nation, and to VERY IMPORTANT. To register and vote a residence of two years in the State, six months in the county and four m onths in tow nship is requisite, provided: if a person has lived in the State two years, and In the county six months and has not lived in his precinct four m onths, on or before election do which would im m ortalize him j day, such person shall register and as a statesm an. I shall vote lo r1 vote io the precinct from which he him because he more nearly repre- rem oved. sent* inj ideals ol governm ent, Ofi P eg istrarsaie required to keep social order and economic policy their books open tor tw enty days, than an} living Democrat or a n y ; beginning on the first day of Octo- man before the people today, sav e' ber, not counting Saturdays. The alone Theodore Roosevelt, who is | registration books will close on the th e only Eepublurau P . esideut 1 :23d day of October, at sunset, have ever voted for. M r. T aft has The registrars are required to be adm inistered every trust commit- at the several voting places in their ted to him by the uation w ith an eye single to the nation’s good and for the highest interests of the peo­ ple th a t compose the nation. The very perm anent interest, indus­ trial, commercial or economic, has found and will find under his ad­ m inistration a sure protector, a ju ­ dicial and judicious friend and guide.” —Silas McBee,. E ditor a C hurch paper, New Y ork. Had a Close Call. Mrs. Ada L. Groom, the widely known proprietor of the Croom Hotel. Vaughn, Hiss., says: ‘*For several months I suffered with a severe cough, and consumption seemed to have its grip on me, when a friend recommended Dr. King's New Dis­ covery. i began taking it. and three bottles affected a complete cure.’’ The tame of this life saving cough respective precincts, on Saturdays between the hours of nine o’clock a. m ., to sundown, p m., for the registration of voters. T h isw illb e th e last opportun­ ity for persons wno cannot read and w rite to get their nam es on the perm anent registration books. I t is earnestly hoped th at e^ery w hite man in Davie county, other­ wise entitled, who cannot read a id w rite, will have his nam e regis­ tered on the perm anent registra­ tion. in order th at he may vote hereafter. C. G. B a il e y, IJounty C hairm an. P. P. P.; LIPPMAN’S GREAT REMEDY. Is the greatest blood purifier in* • * '' *■“ “ *'» v * v u * o S t n m g V V U K U , * . ; . . .and cold remedy, and lung1 and th ro a t1 world; superior to ail sar&apa- healer U world wide. Sold at C. C. i rillas, Ior the cure of Scrofulain Sanif'rd sons Co. 50c. and $1.00. its worst form; Goitre. H ip Disease, Swelled neck, K nnning Sores and Trial bottle fre$. A pain prescription is printed upon each 25c box of Dr. shoop’s Pink Pain Tablets Ask your doctor or druggist if this formula is not complete. Head pains, womanly pains, pains anywhere get instant relief from a Pink 'ain Tablet. C. C. Sanford Sons Co. . A dversity is a grindstone th at generally sharpens a m nu’s wits W here Ballets Flew. David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y,, a veteran of the civil war. who lost a foot a t Gettysburg, says: ‘"The good. Electric B itteis have done, is worth more than five hundred dollars to me. I spent much money doctorinsr for a bad case of stomach trouble, to little purpose. I then tried Electric Bit­ ters, and they cured me. I now take them as a i onic, and they keep me strong and well. 50c a t C C Sanford Sons Co. Two can live ju st as cheaply as oue if the man has to pay alim ony. There is more < atarrh in this sec- tioa of the conutry thau all other diseases put together, and until the last few j e« r8 was supposed to be incurable. For a great m any years doctors pronounced it a local dis­ ease and prescribed local rem edies, and by constantly failing to cure with local ireatnunt, pronounced if ir.cmable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional dis ease and therefore requires c<insti­ tutional treatm ent. H all’s C atarrh Cure, manufactured by F . J . Che­ ney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the ®"1> constitutional cure on th e m ar­ ket. It is taken internally in doses ftom 10 drops t- ■ a tea&poonful. It acts directly on the blood and mu *®us surfaces of the system . They Mter one hundred dollars for any cafJ6 ^ fails to cure. Send for cir- enlarh and testimonials. You can generally tell a hard d rinker by his mug. To quickly check a cold, druggists are dispensing everywhere, a clever CanrlyColdCure Tablet called Pre- ventics. Preventics are also fine for feverish children. Take Preventics a t the sneeze stage, to head off all colds. Box of 40—25c. C. C. Sanford Sons Co O ptim ism is a good asset isn’t overdone. it it Sores in the Eyes. P . P . P . makes a sure and per­ m anent cure. Miss Id a H astings, Savannah. G h .,'says she was suffering all-the torture of a terrible case of scrof­ ula, and no relief could be obtain­ ed until P . P . P ., L ippuiau’s G reat Rem edy, was tried; the result was a com plete cure. Sold by A.11 D ruggists. -Smith’s Ron. A face Iit-,h is ' tie on h it home took slid Sm ith H e to third, first,to H e down stole him to let sec­throw ond w ild base A. -Bohemian Magazine. A Cape Breton man left his es­ tate ot $8,000 to trustees for the use and care of a pair of pigs. H e explained in his will th at he did this because “ otherwise the mouey would be in the bands of pigs who denied their identities,” and that he “ m ight as well give it to porkers who made no pretenses.” This reference was to certain cousins who expected to be his heirs. Af­ ter all, he willed his substance to member* of his fam ily. For the poor and the hungry he had no thought. H e could have given his money to the unfortunate but deserving. H e could have dis posed of it in a way th at would have doi.e good, and blessed him and those receiving it. Instead, he gave it to hogs. Perhaps they were his brothers. 20,000 TELEGRAPH OPERATORS NEEDED YOUNG MFN PREPARE YOUR- SELVES FOR GOOD POSITIONS. On account of the new 8-hour law passed by congress in the interest of telegraphers, and also on account of so many new railroads being built and old lines extended, an unusual demand for operators has been cre­ ated. Conservative estim ates have placed the num ber of additional Op­ erators that will be required during the next ten months a t approximate­ ly 20,000 YOUNG MEN NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY! Enroll in our School NOW and in only four to six months we will have you qualified for splendid positions. Telegraph Ope­ rators receive from $50.00 upwards. Ourschool has been established 20 years; its equipment is perfect; in­ struction thorough and practical; pio- sitions positively guaranteed our graduates. B oardinN ew nanisvery cheap; the town is healthful and the people are cordial. Two Main Line Railroad Wires run into our School rooms. No other schoofin the Uni­ ted States has such up-to-date" and practical facilities for the benefit of its students. W rite at once for free, descriptive literature. Southern School of Telegraphy, NEW NAN, GEORGIA. Nowadays it’s a poor rule won’t work five or six ways. ANDREW SCHENCK. that President of the Germania Fire Insurance Co., Recommends Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. I have used Chamberlain’s Gough Remedy in my family for over a year and ca- sav that it never failed to cure the most stubborn cough or cold I can recommend it to any f amiiy as a sure and safe children’s cough remedy.— A n d r e w -S ch en ck , Ayton, Ont. This remedy is for sale by C. G. Sanford Sons Co. W hy Coldn are Dangerous. Because you heve contracted ordi­ nary colds and recovered from them without treatm ent of any kind, do not for a moment imagine that colds are not dangerous^ Everyone knows that pneumonia and chronic catarrh have their origin in a common cold. Consumption is not caused by a cold but the cold prepares .he system for the reception and development of the germs that would not otherwise ha^e fouud lodgement. It is the same with all infectious diseases. Dip- theria, scarlet fuver, measles and whooping cough are much more likely to be contracted when the child has a cold. You will see from this that more real danger lurks in a cold than in any other of the common ailments The easiest and quickest wav to cure a cold is to take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. The many remarkable cures effected by this preparation have made it a staple article of trade over a large part of the world. For sale by C, G. Sanford Sons Co. The wholesome, harm less green leaves and tender stems of a lung healing mountainous shrub, give to D r. Shoop’s Cough Remedy its cura­ tive properties. Tickling or dry bronchial coughs quickly and safely yield to this highly effective Cough medicine. D r. Shoop assures m oth­ ers th at they can w ith safety give it to even very young babies. No opium, no chloroform— absolutely It takes a certain am onnt of blow and blaster to raise the dust. Stomach troubles would more quickly disappear if the idea of treating the cause, rather than the effect, would come into practice. A tiny, inside, hidden nerve, says Dr. Shoop, governs and gives strength to the stomach. A branch also goes to the heart, and one of the kidneys. When these “inside nerves” fail then Weak Women To weak and ailing women, there Is at least on® way to help. But with tbat way, two treatments, must be combined. One is local, one is constitu­tional, but both are important, both essential* Pr. Shoop's Night Cure is the Local.Br. Shoop’s Restorative, the Constitutional. The formei^Dr. Shoop’s Night Cure—is a topical mucous membrane suppository remedy, while Drv Shoop’s Restorative is wholly an internal treat* ment. The Restorative reaches throughout the entire system, seeking the repair of all nerva. all tissue, and all blood ailments.The "Night Cure”, as its name implies, does Its work while yon sleep. It soothes sore and inflam­ed mucous surfaces, heals local weaknesses and discharges, while tlie Restorative, eases nervous excitement, gives renewed vigor and ambition* . builds tip wostcd tissues, bringing about renewed , strength, yigor. and energy. Take Dr. Shoop’i Tahlctsor Liquid—as a general tonic 1 to the system. For positive local help, use as weU I Dr. tSHoop’s Nig'ht C ure C. U. SANFOhD SOWS CO. The ideal man only exists in the mind of the womau who has never m arried. W hen hens refure to lay . there should be some way to egg them . A CLEAR CUT, CLEAN UP-TO-DATE B ARBER SHOP, Situated in the Pass building on Depot St. Call in and gi ve me a trial. Also cleaning and pressing clothes. W . H. PEARSON. Grand Contest. Our Second Grand Contest began September 15, 1908. To every old or new subscri- ber who pays 50 cents on subscription to The Davie Record between Sept. 15th and Nov. 5th, will be given a receipt bearing a num ber on it. A ticket bearing a correspond­ ing num ber, will be deposit­ ed in a box and all tickets will be kept in this box until Nov. 5th, when tickets will be taken out and shuffled, after which a boy will draw one of the tickets, the one he draws first being fee one that wins the Pretty Gold Watch, which will be presented to the person holding the re­ ceipt whose num ber corres­ ponds w ith the ticket drawn by boy. The Second Prize is a beautiful watch chain or solid gold ring, whichever the winner prefers. Our Second Contest will be conducted in the same m anner as the one we ran last December, and will be fair and open to all. Re­ member that every 50 cents paid on subscription entitles you to one ticket in this big contest. Some one will get these nice presents. Why not you. T hew atchw eare going to give away is a 12 size, 20- year gold filled, Elgin move­ m ent, fully guaranteed by us. Call a t our office and examine the presents. Subscribe Now. the organs m ust falter. D r. Shoop’s nothing harsh o r harm ful. It calms Restorative is directed specifically to the distressing cough, and heals the these failing nerves. W ithin 48 hours spread results, sensitive membranes. Accept no after starting the Restorative treat- many to tell the sick of a way t other. Demand D r. Shoop’s. Sold by m ent patients say they realize again, health rp^ 1 C. C. Sanford Sons Co.Sold by C. C. Sanford Sons Co. G oto the blood, if you w ant to drive out Rheumaiism. A Wisconsin physician, Dr. Shoop, does this with his Rheumatic Remedy—and with seeming success. Rub-on’s, says the doctor, never did cuae Rhevmatismi I It is more than skin deep—it is con­ stitutional. always. Because of this principle; Dr. Shoop’s Rheumatic Remedy is perhaps the most popular in existance. It goes by word of mouth from one to another, every­ where. G rateful patients gladly Itis a n act of hu- \ Tell some sick one. Sold by. C. C. Sanford Sons Co. r LDiarrhoe W hen you want a quick cure wtthou. any loss of time, and one that is followed by so bad results, use Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It never fails and is pleasant to take. It is. equally valuable for children. It is Iamous for its cures over a large part ol the civ; >>d world K IL L the COUCH AND CURE th e LUNOS WITH Dr. King’s New Discoveiy FOR CSiIgIls AND ALL THROAT AMP LUNG TROUBLES, 30c & ?1.«X Trial Bottle FfM GTTAB A N TEEO SATISFACTORY O S H O N E Y R E FU N D E D . THE GREAT TADKIH VALLEY FAIR!) . mu ■ jMTiiwaTTdnm iwwniM*Tit n■ -■ ■» Winn f At SALISBURY. N. C.. 4 DAYS, BEGINNING OCT. 20th. J £ Join us in making the Second A nnual Fair of the Yadkin Valley Fair Association the great event of the year. The Association represents the Six Counties of the G reat ^ I Y adldn Valley: Rowan, Davie, Davidson, Iredell, Stwdey and Cabarrus, and a Big D ispky of Exhibits from each County will be shown. J W ______ * ^ \ ^--------- - ~ _ .H -T - ■ I 11 .Tiwmn1 r ---------------------------- - ^ A M a a a A A TM A f T n n m I V T \ *M. L. JACKSON, Pres. $8,000.00 IN PURSES AND PREMIUMS. $4,500.00 IN PRIZES FOR RACES.Wm. JAMES, Sec.11 — — — —— —___^ .... ^ . Strobel’s A ir Ship in daily Flights; John L. Sullivan, the G reat American Prize Fighter, and his sparring partner, Jake Kil- ❖ T H U m C T nilC F rA P A t t r a c t i o n s ! rain in daily bouts; BALLOON Ascentions; Jones’ Animal Arena; Barney Demarest’s Sensational Wild W est Show; 4T I C*pt. Soch.’, Deep Sai D jv m and. W h la ,,j ^ jM ” e8towl1 AUracIioM. t BRee b a NPs ° f mUSIC ■ - jg W . 9 » ■ ■ g ■ » J 1 1 Don’t Miss a sinsle day of this Feast of Fun and good fellowship. Write Secretary for Premium List. | B E S S ^c m w ■ j $ V ^ ::':4 . : • ■ # & ■ Jr THE DAVlE RECORD. C FRANK STROUD - - EdUor Entered a t the Postofflce in Mocks­ ville, N. C., as Second-class Mail m atter, M arch 3,1903. ______ Term s of Subscription: One copy, One Y ear,---------- One copy, Six M onths,------- _.50c. ..25c. LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER EVER PUBLISHED IN DAVIE COUNTY.* MOCKSVILLE, N. C., OCT. 13, 1908. OUR TICKET. For President, WM. H. TAFT of Ohio. Por Vice-President: JAMES S. SHERMAN, of New York. For Governor J. ELWOOD COX. ■ For Lieutenant Governor CHARLES FRENCH TOMS. Secretary of State DR. CYRUS THOMPSON. For Auditor JOHN QUINCY ADAMS WOOD. For Treasurer W .E . GRIGGS. S uperintendent^ PubHcInstruction REV. DR. J. L. M. LYERLY. For Attorney General JA K EF. NEWELL. For Comnnssioner of Agriculture J. M. MEWBORNE. For C onoration Commissioner HARRY G. ELMORE. For Insurance Commissioner J. B. NORRIS. Commissioner of ,Labor and Printing C. M. RAY. For EIectors-At-Large A. A. WH1TENER, THOMAS SETTLE. For State Senate W . M-sLEE. For Congress ZEB VANCE WALSER. For Representative A. T. GRANT, Jr. For Sheriff J. L. SHEER. For Register of Deeds J. F.'MOORE. For Treasurer J. W. ETCHISON. For Surveyor M. C. IJAMES. For Coroner W. D. FOSTER. For County Commissioners J M CAIN, C G BAILEY, B F STONESTREET. Nay, Pauline, we have never yet held up a man and made him ^ shell out, and we never expect to. No one man or set of men should be al owed to run a city, county or State. They can be got rid of a t the ballot box if the people will rise up in their might and vote them out. How can a preacher of the gospel vote for a man for president who is opposed to prohibition and who_ did all in his power against prohibition in his own state. Such a man is W . J. Bryan, the Peerless One. T h estag ein th is State has been reached when a Republican in search of justice had as well go to hades in search of holy w ater, as to go into a D em ocratiecourt run by Democrat­ ic politicians. Remember that our watch con­ test closes Nov. 5th, only a couple of weeks left in which to get a ticket. Many of our subscribers are behind w ith their subscriptions and should renew at once before the contest closes. . . TheD em ocratsare now claiming New York and Maryland. They have been merciful to us and half-way conceded Pennsylvania to the Re publicans. The Democrats always elect their president in October and the Republicans defeat him in No­ vember. Say, ye Democratic wind-jammers and calamity howlers who have been having fits over the railroad p£ th at Eiwood Cox carries, w hat nave you got to say about the railroad pass that John W. K em rides over the country on? The Winston Journal said we were : dream ing when we made the state­ m ent that Forsyth county stood a m ighty good chance of moving over into the Republican column. Maybe so, Bud, but w ait till the returns are all in. D o esth ed u ty o f an attorney to his client require him to go to the attorney of the other defendant and try to find out what kind of a de­ fense he is going to put up, and ,then attem pt to prejudice that at­ torney against his cljent by telling him he is guilty? The speech of Hon. A A. W hite- ner at the court house last Monday has been highly complimented. We heard one man say that it was the best speech that had ever been made in the court house. Sorry we could not be present and hear the speech. Hons. J. Elwood Cox and Z. V. Wal- ser were also present and made short speeches to a packed house. The Record will contain more read­ ing m atter after this issue. Our col­ umns have been crowded with ads for the past three or four weeks. The fall months are the only ones in which the m ajority of country pa­ pers can secure enough ads to pay the expenses of running the paper through thedull season, and we be­ lieve our. readers appreciate the sit­ uation and will bear w ith us. Hon. Wm. H. Taft, the Republi- can nominee for President will de­ liver two speeches in N orth Caro­ lina next Saturday, Oct. 17th. He will speak in Salisbury Saturday at 10 a. m.. and at Greensboro Satur­ day afternoon. Reduced rates will be given on all railroads. Thous­ ands of people from all parts of the State will be in Salisbury and Greens­ boro to hear this distinguished and able speaker, the next President the Uniteu States. of shot s and and will If you w ant to live in a town that bids fair to be the metropolis of the world, come to Mocksville. Don’t come unless you have plenty of mon­ ey and no opinions of your own. where mercy and goodness eternally sits upon the throne, and justice is meted out according to the wishes of the bosses. If you get drunk and cuss out the citizens of the town, and occasionally take a pistol at some of the citizens, and once awhile lay in w ait a t the stores use your cane on otheis, you not thereby forfeit the confidence and respect of our people, b u t will gain a crown and the plaudits of the good folks, who will pay your jail fees, and rem it the fines, if you are semi-occasionaUy hailed before the lord mayor, or inadvertantly break into the county jail. Court Proceedings. The following cases w ere disposed of at the last term of court: Blaine Smith, disturbing school entertaintm ent—not guilty. Coe Holman, assault w ith intent to commit rape—nol pros w ith leave. OUie Foster, a. w. d. w.—nol pros with leave. John Hiki Etcliison, retailing— judgm ent suspended. Jas. Perry, forcible trespass—fined . >, gave $50 bond to appear a t fall term of court. Roy Robinson and Gregory Spry, affray—guilty, judgm ent as to Spry suspended on paym ent of half the cost; Robinson to pay. $20 and the other half. Lillie Cain, a. d. w.—death of de­ fendant suggests the trial abates J E. Grimes, perjury—nol pros. John Meachem, retailing—pleads guilty, judgm ent suspended on pay­ m ent of cost. Beal Smith and J. F. Grubb, af­ fray—Smith pleads guilty and jury finds Grubb guilty; judgm ent, Grubb to pay half the cost, Smith to pay a fine of $5 and half the cost. J. E. Grimes, perjury—nol pros. John Sheets, larceny and receiving —defendant pleads guilty of forcible trespass and not guilty of larceny. Prayer for judgm ent, continued, de­ fendant to give bond in sum of $50 to appear at this court from term to term for 18 months aiid show that he has not been under the influence of liquor, and to pay cost. W. T. Myers and Sanford Massey, affray—defendants plead guilty, judgm ent, each defendant to pay fine of $10 and half the cost. John Hiki Etehison, retailing—de­ fendant pleads guilty; judgm ent sus­ pended. P et Smith, disturbing religious congregation—judgm ent suspended on payment of cost. P et Smith, c. c. w.—pleads guilty, prayer for judgm ent and prayer con­ tinued on paym ent of cost, defend- dant to give bond of $100 w ith his father as surety for his appearance at riAvt tarm Ross C arter, Will Smith, Ernest Wood, Will Mason and W alter Ma­ son, cruelty to animals-rrnot guilty. J. E. Rimmer, abandonment—con­ tinued. Pink Fleming, f . and a.—defend ant pleads guilty, six months on Randolph county roads, th at county to pay all the costs. W. Y. Willson and E. H. Morris, affray—defendants to pay half the costs and their own witnesses, and defendant Willson to pay fine of $10, Rufus Ijames, a. and b.—judg­ ment suspended on paym ent of cost, W olter Williams, stealigg tempo­ r a l use of ahorse—defendant plead guilty of forcible trespass, and it ap­ pearing to the court toat the defend­ ant has been in jail for four months, it was ordered by the court th a t he be discharged. A large num ber of criminal cases were laid over till the next term of court. The following civil were disposed of: W. A. Bailey vs W. H. Pack— judgm ent. W. A. Bailey vs L. A. Austin judgm ent for plaintiff. W. A. Bailey vs L. A. Austin and J. C. Bessent—judgm ent for plaintiff W . A. Bailey vs F. M. Johnson— order for resale. W. R. Koontz vs W . H . Hobson— order of reference to J. B. Arm- field. T. M. March .vs Htella March—di­ vorce, nonsuit. E. D. Holton, adm ’r of J. Q. Hol­ ton, against S. E. Cain—judgm ent for plaintiff, P. L, Meroney vs Gourier Publish­ ing Co., money demand—defendant allowed to w ithdraw appeal and bide the Justice’s judgm ent against defendant and to pay cost of appeal and cost in this court. E. C. Johnson, et al., against F. M. Johnson—verdict for plaintiff in sum of $500. W. A. Bailey vs Abram Dulin and others—judgm ent for plaintiff. W. A. Bailey vs John A. Dulin— judgm ent fo r plaintiff. W . A. Bailey vs H. W. D ulih and others—judgm ent for plaintiff. W. A. Bailey vs W . H . Pack— plaintiff takes nonsuit and is to pay cost. Court adjourned Wednesday at noon. Nearly the entire civil dock­ et wan laid over. . COOK STOVES $8.50 W ITH 22 PIECES OF W ARE AND EVERY ONE [GUARANTEED. Crim-CantreIF Furniture Co., East of Court House. Winston-Salem. TheGREATESTDISPLAY 'OF- Ladies’ Tailor Made Suits ever shown in SalisburYt in all the new shades and styles, We can give yon over 200 suits to se­ lect from with a range of prices from $10.00 to $50.00. We can also boast of a big line of Sldrts and the prettiest and most up-to-date styles of any city in North Carolina, We can simply fit anybody in a' suit or skirt. Our suits run in sizes from a Afisses and junior 13 to 20, Ladies 32 to 44. We also have suits made to fit stout ladies. Ladies who have a short waist, we can fit you as good as one that has a regu­ lar figure. We have skirts die same way. W e can fit a Miss of 14 years and a lady that has a 36 inch waist, all lengths. We have a good line of mourning suits and skirts. Now we want to talk Coats to you for we thin k and believe th a t we have the greatest line of these th a t is carried by any house in N orth Carolina. W e know this is saying a great deal but we can deliver the goods. W ehave them in all the new styles and colors, prices from $1.00 to $35.00 w ith best line from $3.50 to $10.00 th a t has ever been m ade. ©ur Xtne of Slress Ooobs and silks can’t be m atched neither in price, style or colorings. Think of a 50 inch panam a for 50c., and big lot of Baitings th a t sold for 25 cents we are selling nt 12j cents. Dress goods th a t sold for 50c., we are selling tor 80 and 35cts. Cut this ad out and bring to Brittain & Campbell's and get io per cent, dis­ count on your purchase. O nr store will be full of B argains for the B IQ iY A D K IN V AX LEY FA IR . M ake it your headquarters. We IReep febe Scbobl Boote 1 2 0 Salisbury, N. C. Arey Hardware Co! Fire Arms, Fishiiif Tackle, Cutlery, Etc. L 123 South Main St. SALISBURY, N. C. ALL KINDS OF REPAIR WORK PROMPTLY- EXECUTED. $1,000 w orth of V ictor records and machines in stock all the time. Ko­ daks and supplies. RIFLES. Y I REMINGTON, 22, Single shot. W INCHESTER, 22, Single shot, “ 22, Repeater from $10 to “ 22, Automatic, special price, “ Long range rifles, from $17.50 to $5.50 5.00 $12.50 17,50 20.00 Full line standard makes of shot guns, double barrel from $10 up. RineIa barrel from $4.50 up. Special order fo r high grade guns. Also complete line of Pistols and Ammunition of all kinds. The people of Davie county will receive special attention when they call onus. AREY HARDWARE CO. Pr ices Lowered see III % § m % m m m I J. LEE KURFEES. Dry Goods m uch lower than a year ago. Proof- m y prices. My Undei wear prices wih astonish you. M en’s P ants extra low. Some dress go als wotth 25c to go at I5c per yd. Splendid line of m en’s glowes. Big line of men’s, ladies’ and children's hose. Second-hand Clothing—well, we don’t quite give them away, but next thin* to it. Come to see me this fall, I’ll m ake you say it. paid you. Thanking you one and all for your pat ronage, I am the sam e Old Reliabie, OtCASMBAtBD CAPITAL STOCK, $30,000.00. RALEIGH, N. C. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Pullen Building. Piedmont Int. Bldg THESE SCHOOLS GIVE the w orld’s best in modem Business Education. Oldest Business College in N orth Carolina. Positions guaranteed, backed by a w ritten contract. No vacation. Individ­ ual instruction. W e also teach Book-keeping, Shorthand, Pen­ manship, by mail. Send for Home Study rates. W rite today for our Catalogue, Offers and High Endorsem ents. They are free. Address KING’S BUSINESS COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C., or CHARLOTTE, N. C THE PEOPLE’S NATIONAL BANK. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY, W in s to n -S a le m , - - - N. C. CAPITAL^ $300^)00.00. ASSETS A MILLION AND A HALF, fak es care o f its customers when money is firm or easy, keeps every transaction confidential, allows inter­ est a t 4 per cent, from date on Certificates of Deposit, has a_ Savings De­ partm ent, loans money to you, or fo r you, and does everything a well con­ ducted up-to-date bank should do. L et us have your business. No better place. You can send your deposits by mail. JOHN W . FRIES, President. WM. A. BLAIR, Vice-Pr**. ond Cwhier. V. WALLACE & SONS, WHOLESALE Dry Goods,Notions^jind Oodunf. ’ DROP US A CARD AMD OUR SALESMAN WIU CALL SALISBURY, N. C. J . E. Bosil latives a t N | M r. and iil W inston A protrad the B aptist J Many of < fair a t WinJ §dme peol they think r The hom J are heard t | . Hon. C. the voters a | M rs.T . Hickory, ar A goodbJ on E . H Ml A rbucklej oil, 16c.. 5 L O. C. Wall E C. CliJ Sunday in Mr. and Sunday w it Ringlingl a t Statesvil| morrow . A numbe to Salisbury W m. H . Ta W ehavej novels a t rq them . Mc Miss Mad of our b est| tow n last ’ M rs. W . I been quite I tim e, is slol . Call a ttn for your stf and to ile t; The b ig ' a t Salisbur of our peo j : FOR S^ sewing m a] Apply to The caral week in Da dates w illl Thuraday. f Absl ColI Brul a! Tl W ei things is this: DoNc Comme1 your H eal Parlor S il ture IineJ treatinenj to give us Roi 422 THE DAVIE RECORD. C. FRANK STROUD - - Editor. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS. Cotton is selling at 8 | cents today. J. E. Bost spent Sunday w ith re­ latives at Newton. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Dotson visited in Winston last week. A protracted m eeting will begin at the Baptist church Sunday. Many of our people attended the fair a t W inston last week. Some people go to Texas because they think its m ore healthy. The horns of the ’possum hunters are heard throughout the land. Hon. C. A. Reynolds will address the voters at Advance Oct. 23rd. Mrs. T. E. Odom and little son, of Hickory, are visiting in this city. A good buggy horse for sale. Call on E. H Morris. Mocksville, N . C. Arbuckle coffee, 15c. Ib , kerosene oil, 16c.. 5 gallons or m ore, 15c. The O .C. Wall Co. E. C. Clinard, of W inston, spent Sunday in this city w ith relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sheek spent Sunday with relatives a t M t. Ulla. Ringling Bros.’ show will exhibit at Statesville today and W inston to­ morrow. A number of our citizens will go to Salisbury Saturday to hear Hon. Wm. H. Taft. We have a large stock of standard novels at reduced prices. Ask to see them. Mocksville D rug Co. Miss Maud Essie, of Courtney, one of our best correspondents, was in town last week. Mrs. W. H. LeGrande, who has been quite ill with fever fo r some time, is slowly improving. C allattheM ocksville D rug Co., for your stationery, school supplies and toilet articles T hebigY adkin V alleyPair opens at Salisbury next Tuesday. Many of our people will attend. FOR SALE—One good Remington sewing machine, one w alnut bureau. Apply to W. C. P. Etchison. ? he campaign will be opened this week in Davie county. The candi­ dates will., start jon their rounds Thursday. ' T T- Public Speakings. Hon: A. T. G rant, Jr,, Republican candidate for the Legislature, will address the voters of Davie county a t the following tim es and places: Sheffield School House, Thursday, Oct. 15th, at night. Cana, Oct. 16th, a t night. Bend School House, Oct. 17th, at night. The Democratic candidate for the Legislature of Davie county, M r. M. J. H endrix, is cordially and respect­ fully invited to be present a t these speakings- A fair division of tim e will be accorded him. C. G. Bailey, Ch’m Rep. Ex, Com. Davie Co. T h eb ig fair a t Greensboro is in full swing this week. Miss Sara Miller is spending this week w ith friends in Greensboro. M r. and Mrs. Fred Stockton, of Greensboro, spent Friday night in this city. J. A. Byerly, of Lexington, spent Saturday and Sunday w ith relatives on Route I. Mrs. H. H. Trundle and son, of Leesburg, Va., are visiting in this city, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Julia Heitman. Miss V irginia Helms, of Monroe, passed through thiseity Saturdayon her way to Farm ington, w here she will teach school. Messrs. F. P. R attz, S. M. Dwig- gins, Harley Craves, Bailey Sheek, Jam es Holton_ and others attended thecam pm eetingat Harmony Sun­ day. All kinds school books on sale at The 0 . C. Wall Co., N orth Coolee- mee. Prayer m eeting will be conducted a t the Baptist church Thursday even­ ing a t 7:30 by the Baraca class of the Sunday school. The public is most cordially invited to be present. P. R. Davis, of A ugusta, was in town yesterday and called around and renewed his subscription, re­ ceiving ticket No. 50. If you want a ticket in our watch contest, now is the tim e to renew or subscribe. The contest is nearing its end, and some one is going to g et the pretty watch and chain. Hon. W m. H . T aft will speak in Salisbury Saturday w.orning a t 9:30 o’clock. Reduced rates on all rail­ roads. Go and hear the next Presi­ dent of the U nited States. 'CROUP / ItUMONIA SUVE VIG!!?? K V ^ph U Y The Gteatest Medical Discovery Since Vaccination. Absolute cure for Croup, Pneumonia, and Colds of all kinds. Quick relief for Burns, Bruises,. Stings, and all Inflammation. A box in your house is as good as, a doctor. One box will convince you of its value. 25c, 50c and $1.00 at your d ru g store or by mail. I Vick’s Family Remedies Co., Greensboro, N. C. The Time is Coming PREPARE NOW. We mean th at Christmas is soon coming and you will need a lot of things to make your house and home com fortable. O ur advise to you is this: Do Not Wait Until You Have to Buy Everything At Once. Commence now to buy your Suit of Furniture, your Carpet or Rugs, your Heating or Cooking Stoves, your Blankets or Quilts, Piano or Organ, Parlor Suit, Couches or Lounges, or anything you may need in the Furni­ ture line. R em em b er w e have the goods, the prices and the courteous treatm ent th at will m ake a lasting custom er out of any one who is willing to give us a trial. As to exclusive Bed Room Furniture, we m anufacture our own line and have the’best made in the South, hence we can save you all freights and extra profits, and give you a line of soods th at cannot be equalled in our city. Come to see.us and be convinced,1 and rem em ber tne place, the large brick store exactly in front of Brown's W arehouse door, on Main street, find in front of A. Daye7S store/ori Liberty street. So you can come into our store teither from Main or Liberty street* ju st as you like, as our store extends all the way through from Main to Liberty streets. Rominger & Bladkburn Furnishing Company. 422 Main Street and 423 Uberty St., Winston. THOMPSON’S DRUQ STORE. We give prompt and careful atten­ tion to mail orders. We carry the lar­ gest and most complete stock of Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Cigars, Rub­ ber Goods and everything carried in a first-class drug store in the city. Special attention given to the fitting of Trusses. Private room. Thompson’s Drug Store. Winston-Salem, M C. IJie county candidates are busy these days rehearsing their little speeches. The Mocksville Cafe is the place to g et your meals. Coffeeserved free with each meal. W e are putting in a line of dress goods. These goods are all new patterns. The 0 . C. Wall Co. The residence of Bud Davis, on Route 4, was burned Thursday night about 12 o’clock. Only a few of the contents were saved. The origin of the fire is not known. This is a very heavy loss to Mr. Davis. W e take pleasure iu directing our leaders’ attention to th e adver­ tisem ent appearing elsewhere in oar cplum r.sof th Southern School of Telegraphy, located a t Newnan1 G a. T here is a great aud constant Iy grow ing dem and for telegraph operaters, and we are glad to see this w orthy and weil-ieeognized institution doing such creditable work in helping supply that Ieniand. A nv young man wishing o iearn M gooil profession should invesufcat*- the opportunities ot­ tered :i the telegraph* field by w riting at once tot the School’s free, disoriptive literature. The latest thing out in tiny gold- plated safety pi ns. They are cute, and the price is 5c. each. Some­ thing every one needs. Call at our office and see them . Our shoe stock is complete. You cannot afford to buy till you see our gaods. TheO . C. Wsdl Co., Brick Store, N orth Cooleemee. j PLANTERS’ WAREHOUSE I is now open for the sale of leaf I tobacco. Accomodations are first I class. Good day stall for stock. I We guarantee you highest prices * and will see that your interests i are taken care of. W rite for any I inform ation. W ew antyourpat- > ronageand will do our best to I please you. Don’t fail to bring I us your tobacco. A lbert Matlock I never lets a pile of tobacco go for I less than it is w orth. The roads I to Statesville are good, 5 miles of I the Turnersburg road being ma- § cadamized. I Planters’ Warehouse, f*’ I A. G. MATLOCK, Auctioneer. H. D. Poindexter9 Winston-Salem, N. C. APPLER AND TURF OATS Iju s t w ant to say to the Farm* ers, don’t lose eigbt of these two money crops for fall seed­ ing, and till, the 1st of October don’t neulect sowing Crimson Ciover and Kye. It will give your stock early spring graz­ ing, is a fine tonic for yonr cattle and w ill keep yonr land from washing and save you from buying high price ferti­ lizers in the spring. W e have a New Iiue of Seeds—Eed Clo­ ver, Bur, Aisike, W hite and A lfalfa Clover, O rchard, Oat, K y Blue, Tim othy, H ungar­ ian and Fiscue seed. Clover is a Ii'tie lowec in price than last spring. W e also handle W arner Moore’s A nchorLim e. You should use it liberally in the soil, it pays and is cheap­ er than any of the prepared Limes you buy. E will also have some new seed wheats a liitle later on and will do all I can to push the Farm er up tiie hill Iiy selling the best of all kinds of Seeds and Sw ift’s FER TILIZER . I want to im ­ press Juu that while I use the word Best a great many times, I have not got the word p at­ ented and if I had I would loan.it to the farm er to dis poi-e of his product raised from the Seeds I sold him . I sim ­ ply t ry to can y the Best of everj thing I sell. M y stock, my F all Slock, is complete. It is with onr prices sim ply a slight of hand performance for us to sell you. v\ e sell yon Best Sheeting, Best Carpet w arp— Atnos G reen’s, Best Cotteei Batton and L ard, and iu Ship Stntts, Fjonr and Meal onr claim is onflless. Iu H ea­ vy Jeaus \ve carry a line th at will make yon think, cf the old tim es in prices, aud Feel proud winter is near at hand, And we have a stock of Shoes to heat the baud. The Best, of everything in town Antl OtiIton Bats that weigh a j.ound, At H. D POINDEXTER'S. Drop. W. B.SUMMERSETT 108-110 W. Ennis St. SALISBURY, N. C. Three or five piece iron beds. Pricesfrom the cheapest to the highest, $2.50 to $60. Wrought iron beds, guaranteed to stand better than wood or other material. This is of course only one of our many values. W e keep everything to be f o u n d in a first class furniture store from a 45c. chair to the best suit of Furniture. For good M attings, Rugs and A rt Squares, we cannot be excelled, neither in quality or prices. When in town come and see us, w hether you w ant anything or not. Let’s g et acquainted. I f y o u w i l l mention The Davie Record when trading with us, you will receive special attention. „ W. B. SUMMERSETT. I g l . s c o t t t I -------------------------------§ IT Garries on hand a complete j f ™ line of Groceries, Glassware, V Tobaccos, Cigars and Snuff. A Jfe Also a nice line of Notions, j». T Boy’s Suits and Men’s V Pants, Sweaters and Woolen Q Jackets. Complete line of qQi Men’s and Ladies’ Under- Y wear. A well assoated S r line of $ Ladies’ Coats. I S % C U T PRICES Nice lawns from 5 to 12ic. per yard. Mohairs from 37i to 45c. per yard. Shadowed Plaids from 18 to 20c. per yard. Bleach Domestic from 8 to 10c. per yard. Fruit of Loom bleach, 10c. per yard. G inghajns, 6 to IOc. per yard. Domestic from 5 to 8c. per yar% 8ea Island Domestic, 8 to 9c. per yard. Silk M ulls, 38c. per yard. Percals 10 to 12Jc. per yard. W a i s t goods from 10 to 22ic. per yard. P rints 6c. per yard. 42 inch Lawn, 10 to 12ic. per yard. M en’s *1 hats for 85c. M en’s $1.25 hats for $1. Men’s $2.50 hats for $2.25. L adies Em broideried Lawn Skirts at 75c. to $1. Ladies E m hroideried P ants 45c. Nice line infant caps from 15 to 65c. W e have only m entioned a few things, but we have most a,Dy thing you m ay w ant th at is kep t in a general store, aud ask you to call and see us before you buy, for we will certainly save you money. YOURS TO PLEASE, BAILEY & MARTIN. It’s on Staples This Time, Too. Such as the best qualities of G ingham s th at have been selling for 12 J and 15c. Large range of colors—ntripes, plaids and solids— 10c. now. Cham brays come next—soft-fin­ ished kind that'suits soJ well for dresses and boys w aists all 12£c. quality—colors solids, blue, tan, pink aud grey, stripes also. I t will wash, and price, here—10c. Then the Lawns in stripes and figures so suitable for th e cool knock-about sum mer ,dresses—gee! they are great— for the price we mean—you’ll think, so too. Sraae of them brought IOc., you can have them now for— well say 5Jc. More Law us. some of them fouud in stripes, floral designs, dots’ aud figure?, worth 1 2 Jc.- 10c. pric« now. A n d h ere we jum p to bleached domestics and take ju st the best brands th at you know so well like “ B arker M ills,” “ F ru it of the Loom” and “ Androscroggin” th at you have been paying 12}c. for and probably more, and p u t it back to the old price, 10c. F ather George Sea Island, an unbleached domestic with an’extm finish—7c. Begular 8c. value. Men’s Odd Suits. To be closed out at a consider­ able saving to you. If you are needing one, better take tim e and see w hat we are offering. Odd Pants, Too. J. T. BAITY. Highest price paid for country produce. When in town call and see me. G. L. SCOTT, * Near Depot. f Our contest closes Nov. 5th. you want that pretty watch? Do Tombstones. If you need anything like Tombstones Tab lets or Monuments call O n C L A U D G M IL L E B , Nortb W ilkeflboio. N. O J)R. ROBT. ANDERSON, DENTIST, Office over Bank of Davie T A X NOTICE! I will meet the tax-payers of Davie County at the following places to col­ lect taxes for the year 1908: County Line, Thursday, Oct, 15th, 1908 Clarksville,Friday, “16th,U Farmington, Saturday, “17th,ft Smith Grove, Wednesday, “21st,U Advance,Saturday,24th,U Fork Church, Wednesday, “28th,U Jerusalem,Thursday, “29th,if Mocksville,Saturday, “31st,U , . f t Please meet me and pay your taxes promptly. The Legislative and County Candidates will be present and discuss the issues of the Campaign. X L SHEEK, Sheriff. SAVE THIS S VTAlT Till Thursday Morning, Oct., 15th, at 9 o’clock. FOR Anderson’s Great Quick-action Closing Mocksville, North Carolina. : ■ ' w s Out Sale ThisEntire Etock of Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing, Furnishings, Crockery, Glassware^ Groceries, Etc., will be placed on sale, and -:- -> m> "•* MUST BE TURNED INTO MONEY IN THIRTY DAYS No matter what the price, or how great the loss. This will positively he the most liberal, Money-saving Sale ever known in this locality. GOODS WILL BE SOLD FOR LESS THAN COST OF PRODUCTION. In many instances, one dollar will do the work of three. In this limited space we can mention but a few of the Hundreds of Surprising Bar=5 gains, hut it will give you an idea of the VALUES THAT AWAIT YOU. DON’T WAIT, HOP THE FIRST TRAIN, HORSE MULE OR WAGON AND QET HERE! ONE LOT m ^ MEN’S SUITS f A O ! 0NE L0T CHILDREN’S / f t WORTH $5.00 I UXfBOYjS S H f iP e » v . „ ; i l ™ A o W fSHOESwill go at SUITS 89c!f3J^’48c!$“r 69cLOT LADIES’ SHOES I Double-Refined, W ater-W hite I 20 lb*. G ranulated Sugar a • Kerosene Oil 15c g£tl & n , ^ w I AD O ther Groceries at Prices which I ee I WiU Move Them Quick. I Bl« Lot Laundry Soap $103 I CROCKERY, GLASSWARE. 15c I I c I Prices Smashed to Smithereiens. Doors Closed Tuesday and Wednesday in order to mark stock and arrange for this great sale. The Goods are here to hack the prices. A Mighty Movement oi all Goods, Nothing Reserved. Everything marked in Large Plain Figures, and at MOST-GO-PRICES You Can’t Afford to Stay Away.You must and will be here. REMEMBER, the Big Sale starts Thursday morning, Oct. 15, at 9 o’clock. z. &AHDEKSOJt Mocksville, N. C. lsoot and Votarat“®».) '■ T-^rTTJVB cfCiBS OS1 AM. BOHMS AKD StAOBi OF- .uotser.P.P.asaspien-a Sron »sMn Seth Md ltagth. aiilom binalion. and pracribe tt « S h | ggplg I ViisteofenetsyMidalldtaMMMasiiltia, - - aI fjjgffi g from overuring tea sy»«aag»cai»gtp ~ Bthd use of P. P.P.' greet satisfaction for the cures Cf all forms and stages of Primary. Secondary ajid TftfHv-W :*fa. Frnhilitic Khets-1*XAtiieswfcose svateaiiaMpoltenedant ' s -Moodislnaalmpureoondltioadne —--rf —*•••• ■ ■ ■ ’ .. nenehted bytha wonderful toote and c a t a r r h !O mS SCROFULA IiaTOIBatetaasntieatmantiCatetrlitSIdn Diseases, Eczema, Chtonio Female Complainfa, Mercurial Poison, Xetten Bcaldhead, etc., etc. F. P. P. is a powerful tonto and an excellent appltizer, building up Uie ■yetem tapidly. If you ate ■weak and feeble, and Ieel badly tty. P. F. Fe and 0 1 blood deacaingfropeitlee of F. F .F , F tiA ly Aab.Fek.Boot and FateMlaa, Soldby aUDraggiste, F. V. LIPPMAN F rop irletor S avannaiif Ca. RHEUMATISM Southern Railroad. Operates over 7,000 Miles of Railroad. QUICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS North--South-East--West. !'•ir-nigh T ram s Between P rincipal O ltie^and R esort. • AFFORDING FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION: Elegant Pullm an Sleeping Cars on all Through rK ains. D ining, Clnh A nd O bservation C ars. * ■ For Speed, Com fort and Courteous Em ployes, travel v ia th e South­ ern R ailw ay. R ates, Schedules and other inform ation furnished by addressing th e undersigned: R, L .V eb n o n, T rav. Pass. A gt., . J . H . W ood, D ist. Pass. Agent C harlotte, F C , A sheville, F . C. 3. H . H abdw iok I ass. Traffic M gr. W . H . TAYLOE.Gen’l Pass Agt W A SH IN G TO N . D C. V PRICEL1ST0F WHISKIES Express Paid to your city. W e Ibe only whiskey house that m anufactures our own whiskey. Send aD orders to The Clarksville Whiskey House. Old R. W . Jones com W hiskey 8 years old..._______ _________________$3.50 Old R. W. Jones corn Whiskey 4 years old------------ ------ $2.75 & Old R. W . Jones com W hiskey 2 years old. :___^_; ___ $2.50 Corn W hiskey by the half gallon,......-------------------.— _— „----------------1.50 Corn Whiskey 4 gal 2 years old,...™,...........— :------------------...____.8.50 Com Whiskey 2 gal 2 years old,„„™„.™.„_.,______ 4 50 Com Whiskey 3 gal 2 years old,— .— .— ;-----------------.----------------------------_.6.50 Three Feathers 4 qts....„----- — Rye Whiskey, old velvet 4 years old •Mountain Rye 2 years old . Kentucky Bell Rye 8 years old.. Per CU. $8.00 4.00 .2.75 5.00 Echo Spring Rye 8 years old ., , --------- ...------~ J------.5.00 Silver Brook Rye 6 years old...'..™— —— .— L— -------- -----------------------4.00 Mountain Spring Rye xxx 4 years Old.., J„— —:— .— .™,,™— —3.50 Log Cabin Rye 3 years old ---------1--------------------- „..J--------2.75 Mountain Spring Rye x x ______ Excelsior Rye 2 years old u J_ : Golden Crown Rye 3 years old.._______ Professor JonesRye ________________ Apple Brandy Home Made 8 years o ld . Baltim ore Apple Bandy 3 years old,___ Ginger Brandy,.. ____..._______ I J ___9'00 ......._____ ■............." !.4.50 r f \ HA TKEacCO A ' / s t a b L a a f Dg S T A B jJ i « a 1 1 I B - I A T f e a i l l Tl Wf 1867 LOCATED IN THE HEABJ OF RICHMOND, VA, B h h bbbb b i b h i m SOUTHERN EXPRESS PRO M PT SHIPMEN T S ^ Hr" r ■:; *j.§ 41 41 PEACH BRANDV~TMS/ 0<<rS Cr°P’ but 18 PURE BRANDY - - - I . I I I ’lo 450 660PEACH BRANDY-Made espeeiallyforus in Maryland. - . - . . . . . g.'io 4 50 IsO rv rR A P ttt GALLON FOR ANY OF TMF ABOVE BRANDS IN FULL QUARTS.” _ ■ • 2 4 P lata o r 4 8 H a lt-P ln ia o f A ny A bovs B rands In P la in Cassa S7.5 0. We prepay express CSmgea at these prices and guarantee safe delivery. Write for complete price list, as these aie only a few hrinds. Money Order or Registered Letter with order. ■ A. HATKE Sb COM PANY, 800-802-804-806 E. CARY ST., BOX 371, 9;00 R ic h m o n d , V a . Peach Brandy 10 years old. Peach and H oney ______ ..„.3.00 .....2.50 ...5.00 2.00 ' Barrel Goods. Cherry Wine.________ $3.00 Old Cherry 8 years o ld :— ...4.00 P ort W ine_____________________ .50 Scuppernong W ine-------------------2.50 Clarret W ine ....... 2.25 Black Berry Wine.,...........................2.25 Bottled Goods. French Brandy Per Q t ----- Rye Whiskey. Green River Rye 4 Q ts--------- Three Feather Rye 4 Qts — Canadian Club 4 Qts.................. Old Prentice 4 Qts ,..______ M uinsRye 4 Qts...------------.... Full Dress 4 Qts.......................... Four Aces 4 Q ts. ........... Echo Springs 4 Qts ______ M ark Rogers 4 Qts.................... Jefferson Club 4 Qts.................. Golden Rye 4 Q ts ...................... Fitz H ugh Lee 4 Q ts ________ Blue Blood 4 Qts......._________ M ontreal M alt Whiskey 4 Qts $3.50 ...$5,00 „_8.00 „.„5.00 ...5.00 .....5 50 „5.00 5.00 .....5.50 5.00 .....5.00 .....5.50 5.00 ...5.00 .....5.00 Jameson Irish Whiskey 4 Qts.. .„$5.00 Dewar’s Scotch ________ 5.00 Royal Arch 4 Qts...„4.50 Rooney’s M alt 4 Qts.___________.4.50 Duffy’s M alt 4 Qts._____________5.00 Duffy’s M altby the case________12.00 American M alt 4 Q ts._________.4.50 Gasey M alt .................... ...4.50 Rose Valley Rye 4 Qts_________$4.90 Glenn Lilly Rye 4 Qts ............4.00. Old Velvet 4 Qts. : ___.4.00 G. P. R. 4 Qts,.„„________ 4-00 Silus Dean 4 Q ts------------- 4.00 Old H enry 4 Qts_______________.4.50 Bottled W ine. Virginia D are 4 Qts_____:_____$3.50 S t. Estephe 4 Qtsi. :______::3.50 St. Julean 4 Q ts..............._ _____.3.50 Virginia C larret 4 Qts 3.50 Emperial Sherry Wine 8 yrs 4 Qts 5.00 Domestic 4 Qts I ,„350 Alcohol best grade I q t ..........:...2.00 Minnehaha 4 Q ts ■___________,3.50 Pocahontas 4 Qts ____:____„4.50 Emperial Blaek B erry 4 Q ts____8.50 Scuppemong 4-Qts . i . ,3.50 P ort 4 Q ts .........: ____,3.25 Black Brandy 4 Qts... ....... 5.00 E x traD ry Mumms 4 Q ts______16.00 Take my advice and buy Home-made Copper-DistiQed Corn Whisbey made by us in the old fashion way. We are one of the few that make our own Corn Whiskey, so yon get it direct from the Still.; ■. AU orders mnst be accompanied Iqr Cashier’s Check, Postoffee Money Order, or Express Money Order.. No individnal checks taken unless known by the firm, as we know do one, and Dekrie knows &*• No stamps taken for Whiskey. No goods sent €. 0. D. J REFERENCE: First State Bank and Planters of ClarksviQe, Va., and FirstHatinnaI Bank, Oxford, N. CJ Send all orders to. - The CLARKSVILLE WHISKEY HOUSE Clarksville, Va. P* S. A11 Whiskeys Delivered Express Prepaidin plain boxes if desired. T he “IN GOB WE TRBST-ALL OTHERS CASH.- D ayie V ol - X.MOCKSVILLE. N. C.. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 20. 1908 No. 16 Prohibition in Charlotte as ft is Working. *<It beats anything I ever saw ,” ot,Eerved the cop on the square, as a newspaper man passed him late Saturday night or rath er early Snnday rooming, wending bis way homeward. From the reflective, goloqnizing manner in w hich th e jreinark was made it m ight have Ijeen addressed to the lam p post near which the officer stood, but the newspaper man pricked up bis ears and the cop. catching th e trig interrogation point on the pas-er- hy'g countenance, continued. -1W by, tue am ouut of d runker ness tonight. Last Saturday night there was com paratively little druukeouess, but tonight if I have seen one dt nuk I have seen fiftj.” ,‘To what do you attribute the marked increase in tkej tow n’s bi- bulousness,” asked th e Bcribe. •‘Do you think the entire squad on the firing line secured am m u­ nition from the drug stores!” . “Oh, no!” the gentlem an hastily added. ‘‘The blind tigers so li' their share of it, of course, b u t the drug stores did business, too. There were many sick people in the town last night.” “You didn’t have so m uch trou­ ble with drunks when the saloons- were in full blast, did you!” “So, not half so m uch.” “Well, you prohibitionists will get wise to the fact after aw hile that you did wrong not to let well enough alone.” “Yes.” moodily observed th e of­ ficer, “ if I ever get another.v.'wfiatsk at it, I bet I ’ll vote a wet tic k e t all right.”—C harlotte O b serv er.; ' May Need A nother Clark. It has just daw ned On M avor T; 8. Franklin th at the task of- keep­ ing tab ou the weekly records of whiskey sold on prescription by the drug stores is of a! stupendous sort, of such m agnitude, indeed, that the services of an additional clerk or stenographer m ay be ne cessary. The new .Qfdiriance re-; quires that a person securing more than a pint of whiskey on any one day be blacklisted,J1Sor debarred, from further participation in this privilege. It is, o£rioQise,« appar­ ent that the druggists them selves' will not be abie to*telI if an appli­ cant gets more than one pint a ’day it being possible fof^him tp . get a pint lrom each of th e severaf drug (tores. This necessitates the tabulation of the weekly records w ith -- .buch detail as to impose arduous; duties, upon some one The names o f ev­ ery person to whom prescriptions were issued—there were -441... Iaist week—will have to be kept before the eye from week to week in or­ der to ascertain if more than a pint is goiug to the sam e man on »ny single day. T his is a wor.k in comparison with which the m ak­ ing of a tabulated score. of a base­ ball game is‘a mere ;drqam . M ay­ or FrankliiPs ' stenographer . will Underta ke this additiorial-duty-for a time, and then t h e services of an utiier assistant may-be- -found tie cessary.—Charlotte. O bserver. ■ Iite siboie tells you how -prphi-- i'itimi prohibits. Bliod tigers arid drug stores,galore. - : *, BRYAN IN 1924. Q W hen M r. B ryan was notified in 1916 he m ade his param ount issue the regulation of departm ent stores; in 1920 he dem anded the defeat of ;he Bepnblicansa becaule- o f the m iserable way In w hich they had enforced the sm oke ordinance. B ut in 1924. when a great concourse- had gathered in front of Fairview 1 M r. B ryan tottered o u t. upon the poach and said: ‘‘Fellow citizens, the param ount issue this year is ‘me.’ T a m g e ttin g to bo- an old man. I should be putting aside millions for my fam ily taster than I am . I cannot afford to take the tim e from my lecture engagem ents to run for President. The phono­ graphic business, w hich I unfor­ tunately started in 1909, has prov­ ed a m istake. The people have been so fam iliarized w ith my voice -they won’tgcrossthelstrect to hear -me a t a do.lar a throw . I have had to cut rates for the fust tim e in iiiy lecturing caieer. I t is op t»:you, neighbors and fellow citi­ zens, t i elect me this tim e. I hereby renew my pledge of 1900, 1908,191$ 1916 and 1920 not to be a candidate far a second term .” W ith a m ighty cheer for the Peer: less One the m eeting'Tiroke up.— M inneapolis Journal. DO YOOR DUTY. Shall we repeat everything w e have said concerning trie election now -approaching! Shall we insist th a t every K epublicau do his full duty from now uutil election day! ■’.We are-certain all good. Republi- cans are in the harness and tnat they .will see to it th at T aft is giv­ en a m ajority such as no other President ever had. W e wish to rem ind you th a t B ry­ an ism stands fo r. things im practi­ cable; for legislation that.: spells ruin; for isms and fads and fancies th at belong to kiudergateu schools. —Yellow Jacaet. OUR CREED. “ W e will speak out; we w ill be heard, Though all earth ’s systems crack; We will not bate a single word - B or take a letter back. •‘W e speak the trn th and w hat care we For hissing and for scorn, W hile some faint gleam irgs- we can see • O f freedom’s coming morn! ‘•Let liars fear, let cowards shrink, Let traitors turn aw ay; W hatever we have dared to thiuk T hat dare we also say ” IN COLD STORAGE. A ccording to H arper’s W eekly, Bryan has had the following load of mis ?elaneoua stuff p u t in th« cold storage plant a t Lincoln, Neb.: T hreehundred and ninety-tw o speeches delivered in 1896, m ain­ taining th at the only hope of pros peiity lay in the free and unlim i ted coinage of silver at a ratio ol 16 to I. E ight hundred and sev­ enteen odd speeches, letters arid editorials of various later dates, reiteratiug the beliefs of 1896. Om statem ent, under date of 1900, as serting intention uot to ask for an­ other nom ination for the Presiden­ cy. One assertiou th at I couio not accept the support ol IUinob Deim ciacy on any other condition ih an th e utter repudiation thereb' ot oue Eoger Sullivan. One speech delivered in New York City con cerning Governm ent ow nership o, railroads, Goods to be kep t undei lock and key until called for.— W . J . B. Democratic Sheriff Gone Wrong. The Democratic sheriff of Tyrrell died a tew weeks, ago, and his ac­ counts were $2,500 short, and fcbej f tund several hundred pall tax re­ ceipts he had torn out of the books and reported paid in order to al­ low Democrats to vote, and not a cent collected from them . Demo cratsare not talking about' this rascality of one of tneir officers. W here Bullets Flew. David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y,, a /eteran of the civil war, who lost a foot at Gettysburg, says: “The good Electric Bitteis have done is wort- uore than five hundred dollarB to me i spent much money doctoring- for a bad case of stomach trouble, to little iurpose. I then tried Electric Bit­ ers, and they cured me. I now take ■:bem as a tonic, and they keep me itrohg and well. 50c at C C Sanford Sons Co. * W heu a niau nearly breaks hit neck getting out of the way of a lightning bug, supposing it to be a locomotive, it’s ,tim e for him to swear off. Why Colds are Dangerous.b Because you heve contracted ordi­ nary colds aud recovered from them vithout treatm ent of any kind, do not for a moment imagine that cokk ire not dangerous. Everyone know> chat pneumonia and chronic catarrh nave their origin in a common cold, Consumption is not caused by a coiu iut the cold, prepares the system for he reception and development ot he germ3 that would not otherwise - ia"e fouud lodgement. It is the same vitli all infectious diseases. Dip- heria, scarlet fuver, measles ant; vhooping cough arc much more likeh ;o be contracted when the child has a cold. You will see from this that nore real danger lurks in a cold than ai any other of the common ailments The easiest and quickest wav to cure i cold is to take Chamberlain’s Gough Remedy. The many remarkabl cures effected by this preparation nave made it a staple article of trade >ver a Itirge part of the world. Fo: sale by C. G,. Sanford SonsCo- A pain prescription is printed upon each*25c box of Dr. Shoop’s Pink Paii Tablets Ask your doctor or druggist this formula is not complete. IIead -pains, womanly pains, pain.- anywhere get instant relief from a Pink Pain Tablet. C. C-. SanforC Sons Co. .. A Healthy Family. r “ >ur whole family has enjoyed good health since we begah using Dr King’s New Life Pills, three years ago,” says -L A. BartJet, of Rural Route T1- -Guilford, Maine. They cleanse and .tone tne sy=tem in a gen­ tle way that does you good. 25c at C. C. Sanford Sons Co. E verything sm ells rosy to Ool. YVattersorij even a S tandard Oil can.—Ex. . ' -/--.L a m e B a c k . This ;ailment is usually caused by rheumatism’' of ■ the muscles ■ of the small of the back, and is quickly cured by applying Chamberlain’s Lin­ im ent two or three times a day and massaging, the parts a t each appli­ cation; For sale by .. . Sanford Sons Co T he fellow who Let a h at on B ryan stands a good chance of go­ ing bareheaded. There is more < ’atarrh in this sec- tio I of fi O -O -Ot1-V than,.,all other (U s c .iM -. I i e i last jew,.,ei'i-s -WHti;jf-‘nppo8ed.to be Hicnrablv-: For •* great many years doctors pronounced it a local dis­ ease and p res!-r i bed-1 oval reined ice, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatm ent, pronounced if incurable. Science bSs* proven fiSfcftrpti to ii£ ijjfl Anti therefore requi i oh oouKti-. thtiuiirel treatment- KaiJ’sJ.’atarrh * ui-e, manufactured bv F. J. Ohe- & Co., Toledo,- Ohio, is .th e cm SMtutionaI ctireon theinar- ket ..It is taken lntcrnallv in doses limn *0 -;iops i- a- teaapnontul. It- aeih (Iiiei--Hy ou the bfood and ron com f -I !jpiirs'-oi.Mi*. svmein - Thev 1,1 n o hi I reri.-riojlivra -for anv .- ’ c -!C.- - end dtiriCiP,- wiUijs auu Icsuuionjais, ■ • T-- W ould M ortgage the Farm. A farm er on Rural Route 2, Empire. Ga., W. A. Floyd by name, says: “Bueklen’s Arnica Salve cured the .two worst sores I. ever saw; one on my hand and one on my leg. Itisw orth more than its • weight in gold. I would not be without it if I had to mortgage the farm to get it.” Only 25c a t C. C. Sanford Sons Co. Wberi a tram p asks for bread, don’t give him a stone, set the dog rib him. Stomach troubles would_ more quickly disappear if the idea of treating the cause, rather than the effect^ would come into practice. A tinv. inside, hidden nerve, .says Dr. and until the Shoop, governs and gives strength to the stomach. A branch also goes to the heart, and one of the kidneys. WhQri these “inside nerves” fail then the organs m ust falter. D r Shoop's Restorative is directed specifically to these failing nerves. W ithin 48 hours a fte r starting the Restorative, treat­ m ent patients say theyrealize a gain Sold by C. C. Sanford Sons Co. Ifa ll the devils were cast out of some people,., they, the people would look like w alking skeletons A crank is a man who has a dil- ferent hobby from your own. DYSPEPSIA AND GENERAL DEBILITY. are cured by P . P . P ., Lippm an> G reat Remedy, the superior of all sarsaparillas. P P . P . is th e greatest tonic for the stonmeh tbai was ever known. Iudipestion, Bad dream s, and Bil- lionsness give way rapidly to the powerful tonic arid blood cleansing properties of P . P . P . A prom inent railroad superin­ tendent living a t Savannah, G a,, (in which city he was born) says he feels better than he ever did, and he bad the worst case of dyspepsia on record. H e had no appetite, and th e little he ate disagreed with hiin, cansiug him to vom it often; be had pai.is in the head, breast and stom ach; but after using three bottles of P . P . P . he felt lik e a new man. H e says th a t he feels th at he conld live forever if he could alw ays get P . P . P . H is nam e will be given on appli cation to us. Sold by AU D ruggists. T-here aiu.’t no credit-for keeping in the right road, when there> barbed wire fences on both sides T hem anw ho wants the eartt invariably gets it—when be dies VVhosocometh his hair with a view to hiding the bald spot, is a liar at heart. Go to the blood, if you w ant to drive outRheum aiism. AWisconsiri physician, Dr. Shoop does this with his Rheumatic Remedy—and with seeming success. Rub-on’s, says the doctor, never did cuae Rhevmatism. It is more than skin deep—it i3 con­ stitutional. always,. Because of thi; principle, Dr. Shoop’s Rheumatic Remedy is perhaps the most popular in existane’e. It goes by word of mouth from one to another, every­ where. G rateful patients gladly spread results. It is an act of hu- many .to tell the sick of a way t “ health. Tel) some sick one. Sold by. C. C. Sanford Sons Go. Man is m ade of dust; along comes the w atering cart of fate and his nam e is m nd. ANDREW SCHENCK, President of the Germania Fire Insurance Co., Recommends Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. I have used Chamberlain’s Gough Remedy In my family for over a year and car. sav that it never failed to cure the inost stubborn cough or cold I can recommend it to any fanaiiy as a sure and safe children’s, cough remedy — ANDREW SCHENCK, "Ayton, Ont. This remedy is for sale by C. G Sanford Sons Co. A CLEAR CUT, CLEAN UP-TO-DATE BARBER SHOP, Situated in the Pass building on Depot St. Callinandgive me a trial. Also cleaning and pressing clothes. W . H. PEARSON. m im m COOK STOVES W ITH 22 PIECES OF WARE AND EVERY ONE GUARANTEED. Crim-CantreIl Furniture Co., Eastof Court House. Winston-Salem. -OF- Ladiesr Tailor Made Siiits ever shown in Salisbury, ia ail. the new shades and styles, iNe can give you over 230 suits to se­ lect from with a range of prices from $16.33 to $50.00. We can also boast ef a big line cf Skirts aud the prettiest and most up-to-date styles of any city in North Carolina, We can simply fit anybody in a -suit or skirt. Our suits run in sizes from a Misses and junior 13 to 20, Ladies 32 to 44. We also have suits made P fit stout ladies. Ladies who have a short waist, we can fit you as good as one that has a regu­ lar figure. Wehave skirts the satne way. We can fit a Miss of 14 years and a lady that has a 36 inch waist, all lengths. We have a good line of mourning suits and skirts. If some men would loose their reputation, They would be lucky. I u i X m ^ O U G H a! AND C U H S t h e U J H C S ! WITH Dr. twig’s Sls60¥irf fOR CSiJgrAND ALL THROAT AND LIlKfi TROUBLES. G U A RA N TEED SATISFACTORY O R M O N EY EEFTTKDEP. Yow we want to talk Coats to you for we think and believe th at we have the greatest line of these th at is carried by any hoase in N orth Carolina. We know this is saying a great deal but we can deliver rhe goods. W eh av eth em in all the new styles and colors, prices from $1.00 m $35.00 w ith best line from $3.50 to $10.00 th at h»s ever iieen made. ©ur Xine o f lDress <3oo6s and silks can’t be m atched neither in price, style or coloringB. T hink of a 50 inch panam a for 50c., and big lot of.enitings th at sold for "j25 cents we are. selling nt 121 cents. Dress goods th at sold for 59c., are selliiig tor SO and 35cts. I f ..- . ' . - ■ . . . ; ; Cut this adsout and bring to Brittain & Campbell’s and get 10 per cent, dis- Y count on your purchase. we To qoicklv check a cold, druggists are dispensing everywhere, a clever Can v Cold Cure T ab let called Pre- ventics Preventics are also hne for fever! ii children: : Take -Pre*Qntita Pt * he. sneez.* StaafOt to otf ..a .1 colds- ISOX of 49- 2f*c. |8ousoo. The wholesoriie, harriiless green leaves and tender sterns of a lu n g : healing mountainous shrub, give to Dr- Shoop’s Cough Remedy its cura­ tive properties. Tickiing^or dry; u w am a auick cure w hhout bronchial coughs quickly and safely •- 0f rime, and o£e that is followedvield to this highly effective Cough b j^do bad r48Ult8> „8e medicine. Dr. Shoop assures m oth-r -' ers th at they can w ith safety give it - L n 3 r n 9 ® n « » H to even very young babies. No C S h o l@ r a S D C l opium, n o ; chloroform -absolutely nothing;liareh or harm ful. Itcalm s D j g r f H O C S R @ n |0 Q y the distressing cough, and heals the It never fells and is pleasant to take, sensitive membranes. Accept no It ^ equally valuable for- cni'.dren.. It is r Sa Ilford I Other. Demand Dr. Shoop’s. Sold by /rim css for Its c-.ires over a large part ol - J C. C. Sanford Sons Co. the civ /ed world O ur store will be full of Bargains for the BIG YrA D K IN YrALLlAY FA IR . M ake it your headquarters. . • Wc *Sieep XLbe Scbool Boohs, j Campbell, SaKslmry, N. C Brittain & 123 Soiitli Main. THE DAVIE RECORD. C. FRAim STROUD Editor Entered at the Postofflee in Mocfcs- ville, N. Q., as Second-class Mail m atter, M arch 3.1903. Term s of Subscription: One copy, One Y ear,---------------50c. One copy, Six Months.— .-----25c. LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER . EVER PUBLISHED IN DAVIE COUNTY. MOCKSVILLE, N. C., OCT. 20, 1908. OUR TICKET. For President, WM. H. TAFT of Ohio. For Vice-President: JAMES S. SHERMAN, of New York. ForG overnor J. ELWOOD COX. ForLieutenant Governor CHARLES FRENCH TOMS. Secretary of State DR. CYRUS THOMPSON. For Auditor JQHN QUINCY ADAMS WOOD. ForT reasurer W. E. GRIGGS. Superm tendentof Public Instruction : REV. DR. J. L- M. LYERLY. For Attorney General JAKE F. NEWELL. For Commissioner of Agriculture J. M. MEWBORNE. For Corporation Commissioner . HARRY G. ELMORE. For Insurance Commissioner J. B. NORRIS. Commissioner of Labor and Printing C. M.RAY. For Electors-At-Large __ A. A. WHITENER, THOMAS SETTLE. For State Senate W .M . LEE. For Congress ZEB VANCE WALSER. For Representative A. T. GRANT, Jr. For Sheriff J. Ii SHEER. For Register of Deeds J. F. MOORE. For Treasurer J. W. ETCHiSON. ForSurveyor • ■I M. C. UAMES. For Coroner. W. D: FOSTER. For Conaty Commissioners J M CAIN, C G BAILEY, B F STONESTREET. T aft’s N orth , Carolina speeches made him many friends. ' T aft only spoke for 15 m inutes in Salisbury, but w hat he told the boys was w orth more to them than the average two-hour speech of the Democratic spell-binders in th is country. Secretary Shaw entertained the boys on the outside while T aft spoke to a packed house in Salisbury Sat­ urday morning. Many ladife were present and both speakers w ere re­ peatedly cheered. Gov. Haskell, of Oklahoma, has sued Wm. H earst for six hundred thousand dollars. H earst is a Plu tocrat, and if he would just hand it over a t once, Haskell could replenish Mr. Bryan’s campaign fund. That would be fine.—* ‘splendiff erans ” The Courier seems much exercised over the County Home, and Jail. A Democratic board of commissioners used them for "years and thought they were good enough, prior to Dec. 1st, 1896, but they were too busy getting the County in debt to build anything. Ju st hold your nose, Mr. Courier, we have an idea you have sm elt worse odors w ithout “spiling your phiz.” CERTAINLY. “The m ore we think of them, the more we are impressed with Judge Webb’s decisions.” —Moeksville Courier. Yes indeed, the man who publicly proclaimed that he would stand up to Billy Willson in anything he did, would endorse anything. No doubt about that “Birds of a feather” generally flock together. M. KING BRYAN. M r. Josiah W. Bailey, Bryan elec­ tor, said on the streets here Satur­ day, th at if Bryan was elected, he, “Bryan, would run the party, and on the other hand, the party would run T aft.” In other words, Bryan would be the whole thing, and T aft would take counsel of the people. The people will rule through Taft, and that’s what-they w ant and are going to have. AndBaileyspake, but the m ulti­ tude did not materialize. Nay Pauline, the county officers will not be composed of Democrats. New York’s 39 electorial votes will be given Hon. Wm. Howard Taft. The Record will issue one more paper before the election of Mr. Taft. It will be a warm member. Do you w ant to vote? If so, be sure your name is on the Registration books. Did the Dem nominee for the House of Representatives m eet G rant in joint debate last week? Nay. nay, Pauline. Only two more weeks of suspense and then Billy Biyan will haul in his alfalfa crop and quit dream ing of the White House until 1912. Some of the more enthusiastic Democratic brethren are actually foolish enough to think Davie county will go Democratic. Foolish boys. Do the people ,of Davie County w ant to turn over the finances of the County to such men as Thos. Mock? Tom is a “ Daisy financier,” no doubt about it.- Murder! Haltll- L aydow nyour plow, hoe, axe, hammer, or what­ ever you have in your hand and go and register to-day before it is too late. Ifhorseback riding was essential to the election o f' the Dem ticket, the whole outfit would, be elected, but the rider hath not the power to change the vote one iota. The registration books will close Saturday, This is your last chance to register and vote at the Nevember election. If your name is not on the book, go and register to-day. Several of the Democrats biggest guns are to be fired in this county next week. It’s no use, boys, the people of old Davie don’t bite a t suckers, and not a single one can be roped in. TAFT RECEIVES GREAT OVA­ TION IN NORTH CAROLINA. From Statesville, in the west, where he made his first speech of the day, to Reidsville, w here the last stop w ithin the state was made and where J udge T aft addn ssed a crowd, the trip of the Republican presidential candidate through N orth Carolina Saturday was one coutinnous ovation. Judge Taft has been told by R e­ publican leaders in every one of the Southern states he has visited th at his invasion of the south has been most opportune and will be beneficial, not only in the present cam paign, but,w ill m ark the be­ ginning of the real political aw ak­ ening of the sonth. H e has also been told, th at real hopes are enter­ tained of carrying K entucky and N orth Carolina and th a j R epubli­ can sentim ent is gaining ground rapidly in Tennessee. Judge T aft’s visit, to Greensboio Saturday was the first ever made by a Republican presidential can didate to this city. H e spoke to one of the largest crowds th at has ever assembled in N orth G irolina to hear a political address. Judge Taft made two speeches here—one a t the opera house and one a t the A uditorium . W hile M r. Taft was speaking at tne opera house, Leslie M . Shaw, ex-secretary of the treasury, was speaking a t th e A uditorium , where it was expected th at both T aft and dhaw would speak. M r. T aft received his greatest ovation when he w as driven in an autom obile into the A uditorium through the Forbisstreet entrance. Thousands rose and cheered for a few m inutes, while the presiden­ tial candidate wag m aking his way to the platform . ' H ere Judge Taft m ade again the points he brought out Friday at Chattanooga: “ If thesouth wants political influence she has got to exercise intelligence in the dis­ charge of her p o litical. d u ty .”— Industrial News. Will W. C. Hammer, the solicitor of this district, tell the people why he did not indict a certain Democrat in Davie for selling booze when the man who bought "it showed him thV bottle and contents, and gave hifif the name of the seller? W as it be cause he was a Democrat? SPEAKING IN STATESVILLE. SpeeialtoTheG bserver. . Statesville, Oct. Jfc1-M r.-J. Bryan Grimes, State, Senator ^W hiteheadriScrt&tite'O'.e - <***.it& ;^ ^ § b u i3 g ^ < ^ M ia jv s, SR, Graham addressed the voters of southwest Statesville last night in the old W estEnd M ethodist church. In spite of the threatening w eather a large crowd was present to hear the discussion of the issues. The speeches were good and the hearers w ere enthused and manifested much interest. M r. K luttz, who spoke first, was introduced by Mr. Dorman. Thompson, and the other speakers by Mr. J. A. Hartness. A fter the speeches a Democratic Club was or­ ganized w ith W. A. Moose, presi­ dent, W. J. Lazenby, vice-president and M. P Alexander, secretary and treasurer. PREAMBLE. “ We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more per­ fect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, prom ote the general w elfare, and secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and estab-. Iish this Constitution for the United States of America.” Now we wish to refer our readers to A rticle 6 of the Constitution, which reads in p art as follows: “But no religious test shall ever b e . re­ quired as a qualification to any of­ fice or public tru st under the Uni­ ted States.” A n d alittle laier the following am endment was adopted, A rticle I. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishm ent of religion, or prohibiting the free ex­ ercise thereof; or abridging the free­ dom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to assemble, and to petition the Governpient for a redress of grievances.” I have thus quoted from our chart to show the readers of The Record th at our forefathers having suffered from re­ ligious persecutions on the other side of the ocean intended to protect the people from a tyrannous priest­ hood in free America. It was intend­ ed that every man in free America should worship God according to the dictates of their own conscience, un­ tramm eled by church or state, but today we have but to look around us, read the daily papers and we can see the same spirit of intolerance of the ancient church, the same slavish chains are being forged to shackle free Americans and place our peo­ ple completely under the domina­ tion of the present day despotic priesthood. I say this w ith no un­ kind feeling, or ill will toward the holy man of God, who is striving daily to raise and elevate, to lead the people in the way of tru th as taught in the bible, but these latter- day saints, who are more intent on gaining temporal power, in order to rule the people instead of leading them , and who are allying them ­ selves w ith the politicians, throwing the church doors open—not their doors—but the doors to God’s house are being flung wide open to the po­ liticians, and the temple of God is being polluted by these men who were called or at least claim to be called of God to preach the gospel, and guard the holy of holies from all earthly pollutions. A t States-, ville, in an adjoining county, the M ethodist church doors were thrown open—not to take in new members —but for Democratic speakers, and actually a Democratic club was or­ ganized therein. Now when Christ ran up on just such a gang, he drove them out, and called them a den of thieves, W earedrifting far from the old landmarks and the line sepa rating the ins and the outs is fasi disappearing, and in a few years more to be able to recognize the called of God, one will need a spy. glass and a politician to introduce him. When I was a boy you never heard the wail of the politician in the church, and those good old min­ isters labored for your spiritual wel­ fare, comforted you in sickness and when death invaded the family cir­ cle. . You did not hear them preUch- ingpartizan politics from the pulpit, or find their names on circulars tell­ ing the people which party to. Vote for, nor did they ride over the coun­ try electioneering for the party There has got to be a halt called, o r the people who differ with the preacher will stay away from church and withdraw, and refuse to help support these men, who are bring-, ing the m inistry into contempt. I would respectfully refer these poli­ ticians who are invading the dedi­ cated houses of God to the 6th chap­ ter of 2nd Samuel, 6th and 7th ver­ ses, where it tells how the Lord sm ote and killed Uzzah, who put forth his hand upon the ark of the covenant to keep it from falling off the cart when David was moving it to Jerusa’em. Tne sancity - o f our- churches should be protected-from the polution of the politicians. L et’s j be one people and forever, keep church and state s e p e r a t e . • M. Grand Contest. Q ur Second Grand Contest began Septem ber 15, 1908. To every old or new subscri­ ber who pays 50 cents on subscription to The Davie Record between Sept. 15th and Nov. . 5th, will be given a receipt bearing a num ber on it. A ticket bearing a correspond­ ing num ber, will be deposit­ ed in a box and all tickets will be kept in this box until Nov. 5th, when tickets will be taken out and shuffled, after which a boy will draw one of the tickets, the one he-draws first, being the one that wins the Pretty Gold W atch, which will be presented to the person holding the re­ ceipt whose num ber corres­ ponds w ith the ticket drawn by boy. The Second Prize is a beautiful watch chain or solid gold ring, whichever the winner prefers. ‘ Our Second Contest will be conducted in the same m anner as the one we ran last December, and will be fair and open to all. Re­ member that every 50 cents paid on subscription entitles you to one ticket in this big contest. Some one will get -these nice presents. Why not you. . The watch we are going to . give away is a 12 size, 20- •>?; year gold filled, Elgin moves , m eiit, fully guaranteed by .. us. Call a t oUr office and examine the presents. Subscribe Now. 20,000 TELEGRAPH OPERATORS NEEDED YOUNG MFN PREPARE YOUR- SELVES FOR GOOD POSITIONS. On account of the new 8-hour law passed by congress in the interest of telegraphers, and also on account of so many new railroads being built and old lines extended, an unusual demand for operators has been cre­ ated. Conservative estim ates have placed the num ber of additional Op erators that will be required during the next ten months a t approxim ate­ ly 20,000 YOUNG MEN NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY! Enroll in our School NOW and in only four to six months we will have you qualified for splendid positions. Telegraph Oper rators receive from $50.00 upwards. Our school has been established 20 years; its equipm ent is perfect; in­ struction thorough and practical; po­ sitions positively guaranteed our graduates. Board in Newnan is very cheap; the town i3 healthful and the people are cordial. Two Main Line Railroad W ires run into our School rooms. No other school in the Uni­ ted States has such up-to-date and practical facilities for the benefit bf its students. W rite at once for.free, descriptive literature. Suulkern School of. Telegraphy;; NEW NAN, GEORGIA, To weak and ailing women, there is at least one way to help. But with.that way, two treatments, must be combined. One is local, one Is constito* tlooal, but both are important, both essential.'Br. Shoop7S Kight Cure is the Local.Br. Shoop’s Restorative, the Constitutional. ' . The former—Dr. ShGop's Night Cuxe—is a topical mucous membrane suppository remedy, while Dy. Shoop sRestorativeis wholly an internal'treat* ment. The Restorative reaches throughout tha - entire system, seeldng the repair of all nerva, alTtlssue, and all blood ailments.TheiV Night Cure", as its name implies, does ha work.while you sleep. -It soothes sore aad indam* wamucous surfaces, h&nls-local w^imoppafl discharges, while the Restorative, .......—— vj.o iLMiuioiiye, n u .. w__excitement, gives renewed vigor and ambition, builds up wasted tissued, bringing about renewed strength,, vigor, and energy. Take Br. Shoop’s Resforative--Tablets or Liquid-^sa general topfo to the system. For positive local help, use as weB Dr. Shoop’s Night Cure C. 0. SAMFOhO SONS CO. Arey Hardware Co. Fire Arms, Fishmg Tackle, Cutlery, Etc. 123 South Main St.SAUSBURYf N. C. ALL KINDS OF REPAIR WORK PROMPTLY EXECUTED. I 1,000 w orth of. Victor records and machines in stock "all the • time. .. Ko­ daks and supplies,1 f RIFLES. REMINGTON, 22, Single shot. WINCHESTER, 22, Single shot, : “ 22, Repeater from $10 to “ 22, Automatic, special price,. “ Long range rifles, from $17.50 to $5.50 s.p o $12,50 17;5Q 20:00 Full line standard makes of shot guns, double barrel .from. $10 up. Single barrel from $4.50 up. ■* Special order for high grade guns. ■ Also complete line of Pistols and Ammunition of all kinds. The people of Davie county will receive special attention when they call onus. AREY HARDWARE COi Prices Lowered Dry Goods much lower than a year ago. Proof—-see - my prices. My U nrleiw ear prices will astopish you. M en’s P ants extra low. Some riress go Ms woith 25c to go at I5e per yd. Spleiuiid line of m en’s glowes. Dig line of men’s, ladies’ anti children's hose. Second-hand Clothing;—well, we don’t quite give them away, but next thin * to it, 1 | Come to see me this fall, I ’ll m ake you say it paid H you, 'I hafiking you one aiid all for your pat HI ronage, I am the sa n e Old Reliable, I J. LEE KU RF EES. IHCaMQRAtM CAPITAL STOCK, $30,000.00. ■ RALEIGH, N. G CHARLOTTE, N. C. Pnllen B tiildiD g. Piedmont Ins, THESE SCHOOLS GIVE the world’s best in modern Business ■ Education. Oldest Business College in N orth Carolina. Positious .r guaranteed, backed by a w ritten contract. No vacation, individ- .. ual insstruction. W e also teach Book-keeping, Shorthand, Pen- manship, by mail. Send for Home Study rates, W rite to d a y fo r.. our Catalogue, Offers and High Endorsements. .They are free. Address ' . ! KING’S BUSINESS COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C., or CHARLOTTE, N .C. T H E P E O P L E ’S N A T IO N A L BA N K r UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY, W i n s t o n - S a l e m , - I - 1 N. iG . . CAPITAL $300,000.00. * ASSETS A MILLION AND A HALF. Takes care of its custom ers when money is firm or easy, keeps every transaction confidential, allows inter­ est a t 4 per cent, from date on Certificates of Deposit; has a Savings De­ partm ent, loans money to you, or for you, and does everything a well con­ ducted up-to-date bank should do. L et us have your business: IN obetter place. You can send your deposits by maul. JOHN W . FRIES, President. WM. A. BLAIR, VTce.Pree.ahd Cashier. I V. WALLACE & SONS, m I WHOLESALE 5 Dry Goods, Notions and Clothing.,s§ 1 H DRO? US A CARD AND OUR SALESMAN WILL CALL. SAUSBURYf N. C. the DAViS RECORD, ^ankSTROUD- - - Editor. PERSONAL NEWS. ^ to n fe S i cents to-day The Mecklenburg Fair is in prog- JfflSthis week. tacob Stewart, Esp., spent a day or two i n Salisbury last week. j A Naylor, of W inston, visited relatives near Cana last week. , F a Click, of Hickory, has ac­ cepted'3 position on Tlie Record. Mi.p ];ne Men’s and Boy’s H ats, £ T Bailey & M artin’s. Mr and Mrs. Shelton Stroud, of County Line, were in tow nThursday shoppie . A g o o d buggy’horse for sale. -Call on E H Morns. Mocksville, N . C. H R Shaw, of Calahaln, Route I, wss in town thursday and gave us a pleasant call. pi-i’g and Children’s Caps a t Girl Bailey & M artin’s. Mr. E. H. Pass and m other, spent • few days in Statesville last week with relatives. Men’s heavv fleeced 50c underw ear •tJ T Baitv’s for 38c. Is it w orth ,our while to take a look’ the Davie folks are at- the Yadkin Valley F air a t Salisbury this week. Go to Bailey & M artin’s to get what you want. Miss Sarah Miller returned Friday from a week's* delightful visit to friends in Greensboro.- Bailey & Martin’s is the cheapest price store in town. C. L. Matheson, editor of the Ihyldfeville Scout, died a t his home in "that city last Monday. Nice line of Dry Goods at Bailey & M artin's. MissSarah Gaither went, to Spar­ tanburg, S. C.. last week, w here she entered Converse C ollege.. Callatthe Mocksville D rug Co., for your stationery, school supplies, and toilet articles .. Miss Mabel KurfeesV ofCooTeemee lnnttion, spent Saturday and Sun- (fayin this city with relatives. Ladies' dress goods, shoes, cloaks, trunks, etc. Big new line a t “cash lnnsti*1' prices at The 0. C. Wall Goi North Cooleemee. II Anumber of Mocksvillians w ent I down to Salisbury Friday night and I took in Taft’s speech there S aturday; Anderson’s great quick-action sale is still in progress, and hundreds of Davie and Iredell people are throng­ ing this store daily, picking up bargains. Ladies and Children’s Underwear a t Bailey & M artin’s. Miss Lm da Clement delightfully entertained a num ber of her friends Thursdayevening a t the hospitable home of D r. and Mrs. Clement, in South Mocksville. Children’s Toboggans, a t Bailey & M artin’s. O ur old friend, Daniel Brown, of near Calahaln, was in town last week and brought us a sweet potato th at weighed over three pounds. .We are still eating on the giant, and here’s wishing friend Brown many m ore years of prosperity. The line of Ladies’ Cloaks at J. T. Baity’s are very attractive ‘this season, and deserve great commen­ dation as the values he offers are far in excess to the prices asked. Geo. W. Sain, who has been visit­ ing relatives in this city and county for the past few weeks, returned Saturday to his p ^st of duty as Sarg’t of the 61st Co. of. Coast A rtillery at Sausalito, Cal. We wish George m uch success. A nother feature of J. T. Baity’s store is the line of Ladies’ H ats which he carries. It is marvelous how he can offer such nice hats at such little prices. Mrs. R. N. B arber delightfully entertained the members of the vai - ious Missionary Societies of this city Thursday afternoon from 2:30 to 5:30. D aiiity refreshm enss Were dispensed and the occasion was one of the m ost delightful of the season. B e a rin m iu d y o u can get 50c. underw ear foi 37ie. at J . Lee Kubeees. The little 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Holton died Saturday of scarlet fever and was buried Sun­ day a t Rose Cemetery. The little fellow had only.been sick for a few days. 'I he sym pathy of The Record is extended to the bereaved ones in this, their sad affliction. ^Plenty8c gingham at 5c, cotton'. Mvalamance at 5c w orth 7c. Many other goods at cut prices. T h e, Buck Store, North Cooleemee. j fe. E. W. Mooring, of Route 5, who was taken to the Long sanitar- J®atKtatesville recently, is m uch1 improved in health. Boys,rabbit hunting season is J^ny here. Come now, we have Sc I1JFvcut saHiple hoot. The •t Wall Co., North Cooleemee. Br. and Mrs. R. P. Anderson cete- taW their chrystal wedding last • Tnose who were present re- Wdadelightful evening. i f SALE- -One good Remington Aimi, ‘ue> 0Re walnut bureau. My to W.C. P. Etchison. W e have a large stock of standard novels a t reduced prices. Ask to see them . Mocksville D rug Co. - The 0 . C: W all Co., Of N orth Cooleemee; have purchased the G rangerland adjoining their store property, and have had it surveyed, and laid off , into town lots which they will shortly put on the m arket. Mr. S. B. Hanes, of this city, did the surveying and platting and the draught is now on display a t the Bank of Davie. The work is neatly and artistically done. \Ve take pleasure in directing our leaders’ attention to the adver­ tisem ent appearing elsewhere in our eolum r.sof th Southern School of Telegraphy, located a t Newnauv G a. T here is a great aud constant Iy grow ing dem and for telegraph operaters, and we are glad to see this w orthy and wed-lecognized institution doing such ereditable work in helping supply thal dem aud. A ny young man wishing to learn a good piolessiau should investigate the opportunities ol fered i t the telegraph field l»y w ritiug at once tot the School’s free, discriptive literature. G et home-made chairs foi 48c. at J. Lee K urfees. FOR SALE 5 fine thoroughbred Berkshire pigs. Call on K H . M ORRIS. The Time is Coming PREPARE NOW. mean that Christmas is soon coming and you will need a lot of lttlSs to make your house and home Comfortable. Ouradviseto you ■ this; _ ■ ■ . - Hot W ait Until You Have to Buy Everything AtOnce. W lifice now fo buy your Suit of Furniture, your Carpet or Rugs, " lor Snif1^or 9°°k‘n8 Stoves; your Blankets or Quilts, Piano or Organ, • dins or Lounges, or anything you may need in the -THrlJ1' w e-Ifcavejfhe goods, the prices and the courteou. tofoe u saJ will make a lasting custom er out of any one who is willing e the W?S!ve , e(f Boom F um iture. we m anufacture our own line and M- i ? et m»do in the South, -hence we can save you all freights and Om^Van Klve you a line of goods th a t cannot be equalled in out o r e t° s®e us and be convinced, and rem em ber tne place, the large ®xa°dy in front of Brown’s W arehouse door, on Main street, ;0atof A. Dave’s Store, oh Liberty street. So you-can come into an ^ er frotU Main or-Liberty strieet, ju st as you like, as our store - he Way through from: Main to Liberty stre e ts. _____ & Blackburn Furnishing Company. Iam Street and 423. Liberty St, Winston. THOMPSON’S DRUO STORE. S . We give prompt and careful atten­ tion to mail orders. We carry the lar­ gest and most complete stock of Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Cigars, Rub­ ber Goods and everything carried in a first-class drug store in the city. Special attention given to the fitting of Trusses. Private room. Thompson’s Drug Store. Winston-Salem, N. C. The latest thing out in tiny gold- plated safety pins. They are cute, and the price is 5e. each. Some­ thing every one needs. Call at our fflce and see them . • If you want a ticket in our watch contest, now is the tim e to renew or subscribe. The contest is nearing its end, and some one is going to get the pretty watch and chain. PLANTERS’ WAREHOUSE j is now open for the sale of leaf § tobacco. Accomodations are first f class. Good day stall for stock, j We guarantee you highest prices I and will see th at your interests * are taken care of. W rite for any | inform ation. W ew antyourpat- I ronage and will do our best to I please you. Don’t fail to bring I us your tobacco. A lbert Matlock I never lets a pile of tobacco go for | less than it is w orth. The roads I to Statesville are good, 5 miles of | the Tum ersburg road being m a -1 cadamized. I Planters’ Warehouse, sta^fe' J A. G. MATLOCK, Auctioneer. I 1 0 FIiE PIG POLAND CHINA Uf anb MAMMOTH BLACK. O rder before they are picked over and you will get choice pig in the lot. JOHN A. YOUNG, i Greensboro N. C. W. B. SUMMERSETT 108-110 W. Ennis St. SALISBURY, N. C Three or five piece iron beds. Prices froir. the. cheapest to the highest, $2.50 to $60. Wrought iron beds, guaranteed to stand better than wood o > other material. This is of course only one of our many values. W e keep everything t be found in a lirst class furniture store from a 45c. chair to the best sun of Furniture, For good Matting3, Rugs and A rt Squares, we cannot b. excelled, neither in quality or prices. When in town come and see us w hether jrou w ant anything or not. Let’s get acquainted- I fy o u w illm e a tio n T h e D a v ie R e c o r d w h e n tr a d m sw itIi u», you w ill receivs sp ecial a tten tio n . !...irire W. B. SUMMERSETT. WHERE ARE YOU GOING! I am going to Bailey & M artin’s store, for that is the place for bargains and fair dealings. You can get anything you may w ant for less money "than any other place in town. T hat is why we always trade with them . They have a nice line of Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats, Toboggans, Girls Caps and Outings. 'Alwaysanicelineof Fresh Groceries on h»"d. They also carry Cook Stoves and Heat­ ers. They pay the highest .m arket price for all country produce. Give them a call and you will never regret i t YOURS TO PLEASE, BAILEY & MARTIN. H. D. Poindexter, Wbston-SaIemrN. G. APPLER AND TURF OATS I ju st w ant to say to the Farm ­ ers, don’t los-e efgbio of these-, two ui'iiiey crops l'or Iall seed- ing, aintl till the 1st of October don’t neglect sowing Crimson Ciover and-Rj e. -It will give your siock .early Hi ring graz­ ing, is a fine touic for your cattle aud will keep your land from washing aud save you Iroui b u jiug high, price ferti­ lizers in the spring. We have a New line of Seeds—Red Clo­ ver; Bur, A lsike1 W hite and A lfalfa Clover, O rchard, Oat, K y Blue1 Tim othy, H ungar­ ian aud Fiseue seed. Clover is a Ii'tie lower in price than last spring. W e also handle Waruer Moore’s A nehor Lime. Y onsbouIU useit iiberally iu the soil, it paya aud is cheap­ er than any of the. prepared Lsmes you buy. I w ill also have some new seed wheats a liitle later ou and will do all-I can to push the Farm er up the Uill by selling the best of . ail kinds of .Seeds and Sw ift’s FER TILIZER . Iw a n tto im - - jn-i-ss j« n that, while I use the word Best a great many times. I have not got. the word p at­ ented, and if I had I would loan it to the farm er to dis ■ pose of his product raised from the eh-eds J sold him . I situ- ~ ply try to can y the Beat of evefj thing.! sell. M y stock, .my Fail Block, is complete. - Il is with our prices sim ply a slight of haud performance for us to sell yon". ..V e sell you Best Sheeting, Best C arpet v-<arp— Amos .G reen ’s', Best CoHee1 B icou and L ard1 aud in Snip isilifts, Flo ir aud Meal our claim is oudless.: In H ea­ vy .leans >ve carry-a line ■ th at will m ake yon think cf the old ti.ines.-in prices, a u d - Fci i proUd aim er is uear at hand, And we have a stock of Shoes to beatvthe band. " - ; !’he Ih-StiIif ever j thing in town yin! F-oijon Bats that weigh a p o u n d ,A t H. D. POINDEXTER’S. I G. L SCOTT I —JBf„ III . . . . . . .T l I . , . Hi . In . I I I I I I M l U G srrieson hand a complete j f S r iiheef Groceries, Glassware, ^ 'i ohaccos, Cigars and Snuff. & JL Aiso a nice line of Notions, J f B o y ’s Suits and Men’s V Pants, Sweatersand Woolen JaciveCs. Complete line of A jt , ivletrs and Ladies’ Under- IT T wear. A well assoated % **' line of «8» % Ladies’ Coats. A IT H ighest price paid for country pr> duce W hen in sBb town call and see me. f G. L. SCOTT, Near Depot. I <5* I I Our contest closes Nov. 5th. you want that pretty watch? Do THE CLOTHES QUESTION is not at all hard to decide now, since we commence showing the result of our extraordinary purchases this season. A great many of the suits we picked up in New York at our own price: and they were w orth much more than we paid for them, Spotcash did it. If you are the least skep­ tical you’ve only to drop in and let us dem onstrate to you that what we say is true. We will sell you suits for $5.98 and $6.50 that other m erchants will get $8, $9 and $10 for, and you won’t have to put them together to see the difference, either. Socom e in early and let us fit you up. You’ll be proud to wear a BAITY suit when you see them. Some better yet if you w ant them at Baity’s match­ less prices. Yours for More Business, J. T BAITY. Tombstones. If you need anything like Tombstones Tab lets or Monuments call OH C L A tlD Ii M IL L K lt. K uilh W ilVwJimo, N . O DR. ROBT. ANDERSON, DENTIST, Office over Bank of . Davie T A X NOTICE I I will meet the tax-payers of Davie Comity at the following places to col­ lect taxes for the year 1908: Clarksville, Friday, “ Farmington, Saturday, “ SmithGrove, Wednesday, “ Advance, Saturday, Fork Church, Wednesday, “ Jerusalem, v Thursday, Mocksville, Saturday, tt 15th, 1908 16th,Il 17th,If 21st,Il , 24th,Il " 28th,U 29th,Il ■ A 3Ut,• it Please meet m e and pay yourMaxes promptly. The Legislative and County Candidates will be present ^and discuss the issues of. the Campaign. J. L. SHEEK, Sheriff, THE HORNET SECTION. ROOT HOG, OR DIE. SOME THINGS THAT WILL KEEP YOU GRINNING FOR A WEEK. OUR RED-HEADED MAN. I and down onr streets every day, T hat fellow in NoUli M ocksviIle if coald be . Rot toSether* Do who w rites love letters is pretty ^oa ca^ l well up to his business. W hat d o ! A rnral bride andjgroom board- hia South M ooksville girl th in k of ed a train ?ne 01Sh t last week and the following: “ O darling, my jewel, m y fath­ e r’s so cruel, he won’t let me m ar­ ry the girl I adore; he says you’ve no posh, love, but th a t's all bosh, love; I know that you have a few guineas in sto re .' H e calls me a fool, love, now th at’s very cool, love! and says a shillelagh would benefit me. The heart of the cra- tu r, as hard as a tatur, won’t sof­ ten a bit, I the truth tell to thee. I f he no longer doth tease me, I'll bolt, devil seize me! H e’s worse than the hog th at he feeds in the sty! B ut dou’t despair, M olly, b u t always be jolly, your Claud will stand by your side till you die. Believe me, I yearn love, to hear by return love, and please send five shillings son e whiskey to get, my spirits to keep up, while blessings I ’ll heap up for one I am sure I can never forget. I hope you won’t tarry, but soon yonr Claud m arry; the devil a b it will I single rem ain. So no more at present from Tumbledown Cres­ cent, where dwells your affection­ ate Claud. A tai!or Rtates th at he has been the young man was heard ■ to to the conductor, ‘‘say, m ister; we w ant the best accomodations on this here train for the night.” “ Looking foi a berth, I suppose!” inquired the good na':ured conduc­ tor. ‘\A birth! T hunderation, no!’’ said the groom. “ W e’ve ju st m arried I W bat we w ant is a place to spend the night.” A “ dandy” is a,tw o legged “ he thing” known all over the world as the rankest kind of an idiot. It is a “ thing'’ th at thinks more of its back thau of its head. A “ doodle bug” is a giggling, gurg­ ling, ganhing “ thing” th a t wears dresses, but is sorry it can’t w ear pants, and comes under th e bead of “ shes.” Divorces are a thing which spontaneously comes from a m atrim onial union of these two nothings. T hank goodness, there are not many of these things in our m idst. The boy sat on the m ooulit deck, H is head was in a w hirl; H is eyes and m outh were ’ full of hair, And his arm s were full of girl. Because I wear patches on my A nderson ’S Great Quick - Action m arried to his present wife eleven I PaQts is no sign th at I can’t get a years, and gives as the astound- pair. A new m erchant has ing ground for a divorce suit the declaration th at ha “ has ju st dis­ covered that his wife is a m an.” M oeksville has some awful pret­ ty girls, but they know it, and th at hurts their looks a good deal. I want somebody to tell me w hat m akes all the pretty girls have the big-head. That is som ething I do not understand, and never w ill. I thin k there is nothing - half so pretty as a pretty girl, provided she don’t know it. A nd there is nothing half so hateful as a fellow who thinks he is handsome. B ut I ’m uot going to waste much tim e talking about nothiug. One of the new style religious organizations up in M aine has a- dopted hugging and kissing as their mode of worship, and now the M ocksville fellows w ant to auow w hat the fare is to M aine. There is not much cotton comiug ou our m arket these days—but you would be surprised to see w hat a big batch of cotton passes up moved to tow n and he don’t know me. I will get a new pair next week. I will wind up by saying E was born in the moonshine district of K entucky, where the grasshop­ per an d the little m ountain still m akes music all the day. For Chronic Diarrhoea. “ While in the army in 1863 I was taken with chronic diarrhoea,” says George M. Felton of South Gibson, Pa. ‘•I have since tried many remedies but without any permenant relief, until Mr. A. Yf. Miles, of this place, persuaded me to try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­ edy, one oottle of whictt stopped it at once.” For sale by C. C. Sanford Sons Co, A man who attends strictly to his owu buBiuess has a good steady job. Had a Close CaIL Mrs. Ada L. Groom, the widely known proprietor of the Croom Hotel. Vaughn, Miss., says: ‘‘For several months I suffered with a severe cough, and consumption seemed to have its grip on me, when a friend recommended Dr. King’s New Dis­ covery. I began taking it, and three bottles affected a complete cure.’’ The lame of this life saving cough and cold remedy, and lung and throat healer U world wide. Sold a t C-C. Saninrd sons Co. 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Closing Out Sale Is Now at Its Height Throngs of Economical People Are Eagerly Availing Themselves ol The Hundreds of Surprising Bargains Which Are Being Given in this tlreat Event, Boldly Demonstrating The Fact that When they Read it in Onr Advertisements, the Intelligent People oi MoctsvilleandVicinity Know it’s the Truth. slcly F eke K ost an d Fotaaatm n.)-: -~r$. of U rT.. FOBHS ASD BTAissa- O f. rot xVl isg*in fle*h sal SiNBgth. WaateotmemymdtllfHnmMHMHM^ - m overtaxing tb e«jiteB an caitt Vii#nseof P. P. P. Lifiiosirhose vetemuinpotMaeteat VhoeabloodiBtntnfanpnfeondiUaada, benefited by tbeuweodaite teal* tmi hsro^ssJrtst! all treatment, Catarrk1SHn I;i5o«K3. Itam a, Cirouie Veatsle Corjft i' '" v Poison, Tel,ter, gciUliei^, cic.: etc: P. P. P. Is a po tonio anil an ^ eicelleat ippitizor, building it? tliel Bj-Btem iapMly. Ifyoa are Treat ana! feeble,and feel lradiy tif B. P- P.. and! blood cleMUlng'propsrtlea ct ?. t. p, SHcUr AdiBofceKoot MdSMMUa. SoldbyeUl F. V. LIPPMAN P ro p rieto r Savannah,; Ca. RHEUMATISM Operates over 7>000 Miles of Railroad. QUICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS f Nortli>-SoutIi-fcist?-West. \ • a- .4*» Critud Baivveau Priucipal Ottiea apd Resorts AFFORDING FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION Li Ri Don’t Hesitate, Don’t Delay ! IF lfOD VALUE MONEY, JOIN TH! CROWD AND PARTICIPATE IN THE MANY WONDERFUL MONEY-SAVING OPPORTUNITIES OF THIS GREAT EVENT. Z.N. A LOiATED. IN THE HEART OF RICHM OND, VA. A D A M s F-F O tS T I L L E R a ANb S H I p d f r sTl T fI T SOUTHERN E X P R E S S RETAIL P F P tII WHOt-ESALEI l O F F I C g. ^vllIIliS= .The above is our shi PHWATe S ® f e o S R 5 S J » i J ^ :2 5 ! S ? tw lH1Ortw * th*® "a.*t ^r w iO i lH 1* "* * 2 6 0 S4J50 j S S o mT .«5n : : IJg HS S:SS p e a c h b r a n d y -m . , ’. : : ; ; ; : : H S J f g J J g l:2 S a b b io fiCwra e x tr a p c r b a l l o n fo r anvof th e abo ve b r a n d s in full q u a r ts .” 4 m 4 8 NaU-Plnta of Aay Above Brantla In Plain Coaea S7.SO. , . we prepay express Chsiges at ttwse prices and guarantee safe delivery. Write for complete price list, as these are only * few Wands. Send Money Order or Begistered Letter with order. A. HATKE & COM PANY, 800-808-804.806 E. CARY ST* BOX 3W,R ic h m o n d , V a . Elegant Pullm an Sleeping Cars on all T hroagh T rains. D ining, Tlub A nd O bservation Care. . For Speed, Com iort and Courteous Em ployes, travel via th e Soath ern B ailw ay. Bates, Schedules and other informotion fam ished by addressing th e undersigned: R. L . Veenon, T ray. Pass. A gt., J . H . W oou1 D ist. Pass. Agent : C harlotte, F C , ' A sheville, N . C. S., H . Haedwxck I ass. Traffic M gr. W . H . TATLOBlGten9I -Paw Agt W ASHIJJflTON'. D C. Express Paid to your city. W e the only whiskey house that m anufactures our own whiskey. . Send all orders to The Clarksville Whiskey House. Old R. W. Jones corn W hiskey 8 years old.. Old R. W. Jones corn W hiskey 4 years old- Old R. W i Jones com Whiskey 2 years old.. Corn Whiskey by the half gallon, ___ Corn Whiskey 4 gal 2 years old, ____ „3 8 .5 0 .„„*2.75 .$2.80 _________:___ 1.50 .............. J ___8.60 Corn W hiskey 2 gal 2 years old, ----------—.. .„.------------------4 50 Corn Whiskey 3 gal 2 years old,________________i-----„ .------------;___6.50 Per Gal. Three Feathers 4 qts^„- ________________________________,— |8.00 Rye Whiskey, old velvet 4 years old___________^________________I___.4.00 Mountain Rye 2 years o ld ____________ :________ ^______ 2.7i _______:_____ .5.00 ________.....__________ 5.00 ______I..,_____ 4.00 _____„3.50 I--'. v."____ 2.75 __ _ _________ „„..___2.15 ________________ .2.75 ____3 00 :... ;_____2.50 : ■ ____.4.50 ____________3.00 ________.2.50 _________• .I.:-; : : 5.00 2.00 Kentucky Bell Rye 8 years old.. Eicho Spring Rye 8 years old....„ Silver Brook Rye 6 years old.. Mountain Spring Rye xxx 4 years old.._ Log Cabin Rye 3 years old„ _________ Mountain Spring Rye x x ,_____J„_: Excelsior Rye 2 years old.. Golden Crown Rye 3 years old.. Professor Jones Rye.. Apple Brandy Home Made 8 years o ld . Baltim ore Apple Bandy 3 years old, .. Ginger Brandy, ; i ____ Peach Brandy 10 years old- Peach and H oney______ Barrel Goods. Cherry W ine- Old Cherry 8 years o ld . P o rt W ine____________ „$3.00 „..4.00 „.. .50 ScuppempRg Wine ----.....2150 C larret W ine .......... ;______2.25 Black Berry W ine ______ 2.25 Bottled Goods. /..$3.50French Brandy Per Qt Rye Whiskey. Creen River Rye 4 Q ts_______.$5.00 Three Feather Rye 4 Q ts. _____8.00 Canadian Club 4 Qts .„.5,00 Old Prentice 4 Qts.. Mums Rye 4 Qts..— EMU Dress 4 Qte.„— Four Aces 4 Qts.___ „5.00 „5 50 „5.00 „5.00 -4.80 ____4.50 5.00 Duffy’s M altby the case _„„.._12.00 American M alt 4 Qts.__________.4.50 Casey Malt..:.:...W„...„ ____„4.50 R oyd Arch 4 Qts.™ . Rooney’s M alt'4 Qts- Duffy’s M alt4 Qts... Rose Valley Rye 4 Qts„. Glenn Lilly.Rye 4 Qts. .. Old Velvet 4 Q tsi. .... G. P. R. 4 Qts . .__ Silus Dean 4 Q ts ;__ Old H enry 4 Qts ___ „$4.50 __.4.00 4.00 .„.4.00 ...4.00 .„4.50 'Bottled W ine. ? ' Virginia D are 4 Qts... ____$3.50 St. Estephe 4 Q ts._. „___ .3.50 Echo Springs 4 Qts.— ....-5.50 Mark Rogers 4 Qts._______.....:.„_..5.00 Jeffersoii Club 4 Qts_.„.....-„.„___._.5.0d Golden Rye 4 Q ts I ;„.J.5.50 Fitz Hugh Lee 4 Q t s : Blue Blood 4 Q ts ___ J5.00 „„..5.00 Montreal M alt Whiskey 4 Qts.__5.00 Jameson Irish W hiskey 4 Qts.„..$5.00 Dewar’s S c o tc h __^— ,.— .5.00' St. Julean 4 Q ta” ...: ____J3.50 Virginia C larret 4 Qts..„.„-_____.3.50 EmperiaI Sherry Wine 8yrs 4 Qts 6.00 Domestic 4 Q ts.' ______„3.50 Alcohol-best grade I qt...______5.00 Minnehaha 4 Q te ___~ ■'___3.50 Pocahontas 4 Qts... ____ .4.50 Emperial Black Berry 4 Qts...___3:50 Scuppem ong 4 Qts. _______!..3.50 P ort 4 Ots , : 3.26 Black Brandy 4 Qts.™ ^____5.C0 E xtra D ry Mumms 4 Q ts....___16.00 Take my advice and buy Home-made Copper*IHsbUed Girn1 Whukey made by os in the old fashion way. \ We are one of the few that make our own Corn Whiskey, so yon get it directffrom the StiB. - AU orders must be accompanied by (^shie^* (£eck. ^stofrtce iloney Order, or Express. Money, Order. No individual.checks unless knows by the firm, as we know no one, and n&one knows tt. No stamps taken for Whiskey.- • No goods'sect C 0. ft, ■ - ^ REFERENCE: ^irst State .Bank and Planters of^ Clarksville, Va., snd First Na kn^i Bank, Oxford, C - -Send all orders to The CLARKSVILLE WHISKEY HOUSE Clarksville, Va; , - P. S. AU WliSiieys Dthvered Express Prepaid in pkia boxes if desired. SfisTi amjiwHiifhn 4 toal* Mt i ot p. r.r, Igwmlln, IANF V C a. Railroad. orts ining, Club th e Boath uririehed b j Pass. Agent , N . C. n’lP a s s Agt KlES cey house oilers to iouse. .$2.75 ..$2.50 „4.00 y 4< I Corn Whiil*? { .the few I * 1 a the Still- ek Postoffw * alchecfcst#** one know? : / 0 . & j sviUe, Va., f»4 to r • 4 . i)QX£S ■-<K;...» T he ■IN OOB WE XSIfSf-AU OIHEBS CASE. V o l . X.MOCKSVILLE. N. C.. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1908.No. 17 A Vigorous Address to Independeat Democrats. Harper’s Weekly, To those independent Democrats who are disposed to vote fo r Bryan from sheer distaste of continuing to support Republican candidates \ve- have this to say: We have proved from the record that Bryan is not a Democrat; that, on the contrary, he is as distinctively a Populist as when he supported and ran with W eaver; th at his principles are not those of true Democracy; that, on the c-mtrary, they are only “polidf-s” >vinoved from ideas ever entertained by he founder and former leaders of the parly, and ex­ ploited solely to win the support of the ignorant; th at there i3 no “ new Bryan” ; that he who is so called is the same old Populist and demagogue who not only has never repented and recanted, but to this very day re­ asserts and reaffirms heresy after heresy, as he judges may be ,advan­ tageous to his political fortunes; th at he has no c aim upon any Dem ocrat because of his own disloyalty to and denunciation of Cleveland and his instigation of treachery to Parker; that as a leader his failure is un­ exampled and all but complete; that not only by bringing upon the Demo­ cratic party defeat he has well nigh overwhelmed it w ith despair, b u t also that, by inducing flagrant and shameful violations of principle and tradition, he has dishonored and de­ graded Democracy itself. Y ourdutyas independent Demo­ crats is plain. Upon all grounds, in reverence of Jefferson, in respect of Tilden, in memory of Cleveland; negativelp to rebuke the stealing of a party’s birth-right, to repudiate hateful heresies, to retain the self- respect which forbids one to forfeit indepence once acquired, to rem ain out of bad company once forsaken; affirmatively, to clear the way for the building of sc new , virile, effec­ tive opposition party upon the old (inn foundations, to bury Bryanism in the grave' of Populism so deep that for years to come demagogy will invite only ignominy, to render full duty as patriotic citizens—vote against Bryan, and, to make youi act teil, unless you believe him to be incapable, untrustw orthy or wicked;’ go to the polls as a man should go, actuated by conscience and courage,' and cast your ballot for W illiam H. Taft. Where Ballets Flew. David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y,, a veteran of the civil war. who Ioet a fout at Gettytiburg-, says: uThe (rood Electric Bitteis have done i9 worth more than five hundred dollars to me. I spent much money doctoring' for a baa case of Htomach trouble, to little purpose. I then tried Electric Bit- 'j-rs. and they cured me. I now take them as a onic, and they keep me SiMijT ana well. 50c at C C Sanfoi d Sona Co COUNTRY SAFE FOR TAFT. Success, a: Nonpartizan Periodical, CanvusesNation with This Result Summ arizing the whole situation th e vote of our life subscribers w ar­ rants the prediction th at T aft will quite surely have 298 electorial votes, or 56 more than the 242 required ft r election. Brvan will have 161. votes and 24 electorial votes m ust a t pres­ ent be classed as doubtful. Unless the efforts of the spell­ binders of the respective party or­ ganizations, or the “ bombshells'’ ex­ ploded in the last weeks of the cam­ paign prove unusually effective in changing sentim ent, it is our best inform ation and judgm ent that the results will be as expressed in the accompanying table. N orth A tlantic States— TaftB ryanD ouL t 6 PROPERTY QUALIFICATION FOR i It a toss up w hether it is more VOTING. North Carolina’s Time Next In the newspaper dispatch which carried the news of the election In Georgia last Tuesday th e following appeared: “Returns from a m ajority of : the counties indicate the ratification of the constitutional am endment pro-- viding qualifications for votrrs. Thfc amendment makes the ownership of property one of the necessary to vote.” G eorgiaw asthe first to adopt a state wide prohibition law. Fast upon the heels of this comes, an amendment to the constitution of annoying to have a husband who gets jealous at everything or more m orti­ fying to have one who gets jealous fit nothing. A pain prescription is printed upon each 25c box of Dr. shoo p’s Pink Paia iTablets Ask your doctor or druggist if this formula is not complete. Head pains, womanly pains, pains anywhere get instant relief from a Pink Pain Tablet. C. C. Sanford Sons Co. Knowledge is not always wisdom, qualifications ^ but wisdom is knowledge. To quickly check a cold, druggists are dispensing everywhere, a cievtr CandyCold Cure Tablet called Pre­vention. .Preventics are also fine for feverish children. Take Pre yen tics .w . . . , . , , , • at the sneeze stage, to head off alltnht state making the ownership of ,colds. Boxof 40—2oc. c. C. Sanford property one of the qualifications: Sonsoo. Maine...:................. New Hampshire.. V erm ont-.______ M assachusetts__ Rhode Island. 4 4 16 4 Connecticut.. ... 7 New Yorku 39 NewJersey.. 12 Pennsylvania 34 Delaware. 3 Virginia __ 12 W est V irginia 7 M aryland _____ ._. fI otals.________ 136 12 *8 SoutiiernStates—T ^ft Bryan Doubt N orth Carolina... ... South Carolina........... Georgia — ............ Florida__________ .. A labam a :____ .. Tennessee_______ Louisiana ___ Texas __ Arkansas________ O klahom a_______ Totals ;___ 12 9 13 5 11 10 12 9 18 9 7 115 Middle States— T aft Bryan Doubt O hio____________23 Indiana.________15 Illinois...........____a 28 Kentucky—^™..... 13 Michigan...............14 _ Wisconsin...............13 M innesota______11 Iowa____________13 Missouri.................18 Kansas._________10 N ebraska._______'8 South Dakota.___~4 N orth Dakota____2 — -_ ... Totals..________134 r . 31 8 W estern States—T aft Bryan Doubt M ontana-...*3 Wyoming.....—__' i Colorado.™...........« 5 U tah_________........“s Nevada_____U..__« 3 Idaho___;.........l 3 Oregon 4 W ashington_____ 5 California_______10 .... Totals_________28 3 ‘8 E ntire country 298 161 '24 necessary to vote. N orth Carolina fallowed Georgia in adopting a . pro­ hibition law, and the next thing the people of the State know the Demo­ crats will force and amendment on them making the ownership of property necessary to vote. It is coming ju st as sure as the Demo­ crats stay in power in N orth Caro­ lina. It is only a question of tim e if the Democrats are perm itted to rem ain in power in the State until the poor man who has no land will not be allowed to vote.—Ex. [Georgia has ju st adopted a con* stitutional amendment requiring a voter to own so m uch property be­ fore he can vote, and it’s only a question of a few years (if the Democrats are kept in power, in N orth Carolina), before the same kind of a qualification will be sad­ dled on us ] M any a man who thinks he is right, doesu’t go ahead. Would! Mortgage the Farm. -. A farmer on'Rural Route 2, Empire, Ga.., W. A. Ployd by name, says: ..Bifekleu's Arnica Salve cured the- two worst sores I ever saw; one on my Iuukd and one on my leg. It is worth more than its weight in gold. I would not be without it if I had to mortgage the farm to get it.” Only 25c a t C.C. Sanford Sons Co. Lame Back. This ailment is usually caused' by rheumatism of the muscles of. the. small of the back, and • is quickly.’ cured by applying CnamberlainVLiu* iment two or three times a day and massaging the- parts at each'appli­ cation. For sale by *J. C. Sanford- SonsCo ' , Every m inister has his favorite hymn, and every other man has his favorite her. The wholesome, harm less green leaves and tender stems of a lung healing mountainous shrub, give to D r. Shoop’s Cough Remedy its cura­ tive properties. Tickling or dry bronchial coughs quickly and safely yield to this highly effective Cough medicine. D r. Shoop assures moth ers that they can with safety give it to even very yoStog babies. No opium, no chloroform— absolutely nothing harsh or harm ful. Itcalm s the distressing cough, and heals the sensitive membranes. : Accept no other. Demand D r. Shoop's. Sold by C. C. Sanford Sons Co. . Most givls are aw are th at big bows oniheirihoes make their feet look smaller. Stomach troubles would more JUiokly disappear if the idea of treating the cause, rather than the effect, would come into practice. A tiny, inside, hidden nerve, says D r. bhcop, governs and gives strength J0 the stomach. A branch also goes • w the heart, and one of the kidneys, when these ''insidenerves” fail'then the organs must falter. D r Shoop’s Restorative is directed specifically to these failing nerves. W ithin 48 hours “tter starting the Restorative treat­ ment patients say they realize again, oald by C. C. Sanford Sons Co. Talk is said to be cheap, but the Nan wl;0 talks too much has to pay 0F it at high rates sooner or later. Doctors and lawyers have at one good tra it in common. They never give advice before it is asked for. *Probabilities favor success. ^Probabilities favor success. Republican Dernocratic A Healthy Family. “ jur whole family has enjoyed good health since, we began usiug Dr. King’s New Life Pills, three years ago,” says t, A. Bartiet, of Rural Koute I, Guilford, Maine. They cleanse'and tone the system in a gen­ tle way that does you good. 25c at C. C. Sanford Sons Co. Ilieir jK iniii'i- i atarrh in thissec- 1,11 »1 11.e sowutr.'- tliau all otherwst'Hse* las! Cevv 1»!,: tojretbee. and until the i"'rs whs supposed to be IPiiraUli-. i „r v, j>reHt m-,,ny years oetors pronounced it a local dis- Prescribed local rem edies, J j -v ''"i^tH rlly failing t<* cure local treatm ent, pronounced Pa^ciValjle' Science has proven Pm! .to ,>e a constitutional dis tmi’an? l^ierefore requites consti-. ( Hnial treatment.- H all’s «'atarrh * e.; niailIifHCture1I In F. J C he 0n{. ' ( Toledo, Ohio,- is the kct cJlt18lilutionaI c» re ou theinar- fiom IR tll^ en internally in doses a,,i .. 'iroPls t a teaspoon fu I. It V01., lreVfIy °u the blood and m u Offe,. nrla^pS of the system . They (■a8„ j1'"'. J 111'"I red dollars for atiy cnIa (-me. Send for cir- 15 au(l testimonials. W e feel sorry for some people be­ cause of the ancestors they inherited, For Chronic Diarrhoea. “ While in the army in -1883 I was taken with chrenic dia rhoea,” says George M. Felton of South GibsOh, Pa ‘ I have since tried many remedies' but without any permenant relief; until Mr. A. VI. Miles, ot this place, persuaded me to try Chamberlain’s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­ edy one oottle of whicn stopped it a t once.” For sale by C. C. .Sanford Sons Co. If jum ping a t conclusions came under the'head of physical exercises, m ost womed would be athlets. ? Seizuoka, in Japan, is to have a $10,000,000 hydro-electric plant for the m anufacture of paper goods. ANDREW SCHENCK, President of the Germania Fire' lnturance Co., Recommend* Cbamberl&in’s - Cough Remedy. I have used Chamberlain’s Gough Remedy, in my family for over a year and car sav that Ir never failed to cure the most stubborn cough or cold I can recommend it to'any faaiiy as a sure and safe children’s cough: remedy.— ANDREW ^CHENCHt1 Ayton, Ont. This remedy is for sale by C. G. Sanford Sons Co. .- Wky CoMa are Daageroo*.. ':.Becau«e yoti here contracted ordi­ nary colds and recovered from them without treatm ent of any kind, do riat for a moment imagine that coldr are not dangerous. Everyone knows that pneumonia and chronic catarrh hare-their origin In a common cold. Consumption is not caused by a cold but tie coltf prepares the system for the reception and development ot the germs that would not otherwi-e havefouudlodgement. Xtis thesame with all infectious diseases. Dip- theria, scarlet fever, measles am; whooping cough arc much more likeiy to be contracted when the chiid has a cold. ' You will see from this that more real danger lurks in a cold than in any other .of ,the common ailments The eaHiest and quickest way to cure a Cojd- is totake Chamberlain’s Cougii -Remedy. ' The many remarkable cures effected' by this preparation have*made it .a staple article of tradt- over a large part of the world. For sale by C. G. Sanford Sons Co. Go to the blood, if you w ant to driveout Rheumaiism. A Wisconsin physician, D r. Shoop, does this with his Rheumatic Remedy—and with seeming Success. Rub-on’s, says the doctor. never did cuae Rhevmatism. It is more than skin deep—it is con stitutional. always. Because of this principle, Dr. Shoop’s Rheumatic Remedy is perhaps the most popular in existance. It goes by word of mouth from one to another ^ every­ where. G rateful patients gladly spreajd results. I tis a n a c to f h u - many ito tell the sick of a way t» healths Tell some sick' one. Sold by. C. C. Sanford Sons Go. Women would rather have feet than large ones. cold North Carolina I o....Davie County I ln suPerior Court Hellen Allison, Annie I Allison et ai by their j- Notice of S»l« next friend, G A Allison J . . By virtue of an order made in the above-entitled case, I will sell public; j at.the Court Housedoorin MocKs^iik- on Monday, the 7th day of Dec., 1908, the- following lands situate in said County and State.- to wit: The 6 4-5 acres, more or less, described in a Deed from H, T. Smithdeal and F. L Smlthdeal-, March 23d, 1900. to Mrs. H. H. Allison, recorded in Book 19, page 161, in Register’s office of Davie County1K 1C. Terms of Sale: On a credit of sis months, bond and approved security, and title reserved until th«* purchase money is paid. • This i3 ii of Oct., 1908. G. A. ALUSON. ^ - Commissioner. T- B. Bailey, A tt’y. M RHEUMATISM. .-. F . Biillantyne, of Ballantyne Mrs. Had a CIom CalL Ada U. Groom, the widely known proprietor of the ( room Hot I. Vauirhii, Miss., says: ‘tor several months I suffered with a severe cough, and consumption seemed, to have its grip on me,; when_a rerommended Dr. ^ing s New Dis- covery. i began taking it, and thw bottles a ffec te d a C om plete cure- The lam e of this life saving cou^h ami-cold remedy, a n<) Iuug andthroat healer U world wide. - ^Ow at C San < rd sons Co. 60s.. ai}d $1.00. Triai bottle free. & McDonough Iron F o u n d ry Sa vaunah, Ga.v says that he baa suf­ fered for years from Rheum atism , and could get no relief lroin any source but P . P . P ., which coned him entirely. He extols the prop ert ies of P . P. P . on every occasion. P P . P . is. the, greatest known -cure for Rhem atisni; it eradicates the disease out of the system quick; Iy and forever.. "■ P. P . P ., Lippm au’s G reat Rem e d y ,; curtfs S alt Rheum. w ith>ifs itch and burning,S a tld H ead, Tet ter, etc. ■/;'' v P. P . P . cures B<»ils, Pim ple^, ;ind all eruptions due to th e bloo^. P . P P . CUEfcS-. RhenmatiSm and all pains in the sides^ back and SbopItIjijgstS' j b i n i s . - ' ' -■ .v.V ' P . P . P . ciiresT Blood Botspp in silLits various stages. O ld tJleen, Sore* aiid Kitfney Com plaints. P. P. P . cures C atarrh. Eczema, arijtl all: skin-and blood and M ercurial Poisoning, by A IlD rugK ists. COOK STOVES $8.50 WITH 22 PIECES OF WARE AND EVERY ONE GUARANTEED. Crim-Cantrell Furniture Co., East of Court House. Winston-Salem. OF- Ladiesj Tailor Made Suits ever shown in Salisbury, in ail the new shades and styles, We can give you over 200 suits to se­ lect frosa w ith a range of prices from $10.03 to $50.89. We can als* boast of a big Hns pf Skirts and the p m Liest an-d most up-to-date styles of any city in North Carolina, We can simply (it anybody in a suit or skirt Our suits ran in sizes from a Misses and junior 13 to 20, Ladies 32 to 44. We also have suits made to fit stout ladies. Ladies who have£*a short waist, we can fit you as good as one that has a regu­ lar figure. Wehave skirts the same way. We can fit a Miss of 14 years and a lady ( ’ Y- that has a 36 waist, all lengths. We have a good line of mourning suits and skirts. A CLEAR CUT, CLEAN UP-TO-DATE BARBER SHOP, Situated in the Pass building on Depot St; Call in and gi ve . me a trial. Also cleaning and pressing clothes. W . a PEARSON. Now we want to talk C oato yon for we think and believe th at we have the greatest line of these that is carried by any house in N orth Carolina. W e know th isissa y in g a great deal blit we can deliver the goods. W e h a v e th e m in a llth e new styles and colors, prices from $1.00 co $35.00 with best line from §3.50 to ilO.OO Ihat h»s .ever been made. ©ur Xtne of IDress ©oots and silks can’t be m atched neither in price, style or colorings. Think of a 50 inch panam a for 50c., and big lot of suitings th at sold for' 25 cents we are selling nt 12J cents. Dress goods th at sold for 59c.,- we are sellinz tor 80 and 35ets. tr. Jr. r, c l?i", sj pel is, diseases, an< J Soldi VlnieB yon want a quick cure without any low of time, anil one tta t is followed byoo bad M aulti;uae / Chamberlain’s Colic9 Cholera Diarrhoea Remedy it never ibdla cnd ia pleasaitt' to take.: It Ia equally valuable for chiidrcn. _ It ^ famous for:i» cures.over. A taige patt <4 Cut this ad out and bring to Brittain & Campbell's and get 10 per cent. dis-: count on your purchase. ' Q ur store will be full of Bargains for the B IG Y A D K IN VALLEY FAItfc. MaUe it yonr headquarters. 2 tile meep Zbc Scbool Books. ^ - 120 South Main.Salisbury, C. .,y i. " ^ - * £ THE DAVlE RECORD. C. FRANK STROUD - • Editor Entered a t the Postofflce in Mocks- ville, N . C., as Second-class Mail m atter, March 3.1903. Terms of Sub*cription: One copy, One Y ear,---------------50c. One copy, Six Months,------------25c. URGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY FAPER EYER PUBLISHED IN DAVIE COUNTY. MOCKSVILLE, N. C., OCT. 27, 1908 OUR TICKET. For President, WM. H. TAFT of Ohio. Por Vice-President: JAMES S. SHERMAN, of New York. ForG overnor J. ELWOOD COX. For lieutenant Governor CHARLES FRENCH TOMS. Secretary of State DR. CYRUS THOMPSON. For Auditor JOHN QUINCY ADAMS WOOD. For T reasurer W . E. GRIGGS. Superintendent^ Public Instruction REV. DR. J. L. M. LYERLY. For Attorney General JAKE F. NEWELL. For Commissioner of Agriculture J. M. MEWBORNE. For Corporation Commissioner HARRY G. ELMORE. For Insurance Commissioner J. B. NORRIS. Commissioner of Labor and Printing C. M.RAY. For Electors-At-Large A. A. WHITENER, THOMAS SETTLE. For State Senate W .M .LEE. For Congress ZEB VANCE WAIALSER. For Representative A. T. GRANT. Jr. For Sheriff J. L. SHEEK. For Repster of Deeds J. F. MOORE. For Treasurer J. W. ETCHISON. For Surveyor M. C. IJAMES. For Coroner W. D . FOSTER. 1 For Comity Commitnoneri J H CAIN, C G BAILEY, B F STONESTREET. The Dems seem to be hiding- out. It is hard to locate one of them < these strenuous days. Chas. H. Cowles will be the next Congressman from the Eighth, or we are badly mistaken. The Democrats in the Stete and nation are becoming desperate. Take it easy, boys, W. J. B. stands no chance._______ W ith K itchin it is rule or ruin, and if he rules he will ruin, says the Lyingtou D ispatch, a Demo­ cratic rag published at Lexingtou. The editor of th e Lexington D is­ patch said E itchin would ruin the State if elected Governor. V arner ought to know. K itchin said th at V arner was the biggest lia r in N orth Carolina newspaperdom. The way M r. W illiam Jennings B ryan is speaking through the graphophone a t the little sbhool houses in D avie, he m ust regard N orth Carolina as a doubtful state! M r. B ryan has despaired of his own election. H e is publicly say­ ing in his speeches th at the Be- publicans are going to buy the election. Is it possible th at enough Democrats can be bought to change : the result of the election? A re Democrats for sale? M r. Bryan sajsso . \ Bepnblicaus of Davie, are you going to the polls on Nov. 3rd and Tote any p art of the Democratic ticket, when W . C. H anim er aud othar Democratic speakers are go­ ing aronnd over the country and saying th at all ladies: are Demo crats? A re your wives and daugh­ ters not ladies? If yon vote for any Democrat you are endorsing these slanders and slanderers. No gentlem an would make such a re­ m ark. FOUR CLASSES OF DEMOCRATS. M r. T aftsaid there were three classes of Democrats: - “ Those who are going to vote for M r. Cox and me; those who will not vote a t all, and those who will vote for our political opponents and pray all ( c lu y th at they may not be s u c c c fs - .M v H e forgot to mention the fourth class, the pie hunters. . They are so hungry for office the thought of getting to be a postm aster has th e name effect npon them that the smell of raw meat has npon a tarn isheil wolf. WATCH CONTEST EXTENDED. A t the earnest request of a num ­ ber of our subscribers, we have de cided to extend our watch contest 30 da^s, closing it Dec. 5th, ii- stead of Uov- 5th. M any of our farm er friends w ant tickets in the contest, and not having sold their cotton and corn, they are short on ready cash at the present time, and the contest is extended for their benefit, thereby giving each and every one of our subscribers a fair chance a t the presents. The contest will positively close Dec. 5th, at noon, and if you have not renewed your subscription by that date it will be yonr loss. B etter subscribe or renew today and get your tickets early. If you live at a distance, m ail us cheek or money older and we will forward your tickets by return m ail. W. C. HAMMER IN DAVIE. W e understand th at VA, u. H am ­ mer who made four or five Demo cratic speeches in D avie recently, made an attack on the county com missioners for putting up a wire fence around the county home. We think it would have been « eli for M r. H am m er to have informed him self before criticising the com ­ missioners. T he county home has two or more idiots to care for, and it strikes us th at the commission ers did a very hum ane and wise thing in placing this fence aronnd the home to protect not only the public from these people who were liable to w ander off, and p u t the county to great trouble and ex pense in sending officers after them but it allowed these poor people space for exercise, and sunshine. Does M r. H am m er think these people should be locked up in close rooms during the long hoi days in summer? M r. Ham m er conld to advantage look after home affairs)before coming up here try ­ ing to run D avie county. M. H on. C. A . R eynolds,. of W in. ston, addressed the voters' of A d­ vance Friday afternoon, iu the A cadem y. T te hall was well fill­ ed, despite the inclem ent weather, and. a nnm lter of ladies were pres­ ent. The speaker was introdcced by D r. T. T . W atkins, and his Speech was on a high plane and was heard by an appreciate au dience. H e paid his respecta to Messrs. Bryan and K itih in , and speaking of State affairs, compli­ mented D avie county as being one of the best mauaged counties in the State. Sorry we haven’t space to give M r. Keynolds' speech in full, as it would make interesting reading. D r. A . G. G erster, a famous New Y ork surgeon, heretofore a Democrat, will work for the Re­ publican candidate, and help to swing the H ungarian vote for Taft. A n d still they come. B reak the news gently to the Davie Demo­ cratic pie hunters. No man has appeared in public affairs in N orth Carolina hince B ut­ ler who so richly deserves com­ plete and crushing defeat as your M ister W illiam W alton K itcbiu who is always hungry and cares not how he satisfies his hunger, so says the Democratic editor of the L yingtonD ispatch. NOTICE T0^ OUR^SBBSGRiBERSf N ext Tuesday Iieiti;' election <lay The Recotd will not be printed uh til W ednesday muruiug. .thereby giving us tim e to get the most im­ portant election returns iu our is­ sue of next week. VVg believe this Iilati will m< et the approval of our siitism btri, as >'e feel sure they will want tne rttu ru s at the. earl­ iest moment We are perfecting arrangem ents to secure the retis'wi? Tuesday night over the Bell Tele­ phone wires, and an.y of our friends1 Who are iu the city Tuesday night are invited to m ake our offii/e their headquarters and get', the news! while it is fresh. TO THE LANDMARK. The editor of Tlie Landm ark >eems to think Tt.e itecor'; mis­ represented the facts In the case oi the Deinocrais speaking in the old West Eud M ethodist ■ .church at Statesville. The Record corres pondent got nis inform ation from the C harlotte Ob(-ei'''er, au<i quoted the news item verbatim . If this church was no longer used fo r-d i­ vine worship, whv did not the pa­ pers!, (including : he Landmark,., say so iu the account: published? The Record correspondent con t ends t.hai regardless of this .:being’ air abandoned church, th a t its ctiti:; cisms are ju st, for have not tne churches for the past few year.", opened heir doors to . Bob Glenn one of the greatest’ demagogue^ in the State? W ere not political speeches made in the churches «11 over the State prior to the prohi­ bition election. Even Judge P ritch­ ard was turned iu, and some of the preachers m ade the same kind qi speeches in the churches. AucL the liquor question is certainly.' a political question, and the Dieino ciats are joiniug hands iu the West with brewers and saloon beepers in an effort to defeat Beim blicans who;are standing for local option, ami a more rigid enforcement,; d jf the laws. Lei’d -efcp all politic- oat of the churches, and use them for the purpose for which they were dedicated. Preacuiug tem peraece in the pulpit is right and proper, and the preacher should uphold all the laws of God and re­ frain fio n discussing • political questions iu the pulpit. Tht churches are composed of people of all parties, and nothing shouh be done to divide the people’ anri drive them from the churches. ; M. Public Speaking. H on. A . T. G rant, J r., R epub­ lican candidate far the Legislature, will address the voters of Davie county a t the following tim es and places, to wit: Center school bouse, Tues. Oct. 27th, at night. ! Bethlehem , W ednesday. Oct. 28, a t night. Davie Academy, Thursday, Oct. 29th, at night. Cooleemee, Friday, Oct. 30th, a t night. A ngnsta, Saturday, Oct. S lsl, a t night. Jones school' house, , M onday, Nov. 2. at night. C. G. Bailey, Ch’m ., Rep. Ex. Com. D avie Co. L atestreturns indicate a sweep­ ing victory for T aft next Tuesday. The New York Herald says he will receive 280 electoral votes. Pat’s Bull. Ou last W ednesday evening the w riter was surprised to see a fine dressed man come driving up into his yard in a top buggy, alighting from which he approached this scriber and addressed him in these words: ‘‘Good morning; guess yon are surprised to see me. Lon w ould. have looked ior anybody else before me. I am the Demo cratic candidate for the office of . I have canvassed the Oonnty over and have had wonder­ ful success. I would be glad of your support.” Me thinks to myself: Poor self- deluded man W hat a fine thing (like P a t in rubbing the bull’t nose on the ground) are having your good tim e before the election. I soou satisfied H r. Success th at I believed in a fair and h jnest gov­ ernment. ad iiinistered by the peo pie and therefore could not sup port an advocate of Dehioeratic treachery. ; ^ ^ it had been previously announced th at the Hon. Robt. N . Page would address the people a,t ‘ K itten College,’ ’ (< if Box Sn pper notoriety j th at uight (but ,he failed to appear) Mr. H endricks, ^tr. Peebles, Mft G aitiier ami. Mr. Green were pres­ ent and addressed: the peopje.; There were, present sorne,.fifteen: or tw enty boys and eight' voters. M r; H eu d ricto opened"by address'-' ing the. boys and giving them some advice after which-he atterupted„ib‘ the vol ers the good things the Dem­ ocratic p ar’.y naa done and there­ fore should Iikve their- support. W heu the speaking began there weie present two: KepihblicanS Shd six DernoQiats. W hen it closed, I t Imik they . nere ab lit equally di­ vided—with perhaps the ‘‘preach­ er” on this fence. v . The Dem ocrats seems to think they are going to.be elected. O ye party of viperr, pharisees, bypo- erits, where will ye stand on No­ vem ber th e S rd . - Grand Contest. Our Second Grand ..Contest began September 15;' 19081 To every old or new subscri­ ber who pays 50 cents on subscription; to - ' between Sept. 15ih and Dec. . Sth. w illbegiven a receipt., bearing a num ber on it. - A ticket bearing afcorresjjondr .ing num ber, will.be deposit-' ed in,a box and all., tickets • will be kept in this box until Nov. 5th, when tickets will be taken out and shuffled, after - which a boy. will draw one of the ticketsj the one he draw s first being the one that wins the . •*. Pretty GoW Watch, , which will b e --preseited to the person holding' the re- -,.eeijot-whose num ber corres- . .pon^s.wjth the ticket drawn Second Prize is a.beautiful watfch chain or i solid VgdId1 (ringi Whichever . "the winner pr&fefs. Ouf Second Contest rw ill' Be ^conducted, jii th e . . s%i%i®arijier as the one we . ran-last December, .and will J fee fair"and' opfen iif all. . Re- C m m henthait every50.qents - ; paid-'on subscription entitles :you Jo .one. ticket & this liig •... contest - Some oiie will get - ,.'tjiese rnide presents. Why ••'not y o u ... •>. -; The watch we are going to > give away is a 12 size, : 20- \ year .gold filled, Elgin move- ,■ 'm ent, fully guaranteed by r „ us; Call at; b u r;;office and . . .' * examine the presentSi , . SubseribeNow. 20,000 TELEGRAPH OPERATORSNEEDED YOUNG MFN PREPARE TOUR SELVES FOR GOOD POSiTlbfiS. On account of the,new- 8-.hour law passed by congress ip'the interest oi telegraphers, and also on account oi so many .hew railroads •' being built and old lines exitended, an unusual demand for: operators has been cre­ ated. Conservative estim ates have placed the num ber of additional Op erators that will be required’ during the next ten inoriths a t approximate­ ly 20,000. • YOUNG MEN NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY!' Enroll - in oui School NO W and in only f-our to six months we will have you qualitied for splendid positions. Telegraph Ope­ rators receive from $50.00 upwards Our school has been, established 2( years; its equipm ent is 'perfect; in­ struction thorough and practical; po­ sitions positively guaranteed our graduates. B oardin Newttan iSvery cheap;1 the town is. healthful and the people ai'.e cordial. Two Main Lint Railfoad .Wires run into our School room s.' No other school in the Uni­ ted States has such up-to-date and practical facilities fo r the Benefit of its students.. W rite a t once for free, .despipti.v.ejite.rature. . SoufbernSchool", of Telegraphy, : NEW NANuGEORGIA. frequently suffer great pain and misery during the change of life. It is at tins time that the beneficial I effect of taking Cardui is most appreciated, by those who find' that .it relieves, their distress. w CAROOI I t W ill Help You J*s Mra. Lucindai 0. Hill, of Freeland, O., writes:P “Before I began to take Cardui, I suffered so badly ft I was afraid to lie down at night. After I began to P take it I felt better in a week.; -Nosr my pains have p. gone. I can sleep lilse a girl of IS and the change ^ of life has nearly left me.” Try Cardui. ^ A T ALL D EUG STOEES To weak and ailing women, there Is at least os* v&ytQbelp. But^with that way, two treattnenta, oust be combined. Ooe "& Jooiut one is /vwaHtnl ional, but both are iznpbrt&nt,- both Dr. Shoop’s Night Guxe id the Local._Jpf. Shoop’a Restorative, the Constltutionat • The former—Dr. Shoop’s Kight Cui©—is a topical sm a m memtrnmsoppaatory iwnedy, while to . Shoo>’s^estotatTye is Wholfirfto inteihaItreaU ment., -The Restorative reaches throughout tin sjBtea, seddng the repair of all u em , all tissue, und all blood ailmeots. i The Night Cure!*., ks its name imnliea! Am Ite vroAwhile you s J ^ T Ii sooSesw w S iiS S m ! ^ “ ■s^oa-.siarfaees*. heals loeid weaknesses aod- (nscnaiyes, .while the -Restorative; eases' nervoua ^ateraeut, glves'renewed vigor ahd ambftion.up wastedOssueB.brinime about rmewea gfMMSthjjrteOT. anfl energy. TaKe Dr. Shoos't E^oraave-Tablete or IJauld-aaa 6enm al^io to the system. ForpodttTeloiallielp1OaeatinB Di*. iShoop’s N ig'ht C u re C. C. SANFORD SONS CO. 'A -V Pr ices Lowered Drv Goods Triucl» Iower=Uiiin a year sgo. Proof—see my pric,es.. - . v!y Urideiwcar pricos wil astonish you. Men’s Pcints extra low, « S- me <iress go d s woi th 25c to go at 15c per yd. Splendid line of men’s g vowes. Big line of men’s, ladies’ an d ’ciuldren'a hose. Second-hand Llothing--W ei), we don’t quite give them away, but next U iim to it, Come to see me this fall, I’ll m ake you say it. paid : vou, rI hanking you one an d all for your pat ronage, I am the sa n e Gld Reliable, |J . LEE K U RF EES. iN&MPQttATCO CAPITAL STOCK, $39,000.00. RALEIGH, N. C CHARLOTTE, N. C. Pullen Building. Piedmont Ins. BMf THESE SCHOOLS GIVE the w orld’s best in modem Business Education. Oldest Business College in N orth Carolina. Positions guaranteed, backed by a w ritten contract. No vacation. Individ­ ual insstruction. W ealsoteach Book-keeping, Shorthand, Pen­ manship, by mail. Send for Home Study’ rates. W rite today for our Catalogue, Offers and High Endorsements. They are free. Address KING’S BUSINESS COLLEGE, RALEIGH. N. C., or CHARLOTTE, N. C. THE PEOPLE’S NATIONAL BANK. united States Depositary. W in sto n -S a le m , - - - N. C CAPITAL, $300,000.00. ASSETS A MILLION AMD A HALF. Takes care of its customers when money is firm or easy, keeps every transaction confidential, allows inter­ est a t 4 p et cent, from date on Certificates of Deposit, has a Savings De­ partm ent, loans money'to You, or for you, and does everything a well con­ ducted up-to-date bank should do. Let us have your business. No better place. You can send your deposits by mail." JOHN W . FRIES, President. ‘ WM. A. BLAIR, Vice-Pree. and Cashier. V. WALLACE & SONS, WHOLESALE Goods, Notions^and Clothing. DROP US A CARD AND OUR SALESMAN WltL CALL. SALISBURY, N. C. C. FRANK STROl l^QCAL AND PE| Jlist one weak uj ■ The woods are these days. Cotton is bringlj ket to-day. Many of people I bury F air last wee Several of ourl yadkin Court IastJ A. T. G rant, J rJ Court in StatesvilI J. 0 . K ing, of I visiting his family M. E. Swicegoo from a business ti Miss Jettie Mille boro, is visiting rJ Ladies’ and ChjJ a t Y e olde tyme was held a t A dvai Bailey & MartiiJ price store in tov If you owe us < us now—we may I year. Go to Bailey what you want. A ugustus G ranl visited his parentj week. Girl’s and c | The rains the i the crowds a t th^ small. Nice line Men’l cheap, at Mr. E . E. KooJ Vetra, of Kappa Saturday. Nice line of Dd T. J. Dotson a | m eeting of th e l Winston F rid ay J Messrs Clay i Stroud, of Coi town Saturday i Ladies' dress i trunks, etc. B i bought” p rices: N orth Cooleeme On account of M attie Eaton, graded school - Hon. A. E. Hi Cooleemee FrJ Mocksville Satul a. m. AU v o te / out and hear hi| Mr. Sam Binli died a t his hom | Oct. 18th, fror mains w ere ini graveyard. Clothes, clea. M rs.S. E. W illil of jail. Also h | made from con W. J. K oond ye editor a swtj which weigheq ounces. The i larger they g e tl The We mean 1 things to is this: Do Not Commence i your Heating ■ Parlor Suit, Cl ture line. Re! treatment tha| to give us a tr As to exclusi nave the best! extra profits, I ^ty. Come ti onck store exl afld in front ol out" store eitha extends ail thd U U 422 Mail XHE DAViE RECORD. C. FRANK STROUD - - Editor. ^OCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS. just one week until the election. Thewoodsare full of candidates these days. Cotton is bringing 9c on the m ar­ ket to-day. Many of people attended the Salis­ bury Fair last week. Several of our people attended yadkin Court last week. A. T. Grant, Jr., attended Federal Court in Statesville last week. j. 0. King, of Panam a, S. A., is visiting his family in this city. M. E. Swicegood returned Friday from a business trip to Kernersville. MissJettie Miller, of N orth Wilkes- boro, is visiting relatives in this city. Ladies’ and Children’s U nderwear at Bailey & M artin’s. Ye olde tyme fiddlers’ convention was held at Advance Friday evening. Bailey & M artin’s is the cheapest price store in town. If you owe us on subscription, pay us now—we may be dead before next year. Go to Bailey. & M artin’s to get what you want. Augustus Granger, of Statesville, visited his parents in this city last week. Girl’s and Children’s Caps a t Bailey & M artin’s. The rains the past week have made the crowds at the political speakings small. Nice Hne Men’s and Boy’s H ats, cheap, at Bailey & M artin's. Mr. E. E. Koontz and sister, Miss Vetra, of Kappa, w ere in the city Saturday. Nice line of Dry Goods at Bailey & M artin’s. T. J. Dotson attended the D istrict meeting of the Jr. 0 . U. A. M., at Winston Friday. Messrs ClayCrouch and Sanford Stroud, of County Line, w ere in town Saturday on business. Ladies’ dress goods, shoes, cloaks, trunks, etc. Big new line a t “cash bought” prices at The 0 . C. W all Go. North Cooleemee. On account of the illness of Miss Died In this city Monday Inorning about 7:30 o’clock, Mr. E. L. Griffin, after a lingering illness of several weeks, w ith pneumonia. Mr; Griffin was 41 years of age. and leaves a w ife and tw o children, three sisters, two brothers and an aged m other to- m ourn his loss. His remains were interred a t Oak Grove graveyard this m orning. The Record extends sym pathy—to the bereaved ones, in this, their hour of sadness. M. E. Swicegood spent Saturday in W inston. Mrs. M. L. Griffin visited relatives in Hickory last week. S. F. Binkley returned yesterday from a visit to W inston. . J . W . Bailey and R. L. F ry spent Saturday in W inston. B. F. Moore, of Cooleemee, spent Sunday and Monday in this city. A good crowd attended the Repub­ lican speaking a t Advance Saturday. Children’s Toboggans, at Bailey & M artin’s. - M r. J . F. Moore is w earing a smile th at will not come off—tt ’s a girl. WATCH O U T ! I for splendid lot of Overcoats and Ladies long Cloaks to arrive in a few days, at J. Lee Kurfees. W . 0 . Byerly of Route I, who has been attending school at Fork Church passed through this city yesterday on his way home. Miss A. P. G rant has a full line of new Millinery. You can find j.ust w hat you w ant there at prices lower than heretofore. All mem bers of the Jr. 0 . U. A. M. are earnestly requested to be present a t the m eeting Friday night, as bus­ iness of im portance is to be trans­ acted. Plenty 8c gingham at 5c, cotton plaids, alamance a t 5c wortft 7c. Many other goods a t cut prices. The Brick Store, N orth Cooleemee. M r. and Mrs. Henry Armsworthy spent Saturday and Sunday w ith rel­ atives a t Clemmons, returning home yesterday afternoon. Boys, rabbit hunting season is nearly here. Come now, we have the high-cut sample boot. The 0 . C. Wall Co., N orth Cooleemee. Sheriff Sheek arrested A lbert Thomason, a tram p, who claims he is from Canada, a t Bixby Friday afternoon, on a charge of stealing a w atch and other things, and brought him to Mocksville and placed him in jail to aw ait court. H e was given a prelim inary trial a t Bixby and sent Mattie Eaton, four grades of the j to jail in default of bond, graded school were closed last week. I W e ta k e pleasure in directing Hon. A. E. Holton will speak a t 'o n r readers’ attention to th e adver- p i « .j . , . j * . ti.senient appearing eNewhere inCooleemee Frrday night and a t ^ roolainrJSfth Southern School Mocksville Saturday m orning a t U of Telegraphy, located at Newnan, a. m. AU voters are urged to come G a. T here i9 a great aud constant out and hear him. Jy grow ing dem and for telegraph Mr. Sam Binkley, aged 80 vears. operaters, and we are glad to see THOMPSONS DPUG STORE. W egive prompt and careful atten­ tion to mail orders. We cany the lar­ gest and most complete stock of Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, ^Cigars, Rub­ ber Goods and everything carried in a first-class drug store in the city. Special attention given to the fitting of Trusses. Private room. Thom pson’s Drug Store. Winston-Salem, N. C. died at his home in Advance Sunday, ,, Oct. 18th, from old age. undav*1 thi8 w orthJr and weil-ieeognized *?,. ! institution doing such creditable , . „ Jr,13, re" ' w ork in helping supply tha(mams were interred in Bethlehem t,cmand> A nv young man wishing graveyard. j Jearn a good' profession should Clothes, cleaned and pressed by I 'JeJ “SIui tMrs.}?. E. Williams, first house N orth ferod ** the telegraph of jail. A lsohairpuffs and braids w riting at once toi the Schools made from combings. i free, discriptive literature. W. J. Koontz, of Route I, b ro u g h t----------------------------------------------------- ye editor a sweet potato last week FOR SALE which weighed 5 pounds and 11 5fiD eihoronghbred B erkshire pigs, ounces. Them ore they come, the , r t. larger they get. Let others come. G allon E . H . MOKRu3. The Time is Coming PREPARE NOW. We mean that Christmas is soon coming and you will need a lot of things to make your house and home comfortable. Our advise to you is this: - - Do Not Wait Until You Have to Buy Everything At Once. Commence now to buy your Suit of Furniture, ^ u r Carpet or Kugs1 your Heating or Cooking Stoves, your Blankets or Quilts. Piano^or Organ, pWlor Suit, Couches or Lounges, or anything you may need in the Furm tare line. Remember we have the goods, the prices and the courteous treatment that will make a lasting custom er out of any one whj is willing to give us a trial. IL D. Pomdexter9 Winston-Salem, N. C. The latest thing out in tiny gold- plated safety pins. T heyare cute, aud the price is 5c. each. Some­ thing every one needs. Call at our ;ftiee and see them . If you want a ticket in our watch contest, now is the time to renew or subscribe. The contest is nearing its end, and some one is going to get the pretty watch and chain. PLANTERS’ WAREHOUSE J is now open for the sale of leaf I tobacco- Accomodations are first | class. Good daystall for stock, j We guarantee you highest prices I and will see that your interests * are taken care of. W rite for any f information. W ew antyourpat- I ronageand will do our best to I please you. Don’t fail to bring | us your tobacco. A lbert Matlock I never lets a pile of tobacco go for I less than it is w orth. The roads | to Statesville are good, 5 miles of I the Tum ersburg road being ma- I eadamized. | Planters’ Warehouse, | A. G. MATLOCK, Auctioneer. I FH PIEli. POLAND CHINA mb MAHOTH BLACK. O rder before they are picked over and you will get choice pig in the Jot. JOHN A. YOUNG, Greensboro N. C. APPLER AND TURF OATS Iju s t want to say to the Farm ­ ers, don’t lose sight of these two money crops for tall seed­ ing, and till the 1st of October don’t neglect sowing Crimson C io v eran d lty e. It will give your stock early spring graz­ ing, is a fine tonic for - your cattle and will keep your land from washing and save, you • from bnjing high price ferti­ lizers in the spring. W ehave a New line of Seeds—Red Clo­ ver, Bur, Alsike, W hite aud A lfalfa Clover, O rchard, O at, K y Bine, Tim othy, H ungar­ ian and Fiscue seed. - Clover is a Ii i tie lower in price than last spring. W e also handle W arner Moore’s Anchor Lime. You should use it liberally in the soil, it pays and is cheap­ er than any of the prepared Jam es you buy. I will- also' have some new;seed wheats a little Inter on and will do all I can to push the. Farm er up the hill by selling the best- n f all kinds of Heeds and Swift’s FERTILIZER . I want to im ­ press yon that- while I nse the word -Best a great niany times.' I have not got th e word, p a t­ ented and i f I had. I w o u ld l o a u i t to th e fa rm e r, t o .d is ­ pose of his product raised from the Seeds I sold him . I sim­ ply try to carry th e Best of everything I Bell. My stock,, ■my Fall Block, is com p lete.. It is with our prices sim ply a . slight of hand performance for us to sell you. M e sell you Best Sheeting, Best Carpet W arp— Arnos Green’s, Best - Coffee, Bai-on and Lard, aud in .Ship Chuffs, Fionr and Meal onr claim is endless. In H ea­ vy Jeans we carry a line • that will make you thin k 'cf the old tim es in prices, and Feel proud winter is near at hand, And we have a stock of -Shoes to : beat the band.- The Best of everything in town And (/ottdn Bats that weigh a p o u n d ,A t H. D/ POINDEXTER'S. W.B. SUMMERSETTi 108-110 W. Ennis St. SALISBURY, N. C J Three or five piece iron beds. Prices from the cheapest to the highest, $2.50 to $60. Wrought iron beds, guaranteed to stand better than wood or other material. This is of course only one of our many values. W e keep everything to be found in a first class furniture store from a 45c. chair to the best sun of Furniture, For good M attings, Rugs and A rt Squares, we cannot be excelled, neither in quality or prices. When intow n come and see us, whether you w ant anything or not. Let’s get-acquainted. If y o u will mention The Davie Record when trading with u», you will receive special attention. — :---- W. B. SUMMERSETT. . As to exclusive Bed Room Furniture, we m anufacture our ow nlm e and have the best made in the South, hence we can save y°o a h n d eWra profits, and give you a line of. goods th at cannotb® ^ ^ ' edthi i ar“e«ty. Come to see us a n d b e c o n v in ced , a n d r e m e m b e r t n e p iM e th e la r g e bnck store exactly in ,front of Brown’s W arehouse door^0W “ am stireet and in front of A. Dave’s store, on Liberty street. > storeour store either from Main or lib e rty street, ju st asyou like, as our store extends ail the way through from M ain to Liberty streets. Rominger & Blackbunf Furnishing Company. 422 Main Street and 423 Liberty St, Winston. WHERE ARE YOU GOING? I am going to Bailey & M artin’s store, for that is the place for bargains and fair dealings. Yott cdn - get anything you may w ant for less money than any other ,place in town. That is why we always trade with them. T heyhave an icelin e of Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats, Toboggans, Girls Caps and Outings. Always a nice line of Fresh Groceries on hand. They also carry Cook Stoves and Heat- ers. They pay the highest m arket price for all country produce. Give them a call and you will never regret i t YOURS TO PLEASE, ® Ig. l sc o n I Garries on hand a complete line of Groceries, Glassware, Tobaccos, Cigars and Snuff. Also a nice line of Notions, Boy’s ,Suits and -Men’s Pants, Sweaters and Woolen jackets. Complete line o f, Men’s and Ladies’ Under­ w ear. A well assoated line of % Ladies’ Coats. H ighest price paid for country produce. When in town call and see me.' . G. L. SCOTT, . V Near Depot. THE CLOTHESA . ■ . ' f' - , * * Jt QUESTION is not at all hard to decide now,- since w e commence showing the result of our extraordinary purchases this ' season. A great many of the suits we picked up in New York at our own price, and they were w orth much more than we paid for them. Spotcash did it, Ifyou a reth eleast skep­ tical you’ve only to drop in and let us dem onstrate to you that w hat we say is true. We will sell you suits for $5.98 and $6.50 that other merchants will get $8, • $9 and $10 for, and you won’t have to put them together to see the difference, either. So come in early and let us fit you up. You’ll be proud to w ear a BAITY suit when you see them. Some better yet if you Want them at Baity’s match­ less prices. Yours for M ore Business, J. T. BAITY. Our contest closes Nov.‘5th. you w ant that pretty watch? Do TOMBSTONES If you need anything like Tombstones, Tablets. ;or Monuments, call on CLAUDE MILLER N orth W ilkesboro, N . C. J)R. ROBT. ANDERSON, DENTIST, Office over Bank of Davie. T l X* NOTICE I I will meet the tax-payers of Davie Counly at the following places to col­ lect taxes for the year 1908: County Une, Thursday, Oct., 15th, 1908 Clarksville, Friday, “16th,U- Farmington, Saturday, “17th,U . “ Snuth GtpVe, Wednesday, “21st,a : Advance,^ Saturday,24th,U Fork Church, Wednesd^f■“28th,a Jerusalem, Thursday “29th,a Mocksvillef Saturday, “31st,u ease meet m e and pay ryour '■ '. ‘Sm ’S ’®***ta? is-sssMS”!! is ■ Si aw =B M sM s Sir pt^niptly. and County be present and discuss issuer of the Campaign. L. SHEEK, Sheriff. Sffiffiiffiaggfeisg I I Ii h THE HORNET SECTION. ROOT HOG, OR DIE. SOME THINGS THAT WILL KEEP YOU GRINNING FOR A WEEK. Do Yoa Like it? Linburger cheese laid away in a cupboard will drive away a its, w rites a correspondent. T hetruth of the m atter is it will not only drive ants out oi a cupboard but it will drive bulldogs out of a tan yard, it will drive a buzzard from aearcass, it will drive a herd of cattle through a burning forest or or through a bathed wire fence. I t will not onlj drive ants, it will drive uncles, fatheis, mothers, sisters, brothers, and grandm others C'azy, if they are compelled to re­ m ain w ithin 20 feet of it; it will alm ost diive a nail. A bout the only thing it will not drive is a bargain, and still there are some people who eat it. Did you ever drink tea made of dog fennel, chinch bugs, carbolic soap, stale codfish, and last year’s woolsacks sweetened w ith home m ade sorghum? If so you have an idea w hat lim burger cheese is. The Carroll Journal asks and answers its own question as fol­ lows: W ill a m erchant who is wise ever cease to advertise! Yes —when the trees grow upside down; when the beggar wears a crown; when ice forms on the sun; when the sparrow weighs a ton; when gold dollars get to cheap; when women secrets keep; whei. a flsb forgets to swim; when Satan sings a hym n; when girls go back on gnm ; when the small boy hates the drum ; when no politician schemes; when mince pie makes pleasant dream s; when it’s fun to break a tooth; when all lawyers tell the truth; when cold w ater makes yon drunk; when you love to smell a skunk; when the drum ­ m er has no brass; when these things all come to pass; then the man th at’a wsse will neglect to advertise.—M erchant’s Journal. Au Editor's Love Letter. . ‘‘D ear darling delinquent! O nr precious subscriber in arrears! You are so shy. Do you think we have sold out and gonef No, little sugarplum , we could not get away if we w anted to. W e are still at the same old stand dishing out the advertisers on sweet prom ises aud bright expectations. They m ake an excellent diet, darling, w ith a little puddiu flavored w ith a word of encouragem ent to serve at a des sert. W e are waiting and w atch­ ing for thee, our turtle dove. We long to hear thy gentle footstep on the stairw ay below and to hear the ring of the happy dollars witn- in our office. D ear one, we feel unusually sad and lonely w ithout you, dear. Now little piecrust, will yon come! Do we hear you auswer in a voice so sweet and be­ guiling, “ I ’m com ing,” or is it only the winds th a t around our office roar? W e pause for further developm ent.” —Exchange. Au Editor’s Lament. Lives of poor men oft rem ind us honest tod doesn’t stand a chance; the more we work we leave behinu us bigger patches on our pants. On our pants once new and glossy now are patches of different hue; all because subscribers linger and won’t pay up w hat is due. Then let all be up and doing, 6end in your m ite be it ever so sm all; or when the,blasts of w iuter strike us we shall have no pants a t all.— D allas New E ra. An Editor’s Soft Answer. O ur esteemed contem porary says th at in reciting “ Sheridan’s Ridjfe” at the M ethodist church festival one night last « eek we looked and acted like a jackass. W e could reto it in a way th at would em bitter the man’s whole future life, but we have learned to pass such things by. Suffice it. to say th at he is an infernal liar and a craw liug scoun­ drel.—LeesvilleLighfc. CROUPfH0 WEUM0N1ASALVE The Greatest Medical Discovery Since Vaccination. Absolute cure for Croup, Pneumonia, and Colds of all kinds. Quick relief for Burns, Bruises,-Stings, and all Inflammation. A box in your house is as good a&a doctor. One box will convince you of its value. 25c, 50c and $1.00 at your drug store orby mail. I Vick’s Family Remedies Co., Greensborot N. C. A nderson ’S Great Quick - Action Closing Out Sale Is Now at Its Height Throngs of Economical People Are Eagerly ArailiBf Themselves oi The Hundreds oi Surprisinf Barfains Which Are Beinf Given in this Jreat Event, Boldly Demonstrating 'The Fact that When they Read it in Our Advertisements, the Intellifent People ol MochsvilleandVicinity Knowit’s the Truth. L O liM U S T I Don’t Hesitate, Don’t IFTOD VALUE MONEY, JOIN TflL CROWD AND PArtTICIPATE IN TflL MANY WONDERFUL MONEY-SAVING OPPORTUNITIES OF THIS GREAT EVENT- {Priekly Asb, Poke E oot an d Potassium .) zea p o s i t i v e ccthes o p a l l fo b h s a sd stages op. . tcr.-iorsoP.P.P. asasplea- ADiation, and prepcrfbe it with g -at satisfaction tor the curea of ail forms and stages of Primary, Secondary aca TerUary Syph'iHs, BypMUtto TUiou- snettezn, Scrofulous Ulcers and Sores, GiandularSweliingst EhettmGfism, Eid- »ey Coraplaiats, old Chroiiio Blosrs that m r — - @ O yon -win regain Seah and WasSeof energy andaUdtoeeaesresnitlaifrom overtaxing UieByeUmarecowdte the use of P. P. P. Laaiasvaoae watemsuepotaonedate vhoeebioodislhaniiapnneanditiondst to menetrnclirnguiariKes an pecsitei, benehted by the vonderfel tonio and CATARRH!B i SCROFULA baTOteriBtsa all treatment. Catarrh, SMn Diseases, Eczema. Chroaic Female Complaints, Mercurial Doiaon, Tetter, Bcaldhead, etc., eta. P. P. P. Is a powerful tonio and an excellent appitizer, building np the system rapidly. If yon are yreni and feeble, and feel badly try S. P. P., and m blood cleansing properties of P. p, p, PridMy AstnPoke Boot aadPotasaloa, SoidbyaUDroggiets. F, V. LIPPMAN P raprlhtor Savannah, - Ca. RHEUMATISM Southern Railroad. Operates over 7,000 Miles of Railroad. QUICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS North- - South-East--W est. . , irn Ci--Iius.cJsiDweeu P riacipal C ities and Resorts- AFFORDIisJG FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION /' Z.XT.A HATKE LOCATED IN THE HEART CHMOND ! . S atk ^ O . 1111 I. FfLNE WHISKEYSNil. M B d l B IBBB IiiilIBRltiB TiIfiliI RETAIL D ttjTJI WjiUUE^flLt I - 1^ c- t -. — Ii J SOUTHERN " E X f e R g S T B R O M R T SH IP M E N T S .. S S x s ?— : its - •! : : : : : •' » a Wo prepay Oxpmss Chaigea at these prices and guarantee ttfe u A. HATKE & COMPA vv 800-802-804-806 E. CARY ST., BOX 3 ^ ’ 3 flab. >6.50 6 .5 0 6 .6 0 6 .6 0 6.50 434 Gab. $ 9 .0 0 9 .0 0 9 .0 0 9 .0 0 9 .0 0 fewbmnds. R ic h m o n d , V a , <-;iegitm Pullm an Sleeping C ais on all Through T rains. Dining, < Inh A nd O bservation Cars. For Speed, Comfort and C ourteous Em ployes, travel via the South arn Railway Rates, Schedules and other inform ation furnished l>j addressing th e undersigned: R. L. V ern o n , T rav. Pass. A gt., J . H , W ood, D ist.Pass. Agent C harlotte, N C, A sheville,.N. C. s. B.. H a r d w io k I ass. Traffic M gr. W . H . TAYLOE1Gen'] Pass Agi W A SH IN G TO N . D C PRICE UST OF WHISKIES Express Paid to your city. W e the only whiskey heuse that m anufactures our own whiskey. Send all .orders to The Clarksville Whiskey House. Old R. W. Jones corn W hiskey 8 years old_____ Old R. W. Jones com Whiskey 4 years old------- Old R. W. Jones corn W hiskey 2 years old------- Com Whiskey by the half gallon,,------------------ C om Whiskey 4 gal 2 years old,---------------------- ...$3.50 -S2.75 42.50 .„.1.50 ....8.50 Com Whiskey 2 gal 2 years old,____________;------------:....,— .„............ „4 50 Corn Whiskey 3 gal 2 years old,.. ______________L................... 6.50 Three Feathers 4 qts____________:---------------- Rye Whiskey, old velvet 4 years o ld ________ fountain Rye 2 years o ld __________________ Kentucky Bell Rye 8 yearsold ______________ Echo Spring Rye 8 years old..._______________ Silver Brook Rye 6 years old.. PerGal. ...4.00 ...2.75 ...5.00' .,5.00 .viountain Spring Rye xxx 4 years old.. Log Cabin Rye 3 years old___________ viountain Spring Rye xx _______ Excelsior Rye 2 years old.........____.... Colden Crown Rye 3 years old___.___ Professor Jones Ryel..... __ „...,__ Apple Brandy Home Made 8 years old. Baltimore-Apple Bandy 3 years old,........ Ginger Brandy,.. :____ 4.00 . ! _ ■_______......3.50 ___ 2.75 '____2.75 ....-.jl% ________3 oo __„„„_____2.50 __4.50 Peach Brandy 10 years old.. Peach and H oney_________ .....3.00 „2.50 5.00 2.00 Barrel Goods. Cherry W ine— I.____.....----------$3.00 Old Cherry 8 years o ld ___.4.00 Port W ine .............. .50 Scuppernong Wine....:___________2.50 Clarret W ine .............. 2,25 Black Berry Wine.! ....... „.,.,„2.25 Bottled Goods. French Brandy Per Q t —L ^ . ..$3.50 Rye Whiskey. Green H iver Rye 4 Q ts „..„.$5.00 Three Feather Rye 4 Qts ...._.....8.00 Canadian Club 4 QtsGA-L 5.00 Old Prentice 4 Qts....,___________5.00 Muins Rye 4 Qts..„._.„..:-------------5 50 Full Dress 4 Qts....': ... ________5.00 Four Aces 4 Qts___________ 5.00 Elcho Springs 4 Qts ............ 5.50 Mark Rogers-4 Qts......... .-._____5.00 Jefferson Club 4 Qts................ 5.00 Golden Rye 4 Qts ,...:------..„....:._.......5.50 EItz H ugh Lee 4 Qts „:™„5.00 Blue Bfood 4 Qts .,......................5.00 M ontreal M alt Whiskey 4 Qts..„...5.00 Iameson Irish Whiskey 4 Qts .$5.00 Dewar’s Scotch ......I I 5.00 Royal Arch 4 Qts... _____4.50 Rooney’s M alt 4 Qts,...:,....!___.......4.50 Duffy’s M alt 4 Qts....................___5.00 Duffy’s M altby the case.„___..„.,12.00 American Malt 4 QtsU____.......4 50 Casey M alt.............................4.50 RoSe Valley Rye 4. Qtsi___.......$4.50 Glenn Lilly Rye 4 Qts,...._____4.00 Old Velvet 4 Qts....„______.......4.00 G. P. R. 4 Qts:.____________........4.00 Silus Dean 4 Q ts_____'......______.4.00 Old H enry 4 Qts...............................4.50 Bottled W ine. Virginia D are 4 Qts..„„___............$3.50 St. Estephe 4_Qts.„..„,___I_____.3.50 St. JuIean 4 Q ts__________....___.3.50 Virginia C larret 4 Qts____......3.50 Emperial Sherry Wine 8 yrs 4 Qts 5.00 Domestic 4 Qts..................„..3 50 Alcohol best grade I q t____.........2.00 Minnehaha 4 Qts.: „„..........___3.50 Pocahontas 4 Qts__________4.50 Em perial Black Berry 4 Qts..___3.50 Scuppemong 4 Q ts.!_____.„..3.50 P ort 4 Qts______ ___________3.25 Black Brandy 4 Qtsi..._________5.C0 E xtra Dry Mumms 4 Q ts........... 16.C0 lake my advice and buy Home-made Copper-DutiUed Corn Whisbty made by us .in the old fashion way. / We are one ^of the few that make our own Cora Whiskey, so yon get it direct from the SfilL Al! order a .^ust be aceompamed by Cashier’s Ghedk, Postoffice M oney Order, or Express Money Order. No individual checks taken unless known by the firm, as we know no one, and no One knows -us. No stamps taken for Whiskey. No goods sent C. 0. D. REFERENCE: First State Bank and Planters of Clarksville, Va., and First Natir nil Bank, Oxford, N. C. Send all orders to The CLARKSVILLE WHISKEY HOUSE Clarksville, Va. P. 6. AU WmskeyS Delivered Express Prepaid in plain boxes if desired.