09-September-A J I s-A y i y y O y y THE DAVlE RECORD H A S A CIRCULATION LARGER TH AN TH A T O F ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN DAVIE COUNTY, AND OUR BOORS WILL PROVE IT V o l. X.MOCKSYILLE. N. C.. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 3. 1908 No. 9 COX IS NOMINATED.GREAT ENTHUSIASM CONVENTION ENDS ITS WORR Chas. F. Toms Receives Nomina­ tion For Second Place. Charlotte, Aug. 27.—Thesecond <la\s stiHsiou of the Republican State Convention was called to or­ der at. 10:27 this morning by Chair­ man Price. Marion B Uler was cheered as he entered the hall. The platform, which was read, MingratnloteB the party upoD its i,. ,a:i<m for Pivsident and eu- .',OiXiiS the Republican admiuistra I.. It condemns the democratic ,c-i) ature for reducing passenger mie> and its attacks on capital. , - l-.cal self govoi uno iii . r. Utirer e'ectiou la»s, p.ou.- to d»nt» e the present, appro- i.ii:.i for Confederate \fU -iai> . lau.rs the establishment of one or more reformatories, favors the ex­ emption from taxes of persons not owning over $100, favore the elec­ tion of county school boards and magistrates by the people. J. J. B ritt, in a splendid Bpeech, presented the name of J. Elwood Cox, of High Point, for Governor. A large banner bearing Cox’s name was stretched across the platform . Cox’ nomination was seconded by B. Z. Linney. Cox was nominated by acclamation. Chas. F. Toms, of Henderson county was nominated ior Lienten- ant-Governor. Theconvention then adjourned until 3:30 o’clock. After convening at 3:30 p. m., the remainder of the State ticket was nominated as follows: Secretary ot State—D r. Cyrus Thompson, of Onslow. Auditor—John Quincey Adams Wood, of Pasquotank. Treasurer—W . E. Griggs, of Lincoln. Superintendent of Public In ­ struction—Rev. D r. J. L. M. Ly- erly, of Rowan. Attorney General—J. P. Newell, of Mecklenburg.:. For Commissioner of Agriculture —J. M. Mewborne1 of Lenoir. For Corporation Commissioner— HarryG1Elmore. For Insurance Commissioner.- B. Norris, of W ilkes. For Commissioner of Labor and Printing—C. M. Ray, of Mecklen ■burg. For Electors at Large -A . A. Whitener, of Catawba, and Thom .wdettle. of Buncombe. As He Understood It “ During the taking of a religi­ ous ceusns of the D istrict of Colum bia the past w inter,” relates a re­ presentative from Tennessee - *a coUple of young ladies who were engaged in the work stopped at my home on Capitol H ill, and when ■ the bell rang it was answerec by the negro boy I brought from. Ten- UBssee with me. TJie ladies asked him*. , A “ ‘W ill you please te ll me who lives heret’ “ ‘Ypssum; Mistah Jobnsing,’ •'Was the answer. “ ‘Is he a ChristainP “ ‘No ma’am. He’sercongresB- UiHii fr im Tenessee.’ ” ■Iaiiv a young man’s uusteadi- 1 '*-R is due tea steady income. TAFT’S NAME WILDLY CHEERED Delegates Go Wild and Demon­ stration Lasts Nearly an Hour. Charlotte, N. C., Aug. 26.—The mention of the name of W illiam Howard Taft by Permanent Chair­ man A . H . Price in his speech to­ night, started a spontaneous de­ monstration that lasted forty-five minutes. Only after considerable effort on the part of the chair was the outburst of enthusiasm curbed and even a time lim it of that ex­ tent put upon the cheering. Dur iiig three quarters of an hour de legates madly waved their hats, flags, umbrellas, etc. Republicans from over the state marched and count Hixmarched around Char-I I-.lie ’s big auditorium w ith Teddy Bears, flags and banners. Chir- uiau Adams, ex Congressman Lin- uey, Charles H . Cowles, V irg il b. Lusk and others were carried a- round by the delegates who were madly enthusiastic. No candidate for President has ever received such a demonstration in the state. The features of today’s sessions of the convention in addition to the Taft demonstration, were the speeches of Judge Spencer B. Adams and Augustus H . Price, the latter being the convention’s unanimous choice for permanent chairman. Two sessions were held —one at twelve o’clock, when ChairmanAdams spoke, and the other at 8.30 tonight, when M r. Price was chccen and made his speech. A t ten o’clock tonight the convention adjourned u n til to­ morrow, when the ticket w ill be nominated and the platform adopt ed. Notwithstanding the almost in ­ cessant downpour of rain for the last three days, sweeping away bridges and paralizing railroad traffic, nearly a thousand delegates were present when the convention was called to order by State Chair­ man S. B. Adams at noon. ALL FLOOD RECORDS BROKEN. ...a tta in s Kitefeett In the world*.. , Stale Eggs Fpr A Comrade.” H a ll sections of North Carolina showed as little encouragement for Socialisn as Gastonia the “ Com- rabe” who are out lecturing and agitating would have to take to ta ll tim ber. A few days ago one “ Com­ rade” P itts, a traveling Socialist lecturer dropped into that town and for about three dayB held forth w ith the working people. He grew very incendiary in his utter­ ances as he waxed warmer and warmer, t ill finally the people con­ cluded that this harangue had gone far enough. AU at once in the very heat of one of his revolution ary appeals, a shower ot over ripe roi ten tomatoes and eggs of last year’s vintage, began to rain in great profusion. The “ Comrade” brought the lecture to an abrupt end announced that the speaking would be continued to morrow night. B u ta t this juncture the mayor of the little town appeared on the scene and made a counter announcement to the effect that the “ Comrade” was mis-takeh; that the speaking would not be perm it­ ted to-morrow night or any other night. H looks like the Democra tic-Socialist Pasquotank “ Indepen­ dent” ought to demand better be­ havior on the party of its pupils, for be it remembered that Gastonia is a Democratic stronghold. Whatsome people call love isn’t ■even tt goon im itation. #. QR.KING’S W EW D IS C O V E R * S fill Surely S to P p e t Igjgoaju: -..I ' itrM-ZS VrdB1SaaiS AU Streams in tlie Carolinas High­ er Thao Ever Before Known. f Reports received from all 'sections of South Carolina indicate that the floods last week were the most dam­ aging of any previously recorded. The flooded area covered practically the entire State and at many points the rivers were from two to six feet higher than ever known. The tele­ graph and telephone service and the railroads were badly crippled and many towns were isolated. More than a dozen to ll and public bridges crossing the larger rivers in the State were swept away and several steelrailroad bridges went down. Many of the dams along the rivers, erected fo r the protection of the bottom lands, were swept away and the large com crops along the d if­ ferent streams are a total loss. The total loss of life so fa r as known, is five. Itis impossible to estimate the damage to the farming interests throughout the State. Reports from all sections in North Carolinaindicate the worst floods ever recorded. Bridges, railroads, dams and even houses were washed away or badly damaged The loss to growing crops and bridges w ill run into the millions. Augusta Ga., was one of the worst sufferers, part of that city being under water from six to twelve feet. The storm played havoc in V ir­ gin ia ^ Many washouts were report­ ed on the Southern railway. Tobac­ co is badly damaged. Many bridges were washed away. The town of Duke, this State, was submerged, water being four feet in the stores, and much lumber was washed away, and also many cattle. Chathamcounty suffered severely. The county bridge at Lockville was washed away, also many other coun­ ty bridges. Three of Guilford county’s largest bridges were swept away, and crops throughout that county are badly damaged. The railroads around Hamletwere practically put out of business. The losstothe Seaboard w ill probably aggregate $100,000. Edgecombecountyget her share of the calamity. The railroads were washed away and all m ills closed down on account of high water. I he Yadkin river got on a big. rampage and did great damage to com and other crops, and a number of bridges were swiped out of exis­ tence. : A t Wbitney the Yadkin river was over the big stone dam,. making a depth of forty feet. A t Norwood a cotton gin was washed away and all traffic on’the railroads were ser­ iously crippled. Trains fo r Char­ lotte and. Atlanta were detoured by way of Asheville. A bad washout occurred on the Southern near Saluda, which wreck­ ed a freight train and caused the death of Engineer Lee London and the injury of Fireman Phillips. Aiken, S. C., reports one railroad bridge and one wagon bridge on the Savannah river washed away. The Wateree river at Camden, was over forty-one feet. Heavy damage is reported by planters and railroads. The Gatawba. river through this State reached alarming proportions, and did great damage to crops and bridges. The river reached a stage unheard of before. The damage to crops, in this coun­ ty is very heavy. Ihe North and South Yrdkin rivers washed much com away, while Dutchman and Hunting creeks just about finished up bottom land crops. Cotton is damaged considerably. Two or threebridges were washed-away A Most Representative Gathering. TheConvention at Charlotte is representative of the Republican paity in North Carolina. The men are-all well dressed, neat in their-appearance, genteel and-cour­ teous-in their mauners. Among them are lawyers, faimers, merch­ ants, doctors, laborers, manufac­ turers and representatives of other branches of trade and industry. When the secretary arose to read the call, for the convention an in­ toxicated delegate arose and said: “ This delegation is hereto demand the nomination of D r. Cyrus Thompson for governor.’’ A n­ other of the delegates who had stubled across something wet in the dry town of Charlotte, cried out: “ Speak louder, so we in the rear can hear. Louder, louder.” Chairman Adams directed him to take his seat, assuring him ' that when someting happened he should hear it. The openirg address of Chair­ man Adams was well received. Every reference to Charlotte and the personnel of the convention was appluded to the echo The first genuine outburst of applause, how­ ever, came when he said that we are here to nominate a ticket that w ill be elected in November. The Auditorium is gorgeously decorated for the occasion. Hund­ reds of small flags and red, white and blue bunting are arrayed a moDg the overhead girders. Pic­ tures of Taft and Sherman hang on the walls, while from the central chandelier is suspended a G, O. P. elephant. On the center of the front part of the platform over a large bronze eagle is a huge Teddy Bear and on either side potted plants and palms and electric fans Large blocks of ice in which are embedded wreaths of flowers and photographic scenes about Char­ lotte are placed in front of the plat­ form for the purpose of keeping the Auditorium comfortable. The delegates are a ll seated ou the main floor w ith placards to designate where the delegations from the different counties belong. Wilkes and Buncombe, the two counties having the the largest vote in the convention, occupy rows of seats in front on either side of the center aisle. A CLEAR CUT, g CLEAN UP-TO-DATE M BARBER SHOP, S Situated in the Pass building | | | . on Depot St. Callinandgive Hf) me a trial. Also cleaning SS and pressing clothes; W . H. PEARSON. B THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS. Practical education in Agriculture; in Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Cotton Manufactur­ ing, Dyeing and Industrial Chemis­ try. Tuition $45 a year; Board $10 a month. 120 Scholarships. Exami­ nations for admission at the College on Sept. 2. Address THE PRESIDENT, West Raleigh, N. C. Notice of Sale of Personal Property By virtue of the powers contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed by William K. Clement to H. W. Scott, Trustee, to secure certain notes or bonds given by said. W. K. ■ lement to Frick Company, which said Deed of Trust appears recorded in Book No. 10, page 368, etc., in the office of Register of Deeds of Davie county, N. C., default having been made in the payment of said debt so secured, and demand having been made upon the said H. W. -Icott, trustee, by the said Frick Company, to sell the said property therein con- veyen to satisfy said notes or bonds: The undersigned will sell publicly for cash to- the highest bidder at the court house door in the town of Mocksvilie, Davie county; Ni G,, on Monday, the 31st day or August, 1908, at 12 o’clock m., the following de­ scribed personal property, to-wit: One Frick Comoany 7ix9 traction engine complete No. 12313. One pair bay mare mules, names “Roda” and “Beck” nine years old. One Jersey cow named “Maude.” One short­ horned cow named “Rose.” One hol- s.ine cow named “Ethel.” Also six young cattle in age from one to two years old. Jersey stock. Date of sale Auyuat 31st, 1908. Terms of sale, cash.This the 4th day of August, 1908 H1 W. SCOTT, Trustee for Frick Company. A. T. GRANT, fr., Attorney Subscribe for The Davie Record. One year for only 50 cents JSarn Jones was once asked what he was politically—whether a dem­ ocrat or a republican. Sam said;. “ I am neither; I am a gentleman.” In his entercdurs w ith men and devils, Sam had learned that the great need of this age and country was, gentleman. Everybody is more or less picious of a suspicious man. sus- I t ’s as unblessed to give as it is to receive offense. What makes a child smart is for it to be yours. INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION AT A. & IfL COLLEGE The advertisement of the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic A rts appears in another column. This College has courses of instruction in Agriculture, 94 students; C ivil Engineering, 103 students; Electrical Engineering, 116 students; Mechanical Engineer iug, 79 students; Cotton Manufac t-nring, Chemistry and Dyeing, 50 stndents. Besides the regular Iour- year courses m Machine W ork, Spinning, Weaving, Cloth Analysis, Agriculture, and Dairying. Next session begins September 2, 1908. For catalogue, etc., address The President, WestRaleigh, N. C. KILLthi COUCH w o CURB t h e LUNCS wiwDr. King’s New Discovery for C8BSPS ,.sSffi. NWP ALL THBOAT AND UlNO TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OB MONEY REFUNDED. IFYOU W ANTA WATCH or a piece of jewelry* it wifl pay you to see us before buying. If we haven’t got w hat you want, w e can get it for you on short notice. ELGIN OR WALTHAM WATCHES from the cheapest to the highest. A twen­ ty-year gold-filled, 7 jewel Elgin w atch at ' only $11.75. Silveroid case, with 7-jewel Elgin works, only $5.49. WATCH CHAINS From 10c. to $2.50 each, in plate, nickel and gold-filled. LADIES RINGS Solid Gold Rings with Opal, Pearl and Sap­ phire settings from $2 up. They are pretty. W hen you come to town, call and see us. |C. Frank Stroud, IN DAVIE RECORD OFFICE. Southern Railroad. Operates over 7,000 Miles of Railroad. QUICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS North-Soutli--East-West. Tnrough Trains Between Principal Cities and Resorts AFFORDING FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION Elegant Pullman Sleeping Cars on a ll Through Trains. Dining, Clnb And Observation Cars. For Speed, Comfort and Courteous Employes, travel via the South-- ern Railway. Rates, Schedules and other information furnished by addressing the undersigned: R, L . V ernon, Trav. Pass. A gt., J. H . W ood, Dist.Pass. Agent Charlotte, N C, Asheville, N. C. S. H . H aed w ic k lass. Traffic M gr. W . H . TAYLOE,Gen’l Pass A gt WASHINGTON, D C . (M e U r JU tl Poke B oot and Potassium .) - WITiM TYMlT1IvHl COBES 07 ALL 70BUS AXD STAGES OP- Physicians endorse P. P.P. asa Bplen- Cld combination, and prescribe it with great satisfaction for the cures of all forms and stages of Primary, Secondary and T6rtiary Syphilis, Syphflitio Xtheu- TTifltIaTn, Scrofulous Ulcers and Sores, Glandoter Swellings, Rheumatism, Kid­ ney Complaints, old Chronio Uloens that mr**O-o yon will regain flesh and strength. Wasteofenergyapdalldigcaoooregultlng from overtaxing theayatem are cured Xp the use of P. P. P. Uadieewbose systems arepolsonedaad whoeeblood is in an impure condition due tomenstru&l irregularities are peculiarly benefited by the wenderfrd tonlo aad' CATARRH o SCROFULA aUtreatment, Catarrh, Skin DiBeMea1 Eczema,( Ohronic Female CompIalntL UercnrUI Poison, Tetter, Bealdbead, eta., eta. P. P. P. Ia » powerfnltonlo and an excellent appitlxer, building up the system rapidly. Jt yon are -areuk and feeble, and feel badly try P. P. P., and Sim blood cleansing properties of P. P .P . Pricily Aah1PokeBoot andPotaastna. Sold by all Druggists. F. V. LIPPMAN P ro p rie to r Savannah, -0 Ca. RHEUMATISM THE DAVIE RECORD. C. FRANK STROUD - - Editor • % ; £• ■ft- : ‘ I if: i :> ; ft ■ f t ■ I ■■K f t * - ■W' :•! '■ EIntered at the Postofflce in Mocks- ville, N. C., as Second-class Mail matter, March 3.1903. Terms of Subscription: Onecopy1 One Year,„ One copy, Six Months,. ...50c, _.25e. LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANT PAPER EVER PUBLISHED IN DAVIE COUNTY. o u r t ic k e t ! For Prwident, WM. H. TAFT of Ohio. For Vice-Preeidenb JAMES S. SHERMAN, of'New York. MOCKSVILLE, N. C., SEPT. 3, 1908. The people of North Carolina would like for Mr. W. W. Kitchin to explain what he meant in his Rock­ ingham speech when he said that "Republicans had as well place their ballots in rural letter boxes, for the good they would do in the coming election." Doeshe propose “ Hali- faxing" the State?______ BRYANITES AND NIGGERITES Brother Pop, don’t you remember how they used to jeer at us and call us the nigger party? Don’t you remember how the De­ mocratic editors and speakers proud­ ly claimed that theirs was the white man’s party? Of course you do. Therefore you w ill have to rub your eyes to make sure your vision is clear when you see Hoke Smith signing a b ill which was meant to k ill the disfranchise­ ment law; and see Bryan holding conferences w ith negro leaders who have been Republicans ever since “ freedom" but who—after talking with the Peerless One—suddenly be­ comes Bryanites. What does it mean, Brother? The negro leaders went to see Taft about the Brownsville matter, about the Foraker b ill to re-instate the negro troops, about the Southern disfranchisement laws, and about the 14th and 15th amendments. From T aft they got no satisfaction, They then went to see Mr. Bryan about those same matters. He talk­ ed with them, and they came away rejoicing—perfectly satisfied. What did Bryan say to those ne­ groes? The South has a right to know. Is it honest, in Bryan, to allow the negro leaders to support him upon the ground that he w ill either com­ bat the Southern disfranchisement laws, or w ill favor the cutting down of Southern representation in Con­ gress? What evidence has Bryan given to those negroes which convinces them that he sides with them on these vi­ tal matters? The question is a fa ir one, gentle­ men, and it must be met. You are sitting still, uttering no word of protest, while Bryan is nig- gerizing the Democratic parly. Speak out, gentlemen! The Cosmopolitan Club, of New York has for its purpose the prac­ tice of Social EIquality and of inter­ marriage between negroes and white people. They gave a banquet a few months ago, at which negro men sat down to eat and drink with white women. They are to give' another such banquet in October. The Secretary of this Social Equal­ ity Club is out making speeches for Mr. Bryan. TheRev. Dr. Corrothers. negro divine of eminent respectability, is likewise out making speeches for Bryan. Tohisaudience of negroes in Washington, D. C., the Re\ erend Doctor declared: “ Let us vote fo r Mr. Bryan, a man who w ill enforce the 14th and 15th amendments." And the audience roared w ith en­ thusiastic approval. H ow longw illitbe before South­ ern Democrats compel M r. Bi /an to repudiate the support offered to him on those grounds?—Watson’s Jeffer­ sonian Weekly. Don’t Forget. He is a sorry white man who for­ gets his mother or his father. He is a sorrier white man who forgets his benefactor. That is why we say we know Taft w ill be elected by a rousing m ajority. That is why we know he should be elected. Some of the new school p o litici­ ans te ll UB that we must draw the veil over the past and wrestle only with new principles. We deny is. Wechallenge any man to te ll ns why and give good reasons for it. The Democratic party has made record. I t made it and it gloried in it. I t never asked to be for­ given. I t was defiant in defeat and has remained sullen and im ­ potent ever since the great Lee in tears handed over his sword'to the great Grant who accepted it in love. I t wrote his history and immerced it in the blood of the Nation. The treasure it destroyed; the lives it surrendered and the unholy cause for which it wantonly attempted its treasonable acts and utterances is history and can’t be effaced. And in this year of grace as well as in any other year these histori­ cal facts must not be forgotten. TheDemocratic party fough for human slavery. I t wanted to spread its territory; it gloated in selling from the auction black mother; it was brutal and inhuman in its treatment of Union soldiers captured and staived in its prison pens and the man is a weaking who is afraid to again te ll the story. Suppose the Christian world were to forget past history. Sup­ pose it were to forget that Christ died to save the world; that he was crucified by those who scoffed and did not believe—snppose the church of to-«day were to look only to recent events to prove that it was the civilizer and the agency of great good. The Redublican party was born w ith a mission to perfrom. Every chapter whether war or peace is a part of that history and that his tory must always be retold; must always be kept uppermost in the minds of men. The great warror tells of his great victeries; his achievements; the great students take a ll their lives to complete the whole; the great men of the earth made their history and every act in it is a part and parcel of it. The Republican party blotted out the great stain ot human slav­ ery—was an agency of the ju st God to do the act. I t cost1 lives and treasure—but its fearfulness was made so that it conld be remem. bered, that slavery would not a- gain be attempted in this Nation. The Republican party builded school and thus gave intelligence its hope. Democracy was ignorant and debased and didn’t want free schools; opposed them and fought against them; it wanted a ll that was low and savage. The Republi can party was and is the party of progression; the party that- aided a ll free thought and free speech; the party that had ideals and fought to preserve arid sustain them. I t made this the greatest nation in the world; it brought forth statesmen and soldiers—it was and is the party of freedom. The Democratic party has always been the party of retrogression. I t has gone backward and always, like a hissiLg snake, decried the grand trium phs and achievements of Republicanism And therefore we say that this history made by Democracy w ill not be forgotten, and every great­ fu l man in this republic w ill wake up on election day and vote for the party that saved and preserved the Union when treason defied it; when in the mighty theatre of war it cared for its soldiers livin g and the widows of the dead: when it give free homes to a ll who wanted them —when it set the proud flag w ith its stars and stripes against the sky of . God and maintained its dignity and its honor whenever and wher­ ever they were assailed. Vote for Taft—to f course every liberty loving man w ill vote for him ; every laboring man w ill vote for protection against the scum and riff raff ot Europe; every-.thinking maa w ill vote fmTthe party thatj has w ritten the greatest record of anj) party in the wide, wide world. A rid not to do it would be un­ greatful and un-American.—Yel­ low Jacket. Calahaln Taft and Cox Club. The Celahaln township Taft arid Cox Glub now numbers over 100 members, and names are being ad­ ded all the time. We would like for the Club to have 500 names before November, and all voters are re­ quested to please send in their names to the Secretary of the Club, A. A. Anderson, Calahaln, N. C., or give your name to any member of the Club. In September and October the Club w ill hold meetings and have good speaking in different parts of the townshiy, and all voters are re­ quested to attend. Time and places w ill be published later. We hope and think that the voters of North Carolina w ill rally to the Republican standard and quietly (Tom) Settle the great political issues at the No­ vember election in accordance with the State and National Republican platforms. A Member. Statesville Route 7 Items. M r. and Mrs G. D. Crouch visited their daughter, Mrs. Joel Daywalt last week. A. M. Stroud had a barn-raising last Thursday. Mrs. Lizzie Garwood spent Friday w ith her sister, Mrs. Ollie Stroud. Frank Stroud is sufferipg with a sore arm this week. Offie Garwood has been suffering w ith a carbuncle on his_neck, but is better. Richard Gaithervisitedhisbrother last week, and was accompanied home by his father. MissEdmoriia Butler visited her cousin, Miss Lizzie Prather, recently F. Mason visited his grandson, Boone Turner, last week. OnAugust 20th, M r. and Mrs. Pink Feimster gave their daughter, Miss Sallie, a surprise birthday din­ ner, it being her 21st birthday. A number of friends and relatives were present. She received several nice presents. The day was enjoyed by all present. M r. and Mrs. Silas E arn and daughter, Mrs. W ill Stroud, of Win­ ston, visited M r. Rich Gaither’s last Saturday. I he protracted meeting started at Salem church Sunday. Mrs. Mary Prather is on the sick list this week. H umming Bird. A change of schedule w ill go in­ to effect Sunday on this division of the Southern. Tram No. 26 w ill arrive here at 10:i5 a. m .,1 No. 28 at 1:20 p. m., No, 27 at 4 p. m,, and No. 25 at 6:30 p. m. The latest thing out iri tin y gold- plated safety pins. They are cute, and the price is 5c. each. Some­ thing every one needs. Call at our - ffl.ee and see them. The Junior Order w ill hold me­ morial services at the grave of John W yatt at Rose cemetery Svrnday af­ ternoon. Thepublic invited. Tennyson News. Miss LenaM illerand niece, Miss Mary, from neat China Grove, spent Saturday at M r. T. J. Hen dricks. Miss Dinah Wood is spending some time in Mooksville w ith re­ latives and triends. Miss Boydcn, from Florida, is visiting at M r. John Ford’s. Mrs. Y ictoria W illiam s, who has been spending some time with her parents, returned to her home at Orrum Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Marcell Smith spent Saturday and Sunday in Spencer visiting friends. Mrs. Ida Tatum spent one day last week w ith her sister, Mrs. C. W . Stewart. Miss L illia n M ille r from Chiua Grove, spent Satnrday and Sunday w ith her aunt, M issTenaM iller. M r. Theodore Stewart has been very ill. Mrs. M ollie Everhart arid little sou EecIes are visiting their par ents, M r. and Mrs. J. H . AaroD. . M irs M ollie May Stewart left Tuesday io r Hickory, where she entered school. ,.M rs. H . H . Swicegood returned home Thursday from South Caro­ lina, where she has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Alvah Byrd. D i x i e . They Takethe Kinka out. “ I have used Dr. King’s New Life Pills for many years, with increasing satisfaction. They take the kinks out of stsmach, liver or bowles, with­ out fuss or friction-” says N. H , Brown, of Pittsfield, Vt Guarenteed satisfactory at C. C. Sanford-Sons Co’s drug store 25c. WHAFS A DOLLAR TO HAPPINESS. Beautiful plumage makes beau­ tifu l birds. You can’t be beau­ tifu l without beautiful attire. A beautiful. Solid Gold Shell Ring, set with blazing Egyptain Diam­ ond to ai-v address fo r one dol­ lar. Wear it 10 days. I f not entirely satisfied, return it and get your mon=?y back. A nar­ row strip of pa er drawn ’round the finger until ends meet but do not lap w ill give us the size to send. RICHMOND GEM CO. Box 109. RICHMOND, VA. National Holiday. Next Monday, Sept. 7th, is a Nat­ ional holiday, andtheR .F. D. car­ riers w ill not serve their routes that day. The public w ill take due tice thereof, and be governed eordingly. no- ac- Gentry’s Dog and Pony Show w ill exhibit in Salisbury next Tuesday, Sept. 8th. B. F. Stonestreet returned Mon­ day from a few days visit to rela­ tives at Kannapolis. Master John LaGrande took in the circus at Winston last week, and he is now trying to lasso everything in Mocksville. I f you don’t like the new schedule, don’t cuss us—cuss the Southern railroad. North Carolina, I In Superior Court, before A. T. Davio County, ) Grant, C. S, C. J. M. Summers, et al.,1 ys > Noticet of Sale. Adolphus Summers, et (J. j By virtue of an order made in the above entitled cause by A. T. Grant, C. S. C., the undersigned Commission­er will resell to the highest bidder at the court house door of Davie County in the town of MocKsville, N. C., on Monday, the 5th day ot Oct., 1908, at 12:00 m., the following described tract of land, to wit; A tract situted in Farmington Township, said connty, bounded on the North by the lands of Josephine Walker, on the East by the lands of Mrs. Fannie Stewart, on the South by the lands of the “Atkinson” heirs, and on the West by the lands of J. M. Summers, containing twenty- five acres more or less. The above described land will be sold for partition between the par­ ties to the above entitled action upon the following terms, to wit: $25,00 cash, and-the balance on six months’ time with bond and approved security, or all cash at the option of the pur- cbRS6ri This the 19th day of August, 1908. A. T. G ra n t, Je., Commissioner. Rheumatism I have found a tried and tested cure for Rheu­matism I Nota remedy that will straighten the distorted limhs of chronic cripples, nor turn bray growths back to flesh again. That is impossible. But I can now surely kill the pains and pangs of this deplorable disease. _ .... *In Germany—with, a Chemist in the City .of Darmstadt—I found the lest ingredient with which Pr. Sboop’s Bheumatic Remedy was made a perfected, dependable prescription. Without that last ingredient, I successfully treated many* many cases of Rhenmatism; but now, at last. It uni* formly cures all curable cases of this: heretofore much dreaded Afeeasft- Those sand-like granulat wastes, found in Rheumatic Blood, seemtodissolve and pass away under the action of this remedy as freely as does sugar when added to pure water. And then, when dissolved, these poisonous wastes freely pass from the system, and the cause of is gone forever. There is now no real need—no actual excuse to suffer longer with­out help. We sell, and in confidence recommend Dr. Shoop’s Rheumatic Remedy C. 0. SANFOHD SONS CO. 20,000 TELEGRAPH OPERATORS NEEDED YOUNG MFN PREPARE YOUR­ SELVES FOR GOOD POSITIONS. NOTICE. Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Lee C. Hendrix, de­ ceased, late,of the county of Davie, N. G., this is to notify all persons hav­ ing claims against the estate of said deceased, to present them to the un dersigned at Ephesus, Davie Co., N. C., on or before the 13th day of July, 1909, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. AU oersons in­ debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 13th of July, 1908. S T. FOSTER Adinr. of Lee C. Hendrix, dec’d. A. T. CRaNT, JR., Attorney. I f you want a good Elgin or Wal­ tham watch fo r $5.50, call at The Record office. C U T PRICES Nice lawns from 5 to 12Jc.|per yard. Mohairsfrom 374 to 45c. per yard. Shadowed Plaids from 18 to 20c. per yard. Bleach Domestic from 8 to 10c. per yard. F ruit-of Loom bleach, 10c. per yard. Ginghams, 6 to IOc. per yard. Domestic from 5 to 8c. per yard. Sea Island Domestic, 8 to 9c. per yard. S ilk M ulls, 38c. per yard. Percals 10 to 121c. per yard. W aist goods from 10 to 22}c. per yard. Prints 6c. per yard. 42 inch Lawnj -IO to 12ic. per yard. Men’s $1 hats for 85c. Men’s $1.25 hats for $1. Men’s $2.50 hats for $2.25. Ladies Embroideried Lawn Skirts at 75c. to $1. Ladies Embroideried Pants 45c. Nice line infant caps from 15 to 65c. We have only mentioned a few things, but we have most any­ thing you may want that is kept in a general store, aud ask you to call and see as before you buy, for we w ill certainly save you money. YOURS TO PLEASE, BAILEY & MARTIN. On account of the new 8-hour law passed by congress in the interest of telegraphers, and also on account of so many new railroads being b u ilt and old lines extended, an unusual demand fo r operators has been cre­ ated. Conservative estimates have placed the number of additional Op­ erators that w ill be required during the next ten months at approximate­ ly 20,000. YOUNG MEN NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY! Enroll in our School NOW arid in only four to six months we w ill have you qualified fo r splendid positions. Telegraph Ope­ rators receive from $50,00 upwards. Our school has been established 20 years; its equipment is perfect; in­ struction thorough and practical; po­ sitions positively guaranteed our graduates. Board in Newnan is very cheap; the town is healthful and the people are cordial. Two Main Line Railroad Wires run into our School rooms. No other school in the Uni­ ted States has such up-to-date and practical facilities fo r the benefit of its students. W rite at once fo r free, descriptive literature. Southern School of Telegraphy, NEWNAN, GEORGIA. NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Alexander Phelps, dec’d, late of the county of Davie, N, C., this is to notify all persons hav­ ing claimt against the estate of said deceased, to present them tq the un­ dersigned at Advance, Davie county, N. G., on or before the 20th day of July, 1909, or this yotice will be plead­ ed m bar of their recovery All per­ sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 20th day of July; 1908. Fkank E. Brindle, ■ Admr. of Alexander Pheips, Dec’d; A. T. G ra n t, Jr., A tt’y. Drop. It’s on Staples Bris Time, Too. Such as the best qualities 0f Ginghamsthafchave been Selii0g for 121 and 15c. Large range of colors—stripes, plaids and solids- 10c. now. Chambrays come next—soft-fin­ ished kind that suits so well for dresses and boys waists all S2}0 quality—colors solids, blue, tan, pink and grey, stripes also, it w ill wash, and price here—lOc. Then the Lawns in stripes and figures so suitable for tbe cwl knock about summer dresses—cm-! they are great—for the pi-iw <• mean—you’ll thiuk so too. s„,:, of them brought 10-.. .... have them now for—we I say 5J(- More Lawns, some of them i-i-. in stripes, floral designs, dots au>i figures, worth 12}c.- 10c. prie» now. Andhere we jum p to blear!,*-, domestics and take just the best brands that you know so well line “ Barker M ills,” “ F ruit of the Loom” and “ Androscroggin” that you have been paying 121c. for and probably more, and pot it back to the old price, 10c. Father George Sea Isl md. »n unbleached domestic with an extra finish—7c. Regular 8c. value Men’s Odd Suits. To be closed out at a cousi ter­ rible saving to you. If you are needing one, better ta *e I inl­ and see what we are offeiiug Odd Pants, Too. J. T. BAITY. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1789-1908. Head of the State’s Educational System. DEPARTMENTS. College Graduate, Medicine,Law , Pharm acy. Library contains 48.000 vblumns. New water works, electric lights, cen­ tral heating system. New dor­mitories, gymnasium, Y.Al. C. A. building,Library. 790 STUDENTS, 92 IN FACULTY The Fall term begins . Sept. 7,1908. Address FjfANcfis P . Y enable, P resident CBAPEL BILL. N, C. - The New Drug Store. Fresh Drugs P atent M edicines Toilet Articles, Fine Stationery, Fancy Candies, Books, Bibles, Picture Framing, Blank Books and Ledgers, Ice Cream Daily. Crushed Fruits, Soda Fountain Drinks. Our line of drugs and drug sun­ dries is new and complete, and fins attractive and up-to-date store » meeting a long fe lt want of Mocte- ville and Davie county. The well- selected stock o f goods and their at­ tractive arrangement is a source of pleasure not only to the Company, but also to the people of Mocksville and surrounding country, and this appreciation is shown by the libaral patronage this new enterprise ta* received from the beginning. Yours truly, The M ocksville Drug Co. Tombstones. If you need anything like Tombstones Tab lets or Monuments call O n CLAUDE MILLER- N orth W ilkesboio, N. DR. ROBT. ANDERSON, DENTIST, OfliceoverBaiikofD avte j NOTICE. SUte of Nertli CteoUu I CoumMuwt1tJPific*' Iltn c Cooaly I ; Mty 4, 1S®»- Notice is hereby given that Norw Carolina Midland R aiboad Bonds 57, 58 and 59 must be presented^ payment on orbefore August J, The interest will cease on said bo at the expiration of that time- By order of the Board of com sioners of Davie County, N. t • THE DAl C. FRANK STl ARRIYALofPl GOINl No. 26 L No. 28 L GOINl L v .' Lv . INo. 27 No. 25 Trains Nos- __ nection at W insj Greensboro, Sail tol and Raleigh J Trains Nos. ‘ nection at Barl bury. Richmom York, Boston a Also fo r Ashevs tanooga, Memj Louis, Chicago, cisco, Seattle, Also at Moore= Taylorsville ant makes connecti Columbia, Spar Augusta, Atlan Orleans, Jacks,* bile. Savannah L ittle Rock, F south and wesi LOCAL AND .’,!lines HolttJ at Sutesville The nicest i J. B JohDStj land S atiirdayl T B 'V h itll iu town Mondl 2 good cake G. E. Barr gave us a call| • Jacob StewJ Winston on Your subsc| Call around a l Bring yourl the big streetl Good roast! Miss Flora I wai in tne citT G. W. Heil was iu town ;• Tug of WaJ the box. F. A . Fostl Herrick hou/ Miss Swan| friends and : The Mocksvl get your meal w ith each me| An excnrs| W inston to Taft buttol tbe latest th f office. J. T ild e n . bury Monda show. A good d | attended th / Charlotte las The ladies those cute l| just receive Mrs. G. who has be returned to ! There wa her Junctioil or three fre i W a n te J pay 15i. caJ Route 5. M r. and ! turned SunJ to relatives I : Those TaJ tons are goil ter call a t' get you one| ’ Mrs. C. _ Frank, spe tives near I . ,Be patrio by wearing I . fob. You Record offid The Insn school teacll court hous .F O R SAI in South painted, ne| ters w ith : chicken; M rs. H. I marie,• a rril to v isit relsf Call at o | watch, wat| rin g or sh ,W eeaving I THE DAVlE RECORD. ip to t)i(*H<’bft' ju st the best osr so well tine “ F ru it of the oscroggin” that ying 12Jt! far e, and put it :e, 10c. Sea Island. »o ic w ith an ext re ar 80. value at a coiisi ier- a. If yon are ;ter ta^e lime > are offeiing c. FRANK STROUD - - Editor. No. 26 No. 28 No. 27 No. 25 3:38 p. m. 7:54 p. m. ARRIVAL of PASSENGER TRAINS GOING NORTH. Lv. Mocksville 9:36 a. m. Lv. Mocksville 1:00 p. m. GOING SOUTH. Lv. Mocksville Lv. Mocksville Trains Nos. 26 and 28 make con­ nection at Winston fo r Wilkesboro, Greensboro, Sanford, Roanoke, Bris­ tol and Raleigh. TrainsNos. 27 and 25 make con­ nection at Barber Junction fo r Safisr bury Richmond, Washington, New York Boston and. all points east Also for Asheville* Knoxville, Chat­ tanooga, Memphis, Louisville, St. Louis, Chicago, Denver, San Fran­ cisco, Seattle, and all points west. Also at Mooresville fo r Statesville, Taylorsvilleand Charlotte. No. 27 makes connection at Charlotte for Columbia, Spartanburg, Gharleston, Augusta, Atlanta, Birmingham, New Orleans, Jacksonville, Tampa, Mo­ bile Savannah, Greenville, Miss.,. Little Rock, Dallas and all points south and west. LOCAL and personal news. .5.dues Holton is visiting lriends at Statesville. The nicest counterpanes for 88c. J Lee Kurfef*. J. B Johnstone visited at Cleve­ land Saturday. r B W hitley, of Cleveland. ' iu town Monday. 2 good cakes soap for 5e J. Lee Kurfees. G. E. Barnbardt, of Route 4, gave ns a call Monday. Jacob Stewart spent Friday in Winston on business. Yonr subscription has expired. Call around and renew Bring your boys and girls to see the bigstreetparade Saturday. Good roasted coffee IOc lb. J. Lee Kurfees. Miss Flora E llis, of Farmington, wa- in tne city Saturday. G. W. Herrick, of Mississippi, was iu town last. week. . Tug of War tobacco 25c. lb. by the box. J. Lee Kurfees. F. A . Foster lias mm ed into the 'dtrnck house near the depot. Miss Swannie Rattz is visiting friends and relatives in Salisbury. The Mocksville Cafe is the place to get your meals. Coffeeserved free with each meal. Au excursion w ill be run f«»m Winston to Asheville Sept. 11th. Taft buttons and watch fobs— the latest thing out, at The Record office. J. Tilden Angell went to bury Monday to take in the big Agood delegation from Davie attended the State Convention at Chailotte last week. Theladiesare going w ild over those cute little pins. We have just received a new lot. Mrs. G. M. Royall, of Salisbury, who has been visiting in this city, returned to her home Sunday. There was a small wreck at Bar­ ber Junction Friday evening. Two or three freight care were derailed. WANTED—Country hams. W ill pay 15i, cash, at my residence on Route 5. J. L . Smoot. Mr, and Mrs, J. L . Holton re­ turned Sunday from a weeks’ visit to relatives near Statesville. Those Tafb vatch fobs and but­ tons are going like hot.cakes. Bet­ ter call at The Record office and getyoaone. Mrs. C. F. Stroud and little son Frank, spent Sunday w ith rela­ tives near Cooleemee Junction. Be patriotic—show your colors by wearing a Taft button or watch fob. You can get them at The Record office. • The Institute for the colored school teachers is in progress at the court house, . FOR SALE—NewTroomdwelling in South Mocksville, house newly painted, new bam, stables and shel­ ters with all necessary outbuildings, chicken yards, etc, T. R. Walsh, Mocksville, N. C. Mrs. H. C. Sprinkle-, of Albe­ marle,- arrived iu this city Monday to visit relatives. Call at our office and get that watch, watch guard, cuff buttons, ring or 6h irt waist set that we' are saving for you. T. J. Yickers returned Sunday from a week’s visit to friends at Taylorsville and Statesville. -The greatest bargain in Ham­ burg, 5c. yard, worth 10c. j . Lee Kurfees. We owe our readers an apology for the small amount of local news this week. Ye editor has been out of town for the past week. REPRESENTATIVE W ANTED —W e-want a. representative to handle FORD automobiles in Mocksville and vicin ity. Live hustler, w ith or without previous experience, can easily clear $2,000 in season. W rite w ith references at once. FORD MOTOR COMPANY, Dept. H . D etroit, Michigan. Miss Mabel Kurfees, of Coolee- mee Junction, spent Friday and Saturday in this city w ith rela­ tives. The Southern Railway w ill oper­ ate its popular excursion to Rich- moi d, Va., Sept. 15th, train to consist ot first-class day coaches and Pullman cars, giving two days and one night in Richmond. Fol­ lowing round trip rate from Mocks­ ville, $5. For detailed informa­ tion, see large flyers, or call on your depot agent. K. L. Vernon, Trav. Pass. Agent. We take pleasure iu directing our readers’ attention to the adver­ tisement appearing elsewhere in onr ciilumnsof th Southern School of Telegraphy, located at-Newnan, Ga. There is a great aud constant Iy growing demand for telegraph opera ters, and we are glad to see this worthy and wed-recognized institution doing such creditable work in helping supply thal demand. Any young man wishing to learn a good profession should investigate the opportunities of­ fered in the telegraph field by w riting at once for the School’s free, discriptive literature. Ye pencil pusher went up to the village of Statesville Friday night on the Hoot Owl Special to take in Robinson’s circus which was hilled for Saturday. Statesville needs a couple of good hotels. We came near having to lean up against a brick wall for the night. We met up with the Salisbury horseshoer. the oil machinery man and the famous Southern ticket puncher, just as we weie heading in the big tent. Eour aces make a flush. The renowned clown, John Low low gave u- the glad hand and we gave him the best we had. TheTicket Punch­ er presented the tickets and the Horse-shoer presented a strong front. The reserved seats were not for sale—people took them for a plunk and a half. -Theshow had been vaccinated and wouldn’t, take. We le ft it, but too late. That Horse shoer bad dropped the ene my and another fellow made first base with corn at $1 a bushel. We tarried for the concert. A beauti­ fu l song was rendered by a lady w ith feet incased in shoes that m ight have been taken for fairy boots. The Ticket Puncher want ed ua to cheer her. The chairs were nailed down, so we throwed brick bats. Afterwards we ate at a calf and heard a lion roar. The parting came at 8 p. in. Space for­ bids us giving a more lengthy fare­ well to the four invineibles. The John H . Sparks’ Shows is a North Caroliua enterprise, a home industry in fact, and while it has won fame in every State in the Union, it w ill always retain its headquarters here. And it is an institution that is a credit to the State. Clean and honest in char­ acter, high class in every particu­ lar, it is a fit representative of the staid and self-respecting character of the people of this commonwealth. The Sparks’ Shows are now mak­ ing a tour of their native heath af­ ter several years of travel through­ out the United States and Canada. Greatsuccess has attended them everywhere, in fact, the wonderful growth and expansion of this show haB been a souace of amazement to other showmen. I t demonstrates the fact that the people w ill ap­ preciate and lend their patronage liberally to an exhibition that is conducted honorably, that fu lfills a ll its promises aud gives value re­ ceived to its patrons. The great success of this 9how is due to the genius and energy of its founder, John H-. Sparks, of Stokes county, and to the wise management of his brothers. Every act, feature and display is of the best of its class regardless of cost. Each detail is carefully arranged for the comfort and enjoyment of the audience. The seatshave broad backs and foot rests, the costumes are elegant ai d costly, the music is grand and the brand of superiority is stamped upon every component part of this favorite exhibition. Two perform­ ances w ill be given in Mocksville, Saturday, Sept, 5th, at 2 and 8 O’clock. L The JOHN R SPARKS’ SHOWS A n d G r e a t T r a i n e d A n im a l E x p o s it io n ENLARGED TO MANY TIMES ITS FORMER SIZE. W ith a Host of E ntirely New and Extraordinary Features. Travel­ ing in Its Own Special Train of Palatial Railway Gars, The Biggest, Grandest and Best Show to be Seen in This Vicinity This Year will Exhibit in Mo c k sv il l e , SATURDAY, SEPT. 5th. 2 PERFORMANCES DAILY 2 A t 2 a n d 8 p . m . Doors Open One Hour Earlier. iNdaaro rated CAPITAL STOCK, $30,000.00. RALEIGH, N. C CHARLOTTE, N. C. Pnllen Building. Piedmont Ins. Bid, THESE SCHOOLS GIVE the world’s best in modern Business Education. Oldest Business College in North Carolina. Positions guaranteed, backed by a w ritten contract. No vacation. Individ­ ual insstruction. WeaIsoteach Book-keeping, Shorthand, Pen­ manship, by mail. Send fo r Home Study rates. W rite today for our Catalogue, Offers and High Endorsements. They are free. Address KING’S BUSINESS COLLEGE, RALEIGH. N. G, or CHARLOTTE, N. C. ... Get the Most Money Out of Your Landsi*? m m by making them yield the biggest possible crops. Grrnn must get the nourishment that makes it grow out of the soil—and the more plant food there is in the soil, the quicker and bigger and more plentifully the grain will grow. But you must first put-the food into the soil by liberally using VugMa-Carolina Fertilizers k\ (,V ♦'A ' , ■VC***** I I The Well Known Showman From Stokes County A Truly Stupendous Federation of Areuic Celebrities, in a Mam moth Programme, fu ll of Snap Novelty and Surprisiug Excellence. Famous Champions of the Sawdust Ring, in .a Bewildering Melange of Sensational Aerial, Acrobatic and Novelty Acts, with Beautiful Costumes Costly Trappings and Entrancing Music. See the Grent Performing Elephants, Lions, Tigers, Beautiful Train ed Horses, Ponies. Dogs and Monkeys. Whole Troupe of Funny Clowns. Pauhaudle Pete and his Comedy Mules. The Greatest Performing Lions in the W orld. Gorgeous Street Parade at Noon, and Big Free Exhibitions at the Show Grounds Immediately A fter the Parade. Lost! Lost! Lost! A BARG AIN BY NOT BUYING “THE BEST THING ON FOOT.” The SHOE for men, women and children. To see and wear them is to like them. So come on. Iam now ready to shoe you. ■ Also a nice line of Notions in Fall and W inter goods. You know I always sell for a short profit and give you top prices for your produce. Eggs in good demand. Come to see the old reliable and your friend, J, LEE KURFEES. Just. <§ I P Right In and subscribe for The Davie Record, It will only cost you 50 cents for one whole year. V c lo d U r fHoAera Job Printing at Low Prices. Then a big bumper crop is as­ sured, because these fertilizers contain the necessary elements required by the soil to prop­ erly and fully mature the grain. FarmersinvariabIy find that the more Virginia- Carolina Fertilizer.they use, the bigger is the crop, and the greater their profit. Have you gotten the IatestVir- ginia-Carolina Year Book or Al­ manac, the most useful and valuable book any farmer or grower can read? Get a copy from your fertilizer dealer, or write to our nearest sales ,office and one will be sent you free. Virginia-CaH^aa Chemical Co. Durham. N. C. Charleston, 5. C. Baltimore, Md.Columbus, Ga. Montgom 'I*. Memphis, Tens.Shreveport, La. RichmondaVa;Norfolk.-Va. THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. Maintained by the State for the Education of the Women of North. Carolina ^fTFour regular Courses leading to degrees. "Special Courses offered in Teacher Training, Music, Manual Arts and Doimestic Science and in the Commercial Department. Free Tuition to those who agree to teach in the schools of North Caro­ lina.Board, laundry, tuition and all other expenses, including use of text­ books, $170.00 a year. For free-tuition students, $125.00 a year. Those desiring to enter should apply as early as possible. The capac­ ity of the dormitories is limited. Fall Session begins September 15,1908. For catalogue and other information address J. I. FOUST, President, GREENSBORO, N. C. THE PEOPLE’S NATIONAL BANK. united States depositary, W in sto n -S a le m , - - - N. C3 CAPITAL, $300,000.00. ASSETS A MILLION AND A HALF. Takes care of its customers when money is firm or easy, .keeps every transaction confidential, allows inter­ est at 4 per cent, from date on Certificates of Deposit, has a Savings De­ partment, loans money to you, or fo r you, and does everything a well con­ ducted up-to-date bank should do. Let us have your business. No better. place. You can send your deposits by mail. JOHN W. FRIES, President. WM. A BLAIR, Vice-Pres. and Cashier. 3 V WALLACE & SONS, I WHOLESALE Dry Goods, Notions and Clothing. DROP US A CARD AND OUR SALESMAN WILL CALL. - T Tl Y SALISBURY, N. C. rii' J; -:S ■ I' :!mW lp ii P I L%iIiipLii w i'iii I IN l IB (!! I l I THE HORNET SECTION. ROOT HOG, OR DIE. SOME THINGS THAT WILL KEEP YOU GRINNING FOR A WEEK. night and washed his mill-dam to kingdom come and when he woke np the next morning he found he wasn’t worth a dam—ah! where the lion roareth and the wang doodle mourneth for its firet-born. That means the city of Kew Or­ leans, where corn is worth 75c. a bushel one day, and u >t worth a red next day; where niggers are as thick as black bugs in spoiled ba­ con, and gamblers, thieves and pickpockets goes skipping about the streets like weasles in a barn­ yard; where honest men are scar­ cer than hen’s teeth, and where a Btrange woman once teok in your beloved teacher, and bamboozled him out of $27 in the tw inkling of a sheep’s ta il, but she can’t do it again, hallelujah—ah—there is nothing like religion my dear brethren. I t ’s better than silver or gold, by jimcracks, and you can no more get to heaven without it than a jaybird can fly without a ta il. Hardshells are not like the MethodistB, which spects to get to heaven by hollering hell-fire, or like the Yunited Brethren that take each other by the slack of the britches and hista themselves in, bnt it may be like the feller what has to cross the river—-ah— and the ferry boat has gone, so he tucks ap his britches and wades across—ah pass around the hat Brother Moore, and let every hard shell Baptist shell out.” I am considering the purchase of a sheath gown. This Date in History. 1896: W illiam J. Bryan was run ning for President—defeated. 1900: VV illiam J. Bryan was run­ ning for President—defeated. 1904: W illiam J. Bryan was skulking and didn’t help Parker. 1908: W illiam J. Bryan running for President—to be defeated. 1912: W illiam J. Bryan running for President—to be defeated. 1916: W illiam J. Bryan running for President—to be defeated. 1920: W illiam J. Bryan running for President—to be defeated. 1924: W illiam J. Bryan’s phono­ graphic plate running for President —basted. And that w ill be the end of this eventful tragedy. But it takes a ong tim e.—Yellow Jacket. You never know a man u n til after you have traded horses with him. OUR RED-HEADED MAN. I went out to a country preach ing one Sunday and the preacher started out like this: “ My belov ed brethering: I am an unlarnt hardshell Baptist preacher My text is in the lids of the Bible somewhere between the 2nd Crony k ills and the last chapter of Timo­ thy Titus. Here it is: ‘‘And they shall know a file and file into the mountains of Hepsidam, where the lion roareth and the wang- doodle mourneth for i t ' firet-born. I know nothing abo; ‘ grammer talk and college high-falutin. Now the text says, they shall know a file. Itdoesnot say they may, but shall. Now there is the hand­ saw file, the rat*tail file, the sin­ gle file, the double file and profile, but the kind spake of here ain’t that kind, bekase its a figger of speech, and means going it along, and getting ukered. Now there be some here w ith fine clothes an their backs, brass rings on their fingers, and lard on their hair, but I say my brethren, take care yon don’t find, when Gabriel blows his last trump, your hand played out and you’ve got ukered— ah - 1 now my brethren,. “ They shall flee to the mountains of Hepsidam,11 but there’s m ori dams than Hep-, sidam. There’s Rotter-dam, Had- dam, A.mster-dam and Don’t-care a-dam, the last of which is worst of a ll. There was a man ooct built a m ill on a river bank in Illenoy, and he was a terrible sinner and never give any money to the ,glass, poured some water into it church, and a big storm came one p d stirred it with a pencil; then I quite a time to tret the ladies tn Most men who think they are great doa’t even look the part A Travelling Man Receive* the Thanfca of Every Pusenger in the Car. “ I must tell my experience on an East bound 0. R. & N. R, R. train from Pendltonto LeGrande, Ore., writes Sam A. Garber, a well known travelling man. “ I was in the smoking department with some other travelling men when one of them went out into the coach and came back and said, -There is a woman sick unto death in the car. I at once got up and wentout, found her very ill with cramp colic, so bad, in fact, that I was almost afraid to take the risk; her hands and arms were drawn up so you could not straighten them, and with a death­ like look on her face. Two or three ladieswereworking with her and giving her whiskey. Iw ent to my suit case and got my bottle of Cham­ berlain’s Golic, Cholera and Diarr­ hoea Remedy (I never travel w ith­ out it) ran to the water tank, put a double dose of the medicine in the quite a time to get the ladies to letme give it to her. but I succeeded. I could at once see the effect and I worked w ith her, rubbing her hands, and in twenty minutes I gave her another dose. By this time we were almost into Le Grande, where I was to leave the train. I gave the bottle to the husband to be used in case another dose should be needed, but by the time time the train ran into Le Grande she was all right, and I received the thanks of every passenger in the car.” For sale by C. C. Sanford Sons Co. A good resolution is a ll right provided you don’t let it go at that. PinkPain Tablets—Dr. Shoop’3— stop Headache, womanly pains, any pain, anywhere, in 20 minutes sure. Formula on the 25c. box. Ask your druggist or doctor about this formula —its fine. Sold by C. 4C. Sanford Sons Go. A Sure-enough Knocker. J. G- Coodwin, of Reidsville. N. C. savs: “Bucklen’s Arnica Salve is a sure-enough knocker tor ulcers. A bad one came on my leg last summer, but that wonderful salve knocked it out in a few rounds. Not evena scar Some people wouldn’t want to be happy if everybody else was. A clever, popular Candy Cold Cure Tablet—called Preventioes—ia being- dispensed by druggists everywhere. In a few hour*, Preventicsare said to break any cold—completely. Ana Preventics, being so safe and tooth­ some, are very fine for children. No Quinine, no laxative, nething harsh nor sickning. Box of .48—25c. Sold by C. C. Sanford Sons Co. Many an aggressive man strikes an attitude and lets it go at that. P1riZe Rheumatism out of the blood with Dr Shoop’s Rheumatic Rtmedv ani see how quickly pain will depart. Rub-on’s never did reach the real disease. Rheumatism isn’t in the 1 V, ^ ^eeP down—its constution- al. Getting rid of the pain, U after all. what counts. That is why Dr- Snoop 8 Rheumatic Hemedyg1Oes. by word of mouth from one to another. And herein lies the popularity of this Remedy. It is winning defenders everywhere. Tablets or Liquid. Sold by C. C. Sanford Sons Go. Over 14,000 people saw Robin­ son’s circus at Greensboro. Tickling or dry Coughs will quickly loosen when using Dr; Shobp’s Cough Remedy. And it is so vthorouehlv harmless, that Dr. Shoop tells moth­ers to use notninp else, even for very young babies. The wholesome green leaves and tender stems of lung heal­ ing mountainous shrub give the cura­tive properties to Dr. Shoop’s Gough Remedy. It calms the cough, and heals the sensitive bronchial mem­branes. No opium, nochloroform, nothing ,liarsh used to injure or sup- Bryan Wanb The Coin. A telegraph is dispatch from Fair- view Jasi week slated that Bryan needed five hundred thousand dol- Iais to personally conduct his cam­ paign and instead of taking some of his government bonds and cash­ ing them he appealed to the fce- loveed people to help him out. We need five hundred thousand plunks. We need them in our biz— We want to buy the earth in chunks And make the jackass sizz! We want these plunks in lots of one And two and five and ten— Gadzooka—but don’t you need the mon When you go to buying men! Of course we’re pure—as pure as stone, We’ll make the trusts retreat By putting up one of our own Down there on easy street. Then come across you sucker brave You dreamer and you chump Shell out your coin, then dig my grave And I w ill in it jump. Of course like one who lived before My bones shall rise again, And then, suie M ike, I ’ll iun come more And bleed you without paiu!— Es. They have found a case of lep­ rosy in Washington, D. C. He is from this State. He has been in the Salvation Arm y work. Has been to seveaal places.' He caught it in the P hillipine war. He is not the 01 Iy leper that .has been in Washington, and they didn’t Jive in North Carolina, and they were too cowardly 10 go to any war. HOW’S THIS? We ofler One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by H a ll’s Ca­ tarrh Cure. P. J. OHENBY & CO., Toledo,O We, the undersigned, Have known F. J. Cheney for thel ast 15 yeais, and believe him perfectly honorable in a ll business transac­ tions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm . W a ld in g , K in n a n & M a rv in , Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. H a ll’s Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Don’t be afraid of experience He is the best- teacher. Well Named. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and DiarrhoeaiRemedy is well named Fornains in the stomach, cramp colic and diarrhoea it has no epual. For sale by C. C. Sanford Sons Co. The man who is ashamed to work w ith his handa w ill never do any valuoble work w ith his brains. TTjc Storm. The heavy rains whicb have beet falling upon the greater part of the Carolinaa almost continuoaly since last Suntlay afternoon come as no small evil. To-day’s Observer, continuing the stories begun yes­ terday or the day before, presents a picture of widespread damage al most incredible for this section and doubtless unprecedented for the two States chiefly involved. East­ ern North Carolina has suffered to a degree which may well make friendly outside aid acceptable in soniecouDties. In varying degrees over most of both Carolinas crops have been enormously damaged, railroads, city lighting and water­ works plants and bridges over all classes of streams, are made to pay heavy tribute. How South Caro­ lina Democrats held any manner of State prim ary outside the towns on Tuesday is a wonder; how the North Carolina Republican conven­ tion now Charlotte’s guest—in spite of every drawback, a large and fine-looking body of men—has shown up strong, is much gie ter cause for wonder s till. The people of the two States have suffered seriously. We find onr chief con­ solation in the thought that most of the farmers, the Class worst af­ fected are much better able to bear such a misfortune than they would have been a few years ago. This morning, we are led to believe, the deluge is practically past. May the Alm ighty grant that there never be a recurrence.—Charlotte Observer, 26th. !M il IJtfiTi For Infantaand ChiIdrfin The Kind You Hav Always Bought ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. sumlanngtiteRttf 1 No t Na r c o t ic . Rnvpkia Sesd“In Use Over Thirty Years tion, Sour StonKdi.Dlanwet Worms£onvuIs«ms.FevMt- ness andLosS OF SLEEP- Facsimile Signature® is NEW YOBK. A t 6 m on th s -0 1« j j D o sts - 33 d ^ts Exact Copy of Wrapper TMC CkMTAUII COMPANY. NCW TCAIl CITV X H E D ^ V lE R I remained.” Guarenteed for piles, , r sores hum s etc- SRr r P SSnnIipre88L E>«mand Dr. Shoop’s Acceptsores, mirns etc. <»c, at C. C. Sone 1 no other. Sold by C. G. Sanford Sons Co’s d ru f ito re , 'Com pany. - • , For a Sprained Ankle. A sprained ankle may be cured in about one-third the time usually re­ quired by applying Chamberlain’s Liniment freely, and giving it abso­ lute rest. For sale by C. C. Sanford Sons Co. There is more to honesty than good policy, B a tify o u can’t be honest because it ’s right, be hon­ est for what there is in it. It’s a pity when sick ones drug the stomach or stimulate the Henrt and Kidneys. That is all wrong! A weak Stomach, means weak stomach nerves always. And this is also true of the HeartandKidneys. Theweaknerves are instead crying- out for help. This explains why Dr Shoop’s Restorative is promptly helping Stomach, Heart and Kidney ailments. The Restora­ tive reaches out for the actual cause of these ailments—the failing '‘inside nerves:” Anyway test the Restora­ tive 48 hours, It won’t cure so soon as that’ but you will surely know that help is coming. Sold’by C. C. San­ford Sons Oo. A t the seashore there is a lot more to see than the shore. He who thinks before he speaks frequently remains speechless. The things a man is going to do don’t put money in his pocket. Don’t be afraid to give Chamber­ lain’s Cough Remedy to your chil­ dren. It is intended especially for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, and it is the best medicine made for these diseases. For sale by C. C. Sanford Sons Co. Any way the man in ja il doesn’t have to worry about where his next meal is coming from. - How to get Strong. P, J: Daly, of 2247 W, Congress St1 Chicago, tells of a way to become strong: He says: “My mother, who is old and very feeble, is deriving so much benefit'form Electric Bitters, that I feel it’s my duty to tell those who need a tonic and strengthing medicine about it. In my mother’s case_ a.tn arked gain in flesh has result­ ed, insomonia has been overcome, and she is steadily growing stronger.’ Electric Bitters quickly remedjs stomach, liver and kidney complaints. Sold under guarentee at C1 C1 San- fords Sons Co’s drug store. 50c. Our idea of a hypocrite is a mar­ ried man who pretends to feel sor­ ry for a bachelor. TheyTaketheKinksout. “I have used Dr. King’s New Life Pills for many years, with increasing satisfaction. They take the kinks out of stsmach, liver or bowles, with­ out fuss or friction.” says S. H. Brown, of Pittsfield, Vt Guarenteed satisfactory at C. C. Sanford Sons Co’s drug store 25c. Don’t think that because you ride a hobby you are the, only jockey in the race. HOt SPRINGS, ARK., is no competition against Lipp man’s Great Eemedy for the cure of RheumatiBm. James Newlon, Aberdeen, Ohio, says P. P. P. did him more good than three months treatment at H ot Springs, A rk. W . T. Timmons, of Waxahatchie, Tex., says his rheumatism was so bad that he was confined to his bed for months. Physicians advised H ot Springs, A rk ., and M ineral Wells, Texas, at which places he spent seven weeks in vain, with knees so badly swollen that his tortures were beyond endurance. P. P. P. made the cure and proved itse lf as in thousands of other cases the best blood purifier in the woild and superior to a ll Sarsaparilla* and the so-called Kheumatic Springs. Sold by AU Druggists. A Paying Investment. Mr. John White, of 38 Highland Ave Houltori, Maine, says: ‘‘Have been troubled wite a cough every winter and spring. Last winter I tried many advertised remedies, but the continu­ed until I bought a 50c. bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery; before that was half gone, the cough was all gone. This winter the same happy result has followed; a few doses once more banished !the annual cough. -I. am now convinced that Dr. King’s New Discovery is the best of all cough and lung remedies.” Sold under giirantee at C. C. Sons Co’s drug store. 50c. $1,00, Trial bottle free* > PRICELISTOF WHISKIES Express Paid to your city. W e die only whiskey house that m anufactures our own whiskey. Send all orders to The Clarksville Whiskey House. Old R. W. Jones com Whiskey 8 years old.. Old R. W. Jones corn Whidcey 4 years old. ...$3.50 ...$2.75 Old R. W. Jones com Whiskey 2 years old_____________I....:____.$2.50 Corn Whiskey by the half gallon, ....._____________________1.50 Com Whiskey 4 gal 2 years old,________________ 8.50 Corn Whiskey 2 gal 2 years old,_______ 450 Com Whiskey 3 gal 2 years old, _______ .6.50 Three Feathers 4 qts.___________ Rye Whiskey, old velvet 4 years old Mountain Rye 2 years old. PerGal Kentucky Bell Rye 8 years old.. Echo Spring Rye 8 years old.__ Silver Brook Rye 6 years old.. Mountain Spring Rye xxx 4 years old.. ...4.00 ..2.75 ...5.00 ...5.00 ...4.00 ....350 Log Cabin Rye 3 years old___________ ;___________2.75 Mountain Spring Rye x x _________ - ■________________ 2.75 Excelsior Rye 2 years old ______________________ .2.75 Golden Crown Rye 3 years old.. Professor Jones Rye... ____________________________3 00 _____________________________2.50 Apple Brandy Home Made 8 years old________________________4.50 Baltimore Apple Bandy 3 years old,___________..._____________;.........3.00 Ginger Brandy, ___________________________________j>.50 ~ 5.00 ... 2.00 Peach Brandy 10 years old.. Peach and Honey _____ B arrel Goods. Cherry Wine___________ Old Cherry 8 years o ld ___ Port Wine_______ ,__ Scuppemong Wine._ Clarret W ine_____ Black Berry Wine_ -..$3.00 .....4.00 ..... .50 .....2.50 2.25 .2.25 When yon want a quick cure without any loss of time, and one that is fpllowed by no bad results, use Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy _ It_ never_ fails and is pleasant to take. It Js equally valuable for children. It is Bunons for its cures over a large part of the ctvfflaed world, L r*.*, Botded Goods. French Brandy Per Q t_____ Rye Whiskey. Green River Rye. 4 Q ts_____ Three Feather Rye 4 Q ts __ Canadian Club 4 Qts._______ Old Prentice 4 Qts ____ Mums Rye 4 Qts ;_____ Full Dress 4 Qts ______ Four Aces 4 Qts________ Echo Springs 4 Qts__.___...... Mark Rogers 4 Qts________ Jefferson Club 4 Qts - Golden Rye 4 Qts _______ Fitz Hugh Lee 4 Q ts____■ Blue Blood 4 Qts . Montreal Malt Whiskey 4 Qts.. Jameson Irish Whiskey 4 Qts... Dewar’s Scotch___ „$3.50 .$5.00 ....8.00 „..5.00 ....5.00 ...5.50 .„5.00 -.5.00 ...5.50 ...5.00 -5.00 —5.50 ...5.00 ...5.00 -5.00 Royal Arch 4 Qts______ „...4.50 Rooney’s M alt 4 Qts...:_______.4.50 Duffy’s M alt4 Qts...........;______.5.00 Duffy’s M alt by the* case______12.00 American M alt 4 Qts________4.50 Casey Malt...,______________.4.10 Rose Valley Rye 4 Qts_______$4.50 Glenn L illy Rye 4 Qts._______.4.00 Old Velvet 4 Qts___________.4.00 .$5.00 .5.00 G.P. R. 4 Qts.._____________.4.00 Silus Deta 4 Q ts _____4 00 Old Henry 4 Qts _______4.50 Bottled W ine. Virginia Dare 4 Qts„ St, Estephe 4 Qts. .„$3.50 ...3.50 St. Julean 4 Qts____________3 50 Virginia Clarret 4 Qts„_______3.50 Emperial Sherry Wine8 yrs 4 Qts 5.00 Domestic 4 Qts .3 50 ..2.00 3.50 Alcohol best grade I qt_____ Minnehaha 4 Qts .................. Pocahontas 4 Qts.___________4.50 Emperial Black Berry 4 Qts 3.50 Scuppemong 4 Qfa _____ 3.50 Port 4 Qts ________________3.25 Black Brandy 4 Qts...:.__ 5.00 ---------------_____________Extra Dry Mumms 4 Qts 16.00 Take my advice and buy Home-made Copper-Distilled Corn Whiskey made by as in the old fashion way. We are one of Ae few that make our own Corn Whiskey, so you get U direct from the Still. All orders must be accompanied by Cashier’s Check, Postoffice Money Order, or Express Mim^ Order, No indmdoal checks taken unless known by the firnvas^we know no qtie, and no one knows n*. No stamps taken for Whiskey. No goods sent C. 0. D. REFERENCE: First State Bank and Planten of Clarksville, Va., and First Natinnal Bank, Oxford, N. C. • Send all orders to Clarksville, Va. P. S. All Whiskeys DeHivered Express Prepaid in V o i- X / VERMONT REPUBLICAN MAJ(| e a r l y f ig u r e s p i ON BRYAN I 0oth Democratic and Shows Small DecliJ Figures of Last Election.—Leai Pleased W i| Result vv hite River Junl I .—The Republicad tion in Vermont tod the state for Lieul H. Prouty1 of Ne«| cruor Ijv a^ o u t Janies E. Burke, his Democratic opj The plurality wd on a presidential yl when it was only Il Ioi lowed by a Deml victory, but it wasl 1888 and oub sligf 1900. There was four years of abou| the Republican Democratic vote ^ per ceut. The Independej peared tor the polled about 1,000 Prohibition and Scj mained about the sually large numbl teste for members ture, although brii vy vote and resu| cratic gains in the the legislature, aj bearing on the gul As Vermont is vote during the paign, there was out the country ill Republican plural The Eepublieat plete control of tb legislative brand Hient of Vermont | tion today, the the party ticket ftfl LocalSelf “ Local self go^ ‘ schools,” should [ of every .voter in I the campaign whl us, That our p if .not; managed as t l a fact keenly felfj people, who are and who would lj for the better, allowed to vote f j perinteiident anc KdUcationjnst aj other county ottiJ tv votes for h e j ^ hj can uot Dav lretlnli ig Demod Kepublu-an? Tt thai made the Ia l to voie foi her 1 l^u t denied th a tl I s this in keepiu| af the great Deu ®8 handed down I Wit: “ A party [ , the people and ^ e think the mj ctatic party, as i read; 'O fthe te l % the few. (B i! intelligent voter I ; for any man to l • 9°unty in the ne| I W ill not pledge i ' can to give ua ; Public echools ir ; ,P o n t be afraid ; Jfm BCough Rew 1 t .dren. I t is inten S^uKns, colds, crd v^JW h ,a n d itis- W ,etor these d C. C, SeKfordl , KCW TM K CUT. 5TsV S W ^ DAVlE RECORD H AS A CIRCULATION LARGER THAN TH AT OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN DAVIE COUNTY, AND OUR BOOKS WILL PROVE IT T h e D avte R ecord u X.MOC KSYILLE1 N. C.. THURSDAY; SEPTEMBER 10. 1908.No. IO tMONT IS SAFL PUBLICAN MAJORITY 28,000. RLY FIGURES PUT A QUIETUS ON BRYAN HOPES. LtJ, Democratic and Republican Vote Show* Small Decline Under the Figures of Last Prendential Election.—Leaders Are Pleased With The Results. \bite River Junction, V t. Sept. -TIie Republicans won the elec- L in Vermont today by carrying Iesiate for Lieut. Gov. George I proiify, of Newport, for gov- I ljor iiv about 28,000 votes, over I mesE. Burke, of Burlington. Bh Democniiio opponent. ITIie plurality was the smallest I a presidential year since 1892, Si,vu U was only 17,956, and was Iiioweii l)j a Democratic national Ictory. but it was larger than in Iss ami ouly slightly less than in |00 There was a falling off ii tar years of about 8 per cent, in I Republican vote, while the jemocratic vote, fell off about 2 Ir cent. IThe Independence League ap- Iared lor the first time, and Illed about 1,000 votes, while the Iohibitiou and Socialistic vote re Iiiued about the same. An unu- ially large number of lo ta l con- s (or members of the legisla- v, although bringing out a. hea- Ivofe and resulting in Demo- Stic gains in the lower branch of e legislature, apparently had no aring ou the gubernatorial fight. IAs Vermont is the first state to pte during the presidential cam- feign, there was interest throngh- ht the country in the size of the epublican plurality. |Tbc Republicans retained com- i control of the executive and jgislative branches of the govern- Ient of Vermont in the state elec- Epu today, the voters indorsing e party ticket for State officers. . Local Self Government. I “Local self government in our Bhools,77 should be the battle cry Tevery voterinD avie county in be campaign which is now upon p, That our public S3hools are Pt mauaged as they should be, is Ifact keenly felt by some of our |p°ple, who are vita lly interested pd who would like to see a change ' the hotter. We ought to be Ilovred to vote for our County Su? printeudent and County Board of lIiication just as we vote for the pbtr county officers. Iredellcoun- ' votes for her Superintendent. §h> Ciiuuot Davief Is it because I is Democratic ami Davie lePiiblu an? The same legislature Pai made the lawallowing Iredell Vu,e foi her County Superinten- it (leuied that rig h t to Davie. 1 this in keeping with the motto f the great Democratic (f) party P handed down by Jefferson, to, fit; “ A party of the people, for e people and by the PeopleR7 ^e think the motto of the JDemo- : Party, as it is today, Bhould ®d; Of the lew, for the few-.and the few. (Big 3.). No honest, Intelligent voter can afford to vote I any man to represent Davie aunty in the next legislature who > not pledge himself to do a ll he an to give us a better system of public schools in Davie county. J e e f e e s o n i a n . JriP pt be,afraid to give Chamber* i T ? h.Remedy to your chil- IUffL ® *t®nded especially fo r coJds1 croup and whooping la£ i and ’t is the best medicine fc diseases,,.A^or..sale7 L C. Sanford SonBnC is r . ' '• Hearst Favors Low-Priced Cotton. Thecottongrowers should read the leading editorial in MJr. He- arst7s New York American of Aug­ ust 10th. The m illionaire owner of the In ­ dependence League takes the posi­ tion that high-price cotton meaes high-price doting for the poor; hence snch men as Livermore, who try to put up the price of cotton, are doing a great wrong to the poor. W ill Mr. Hearst and his Inde­ pence pay-rollers please answer these questions? (1) Were the poor people of the country better clothed when cotton was down to six cents than they are now, when the price is between ten and eleven? In other words, how much of the benefit of six cents cotton went to the poor? (2) What is the difference be teewnr the amount which the far­ mer gets for a bale of cotton and the sum which the spinner gets when he sells the cloth made out of the bale? (3) How much does it cose the farmer, on an average, to make a bale of cotton; and how much does it cost the spinner to weave the bale into cloth? (4) Why is it that a Chinaman can buy American cloth, in China, cheaper than the American -can buy it here at home? (5) Why is it that M r. Hearst does not favor the placing of cotton goods on the free list, in order that the poor, over whom he editorially weeps, may be able to buy cotton goods as cheaply as the Chinese can buy theirs? We trust that M r. Hearst w ill detail one of his editorial Inde­ pence Leagures to answer these question. Iu the meantime, we take it that M r Hearsthasabandonedthe hope of capturing the Farmers’ TJnion Vote. Like Bryan, he slaps the South to curry favor w ith the North. ^ By the bye—how low does M r. Hearst think that cotton should go? As he complains of ten-cent cot­ ton, and did not complain when Theodore Price, Joe Hoadley, and others put it down to six ceqjts, we have some curiosity to know whet­ her five cents per pound for lin t cotton would be low enough to suit our m illionaire Independence Leaguer, W illiam B. Hearst.— Tom Watson. Baby’s Hair Changed Color. Arem arkable phenomenon hap­ pened in New Hope township SaD urday. The 15-months old daugh­ ter ot M r. and Mrs. L . B. Hines went to sleep w ith her hair of lig h t flaxen color and when she awoke, w ithin a half hour, the hair had changed to auburn. No one is able to account for this extreme change. —Goldsboro Headlight. The State ticket put out by the Republican conveutiot at Charlotte last week is a strong and clean ticket Elmore, the candidate for Corporation Commissioner, is a popular Railroad engineer and w ill possibly be elected as he has about 20,000 Railroad hands behind him that have heretofore voted the other ticket. Breathes therea man w ith nose bright red Who never to bimeelf hath said: ‘‘This is my last. R ight here I 7Ilsto p And never drink another drop? Some men m arry poor girls and settle down and others marry rich widows and settle up. CASTORIA For Infiints and Children. Th KMYn IUw Aleajs Ntfit Bears the Slgnatureof We Still Have Pennsylvania; From a perusal of the Demo­ cratic papers One gets the impress­ ion that the time for M r. Taft to withdraw from the presidential race had about arrived. From this indisputable source of p o liti­ cal wisdom it appears that about the only state the'Republican can didate is like ly to carry is Pennsyl­ vania which norm ally gives some 500,000 Republican m ajority. We are told that ou account of the prohibition Maine w ill snrely go Democratic; Ohio and Indiana w ill go Democratic because the ne­ groes are a ll going to vote that ticket; Illin o is w ill go for Bryan because Uncle A dlai Stevenson is running for governor, and Minne­ sota w ill vote the same ticket be­ cause Yon Yonson is running for governor there, and the western and southern states are going De­ mocratic on general principles. It seems that the only thing that w ill save M r. Taft from a hum iliating defeat would be au immediate sur­ render. Strange to say, the betting in the large cities s till stays five to ene on Taft, and about the fifth of November it w ill be interesting to watch these Democratic papers ex­ plain to their readers how it all happened.—Industrial News. In Missouri. Omaha Bee. The situation in Missouri this year holds a number of local feat­ ures that promise to appeal to the independent vote in favor of the Republican candidate. M r. Bry­ an is no stronger in Missouri than he was in I9Q0, if he.has not lost ground. The free silver sentiment is as dead in Missouri as it is in other states and the voters of the state are particularly well satisfied with M r. Taft and w ith the admin­ istration of the Republican legisla­ ture. Attorxey-Generai Hadley, who has established a national reputation by his conduet of af­ fairs of his office, is the Republi­ can candidate for governor and his election is practically conceded, even by the Democrats. He is op­ posed by W . S. Cowherd, a Demo­ crat (from Kansas C ity, who is a forceful campaigner and a man of ability, but who is adm ittedly al­ lied w ith the corporation interests of the state, against which the De­ mocrats and citizens generally have been in revolt for several years. The Republicans. are united as never before in the history of the state and the Democrats are sadly divided by factional quarrels. A North Carolina Horse That Will Suit Judge TafL Washington Dispatch. Silas Wegg, who is from V irg­ inia, is convinced that he has the horse of a ll others which M r. Taft should buy. In a letter to. Brig. Gen. C. Edwards, chief of the bu­ reau of insnlar affairs, who was re­ ported as looking for a good horse for M r. Taft, Silas Wegg says: •‘Dear S ir: I see by the papers that yon are looking up a big horse for ex Secretary Taft. We7Ve got a dandy down on our farm at Tar- boro. N. C., blooded stallion, 23 hands high, 3,000 pounds. His plans and specifications w ill me­ asure up along-side M r. Taft. He is cream colored and the rear view is grand. “ We are tryine hiih out w ith 400 pounds of sand on 10 mile runs, and he takes it easy. H eiskinder touchy and cuts up, but M r. Taft can hold him down a ll rig h t. He is kinder batty in one eye, but not so as you can notice it much. We got him from a circus, and he can do a ll kinds of tricks. Ifth e next President gets this animal and has photographs taken w ith him on, he would get lots of advertising.77 People can depend only on them­ selves—and a good many people can7t even do that. Big Fire in New Orleans. Fire which broke out in the cen­ tre of the commercial district here Sunday swept portions of three blocks,, destroying.a large number of wholesale houses, manufactur­ ing plants and small stores, caus­ ing a lcfes of between §1,000,000 and $2j000,000. The fire was one of the most spectacular that has occurred in New Orleans during recent years. The section devastated was made up largely of old buildings, some over a half century in use. They proved like so much tinder to the flames, and fanned by a high wind the fire, made rapid progress. Two warehouses, filled w ith wines and IiquopSj' were among the building- destroyed by the fire. As they burned the barrels of whiskey and brandy exploded with thunderous roars which could be heard for blocks and which shook the walls of adjoining buildings and endan­ gered the lives of firemen engaged in fighting the flames. Charlotte - thieves have their nerve w ith them. They even en­ tered the temple of justice, alias the county court house. Thursday- night, and ransacked cash drawers in the office of the tax collector and clerk of the court. They found nothing of value. A Sore-enough Knocker. J. G. Coodwin,of Reidsville. N. C. 3avs: ‘‘Bucklen’s Arnica Salve is a sure-enough knocker tor ulcers. A bad one came on my leg last summer, but that wonderful salve knocked it out in a few rounds. Not even a scar remained.” Guarenteed for piles, sores, burns etc. 25c, at C. C. Sons- Go’s drag store, f North Carolina, I In Superior Court, before A. T. Davie County. I Grant, C. S. C. J. M. Summers, et al. • YB Adolphne Snmmere, s, et a l.)y Notice of Sale, i, et al. ) By virtue of an order made in the above entitled cause by A. T. Grant. G. S. C., the undersigned Commission­er will resell to the highest bidder at the court house' door of Davie ‘ lounty in the town of Mocusville, N. C., on Monday, the 5th day ot Oct., 1908, at 12:00 m., the following described tract of land, to wit; A tract situted in Farmington Township, said connty, bounded on the North by the lands of Josephine Walker, on the Eastbythe lands of Mrs. Fannie Stewart, on the South by the lands of the “Atkinson” heirs, and on the West by the lands of J. M. Summers, containing twenty- five acres more or less.The above described land will be sold for partition between the par­ ties to the above entitled action upon the following terms, to wit: $25.00 cash, and the balance on six months’ time with bond and approved security, or all cash at the option of the pur- chcisQrThis the 19th day of August, 1908. A. T. Gr a n t , J r ., Commissioner. If you want a good Elgin or Wal­ tham watch for $5.50, call at The Record office. Rheumatism I have found a tried and tested cure for Rheu­matism I Not a remedy that will straighten the distorted limbs of chronic cripples, nor turn bony growths back to flesh again. That is impossible. But I can now surely kill the pains and pangs of this deplorable disease.In QeiinanywWith a Chemist In the City of BarmstadtwI found the last ingredient with Which Br. Shoop’s Rheumatic Remedy was made a perfected, dependable prescription. Without that last ingredient, I successfully treated many, many cases of Rheumatism : but now, at .last, it uni­formly cures all curable cases of thief heretofore much dreaded disease. Those sand-like granulaf wastes, found inBbeumaticBlood, seem to dissolve and pass away under the action of this remedy as freely as does sugar when added-to pure water, jtnd then, when dissolved, these poisonous wastes freely pass from the system, and the cause of Rheumatism is gone forever. There is now no real need—no actual excuse to suffer longer with­out help. We sell, and In confidence recommend Dr. Shoop’s C.V . SANFOHO SONS CO. Tombstones. If yon need anything like Tombstones Tab Iets or Monuments call O n C IiAU D EM TIiLEK. Norfh W ilkw bor o. N. O QR. ROBT. ANDERSON, DENTIST, ■ .- Office over Bank of Davie ? 20,000 TELEGRAPH OPERATORS NEEDED YOUNG MFN PREPARE YOUR­ SELVES FOR GOOD POSITIONS. On account of the new 8-hour law passed by congress in the interest of telegraphers, and also on account of so many new railroads being built and old lines extended, an unusual demand fo r operators has been cre­ ated. Conservative estimates have placed the number of additional Op­ erators that w ill be required during the next ten months at approximate­ ly 20,000, YOUNG MEN NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY! Enroll in our School NOW and in only four to six months we w ill have you qualified for splendid positions. Telegraph Ope­ rators receive from $50.00 upwards. Our school has been established 20 years; its equipment is perfect; in­ struction thorough and practical; po­ sitions positively guaranteed our graduates. Board.in Newnan isvery cheap; the town is healthful and the people are cordial. Two Main Line Railroad Wires run into our School rooms. No other school in the Uni­ ted, States has such up-to-date and practical facilities fo r the benefit of its students. W rite at once fo r free, descriptive literature. Southern School of Telegraphy, NEWNAN, GEORGIA. A CLEAR CUT, CLEAN UP-TO-DATE BARBER SHOP, Situated in the Pass building on Depot St. Call in and give me a trial. Also cleaning and pressing clothes. H. PEARSON. 'ICiLLTHS COUClH km C A V d E t h e LUNGS WITH Ir. King’s lew Oiseovsiy r a C « s A ASD ALL 7KR0AT ASD LUNG TROUBLES. GktAUANTBBD SATISFACTORY OS, MONEY REFUNDED. BsweisassmsiiwwfliraaaBnaaaMM IF YOU W ANTA WATCH or a piece of jewelry, it will pay you to see us before buying. If we haven’t got w hat you w ant, we can get it for you on short notice. ELGINOR WALTHAM WATCHES from the cheapest to the highest. A twen­ ty-year gold-filled, 7 jewel Elgin watch at only $11.75. Silveroid case, with 7-jewel Elgin works, only $5.49. WATCH CHAINS From 10c. to $2.50 each, in plate, nickel and gold-fiUed. LADIES Solid Gold Rings with Oped, Pearl and Sap­ phire settings from $2 up. They are pretty. W hen you come to town, call and see us. C. Frank Stroud, IN DAVIE RECORD OFFICE. Southern Railroad. Operates over 7,000 Miles of Railroad. QUICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS North--South--East--West. Tui'dugh Trains Between Principal Cities and Resorts ■ AFFORDING FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION Elegant Pullman Sleeping Cars on a ll Through Trains. Dining, Clab And Observation Cars. For Speed, Comfort and Courteous Employes, travel via the South­ ern Railway. Rates, Scheilules and other information furnished by addressing the undersigned: " R, L . V ernon, Trav. Pass. Agt., J. H . W ood, D ist. Pass. Agent Charlotte, N C, Asheville, N . C. 8 . H . H ard w ick I ass. Traffic M gr. W . H . Ta y lo e ,Gen7I Pass A gt WASHINGTON. D C. (Prickly Adii Poke B oot and Potassium .) -HAKRS POSITIVE CTORES OF ALL FOEMS AND STAGES OF- ShJBIcifflB sndomeP. S. P. Masplen- flidcombinatton, and prescribe it with great satisfaction for the cons of all forms and stages ot Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Syphilis. Syphllltio Rheu­ matism, ' Scrqfnlons Ulcers and Sores. Olandnlar Swellings, Rhenmatism1 Kid­ ney Complaints, old Chronio Uleeirs that yon MlU regain flesh and strength. Wasteof energy andaU diseases resulting from orertaxingthe system are cored bf the rise o ff. P.P. Ladiesorhoee sestemsarepoieonedsnd whose bloodisin ah impuraeonditiondne to menstrual irregular i?-ss are peculiarly benefited by the wonderf=! tonic and hsrereslsted all treatment. Catarrh, Skin Diseases, Eczema, Chrome Female Complaintev MenmrlsI Poison, Tetten ScaIdhead1Ote., etc. p. P. P. Is a powerful tanio and an exceHant appitixer, building np the system xapldly. If yon are weak and XeehlekSIid feel badly try P. P. P., and blood cleansing properties of p. P .P . - Prickly Ash, Poke Root and. Pmamnn m. ; Sold by all Druggists. , ' F . V . LIPPRfiAN P rsiirie te r Savannah, - Ca. RHEUMATISM ______________________ i THE DAVIE RECORD. C. FRANK STROUD - - EdRor Entered at the Postofflce in Mocks- ville, N. C., as Second-class Mail matter, March 3,1903. ___ Terms of Subscription: One copy, One Year, ------50c. One copy, Six Months.-----------25c. LARGEST CIRCUUTION OF ANT PAPER EVER PUBLISHED IN DAVIE COUNTY. OOR TICKET. For President, WM. H. TAFT of Ohio. For Vice-President: JAMES S. SHERMAN, of New York. MOCKSVILLE, N. C., SEPT. 10, 1908. OUR NEXT GOVERNOR. Elsewhere in this paper is an ac­ count of the Republican Convention which convened in the city of Char­ lotte last week and nominated a State ticket. A t the head of that ticket is placed one of the best men of the State, J. EIwood Cox. The convention distinguished itself by nominating the ticket it did. There is not a man on it against whom naught can be said. The Republi: cans in the State were never more closely united and a3 M r, Cox said in his speech of acceptance, “ the campaign'will be conducted upon a high plain,” but nevertheless with vigor and the determination to win, and if the signs point right, J. El- wood Cox is going to be the next goyemor of North Carolina. He is the kind of man the business inter­ ests of the State want. He is safe, conservative and every inch a busi­ ness man, and a Christian gentle­ man. If he is elected the State is safe in his hands and we w ill be guaranteed a period of rest from the turmoil and demagog which has been so prevalent in the State for the past four years; business confi­ dence w ill be restored and outside capital w ill feel safe invested in the development of the State’s resour­ ces. This campaign w ill be fought, so far as the Republican party is concerned, gn business principles, and not so much upon party lines. Thebusinessinterestsof the State have been demanding a candidate for .governor in whose hands the material growth and business enter­ prises w ill be safe, and the Republi­ can party has come to the rescue of the laboring and business man and named a man|who when eleetad w ill meet all the requirements of just such a governor, in the j. person of M r. CoX.—North State. Now Get Down to Yoor KnRting. Col. Fairbrother in Everything. I t is up to the Democrats who have been talking, to shoot or give up the gun. A year and more ago the conservative Demosrats of North Carolina wanted to start a new party—they wanted to run a business man for governor; they wanted to cut loose from the poli­ tics and politicians who have pre­ empted offices. The time has come, now, when these so-called independent Demo­ crats, lhose manufacturers and bus­ iness men who claimed they were tired of politics and wanted busi­ ness introduced into state affairs, can express themselves. J El- wsod Cox is pre-eminently a busi­ ness man. He is a clean citizen; a Bafe citizen; a good citizen—and as Joe Caldwelliifrequently remarks, “ that word citizen is a good one ” I f the business interests of the state want to see a change; if they want to have for governor a man who is^business from the shoulder and who wonld devote his time ex­ clusively to giving the state a bus­ iness administration, they can vote for Cox and vate for him consist­ ently. He standB diametrically opposed to a ll that K itchin advo­ cates—so far as we have heard K itchin on the Btump. Cox wants to build up his state. He wants to encourage foreign capital; he wants railroads to have a chance to run and equip their rolling stock w ith the latest and best; he wants to see development and he would favor giving the railroads a subsidy for getting m ail to us many hours in advance.. . He carries a railroad pass as {^director of a failway and if he can manage to Buy a railroad and own it, he w ill get s till more votes. The wave of anarchy which swept the state against the ra il­ roads has about subsided-. W hat we want in office are men who fa­ vor progression; business men who w ill build and not tear down. Cox w ill never appeal to the pasBions and prejudices of men. He w ill or should appeal to a ll business men; to a ll men who want to own homes and a ll men who own homes—he BhouId receive every railroad man’s vote; he should get the lion’s Bhare of the business vote and the farm­ er who does not want to see the railways and trusts absolutely wiped out of this state w ill vote for Cox—the clean-handed busi­ ness man. I t is now up to those who talked to organize. There is no excuse for blushing or apologizing if you vote for Elwood Cox. He is as good a citizen as there is in the confines of North Carolina—and he stands for a ll the things, practi­ cally, that K itohin opposes in the industrial life of the state. Dozens of Democrats in Greens­ boro have already informed us, or rather stated in our presence, that they wonld vote for Cox—and we are now of opinion that Cox and Bryan or Bryan and Cox w ill be a ticket quite liberally voted, throu- out the state. Anyway, it is now up to those Democrats who have claimed to be dissatisfied to either shoot or give up the gun. Republican Platform and Tickel Under the surface, there is a great deal of importance to be at­ tached to the outcome of the Re­ publican state convention at Char­ lotte. I t was not a program con­ vention, and its results are not “ slate” results. I t named a State ticket and adopted a platform look­ ing toward a m ilitant campaign, and toward a future m ilitant or­ ganization. I t is a platform intended to ap­ peal to business and commercial interests, which (interests include most common folkBi and even some politicians. Its platform utterance on the subject of local self government, was a seatement of principle, not looking to a re-opening of the pro­ hibition question, but leaving it to be handled locally according to the dictates of political prudence, just as it w ill be handled by the Demo­ crats. M r. Cox, nominated for Gover­ nor, stands very high in esteem in his own community and the State, and the men on the ticket with him are good, able and worthy men—men holding such general repute.—Asheville Gazette News. Daniels, Raiboads, Niggers. One objection M r. Jofe Daniels has against candidate Cox is that be carries a railroad pass. He says it means that Cox is in sym­ pathy w ith the railroads. M r. Daniels, read the foelowing: “ It is said that M r. Vanderford, of Rowan county, has been asBign ed to the duty of raising a Bryan campaign fund in this state be­ cause of a'peculiar fitness for the work which lay in the circum­ stance that he, as director of the North Carolina railroad, is armed with a railroad pass. The ap­ pointment of M r. Vanderford, it was pointed out, had been made shortly after the conference on fi­ nances which was held at Lincoln, and was attended by Messrs. Pet­ tigrew and Daniels-” “ We do not think this looks very well for the Democracy. That party, when something of the kind was demanded by the exegencies of the political situation, seemed w illing to go to any IengHi In its hostility toward the railroads, an “ issue” second only in importance to that of a careful hostility to­ ward the negro. Now the party is engaged in making overtures to negro voters, and, instead of sub- jesting the'railroads to the custo­ mary abuse lo r which they confi­ dently look w ith each recurring campaign, the party leaders are u fin j “ A ” pass in their efforts to increase the Bize of the Bryan dough'bag. As we have before remarked, such things do not look creditable in any party. The idea seems to be to abuse the negro and the railroads whenever the p o liti­ cal game seems to demand such a course, and then use both to serve a political end whenever to do so appears expedient. — Industrial News. Mr. Mwehead Siould be Elected. The F ifth Congressional district of North Carolina should be repre­ sented in the Congress of the U ni­ ted States by a Republican, first and foremost because the national policies which have been main­ tained in this country for practi­ cally forty years, and under which the district has grown fram an ag ricultural region purely to be the greatest manufacturing district in the southern states are Republican policies. The development of the manufacturing interests of the dis tric t has not crippled its agricul­ tural growth at a ll, but, on the contrary, in fam ishing a home market for the producer, has fu r­ ther enhanced his opportunities. Thegreatcorelated industries ag­ riculture and manufactures have marched along band in hand and in their wake have Iett a tra in of schools, colleges, churches and homes. The Republicans have nomina­ ted as their candidate for Congress a man who is in fu ll sympathy with the great constructive policies of the party. The Democrats have named as their candidate a man who says that he is a “ Bryan De­ mocrat” and that he stands for everything that that erratic man stands for. The statement made by M i. Brooks in his speech of ac­ ceptance should alone defeat him for Congress. The F ifth district does not need a man to represent it in Congress who believes in free trade, free silver, ,the election of United States judges by the direct vote of the people, the election of United States senators in the same way, the initiative, and referen­ dum, the government ownership of railroad and telegraph lines, and other socialistic schemes, I t is worth but little to say that M r. Bryan is not advocating these things now. Has he ever said that he was done w ith themf Not once. —Indnstrial News, Webb and Crawford. Ike Crawford, a “ negro politic­ ian” who is out in the interest of Congressman Webb, is highly pleased w ith conditions. He says M r. Webb is making big gains in Cleveland. He w ill take up head­ quarters • next to Mecklenburg county. Justw hatkind of effect this w ill have on decent Demo­ crats in Gaston county and the other eight counties in the Ninth district w ill only be revealed in the November election.—-Bessemer City Messenger. Mr. J. Elwood Cox. W e do not know M r. J. Elwood Cox,' the Repnblican nominee for Governor. We thought at first that the Republicans had made a mistake. We thought they ought to have nominated D r. Thompson or M r. J. J. B iitt. But when we read the Ncwb and Observer arid found that M r. Daniels gave him nearly swo columns of “ down the country,” then we were convinced that Cox was a strong, good man. I f Joe w ill keep on, he w ill near about elect Cox governor. Go it, Joe, go it.—Hickory Mercury. likes The Ticket. Our Democratic friends are re­ quested to read the following ar­ ticle which we copy from The Dur­ ham Herald, a Democratic paper: “ The Republicans at least set the democrats an example in good manners. • O f course it is understood that they could not have named a tick­ et that would have suited the de­ mocrats. - We suppose we had better say right now that the ticket is a fa irly good one before the democrats con­ vince us that it is not so.” - The importation of twenty thous­ and bushels of yellow dent corn from Argentine by the Glucose Trust indicates that we have a for­ midable rival in corn, production. The harder you lift for your fel­ lows the less danger of their p u ll­ ing you, down, Farmers on Top. W ereioice w ith exceeding great joy that “ poor down-trodden farm­ er” has ariseri from the ashes and now possesses his own business. We have recently visited a com­ m unity where, a decade ago, the “ time” merchant was the monarch of a ll he surveyed. The farmer puts him self completely under the power of this village autocrat, and when he laid in his supplies the crusty clerks were under instruc­ tions to sell him as. possible and at as high a price. The poorer the buyer the bigger the price. In the fa ll of the year the crop was simp­ ly turned over to the merchant and there were hard times in the far­ mer’s home u n til the next spring when the books were opened for another account. Oh, those were dark dayg for the tille r of the soil, and no negro who ever arose at the dawn of day at the crack of the overseer’s lash was more of a slave. Things are different now. The far­ mer has learned a few things. He has put his brain to work, and by the proper use of fertilizers, the drainage of his land, the employ­ ment of better tools and the ap­ plication of more common sense generally in running of his bueiness he has besome the captain and the store man the servant. The fine prices oi the past ten years haVe amply rewarded him for a ll his to il, and the rural free delivery has brought in close touch w ith the outside world. W e wish the changed c Jiiditious in this com­ munity m ight be universally true, and we are glad to believe there is steady progress everywhere in ihis direction. The raw and awkward hayseeder, whose picture adorns the funny papers, is coining to be the finest gentleman in the bunch. Charity and Children. More About the Greensboro Waif. The Landmark has told the story of the baby le ft at Greensboro. A special of August 27th to the Char­ lotte Obaervergives this additional information: “ The young woman who le ft her 6-weeks old daughter w ith a color­ ed woman here a week ago, and whose identity was discovered later by the police officers, carried the little one away on a south bound train that le ft Greensboro this morning soon after m idnight. The destination of the mother and baby is not known. “ Mary Tatum, the Colored wo­ man in whose care the infant was left, was paid $5 to keep the baby a week, at the end of whieh time she was to deliver the helpless lit ­ tle one to the North Carolina C hil dren’s Home Society, w ith head­ quarters in this city, and it is evident that it was the purpose of the parents to desert their offspr­ ing. The week expired last night, and but for the activity of the police officers it is probable that the origi&al programme would have been carried out, “ In the meantime the identity oi the parents had been learned, and in order to avoid arrest and exposure the mother came to Greensboro and claimed her baby a few hours before the colored woman was scheduled to turn it over to the superintendent of the Children’s Home Society. The mother, a pretty and educated young woman, is a member of a highly respeoted fam ily of Catawba county. The father is a w ell- known young lawyer and a former member of the North Carolina Leg­ islature.” —Statesville Landmark. I t has been reported in States­ v ille that R irigliflg Bros’ , circus was coming to town and finally re­ port has set the date for the mid­ dle of next month. The Ringling show is heading for North Caro­ lina but as yet it has made no date for Statesville and it is not posi­ tively known that it w ill come here.—Landmark. C itizensofH igh Pointgave M r. J. ElwoodCox an ovation Friday night when he returned from Char­ lotte, where he was nominated for Governor by the Republican State convention« The affair was non partisan in character. Death Joves a shiuijig mark but life perfers an easy riia rk .' 3 * Lost! Lost! Lost! A BARG AIN BY NO TBUYING “THE BEST THING ON FOOT.” The SHOE for men, women arid children. To see and wear them is to like them. So come ori, I am now ready to shoe you. Also a nice line of Notions in F all End W inter goods. You know I always sell for a short p rofit and: give you . top prices for your produce. Eggs in good demand. k Come to see . >: the old reliable and your friend, ......... J. LEE KURFEES. Ju st § eAeV I P Right in and subscribe for The Davie Record, It will only cost you . 50 cents for one whole year. Ve do all kind* of Madera Job Prmting at Low Prices. INCASMMTCft CAPITAL STOCK, $30,000.00. RALEIGH, N. C CHARLOTTE, N. C Pullen Bnilding. Piedmont Ins. Bldp THESE SCHOOLS GIVE the world's best in modem Business Education. Oldest Business College in North Carolina. Positions : guaranteed, backed by a w ritten contract. No vacation. Individ­ ual insstruction. We also teach Book-keeping, Shorthand, Pen­ manship, by mail. Send fo r Home Study rates. W rite today for our Catalogue, Offers and High Endorsements. They are free. Address KING’S BUSINESS COLLEGE, * RALEIGH, N. C, or CHARLOTTE, N-C THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE . \ . •- . •Maintained by the State for the Educatibn of the Women of North’ Caroliaa Four regular Courses leading to degrees. Special Courses offered in Teacher Training, Music, Manual Arts and Domestic Science and in the Commercial Department, Free Tuition to those who agree to teach in the schoolsof North Caro- lina. Board, laundry, tuition and all other expenses, including use of text­ books, $170.00 a year. For free-tuition students, $125.00 a year. Those desiring to enter should apply as early as possible. The capac­ ity of the dormitories is lim ited. Fall Session begins September 15,1908. - For catalogue and other information address ' J. L FOUST, President, GREENSBORO, N. C. T H E P E O P L E ’S N A T IO N A L BANK. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY, W in s t o n - S a l e m , - - - N. C. CAPITAL, $300,00000. ; ASSETS A MILLION AND A HALF. Takes care of its customers when money is firm or easy, keeps every transaction confidential, allows inter­ est at 4 per cent, from date on Certificates of Deposit, has a Savings De­ partment, loans money to ypu, or fo r you, and does everything a well con­ ducted up-to-date bank should do. Let us haveyour business. No better place. You can send your deposits by mail. JOHN W. FRIES, President. „ WM. A. BLAIR, Vice-Pres. end CssWef' V. WALLACE & SONS, WHOLESALE Dry Goods, Notions and Oothing. . DROP US A CARD1AND OUR SALESMAN W ill CALL. SALISBURY, N. C ? t/ V ^ THE DAY] Ci FRANK STB ARRiYALofpJ g o in I No. 26 Lv, M l No. 28 Lv. M l g o in J No. 27 No. 25 Lv. Lv. Trains Nos. 2| nection at W insl Greensboro, San tol and Raleighl Traitts Nos. 2| nection at B artr bfiry, Kchmond York, Boston r Also io r Ashev tanooga, Men Louis, ChicagoJ cisco, Seattle',: Also at Mooret. Taylorsville and - makes connect! Columbia, Span Augusta, Atiam Orleans, Jacks| bile. Savannah L ittle Rock, I south and wesa LOCAL AND)# 1 . • r W .C . WhiJ in town la s t' B , B. Sanfcj Baltimore anti E. H . M orrl trip tie W instJ M rs. C. E. Iatives at Wo A-. T, Granl ness trip to Vl C liIton MeJ and friends in Miss Y ioIaI week from a ' Salisbury. Miss Mary week w ith re W inston. Misses E. daughters S I Vviustou shol When you| on H . D. Pou peara in th is ! We call yq the ad of Thq which appea M issM ariI for Raleigh, [ ter the Baptj Master Friday from l his grandpsf Mrs D . ren went do| week to visit Joe Sheltq through th if way to Conif enter school! .= Oole Brosl R ihglirig B tf fed to appe Poor W instl . Boone anl tO ik in the! City by the! port a big never seen about a dod T h i We me things tcj is this: Da NoJ Comihenl your HeatiT Parlor Suii time line. I treatment I to ‘give us f Asto haveth extra; y*vy. ( Brick s and in Oureto THE DAVIE RECORD. c. FRANK STROUD - Editor. ARRIVAL of PASSENGER TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 26 Lv. Moeksville 10:15 a.m . No! 28 Lv. Moeksville 1:20 p. m. GOING SOUTH. No 27 Lv. Mochaville 4:00 p. m. No. 25 Lv. Mocksville 6:30 p.m . Trains Nos. 26 and 28 make con­ nection at Winston fo r Wilkesboro, Greensboro, Sanford, Roanoke, Bris­ tol and Raleigh. TrainsNos. 27 and 25' make con­ nection at Barber Junction fo r Salis- bury, Richmond, Washington, New York, Boston and a ll points east 1 Also for Asheville, Knoxville, Chat­ tanooga, Memphis, Louisviile,; St. Louis. Chicago, Denver, San Fran­ cisco, Seattle', and all points west. Also at MooresVille fo r Statesville, Taylorsville and Charlotte. No. 27 makes connection at Charlotte for Columbia, Spartanburg, Gharleston, Augusta, Atlanta, Birmingham, New Orleans, Jacksonville, Tampa, Mo­ bile. Savannah, Greenville, Miss., Little Rock, Dallas and all points south and west. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS. W .C. W hite, of Advance, was in town last week. R. B. Sanford le ft Thursday for Baltimore and New York. E. H . Morris made a business trip te Winstoa last week. Mrs. C. E. Meroney visited re latives at Woodleaf last week. A. T. Grant, J r., made a busi­ ness trip to Winston last week. Clifton Meroney visited relatives and friends in Vt inst-on last week. Miss Yiola Rattz returned last week from a visit to relatives at Salisbury. Miss Mary Parnell spent last week with relatives and friends at Winston. . Misses E. L . Gaither and little daughters spent Wednesday in Winston shopping. W henyougo to W inston, call on H. D. Poindexter, whose ad ap- pears in this issued , We call your special attention to the ad of Thompson’s-Drug Store, which appears in this issue. Miss Marietta Cain left last week for Raleigh, where she went to en­ ter the Baptist U niversity. Master Cecil M orris returned Friday from an extended visit to his grand parents in Foisyth. Mrs D. A . Parnell and child­ ren went down to Salisbury last week to visit relatives and friends. Joe Shelton, of Concord, passed through this c ity Friday on his way to Courtney, where he goes to enter school. ; Cole Bros.’ Gentry Bros.’ and RiDgiing Bros.’ shows are a ll b ill ed to appear in WinBton soon. Poor Winston! . J. M . Seamon, of Kappa, was in town Saturday. T. M. Peoples, of Cana, was in town Saturday. John H , ClemeDt went over to Winsion Saturday. W. R. Clement made a business trip to Salisbury last week. The rain Saturday kept many people away from the show. Floyd F ry retnrned last week from a v is it to Stanley county. The graded school w ill open - in this city next Monday, Sept. 14th. Ye editor attended the Senator­ ia l convention at Y adkinville Mon­ day. FARMERS— Z. N . Anderson w ill pay you 18 centB per dozen for eggs. W . C. W illson, from beyond the turbid waters of Hunting Creek, was in town Saturday. Several Mocksvillians w ill go to “ The Land of. the Sky,” on the excursion tomorrow. Miss Daisy Angell, of Boonville, spent Wednesday in this city, the guest of relatives. Miss Mary Heitman le ft Satur­ day for Winston, where she goes to enter Salem Academy. Offle Garwood and S. Stroud, of near County Line, were among the crowd here Saturday. County Commissioners met in regulai session Monday, and tran­ sacted routine business. Miss Bettie Rutledge, of Court­ ney, passed through this city F ri day on her way to visit relatives at Concord for several weeks. Miss Catherine Rockett, of Ran- dleman, who has been visiting in this city for the past three weeks, the guest of Misses E lla and Rose Meronev, returned to her home Wednesday. Those Taft vatch fobs and but­ tons are going like hot cakes. Bet­ ter call at The Record office and get you one. The John H , Sparks Bhows ex­ hibited here Saturday. A good crowd was out. The show was first class in . every respect, and those who attended went away well pleased. \ F. P. Rattz, who is taking treat­ ment at Salisbury for paralysis, Bpent last week in this city, re­ turning to Salisbury Monday even­ ing. He reports his condition much improved. Ycu can save money by buying your furniture from Rominger Blackburn, W inston. Do not buy your household goods u n til you go over add price their goods. They w ill treat you rig h t. I |T . P. Foster, of Route 4, was in town Monday and showed us a stalk of corn that contained seven well-developed ears. Mr# Foster thinks that is making bread while the sun shines. E. H . M orris, who has been the efficient postmaster in this city for more than eleven years, has sent to take effectBoone and W ilburn Stonestreet . tonkin the big excursion to the jn his resignation city by the Sel last week, and re I Oct. I. M r. Morns has made a port a big tim e. The boys had good postmaster, and the people of never seen the ocean, and they had the county are sorry to have him about a dozen spasms. give np the postmastership. THOMPSON’S DRUG STORE. We give prompt and careful atten­ tion to mailorders. W ecarrythe lar­ gest and most complete stock of Drugs, Medicines, jToilet Articles, Cigars, Rub­ ber Goods and everything carried in a first-class drug store in the city. Special attention given to the fitting of Trusses. Private room. Thompson’s Drug Store. Winston-Salem, N. C. Local news is pretty scarce this week. J. S. McDaniel, who breathes on the turbid waters of the Sonth Yadkin, was in town Saturday. A goodly number from here at­ tended the South Yadkin Baptist Association which convened at Statesville Thursday. The Mocksville Cafe is the place to get your meals. Coffee served free with each meal. J. W . Bailey is having his house on the corner of Salisbury street and F ifth Ave., repainted. Taftbuttons and watch fobs— the latest thiqg out, at The Record office. The Farmers’ Union held a meeting at the court house Satur­ day. We were unable to get the proceedings. Misses L ila and Mabel K u rfees, of Cooleemee Junction, spent Sun­ day and Monday in this c ity w ith relatives. The Time is Coming PREPARE NOW. We mean that Christmas is soon coming and you w ill need a lo t of things to make your house and home comfortable. Our advise to you is this: - Do Not Wait Until You Have to Buy Everything At Once. ' Commence now to buy your Suit of Furniture, your Carpet or Rugs, your Heating or Cooking Stoves, your Blankets or Quilts, Pmno or C£sa , Parlor Suit. Couches or Lounges, or apything you may need in the Furni­ ture line. Remember we have the goods, the prices and the treatment that w ill make a lasting customer out of any one who is w illing to give us a tria l. As to exclusive Bed Room Furniture, we manufacture our own Irne and have the best made in the South, hence we can save you ifffl Megbte and extra profits, and give you a line of goods that cannot be equaUed in our city. Come to see us and be convinced, andremember tneplaee thelarge brick store exactly in front of Brown’s Warehouse door, on Main street and in front of A . Daye’s store, on Liberty street. So y^ ^an come mto out store either from Mam or Liberty street, just as you like, as our store extends all the way through *£rom Main to Liberty streets. Rominger & Blackburn Furaishing Company. 422 Mam Street and 423 Liberty St, Winston. W . M. Smith, of Advance, R. I, was in town Saturday and call­ ed around and renewed his sub­ scription.' We have purchased a new re­ ceipt book on credit, and are now prepared to w rite subscription re­ ceipts. Call and see us. Miss Adelaide Gaither le ft last Thursday for Asheville, where she goes to spend two weeks, the guest of her friend, Mrs. Marcus Brown. Onr subscribers are urged to call around and renew th e ir sub­ scriptions. Times are toogh with the editor, and without help soon, we perish. The roads in Davie county are in a horrible condition, and at places they are almost impassable They should be put in better con­ dition before winter sets in. We urge our farmer . friends to patronize the merchants who ad­ vertise in The Record. The mer­ chant who wants your trade w ill ask for it through your paper. Trade w ith the men who appreci­ ate yonr business, and by so doing you w ill save money . Mrs. May, of near Y adkinville, visited relatives in this city last wejk. The heavy rains Monday pnt the branches and creeks on anoth­ er tear. The Chair Factory was closed down Monday and Tuesday on ac­ count oi a defective flue. Those who are behind on their subscription are nrged to call and renew at once. I t w ill be no use to come after the editor has starv­ ed to death. Owing to the fact that Monday was a legal holiday, the R. L. C. did not make their rounds, and as a result our county news is con­ spicuous for its absence.. - The Junior Order Im ld roemor ia l services over the grave o f John Wyatts at Rose cemetery Sunday afternoon. A large crowd were present. The Bervice was very solemn and impressive. The protracted meeting is s till in progress at the M ethodist church . Some earnest, sincere preaching iB being done, and it is hoped that much good w ill be accomplished. Senatorial Convention Meets. The 29th Senatorial convention met at Y adkinville Monday. A large representative body of Re­ publicans were in attendance. The convention was called to order at 12:30 p. m., by the Chairman. W . M, Lee, of Summit, W ilkes county, was nominated for the State Senate on the fourth ballot. For lack of time and space we can not give a fu ll report of the pro­ ceedings of the convention. Delegates to the Congressional Convention. The following delegates were elected by the Republican County Convention on A ug. 24th, to the Congressional Convention: C. G. Bailey, J. L . Sheet, C. F. Stroud, C. M. Godby, W . A . B ail­ ey, D. D. Bennett, E, H . Morris, Jno. W . Etchison, J. F. Batledge, B. R. Bailey, J. H . -Sprinkle. This convention w ill probably meet at Asheboro some time the latter part of the month. IL,ILfRoimfexteiv Winston-Salem, N. C. APPLER AND TURF OATS Iju s t want to say to the Farm­ ers, don’t lose sight of these • two money crops for fa ll seed­ ing, and t ill the 1st of October don’t neglect sowing Crimson CioverandRye. Itw ill give your stock early spring graz­ ing, is a fine tonic for your cattle and w ill keep yonr land Irom washing and save you from buying high price fe rti­ lizers in the spring. We have a New line of Seeds—Red Cio- ver, Bur, Alsike1 W hite and A lfalfa Clover, Orchard, Oat, K y Bine, Timothy, Hungar­ ian and Fiscue seed. Clover is a little lower in price than last spring. We also handle Wr arner Moore’s AnchorLime. You should use it liberally in the soil, it pays-and is cheap­ er than any of the prepared Limes you buy. I w ill also have some new seed wheats a little later on and w ill do a ll I can to push the Farmer up the h ill by selling the best of a ll kinds of Seeds and Swift’s FERTILIZER. I want to im ­ press yon that while I use the word Best a great many times, I have not got the word pat­ ented and if I had I would loan it to the farmer to dis pose of his product raised from the Seeds I sold him . I sim­ ply try to carry the Best ot every thing I sell. My stock, ... my Fall Stock, is complete. It is with our, prices simply a slight of hand performance for us to sell you. Vi e sell you Best Sheeting, Best Carpet H arp—Amoa Green’s,•' Best Cofiee, Bacon and Lard, and . in Ship Stufts,sFlonr and Meal our claim is ondless. In Hea­ vy Jeans we carry a line that w ill make you think Cf the old times in prices, and Feel proud winter is near at hand, And we have a stock of Shoes to beat the band, The Best o f everything in town And Cotton Bats that weigh a pound,A t H O /POINDEXTER'S. Drop. DON’T. Don’t fill your stomache fu ll oi ice water when you are about a hundred in the shade. I t m ight bust your boiler. Don’t te ll an old g irl that she has wrinkles. She m ight show you that you have a black eye. Don’t make an ass of yourself by voting the Democratic ticket. Don’t think you are the only man in town—maybe another one came on the last train. Don’t insinuate yourself into the good graces of the hired ,girl—if yonr wife is at home. Don’t give another man your! baby to hold and then forget it. Don’t bet that Bryan w ill carry any State except the Southern States—and don’t bet too much that he w ill carry all of them.— Yellow Jacket. A counterfeit $20 gold piece can­ not be called a good sum. Gall at our office and get that watch, watch guard, cuff buttons, ring or shirt w’aist set that we are saving Ibr you. The latest thing out in tiny gold- piaied safety pins. They are cute, and rlie price is 5c. each. Some­ thing every one needs. Call at our office and see them. The Southern Railway w ill oper­ ate its popular excursion to Rich­ mond, Va., Sept. 15th, train to consist ot first class day coaches and Pullman cars, giving two days and one night in Richmond. Fol­ lowing round trip rate from Mocks- Villef $5. For detailed informa­ tion, see large flyers, or - call on your depot agent. R. L. Vernon, Trav. Pass. Agent. We take pleasure In directing our readers’ attention to the adver­ tisement appearing elsewhere in our colurnnsof the Southern School ofTelegraphy, located atNewnan, Ga. There is a great and constant­ ly growing demand for telegraph operaters, and we are glad to see this worthy and well-recognized institution doing such creditable work in helping supply that demand. Any youDg man wishing to learn a good profession should investigate the opportunities of­ fered in the telegraph field by w riting at once for the School’s free, discriptive literature. It's on Staples This Time, Too. Such as the best qualities of Ginghams that have been selling for 121 and 15c. Large range of colors—stripes, plaids and solids— 10c. now. Chambrays come next—soft-fin­ ished kind that suits so^. well for dresses and boys Waists a ll I2£c. quality—colors solids, blue, tan, pink and grey, stripes also. I t ' w ill wash, and price here—10c. Then the Lawns in stripes and figures so suitable for the , cool. b nock-about summer’ d resses—gee! they are great—for the price we nlean—you’ll think so too. Some of them brought IOc., you can have them now, for—well say 5ic. More Lawns, some of them found in stripes, floral designs, dots and figures, Worth 12ic.—10c. price now. ■ • And here we jum p to bleached domestics and take juBt the best brands that you know so w ell like “ Barker M ills,” “ F ru it of the Loom” and “ Androsoroggin” that you have been paying 12Je. for and probably more, and pnt it back to the old price, 10c. Father George Sea Island, an unbleached domestic w ith an extria finish—7c. Regular 8c. value. Men’s Odd Suits. To be closed out at a consider­ able saving to you. If you are needing one, better take time and see what we are offering. Odd Pants, Too. J. T. BAITY. You can lead a woman talk you cannot make her think. but Our follies give the doctors a chance to make experiments at our expense. "S BaiiyIadastriaINgws Th«4>nly DUIy RepubHccn New ptper published in North Cnroliiu Carnesttie full Associated Press Dis­ patches. supplenented by a Daily- Washington Letts-I. I complete State News Service, and the highest priced Foreign Service to be obtained. Published Every Marning SxceptMonday Bignt pages on week days, sixteen or more pages on Sunday. PRICE: SIX SOLURS PER YEAR. A sam ple copy mailed Ujiion request. Address " CIRCUUHON DEPARTMENT DAILY INDUSTRIAL NEWS GKEENSBORO.KF The New Drug Store. Fresh Drugs Patent Medicines Toilet Articles, Fine Stationery, Fancy Candies, Books, Bibles, PictureFram ing, Blank Books and Ledgers, Ice Cream Daily, Crushed Fruits, Soda Fountain Drinks. Our line of drugs and drug sun­ dries is new and complete, and this attractive and up-to-date store is meeting a long fe lt want of Mocks- villeand Davie county. The well- selected stock of goods and their at­ tractive arrangement is a source of pleasure not only to the Company, but also to the people of Mocksvflle and surrounding country, and this appreciation is shown by the liberal patronage this new enterprise has received from the beginning. Yours truly, The Mocksville Drug; Co. C U T PRICES Nice lawns from 5 to 12ic.lper yard. Mohairsfrom 37i to 45c. per yard. - Shadowed Plaids from 18 to 20c. per yard. Bleach Domestic from 8 to 10c. per yard. . F ru it of Loom bleach, 10c. per yard. _‘ Ginghams, 6 to IOc. per yard. Domestic from 5 to 8c. per yard. I Sea Island Domestic, 8 to 9e. per yard. Silk M ulls, 38c. per yard. Percals 10 to 12|c. per yard. Waist goods from 10 to 221c. per yard. Prints 6c. per yard. 42 inch Lawn, 10 to 12ic. per yard. Men’s $1 hats for 85c. Men’s $1.25 hats for $1. Men’s $2.50 hats for $2.25. Ladies Embroideried Lawn Skirts at 75c. to $1. Ladies Embroideried Pants 45c. Nice line infant caps from 15 to 65c. We have only mentioned a few things, b n t we have most any­ thing you may want that is kept in a general store, and ask you to call and see us before you buy, for we w ill certainly save you money. YOURS TO PLEASE, BAILEY & MARTIN. «<*■ JitSVJ * Vq ^ i'l (• •• r III«Wti i '1: ! i'll ifIf- Jt.; I ' i!p |i:||: ! l i t IHiSr- pM -Wffc .■ m IfM ,- Mp THE HORNET SECTION. ROOT HOG, OR DIE. SOME THINGS THAT WILL KEEP YOU GRINNING FOR A WEEK. OUR RED-HEADED MAN. Say, girls, I want to m arry; I am looking foe a wife and I want one that can cook, starch and iron. I asked a g irl once if Bhe would marry me and she said, * ‘you don’t mean it.” She must have been a mind reader. This is one on a sport in this town. He didn’t know I was around: “ The moon shone in the heavens The stars were in a w hirl, They slowly strolled together, Sam and his best g irl. She looked up sweetly in his face And softly she did say, Sammy, there’s some one coming, Please take your arm away. Hemusthave had his arm a round her neck. I almost wish it had been me. Never feed a g irl chewing gum. Thie sweetest time in woman’s life , ere sorrows dawn and troubles come, and ere she tastes of wedded strife, is when she chews the pastic gum. Stuck on the mantlepiece we find the odious alabaster crum, or close up on the wall behind the bed, that everlasting gum; but many hearts do most despair, and sooner manly souls succomb, when sitting in a parlor chair, one sits upon the chewing gum. Courting is a ll right in its place, bat some of the Mocksville boys and girls court at the wrong time. A guilty conscience needs no ac­ cuser. Be more careful in the fu ­ ture. I found the following article in a uewspaper the other day: “ Oh! Ye delinquent subscribers, may you live another year and read the paper free, for the wind bloweth, the water floweth, the farmer soweth, the subscriber ow- eth, and the Lord knoweth where the delinquent goeth.” I heard Roy singing a plaintive little song the other day, which sounded like this: Oome back, Mary, and love me as before, Come back, Mary, and leave me nevermore, In life ’s dark pathway the sun no longer shines, Come Mary, and meet me, ’neath the shadow of the pines. D id you know that the reason language is called the mother ton­ gue is because no man ever gets the chance to use it when there is a woman around. The prettiest piece of creation I have ever seen, was flopping around loose in this city the other day. But she is no more. Iw ish I liv td in a big town like Advance. There are lots of pretty girls over there, but precious few pretty bnyB, although some of our girls here think some of them are as sweet as cream and sugar. Wonder if Bed-Headed John w ill say that I hooked this stuff out of an old book. I hope not. I have got about forty-five names of girls who want to get married, and they needn’t say that they don’t. Some of them are high lowjack and the game. I am one of those kind of fellows woman set her foot up on a rock opposite that new store and tie her shoe, and a fellow yelled ex­ celsior—and I saw a g irl trying to make a man from Utah marry twice, and I caught a g irl trying to fix her bangs: In anger flew her agile jaws, As swear words darted from her tongue, The maid was fighting mad because She couldn’t make her bangs stay bung. I am a strange piece of creation. I ’m a man. and yet it can be prov­ en by a ll my friends who are ac» quainted w ith me that I am noth­ ing more or let’s than a woman. It is useless for any one to say they know me, for they do not. Many false prophets are abroad in the land, dressed in sheep’s clothing, but believe them not. A TravelBng Man Receive* the Thanks of Every Paoieager in the Car. “ I must tell my experience on an East bound 0. R. & N. R, R; train from Pendltonto LeGrande, Ore., writes Sam A. Garber, a well known travelling man. “ I was in the smoking department w ith some other travelling men when one of them went out into the coach and came back and said, ‘There is a woman sick unto death in the car. I at once got up and went out, found her very ill with cramp colic, so bad, in fact, that I was almost afraid to take the risk; her hands and arms were drawn up so you could not straighten them, and w ith a death­ like look on her face. Two or three ladieswereworking w ith her and giving her whiskey. Iw ent to my suit ease and got my bottle of Cham­ berlain's Golic1 Cholera and Diarr­ hoea Remedy (I never travel with­out it) ran to the water tank, put a double dose of the medicine in the glass, poured some water into it and stirred it with a pencil; then I had quite a time to get the ladies to let me give it to her. but I succeeded. I could at once see the effect and I worked with her. rubbing her hands, and in twenty minutes I gave her another dose. By this time we werealmostintoLe Grande, where I was to leave the train. I gave the bottle to the husband to be used in case another dose should be needed, but by the time time the train ran into Le Grande she was all right, and I received the thanks of every passenger in the car.” For sale by C. C. Sanford Sons Co. The 8uc»tponths-old child of M r. and Mrs. Tobias Lentz was found dead In bed at their home in Salis­ bury Sunday morning. I t had not been well but its condition was not thought to be serious. A clever, popular Candy Cold Cure Tablet—called Prevehtlr.es—is being- dispensed by druggists everywhere. In a few hourt, Preventics are said to break any cold—completely. Ana Preventics, being so safe and tooth­ some, arc very fine for children. No Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh Hor aickning1. Boxof 48—25c. Sold by C. C. Sanford Sons Go. A man can always get excited over politics unless he understands what it is about. Drive Rheumatism out of the blood with Dr Shoop’s Rheumatic Rtmedv and see how quickly pain will depart. Rub-on’s never did reach the real disease. Rheumatism isn’t in the skin. It’s deep down—its constution- al. Getting rid of the pain, is after all. what counts. That is why Dr- Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy goes, by word of mouth trom one to another. And herein lies the popularity of this Remedy. It is winning defenders everywhers. Tablets or liquid. Sold byC.C. Sanford Sons Go. A change cf schedule went into effect on the ABheville division of the Southern Sunday. No. 12, eastbound, arrives at Barber June tion at 7:30 p. m., instead of 8:30. Thetrains werealsogiven a new schedule between Charlotte and Taylorsville. that wouldpay a proper respect ” ’ thoroughlya lamp post if it only bad a ltonnet on. Ohlthatwom anhadbut one mouth, that I m ight kiss them a ll leaves and tender i*tems of InngheaT from North to South. 8^ ubeCivetire properties to Dr.: Shoop’s Gough I have seen a number of things PeilJedjX; ft calms the cough, 'and® neals the- sensitive bronchial mem-Bince L wrote last. I saw a g irl' .branes,' 'No opium, nochloroform,, . . . .. • _ nothing harshused to injure or siip-cry about a letter, and I saw a «press. Demand Dr. Shoop’s Accept fellow kiss his girl goodbj^aid a^m pany. 8old^ c- C. Sanford Sons •• ' • ' r. Remedy. And it is so _____ ,harmless, that Dr. Shoop tells moth­ ers to" use nothin? else, even" for very babies. lITie wholesome green THE POLITICIAN. “ The politician is my shepherd, I shall not want for anything in this campaign He ieadeth me in ­ to the saloon for my vote’s sake. He fille th my pockets w ith good cigars, uiy cup of beer ruuueth over. He iuquireth iuio my fam­ ily , even unto the fourth genera­ tion Yea, though I walk through the mud and rain to vote for him and shout myBelf hoarse when he is elected, straightway he forget- teth me. , Although I meet him at his own house he knoweth me not. Surely the wool has been pulled over mine eyes a il the days of my life , and I shall dwell in the house of a chump forever.—Exchange. He Looked at the Girls. Troutman Cor. to Landmark. M r. Flake Wagner ran up a- gainst the light-fingers in States­ ville Saturday. He got interested in looking at the elephants and the pretty women in the parade and his interest cost him a good watch and two silver dollars. He carried 50 or 60 dollars in his in- ..side coat pocket and had the good sense to keep his hand on this while in the push, not thinking a bout the chicken change in bis trouser pockets. In five minutes alter he had been relieved of hi? watch he discovered his loss, but too late then. The elephants and pretty women are wholly to blame They Take'the Kinks out “I have used Dr. King’s New Life Pills for many years, with increasing satisfaction. They take the kinks out of stsmach, liver or bowles, with­ out fuss or friction.” says S. H. Brown, of Pittsfield, Vt Guarenteed satisfactory at C. C. Sanford Sons Co’s drug store 25c. The handsome new railroad sta tion at Salisburp was opened Sep tember 1st. I t cost over 1120,000. For a Sprained Ankle. A sprained ankle may be cured in about one-third the time usually re­ quired by applying Chamberlain’s Liniment freely, and giving it abso­ lute rest. For sale by C. C. Sanford Sons Co. A Mayor in Indiana fined a g irl $5 for appearing on the street in a directory gown. HOW’S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case 'of Catarrh that cannot be cured by H a ll’s Ca­ tarrh Cure. F. J. OHENBY & CO., Toledo, 0 . We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for thel ast 15 yeais, and believe him perfectly honorable in a ll business transac­ tions, and financially able to carry ontany obligations made by his firm . Walding, K innan & M abvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. H a ll’s Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Most things w ill come your way if you go after them. Well Named. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is well named. For pains in the stomach, cramp colic and diarrhoea it has no epual. For sale by C. C. Sanford Sons Co. - A ll things come to him who tip the waiter. It’s a pity when sick ones drug the stomach or stimulate the Heert and Kidneys. That is all wrong! A wean Stomach, means weak stomach nerves always. And thisisalsotrue of the HeartandKidneys. Theweaknerves are instead crying out for help. This explains why Dr Shoop’s Restorative is promptly helping Stomach, Heart and Kidney ailments. The Restora­ tive reaches out for the actual cause of these ailments—the failing ’'inside nerves:” Anvwaytest the Restora­ tive 48hours, It won’t cure so soon as that’ but you will surely know that help is coining. Sold by C. C. San­ford Sons Co. The wife of the shiftless man al-, ways has an excuse for him . He means well. A Paying Investment. Mr. John White, of 38 Highland Ave Boulton, Maine, says: ‘ Have been troubled wite a cough every winter and spring-. Last winter I tried many- advertised remedies, but the continu­ ed until I bought a 50c. bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery; before that was naif gone , the cough was all goae. ThiS-winter the same happy result has followed; a few doses once more banished Jthe annual cough. I am now convinced that Dr. King’s New Discovery is the best of all cough and lung remedies.” Sold undergurantee C. vSons Co’s drug store. 50c. $1*00, ■ Trial bottle free. OLD BUT GOOD. Some one had been telling the Colonel about weather so warm that eggs could be fried on the sidewalk. •‘Call that hot weather?” scoffed the Colonel. “ Why, that’s uoth- g, sah.” ‘‘Thiuk not, Colonel1?’’ “ No, sah. W hy, I have seen it so hot down south, sah, that the popcorn popped rig h t on the stalk. •‘ Whew!” “ And that’s not a ll, sah. The juice in the cane in the next field turned to molasses, ran through the fence, mixed up w ith the pop­ corn and formed the finest combi­ nation of popcorn and molasses that ever crossed your lips, sah. Talk about hot weather? Huh I” Box Suppers. M r/ E ditor:—I noticed in your paper of last week a piece on the propriety of having box suppers in connection w ith our public schools for the purpose of raising money to purchase libraries, etc. I am sorry to see that our officers would, for a single moment, lend an e couraging thought to a scheme to raise moner, every tendency of which is to destroy that peace and tranquility of mind that is so es­ sential to the progress of the boj or g irl in school. Would it not be just as sensible to set up a bar­ room in one corner of a church and there deal out drinks to those who m ight be thus inclined, in or der that the coffers of the church might be filled to overflowing, and the pas:or’s salary be paid w ith­ out going directly into the pockets of the members. In the case of the church, the salary is paid by the unfortunate drinker. In the case of the box supper, the money isspentby the unthoughtfu) youth. U ncle Erastus. How to get Strong. P, J; Daly, of 2247 W, Congress St. Chicago, tells of a way to become strong: He says: “My mother, who is old and very feeble, is deriving so much benefit "form Electric- Bitters, that I feel it’s my duty to tell those who need a tonic and strengthing medicine about it. In my mother’s case a marked gain in flesh has result­ ed, insomonia has been overcome, and she is steadily growing stronger.’ Slectric Bitters quickly remedjs stomach, liver and kidney complaints. Sold under guarantee at C, C, San- fords Sons Co’s drugstore.- 50c. Hon. S. M. Gattis has again been nomiuated for the Legislature by the Democrats of Orange. Pink Pain Tablets—Dr. Shoop’s— stop Headache, womanly pains, any pain, anywhere, in 20 minutes sure. Formula on the 25c. box. Ask your druggist or doctor about this formula —its fine, Sold by C. _C. Sanford Sons Go. Samul A. Garrison, a special de­ livery letter carrier in the Char lotte postoffice, hae been bound to court on the charge of extracting $10 from a special deliveay letter and substituting $1 therefor. RHEUMATISM. M . F. Ballantyne, of Ballantyne & McDonough’s. Iron Foundry, Sa vannah, Ga., says that he has suf­ fered for years from Rheumatism, and could get no relief from any source but P. P. P., which cured him entirely. He extols the prop erties of P. P. P. on every occasion. P. P. P. is the greatest known cure for Ehematism; it eradicates the disease out of the system quick­ ly and forever. P. P. P., Lippmau’s Great Eem edy, cures Salt Rheum, w ith its itch and burning, Scald Head, Tet­ ter, etc. P. P. P. cures Boils, Pimples, and a ll eruptions due to the blood. ,P . P. P. cures Rheumatism and a ll pains in the sides, back, and shoulders, knees, hips, wrists and joints. P. P. P. cures Blood Po5Son in all its various stages, Old Ulcers, Sores and Kidney Complaints. P. P. P. cures Catarrh, Tfaamiaj Erysipelas, and a ll skin and blood diseases, and Mercurial Poisoning Sold by A ll Druggists. When you want a quick cure without any loss of time, and one that is followed by no bad results, use ' Chamberlain’s Colic * Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It never fills and Js- pleasant to- take. It is. equally, valuable for children. It is famous for iticuresover a laige part ol the civilized world For Infiuits and Children. The Kind You Haw Aivrays Bought ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT siraUatuigdK tingtlieStamacbs nessandRestContalnsffitor OpiuatMorphine Iia rIte a I1 No t N a r c o t ic . 'n S ttd- tion, Sour Stowflch,DlartteKa WornistCoiwulsionsJlCTenst ness andloss OF StEEB IicSiniileligDamrerf NEW YORK. m onths old 3 5 D oses- J j Cfnts fH E D A V lE RE< Exact Copy of Wrapper.TM* CfiHfAUN COMMMT, MCW TM K MTV. PRICE LIST OF WHISKIES Express Paid to your city. W e the only whiskey house that m anufactures our own whiskey. Send all orders to The Clarksville Whiskey House. Old R. W. Jones corn Whiskey 8 years old.. Old R. W. Jones com Whiskey 4 years old.. Old R. W. Jones com Whiskey 2 years old.. Com Whiskey by the half gallon, .-.__ Corn Whiskey 4 gal 2 years old,„ _$3.50 J82.75 ...$2.50 1.50 ..8.50 Corn Whiskey 2 gal 2 years old,.____________________________...4 50 Com Whiskey 3 gal 2 years old,_________ 6.50 Per Gal. Three Feathers 4 qts _________________ $8.00 Rye Whiskey, old velvet 4 years old Mountain Rye 2 years old _______ Kentucky Bell Rye 8 years old _ Echo Spring Rye 8 years old.......__..... Silver Brook Rye 6 years old.. Mountain Spring Rye xxx 4 years old.._ Log Cabin Rye 3 years old ...____ Mountain Spring Rye xx ...... ______ Excelsior Rye 2 years old.. .4.00 2.75 ...5.00 .5.00 4.00 3.50 2.75 ,2.75 __2.75 Golden Crown Rye 3 years old.. Professor JonesRya________ .300 .-2.50 _4.50 ...3,00 Apple Brandy Home Made 8 years o ld ___________ 2-_ Baltimore Apple Bandy 3 years old, ________________ Ginger Brandy,__________ ;_______ „2.50 Peach Brandy 10 years old._.___ ;_______ . ' ~ 5.00 Peach and Honey ____________ ;.__.;.__ ______™2.00 Barrel Goods. Cherry Wine _ Old Cherry 8 years o ld ..... Port Wine______!____........... Scuppemong W iiie.___ Clarret W ine __ ... Black Berry Wine ...... .„$3.00 .....4.00 50 .....2.50 ......2.25 2.25 Bottled Goods. French Brandy Per Q t....._ Rye Whiskey. Green River Rye 4 Q ts___ Three Feather Rye 4 Qts ... Canadian Club 4 Qts ____ Old Prentice 4 Qts....:____ Mums Rye 4 Qts.. ___ Full Dress 4 Qts... ...... Four Aces 4 Qts......-:. __; Echo Springs 4 Qts____ Mark Rogers 4 Qts __... Jefferson Club 4 Qis........L... Golden Rye 4 Qts ...........___ Fitz Hugh Lee 4 Q ts__*.... Blue Blood 4 Qts.._______ Montreal M alt Whiskey 4 Qts..... ..$3.50 ..$5.00 _..8.00 —5.00 5.00 5.50 .....5.00 5.00 5.50 .....5.00 5.t»o 5.50 ....:5,00 :..;5.00 ...5.00 Jameson Irish Whiskey 4 Qts._.. $5.00 Dewar’s Scotch..........____............5.06 Royal Arch 4 Qts ___-___.4.50 Rooney’s M alt 4 Qts.:,.______ .4.50 Duffy’s M alt4 Qts ___5.00 Duffy’s M alt by the case___:___12.00 Amaiiean MaiIt 4 Qte:.__i ____:4.50 Casey Malt......_______ i____4.50 Rose Valley Rye 4 Qts.....__ __$4.50 Glenn L illy Rye 4 Qts.....__^___4.00 Old Velvet 4 Qts_....______ .4.00 G. P. R. 4 Qts -_____ i __„4.00 Silus Dean 4 Q ts , ___...4.00 Old Henry 4 Qta . ‘___4.50 Bottled Wine. Virginia Dare 4 Qts.._ St. Eatephe 4 Qts. ... -____.$3.50 „™_„._3.50 St.' Julean 4 Qts...„.„__ 3.50 Virginia P arret 4 Qts...'_....____3.50 EmperiidSherry Wirie 8 yrs 4 Qts £.00 Domestic 4 Qts. ________.3.50 Alcohol best grade I qt..._.l____2.00 Minnehaha4Qts ____ ^.3.50 Porahontas 4 Qts.. Emperial Black Berry 4 Qts... Scuppemong 4 Qts. ..______ Port 4 QtB : . - __ _4.50 3.50 _..3.50 ..3.25 Black Brandy 4 Qts. __...;__,„5.00 Extra Dry Mumms 4 Qte - .....16.00 Take my advice and buy HomeHnade Copper-Distilled Corn Whiskey made by us in the «ld fashion way. We are one of die few that make our own Corn Whiskey, so yon get it direct from die Still. All orders must be accompanied by Cashier’s Check, Postoffice Money Order, or Express Money Order. No individual checks taken unless known by the firm, as we know np one, and so one knows us. No stamps taken for Whiskey. No goods sent C. 0* D. - REFERENCE: First State Bank and; First Natinnal Bank, Oxford, N. C. Sendallorders to The CLARKSVILLE WHISKEY HOUSE Clarksville, Va. P. S. All Whiskeys Delivered Express Prepaid in plain boxes if desired. V o l . X. X * MR. PETTIGI ,» h i > e before I S, lW^ r M chairm an of tbe finaj 0f the Democratic i| ,nve, TbUVtotlM-Hl of South Dakota iam l the same individual P late.’ and planned rtr jji.rtb C arolina for <,f fbose bonds in fa I Dakota, about whiclj ni uch trom the Den and the Dem ocrat| yea s ago. We l'anc decidedly bum ilia tl Carolina Democrats| a-kwl to subscribe handled 1>> th is pulator of honds. has enough of i)u»ue.\ already in make a handsome tne Democratic natj in,..I. H was onlj nnrtnh*> ay. that wel D akota ju d l which Pettigrew g<] jiiiii I iiDii s share heeii No« the fa rl pajei-6 of North u j vited to raise anotb able M r. Pettigrew l paign for M r. Brya crats of Greensboro county w ill have tfl this week of co n tril be administered b f uished bond collecf geutlemen, and Boulden has been| local collectoa, or i tigrew w ill take cal other end of the turn back to your hand-book of two I Teact the testimonia character of ex Seif oi South Cakota cairman of your Iil in 1098.—Industrjf Give Us al Mr. Cox, for GcT Morehead, for CoJ truly and fu lly t l terests of the S tatf a continuation of f ference to a bueinel and representation party is fu lly equl the goods. H a v il of politics le t policies for a chat better of the Old) The Union EeputT And Still This comes fro# “A conscience New Mexico has I Mr. W. T. BayJ here, writing as ( Kease fine enclosL Borne tobacco an| stole from you sel and I ask your fol 1Qg them.. Jou f sending this moa P°se, but the Bil 0 Straighten up] wnifh as it (10J 1 litlHd this 40 c | w'l* Understand ■s" niHpy. 'im ill m^utioued j'u th<[ t h e Landm aek hoPe that there] of honesty in t l h(,P' that the ana sRread OntiH hold bn a ll thosd to Observe the i i inanauythiDg.” ! ° f Iher DuiDeroul THE JiiNDMAKK the Bfcfrit move I ^ they w j goudjmpulfee.awaite them anq for^et .if the coi] nark. !.« t? *t is intei Cnn^8icolds* ^a n d .itis ®ade for. these C. C. S taf THE DAVIE RECORD HAS A CIRCULATION LARGER THAN THAT OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN DAVIE COUNTY, AND OUR BOOKS WILL PROVE IT D avie R ecord V o l . X.MOCKSVILLE. N. C.. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 15. 1908.No. 11 MR. PETTIGREW. .. h u p bef.ire remarked f*x- -JlMiitior I’e Iigvew has beeu iuatie chairman oftbe finance committee of the Demoeratic national com I111-. re* Tiiia i« the same Pettigrew of South Dakota lame. O f course, the same individual who manip- Iste'1 and planned the suit against Sorth Danilina for the collection of those bonds in favor of Sonth DaL ota. about which we heard so ai nett lroiu the Democratic press ami the Democratic stump two yea s ago. We fancy this must be decidedly hum iliating to Korth Carolina Democrats, who are now a-kcd to subscribe money to be bandied by this doughty mani pulaior of bonds. M r. Pettigrew has enough of North Carolina liume.y already in his pocket to iiinke a haudsouie contribution to tne Democratic national campaign ini d. I' was only a tew short ii.. ii..|!!. ay<. that we paid cff the S di Dakota judgment, out of Wtsirb Pettigrew got his share- - linn I IioiirS share it must have brrii Now the farmers, the tax­ payers of North Carolina are in vited to raise another fund to en able Mr. Pettigrew to finance a cam­ paign for Mr. Bryan. The Demo­ crats of Greensboro and G uilford county w ill have the opportunity this week of contributing a fund to be administered by this disting­ uished bond collector. VTaIk up, gentlemen, and shell out. M r. Boulden has been designated as local collectoa, or agent. M r. Pet­ tigrew w ill take care of it at the other end of the line. Meantime turn back to your old Democratic hand-book of two years ago and read the testimonials to the high character of ex Senator, Pettigrew, of South Cakota bond fame, the cairman of your finance commistee in 1098.—Industrial News. Give Us a Change. Mr. Cox, for Governor and M r. Morehead, for Congress, represent truly and fu lly the business in ­ terests of the State. I f you want a continuation o f politics in pre­ ference to a business administration and representation, the Democratic party is fu lly equipped to deliver the goods. Having had a surfeit of politics let us try business policies for a change and for the better of the Old North State.— The Union Bepublicen. And Still They Come. This comes from Winston-Salem: “ A. conscience-striken man in New Mexico has sent a letter to Mr. W. T. Baynes, a merchant here, writing as follows: ‘Dear Sir: Please fine enclosed 40 cents for tome tobacce and watermelons I stole from you several years ago, and I ask your forgiveness for steal lug them. You may ask why I am sending this money for that pur­ pose, but the Bible command? us ostraighten up our back life, ju st ” Miiich a s ii does not to sin So I send this 40 ceuts. hoping you wil! understand it.’ ’’ . Sn man jr. .similar cases have been mentioned in the papers recently The Landm ark is encouraged to hope that there is a sort of revival of honesty in the land. Let us bop- that the revival w ill grow and spread Cmtil it takes a firm hold on all those who have failed to observe the injunction, VOwS no man anythin g .M e a n tim e , if ahy of the- numerous folks who owe The L andm ark old accounts''feel the spirit move them to make good, we tiust they w ill not resist' the good impulse. A; warm welcome awaits them and we’ll forgive and forget if the coin is passed over —Landmark. , Ppn_t be afraid to give Chamber* lam s~Cough_Remedy to your chil- enL' ^ *s intended especially for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, and-ibis the. -best medicine made for.these diseases. For sale 0. C; Sanferd SfhiB Co. Looking Gloomy. Yellow Jacket. The Bryan popular dollar cam­ paign has'proved a fla t failure in Nebraska, and the Democrats are ery much discouraged over the small number of subscriptions that are received. Two weeks ago the Omaha W orld-Herald opened a popular subscription lis t, and the names ol the subscribers, with the amount of subscription, have since been made public. The total sub­ scriptions for the two weeks is only $396.80, of which $300 was given by three men, leaving the “ popu­ la r” subscriptions totaling only $96.80. The dollar subscriptions numiier only 30. Altogether only; 48 subscriptions were received dur­ ing the two weeks, and the whole thing is looked upon as a failure in political circles. But is such au utter fa il if re to raise subscriptions for Democracy any surprise to a t hinking manf We should say not. By. bis wild cat schemes and radi cal theories, his flipfiopping and side-stepping Bryan has come very nearly disgus ing the whole human race towards his political judg­ ment. He has alienated both plutocrat” and pauper. I t ’s no wonder the people don’t cough up the dough to finance hfs campaign. Theyf know his theories on free silver were unsound. They know his “ imperialism” charges against M cKinley were thinner than soap- bubbles. They know his Govern meDt ownership spasm was So­ cialistic, and hence they have very little , if any, faith in the declara­ tion on that part of his pretended followers and admirers this year that Bryan is Bafe and sane.” Bryan’s Life. Graduated in Illinois. Went to Lincoln to practice law. Never practiced. Went to Congress and did noth­ ing for the people. Edited a daily newspaper and attracted no attention. Sprungsome borrowed rhetoric on the Chicago convention in 1896 and was nominated for President, and advocated the w ild cat scheme of free silver. Was defeated. Made a cheap play to the gal­ leries be enlisting a company of free-silver Democrats to fight Spain, and got as far as Florida and came back w ith the title of Kernel. In 1900 ran again for President and disgusted Democracy so that it repudiated him and of course defeated him. Gave no support to the Democra­ tic nominee in 1904 and lectured at country fairs at big priees and in­ vested his money in Government bonds, which gave no employment to any wage worker. Went aronnd the world and wrote a book and syndicated letters for money. A nd a ll the time kept on running for President. A gainbeis running to be tie feared. His Lfe work could be summed lip as follows; Kan for office. Ran again. Then ran again. Then ran some more.—Ex. Named the Twins For Bryan and Taft. Ex-Sheriff W; rig h t L . Stallings, a Republican leader of Edgecombe, has named his tw in sons in honor of the presidential candidates, Howard Taft and Jennings Bryan. HiB wife is aDemocrat and stated that there should be a non-partisan ticket at their home. A Sure-enough Knocker. . J . G-Coodwin, Ol Reidsville. N. C save: “Bucklen’s Arnica - Salve is a sure-enough knocker tor ulcers. : A bad one came on my leg last summer, but that wonderful salve knocked it out in a few rounds. Not evena scar remained.” Guarenteed fer piles, sores, burns etc. 25c, at C. C. Som Co’s drug store. Democratic Ghosts. Somewhere in the vicinity of Lin­ coln, Nebraska, are buried the Original copies of 392 speeches, de­ livered in 1896, maintaining that the only hepe of prosperity for this country was the free and unlim ited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to I. 817 speeches, letters and editorials, of various later dates, reiterating the beliefs of 1896. One statement undei date of 1900, asserting intention not to ask for another nomination for the Piesi- dency. One assertion that the w riter could not accept the support of the Illinois Democracy on any other condition than the utter re­ pudiation of oi.e Rogar Sullivan. One speech delivered in New York Oity concerning the Government ownership of railways, a ll these documents are signed by W. J. B. In two short months this grave w ill be reopened to receive “ M y poli­ cies,” “ Shall the People Rule,” etc., also a large assortment of phonograph records. This mass of material should be placed in the National Museum, so that coming generations could have an opportunity of seeing and study­ ing the varying hues of Democracy as adopted by the Peeriess One during the years 1896 to 1908.— Ex. HOT SPRINGS, A R K ., is no competition against Lipp man’s Great Remedy for the eure of Rheumatism. James Newlon, Aberdeen, Ohio, says P i P. P. did him more good than three months treatment at H ot Springs, A rk. W . T. Timmons, of Waxahatchie. Tex., says his rheumatism was so bad that he was confined to his bed for months. Physicians advised Hot-Springs, A rk., and Mineral Wellsl Texas, at which places he spent seven weeks in vain, with knees so badly swollen that his tortures were beyond . endurance. P. P. P. made the cure and proved itself as in thousands of other cases the best blood purifier in the world and superior to a ll Sarsaparillas and the so-called Rheumatic Springs. Sold by A ll Druggists. Cleveland on Taft. There is fear on my part of being mis-understood in what I am about to say, but surely the fair-minded man must realize when he considers my attitude toward my own party, all now a matter of immutable record, that it is prompted by a sense, of simple fairness. Personal- ly and officially I have had the op portunity of knowing many things concerning M r. Taft that were not a matter of general knowledge, and and with a keen interest I have watched his large share in the con­ duct of out national affairs in very recent years His excellence as a federal judge in Cincinnati is some­ thing not to be underestimated or over emphasized, for should he come to the presidential chair the qualities which made him a judge of high a b ility, which I know him to have been, w ill be the most needful to him as President of the United States. His high ideals of honesty and of relative justice, his great capacity for severe labor, and his humorons wisdom in the face of the serious problem are a ttri­ butes equally valuable and com­ mendatory to a people seeking him in whom they may repose the trust of their collective interests while they turn their increased attention to their, pressing individual de­ mands.—Grover Cleveland’s last word to the American people. President Roosevelt Narrowly NRsses Death. New York, Sept. 7,—As Presi dent Roosevelt riding on horseback was nearing Oyster Bay, his home, a revolver shot sonuded from the bushes and a bullet whizzed over his head Tbe President and an elderly sent leman with whom he was riding wheeled their horses, but saw no one: They could not tel1 then and it is not knowu whether the occurrence was an ac cident or whether it was a plot that had been timed for the presided. This afternoon near the presidents tennis com t. Detectives SlOan and Morphy, of the Secret Service, ar. rested a man carrying an empty re­ volver and a d irk. .He seemed to be an odinary crank. He describ­ ed1 himself first as “ St. P atrick,” and then as ” John G Coughlin of Boston.” CASTOR IA For InHutsand Children. IbKMYgiBmAlraisBniH ARRIVAL of PASSENGER TRAINS ; GOING NORTH. No. 26 Lv. Mocksville i.0:15 a. m. No. 28 Lv. Mocksville 1:23 p. m. GOING SOUTH. . No. 27 Lv. Mocksrille 3:38 p. m. No. 25 Lv. Mocksrille 6:35 p. m. Traiiis Nos. 26 and 28 make con­ nection at Winston for Wilkesboro, Greensboro, Sanford, Roanoke, Bris­tol and Raleigh. Trains Nos. 27 and 25 make con­ nection at Barber Junction for Salis­ bury, Richmond, Washington, New York, Boston and all points east Also fo r Asheville, Knoxville, Chat­ tanooga, Memphis, Louisville, St. Louis, Chicago, Denver, San Fran­ cisco, Seattle, and all points west. Also at Mooresrille fo r Statesville, Taylorsrilleand Charlotte. No. 27 makes connection at Charlotte for Columbia, Spartanburg, Charleston, Augusta, Atlanta, Birmingham, New Orleans, Jacksonville, Tampa, Mo­ bile, Savannah, Greenville, Miss., L ittle Rock, Dallas and all points south and west. North Carolina, I In Snperior Court, before A. T. Oarie Cosnty. J Grant, C. S. C. - J. M. Summers, et al. I VS > Notice of Sale. AdoIphni Summer!, et al. ) By virtue of an order made in the above entitled cause by A. T. Grant. C. S. G., the undersigned'Gommission- er will resell to the highest bidder at the court house door of Davie 1 bounty in the town of MocKsville, N. C., on Monday, the 5th day of Oct., 1908, at 12:00 m., the following described tract of land, to wit; A tract situted in Farmington Township, said county, bounded on the North by the lands of Josephine Walker, on the East by the lands of Mrs. Fannie Stewart, on the South by the lands of the “Atkinson” heirs,, and on the West by the lands of J. M. Summers, containing twenty- five acres more or less.The above described land will be sold for partition between the par­ ties to the above entitled action upon the following terms, to wit: $25.00 cash, and the balance on six months’ time with bond and approved security, or all cash at the option of the pur- 0 bcL86T This the 19th day of August, 1908. A. T. G b an t, J r., Commissioner. I f you want a good Elgin .or Wal­ tham watch fo r $5.50, call at The Record office. Rheumatism I have found a tried and tested, cure for Rheu- snatisml Hota remedy that will straighten the distorted limbs of-chronic cripples, nor turn bony growths back to flesh again. That is impossible. B utlcannow surelykQ lthe pains and pangs of this deplorable disease.In Germany—with a Chemist in the City of Darmstadt—I found the last ingredient with which Dr. ShooprS Rheumatic Remedy was made perfected, dependable prescription. Without that lastingredient, I successfully , treated many, many cases of Rheumatism; but now, at last, ituni- fonoly cures all curable cases of this! heretofore much dreaded disease. Thosesand-Iikegranulaf wastes, found inRheumatic Blood, seem to dissolve and pass away under the action of .this remedy as freely as does sugar when added to pure water. And then, when dissolved, these poisonous wastes freely pass Qom the system* and Uie cause of Rhemnstism is gone forever. There is now no zeal need—no actual excuse to suffer longer with­ out help. We sell, and in confidence recommend Dr. Shoop’s Rheumatic Remedy C. U. SANFOHD SONS CO. Tombstones. If you need anything like Tombstones Tab lets or Monuments call on CLAUDE MILLEK. North WillcesVinio, N . G QR. ROBT, ANDERSON, DENTJST, Office over Bank of. Davie 20,000 TELEGRAPH OPERATORS NEEDED YOUNG MFN PREPARE YOUR­ SELVES FOR GOOD POSITIONS. On account of the new 8-hour law passed by congress in the interest of telegraphers, and also on account of so many new railroads being built and old lines extended, an unusual demand for operators has been cre­ated. Conservative estimates have placed the number of additional Op­ erators that w ill be required during the next ten months at approximate­ ly 20,000. YOUNG MEN NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY! Enroll in our School NOW and in only four to six months we w ill have you qualified for splendid positions. Telegraph Ope­rators receive from $50.00 upwards. Our school has been established 20 years; its equipment is perfect; in­ struction thorough and practical; po­ sitions positively guaranteed our graduates. Board in Newnan is very cheap; the town is healthful and the people are cordial. Two Main Line Railroad Wires run into our School rooms. No other school in the' Uni­ ted States has such up-to-date and practical facilities for file benefit of its students. W rite at once for free, descriptive literature. Southern School of Telegraphy, NEWNAN, GEORGIA. A CLEAR CUT, CLEAN UP-TO-DATE BARBERSHOP, Situated in the Pass building on Depot St. Call in and give gfK me a trial. Also cleaning ja | and pressing Clothes. 6*jjg W. H. PEARSON.A l t t U N . H mmmmm IU L L t h e GOUGH and CUHB the B.UHGS """Br. King’s I w Disenvoy RB C 8£8?s TifflSs. Am ALL THHOAT AHD LUNG TROUBLES. GUAXtANTKED SATISFACTORY OS, KCONEY REFUNDED. IF YOU W A N T A W ATCH or a piece of jewelry, it will pay you to see us before buying. If we haven’t got w hat you w ant, we can get it for you on short notice. ELGIN OR WALTHAM WATCHES from the cheapest to the highest. A twen­ ty-year gold-filled,'-7 jewel Elgin watch at only $11.75. Silveroid case, with 7-jewel Elgin works, only $5.49. WATCH CHAINS From 10c. to $2.50 each, in plate, nickel and gold-filled. LADIES Solid Gold Rings with Opal, Pearl and Sap­ phire settings from $2 up. They are pretty. W hen you come to town, call and see us. C. Frank Stroud, IN DAVIE RECORD OFFICE. Southern Railroad. Operates oyer 7,000 Miles of Railroad. QUICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS North-South—East—West. TQrough Trains. Between Principal Cities and.Resorts AFFORDING FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION ClubElegant Pullman Sleeping Cara on a ll Through Trains. Dining, And Observation Cars. For Speed, Comfort and Courteous Employes, travel via the South­ ern Railway. Rates, Schedules and other information furnished by addressing the undersigned: R, L. V ebnon, Trav. Pass. A gt., J. H . W ood, D ist.Pass. Agent Charlotte, N C, Asheville, N. C. 8. H . H abdw ick I ass. Traffic M gr. W . H . TAYLOE,Gen’l Pass A gt WASHINGTON. D C . (P rickly A di, F eke B oot and Potassium .) -KAXTB POSITIVE CDBES OP IIiIi POBMS ASD BIASES OF* Phyricians endorse P. P. P. SB a splen- Cia combination, and preacriboitwith great satisfaction for the ernes-of all forms and stages of Primary, Becondary and Tertiary Byphilis, Syphilitic Ehen- mutism, Scrofulous Ulcers and Sores, Glandular Spellings, Bftmimatimn, Kid­ ney Complaints, old Chronio Ulcere that bnerealsted aU treatment. Catarrh, B Diseases, Eczema, Chronio Female Complaints. Mercnrlal Poison, Tetter, gcaldhead, etc., etc. . p. p. p. is a powerful tonio and an excellent tppitizer, building up the system rapidly. If you are weak and foeble,and feel badly try p. P. P., and you w ill regain flesh and strength. Waateofenergyandall disease* resulting ftomorertaxingthesystem are cured hr the nee of P. P. P. Ladieewhose er stems are poisoned and whdeebloodisinanimpnrecondltiondiis tomenstmal irregularities arepeeuliarly honed ted by the wonderful fonts and blood cleansing properties of P. P. P., Prietly AsKFokaBoot a n d Potassium. Sold by all Druggists. F. V. LIPPMAN P ro p rie to r Savannah, ^ Ca. RHEUMATISM i',S THE DAVIE RECORD. C FRANK STROUD - • Eiilor Entered at the Postofflce in Mocks- ville, N. C., as Second-class Mail matter, March 3,1903. ' Terms of Subscription: One copy, Oiie Year,--------- One copy, Six Months.— — ..50c. _25c. LARGEST CIRCULATtOM OF ANT PAPER EVER PUBLISHED IN DAVlE COUHTY. MOCKSVILLE, N. C , SEPT. 15, 1908. OUR TICKET. For Preiident, WM. H. TAFT of Ohio. For Vice-Preudents JAMES S. SHERMAN, of New York. For Governor J. ELWOOD COX. For Lieutenant Governor CHARLES FRENCH TOMS. Secretary of State DR. CYRUS THOMPSON. For Auditor JOHN QUINCY ADAMS WOOD. For Treaiurer W. E. GRIGGS. Superintendent of Public Inttruction REV. DR. J. L. M. LYERLY. For Attorney General JAKE F. NEWELL For Comnusiioner of Agriculture J. M. MEWBORNE. For Conoration Commissioner HARRY G. ELMORE. For Insurance Commissioner J. a NORRIS. Commissioner of Labor and Printing C. M RAY. For Electors-At-Large A. A. WHITEN ER, THOMAS SETTLE. A DOUBLE HEADER. Times change and so does M r. Bryan to suit the occasion. A let­ ter from a soldier to The Bepubli- ean this week says that he heard M r. Bryan an make a speech in Europe in which he proclaimed that if ever he was elected Presi dent he would endeavor to put in­ to effect both free trade and fiee silver. M r. Bryan is riding two horses. “One is the ^ Democratic platform and the other is a plat­ form of his own and he cliDgs to his free trade and free silver the­ ories like the heathen to his idols. I f he is elected President he w ill be master of the situation and his hobbies of free trade, free silver, government ownership, etc., w ill be brought actively into —Union Republican. play. BRYANITES AS NIGGERITES. Henry Watterson, the veteran Kentnaky editor, seems to be the mainspring of Bryan's campaign. Those of us who remember the savage editorial which Brother Watterson wrote against the Hon. W . J. Peerless last Spring, find it difficult to recognize in the same "Watterson a rampant- Bryanite. Years ago, M r. Watterson was chairman of a Democratic Conven­ tion which pnt forth a platform expressing the “ devotion” of the Democratic Party to the 13th. 14th and 15th amendments. We regard this platform statement as the very worrt of a ll the hum ilia­ tions which Northern and Eastern Democratie ever inflicted npon the Sonth. The Sonthern people were put in the position of licking the hand that smote them. To compel the South to say that the 13th, 14th and 15 th amendments com­ manded her “ devotion,” was the same as though the bleeding victim of a ravisher were forced to say that she gloried in her misfortune. M r. Watterson attracted atten­ tion and criticism some years ago, by making certain statements in his lecture on Abraham Linooln which represented the South as having refused to consider certain magnanimous propositions which M r. Lincoln made at Hampton Eoads. As a matter of fact, M r1 Lincoln did not make any magnanimouB proposals at Hampton Boads, or anywhere else. M r. Watterson has been pro­ minent as a friend of Booker Wash­ ington and other ‘‘colored gentle­ men of refinement and culture.” He enjoys speaking from the same platform w ith these superior Afro- Americans. Apparently, he would have no objection to social equali­ ty w ith negroes, provided be is al­ lowed to pick and choose—avoid­ ing those gentlemen of color who are not refined as well as cultured. Sach being the antecedents of M r. Watterson, we can not be greatly surprised that he has now boldly challenged the correctness of the Southern position on the negro question. Says M r. Watterson: “ The time has come for the ne­ gro to divide his vote and. thas be come a factor in politics such as he is not today.” W hat has the Sonth been trying to do, for the last thirty-five years! Been trying to re-establish W hite Supremacy. Ever since the C ivil War, the Democratic bosses have ruled the Sonth w ith a rod of iron, because it claimed to be the white man’s party. We have made every imaginable sacrifice to ward off the peril ol Kegro Domination. We have snbmitted to a ll sorts of im ­ positions at the hands of Eastern Democracy, because of the fact that the Democratic party of the Soath was allowed to have its own way in dealing w ith the negro question. Our national leaders, Gen. John B. Gordon, Gen. Wade Hampton and Gen. M . C. Batter, traded a- way Tilden’s chance to be Presi­ dent in exchange for the withdraw­ al of the Federal troops from the Sonth; and we have always be­ lieved that the trade was patriotic, wise and statesmanly. When Pres­ ident Hayes ordered the XJ. S. troops away from the South, white supremacy was an accomplished fact, and this resnlt was worth im ­ mensely more to us than anything that we could have expected from that cock-eyed railroad wrecker, SamTilden. Beginningwith the Disfranchise­ ment law of Mississippi—which Senator George defended in the TJ. S. Senale w ith such {wonderful a~ b ility and learning—the Southern States have been laboring steadily to pnt the negro oat of politics. FheentireSouth is committed to the principle of W hite Supremacy. Tethere comes Bryan's chief lieutenant proposing to reverse oar policy, undo our work, and over­ throw the whole fabric of arduous effort by making the negro more of a factor in politics than he is today! How can the Bryanites make the negro more of a factor in politics than he is today, withoat endan­ gering W hite Supremacy. How can you increase the im ­ portance of the negro, politically, without rnnning into the danger of negro domination? Does the South want to see the negro become a more powerful fac tor in politics! Does the South want to see the negro become the umpire of differences among the whites! Look to it, Southern leaders! Look to it, Vardanian, Tillm an, Broward, Swanson, Glenn, Comer and Folk. W hat say you, Senator Culber­ son, of Texas!—do you agree w ith M r. Watterson that the negro ought to become more of a political factor than he is today! The b light of Bryanism has wrought vast evil in this republic, bat the worst is yet to come. Bemember that Bryan was born and reared in Illin o is. Bemember his prejudice against the ex-Con- federate soldiers. Bemember that his convention hissed the name of Bobert E. Loe. Bemember that he has never de­ nied that he sent his children to a mixed school where social equality was practised. Bememberthathehas not- de­ nied that, in a local election, he voted for a negro againet a white man. Bemember that the negro Bis­ hops who could not get satisfaction from Taft, about Brownsville and the negro troops, went to Bryan, talked w ith him , and came away satisfied.—Watson’s Jefferaftmaw Weekly. Arey Hardware Co. Fire Arms, Fishing Tackle, Cutlery, Etc. 123 South Main St. SALISBURY, N. C. ALL KINDS OF REPAIR WORK PROMPTLY-EXECUTED. $1,000 worth of Victor records and machines in stock all the time. Ko­ daks and supplies. RIFLES. REMINGTON, 22, Single shot. WINCHESTER, 22, Single shot, *‘ 22, Repeater, from $10 to “ 22, Automatic, special price, “ Long range rifles, from $17.50 to $5.50 5.00 $12.50 17.50 20.00 Full line standard makes of shot guns, double barrel from $10 up. Single barrel from $4.50 up. Special order fo r high grade guns. Also complete line of Pistols and Ammunition of all kinds. The people of Davie county w ill receive special attention when they call onus. AREY HARDWARE CO. Items From Rowan. M is. Bev B. L. Brown is right sick w ith cold and congh. Since the much rain-, chills and malaria are in nearly every fam ily in this section, and in some cases very obstinate. Mrs. Augustus Johnson is c riti­ cally ill, and at the best is not ex­ pected to live more than a few days. B right’s disease seems to be the leading trouble. A good number of onr young men have gone to the different schools as they opened at- different places. We think this is promis­ ing much for the church and our country in the future. B ut some of our present genera-; tion does not seem to be so Gom- mendable in their actions. Two brothers have been lawing each other u n til the court became tired of it and threw the case oat. Two of our women became antagonistic with each other over a man; one has been loving the other’s hus­ band a little too much, a scuffle re­ sulted on the streets of Salisbury, and one went off w ith a scratched and bruised nose. We also under­ stand that some women near China Grove, got into a rnmpns also, which resulted in disheveled hair and sim ilar and other phenomenal appearances. As far as we know of the Davie ladies, they are of a more reputable character than this and we do not give this as the standard character of our Bowan ladies. The campaign begins to loom np in Rowan, and the Bepublicans w ill soon put out their county tick­ et. The Democrats have a nnm ber of wet men on their ticket, and if the Republicans w ill be careful to select dry men, there w ill be many who w ill break across their party affiliations to vote for dry men this year. We need dry men to perfect and enforce the grand victory of May 26th. AU counties that want to elect their party men in November, should put oat pro­ hibitionists. This is a predomina­ ting thought in Korth Carolina, and there w ill be concentration in that direction. Observes. In G uilford county Democrats are calling each, other rag-tags and bob-tails and harmony seems to be at a discount.—Ex, IfemsFnao Route Three. We were glad to see Mrs. Annie Kinder, of Harmony, among onr congregation Sunday. Sheis vis­ itin g her parents, M r. and Mrs, J. B. Smith, o f Fork. . Mrs. Sallie Walaer, of W inston; is visiting her parents, M r. and Mrs. J. C. Carter. M rs. J. Lonis Carter is very sick at this w riting, we are sorry to note. - W eare haying a regular epi­ demic of chilis and fever. H ardly a fam ily that is not afflicted. In the absence of the pastor at Fork yesterday, Bev. C. M . Cope, of Advance, filled his pu lp it, to the delight of a large congr^ation.' His theme was, “ Man is not his own, but bought w ith a price.” He gave ns a very instructive les­ son. Old Mrs. Elizabeth Cope was buried in Fork cemetery Saturday evening. Farmers are through breaking their wheat land, and feed saving is the order of the day. Hurrah for Taft, Cox and the county ticket. You bet it w ill win. A R eader. Grand Contest. Our Second Grand Contest . begins today, Sept. 15,1908. To every old or new subscri­ ber who pays 50 cents on subscription to The Davie Record between Sept. loth and Nov. 5th, w ill be given a receipt bearing a number on it. A ticket bearing a correspond­ ing number, w ill be deposit­ ed in a box and all tickets w ill be kept in this box u ntil Nov. 5th, when tickets w ill betaken out and shuffled, after which a boy w ill draw one of the tickets, the one he draws firs t being the one that wins the Pretty Gold Watch, which w ill be presented to the person holding the re­ ceipt whose number corres­ ponds w ith the ticket drawn . by boy. The Second Prize is a beautiful watch chain or solid gold ring, whichever the winner prefers. Our Second Contest w ill be conducted in the same maimer as the one we ran last December, and w ill be fa ir and open to all. Re­ member that every 30 cents paid on subscription entitles yon to one ticket in thi^i big contest. Some onew ill get .. these nice presents. Why notyoUi H ie watch we are going to give away is a 12 size, 20- year gold filled, Elgin move­ ment, fu lly guaranteed by us. Gall at onr office and examine the presents. Subscribe Now. Lost! Lost! Lost! A BAR G AIN BY NOT BUYING - “THE BEST THING ON FOOT.” The SHOE for men, women_and children. To see and wear them is to like them. So come on. I am now ready to shoe V you. Also a nice line of Notions in F all and W inter goods. You know I always sell for a short profit and give yon top prices for your prodace. Eggs in good demand. Cometosee the old reliable and your friend, J. LEE KURFEE5. •lust § I P Right in and subscribe for The Davie Record, It w ill only cost you 50 cents for one whole year. Ve do all kmdi of Uodera Job ItIiatiiis at Low Prices. IHCMMMTfB CAPITAL STOCK, $30,000.00. RALEIGH, N. C. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Pullen Building. Piedmont Ins. Bldf THESE SCHOOLS GIVE the world’s best in modern Business Education. Oldest Business College in North Carolina. Poationa guaranteed, backed by a w ritten contract. No vacation. Individ­ ual instruction. We also teach Book-keeping, Shorthand, Pen­ manship, by mail. Send fo r Home Study rates. W rite today for, our Catalogue, Offers and High Endorsements. They are free. Address KING’S BUSINESS COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C, or CHARLOTTE, N.C. THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. Maintained by the State for the Edaeafion of die Woisea of Kortfc Caralhia Fonr regular Courses leading to degrees. Spmal Courses offered in Teacher Training, Mode, Manual A rts and Domestic Science and in the Gommerdal Department. Free Taition to those who agree to teach in the schools o f North Caro­ lina. Board, laundry, tuition and all other expenses, including- use o f text­ books, §170.00 a year. For free-tuition students, $125.00 a year. Those desiring to enter should apply as early as possible. -Hie capac­ ity o f the dormitories is lim ited. Fall Session begins September 15,1908. For catalogue and other information address . - J. L FOUST, President, GREENSBORO, N. C. THE PEOPLE'S NATIONAL BANK. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. W in sto n -S ale m , - - N.C. CAPITAL, $300,000.00. ASSETS A MILLION AND A HALF. Takes care o f its customers when money is firm or easy, keeps every transaction confidential, allows inter­ est at 4 per cent, from date on Certificates of Deposit, has a Savings De­ partment, loans money to you, or fo r you, and does everything a well con­ ducted up-to-date bank should do. Let us have your business. N o b e tts place. You can send your deposits by mail. JOHN W. FRIES, President. WBt A. BLAIR, Vice4Pm. and Caafckr. V. WALLACE & SONS, WHOLESALE DROP US A CARD AND OUR SALESMAN WILL CALL SALISBURY, N. G THE DAVlE cTfrankstroui Lookfor our big < Localnewsis ra tj week, E. L. Gaither sper kinville. yfiaa Lenora Taylo 3ton last week. O arlie W illiams, j ty, was in town Fridi William Brown, o^ jn town last week. G. W. Booe spent Winston w ith relatH Payyour subscript ticket in our watch ' Jacob Stewart trip to SalisburylasJ A. I . Grant, Jr., t r i p to Winston Frid The price of cottoj what, but it w ill sur1 A sanctification i_ gress near Hardisor Mr. and Mrs, T. Friday in Greensbon G. E. Horn made|to Yadktovilie la st1 Our contest close you want that prettj J. M. Moore, of i itig relatives in and J Missra Helen, Allison spent Wedn^ The graded seho day with a largeer H. G. Stroud, of < in town Thursday j Mrs. R. L. KindeJ Route 7, was in thid Rev. C. S. Cashw| a few days visit Hiddenite. Hugh Sanford Ie1 Chattanooga, wher^ until Christmas. J. T. Baity le ft.’. Northern markets . fa ll stock of goods. Call at our office I watch we are goingl our subscribers. T heticketthatgl worth $15 to the h f gets it. Some one] The Record, beg issue, w ill be dated, stead of Thursday,] SECOND - H A L and Bargains th a t! just in. J r W. S. Walker and Ella, of Kappa, . The Democratic <_ is called to meet a tl in this city Sept. 2(f The Seventh „ vention meets at ■ this afternoon at 5| The Mocksville < get your meals. With each meal. Miss Geline CallJ has been visiting T some time, the gud S. M. Call, le ft las Stoni where she ha W emeanthati things to make j is this: Do Not Ws Commence now I g f S c o u ^ l®e, Remen eatoient that wil 10 ©ve ug a trial. I * As to exclusive I thebest m U profits, and! tosed ore exactly 422 Main the DAVIE RECORD. C. FRANK STROUD - - Editor, local and personal news. Miss Flossie M artin went to Win­ ston last week and entered Salem Academy. Mrs. E. W; Crow, of Monroe, is spending some time w ith relatives m this city. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Clinard, of Wmston, spent a day or two in this city }ast week. Mrs. Allen and son Sam1 of Win­ston, visited relatives in and around this city last week. Misses Margaret Bell and Mary MeroneyspentlastWednesday and Thursday in Winston. Subscribeor renew and get a tick­et in our watch contest. Mrs. Louis Carter, of near Fork Church, is very low w ith consump­ tion, and not expected to live. The little daughter of Henry Pea­ cock, who lives near this city, is dangerously ill w ith typhoid fever. The weather fo r the past week has been ideal fa ll weather, and as a result the cotton fields are becoming white. MissMamie Clement le ft Friday for Oxford, where she goes to re­ sume her duties as teacher at the Orphanage. MissAnnie Grant, of this city, and Mrs. G. P. Daniel, of Ephesus, are visiting in Morganton, the guests of Mrs. Claywell. Look for our big offer this week. Local news is rather scarce this week, E. L. Gaither spent Friday at Yad- kinville. Miss Lenora Taylor visited in Win­ ston last week. Charlie Williams, of Rowan coutt- ty) Was in town Friday. William Brown, of Winston, was in town last week. G. W. Booe spent Wednesday in Winston with relatives. Payyour subscription and get a ticket in our watch contest. Jacob Stewart made a business trip to Salisbury last week. A I Grant, Jr., made a business trip to Wtoton Friday. The price of cotton is down some­ what, but it w ill surely rise again. A sanctification meeting is in pro­ gress near Hardison’s chapel. - Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Bailey spent Friday in Greensboro. G E. Horn made a business trip to Yadkinville last week. Our contest closes Nov. 5th. Do you want that pretty watch? J. M. Moore, of Concord, is visit­ ing relatives in and around this city. Misses Helen, Marie and Annie. Aliionn spent Wednesday in Winston. The graded school started Mon­ day with a large enrollment. H.G. Stroud, of County Line, was in town Thursday and gave us a call. Mrs. R. Li. Kinder, o f. Statesvil e, Route 7, was in this city Thursday. Rev. C. S. CashwellleftFriday for a few days visit and recreation at Hiddenite. HughSanfordleftlast week for Chattanooga, where he will remain until Christmas. J. T. Baity IeftWednesdayfor the Northern markets to purchase his fall stock of goods. Call at our office and see that gold watch we are going to give to one of out subscribers. Theticketthatgetsthe watch is worth $15 to the lucky fellow who gets it. Some one w ill get it. TheRecord1 beginning w ith this issue, will be dated on Tuesday in­ stead of Thursday, as heretofore. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING and Bargains that count. Big lot just in. J . Lec Kurfees. W. S. Walker and daughter, Miss Ella, of Kappa, were in this city Monday. The Democratic county convention is called to meet at the court house in this city Sept. 26th. The Seventh Congressional con­ vention meets at Jackson Springs this afternoon at 5 o’clock. The Mocksville Cafe is the place.to. . -r .get your meals. Coffee served free day night after a lingering illness of with each meal. several months. BerthaLee le ft Friday for Greensboro, where she w ill resume her duties as teacher in the State Normal College. Mrs. H M. Sprinkle and children, who have been visiting relatives in this city, returned to their home at AlbemarleFriday. Somepeopleareso partisan that they can hardly accept the patron­ age of any one that does not belong to their party R. B. Sanford returned Sunday from the Northern markets, where he purchased a fu ll line of fa ll and winter goods. About sixty went from here on the Asheville excursion Friday AU report a pleasant time spent In the IAnd of the Sky.” Miss Flora Harding, who has been teaching in a summer school at New­ ton, passed through this city last ■week on her way to her home at Farmington. Mrs. J. H. Stewart returned last week from a pleasant visit to West­ ern North Carolina. She was ac­ companied home by her sisters, the Misses Steele. Your attention is called to the ads of W. B. Siunmersett and the Arey Hardware Co., at Salisbury. Give them your patronage when in their city. They w ill treat you right. That crowd of excursionists who went to Asheville Friday le ft about $675.23 in that city, and the Ashe­ ville people didn’t even find out that the Mocksville aggregation were in attendance. Our thanks are due all our friends who have so kindly refrained from calling around and renewing their subscriptions. We are living on hot air and the thanks we occasionally receive from those who come in and get a sample copy. This cannot last always. Sam Davis, colored, who lived in the western part of town, died Sun- THOMPSON’S DRUG STORE. We give prompt and careful atten­ tion to mail orders. We carry the lar­ gest sind most complete stock of Drugs, Vledicines, Toilet Articles, Cigars, Rub­ ier Goods and everything carried in a irst-class drug store in the city. Special attention given to the fitting i of Trusses. Private room. Thompson’s Drug Store. Winston-Salem, N. C. The first reported contribution to the Republican campaign fund came in a lump sum of $50,000 from an individual, which shows which side of the fence the sub­ stantial people of the country are on. On the contrary the Demo­ crats are systematically begging the poor and are taking calves, chickens or anything they can get from those who can ill afford to contribute. Such meagre contri-' buttons cannot effect the result in any way, and with ultim ate defeat and loss staring them in the face the fo lly of it a ll is apparent, says the Albemarle Chronicle. W. B. SUMMERSETT 108-110 W. Ennis St. SALISBURY, N. C. Three or five piece iron beds. Prices from the cheapest to the highest, $2.50 to $60. MissGelineCallt of Texas, who has been visiting in this city for some time, the guest of her uncle, S. M. Call, left last week fo r Win­ ston, where she has entered school. Clement. The Democrats of Davie county, at a called meeting of their Execu­ tive committee recently, elected Mr, G. E. Horn chairman, vice W, K, The Time is Coming PREPARE NOW. We mean that Christmas is soon coming and you w ill need a lo t of things to make your house and home comfortable. Our advise to you. is this: . — - - - • * Bo Not Wait Until You Have to Buy Everything At Once. Commence now to buy your Suit of Furniture, your Carpet or Rugs, your Heating or Cooking Stoves, your Blankets or Quilts, Piano or Organ, Parlor Suit. Couches or Lounges, or anything you may need m the Furni­ture line. Rememberwe have the goods, the prices and the courteous treatment that w ill make a lasting customer out Of any one who is wilting to give us a tria l. ’ . As to exclusive Bed Room Furniture, we manufacture our own line and have the best made in the South, hence we can save you all freights and oxtra profits, and give you a'line of goods that cannot be equalled in our ?*ty. Come to see us and be convinced, and remember tne place, the large brifik store exactly in front of Brown’s Warehouse door, on Main street, and in front of A. Daye’s store, on Liberty street. So you can come into our store either from Main or Liberty street, just as you like, as our store eXtends all the way through from Main to Liberty streets. Rominger & Blackburn Furnishing Company. 422 Mam Street and 423 Liberty St., Winston NOTICE OF SALE. Iherebyofferfor sale my livery outfit, horses, buggies, carriages, harness, all buggies comparatively new. Three two-horse wagons, new Disc harrow, mowing machine, rake, set of other farm tools, also new hay press just unloaded at Cooleemee. Also 5000 feet forest pine lumber. In fact, all my personal property, My stable and farm at Mocksville I offer fo r rent. W hatstuff isn’t sold before court, w ill be sold at auction Tuesday of that week, Oct. 6, 1908. W illrentnew cottage w ith stable if desired. - Walter R. Clement, Mocksville, N. C. The farmers are;staying at home these days looking after their crops and letting politics atone. H. D. Poindexter, Winston-Salem, N. C. APPLER AND TURF OATS I just want to say to the Farm­ ers, don’t lose sight of these two money crops for fa ll seed­ ing, aud till the 1st of October don’t neglect sowing Crimson Ciover and Rye. It w ill give your stock early spring graz­ ing, is a fine tonic for your cattle and w ill keep your land from washing and save you from buying high price fe rti­ lizers in the spring. We have a New line of Seeds—Red Clo­ ver, Bur, Alsike, W hite and A lfalfa Clover, Orchard, Oat, K y Bine, Timothy, Hungar­ ian and Fiscue seed. Clover is a little lower in price than last spring. We also handle Warner Moore’s AnchorLime. You should u se itlib e ra lly in the soil, it pays and is cheap­ er than any of the prepared Limes you buy. I w ill also have some new seed wheats a little later on and w ill do a ll I can to push the Farmer up the h ill by selling the best of a ll kiuds of Seeds and Swift?s FERTILIZER, I want to im ­ press y ou that while I use the word Best a great many times, I have not got the word pat­ ented aud if I had I would loan it to the farmer to dis pose of his product raised from the Seeds I sold him . I sim­ ply try to carry the Best of every thing I sell. M y stock, my Fall Stock, is complete. It is with ourjprices simply a slight of hand performance for us to sell you. We sell you Best Sheeting, Best Carpet VV arp—Amos Green’s, Best Coffee, Bacon and Lard, and in Ship Stuffs, Floarand Meal our claim is ondless. In Hea­ vy Jeans we carry a line that w ill make you think cf the old times in pri.ces, and Feel proud winter is near at hand, And we have a stock of Shoes to Vieat the band, The Best, of everything in town And Cotton. Bats that weigh a poundj A t • B. D. POINDEXTER’S. Wrought iron beds, guaranteed to stand better than wood or other material. This is of course only one of our many values. We keep everything to be found in a first class furniture store from a 45c. chair to the best suit of Furniture, For good Mattings, Rugs and A rt Squares, we cannot be excelled, neither in quality or prices. When in town come and see us, whether you want anything or not. Let’s get acquainted. Ifyouwillmention TheDavie RecordwhentraclhiBwith us, you will receive special attention.. _______________W. B. SUMMERSETT. D.Ohange of SchednIe of R.* F, Carriers. Rural carriers on Routes I, 2, 3 and 4, w ill leave Mocksville post- office at 8:30 a. m., and return at p. m. Carrier on Route 5, w ill leave at 11 a. m ., and return at 5:30 p. m. This goes into effect Monday, Sept. 21, 1908. I advise patrons of the Routes to give this schedule a fa ir tria l, and if not satisfactory to the great m ajority, it can be easily changed. Respectfully, E. H . Morris, P, M. paper while you expect to do busi­ ness. Peter Cooper. For some reason Democrats are not pointing w ith pride to the re­ sults of the State election In Ver­ mont.—Ex. Never PuII in Your Sign. In a ll the towns where a news­ paper is published everv man should advertise in it, if nothing more than a card stating hie name and the business he is engaged in I t nearly always pays the ad ver- tiser and besides lets the people at a distance know that the town in which you reside is a prosperous community of business men that the people may settle in it w ith a chance of making a livin g . Never p o ll in your sign in a home A Lover’s Quarrel. Twoyour persons of German town had been engaged, had quar­ reled, but were too proud to “ make up,” Furthtmore, both were an­ xious to have it believed they had entirely forgotten each other. One day the young man called, ostensibly on business w ith her father, on which occasion it chan ced she should answer the door bell. The young man was game ‘ ‘Pardon me,” he said, w ith the politest ol bows, “ Miss Eaton, believe. Is your father in? ’ “ I am sorry to'say he is not,” the young woman responded, with oat the slightest sign of recogni tion. Do you wish to see him per sonally?” “ Yes,” replied the young man as he turned to go down the steps “ I beg your pardon,” called the young woman, as he reached the lowest Btep, “ but who shall I say called,” Republican state headquarters " 'r are receiving demands at a pretty an lively rato lor Republican speak­ ers, and there seems to be an awa­ kening of interest a ll over the state in politics.—Industrial News.; ' C iiiia to iiro fiic e and get that watch, watch guard, cuff buttons, ring or shirt waist set that we are saving for you. The latest thing out in tiny gold- plated safety pius. They are cute, and the price is 5c. each. Some­ thing every one needs. Call at our office ami see them. The Southern Railway w ill oper­ ate HS popular excursion to Rich­ mond, Va., Sept. 15th, train to consist of first-class day coaches and Pullman cars, giving two days and one night in Richmond. Fol­ lowing round trip rate from Mocks­ ville, $5. For detailed informa­ tion, see large flyers, or call on your depot agent. R. L. Vernon, Trav.Pass. Agent. We take pleasure iu directing our readers’ attention to the adver­ tisement appearing elsewhere in our columnsof the Southern School of Telegraphy, located atNewnan, Ga. There is a great aud constant­ ly growing demand for telegraph operaters, and we are glad to see this worthy and weil-iecognized institution doing such creditable work in helping supply that demand. Any young man wishing to learn a good profession should investigate the opportunities of­ fered in the telegraph field by w riting at once for the School’s free, descriptive literature.- Drop. It’s on Staples This Time, Too. Such as the best qualities of Ginghams that have been selling for 121 and 15c. Large range o f colors—stripes, plaids and solids— 10c. now. Chambrays come next—soft-fin­ ished ikiud thatisuits bo well for dresses and boys waists a ll 124c. quality—colors solids, blue, tan, pink and grey, stripes also. I t w ill wash, and price) here—10c. Then the Lawns in stripes and figures so suitable for the cool knock-about snmmeridresses—geel they are great—for the price we mean—you’ll think so too. Some of them brought IOc., you can have them now for—well say 64c. More Lawns, some of them found iu stripes, floral designs, dots and figures, worth 124c.—10c. price now. Andhere we jum p to bleached domestics and take just tfie best brands that yon know so well like “ Barker M ills,” ,. “ F ru it of the Loom” and “ Androscroggin” that you have been paying 124e. for and probably more, and put it back to the old price, IOc. Father George Sea Island, an unbleached domestic w ith an extito finish—7c. Regular 8c. value. Men’s Odd Suits. To be closed out at a consider­ able saving to you. If you are needing one, better take time and see what we are offering. Odd Pants, Too. J. T. BAITY. The New Drug Store. Fresh Drugs Patent M edicines ToiletA rtides, Fine Stationery, Fancy Candies, Books, Bibles, P idure Framing,; Blank Books and Ledgers, Ice Cream Daily, Crushed Fruits, Soda Fountain Drinks. Our line of drugs and drug sun­ dries is new and complete, and' this attractive and up-to-date store. is meeting a long fe lt want of Mocks­ ville and Davie county. The well- selected stock of goods and their at­ tractive arrangement is a source of pleasure not only to the Company, but also to the people of Mocksville and surrounding country, and this appreciation is shown by the liberal patronage this new enterprise has received from the beginning. Yours truly, The Mocksville Drug-Co. C U T PRICES Nice lawns from 5 to 12Jc.iper yard. Mohairs from 371 to 45c. per yard. Shadowed Plaids from 18 to 20c. per yard. , • Bleach Domestic from 8 to 10c. per yard. F ru it of Loom bleach, 10c. per yard. Ginghams, 6 to IOc. per yard. Domestic from 5 to 8c. per yard. Sea Island Domestic, 8 to 9c. per yard. Silk M ulls, 38c. per yard. Pereals 10 to 124c. per yard. W aist goods from 10 to 224c. per yard. Prints 6c. per yard. 42 inch Lawn, 10 to 124c. per yard. v... Men’s $1 hats for 85c. - Men’s $1.25 hats ,for $1. Men’s $2)50 hats for $2.25. ; 3 Ladies Embroideried Lawn Skirts at 75c. to $1. Ladies EmbrOideried Pants 45c. Nice line infant caps from 15 to 65c. We have only mentioned a few things, bat we have most any­ thing you may want that is kept in a general store, aud ask you to oall and see us before you buy, for we w ill certainly save you money. YOURS TO PLEASE, BAILEY & MARTIN. i i - lr :ii i l 1 1 / THE HORNET SECTION. ROOT HOG, OR DIE. SOME THINGS THAT WILL KEEP YOU GRINNING FOR A WEEK. OUR RED-HEADED MAN. There ha9 been a whole lo t of bad things said abont M ary’s lit ­ tle lamb, but the worst I ever saw penned about Mary was the follow­ ing brief epistle: Mayde Marye had a hard-brow­ ed ram, as black as any grow, and everywhere that Marye went the ram was share to go. I t went with her to Zion church one peaceful Sabbath day, and Marye thought it would behave in a religious way. A deacon met them at the door, and said ’twould be a sin, to see a wicked beast at church, but rain- my butted in ! The deacon got a plexus punch that stretched him on the floor, and the subsequent proceedings interested him no more. The congregation rubber­ necked w ith widely staring eyes, the superstitious thinking ’twas the devil in disguise. A sister from her seat arose—she fain would hence depart—but got a chug be­ hind her back that almost broke her heart. “ I w ill expel the sin­ fu l brute!” cried Brother P etti­ grew, but in his midst the ram- my’s brow was buried p. d. g. A choir man threw a prayin’ stool to crush the warlike ram, and landed it w ith vigor on poor Marye’s dia­ phragm. The preacher said that kindness would subdne w ild beasts and birds, and moved toward the waiting pet w ith soft, endearing words. Then came a d u ll and sickening thud! The pastor, where was he? Go ask the sinner in whose lap he lit ungraciously. Ifyouhappen to see a fellow who resembles a bull dog, and he is looking for me, te ll him Pm off to the Morganton asylum. I did not want a thrashing, so I got ont. I was 19 my next birthday, which was last week, and my looks im ­ prove daily. A young man in Korth Mocks- ville who has been courting the same g irl for 13 years, failed to come in on time a few Sundays ago, and great excitement was stirred up. I went out to a party not long ago. One g irl gave me her heart, it was made of candy. John said one of the girls had a rat in her hair, and I tried to catch it. She got mad at me. W hat makes the girls wear rats in their heads, when they are afraid to get in 40 feet of a mouse? The more I like that g irl, the, better I see her. I don’t mind the old man taking a chair after me when I call on his daughter, but I draw the line when it comes to heaving rotten eggs at my head from the crib door, when £ am engaged in the loving task of telling my g irl goodbye. I want to know what the consequence would have been had he thrown one down my throat? I would not have raised the chicken; but I would have learned the old hog that I wasn’t an incubator,: and that I could raise bald- heads off the ground quicker than I could raiseschickens from rotten eggs, I am kept busy these days try­ ing to raise the cash to take a va­ cation. I have succeeded in rais­ ing the enormous sum of 43 cents. That amount w ill take me to Ad­ vance or Barber Junction. There are pretty girls at both places. I f I can raise enough cash I ’ll go further and take Ben along to in ­ struct me in courtship and m atri­ mony. I oncehadagirl whom I was sure loved me. She could write the sweetest letters a poor old fool ever read. The last one I got startedlike this: “ Forget thee? Not u ntil the earth forgets to re­ volve; when the stars forget to shine, when the rain forgets to fa ll, when the flowers forget to bloom, then, and not t ill then.’’ Three months later she was court­ ing a fellow with a wart on his nose and red hair on his head. Boys, never trust a g irl tor she w ill bunco yon. The young ladies are reminded that only a few more months of leap year are left. Don’t put off u n til tomorrow that which should be done today. This is the last ehance you w ill have for four long year's, so pop the question and see your fellow run. Business and policy and not character alone, rules.—Ex. When God turned Eve out, he turned Adam out, too.—Ex. Who said no one conld be trust­ ed in politics except a democrat?— Exchange. Times change and men w ith thein —a ll except idiots and bigots. They can’t.—Exchange. The only trouble about making your mark in the world is that some fellow may come along and spill a bucket of paint on it. You canhot convict the fa k ir of being a vagrant so long as there is a gang of suckers in view ; they are his visible means of support. The fellow who considers adver­ tising a gamble, is the one who complains that luck is against him . The money a fellow Baves some­ times causes him more trouble than that he doesn’t save. The meek may inherit the earth, but that is the only way they w ill ever get any of it. Itfrequently happens that the fellow who doesn’t see the point is better off for it. Lending a helping hand may al­ so consist of getting out of the oth­ er fellow’s way. Imperfections do not have to be advertised; everything else does. Wise is the man who is able to say nothing at rig h t time, DdahaIn Chips. Everithimr ^Fairlirother’s good paper) has gone for Gox 4a<-ie (Se an tor Fornker) has gone for Tatt. Mav be Tillm an and the shooters up ol Blowusv He, have gone to eai fried chicken on tue lawu. Prospects for the G O. P. are very bright everywhere. The Calahalu precinct Taft and Cox dnb has 125 members and we want Korth Carolina to vote near Iy Allcox very little Cookhouse in the Kovember election. M em beij . Toast on TadFt. by EIwood Stanbery. Here’s to VtilIiam Howard Taft the Bamping Boaring Lion of America. Who is the people’s choice. Who on the 4th of March w ill be crowned w ith Old Glory, who believes in equal rights to all, both great and small, and speeial privileges to none. Who w ill on the 3rd of Kovember next Iop the ears off the braying ass of Demo­ cracy. Keep locked the prison doors of Socialism. Open the flood-gates of Prohibition. Clip the wings of the crowing cock of the Independent craze, and make the who'e bloody rabble run Iibe hell and blazes from the W hite House of the IJnited States of America. They Take the Kinks out. “I have used Dr. King’s New Life Pills for many years, with increasing satisfaction. They take the kinks out of stsmach, liver or bowles, with­ out fuss or friction.” says S. H. Brown, of Pittsfleld1 Vt Guarenteed satisfactory at C. C. Sanford Sons Co’s drug store 25c. September 22nd the electorate o Mooresville w ill pass on a proposi­ tion to issue $25,000 of bonds for streetimprovementand water for fire protection For a Sprained Ankle. A sprained ankle may be cured in about one-third the time usually re­ quired by applying Chamberlain’s Liniment freely, and giving it abso­ lute rest. For sale by C. C. Sanford Sons Co. Clean people buy more soap thaD d irty ones. HOW’S THIS? We offerOne Hundred Dollars reward for any case o f Catarrh that cannot be cured by H a ll’s Ga- tarrh Cure. F. J. OHEKEY & CO., Toledo, 0 . We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for thel ast 15 yeais, and believe him perfectly honorable in a ll business transac­ tions, and financially able to carry outany obligations made by his firm . W ald in g , K innan & M abvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0 . H a ll’s Catarrh Cure is taken in ­ ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by. all druggists, 75c. A clever, popular CandyColdCure Tablet—called Preyentices—is being dispensed by druggists everywhere, fn a few hours, Preventicsare said to break any cold—completely. Ana Preventics, being so safe and tooth­some, are very fine for children.' No Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh aorsickDing. Boxof 48—25c. Sold by C. C. Sanford Sons Co. People respect the dead, but they prefer to do business w ith the living. Drive Rheumatism out of the blood with Dr. Shoop’s Rheumatic Remedy and see how'quickly pain will depart. Rub-on’s never did reach the real disease. Rheumatism isn’t in the 8J1U. It’s deep down—its constution- aJ1- Getting rid of the pain, is after all, what counts. That is why Dr- Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy goes, by word of mouth Irom one to another. And herein lies the popularity of this Remedy. It Ib winning defenders everywhere. Tablets or Liquid. Sold by C. C. Sanford Sons Co. Peopleare at last finding out that genius is only common sense. Tickling or dryCoughs will quickly loosen when using Dr. shoop’s Uough Remedy. And it is bo thoroughly harmless, that Dr. Shoop tells moth­ers to use nothing else, even for very young babies. The wholesomegreen leaves and tender stems of lung heal­ing mountainous shrub give the cura­tive properties to Dr. Shoop’s Gough Remedy. Jt calms the cough, and heals, the sensitive bronchial mem­ branes. - No opium, nochloroform, nothing harsh used to injure or sup­ press. Demand Dr. Shoop1B Accept no other. 8 old by C.^glgg^ord Sons Company. It is the scared'dog that puts up the biggest howl. Well Named. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is well named. For pains in the stomach,' cramp colic and diarrhoea it has no epual. For sale by C. C. Sanford Sons Co. Self-made men ought not to blame anybody else for it. It’s a pity when sick ones drug the stomach or stimulate the Henrt and Kidneys. That is all wrong! Aweak Stomach, means weak stomach nerves always. And this is also true of the HeartandKidneys. Theweaknerves are instead crying out for help. This explains why Dr Shoop’s Restorative is promptly helping Stomach, Heart and Kidney ailments. The Restora­ tive reaches out for the actual cause of these ailments—the failing •‘inside nerves:” Anyway test the Restora­ tive 48 hours, It won’t cure so soon as that’ but you will surely know that help is coming. Sold by C. C. San­ ford Sons Co. Ko man wbo owes a debt is worth a dollar till it is paid. A Paying Investment. Mr. John White, of 38 Highland Ave Houlton, Maine, says: llHaVe been troubled wite a cough every winter and spring. Lastwinter Itriedm any advertised remedies, but the continu­ed until I bought a 50c. bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery; before that was half gone. the cough was all goae. This winter the same happy- result has followed; a few doses once more' banished.j|the annual cough. I am now convinced that Dr. King’s New Discovery is the best of all cough and lung remedies. V: Sold under guraatee an on -p -01? w 0’,B I ruff 8tore- 5°c-$1*00» Trial bottle free* The Association Adjourns. The Sonth Yadkin Baptist Asso­ ciation. which met with the F iis t Baptist church of Statesville Thurs­ day morning, adjourned the busi­ ness session Saturday afternoon to meet m regular anuual session a- gain the first Sunday in September, 1909, with Advance Baptist church, Davie county. A number of delegates le ft for their homes Saturday evening but a m ajority of them remained here u n til yester­ day in order to hear, the closing sermons Sunday. Rev. Living­ stone Johnston, of Raleigh, cor­ responding secretary of the Baptist State Convention/ preached an able sermon at the morning hour, and Rev. C. G. Wells, of Mooresville, formerly pastor of the F irst Bap­ tist, church o f Statesville, preached Sunday evening. Just before the sermon Sunday morning Rev. C. A. Jenkins, pastor of the F irst church, stated in a short talk that the session of the Association was one of the most successful iit the hist>ry of the body. W ith a few exceptions good progress has been made by a ll of the 36 churches in the Association during the past year, in every department of the church work. The panic has had but little effect on the contribu­ tions. Mr. Jenkins stated further that it was a great pleasure to the. Statesville Baptists to have the Association meet here and he felt sure that the Statesville Baptisis have been greatly benefited by com­ ing in contact w ith the Baptists of the neighboring churches and that much good was derived irom the business sessions and the devo­ tional exercises.—Landmark. Most people feel as good as they look, A Travelling Man Receive, the Thank, of Every Passenger in the Car. . “ I must te ll my experience on an East bound 0. R. & N. R, R. train from Pendltonto LeGrande, Ore., writes Sam A. Garber, a well known travelling man. “ I was in the smoking department w ith some other travelling men when one of them went out into the coach and came back and said, ‘There is a woman sick uiito death in the car. I at once got up and went out, found her very ill w ith cramp colic, so bad, in fact, that Iwas almost afraid to take the risk; her hands and arms were drawn up so you could not straighten them, and w ith a death­ like look on her face. Two or three ladieswereworking w ith her and giving her whiskey. I went to my suit case and got my bottle of Cham­ berlain’s Colic, Cholera and D iarr­ hoea Remedy (I never travel with­ out it) ran to the water tank, put a double dose of the medicine in the glass, poured some water into it and stirred it w ith a pencil; then I had quite a time to get the ladies to let me give it to her. but I succeeded. I could at once see the effect and I worked w ith her, rubbing her hands, and in twenty minutes I gave her another dose. By this time we were almostinto Le Grande, where I was to leave the train. I gave the bottle to the husband to be used in case another dose should be needed, but by the time time the train ran into Le Grande she was all right, and I received the thanks of every passenger in the car.” For sale by C. C. Sanford Sons Co. Yeu can trust any man if his se­ curity is good enough. How to get Strong. P. J: Daly, of 2247 W, Congress St, Chicago, tells of a way to become strong: He says: “My mother, who is old and verv feeble, is deriving so much benefit form Electric Bitters, that I feel it’s my duty .to tell those who need a tonic and Btrengthing medicine about it. In my mother’s case a tn arked gain in flesh has result­ ed, insomonia has been overcome, and she is steadily growing stronger. ’ Electric Bitters quickly reinedjs stomach, liver and kidney complaints. Sold under guarefitee at C, C, San- fords Son3 Co’s drugstore. 50c. Adversity makes more great men than prosperity. PinkPain Tablets—Dr. Shoop’s— stop Headache, womanly pains ' anv pain, anywhere, in 20 minutes sure Formnlaonthe 25c. box. Ask your druggist or doctor about this formula —its fine. Sold by c. C. Sanford Sons Co. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Havi CASTORIft ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. SinutatfflgltefM Signatore ness andRestjContainsMte Opiinu.Morphine nor Mnenl N o t N a r c o t ic . fimpkiit Sesd- JIxSema *MMtSOs- *Ir WmSm- tion, Sour Stoitiflch1Dlante Worness andLoSS OF SLEEP. PacSimile Signamre or NEW* YORK. A tb months old Doses -3 3 d THE DAVIE Exact Copy of Wrapper.TMC MRTA1M OOMMNVa NCW VONft OtTV. Express Paid to your city. W e Hie only whiskey house that m anufactures our own whiskey. Send aD orders to The Clarksville Whiskey House. Old R. W. Jones com Whiskey 8 years old— Old R. W. Jones com Whiskey 4 years old.... Old R. W. Jones com Whiskey 2 years old__ Com Whiskey by the half gallon,. Corn Whiskey 4 gal 2 years old,...._____ Com Whiskey 2 gal 2 years old,.—..____ Com Whiskey 3 gal 2 years old,..______ Three Feathers 4 qts.. ....$3.50 ______$2.75 ______.$2.50 _______1.50 _______8.50 _______450 _______6.50 ParGal, Rye Whiskey, old velvet 4 years old ...____;______ .4.00 Mountain Rye 2 years o ld __ ;______________::2.75 Kentucky Bell Rye 8 years old.. Echo Spring Rye 8 years old__ Silver Brook Rye 6 years old- „5.00 ...5.00 Mountain Spring Rye xxx 4 years old_______—________________3.50 Log Cabin Rye 3 years old....________.____________ .......-----2.75 Mountain Spring Rye x x -___„_____________ !_-— .2.75 Excelsior Rye 2 years old ___ ,________________________2.75 Golden Crown Rye 3 years old .....'..., .....____________________-.3 00 Professor Jopes Rye ....___________ 2.50 AppleJBrandy Home Made 8 years old.„4.50 Baltimore Apple Bandy 3 years old, ;___________ 3.00 Ginger Brandy, ___________________;_____:_________:____2.50 Peach Brandy 10 years old______________...______ 5.00 Peach and Honey_________ „•______ 2.00 Diarrhoea When you want a quick cure without any loss of time, and one that is followed Iiynobadresultst Use Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ; It never fails and is pleasant to take. It is equally valuable for children. It is ramous for its cures over a large nart ol the civilized world - B arrel Goods. Cherry WineJ......_________J__..$3.00 Old Cherry 8 years old —__:.__.4,00 Port Wine.......____:_______;___.50 Scuppemong Wine.__________.2.50 Clarret W ine ......... 2.25 Black Berry Wine___......____ 2.25 Botded Goods. French Brandy Per Q t $3.50 Rye Whiskey. Green River Rye 4 Q ts _ Three Feather Rye 4 Qts Canadian Club 4 Qi s Old Prentice 4 Qts Mums Rye 4 Qts.... Full Dress 4 Qts Four Aces 4 Qts_. Echo Springs 4 Qts..„ Mark Rogers 4 1Qts.. Jefferson Club 4 Qts __ Golden Rye 4 Qts __ Fitz Hugh Lee 4 Q ts __ Blue Blood 4 Qts... = .-... Montreal M alt Whiskey 4 Qta .$5.00 „800 „5.00 ...5.00 „5 50 -5.00 —5.00 ...5.50 ...5.00 -5.00 -5.50 ...5.00 ...5.00 ...5.00 Jameson Irish Whiskey 4 Qts.,..$5.00 Dewar’s Scotch. . _ 5.00 Royal Arch 4 Q ts- ____4.50 Rooney’s M alt 4 Qts_,. _____4.50 Duffy’s M alt4 Qts_____ _____5.00 Duffy’s M altbythe case._____12.00 American M alt 4 Qts.______......4.50 Casey M alt— _:________.4.50 Rose Valley: Rye 4 Qts...„.__ Glenn L illy Rye 4 Qts.._____*-4.00 Old Velvet 4 Qts:.—_________.4.00 G. P. R. 4 Qts— .:_______ -4.00 Silus Dean 4 Q ts. Old Henry 4 Qts.... „4.00 .„4.50 Bottled W ine. Virginia Dare 4 -Qts________$3.50 St. Estephe 4 Qts.___________3.50 ...3.50 .3.50 St. Julean 4 Qts J__ Virginia Clarret 4 Qts. Emperial Sherry Wine 8 yrs 4 Qts 5.00 Domestic 4 Qts. ._________.3 50 Alcohol best grade I qt. 2.00 Minnehaha 4 Qts___________3.50 Pocahontas 4 Qts, _______4.50 Empenal Black Berry 4 Qts 3.50 Scuppemong 4 Qts________ 8.50 Port 4 Qts..—_________J__.3.25 Black Brandy 4 Qts._________5.00 Extra Dry Mumms 4 Qts —15.0° Take my advice and buy Home-made Copper-Distilled Cora Whiskey made by us in the old fashion way. We are one of the few that make our own Cora Whiskey, so you get it direct from the Still. AU orders must be accompanied by Cashier’s Check, Postoffice Money Order, or Express Money Order. No individual checks taken unless known by the firm, as we know no one, and no one blows us.; No stamps taken for Whiskey. No goods sent C. 0. D. REFERENCE: First State Bank and Planters of Clarksville, Va., and First Natinnal Bank, Oxford, NiG' Send all orders to The CLARKSVILLE WHISKEY HOUSE Clarksville, Va. P. S. All Whiskeys DeHvered Express Prepaid in plain boxes V o l . X . HTCfflN afraid to M Decline*, Although verified by Boti RepuIi Kings Mouutai —There was a gij Bepublicaus and today The parj mile long. Grea manifested by a ll discnssion had bj tween M ri K itchl Bepiiblican speal lina. A. A w f ory, rode a distal hundred miles t«J joint discussion Kitehin at the lively declined join* UlsensM*,!., ■ iug the fact that of Pepublieans ;j arranged lor Under no conditj in enter into a jc M r K itchin a little after e l| Bpoke two hour ntes. The rneetl jonrned u n til twl A . V hitener, on ed a large and e| During the spe ner he Challenge any other Demo olina to meet hi, ment that he From the applal the m ajority ot | Republicans, land w ill go Rej m ajority. K itch in ’s an<j speeches were i oratic brand, was said *o be ! the day. The I in refusing a jo l comuii uee had I condemned on : speech had Io tj trates in it, so tbiB big Demo fry and save district. The Lexingtl copy above and Holy RolleJ Twenty-five [ men were befoi istrate last weq orderly house. Rollers” and t l had been carry got to he a nu| tria l one ot thq ‘ he judge and I »»*, and the j| the >uw of $ i| One of the w o/ the judge circq he attempted Private office her as to the era- Thejuds on the spot anj . 8Um ot $5,000 John TeniplJ lor the Vice-I dependencem &em, the non 1: cratic ticket,; 8fc Louisville. I f some o fl 8Peeches were| graph; what jOake in the < l< I-=0 PnIt be afr [v- Jfjn s Cough 1_ nren; Itis in ii ; cOUghst Coldstl : I ouffh- and it ??defor the t h e p a v ie r e c o r d h a s a c ir c u l a t io n l a r g e r t h a n t h a t o f a n y p a p e r p u b u s h e d IN DAVIE COUNTY, AND OUR BOOKS WILL PROVE IT V o l . X.MOCKSVILLE. N. C.. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 22. 1908.No. 12 KITCHIN a coward . afraid to m m w hitener. Peclines, AllKoxigh Event Had Been Ad- vertiied by Both D em oaato and Republicans. Kings Jfountaia; N . C , Sept. 14 J h e r e was a grand rally ol both KepuMioanB and Dem ocrats here jodav The parade was over a mile long. G reat enthusiasm was manifested by all sides. A jo in t discuesioD had been advertised be­ tween Mr. E itchin and any other Eepiiblican speaker in ^ o rth Caro­ lina. A W hitener, of H ick­ ory, rode a distance of nearly three hnndred miles to be present for the joiit oisi-ii-sion with M r K itchin. Kitcbin at the last niiunte posi­ tively ilprlined to enter into an\ J0Iiii tiiM'usM'iii, this UOiwitiiatEimi jug Ibe fact th at a jo in t com m ittee of pi piiMicans and Democrats had arr.;Bg(ii lor a, joint discussion. Under uo conditions would K itch­ in enter into a joint discussion, Mr. Kitcbin began speaking a t a little after eleven o’clock and epoke two hours and tw enty min utes. Tbe meeting was theu ad ­ journed until two o’clock, when A . A. W hiteuer, of H ickory, address­ ed a large and enthusiastic crow d. DuriDg the speech of M r. W hite­ ner be challenged M r. K itchin or any other Democrat in N orth C ar­ olina to meet him a t any appoint­ ment that he had in the state. Trom the applause it seemed th at the majority ol those present were Republicans. I t looks like Cleve­ land wilt go Bepubliean by a good majority. Knchiu’s and B. F , A jcock’s speeches « ere Lhe regulation Demo­ cratic luaud. VV hiteuer’s speech was said be the m asterpiece of the day. The conduct of K itchin in refusing a joint debate after the coiiimiuee had advertised it, was condemned on all sides. K itchin’s speech had lots of negro magis trates in it, so it is thought all tbis big Democratic speaking is to try and save W ebb in th e N inth district. The Lexington D ispatch please copy above and keep it standing. Holy Rollers Rolling Some. Tweuty-five men and seven wo­ men vreie before a New Y ork mag­ istrate last week for keeping a dis-> orderly house. They were “ Holy Rollers” and the house where they bail lieen carrying on their rolling got to lie a nuisance. D uring the trial one ol the rollers jum ped on *l>e judge and was going to eat him fa*, ai.il tbe juoge held him in tlie .'urn of $1,500 tor contem pt. Oue of the women thereupon said the judgt circulated the report th a t i)e attempted to kiss her in his private office when he ex-am ined ber as to the case agaiust the roll ®ls' Tbejudge proved he hadn’t °u the spot and held »her in the sum of 5*5,000 tor contem pt.— Ex. Nine Dwellings Burn at Spencer. Spencer, N. C ., Bept 15 - P ir e which had an nnkuow n origin, shortly after m idnight this morn­ ing, destroyed nine buildings and a store building and stock in East Spencer, entailing a loss of abou* $11,000 w ith . only $4,000 insur­ ance. The fire was discovered in the kitchin of J . R . K luttz, and had gained considerable headway when the fam ily was aw akened. Mr. K lu ttz and several members of bis household had a narrow es­ cape from crem ation in m aking their exit from the burning' build­ ing and all of his turniture was lost. T he rear of the dw elling was in flames when *he family escaped tor th eir lives. The store of Alr. K luttz, in w hich was also located a m eat m arket, was a part of the a welling and whs entire y consum­ ed though a sm all am ount of the stock of general m erchandise was saved. Arkansas Heard From. L ittle Rock. A rk.. Sept. 15 — Only incom plete returns from tne election held M ouday in A rkausas have been received as yet, but from those received it is believed th at th e Democratic m ajoiity has been increased slightly. However, Chairm au Tucker, of the R epubli­ can central com m ittee, tonight de­ clared th a t the Kepublicau party had m ade a gain of 10,000 votes in the State and further claim ed im ­ portant victories in a num ber of localities throughout the State. The heavy vote polled in many parts of the titate and the failure to report returns leaves the situation in a more doubtful condition tnan ii was last night when the first re turns were received. L ater returns tonight from ques tionable counties in the whiskey fight show about an even breaiv tor liquor and anti liquor forces. ; John Temple G raves, candidate lor the Vice-Presidency of the In* dependence party, has challenged Kern, the nominee on th e Demo ctatic ticket, for a jo in t discussion Louisville. If some of. Mr. B ryan's 1896 ;■ 8Peechea were put upon th e phono- graph, what a flutter they would • make in the campaign.W E x .;:", v- I. ?11,,4 be afraid to give Chamber- i . ‘Mn a Cough Remedy to your chit i; J*®- It is intended especially for |; ^ouKns, colds, croup and whooping and it is the best medicine for.these diseases;;••• 'ttfc n fty d Sfc3fj C0. Mainfe is Still Safe. Portland, M e., Sept. 14.—The Republicans carried M aine today by a+K)ut 8,000 plurality as agaiust 8.064 in 1906. L ate tonight re­ turns from 468 out of 519 cities, towns and plantations iu the state gave for governor, Fernald, Re­ publican, 72,117; G ardner, Demo­ crat, 64,993. The .Republicans carried all four Congressional districts by about the usual pluralities. T he legislature w ill be safely Bepublican in both branches. HnghesNamed For Governor. Saratoga, N . Y..- Sept. 15.— C harles E vans H ughes, of Few Y ork, was nom inated today by the R epublican state convention by an overw helm ing m ajority and on the first ballot to succeied him self as governor of the S iateof New Y ork. H e received 827 votes out of a possible 1,000, as against 151 for Jam es W . W adsw orth, J r , of L iv­ ingston county, Speaker of the State as em l’iy. ami .31 for former Cougiessman John K . Stew art, of M ontgomery. The nom ination was made unan imoua upon motion of State Com m itteem an W . A . Barnes, Jr.. of A lbany, who has been perhaps the bitterest and most outspoken op­ ponent of the governor’s renom ina­ tion. _____________ The man who can m ake child­ ren sm ile does not need to worry o v er h ib inability to preach serm- ons. . O nr own sins grow fast behind o n r backs w hile we are gazing at th e faults of onr neighbors. A Sure-enough Knocker. J. G -C oodwin, Ol R eidsville. N.- C aavs: “ B ucklen’s A rnica Salve Is a 8 iire-enouffh knocker fo r ulcers: A bad one cam e on my leg la s t sum m er, bu t th a t w onderful salve knocked i t Qu t in a few round?. N ot even a scar rem ain ed .” G uarenteed fa r piles, For*'aide Isore3' burns etc‘ ^ c' at °’ ' 0n9‘ {OcHdrusrstore* - Lunatic IUDs Yonng Lady. AU Cataw ba county and people generally were shocked when it became known th at a tragedy had occurred Sunday m orning, Sept 13th, at Startow n, Catawba coun­ ty, about three or four miles from Newton, the like of which is unu sual in this 3tate, when Lon B a­ der stabbed to death Miss W illie Bollinger. A dding to the sadness of the tragedy is the fact th at when a Mr. Bollinger, a great un­ cle of the young lady, viewed her lifeless body, he w alked off a short distauceand dropped dead from the shock. The details of the affair are re­ volting. Y oung B ader had be­ come m entally deranged in the spring and was committed to the asylum at M organton, where he rem ained until about two months ago, when he was dismissed from the asylum . H e returned to his home in Catawba county. I t is said th at he devotedly adm ired Miss Bollinger, his victim , but she had refused his attentions, and he accused her of being a w itch. Miss Bollitiger was the daughter of M r. W allace BolliLger, a good citizen of the county, was about 18 years old and was organist of the Re­ formed church a t Startow n. Saturday, it is said, R ader was in NewtOD, bought a pocketknife, and stated th at he was goiug to kill Miss Bollinger with it. Sun­ day m orning R ader told his m oth­ er th at Miss Bollinger was a witch and th a t he was going to kill her. His m other sent word to the young lady not to get close to him . R a­ der was a t church and w atched his opportunity. A s the congrega­ tion -was leaving the church he scabbed Miss Bollinger in the back of the neck and several places in Her breast and she died in a short tim e. R ader was arrested and is in jail a t Newton, N otw ithstanding it was known th at R ader’s mind was im paired and his threats against M iss Bol­ linger were known, no effort was made to have him confined. It seems to be a m urde/ that could have been prevented if necessary action had been taken.—States­ ville L andm ark. M ai. J* T . G ardner, a prom inent Democrat in VVestern N orth Caro­ lina, is reported to have made the charge th a t Congressman W . W . K itchin, now Democratic candi­ date for Governor, only anewered to six roll calls during the last session of Congress. This is a poor recommendation for the Democratic candidate for Governor when the people ate dem anding a business man who will stay in his office and attend to his duties.— Raleigh Cau casian. T hat is paying pretty dear for the services rendered—$7,500 a year for a Congressman to canvass the State hunting for the nomina­ tion for Governor.—E x. Money Order Business of the Five R. F. D. Carriers. The M ocksville postm aster gives us the following bit of interesting inform ation: T he five R . F . D. carriers a t Mocksville postoffice foi the year ending June 30, 1908, brought in 1,031 applications for money orders for $5,837.30, and the fees on sam e am ounted to $53.17. T hisshow show the peo pie use the facilities afforded by U ude Sam. Jake F . Newell, R epublican can didate for A ttoroey G eneral, has ieturned from a trip to Eastern Carolina, and is m uch encouraged w ith prospects of R epublican sue cess in the east. CASTOR IA Por Infents and Children. Hia Kind Ytffl Have Always Bought ARRIVAL of PASSENGER TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 26 Lv. Mocksville 10:25 a. m. No. 28 Lv. Mocksville 1:23 p. m. GOING SOUTH, No. 27 Lv. Mocksville 3:38 p. m. No. 25 Lv. Mocksville 6:35 p. m. Trains Nos. 26 and 28 make con­ nection a t W inston for Wilkesboro, Greensboro, Sanford, Roanoke, Bris­ tol and Raleigh. Trains Nos. 27 and 25 make con­ nection at Barber Junction for Salis­ bury, ftichmond, W ashington, New York, Boston and all points east Also for Asheville, Knoxville, Chat­ tanooga, Memphis, Louisville, St. Louis, Chicago, Denver, San Fran­ cisco, Seattle, and all points west. Aleo at Mooresville for Statesville, Taylorsvilleand Charlotte. No. 27 makes connection at Charlotte for Columbia, Spartanburg, Gharleston, Augusta, Atlanta, Birmingham, New Orleans, Jacksonville, Tampa, Mo­ bile. Savannah, Greenville, Miss., L ittle Rock, Dallas and all points south and west. the Sigaatw eof Wwiing to Davie Merchants. D uring the past year the farm ers of Davie couuty sent out of this sectidh through the m ails, over $5, 000 for goods of various kinds, to the m ail order houses and other Outside m erchants who advertise and ask for their trade. Can our m erchants afford to sit idle while thousands of dollars are leaving our county yearly, and make no effort to induce the farm ers to patronize home people. A n ad in TheR ecord will do m uch to ac­ complish this end. A girl hasn’t much use for a young man who carries his small change in a pocketbook. 20,000 TELEGRAPH OPERATORS NEEDED YOUNG MFN PREPARE YOUR­ SELVES FOR GOOD POSITIONS. . On account of the new 8-hour law passed by congress in the interest of telegraphers, and also on: account of so many new railroads being built and old lines extended, an unusual demand for operators has been cre­ ated. Conservative estim ates have placed the num ber of additional Op­ erators that will be required during the next ten months a t approximate­ ly 20,000 YOUNG MEN NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY! Enroll in our School NOW and in only four to six months we will have you qualified for splendid positions. Telegraph Ope­ rators receive from $50.00 upwards. Our school has been established ' 20 years; its equipment is perfect; in­ struction thorough and practical; po­ sitions positively guaranteed our graduates. Board in Newnan is very cheap; the town is healthful and the people are cordial. Two Main Line Railroad W ires run into our School rooms. No other school in the U ni­ ced States has such up-to-date and practical facilities for the benefit of its students. W rite at once for free, descriptive literature. Southern School of Telegraphy, NEWNAN, GEORGIA. A CLEAR CUT, CLEAN UP-TO-DATE BARBER SHOP, Situated in tne Pass building on Depot St. Call in and'give me a trial. Also cleaning and pressing clothes. H. PEARSON. North Cantina, I In Superior Court, before A. T. Davie County, j Grant, C. S. C. J. M. Summers, et a l.) VB > Notice of Sale. AdoIplras Summers, et al. ) By virtue of an order made in the above entitled cause by A. T. Grant, C. S. C., the undersigned Commission­ er will resell to the highest bidder at the court house door of Davie < 'ounty in the town of MocKsville, N. C., on Monday, the 5th dav ol Oct., 1908, at 12:00 m.j the following described tract of land, to wit; A tract situted in Farminffton Township, said connty, bounded on the ISorth by the lands of Josephipe Walker, on the East by the lands of Mrs. Fannie Stewart, on the South by the lands of the “,Atkinson” heirs, and on the West by the lands of J. M- Summers, containing- twenty- five acres more or less. The above described land will be sold for partition between the par­ ties to the above entitled action upon thj following- terms, to wit: $25.U0 cash, and the balance on six months’ time withbondand approved security, or all cash a t the option of the pur- chrLscr • This the 19th day of August, 1908. A. T. Grant, Jr ., Commissioner. If you w ant a good Elgin or Wal tham watch for $5.50,_ call at The Record office. Rheumatism I have found a tried and tested cure for Rheu­matism! N ota remedy that will straighten the distorted limbs of chronic cripples, nor tom bon? growths back to flesh again. That Is impossible. But I can now surely km the pains and pangs of this deplorable disease.In Genzianyw With a Chemist in the City of Darmstadt—I found the last ingredient with WlUch Dr. Shoop’s Rheumatic Remedy was made » perfected, dependable prescription. Without that last ingredient, I successfully treated many, many cases of Rheumatism; but now, at last, it uni­formly cures all curable cases of thisl heretofore much dreaded disease. Those sand-like granulaf wastes, found In Rheumatic Blood, seem todissolve and pass away under the action of this remedy as freely as does sugar when added to pure water. And then, when dissolved, these poisonous wastes freely pass from the system, and the cause of Rhemnktism is gone forever. There is now no zeal need—no actual excuse to suffer longer with* OOt help. We sell, and in confidence recommend Dr. Shoop’s Rheumatic Remedy C. U. SANFOhD SONS CO. Tombstones. If you need anything like Tombstones Tab lets or Monuments call OU C L A U D E M IliliE K . N o rth W iH res b o io . N . O J)R . ROBT. ANDERSON, DENTIST, ■xi OfGvt QVtr- Baak of Davio K ILLw COUGH AHD C U R B t h e LU N G S Br. King’s Iiw Discovery n* C ssrt A m AtL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GXTAItAWTEED SATISFACTORY OS, H O H S T RES1TraD ED . IF YOU W A N T A W A TCH or a piece of jewelry, it w illpayyou to see us before buying. If we haven’t got w hat you want, we can get it for you on short notice. ELGINOR WALTHAM WATCHES from die cheapest to the highest. A twen­ ty-year gold-filled, 7 jewel Elgin watch at only $11.75. Silveroid case, with 7-jewel Elgin works, only $5.49. WATCH CHAINS From 10c. to $2.50 each, in plate, nickel and gold-fiBed. LADIES RINGS Solid Gold Rings with Opal, Pearl and Sap­ phire settings from $2 up. They are pretty. When you come to town, call and see us. |C. Frank Stroud, IN DAVIE RECORD OFFICE. Southern Railroad. Operates over 7,000 Miles of Railroad. QUICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS North--South-East--West. T aroagh T rains Between P rincipal Cities and R esorts AFFOEDXNG FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION ClubB legantPullm an Sleeping GaiB on all T hronghT rains. D ining, A nd O bservation Gars. For Speed, Comfort and Courteous Employes, travel via th e S outh­ ern R ailw ay. Rates, Schedules and other inform ation furnished by addressing the undersigned: R. L . V e e n o n , T rav. Pass. A gt., J . H . W ood, D ist.P ass. Agent C harlotte, N C, A sheville, N . C. S. H . H a ed w ic k I ass. Traffic M gr. W . H . TAYLOEjGeujI Pass A gt W A SHIN GTO N. D C- (Prickly AcSil F o k e B o o t a n d P otassiu m .) -HARTS POSITIVE OTJKES OF ALI1 FOBMS AND ETAOZS OF- PhygtcIanB endorse P. P. P. asasplen-! ftid combination, and prescribe it With I great satisfaction for the cures of all I forma and stages of Primary, Secondary | and Terttary Syphilis, Syphilitic Kheu-1 taatism, Scrofulous Ulcera and Bores,! OtonflTifa* SweJHngat Bheamatlsmt Eld-a cey Complaints, old ChroniotUcsxsthat I •m m havetesfeted all treatment. Catarrh, Skin Diseases. Eczema, Chronlb Fcnmalo Complaints, Hereorisl Poison, Tetter, Bcaldhead, etc., etc. p. P. P. is a powerful tonio and an excellent appitizer, buUdmg up {hr tystexa.sapidiy. .If you ai»/weak feebly and M badly try P. P1. P., sad Syon trill regain flesh and strength. I VftStoof energy andsll diseases resnllisg I from overtaxing toe syslcia are cored fcr I the Tuo of P. P. ?« Xodks-whose ratermsarepoteoce&aad I whosebiood isinaaxsapureconditfopdua I io menstrual irrcguiari-f • as are peculiarly I benefited by tlio wondcrT-l tosta &s& blood dftf.nritig proper!!*? of P. I*. JPrick'y iUioi i'vciiwiazn, Saldty all Draggists, ********** THE DAVlE RECORD. C. FRANK STROUD ■ ■ Efitoi Entered a t the Postofflce in Mocks- ville, N . C., as Second-class Mail m atter, M arch 3,1903. Term* of Subscription: One copy, One Y ear,---------------50c. One copy, Six Months,-------— 25c. URCEST CiRCUUTION OF ANT, PAPER EVER PUBLISHED IN DAVIE COUNTY. MOCKSV1LLE, N. C., SEPT. 22, 1008. OUR TICKET. For President, WM. H. TAFT of Ohio. For Vice-President: JAMES S. SHERMAN, of New York. For Governor J. ELWOOD COX. For Lieutenant Governor CHARLES FRENCH TOMS. Secretary of State DR. CYRUS THOMPSON. For A uditor JOHN QUINCY ADAMS WOOD. For Treasurer . W .E . GRIGGS. Superintendent of PubUc Instruction REV. DR. J. L. M. LYERLY. For Attorney General J AKE F. NEWELL. For Commissioner of Agriculture J. M. MEWBORNE. For Corooraticn Commissioner HARRY G. ELMORE. For Insurance Commissioner J. B. NORRIS. Commissioner of Labor and Printing C. M. RAY. For Electors-At-Large A. A. WHITENER, THOMAS SETTLE. I t’s about tim e B ryan would dish up another plate of; fried chicken lor the colored brethren. F airbrother’s E verything, a De m ocratic paper published at Greens­ boro, is doing all in its power for the election of J . Elwood Cox. How many trusts have the De m ocratic party p u t out of business in this State since they have been in power? They are great trust busters, to hear them tell it. H on. Chas. H . Cowles m et Hon. D ick H ackett in joint debate at Boone one day last week, and now B ichard is wondering w hat struck him . We knew Cowles would m ake it hot for B ichard. Josephus Daniels, the wild-eyed editor of the Buisance and D isrup­ ter, hasn’t been feeling well since he pulled chicken bones w ith the colored brethren at Fairview . H e is suffering from an overdose of colored suprem acy. Poor old Glenn was hum iliated sorely last week. H e traveled all the way to Lincolnton to test his lungs and found only a hundred voters present to hear the gas es­ cape. H as h isfam ean d g lo ry de­ parted. . From present indications our neighbor county, Forsyth, is go­ ing Bepublican on the 3rd day of November. "A nd ye gods and lit tie fishes, isn’t th at county the home of Bob Glenn, th e greatest (?) G overnoFthat the South has ever produced! John A . Sm ith, Bepnblican can­ didate lor Congress from the ninth district, is going to wind up E , Y . W ebb, the Democratic nominee, in a joint debate through th at dis­ trict. B ot many years ago Jake Bewell run W ebb clear out of the State. W atch W ebb run again. B otw ithstanding the big adver­ tisem ents th at announced his com­ ing, Senator Overman was greeted in W inston W ednesday evening by a m ighty sm all crowd of the faith­ ful, and the W inston people are wondering w hat is the m atter w ith the great Democratic county ot Forsyth. If the m erchants of Davie coun­ ty w ant the trade of the 7,000 R e­ publicans in this county, they would do well to place their ads in T he Becord, the only Republican paper in the county. The people are going to patronize the m erch­ ants who appreciate their trade and ask them through their paper for their patronage. A word to th e wise is sufficient. T heStatesvilIe L andm ark, one of the best newspapers in B orth Carolina, cam e out last week in an enlarged form, and w ill hereafter be a six column, eight page paper, instead of eight column, four page, as heretofore. The paper w ill con­ tain much additional news, and its general appearance is greatly im ­ proved. The Landm ark is among the few papers in th e S tate th at has been made a success from a financial view, and The Becord ex­ tends to E ditor Clark cohgratula- tions, and wishes him and his paper continued success. Card Frrnn Mr. E. H. Morris. M r . ED iTO R j-W hen I m ailed my resignation as postm aster to W ashington, on Sept. 1st, I hoped th at m y political enemies would allow me to retire w ithout pouring out their lies and slim e upon me, bnt it Beems th a t my action is bo foreign to their conception of the eternal fitness of things th a t they purpose hatching up all kinds of falsehoods, either w ith the inten­ tion of m isrepresenting m e, or try ­ ing to m ake political capital out of m y resignation w ith the hope of dividing th e Bepnblieans in D avie county in the interest of them selves. So far as I am personally concerned, I do not have to con­ su lt the Democrats w hen, where or why I do certain things. I con­ sulted m y own personal wishes, and it’s no affair of th eirs. A s for the attem pt to use m y resignation for political effect, they are wel­ come to all the good it w ill do them , for from now until the polls close on the evening of Bovem ber 3id, I will be found in th e ranks doing m y best to roll up an increas­ ed R epublican m ajority in the county, and I especially appeal to every Bepublican friend I have in the county, to roll np their sleeves and do battle for th e party whose record in this county is one to be proud of, and whose management of D avie’s finances cannot be as sailed or equalled. On December 1st, 1896— 12 years ago—the De m ocratic commissioners turned over the county to the B epublican com missioners, headed by G. G . B ail­ ey, Esq., one of the finest finan cierB in the State, w ith a debt of nearly th irty thousand dollars, and today the county has money on hand sufficient to pay every ceDt it owes, and have a balance in the treasury. W ith such a record, is there any excuse or valid reason w hy the people of D avie county should w ant a change, or be m isled by a hungry set of pie hunters who, ii the county was turned over to them , would soon pile np another debt for the taxpayers to pay. W e understand th a t a certain Democrat a t Fork C hurch has said that uE d is beaded for th e Demo­ cratic p arty .” G reat Caesars Ghost! W hat a lie! W hy should I aban­ don a party th a t abolished Cleve­ land soup houses, and p u t millions of laborers to w ork a t good wages, and p u t the fires under the forges and .furnaces of thousands of idle m anufacturing plants and turned the C oxeyarm ies of idle laborers into good jobs where they could earn a good living for themselves and fam ilies, and whose magic hand touched the products of the farm and raised 5 cent cotton to 10 and 15 cents, 50 cent w heat to $1. 25 cent corn to 90 cents and $1, .25 cent oats to 50 and 75 cents, and w reathed the faceB of onr farm er friends w ith a sm ile th at won’t come off. Y ote th e Democratic ticket!! B ever, never. Them oon changes, the stais fall, and at tim es the sun hides its bright face from the Viewr of m an, b u t the Be- publican party, under th e leader­ ship of th at conservative,' well- balanced statesm an, W illiam How­ ard Taft, stands as firm today for those principles w hich it has writ­ ten into'the laws of onr. country, and under whose benign influence this Bepublic has grown, prosper­ ed and developed as. haB no coun­ try on the face of the globe, and if continued in power, (and it w ill be) th e grow th and developm ent of th e next decade will fill th e world w ith wonder and am azement. Me vote for a . party w ith no fixed principles, whose aerobatic changes Arey Hardware Co. Fire Arms, Fishing Tackle, Cutlery, Etc. 123 South Main St. SALISBURY, N. C. ALL KINDS OF REPAIR WORK PROMPTLY EXECUTED. $1,000 w orth of Victor records and machines in stock all the tim e. Ko­ daks and supplies; RIFLES..' REMINGTON, 22, Single shot, WINCHESTER, 22, Single shot, “ 22, Repeater, from $10 to “ 22, Automatic, special price, " Long range rifles, from $17.50 to $5.50 5.00 $12.50 17,50 20.00 Full line standard makes of shot guns, double barrel from $10 up. Single barrel from $4.50 up. , Special order for high grade guns. Also complete line of Pistols and Ammunition of all kinds. The people of Davie county will receive special attention when they call on us. AREY HARDWARE CO. from 16 to I, im perialism , the in­ itiative and referendum , aud the public ow nership of railroads and all public utilities; all these vagar­ ies characterize and forever dam n W illiam Jennings B ryan, the boy orator of the P latte, who is now viewing w ith alarm in his frenzied effort to convince the conservative elem ent of this country th at he is sane and sound. H e can’t do it, neither can I vote or in any way aid or abet the election of any D e­ m ocrat. Come to M ocksviIle Mon day, O ct. 5th, and hear some splendid R epublican doctrine, and if I can do so, I w ill say a few w ords to my friends. E et every R epublican resolve to do S is whole duty in th is cam paign, and if I can in any way aid in rolling up an increased R epublican m ajority, you can depend upon me, regard­ less of the m align slanderers who have been on my trail for the past 12 years. To your tents, oh Israel! Y ours for victory, E . H . Mo r ris. Sept, 18,1908. Mr. Walser Nominated. T he news th a t the R epublicans of the Seventh Congressional D is trict have placed their party stan ­ dard in th e hands of th e Hon, Zeb V ance W alser is good news. Indeed, the em inent wisdom of this nom ination w ill be realized throughout th e state. I t is a cir­ cum stance th at seems to be recog­ nized by all hands th at, owing to the change of sentim ent which has taken place in the counties com­ prising th e Seventh district, it is regarded as debatable territory and w ith M r. W alser, whose pe­ culiar fitness for the high position will be universally adm itted, as the nominee, there should be little donbt about the result. . In M r. W alser th e Bepubliean party has brought to the front an­ other very strong man for Congress. I t fact, all th e R epublican nom i­ nees, for congressional honors are m en whose presence in W ashing­ ton would result in much good to the state.—Industrial Bews. Mr. Taft’s Religion. IfM r. T aft is a U nitarian, th at is his own business and a m atter of his own conscience. A ll the pub­ lic has the rig h t to ask of him from the religious viewpoint is th at he respect the decalogue and be on good term s w ith th e C hristiau code of m orals, Phere certainly is not any com plaint of him on that score. We are not aw are of which brand of U nitarianism M r. T ait affects—w hether th e conservative or the radical type. B ut it does’ seem to us th a t Dem ocrats are on pretty th in ice in carpiag a t even radical U m tarianism when it is considered th at their patron saint, Fhom as Jefferson, disbelieved in the divinity of C hrist and was of th e Tom Paine and Rousseau deis-- tic school of religious th o u g h t.-- M ilwaukee !Sentinel, No man w ill adm it th a t he would m arry a woman sm arter than him ­ self— because he doesn’t believe there is one. W h e n a m an brags about him self it’s a sign th at others m erely tolerate him . Good luck comes to th e hustler; bad luck comes to those w ho sit down and w ait. Grand Contest. O ur Second Grand Contest began Septem ber 15, 1908. To every did or new subscri­ ber who pays 50 cents on subscription to The Davie Record between Sept. 15th and Nov. 5th, will be given a receipt bearing a num ber on it. A ticket bearing a correspond­ ing num ber, will be deposit­ ed in a box and all tickets will be kept in this box until Nov. 5th, when tickets will betaken out and shuffled, after which a boy will draw one of the tickets, the one he draw s first being the one that wins the Pretty Gold Watch, which will be presented to the person holding the re­ ceipt whose num ber corres­ ponds w ith the ticket draw n by boy. The Second Prize is a beautiful watch chain or solid gold ring, whichever the winner prefers. Our Second Contest will be conducted in the same m anner as the one we ran last December, and will be fair and open to all. Re­ m ember th at every 50 cents paid on subscription entitles you to one ticket in this big cohtest. Some one will g et these nice presents. W hy not you. The w atch w eare going to give away is a 12 size, 20- ■ year gold filled, Elgin move­ m ent, fully guaranteed by us. Call a t, our office and examine the presents. Subscribe Now. Lost! Lost! Lost! A BA R G A IN BY NOT BU Y IN G “THE BEST THING ON FOOT.” T he SH O E for men, women and children. T o se e a n d wear them is to like them . So come on. I am now ready to shoe you. A lso a n ie e lin e o fN o tio n sin F a ll and W inter goods. Y ou know I alw ays sell for a short profit and give you top prices for your produce. Eggs in good dem and. Come to see ' th e old reliable and your friend, J, LEE KURFEES. Just eAs V I P Right in and subscribe for The Davie Record, It w ill oidy cost you 50 cents for one whole year. V c lo d I Unds of Msdeni Job Printrag at Low Pricei. IMCOBMBAttn CAPITAL STOCK, $30,000.00. RALEIGH, N. C. CHARLOTTE, N. C PuUen Building. Redniont Ins. THESE SCHOOLS GIVE the w orld's best in modern Business Education. Oldest Business College in N orth Carolina. Positions guaranteed, backed by a w ritten contract. No vacation. Individ­ ual insstruction. W e also teach Book-keeping, Shorthand, Pen­ manship,, by m ail. Send for Home Study rates. Writetodayfor our Catalogue, Offers and High Endorsem ents. They are free. Address KING’S BUSINESS COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C., or CHARLOTTE, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. M aintained by the State for the Education of the W omen of North Caralun Four regular Courses leading to degrees. , Special Courses offered in Teacher Training, Music, Manual Arts and Domestic Science and in th e Commercial D epartm ent. Free Tuition to those who agree to teach in the schools of North Caro­ lina. Board, laundry, tuition and all other expenses, including use of text­ books, $170.00 a year. For free-tuition students, $125.00 a year. Those desiring to enter should apply as early as possible. The capac­ ity of the dorm itories is lim ited. Fall Session begins Septem ber 15,1908. For catalogue and other inform ation address J. L FOUST, President, GREENSBORO. N. C- THE PEOPLE’S NATIONAL BANK. u n i t e d S t a t e s d e p o s i t a r y . W in s to n -S a le m , - - - N.C. CAPITAL, $300,000.00. ASSETS A MILUON AND A HALF. Takes care of its customers money is firm or easy, keeps every transaction confidential, allows mtw est a t 4 per cent, from date on Certificates of Deposit, has a Savings n n r f m A n f : m n n o r r +rt W A H m ftru* v a i i n n d d n a o atvawxrfrVlinQ’ A W 6U G°U your deposits by mail. JoH N W -FIUESlsPrerideiit. WM. A. QLAIR1 V ice-IW and Critor' V. WALLACE & SONS, WHOLESALE Dry Goods, Notions and Clothing. DROP US A CARD AND OUR SALESMAN WILL CALL SALISBURY, N. C. THE DAVIE RECORD. C . FRANK STROUD - - Editor. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS. Cotton was $9.15 yesterday. W. R. Clement spent Thursday in Winston. Nice Ginghams, 5c. yard a t K ur- fees. Isiah Byerly, of Kappa, was in town Saturday. J. E. Bost made a business trip to Charlotte last w eek.. Fresh mackerel and w hite salt fi9h at ' J. B. W hitley’s. Sheriff Sheek took in the circus at Winston last week. Payyour subscription and get a ticket in our watch contest. Joseph Cass, of Cooleemee, was in town last week on business. Window curtain scrim 5c. yard a t Kurfees. j T. J. Byerly made a business trip to Winston last week. G. M. Hendrix m ade a business trip to Cooleemee Saturday. Subscribeor renew and get a tick­ et in our watch contest. For Sale or Rent.—Readence in South Moeksville. T. R. Walsh. 0. C. Wall, of Cooleemee, was in town last week on business. Our contest doses Nov. 5th. Do you want that pretty watch? Miss Sara Hanes left ? hursday for Greensboro to enter the Normal, Freshbarrel of pickles ju st re­ ceived at J. B. W hitley’s. The Farm ers’ Union held a m eet­ ing in the Court House Saturday. If it’s OVERALLS you w ant K ur­ fees has the bargains. G. A. C arter, of Advance, R. 2, was in town last week on business. Miss EUa W alker, o f Kappa, spent last week in this city with relatives, 50c. underwear going a t 38c. each at Kurfees. Mrs. H. T. Kelly, of Taylorsville, is visiting relatives and friends in this city. Call at our office and see th at gold watch we are going to give to one of our subscribers. F. M. Johnson w ent to W inston yesterday. W. A. Bailey, of Advance, is in tow n today. Farm ers are busy picking cotton days. Y eeditorm adeabusiness trip to Advance Monday. J. L. H oltonm ade a business trip to W inston yesterday. J. L. Sheekm ade a business trip to Advance yesterday. W . H. Hobson, of Jerusalem , was in town yesterday on business. J. C, Sell, one of the editors of the Cooleemee Journal, was in town yesterday Mrs. Thos. Linville and children, of W ashington City, are visiting at D r. Anderson’s. M rs H. S. Stroud, of Hickory, is visiting in this city, the guest of her son, the editor. Go to the Moeksville D rugCo., for your toilet articles, and anything kepi in a first class drug store. A. M. Stroud and little daughter, of County Line, w ere in town Thurs­ day. Court convenes in this city Mon day, Oct. 5th, w ith Judge W ebb presiding. A nice line of bracelets, locket and lorgnette chains, tiny gold-plated safety pins, etc., at Record office. M rs. H. J. W alker returned from Hickory yesterday, where she spent the sum m er w ith relatives. T he ticket th at gets the w atch is w orth $15 to the lucky fellow who gets it. Some one will get it. W e are m aking a specialty of Stationery and School Supplies. Try us. MoateviUe D rug Co. David Daywalt, of Statesville, is visiting relatives and friends beyond the turbid w alers of H unting creek. THOMPSON’S DRUG STORE. We give prompt mid careful atten­ tion to mail orders. We carry the lar­ gest and most complete stock of Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Cigars, Rub­ ber Goods and everything carried in a first-class drug store in the city. Special attention given to the fitting of Trusses. Private room. Thompson’s Drug Store. Winston-Salem, N. C. H; D* Poindexter, Winston-Salem, N. C. APPLER AND TURF OATS Trade w ith the merchants who appreciate your patronage.; Don’t forget the big Republican speeches in this city October 5th. Mrs. Will W oodruff and daughter, of W inston, are visiting relatives in this city. Call around and renew your sub­ scription and g et a chance a t the gold watch we are going to give away. Howe’s G reat London Shows will exhibit in this city Monday, Oct. 5, on the Graded school lot in N orth M orksville Phelps Com atzer, of Salisbury and Miss Flora Ellis, who has been vis- M issJessie W alker, of near Advance, iting in W inston, passed through were m arried Saturday at the home this city Friday on her way to her of ’Squire Williams, near Bixby. home a t Farm ington. The happy couple left Sunday after- T rvom Ti j. Ti. L.- i. i. noon for Salisbury, where they will zmKt i B?.^ween c^iurc make their future home. The Re- and Moeksville, a baby s tan cam COrd wishes the happy couple a long Fm der please return to The Record an(j J0y0us Hfe. office. NOTICE OF SALE. Ih ereb y o fferfo r sale my livery outfit, horses, buggies, carriages, harness, all buggies comparatively new. Three two-horse wagons, new Disc harrow, mowing machine, rake, set of other farm tools, also new hay press just unloaded at Cooleemee. Also 5000 feet forest pine lumber. In fact, all my personal property, My stable and farm at Moeksville I offer for rent. W hatstuff isn’t sold before court, will be sold a t auction Tuesday of th at week, Oct. 6, 1908. Will rent new cottage w ith stable if desired.Walter R. Clement, Moeksville, N. C. The Moeksville Cafe is the place to g et your meals. Coffeeserved free with each meal. W.B. F. A. Click, of Hickory, spent few days in this city w ith relatives and friends last week. Mrs. W. A. Griffin returned Satur­ day from a visit to relatives and friends in Hickory. Storm flannel outing ju st a little better and cheaper at Kurfees. Miss Emma Cherry, of R utherford College, visited relatives in this city last week. B. 0 . M orris has been recommend­ ed to succeed E. H. M orris as post master in this city. Nearly tw o hundred students have been enrolled in the Moeksville Graded school. C utprice on some dress flannel from 25c. to 15c. per yard, a t K ur­ fees. R. L. Swink, a prom inent business man of Cooleemee, and Miss L esae Dula, of th at town, w ere united in marriage Tuesday, Rev. Byrum of­ ficiating. TheR ecord extends con­ gratulations. A num ber from this city w ent over to W inston Friday on the Sunday school excursion which was run from Statesville, Mr. and Mrs. J. H Ratledge an d . children, of Advance, passed through I A C l IA W F n n ie S i this city Friday on their way to v isit' IaU IU o J L relatives a t Calahaln. G. C. C heny is spending a limited num ber of days in the classic shades of A lexander county’s quaint crags and valleys, the home of the “ Bull of the Brushies,” SALISBURY, N. C. Three or five piece iron beds. Pricesfrom the cheapest to the highest, $2.50 to $60. Wrought iron beds, guaranteed to stand better than wood or other material. — —---------. of near Fork This is of course only one of our many values. W e keep everything to Church, died Thursday, after a Iin- be found in a first class furniture store from a 45c. chair to the best suit gering illness from consumption, of Furniture, F or good M attings, Rugs and A rt Squares, we cannot be H er rem ains w ere laid to rest in the excelled, -neither in quality or prices. W hen in town come and Fork Church cem etery Friday. Mrs. w hether you w ant anything or not. Let’s get acquainted. C arterw asaconsistent member of - the B aptist church. She leaves a husband and three small children, and a host of relatives and friends to m ourn her untim ely death, I have moved my shop to the W eant building, where I am better prepar­ ed to serve you than ever before. H . A. Howard The Democratic prim aries were held Saturday, b u t we understand th at they adjourned w ithout taking any action until the county conven­ tion m eets. Mrs. Louis C arter, see be us. If you will mention The Davie Record when trading with u», special attention. you will receive W. B. SUMMERSETT. The Tmae is ComingpuBLIC SPEAKING. PREPARE NOW. Iju s t w ant to say to the Farm ­ ers, don’t lose sight of these two money crops for tall seed­ ing, and till the 1st of October don’t neglect sowing Crimson Ciover and E ye. I t w ill give your stock early spring graz­ ing, is a fine tonic for your cattle and w ill keep your land trom washing and save you from buying high price ferti­ lizers in the spring. W e have a New line of Seeds—Eed C lo -. ver, B ur, Alsike, W hite and A lfalfa Clover, O rchard, O at, K y Blue, Tim othy, H ungar­ ian and Fiscue seed. Clover is a little lower in price than last spring. W e also handle W arner Moore’s A nchor Lime. You should use it liberally in the soil, it pays and is cheap­ er than any of the prepared Lim es you buy. I will also have some new seed wheats a little later on and will do all I can to push the Farm er up the hill by selling the best of all kiDds OfSeeds and Sw ift’s FERTILIZER , I w ant to im ­ press you th at while I use the word Best a great m any times, I have not got the word p at­ ented and if I had I would loan it to the farm er to dis pose of his product raised from the Seeds I sold him . I sim ­ ply try to carry th e B est oi every thing I sell. M y stock, my F all Stock, is complete. I t is with our prices sim ply a slight of hand performance for us to sell yon. W e sell you Best Sheeting, B est Carpet Vi arp—Amos G reen’s, Best Coftee, Bacou and L ard, and in Ship Stuffs, F loar and Meal onr claim is ondless. In H ea­ vy Jeans we carry a line th at w ill m ake yon think of the old tim es in prices, and F ed proud winter is near at hand, And. we have a stock of Shoes to beat the band. The Best of everything in town And Cotton Bats th a t weigh a pound,. A t H.D. POINDEXTER'S. * 4»«« C L. SCOtT I Garries on hand a complete line of Groceries, Glassware, Tobaccos, Cigars and Snuff. Also a nice line of Notions, Boy’s Suits and Men’s Pants, Sweaters and Woolmi Jackets. Complete line of Men’s and Ladies’ Under­ wear. A well assoated line of ■ - Ladies’ Coats. H ighest price paid for country produce. W hen in town call and see me. t * * « 4» + 0 * 1 % G. L SCOTT, * A Near Depot. - 4’4>4>4»*4»*4>4>4*«* Drop. Hon. J. Dwood Cox, Republican Candidate for Governor, and Hon. A. A. Whitener, Re- We mean th at Christmas is soon coming and you will need a lot of things to make your house and homfr com fortable. O ur advise to you is this: - - Do Not Wait Until You Have to Buy Everything publican Elector at Large, will address the vo- At Once. ters of Davie County on the political issues of Commence now to buy your Suit of Furniture, your Carpet or Rugs, , i j , , i n „ 1 LI • Ilfl I 1U your Heating or Cooking Stoves, your Blankets or Quilts, Piano or Organ, JttC U&V Ut ttte L O U n HOUSe Ul iViOCKSVIlie, OH Parlor Suit, Couches or Lounges, or anything you m ay need m the Furm - ~ ' ’ ----*■’ —Jo .V,d nrinea and the COUrteOUS Oiili at our office and get that watch, watch guard, cuff buttons, ring or shirt waist set th at .we are saving for you. Ih e latest thing out in tiny gold- plated safety pius. T heyare cute, and the.price is 'Sc. each. Some­ thing every one needs. Call at our office and see them . Tiie Southern Railway will oper­ ate iis popular excursion to R ich­ mond, Va., Sept. 15th, train to consist ot first class day coaches and Pullm an cars, giving two days and one night in Richm ond. Fol­ lowing round trip rate from Mocks- ville, $5. For detailed inform a­ tion, see large flyers, or call on your depot agent. R. L. Yernon, Trav. Pass. A gent. W e take pleasure in directing our readers’ attention to the adver­ tisem ent appearing elsewhere in onr eolnmr.sof the Southern School of Telegraphy, located atN ew nan, Ga. There is a great and constant­ ly growing dem and for telegraph operaters, and we are glad to see this w orthy and weil-recognized institution doing such creditable work in helping supply that dem and. A ny young m an wishing to learn a good profession should investigate the opportunities of­ fered in the telegraph field by w riting a t once tor the School’s free, discriptive literature. It’s on Staples This Time, Too. Such as the best qualities of Gingham s th a t have been selling for 121 and 15c. Large range of colors—stripes, plaids and solids— 10c. now. Cham brays come next—soft-fin- ishedikind that>suits so well for dresses and boys w aists all 12}c. quality—colors solids, blue, tan, pink and grey, Btripes also. I t will wash, and price] here—1 0 c., Then the Lawns in stripes and figures so suitable for the cool knockabout sum m erjdresses—gee! they are great—for the price we mean—you’ll think so too. Some of them brought IOc., you can have them now for—well say 5}c. More Lawns, some of them found in stripes, floral designs, dots and figures, w orth 12ic.— 10e. price I VJUUU1CO WA ,------- . _tureline. Remember we have the goods, the prices and the treatm ent th at will make a lasting custom er out of any one who is willing to give us a trial.Monday, Oct. 5th, 1908, As to exclusive Bed Room F urniture, w e m anufacture our own line and “J™ the best m ade in the South, hence w e can save you all freights and a f f «*.!/»/•!?• . m extra profits, andgive you a line o f goods th a t cannot be equalled in our * U -vIU C K , p . u L ®ty. Come to see us and be convinced, and rem em ber tn e place, the large _ i ibrick store exactly in front Of Brow n's W arehouse door, on Main street, I n t P V f fV n n flV P ta iIA n i i f a n J ItA a v i l l . L *1 and in front of A. D aye's store, on Liberty street. Soyoucancom e into / U U U y C O IIle O U l a u U D C 81 t l l l S DFSs- store either from Main or L iberty street, ju st as you like, as our store 1» , . extends all the way through from Main to L iberty streets. U E Ilt O F A tO r. d * a D i j 1 / P . 1 • This Sept. 18th, 1908. Kominger & Blackburn rurmshmg Company. C* BAILEY, Ch’m. 422 Main Street and 423 Liberty St., Winston. A. T. GRANT, Jr., Sec. now. A n d h ere we ju m p to bleached domestics and take ju st the best brands th at you know so well like “ B arker M ills,” “ F ru it of the Loom” and “ A ndroscroggin” th at you have been paying 12}c. for and probably more, and p u t It back to the old price, 10c. F ather George Sea Island, an unbleached domestic w ith an extito finish—7c. R egular 8c. value. Men’s Odd Suits. To be closed out at a consider­ able saving to you. If you are needing one, better take tim e and see w hat we are offering. Odd Pants, Too. J. T. BAITY. C U T PRICES Nice lawns from 5 to I2}c.1per yard. M ohairs from 37} to 45c. per yard. Shadowed Plaids from 18 to 20c. per yard. Bleach Domestic from 8 to 10c. per yard. F ru it of Loom bleach, 10c. per y ard . Gingham s, 6 to IOc. per yard. Domestic from 5 to 8c. per yard. Sea Island Domestic, 8 to 9e. p er yard. Silk M ulls, 38c. per yard. Percals 10 to 12}c. per yard. W aist goods from io to 22}c. per yard. P n n ts 6c. per yard. 42 inch Lawn, 10 to 12 }c. per yard. M en’s S l hata for 85c. M en’s $1.25 hats for $1. M en’s $2.50 hats for $2.25. ~ Ladies Em broideried Lawn Skirts a t 75c. to $1. Ladies Em broideried Pants 45c. Nice line infant caps from 15 to 65c. W e have only mentioned a few things^ b a t we have m ost any­ thing yon may w ant th at is k ep t in a general store, and ask you to call and see us before you buy, for we will certainly save you money. YOURS TO PLEASE, * BAILEY & MARTIN. ' ... / THE HORNET SECTION. ROOt HOG, OR DIE. SO M E THINGS THAT WILL KEEP YOU GRINNING FOR A WEEK. OUR RED-HEADED MAN. , «ee his “ “Staohe grow; be thinks • i » th at ladies pine and die because O a ..I those V * , P * -* > Ui e j t o . torn «0 A t forty ,0., Bw i. Sorth MockBTillei whll. aown t„ Bittihg »«h that clerk one Dig , „„ „It lbllt be asked the dear »knows how biii a fool he is. whichlast week spooning, fellow the definition of the word “ m an.” Tde poor fellow, after flattering around aw hile and get- rem inds me of certain aristocratic young ladies who always try to dress beyond their means and who ting his w its together, got off the walkiDg advertisemeDt following: “ M an is a two-legged anim al th at chews tobacco and w alks on the forked end. Most men are born; I never heard of b u t one th at wasn’t and he was m ade of m ud, j ust as a sam ple. M an’s life is full of disappointm ents, Peruna and cob pipes. H e goes forth in the m orning like a lion and leaves the wood for his wife to chop and in the evening he sneaketh home •with his pants ripped and raises sand about the hard tim es. H e has the grippe on road working day and walks tw enty miles to a circus. H e will chase a jack rab b it four miles through the snow, then borrow a neighbor’s horse to ride half a mile to ' the postoffice. H e will tell you ju st w hat to do in case you have the smallpox or yel­ low fever, then send ten miles for a doctor when he takes the colic. M an’s days and m an’s dollars are num bered and his system is filled w ith gall.” The wedding has been annulled, and in the future the old gate will cease to open its welcome mouth and breathe a benediction on the young m an’s head, as of yore, I was talking to a young lady the other day, and we were dis­ cussing the sheath gowns. That girl was a beauty but I dou’t want to discuss sheath gowns w ith any other girl. It makes me blush to think of a Bheath gown. T hat girl actually asked me if I thought her figure adapted to a sheath gown. Ito ld h e r yes, b u t how in the dickens did she expect me to know. G irls can ask some of the silliest questions sometimes, and a fellow gets into trouble if he don’t an­ swer them . A dear friend of mine lost his h at the other day. H e h asn 't re­ covered from the loss, H e carried no insurance on it, and will not be able to appear before th e ladies until he makes a raise. I didn’t go to Asheville on th at excursion last week, but the other boys and girls did, and the way thep held hands while going throu them holes was a sight. I heard th a t the boys and girls could not rest well in A sheville because the beds were so high—up in the air. One of the rooms was so sm all that one of the beds had to fall down to make room for the crowd. I am going on the next excursion th at passes through Mocksville, for there is as m uch fun on one ot them things as there is on a straw ride. One of the boys showed his knowledge by going into the post- office and trying to buy a can of sardines, while another got him a fish hook and tried to catch the fish th at play in the fountain on the square, so I was told. A t tw enty, when a man is young he thinks he knows it all; he likes to wag his active tongue and exer­ cise his gall; he struts atound in noble rage—the world is all his own; he laughs in scorn at the world of age, and IiBts to sell alone he wears a window in his eye to for a paint factory and a cheap vaudeville show, and who dress to go to church in richer colors and more gaudy attire than th at worn by a Spanish Senoretia to a bull fight. W hen you see a girl with ODly one glove on it is a sign that she bail a new ring on the other hand. I w ent to a kissing match some tim e ago. I only got to kiss about eight. I would have received a -larger patronage, but John was there. There is only one thing like better than a kissing match and th a t’s a hugging m atch. Di you ever attend onef More anon. BILUOUS BRYAN. Bryan talks in the inoruing and ^e talks in the night, He talks when he’s wrong and he talks when he’s right. He talks at the offire and talks in the hall, He talks in the cburcb aDd he talks at ihe b»ll, H e talks to the senate aud talks to the House, He talks to the people as poor common souse; H e talks to the Press and he talks to the crowd, He talks and he talks with a voice longand loud; Like a t old clapper m ill, he’1! sound to the end And die disappointed for office and lriend. — John A . Joyce. The Democrats of Sampson conn ty have nominated a candidate for the House of Representatives who is ineligible. But th at makes lit tie difference for he could not be Rlected anyw ay. The ouly way Democrats can hold office in Sam p­ son is by appointm ent from Iial- eigh.—Caucasian. Even if Bryan and K itehin are safe and fisne now, is th a t any guar­ antee th at the unififorabie sym p­ toms m a\ not re urn at arij *'*' ineut.— Caucasian. Good Times Comimg. New w heat biscuits are ou the farm er’s table, new oats are in the horse’s stall, and everybody in both town and country is happy and .hopeful because the corn and cotton fields hold out a prom ise of bountiful harvests. W ill a great corp in the country briug an a- bundance of money into circulation? The northern centers are full of money and in 6 weeks the large cotton crop will bring much of it ?kmth. The grip of the panic is not nearly so tight as it was month ago.—Sanford Express. NERVOUSNESS. By properly toning and feeding the nerves with pure blood which is done by using P . P . P ., Lipp- man’s G reat Remedy, the most marvelous cures of nervousness are made, restoring health im m ediate Iy to the patient and m aking him strong and vigorous in a little while. P . P . P . is superior in all Sarsa- parillas. P . P . P . has its form ula on eve­ ry carton. A ny physician will tell you that P. P . P . is the best com bination of green roots and barks th a t was ev­ er p ut together for the cure of weak ness, general debility and nervous ness. I t is a good tonic and the best blood purifier in th e w orld Sold by AU D ruggists. The News and B istnrber says there are Bepublicans in K ansas for B ryan. T hat is nothing. There are scores and scores of Democrats in N orth Carolina for T aft and Cox. —Exchange. A clever, popular Candy Cold Cure Tablet—called Preventices —is being dispensed by druggists everywhere. In a few hourt, Pre^entics are said to break any cold—completely. Ana Preventics, being so safe and tooth- Somei are very fine for children No Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh aor sickning. Box of 48—25c. Sold by C. C. Sanford Sons Go. Some women are self-m ade and some are rem odeled by th e dress­ m aker. Tennyson New#. Mrs. C M'. Stewart spent Sun- day *itli M rs. M. M. V ernon. Messrs. W iley and Lee Caudell o f« ooleemee, spent Sunday w ith their aunt., Miss Ju lia Gaiidell. Mr. J. A , M iller and fam ily vis­ ited their parenis Sunday, M r. and Mrs. P J. r,,oiupson. M r. W . V . Poindexter, of A d­ vance, visited M r. T. J . H endricks last week. W hooping cough is the order ot the day around here. M r Jim M iller, of Cleveland, is visiting hife sister, Mrs. C. W . Stew art. M r. Toung Ford and bride, o/ Richmond, are visiting th eir par­ ents, M r. and M rai John Ford. Mrs. C harlie W alser died of con­ sum ption last Tuesday morning, Septem ber 8th Funeral services were conducted by Kev. W eston, after which her rem ains were laid to rest in the Jerusalem cem etery. She leaves behind a husband and three sm all children to mourn her loss. W e extend our sym pathy to the bereaved husband and child ren. D i x i e . Jsf/'o SITrWlj The Lexington Diepatch say? JiHt K ifeliiu’s record in Congret* 18 a dozeu years of absolute e upti- ness behind him . They Take the Kinks out. “I have used Dr. King’s New Life Pills for many jrears, with increasing satisfaction. ’They take the kinks out of stsmach, liver or bowles, with­ out Iusa or friction.” says >1. H. Brown, of Pittsfield, Vt Guarenteed satisfactory a t C. C. Sanford Sons Co’s drug store 25c. Y our alleged funny stories will always get a laugh from the man who owes you money. For a Sprained Ankle. A sprained ankle may be cured in about one-third the tim e usually re­ quired by applying Chamberlain’s Liniment freely, and giving it abso­ lute rest. For sale by C. C. Sanford Sons Co. ________________ No, Alonzo, earthquakes were not invented by Q uakers. HOW’S THIS? W e offer One H undred D ollan rew ard for any case of C atarrli that cannot be cured by H all’s Ca­ tarrh Cure. F. J . CH EN EY & CO., Toledo O. W e, th e undersigned, have known F . J . Cheney for thel ast 15 yeais, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transac­ tions, and financially able to carry out any obligations m ade by his firm Wa ldixg, K innan & Marvin, W iiolesale D ruggists, Toledo, O. H all’s C atarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucons surfaces of the system . Testim onials sent free Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists, 75c. A. m an seldom has a scolding wife unless he needs th a t kind. WeU Named. Drive Rheumatism out of the blood with Dr. Shoop’s Rheumatic Remedy and see how quickly pain will depart. Rub-on’s never did reach the real disease. Rheumatism isn’t in the skin. It’s deep down—its constution- al. Getting rid of the pain, is after all, what counts. That is why Dr- Shoop’s Rheumatic Remedy goes, by word of mouth Irom one to another. And herein lies the popularity of this Remedy. It is winning defenders everywhers. Tablets or Liquid. Bold byC. C. Sanford Sons Go. Don’t attem pt to sw indle a mule —he is apt to back a t you. Tickling or dry Coughs will quickly loosen when using Dr. shoop’s Uough Remedy. And it is so thoroughly harmless, that Dr. Shoop tells moth­ ers to use notninp else, even for very young babies. The wholesome green leaves and tender stems of lung heal­ ing mountainous shrub give the cura­ tive properties to Dr. Shoop’s Gough Remedy. It calms the cough, and heals the sensitive bronchial mem­ branes. No opium, nochloroform, nothing harsh used to injure or sup­ press. Demand Dr. Shoop’s Accept no other. Sold by C. G. Sanford Sons Company. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is well named Forpains in the stomach, cramp colic and diarrhoea it has no epual For sale by C. C. Sanford Sons Co. I t doesn’t pay to associate with people who m ake you feel cheap. It’s a pity when sick ones drug the stomach or stimulate tne H eert and Kidneys. That is all wrong! A wean Stomach, means weak stomach nerves always. And this is also true of the HeartandKidneys. Theweaknerves are instead crying out for help: This explains why Dr Shoop’s Restorative is promptly helping Stomach, H eart and Kidney ai'.menta. The Restora­ tive reaches out for the actual cause of these ailments—the failing ltInside nerves:” Anvwaytest the Restora­ tive 48 hours, It won’t cure so soon as th at’ but you will surely know that help is coming. Sold by C. C. San- ford Sons Co. A m arried m an’s secret is never safe after his wife knows he has it. A Payingr Investment. Mr. John W hite, of 38 Highland Ave Houlton, Maine, says: ‘ Have been troubled wite a cough every winter and spring. Last winter Itned many advertised remedies, but the continu­ ed until I bought a 50c. bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery; before that was half gone, the cough was all goae. This winter the same happy result has followed^a few doses once more banished the annual cough; I am now convinced that Dr King’s New Discovery is the best of all cough and lung remedies. ” Soliunder giirantee at C. C. Sons Co’s drug store. 50c $1,00, Trial bottle free. Samuel L. Patterson Dead. Hon. Samuel L. Patterson, for ieai\y e;ght years Rlate Commiss >>'!!?? t*f A griculture, died Septem at home, Palm yra, it. H appy Valley, ^ ldwel1 Mr. Pfttterson had l>een in Health for two years. A bout two weeks ago he became worse and for several days his conditiou had been critical. The deceased was a fine gentle­ man and was held in esteem by a wide circle of acquaintances. H e will be greatly missed and his death w ill be sincerely m ourned,— Statesville L andm ark. ALCOHOL 3 PEE CENT. similartnglteBMaflrfitegtfei Ifioweisaf f or Infents and Children. The Kind You Bav Always Boogh! ness and RestJContaias ceilba Opiuni-MarptdneiMHlM N o t N a r c o t i c . Jfafrdlc Sdls- jtm e SUd * f^embtr. tion, Sour StomaditDlantew Worms,Coiwnk'Kmsifevemi ness sndLOSS OF &EER Facsimile Signaiure of (i WEW YOSK. Bears Sigoatore In Use Over Thirty Years A 6 m o n t h s o l d * J S D o ^ s -35 C1 MS gsact gf Wrapper;eiHTMM COMPANY. NtW TONK WY. A Travelling Man Receives the Thanks of Every Pasienger in the Car. “ I m ust tell my experience on an East bound 0 . R. & N. R, R. train from Pendltonto LeGrande, Ore., w rites Sam A. G arber, a well known travelling man. “I was in the smoking departm ent w ith some other travelling men when one of them w ent out into the coach and came back and said, ‘There is a woman sick unto death in the car. I a t once got up and w ent out, found her very ill w ith cram p colic, so bad, in fact, th at I was almost afraid to take the risk; her hands and arm s were draw n up so you could not straighten them , and w ith a death­ like look on her face. Two or three ladies were working w ith her and giving her whiskey. I w ent to my suit case and got my bottle of Cham­ berlain’s Colic, .Cholera and D iarr­ hoea Remedy (I never travel w ith­ out it) ran to the w ater tank, put a double dose of the medicine in the glass, poured some w ater into it and stirred it w ith a pencil; then _ had quite a tim e to get the ladies to letm e give it to her. but I succeeded. I could at once see the effect and worked w ith her, rubbing her hands, and in tw enty m inutes I gave her another dose. By this tim e we were almost into Le Grande, where I was to leave the train. I gave the bottle to the husband to be used in case another dose should be needed, but by the tim e tim e the train ran into Le Grande she was all right, and I received the thanks of every passenger in the car.” For sale by C. C. Sanford Sons Co. N othing heals o ar own wounds quicker than helping others. How to get Strong. P, J: Daly, of 2247 W, Congress St1 Chicago, tells of a way to become strong: He says: “My mother, who is old and very feeble, is deriving so much benefit form Electric Bitters, that I feel it's my duty to tell those who need a tonic and Strenfrthing medicine about it. In my mother’s case a m arked gain in flesh Uas result­ ed, insomonia has been overcome, and she is steadily growing stronger.’ Electric Bitters quickly -remedjs stomach, liver and kidney complaints. Sold under guarentee a t C, C, San- fords Sons Co’s drug-store. 50c. A halfholiday means th a t half a loaf is better than nene. PinkPain Tablets—-Dr. Shoop’s— stop Headache, womanly, pains, any pain, anywhere, in 20 minutes sure. Form ulaonthe 25c. box. -Ask your druggist or doctor about this formula —its fine. Sold by C. C. Sanford Sons Go. Express Paid to your city. W e the only whiskey houte that m anufactures our own whiskey. Send aU orders to The Clarksville Whiskey House. Old R. W. Jones corn W hiskey 8 years old---------------------------------------$3.50 Old R. WT Jones com W hiskey 4 years old----------------------- :-------*2-75 Old R. W- Jones com Whiskey 2 years old---------------------------------------$2.50 Com W hiskey by the half gallon, ----------------------------------------------------1-50 Corn Whiskey 4 gal 2 years old,-------------------------------- 8.60 Com Whiskey 2 gal 2 years old,-------------------------------------------------------•’ Corn W hiskey 3 gal 2 years old,--------------------------------------------------- —Per Gal. .$8.00 .....4.00 2.7S 5.00 5.00 4.00 Three Feathers 4 qts....:------------------- Rye Whiskey, old velvet 4 years old Mountain Rye 2 years old . Kentucky Bell Rye 8 years old.. Echo Spring Rye 8 years old— Silver Brook Rye 6 years old:.. M ountain Spring Rye xxx 4 years old----------------------------------------------- Log Cabin Rye 3 years old_..„-----------------------— — ----- :------2.75 Mountain Spring Rye xx ...---------------------------------------------------2.75 Excelsior Rye 2 years old______ Golden Crown Rye 3 years old_ Professor Jones Rye.--------- 2.75 ......3 00 2.50 Apple Brandy Home Made 8 years o ld . Baltimore Apple Bandy 3 years old,___ Ginger Brandy,. PeacbB randy 10 years old.. Peach and H oney_________ .4.50 ; 3.00 __„„.2.50 ...5.00 2.00 B arrel Goods. Cherry Wine... ___________ Old Cherry 8 years old ...____ P ort W ine_________________ Scuppemong Wine.. C larret W ine Black BerryrWine..... ...$3.00 „...4.00 J.. .50 „..2.50 2.25 2.25 Botded Goods. French Brandy Per Q t _____ W ben 7 0 0 want a quick cure without any loss of time, and one that is followed by no bad results, use Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It never fails and is pleasant to take. It is equally valuable for children. It is famous for Its cures over a large part oi the civilized wnli Rye Whiskey. Green River Rye 4 Q ts ----- Three Feather Rye 4 Q ts. Canadian Club 4 Qts. -- Old Prentice 4 Qts------ Mums Rye 4 Qts-------------- Full Dress 4 Qts---------------- Four Aces 4 Qts. ____ Echo Springs 4 Qts____' M ark Rogers 4 Qts.___: Jefferson Club 4 Qts.______ Golden Rye 4 Q ts :____ Fitz H ugh Lee 4 Q ts_________ Blue Blood 4 Q ts_________....... M ontreal M alt Whiskey 4 Qts... „$3.50 .$5.00 „8.00 .„5,00 _5.00 .„5.50 _5.00 „..5.00 ....5.50 ....5.00 „.5.00 .„5.50 -5.00 ...5.00 „.5.00 Jameson Irish W hiskey 4 Q ts .$5.00 Dewar’s Scotch ; J : „...5.00 Royal Arch 4 Qts— ,---------------.4.50 Rooney’s M alt 4 Qts — -4.50 Duffy’s M alt4 Q ts:--------— :------5.00 Duffy’s M altliy the case-----------:.12.00 American M alt 4 -Qts—-----------4.50 Casey Malt..----------------------- .4.1® Rose Valley Rye 4 Qts..„...„,-------.$4.00 Glenn Lilly Rye 4 Q ts. — .4.00 Old Velvet 4 Qts__________ .4.00 G. P. R. 4 Qts:. -----------— „..4.00 Silus Dean 4 Qts ------- .4.00 Old H enry 4 Qts---------------------—4.50 Bottled W ine. V irginia D are 4 Qts.----------------$3.50 St. Estephe 4 Q ts.--------------.„„„„3.50 StvJulean 4 Qts....... ______ .3.50 V irginia C larret 4 Qts.-------- — 3.50 Em perial Sherry Wine 8 yrs 4 Qts 5.00 Domestic 4 Qts.___________...___.3.50 Alcohol best grade I q t____!___2.00 Minnehaha 4 Q ts........_____,______3.50 ____.4.50Pocahontas 4 Qts.. Emperial Black B erry 4 Q ts. 3.50 Scuppem ong 4 Qts_____________3.50 P ort 4 Qts _____ 3.25 Black Brandy 4 Q ts ___....„5.00 E xtra D ry Mumms 4 Q ts______16.00 Take my advice and buy Home-made Copper-Distilled Corn Whiskey made by as in the old fashion way. We are one of the few that make our own Corn Whiskey, so you get it direct from the StiU. - AU orders must be accompanied by Cashier** Check, Poitoffice Money Order, or Express Money Order. No individual dieses Mcen unless known by the firm, as we know no one, and no one knows os. No stamps taken for Whiskey. No goods sent C. 0. D. REFERENCE: First State Bank and Planters of Clarksville, Va., and First Natinnal Bank, Oxford, N. C x Send all order* to The CLARKSVILLE WHISKEY HOUSE Clarksv&e^ Va. P. S. All Whiskeys Delivered Express Prepaid in plain boxes if desired. s s ® IH- GOD WE TRUST-ALL OTHERS CASH. V ol M O C K S V ILLE. N. C.. T U E SD A Y . S E P T E M R F R PQ IQOR No. 13 The Latest From Falrview. (Special to the Yellow Jacket, by its Own Correspondent.) Fa.irview, via Lincoln, N ebr. Hp1O '2 r riepf nnd^r a tent last iiigti:, i>att:hetl ttie itioon roll over the A lfafa Farm . A bont midnight W illiam J . appeared on . e iio.ii in his pajam as. M-- i- t'->y '-'te tnoon. threw an !!•-••strophe o it iii these words: ,,!• .m. 'ii 'e r moon— \on are I >i ot tifirteii ju st like I am — \ou are silv.-i ativl s>> am I, but like tne man I see sittiug in your IiJ-Ist. T ntn satin g nothing about m i-iiiiiif.—but ->hai Ilia v e upui- steer , "hen eleeted, will be a I ■•!. I., in Le ’em tbiuk that lo-.-ser eh " o.'ii’t the only mad hornet in the nest. •I mu holding my peace; I am talking to tne platform whicb I w ote; I am pretending th a t Bry an isn’t in it—hut wait’, until I cap- -Ii e : e dneks on laud and sea ami gel tiecied, and then I propose to deliver m yself of some free sil­ ver talk from th e h eart. I can never forget w hat th e silver m ine owners did for me the first tim e, and when I get a chance to repay them I am going to do it ’’ A tth is juncture a messenger came out from Lincoln, and seeing the Colonel in his pajam as, halted and gave th e countersign. ••W hat, ho, and w ho comes there!” asked B ryan, th e moon striking his bald dome of thought, making him look like the N ational Capitol. “ A dvance and give th e countersign.” ••Fried chicken and N orm an Mack,” replied th e voice, still in theshadowB. ‘•And w hat, ho, brings.youhere at this hour!” •‘I have come from M ancie, In ­ diana, oh, M ighty Chief, and have come to tell you th a t K ernel K ern hasjconcluded to have his w hisk­ ers dyed and w aits your sanction bafore he moves.” “ Dyed and be—-develed— ,” said the Peerless A lfalfa K in g - “ tell him to have them mowed,” and the bald head and th e ,pajamas and the bare legs dissolved in th e night like a spectre th a t was, jeaving the man from M uucie alone and non­ plussed. Finally the m an from M uncie hastened back to Lincplb, and tak ­ ing a train rushed to K ernel K ern to deliver the sad message of bro­ ken hope. I had ju st about gotten to sleep again when the telephone in the home rattled, and kept on until I heard Bryau ae,k, in a ’ong dis­ tance voice pitched so you could have heard him in Chicago. “ YeS, I will dictate it.” Calling his stenographer, B ryan said: ‘ 'T here is a Committee of N ine a t the ’phone in San Francisco, you- see the time makes a difference there* and they w ant to ' know how -1 stand on the goose. I w ant to tell them, bat for tear th at it m ight be:, garbled I w ant you to take down my exact w ords.” “ A ye, aye, sir,” sgid the sleepy stenographer. “ Hello, is this San Francisco!” “ All right, then, tell your bloom­ in’ committee th at I stand sound on the goose,” and he hung up the ’phone and told his stenograph­ er he could retire. -' Early this m orning photograph­ ers were out taking^gigtujres o f th e front yard w here the niggers ate the chickens, aud a phonograph man w anted Bryan to sing a song tor a phonographic plate and sug gested th a t he sing: “ D rink rum , drink rnro, O h, come drink rum w ith me, F or I don’t give a d— F or any blam ed man, Who don’t drink rum with m e.” B ut Bryan said th at up to this tim e he had com pletely dodged the prohibition question, and he didn’t propose to get th at in the gam e this tall. H e was already riding as many horses in opposite directions as he could m- nage, and m fact, more Uian he could man­ age. N othing else has happened dur- iug the day. except a delegation of Feeble M inded people from the Lincoln A sylum lor the Insane came out to tell Bry an th a t they endorsed his banking views. Not Only the President. Bepublicaus, rem em oer th at there is a Congress and a Senate to elect. See to it th a t your candidate for Congress gets all th at is coming to him . Do not let local issues or personal prejudice interfere—you are voting for a N ational cause—for the R epublican party. Bee to it th at every candidate for Congress on th e R epublican ticket is given your support. I t is always im ­ portant. W e w ant the Congress to rem ain R epublican, and w ith a R epublican President we w ill con­ tinue onw ard and upw ard. Do not forget th is am ong other things —see th a t your Congressman has all your undivided and loyal sup­ port.—Yellow Jacket. Miss Woodraff Excites Interest in Hickory. H ickory, NVG., Sept. 19.—Con­ siderable excitem ent was created last night by the arrival, a t 10 o’clock, of a lady on horseback arm ed w ith a gun, registering at the M arahall H ouse as M argarette Louise ' : W oodruff, Springfield, M ass., en route through the coun­ try to A sheville. - Leaviiig Statesville a t 3 o’clock she had taken tim e, on account of the* lameness of her horse, w hich she took to a stable, getting m edi­ cine and bandages a t a drug store. She gave it the necessary attention, “ p u t him -to bed,” as she herself expressed it. Going into Cam pbell’s cafe w ith the gun ever present,, she called for a lunch. A pproached by a policem an asking her authority, she turned the gun tow ards him saying, “ T hat’s it.” This proved to be a convincing argum ent. She is rum ored to be a detec­ tive--a man dressed in woman’s clothes— and other m’d a I ional stories are ioni, ut 'he says she is traveling tor . her health. She rested -this morning ami leave for M orgauton this atternoon.—- C harlotte Chronicle. Miss W oodruff has beeu spend­ ing several weeks in Statesville. Bhe rides horseback about the country, fy i. health and pleasure and cairies the gun for protection. —Btatesville Landm ark. M r. B ryan says he is worth only $150,000. The farm ers won’t feel like contributing their hard earn­ ed dollars to th e cam paign when they bear B ryan is at least as well off as they-are. . A Sure-enough K nocker. J.-G- Coodwin, ot Reidsville. N- C. savs: “Bucklen’s Armca Salve is a sure-enough knocker for ulcers. A bad one came on my leg last summer, but that wonderful salve knocked it out in a few rounds. Not even a scar remained. ” Guarenteed for piles, .sores, barns etc., 25c, a t C. 0. Sons Co1* drugstore. REPUBLICANS STAND BY YOUR COUNTY PAPER. Mr. E ditor:—W hen you took charge of The Record, Aug. I, 1907, I had you to publish a statem ent soon thereafter, setting forth the fact, th at while I owned the plant, I was no longer its editor, and you stated th at the paper would con­ tinue championing the cause of Re­ publicanism. For the eight years I edited the paper, I devoted consider­ able space during each campaign gratuitously to the county candi­ dates, advertising speakings and meetings, w ithout pay. As the pub­ lic knows, I was holding an office, and was not dependent upon the in­ come from the paper for my sup­ port.. The increased w ork of my office m ade it necessary for me to give up the paper, and I leased it to you, and it is patent to every think­ ing, reasonable man that you cannot run the paper unless you are given financial encouragem ent by the friends of the paper. I have done all I could to help you, and will .con­ tinue to give you all the assistance possible, and I w rite this letter for the purpose of calling the attention, of the Republicans of Davie county to the necessity of standing by you in your efforts to give them a paper. It takes money to run a. paper. I found th at out nine years ago. A great many are today owing me for the paper, a great deal of which I will never get, but I do hope the Republicans of the county will stand by you, and assist you in the battle for the party. The price of The Record, 50 cents per year, places it within the reach of all, and there is no reason why The Record should not have the support of every man in the county interested in good gov­ ernm ent and the building up of our town and county. . It is not neces­ sary for me to tell the people th at I have run the paper at a considerable financial sacrifice—in other words, I have lost money on the paper, and I know that the present editor, whc holds no office, and is looking to the paper for a support, cannot live on air and promises. E. H. Morris. A M aryland m an is running foi office against his w ill w hich is quite different from K entucky, where a man m akes his will before runniDg for office. Pink Pain Tablets—Dr. Shoop’s— stop Headache, womanly pains, anj pain, anywhere, in 20 minutes sure. Formula on the 25c. box. Ask your druggist or doctor about this for mule —its fine- Sold by C. C. SanforO Sons Go. This dry spell causes a lazy mai an awful lot of extra work—wet­ ting the grass. Don’t be afraid to give Chamber­ lain’s Cough Remedy to your chil­ dren. It is intended especially for coughs, colds, croup ana whoopinj cough, arid it is the best medicin made to r these diseases. For salt by C. C. Sanford Sons Co.. Can’t the Democrats trot out- anybody to meet A . A. W hiteutr in joint debate! CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tfiei Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signatureof ■V h ■ I _ W hen you w ant a quick cure w ithout any lo ss o f tim e, and one that is followed by no bad results, use Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diiarrhoea Remedy It never fails and is. pleasant to take. It is equally valuable for children. It is famous for-its-cures over a large part of O e Bviliaed WOrldr - -- jt !.Night Ridersin NortIi Carolina. / N ight riders have now appeared in this State and have threatened to burn a cotton gin if it continues to run in the face of the declining cotton m arket. J . F . Jenkins, m anager of the Southern Cotton O il Company’s plant at Shelby, received the men­ acing letter Saturday. A cordon of arm ed men has been placed a- round the gin to protect it. Suppose B ryan is elected and then suppose he should have a law passed guaranteeing bank de­ posits—w hat good do you suppose the law would do if the people had no money to deposit, as was the case during the last Democratic adm inistration.—Exchange. ARRIVAL of PASSENGER TRAINS : GOING NORTH. No. 26 Lv. Mocksville 10:25 a. m. No. 28 Lv. Mocksville 1:23 p. m. GOING SOUTH. No. 27 Lv. Mocksville 3:38 p. m. No. 25 Lv. Mocksville 6:35 p. m. Trains Nos. 26 and 28 make con­ nection a t W inston for Wilkesboro, Greensboro, Sanford, Roanoke, Bris­ tol and Raleigh. Trains Nos. 27 and . 25 make con­ nection at B arber Junction for Salis­ bury, Richmond, W ashington, New York, Boston and all points east Also for Asheville, Knoxville, Chat­ tanooga, Memphis, Louisville, St. Louis, Chicago, Denver, San Fran­ cisco, Seattle, and all points west. Also at M ooresville. for Statesville, Taylorsvilleand Charlotte. No. 27 makes connection at Charlotte for Columbia, Spartanburg, Gharleston, Augusta, A tlanta, Birmingham, New Orleans, Jacksonville, Tampa, Mo­ bile, Savannah, Greenville, Miss., Little Rock, Dallas and all points south and west. rs, et al. I !- Notice of Sale. -I, et al. ) Nortk Carolina, I In Snpnior Court, before A. T. Davie County. | Grant. C. S. C. J. M. Summers, et al. V9 MoIphas Snnuners1 - By virtue of an order made in the ibove entitled cause by A. T. Grant. i. S. C., the undersigned Commission­ er will resell to the highest bidder at the court house door of Davie < Viunty .n the town of Mocxsville, N. C., on vlonday, the 5th dav oi Oct., 1908, at 12:00 m., the following described tract >f land, to wit; A tract situted in Jarmington Township, said connty, sounded on the !North by the lands of Josephine Walker, on the Eastbythe Lands of Mrs. Fannie Stewart, on the South by the lands of the “Atkinson” heirs, and on the West by the lands of J. M. Summers, containing twenty- Ive acres more or less. The above - described land will be sold for partition between the par­ ties to the above entitled action upon the following terms, to wit: $2-5.00 ;ash, and the balance on six months’ time with bond and approved secur’ty, ir all cash a t the option of the pur­ chaser. This the 19th day of August, 1908. A. T. Ghant, Jr., Commissioner. If you w ant a good Elgin or Wal­ tham watch for $5.50, call at The Record office. Heart Strength Heart Strength, or Heart Weakness, means Nerve Strength, or NerveWeakness—nothing more. Pos- ItIvely, not one weak heart in & hundred is, in .it­ self, actually diseased. It is almost always a hidden tiny little nerve that really is all at fault This obscure nerve—the Cardiac, or Heart Nerve —simply needs, and must have, more power, more stability, more controlling, more governing strength. Without that the Heart must continue to fail, and the stomach and kidneys also have these same controlling nerves.This clearly explains why, as a medicine, Br. ShooptS Bestorative has in the past done so much for weak and ailing Hearts. Er. Shoop first sought the cause of all this painful, palpitating, suffocat­ing heart distress. Dr. Shoop’s Restorative—this popular prescription—is alone directed to these weak and wasting nerve centers. It builds; itatrengthens; it offers real, genuine heart help.I f you woidd have strong. Hearts, strong di« gestion, strengthen these Serves — re-establish uiem as needed, with Dr. Shoop’s C. U. SANFOWiI SONS CO. Tombstones. If you need anything Ike Tombstones Tab .ets or Monuments call O n CLAUDE M JLLElt. N orth W ilkesboio. N. O 20,000 TELEGRAPH OPERATORS NEEDED YOUNG MFN PREPARE YOUR­ SELVES FOR GOOD POSITIONS. On account of the new 8-hour law passed by congress in the interest of telegraphers, and also on account of so many new railroads being built and old lines extended, an unusual demand for operators has been cre­ ated. Conservative estim ates have placed the num ber of additional Op­ erators that will be required during the next ten months a t approximate­ ly 20,000. YOUNG MEN NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY! Enroll in our School NOW and in only four to six months we will have you qualified for splendid positions. Telegraph Ope­ rators receive from $50.00 upwards. Our school has been established 20 years; its equipment is perfect; in­ struction thorough and practical;'po­ sitions positively guaranteed our graduates. Board in Newnan is very cheap; the town is healthful and the people are cordial. Two Main Line Railroad W ires run into our School rooms. - No other school in the Uni­ ted States has such up-to-date: and practical facilities for the benefit of its students. W rite a t once for free, descriptive literature. Southern School of Telegraphy, NEW NAN, GEORGIA. A CLEAR CUT, S CLEAN UP-TO-DATE Sg BARBER SHOP, i Situated in trie Pass building | | | on DepotSt, Callinandgive £gg| me a trial. Also cleaning MS and pressing clothes. W . H. PEARSON. S ICiLLTHE COUGH AKD C U S S E t h e L U N C S WITH if lrB•w iiiiifis ywcaw* JBk k m A lt TKSOftT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GtTABAhTTKED SATISFACTORY OS, I£Q IJSY REFU N D ED . IFYOU WANTA WATCH or a piece of jewelry, it will pay you to see us before buying. If we haven’t got w hat you want, we can get it for you on short notice. ELGIN OR WALTHAM WATCHES from the cheapest to the highest. A twen­ ty-year gold-fiUed, 7 jewel Elgin watch at only $11.75. Silveroid case, with 7-jewel Elgin works, only $5.49. WATCH CHAINS From 10c. to $2.50 each, in plate, nickel and gold-filled. LADIES RINGS Solid Gold Rings with Opal, Pearl and Sap­ phire settings from $2 up. They are pretty. W hen you come to town, call and see us. C. Frank Stroud, IN DAVIE RECORD OFFICE. Operates over 7,000 Miles of Railroad. QUICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS North-South—East-West. T aiough T rains Between Principal Cities and R esorts APFOBDI-NQ FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION Elegant Pullm an Sleeping Cars on all Through T rains. D ining, C lub A nd Observation Cars. For Speed, Comfort and Courteous Em ployes, travel via the South­ ern Railw ay. Rates, Schedules and other inform ation furnished by addressing th e undersigned: R, L . Vernon, Trav. Pass. A gt., J . H . Wood, D ist. Pass. A gent C hariottef N C, A sheville, N . C. 8. H . H aedw ick la s s . Traffic M gr. W . H . TAVLOE,Gen’l Pass A gt W ASHINGTON. D C. (P rick ly A sh , F p k e B o o t a n d P o ta ssiu m .) -IU K IB POSITIVE ODBES 0 7 ALL FOBMS AND STAGES 0 7 - Q R. ROBT. ANDERSON, DENTIST, Offiso over Bfiiik o f Davie Physicians endorse P. P. P. as ft splen­ did combination/and prescribe Itwltb great satisfaction for the cures of ait forms and stages of Primary Secondary and T^ttary Syphilis, SypbUitio Bheu- xnatism. Scrofulous Ulcers.and Sores, Glandular Swellings, Bbeumatiam, Kid­ ney Complaints, old Chronic Ulcersthat m r& O yon -trill regain flesh and strength. WasteofenergyandaU diseases resulting from OTOttaxing theeystem are cured hr the nee of P .P . P. LadieewhOM Bvstemsarepobonedaad whosebloodisinanfcapureconditiondue to monstraal irregularities are peculiarly benefited by the wonderful tonlo and CATARRH LJ SCROFULA havereslsted all treatment. Catarrh, Skill Siaease., Eczema, Cbronia Female Complaints, Mercnrial Poison, Tetter, Scaldheod, etc., ete. p. P. P. Ia a powerful tonlo and an excellent nppiUzer, building up the system rapidly. If yon are -weak and feeble, and feel badly try P. P. P.i and m O blood cleansing properties of P. P. P . Prickly Ash, Poke Boot and Potassium. Sold by aU Druggists. F. V. LIPPMAN P ro p rie to r Savannah, Ca. RHEUMATISM 892056 v . ! u THE DAVIE RECORD. C. FRANK STROUD - - Editor II 'M Entered a t the PostofBce in Mocks- ville, N. C., as Second-class Mail m atter, March 3.1903. _____ Term s of Subscription: , One copy, One Y ear,--------------50c. One copy, Six Months.—------25c. USCEST CIRCULATION OF ANT PAPER EVER PUBLISHED IN DAVIE COUNTT. MOCKSVILLE, N. C., SEPT. 29, 1908. OUR TICKET. For-President, WM. f t TAFT of Ohio. Por Vice-President: JAMES S. SHERMAN, of New York. For Governor J. ELWOOD COX. For Lieutenant Governor CHARLES FRENCH TOMS. Secretary of State DR. CYRUS THOMPSON. For Auditor JOHN QUINCY ADAMS WOOD. For Treasurer W. E. GRIGGS. Superintendent of Public Instruction REV. DR. J. L M. LYERLY. For Attorney General JAKE F. NEWELL. For Commissioner of Agriculture J. M. MEWBORNE. For Corporation Commissioner HARRY G. ELMORE. For Insurance Commissioner J. B. NORRIS. Commissioner of Labor and Printing C. M. RAY. For Electors-At-Large A. A. WH1TENER, THOMAS SETTLE. For State Senate W. M. LEE. For Congress - ZEB VANCE WALSER. Fsr Representative A. T. GRANT, Jr. For Sheriff J. L. SHEEK. For Register of Deeds-.. J. F. MOORE. For Treasurer J. W. ETCHISON. For Sorveyor M. C. UAMES. For Coroner W. D. FOSTER. For County Commissioners J M CAIN, C G BAILEY, B F STONESTREET. Mark our prediction, the Congress­ man from the Eighth D istrict will be a Republican. William Bryan will not be elected president, on November 3rd. P ut this in your pipe and smoke it,. Mr. Democrat. Read our ticket, which appears at the head of this column, and if you w ant good people to fill the various offices, vote the whole ticket on the 3rd day of November. We ask our subscribers to be len­ ient with us on account of the over­ abundance of advertising, and the scarcity of reading m atter. W e are trying to perfect arrangem ents to issue a larger paper. We have thought for a long time that the Nuisance and Corruptor, published at Raleigh by one Joseph- vs Daniels, of fried chicken fame, was the biggest lying sheet in the State, but the Lyington Dispatch, which hails from Lexington, is run­ ning the Corruptor a close race for that high honor. HOW ABOUT IT? Is the Mocksville Chair Co., pay­ ing the expense of running the county Democratic campaign? No dividend has been paid since 1906. The stockholders have a right to know. W hatis the m atter? Is it insolvent? A Stockholder. A MATTER OF CONSEQUENCE. The Observer will have to be ex­ cused from making w ar on Mr. J. ElwoodCox during the remaining weeks of tSis campaign; he is too good a man and too useful a citizen to w arrant it in trying to discredit him—athingit*couId not do, any­ how, in the eyes of those who know him. B utthis fact is being and ought to be brought to public atten­ tion: that if he were Governor he would have the appointment of the Stateboard of elections which ap points the county boards and they in turn the registrars. We have no doubt that Mr. Cox, if Governor, would appoint to the State board of elections men whom he thought hon- est and suitable, but a m ajority of them would of course be Republi­ cans and through them and their appointees in the counties the whole election machinery of- the State would be turned over to the Repub­ lican party. W edo not share the fear of some that this would result in the nullification of the constitu­ tional amendment, but it would not be a desirable condition and it should be obviated. Mr; Kitchin would ap­ point a Democratic board and thus the election machinery would remain as it should, in Democratic hands. This would be a sufficient reason if there were no other why he should be elected.—Charlotte Observer. The above article needs no com­ m ent at ou r hands._______ WHAT IS IT WORTH? “The Republicans have not said so, but you can take OUR WORD FOR IT th at they are depending on the anti-prohibition- vote in this county.—Moeksville Courier. Republicans are depending on Re­ publican votes to elect their ticket. The prohibition question was settled on the 26th day of May, and will go into effect Jan. 1st, 1909, and the Courier’s crowd told the people that it was a moral question, and parti- zan politics should not be taken into consideration. Then please tell us why the Courier, the great champ ion of prohibition, whose editor has been doing his best for the past few months to drink up all the surplus stock on hand before Jan. 1st, 1909, should be attem pting to drag the question in politics in this campaign? D oeshethink he can deceive and mislead the people of Davie county? Men who believe in temperance should practice w hat they preach. The editor of the C ourierhasfor the last two or three years placed tem ­ perance articles every week on its front page, b u t if you will scan the pages of the Courier since its editor has been doing doing his best to place all the surplus spirits inside his capacious maw, the temperance prohibition articles have disappeared from the columns of the Courier. No, Mr. Courier, you can’t deceive or mislead Davie county Republi­ cans. Ih e y a re o n to your racket, and will bury you out of sight on November the 3rd, as usual. We advise you to do yourself no harm , possess yourself in patience, for “whatsoever a m an soweth, th at shall he also reap.” The harvest is on, and Republicans will garner the votes on Nov. 3rd, as of yore. More anon. M. Howe's Great London Shows. This year the show has been en­ larged so as to rank w ith any tent­ ed organization ou the road. Thous­ ands of dollars have been spent in im proving every departm ent. Nb one who is not in touch w ith the great show can form any idea of the im m ensity of it. I t is a sm all city in itself, constantly on the move, but w ith all kinds of m echanical provisions for its ru n ­ ning. W ith the monster show are its own m inister, surgeon, barbers, blacksm iths, electricians and others In the culinary departm ent are employed fifteen cooks and thirty- six waiters, besides assistant cooks, m eat cutters and pastry cooks. A circus is a splendid object les­ son in system -perfect system . This is seen in th e unloading of the cars and in every detail of* the work. Every man is held respon­ sible for his particular duty. W hen Howe’s G reat London Show exhibits here its well-known coterie of funny fellows, as well as the large num ber of features which are not allowed to be clowned, will attract large crowds to the tents of this popular show. T hebigshow comes to Mocks- ville, on M onday, Oct. 5th. Big Forest Fires. Smoke from the extensive forest fires burning in w idely separated districts of the eastern portion of the U nited States and Southern Canada, has enshrouded the entire section beneath a m urky pail, so heavy in some places as to obscure the sun, and through a wide area to interfere seriously w ith trans­ portation and various occupations of every day life. The haze is not confined to the land, the smoke banks extending well off the coast and enfold the routes of coastwise and trans- A tlantic shipping to some extent. IVom the Canadian woods and the forests of M aine, down through the A dirondack region to th e Cats­ kills, and beyond to th e Pennsyl­ vania lum ber regions, fires are burning in the forest m ountain re­ gions. The firesb av ein some lo­ calities held up railroad transpor­ tation .—Exchange. Fine feathers don’t always m ake fine birds, but they make fine so fa pillows. FREE 1TO every reader of this paper who will call at our place of business during the Big FORSYTH COUNTY FAIR, OCT., 6-7-8-9, we will give a large handsome card of “OLD UNCLE NED” litho­ graphed in six colors, portray­ ing a typical Southern “Be- fo-de-war” darkey, the original of the familiar plantation melody. Come early. SuppSyLimited. CRIM - CANTRELL FURNI­ TURE COMPANY Winsson-SaIemy - - N. C. Next door to Kress 10 Cent Store. They are still charging two cents to carry a letter on the rural free delivery T here's not m uch in a name. They Take the Kink* out. “I have used Dr. King’s New Life Pills for many years, with increasing satisfaction. They take the kinks out of stsmach, liver or bowles, with­ out Iuss or friction.” , says V. H. Brown, of Pittsfield, .Vt Guarenteed satisfactory a t C. C. Sanford Sons CotSdrug store 25c. J . Elwood Cox hasn’t got a dol­ lar invested in a tru st. A clever, popular Candy Cold Cure Tablet-C alljA Preventices—is being dispensed by druggists everywhere. In a few hours.1, Preventicsare said to break any cold—completely, Ana Preventics, being so safe and tooth­ some, art- very fine for children No Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh aor sickning. Box 6f 48—25c. Sold by C. C. Sanford Sons Co. I t’s about tim e to p u t bells on M erry W idows. W ell Named. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and DiarrhoeaRem edy is well named. Forpains in the stomach, cram p colic and diarrhoea it has no epual. For sale by C. C. Sanford Sons Co. Don’t let your neighbor get a- head of you in boosting the town. For a' Sprained Ankle. A sprained ankle may be cured in about one-third the tim e usually re­ quired by applying Chamberlain’s Liniment freely, and giving it abso­ lute rest. For sale by C. C. Sanford Sons Co. D id the Dem ocrats select M r. V anderford to collect cam paign funds in N orth Carolina because he carried a railroad pass? A Paying Investment; Mr. John W hite, of 38 Highland Ave Boulton, Maine, says: ‘’Have been troubled wite a cough every winter and spring. Last winter I tried many advertised remedies, but the continu­ ed until I bought a 50c. bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery; before that was half gone, the cough was all gone. This winter the same happy result has followed; a few doses once more banished the annual cough. I am now convinced that Dr King’s New Discovery is the best of all cough and lung remedies;”. Sold under gurantee a t 0. C. Sons Co’s drug store. 50c. $1,00. Trial bottle free. The pennies falling into M r. B ryan’s tin cup are not m aking noise enough to m ake him either sm ile or w histle.—B altim ore S un. John H . Stegall, of W arren Plains, N . C ., a form er Democrat, says he has w ithdraw n from th at party for one big reason: because he w ants a governm ent of th e peo pie, for the people and by the people, and he says he is going to do all in bis pow er to elect th e Re publican ticket this fall. I t’s a pity when sick ones drug the stomach or stimulate the H eert and Kidneys. That is all wrong! A weak Stomach, means weak stomach nerves always. And this is also true of the HeartandKidneys. Thew eaknerves are instead crying out for help. This explains why Dr Shoop’s Restorative is promptly helping Stomach, H eart and Kidney ailments. The Restora­ tive reaches out for the actual, cause of these ailments—the failing “inside nerves:" Anvway test the” Restora­ tive 48 hours, It won’t cure so soon as th a t’ but you will surely know that help is coming. Sold by C. C. San­ ford Song Co. I t seems th a t M r. K itchin didn’t w ant any jo in t debate a t K ing’s M ountain so as to give him a chance to talk “ nigger” w ithout giving anybody else a chance to tell about M r. B ryan’s fried ehick en feast to the negroes of his home town.— Caucasian. HOW’S THIS? W e offer One H undred Jlollais rew ard for any case of C atarrh th at cannot be cured by H all’s Ca­ tarrh Cure. V. J . O HENEY & CO., Toledo,O. W e, the undersigned, have known F . J . Cheney for thel ast 15. yeais, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transac­ tions, and financially able to carry out any obligations m ade by his firm W a r d in g , K in n a n & M AitviNi W holesale D ruggists, Toledo, 0 . H all’s C atarrh Cure is taken in­ ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mncous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists, 75c. A T ravellingM an Receive* the Thanks of Every Passenger in the Car. “I m ust tell my experience on an E ast bound 0 . R. & N . R, R. train from PendIton to LeGrande, Ore., w ritesSam A. Garber, a well known travelling man. -‘I was in the smoking departm ent w ith some other travelling men when one of them w ent out into the coach and came back and said, ‘There is a woman sick unto, death in the car. I at once got up and w ent out, found her very ill w ith cram p colic, so bad, m fact, th at I was almost afraid to take the risk; her hands and arm s w ere draw n up so you could not straighten them , and with a death- Iike look on her face. Two or three ladies w ere w orking w ith her and giving her whiskey. I w ent to my suit case and got m y bottle of Cham berlain’s Colic, Cholera and D iarr­ hoea Remedy (I never travel w ith­ out ltI 1raiJ t° the w ater tank, put a double dose of the medicine in the glass, poured some w ater into it and stim d it w ith a pencil; then I had quite a tim e to get the ladies to let me give it to her. but I succeeded I could a t once see the effect and I worked w ith her, rubbing her hands, and in tw enty m inutes I gave her another dose. By this tim e we w ere almost into Le Grande, • where I was to leave the train. I gave the bottle to the husband to be used in case another dose should be needed but by the tim e tim e the train ran into 1« Grande she was all right and I received the thanks o f every Passenger in the car.” F or sale by C. C. Sanford Sons Co. " “ L et tis have the WrOrst. ” says the Brooklyn Eagle. T hat sounds like, though it isn’t, a declaration for B ryan.-rN ew Y ork T ribune. Ho w to g e t Strong. r £ £ Da^ i ° f 2S247 W’ Congress St, Chicago, tells of a way to Tiecome strong: Hesays:?' ‘!My mother, who is old and vervfeeble. is deriving so much benefit form Electric Bitters, Shi. « ^ ? y.duty t0 tel1 tWwho need a tonic and strengthing medicine about,it. In my mother’s case a m arkea gain in flesh has result- 1“soJnonia- has been overcome, and she is steadily growing stronger.’ Electric, B itters quickly remedjs stomach, li verrand kidney complaints. Sold uiide^ guarentee a t C, C, San- fords sons Co^ drug store. SOc. A rey Ijlairdw are Co. Fire Anns;Fishing Tackle, Cutlery, Etc. 123 South Main St. SALISBURY, N. C, ALL KINDS OF REPAIR WORK PROMPTLY EXECUTED. $1,000 w orth of V ictor records and machines in stock all the time. Ko­ daks and supplies. RIFLES. REMINGTON, 22, Single shot, W INCHESTER, 22, Single shot, “ 22, Repeater from $10 to “ 22, A utom ate, special price, “ Long range rifles, from $17.50 to Full line standard makes of shot guns, double barrel from $10 up. Single barrel from $4.50 up. Special order for high grade guns. Also complete line of Pistols and Ammunition of all kinds. The people of Davie county will receive special attention when they call onus, • AREY HARDWARE CO. 6.00 112.50 17,50 20.00 Lost! Lost I Lost! A B A R G A IN BY NOT BU tlSQ “THE BEST THING ON FOOT.” T he SH O E for men, women and children. To see and wear them is to like them . So come on. I am now ready to shoe yoa. A lso a nice line of Notions in Ia ll and W inter goods. Y ou know I alw ays sell for a short profit and give you top prices for your produce. Eggs in good dem and. Come to see th e old reliable ^nd yout, friend, f • J. L E E K U RFEES. UlGtfBMMfCB CAPITAL STOCK, $30,000.00. RALEIGH, N. C. CHARLOTTE, N. C. PuUen Building. Piedmont Ins. Bldf THESE SCHOOLS GIVE th e w orld's best in 'modern Business Education. Oldest Business College in N orth Carolina. Positions guaranteed, backed by a w ritten contract. No vacation. Individ­ ual insstruction. W eaIso teach Book-keeping, Shorthand, Pen* manship, by mail. Send fo r Home Study rates. W rite today for our Catalogue, Offers and High Endorsem ents. They are free. Address KING’S BUSINESS COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N . C., or CHARLOTTE, N. C T H E P E O P L E 'S N A T IO N A L BANK. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY, W in s to n -S a le m , - - - N. C. CAPITAL, $300,000.00. ASSETSAMlLUdNANDAHALF. Takes care of its customers wheo money is firm or easy, keeps every transaction confidential, allows inter* est a t 4 per cent, from date on Certificates of Deposit, has a Savings De* partm ent, loans money to you, or fo r you, and does everything a well con­ ducted up-to-date bank should do. L et us h are your business. Nobettef place. You can send your deports by mail. JOHN W . FRIES, P rendent WM. A. BLAIR, Vice-Pre*. and Cubie* m V. AVALiACE & WHOLESALE Dty Goods, Notions DROP US a tARD AND OUR SALESMAN WILL CALL SALISBURY, N. C. :■* V.. THE PA1 C FRANK SI TS c a la n d i - Cotton w as! m arket yester T. L. K elly! Twin-City. T -P - Foster! our w atch conl Hom-Johnail coal fo r $4.75,1 The little soj Route I, is vej J. H . Stew a| delightful sue A good w at cord office. R inglingB rl a t W inston Ocf A. T. G rant trip to Winstq Payyour sc ticket in our Miss Lalliel the delight of D r. Kimbr m gbtin theslj AU kinds i The 0 . C. Wa mee, M rs. Barre D urham , visij week. Go to the] your toilet kepi in a firsl I have mo v l building, w hf ed to serve ytf An unknov residence of J 4, W ednesdal away about r to the guilty! T A l I will Count] Iect tc Couil CIarI Fari Smi( Advl Forf Jeri Mo< Pleasel prom] Candil the iss W em J things t | is this: Do Noi Commen y o u r Heatf Parlor Sui| tu rg line. L treatm ent! to g iv e u s l a to ei e th e I ra prof] C o i Ik Storl and in fro our store j extends ■< Roi 422 ^ 'V* see and wear ready to shoe W inter goods, give yon top d. Come to see m odem Business irolina. Positions acation. Individ- Shorthand, Pen- W rite today for They are free. its customers wh dential, a ilo w s jn te r lit, has a S avin gs ^e- everything ®^*{Ltter r business. Nobetter THE DAVIE RECORD. C. FRANK STROUD - - Editor. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS. Cotton was 9:05 on the Charlotte market yesterday T. L. Kelly spent Thursday in the Twin-City. T. P. Foster has ticket No. 9 in our watch contest. Horn-Johnstone Cp., will sell lump coal for $4.75, delivered. The little son of R. L. W alker, on Route I, is very ill. J. H. Stew art is a t home from a delightful summer a t Saluda. A good watch for $3, a t The Re­ cord office. Ringling Bros.’ Show will exhibit at Winston Oct. 14th. A. r. Grant, Jr.. made a business trip to Winston last week. Payyour subscription and g et a ticket in our watch.contest. Miss Lallie King is a t home, to the delight of her many friends. Dr. Kimbrough spent Thursday night in the sleepy village of States­ ville. AU kinds school books on sale at The 0. C. Wall Co., N orth Coolee- mee, Mrs. B arrett Chaffin Holton, of Durham, visited in this city last week, Go to the Mocksville D rug Co., for your toilet articles, and anything kep? in a first class drug store. I have moved my shop to the W eant building, where I am better prepar­ ed to serve you than ever before. H. A. Howabd An unknown person entered the residence of Jonas Graves, on Route 4, Wednesday morning, and carried away about $30 in cash. N oclue as to the guilty party. | Kimbr?¥Sft and littleson f i t w i t 0TC,V “ this city Dyson, of Harmony, was in S t e H i S L an f a r tM for clR6 c^ ee- !Sc. Ib , keroseneNwM 15t- W. H. C artner, of Cleveland, R. I, was m tow n last week, and took a ticket in our watch contest. Brown will preach at / o , , P13 church Sunday afternoon a t 3 o clock. The public invited. L. C. Caldwell, a big Democratic gun, spoke m this citySaturday and rehashed the same old hash. For lack of space we cannot give the proceedings of the Democratic county convention in this issue. W e are putting in a line of dress goods. These goods are all new patterns. The 0 . C. W all Co. H enry Armsworthy had the mis­ fortune to g et his hand badly tom last week while running a planer a t the chair factory. O ur shoe stock is complete. You cannot afford to buy till you see our gaods. The 0 . C. Wall Co., Brick Store, N orth Cooleemee, Miss Swanna Rattz returned from Salisbury Saturday, where she has been a t the bedside of her brother- in-law, W . E. Hall, who is very ill. W e are m aking a specialty of Stationery and School Supplies. T ry Wt.. MockSYillft D rug Co. O ur Teddy pricked the Bryan bub­ ble, and the explosion sounded from the A tlantic to the Pacific, from the lakes on the N orth to the Gulf of Mexico on the South. Mr. Haskell will have to come down, Mr. Bryan. It rem inds us of the old saying, “ that fools rush in where angels fear to tread.” J. M. Campbell, who lived in the w estern p art of the county, died W ednesday, and was buried a t Soci­ ety church Thursday. Mrs. Gamp- bell was 33 years of age, and leaves a w ife and three children. He was a m em ber of the B aptistchurch and leaves many friends to m ourn his death. TAX NOTICE! I will meet the tax-payers of Davie County at the following places to col­ lect taxes for the year 1908: County Iiner Tliursday, Oct., 15th, 1908 Clarksville,- Friday, Farmington, Saturday, Advance, Saturday, Fork Church, Wednesday Jerusalem, Thursday, Mocksville, Saturday, it 16th, it 17th, r «21sk •<24th, r «28th, it 29th, it 31st, it it it it it it it Please meet me and pay your taxes promptly. The Legislative and County Candidates will be present and discuss the issues of the Campaign. J. L -SHEEK9 Sheriff, The Time is Coming PREPARE NOW. We mean th at Christm as is soon coming and you will need a lot of things to m ake your house iand home com fortable. O ur advise to you is this: - - - - - Do Not Wait Until You Have to Buy Everything At Once. Commence now to buy your Suit of Furniture, your Carpet or Rugs your Heating or Cooking Stoves, your Blankets or Quilts, Piano or Organ, Parlor Suit, Couches or Lounges, or anything you may need in the f urni­ ture line. Rem em berwe have the goods, the prices and the courteous treatment that will m akea lasting custom er out of any one who is willing to give us a trial. • . As to exclusive Bed Room Furniture, we m anufacture our own line and have the best made iii the South, hence we can save you all freights and extra profits, and give you a line of goods th at cannot be equalled m our city. Come to see us and be convinced, and rem em ber tne place, the large bnck store exactly in front of Brown’s W arehouse door, on Mam street, and in front of A. Daye’s store, on Liberty street. So you can come into our store either from Main or Liberty street, ju st as you like, as our store extends all Uie way through from Main to Liberty streets. Rominger & Blackburn Furnishing Company. 422 Main Sheet and 423 Uberty St, THOMPSON’S DRUG STORE. We give prompt and careful atten­ tion to mail orders. We carry the lar­ gest and most complete stock of Drugs, S Medicines, Toilet Articles, Cigars, Rub­ ber Goods and everything carried in a first-class drug store in the city. Special attention given to the fitting of Trusses. Private room. Thompson’s Drug Store. Winston-Salem, N. C. - FRESH CHEESElg “ PICKLES^ ‘ J W HITE FISH, ¥ MACKEREL, ELLIS FLOUR, CANNNED GOODS .... Cotton Seed Meal, hulls, Timothy hay O etc. Give me a trial.I g J . B. WHITLEY. NOTICE OF SALE. I herebyofferfor sale my livery outfit, horses, buggies, carriages, harness, all buggies comparatively new. Three two-horse wagons, new Disc harrow , mowing machine, rake, set of other farm tools, also new hay press ju st unloaded a t Cooleemee. Also 5000 feet forest pine lumber. In fact, all my. personal property, My stable and farm at Mocksville I offer for rent. W hat stuff isn’t sold before court, will be sold at auction Tuesday of th at week, Oct. 6, 1908. Will rent new cottage w ith stable if desired. Walter R. Clement, Mocksville, N. C The Mocksville Cafe is the place to g et your meals. Coffeeserved free w ith each meal. W. B. SUMMERSETT 108-110 W. Ennis St. SALISBURY, N. C. Three or five piece iron beds. Pricesfrom the cheapest to the highest, $2.50 to $60. Wrought iron beds, guaranteed to stand better than wood or other material. This is of course only one of our many values. W e keep everything to be found in a first class furniture store from a 45c. chair to the best suit of Furniture, For good M attings, Rugs and A rt Squares, we cannot be excelled, neither in quality or prices. When in town come and see us, w hether you w ant anything or not. Let’s get acquainted. If you will mention The Davie Record when trading with u», you will receive special attention. W. B. SUMMERSETT. PUBLIC SPEAKING Hon. J. Elwood Cox, Republican Candidate for Governor, and Hon. A. A. Whitener, Re­ publican Electoral Large, will address tbe vo­ ters of Davie County on the political issues of the day at the Court House in Mocksville, on Monday, OcL 5th, 1908, at I o’clock, p. m. : Let everybody come out and hear this bril­ liant orator. This Sept. 18th, 1908. C. G. BAILEY, Ch’m. A. T. GRANT, Jr., Sec. H. D. Poindexter, Winston-Salem, N. C. ' APPLER AND TURF OATS I j ust w ant to say to the Farm ­ ers, don’t lose sight of these two money crops for tall seed­ ing, and till the 1st of October don’t neglect sowing Crimson Ciover and R ye. I t w ill give your stock early spring graz­ ing, is a fine tonic for your cattle and w ill keep your land from washing and save you from buying high price ferti­ lizers in the spring. W e have a New line of Seeds—Red Clo­ ver, Bur, A lsike, W hite and A lfalfa Clover, O rchard, O at, K y Bine, Tim othy, H ungar­ ian and Fiscue seed. Clover is a little lower in price than last spring. W e also handle W arner Moore’s A nchorLim e. Y ou should use it liberally in the soil, it pays and is cheap­ er than any of the prepared Limes you buy, I will also have some new seed wheats a ' little later on and will do all I can to push the Farm er up the hill by selling the* best of all kinds of Seeds and Sw ift’s FER TILIZER , I w ant to im ­ press yon th at while I use the word Best a great many tinies, I have not got the word : p at­ ented and if I had I would loan it to the farm er to dis pose of his product raised from the Seeds I sold him . I sim ­ ply try to carry the Best of every thing I sell. My stock, my Fall Stock, is complete, it is w ith our prices sim ply a slight of hand performance for' us to sell yon. Vt e sell you B est Sheeting, Best Carpet W arp—Amos Green’s, Best Coffee, Bacon and L ard, and in Ship Stuffs, F lourand Meal our claim is ondless. In H ea­ vy Jeans we carry a line th at will make you think cf the old tim es in prices, and Feel proud winter is near at hand. A nd we have a stock of /Shoes to beat the band. The Best of everything in town And Cotton Bata th at weigh a jiound, A t H. D. POINDEXTER’S. I G. L s c o n I4 —----—----- J a Garries on hand a complete JT j f line of Groceries, Glassware, V Tobaccos, Cigars and Snuff. A Also a nice line of Notions; TC Boy’s Suits and Men’s 5 Pants, Sweaters and Woolen & Jackets. Complete line of A Men’s and Ladies’ Under- TC wear. A well assoated V - Iine of Q J Ladies’ Coats, j JiL H ighest price paid fo r § ” country produce. When in V town call and see me. A G. L SCOTT, 9 ^ N ear Depot. ? Our contest closes Nov. 5th. Do you want that pretty watch? Call at our office and get th at w atch, watch guard, cuff buttons, ring or sh irt waist set th a t we are saving for you. - Call at our office and see that gold watch we are going to give to one of our subscribers. . Subscribeor renew and get a tick­ et in our watch contest. The latest thing out in tiny gold- plated safety pins. They are cute, and the price is 5c. each. Some­ thing every one needs. Call at our office and see them . T h etick etth atg etsth e watch is worth $15 to the lucky fellow who gets it. Some one will get it. W e take pleasure in directing our readers' attention to the adver­ tisem ent appearing elsewhere in our colum nsof the Southern School of Telegraphy, located atN ew nan, Ga. There is a great and constant­ ly growing dem and for telegraph operaters, and we are glad to see this w orthy and weil-iecognized institution doing such creditable work in helping supply th at dem and. A ny young man wishing to learn a good profession should investigate the opportunities of­ fered in the telegraph field by w riting iat once for the School’s free, discriptive literature. Prices Drop. It’s on Staples This Time, Too. Such as the best qualities of Gingham s th a t have been selling for 12J and 15c. Large range of colors—stripes, plaids and solids— 10c. now. Cham brays come next—soft-fin- ishedtkind thatfsuits so well for dresses and boys w aists all 12Jc. quality—colors solids, blue, tan, pink and grey, stripes also. I t will wash, and price; here—10c. Then the Lawns in stripes and figures so suitable for tbe cool knock-about sum m er,dresses—gee! they are great—for the price we mean—you’ll think so too.. Some of them brought IOe., you can have them now for—well say 5Jc. More Lawns, some of them found in stripes, floral designs, dots and figures, worth 12Jc.—10c. price now. A n d h ere we jum p to bleached domestics and take ju st the best brands th at you know so well like “ B arker M ills,” “ F ru it of the Loom” and “ Androscroggin” th at you have been paying 12ie. for and probably more, and p u t it back to the old price, 10c. F ather George Sea Island, an unbleached domestic w ith an extito finish—7c. R egular 8e. value. Men’s Odd Suits. To be closed ont a t a consider­ able saving to yon. If you are needing one, better take tim e and see w hat we are offering. Odd Pants9 Too. J. T. BAITY. C U T PRICES Nice lawns from 5 to 12}s.|per yard. M ohaira from 37i to 45c. per yard. Shadowed Plaids from 18 to 20c. per yard. Bleach Domestic from 8 to 10c. per yard. F ru it of Loom bleach, 10c. per yard. Gingham s, 6 to IOc. per y ard . Domestic from 5 to 8c. per yard. Sea Island Domestic, 8 to 9c. per yard. Silk M ulls, 38c. per yard. Percale 10 to 12Jc, per yard, W aist goods from 10 to 22£c. per yard. P rints 6c. per yard. 42 inch Lawn, 10 to 12Jc. per yard. M en’s $1 hats for 85c. M en’s $1.25 hats for $1. M en’s $2.50 hats for $2.25. Ladies Em broideried Lawn S kirts a t 75c. to $1. Ladies Em broideried P ants 45c. . Nice line infant caps from 15 to 65c. W e have only m entioned a few things,N nt we have m ost any­ thing you may w ant th at is kept in a general store, and ask you to call and see us before you buy, for we w ill certainly save you money. YOURS TO PLEASE, J EY & MARTIN* r / * - .$ii M HOWE’S GREAT LONDON SHOWS! At /WOCKSVILl E S MONDAY, OCT. sth, 1908 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------. . . 1 m aintain theirT h . Show this year is Sigffer and Better and in a M ore Com m andingposUion than ever before to S v l e r .tending audrank. and to Amaze and DeUght T h d r Thousand, . f P . t n » _ MANY ENTIRELY NEW AND EXCLUSIVE FEATURES. $ ) i k A Few of the many features you will see: Marion Sheridan And Her Troupe Of Performing Lions. Prof. BucldeyjS Herd Of Performing Elephants Including DUCHESS, the Ikirgest Elephemt in the world. Rosedale, the Beautiful Ten Thousand Dollar Kentucky Horse JAKE, the Largest Gorilla Ever Exhibited in America. He is Five Feet Ten Inches in Height and W eighs 150 Pounds, has Tremendous Strength, M arvelous Agility and his Powerful Arms are a wonder to behold. A TRULY WONDERFUL DISPLAY OF TRAINED ANIMALS 400 People. 250 Horses and Ponies. 20 Funny Clowns PROF. WHEELER’S MILITARY BAND The Flower and Pick of Feature Perform ers from all nations, in a Program Extant, startling struggles and ludicrous revelries, carrying the spectators by storm and wildly applauded by all. Bring the Little Ones to see BABY ELEPHANTS, C A M E L S , LIONS, MONKEYS. I An endless Program of Startling Events. See the Free Street Parade, 2 Performances Daily-®* STARTING AT THE SHOW GROUNDS AT 10 A. M. 2 A fternoon at 2 o’clock.Night at 8 o’clock. The TRKnfl Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of - ' and has been made under his pcr. sonat supervision since its infancy, A11 n w n a nnAfhilnflAlrnvan t*> p y iim TwivM wnivv U9 InllCJ1f , , , ■ ------ Allow no one to deceive you in this] All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Jnst-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare­ goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. I t is Pleasant, ft ..QTitafnH neither Opium, Morphine nor other Kareotie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnS Flatulency. I t assimilates the. Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacear-The Mother’s Friend. GENUBNE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind Ton Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. T M C C E N T A U R O O M P A N V , T T M U R R A Y RTIItCfe N C W V O R R CIVY. PRICE UST OF WHISK1ESI Express Paid to your city. W e the only whiskey house that m anufactures our own whiskey. Send all orders to The CWksville Whiskey House. Old R. W. Jones com W hiskey 8 years Old_______ Old R. W. Jones com W hiskey 4 years old______ Old R. W . Jones com W hiskey 2 years old.. __ Com W hiskey by the half gallon, ___________ C om W hiskey 4 gal 2 years old,-------------------------- Com W hiskey 2 gal 2 years old,...________________ -.$3.5« .12.15 .$2.5« ...1,9! ..8.5« ...45« Com W hiskey 3 gal 2 years old,____________________________________6.60 PwrGd Three Feathers 4 qts ____....__________________________________$8.00 Rye W hiskey, old velvet 4 years old M ountain Rye 2 years o ld .....________ Kentucky Bell Rye 8 years old_____ Echo Spring Rye 8 years old._______ Silver Brook Rye. 6 years old ......... -4.00 „2.75 JM JM M ountain Spring Rye xxx 4 years old.. Log Cabin Rye 3 years old.—______ Mountain Spring Rye xx . _2.75 J.75 Excelsior Rye 2 years old _.______ ;__________________ 2.75 Golden Crown Rye 3 years old.-.: „——— .— .___ I* Professor Jones Rye....___ 2.50 Apple Brandy Home Made 8 years old . Baltim ore Apple Bandy 3 years old,___ Ginger Brandy...... ______________ ...4,50 Peach Brandy 10 years Old- Peach and Honey ____ -2.50 ...5.00 -2.00 .Barrel Goods. Cherry Wine...— — .________ Old Cherry 8 years o ld ____ P ort W ine :_________ Seuppernorig Wine..: C larret W ine.....___ Black .Berry W ine— ...$3.00 -...4.00 .50 2.50 -.2.25 .....2.25 P f s ’ A I f * ■-—V.-KS-i m wit Bottled Goods. French Brandy P er Q t _____— $3.50 " Rye Whiskey; Green River Rye 4 Q ts .......... Three Feather Rye 4 Qts Canadian Club 4 Qts... Old Prentice 4 Qts .....— . Mums Rye 4 Qts.. ...... Full Dress 4 Qts Four Aces 4 Qts Echo Springs 4 Qts M ark Rogers 4 Qts Jefferson Ciub 4 Qts Golden Rye 4 Qts Fitz Hugh Lee 4 Q ts.............. Blue Blood 4 Q ts............... M ontreal M alt Whiskey 4 Qts $5.00 ...8.00 ...5.00 ...5.00 -5.50 5.00 5.00 5 50 5.00 5.00 5.50 ...5.00 500 -5.00 Jameson Irish W hiskey 4 Qts. $5 00 Dewar’s Scotch ___ 5 00 „4.50 -4.50 Royal A rch 4 Qts——..... Roohey’s M alt 4 Q ts........ Duffy’s M alt 4 Qts------------------ Duffy ’s M alt by the case.—.......-12.0« American M alt 4 Qts-------------- Casey M alt. :......... -4*® Rose Valley Rye 4 Qts------------k-® Glenn Lilly Rye 4 Qts--------------4*00 Old Velvet 4 Qts_____________-4'00 G. P. R. 4 Qts— ---------- Silus Dean 4 Q ts. Old H enry 4 Qts._ -4.00 Bottled Wine. V irginia D are 4 Qts.-------------- St. Hstephe 4 Qts.— :__________3.50 St. Julean 4 Qts............................-3*® V irginia C larret 4 Qts.................-3.50 Em penal Sherry Wme 8 yrs 4 Qts 5.00 Domestic 4 Qts.................— Alcohol best grade I qt....... Minnehaha 4 Q ts:_________ Pocahontas 4 Qts .............. Em penal Black Berry 4 Qts, Scuppem ong 4 Qts................ P ort 4 Qts Black Brandy 4 Qts............... E xtra D ry Mumms 4 Qts 3.50 -2.00 -3.50 -4.50 „..3.50 3.50 -3.25 -5.00 „16.00 Take my advice and buy Home-made Copper-Distilled Corn WhhatJ made by us in the old fashion way. We are one of the few thd make our own Corn Whiskey, so you get it direct from the StiIL AU orders must be accompanied by Cashier’s Check, Postoffiti Money Order, or Express Money Order. No individualcheckstakti unless known by the firm, as we know no one, and no one knows m* No stamps taken for Whiskey. No goods sent C. 0. D. REFERENCE: First State Bank and Planters of Clarksville, Va., First Natinnal Bank, Oxford, N. C. Send all orders to The CLARKSVILLE WHISKEY HOUSE Clarksville, Va. . P. S. AU WhLkeys Delivered Express Prepaid in plain boxes if desired* Y o l X . A STAG( I t would D em ocratic pi] has received setback in reply to M r. connection the S tandard] the absence of call a dem urer! gard th e P ie sf com plete. Tol lighted in ttaj B ryan’s challj m eets of this certing; to ReJ sure to bring case stands— v m itigating pears, as F orai are of the S tal tion. T he eas| Dem ocratic publican. Ha nor of his Statj K itteem an for of the national] th e chairm an 1 m ittee of the Foraker, ou repudiated, ■ his party, witij tial candidate [ ing to do and ■ the platform only on persual She PresitietT unfairness, Ca? the respousibi] one w ith an believe th a t M gard H a sk e ll; rect man. otherwise shoe against him orl ty, but the put tails, looks at today’s judgm l count of one it gainst and we ] a great party hours before, ing prospets,- Sept. 24th THE HASKEI W hatever Haskell ma., gainst P residei Iy supported enough th a t ht{ public a disere his conspicnol the D em ocratil ed a great A part from tl circum stantial I in its cum uli overwhelm ing! demeanors in < likewise, from ] under cover Ugfent in his n\ H askell has a I ports exceedit sition in th e fj eratic party, hers him as ot ible yonng pro £ At