Jan - JunDA V I E CO U N T Y EN T E R P R I S E RE C O R D , Ja n . 6, 2 0 0 0 ■0 <3 o 4 Ru t h Fa r m e r An d e r s V Ru t h Fa n n e r An d e r s . 93 . of In d e pe n d e n c e . Va . . die d We d n e s d a y , De c . 29 . 19 9 9 at Tw i n Co u n t y Re g i o n a l Ho s p i t a l , Ga l a x , Va . Sh e wa s pr e c e d e d in de a t h by he r hu s b a n d . Jo h n C. An d e r s an d a so n . Jo e An d e r s . Sh e wa s bo r n on Ma y 26 , 1 9 0 6 in In d e p e n d e n c e to He n r y an d Id a Ph i p p s Fa r m e r . Su r v i v o r s : a da u g h t e r an d so n - i n - la w , Ag n e s an d Ja m e s We l s h of Ga l a x . Va . : a so n an d da u g h t e r - i n - la w , Sc o t t an d Na n c y An d e r s of Be r mu d a Ru n ; 4 gr a n d c h i l d r e n ; 3 si s te r s - i n - l a w ; an d se v e r a l ni e c e s an d ne p h e w s . Fu n e r a l se r v i c e s we r e co n d u c t e d Fr i d a y at 1 i a. m . in Pl e a s a n t Gr o v e Ba p t i s t Ch u r c h , In d e p e n d e n c e , wi t h bu r i a l in th e ch u r c h ce m e t e r y . Ja m e s W. Ba r n h a r d t y Mr . Ja m e s Wil l i a m Ba m h a r d t , 77 , of th e Sm i t h Gr o v e co m m u n i t y , die d ea r l y Tu e s d a y mo r n i n g , De c . 28 . 19 9 9 in th e V. A . Me d i c a l Ce n t e r in As h c v i l l e af t e r be i n g in de c l i n i n g he a l t h fo r th e pa s t ye a r . Fu n e r a l se r v i c e s we r e at 2 p. m . Th u r s d a y , De c . 30 in Ea t o n Fu n e r a l Ch a p e l wi t h Dr . Ro b e r t Mc L a w h o r i i of T i c i a t i n g . Bu r i a l wa s in th e Sm i t h Gr o v e Un i t e d Me t h o d i s t Ch u r c h Ce m e t e r y . Th e fa m i l y re q u e s t s me m o r i a l s be co n s i d e r e d fo r th e Hu t Fu n d of Sm i t h Gr o v e Un i t e d Me t h o d i s t Ch u r c h , 34 9 2 U. S . 15 8 E. , Mo c k s v i l l e . Mr . Ba m h a r d t wa s bo m in Da v i e Co u n t y Ju n e 28 , 1 1 9 2 2 to th e la t e J. C . an d Be s s i e He n d r i x Ba m h a r d t an d wa s a re t i r e d da i r y an d be e f fa r m e r . He wa s an ac t i v e me m b e r of th e Sm i t h Gr o v e Un i t e d Me t h o d i s t Ch u r c h an d ch a r t e r me m b e r of th e Sm i t h Gr o v e Ru r i t a n wit h 30 ye a r s of pe r f e c t at t e n d a n c e . He wa s a ve t e r a n of th e U.S . Air Fo r c e , a li f e ti m e me m b e r of th e VF W an d a Pu r p l e He a r t re cip i e n t . He wa s pr e c e d e d in de a t h by a br o t h e r , Ch a r l i e Ba m h a r d t , an d by fo u r sis t e r s , An n i e Fo s t e r , Ge n e v a Sh e e t s , Ma r i e Jo n e s an d Ma b l e Al l e n . Su r v i v i n g : hi s wif e of S3 ye a r s , Ka t h l e e n Be c k Ba r n h a r d t of th e ho m e ; a so n , La r r y Ba r n h a r d t ; a gr a n d s o n ; 2 si s t e r s , Wil m a Sm i t h of Cu l l o w h c e , an d Pa u l i n e Sh a n k s of Ad v a n c e ; a si s t e r - i n - l a w , Ke m p Ba r n h a r d t of Ad v a n c e ; an d se v e r a l nie c e s an d ne p h e w s . . Ma g g i e Ca r t e r Bi n k l e y J Mr s . Ma g g i e Ca r t e r Bi n k l e y . 93 , of Ha r m o n y , die d Su n d a y . Ja n . 2. 20 0 0 at Ya d k i n Nu r s i n g Ce n t e r , Ya d - ki n v i l l e . Bo m Ap r i l 8. 19 0 6 , sh e wa s th e da u g h t e r of th e la t e Ji m D. an d Lo u i s a Sw a i m Ca r t e r . Sh e wa s a ho m e m a k e r an d me i t i b e r of Ho l l y Sp r i n g s Ba p t i s t Ch u r c h . Sh e wa s pr e ce d e d in de a t h by he r pa r e n t s ; he r hu s b a n d , De w e y TX i l b e r t Bi n k l e y ; a so n , Cl a u d e Dw i g h t Bi n k l e y ; a da u g h t e r , Ge r t r u d e B. Mc L e a n ; a br o t h e r , Cl a u d e Ca r t e r ; an d si s t e r s . Na n n i e - Y a t e s , OI l i e Mo x i e y , an d Cl y d e Ha l l . Sh e is su r v i v e d by a so n , J. Gil m e r Bi n k l e y an d wi f e Ha r r i e t of Cl e m m o n s ; 4 gr a n d c h i l d r e n ; 4 gr e a t gr a n d c h i l d r e n . Fu n e r a l se r v i c e s we r e co n d u c t e d at 11 a. m . Tu e s d a y , Ja n . 4, at Re a v i s Fu n e r a l Ho m e Ch a p e l of Ha r m o n y by th e Re v . Bo b b y He n d e r s o n . Bu r i a l wa s in Ho l l y Sp r i n g s Ba p t i s t Ch u r c h Ce m e t e r y . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Jan. 6.2000 / 0 Carolyn Joan Blakley Mrs. Carolyn Joan Long Blakley,- 58 of Winston-Salem, died Tuesday, Dec. 28, 1999 at Forsyth Medical Center in Winston-Salem,. Mrs. Blakley was bom March 28, 1941 in Davie County to the late Connie Mack Long and Louise Smoot Long of Mocksville. She spent her life tending to her famiiy and was a member of Elbavitle United Methodist Church in Advance, where she taught children's Sunday school class for many years and was assistant teacher for adult Sunday school classes. Mrs. Blakley was president of the Meth odist Women Society. In addition to her mother, she is survived by; her husband of 33 years, Kenneth Blakley of the home; a son Christopher Shawn Blakley of the home; 2 brothers Douglas Long and Joe Long, both of Mocksville; and a sister, Betty Long Hardy of Virginia. Funeral services were held Thurs day, Dec, 30, at 11 a.m. at Elbaville United Methodist Church with the Revs. Jack Wailace Jr. and Jack Johnson officiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Memorials may be made to Elbaville United Methodist Church Building Fund, c/o Connie Single ton, 2927 N.C. 801 S., Advance. 27006 / Dorothy Louise Bouldin • Dorothy Louise Bouldin, 63, of Deadmon Road, Mocksville, died at her home on Thursday, Dec. 30,1999; Ms. Bouldin was bom June 13; 1936, in Lee County, to the late Baxt^ Malone and the late Betsy Pooid Malone. She is survived by; 3 sons, Jen^ Bouldin of Lexington, James Bouldhi of Rockwell, and Ronnie Jordan of Sanford; 3 daughters, Pat Garcia of Cooleemee. Sara Kimbell of China Grove, and Kathryn Jordan of Sanfordi 3 sisters, Judy Bouldin of Gold Hijli Annie Fauldin of Sanford, Mary Lge Nail of Sanford; 2 brothers, Jamgs MaloneofSanford, Woodrow Malogc of Lexington; and six grandchildmrt.- A memorial service was held Siig- day, Jan. 2,2000 at 2 p.m. at the Davte Funeral Service Chapei with Robert Creason olTiciaiing. '■ B. Jason Branch 3 B. Jason Branch, 95, of 211 Maple Ave., Mocksville.'died Tues day, Dec, 28, 1999 at Sportanburg (S.C.) Regional Medical Center af ter a short illness. Born March J8, 1904 in Morganton, he was the son of the late Balbus and Nannie Morrison Branch. He was an eider of First Presbyterian Church in Mocksville. He was formerly associated with Drexel Furniture Company in Morganton and was retired from the Heritage Furniture Company, where he was a superintendent of the Mocksville plant and Bernhardt In dustries in Lenior. He was on the board of directors of the Branch Banking and Trust Co., formerly Bank of Davie, and Henredon Furniture Company. Survivors include: his daughter, Viiginia Wilson of Spartanburg; a brother, Onesimus Branch, and a sis ter, Maude Walker, both of Morganton; 6 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; and a son-in- law, Linwood Penny of Raleigh, He was preceded in death by his wife, Vema WarlicKjBranch, and his daughter, Aileen Penny. Graveside services were held at 2 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 30 at Forest Hill Cemetery in Morganton, con ducted by a grandson. Dr. Richard Wilson. Memorials may be made to First Presbyterian Church, S. Main St., Mocksville. nnf Dayie County Public Libraiy MocksWiJe, HG ^>0 'S Cr~ Q o C) 0 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Jan. 6,2000 NS Stella Shoffner Cheek Mrs. Siella Shoffner Cheek. 85. of Jonesville, died Dec. 28, 1999 at Wake Forest University Medicai Center in Winston-Salem. She was bom in Yadkin County on Dec. 6, l9l4to Marvin and Emma Southard Shoffner. She was a home- maker and a member of Mineral Springs Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Paul C. Cheek on Oct. 4, 1987, her parents, 3 brothers, Wil son. Troy Hubert Shoffner, a sister Mary Shoffner. and a daughter-in- law, Mrs. Mynle Maccmore Cheek. Survivors include: 3 sons, Bobby C. Check. John W. (Jay) & Nancy Cheek, and Ken & Carol Cheek, all of Jonesville; 2 sisters, Samantha Gray of Hamplonville. and Barbara Ann Powell of Mocksville; 4 broth ers, Richard Shoffner, James Shoffner, Bill Shoffner, all of Mocks ville. and Jerry Shoffner of Siates- ville; 7 grandchildren; 13 great grandchildren; a great-grcal-grand- daughter; and a sister-in-law. Manic Shoffner of Mocksville. Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 30, 1999 at Mineral Springs Baptist Church with the Revs. Ed Yarbrough and L.E. Myers officiating. Burial was at Swan Creek Baptist Church Cemetery. , Jimmy Arthur Cox / Mr. Jimmy Arthur Cox, 51, of Clemmons died Sunday, Jan. Z 2000. at the Forsylh Medical Center. He was born Aug. 19, 1948 in Jonesville to R. A. and Lois Day Cox, Mr. Cox was a graduate of Jonesville High School and a manufacturer en gineer with Seimens-Wcslinghouse Co. He was active in the Clemmons Rotary Club and Elkin Jaycees where he was a recipient of the DistinT guished Service Award. Mr. Cox was a member of the Winston-Salcni Scottish Rite Bodies and Elkin Ma sonic Lodge 454 A.F. & A.M. Surviving: his wife, of the home, Joyce Wilson-Cox; his parents of Jonesville; a daughter and son-in- law, Sherry and Max Angell of Mocksville; a grandson; a brother and sister-in-law, Michael andTreva Cox of Charlotte; and 2 nieces. A funeral service wwas held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 5 in Friedberg Moravian Church by Rev. G. Tho; mas Shelton and the Rev. Tripp May. Burial followed in the church grave yard wiih Masonic Rites. Sidney Thomas Garner Mr. Sidney Thomas Gamer. 84. / of John Crotts Road. Mocksville, died Thursday, Dec. 30, 1999 at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. Funeral services were Saturday, Jan. I, 2000 at II a.m. at Bethel United Methodist Church with Dr. S.B. Warner, and the Revs. Ardis Payne and Don Sigmon officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery. Tlic family requests memorials be considered for Bethel United Meth odist Church, 675 N. Main St., Mocksville. Mr. Gamer was bom Nov. 21, 1915 in Randolph County to the late Thomas Alvin and Rose Mceks Gar ner and was a foster child of the James H. Carroll family of Reidsville. He was retired from VA Medical Center in Salisbury and was a member of Bethel United Method ist Church. He was a Sunday School teacher for over 40 years and former Sunday School Superintendent. He was recently elected a life time "hon orary trustee" for the church. Survivors: 3 daughters, Rosemary Gamer of Mocksville. Pat Garrett and husband Ron of Clemmons. and Carroll Kisner and husband. Bill of Hickory; a son. Thomas Gamer of the home; 3 grandchildren; 5 step- grandchildren; several great-grand- children; caregivers. Pam Hardy, Lisa and Betty Riddle; and special friend. Jan Angus. 'V r-, % ' n O 0 0 •V vs V o V &— Q S4 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Jan. 6,2000 •Addie-Walker Hendricks Mrs. Addie Walker Hendricks, 94. if Wilkesboro St.. Mocksville. died ilonday. Dee. 27.1999 at her home. Funeral serviees were Wednesday. }ec. 29 at II a.m. at First United Methodist Church with the Rev. ChariesM.TiifneTJr.oniciaiing. Burial was in Rose Cemetery. Mrs. Hendricks was born Dec. 22. 905 in Davie County to the late C.C. and Minnie Riddle Walker. She and ler husband were co-owners and op erators of Mocksville Cash Store for 40 years. She was also a charter mem- jer of the Mocksville Woman's Club. She was the oldest living member of First United Methodist t^iuich. a charter member of United Methodist Women andthereeipientofthe special membership award. She was preceded in death by her husband. George R. Hendricks. in i981. Survivorsinelude: adaughter, Chris tine H. Woodruff an dhusbandCharles Sr. of Mocksville; granddaughter Gina W. Boutwell and husband Raymond of Louisburg; grandson CharlieWoodroff Jr.ofSummcrfield: great-granddaugh ter. Molly Hendricks Boutwell; and special friends. Ruth and Joe Smith. D®^ie County Public Ubraiy Moci<svjlle, NC 'Jessie Misenheimer Jessie Alline Beck Misenheimer. *52. of Lexington, died Wednesday. J)ec. 29.1999. at Wake Forest Univer sity Baptist Medical CenteraOerabtief Jllness. * Funcral$eivieeswereheldat2p.ro. Zlan. I. at Davidson Funeral Home JChapei by the Revs. Chris Bitterman 2uid Biily Sloop. Burial followed in Floyd Baptist Church Cemetery. ! She was the sister of Mary Frances jChaflin of Mocksville. Virginia G. Robertson y Mrs. Virginia Cray Robertson. 75. of Madison, died Saturday. Jan I. 2000 at Moses Cone Hospital Hos pice Unit. She was bom April 21. 1924. the daughter of Leach and Hattie Gray. She was a member of Madison Pres byterian Church, having served as a deacon. She was also a member of the Order of Eastern Star. Chapter 202 of Stokesdale. the Madison Ser vice League, and was president of Sow N' Hope Garden Club. She was a former member of the Lions and American Legion Auxiliary. Mrs. Robertson was a graduate of the former City Memorial Hospital in Winston-Saiem and a member of the Nurse Cadet Corps during World War II. She was retired from Wesley Long Community Hospital after many years on medical and surgical floors. She was also a volunteer with Hospice of Rockingham County. Meals on Wheels, and the Blood Mobile. Surviving: 3 daughters. Judy Fussell and husband Jim of CIcmmons. Donna Williams and husband Charles of Mocksville. and Beth Berry and husband Gary of Pine Hall; 2 sons. Tommy Robertson and wife Sandy and Steve Robertson and wife Irene of Madison; 2 brothers. Lawrence Gray and wi fe Barbara and Ralph Gray and wife Margaret of Greensboro; and 10 grandchildren. Funeral services were at 11 a.m. Monday. Jan. 3. at Madison Presby terian Church. Burial was in Wood land Cemetery. y ■Paul James Potts Paul James Potts. 67. of Duke Whi- taker Road. Mocksville. died Wednes day ahemoon, Dec. 29. 1999. from injuries sustained in an automobile aceidenL Bom in Davidson County Aug. 20. 1932. to the late James Vestal and Lethia Bundy Potts, she was retired from Baker Fuminire Company. He was a member of Heaven Bound Full Gospel Church. He enjoyed all types of gardening and listening to gospel and bluegrass music. He enjoyed reading his Bible and spending time with his family.' He was preceded in death by a daughter. Karen Potts; a son. Terry Potts; 2 grandsons; a sister. Marietta Potts; 2 brothers. Eaiiie Potts and Herman Potts. Surviving are his wife of 47 years. GlaniaTayePottsofthehome;3daugh- ters. Kay Gatza and husband Loy. Kathy Roberts and husband Donny and Dora Hill and husband Mitch, all ofMocksville; 5 sons. JamesPotts and wife Carol. Jeff Potts and wife Zana. Bobby Potts. Michael Potts and wife Wisha. all of Mocksville, and Dale Pous and wife Sherr) of Linwood; 23 grandchildren; 5 greui grandchildren; 2 sisters. Lucille Sain of Mocksville and Liliie Mae Gaither of Winston- Salem; a brother. Vestal Potts; and several nieces and nephews. \ Funeral services were conducted at 2 p.m. Jan. 1. at Eauin Funeral HomeChapel. Burial folbwed in Bear Creek Baptist Church Cemetery. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Jan. 6.2000 0 o NS ,"U W. Howard Reeves y William Howanl Reeves. 79, of ... 1629 Sheffield Road. Honnony. died Friday. Dec. 31. l999,acAulumnCare of .Mocksville after a period of declin ing health. Bom Aug. 16. 1920. in Davie County to the late Willie I., and Cecil Blanche Keller Reeves, lie was a re tired carpenter and builder. He was'a member of New Union United Meth odist Church. He was a World War II veteran, serving in the U >. Army. He was preceded in death by 3 brothers. Homer Ray Reeves. Horace Reeves and Hoyle Reeves. Surviving are his wife. Lizzie Beck Reeves, whom he married Dec. 14. 1940. of the home; a daughter. Phyllis Williams and husband Kenny of Tumersburg; 2 sons, Eugene Reeves and wife Ritz of Augusta. Ca. and Bill Reeves and wife Brendaof High Point; 4 brothers. Harvey Reeves of States- ville. Hubert Reeves and John Henry Reeves, both of Harmony, and Harold ReevesofMocksville: 3 sisters. Lucille Vemon of High Point. Anna Wright of Hiddenite and Helen Reeves of Har mony; 6 grandchildren; and 4 great grandchildren. Funeral .services were held at 3 p.m. Jan. 2. at New Union United Methodist Church by the Revs. Carcn Morgan. Wade Wright and Mclvin Becker. Burial followed in the church cem etery. Memorials may be mode to New Union United Methodist Church Cem etery Fund. 1436 Sheffield Road. Mocksville. N.C. 2702.S or to Hospice ofWinslon-Salcm. Sally Bet Ryan y Mrs. Sally Bet Rcnegar Ryan. 86. of Sandy Springs Road. Harmony, died Thursday. Dec. 30. 1999 at tredell .Memorial Hospital following an c.stended illness. Bom in Iredell County, March 21. 1913 a daughter of the late John A. and Lula Bell Cook Renegur. Mrs. Ryan was a graduate of Harmony High School and Saint Joseph Hos pital School of Nursing. Prior to her retirement, she was employed by Forsyth Memorial Hospital in Win- slon-Salem. She was married to Clayton Ryan who died in 1942. In addition to her husband and parents, she was pre ceded in death by three brothers. Milford Rcnegar. John Ray Rcnegar. and Hubert Rencgar. and by four sis ters. .Alta Renegar. Etta R. Johnson. Era R. Holmes, and Ila Mae R. Abbott. Survivors; a sister. Cloyce Rcnegar Bullard of Harmony; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were conducted at 2:30 p.m. Sunday. Jan. 2.2000 at Sandy Springs Baptist Church. The Revs. David Kiscrand Howard Wag oner officiated. Burial followed in the church cemetery. She was a life long member of Sandy Springs Baptist Church. James Sanford Sizemore >/ Mr. James Sanford Sizemore. 69. of Junction Road. Mocksville. died Wednesday. Dec. 29.1999 at Forsyth Medical Center. Funeral services were Friday. Dee. 31 at 2 p.m. in Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Revs. Joel Boyles and Chris Williams officiating. Burial was at Hardison United Meth odist Church Cemetery. .Mr. Sizemore was bom Dec. 17, 1930 in Yadkin County to the late Samuel Jones and Eula Collins Sizemore. He was a self-employed carpenter. He was preceded in death by his wife. Julia Peacock Sizemore in 1972. Survivors include: a son. Michael Sizemore of Cooleemee: a daughter. Judy Miller and husband. Michael of Mocksville; 2 grandchildren; a great grandchild; and 3 brothers. William Sizemore and Phillip Sizemore of Boonville. and Claude Sizemore of Elkin. Maggie Howard Taylor J .Vlaggie Howard Taylor. 89. of Lexington, died Dec. 31. 1999 at Lexington Health Care Center. Mrs. Tay lor was bom on Sept. 17. 1919 in Davie County to John Rob ert and Amelia Boger Howard and was a member of Center Hill Bap tist Church. She was a homemakcr and worked at the American Children's Home. / Alline Rummage York Mrs. Alline Rummage York. 81. of Lexington, died Friday. Dec. 31. 1999 in Wake Forest University/Bap tist Medical Center, following a pe riod of illness. She was bom June 13. 1913 in Davie County to Baxter Franklin Rummage and Notie Beaton Rum mage. A homemakcr. she was pre- ■ceded in death by her husband. John Ervin York, on Nov. 1. 1975; a daughter. Betty Jean York; a brother, Baxter Rummage; and 2 sisters. Ila Michael and Lucille Kirkus. She's survived by; a son. Barry TYork, oFGrovcr; 2'daughlers. Pat' ^horc of Cooleemee and Gaynell foster of Sherrills Ford; eight grand- ]:hildrcn; IOgreat-grandchildrcn;and SI sister. Frankie .Michael of Lexing- lon. Funeral services were at 2 p.m.^tonday. Jan. 3 at Friendship United Methodist Church by the Revs. Slandy Lucas and Clyde Akers. burial followed in Friendship Unitedivfcthodist Church Cemetery. Davie County Public libraryMocksville, NC c- Oavle County Public Library Mocksyjils, NC 0 0 fo - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Jan. 13,2000 Flossie Mae Austin j Flossie Mae B. Austin of Deltona,- Ra. died Jan. S, 2000. Bora in Mocksville May 6,1931, she matiied Henry Lee Austin IL Dur ing her life, she worked and cared for children, designed noraiaiTangeiitenis and worked in textiles. She had wor shipped at New Jerusalem Holiness Church in Mocksville, Macedonia Baptist Church inFarRockaway, N.Y. and Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Lake Helen, Ra. She raiscdOchildren, Elaine, Henry. Judy. SatuJra, Yvonne and Patsy. She also has 4 adopted children. Brenda. Lisa. Steven and Robert Patterson. Surviving, in addition, are 12 grand children; 16 great grandchildren; 3 adopted grandchildren; and a host of nieces, nephews and cousins. Her funeral was conducted at 11 a.m. Jan. 8. at New Missionary Baptist Church by the Rev. Wilbura Hatpe. Roy Charlie Beauchamp Mr. Roy Charlie Beauchamp Jr.. 70. of 463 Juney Beauchamp Road, Advance, died Friday, Jan. 7. 2000 at Wake Forest University/Baptist Medical Center. He was born in Davie County to Roy Charlie and Anna Rights Beauchamp Sr. He was a retired dairy farmer. He was a member of Redland Pentecostal Holiness Church. Surviving are: 4 daughters, Carolyn Bright and husband Robert, Cathy Bright and husband William, Elizabeth Beauchamp, and Patricia Beauchamp, and a son. Dean Beauchamp, all of Advance; S grand children; 3 great-grandchildren; and 4 sisters, Elsie Whitaker, LaVerne Hicks, Sue Ellis, and Gray Pardue, all ofAdtunce. Funeral services were held Sun-. day at 3 p.m. at Redland Pentecostal Holiness Church by the Revs. Joel Boyles and Rev. Don Sigmon. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Laura Plott Beck Mrs. Laura Plott Beck. 84, for merly of Becktown Road, Mocks ville, died early Thursday morning, Jan. 6,2000 at Davie Village, where she had been a resident for the past eight years. A graveside service was held at 2 p.m. Saturday. Jan. 8 in Jerusalem Baptist Chuich Cemetery with the Rev. Jimmy Lancaster ofllciating. ' Mrs. Beck was born in Davie County, June 26, I91S to the late John C. and Lula Wood Plott and was a homemaker and caregiver. She en joyed working with flowers and had kept children in her home. She was a member of Bethlehem United Methodist Church. Mrs. Beck was preceded in death by a brother, Wilmer Plott and by two sisters, Margaret Bowles and Vir ginia PlotL Her husband, Clyde C. Beck preceded her in death Sept. 12, 1981. .<b Dane County Public UbraiyMocksville, NC c o DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Jan. 13.2000 o h i 4- y Marian Henderson Blunk Mrs. Marian Henderson Sears Blunk. 67, of Advance, died Sunday, Jan. 9.2000 at (he Hospice Home in Winslon-Salem. Mrs. Blunk was retired from her 20 year career as a publicist for nu merous organizations including The Winston-Salem Arts Council, The March of Dimes, and several smalt businesses. Previous to that, Mrs. Blunk concentrated on her first, most important and loved career as a homemaker, wife, and mother. Mrs. Blunk was bom Feb. 13. 1932. and was raised in Lamed. Kan. She was an active member of Epis copal Churches in Canon City, Colo.; Aurora. Colo.; Decatur, Ga.; Southfield. Mich.; and Wnston-Sa- lem. She was also a member of Church Women United in Michigan and North Carolina. Mrs. Blunk's greatest joys in life were her family and her friends. She also enjoyed gardening and home decorating. She is survived by: her husband. . Jack E. Blunk of the home; daugh ters. Pamela Buchanan and husband. Scot of Winston-Salem, Pegi Pike and husband. Bob of Gemmons. and Patricia Berkman of Hackettstown, N J.; sons, Michael H. Sears and wife Lisa of Pfafftown, John E. Blunk and wife Annie of Chapel Hill, and Tom R. Blunk and wife Sola of Ashland. Ky.; her sister, Lora Dale Cleveland and husband. Bob of Gold Canyon, Ariz.; by 11 grandchildren; and by 14 nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by brothers, Frank L. Henderson Jr. and Albert Henderson and her sister, A. Lea Mather. A memorial service and reception to follow will be held in her honor at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 15 at Park way United Church of Christ in Win ston-Salem. The Revs. John R. Campbell and Dr. Thomas W. Mann will ofTiciate. Memorial gifts may be made to Hospice of Winston-Salem/Forsyth County, Inc. at 1100-C S. Stratford Rd., Winston-Salem, 27103. Nannie Jordan Booe J Mrs. Nannie Jordan Btxie, 92, of Fostall Drive, Mocksville, died early Sunday morning, Jan. 9,2000 at Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Win ston-Salem. A funeral service was held at 11 a.m. Wednesday in Eaton Funeral Chapel, with the Revs. Jack Johnson and Cecil Wetherholt officiating. Burial was in Bear Creek Baptist Church Cemetery. The family requests memorials be considered for Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home, 11(X)-C. S. Stratford Rd., Winston-Salem,27l03 or the Cemetery Fund of Bear Creek Bap tist Church, c/o Jerry Hanes, Bear Creek Church Rd., Mocksville. Mrs. Booe was born in Davie County on Nov. 12,1907 to the late Valentine and-Martha Beck Jordan and bad been a homemaker and farmer. She had been an active mem ber ofBearCreek Baptist Church for over 70 years. She was preceded in death by her husband. Jack Booe, in 1974; a son, Billy Booe; a granddaughter; a great- grandson; a brother, William "Bud" Jordan; and 4 sisters, Lizzie Cranfill, Orpha O'Neal, Mattie O'Neal,' and Annie "Jim" Reavis. Surviving are: 2 sons, Vemon Booe and wife Ruth of Mocksville, and Lewis Booe and wife Bonnie of Winston-Salem; 4 daughters, Pearlene Reavis, Nancy Bailey, Wilma Cole, and Margaret Allison and husband Ray, all of Mocksville; 21 grandchildren; 24 great-grand- children; 9 great-great-grandchil dren; a sister-in-law, Eva Whitaker of Mocksville; and several nieces and nephews. Ruth Mosby Cox / Ruth Mosby Cox, 79. of Bermuda Village, died Tuesday, Jan. 4, 2000 at Forsyth Medical Center. Mrs. Cox was bom Aug. 26,1920in Newport News, Va. to the late Robert flay and Ruby Gooch Mosby. She attended Mary Washington Col lege and earned a bachelor's degree■, in pharmacy from the Medical Col-; lege of Virginia in 1942. She was amember of the Forsyth CountyMedical Auxiliary, Virginia and N.C. Pharmaceutical Associations andwas a registered pharmacist until 1994. Mrs. Cox became a member of theDaughters of the American Revolution in 1957 where during her 42 yeartenure she held the offices of regentand state chairman. She was instrumental in reorganizing the localchapter of the Children of the American Revolution and also served asstate president. She was a memberof Wake Forest Baptist Church, theWomen's Club of Winston-Salem,Jamestown Society, Daughters of theAmerican Colonist and National Society of Colonial Dames. Mrs. Cox was preceded in deathby her husband. Dr. William F. Cox Sr.She is survived by: 2 sons. Robert Mosby Cox and wife Margo of Winston-Salem and Dr. William F.Cox Jr. and wife Kathleen of Steamboat Springs, Colo.; and 6 grandchil dren. A memorial service was held at 1p.m. Saturday, Jan. 8 at Vogler &Sons Reynolda Road Chapel. Burialfollowed in the Jacksonville CityCemetery. Memorials can be'directed toCrisis Control Ministry Pharmacy"at Medical Society, 501 ShepherdSt., Winston-Salem. 027103. •5^ D»n0 County Public Ubrary MocksvilISs NO DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Jan. 13,2000 0 o 0 'i <Vl o .4: —a e V. J oseph Clopton Farthing J Dr. Joseph Clopion Fanhing, 81, of Winsion-Salem, died Thursday, Jan. 6, 2000 at Winsion-SaJem Re- habiJiiation and Healthcare Center. He was bom June 5,19l8in Ban ner Elk to Rachel Alice Farthing and Dr. John Clopton Farthing. Dr. Far thing grew up in Boone. He attended Wake Forest College for pre-dental training and graduated from The University of Louisville School of Dentistry. He served in the U.S. Army Dental Corps during World War II for three and one half years. He was preceded in death by his parents; his sister. Kathryn Farthing Poole; and his brother. Wynan Scott Farthing. Survivors include: his wife. Frances Dailey Farthing of the home; 2 sons, Joseph Clopton Fanhing Jr. and wife Donna of Advance and John Irvin Farthing and wife. Pamela of Cary; and 2 grandchildren. A memorial service was con ducted Sunday. Jan. 9 at 2 p.m. at Centenary United Methodist Church by the Rev. Roland T. Bamhotdt. Memorials may be made to Cen tenary UM Church. P.O. Box 658. Winston-Salem. 27102 or to the chanty of the donor's choice. / Luke Austin Garraghty■J Little Luke Austin Garraghty,died Thursday, Jan. 6, 2000 at For-' syih Medical Center.Surviving are: his parents. Jeanaand Slim Garraghty of Clemmons;maternal grandparents, Norma Jeanand Hubert Dunn of Advance; paternal grandparents, Delorcs Garraghtyof Advance and the late Charles L.Garraghty: and great-grandparents,Grace Longworth of Advance andMynle and Alex Owen of MadisonHeights, Va. Luke was also survivedby many uncles, aunts, and cousins.A funeral service was held at 2p.m. Saturday at the Redland Pentecostal Holiness Church with the Rev.Joel K. Boyles officiating. Burialfollowed in the church cemetery.Memorial may be made to theChildren's Church of Redland Pentecostal Holiness Church. Ruby Dalton Howell •J Mis. Ruby Dalton Howell, 71, of T4S Dalton Road, Mocksville, diedSunday evening. Jan. 9.2000. at Davie County Hospital. She was a native of bedell County, and retired from Fallie's Dry Cleaners in Mocksville. She is survived by; her husband. Turner Howell of the home; 2 daugh ters. Kaye Howell and Flavia Howell, both of Mocksville; 2 sons. Niclde Dalton and Orianda Howell. both of Mocksville; 2 brothers, Hubert M. Dalton and Charles N. Dalton. both of Mocksville; a sister. Lillian DouUn of Mocksville; a brother-in-law: 4 sis ters-in-law; 6 grandchildren; and 3great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held on Wednesday at 2 p.m. in the chapel of Graham Funeral Home. The Rev. Walter Tidline and Bishop Terry Dalton officiated, and burial followed in Pleasant Hill Baptist Church cem etery in Hamptonville. Roff Grimes Jr. y Mr. Roff Grimes. Jr.. 74. of Win- ston-Salem. died Sunday, Jan. 9,2000 at N.C. Memorial Hospital In Chapel Hill. He was bora Dec. 18, 1925 in Pulaski County, Ark. to Roff Grimes Sr. and Edna Shock Grimes. Mr.Grimes served in the U.S. Navy dur ing World War II and the Korean Conflict. He played semi-profes sional basketball and was an avid golfer. Preceding Mr. Griihes in death was his first wife, Lida Ruth Dunnagan Grimes and a brother. Kermit Grimes. Surviving are: his wife, FrancesS. Grimes of the home; a son. Roff "Corky" Grimes III and wife Dianeof Advance; a daughter. Lee Ann Oezera and husband, Steve of Garner; 2 step-daughters. Sandie Plemmons and husband. James of Arcadia and Connie Moore and husband Robert of Chimney Rock; a step-son, Robbie Page and wife.Linda of Manning, S.C.; 2 brothers, Waymon and Thomas Grimes of Little Rock, Ark.; a sister, Dora Leach of Benton. Ark.; 2 grandsons; and 4 step-grandchildren. A graveside service was held at Ip.m. Wednesday, Jan. 12 at Forsyth Memorial Park. Ds^e County Public Ubraiy Mocksville, NO 0 o - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Jan. 13,2000 r' . u o .4^ r-. XJ Baxter G. Link Jr. ^ Mr. Baxter O. Link Jr.. 73, afomer resident of Davie County ^edonDec.22. 1999atPeinsuiaHospital in New Vork City. Mr. Link was bom Nov. IJ. 1926m Davie County to the late Baxter G. and Georgia Uflcr Link Sr. He ^rvcd during the Korean Conllict in me U S. Army and was of the Meth. odist faith.He Is survived by a brother. Lawrence A. Link of Mocksville Graveside services were heldThursday. Jan. 6. 2000 at 2 p.m. at Liberty United Methodist Church Cemetery. Mocksville. with the Rev.Caren S. Morgan officiating. Talmage D. Nichols V Mr. TbJmage D. Nichols, 80. of Jonesville. died Friday. Jan. 7,2000 at Wake Forest University/Baptist Medical Center. Bom Nov . 18. 1919 Yad|jj„ County, he was the son of the late Luther and Lillian Bates Nichols, and of the Baptist faith. He was pre ceded in death by 3 sisters, Irma Nichols. Oertha Vanhoy. and Eva Wilraoth; and 3 brothers, Silas Nichols. Clyde Nichols, and Clete Nichols. He is survived by: his wife of 58 years. Pansy Roberts Nichols of the home; 2 sons. Charles (Peggy) Nichols of Jonesville and Jeff (Mahala) Nichols of Pleasant Hill; a sister. Bessie Vestal of Mticksville. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Monday. Jan. 10,2000 in Gen try Family Chapel by the Rev. Spen cer King. Burial followed in Island Ford Baptist Church Cemetery. George William Master V Mr. George William Master Jr., 77, formerly of Ijames Church Road, Mocksville. died Friday morning Jan. 7,2000 at Davie Place after be ing in declining health. He was bom April I, 1922 in Pittsbutgh, Pa., to the late George W. Master Jr. and Helen Master and was a retired sales engineer with Westlnghouse. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army/Air force having served in World War H. Mrs. Master was a 32nd Degree Mason and a former member of the VFD in Buf falo. N.Y. He was a member of the Trinity Baptist Church. His wife. Mary Magdelin Vbgel Master, preceded him in death in 1987. Survivors: a son and daughter-in- law, Ron and Karen Master of Mocksville. A memorial service will be an nounced at a later date. s/DominickMonterose 78 Monterose. * Valley Hospital.Surviving are: his wife. Ruby HallMont^ of Fayetteville; 3 daugh- SofW^i^an^i. u Griffinand husband Robert of Bermuda Run. ^ Sandra M. Gravely and husbandof Asheville; 2 bixnhets. James Montrose of Uuca.N.Y., and FrankMontroseofHollywood.Fla.: 7grand-childien; and a great-granddaughter. Vestal William Potts Vestal William Potts. 77. of Cala- haln Road. Mocksville, died Wednes day. Jan. 5,20(X). at the residence of his daughter. Maxine Collins, in Win- ston-Salem. Funeral services weie held at 2 p.m. Jan. 7, at Eaton Funeral Chapel by the Rev. James Ward. Burial followed in Bear Creek Baptist Church Cemetery. Bom. May 18. 1922. in Guilford County to the late Jim and LcihiaBundy Potts, he was retired from Heritage and Baker Furniture Company in Mccksville. He was preceded in death by 2 brothers, Eariie and Paul Potts. Surviving are 2 daughteis. Maxine Collins of Winston-Salem and Donna Potts of Mocksville: 2 sisters. Lucille Sain of Mocksville and Lillie Mae Gaither of Winston-Salem; 3 grand children; a great grandchild; and a number of nieces and nephews. Osme County pybllg MocksvillQ, NO cr~ O Q Q O DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Jan. 13.2000 % 5- o t (S" ,o <S~ J Mathilde Goetz Stavrou Mrs. Machitde Goetz Stavrou, 87, of Winston-Salem, died Sunday. Jan. 9,2000 at Forsyth Medical Center. She was born Jan. 30. 1912 in Ulm, Germany. Mrs. Stavrou was a member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church where she contributed to the Christmas Bazaar for many years. She was a member of the Salem Chapter of The American Needle* point Guild and was a memberof the S & 8 Sewing Club. She was outgo* ing and enjoyed playing bridge and working in her flower garden. Survivors include; her husband of 53 years. Nicholas C. Stavrou of Winston-Saiem; a son. Nicholas Charles Stavrou Jr. of Wnston*Sa* tern; a daughter, Melissa Stavrou Brown and husband Jeny A. Brown of Advance. A memorial service was con* ducted Wednesday at 2 p.m. at St. Paul's Episcopal Church by the Rev. John E. Shields. The family request that memori als be made to the Forsyth County Humane Society. 61 Miller St.. Win* ston-Salem.27104. Ophelia F. Vest V Mrs. Ophelia F. Vest. 81, died Fri day, Jan. 7.2000 at Forsyth Medical Center. She was born July 22, 1918 in Alleghany County to Lundy Oeoige Fender and Maggie Adams Fender. Mrs. Vest was a member of First Assembly of God in Winston-Salem. She retired from P.M. Hanes KnitUng after dO years of service. Surviving are: her daughter. Nancy Green and husband Jack of Winston-Salem: 4 sons. Eugene C.Vest, of Mocksville. W.C. Vest "Pap" and wife Linda of Winston-Salem. Richard D. Vest and wife Brona of Mocksville. and David L. Vest and wife Ann of Yadkinville; 5 sisters. Clyde Edwards and husband Clivei of Ennice. Cora Lee Cobbler and husband Ralph of Kernersville, Evelyn Gilliam and husband Flake of Jonesville. Grace Fender of Sparta, and Betty Burchum and hus band Otis of Fries. Va.; 3 brothers. Elmer Fender of Sparta. Jess Fender and wife Edna of Joppa. Md.. and Lewis Fender and wife Marie of Fries. Va.; 12 grandchildren; 4 great grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. Graveside services were at 3 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 9. 2000 at Westlawn Gardens of Memory. Clemmons. The Rev. Selby F. McManus offlciated. The family requests memorials be made to First Assembly of Cod. 3730 University Pkwy.. Winston-Salem. 27106. '4:y William Alex Wooten William Alex "Bill" Wooten, 60.>3 ^ of Randleman. died Monday. Jan. 10,:^ 2000. at Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital in Greensboro. He was a native of Davie County. C employed by Klaussner Furniture in CrC Asheboro. ' Surviving are his wife. Nellie Wooten of Randleman; a daughter. Patricia Coleman of Asheboro; a son. Billy Wooten of Pleasant Garden; y\Z< brothers. Dwight Wooten, James Wooten and John Wooten. all of;;H. Mocksville; a sister, Martha Ward of. Yadkinville; and 2 grandchildren. A graveside service was to be held at 2 p.m. Jan. 13. at Randolph Memo- rialParkinAsheborobytheRev.Jeny Mills. Visitation was to be Jan. 12, at • " Pugh Funeral Home in Randleman 7- 9p.m. Memorials may be made to the . American Cancer Society. Randolph Unit. P.O. Box 515. Asheboro. NlC. 27203. 3: .4-Owie County Public UbtatVMocksville. NO DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Jan. 20,2000 0 0 \ y Barbara S. Anderson Mrs. Barbara Seanton Anderson, 64, of Richie Road. Mocksville, died Monday. Jan. 17, 2000. at Kale 8. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winston- Salem. She was bom Aug. 21. 1935, In Davie County to the late Qyde C. and Mary Jane Hendrix Seamon. She was a member of North Main St. Church of ChrisL She was married to Hayden Aiuler- son on March21,1971, who survives. Also surviving are; 3 sons, Walter Patrick Austin aiul wife Michelle, and Alan Anderson and wife Amy of Mocksville Randy Anderson of Kemeisville;adaughterReneeAPotts and husband Steve of Mocksville; 2 stepsons, Arnold Anderson and wife AnnaofMocksville, and Doug Ander son and wifeBrendaofKemersville;a stepdaughter, Judy Brinkley of Wel come; 16gmndchildren,9great-grand- childien; 3 brothers, Cecil Seamon and wife Marie, Wayne Seamon and wife Catherine of Mocksville, Millard Seamon and friend DotPoole of Gran ite Quany; a sister Maroline Benson and husb^ Charlie of China Grove. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m., Friday, Jan. 21,2000, at Noith Main Sl Church of Christ with Davie Powell and Robert Darnell officiating. Burial will follow in Jericho Church of Christ Cemetery. Visitation will be held Friday, Jan. 21, from 1-2 p.m. prior to the service at the church. j JuniusAtwood Craven Jr. Mr. Junius Atwood Craven Jr. of Monroe died Thursday, Jan. 13,2000 at the Rowan Regional Medical Cen ter in Salisbury after a short illness. A graveside memorial service was held at 2 p.m. Sunday in Rose Cem etery in Mocksville with the Rev. Harland Creech oBiciating. Mr. Craven was born in Davie County, Aug. 10. 1921 to the late Junius A. Craven Sr. and Bessie Penery Craven and was a retired ac countant with the Coca Cola Co. in Asheville. He had also been with Sealtest Foods. He was a graduate of UNC in Chapel Hill and was a member of several accounting orga nizations. He was a member of Cenetery United Methodist Church in Wnston-Salem. He was preceded in death by a sister, Frankie Craven. Surviving; a daughter, Ann Cra ven of Washington, D.C.; 2 sons, David and John Craven, both of Ra leigh; 2 grandchildren; 3 sisters, Kathleen Craven of Salisbury, Dor othy Felts of Winsion-Salem and Helen Lockhart of Monroe; and sev eral cousins. The family request memorials be considered for a charity of the do nors choice. "l ^William C. Gardiner Mr. William Charles "Bill" Gardiner. 78, of Winston-Salem. died Thursday afternoon, Jan. 13 2000. He is survived by a daughter, Constance Jurgensen of Mocksville; and a sister, Eliane Wicks of State College, Pa. Margaret £. Jennings y/ Maigaret E. Marklin Jennings, 83, ofHaverhilI,Mass.,diedJan. 14,2000, at Penacook Place in Havethill. She was bom in Mocksville and had attended nursing school. She was a bookkeeper for Hudson Shoe Ma chinery in Haverfaill for more than 10 years, retiring at an early age. She formerly attended the First Baptist Church in Haverhill. She enjoyed spending time with her grandchildren and needlepoint. She was the wife of the late George Sutlierland, who died at an early age, and the late Carl B. Jennings, who died in 1967. Her survivois include 2 sons, Gor don R and wife Joyce of Groveland, Mass., and Geoige A. Sutherland of North Carolina: 2 daughters, Angela M. Landiy of Cape Cod, Mass., and Joyce A. and husband Arthur T. Riley of Florida; 2 sisters, Jane Wilson of North Carolina and Mary Eaton of North Carolina; 2 grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held Jan. 17 and ISatH.LFarmer&SonsBradford Funeral Home in Bradford, Mass. Burial followed in the Linwood Cem etery, Haverhill. SK •o 0gwe County Public Library Mocksvllla, NG DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Jan. 20,2000 o 0 0 1 O Frances Ratledge JohnsonJ Frances "Clydeen" Ratledge Johnson. 60. died Wednesday, Jan. 12. 2000 at Kate B. Reynolds Hos pice Home in Winston-Salem. Mrs. Johnson was bom Feb. 7, 1939 in Davie County to the late Henry Clyde and Maty Ella Tutterow Ratledge. In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by her husband, Cecil Ray Johnson Sr.; 2 brothers, John Henry and Richard Edward Ratledge. She is survived by: a daughter, Pamela J. Davis and husband Bobby of Mocksville: 3 sons, Cecil Johnson Jr. and wife Kaye, Vic Johnson and wife Cindy, all of Advance, and Michael Johnson and wife Donna of Clemmons; 6 grandchildren, Felicia, Heather and Brandon Johnson, Cameron and Caleb Davis, Jared Johnson: and a step-grandson, Chris topher Davis: a brother, Jerry Ratledge and wife Carol: 2 sisters, Mary Reavis and Bonnie Mayhew and husband Roger, all of Mocks ville: a brother in law, Samuel Reavis: and several nieces and neph ews. The funeral service was held Sat urday, Jan. 15.2000 at 7 p.m. at Yad- . kin Valley Baptist Church in Ad vance with the Rev. Ronnie Craddock ofliciating. Burial was a graveside service Sunday, Jan. 16. at 2 p.m. at Gospel Baptist Church in Mocksville. Virginia Ann Lemons / Mrs. Virginia Ann Lemons, 53, Lexington, died Tuesday, Jan. II, 2000 after a sudden illness. She was bom July 12, 1946 in Forsyih County to Clyde Allen Wid- ener Sr. and Helen Gautier Widener. She was employed at the Plymouth Printing Co. She was preceded in death by her father. Surviving; her mother, Helen; her husband, Teddy Lemons: a son, ;Brian Billings of Lexington: a daughter. Sherry Morrison and hus band Neal of Winston-Salem: 2 sis ters. Ellen Francis and husband, Fied of Winston-Salem and Carolyn •Smith and husband Naaman of Mocksville: a brother, Clyde (Bucky) Widener Jr. and wife, Kelly n of Winston-Salem: 3 brothers-in-law, Clayton Lemons and wife Julie of'^pecr PiuJc, Texas, David Lemons of iVitiston-Salem, and Ronnie Lemons and wife Jet of Clemmons; and nieces and nephews. Services were held at 2 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 13 at Advent Moravian Church with the Rev. Roger Kimball officiating. Burial followed in Parklawn Memorial Gar dens. The family requests memorials be sent to Advent Moravian Building Fund, 1514 W. Clemmonsville Rd., 27127 .:s-- S- ,o Zenus E. McCoUum J Mr. Zenus Elwood "Big Mac" McCollum, 68, ofChine Grove, died Tuesday, Jan. 11,2000 at his home. Mr. McCollum was bom Dec. 30, 1931 in Yadkin County to Ralph and Betty Harris McCollum. He was re tired from Merita Bakery after 37 years of service. He was owner and operator of Mac's Auto in China Grove, Mr. McCollum was preceded in death by his parents; a son, Mitchell McCollum: and a daughter, Lisha Rena McCollum. Surviving: children. Patricia (Bill) Jenkins of Elkin, Roy (Susan) McCollum of Mocksville. Eddie McCollum and Melissa (Ronnie) Huie, both of Winston-Salem: the mother of his children. Ruth Reece McCollum of Winston-Salem: a sis ter, Lillie Faye Campbell of Yadkin- ville: a special friend, Jackie E. Heilig of China Grove: a niece: a nephew: 5 grandchildren: 2 great grandchildren: 2 step-grandchildren. Mabel Francis Shelton J Mrs. Mabel Francis Shelton. 84, widow of Mr. Bmno Elmer Shelton of Westfteld died Wesdnesday morn ing. Jan. 12. 2000 at her home in Francisco. Mrs. Shelton was bom in Stokes County Nov 15, 1915 to Robert . Franklin and Mary Isabel (Mollie) Hill Francis. She was a homemaker, farmer, and member of Francisco Presbyterian Church. Surviving; a daughter, Linda Mar tin of Westfield: a son and daughter- in-law Wallace and Frances Shelton of Advance; 2 granddaughters: a grandson: and 2 great-grandchildren. Mrs. Shelton was preceded in death by her husband, Biuno Elmer Shelton in August of 1990. Funeral services were conducted Saturday afternoon, Jan. 15,2000 at 2 p.m. at the Francisco Presbyterian CThurch by Dr. Charles Howell and the Revs. Jessie Bledsoe and Rickey Rogers. Burial was in the Francisco Presbyterian Church Cemetery. 0 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Jan. 20,2000 <5 S. VI CJ % _Q Hazel Ruth Wagoner Miss Hazel Ruih Wagoner, 69, Mocksville, died Jan. II. 2000 ai Forsyih Medical Cenier. She was bom in Forsyih Coumy on Aug. 9, 1930 to Thomas and Myrtle Slater Wagoner. Miss Wag- oner lived in Mocksville at Autumn Care for a number of years. She was preceded in death by her parents; a sister, Naomi Robertson, and a brother, Otis Wagoner. She is survived by; her brother, Albert Wagoner and his wife. Elnoia of Winston>SaIem; and several nieces and nephews. A graveside service will be at 11 a.m. Thursday at Waughtown Cem etery with the Rev. Tommy Wagoner officiating. Richard Franklin Willard y Richard Franklin Willard, 48, of Buford, Ga. and Fleetwood, died Sat urday, Jan. 8, 2000. Mr. Willard was bom April 24, 1951 in Forsyth County. He was pre ceded in death by his mother, Mary E. Willard and son, Jonathan Mark Willard. Surviving: his wife, Linda S. Willard of the home; his father, Lester Willard of Wnston-Salem; a daughter Traci Willard Zachary and husband RichieofYadkinville; ason, Richard E. Willard and wife Andrea of Myrtle Beach, S.C.; a grandson; 2 stepchildren, James W. Houck of Jackson, Miss., and Georgia Celeste Stover and husband, Paul of Buford, Ga.; 3 brothers and 2 sisters, Wayne Willard and wife, Emily of Winston- Salem; David Willard and wife Patli of Advance; Dorothy Wilkins and husband, Gary and Phyllis Cooke and husband Lanny, all of Winston- Salem; and several nieces and neph ews. CharUeELWilllaiiis J Charlie Harrison "Buzz" Williams, 84, fonnerlyofU.S, 158 East, Mocks- ville,diedMondaynight,Jan. 17,2000, at Autumn Care of Mocksville where he had been a resident for the past five months. Bom in Davie County Aug. 27. 1915, to the late Charlie Franklin and Beulah Jane Hanes WiUiams, he was a retired machinist with Western Elec tric with over 26 years of service, he was a graduate of Smith Grove High School Class of 1933 and Piedmont Bible Institute Class of 1952. He was amemberofCcmatzerBaptist Church where he taught adult Bible class for 40 years. He was a member of the Telephone Pioneers of America and was a World WarII veteraa serving in the U.S. Navy. He was preceded in death by his wife, Helen McCulloh Williams, in 1997; 2 brothers, George Hanes Williams and James Vestal Williams; 3 sisters, Lillian Norman, Hattie Williams and an infant sister, Nancy Williams. Surviving are a daughter, Joyce Charles arul husband Danny "Wheel Man" of Mocksville: a son, Charlie Wayne Williams and wife Carol of Mocksville; 3 grandchildren; and a great granddau^iter. Funeral services were to be held at 2p.m. Jan. 20, atEatonFunerai Chapel with the Revs. Richard Whileh^ Elmer Day and B.A. Carroll officiat ing and burial following in Ctmiatzer Baptist Church Ometery. Memorials may be made to COr- natzerBaptistChurch, 1372CdmaIzer Road, Mocksville, N.C, 27028. Mocksville. NO V cr- .e> o o o n( DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Jan. 27,2000 - n O ■-h \ <L O Mack Ray Bailey,j Mack Ray Bailey Sr.. 62. of Huffman Road. Mocksville. died Saturday. Jan. 22.2000. at Oavie County Hospital. Bom Sept. 8. 1937. in DavidsonCounty to the late Henry and FannieBailey, he was owner and operator ofBailey Salvage Co. He was a memberof Jesus Saves Full Gospel Church. Survivors include: his wife.Rebecca Huffman Bailey ofthe home; stepmother. Jessie Bailey of Danville.Va.; 13 children. Becky Lynn Hannahand husband James. Timothy Mitchell Shenill and wifeCynlhia. DavidSher-rill. Sherry Lee and husbandTed. LindaGail Sherrill, Tracy Roberson andhus-band Michael. Bill Suggs. CharlesBailey and wife Jill. Randy Bailey andwife Chris. James Bailey and wife Erica. Mack Ray Bailey Jr.. LindaBailey. Stevie Bailey and wife Lisa - and Tony Bailey; 23 grandchildren; a greatgrandchild; and2broihers. HenryJ. Bailey and Terry Limlce.Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Jan.26 at Eaton Funeral Chapel with theRevs. Bobby Eiler and L.C. Taylor olJiciating. Burial followed at RowanMemorial Park in Salisbury. DanettaRashelle Lewis'''"'!'®'^''elleLewis.20.of 127Su'^y^a^IS^aTSFtS Bom in Long Island. N.Y. to Will-and Oneil Brown Lewis Jr she Surviving are; her parents of thetome; 2 srsicrs. Shcrra Lewis of the of Winston-^cm.abreg,„.E,gie Ware of Long I » "firandmoiherWa B,t,wn of.Mocksville; andpa-' Memorial scrvice.s will be held at5 p.m. Saturday. San. 29. at theKingdom Hall of Jehovah's WitnessesonCount^y Honre Road in Mocksvillc. officiating. ■ J»hnaihaii Gavionl^ «>n of John and RacMr"' ill"'^man and brother^"'ed WcdncsdavT .''orsyih Medical r "Salem. ™ « Wnston- and brotherJohn and Judy F^^ and Cindy n C'emon "nclcs and^""""'-Prij' ""''.S^n'-StandparentsMingo/eli OhlT' <0 be held in , Larry Thomas Nichols/ Larry Thomas Nichols Jr.. 55. of Glena. Mo., died at his home Jan. 17. 2000. Bom Dec. 18.1944. in Cooleemee to Thomas Nichols Sr. and Florence Lillian McDaniels Nichols, he was a concrete worker. He had been a resident of the Glena area for the past 10 years, moving there from Florida.Survivors include: his wife. Betty Zimmerman Nichols of the home; ason. Daniel Nichols of Verona. Mo.; a daughter. Dru RobhinsofAurora. Mo.; a brother. Thomas Dean Nichols of DavicCounty;4sisteis.ClctaBilczingsof Mocksville. Tunic Lagle of Cool eemee. Inez BogerofPompano Beach. Fla. and Evelyn McDanicI of Greens boro; 2 grandchildren; and other rela tives and friends. Memorial services were held at 3p.m. Jan. 19, at Zino Hill Community Building (Homy Buck). / Charlie R. Laird Charlie Raymond Laird. 80. of Dulin Road, died Monday. Jan. 24. 2000. at Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winston-Salem. Bom Nov. 17, 1919. in Davic County to the late Oscar and EffieBarney Laird, he was a retired truck driver and a member of Dulin United Methodist Church. He was preceded in death by a son. Billy Laird. Survivors include his wife, Mabel Robertson Laird of the home; 2 sons. Charlie Herman Laird and Bobby Laird, both of Mocksville; 3 daughters. Margaret Nell Leonard and Cathy Jill Laird, both of Mocksville. and Dcbbi Lane Laird of Philadelphia. Pa.; and 7 grandchildren. Funeral services were to be held at 2 p.m. Jan. 27. at Dulin United Methodist Church with the Rev. Lester Keaton officiating and burial following in the church cemetery. Ruth Ellis €heekMrs. Ruth Ellis Sheek. 74. ofAdvance, died Wednesday. Jan. 19. 2000 at her home.She was bom Feb. 23. 1925 in Davic County to William Albert and. Nancy McBride Ellis. She retiredafter 47 years with Hanes Knittingand was a member of Yadkin Valley Baptist Church.She was preceded in death by twosisters. Catherine Ellis and Louise Bennett.She is survived by: her husbandof 37 years, Jason Sheek of the home;a son. Harold Sheek (and wife.Brenda) of Advance; 2 granddaughters; 3 great-grandchildren; 7 broth ers. Benjamin. Gilmer. Luther. Ausbom. W.A.. Gene, and Francis(Shorty) Ellis; and 3 sisters. BettyFry. Nancy Dinkins. and Patsy Sheets. Funeral services were conducted Iat 2 p.m. Saturday. Jan. 22 at ' Hayworth-Miller Kindenon Chapelby the Rev. Ronnie Craddock. Burialfollowed in Yadkin Valley BaptistChurch Cemetery. The family requests that memorials be made to the Yadkin ValleyBaptist Church Building Fund. y Davis County Public UbraiyMocksville* NC DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Jan. 27,2000 - Willie James White loiheiaie rei'^from Ingersoll-RiniJ £SS^5 gss! SSiSS oMteaf, 9 grandchiWrcn; mK ^ Sfeat grandchildren Nancy J. Wilkinson y Nancy James Wilkinson. 72. of Merreils Lake Road. Mocksville, died Wednesday,Jan. 19.2000 ai her home. She was born April 4. 1927 in Forsyih County lo the late Sam James and Bcnha Alspaugh James. Mrs. Wilkinson was a member of Calvary Baptist Church and spent her life tending to her family. She is survived by: her husband. C. Booker Wilkinson of 26 years; 4 sons. S- Wayne Brewer of Lumberton. Steve C. Brewer, R. Alvin Brewer, both of Kemcrsville, and Dennis F. Wilkinson of Clemmons; a daughter. Beverly B. Whan ol Winston-Salem: 14 grand children; and 4 great-grandchildren; a brother. Don James of Columbia, S.C.; a sister. Allene J. Gilbert of Austin. Texas; and several nieces ami nephews. Funeral services were held Friday. Jan. 21. 2000 at II a.m. at Davie Funeral Service Chapel with the Revs. Darrell Cox andJimCrider of ficiating. Burial followed at Calvary Baptist Church Cemetery in Mocks ville. Memorials may be made to Cal vary BaplistChurch Cemetery Fund. 1663 U.S. 601 S., Mocksville. Archie Wade Wright Jr. / Archie Wade Wright. Jr.. 70, of 1127 Powell Bridge Road. Harmony, died Wednesday. Jan. 19, 2000 at 4:43 p.m. at Willowhrook Health —— CareCcmer, fjB graveside([■*; t T service wasKa- —3 I heldSunday,bL "l/P m. at Rock SpringBaptist Chruch. Hantiony. Aprivate service for family was held Sunday at 3:30 at Gentry Family Service. Mr. Wright was bom in Scotland County. Nov. 16. 1929, to the late Archie Wade Wright. He was a mem ber of Rock Spring Bapti.st Church, and was a charier member of Sheffield Calahan Ruritan Club and Fire Department of Mocksville. Surviving are: his wife. AnnieCauldle Wright of the home: a son.Larry Wade Wright of Winston-Sa lem; 3 daughers Maria (Larry) Knight ofMocksvilie. Malissa (Ed)Codbey of Siaftbrd. Va.. .Malinda(Chris) York of Advance; 2 step daughters. Joan (Jimmy) Holyfield ofAdvance. Connie (Danny) Vestal of Bonila Springs, Fla.: a stepson, Lanie Philip Loflin, Vadkinviile: 9 grandchildren; a hrmhcr. Bill Wright ofSummerviile, S.C.: 2 sisters, LolaW. Haire of Rockingham and Jean W. (Eddie) Bible. Raleigh; and his mother of Hamlet. Mr. Wright wa.s preceded in death byastepson.SammyLofiin.agrand- son. Nathan York and a foster gandson, Wlliam Peacock. -Mr. Wright served during WorldWar II in the Navy. He was disability retired as a building superinien- dcn: with Fortis Corporation ofKing. Memorials may be made to the Gideons. owe County Public UbratyMocksville, NO DAVIE county enterprise record. Feb. 3,2000 - 0 0 o 7 Charlie David Bowles J Mr. Charlie David Bowles, 90. of 2638 Fanningion Road. Mocksville, died Friday, Jan. 28. 2000. al his home. He was born June 27. 1909. in Davie Couniy lo Waller Henry and Leia Howell Bowles. He was retired from Drexel Heritage and was a member of Yadkin Valley Baptist Church. He was preceded in death by a brother. Lindon Bowles, and a sis ter. Sallie Riddle. He is survived by: his wife of 65 years. Ora Mae Cough Bowles of the home; a daughter, Mrs. Lewis (Ruby) Walker of Advance; a son. David " Shorty " Bowles of Mocks ville; 2 granddaughters; a great- granddaughter; a step great-grand son; a brother, Wilson Bowles of Yadkinville; and 2 sisters. Mozellc Milton of Yadkinville and Camilla Elam of Winston-Salem. Funeral serviees were at 11 a.m. Tuesday. Feb. I at Yadkin Valley Baptist Church by the Rev. Ronnie Craddock. Burial followed in the church cemetery. The family requests that memo rials be made to the Yadkin Valley Baptist Church Building Fund. 1324 Yadkin Valley Road. Advance. , Curtis Lee Campbell Mr. Curtis Lee Campbell. 78. of Farmington Road. Mocksville, died Thursday. Jan. 27.2000. at Autumn Care of Mocksville. Mr. Campbell was born March 23. 1921. in Yadkin County to the late Lee and Mary C. Stokes Campbell. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by two sons. Moriy Joe and Scottie Campbell; a daughter. Dresa C. Motoyoshi; a sis ter. Ila Neal; and a brother. Dallas Campbell. He was a retired employee of Hanes KnitWear and a member of Rock Springs Baptist Church. He is survived by: his wife of 38 years. Mamie Swaim Campbell; 2 sorts. Curtis S. Campbell and wife. Martha, of Staley and Roger G. Campbell and wife. Laura; 2 daugh ters. Reba C. Neely and husband. Thomas, and Phyllis C. Myers and husband. Carl, all of Mocksville; 20grandchildren; 23 great-grandchil dren; 3 brothers. James Campbell of Harmony. Hoover Campbell of Wilkesboro and Avis Campbell of Mocksville; and 3 sisters. May Wood and Ester Reavis. both of Harmony. ; and Alma West of Troutman. Funeral services were held Satur day. Jan . 29. at 11 a.m. al Rock Springs Baptist Church with the Rev. Steve Hedgecock officiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery. James Calvin CranfiU Jr. Mr. James Calvin Cranfill Jr.. 70. ^ ofYadkinville. died Wednesday. Jan. 26.2000, at Hoots Memorial Hospi tal. He was born Sept. 5. 1929. in Yadkin County to the late Calvin and Juanita Chamberlain Cranfill. He retired with 23 years of service with Hanes Hosiery and retired from In- gersoll-Rand in Mocksville. Odell Evans y' Mr. Odell J. ""0,J."" Evans. 86. of Winston-Salem died Friday. Jan. 28. 2000. at Forsyth Medical Center. He was preceded in death by a brother. Pierce Evans. Surviving: his wife. Lillian Allred Evans of the home; 2 daughters and sons-in-law. Kerry and Jim Howard and Margo Cooper, all of Wnsion- Salem; a son and daughter-in-law. Jeffery and Gretta Evans of Belews Creek; 2 granddaughters; a brother. Neil C. Evans and wife. Betsy, of Lexington; a sister-in-law. Virginia Evans of Mocksville; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Tuesday. Feb. I at .Mount Olivet United Methodist Church, with the Rev. Dan Hester olficiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery. \A ••w 0 County Public Ubraiy Mockswiie, NO <>■ <r- ■ "Sb DAVIE county enterprise record, Feb. 3,2000 - 0 0 o (V^ / iA Reggie Lee Goss Reggie Lee Cuss, 72, of Murchison Road. Mocksvillc. died early Tuesday. Feb. 1.2000. at Fdrsylh Medical Cen ter in Winslon-Salem. Bom in Ashe County. W.Va. Feb. 10.1927.tolhelateLean^and Nannie Taylor Goss. he was retired driver with Pilot Freight with 25 yeais of service. Fbrlhepasl 10 years he was employed in the parts department of All Ameri can Ford where he was known as Chef Reggie. He was an active member of Ml. Olive United Methodist Church where he had served as a church trustee and was a past president of the United Methodist Men.Hewasamemberand past Lodgemasier of Farminglon Ma sonic Lodge. During World War U. he served in the U.S. Army. He was pre ceded in death by 2 sisters. Kathleen Smithy and Mildred Goss; and 2 broth ers, Elmer Goss and Virgil Goss. Surviving are his wife of 49 years, Don Nell Goss of the home; 2 daugh ters. Patsy L. Goss of Mocksville and Linda G. Barton of King; 2 grand- daughteis;4sisters. Pauline Smith, Opal Hulchens and Ruth Sizemore, all of Yadkinville. and Lannie Pugh of Ma- con. Ga.; a brother. Roy Goss of East Bend; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were to be held at 11 a.m. Jan. 3.at Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Gary Foster officiating and burial following in Mt. Olive United Methodist Church Cemetery. Masonic graveside rites were to be provided by Farmington Masonic Lodge. The fam ily was to receive friends at the funeral home Feb. 2,6-8 p.m. Memorials may be made to Mt. Olive United Methodist Church. 3521 Wyo Road, Yadkinville. N.C. 27055. Marcella M. Penn v/. Marcella M. "Marci" Penn, died on Jan. 25.2000. : She was bom Dec. 13.1945, to the ; late Hosea McDonald, the late step n father, Odell Brown, and Juanita ' Cuthrell Brown. Survivors: a daughter, Kimberly Penn of Winslon-Salcm; 2 sons, Ber nard Penn Jr. (Reco) of Winston-Sa- lem and Derwin Penn (Nudie) of Jacksonville, Fla.; 2 daughters-in- law. Priscilla Penn of Winston-Salem and Karen Joyce of Jacksonville, Fla.; 8 grandchildren; one grcat- • granddaughter; 6 sisters, Wanda Brown and K. Angela Webb, both ofCharlotte, Brenda McDonald and Jane Belcher, of Long Island. N.Y., and Onell Lewis and Lunetta Brown, both of Mocksville: 5 brothers. Wayne and Clarence Brown, both of Long Island. N.Y., Robert Brown ofLexington, Frank Brown of Winston- Salem and Jesse Brown of Mocks ville; an aunt; 2 uncles; and many nieces, nephews, cousins and friends.She was preceded in death by a sister, Willie Mae Latten. A memorial service was held at 1:30 p.m. Monday. Jan. 31. at the Church of Christ, with Brother Clois Cecil officiating. Annie Clair Reavis j/ Mrs. Annie Clair Davis Reavis. 83. of Rocky Dale Lane. Farming- ton. died Wednesday night. Jan. 26, 2000 at Davie County Hospital. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 29 in Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Ben Mull offi ciating. Burial was in Eaton Baptist Church Cemetery. The family requests memorials be considered for Farmington Baptist Church. 1835 Farmington Road. Mocksville. Mrs. Reavis was bora in Davie County on March 24. 1916, to the late Joseph Wess and Mary Ada Shaw Davis and had been the opera tor of a dairy farm along with her husband. Fletcher Martin Reavis. who preceded her in death Nov. 20. 1971. She was a member of Farm ington Baptist Church. Mrs. Reavis was a graduate of Farmington High School, class of 1934. and enjoyed all types of needlework. She was an avid collector of owl figurines. Besides her husband, she was pre ceded in death by a son and daugh ter-in-law. Wayne and Carolyn Reavis; a daughter and son-in-law, Dorothy and Johnny Boger a sister, Louise Foster; 2 brothers. Howard Davis and John Wess Davis; and 2 grandchildren. Venus Reavis and Adam Boger. Surviving: 3 grandchildren; 3 great-grandchildren; a sister. Gladys Davis of Wilkesboro; and a sister-in- law. Ann Davis of Hillsdale. Owie County Public Library Mockswiie, NO C5~ DAVIE county enterprise record, Feb. 3,2000 - 0 o ro Cleo Patricia Smith Cleo Patricia Adaim Smith, 95, of Salisbury, died Wedticsday, Jan. 26. 2000, at Southeastetn Regional Medi cal Center in Lumbenon. Funeral services were Satiiiday, Jan. 29, at 11 a.m. at Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Jim Foil ofTiciating. Burial was in Rose Cemetery. The family requests ntemorials be consid ered for Fiist Presbyterian Church, 308 W. Fisher St., Salisbury, 28144 or Barium Springs Home for Children, PO Box I, Barium Springs 28010. Mrs. Smith was bom Aug. 5,1904, in Rowan County lo the late James Cordon and Mary ZutaTumer Adorns, and was a homemaker. She was a member of Salisbury First Presbyte rian Church. She was preceded in death by her husbands: John W. Ammons, Milton V. Clement, Luke F. Smith, and a daughter, Billie Elizabeth Hartley. Survivors include; 4 children, John Gordon Ammons of Red Springs, Dallas Lee Ammons of Salisbury, Turner Aaron Ammons of Greensboro and Milton Virgil Clement Jr. of Salisbury; 12 grandchildren; 21 great grandchildren; one great-great-grand child; and 3 sisters; Virginia Walters, Jimmi Lou Grtibb, both ofMocksville, and Louise Hapner of Alger, Ohio. Elizabeth Smith Wall y Elizabeth Smiht Wall, 90, of Salis bury. died Monday, Jan. 24,2000, at Rowan Regional Medical Center after a shoit illness. Bom in Durham County Oct. 23, 1909, to the late Willie Alfred and Louise Johnson Smith, she was retired from Burlington Industries. She had also worked a short time for Cone Mill sin Salisbury. She was a member of Oak Grove United Methodist Church. She enjoyed gardening, quilting and cooking and was a well known har monica player. She was preceded in death by her husband, William Harrison Wall, in 1982; 2 daughters. Alia Jay Wall in 1944 and Mary Caudle in 1990; and3 sons, Edward Wall in 1952, James Wall Sr. in 1999 and William WaU Jr. in 1988. Surviving;adaughter,Shirley Jones and husband William of Cooleemee; a son, Gerald Wall ofSalisbuiy; 28 grand children; 37 great-grandchildren: sev eral great-great-grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. Jan. 27, at Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Lanny Atkins ofTiciat ing. Burial followed in Oak Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery. Gilbert W. Yokeley l/ Dr. Gilbert William Yokeley, 94. of Winston-Salem, died at his home Monday, Jan. 24,2000. Bom Jan. 31, 1905 in Davidson County to William J. and Joyce Yokeley. he attended Weaverville College (now Brevard) on a baseball scholarship. He graduated from the University of Texas School of Den tistry in Houston in 1933. He began his dental practice with his brother, I3r. Karon M. Yokeley, and continued in active practice until 1985. He main tained his downtown olTice in Win ston-Salem until 1999. He was mar- riedDcc.5. l942.toDeliaPonerGrant, formerly of Davie County, who pre ceded him in death in 1994. Survivors includeadaughter, Delia Grant Yokeley of Powhatan. Va., and several nieces and nephews. A graveside service was conducted at Forsyih Memorial Park Jan. 26, a: 2 p.m. V) 06^18count, Mocksvitte, wC >- o V (3-~ . DAVIE county enterprise record, Feb. 10,2000 o o "O o \ o o Samuel W. Church / ^ Mr. Samuel W. Chureh. 70. of 1 adlunville, died Friday, Feb. 4.2000 a« Baptist Hospital in Winston.Salem. Mr. Church was bom Feb. 7.1929 in Yadkin County to the late Hamiiion L. and Mae McNew Church. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by thtieesons,Loiinie«ureh. Uster Chureh and LanyOiurch; a brother, Linville Church; 2 Frances Church and Bobby He was a self^mployed saw mill ope^r and was of the Baptist faith. He is survived by: his wife of 50 y^PejgyHolcombauich;2sons,Walter Chureh and wife Bemadine of Ctroleemee, and Leslie Church and^ Amy of Statesviile; 4 grandchil- 3 greai-great grandchildren; 4 Ms^ Floreta Kane of California. Ruby Brannon and Martha WiBdns. Mth of YadldnvUle, and Geoigia Cm- n^niofLandis.Funeral services were held Sunday, ^• 6 at 8 pan. at Davie Funeral^ice Chapel with the Rev. Thomas Corbell officiating. Burial was Mon- auirt'' ' ^Baptist Clyde Edward Jones J , Mr., Gyde Edward Jones, 80, a ; formV resident of Thonuisville, died ;Friday morning, Feb. 4, 2000, in the ;Ml Vista Health Park in Dentoru He was bom in Thomasville, Jan. 15. 1920. a son of Butch Jones and Minnie Embler Jones. Survivingare:2sisters,MaryDoby ' ofArchdale and Magaleitc McDowell; of Tilcson, Ariz.; and 4 brothers. Roy Jones and Coy Jones of Denton, Rayvon Jones of Tbcson, Ariz., and Paul Jones of Mocksville. Funeral services were held Mon day. Feb. 7, at 3:30 p.m. in J.C. Green & Sons Chapel with the Rev. James Cooper officiating. Burial followed inn Mt.ZionWesleyan Church Cemetery. Charlie R. Laird r. r'"'I'"' Laird, SO. of Reynolds Hospice HomeinWinston-Salem.Bom Nov. 17. J9I9. in Davie County to the late Oscar and EffieOTey Ijitd, he was a retired truck Survivors include his wife. Mabel Rol«nsonUirdofthehome;2sons.Charlie Herman Uird and BobbyLaird, both of Mocksville- 3^ughlers. MargaretNellLconardand "^Mocksville. andDcbbiLancLaiidofPhiladelphia.Pa., and 7 grandchildren. , """'■ccs were to be held at .Methodist Church with the RevLrater Keaton officiating and buriallollowing in the church cemetery. James Dwight Shuler 1/ 81. ofJoe Road, Mocksville. Fork Swo"""""^'He was born Oct. 23, 1918. inDavie County to David W. and Flo rence Atwood Shuler. He was a and ofick mason.He is survived by; his wifeFrances Ferryman Shuler of the theT; ''""Sfuers. Jo Ann Shulerof'he tome and Judy Brown and husband Bill of Mocksville: a grand-daug ier; 2 sisters. Hazel hSof Advance and Frances Remz ofMocksville; a brother, David A.ShuJer of Mocksville.Funeral services were Monday,Feb. 7 at 2 p.m. at Fork BaptistChurch with the Revs.' RustyMomson and Yates Wilkinson offi- \ Davie CountyMocksville» W® ' c 5— . o . DAVIE county enterprise record, Feb. 10,2000 Q ft Viola Mae Keaton Slater / Viola Mae Keaion Slater. 83. of J Meadowbrook Manor. Advance, died Friday. Feb. 4.2000. at Fdtsyth Medical Center in Winston-Salem. Mrs. Slater was born April 4. 1916. in Davie County to the late Samuel Gwyn and Julia Jarvis Keaton. She was preceded in deaih by her husband of 25 years. Henry Slater, in 1982; 4 brothers, Sanford Keaton, X.A. Keaton, Loftin Keaton and Harmon Keaton; a sister. Cora Nicks. Mrs. Slater is survived by: a son. William Spry and wife Betty of Ad vance; a daughter. Nell Sprinkle and husband James of Winston-Salem; 7grandchildren; 8 great-grandchil dren; 3 great-great-grandchildren; and 2 brothers. Fred Keaton of Win ston-Salem and Lester Keaton of Mocksville. Funeral services were held Sun day. Feb. 6. at 2 p.m. at Davie Fu neral Service Chapel with the Revs Charles Martin andLester Keaton of ficiating. Burial followed at Advance .United Methodist Church Cemetery. • Memorials can be made to Cor ner Stone Baptist Church Building Fund, c/o Barbara Allman. 4507 Thomasville Rd.. Winston-Salem. 27107. Doris Garwood Spry Mrs. Doris Garwood Spry. 71. of y Gladstone Road. Mocksville, died on Thursday, Feb. 3.2000, at N.C. Bap tist Hospital in Winston-Salem. Mrs. Spry was born Dec. 29. 1928, in Davie County to the late William Floyd and Viola Josey Garwood. She was a member of Lib erty United Methodist Church. She is survived by: her husband of 53 years. James C. Spry; 2 sons. Jim Spry and wife Cecelia of Wilmington and Bill Spry and wife Kathy of Cooleemee; 3 daughters. Jennifer Hobbie and husband Den nis of Hendersonville, Mary Martin and husband Wayne, and Rebecca Mallard and husband Tony, all of Mocksville; 10 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted Saturday, Feb. 5. at 1 p.m. at Liberty United Methodist Church, Mocks ville. with the Rev. Phillip Park officiating.Burial followed in Liberty United Church Cemetery. Memorials may be made to the Liberty United Methttdist Church Cemetery Fund. 141 Liberty Circle. Mocksville. Owie County Public Ubiay Mocksvilfe, NC Lottie Viola Studevent Mrs. Lottie Viola Studevent, 93. of Advance, died Feb. 5 in Fbrsyth Me- moriaj HospitaL She had been in declining heal th for several years. She was added to Retlland Church of Christ, and was a liomemaker. She is survived by: a son. Perry (Maxilene) Studevent of Advance; 2 daughters. Ethel Eccles of Advance, and Ruth (Eugene) Dalton of Win- ston-Sa]em;3faiothets. Hugh Campbell of Jamaica, N.Y., Leroy Campbell of ;Statesville, and Ernest Campbell of , Harmony; a sister, Frances Wilson of . StatesviUe; 18 grandchildren; and 27 ' great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held on Wednesday Feb, 9 at 2 p.m. at Carver Road Church of Christ. Minister Clois Cecil officiated and burial followed in Redland Church of Christ Cemetery. ^— .Fred Arthur Wilson i/; Fred Arthur Wilson. 51. of .'Reidsville. died Tuesday. Feb. I, .2000. at Duke Medical Center. Durham. Funeral services were conducted at 11 a.m. Friday at Fairview Baptist Church with the Rev. James Griffin officiating. Burial was in Evergreen Memory Gardens. A native of Petersbuig, Pa., he ;was a son of Pearl Rhodes Robinson land Bruce Wilson and had lived in .Rockingham County most of his life. • He was a supervisor with R.L. Casey Construction Co. for 20 years and attended Fairview Baptist Church. Surviving: his wife. Brenda Shelton Wilson of the home; his mother. Pearl Rhodes Robinson of Reidsville; father and step-mother. . Bruce and Eaiiene Wilson of Madi- ; son; a daughter. Donna W. Ihyor and ; husband. Trey, of Rulfin; 2 brothen. Sim L. Wilson and wife. Pat, and Glenn L. Wilson and wife. Susan, all of Reidsville; 2 sisters. Sandra W. Gammon and husband. Bob. of Reid-sville and Brenda K. James and husband. Gary, of Mocksville; a half- sister. Pal Jagtiani of Washington; a grandson; 4 nieces; and 2 nephews. Memorials may be made to Duke : Comprehensive Cancer Center Melanoma Consortium. DUMC 3828. Durham.27710. 0 o o « C\ DAVIE county enterprise record, Feb. 17,2000 - . ^ Albert Denton Boger Sr. Mr Albert Demon Boger Sr.. 70.I of Milling Road. Mocksville. died^ Satuly.Feb.l2.2000.a.For.ythMedical Center in Wmsion-Sal ^ Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Monday Feb. M at Eaton Funeral Chapel in Mocksville.ihe ^vs. David Shrum and GeorgeS^Burial followed in Rose Cemetery in Mocteville- He was bom March 23.1929. mDavieCounty.asonofthelateNo:^ Albert and Nellie Dull Boger. He wM^^mber of Mocksville^ Church and was owner of ' Auto Service in downtown MmI«-vit\e. He was preceded m death by an infant son in 1952.Survivors include; his wife. PWhXlc Boger of the home; of Mocksville; 3 brothers.Seamon of VMooksville Jack and Lester Boger of Mocksvilleand James BogerofMorganton. and 2 grandchildren. Mary Louise Gulledge y Mrs. Mary Uuisc Cox Gullcdp. g 1 .ofMiehacls Road, Mocksville. died Sunday. Feb. 13. 2000. at Autumn Cate of Mocksville. A graveside service was held Wednesday. Feb. 16. at 1 p.m. at CoxFamilyCemctcryinDugspur.Va..with the Rev. Alfred PInkerton officiating. Mr. Gulledge was bom Oct. 11. 1918. in Fredricksburg. Va.. to the late Clive and Eunice Willoughy Cox. She wasahomemakcr. SurvivoR include: 2 daughtCR. Mary Jane Luffman of Winston-Sa- 1cm. Eunice Burgess of Speny. Okla.; 3 sons. Robey Gulledge of Rappahannock. Va.. Garey Gulledge of Granite Quaity.and Hatty Gulledge of Advance; 9 grandchildren; 4 great-grondchildrcn:asistcr.CharlotteBane; and 2 brothcR. Billy Cox. ad Charles Hinton. Mary C. McDevitt Mary C. McDevitt. 86. died Wednesday. Feb. 9. 2000. at Dpvie Village Residential Care in Mocks ville. Mr. McDevitt was bom Oct. It. 1913. in Brooklyn. N.Y.. to the late Edward and Mary Haughey Coyle. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband of 52 yearn. Francis A. McDevitt; 2 brotheR. Edward Coyle and Buster Coyle; a sister. Anne C. PeteRon. She was a member of Sl Francis Catholic Church in Mocksville and was a retired bank manager with Btevort Savings Bank and Lincoln Savings Bank in New York. Mn. McDevitt was the flRt female officer of a savings bank in the state of New York. She is survived by; 3 sons. Rich ard M. McDevitt and wife. Roselie. of Stanford. Conn.. Matthew A. McDevitt of Petaluma. Calif., and Peter M. McDevitt and wife. Vir ginia. of Advance; a daughter. Susan M. Adinolfi and husband. Vincent, of Brooklyn. N.Y.; 6 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren; a sister. Helen C. Gamolsky of LakehuRt. N.J. Funeral services were held Satur day. Feb. 12.2000. at 10 a.m. at Sl Francis of Assist Catholic Church in Mocksville. with Father Andrew Draper officiating. Burial was at Lee Memorial Gardens in Fort MyeR. Fla. Memorials may be made to Davie County Hospice Home. P.O. Box 848. Mocksville or St. Francis of Assist Catholic Church Building Fund. P.O. Box 642. Mocksville. Dsvid County Public Ubiaty Mocksviiie, NC V o DAVIE county enterprise record, Feb. 17,2000 - 0 o V s. n .2 y Myrtle Anderson Manors Mrs. Mynic Andcrs<in Manens of High Point died Monday. Feb. 7.2000, in Motristown, Tenn. Bom Feb. 3.1907. she was a native of Davie County, and a daughter of James Garfield and Alice Tobitha Tutlerow Anderson. She was married to Herman F. Maners Jr.. who pre ceded her in death. Mrs. Maners was a member of Montlieu United Method ist Church. Surviving arc; her daughter, Shirley Maners Chamberlin of Motristown. Tenn.; sisters. Anna Mac Owings of Vfocksville and Mrs. Eorle Jones of Winston-Salem; a brother. J. Millard Anderson of Mocksville: 3 grandchil dren: and 4 great-grandchildren. Funeral services wercheldai I p.m. Thursday. Feb. 10, at Sechrest Funeral Home by the Rev. Nathan T. Snider. Burial wasatCenierUniled Methodist Church in Mocksville. Memorials may be made to Center United Methodist Church Cemetery Fund, c/o Linda Owings, 728 Wilkcsboro St., Mocksville. / Roy Lemuel Potts Roy Lemuel Potts. 63. RiverbendDrive, Advance, died Wednesday. Feb. 9,2000. at his residence. Funeral services were Friday, Feb. 11 at 2 p.m. at Advance United Methodist Church with the Revs. David Childers and Mark Weekley officiating. Burial was in Advance United Methodist Church Cemetery. The family requests memorials be considered for Bethlehem United Methodist Youth, 321 Redland Road, Advance. 27006 or Advance United Methodist Church Building Fund, 1911 Hwy. 801 S., Advance, Mr. Potts was bom Jan. 20.1937, in Davie County to Aurelia Camilla Foster Potts of Advance and the late George Anderson Potts. He was the owner of Potts Realty in Advance since 1978 and in earlier years worked for Roadway Express. He was a member of N.C. Board of Re altors and Advance United Method ist Church. He also attended Bethlehem United Methodist Church. He was preceded in death by a brother. C.W. Potts. Survivors, in addition to his mother, are: his wife, Diane Hartman Potts of the home: 3 children. Camilla Potts (Jim) Gilbert. Kendra Potts Smith, both of Advance, and Teresa Osbome (Craig) Smithson of Lexington, S.C.: 7 grandchildren: 3 brothers. Bob (Betty) Potts. Glenn (Ruby) Potts and Gray (Betty) Potts: a sister. Ruth P. (Charlie) Utham: and a sister-in-law. Betty B. Potts, all of Advance. Jasper N. Sparks / Jasper N. "Jack" Sparks, 66, died Tuesday, Feb. 8. 2000. at Human Service Alliance in Winston-Salem. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Friday, Feb. 11.2000, at Florida Street Baptist Church. Burial was at Guilford Memorial Park. Mr. Sparks was retired from Air Conditioning Corp. after 26 years of service. Surviving are: his wife of 47 years, Coreen Mills Sparks: son and daughter-in-law. Steve and Pam Sparks of Greensboro: daughter and son-in-law, Kathy and Rob Bowerman of Raleigh; a brother. Wallace Sparks of Mocksville: and 4 grandchildren. «5— Osfift County Public Library MocKsviild, NC DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Feb. 24,2000 - 0 Q X) a I n; V) - I Charles Frederick Bean y Mr. Charles Frederick Bean. 72. of Fulion Sirecl, Mocksville. died Friday aftcraoon. Feb. 18. 2000. at Rowan Medical Cenier In Salisbury. Funeral services were al Eaton Fu neral Chapel at 11 a.ni. Monday. Feb. 21, with the Rev. A.C. Parker. VFW chaplain of the 11 ih District Mcitiorial Honor Guard, ofiiciating. Burial was in the Veterans Field of Rowan Me morial Park. The family requests memorials be considered for the I Ith District Me morial HonorCuatd. Veterans ofFor-eign War, c/o Mr. John W. Tucker. 4955 Gardenview Drive. Winston-Sa- lem 27107-7627. Military Graveside Rites were conducted by the 11 th Dis trict Memorial HonorGuard. Veterans of Foreign War. Mr. Bean was bom Dec. 17.1927in Coolecmee to the late Charles H. and Benha Heilatd Bean and was retired . from Ingeisol-Rand with 25 years of service. He wasaveteranofthe Seabees Division of the U.S. Navy, was an active member of the I Ith District Memorial Honor Guard, was a mem ber of the VFW. Advance Post #719. and the Mocksville Post of the Ameri can Legion. He was a former member and secretary of the Mocksville Lions Club. He was an avid camper. He was employed with Burlington Indusuies and forashort while he was with American Aviation in California. He was preceded in death by a brother. Doyle Bean. Survivois include: his wife. Helen Shore Bean, of the home; his daughter. Mrs. Kenneth (Bunny) Shepherd of Gold Hill; 3 grandsons; 5 great-grand children; 2 step-grandchildren; one siep-grcat-gianddaughter; one niece, and one nephew. Louise E. Faulkenberry Louise Everhart Faulkenberry. 83. V of Albemarlc, died Friday. Feb. II. 2000. at Carolines Medical Center in Charlotte. BomOcL 11, l9l6.inDavieCoimty to John Franklin and Sadie Brown Everhatdt. she was a gi.iduatc oi Cat- awba College and was a retired school teacher with the Stanly County school system. She was a member of First Baptist (3iurch.EastemStarAlbemarleChaptcr71 and theN.C. Retired School Personnel. She was preceded in death by her husband. James Hoyle "Corky " FaulkenbenyJr.. Jan. 14.1998. Surviving are 2 sons. James F Faulkenberry of Badin and JohnFaulkenberry of Charlotte: 2 daugh- n lets. Ann Sherrill of Douglasville. Ga. and Jane Davidson of Charlotte; a sis ter, Polly Graham of Salisbury; and 8 grandchildren. Funeral services were held at First Baptist Church by the Rev. Harold McDonalABurialfollowedinFairview. Memorial Park. Nellie L. Leonard j NellieJuneLawsonLeonaid.64.of » Lexington.diedTuesdaymoraing.Rb. 15.2000, at Lexington Memorial Hos pital. Bom Match 23.1935 in Davidson County to William Henry Clay Uwson and Nellie Louise Gmy Lawson. she was retired from Leggctt & Platt. She was preceded in death by her husband. Tommy V. Leonard. Dec. 29. 1978; and a sister. Ann Smith. Surviving arc 3 sons. Ted Leonard of Lexington. Jeff Leonard of Win- ston-Salem and Tim Leonard of Ad vance; a daughter, Kay Swing of Lex ington; 11 grandchildren;agrcatgrand- child; and 3 bmlhers, Dan Lawson of Advance. Kirk Lawson of East Bend and Clay Lawson of Lexington. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Feb. 17. at Fulton United Methodist Church where she was a member by the Rev. Jack Wallace. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Sarah Jordan Kuhn l/ Sarah Jordan Kuhn. 75, ofN.C. 801 S.. Mocksville. died early Saturday morning. Feb. 19. 2000. at Autumn Care of Mocksville. Funeral services were at 2 p m Monday. Feb. 21. in Easton Funeral Chai*l with the Rev. Shelby Harbour officiating. Burial was in Legion Me morial Park in Cooleemee. The family requests memorials be considered for Cooleemee First Bap tist Church. P.O. Box5l8.Coolecmee,or Victory Baptist Church. P.O. Box 686. Cooleemee 27014. Mrs. Kuhn was bom in Davie County April 17 1924 to the late Arlie(Bud)and Mattie Mae Smoot Jordan, and was a home- niaker. She had been a former residentof Ardsley. N.V. before moving to Davie County. She was a graduate of the Ctooleemee High School Class of IWI and enjoyed traveling the North Carolina Coast. She was a member of the Cboleemee First Baptist Church. Herhusband.NormanMerleKuhndied f^. 11, |987_ she was also pre ceded in death by asister. Helen J. Ellis and also by a brother. Jessie (Jake) Jordan. Survivors include her brother andhis wife. Bob and Norma Jordan of Cooleemee; her sister. Margaret J. Shepherd of Mocksville; a sister-in- law.PaiJortlanofCooIecmee;6nicces;2 nephews; 3 great nieces; 7 great- nephews; and 3 special friends and caregivers: Paul Corrcll. Nell Ander son. and Froezie Coble. t S- . Q M* County Public Lioi«t| llMitadHts HO DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Feb. 24.2000 n o t ■> n Grady Thomas Nailj Gnidy Thomus Nail, 88. of DaisyLane, Mocksvillc. dicUTucsday.Fcb.22,2000. ai Fotsyih Medical Cemer in Winslon-Salem.Born Sepl. 3, 1911, in DavieCounly to the late Alec and Callie Mae McCuliough Nail, he wastetiredfrom Heritage Furniture Companyand was a member ofConcord United Methodist Church. He was precededindeathbyahUwifc.ZolaSwicegood Nail, in 1988: a daughter, ShelbyPardue: a grandson, Jeff Bailey; and 3 brothers.Survivors include 2 daughters,Berlie Dean Waller and husbandHerman and Donnie Bcddington andhusband Roben, all of Mocksville: ason. Thomas Nail of Mocksville; 7grandchildten;5great grandchildren; and a gicai-great grandchild.Funeral services were to be held at2 p.m. Feb. 24, at 2 p.m. at ConcordUnited Methodist Church with theRev. Phillip Park officiating andburial following in the churchcemetery. The family was to be at Eaton Funeral Home Feb. 23,7-8:30 p.m.Memorials may be made to Concord United Methodist Church, VI 23 Karla Nicole Osborne/• Karla Nicole Osborne, infant'daughter of Amanda Osborne, diedThesday, Feb. 15 2000, at Fbrsyth Medical Center.A private graveside service washeld at Calvary Baptist Church Cemetery in Mocksville conducted by the Rev. Jim Gryder. Survivors include: grandparents, Karl and Joanna Osborne of Mocks-• ville; her young uncle, Joey Osborneof Mocksville: maternal great-grandparents Wilford and Marie Jones ofMocksville; and great-aunt and uncle. Lela and John Butero of Mocksville. Raymond O. Teshy Mr. Raymond O. Tesh of Clem-mons died Thursday, Feb. 17,2000, at his home.He was bom April 24, 1923, toEdgar Paul and Lucy Johnson Tesh in Winston-Salem. He was a mem ber of Clemmons First BaptistChurch. He served in the U.S. Navyduring World War II. He was a re tired field merchandiser for Tom's Food Co. He is survived by. his wife, Madeline Hamby Tesh of the home; 2 sons, Ricky Tesh of Mocksvillc and David and wife, Robin Ridings Tesh, ofLewisville. Funeral services were held Saturday, Feb. 19, at Vogler& Sons Clemmons Chapel by the Rev. Les Davis. Burial followed at Westlawn Gar dens of Memory.Memorials may be made to Clem mons First Baptist Church, P.O. Box 279, Clemmons, 27012. Lucy Joyce Tatum ^ Lucy Joyce Sutzer Tatum, 83, of 612 Cedar Creek Road, Mocksville, died Thursday, Feb. 17, 2000, at Meadowbrook Terrace of Davie af ter a lengthy illness. She was bom Oct. 6, 1916, a daughter of Laura Wiseman and Henry Sutzer. She was a domestic worker in the home of Roland and Betty West of Mocksville. She was a member of Cedar Creek Mission ary Baptist Church, where she was a deaconess, member of the Usher Board, Missionary and Sunday school member. She was preceded in death by her husband, Bernard E. Tatum Sr., and 2 children, Frankie C. Ihtum and Elizabeth Diane Tatum. Survivors: her daughters, Kay Frances West, Geraldine (Jesse) Brown, Annette (Odell) Eaton, Sa rah Jannette Parks of Mocksville,Rachel (Robert) Calise, Cathy M. Tatum of Winston-Salem; 4 sons, Bernard (Maenell) Tatum of Greens boro, Henry O. Thtum of Winston- Salem, Daniel W. Tatum of Mocks ville, William N. (Mary) Thtum ofDecatur, Ga.; 31 grandchildren, in cluding a devoted grandson, Ryan A, Tatum of the home; a devoted niece, Grace Ridgell of Mocksville; a sis ter-in-law, Essie Kimbrough of Reistertown, Md.; and a faithful caregiver, Pauline Shanks of Mocks ville. A funeral service was held at 2p.m. Monday, Feb. 21, at CedarCreek Missionary Baptist Church, officiated by the Rev. Michael Linville and eulogy by the Rev. George Wooten. Pallbearers will begrandsons and fiowerbearcrs will be her granddaughters and the Missionary Circle. Burial followed in the Ce- darCreek Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery. > County Public LibFity ModovtUft, NO DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Feb. 24,2000 - o 0 o V- rv y Cleo Elizabeth Wall Mrs. Cleo Elizabeth Whiten Wall, 88. ilieii Thursday, Feb. 17,2000, at The Nursing Center at Oak Summit. She was bom Nov. 16, 1911, in Stephens County. Ga., to the late Garnett V. and Betlie Mineyard Whiten. Mrs. Wall was of the Bap tist faith. She was preceded in death by a son, Thomas Edward Wall, and a daughter, Helen Louise Wall. Surviving: a son, Billy G. "Bill" Wall of Clemmons; 2 daughters, Peggy W. Garland and husband; Jimmy, of Walkertown and Barbara W. Lauten and husband, Ronnie, of Winston-Salem; a daughter-in-law, Betsy Wall of Winston-Salem; 2 grandsons; a great-granddaughter; a sister, Christine Needham and hus band, Rufus, of Winston-Salem; a half-sister. Opal Freeman of Mocks- ville; a stepbrother, Paul Plott of Vir ginia Beach, Va.; a niece, nephew, and other family members. Funeral services were at 11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 19 at Hay worth- Miller Silas Creek Chapel with the Revs Jimmie Pruitt and Tom South ern officiating. Burial followed in Forsyth Memorial Park. Calvin L. Yates yj Mr. Calvin L. Yates, 23, of Win ston-Salem, died Saturday, Feb. 12, 2000, at WFU/Baptist Medical Cen ter. He was a native of Winston-Sa lem, Mr. Yates was an employee of 4-Way Restaurant. Survivors include: a son. Chan dler Steele of Mocksvillc; his mother, Janet E. Yates; a sister, Melanie Yvonne Yates of the home; a brother, Marty Demom Yates of Winston-Salem; maternal grand mother, Earleen Yates of Winston- Salem; maternal grandfather with whom he lived, Henry Mack Grier, 4 aunts; 2 great-uncles; a great-aunt; 2 cousins; and several other relatives and friends. Funeral services were held Thurs day, Feb. 17, 2000, at 11:30 a.m. at Frances S. and Jerry C. Gilmore Jr. Memorial Chapel, where Thomie D. Douthit officiated. Burial followed in Evergreen Cemetery. vA 9. -b -Q O SI County Public Library Mocksville, NO DAVIE COUNTY EN FERPRISE RECORD, March 2.2000 O o «/\ C € ) w cn w ^ / Lillian Beauchamp / Lillian Hones Beauchamp, 89, of Beauchamp Road, Advance, died Monday, Feb. 21. 2000, ai her resi dence. Bom Nov. 26. 1910, in Davie Coumy to the late G.C. "Bud" and Kate Howard Hanes, she was preceded in death by her husband. Ollie Beauchamp, Feb. 4,1974. Survivors include 2 sons, Donald Beauchamp and wife Wanda of Clenunons and Wade Beauchamp and wife Mildred of Advance; 3 grandchil dren; 5 gieat grandchildren; 2 sisieis. Gladys Cheshire and Bernice Dwiggins; and 2 brothers, Craig Hanesand Ray Hanes. A graveside service was held at 11 a.m. Feb. 24, at Bethlehem United Methodist Church with the Revs.MaffcWeekley and Donald Funderburkof&. crating. Memorials may be made to Bethlehem United Methodist Church Building Fund. 321 Redland Road Advance. N.C. 27006. Nancy Laws Cape Nancy Laws Cape. 89. of 2214 U.S. 601 South. Mocksville.died Wednes day, Feb. 23,2000, at Davis Medical Center in Suriesville. Bom in Ircdell County July 10.1910. to William Andrews Tilson Laws and Betty Bunis Laws, she attended the Iredell County schools. She married Stewan Cape, who preceded her in death April 16,1983. A reUred inspec tor ai Monleigh Garment of Mocks- ville. she was a member of Calvary Baptist Church. Surviving arc 2 sons. Wade Cape of Granite Falls and Roy Cape and wife Nellie of Gastonia; 12 grandchildren: 14 great grandchildren; and 3 great great grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 1 p.m. Feb. 26. at Calvary Baptist Church by the Revs. Jim Gryder, Michael McDaniels and Kevin Hobson. Burial followed in the church cemetery. j Lillian Hanes Beauchamp Mrs. Lillian Hanes Beauchamp, 89, of Beauchamp Road. Advance, died Monday. Feb. 21.2000, at her residence. A graveside service was held Thursday. Feb 24 at 11 a.m. at Bethlehem United Methodist Church Cemetery with the Revs. Mark Weekly and Donald Funderburk of ficiating. The family requests in lieu of flowers, memorials be considered for Bethlehem Methodist Building Fund. 321 Redland Road, Advance 27006. She was bom Nov. 26, 1910. in Davie County to the late G.C. "Bud" and Kate Howard Hanes. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ollie Beauchamp, on Feb 4. 1974. Survivors include: 2 sons. Donald (Wanda) Beauchamp of Clemmons and Wade (Mildred) Beauchamp of Advance; 5 grandchildren; 5 great grandchildren; 2 sisters, Gladys Cheshire of Mocksville and Bemice(Bill) Dwiggins of AsTieboro; and 2 brothers. Craig (Marie) Hanes o"f Mocksville and Ray (Mary Nell) Hanes of Wi.islon-Salem. Dwio County Public Libraiy Mocksvtiift, NO Daniel A. Bohl / Daniel A. Bohl. 57. of Mocks ville. died Saturday. Feb. 26, 2000. at Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winston-Salem. He is survived by his wife. Eliza beth; a son. Robert and wife Jeanie Cary; a daughter. Tracy of Concord; his mother, Margaret Bohl; a sister. Nancy Jankowski and husband Mike of Grafton. Wise.; and a granddaugh ter. He was preceded in death by his father. Veraon Bohl. A memorial service was held at 3:30 p.m. Monday. Feb. 28. at Rrst United Methodist Church in Mocks ville. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Lusiganen Founda tion for Pancreatic Cancer Research, the American Society or the First United Methodist Church Pastor's Discretionary Fund. Walter Raymond Combs j Mr. Waller Raymond Combs. 81. of Gladstone Road, Mocksville. died Saturday. Feb. 26, 2000, at Forsyth Medical Center in Winston-Salem. • Mr. Combs was born Oct. 20, 1918. in Davie County to the late Loyd and Gertha Smith Combs. He was a retired diescl mechanic with Mack Trucks in Charlotte after 25 years of service. Mr. Combs was a veteran of the U.S. Army and a mem ber of Mocksville Church of God. He is survived by: his wife of 55 years. Ruby Little Combs; 2 sons. Donald Combs and wife Dortene of Huntcrsville and Billy Combs and wife Patricia of Houston, Texas; 2 daughters. Margie Browning and husband Dan of Huntcrsville and Carolyn Stephens and husband Terry of Houston. Texas; 7 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; 2 brothers. Clinton Combs of Winston-Salem and Hoyle Combs of McK'ksville; and a sister. Paulene C. Oliphant of Kannapolis. Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. Monday. Feb. 28. at Mocksville Church of God. with the Revs. Dwight Durham and Larry Hollifield officiating. Burial followed at For est Lawn West Cemetery in Char lotte. Memorials may be made to MtKksvillc Church of God c/o Joey Tultle. 844 U.S. 64 E.. Mocksville. 27028. DAVIE COUNTY EN FERPRISE RECORD, March 2,2000 0 <0 O Wanda P. Cross Mrs. Wanda P. Cross, 80, or Btf- muda Run. died Monday, Feb. 28, 2000. She was bom Aug. 10, 1919 in Alum Wells, Va., to Joseph B. and Kathleen S. Price. Mrs. Cross was a member of the Presbyterian Church, Winston-Saiem Rose Society and Ber muda Run Garden Club. < A memorial service was helj] Wednesday, March I, at 2 p.m. qt Voglcr & Sons Clemmons Chapel (y the Rev. J.C. Reed. Surviving are her husband, Joseph E. Cross; 2 sons, Joseph E. Cross Jr. of DelW'ood,Minn.,WalterThomasCross of Omaha. Neb; 2 granddaughters'; 2 grandsons; 3 sisters, Gladys Hamlin of Quitman, Ga., Irene Romano ofChat tanooga, Tenn., and Bculoh Lane Qf San Diego, Calif. The family asks for no flowers, but memorials may be made to Americtih Cancer Society, 1900 S. Hawthoritb Rd, Forsylh Medical Park, Stc. 622, Winston-Salcm, 27103-3901 or Hos pice of Davie, P.O. Box 848, Mocks- viile 27028. Ed Monroe Dwiggins ^ Mr. Ed Monroe Dwiggins, 78, of Junction Road, Mocksville. died Thursday. Feb. 24,2000. at Forsyth Medical Center in Winston-Salem. Mr. Dwiggins was bora Aug. 4. 1921 , in Davie County to the late G.C. and Bessie Cartner Dwiggins. He was a retired dairy and cattle farmer and attended Salem United Methodist Church. He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Faye Koontz Dwiggins; 2 sons. Ray M. Dwiggins and wife, Eunice, and Carl F. Dwiggins and wife. Alice , all of Mocksville; 4 grandchildren; 2 step-grandchildren; 2 step-great-grandchildren; a brother, Paul F. Dwiggins and wife, Annie, of Mocksville ; a sister, Nellie D. TUmerand husband Bill of Salisbury. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 27, at Davie Funeral Service Chapel with the Revs. Bill Wombough and Linda 'Voelker offi ciating. Burial followed at Salem United Methodist Church Cemetery. J.B. Gobble J Mr. J.B. Gobble, 87, of 249 Gobble Lane, Mocksville, died Thursday, Feb. 24,2000, at his resi dence. Mr. Gobble was born Nov. 2. 1912, in Davie County to the late Vestal and Flossie Gobble. He was a member of Ijames Baptist Church. He retired in 1962 from Hugh Edwards anqSons, where he was a carpenter. He is survived by his wife of 66 years, Susie Beck Gobble; a son, Larry Gobble and wife Sue of Mocksville; 2 grandsons; 2 great grandchildren; 5 brothers, Otis Gobble of Mocksville. Willis Gobble, Howard Gobble, Clarence Goble and Virgle Gobble, all of Win ston-Salem; 2 sisters, Zula Meadows of Greensboro and Betty Rice of Winston-Salem; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were Sunday. Feb. 26, at 11 a.m. at Davie Funeral Service Chapel, conducted by the Rev. Wade Wright. Burial was at Ijames Baptist Church cemetery. Memorials may be made to Ijames Baptist Church Cemetery Fund, 728 Sheffield Road. Mocks ville, 27028. V .ft, 4 o n O DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, March 2. 2000 0 0 o tv n(' vP t 0 -o o I 9» <z u cr~ Richard J. Goilmer y Mr. Richard J. Collmar of Ber muda Yillage, Advance died Feb. 24. 2000. He was bom Dec. 23. 1908 in Lorain, Ohio (o William and Irma Collmar. He received a B.S.M.E. from Purdue University in 1934. In 1937, he became associated with the Elyria Foundry of Elyria, Ohio, a division of Chromalloy Corp.. and became president in 1962. Mr. Collmar served four years as vice president and director of the parent corporation and was also vice presi dent of the metal castings group which included two other foundries. He served seven years as director of the Cray and Ductile Iron Founders Society with two years as president. He was also a past director and presi dent of the Foundry Educational Foundation. He devoted much time in community affairs and in heading fund-raising drives for worthy causes, all of which earned him a list ing in Who's Who In America. After his retirement form Chromalloy in 1975. the Collmars moved to Stone Creek Cove on Lake Hanwell in Anderson. S.C.. to enjoy boating and golf. While there. Mr. Collmar again took up community service becoming active with Meals on Wheels as board member and chairman of fund raising. In 1985. after visiting many re tirement centers in four states, the Collmars selected Bermuda Village as their home. Mr. Collmar is survived by his wife. Jeanne, whom he married in 1937. and four nieces and nephews. He was a member of Clemmons Presbyterian Church. A memorial service was held Sat urday. Feb. 26 at 2 p.m. in the Ber muda Village Living Room. Memorials may be given to Clem mons Presbyterian Church. P.O. Box 475. Clemmons. WUIiam "BUI" Grubbs J William "Bill " McKinley (Jrubbs. 98. of Doravillc. Ca.. died Jan. 23. 2000. Burial was in Dululh, Ga. Mr. Crubbs was the son of Dodson Crcy and Annie Heath Cnibbs. He was a native of Cana. He was the chairman of the Department of the Political Science at Ceoigia State Uni versity for 17 years. Upon his retire ment. he was irtade professorcmcritus. He was preceded in death by his first wife. Bess; 4 sisters, Annie Mac Ward. Mary Ritchie. Alma Benton. Clara Crubbs; and a brother. Paul Crubbs. He is survived by his wife. Jane Cope Crubbs; a daughter. Estellc Ncese. Suwanee, Ca.; brother. Dwight Crubbs. Charlotte; sisters. Geneva Bowle_^ Concord; and Dorothy Hendrix. Mocksville; 3grandchildren; 8 great-grandchildren; and 3 great- great-grandchildren. . Alice Bell Call Miller ' Alice BellCall Miller, 60,ofChapel Hill, died Sunday, Feb. 20,2000, at her home. Bom<3ct 10. l939.inDavieCounly to the late William and Annie Call, she was a hairdresser at the Professional Beauty Salon in Chapel Hill from 1982 to present. She was a leading activist with Habitat for Humanity, serving locally and also in Guatemala. Africa and South Dakota. She was one of the group who fouiided Habitat ofOrange County. She was a member ofOlin T. Binkley Memorial Baptist Church at Chapel Hill. Surviving are 2 sons. Alan Miller and wife. Mandy, of Hillsborough. and Michael Miller and wife, Sandy, of Winston-Salem; 4 grandchildren; sister. JoAnn "Jackie" Funkhauser of Council Bluff. Iowa; brother. Harry "Bucky" Call of Mocksville; and sev eral nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by a half-brother.LonnieCrayCall;mother and father; and in-laws Dan and Viola Miller. A celebration of life service was held Feb. 24. where her ashes were spread in the Binkley Gardens at Binkley Baptist Church. Memorials may be made to Binkley Chureh. 1712 Willow Drive, Chapel Hill 27514; or to Habitat for Human ity. P.O. Box 459, Hillsborough27278. or to UNC Hospice Hazel Holt Kiger / Mrs. Hazel Holt Kiger. 84. died Peb. 23. 2000. at the Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home. She was bom May 6, 1915. in Chatham County to Charles W. and Nora Elkins Holt. She was a mem ber of First Baptist Church of Stanleyville for many years. She was retired from Wcstem Electric with 31 years of service and was a member of the Telephone Pioneers. Survivors include a sister. Shirley Saunders of Advance. Flannle Mae Johnson Flannie Mae Johnson. 75. Hamptonville. died Feb. 22.2000. at Yadkin Nursing Center, where she had been a resident for two weeks. She had worked for a number of years with Monleigh Garment Co. in Mocksville. Oavie County Public Libou KC DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, March 2.2000 - -0 <a :i- \ Q=. C v «— .0 Grady Thomas Nail y Mr. Grady Thomas Nail. 88. of Daisy Lane. Mocksvillc. died Tues day. Feb. 22.2000. al Fbrsylh Medi cal Center. Funeral services were Thursday. Feb. 2-1 at 2 p.m. al Concord United Methodist Church with the Rev. Phillip Park olTtciaiing. Burial was in the church cemetery. The family asks that memorials be considered for Concord Method ist Church. 129 Liberty Circle. Mocksville. 27028. He was bom Sept. 3. 1911. in Davie County to the late Alec and Callie Mae McCullcugh Nail. He was retired from Heritage Fumituie Co. and was a member of Concord United Methodist Chuieh. He was preceded in death by his wife. Zola Swicegood Nail, in 1988; a daughter. Shelby Pardue; a grand son. Jeff Bailey; and 3 brothers. Survivors include: 2 daughters. Berlic Dean (Herman) Waller and Donnie (Robert) Beddington; a son. Thomas Nail, all of Mocksville; 7 grandchildren; S great-grandchil dren; and a great-great-grandchild. Richard Latham Sink d Richard Latham Sink, S3, of Shodybrook Road, Mocksville, died Mon^y, Feb. 28,2000, from injuries sustained in an automobile accident. Bom in Davidson County Dec. 10, 1946. to the late E. Paul and Louise Justice Sink, he was Mocksville'schief of police. He wasamemberofMocks- ville Masonic Lodge 134 AF & AM and the Winston-Salcm Scottish Rite. Survlvingarehis wife. PauIaCiaver Sink of the home; and a daughter, Amy Elizabeth Sink of the home. Funeral services will be held at 3;30p.m. March 2, at Mocksvillc First United Methodist Church by the Rev. Charles Turner followed by burial in Forest Hill Memorial Park in Lexing ton with Masonic graveside rites con ducted by M(x;ksville Masonic Lodge 134. The family was to be at Eaton Funeral Home 7-9 p.m. March I. Mocksville Masonic Lodge was to open at 2 p.m. Thursday for last rites. Memorials may be made toShriners Hospital, Oasis Shrine. P.O. Box 56066.Charlotle, N.C. 28256-0666 or to the Mocksvillc First United Meth odist Church Building Fund. 305 Nonh Main Street. Mocksville. N.C. 27028. Bud Seagraves J Ambra Jewel "Bud" Seagraves. 79. ofMccksville.diedTuesday afternoon.Feb. 22. 2000, at Autumn Care of Mocksville where he had been a resi dent for the past four years. Bom in Commerce. Ca. Aug. 6, 1920 to Annie Louise Bowles and the late William Seagraves. he was a re tired textile mill worker. He was a member of Ga.stonia Post of the VFW and wasadcaler at Gastonia Flea Market. He was a member of West Frank lin Avenue Baptist Church in Gasto nia. He was a World War H veteran, serving in the U.S. Navy. He was pre cede in death by his wife. Mildrtal Louise Thomas Seagraves. in 1996; and a brother. Etral Seagraves. Surviving, in addition tohis mother, are 2 daughters. LaJune Brown and husband AmosC. Brown Jr. of Mocks ville and Margaret Holcombe and hus band Bill ofGeorgetown. S.C.; 3 sons. Gi fford Seagraves and Doug Seagravesand wife Jean, oil of Gastonia. and Roger Seagraves and wife Connie of Bessemer City; 14 grandchildren; sev eral great grandchildren;asister.LucilIeStandridge of Gastonia; and 3 neph ews. A graveside service was held at 2 p.m. March 25, at Goshen Cemetery in Belmont with the Rev. Bobby Biackett officiating. ^ Myrtle Gelene Seats Mrs. Mynlc Gelcne Martin Seats. 90. formerly of N.C. 801 N.. Farm- ington. died early Friday morning at the Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winston-Salem. She was a resi dent of Mcadowbrook Terrace of Davie in Advance. A graveside service was held at 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 27 in Farraington Community Cemetery with the Rev. Kenny Smith ofllciating. The family requests memorials be considered for the Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home. Hospice Lane. Win ston-Salem. 27103. Mrs. Scats was born in Davie County April 2.1909. to the late Wd- liam and Annie Markland Marun and was a homemaker. She was a mem ber of the Farmington United Meth odist Church and enjoyed cooking and gardening. Her husband. John West Seats, died in 1976. Also preceding her in death were a daughter, Jane Amanda Tucker; sister. Hazel Johnson; and a brother, Glenn Martin. Surviving: her daughter, Louise S. Callaway of Advance; 2 sons, John Wayne Seats and Phillip Martin Seats, both of Farmington; 13 grand children; Sgrcat-grandchildren; and a brother, Clyde Martin of Winston- Salem. County Public Ubraiy Moclrew/ie, NC DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, March 9,2000 <3 o O 'Tl William Edward Clawson ^ William Edward Clawson, 84. of Wcodleaf. died Monday. Jan. 31.2000. at Rowan Regional Medical Center in Salisbury afterbeing indeclining health for two years. He was bom Aug. 30. 191S. in Marion to the late Sara Edwards Clawson and Claude Clawson. Also preceded in death by a stepmother. Nettie Kepler Clawson, he was edu cated in the Davie County schools. He had been employed with Burlington Mills in Cooleemee and Dakota Mills in Le.\ington and was a member of Woodleaf United Methodist Church. His wife. Sadie Viola Myers Clawson. preceded him in tleath Sept. 15,1994. He was also preceded in death by a daughter. Betty Jean Clawson, who died as an infant. Surviving are a son, Jerry M. Clawson of Mocksville: a daughter, Clenda Robbins and husband Coy of Hansville.S.C.;2half-brotfters. Claude Clawson of Ohio and MarshallClawson ofClemmons; 2 sisters. Hazel Howard of Mocksville and Mae Warlick of Missouri;ahalf-bioiher.NellieC.Lagle ofCoolcemee; 5 grandchildren; ftgreal grandchildren; and a special friend, Virginia Poole. Services were to be conducted at 2 p.m. Feb. 2, at Summerselt Memorial Chapel with the Rev. Brenda Newman officiating and burial following in Rowan Memorial park. Sandra Harris Daughtiy ^ Sandra Harris Daughtry. 57, of Maynard, Mass., died Friday. Feb. 18. 2000. at her home after an extended illness. She was the wife of James R. "Jim" Daughtry. a former band teacher at Davie High School and had lived in Davie County for several years. The couple had lived in Maynard for the past five and a half years. Robert Lewis Frye V Mr. Robert Lewis Frye, 63, died Saturday. March 4, 2000. at his home. He was born June 23. 1936, in Forsyth County to George E. and Laura Wood Frye. Mr. Frye attended Yadkin Valley Baptist Church and was retired from Quality Oil Co. af ter 40 years of service. He was preceded in death by a sis ter, Nancy Barney; and 2 brothers, Charlie Frye and David Frye. Surviving are: his wife, Marie Testerment Frye of the home; and 3 brothers, John Frank Frye, Geroge Frye and Glenn Frye. Graveside services were at 2 p.m. Tuesday. March 7 at Wesilawn Gar dens of Memory in Clemmons. with the Rev. Ronnie Craddock officiat ing. Memorials may be made to Yad kin Valley Baptist Church Building Fund. Mathey Alfred Davisv' Mathey Alfred Davis, 64. of Salis bury. died Monday. Jan. 31,2000, at Forsyth Memorial Hospital in Win- sion-Salem after a period of declining health. Bom March 9.1935. in Los Ange les, Calif,, to the late Evelyn Lewis Davis and Harris Monroe l}avis, he was educated in the Wadesboroschools and at East Carolina University, A veteran of the U.S. Anny, he worked for 30 years with the Division of Com munity Ass istancefortheSiaieofNonhCarolina. He was a member of Harold B. Jairen American Legion Prjst and VFW Post 3006. His wife. Lynne Chambers Davis, preceded him indeath march 28,1986. Surviving are 3 daughters, Chere Davis of Salisbury, Kelly Davis of Raleigh and Kathleen Osbome of Mocksville; a brother. Jad A, Davis of Belmont; a sister. Dorothy D. Osbome of Asheboro; a granddaughter; and a number of nieces and nephews. A graveside service was to be held at 2 p.m. Feb. 2, at Salisbury National Cemetery by the Rev. Malcolm Bui- lock with military rites conducted by the Rowan County Veterans Council. A reception was to be held 3-5 p.m. at the Harold B. Jamett American Legion Post. Memorials may be made to Harold B. Jamett American Legion Post. 1024 Lincolnion Road, Salisbury, NC 28144. ^ Grady Warren Hayes Mr. Grady Warren Hayes. 79, of Winsion-Salem. died Wednesday.March 1.2000. at Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home. Survivors include a granddaugh ter, Robin Woolen Hartman and hus band. J.D., of Mocksville. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, March 9,2000 0 0 O \ (N (h W .-f- -Q Q. %> <20 V .r Versie Driver Hellard Vcisie Driver Hellard. 88. of Cool- eemee, died early Thursday morning, March 2. 2000. at Brian Center in Salisbury. BominDavieCountyNov. 1.1911, to the late Loran and Jo Ellis Driver, she was a homemaker. She had also worked at Erwin Mills. She had been a lifelong memberofFirsr Baptist Church in Cooleemee. She was preceded in death by her husband. Frederick Hellard. in 1986; and a son, Fred E Hellard, in 1995. She was also pre- cerled in death by 4 sisters and 2 broth ers. Survivors include 4 grandchildren; 10 great grandchildren; 3 great great' grandchildren; a special granddaugh ter, Freda Home ofSalisbury; 2 sisters. Pauline HuddlerofCrumpler and Inez GregoryofCaoIeeniee;abrother,Ralpb Driver of Fountain Inn; several nieces and nephews; and a daughter-in-law. Many Hellard of Cleveland. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. March 4. at Eaton Funeral Chapel by the Rev. Jeff Pennington. Burial fol lowed at Legion Memorial Park. Memorials may be made to Cool eemee First Baptist Church, 284 Mar ginal Sueet, Cooleemee, N.C. 27014. Robert W. Long Jr. / Robert W. Long Jr. of 408 Riverbend Drive. Bermuda Run, died Thursday. March 2, 2000, at Duke University Medical Center. He was the son of the late Roben W. Long Sr. and Ellie Bridgets Long of Rich Square. He was a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the University of Nonh Carolina at Chapel Hill with a major in accounting in the Kenan- Flager School of Business. He was a lifelong supporter of the university, its Alumni Association and the Edu cational Foundation. Mr. Long was a Certified Public Accountant, a member of the N.C. Association of CPAs and the Ameri can Institute of CPAs. He was the treasurer and chief financial oflicer of Brenner Cos. of Winston-Salem from 1977 to 1997. At Brenner's merger in 1998. he became comp troller of Recycling Industries of Winston-Salem. In I97S he marited Shirley Long, who survives of the home. He is also survived by; his mother, brother and sister-in-law, Roy and Betty Long of Charlotte; sisters-in-law, Kay Tillotson of Fayetteville, Carolyn Worden of Thrboro and sister-in-law and brother-in-law, Geri and Jerry Slyers of Boone; and by nieces and nephews. Mr. Long was a member of Clem- mons United Methodist Church. He had served as the church's financial secretary, the Finance Committee, the Endowment Fund, the Adminis trative Council and as a teacher in the Youth Program. A memorial service was held Sun day, March S, at Clemmons United Methodist Church at 2 p.m. by the Rev. David Baxter. The family requests memorials may be made to The Robert W. Long Jr. Scholarship Fund. UNC at Chapel Hill Foundation, June Steel. Campus P.O. Box 6100, 137 E. Franklin St.. Chapel Hill. 27599-6100. This en dowed seholarship will serve stu dents from eastern North Carolina in the school of business. Kenneth Moore Mintz </ Kenneth Moore Mintz. 77, of Milling Road. Mocksville. died Monday. March 6. 2000, at Meadowbrtxtk Terrace of Davie in Advance. Bom in Fayetteville, March 10, 1922. to the late John D. and Mary Moore Mintz. he was a cattle farmer. He attended First Baptist Church of Mocksville. He was a World War n veteran, serving in the U.S. Navy. Surviving are his wife, Mabel Knuckles Mintz of the home; a daughter, Charlotte Themista of Spencer 2 sons. Kenneth Randall Mintz of Las Vegas, Nev. and John Miu-k Mintz of Pleasantos, Calif.; 2 grandchildren; and 2 brothers. Maxie Mintz and Dennis Mintz, both of Fayetteville. A memorial service was to be held at 7:30 p. m. March 8, at Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. William Davis offtciating. Burial will be in Sand Hills State Veterans Cemetery in Spring Lake March 10. at 2 p.m. Memorials may be nuide to the Make A Wish Foundation, 200 Central Court Drive. Suite 300. Greensboro, N.C. 27409. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, March 9,2000 o o I 'n Burton Jones Rights ^ Burton Jones Rights of Bertnuda Run, a bishop of the Moravian Church, died March 2.200u. He was bom on June 3, 1930, in Winston-Salecn, a son of the Rev. Douglas LeTell Rights and Cecil Burton Rights. In 1948 he graduated valedictorian of James A. Gray High School, and four years later gradu ated Phi Beta Kappa from the Uni versity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He received his Master of Di vinity degree from Moravian Theo logical Seminary in Bethiehem, Pa., which honored him with a Doctor ate of Divinity degree in 1978. On Dec. 27,1952, he was united in mar riage to Elynor Fishel Rights. He served as pastor of Messiah Moravian Church in Winston-Salem (1955-1960), and in 1996 retired from 36 years of service as pastor of Clemmons Moravian Church. He was elected a bishop of the Moravian Church by the 1992 Synod of the Southent Province of the Moravian Church in America. In addition to his service with the church he actively participated in the Twin City Kiwanis Ciub, the Wachovia Histori cal Society, the Historic Bethabara Board of Directors, the Winston-Sa- lem/Forsyth County Crime Stoppers Board of Directors, the West Forsyth YMCA Board of Managers, the So ciety of Mayflower Descendants in North Carolina and the Clemmons Fire Department as chaolain. For 18 years he participated in the Wake Forest Cardiac Rehabilitation Program and he enjoyed running in 5K toad races. In 1992, he completed the Appalachian Trail, which he hiked from Georgia to Maine over a period of 20 years. He will be re membered for his love of children shared each summer through the ministry of Laurel Ridge Moravian Camp. He is survived by: his wife, Elynor Fishel Rights of Bermuda Run; sons, the Rev. Douglas Coman Rights and wife Katheryn Lewellyn Rights, and the Rev. John David Rights and wife Mary White Rights, all of Winsion-Salem: 6 grandchil dren; a sister, Eleanor R. Roller and husband Dr. Gerald W. Roller of Roanoke, Va.; a brother, the Rt. Rev. Graham H. Rights and wife Sybil Strupe Rights of Greensboro. He was preceded in death by a brother, George L. Rights, in 1951. . The funeral service was at Trin ity Moravian Church, where he was a lifelong member, on Sunday. March 5, at 3 p.m., conducted by the Rev. Chris Thore, Dr. Robert Saw yer and the Rt. Rev. Graham Rights. Burial followed in the Moravian graveyard in Salem, God's Acre. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Clemmons Moravian Church, Box 236, Clemmons, 27019, Trinity Moravian.Church 220 E. Sprague St.. Winston-Salem. 27127, or a recipient of the donor's choice. Heniy Mack Sanders V Henry Mack Sanders, 69, of Cana Road. Mccksville, died Thursday morning. Match 2, 2000, at Forsyth Medical Center in Wittston-Salem. He was bom in Darlington, S.C. to thelateJohnlhomasandBessieFentets Sanders and was a retired self-em- ploy cdhousepainter.Hewasa veteran of the 82nd Airborne Division of the U.S. Army where he was aparatitoper. He especially enjoyed fishing. He was preceded in death by a son. Willie David Sanders, and by 3 broihers. Surviving are his wife of 48 years, Eliza Smothers Sanders of tfie home; 2 daughters, Lynda Dull Hunt of Lake Norman and Lucy S. Henderson of Cooleemee; 3 sons. Harold Sanders, Henry Mack Sanders Jr. and Howard Sanders, all of Mocksville; 10 grand children; 3 great grandchildren: and a brother, ArchieSandcrsofMocksville. Funeral services were conducted at 1 p.m.March4,at Eaton FuneralChapel by the Rev. Don Newman. Burial fol lowed at Elton Baptist Church Cem etery. v/l 1 <r- . -o IB Court* Pablic^ Mocksville, NU 0 o o DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, March 16,2000 < V- William H. Breedlove Sr. Mr. William Henry Breedlove Sr., 80. of Salisbury, died Saturday. March 11, 2000 at his residence af ter being in declining health for more than two years. He was born May 13. 1919 in Rowan County, the son of the late Roxie Jane Parnell Breedlove and John Luther Breedlove. He was edu cated in Cooleemee schools, and was employed with Cone Mills for 43years before retiring in 1978. He was a member of Jerusalem Baptist Church in Davie County and the Willing Workers Sunday School Class. He was preceded in death by a son. William Henry Breedlove Jr.. on Nov. 19.1972. Survivors include; his wife. Ro- rence Conell Breedlove. whom he married Jan. 22.1941; 2 sons. Larry Breedlove of Salisbury, and Rick Breedlove of Rockwell; 2 daughters. Linda B. Ritchie of Salisbury and Brenda B. Bost of Kannapolis; 6 grandchildren;' 9 great-grandchil dren. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Monday. March 13. at Summerset Memorial Chapel in Salisbury, con ducted by the Rev. Jimmy Lancaster, pastor at Jerusalem Baptist. Burial was in Rowan Memorial Park. Memorials may be made to: Rowan Regional Home Health & Hospice. 82S-A W. Henderson St.. Salisbury. 28144; or Jerusalem Bap tist Church. 495 Pleasant Acre Drive. Mocksville. Hoyle Wesley Combs Mr. Hoyle Wesley Combs, 76. of Will Boone Road. Mocksville. died Sunday, March 12. 2000. at N.C. Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem. Mr. Combs was bom June 3.1923. in Rowan County to the late Loyd R. and Gertha Smith Combs. He was preceded in death by a grandson. Scotty McAbee; a brother. Raymond Combs; and 2 sisters. Ruth Combs and Ruby Waller. He was a retired truck driver with Hendrix Janitorial and was of the Baptist faith. Mr. Combs is survived by; his wife of SO years. Lathel Milter Combs; a son, Hoyle M. Combs and wife Kay of Cleveland. N.C.; 5 daughters. Janice McAbee and hus band Charles. Joann Burton and hus band Bruce all of Mocksville. Jill Leonard of Salisbury. Amy J. Cox and Sandra Cristy Mills, both of the home; 10 grandchildren; 2 great grandchildren; a brother. Loyd C. Combs of Lexington; and a sister. Pauline Oliphant of Kannapolis. Funeral services were Wednesday. March IS. at 2 p.m. at Davie Funer^ Service Chapel. / Marvin Gerald Hackett Mr. Marvin Gerald Hackett. S3, of Advance, died Tuesday, March 7. 2000. at Forsyth Medical Center. He was bom Dec. 21, 1946. in Forsyth County to Perry and Lillian Staten Hackett. Mr. Hackett was in declining health for some time and was of the Baptist faith. Surviving are; his wife. Mrs. Brenda Stevens Hackett of the home; 2 daughters. Tracey Anderson and husband Greg of Peru. South America. and Angela LeBlanc and husband Bill of Kemersville; his moiher. Lillian Sialen Howard of Winston-Salem; one grandchild; a sister. Betty Carter of Winston-Sa lem; and 3 brothers. Donald Ray H^ketu Wayne Edward Hackett and Norris Earl Hackett. A graveside service was at 2 p.m. Thursday. March 9 at Gardens of Memory in Walkertown with the Revs. Allen Barker and David Maynard officiating. The family requests memorials to the charity of the donor's choice. •4 .'V .t o David County Public Ubmiy m D.WIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. March 16,2000 Roberta H. Hobbs Mrs. Roberta Herringlon Hobbs. 9!. of 2105 Bermuda Village, Ad vance. died Monday. March 13. 2000, al Forsylh Medical Ccnlcr. Winsion-Salem. Mrs. Hobbs was a nalivc of Salisbury. Ihc daughter of ihe laie Mary Mowery Herringlon and Owen Calhoun Herringlon. She and her iate husband, Walter N, Hobbs, lived for 60 years in Char lotte. She moved to Bermuda Village in 1986... She is survived by: 3 children, Ann Hobbs Helsabcck of King. Judith Hobbs Cohen and husband Melville of"Rimarac, Fla., and Waiter N. Hobbs Jr. and wife Judy of Gastunia: 9 grandchildren: and 6 great-grandchildren, Mrs. Hobbs was a member of St. Martin's Episcopal Church in Char lotte where she taught Sunday school and was active in the Ladies Auxil iary. She was a longtime member of Charlotte's Stratford Book Club and a lifetime member of the National Herb Society, A memorial service was held in Bermuda Village at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Services were conducted from the graveside al 3 p.m. Wednesday. March 15 al Evergreen Cemetery. Charlotte , with the Rev, Morgan Gardner officiating. Memorial contributions may be made to the charity of the donor's choice, Harry & Bryant Co.. Funeral Directors. Charlotte . is serving (be family of Mrs. Hobbs, William Albert Joyner Mr. Willlani Albert Joyncr, 43. of Duke Whilakcr Road. Mocksville, died Monday, March 6. 2000. at his home, Mr. Joyner was born June 19. 1956, in Albuquerque. N.M.. to Cleveland A. Joyncr and Ihe late Qutah Farless Joyner. He worked as a truck driver and was a member of Zion United Methodist Church in Mocksville. In addition to his father, Mr. Joyner is survived by: a brother. Cleveland Hal Joyncr and wife Ivy of Mocksville; 3 haif-sistcrs, Lynda J- Wallace of Mocksville, Barbara AnnJ. Snidcrof Lewisvllleandlven J. McDaniel of Slalesville; and sev eral nieces and nephews. Funeral services were at 3 p.m. Thursday. M.uch 9. at the DavicFu- . neral Service Chapel with the Rev. Caren Morgan oUlciaiing. Burial fol lowed at Zion United Methodist Church Cemetery in MocksviiJc. Terry Lynn Kimmer Jr. Terry Lynn Kimmer Jr.. 22. of J6tL Farm Lane. Mocksville. died Saturday, March Mr. Kimmer IB'*'. Tor^' L. Kimmer of Mocksville, He was preceded in death by his maternal grandfather. Clarence "Red" Carmon. In addition to his parents, he is survived by: a son. Preston Tyler of Mocksville; fiance, Amanda Robbin.s of Mocksville; abrclher, Travis Lee Wailer of Alabama; 3 sisters, Kendra N, Kimmer. Kandi L- Jones and Wendy D, Rogers and husband Scot- lie, all of Mocksville; maternal grandmother, Geraldine Garmon of Cooleemcc; a niece and a nephew. Funeral services were held Tues day, March 14 al 2 p.m. at Davie Funeral Service Chapel with the Rev, Shelby Harbour officiating. Burial followed In Legion Memorial Park in Coolccmee. Wocksvill». w 0 53 0 1 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, March 16,2000 . iJ V 9 :r- *2 s- / Flossie Stewart Lackey Flossie Sicwart Lackey, 89. of HIddenilc, died Thursday. March 9. 2000, at Iredcll Memorial Hospital. She was bom in Iredell County on Dec. 39. 1920. the daughter of the late Prince Oby and Florence Hoke Stewart. She was a retired fuminire worker with Alexvale Furniture and was a member of Sulphur Springs Baptist Church, where she was a member of the Willing Workers Sun shine Sunday School Class and the WMU. She also was a former Sun day school teacher. She was preceded in death by her husband. Claude Eugene Lackey; a brother. Henry Stewart; and twin sis ters. Ella Mae Cashion and Ora Lee Rhyne. Survivors include: a son. Conrad "Butch" Lackey of Hiddenite; 4 daughters. Margaret Henderson and husband Rex of Statesville. Gwendolyn Cleary and husband Buster of Mocksville. Claudete Dancy and husband Dean of Hidden ite. and Becky Wike of the home; a sister. Edith Ingram of Stony Point; 10 grandchildren; and II great grandchildren. The funeral was conducted Sat urday. March 11 at 2 p.m. at Sulphur Springs Baptist Church with the Rev. Steve Parks officiating. Burial fol lowed in the church cemetery. Grandsons served as pallbearers. Memorials may be made to Sulphur Springs Baptist Church Family Life Center. 116 Patterson Road. Hidden ite. 28636. DolUe Jean Poplin y Dollie Jean Lefler Poplin, 68. of Salisbury, died Wednesday, March 8. 2000. at Rowan Regional Medical Centerafteraperiodofdeclininghealth. Among her survivors isasister. Dot Gardner of Mocksville. Funeral services were conducted at 12:30 p.m. March 10, at Lyerly Fu neral Home's James C. Lyerly Chapel. Elmer T. Zimmerman V Mr. Elmer Thomas Zimmerman. 83. of Mullins Rood, Advance, died Wednesday, March 8, 2000, at his residence. Funeral services were Saturday, March 11 at 2 p.m. at Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Revs. Clyde Phillips andHarold Zimmerman officiating. Burial was in Cornatzer Baptist Church Cemetery. The family requests memorials be considered for Hope Baptist Taber nacle, 2408 U.S. 158. Mocksville, or A.R.C. of Davie. P.O. 291. Mocks ville. Mr. Zimmerman was bom July 29,1916, in Davie County to the late Daniel and Julia Sprinkle Zimmerman. He was retired from Davie Floor.Co. and was a member of Hope Baptist Tabernacle. He was preceded in death by a son, Elmer 'Ihomas Zimmerman Jr.; a son-in-law, Larry Nichols; a sister. Mildred Sawers; 4 brothers. Jim Zimmerman. Bill Zimmerman. Owen Zimmerman and Harvey Zimmerman; sister-in-law, Donnie Zimmerman; and brother-in-law. Cleatus Sawrey. Survivors include: his wife. Sa rah Everhardt Zimmerman of the home: 2 daughters. Betty Zimmerman Nichols of Gelena, Mo. and Vasia Zimmerman (Stanley) Pruitt of Geneva. Fla.; a foster son, Todd Zimmerman of the home; 3 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchil dren; 3 sisters-in-law, Edith Zimmerman. Erma Zimmerman and Nancy Zimmerman; special friends, the Gene Hutchens family; and sev eral nieces and nephews. Dwie County Public Ubraiy Mocksviijo, NO Emma Bell Reeves / Emma Bell Reeves, 90, of Cleve land, died Monday, March 6.2000, at Forsyth Medical Center following a period of illness. A native of Iredell County, she was a member of Rock Hill Church of ChiisL Surviving are a daughter, Bessie FisherofWinston-Salem;asister,Betty Edwards of Fatmingsdale, N.J.; 6 giandchildren; I9great grandchildren; and 17 great-great grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2p.m. March 10. at Rock Hill Church of Christ in Cleveland with Minister Toney Reese ofTiciating and burial fol lowing in the church ccmeteiy. George Leroy lUrner Jr. Mr. George Leroy Turner Jr., 79, of Winston-Salem. died at his home Wednesday. March 8.2000. Survivors include a granddaugh ter. Kimberly Myers of Advance. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. March 23,2000 - 0 o ci /n ro V>1 V z D I J. Kathleen Black Johnnie Kathleen Black. 84. of Winsion-Saletn. formerly ot Weaverviiie. died Monday. March 20. 2000. at the Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home in WInsion-Salem. Miss Black was bom March 30. 191S. in Buncombe County to the late Arthur Jerome and Nannie Crowell Giirrison Black. She was a graduate of Flat Creek High School. In earlier years, various occupa tions led her to make her home in Galax. Va.. Winston-Salem, and Weaverviiie. She joined the American Enka Corporation and retired with 35 years of service. Miss Black was an active member of Locust Grove Baptist Church in Weaverviiie as long as her health per mitted. She enjoyed all aspects of the church and was active in the Women s Missionary Organization. Sunday School teacher, and loved to sing in the choir, but her main focus waschildren. She was the principal of Bible School for 30 years, for which she received an award for her faithful service. She leaves behind; a sister. Lorena West of Advance, w iih whom she had made her home for several years; 2 nieces; a great-niece; 5 great-neph ews; 3 giBat-gtcat-nieces;4 gteat-great- ncphews; Funeral services will be held at 2;30 p.m. Thursday. March 23. in Locust Grove Baptist Church. Weaverviiie. with the Rev. Walter Ponder and H.. Wilson officiating. Burial will be in Locust Grove Baptist Church Cem etery.The family will receive friends from 7-8:30 p.m. Wednesday at West Fu neral Hoe. 17 Merrimon Ave.. Weaverviiie. where the body will re main until placed in the church one hour prior to the services. At other times, the family w ill be at 326 Jupiter Road. Weaverviiie. In lieu of llowers. memorials may be made to: Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home. 101 Hospice Lane. Winston- Salern 27103; Locust Grove Baptist Church, c/o 390 Locust Grove Rd.. Weaverviiie 2H787;or Yadkin Valley- Baptist Church Building Fund, c/o Michael Carter. 1311 Hwy. 801 N.. Advance 27l*)6. Mrs. Alberta Seats Cope Mrs. Alberta "Tootsy" Seats Cope. 84. of 3.58 Spillnian Road. Mocks- ville. died early Sunday inorning. March 19. 2tKM) at Meadowbrook Terrace in Cleiitmnns. The funeral service was at 2 p.m. Tuesday. March 21 in Yadkin Valley- Baptist Church. with the Rev. Ronnie Craddock olliciating. Burial was in the church cemetery. They family requests memorials be considered for the Yadkin ValleyBaptist Church Building Fund. 1324 Yadkin Valley Road. Advance. Mrs. Cope was born in Davie County- on July 6. 1915. to the late Phillip Thomas and Amanda West Seats. She was a homemakcr. She was a member ol Green Meadows Baptist Church, where she also sang in the choir. She was previously a member of Macedonia Moravian Church. She was a well-known Davie County artist and an accom plished pianist and organist. She was preceded in death by her first husband. John Anderson Bcauchamp. in 1943. She was also preceded in death by 3 sisters. Katie Seats Riddle. Sallie Seats West and Charlotte Seals Smith; and 3 broth ers. John West Scats. Clyde Franklin Seats and Thomas Edward Seats. StiiViving are: her second hus- ban^of 51 jears. Ernest Jacob Cope oL(i\c home; a son and daughtcr-in- la^v. Phillip and Debhy Shelion Bcauchamp of Advance; 7 grandchil dren and stepgrandchiUlren; a great- eranddaughier; one brother,Charles E; (Ras) Scats of Advance;-a special greaC-nephew. Stacy Calloway of Winston-Salcm; and ntany nieces and nephews. / Paul Lester Dwiggins Mr. Paul Lester Dwiggins. 85. of Towery Road died Wednesday morn ing. March 15.2000 at Davie County Hospital. The funeral was at 2 p.m. Friday. iMttrch 17 in Eaton Funeral Chapel, with the Rev. Dennis Marshall offi- ciating. Burial was in Hardison United Methodist Churyh Cemetery. The family requests memorials be considered for the building fund or the cemetery fund of Hardison United Methodist Church, c/o Mrs. Teresa Lakey. 386 Buck Seaford Road. .Mocksville. Surv iving arc: 2 sisters. Mrs. Faye Barney and Miss Marie Dwiggins. both of Mocksville; a niece; a great- niece; and a great-nephew. Davis County Public Library MocksviMa, NO & DAVIF. COL'NTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. March 23.2000 -1 I Thomas Wilson Ferebee XliDiius Wilson Fcrcftce of WlndcniL-rc Fia.. hunit-jriJicrorihc V^'orlJ War II 8-29 Enola Gay thai ias 21ella Ward Fcrobcc in Mocliivilleon Nov. 9, jyiJ. Ferahai aiicndiil .Mookivjjlc Hich Sctionl. graduated from Lccs-MaRac Collate in Ban ner Ells and then joined the L'.S. Army Air Corps rather than pursue a career in pri>t'cssiunal baseball. In March l9-i2, he ssas ciimmis- sioned as a second lieelenani. .Alter heavy bombardment training, Ferehee deploy ed to Europe aboard the llrst B-11 Flying Fortress to land in Great Britain. Ferebee's World War IJ career was distinguished and valorous. He was among the tlrst Amencans to drop bonihs on Na2i otcapied France in iya2. Aboard the B-17 Red Gremlin. Ferebee was the load bomhardieron Amerieas llrst IOI)-jirpljne daylight raid against -N'a/i-oeeupied Etinipe. HisbJ com bat inissiuns included the invasion of North AlVica and attacks against the heavily delended German held oil Fields of Ploesti. Ill Sepieiither of lyuj. Ferebee was hand selected for 6-29 service in the atr war auainst Japan, by Enola C.iy pilot Paul Tibhels. who culled him ■' . . the best bombardier whis ever loohed through the eyepiece to a Norden bomb sight."Following Woild War II, Ferebee served as the deputy wing com mander for mamtenaiioe in several B--17 Sirutojcl commands. He retired front the U.S. Air Force in 1970. He svjs inplc rated as u bombardier, navigator and in radar. From open cockpit night training in the late lyJOs. Ferebee tlew .ind t'ought in B-17s and B-2ys in World War 11, B- 47 Straiojct-s during the Cold War and B-o2s during the VictnuiTi War. His decorations included the Silver Star of gallantry in action, the Le gion of Merit, two Distinguished Flying Crosses, the Bronze Star and the Air Medal w ith 13 Oak Leaf Clusters and tour .Air force Com- inendation Medals, .After retiring from the L'.S. -Air Force. Ferebee worked in real estate for more than a JecaUe. In recent \ears lie dedicated sig- nil'icanl energies to personal appear ances and educating the public aboutthe Ireviueiilly inaccurate accounts of the tabled llight of Ihe Enola Cay. He participated with pilot Paul Tlhhots. navigator Ted Van Kirk and radio operator "Richard .Nelson in a true. lirsT-person maJe-liir-baiadcasldocutliohtary ahoiil the mission lilleJ: "The Men Who Brought the Dawn". The crew and the commu- niiy ofWorid W.ir 11 veterans remain convinced that their actions aboard the EnolaCay negated the need for an invasion of the island of Japan, .sparing the lives oi hunvlnedsot thou sands of .Allied, .\inerican and Japa- Ferebee is survived bv; his wife of 19 years. Mary .Ann Cnnrad Ferebee: 4 sivns. Thomas W. Jr. and wile. Donna, Clinton K and wife, Janice. Robert Steven, and Robin C. and wile, Greta; a stepson. Jon and w-ifc. Laura; and stepdaughter. Debra: .3 grandchildren; a great- granddaughter; .1 siepgrandsons; 2 brothers. William and wife. Ophelia, and Jiiveph .ind wil'e. TilTany; 5 sis ters. .Annie Lois Siirpsvin, .Masine Pruett, Kjtherine Loudermilk and husband. Jim. Lvm Baitey and hus band, Don, Amanda Wilkinson and husband. Clifton; and numerousnieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by a brother. John, and 2 sisters, Virginia Hams and Carolyn Holt Memorial services will he held Friday. .Vlarch 24. at Eaton Funeral Chapel In .Viocksville ji 2 p.m. Visi tation will be one hour before Ihe service In the funeral home. Fullmilitary honors will I'ollow in Wesley Chape! United Methodist ChurchCemetery in Mocksville immedi ately alter the service. There w.is a visitation at Saint Lukes United Methodist Church in Wlndemerc, FIj.. Tuesday, March 21- The t.iimly rcnuest that memori als he ciinsidered tor the Thomas Wilson Fea'bee Scholarship Fund. LeevMcR.ieCollege.P.O Box i:S. Banner Elk, N.C. :sW)J-i;s or toVila Hospice Charitable Fund. P.MH44.<- t;tw-C. E. Cvilonial Dnvc. Orlando. FI;i. ."JXIl.t. DAVJF. COLiNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. March 23,2000-t Terry Lynn Kimmer Jr. Torry Lynn Kiinmcr Jr., 22. of J&l. F;irm Ljno. Mocksvilitf, Uicd S.iliirajy, March 11. 200() ji Davie Ciiuniy Hospital in Mock.sviiic. Mr. Kimmer was bom Aug. 29. 1977 in Rowan Kiinincr Sr. and "Red" Carman. In addition lu his parerus. he is survived by: a son, Preston Tyler of Mocksville; fiance. Amanda Robbins of Mocksville; brother. Travis Lee Waller ofAlabama; 3 sisters, Kendra N. Kitnmer. Kandi L. Jones and Wendy D. Rogers and husband Seol- lie, all of Moeksvillc; maternal grandmother. Gcraldinc Gannon of Coolecntec: paternal grandparents. Bill and Mary Ruth Kimmer; a niece and a nephew. Funeral ser\ ices were held Tues day, .Vlarch 14 ai 2 p.m. at Davie Funeral Service Chapel with ihe Rev, Shelby Harbour offieialing. Burial followed in Legion Memorial Park in Cooleemee. Bobbie Lane Broadus Campbell "Bobbie" Lane, 85. formerly ofAshcboro. died on Wednesday, March 1.5, 2000, at Mcadowbrook Terrace of Davie. Funeral services were beld ai 2 p.m. Saturday, March 18 at Pugh Funeral Home Chapel, Asheboro, eonduclcd by Dr. John S. Rogers. Burial wa.s in Oaklawn Cemetery. Mrs. Lane was a native of Eagle Springs and the widow of William J. Lane. She was a mcmhcr of First Baptist Church, where she was ac tive in the Women's Society and taught Sunday School. She was an active member of the Ashcboro Women's Club in which she was a past president- Sht: was precinct chairman for 14 years. She served as president of the PTAs for all ihrecof her children. Survivors: 2 daughters. Betsy LancCochrancofAdviincc.and Julia Lane Bolgcr of Midloihian. Va.; a son. William J. Lane of Columbia. S.C.; 2 sisters. Mrs. Herman Brown and Mrs. William E. Perdue of Ashcboro; 4 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. Memorials may be made to: Na tional Parkinson's Foundation. 1501 NW9lhAvc., Bob Hope Rd.. Miami. FL, 33136: or to First Baptist Church.,-13? N. Church St.. Ashcbdbt). 27203. Anita McMahan MissAnitaMcMahjn,65.ori68 Eichison Rvtad. Mocksville, died Tuesday, March 14 in North Caro lina Baptist Medical Cenler after a short illness. She was a native of Davie County, and a member of Cedar Creek Baptist Church. She is survived by: 2 sisters, Louise Mock ofWinston-Salemand Lillian McMahan of ihe homc. Funeral services were held on Saturday. March IS. at 3 p.m. at Cedar Creek Baptist Church in Davie County. The Rev. Michael W, Linville officiated. Burial followed in Rose Cemetery. j Bershie E. Morgan Mrs Bershie Eli.ahe.h Morgan, 90^ formerly of Cincinnati, Ohio^cd Tuesday. .March 14. 2000. a. trmns Clom. Survi vors include a granddaugh-cr, Ten Mossttian ofAdvance. 0»ia County Public Ubrary WO0k8Vf«9, NO /O 0 0 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, March 23,2000 -1 Joshua Franklin White / Mr. Jo\hua Franklin "Josh" While. K6. of Sheineld Road. Mock.sville, died lale Friday evening. March 17. 2000 at Kale B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winslon-Salem. Funeral services were ai 4 p.m. Monday. March 20 in Calahain Friendship Bapiisi Church, vviih ihc Rcv.s. Carroll Jordan and Tommy Fausi olTicialing. Burial was in Ijames Crossroads BaplisI Church Ccmeicry. Surviving arc: his wife of 66 ycani. Mamie .Marie Cleary While of the home; 2 daughters. Janic While Dixon and Geraldinc While Dwiggins. both of Mocksville: 2 sons. Jerry F. While and Mae While, both of Mocksville; 9 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren: 2 siepgrcal- grandchildren; 2 sisters. Hallic Naylor of Mocksville and Hazel Bailey of Clemmons: and several nieces and nephews. Mr. While was preceded in death by a son. Dtin While, in 1987; and a daughter. Linda White. The family requests memorials be considered for Kale B. Reynolds Hospice Home. Hospice Lane. Win- slon-Salem. 27103. Larry Gene Wiles Mr. Larry Gene Wiles. 50. of Hamplonville died Saturday. March 18. 2000 at WFU Baptist Medical Center after a lengthy illness. He was bom in Surry County to the late James Roger and Betty Gough Wiles. Surviving . in addition to his mother, are: his wife. Debra Styens Wiles of the home; a sister. Sue Hohmann and husband John of Mocksville: a brother. Ronnie Wiles and wife Rose of Yadkinville; and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his father and a brother, Richard Wiles. A private service was held Tues day. March 21 at Reavis Funeral Home Yadkinville Chapel with the Rev. Eddie Macemore officiating. Burial w as in Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery where Mr. Wiles was a member. Holland Groce Williams Holland Groce Williams. 74. of v/ 1093 Ridge Road. Mocksville died Tuesday. Maah 14.2000. at his resi dence. He vvas born Aug. 14. 1925. to Newton B. and Edna Satriel Will iams. He was a retired tobacco and dairy farmer and a member of Soci-- ety Baptist Church, where be was a member of the cemetery committee. He was preceded in death by his first wife. Helen Boger Williams. Surviving: his wife. Ruth Sum mers Williams; a stepdaughter. Diane Walker; 3 sons. Kenneth R. Williams. Harvey L. Williams and Bobby G. Williams; a stepson. Fred Summers; a half brother. Clyde Wil liams; 10 grandchildren; 11 great grandchildren; and special Iriend. Bubba Shoemaker. The funeral was at 2 p.m. Friday. March 17 at Society Baptist Church, with the Revs. Steve Bailey. John Nantz and Fred Summers officiating. Burial was in the Society Baptist Church Cemetery. v/v . (L j Q I c V DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. March 30, 2000 • Georgia B. Anderson Mrs. Georgia BartletlAndmon, 96, of 225 Wing Haven Lane, Mocksville. died Friday, March 24, 2000. ai Meadowbrook of Davie. She was bom Dec. 15. 1903. in Red Oak. Iowa, lo George W. and Kathryn Pass Bartleu. She was re tired from Fairbury Junior College as secretary to the dean. She was a member of First Presbyterian Church. Fairbury. Neb. She was preceded in death by her husband, Gerhard A. Anderson. Surviving arc: a son. Richard "Dick" Anderson and wife Wiila of Mocksville; 5 grandchildren; and 6 great-gmndchildren. A family memorial service was held Sunday, March 26 at Clemmons United Methodist Church Chapel by the Rev, David Baxter. Memorials may be made to First Presbyterian Church. 2310 H St.. Fairbury, Neb. 68352. Betty Gray Sidden Bailey Mrs. Betty Gray Sidden Bailey, 59, of Underpass Road. Advance, died Tuesday, March 21.2000. at her residence. A memorial service was held Fri day, March 24 at 11 a.m. at Advance First Baptist Church with the Rev. Andy Atkins officiating. A private committal service will be held at a later dale. The family requests that memo rials be considered to the American Diabetes Association, 1820 East 7lh St., Charlotte, 28204, or Advance First Baptist Church. P.O. Box 153. Mrs. Bailey was bum Dec. 18, 1940. in Davie County to the late Cray Harding and Pauline Starr Sidden and had been acafeieria man ager with ARA Services in Winston- Salem. She was a member of Ad vance First Baptist Church and the WMU. Survivors include: 'a daughter. Mrs. Nathan (Paula) Bass of Ad vance; a granddaughter; mother-in- law. Margaret Perraull of the home; 2 aunts and an uncle. She was preceded in death by her husband. Frankliit Nathan Bailey, and a son. Rodney Shawn Bailey. Anner Forrest Evans Mrs. .Anner Jane Forrest Evans. 76. ofU.S. 64 West, Mocksville. died Monday morning. March 27. 2000 at Forsyth Medical Center. Funeral services were at 11 a.m. 5 The family re quests memori als be considered for the Fellow. shipHall Building Fundof NoCreek Primitive Baptist Church, c/o Eugene Bennett, 107 Nail Lane. Mocksville. Mrs. Evans was born in Davie County, March 9. 1924. to the late George Franklin Thomas and Sarah Elizabeth Barnes Forrest and was retired with 18 years of service from Western Electric as an associate en gineer. She was a graduate ofMocks ville High School. Classcf 1941, and was a member of No Creek Primi tive Baptist Church, where she served as the church clerk. She was past president of the Center Senior Trotters. She was preceded in death by her husband of 45 years. James Thomas Evans, who died in September 1990. A granddaughter. Angel Harmon, died in 1990. and she was also pre ceded in death by brothers, James Forrest, Pete Forrest and Abe Forrest- Surviving are; 2 daughters and sons-in-law. Elizabeth Ann and Bill Harmon of Sylva and Mary and Jay JacobsofCharloltetason and daugh ter-in-law. Tommy and Martha Evans of Mocksville; 4 grandchil dren; a great-grandson; a sister and brother-in-law. Lib and Harry Massey of Mocksville; 4 sistcrs-in- law. Pauline Forrest of Lcwisvlile. Peggy Brown of Yadkinviile and Margaret Latham and Catherine Evans, both of Mocksville; and sev eral nieces and nephews. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, March 30,2000 - Q o % 0 % Lala Marie Hale .0 o * V-^ ■i' J Lala Maiie Hole, infani daughterof Christine Hale and MichaelFennell of Lexington, died March 21,2000 at Brenner Children's Hospital in Winston-Salem.She was bom on March 15.2000. Survivors also include; maternalgrandparents. Freddy and DeborahHale of Lexington: maiemal gieat-gi^andporenis. Jack and Ruth Hale ofLinwood and Marvin and LalaHinshaw of Lexington; paternal grandparents. William R. and SarahRentz of Lexington; paternal great-grandmother. Louise Rentz of MynleBeach. S.C.; and several aunts and uncles. Funeral servcies were at 11 a.m.March 24 by the Rev. WayneSechrest at The Timberlake Chapelat Piedmont Funeral Home. J E.B. Johnsen Mr.E.B."Bo"Johnsen.77.ofl29N. Bermuda Run Drive, BermudaRun. died Sunday. March 26. 2000at Forsyth Medical Center.He was bom May 9. 1922. in LeM«. Iowa to Will and EttaBrunkenJohnsen. He was a retired owner ofClemmons Carpet. He was an artist,avid golfer and a member ofTanglewood Golf. He was a mem-her of King of Glory Lutheran Church.Surviving are: his wife, LaVonneFrerichs Johnsen of the home; adaughter. Patty Essie and husband^ron of Winston-Salem; a son. JimJohnsen and wife Glenna of Clem-mons; 6 grandchildren; 7 greatgrandchildren; a sister. ReginaBorchers and husband Fred of LeMars; and a number of nieces and nephews.Funeral services were Wednesday at ILJOa.m.atVogler&SonsClem-mons Chapel by the Revs. PhillipSquire and Jeff Johnsen. Entombment followed in Wesllawn Gardensof Memory Mausoleum.Memorials may be made to KingOf Glory Lutheran Church, 2580OldGlory Road. Clemmons. 27012. Blanche Ham * Grannaman Mrs. Blanche Ham Grannaman.88. of Grannaman Drive. Mocksville. died on Monday. March 27.2000. at her home. Mrs. Grannaman was bom Nov. I. 1911 in Kewanee. III. to the late Franklin L. Ham and the late Laura Hamm Ham.Mrs. Grannaman was of the Bap tist faith. She was a homemaker. In addition to her parents. Mrs.Grannaman was preceded in deathby her husband of 30 years. Harry Grannaman. and a brother. Harold W. Hamm. Survivors include: a son. B.L. "Butch" Grannaman and wife Dorothy of Mocksville: 4 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. The family Was to receive friendson Wednesday. March 29.7-9 p.m.. at the Davie Funeral Service Chapel. Valley Road, Mocksville. Graveside services were to be conducted on Thursday. March 30. at 11 a.m. at Ijames Crossroads Baptist Church. Sheffield Road. Mocksville. with theRev. Linda Lewis officiating. Memorials may be made to: Ijames Baptist Cemetery Fund, c/o Joe Gobble. 728 Sheffield Road; or For syth County Hospice, IIOO-C S. Stratford Road. Winston-Salem. 27103. Robert Edward Hensley'' Mr. Robert Edward "Curly"Hensley. 79. Winston-Salem diedSunday. March 26. 2000. at WakeForest University Baptist Medical Center.He was bom April 20. 1920. inBedford County. Va., to WilliamThomas and Maggie Davis Hensley,Mr. Hensley served in the U.S. Navyduring World War B. had letiied fromRoadway Trucking Co. as a mechanic. and was a member of Free man Street Baptist Chiirch.He was preceded in death by ason. Robert Edward'Hensley Jr. Surviving: his wife. LauretteHensley of the home; a daughter,Betty Ann Crews of Mocksville; ason. Dr. Don Hensley of Reno, Nev.;a grandson; 2 sisters. Frances Phillipsof Baltimore. Md.. and MargaretBoose of Winston-Salem; and abrother. Lloyd Hensley of Tombol.Texas. 'Funeral services were held at 11a.m. Wednesday. March 29. atHayworth-Miller Silas Creek Chapelby the Revs. Bob Whitaker andClyde Phillips Jr. Burial followed in Forsyth Memorial Park. Walter Roscoe Johnsonv/ Mr. Walter Roscoe Johnson Sr..100. of Advance died Monday. March 20.2000. at his home. He was bom Feb. 28. 1900. inSuiry County to Joseph W. and MaryLou Barker Johnson. Mr. Johnsonwas a member of the Odd Fellows.Salem Lodge No. 36 for 55 years.He was preceded in death by ason. Walter R. "Johnny" Johnson Jr. Surviving: his wife. Helen S.Johnson of the home; a daughter.Veronica "Roni" Barney and husbandTommy of Advance; and 5 grandchil dren.Funeral services were at 7 p.m.Wednesday. March 22. at Hayworth-Miller Kindenon Chapel by the Rev. Bruce Gwyn.Burial was at 11 a.m. Thursday. March 23. in Westlawn Gardens of Memory in Clemmons. Memorials may be made to Hospice of Davie County. P.O. Box 848. Mocksville. D»i« County Public Ubraiy Mocksville, NC DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, March 30,2000 - 0 0 0 (T .<L / Jo Foster Lakey Mock^ville diedWednesday. March 22.2000 ai For sy^ Medical Cemerin'SS: a of"p^r" ''eld ai 11 Me^od,SI Church Cemeieiy.The family request memorials be ">« building fund ofMariison Methodist Church. 1630 Jencho Church Road. Mocks Je 10^7 Oct. I. =.nH c "bounty to the late Joe hIh f, * ® '"^"ber ofH^ison United Methodist Church cw "'cu 'be children'schoir. She was also the pianist for the WM a graduate of Mocksville High School Class of 1956 C ?rvi'rr®^''y=''®^busband.H n V 'be home: 4daughters. Auburn L. Bailey of Cornelius. Brentla L. Epperson of 2;""''^7/'«'BecfcyL./onesofRural Hall: 6 grandchildien; a sister r v.. cr Fatricia Carter Logan V Mrs. Patricia "Patty " Carter Lo-gan. 36. of Advance, died Sunday March 26.2000. Graveside services were con- ducted at 2 p.m. Wednesday. March29 at Crestview Memorial Park. Mrs. Logan was bom in FoisythCounty to Roben "Tater" and Libby P. Caner. She was employed by the Winston-Salem/Forsyth CountySchools. ' Mrs. Logan was preceded in deathby a sister. Sheni Scott. Surviving: her husband. Michael A. Logan Jr.. and their son. Spencer Dale Logan: brothers "nmmy andwife Beverly Hyatt and Ricky Hyatt- a sister-in-law. Sandra C. Jessup: her paternal grandmother. Dorothy Stanley; her mother and father-in-law. JoEllen and Kenneth Rominger; and niecGs dnd nephews. In lieu of flowers, a trust fund for Spencer Logan, her son. has been es tablished with BB&T. George Franklin Young I9iT- ^"1® born April I grandchildren ®^'"" WM.SrMmSS,?.''''''' Dwi# County Public Ubiaiy Mocksville, fi|C Dorcas Vogler Mesimer y Mrs. Dorcas Vogler Mesimer, 77. of Center StreeL Cooleemi,. as^of Center Street. Cooleemee. died Saturday. March 25. 2000. at Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Win- ston-Salem. : Mrs. Mesimer was bom Aug. 7. 1922, in Rowan County to the late Andrew Casper and Laura Bell Carter Casper Gales. She was preceded in death by husbands Clifford "Buddy" Vogler and Walter Mesimer. and her step father. William Scott Gales. She was a retired nurse's assistant with the VA Medical Center in Sal isbury and was a member of Presby terian Church in Cooleemee ; Survivors include: a son. Scott Vogler Sr. and wife Brenda of Cool eemee; 4 grandchildren: 8 great- grMdchildren; and 2 sisters, Fmcis Miller of Cooleemee and Mary Louise Penley of Salisbury. Funeral services were held at 2 p.in. Tliesday. March 28. at Presby terian Church in Cooleemee with the Rev. Robert Goforth officiating. Burial followed at Rowan Memorial Park in Salisbury. , Memorials may be made to Hos pice of Davie County. PO Box 848. Mocksville. or to Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home. 101 Hospice Lane. Winston-Salem. 27103. 0 0 0 DAVIE COtl^^■Y EWTERHUSERECO«P.W;i!j^ i o t z - ~3 I Odessa Knight Branson j•I Mrs. Odessa Knighl Wood Branson. 88, of che Fatminglon com munity died Thursday. March 30.2000. at Meadowbrook Terrace of Davie in Advance. Mrs. Branson was bom Jan. 12.1912. in Roekingham to the late Oscar Knight and Nona Knighi Ploti.Husbands Leonard S. Wood (1963) and Harvey L. Branson(1976). brothers Harvey Knight and Joe Plon. and a son. Billy K. Wood,preceded her in death. Mrs. Branson was a member ofGreen Meadows Baptist Oiurch andworked as a CNA at Baptist Hospi tal before retiring in 1979. She is survived by: a son. Robert E. Wood and wife Doreen of Charlotte; a daughter. Linda W. Seats andhusband John of Farmington; 8grandchildren; 11 great-grandchil dren; 3 great-great-grandchildren; adaughter-in-law. Kaiherine E. Wood of Winston-Salem; a sister. MaryAlexander of Canton; and sisters-in- law Evelyn Knight of Mobile. Ala., and Marge Plott of Virginia. The funeral was Sunday. April 2.2000. at 4:30 p.m. at Green Meadows Baptist Church. 1646 N.C. 801 N.. Mocksville . with the Revs. M.Ray Davis and Kenneth Hyde officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery.Metnorials may be made to the Green Meadows Baptist Church, c/o Jimmy Bowles. 16^ N.C. 801. N.. Mocksville.27028. Carl S. Charles Mr. Carl S. Charles. 77. of 186Joy Trail. Mocksville. died suddenly J Thursday. March 30. 2000. at his home.Mr. Charles was born Dec. 9.1922. in Forsyth County, a son of the late Jacob H. and Kczie HedrickCharles. Mr. Charles served in the873rd Airborne division of the U.S.Army during World Wa r II. He wasa former employee of R.J. ReynoldsTobacco Co. and was owner and operator of Longview Grocery in Win ston-Salem before his retirement. Hewas a member of Pine ChapelMoravian Church in Winston-Salem. where he had served his church innumerous capacities over the yean.He was also active with the SeniorFriends giroup at Pine Chapel. In addition to his parents. Mr.Charles was preceded in death by aninfant son. Larry Eugene Charles; asister. Alma Charles Chappie; and abrother, Clyde Bruce Charles.He is survived by: his wife of 53yean. Mn. Norma Hemriek Charles of the home; a daughter. Carol C.Taylor and husband Jim of Gastonia;a son. Norm and wife ElizabethCharles of Mocksville; 2 grandchildren; and a sister, Mn. Myrtle C.Ashley of East Bend.The funeral was at 2:30 p.m. Sunday. April 2. 2000. at Pine ChapelMoravian Church. 324 Goldlloss St..Winston-Salem. The Rev. Matthew Allen officiated, assisted by the Rev.George Chiddie. Burial was in Sa- lem Cemetery.The family suggests memorials bemade to the Kitchen Fund. PineChapel Moravian Ch., 324 GoldllossSt.. Winston-Salem. 27127. Velma Sloan Deal Mn. Velma Sloan Deal. 72. of Statesville. died Sunday evening, April 2.2000 at her home unexpect edly. Bom in Ircdcll County on Feb. 16, 1928. she was a daughter of the late Riley N. Sloan and Pearl Jordan Sloan. She was a member of CalvaryCommunity church and loved to be active in her church by playing the piano and organ there and at home. ' She was retired from Deal Rite Feeds as secretary-treasurer. On Sept. 15. 1951 she marled James E. Deal, who survives. Also surviving: a son. Ronald L. Deal and wife Barbara of Statesville; 3 daughters. Sharon D. Seaford and husband Darrell of Mocksville. Diane D. Williams and husband Eddie of Union Grove, and Judy D.Budgick and husband Dan of Tuscon. Ariz.; 2 brothers. Riley B. Sloan of Hiddcnite and Denny B. Sloan of Statesville; 14 grandchil dren; and 2 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a son. Merrill Deal, and 2 brothers.Floyd M. Sloan and O. EIree Sloan. Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. Wednesday. April 5 at CalvaryCommunity Church with Dr. Donald L. Horton and the Rev. Richard Whiteheari officiating. Burial fol lowed in the Damascus Baptist Church Cemetery. Pallbearers were Jonathan Deal. Clyde Felker. James Shoaf. Bruce Bass. Harry Sampsel.Benny Johnson. Jeff Coley and Lamur Deal. Davie County Public Libraiy Mocksville, NG <a o Mr. ■..V, rnilNTV enterprise KECO«D;Apri^ '^r/WO/flc 1* . •'•I ^'"«'> in ffenZ AME ^ J ^^''^■el^Lanier "Wf'y of '"'■-"'"e, died Mond^'I ?®'''Scenic View Heail'h ®'«-™c»£*rKsr^'^- i^nier and was refHosiery whe77 """for over 40 years," '"'PectorSurvivo«inc,„jnephews and several »?and nephews Sreai-nieces , John Franklin Goode i®'"' '"""''''n "Smokestaclc"^e 74 Winston-Saiem died Sun-day. April 2. 2000 a. Rare BReynolds Hospice Home.Mr. Goode was bom Oci. 5,192sin Fcrsyth County to the late Will-'jam Walter and Nancy jT^eRom.nger(3oode.Hewasam,iredmechanics helper and parts runner.He was a member of Faith of God MinistnesinWalkenownSurvivors; his wife, NormaC^e of the home; 5 sisters. ShirleySioltz of Bermuda Run. Imogene°f Demon. Mary" comb of Belews Creek. Leola Mon-Salem; 3 brothers. RogerGoodewd Danny GoodeofWinston.Salem^d ferry Goode of Walkenown; and nieces and nephews.Funeral services were Wednes-%. Apnl 5 at 11 a.m. at Faith of God tar,es. with the Rev. Jim Angle TOtaa, taaa-S*' "a VI 3.-i-_ —o Qi z .G 0 Q 0 DAVIE county TNTFEPMSEEECOltD. April .«u —Si I V <r^ tO Carlie Lee Myers Mr. Carlie Lee Myers, 67, of Griffith Road, Advance, died early Sunday morning. April 2, 2000 at Forsyih Medical Center. Funeral services were held 2 p.m. Tuesday, April 4, in Yadkin Valley Baptist Church with the Rev. Ronnie Craddock officiating. Burial was in Green Meadows Baptist Church Cemetery. The family requests memorials be considered ftjr the N.C. Wildlife Fed eration, 1814 Lombardy Circle, Charlotte, 28203, Mr, Myers was bom in Davie County April 13. 1932, to the late Carl and Reba Howard Myers, He was a brick mason with Ray Carter Construction Co. He was a member of Green Meadows Baptist Church. He was with the N.C. DOT working at the 1-40 test area in Davie County. He was an avid hunter and fisherman most of his life. He was a veteran of the Korean Conflict, serving in the U.S. Army. Surviving: his wife, Jean Carter Myers, to whom he was married for 45 years; a son, Larry Lee Myers of Advance; a sister, Nell Myers Allen of the Wyo Community in Davie County; a brother, Herbert Franklin Myers of South Carolina; 6 sisters- in-law. Maty Griffith, Katie Carter, Margaret Walker, and Jamie Brown, all of Advance, and Shirley Helper and Pamela Curtis, both of Mocks- ville; 2 brothers-in-law, Ray Carter Jr. of the Wyo Community and Stan Carter of Advance; and his mother- in-law, Mrs. Bculah Carter of Adv Pauline Campbell Ward Pauline Campbell Ward, 84, of Myrtle Beach, S.C., died Saturday, April I. 2000 at Grand Suand Re gional Medical Center, She was bom SepL 12, 1915 in Mocksville, a daughter of the late Aaron Flake and Delia Starette Campbell. She was the widow of' John 0, Lassiter Sr. and W.C.'Ted" Ward. Mrs. Ward moved to Myrtle Beach in 1979 From Gadsden, Ala. 'She was a member of the Hi New comers Club and the First United Methodist Church of Myrtle Beach, where she was also a member of the Ann Herbett-Eutalia Cook Circle. Survivors include: a son, John O. Lassiter and wife Judy of Huntsville, Ala,,; 2 step-daughters, Ann Ward Goodwin of Murrells Inlet, S.C„ Jan Ward KyleofLeland; a granddaugh ter, 3 step-grandchilden; and 3 step- greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were at 11 a.m. Tuesday, April 4, at McMillan-Small Funeral Hoeme with the Rev. Quay Adams officiating. Burial was at I p.m. Thursday, April 6, at Forrest Cemetery in Gadsen, Ala. Memorials may be made to the First United Methodist Chruch, P.O. Box 1367, Myrtle Beach, S.C., 29578. DAVIE COUNTY enterprise record. April 6,2000 Ray Junior O'Neal Mr. Ray Junior O'Nual, 55, of Needmore Road, Woodltaf. died laie Saturday nighl, April 1. 2000 at his home. Funeral were Tues- in Ealon Fu- Jim Gryder officiating. Burialwosin the Society Baptist Church Cemetery. The family requests memorials be cpnsidered for the Davic Chapter of the American Heart Association, c/o Pat Lookabill. Branch Bank & Trust, 119 Caither Sl.,Mocksville. Mr. O'Neal was bom in Ircdell County April 7, 1944 to the late Maitie Jane Cloer O'Neal and Mr. Ray H. O'Neal of Spccr Road, Mocksville. He was a dciailer with Freightliner, and had worked at Seaford Lumber Co.. Heritage Fur niture, Ingersoll-Rand and Morgan - Door. He was a member ofMl Pleas ant Baptist Church, He enjoyed Fish- ing, camping, cooking, canning and making chow-chow. He was preceded in death by his mother, a sister and a grandchild. Surviving, in addition to his fa ther, are: his wife. Brenda Waller O'Neal whom he married Jan, II, 1964; 2daughtcrs. Wendy Meadows of Mt. Ulla and Amy Link of Rockwell; 4 sons, Doug O'Neal, Dean O'Neal and Tim O'Neal, all of Mocksville, and Barry O'Neal of Salisbury; a step-daughter. Brenda Byrd of Staicsvillc; a step-son. Jerry Wayne Seamon of Love Valley; 3 grandchildren; 7 step-grandchiidrcn; 4 sisters, Patsy Sue Prevetto and hus band Daniel. Jane Caither and hus band Roy. and Linda Hatfield and husband Randal, all of Harmony, Penny Ann Mullis and husband Ja son ofYadkinvillc; 3 brothers. Henry Thomas O'Neal. Paul Franklin O'Neal and wife Brenda. and Larry Eugene O'Neal and wife Karen, all of Mocksville; and several nieces and nephews. Mildred Morgan Treece Mrs. Mildred Morgan Treece of Locust died on Thursday. March 30, 2000, at the home ofher daughter in Mocksville. Funeral services were held at 3 p.m. Sunday. April 2, at First Bap tist tThuich, Locust, with the Rev. Dr. Kenny Wallace and the Rev. Jimmy Lancaster offtciating. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mis. Treece was bom in Slanly County, a daughter ofthe late Joseph Henry Morgan and Rora Harward Morgan- She was a member of First Baptist Church in Locust, and was a retired hosiery worker, greenhouse operator, homemaker and passionate gardener. She was preceded in death by her husband, J.C. Treece. Survivors include; a son Ron and wife Brenda of Raleigh; a daughter, Carolyn and husband Mark Corriher of Mocksville; 2 sisters, Vera M. Culhbertson of Monroe, and Vesta M. and husband Dillion Whitley of Oakboro; a grandson; 2 granddaugh ters; and 2 great-grandchildren. Memorials may be made to: First Baptist Church, 320 S. Central Ave., Locust, NC 28097; or Jerusalem Baptist Church Building Fund, U.S. 601 S, Mocksville. Alice Marie VanAIstine Mrs. Alice Marie Ameigh VanAlslirte, 56, ofLakewood Village Road. Mocksville. died Wednesdaj afternoon, March 29, 2000 at the Kale B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winsion-Salem. A memorial giavesidc service was held at 2 p.m. Sunday, April 2 Ir. Green Meadows Baptist Church Cemetery, officiated by the Rev. Kenneth Hyde. The family requests memorials be considered for the Davie Chapter of the American Cancer Society, 1900 S. Hawthorne Rd., Winsion-Salem. 27103. Mrs. VanAIstine was born in Monlour Falls, N.Y. Aug. 16, 1943 to the late Irving Ameigh Sr. and Freda Messenger Ameigh, and was a bomemaker. She had been a seam stress with Southeastern Sewing Ser vices. She was an active membei" of Green Meadows Baptist Church where she was a teacher in the Children's Department, and arts and craAs instructor with the church Va cation Bible School, and had sang in the church choir. She was a graduate ofWatklns Glen (N.Y.) Central High School. She was precetled in death by 2 brothers. Survivors: her husband of 37 years. Leon Hugh VanAIstine of the home; 2 daughters and sans-io-Iaw, Ronda Lee Porter and husband Jack of Coolecmee, Shelly Renee Minor and husband Charlie of Advance; 2 sons, Christopher James VanAIstine and wife "nimmy of Mocksville and William Henry VanAIstine of the home; 8 grandchildren; 6 sisters. Anna Stanko, June Smith, Marion Brewer, Virginia Bower, Carolyn Suifin, all of New York, Lesa .\lcClellan of Maryland; a brother, Irving Ameigh Ir. of New York; and several nieces and nephews. Omi» DAVIE county enterprise record, April 13,2000 n o Q re I ro / Ann Webb Champ " L. 801 S,. Advance, died early ^"Uay morning. April 9. 2000 ai Forsyih Medical Cenicr. Funeral services were ai 2 p.m Wednesday. April J2 in TuncnlineBapiisi Church wirh ihe Revs. JoeSmuh and Billy Sloop officiaiing.Burial vvas m Rovvan Memorial Park in oansbury. Mrs. Champ was bom in Davie CouniyonAug. ||. l933.to(helaieThomas Uc and Ruby Riddle Webb and w« a retiree of Lexington Furniture Co. She was a member of the ScniorCiiiacnsofCooleemeeanda-mbcr or Turrontine Baptist Ste was preceded in death by 2daugh^airicia K. Champ and Cyhihia Ann Champ. Surviving: her husband. John Henry Champ Sr. of the home: 2 daughters. Peggy Jean Grimes and Crystal Lynn Champ, both of Ad vance: 2 sons. John H. Champ Jr. of Mocksville and James C. Champ of Advance; 4 grandchildren: 4 great grandchildren; 3 sisters. Ruby K. Vogel and Kitty Josephine Cope, both of Marstown. Tenn., and Mary Frances Walters of Raleigh; a brother. James Waller Webb of Mocksville: and several nieces and nephews. Jo Vance Cornatzer Mr. Jo Vance Cornatzer. 53. of Winston-Salem. died Monday. April 3. 2COO. after a battle with cancer. Mr. Cornatzer was bom May 24. 1946. in Forsyth County to the late John Charles and Margaret Dorse Cornatzer. Mr. Cornatzer is survived by: brothers and sisters. J.C. "Jake" Cor natzer Jr. of Kure Beach. Rusty and Ralph Wareof Winston-Salem. Irene Mayberry of Myrtle Beach. S.C.. Gid and Sandy Cornatzer of Advance and Charles Mayberry of Winston-Sa lem: and a number of aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews. A memorial will be planned later for lamily and friends. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that memorials be made to Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home or to Crisis Control where Jq had spent time working as a volunteer. William C. Flinchum (/ Mr. William Carlos Rinchum Sr.. 87. of Walnut Cove died Sunday. April 9. 2000 at Forsyth Medical Ccnier. Mr. Rinchum was bora Dec. II. 1912. in Stokes County to the late Reid and Hatlie Manuel Flinchum. He was a retired farmer and a mem ber of Isom Baptist Church. He was preceded in death by a daughter. Joyce Paigq Rinchum. Survivors include: his wife. Luvenia Flinchum of the home; daughters. Rose F. Smith. Gerladine Inman and husband Donald, and Ann Young . all of Walnut Cove; a son. William C. Flinchum Jr. and wife Kalhy of Walnut Cove; a sister . Thelma Flinchum Duggins of Ad vance; 9 grandchildren: 13 great grandchildren: 3 great-great-grand children. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Tuesday. April 11 at Burroughs Fu neral Home. Burial followed in Danbury Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Hospice of Stokes County. PO Box 10. Danbuiy. 27016. n Si > <2 Public Ubray MocHsvilh, Nc V- — • O 4 DAVIE county enterprise record, April 13,2000 - •v Robert S. Foster Robori S. Ft>»li.T. 74. of Angola. Ind.. fomwrK ofGrcenjhoro.diedFri- d.iN, April 7. 2000. at Si. Joseph hospi tal in Indiana. He was bom .April 29. 1925 to the late Robert Lcc and Mo/elle Tucker Fosicrof.Mixksville.Hcwa.semplo>cd and retired from C-F Trucking Co. of tndi.ma. I'lmeral services were held Thurs- da>. April 1.7. at Andrews Memorial Cliurch in Greensboro. .SII rs Ivors: his w ife. LeVem Gamer Fvistcr of the home; 3 sons. Bobby Foster of Raleigh. Mark Foster and w He Cathv of Angola, and Scolty Fos ter of the home: 3 daughters. Mrs. Doug (Cherry) Bland of Wrightsville Beach. Mrs. Roger (Jill) Whitakerof Kentucky. Mrs. Debbie Lisouski of .Vew Vork; 5 sisters. .Mrs. Opal Ward. .Mrs. .Ann Johnson. Mrs. Laura Smith. Mrs. Betty (Sheniian) Wood, all of Mock.sville. and Mrs. Hallie Lawson of Winsion-Salem. He w:is preceded in death by his brother. Johnny Foster. Heisalsosur- V i V ed by 10 grandchildren and 4 gieal- erandchiidrcn. Samuel Paul Ireland J Mr. Samuel Paul Ireland. 75. of Liberty Church Road. Mocksville.died Tuesday morning. April II. 2<XX). at his home. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Thursday. April 13 in Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Revs. Marvin Blackburn and Grady Tutterow olllci- aling. Burial will be in Liberty Baptist Church Cemetery. The family was to be at Eaton's Wednesday from 7-9 p.m. The family requests memorials be considered for I^vie Hospice. P.O. Box 848, Mocksville. or to Cancer Services, 622 N. Main St.. Mocks ville. Mr. Ireland was bom in Davie County June 9.1924 to the late Roben Phillip and Emma E. Oanner Ireland and was retired from Orexel Heritage Furniture Co. with over 41 years of service. He attended Liberty Baptist Church, and enjoyed gardening and spending time with his family. He was preceded in death by his wife. Alma Shinaull Ireland, in 1983. Surviving: a daughter. Mrs. Ray (Betty) Nelson of Lexington; 2 sons. Robert Lee Ireland and wife Brendaof .Vlocksville. and W.G. Ireland of Dob- son; 6 grandchildren: 6 great-grand- vhildten; a sister. .Mis. Robbie Myers of Winston-Salem; and a sbrolher. James Harding Ireland of Lexington; and a companion of 21 years. Maty Plowman. J Katherine Jordan Kelley Mrs. Katherine Jordan Kelley. 78. of Hardison Street. Mocksville, died Friday. April 7. 2000. at Forsyth Medical Center in Winston-Salem. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Sunday. April 9 at Victory Baptist Church in Cooleemee. with the Rev. Shelby Harbour officiating. Burial was in Legion Memorial Park. The family requests memorials be considered for Victory Baptist Church. P.O. Box 686, Cooleemee 27014. Mrs. Kelley was born April 20. 1921. in Davie County to Dewey and Jettic Messick Jordan, and was a homemaker. She was a member of Victory Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband. Albert T. Kelley. Survivors include: a son. Kenny Jordan of Mocksville; 3 grandchil dren; 4 great-grandchildren: a sister. Frances Brooks of Tampx Ra.; and two brothers. Loman and George Jor dan. both of Cooleemee. vA .V Davie County Public Ubraiy Mocksville, NC i <s— DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 13,2000 • , Col. Eliot Vail Parker Col Biai Vaif (E.Vj Parker Jr. -- olM,,.k^v,|Ie, Jiej early Satur. April x,:()00,-romihc Aniy a.s an amiorcci cavalry uificcr conflH'^ i" four armedwnnu^mcludmg a campaign in theDon.,mean Republic, iwo lours in'•.e.nam and a nnal campaign in arenada. A,i an Airborne Ranger he _crvcda imroldwyinVieinamwiih• IXcia Forces Uni, and spcni (wo ^"«oTJuiy.w„h,he82ndAirbomeDivision His commands included ^-ingasXCJOfficerofaninranlryb-n<almn during his second lour inVietnam and as Battalion Com" «anocr 01 an armored baualion al Fon Carson. Col,,. W leaching alsM Point alter receiving his mas- •-r V degree in.vm the University of Vivconsin, A long iisr ofdjin- iu,shed awards includosaSiiverStarn valor ,n eomhal. fiye Bron.c -|-^lorsalor,|woPu,pieHeansand'vUgionoi .Men,.Col.Parker re.r U.S. Army ai Fort"la^ m jys.s, vsfiere he had scrvc^d as IOC XVIll Aifhomc Corps Civil/ '.'.-JO Aiu,,^ oiilcer and Com- niandcr of,neU.S.rorco.s during,he'tii.iiaryopc.raiions In Grenada. r ROTCai Davie High School and I ; >"f serving as the Davie CountyJv- t-ran Aiiair, OlTicer and Stale V-Co;n;nanderor,hePu,p,uHear, Snrsisofs include; his wife of 39 nJn "in-;Jnd 11 grandchildren ...emorial service will be ^■-■dnesda>,ApriM2at4pmallheH^lUmW Methodist Church^ The family request, in lieu of ZT' -0 ' ' ''•■'P'' Roud. Mwksville. Booker T. SummersV Mr. Bo(.ikerT. Summers Sr.. 88, of352 Hicktirv' Grove Road. Harmony,died in Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center Monday night, .April IO,20(X),foil.nvirig injuries sustained from a farm tractor accident.He was tvjm in Iredell County, and WHS a iiieniber ofFirsl Baptist Churchin H.irituiin. and was a liirmcr trea surer of the Mountain and CaiawbaAssixijiion. He wcu self-employed as a fanner and a buiUling contractor. He is survived by: 2 sons, BookerMitchell Summers Jr. of Hamiony, and Soloman W. Summers ofStales', ilie: 3 daughters, Irene (Dallas) .Sleeie.aiidC.iudiiielRavlLcwis.bothol'H.innonv. WiHene i James, Carson of Corona. .N.Y.; 2 brothers. TommySummers oi Hannony. and Rod Summers.,i \y .ishingion.D.C; alargcnum- bcr u: grtndchildrcn and other rela- ' lives. .Service and arrangements will be coiKluctcJ by Graham Funeral Direc- DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 13,2000 n O 0 M V M V e -s- <?! Alice M. Tenipleton y Alice McDowell Templelon. af- Icctionaiely known as "Mama T." died April 7. 2000. in ihe Bermuda Villuse Health Care Center after a battle with stroke, parathyroid dis ease and cancer. Born Nov. 29.1919. in Asheville. she w as the youngest chi Id of Ernest and Clare Wallace McDowell. She graduated from Women's College. Greensboro, in 1940 and in 1942 married George S. Templeton. a pharmacist in Mooresville. She reared her children in Gastonia. where she svas active in PTA and Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. Af ter her husband's retirement, the fatn- ily moved to Greensboro, where she "adopted" many who were a part of the First Lutheran Church ministry to UNC-G students. After her husband's death, she returned to Asheville. There she was owner/ manager of an apanmcnt quadraplex, a Welcome Wagon representative and active member of the Pilot Club and St. Mark's Lutheran Church. She moved to Bermuda Village in 1987. She is surv ived by: her children. George McDowell Templeton. Kathy Norins and Marie Lingle and their spouses; S grandchildren; 4 great-grandchildren; and u sister. Clare McDowell. A private graveside service was conducted by Pastor Phillip Squire of King of Glory Lutheran Church. Cletnmons. A memorial .service was conducted at 3 p.m. Wednesday. .April 12 at Bermuda Village. The family will receive friends in the atrium after the service. The fatnily requests memorials be made to the School of .Music. UNC- 0. P.O Box 2fil67. Greensboro. 274t)2 or Smith .McDowell House Museum. 2X.3 Victoria Road. Asheville. 28801 ~»X 17. . John Sylvester Wyatt ' Mr. John Sylvester Wyatt. 65. of MiK'ksville. died .Monday. April 10. 2IK)0. at Forsyth Medical Center in Wiiiston-Salem. Funeral services were to be Thurs day. April 13. at II a.m. at Eaton Funeral Chapel, with the Rev. Julius BIcvinsolTiciating. Burialwostobein H;iy .Meadow Baptist Church Cem etery in Hayes. The family was at the funeral home Wednesday from 7-9 p.m. Mr. Wyatt was born Aug. 27,1934, in WilkesCounty tothe late DraMarvin and Mary Myers Wyatt. Survivors include his brother. Bill Wyatt and wife. Wanda, of Advance; 2 sisters. Joann Howard of Mocks- ville. Ruth Foster and husband. Wil son. of <2harleston. S.C.: a number of nieces and nephews. Ottit County Public Ubruty Mooksviilo, NO 3 0 0 > o > I.AV.ECOUNTVENTE.U.R.SE RECORD, April lyson James Carter Tyson James Carter, 29, of Allen Road, Mocksville, died Friday, April 14,2000. at Baptist Hospital in Win- ston-Salem. He was bom June 27, 1971, in Silver Springs, Md., to Susan Carter, Mr. Carter attended Yadkinville Church of God and was active in his son's Boy Scout Troop. He was an employee of Frieghtliner in Cleve land, N.C. In addition to his mother, he is survived by his wife of seven years, C, Renae Reed; and a son, Tyler Carter, both of the home. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Tuesday, April 18. at Davie Funeral Service Chapel with the Rev, Hm Jones ofTtciating. Burial followed at Rose Cemetery in Mocksville. Catherine Jean Shoaf Catherine Jean Ingle Shoaf, 61, of Ridge Road. Lexington, died Wednesday, April 12. 2000, at her home after a year of declining health, A funeral was at 11 a.m. Friday, April 14, at Midway United Meth odist Church with the Rev. Harry Sellers Jr. ofTiciating. Burial was in the church cemetery. Survivors include a niece, Sandy Walser of Advance. Virginia Myers Jones j/ Mrs. Virginia Myers Jones, 77, of Greensboro, died Sunday, April 16, 20(X), at the Masonic and Eastern Star Home. Funeral services will be Thursday, April 20 at 2 p.m. at Mocks United Methodist Church with he Revs. Bruce Gwynn and Gregg Little ofll- ciating. The body will be placed in the church 30 minuts prior to the ser vice. The family was to be at Eaton Funeral Home Wednesday from 7-9 p.m. The family requests memorials be considered for the Masonic and East- cm Star Home, 700 S. Holden Rd„ Greensboro, 27401. Mrs. Jones was born July 25, 1922 in Davie County ot the late George Z. and Fallie Phelps Myers and was rclircd from R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. with over 20 years of service. She was a life-time member of Mocks United Methodist Church where she taught Sunday School in the Primary Depanmem. She was a member of the Eastern Star and a volunteer at the Eastern Star Home and enjoyed ciocheiing. Mrs. Jones was preceded in death by her husband, Paul William Jones on Feb. 22, 1980, and by 2 sisters and 5 brothers. Survivors: a daughter, Lyndia Cornatzer of Advance; a son, Keith L. Jones of Mocksville; 5 grandchil dren; 2 great-grandchildren; 3 broth ers, Herman (Sleepy) .Vlyers, Bill Myers, and J.T. Myers, all of Ad- /Paul 'Junior'Nelson Mr. Paul "Junior" Nelson, 71, died at his home on Wednesday April 12,2000, following a period of declin ing health. A native of Stokes County, he was bom March 21,1929, to WalterCarl and Myrtle Mabe Nelson, Mr. Nelson was an ordained Baptist min ister, a retired self-employed painter and a veteran of the Korean War, having served in the U.S. Navy; He was preceded in death by his wife, Lillie Mae Coins Nelson, in 1984. He is survived by: adaughtcrand a son-in-law. Sherry Nelson Kiger and husband Clinton of Germanton; a son, Donald Gray Nelson of Saint Charles, Mo.; 7 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchildren; 3 sisters, Nancy Mock and Margaret Myers, both of Advance, and Dorothy Lineberry of East Bend. The funeral was at 11 a.m. Satur day, April 15 at Hayworth-Miller Fu neral Home, Rural Hall Chapel. Pas tor Ora Evans ofllciatcd. Burial followed at Gardens of Memory in Walkertown. Memorials may be made to Hos pice of Stokes County, P.O. Box 10, Danbury, 27016. V o County Public Library Mocksvlite, NC ,-0 DAV.ECOOfn-VENTERPR.SERECO«I,.ApH,2..:™o. 0 <3 o Jesse Lee Singleton Mr. Jesse Lee Singleion Jr., 60. of N.C. 801 South, Advance, died Sunday, April 16,2000, as the result of a boating accident. Funeral services were Wednes day, April 19 at 2 p.m. at Eaton Fu neral Chapel with the Revs. Jack Wallace and Bruce Cwyn officiating. Burial was in the Elbaville United Methodist Church Cemetery. The family requests memorials be considered for Davie County Rescue Squad, c/o Sandra Lipscomb, 1718 U.S. 64 E., Mocksville, or to a char ity of the donor's choice. Mr. Singleton was bom Dec. 29, 1939 in Davie County to Wiima Motley Singleton of Mocksville and the late J.L. Singleton Sr. He worked for the DOT for 12 years before be coming owner and operator of Singleton Grading. He graduated from Davie High School in I9S8 and enjoyed traveling to Alaska to Hsh. He collected toy tractors and exca vating machinery. Survivors include: his wife, Connie Tucker Singleton of the home: 2 sons and daughters lit law. Tommy and Mary Brown Singleton, and Michael and Debbie Lankford Singleton, all of Advance; 2 grand children; and a brother, John A. Singleton of Mocksville. yMildred James Steed Mildred James Steed, 82, died April 11, 2000, at Autumn Care of Biscoe, Mrs, Steed, a former resident of Robbins, had been a patient at Autumn Care for the past four years. She was bom in Star on May 9, 1917, and was educated in the pub lic schools of Montgomery County, She attended Guilfoid College. She was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star and was a member of the Robbins Woman's Club. She was a member of the Elise Presbyterian Church and the Women of the Church. She is survived by: her husband of 62 years, James Franklin Steed of the home; a son. Dr. Bill Steed of Advance; daughter, Jane S. Prcvette of Virginia Beach, Va.; brother, Ri chard James of Southern Pines; 7 grandchildren; and I great-grand child. The funeral service was held Fri day, April 14, at the Elise Presbyte rian Church in Robbins with the Revs, John Neuhs and John L. Frye Jr. officiating. Burial was at Whynot Memorial Cemetery in Seagrove. / Donald F. Stevens Sr <8'^-J^''="'"'™klinStevens;58, of Mocksville died Tuesd ci'mer"" He was born July 8, 1941 ; HorryCounty,S.C.,asonoftheiaiLester and Thelma Hardy Steven.He was a retired supervisor wit Crown Wood Furniture and a mem bcr ofLwe Oak Mission ChurS.Surviving: 2 daughters, Debbit(Keith) Floyd of Loris, S.C. and Amy (Mike) Rose of Mocksville; 2 sons, Terry Stevens of Whiteville and f^mnkie (Dean,) Stevens Jr. Ofkinville: a special friend, Debbie Bvkenasister.EvaMaeRabonofonway, S.C; a brother. Elton C cSn A funer^was conducted atCen- Be"- Jake at 11^^ graveside service was heldatvM*" r"'^-'^P""5'«TwinCity Memorial Gardens in Loris bythe Rev. Hoban John.wn. 'x 2) OaM Counti ca DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aprii 27,2000 Wilburn Ziglar Crater Mr. Wilbum Ziglar Craler, 67, of ClemiTions. liied suddenly Thursday. April 20, 2000. ai Forsylh Medical Comer. He was bom Feb. 2. 1933. in For sylh County 10 Howard Rondlhaler and Lillie Ziglar Craler. He rclired from R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. in 1987 afler 27 years of service. He was a reserve deputy wiih the For sylh County Sheriff's Departmem for 20 years and was an active depuiy for five years, retiring in 1992. Mr. Craier was a volunlccr with ihe South Fork Fire Department and was a Lifeline volunteer at Fotsyth Medi cal Center. Hewasamemberof New Philadelphia Moravian Church. In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by a sister, Sarah Rash, and a brother, H.R. Crater Jr. Survivors include; his wife. Sue Scott Crater of the home ; a daugh ter. Deborah Crater of Winston-Sa- lem ; a son and daughter-in-law . Wilbum (and Suzanne) Crater Jr. of Cary; 2 sisters, Geneva Easter and Betty Wise of Winston-Salem ; and 2 brothers , Roger Crater of Santa Monica. Calif, .and Albert Crater of Advance. Memorial services were con ducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday, April 25 at New Philadelphia Moravian Church by Dr. Worth Green. The family requests memorials be made to the New Philadelphia Moravian Bldg. Fund- ThomasA. Hendrix Thomas Anderson Hendrix, 83. of Fork, died Wednesday morning, April 19, 2000, at the Kate B, Reynolds Hospice House in Charlie Anderson married to Pauline Beanc. Living in DavieCouniyallof iheirlivcs.thcyhad shared over 59 yeare together. Funeral services were at 11 a.m. on Friday. April21.at Fork BaptistChurch. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Mr. Hendrix retired fiom Hanes Corporation on May 4, 1981. after 45 years of service as a technician/devel oper. He servcdhiscommuniiyaspesi- denl of Fork Fire Departmem fiar 25 years, and as a founding member of Fork Civic Club. He was acomerstone ofFork BaptistChurch, having served many years as Sunday School Super intendent, Deacon, and in many other capacities. He is survived by 5 children: Bar bara Montgomery of Winston-Salem. Tommyand Tiny HcndrixofAdvance. Glcnda and Ron Board of Salisbury, Jerry and Connie Hendrix of Laurlnburg. and Betty and Stacy Comatzcr of Advance-, 10 grandsons; 5 granddaughters; 2 great-grandsons; many nieces and nephews; his brother. Richard and Ell of Advance. Three brothers. Odcll. Paul, and Frank, preceded him in death. Memorials may be considered for Kate B. Reynolds Hospice House. 101 Hospice Lane, Wlnston-Salcm 27013. or the Building Fund of Fork Baptist Church. 3140 U.S. 64 E.. Mocksvillc. Ruth Smith Hix V Ruth Smith Hix of Winston-Sa lem died on April 19, 2000. at Meadowbrook Terrace of Davie County. She was bom June 23, 1921. Ihe daughter of Willie Edgar and Mary Ellen Bradford Smith. She was the mother of John F. Hix (deceased); a daughter. Patsy Hix Thompson; 2 sons, Dennis Bradley Hix and Ricky Dale Hix; grandmother of 6; great- grandmother of 3: 2 sisters, Mary S. Pardue and Mabel S. Culler; and a brother. Alfred L. Smith. Memorials may be made in memory of Mrs. Hix to Brenner Children's Hospital. Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. Medical Center Blvd., Wnslon-Sa- lem. 27157. Davie County Public Library Moct^sville, NC DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, April 27,2000 0 V James Byerly Phelps y Mr. James Byerly Phelps, 65. of Poortioy Trail. Mocksvllle. died Sun day. April 23. 2000. al Rowan Re gional Medical Cenier in Salisbury. He was bom May 25. 1934. in Rowan Couniy lo ihe laie Arthur and Ethel Seamon Phelps. He retired in 1992 as an electrician with Kosa Mr. Phelps was of the Baptist Faith. Survivors include: a son. Ronny Phelps of Hot Springs; a daughter. Melissa Phclpsof Mocksville; agrand- daughter. a sister. Evelyn P. Snyder; 6 brothers. Fred Phelps. Cecil Phelps. both of Salisbury. Odcll Phelps of Cleveland. John A. Phelps. Bill Phelps* and Walters Phelps. all ofCoolcemee. Funeral services were held Tues day, April 25.2000. at 2 p.m. atCorinth Church of Christ in Needmore. with the Rev. C.W. Bradley otnciating. Burial followed in the church cem etery. Thomas Wade Reavis Mr. Thomas Wade Reavis. 71. of Liberty Church Road. Mocksville, died Sunday morning, April 23.2000, at his home. Funeral services were at 11:00a.m. Wednesday. April 26. in Eaton Fu neral Chapel with the Rev. Archie JonesolTiciating. Burial was in Eaton's Baptist Church Cemetery. The family request memorials be considered for the ARC of Davie County, c/o Kathy Etb. 1653 Jericho Church Road, Mocksville. or to the Davie County Chapter ofthe Disabled American Veterans. Chapter 75.251 N. Main St.. Winston-Salem 27101. Mr. Reavis was bom in Davie County. June 26. 1928. to the late Thomas Cordle and Annie Jordan Reavis and was retired from DOT. He had worked at Hanes Hosiery. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army during World War D and also during the Ko rean ConflicL He was a member of Liberty Baptist Church. Mr. Reavis enjoyed collecting knives and toy trac tors, and spending quality time with his family and friends. He was preceded in death by two half brothers, Merrill Reavis and Billy Reavis. Surviving: his wife of 48 years. Thelma Jones Reavis of the home; 2 daughters, Mrs. Randy (Lisa) Sherrill ofMocksville. and Cindy Reavis. U.S. Coast Guard. San Diego. Calif.; 2 grandchildren; a sister. Esther Foster of Mocksville; abrother. Felix Reavis of Clemmons; 2 half sisters, Nancy Jones and Lucille Mellon, both of Mocksvllle; and several nieces, neph ews. and cousins. Clyde Heniy Williams / Mr. Clyde Henry Williams. 86, of Ridge Road. Mocksville. died Tues- day. April 25. 2000 at Autumn Care of Mocksville. Mr. Williams was bora Sept. 7. 1913 in Davie County to the late Newton B. Williams and the late Ida McDaniel Williams. In addition to his parents. Mr. Williams was pre ceded in death by his wife. Zeola McDaniel Williams. In 1995. He is survived by: a son. Raymond E. Williams and wife Ruby of Mocksville; 3 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. Mr. Williams made his living as a carpenter. He was a member of Sa- lem United Methodist Church. The family was to receive frineds from 7-8:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 26, at the Davie Funeral Service Chapel. Valley Road. Mocksville. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday, April 27. at the chapel with the Rev. Steve Bailey officiating. Burial followed in Society Baptist Church Cemetery. Harmony. Memorials may be made to Soci ety Baptist Church Cemetery Fund c/o John Nania. 197 Dogwood For est Loop. Harmony. 28634. VA i Davis County Public Libraiy MocKsvfHe, NO o n DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. May 4.20C0 0 a Q Thomas Junior Barney J Mr. Thomas Junior Barney, 80. ol Winsion-Salem. died Tuesday, April 25, 2000, at Fursyih Medical Cen- icr. He was born Oct. 6, 1919 , in Davic County to the late Charles P. and Cora Wagj>oner Barney. He was a Baptist. Mr. Barney was a veteran ol° the U.S. Navy and served in com bat aboard the USS LCS (L)85 in the Pacific Theater during World War fl. He participated in the battle of Okinawa and the occupation of Ja pan. He was retired from Hanes Corp. after 45 years, Mr. Barney was preceded in death by two sisters, Stella New of Win- ston-Salem and Edna Boggs of Sal isbury; 3 brothers, Hayden, Ledfoid and Royd Barney, all of Winston-Sa- lem. Surviving; his wife of 62 years. Dorothy H. Barney of the home; a son, Gary Wayne Barney and wife Doris of Clemmons; 2 granddaugh ters; 3 great-grandchildren: a brother, Hubert Barney of Clemmons; and a sister, Creola Cook of Gaffney, S.C. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Thursday, April 7 at Hayworth- Miller Silas Creek Chapel. with the Revs. J.B. Parker and Matthew Allen officiating. Burial followed in Parklawn Memorial Gardens. Joe N. 'Burr' Boger Mr. Joe N. "Burr" Boger, 53, of ' Farmington Road, Mocksville, died Wednesday. April 26, 2000, at For- syih Medical Center in Winston-Sa- lem. A graveside service was held at 4 p.m. Friday, April 28 at Farmington Community Cemetery. He was bom Aug. 8,1945, in For- syth County, a son of Mary Lapish Boger of Mocksville and the late David Carl Boger, He was employed by Vulcan Materials Co. Surviving in addition to his mother, are: his wife, Helen Jones Boger, of the home; a daughter, Jo Ann Boger of Mocksville; 2 sisters, Mrs. Kenneth (Virginia) Lanier and Mrs. William (Mary Ruth) Seats of Mocksville; 2 brothers, Huben S. Boger and Thomas David (Janet) Boger of Mocksville; a grandson; and many other friends and loved ones. Mr. Boger was preceded in death by a sister-in-law, Mrs. Ozelle Bo ger. The family requests that memo rials be made to the Governor Morehead Foundation, 301 Ashe Ave„ Raleigh, NC 27699. John Lester Cook '] Mr,JohnLester"Pete"Cook,70, ; of Mocksville. died April 29, 2000, T at his home, . He was bom Aug. 7, 1929, in .: Davie County to James Clyde and 2 Rosa Walker Cook. He was a veteran .* of the U.S, Army, having served dur- teg the Korean War as a truck me- j chanic. He was a member of VFW ; Post No. 8719 in Advance, He was : formerly employed with Modern Cheviolet and Pennington Chevrolet. . and he retired from Davie Oil Co. Hei was a member of the support group ; for transplant patients and was a 7 member of Bixby Presbyterian • Church.1 Survivors include: his wife. C Jeanette Atkins Cook, of the home; ; one daughter, Sonja C. Dillon of 2 Mocksville; 2 brothers and their ' wives, J,C. (Jim) and Nellie Ctook - and Danell Dean (Tom) and Nancy ;; Cbofc; and 4 sisters and their hus- ^ bands, Carolyn and Robert ; Cornelius, Doris and Jack Walker, I Peggy and Hoben Caner, and Ola Mae and Ray Gwen Boger, 'i 'A funeral service was conducted 2at 7 p.m. Monday, May I at ; Hayworth-Miller Kinderton Chapel Jby the Rev, Carol Ann Jackson,■' Graveside services by the District 11 j Memorial Honor Guard were con-2 ducted at 11 a.m. Tuesday, May 2 at• Westlawn Gardens of Memory. 7 The family request that memori-• als be ntade to Hospice of Winston-" Salem/Forsyth County, The Ameri- ' can Cancer Society Relay forLife(c/- o Davie County Chamber of Com-■. nterce, 107 N. Salisbury St., Mocks- '■ ville,, Ann: Jane Simpson), or to achanty of the donor's choice. 7 o -Q - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, May 4,2000 0 Vo i i' j Nola Lee Dixon J Nola Lee Dixon. 87. of Yadtin radkin Nursing Center. She was an aunt of ThomasRonald Dixon of Mocksville. ^ Sheila Wilson Keaton ' / Mrs. Sheila Wilson Sprinkle n Keaton. 58. of Shellield Road, Har- " mony died Tuesday. April 25,2000, at Davie County Hospital in Mocks- : vine. Funeral services were at 11 a.m. - Tbuisday, April 27 at Eaton Funeral _ Chapel conducted by the Rev. Tammy Faust. Burial was in New Uiiion United Methodist Church ' Cemetery. . Mrs. Keaton was bom Nov. 26.;■ 1941, In Mecklenburg County, a; daughter of the late Felix C. Wlson^ Jr. and Margaret McLurin Short She " was a homemaker. - Survivors: her husband, J.W. Keaton of the home; 2 sons, Richard. Leon Sprinkle Jr. of Clemmons andWlliam Curry (Deidre) Sprinkle of. Winston-Salera; a sister. Sylvia W.^ Walker of Winston-Salem; 7 step- chililren. Johnny and Hiltla Keaton; ofHaimony.Tetry and Tenita Keaton - of Mocksville. Rebecca and Loftin Hill of Harmony, Maxine and Lester" Edwards of Harmony. Barbara and Tommy Cobble of Mocksville,; Jimmy and Juanita Keaton of Har-: mony and Charlie and Sherry Keatonof Harmony; 4 half sisters. Sandra W. (John) BeaneofPfalDown, Felice.. W, (Keith) Avery of Winston-Salem.- Gay W. (Charles) Cheiry of King and■ Sherry W. (JefO Thompson of* Tobaccoville; and 4 grandchildren. Lillie Berrier Dwiggins/ Mrs. Lillie Berrier Dwiggins 89* of Mumford Drive. Mocksville, diedThursday morning. April 27.2000atAutumn Care of Mocksville whereshe had been a resident for the past four months.A graveside service was held at11 a.m. Saturday. April 29. in RoseCemetery with the Rev. SteveHcdgecoek officiaUng.The family requests memorials beconsidered for First Baptist Churchof Mocksville. 390 N. Main St.Mr. Dwiggins was bora Feb. 24.1911 in Davidson County to the lateVenus A. and Faithie Hege Berrierand was a retired nurses aide at DavieCounty Hospital with more than 12years of service. She was a graduateof Arcadia High School Class of1930 and was a member of theMocksville First Baptist Churchwhere she had been a teacher in theSunday School. She had worked atHanes Hosiery and Black welderManufacturing.Survivors include: her husband of53 years. Marshall EveretteDwiggins of the home; a son. GwynDwiggins of Mocksville; 2 grandchildren; and one great- -grandchild; and 3 nieces. / Jean Hepler Elmore Mrs. Jean Hepler Elmore. 53. ofLiberty Church Road. Mocksville.died Saturday, April 29. 2000 at Forsyth Medical Center.Funeral services were at 11 a.mTuesday. May 2 at Bear Cteek Baptist Church with the Revs. JackJohnson and Cecil Weatherholt ofli-ciating. Burial was in the church cemetery.The family asks that memorialsbe considered for the FellowshipHall of Bear Creek Baptist Church268 Bear Creek Church Road. Mocksville.Mrs. Elmore was bom Oct. 31,1946, in Forsyth County to JaneMcClamroch Clark of Clemmonsand the late Ted Hepler. She was the owner and operatorof HairCuts. Etc.and she was a member of Bear CreekBaptist Church where she sang in thechurch choir, and taught Sundayschool in the children's department.She was a Girl Scout troop leader in the William R. Davie School District.SiK was a graduate of West ForsythHigh School class of 1965 andBarbizon Beauty College class of 1985. Survivors, in addition to hermother, are: her husband. RichardEimore of the home; 2 daughters andsons-in-law, Shayan and TraceySamsam of Holly Springs and Andrea and Todd Hartman of SanPedro. Calif.; a sister. Elizabeth Dullof Clemmons; 2 brothers. LonnieHepler and Robert Hepler, both ofAdvance; and several nieces and nephews. 0=. ■c Dfuit County Public UbraiyMocHsvilte, NC DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, May 4,2000 o 0 1 >- V) w . u i o Becky Lashmit Eva Rebecca Broadway "Becky" Lashmii. 63. of Lexingion. died May 1.2000 ai Forsyth Memorial Hospi- lal in Winslon-Sulcm. Funeral services were al 11 a.m. Thursday. May 4, at The Timberlake Chapel of Piedmont Funeral Home, conducted by the Rev. Jimmy Lancaster. Burial was In Forest Hill Memorial Park. Mrs. Lashmit was born June 8. 1936 in Davie County to John Will- iam Hedrick "Bud" Broadway and Ruby Victoria Gales Broadway. She was a resident of Davidson County for 15 years. She was a former em ployee of Drexel Heritage and a member of NoCreek Primitive Bap tist Church of Fork. She was a mem ber of the Disabled American Veter ans. She was preceded in death by 3 brothers. John Richard Broadway. Billy Eugene Broadway, and Thomas Lee Broadway, a sister. Patsy Broad way Lyerly. a son. Leslie Buddy West, and a grandson. Dustin Garth Queen West. Survivors: her husband. Harold Daniel Lashmit of the home; a daughter. Rebecca Jane "Janie" Swanson of Lexington; 3 sisters. Ethel Louise Dockery of North Wilkcsboro, Mary Elizabeth Gre gory of Mocksville. and Hazel Jane Waugh of Claremoni; 2 brothers. William Hedrick Broadway and Arnold Ray Broadway, both of Mocksville; 2 stepdaughters. Teresa Lashmit and Donna Eaton of Lex ington; 2 stepsons. Roben Lashmitand Ronnie l^hmit of Lexington; 3 grandchildren; 6 stepgrandchildren; I stcpgreat-grandchild; and her mother. Ruby Gales Broadway of Mocksville. Memorials may be made to Jerosalem Baptist Church (Relay for Life) Care Bears or Jerusalem Fire Dept.. both c/o Ed Williams. 3164 U.S. 601 S.. Mtxksvillc. Elvin Wesley Mooney j/ Mr. "Al" Elvin Wesley Mooney. 65. of High Point died Saturday April 29.2000. at his home. He was born June 15. 1934. in Sparta, a son of the late Johnny Wesley and Mattie Sexton Mooney. He was a member of Samamtin Bap tist Church and was retired from Stanley Furniture. Survivors include: his wife. JanieM. Mooney of the home; 2 daugh ters. Pat Mooney of Conway. S.C.. and Libby Mooney Banks of Mocks^ ville; 6 sons, Dallas Mooney of Conway. S.C., David Mooney of Kernersville, Ronald Mooney of Sumtcr, S.C., Darrell Mooney ofVir- ginia Beach. Va., David Pyrtle of Thomasville. and Johnny Pyrtle of Kernersville; 19 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchildren; and a sister Beverly M. (Belva) Brooks of Sparta. Funeral services were conducted at II a.m. Monday, May 1. at Samaratin Baptist (Thurch, with theRev. Danny Smith ofllciating.Burial followed at Eastlawn Gardens of Memory. / Donald Lee Parnell Mr. Donald Lee Parnell. 64, of Lewis ville died Monday, May I. 2000. at the Wake Forest University- Baptist Medical Center. He was bom Dec. 25. 1935, in Welch County. W.Va.. to Perry and Clara Grimes Pamell. Mr. Pamell was a member of Lewisville Baptist Church. He was preceded in death by his father. Perry Pamell; and a stepson. Bradley Hawks. Surviving: his wife of the home. Eraa Hawks Parnell; his mother. Clara Grimes Pamell of Max Mead ows. Va.; 2 daughters, Rhonda Pamell Blevins and husband Aaron of Lansing and Tessy Pamell Welch and husband Del of Mocksville; 2 stepdaughters Debbie Hawks Livengood and husband Pete of Win- ston-Salem and Vickie Hawks and husband Lonnie of Pfafftown; 6 grandchildren; a great-grandson; 2 brothers. Doug Parnell and wife Bemice and Clyde Pamell; and 2 sis ters. Janet Hancock and husband John and Carolyn Jennings and hus band Montie. Funeral services were conducted at 2 p.m. Wednesday. May 3 at Lewisville BapUst Church with the Revs. Jeff Priest and Joel K. Boyles officiating. Burial was in Forsyth Memorial Park. Memorials may be made to Lewisville Baptist Church Sanctuary Fund. l25Lewisville-ClemmonsRd. P.O. Box 327. Lewisville. 27023. I i- 0— Pu'lic Ubiaiy DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, May 4,2000 Lovie Ellis Wllliains M o o 0 rs. Lovie Ellis Williams. 100, 0 of U.S. 1S8 E., Mocksvi lie, died ~ early Thursday morning, April 27. ; 2000 at her home. 5 Funeral services were at 2 p.m. 5 Sa^y, April 29 in Smith GroveS United Methodist Church, with the • Revs. Robert McLawhorn, Ray ^ O'Faroll and Oscar Lee Caudle of- 1 ficiating. Burial was in the church t cemetery. j The family requests memorials y be considered for Smith Grove ; United Methodist Church, 3492 U.S. 2 158 E., Mocksville. £ Mrs. Williams was born in Davie ;4 County, Oct. 15, 1899, to the late Abtahm Lincoln and Susanna Fos- ; ter Ellis and was a homemaker. She was the oldest living member of ; Smith Grove United Methodist ; Church. , She was preceded in death by her ; Misband, Roy Everette Williams and ; a son, Edward Williams. Surviving are: 4 daughters, Dor othy Williams, Inez Williams and Nellie Williams, all of the home and Ftances Girlene Caudle of Winston- Salem; 2 sons, Ellis Harding Will- iams of Winston-Salem and Nathan Eugene Williams of Rock Hill, S.C.; 9-gratidchildren; and several great- gnadchildren. nieces and nephews. Michael Plummer J Michael Eugene Plummer. 51. died Monday. May I. 2000 at his home in Yadkinville. He was bom on May 12. 1948 in Mecklenburg County, a son ofCalvin E. Plummer and the late Martha Tay lor Plummer. He served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War. and was employed at Rebb Industry in Yadkinville. He was a member of Bread of Life Baptist Church. Survivors: parents. Calvin and Evelyn Bell Plummer. his wife of 29 years. Marianne Brill Plummer of the home; a daughter. Penny Plummer of Yadkinville; 2 sisters, Diane Orrcll of Advance and Carrie McLester of Stan field. Funeral services were at 11 a.m. Thursday, May 4 in the Reavis Fu neral Home chapel with the Rev. Bruce Lundy oRiciating. Burial fol lowed in Yadkin Memorial Gardens. The family requests memorials go to the Bread of Life Baptist chruch. 4557 N.C. 801N.. Mocksville, or to Hospiceof Yadkinville, 212 E. Main St., 27055. Owen Lee Reavis / Owen Lee Reavis, fi9. of Bassett. Va., died Monday. April 24.2000. at" y ~ SrS ''""'"^"'"^Oscar Gaither Whitaker He was bom in Forsyth County ,on Nov. 3.1930. to the Iate1haddw^[ Joel Reavis and the late Vitginia Mae1-' •• home.Hash Reavis. He was a salesman at' Ji Funeral services were at 2 p.m.m Milts Lincoln-Mercury Inc for — — ' . 15 years and owned Town ACountyi^""''®^' '^P"' ,1.°°Real Estate. He was a graduate ofr"""' Sage Garden High School and of the Baptist faith. Mr. Reavis was preceded in death by a brother. Paul Gray Reavis. Surviving: 2 daughters. Sherri Lynn Shipley of Lakeland, Ra., and Leigh Ann Hazelwood of Patrick Springs. Va.; a son, Terry Lee Reavis of Tampa, Fla.; .stepmother. Phosea Hoots Reavis of Clemmons; step daughter, LaDonna Eilis of Ridgeway, Va.; sister. Nancy Sue Dumont of Winston-Salem; 4 broth ers, Joseph "Joe" Alton Reavis of Mocksville. Thad Russell Reavis of Sauratown Mountain and Ronnie Wayne Reavis and Dennis Lane Reavis. both of Winston-Salem: and 4 grandchildren. The funeral was at 11 a.m. Thurs- day. April 27 at Collins Funeral Chapel in Bassett. conducted by the Rev. John Shore. Burial was in the Reavis Family Cemetery in Lone Hickory. was in Oak Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery. The family asks that memorials be considered for'Hospice of Davie County. P.O. Box 848, Mocksville. Mr. Whitaker was bora April 28. 1938. in Davie County to the late Oscar Roy and Essie Wall Whitaker. He was retired from William R. Davie Elementary School. He was preceded in death by a sister. Pauline Wall. Survivors include: his wife. Faye Myers Whitaker of the home; 3 step children. Michael Wayne Seamon of Harmony. Mitchell Ray Seamon of the home and Tammie Carter of Ad vance: 4 grandchildren; 3 sisters. Doris McDaniel. Shelby Mullis and Carlene Speaks, all of Mocksville; 2 brothers. James Franklin Whitaker of Mocksville and Gary Lee Whitaker of Yadkinville; a brother-in-law and family, Clyde Hutchens. U DweOoun^ m <j~ n 0 % DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, May 11.2000 - Charlie Gaither Angell <J Mr. Charlie Gaiihfr Angell, 75. of Brancley Farm Road, Mocksville, died early Thursday morning. May 4,2000 ai Kale B. Reynolds Hospice Home, Funeral services were al 6 p.m. Saturday, May 6 in Blaise Baptist Church with the Revs, Glenn Sell ers, Archie Jones and Ken Furches ofTicialing, Burial was at 9 a,m, Sun day. May 7 in Blaise Bapiis! Church Cemetery, The family request memorials be considered for the Building Fund of Blaise Baptist Church. 134 Blaise Church Road. Mocksvilie, Mr, Angell was bom in the Cana community of Davie County. Oct. 24, 1924.10 the late Charlie Braniley and Minnie Latham Angell and was the co-owner and operator of Brantley Farms Inc. He was a char ier member and one of the founders of Blaise Baptist Church where he was a member and former chairman of the deacon board. He had served as Sunday School superintendent, served on the building committee, as a member of the church choir, as a church usherand greeterand in many other committees. He was cited two years by the Davie Soil and Water Conservation District as Farm Fam ily of the Year. He was also honored by the DHIA Association. During World War II. he was a veteran of the U.S. Army. Survivors include: his wife of 49 years, Nellie Wilson Angel! of the home; a daughter and son-in-law. Marcia Angell Beck and husband Blaine of Mocksvilie; a son and daughter-in-law, James Russell An gell and wife Gwendolyn of Mocks vilie; 4 grandchildren; and 2 broth ers and sisiers-in-law. Verious B. An gell and wife Betty of Mwksvillo and Ervin J. Angell and wife Peggy of Manieo; and several nieces and nephews. y Vetra Wilson Brown Mrs. Veira Jane Wilson Brown 93. of Brown Drive, Mocksvilie, died Wednesday. May 3. 2000 at Forsyih Medical Center. Funeral services were at 4 p.m Saturday. May 6 al ^ Eaton Funeral Chapel R®v. Dennis Marshall ofnciat- United Methodist The family quests memorials be considered for the Mocksvilie Lions Club, c/o George Kimberly. 113 Kelly Ave.. Mocksvilie. Mr. Brown was bom Sept. 18, 1906 in Davie County to the Jaie W.C. and Josephine Ijames Wilson and was retired from Erwin Mills and had also worked at Blue Mom. She was a graduate of Harmony High School class of 1927, a member of Hardison United Methodist Church where she taught Sunday School in the youth department, was a mem- berof the United Methodist Women'sCircle and enjoyed tatting. She was preceded in death by her husband, Everetie Hugh Brown; 5 brothers and 5 sisters. Survivors includetadaughterandson-in-law. Nancy and Howard Norville of Matthews; 3 sons and daughters-in-law. Bill and Kay Brown, Dale and Glenda Brown of Mocksvilie and Steve and Charlene Brown of Salisbury; 13 grandchil- iJrcn; and 4 greai-grandchildren. yVetra Wilson Brown Mrs. Vetra Jane Wilson Brown 93, of Brown Drive, Mocksvilie" died Wcdncsdiiy, May 3, 2000 at Forsyth Medical Center. Funeral services were at 4 p m Saturday. May 6 at Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Dennis Marshall officiating. Burial followed in Hardison United Methodist Church Cemetery. The family requests memorials be considered for the Mocksvilie Lions Club, c/o George Kimberly. M3 Kelly Ave.. Mocksvillp. Mrs. Brown was bom Sept. 18. 1906 in Davie County to the late W.C. and Josephine Ijames Wilson and was retired from Erw in Mills and had also worked at Blue Mont. She was a graduate of Harmony High School class of 1927, a member of Hardison United Methodist Church where she taught Sunday School in the youth department, was a mem ber of the United Methodist Women's Circle and enjoyed tatting. She was preceded In death by her husband, Everettc Hugh Brown; 3 brothers and S sisters. Survivors include: a daughter and son-in-law. Nancy and Howard NorviJle of Matthews; 3 sons and daughters-in-law, Bill and Kay Brown, Dale and Glcnda Brown of Mocksvilie and Steve and Charlene Brown of Salisbury; 13 grandchil dren; and 4 great-grandchildren. r*Dwis County Public Libfaiy MocksviMe, NC DAVIE county enterprise record, May 11,2000 • 0 0 0 >0 • o i » Irene Blackburn Foster I Mrs. Irene Blackburn Foster, 81, of U.S. 601 S., Mocksville, died Fri day morning. May 5,2000 at Wake -Forest University Baptist Medical Hospital. Funeral services were at 8 p.m. Sunday, May 7 in Eaton Funeral Chapel with burial to be in Fork Bap tist Church Cemetery with a private graveside service. Mrs. Foster was bom in Wilkes County, July 21, 1918, to the late W.O. and Lillian Victoria Wall Blackburn and was the owner and operator of the Cut 'N Curl Salon in Cooleemee. She was a member of Unity Presbyterian Church in Woodleaf. Mrs. Foster was preceded in death by her husband. Ge^e Wyatt Davis, and second husband, Bernard Fos ter. Surviving: a daughter, Vicki Davis Josephson of Matthews; a son, Tim Davis of Mocksville: 3 grand children; a sister, Pauline Hogue of Winston-Salem: and 2 brothers, Ralph Blackburn of Millers Creek and Wade Blackburn of Roaring River Robert Alton Gustavson V Mr. Roben Alton Gustavson. 76, of Pine Valley Road, Mocksville, died Wednesday, May 3, 2000, at Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winston-Salem. Funeral services were at 11 a.m. Saturday, May 6 at Eaton Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Westlawn Gardens of Memory in Clemmons. The family requests memorials be considered for Kate B. Reynolds Hospice, 101 Hospice Lane, Win ston-Salem, 27103. Mr. Gustavson wa.<. txirn Nov. 8, 1923, in West Orange, hfi. to the late Gus Aldof and Ellen Maria Johnson Gustavson and retired from Lakeland Express in Dover, N J. He was a vet eran of the U.S. Army, serving dur ing World War H. Survivors include: his wife, Helen Vanderwerf Gustavson of the home; a daughter, Mrs. Taylor (Ellen) Marion of PfafOown; and a sister, Elsie Heath of Winston-Salem. Wyllis Eugene James J Mr. Wyllis Eugene James, 75, of Farmington, died Thiusday, May 4, 2000, at Forsyth Medical Center. He was bom Oct. 4, 1924, in Davie County to John Ralph and Elva Williams James. Mr. James was a member of Farmington United Methodist Church. He was also a member of the American Institute of Architects and Professional Engi neers Society and the Constmction Specification Institute. Mr. James shared his musical talent with many people. Surviving arc: his wife, SallieRich James of the home; a daughter, Judy James Spcas and husband Mark of Concord; 2 sons, Wyllis Eugene James Jr. and wife Sue of Lincolnton and Ralph Grady James and wife Kathi of Farmington: 7 grandchil dren. Funeral services were at 3 p.m. Saturday, May 6, at Hayworth-Miiler Kinderton Chapel. Burial was in Farmington United Methodist Church Cemetery. Memorials may be made to the National Parkinson's Foundation, 1501 NW 9th Ave, Bob Hope Road, Miami, FL, 33136. Charles S. Hudson Jr. i Mr. Charles S. Hudson Jr., 82. of Greensboro, died Saturday, May 6 2000. ^ Funeral services were held Mon day, May 8 at 2 p.m. at Hancs- Lineberry Funeral Home N. Elm Chapel. Burial followed at Cuilford Memorial Park. Mr. Hudson was a Baptist and a veteran of the U.S. Army serving in the PaciEc during World War 11. Survivors: his wife of 34 years, Rebecca Simpson Hudson of the home; a son and daughter-in-law, Charles Spuigeon Hudson 111 and Bridget K. Hudson of Mocksville; daughters, Loretha''Punkin"Tiicker of Wmston-Salem, Beny Jean Rob erts and Jusband Jared of Surfside Beach, S.C., Sandra Allen and Roger, Vickie McKenzie and Husband Kirby, all of Greensboro; a sister, i Elsie Seott of Asheboro; 10 grand- I children; 3 great-grandchildren; and friends at Aldersgate. Memorials; American Heart Assoc., 202 Centreport Dr., Suite 100, Greensboro, 27409. j County Public Library Mocksville, NO DAVIE county enterprise record, May 11,2000 n 0 0 J Bernice M. Lakey Mrs. Bernice McClamrock Ijlsey. 96. of Roland Road. Fann- ingion. died "Ricsday. May 2.2000. at her residence. A graveside service was held at 2 p.m. Thursday. May 4 at Famiing- lon Community Cemetery with the Rev. Bany Vemon odiciaiing. MemoriaU may be made to Faim- ington Community Cemetery, c/o Mr. Wilbum Spiilman. 1959 Farm- ington Road, Mocksville. Mrs. Lakey was bom March 21. 1904. in Davie County to the late John Dewitt and Laura Eichison McClamrock. and was a homemaker. She enjoyed needlework, gardening and Ashing. She was preceded in death by her husband. Roland Winfrey Lakey, in 1979; a grandson. Roland Winfrey Lakey II; 2 brothers. Ed and fCm McClamrock; and 3 sisters. Aubum Gentry. Zelma Woodward and Eva Foster. Survivors include: a son. Bobby Gene Lakey; a granddaughter; and a great-grandson. / Christine R.LoUis Christine Reynolds Lollis. 54. died Monday.May l.2000,atJohnsonCityMedical Center following a lengthy illness. Mrs. Lollis was a native ofMocksville. and had lived in Johnson City for more than 20 years. She was a daugh ter ofMattie Hester Reynolds. Mocks ville. and the late John Reavis Reynolds. She was a foimeremployeeof Jones Construction and had worked at The Mall at Johnson City before her ill- ness. Mrs. Lollis was a member of Jonestown Baptist Church. Survivors, in addition to hermctherinclude: a daughter. Wendy Boger. Davie County; a son. William r! Reynolds. Mocksville; and 4 grand- children. Memorial services will be con ducted at a later date. / Robah Woodrow Nail Mr. Robah Woodrow Nail. 82. of Nail Lane. Mocksville. diedTkiesday. May 2. 2000. at Forsyth Medical Center in Winston-Salem. Mr. Nail was bom Oct. 27.1917. in Davie County to the late George Thomas and Leia Williams Nail. He was preceded in death by 2 brothers. Leo Nail and Vestal Nail. He retired in 1977 from R.J. Reynolds Tbbacco Co. in Wtnston- Salem. Mr. Nail was a member of Comatzer United Methodist Church wd was on the boardof trustees. He was a former member and treasurer ofComatzer-Dulin Fire Department. Mr. Nail served his country from 1943 to 1945 during World War n with the U.S. Marine Corp. and was awarded the Purple Heart with a Gold Star. Surviving arc: his wife of 60 years. Mamie Howard Nail; a son. James W. Nail and wife Carolyn of Mocksville; 2 daughters. Ann N. Rich and husband Bud of Mocksville and Judy N. Howard of Santa Ana. Calif.; 5 grandchildren; 6 great grandchildren; and a brother. Walter Nail of Winsion-Salem. Funeral services were at 11 a.m. Friday, May 5. at Comatzer United Methodist Church, with the Revs. Doc Warner and Jack Luther offici ating. Burial was in the church cem etery. Memorials may be made to Cor- natzer Methodist Church, c/o Luvads Howell. 1032 Comatzer Road. Mocksville. U j cT w 5- . 0 {)ivi6 County Public Librailf Mocksville, NC o o 0 nj DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, May 11,2000 n Margaret Louise NicholsMaisarei Louise Brown Nichols74. of Liberty Church Road died Monday. May 8. 2000. at Davis Medical Center in StatesviHe. Mrs. Nichols was bom Dec. 7, 1925. in Watauga County to the late lohn C. And Ola Taylor Brown. She was preceded in death in 1981 by her husband. Hansford L Nichols after 37 years of marriage; and a sis- ler. Martha Brown. She retired in 1988 from Burlington Industries and was a member of TUnrentine Baptist Church. Survivors: a son. Linnie Nicholsand wife Sharon of Mocksville; 4 daughters. Kay Koontz and husband Jack. Jeanette Smith and husband Ronnie, all of Mocksville. Judy Scudder and husband Dave of Win- ston-Salem and Joyce Hampton and husband Jeff of Mount Ulla; 12 grandchildren: 6 great-grandchildren: and a sister. Catherine Angell of Mocksville. Funeral services were at 3 p m Wednesday. May 10. at TUrrentine Baptist Church with the Rev. Joe Smith officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery. Margaret B. Perrault Mrs. Margaret Byerly Perrault. 88. of 118 Underpass Road. Ad vance. died Sunday. May 7.2000. at Autumn Care of Mocksville. A private committal will be con ducted later. Mrs. Renault was bom May 9. 1912, in Davie County, and worked as a sales associate for the Ideates Gift Shoppe in Winston-Salem. She had numerous friends at the Trinity Moravian Chuich of Winston-Salem. She was preceded in death by her husband; Hector Renault, a son. Sbrothers. and a sister. Survivors include: 3 sons; 6 grandchildre; several great-grand children; providers. Paula Bass, a granddaughter. Natalie Potts, a great- granddaughter. and the late Betty Bailey, a daughter-in-law with whom she resided. Vir^nia M. Swanson n Virginia M. Swanson. 83, of Greensboro, formerly of Mocksville. died Tuesday. May 2,2000. at Moses Cone Hospital. The funeral was held on Friday. May 5. at Hanes-Linebeny Funeral Home. North Elm Chapel. Burial fol lowed at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Mrs. Swanson was bom Oct. 27. 1916, in Sheridan. Wyo.. to the late Eldon Bateman and Myrtle Soots Bateman. She lived in Iowa and in Denver. Colo., for many years before moving to North Carolina in 1985. Mrs. Swanson is survived by; herhusbandof60 years, CaiTOllSwanson; sons. Douglas Swanson and wife Dianne of Greensboro, and NormanSwanscnofYoncalla,Ore.;daughteis Dianne McMahon of California, and Carolyn Swanson of Denver, and 3 grandchildren. Vt MocKsville, NC w 0 0 0 Of 1 DAVIE COUNTV enterprise RECOTD, May 18.2000. ^ James Anderson Burch Mr. James Anderson "Andy" Burch Jr.. 48. of 201 N. Pino Road. Mocksvllle. died TUesday morning. May 9. 2000. al Forsyth Memorial Hospital. Mr. Burch was born in Surry County on May 13.1951. to Virginia Collins Burch Lcfiwich and the late James "Jim" Anderson Burch Sr. Mr. Burch was a carpenter and a mem ber of the Clemmons Moravian Church. Surviving; his mother and step father. Virginia Collins Burch Leftwich and Roscoe Leftwich of Mocksvillc; 2 brothers. Joey Douglas Burch and fiancee Carol Cohce of Mount Airy and Tony and and wife Carol Leftwich of Mocksvillc; a brother-in-law. Michael Cowden of Elk Creek. Va. In addition to his father. Mr. Burch was preceded in death by a sister. Nancy Lee Burch Cowden. Funeral services were conducted at 2 p.m. Friday. May 12 at Moody Funeral Home Chapel in Mount Airy, conducted by the Rev. Dianne Marsden. Burial followed in the Pcdigo family cemetery. Veronica D'Amatoy Fun^ services for Mrs. Veronica Anna OAmalo. 84. of Elgin. SC ^heldal2p.m.Tuesday.Mayl6.'-ow. m Shives Funeral Home. Colo nial Chapel, conducted by the Revj^bra A.S. Quilling. Burial was in psmfens of Columbia.Mrs. D'Amato. widow of the late B™if bom inBTOldyn. N.Y.. a daughter of the late John Francis Gordon and Kaiherine ® member ofIbe DAV. VFW and Giri Scouts Sumvors include: 3 daughters.»ella Pnest and husband Gary. Anita DAmato.allofColumbia:MarieCrottsand husband Daniel Ray of Mocks- j Sarah Terry Green Mrs. Sarah Terry Green. 85. for- M Home RoadMiKksvific. died Sunday morning atAutumn Care of Mocksvillc. Funeral services were held at 4 ncral Chapel with Tom To^^ofS- The family requests memorials be ma^^to a Charity Of the donor's Mrs Green was born in Greenville. S C. on March 27 I9|3 <0 the Ime Alfred and.Maybell Belts Inc. of Mocksvillc. She was amember ot Jericho Church of Christ a member of the senior citizens'firoup. and she was a avid lapquilter. Shewasprecededindeathbyherhusband. James Marshall Green in Surviving are 3 daughters; a son; a sister; and a brother. ftr o c (5~ Ma County Public Ubraiy Mocksvi1l«< NC DAVIE COL'NTV enterprise record, May 18,2000 - Nellie Marie Hanes Mrs. Nellie Marie Green Hanes. 72. of Livingston Roail.Moeksvlile. died late Friday night. May 12.2000 at Forsyih Medical Cenicr. Swairnon^^ ing. Buriai was in Smith Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery. The family requests memorials be considered for the American Cancer Society, DavieCcuntyChaplcr. IVOO S. Stratford Road, Winsion-Salem. 27103. ■Mrs. Hanes was bom in DavicCounty on April 18.1928, to the late James Burris and Nellie Tulterow Green, She was retired with 22 years of service from Hanes Hosiery, She was a member of Smith Grove United Methodist Church, Surviving; her husband of 52 years, Charlie Craig Hanes of thehome: a daughter, Cathy H, Stroud and husband Danny of Mocksville: 2 sons. Randall C, and Clifford G, Hanes, both of Moeksvillc; 4 grand children: 3 sisters, Edra G, Beck and husband Bud of Winston-Salem, Bernice G, Saundcrs and husband Bill of Mocksville, and Shirley G, Stroud and husband Bud of States- ville: 4 brothers, James Carl Green, Bobby G, Green and wife Diane. Kenneth R. Green, and John Wayne Green and wife Lois, all of Mocks ville; and .several nieces and ncph- ElsleV. ParrLsh Elsie V, Parrish. S3, of Church Street Extension. Mocksville, diedMonday. May 15. 2000. at Davis Medical Center in Statcsvillc, Mrs- Parrish was born July 12, 1916. in Surry County to the lateEugene and Lucy Wall .Morefield, In addition to her parents she waspreceded in death by her husband of63 years. She spent her life tending to her family and was of the Baptist faith. She is survived by: 2 sons, BillyRay Parrish and wife Jean ofWalnutCove and Roger W, Parrish and wife June of Mocksville; 2 daughters.Wanda Parrish Pickcral andKatherine P, Hursey and husband Donald, all of Mocksville: 9 grandchildren: 14 grcai-grandchildrcn; 2 sisters. Ethel Miller and NonnieHutehens: a brother, Claude Morefield. all of Boonville: brother-in-law Ray Draughn of Mocksville: and a earing friend, Louise Falls of Winsion-Salem, Graveside services were at 11 a.m. Wednesday. May 17, at RoseCemeicry in Mocksville with the Rev. Bill Davis ofTieiating,The family request memorials bemade to Hospice of Davic County. P.O. Box 848, Mocksville. Vivian Ophelia Pitts Mrs. Vivian Ophelia Pitts, 87, of Winsion-Salem died Tuesday. May 9. 2000. at Kate B. Reynolds Hos pice Home. She was bom July 18. 1913. in Stokes County to Van and Belle Coins Mabe, She was a member of Pine Chapel Moravian and was a member of ImmanueJ Moravian Church. She taught Sunday school for more than 50 years and was a member of the choir-In 1998 she was named Woman of the Year at Pine Chapel Moravian Church, She was retired from Hanes Knitting Co. She was preceded in death by her husband. Paul Anderson Pitts, Survivors: a son. Franklin Pitts Sr. and wife Mary Lou of Winsion-Sa lem: 3 grandchildren: 5 great-grand- children: 3 sisters, Annie Beck of Stanleyville. Marie RuiiedgeofWln- >ton-Salem and Elaine Mabe of Ad vance: and several nieces and neph ews. Funeral services were conducted at 2 p.m. Friday, May 12 at Pine Chapci Moravian Church- Buriai was at Oaklawn Memorial Gardens. o Q 0 n/ 1 oo DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, May 18,2000 - Wendell Riddle o J WcnilcllRiddIe.80.ofMoclcsvilIe, died May 9. 2000. at Camden Claik Memorial Hospital. He was bora in Rackctt, Giimcr County. W. Va.. Aug. 25.1919. a son of lite late S.S. and Daisy Hinzraan Riddle. He was a member of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Mocksville. and retired after 30 years of service as a Naval Chief Warrant OnicerW. He is survived by: his wife of 54 years. Georgia Riddle. Mocksville; a son and daughter-in-law. the Rev. I^ck W. and Janet H. Riddle. Lex ington. S.C.: twin granddaughters; a sister. Clara Riddle Bush. Pattiskaltt. Ohio: a brother. Poe Riddle. Hazel Green. W.Va.. 2 sisters-in-law. Maty Riddle. Hazel Green. W.Va.. and Wilma G. Riddle. Hanisville. W.Va.. and many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents. 5 sisters: Leaffa Riddle Jack, Madge Riddle Hersman. Pearl Riddle Ring. RoRiddleBaitlciLSnow Riddle Rzer. 3 brothers, Theodore Riddle. Paige Riddle, and Knox Riddle. Services were Thursday. May 11,at 2 p.m.. at the Rrsi Lutheran Chuich. 19th and Plum Streets. Parkersburg. with the Revs. Glynn Bell and James Kinsleroftlciating. Graveside services were Thursday at Roseville Cemetery, Gilmer County. W.Va. Military graveside riles were conducted by American LegionPost IS.Parkeisbuig. Memorial contributions may be made to: Holy Cross Lutheran Chinch. Building Fund. 1913 U.S. 601 S.. Mocksville. JeanetteT. Spry y Jeanetie Turner Spry. 59. of Gar ner. and wife of Doyle E. Spry, for merly of Cooleemee. died May 3 at Rex Hospital in Raleigh, of cancer. She graduated from Kinston High School and the Lenoir Memorial Hos pital Schtwl of Nursing. She began her nursing career at Wake Memorial Hospital. She retired from Dorothea Dix Hospital after 30 years and 2 months, where she was the nurse man ager on the ailmissions ward. Funeral services were held at Rrst Baptist Church. Gamer, on May 6. with entombment following at Montlawn Memorial Park in Raleigh. Surviving: husband. Doyle E. Spry of Gamer; sisters. Rebecca Potter of LaGrange. Linda Howard of Kinston; brothers Jack E. Turner Jr.. of Colo- radoSprings. Colo..and David Turner of Kinston; stepson Russell Spry of Owens Cross Road. Ala.; stepdaugh ters. Louise Btozy of Raleigh. Caria Josephson of Orlando. Ba.. Catherine Hasson of Wilmington; and 11 step- grandchildren. Memorial contributions may be mode to either the Baptist Children's Home in Thomasville. P.O. Box 448. or to the Kennedy Home. Cedar Lane, in Kinston 28501. J Roy Wesley Taylor Mr. Roy Wesley Taylor. 77. of Cana Road. Mocksville died Wednesday. May 10. 2000. at his home. He was born Sept. 21. 1922. to the late Oscar and Moleta Reynolds Taylor. He was a retired electrician, a member of Union Chapel United Methodist Church and served with the U.S. Navy during World War 11. Surviving: his wife. Grace Woolen Taylor of the home; a daugh ter. Olene (Ronald) Wicker of Mocksville; 3 sons. Ricky (Vicki) Taylor ofLexinglon .and Alton Tay lor and Jimmy (Lydia) Taylor, all of Mocksville; 12 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were at 8:30 p.m. Friday. May 12. at Union Chapel United Methodist Church by the Rev. Tim Siarbuck. Darman Brown and Juan Cohen. A graveside service was held at 11 a.m. SaturdayMay 13 at Union Chapel United Methodist Church Cemetery. Memorials may be made to Union Chapel United Methodist Church Building Fund, c/ o Lewis and Vada Beck. 677 Cana Road. Mocksville. Hospice of Win- ston-Salem/Forsyih County. 1100-C S. Stratford Road. Winslon-Salem 27103 or Cancer Service Inc.. 3175 Maple wood Avc.. Winsion-Salem. 27103. o \ y- t <r Omfi$ County Public Library MocksvUle, NO DAVIE county enterprise record. May 18,2000 n 0 o o J Maiy Virginia Wooten Miss Mary Viiginla Woolen. 83, of^S. 64 W.. Mocksville, died line Thursday night. May 11,2000. at Au tumn Care of Mocksville. Funeral services were at 2 pm Sunday. May 14. in Eaton Funeral Chaixl with the Rev. Bill Wambaugh ofliciating. Burial was in Old Provi-ilcncc Presbyterian Church Cemetery. The family requests memorials be considered for the Building Fund or Cemetery FundofCenterUnitcd Methodist Church, c/o Linda Owens. 728 Wilkcsboro St.. Mocksville. Miss WoctcnwasbomDec.3.1916.in Rowan County, to the late William H. and Ollie Pence Woolen andwasaretired nursing assistant at the Spencer Health Care. She was a member of Center United Methodist Church and was preceded in death by 2 sisters and 3 brothers. Surviving; 2 sisters. Dorothy Golnick of Rockville. and Edith BamhaidtofMocksvillerseveral niecesand nephews; a sKster-in-law. Jean Baker Woolen of Cleveland. J Emily Lou Wyatt Miss Emily Lou Wyatt. 70. of No Creek Church Road. Mocksville. died early Saturday morning. May 13.2000 at Forsyth Medical Center, after being in declining health. Fu neral services will be held at 11 a.m. Monday. May 15 in Eaton Funeral Chapel w ith the Rev. Rusty Morrison officiating. Burial was in Fork Bap tist Church Cemetery. The family requests memorials be considered for the building fund of Fork Baptist Church, c/o Mike Livengood. 3140 U.S. 64 E.. Mocks ville. Miss Wyatt was bom in Davie County on Dec. 26. 1929. to the late Wade H. Wyatt Sr. and Pearl Mae Craver Wyatt and was retired from R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. with 42 years of service. She was a graduate of Mocksville High School and a lifelong member of Fork Baptist Church, where she had also b«n a Sunday school teacher. She was preceded in death by her parents: and by a brother. Wade Wyatt Jr., in 1997. Survivors: 2 sisters. Mrs. Leslie (Betty) Blackwelder of Mocksville. and Mrs. C.J. (Shirley) Hyatt of Win- ston-Salem: a brother. John (Evelyn) Wyatt of Mocksville; and several nieces and nephews. vj i D rk O DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, May 25,2000 - 0 0 o u V, A Glenn D. Foster Mr. Glenn Davidson Foster. 49, of N.C. 801 South, Cooleemee, died Monday morning. May 22, from in juries sustained in an auto accident. Funeral setvcies were at 11 a.m. Thursday, May 2S in Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Danny Shores oRiciating. Burial was in Legion Me morial Park. The family was to be at Batons funeral Home Wednesday evening from 7-9. Mr. Foster was bom in Rowan County May 2, I9SI to Glenn and Dorothy Link Foster and was an enviromental specialist with the Davidson County Health Depart ment. He was a graduate of Davie High School. Class of 1969. He earned a bachelor's degree in wild life biology form N.C. State Univer sity in 1973, where he was active with the Wolfpack Club and a mem ber of the Alpha Zeta Honor Frater nity, He had previously served at the Columbus County Health Depart ment, the Forsyth County Health De partment, and had been with the Davidson department since June, 1988. He was a.registered sanitarian with North Carolina. He had been a long-time member of the NRA, and a captain with the U.S. Army Re serve. Survivors: his parents of Junction Road, Mocksville; 2 sisters, Chris Baker of Burlington and Beth Smith of Hill, S.C ; a niece; and 2 •I- Sarah Ruth Rich J Sarah Ruth Rich, 71, of Salisbury, I died Thursday, May 18, 2000 at Rowan Regional Medical Center af ter a long illness. Born June 6, 1928 in Davie County, Mrs. Rich was a daughter of the late Adiophus and Maude Phelps Nichols. Educated in the Davie County Schools, she retired from Secon Metals. She was a member of Sacred Hean Catholic Church. Survivors: husband, Anthony Rich, whom she married March 8, 1946: daughter, Ruth Lozano of Sal isbury; son, Danny Rich of Woodleaf; sisters, Reba Mclntyre and Grace Drahos of Woodleaf; and 6 grandchildren. George Washingon Ring / Mr. George Washington Ring, 76, of IGng died Sunday, May 21,2000 at Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home. Mr. Ring was bom Jan. 24,1924. in Stokes County to the late Edward and Nannie Ring. He was retired from R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. and was of the Baptist faith. Survivors; his wife, Carlene Ring of the home; sons George Rayvon Ring and wife Jo of Mocksville and William R. Ring and wife Brendaof King; daughters Frances'Stewart and husband James of King and Marsha O'Neal of Walnut Cove; sisters Nellie Durham, Mary Jane Massey and Louella Hopkins, all of Walnut Cove; 7 grandchildren; and a great grandchild. Funeral services were at 11 a.m. Wednesday, May 24 at Burroughs Funeral Home with the Rev. Donald McGee officiating. Burial was in the Rosebud Christian Church Cem etery. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Hospice of Winston-Sa- lem/Forsyt, IIOO-C S. Stratford Road, Winston-Salem, 27103. D«fi« County Public Ubraiy Mochsvftte, NO ■51. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, May 25,2000 - 0 0 nr 1 u Olen Lee Stokes Sr. Mr. Olen Lee Stokes Sr.. 70. of SVinston-Salem, died Saturday, May 20.2000, at Kate B. Reynolds Hos pice Home after a lengthy illness. He was bom Aug. 5.1929. in For- syth County to Daniel and Grace Cheek Stokes. Mr. Stokes retired from the U.S. Postal Service and was employed in the Sporting Goods Department with J.C. Penny. He was a member of Northwest Baptist Church, and was an avid golfer and nsherman. He was preceded in death by 2 brothers. Hubert and Ray Stokes, and a sister. Belva Stokes Foster. He is survived by his wife of 49 years. Florence Inman Stokes; a son and daughter-in-law. Olen Lee Stokes Jr. and Joy Hester Stokes of Cary; a daughter and son-in-law, Dena Stokes Moye and Robert An drew Moye Jr.. of Augusta, Ga.; 3 grandchildren; a brother and sister- in-law, Bobby and Dot Stokes, of Advance; and a number of nieces and nephews. Funeral services were at 11 a.m. Monday. May 22 at Hayworth-Miller Silas Creek Chapel, with the Rev. Randy McKinney and Chaplain Linda Lewis officiating. Entomb ment followed in Westlawn Gardens of Memory. Memorials may be made to Northwest Baptist Church Building Fund or Hospice of Winston-Salem/ Forsyi'i County Kenneth Gerald Wall Mr. Kenneth Gerald "Wild Man" Wall Sr.. 52. of Salisbury, died Sat urday. May 13.2000 at his residence. Funeral services were Friday. May 19. at 11 a.m. in Eaton Funer^ Chapel with Apostle Franklin Mills ofiiciating. Burial was in Oak Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery. The family requests memorials be sent c/o Gwyndoln Fisher. 700 Fifth St.. Spencer. 28159. Mr. Wall was bora May 25.1947 in Davie County to the late William Harrison and Elizabeth Smith Wall and was co-owner of Jones Siding and Construction. He was of the Bap tist faith and enjoyed fishing, cook ing and spending time with family. He was also preceded in death by 2 daughters. Sheila and Elizabeth J. Wall; 3 brothers. William. Ed and Jim Wail; 2 sisters. Mary Caudle and Alaja Wall. ' Survivors; first wife. Daisy Kyles Wall, second wife. Maryanne Hous ton Wall/Swink. both of Spencer; 5 daughters. Elizabeth Eason. Sue Davis. Barbara J. Gray. Stephanie M. Wall. Brittany N. Wall." a son. Ken neth Gerald Wall Jr.. all of Spencer; a granddaughter; a sister. Shirley Jones of Mocksville; and several nieces and nephews. 'I ti) OfHit County Public Obrary MocltsvfHt, NO "Z DAVIE COUNfy ENTERPRISE RliCORD, ,,2m M M o < vS / Howard Thomas Beck Mr. Howard Thomas Beck, 61, of Center Street. Cooleemee, died Fri day. May 26.2000, at his residence. Funeral services were at 4 p.m. Sunday. May 28 at Victory Baptist Church with the Revs. Shelby Harbour and Stan Riddle officiating. Burial was in Rowan Metnorial Park in Salisbury. The family requests memorials be considered for Victory Baptist Church Building Fund. P.O. Box 686. CooJecmee. 27014. Mr. Beck was bom June 1. 1938. in Rowan County to the late Thomas N. and Burlie Archie Beck, and had worked for Ingersoll-Rand in Mocksville for 30 years. He served in the U.S. Atmy and received sev eral medals as a marksman. He was a memberof Victory Baptist Chureh and Cooieemee Civitan Club. Survivors include; his wife. Judy Jordan Beck of the home; a son. David Beck and wife Robin of Cool eemee: a granddaughter; and a sis ter. Faye Moore and husband E.J. of Pasadena. Texas. J Theliis Gertrude Brewer Theilis Gertrude Brewer, 87. of Angeil Road. Mocksville. on Satur day. May 27.2000. at Autumn Care of Mocksville. Mrs. Brewer was bom April 6. 1913. in Davie County to the late William Batson and Mary LuCreiia Bowden Allen. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband of 63 years, Herman Gray Brewer, in 1997; and a brother. Harry Richard Allen. Mrs. Brewer was an active mem ber of Batons Baptist Church, r'ani. Homemakers Club, and East Davie Senior Club. She spent her life lov- ittg and tending to her family. She is survived by a son. Eugene Gray Brewer and wife Sandy; and a daughter. Martha B. Hunt and hus- band Hetity Jr.. all of Mocksville; and 3 grandchildren. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Tliesday, May 30. at Batons Baptist Church with Dr. David Gilbteaih of ficiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Memorials may be sent to Batons Baptist Church Cemetery Fund. 430 Eaton's Church Road. Mocksville. or Holy Cross Lutheran Church Oigan Fund. 1913 U.S. 601 S., Mocksville. v/ Warren "Speedy" Carter Warren Coleman "Speedy" Carter. 65. of North Main Street. Mocksville. died Wednesday. May 24.20(X). at his residence. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Saturday. May 27 at Comatzer Bap tist Church with the Revs. Elmer Day.,B.A. Carroll and Richard Whiteheart officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery. The family requests memorials be considered for the Comatzer Baptist Church Cemetery Fund. 1372 Cor- naizer Road, Mocksville. Mr. Carter was bom March 4. 1935. in Davie County to the late Sam and Nezzie Sheets Caner and was retired from Lexington Furniture in 1997 with 29 years of service. He was a Ijfctime member of Comatzer Baptist'Church. Survivors include; his wife. Cleo Smith Carter of the home; a sister, Willie Mae Jones ofMtrcksville; and 2 brothers. Frank Carter of Lexing ton and Aaron Carter of Mocksville. I -Q Dam County Public Libraiy MooMIb, no DAVIE county enterprise RpiCORD, June 1.2000 0 <0 o \9 / ' <v i 3 +■ 0-■ 0 Jhockton F. Dalton Jhocklon Farrand Dalion. 16, of Mocksville, died May 27. as a result of injuries sustained from an automobile accident.He was born in Rockingham County, and was a rising senior at Davie High School, where he was ac tive in several school activities. He played football, ran track, was a wres tler. a member of the Junior ROTC. a member of the Christian Athletic As sociation and worked with the Special Olympics. He was a formermemberofthe Marching Band at Davie High. He was a member of New Jerusalem Holiness Church in Mocksville. and was employed at Taco Bell in Mocksville. He is survived by: his parents. Tho mas and Gloria Diane Roberts Dalton of the home; his maternal grandmother and step-grandfather. Charles and Ceraldine Boyd of Eden; great mater nal grandparents. Button and Cinda Matthews of Eden; paternal grandpar ents, Charles and Helen Dalton of Mocksville; paternal great-grand mother. Flora Mack of Mocksville; S aunts andSuncles.andaspecial friend, Chris Pitts; and a host of cousins. He was preceded in death by his grandfather. John D. Moyer. Fimeial services were to be Thurs day. June I. at First Baptist Church onMain Street in Mocksville at 3 p-m.The Rev. Steven Dalton, assisted by Bishop Robert Ijaines. was to ofEci- ate. and burial to follow in Rose Cem etery. The body was to be taken to the church at 2 p.m. on Thursday, where the family will receive friends one hour before the service. The family will be at the home of thegiandpaientsat24l Hemlock Sl in Mocksville.Memorials ma^ be made to the Christian Athletic Association and Davie High Athletic Booster Club; c/o Davie High School. 1200 Salisbury Rd., Mocksville. James Kyle Gregoiyj Mr. James Kyle Gregory. 34. of Dulin Road. Mocksville. died Sun day. May 28,2000. at his residence. Funeral services were scheduled for 11 a.m. Thursday, June I at Eaton Funeral Chapel with Dr. Robert McLawhorn and the Rev. RayOTerrell officiating. Burial was to be in Smith Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery, The family was to be at Eaton Funeral Home Wednesday, from 7 to 9 p.m. They request that memorials be considered for Smith Grove United Methodist Church Fellowship Fund, c/o Mrs. Sue Boggs. 516 Dulin Road. Mocks ville. Mr. Gregory was bom June 5. 1965. in Forsyth County to James W, Jr. "Jim* and Linda Robertson Gre gory. He was a graduate of Davie High School Class of 1983 and a member of Smith Grove United Methodist Church.Surviving, in addition to his par ents. are: 2 sisters and brothers-in- law. Kristi and Scot Shannon of Win- ston-Salem and Kim and Mark Harris of Advance; paternal grand mother. Mrs. Geneva Cuthrell of Mocksville; and 2 nephews.He was preceded in death by his maternal grandparents, Taft andNancy Robertson . and his paternalgrandfather, James W. Gregory Sr. Anne NoUey Hancock i/ Mrs. Anne Nolley Hancock. 60.of Gladstone Rood, died Saturday. May 27. 2000. at Forsyth Medical Center, Funeral services were held at 11a.m, Tuesday. May 29 at Liberty United Methodist Church with theRevs. Phillip Park and Shelby Harbour officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery.They family requests memorialsbe considered for Liberty United Methodist Church TrusteesChildren's Equipment Fund. 129 Liberty Circle. Mocksville. or Shriner's Children's Hospital, c/o Oasis Shrine Temple. 604 Daniel Bumham Way. Charlotte. 28262.Mrs. Hancock was bom on April IS. 1940. in Davie County to the late William Roy and Hulda Taylor Nolley and had been employed with Davie County Hospital. Skyline Corp.. and Ketchie Creek Bakery. She was a graduate of Kings Busi ness College in Charlotte. She was a member of Ubeny United Method ist Church, where she'served as the treasurer of the UMW. Pastor Parrish Staff Relations Committee, and was a volunteer for the Cooleemee His toric^ Association. Survivors include: her husband. David F. Hancock of the home; a son. Mark (Robin) Hancock of Mocks ville; a brother. Edwin F. (Jean) Nolley of Sherrills Ford; a grandson; a special aunt. Sarah Nolley of Mocksville; 2 nieces; a nephew. Frank Nolley of Lexington, Ky. Q o \s % .0 --J 1'^ Esther Lillian Sheehan v/ Mrs. Esther Lillian Sheehan, 77, ofComatzer Road, Mocksville, died Wednesday, May 24, 2000, at Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Win- ston-Saiem. Mrs. Sheehan was bom Jan. 21, 1923, in Lynn, Mass, to the late John E. and Beatrice Holly Fudge. Mrs. Sheehan spent her life as a home- maker. She also enjoyed participat ing in activities at the Davie County Senior Citizens Center. In addition to her parents, her hus band, Henry Sheehan, preceded her in death in 198S. A sister, Emily; a son, Harold; and a daughter, Virginia also preceded her in death. Two sons, John Henry Sheehan of Mocksville and Paul Scott Sheehan of Oxford, Maine; a daughter-in-law, Mary Jane Gable and husband Roger of Bellbrook, Ohio, survive her. Two sisters, Ruth Fletcher of Manchester, Conn, and Dorothy Savard of Marblehead, Mass; 6 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren also sur vive her. A memorial service was at 3 p.m. Sunday, May 28, at Davie Funeral Service, LLC Chapel, 416 Valley Road, Mocksville, with the Rev. Jimmy Lancaster officiating. Place of burial was Saugus, Mass. Memorials may be made to Hos pice of Davie County, P.O. Box 848, Mocksville, or Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home, 101 Hospice Lane, Winston-Salem, 27103. Lillie Reid T\icker Mrs. Lillie Reid Tucker, 81, of Mocksville died Wednesday, May 24,2000, at Kate B. Reynolds Hos pice Home. Mrs. Tucker was born Jan. 4, 1919, in Iredell County to William F. and Mary Susan Reid. She was a homemaker and was a member of Davie Baptist Church. Mrs. Tucker was preceded in death by her husband, William Tucker in 1982 and a son, Larry Randy Tdcker. She is survived by: 2 stepsons; 2 stepdaughters; 11 grandchildren; and 18 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Friday, May 26, at Davie Baptist Church by the Rev. Aaron Carter. Burial followed in the church cem etery. Memorials may be made to Davie Baptist Church Building Fund, 22S Fort Bixby Road, Advance, 27006. •4- Mocksville, NC n > o DAVlli COUN l Y EN lKKTRUsE KECUKU, June 2000 n 0 9 o Alvin Arthur Custer Mr. Alvin Anhur Custer, 86. for mally ofTennyson Rood, died Sun day, June 4,2000, at Fdrsyth Medi cal Center in Winston-Salem. Funeral services were at 11 a.m., Tuesday, June 6 at Eaton Funeral Chapel, conducted by the Rev. Dairell Cox, Burial followed in Rose Cemetery in Mocksville. He was bom Aug. 17, 1913 in Cambria County, Pa., a son of the late Metrel and Mary Custer. He was a farmer all of his life and was a mem ber of the Dairymans Association. Survivors include: his wife,' Beatrice Coleman Custer of Mocks ville; 5 daughters, Maijorie C. Wall, Linda C. Parker, Sandra C. Potts, Jeanette C. Steelman and Gail C. Spry, all of Mocksville; a son Rtxlney Custer of Mocksville; a step daughter, Donna Whitaker of Mocksville; 3 stepsons. Jack Nichols, ofMocksville, Kenneth and Dick Nichols of New York; 2 sisters, Katharine Ouster and Minerva Brown of New York; 4 brothers, Dave, Jew, Popeye and Guy Custer all of New York; 26 grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by step sons John and James Nichols; and 3 brothers, Raymond, Ernest and Ralph Custer. Gladys Davis Davis Mrs. Gladys Davis Davis, 92, died Thursday, June 1, 2000, a: Britthaven of Wilkesboro. She was bom March 20, 1908, in Davie County to Joseph Wesley and Maty Ada Shaw Davis. Mrs. Davis was a member of Mineral Springs Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Tom T. Davis; a son, Dal las Wayne Davis; 2 sisters, Annie Clair Reavis and Margaret Louise Foster; and 2 brothers, William Howard Davis and John Wesley Davis. Surviving are: a daughter, Thomasene Kauser and husband Jack of Winston-Salem; a son, Will iam Joseph Davis and wife Marilyn of Richmond, Va.; 4 grandchildren; S great-grandchildren; and 2 sisters- in-law, Ann Potts Davis of Farming- ton and Viola Crews Davis of Win ston-Salem. A funeral service was at 4 p.m. Saturday, June 3, at Hayworth-Miller Silas Creek Chapel by Dr. Worth Green. Burial was at Advance United Methodist Church Cemetery. Irving Cope Foster Mr. Irving Cope Foster, 80, of Winston-Salem died Wednesday, May 31, 2000, at Forsyth Medical Center. He was bom Dec. 7, 1919, in Davie County to Franklin Kerr and Beulah Cope Foster. Mr. Foster graduated from Clemmons High School in 1938 and was a veteran of the U.S. Air Corps, having served during World War II. He was an ac tive member of Hanes United Meth odist Church. He loved volunteer work at Arbor Acres. He was retired from Hanes Knitting with 43 years of service, and worked with Beroth Oil Co. (Four Brothers) for a num ber of years. He was preceded in death by a brother, Thomas J. Foster. Surviving: his wife of SO years, Elsie Hartman Foster of the home; 2 brothers, Phil Foster and wife Betty of Clemmons and Frank and wife Irene Foster of Lewisville; a sister, Pauline Slaydon of Winston-Salem; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Friday, June 2 at Hanes United Meth odist Church with the Revs. Charles Sparks, Don Ashe and Doug Suggs ofTtciating. Burial was in Forsyth Memorial Park. Memorials may be made to Hanes United Methodist Church, 402 Harvey St., Winston-Salem, 27103. J c. Mi County Public Ubmy Mocksville, NC (3" c; UAVm COUN TY KNlEKPRlSt KKCUKU, June ?, 2000 n o 0 c % vC> James Doyle Miller James Doyle Miller, 48, ofFaiifieldRoad, Mock^lle, died Sunday, June 4,2000 at Davie County Hospital in Mocksville. Mr. Mlllerwasboro Aug.26,1951, in Rowan County to the late Doyle J. and Ritasy Gales Miller. He was a member of the Dutchman Creek Baptist Church. He is survived by; abrother, Donald Miller and wife, Scotlie, of Mocks- ville; a sister. Sheila Miller of Mocks ville; and a half-sister, Paisy Lyerly of Raleigh. : Funeral services were held Tues day, June 6, at 2 p. m. at Davie Funeial Service Chapel, with the Rev. Thomas TuggleofTiciating. Burial followed at Dutchman Creek Baptist Chinch. J Lonnie James Myers Mr. Lonnie James Myers, 72, of S. Rsherman Lane, Salisbury, died at his home on Friday. June 2.2000. He was bom Nov. 27, 1927, in Davie County to Shearlie and Mattie Myers. Mr. Myers was educated in the Davie County School System and he was a veteran of the U.S. Army. He retired from Western Electric CO. as an electrician. Mr. Myers was preceded in death by his parents, his first wife, Rachel Long Myers and a brother, Samuel Myers. He is survived by: his wife Ophie Motley Myers of the home; 3 daugh ters, Shirley M. Beauchamp and hus band Steve of Advance, Angela M. Mclntyre and husband Rodney of Salisbury, Annette M. Kane and hus band Kevin of Advance; a son, James A. Myers and his wife Elizabeth of Salisbury; 21 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren. A funeral service was held at 2 p.m. Monday, June S, at Hayworth- Miller Silas Creek Chapel with Bill Teague officiating. Burial followed atOaklawn Memorial Gardens. Memorials may be made to Rowan Regional Home Health and Hospice, 82S-A W«t Henderson Sl, Salisbury, 28144. y Elva Spaugh Phelps Mrs. Elva "Mae" Spaugh Phelps, 67, died May 29, 2000. at Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home. Mrs. Phelps was bom in Forsyth County Aug. 11, 1932, to Howard Taft and Elva Cornish Spaugh. She was a homemaker and a member of First Christian Church of Clemmons (formerly Muddy Creek Church of Christ). Surviving: her husband, Howard A. "Jiggs" Phelps of the home: a son, Wayne Phelps and wife Jane of Wn- ;ton-Salem; a daughter, Brenda Howell of Mocksville; 2 grandchil dren; 3 stepgrandchildten; 2 broth- m, Ray Spaugh and Carol Spaugh, i sisters, Carolyn Lynch and Mary ^tt, all of Davidson County; and an aunt. Fay Cashion of Winston-Sa- lem. ; A graveside service was at 11 a.iii. Thursday, June 1 at First Christian Church Cemetery, with Ollis Baggett, minister, ofTiciating. : In lieu of flowers, the family re quests memorials be made to Hos pice of Winston-Salem/Forsyth County, 1100-C S. Stratford Road, ^Inston-Salem, 27103, ,(1/ .S- c 1 O 0 0 o \S UAVlt; COUN TY ENTEKHKISE KJSCOKU, June ?, 2UU0 • y Ada Powell Roberson Mrs. Ada Powell Roberson, 74, of Graham, died Sunday, June 4,2000, ai Twin Lakes Health Center in Burlington. She had been in declin ing health for IS years, and seriously ill for one month. She was bom Jan. 8,1926 in Ire- dell County to the late T. Frank and Maude Hayes Powell. She was edu cated in Cdoleemee and Davie County Schools. She was a waitress in Albemarle until her illness. She was a member of Anderson Grove Baptist Church. Mrs. Roberson was preceded in death by her husband, J.T. Roberson on March 12, 1983. Survivors: brothers, Kenneth Powell and Herman Powell of Salis bury, and Gilmer Powell of Greens boro; sisters, Mrs. Brownie Williams n of Mocksville and Mrs. Hazel Thombufg of Graham. Funeral services were were at 2 p.m. Tuesday, June 6 at Summersett Memorial Chapel with the Rev. Ron Honeycutt, minister of Anderson Grove Baptist Church. Burial was in Rowan Memorial Park. W. Dennie Spry ; Mr. W. Dennie Spry, 88, of Win- ston-Salem died Sunday, May 28, 2000 at his home with his family around him. • Spry was the son ofRufusL. Spry and Maggie Foster Spry. ; He is survived by: his wife of 63 years. Maty Thomas Spry; a son, William D. Spry Jr. and wife Penny of Winston-Saiem; and 5 grandchil dren. Mr. Spry was predeceased by his daughter. Maty Elizabeth "Libby" Spty. ; Mr. Spry was bom Match 31. 1912, in Cooleemee and lived most of his life in Winsion-Salem. He at tended Reynolds High School, UNC- Chapel Hill and graduated from the University of North Carolina School of Law. Mr. Spty had a career in law and business, working all over the world in his private law practice with Spry, Hamrick and Doughton, as general counsel to McLean Trucking Co., and as vice-president and gen eral counsel of Sea Land Inc. in Elizabeth, N.J., In its early years and when it was sold to RJ. Reynolds Tobacco Co. He later formed Benton-Spiy Inc., with his longtimeftiend, M.C. Benton Jr. and bought Hennis Freight Lines, which they eventually merged into Specior Red Ball Inc., in Chicago. After his re- drement from Spector Red Ball, he formed the law pracUce of Spry & Spry withhis son, in 1975. They later merged their practice into Allman, Spry & Humphreys. He condnued to pracdce law at that firm's successor Allman, Spry, Leggett and Cnimpler undl his death. Mr. Spry was an avid golfer and a longtime member of Forsyth Country Club where he served on the board and as president. He was also a member of the Roar ing Gap Club for over 50 years. Mr. Spry was a member of Centenary United Methodist Church where he ^tved on various boards and as an usher for many years. Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, May 31, at Cente nary United Methodist Church. Burial was at Forsyth Memorial Park Cemetery. Memorials may be made to Cen tenary United Methodist Church. 646 W, Fifth St., Winston-Salem, 27101; Hospice of Winston-Salem/ J Forsyth County, 11CO-C S. Stratford Road, Wnston-Salem, 27103 or to the charity of the donor's choice. ."h /O O n > 0 ■^5 Ottit County Public libraiy Mocl<8vflte, NC DAME COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, June 15,2000 - 0 o o V Grace Cook Cabe Mrs. Grace Cook Cabe. 73. of Salisbury, died on Friday. June 9. 2000, ai her residence. Mrs. Cabe was bom on Aug. 9. 1926. in Cabamis County to the late George Manulis Cook Sr. and Lola Little Cook. She was educated in the Cabamis County School System and at the Dan Mohr Real Estate School in Winston-Salem. She was a retired partner of Davie Realty Co. in Mocksville. Mrs. Cabe was a mem ber of Center United Methodist Church in Mocksville. She was preceded in death by her husband. James L. Cabe on Sept. 13. 1984. Survivors: a son. Don Rushen of Salisbury; a brother. Ray Cook of San Diego. Calif.; S sisters. Lucy Trouiman and Janice Joyner. both of Concord. Sally Troutman of Stanfleld. Mildred Honeycutt of Lo cust. and Hassle Tucker of Albermarle; and 3 grandchildren. A graveside memorial service was conducted at 2 p.m. Tbesday. June 13. at Carolina Memorial Park in Concord by the Rev. Dr. Sherman Warner. Memorial contributions may be made to Rowan Regional Home Health & Hospice. 82S-A W. Henderson St.. Salisbury. 28144. J Betty Lou Cornatzer Miss Betty Lou Cornatzer. 81, of Baltimore Road. Advance, died Tuesday. June 6. 2000. at her home after a brief illness. She was bom Aug. 14. 1918. in Davie County to the late Rom and Delia Barney Cornatzer. Miss Cor natzer was a charter member of Bixby Presbyterian Church, which was founded in 1932. She retired from Davis Department Store after 37 years of service and was their first Apple Queen. She was preceded in death by 3 brothers. Hayden. Guy and Seabon Cornatzer. Survivors include: her sister. Pat Chaffin and husband. Norman, a brother. Albert Cornatzer and wife. Minnie, of Advance; and several nieces, nephews and many friends. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Thursday. June 8 at Bbiby Presbyte rian Church with the Revs. Bruce Gwyn and Carol Jackson officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery. The family requests memorials be considered for Bixby Presbyterian Church General Fund. 1806 Fork Bixby Road. Advance, or Hospice of Fbrsyth County. 1100-C S. Suatford Road. Winston-Salem. 27104. Willard Egbert Foster Mr. Willard Egbert Foster. 94, of Pleasant Acres Drive, Mocksville, died Saturday morning. June 10. 2000at The Oaks at Forsyth in Win ston-Salem. where he had been a n resident for the past eight months. Funeral services were conducted at 11 a.m. TUestlay in Jerusalem Bap tist Church with the Rev. Jimmy Lancaster officiating. Burial was in Fbrk Baptist Church Cemetery. Mr. Foster was bom in Davie County on March IS. 1906. to the late Robert Ishmael and Sara Garwood Foster and was a retired fanner and meichanL He wasamem- ber of Jerusalem Baptist Church, where he had served as a Sunday school teacher and was an ordained Deacon. He also sang in the church choir. Fbrk Baptist Church had been his home church, and he was previ ously a member of Ardmore Baptist Church. He was preceded in death by 9 brothers and sisters. Surviving: his wife, whom he married on June 11. 1933. Kate Langston Foster of the home; a 4aiighter. Mrs. Robert (Willo'dean F.) Tenery of Mocksville; 4 grand-1 children; 4 great-grandchildren; and' a great-great-grandchild. j Memorials may be made to The' Building Fund of Jerusalem Baptist- Church. 3203 US 601 S.. Mocks-, ville; or The American Cancer Soci-' ety, 1900 S. Hawthorne Road. Win ston-Salem. 27103. —tb o 3- 2; T , 0 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, June IS, 2000 - 0 c> o '^7 Florence Elizabeth Hicks Mrs. Florence Elizabeth Caudle ^j Hicks, 93. of Boonville, died Wednesday, June 7,2000, ai Yadkin Nursing Center. . She was bom Nov. 6, 1906, in Yadkin County to the late Jackson Lee and Vicie Permelia Hutchens Caudle. Mrs. Hicks was a graduate of Boonville High School and Ap palachian State Teacher's College. After graduation she taught at sev eral school including Hotlemon's School, Long's School and Center School. She worked at Monleigh Garment in Mocksville and was a c<»k with Cardinal Care Center for several years. Mrs. Hicks was a member of Boonville Baptist Church and was preceded in death by her husband, Alvin Noel Hicks. on June 17.1976. Surviving: her daughter, Mrs. Louise (Rev. Ron) Brown of Asheville; 2 sons, Carl (Kathy) Hicks of Boonville and Fred Craig Hicks of Mocksville; and 6 grand children. She was also preceded in death by 6 brothers and S sisters. Her funeral service was held at 11 a.m. Friday, June 9 at the Gentry Family Chapel by the Revs. Larry Thompson and Gayle Brown. Burial followed in the Boonville Cemetery. Memorials may be made to Boonville Cemetery Fund, c/o Rick Foster, treasurer, P.O. Box 166, Boonville. 27011. Bonnie Gray Lemons Mrs. Bonnie Gray Lemons, 39, of Advance, died Monday, June 5, 2000. at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. She was bom April 23, 1941, in Forsyih County to Errett Odell and Frankie Yow Cline. Mrs. Lemons formerly attended Sharon United Methodist Church. Surviving are: her mother, Frankie Cline Bailey of Lewlsvilie; 4 sons. Donald Lemons and Timo thy Lemons, both ofWinsion-Salem, Everett Lemons of Califomia and Ricky McKnight of Winston-Salem; a brother, Gary Odell Cline of Win- ston-Salem; and an aunt. Ruby Mabe of Winston-Salem. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. ' Thursday, June 8 at Haywotth-Miller Silas Creek Chapel. Burial followed in Sharon United Methodist Church Cemetery. Agness O'Malley RelUy Anes O'Malley Reilly, 86, died June 7,2000 in Peekskill, N.Y. She was the mother of James "Jim" Reilly of Mocksville. Pearl Grubb Owen V Mrs. "Granny" Pearl Grubb : Owen. 80, of U.S. 158, Mocksville, died Friday, June 9,2000, at her resi dence. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Sunday at Eaton Funeral Chapel, with Gilbert Pierce officiating. Burial was in Smith Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery. Mrs. Owen was born Sept. 8, 1919, in Davidson County to the late Noah Webster and Sara Rebecca Walton Grubb, and was retired from Montcastle Hosiery in Lexington. She was a member of Smith Grove United Methodist Church. Survivors include: 2 daughters, Mary G. Smith and Rebecca Clark; a son. Perry Owen, all of Mocksville; 9 granilchildren; 11 great-grandchil dren; a great-great-grandchild; a sis ter. Mildred Potts of Tyro; and 3 brothers, Foy F. Grubb of Welcome. Cleo Grubb of Spencer and Leo Grubb of Churchland. She was preceded in death by two husbands, James T. Goss and Charlie Franklin Owen, and four brothers, Reilly L., Herman, Hoyle and Buss Grubb. j- 2: o —.-c / a~' a DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. June 15.2000 - O O 10 TVevia A. Patterson j Mrs. Trevia Andeison Panerson. 42, a fonner resident of DavieCounty, died June 12 in Columbia. S.C., fol lowing a short illness. She graduated from Davie High School in 197S, andshe also graduated from Appalachian State University in l980.C^tainPatteRonservedl2yeais in the U.S. Army, and presently was a civilian employee for the Department of Defense in Fort Jackson, S.C. She wasamemberofMt. Sinai AMEZion Church in Advance, and attended Adams N.E AME Zion Church in Columbia, S.C. She is survived by; her husband, William "Bill" Patteison of the home; 2 daughteis, LaVette and Courtney Patterson, bothof the home; herfather, Juntor, and step-mother Peggy Ander son of Lexington; 3 brothers, Stephen (Delinda) Anderson of Winston-Sa- lem, Terry Andeison and Ray (Eva) Anderson, both of Davie County; 2 step-brothers, Chris Hamilton of Davidson County, and Charles Hamilton of Atlanut, Ga.; 3 sisters, Shirley (Tony) Dal ton, Dianne(Hardy) Haigrave, both of Lexington, and Kim (Wilson) Mayfield of Mocksville. Funeral services will be held on Thursday, June IS at 4 p. m at Ml Sinai AME Zion Church in Advance. Dr. A.M. Spaulding and the Rev. Julie Tilltnan will officiate. Burial will fol low in the church cemetery with mili tary rites by the I Ith District Color Guards. The body will be taken to the church at 3 p.rtL, where the family will receive friends 30 minutes before the service. Nellie Reynolds y Mrs. Nellie Reynolds, 82, ofYad- kinville, died Monday, June S, 2(X)0, at Hoots Memorial Hospital. She was bom Sept. 28, 1917, in Yadkin County to the late Henry and Betty Belle Trivette Reavis. She worked for several years at Monleigh Garment and Heritage Furniture. She was preceded in death by a daughter, Betty Beamer, a son-in- law, Fred Beamer, an infant son, Henry Wilson Reynolds; a grandson. Lee Hash; a great-grandson, Andy Bates; and two sisters, Eva Hoots and Martha Walls. Surviving: her husband of 64 years, Marshall W. Reynolds of the home; 3 daughters, Mary (Hobert) Davis of Yadkinville, Jerry (Ed) Brown of Boonville and Doris (Leonard) Hash ofYadkinville; 3 sis ters, Sally Connell, Mary Wiles and Ruby Whitaker; 9 grandchildren; and 16 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Thursday, June 8, at Gentry Family Chapel, with Dr. Phil Beavers and the Rev. Hubert Wishon officiating. Burial was at Harmony Grover Friends Church Cemetery. T Richard N. Rose Mr. Richard N. "Dick" Rose, 74, of Crestview Drive, Mocksville, died Sunday, June 11, 2000, at Forsyth Medical Center. Born June IS, 1925, in Barrington, N.Y., Mr. Rose was the son of the late Viola and Merton Rose. He retired from Ingersoll Rand Co. in 1983 with 43 years of service. He was instrumental in moving the facility from Painted Post, N.Y. to Mocksville, completing the move in 1969. He also helped to establish a division near Milan, Italy in 1971. Survivors includeL his wife, Lois; a daughter and son-in-law, Bonnie and Lewis Simmons of Coming, N.Y,; a son and daughter-in-law, Michael and Amy Rose of Mocksville; 2 sis ters, Eleanor Green of Montour Falls, N.Y. and Alta Rockwell of Painted Post N.Y.; a brother, Alton Rose of Coming, N.Y.; 5 grandchildren; 9 great-grandchildren; and in-laws, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Horton of Mocksville. A private graveside service was conducted at Rose Cemetery with the Rev. Jimmy Hinson officiating. V) U .1? — w tS" a DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, June 15,2000 - $ vS Esther Lillian Sheefaan ^ Esther Lillian Sheehan. 77. of Comaizer Road. Advance, died Tues day. May24.2000atKaie B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winston Saletn. Mrs. Sheehan was bom Jan. 21, 1923 inLynn.Mass. to the late JohnE and Beatrice Holly Fudge. Mrs. Sheehan spent her life as a homemaker. She alw enjoyed panici- pating inactivities at the DavieCounty Senior Citizens Center. In addition to her parents, her hus band. Henty Sheehan. preceded her in death in 1985; 2 sistere, Betty and' Emily; a brother, Harold; son. Harold; and daughter. Viiginia also preceded her in death. Two sons. John Henry Sheehan of Mocksville. and Paul Scou Sheehan and wife Phillis of St Paris. Maine; dauthter-in-law Mary Jane Cable and husband Roger of Bellbrook. Ohio; 2 sisters. Ruth Fletcher of Manchester. Conn, and Dorothy Sava of Marblehead. Mass.; 6 grandchildren; and 5 greatgrandchildren survive her. A nsetnorial service was held on Sunday. May 28 at 3 pm at Davie Funeral Service. LLC Chapel. 416 Valley Road. Mocksville. with the Rev. Ji^y Lancaster ofifidating. Burial will beJune23.atSaugus Cemetery in Saugus. Mass, Memorials may be made to Hos pice of Davie County. PC Box 848, Mocksville, or Kate B. Reynolds Hos pice Home. 101 Hospice Lane. Win- ston-Salem. 27103. y Billy Edward Smoot Mr. Billy Edward Smoot 57. of Depot Street. Mocksville. died June 9. 2000. aOera period ofdeclining health. He was bom in Davie County, son of the late John C. and Edith Mock Smoot He graduated from Central Davie High School in 1960, and was a member of Mocksville Second Pres byterian Church. He is survived by; 3 sons. Edward Smoot. and Roger (India) Smoot both of Mocksville. and Ryan Carson of Winston-Salem; 2 daughters. Tawana Smoot of Mocksville. and Rhonda Carson of Winston-Salem; 3 step daughters. Crystal Smoot (Steven) Dulin,andTamiSn»otbothofMocks- ville. and Shawn Smoot of Salisbury; a brother. Melvin Mock of Mock^ ville; a special devoted friend. Faye Porter. Funeral services were held Tues day. June 13 at 4 p.m. in the chapel of Graham Funeral Home in Mocksville. The Rev. Walter'Hdlineofnciatedand burial followed in Mocksville Second Presbyterian Church Cemetery. .ft' \ or <s--- DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, June 22,2000 n Perry Lee Coles Mr. PciT>' Lee Coles, 42, of Win- sion-Solcrn. died Saiurday, June !0, 2000. ai his home. He had been in declining health. He graduated from Davie High Schoolin I975,atKjwaslastemploy^ by Musgiave Company. He is survived by: his mother, Mrs. CIcasie MclvorColcsofMoclcsvlile; 2 daughters.Crystal Coles and Denise ieanetie Fowler; a brother, Jerry Mclvor of Winsion-SaJem; a sister. Queen Esther Harding ofChicago. 0. A memorial service was held on Friday. June I6at I pm in the Chapel of Graham Funeral Home in Mocks- ville. The Rev. Sam Putycar offiei- aied. Memorials may be made to: Mul tiple Sclerosis c/o WFBMC Winston- Salcm. 27103. Dwight Gilmer Grubbs DwightGilmcrCmbbs.83,ofChar- lotle died Friday, June 9. 2000. at home. A memorial servicewas held Mon day. June 12. at 2 pm at Covenant Presbyterian Church. Bom Dec. 16. 1916 in Davie County, Dwight was theson ofthe late Dodson Gray and Annie Josephine Heath Gnibbs, He was a graduate of Appalachian State Teachers College, now ASU, where he met his wife. Louise. During WWII Mr. Grubbs served as supply and imelligence of ficer aboard a destroyer in the South pacific. He spent most of his career in educational sales, retiring from Bender-BurkotSchoolSupplyin 1982. A charter inember of Covenant Presbyterian Church. Mr. Grubs was elected to Elder Emeritus. Mr. Grubbs is suivivcd by his wife of 56 years. Louise Cress Grubbs; a son, Donald Patterson OrubbsofChar- loite; 2 daughters, Susan Grubbs Hickok of Charlotte and Marilyn Louise Grubbs of PitBboro: 7 grand children; 2 sisters, Geneva Bowles of Concord and Dorothy Hendrix of Mocksville; as well as 7 great-grand children. Memorials may he made to the Covenant Presbyterian Church. 100 East Morchead St. Charlotte. NC 282(M. Fred Austin Cook Mr. Fred Austin Cook. 70, ofWin- ston-Salem died Sunday. June 18. 2000. at his home. HewasboraJuly 18,1929.inFor- sylh County to Andrew Sanford and Lois York Cook. Mr. Cook was a member of Hope Moravian Church and the Moravian Band. He served for two years in the U.S. Army with the military police stationed in Fort Jackson, S.C. He was retired from AT&Tin 1988aftcr4i years of ser vice. He was active with the Boy Scouts of America Troop 728. He was a member of the Mali Walkers and Telephone Pioneers ofAmerica. His hobbies were gardening and woodworking. He was preceded in death by his mother in 1994 and his son. David Fred Cook, in 1983. Surviving: his wife, BenyC.Cook of the home; a daughter. Janet C. Craver and husband Bradd; 2 grand sons; his father, all of Winston-Sa- 1cm; and 3 sisters, Alva C. Huichens of Yadkinville, Marceleen C- Bodsford of Mocksville and RevaC. Groce and husband Clarence ofWtn- slon-Salem. Funeral services were at 11 a.m. Wednesday. June 21 at Hope Moravian Church with the Revs, Galen Hahn and James Newsome of- ficiating. Burial followed in the church graveyard. Memorials: Hope Moravian, 2759 Hope Church Rtl., Winsion-Salem, 27127. Davie County Publi^hraiy LucIUe Leach Flowers Lucille Leach Rowers, 84, of Murfrecsboru died June 14. Mrs. Flowers was a bomemaker who resided at Guardian Care Nursing Home in Ahoskie. She was bom in Davie County and was a member of Murfreesboro United Methodist Church. Surviving: her husband Grady Lee Rowers ofMurfreesboro; a son, Will iam E. "Gene" Flowers and wife Mary EttaofMurfreesboro;asisterKatherine L.HarTisofMocksvjlle;agTanddaugh- ter. and a great-granddaughter. Funeral services wereheldai2 p.m. Friday.June 16atMurfreesboro United Methodist Church with the Rev. Michael Cast ofTiciating. Burial fol lowed at Riverside Cemetery in Murfreesboro. Regina Gaither Head / Mrs. Regina Gaither Head. 38, of Grubb Road, Mocksville. died Friday, June 16, 2000. at at Old Providence Presbyterian Church conducted Milholland, Burial followed in the church cemetery She was bom March 24, 1962, in Rowan county, a daughter of James Richardson and Joann Goldwire Gaither ofWoodleaf. She was a mem- f ber of Old Providence Ptesbytetian Church aixl had been employed by Davie County Hospital as a registered Surviving, in addition to her par ents: her husband, Jimmy Head of the home;ason, Alston Head, and adaugh- ler, Miranda Head, both of the home; slcp-daughlecs. Kelly Head and Carrie HetlardofSa]isbury;asi5ter, Christine Hennessee of Lenoir and a brother. Richard Gaither of Woodleaf; a step- grandson; and her grandparents. ManhaRnkhamofSalisbury.andIrene Faust of Mocksville. 0 O DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, June 22,2000 • V o Betty Elandset Jepson Mrs. Beuy Handesi Jepson of Bermuda Village died Thursday, June 15, 2000, at Forsyth Medical Center. She was bom In New York. N.Y. in 1915, to Neil and Anna Ftieden Handest. Mrs. Jepson was a mem ber of Shallowford Presbyterian Church. She was a designer ofjew elry and handbags and co-owner of her own design company in Ne'w York before she married. She en joyed painting and ait throughout her life. She was preceded In death by her first husband, Robert D. Fbothorap and her second husband. Franklin Jepson. She Is survived by: 2 daughters, Susanne F. Vigeland of Cfaariotte and Bettina Foothorap Catlin of Fort Collins, Colo.; a son, Robert D. Foothorap Jr. of San Francisco; 2 stepdaughters, Diana Jepson Stotheis of Osslning, N.Y. and Susan Jepson Bohre of Potomac, Md.; 3 grandchil dren: and a sister, Adelaide Bill of Long bland City, N.Y. A memorial service was held at 2:30 p.m. Saturday afternoon, June 17. In the Living Room of Bermuda Village. Burial will follow at a later date in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, Sleepy Hollow, N.Y. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Association for Macu- lar Diseases, 210 W. 64th St.. New York, N.Y. 1C02I-747I. y Mary Eunice McDanlel Mary Eunice McDanlel, 75, of Sal IsbuiydledTuesday.June 13,2000, at the Lutheran Nuising Home. Agraveside service was heldThurs- day, June 15 at 11 am at Legion Me morial Park In Coolemee with the Rev. Gene Brace officiating. Miss McDanlel was bom March 2,1925 in Davie County to the late Jatnes Wade and Essie Bowers McDanlel. She at tended Edgewood Baptbt Church. Survivors Include 6 sisters: Lotine Sainof Mocksville, Vermeil (Joseph) Lee of Rockwell, Dare (William) Dotson, Barbara McDanlel, Louise (John) Cauble all of Salisbury, Judy tVemon) Hunt of Wake Forest; a brother; Bobby (Kathetyn) McDanlel ofCooleemee:and anumberof nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by a sister, Rebecca Howard. 2 brothers; Gerald Wade and Clarence "Bill" McDanlel. Melvin O'Brien Paschall y' Mr. Melvin O'Brien Paschall. 77, of 225 Ralton Eugene Trail, Ad vance, died Saturday, June 17,2(X)0. Mr. Paschall was born in Yanceyville on June 5, 1923, to Charlie B. Paschall and Nettie Haney Paschall. He joined the U.S. Army in 1942 and served his country in the European Theater during World War II. He participated In combat cam paigns in France. Belgium, Holland, - and Germany, and earned the rank of sergeant. During his military ser vice, he was awarded the Bronze Star for Heroic Achievement and the Army Good Conduct Medal for hb exemplary conduct Upon his dis charge from the military in 1945, he returned to North Carolina, where he. ' attended Piedmont Bible College. He worked at Hanes Hosiery for more than 15 years, then left to be come a self-employed merchant and operated convenience stores in Davie and Stokes coundes. He was a member of Yadkin Val ley Bapdst Church for more than 45 years, where he served as a deacon and Sunday School teacher. Mr. Paschall was an acdve member of VFW PosiS7l9 and served in the District 11 Memorial HonorGuard. Survivors: his wife of 53 years, Elena Homisin Paschall; 3 dau^tets, Candance Cozort of St Mary's, Ga.. Chrisdne Carter of Advance, and Cindy Yates of WImington; 5 grand children; 2 great-grandchildren; a sister, Audrey Loftis of Reidsville; and numerous nieces, nephews, and cousins. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Tuesday, June 20, at Yadjun Valley Baptist Church. Burial fol lowed in the church cemetery with Military Rites by the District 11 Memorial Honor Guard. The family requests memoriab be made to Yadkin Valley Baptist Church, 1324 Yadkin Valley Road. Advance., c/o The Building Fund or to Advance VFW Post 8719. u DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, June 22,2000 • 0 0 0 tY VS Sibyl M. Rambsotham Sibyl M. Ramsbotham died unex pectedly on Wednesday, June 14, 2000. She was the daughter of Martin Friday and Rebecca Caroline Mor gan of Springfield, S.C. She is survived by her husband of S9 years, Alan J. Ramsbotham; her 5 children, Jim, Marty, Ann, Michael and Joe Ramsbotham, and their faini- lies. A memorial mass was offered at 11 a.m. Saturday, June 17, at St. Benedict Catholic Church. Burial was in the family cemetery in Springfield, S.C. In lieu of flowers, memorial con tributions may be made to the char ity of choice. Otis E. Ridenhour J Mr. Otis E Ridenhour, 78, of Pine Ridge Road, Mocksville, died Wednesday, June 14, 2000, at his home. Mr. Ridenhour was bora March 2,1922. in Davie County to the late Walter L. and Clara Wall Ridenhour. He retired from Kosa. where he was a machine operator, after 15 years of service. He was a member of COol- eemee Presbyterian Church. Mr. Ridenhour is survived by: his wife of 57 years. Addie Campbell; a son. Walter Ridenhour and wife Renae of Advance; 2 daughters, Su san Morrison and husband Donald of Cleveland, and Joanne Allen and husband Keith of Mocksville; 4 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchil dren; a brother, John W. Ridenhour of Cooleemee; and a sister, Margie McDaniel of New Jersey. He was preceded in death by 2 brothers, Leo and Tommy Ridenhour, and 2 sisters, Ann Camp bell and Mildred Ridenhour. Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. Friday.June 16 at Davie Funeral Service Chapel, with the Rev. Lanny Atkins officiating. Burial followed at Rowan Memorial Park. Memorials may be made to Hos pice of Davie County, P.O. Box 848, Mocksville. J Jesse Malcolm Upshaw Mr. Jesse Malcolm "Mai" Upshaw, 54, of594 Riverbend ITrive, Bermuda Run, died Friday, June 16, 2(XI0, at Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home. Mr. Upshaw was bom April 18. 1946, in Atlanta, Ga., to James Tho mas and Eleanor Hodges Upshaw. He was vice president of Distribu tion Services for Jockey Interna tional. He was a member of Center Grove Baptist Church where he served as a deacon and taught an adult Sunday school class. Mr. Upshaw serv^ in the U.S. Army in Korea and in the Vietnam conflict. He is survived by: his wife, Judith Garrison Upshaw of the home; a son, Brian Upshaw and wife Brandie of New Orleans. La.; a grandson; and his parents of Marietta, Ga.; 2 sis ters, Mary Louise Upshaw of At lanta, Ga., and Melanie Upshaw of Marietta, Ga. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Tuesday, June 20 at Burnt Hickory Baptist Church in Marietta . Burial was in Kennesaw Memorial Park. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Center Grove Baptist Church Building Fund, 8200 Center Grove Church Road, Cleramons, 27012. VI . <j "N J Davie County PuWic Library WoskwiJI®, NG Davie County Public Library Mo^«Mi1le, NO cr- 0 c Ci 1 Oi 1 S3 n DAVIE COUNTY EI^RPRISE RECORD, June 29,2000 Nathan W. Bohannon / CravesideservicesforinfaniNalhan Wesley Bohannon were held June 23 ai 10a.m. at Ml Zion HollnessChurch Cemetery. Bishop James Ijames officiated, assisted by Pastor Nettye I. Barber. Survivors include: his mother. Melissa R. Bohannon; 4 sisters. McKayla and Madison Bohannon. Emani Taium attd Sonia Wallace; abroihcr.NicholasBohannon;hisgrand- pamnts, John and Phylis Bohannon.Carolyn Tatum and Herbert Tatum. Grace Mundy Brown Mrs. Grace Mundy Brown. 87, of Winston-Salem. died Friday. June 23. 2000, at Forsyth Medical Cen ter. She was bom Feb. 24. 1913. in Davie County to William Thomas and Mary Owens Mundy. Mrs. Brown was a member of Crifiith Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Hubert Brown; a daughter, Bobbie B. Berrier; a grandson. Joshua Brown; a son-in-law. Barry Riddle; 6 sisters; and 2 brothers. Surviving are; 2 daughters. Jo Laney of the home and Brenda Riddle of Winston-Salem; a son, . Dwight Brown and wife Gail ofWm- ston-Salem; 5 grandchildren; a sis ter, Maude Powlas of Mocksville; and many nieces and nephews. Funeral services were at 3:30 p.m. ! Sunday. June 25 at Hay worth-Miller Silas Creek Chapel with the Rev. W. Michael Willard officiating. Burial followed in Liberty United Method-; ist Church Cemetery of Mocksville. Memorials: Griffith Baptist Church. 1987 Old Salisbury Rd.. Winston-Salem. 27127. Annie Mae Cohen / Mrs. Annie Mae Branson Cohen. 87. of Liberty Church Road. Mocks ville. died Wednesday morning. June 21.2000 at her home. Funeral services were at 11 a.m. Saturday, June 24 in Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Tim Starbuck officiating. Burial was in Elbaville United Methodist Church Cemetery. Mrs. Cohen was bom in Davie County May 23. 1913. to the late Kelly and Sallie Bailey Branson and was a retired nursing assistant with Fran/Ray Rest Home in Mocksville with 15 years of service. She was a graduate of Cooleemee High Sehool and attended Elbaville United Meth odist Church and Chestnut Grove United Methodist Church. She moved from Kannapolis to the Clarksville community in 1944. Her husband. William Offord Cohen, died in 1979. Surviving are: 7 children. Mrs. Uon (Nancy C.) White. Mrs. Benny (Daphne C.) Brown and LaVeme Cohen and wife Sharon, all of Mocksville. Teddy Fartell Cohen arid William Offord Cohen Jr. and his wife Virginia, all of Newport News. Va.. Juan Cohen and his wife Judy of Advance, and Larry Cohen and his wife Kay of Cleveland; 15 grandchil dren; 22 great-grandchildren; a sis ter. Edna B. Eaton of Marietta. Ga.; 4 half sisters; and 2 half brothers. She was preceded in death by three grandchildren. V- • DAVIE county enterprise record, June 29,2000 Ina Mae Dixon Collette Mrs. Ina Mac Dixon Coilclie, 89. of Yadkinville Road, Mocksville. died Friday, Juno 23. 2000, at Au- Care of Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Monday. June 26 at Church in Mocks- ville conducted by • the Rev. Bill Davis. Burial followed in Batons Baptist Church Cenaetcry. Alemorials: The Chancel Choir Fund of First Baptist Church, c/o Rev. Lewis Phillips. 390 N. Main St.. Mocksville. Mrs. Colleite was bom March IS, 1911. In Davie County, a daughter oflhelate William Leonard and Nora Frances Foster Dixon. Mrs. Colleite had worked many years as a seam stress with Monleigh and B&F Manufacturing in Mocksville. She was also a dietician with DavIe County Schools. She was a member of First Baptist Church in Mocks ville. where she had been a Sunbeam leader and sang in the church choir. She had also been treasurer of her Sunday school class. Mrs. Colleite will be remembered for her enjoy ment of gardening. . She was preceded in deuih by her husband. J.C. Collctic; a sister. Beulah Dull: and a brother, Roy Dixon. Survivors: 2 daughters. Mrs. Wil liam Grady (Frances) Dunn and Mrs. Ellis T. (Janic) Donaldson, both of Winston-Salcm; a son. Leonard (Nancy) Colictte of Mocksville: 2 sisters. Nannie Davis of Mocksville. and Alice Hcdrick of Winston-Sa- lom: a brother. Howard Dixon of Mocksville: 7 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. Linda Ann Creekmur Mrs. Linda Ann Jensen Creekmur. -J?. of Lydia Lane. Ad vance. died Wednesday. June 21. 2000. at Forsylh Medical Center- Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Tuesday. June 27. at First United Meihodi.st Church, Mocksville. with the Rev. Charles Turner officiating. Cremation took place after the ser vice. Mrs. Creekmur was bom Feb. 19. 1953. in Newark, N.J.. to Lillian Lindsley Jensen of Union. N.J.. and the late William G. Jensen. She was a naturalist wiibTanglewood Parkin Forsyth County. Survivors, in addition to her mother, include: her husband. Kelly Anthony Creekmur. 3 sons, Scoll. Ryan, and Jonathan Creekmur. all of the home: and a brother. William L. Jensen of Union City. NJ. uji'ie uuunt^ Putrtic U&rary Mo6Mle, NC Jason Clark Dickens v Mr. Jason Clark Dickens. 44. of Hampionvillc, died Thursday, June 22, 2000, at his home. He was bom Oct. 30.1955. in fre- dell County to the late Raymond Dickens and Vivian Sheirill Dickens. He was employed at Cullisian Car pet for 28 years. Surviving: his wife. Judy Dickens of the home: a daughter. Rebecca Dickens of Ailama: 2 stepsons, Dale (April) Michaels ol'Abilcen. Texas, and Danny (Suxzane) Michaels of Shaiiotte; his mother, Vivian S. Dickens of Harmony; 2 brothers. Roburi (Diane) Dickens of Yadkin ville and Jerry (Lisa) Dickens of Mocksville; and 2 stcpgrandchildren. Funeral services were at 3:30p m Sunday. June 25,at Rock Springs Baptist Church. The Revs. Steve Hedgecock and Ronnie Woolen of ficiated. Burial was in the church cemeicry. Memorials: Hospice of Iredell County. P.O. Box 822, Siaiesvillc 28687. Arnice Virginia Cromer / Mrs. Arnice Virginia Wright ^ Cromer. 32. ofWinsion-Silem. died Friday. June 23. 2000 at Forsyth Medical Center. S he was bom July 8, 1917 in For sylh County to William Lee Wright Sr. and Eunice Swaim Wright. Mrs. Cromer was a member of Trinity Christian Church where she played the organ for 50 years. She was re tired from Western Electric Co. She was preceded in death by her husband. James Hardin Cromer Sr.; 2 brothers, Norman Lee Wright and Bill Wright : and a sister, Juanila Sauls. She is survived by: 2 daughters. Patricia C. Sirader and husband G-C. of Pfaffiown and Judy C. Gamble and husband Sherrill of Advance; a son, James "Buddy" Hardin Cromer Jr. and wife Phyllis of Pfafftown; 5 grandchildren; 4 great-grandchil dren: a sister-in-law. Margaret Wrigl.l: 5 nieces and nephews; and a beloved aunt. Alma Sales. Funeral services were at 10 a-m. Monday, June 26 atTrinity Christian Church with the Revs. Keith Marsden and Jim Warren ofnciating. Burial followed in Forsyin Memo rial Park. Memorials; Trinity Christian Church.45IOShaitalon Drive. Win- slon-Salem. 27106. . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, June 29,2000 J o 0 0 <s 1 \5 Donald Allen Forest Donald "Don" Foircst, 58. of N.C. 150 N., Lexington, died at Wake For est University Baptist Medical Center June 19.2000. Mr. Forrest was bom in Forsyth County on Jan. 26.1942 to Abtam A. Fotrcst and Gladys Hcge Forrest. He was an employee of Baker Furniture in Mocksville. and a member of Chris tian Baptist CThunch. He would have celebrated his 38th wedding anniver sary June 23 and had a special little dog. Sandy. Surviving: his wife Brenda Hanes Forrest; a son. Keith Allen Forrest and wife Retaof Lexington; agranddaugh- ter. a brother. Jessie "Ray" FOrtest and wife. JudyofLexington;asister, Janice Jenkins and husband. John of Lexing ton; father-in-law Cleveland Hattes of Lexington; and a niece and several nephews. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Thursday. June 22 at Davidson Fu neral Home Lexington Chapel with the Rev. Samuel Harvey officiating. Burial followedatShilohUnitedMeth- odist Church Cemetery. / James R. Gaither Mr. James Richardson "Jim" Gaither.59,ofF0sterRoad. Woodleaf, died Wednesday. June 21.2000 at his residence. Funeral services were Saturday. June 24 at 2 p.m. at Old Providence Presbyterian Church with the Rev John Milholland officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr.GaitherwasbomNov.2,1940, in Rowan County to Irene Williams Gaither Faust of Mocksville and the late James Hugey Gaither. He was a deputy with the Rowan County Shenffs Departmentand was formerly an assistant manager with PCX and manager with Ralston Purina. He was preceded in death by a daughter. Regina Head, and a daugh- tcr-in-Iaw. Cindy Gaither. Survivors, in addition to his mother his wife, Joann Goldwire Gaither of Wtxxlleaf; 2 sons: Richard Gaither of Wotxlleaf. Bryan (Samantha) Ander son of Cleveland; a daughter. Chris tine Hcnnessec of Lenoir. a son-in- law. Jimmy Head; 5 grandchildren; and one great-granddaughter. y Lyvonne Cranfill Kelly Mrs. Lyvonne Cranfill Kelly. 49. .of Deck Circle . Mocksville, died Saturday aficmoon. June 24,2000 at Forsyth Medical Center following a short illness. A graveside service was held at 11 a.m. Tuesday, June 27 in Tumers Creek Baptist Church Cemetery in Yadkin County with the Rev. Allen Barker officiating. Memorials: Cancer Services. 622 N. Main St., Mocksviile. 27028. Mrs. Kelly was bom in Rowan County on Nov. 26.1950. to the late Stacy and Nellie Baity Cranfill and was a route carrier with the Winston- Salera Joumal with 15 years of ser vice. She was a member of TUmers Creek Baptist Church and a commu- inity Samaritan. She was an avid col lector of teapots. Survivors; her husband Randy S. '.(Steve) Keliy whom she married 'Feb. 2. 1974; a daughter, Brand! Kelly of the home; a son. Steven Kelly, also of the home; 3 brothers. Dale, Elton, and Ron Cranfill. all of Mocksville; and several nieces, nephews.'and cousins. VI i § Oavte county MocMites w* - "O • DAVIE COUNTY EOTERPRISE RECORD, June 29,2000 O e o ri \ CN \j j Bertye M, McDonald Mrs. Bertye M. McDonald Hedrick, 76. of Duke Whiiiaker Road. Mocksville. died Thursday, June 22, 2000. at Forsyth Medical Center. Mrs. Hedrick was bom June 22, 1924, in Nitre, W.Va., to the late Romey L. and Violet Meeks McDonald. She was preceded in death by a daughter, Nancy Grimth; 3 sisters. Opal Duif, Phylis Slater and Gertrude McDonald; and a brother, Romey L. McDonald Jr. Mrs. Hedrick was a member of Bear Creek Baptist Church and was a past Sunday school teacher of Fiee- will Baptist Church in West Virginia. Survivors: her husband of S9 years. Burton A. Hedrick; 3 sons. Burton "Buddy" Hedrick Jr. of Ohio, and Otis Hedrick and wife Linda, and Larry Hedrick and wife Linda, all of Mocksville; 3 daughters, Virginia Sampson and husband Dorsey, Loretta Smith, and husband Alton, Stella Hedrick, and Connie Hedrick and husband Richard, all of Mocks ville, and Brenda Pauley and hus band Creenway of Winston-Salem; 3 brothers, Clarence, Daniel and David McDonald, all of Ohio; and a sister, June Stone of Ohio; 21 grand children; and 27 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Sunday, June 25, at Bear Creek Baptist Church with the Rev. Lee Childress officiating. Burial fol lowed in the church cemetery. Memorials: American Heart As sociation. I 386-A West Gate Center Drive, Winston-Salem, 27103, or the Americati Lung Association, 3409- . D West Wendover Ave, Greensboro, 27407. y SharnetteNeelyGraveside services for infant ^c^fttstorCharlene Lewis of- • Survivors include: her mother j^totnette Ncely; hergmndp^lB-Milton and Libby Neely Anthony Wayne Seamen Mr. Anthony Wayne Seamon. 71. / of Mocksville. died Sunday. June 23, ^ 2000 at Kale B. Reynolds Hospice Home. He was bom Nov. 7. l928,inDavie County to Clyde Chaltner and Mary Jane Hendtix Seamon. Mr. Seamon was a member of North Main Sueet Church of Christ and was retired from AT&T after 37 years of service. He was preceded in death by a sister. Barbara Seamon Anderson, and a brother. Ronald James Seamon. Surviving: his wife, Catherine Boger Seamon of the home; a son. Rick Wayne Seamon of Mocksville; a sister, Maroline Benson and husband, Charlie of China Grove; 2 brothers, Cecil Seamon and wife Marie of Mocksville, Millard Seamon and friend. Dot POole, both of Granite Quarry; and a brother-in-law, Hayden Anderson. Funeral services were at 6 p.m. Tuesday, June 27, at Hay woith-Miller Kindcrton Chapel with Oieg Eliod and Robert Darnell, ministers. ofTtci- ating. A graveside service will be 11 a.m., Wednesday. June 28, at Jericho Church of Christ Memorials: Kate B. Reynolds Hos pice Home, 101 Hospice Lane, Win ston-Salem, 27103. VI ■%> 0 I 0- . o Davie County PutiHc Uhraiy Mocttsvflle, NC 9 o Q (Y N9 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, June 29,2000 Crystal Lea Smith Mi»s Crysial Lea Smith. 13, of Prison Camp Road. Motksville.died Monday aftenioon. June 26.2000. al her home after i an illness of | several monihs- Funcral ser vices were at II a.m. Thursday. June 29. in Eaton Funeral ; Chapel with the Rev. James Ward officiating. Burial was in the Yadkin Valley Baptist Church Cemetery. The family was to be at Batons Wednesday night from 7-9. Memorials; in memory ofCyrsial Smith, do Stacy Sohortz. case man ager. 124 WilLcsboro St.. Mocks- villc. She was born Aug. 7. 1986 in Forsyth County to Terry Smith of Mocksville andTamara Frcedic Fritz of Mocksville and had been a stu dent in the seventh grade of Central Davie School. She was a member of Heaven Bound Full Gospel Church. Survivors: her father and mother; stepfather. Albert Frit? of the home;sister. Suzanne Welch of Mocksville; paternal grandmother of Virginia; special aunt. Debbie Cullcdge of Advance; aunis and uncles, includ ing Ronnie and Evelyn Clark of Martinsvillc. Va. and Cicu Carter of Mocksville; special friend.?. Keith and Elaine Mosor and family ofYad- kinville;and Dr. Kurt Klincpcterand sialf for loving extended care. Barley Reynolds Smith Harley "Snake" Reynolds Smith. 81. ofLexington, died Monday, June 26. 2000, at Lexinglon Memorial Hospital after declining health for 2 1/2 years. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Wednesday, June 28. at Davidson Funeral Home-HickoryTreeChapel conducted by the Rev, Hany Sellers Jr. and Layman Sid Jones. Burial was in Midway United Methodist Church Cemetery. He was bom July 27, 1918. in Davie County to Morgan Elmer Smith and Mary Amon Smith. He was retired from International Union in Charlotte. He was the first life member of the Hall of Fame of the N.C. Trapper s Association in 1985. Surviving: his wife, Dorothy Richardson Smith of the home; a son. Harley Reid Smith and wife Rose mary of Lexington; adaughter. Mary SmidiCurry and husband Sid ofLex ington; 5 grandchildren; 3 great grandchildren; his stepmother. Mary Frances Busby of Salisbury; a half- brother, Morgan Earl Smith of Mocksville; and a half-sister. Mary Jane Holloway of Lexington. Memorials may be directed to the charily of the donor's choice. David Smith Summers Mr. David Smith Summers. 74, of Winsion-Salem. died on WednesdayJune 21. 2000. at Kale Bitting Reynolds Hospice Home, following an extended illness. He was bom on June 1. 1926, in • Winston-Salem to the late Hallie Lee and Mable Summers. He was a graduate ofCarver High School and was of the Baptist faith. He was owner-operator of David Summers Construction Co. for3j years. He was preceded in death by his brothers, Hallie Jr., Hilliard and Charlie Summers; and his wife, Wilma Martin Summers. Survivors include a sister from Mocksville, Lucy Brooks. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Monday, June 26. from First Baptist Church with the Rev. Dou- n .glasSummers officialiiig. Burial was'In Piedmont Memorial Gardens. V5 .K) -h Davte County Pubtic Ubrary NC