02-FebruaryT he D ayie R ecord DAVIE RECORD THURSDAY.BVKRY . KDITOE^.JIOKKISl MOJKSVILLB, N . C., THUIiiSDAYj IEBR UAliY 2, 1805.NO. 81- tB 0B OFStIBOW M lON- OJt COVTOne Y ear, 51) c e n t sis Months TO C M 'Ii B A tS K K S , rrienl w-lio will get. np "nlMrlbers to Thu ',,.,I 50 cents jixTni-KB-OUi) one year free, or fiLute'ribersyouea ‘’..........‘ eacli. we will ^ u h scril^ y o u o a u h eep 50 »'e\ I „c s‘Mi llieI A t i o n Pt Ibe paper. Iliiu and help I et our increase the cir T o u re r U ey niust lelJSrtbehidtheUrn . at feel like go - iucl kiclc- ing(n;- „• jog Ionisie1': these- -i mess these D em o c ra ts !• rihcm solvesin. T o o im tc h jtegettmt, k jjetter i„ harness,-iteom es ‘uc .... .1 HL-Omore iintur.il like. Mr Winkoroe seems to be (he ^rytrrigW s'ni«inan«t the Gen­ eral Asaeiiilt'j vthne Mr.Scales IiS-stcluse second, Irat many ^ ^ s Jt.KHtked ouU Gov CiIenu fails to im p re ss th e lcoislator, a n d w e see no S o f nnv im pressionable pom - upon the in c re d u lity ol trie dear people. ____ Tip amount ot proposed legisla Hon to keep the nigger down, so S he "'""'t “dominate" looks Iikeletting him alone—in a hog s eye. ______________ - — TTm present legislature is a*‘Ma- CWheij' canihiuatiou—-no 111^ ter mbit the anionut is, the bill is «dcwi»id;; °n !> promise t0 Pay- Oor gomly. goody legis..iture will knock Iiie bucket shops ont. Xhevliarcreally done it already', outlie lirst round Aeomiiiittee has reported a lull that does the bitsiuess._____________ Oiicein a while a legislator has the temerity to ‘-rise u p ’ and ask Iiisfelioivstatesmen: "Where isall the money to come trom to pay tor nil this!" lie is told to sit down, that it isn't, his turn to speak. The North Carolina legislature is fast running into • pa'criialisiii.-' Xhepeopieare treated as il they were morally and iiilellcetuA Iy in- cmnpetcnt to take caieof themselves miii campus mentis. WeWieve Winhorne will have i rocky time gittiae his slave- luiunil,criiniinil negro constittuiou- al iunendmeut Idll through the leg­ islature. Ihe threat that the De­ mocracy in the End is the only string he has to pull, and he i- puiliug that for all that it is worth. Wcrcadthe other day ail article in the Blue Riiilioii. a temperance paper, written by a preacher, warn iug the advocates of temperance lint todotoo much ail at once—that there was danger in over-doing the thing—goad advice, and it, looksto Ub they had about reached that Whatkilled the l,acy cock-roh- hiuwas a bill in preparation to re­ imburse ex-tieasurer W ort.li $',200 Rhich he lost by the failure of a liauk- in which was some sense and agooddcalof merit. !X otbiD gto do with the Martin theft, but the State’s money deposited iu a bank which failed. Ihebillto increase the Judges’ salaries to ¥3,500 passed the Sen­ ate by a vote of 21 to 25. 4. close It is iu order now for the Judges to play the Gienn act and telegraph the steering committee “ withdraw He bill because there ^ '‘opposition’’. Gov.Gleun and “Bator Scales came out of that af- Jtrather shady. O tempore! O Meare reliably informed, by a ' emofrJt that Marlin’s stealings w'reaot discovered by Mr. Lacy 111I bnt by a vigilant clerk ,J er iinPf Lay. That, being the 2 ,Mr> 'VOTt>> lsl us much T lUeu tcI be reimluirsed as is Mr. ”’eare<rf the opinion that I1heIther htlOiild be paid out of money. Tbe above In,.! ,exPlotles Ibe theory of Mr. y being au expert dctcntivc- iuateilii r uls l;lx Wl11 “elln1' ^m ill lrom the tax roll say the ufter iu i" hose <lllty 1115 f0 look tal-ixf payers. This will Ht0 J otJ1 ft,e btnte s revenue many hot work |0f n 0lh' l'S' M ore v lS 1' iuisni,,,,! 01 lllc m cim sitorial coin- S S V llose J ,u v it M to see iu,», faU itstcrs - v alu e th e p o o r Iaerg , . V 1 P roperty a n d th e far- tUtbenpV thtlrlaIlvalue 01'K° F O I t S H A M E . We are not willing to believe that the dominant, white race of Uorth Carolina, as represented in the General Assembly in session at Raleigh, will take a step toward cutting off the educational "pros­ pects of the negroes. ‘We owe much to these people. Their, val­ ue to the State is not to becompiit- ed by the figure they cut on the tax books. They are our labor. They dig out of the soil a large part of the wealth which we enjoy, and surely they are entitled to a part of that which they' make. It is not right to shut the door of opportuni­ ty iu their faces. As a race they (are not capable of high intellectual development, but, child for ehikl, they should have equal chances with the other of onr population, and we do not .understand how a person who would consigu them to mental oblivion can sleep well at night. The negro race is full of frailties and infirmities, but it also has excellencies and the superior people owe obligations to it which are by no means to be disregarded. For the credit of the white people of Xo> th Caroline let us have done with the talk about dividing the school tax upon the basis of what each race pays, —Charlotte Obser­ ver. Yon have reckoned without your host. Bro. Caldwell. Your party promised in 1800 with the adoption of the amendment and the elimina- nation of the negro as a voter to give the people a rest on this race issue; yet, for the two following campaigns your crowd has sqnalled “nigger,” just the same. A great inauy members of the legislature were elected by appealing to this prejudice, and in Older to keep it alive they must introduce resolu­ tions and bills, aud proposed con­ stitutional amendments bearing on this race issue. Eveu Gov. Glenn, in the East, sowed the seeds in or­ der to get the delegates to procure his nomination; and Dir. Winborne sounded the note of.warning a few days ago in an interview in Raleigh that the Democrats would lose the East. It’s a case of preying upon the people by appealing to their prejudices and worst instincts. You have sowed, and the people are reaping the tares sowed by the designing politicians. It’s ouly a question ot time when the proper­ ty owners will want to chauge the constitution so that their property cannot lietaxedtoed irate the poor white children. In the 1900 cam­ paign Democracy' promised and pledged itself to the education of the boys, swearing that no white man would be disfranchised by rea­ son of the ameudment. The time has more than half gone, aud thou sands are uneducated. Right here in Mocksville we have men who oppose the establishment of graded schools. IVhy% Because they'do not w.int. their property taxed. One such, a short time ago, said He was in favor ot a graded school il it could be supported by a poll tax only. Another said those who ad­ vocated the graded school were in favor of educating the “ niggers,” which show a disposition to see the whites grow up in ignorance and be disfranchised, rather than see a few negroes go to school—punish the w'hites in order to keep the ne­ gro in ignorance. It’s a strruge theory, andasmallandlittledispos- ition that thinks the white people should plan aud scheme to keep the negro in ignorance. From oiir youth up we have been taught that education enligliteus and elevates; yet,the small calibered few are try- i Hg to teach to the con trary. Statis­ tics show that the great majority of criminals are ignorant and the elimination of iguorance is the best investment an enlightened State can make. Down with this preju­ dice and littleness. Ic shows that w a r e retrograding, and that the twentieth century civilization is of a lower order than that of the ISth and 19th. We are for schools and every other institution that will make us better and banish I nc- rance and prejudice. Briug the ne gro from his native home, A rioa make a slave of him; let him cut down the foretts, cultivate the broad fields and ma,ke the wealth of many, who, today, would, be poor, aud after his liberty is given him deny and deprive him of the privilege of becoming euligliteueA in this day of 20th century civili­ zation. “Justice and Mercy arc thehabitatious ot His throne” . The little demagogue is in the saddle in Uorth Carolina. For sname, in­ deed . K I L L t h e C O U G H AND C U R E THE LUW CSl WITH Dr. King's Nssr Disssvery FOR CS Dividing School Taxes. “If the 'principle of dividing school taxes according to theamount paid by each race is right, how about the general fund and the special taxes as they are levied for the maintenance of courts, high­ ways. et.” —Raleigh Post, Jan. 24. PRIUCIPLE I Why should the Post pretend to. be “ innocent aud incredulous” as did the Charlotte Observer when it pretended to be fooled by the slick fraud perpetrat­ ed by “somebody” in making the “Jug-Law” apply to the whole State when it was only inteuded to apply to four counties named in the original draft of the bill?. There is no principle involved,or rather it were better to Say intend­ ed be applied to this Winborne bill that is intended to deprive the colored public schools fiom partic­ ipating in the public school fund All there is In this proposed ancend- ment-is to keep the negro in per­ petual ignorance and to cultivate crime—shut him off from education­ al advantages and fill the peniten­ tiary with criminals, and while the people are taxed for the education of the masses, and in addition ap­ propriate $200,000 per annum to keep the schools open four months in the year, this Winborne bill would cut the colored schools down to two. three or four weeks iu the year, and in some districts , to no school at all. It doesn’t take a sear to see through t he gauzy thing, and the Post does see through it, but it prefers to deal with it on Principle rather than acknowledge the weakness in its party armor— knowing that .the bill is inteuded to cut a figure iu the election of 1908. If submitted to a vote at the next election and forced through by friiud and intimidation, like the other amendment, was. and becomes a constitutional law', many thou­ sands of negroes will be deprived of their votes under the edncatioual qualification feature of the late red-shirt amendment. Itis simply another nigger iu another wood pile and the Post knows it, and why not ca’l a spade a spade. However, if the Post can aid (and it can) iu defeating this outrageous and tin patriotic bill,on what it may deem a higher plane we shall applaud its righteous efforts aud point to the act as a hopeful sign. To argue this questiou with this ' -'negro hat i ng’ ’ class (to quote from Col Olds) would, in onr opinion, surperlatively asseuiue—for if the fundamental principles upon which the government is based, were in­ volved, to perdition with them all, rather than give the negro an equal chance ivith the white children iu education? They' fear that the ne­ gro will acquire education under the constitution that will give him the right to vote—and that is the milk in the coacoaunt. The col­ ored race is making progress aloug these Hues aud these “negro hat­ ing” Democrats know it. aiid this, proposed ameudment is to give that patient, docile, wealth-producing race oiily the money derived from their impoverished condition, that they may be kept iu the slavish bonds of ignorance. Aml why?. The last election wrote it on the wall iu startling characters that Democracy must go. Democrats are looking at the figures—83,000 WHITE VOTES— a Democratic loss of over 50,000. and t..ey see a host of colored vo­ ters coming ou the stage of action, that will vole, and the majority, perhaps vote the Republican tick­ et—and, presto! the Democrats are unhorsed, routed—shorne of their lease of power—that lease that was won through frand, tyrany, iutim idation and constitution amend­ ments secured by red shirts, shot­ guns, aud every other conceivable devlish art that could be concocted, and this hand-writing on the wall has frightened the “ negro hating” Democrats and another constitu­ tional amendment is the result. W hile we believe- and they fear it—that the white people alone will defeat the Democracy in 1908, the boss Democrats propose to safe­ guard the tottering party w hen­ ever there is a suspicion of a chance of a loss on their part, or a Repub- ; lican gain. Every act of a public character proposed by this legisla­ ture, so far. iooks to the perpetua­ tion of power. It does us prond” to see the Post take such strong grounds against this dastardly piece of leg­ islation. It is the machine propo | sitiou and wilt-be, very probably, j submitted to the people; but if the Post, the Charlotte Observer and other powerful,influential papers of that party stand to their teachings of today, the people will defeat it. T h e re ’s a p re tty g irt in an A lpm e h a t, A sw e e te r g irl w ith a sailo r brim , B u t th e han d so m est g irl y o u ’ll ev er see 1Is th e sensible g irl w ho uses R o ck y M ountain T e a. In replying to the editor of the Charlotte Observer the editor of the Biblical Recorder assures Hon. Joseph Caldwell that the Jng-Law was not fraudulently made a law; but became such a law by “acci­ dent,” though the Hon. Josiah Bailey' does not explain how that peculiar accideut occured, or when it oectired; but.assumes that as Jo- siah Bailey, editor of the Biblical Recorder,- and chief apostle of the Watts law, vouches for the bill as “accidental,” that is all sufficient, —spoken as one in authority—but what is worrying us is Caldwell’s reply. Is it. a surrender to Josiabf au acknowledgement, that, coming from such high authority', it must be “accidental.” and nos even a taint of fraud in it? or is it a fine piece of sarcasm that eats into the very marrow! Wc think there is very little in the first deduction, but a barrel full of sarcasm; any­ way yon take it, it’s nice reading the lines and between the lines. There is, in these pipiug times, an awful state of deception, and a mighty effort to make your best friend believe white is black aud black is white, and most people are getting color blind. We don’t see much four square honesty iu any of it. Magna est vervitas ct prevalebit. Indications. The indications are that pro­ claiming from the stump the glo­ ries of local self-goverr.inentds to be suspended in Uorth Carolina—at least so far as members of the legis­ lature are concerned.—Charlotte Observe. That- has long been apparent to every thoughtful observer. The bosses and masters are in the-sad- dle, and the old saying that the people rule is a thing of the past. Soiitlicrii Democracy is fast teach­ ing the people the art of deception . Plans and schemes are made by the bosses aud kept profoundly secret until the masters and rulers assem­ ble in legislative couelave, and then the mask is thrown off. Retribu­ tive justice will overtake them after awhile. HOLLISTER’S Rocky fountain Toa .Nuggets A Busy Uodidne for Bnsy People. Brings Golden Health and Benewed Vigor. A specific frr CDnsUimtionvIndigestiOD1 Li?-. OAid Kidney Troubles, Piuiplea1 IOczemi1 Impu Dlood1 Bad Breath1 R3ngg5sh Bowels1 Hpadac'. and BacIfacIiG. It’s Rocky BIonnfa In Ttm in In let Iorni1 85 cents a bos. Gcnuiua made I Hollister Druo Company, Nsidison1 Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOFL1 Last week in our account of the Presidential vote we credited Mr. Bryau with receiving in 1900 175,- OW votes, wlieii he only received 257,752; iu 1904 Mr. Parker re eeived 124,121, showing a Demo­ cratic loss iu 4 years of ,38.631 voles. If onr Democratic'friends regard this a fine showing they are welcome to all the consolation they may get out of it.______ Thinlv a .Little. The Record is only 50 cents a year aud it costs us over $40 , month cash to get out the paper aud unless Jhose who take the pa per pay us Ve will not be able to keep it going. Send us what-you owe, or bring it to us. Don’t wait for us to send you astafemeut for the small amount you owe. We need-it now. Wood’s Seeds. Canada Field Peas sown with oats, make the ear­ liest, best and most nutritious forage crop that can be put in. Must be sown early for best results. W o o d ’s Q u arter C en tu ry S eed B ook tells all about this val­ uable crop, giving th e practical ex­ perience an d opinions of onr cus­ tom ers, and also telling all about the best F arm and Q arden S eeds for th e South. M ailed free on re­ quest. W rite for it, an d Special Price L ist of F arm Seeds. T.W.Wood&Sans, Seedsmen, RICHMOND - VIRGINIA. Job work done by T he R ecobd ’ cheap and up-to-date. — Awarded1" ’ GRAND PRIZE - ST. LODIS1 1904. GOLD MEDAL - PARIS, 1300. ANDREWS’^ Business Methods lor Twenty-five Years HAVE BEEU SUCH AS APPEAL TO BUYERS OF HIGH GRADE FURNITURE _A_ R P I i T s ,^ ' J S T 3 D S u r i a g t h e T e a r 1 9 0 5 . • YVe shall try harder than ever to Merit vour confidence and liberal Patronage. ALW AYS LOWEST PRICES consistent with quality. E. M. ANDREWS.Greensboro1N-C. IYDALEiS TONIC A REAL CURE FOR MALARIA# It has recently been discovered that the germs that produce Malaria, breed and mill* fcipJy in the intestines and from there spread throughout the Bystem by means * of the blood. This fact exolains why Malaria is har i to cure by the oCl method of treatment. Quinine, Iron, etc., stimulate the nerves and build up the blood, but do not destroy the gorms that cause the disease. Bydale’s Tonic. has a speciilc effect upon the intestines an d 1 bowels, freeing them from all disease breed* Ing microbes. It also kills the germs that infest the veins and arteries. It drives from the blood «11 poisonous m atter and makes is rieh and healthy. i BY DAtiE S TONIC is a blood builder, a nerve restorer, and a Malaria destroyer. Try it t it will not disappoint you. 3UANUFACT CEED EJ ! The Radical Remedy Company,1 HICKORY, rc. c. The Record mid the Weekly Toledo Blade for 75 cents a year— | WHENARE YOU COMING! Or do J-Oti prefer to order by !mail ? Either way will suit us, .and we can suit you either way (if yon will only GIVE HS AU jlDEA ot wbat you want. Il iyon can’t come drop us a letter Iyon want A UYTIHUG in the jewelry line, WE ARE HEAD- ,QUARTERS. Let us repair That bro ten watch just once, and we’ll always do your work. (Use the mails on us, THE LEADING JEWELER- 1406 Lil>.»rty St Winston, N. C. WE LENGTHEN LIFE AND CURE DISEASE By Supplying Nature Power OostG 8 Conts a Day. Rev. Henry A. Harback U Grippe, Indigestion, Liver Trouble, C atarrh, Etc., That Baffled the NIost Skilled Physicians. Nutriola & Nature W roughta Perfect Cure. Nutriola Co.Gentlemen: Youaslc if the cure iVVToushfe by NtTTKIOLA Sas been permanent. I am pleased to say that through God’s bless­ing, I have enjoyed perfect health since your treatment. I suf­fered for years from Indigestion, Catarrh and an enlargement of the Liver. I had a severe attack of La Grippe, leaving roe a constant suHererwitli Lisomnia1 Headache and extremely ner­vous. N U T RIOLA made roe perfectly ■well and I nave re­mained so ever since.Gratefully yours, • Henry A. Hartock For ages men have tried to cure disease and failed. Instead of helping Nature, they have helped Disease and Death WW alcohol and medical poisons—the cemeteries fill fast;Our Chemists commenced working 10 years ago to discover how to HELP Nature. At a cost o f 650,000.00 in cash WE HAVE SUCCEEDED in learning how to make a Chemical* Medical Preparation that SUPPLIES NATURE WITH POWER to drivo every MICROBE, every DISEASE GERM, outof the system. W ecallit WU-TRi-OLA because it is the very ESSENCE OF LIFE. It feeds* strengthens, and makes the body “NEW ALL.OVER.”To prevent disease or regaiii health. Nature roust per­form four things perfectly. Digest, Assimilate, Eliminate. Construct. Only Perfectly Digested and Assimilated food supplies life. NU TRIOLA digests food naturally and per­fectly. Perfect Assimilation follows perfect Digestion.NUTRIOLA makes Red Corpuscles—rich in building m a­terial. INUTRIOLA’makes Leucocytes—W hite- Nature’s Only I Corpuscles—strong and vigorous and they Germ Killers. I quickly destroy every “germ” ana “In!* mi I ■■* erobe. They are the only germ destroyers Nature uses in the human body—that’s a scientific fact.NUTRIOLA makes the system absorb great draughts of Oxygen through the re-vitalifed lungs and the millions ofpores. Oxygeik is the fuel of! life.The organs of Excretion eliminate the dead and diseased cells ana tissues and Nature builds Mcw cells In theirjplflce, NUTRIOLA makes new blood and from the blood Nature makes new brain, nerve, lung, liver, heart, kidney, bone and muscle cells. It’s the same natural Inxr that makes plants grow when supplied with chemical nutrition, applied zor the lirst tim o to the human body In treating disease. The vigor of youth, the pow er of Inaturitjr, the strength of perfect life* courses through your system and you KNOW that Nutriola & Nature has made you ttIiew all over.”Whatever your disease may be WE WILL aOJUUITEE TO CURE YOUand we w ill cure you, or i t won’t cost you » cent. NUTRIOLA costs you 8 cents a day. Our Staff of Skilled Physicians can make a correct diagnosis Waters’s PflweTI of IrOhr ca«e, however far you may be I away. They have a method and means Destroys DiseaseJ of doing thin that never fall, Thevtell you just what to do in even the worst cases. Their services arc FREE.$500,000.00 Capital Stock and 4,000 responsible fltodf' holders back our guarantee. Ask our Bankere if we are re­liable. Get NUTRIOLA from your druggist or send directly tons. 35days’ treatment $2. Money Back Sn 25 Bays If Yoa Want It. YOU DECIDE*If you would live long and enjoy health write us today. T he NutrioIa Co., 142-148 W . M adison S t., Chicago. F or Sale by AU D ruggtsts For Sale by WILLIAMS & ANDERSON. TAX NOTICE. Pay your Taxes and save Cost. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Operating Over 7,00 K ilesofR ailw ay. I will meet the Tax-payers ol Daiie County at the lollowing places to collect Taies lor the year 1904: MOCKSVILLE SATURDAYS, DURING FEBRUARY. COUNTY LINE, WEDNESDAY FEB 1st., 1905, 10 a. m. to 12 m CALAHALN, WEDNESDAY FEB, 1st., 1903, ... .1 p. m. to 3.p. m, J. C. BOOE’S STORE, THURSDAY, FEB. 2nd, 1905,10 a. m. to 12 m. SHEFFIELD, THURSDAY FEB. 2nd, 1905.............1 p. ra. to 3 |i. in. FARMINGTON, FRIDAY FEB. 3rd 1905................10 a. in. to 2 p. m. SMITH GROVE, TUESDAY, FEB. 7th, 1905,.... 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. ADVANCE, WEDNESDAY, FEB. Sth, 1905,.. ..10a. m. to 2 p. m. FORK CHURCH, THURSDAY FEB. 9th, 1905,. .10 a. m. to 2 p. m. JERUSALEM, FRIDAY, FEB. 10th, 1905,................10 a. m. to 12 m, COOLEEMEE, FRIDAY, FEB. 10th, 1905, . . . . . .1 p. ro. to 3 p, m. I must collect all the Taxes now due. Cost will soon be added. AU "'If0 owe old lax or special tax will pay at once’ nd save trouble. January 14, 1905, J. L. SH E E K 1 Sheriff New Furniture 5tore. totlWtliaT HujVy' Dffiyonever lh« nerchLt'6 iUR0 niaJorlfY of ri-JtaarA,. 61,110" “9 "'ere Dcui- llePllWica tht maJw ty °f tbe a^»d4ent-*;Lt™ m frmel’ely ' ^ K0MBT BACK- ONSU MPTIOM Price OUGHS and BOc SJI-O O OLOS Free Trial. S urest and UuioKess uure for_alT I I T H SO A T and LTJNG TROTJB- \V ANTED—10 men in each State to travel, took signs and distribute samples and circulars of our goods. Salary $75-00 per month. $3.00 a dav for expenses. . ‘ KUHLM AN Co. Dep’t, Atlas Biuldingi Chicago .. QUICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS... North-South-East-1West Through Trains Betwecu Principal Cities and Resorts AFFORDING FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION Elegant Pullman Sleeping Cais ou all Through Trains. Dining, Club And Observation Cars. For Speed, Comfort and Conrteous Employes, travel v id, the South- ' ern-Kailway. -Rate3,-Schedules and other information furnished by addressing the undersigned: R, L . V ernon , Trav. Pass, Agt., J. H .W oop, Dist. Pass. Agent Charlotte, N. C, Asheville, N. C. g_ JJ1 HXBDWICK Pass. Traffic Mgr. W . H. TATi.oiv,Geu’l Pass Agt ! WASHINGTON, D. C. We Have Opeaed in M o a b s v l l l a O neoftlie most up-to-date lines of FURNITURE and HOUSE’ FURNISHING GOODS that has ever been shown here, Now is the time to buy FURNITURE V and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, 'V . . . . I ' J v . Weralso carry a fall line of Groceries. . . j Come and see iis.and we will treat yon rightI STA R R ETfO HOWARD, hiJ MIil1J I f 'IiL IH i I I I Iill In Mtny Nevwy Items Gathered From all Sections. NORTH STATE LAWMAKERS Work That is Being Done By North Carolina Lawmaker*. the Charlotte Cotton M arket. Tbese figures represent prices paid to wagons: Strict good m id d lin g ............................IVi flood m iddling .........................................IVe S trict m id d lin g ..............................................I M iddling ...........................................................7 T in g e s....................................................6 to 7 S ta in s ......................................................5 to 6 General Cotton M arket. MiddlinK. G alveston, q u ie t .......................................6% New Orleans, easy ................................6% Mobile, quiet .............................................6% Savannah, s te a d y .................G34 C harleston, steady ......................6% Baltim ore, n o m in a l .................................7% N ew York, quiet .................................7.00 Boston, quiet ..........................7.00 Philadelphia, quiet ...........................7.25 H ouston, easy .............................6% A ugusta, steady . .’v...............................6% M emphis, steady ..........................6 13-16 St. Louis, steady ................................... Louisville, firm ...............................7.00 Strange Negro Killed. T he N egro shot and killed Tuesday afternoon in G reensboro by Police­ m an H. B. D onnell, of th a t city, was burled W ednesday w ithout being iden­ tified, although at least 2,000 people view ed th e rem ains a t police head­ quarters. A deputy sheriff from Rock­ ingham county w as alm ost sure he w as Dolph Moore, who served a term In th e penitentiary for killing his sis­ ter, bu t M oore's father, who lives a t Pom ona, looked a t th e dead m an and said be w as not his son; th a t Doiph w as serving a term on th e county roads of Guilford, and an investiga­ tion proved th e proof of this statem ent. Chief o t PoJice Scott, of G reensboro, received a le tte r from the sheriff of S tanley county, asking him to look out for and a rre st a negro w hose descrip­ tion fits the dead m an fairly weii, but It w as not deem ed advisable to send for Stanley's sheriff, and the body w as burled a t th e city's expense! It is thought th a t he cam e from Charlotte, and th a t h e m ay have been W ill H ar­ ris, th e desperado from M ecklenburg. T a r Heel Topics. T he annual m eeting of the trustees of the S tate U niversity w as held in K aleigh last w eek in the executive of­ fice, G overnor Glenn being chairm an ex-officio, presiding. P resident Ven­ able presented his annual report, show­ in g u n p reced en ted prosperity. T hsre are six hundred and sixty students, one hundred and sixty m ore than a y ear ago. H e estim ated as neeflrf a 150,000 appropriation to sustain the U niversity and to erect necessary buildings during th e next tw o years, and th e G overnor w as asked to m en­ tion this in a special m essage to the L egislature. O n m otion of P. M. M eans, P resident V enable w as ap­ pointed to represent th e trus*ess in th e present needs of th e U niversity to th e com m ittee on education. The following executive com m ittee w as ap­ pointed: A. B. A ndrew s, R. H. B attle, P . A. Busbee, J. S. C arr, J. W . G ra­ ham , T. S. K enan, and R. H . Lewis. T he G overnor w as authorized to ap­ point com m ittee of visitation. Charles H . H arty1 of Green Cove Springs, w as elected professor of chem istry to be­ gin July I. P resident V enable stated th a t the w ill of th e Iato Mr. W . B. - Shepherd had given to th e U niversity ^3,000 to constitute th e M ildred Cam­ eron Shepherd fund, th e interest to be expended in buying books for th e de­ p artm ent of chem istry. A resolution , . w as adopted appointing a com m ittee i m aking negotiable law s uniform ; for to prepare m em orials upon th e life and I th e relief of county com m issioners re- character of F red Phillips and R obert I garding th e verification of claim s. M. Furm an, m em bers of the board who 1 H ouse bill repealing the law refunding nave died since the la st annual m eet- j to T reasurer L acy $374 stolen by Clerk M artin, w as first referred to N ew s com es from Colletsville Mon- ! tJ a fiIaim com m ittee, {hen placed on flay of a serious cutting scrape w hich I “ e calendar. T here w as argum ent occurred there ia st Sunday night. It : on “ e regulating fishing in th e seem s th a t John Bryson accused Cling - sounds and connecting w aters C larke of putting a dynam ite in his i it w as m ade the special order for shade tree and blow ing it to pieces I Thursday. T he Senate then took up endangering th e life of him and his • e 3Pecisl order, nam ely, the bill in­ fam ily. C larke denied it, and there- ; ™ aSlnF ttle salaries of judges to $3,- upon Bryson proceeded to w hip 5OO and repealing th e a c t allow ing Su- C larke. W hen they w ent together judges $250 for expenses Wednesday a Busy Day. In the Senate W ednesday petitions for repeal o t all divorce law s cam e in from various religious bodies, th e Qua­ kers com m ending th e anti-jug law. Bills w ere Introduced to change the tim e of holding court In th e fourteenth district, to am end th e a c t establishing the graded schools in H enderson. To allow railroads to give passes to new s­ papers, to pay for advertisem ents; to am end the law preventing fire w aste; to give illegitim ate children th e rig h t to inherit equally from th eir m other. T here w as long discussion on th e spe­ cial order, Senator W ard’s bill al­ low ing m arried wom en to m ake con­ tracts as though they w ere unm arried. The bill failed to pass 20 to 23. A bill regulating salaries of judges was m ade special order for tom orrow . B ill to relieve board of agriculture to contributing to the current ex­ penses of the A gricultural and Me­ chanical college, w as . m ade special order for next Thursday. The bill al­ low ing wom en the right to contract, w hich failed to pass, was reconsidered and m ade special order for Friday. In th e H ouse reports w ere received from various State departm ents show­ ing th e num ber of salaries of clerks and em ployes. B ills w ere intro­ duced by M cNinch to am end th e di­ vorce law and m any m em orials were presented against th e divorce law s and also asking for a law against fraudulently obtaining goods. T he features of th e day in the H ouse w as argum ent on th e bill to repeal the one passed yesterday, giving State T reasurer X acy relief by reim bursing him $374, which he paid th e State, th a t am ount having been stolen from bis of­ fice by CIerlt W illiam H. M artin. The bill w as introduced after m em bers had failed to be allow ed th eir nam es go on a roll call vote; and som e feeling re­ sulted. The D em ocrats, in som e cases, joined w ith the Republicans. T he W il­ liam s bill passed its second reading on a roll call rote, 73 to 36, m any mem­ bers explaining th eir votes, and it then passed third reading. The vote created surprise and great excitem ent on both sides of the House. T he bill w as sent to the Senate. The H ouse passed a bill relieving county com m issioners from penalties for failure to audit ac­ counts as required by law. B ills w ere introduced to provide for partition of m ineral interests, w hen they have been separated from the land; to provide a Iein for purchase money of tim ber by stum page; for a S tate reform atory; to repeal the ch arter of tb e C arolina and Tennessee R ailw ay; to appoint m agistrates In Jones and regulate pri- elections in Craven; to create th e coun- to of Lee. M ERCHANTS’ PU RCH A SE TAX ABOLISHED. T he S enate and H ouse com m ittees on finance unanim ously decided to strik e ou t from th e revenue ac t w hat is know n as th e m erchants’ purchase tax, in accordance w ith a special rec­ om m endation of th e S tate A uditor. F ive hundred m erchants petitioned for such a course. N orm an H . Johnson, attorney for the M erchants’ A ssociation, says th a t 5,000 nam es w ere signed to th e peti­ tions, and th a t telegram s poured in all day to m em bers of th e A ssem bly. The- m easure, he says, w ill bring great contentm ent to the m erchants through­ out N orth Carolina. Anti-Jug Law Repealed. In th e S enate bills w ere introduced to require th e u se of broad w ire and not barbed along th e side of roads; to prohibit th e sale of liquor in five m iles of Gold H ill. B ills passed abolishing th e th re e days of grace and proper to I4Bpeai atty Iiw Ifiiich had been enacted by m istake. G raham , (Si G ranville, favored re-com m itm ent of th e bill,, as did Stew art, of H arnett, and A lexander, 6f M edkieiiiiufgi Koonce of Onsioiv, opposed postponem ent, say­ ing it w as generally understood during th e cam paign, and he had so stated to his constituents, th a t the law would be repealed because it w as tainted w ith error, if no t w ith fraud. He had th e authority of th e distinguished chair­ m an of the D em ocratic com m ittee for the assurance th a t as a m atter of course th e law w ould be repealed. W arren, of Jones, said th e law w as no t m ade an issue in th e cam paign in I is section, because it w as universally considered th a t as a m atter of course it w ould be repealed. T his is th e only m anly course to pursue, and then, if it is desired, another bill giving an anti-jug law to th e entire State could be introduced and stand on its m erits. Men high in authority in N orth C arolina had led the people to believe this law w ill be prom ptly repealed so far as it related to territory not included in th e bill. H e opposed any postponem ent M urphy, of Row an, said he had.no objections to an anti-jug law of those counties wisose m em bers desired it, bu t w as n o t In fa­ vor of postponing action in repealing the law covering the w hole State. The people expected to see th e law re­ pealed prom ptly, and yet here it was th e 20th day of th e session, and the bill to repeal had been held back and now it was proposed to still fu rth er postpone it. M itchell, of B ertie, favored the repeai w ithout any further post­ ponem ent, saying it w as w ell-know n how he stood on th e tem perance ques­ tion and how th e liquor influence tried to defeat him In the last cam paign, but he could not rest contented a m om ent w ithout voting th e repeal of the pres­ ent lav/, passed inadvertently. H e be­ lieved an anti-jug law could be passed by this L egislature to cover this whole State, but w hether th a t w as so or not, it would be unpardonable and un­ m anly to allow th e law as a t present construed by the Suprem e C ourt to re­ m ain on th e statutes. Roberson said he would vote for an anti-jug law for the whole State, but w as unalterably opposed to delay another m om ent in voting to repeal th e present law. H e felt th a t th e construction placed by the Suprem e C ourt m aking the law uni­ versal, w as good law , yet a t the sam e tim e it am ounted to an adm ission of w ant of care on the p art of th e Legis­ lature, and as a form er m em ber he could not m ake am ends any too soon. Biggs followed In th e sam e strain. R iburn said he w as glad to know all m em bers acquitted the author of the lo­ cal anti-jug law of any intention to in­ clude th e State under the pretense of a local m easure. H e said he v a s the p artn er of Mr. H oey, ti e introducer of the bill tw o years ago, and knew th a t Hoey never dream ed of th e act hav­ ing a general application. H e strongly favored repealing th e present law , ex­ cepting for ti e counties it wa3 draw n to cover. M cNinch w ithdrew his am end­ m ent, saying fce hoped his purpose w ould not be m isconstrued. H e gave notice th a t he w ould introduce a bill Co enact an anti-jug law for the State. D avis w ithdrew his m otion to recom ­ m it and the bill passed, on roll call, Sti to SI, th e follow ing posting no: Canady, F eim ster, Gower, G raham , of L incoln; Jones, McGill, McQueen, Olive, Redding, Stronach, Taylor, of Vance* Thagagrif, W ade, W ebb, W est, of B la­ den; W est, of Cherokee; W illiam s, W ood, ’ Pow ers, of R utherford, and Young. In explaining w hy he voted no, Fow ers said he believed a bird in th e hand w as w orth tw o in th e bush. On the third reading of th e bill th e fol­ low ing counties asked to be exem pted from the operations of th e repealing bill: Caldwell, W atauga, B urke, R uth­ erford and R andolph. M cNinch begged m em bers to w ithdraw these am end­ m ents to have th e ir counties exem pted a t this stage of th e proceedings, say­ ing it would be robbing th e tem per­ ance forces of th eir victory and en­ dangering th e passage of an anti-jug law later on. T he am endm ent w as then v.ithdraw n and th e bill w as sent to the ' Senate. B ills passed final reading to validate judgm ents under w hich sales of contin­ gent rem ainders have been m ade, and to perm it trustees of deceased m ort­ gagees to renounce th e rig h t to fore­ close. GLOSE AFTER BUCKEr SHOPS !JAPAN’S NAW PREPARED MURDERED IMTHEtR HOME Has Been Accomplished. VAST PREPARATIONS OF ARMY A Proposed Law That Will Break Up Qarabling in Cotton Futures. . IitS- IfoiisS com m ittee on judiciary j OVGfrtauling of Hfif Combined Ficfit unanim ously decidSfl id favorably re­ port th e bill to prevent th e operfitio'ii of bucket shops in this S tate. T he text of th e bill is: “T hat, w hoever as principal or agent of any corpora­ tion o r person, or persons, shall set up and carry on a bucket shop In N orth Carolina, shall be guilty of a m isdem eanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined o r im prisoned at the discretion of th e court. A bucket shop in the m eaning of th e preceding section is a place w here are posted or published from inform ation I’eceivcc as th e sam e occurred, fluctu- ting prices of stocks, bonds, petrole- itn, cotton, nrain, provisions or other com m odities, or of any one or.m ore of che sam e iu trades m ade or offered to jc m ade on boards of exchange,or by any porsou, Arm, corporation, o r organization, and w herein person or persons carrying on bucket shop, 3ither as principal or agent, pretends to buy or sell, of goes through the form of buying or seilifis, th en and . . , A , there to any o th e r person Or persons, i ^l’°^ers torpedo boats w nl any one of said com m odities a t certain ' price fixed by o r according to prices posted or published, b u t w herein ieith e r party actually buys such com­ modity and neither p arty actually sells sam e. T h at each day's or p art of day’s operation of said .bucket shop shall constitute a separate and d istinct of­ fense.” For North Carolina Rivers* T he H ouse R iver and H arbor Com­ m ittee of Congress h as com pleted th e iver and harbor bill and w ill rep o rt it to the H ouse. T he bill carries th e fol­ low ing item s for N orth C arolina rivers and harbors: B eaufort harbor, $47,000. W aterw ay from N orfolk to th e Sounds of N orth C arolina, $3,000. Inland w aterw ays, $22,000. R oanoke R iver, $10,000. P erquim ans R iver, $10,125. Scuppernong R iver, $5,000. Pam lico and T ar R ivers, $3,000. C ontentnea Creek, $1,000. N euse and T ren t R ivers, $30,000. N ortheast and’ B lack R ivers and Cape F ear R iver above W iiiningtonj ?9,000. Cape F ear, a t and below W il­ m ington, $15,000. C ash appropriation and $300,000 additional on continuing contract, m ak­ ing a total caish appropriation for the S tate of $290,250, w ith $300,000 addi­ tional on continuing contracts. North State News. " S ecretary R ichard Ht Lew is, of th e S tate board of health, is m uch pleased a t th e prom pt tabling of th $ bill to sllow H enderson exem ption from th e requirem ents of analysis of its w ater supply. T he inspection of w ater costs Duly $60 a year, and Secretary Lew is says all such supplies ought to be w atched w ith g reat care and analyzed frequently. T he supply a t H enderson­ ville is of rem arkable purity, bu t of course no one can tell w hen it o r any supply m ay becom e contam inated. The other day a sam ple of w ater from a tow n in th e piedm ont section w as received here for analysis and w as found to be very bad. Upon inquiry it w as found th a t instead of having Ihe sam ple taken by a com petent physician, a negro em ploye had been sent to g et it and th a t he took it from a horse trough, using an unw ashed bottle, and of course no t cleaning h is hands. U pon this discovery another sam ple w as properly taken, and found Io be all right. S peaking of sm allpox, S ecretary Lew is said it w as now in BI counties and is spreading. H e se.ys th a t im m ediately upon th e devel-i I opm ent of a case th e county com m is­ sioners and board of health ought to have com pulsory vaccination in a ra* Sius of tw o m iles. S ta te tB a n k E x a m in e rE llin g to n sa y s ■ , ^ —th a t 197 S tate, private and savings P,ho“6 Com pany, A lbany, N. Y.; N ew banks are now in operation in th e i Telephone Com pany, N ew Y ork; S tate, and th a t 12 m ore are organizing. ! P'v ° T ” AU Able lioilied WtoB V nder i'orty X-'art o t A se JXare Been CaUed O ut-FIeeta on the W atcli For the Basstan Baltic Squadron—BepurInsr Captured Boats and MifnlHauB* . London, E n gland--A despatch to the T elegraph from Tofcio says th e Gov­ ernm ent IviIl im m ediately begin th e building of a 19,OCO ton battleship and tw o, perhaps three, arm ored cruisers of 12,000 tons each. 'These w ill t)e the first ships of this size and class to be built in Japan. None of their big guns w ill be less th an ten inch. M any de- be added to the present num ber. N egotiations V ere recently opened for the purchase of a Chilean cruiser. A navigating crew for this vessel has already left Japan. F ifteen subm a­ rine boats will be provided this year. Ten h a re already arrived w ith A m eri­ can instructors. Japan’s com bined fleet has finished overhauling.. T hree cruisers and sev­ eral destroyers are now in th e neigh­ borhood of Borneo, com m anded by Ad­ m iral Shim am ura. A cruiser fleet is now going south. A dm iral Togo is not well and for the present rem ains indoors. A dm iral K am im ura will soon go south w ith the battleships. T hree first class cruisers are patrolling T sugaru S trait, and three unarm ored cruisers and th e form er Chinese battleship Chinyen are guard­ ing the T sushim a S trait. A declara­ tion of the blockade of V ladivostok is expected. It is now evident th a t the protected cruiser T akasago has been lost, as her ofiicers and crew are gazetted as killed. A fifth arm y, under com m and of G eneral K aw am ura, is being organ­ ized. T he w hole of G eneral N ogi's arm y w ill have joined F ield M arshal O yam a by th e end of January. All m en under forty years of age in Japan are now drilling. T he calling out of m any m ore reser­ vists and conscripts is contem plated. Jap an is undoubtedly concentrating her v ast resources for a decisive blow w ithin th e lim its of n ex t spring. Only a hundred of the guns captured a t P o rt A rthur are In a condition to be used. T he salvaging of th e w arships there and tb e rebuilding o£ th e forts have been begun. The R ussian de­ stroyer R etshi teln.v, w hich th e Jap an ­ ese took out of Cheefoo harbor, is now being repaired a t Saseo. .-iorida Community ShoskecL by Horribls Culraga Trazedy In Polk Connty W ko T hat 17111011 Threw the State o f Georsia Into a T n ru o lU ' H ELL O ! FRO M H E R E TO ’FRISC O . Also F rom C anada to the G ulf—Tele­ phone Com bination P lan. P ittsburg, P a,—T he P ittsb u rg P ress announces th a t th e A m erican Tele­ phone an d Telegraph Com pany w ill a t its annual m eeting in B oston n ex t m onth m ake announcem ent of a com­ bination of interests of forty-three lead­ ing telephone com panies of th e coun­ try, w ith a w orking capital of $250,- 000,000, the object being to give tele­ phone service betw een N ew Y ork and .San F rancisco and interm ediate points, as w ell as from - C anada to the Gulf. A m ong th e com panies nam ed in the com bination are th e following: Bell Com pany, Philadelphia: C entral N ew Y ork Telephone and Telegraph Company, U tica; C hesapeake and Po­ tom ac Telegraph Com pany, W ashing­ ton; D elaw are and A tlantic Telephone Com pany, P hiladelphia; E m pire State Telephone and Telegraph Com pany. Syracuse, N. Y.,* H udson R iver Tele C larke opened his knife and seriously cu t Bryson across the abdom en. The Ivound extends from th e right nipple to th e left groin. Bryson is still liv­ ing, and prospects for his recoverv are ! good. i Mott Ousted ss Attorney. Muskogeei, I. T., Special.—T he Terri- for traveling M r torial C ourt restrained Chief P o rter w hat had becom e of “ S allow ing L f ?1,000 to th e G overnor for expenses! Paro Iina- ^ f m h ® appointed attorney saying if this w ere not allow ed he T he com m ittee cn agriculture re- ’ ported unanim ously in favor of the I would oppose th e bill. Mr. Scales said th e present bill w as a unanim ous com prom ise. C onsiderable debate fol­lowed. for th e C reek nation, and ordered A. M urphy, of M issouri, reinstated as at­ torney for th e C reeks. Mr. M urphy w as appointed attorney a year ago by S ecretary H itchcock, b u t w as ousted In th e H ouse a petition w as filed 1 by ^ hief P o rter’ who Piacea M r- M ott sub-com m ittee bill, providing tw o I the B aptist As- grades for cotton seed m eal, the 7 1-2 p er cent, grade to be branded as stand­ ard, and th e 8 per cent, grade a3 high- grade goods. Also bills relieving the A gricultural D epartm ent from contri­ buting $10,000 to th e current expenses of th e A gricultural and M echanical College. W illiam R anegar, who lived near H oustonville, in E agle Mills tow nship, about 20 m iles north of Statesville, hanged him self som e tim e F riday af­ ternoon In his stable. H e w as be­ tw een 25 and 30 years old, and loaves a w ife and tw o children. So far as can be learned the deceased w as in lalrly good health and no deflr<te cense Is assigned /o r the deed. h - M- D urham died suddenly JrtSoet aj4 i! h is hom e 0n Ann » 1 ? 7? • of h e a rt failure. H e I ilTars of aSe and one of the “p n 'fn /fh “ °st highly respected citi­zens of th e city. H e w as a dentist ot ,atJd w as V k S re s ieh ev in e, ^ “ aseociatioa « G overnor G bnn has com m uted fhP ^ atl* sentence of Birch M organ con® of ““ order in th e first degree T h ? 3Vunt?, t0 life im prisonm ent IThe presiding judge aud m any other Officials urged this course. “ lored m an no t known to any- Gody in th e com m unity w as fmm#) a » ear P ark er's store, which is o„d? ^ ^ d e te h VlUe ir° ^ i ab0ut tour miIes from R aleigh, early T hursday m orning. The f ir iT L ’aS Seea th e «ay before by sev ®erl°.ns w h° nothing about him or h.s presence in th e fommS- Finith Workmen Jbin in Demonstra- tibn. H elsinfors, Finland, By C a b le - T h ~ s of w orkm en joined I n a d i - IUOnstrat1On here Tuesday night As" ' i“ " h 0^ th eK ico - W I m d n frt ’ y Parafle(I the streetSW I m idnight, waving red flags. The , * ndow s.of public houses, hotels, V ew ! rather late, arresting flfty pf the“ . ^ sociation and 600 voters, th a t th e W atts law 'rem ain as a t present, or if changed; b e m ade m ore stringent. Bills w ere introduced to allow Spencer to issue bonds for schools and electric lights and to establish graded schools: to am end th e law regarding deeds of urust;. to incorporate Tuckaseegee iiai.w ay, to am end th e law so th a t the executor of an estate shall no t be ex­ ecutor of th e first testator. T he H ouse took up th e special order, nam ely the ! ^ i V 1Wlaw ? 03' th e biu being to repeal it, ex ;ep t as to Cleveland, Ca* barrus, G aston and M itchell. Mr. Me- N lnch offered am endm ents incorporat- T o ? , anti-jug law Into the W atts law, section 2, saying he had f ^ th e friends o t tem per- ^ d,eslre 10 take advantage or accidental law, but bv th e n asd n ^ accidental11! wit^ his amenSment. this accidental law would, in effect, be re- pealed, and a t th e sam e tim e a straightanij-jug !a„ be enacted. Ma. ^ i d , tee2 m Wnf H chair^nan- of tb e com mit- . 11T 10r traffl=. “ oved th a t A * ! * V eferred t0 th a t com m ittee A debate followed. The H ouse took up the /»»» anti ,thi3i beIng th e b111 t° repeal the land f? Iaw 0f 1903, exceP t88 to Cleve- 1I1cabaF us- M itchell and G aston count es. M cN iidh Offered an am end ?he S ^ ? J atin! . an an tH u g law for w • t0 a c tio n 2 of th e W atts ini’ IayiS8 te had no desire and the taifo a tem perance had none to but th a t’T b "”0 °t£ an accidental law, t Sat by passing th e bill of his tb is ^ n m law would a Stato sSii repeale<l a t the sam e tim e, DaTate aZltlIrjug laIf be enacted Haywood. chairm an of th e M th e s m L ? llq“or. traffic> said th a t m atter ^ £ d? ent inJeeted entire]y new m atter, which w as not considered by nal rS frS W6 Whe“ H maflO Ks origi- I s 5? mPvea to r t tbe bill be ofi M urPby, Of Row an, object-ed to this re-com m itm ent, saying he mfmbers ouSht to meet the Is- sue squarely and be willing to say whether ttey desired to take advantage » f^ T,aCiC'? eili Iaw or n o t W ineborne said he Introduced a bill fo r repeal ex- 21 I6! P tbe counties above referredto. which are named In the acts nf 1903, end th a t th e bill w as so worded t& at any county desiring it could be placed Within the anti-jug law territo- S m A t «. It w as a 'well-known fact th a t the an ti-ju g law bill; apply­ ing to a- whole S tate w as defeated in 1903, ajifl M ase t& at It. wap sotliin g but in th e position. LA BO R W ORLD. Tlie nntnber of laborers in the indus­ tries of F ran ce is about 5,500,000. T he steel em ployes of th e Illinois Steer Company have decided to accept low er w ages and a tw elve-hour w ork­ing day. One of the m ost interesting develop­ m ents in th e trade union w orld in F rance is the developm ent of the so- called labor exchange. A n OfilcIal of th e Schenectady (N. Y.) plant of the A m erican Locomotive Company says th a t th e plan t w ill soon be running w ith its full force. I t is asserted th a t the U nited Typo- thetae of A m erica is a t present accu­ m ulating a defense fund in order tb a t (lie eight-Iiour day enforcem ent m ay be com bated. A report of ilie TTnited S tates Com­ m issioner of Labor show s tb a t in 192 occupations w here labor w as organized there w as for th e m ost p a rt a steady increase in w ages. Resolutions have been adopted by th e N ational’Industrial A ssociation ad­ vocating th e establishm ent of artisan schools throughout th e country by boards of education. M r. J. W eir, J. P., secretary of the* F ife (Scotland) M iners’ A ssociation, w as elected to th e secretaryship of the M iners' A ssociation in 1S80, and has held tliG office w ithout interruption since th a t time. T he building trades in San Francisco, w hich include sixty unions and 21,000 men, ia.tend tb erect a “tem ple” w hicli w ill accom m odate all the unions and the general officers. I t is expected to cost about $100,000. A canvass of tb e anthracite m ining region discloses a new featu re in IIiO industrial outlook. I t is th e undoubted insistence of the ininers upon an eight- hour w orkday a t nine hours’ w ages w hen the present agreem ent w ith th e operators expires Not a w eek passes w ithout a new char­ te r for a bank, these being granted under th e new law by th e S ecretary of S tate. T he developm ent of the banking business is rem arkable. T he N orth C arolina A ssociation of S uperintendents of C ity Schools h as elected as its president W alter Thom p­ son, of C oncord; vice-president, W . B. Dove, of G reenville, and secretary. J. C. Griffin, of S alisbury. The S tate board of education, of w hich th e G overnor is th e chairm an, has elected T. S. M cM ullen, of H ert­ ford, a director of th e S tate N orm al and Industrial College, a t G reensboro, to succeed W . J. Shaw , resigned, aud B. F. Aycock, a d irector to succeed him self. G overnor G lenn has recom ­ m ended to th e S enate as tb e other di­ rectors, S M. G attis, OJ H illsboro; Jam es Sprunt, of W ilm ington, and C. H. M ebane, of N ew ton. N ew York arid N ew Jersey Telephone Company, B rooklyn; N ew Y ork and Pennsylvania . Telegraph Com pany, N ew Y ork; Pennsylvania Telephone Compaii3\ H arrisburg, and Providence 1 IeIephone Company, Providence, K. I. TR A IN M EN K IL L E D . Killed Two Foxes With One Shot. N ew ell H odgkips of Lam oine, Me., recently killed tw o toxes a t one ShCt w hile cruising th e woods in th e vicin­ ity o f his home. T h at ' tw o young prow lers w ere, standing erect on their hind legs in a w restling attitu d e w hen discovered and th e crafty young hunt­ er lost no tim e in taking adYttptfige ot such a rare opportunity. Quiet at St. Petersburg, St. P etersburg, By Cable.— A lthough th e strikes in R eval, Libau, Kieff, O dessa and a few sm all places are ex­ tending, th e situation is now here acute. A n increasing num ber of w ork­ m en are out in M oscow, bu t th e re is no general tie-up o r disorder there. F o u r D eaths in a Collision in Ten- nessee. C hattanooga, T e n n .-In a collision betw een a northound freight train and a southbound passenger tr a it near Tul- lahom a, Tenn., on tbe N ashville, Chat- atnooga and St. Louis R ailw ay, four trainm en w ere killed and several w ere injured. T be dead are: W ill R ea en­ gineer of th e passenger train ; H orace oflggs, firem an of tb e passenger train* P o rter B urdeil, of th e passenger train,* and Joe B. Suggs, engineer of tbe freight train. All lived in N ashville. E ngineer Suggs w as the father of F ire­ m an Suggs. B oth tra . s w ere running a t a rapid rate. A n express ca r and several freight ears w ere dem olished an a burned. No passengers w ere killed or seriously injured. Tam pa, FM .—A frenzy of excitem ent lias seized upon tb e fan n iu s. com m un­ ity <>* W auehula, in P olb County, fol- low ing’ tb e discovery of th e m utilated bodies of J o b n K irby, M s w ife an d fo u r children in bedroom in th eir bouse, w hich had b ee n set oii fire an d p artly consum ed. . ,, ^ h a t has added rem arkable verdtet ot a '-'°r°“ cl WiiicIi TotfBd th a t the' tl™ £7 cam e to tbeir <Seaths.“b ^ fi e -Jlere other m eans unknow n, aUi.. * . . isn 't the. shadow o f a floubf w ere fniirdered, an d th e you. ” assaulted before she w as killed. . In all its aspects the crane is IU « Statesboro, Ca., triised y , -which re ed in' the biK ling o t tw o negroes a t . “ stake and the callfng o u t of the niiiiti. to quell th e mob^spirit. J t 'K'as believed by the people of W auchuIa a “an“ of negroes m urdered K irby aud bis w ife and children and then appli/ ' 1 tn ® torch to m ake it appear tb a t they in an accidental fire. A fter th e verdict w as brought in three or four farm ers w ho w ere not satisfied m ade a search of th e half­ burned house aud found a ham m er in th e ruins. T hey then learned- from the physician w ho had exam ined the bodies th a t th e skull of each victim bad been crushed w ith a b lunt in stru ­ m ent. T be m ost pitifnl p a rt of it w as tbe finding of th e baby, only a y ear olfl, In a crib. She w as a chubby little tiling, and in her tw o fa t Csts w as found clasped a rag doll. T he fire h ad not touched her, and h er dim pled face w as calm and peaceful. T be blow tb a t killed tb e babe m ust have been delivered w ith g reat force, for the entire back of th e skull w as broken. N ear by lay the body of the farm er's oldest soil, a boy of about tw elve. The knob of th e ham m er fitted tb e bole in the side o f th e head. B eside him , in th e sam e bed, w as th e body of a younger boy. H is skull, too, w as b at­ tered in n ear th e tem ple. I t w as evi­ dent th a t both boys had been m urdered w hile they slept, for (here w as not a sign of a struggle, and th e hand of each stretched peacefully over his breast. I t w as difficult to determ ine w hether K irby w as roused from his sleep by the m urderers afte r his w ife w as slain or w hether he w as subjected to th e un­ speakable tortu re of seeing h er seized, assaulted and killed, bu t th e position of his body indicated th a t he had arisen to defend his household ag ain st th e invaders. , It' is reasonably certain tb a t a t least three m en w ere concerned in the crim e, for It is ‘not believed th a t one or even tw o ordinary m en could have overcom e John K irby in a physical encounter, for he w as raw boned and pow erful. H e did not have a chance to get bis shotgun, w hich hung over th e m antel iii th e room adjoining. H e m ust have been struck dow n from behind and then his brains beaten out w ith th e ham m er. M rs. K irby w as in b er n ig b t dress. Its condition show ed th a t she struggled fiercely before she succum bed to h er assailants. T he w ound on b er bead w as not as deep nor delivered w ith such savage ferocity as th e blow w hich killed her husband- and b er children. It is barely possible thr.t she w as not struck on th e head a t all, bu t w as strangled. H er body,' as w ell as th a t of h er husband, had been p artly con­ sum ed by th e Are. T he K irby fam ily cam e from B lount Connty, AIa., last O ctober. They w ere Quiet, hom e Ioviug folk, and enjoyed- th e esteem of th eir neighbors. The house in w hich they lived w as a sm all one, and it does not seem possible th a t a t le ast one m em ber of tb e fam ily could not have escaped from an acci­ dental fire. ,KEWST GLEANINGS. • K etc Jersey has a 53,000,000 cash Bai a&cet T b ere w ere 1600 postoffice robberies la s t year. A n are lam p In N ew York now out. $145 a year, w hile in Baltim ore it cos!! $91 a year. 18 P ennsylvania la st year led the Utii0n in th e num ber of legal exeentions nineteen. ~ A fine R om an pavem ent of mosaic •work has been unearthed a t Uee-in £ C alabria, Italy. t M S0IOi1 A w om an w as one of the competitor, in a plow ing contest lately held in Dor bysliire, E ngland. B efore being granted a license St P etersb u rg drosky drivers have to a n oath to be civil and not to ovor charge. T h e Pittsiburg orchestra has iS5Kti] Stern decree ag ain st th e “encore BeaIv a n d h erea fter no encore numbers to be given. A ndrew C arnegie h a s ordered rj f.-H. 000 of h is m oney to -b e held to , credit of St. Louis fo r.a city Uurnr- ','!' b e b u ilt there. ’ 1 T he U nited S tates h as the onk p., n ine horse m arines. Twelve matin, h ave been m ounted a t the-Navv Yim* M are Island, Cal. A ju ry a t Independence. lour, h,, ju st aw arded .$500 dam ages to PiijcIM, OdelI for being “w hitecappcd” by 'tbf^ ^m en and th ree wom en, who w'iiim»i j,t r in public. jY 'r th e first tim e Jn Ireland a niwa. in g ^''vsP*111 w a s issued on .Ininiarv 2 for a .half-penny (one cent!, it is ,f I1-iSh Im /e p e a d e n t a r d had fortn-rh ^ la for a i-'^ n y . , T herO are tO be 230 RepubIicnn5 ata 13G Dem O crJ p tJle .F ' 'luu^ Co». gress a fte r arJu \ tI?6, niJxt l'">- te d S tates Se. ;IV? be *%•eight R epubliea.'13 ^^ ^ !rly-t^o IX-u> ocrats. _ Source of lvor.v Supj. 1Y- D uring a recen t visit to th e lj3r^ a docks th e quesn of E n g ’anS «».'s In form ed th a t tb e stock of tvory ,'hfn show n represented, on an avc rage. t.’e annual slau g h ter of some L1V1Ws1 A frican elephants. T his stateim m has been contradicted. One im porter; -tsie? th a t a t least 85 p er cent of the su oplj Is “dead ivory,” m ainly obtained fi as hoarded stores of A frican chiefs. * Ic are shrew d enough to put their con- m odities on th e m arket only in drib ­ lets. T he m ost interesting part ot: th e le tte r is, how ever, the statement th a t tb e g reat bulk of thi." honrded ivcry is obtained from "elephant cem eteries”—spots m et w ith her:: asd th e re in th e jangle, w here elep.ianfe •have resorted for centuries to die. M uch of th e ivory th a t comes to- the, m ark et m ay, therefore, accorrtii r tc th is le tte r, be several hundred y: irj old. H U G E D IAM O ND FO U N D . L argest K now n-A ^alued in Johannes­ burg a t $3,500,000 to $4,000,000. _________ w moj-B. Johannesburg, T ransvaal.—T be larg- T he w hereabouts of - F a th e r Gopoii la s been found still rem ain a m ystery, although it i3 S i , ’! 5 Z1- . l t w l Shs 3032 carats, believed th e p riest is in M oscow. T he S i I ? ™ 8 stone of good qual- R ussian capital p resen ts alm ost a sJo n n L in valued here a t $3,500,000 to norm al appearance and tb e authorities T- ere confident th a t th e backbone of th e „t ?,°rSiSrJ^ ov' w &ieh is val- strik e has been broken. ; Som e factor- thnnrf, ifcarats, ies and m ills already h av e resum ed, W n™ J0 w eighed 900' r f “ re lt w as cut. th e re w as greatand a general resum ption of operations is expected on M onday. Live Items of News. A proclam ation issued in St. P e te rs -1 excitem ent here and a t P retoria i resu lt of the discovery? U 1 P O P E W A RN S PR IE S T S . burg prom ised concessions to th e Severe P unishm ent F o r Those W ho w n r ir in ^ ^ I Join R ussian R evolutionists. ^ s u c h o f t « j S ^ “ - !)StS. w orkingm en. St. P etersburg and M oscow w ere com paratively quiet, bu t a t H elsing­ fors ,Finland, Cossacks w ounded about 30 rioters. T be N orth S ea C om m ission a t P aris began bearing w itn e sses.; P rince Eitel-Fredrich, son of th e K aiser, h as pneum ohia. Tw o negroes w ere am ong th e lead­ e rs of th e SOO Lodrones w ho attacked San F rancisco de M alabon, Luzon. I A dispatch from Lead s * n ' T he H ouse of R epresentatives pass- I ^!!2“???®..“? ents. llEve a rriv e d ’th f£ ? C asualties a t Riga. affray I t t R i^ 15Jmllies le Borted In the ay a t Swga w ere seventy-sis. Japan B uys TOOO H orses. FO U R K IL L E D IN G AM BLIN G D EN D ischarged Em ploye Shoots Tw o D eal- ers, th e P roprietor and H im seif. Tucson, A riz .-A tragedy In w hich four m en lost tb eir lives occurred In tb e border tow n o f N ogales. W illiam W alters, a gam bler, entered th e P al­ ace saloon, ow ned by JI. M. Conn, w alked to a poker tabie.-and, w ithout a w ord of w arning, drew a revolver an d opened fire on th e dealer, know n as ‘-Cowboy” Johnson, firing tw o shots through his head. W alters then turned on Conn, tb e proprietor, w ho w as m aking his w ay tow ard th e door, and shot him through th e head an d heart. T he m urderer then turned his w eapon tow ard tb e m onte dealer, shooting him through t, e Lack of th e head. H e fired a shot a t George Ben- dle, a cattle m an, w hich grazed th e la tte r’s face, and then sent a bullet through bis ow n brain. All of th e vic­ tim s died before being able to m ake statem ents. W alters had been em ployed by Conn, b u t had been discharged a few days ne,ore. I t w as said he w as intoxi­ cated a t th e tim e he entered the sa­ loon. Conn w as one Cf th e best know n sporting m en in tb e Southw est. A LLIA N C E TO STAND. F ran ce F aith fu l to R ussia, th e N ew P rem ier Says. P aris, F rance.—In th e C ham ber of D eputies P rem ier R ouvier announced th a t F ran ce w ould rem ain faith fu l to b er alliance w ith R ussia. Yellow F ever on B attleship. C om m ander N iles, of th e U nited fh t t f cru^ er Boston, h as reported to ? ' S j 7 D epartm ent th e outbreak of I er on th e w a r ship, am ong those prostrated being a lieutenant, W. g^on ’ 3 Paymastei' and sur- SOUTHERN RAILWAY. THE STANDARD IUILWAY OP THB .SOUTH, PIBECT LIKE TO ALLFOlNISOf Texas,’ California,) Florida, * Cuba and Porto Rico, Strictly first-claes equipment on all Through »nd Local Trains, and Pullman Palace Sleeping care on all night trains. Fast and safe sailed- ules. Travol by the SOUTHERN and yon are assured a Safe, Comfortable and Ezpedl- &oas Journey. Apply to Ticket Agents for Tables, IUtH sa d general inform ation, or addrcn 6. H. HASDWICK, G. P. A., Washington, D. 0. R. L. TBBNON1 T. P. A., Charlotte, N. 0. I. JL WOOD, 0. P. A T. A., Asheville, If- BO TBOCBUTO AVSWEE OUBSTIOHf wi iw iixw cm auves puss- I onrf — r. ‘^ JU’rived thorp ed th e D istrict of Colum bia and Mill- of horsp- for larS6 num bers ta ry A cadem y appropriation bills. L u tem O T ts’ o „ “ “ “ VcavalrJ' re- W hile t he S enate w as considering JiuriJisu fOOO head. SW pm entsfel™ th e A rm y appropriation bill, th ere w as S * - m ade from M ^ c r o f t ' an anim ated discussion of th e assign- ]t >3 stated th e total alreariv m ent of G eneral M iles to- service in f°r Jap an ’s arm y is Tnon charge of th e M assachusetts S tate mi- "—litia. A blizzard raged in th e A tlantic C oast S tates and extrem e cold prevail, ed in th e W est and South, E x-P resident H all D ead « £ ? N;™«» jjszjssSyzx*' Bad Reports at Moscow. SIoseow has received alarmiuir re. PpriS from Ivanovo-Voznesensk the Russian Manchester, whereT e r V S e ; saw to be 300.000 workmen. Grocery Clerk Confesses. H arry P otter, tw jnty-tw o years o’d aI grocery.dei-k, confessed t hat he w as th e pyrom aniae w ho h as been ten-oriz- AU * stands In SubwaT.' J S " s’ e?c?P > those fo r newspa- fi Nviierea °«t of the New j t s a s s r ' 7 by tbe Eapia R ussian C onsulate a t Bvest Stoned ;i StonW S S ^ S r t B w s tl VERY LOW RATES Announced, via SOUTHERN RAILWAY V ery low rates are announced vi^ S outhern R ailw ay from points on -l-a lines fo r th e follow ing special occas­ ions: Austin, Texae—N ational Baptist Con­ vention (colored), Septem ber IW l 1904. Baltimore, Md.—N ational Conventiou F ra te rn a l O rder of Eagles, Septem­ b er 12-17, 1904.Chattanooga, Tenn International As­ sociation of F lre Engineers, Septem­ b er 13-16, 1904. Richmond, V a.-G rand Fountain Unit­ ed O rder T rue Reform ers, Septem­ b e r 6-13,1904. Los Angeles, Cal., San Francisco, Cal. — T riennial Conclave, Knights Tem­ plar, S eptem ber 6-9, 1904; Sovereign G rand Lodge, I. O. 0 . K., Septembef 19-25, 1904. S t. Louis, Mo.i—Louisiana Purcbss# E xposition, M ay-Novera ber, 1904. • R ates fo r th e above occasions ope» to th e public. T ickets w ill be sold to these posts from a ll statio n s on Southern RSf w ay. D etailed inform ation can be had uP* on application to any Ticket Agent ot th e Southern Railw ay, or Agsnts « connecting lines, or by addressing tbs undersigned: R . L. VERNON, T. P. A- Charlotte, N. C- J. H. WOOD, D. P. At Asheville, N. C. 8. H. HARDWICK, P ass. Traffic U p- W. H. TAYLOE, G en l Pass. Agent, Washington, P, C, the i- nitwl St from - It Strce Son, D. C., says: " T o u r ! “e r u i i e •used by so m u u i V cq u a in ta n c ^it *<V;i K cu tn tiv o qiM lliti inglt} recvu u n c su/T erinv fr o m < Oar armv jiad c yro^cction of our j Venina is the r| zanny and navy i: .-mate and cxrosuw \V> have on Jilt ia3s from pronun and navy. V e can pive o jzliinpso of the vas •lorscnicnts Ur. I] -oeivint: for Itia vr} remedy. 3’erur.a. I If voa do KOi factory results t •write at once to ideni oi The Jlar Iras, Ohio, ami h you “his valuable im p Ruby, wbo ? *jrs. was given JF E NiCHOUSON ;tg n G i^ £ N OS PE-R U -N A , t o r n v S m M ts ^ i^ A mmm % -( s X " U'!!g ^ isg S S S .ShSSft CCJffMODOEEKICMOLSGft C~'i\s}jOpTnK :-omcrvillc Nicholson, of .^Y niv-I States Nuvy, in a letter tm ir x i K Si:vct. Northwest, Washing­ ton. ^ •»«i]*our JVr;: ji«.* ha*- been fin d is now IUtdbiiM m any o f m \j fr ie n d s a n d uc(i»ainiatt<\-s «,s « s u re c u r e fo r vatari* *'•’*•- I «»« co n vin ced o f its <muwUvif VtKifittcx (ttul I u n h e s ita t- iJiqiit vwsiitic>;tl it to a ll p erso n s sujji'viytj}Min that c o m p la in t.” 04* amv .I our navy are the natural fir.i!M ii> Jjt:* natarai protection of the zrs)v ;i:v: "-"^y -:t *-ie vicissitudes of cli- ’bwU's;,: cx;^!iro. . , ..\\c !!Tivu i;n ;;sti Pwjsr.nds of cestnnon* jsfe ]-r.'.n*ir.^nt people In the army and navy.to ran :-T:'*e «ur revwera only a slight *Rp;>5' r:,e VASl :irray oi* unsolicited en- ? IV. !Hnnian is constantly re* •aciviai: 'vidoiy known and efficient Irmwy. ]V?a::a. ^If voa <Ivj *l?rive prompt and satis­factory rossi’tj from the use of Veruna, -Btifre at **;:<•<? :■> )V. 5. J3. Hartman. IVes- •deni cf THo llr.-tvnan ?aniinriuni, Colurn- fcis, Ohio. -'Vl '-e pleased to givejtjD his 'itlv.’cc. So, o. f f BANK d e p o s it vBOJa'si'HiJ 4j? P.iilriKd Fare Paid. 500T __ FKisJS Courses Offered.Beard at Ccst. WriteQuicfc fiEQRG&A’^IiAKA f:'Ji::’;ESSCCLLEQS,Haccr.,Sa. BARRY CO., ,J S r W r i. : HAVE A SU R E CU RE. Impartial Choice. Ruby, who wa.j dining w ith h er eld- srs. was given Iwv choice of h er fav­ orite ik-vKTiS. ''Wiiich v.Sll you have, R uby, ice cream or jamT her indulgent fath er wkel After a moment's hesitation she ssM. “Give me a little cf each and a Jot of both/’—February L ippincott’s. Whits Geese Cut for A iring. Tie Kfiusua! spectacle of a couple cf perfectly white goose out for an air­ ing with their owner is frequently seen about Jlei’fcrd. The birds w ad­ dle along at riic m an’s heels, seem ­ ingly interested :n ail th a t goes on wound them, but never sw erving an itch Jo O-rIe side or the other. Frisking around this queer lot is a little terrier; but the geese do not seeia in tho Ieasf. afraid of him . F irst he bounds ahead oi the group to in­ vestigate sonv.-thi’ug which has arous­ ed hi? curiosity. Then, as if he had jast re??.;!..! an imposed duty, he iro's bad: rn-2 iafces up his position ic the trail <;£ the birds.—B oston Globe. WOMEN'S NE8LECT SUFFERftiGTHESUREPEHALTY Health Thus Lost Is Bestorefl by L ydla E. HnkhaE'3 IrSgetable Compound* Hov; many vromen do you know w ho are perfectly well and stronff? W e lieartrery day tl;c Same story over and °v« ajnin. •• j ,J0 not feel w ell I I am to tired all the ti m e ’’ KateMsDonald worSIt l * ely y°u speak the sam e far frm 0urs^ ’ an^ BO douljt you feel traced ‘ ? he canse maJte easilymaW. Bome clPfangemcnt of the fe- denrr.5!fa,lsr" !l'c'1 manifests itself in anvvi, U sPirits1 reluctance to go bearing1? 0r . aD.vthing, backache, OosaewtS wnIpcnis' flatuIency, nerv- Thpc eePlcssncs3' leucorrhoea. that t s3*mptoms are but warnings heed,.,i ,rVt danKcr ahead, and unless «p£ In • ?tof. smfferinST «•» serious Tht ^f K ‘h?, inevitable result. 'JiiiDtnnIc- ? mg remedy for all these eW le CoKpoOTdla E ' P inkham ’s Ve« “ Raj f 4 w IcI)onald| °f w oodbIidga, -Jp^ a i a : oiske Iiw tS S ? 1^ iraan naturally didikes to wstWal Ikm hm 'o w n t °th e puhlic, but 1 has ,ncant so much to me that01 telling mine for the sake ''Forr IF "-omea.. xtIth a u u S I1? 0 \ ™^ered untold agony "tehinn,!- ' trouble and irregularities, ■"11^1:11 l^i'si'-'al wreck, and no one biuBi* but Lydia E. Pink-^(■pfinin I,,^ . /'0niPoUnd has entirely 1!«' it my'dut-v* + 1Se »'-ro11 Ind strcUg. and "hat a a,iL i j f tell otaer suffering women “iwrnua incdicino it is.” llOUle0Of1’r011.1, lJon t hes>tate to get a fttn Jf liIa K- Piakham’s VeJetar Mrs Pinki?, .11 ooce. and write to advice—Jt VLn-P1' ynn' Mass'> for special ‘t iB free and always helpful. I f l l S Sllliy- SPtEIlI President Roosevelt Made a Sensible and Interesting Talk to Lutherans SPEAKS AT CHURCH DEDICATION Mr. Roosevelt Declares That the Luth­ eran C hurch in the United States is Already of Greait Power and is Destined tb be One of the Two or T hree Greatest National Churches, Special. — P resident ftoosevelt delivered an address Sun­ day a t th e re-dedication of th e L utlier Place M em orial -cliwrcti, w hich w as se- riWifily dam aged by fire ju s t one year Sgo Sunday n ig h t w hile a sociable given in honor of th e 78th MHhdBy anniversary of th e SastSri th e Rev1 Dr. J 1 0 , B utter, Was in progress. T he chtiifeh has been entirely restored and was occupied fo r the first tim e since the Are Sunday. The P resid en t spoke in p art HB idllow s: rEVom th e standpoint from w hich I im obliged so continually to look a t m atters, th ere is a peculiar Iuactiofi to be played by th® g reat L utheran C hurah ill th e United. S tates of A m er­ ica. T his is a C hurch w hich had its rise to pow er in, and until it em i­ grated to this side of the w ater, had iiw ays had its fullest doveiopm ent In, the tw o great races in northern and northern m iddle Europe—the G erm an m d th e Scandinavian. T he prim e duty sf those already in Uie land is to see that th e ir ow n progress and develop­ m ent a re shared by new com ers from across th e sea. It 3s a serious and Jangerous thing for any m an to tear loose from th e soil, in w hich he and ills forbears have taken root and to be translated into new land. H e should receive all possible aid in th a t new !and; and th e aid can be tendered iim m ost effectively by those who can ippeal to him on th e ground of spiri­ tual kinship. T herefore th e L utheran Church can do m ost in helping up­ w ards and onw ards so m any of th e lew com ers to our shores; and it seem s :o m e th a t it shonld be th e duty of this Church to see th a t th e im m igrants, and !specially th e em igrants of L utheran faith from th e old w orld, m ay be not suffered to d rift off w ith no friendly liand to him ou t of th e C hurch eom- nunion. T he L utheran C hurch in this :ountry is of very g re a t pow er now, ium ericaily and through th e intelli­ gence and th rift of its m em bers, bu t it Wi.. grow steadily to even g reater power. It is destined to be one of tw o 3r th ree g reatest and m ost im portant iatio n al C hurches in th e U nited S tates; one of th e tw o or th ree church- 3S m ost distinctively A m erican, m ost distinctively am ong th e forces th a t ire to te ll for m aking this g reat ’ountry even g reater in th e future. Therefore a peculiar load of responsi- —ity rests upon th e m em bers of this Church. It is an im p o rtan t thing fo r th e people of this nation to rem em ber th e ir right, b u t it is an even m ore im port­ in g thing for them to rem em ber th eir iuties. In th e la st analysis, th e w ork >f statesm en and soldiers, th e w ork of the public m an shall go for nothing if it is no t based iipon th e sp irit of C hristianity w orking in th e m illions of aom es throughout this country, so ihat th e re m ay be th a t social, th a t spiritual, th a t m oraJ foundation, w ith- )ut w hich no country can ever rise to perm anent g reatness. F o r m aterial well-being, m aterial prosperity, success in arts, In letters, g re a t industrial tri- im phs, all of them and all of th e itru ctu re raised thereon w ill be as evanescent as a dream , if it does not •est on th e righteousness th a t exalteth t nation. 'L et m e congratulate you, and con­ gratulate all of us, th a t w e live in a !and and a t a tim e w hen w e accept t as n atu ral th a t th e re should be an inter-denom inational service of th an k s­ giving, such a cerem ony as is to tak e place th is afternoon, in w hich th e pastors of o th e r churches join to con­ gratulate them selves and you upon th e re-building of this church. T he forces ^f evil are stro n g and m ighty in this jentury- and in this country, as they ire in other countries, as th ey have te en in all th e pa3t centuries; and Dhe people w ho sincerely w ish to do tae L ord’s w ork w ill find am ple op­ portunity for all th e ir labor in fight­ ing th e com m on enem y and in assum ­ ing tow ard th e ir fellow s of a different onfession an attitu d e of generous rivalry in th e effort to see how th e m ost good can be done to our people is a w hole. Chicago Banker Arrested. N ew Y ork, Special.—W . H . H unt, president of th e Pan-A m erican B ank, pf Chicago, w hich closed its doors sev- sral days ago, has been arrested here, iharged’ w ith em bezzlem ent. H unt was arrested a t th e request of • th e Chicago police, w ho notified th e N ew ITork authorities th a t they had a w arrant for H u n t’s a rre st on th e charge t>f em bezzling $36,000. H u n t w as ar­ raigned in court, and held for extradi­ tion. H e w as la ter released on $5,000 bail. sum EWonHtffl W A SH IN G TO N . T he trustees of th e Peabody F und voted to dissolve th e tfUSt; T he fund now ftm8u n ts to about $2,200,000, of w hich $1,000,000 w ilt be given to th e Peabody School in N ashville, Tenu. U tah w om en w efe called in.behalf oi Senator R eed Sm oot Iii the. investiga- Jioii by the.S enate Com m ittee on P riv­ ileges and Ejections. T he Army A ppropriation bill waa passed, afte r an am endm ent providing th a t retired officers above th e ran k oi ir jjo r shall not receive th e full pay of iheir grades w hen serving irith Statd IIiiIHifl-. Siif. D egetau, the Com m issioner from P orto 'Rico, m ade his first speech in Congress. P resident Roosevelt appointed Gov­ ernor Rrodie. of A rizona, A ssistant C hief of the Record and Pension D ivi­ sion of the W ar D epartm ent, w ith­ draw ing the nomination of Mijjov E di wat-tl-S.. Fowlcii fdr tile! Samg Jltice; . -ToliH JjsIiiiili SiipprihtenflJBt f>f Xn- flian Schools a t Ciianiberlaihi S. D h as presented th e P resident w ith a Sioux w ar bonnet and a buckskin coat. These articles w ere secured by D akota adm irers of the P resident and sent bj A gent F liun. OUR A D O PTED ISLA ND S. Sorrow w as felt .thrbugiibiit tiie isl- ftnds f&r tile ileath of th e ’ A m erican A rm y officers recently killed in skir­ m ishes w ith Ihe Moros. 100,000 O ut a t M oscow. W arsaw , By Cable—A hundred thous­ and people are now ou t on strike. T hus tar th ere have been no disturbances Pf any im portav T he street cars' ire n o t running and no new spapers ware published this m orning. T here is practically no bread le ft in th e ba­ keries. A bout 100,000 persons have struck a t Lodz. T elephone com m unica­ tion w ith th a t city h a s been in terru p t- 3d by tlie strike. Heavy Loss by Fire. N orfolk, V a., Special. — A lm ost a score of buildings w ere destroyed or seriously dam aged hy th e fire w hich started in C. R. N ash’s ice w arehouse, on Q ueen .street, P ortsm outh, early Sunday m orning. T he less is placed in the neighborhood of $50,000. B ut for th e heroic w ork of 250 U nited S tates m arines, sen t by A dm iral H ar­ rington from th e navy y ard w ith a yard fire engine, to g eth er w ith assistance rendered by a N orfolk engine com pany, th e entire business section of th e city w ould have been sw ept aw ay. The fire started a t 11.30 o’clock, and waa n o t controlled u n til 4 o'clock, DOM ESTIC. C aptain V an W art, pilot of th e Gen­ eral Slocum, and Supervising Steam ­ boat Inspector Rodie w ere w itnesses at the trial of Iil«p4ctors Lundberg and Flem ing in N ew York City on charges of m anslaughter, A Iono robber ehtered th e photogra­ phic studio of Rudolph W ilhelm on the eighteenth floor of th e A m erican T ract Society Building, in N ew York City, struck W ilhelm unconscious w ith a sandbag and escaped w ith a sm all roll Sf bills. T he , iam onds and other jew els, val­ ued a t $35,000, w hich w ere stolen from M r. and M rs. W. S. Edey, of N ew York City, in their ap artm en t in th e H otel M aryland, Pasadena, Cal., w ere found by th e police. C arl W ilson, another H otel M aryland bellboy, w as arrested and told the police w here the thieves had buried th e gem s. Tw elve charges on w hich th e im ­ peachm ent of Judge Lacom be, of the t-nited S tates D istrict Court, is de­ m anded w ere sent to every R epresen­ tativ e In Congress by th e law firm of W a tt & D ohan. of Philadelphia. T he Rogers Locom otive W ork, at P aterson, N. J.. have been sold to the A raeriean Locom otive Company. W . .T. B ryau argued a t N ew H aven. Conn.. his appeal in th e B ennett will case. .Iudge G eorge W . R ay denied th a t he w as respoi sible for th e delay in bring­ in g George E. Green, of B ingham ton, N. y „ tb trial for com plicity in postal frauds. R aids on th ree storage w arehouses in N ew Y ork City yielded tw o large van loads and five w agon loads of gam ­ bling instrum ents, th e largest haul In one day’s w ork in th e history of the city. M r. TaU ahira. the Japanese M inister, said th a t one of th e things Jap an w aa figliting for w as C hina’s adm inistrative entity. D elegate R andall, o f W yom ing, who charged P resident M itchell w ith hav­ in g sold ou t th e Colorado m iners, w as expelled from the U nited M ine W ork­ ers of A m erica. S. C. X. Dodd, for th irty years gen­ eral solicitor of th e S tandard Oil Com­ pany. resigned. In the cases of Policem an F ran k Mc­ L aughlin and Policem an D evanna, of N ew York City, both on trial for rnur* tier, tlie Jnrles found both guilty of m anslaughter in th e first degree. W idow s and orphans of th e G eneral Sloeum disaster attended th e trial in N ew York C ity o f th e inspectors charged w ith th e responsibility fo r th e disaster. T hrough C hancellor W hitelaw B eid a petition w aspreserited to th e R egents o f th e U niversity of th e S tate o f N ew York, asking th e rem oval of M elvil D ew ey, S tate librarian. FO R E IG N . T he strikers, w ho num bered nearly 220,000, w ere sim piy aw aiting th e in­ fluence of public opinion on th e coal raine proprietors and tho efforts of tire G erm an .G overaiacnt to assist In tho settlem ent. F inland can h a re all th e guns it w ants w hen th e tim e com cs for revolt against R ussia, it w as reported. These arm s w ere p artly procured In England. A rm s will also be supplied to Poland. China’s reply to R ussia’s charges of a violation of neutrality w as presented to S ecretary H ay. I t is a general de­ nial. C ounter charges ag ain st R ussia aro s?t u :j . C ran d D n tc jH adim ir, of E rssia 1 or­ dered iiCO m achine guns fro n a G er­ m an factory. T hree A ustrian A rm y corps m oving to th e G alician frontier gave ground for th e theory th a t h a lf a dozen R us­ sian provinces m ay bo “pacified” into A ustrian territory. A m erican-w arships w ere sen t to Santo D om ingo to enforce th e protec­ torate npoa th e insurgents. E m press Eugenie, a special cable dis­ patch stated. Is m aking a to u r in E gypt a u l has been w elcom ed by th e Suca C rual adm inistration. r,preiai cable, dispatch from Rome, Italy, announced th e d eath of P rince O 'scfti. C rand M actcr o f th e K nighta Cf M alta. The rcs.'gnation o f th e Corabes M in­ istry w as accepted by P resident Lou- bet of F rancs, Criron C autch.new A uctrian P rem ier, in opening th e low er house of the E eichsrath m ade an effort for recon­ ciliation of th e G erm ans and Czechs. Six persons w ere killed an d nine se­ riously injured in a collision o f tlireo tra in s on th e M idland R ailw ay, Eng­ land. ChEnccllor von Buelow . in a speech in th e G erm an R eichstag, referred to th e action of P resident R oosevelt on th e regulation of trusts. E ndolffSiotceriBg, th e G erm an sculp* tor, is dead. ’The eontrover?.T betw een th e C abinet and court in B elgrade h as beeono se­ vere. It w as expected th a t th e regi­ cide party w ould succeed in controlling a new Cabinet. In the fire a t the DuoCo Palace, a spe­ cial cable dispatch Crom V enice said, a P D r tr n it of the Doge Francesco by Tin- toretti w as burned. P rince Sviatopolk-M irsky induced tho Council of M iiiistsrs to vote to consult w ith roorcsrntatives of the zem stvos in rosnrd to cnrrylug out tie reform s prom ised by 'tho Czar, and w ill prob­ ably retain his portfolio for some tim e as a result of the victory. 15 VEARS Of TORTURE itcisinjjr Mii Jtaisfai Sqrds fiSr&red Head Slid Bbdy~Ctifcd iii W eek iljjr . “For fiiteeri years my scaljj ',arid fore* head Ttas one mass of scabs; and ray body was cqvered with irires: W ordi cannot fex* press I suffered from tlie itching; And pain.. I had given .up hope when a friend told jne to get Cuticura. A ftet-bathing with Cuticura Soap and applying Cuticura Ointment for three days, my head was as clear as ever, and to my surprise and joy, one cake of soap and one box of ointment made a complete cure in one week. (Signed) H. 6 . Franklin4 717 Washington St<» Allegheny* Patii Parltm&n's Sena© of ?a£ticc< . A friend m et Frtincis P arkinaii w alk- Ing along the street holding tw o street boys by their coat collars. In reply to his friend's request for an explanation P arkm au said: “I found this boy bad eaten an apple w ithout dividing w ith hie little b ro th e r^ Now Vra going to biiy orte for tho little ^oy dud niake the big on6 look on w hite iie eats i t ”— St. Nicholas; DenfneAii Cannot Be Cared by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by consti­ tutional remedies. Deafness is caused by aa inflamed condition of the mucous lining oi the Eustachian Tdbei Wh^nthis tube is in­ flamed yd\i have a nim blingsouad dr Impexi' feet hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is tho result, and unless the inflam­ mation can be taken out and thi3 tube re­stored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Nine cases out o! ten are caused by catarrhrwhich is nothing but au inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (causedby catarrh)that can- hot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. P. J. Oheney & Co., Toledo, O- Sold by Druggists, 73s.Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. A Negligible Quantity. “B u t how did you m anage to m ake so m uch m oney w hen you had only one oyster stey to serve?” "O h," replied th e p retty church-fair w aitress, “you see, every tim e w e served it it w as sen t back.”—F ebru­ ary L ippincott’s. Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gnm and Mullen is Nature’s great remedy—Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup and Consumption,and all throat and iung troubles. At druggists, 25c., 50c. and $1.00 per bottle. Male Shoppers Preferred. “Salesw om en would rath er w ait up­ on ten m en custom ers th an one wo­ m an,” said th e floor m anager of ex* perience. “T here is no questi-on bu t m en m ake the b est and m ost agree­ able shoppers. They know w hat they w ant, are easily suited and are not fussy. They have a genial w ay th a t m akes them easier to satisfy th an wo­ m en are. T heir m anners are not so stiff. “N o m an ever crushes a salesgirl w ith a haughty stare. M en seldom haggle over prices. T hey m ay easily be persuaded to buy a h igher priced article if they have th e m orey, and you can convince them th ey are get­ ting th e ir m oney’s w orth. M en show Kood taste and judgm ent in buying ai^ tid e s they know little about. T heir fondness for large sizes borders on the ridiculous, som etim es. Shoes, gloves, sh irts—they w ant them all w ith am ple room . “It is a pity m ost m en seem to fsel uncom fortable and out of place in a store. P ersons who sell goods would like to see them oftener.”—'N ew Y ork Novel Action to Insure M arriage. In th e harbor of the little village of Ploum anac’h, in th e Cote-du-Nord, is an isle t of rock w hich can be reached a t low tide. It is surm ounted by a shrine of St. G uirecl who is said to have landed here from B ritain in the sixth century. T here are tw o rude statu es of th e saint, one of w hich is of wood. To th is statu e on St. C atherine’s day, com e th e young wom en of the neighborhood, who, follow ing an old tradition, stick pins into th e statue, in order th a t they m ay be m arried be* fore th e e n d . of the year.—London G raphic. A FELLOW FEELING. Why Sbe Felt I»enlent Towards the DrauVar <U BROUGHT BACK OLD DAYS. Kissing Under Difficulties Reminded professor of Something. “Speaking th€ resourcefulness of w oineh ifi the ma^tei* Sf m eeting and §vercom ihj5 ObStafcliBSifi Said th s S treet C ornef ,Phiio.sojiher; “I ju st Saw Sii illustration of it, When tw o girls; b e a r­ ing thosia trem endous WiSe brim m ed straw hats, m et and kissed rig h t iii th e public street—aye, and hugged each other, too, w ithout disturbing a feather of th e ir headgear. If tw o m en had tried to get th e ir heads th a t SlosS tog6th e r for any purpose, Weafi ihg SiicB S rift therS would hav# beefi Straw , and prdfanity scattered slii the w ay fi-ofli her£ tS tnS com er; S u t w ith th e giris th ere w as a pre£iioiii; tory exclam ation of joy a t m eeting, a sudden rush, a convulsive em brace, a sidew ise peck a t each other’s lips, a giggle and a squeal, and ou t ot- the mix-up em erged the tw o m aidens-as trim as yon please. H ow they^Suck- ed tinder those brim s ifl m ore th an I caii tell, it ijras dong tod quick far m e to see. it rem inded hie som e of kissing a girl in th e days w hen they used to w ear those old fashioned sun- bonnets.” “H ow w as th a t V'* asked th e new s­ paper m an, expecting a story. “Young m an,’’ said the philosopher, w ith ffiuch dignity, “it w as all right.” — Springfield (111.) itew d. APE-LIKE GIANTS C F AFRICA. , Strange Race Met on Southern Shore' of Great Lake. i M r. E dw ard G rogan—who traversed A frica along its w hole length, from the Cape to Cairo—m et w ith a ctrange race on th e southern shores cf A lbert E dw ard N yanza. T hese fear­ some, ap e lik e creatures, hiding be­ hind banana palm s, are ta il m en, w ith long arm s and pendant paunches. Such is th e stam p of th e b rute on them th a t they m ay be placed low er In th e scale th an any other A frican native hitherto seen. T heir face, body and lim bs are covered w ith w iry hair, w hile th e hang of th e long, pow erful arm s, th e 6light stoop of th e trunk, and th e hunted, vacant expression of the face rnake them appear m ore like apes than hum an beings. N orthw ards, n ear Lado, th e sam e party cam e across th e Dinlcas, a race of giants, standing six feet six inches to seven feet in height, and magnifi­ cently developed; and in th e adjoin­ ing Toroland w hich sw arm ed w ith ele­ phants of gigantic size, th e natives w ere sim ply stark-naked savages of inexpressible degradation of charac­ ter. FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervous­ ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Groat 2?erveItestorer,$2trial bottleand treatise fred I>r.K.H,KLiXE. L td.,931 ArohSt.,Phila.,Pi Barrio has received more than $250,000 from his plays. A Guariuiteetl Cnro For Pitoa. Itchingt0Blind, Hleeilins or Protruding Piles. Druggists will return! money ii l’azo Ointment fail= to cure in 6 to 14 days. 50c. Tliere are 298 miles oi railway in the Congo Free State._______________ F . G-eeen ’s Sons, ot Atlanta, Ga., ara the only successful Dropsy ,Specialists in tho Trorlil. See their liberal offer in advortise. went in another column of this paper. . Fifty-two billion dollars passed through the London Clearing House last year 'Winslow’sSoothing Syrnp for children teething, soften the ?ums, redn ces Inflamma­tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 2de.abotth» Single eyeglasses are prohibited in the German Army. To Care a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Jiromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it tails to curs, E. W. Urove’s signature is Os box. 25c. N ineteen pianos, every one cf w hich w as a w edding present, are in th e pos­ session of ihe Prince and Princess of W ales. A g reat deal depends on th e point of view . A good tem perance w om an w as led, in a very peculiar w ay, to revise h er som ew hat harsh judgm ent of the poor devil w ho cannot resist his cups, and she is now th e m ore charitable. She w rites: “F o r m any years I w as a g reat suf­ ferer from asthm a. F inally m y health got so poor th a t I found I could no t lie dow n, b u t w alked th e floor w hilst oth­ ers slept. I got so nervous I could not rest anyw here. “Specialists told m e I m nst give up th e use o f coffee—th e m ain thing th a t I alw ays thought gave m e som e relief. I consulted our fam ily physician, and he, beinff a coffee fiend him self, to Id m e to pay no attention to th eir advice. Coffee had such a charm for m e th a t in passing a restau ran t and getting a w hiff of th e fragrance I could not re­ sist a cup. I felt very lenient tow ard th e drunkard w ho could not pass the saloon. F riends often urged m e to try Postnm , b u t I turned a deaf ear, say­ ing ‘T h a t m ay do for people to whom coffee is harm ful, b u t not for m e—cof­ fee an d I w ill never part.’ “ A t last, how ever, I bought a pack­ age of Postum . although I w as sure I could not drink it. I prepared it as di­ rected, and served it for breakfast. W ell, b itter as I w as ag ain st it, I m ust say th a t never before had I tasted a m ore delicious cup o f coffee! From th a t day to this (more th an 2 years) I have never had a desire for th e old cof­ fee. My health soon returned; the asthm a disappeared. I began to sleep well, and in a short tim e I gained 20 pounds In w eig h t “O ne day I handed m y physician th e tablets he had prescribed for me, telling him I had no use for them . H e stayed for dinner. W hen I passed him h is coffee cup he rem arked, ‘I am glad to see you w ere sensible enough not to let yourself be persuaded th a t cof­ fee w as harm ful. T his is th e b est cup of coffee I ever drank,’ he continued; ‘th e trouble is so few people know how to m ake good coffee.’ W hen ho got his second cup I told him he w as •drinking Postum . H e w as incredu­ lous, b u t I convinced him , and now he uses’ nothing b u t Postum in' his home, and has. greatly im proved in health.” N am e given by Postum Co., B attle Creek, M ich. Look in each package for th e fam ous • little book, "T lie B o a i to . W ellville.” 10,000 P la n t, fo r I Ge. This is a remarkable offer the John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, W is., makes. Salzer Seeds have1 a national reputation as the earliest, Iinest7 choicest the ,earth produces. They will send you their big plant and seed catalog, together with enough seed to grow 1.000 fine, solid Cabbages, 2.000 rich, juicy Turnips, 2.000 blanching, nntty Celery, 2.000 rich, buttery Lettuce, 1.000 splendid Onions, I,OGO rare, luscions Kadishes, 1.000 gloriously brilliant Flow ers.. This great offer is made in order to in­ duce you to try their warranted seeds— for when you once plant them you will grow no others, and ALL IOB BDT 160 POSTAGE, providing you will return this notice, and ff you will send them 26c in postage, they will add to the above a big package of the earliest Sweet Corn on earth—Salzer’s Fourth of July—fully 10 days earlier than Cory, Peep o' Day, etc., etc. TA. C. L.1 Births and Deaths Decrease. F ew er persons died And a sm aller num ber w ere born throughout Eng­ land and jW ales la st year th an in 1902. w hile in London itself both birth and deaths w ere th e few est recorded for m any years. GOL BECKWiTH SflYS; “I Take Flsaiari in Commending ?@-riMia For Oouglis and Odlds.” A WOMAN'S MISERY. M rs. John L altue, of IlS P aterson A venue, P aterson, ,N. J., says: “I w as troubled for about nine years,, and w h at I suf­ fered so one w i l l e v e r know . I used about every- know n rem e­ dy th a tis said to be good for kidney com­ p la in t, b u t w ithout deriv­ ing perm anent re lie f.. O ften w hen alone in th e house th e backache h as been go b ad th a t it brought tears to m y’eyes. T he pain a t tim es w as so intense th a t I w as com pelled to give up my household duties and lie dow n. T here w ere head­ aches, dizziness an d blood rushing to m y head to cause bleeding a t the nose. T he first box of D oan’s K idney Pills benefited m e so m uch th a t I continued th e treatm ent. The stifg in g pain in th e sm all of m y back, th e rushes of blood to th e head and other sym ptom s disappeared.” D oan's K idney P ills for sale b y all dealers, 50 cents per box. F oster- JIilbum Co.. Buffalo. N. X. — - K1AS N A1J,.* ■VV” C O L . PA U L E .. B E C K W IT H £ Colonel Paxil E. Beckwith, Lt. Col., votired, 1st Ileg. Minute Hen, in a letter J from 1503 Vermont avenue, N. W ., Washington, 13. C., writes: { ifJfttOtth th e iinq^iiatijlsd en d o rse m e n t o f m a n y o f m *j Jrie n tlsf I ta k e f i p le a su re U t co n itn en d iivj y o u r re m e d ie s fo r cou-tjhs a n d colds.%J I 3QVtl E. BecTc w ith. f Peruua Jws always been a great favoiUe with the military men, both in the army and navy.The strongest kind of iesthnonia!# «.0 received from officers of high rank con­ cerning the virtues of Pcruna for a>i ca- IN S1ISIJ) OK BARRACKS PE-RU-KA IS EFFICACIOUS. The constaut exposure to the ^ elements experienced in an outdoor life is not so apt to cause coughs and colds as sec>ntary habits. .Those >rho are brought £acc to face with the weather every day in aetivc life arc much less liable to catarrhal diseases than those who are housed up in illy ventilated IkOOins. And yet both o£ Uiese classes are is ore or less subject to cataiTh and ca­ tarrhal diseases. The so’dier a 3 well as the ALL CLASSES I [AftE SUBJECT TOJ CATARRH. civilian finds it frequently necessary to use Peruna on account of coughs and colds. No one is exempt. The strong and healthy are less liable than the weak and ill, but none entirely escape. tarrhaT ciiments. Only a sirr^Vi per cent, of lheso can in used for publication for want oE space. 3/r. Harrison h. Deam, 13urrcsice Post No. 8, Department of the Potomac. Colonel Kiieampmcnt No. 09, Union Veterans’ Le­ sion. Colonel (.Jrecn Ciuy Smith Ttcgiment No. 17. U. V. U.. Bopartmcnt of the Poto*L^ion, De- * 34tn Indianamac. Military Order Loyal p.irtment of Columbia, Mnjor !■Veteran Volunteer Infantry, writes: iiT h ere its no Ia n yev a n y qu estio n an to th e c u ra tiv e q u a litie s of Ireri:n a in a ll c u ia rr h a l troubled. Its *?iic- c;isxful u se by nut iiy o f m y fr ie n d s e n title s it to co n fid en ceU rUdendorsc- u ie n t,” HIT FSE Tfii IiWELi GUARANTEED CURE for all bowel troubles, appendicitis, biliousness, bad breath, blood, wind on the stomach, bloated bowels, fcul mouth, beedechc, indigestion, pimplea, pains after eating, liver trouble, sallow skia and dizziness. When ycur bowels don’t move I regularly you are sick. Constipation kil Is more people than all other diseases together., It | starts chronic ailments and long years cf suffering. 'No matter what cils you, start taking - CASCARETS today, for you will never get well and stay well until you get you? bowels right Take our advice, start with Cascarets today under absolute guarantee to core or ! money refunded. The genuine tablet stamped C C C. Never sold in bulk. Sample and I booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York. 503 1 People w ho live a t a rattlin g pace usually have m any loose joints. 2axnsuro?i3o*30ara forUoasiinpfclottsavel my life three years ago.—Sins. Thomas Bob- ciks , Mapla St., Norwich, N.¥., 2?©b. 17, iW ) Sevca of the greatest mountains have never been climbed. Itch cured m 30 minutes by Woolford’a Sanitary Lotion. Kever fails. S oldbyali druggists, |1. H ail orders promptly iiiied by Kr. E. Detchon, Crawfordsville, Ind. Only one man in 700 pays an incomc tax in India. A Tobacco Grower’s Profit is dependent upon a properly bal­ anced fertilizer. No ’ crop is so easily spoiled as tobacco. The fertilizer m ust be Hghti and to be right it m ust contain a t le a s t 10% actual Potash Test it: Snpply one patch with fertilizer - with plenty,of Potash, another vitli little or no potash, nndnote .he results. Every tobiu-co grower should havaour littlo book. "Tobacco Cultaro”—it will bo sent freo—writa ta; GERMAN IUU WORKS, 92 Nassau St., ft. Vn ot Atlanta. Ga.-22J4 Soath Broad St. Crab Orchard WATER Nature’s GreatReinedy — FOR— DYSPEPSIA SSOIC HEADACHE CONSTIPATION Stimulates the Liver, regulates thd Bowels and feeeps the entire system is a healthycondition. A Natural Product with a record of a Cen­ tury. If afflicted try it. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. GRAB ORCHARD WATER CO., IiOUZSYlSXEf KY. You Want the Best COTTON GIN MACHINERY Ask Any Experienssd Biiinsr A b a t PRATT MUNGER EAGLE WINSHIP SMITH We would like to show you What Thousacds of Life Long Customers Say. . Write for catalogue and testi­ monial booklet. Continental Gin Co. Charlotte, N. 0., Atlanta, Ga., Binningliam, Ala., Mem­ phis, Tenn., Dallas, Texas. S a lte r ’s , National Oats Greatest oat of the century. Tletdcd In Ohio 187, In MScb. In Mo. 255, aDd J n i7. Dakota I BK) baa. per acre. .Tou can beat tbat record In 19& Foir iO e a n d t& is n o tice [ wa mail you Aree lots of firm seed \ sample^ aod oar big catalog, tell- I I ingall about this oat wonder and / ' thousands Of other seeds. JOHN A. SALZER SEED CO,,. CT La Crosse,ACL Wis. bo. 5. BIiate UIUFLC ml Cl nM 8KRtS VfHEhE 5X1Etsl I hi«-*. a BobS Goash Byrup. Tastes 3ood. I In time. Sold by dru~~‘ iohn W hite & Co. , LOUfSVfLLE, Kr.Estobtislied 1S3T Etcbest nsftket prk* rMuitr rtf FU R S and HkcIss Woo! os Field Seeds i^Ai'ntn' merchants and fanners can save W to 25 n°r c*rJ- by writing the N&sbviiie Produce rs K h v ilie, Tenn.. for special cash-prices. The onlv strictly cash field seed house in the South. "Write today NASHVILLE PRODUCE CO.» J . J . ODIL, M anager. CURED GIuSS QuScit SeIiefi Removes alTswelling in Stoao days: effects a permanent cure Jusoto todays. W altreatmenl Eivea free. Nothingca a be feire* Write Or. H. H. Cfrean** Sons, SMClaUttfc B M B Atlanta, «& nsrf:»«3«33s3>?lisll II S S iS I IP I Iuif U 1:1 r- 'pIV: ’I i ' ;|t Bji': i j Iii HI Ii :S ' JiV t-i l ft■il) /■ \ Si Il:! . J5 '} ! K i * 1 1I l' i fc I*' i fe pr-6 ' m iI* ; I p i■7) iilvrP' 5. PI Xliii HA VlE KECOKD. £ H . MORRIS, - - EDITOE. M O C K SV IL LE, H . C ., F E B . 2, 1905. EKTESOtB AT THE FOST OTfFICE MOCKSVILLE, N . C ,, AS SECOND CLASS HATTER, MAR, S 1903 Arrival of Trains. M A IL T R A IN . JRorth A r. a t M ocksviU e 9:38 a. m. S outh—A r, a t '* 6.06 p. m . LOfIA I, FTlEfG H T1 K o r t h A r. a t M oeksville 9:28 a m. S o u th ,—A r. a “ 9:28 a . m TH R O U G H T R A IN (D aily an d Sunday) N o rth —A r. a t S locksville I :J3 p m . S outh.— A r. a t 11 3:38 p. m W ocksvilT e P r o d u c c M arlifefc*- C brrecteS 1 'Oy W illiam s & AiBderson P ra S n c e in g o o d d e m a n d . C orn, p e i.b u .................................... .“5 W h e a tr p er bu ................ 1.25 O a ta w e r b u .,,. „ . . . .....................50 iPeas, p e r b u .................................... I-OO B acon p e r p o u n d ..................— -10 fcsacon, W e s t e r n .,,,,..,......................10 W arns..............................................................15 E jrgn................................. p er doa. .20 f lu tte r.................................................. -15 B um m er C hickens..........................07(aj OS G e t U p a C lu b . To>every one who gets up a. club ef S subscribers to The Record for sue year, $2.50, we will KiveThe Becord one year fyee, or if you are a subscriber, will allow you a corn mission of 10 cents on eaoli 50 cents collected. Let onr friends get us up some dubs and help The Rec­ ord as well as themselves. Ih W. Dixon, of Pino, paid us a call last Saturday. M. D. Brown is making an addi­ tion to his livery stable. T. J. Anderson, ot Salisbiiry1Was iu town Saturday e' ening shaking hands with liis frieuds. Many thanks to our friend, Thos. Sipriukle1 of Smith Grove, fora nice string of quail one day hist week. Col. J. Wiley Shook, the Rentle- jnau from Clyde, was a visitor iu ®nr town last week. Mr. E. L Gailheraud daughter. Miss Adelaide, went down to Char­ lo tte I--St week to hear the famous violinist, Paderewsky. J. VV, Bailey will soon begin work «u his store house, which he will erect on the lot purchased of Jas. Wilson. Every Republican who wishes to nteet with and become acquainted with the Republicans from every section of the State should join the Tar Heel Club. Mrs. Thos. McCoy, of Asheville, is in town with her husband who lias been confined to his room for two weeks past with rheumatism. Mr. McCoy is much better. Great was Dianah ol the Ephesi- ana!' But greater is that august body of solons now in session at items from Rowan.I Another Firo.•—;— ' I . Mocksvirle was visited by an- Mr. M. G. M. Fisher is building other destructive fire last Friday. a very nice house in Faith to be occupied by his son Luther. Faith seems to be on a boom. The flag will be raised at Rowan Academy as soon as it gets there. T herB was a considerable lire in Salisbuiy on the 26th. Four houses were burnt down lor Mr. Holms. The loss is estimated at $600 over and above the insurance. Oae of the best engineers was kill­ ed on the train between the river and Spencer on the 28th Suppos­ ed to have been struck by a mail pouch post. We hear that the readers of The Record are well pleased with it; some say “it is a real good paper,” and a few months will pay for more than it cost for a whole year. We fear the cold winds of last week got too near many sweet po- ■ tatoes. Farmers should prepare in the fall for such snaps. A good covering with pine needles and plenty of dirt will ward off all such sudden attacts. Mr., Fraley says ground cannot be too poor for sweet potatoes, pro vided a farrow is drawn and filled with litter and beded on. This way we will get less vines and gras.-*, but more and smoother potatoes. Mr. Charley Lyerly is suffering very much from a lick on the hand from a hammer. It is feared it will result in bone erysipelas. Mr. Boss Tresler has moved away from the place he had rented from Mr. L. L. H. Brown Observer must confess that Plow Boy is ahead of him on the horse tradiug. Such men as Plow Boy refers to might do much better business by getting subscribers for The Rceord. For the good ot your countrymen, see if you can get that m ai to change his occupation. Mr. Adam Earnhart, of near the Hatter shop was trying to control a.fractious mule; the lines were drawn around his neck and the buckle cut it from one side to the other. Fortunateljr it was not deep enough to open the jugular veins or wind pipe. The doctor put in several stiehes and he ;s uow doing iairly well. We hope all readers of The Record will remem­ ber that it is very unwise to plow or haul with the lines over the neck. Rev. Harr, the pastor ot St. Pe­ ter’s pastorate, has moved from the parsonage to the Dr. Coleman bouse. Mr. Jesse KIntz became entang­ led in, or thrown from his wagon and had his leg broken. O b s e h v e e . Mrs. Marshall Clement’s residence with part of its contents was entire­ ly destroyed. A large part of the personal property was saved. The people, both white and black, res­ ponded promptly when the alarm was given, and by hard work res­ cued much of the personal proper­ ty and prevented the spread of the fire. No insurance. We sympa­ thise with Mrs. Clement in this loss of her home in her old age. FIBNDItH SUFFERING. is o ite n caused by seres, u lc ers and cancers, th a t e a t aw ay your skin. W m . B edell, of F la t R ock, M ich., says: I h av e used B u ck len ’s A rn ica S alve fo r ulcers, sores an d ca n cers. I t is th e b est h ea lin g dressing- le v e r found,” S oothes an d h eals cu ts,b u rn s and scalds. 25c, a t S an fo rd ’s drug sto re; g u aran teed . COOLEKUiSlt 1TUMS. Last week was a “red letter” week forCboleemeeand the sad part of it is that blood was the coloring used. On Wednesday the 25th a negro working in the dye-house at­ tacked John Djson a white man, with a hoe and inflicted some very ugly gashes on his head. The ne- ^ro was subsequently arrested and lodged in jail. The following day Rowan Lucky, colored, liviugjust across the river in Rowan, while under the influence of liquor shot and instantly killed his wife. He was arrested an hour later and tak­ en to Salisbury aad lodged in jail. G. C. Patterson made a short visit to his parents in Randolph county a few days ago. Mrs. Carrie Causey left the 3oth uk-for an extended trip to Rich­ mond, Va. Mr. If. B. Martin, who left here about a year ago to work iu a cot­ ton mill at Gainsville, Ga., has re­ turned and taken up his uld job as loom fixer. Mr. Thomas Swicegoocl, of Ten­ nyson, is quite a frequeat visitor in our berg. Mr. T. V. Terrell’s beautiful res­ idence, just across the river,is near­ ing completion. Mr. Thomas F. Howard, who has been iu the mercantile business here for some time, has closed out and moved to Salisbury. H ig k o b y N u t . advance : ccllings . Mr. Paul Cash has begun a writ ing school at the Academy here. He has a very large school, num­ bering some sixty pupils. There was a very enjoyable social gathering at the home of Mr. Jacob Raleigh, voting one day Io abolish Cornatzer last Saturday night. The liquor in one town and the next re- pealingacts incorporating churches #o whiskey can be sold. Great In­ deed ! Mocksville needs a hook and lad­ der company. Let’s organize and get one up, right away. Two big Iii-CS and nothing on hand to even assist in saving the contents of houses and prevent the spread o£ lire when once started. A telegram from Washington on IastSatnrday from the Hon. Spen­ cer Blackburn informs us that Vice- President XfUirbauksrCoumnssioner Terlces and Congressman Dixon, o f Montana, will address the Tar Seel Club at Greensboro, Wednes­ day evening, Feb. 22nd. We hope a large crowd will greet these dis- rtng.ra"sfi.®r. gentlemen. The Club is starting off nicely and we wish it all the success possible. Nothing prensatjag: we will be on hand. T O ITEMS. Mr. Joab Collett visited relatives in H yo sectiou the past ’.veek. Mi88 John Smoot and Miss Annie Eaton were guests in onr vaeiuity Saturday. There will be preaching at Mt. Olive: aext Sunday. Miss Agnes Ratledge spent Sat­ urday night with Miss HattieDixou Misses Minnie and Ida Dixon and J. H. White were visitors the past week. Miss Versie Craver spent Satur­ d a y night with Miss Mand Essie. The beautiful suow flakes have •visited our homes once more. __________________E l d o r a d o . DUTCH CKBEK NEWS. Mr. Joseph Lentz accidentally «ut his foot with an ax the other *lay. Miss Emma Lentz visited her brother, Ariau> Lentz, near Cramer last Saturday night. Mrs. Roxie File had a quiltin’ yesterday; Patsy had the pleasure of being theie. !Bttsy thinks she can report a -Redding soon. Miss Gracie Monroe visited Mrs. Lucy Phillips Friday and Satur­ days night. There was a frolic near Dutch. Croek Saturday night. Patsythinks that if the boys and girls of the . community would read their Bi- Iiles more there would be fewer frolics. There wiil be a debate at Liberty school house next Friday night. Therewas a spelling at Kesler cehool house the other Friday sight. P a t s y . M iss'A defeide G a ith e r’s m usic p u p ils!KlM iriw a Iiprttal rtf +Ho V»»i_ • _ A Card of TBanks. M r. E d ito r:—-P lease allow -m e th ro j yo u r p ap e r, iu m y ow n n am e an d in th e n am e o f M rs, M arsh all C lem ent, an d h e r fam ily , to th a n k a ll o f uu r frie n d s—b o th w hite an d colored—who so kindly helped us d u rin g th e fire on F rid ay an d to express to a ll o ur sin­ c e re a p p re c ia tio n of th e ir sy m p ath y an d kind w ords an d deeds d u rin g and since th e fire. V ery resp ectfu lly , E . L . G A IT H E R . B e a u tifu l eyes an d handsom e fa e e a re eloquent com m endatiions. B rig h t eyes a re w indow s to a w om an’s h e a rt. H o lliste r’s R ocky m o u n tain T e a m akes b rig h t eyes. 35c. T e a o r T a b ­ le ts, S a n fo rd ’s d ru g sto re. A TOUCHING S fORY. is th e sav in g fro m d e a th of th e baby g ill of G eo. A . E yler, C um berland1M d H e w rites: “ A t th e a g e of I l m onths o u r little g irl w as in d eclin in g h ea lth , w ith serious th r o a t tro u b le an d tw o physicians g av e h e r up. W e we-ie a l­ m ost in d esp air, w hen we reso lv ed to tr y D r.'K in g ’sN ew D iscovery forC on- su m ption coughs and colds, T h e first b o ttle g av e re lie f; a f te r ta k in g fo u r b o ttles sh e w as cu red an d is now in p e rfe c t h e a lth .:’ N ev er fa ils to re ­ liev e an d eu re a cough or cold: a t S an ­ fo rd ’s d ru g s to re , 50c a n d $1 OO g u a r­ a n te e d . T ria l b o ttle fre e . r tiiD ic js akouskd . T h e public is aroused to a know l­ edge of th e c u ra tiv : m tirits of th a t g re a t m edicinal to n ic. E le c tric B it­ te rs, fo r sick stom ach, liv e r an d kid­ neys. M ary H . W a lters of 516 S t.C la ir A ve., C olum bus, O hio, w rites: -‘F o r se v e ra l m onths I w as g iv e n up to die. I h ad fe v e r an d ag u e, m y nerv es w ere w recked; I could n o t sleep, an d my sto m a ch w as so w eak fro m useless d o cto rs’ d ru g s th a t I could n o t e a t. Soon a fte r B eginning to ta k e E le c tric B itte rs I o b ta in ed re tie r, au d in a sh o rt tim e I w as e n tire ly c u re d .’ G u a ra n te e d a t S an fo rd ’s d ru g sto e price 50c. young- people enjoyed themselves hugely, Last Thursday night an aprou party was given at the home of W. ('all, by IItss Sallie Foster Mi. Lewis Markland received the prize, a nice cake, and your correspon­ dent received the booby prize, six big, fat onions; ha, ha. There was preaching at the Bap list church the 4th Sunday by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Martin. He took as bis subject : “Conscience, Rec ord, God,” and handl d it in quite an interesting way. Saturday night at the Academy, Roselln, a Geinnn Black Artist, gave an exhibition ol his skill. It was enjoyed very much by all pres­ ent. Mr. E. H. Morris, editor of The Record, spent Sunday night at the home cf Mr. W . A. Bailey. Kevenue agents Stancefand Tay­ lor, after spending quite a spell in onr midst, have taken their de­ parture. For the pa=t week Dr. Watkins has been suffering with la grippe, He has been unable to secure a physician until Satnrday morning when Dr. Jacob Jones called on Dr. Watkins, After making a care­ ful examination, as all good phys­ icians should do, Dr. Jones pre­ scribed as fallows: “Take a brok­ en dose of nnx vomica and grease good with sweet oil and yen'll be out by Sunday.” Sweet oil is a great favorite with Dr. Jones, and he doesu’t hesitate to prescribe it for his patients; it makes no differ­ ence what the malady is. He says if it does no good it will be sure to do no barm. J, KUftFKKS DEWS. Jake S. Brown of near Mocksville spent Saturday -night in our berg. Sam Dwiggins who' has been holding a position with the Coo- leemee cotton mill, is at. home now on account of a severe attact of la grippe. Petier Stonestreet visited his un­ cle at. Germanton1 recently. B. A. Dwiggins spent last Sun day with relatives near Center. Misses Daisie and 'Mary Tamer spent Saturday in MoeksVilfe, vis­ iting, relatives. D. C. Kurfees went to Mocks- ville on business last Saturday. ■■ - Miss Bertha Kellar spent Satur­ day night with Mrs. Marykurfees. Bill Jones of Minnesota passed through onr berg recently en route to bis home near Kappa. OJ- B. Whitley has purchased a new mule. , __ Hurrahfor “Orange Blossom.” w ill g iv e a R e c ita l a t th e S tudio, i ’r i - ; C om e a g a in . W e a re a lw a y s p leas- ia y evening, F eb. 3 rd ,.1905, a t 7:30; £(-, h e a r fro m y o u ’, o clock. A dm ission: adults, Iii cen ts; ch ild re n 10 cents.P a n s y / i S ^ IC X N ir ThiB great stock medicine ia money saver for stock raisers. It is a medicine,' not a cheap food or condition powder. Though put up in coarser form than Thedford’s Black-Draught, reno^vned for the cure of the digestion troubl.es of persons, it has the same qualities of invigorating digestion, stirring up the torpid liver and loosening the constipated bowels for all stock and poultry. It is carefully pre­ pared and its action is so healthful th at stock grow and thrive w ith an occasional dose in their food. It 'Cures hog cholera and makes hogs grow fat. It cures chicken cholera and roup and makes hens lay. It cures constipation, distemper and colds in horses, m urrain in cattle, and makes a draught anim al do more work for the food consumed. I t gives animals and fowls of all kinds new life. Every farm er and raiser should certainly give it trial. It costs 25c. a can and saves tea times its price in profit. Pxttsbukq , Eas., Marcli 25,3904. I have been using your Blaclc-Draaght Stock and Ponltry Mcdicinc on my stock for some time. I have used au kinds of stock 'food but I have found that yours Is the best for my purpose. J. 8. HA68Q& Bryan, the great defeated, creat­ ed a sensation while in Washinton, recently. If Bryan can’t be spec­ tacular he isn ’t anything. The old silver Democrats*' whoop him up and made “reorganizers” feel lone­ some. It is no longer “re-organi­ zer”—tbey’v gone away back with their leader, Parker, the “safe and sane” and sat down. It’s Bryan’s ‘•rehabilitationism” that stirs the pot now, and he had the gall to call on President Roosevelt, and he came forth wreathed in smiles— but what the President thought would be edifying to know; he probably smiled too. IN TH E MEBRX SPRINGTIME. In th e m erry sp rin g tim e th e festiv e m a la ria m icrobe, g o etli fo rth d e te r­ m ined to colonize ev ery h am an o rg an ­ ism . If th is a rc h foe h a s in v a d ed y o u r system allow us t i su g g est R ydales T onic. T h is rem edy fre e s th e blood from m a la ria m icrobes, elim in ates poisonous m a tte r Irom th e system , stre u g th ^ n s th e n erv es an d re sto re s ro b u st H ealth. R ydalcs T onic is guar- te ed , a t S anfords d ru g sto re. PECUt-IAB DISAPPEARANCE; J . D R unyan, o f B u tlerv ille, O ,laid th e p e c u lia r d isa p p e a ra n c e o f his p ain fu l sym ptom s o t in d ig estio n an d billiousness to D r. K in g ’s N ew L ife P ills. H e says: “T hey a re a p e rfe c t rem edy fo r dizziness, so u r stom ach, h ead ach e, co n stip atio n , e tc , G u ar­ a n te e d a t S an fo rd ’s d ru g s to re : p ric e 25 cen ts. Marion voted some time ago in favor of saloons aud theexhilerating beverage has trickled down the red lane guzzles of the denizens of that enterprising town ever since, re­ ally eojoying what they tbonghr was self-government, but the Dem­ ocratic iegi-latnre steps in aud wipes the whole thing out without leave or license and the voice of the people is nil. The latest,comes nea-er home—the crazi struct Ad­ vance last week, and red liquor and mountain dew will cheer the drooping spirits of our good neigh­ bors no more. FARMINGTON NEWS. The two boys who went into Yad­ kin Valley church aud carried out four benches, tbe Bible, tbe song books, and left the books on the table on the ontside, aud iiilled the gl:-.ss(which the preacher uses for drinking water) full of liquor, should be severely punished. They' also went further up the road to a school house and carried out the stove to the road and made a fire in it and left it there. This doesn’t look like Christian America, “The land of the free and the home of the brave.” Fate Houser and young Blueba- ker are to be tried next Saturday for rocking the school teacher at Jnmestow u, S u b R o s a . Anolent an BIoddra a<lvlce about how to acquire WeaLth. T h e a n c ie n t sag es’ “su re ro ad to w e a lth ” “ be te m p e ra te in a ll th in g s, be eco n o m ical.alw ay s.” M odern life w ith its “ ru sh m eth o d s” in bus ness req u ire s th a t “ k ee p h e a lth y ” be ad ­ ded to th e old ad ag e. E verybody know n how to be te m ­ p e ra te an d "most peo p le how to be eco­ nom ical, b u t few know to k ee p p e r­ fe c tly h ea lth y . O v er-eatin g , irre g u la r habifs, n e g le c t e tc .,fe ra n g e th e stom - ach e, liv e r an d bow els, ca u sin g in d i­ g estio n . to p id liv er, co n stirp alio n ,etc. R y d ales T a b lets a re n a tu re ’s b est ally w hen such con d itio n s ex ist. T h e sto m a ch T a b lets w ill d ig e st y o u r food s tre n g th e n your d ig e stiv e o rg an s an d cu re your in d ig estio n . • T he liv e r ta b le ts w ill aro u se y o n r liv er, stim u h ite your bow els an d esta b ­ lish a re g u la r, h e a lth y , h a b it. R y- d ales T a b lets in su re good h e a lth . A t S an fo rd ’s d ru g sto re. Thb R e c o r d and jne year 75 cents. Toledo Blade V e ry L o w R o u n d T r ip R a te s WATCH THIS SPACE FOR ' NEXT ANNOUNCEMENT. Very truly, WILLIAMS f ANDERSON, * & & * * & 4* ■** **** *** &*** 4* 4* *§► ■4** IR exrxe m b e r . P T. BAITY, At the “RED FRONT” Has just received a big line of MEN S and BOYS’ . . . J He makes a specialy of LADIES' FINE DBESS GOODS Of which be has received a Nice Line. Be sure to call and get- nri.ces before ; on buy. Yours to Serve J. T. BAITY. * ** * ** * *** ** ** % $ * ** * * * Tt m akes no difference how m any m edicines h a v e fa ile d u> cu re you, if you a re tro u b led w ith h ead ach e, coa s tip itio n . kid n ey o r liv e r trouble*). H ot is te r’d R ocky M ountain T e a w ill m ak e you w ell. * A t S an fo rd ’s d ru g sto re. BANK DAVIE STATE DEPOSITORY. Authorized Capital - - $50,OGC PaidUpC apital - $10,000 Surplus Fund - - - - $1000 Depositi Solicited. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TC COLLECTIONS. T. J Byeriy1 W . A Ballej C a sh ie i. P re sid e n t. KMPPER PEARS, THE GREAT MONEY MAKER; MAGNUM BONUM 4* APPLESr* Best Pall Apple in Cultivation. These together with a large surplus of other Fear, Appl<*, Peaoh, Plum,. Nut*, Grape Viues, Shade and OrnaoientaI Treest Flgs aad Btapberrles to close out winter and Spring 1905 at a reduced price. Address. . JOQNAYOUNGf Greenst>ordvN; G. : Onr li^tie neighbor, Advance, got it iu the neck the other day iu the legislature; all kinds of naugh­ ty, mean, horrid things were Paid about the town and the people— that is some of them, and especial­ ly the mayor. A minister in a let­ ter to Bro. Scales (we believe) said the “town was a hell on earth,” and the Senate forthwith wiped seven distilleries ont of that town and uow logically speaking the town is tj become a “Heaven on earth.” COLD WAVlS COal.SG. I f you h av e R y d ales E’ix ir in th e house w hen s cold w ave is com ing,you >ou need n o t fe a r a tta c k s of B ron­ ch itis, P n eu m o n ia, C ough Colds, etc. R y d ales E lix ir ta k e n w hen 'a tta c k b e ? i'S n e v e r fa ils to ch eck th e prog­ ress of th e d isease I t is eq ally suc­ cessful in ch ro n ic o r t h r o a t ' and iung disease. Sold by C . C. S m fo rd , d ru g ­ g ist. — TO— Washington, D. C., ACCOUNT PRESIDENTIAL , - INAUG-UR ATI ON, JOt z s t c m 4 S 1 & Q 4 , RULlV IY, will sell tickets on March 2nd and 3rd.at extremely low raff's to Wasli- ii g or, D. O., aud return,with final return limit Marcn 8th, 1005; bow- ever, an extension of final return limit may be proem ed to JIarch 18th. 1905, by deposit of ticket with Joint Validatiug Agent at Wasbingto prior to 8 o’clock P. Mi March 8th, aud payment of ONIfi DOLLAR. SPECIAL, INDCCEM i NTS TO MII.ITA KY COlICAMtSS AND BtCASS BANOS IN lISlT O Iill. P o r d e ta ile d in fo rm atio n a s to K ates, S chedules, S ieeo iu g C ar A ccom o­ d atio n s, etc , A sk th e A g en t, or IS. L.. VERNO V, T. P. A., ChKrlottP, N. C. J. n . WOOD, D P. A , Asheville, N. C . S. H. HAKD W1CE. P iioh. Traffic ManAgert tV. II. TAYLOEt GeufI Pa»8te»ger Agent, WASHINGTON, D. C. NOTK'Ii. HA V IN G qualified as a d m in istra to r of R U FU S G LA SSCO CK , de­ ceased , n o tice is h ereb y g iv e n to all p a rtie s holding claim s a g a iu s t said e s ta te to p re se n t th e m fo r p ay m eh on o r b efo re th e 30th d ay o f N ovem ­ ber, 1D05, or th is n o tice w ill be pled in b a r o f th e ir reco v e ry . AU persons in d eb ted to said e s ta te a re req u ested to m ak e im m ed iate p ay m en t. T his th e 30th d ay o f ifovem ber. 1904. T H O S. N . C H A F F IN , A dm ’r. T . B . B a il e y , A tt’y. NOTICE, HA V IN G qualified as ad m in istra to r o f A. A . T A T E , deceased, a ll p er­ sons ow ing said deceased a re hereby notified to m ak e im m ed iate p ay m en t o f s a m e ; a n d a ll persons holding an y claim s a g a in s t said deceased w ill p re­ s e n t th e m to th e u n d ersigned w ithin one y e a r o f d a te hereof, o r th is notice w ill be p lead in b a r o f p ay m en t. ; T his N ov. 22.1904. ' E . H . M O K R fS1 A dm ’r of A . A . T a te . E L . G a it h e r , A tt’y. Dr Bobt Anderson DENTIST, Office over Bank of Davie. T0M B 8T0IK 8. If you need anything like Tombstones Tab lets or Monuments call on CLAUDE MJLLElt. North' Wilkesboi o, N. C. NOTICE. S ta te o f N o rth C arolina ) C om m r’s C o n n ty o f D avie, f J a n 2,1905 N o tic e is h ereb y g iv en th a t N o rth C aro lin a M idland R ailro ad Bonds,N os. 34, 35 an d 36 m u st be p resen ted fo r p a y m e n t on o r b efo re A p ril 3, 1905. T h e in te re s t w ill cease on said Bonds a t th e ex p iratio n o f said tim e. B y o rd er of th e B o ard o f Com m is­ sioners of D avie county, N . G. • J . P. M OORE,. • T his J a n . 2.1905. . C lerk B oarJ.' Notice of Sale. B y v irtu e of a m o rtg a g e ex e cu ted to th e u n d ersigned by S q u ire P h elp s an d J . M . P h elp s, O ct. 18th, 1895, v hich said m o rtg ag e is recorded in B ook te n , p a g e 101, in R e g iste r’s of­ fice o f D av ie co u n ty , N . C , I w ill sell Sublicly fo r cash to th e h ig h e st bid- tr ,a t th e C o u rt H ouse door, in M ocks, ville, N . C., on M O N D A Y , th e 6th D A Y o f P E S ., J905, th e follow ing lan d s s itu a te in said co u n ty an d S ta te , to-w it: a lo t in th e v illia g e o f A dvance, D avie co u n ty , N . C. b ein g lo t N o. fi, in th e division o f lan d s of A aro n S m ith .-d ece ase d , am ong h is h eirs, reco rd ed in th e R e g ­ is te r’s office o f D avie co u n ty . N. C., an d bounded as follow s, to-w it: B eg in ­ n in g a t a sto n e c o rn er of lo t iso. 5; th e n c e S. 86 d eg rees, E- 14.60 ch ain s to a sto n e c o rn er o f lo t N o. 5, th e n ce N . 1.75 ch a in s to a sto n e in S m ith- d e a l’s lin e , th e n c e N , 86 degrees, W . 14.60 ch ain s to a stone' on th e public ro ad , th e n c e S. l.T lachains, to th e be­ g in n in g c o n tain in g 2+ acres', m ore o r less. rIh is la n d isso ld to sa tisfy th e B ond m en tio n ed in said m o rtg ag e. T h is3 0 th D ecem ber. 1904. W . A . B A IL E Y . M o rtg ag e e. B y T . B . Bailey , A tto rn e y . •__________________it-1 WE DO NOT USE DECOYS I TO SELL A CUSTOMER FURNITURE, STOVES OR CARPETS,; but let the QUALlTlr ol onr goods entice the trade. THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY TO SELECT FliOM. : A visit when in Winston is all we ask: H iM ey-H M octton Co- OLD DAVIE COUNTY. Old Davie knows who to trade with. They have always given ns their support and trade, and we more than appreciate it all, and no« we submit a few of tbe many good Bargains we have foi all. 75c MANILLA CANE-SEAT CHAIES FO R .. $3.50 ROCKERS FOB ONLY ...................................... $6.00 DltESSER OR BUREAU FOR .................... $10.00 “ “ “ “ ? U ,5 3 “ •< “ 50c. $2.75 $5.00 $7.50 $9.50 W e sell the Garland Cook Stoves and Ranges—the best that money can buy—and the price is from $9.50 to $45.00. See us before you buy, if yon wish to save money. Rominger & Criin PnrnisWng Co., 4 3 6 M a in S t., fr°nt °f Brown’s Warehouse, W inston , N.C. Noticc of Sale. B y v irtu e o f a m o rtg a re e x e ru te d to th e u n d ersigned by Jo h n K e rr and W ifejA dtineK errj Ju n e 1st 1888,w hich said m o rtg ag e is recorded in B ook N o. 2, p a g e 113 in R e g iste r’s office of D a­ vie county, N. C., I w ill sell publicly fo r ca sh to th e h ig h e st bidder, a t th e C o u rt H ouse door, in M ocksville, on M O N D AY , th e 6th D A Y o f F F B ,, 1905, th e follow ing re a l e s ta te s itu a te in said county, N . ft,, to-w it: A lo tin th e tow n of M ocksville, b eg in n in g on E a st s tre e t, th e n ce w ith said s tre e t 100 fe e t to a sto n e, th e n c e N o rth 190 fe e t to a sto n e in M a rth a C a rte r’s lot. th e n c e W e st to a sto n e in M arsh all C le m en t’s lo t 100 fe e t, th e n ce S o u th 190 f e e t to th e beg in n in g , c o n tain in g th re e -fo u rth ’s a c re , m ore o r less. T his -land w ill be sold to sa tisfy th e n o te m entioned in said m o rtg ag e. T his 30th D ecem ber, 1904. • .- - VvW - A. B A IL fiY , M o rtg ag ee. B y. T . BV B a il e y ,-A tto rn e y , - " j*NBIS JpELRf SrIOKK. I have opened a Shop in in the Weant Build­ ing and will be glad to repair your Watches, Clocks, and’Jewelry. . . EVERY SOllTHEBN FARMER SHOULD RRATl TME £ 0 P 1 !P 1 ^ jS.6BICU Ii,FU R B '| P U BLISHFD AT NASHVILLE, TENN., Because it is edited by Southern men to suit Southern conditions. Iu every issue such men as Maj. Thos. J. Key, former Assistant Commissioner of Agriculture of Alabama, and Andrew M. Soule, Director of the Virginia Experiment Station, answer Questions whicli are put to them by intelligent Southern farmers. Every issue is like a big farmers experience meeting, and is woitb twice the cost of a w id e year’s subscription. Twice a month the Southern Agrieultnrist goes to 50,000 Southern farm homes. Don’t you want to join onr big happy family T If no, send 50 cents for a year’s subscription. Yon will never regret it. SOUTHERN AGRICULTURIST, NASHVILLE, TEJTK.” AGEKTS WAKTKD-We (In IiaitdHiroe premium, and Hhmi ,.,mrall-Slons to active H you want to work OS, ask for J \ £Dishes and other Mrfol Presoni^ for S j ,Caith CoutmlSDlons. for the bo j s. FEBE to the Readers t h e b a v l e c o u n t y record . For a short time we will give to every new or renewjW wbscriber to our paper a year’s snbsmptiof, to the Southern AgricnltnriM, ab- ^ b r X . ^ 80bSCribe and t a l c e K g e V t h i . th4f S a ^ e aS n t a sVnnrilT v pay a fuU ^ear in advance and get aluaPle Presen*- Tour leading county saner and tbe leading Southern farm paper,- both for the price of one ^his proposition will u.0t be held open iudefiinitety, so hnrry np. B C0pies f MORRIS, Editorof Tlie Davie Record. copies of the Southern Agriculturistcan be had at this ofme- 'fhe “ negro Ii lature are sure t t„ry m easu re^ Strike while that’s what tbe doing. Better I might put some Beware of Ioi short haired « What a swell j his staff will ha ingtripto PineI and di iietl at tli I Jbit the tax-pa ill. _______ A thousand <1 I in thP State will I ,State’s reveniH What property legislature gets I down, must be I the deficit, aud If the Democ lprohibitiou and I do they not subi [ voters of the Iouly manly, Jior Ijust way to dea JAie they afraid The accounts Jlietween l’resid land the South Jot the two race Jof ihe Ameaica Ilieve a word of ldcinogogical pol Isay. Time, th« !President Rcos !naught snch ins 2 T he D ayie R ecord MOCKSVILLE, N . Oi , THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1805.NO. 32. RECORD - EDITOR. su b sc r ip t io n ' One Y tiar1Ooe WW1 .six Months.Ouet0PJ' b‘-' 50 c e n t 25 "V o c l l b K A IS K B S=, (Viend who will get up W l i « subscribers IoT h k ‘ -,KD-U 30 cents each, we will 1I THF KEt-OKH oue year free, or H 1Ve4Ubst-Hbers you can keep 50 for i K(i,-(l us $2.00. Let our f ”’1dstrv this and help increase done? playei Tlic “mgro haters” in the legis- y U me sure to kill the reforma- IIiry "'Kisure- Strike while the iron is hot— .I1It-S wlii.t the prohibitionist are .,1« IIeUer be careful, a- spark put some body’s eye out. cd the devil generally. Advance Bill Postponed. The House committee on liquor traffic had a large audience and many speeches for the Senate hill forprohibition at Advancef DaTie county. Representative Grant, of Davie, opposed action, and Victor Boydeu, an attorney representing the opponents seemed postpone­ ment until W . A. Bailey, largely interested in investments at A d­ vance, who was sick ,could be heard in opposition to the bill. The mat­ ter was left open until Tuesday, February 14th .- Col. Olds in Charlotte Observer. There is a slight halt in liquor legislation—that is, these drastic measuies that sweep everything before them vrithout deliberation or due considers tion. The Seuate last week jumped upon Advance as if it were debauched to the lowest de­ gree, and everybody, to a preacher of the gospel characterised the town a “ hell on earth”—which had its effect, and of cour.se the bill pass­ ed. But these leading fanatics are over-reaching themselves, and it is not surprising that the more kslike the prohibition wing conservative in the legislalurebe- ( [twUenwrriitie party was swip- jcome alarmed at such “ wild-ejed” in!?lip everything iu sight and leaving Hiss Democracy to “ chaw the :l B eoreof long haired men and short liturcd « o in ? n -they are fa- ,,atic-s or tranks of some kind, and ,bey abound in the prohibition camp. \s to temperance and the liquor lnuiness in this State the legisla­ ture is the whole thing—the Watts law or any other law, or the peo­ ple be damned—and that’s not pro­ fanity, either. What a swell tim e Gov. Bob a n d Iiis stalf will have on th a t ju n k e t­ ing trip to P inehnrst to b e w in ed mill dined at the sw ell h o te l th e re . Bnt the tax payers w ill fo o t the bill. ________________ A tliimsiiid (iijulleiii-s d e stro y e d in thf State will m ake a h o le iu th e Nate's revenue hill, s u re p o p . Wlmt property is left, a lte r th e legislature gets U n-ough te a rin g ilmni, must be taxed to m a k e u p Ihedeficit, and it w ill com e h ig h . If the I’em,KTatii- party favors prohibition and insists upon it, why ilo they not submit the question to vdters of the State That is the only manly, honorable, patriotic,or jiift way to deal with this question. Aie theyafraiil of the people! Theareiiunts ought to be closed between President Itoiisevelt and and IhcSiiiilh as to the admixture ol the two races. The great body of the American people don’t be­ lieve a word nf what the ranting, dcuiogogical politicians of theSouth say. Time, ihe grace of God and President Reoscvelt have set to naught siieli insane gibberish. % the way, when the legislature tots through destroying property Md businesses that yield a large portion of the State’s revenue, lfIicre is the money to come from to pay increased salaries; *97,000 iu- CHSiBe of pensions: !1OO1OOO for the StsteUniversity; the huudreds of llioasandsof dollars for our charit­ able institutions and other iustitu- linns; fur monuments, salaries of aaemPloyed employees (political Perqnisitcs) and the myriads of of- holders at princely salaries aud too thousand and one avenues down "Web money, galore, must pass ontofthe hands ol the treasurer— auliroPtcy as sure as fate! On thclirstday of the legislature introduced a “retrenchment” " cutting the number of pa- ®i tjpewriter8) and laborers that a got on Ihe pay-roll. A great uutlSh was made aud everybody ti t>^*u f'*1’ it; eloquent “ora- ons I were pronounced in favor retrenchment aud reform” and " tobtSin nght there, in that w at JJ (m legislation We believe in the voice -of the people. We believe iu local op­ tion, so called; that is, every com­ munity deciding the liquor ques­ tion to swit that community. Des­ troy that principle and you tear down the structure builded by the fore-fathers—the rock of liberty; hence, we are opposed to the legis­ lature enacting drastic and unpa- friotic measures, without first sub­ mitting them to the people. The violence with which the pro­ hibitionists push this kind of leg­ islation is as certaiu to cause a re action as that the sun shine. A fa- naticim that once gets hold of the people leads them often to ex- ti ernes, be that temperance prohi­ bition, anarchy, socialism, labor- uuious, trusts, or anything that lias for its object the beuetit of a class, opposed, to the good of the massts. Some one in the IIoase, the other day said the members --Democratic IiieiiiD ers; were elected on the pro­ hibition questiou and that it was their duty to euact all the prohi­ bition legislation they could. Ed­ itor Bailey of the Biblical Recorder says that Uov. Gleun was nominat­ ed by the temperance element and owes his position to the temperance people, aud because tne Governor is a “m ile” lukewarm on the ques­ tion Editor Bailey lashes him with his Biblical whip. This halt, just now, means some thing; the extremists are driving at a break neck speed, and it |is rule or rniu with them. WhAt this check means time aloue will tell, for it is hard to halt a" craze to get results until it. has ruu to the end of its tether, and then there is sure to be a reaction and a reversal. It has been the case in almost every Statein the Union. South Caro­ lina is making war on the dispen­ saries of that State because it has become a great evil—it is doomed, and Tillman’s power is breaking up, and we 3,11 know how the craza boomed for awhile —just so long as the people were fooled,—such ex­ treme measures to accomplish a good over-ride the rights of men and trample upou individual lib­ erty and retard the general welfare of the commonwealth. Legislation, where it does not in­ fringe upon these, anil arbitrarily, or by force of might, enact laws, drastic and unpatriotic, should take such action as is the will of the people. If prohibition is the desire of the majority of the people of the State, submit the question to a vote and let’s wipe the stnff out o f the State, and have done with jt. Thelegislature has no right to force laws upon the people they are opposed to: it has no right to force laws upon the people not kuowing what they (the people) want. This little-borrough or that little ham­ let or some great city may desire prohibition and, given a fair and lawful chance, let them say so by the voice of the people, the safe­ guard against fanatics or tyrants. So, we look upon this temperance craze by arbitrary legislations, like all other crusades, as resultant in some gpo4—^that is, I hut part that lives; but regard them short-lived, because of their extremes and vi­ olence, and their unseeming regard for the rights oi man. LOBBY I SG. Erlitor W . K. Clement, of the Davie Times, Mocksville. returned to his home yesterday afternoon af­ ter spending several days among the members of the legislature in thp interest of the bill to provide prohibition for the town of Ad­ vance.* *Rev. W. M. Cur­ tis, pastor of the Methodist church at Advance, who has been here for sever.il days lobbying in thp inter­ est of the Advance prohibition bill left yesterday afternoon for his home. He went to Chapel Hill for a day or two. He will return to Raleigh for the hearing Feb. 14th, Raleigh Post. There you are, preacher and pol itician, playing the sariie game, The preacher looking after politi­ cal class legislation. Col. Clement admitted last, week, before the leg­ islative committee that his object was moral and political—guess the preacher is in th j same boat—as they vote the same kind of tickets. We think thepreaclier is out of his place, stirring up strife among his parishioners iustead of pouring oil on the troubled waters. He might lead some of these men to quit the whiskey business, but drive them, uever! Whenever the preachers of our country get down on the level with the politician the cause for which they are called suffers. In our opinion the gentleman is out of his place, but he is his own judge in this matter. The Tar Heel Club’s banquet at Greensboro on the 22nd, bids fair to be a great success. Arrange­ ments have been made Mith the Beubow for entertaining 300 gnests. Tjet’sgive Vice President Fairbanks and the other distinguished visi­ tors a i cgular old Korth Carolina welcome. aillPle UMnfa*'0 famUy’ as au ex' Sitv it ° I , rc Kenerations. We hailSravcK l ^t a Cl,nlmittee *Wlthi», , -'cIllisllIercd the matter uWleiriKi ? 11 tu the discretion of A11 "0. have seen Kmiti1 ° Wan **3’ ^ e name of sOmeiead S an^ion or uephew of Iiai1 Carolinian; who ^raushf ® .8"lue notoriety, and 1081 bis iob T h °f tb ? S ta le - ,Jadand total ’f .r**allsabputthesuin no. Th. I! at retren ch m e n t Iias- vjij, JIJ1? I51' 1* hold dow n th e ir 118 nothing to do. What has the legislature done? Introduced a thousand and more, perhaps, bills, resolutions, amend­ ments, memorials, etc., and“cliaw- eil” over the whiskey question to the cost of the tax payers many thousands of dollars, aud wasted a cart- load of fool’s-cap paper; writ­ ing amendments to the Watts law; amendments to the constitntion, to take away the rights of the colored people; reformatory measures ga­ lore. and talked about appropri­ ations; Gov. Bob'ssalary, the Jud­ ges increase;of erecting monuments; building State houses and monkey­ ing with the unemployed employ­ ees who continue to draw their pay as religiously as they did before anything was said about retrench­ ment; pensions, the hobby of every legislator, politician aud officeseek- er; bicycle riding on sidewalks in scrub towns and all about hogs sleeping under churches where the fleas had a cheerful habit of runn­ ing up the legs of the Dominie and getting close to his spinal column where he could’t scratch—and these are but a few of the things which' the people are paying over a thou­ sand dollars g. day for. Some of the more insignificant bills and res­ olutions have passed the rubieon, bnt with the exception of pass­ ing prohibition measures and des­ troying property contrary to the letter and spirit of the Watts law, we fail to discover anything of importance. We presume when they get all this conglomerated mass of buncombe, etc., completed they will b«»cM t and oinimbus it through—every man for himself and the devil lor the hindmost. There seems to be a drop in the liquor legislation, in the past few days. The ^wiping out process” lately adopted by the legislature and which struck Advance, in this county last week by the Senate i with brass-hand fringes, is held up j in the House for the present. Ward’s bill to amend the Wqtts law, regulating the sale of liquor j in North Carolina, met with stern; opposition in tbe House W ednes-: day and action was postponed tin- j til the 14th inst. There was a de-1 termined effort to have the bill act-! ed upon at once— force it through;' but there were men there who were on tbe “ inside” of politics and a, little on the outside of fanaticism, i and they sat down on it, tempora-' rily. It looks as if the prohibition par­ ty was getting bigger Uian the Democracy. It would not surprise us if this “ rock” isn’t the one that is to split the Democratic party in twain. Tbe fanatics are over-reach­ ing themselves and the Democratic machine politicians are sniffling tbe air and they smell spmethiug be­ sides sow-paw apd mash-tuts. A TOUCHING SfO R Y . is tb e saving- fro m d e a th of th e baby Sfirl of G eo. A . E y ler, C um berlandlM d H e w rites: “ A t th e a g e of I l m onths o u r little g irl w as in declin in g -h ealth , -with serio u s th r o a t tro u b le a n d tw o phy sician s g a v e h e r u p. W e w eJe a l­ m ost in d esp air, w hen we reso lv ed to tr y D r. King-’s N ew D iscovery fo r Con­ su m p tio n coughs aud colds, T h e first b o ttle g av e re lie f; a f te r ta k in g fo u r b o ttle s she w as cu red an d i-s now in p e rfe c t h e a lth .” N ev er fa ils to re ­ liev e a n d e u re a cou g h o r cold; a t S an ­ fo rd 's d ru g sto re, 50c an d $1 00 g u a r­ a n te e d . T ria l b o ttle fre e . THIS IS NOT A PUZZLE. i n w w £<-■KUR FEES " &P IT MERELY TELLS YOU, by readiug np and down, or straight aeross the name of the PAINT TO U5E IN PAINTING YOUE house from top to bottom, both sides and ends; any color you desire. I am pleased to tell you I have just put in the largest stock of PAINT I have ever carried. A complete line of HOUSE, ROOF, FLOOR, CARRIAGE AND WAGON PAINT; VARNISH. STAINS, FLOOR AND FURNITURE FINISH—tbe very finest,ENAMhLS,&c. In fact, almost anything you want in the Paint line. Write me for Color Card or any information yon may desire. I also carry a line of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, and aui very thankful to my -many cus­ tomers for the success I have had. Kindly asking a continuance of vonr patronage, I am yours for business. J LEEKURFEES. R. F. D. No, I. Mocksville, N. C. ANDREWS’^ Business Metiiods Ior Twenty-IiYe Years IIAYK BKIiN SUCH AS APPEAL TO BUYERS OF HIGH GRAPE FURNITURE, P I A N O S , -A-ItTID C A R P l i T s . KILLthe COUGH AND C U R E THg LUNCS WITH Dr. King’s New Discovery ___ C o n s u m p tio nFOR Qwcfand PiiM 50c & $1-0.0 Frae TruJ. Surest and QlUickest Cure for all THBOAT and LUjtTO TROUB­LES, or MONEY BACK. D uring th© T ea? 1305. W e shall try harder than ever to , Merit voui- confidence*aud liberal Patronage. A LWAYS LOWEST TRICES consistent with qnality. ^ E.M. ANDREWS.Greensboro, N- C. Think a Little. The Record is only 50 cents a 3 ear and it coBts us over $40 , month cash to get out the paper- and unless those who take tbe pa per pay us we will not be able to keep it going. Send us what yon owe. or bring it to us. Don’t wait for us to send you a statement ior the small amount you owe. We need it n^w. HOLLISTER'S Roqky Woiintain Tea Nuggefs Jk Bosy Mediolce for Busy People. Bfinga Qoldni Health aaft Reaewsd 7igo*. ' A Specific fr,- Constipation, Ititligesfcloti 1 IJvi ftnd Ktdoey Troubles Pimples/Eczema, Impir Blood, BatI Breath, Siuffg’sH Bowels, He.idae'1 and Backache. It’s Itocky Mountain Tea in ta let form, 9$ c*nta a 0<>niiiue made tHoLUgTgB Dnuo CoupisY, Miwftoon, Wi*.- QOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEGPLF Job work done by Thk E ecokb cheap and up-to-date. WHEfJ ARE YOU COMINGI Or do ypu prefer to order by mail ? Eitker way will suit lis, apd we can suit you either way ;if you will only GIVE IJS AU ID EA of wbat you want. If lyoi> can’t come drop us a letter iyon want ANYttHNG in the ‘jewelry line, WE AEE HEAD- ,QUARTURS. Lpt Jts repair jtbat broken watch just once, UDd we’ll always do your work. !Use the mails on us. IW. H IjIUMRDI I !THE LEADING JEWELISR- I IAOO Liberty St Winston, S . C. $500, OOOJO WITH THIS WONDERFUL PREPARATION, CAPITAL, THE LARGEST AND MOST R E L IA B L E MEDICAL COMPANY IN THE WORLD, * NU-TRi-QimAAre Bebind the ,Statements In this Advertlseiqexit* WE SAY THAT Nature alone cures disease. w ii §£X £ 5 # !; ^iSES-Stttimes needs assistance. I H ead This, Ye Skeptic*! WE SAY THAT NUTRIOLA is Nature's helper. 1 fw S THAT Nutrlola & Nature are tie only Invincible Conquerors of disease, w i\ Wttanola & Nature Cures by removing tbe CansetWE SAY THAT Nntnola and Nutriola Laxative Granules will aid Nature in positively curing Anaemia* Poor Blcxtdy Scrofulnt P rem ature or Senile Decay, C atarrh and all Catarrhal Conditions, La Grippe. Piles, General D ebility, K errous D ebility9 Dyspepsia, Constipa­tion* and all Stomacliy Intestine and AUmentory Troublef* Nu-tri-ola ttMakes You New AU Overw WE SAY THAT Nutriola, Nntriola Laxative Granules, Nntriola Liver AKidQpy Treatment and Nutriola Nerve Plasters will aid Nature In posi­tively curing* all K idney and Liver Trouble, Iusom uia. Enmcia* tion, Obesity, etc. - WE SAY THAT Nutriola, Nutriola Lazative Grannies, Nutriola Nerve Plasters, and Vaginela, Trill aid Nature in absolutely curing perfectly and perm anently, Diseases Peculiar to Women, like Xeucorrtacea, Pall* ing of the W omb, Barrenness, all B ladder and Vaginal Troubles* WE SAY THAT Nutriola, Nutriola Laxative Granules and Nutriola Skin Food will aid Nature in curing perfectly, Skin Diseasesof every form, how­ever malignant, from B irth H n u o n to torturing Eczema* They bring relief a t once, where all else has failed, and we will give $5,000 lorany skin w ith a disease we cannot cure. NtjtbioiA & N attjbb are£6 THE KIND THAT C U R E S.” WE SAY THAT Nutriola, Nutriola Laxatira Granules. Nutriola Nerve Plasters, and later Special Nutriola, will enable Nature to perfectly Jure Nervous Prostration, Headache, H ysteria, St. Titus' n»i»fA and all troubles of the Nerve Centers and Nerve Trunks. WE SAY THAT Nutriola Sc Nature assisted by additional treatm ent as supplied by our Staff of skilled Physicians, Specialists and Chemists, will abso* lately cure any case of H eart, Bronchial or llespim tonr Organ Troubles, Blood Poison, Syphilis, all Secret Diseases, Tumors, Ulcers, Hydrocele, Epilepsy, and B upture in every form. WE SAY THAT when yon buy a box of NUTRIOLA you buy also the privilege .of consulting our Staff of Physicians, receiving Free Advice, Free Chemical or Microscopical Analysis, a t any and all tim es until yott are cured* W e never charge any fees for their services. We Will Cure You or Paythe Bill WE SAY THAT in proof of tbe above statements we will give YOU an Ironclad A greem ent under Sesd ot our Company, signed by our Treasurer, backed by a m p le c a p i ta l , and the highest medical skill; to absor lutely cure YOU perfectly and perm anently or refund every cent of money you paid for our Preparations or treatment. WE SAY THAT Nutriola Preparations are always sold under this agreement-, t o u r m o n e t b a c k if you are not BENEFITED—your money back if not CUBED. Wb p a t the Dbuggist. THE NUTRIOLA COMPANY, 142-148 MadUon St., Chicago. For Sale by WILLIAMS & ANDERSON. TAX NOTICE. Pay your Taxes and save Cost. I w l meet tlie Tax-payers ol Dayie- County at tbe Mowing places to collect Taxes Ior the year 1904: MOCKSVILLE SATURDAYS, DURING FEBRUARY. COUNlY LINE, WEDNESDAY FEB 1st., 1905, 10 a. m. to 12 m CALAHALN, WEDNESDAY FEB, 1st., 1905, ... .1 p. m. to 3 p. m. J. C. BOOE’S STORE,^THURSDAY, FEB. 2nd, 1905,10 a. m, to 12 m. SHEFFIELD, THURSDAY FEB. 2nd. 1905 Ip . m. to 3 p, m. FARMINGTON, FRIDAY FEB. 3rd 1905................10 a. in. to 2 p. nu SMITH GROVE, TUESDAY, FEB. 7th, 1905,... .10 a. m. to 2 p. m. ADVANCE, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 8th, 1905.........10 a. m. to 2 p. m. FORK CHURCH, THURSDAY FEB. 9th,-1905,. .10 a. m. to 2 p. m. JERUSALEM, FRIDAY. FEB. 10th, 1 0 0 5 ,.............10 ». m. to 1 2 > . COQLEEMEE, FRIDAY, FEB. 10th, 1905, I p. m. to 3 p. m. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Operating Dver 7,00 Milesof Railway.' T h e re ’s a p re tty g irl in a n A lpine h a t, A sw e e te r ^ ir l w ith a sailo r b riiji,1 .B u t th e hajM jsoipest g irl y o u ’ll ev er Is th e sensible g irl w ho uses R ocky M ountain T e a. WANTED—10 meniucach State to travel, tack signs and distribute samples aud circulars of our goods. Salary $75.00 per month. $3.00 1 a dav for expeusea. j “ KUHLMAN Co. ' D c p ’t , Atlas "Biulding, Chicago .. QUICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS... North-South-East-West Through Trains Between Principal Citiesand Resorte ■' AFFORDING FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION Elegant Pnllihau Sleepiug Cais on all Through Trains. Dining, Club And Observation Cars. For Speedj Comfort and Courteous Employes, travel -via the South­ ern Railway.' Rates, Schedules and other information fnruished by addressing the undersigned; R, l . V e r n o n , Trav. Pass, Agt., J. H. W o o d , Dist. Pass. Agent Charlotte, N. C, . _ Asheville, N. C. S. H . H a k d w ic k Pass. Traffic Mgr. W . H . TAYi.oE,Gen’l Pass Agt WASHINGTON, D C . I must collect all the Taxes now due. Cost will soon be added, j\ll who owe old tax or special tax will pay at once nd save trouble. January 14, 1905, J L. SHEEK. ShepiffJ New Furniture 5tore. We Have Opened in B S o e k s ^ i i e One of the most np-to-date lines of FURNITURE and HOUSJS FURNISHING' GOODS that has ever been showu here, Now is the time to buy FURNITURE and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Welalso carry a full line of Groceries. Come and see us'and we will treat yon right STARRETTi & HOWARD, p ' P f IP ' I i 111 JI i ‘ SI sum is Biiu r n ssfPi The Land of Dixie Fast in the Crasp of the Ice King FOUND SLAIN IN HIS SLEIGH EVEN GULF COAST FROZEN HARD More or Less Complete Tie-Ups Are Reported from Louisville to New Or­ leans as a Result of the Three Days’ Storm of Snow and Sleet. Louisville, Ky., Special.—Telephone and telegraph service over a w ide area of th e South w as alm ost com­ pletely crippled hy heavy sleet Sunday. Itaiiroad service also suifered, and in some tow ns the lighting and street car facilities w ere suspended. T he tie- up w as th e m ost com plete in m any years, and although telegraph com­ panies and railroads have large forces Df m en a t w ork it m ay be tw o or three days before norm al conditions prevail. T he storm w hich covered K entucky, Tennessee, A rkansas, Indian T erri­ tory, M ississippi, Alabam a, Louisana, and G eorgia, had prevailed interm it- tenly for three days, and the w ires broke under th e accum ulated ice. The fall of snow and sleet, varying from one to three inches, extended as far north as Louisville. F or several hours A tlanta and New Orleans w ere cut off from the re st of the country. All w ires w ere down from M emphis to N atchez and New Or­ leans, and th e telegraph com panies sent m essages for these points to New York and down the coast, but even this service was interrupted for a tim e. Two hundred poles w ent down in th e M ississippi. In C hattanooga the streets w ere' filled w ith broken wire, and a linem an w as killed by a live wire. The lighting and street car currents w ere turned off to avoid fur­ ther danger to pedestrains and line­ men. Norfolk a City of Ice. N orfolk, Va., Special.—N orfolk is a city of ice. The cold th a t has con­ tinued for several days lias frozen ev­ ery piece of w ater in this section, ex­ cept the m ain harbor, and thousands of people have enjoyed good skating here for th e first tim e in years. A drizzling rain froze as it fell and hun­ dreds of people are skating in the w est cad of streets. H ospitals and police report a great num ber of injuries, due to falls. T he sleet storm is .general throughout. this section and probably will ruin th e grow ing crops on the big truck farm s. T he three-m asted schooner D. M. Anthony, ashore near F alse Cape,, is In danger of going to pieces. She floated at high tide S aturday night, but w hen back on the shoals before a tug could reach her, and now it seem s she will be a-total loss. Philadelphia Port Frozen. Philadelphia, Special.—An alm ost com plete suspension of th e coastw ise trade out of this port has followed the general freeze up of the harbors. T here are a num ber of vessels, bu t none will charter until there is som e probability of their being able to get out of the D elaw are river, w hich is im possible at this city. V ery little coal'is being re­ ceived a t this port in consequence of the extrem e cold in th e m ining re gions, and great delay is being experi - enced by steam ships under charter for the W est Indies in getting th eir car­ goes. M ore than fifty vessels w ere held fast in the ice on the low er bay and a num ber of ocean steam ships which attem pted to force th eir w ay through the obstruction at th e D elew are capes w ere com pelled to return to sea and anchor for the night. Worse in Atlanta’s History. A tlanta, Ga., Special.—N ever before in the history of A tlanta has th e ice king held such a grip on th e city as be did Sunday. Traffic is com pletely at a standstill, the street car service closing down a t night fall. T he entire electric light service except th a t in th e im m ediate center of th e city is dead. It has been either sleeting or rain­ ing since F riday afternoon, a heavy rain falling and freezing as it fell Sun­ day afternoon. Sunday night three inches of solid ice covers th e streets. T he telephone and telegraph service is badly crippled. E very w ire betw een here and New O rleans is down. Men Dravr Hearse at Funeral. Columbia, S. C., Special.—T he Un­ usual spectacle of m en draw ing a hearse containing a corpse w as w it­ nessed here Sunday afternoon. This w as made necessary by a sleet storm which has prevailed for 24 hours mak. ing it alm ost im possible for horses to keep their footing. A fter several futile attem pts to darw the hearse with horses, sixteen negroes, m em bers of fraternal orders to which George Mc- Fee1 the corpse, belonged, procured ropes which they fastened to the tongue of the hearse, thus oarying the body to the cem etery, a distance of over tw o miles. Militia Commander Dead. Fairm ont, W . Va., Special.—Briga­ dier General clarence L. Sm ith, com­ m ander of the W est V irginia N ational Guard, died of a nervous disorder. The general recovered from a disease he contracted in the Spanish-A m erican w ar, in which he w as in com m and of the F irst W est V irginia Regulars. He w as 55 years of age and prom inent po­ litically In M arion county as a Demo­ crat. The funeral will be held W ednes day. Intense Cold In Manchuria* St. Petersburg, By Cable.—Accord­ ing to G eneral K uropatkin’s latest re­ ports, w hich indicate the w ounding of a third R ussian general, the operations a t Sandiapu and th e fighting a t Shakhd have been m om entarily suspended. The R ussians successfully repulsed th e latest attack of th e Japanese east- " i'd ,wiitl' heavy losses. The cold is still intense, there being 24 degrees of frost. T here are indications th a t th e Japanese a re preparing to break th e inactivity on their ow n account as soon as the w eather m oderates. South Carolina’s Worst in Years. Columbia, S. C., Special.—R eports from various sections of South Caro­ lina show th a t the entire S tate is ex­ periencing the m ost severe sleet and snow storm for years. The ground is covered w ith half an inch of ice, and sleet is still falling. Pedestraim sm is perilous and scarcely possible The therm om eter registers about 20 de­grees above zero. NORTH STATE LAWMAKERS Work That is Doing Done By North Carolina Lawmakers. the The Salary Bill. The H ouse com m ittee on salaries and fees, by a vote of 8 to 7, reported favorably th e S enate bill increasing salaries of th e judges of Suprem e and S uperior C ourts to $3,500. Among those m aking speeches advocating the bill w ere C. M. B usbee, Jam es H . Pott, George Strong, Thos. B. W om ack, and R. H . H ayes. These appeared in re­ sponse to ;an invitation by the chair­ m an. Judges G raham and W inbornt-, of the com m ittee opposed the increase, as did F eim ster, another law yer m em ­ ber. E ringhaus, M cNincn, Laughing- house and others of the com m ittee spoke in favor of the bill as adopted by th e S enate and this prevailed. The com m ittee, by a vote of 9 to 7, decided to rep o rt favorably a bill to p u t sol­ icitors on a salary, bu t delayed nam ­ ing the am ount of such salary until a sub-com m ittee, by inquiring into pres­ ent incom es of th e sixteen soliciiors of th e S tate under the present fee system , can approxim ate and agree on a fair salary! Wednesday's Work. In Senate no bills of general im por­ tance w ere introduced except one re­ ducing fares on railroad and one to better regulating fire insurance aiiu eth er com panies. Bills passed to bet­ ter protect clam s and other shell fish in several counties. T he principal discussion w as on th e W ard bill, which am ends th e W atts liquor regula­ tion. It provides th a t no tow n of less than 1,500 people could g rant license for th e m anufacture or sale of liquor. An am endm ent w as accepted by W ard to m odify this by m aking population 1,000. A further am endm ent w as of- fered providing th a t every tow n au; thorizing the sale or m anufacture shall keep a salaried police office, who shall m ake daily inspections and m onthly reports, and th e possession of U nited S tates license to sell w here sale or m anufacture is prohibited shall be 1,1 im a facie evidence of violation ol the S tate law. Mr. W ard said these additions did n e t change Ills bill in any respect. A m otion te postpone consideration w as m ade. Mr. Stubbs said th e bill would probably bo the only liquor legislation to come before this session and it involved principles of th e utm ost im portance. Mr. B urton said th a t from a political standpoint, the bill sbould be consid­ ered. The m otion to postpone until T hurs­ day w as adopted alm ost unanim ously. Bills passed final reading to enable m arried m en w hose wdves are insane, or lunatics, to convert their land free of dow er upon certificate of superin­ tendent of hospital for the insane; to cure defective orders in the registra­ tion of deeds. In the H ouse a bill was introduced to regulate th e sale of pat­ ent m edicines containing alcohol or dangerous drugs; to am end th e Iire in­ surance act of 1899, to provide for in­ terchangeable m ileage books on rail­ ways. Bills passed regulating the rale of cotton seed and fixing a stand­ ard; changing the nam e of th e E nter­ prise Saving and Loan 'C om pany to the W axhaw B anking and Loan Com- ran y ; to provide for th e election o! county com m issioners by th e people in U nion; to authorize M ecklenburg’s board of education to borrow m oney; to provide for prim ary elections in Craven; to include Stanly, A she and M ontgom ery counties in th e ac t pun­ ishing th e killing of fish w ith dyna­ mite. T he following bills passed th e third reading: To am end th e law of descent w hich allow s all children of a m other to in­ herit from th eir m other, w hether legi­ tim ate or illegitim ate; (this law pro­ vides sim ply th at'illeg itim ate children may inherit from their com mon m other provided thSy get nothing th a t is left by th e fa th e r); to prevent th e killing squirrels in th e county of Jones and F ranklin; to provide for th e holding of prim ary elections In Buncom be county; to protect fish w ithin tw elve m iles of the sum m it of G randfather’s M ountain, In M itchell county; resolu­ tion of th e Senate to pay G overnor’s expenses of his inauguration, (the res­ olution authorizes the A uditor to draw his w arrant on th e S tate T reasurer for the am ounts set forw ard in the resolution; the entire am ount does not exceed $500;) to fix the tim e for selling real estate for taxes in Jack­ son county; to relieve th e beard of ag­ riculture from contributing to the Cur­ ren t expenses of th e A gricultural & M echanical College a t Raleigfi-. Sdalds said he did jiqifoppoSe the bill but it should go before the com m ittee on appropriation, as although it relieved m e board of agriculture from contri­ buting to th e college) it. provided fof an appropriation. Mr. M cLean, chair­ m an of the agricultural com m ittee w hich reported th e bill favorably, ask­ ed th e bill be no t referred. H e asked th a t his original bill Which w as set for a special order be w ithdraw n and a bill w hich carried UiianiroOnsIy ifl the IlbUSe containing th e sam e re­ ports, be substituted. Mr. M cLean said th e hoard of agriculture should not appropriate th eir funds to th e Agri- cultural & M echanical Gollegei th a t these aifloilfitk should fibt comb troffl the pockets of the farm ers alone. He hoped Scales’ m otion would be voted down. Scales said th e bill carried w ith it an appropriation of $10,000 and it should go before th e proper com m it, tee. H e said IiivSstigation never hurty 3. good oiU and if it w as a proper one it would not be h u rt and a few days delay would w ork no injury. H e ask- ed w hat w as th e use of such a com m it­ tee if it w ere not referred to the prop* er com m ittee. M cLbaii asked if the substitute -from th e H ouse would not be considered by th e appropriation com m ittee if it w ere re-referred. Scales replied th a t this would be done. Mc­ Lean w ithdrew his original bill, and by his consent th e substitute from the H ouse w as rofcr~e:l to th e com m ittee on appropriations. The Lftcy Resdiuildrt. $ IiThe. houbS resolution on th e Lacy hill, the special order for yesterday w as taken up. Mr. Foashee flai d he earnestly hoped th e resolution would pass. H e w as absent w hen th e bill w as originally voted ^ upon and had he been here he would have raised his voice against i t It w as a m ost dan­ gerous act.. W orth lost $16,000 by th e sam e m an M artin, in old age, had been tre a su re r for tw o term s, and finding he had lost $16,000 by another’s dis­ honesty he had to go into bankruptcy. T he bill does no t give W orth one cent bu t Lacy $800, who is in the sam e con­ dition, no b etter th an W orth. W e should notigive Mr. Lacy $300. “I have spoken to one of th e m ost ‘prom inent D em ocrats in .th e S tate and w ith but one exception^ they have all said th e action of th e Senate and H ouse w as a m ost dangerous one.*' Boddie moved to table th e bill. Ayes and nces w ere called for, 19 Senators voted to table the bill and 17 .yoted in tJie negative, and the bill w as tabled. On m otion oi S enator Zollicoffer, th e Senate w as ad­ journed Until 12 o’clock tom orrow , A N TLJtJG LAW . ’ T he M cNinch bill enacting a law th e place of delivery of liquors th e place of sale in prohibition territory. H i Stated he voted for the repeal of th e sneak law of tw o years ago, and he called up­ on those of the H ouse who acted in good faith to allow this bill to pass its second reading. H e w as w illing for those living in cduntiCg bordering on the V irginia line who desired to do so to have their counties exem pted be­ fore th e bill cam e up Oh its third read­ ing. In reply to ft Question Mr. Mc- N inch said th a t th e atiti-jug IaW was yet in force, th e Senate not ^having repealed it. H e said he had copied the exact language of the present law. H e declared th a t there w as a possibil­ ity th a t the Senate would so delay the repeal of the anti-jug law as to m ake the enactm ent of th e present bill im ­ possible. On the other hand if th e bill was allow ed to pass the H ouse w ith those counties deserving exem ption placed there, no harm would be done them , w hile th e prohibition counties would obtain relief. M urphy opposed im m ediate action, saying it Wa§ ridicu­ lous to vote on ibis bill before th e Sen­ ate had acted on th e other. Should the Senate fail to . repeal present law it. would rem ain id force as now. H e inoved to postpone further considera­ tion until the Senate had acted on the repeal bill. If th e present law was re­ pealed he would vote for the McNinch bill after his county and such other counties as desired it had beefi exem pt­ ed. M cNinch and T urlington spoke against postponem ent, w hile W oodward of W ilson, W arren, M itchell, M urphy of Buncombe, W ood and W inborne favor­ ed it. M cNineh before th e m otion for postponem ent reached the vote agreed th a t the bill should be inftde a special order for Thursday, it whs ordered printed. The Vagfaricy Law* Thd Hoiis§ took up j-he bill defining vagrancy and fixing th e punishm ent therefor. It w as explained th a t it w as th e G eorgia law, bu t th a t an am end­ m ent subm itted by A lexander, of M eck­ lenburg, and endorsed by the.com m it­ tee, including able-bodied m en who w ere idle and lived p a th e w ages of w ife or m inor children. Biggs en­ dorsed the principle involved, w hich he said, m akes it a crim e fof a m an to live on the labor of his children, and said he desired to en ter his protest against any such legislation. Redw ine declared th a t an able-bodied m an, who would w ork his w ife and little children sim ply t. support him in idleness, w as a crim inal, and should b© so treated. Biggs said li§ did no t subscribe to U e present *aea th a t m en could be m ade m oral by an ac t of th e legislature. The bill w as very strongly supported by G ave, Pow ers, D avis, of Hayw ood, and A lexander, th e la tte r describing very strikingly the conduct of m any trifling w hite m en who, as he said, “lying around cotton m ills, w ill not w ork, be­ cause tbe w ages of th eir w ives and little children support them .” Biggs offered an am endm ent, so as to say “m inors, not over 18 years.” A lexan­ d er accepted thd am endm ent, and m e bill then passed its reading. A bill passed authrrizing registers of deeds to adm inister oaths in proving accounts to be presented to th e county com m issioners. T he bil. to prevent m isrepresenta­ tions of m erchants ill the sale of goods and in advertisem ents cam e up, and w as explained by its author, S tronach of W ake, who said it w as designed to protect honest m erchants; tliat th e Bi­ ble said all liars would be burned, and h e desired to keep as m any m erchant liars out of th e etern al fire as possi­ ble. The law proposed had been in use in N ew Y ork and w orked well. U pon objection of fu rth er considera­ tion of the bill, it w as m ade a special order for next Friday. The bill introduced by S utler, pro­ viding for th e election of county boards of education by th e people, cam e up w ith an unfavorable report from th e com m ittee on education. B ut­ ler presented a m inority report,, and explained and advocated his bill, say­ ing th e law would not go into Opera­ tion in 1906, so th a t U e term s of th e present boards of education would not bo interfered w ith. T he th ree m en se­ lected as th e board of .education of each county w ere now holding the m ost im portant offices of th e county, and they should be elected by th e peo­ ple. G raham of Lincoln, said th a t un­ der th e p resent system education had advanced m ore th an ever before in N orth C arolina’s history, and th a t the people had m ade no dem and for this change in th e m ode of selecting th eir school beards. H e moved U iat th e bill go ^ to. th e table* and his m otion pre­ vailed by stii ai& ost finaiiinldiis vote. Pass Final Reading. T he following bills passed final read­ ing: To establish graded schools in Fredm bhlj to pay chairm an of the board of com m issioners of N orthanip- ton county $100 per annum , and m em ­ bers of board $4 a day and m ileage; to pay w itness half fee in no t true bill cases iir*Casw ell county; to in­ crease th e pay of jurors in G reene and R u th erfo rd 'co u n ties; to am end the ch arter Gif th e YOnahloasee R ail­ w ay Com pany; to fix thd tim e cif hold­ ing courts in W arren; to protect hog ow ners in T yrell; to regulate th e speed and m anagem ent of vehicles in M eck­ lenburg County* the Senate am endm ent being concurred in ,1 W provide for election of com m issioners and magis- : tra tes by th e people m Perquim ans; to am end act 1903 relative to w ater supplies; to am end th e com pulsory school ac t of 3903 for M acon county, by extending age -at w hich children- m ust attend school from 8 to 10 years, w ith other am endm ents; to prevent trapping fish in Sw an and H azel creeks, Sw ain county; to am end act 1903, regarding m et hanics, by striking out W ake county; to protect fish w ith­ in tw elve m iles of th e siiffimit of G frandfather M ountain; to am end act 1901, relating to hunting and .fishing :n Cravon and Jones counties; for re­ lief of John W . R iley; to am end act 1903, regarding hunting in Robescm county; for relief of C lerk W . M. W at­ son, of Craven, allow ing absence from office; to better regulate fishing in C urrituck Sound; to am end graded school law a t Rocky M ount; to incor­ porate Haywood Institute; to regulate fishing in th e Cberokeo; to protect and prom ote th e grow ing of ginseng. T he bill am ending act of 1901, re­ garding depredations of dom estic fowls in M organ ton and R utherford Countyi cam e up, Pow ers explained it by say­ ing it includes chickens and turkeys, preventing them from scratching up gardens, w hile th e original bill nam ed geese only. Stronaeh, of W ake, de­ sired to in sert an am endm ent so as to include an old w hite rooster, which he said flow over his- fence every m orning, but this am endm ent w as ob­ jected to* and th e bill' passed, as did one to prevent hunting and fishing in G ooseneck tm vnsljip, M artin county* w ithout w ritten QQnscnt of th o Pw of the prenrsosi - Tb© bill pasggd providing fgr th% allotm ent of hoiftestead*} land3 held Jn cpmmtn, ‘ ^ BiilE BILL 10, BE PffiD Occurrences of Interest in Various Parts of the State. Geneal Cotton Market. M iddling. . . . . . . 7 3-16 . . i . ..7 1-16 ,... .....7 .0 0 ...................7.00 ....................7.00 6 %. ............7% .. :7& .....................7.45 .....................7.45 ..................7.70 7 3-16 .. . 1.7 3=16 . . . . . .. . . 7 ^ . .. ......7 % Galvestofii firm ... N ew Orleaflsi firm . Mobile, fitm . . . . . ■ Savannah, quiet ... C harleston, steady . W ilm ington, steady N orfolk, Steady ... B altim ore, nom inal New Y ork, quiet ... Boston, q u ie t .........Philadelphia, steady Houston, steady . =. Augusta, steady ... Memphis, firm .. S t Louis, firm .... Louisville, firm .::. MADE A PARTY MEASURE A New Liquor Bill. A new liquor bill, applying to th e S tate in general, and am ending th e W att’s ac t w as , introduced ifi th e S enate by Mr. Flem m ing, of P itt Co., It is a substitute to th e W ard bill which also is a substitute to th e Long, of Ire­ dell, and form er W ard bills. T here s one'strong point of difference betw een the pending W ard bill and th e substi­ tu te proposed by Mr. Flem m ing, and th a t is th a t th e la tte r absolutely om its th e provision th a t distilleries shall not be licensed in any tow n having less than 1,500 inhabitants. A n am endm ent w as offered to th e W ard hill changing th e w ords 1,500 in­ habitants to 1,00 inhabitants, lim iting th e nuihber 9f peopie in t@wn§ already under th e a c t to m ariufdeturd w hiskey. The am endm ent tfas accepted by Mr. W ard, The Fleiflniiflg siibstitutS pfd- vides th a t in every ttiw n w here thfS m anufacture or sale of liquor is per­ m itted a tow fi or city governm ent m ust be m aintained as provided In its char­ ter. A t least one policem an m ust Bfe' em ployed regularly a t a salary of not less th an $25 per m onth. H e m ust be a m an of good m oral character, who is no t em ployed by an y m anufacturer or seller of liquor, floT ifi any w av in­ terested ifl th e m anufacture o f ta le Of liquor, nor related by bidod o f m arriage to any such m anufacturer d r seller. It shall be th e duty of this policem an, or th e chief of police.in th e event there is m ore th a n one policem an In thd tow n, to v isit th e place w here liquor is m anufactured o r sold a t least every day and m ake a careful and thorough inspection and exam ination w ith aview to observing W hethhf thd ia w s a rc be­ ing observed and obeyed afld W hethfif th e business is conducted in an order­ ly m anner and m ake a w ritten m onth­ ly report, under oath, to th e m ayor who shall lay th ese reports or report before th e solicitor a t th e next ensuing term of court. If any tow n fails to car­ ry ou t these requirem ents then the C ounty C om m issioners m ay revoke th e license. T he substitute also follow s th e W ard bill ifl th a t it provides th a t th e possession of a U nited S tates li* cense to m anufacture o r sell shall be prim a facia evidence ifl arty “dry" county, city or tow n of th e violation df this S late law. T he a c t is to becom e effective July first, 1905. Walked Into River to Death. W ashington, N, C.,Special—T he Old D om inion Steam ship Coffipaiiy1S ware­ house w hs th e scefle of a tragedy about ten o’clock ThUrsday_ flight, darkey nam ed Louis M cCuiiough who cam e up on th e schooner V enus from H yde county w ent aboard th e steam ­ er M yers, m istaking h er for his own boat. H e w as directed otherw ise and Uie assum ption is th a t he w alked over­ board as he w as Intoxicated a t th e Ume. H is body w as discovered la ter by th e deck hand on th e M yers, and w ith th e assistance of th e w atchm an he succeeded in fastening th e body to th e dock till it could be draw n out. !epublican Conference Decides Push Railroad Legislation. to George Williams, of Watchung1 N. J , Murdered in a Lonely Spot. George W. Wood, Sapposcil to Be^Sufler- ins’ From Aphatlar Arrested For Crime In New York* _ Considered a Victory For !Roosevelt—The Test Vote Stood lO? to AA-BdsoiiltidR Adopted Instructine the Committee dfl Bales to Provide For a Vote on the Blii. W ashington, D. O.—T he Repubiioaii m em bers of tb e H ouse of R epresenta­ tive^ decided ifi conference to pass a railw ay rate regtdatkm bill: No partic­ u lar bill w as indorsed, b u t it is proba­ ble th a t th e m easure introduced by Represdntfttive Tow nsend, a new mem­ ber from M ichigan, w iiicil gives the In terstate Comm erce Comm ission the rig h t to fix rates and creates a court 6f trarispdftitthm to pass upon appeals from th e com m ission’s ruiiiigs; tvliich received th e vote of the m ajority, will be adopted. I t m ay be am ended, as forty or fifty* Rcpublicnn jiiem bers w ho are unw illing to be bound by* thd action of th e conference, do not like the Tow nsend bill as it stauds. T he Penn- $ylvania. R epublicans are all opposed to it. Tiiey decided to vote against.lt. T he Republican conference Wfift Iu1Id in th e hall of th e H ouse and w as well attended. T he Pennsylvania delega­ tion m ade au effort to secure adjourn­ m ent §o as* to allow m ore tim e for Considering tiid SiibjeCt.- T hat propo­ sition w as voted down,- ifi7 id 44. W heii th a t vote w as taken Several m em bers df ilie P ennsylvania, delega­ tion q u it the m eeting, b u t ail except M r. M ahon returned. ,The Pennsylvanians forced a declara- Hoh from C hajrm an H epburn of tlie In terstate and Forcigii Com m erce Com­ m ittee th a t th e m eeting w as fidt ft caucus, b u t a conference, and for th a t reason th e approval of the program by It does not bind any one. T he action w as lnerely advisory, M r. H epburn field; Hftd ifid iiieetiiig beeil called a Caucus, th e Pennsylvahiftnft Would have bolted. T he action taken by th e conference Is regarded as a victory for P resident Roosevelt. H is supporters- h ad th e votes to tu rn the so-caljed Conference Into a caucus, th u s m aking its action binding, bu t they did not choose to use their pow er. They believe th a t they w ill be able to pass th e bill w ith­ out th e assistance Of the R epublicans w ho are objecting so vftuerdeiitly. They hope, how ever, th a t the objectors w ill not becom e bolters on the final vote. North State News. C harles Caldwell, colored, who for a num ber of years h as been a ser­ vant about th e hom e of M r. H.. A. B arnhardt, of Salisbury, on T hursday stole cash estim ated to th e am ount of $500 from a safe in the dw elling. T he m oney belonged to Mr. W . W . Reed, an elderly m em ber of the household, thoughtlessly le ft his safe door open only to be robbed during daylight hours by th e tru sted servant. T he negro m ade his escape an J all efforts to lo­ cate him have thus fa r been unavail­ ing. T he follow ing certificate of incorpo­ ration h as been issued: T he Mt. Gil­ ead S tore Com pany, of M t Gilead,M ont­ gom ery county. T he object of th e cor­ poration Ir to conduct a w holesale and retail m ercantile business., T he au­ thorized capital stock is $50,000 W ill com m ence business on $10,000. T he incorporators and shareholders are M. L. H arris, 22 shares, R . B. Scarbo- ro 22 shares, F. V. B aldw in 22 shares, R. W . Stelle,15 shares, L. P. Byrd, shares, B. F. L oudennilk 15 shares. T he first w ork done by G overnor Glenn F riday m orning w as to prepare two m essages to th e Legislature. In one he called attention' to th e urgent needs of th e State, so fa r as im m igration is concerned, and of th e im portance of having a t once an im m igration agent and bureau. T he other- m essage w as about th e necessity for th e im m ediate enactm ent of th e law authorizing the term of S uperior C ourt to .be held at F ayetteville th is m onth to be both for crim inal and civil cases, in order th a t it m ay try W alter P artridge, th e ne­ gro who assaulted M rs. H ales. The term is now only for civil cases. T he G overnor finds th a t it is im possible to have a special term , and th a t this is thfe only course to be pursued. Live Items of News. G overnor M ontague w rites to N or­ folk parties th a t h e see.3 no reason to -interfere to save J» Sam uel M cCue from hanging. T he prosecution in th e case of Chas. R. F ishburne, of Roanoke, ask s a ver­ dict of m urder in th e first degree for th e killing of D r. Lafew . T he C hesapeake and O hio is to erect' a new $1,000,000 locom otive-building plant. v T he V irginia C orporation Comm is­ sion is a t A lexandria to investigate al­ leged inadequate tran sp o rtatio n accom- dations. C zar N icholas received a delegation of w orkingm en and prom ised to im ­ prove th e ir lot. R ussian gunners w ere unable to m ake any im pression on th e frozen Japanese trenches along th e H un river M anchuria, and w ept a t th e failure. E m peror W illiam has given addition­ a l proof of his desire to curtail luxury in the G erm an Army.. Extrem ely cold w eather prevailed ^ l l spver th e N orthw est. * A tchison Found Guilty* W ashington* D, C.—“Flftgm nL w ilful And Continuous violations” of th e law during the p ast five re a rs .Is th e w ay in w hich the Atciiisorh - Topekft and S anta F e R ailroad is arraigned ih ft de­ cision prom ulgated by th e In terstate Com m erce Com m ission on “the alleged unlaw ful rates find practices” of th a t road in tlie transportation Of coal m ine supplies, involving also th e Colorado Fuel and- Iron Com pany. T he m ain points of th e decision, sum m arizing th e w ay in w hich it is alleged th e law has been violated- and disregarded, are as follows: “T he act to regulate com m erce re­ quires carriers to publish and adhere to their tariffs. T he A tchison, Topeka and S anta F e R ailw ay Com pany has for th e la st five years w ilfully and continuously violated th e provisions of this law in th e r espects above stated. “F ebruary 19, 1903, th e so-called ‘El kins bill’ w as enacted, providing th a t carriers should in no case tran sp o rt traffic until a tariff had been published, and th a t th e published tariff should be observed, and providing a penalty of not less th an $1000 nor m ore than $20,- 000 for each offense. “T he provisions of this statu te ex­ tend both to the m ilw ay coranany -which cran ts and th e p arty w hich re­ ceives th e concession. B oth th e Santa F e and th e Colorado F uel and Iron Com pany system atically and continu­ ously violated th e provisions of th a t ac t in th e particulars m entioned from th e day of its passing dow n to Novem- ber 27. 1904, w hen th e tariffs under w hich this coal moved w ere reduced in all cases $1.15.” N ew Yorfc C ity ^ T e llin g a disjointed story Witii Lis mviatselie rem oved, G w rge H i Wood,- w ho is w auled in connection w itii fhd m urder1 Of George W illiam ?, a grocer, a t W &tchunjr, N. J., Was looked up in Police I eadqfltic- ters. W ood seem ed to be m entally dis­ ordered, an d D r. G eorgd B all, afte r an exam ination, said lie w as ndt under (he influence of drugs, b u t w as appat- feiitl Jfiuftfei'iiig Iroin aphasia. Thd Ddtefitivd B ureau called up Chief of Police K ieiy, df Plainfield, N . J., wh'o read off a description Of th e al­ leged m urderer of W illiam s. I t tallied w itii th e description o f W ood except a? to age. W odd says he is tw enty-six years old, b u t th e m ail Who saw the supposed inr.-;'lererof W illiam s thought (He m an w as thirty-five years old. T he m ui'deter w as described as having a m ustache. W ood w as clean shaven, b u t he said he rem oved bis m ustache en th e day of the m urder. Plainfield, Jf. ^ S i t t i n g M t uprig h t in his sleigh, dead, wltH a bullet in his back, show ing he had been m urdered bi' a cow ard w ho had fired a t him from b'eiiitid; G eorge W illiam s, of W atch- ung, thirty-ttvd y ears old, w as found a t noon on th e road td M illington. “K illed by a highw aym an for h is m oney,” w as th e first judgm ent, for W illiam s, w ho w as a prosperous gro­ cer, had been know n to carry goodly sum s. B flt th a t sim ple explanation failed and m ystery shrouded th e case wbdfl search Of h is pockets revealed his cash afld papers untouched. A bout 10 o'clock a, m. a stranger alighted from a P lainfield trolley car near th e W asliingtonville H otel and inquired At th a t place w here he could get som ebody ta drive him to a M r. Pollock’s liouse on th e i’oad to M illing­ ton. H e w as directed to G eorge Demb- Ier, in W atehung, b u t D em bler w as ndt ttt home. G eorge W illiam s consent­ ed to drive the stranger to his destina­ tion. T he tw o started eff together in sleigh. T h a t w as th e la st seen of W illiam s alive. A t noon E ugene Pope, pflSSiiig along the road, cam e upon th e sleigh and its ghastly freight. T h e spot w here th e crim e WflS com m itted is sur­ rounded ou either side by a dense wood. Pope rushed to John M iller’s farm house n ear by and gave an alarm , Afl exam ination Of W illiam s’ pockets show ed a W allet containing checks on Plainfield banks and a pocketbook w ith a large sum of m oney. W illiam s con­ ducted a large bakery in Brooklyn un­ til tw o years ago, w hen h e rem oved to W atehung and opened a grocery store. RAM’S HORN BLASTS H E walls of Jerirta do not fall Oefor m en who blow their own horns. The devil’s jinE. ling finds cache only in emptv heads. 1 If every ear Wers. deaf to scandal every tongue would soon be dumb. T he windows of- IIeaven are not of. ten opened on a wide-open town. T he individual conscience is a good com pass only for th e individual craft. W hen a m an really has free salva­ tion he is alw ays w illing to give free service. T he ability to preach sermons may be quite different from the ability to reach souls. It is better to live one verse of th$ Bible th an to be able to preach a Jour, them all. W e seldom look to God for the Water of L ife u n til som e other springs have, dried. T he church th a t runs behind on thfe preacher’s salary is not likely to run ahead on spiritual power. A m an is n o t called upon to prove- his faith in D ivine Providence by his personal im providence. Som e m en are so busy solving the labor problem th a t they have no time to earn th e ir ow n living. N E W S O E K CO EO N ER GUILTY. BKYAN G IV ES $2500. H elps to K aise $20,000 F o r Illinois Col­ lege, of W hich H e is a T rustee. Jacksonville, 111.—Illinois College is now richer by $20,000 as a resu lt of the visit of W . J- B ryan, C hairm an of the B oard of T rustees. M r. B ryan took th e initiative a t a m eeting of th e board in raising funds for th e college and headed a subscription list w ith $2500. John A. A yers, W illiam B row n, Julius E. S traw n, M. F . D unlap, A ndrew Hus- sel, Judge O wen P. Thom pson, Thom as W orthington, Judge C harles A. B arnes and other m em bers of the board fol­ low ed th e exam ple of M r. B ryan w ith subscriptions of varying am ounts, and w hen the board adjourned additional funds to th e sum of $20,000 w ere an­ nounced. N EW M IT C H E L L IN D IC T M E N T S. Six Charges of B ribery in Connection W ith L and F rauds. Portland, Ore.—The. F ederal G rand Jury indicted U nited S tates Senator Johu H . M itchell for bribery on six counts, in connection w ith th e land frauds investigation. S tate Senator George C. B row nell w as indicted a t th e sam e tim e on four charges of subornation of perjury. K eport F ro m Ja p Surgeons, R eports of surgeons of:G eneral Oku’s arm y show th a t since th e beginning of th e cam paign about 5000 m en w ere killed and 20,000 w ounded, of w hom sixteen per cenL h ave died. T here w ere only forty deaths from sickness. C ardinal D enies Charges. C ardinal .G ibbons denied- Senator B ard’s charge th a t th e ’C atholic C hurch had attem pted to influence h is conduct regarding distribution of funds for In ­ dian schools. M iscellaneous N ew s Notes. T here are about eighty ships in th e B ritish navy w hich are too w eak to fight and too slow to run aw ay. One of th e guests a t a recent golden w edding a t D anzig, G erm any, w as th e oride’s m other, aged ninety-one. In 1003 sm allpox occurred in fifty de­ partm ents of F rance, ou t of seventy- seven from w hich returns w ere re­ceived. B elsuim . w here public libraries are alm ost unknow n, enjoys 19,000 public h a b ita n t^ 9" e fov eyery tb lrtJ-Sls in- Jin T Convicts D r. Jackson o f D em and­ ing a B ribe From L aw yer, N ew Y ork City.—Coroner M oses J. ,Tackson w as found guilty by th e ju ry th a t has been trying him for soliciting a bribe to secure th e abortion of a. horn icide case. T he ju ry recom m ended m ercy. T he crim e of w hich he is convicted is punishable by a m axim um of ten years im prisonm ent and $5000 fine. H is con­ viction w ill vacate his office an d Iis- qualify him forever from office hold­ ing in this S tate unless th e judgm ent is reversed. T he G overnor appoints his successor to serve until th e end of th e year. D r. Jackson w as convicted on th e charge of soliciting a bribe of $500 from B enjam in K eass to clear “D r ‘ John W . A lexander, w ho w as arrested on th e charge of having caused th e death of a w om an by a crim inal opera­ tion. Jackson w as sen t to th e T om bs to aw ait sentence. M RS. R O G ER S G E T S R E P R IE V E . V erm ont Sheriff F eared D elay U ntil H our F o r Execution. W indsor, V t.- T he m essenger bear ing th e reprieve of M ary M. Rogers, the convicted B ennington m urderess, to Ju n e 2, from G overnor B ell to Sheriff H . H . Peck, did not arriv e until th e m orning of the day se t fo r th e Can ing. H is com ing ended th e anxiety of th e Sheriff th a t th e reprieve m ight not reach him before 2 o’clock p. m., w hich had been th e tim e set for th e execution. T h e death w arran t w as read to M rs. Rogers, according to law , and w’as fol­ low ed by th e reading of th e reprieve. F or th e first tim e th e prisoner show ed em otion. T ears ra n dow n her. cheeks, and she w as unable to speak. SU BM A RIN E BOAT’S RECO RD . T he Sim on L ake Steam s a t Six K nots W hen Subm erged. N ew port N ew s, V a .-T he L ake sub­ m arine boat Sim on L ake X ., in her final te st in Jam es R iver, m ade a record for subm ergence. She filled her superstructure in nine an d one-half m inutes, th e previous record, m ade by a F rench type, being fifteen m inutes. She w as then subm erged to sb, depth of thirty-eight feet an d rose to th e sur­ face again in th irty seconds. Thq ves­ sel’s speed w as nine an d one-half !knots on th e surface, eight an d one-half w ith decks aw ash, an d six k nots w hen sub­ m erged. Com m ander L and, of the. A r­ gentine R epublic N avy; C a p t .D echair O fth e B riflsh N avy, and tw o o th er for­ eign officers w ere aboard during th e tests. T he boat h as been sold to a foreign governm ent and w ill soon be d is­ m antled and shipped. S trike Oil N ear Shreveport. C rude petroleum has been found paying quantities, a t Caddo C ity, a few m iles from Shreveport, L a. L a st Ju ly L S r panL of Shreveport m en began r T hey kept w orking ag ain st obstacles, until la st w eek, w hen oil vasf q u antity w as discovered. T he best quality of gas w as found as well, H ungarian C abinet Resigns. P rem ier T isza presented th e resigna- tron of th e H u ngarian C abinet to the Em peror. N ew sy ,G leanings. Pickpockets, an d sw indlers are m ulti, plying in M adridi T heie is an establishm ent in B rus­ sels for teaching th e a rt of grave di ging. to L ake County, C alifornia, to th e n°rtb of Ban Francisco, is a tree stilts. i re tVJns sbow tll!»t th ere are l,13o,016 w hite and 5,198,175 colored people in B ritish South A frica T he Japanese strictly enforce a law w hich prohibits th e use o f tobaeco by boys under tw enty.years ofjtg e. CUSTOMS OF THE LASCARS. Have Many Peculiarities, but Make Good Sailors. Som e of th e peculiar customs of the E a st Indian coolies, called Lascars,, are very am using to us. For instance, they alw ays ea t their food in tbe open, air, w ith th e ir faces toward the west; and th e g reatest insult a white man or “G iaour” can offer them is to walk betw een them and the sun while the, are eating, causing his shadow to fall on th e ir food, w hich immediately be­ com es unclean. T heir appearance is rendered pecu­ liar by th eir h ab it of shaving their heads, leaving but one tuft at the, side for “th e prophet” to drag them into paradise by. W hen m arried they w ear a ring on th e ir big toe. They stand the cold rem arkably w ell, and make good sail­ ors, being as active as monkeys. In running aloft they ignore the ratlins,, an d use th e backstays, a perpendicu­ la r w ire rope, w hich they literally w alk up. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. T H E STANDARD RAILW AY O F TUB DIEEOT LINE TO ALL POINTS HT Texas, California,j Florida, Cuba and Porto Rico, Strictly first-class equipment on all Through and Loca' Trains, and Pullman Pnlaeo Sleeping cars on all night trains. Fast and sale sched­ ules. T ra v a l b y th e SOUTHERN a n d y o u a re assu red a Safe, C o m fo rta b le a n d Expedi- tio u s J o u rn e y . Apply to Ticket Agents for Tables, EaW and general inform ation, or address S. H. HAEDWICK, (J. P. A., Washington, D. 0. B. L. VERNON, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. 0. I. a. WOOD, O. P. & T- A., Asheville, N. 0. ‘JO TUOUBLiS TO AtIS1WEE QTIRSTIOHt VERY LOW RATES Announced, via SOUTHERN RAILWAV V ery low . rates are announced vl» S outhern R ailw ay from points on »» lines fo r th e follow ing special occas­ ions: _Austin, T exas—N ational B artist Con­ vention (colored), Septem ber 14-1» 1904.Baltimore. M d--N ational Convention F ra te rn a l O rder of Eagles, Septem­ b er 12-17, 1904. ..Chattanooga, Tenn-—International As­ sociation of F ire Engineers, Septem­ b e r 13-16, 1904. „Richmond, Va.— G rand Fountain Unit­ ed O rder T ru e Reform ers, Septem­ b er 6-13,1904. ,Los Angeles, Cal., San Francisco, Ca- — T riennial Conclave, Knights Tem­ plar, S eptem ber 5-9, 1904; Sovereign G rand Lodge, I. O. O- F., September 19-25, 1904.St. Louis, Mo.—L ouisiana Purchase E xposition, M ay-November, 1904. R ates fo r th e above occasions open to th e public. , T ick ets wiU be sold to these points from a ll statio n s -on Southern Kau- w ay. D etailed inform ation can be had up on application to any T icket Agent at th e S outhern R ailw ay, or Agents » connecting lines, o r by addressing tne undersigned:” , R . L. VERNON, T. P- Charlotte, N- C- J . H. WOOD, D. P- ? Asheville, N- L- 8 . H- HARDWICK, P ass. Traffic Mgr- W. H. TAYLOE, G en’l Pass. Agent. Washington, D. C. t f j r r h a l afffcM B re a th in g , the a iA ^ h 'jnakes catarrh c-spe th^ranrhoabecoro FjarQna is Lhe rssr edy for catai 'ManV a p rea •keeps on h u m •ready to m eet v ia y a rise. W hat is in a r/hat is a>,out BIa« Tsalzer’s straia %hich laughs ments and pos terrible sc It’s sure of j Wheat the sun 111.. Ia., Mieii.. lands and 40 t Ko rust, no ii tells all abo u t: ~ viaual cr&f* ^ally has free Sal ^ 1 " 'lilinS to ^ vT jg J- ’S ' S 1S W s to God for the Waf0^ B oth er s Piings hjv^ : ru n s beliina 0n «, 1S » o t likely J rnn* pow er. ru^ ’ailed upon to nr ^ P ro v id e n c e b? so busy solvinc ffc ■t have * £ Iliarities, but Waks Sailors. u liar custom s of tha ies, called Lascars to us. F or instance: eir food in the open- es tow ard the n-eSf: in su lt a w hite man Ker them is to walk I th e sun while they g h is shadow to tali ich im m ediately be- ;e is rendered pecu- it o£ shaving their it one tu ft at tha phet" to drag them. hey w ear a ring- on hey stand the cold m d m ake good sail- ve as m onkeys. Im ■ ignore th e ratlins,! stays, a perpendiai- ■hich they IiteralJy J ALL POINTS IH- J ,oss equipment g.L and LocaJ 'ulltaan Palace on ali .night >nd Bafo ached- j S O tIT E E B N s su re d a Bafe1 a n d E xpedi- W RA TES a re announced vis from points on IW ving special occas- Jo n al B aptist Con- i, S eptem ber .tional Conventioa of E agles, S e p te t — International As* E ngineers, Septeni- and F ountain Unit* Jeform ers, Septem- San Francisco, Cal- lave, K nights Teffl- 1-9, 1904; Sovereign ). 0 . F., Septem ber ju isian a Furcbas® STovember, 1904. jv e occasions ope# old to th e se points S outhern KaU' ion can be bad »PJ iy T ick et A gent OI vay, or A gents oi ‘ by addressing tBfl VERNON, T. P- A . C harlotte, N. C- WOOD, D. P -Jut A sheville, N- C- ARDWICK, 3SSS. Traffic Mg1*- TAYLO E1 Bn1I P ass. Agent, on, D, C1 JjSHOP OWES HEALTH AND LIFE TO PE-RU-NA. Hinisiersof AU Denominations join in Recommending Pe-ru-na to the Paople. „ .hiic <prakiun esp ecia lly exp o ses JPrtIlIw,/ (t n! b ronchial tu b es to %. - erowdcd asp£ft\. :y exposure U N‘ght J I Jiun=V prwwhcrs MiMt face, ' I ftifT. • .-irrTl' ^pwwIJy pr&vaJ*nfc amongUKlR6* ,(heir clal>f«W Ilicai- Mic- a-:-, ,'ojnc popular among , fjSHOP LftffA LSE K The Fi iends of Pe-ru-na. Despite the prejudices of the medical profession against proprietary medicines* the c*ergy have always maintained a strong confidence and friendship for Pe- runa. They haye discovered by personal ex* perienoe that Peruna does all that is CiRinied for It4 :J Tla Bishop’s EtrcUg Tribute to Pe-ru-na. * j Ti. II. Tfalsi’y. IJishup C. SI. E. Church, A tlanta, Ga., writes: J :i "I iiavo !>.>:>.! IVi ana to be a great remedy for catarrh. J h a v e su ffe re d * {IriHt Ui;.* Irrrii!/i' rf Imwjio /o r m o re than, tw e n ty y e a rs, until since I have ♦ J been usin; l\'runa. which has re.itjved me of the trouble. » i "I haw uivil many remedie. and spent a great deal of hard-earned inonev t J for them. I /"an m l n o th in g so e ffe c tu a t In th e m ire o f c a ta rrh a s tlCe I 4 great nirtficine, ZNri<u/i. £ Tsrana is the nw t prompt and sure Jiavdv tor catarrh that oan be taken.',JIflHiftt pmtcVKT /ins been able to mcrtii iscit(/ct;cm on t:> o n ly hern use he ■keep* on liaw-l " hot Hn o f I 9C rn n a f •readii to meet a n y em erg e n c y th a t v\(i]i arise. We have on file many letters of recom­ mendation like the one given above. We can give our readers only a slight glimpse of the vast number of grateful letters Dr.^ H artm an is constantly receiving, in praise of Uis famous catarrh remedy, Pe- runa. WHAT '8 THE U SE O F SAYIXG “ GIVE H E A S-CEXT CIGAR,” W H EN BY ASKIXG FOR A : : 1CREMOl TOU GET TH EBEST 5-CENT CIOAR IN AMERICA uThe V/crid's largest SeIlBr11 PigTWfTVTVjV .-YVVVt -V V yV y^'iy^v^'j^ What is in a man is m ore potent than *hat is a^out him. g 0. 6. Macaroni W lita t. taker’s strain of this W heat is the kind %hich laughs at droughts and the ele­ ments and positively mocks Black Rust, tb.t terribic .search! It’s sure of yielding SO bushels of finest Wheat the =un shines cn per acre on good 111.. Ia.. Mich.. Wiis1. O.. Pa., Mo., Neb. lands and 40 t<-> G1'! bushels on arid lands! Ao rust, no insects, no failure. Catalog teJls all about it. JVST MS?D IOC ASD TlTfS NOTICE XoI the John A. Seed Co.. La Wis., and they v.*ill send you free a sample «t this W heut nnd oilier farm seeds, to- Shft0A w‘!*1 tn:!r Prpat catalog, worth ?lw.D0 to any wide-awake farmer. [A. C. L.] VJJJii)W:, ) A ,cI i S f i i i CORN FIELDS ARE GOLD FIELDS to the farmer who under- 1 I stands ho-.v to feed his crops. Fertilizers for Com 1 ®ost contain at IeESt 7 Per cent actual Potash Send for our books—they «11 y-liy Potash is as necessary 0 plant life as snn and rain; M a ^ ee' ‘f J0“ ask- W rite ®R»UN KALf WORKS Afa T r-5 3 Nassa“ s,r“ ‘- or . Atma.Ga.-ij^ South BroadSt. are the best dya- _ E m ISclSf^vcrmnde- Ahua- S^rI tnasl.,. f Oicm have been soM.ft/ E u ?Zrt?r\ ujMHnu™. acre:W lirt-tV ll^a-laCtiet uizzmosB. badI S f c M W nnd evciT UInSs—- « di8wfticred etoroacUWth'«*w uu/UA « l Z c,,red bT Wpans Tab* JwaSPmlS ft. ^ttolE X iSS!? =5™ rclllS I S obu drueci<ta. G enerous W ith H is C rusts. Jam es M illigan, the M exican min­ ing m an, told a story a t th e W aldorf- A storia th e other day about M ifligan, junior, aged four. T he youngster at breakfast had eaten th e inside of his toast, leaving the crusts a t th e side of his plate. H is fath er said to him re­ proachfully: “W hen I w as a IittIo boy I alw ays ate the crusts as w ell as the inside of m y toast.” “Did you like them ?” inquired Mil­ ligan, Junior, cheerfully. “Y es,” responded th e parent. “Do you Iilse them now ?” pursued his offspring. “Y es,” replied M illigan, Senior, again. “W ell, you m ay have these,” said M illigan, Junior, benevolently, push­ ing over his ow n discarded crusts.— N ew Y ork Tim es. Q ueer C ause for Mine Fire. T he G lassport Coal com pany’s m ine, n ear M ilesvill e, Pa., took fire a sh o rt tim e ago in an extraordinary m anner. T here w as no one in the m ine w hen it. ignited. A forest fire had been burning n ear th e entrance and th e flam es w ere finally com m uni­ cated to th e m ine through a ground­ hog hole. T he m ine is being flooded, AN OLD MAN’S TRIBUTE: An Ohio Frnit Unifier, 7S Ycsrs Old, Cured of a Terriblo Goae After Ten Tenra oi SufTe Tinff. Sidney Ju stu s, fru it dealer, of M en­ tor, Ohio, says: “I w as cured by D oan’s K idney P ills of a severe ease of kid­ ney trouble, of eight or ten I years’ standing. I suffered the m ost severe back- i\ ache an d -other pains in th e re­ gion of th e kid- n ieys. T hesew ere f especially severe -when stooping to lift anything, and BiDHET JOSTos. o f te n I could hardly stralghteu m y back. Tfie aching w as bad in tb'e daytim e, but ju s t as bad a t night, and I w as alw ays lam e in the m orning. I "was bothered w ith rheum atic pains and dropsical sw ell­ ing of th e feet. T he urinary passages w ere painful, and th e secretions w ere discolored and- so free yiat. often I had to rise a t night. I felt tired all day. H alf a box served to relieve me, and th ree boxes effected a perm anent cure.” A T R IA L F R E E —A ddress Foster- M ilburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. F o r sale by all dealers. P rice 50 cts. H oney 9,000 Y ears Old. Alonzo M urphy, a farm er living near Pochuck, N. Y.,' has unearthed a tree tru n k in a fine state of preservation. T he log w as hollow and in th e interior Mr. M urphy found a large quantity of honey w hich w as in as good a state of preservation as w as th e tree trunk. Prof. E. J. Ferguson, basing his esti­ m ate on th e depth Cf the deposit of soil over th<* log,, says th e honey is 9,000 years old. VttiCH ESlm Take - Down Repeating Shotguns Don’t spend from $50 to $200 for a gfin, when for so *?uch less money you can buy a Winchester Take­ down Repeating Shotgun, which will outshoot and outlast the highest-priced double-barreled - gun, Resides being as safe, reliable and handy. Your oealer can show you one. They are sold everywhere. FKEEt Gur MO-Psae UtustratedCatalogue, ^ N C H eSTER REPEATING ARMS CO. NEW KAVEN jlCONN* Wbofesale Prices Quotel ia New York m tK . The Milk Exehanee price for standard Quality js 3&Cj per QUdrfci fetITTEtt. Cr.eamery—W estern, ftxtra.$ 29 !40? 30 . . Firsts ...................... 27%@ 29 Seconds ................................... 25 @ 27State dairy tubs, firsts 2i (fk 26 Im itation creamery 19 (a! 25 Factory, thirds to firsts...; 16 @ 21 CHEESE. State, full cream, fancy...«• 11}£@ 32 S m all.................................... — ® 1214 P art skims, good to prime 8 (3> 8% P art skims, cominon»*»»» (% 6%, Full.skim s i @ 5 .. £ggs. Jersey—Fancy 32 (5) ?AState and Penn.. ;; 32 (a), 34 &reatern—Choice..;; 28 (a) 30 Southern-C hoice.... .... 23 @ 29 BEANS AND PEAS. Bpans—Marrow, choice.... — P 3 00 Medium, choice ..................... — (5? fI JO Pea. choice............................I 77I. Si) Pftd kidney, choice...... 2 75 (5) 2 80W hitekidney — (S) s oo Yellpw eye.. .; u ;;;: 2 07%<® 2 31 Piack turtle sO upuu.;.v (S) 3 25Lima, Cal;.; v @ 3 00 PRriTS AXD BRRRfRg--FRWSIf. Ai)T>les, Baldwin, per b b l . I 50 (3! 2 2-ipep bbl. 2 50 Ben Davis, per l>hi.I 50 Greening, per bhl \ 50 . CO . I 25 (35 3 Sn 0. 2 25 O 2 09 (a> 8 01 @ 6 5d m 13 n&>. 9 (5>. • 13 Gb. SI % I 6.J @ 20 16 '01 10 108 . 2 00 Si 32 30 32 30 13, 20 20 MHU J 2 33 31 33 31 17 *2% 80 77 ; 75 I 10 p ri U iit .....,; .. Cranberries. C..Cod, per bbl Jersey*, per bbl;;.;.;( u ve rO uLTur Fowis, per Ib .........................Chickens, per 3b . 4 Roosters, per Ib ..,. -........Turkeys, per Ib ..........Ducks, per p a r .......... Geese, per pair .......... Pigeons, per pair...^ DiiESSfet) PouL tttr. Turkeys, per Ib .,..i. ..m I liM Chickens.. Philadelphia^!‘'owls, W estern, per Ibi Spring ducks* per Ib.*.. Spring gee&e. per lb .».»» Squabs, per dozen * iiot*8. State, i90i, choice, per lb.s Good to prime, per lb .;. •. Common to fair ........... Pacific.Coast;.. 1904, choice.. Good to prime, per lb ...OM o d d s! .............. HAT AKD STRAW. Hay, prime, per 100 ib — (a), • No. I, per IOD Ib 77V>@ No. 2, per 300 Ib 72’i ^ Clover mixed, per 100 Ib. 70 (3! Strawi long rye.I Oj @ Y egetaiu .RS. Potatoes, itersey. per bbK s I 25 ^ I 35 L. I.*. per ISO lbs. U 175 @ 2 00 Sweets, per bbl. 2 50 @ 4 00 Tui*nips, per bbl CD @ 90 Tomatoes, per carrier...*. I 50 @ 4 00 Kgg plant, per bos I 50 @ 4 50 Squash, per bos I 00 <S! I 75 Peas, per basket 2 00 0 6 00 Peppers* per carrier.»»»... I 00 @ 2 OJ Lcttuee,* per basket 50 @ 75 Cabbages, par ton ............... 6 C3 9 00 Cucumbers, per crate -I 50 4 00 String beans, per basket... 2 00 @ 6 00 Onions, Ct., Yel., per bbl., 2 75 <3? 3 00 Red. per bbl.... ........ 2 50 ^ 2 75 Orange Co., per bag 2 25 @ 2 75 Celery, per dozen bunches.. 10 @ 40- Cauliflower, per bbl I CO @ 4 00 Brnssels sprouts, per q t..., 10 (3} 32 Spinach, pet* bbl....................I 50 @ 3 00 Kale, per bbl ........ 75 @ I 25 Beets, per 100 bunches 3 00 (& 3 50 Carrots, per 100 bunches... 3 00 (& :) 50 Parsley, j;er 100 bunch?s... 4 00 (Si 7 00 W atercress, per 100 btvehes I 50 @ 2 50 SUXDMKS. Beeswax, per Ib £S (5 28% Maple sugar, p?r Ib S ($ 10 Syrup, per gallon 65 @ 75 Honey, clover, per Ib ...... 10 (4 15 Buckwheat, per Ib 10 @ 11 G BAIN. ETC. Flour—W inter patents .... Z 50 @ 5 S5 Spring p a te n ts .................. 5 85 @ 6 35 W heat, 3Sfo. I K. D atuth... — @ I 27% No. 2 red ..................... — @ 1 22% Corn, No. 2 w hite................ — ^ 52 Oats, m ixed ........................... 36%(«) 37 Clipped, w hite .... . 39~ (<§ 41 Lard, c i ty ............................ — @ C% GAME. Ducks, canvas, per p a ir..,. I Cp @ 2 50 Ked head, per pair I 00 (3> I 50 Mallard, per pair.I ...... 75 @ I 00 Teal, bhxe wing..................... 40 @ 00 Green wing ....................... 35 @ 50 babbits, per pair .................. 16 @ 40UVE STOCK. Beeves, city dressed 7 Ol 9 Calves, city d ressed ........ 0 ($ 15 Country dressed ...............' 0 (3 12% Sheep, per 100 Ib.................. 4 00 @ 5 50 Lambs, per 100 Ib 7 85 8 00 Hogs, live, per 100 Ib........... 4 25 @ 5 25 Country dressed, per Ib.. 5%@ 7% TR EA SU R Y ?28,G00,003 SH O RT. Blg Increase in E xpenditures TuriDgr C urrent F iscal Y ear O ver L a st Y ear. W ashington, D. C.—T here is a deficit of $28,590,807 in th e U nited S tates Treasury.. T he receipts and expendi­ tures for th e seven m onths of th e fi&eal year ended on Jan u ary 31, show ed total receipts of §324,060,138, and expendi­ tures of $349,650,445. In th e corre­ sponding m onths of th e la st fiscal year th e total receipts w ere $319,425.8^3, and the expenditures $317,851,860, a surplus of £1>574,234. F o r th e m onth closed th e total re­ ceipts w ere $43,410,285, an d ti e expen­ ditures, $49,627,000, m aking a deficit for th e m onth of $0,210,714. F o r th e sam e m onth of th e la st fiscal yec.v the to tal receipts w ere $41,588,379, and th e expenditures $48,440,000, a deficit of $0,851,629. R ussia’s Oil Production. T he petroleum production o f R nssia ia st year is expected, w hen th e figures are m ade public, to show an increase over th a t of 1903, w hen it w as 75,000,- 000 barrels. T his w as thirty-eight per cent, of th e w orld’s supply an d consid­ erably exceeded th e production of th e U nited States east of th e M issouri and M ississippi ’ R ivers th e sam e year, w hich totaled 55,000,000 barrels, or tw enty-eight p er cent, of th e w orld’* supply. T he burning quality o f A m er­ ican oil is, how ever, b etter th a n th e R ussian. ___ ________ H orse' M arkets A ctive. G reat activity is reported from the horse m arket in. N ational Stock Y ards, 111. R eceipts since the^first of th e new year have been large an d y e t vaJues h a re advanced fully $5 p er hwdd on all recognized classes of m ark et ani­ mals# A frica’s D iam ond Yieldc T he diam ond yield o f ^South A frica, w hich began w ith $2300 in 186T an d reached $18,000,000 in 1S88, w as $24,- 500,000 la st .year. N ew R ivals to th e diam ond. T he N ew Y ork A cadem y of Sciences and th e Electro-Chem ical' Society h as bestow ed th e nam e <5f m oissanite on th e carbon silicide in th e form of six- aided crystals found in th e residue from dissolving th e iron m eteorite from Canon D iablo, A riz. T he nam e w as given in honor of D r. H en ri M oissau, m em ber of the In stitu te of F fauce, who has added to his m any discoveries of carbides Jjy m eans of th e electric fur­ nace th a t of th e new silicide In the m eteor T he new ly ^discovered silicide is harder th an any Unowo subst&nce, I except the jUgmopdt HlNOR EVDjT^BfTHEWEEK W A SH IN G TO N . T te P resident asked Congress to pro­ vide for th e collection of divorce sta­ tistics. . P resident Soosevelt and m em bers of the C abinet m ade gifts to th e H anna inem orial fund; T h e A rm y A ppropriation bill w as passed by the Senate. S enator H ale asserted th a t th e Gen­ eral Staff is usurping all the authority Jf the S ecretary of W ar, and declared Rgainst a general board for th-3 navy. Senator H ale, of M aine, declared th e G eneral Staff of the A rm y had m ade th e Secretary of W ar a m ere figure* neadi . . — •*- b u ii A D O PTED ISLA N D S. K ontaIonl th e Ladrone leader, has ham strung a B atangas native w ho had shown him self friendly to A m ericans; the m an’s lips w ere also cut off. G overnors Lam otho, o f th e F rench P rotectorate of Cam bodia, w as in M a­ nila, officially investigating th e O rien­ tal colonies; H e says, th a t A m ericans pursnin# fi hew theory w ith ex­ traordinary liberality. T he boldest blaus are energetically executed. Re­ m arkable activity characterizes our public w orks. T he universal extension iif the. school system a t enorm ous ex­ pense is; perhaps; prem ature; he says’. Stoweveri moi'e has been accom plished In the Philippines in five years th an in tw enty years in any of th e other Orien­ ta l colonies. H e considers th a t the P hilippines have a brighter fn tn re than Java, w hich is m ore successful from an adm inistration standpoint, bu t does not elevate the nativ#*- .A band o£ Feligardo’sboiom enrnsJieil the tpwri of Sail lfrdiiclscd (id Mala=. 6bn, iii C avite Province, abducted th e w ife and Ciiildrert of form er G eneral tria s, and killed C ontract Surgeon O’Neill, IT. S. A., who w as traveling tow ard th e station w ith Philippine scouts, Tivd of th e Scouts Ivere killed Ind t IirCl! w ere wounded;. ThS bolo- men captured tw enty carbines. . b n e dollar fine w as fixed by Jndge DeBolt, of th e Suprem e Court, H ono­ lulu, H aw aii. The m an upon -whom this sentence w as pronounced is Ed­ w ard G eneav, m aster-at-arm s of the U nited States gun vessel W heeliug, who w as charged w ith m urder in the S rst degree for shooting a negro prize fighter, "U seless” H arris, In Ju n e last, Hftel1 the iatter and assaulted him in a Saloon, and who ivas fonnd guilty of Ihanslaughter in the third degree. The Seeision w as received w ith enthusiasm m d cheers by the spectators. D OM ESTIC. F ifty feet of flve-ineh iron pipe felt through a skylight into th e office of th e m anager of th e H otel M anhattan, N ew Xorlc Ciiy. No one w as injured. New- Y ork City advertised for bids for a m unicipal lighting plant. L eader W illiam s again w as defeated as a cham pion of G eneral M iles, for­ ty-three D em ocrats voting against him . P resident N ew m an, of th e N ew Iiork C entral, w as elected P resitlcnt of the “Big F our” and M ichigan C entral R ail­ w ay Companies, in pursuance of a plan for th e consolidation of th e V anderbilt system . Som e investors in th e $5,000,000 La- due Gold M ining Com pany, of Yukon, w hich proved a bubble, talked of suing S enator Depewr and others of th e orig­ inal directors. T he Beef T ru st p u t up the price of m eat a h alf cent a pound in N ew Io rk City. T he annual dinner o f th e Syracuse D uiversIty alum ni w as held in N ew S ork City. AY. J. B ryan w as am ong the speakers. W arrants for four officials of th e in­ solvent G erm an B ank a t Buffalo, N. X., w ere issued, based on charges of larceny and failure to perform duty. T he S taudard Hope and Tw ine Com­ pany, of N ew Y ork City, unable to m eet the in terest on its bonds, w ent in the hands of receivers. F iv e horses w ere burned in a stub­ born fire a t T hirteenth avenue and T hirtieth street, N ew Y ork City. Com m issioner M cAdoo1 of N ew Y ork City, w ill endeavor to force th e retire­ m ent of six inspectors by causing a board o f surgeons to declare them phy­ sically unfit for duty. Philadelphia police arrested “Flos­ sie” M urphy,-w ho, they charge, is “th e w om an w ith the crutch,” leader of a band of safe burglars. M rs. W illiam W ilkins entered a church a t R ahw ay, N. ,T., w hile a fun­ eral service w as in progress, snatched her daughter from a m ourner and drove aw ay. She h as sued h er hus­ band for a separation. T he rep o rt of the Superintendent of Public W orks, given ou t a t A lbany, N. Y ., show ed th a t the last season w as a com paratively poor one as regards ton­ nage on th e S tate canals. The tenth annual report o f the N ew Y ork S tate Com m issioner of P risons ■was m ade public a t A lbany. 'T w o am endm ents to th e indeterm inate sen­ tence an d parole law w ere recom ­ m ended. . . . . - F O R E IG N . TIie B ritish steam er A lba w ent ashore near H aarlem . G overnor-G eneral T repoff in an inter­ view said th a t th e St. P etersburg w ork­ ingm en had been deceived, b u t are now peaceably a t w_ork: th a t blood had been spilled, y et they h ad gained nothing; th a t th ere ca n -b e .n o revolution, and th a t h e guaranteed calm . , T he London (England) D aily M ail's W arsaw correspondent said th a t the end of th e strike is in sight, though snipiBg of troops continues; hundreds o f arrests have been inade, an d the killed are estim ated a t 300. O ne hundred and- sixty persons H are been killed or w o unied in W arsaw - F ighting betw een people an d troops continued. : ‘ T he body of a stranger, recently run dow n and killed in P aris, w as iden­ tified as th a t of A nthony M. K elley. A dvices from St. P etersburg said th a t economic depression, caused by the stoppage of trade w ith Siberia and M anchuria- w as, the-cause of th e ris­ ing of w orkm en. , • R ussian officers a t th e D ogger B ank inquiry testified to tils presence of tor­ pedo boats in th e X orth Sea. M ore fisherm en testified before th e International Commission, a t P aris. F rance. R ussian officers begaij pre­ senting their side of th e case. P oland joined F inland and th e rest of . the R ussian em pire began rising,' and strikes and conflicts continued to spread over th e interior. ■ From W onson a special’ cable dis­ patch'announced th a t th e R ussians on th e east coast of K orea w ere retiring north. In M. R ouvicr’s statem ent of policy before th e F rench C ham ber the discus­ sion of the Incom e ta x w as placed ahead of th a t on the separation ol Cbuvch and-S tate, Knew How Freshman Felt. T he Inauguration of B r. L uther to th e presidency of T rinity college, H art­ ford, w hich took place recently, sug­ gested an incident of a rainy day som e years ago. A freshm an w as w alk­ ing along In front of N ortham hall, W hen th e strap th a t held his books suddefiiy parted and they w ere scat­ tered Oveii th e w et pavem ent. H e was ju st about to punctuate his thoughts w ith a few w ell-chosen w ords, wheii he heard som e one ju st behind him . C atching him self, he glanced over his shoulder and saw Prof. L uther, who sm ilingly said: “Say it; go on and say it—I never can, yon know .”—New Y ork Tim es. _______• FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervons- Jiessaftef first day’s use ot Dr. Kline’s Groat StrvdfieStdrer JStrjal Sottleandtreatise free Dr.jR.H Klike , Ltd., 831 Artll S t . Pa There are 12,520 hoys and 4059 girls id the industrial schools of Great Britain. To Cnro a Coltl In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AU druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. VY. drove's signature is on box. 25c. Ants are the most brainy of all creatures in proportion to size. itrs. Winsid w ‘s Soothing; Syrup forfeiildrefji teething, soften tho gums, reduces inflamm& tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c.abottle The town of Charlottcnburg, near Ber­ lin, has an open-air school. piso’s briife for Consumption Ls an infaliiblo medicine for coughs and colds;—N« TV* RAVTTgTf, Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. Vt, 1900: The sale o£ automobiles in Russia is growing rapidly. A Guaranteed Cors For LkIles. Itching, iilind, lileeding or Protruding Piles. Druggists will refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure in 6 to 14 days. 50c. A piece oi lancewood aii inch square will fitand a strain of'2000 pounds. Itch cured in 50 minutes by Woolford’s Sanitary Lotion. K erer fails. Sold by all druggists, $1. Mail orders promptly filled by Dr. E. Dstchon, Crawfordsville, Ind. ,T h ere ire 14,003 hotels in the United states. GRATEFUL TO CUTICURA JTor Instant Kelief and Speedy Cure of Kaw and Scaly Humor, Itcliiag Bay and KigUt-Sufferea For Months. ‘*1 wish you would pub'.ish this letter so that others suffering as I have may be helped. For months awful sores covercd toy face and neck, scabs forming, itching terribly day and.night,.breaking open, and running blood aud matter. I had tried many remedies, but was growing worse, when I starred with Cnticura. . The firs: application gave me instant relief, and When I had used two cakes of Cuticura Soap And three boxes of Cuticura Oint­ ment, I was completely cured. (Signed) H iss Nellie Yander Wieie, Lakeside,N\Y." Itenson and I(a Lack* . Cholly—“But—aw—why do you say you don’t like my face''*' Miss P ert—'“Because.” C h o liy -“Ah! but th a t’s not a pw oper answ er; there's no reason in th at.” M iss P e r t- itW ell, there's none in your face, either.”*-Philadelphia Press. There is more CatarrU in this section of the country than all other diseases put togcfcbei*, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great maoy years doetora pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly falling to euro with local treatm ent, pronounced it in­ curable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney Jc Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional euro on the market. It is taken internally in dose 3 from 10 drops to a teaspoouful. It acts direct­ ly on the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address F. J Chzkey & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Brag$isfcs, 75c.Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation D idn't Need Money. D ixon—-“H ow is your artist friend getting along in N ew Y ork?’* Tom son—“Oh, splendidly!” D ix o n -wH ave you heard from lilm ?’* Tom son—“No; th a t’s th e reason I know he’s prospering.’-’—D etroit F ree P ress, Taylor’s Cherokee Bemedy of Sweet Gnm and Mullen is Nature’s great remedy—Cures Coughs. Colds, Croup and Consumptionsand all throat and lung troubles. At druggists, 25«., 50c. and $1.00 per bottle. T he church boss is likely to be the devil’s hireling. Women in Out Hospitals AppalKng Increase in the Number of Operations* Performed Each Year—How Women May Avoid Them. M u s h r * : G oing th ro u g h th e hospUalg in our larg ecities one is surprised to find such a larg e proportion of th e patients lying on those snow -w hite beds wom en an d girls, w ho are eith er aw aiting o r recovering from serious opera­ tions. W hy should th is be th e case? Sim­ ply because th ey have neglected them* selves. O varian an d w om b troubles 'are certainly on th e increase am ong th e w om en of th is country—they creep upon them unaw ares, b u t every one of those patien ts in th e hospital beds h ad plen ty of w arning in th a t bearing- dowfl feeling* pain a t 19ft o r rig h t of th e w om b, nervous exhaustion, pain in th e sm all of th e hack, leilcorrhcea, diz­ ziness, flatulency, displacem ents of tho w om b o r irregularities. AU of these sym ptom s are indieations of an u n ­ health y condition of th e ovaries or Womb* an d if n o t heeded tlie penalty h as to be paid by a dangerous operation. W hen these sym ptom s m anifest them ­ selves, do n o t d rag along u n til you are obliged to go to th e hospital and sub­ m it to an operatio n — b u t rem em ber th a t L ydia E. Pinkham ’s V egetable Com pound h as saved thousands of w om en from surgical operations When* w om en are troubled w ith ir­ regular, suppressed or painful m enstru­ ation, W eakness, leucorrhcea, displace­ m ent or ulceraiion of th e w om b, th a t bearing-dow n feeling, inflam m ation of the ovaries, backache, bloating (or flat­ ulency), general debility, indigestion, and nervous prostration, o r are beset w ith such sym ptom s as dizziness, lassi­ tude, excitability, irritab ility , nervous- lydia E Pimurn9S YeIstaWe ness, sleeplessness, m elancholy, “ all* gone ” an d “ w ant-to-be-left-alone” feel­ ings, th e y should rem em ber th e re is one tried and.tfuo rem edy. T he follow ing le tte rs cannot fail to b rin g hope to despairing wom en. M rs. F red Seydel, 412 N. 54tU S treet, W est P hiladelphia, P a., w rites; CcSi1 3£rs« PhA ham :-' w I was In a very serious condition when X wrote to you for advice. Ihadaserlouswomb and ovarian trouble and I could not carry a child to maturity, and .was advised that an operation was my onlv liope of recovery. I could not bear to think of going to tho hospi­tal, so wrote you for ad Wee. I did as you in­ structed me and took Lyrlia E . Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound; and I am not only a well woman to-day, but have a beautiful baby girl six months old. I advise all sick ami suffering women to write you for advice, as you have done so much for me.” M iss E uby M ushrush, o f Eaat Chicago, Ind., w rites: Dear HifrsJ Pinkham:—“ I have been a great sufferer with irregular menstruation and ovarian trouble, and about three months ago the doctor, after usi&gthe X-Ray on me, said I had an abcess Ca tte ovaries aud would liavo to ha re an operation* My mother wanted me to try Lydia E. Pink* ham's Vegetable Compound as a last resort, and it not only saved me from an operation but made me entirely well.” L ydia E . P. nkharo’s V egetable Com­ pound a t onco rem oves sucli troubles. Itefuse to buy any o th e r m edicine, fo r you need th e best. M rs. P inkham invites all sick wom en to w rite lierfo r advice. H cradvice and m edicine have restored thoasands to health . A ddress, Lynn, Muss. Sascesds Wliere Sthcrs FaD. LIZY L lE R "I find Oasoarets so eood that I would not bo without them. I was troubled a great dcel with torpid liver and headache. Kow .since taking Cascarets Candy Catbanic I tool very much hotter I shall certainly rccommend them to my lrionds &9 the best mcdicino I liave ever seen." Anna Bnsinct, Osborn MUl No. 2, FallBiTeriMass. Best For I ^ f y The Dowels I W i w w W W w w CANCY CATHARTIC Si . Pleasant, Palatable*. Potent. Tsste Good. I>o GooAr Never Sicken; Woakoa or Gtiiuj. 10c, Kcl 50<*. Nevei cold in buik. Tho pcnnino tablet 8tnroiied (J C 0. Qnarauteed to cnro or yc<nr money hack. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 6oi ANUML SALE, TEB MiLLftH BOXES iobn White & Ce, LOUISVILLE, KY. Established 1837 Siehesi marJsei |*ilee FU R S Field Seeds Country merchants and farmers can save 10 to 25 per cent by -writing the Nashville Produce Co., NashTllle, Tenn., for special cash prices. The onlv strictly cash field seed house In the South. ’Write today. NASHVILLE PRODUCE CO.,J . J . ODIL1 M anager. TOlooo^iSsfsrise. filorc gardens and farm s are planked to Salzer1S Seeds t!mn « 1 7 other In £?America. There is reason for this. - We own over &,<M0 aereu for tlio pro- d doction of our W A »*ran ted *eeas. Sln order to Indace you to trr them , wo Kv y s t make you t£o follow ing unpro- ^ ccdented oiler: Fo p IB G asO s P o s fp a S a1 SOflO Earlj, BcflhiB tod Lato CtUupti I |S009 Flue SaleyTornljw, 1SOOO Blaublng Ce)?(?<SOOO ItieH Knttj l.ettuce,1000 SpIewiM Onions,JilOO Kare f<RMtct» Katones, lOiX) Qloriowly Crillinnt flower*.Above seven packages contain snffl. . cient seed to rpow io.w> plants, lap. nlnhinj? b a s h e s o f b r iia a n t / flo w e r s and IotsanU loteoi clioiue . vegetables,togetherwitliourgj-cat I cataloft.teliintrall ahont Flowers, Roses. Small Fruits, etc., all for ICo in stamps and this notice* B is ltD-pa.go catalog alone( tc. JGHH A. SAUER SEED CO, a.c.u La Q rossei Wie. Besion U Gantt’s Planters aed Distributors WE GUARANTEE THEM . BEWARE O F IMITATIONS* Write for PrSceo and Catalogue^ OANTT flFG. CO., Hacon, Qa. H -in siom p san ’s EyeWater So, 6» our. Your Choice of § 6 V a I i i a M e A i I I c I e s is offered for the freight-car coupons on Gofctl Luck.B aking pow der can labels. Besides beautiful pieces of jew elry, th e list includes attractive articles of wearing apparel and handsome things for th e house. You can g et them easily and quickly—and you'll be surprised at their value. Five of the prem ium s are illustrated above. F or full description and pictures of the w hole list see the little Good Irnck Prem ium Book in eacli can. The positive purity, the perfect wholesomeness o f GOOD LUCK p™;; m ake it the.m ost widely chosen of all leavening agents. D uring this year 16,145,114 pounds have been sold (m any orders com ing in for car-load shipm ents), w hich is th e largest business for a single factory in the world. This is only th e inevitable result of th e original Good Luck plan—to furnish th e best baking powder iii th e world a t th e low est price—10 cents a pound* Good Luck is th e best because it is purest, because it produces th e light* est, w hitest, sweetest of baking.' These results are due to its unequaled leavening force, to the fact th at it contains no adulteration whatever. I t is th e m ost economical because it takes less to do th e w ork ^ an any other baking powder. If your dealer doesn’t sell Good L uck let us know, and we’ll see that you are supplied at once. T S E SO U TH ERN M FGo C O ., R ic & m o n d , V a . W CUTTtWfi OtfT COUPON FOLLOW TMS UHS 9 Sdid Canload 'GOOD LUCK'BAKIN 61 I CUT OUT THIS CAR AND SAVE IT. THEY ARSR 38000 FOR VALUABUt ARTICLES.SEE UST IN I I EACH CAN. AddressiTHE DepaRtment -StoreOFg I THS SOUTHeRW MUTO CO. Qmwct SSI RiQ»WMoVa;O^A.g i Ss th e pon found sB r a P U T N A M . F A D E L E S S - D Y E S Color more. s-pccU brighter end faster colont than any other dye One tcc package oofors *iik, woo. and cotfon equally nei» cmi js r^aranreed to xire perfect res salts. Ask dual?? or vre wilVaend po&t paid at Ifce a pEcb&£@- Write lor free booklet—How to D*;e, Bleach and AIix Colors. MObftOE DKUCr CO. UnionviUe. Mo*. Pji I $ lit, I - 1 \\ I 1 iiI I i! 13I ; I Iv !'I Hil I U j i i 'I;.’,! I . UlSd JfcSSlK I'UIV'LBR P E iD .THE DAVIE RECORD.. .:_____________■— — a w#U known Md Popular Yoiinf Lndy 35. H . MORRIS, - - EDITOR.) -» — «***— . BIOCKSVIIX E 1 N . C., F E B . 9, 1905. ENTERED AT THE POST OFFICE Ir) Mocksville , N. C., as second eslas*! matter, Mais1 3 1903 Arrival of Trains. MAIL TRAIN. N o rth A r. a t M ocksTille K28 a . n». S o uth—A r. a t '* M G o. id. LOHAr- FREIGHT, N o rth.—A r. a t M ocksTjBe 9:28 a m . S o u th 1- A r . a . “ 9 3 8 a . m TH R O U G H 'TRAIRT (D aily a n d Sunday) ! P rom S tatesv ille L andm ark, F eb. 3rd After a month’s IlInesalMias Jes­ sie Fowler died Weduesday even­ ing at 8 o’clock at the home of Mr. J. C. Irwin, on Davie avenue. Miss Fowler was first attacked with grippe and malarial lever and this developed into typhoid fever. Her coudition had been sertotH for some time but there was hope f >r her re POBK CHDBCS NEWS. Mr. Xeil Oarter is quite sick with rheumatism. We hope to see him OJt soon. Miss Annie Massey, of Clinton, Mo., is here visiting her cousin, Mrs. L. M. Hege. Rev. Thomas Trott preached quite an interesting sermon at the Fnltonchnrch Sunday, Jan. 29th. The remains of the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Gaither Kerr, of High Point, were interred here last Thursday. The parents have our Wednesday there was another hem- North—Ar. at Slocksville l:ISj> m. oirhage, and then it was known covery until Monday night, when sy.npathy in this bereavement;, she was attacked with ahemoi rhage. | 'j h3 fineral precession came by Tuesdayand W edm slay itor in.' way of Peeble’s Ferry and bad con- she was better, but about noon sideraile difficulty in crossing the IfM r. B. Ew Lacy, the present State Treasurer, is in financial straits we move that a public subscription be started for his relief, and we will gladly forward any amount sent ns to that poor, poverty stricken gentleman. And while we are chipping in for Mr. Lacy let’s not forget that honest old man, ex-treasurer Worth who lost 816,000 by Martin and who gave np his home to save the State from loss. Here’s at you, gentle­ men. S outh.— A r. a t 3;38 p. OJ that the end was near. Miss Fow- r.ver on account of the ite. A certain gallant Swain,residing about three or four miles north- tnd. Miss Fo vler was the daughter of I Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wr. Fowler; of Get Up a Club. To* every one who gets up a club of 5 su-l»eriber& t«» The Heconl for «*««■ year, $2.59, we will give The Record one year free, or if you are a subscriber, will allow you a com­ mission of 10 eentson ea'ih 50 cents collected. Let our friends get us »j» some clubs and help The Rec­ ord as well as themselves. H ooksviS fe P r o d u c e M a rk e t. C o rrected 1 b j W iU iam a & A nderson RwSnee in good demand. C orn, p e r b u ................................ .75 Vr Iieat, p er bu ............................... 1.25 OlsSsj p e r 'm .................................................50 P eas, p er bu ................................... 1.00 B acon p e r pound ......................................10 B acon, w e s te r a .......................................10 H a m s ................................................................15 E ggB................................. p erd o z. .20 B u tt.-r.................................................. _ -15 __________________ ftim m er C hickens..........................O~(<g 8° ‘d a u g h te r, lo v ed a n d c a re d fo r as 1 1 their own. To them the blow is severe and the community sympa­ thizes with them and others near and dear to her who has gone. Miss Fowler’s mother and father, four brothers and three sisters sur­ vive. Her mother was with her during her illness, as was also her brother,Mr. J. C. Fowler ,of States­ ville. Her fi ther and another bio:her. H. B. Fowler, of Char otte arrived We Inesdajr niglit.. Mrs. H. B. I owler came from Charlotte yesterday and a married sister of the deceased,Mrs. Bridgers, of Tiir 1)010. and other relatives also came yesterday. Miss Fowler was one of the Iwst known as well as one of tl e most popular young ladies in the com­ munity. She was attractive and accomplished. A skilled musician she bad long been prominent in musical and social ciicles in the town. She had been for several j ears organist at the First Presbyterian church. Death came in her yonth and strength, wheu there was every prospect of a long life and much to live lor. She. will be missed aud sinoercly mourned by a large circle of friends. The fuceral services will take place from the First Presbyterian church, of which Miss Fowlcrwas a member, this afternoon at 3 o’clock, and the remains will be interred at Oak wood. Ier was entirely conscious until the east of our city, has been in the habit of calling on one of our young ladies on Sunday evenings. He came d >wn recently and believed South liver, Bowan county, and i i the old adage, "If you would/ «as 29 years old. When a little j have Inck tie tO a swinging limb.” j child she came to live with her un- So having fastened his horse, as he cU a d auit, Mr. and Mrs Irvin, J thought, securely, he hied himself tb. I., tter being her mother’s sister, to a cheery fire aud the pleasant aud tiuce thpn had her home with : smiles of his lady-love. But ‘'the t ieni. They ha I no children and ' Ciiirse of true love never runs s is egrew up in their home as their | smooth,'’ so it was ou this occason. Tbe . 0 01 steed grew tired of the It i» reported that a negro near Elbavtlle has the small pox. Quite a number of our country friends were in town Monday. Dr. W . C. Martin treats rheu­ matism with hot air and electricity. Miss Kannie Humphrey, who has fteen under treatment at Dr. Mar­ tin’s has about recovered. Dr. W . G. Johnson, of Farming­ ton, is quite sick, aud his recovery w doubtful. S. F. bhore, of Yadkin, was a visitor in our town Mocday and Tuesday. See new ad of J. L. Kurfees in this issue. If you need paints call on him. He also carries a full line of general merchandise. County Commissioners W. A. BaiIeyand Dr. J. M. Cain held a wssion Monday, transacting routine Susi ness. Solicitor W. C. Hammer may be an expert witness, but he is notan unbiased one, judging Irom his let­ ter to the News and Observer. K. VV. Williams, colored, of Far- Mifugtou, was in Uondayand paid np his subscription for another year. G-. Cl Stonest neet, spent several days in the county list week visiting his father’s fam­ ily, B. F. Stouestrcet. BossHoward, son of George How­ ard. died last Thursday at Coolee- saee and was buried at Smith firove. Mrs. Delia Frost, of Felix, died Swt- week. She was the wife of onr aid friend, Jas. Frost, postmaster at Felix. Missi Gaither’s musical recital was ;i Mteeess and greatly eujoyed Uy a knge and appreciative audi­ ence fast Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. McCoy left Sos tbekr home in Aftbeville last Mr. McCoy is much better, and we hope to hear of his speedy recovery. Call in and get a sample copy of ■Wie Southwn Agriculturist, asplen- did farm paper, we are giving free tv aft paul up, in advance, subscriptions to The Record. The Tar Heel Club banquet, at Qreensboro, on February 22nd is a1) social affair. Only members of the I Club, and especially invited guests, will attend. It is not a public po- Stical speaking Vvy any means. Elsewhere in be found an account of the death B e a u tifu l eyes an d handsom e fa e e a re elo q u en t com m endatiions. B rig h t eyes a re w indow s to a w om an’s h e a rt. H o lliste r’s R ocky m o u n tain T e a m akes b rig h t eyes. 35c. T e a o r T a b ­ le ts, S an fo rd ’s drug- sto re. The new Governor is not ortho­ dox enough on the liquor question tosuit Bailey of the Biblical R e­ corder and boss of the Anti-Saloon league, and a recent issue of the Recorder reads Gov. Bob the riot act, and tells him what he may ex­ pect if he doesn’t nail his temperance, banner to the Anti-Saloon League cross. The fact of the matter is, Gov. Bob is fighting shy of this Watts temperance fnror and Bailey is applying the lash. His 4<com- inentary" on Glenn’s inaugural ad dress was scathing and damning,monotony, and betook himself to his home stable, leaving the voung , , ...... .. . uia i to plod his weary way home interesting reading to iu,<larkncss and alone. Such are we u::s' the disanpoiutments and trials of love-n aking. Most oi our people have filled their ice henses. preparatory to feating on ice cream next summer PUBDIC IS AROUSED. T h e public is aroused to a know] ed g e o f th e c u ra tiv e m e rits o f th a t ffr« at m ed icin al to n ic, E le c tric B it­ te rs, fo r sick stom ach, liv e r an d kid- TT fit Ij z tn at-T h e Tl c o ld is im n ra v in r pnoh n e /s. M ary H . W a lters o f 518S t.C la ir I ™ • improung e a c n |A v e Co[um()USi o b io , w rites: “ F orweek. There is always hope for sujoess wlicra there is improve­ ment. R epokxee. A COIO1 COUGH— CONSUMPTION A i rie f to ld otcry ’ b u t tru e . B y d ale’s C oagh E lixir will p re v e n t th is h ap p en ­ in g to you. I t w ill ch eck th e progress of a cold a t on :a, d re v e n t th e cough becom ing < ee p seated , an d fhus w ard off consum ption. T h it m odern scien­ tific re B edy If ills th e g erm s tiia t cause th ro e t' an u I m g diseases, an d by its stim u latin g a id to n ic effect upon th e re sp a ra to ry org an s helps n a tu re spee­ dily re sto re tiiese o rg an s to ro b u st h ea lth . A t S an fo rd ’s d ru g sto re ITEUS PBOM FAITH. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wyatt move- ed last Monday into oue ofJ. C. Lingles houses. The little child of Lawson Mi-- , Combs, who has beeu sick quite of Concord, awhile was buried last Saturday. Mr. J. C. Lingle is uow having his new residence painted. Rev. C. Brown spent Wednesday in Vaitb. Miss Laua Ktird, of China Grove and Mr. Cat Sloop were the guests of the Misses Lisgle last Sunday. , Sure enough ;our little town is growing; more people moving in. J. R. McNary, one of Faith’s merchants bought the house and lot of J. T. Wyatt and Is now liv­ ing liere. There was a showgiveu in Faith Friday night. J. C. Lingle was called to China Grove to am«etiug of the Rowan Chafa1 Factory Friday. The big livery stable at this place is now completed. Mr. J. M. Fisher is putting np a new residence for his son, Luther Fisher. Faith is growing very fast. A Lutheran and a Baptist parsonage is being built here. The granite business is somewhat dull this week owing to the bad weather. se v e ra l m o n th il w as g iv e n up to die. I h ad fe v e r an d ague, m y n erv es w ere w recked; I could n o t sleep, an d m y sto m ach w as so w eak fro m useless d o cto rs’ drugs th a t I could n o t eat, Soon a fte r b eg in n in g to ta k e E le c tric B itte rs I o b ta in ed re lie r, an d in a sh o rt tim e I w as en tire ly cured. G u aran te ed a t S an fo rd ’s d ru g sto re; p rice 50c. FIENDISH SUFFERING. is o ite n caused by sores, u lc ers an d can cers, th a t e a t aw ay y o u r skin. W m . B edell, o f F la t R ock, M ich., says: I h av e used B ucfclen’s A rn ica S alv e fo r ulcers, sores an d ca n cers. I t is th e b e st h ea lin g dressin g I ev er found, ” S oothes an d heals cu ts,b u rn s an d scalds. 25c, a t S an fo rd ’s d ru g sto re ; g u a ra n te e d . I te m s F r o m R o w a n . The Rowan Granite quarry open­ ed np nicely the first of last'week, but owing to the cold weather had to shnt down again for a time. Thereare good prospects for mach granite work this year. The Whitney Company is putting in an electric plant at the Nairows that may furnish power enough to run halt the machinery in Western N . C- The work is to be done by the first of 1007. AVe hear that William Weant, of Mocksville is talking of moving to Salisbury with his family; Rowan will bid him a hearty welcome, and Salisbury as well, will appreciate the accession. The Rowan Republicans aresiuil- ing at the Kruggle over the present prices of cotton, and are expecting to get 10 cents in the spring, or 12} in the fall. We do not claim to be extremely ignorant; but there is a difference of opinions as to what part of a cent point in the cotton market is. Some say 40 points make a cent; some say it takes a hundred. Will The iiecord give us the right defi­ nition of a point! Sunday was a very gloomy day here; more pure round ice fell than we have had for years; but a cer­ tain young fellow was at his girl’s house—maybe he enjoyed it nicely If any wish to get good and val­ uable iuformatton. let tbein ask it through The Reconl and I believe they will get it. This will create an interest and make it so much more beneficial to the readers. Let us keep it warm. O b s e rv e r. TiikReooed and jne year 75 cents. Toledo Blad ! The Record and the Weekly Toledo Blade for 75 cents a year— I oah Papei1S for 75 cents! Come iu and subscribe at once. I Read the ad. of the Blade in this ; issue of the Record. Miss. AgnesWestley 56 Wells Street Marinetta.Wis. I t m akes no difference how m any m edicines h a v e failed to cu re you, if you a re tro u b led w ith h ea d ach e, con- s! ip atio n , kid n ey o r liv e r trouble*!, i H o llister’s IXocky M ountain T e a will m a re yo;i w ell. ’ A t S an fo rd ’s d ru g sto re. MR. KIBKSKVd KECOMJIKNOVTI0N. M r. K irk sey w rites:—I g iv e a posi­ tiv e g u a ra n te e w ith every box o f R y- d a le 's sto m ach T a b lets an d liv e r T ab ­ le ts I sell, an d h av e n ev e r b een ask ed to refu n d th e m ouey in a sin g le in­ s ta n c e . I h av e used th e se ta b le ts in m y ram ily w ith b e st resn lts. W . L. K lrksey, M organton, N . C. R y d a le ’s WATCH THIS SPACE FOR N EST A S JfOU2fCEMENT. Very truly, WILLIAMS I ANDERso$ ^ . .. * NOTICE. I 816 W etla Street, H auxnette , Yf is., Sept. 25,1003. I was all run down from nervous­ ness andoverworkaiid hadiorcsign m y position and take a rest. I fonnd th at I was not gaining my strength and health as last as I eoula wish, and as yonr W ine of j Cardni was recommended as such a good medicine for the ills of our I sex, I bought a bottle and( began using it. I was satisfied w ith the results from the nee of the first bottle, a. id took three more and then found I ifas restored to good health and strength and able to take up m y work w ith renewed vigor. I consider it a fine tonic and excellent I for wom-ont, nervous condition, j and am pleased to endorse it. AGKES WESTLEY, StcfrtRorth Wisoontin HoUand Society. Beeaie a $1.00 bottle of W ine of Cardui and a 25c. package at Thedford'a Black-Draught today. WIKE^oTckRDUI S ta te of N o rth C arolina I (’om m r's C onnty of D avie, I J a n 2,1905 N otice is hereb y g iven th a t N o rth Car< Iin a M idland liiilro a d B onds,N os. 34, ;'5< nd 3.1 m u st b e p resen ted fo r ' p ay m en t on or b efo re A p ril 3, 1'JO.j. i T h e in te re s t w ill cease on said Bonds a t th e e x p iratio n o f said tim e. B y o rd ir of th e B oard o f C om m is­ sio n ers of D avie co u n ty , N . C. J . F. M OO RE, T h is J a n . 2 .19Wi. C lerk B oard. ev ery p re p a ra tio n s to g u a ra n te e ev e ry box o r b o ttle of th e ir m edicine, th e y sell, a t S an fo rd ’s drug sto ra M r. J a n ie s H o b s o n D e a d . Died, at his home, ia Greens boro. Ala., about a week ago, 51 r. James Hobson, brother of W. H. Hobson, of Jerusalem. Mr. Hob­ son was born and raised in Davie and moved to Alabama after the war. He held the office of county Jndge for a number of years, aud was appointed postmaster at Greens­ boro by President McKinley. He was the father of Richmond l\H ob son, of SIerriinac fame. Our sym­ pathy is extended to the i-unily. A TWICK TOLD TALK. W e w ish to re p e a t w h at w e h av e said once before in th e se colum ns th a t El­ lio tt’s Einr.lsified O il L n im eu t is th e b est lin im e n t e v e r produced fo r use in th e fam ily an d on an im als. B est fo r rh eu m atism , lam eness, stiffness an d soreness of jo i'its an d m uscles. B e st fo r bruises, eontusions, sp rain s an d sw ellings. Vou g e t a fu ll h a lf p in t fo r 25c an d g e t y o u r m oney back if it does n o t do all it is recom m ended to do, a t S an fo rd ’s d ru g sto re * * 4* * ** * * * * * * * * * ** ❖ * * * * % * I R e i m - e i r x b e x * - T, Al the “BED FRONT” Has just received a big line of KEEN'S and BOYS’ . . . ( M i , mm am h it?, H e makes a specialy of LADIES* FINE DEESS GOODS Of which he has received a Nice Line. Be sure to call and get nrLes before you buy. Yours to Serve J. T, B A I T Y , **** * *1 ** * * ♦ I * * * *! * * ♦ 4 NOTICE. H A V IN G qualified as a d m in istra to r • o f R U FU S G LA SSCO CK , de­ ceased , n o tice is h ereb y g iv e n to all p a rtie s holding claim s a g a in s t said e s ta te to p re se n t th e m fo r paym en on o r b efo re th e 30th d ay of N ovem ­ ber, 19 W. or th is n o tice w i:l be pled in b a r o f th e ir're c o v e ry . AU persons in d eb ted to said e s ta te a r e req u ested to m ake im m ed iate p ay m en t. T h isth e 30th dav of N ovem ber. 1904. T H O S. N . C H A F F IN , A dm ’r. T . B. Bailey , A tt’y. BANK Ot DAVIE STATE DEPOSITORY, j Authorized Capital - - §50,OCC { Therewas preaching here at both'Paid UpOapital - - - $10,000 The Record, w ill' c^ulche« last Sunday. The Reform Surplus Fund - - - - $1000 Mint of thedfiath at'i°£°> a- m> and the Lutheran at 2:30.«f Miss Jessie Fowler, a cousin the editor. She was a bright, .M r. J. D. A. Fisher has been sweet girl and we deplore her un 8*clc {or t^le Past week; but we are -timely death. To onr nnde and 'glad to note that he is now improv- »11 nt, her brothers and sisteis, and to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Irvin, we ex ■tend onr deepest sympathy. Peace eternal peaee to her ashes. ing. Success and good wishes for The Davie Record. S alo m e. ' Depositi Solicited. SPECIAL ATTENTIOIT GIVEN t TC COLLECTIONS. T. J Byerly1 \Y. A Haitej Casbiet.P re sid e n t. TtDEUt COLLSW 1TOU, __________________ Mfi Editor-W iH you please al- sent, of Jerusalem, spent Wednes>nr--n ». • ’ J_ I I . « . - . . - . NORTH COI.OEKMKE B iP F E N im Misses Gertrude and Pearl Bes- THE GREAT MONEY MAKER; KEIFPER pea rs , Swr BWa little space in you paper 'day oJ last week w’iljbTtbeir friend, BONUM ^hisweekT I havn’t seen anything Miss Bessie Foster of Ihis place. | ^ A P P L E S ) ^ in it yet from Y. C. We alflikeso aiuch to read The Rocord and anx­ iously await its arrival each week. The groitnd is again covered with enow * Mr.JffoBes Letter spent Sunday Best Fall Apple in Cultivation, with his JKirents at Rphesus. ; Th»»e toother ».«, » .orp,D» Air. John Gicbb, merchant at other p«>r, «ppi<>, p«wii, piom, uum, this place has accepted a position Grap® Vtiiea, Shade an.l Ornamental Trees, with the Cooleemee cotton mill as »«»*>««•« *» ont winter NOTICE, HA V IN G qualified as adm inistrator of A . A . T A T E , deceased, all per- sons owing said deceased are hereby notified to make immediate payment of sam e; and all persons hold.'ng any claims against said deceased will pre­ sent them to the undersigned within one year of date hereof, or this notice will be plead in bar of payment. T his N ov. 22.1904. E . H . M O tiR iS , A dm ’r o f A . A . T a te .E Ij. G aither , A tt'y. Dr Robl Anderson DENTIST, Office over Bank of Davie. If you need anything like Tombstones Tab lets or Monuments call on C tiA U D G M I L L E lt. W,r>li WiIWhftTO, K. O. NOTICE. E H M o rris , A dm ’r u i) N .‘A. T A T E and o th e rs ! v s u o [ M rs.A . E -T A T E an- th e rs J B Y v irtu e Of an o rd e r o f th e S upe­ rio r C ourt in th e above e n title d pro ­ ceedings th e un d ersig n ed w ill sell fo r cash, a t public au c tio n a t th e c o u rt house door, in M ocksville, N . C .. on M onday, th e Oth d a y o f M arch, 1905. th e follow ing re a l e s ta te , situ a te d in D avie co u n ty , N . C ., viz: A house and lo t an d shop lo t in th e v illag e of Jeru salem , Day;ie co u n ty , N . 0.. ad jo in in g th e lands o f th e h e irs of T . M . B essent, h eirs o f t>. J . T a tu m , th e nld ch u rch lo t an d th e new ch u rch lot, c o n tain in g ab o u t o n e a c re , m ore o r less, a n d know n a s th » A . A . T a te lo t,fo r m etes an d bounds a n d m ore p a r­ tic u la r d escrip tio n see D eed fro m T . M. B essen t an d w ife to A .A . T a te .re g ­ iste red in D avie co u n ty , N. C. T h is F e b ru a ry 1st, 1905. E. H . M O R R IS A dm ’r. o f A A . T a te , deceased B y E._L. G a it h k r , A tty . Very Low Round Trip Rates .--TO— Washington, D. G., ACCOUNT PRESIDENTIAL INAUGURATION, WE DO NOT USE DECOYS TO SELL A CUSTOMER FURNITURE, STOVES OR CARPETS. but let the QUALITY of onr goods entice the trade. THE LARGEST STOCK IN TUE CITY TO SELECT FIii»51. A visit when in Winston is all we ask: Hnnfley-M-Stoctton Co. OLD DAVlE COUNTY. Old Davie knows who to trade with. They have always given ffl their support and trade, and we more than appreciate it all, aud now we submit a few of the many good Bargains we have foi all. 75c M ANILLA CANE-SEAT CHAIRS FO R .. $3.50 ROCKERS FOB ONLY .................... §6.00 DRESSER OR BUREAU FOR ..................■* # 1 0 .0 0 “ “ “ “ $12.5) “ “ 50c. #2.75 *5.00 $7.50 $9.50 We sell the Garland Cook Stoves and Ranges—the best that money can buy—and the price is from $9.50 to $45.00. See us before you buy, if you wi6h to save money. Rominger & Criin Formshing Co,, 436 Main St.,' ’n front of Brown’s Warehouse, W inston , N.C. It seems that we are having the1 lloolc^ eePer au<l during his absence • *“d 8prtniAdartw! * Prlee-TJ A. . ? J - T I ItA Kq 4! n AI ..bl. m2.. T I _«o!dcst winter I have ever wit-, ^e llas a substitute clerk, Misn Liz stessed. I Granger. We certainly did enjoy Patsy’s L ^ Tuesday evening of last week letters, and I agree with her about! *. ^ * ? eDCf “lew frolics and more Bible read- i ’ ^ this place. Mr. Edd L:sk ing.” She’s right about that. Oh! Mary ^ Kalian, of Cooleemee, that the young people of this place I" — 11 m m^mage, the Meth- Greensboro, N. C.<IOBN A. TOUfiCOt and elsewhere would take her ad~ sice. Mrs. Gaither Walser, Mrs. W. S. Owen and Mrs. Hii am Holder kavebeeu quite sick, bat arebet- ■ter at Ibis writing. Mr. Cland Pavisfrom Lexington, and Mr. C. P. Jones of Winston, ■*isjt*d our village a fewdajs ago. Mr. Davis was on a visit to his sis odist preacher officiating. RYDALE’S T0NI6 A REAL CURE FOR MAUARI A. Miss Gertrude Granww anont loot1 14 has recently been discovered that thel , iruue granger spent lass ^erms Olat produce Malaria, breed and mat. W euliesday Light With her. Uttle tiply In the intestines and fcom there spread school friend, Mias Bosa Candell of S,ro?8hatf » e system by means of theblood. This fact explains why Ualana Is ^ hard toettre by the oui method of treatment. W lib best wishes to tbe editor of Quinine, Iron, etc., stimulate the nerves and the Wlti Uwm ati ^iwI n\\ build up the blood, but do not destroy the 111 ~ V * a 1 . Che Kerms ,that cause the disease. Bydale's TonicGormpooueuts, I will Say adieu, : nasaspecifto effect upon the intestines and ------ ______ . bowels, freeing them from all disease breed*PBCULi DiS IppgiB IKCE£ ■ Mn? microbes. It also kills the gums that 7 n Rnnvan «f nnrt^'ii rJ i ., ■ infest the veins and arteries.j . U U xm yaof Ot B u ae n riller O tIaid. the blood all th e p e c u lia r d isap p e aran ce ' ” I t drives from te r . M rs. M e n d a n h a ll. w h o liv e s a t tb ? P e c u ltar d isap p e aran ce ' c fiS S '. J5*’S 2 K ! M te 0*0“ '" * * *C le m m o n s I PSiPfu l sy^ptonre of indigestion an d i BYDA.LE’8 TONXO I8 a Wood bnBfler. au« t. * ... . . I ,LlAlousI^s3 ^r* King’s '.Nw- Life nerY0-reato.rer.and a Malaria destroyer. TryWeilf AS tbw is my first I WjU I Pill** H e says: ‘"They are a perfect it > it will not disappoint yon. n o t w o rry y o u -w ith a lo n g I e tte r iCelnedX fo r duzines,, sour stomach,! maotm cttotoBr tM * . W fe h iig y o n success, e tc ’ G ua jnn-your frictid,TBixni. 125 cents.'s drugst6re: price!The Radical R medy Company, — HICKORY, N. C. Wood’s Seeds. Canada Field Peas sown with oats, make the ear­ liest, best and most nutritious ,forage crop that can be put in. Must be sown early for best results. Wood’s Quarter. Century Seed Book tella all about this val- ualde crop, giving the practical ex­perience and opinions of our cus­tomers, and also telling all about the best Buas and Oaracni Seeds for the South. Mailed free on re-. 9JKst. Wiite for it, and Spedai nice JUst of Fann Seeds. T.W.Wood&Sons, Seedsmen, ftlCHNOMD - VIRGINIA. WOOD’S SEEM PRIZE -ST.10UIS. 1904. IIXEIML - PARIS, 1900. J will sell tickets on Maic'i 2nd and 3rd .at extremely low rates to Wash­ ington, D. C ., and return,with final return limit Marcn 8th, 1905; how­ ever, an extension of final return limit may be procuied to Mamh ISth. 1905, by deposit of ticket with Joint Validatiug Agent at Washingto prior to 8 o’clock P. M. AIarch 8th, and payment of ONE DOLLA.B. 8PEI I.1L INDDCFM i NTS|TO MILITA UY COMPAKIEa ANU BKlSS BanuSIN UN1FOBM. F o r d e ta ile d in fo rm atio n as to K ates, S chedules, S ieen iu g C ar A ccom o­ d atio n s, etc , Asfc th e A g en t, or B. t. VEKNON, T. P. A ., Charlotte, N. C. 3 . B. WOOD, D. P. A., Aabeville, N. C . S. II. DABO W ICE. Pass. TraBIe Manager, W. H* TAYiiOSf tieii’i PuroDgor Agentl WASHINGTON, Di C. j M u it n it . . I have opened a Shop in in the Weant Build­ ing and will be glad to repair your Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry. . , EVERV SOlITHEim FABHER SHOULD KfiAD THE ^0OTJTOE(N jkgR IC U U FU R IS? FUBLISHI'D AT NASHVILLE, TENX., Iieeause it is edited by Southern men to suit Southern conditions. In every issue such men as Maj. Thos. J. Key, former Assistant Commissioner of Agriculture of Alabama, aud Andrew M. Soule. Director of tlie Virginia Experiment Station, answer questions which are put to them by intelligent Southern farmers. Every issue is like a big farmers experience meeting, and is ffortb twice the cost of a whole year’s subscription. Twice a month the Southern Agricnlturist goes to 50,000 Southern farm homes. Don’t you want to join onr big happy family t If 80J send 50 cents for a year’s subscription. You will never regret it. SOUTHEkN AGRICULTURIST, NASHVILLE, TliXJf- AGBNTS WANTED—V e give handsome premlmnn and liberal (Mil coP1nJ!?! 8'om to nettve agvDto1 I f jo a Trant to w ork for us, ask for oar Premln s Cash VotnmtsstooB. D ishes and other nsefol F n to o U for Iaer workers. Ucn*.** for th e boys. FREE to he Readers THE DAVIE COUNTY RECORD. For a short time we will gi ve to every new or renewing »ul>serit>ef to onr paper a year’s subscription to the Southern Agriculturist, ab­ solutely' free of charge. Subscribe now and take advantage of t“lS remarkable offer. If you are already a subscriber, pay a full year in advance and S*J uiis valuable present. Your leading contity paper and the leml11’* * ™ era farm paper, both for the price of one. This proposition will not be held open iiidefiinitely, so hurry up. 0 , E. H . MORRIS, Editorof The Davie Record, k ample copies of the Southern AgriculturiBtean be had at this OfljCv* InC c o y i'«r Six Mo® me copy* __ 'to CIjVB I Toeveryfrienc LclubO f 6™ ^ 1®EC°T h /b ^ oB] What has the frothing f°r th® !state. T he stat j bell-bent to dest. I if the legislatv L o t a violator « IaHide a vital proi I law, as any I don’t know whaj If Gov. Olei L io n sto th e Iegi Iiiessage8* 8° th l be enough monc I ury to buy a co J the BkiHettoJi': In Deraoeratii I «<» kind” of lot I by the grace. < in BepttWican I bave local self- , grace (disgrace] Solicitor Han , is tigger than I Jefferson Davi celebrities wht : against-XJacle S off the bridge, thing nearer I' sounds like M gouud and littl The peasant rotting agalus benanae they a the governmet olina legislatu power to plac* the same posit Kuasian peasa givernuieut a ; Where will it Itisthedoc then, accordii take away fr right of Ioc to centralize this to end I Pemocratic I at Bepublicai hope and th« TheCharlo alarmed at tl latureis ma body of stat of coarse—I warns theml temperance U them that tl Iated the Wl phohibition I contrary to I the consent] sets the cro1! The Imnj posed by thl with it an el pensive! anl lines Senafl North Carol sick ol the! is, from til Is it the p| H um, PolJ etc.- that J has given tl hie, —to tal natured, d | Populationl JiOir Immil It is StiJ istratioo cJ ‘■ttt issnio J The Repl thing, anl there wag I ing over til _ either, anl • aod there I solution iJ wtiationa I . duct the k And eronoj kota UiuJ pie of the] withBotsI issosd, tu *»y ''onr] 12 MOCKSVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1806.EO. 33. OAVIE RECORD TgUBSDAV. I^JIO R R K , - - EDITOR. - ^ ^ o r s C B S C E i m o N - I Q„e copy- one Ye*', - - 50 c e n t r tCop„ S i* M onths,______________* s TOOIAB BAISKK S, everv friend who will get up n il of‘five subscribers to The S bp at 50 cents each, we will - THF R e c o rd one year free, or f fivesubsc-ribers you can keep 50 (° In d send us $2.00. Let our S d stry tlds and help increase ihr circulation of the paper. lYbatbas the legislature done! XffltbineftK-the People norforthieI ‘ (Ci The statesmen seem ouly hell-bent to destroy distilleries. JftJicIegislature of this Stateis BOt a violator of law, in setting aside a vital provision of the Watts Jav as any ordinary criminal, we don’t know what yon can call it. If gov. Glenn’s recommenda­ tions to the legislature by way ot messages, go through, there won’, Ik enough money leftiuthe treas­ u r y to buy a coon skic or giease t h e skillet to fry de ’possum. In Democratic co u n ties th e y have "a kind” of local self-government, by the grace of th e legislature; inBepublican counties they don’t have local self-g o v ern m en t b y th e grace (disgrace) ot the legislature. SolidtorHammer may think he is tigger than John C. Calhonne, Jefferson Davis, and a few other celebrities who have bucked up a g a in s t Dude Sam and got! butted off the bridge. Bcttertaeklesome- thiug neater your size. His talk wnnds like Jfulberry Sellers—-all sound and little sense. The peasants of Russia are re­ volting against their government, because they are given no voice in thegovernuieul. The Jforth Car­ oling legislature is doing all in its power to place the great musses in the same positiou occupied by the Knssian peasant. Liberty and self givernweut are iu the balance. Where will it enrll It is the doctriue of State’s rights then, according to Democracy, to takeaway from the people the right of local self-government— tooentralize power. W hereisall this to end I iu the defeat ol the Democratic party and the triumph of KepnblicauisM, the white man’s hope aud the black man's friend. More State Bonds, W e didn’t think it would come so soon—knew it was bound to come; but Representative Webb sprung it on the legislature last week —a bill to authorize the State to issue $500,000 iu bouds, and the Charlotte Observer perfunctorily endorses it. Two years ago the same kind of a legislature bonded the State for like amount—$1,000,- 000 iu two years! Democracy is a luxury to be sure; but it comes high! If it were not for bonding the State—selling bonds to get mon­ ey, the managers of the insane asy­ lums would have to close the doors of these and other cbaritv.ble insti­ tutions, for that is what they say the money is for; but no one but a blamed fool believes a word of that kiud of stuff. The people pay taxes cheerfully to support these institu­ tions and the money is in the treas­ ury for that purpose; but the leg­ islature must first increase salaries, build monuments, rebuild the Cap­ itol,pay themselves a thousand dol­ lars a day, and their pet political strikers $ i and $5 a day; pay their treasurer hundreds of dollars for nothing—O, the list is too long to follow; absorbing all the money in the treasury for every other pur­ pose before first taking care of the States unfortunate wards. Why? because to issue bonds for any oth- purpose would be unpopular. Mo­ ney must come and they play upon the incredulity of the people to get it,tosave their political necks—it is a masterly incompetent, reckless, extravagant body, incompetant to deal with State matters. Surely this balderdash; pretence at legis­ lation will not longer fool the peo­ ple. There is a limit to all things, and it strikes us the Democratic party has reached the limit. It is hardly possible for them to do worse. TheCharlotte Observer is gettiug alarmed at the progress the legis­ lature is making, aud reads that bodyof statesmen a lesson—mild of course -but still a lesson, aud wares them against iutemperate temperance legislation, and reminds them that they have already vio­ lated the JVatts law by establishing phohibition in towns and counties, contrary to that law and without the consent of t..e people—uneasy aete the crown on Miss Democracy. The Immigration Bureau pro- P**d by the legislature will carry *<th it an expense of $10,100—ex­ pensive ! and if it is expended along lines Senator Simmons proposes, ^ortb Carolinians will get mighty Mek of tbeir new accessions—that Bi from the European countries. I* it the purpose then to import Hum, Poles, Italians, Prussians, etc.- that class of emmigrauts that i>M given the Eorth so much trott- ble, -to take the place of our good- Datured1 docile, work-a day negio Population? It Soj to thunder with •°®r Immigration Bureau. it is strange a Democratic admiu- istratioa can’t run the State with- ’ issuing bonds to pay expenses. «« Republicans did that little ,n?) and didn’t half try, and ere was no sentimental blubber- >“g over the insane aud pensioners, eiteerI and these were cared for, there was no kick comi ng. . The ® ution is that Democratic admin* wtrations are incompetent to eon- uuct the affairs of the Statewisely *w economically. This South Da- *ta University bond ease is a sam­ ple of their work,—honest bonds, ^ ith n o ta in t o f fra ttd a l ) w t th em — Iiv r ^ eCharlotte Observer says Iu Virginia they say this anti liquor craze is not a question of prohi.ition and Democracy. In Yorth Carolina the Democrats s.iy it is. That is the difference in the Democracy in Virginia and North Carolina. Io Viiginiathey are for local self-government, and any other course would be suicidal; in North Carolina opposed to self-govern­ ment and iu favor of arbitrary laws that take away oae’s manhood aud hisinailienabie rights—denying the citizen the right to express his judg­ ment aud wishes. Iu North Caro­ lina Deniocracy means prohibition aud iyrauy; In Virginia Democracy means self-government and liberty of thought and freedom of action, as compared to the Democracy of North Carolina. IfState Treasurer Lacy is sick as reported we are. not surprised. His persistent demand that the legisla­ ture appropriate $374.84 to reim­ burse him on account of the Martin theft, is enough to make a hog sick. W ell, they gave it to him. The Raleigh Post wants him to refuse it, but the Rhleigh Times says the devilment has been done aud that it will do Mr. Laey no good now to decline to accept it after his log rolling to get it—and otherwise scortches him. If that honest old P o p ,ex treasurer Worth was only a Democrat and bolding a fat office— one of the iin gsters-he would get the $16,000 for whieh he sold his home to pay back into the treasury that amount the thief Martin stole; but the good old fellow is, we sup­ pose, a good Pop yet; and if not, a Republican, and that is enough to shuthim out of any favors from this extreme partisan legislature. Stranger than Fiction. Eilitor Clements of the Davie Timesleftyesterdayfor his home in Mocksville. He will be back to take hand m the last round for the Advance prohibition bill ou the 21st. * * Rev. W . M, Cujjis, pastor of the Meshodist church at Advance, returned home yesterday after spending several days id the interest of the bill pending for pro­ hibition in that town to take the place of distilleries.—-Raleigh Post. A coincidence,—the above two items appeared in the Raleigh Post of the 10th; one, right after the other. The thing has happened before. One thing the Colonel fail­ ed to tell the committee, when he was before it, asking for prohibi­ tion at Advance, was the number Of hogs he is sloppingatoueof theYad- kin distilleries. It strikes us if one thinks distilleries morally wrong that he would not even patronize the slop department. Another strange thing: Rev. Mr. Curtis has accepted money f«t hirase'f and for paying tor the bouse he lives in from these same whiskey nien. It looks to us like the Biblical injunc­ tion, ‘-Touch not the unclean thing,” would come in somewhere. Truth is indeed stranger than fiction. No wonder there are so many people iu our country who have lost faith in these men who claim to be called of God. Justice and right are divine attributes. Make a man mad and your enemy, and you lose ail influence for good over Jhim. Driving is not entreating. In North Carolina larceny and receiving are both felonies. The man who receives stolen goods, knowing them to be stolen, is as guilty before the law as the thief. ,If it is morally wrong for men to make money distilling and selling whiskey, is -not the man who re­ ceives this money from distillers and sellersequally guilty if he takes and uses it? Cy Watson. ThepeopleofNorth Carolina will learn with deep sorrow and regret the fact that Hon. C. B. Watson is out in a card in defense of the li­ quor towns in the State. He is also reported to be in Raleigh as the at­ torney and lobbyist of Shore, Wil Iiams and Advance. Alter fight­ ing trusts all his life until mature and honorable old age he forsakes it all aud forms a copartnership with the devil and joins iu the tight to fasten upon the people of the State the ‘-hell kettle” whiskey trust that is at war with God aud man. Indeed be must have forsak­ en all hope of the future—politic­ ally and spiritual y .- Mascot. In 1896 Mr. Watson was a Dem­ ocratic candidate for Governor; two years ago he came near being elect­ ed U. S. Senator; today we find him standing by the fundamental prin­ ciples of his party, advocating the rights of the people to have a voice in their government; yet, one of these little fellows, who never smelled gun-powder is found tra- duciug this old confederate soldier, who for four years followed Lee and Jackson, until the battle flags were furled; coming back to his home, he found desolation; but never desparing. be went to work, and buildeil a name and a feme as one of the best lawyers in the State, and as well, a character; yet. these jackals, in their haste to destroy him, have forsaken the dead car­ cases for the living Cy Watson, for his good name to be tarnished in his old age by these little, con­ temptible defamers. Gov. Glenn; the Bib'.ical Re­ corder, says“writ”aletter for Glenn Williams, in which he urges the legislators to let Williams’ big, grandfather's distillery alone, For once we agree with ihe Biblical R e­ corder—we mean his religio-polit- co department—that if Advance, Richmond county, Asheville and other points are made to “ bite the .dust,” get Williams down on his marrow bones—wipe them all out —every mother’s son of them, and then see.ffihere you ore “at.” The vote in the House to table the minority report to wipe out the Advance dilleries Iostby a close vote—3 5 to 36- The distraction- ists got scared for once. This mat ter will come up for final action on the 21st. A s the prohibition whips are being applied vigorously—cat- o’-nine-tails, it is likely to suc­ ceed. That Advance preacher, who preaches in that ‘-hell hole” as he styles the town and the Mocks “ moralist and politician” will be on hand lobbying in the interest of the distruetionists. By the way we would like to ask the Charlotte Observer in reference to its excel­ lent “limitation” editorial, if the limit has been reached • or will it have been reached after Advance has been wiped out. Come, let’s have the limit. MR. k ir k s e v -s r e c o m m e n d a t io n M r. K irk sey w rites:—I g iv e a posi­ tiv e g u a ra n te e w ith every box of R y - d a le ’s sto m ach T a b lets au d liv er T ab ­ le ts i sell, an d h av e re v e r been asked to re fu n d th e m oney in a sin g le in ­ sta n c e . I h av e used th e se ta b le ts In m y ra m ily w ith b e st resu lts. W . Li. K irksey, M organton, N . O. R y d ale’s T a b lets a re p re p a re d bv T he R ad ical R em edy C om pany, H ick o ry , N . ,C., who a u th o rize ev ery d e a le r i i th e ir p re p a ra tio n s to g u a ra n te e ev ery box or b o ttle o f th e ir m edicine, th e y sell, a t S an fo rd ’s d ru g sto ra The “Colonel” don’t drink Ad­ vance sow-paw; but his sows feed and fatten on Yadkin sow-pawslop, and when the “Colonel” sells them he will have a pocket full of filthy lucre from one of the “hells on earth.” There may be a difference morally, in drinking sow-paw an I feeding sows on row-paw slop, but the thing is so “fine haired” that, it would take a Greek philosopher to discover it, Postpone Your Funeral helping N ature byialtobuutf-----------“*■ God made people to live—not to die.YOtT ABB KILLING -----------------unless you aregiving her material . . . ____of your body new as fast as the old ■wears out. You know that’s true.You can Uve on and on for 3 strong and vigorous, enjoying life In fullness, by keeping your be perfect repair. KILLthi GOUGH AHP CURE the lu n g s I WITH Dr. King’s New Discovery « ( T "........................ ONSUMPTION Price OUGHSand 50c 6 $1.00 lOLDS Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LTJHG TROUB­LES, or MOHEY BACK. Its fuTlness, by keeping your Tiody In :t repair. NU-TRl-OLAwill keep you w ell if you are well. It will m ake you w ell if you are sick, for Nutriola and Nature are life pre­servers and disease destroyers.Disease cannot enter a p e rfe c tly healthy body. Nature kills and ejects every invading “ germ.” NtTTRIOLA contains Nature’s creative power— the only invincible conqueror of dis­ease—the only doctor that cores.Cost us 850,000.00 to learn how to make NtJTRIOLA Now we cure or no pay. Give a guarantee backed by $soo,000.00 capital. Could you ask more? Is Perfect Health Worth 8 Gents a Day to You? You can have it at that price.85 days* treatm ent $8, and your m oney back if not absolutely satis­fied. Bead this story:“I am now 76. Bor over 20 years I suf­fered with Catarrh, Dyspepsia, B heu- a e g s. m atisin. a n d K id- ey Trouble. Every im g I ate distress' ed mer- -1 had to walk with 8 canes and, as a climax, Grippe brought me VERY NEAR TO DEATH, I began taking NUTRIOLA •sand it not only made ?>me PERFECTLY SWELL, but I FEELIm o r e v ig o r o u s It h a n i d id a ti50 years.g Your sincere friend, ' Johk A S asdebs .** Dallas, Texas. John A Sanders. W rite RightN ow I Sendfor “TheFountainofLife.” Ittells what we have done and are doing. Free. Nutriola Co.|142-148W. Madison Si) Chicago I F o r Sale by AU D ruggists \ NOBTB COLOKEhBE EftiPPBNfNOS. { Mrs, Aim Deadmonf who has! been visiting relatives at Advance! I for seme time, has returned borne, j I Misses Eva Davis and Hattie! | Giles spent Friday here, the guests . of Miss Bessie Foster, I Mrs.Sarah in n Leflerhasbeen right sick, but is, we are glad to I note, improving.. We are having quite a long spell of rain, hail, snow and mod this time. D ake up, correspondents and let us hear from you, ODe and all. W ith kindest regards, O b a x g e B l o s s o ji . Thiiik a Little. The Record is only 50 cents a year and it costs us over $40 , month cash to get out the paper, and unless those who take the p a. per pay us we will not be able to keep it going. Bend us what you owe. or bring it to us. Don’t wait for us to send you a statement tor the small amount you owe. We need it m'w. SCHOULER’S Department Store, GREAT ALTERATION SALE. MONEY SAVING EVENT! Wondeiful Bargains! Startling Redactions ! Thousands of Dollars worth of Ohoice Merchandise to be sold at a great sacrifice. Dnderware, Shoes, Skirts, Coats, Waists, OUTING CLOTH, FLANNKLETTS, DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHEETS, PILLOW CASKS, TABLE LINEN. - I The preacher who divides his flock by offensively lobbying for a political measure under the guise of morality or religion, is bail enough, the Lord knows; but an officer, who was elected by the peo­ ple—the peoples’ servant—to array himself publicly, glaringly, by writing letters to newspapers to in­ fluence legislation, is eminently worse; because more people are ef­ fected. Solicitor Hammer was elected prosecuting attorney and not a lobbyist and all. the tax payers contribute to the payment of "his salary, for services as solici­ tor and not as a lobbyist. It isa bold thing for such a public officer to declaie himself against the judg­ ment of a very large portion of the people in his district. They can have but little faith or confidence in him as an unbiased, unprejudic­ ed officer. He and they are not all I the planks iu the sidewalk, : T fflB IS iA L E IIB m O N IA W D IW IL L Continue Until Further Notiee WINSTON-SALEM. HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nugget A Boay Hedlofne for Boay People. Brings Bolden Healtli and Benewed Vigor. and ISlood, .... ............................................. and Backftcha. It’s Rocky BIonntnin Tea in t; let form* 85 Gbnts & box. Gemtlne made - H o llis te r D ru o Company, Nadisont Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPl T h r R e c o r d and me year 75 cents. Toledo Blad Wood’s Seeds. Canada Field Peas sown with oats, make the ear­ liest, best and most nutritious forage crop that can be put in. Must be sown early for best results. Wood’s Quarter Century Seed Book tells all about this val­uable crop, giving the practical ex­ perience and opinions of our cus­ tomers, and also telling all about the best Farm and Qarden Seeds for the South. Mailed free on re­quest. Write for it, and Special Price List of Farm Seeds. T. W. Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, RiEHMQND - VIRGINIA. W O O D ’S SEED S 1 “"Awarded' '■! GRAND PRIZE - ST. LOUIS, 1904. GOLD MEOSL - PUBIS, 1900. U.C lln .u g n lfu l ric h m a n hs.s fu rn is h e d th e m o n e y b ' feed Ib e h irrls in th a t sectio n . SOUTHERN RAILWAY Operating Over 7 ,0 0 Miles of Railway. .. QUICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS... HortL-Soiith-East-West Thfoagh Trains Between Principal Cities and Resorts AFFORDING FIBST-CLAsS ACCOMMODATION ElegantPullman Sleeping Cai1S on all Through Trains. Dining, Club And Observation Cars. For Speed, Comfort and Courteous Employes, travel via the South­ ern Railway. Rates, Schedules and other information furnished by addressing the undersigned: B, L. V ebnon, Trav. Pass, Agt., J. H . W ood, Dist. Pass. Agent Charlotte1-N. C7 -j Asheville, N. C. S. H . Hardwick Pass. Traffic Mgr. W . H. TA Y bOE7G en T Pass Agt WASHINGTON, D. C. HERE RRE MOUTHS SKIN M illions of T Jtem - Toothless* but craving food. When they are gets rough, chaps. There are Pim ples, Sores, Dczeuia, Burning, Torturing, Itch­ing, “ Incurable” M alignant Skin Diseases. Don’t feed these mouths poisonous “ cosmetics,” “creams,** lotions, “ skincures/' etc. Give them food—nutrition 50c P e rBox “skin cures,—and Nature will create a new skin—a healthy skin. N U TR IO U SKIN FOOD Took our Chemists 10 years, cost us $50,000.00 to learn how to make it. It grows new skin fast—off goes the old one. T henew skinissoft a3 velvet—glows with health—fits like a glove. Try it on any skin from tby’s to grandm a’s. It heals nny sore—cures any skin disease—when used with NUTRIOLA. Yeitching1 scratching, tortured, disfigured, sons and daughters of. Adamt try it a t our risk. I! yon w on't do this, suffer—-you have our consent. AU druggists refund the money upon request. --------------------------— \ M adison St^ Chicago, III,TH E NUTRIOLA CO., 148-148 W. «*8ANDREWS’8»* Business MetWs tor Twenty-five Years HAVE BEEN SUCH AS APPEAL TO BUYERS OF HIGH GRADE FURNITURE, TflIS IS NOT A PUZZLE. LO W W • KUR FEES - D IT MERELY TELLS YOU, by reading up and down, or straight across the name of the PA IN T TO U S E IN PAINTtNG YOUR house from top to bottom, both sides and ends; any color you desire. I am pleased to tell you I have just put in the largest stock of PAINT I have ever "carried. A complete line pf HOUSE, ROOF, FLOOR, CARRIAGE AND WAGON PAINT; VARNISH. STAINS, FLOOR A N P FURNITURE FINISH—the very Anest11ENAMELSjSc. I n fact, almost anything. you want in the Paint line. W riteraelor Color Card or any information you may desire. I also carry a line of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, and am very thankful to my many cus­ tomers for the success I have had. Kindly asking a continuance of your patronage, I am yours for business. P I A N O S , c Ia -IRIFIBi T s . 1 D u r i a g t h e Y e a r 1905. W e shall try harder than eyer to Merit vour confidence and liberal Patronage. ALW AYS LOWEST PRICES consistent with quality. E. M. ANDREWS. Greensboro. N-C. T M B 8 T 0 M 8 . j KHFFER PEARS, If you need anything t h e g r e a t m o n e y m a k e r ; MAGNUM BONUMlike Tomlbstoiies Tab lets or Monuments call on CIiAUDE MILLER. North Wilkesboio, N. C. R. F, D. Np, I, LEE KURFEES. Mocksville, N. Q. Dr Bobl Anderson DENTIST, OtfifP over Bank of Davie. -Y1-L- ' W i f e - ..1 V.VV DAPPLES,^ Best Fall Apple in Cultivation. These together with a large sarplos o t other Fear, Apple, Feacb9 Flum; NQte9 Grape Vloes9 Sbage and Ornameotal Trees9 FJgsaod Raspberries to close out Wlntey and Spriqg 1905 at a reduced price. Andreas. p ,0 v, - . Hi O ccurrence^ of Interest in P arts of the S tate. Various Genesi Cotton Market. 7 11-16 ....................*7% ....................7% Galveston, steady ......... New Orleans, firm .. . Mobile, e a s y .................... .Savannah, q u ie t............. Charleston, q u ie t......... W ilm ington, steady Norfolk, f ir m .................... Baltim ore, nom inal ... New Y ork, quiet .... Boston, q u ie t .................. Philadelphia, quiet .... H ouston, steady .. .. Augusta, q u ie t................. M emphis, s te a d y ........... S t Louis, quiet . . . . .. Louisville, f ir m ............... Charlotte Cotton ...7% ..7% ..................VA.............VA .......................7% ......................7.80 .......................7.80 .......................8.05 7 9-16 7 9-16 .. .........7%..............Vk 7 11-16 Market. These figures represent* prices paid to wagons: S trict good m iddling Good m iddling S trict m iddling M id d lin g ; T in g e s.................. Stains ............. ........7% 7y4 7% ... .........7% 6 to 7 ; ...5 to 6 North State News. T he com m ittee agreed to report fav­ orably Mr. Redwine;s bill, preventing ticket and claim scalping. It provides th a t every claim ant of a w itness or Jrry ticket or of a county order, other than the one to whom it is issued, shall take oath as' to the am ount he paid for it, and shall I Jceive from the county com m issioners a sum no t ex­ ceeding 10' per cent of the cost of the sam e. As bad as the w eather was last night, w hen w alking was next to im­ possible. a Senate and House com mit­ tee m et and heard argum ents in favor of the bill establishing a State im m i­ gration bureau, this being the fourth m eeting of the com m ittee on this ques­ tion. Im m igration Comm issioner W at­ son. of South Carolina, spoke last night a? to w hat the bureau had ac­ com plished for the State. K uykendall, secretary of the State Real E state D ealers' A ssociation also made an ad­ dress in support of the bill. It pro­ vides for a com missioner to be appoin- ed by the Governor at a salary of $2,- 500; a clerk a t $1,000, and $7,500 for expenses. The bill received a favora­ ble report, though several m em bers of th e com m ittee were opposed to it. T he hour arriving for the special or­ der—relative to th e divorce bill—Mr. M cNinch sent forw ard a substitute draw n by the m inority of the judiciary com m ittee. Mr. Alley sent forw ard a substitute for all bills. Several other m em bers sent forw ard am endm ents to th e com m ittee bill, the M cNineh bill and the Alley bill. Mr. M urphy, of Edgecom be, suggested th at as th e di­ vorce bill, w as th e m ost im portant in the Legislature to be considered, and as none but the judiciary com m ittee had yet,been able to fam iliarize them selves w ith the question involved in th e m any bills presented, th a t all be printed and a certain tim e set for their consideration next week. Mr. Mc- N inch w as opposed to any further de­ lay. Many m em bers stated th a t they desired to be better inform ed on the subject before the-m atter cam e up for action, and it w as ordered th a t the various bills and am endm ents be print­ ed, and next Tuesday night a t 8 o’clock w as m ade a special order for their consideration. Licenses were issued to 25 out of 34 applicants to practice law. Their nam es are as follows: J. G. Anderson, H alifax county; B. H. C rum pler1 Sam pson; T. J. M arkham , Pasquotank G. L. Spence, Pasquotank; "WV H. Pace, W ake; P. C. McDuffie, M ary­ land; C. B. Denson, W ake; W . P. Cannady, G ranville; T. P. W hitley H alifax; H arry McMullen, Chowan P reston Cotton, p itt; G. M. Patton, Alam ance; F. E. Fredericks, W ake C. H. M ebane, Cataw ba; J. L. DeLan- ey, M ecklenburg; J. J. B ritt, Bun­ combe, J. S. Styles. Buncom be; C. N. Melone, Buncombe; E. D. Broadhurst, W ayne; J. D. Langton, W ayne; W. R. Clegg. M oore: R. B. Chastine. Clay P . O. E veritt. M artin; Paul Paison1 W ake; J. L. W illiam son, W ayne. The Secretary of State has authoriz­ ed the Salisbury Hosiery Company to change its nam e to th e C entaur K nit­ ting Company. .iORFH STATE LAWMAKERS Work That is Oeing Denk Dy North Careltna Lawmakers. th e Will Not Wait For Thaw. Tokio—By Cable—The .impression prevails here th a t the im pending bat­ tle between the arm ies Oi Field Mar shal Oyama and General K uropatkin will occur before any m aterial thaw takes place, which would convert the country into a slushy bog and render the m ovem ent ol guns, am m unition and stores im possible until the roads harden. Gift to State Normal P resident Charles D. M elver, of the State N orm al and Industrial College, at Greensboro, has announced the receipt from Mr. Carnegie of $3,886 for furni­ tu re for the library a t the college, to w hich he has previously given $15,000. M r. Caraegie gave Greensboro $30,000 for a library, and it will be the only place in the country which will thus have tw o libraries as his g ift Speak­ ing about w hat he desired th e Legis­ lature to give for the college, M r Mel­ v er said he only asked th a t it be’ plac­ ed w herever it w as before the fire, with 810,000 additional for im provem ents. The fire loss was more than $100,000. Flood Stage In Alabama Rivers. Mobile, AIa., Special.—A flood stage is reported in several rivers in the State. T he W arrior is now 55 fe it at Tuscum bia and i3 expected to reach 60 feet. People living in the low lands there are m oving out. A t Demonoiis the deluge shows 42 fe:t. A t M ontgom­ ery the river is 25 feet. Much dam age is reported at interior landings, and steam boats are unable to m ake sched­ule time. , Wants Platt Expelled. W ashington, Special.— C. W. Bost, of B attle Creek, Mich., who has in- fkhm on, hIm selt laVgely in th e estab- Ilshm ent of a parcels post system , filed w ith P resiaent Pro Tem Fryo of the TTtltlon for the expulsion of S enator lh c m as C. P latt from the Senate. The petition is based on .th e assertion that-M r. P latt as an execu­ tive officer .of th e U nited S tates Ex­ press Company, ls a pa. t31 to. a con­ spiracy to m aintain identical rates am ong the express com panies for ar­ ticles shipped over Iheir lines, Pass Final Reading. T he following bills passed final read- m g: To establish graded schools in Freem ont; to pay chairm an of the board of com m issioners of N ortham p­ ton county $100 per annum ; and m em ­ bers of board $4 a day and m ileage; to pay w itness half fee in not true bill cases in Casw ell county; to in­ crease th e pay of ju rors in G reene and R utherford counties; to am end the ch arter Of th e Y onahlossee R ail­ way Com pany; to fix th e tim e of hold­ ing courts in W arren; to protect hog ow ners in Tyredl; to regulate th e speed and m anagem ent of vehicles In M eck­ lenburg county, the Senate am endm ent being concurred In; to provide for election of com m issioners and m agis­ trates by th e people m P enjuim aus; to am end ac t 1903 relative to W ater supplies; to am end th e com pulsory school act of 1903 for M acon county, by extending age at w hich children m ust attend school from 8 to 10 years, w ith other am endm ents; to prevent trapping fish in Sw an and H azel creeks, Sw ain county; to am end act 1903, regarding m echanics, by striking out W ake county; to protect fish w ith­ in tw elve m iles of the sum m it of G frandfather M ountain; to am end act 1901, relating to hunting and fishing in Craveu and Jones counties; for re­ lief of John W . R iley; to am end act 1903, regarding hunting in Robeson county; for relief of Clerk W. M. W at­ son, of Craven, allow ing absence from office; to . better regulate fishing in C urrituck Sound; to am end graded school law at Rocky M ount; to incor­ porate Haywood Institute; to regulate fishing in the Cherokeei; to protect and prom ote th e grow ing of ginseng. T he bill am ending act of 1901, re­ garding depredations of dom estic fowls in M organton and R utherford county, cam e up, Pow ors explained it by say­ ing it includes chickens and turkeys, preventing them from scratching up gardens, w hile the original bill nam ed geese only. Stronach, of W ake, de­ sired to in sert an am endm ent so as to include an old w hite rooster, Which he said flew over his fence every m orning, but this am endm ent w as ob­ jected to, and the biil passed, as did cue to prevent hunting and fishing in G ooseneck tow nship, M artin county, w ithout w ritten consent of the ow ner of th e prem ises. The bill passed providing for the allotm ent of hom esteads in lands held in common. The Foushee Biil Killed. B ut little of general interest w as done M onday. The Senate com m ittee on ailroads, after hearing argum ent from the chairm an of the S tate rail­ road com m ission for. and the atto r­ neys for the railroad against, report- ed unfavorably the Foushee bill. This bill, suggested by th e railroad com m is­ sion, gave it pow er to com pel railroads, after investigating and determ ining th at a road bed or equipm ent of com- panies w as defective, to rem edy the sam e. On appeal the order of the com­ m ission w as to be prim a facie evi­ dence of its reasonableness. The pres­ ent Jaw only authorizes the com m ission to investigate the condition of roads and rep o rt to the legislature. A nother section of th e bill gave the com m ission pow er to order the establishm ent of’ a telegraph office w here public neces­ sity or convenience required. Senator Foushee w as instructed to confer with the railroad com m ission relative to drafting another bill w ith less drastic provisions. The Advance Distilleries. The H ouse com m ittee on the liquor traffic, after a long hearing Tuesday afternoon, returned an unfavorable re­ port by a vote of 15 to 11 on th e Senate bill prohibiting the m anufacture of liquor a t Advance, Davie county. Op­ ponents of the bill were represented by ex-Judge F. I. Osborne, of Charlotte, and Victor Boyden, of Salisbury. They introduced petitions, signed by 38 out of the 60 voters of the tow n, and 210 out of 280 voters in the tow nship, against the bill, and affidavits from m any prom inent citizens of the tow n and county, declaring th a t th e order and m orality.of the town w ere better now than prior to the establishm ent of distilleries by a vote of the citizens under th e W atts law. Am ong them were Sheriiff Clark, the treasurer of the county, principal of th e Advance H igh school, a W ake Forest graduate, and pthers; equally prom inent. Ten w it­ nesses w ere sworn and exam ined, and gave sim ilar testim ony. Rev. W . G. Curtis, of Advance, and Representative M cNinch, of th e com­ m ittee, conducted the prosecution for the bill and m ade elaborate speeches Osborne spoke only five m inutes. H e took the position th a t the W atts law had been accepted in good faith by the people of the State, and this radical departure was breaking the plighted pledge of th e D em ocratic party to the people. The bill had passed the Sen­ ate unanim ously. M cNinch gave no­ tice of a m inority report. Passed Final Reading. The following bills passed final read­ing: To am end public law s of 1883 rela­ tive to th e protection of crops in cer­tain localities. To protect landlords and tenants. To regulate the fees of surveyors in W ayne county. To abolish the dispensary a t Sea­ board, N ortham pton county. To am end the charter of W ades- boro. * F or a resolution clerk to keep post­ ed a schedule of all special orders To restore the nam e of Bruce tow n­ ship, in Guilford county . To increase the-num ber of com mis­ sioners for C artaret county. Tq am end l?w s of 1899 relative to RJe tires in Edgecombe county. T o allow Jackson county to estab­ lish w ater w orks in W ebster. To regulate the renting of land by J ear t° r agricultural purposes, ro give, sheriffs and ta x collectorspower t° - C0 lu c t taxes from persons who have rem oved from counties or cities w here sam e is li6ted, to other eounties. law of 1899 so as to consolidate the w reck district. To allow m arried m en, w hen a' wife is confined In th e insane asylum , to dispose of her real estate w ithout her signature, excepting th e hom estead. To protect stream s of Davidson ounty from felled tim ber and from saw dust. To prevent- dum ping saw dust in stream s in Anson, M ontgom ery Macon Rockingham , Swain and W arren eoun- ties. - Prohibit", the sale of cigarettes w ithin tw o m iles o f Sharp 'In stitn te m H ochingham county. To prevent hunting on lands w ithout w ritten consent of ow ners in GurritucU and H alifax countiesi.. . To protect gam e in H alifax and W ar- h>n counties. ' To regulate th e sale of seed cotto.n in M ecklenburg county. T o am end the law providing inspec­ tion of ium ber in Pam lico county. To prevent obstruction by saw dust ih South Creelc ,in B urke county. To am end the law of 1S87 relating to public schools in D urham county. Wednesday’s Work. The L egislature got dow n to busi­ ness W ednesday and a lot of business w as dispatched. T he following bills passed lheir fin­ al reading; Id authorize th e city of DurhahL to issue school bcricls; to au­ thorize th e board cf alderm en of the tow n of W aynesville to subm it to its voters a contract for electric lights;, to am end public law s, 1899, relative to th e public roads of Forsyth county; to am end the charter of the tow n of C onconl; to cause railw ay com panies to deliver freight to consignees w ith reasonable prom ptness. It m akes it unlaw ful for any transportation com­ pany to delay shipm ent beyond a reas­ onable timo, and for every violation th e com pany shail forfeit $25 for the first day and $5 for every subsequent day, in car-load lots, and in less than car-load lots, $12.50 for th e first day, and $2.50 for each succeeding day. M ason, of G aston, offered an am end­ m ent, w hich inserted “each succeed­ ing day” in the bill. T he following, providing there should be forfeits, bo m ade no longer than 30 dayS; M ason said railroads do not ship freight ar­ bitrarily, and it is th eir desire to m ake shipm ents w ith as m uch prom ptness as possible, but com panies have to em ploy m en, and it is im possiblo to have absolutely no errors, and it is a hardship to im pose a penalty w ith­ out lim it, and those penalties should not be recorded for a period of m ore than thirty days* It is nothing but ieasonable th at this penalty should be lim ited, and no ond wouid Vote to im­ pose a penalty like this one upon rn y th e or anything except a railroad. Scales said he liofred the. am endm ent m ent would not pass. H e w as nbt a hater of railroads. H e believed they should not be unfairly treated, but thoy should be held to a certain ex­ ten t of liability. T he following bills w ere ratified: To provide for election of road com m is­ sioners by the people of M onroe tow n­ ship; pertaining to court fees in M ar­ tin county; to restore the nam e of Bruce tow nship in Guilford county; to exem pt all persons under 21 years of age from road duty in Colum bus and Tyrell counties; to protect gam e in H alifax and W avren counties; to on- able m arried m en w hose w ives are in­ sane to sell lheir real estate; to in­ corporate the tow n of Almond, Strain county; to protect Iho stream s of Dav­ idson county from saw dust; to am end th e law s of 18S5 for .the protection of crops in certain IocaHtles;. to . i: crease the num ber of com m issioners for C arteret county. The following bills passed final read­ ing: To extend th e corporate lim its and am ond the charter of Roberson- viile hi M arlin county; to am end the chaK er of th e city of A sheville so as to authorize the establishm ent of a reservoir and electric light plant: to prevent saw dust in stream s of G ra­ ham county; to .provide for indexing Ihe records of th e S uperior C ourt in M ontgom eiy county; to prohibit-hunt­ ing and fishing in W ayne county w ith­ out perm ission; to cause certain fines to bo paid into treasury of Scotland N eck graded schools. Judge GraHrm called attention to ih a t rrocUon of the constitution w hich provided th at fines would go to th e county fund for public schools, and this bill w as in violation Cf th e constitution. Mr. G ravie replied ih a t the bill provided th a t the Scot­ land Ncclc graded schools should have the flues arising in the crim inal cases in th at school district. H e said a law to this effect w as in operation a t W el­ don in the sam e county and a bill ap­ plying this sam e principle had been passed at this session for a district in W atauga county, chairm an M urphy, of th e education com m ittee, stated th at in his opinion it w as not in th e pow er of th e Legislature to divert these tow n fines from th e general fund of the schools .fcr tho county., H e took this position before the com m ittee, L t d still thought the bill w as unconsti­ tutional. B utler, of th e com m ittee, said th a t his understanding w as that the bill should be reported unfavorably but afterw ards it w as determ ined to re p o rt'it and lot th e m atter be set­ tled by the Superior Court. H e m ade o m otion tlial th e bill be sen t to the com m ittee on judiciary and th e mo­ tion prevailed. Owing to the death of a m em ber of the H ouse, bu t little w as done in either branch of the legislature T hursday. T he follow ing bills passed th eir fin­ al readings; F or th e prevention of fraudulent trading. T he bill provides against the use of a nam e, h o t th a t of th e proprietor, and against a m ar­ ried w om an conducting th e store of her husband w ithout h er ow n nam e. It prevents fraudulent trad in g by m en in the nam es of th e ir wives, and if a wom an does business in h er ow n nam e, the act m akes h er a freetrader. A m essage w as received from th e H ouse in a resolution on th e death of R epresentative Phipps, and asking th a t a com gm ittee of four from the H ouse and tw o from th e Sen­ ate to be appointed to accom pany the body home. T h e ‘m em orial w as adopted and S enators'T aylor and Long, of Iredell, w ere appointed th e Senate com m ittee. T aylor moved th a t th e Senate adjourn on account of th e death of Phipps. T his action w as taken. A brief session w as held in th e H ouse Thursday, after w hich adjournm ent w as ta k en 'o u t of respect of th e m em ­ ory of R epresentative Phipps, w ho died W ednesday afternoon.The pivorce BUI. In the H ouse F riday th e only m at­ te r of im portance w as th e divorce question. W ard Bill Passes. In th e Senate F riday th ere w as m uch discusion on' th e W ard liquor bill, it be­ ing a special order for noon. A t th e close of th e discussion. W ard called or previous questions. V ann’s am end­ m ent as to th e size of tow ns w as lost, bu t th a t providing th a t th e law shall becom e effective January I n ex t w as adopted. All other am endm ents w ere voted down, and th e bill passed its second reading—r25 to 16. G illiam ob­ jected to the third reading, and Scales’ m otion to suspend th e ru le and pu t it on a th rid reading failed to g et th e necessary tw o-thirds vote. T he Sen­ ate then adjourned. In th e S enate S aturday th e re w ere a num ber of petitions and h ills pre­ sented. T he ac t know n as th e W ard hill cam e up for th rid reading. Ward Bill Passes. To am end th e publie law s of I? • regulating th e m anufacture and sal® of liquor in N orth Carolina. S tuhhs offered - an am endm ent- providing th a t; th e ac t should n o t apply to incorpor­ ated towns, w h ere liquor It* now being m anufactured - u nder th e provisions of th e W atts act. B tuhbs said th e am end­ m en t w as b u t fair* Z ofjcoffer sent forw ard an am endniS lt provided th a t nothing in th e bill should be con- siriifefl. to alter or am end the' W atts iaw ot 1903: Stubbs’ am endm ent w as pu t and lo st by a vote of 18; to W ard accepted th e am endm ent of was 0. Zol to for iicetter. W illiam s said h e w anted Sefvd dotted pit th e . S enate th a t _ years th e w est had stood by th e Dem ocratio party a t a sacrifice to aid th e m en of th e east. “I am n o t In favor of m aking th e m atte r one of politics, bu t it has been m ade a m a tte r of poll* tics and it has com e to this, th a t the w est m ust lose in politics, and it w ill proclaim In th e w est th a t we w ill not SilhBort any bffiedr Whd has favored this bill; arid I setve notice on the gentlem an from th e east th a t if this bill is passed th e w est will no t vote to retu rn him to th e U nited S tates Sen­ ate. A lexander said he did no t be­ lieve th e bill w ould affect th e Demo­ cratic party in his section. E ven m any RfepubllchnS Were for th e passage of th e b ill Hfe denied th a t th e rights of any people w ere being encroached up­ on, arid th a t those affected w ere the m en m anipulating th e various busi­ nesses, who w ere encroaching upon th e rights of th e S late. M cLean said th e w est w as far iti advanfee of th e ea st iri tem perance, and th a t W illiam s w as m istaken. T hom e replied to W il liam s and said th a t th e east appreci ated w hat th e w est had done for it, now the ea st w anted to help th e w est by driving from it w hiskey m anufac­ turing, Eliei1 Offered an am endm ent m aking th e tim e Whfett th e act should go ittto effect, July 1st, 1906. W ard said, feeling silre th e bill w as going into effect, he did no t desire to injure any m an’s business, and personally would no t oppose it. W ebb suggested an addition to E ller’s am endm ent, th a t such tow ns as w ere now m anufactur­ ing w hiskey would no t be affected until January 1st, 1906, to w hich E ller agreed, but these am endm ents w ere lost and the bjji passed third reading, w ith Ottly tw o Votes in opposition. T he iriessagfe from the. G overnor re­ g arding th e bonds held by Schafer Bros.; of N ew Y ork, w as read, also th e correspondence it transm itted. Zol- Ucoffer offered a resolution relative to th e South D akota judgm ent, ap­ pointing th e G overnor, L ieutenant Gov­ ernor. Speaker of th e H ouse and A t­ torney G eneral a special com m ittee to investigate th e South D akota bond is­ sue arid.ascertain w hat am ount is due th e bondholders and to issue a w arrant upon th e S tate A uditor to pay this sum . T he bill to protect w ater supplies, by providing th a t th e a c t shall apply to w ater com panies now organized and h ereafter organized w as ta k en up, th e H ouse having added an am endm ent to th e bill, providing th a t it shall not ap­ ply to artesian w ells. Boddie moved th a t th e Senate refuse t.Q concur in the am endm ent T he m otion w as adopted and th e S enators from Buncom be and Yaricey w ere appointed as a confer­ ence com m ittee. - T he H ouse spent th e day in a quiet m anner, T he follow ing bills w ere rati­ fied: To am end th e ch arter of H ender­ sonville, relating to collection of taxes; to elect com m issioners and justices of th e peace in W ashington county by th e people; to am end th e law relative to hunting on lands of another In Robe­ son county; to allow th e com m ission­ ers of W ake county to m ake an appro­ priation to th e W ake County W om en’s A ssociation for th e betterm ent of pub­ lic schools; to protect ow ners of sw ine in T yrrell county; for relief of P iedm ont L and and Im provem ent Com­ pany; to regulate tim e of holding courts in Jackson county; to incorpo­ ra te th e Rouse B anking Com pany; to am end ch arter of A m erican W arehouse Com pany; to incorporate H ayw ood In­ stitu te; to prevent killing of squirrels in W ake, D are and T yrrell counties; to am end ch arter of Southern Conser­ vatory of M usic; to prevent hunting on lands of another w ithout w ritten consent in M artin county; to allow the board of education of Y ancey county to pay N. W . H orton $40 out of th e general school fund; to allow C as­ w ell county to subinit questions of is­ suing bonds for im proving public roads to a vote.of th e people; to pay expen­ ses of visiting com m ittees to educa­ tional in stitu ttio n s; to pay expenses of th e inaugurating of th e governor; to pay expenses of th e com m ittees in­ vestigating th e penitentiary- farm on R oanoke river; resolution requesting S enators and R epresentatives in Con­ gress from N orth C arolina to use their influence to secure proper appropria­ tion for th e im provem ent of C ape F ear river. I’ERSO N A L GOSSI11. B ernard S baw is becom ing very pop­ ular in G erm any. A ndrew Carnegie is a great lover of flowers, especially of roses, Tlie only w om an blacksm ith in A m er­ ica is .Miss C iara M edlin. of Pilot Oak, Ky. T he G erm an E m peror is said to be tw enty-fourth in th e line of succession to the B ritish crow n. SIiss E thel B ret H arte. daughter of the fam ous w riter of early C alifornia life, w ill devoteherself to concert w ork. P resident Roosevelt has departed from the social usages of m any years In becom ing a dinner guest a t the house of th e V ice-President-elect. M rs. Rosalie Loew W hitneyJ w ho for the la st three years Ims been attorney for the Legal A id Society a t N ew York City, a few’ m onths ago se n t in he/ resignation. George S. BoutwcII. form er Governot of M assachusetts, and Secretary of the Treasury in G rant’s Cabinet, celebrated the eighty-seventh anniversary Ot his birth a t G roton. Edm und S. Hoels, assistant director of exhibits a t th e St. Louis F air, has been decorated by th e F rench G overn­ m ent w ith th e select order of Officer of th e A cadem y of F rance. M nny years ago, w hen Senator Moses E. Clapp w as a boy, lie w as the office boy in a new spaper office in M innesota, and “H od” T aylor w as th e editor. Tay-W is now A ssistant Secretary of the T reasury, and C iapp is about to en­ ter on his second term in th e U nited S tates Senate. The C zar of R ussia and the Em peror of G erm any m ight, if Uiey please, dis­ pute w ith each other as to w hich of the tw o ow ns the greater num ber of pal­ aces. E ach m ight sleep in a different house every night fo r a m onth and not exhaust Ibe num ber of his various dw elling places. • Reported Metecric Display. John M. Skofielcl,. a clerk in the steam ship office , a t B ath, Me., w hose duties required him to rise shortly after inidnight, reports th a t a t 3 o’clock Oni a recent m orning hie was dazzled by a m eteoric display in th e- no rtheast in th e form of an object about th e size of a barrel. It w as straig h t up and down and illum inated th e entire sky w ith a brilliant light, lasting several seconds. T he sam e flash w as reported’ by th e officers and m en on various craft along the c o a st Everything Was Oniet Eflough Sunday In SI, Petersburg WAS Nfi RlOtING IN ANY QUARTER Demonstrations Were Not Attempted and the Only Disorder Was in a The­ atre at Night When Abuse of the Gzkf Was Shouted by ths Audience. S t P etersburg, B y Cable.—TBe an­ ticipated renew al of trouble am onk w orkm en today w as n o t realized. N either strik ers nor students m ade tb e slightest attem p t to dem onstrate, and throughout th e day th e city presented a norm al appearance. T he E m peror’s creation of a jo in t com m ission of m as­ ters and w orkm en, chosen by them ­ selves, to investigate th e cause of dis­ content am ong th e laborers h as m ade an exceedingly .good im presSiori, be­ ing considered definite evidence of th e governm ent’s purpose to com pel som e of th e rapacious m asters w ho have paid starvation w ages to do justice to th eir em ployes. T he im perial decree ordering th e form ation of th e com m ittee reposes the presidency of th e body in S enator Chidlovski, a m em ber of th e council of th e em pire, and instructs th e com­ m ittee to ascertain im m ediately th e causes of discontent of S t. P etersburg w orkm en and devise m easures to pre­ vent such discontent in th e .future. T he com m ittee consists of representa­ tives of governm ent departm ents, th e various industries, Snd th e w orkm en. The P resid en t is authorized to report in person to th e E m peror and deter­ m ine th e n um bo, and m ode of selec­ tion of th e com m ittee. A t th e M ali T h eatre a scene w as created by cries of “Down w ith th e autocracy” and personal abuse of th e E m peror. T he dem onstrators w ere ejected from th e theatre. T he ponce continue to m ake arrests. The Czar’s Announcement. St. P etersburg, By Cable.— T he new s th a t E m peror N icholas has endorsed th e schem e for th e revival of th e Zem ­ sky S aa1;.?;-. or ancient land parlia­ m ent, w hich th e old E m perors invoked in tim es of stress, h as spread through th e city and created intense satisfac­ tion am ong liberal classes. T he new s­ papers th is m orning w ere filled w ith articles descriptive of this ancient R us­ sian instittuicn, indicating th a t w ord had gone forth th a t th e governm ent had decided to listen to th e voice of representatives of th e people. N atur­ ally, th ere is som e skepticism as to w hether th e governm ent intends frank­ ly to tak e th e steps, b u t the general verdict is th a t if th e E m peror h as suc­ ceeded in shaking off reactionary in­ fluences and now proceeds in good faith to sum m on th e Zem sky Seabor, they w ill rally to his support th e m od­ erate L iberals, and perhaps arouse a w ave of genuine enthusiam in the country. L iberals are convinced th a t th e m eeting of such a representative body m ust be follow ed by im p o rtan t and w idespread , reform s. W est Blizzard Sw ept. K ansas City, Mo., Special.—R eports S unday n ight from M issouri, M inneso­ ta , K ansas, N ebraska, Iow a, th e Da- kotas, no rth ern Texas, Indian T erri­ tory, A rkansas and O klahom a say th a t unusually cold w eather prevails. In O m aha th e therm om eter registered 16 degrees below zero a t 9 o’clock. H igh w inds prevail in m any localities, drifting th e snow badly, and delaying railroad traffic in all directions. R e ports from O klahom a and Indian T er­ rito ry say th e therm om eter w as 5 be­ low zero In several places, and ranged a t zero all day. From all p arts of the tw o T erritories com e accounts of suf­ fering and death as th e resu lt of the sudden norther. Visiting New York. W ashington, Special. — P resident R oosevelt left W ashington M onday m orning for a tw o-day v isit in New Y ork, during w hich he w ill m ake a speech a t th e Lincoln birthday cele­ bratio n a t th e W aldorf-A storia, spend a sh o rt tim e a t th e P ress Club ban­ q u et a t th e N ew A stor H ouse, lunch a t th e U niversity Club, dine in “L ittle H ungary,” and v isit friends. Atlanta’s Troubles Ending. A tlanta, Ga., Special.—W ith large forces of m en, w ho have been repair­ ing since th e havoc of th e recen t sleet storm , continued th e ir w ork all day (ounday), both th e W estern Union and P ostal T elegraph C om panies and th e telephone com panies are getting th e ir w ires in b etter condition, and A tlanta is in closer touch w ith th e out­ side w orld th a n she h as been for a w eek. T he recen t storm w as th e m ost de­ structive in th e history of th e city. T he am ount sp en t by th e telegraph and telephone com panies to restore norm al conditions w ill reach an enor­ m ous sum . Four injured by Explosion. E rie, Pa., Special.—A n explosion Oi natu ral gas at* th e hom e of th e care­ ta k er of th e city w ater w orks reser- yoir seriously injured four persons this evening. Tw o of the’ injured w ere so badly shocked and burned th a t they m ay die. A ll w ere blow n through a second-story w indow and dow n an em ­ bankm ent 30 feet high. T he injured are: Louis seiter, aged 40 years and his w ife; H arry S eiter, aged 14 years, and Sam uel P fister, aged 65 years. Oil Men Support Kansas. Toledo, O., Special.—A t a m eeting Sunday of th e Oil M en’s A ssociation, com posed of crude oil producers in th e T renton rock-oil fields of Ohio and Indiana, th e situation in K ansas w as discussed by th e 30 or 40 m em bers present, and resolutions w ere unani- m ouly adopted th a t th e S tate of K an­ sas is entitled to th e sym pathy and m oral support of th e oil tra d e every- W here in its contest w ith th e S tandard Oil Com pany. ' ’ I ILIDIlfOSTOK BLOCKADED Russian Port Besiesced From the Ccean SRIel LIGHT HOUSE TO BE KEPT DARK W inter Belps M ikailoiS Kitry to Cnt OA gealtoAd*—Difficulties Vestels W ill Kosf Experience In Trarelinx Tlironeh the Various Straits Ahont Japan—Strategic . M ores of the M ikado’s Forces* Tokio, ja p a n ^ ln fo rin a tio n given out by th e N avy D eprirtnient show s th a t th e harbor o t V ladivostok lirts been practically blockaded by the Japanese naval forces. E ntry to V ladivostok from the sea is now lim ited to T sushim a S traits (S traits of K orea) Bnd T sugaru S traits (betw een H okkaido Island m id th e isl­ and of Hondo). T he Soya S traits (La P erouse S traits, betw een th e Island of H okkaido and tho Island of Sakhalin) are barred by ice, R eports received iievc from H ok­ kaido (the northernm ost island of Japan) and also from coasting vessels say Soya S traits arc riot frozen over, b u t are filled w ith floes and bergs, m aking navigation practically im pos­ sible. Td fu rth er increase th e diffi­ culty of reaching V ladivostok, the Ja p ­ anese G overnm ent announces th a t the. light houses in th e vicinity of Tsugaril S traits Will no t be lighted except oc­ casionally. T he official announcem ent snys this decision w as necessary for Strategic reasons, and w arns coasting and neu­ tral navigators th a t in passing T sugaru S traits tliey m ust exercise th e greatest care. T he Japanese continue to pa­ trol T sushim a an d T silgaru Straits, and it is believed th a t th e blockade of V ladivostok is effective. I t w as reported from V ladivostok th a t the R ussian arm ored cruisers R us­ sia an d Gromoboi had been repaired, b u t it is doubted w hether they w ill em erge from tile harbor on account of th e extensive seizures by the Japanese of coal-laden ships bound for V ladivos tok. L arge stocks have been purchased by Japan, w hich has no t ceased pur­ chasing coal. T he im pression prevails here th a t tb e im pending b altle betw een the arm ies of F ield M arshal O yam a and G eneral K uropatkin w ill occur before any m aterial th a w takes place, w hich w ould convert th e country into a slushy bog and render th e m ovem ent of guns, am m unition and stores im pos­ sible uutil th e roads harden. T he E m peror and E m press gave 100, 000 yen ($40,000) to the A rm y and N avy departm ents to purchase delicacies for the celebration of th e national holiday. FIN L A N D A SSA SSIN D E F IA N T . W arns Officials T h a t O thers W ill Fol­ low the Procurator-G eneral. H elsingfors.—I t w as discovered th a t the assassin of Soisalou Soiutnen, P ro­ curator G eneral of. F inland, is K arI L eiiard H ohenthal, one of th e m ost brilliant students graduated from th e Im perial A lexander U niversity of this city. H ohenthal lias been living in Stockholm , w here, it is ascertained, lie joined a revolutionary society of w hich E ugene Shaum anu, w ho assassinated Bobrikoff, G overnor G eneral, w as a m em ber. H ohenthal w as p u t under exam ination, bu t obstinately declined to answ er any questions. H is eyes blazed w hen Senator A ker- m au, w ho has assum ed th e duties of P rocurator G eneral, told him a m eans could be found to m ake him speak. “ W hen th a t tim e com es,” shouted H ohenthal, “another northeastern F inn w ill tak e care of yon.” I t is feared th a t F inland w ill w it­ ness a series o t political m urders. T he prisoner’s fath er w as a w ell-know n pastor in th e tow n of L aiha, and a patriotic Finlander. H ohenthal is know n to have been in St. P etersburg, and it is believed th a t the m urder com­ m itted by him is a p a rt of a general plan now to be carried out. T R A IN D R O PS E IG H T E E N F E E T . Tw o K illed and M any Injured in Acci­ dent N ear D es M oines, Iow a. D es M oines, Iow a.—A broken rail oil the Chicago, M ilw aukee anil St. P aul R ailroad, n ear M elbourne, w as respon­ sible for an accident ill w hich tw o m en w ere killed, tw enty-four persons in­ jured, eight cars m id an engine plied in a ditch and n 200-foot bridge w recked, T he w recked tra in left Chicago, 111., a t night. T here w ere nine coaches draw n by tw o engines. T he broken rail w as 3 0 0 'feet east of th e bridge, and the first engine passed over safely, Tlia olher engine and eight coaches le ft th e track and piled into th e ditch beneath the bridge, w hich was, eight­ een feet high. T he bridge w as destroyed by tho im ­ p act of the derailed cars. T he conductor an d a brakem an w ere killed. N one of those injured w as re­ ported to he in a serious condition. G O V ERN O R D EA D FR O M W OUND H ead of W arsaw Province W as H u rt in F ig h t W ith Strikers. London, Eng.—D ispatches from W ar­ saw ill th e papers here reported tb e death of G overnor G eneral Tcbertkoff of th e P rovince of W arsaw ’. H e w as w ounded in th e leg in a re­ cent encounter betw een trooos and strikers. W OM AN SU F F R A G E IN K AN SAS. W eaker Sex W ill D e.A llow ed to V ote F or President. . Topeka, K an.—'The H ouse passed the E qual Suffrage bill g ranting w om en the rig h t to vote for P residential electors in K ansas. G unboat D isabled. T he gunboat N ew port w as reported Sevenly m iles south of C ape H atteras proceeding under sail, w ith a disabied propeller. F o r W ireless Stations. O rders have been received a t the AIare Island N avy Y ard lrom W ash­ ington, D . C., anlhoriziug th e p repara­ tion a t this station of com plete out­ fits for w ireless telegraph stations to be established by the? N avy D epart­ m ent a t H onoliiln and a t tho naval sjation a t G uam . H eld F o r W illiam s M urder. H . W odd w as iielil rcspou- S 1blS-IW a coroner’s ju ry sittin g in •’ f?v th e . killiug o t M ountains 6 t ^ s - W atchung LA BO R W ORLD. T he 1005 convention of Rlc sm iths’ U nion will be held in Si r>, , - M inn. ' ' tattI. D etroit (Mich.) m ates think of form Ing a union of 11ieIr own, and deflnh* plans are being discussed. T he Chicago Federated Trades estab­ lished the precedent of adm iUin- cf„ gytrien as fraternal delegates. A graduated scale of wases shortly be adopted by the street roil ' w ay com pany a t the Cily of M exa0 T a rt of the striking lumber Wicon drivers a t Chicago, Ul.. Iiave returnlS ■ to w ork, having won the union wa»» scale. a In W isconsin th e eight-hour dav !> prescribed in m anufacturing and’mo. elianieal establishm ents unless oilm,. ,wise agreed upon. ] T ube w orkers throughout Sculii Stnr. ifordsbire, England, have been served .with notices of a reduction in Wa-^1 equal to three and a half per cent. * T he request of th e W estern .Marr. land trainm en for shorter boms, an ij. crease in pay and paym ent (or over­ tim e, has been refused by the company T he m inim um w age for union book an d job com positors in Boston was in- creased from $17 to $18 per week in ae. cordance w ith an agreem ent made a year ago. T he agreem ent betw een tbe Iroa M olders’ Union of N orth America and the N ational Founders’ Associalioalias been term inated by the Employers’ gnnization. T he Church Association for the Ad­ vancem ent of (lie Interests of Labor is constantly controverting the statement th a t organized labor is unfriendly to th e church. I A m erican F ederation of Labor organ, izers in th e P ittsburg (Pa.) district are busy iu an effort to get all locni unions to affiliate w ith the Iron City Ccstval T rades Council. T hese Should Not Marry. T he w om an w ho expects to have “a good, easy tim e.” T he w om an who w ants to refurnish h er house every spring. T he w om an who buys for the merr, pleasure of buying. T he w om an who thinks that cool and n urse can keep house. T he w om an who would die rathei than w ear last season’s hat. T he w om an who expects a dedara, tion of love three tim es a day. T he w om an who m arries in order to have som e one to pay her bills. T he w om an who thinks she can gel $5,000 w orth of style out of a 51,004 incom e. T he w om an who proudly declarer th a t she cannot even hem a pocket handkerchief and never made up s bed in her. life.—-Philadelphia Record RASLWAY, T H E STANDARD RAILW AY O F TlIR TTr H . DIRECT LINE TO ALL POINTS Dl Texas, California,] Florida, Cuba and Porfo Rico, Strictly first-c'iaSs equipment on all Througli and Local Trains, and Paliman Palace Sleeping cars on all night trains. Fast and safe sched­ ules. Travel by the SOUTHERN and yon are assured a Safe, Oomfortahlu and Expedi­ tions Jonrney. Apply to Ticket Agents for Tables, Rattl and general inform ation, or addreaa 8. H. HARDWICK, Cl. P. A., WaBhingtonl D. & R. L. VERNON, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. 0. J. a. WOOD, 0. P. & T. A., Asheville, N. 0- SO TBOtIBLlC TO XNSWEK QT7K3TIOS9 VERY LOW RATES Announced, via SCUIHEfiN V ery low rates are announced vis S outhern R ailw ay from points on Hs lines fo r th e follow ing special occas­ ions: Austin, T exas—N ational Baptist Con­ vention (colored), Septem ber H -H .1904. Baltimore, Md*—N ational Convention F rate rn al O rder of Eagles, Septem­ b er 12-17, 1904. C hattanooga, T enn.—International As­ sociation of F ire Engineers, Septem­ b er 13-16, 1904.Richmond, Vo.— G rand Fountain Unit­ ed O rder T ru e Reform ers, Septem­ b er 6-13,1904. Los Angeles, Cal., San Francisco, Cal. — T riennial Conclave, K nights Tem­ plar, S eptem ber 5-9, 1904; Sovereign G rand Lodge, I. O. O. F., September 19-25, 1904. S t. Louis, Mo.—L ouisiana Purchase Exposition, M ay-November, 1904. R ates fo r th e above occasions open to th e public. T ick ets w ill be sold to these poinjn from all stations on Southern Rail­ w ay. D etailed inform ation can be had up­ on application to any T icket Agent of th e S outhern R ailw ay, or Agents of connecting lines, or by addressing the undersigned: . R . L. VERNON, T. P- A, Charlotte, N. C. J. H. WOOD, D. P- A’ A sheville, N. C. 8. H. HARDWICK, P ass. Traffic Mgr. W. H. TAYLOE, ’ G en’l P ass. Agent, ’ D. C. , ' E »rlle!t i £ r The 'uvays have si V j3” iJwIaabIe- Tlu ‘“'“L their nW a ALL I w •jjrto- v o it will r £ 4 - * ^ 'P e e p F DaL-Firl y h e a v e r a g e a g e iromcn marry « t " 1- J cars' — Tbe I--Ulv In thc lJel TV*u iin.ls Ws He; •v K e careful som Vnl every bear; ‘ s ll lle a .. ..i.t f T A Grimly Su The m inister a riding flown town Oiutc car, nnfl hat square w hen the taken joined ilier After riding w rlhe m inister and Uaker cff tho car, :anco in trio lookc It Helps W om en Lien’s J5^dmiratio "Woman's great* inspire adm iratic 'There is a beaut more Iittractire To be a sucees .W e am i adm ir :shonid be a wc JU th e first in jfliliifnl o r in ueadaehe o r bac V inlfnaras V eg begin its use* Mrs. Cha-S. I?. Club, , A rk., i Dear Mrs. Pinkha *• Foraine years able existence, Si and falling of thc pain and wenrines inent by a woman had been cured b etable Compound A t the end of thi -my husband fel -a^aia, Lydia E. pound built up Ii womb trouble, a I am sure it will: strong, well and Vvomcn w ho , ful or irregul acbc. bloating a'hcea, falling, tion of th c u th a t “ bearin ness, faintncs? prostration m health and st Pinkham 's L0USSV1LIE, E daU itscd ISJI tnsJ.es! E iriitt prleor»iu lorrsw ...f .:- 3 _ t v oHLD. of it,. ■:-r. ss?,]. "efiHits. ^ n i r f T rntiM «.. >-t of n 'lin itu n ^3**!*' : ‘A g a te s . * ’> of W(1„e.1 v-r.5!;"««« £?'-•!? Of Mexico” *1* V - ;«.<** Wioar flftT.••.».;iur:u, aUll- I* n.£-i:!i u::.’ess o tU tt p«Suont SccH1 S,ftfc'• ii.. IO l/CO'; Crv,... !•rfit-nion in Villi® a Ua:f iic-r oc,;i- 5 Vr- W c-stera Xiilx Zouri . o f t - I ay=:*;,; fo,. Q -3- "“•"•* ••'•' ;!j° 'oaipauy {■- xtnioii i,0tiie Stoa Wftft -■ ; c-r weou ... t-Sr-ic-stent l-''.;';.Tev lit? Jrm / / / " '; ''-'-I*?-':?. a.ux ; / / -t-ss-wlatioa Xftft .-j ia::>.:.yerft- y& "" ""• f Ot Ht5 X i. 1-oboe ■ ■"•» ‘-•’- statentoni -o . : ! « « L s l :r crjaa.c .St r ; ; t ar6 -.ttal oaior.*-- -.-.a c..:y (Jcac.al . ' V l f r p f i Onion*. **• , Vs'-cr toted Co., La Crosse.flit I*" something new, some- • f f ii- i.lc " This year they offer #= 1 ,', rev.- money nmking vege- » »« l : f , IiCt H w il Kniing Onion.I 'itfeIvInaW' JIt- Karmot and Gardener! id N et M arry. 0 C-XTiC-S to - I - . >,ft • tn.z,ks ccoi rvp ? ~ c -: - z-=cz's zz:. : •fsprcts a 'ieclirar t. ~ : s. da**, c ~ s rr:* s ip orisr •* -•*>* her tills. : see can ;ei b i t Co- ct a 5 :.c;j :c CTCttiiy ccciiror ? v= i s = a TCT,.ei riaie up s -Z ilZ Z r I p z i z KiCCTi RN J L W A Y . CF T U F -S OUTfL p o x x is a r t i l a , ! a , a n d Ricof .ff'ts e q u ip x e s l ah zzd Lc-cal :all?nas Psla,.’e on all nijhi Lnd s s fe ecbei* ? s o t r r s T H X •iarc-c. a S ite 1 Sdd Jtxpedt- zu ter T tl c*. Ll',Ci = 2t:;a , er idcresa id Lr p. A.. b~exatT -gtott, D. C. r. p . a . . Ch&rlc-t:*. S. C. • S C A.. A s a e T ; - * . = ' V - - y r, c rS S T t'T J V. L A T i 3 'RAlLttWr IT i STtTTtraTii -L f a t - T T ta ts c a CS C .a p E T S T ta- TTTaS- liars: SaatTit Ca=- S s p ti= T T T T i i - i e . Ltttaii C -T are= A S A Ti Z s = T e s S e ; t s = - — i a - c r a . t t c a s i - « - L = A asers C o= == ' -as Ssatsta- a - : = :: = Trats T ed- si Syt^cPLi -Cd7 f - ddl a Z = T T iiie. sr. T--TeIT. TTT TT ta TASii Pf =A Ttaer= ----- A gsats =I TSSS-=S ^ : t . P - A . Ti N. C C- P- * - Te. Nb C. :k . TifC M g= -. =- Afc=A a <rsl, this some* Ann 16& y-'U their- big plant and VwTTilwr Lvdli enough seed P1-Iiil CahbagM1 .,,.Iri 111 iui.y Turnips, y ,, iio-fliins. nuity Celery, p=.I Inmi-iy Leltuce,, ‘•‘!rVi '',I-::;'!:-: Unions,i'hh'r- H- 'iiscions K:ulishes«IVVi Vl,,,Vm-Iv brilliant Flowers. .p .-,V I-Mv-H plnius—this gi*cat one* V'Jo tosfc l^°*r varranted IUT 10o POSTArGi!, •otv.rn this notice, and iisi of AU,etc> [A .C.L.].reci'o Uay., •XI? Vk V . ;i-c. r«t which civilized r nvLi'iy-tluve and one-half The Azure. iv in iL-c .U'i'ths of WueV",.!s !:.> tilI'S". tlronnis fuiniled, I ,;‘-t1 it ::>•••'!’ \ au?s from view, !'WLt y‘s hushed and • I ' 5- iovous flight ••’T-rv rapture 1168» '>tio height—,! voiu- eyes!In New Orleans A Grimly Suggestive Group. Th? irln^-w and the doctor w ere riding down in a l.exington ave» :n.i hml arrived at M adison i heir friend th e under-Mi-Jrc • tsieii ;o Aiirr : *Uie niiniI -.Jl^ r eft tise i';ir. paying their appear- ! • jjjee Ir. trio !vokrd too ShjrTgestive and I iouiJ cm c ’nil; nnv.^ng thoir friends. Iiirr virh him tw'o blocks or r.ru doctor put the under- RHK WHO CHAHM IBlTS Ii Tffi FiSSI ESSEhTIIL It Helps 'riomen to W in and H old Kails A.dmirflrion, ICespect and Love tfcaan'sffrcmcst gift s th e pow er to Jnifh-C r.diairuti":=. respect-, an d love. Th-.Te is a KiIiV.iy in lnuilth w hich is raoreuttracti’-v lom en than m ere regu­ larity of ie atu i {/ilrs.Chas.l:'Brown i ,."i. ' "'.-mnri i iminiuji Tote r* -successfril wife, to retain th e Wa ?!?•{ admiration of h er husband, shoaVd be a woman's constant study. Ai the first indication of ill-health, r&Vuni! or irrem lar m enstruation, ueadavhe or baeki;v1;c. secure L vdia E. I5InVaatas WiJcUtble Comriound and begin its use. Mrs. Chas. P. Krown. V ice-President Moih.-rV Club, Si Cctlar T errace, H ot Jjprinjf., Ark., w rites; D?ar iirs. Pinkhitr.:— . 4' Fcr aia* rears I dragged through a miser- tb-e t-^iV-acv. suffermj with inflammation HKlraikni of the woub. and worn out with !•ai2a:.iir<-;v.-in-.u. I one dxiy noticed a state- pent by a V1-Oraan suffering as I was, but who Imn cared by Lyrlia E . Pinkkam‘s Veg- ctaUc- CoT.pvm-l, and I determined to try it. At the etui of three months I was a different Ionian. £v-.-ry one remarked about it. and •my iiusoai-l fell in Krc with me all over Lyiiia E. Plakkam's A'egetable Com* hut up inv entire system, cured the jroab trouble, and I felt like a now woman. I «a sure i; will make every suffering woman stmnc. ircH £r.<i happy, as it has m e/’ liomeu who are troubled w ith pain- . fsl or irregular m enstruation, back­ ache. bloutmg- (or flatulence), leucor- irncea. lailjng, inflammation o r ulcera- tion oi the uivrr.s. ovarian troubles, taat ^“ r»eavi2g-do;vn ” feeling, diz2i- aess. faintne?.'., in«:igcstion, o r nervous prostration any bo restored to perfcet P £ , } b'' strength by tak in g Lydia ViHakama Vegetable Compound, iolin Whitfl & no, LOtltiVlLLo KY m \ * ACHED !M EVcRY ©ONE. Chicago Society Woman, Who Was So SIoTc Slto Coulil Not Sleep or Cat, Cured l>jr DoanVs Kldooy Pills* MariOtt K night, ot S3 Sv A shland Ave., Chicago, O rator of the TYest Side ■Wednesday Club, says: “T his w hiter w hen I started to use D oan’s' k id n ey Tills I ached in every bone and had intense pains Sn th e kidneys au d Iielvic or­ igans. T heuriue Was tiiiek and W ondy1 an d I c o u ld barely ea t enough to live. I felt a cnauge for the SfATtiOJT .M fiHT, b etter W ithiu a v. cviv. IW Wn--UiiU iveeK i negan eat­ ing heartily. I began to im prove gen­ erally, and before, seven w eeks had passed I w as well. I had spent hundreds of dollars for m edicine th at did Hot help me, bu t SG. w orth of D oan’s K idney P ills restored m e to perfect health.” A TT.IAL F R E E —A ddress Foster- M ilbnrn Co., Buffalo, X, S i F o r sale by all dealers, Price, 50 cts, & M - Boga tire slaughtered for culinary pur­ poses .u Munich. ttch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford’s Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold bv all druggists, $1. Mail orders promptly filled by Dr. E. Detchon, CrawfordsviiIei Ind. Tlie rice paper tree is ona of the most interesting of the flora of Cliina4 NO SLEEP FOR MOTHER Baliy Covered IVitit Sores Hnd Scales* Could Not TeU W hat She Cooked Like— M arvelous Cure by Cuticura* trA t four months old iny baby’s face and body were so‘ covered with sores and large scales you could not tell what she looked Iike4 Nb child ever had a worse case. H er face v.as being eaten, away, and even her finger nails fell off. It itched so she could not sleep, and for many weary niahts we could get no rest. A t last we got~Cu- ticura Soap and Ointment. The sores be­ gan to heal at once, and she could sleep at night, and in one month she had not one sore on her face or body.— M rs. Mary Sanders, 709 Spring St., Camden, N . J .” Runaway horses are unknown in Russia. . Fabe teeth have bean used by the pco* pie who lived in IOOQ B. C. FITS permanently.cured. No fits or nervous* ness after first day’s use ofI)r. Klina’s Great XerveRestorer,$2trial hot! Ieandtrentise free Dr. K. H. Klixe , Ltd., WlArch St., PhiIa., Pa According to the census of 1900, the population of Spain v:as lS,S91.57i. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething, soften the .cams,reduces inflamoia- Uon,allays pain, cures wind coiic,25c,abottl* Porto Kico is the most lightly taxed country on earth. IIso's Cure U thebest medicine wo overused Jor all affections pf throat and lungs.—Wm. 0. Endsleyi Vanburen, Ind., Feb. 1 0, lifOD. The man who takes Tife as a dose* al­ ways finds it a bitter one. A Guaranteed Cure Fo? LxUes. Iiching, Kiindf Jiieeding or J’rotrnding Files. Druggists will refund money it Fazo Ointment tads to cure in O to 14 days. 50c. You could never make a woman believe all angels don’t have nic*. crinkly hair, Taylor's Clierokce Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullen is Nature’s great remedy—Cutes Coughs. Colds, Croup and Consumption,and all throat aud lung troubles. At druggists* 25-l, 5Gc. and $1.09 per bottlo. The U nited States is the largest con­ sum er of tin in th e w orld, bu t derives its supplies from th e S traits Settle­ m ents, from Banka* and other E uro­ pean sources. Only a ' few hundred pounds of tin are m ined in this coun­ try . •__________________ Sioo Reward. 3100. The readers of this paper will be pleasedto le am th atth ereisat least one dreaded dis­ease that science has beou able to cure in all itssta?83, and t aat is Catarrh. HalTs Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical iratoraifcy. Catarrh being a con­ stitutional disease, require? a constitutional treatm ent. Hall’s CatarrhCureistakeninter- ually, actiagdbastly upoathe blood andmu- coussarfa383 of the system, thereby dostroy- ingthe foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the con­stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors n-avaso muchfaith La Useurafcive powers that they offer Ono Hun- dredOolla :■> foraay case that ifc lails to cure. •Send for iisfc of testimonials. Address F. J. C saxsr A Co,, Toledo, 0. Sold by D ruggist, 75c. Take Hall’s Family H lls for constipation Ju st before Ue le ft th e Pensiou Office, Com m issioner W are w as asked for a recom m endation by a w atchm an." This Is w hat W are w rote; “D ear Jackson— If you are not In H eaven w hen I get there, I ’ll As it to have you tra n s­ ferred.” To Care a CoM in One Day Take JLaxauve Droiuo (Quinine Tablets. AU druggists relund money if it tails to cure. 10. \\ . Grove’s signature is on bos. 25c. Great souls can neither be starved by poverty nor choked by riches. & ' - ^ ^ 1 ~ ■>) thaf S trik e H e m e I T grocer is honest and—if lie cares to do so—can tell } j,n.. at -;0 knows very little about tho b u lk coffee he j ■ x \ ou. Jjow c(ln Jle Jlnowj where it originally came from, how it was blended—Qt W ith W hat —or when roasted? If you buy your coffee loose by the pound, how can you expect purity and uniform quality I IiOM COFFEE, the IEABEB OF ALL PACKASE COFFEES, Is ot necessity iutllorm to quality, strength and liavor. For OVER A QUARTER OF A CENTURY, UON COFFEE has been the standard coffee In HtSQIons of hom es. LIOM C O FFE E t® carefully packed at our factories* and until opened to your home* has no chance «! being adul­ terated* or ol coming in contact with dust* dirt* cerms, or unclean hands. rh package of LION COFFEE you get o n e f u l l I Puro Coffee. Insist upon getting the genuine, every package.) (.Save J01Je Lioii-beads for valuable premiums.) BY GROCEES EVERYWHERE , WOOLSON SPJifiE=Cp., Toleaff, Chio. E PISSES BATE BILL Esch - Townsentl Measure 6e§s Through Without Trouble, TOTAL VOTE OF 326 TO 17 Soiiii SiiartJ Yrinianwj Iiio Jliinorily toaijerj UvReci the Fasains of Anoilior lsili Maite Up of the Davey BiU anti Torltons of tile Sliahleford B ill—Mr. TTiUtams Toted the TTlnninff Measure W ashington, D. C.—A fter rejecting tile m inority substitute by 186 to 151 tlie H ouse passed the Esch-Tow iiseud bill by 326 to 17. . U nder the special rnle th e tim e for th e vote w as set for 3 o’clock in th e af­ ternoon, and there w ere only tw o prop­ ositions before the H ousei One Was the Eseh-Tow nsciid bill ttiiii th e other th e bill Urged by .Toiiii Sharp W illiam s, tile m inority ieader, and niaiie up of th e iiavey bill and portions of the Siiacicieford biii. T he D em ocrats had dem anded the rig h t to am end th e m a­ jo rity bill w ith provisions applyiug to private car com panies an d term inal preferences. Tlie m ajority program,- having been decided upon by the adop­ tion o f the rule, there w as nothing left for the D eiliocrats bu t to vote for their ow n bill and then take w hat they could £et iii ti.ie m ajority Uieasiirei which they did alm ost.fp a man. D uring the debate th ere w ere ex­ pressions of praise for the. President, Whose fight for rate iegisiatioii w as ap- piaiiiied iriieh alluded to. M t. Pierce, of Tennessee, said the President had show n th a t he w as the g reatest leader this country had seen since th e Civil W ar. H e justified his support of th e bill on th e ground th at it w as D em ocratic doctrine, and had been urged byr W . J. B ryan, who w as also a leader on this subject. .Tohn Sharp W illiam s, in closing for th e m inority, began by saying th a t the country ow ed the bill to the President, H e congratulated the H ouse on the prospect of the passage of such legisla­ tion, and oil th e fact th a t P resident Roosevelt had “been nom inated by the Republican P arty and elected by the people.” H e insisted th a t th e P resident w as beginning to assum e a strong D enioeratlc attitude, ahd expressed tiie hope th a t be m ight iirge on Coiigreas tariff revision and tiie reduction of t.iie arm y. Then, grow ing sarcastic, he rid­ iculed th e non-partisanship of the m a­ jority and th e passing fear am ong Re­ publicans th a t tlie P resident w ould “go bver to tlie D em ocracy.” The hill w hich Iie had draw n and w hich th e com m ittee had repudiated w as. in his opinion, only a rough d raft w hich he had fram ed after conferences w ith the P resident and m em bers of his Cabinet. The Escli-Tow nseiid bill w as not an A dm inistration m easure, nor could any bill be said to be an Adm in­ istration m easure. H is ow n bill w as as m uch an A dm inistration bill as any. for it w as. w ith the exception of two sections, th e w ork of th e A ttorney- General. In order to keep tlie record straight Mr. YTiUianis dem anded the yeas and nays on the m inority substitute, and- w hen th a t failed both lie and sir. H ep­ burn a t th e sam e tim e w ere dem anding yeas and uays on the Eseli-Tow usend Bill. R ED CROSS REO RG A N IZED . Secretary T a ft Chosen P resident—Miss B arton N ot a t M eeting. ■ W ashington, D. C —As provided In the act of Congress for the reorganiza­ tion of the society, th e Incorporators of th e A m erican N ational R ed Cross m et in th e S tate D epartm ent. A bout tw o dozen persons w ere present. M iss C lara B arton w as an absentee. Secre­ tary T a ft called th e incorporators to­ gether. A form of perm anent organization w as effected through th e election of the following officers: P resident, W il­ liam H . T a ft; T reasurer, C harles H . K eep, A ssistant S ecretary of the T reasury; Councilor. Louis A. P rad t; Secretary, A nita New com b McGee. E xecutive Com m ittee—Surgeou Gen­ eral W . K . V an Reypon, V . S. N.. re­ tired ; A ssistant S ecretary of State F rancis B. Loom is; .Tudge A dvocate G eneral G eorge B. D avis, U. S. A.; M edical D irector Boyd, Com m issioner .Tames R. Garfield. M iss B oardm an and Snrgeon G eneral W ym an. T his com m ittee w as authorized to proceed a t once w ith the orgauizatlon of branch R ed Cross societies in every S tate and T erritory in the Union, and w ill m eet again In th e course of a few days. J. H . M A N LE S D EA D. M aine R epublican L eader E xpires Sud­ denly. A ugusta1M e .-Joseph H . M anley, for­ m er C hairm an of the R epublican N a­ tional E xecutive Com m ittee, w as found dead in bed. Joseph H . JIanley w as born in 1SA2 a t lriirm ington, Ale. H e w as graduated from th e A lbany L aw School. P resi­ dent G arfield m ade him postm aster ot A ugusta, and he held th e office Tor seven years. H e served for a tim e as C hairm an of th e R epublican N ational Com m ittee. D isaster F or N ew York City. W illiam H . Ten Eyck, president of th e A queduct Comm ission, prophesied disaster in case there is any delay In providing additional w ater supply foi N ew York Citj-. E n g l i s h - B Ie t h r a t e f a l l s . T h at of the P a st Y ear is the Low est On Record. Loudon, Eng.—T he birth rate for England an d W ales in ISlOI w as RiR pci- thousand, the low est on record. The rate has been steadily decreasing for y e a r s .______________ Elected to B oard of Regents. E x-Judge Lucian L. S hrfden w as elected a m em ber of the N ew Io ik S tate B oard of Regents. Personal Gossip. B ernard Sbaw is becom ing very pop­ ular in G erm any; A ndrew C arnegie is a great lover of flowers, especially of roses. The only wom an blacksm ith in Am er­ ica is M iss C lara M ediiu, of FilQt Oak, Ky. T he G erm an Em peror is said to be tw enty-fourth in th e line of succession “ to the B ritish crown. P resident ’Roosevelt h a s departed N M BENTSOFLHEfEEK W A SHIN G TO N: T he H ouse Com m ittee oh industrial A rts aud Expositions favorably report-' ed a bill th e purpose of w hich is-to enable th e holding of the proposed Jam estow n Exposition. T he bill car­ ries an appropriation of $2,650,000. P resident Roosevelt signed the biii providing for construction of-railroads In th e Philippines, i t WaS Wficiaiiy announced a t the YY'hite H ouse th a t Frederick I. Allen, the. Com m issioner of P atents, w ould be retained in his -present office dur­ ing th e new A dm inistration. O UR A D O PTED ISLA ND S. B rigadier G eneral W illiam IL C arier reported engagem ents of .scouts w ith Pulajaues, San Jose. Sam ar. Six guns captured. No casualties. G ustin, Sec­ ond L ieutenant of Philippine Scouts, w ounded, m oderately; one scout killed, five w ouiided. Thousand P ulajanes.jo- cated a t M ount Tago1 due E ast CaT- bayog, O uf forces Co-operating w ith native troops w ith good effect. C aptain H enry T. Alien, of the Sixth Cavalry, w ho left M anila about the m iddle of la st D ecem ber to take com­ m and of the constabulary on the Isl­ and of Sam ar, is about to return. The 'adrones are scattered and have been driven into th e rem ote m onntnm s. m auy of their leaders have been killed and 100 have been sentenced to term s Of im prisonm ent. Senor .Abella1 w ho w as elected Gov­ ernor of tile province of Cam arines. P. I.; w ili not be aliow ed to take the office, G overnor G eneral YVright de­ claring th a t A bella bought votes open­ ly in th e governm ent building. G overnor YVright had a conference w ith the m unicipal presidentes of the Province of Cavite. H e is arranging for th e co-operation of a'! th e insular forces ag ain st th e ladrones. A u addi­ tional-force o f constabulary has been placed in the field and tlie ladrones are now outnum bered and are scat­ tering. Soine of th e native officials say th a t they have been obliged to feed th e ladrones and furnish inforinnticu to them on penalty of having their property destroyed ahd being ruined. D OM ESTIC. Louis Pra, ciief of the Fiftii Avenue Hotel1 New York Cily1 was stabbed on bis way to work. Judson H arm on; of C incinnati, Ohio, aud F red N, Jndson, of St. Louis, JIo., w ere appointed special assistant attor- neys-generni td prepare the S anta Fe. rebate cases. T he N ew Y ork City B oard of A lder­ m en w ith only one dissenting voice voted to g ran t a franchise to tlie New Y ork and N ew Jersey R ailroad Com­ pany for a tunnel iip S ixth avenue, to connect w ith th e one it has built under Uio H udson R iver. - The YVashington G overnm ent deter­ m ined to bring JIaclien back from pris­ on a t Aloundsviile, YYr. Yra., and try him for th e satchel fra u d .. T he indictm ent against ther m anage­ m ent of th e irbqiiois T heatre -w as quashed in Chicago, Ul., on th e ground •that it did no t show any om ission of duty on their part. Justice L eventritt, of Now York. Ciiy, ordered th a t th e rem aining p a rt of $160,000 w hich H annah Elias, the ne- gress who is alleged to have sw indled Isaac S.- P la tt out of $600,000. w ith­ drew from the bank m ust be paid over to the receiver of h er property. T he date for. th e trial of M rs. Chad­ w ick in Cleveland, Ohio, w as set for JIarch 6. Tlie Thom psoii-Stnrrett Company w as expelled from tho B uilding T rades Em ployers’ A ssociation, of Neiv York C ity... Senator J Ia rtin 1Saxe introduced a tax bill affecting th e ow’nars of large fortunes w ho evade taxation in X ew Yoi-k on account of residence in other States. One hundred persons w ere injured, one m ortally, In a crash of tw o Second avenue “L ” trains in N ew York City. Im portant com m ercial bodies of the A ilantic const and E astern trunk rail­ roads organized to fight ra te discrim ­ ination th a t is taking trade from them to G ulf-ports. P resident Tifft, of the N ew York City B oard o f Education, w as re­ elected. C hristopher Sm ith, th e boy burglar, Of N ew Y ork City, w as held in $8000 bail for th e G rand Jury. Chancellor M oCrncken1 of th e New Y ork U niversity, decrying th e m ilitary trend of th e tim es, forbade his .students to join in parade a t P resident Roose-. velt’s inauguration. F or th e first tim e in sixty-five years an application w as m ade to challenge th e m em bers of th e N ew York County G rand Ju ry , th e move being m ade in th e M orse-Dodge tangle. Tw o m ore alleged w ives of Johann H och w ere discovered by the police, and a Chicago. III., chem ist found th a t, his la st w ife died from arsenical poisoning. The Jordan-JfarsIi Compiiny, of Bos­ ton. JIass., w as alleged to have been: robbed of about $100,000 by a baud of conspirators in th e la st five years. FO R E IG N . G orky’s jailer says he is w ell Treated. F rince Louis of B attenberg, in com­ m and of a B ritish cruiser squadron, w ill visit A m erican ports in tlie course of a forthcom ing cruise. •Rouvier’s plan to separate church and state w as subm itted to the French C ham ber of D eputies. K in g ’ Y ictor of Italy w ill found at his personal expense an international board of agricultural. A ccording to advices from C ura-oa revolutionary agents are cc'.iectiiig arm s for a m ovem ent against P resi­ dent Castro. T he R ussian authorities believe there w as a conspiracy to slay Ihe P rocurator G eneral of Finland, and active -search w ill be m ade for the meii associated w ith th e assassin. G eneral Trepoff threatened to close th e universities of St. P etersburg if “academ ic anarchy” continued. On th e other baud, it is reported th a t the freedonm of th e press is to be en­ larged in certain directions. G erm an m ine ow n=rs refused to m eet the operatives to discuss differences, and th e G overnm ent has introduced" a bill reducing the tim e of a w orking day in heated galleries. T he B ritish A utom obile Club, a spe­ cial cable dispatch stated, lias received To. w ithdraw from both tile Iniefea- tional Cnp and th e G rand E fix races unless they are run separately. YY’ord w as received th a t A drian V an Sindereu, iudicted fourteen years ago in Brooklyn, N . Y., for em bezzlem ent of’ estate funds, has died in B enin, G erm any, w hither lie htfd fed. . AfloIp von Jieiizei1 a fam ous G erm an painter, died, in B eriini Women Physicians for Lunatics. O ne ,of th e m ost fam ous of G erm an piiysicians for th e treatm en t of m ental iiseaseSi Prof. Ludw ig, is earnestly id vacating th e em ploym ent of Women physicians in lunatic asyiiiins: A fter years of investigation he has com e td the "conclusion th a t th e insane are pe- juliarly susceptible to a w om an’s pres­ ence and influence, no t only th e "wo­ men, b u t th e m en as well. H e says, he has been instrum ental in obtaining Ihe adm ission of one w om an physi- :ian to an asyium for wom en In South derm any, and th e results afe sim ply phenom enal. v T he wom en a re ihbfe tractable. L udw ig is certain th a t in a short Ume no m en physicians w ill be employed in fem ale lunatic asylum s. His opinion is supported in la rg e m eas­ ure by another em inent authority, D r. Krapelin.—N ew Y ork W orld. Lock Y our Jag in the Bottlft. L arge locked corks, original in da sign, are being show n in th e shopj for C hristm as presents, AiI Cf. them have abbiit as m uch silver, or nickel, as cork, bu t they fit iii th e average sized w hisky bottle all right, and are really a decoration. Sm all Y ale keys, only one for each cock, lock th e bot­ tle as tig h t as an office safe. If a m an doesn’t happen to leave his bunch of keys lying around loose his w hisky is perfectly safe from purloining serv­ ants: If he loses his keys he m usi break th e neolc of th e bottle to get a t Jiis tippie. No duplicate key can be m ade for him . If a m an prefers a certain blend ol w hisky, Scotch or A m erican1 fie can leave it on his sideboard a t hom e ot take it to h is club to he called ioi w hen required. Jlo st club m en would Snd this plan a g reat economy. Good Explanation. T he Rev. Jam es T. D ougherty, rec­ tor of St. M ary’s church a t Canandai­ gua, tells this story of his recen t visit to th e St. Louis exposition: “In one of th e buildings I m et a voluble Irish­ m an in charge of an exhibition of Irish relics. Jly attention w as especially called to th e stum p of a tre e in which w as im bedded so firm ly as to be irre­ m ovable, th e points of a fine se t of deer antlers. I w as interested. ‘How do you suppose th e deer had com e to g et his horns so firm ly fastened?’ I asked, “ lSurey I don’t know, ycur river- ence,’ w as th e reply, ‘but I th in k he m ust have been “buttin’ in.” ” ’—New Y ork Tim es. R aising Geese by T housands,. On a goose farm in th e m iddle w est there is an incubator w ith a capacity for 10,000 eggs. These eggs are not, how ever, placed in th e incubator at one tim e, but are so arranged th a t one section w ill hatch each day, being re­ filled as soon as the gosUngs are taken o u t T he geese are raised, on this farm for th eir feathers alone, which are used in the upholstering business. Soap Tree. An excellent, soap, possessing no alkaline properties, is extracted in A lgeria from th e fru it of a tree -IyUovVn to botanists as Sapindus utilis. ,The fru it is about th e size o f a horse- chestnut, and the. saponaceous sub­ stance is cheaply extracted w ith ,th e aid of w ater or alcohol. T his natural soap tree1 grow s also in India, China, and Japan. D idn’t Need Sfonev. «, Dixon-v“H ow is youi; artist friend ; getting along in New- Y ork?” -.TomsbfiM iOb, splendidiy!” ,, /D ix o n ^ liH ave you heard from him ?” Tom sou—“No; th a t's -the reason I know he's prospering.’’—D etroit F ree Press.' I " _________ H earty Laugh Caused Injury. F rederick L. M ordaunt of Woofl- bridge, Conn., laughed so heartily a t a joke fold a t a w edding anniversary th a t h e caused a hem orrhage of the sm all' optic veins, and his physician h as little hope th a t his sight can be restored. • K illed Poaegrine Falcon. A rare bird in th e shape of a pere­ g rine falcon w as shot recently In F al­ m outh, Me., by Chauncey F . U nder­ hill. T his is a species of haw k th a t is. seldom seen in this p art of the country and m akes a very handsom e appearance w hen m ounted.—Boston Globe, READS THE BOOK. “The Road to WollvlUs” Eolotod the Way D ow n a t H ot Springs, A rk., th e vis­ itors have all sorts o f com plaints, but it is a subject of rem ark th a t th e great m ajority of them have som e trouble w ith-stom ach and bow els. T his may be p artly attrib u ted to the heavy medi­ cines. N aturally, under the conditions, th e . question of food is very prom inent. A young m an states th a t h e h ad suf fered for" nine years from stom ach and bowel trouble, had tw o operations w hich did not cure, and w as a t last U ireatenrf w ith appendicitis. FIe w ent to H ot Springs for rheum a­ tism and his stom ach trouble got w orse. One day a t b reak fast the w ait­ er, know ing his condition, suggested he try Grape-Nuts" and. cream , which, he did, and found the food agreed w ith him perfectly. A fter the second day he began to sleep peacefully a t night, different than he had for years. T he perfect diges-1 tion of tlie food quieted his nervous system and m ade sleep possible. H e says: “Tlie next m orning I w as astonished to find m y condition of con­ stipation had disappeared. I could not believe it true after suffering "for -so m any years: "then I took m ore interest in the food, read th e little book" ‘The R oad to YYeIIviIle.' and started follow­ ing the sim ple directions. ; “I have m et w ith such results th a t in .the last.fiv e.w eek s I havg gained eight pounds iu spite of ho t baths w hich take aw ay th e flesh-from any­ one. ' - “A friend of m ine has-been entirely, cimed of a bad case of indigestion aiid stom ach trouble by using".'Grape-Nuts ' Food and cream alone for IptakfasL “T here is one th in g .in particular—I have noticed a great change In m y m ental condition. F orm erly I • eoukl hardly rem em ber anything; .and m th e m ind seem s unusually acute and retentive. I Caii memorize- practically, anything I desire.” N am e given" by Postum Go., B a ttle Creek, M ich. .. DANGERS A^1IId IN FEBRUARY, S u d tfe a C fia n tfd s B r e e d C a t a m iftI n te n s e C o ld B r e e d s CafcarrtlA vnflTEs s c e n e iH th £ S outh TSRS1 IH THrNSevere Weather, February is a. m.ontli of severe storms ind intense cold. Even iii the South where the prevail­ ing temperature is much above wintry latitudes* February brings sildden changes of temperature.'Mercury sometimes drops 20 degrees in a single night.Therefore, the following health hints are applicable to the whole of North Anietica: V e n tila tio tu The sleeping-rooms should .be well ven­tilated, but so as to avoid direct currents of air. B a tliin g i Those in vigorous health should take a cold, watet. towel • bath every morning before breakfast. Those in feeble health should take a brisk ary-towel-rub every morning. D iet. The diet should be a generous one, in­ cluding meat) and occasionally fresh vege­ tables. S u n sh in e. The nights being long and the days short, as much sunshine, as possjble should be let into the house during the day. C lothing, The head should be kept times. The feet should be and dry, day and night. P e-rii^ia *W hen unavoidably exposed to cold or wet, a few doses of l*eruna will avert bad consequences. Precaution, When seized with a chill, or even slight chilliness, a dose of Keruna should be taken at once. cool at all kept warm A s much sleep as possible should be obtained in the forepart of the night. C a ta rrh o f H ead. Mr. Frank Cobb* 175 Summit Street, Deering, Me.* writes: • “I was troubled with catarrh . in my/- head. I wrote to Dr. IIartinan for adviegsr and he .prescribed.Feruna. ^ * ‘‘I cook it and am happy' to say it helped me at once. I feel better than I have ftsr years.” -• B ro n c h ia l Trouble, Mr. J . Ed. O’Brien. Pres. American Pilot Ass’n. Pensacola, Fia., w rites:'“I -heartily give my. endorsement to Peruha as an,effective cure for catarrh and bronchial trouble.” T h ro a t a n d B u n g s. Frank Battle* J rv 111 N. Market- Stv Nashville, Tenn., writes: . “Pcruna has cured me of chronic bron­chitis, Y , “It is 'the grandest ,discovery of the age for the throat and, lungs.” P n e u m o n ia . . Mr. A. C. Danforth, St. Joseph, Mich.* writes: , • iT contracted a severe cold, which settled on my lungs. I wds threatened with pneu­ monia. “Peruua gave me relief within a couple of days. Three bottles saved me a large doctor bill and a great deal of suffering:” T h o u sa n d s o f T e stim o n ia ls. Wp have on Iile thousands of testi­ monials like the above. We can give our readers only a slight glimpse of- the vast array: of unsolicited endorsements I)r. Iiartraan is constantly receiving. Address Dr.-S. 1». Itartman,. President'of The Hartm an Sanitarium, Columbus, 0 . A A A BANK DEPOSIT Railroad Fare Paid. 500T 7 ____________FIiEB Courses Offered.E3jgSfeassfe35a3aegH£5ga Board at Cost. .Write Quick GEOSGIA-ALABAMA BUSINESS C0LLEeE.8Sacoti,Ga. W E T W E A T H E R W ISD O M ! V \>=iz THE ORIGINAL !32 S U C K E ItBLACK OR YBLLOtV M L KEEP YOU DRY NOTHING EL5E WILL TAKE NO SUBSTITUTECATALOGUES PREE SHCWINGTfUU. LINE Of GARMENTS ANO HATS. A. J. TOWER CO.,BOSTON, MASS.. U.S.*; TOWER CANADIAN CO.» LTD.. TORONTg^gANAgjE. Potash as NecessaryasRain The quality and quantity o f the crops depend on a sufficiency of P o ta sh • in the soil. Fertilizers which are low in Potash will never produce Sa^ CflS S w % !,m ilia rw ilh the crop. We have published a sene? of books, containing tlie latest researches on this all-wntain«5 tne latest researcucs «u ui» a, 6EBM.IN S JfiI WOBEa Bow Yorlo-98 Xassan Street, or■ Atlanta, Ga.-*WA Soath-Brood Street. ForSpeciflc O pkihnl- , .nln, M oon B litiJness A ndothevS O R fiE Y E S , BARRY CO.;IoS?*it& HAVE A SU R E CU RE. F I e I d S e o d s Country merchants and farmers can" save 10 to 25 per cent by WrltinK the Nashville Produce Col, Nashville. Tenn., for special cash prices. Tbe only strictly cnsh.ileld seed liouso in the South. -Write today. " ■ — - - • NASHVILLE PRODUCE CO., J . J . ODID, M anager,: CUBHfl G i“ 3S-RUiok Bqlief.; Removes all swelling .in 9 to 20 • days; effects a penuanent cure in Soto 60 days. Trialtreatinenl gieen free. Nothingcan be fairs* Write Dr. I). H. Greatfs Son% Soeciaiistsft Box B . Atlanta, m You "Want. Uie- Best COTTON-GIN’' : M A C H I N E R Y " / Ask Any Espsrisnsiil Ginnsr About P R A T T , - M tlN G E R .E A G L E - W I N S f iI P = S M I T r i We WOiticl like to sliow yon- WUat= TiioiKands 0! life Long Customers Say. j •: W rite for catalogue find testi­ monial booklet, . .. ...... Continental Cifl Co. Charlotte, N. C., Atlanta, Ga.,, Birmingham, Ala., Mem- ■ "phis, Tenm1-Dallas,. - ; Texa.3, • •' , . . ISASE9 MAR£_. WATER: IS A GEBTAIN OORE FOR; Dyspepsia Sick Headache Constipation..; Stimulates the Liver, mires Biliousness* Sour Stomach, irregular lties of the Bowels. ANATUBALproduot1 prepared by. con* cenfratioa^a;getiui,ri8 iiatural water. Crab O^chardi=Wafer Xo., ' L o u tsv ilU , K y . ~ s-o. 7. '• 1YioMutlTn w £11. In Mo. 235, u,I 810 bus. per acre.You can beat tIiat record In IOGA F o r IO e a n d M s n o tic e 1 wexaatl you free Ittts of farm Eeed \ samples and our bis catalog, tell- / I-Ingall about this oat woadernod / I thousands of other seeds. JOHH A. SAISALZER SEED CO.. LaCrosseft ... A Wis. IESTfflE 7ESS IOWiLt C A T H A aT sS -."A-• > = V - I-.-.--: v : v =v z= • .=iJ .C i*:: _ Iv.'K ii I ,'H I ' i IV-.111 ;!W I n 3 if -fir aawiMfa Tlio Liquor Question.TH® DAVIE RECORD. . Jiditor of The Times Dispatch, I Sir,- I want to eongratul, :; upon the editorial on '-The Liquor I n .,/Utinn in Pnlih'fHl 111 VtIIir Tlfl-Tlfir E. H. MOBKISy - - m ocksvxlle ,Er. C ., JrES. Ikr 1905. iquoBtion in Politics,” in your paper ! of this date, also thank you for it EtFHUtEU AT TBE POST OFFICE W MOCKSVELLKr If. C., AS SE€D$*S> IfATTlBR, MAB1 3 190? j and the editorial, ,along the same Acriral of Trains. MAIL TRAIN. Sorth Ar. at Moeksrille 9t2» a. m. South—Ar. art “ 6.08 v. m. LOfTAI1 FREIGHT, North'.—Ar. at Moebsrille 9:28a m. Soiithy-Ar. a “ 6-3» a. m ■THROUGH TRAIN (Daily and Sunday) North—Ar. at EIoe ltsville l:13p m. South.— Ar. a* “ 3:38 p. m ICoctetndBe Produce hlarket. Corrected by WiItiaHiB & Anderson Pmduee in good demand. Cornt per b * ............Wheact, per bu .......................... IrLi Ohts, per bu.............................. •■*{ Pha*, per bu.............................. I-*®Hacon per pound..............................1JJ Bacon.-Western.................................W Hams............................. • ••• •"?E ggs..—................... perdoz. .20 B u tte r .................................... «aSummer Chickens......................Oi(g ta Qet ITp a Club. To every ose who gets up a club of 5 subscribers to The Eecovd for one- year, §3.50, we will give The Eecord one year free, or if you are a subscriber, will allow yon a com­ mission of 10 cents on each 50 cents collected. Iiet our friends get us up some clubs and help The Rec­ ord as well as themselves. Wednesday, Feb. 22nd is a na­ tional holiday. Tbe postoffice will b e closed fro m 1 2 to 3 p . m . E . H. M o r r is , I*. M . Iinein the issue of Janury 16th. You nre undoubtedly right ui say­ ing that the liquor question “is al­ ready in politics and will be an is­ sue In he next gubernatorial cam­ paign; the Democratic party will be as unwise, and moreso, to ignore that question as to recognize it aud deal frankly with it. In the judg­ ment of-a very large and rapidly increasing number of citizens, the liquor question is a more important issue than the question of educa tion or good roads and it will be as suicidal to ignore their judgment and wishes as to regard the wishes of the liquor element of the State. We can never hope to bring Vir- giniuto thehighest stateof prosper­ ity by placing the practical and po­ litical inter st above the moral. _ It is not a question of prohibition and Democracy, as you suggest, and I hope in future discussions of the matter you will emphasize that fact-. It is a question of local self- government and every county ,town or city should have the right to regulate or abolish the liquor trafic as it sees fit. If the Democratic party refuses to recognize and deal with this ques­ tion, we are in as much danger of having a Kepublican Governor and Legislatnreas if they recognized it. With the negro eliminated from politics in this State thousands of Democrats who believe in temper­ ance legislation and local self-gov­ ernment will not hesitate a moment to vote the Republican ticket it the nominees of that party promise to give them what they wan*-. These independent Democats joining for­ ces with the Republicans aud pro­ hibitionists of theState, could have J. L. Sheek was in Raleigh last week. Joe Carters face is wreathed in ..... smiles—it’s a fine, 12-pound girl, good hopes of success if the issue9 L. » . ft. .1 A .... I u I I I..... I. «... Il t.,M ROCKWELL ITEMS. Rev. F. M. Harr has moved'from the parsonage at St. Matthews church to the farm house on the late L. W . Coleman farm, one of the prettiest country houses in this section. We hope he will he pleas­ ed with his new neighborhood. Mr. N. C Paik is all smiles at prcseut—it’s a girl. The Davie Record is taking the lead in this section. Let every­ body subscribe for it, and carry on the good work, and read Republi­ can news. Say, boys, you must mind how you ialk this summer when your plow hits a stump, or the preacher will hear what yon say. F. H. Linker, of Concord, spent last week sinking a well on their farm near Rockwell. Mrs. J. E. Klutz, who has been in a very critical condition for the la6t few weeks, is much better at this writing we are glad to say. John VV. Linker is nursing a sprained ankle this week. MessrsSamuel and Kavie Trexler of Gold Kuob were visiting their brother James of this place. .Glad to have them with us. The farmers have made up tbeir minds not to sell any cotton at the present price. Hope they will stick to what they say. Mr. Editor if this don’t get in the waste basket I will write agaiu. O i ,d D o c k . [Come again; glad to hear from Rockwell.—Ed.] Geo D. Sheets, of Naugatuck, W Va., was in town Tuesday morning. W eare sorry to note the con- tinned illness of Mrs. Frank Ratts. If you want some nice envelops, ante heads, or other printing done call on The Record job office. James Emmerson’s crib, with about 150 bushels of corn collapsed one night last week and scattered the earn considerably. Bob Williams, who shot and killed Lewis Iiaird some time ago, ■was arrested Monday by J. L. Sheek and lodged in jail. Mr. W. J. Byerly is attending to tlbe Davie Bank during the illness e f his brother, T. J. Byerly, who Bas been sick more than two weeks wtt&tonsilitis. Col, Clement, of the Davie Times, spends a great portion of his time in. Raleigh oi late. Davie county Jtauarnbnst guardian to adminis­ ter on her “ moral and political” affairs. Mrs. George Elliott, who wascar- tied to the hospital in Salisbury more than a month ago, died last Saturday, and her retrains were Brought in on the one o’clock train Sunday and buried at Hickory Grave. Mrs. Elliott wa's the daugh­ ter of Mt. Geo. Richardson, and" sister of Maiion Richardson. To the bereaved relatives we extend •ur sympathy, Mis» Floella Armand, whe has been visiting her brother at Farm- i ugtoo;«Biee sometime beforeCbrist- nas Maited on berhome bonud trip —Madison, Indiana— last Sunday. She will, however, visit her uncle in Philadelphia before arriving at her desituation. She made the tirp vie Korfolk taking a steamer at that point. Miss Armand made many friends whilebere aud l>ecame quite popular with both sex, who heart iiy wish her a safe and pleasant trip.. ____ be raised. Again, I thank you for the editorial on this question, it is sound and fair and rings right. Y o u ra fo r a rig h te o u s self-gov-- erum eD t, P. A . CAVE. PastorThirdChristian Church. The above article is written by a preacher, and the point we wish to emphasize is the position he takes. H esays it’s a question of local self goverumeut,aud every county ,town or city should have the right to regulate or abolish the liquor traffic as it sees fit.” This is the position taken by the editor of The Record, and we stand by our position be­ cause we believe it is right. MAPPA DOTS. Mr. John Kimmer visited his mother the past week. Mr. Chas. Kimmer, one of our saw mill men at Salem, has pur­ chased a fine team of mules and harness. W. R. Felker has dug a well at his house. There’s a man and wife by the name of Franks who have been put­ ting up with C. S. and M. F. Kest- Ier the past week and canvassing the country, c'aiming to put in as­ bestos fireproof stove backs.l The ground for the past week has been covered with snow aud ice; the sleet ice is fi om 4 to 6 inches thick, the deepest we ever saw. The farmers,as soon as the weath­ er permits, will begin picking cot­ ton. They want to be in time for the next crop, so we will have it picked before the price goes down next fall. Observei wants to know how many points it takes to make a cent. I heard a cotton buyer once say it was one hundreth part of a cent. If that be true it will take 100 points to make one cent. Hurrah, for the dear old Record aud its correspondents. Plow Boy . BK ACCURATE. Teh T lrtae T hat TTas B^ponslble for One Y oans MiiutS Success. N ew Y o rk C om m ercial. The head of one of the largest dry goods commission houses in this city was sked the other day how it happened that his partner, upon whom the principal responsibility of the business rests, Came to attain that position while not yet 30 years of age. “Purely and simply on his own merit,” he replied, “He came into my office one morning some ten or twelve years ago and told me he had just finished school and was look­ ing for a position. I happened to have a position open at the time for an office boy, and strated him in at $5 a week. His rise from that position to the one he now occupies FECVLI LR DlS LPFE M t tNCEJ J . D. R unyan, of B u tlerv ille, O ., laid th e p ec u liar d isap p e aran ce of his p ain fu l sym ptom s of in d ig estio n and billiousness to D r. K in g ’s New L ife P ills. H e says: “ T hey a re a p e rfe c t rem edy fo r dizzniest, sour stom ach, h ead ach e, co n stip atio n , e tc , G uar­ a n teed a t S an fo rd ’s d ru g sto re: p rice 25 cen ts. Our correspondents will please ret their news notes in by Monday. Tuesday is generally too late. We print Wednesday morning. COOLEEiUKE ITEMS. We are sorry to report another death this week. Sunday night, the 12th inst., the 12-year old son of Mr. Obe Finny died of pneumonia. Evangelist DeLaney, an ex-Cath- olie Priest, lectured here last Fri day and Saturday nights. Among other things he said that Senator Simmous ought to have bis political head cut off for trying to foreiguize North Carolina with the pauper and criminal element of the Old World. Messrs John and Charles Caudell are camping on the Salisbury bone yard this week in the interest of the plug business. Mrs. C. C. Tiller is very sick with pneumonia Thi sympathies of the community are extended Mr and Mrs. Tiller in the death of their twin babies, which occured last week. Matrimony is not yet a lost art in CoDleemee, as wc have had three weddings siuce our last report. The contracting pai ties were Charles D. Deadraon and Miss Stella Wilson, Mr. Edd LisK and Miss Mary Kel lain aud Mr. James House andMiss Mollie Gabard. H ic s k o ry N u t. A COLD, COVGU— CONSUMPTION. A d rie f told « tory’ b u t tru e . R y d ale’s G oagh E lix ir w ill p re v e n t th is h ap p en ­ in g to you. I t w ill ch eck th e p rogress o f a cold a t one.), d re v e n t th e cough becom ing deep seated , an d fh u s w ard off consum ption. T h ii m odern scien- t ' Tc re 6 edy kills th e g erm s th a t cau se ih ro e t an d lu n g diseases, an d by its stim u latin g a n d to n ic effect upon th e re sp a ra to ry o rg an s helps n a tu re spee­ dily re sto re th e se o rg an s to ro bust h ea lth . A t S an fo rd ’s d ru g sto re PVBDIC IS AROVSED. T h e public is aro u sed to a know l edge o f th e c u ra tiv e m e rits o f th a t g re a t m ed icin al to n ic, E le c tric B it­ te rs, fo r sick sto m ach , liv e r an d kid­ neys. M ary H. W a lters o f 546 S t.C la ir A ve., C olum bus, O hio, w rites: “ F or s ev eral m onths I w as g iv en u p to die. I had fe v e r an d ag u e, m y n erv es w ere w recked; I could n o t sleep, an d my sto m ach w as so w eak fro m useless d o cto rs’ d ru g s th a t I could n o t e a t. Soon a f te r b eg in n in g to ta k e E lectric B itte rs I o b ta in ed re lie r, an d in a sh o rt tim e I w as e n tire ly cu red .’’ G u aran te ed a t S an fo rd ’s d ru g sto re: price 50c. The leglslatare is “going back” on the Watts law—sure anti sartiu’ was'steaily anti rapid, and was due WATCH THIS SPACE FOR NEXT ANNOUNCEMENT. Very truly, WILLIAMS i f ANDERSOH entirely to the fact that, after hav­ ing received an order or instruc­ tions, could be relied upon to carry them out, and do it correctly, too. He Deverstarted off on anything half cocked, so to speak. He was not afraid to ask questions and thus get his instructions straight before undertaking the work in hand In fact, I might say that he owes every­ thing to the fact that he was always accurate in all hedid. You may think that I am preaching a sort of sermon, but if young men entering business positions, whether high or low, would take for their motto the two words, “ Be accurate,” and live up to it, there would be no fear of the ultimate outcome oi their un­ dertakings,” A TW ICE TOLD TALE. W e w ish to re p e a t w h at we h a re said ance b efo re in th e se colum ns th a t E i lio tt’s E m nlsiiied O il L n im e u t is th - b est lin im e n t e v e r produced fo r use in th e fam ily an d on an im als. B est for rh eu m atism , lam eness, stiffness and soreness of jo in ts an d m uscles. B est fo r bruises, eontusions, sp rain s , , • , ^ , ,, an d sw ellings. You g e t a fu ll h a lf T h a tla w is s u p p o s e d to le a v e th e p in t fo r 25c an d g e t y o u r m oney back question of saloons aud dispensa­ ries to the towns by a vote of the people. B utthe Watts law don’t stand in the way of a Demeeratie legislator, and when Richmond county asks the legislature for pro­ hibition on petition she gets it, with­ out askiug the people, whether or no. Other counties will follow suit. Another striking evidence of boasted self-gaverumeut” -n ot by injunction, but by Democratic legislation. if it does n o t do all it is recom m ended to do, a t S an fo rd ’s d ru g sto re WANTED—10 men in each State to travel, tack signs and distribute samples and circulars of our goods. Salary §75.00 per month. $3.00 a dav for expenses. KUHLMAN C o. Dep’t, Atlas Building, Chicago BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION C U R E D BY. J* THEDFbRDS BL ACKDR AUGKTv KCRFEEB REITS. Did you get that valentine! Tcel ice! Now is your time for IlJtiting and| sleigh-riding. , Mt. Jim Bowles near here is on Ihe sick list. Miss Estelle Seaiord entertained a number of friends at her home on Ihst Friday night. Mr. Rowell, the photographer Ba: besn doing some nice work in our neighborhood recently. R . Walter Kurfees, of Cooleemee ape it one night last week with his parents, Mr. and- Mrs/Kurfees. Miss Anna Stosestreet left on the 5th inst tor Caneord, N. O., where she will spend some time with her •I Dther, C. C. Stonestreet. Mrs. Mary Kntfees is right sick - wtith grippe we are sorry to note. Jamea Wilson spend last Thurs­ day night at B. F. Stonestreets. Oue of our young men is quite a frequent visitor “over the creek ” \yb ai is the attraction, L! MiBs Alice Wilson spent a few days in Mocksville lately, theguest qf Mrs. W. C. Wilson. Messrs C. W. Seaford and S. M. Dwiggins made a business trip to Bailey last week. Harvey Barney was in our berg tpst Sunday. - VVfaat has become of * ‘Grange Blossom!” Wake up and send in the news. W e are always glad tb %e ir from you. Hope all the correspondents will Write often 'and help the editor [o make The Record the best paper f u t. m a y F lo w e r . Jt w-akeB m> -difference how many w flVpeai ■ m-‘s have failed to cure you, if .. You a e troubled with headache, coa- stipatum, kiohey or' fiver troubles, Hoqiflter B Bocky Mountain Tea wifi sak e yon w ell.:• At Sanford’s drug BtSlt- ™ Item s From Kt wan. Sunday was another very inclem­ ent-day here. Accordingtotheold saying: there will be another one in this month. There was a Roman Catholic bur­ ial service at Faith last week. To those of the protestant faith it was very strange, and much of it un­ called for. The Juniors of Faith raised a flag at Rowan Academy last Saturday. They made a present of the flag and a Bible to the school, and had some of the school children to draw the flag to its place on a pole. The services were very interesting, and strictly religious. There were some excellent addresses made by Revs. J. M. L. Lyerly, J. B. Davis and Prof. George. The school, in con­ cert, spoke out aud said, “Thank you.” In the closing part, they formed a large circle around the flag and sang “Sweet Home.” We feel sure the most critical could not find any grounds of objection to any part of the exercises. This lodge now numbers IOO and is still growing. We understand that a plan has been “completed” at New Orleans to hold 2,000,000 bales of cottou for 10c; this alone will bring last year’s ■crop down to about 11,000,000 bales. A little backing to this from the farmers elsewhere will compel the mills to shut down or give, 10c. We hope the farmers will all put their shoulders tb the wheel now in motion and hold their mighty grip. O bserver. Because the liver is neglected people I with constipation, biliousness, headaches and fevers. Colds attack! the lungs and contagious diseases I trice hold of the svetcm. It is safe to Bay that if the liver were always kept in proper working order, illness would De almost unknown. Thedford’s Black-Braught is so I successful in curing such sickness I tocause it is without a rival as a I liver regulator. This great family I medicine is not a strong and I drastic drug, but a mild and I healthful laxative that cures con- I stipation and may be taken by a I mere child Without possible [ harm. The herithful action on the liver I cures biliousness. It has an in-1vigorating effect on the kidneys. Because the liver and kidneys donot work regularly, the poisonous acids along with the waste from I the bowels get back into the blood | and virulent contagion results. Timely treatment with Thed- I ford’* Black-Draught removes the I dangers which lurk in constipation, I liver and kidney troubles, and will positively forestall the inroads of B right1B jfisease^ for which dis-stages there is I ir dealer- for ease m ; no cure. Ask your < ___ 25c. package of Thedford’s Black- J Draught. BANK Oi DAVIE STATE DEPOSITORY. Authorized Capital - - $50,OGC Paid Up Capital - - -, $10,000 Surplus Fund - - - . - $1000 Devositi Solicited. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TC COLLECTIONS. T. J Byerly, V . A Bailey IlIiN D lSU SUFFERING. is o ite n cau sed by seres, u lc ers an d can cers, th a t e a t aw ay your skin. W m . B edell, o f F la t Ito ck , M ich., says: I h av e used B u ck len ’s A rn ica S alv e fo r u lcers, sores an d c a n c e rs, it Job work done by T h e R e c o r d cheap and. up-to-date. NOTICE. E -H M o r r is, A drn’r o f] N . A . T a t e an d o th e rs I vs M rs. A . E . Ta t e an d o th e rs B Y v irtu e of a n o rd e r of th e S upe- e n title d pro- Li rio r G ourt in th e abov ceedings th e u n d ersig n ed w ill sell fo r cash, a t public a u c tio n a t th e co u rt house door, in M ocksville, N- C., on M onday, th e 6th d ay of M arch, 1905. th e follow ing re a l e s ta te , s itu a te d in D av ie county, N . C., viz: A house arid lo t and shop lo t in th e v illag e of Jeru salem , D av ie co u n ty . N. is th e b e st h ea lin g dressin g le v e r h S rs o°f £ J -T ltu m rLIr?0 0 a.ftd Q6a If0 bLj1rlrlL I the ’Id Church lot and the new church / .. fi i!. /:... , . ’.) sa n fOr j s drug J Jot containing about ones to re ; g u a ra n te e d . The Record and the Weekly Toledo Blade for 75 cents a year— A’ppo-a 0.W4 papers for 75 cents! Coine in and subscribe at once. Read the ad. of the Blade in this issue ol the Record. one ac re , m ore A TOUCHING S CORY. is th e sav in g from d e a th of th e baby g irl of G eo. A . E y ler, G um berland1Md H e w rites: “ A t th e a g e of I l m onths o u r little g irl w as in d eclin in g h e a lth , w ith serious th ro a t tro u b le an d tw o p hysicians g av e h e r up. W e w ere al­ m ost in deep air, w hen We reso lv ed to try D r, K in g ’s N ew D iscovery forG on- sum ption coughs an d coids, T h e first b o ttle g av e re lie f; a lte r ta k in g fo u r b o ttles she w as cu red an d is how in p e rfe c t h e a lth .’’ N ev er fa ils to re ­ liev e an d eu re a cough o r cold: a t S an­ford’s drug store, 50c and $1 OO guar­anteed. Trial bottle fref. Many am an who isn’t satisfied with the ills he has peisues drug stroie almanace and acqnires oth­ ers he knows not of. T h e re ’s a p re tty g irl in an A lpine b a t, A sw e e te r g irl w ith a sailo r brim , B u t th e han d so m est g irl y o u ’ll ev e r . see Is th e sensible g irl w ho uses R ocky M ou n tain T e a. Jnst received, at M. A Foster’s, 266 men’s, youth’s and boy’s suits. 1000 pairs shoes. Large lot of crockery aud Glass­ ware. Another car Ballard’s flour. Price as low as the lowest. M. A. F o s t e r . NOTICE. S ta te of N o rth C a ro lin a I C onnor’s C onnty of D ayie, f J a n 2,1905 N otice is h ereb y g iv en th a t N orth C a ro lin a M idland R ailro ad B ondslN os. 34, 35 an d 36 m u st be p resen ted fo r p ay m en t on o r b efo re A p ril 3, 1905. T h e in te re s t w ill cease on said Bonds a t th e e x p ira tio n o f said tim e. By o rd er of th e B o ard o f C om m is­ sio n ers o f D avie county, N . C. J . F. M OO RE, T his J a n . 2.1905. C lerk B oard. o r iess, an d know n a s th<- A . A. T a te lo t,fo r m etes au d bounds an d m ore p ar­ tic u la r d escrip tio n see D eed fro m T. M. B essen t an d w ife to A .A . T a te .re g - iste re d in D av ie co u n tv . N . C- T h is F e b ru a ry 1st. 1905. Ti. H M O R R IS A dm ’r. o f A A . T a te , deceased B v E . L 1 G a ith e r , A ttv . Very Low Round Trip Kates — TO— Washington, D. C., ACCOUNT PRBSIDBNTIAIi INAUGURATION, Mmem 4s i&QSs S lT IM RAILWW will sell tickets on March 2nd and 3rd .at extremely low rates to Wash­ ington, D. O., and return,with final return limit AIarcn 8th, 1905; how ever, an extension of final return limit may be procuied to March 18th. 1905, by deposit of ticket with Joint Validatiug Agent at Washingto prior to 8 o’clock P. M. March 8th, and payment of ONE DOLLAR. SPEC IA L IKDUCEMS KTS' TO W ILlTa KY COMPANIES AND IiK iSS BANDS IN UNIFORM. F o r d e ta ile d in fo rm atio n as to R ates, S chedules, S ie e p irg C ar A ccom o­ d atio n s, e tc , A sk th e A g en t, o r B- L. VERNON, T. P. A , Charlotte, N. CS. J . M. WOOD, D. P. A.. Asheville, N. C . S. H . HARDWICK. Pass. Tram c Manager, W. H . TAYLOBv OeutI Paasieoger A sentv WASHINGTON, t>. C. W JRU ELRY I have opened a Shop in in the Weant Build­ ing and will be glad to repair yonr Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry. . . C ash ie r.President. RYDALE’S TONIC A REAU CURE FOR M A L A R IA . It has recently been discovered that the germs that produce LEalMiav breed and mul­tiply in the intestines and from there spread throughout the system by meaos of theblood. This fact explains why Ualaria is hard to cure by the Otd method of treatment. Quinine, Iron, etc., stimulate the nerves and IraUd up the blood, but do not destroy the germs that cause tbedisease. Bydate’s Tonic iiasa specific effect upon the_intestines mid bowels, freeing them from all disease breed­ing microbes. It also kills the germs that infest the veins and arteries. It drives from the blood all poisonous matter and makes it rich and healthy... BYDALEB TONIC is-a blood buQder. a nerrerestorer, and a Malaria destroyer. Tiy * sou. New Furniture .Store. We Have Opened in MoohsrlHs Beautiful eyes and handsome faee __________________are eloquent commendatiions. RrighH itiitwfllnot disappoint eyw are wmdows to a woman’s heart, j . iuOTFAcrmum joljister s Kocky mountain Tea m*' n „ ,._ . i kcs bright eyee/- 35c. Tea or Tab-I The Radical R iiisdy Company; I b a n fo rd ’fl d ru g sto re, I H IC K O R Y . Ti, C - One oi the most up-to-date lines of FURNITURE and HOUSE FUBNISHING-GOdDS that,has ever been shown here. Noiv is the time to buy FURNITURE and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Welalso carry a full line of Groceries. Come and see us.and we will treat you right 4* 4* * * & i f i i i i i i i i i i i *§►i i I R e x r x e x n / b e x u T. BAITY, Al the “RED FRONT” Has just received a big line of MEN S and BOYS’ . . . CLOTHING, AMHATL He makes a specialy of LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS Of which he has received a Nice Line. Be sure to call and get nrUes before yon buy. Yours to Serve J. T. B A I T Y * ft 4 4 4 4 4 4 T 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ** 4 *4 4 * 4 llEIastic" Bookcase and Desk combined. Permits as much or as little book space as w an ted . Comprises Desk Unit with few or many Book Units as desired. Roomy, conven­ ient, attractive. Call and see it or write for catalogue 104 Ill/j EY-HrLL-STOOTOH CO., NST0N-SAIEM,N. C. OLD DAVlE COUNTY. Old Davie knows who to trade with. They have always given m I tbeir support and trade, and we more than appreciate it all, and now | we submit a few of the many good Bargains we have foi all. 75c MA.NILLA OANE-SEAT CHAIRS FOR.. 50c. $3.50 ROCKERS FOE ONLY ..................................... §2.73 $6.00 DRESSER OR BUBEAU FOR .................... $5-00 $10.00 “ “ “ “ $7.50 $12.50 “ “ “ “ $9.50 W e sell the Garland Cook Stoves and Ranges—the best that j money can buy—and the price is from $9.50 to $15.00. Bee us before you buy, if you wish to save money. Rominger & Crlm FurnisliiDf Co. 4 3 6 M a i n S t., fn front of Brown’s Warelioiue, W i n s t o n , R C . EVEJKY !SOUTHERN FARMER SHOULD BEAD THK STARRETTE & HOWARD, jA G RICU W U RISu PUBLK HFD AT NASHVILLE, TENN., I Because it is edited by Southern men to suit Southern conditio115, I In every issue such men as Maj. Thos. J. Key, former Assist®1! Commissioner of Agricnlture of Alabama, and Andrew M- Sowj Director of the Virginia Experiment Station, answer questions riH"|0"“*“ aEvl 1‘Dwlll UtdtlVUf UUC are put to tbem by intelligent Sontbern farmers. .,j biVery iSfjne is like a big farmers experience meetinff. and is ILrIo o fb o o rk A n rn I.___i„ . - -------------- twice the cow of a whole year’s subscription. I Twice a month the Southern Agrieolturist goes to 50,000 Soflt^lrm homes. Dnn’t vrniw anffniV ^ us ® I If^i- - - Gxj VMC kjvuiuwu .agriculturist goes to ^ " 7 larm homes. L)ou’t you want to join our big happy family? ^ send 50 cents for a year’s subscription. Yon will never regret it. . SOUTHERN AGRICULTURIST, NASHVILLE, TESS- 8Ion.AtoB^ w « ,, I tS ] ! ^ D,'7We 8,T® httnCaome prem ium , and liberal W h for th e bojs. WJahea and other uaeful Preaeata Ior Iaey worfcom. «<*■» I FREE to i he Readers T H E D A V IE C O U N T Y RECORPj F orashorttim ew ew ilI give to every new or renewing!■ our naner a venr’e ,, „ . ,Por a snort time we will give to every new or renewing s«h5CTil)?| O ninfIiw er a £eau’S A scription to the Southern Agriculturist. Oj remarkable offtr. tge' SubSClibe “°W and take adva,ltiige" ® this SaUtM ea y a subscriber, pay a full year in advance and I SmiHiBrn f * PresCrit- Your IeadiDg county paper and the IM T H ^ i armJ aper- b0th for ‘be price of oneX ulS TirnDrifllhnn m i ll l. l . i • .. _. THo Vfi1Jvr. -*• imcn tor trie price of one.Ihis proposition will not be held open indefiinitelv, so hurry nP' « .„ ^ 1 ’ „ E - H- MORRIS, Eilitorof The Davie fW'"’ ...iiniple copies of the Southern Agncaltnrtttonn be had at th» VL I , : O ne Y ear, C0l>3 J ; -vlnnth:A.,y IjfiC -“ - : Upy.’su y ° nth- K a ' W i US RniOKD 01ie IfflK fars:I s iind send nsI ,is uv this and I ;* tirv.t fif the t Y ,bn c o lo n el bus I ,ew tolls Jookinf t o l'expenses and ■ Ild b e^ tem n eilJ It looks like oiti I wIs have suJ ut ,Senator ^ im lI"’, /..,^nt tl k it costly and m llate reception r» Vs Manson, dose L jy return to Jet: B’liC GoloneiJs sow? Igon the YadkinSr- nl Ilin,goat He xauivio 1 pi-odlief of Jiie loud patrouizfie Itiv f v - lonel patroiiizss st as much as the I I .. ti .u * c i,u -.n « iV tThere’s a good de Jnreaeliers. The I prcaeligr is a ki jvn’t nuieh use fi 100' "p in ch Qf _tbc eliureh i Iiiich the ilopiiia- “The Ncrth Guro I iiiauiigiifg ti) ge. Ser some very EU! Iines-UiKpitto1 • jOur RitoTjnild |l the only due tin Imc lines. JThis legishiture . appoint 11 STu , woman and cl rIlie peon! I imamipeteut to I f is, according’ to ai'iiians arc ii.eoi iSiiiator Biininmi ; Kort-I G.urolin iitiim Rureaii ,is •iie; trouble like i1 liieagg; like tli |rike iiri'pnusyh 1 of laifiir on I LCgro out id' tl ,ews tlaf Q of “play solj ol the IJres1 [We don’t like : news Inir of pten.L reminds' t. Iiing throii: ■is soldigrs. ,Ti Biat they JfrIireI lives on—wide In the artielQ i. Watson jn ’ I; die l^aord lor. Kiit of the last, I Broys its iueaiiiii lead as follow li too well kn P OiiI-K to he Uu PS/ ft;/ those iY<‘famcrs. A great many I1P the incorpi'i I'itli Wilhains,1 Jhese last three orated by the for the special lyhiskey. Adv Jod in 1893, 12 §niy such desi ftraighU gentle IIas ■ B he-wo; 27 ^ ;t y . H e of GrOO])S '0 Line, s before C Y . Ht & *** *** Ir * * 1* *!******* * [>U N TYJ y have always given til ppreciate it all, and nw | ve have for all. BS FOR.50c. »2.75 85.00 87.50 89.50 Ranges—the to 815.00. :c money. best that mishing Co,, >ro\vn’s WarehoiB «i N.C. OULD BEAD THE JUItWRISfl RE, TENX., . . it Southern couditi°us' .. J. Key, Io rm erA * * ! and Andrew 51. J , answer questions ” I T he R ecord MOCKSVILLE,THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1805.XO. 34. rDERsoni riirnsD .vv B P fflH T l Roosjvc 1cs FvieiKlly Letter. R ii u U l A W I F roni th e C h a rlo tte O bserver. ,ers. iuce meeting, and is icorliI Sonthertl Iffgoes to 50,000 ig happy family1 i will never regret it. N A SH V IL L E , TE®®' am, and liberal ,, a«k for oar Prf=llo^00,,l‘l is tor Iaey worke«» TY RECOR^ nr or renewing SnMJrl , iutbern AgricnR''"*-, rid take advantage oi !year in Jjjjr ty paper and the ,ne- . o nn.efhnitely, so bairf Io ro f T b e D a v ie F e ^ stean be had at tin IJliSl'1: r Villll K . EDITOR. -BirTlON ■ . . oil c e n t 25 j Increase of Salaries. AVe are sorry we cannot endorse the vote of Davie's Beprese’ntative for increasing the Judges salaries. This increase will cost-(he tax-pay- ner of the Ilepulilicau Club of Ivew ers ten thousand, five huudrpd dol- York JIondey evening was unex- larspcr year—enough in four years to put up a good building at Mor­ in tone and temper, iii. argument and conclusion, the speech of Iires­ ident Roosevelt at the Lincoln din- J , . . , ,, -I U S E R S S r friend’Vbo will get up j live' tul*rH|,ers eeptionable. Toward?, the Koijth he Avas' sympathetic wiihont jjiit- rouage, just and even ggneroris,lin'd while the occasion was the auni- to Th k I versary of IjiieplnlSbjrthytlipFres-1 ed to these SaVafy 'increases .until ch we w ill. ident had less to say' pi hi? great! these charitable institutions are1 ~__4-a r a- I.;. ,1_______ gautoii to gore for quite a uuiqbet her of the insane who are confined I in jails. AYe are eternally oppos- If"1.vfoiJ and M P Inereasi P j n i ^ llic PaW - .,l.im’I lias Sione 10 Fal-Jiilthe <-•- Iagaia-Tiiei-r's the preacher? ,frcWib i«°kin(? to a reduc- 1 .,,,,I lowering taxesIofCXlletiseIid by the people. ull;s like oar Democratic Ii- have alnnt hung tbein- Jiimiiioiis inif been |.i injocu? liieroPg.- ,,(cii.liv mill iiiagiifficent, uji- .... pve'ptioii recently at Gov. lU-ui-vn. dnseu't indicate a Jv Kiiini 10 Jeffersonian siui- ij Cnhiael’s s0"'s Th^t qiQ glop- oulhe Yiulkin distillery slop, piwliic, of the Still lie! Paii1Omzi1S tlio ,,siniu-li iistlie bloat who buys j , Ihllofwy-paw. _ Iieic s 11 !pn>d deal of difference rradiMs. Hit political lobby- umdiev is n kind the people j ftitiiiii use for. and the distillery nolhiugiu the address for the South ern white iiiaii' to critizise; every­ thing for him to commend.'— AYe single out'l'pr special approba­ tion tliis sentiment;" 1 T ‘.....‘ YAll good Americans Vflio dwell in the North must, because they ard good Americans, feel tliehiosf enru- [ est friendship IbrTheiV fellow cough trynlcn who'dwell in tfok South'.' a friendship atfothe greater because we fimjin its most acute phase one of the gravest problems before our people!" * * * 1 ' lAIpst certainly all clcar-sightiil apd"generous men in the North iip; pieeiate the difficulty aud perjdex- ity of this problem, synipalliize with the south iii the embarrassment of conditions for which she‘is not alone mppnsibie, feel the honest wish 'to UeJpher where help is practicably, and have the heartiest respect for those feive and earnest men in the Spntb. who, Vh t'he face of fearful difficulties, are doipg all that men can do for the betiefmtiiit' afi).;e ot' iyiiite and of black.' The attftiidg of the North towards the iiegro is far from what it should be and there is need that the North also'shouldreminds |xiif Xirlh ClIi1Iiliua IegigJature Iuuuagiuif to get mighty busy t Siiiie1 very tujali inatteis.”— Ici-Iiinittii ■ fur Kitf’wniul coteniporary is Jtlieonly ijiie fIiiuking along the |e lines. ; losiiinliiTe slioiil I not fail Bippoiut a guardian fog gyery It, irnK-iii mid child before it ad- |ri;s. Tlie people have become Iiirouipi-teiit I ii regulate their u I - Is. iiiwidiiig in lhuiiocracy that ltuiuLS lii'jL IlLH-T1S^liry. BiIiitLt .jIiiiintiiiN1Olaii in forcign- IXurt.1 Cjiiuliua, by his iinmi- Itiun Htu-Iiii1IS to invite iuieruitt JifilKiiiliIe like die lielibVs iiot I' iiiB!;-ir !ike the iuiirdci mis coal Iilf iirj't-.iiisvlviihiii, ;ru.I organ Iliiiiiiifliiiiiir hniiuis, and to diive.' ELCgro oi'.t 1 f tin- State. PVt ilmft !ike t say it, and yet EiieKtlej ,Cov. Iioli and his IfTof ‘‘jilayi-ii.M.ier.s" are going ,*« Ienfl the l.’resKkutiul inaiignra- In reiiiiDls its Lf ,I"yk Fiiisiaif PitJiiiiS Jlpiiigh ,CifVenIry with ■ .‘!oli'ifi's. .Iavk1K opiuiou was tit they IrItrelied like they had [vis ou—wide bi-fwixt the legs. |ln the iijtieiy about the Hon. C. t Wats iu hi insit reek's issup of lie JliEiipi word? wer? left It at the last Ini tence wh ich des- [evs its Iiieaiiiug Ir should have as liiilmvK: “ Cv Ai utyiin Jiwi iroi knIilCii- fpi' his good ■unjMic itir;ii.dieif jit'Li.s ol/l e' h ihrsc’ lifth coiitiemptible fitment. D Stiit many people are mijtiiig JPjke iiiciirporatkm of Advance Uli hilhains/Shure and 'Myrtle; fcse last thiee towns were incor- jorateil Iiy the legishiture of 1903", .!,lJc sIietial purpose of making I, .eJ. Advance was incorpora- iml.SKt. 12 years ago,' without. 1J suck design. Iieep history JnuSktgeiiileinen. "'indy b’inboni's-‘nigger-jn- Lt ! lT^clulIlccnpnttosleBp? . * I • Iire 'Hhoruiice oi1 i.b.e .pol- I U euiii)ieu jusrt criminals of',the L!!l"!ei' ' 0l:> i? h /j '112 of she to fli ', ,11I1 iu toe dying hours of Ii,,, eSisIature amj put throngh L ir o^eiT'1 law-tnakiug body Ta, 1 efamoIisfrandulaut jng law ftol>vitel»rede'eesscr.’ 1 . ,PiBidciit Roosevelt’s speech at i'orl-n fYlylIration' in New IliRis® llcTso/' v. hicli apjtigar in Llillll. * ,,'mil Comnjtentfe ' of the L 1', -cilljTl^T Observer, PimIct ! Pfesideiit is broad- IriciiirslimV i1:T 'ihoye the petty, I-. - Iioliticians of t'he South.Jllw abused ■Wtriotic Re lateIdiu unmercifully dur-(I l« l« ...! I . * -I'M- tof thestatesman and is Fresi- ‘ fnyiye country! ' Iof ThpfMV1ijdY1.) T1 last week’s issue Ito H1 e Ollut?' llvoWS ids adhere!I Hift .■ ’ -'I e Ie hue honored ad Jierence the j Jv “W’preu principles of •ini Ift f uPeratlcW ty. The Rec-. IVercaf 1 |T t P1 Tle fact that tliere rfnHnirilgI severilI varieties W g f e si so TH1 have to aRkinw 1,1,1 “;'’s Pardon for not ^belbm uIhat ki^ f a c a t h i lloftiu, 'y "iotp our articles. Ii tliongk, we were hittjng atlieitll I r^e new­ ts Otl him no special favors, b'uf'_denying him no proper opportunity for la­ bor and Lite reward of 'labor.' But the peciiliar circumstances of the .South'render the problem there far'' ' ‘ -!-'i H ■ --‘ ‘ 'Vmore acute.” Oalfing upon tli,e white man for justice vtiid generosity and helpfnl- 11 .-SS toward the negro, the Presi­ dent yet says, “it is true of tiie col­ ored 1151511. its it is true of the white man, liiiit in the long run his fate must depend fat1 ujore upon Iiis own ciftirt than "upon the efforts of guy outside friend;” and thiil ‘-Jaziness and sbiftlessuess, these, and above all, vice, ami OinuiLKdily ot every aiud, are evils more pot-cut fur hang to the lilaok race tluin all ads of op­ pression ot whity men put together. Thecoiorediiiiin who fails to cbii- (leinii crime in ggotlier colored 11ui.11 w ho fails 10 co operate in all lawful wjiys in. bringing colored crimiiiais to jiistioeAs fheivoist Iqueiny of hi.s own people, 'ga well «a an enemy to iifl the people.” "The Fresident makes pgrfecfly tdear his opposition to" any iuter- mihgljng of the races, and these aj-'e some of his concluding senti­ ments: - “Throughout oui Jand things 011 the AvUole have grown: better and not worse, and this is as true of one part of the couiitry as it is of an-. ojher.’ I Gglieye1Ig the Kontherugr iijs I believe in th.o Northerner. I claim tlie right to fed pride ip his great qualities and Iu his great deeds exactly as I Igel pride in the great qualifies and deeds of every dther American, * "* “The Boiitiiern Btates face diffi­ cult jirobleips; and so do the North­ ern States. Some of the problems are the saine for the entire coijfn)ry. Other's exist in greater intensity in one section; and yet others exist in greater iutensity In another secDon. But in the end they will all he solv­ ed; for fundamentally our people are the samp ilivbughont fhe this land; the .same iu qualities of heai' and braiii and IiaixI which have ‘made this ,republic what it is in tlie great today; wbich will make itwhat it is to be in the infinitely gfeatertd- morrow. I admire and 1 espect and believe in and 'have' fayth in the iuen (ind wonjpiff of the Bonfh as I. admire and resnqpt and bejjev.e iu and' have faith in tlie men and wo­ men of the North. AU of us alike, Northerners and Southertieis, East­ erners and Westerners, can prove oiir fealty to the nation’s past by the way in which we do the mi- tton’s work in the present; for on­ ly thus can' wo be sure that our children’s 'children shall inherit Abraham Liucolu’s single-hearted devotion'to the' great iinchanging creed that “righteonsuess exalteth a nation.’' "We offer no apology' for the re­ production of these utterances. Those who read them yesterday will do well to read them today . They breathe a national spirit aud ax'e worthy of a. Fresident.. In this vein has Mr. Roosevelt spoken fre-. Tpiently since the- 8th of Iast Np- vember. To call in question his sincerity would be nngracioue and unworthy, and we repeat what we have said before: that if he desires to be friendly with the. South; it is jails, and at large, 111 older to put a few hviudred dollars ip the pock- ets'of 2i-Judges ' In‘the fii^t place North Garoliua does not heed iff Superior Oourt Judge's—12 are OiiougJ1'.' No trou­ ble to get good men to accept these places at the Salary now paid- If one will examine’ the files of tlie papers last year, while conventions were being held, one can see what a scramble there was for the nomi­ nations. Tw enty ope Judges at 83,250 each cast the jax-’paygrs $58,250; to have reduced the number'to l ’f would cost, at piifisent salary $44, TaO—a saving to fhe taz-payers of 833,500 per year, or by reducing the num­ ber of Superior Court Judges to 12 and give them the 8500 raise would save the tnx-payers '81:1,000—quite a saving every year to be added to fhe asylums. AA'e’arq opposed to the raise, aud in favor'of decreasing the number of Judges.' AVe will eiakc an illustration: the Clerk of the Coiitt1 Register of Deeds and Sheriff oj this bounty, all three, do not get as inuch as is given one Judge. Yet, they must support their laniilies, aud educate their children (iii'less than it takes to supp irtone judge. It’s an out- iuge, at this time,' to vote the peo­ ple’s money for any Sneh purposes, and the legislature will hear from the jieople in 190(5'. I ‘"dlier rufncl-’ ’ 'vll° .represnt, or i. -.. .I Jiai-tv Hf Iofr0 10 rel,reseht the old hirp. . Anything tJse would iie «h. BIGUT. The eijitoi; of rJiho Davie Times is no greater ailmjrer pf courage of cohvic.ions, honesty ' of purpose, aud firmly standing up for the right I ban is the editor of the Record. In our belief that all men should do light, l’c honest and sober, does ifqt carry with it a riglit on our part to lorce other people to do as we think. It does not follow that because we are not eng-ged in the whiskey business, that we sUonl I advocate the destruction of other people’s properly.- AA'e have no tight' to make on the preachers; many pf them are good men, and we admire goodu,e'ss. The mitfciou of the divinelj “palled Of God is to lead mei; Ili Iiettey1 lives, and driv ingis nqt.leaiiiug—ttfariug down is not iiuiid’ug' up. The preacher as a lobbyist is out of place, and we do noi lfositate to so say.'1 We have little coiifiilencein the preacher who is afraid to denounce all s!us. The preacher who i.s afraid' to denouuce the ballot box thief because it may hiL some of bis members, is not the man to1 inspire confidence-" They qau'talk about the evils of liquor, b'ut the debauching of the ‘ballot, never I Eight is right. AVe stand for the rjghfc.’ “* "*"1 ^ Democrats aje taUing ovqy ope another to thank hresident 'Roose­ velt for his Lincoln anniversary speech. But what seeuis a curious expression (and they all put it in J is, “if Roosevelt ‘defeires’ to be lrigndly jt’s the duty of the South to be friendly with»hiiri,” HafA to let down a little bit. The old penchant to appear io be the whole thing—bigger than all America, or the biggest part'of her, with the rest of if'a Iynd of an afinex, clings 'to them as fight as .the hide on a jieaj' dogjf bailc! Roosevelt was never anything els? Ijllt friendly Io1 the South, and Bob Glenn’s per­ sonal abuise of-him'wag afe Qut’fa- geous, (luj-ing the campaign, as the gam'e would be today. Tq repeat abogt Roosevelt now 'what he said then, the elegant Rob would get hissed oil the .stage.’ '; If preachers anil presidents of .Golleges hang around Jegislatiye foodies and log roll iij' the lobby.to influence Jegisl^flQii' and secure fatj appropriations—why; wfiat is to’ hiuder the'calling of a lobbyist be­ coming a reputable and popular avocation—for, as the old Jew Shy- Iock would say, “ these are honor­ able gentlemen.” Sqqthprn Demoereits can’t elect a: Frqsident; tbat neeiiigtq be settled, but it begins tb look as if they can .capture fone that' ^he other fellows: elected—Times-Dispatcbj Really, it looks- like-there is a chance for Democracy to become ’sane*and sound througli the influ- ence ofourgfeqt President. “ 'Yliile 'tfip la’ffiP hold's out to burn the vff ’^ t ilniier may return./’ 1 ‘ ' . PBCUKIiB DlSiPPEAqvl1TOp; J . D . R unyan, o f'B u tlg rrille , O',, Iai1I th e p e c u lia r d te a p p & ra u c e of h is p a’n fui svm ptom s of indis-estion a n a billiousness to D r. K in g ’s N ew L ife P ills. H e says: flThey a re a. p e rfe c t .......................- stom ach, The Yauce variety of Democracy was opposed to sumptuary legisla­ tion, "They believed in allowing the people- a voice in local affairs. The modern, or Kimmons variety believe in keeping tlie people In ig­ norance of their schemes and plans until after the election,and then dish ont to the people what best; suits the bosses. ' 'Froposed legisltijiipn used to be discussed before'electioii,’ during the campaign. Noiv 'the bosses keep the people in ignoranpq until they get.ready to fasten upon CMA them a new burden, or take from Judges wanted more pie, that is all the people their rights. there is iu it. Farmers, here is a very Jiraetteal f way to look at this business of the I r n .r r ila V ^ I S P T O g Texm Closes. May 18, 1905. gentlemen very largely pay this in- 1 ^ t v “ ] “J ” “ crease i u cold taxation tiix,—sup- ~ " ' “ “ " “ ’ , ? pose yon have farm hands to whom “b ?ive thogqngh instracfi’qns in all'Qdilege Frejiafatory branches. yoii are paying current Vi'ages duiif they demand an ii>cf!;ase—say'ia a month. Would yQu be willing to pay the increase w iieu there is bo reason for that increase,' save' to gratify the maw of liirad iiiea? The r . ____,m l i _ v -l' _ v v mts give us full -COB- Io1Iet- students Tun at them while out of S C H O U L E R ’S Depactmemt St§re? AYe do not accept boarding students unle trvl of them-ifi and out of school.' 'ft is not I random and this we will not do. AVe Iodk school fooni.' -v v p r o c E s s ^ r AYe have bo machipp of pupils, blit opening t?he channels and urging them to accept by their owii per- !ional'jjffpjds.1’ ,,in •’ 1 « ‘ * v - machipe with whicli to cram knowledge into the heads we'iniifcg .possible for "them'tb" get knowledge by iauuels and" ui'ging them fo accept by their own per- • IF y’d'ii Wa1Ut to kpow further about 'our work here, call on or ad­ dress any of the pati'dns, W thd Principal,"'-I I.:.,. „« A, L - -c.i.i:,aK i I- . ncvftinini- GREAT ALTERATION SALE.- MONRY ,SAVING RVENf! WonderM Hargains! Startling Reductions J - Tlioiisauds of Dollars worth of . x Ghoice-M erchandisetobesold a.t a great sacrifice. DMefwaie, Sloes, Skirts, Coats, f aists OUTING CLOTH, FLANNELETT8, DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHEETS, PILLU vFcA SEs7T A B ld r i^ ^ W B I H B .Ir? fV’X' • -S Continue Farther Notieq -TISSlONSZLIiSr. B, B. U C IA K O T I C E . T t i E L A S T R O U N D ! Pay your Tases aftd save Gpt. I will maet the Tax-payers oi Bario S ROH Gi c o u n t y l i n e , a v e d n e s d a y March Sm iaoa. 10 a- m. OALAHALN/aYeDSESDAY March 8th, 1'903, .. . . I p. m. ti Countj at I e iollowim toes for tie year 19® MOOKSVI LLE. MONDAY, MARCH Gtb, 1905,. ALL DAY. ft---------------------- — * — - - - - -- 1 to 12 ip. to 8 p. ni. J. 0. BOOE’S STORE, THURSDAY, March 9th l^Oo, 10 a. m. to 12 m. SHEFFIELD, THURSDAY March 9th, 190o.I p. m. to 3 P. m. FARivfINGTQN1 FRIDAY Ma^ch lOth.1905.......' .10 a. m. to 3 p. lit. ADYANiCp, SATURDAY, Siareli U til, 1905,.. 1.10 a. in. to 3 p. m. FORK GHuRUtf. MONDAY, Mfo-ch 13th, 1905,. .10 a. m to 3 p. m. JERUsALEMi TUESDAY, March 14th, 1905. ___10 k 111. Jto 3 p. in. COQLEEMEE, AVEDNESDAY', March lotli, 1905, 10 p‘. m. to 3 p. in SMITHGRO^YE1 THURSDAY Msiinh 10th, 1905,.’. 10 a. m. I' . V. Vjy BIX BY, FRID AY, March 17th, 1905,...................... i p .m .k S 1. m Geo.L. REYNOLDS. W H E l RAILWAY Operating Oyer 7,000 Miles of Railway.» Ol . . *. z. - -- . .(JpiCK ROUTE TO ALL FOINTQ- •r' ¥ o r t h r t S o u t l i ~ E a s t - W e s t■ r-t — 'y i v Tiiiough Trains Between Principal Cities ana Resorts AFFORDING FIBSTj CLA sS ACCOMMODATION Elegant Pullman Sleeping Cais on all Through Trams. Dining, Club Aud Observation Oars..1 ‘is; - •: M , - .-I ■ : I s “ For Speed, Qomfort and Courteous Employes, travel via the South­ ern Railway. Rates, Schedules and other information furnished by ' ■ ■ , ’ addressing the undersigned: R1L. Veenon, prav. J?ass, Agji., J. H.AVoup, Dist.Fass. Agent Charlotte, N. C, Asheville, N. C. S. H . HiEDWiCK Pass. Traffic Mgr. AY. H . TiVDOEjGenT Pass Agl; '7 \YA|H lNG TpN , D -p.’ : 7 Ofo Daviq.knows wjio to jiiade with. Thqy have always given us their support aud trade, and we more |haji appreciafo it all, and now we submit a few of the many good Bargains we have for all.I j -.-j f • f :i • |V-,» ' I ti' -J 75c M AN JLLftA C4.NE-SE AT CHAIRS FOR.. 50c. 83.50 RICKERS FOB ONLY ................ 82.75 86.00 DRESSER OR BUREAU F ^ R ................ 85.00 810b0 “ f‘ ' 1 ' *' ’• 87.50 812.50 “ ‘‘ i‘ .89.50 AYe sell the Garland Cook Stoves and Ranges—the best that money can buy—:au(l.tb.e price.Js from 89.50 to §45.00. See us before you buy, if you wish to save money. R o iip r & GFim Fsaislitog Co., 4 3 6 M a i n S t . ! tP fronjt of B roim ’s W arehoase, W i n s t p n , N . C : n Business Metoods tor Twenty-five... V i . . T . I. J H AYE BEEN ‘SUCH AH AJJPEAL TQ BUYERS OF 5th, the I must collect all the Tax now due, Unless paid before Mn r 1905’,' I will be compelled to advertise Rial and Fersoual propei.. . law directs. ’ - This February 14th, 1905. ■"■h L. §HEEK, S b e p i C f r _ — ' THIS IS NOT A PUZZLE. Jfi . • M ■ : w k u r ^f e e s 1® TE MERELY TELLS YOU, by reading up anif down, or straight across -*"J" ■ the name of the -' PAINT TO USE IN PAINTING YOUR house from top to bottom, both sides and ends.; any color Vcm fiesifA i P am pleased to tell you 1 have ^just £ “* « * * * largest stock ,0/ FAJNT I have ever carried. A complete line of - "h o u s e , ROOF, FLOOR, CARRIAGE AND AYAGON PAINT;- VARNISH. -STAINS," FLOOR AND'FURNITURE,, FINISH—the very finest,ENAMELS,Ac. In fact aimqst anything you want in the Pamt line. AYrite me for Color Card or any ‘information yon may desire. I also P^rrY a Ime of GENER AL MERCHANDISE, aha am very thankful to my’ many cus success I have had. Kindly asking a continuance oftomers for the lsnH and JiiclcKon. 1Iike it fheSonth’s duty to be friendly with your patrqnage, I am youis for business. i,5n, A Tnriliinirfilsfi would be an-iinteedat. Sanfordlsflrug store;, price ....., . 125 cents ' 1 R. F, D. No,I. LEH KURFEE5 . Motksville. N. C.Gpeen^bopo. N- C AYe shall try harder than ever to-. . iih V t 1 «-i ,V -1- > 1 Merit vqur eqmfid&mm and liberal ~ v Patrqnage. A LAYAYS LOWEST - PRICES consistent with qualify- E. M, ANORKWf? ...... ^ W m ■ :^Sr-m m . Iii' I: I ; U The City of Indianapol's Suffers By Sunday Blaze LASSES ARE MUCH OVER A MILLION For Four Hours Flames Originating in a Drug Establishment Threatened the Entire Wholesale District of the City, But JVere Finally Controlled After Extensive Ravages. Indianapolis, Special.—F ire w hich started in the large w holesale m illinery house of Fahnley % M cCrea, located in South M eridian street, Sunday night spread to adjoining buildings, and w ithin 45 m inutes had'com pletely de­ stroyed eight buildings and is now m e­ nacing th a t portion of th e w holesale district bounded by M eridian street and G eorgia street, Jacltson Place and th e U nion station. Several explosions have occurred in th e A. K iefer D rug Companj-’s w are- room s, and on account of the inflam - able m aterial stored in the adjoining buildings th e fire is yet beyond control. A storm of firebrands is falling over th e business portion of the city, and m any fires are expected to result. The dam age already done is estim ated at over a m illion dollars. Among the heaviest losers are F ahn- Iey & M cCrea, wholesale m illiners; the A. K eifer D rug Company; Griffith Bros., W holesale m illiners; Delm etsch & Co., toys and druggists’ sundries; the United States Express Com pany's w are- room s; the Savory H otel; St. Charles H otel, and Sherm an House. The roof of th e sheds at the Union depot is on fire. Later—The total loss is $1,500,000. W hen the fire was brought under con- tral, eight bulidings. am ong which were three hotels, had been com pletely de­ stroyed. One fireman was hurt by fall­ ing walls. Death of Young Battle. Annapolis, Md., Special.—M idship­ m an Sam uel W estray B attle, of the second class at the N aval Academy, and a son of Surgeon Sam uel W estray B attle, United S tates Navy, retired, of A sheville, N. C., dropped dead as the brigade of m idshipm en w ere called to dinner form ation shortly after 12 o’clock Sunday. He had ju st taken his place as third petty officer of the second battalion's ninth com pany w hen he w as stricken w ith h eart fail­ ure. H e fell before any one reached him , and w as dead w hen picked up by his m ates. Young B attle entered th e academ y in A ugust, 1902, from Asheville, and w as 21 years old. H e w as popular w ith his class and school­ m ates and stood w ell in his studies. H e w as an oarsm an and pulled stroke in last year’s varsity eight a t the academ y, but did not becom e a candi­ date for the crew this season. H e w as also a m em ber of th e academ y hop com m ittee and w as prom inent so­ cially. H is parents have been noti­ fied by th e authorities, but no arrange­ m ents have been m ade y et regarding th e funeral. Will Be No State Funeral, St. Petersburg—By Cable—I t has now been definitely decided th a t the rem ains of G rand Duke Sergius will not be brought to St. Petersburg for th e present, but will be placed in a tem ­ porary receiving vault of th e Chaudoff M onastery to aw ait the com pletion of th e alterations now in progress in the Bomanoff m ausoleum in the cathedral of S t P eter and St. Paul, w here the perm anent interm ent will occur, am ong the tom bs of his ancestors. A nother reason is th a t even Governor G eneral Trepoff has recognized the fact th a t no precautions can furnish an absolute guarantee of im m unity against an act of terrorism ; and a t a great state funeral, where ancient custom requires th a t the E m peror and all of the Bomanoff fam ily assem ble and follow the coffin on foot, a single bomb m ight wipe out the dynasty. Freezing Rain Again Endangers At - lanta’s Communications. A tlanta, Ga., Special.—A cold rain is falling, freezing on th e w ires and trees as it falls and threatening a repetition of the disastrous sleet storm s of the past tw o weeks. No dam age has been reported so far, but unless conditions change, com m unication w ith th e out­ side world m ay be interferred w ith again. Tillman Advised to Rest. Columbia, S. C., Special—Senator T ill m an reached his home a t Trenton Sunday after a brief stay In Philadel­ phia under treatm ent of specialists. The Philadelphia physicians confirmed the diagnosis of his personal physician, Dr. J. w. Babcock, th a t Senator T ill­ m an is suffering from grip poisoning affecting one of his nerves. The th re at trouble w ith which he suffered last w in­ te r has been entirely relieved, and the specialists agree th a t the Senator’s Cgeneral condition is excellent, but he w ill not return to W ashington during this session of Congress, being advised to rest for a while. NORTH STATE LAWMAKERS Work That is Being Done By the North Carolina Lawmakers. Bank at Fayetteville Fails. _ Charlotte, N. C., Special.—S tate B ank Exam iner J. 0 . Ellington took charge Of th e B ank of Fayetteville N. C., Saturday, posting a notice over •his signature on. the door of the insti­ tution stating th a t there w as a short­ age of $2S,000 in the accounts of the cashier and teller and th a t the bank would be closed for an investigation of th e books’ by expert accountants C ashier John C. H aigh and -Teller George M yrover are under arrest but w ere released on $10,000 bonds. ’ . Memorials in House. . W ashington, Special.—Sitting In special session, th e H ouse conducted m em orial services in tributes to the m em ory of the late Senator M atthew Stanley Quay, of Pennsylvania. Mr DalzellI presided. M essrs. Adams, Sib­ ley, K ling, Brow n and Bates, of Penn­ sylvania; Grosvenor, of Ohio, and Goul- den of New York, eulogized Mr. Quay’s life and character. The Tem arks were particularly .expressive of the esteem In which he was held, and extolled him ' as a m an, a s . a useful public servant RPd an organiser of w onderful ability Election Liquor Bill. The H ouse took up the bill m aking it a m isdem eanor to sell or give away Iiquor w ithin five m iles Of a Voting place on election day. With an am end­ m ent incorporated by th e com m ittee providing th a t a m an could give aw ay a drink, provided th a t he did no t do so w ith intent to influence th e election, following the election law of T he Code. M essrs. M cNinch and A lexander, of M ecklenburg; Davis, and M urphy, of Buncom be, spoke against th e am end­ m ent, saying it would be well enough to suspend th e dispensing of liquid bos pitalities even in private houses one day in tw o years, and claim ed it would be far better to do this than by adopt­ ing th e am endm ent to practically li­ cense th e giving aw ay of liquor on elec­ tion day. It wouid be im possible to con­ vict anybody under th e language of the am endm ent. Mr. W inborne said it was an outrage to brand every m an a crim inal who, in th e privacy of h is home, should extend a common courtesy to a friend, sim ply because it happened to be on election day. U nder th e proposed law a m an would be a crim inal who gave his wife or cook a sm all dram to ease th e toothache or such like afflic­ tion. Mr. M urphy, of Buncom be, again spoke, saying he had seen young m en who w ere tem perate dead drunk on free Republican election liquor in Buncombe county on election day. To require the State to prove the intent would be to nullify th e law. The county of B un­ combe,' regardless of politics, desired to break up this disgrace of using w hiskey to influence elections. Mr. Pow ers of­ fered an am endm ent striking out the words “w ith th e intent to influence the election.” This w as adopted by a large m ajority. Mr. W inborne offered an am endm ent m aking it a crim e to give aw ay cigars and tobacco on election day, but this w as defeated. Mr. M ur­ phy, of Buncombe, contended th a t w hiskey w ould take an elector’s think­ ing faculties aw ay, w hile tobacco would not. Mr. M cNinch nodded approval at this argum ent ,and asked Mr. W in- borne if he honestly desired th e am end­ m ent to pass. Tuesday in th e H ouse th e following bills passed third reading: F or th e im provem ent of streets of Randlem an- To prevent live stock from running a t large in certain ter­ ritories In Colum bus county. To al­ low th e city of C harlotte to issue bonds. . The McNinch Anti-Jug Law. T he hours of 12 o’’clcck w as the special order for considering th e M c N inch anti-jug bill th e following coun­ ties sending sending forw ard am end­ m ents accepted by Mr. M cNinch,, ex­ em pting them from operations of the act; W ayne, Sam pson, W ilson, Anson Clay, Row an, R ockingham , Caswell, P itt, T ransylxania, Stanly, Pasquo­ tank, Davie, Jones, M artin, Edgecombe, Jtfu ifax, C urrituck, Chowan, Camden, M adison, T yrrell, W ilkes, G ranville, Lenoir, Y adkin. A lexander, Columbus, Onslow, Polk, Swain, H enderson, Cher­ okee, Beaufort, M cDowell, Buncombe, Jackson, H arnett, Surry, Pamlico, New H anover. Mr. M cNinch offered an am endm ent th a t th e law should not apply to counties w here th e sale of liquor w as perm itted, bu t it did not head off the exem ption. The counties of H artford and P er­ son w ere exem pted and th e county of Cherokee w ithdrew th e am endm ent, exem pting it from th e law. T he bill then passed its second reading, as am ended, and on objection to third reading today it w ent over until W ednesday. M essrs. M urphy, of Bun­ combe, and Biggs, of D urham , explain­ ed th a t they desired an opportunity to m ore thoroughly exam ine th e effect of the M cNlnch am endm ent. In the Senate. A num ber of local bills w ere intro­ duced Tuesday. T he following bills passed final reading: To authorize th e com m ission­ ers of G aston county to issue $300,000 of bonds to im prove public roads; to w ork th e public roads o f R utherford county; to provide for the b etter w ork­ ing of th e roads of C hatham ; to am end'tke road law of M adison coun­ ty; to am end ch arter of A sheville; to establish an electric light plant and reservoir and authorize a bond issue; to incorporate the Edgecom be R ail­ w ay; to authorize R utherford county to issue $100,000 to jjay for th e stock in th e R utherford C onstruction Com­ pany; to incorporate th e W atauga T urnpike Com pany; to am end the bird law of F orsyth county; to pre­ vent throw ing saw dust in ’ certain stream s In Guilford. T he anti-jug bill, nam ely H ouse bill, to repeal chapter 349, public law s 1903, except as to Cleveland, C abar­ rus, M itchell and G aston, cam e up on second reading, but m et considerable opposition as to im m ediate passage. M ason, of G astonia, moved th a t it be referred to the com m ittee on ju­ diciary. A m endm ents w ere offered excepting also Caldwell and Yancey. RutherfoTd an.d M adison. M ason’s m otion w as adapted and th e bill w ent to th e judicihry com m ittee. This th e bill whi;ch th e Suprem e Court m ade applicable to th e w hole State,' w hile it w as ohly intended for th e four counties of, Cleveland, C abarrus. M itchell and G aston, and th e bill now in hand w ill m ake th e law apply only to those four counties. In th e Senate W ednesday th e land­ lord and tenant bill cam e up and w as postponed. In th e H ouse th e bill know n as the pilotage bill, abolishing com pulsory pilotage on th e Cape F ear river cam e up w ith a favorable report. A m inor­ ity report w as offered signed by Rec­ tor, Reeves, Uzzell, W ade and Dobson. The bill w as m ade a special order -for F riday a t noon. T he bill to increase salaries ui judges to $3,000 w ith $250 for expens­ es passed second reading. 0 'f ,he , sJjpate T hursday passed the Scales bill r 'v-’- z f;9,000 for th e estab­ lishm ent of a juvenile reform atory. 1 here w a3 a good deal of discussion of the bill. Bills_ passed as follows: R eguiatiilv Sf iaflses, th e Senate, on Hm100 z Ollicoffer, concurring in the S3 ssftNno?16? nJeJilt m akinS salaries Ana™ lnstSaa of $2.500; to incorporate Andrews, Cherokee county; to im prove the public roads in VaRey townshTp SKfeays.a w svsss! te n C d to the com m ittee 7% per cent w as agreed upon, and stands as the vent*0 Pte®crjhed. Bills pased to pre- vent throw ing saw dust in certain stream s in W arren, Anson. M ontgom ­ ery and Sw ain, to relieve C. G - Lee A aron W . Moore, A lbert Bigelow and J- M. Lee, school teachers, in Caswell TTni y a j incorporate th e W estern Union A cadem yLto takp J F, Q ardner1 out of W estley Chapel school district, U nion county; to am end th e law of 1887 regarding public schools in tow n of D urham ; to com pel th e attendance of Cherokee Indians a t schools; to extend th e tim e for th e N orth S tate T ru st Com pany to perfect its organization: to incorporate th e B ank of Chapel H ill to authorize £he B ank of L um berton to Increase num ber of directors, and to give the Robeson County L oan and T ru st Com pany th e sam e authority; to incorporate th e G reensboro Fem ale College. T he following bills w ere' ratified Thursday: T o fix th e tim e for holding courts in W arren county; to provide for paym ent of one-half fees to w it­ nesses and officers in Caswell county, When “not h tru e bill” is found; to am end th e law of evidence relative to w ritten statem ents; to appoint a cotton w eigher for the city of Raleigh. The follow ing bills passed final read­ ing; R equiring com m issioners of W iikes county to levy special ta x -to buiid bridges across the Y adkin river a t R oaring R iver and H olm an’s Ford. Cowles, of W ilkes, desired to know w hy Judge G raham had taken it upon him self to introduce a bill for a county he did no t ,represent. H olbrook, of W ilkes, stated th a t he w as in favor of the bill, and Cowles w as opopsed to it, th a t th e people of G raham needed th e bridge and th a t Judge G raham had introduced it by req u est Dr. A lexan­ der, of th e com m ittee, explained th a t w hen th e bill w as before th e com m ittee it w as stated th a t a law w as passed in 1903, giving th e county com m is­ sioners authority to levy a special tax for this purpose and they had refused to do so. Cowles, in opposing th e bill, stated th at'W ilk es w as already heav­ ily burdened w ith bond debt, and the people oppressed w ith taxes. H olbrook detailed the great need of th e citizens for tw o bridges and asked m em bers to vote for th e bill, w ithout am endm ents, Cowles offered an am endm ent, w hich was defeated; to leave th e question of bridge tax to a 'vote; to leave th e ques­ tion of building th e bridge to th e dis cretion of th e com m issioners and to strike out $2,500 and $4,000 allow ed for H offm an’s F ord and R oaring R iver, respectively, and authorize th e com­ m issioner to build th e bridges a t these points. T o extend th e corporate lim its of R hodhiss, in Caldwell county; to am end and revise charter of F rankin, in M acon county; to aUow the m ayor and b o ard 'o f alderm en of B eaufort to issue bonds to build a hotel and fo: other purposes; to allow W inston- Salem to issue bonds for streets; to create a stock law territory in a por­ tion of H arn ett county; to am end the charter of B revard; to regulate th e m anner in w hich com m on carriers shall ad ju st claim s for lost or dam aged freight, (im posing a penalty on rail roads for failing to settle claim s w ith­ in 60 days upon establishm ent of con­ signees loss, and by judgm ent for suit.) In th e Senate F riday th e bill to re­ quire the m arking of w hiskey w hen shipped into prohibition territo ry was passed. The com pulsory pilotage bill w as enacted in the H ouse, and also the C hallenge bill. IIALT.S C F CONGRESS. A bill m aking if a fe’ouv to counter­ feit the greet feel of Ibe U nited States w as passed by the Senate. Tlie A gricultural Annvopriation bill w as considered, the Senate refusing to strike out the provision for free seeds. There w as a I.liter personal contro­ versy betw een Mr. Ruliivan. of M assa­ chusetts. and Mr. H enrst, of N ew York in th e IIonse. Thp prolonged w rangling over the Statehood bill in Ilie Senate cam e tc an end Felirnary 7. w hen a final vote w as fo he taken, by agreem ent. Thosigh economy is the w atchw ord In m aking annroprinlions a t this session, it is well know n th a t the U residcut is very anxious for a liberal naval pro­ gram . The Commerce Com m ittee has report­ ed to the H ouse a railroad ra te bill which is a com noslte of a num ber of bills on the subject proposed by differ­ en t mem bers. A bill of great im portance to Alaska has ju st become a law . It provides for the construction and m aintenance of roads and schools and the care of in­ sane persons in th a t district. The P resident sent a m essage to Con­ gress urging th a t provision he m ade for the collection of thorough statistics on m arriage and divorce in the United States Iiy the Census B ureau. Secretary o’f. W ar T a ft and Commis­ sary-G eneral W eston told the Senate, iu an official report, th a t m eat for the arm y iu the Philippines is bought in A ustralia Iiecanse it w ould cost double the price to get the supply in th e Uni­ ted States. It is not often th a t th e seniors of the Senate will officially postpone a session for a wedding, bu t recently on the ap­ plication of Senator H ale th e hour of m eeting w as m ade I o'clock instead of 12, in order to allow Senators fo attend the m drriage of a daughter of Senator W arren, of W yoming. PE O PL E G O S S irE D ABOUT. A ndrew C am egle lias now eynended for libraries th e sum rf $30,325,240. E dw ard Terry. Ihe London comedian, now on his first tonr of Ibis country, 's th e richest actor in England. M abel F rances Chilcolt. nineteen rears old. is edilor of ill? Louisville, Pottaw atom ie Connty (K ar.i. Lyre. The K ing of Italy has conferred the G rand Cordon of the" O rder of the Crown of Ttnly upon .Yhiteiaw Reid. U resident H arnei'. of Uie Chicago U niversity.- intends Io spend his next vacation in R ussia, w here his son is a student a t the U niversity of Moscow. I t is a continually haunting fear w ith Mine. B ernhardt th a t she m ight one day hear herself spoken of as “a w om an who really used to be a grand ac tress” Thom as Filzgerald, w ho has been ap­ pointed general m anager of the B alti­ m ore and Ohio Railroad, entered Ibe service of Ib at corporation as w ater boy, in ISO?. A dolf Beck, w ho w as w rongly con­ victed by the B ritish Courts, and served seven yeai's in prison, has been giveu $25,000 by th e G overnm ent in com pensation. Senator J. H . G allinger, who has served nearly fourteen years, told the Senate the other day th a t only, once had lie succeeded in getting a N ew H am pshire private claim through Con­ gress. C. P o tter W right, the only living per­ son w ho w as a t th e bedside of Daniel W ebstqr when he breathed'his-last, and heard the statesm an u tter the historic w ords, “I still..Jive,” resides a t Dor­ chester, M ass/ . Richard Croker. form er. Tam m any leader in N ew York, w as seen the other, day in Taris, tile picture of health and apparently w ithout a care. H is hair an d w hiskers have .w hitened W ith nd- ■vhncing years.; : w hatever a m an th in k s m ost W- w htie H nkia $ 0 ^ b t e t r u a l FOB 11 IFlS Occurrences of Interest In Parte of the State. Various Charlotte Cotton Market. Strick good m id d lin g .............................7% Good m iddling .......... 7% S trict m iddling .........................................7%, M iddling ........................................................114 T in g e s 6 to 7 S tains.............'...............................5 to 6 Geneal Cotton Market. Galveston, s te a d y ...............................7 9-16 N ew O rleans, firm ....................................11/2 M obile, quiet ..............................................' Savannah, quiet ..................................7 7-16 Charleston, q u ie t........................................TVi W ilm ington, stead y ...................................IVi N orfolk, steady . . . . B altim ore, nom inal . New Y ork, ste a d y -.. Boston, quiet ......... Philadelphia, steady ...........7% ............7% ............7.80 ...................7.80 ...................8.05 Hurt by Explosion. Burlington, Special.—T he explosion of a sm all gasoline lam p, used to h eat a chocolate urn, resulted in a very painful injury to W illiam J. Fix, a clerk in th e drug store of T. H . Stroud. T he flame, being n ear th e bow l of the lam p, and th e cap, w hich w as soldered to th e bowl, furnished sufficient h eat to generate^gas sufficien to blow th e cap off. T he escaping gas and gaso­ line ignited and strueh M r. Fix 05 the face and head. H is injury is very painful bu t not serious. North State News. C harlotte, Special.—M rs. S. S. Sm ith, aged 73 years, who w as severely burned W ednesday m orning a t h er home, No. 902 E ast avenue, died a t 9:40 o’clock, as the result of her injuries, M rs. Sm ith cam e to th is city from W ilm ington som e thing m ore than a year ago, and had m ade h er hom e w ith h er tw o daughters, M rs. H. J. M oore and Mrs. F. J. R obertson, on E ast avenue, w here the fatal accident occurred. In addi­ tion to these children, other survivors are three sons, M essrs. John Q. Sm ith, of Colum bus, Ga.; J. B. Sm ith, of Caldwell county, and G. A. Sm ith, of this city; and tw o daughters w ho are M rs. G rady, of Lenoir, and M rs. R . N. M urray, of W ilm ington, w ith w hom the dead wom an had m ade her hom e be­ fore m oving to Charlotte. M rs. Smith, w as sitting alone in h er room in front of the open fire w hen her clothing w as ignited, th e burns resulting in her death. R ecently J. G. H undlejr, who has several saw m ills in D urham county, cut four trees th a t w ere giants. They w ere poplar trees. One m ade 7,500 feet of lum ber, another 8,000, a th ird 15,500 and th e fourth 18,500 feet, an average of 12,000 feet to the tree. The largest w as ten- feet across th e sturni) and 146 feet high. T here Were cut from this tree nine 12-foot logs and one 10-foet log, m aking a to tal of 118 feet of logs from the body of th e trees. Lum ber m en say th a t 500 feet is a fairly good average for a tree and this can give a b etter idea as to th e size of this giant old poplar w hen it m ade as m uch lum ber as 37 ordinary trees. On one acre of land from w hich these trees were cut, Mr. H undley says he w ill get all of 100,000 feet of lum ber. W . G. B ram ham , private secretary to B- L. Duke, is a t hom e a t D urham . H e says th a t he is confident th a t Mr. D uke w ill be released after th e hear­ ing, th a t is to soon com e up in the city of New Y ork. H e also states th a t th e w ife of Duke will not resist di­ vorce proceedings should there be such entered into. Mr, B ram ham says th a t he has. never seen Mr. D uke look as w ell as he now does. A fter spending a few days at h is hom e w ith his fam ily, it is th e intention of Mr. B ram ham to retu rn to N ew Y ork, to be present a t th e hearing of th e case M r. J. B. Duke, president of the A m erican Tobacco Com pany, who w ith his bride is a t D urham attending th e bedside of his father, Mr. W ashing­ ton Duke, who is suffering from a broken leg. has given his check for $5,000 to the Lincoln H ospital which is a hospital for th e colored race. TM s hospital w as built and equipped by Mr. W ashington D uke and his tw o sons, J. D. and B. N. Duke, a t a cost of som e $10,000. R. O. Pickard, superintendent of the- spinning room of the W ilson Cotton M ills, w as shot and killed on T hursday by a com panion nam ed Newton. Mr. J. F ish er Correll, of C harlotte, Tuesday • retained counsel to repre­ sent him in an im portant dam age su it he w ill bring against the Singer Sew­ ing M achine Company. Mr. W . B. Crook, the com pany’s local m anager, and th e com pany in w hich Mr. Correil w as bonded w hile he w as em plojred by the Singer Com panjr. T he com­ plaint has no t been filed, bu t Mr. Cor­ rell w ill ask for not less th an $5,000. H e w ill be represented by M essrs. Mc­ Call & Dixon and T. C. G uthrie. Mr. Spain W illiam s, a substantial old citizen living seven m iles south of Asheboro, shot, and it is feared m ortally wounded, his son-in-law , Mr. Shoof Russell, on Sunday. It is learn­ ed th a t R ussell and his wife w ere un­ happily m ated, and h er father, in a fit of passion, com m itted th e deed, it is alleged, in defense of his daughter. T he leaf house of C urrin & Coleman Bros., large leaf tobacco dealers at W inston, w as badly dam aged by fire early Tuesday m orning. It ignited in an autom atic drying m achine. AU of the firm ’s m achinery w as practically ruined, w hile several thousand pounds o f ’leaf tobacco w as destroyed. T he loss, w hich aggregates several thou­ sand dollars, is covered by insurance. M rs. C arrie H endrix M ott, w ife of Dr. J. J. -Mott is dead. The cause of her death w as pneum onia. M rs. M ott w as th e daughter of Mr. Jam es H endrix, of W ilkes county and w as 65 years old. M ajor H enry A. London, of P itts- boro, h as received a very flattering invitation from Gov. M ontague, of V irginia, to attend th e unveiling of th e m em orial tablets to N orth Caro­ lina soldiers and deliver an address a t A ppom atox, Va., on A pril, 9th. M ajor London has accepted the invi­ tation. T he disappearance of Senator Beas- ’ ley’s son, K enneth, is still shrouded in m jrstery, and no n ew . developm ents are know n. T he bloodhounds em ployed to find th e body has failed,' after lead­ ing th e searching party through dense w oods and bogs on th e supposed trail. In' th e m atter of D. P. D ayvauit & Bros., banking m erchants of Concord, Judge" Boyd • M onday in the U nited S tates C ourt a t G reensboro confirmed th e sale of th e com pany’s stock of goods of th e ir principal store m Con­ cord, to D- P. C oletrane for $22 506 -The sale w as approved by the trustee th e creditors and th e referee and was about 95 per cent of th e value of th e | 00dp sold. WARD LIQUOR LAW Full Text of North Carolina’s New Li­ quor Law. Follow ing is th e te x t of th e W ard bill, as it passed th e Senate: Tlie G eneral A ssem bly of N orth Caro­ lina do enact; Section I.—T h a t section I, chapter 233, of th e public law s of 1903,. Be am ended by striking out th e w ord “m anufacture,” In line tw o thereof, and th a t said chapter and section be fur­ ther am ended by strik in g out th e words “o r m anufacture,” in line five thereof, and th a t said chapter and sec­ tion be fu rth er am ended by adding after th e w ords “special s t a t u t e , In line seven of said section, th e follow ing “I t shall be unlaw ful for any person or persons, firm or corporation, to m anu­ facture or rectify, for gain, any sp irit­ uous, vinous o f m alt liquors, o r in ­ toxicating bitters, w ithin th e S tate of N orth Carolina, except in incorporat­ ed cities and tow ns having less th an 1,500 population, w herein th e m anufac­ turer of liquor is no t or m any no t here­ after, be prohibited by law or regulat­ ed by special statute.” Section 2,—T h at section four of chap­ ter 233, of th e public law s Of 1903, be am ended by inserting after th e w ord “m anufacture,” in line tw o thereof, the words “or ratification.” Section 3.—T h a t section 19 of this sbapter be am ended by striking out the w ords "m anufacture and,” in lines two and three thereof, and inserting at th e end thereof th e follow ing: “T hat nothing in this act shall be. construed to repeal, alter o r am end any special aoO prohibiting or regulating th e m an­ ufacture of liquors in any incorporated city or tow n having n o t less th an 1,500 population.” Section 4.—T h a t chapter 233, of the public law s Of 1903, be fu rth er am end­ ed by adding after section 19 th e fol- lowing, num bered as “section 20” : “T h at every incorporated city e r tow n in w hich spirituous, vinous o r m alt liquors or intoxicating hitters are per- tnited to be sold or m anufactured, un­ der th e provisions of this act, shall m aintain a tow n or city governm ent as provided in its charter of incorpora­ tion, and a police force or no t less than two policem en, and it shall be tn e duty of som e m em ber of said police force to visit each place w here liquor is gold or m anufactured in said city or tow n at least once every weefc, and m ake a careful and thorough inspecWon and exam ination thereof, w ith a view of ascertaining w hether th e law s regulat­ ing th e m anufacture and sale Of liquor are observed and obeyed, and w hether the said business -is conducted in an orderly and law ful m anner,, fend to m ake a w ritten report setting forth the result of said vistation to th e m ayor and board of alderm en of said cfty or tow n, w hich report o r several reports the said m ayor shall deliver to the solicitor of the district on or before the assem bling of th e ensuing term of the Superior C ourt of the county in w hich said tow n or city is Situatedj and in case such tow n or city shall fail to m aintain a city governm ent, or provide the police force, investigations, and re­ ports, herein prescribed, the board -of com m issioners of th e county in w hich the sam e is situated m ay revoke and cancel th e license and perm ission au­ thorizing th e sale and m anufacture of liquor in said tow n or city.” Section 5.—T h a t said chapter 233, of the public law s of 1903, be further am ended by adding thereto another sec­ tion, after th e preceding section, to be num bered “section 21,” as follows: “T h a t th e possession or issuance to any person, firm or corporation of a license to m anufacture, rectify o r sell, at w holesale or retail, spirtuous or m alt liquors, by .the U nited States gov­ ernm ent or any officer thereof, in any county, city o r tow n, w here th e m an­ ufacture, sale or rectification of spiritu­ ous o r m alt liquors is forbidden by law of th is State, shall be prim a facia evidence th a t th e person, firm o r cor­ poration having such license, or to whom 'the sam e w as issued, w as guilty of doing th e act perm itted by the. said license, in violation of th e law s of this S tate ” '■ Section 6.—T h a t chapted 233, Ot the public law s of 1903, be fu rth er am end­ ed by changing th e figures “20,” In line one section 20, thereof, to th e figures '23.” Section 7.—T h a t all law s and clauses of law in conflict w ith th is ac t arc hereby repealed. Section 8.—T h at th is ac t shall take effect from and after th e first day of January, 1906. SeriatorTiIImaninHospital. P hiladelphia, S pecial—U nited States Senator B enjam in R . T illm an, of South C arolina, who cam e here yesterday for treatm ent, w ent to th e Orthopaedic H ospital, w here he w ill rem ain until the end of th e week. D r. 'W harton Sinkler, w hose p atien t Senator T ill­ m an is, said thatW fr. T illm an is suffer­ ing from a nervous attack, following grip. H is condition is no t serious. Engineer Injured. Spenser, Special.—E ngineer H . T H olshouser, of this place, w as brought to his hom e here in a badly bruised condition, as a resu lt of w hat cam e n ea r proving a fatal experience under his engine n ea r G reenville, S. C. H is tra in had stopped, and th e engineer w as under h is locom otive, looking af­ te r som e rep air w ork, w hen a shifting tra in plunged into tra in No. I, drag­ ging M t. H olshouser about a hundred feet u nder th e engine. H is body was held firm ly by th e rods from th e air brakes,'■> and he w as severely bruised about th e face, arm s and back. BLOffAI IHESIAflDARDOIL Kansas Lesislalure Passes Bili For State Refinery. CONGRESS ACTS INTHE MATTER CoBTlctX^oi to Ke Proritletf Vor Iho Work*—Offer* From Xew Tort to Knter flie Kaasas Field—PresttJent Gires Orders to Secreterr Of Com- merco—OU Trast Dlic1is;ei Men. Topeka. K an .—K ansas struck a blow a t th e S tandard Oil Com pany’s busi­ ness in this S tate. T he H ouse passed the bill which gives th e S tate $410,000 to build and operate an oil refinery. T he bill passed the Senate th e w eek previously. G overnor Hoch announced th a t he w ould sign th e bill im m ediately. H och had been against the bill until the S tandard Oil Com pany announced its boycott on K ansas oil T he bill passed th e H onse by a vote of 01 to 30. T he oil bill provides for a refinery to be erected a t l’eru, K an. A nother penitentiary w ill be built there to pro­ vide convict labor for the refinery. T his ends one of th e m ost b itter fights ever w aged before a K ansas legislature. T he S tan d ard Oil Com­ pany and th e railroads have m ain­ tained strong lobbies here to defeat th e bill, w hich also m akes pipe lines com mon carriers. T he K ansas H ouse also passed th e M axim um F reiglit bill, w hich w ill keep the railroads from favoring th e S tand­ ard Oil Com pany. H ow ever, th e bUl w hich prevents th e S tandard Oil Com pany from dis­ crim inating and underselling th e S tate refinery w as referred, after a. fight, to th e Judiciary Com m ittee, b u t no t be­ fore th e friends of th e S tate refinery tacked to it an am endm ent th a t w ill save th e bill. T he men w ho fought this bill said th e underselling w ould apply to all com m odities. To have said oil alone w ould have m ade it class legislation, w hich w ould have been unconstitutional. T he am endm ent tacked on refers only to tru s t m ade goods. A pparently th ere w ill be no lack of capital enlisted iu th e fight against th e S tandard Oil Com pany iu this S tate as-soon as th e L egislature gives evidence of its intention to protect in­ dependent operators. T he oil producers have received a num ber of requests from independent refiners w ho w an t Tb get into business in th e State. Sen­ ato r F . D uinont Sm ith received th e follow ing telegram on this subject; “F . D um ont Sm ith. Topeka: “Can raise $000,000 for independent oil refinery if can g et proper protection from L egislature; answ er quick. “J. D . CAM ERON, W aldorf H otel.” Senator S m ith answ ered: “W ill guar­ anteed absolute protection for inde­ pendent refinery. S tate refinery w ill no t interfere w ith independents in the least.” K ansas City, Mo.—T he Oil P rodu­ cers’ A ssociation of K ansas sent an ap­ peal to P resident Roosevelt asking th e aid of Congress and th e P resident in its fight against th e S tandard Oil Com­ pany. CONGRESS TO INVESTIGATE. Killed by a Passing Tsairil F c rt M ill, S. C., Special.—P a t Cum­ m ins, of S cranton, P a., em ployed -by th e P hoenix B ridge Com pany here, w as killed by a passing tra in lin t F ri day night. H e had ju st returned from Salisbury, and w as drinking, and it is presum ed s a t dow n upon the tracks. T he body lay by th e track u n til. Sunday ihorning, ow ing to the fact th a t th e coroner could n o t be reached sooner. T he body has been shipped to Scranton. Reported U nfavorably. T he H ouse com m ittee on th e liquor traffic reported unfavorably th e bill giving prohibition to M arion, a distil­ lery tow n of M cDowell county. Me- N ineh, leader of th e anti-saloon forces in th e H ouse, m ade a vigorous speech agam st th e bill, saying th e people oi M arion had voted under th e W atts law for saloons and distilleries, and as it had adequate police facilities he w ould oppose ■ m aking apy excep tm ns to th e prin cip les-o f th e -W atti law , contravening th e Tight o f local self EovprfiinnBtv Hoase of liepresentafireg Passes Sweep- Insr Set of Resolutions* W ashington, D. C.—W ithout a sin­ gle dissenting vote or voice, the H ouse adopted the r ’.ost drastic nnli-trnst solution yet considered in Congress. I t provides for th e investigation of th e S tandard Oil Com pany from top to bottom by th e D epartm ent of Com­ m erce and Labor. T he resolution w as introduced by R epresentative Cam pbell, of K ansas, w ith th e special object of investigat­ ing th e oil situation in his State, b u t it is m uch broader in scope and re­ quires th e S ecretary of Com m erce and L abor to investigate the w hole organ­ ization, capitalization, profits au d m anagem ent of th e business. T his resolution is even m ore sw eep­ ing th an th a t presented by M r. M ar­ tin. of South D akota, w hich w as the basis of Com m issioner G arfield’s in­ vestigation of th e Beef T rust. T he fact th a t it w as passed by th e H ouse nnanim ously. w ithout even reference to a com m ittee, is m ost significant of the disposition of th e popular branch of Congress in reg ard to an ti-trust m easures. * J M any m em bers consider this, under the circum stances, th e m ost rem ark­ able action Cf the kind ever taken i^ Congress. Sncli a thing w ould not have been possible a y ear ago. M r. Cam pbell does not conceal th e fact th a t he aim s a t th e crim inal pros­ ecution of th e S tandard Oil men. R epresentative Cam pbell had a con­ ference w ith the I’resident. and set forth th e conditions in th e K ansas oil fields and th e need of an investiga­ tion. P resident R oosevelt acted prom ptly. H e sen t a note to M r. G ar­ field, directing him to enter upon th e investigation, an d he arranged th a t M r. Cam pbell an d M r. U nrfield should confer w ithout delay as to the details of th e Investigation. Oil Trn*t ltetalitrs. A tkison, JCan.—T he S tan d -rd Ob Com pany h as discharged 600 em ployes in K ansas on account o f action by the Legislature adverse to th e T ru st’s in­ terests. , F ailed to K idnap Child, , - T he Saxon K ing’s em issary sent to Florence. Italy, .failed in his atlem pt to kidnap ex-Crow n P rincess Louise’s bafce. A M ERICA N YiACHT SA Y ES S H IP . M orton F . P la n t's V enetia Tow s F rench Schooner In to P ort. A lgiers.— M orton F . P la n t’s y ach t Y enetia has tow ed into this p o rt th e F rench schooner St. A ntoine, w hich th e y ach t rescued from inevitable loss in a violent se'a.. T he Y enetia is som e­ w h at dam aged. T hird R ussian F lee t Sails. T he T hird R ussian Pacific Sqpadron sailed.from L ibau on its ’voyage E ast. L abor N ew s Notes. The N ational L abor T ribune, of P itts­ burg, h as entered upon its thirtv-third year. . ’ • Chicago tra d e unions have been on- listed to fight the spread of tuberculo­sis. Som e 4000 w om en In G erm any .are now engaged m tn e G overnm ent te le phone service. In M innesota w ages in the fioin- and gustniilhng industry range from $3.06 to $30 a week. ■■■: ^ke Journeymen T ailors’ Union, of ArPieriCA voted to bold only • quadren- IiIal to il!HitIqlIS. INTERSTATE Y. M. C. A. CO.NVP m TION. N’ A Highly Interesting Meeting t0 g( Held a t A sheville in March, T h e'S eco n d A nnual Iaternatim- . Convention of th e Young Men’s Ch- tian A ssociation will m eet in -VshcSn5' N . C., M arch 11-14, 1905. T h , ‘ e’ gram m e w ill be a very attractive ™ including som e of the leading ref gious speakers of the country dresses on topics of the work win'n m ade by S. D. Gordon, Cleveland n E . L. Shuey, Dayton, O., (exnecimn D r. J . A. B. Scherer, Newberrv s J' A. G. K nebel, N ew Y ork; W. D. Wem erford, N ew Y ork; Dr. Geo. J. N ew Y ork; C. L. G ate3, Atlanta p, R. H . K ing, C harleston, S. C.: H Y K nebel, C harlotte, N. C. ' Topics— “A dvance Steps” will uc ^ general them e. 0 Studies w ill be m ade of the various departm ents, Religious, Edncaticaai Physical, Social, Boys’’ and ''Advanci: S teps” w ill be suggested. Special F eatures — The - (W T alks,” by S. D. Gordon, of CleveianJ' O. M r. G ordon has few equals in gfc ing helpful m essages to the ChristiaiJ life. T he M en’s M eeting at the Great An. ditorium . P latform m eetings. T h e Boys’ M eeting in the Associa- tion A uditorium . T he R eception to Delegates and Lo- cal M em bership on Saturday evening T he P resentation of Edueationai W ork, by E . L. Shuey, of Dayton, 0 A ddresses by Dr. J. A. B. Scherer. E ach delegate or visitor must be supplied w ith credentials. The meet­ in g w ill be a very profitable one ami » large attendance from both States is expected and desired. Fed by Machinery. A n A m erican farm er owns a small tra c t of land w hich he has stocked w ith a few dozen chickens. As lie is com pelled to be aw ay from his homo during th e day he studied out a schem e for caring for his chickens during his absence. In each pen be h as erected troughs to hold food for th e hens, and these troughs are con­ nected by w ire w ith his house. With­ in th e house he has connected the w ire w ith an alarm clock. When he leaves hom e in th e morning he sets th e alarm clock a t the hour for feed­ ing th e chickens, and by an in g en io u s arrangem ent w hen the time arrives th e alarm goes off, the connecting w ire releases th e troughs, and the chickens m ake a rush for their food, w hich is spread before them as if th e ir ow ner did the w ork in person.— London Tit-Bits. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. T H E STANDARD RAILW AY O F THE .SOUTH. DIEEOT LINE TO ALL POINTBffl Texas, California,] Florida, Cuba and Porto Rico, Strictly first-class equipment on all Through and Local Trains, and Pullman Pakca Sleeping cars on all night trains. Fast and safe sched­ ules. Travel b y th e SOU TH ERN a n d y o n a re a ssu red a Safe, C o m fo rta b le a n d Expedi- I J o u rn e y . Apply to Ticket Agents for Tables, Ratel and general inform ation, or address 8. H. HAEDWICK1 G- P. A., Washington, D- E E. L. VERNON, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. 0. J. H. WOOD, O. P. & T. A., AehevilIe1 N-O' BO TSOUBLk TO ANSWER QtTE9TI0K»____ - -t VERY LOW RATES ’ Announced, via SOUTHERN RAILWAY V ery low rates are announced via S outhern R ailw ay from points on its lines fo r th e follow ing special occas­ ions: Austin, Texas—N ational Baptist Con­ vention (colored), Septem ber 14-19. 1904. B altim ore. Md.—N ational Convention F rate rn al O rder of Eagles, Septem­ b er 12-17, 1904. Chattanooga, Tenn.—International As­ sociation of F ire Engineers, Septem- . b er 13-16, 1904. Richmond, Va.—G rand Fountain Unit­ ed O rder T rue Reform ers, Septem­ b e r 6-13,1904. Los Angeles, CaI., San Francisco, Cal. — T riennial Conclave, Knights Tem­ plar, S eptem ber 5-9, 1904; Sovereign G rand Lodge, I. O. O. F., September 19-25, 1904.St. Louis, Mo.—L ouisiana PurehasS Exposition, MayYNovember, 1904. - R ates fo r th e above occasions open to th e public. T ickets w ill be sold to these points from all stations on Southern Rail­ w ay. D etaited inform ation can be had up­ on application to any T icket Agent of th e S outhern R ailw ay, or Agents of connecting lines, or by addressing the undersigned: R . L. VERNON, T. P- A* C harlotte, N- C- J. H. WOOD, D. P- *■> Asheville, N. C. 8. H. HARDWICK, P ass. Traffic Mgr- W. H. TAYLO E, Gen’l Pass. Agent, Washington, p, C. IUD CATARRH THIRTY YEARS gongressman Meekison Gives Praise to Pe-rn-na For His Recovery. C0*< I SHAIT HESKISOH PRAISES PE-RU-NA. HrtTi. ihvM .Mcokisou, Napoleon, Vtiio, ex-memt>er ol- Uongress. fi’ilty-fifth Dis- inct, KTUCd. \ ‘ I have used severa l bottles o f l*eru-na a n d I f e e l g r e a tly b en efited > J thereby i rom m y c a ta rrh o f th e h ead. I fe e l en c o u ra g ed to b elieve th a t < ( if I use it u short tim e lo n g e r I w ill be fu l ly able to e ra d ic a te th e > \ disfttse o f th irty ye a rs’ standing,**— D a vltl M cekiso n , s AKOTE^R SENSATIONAL CURE: Hr. Jacob L. Davisj Galenaj Stone County, Slo.. v.tiu s: "I have been in bad health for thirty-seven years, and after taking twt'ivo l'.:r!e? of your Peruna I am cured.,}—Jacob L. Davis. I: you do not derive prompt and satisfactory resuits from the use of Peruna, Trrite a: ejhv *.o Dr. Hartman, giving a full statem ent of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice cratis. •Audrey Dr. IIartman1 President of The H artm an Sanitarium, Columbus, 0, Gault’s Piasters and Distributors W E G U A R A N T E E T H E M . BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Write for Friccs and Catalogue. QANTT HFO. CO., flacon, Qa. Field Seeds Country nterchanrs and farmers can save 10 lu *3> per cor.; bv writing the Nashville Produce Co.. .Nashvlho.*Tonn.. for special cash prices. The only strictly cash field seed house iu the South. WritP :<.dav NASHVILLE PRODUCE CO., J. J. ODIL, Manager. ^P se'* JP^ valuable Cascarets and find tn«tt jier.ect. tr.uMn t do without them. I baT® W „l^a f(?r so^ ry f0r TTTdieestion and bll-lSlSi !v hrQ now completely cured. Ueeom- mivd them to everyone. Onco tried, yon -will Sever be without them m the family."Edirord A. Marx', Albany.N.I. Best For I The Bowels ^ W&tixbm.CANDY CATHARTIC siSSS?' ?r • Taato Good. Do Qooi,S I. S o ' S.’*™* ”r ariPO- Mo- !I=. 5®0- NdTareaaranlpti ld X'dnPtoo tabJat Rtnmped CCC. «wantoeJ to euro or your mor'cy buck. Sterling R em edy C o., C hicngo o r N .V , 60s MNUAL SALEs TEH M SLUOH B O X ES hhn White®, So, LOUISVILLE, KY.EttsWishc.; UU Hhhwtisarlrt prltt raimorrsK And Hides. GOOD POTATOES SRING FANCY PRICESI sort tnnT';3 ,laTSc,WPP of good potatoes, the K ,,? rauilJ Sens of Poiasht Mn fJ. t’i mclfjnS, cabbage, turnips, lettuce Potash h 'i tjla u s S o f fertilizers CO ntaitfing BetttVUi 10 P er c e n t, a c tu a l P o ta s h , follow, profitable y ie ld s a re su re to ^ S s s iS J f i f rare-v0t a4?«rtistnff circulars ableinio™eV lcVljiasrs* b u t contain valu- J c l i - f v / . 0" to fanners. S e n tfre c fo rth e -t* vme new, K»Vo?y Ro ^ N KAU W 0 R K S ,1 7 ? N assa“ S tre e t, o r " -M ania. G a .-s jJ i South Broad Si. S i wcakZl^h nso Thompson’s EyeWater So. 8 . bydru aiai F a W H A T ’S T H E U SE OF SA Y IN G “ G IV E M E A 5-CENT CIGAR-,” W H EN BY A SK IN G F O R A t s CREMO” Y O U G ET T H E BEST S CENT CIG A R IN AM ERICA "Tfce World s Largest Seller" T he U nited States is th e larg est con­ sum er of tin in th e w orld, b u t derives Its supplies from th e S traits Settle­ m ents, from B ankaj and other E uro­ pean sources. Only a few hundred pounds of tin are m ined in this coun­ try. M illions In Oats* Salzeris New N ationd Oats yielded hi Mich., 210 buv in H o., 255 bu., in N . D.. 3X0 bu., and in JJO other states from 150 to 300 bu. per acre. Now this Oat if gen­ erally grown in 1905, will add millions of bushels to the yield and millions of dol­ lars to the farmer’s purse! Homebuilder Yellow D ent Corn grows like a weed and yields from 157 to 260 bushels and more per acre! I t’s the big­ gest yielder on earth! Salzer’s Speltzj Beardless Barley, Maca­ roni W heat, Pea Oat, Billion Dollar Grass and Earliest Cane are money-makers for you,-M r. Farmer,. JUST SEND THIS NOTICE AND IOC - A R ig h t View. Im m igration Com m rssroner Sargent is rig h t in his view -of th e. public evils arisin g from tire m aintenance in this country of colonies of aliens w ho re­ ta in th e ir allegiance to th e ir native countries and send th e re th e g reater p a rt of th e ir Ciarnings. M any o f t-e Italian and H ungarian- im m igrants do not com e h ere to stay longer th an sufficient tim e to acquire m oney w hich th ey inten d to go back to E ui rope to spend, continues th e P hiladel­ p h ia P ress. T h a t w as one, g reat ob­ jection against th e C hinese. It Is ju st as objectionable in th e case of other im m igrants. T here should be legisla­ tio n to discourage, as fa r a s possible, th a t condition of things. Im m igrants w ho com e here w ithout any intention of rem aining are n o t w anted. TORTURING PAIN. Half This Man’s Sufferings Would Hove Killed Many a Person, Bat D o a n 's Kidney Pills Cared Him. A. C. Sprague, stock dealer, of N or­ m al, 111., w rites: “F o r tw o w hole years I w as doing nothing b u t buying medi- cines to cure my kidneys. I do not B i -,fa j f th in k th a t any 'JsBkc^= 3 ? ! m an ever snf- fered a s I did I i ^ B l an d lived. T he pain In m y back w as so b ad th a t could no t sleep a t n ig h t I could not rid e a horse, A . c. s p e I g d b . a n d som etim es w as unable even to ride in a car. My condition w as critical w hen I, sent for D oan's K idney P ills. I used three boxes an d they cnred m e. Now I can go Spyw IiflVP an d do as m uch as any­ body I sleep w ell and- feel no dis com fort a t all.” A TR IA D F R E E -A jld ress Foster- M ilburn Cp., Buffalo, N. Y. F o r. sale Dy all dealers. Pilcc, 50 cts. Uncle of the Czar Assassinated by a Bomb in Moscow. WAS DRIVING NEAR HIS PALACE Assassiim O ccnplel a Clossl Caw lase as They Iiay In W ait Vor Their Victim— D uke’s Coachman K illed and Carriage Blown to BIeces-SlIcetch of Nobleman’s Life—ltecent Sim ilar Occurences* M oscow, R ussia.—T he G rand D ube Sergius, Sn uncle of th e Czar, h as been assassinated. The G rand D uke drove ou t o f th e K rem lin by th e N ikolski G ate, here, after luncheon. W hen his carriage w as about fifty y ards from th e gate, tw o m en in a sleigh drove rapidly alongside it and th rew tw o bom bs. The G rand D nkc w as blow n to pieces, only his head and one foot re­ m aining iu the carriage. Tw o arrests w ere afterw ard made, b u t it is not know n w hether they w ere those of the men w ho threw th e bombs. T he new s has created an enorm ous sensation. T here is only one possible description of the effect on public opin­ ion. Tlie feeling is one of com plete satisfaction everyw here outside of Im reaucratic circles. N ew s of th e kind has been aw aited w ith a degree of expectancy alm ost am ounting to confi­ dence for the p ast few days. There w as even betting as to w hether the G rand D uke V ladim ir or th e G rand D nke Sergius w ould be the first victim . One of the m urderers w as badly w ounded by th e explosion. Several students have been arrested. St. P etersburg.—The M oscow corre­ spondent of the S tandard says thal Sergius w as assassinated a t 8 o’clock in th e afternoon near Sans Souci P al­ ace, iu th e outskirts of th e city, to w hich place, th e correspondent says, he h ad retired on vacating th e post ol G overnor-G eneral of M oscow. W ashington, D . C.—Count 'Cassini, the R ussiau A m bassador, w as inform ed of th e event by th e press dispatches. W hen seen he expressed sveat regret a t the occurrence. Ttie Xmhe an Autocrat, T he G rand D uke Sergius w as an Qncis of the Czar. H o w as form erly G overnor-G eneral of M oscow. Sergins w as born a t Czarokoe-Selo on Aiirii 29. 1857. H e w as m arried in I SS I to th e P rincess E lizabeth of H esse. D arm stadt. H e w as one of th e lead­ in g spiriis in the R ussian reactionary party, an d w as credited w ith being th e chief of th e m align influences w hich surrounded th e Czar, forcing on th e w ar w ith Jap an an d repressing all th e Czar’s inclinations to g ran t the R ussian people a m ore liberal form of governm ent. R e c e n t A g s a s s in ittio n s . In Ju n e of last year a season o f-as­ sassination opened for R ussia. Among the crim es against persons of high ran k have been the follow ing: Ju n e 1C—G eneral Bobrikoff, Gover­ nor-G eneral of F inland, fatally shot at H elsingfors by E ugene Schaum ann, a Finn. JnIy 17—Vice-G overnor of th e Gov­ ernm ent of Elizabetpol, assassinated at A gdsliaken t. Ju ly 28—M. PJehve, M inister of the Interior, killed iu St. P etersburg by a bom b throw n by a young student nam ed Sazonoff. A ugust I-D ieutenant-G eneral Bogus­ lavsky, chief adm inistrator of a dis­ tric t in th e C aucasus, m urdered at Igdir. N ovem ber 5—G eneral Tckerrffo, Gov­ ernor of W arsaw , th e ta rg et for three rifle shots fired from a troop train. T hey m issed him , b u t killed a gen­ darm e w ho w as standing n ear him . Jan u ary 19—A charge of case-shot fired from a saluting battery a t the C zar during th e cerem ony o f blessing th e ..-aters of th e N eva. F ebruary G—Soininen Soisalon, P ro­ curator-G eneral of F inland, shot and killed in his office a t H elsingfors Jby K arl B. H ohentha!, a political fanatic, .TAY CO OK E D IE S. A t One Tim e G reatest of F inanciers in A m erica. P hiladelphia, P a.—Jay Oooke died at 30 o’clock a t n ight a t th e hom e cf his daughter. M rs. C harles D . B arney, a t Ogontz, P a. H e w as in his eighty- fourth year. .Tay Cooke w as regarded a t one tim e as th e g reatest financier in A m erica. O f him G rant said in 18G-5: “W ithout .Tay Cooke’s aid ih e money to finance th e F ederal w ar loans could not h ave been raised, and th e rebellion m ight have succeeded.” B orn in Sandusky, Ohio, in 1821. of ancestors w ho cam e over in th e M ay­ flower. Ja y Cooke w as identified w ith Philadelphia since 1S3S. In ISifi he w a s a m em ber of th e fam ous banking house of E. W- C larke & Co., of PhiIa-- delpliia, and negotiated th e G overn­ m ent loans for th e Civil W ar. L ater h e established h is ow n banking house and he founded th e F irst N a­ tional B ank of W ashington, and th e F irs t N ational B ank of P hiladelphia. Am ong m any great enterprises he un­ dertook and began th e building of the N orthern Pacific R ailroad. G overnor H och Signs Oil Bill. G overnor H och, of K ansas, signed th e bill providing for a S tate oil refin­ ery. K ansas B anking R eports. "T h e S tate B ank CommiSpipnerJj~of K ansas reports deposits'-inK LK ahsas banks a t 5111,394,452, w hieh;»gsieedl th e previous high record by 51,000,000. F or M ayor of Chicago. John M. H arlan, son of Justice H ar­ lan, w as nom inated for m ayor of Chi­ cago, HJ., on the R epublican ticket. • D ied a t 105 Years. M iss Rachel M artense, of B rooklya, N. Y.,.-died In h er 105th year. C ourt -Afflrms Sentence. T he M issouri Suprem e C ourt affirm ed the death sentence of V/iiliam Rndolph, w ho killed D etective Schum acher, of St. Louis, Mo. R oosevelt A ddresses Republicans. P resident Roosevelt spoke a t a ban­ q u et of th e H ungarian Republican Club in N ew York City. H arn m an W ins P oint. T he U nited S tates • Suprem e Court gran ted a .w rit of certiorari in th e case of B r H-. H arrim au vs. th e N orthern Securities Company. WASHINGTON. H ard blow s w ere aim ed a t th e N aval A ppropriation bill in th e H ouse, and special efforts a re being m ade to pre­ v ent th e authorization of any new b at­ tle ships. I t w as announced a t th e W hite H ouse th a t all th e m em bers of th e Cabinet, except Postm aster-G eneral W ynne, w ill be reappointed on M arch 0. Mr. Cortelyou w ill becom e ‘Postm aster- G eneral and Mr. W ynne w ill'b e m ade C onsul-G eneral a t London, England. I t -Was announced by Secretary H ay th a t th e arbitration treaties am ended .by th e Senate will not be presented to th e governm ents w ith w hich they w ere negotiated. OUR A D O PTED ISLA ND S. T he Com m ittee on Interisland T rans­ portation of th e Philippine Comm is­ sion, beaded by Com m issioner Cam eron Forbes, h as recom m ended th a t the use of arm y transports be discontinued as rapidly as com m ercial steam ship lines are extended to cover th e points now served by th e transports. T he new com m ercial lines are to be subject to G overnm ent regulation as to rates, in­ spection and quality and frequency of service. T he com m ittee also recom ­ m ends th e w ithdraw al of several coast­ guard vessels w hich are now used for carrying freight and passengers, Sn favor of com m ercial vessels. G overnm ent control of th e opium traffic in th e Philippines and its abol- R hm ent after three years w ere recom ­ m ended by a com m ission in a report to Secretary T aft. T he death in th e H onolulu M useum of a young H aw aiian through falling on a model of an altar such as w ere once used for hum an sacrifices, has caused a revival of fear of the heathen gods iu th e H aw aiian islands, D OM ESTIC. Jam es H . H yde, of N ew York City, w as re-elected V ice-President of ihe E quitable L ife A ssurance Society and also C hairm an o f th e Executive, and F inance Com m ittees, from all of w hich positions th e A lexander faction desired to oust him . H arrison F . Johnson, a B rooklyn (N. Y.) law yer, died from a drug taken ill a resort. Tw o w om en w ere held. W . 0. Sm ith, of N ew York City, the W oorz hold-up m an, w as sentenced to tw enty-five years in S tate prison. Tlie senior class of th e M assachu­ setts A gricultural College a t A m herst, M ass., voted to w ithdraw because of th e suspension of three of its mem bers. T rain service w as reported as badly tied up by snow a t Syracuse, N. Y. George E. P riest, P resident of the N ew York S tate T ax Com m ission, an­ nounced a t Ithaca, N. Y., th a t lie.w ould retire from the service of the State. I t w as stated in A ppleton, W is., th a t a new pulp m ill com bination had been organized there. To evade a B ritish law forbidding a m an to. m arry his deceased w ife's sis­ ter. M r. H erbert Allen and M iss C har­ lotte M. M eade cam e to N ew York from London to wed. J. P ierpont M organ w as appointed one of a com m ittee of directors of the N ew H aven road to hear the grievances of th e Brotherhood of Locom otive F ire­ m en a t th e G rand C entral Station, New Y ork City. E dw ard L. H arper, w ho w as convict­ ed of w recking the Fidelity B ank, of C incinnati, in 18S7, and served six years in th e Ohio P enitentiary, has gained the confidence of the financial w orld in N ew York City, and is now th e head of a great corporation. M rs. E lsie Laux, of Bloomfield, N. J., suffering from asthm a and fearing the sam e affliction in her children, killed h e r tw o babes by gas and nearly suc­ ceeded In ending her ow n life. By a rear end collision in th e sub­ w ay betw een I16th and I 22d streets, several persous w ere cu t and bruised by pieces of flying glass and th e cars w ere seriously dam aged. F O R E IG N . V enezuela’s Suprem e C ourt confirmed the appointm ent of a receiver for the A m erican A sphalt Com pany’s property. F our m en w ere killed an d fourteen injured by tw o explosions on board a B ritish subm arine boat In th e harbor of Q ueenstow n. M r. A squith’s resolution dem anding im m ediate subm ission of th e fiscal question to th e voters of G reat B ritain w as defeated in th e H ouse of Com­ mons, th e G overnm ent obtaining a m a­ jority of sixiy-three. M r. Theodore M. D avis, a special cable dispatch from Cairo stated, has discovered a royal tom b near Luxor, containing in ta c t sarcophagi an d a beautifully preserved chariot. T he new s of th e G rand D uke’s m ur­ der caused consternation a t Tsarskoe Selo. T he E m peror is said to have been prostrated, and all festivities in honor of P rince Leopold of P russia w ere a t once abandoned. . M oscow wom en petitioned th e Czar­ in a to use her influence to bring peace to a distracted country. I t w as said a t St. John’s, N. F , th a t there w as m uch disappointm ent over th e rejection of the H ay-Bond treaty. F o u r thousand m en, follow ing the lead of th e St. P etersburg iron w ork­ ers, struck a t K karkoff. St. P etersburg rem ained quiet ow ing to thp m ilitary precautions;- m any ar­ rests w ere m ade, and th e strike spread to a num ber of-factories. Al) .railroad traffic In th e neighbor-, hood o f Baitoum has ceased, and a fam ine threatens the city. F o rty thousand m en w ere locked out In -LodzjU--Special cable dispatch stated. In th e H ouse of Im rds th e M arquis of L ansdow ne defended th e U nder Sec­ retary for the Lord L ieutenant of Ire­ land. Sir A nthony M acdonnel, accused of collusion w ith revolutionists. A steam autom obile om nibus for T aris traffic, a special cable dispatch said, constructed by M. Leon Serpoliet, has been tested successfully. A special dispatch from . Buenos A yres stated th a t several high arm y officers w ere suspected of being im pli­ cated in the recent revolt. From th e Seat of W ar. A dm iral Togo hoisted his flag on th e JI ikasa a t K ure. JIarqnis O yam a reported skirm ishes in w hich th e R ussians w ere repulsed. G eneral B aron K aulbars has taken com m and of the second M anchurian arm y. R eports frOui G eneral Nogi show th a t P ort A rthur w as fairly, w ell supplied w ith am m unition. G eneral K uropatkm Teported th a t - R ussian scouts had surprised aud bay- • oneted'. Iifty Jn p au ese. <m the TaItse ll ln e i , . Words of Love. -- Do you know a heart that hungers For a word of love and cheer? There are many such about us;It-m ay be that* one is near. Look around you. If you find IL Speak the word that’s needed so. And your own heart may be strengthen. By the help that you bestow. It may he that some one falters 'On the brink of sin and wrong.And a word from you m ight save him. Help to make the tempted strong. Look about you, O my sister,W hat-a sin is yours and mine, - if we see th at help is.needed And we give no friendly sign. Never think kind words are wasted. Bread on waters cast are they.And it may be we shall find them Coming back to us some day.Coming back when sadly needed,Ip a time of sore distress;So, my friend, let’s give them freely; Gift and giver God wifi bless. A Lesson in th e M arket. Y oung housekeepers w ill find ,a a fu n d ,o f inform ation in th e papers ooutribii'ted to T he D elineator by Isa­ bel G ordon C urtis under th e title “T he M aking of a H ousew ife,” giving in the M arch num ber a lesson In th e m eat m arket. T he hints are practical and helpful. O ther topics of dom estic in­ te rest especially during th e L enten season, a re “A ttractive F ish fo r L en­ ten D ays,” illustrating and describing a num ber of delicate w ays of prepar­ ing fish, and a variety of receipes un­ der th e headings “F ru it and V egetable S alads,” “Codfish V ariations,” and “Eggs— From a H ygenic Standpoint.” HeattIi of American Women A Subject Much Discussed at Women's Clubs— The Future of a Country Depends on the Health of Its Women. i VM-AV *] I/ Frraperm auentiy eared. No fits or nervous­ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great KerveBestorer,$2tiial bottlgand treatise free Dr.B. Hk E l i n e , Ltd., 931 ArcliSt., Fbila., Ba. It takes three seconds for a message to go across the Atlantic. To Care a Cold In Ono Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AU druggists Tefund. money if it fails to cure. E. W . Grove’s signature is on box. 25c. It is a Parisian doctor who insists that love is the result of a microbe. RAW ITCHING ECZEMA Blotches on H ands, Ears and Anlcles For Three Xears—Instant ltelief and Speedy Cure by Cuticuva. *fT hanks to Cuticura I am notv rid of that fearful pest, weeping eczema, for the first time in three years. I t first appeared on my hand, a little pimple, growing into several blotches, and then on my ears and. ankles. They were exceedingly painful, itching, and always raw. A fter the first day’s treatm ent with Cuticura Soap, Oint­ ment and Pills, there was very little of the burning and itching, and the cure now seems to be complete. (Signed) S. B. H ege,. Fassenger Agent B. & 0 . R. B., Washington, D. C.” Tho F irst aWlilto House* TJie residence of D aniel T arke Cns- lis, first husband of M artha U audridgcv w as called the W hite H ouse. George W ashington Jived there for a short tim e after their m arriage, and from it the W hite H ouse a t W ashington .was nam ed. V o w to T M * ? XVe oiler Ona Hundred Dollars Kerrard for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall’s CatoirLi Cure.F. J. Cdekey & Co., Toledo, 0.We, Uie undersigned, Jiave known F. J, Cheney lor tfco last ISyetu-S1OndbeHeveliini perfectly honorable in all business transac­ tions and iluaueially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm.W est & Tsuay, Wiiolesald Druggists, To­ledo, 0 , W aldikgj jCikxak & Hakvtn-, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, act­ing directly upon the blood and mucoussur* faces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall’s Family PilU for constipation. All Due Precautions Takes. K ervons Old L ady (on seventh floor of hotel)—“Do you know w hat precau­ tions th e proprietor of the hotel has taken against fire?” P orter—“Yes, m um ; he has th e place jnshoored for tw ice w ot it’s w orth.”— P ittsb u rg G azette, The capita] invested in the mineral water industry in Great Britain is $75,000,000. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrnp forchildrea teething, soften the gums, reduces infiamm?i tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c.abottl" In Germany only 413 out of 1000 males reach the age of fifty years. Piso’s Care cannot be too highly spoken >! fis a cough cure.—J. W. O’Bbusk, 822 ThirJ Avenue, N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. ti.U Jj1 The English language is spoken to-day VyThe Xingiish Jangw 135,000,000 of people. A Guaranteed Cure For Files. Itching, Blind, BJeediog or Protruding Piles. Druggists will refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure in 6 to U days. 50c. Freezing politeness is on a par with cold comfort. ______________________ Itoh cured in 80 minutes by Woolford’s Sanitary Lotion, Kever Fails. Sold by all druggists, $1. Hail orders promptly filled by Dr. E. Detchon1 Crawfordsville, Ind. The French provincial railroads are among the poorest in the world. Taylor’s Cherokee Eemedy of Sweet Gum and Mullen is Nature’s great remedy—Cures Coughs. Colds, Croup and Consumption,and all throat and lung troubles. At druggists, 25«., 50e. aud $1.00 per bottle. Some of th e churches th a t ta lk m ost Df th e Fatherhood of God show least Df th e brotherhood of m an. 1 ___ \M rs.T C W ilfadsen M issM a tlie l k nry A t th e N ew Y ork S tate A ssem bly of M others, a prom inent N ew Y ork doctor to ld th e 500 w om en p resent th a t h ealth y A m erican w om en w ere so ra re as to be alm ost extinct. T his seem s to be a sw eeping state- m ent of th e condition of A m erican w om en. Y et how m any do yon know w ho a re perfectly w ell an d dono th av e som e tro u b le arisin g from a derange­ m en t o f th e fem ale organism w hich m anifests itself in headaches, back­ aches, nervousness, th a t bearing-dow n feeling, pain fu l o r irre g u lar m enstrua­ tion, leucorrhoea, displacem ent of th e uterus, ovarian trouble, indigestion o r sleeplessness? T here is a tried and tru e rem edy fo r a ll these ailm ents. L ydia Cl. P inkham 's V egetable Com­ pound h as restored m ore A m erican w om en to h e a lth th a n a ll o th e r rem e­ dies in th e w orld. J t regulates, stren g th en s an d cures diseases of th e fem ale organism as n o th in g else can. F o r th irty years i t h as been coring th e w o rst form s of fem ale com­ plaints. Such testim ony as th e follow ing should b e convincing. M rs. T . C. W illadsen, of M anning, Ia ., w rites: DeorMrs. Pinkbam:— “lean truly sey that youhavesavedmy life and I cannot express my gratitude tc vou in words. For two years I spent lots of money In. doctoring without any benefit for men­ strual irregularities and I had given up all hopes, of ever being well again, but I was persuaded to toy Lydia E. PmkhamaiS Vege­table Compound and three bottles have re­stored me to perfect health. Had it not been for you I would have been in my grave to-day.” I y d la & P In h h a m yS M iss M attie H enry, V ice-President of D anville A rt Club. 429 G reen S treet, D anville, V a., w rite s: “Dear Mrs. Pinkham i-M any years’ suf­fering with Jemaleweakness1Inflaxnmationand a broken down system made me more anxious to die than to live, but Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has restored my health and I am so grateful for it that I w ant every suffering woman to know what Lydia E .Pink- h&in’s vegetable Compound will do for her.” W hen w om en are tro u b led 'w ith * irreg u lar, suppressed o r painful m en­ stru atio n , w eakness, leucorrhoea, dis­ placem ent or ulceration of th e w om bv th a t bearing-dow n feeling, inflam m a­ tio n of th e ovaries, backache, bloating, • (or flatulency), general debility, indi­ gestion, and nervous prostration, or are beset w ith such sym ptom s as dizziness, faintness, lassitude, excitability, irri­ tab ility , nervousness, sleeplessness, m elancholy, “all-gene” and “ w ant-to- be-left-alone” feelings, blues, and hope­ lessness, th ey should rem em ber there is one trie d and tru e rem edy. L ydia E . P inkham ’s V egetable Compound a t once rem oves such troubles. N o other inedleine iu th e w orld has received such unqualified endorsem ent. N o other m edicine h as such a record of cures of fem ale troubles. E efuse to buy any other medicinv- for you need th e best. A lig h t h eart, a cheerful countenance, • and all th e charm s of grace and beauty are dependent upon proper aetion of th e bodily organs. You cannot look w ell u nless you feel w ell. M rs. Pinkham invites all sick w om en to w rite h er for advice. IIer advice and m edicine have restored thousands to h ealth . A ddress, Lynn, M ass. Canipsaad Succeeds Wbere Stlicrs Truths that Strike Hwue Your grocer is honest and—if he cares to do so—can tell you that he knowe Tery little about the b u lk coffee he sells you. How can he know, where it originally came from, how it was blended—or W ith W hat —or when roasted! If you buy your coffee loose by the pound, how can you expect purity and uniform quality ? LSOM COFFEE, Use LEADER OF ALL PACKAGE COFFEES, is oi necessity nnilorm in quality, strength and flavor. For OVER A QiiARIER CF A CENTURY, IIOM COFFEE has Been the standard coffee In m illions of hom es. > LION COFFEE Is carefully packed at our factories* and until opened to your home, no chenee Of being a d u l­ terated, or of coming In contact w ith dust, dirt, germ s, o r unclean bands. In each package of LION COPHEE you get o n e fu ll p o u n d of Pure Coffee. Insist upon getting the genuine. (Lion head on every package.) (Save the Lion-heads tor valuable premiums.) SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLSON SPICE CO., Toledo, Chio. Positive, Comparative, Superlative “ I Have used one of your Flsh Brand 8licfcers for five years and now want a new one, also one for a friend. I would not foe without one for twice the cost. They .are just as far ahead of a common coat as a common one is ahead of nothing." (NAME ON APPLICATION) Be sure you don't get one of the com­ mon kind—this Is the mark of excellence* S * A. J. TOWER CO. BOSTON, U. S. A. rISll BRAS'* TOWER CANADIAN CO.,* LIMITED TORONTO, CANADA Makers of Wet IVsatAer Clothing and Hats 353 0 0 0Plants for Kfo Salser^s following Merr SO, 8. GOOD LUCK Ge! Double Returns on your m oney by saving th e freight-car coupons on Good L uck Baking Powder can labels. In exchange for them w e send you free your choice of 56 useful prem im us—valuable arti­ cles of jew elry, dress and house furnishings* T he Prem ium Book found in each can tells all about them . _ The absolute, unquestioned purity of COOD LOGIC PoaS is another reason w hy you ought to use it. I t is so pure—its leav­ ening force is so great—th at it takes only a heaping teaspoonful. to a quart of sifted flour ,to produce th e finest results. The lightest, w hitest baking is sure to follow th e use of Good Luck—lightest, because it generates m ost gas; whitest, because of its freedom from all adulteration. It is th e least expensive, too—costs only 10 cents a pound. Send us your grocer’s nam e if he doesn’t sell Good Luck —w e’ll see that you get it. T3ES0UTHS&N MFG. CO, BtcSsmonde V irginia, THtoIa the Coupon on each can. fCUT OUT THIS CAR AND SAVE IT. THEY AREgng . . I GOOD FOR VALUABLE ARTICLES. SEE LIST !NB!'W I CAN. Addre»:TH£ DCPAATMENTSTOfteOFgSj ^ . -----------K HWffo Ca PftWWRW 8SI RlCHM OHPVA.U^.|gi|^k a^ -TmsuW STOPS ft ■ j i f f -f^nritftif^,^saaa!fegaa m m ft f 1S g B M TO BgCgEB 2 M Kl i^ f PN0-i>* i •' fl-i- ii^jHiJi I -JSfiCiS’!:! i I ill Kr *3 aI JgvS 1 ^ c ® m ENTKt-Eq IfHfi- POST OFFICE }rl MOCK^VILX,?., R. O'., /V§ SECQHD Cl-AtSS M ATTi*, Map ., 3 19® A p riv q l Qf T ra in s - M A IL T P A IN . N o rth A r. a t Mf4CkaysVie (l:2fi a, ip. ^ o u tfe -A r. a t ' l 8.0(3 VJ. ip. L p n A J. f-TvErGHT, S I o r th .- A r. a t M ocksville 9:28 a a\. S a u th 1- A r . a “ ».?*? a . m •TH RO UG H T p A IH jB ajly an d Sunday) U o rth —A r. a t M ocksville 1:13 p pi. S outh.— A r. a t “ 3:38 p. ui iiKA'-i'SlS. M bs., GAiavooD. - - EDTTOB * M rs. Aiigpliiie Gavwooci1 JiSftv !_________Z Z iT Z ™ ; Jfork church, fpbroavy ,Iith j SjSO N . C., F ? B . 23., IflOfi. j p . m .j a g e d §0 y e a rs , 6 racnnha &«d ~-------: 1 i I »i-iy M fg. (iflrw o o d h a d b ee n afflicted \yitb th at dreaded disease cancey, fov IT years. She leaves 4 Children to ilionrii her 5o%J, one son, A . If}. Garwood, M rs. N". A . H en- dvi('Us, M rs. Enoch Cope aw l Mvs. H. J. Foster, a husband, and two children pigpeded her xIfithe SViivP. MliSi. Eli A KK R Ai-TS, "Sear Pavlil church, M onday m orn­ ing a t 7 oVelock. M rs. F rank R atts passed aw ay after a long illness with drfipsy. She leaves a bus band and Jjve children to mourn her loss, 4 - cop, W alter. who is absent, a yeoinap in U- S. K avy; Hie four daughters were at honie at thp lim e of her death. H er hus­ band, F . P . Eftt's is carrier ftu Itu- Kil lipute j$o. ;i, from Mocksville, and has been a t h£r bed side for the past 10 days. \V . H . W y a tt. A I Coolpeniee pn M onday m orn­ ing Mr. Wyntti piissei] away. H e has beep in poor he;ilth for some tim e. XiiB rem ains were bnvied at Fork church Xncsday w ith Masonic honors. To the bereaved fam ilies we ex­ tend our sym pathy. 1H o c k sv ille V r-m lnco M a rk e t. C o rrected by W illiiirRS & A nderspn P ro d n c e in g o o d .d esia iid , C om , p er b u ................................... W h e a t, p e r bu .................... P a ts , p er b u ,........... JPeas1 p er b u ...............,................... BS-Coti per- po.utij....... . BacQiil \Y e s te n i ............ H a m s ......................... • EffS3 V-Pr ^ofcip u t t e r ...... ........................ S um m er C hickens...................... .CO VniO .is<> 1.00 *:io 40 - •i? .18 .15 t((v 8. Get- V p a flu b , To every ftpo who y d s up a club of 5 subscribers to The Record for sue year, $2 JSQ1 wc vtill give The liecord one year free, or if you are 5» subscriber, will allow yun a cpin- j^iissiou of 10 cents on ea"b op cepts collected. Let our friends get ns up some clubs aud help The Egc? crd as well jis themselves. W ith th e n ex t-issu e a g re a t m a n y s u b sc rip tio n s w ill e x p ire . C oiue in an<i rg u ew . I f y o u fa il to g e t T h e B ec o rd a fte r th e fiis t o f M arch y o n m a y kjio\v jpy-V tim e is out;. W e W ill b e forced to. d r o p a good m a n y n av ies o f d elin q u en ts, u n lc s j -th e y p a y -n p soon, A COIiI;, COUGH-r-COKSVMFTIOX. A d rie f tQld «tory ’ bu t tru e . R j'd aie's C oagh E lix ir will p re v e u t this h ap p en ­ in g to 3'ou. I t w ill check th e progress of a cciJd a t onca, d re v e n t tb e cojigh becom ing deep seated , an d fhus wai-d off conVuinptSan. T fti1 m odern scien­ tific re 5 ecfy kills th g germ s th a t cause ta ro e t an d lunif diseases, an d by its stim ulating' an d to n ic effect upon th e re sp a ra to ry org an s helps n a tu re spee­ dily re sto re th e se OJgarjs to ro b u st h ea lth . A t S an fo rd 's d rug sto re 'X liin k ^ L ittle . The Record is only SQ cents a year and it costs us over $-!(! a m onth cash to get out the paper, aud nnless those who take the pa­ per pay us we v.ill not be able to beep it going. Send us w hat you owe, or bring it to ns. D on’t w ait for ns to send you a statem ent fov the small aiiiQurit yo\\ owe. W p need it now. G. C Pafteygnn »nd wife wpre vis- Itois iu Mocksville ope" (.Jay }ast ■week. J. T. j1 ngell left Ijist week for Indiana, where he wjll go iatQ bps- ^ness. See Tax notice of SljerijT J. L. gheck—last round. JIegt the sher­ iff a t his appointm ents, pay y o u r;resklessness pejsonilied. l;ax.es and save cost- Miss Annie P . G rant left Tues­ day for P hil idelphja. She will spend two weeks or more there in jnilliuery trim m ing rooms. She WiH als« purchase her spring goods \vhile there. B ea u tih il eyes and liandsq (lie face a re eloquent gpnim endatiions. B rig h t eyes a re windows tp a wfinifin's h e a rt. H o lfi'sterV IJocky m ouijt^jn T ea m akes briffht eyes; 35c. T e a o r T a b ­ lets, S an fo rd ’s &rug sto re. The legislative financird commit­ tee has jigured up the ainonnt of pioney already asked for and prom : ised Hfid it exceeds the State’s rev­ enue by taxation H A Lb 1 A. MlL- L fO ^-pO L L A R S! and the end is nut ip sight. O f course they will issue bonds, ju st like Macawber used to give his note end never think of paying i t - iuco'mpetency and T h e re’s a p re tty g irl in an A lpine h at, A sw eeter g irl "with a sailq r hrim , B u t th e ham lsgrnest g irl yqu’U e v e r see "Is the sensible girl u-liq u^es Bocky Sjountaiq Tea, III: fCH CKSlSK NE\VS. . . . . . . John A rev, who has been clerk-^D r. McGmre is now living in his j Jn gfor jj_ Tyac, our country old honie in the SQiith prfVfc of th e , JliercJlalj^ Jias moved to Gold H ill to Tn. Mrs- IveUy, who sulfered I .)ud j 8 ruuuing a stpre. W e wish the loss, by five, of her hotel has rented the property, fl.nd w}l} jjiake Tier home theve She has abont recoveved from her injuries receiv­ ed on the occasion Rt the fife. W hy don't come one of the wise golons iutroduce a i-esolatiffn to am end the constitution so the leg­ islature would only i))eet once evesy four yeais? No trouble to get the people Iq yote for such an amepd- jnent. Ji^yANCK OULLINGS. M r. W. A , Ifeiidrix speqt the Jast week in Ralc-igh. John Sm ith, the Advance bayhcc, has pneum onia,but is slowly irecov- eri Hg. M r. John BrauROji, who IiveJ in •j:he ElbavilJe neighborhood, has pneumouifp. l)r. B. 31. Qntlj ii, of Farnjington was a t Advance Fi-iday pa proies- gioual l)iji5jness. W e are alsmys ^gl id to 66S tlie Doctor, for he is quite an affabie geutl.eman. Tne infant daughter of M r. W . A . H endrix is (]u}tc i|f & this w rit­ ing. L ^st Saturday mosping M r. Joe Thqiupson, of Y adkin College, lost a nice horse by drowning iu the Y adkin riycp.' M r. Thompson pad loaded his wagyu \5itl 1 pern, |ind, 111 care of hi? ssp-ip-Jsw, W atkin§, had st^rteij. j.t to the D a­ vie side by way of I'e^ble’s Ferry. T he bjjat was attached to the bank _i>y means of a chain, #ud s'h,en fhe team was driven into the boat tlie fore wheels striking Jhe headrblock caused Jhe .chain to snap, thereby forcing the boat from the bank auij percipitating the \yagou into the river. The hpfSSS were hastily de­ tached, but oi^i was unable to m ake his escape, because of the chilling P-Teet of the icy wateis. W e are now ip the mjilst jsf the Toughest w.eathcr spell pf wi.iter, 'hail, sleet, snow, rg.in—well we can f it down and ,console ourselves by ^ittrioutiug all tg Mt-, .GrQund jjog. '_________' ' '.J, _ KUttJFEiss ^EWS. The trees are xsQyered again with another heavy sjaet- .SffieIy the ground bog j# U'u,e. F.-G.W hitljey SR^jjt Siiflday uighjfc w ith his brother, f . 1». W hitley, of M ocksville. iS. M . D w ig g in s Jias p u rc h a s e d a, p ew h o is e . - I J . M . W yatt \yas f,n .91^.- viciuity Sunday. I ’ GIeve Emerson gpegf, S ^ u y d ay ! night with his friend, Fab W hyey. j Ii. 0 . Wilson iifade » '“ businessV j-, •trip down near Aflgviala last Friday. Sanfqrd G qqkq iuade a flying trip pear Kappy, Sunday, W hatj S the attrad^ftu, B? Jake B^pwn in ^uv berg Suif- #liiy. IvjLiss J^argarest Ste.^estree.t spent fev fi£ ^ d ay sin Mocksville the past him success. T h e B iic h e lo r bfiys h a p p e n e d w ith q u ite a n a c c id e n t M o n d ay w h ile h a u lin g h a y in Ih p siiow ; a lo a d fell j off Nor th e rn . Jacob Ribleij's SJvw njill is saw­ ing again this week. Thomas Jacksop has been visit­ ing (fiends aud relatives in this com m unity for tlie past few ;days. M r. H enry Iicisler is talking of hauling his cotton to the gi». Si- !PGP fs pretty parly w ith his cotton this year. M rs. Lev/is K eplv is suffering with cancer. D r. W eaver is a t­ tending hp?. W e hope for her ,speedy recovery. . Misses lamina and Lijcy Lentz, Gracie Monroe and Sir. Sidney Ly- erly visited M r. B . T. T routm an’s the first Snnday. W|f. Joseph Lentg thought he S'onl4 have 9. nice barbacue. D ur­ ing J;he sn.ow lie set a rat-trap ior a ,jav-bifd: bpt when he w^nt back to ihp tfap, he ■yas somewhat disap pointed to #ud Jhe trnp, bi;d, ?11 gone. JIr. Lewis KepJy lias purchased a new .organ fov his daughter, Mjss M ary. W e certainly did enjoy T rjyje’s letter, of Y adkin College, and also Salome's, of FaJjth. T)iei3 will bp ^n ,exhibition iit Barger School bonse a-t th° eli;se of the prtese!jt tepni pfgEheQj. W ith b e st Y ish ea to tlie e d ito r a n d all- th p corresp o n d eijtS j I w ill ^K. EI^ KSEVS BECO-’.nrEiiDATlOIV. M r. K irlcsey w rites:—I g iv e a posi: Iive g u a ra n te e wir.h everv box of Rj-; d a le ’s stom ach T ab lets and liv er T ab­ le ts I sell, and h av e re v e r b je n askec} to refu n d th e m oney in a single in­ stan c e. I h av e us.ed th e se ta b le ts in m y ram ily w ith b est resu lts. W . L. K irlcseyj U q rganton, N . C. R y d ale's T ab lets a re ptepat-ed by T he K adical R enigdy Q gm pany, H ickory, N . C., who authon'jie ev ery t’e a le r in th e ir p re p ara tio n s to g u aran tee" every iibx or b o ttle of th e ir rnedicine, th e y sell, a t H anford’s d ru g stqro Thp Democratic Executive Com m ittee \yil) i^ect in Iialeigii Tnesr day to deiibepite 011 the whiskey qupsfion; also settle the question of who i§ bftss. Tt m akes uq dift'eren.ce how rnan_v m edicines h av e fo iled Iq cu re you, if you a re troubled w ith ' hgadache, con­ stip a tio n , kidney or liv er trouble';. H o llister’s R ocky M ountain T e a will m ak e you w ell. A t S an fo rd ’s d ru g store. I i l B I S I Ni * WOMEN' If you r.TO nervous and tirecl out continually you could liavo no plearer w arning of tho approach serious female troiiblo. I)q not trait until yog suffer mi- ^cairablc pai% Jocj ore y ou scclc lreat- jjjent. cu need W ine oi Cardni now jjfst as much as if the trouble were jQforo developed' and l!iO tor­ turing disordered men- : struation, bearing down pains, - ieuco;T}ioea. bac.biehs and Itea^ , aphc -were driving you to the un­ failing rcl>£ that W ine ot Cardui has brought hundreds of thousands of women and will bri-vf .you. W inc ,of Cardui will drive ou*; .ftU’tiaiio of 5 and banish nervous spells, headache and back­ ache and prevent the symptoms froiH quickly developing into dcus,- gei'iuns troubles th at w ill lie hard to clieclr* Secure h. SlX1O lx>ttle of ,W ine <j£ Cardui toda.y. If your dealer does not keep it, send the money to the Ladies- Advisory Dcpty Tlie Chattanooga JiIcdicine Co., Chattanooga, fIlenri..' asd tee aned^ice will bo seiii yoil. “ WlMBif GAmmm T he Democrats are between the 1Ulevii and the deep Idue sea.” If Boss Simmons and his committee, th at m et a t Raleigh Tuesday night of thi§ week declare for the W ard am endm ents to tiie’W atts law ,there will bp a revolt ip t(ie vauks of the Bemocvacy, and if they deelave 4\gaiust it, the howl of the organ­ ized tem perance clan w ill raise, will be heard in wraith and ven­ geance ’ivill be mine saith the chief of tiie ciiin (who ever hp is) oil elec­ tion day. Take either hor.u of tbe dilem m a aiid the DpiiiQcraoy is doomed. ‘ KYou can alw ays depend upqu the Dom ocrats,” says Beu Tjllm au, “ to m ake dam ned fools of theniselyes at; the piost critical tim e.”________________________ I IliSJS FROM I1AITH. MissEUha Ljpgle spent -Thurs­ day lijghi jvith her cousin at Faith. W e are having quite a. Iotjofsiek- ness in and aiouud F aith jn st now. ^Ir. K arston, who has been here far more than a week -wiil retnrn to his home, A tlanta, Ga. this week, Miss Slistie B arnhart and Adob phus M ipenheimer were inarvied f^eb! 9th Ppy .C-PrFjsl^er officiating. The Misses L |iigle’entertained a nninber of friepds at their home Saturday uiglik A m ongthem w ere Prof. Carl liarston, thp clarinetist, who gave some excellent music. _______________Salom e . I'ouriic is A 1.0USE0. T he public is aroused to a know! edge of th e c u ra tiv e m erits of th a t g re a t m ed icin al tonic, E le c tric B it'. E e fsjfo rsic k stonjacfi, liv e r an d kid­ neys. 'Sl.ary H. W a iters of ij4Q SJfcCla ir A ve , Cqlum bus, Q hiq, w rites: “ I’or sev eral m onths I w as g iv en up to die'. I h ad fe v e r an d ague, tn y n e^y es w ere w recked; I could n o t steep, an d my stom ach w as so w eak fro m useless d o cto rs’ drugs th a t I could n o t e a t. Soon a f te r B eginning to ta k e E le c tric B itte rs I o b ta in e d re lie r, an d in ‘a s h o rt' tim e I "w;ls e n tire ly cu red .” O u aran te ed a t S an fo rd ’s d ru g sto re; price 50c.■ gl ------------The new vagrancy law is a good one; it will keep th at kind of loaf­ ers off the. streets of towns and cit­ ies—th at kind th at has .110 visible means ot support— who beg or steai to get a living—the kind that ha^ no property behind them ; bi]t,say, thpre isn’t any provision iu tiie law for the other kind—the kind th at has property behind them . IlJlM Jlail SUJb'H tKlNG. is o ite i; caused by seres, u lcers an d cancers, th a t e a t aw ay your skin, W m . liedell, of F ia t R ock, M ich., sa37s: I h av e used B uclilen’s A rn ica S aly e fo r ul.cers, sores an d ca n cers. I t is 'tiie b est Tiealing d ressing I ev e r fo u n d ,” S oothes find lieal-scuts,burns an d scalds.’ -Scj a t S an fo rd ’s drug­ sto re; g u a ra n te e d . [ j. , <»• .■ > « > .----------- Elsewhere will be seen an adver­ tisement of the Caua H igh School. A letter Irpm the principal informs us that he has an einollm eut of i-H, with only §8 free students in the district. If the people will stand Iiy 1'rof. Iieynolds he will build U:cj!i up a sy;;ool second Io none. W c a ! e glad to haye such cuconr aging ieports froin this school, it shows 1 Iiit ovi.v peoplp are interest­ ed in the educatipn of their child­ ren. is th e sav in g from d e a th Qf th e baby g irl o f J3eo. A . E v lcr, C um berland,MU H e w rites: “ A t tn e a g e (jt lj: m ouths ou r little g irl w as in d eclin in g h e a lth , w ith serious th ro a t tro u b le an d tw o p hysicians g av e h e r up. A-Ve we.te al­ m ost in .d e sp a ir^ V h eti'w e reso lv ed to try Dr. k in g ’siN ew & iscovery forC gn- sum ption coughs an'd'colds, T h e first b o ttle.g a v e re lie f: a lte r ta k in g four b o ttles she w as cu red ^ an d i; now in p e rfe c t h e a lth .” N ev er fails to re ­ liev e an d eur<s a cough o r cold: a t S an­ fo rd ’s d ru g sto re, 50c an d $1 OO g u a r­ a n te e d ;' t r i a l b o ttle f r e e .' In th f ltith centnary the Catho­ lic eluireh pvaeticaiiy ruled the wovld' and the Pope was greater, th an the king. Qcoaus at blood have been spilt ?,u(l shed to m.ake the chnvch the tem poral po.wey on earth. Is history about to repeat itself? Thesp swarm s of prfiKche^'S lobbying for tem poral pow er we m ight liken to th$ “ Pope’s emisa- ries” —it is the same spirit th at ac­ tuated the Iiom an Catholic church > to m ake the Popj of the State, th e a c tu a l ru le r A TWICE TOLD. TALE. W e w ish tq reR e at w h at w e h ay e said once befo re in th e se colum n^ th a t E l­ lio tt’s Em nlsiJied p il L ^ im e u t is th e b e st liiu m e n t ev e r jirodiiced fo r use in th e fam ily aiid' on anim als. B est io r rh eu m atism , lam eness, stiffness an d soreness of jo in ts an d m uscles. B est fo r bruises, eontusions, sp rain s an d sw ellings. Y ou g e t a fu ll h a lf p in t fo r 2oc an d g e t your m oney back if it does n o t do all i t is recom m ended to dp, a t S an fo rd ’s d ru g sto re T^ie Record uucl -tha W eekly Toledo Blade for T-S cents a year— ,fprspAi O1Aiij papers for 75, cents! C oinp'iu and gubscribe a t once. Rgad the ad. Of- the B lade in this issue of the Record. Ju st received, at M. A Foster’s, 26(S men’s, youth's aud boy’s suits! 1000 pairs shoes. Large lot of crockery aud GlagS: ware. A nother car B allard’s flouv. 1/rice as Io ^ 'as the lowest. M .A . F o s t e e. NOTICE. E . H M o r r is, A d m 'r of ] N . A . T a t e an d o th e rs | vs I' M rs. A . E . T a te an d q th e rs I B Y v irtu e o f an o rd er o f th e Sijpe- rip r C ourt in th e above en titfp d pro­ ceedings t |e u n d ersigned w ill sell fo r cash,' a t public a u c tio n 'a t. th e p qurt house door, in Afocksff'ille, X . C.. pn M onday, th e Cth d ay of M arch, 1905. th e follow ing re a l e s ta te , situ a te d in .D avie county, N . G., viz: A house and lo t and shop lo t in th e v illag e of Jeru salem , D avie county, N . C. ad jo in in g th e lands of tin- h eirs of T. if . B essent. h eirs o f S. J . T a tu m tlie Hld-C tuiT ii lo ta n d tn e ne'w church lot, cq h tain ih g ab o u t one ac re , m ore or Jess, a u d ' know 11 as th iJ A . A. T a te lo t,fo r m etes and bounds an d m ore p a r­ tic u la r d escrip tio n see D eed'from T. M. B essen t an d Wife to A .A . T a te ,re g ­ iste re d in D avie cqim ty, If'. C. T his F eb ru ary 1st, 1U05.’ E . H . M O R R IS A dm ’r. of A A. T a te , deceasai. B v E . h , G a it h e r , A ttv . W-A-TCH THIS SPACE FOR KEXT AXKOUifCEMEST. V ery truly, wiuiAMs $ AJsmmN, 4 ❖ f tr> # 4 * * % J . T . B A X T T , At tlie ‘'RED FRONT” IJag just received a big line of M fcjfg and ^ ftY S ' . (1L0TH1NG, MOES AND BAT^, H e Jijakps a sppejaly qf IjABXES* FIHE PEEgS GOO|i| O f Tfrhioh h e bi g re c e iv e d a T firp f^ n g . Be sure fo call aud get n;i^es before i on Viiiy. Tours to Serve J . T . B A I T I St 4 I € ❖ ❖ % € € * % F O U N D ! say fT.dieu.P a x sy I HOLLISTER'S Bgek/ fiJoiintaifi Tea Nuggete &. Busy Megoine for Bosy Peoplo. ’ ^rlngs Goldon Health and Kc^wed' Vigor. A^rpeciflc frr Constipation* Indigestion, Live Jiid .Kldncy Troubles, Pimples, IiIczemn, Impri- Blood, Bad Breath, S3ujr£;.:sh Bo\vo4s, Hoadacl and Bacla^ojie. It's HocJcy Mouhtain Tea in ta! let form, ® c.rtnts a Iiot. Goiuiine made b- H olusteb ijrVg -Jiiidison1Wis. GOLDERI To GEI^ fOR SALLOW PEOPLf Job work done by T h k ~ldEpqj>p ,Ch5Gt^p ^ ad up.-ta-date, ICiLLTH2 COUCH and C O R ^ t m s WITH Dfefing’s Iiw Diiemrf FHl .....................fflSSUp-Tia?! I S i ^ 50c &Tj 'OLf e Free TiHaL OUGHS B arest and"Q uickest C ure ft T H S G A ff a n d jy jK G Tl IiES, o r MONEY BACK. BANK Ol DAVIE CoUKty and .4Iate DEPOSITORY, Paid in Capitalj §10,000, Surplus^nd Profits, $5,000. W. A. BAICET, T. B. TtMfyEY, President. Vice.Fres’t. ,7AS. MiCGjDIRK, Jr., T. J. BYERLEY, Vic**.T,r«b.,t. CastjLex*. E. L. GA1THEK, jLtl'f. W e offer ev e ry accom m odation p(os- sible in h arm o n y w *th sa fe b anking. In te re s t paid ojk tijn^,,deposits. S p e­ cia l a tte n tio n g iven to col'ectio n s. M oney to lo a n on ap p ro v ed secu rity . G ive us your account. If the legislature wants to repeal the anti p;iss la y .it sliould have the courage Io tlo go. If not, it should i iake no exceptions in favor of the newspapers. Every paper whp 3ej space is .worth anything to the K ail- 1 road can m ate .coutnic-ts; for tnios- i portatioij, and pay for it.' X o sip I cial fijv.oi'S should be dished out toj the editors. Very Low R ound T rip R ates --T O — f s s M a g t o n , D . G . , ACCOUNT P R E S i p i D N T I A I j IN A U G -U B ATION, M -ZfS C M 4 s M @ S , nwJiN m m , will sell tickets on M areh 2nd and ;!)■<).at exlrcniely low ralf's to Wash-" iiigtou, IJ. C., and return,w ith linai return lim it Shiicn 8th, 1HU5; how­ ever, an extcusiQi) of final vetnvu lim it limy be prociu.ed to M arch 18th . lt)Or>. by <lei>osit of ticket with Joint V aljdijtiug A gent at W ashingto prior to ft o’clock P. ?rf. March §th, ai)d iwym ejit of OKE DOLLAR. .Sl-Kl I A L IN D U CrSIi ^TS I p ^JTl ITJl Ky COMfAXIEg ASl) BK4|S UAKUS jt> UNiroRia.' F or d etailed inforn+atior, ?s to E a tc s. Schedules', S ie e m v g C ar A ccom o­ dations, etc , A sk th e A g en t, p r '' " p L. VEKNOXj, T. I’. A , C ll-Irlotts1 N. C. J. H. WOOD, D P. A , &st>eyille, >. O • S. H. BAKD IV1CK> V kmi Maun^ei*, VT. H. TAVI.OK, (ieib’l Fsks 'eoger Agtmt, WASiiINWTON, D. 0. m JisHlLRf ffill. I hav.e opened a Shop in in the AVeanJt Bnild.- ing aud will be glad to repaif' yojiy W atches, Clocks, an.d Jew elry. . . I*. Mr. M m m w i o f hov fpiAnri TJi5 Jhroiishout .the ayatem .by ^oeani of the $ i e .,uesfc p i Iwy i^ e p d , . IjJood. Jttis fact $Eplaias w iy Maliiria ia <hard tQ.cure by th$ x>l*l method of treatment. ^ ?EA|, ^MJRE M . A L , A R l A . ■it has ^ p 0n,tly ^ c o v ered Ahat the erm3 th s^ p ro d u ^'^^Iax,ia, |?.toed aiid mul- i^ly ia ihe inte^tiiieaaiid .froei^^C& preadI-------U---A-AU- -—I*. 0f ^Jle y " Maliiria is of treatment, the nerves andJBertU?.X iiuyille. .___. . . . D. 0.'U virfee? .\pade a flying .t^,ip B atiirdjy njght to see his best ^rJT. t p e g t •' M jrf. f e y g tiy 09 ,{fee ,sick Ustj, y e a-rg sor^y tp n o te . ^ng ___________________________ S am Dwigg^US v is ite d re la tiy e s Jafesi,tfelyfflns anl.6ig,erie8. fro m / -- ' :? K ^ -& g 4 fp ',? e c g n g y / ’ ‘ ' 1 ^ T O f t i P ltW ! 8 B ^ e r^ n d m a k e s it | W A N T E D — 10 m e n in ea ch S ta te M ad atu Bnniinr sa y s th e i y e d ^ g w ;U ch^iue ;n o u r cpi^st.$oou Wood’s Orass AK5 -Ctever Seeds. For cle^j fields ^nd qlean crops, Sow Wflod^ Tmde M ak Seeds, th® best.(jj^diljes obtainable. Wood’s Seed Book, gives the fullest inforrpation about Grasses and Clovers'," liest time and methods of seeding, kinds biest adapted to dlffereni s(tils, quan­ tities ty ^eed per acre, best corn= bination^ for hay or i^sturage, and much other information of the greaj^"'-valnei jto eveiy farmer. Wcod’p S e ^ Rook ip mailed free on re* quest. -Wilte fox it, an^ Special FEice Farm SS^eda. . T.W .W pod& Sons, Ssedsitien, jBICHBBOan, - VIBgm iA . 1—rA -w a id c d -— ERttD PBIZi I fL tflIHS1 1904. SOLD MEDAL - f ABIS1 1900. 111 I * * » » H in w iw u it aot CWltson.5W isI1JU to lose cup little "' ’ -Is^m :/ro»vV 9f-*«Sfe- " ”m”‘ ^ s -a e v - 'is spW JVi «ff- !is * Wood huilder, a Ito l»?k signs and distribute'sj^t^vauCilEWwa^stroyer. Tiy; samples SiiUd eireulars of our goods, -feawajgtjpfr * , !.Salary $75.00 .per month. . f^.oo ^LurorACTramD kz |a div for^Bxpenses. T h e R adical R- m edy Com panjr, | ‘ _ K u h lm a js t Co. jhjckory , N p. J P ep’t) Bnildin0, Ohi'cago tCK “Eiastie a n d / D s ^ c c o m b in e d . Permits as/nuch or as utlie book space as w a n te d . Comprises -Desk Unit with few or m any 6 0 0 k Units "as desired. Roomy, conven­ ient, attractive. C allandsee # or write for catalogue 104 HUNTLSY-H Ll.-STOSTON CO., WINSTON-SALEM,N. 0. After TEN YEARS’ WOUK, at ^ cost of $50,000.00, our Chemists and Physicians discovered that ff)l' wliicli ScienpiJlms striven since the Ijeguming— M P . & B i i i v e O u r e f o r & t s ® @ s § —NUTHlOfc A. NATfIRE do the work perfectly. NUTKIOLA gives NATUREthe constructlSeAmftteriarwith which to build new tissue in every part of the sys­tem; makes Eea-BJood Comuscles, aud from them new cells* NUTRIOLA also makes the White Oarpuscles strong and active. T he/are’^fscase destroyers—(lie only ones know n,' They drive every disease genn—every'microbo out of tlie system.----------------XF WELL, WB GTJAPtANTEE TO KEEP YOU WELL ANDTO LENGTHEN YOUll LIFE 3?0& YEARS. IP YOU AlJK I SiGK, WE G UA RA NTEED CURE YOU PERFECTLY AND ! PERMANENTLY OR IT WON'T COST YOU A CENT. I- '■'-fThe-se are strong statements. We want- you to Imow that ' they arg bac^pd £2 S500,000.00 Cai>ital Stock, 4,000 responsible Stockholder*, si I good'-iJank A ctburt and fii-st-elass Omimcrcial Rating, w e are the largest aud I MfS, S. A. Carter. a business of treating disease. K E W ^ S L OVKR most reliable concern in the world makinj N y - t r h o l a It is t}ig first |j,iid only Ereparation ever nincfe that ^ives Nature power to drive every “gcMft,” *fmiyroI)c,” every b it of cfis^tsg' oat of the hfJtiy and at I I:c | sii::io time make it *‘NEW ALL OVlilt” by ereatirig^nfcW cells in Hroin. Norvvs. Muho Ics. Bones and Flesh. Tliis is done bv producing i>t?rfect DIGESTION. r»t r»t i t ASSIMILATION, JMlane:RICH RED 1}L$0D C0R1PUSCLES full of niUriiicn. till- ing the body WitBcrOXYGEN, and SJbjr making thfc W IIITE CORPUSCLES—L I'- STROYERS OF ALL DISEASE G E R ijS-activeandafgs^ssive. NUTRIOLA AXD NATURE are Sisvincibl© conquerors of disease, is'o doubt al>ci:t it. We are ] proving it in hundreds of eases every day. W& hxvb *^. of the Finus 'CTT 'ir CT-J iJgwrnp P h TSICIAXS, CH CMtSTS ASD SUliGEOSS IN U^ITF.l) STATKS.AVEDONO I YOU UAY CONSULT TIIESI PEnSONA-LIzT ORijT1MAlL AND HAVB I GUESS Vv ORK I Chemical, M icnoscopic orX-R at Exam inations—Fiiee. No I F 11 . i T Fees. We cure Canteks, H v p t u r e s , T u m o iis A y v Pak/H.y.s;s I without wain or knife. We simply everj-thing for the m ost despei-ate eases, and vb CUkB EViirj? '^iTiENT. Onr Charges? You will smile when we tell vou iliat- tho cost pf basic tje'n^menj, is only 8 C.-:its a DayI 25 days’ treatm ent,62. UndtTstand, it, <Io«»s iiofc cost you brie cent unless we cure voa. If vour life is worth iinvf iinig; you cannot afford t<? piiss this ofle?. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR NUTRIOLA. I i r v s E ^ y i e f i r t . I . &. O arfer. Thefollowingcaseis /.nllj d ts^ i JA te/' pjJ.d is aceonlf)i|cSs:a b$ ''iXfif- *1 SftSrgjj jiaiinot. (Tescribc?lbc wliat sne susuffered for 15 -BiaiUd physician^* pjL rh tt$ d h er.r NUfRIOL. her ihcnriiiiiiff.' ~porie her skin at 76 years'-'jSs Kmbdtli ns a irdblff. ‘-Notliiu?‘axd m irm oi.-l 'gwii FpoopQlt&l) HE», ucL' aiiiu ub <u Kiuuui h na ticlujjl’s,-filled h§r veins ^vith ricli bloo3i‘ti?iiilshed Paml^sis. Slib io r'v ery jo y a t her recovery. SAVED solely, fcntlreiyand perfectly by NUIgtOLA' -£NJ> i-nri’RIOLA SKIfT FOOD. ■ • - THE NUTRIOU C.Q-, 1|2:148 Vf-^adlson St., C h i^ lll. For Sale by . All Druggists. \ E y E K Y SO U TH EKN f AltXCER SHOULl> REAI> THE ^ gR IC U IiT U K IS ^ P U B L IS H .J7D A T S T A S H y f^ L B , T ^ N S -., I^cause it is edited Iiy Sonthevn men to suit-Southern conditions. Ifl every issue sucji jnen as Maj. Thos. i . K pt, Iormer Assisliuii Commissioner of AgmulJfeure of A Jabam a, and A ndrew 31. Sonic, Dir.e<:tor of the V irginia E xperim ent Sj^ti 1On, angwer flij.estious vliiclj meetijjg, and is wortii Twice a iiiogih the Southern A grieultari1Sj goep t<j 50,000 Soiitiien; taym hom es. Don'j: you wa n tto j.oju <;uf- b }g ii$ VVY fam ily? If «•>- seriA 50 eents for a y.eg,r’s subscription. _ y o n wili never regret it. SQU-THEKN AGBIOULTOEIST, 2fASH-VILI/E, TK.V.V. A6B^T5 WANTED —^6 give handsome premiama and SIons to bctlve y«»n want'to work IoV as, foi Cush I ornknUiions. Dishes aiid other ustful Jsrtispnt6 for Iaey workers. J for the boys. * ...» • » 1 . r .... liberal cash comnils* osf a%tc for onr Premium New Furniture 5tom We Ha?e Opgiied in IfflookswlllQ 0A8 (Of th,a niqst up-to-date lines of F U E K Iiu a E FU BH ESH pf1G GOODS tha.t.jb^s ev^er ^een shown herje. ' WfiV is the tim e £0 bay ECJE-JnHFUEB ^ n d H O U SR FUEKISHIK;Gi GOODS. \ W p a l^ ^ y a fp ll line of G ^oeer^s. €ome m d ^ee gs>nd we will treat you right and 1^0 p ;S E ,STiRRETTE & HOWARD, FEEE to fee Headers THE DAVIE COUNTY R E C O R D , F o r 3, s h o r t tjn \e wse is ill gi.ve to e v e ry n e w Qr jrenew ing snliscribff to o n r p a y e r a s e a r ’s s u b s c rip tio n Jo th e S o n ih e rn A g ric u ltu rist, ;il>- W 11W f f ee c h a rg e . S u b s c rib e fl,ow a n d ta k e a d v a n ta g e of tiifc reiM ,r6 ab l,e o ffer. Iff* a^nfe^iber, pay a fnil year in advance andgrf q sJr ■ Present- Yoar leading county paper and the leaiiiu;! S9Uthern farm pap^r, both for ih.e price of one. Ihw pr^posi.tion will ^ot be b^d,<jpen iudeflinitely, so hurry np. . . . E . H . MQBBiS, Editorof The Davie Iieeonl. ATiple espies of tha S v.ithem Agt1 iculturistean'he had at this 0^ 1I: K E tF F lflM E S , j T O M iJSf0B B . If you need anything like tombstones Tab lets pr Mpnuinents cal) C tA U D E BIJI-LEK- JjTorth Wilkesboio, ^ H E G B E A T M Q K E Y M A K E Iij MAGNUM $ONpt .^a p p l e s ,# ,Best Fall Aj:ple in Cultivation. ( These together with a IarM B n m i X ~ other Pear, Apple, Peach, rinm' Irn .Grape Vines, SbaiJe and drriam ontiir' flg8 aud'K M p b err;* ^0 close o at Spring is o s a t a jredaced prlc Addtess*'-: - " »•' •' «wen»))oro S. c. IJOHV A- : of ate, reest inter Br Bohtf Anderson DENTIST, ^Office o v er B ank of J>avfc :01m — B=-s ^ O C L U B e ^ I fI i p a t no c e n ts • ^T H E Bk c o k d onI 1lfi ve su b sc rib e rs y c I '. « nod sei.d tis IeiTils try f!‘ls “ I I e circuU itiou o f tb< It will be persinn Lnblicausatthe nex ye can lunibast the [ax-eaters.________ . The Iirst cargo oJ iereW igrants will Korth Oaiolinias to i revival of the oh Talk abont ad jo Iatnre iu honor of Lhy.they paid 110 [Washington's birtl [patriot had never Whiskey aud tl Jlabor and how to ■property, take ui Ithe time of the Iej Iof over a §1,000 a That is a strai [,religions people 1 j itieiaus at Ilaleif I tnre of the races, [.solving of Hia p f The De niicrat rean at the State Thousand Dolhu ment for panpei : labor to rnu the ; perize white Ial The Bevereu ISailey is walkii with a feather i bloomed into a ciatie hoss, and is buzzing agali v.